1891 Minutes ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY, ..0 CB ~ D'I:N ~ S - OF THE $ISJiPl @0uP2f~ @0UP2@ir\l, \ DURING THE SESSIONS HELD IN THE . '\ Court :Eouse, St. 'I'ho:rnas, . IN THE.:v.tONTHS.oF JUNF~ND. S:OVEM'BER, 189\. '",,-- r"'-.Jl~Q'-"" -,_. :g:. W. McUY, CLERK. A. N. CLINE, WARDEN: . ~--._...I "M:ERCURY" BOOI{ AND lOB ROOMS; RQDNEYt PROCEEDINGS OF THE ~r~i~ @0Uf1t~@0uf1@if ./ '''',,"-'': JANUARY SESSION '.1891. Firs t . Ses"iOn -.; First Day . . " , . Tuesday, ..the'T\renty~:Sevehthday ot'-January; t"89L :rhemel1!l-' bel's el('e~,_ of the 'CountY.Cp4P~~I.. ()f:_tl~~.O?untY'.of Elgin,.'met tbis day at theCourt,House, ~t; Th'oIp,as, ~t twoo'dock, aft,e~nO(;lU-asire:Cluhred_:br" Statute a number of uierilbers'11 ot having filedprope,r certificates with the clerk~ i.t ~as on motioI?- decided that the, meeting adjdurn until ten o'clock; to-moHow mornin~. .!I?C~~p~ ,,* .Ie.., {i~' '.:" :. ~ ~tt First Sessibn--~econd D~y.' ~repnesday" .t,qeJ~w.e1;1ty",eij.:I~tp dRY .~(Ju.nuaTY; 1'8gI. ,'L'he me'Ill:" 'bers t'lect of, the Coun't)' Counc1il of the County of.El~tn, rme.t tbis day, at tllt' COUlt Heuse,' St. Tbomas,at 10 a.m. ' l _"'c~-= "._'-".."-~--~ '- ELGIN: COUNTY COUNCIL PROCF.EDISGS. 3 2 ELGiN COUNTY COUNClL PROCEEDINGS. 1,- I , , . J'hc following, Reeyesand Deputy-Reeves bavirg ql(~d certificat.s Itook their seats at the Conncll Board: MANUEL PAYNE, ...........!.......... Reeve . ...,'.. ...Pt.S\an:.ey A. J. LEITCH, ......., . . . . .......... . Reeve .. ...... .... , .. Dutton T. W. KIKKPATRICK, .... .... ...Reeve.. ,'. .... ...1\ 'dboro". 1; JOH~ TH()~I30N,..... ........ ...ISt Deputy R"ve...... " \ JO' " ,leL'l''I d"" ,. . l ,.l~,," r~:\. ,.............2_11 ..,... A. A. ThIcKfLLOP,... ............. ......I~:-.ye.................DlH1W;G:, . \ J\ J. :McUALLDM,.~.......... ...,.....,Ist 1)cputyRceve.;..... " ED\VAH.':") l\lcKELLAR,...........;2nJ" " . ...... " THO;\1AS .JAOKSON,.. . . ..;....... . . . R~evc... .......... -~Southw,J HENEY DAUGHERTy,..... ......Ist Deputy Reeve...... " FnA~I( UE~l\'ETI';......'.;........,,2nd" "...... " OH;-\S. A, ~l:lOVYER; .. ......... .,...... Reeve...... .. .... Yarmouth :' 'VILLIAM F, LUTO~,.....~....,.....Ist peputyRcovc..... " WILLIAM BLEWETT,...............2nd.' "......' RGHT. 'V. HEPBURNj. ..,. . ,"':;-'31'd" ~'...... " MAHLON E. LY,ON.......,.. ..... ......Reeve.......... ......Malahide JOlIN RlUHARDSON..... ......... ISt Deputy Eeeve...... " ,S1\-11UEL LIPDLE,........,...,..,. 2nd H "...... " WILLIAM BACKHOUSE,.,...,....... .Reeve....... ..... ...Bayham. ANSEL BARTLETT, :.., .'...,........I8l Depuly Reeve.,.,. " DAVIDSrl=tArl'TON,.....;...;...~2nd" "..".." J:..., 1:\. Cr..XrXE,..,..,. .~.. .......,.,.. ...'Reeve.....:...... S. Dorchesh-,. DUl~\OAN FERGUSO~,. ".;..,.."...;Ist_,D.:-puty Rcev'e " J.1LREMIAH- HUFFl\IAN, ..,..,.... ...Reeve.,... ...'........... Aylmer JAMES EDGECOMBE, "..... ....Deputy''1teeve '._....H " I '.'_ ....! CHARLES DONALDSON.. . . . ......,.Eeeve. . , ,.......,...Springfield JOHN H.-TEAL, ..., ..............,. Re'tve....." ............Vienna The members wore called to order the d.;:rkin,the~h",ir. l"fessl'&. Jackson, Lvon, 'Cline, Brow~r, T/t1, Leitch,Kil'l~p'3.i'tick, Payne B~d;:'louse. McK51~op, DJ'lald:i;)x, T.10rrtSon and Ric:18:"d:'~{l'l'\ . were no,ninatedfiJr th,~ oJLe 01 Warden, aU of whom decFle) e;::,~ept MI', firs. Jackson"Lyon, O];;1e and Brower. Messrs: Kil'knalrickand Payne w'~~'~ ap?oirit;'lscrutJn' qr5, and O:l the6th LaHot, Mr~ A. N.CliJle hel,V:-l~ rec~ived a majorityof the v"i','" of the Cciunc:l was dechred dl~1y ::~-L~ted vVarden forthe yer" 189:':' ~l'-'I'e Warcl~11 C'k~t ha',Li" ~\lade tlli:l s:,at,;>..lY d, \-;i'ftl'hn I[ O[fi<,,:;:i; k l.hecl-rair and add :0:,': (:' the OO"U:1ci'. The Ploceeding:;:\oflast day of of pr'tvious se'; l.pn were read ,and confirmed, Moved by \v. n-Lckhouse, S;oi1dedhy J. H. TeaJ,' That- the Reeves of the scv;;n:lMuniClpalitiesbe a commi~tee GO~ f:e the sta11ding.committc,:>~ and that this 00\:'1c:l do now ?djOtlrtl UJd,:I__l\alf paft, eleven o'dock.-Car, ied. 1'be covncill'esumrtl and report of ~ornrnittee appointed ~ostr!ke standing'committesswas r<>::d ,1(;(1 ad <Ited on_ motion of Ml'. 'B'ro"re1', I>e ended by Mr; Jack30f!; The followci g commu~)ica';.onswere read. From Co. Ulerk Co, of Oxford reo .lY':'~I';'Y ment of goals referred to , PdjtlOllS and. Lf'gi~Lition Commitk'. West Elgm Farmers .Institute \, i!hannualreport., rl.':ft::l'recl to F_~nal.ce Vomri:tittee. " Turnkeys with application for hlC(CaSe of salary referred to Go.d Committee. / 4 ELGIN OOUNtY' COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. " CO. of L~edp re chang~s' ill School b1.W, rcfen'ej' toPd;tiolls and Legislation COl~mitt~e. ' " CanadaLand Law: Amt'ndmen~. ,Association, referred: to Spe cial Ccrnmittle of five to report Elt .June session, appointed on 111otion of Mr. Ba.ckh.ou$e, seconded by Mr. Bartlett by the Warden, pamely, J\Iessrs. Backhouse, L~it,chj Kirkpatrick;,' McKillop and' l.yon-. MOTled by R. \V.Jlepburn, seconded by, a. Donaldson, That F. B. Bathaway be appointed aud i.tor of 189!. First amendment. l\.1oved by T.. 'V; Kirkpatrick, s8conded by J. ThomsOn, That D. H. Mclntyrl.' be audItor bf Co;'accounlsf~:; 1891. Second amendment,:' " County Engineer with report, referred to Public Improvements, CO,rnmlttee. " Prigoners Aid A;so.::-iation, T'uronto, l'dfened to Finance Coaimittee. ; .' J I Moved by Tb >rn:as,Ja'7kson" seconded' bY;Henry Douglwi'ty; That Joseph L'ling be appointed auditor ofOountj acountsfor current year. '~ \-Y. J. Ht'own, Aylmer, application to be appoh1t.::d County pup il at Ontario Agricultura~ COllege, reffllTed to Pet itien .and Lf'gisl~tion Committee. "J. G. Pauling applicatio'n for pos:tion 0f audit'Jl'-FJled. the Third, am,endm~nt, Moved by A. J. Leitch! sbconded by 'Peter J. McOallum, Thab J. D. Graham b~ appoint~d auditor for 186r. II ,i il " il , " ,I " Aylmer Collegia~e Institut~ Boarq, referred to Education Gom~ mittee. ' " E. ]\fcOI.~o~e, Secy St. r:rhomas \Board of Education. Moved byW. Backhouse, seconded by A. J. Leitch, That.this'Coul\lcil receiveth'e'd'eputations from. th e several High School lJistricts, includmg the Oity of St. Thomas, to- morrow at t.w 0 o'clock.-:........Carried. Moved by M. Payne, sec()nd'ej by C. Donaldson, i Thitt'rr. \Y. Kirkpatrick be appointed auditor oLthe A,dtt.inistra- ;':of Justice accounts for the year rS9r.-Carried. Moved by J. H. Teal, seconded by M. E. Lyon, , That this co:uncil do now adjour~ to meet at- two o'clock 'pi m'.- Carried. Fourth amendment, Mo~eci by M. JiJ. Lyon, seconded bY,J. Richardson, r:rhut.D. .1. Ferguson be auditor of Oounty accounts for r'89I. Fitthamendiliei1t -The OOtl~lCil resumed. ~"Mo~ed 1J ~"V. ~ackhouse, s~condeci',byA,. ~:BaFtlettJ . That ,I. G. Pauling beauditor?f OountYilccountsfol' r8th. .. '..' ..', " '....f.. .\ First amendment appointingD."H, 'MclntYl;e cm:ried' Warden ~ppoinling J. B. Lucas as auditor. Moved Ly 1!'rank ]~ennett, seconded by Henry Daugherty The ,I: II I 6 ELGIN COUNTy' CQUKC1L PROCEEDINGS. ,'" " 1:' . ELG[~'C0UNrYCQUNCIL PROCI!;E DINGS. That ;:I:,eounts. :i' R. R. o.ranstonbeaudH.Ji~ of admins~ration ,of Justice ACM , : , I ~rr:&t D. J. Fer';'\1son l:~ 2.\)'!" .ip..tedauditor !Jud.k0. Accounts fl)r 1891, - I . . of admill,~; '1.1,;on of Ml'. D. Luton made statemer.t and presentod aCCollnt fOl'la'w CORts re HUL.se of Industry, Fd.I'n1 Drains, r~ferred to Hous~ oflp~q1:)l, J. Committee on mo'tionof i\ir. Backhol11f', secondeclljy 1\1'1": 'P~yne. l\loved Ly J, 1{.ithardsGn, seconded by M. 1:1. LYOll, TLat LiS Coued grant a free Hawkers and p,jjJler's lice:183 C,,,b Ai1drew I,auLfor the year I 89I.-:--Carried, ' ' . . Moved by W, Eackhluse, s.:'conded'1hy D. Stlatton, Tbat. this COUlHil adjuurn for one hour,to a1low commiuees lo meet -Oa1'l'ied. In a~endment ; Moved hy M. E. Lyon, seconded hy J. Richardson; ;:j ," Main Ir.ption lost, amendment earned, Moved hy C. Donald,an, seconded hy M. Payne; }i ""That the clli'rk pro.::nre ,lltiJ,~t'te'es ,& UlH1U1y CHi h'~ ;1: CilU(iciL-Oarlled. ill a bup}Jly of cards wit.h the names of eO~l- 1'ld dio::1 'bUN them to mem;-;e H of tne The Council l'n;nm / Moved b:A D. Ferguf,'lf', seconded by Thomas JOIcksOi1 ; The report of COIl1i11Jttee on Petitic;l1s anti Lt'gis1atlon was preseu'ied an~ adop~ed on HluLi1)1l of Mr. J ackGOl1sJconckd by ]}:[r. l.uton. The repOl't of tlw Fecretary of Botlnvell Bl'idge Committe-e was read and referred tu .PtJ)!iclmprovl;ments Committe<:>. ;!l That JH,mec; A.Ill!.:tTong of I,yons be grantelJ afrel' Hawli:er'sand Peddler's Li(f'llS(~ for tl e cunC:'lIt )'f'ar. Carrkd, 'I' 'II . . , I :Moved hy ], Hufflt1: ;1, se< eneled by J. Edf-(i!cr,mbe ; ii' That Arthur \Vll?~il'S of Aylme1' he'granted a free I-LwkCi 's and i!PeddlHTs Lic;:1l,R0. (),\J'ded. M vecl by' A Bar:l tt, st',nndetl by D, Stratton; T.nat this COlmeil In..,' t fl fr<.;e Hu\\ ker's Clnd Peddler's License to WallE'll' Summl ",Oa,~: >t~, Moved by.r. H. Teal, secOl:ded by M. E. Lyon j v '. 1'hat the House of Illdustij Committae be enlarged. by a,dding Mtssrs. Hichardsoll and Hepburn thereto" Lost, The report fran'! t~1e County Trc::'>Luer was read aud referred to FinRi1Ce Committee. Notices of mction, Moved by' A. A. 1JcK:lloPi secondep by P. .J. ?I~(;Ua~lum That Angus l\lCC,l n,A. }J~~..',-- ,ne and F0d{"'(ck McKe'; :e granl','d a free Hawker's and Pe':Hle 'R })cenRe for I89L Ca'i':ed. A communiuaiion j;'om'J. r. MD rtyn 1'8 in, llrance'on County Buildingswas read and refN;rdtoGaol cOmmil\Ct~. Mr, Teal .or grant of$300 to lrild 'bridge in: Vienna, Mr. Leitch for grunt of $200 to bnild lcckup in Dutton, Mr. Baekhouse for aid to build bridges in Township of Bayhmll un dol' act passed, in 1890. Moved by J oLn H, Teal, seconded by D. Stratton, 8 :ro;LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. / That we ~o now-adjourn to meet to. morrow morning at 10 o'clock. .'. W. :McKAY, County Clerk. A. N. Cf.,INE, Wat'den. '-. \ Firl't, Session--:Third Day, Thursdav, the Twenty-nHithday of January, 189 L r.he ElginCoUlity Council met ,'this day, at the.Court Housa, St. Thomas at 10 a.m. according to adjourninent. ' "The,\Vardell in, the chair, all the members present. The rroc~ttdingsoLth{'previous day were. read and confil'med~ T~efol1owing communications' were -re'ad-~: From Co. Huroil re petition' fOl'Railway: .,.oommissir:m. H,efel'red ~p Oommittee oli' PetitiollS and Legislation. Rosewell Tomlinson application for free Hawk~r's' and PJCidler's Licpnse. " . (, l\iovedhy,l\f. , Payne; seconded by -W.,Backhouse; 'I' That Rose\ve1l1'oni.linsonbeg('anteci a'- (ree Hawker's and Peddlees License for 1891. 'Oarried. ' The'H;ou,se of InduStl'yCommittee presented theii' -l'epol't'\vhich was- adopted; onmotioh of'Mi',':Teal, secondedby':MI'.l\IIC; Kell,\r.' . 1\1oved by "V. Backh(juse"'seconded'hy,~i..,~apic; , , I" , I ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 'PROCEEDINGS. ~ 11 10' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDING5. That the Wa1'den sign checiuein favor of\he Village of Vienna for,$30oitbe'ing the Counti,esshal'e of cost 9f building the l\11H lJridg~ in said Village said Bridge being or IOO feet long aod coming' mi.der c haptei' 50 ,Sec.: 30.0153. Vie. ~nnicipal, Act to,con'fine the mem~ers of ,the ,County Councils to Reeves only; with power according, to, porulation.,~Lost. Moved by J. H. Teel, seconded by W. Backhouse, That we do UJW adj )urn to meet at two o'clock p; ,m.-Ca.rrried: The Council resumed. The report of the Fimmce Committee w~s presf>uteci ,and adopted on Motion of Mr. Kirkpatrick, seconded by Mr. Richardson. Moved by A. J: Leitch, seconded by John H. Teal, That the deputations'from thevariQus High Schools'oe-nowheard. ../ ' - Carried. Messrs Midgley, Shepherd. McKenzie .and McCully presented report _of St. Thomas Collegiate Ins titute. Me~srs Gunn, Black and lIh Gregor prE'sented rer-ort of Dutton High Sc.hooJ. That the clerk be instructed to draft ll. By~law fixing the salary of County Auditors at fifty dollars each. Lest. Moved by A A. MeKJlop, seconded by P J. McCallum; That theauditol's salary befor~y dollaL's eac:l. Carril~d~ Muveu by J, H. Teal, seconded by_ \V. Backhouse ; H~ arneDdmer,t : J\'love,d by M.E,. Lyon, seconded by .J. Richardson j That the application for a grant of $300 to the' Village of Vienna to rebuild the Mill Bridge be ,referred to the PubJicIm:prove:.. ments Committee with power to cbtain the opinion of the County Solicitor and ,report at, this stsf:\ion. 1\1 r. Ihuhc nord presented Ins~itute. r~port of Aylmer Collegiate J\1:ain rnotion lost 3mendenmtcarried. Moved by Thomas Jackson, seconded by T. "V. Kirkpatrick; I Tb<!.t this Oouncil have:'l1o:oDjection toth~ south pal"l$ofLots t'V,Q and three in t\:e Township of Yanl10nlh being annexed to the Village of p.oHStanley,the'(,wl:€IS of ~,aidPror,el'ty tavirgretitiol:Ed the Vill8W' Council to be annexed to the village. Carried. 'i Mr. Teal presented report of the Vienna High School.. M,oyedby D; Ferguson; seconded ,:'by Thomas J.lckson, That the Teporls of th." deputations from the different High School 13cards'be referred tp the. Education Oommittee.-Oarrip.d. l\1r,' Backbouse -,iuaccol'dance with notice of Dlbticn th€u rr;oved. fOl~ grant of$306 for each Df three 'bridges in the Town~hip ,of Day-ham I which motion was referred by the Warden tothe Public Improvements Committee. Moved by 'rV. F. Luton, ,;secondetLby,J...Edgecombe" That this Council petition the Legislature to so amend, the Moved byW. Ba....khouse-, seconded by D. Stratton, That this Cour ('il' ptthloi1 the Lccal Legisl&ttne, to s'cam'end the Asse~SnierltAd,J~ld plateaU nen l'(sidellt tax(S in' the hands of the s6\;er.a] loc a] MlaJh il'aJities:, same as lsnoW' the case In. cities and town s.-Can]( d' . Moye'd ly 'V~ F.Lutol", scccnded byJ. Edg(~ombp, . , ;., 'I , n ., _'_,"_'~'O""~'=, ____,.'-'-'.~,=.=,;~ ,.... '~^.-~"~--- ~_. "~=-.~~ :' II :1 I: ' 1," . Ii ~ I" 12 ',:ELGlNi.IC0UN1JY;(IOUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. I ELGl~ O.)UNTY COUNCIL PROCEgDINGS, ;: I~ ~i I" 'ij , , I') ~l ;;;l ~!il " ~l I:!, If rrha:t this'.COlfltc:H'lW.t'itibn the"LocaLLegi~lature: toso:~vn~hd .ithe Municipal Act 16 "confirr~",:~the',"memb(3rsof(l;he Uount.y OdUllCils'to Ret'vs cnly, \dth pO\\el' tp vote.ac,?ordil~g i~'J population. ".1 ;"':"">"'," "1 That the County S)1icitor b~ reqrlested to give his opinion to this: COUl~cil in reference to the aplJointment of High Scllool' Trustees of Dutton High School as the School,is 'nowll situated in an incorporatl~d Village. Udrcied. Movod ,bY. J. '-Ed~ecomb~, secdnd~d' by;}';' H:uffl~aii That ,])l\'{ .l...Kings~o,n he a,ppoi'uted Trustee d Aylmer 0011egi~ al\'~ Institute for 1891, z and 3._ Carrkd. ". "., . .... ,.... , :l lVtovcdLjJohn H. TeI11,'secondedby ,.y. Bllckhouse Moved by A. A,"MdZilloI>, s:::couJeJ hyPo J. ,McOi:dlum In amend men t. ,:.'.; ',' :,t." Moved by ~'. Thomson, seconded by F. Bennett, That in the opinion of this Council tl;e'r~;J1:es:::ntation of members ':'a~; ,Go.U! I t:}'?Qo'J,l ncHt>;)i:::' J'J.s"iat::Hr~~n." 19q;l1s,t,i.tll.~ed, .,toe,; .lq rge, Tha t th is Conn(.;JI;pet\tiQ,n,tl\e-.L.?ql:li 1;',egjsJq,.vY-Jt})9 ,so,a,pl0}1d. the' l1w.. to, ireduce the number of reprOSt:I:ltatives, and tller~hy reduce tl1c expenses of COUlJty Ouu\1c;.ihJ; ,." 1,[,:'1. ., ",_' f Amendment to the arile'ndment, {j ;:1 I' I: 1': ,. ...;1, "I " J:vlovod by A, B.Ll"tl~tt, se.::on:J~(l by vV. B.tckhouse, That Ga,>rgp Thor.ltu'l be appolnt=d.:1'tu~teG'of the Yienn.a High School f Jr three ye;us. Car ried. . iij ,,'f.:" J"J/i '::' ".-;0:'. '; .'. ; ~l'hat; in: view .QLthe.:Eacti.:tip':-lt th~.,L)1cHl'JL".\6i~1u.ture hav.::been petitioned, from. time. to time - to reduce the nU:llb~r. of 1118mbel'.3' of Oonnty OGur"dls.'qH~t thel,m,at,tE)r; by(J.aid,ovel1 ul)til. the, 'June.ses5IOD. Amcndment to the amendment canied. By Mr. Lyon fOI. grant- to East ElginFarmers'!n."ltitute. Not.ices 6f lllL tiOll. 'I By lYh\ McEiLop (or gmnt to West Elgin Farmers'"Instltute. :.. i '.,': .;,:.'.:.;......,' , i\:lov~d by .H. :baugh~rty; secb~de(i' by.M,' Payue". '}'hal: ,the ,qljit:f./?f:~g~,i~e -?O,Now.)h_~ard.re."arr:est: of hal'S; thic\'cs. Obi{:'~. oLl?91~ce li'G}":.i~gsa9P.r~~sed,th~ :9~unci ]:1 h'lo\led, ~y,q~ ,'0., ,~l:my~r, ~rFpl::c;iedby\:W. F, L1]ton,;, ... ". '.. :'< ", "" . . .:,'. .',' "" '. ',' - .':':--". , That this'C:o"u'ncil re-consJide'r th~ a'doption of the Finan(:'e'{~6mmit- teleS Heport. . ,.'........,.1, Moved ,by_ \-V. ,Backhouso, f?econded:br:A; Bartlett. ,. That thIs Council do now adjourn until to o'clock to-mOli"OW ~o~.ning to allow the yommittee' .on, ~ducation: to meeL'~Oarried. K. W. McKAY, County Ole'rk. A. N. OLlNE, 'Varden JVloye,d by J:)2jd~~eqmb.e"secondedbYJ. Huffman ,; U II'at, the" Co'UlldI, g\Jinto CJommittec:s Hepol't. corri~illitt~e o'f the Oar'lied. . , whole'of.the Fin?~~ce '1 Le[Cc,uncilwext jl!to.comll1ttt~_e Of't,h,e_\vl!ole'iMr; Bro\Ver in the (1' ail' r,ul ~dhl' di!:( ms'ngtbe frrOlt lose and reported progress. ELGI~ C.:>UNTY, COUN<:;IL ''PROCE~DINGS., '" first Session--FourthDay. That the' \VardtH). be authol,-,iz~d',to execute, ,ul1uer t,iJe corporate seal of the County, agream:.>nt signed by D,\niel Luton re drainage,' from House of Industry fa.~ln. -Carried. The l'epol.t of the Pu,b1iclmprovel~Jnts <Qommitt~ew,aspresented ' , and adopted' on motion of Mr. ;Lyon seconded by Mr. Jackson. ,,' Moved bX W. F.Luton, seco!lded?y W~ Bl~wett ; Tba~By-law No. 473 being a B.r~law to confirm By-law:NO~ 504 of the township of Yarmouth IJe lectiye::l and read a,iii'fit t,imt;l. Oarried. Friday the thirteent.h day of J.nn...y, 1891. The EIHin County OounCll met th}s .da.y acc,)l'ding to adjourn~ ment. ,1 The'Warden in the thaiI'. Moved by R. :.Y. Hephnrn, seconded by \-V.,F. LutOl) ; . , All the members present, The.proceedings of thn Pl'evious day were read and aut.horized to be signed. That Hy-Iaw ~:). 473 be read a ~econd time. Cal'ried.' Mo\'ed' by "V. Blt>wdt, seconded by;R. W. Hepburn. T~lat By-law No. 473 be read athil'd time and finally &assed. , Oanied. ' The report of Goal Committee wag presented and adopted em t motion o( Brower, seconded by, Backhouse~ The foUowl11g communications were read. From L. Ua~pbell, High Const.lhle reo handcuft\ refel'fcd to GJal Committ.ee. From},Wya-tt, janitor, applicatio'l for increase of salary, ref~:red t'O GoalOommittec. ' M'1ved by Juhn H. Teal, s(.'couded by D. Stratton, ~he report. 'of- Education Uommittee was presented and adopted on l}lotion of M. Payne secondedby-J, Edge~ombe Yeas. Stt'atton, Backh ouse, Bartlett, ,i'eal; Lyon, H:icharclsOll Liddle, McKellar, McCallurn,McKillop, Leitch, Payne Kirk~ patrick, McLarty, Thompson, Edgecombe, Huffman'""TI7 Nays. Ferg:lson, Jack:;;an, Daugherty, Bennett, Brower, Luton, Blewftt, Hepburn, -Donaldson' and Uline,,-Io The Council then ;went into Committee- of the whole on HepQrt ~f, Finance Oommittee. Mr. Brower in the chair after some dis~ cussionthe Committee rose and the chairmal~ reported)he That the Treasurerl/ Lor.ds.be submitted to this Council 1-or Their .approval.-Oarded. The Treasurers' Bonds were read. Moved by 'V. Backhouse, seconded by D. Stratton, That the Tre!u'urers' Bonds.just read be considered satisfactory- Carried. Moved by W. Backhonse, seconded by J. Teal, :i' ;'::'; ELGIN' COUNTY COUNCIL PROCElmINGS. 17 BLGIN COUNTY' dom.ciL' PROCEEDING ~'. '... ~foved hy Thomas Jacks011 seCondedb.v'D. Ferguson; That th~s CouncJCQt1QlH';in,communicilttion fr'o'mcoullt'YQii-Iurod and Petition for appointment o~ R,ulway Comm~s3ion. Can'ed. ; " Mo'vt1!d by D. F.:rgu30n seconded hy H, D..tugherty : . , i:;'! ",1,1 " report without amendment this was adopted on m)tion of Mr Bl'b.we.1't secb~de~;' HY',l\ir; ~jgeco~nibe..' ",' " " };i, I,g, I"::'! :'i:i !J:,i l\1oved by J. Richardson, seconded'S. Liddle, )".. 'Vll<itthi:s C;)a~cil,~r'nt t'he ~'l:U(): t .v~nty'.Jh~ dJlIir$Jt1 l~~afmers'" InstI tu te. -OJ. rried. th~3 ELi! Tlnt .By-law No. 474 'b~hg a by-law to app')int U.Junty Auditors fm' 1891 be l'e.:eived,and reJ.cl afil'.:it time.-O.ll'ried, Moved l)y Thomas .Tackson, seconded by D. Ferguson j , : , ~' I "', Moved by, A. A.McIGl!op, secJndeclDy E McKellar, ll:i T,ut 'th,is: C0',1"1Cf! :~'F'\'1t, f13,;;'1 n Drtw ~ilty-fiv~ do~Llrs t..o t\e W~st i!',:;HginFarmers' Itlstitut~.-Uarried. !',,:II,' ",'C '1:',\ ;'I,:,J That ,tiy-la\vNo. 474 be fE-ad a s,'xond time. Carried. Moved by Thomas Jackson secor~d;"dby II. Dmghertv; Moyed by J. A. L. itch, seconded by John H. Teal, That, By-law No. 474 !J(> read a third' time and finally passed. Carried. That this 'council gratlt the sum'of two hundred dolhrs to the of Dutton"toa;id in building a lockup in said vlllage.-Oirried: I MOYt~_Uy"V, n.~ckhouse, seconded, by Johi1 II Te;.l, That.t1wGoal cornlnittr~.e b~'empowel.'ed il1'ktc.:orclance w:ch their to rnuke anyilllprovemellti neC~l~Sal'r for the se~urity orpap'3rs the ,aIel k 's office.-~Oal'rjl'd Moved 1JY A.J., -L'lteh, stconded ty r:\IcLarty, 'l'hat Dll,:{a,ld 'i'vIt:Lean, 'of Aldborough: be appointed trustee for Du~ton High,SC)lOvl.fol: tbrt.:e y('ars,~Carried. MO\'eJ. hy A, A. :\lcKillop: s:co;lded by E. ,McKellar, That Dllllcan Buch:i.:)an" be appointed tr,ustee of, D8rt".:~n High for one year.-Carried. - Jl/[pveu,by P. ~. l\1c(Jall,um,~ec,)I)de(l by A. A.McKilUop; Tbt Dr. I"ing be appointed T,.ustee of the Dulton HIgh School for .' term of two year;:;. Carried. I "'I ":1 1':1 ,I'i' ;( \~ r.:ehe Ooqnty Solicitor gave opinionre appointment of Trustees for Dutton High School. :J\1oved by J, Tbompson, seconded b"v J. McLarty';> r:I:ITat'By-Iaw No. 475 being a by-law to appoint Trustees of High Schools and grant aid' to said schools and county J\{odel School for 1891 'be^receivedand read a fin~t timE'. Carried. :Movcd by re. VV: Kirkpatrick, seconded by C. Donaldson; ToatBy.law'No. 4/5 beroap a second time. Carried. Moved by D. Stratton. s~conded 1.Jy M, Payne; That By-law N'I't 475 he read. a third tim':lanrl fin:tlly, passed. Carried" Moye,l by ..J ..R:chal'ds'J!l, sec.:mdcd bY' S...Liddl~,; , J1' \ J~LGINCOUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Thrt By-Jaw No 476 being a by. law to appoint a RJard of Audit he received andread a fit'st time. Carried, / :ELGIN CCUN']Y COU1\(lL PRCCEEDHiGS. 19 Mov~d by John .H. 1'"al, seconded by J. Richardson That By.law :><0. 47G be read a second time. C"rried. Nloved by S. Liddle, seconded by.E. McK~lbr ; That Bj-IawNo. 476 be I'~ad a third tim~ <1n'1 fh ally passed ' Carricct D Moved by r Richa=-dson, seconded by M. E. Lyon;, That this Council do now J?ne at the <;all of the Ward~l1. adjourn 10 mf't.t during the month of Carried. Ie W. McKAY, Clerk. A. N. CLINE, Wa rden. Moved by C. Donaldson seco"ded by T. W. Kirkpatrick 'i ilil . I !i ii;: Tlut By-law No' 477 being a ny-law to eJuth~riz~ the \v-arden an.J 'I 11!:I, Treasurer to nOITQlvthe sum of $25,000 he reecHoed and read a first I ,I t' tIme. n'~Tied. Th'Ioved by J. Tt'-'llli01, sl}c:J;1dadby .M. P~'ynl} j That By-law N~), 477 he l'.:'ad a s.~cond tim'. U~l'l i('~. Moved by I. Tho:nsO'1 s'2cmd(d l)y.T. j\LLll.ty; That By-law -No 477 be react a t.hird time ,nd r::';.l,lIy pasa,:d. Carried. ,. " Moved by ThL Payne seulnded by T.. ,V. Kirkp3- trick; That By-lnw NO.A7S heing a by-law to fix the 63.lary of the caretaker OOlll'lIIouse alld oilices be received and l',;ad a first t::ne. Oar.ried. Movep by J. McLarty seconded by]. 'T:lOm,;')u; That By.law_No. 478 be read a second Unle. Carried; Moved by U Donaldson, seconded by: D. Stratton; 'rhat By.law:No. 478 be read a third time and \ finally pas8ed. Oanicd. ^ "' I ELGI N COUNTY COUNCIL PROCE !<:DINGS. 21 That the,Council receive depntationcomposed of Lt. 001. Lindsay and officels at2 p. ill. to-morrow.~Canied. ' I Mond byM. E. Lyon, seoorided by J. Richardson, That this Com: eil do r.owadjclUl1 to meet at 10 o'clock to-morro\v ,;morning, to allow committees to rpeet.---,-Carried. Tuesday, the Second day of June, 1891 K. W. McKAY, Cled<-. ANDREW N. (JLlNE, , Warden', Second Session-First Day. \ The County Couneil of the County or'Elgin, met tnis day at the COlirt House, St. T'llamas at 2 o'clock p. m. 1'be Wardeu in the chair. / All the members present excepL A. .J. Leitch. 'fhe proceedings of the last day of the previous session were:read and confirmed. \ \ The following communications w~re read Erom PublIc School Inspector with, I~t, A.nnual report: 2nd, reo Promotion Exaruina1.ion Grant; 3rd, payment of t.ravelling expenses. All referred to Education Cammi ~tee. " County Engineer wIth report on Co. Bri.dges, referred to Public- Improvem(~nts Committee. " County AudiLors with report, referred to Finance Ccmmittee. " Co1. Lindsay, 25th battalion, reo deputation, referred to Finance Committee. Moved by W. Backhouse, seconded by M. Payne, ~- ELGIN COU~TY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 2'3 8ec:mdSessi()n~-Sec.ond Da.y. 'rhe report of O.1rnmittee On E'j'l tliz lthn \Vas p1'2sente1 and adopted on tnotion of Kirkpatrick, s~cbnded' by'payne. Council adjolFtl ~'d until' z p. Ill. A deputation consisting of Sur~e)l~( ',;_ \ l 11! J;.'I tain,'3St'1":ey, .Jones n.nd PJ,nsfod of the 23 BtttaHo'l th,~n adjre3eeJ theCouacil 1'C- -questing a grant fm'th!,B.tttalion. Dr.l\Iadattpre>:entcd appeal of Fingl,l S0ho()1 Section.agl.illS~ action of TOWl1S11ipCounciL Mov,~d: Ly-T,il'1m:ts J.491{~()f1 s~b:jad~d D'If~r~;:;i"i)ll: ;'~ That" the gl'i8vau5e o,f School S~ction ~Jr:GJ S.)uH1\Y:-?'.11d btJ 1'9. ferred to Rlllcation Oommittee. Oarried. The Repor~ of Fj'aQce..oomoiittee'was presented and adopteJ OIl motioa of Kirkpatrrck secOIlded by Ric;l,:i:dsoa. Mo-vefJ'by,Jdi,nH.'Teal seconded bX l\~. Lyonj , ' TInt t.he SUm of Fom' dollars and seventy-five cents be paid by this Council to the Village of Vienna heing ,amount of damage done to Lockup and furni!:lhings by an -indigent lunatic from t,owllship. of Barham. '" 0' . d " . , , arfle f :n1rn;ed J'/Tho:n~on s~conded, by; C.D:)Qildsjl~ j ,r.I~hit:~his_Ooullcil do~nQw. adjourn toviSlt' the House.of Industry and meet to.morrow at 10 a.m. ' , The Elgin County Oouncil met this day according to arljournmellt.. The V\'fIl:den in the cl~air. All ,the .members present. The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. I , Ccml11unications from J. M. Huffman anll A. Milne, with ap- plicatlonsforrewanjs for arresting hOI'se thieves, were read and referred- to Finance Oommittee. IVIoved by Th0l11aS Jackson, seconded by M. PaYl~e, That the petItion of W. H. Smith and others reo London and Port Stanley toll i'oad ,be received and read.-Cal'ried, The petitIOn was read ami referred to committee on Petitions and Legislation. K. W. ~1cKAY, 'Olerk. , ANDREWR CLINE, ,Warden {1\1oved 'lty Thomas Jackson, seconded by Frank Bennett, That the petition ofD.Turner and others reo aid, for building across the river Thames, near Deleware Station be received and 'Tlle petition was read anol'eferred to Public Improvements Com- ,EL,G.~~:"COUN"TY',- c;9U;Nl:U~i P1W,Crr.ItDINGS. 25'~:' Thec:O,llnci I thAn v.:entinro ;eo~lmittee,,?f th~_ wh?10;~O QO,l1sider last'clause:'o( :t,hePU:l:hic' Impro'}eiri~nt5" :O~Hrl1l1ittee~" r'ep~h; :W. BackJ'bus~)' in th e -chair. Second Session--Third Day. " . , , , ',','.'" ,:'--,;i', ,',-',.''', :"',.' ":'" I.d :,:'..-':' The repf)rt',,~:~(il~'le;l:i'ile"(l b~v. graMrng~ two' 'j;ti;ldred' dol~'~rs,to the Vm""gy, pC Yle '7-na :t-! r~b\uild,ir g",t)w, )\1il~ ,,BrJ;dgl}:;; .,This, was' p:itddpted' )qu the foV,o,\ving.Ai Vi,siol} , . Thmsday the Fourthday"of J uuei89' . The .ElgLi ()'(mntyCo.unc(l Ulet this day' at the Court House, 'St. 'Thomas, according to adjohrmuent. 'l'hevVarden Tn Hie chait.. y easi~Bartlett; Stratto~, Backhouse, . Teal, Lyons. Ri,chardson, . Liddle, Leitch, J)onaldson,':(PaY'~1'e;'.Th,omsQn,iil\fc-LaL~ty,' ., Huffillan.-I4. Navo,-McKellar, . Mcc:allu,n, . McKiliop, ,Hepbl!rl!" @lro/ett, Luton, "BrQwer,B'tn'iiett, Doherty;, J'ac'b~6nt 'F,~fgliSon'and Ciirle.-':i'z. ,., AILthe members present exc~ptKirkpatrick. ~ , .:' .-'. . . . ' . . .. . , The proceedings of tho previa:J5 day w :m: reada~1d co]fi!'\n~d. The l'CP01.t, of Inspector of PtiSO:l~ Ivas read aud referred to G_i')l 'Uommittee. '_;Aeommtidicatfoll"fl'Otn -J. ~-i.:Gfe'nn,: c8~' was :rUtd:i;l1~ldrefet"lclI to Finance Committee. soricitor with a::count .Tbetepod,()f I-Ionse:of .I~~'cl,u~tr'y U::>m',nittae was presented' and' adopted'on" motion of 'reid, oS ~ conded hyMcKellar. ,,, .- ::'-:'.; " , . The report of E1ucation -d,mlll~itt'ee was-pre5cnted and udopt'ed:qn motipn ,of)\1.PaYQf', secoI~ded: hv'\V. :Eackhous0-' r ' ' , The rSJ)oit of GxLl C,Jll1 uit:ee W.lS pre,)ene'tl,:rhlir::~.'~hn-e':~' {/,:: com:nittee of tIle whule,_T. Td.ck,son in_ the chair. .,A.ftl;}[, 0ons,ider~n(T the report tbo Uom:nittec rod'e~ an-l th~. c'.1ail'ai.a.1 rerhtted 'the \'~p;)~t,.a~ amended, _' which was adop~el ,on rn')tion of. .r;Wk3oa, seyonde4,QY Fergmon.' ,," ' , . " .' , The r-:[nrc of Pl1bliclml?l'oyem~nts Oommittee was presented and refened to Committee 01 the whole, A:1v!cKillop Hl, the chai!', after -consiJering, th,t: report th,e: cQmmittteerose and' th~ chairman repJrted .the adol)ti'Oi,1 of-t",c report w:thoat a:n:::ndmont.' The COllnjJil,adjourned,ahdresumed at 2 p. ID. , . ': .-,r"."..,.:., ..,:..:...-"',: ;,':.....'.: ,', The report of the' C0rrimitt~e: on Petitions 'and Legislation was pi:esented anel, ref~~red toSorr~ m; tt,ee !?t~h~, ,whlq~e.,T;: J ack$O,h:, in-t~le chair~ 'aJteii discussi chf tIle' co mmittee fase ~nd the chairman i'eported the a1ddptton, 0; the r~port as amended. ' ,. :.-.-':-'.-......-..-....-.. lVlo,yul by li~n'rY: D~i~g;lilr~fty,~'e~~'nd~d' bv'F~rlnk :?onneU, ,'. , ,;' ~-:'I ':;:" i.' -'.,;:, (.- '. ..' '.'::. . '.',: ,., ... .' '. .....';.: ,t,/' {" i . ''';'' :'-,':";';' '';r[,I~lI<~! ;j,One,~~ hU"ldrcd:, d()llar,s',beigra:ht',~d' l-jV 'JL'h'isi C0u,n'cil for' th~~'" Moved by J. Thomson, seconded by F. B-::~lllett, ,That the roport of the Public Impro\-ements Committee be recon~ sici.ered.~Oal'ried. I 26 ELGIN COUNTY' COUNciL PROCEEDINGS. ELGIN COUNTY >COUNCIL PROCE~DINGS. 'That by-Jaw No, 479 , be, I;ead a third-time and finallypassed~ -()arded. That by. law Nu. 482 be read a second\ime; Oarried. Moved by Thomas Jackson, seoondee by Frank Ben:1ett; That by. law No. 482 be reao'a Lhildtin~e ar:dfjnally passed Van-ied Moved,by]. M'~ HufffUan" sec~nried by J. Edgecombe, That bjr-law number 480j being:abyiawt~confirm _the'Eq~aliz3.~' of the' 1\.ss',:ssment H.Jllsfor 1891, be received and r~ad a first' Moved by J.H. Teal,seconded byW. Backhouse, That the Beard of Ma'gistratesbe requestt d to djfc~ntjnue tJle SeIV1Cf'S of the High CQl1stable. for tUs COUllty,tlle Council having 'refused'to provide salary for 'same. Can-ied. Moved by W. '!JacUo"se; seconded, by M,Paynr, - That this COll'! cil do !lOW adjobrn to meet the third ,!uesday ih November.-....:...Carri( d. . Mqvedby C, :1\.. Brower, seeonded by J, Edgecombe, 'That by-law No. 480 be read a second time.-Ca.nied. Moved by W, .F: Ln,ton, s,econded by c, A, Browe.., That by-Jaw No. 480 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carrie;d. Moved by C. Donaluson, seconded by M. Payne, That by-l aw No. 48, ,being a by~law to fi:c amount to he p'lid of Public Schools fol' trav~llin4 exp,~n:)es, '.>c l'f-lcf'iv:d a'"lll a first .time..,...-Carried. 'J\fa:vc'? by J. rp]~Il1S~H1, seconded by 'M. Payne,,' That by-h~vNo.48r be l'e:J.u a &econd time.~ Carried. Moved byM. Payne. seconded by). McLarty, T"at by.law No, 48Ibe' fead a third lime and finally pls<ed. , ~Oa:l'ied. K. W. MCKAY, Clfl'k. ANDREW N.ULINE, , Warden Moved by, Thomas .Tackson, seconded by Fl'ank Bennett, That by-law No. 482,bei~ga by~~aw to name and appoint an in~peCtl Gravel ROG1ds bereceivedfand 'read a first time. ' -Carried Moved by Thoml. Jackson, .,conded by Fra,k Bennett, -," ELGIN COUNTY COUNGlL PROCE~DIKGS. 29 ,(c.' i ::' _ '!,'_; :,....,.': :'>i. : -" and'that a By.law be passeJ provIdIng for ,the same. Lo~t. ~(;:. M.oved by M. E. :Yyon,.sec,oncledby -J.. ~i_cbarJ50i:l, .Second Se'ssi~n--Fo-qrth Day. I,,' ;, " That the last clause of the Goal o.Jmm i tte(;:'s report pH recol!siJer ed , '-Lost Moved by 'N. Backhouse, seconded Ly A. Bartlett; \1 ' ':~~fi~a:ythe .5':h'Q~Y of Ti.l1:'e. I ~9,b rhe Elgin County O)~ncil_,1Jet this dJ.,Y: a~ the CJurt Halls:: St., Th6m85 'according tb'adjolltnment. .' , LThe Wii'den iri :t1~e chair. All, th~ membe,l's Pl'C~~ilt.except Khkpatrick and Stratton. That the speqial' cO"lin1itteeeai~i)oin't~d 'by th;s Oouncil to -collsider the Tonens Act system of land tran1:ifer be allo\ved to report at the Nov~rriber~essidn.-Cal!~i~'J." '! '. ". I ',,~h~"proceed\ngs of the previ~us day were l'ead and confirmed. The 'Varden appointed the the following Oommittee to ascertain amount 'of fipes paid in under the Canada Temperance Act, Messrs. Jackson Leitch and Backhouse. The report of the Finance Committee was adopted on mot~on of ~econded by Blewett. Moved by Thomas Jackson seconded by R. W. Hepb,urn ; 'l~hat the COUtty Engi'neer be rE)quested to examine the Beaver Creek Bridge betwe. n Yarmouth and Southwolct auc1 have it repaired if nec~s8ary. Carried , 'Moved by M. fayne, seconded by Thomas, J .ck,on f That the 0our.ty assume all Bridges on the Oounty Lines .~ :Moved by W. F. -Lut,)ll, st:co}de'cfhy'Fl'ank Bem:.ctt~ That this' Co'u :ldl petit;i("li'tbe'L'~'glslaturc:,to' 'an1c'lid't'he'Nl uniCipal Act to confine tbe loembfH.s of UOU11ty CQUD,C1ls to ReeyeR onh, with power accordmg, tv 1,opullti~n.~Lost. " ,Yea9,~Daughel't'\:i Be=:il'lett,. ,. Brower, Luton,' Bl(h~'ett 'and Hepbnrn.-6 ' Nnys,~Thoms~.Q,:,:M~,LartY,." ~~I(~lli;tf; '",; ,~lc:S~llu,~~,:.: ~9!<iIlpPi Jackson, Lyon, ,RIChardson;. Llddl~,' BackHouse, Ba.rtlettCline Ferguso9, Huffman, Edgecomb, Teal, Donaldson, Payne and Leitch--~I~ ( . ",,;" , Moved by J.Richardson, seconded by S. Liddle, '.' .: .,;,' .:," 'I.' ., .<;, ',':i "" :',.',._,', " . ,,'c. 'ti1a,t .bi~~aw,_N ()o .,4,7:9, b~,~pg)!l.,py.I?'W-itb;raiseamOUnts;, for' Ootin'tJ/ Rat~s for I891. ~e rece~v~d 'and ,read 9. first tiu1e.-:-Carried. ,,:,.: ,'. ". - '-"-" ,";':','" , M(Jve'(i byE.lIicKella~, seCc\;d~dby P. J. rl1cl)~ljnm I:, " :; .:., .' .. .. ,,;:,,_ 'j " ;._ _ ',. ~', :. 'it ,,' : -J:I ;; ;" : ; , :, ;:.: ,: ' That by.law No: 479 be read a. second time.~()arried. Moved by M. E. Lyon, seconded by J. Ricbardson, .i, 30 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. , ELGIN COUNTY COUNOI:. PROCEEDINGS. 31 better Improvement of Talbot ROJ.d between the city ani the PJOl' H'otlse.,-~Lost; That James A. H?-ll be appointed Engineer.to inspect Toll Roads within the county. Uarried. Moved by W. Backhou.e seconded by A. Bartlett; . Moved by M. P'yr.e seconded by J. McLarty; That the Clerk be .instructed to procure the requisite nun;aber of Statutes for use oj members. Carried. That we adjourn u!lid ten 9'c~ockto-lllorrow'morning, Ca:rried. l\1(JV,ed byvV. Backhouse seconded by'J. H, Teal j K. W. McKAY. .00. Olerk ANDREW N. OLINE, Warden. Thi:ttthe-clel'k be instructed to'p'urchase .for'the use of the ofli ces of the Clerk and Treasurer one type ,,,riter of suffiCient size and qllali ty for said offices. Oarried. / Moved by Thomas:Jacks?ll seconded. by Hell,ry Daugherty j 11Jaat whereas owners cf land' bordering On Indian Reserves are oHen putto large expense and inconvenience in getting theil' lands properly drained be it therefore resolved that this Oouncil petition>he Doritinion Government to \ amend the Indian Act so that all Indian IRes6rve3 will be compelled to.conti'ibute a just porportion in making and maintaining all ditches . and drains by which said Resel'Yes are benefitted as provided by the Provincial Drainage Acts. .Carried. :\loved by A. J. Leitch seeonded bysM. Payne; That a cOlnmittee beappoio:ted ,to ascel'tainamountpaid in fines to the.. County Treasurer for the violati6n,ofthe; 'Oanada Temperance Actj also the amount expenged in enfol'cingsaid' act with a view to naving any balanca that remains unused paid'Lac:k to the various municipalities from which said fini::s were receivtd proportionately to the a'mount paid from each municipality committee to report at next session of Council. Carried ,. Muved by Thomas Jackson secOl'wed by D. Ferguson, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 33 Tuesday the 17th day nf November 1891 From L.L'.lton PhysicanHousli' of Ir~dustry annuaireporb. From K. W. McKty In.pector of House o(ludu3tryannullreport. From Count\" "fWell~nd re "'nati>'ny Act 'all' referred to the House of Industry Committell". ".Maved' by'M.'E. Lyon 8eco~ded by .Tno. H. Teal; . '-'That 'tho C6ilOcil'-now a'ljour~until to-lU0rrow 'at' 10 a~ tn. to'aIIow commIttee to meet. Ctrl'led.\ " Third.S!3ssion--First 'Day. ",' t(;, "r, \":" d_I,'..'. t" The ElgLl 'Oonnty Council m~t this day at th~ C )1lrt T-Io;ne, St. ,Thomas, at 2 p. m according 1..0 adjournment. 'j'he Wa~den in the chair. K. W. McKAY, 00. Olerk. ./ AN:QREWN..OLINE, Warden All the members prtsent except Kirkpa~rick. The proceec;ings of the lasL day of tht.l previous session w,-;re read .arid confirmed. The fo:lowin:g cOn\municat~on8 W('re reall FlOm the To',vr.ship of Bayham application flll' aid In maintaining J3l'idgcs. H,deIl'ed 10 Public ImpH;\'pmcmts Committee. '" FrotTI Oount,y 'l'reafolUrCl' with report on County Finances lefcrred to Fi,la'lce Committee. F.\Jlll \N. Atki,n Pll:Jlic g'JhJol.Jnspector re /intranc~ eX:l.min::.ttions .refe l'l'ed to 'Education Oommittee. F.1om Ci1unty Engineer with rep-:)l.t on Oo:mty Bridgesl'eferredto Public Improvements Committee. RL,GIN OOUNTY COUNCIL' PROCEEDINGS. lVloved by? Daugherty, seconded byF. Bennett, Third~essipn.,..-Se99nd Day" That this Council do now morning to allow Council to ViSIt tees to meet. Carried adjourn until 10 o'clcck to. morrow . the House of Industry andeommit:" \Vednesday the 18th dtity 9f November rB91 ,. ',' >: .'.f....' c","" K. W. McKAY, Co. Cled,. ANDl'EW N.OLlNE, Warden. The Elgin Oo-unty Council met tl~is d~yacc~r~ing, :t~'.aAj<}llrlllnent. T'he Warden in the chair. All the'meinbers'l)h~~e'nt. I/~J The proceedings of tIle previous day wer'e read and confirmed. The ;Report of the HOU3C of Industr\, Commit,tee was pl'csentedand, referred to Uo(umittee of the whole, A, A, McKillop ill. t.he chair Afteramer'din,~ t~e R::pol,t t.rle Cf)mmittee ,l'mr~ !ud the report was adopted oy mut.lon (Jf McKillop seconded by Ja,cksoll, ]\ioved lJy "V, BlC\vett seconded by \V. F, Luton; That whereas it is defl:l'a!)]eto'lay out a street acl.'o::;s pal't of L'Jt 5 {Joncess:on 9, tOVoJ'nship o~ Yarmout.h of a less width t.han sixty,-six feet, therefore we the. Oouncil nf Yarmouth ask oonsent of this Council to layout sa.id' 8tred'c,f a width of sixty feet according lO provision made by 0h~p. 184 Section 545 R. S. O. Oarried. Moved by .J, H. Teal, seconded by M. E. Lyon, 'fhat theacbion of the Inspector in placing a telephone in the Heuse of Illdustl,y be confirmed. Oarried. . ,- ,. '__'< .. .'>_.'....' I r.,P,o,t ":a5 aq9I'tecl,a~ 9.\:jgi9~(IYI,l'esG@d, I- ,.f. ". .,..,:.:-; Movedhy.J, Tl1omson, seconded hy]. .1\:lcLmy .That the Clerk: pf()'cure the_llsu,a:~J~l1Pplv'iof."E]ectjo~,i'-l3.lanksl ,As~ sessment alld 0oIlectots Rolls' a'ud jurY;~is'ts for the U:'ie oftheseverak ~uI~icjpaliqtp ,jl1 ,~h,e ,cpu!nty~ ,;~~~l:i.ed~:". " , " . I The Gaol committee presented their report, w11f.::h, 'was \ ador'~ed on motioJJl of Brower, seconded bv ,Backhouse.. . .. I !'. ','0,' "_""'.' ','-i. ,', , ",', ........,..:.." ".' ':'El.GiN_"ddTJNTY'.'c6u~<:i~ .p_~<?P:E.EiPI~GS. Third Session--Third Day. Thursday the nineteenth day of Nm'ember 1891 The Elgin County C:ouncil met this day according to adJoul'nmen t TLe Warden in the chair. All the members present. The proceed{ngs of the previous day were read and ccnfirmed. A communic~.tion from D. McLaws, County Court Clerk. reo vault was read and referred to Gaol committee Moved by W. Backhouse, seconded by A. Bartlett, TI~at tbiS'Coun'cil is of tlle cpinicn that the present met.bod of heating the House of Indur:ty is beth expeDsive and uDRalc, alld that the JItUE,O of Industrv ccnnn"itlee be instructed to llave pJansand specificatioris preparrd'm:d prcct::fd to place a'lleatirlg ap!_al'atus in said institution. Carried. . . . That .the l'eport re Torrens System. of Land Tl'lDSfer be laid over until to-mor.rowmorning; Curded. The report of the Finance cDmriliitee ,va:; presellted 2ndadopted on ,Motion of ,Kirkpatri~:k, ',sec.onded; 1)] ~YOllS. MO\'Gd by A. J: Lei'tell, 'second~a pY-1.i.'E,' '~-,YOI?, That Daniel Luton 's claim fo1' costs incurred in reference to tile drai~'outlet fl,~o,ni' H,ot,se of Ip~ustry [arlll be, nQtentertained; carried Moved by J''l'homson seconded by, UDonaldson; , l}'hat this Conncil do now adjourn to meet. at1i..alf r.aF.lt one O'CIO,1k Carried. 'fhe report of Education Committee was pre,sented and adopted on mo~ion ~f Payne seconded by Edgecombe. "Carried. . . Tho rep01~t:of Committee ,0:.1 Torren's System of Land TI:'ansfel' \Vas presenkd. - Mored by Thqmas Jackson seconded by W. F. Luton; 'I\Iovedby .1. ILchaldwn, secor.dtdby 1\1. Lyop, r:J:.'hattl1e,'clause of the report of the Hou~e of Industry Coml1Jittee n~fnrir g to a bote:- water surply be reconsidtr.ed. Carried. '.[be couecil tLen went into committee of the whole, on House of Il1dllf~ry If'port. 'Thos. Jackson in the chair, after consideration the )lloved by Thomas Jackson seconded by. D. Fergus,qn; iTI~at this Coupc:J petition the Dominio:i.1 Government to insist on 38 ELGIN COUNTY,~qU~CIL PROCEEI?VWS. ,_._d,..,._,!.; ELGIN' COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDlNGS. 39 ~l1catt]e exported from 'thi~ 1)omillion ,bein,g :allow.ed,tb,t;lful\;81?ilGe of two fet:t,.elght inches by t:ighr'feet",w iletberplas's8ct>a's' -st'dckers"(:n: olhel'- wise mld that tbe clerl~ requ~st~\'~ry COl1utr >in}he D?rpi,nipn tp join III said Pelition. Ounied. " " .,~,: '-" ..', Moved hy W'o' Back,boJ.seT~:~{:md,:ed,-by'A. )~~rll~';(t.;- That the Cou~cjl htaf '1'. <~:. Cl'othds' re'Btic1'gcs of it he Townsl1ip of B~l)' ham~i Lo~t.,' 'I Yeuf-, Stratton, B<:rl)ett>Bacld-,cu8f"Tenl.1,.)on,"Ridards0n, I,iddle, Hepburn) ~l d ECg~~Olllbf.- 9 NllYSJ MoLal':Y TLGm~(;l) DonalcsOli, Leitc:lJ,NclCellar, McCallum, McKili"IJ\ Blt-weu, B!"O\,er,Hutrman, BtDllttt, Daughq,ty, Jackson, l:;'ergubcn Ll.t0n [tlld01Jjt':e.~I6 . , ,The Report c;f,the P111diclnlp'O\'ellJ( n Is (;on: mill~e _~la,jl!g h~~n pl'('B(~nti:)dw'as'then adot',tl':d on motion of Lyon secOld'ed hyJackson, Moved by: "V. Blewttt second~dbY'R.\V. H(:)PUUll1 J ~nw,t, By~law 1'\0; 483- beingab)',Jaw to fix the'sf\lar!8s ;01 tbe 1'urn- k(:j'b ,of the Elgin County Goal an~ amend By-law ~o. 428 be received and l'ead a first time. Oarried. received and read a_ first time. Carried. l\1:oved by J. Richal'tJson seconded by J. H. Teal; That by-bw N). 48-~ he re:td a s~cond till1~. cU'ried. Moved by M. E. Lyon, seconded by Samuel Lidule, That by.!aw No 484 be [..ead a thi['j ,i..m aoJfinlly fl-'''".l . , carried. Mo'ved; ~y .!"': :w.Kirkpat.riQ~, seconded 'by M. P<:tyne, T,llt b'y-law"N), 3?3,,1J;ing {t,by~lawto;:al1thr)dz~,,,the'VMdi~'n 'iL'l~d Treasurer t'6 borrowtne sum of Ten Thousand Da!br:3 be reC,i-dVHQ and readafjrst tirn~. {Jcu'.tied. },{o',"cdby D. Stratton Mean led ~)}' A, E,~ll'tliitt,; That By~la\V N? 485: ,p;},.re~d:l:,~e2:9l1d time, Carried>: ::/l)v(~d by Iv!. PJ,yne:,s~,con:ded by ~~!yv;...Ki~.,1~p1.~ricl(; 'f4lf1t By-l.Ol,w ~>. ,485 be. ,re,td }:t'.lid.:tim'~ anJ ! ~', Moved by J. M"Blewettsecondedby W. J~bwett; ]\bved by .J. Thomson.se,~ol~de:l,by;',r.Md..:tr~y; Th-jtt tbhOol1rJcil...(,~9n,9watouFn t9,m:'~t to-:-:"lJfro,v m')rning at ten o'clock a. 1U. Canied.' That By.law No. 483' be read a second time. Carried. l\iloeved byq. .A, Browt'l~ seconded by JamesEdgecoa-ll)~; Tl:aL B'y~law N<:. 483 b-'::'l'ead a third tIme and finaJlyp!lssed. Carried K' W:' McKA V; Co_ Cb-k. ANDREW N-, CLINE; Ward en Moved by J ol1n H. Teal seconded by W. l::Saekhouse . That By~lJ.\v'No. 484, heing a by-Jaw to amenc~ By-law No. 276 be , -;:1:' d; ~. ~ '<'j [.', 1.,:(<' ~~!;, E~,ql~ Gqtry'r:(, ,.COv:~nr-l 'P~OCEEDINds;" " i " -. . " ,. ~ , . " I [ ( " Moved by W. B,ac,k,bous~, leccnd,e<!,qli P, I3,t,atton,/,; t. i' 'j, '.i', ,'j '.;'<")1 """. " ".\' '., ~'hat wL~reas, ,the ,C~~str,~ctipj1,~nrl ,l)1'!ntaioellco of i Jlridie~' one hUndred 'feet 0IiU61'c'inrei(~t!l, by ,t!1?,)'0\"l!sJ1ir of:R.y,h~'nb.vinire. gard, t"'it$POri1I,..ti9~.a~~lAsF~~~dv,alU,,,pl~,ces,eXCe'SiYe and g..leadly 'di.; propOrlmnjte .'!liI.f(e9s: upo,n y~,~, ;,teIlV~r~ ,thereof, the,.., boillg- \On"uch' b"ridgosa:)d'~ hjuo~ la("gei-'IlU'l)he\:,ot"A')fter: O,IIO,S ami having reoent!)' completed twds~iCh 'hrjdg'e(.and beillg .b.,u! "to C11llmuIleelthe Con.' strUctioll oJ 't,vo moie oneov~r, .ti,e Qt\er,'c;I,eek at P"rt, llor'"elian<J ' one OVer the sallIe cleek ill thetlllrd conces.'on between [,ot.ro and" at a c lSt,,1 $1375., 'Ph;'.t tlli,qo,oll:::!!, do ,C,ntributebve,rtY_fiVei"per -cent 01 the COEt of con,tructing and maintainiug jhe said bridges as provided lu,' by, tho MUcic!p,al"jI,lUcqclWeqt Act ,r890 . section ,.t.hi~ty. 'Lost; ThirdSe~sion--Fourth Day_ FH\l.)' tti~ 2'01h day Of Noveuiber r89I. The: Elgiti: Couhty,C(~)Uncil:met..this da\'" aCf.:ordihg- toadj0urnm ~:nt. The Warden in the chair. All the membpl'S IH'cse'nt. The proce~diioi'gs 'of the Ijrd~iQU8dily'we're'1~ea:.r alld Coufil.,ned. Mov,:dby:~1, !Pay'iihecofld~d Ii)' J. l'I. Teal; , r.Dhat1 Jadgei'El;;uat.inlier be 'nt:)\~'11elu.alnf,xplanltion ofthel\)l'r::n~ ,Sys.tertl'of'Lan'dTran3L:r. U<trri::d. The Judge th~;laddl;etiSHl itl:l,t;\, 0.Uui1t'il., MOl"erl:byJ. Tholl1So11r!ecililded'hy'J. Mcf..adv; rrhat the thank.> of 'this Council be tendered toHis Honor Judge Er111atinp'~r for biB addl'cssto ,t,his Oouncil explanatory of, the .'rOl'l~enS System (f'f!Jlnd':,Tr\'tls'fel'. Carried I.., 'Moved by J. Richardson, s{'conded by M. Lyon, That the Clerk get the Minutes of the OJuncil and Reports of Committees printtd and distributed by the 15th December. Carried Moved by IV, ~ac,khqu~, s,~conded,hy A, Ra,ltle\t ; ". ';'." ,.,'., ."..;..:..;..... , ; . ;; TIr~t t.~ IVai.aen De herebjaiitilo~iz~J' to appoint a c~lJ1mftt~,. to ,confer with a cOlllm,ifle, ,~I,iSh l)1ay pe\.''''(ter be ,appointed by the'('Jblln_ cil of lhe '1'o"I:.I,;p of Bilybam to endeavor tOsetlle by ~gree.Ul~9!,the share <>r pel'Centage oUhe.pst a(constructio~ and'maintainailteaf'th" fOur jllidge" :'Cc,e'n\iy',~l/qt'qr al)(;ut tOllebu;!t IiY9aidto\vri'S,iP :a~ro.s 'OttOI' Creek;Yi~,;,~klllJ,ol,qBridge, Culver Bridger Bnrgei Bri~ge and Port Btlnvdl Bridges as Provided for ,by: therMuaicipalamenUi1ient''Act of r 8)0 section 30. LOBt. . , " ,,,J ,i', I',' '.1 The .report of' Sommitfeeol/ To~rensS}"atel\1~f .L,a~d}'r~n~fer was a<iopt.d oUIll,offal/of '!\;iI'kj,atrick, s~eoilded'hy 'Backh6nsc, ' , MC~cd, LY"M.~Pafl1eHee.on,ded 'Ly M. 'R Lyon, . .iA>i ,'1 v' L..h' ,""r '.' ".'''', ;;h:d:) .0U f';'rli!;'\it!,e Ward on name 'a COllIlIlittee to COl fer with 11'0 Registrar .of this (Joonty witl, a vi,w of ascenairdng "hat .nangen,ellls call be made "'ll, hill1 iu case theOuunty Ouuncil decides to adopt the Torrens Land Tral/~fer SJ'Btom ill th\B County, and to report to the (Jouncilat the January sessioll. Cani.d. , , , -/~ Ui).HN COl'1NTY COUNCIL" PROCEEDINGS. 42 ELGIN'-QOu:~rrY OOUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. HJfnRlS~FnnmIDnlIES. I The warden appoi:it.~d Payne, -J,icksci'if,a"tld ,K.i~'kplttdc~ a corn- ll:.ittee to conre.r with ReJistl'ar fe. 'run'ens system Land Trailsfer. '".' "', -:",.-, ", ' ~{oved,byThom~g Jacks:m;,secondcd,by '0. A. Bro\ver, , .. Thatthis,conncil .do: take actit)l,(t(;:c1.?",aw~y \~tql, all" roll Roads in ',the Uoun.ty,'and':,fnr thlH,.pU{..p~i1e: 'th.Lt'this Co~nc:i~ off~l' the owners-: Qt'.the, Loq;:loti and-'P.nt _S~ltqle'Y'Gr:R:Vet'F.:9~dtI1e:, S,UDl ,ot i$10,000,- and dl? con'tributetow'ilrds .pay-irrg for'thr: 1\.yl9;16\ a(ft~l'!~,oad the sum of .$' ..' proyiJedtb:ei'Tol~.'G'-.\t=be, 1':lll{)VG<f ,bY,\the first of January 1892, and pay the 5um;of,'~ ." , " ,;.towarCl;tp:.tYlng for the Gravel Road in the 'To:wl1l:'\hip of' Htyharn. LO$t. . _ ' . ' L Moved b~ ,,,v. Backhot\so secohded b.Y:A~,Bart.lett',; ,T~atthe_Wal'dennd,mE',a:c('llumittee;to 'report at lh,~ Jancul'Y session t4e,amount asked f,H' all ToU Roads in the QUUllty .of Elgl\\. Carried. Tho \Varden (Il'p'lintEd ,:\Lssrs;.l;.~itcll"MclC'I:-l(')[l.LY,::)l\l 1) )l)aldson .and Hufr n<:ln, CUltl11Hltee t,ll K P'Jl:t \.in cm~torr.).1 n)J.d~._ -----.:(0)-' 'Standing Committee's Report. To the Warden and E1ciin"County Coundl ; Tbe ~pecial committee a{J'pointed"tJ s'tr 1>:.0 'standing beg leave t.o report, L r the l-JOUoE OF IN:bU~"i"RV. JohpH. Tea\,Challnl,.nj ,Bennttt, Mc'I(ellar, FUBUC lMl'ROVEMEt\T. J\1:(~v(:Jdl;1~V,- B:t~khJu<.\e"R'.:co:-J{hd\)y 'A. ,B:t,l~tl;.:t'( i ,. , '. ' ... ': ('. . . , .. ~ '.:,,' ~ ' .. : , : . -'," ' ,rrhatthi~li(Ji)L1n,cil ~~~xt".t)r1~,it-stht \ks~:td'the:' \V,l.r\~ed 'qld~, Treas- 'urer~:Soli' .ltprnlld,b:l,)g L;\leer:. (, )1' ',' tl,J I'~ 'p:tfici,ent 'se_,vir.::;-'s 'du n n~lhe pJ.st , 'Ye~u;,'~n~l>,hat tl1i~,p;)ql~<.lil gr,mt,the l.ItillaJ"_a',ll1oullt'of fifty d.on~rs to th~ II Wa~r(:'e, for.t:4t.la !:'e:r,VJC~f.' ',.C..\rried. ,<, " " MO,\t\,l by T.. RiC,h~l~.ds.oll se,cun~ed',~~i'S.;I,.iddle,; T11atthis,('; o;un~iL,d,.o':now adjo.1rn siim die: ;"Carrledl . .., . ..' .' .11' M. E. Lyon~ 'Cla.ll'ma'1,; DDll,a'ds)n,Luton ,13aChl ous,e, :lVlCKilJd,'."1 Thomson and Jacks n. !(, , '. I I'; GOAL AND PRINTING. j: 'Ii C, A. 135o",er, Chairman j LZ'it(handPa)~e. I'~,: , I" F1N AN l;J':. ," " T.. W. Kirkpah.ick, Chairman; DaUghe'.ty,FergU~Oll,RiChardar:11 son Blewett, I, R.W.McKAV, ," ", , ' Co. Clerk "A!IDREW":N. CLINE Warden EDUCATIONAL.i&' II} ]'L Payne, Uf,i-lirmalJ j'Edgecon~be,!\1cLllrty, Mc'Callum, T~ Leitch, Backhou~e, MC~l11op, Lyon, Bhwettl Parne, Daugherty. I!il PETI'l'lONS AND LEGISLA TlON. 1 Thomas Jack:son, qhairl11an ; Hepb:.un, Liddle, BArtlett, Strat~1 Huffman" -Richalidson, Leitch. , . -,- _ _c..__~,~o.=""",,.,..~ r-;;c:~~~-<'- - - -:=--%<0"~cif:i~:I~:~-;;J":':;~:l~~=~ - '-,,_,"';-: ..:,--.-.-0',...:'-"...:.0:0:_'.'-----. .____..____ .---;fo-the Warden ~ild Elgin OountyCouncil -GENTLEMEN,_The Committee on Equalization of the Asstssment of tbe Oourity.d EIgiu,.beg leave to ,ubmit the fOllowing report,. ~. _. ~'.~ - . "':. .L 'li;AVSSIC~~dl:re6;~~~ Real pr~.' ~:~o~~7i Ei~~~!.I~el;~~:)Rea] Prc.i:;:~OI~;t '" . ere-savel' .- '. . MunWlpality. a~eSS'"II. per land In~ pel"ty a.s Pf.?per.t Y Value !,.Jt'l'tyas perty as p.!.:op.e!.l..Y -' - ~.... '. Acre come a.s As.sessed, . . ;as:_.,. :}Jel':EqUaJ-!;t"qUali~ed<..'l..~~':.: .-. . l"sseS"". Assesseo. :A ere, I',zed.;;-, eq uahzed Aldborough... 753941 22-. 10225 1654750- '.664975..25/ ... 6560 18S485~ "~1j50 Dunwic.h ...:. '/99073) 27 ~.6 JOo 1870850.1 187695.0 ",.:'30 0500.0.' 20.7.5190 20801:90 SouthwoJd,... 7138_0 1:- 35 7625- 2540733. '254839$ 40 110000 ,285520~ 2865200 Yarmouth ..... 69881 . 38 15310 2686271.: 2701581 '44 10300 30H764. 3085004 Malaioide .:... .162000 I 30 20580 1913120..,19337'10 "37 7000 2294000 2301000 Bayham... .... .155178 I. 20 7050 II16r30 III23180 20 .5000 II03560 noS560 S'th Dorehester13Q82 I 35 1068235 '1068235 ~ 43 4000 1310726 1314726 AYlm. e r..... ..... ... I II02300.. 59 666 3' 698963 3.6 I 000 36. ...1.0 0 0 Vienna..,. ..".. ." ':1 2900../ 69864-1 72764 -5"7000 '57000. Port Stauley... 9100 89600.' 98760 .68000 ;68000 Springfield. ...., ~ I '750 79295:/ 81045 69000 ii9000 Dutton ,..... . .! 90000 .90000 $15291090 - -- . ~""""=~~;~;~~:;~7'~":~ ,-,..,,-~c ~~~":~~::",~~fi~;H{~~~I:~,;:~~~;:'~ --. .'::-;;r[tti":;:~~.h'-.o-~-. ~,~-~ ". ",''-_,---=.-.:0-= ''';;''_. ----.if:"' _oIlr. '" c .. '" " ~ " " o Ii t=: ;g o (") '" '" " Z " ;n A-ll6fwbich-is respectifulIj' submitted. Committee Room, 3rd June:r89I. >-3 ;;j. ~'g.~ ~:::I~ ~ <..",: .::.~,O'I ::: ll.l n, . t':: =.0 ~. o.g:;~ ~c~ 2 ~ < ~ Q(T) ~u. O;;~?f Oe~fl' ".,..~ ......"t;:l (')..g..~'E... g:~. ~ c' !;nO (!l.ll:> ~~ e-t- 00;:1'. '"'" ~-O"",o '"': ct> (0.::1 CI:! :-,9..::1 'Q.. ~ (!) ~.;;':Q ;;. ("J oo.,,::r 9 g 0 ~ -m' C"f'-. ::l' -..<;",-.,...,.. ~ ..... ~~'I::j l1> "< 0 ..... tb P. :::-: tl ~".~ g..g..g 5' 2;0 Q.,~ 'll.l~0' tI ~ ~ 0. . ","'-'=1 -~~ Q 1-3g,~ ::r(tit;1 S'! t: 0 g.~ tf tn,fll '"l' ~. ri~6' ~;:1 "1 ~mC"f'- ?,'r;r Q < 2s- g.: M' ;;; ~ e:; ~ g. ., 2... ~ ~ '" ~ ~ " 2; ,'" o .C" e. ~ s !': ,~ ~o '"g. 0'" ~ ;;t.n ~ ~ . f!? 0 . ~..., ~- ::;-~ m ~ 2" se-- "" 0':" -" .,,~ ~"g" 0....... g :~ o..,~ o:~ ~:~ ;j '5"' ~o o ~ S I;: ., tI ~fR; tI~ o~ i~ tI " - ~ """ ~m " " ;:1.~ ::: 0_ aQ .0.. ~tj Q.(li' o !;; ~" "'~ .~ ., ~ ""! T. \V. KIRKPATRIC~, Cna-irman, ~ ~ "'" tI. 0. tQ~ " '" e:;" 'E,.,'" _. ~ m", 00 '" ~ p:l g ci o ~..'~ :;:r..___ -0..... CIQ;;' :o~ ::~~ ;?'J~ ",,, ~ n tI" 0"';::: '" tI .,] ~ ~.~ ?om g; '" B! o :l ~ i5. n g, '" " " ~ ~. -"m ~ ~ ~ " ~nt:1 '" 0.. ~ ~ ~'o~w '" -e:; . ;. g f":-5 ~ [!g ?; tI ~ _ '" '\::1~;' ~ - :;: 0..,.~ 5~-,..( I1J (/j ~ ......1l'!;o" C 1-'.,... 0.- t-i.....~ .c 0 --:: ~ ~ 0 e:.d-, .....'7:1 C ==-ttJ ;..-5.~ (/j Ho.:::;- < 0 ~ 2':";5 a~o- ~Q..~ " c.'"O .... ,:;, ... :5 "-'I-'. ......., c.. "'~~ a>"'::;-O "-<l g~ ;:.g-;;:?-,[g ;Z~8-- g I-!....~ 0 .;&:,.::1. ....., 'wo..~ -.,.,.._n__.., o_o.~ 1-l_::l00 ......._o::;~ ~'" ~ ~~ ~ ~ s.; '" ;:g !'l 0. ~ ..., 00 "" ~ " ~ ~ Ci).... "'''" n '" -~ ~..g ~3. > s.; ;>~ ~ . 00 o 2.1-03 "'" ~,. g': ,.,,,, '" q '" ~- b"' '" " '" '" " 1 ..., '" ., ~ .g, " ., <5 --- 0 ~ a c:L S. s. ~ CD Crl'. ~'~ 63 t%J ;q ". "1 -. e:l l>> e:l o CJl '>' () " 0 ~./t '" _. :<1" c+ gg ".,. 0--' en ~- q>.. (Jl s z " 00 " ~. Q o c: ~ q cc o c: tI 2. ~ ~ e-- ~ 33. ~ c: ~ Q o '" '" " ... g ~. ~ g '" " " _ z '" [Ii" ~ ., '" o ..., '" oS: " '" " .", B '" ~ 00. ~~ &- CD (t;.. (J:./ s- ~-. 0. .,. ~ .0_ ;,- ~ a; .~ -0 ..,., m. "" o ';:;' O:f .g o '1 ".,. . ;!-l " ~. " " e-- ., n _ o "" , ~~ ;(D- "". -~'- o .,," m ;5., ". "" ~,,- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. year to .r.aise said... J.mounts..exc~u iv.e. 0.fS.C.I.Io..6l.'.b'~ra'nts.""'an.' 'd' that the.. sum. 'Thl'ee_Thonsand:Tw(),Hund~eJ,. ndTw.en~y~Ole U,Jllars,($4,32 1.00) be raised in the several township, l-licipalit.ies' o'tilj for 0om:non Schools equivale,nt t'J th~G lver.[l:nen,t grant alld, as Pl'op:wt.ioed an:!: required By the education' departm,ent and eI,ltereJ in the follo,vin~schedule under tbe head of Common Schools. ' 46 lIlLGIN _,COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. TUNE SESSlO:s', '.fa the Warden and Gouncil of the County of Elgin: , The Committ,ee on Finance beg leave to Ieportthat'paving ex- amined in~o the, ,finances of the County and the estimates prepared by the OOUl1ty Treasur~r, thtyh~rewith submit a:.- statemetoI the ex- penditure ,required for tll/;:; la",fulpurposes, of the, CUUllty, during the ye~l' 18,.91, showif)g the amou,nts re'luirea to be raiseu:for the under-\ mentioned purpOSts. Adminlstrati?l1 of .T:ustice,... ;....;..., .,_..,.$3,000 00 . ~olln'ty Hnes'anll bl,idges"..,."................... 8,00000 Honseal Jeclustry.. .....,..,..,....,....'..........,. .4,50000 HighScLools,....,.........-.,...... ,...... ..,;..'...." 5,850 00 ':M0del B,-,hools...,....,.. ...............'..,,;.. 1::;000 OiTIens' s'alaries.,.. ,. ........................,... 2,8;0 06 School 'Inspector...", ."..'. ..,." ."..., 7?0 00 Payment of Jurors.......... . , . ...... , . . , ',. ,...... ,. 2,000 00 Orown vVitnesses..........."'.,.,..-,..,.,,.,.. 50000 'Interest on bills}l'1yable......,. .,............, 1,00000 .Members' fees, Commlttees"etc....,..,., ...., 1,00000 l\,ills paya~k... ......... ...., .............,,;...:. 3,040 60 1I-1UIIUCll'ALlTY. I: . .' -,. . __ _____~I-'---'-----'-I__I_~ SCHEDULE, Aldbol'on:sh" ;" ... , .'..,..; :.-.-,,, ;'.. Dun.,..,ich".;...".,..,... .'.',...; .'.'.'"... Southwoll!.";.,,.., "-." .;......,., Yarl.llouf~l.~"... ..,....,.,;;'..;"... Mg1ahide........... .... .......... :B'ayhan1............. .,., .,.. ..,.... South ::DorclH"Rt,f'-'",,'. ,. . ...:... ., . Avln't.t:r,;",';"...,.,., ...........,.... Vienna............... ,.. ,..... Springfield. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Port Stanley....,. , . , . , . .,. Dutton.. '.' "...... .-..... .....,...' G~N. -RAT:E. $ 4035 44:i8 6112 658[ 4909 2365 280"5 770 121 r 45 !47 ' 192 COMMMN SCHcoLS. $ 588 448 5'4 585 471 430 185 TOTAL. $4623 , 4886 6626 7166 5380.' 2795 '990 Ii 770 121 145 147 192 $32,620 00 _____-I--+-----'..,.-l-~-,-._- Common 8c:1co18, equivalent to' legislatIve grant.. ;'. ,;'. '..'....':..."...',.."... 3.22I 00 Total...... ........1 $32620 1\..11 qf" hilh is reSl,ectfully submitted. $35,841 00 Your committee would reco~U1~end tl:at the sum of Thi!t..y~t\\'o '.fhomand six Hundred and 'l'wenty DollalB ($3Z,6:::0,co)'beraised on .a11 thcl'ateabl e property in thesev~ral municipalities in the Oountyof Elgin dunn~ _tbe }t aI.' 1891, 'for County purpo8t'sas per schedule here- with suhmitted, and that r~quisite By-laws ~e passed to levy a rate of t,..,o ancil twO. fifteenth mills on tbe dollar on the n;.tt'abJe- propelty in the several municipalities in the County as equalized for the proceeding .'T.W; $3221 Co~nHtteJ 'R('_ori~", ji.J 'Jtirie, I89J. . JUNE -SltSSION.-SEOOND, R~PORT. To Ih, EI, in County Coul\cil : 48 i/.' . . , ELGIN" OOUNTY aOUNCI~ PROCEEDINGS. . 'G;ENTL:El[:~N/L.L'rI.le:"Flnari?~'>sb/ll~l~it:te~ heg l~a,vetq,r~port ,:, nT~atJ:;'M;'Gle;'n'!i ae.i:onnt lor s.rvicesas CountySolbitor. fl"OU1'Junor889',to: JU'lle r89tbe p~,id, ~m?UP.(~7,7.o. 2. Tha't the following !:i,alari~s;:qf,l:,ockup keepers he- 'paid L ,W. Pierce, Aylmtlr. '" -................... ......$15.00 D.McK.ee,:..ontton L...o.. '," .,..................., ......... 10,00 ':0':,-":8. i\fiJn~,:rl)rt Slta'nley..:.:.:~...~................ . .. ~ 15.00 .T. MeTa:{gMt~ Spritlgfield. ~.. ,'" ..................... 10.00 'J<JV,!;.cF~rb4,11f,:"'V;lllacet:o\Vn~.......... "', . ., .......... 10.00 -J,!Ba/sden, $Hedden; "~,'"',''''''''''''' . ................... 10.00 ~D~' Purdy, Vie!ina...:'......,.';...~.. <.. ......... .,.... ...... ....., 10.00 H.':A. K'irkp:l~t'ick, Bismark........._.,.........,.,...... 10.00. All of whichi, submtted. . Hfl:NHy',rt-H;GHEHTy,Ohairman, . Pro. Tern. N~)h;~lBlcn Si~;mioN. "Po tlw Elgin' Gmnty: Q..drlO iJ : /. , . . . . GENTLE.";ON:--TneF,"am',e Cotlllnittee beg leave .to present their . . . ,,'.. '-..-,.': """" ,:.,'" _ .' ,',,1 11)~" That the keepet's of~the,'se:V-el'arLbck'ups"in' the "OOltn ty_ be their S~llll'ieSf~~hal~ye~r e;~ding 3I:.t of December 1891 : .' :.'-',":".' ".,..-;d ! '. <"!'_, .... __ .' I.. W.Pierce, Aylmer, 6 month.' ser.vlce................. .,...,$.15.00. Daniel McK~1e, Dutton," "":",J ,'f',.:'..~::~.:..:'...:....:..IO~dO O. S. Milne"pOI.t Stanley" " . ..................... '5,00 J.Mcl\tguart, Sp6i1gfi~nr,~" .\,:",:; u"-"", ......,..~'........... io.oo John J\IcFarlano \-VJ.lJaoeto'wn 6".., '.'_','~"" ~,' .,'._,. ',"_ __iH).oo JOI:lt-~'-ph BaIsden, Shedden 6: Ii').; "hI "::~:';~~'~':~:" : .'... ':. to.oo D., Purdy Vienna 6 u . ",' .... ". .... 10._00 ) ELGIN COUNTY C()Y,N(H.. J;'ROqEEDINGS. 49 D. A. Kirkpatrick, "\-Vest Lome 6 " .............. ....:;;;.,' 10;00 N. Ludy Rodney 12 U ................... 20.QO 2nd. That Brown Bros. adqount for Mimiogl'aph for use'of the County Clerk's office amounting to $r8. 20 be paid. , 3rd. That A. McLachlin's account, for stationary for County Treasurer's office amounting to $8.70 be paid, 1'\ 4th~ That a by law be passed' authorizing the 'Varden an,dTreas.. Urer to borrowthe,sUlll, p~:'$ro,op.o,asmay,be r,~quired to meetcurreilt expenses until the payment of county rates: All of which is respectfully sul?initt.d T:. W;'KIRKPATRICKOhah;man. 'i' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDLNGS. , appointed with a view of asCertaining the_ amount tach Municipalit' .shall contribute to said purchase, having in viE<w tbe amountsalread expended by other municipalities in the pu tcllase of- other Toll road situate in the County. z. That'this commIttee recommend thatpn 'Engineer be appointf" aH provided tor in 53 VIC. Chap. 42. Unt. Stat utes. TH OMAS JACKSON, Chairman. Referred to committee of the whole and amended by stliking oULI! 1St clause. Petitions and Legislation Committee. JANUARY SESSION; Report 'of Commit,tee on Petitions and Legisiation. 1St. That t~.is Committee reccommend this Council to co-operate the council of the county of Oxford to petition the Honorable .Assembly\ ofthe province of Ontario praying that no curtai1- ' of the powers at present enjoyed by Oounty Councils over man of Goals'be granted. 2nd. That this commi~tce recommend this/conucil to appoint W. Bl'cwn pupIl for Elgin at the 0.8.A.., Gue:iph. 3rd. That the petition of the united Counties of Leeos and Gren. for certain changes in Schools be:referred to the Educatian (Sgd) THOMA. JACKSON, Chairman. the Elgin County Council. GENTLEMEN-The Petitions an d Legislation Committee beg leave report: i That this Conncil recomm .nd that applIcation of Ja.. W. Smith hundred others praying this Council to purchase the London Stanley Gravel Road be granted, and that an arbitrator be ., -',"" ELGIN COUNTY CO'UN'CIL PR,OCEEPINGS. ,., -. ....L". ;<" S,C~?OL ~o;PtlL,AT~,o~J "Ai'f'~'EiKDAN:(J:EJ E'fQ.. Total n1.1nibeF:rofchildi'enl:;bet,ve'eil1he'.age~ :'~f'.5 ,a'no debt: in the' 6mnity: I>e,c:{:'~b~~,?~,9'6,1va,~, ,8"~3~:; , Receipts: :Balance in Trustees hands,... ".,..... .... ............ $12,688.09 Making an average of about $,120 for each school section Trustees directtax..................,.............. .... 51j648.77 Government grant and mynicipal grant and all other sun'lS ............................... ..... .... ......... 19,486,$3, Number of names entered on School Re,gisters.... ~-''''' .. . .... . ~ulllberof Boys.. '., .:~~.~....,......}.... ",,:,~..,. . . \. ',',' . ~.y.~.;.::> ',~ }Num b. er _ ,'of' Gi.rls .;.. ;....:..:... ::.'"...... ~".~.. .......:.-' '. ....... : ..:: ... "i'. 3,596 . '. .' f ' :......,' ',.' .",i..', ":',,. ""-.' ".'), :'.',;.. .. A verage number o~ dalS tht Fchools 'were open. , . . . . . . .......... .,' Nnmber of children who atte;~-Hl~!d. s~l;JOol leE's than 20 days.;... . . Numbc'r who attended betW(:tli 20 find 50 dl:!-)s................... __N'b,lllb€r \\ho.atterjJ,~c;l.less:HJ,aP!59' ,eJa)f;. ",""" ..... .:: ..1. ... ;.~.;... NUl1'lbt:twl)~' !aF<ind,(';q.1Je,tVt't~n 5,0, ~I.ct Ioq,d,,):l:'...,.~..'..:;.q~'....... NUUibu who attel c.ed hss than,:JGa,days...:..:... .......: ._.,'.......,; Num bel' \\1.0 aP,t Jl(:ed Lt [Wten I'CO alJd ISO days...... . . . . . . . . NUlnbtr Who. a~tcll(le,d"jc8s,than, 1'50 da}'s.'..'..-;;.... ;'.. .;,:. ....;,~',. .;::. 'Number who' 'aUl JJ(Jt d' nH~1 e' than I$o,"d.uys... ..'-'.. '>.'~;'" .'~:; ..-..;. Number WflO :;(ttl'lld(~d more tban 200 day~. ...... ...,.........;.. .. Number of childftl1 betwten.the.ag:eso'f7ar.d I3 years who did not attend allY ~chcol.:...,.'" .........'.".~H.. "';.~ ~,""',':"" Nt:llllc<:,r betw.een :theBame ageswhoattendedless ~han lo()_days: ',' The average attendance "Yas38J~ ()r5 Iper ct,nt: ofth~ number of pupils l"<:,gistered. ' . \' The 0 )st. perpupilnaf includint(t,he am'ountexr~4'?~d_ f'or, b!1ild~tlg Ii was $6.95, calculattd an' the number of'pupils r'egifitel'(!d if the calcula~11 tion were ~<:tde an the ave.ra,~e, ~tMrdan~e, tl~~ ,cqst ;p'~r.pup~l would be, about $14.-00," . ' ' PubIlc School Inspector's Report. To the vVarcienand mealbers of tbe Elgin Oounty'Conncil Gli;NTLEMAN,-I have the honer of presenting for yourconsid..:r~ ation my repo:t on the Public Schools of Elgin Oounty for 1,he year )890. l~JNANCIAL S'fATEMENT. Tota!..................... 83,823.39 :" " J ur;ibr' :i~t: Class....: ..... 1600 ..~(:pior/; " ',' .,.:1693 . 2nd Clasfl'., ,,:,,':""'.'..IQ~8 31-d "1 ........~........1406 4th_ " "~.,' ..~._."...T478, 5th' " .........:..... 299 Number ofp'1]'pils:in " ". Disbursements :: 'reachers' Salaries....................;... ............ .",.... 411991.20 Building sites et.-::.......... ................. ..... ...... r8,211.39 Libraries, maps globes etc.....................~.,.......... 452.51 Repairs 'fuelcaretakiugetc....... . ......, . ...,....,........... 9,63i. 12 " " ., " ':: " " \ Total.........." . . ......... ,.. 70,286.22 . . The.re wer~ ,.'containirig 125. fram'f>, \. " ' SCHOOL SEtTi()NS;'Sl~ES, HOUS~S;':&C. J ~5E:~:bool: S~l?i1,i<r,_s,~, ~r<diiI:C~~C~coL sitfS ,and house I 'derartl!lenb. .Tller~ ,were ,55 l;>rick ,houses ,an,d 6 I ~ ',! -. ., , '.' . " .' . "- " Balanoe in Trustees hands Dec. 25th 1890. . . . .... . . .. 13,537.17 54 '" --, , , ELdiN COUNTY 'Co'UNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Great' improvem~nt ;~'as' illade' ill sclJo()lllou'se's cii~ring. 1890, in A'ldboro ,alone,$I5l2I4.84, \Vas expended: in ,buPding, ~o, that this town'ship now llas the best lot, of sc,hoql hous~s"in the County.: Rodney village has the honor of havingthefir.est-public Bchool house in the Coim ty. The- estimatfd value -of.schobl' bo'uses 'an:d sit~~. ~~s. $ro6,95o'and _.of furniture and equipmel~t$i2430; .,. 1~ EAOHERS There were :25 teachers' engaged 'during 1890., 57 of these were mules a.nd 68 femaks. J heJd filst class cc;rtificates, 36 second-clasl:l- certificates, 76 third class c~ttificates. ' ,:M~le.teachers received an average salary of'$387, and'female teachers, an average _of $284'33. MAPS GLOBES, VISITS, ETC. ~ehe sch ,co1s,arc ,fairly wdl wpplied with mapstherebeing9o'rin the County. . 1'h'l'e were 87 glohesin tbeSchools. , r The schools have very, few visitors in ~everal cases my Own were the only, visits n:tade. ,Trustees madtI92 yisits either persons mado 69 visits. I visited all the schoo13making in all 256, visits. . . Two meetings- of the Teachers' Ir.stitute were held 123 of the 125 teachers attended' t1~ese met:tmgs. , On, .Arbor daY272~ trees' were planted on the Sch~ol sites. Generally the ordinary subjects of the Public school programme are well taught.. . Agriculture ,and -temperai-l~~, .andHygie'ne are now are now s~b- jects on the High School entrance proga'mme as bonus subjects., .No- , BLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. provision is made', for the training-of teachers in these sul]ects and we cannot hope for very'satisfactory results. I am not hopeful that agl'icultllre in Public School~ will,be a success, considering that 68 of the teachers ar0 young ladies with no practical knowledge of the subject. It a three or six montas, school of Agricultul'e could b:- maintained in the County where the principles of agricult.ure would be discuss~d by practical and competent men, far better results would be obtained. Allow me to call your attention to~theaccompanying Acts relating to schools, especially to those parts relating to Municipll Assess)nents . for school purposes, the High School entrance examination and to an Actresnecting ~l'uEl"ncy and compulsory attendance of schoals. In conCIusl~nlwouldsay 'that lshaH be glad to furnish the OounciL with any oth~r information relatitig to the schools I tnayhave in my posbession if it is desired~ ; Thanking the. friends ,of education, for their kind'co;opera'tion'. I have the', honor'to 'be, ,Gent'lemen, your obed.ient servan t, W. ATKIN, Public School Inspector, Elgin County. 55 --..,--...._'----.~._- -~-_. ~~.,,,.~~"..~, Edlloation~l.Qo.rnmitteEl:sReports. JANU} RY SJ~SIilION~ 'Tn 'th'e,'Wa-.r4enand'nH~:'11bel"i bfthe, ,CbuIity.County. GEN'l'LE:MEN~'.:..-:.The educational ,Committeeheg'ili3a're to l'ep'Ol'tas follows: 1St. Tbat the aCCOU:lts for tne entrand'l examillations for Hi,!!h Schools and the account of the Countv Board 'of examiners be paid as viz.; Dutton $80, Aylmel' $50, Vienna $I?and County board of $63 60. 2pd,. ,:,.,vVe l'ecom1l1en'l the grants to H~gh Schools fer the year 1891 be asfollO\vAviz.; Aylmer $1900. Dutton $1700', Vienna $850 and, that St., Thomasbe granted the sum,of.$I400 on conditions that all ,Oounty p~piIsbeadmitted free of charge to tbe St. Thomas Oollegiate Institnte and Model SC)100!. All of which is respectfull submitted. M. PAYNE, Cl:iairman. BL:GJN.I eQ~~try:cotr:NCi.L :pn<lC~EDliN6SJ 51. "]QNE'Sh:'$SlON. 'It?.'~h~jm:~i#:i9?,U:9~~k;:.q~~n9H .--;;,. L'. .. .., '.','" ..<., '. ;';'dE~tit'r\iE~;~Tite'EdhC'atjo'~~:'bonl'thi~:'te~~eintive tlX,(,\e,PRJ(t.''\ , r That this Oouncil pay tb8~~pen~.s of~uL~;amiI\~r,~~tllfir~t~of three dollars per day;,. to eXftmin-e" .pri'pi:ls' foi:""High' Sc11001 entm'noe eX~.t}1in,!l,~;on"toc,b~~heldin the Village of Port Stanley and Fingal,as provided uuder High Sc~ools Act r89", ~~c 38., . ... '., .1. ,..... ."."'.,.' ,.,,:.' ,. , 2 That the '"port of the .Pilblic School Iuspector be r~ceiveJ aud printed with the minutes of this Council. 3 That we recommeud the annnal grant of Fifty dollars to pay expenses of County promotIOn examinations. 4 That this committee recommend the payment ~f the Travelling -expenses of the Public School Insp:;:ctotto the amount of two hundred dollars per year as required under Clmp. 54, Sect~on 153, public school "act 'and t,hat a by-law be passed to provid,e for the same. ,'S...,.:.Tllat.T. C. Dance~ of South Dorchester, be appointedal'bitrator to Act with Inspector aud Oonuty Judge to decide appeal of Fing.l School Section. M. PAYNE, Ohairman. NOVEMBER SESSION. To the Warden .udMembers of the Couuty Oouncil. GENTLEMEN.- The Committee on Education beg leave to report the followil}g accounts for entrance examinations and would respect- fully recommend that the same be paid.. A. McLachlin, staliouary.Fingal $3.70; Port Stanley $3.80. . $7.50: Dutton High School B...:ard ofExa.miners........,;'.........'... 23.30 Ayhu'er" U "H .................-..... 9.7.0 ltis with feel!ngs of great p]E>asure and satisfaction thal your'coDl" mittee is able to H'port the entire success of tbe f'ntrance examinations / ELGIN.()QUNTY ,COUNCIL PR9CEEDING5; for the first time at Port Stanley and Fmgal and would strongly arrangements be m3.de to extend the ,sY,stem an?the,r )rear as your committee are well satisfied that a greater percentage of schblarswiIl pass to the fifth form undel' a system,()fLocal examinations than otherwise.' , ' , . All onvhich~ is respectfully sttbmitted. M,PAYNE, Chairman~' rooms St. Thomas Nov.)9 189,'. IJ~ County Engineer's :Repbrt$: I" ,!,', '., ,", JANUARY SESSION. Tothl3 Warden aBd Council of the-County 'df Elkin' ,> . ,.>.', "., .'.., .. ,.;, '...., GENTLEMEN.-I b~g leave tq report 'as fr:>llo.w The Bothwell Bridge is now completed and' iti'agood state for public travel 6e approaches will require, to be graveled in~h'e 'spring ani fences put up -for roo teet 'on eac,b approach. The crack in the maSOll- ary does not show any signs of getting worse. It,win be necessary to rebuil? the b,iidge ov~,~ Kettle ,~l'eek ont~e TOwn Line between,no.rtli and South Dorchestel' 'east of Belmont during the year. , ".'" . II wi1l als~ be necessa:.'ry: to make c~msiderable repairs,or:'r1buildthe Cooks mill bridge between lVlalal:lide'and Bayham this yea,'. All,of which, is respeQtfully submitted. JAS;,^,. .BELLi; OountyEngind:r.' /JlTNE SESSION. To the Wardeu aud Couucil of the Oounty of Elgin. G,ENTLEMEN,-J beg. to snbmit you the following re~ort: I have prepared plans and specificat:ons and llave advertIsed. fOl~ tenders for re-building the bridge 'o'ver Kettle Cree~ between the I 60 3. Tho Bridgo over Kett]e Croek on tho Town Line hotwoen North and South Dorchester has been completed in a satiafactOl'y manner; 4. The amount of rq)ails to otbe:- bridges thronghout the,"CQunt has Dot been ve'ry extensive, -the pdlicipalwerE", building 'Q'roO'feet breakwater and repairing approach to the GilJettBridge. Bui!dingl:ll broakwater 10 the St. George Streel BrWge bel~een IheCity and County, Filling in apprc3chfs ~'O .one of tbe ViOjf,aBridges, Be. pairing pier of the 01 wep Bridge.. " Rfl'8iJ'i~g-_ t~lUS_S, 9f, the" Kains Bridge b~t~.,~tlf.the,qiJY ~,ild:,qC1mty,'aiid:'st've'ial';smalr.re]jai:fs";t'o other bridge.. I KLGIN,COUNTYOQUNCIL. PROCEEDINGS. ELGIN --'COUNT\':- COUNCIL:' :PRotE'Ei)':FiSGS~ Towlla;hjpfl of North and South Dorchester, tenders to be in by the 4th hIS~'i Afte:l' carefully ex.~rmining the Oooks Mill .Bridge between the Tvwil,hil's of Malahide .nd Bayham, 1 would l'ecommend that it be ~.~btIilt tlifs yeal'. Considerable re}..airs will have to be made to several of the County btJdges; the lJiincipal of which aro. the St. Geol'go St. Bridge, Iho Kains blidge" ty,ec>,;weILbridgfitho Gillett .PJi9ge. The con- tractor has not' j'et"cotr.menc'ed work outhe stone work of the McIntosh bridge. I (xamin~d, ql~l:$9tlI:n;v,ell,~r~d~~ ,n?~.<>n~l ;lately :!aJid found' that thel'e'wasr:o change :ft'om'what,it was.last year when YQur committee examined it. ' 5 At the ltlst ~fftlng of th~joint,con)mitt.~e:o~ )e1,l! CO~J)lY'.\:with Kent and MiJdlfst,x;, Q'Ti::soLufibfi' ',,;-as >,t8E:Sfd 'hr"the' cotnmittet>, in. 5truclin~ th~, three ':Var1f l)~ ,tf) .l:.':l':~,~ ;f>l}~~a~17 lcW.if'f$ '~;Hi~_t. };~,t~~, ap. proachesof tho Bothweli Budge.. .Notbl~g has .l:Jeen doroe Ip lbo mattet ~mce that time. ,As y~u are aware there.' is:','a aeep' " ' at, each~!nd ot thi~1>1 id,g~, ap'[af t1W ,~?''1~h ~~,~lh~,~Jwtlr)~pt lHI)-ru'1shack parallel vi\tlnb~ r9~i;hvaj.., 'A. r~II,lhg Rf}smr" l<!n~ShBVld,bo"p)~~ed along .Ibis )Vall .'Iitl .the .lli>pr9~~hes,.gua!~ed,i~0 ~~t.op~~yenp an.y accidenttothe'lrs.\;.e'Uihg'pUlmt.",.<i.., "f:. ",' . L. All. yf !\Vhich, is. r~sp~,ct(ull y; s.ui)milled. J A,'s,':A. .BELL, CaulltynEngu!-eer. 1\' NOVEMBER SESSION.. Tothe Wa/clep a~d C0un~i)ofthe,QountY;Q( ElgiIi. . ,", ' OENTLEMEN,-I beg to, s?bmit you the following r~port of \w:p~k;,ctQ:n~' -throughout ,the, ,County, sincety,our-tast'me'eting':', ,"I'> '(. <i" :'-':'1' ',i ,,1/i',,'. ," 'I." . J. The masonry for t~1e McIntosh Bridge on tIle Rtver Thames is now completed, and the contraot(iii:~':uM'r~'!C)i()Use',js I rfo\V./iprc:pal'ing to- L 'remove th~ iron struct~re the. ll~W foundations, this, will only take~a few:dp.')'si..aft€ll'al1-tl~e"pFepa'ratioris are comlJleted. Every tffort will be made to stop tbe traffic as little as possible during the H_lllovalof thfi; stIUcturc. The contract'6l'~~;h'aB'c6mlJetod his (ontIttct for the masonry in a very sati8factorY'1l1~nl1er~ " " , , ' : " "':';" ,:' ~: ,:', ",' , ' : " d ,:i. .',; :-~ ,.'.!' ~, " ' ,,: ;,: AU of which is. respectlull ysuqlr)jtted.. '.,' "'-::i" :' " 'i C . '.',' ; ,,:' ,',-"... ~; ,,,, t ., ",,' ',( : '_,' , " ","., c:' ,- . ",. j',,:i,.. 1"_,1',' J~s...I\,. 13ELkQounty, Engiueel';, ,;J 1," "Co ;: ";\ 2. The Cooks Millj3ridge over tile Otter C,eekbelwoen the Town- ships of Ma!Ili)\ide:;andr.'.Bayham-i. ''now.ali;i~6st ccmp)eted; "H' was Qpe,ned fC;>,rtrave~ abc;mt a week ag?. ;'. ~. .. 'T'l;r 61 , " . - '. " PUbli'clmproYements OJmmittee. JANUA'R1; SESSION. . ':'.... . ".,:-- " ~ ':'t~:('~ile ,~Yard,o~and~ 09U,I1cil of-the County of Elgin. . G.l;,Kiidmx;-'::'Yo'ur,PubllcliuprovementsC{)tnmitte'e beg leave to su:un~j't tIle' t~)llo\v:,ng.rep6rt. n~t_;Th.at'the'~bti6n,:itake.~';"bi th~ joit..C co.mmitteesof _ Kent Elgl1i an&:I\1iddlesex' re t~le, ~Ol?-~tl'u_ction of th0 Both well: Bridge in, the session held 'at, Bothwell 'on, January 22nd I:~Q I be approved, 2nd, That the r~port of the coul1ty Erigineer be adoptedand,,'_that instructed to prepare the necessary plaIls .ana specificatio11s and the bridge over Kettle Creek between the TownsIlips of North ancl S'outltDol'~hester acting with ,the County of l\IiddJesex in the mat- Also that the Engineer hav~ power to repair or rebuild the Cooks Brid~,e between Malahlde and Bay'ham as-he thinks best. That the joint Committee ofthis~COUllty and Middlesex; met and tenders fer the cotlstruct:on ef stone piers for the McIntosh and recommend t.hat the tender of Isaac Couse bt'ing the loxvest his tender beiog $13,20 per cubiC yard for stone work and cubic yard for concrete also that Andrew Rubinso.n'be ap- as overseer of the work at a salary of.$2'50 per~day while at work. " ,1l'I:hat the applications,of the Townshi~ of BaYh~mand.th" village Vienna for aId to certaIn brIdges helaldS2ver to th~June'session ~;~<l~,t4e clerk ef every municipality in the Uount~:,b~ ftsked to,~OT- ..;, ELeIN, COUNTY ,COUNCILPROCF.EDIN6-S. 63 . ward before the .June~sessiog"a.staterrlel)t,to the ,county <lerk. ~t1th~g thi.~ cost of erecting every bridge in tteir municipalty, AU of; whiq,? ~~ ~'~speptfu~ly ,submitted. !vI; E;~LXO:ff" .oha,itman. JrTr{E SESSION. To the Warden an~ Uouncil of the County of Elgin. GEN'l'LEMEN,-y 6urP'u blic'Imt:ll'd~€li1iii.lts :Cdnullitt'ee' beg lekve to report a,~}ol!ows : 1St. ThattheRepo~t of the Oounty EngineerlJe adopted... ., . ',; : ""', ,:' ',' h , ,,''-'''''''' ,,:' ',' :, ":1, 2nd. That th,e County Engineer'be.,authol'iz\"d'to'a'ct wl'th,FfieEn:..' gmeer fJom, Midcflpsex,_and av;ar~ theco~,t:act .fu~buiJding,t.he..~ridge over.. Kettle Oreek' betwe'en '.the Townships 'ofN 6rth' atld 'South', Dorches_ ter. .. , ".',,:._ ' ,''';' .. .'. 3rd",That the'Countvengineer be i1l8~ru,cted to-prepare ':pI~hs and specificatIOns and ask for tenders for rebmJdlJ,1g!he Cooks ,,_:: Mill Bridge .between tbe Townships of Hayham ,and M~lahide~and that, this com,mittee have power to award,the,contract:fol' s{lme.L ,. ':' .~. ~h 4th., l'hatnpactiort.be taken an the eornn;r:mication from B. Bae.rJ & 'Co. 're Bridges. 5th. That'~he prayer of the peritionfrom D. .Turner 'and others asking for a grant to build a bridge over the River Thames froU) the l T0wnship of Delaware to the Township, of Caradoc, in the Oounty of Middlesex be not entertaIned. 6th, .. That tl~e applications from th,e 'I:'e;wnship of Bayham and the Village of Vienna (or grants forcel'tain Bridg~s Over 100 feet in Jennb presented in the January session and l~id, over, be not enterta,ined; '-' All of which is respectfnlly suhmitted. M. E. LYON, Clhah'I1l'an. Amended in committee of tJ.e whole by gt'anting $200 towards Mill Bridge in Vienna. ,~. .-'. il4 ELGIN'"OOUNTY COUNOI,L PR9C:~E])lNGS~ , 'NovEM1ildf 'BEss,fON,"'. "St/Tl1bhi'"s( #b';::' 19',i189:. " To theWkrd"Ii. ,,;d' Council of tho County of Elgin. "','-' ".':'.1'-'''''-',:':,'\';' GENTLEMENJ-Your Publlc'Imp'r,Qvement. Committee beg leave to report as follows II" ',I. "~~~~,trr991111,ty,\,~gi,IW,or~s;toBortl!'a(iOPt,,d. ,', ' 2. That the C:erk notify the counties ef M:iddlesex an,( Kent' of tho necossitr.oiI1J,~,"illg,ax~il\ng lo,guard, thoapprqaclJosito the .Both- welL Bridg'e~'''a!nd that the'Oouhtj' Engineer have power to act on l)~h~!fqU.llis Co,'\-111y'int40' matler;, ".," ,'.' , ,"", ''';',.:'','1 ~'.:(:.';: ',i,"'>:.1!.'::. i' 'f, '....,,)J: : iC'..:,:,-"",<'l.. , . " \ '.;:,.'".".;'".' . "':", ,;; ...,:..... .; :".i." '~,;;: )11:Iell~,r4,t,?,rlJ.~ illo,l.1!:I01111icl\\iolifrom,tl1 ~ Township of Baylia!ll'" askmg' aId to certam brIdges, under chapter 50, sec., 30, Ontan(i" Statutes, 1890. Your cornmitteawould recommend that the ,consider- a~JRP;':1.of,tl1i,s,:n"\<:l.tt~r-:he, laid, 'over"mitil theJ'ahua~y s:essibq of:tl~i~ (Jour,c,!. ' " " ' ....-.'{... " AW'::~r ,~hi~h' il~, Jespecd~l'l~l !~tibiri"i:tied; . Gaol Committ~e. '- 'J'ANl'iA:R:Y,iSKSSI6N 'M~E. LY6Ni0ha.iH1'lau~ To the Wardon aIld,membots ofthelElgin:Cldullty'Council. The Gaol Committoe'beg leavoto:repprfa8'foU"ws. I. That the' Ckrk take,:steps to re-arrange the insurance 'on tho County Buildings, by having all the present policies cancelled' ap4 re- insure in the same companies, .by !"I~iVin'g: 'an e'1ual 'proportionto"'each ,col11pau}',the amount in each company -to cover the c()l.lntybuildi~lg8,,, a~..a whole. ' , 2. TheEnghieer_~cce~t and, pay fer: the heatmg. ~,urnace l~ t4.e Registry Office'aBsoon aB' he is'satisfieditw6rks'aIl'right iu\daccOl'ding- to contract. . , '3.: Thatthoapplio.\ti6n of the TurrikeyS f6r~n increase of sah,ry; be not entertained at this -session 'Ofth:..i:tCou.ncil. ," " , 4.,That ,theapp1katrbn'M John Wyatt; 'ear.taker,for ati,illcrease&f $50 tlollarB'per y.arbelglahted,m,akihg'his,'s~liirY'$360~er: y~#., "f{.. having,aKreedthathe, Will.ski:for 'no fdfther' ''In.;ro.\So . willi'.',' he. holas the-position. ',~ ., ' " , , ' 5.' :T!>al th':I.'pPl~JatiOli"of'G~o:K.'Y'i'dr f,?r~tiin'qt~~~~ lnm. e ontl'~ct;! fer' p~mtmg!.'~~~~g~tl1en~~~_h p~,~b~'r~~~:~iit6rtiUtied, (I;a~) I ~l~ 'tender': m,,-,thlS 'l~em ,:was') t:he'Slrtle 'aw:btherl ten'clers.' ,\, 'i! d' --"=',",-:;:.=--:o:;::,"_~,_.~,-,,",-,,---,,-,~ 66 It'LGINClOTJNTY .oOUNClL.. ?RO~~DING-S. the following accounts bepaid, viz., Wesley Sutton, wood office, $16.10; Georg\;' W ray, printing accour~t $'75.5':> 7. We also beg to call your attention to the insecure condition in which the valuable county papers are in the Oounty Olerk's office, and would respectfully recommend that f3:0nl6 steps be taken t.b make t:-tem more ,f'ecure. \Ve are pleal::led to bt able to Inform you t~1at the furnace in the Regishy' Office is meeting the expectations of the committee In the way of economy, as it is reducing the cost of heating that building by ful\Y one half. ...... ...... Mr. Ca.mpbell's report 'i~ 5'0 late co'ming before 'the cornmittee"thoy have no time to make proper,l3nquiry regarding his application for as c,hief constable for the Count,y 'of Elgin, and. thel'efore we are a position ,to report atthis,se'ssion of ,the Council. . , Allo{ whkhis-respec.tfulIy submitted. .,c. A. BRO'VER" O~a.ii.'mah JU:r>;,E Sg~RION. ;,'.< ,...;j".'..' i' ,':,,.. . ,,:.; '.l'o'Llil;': Elgin OO."OonncIl, .GENTLEME~.-TI~e ~a(Jl,UommitLee brg,?,f'uve to ~'~?o:t. , ".~ ('; . : ,-,,' ~ .:' ' ." .-: ':.,': ' '." " ',.' ' , " . ' . . ' , ' ).; :,Tb.?t anew :q!lole:l"s'r~~,klence,: be,el'fc-!.l':d, facing\vest,:adjojlling - tlle'j->j.es'cnt'Gaolersk'itchell. . ,2:,' ",That-t~~, Pycsf;nt~ gaQh~rs residence.))e': conv:erted ..into;1l, "(iduncil chambe'r ae.d offices for Co; Qlerkwith'vault. ,~.~h.~,t.th~ beatin:g' apparat!J,s be' .1;emoved-:fl'Oni' the gaol to c~llar under pr,e~ept. 'gao'prs residen96, and:Y91lr com)TIitt~e be": empowered_to pt.it.'inne~vV: f~~naci: !ilid l)J,ake.. ,such alterations,itl, preseht system, of he'atipg asthe'y 'may deem' advisable.' 4, T)Ja~ .~hejut.lio.r Turn~ey'_s~ala~'y,be;raised"'from,$I.,I6icts per day to-'$If'25,cent$,'p~+ ~e,y" ,cqm~~-pcing,:.I(3t;of June"thi~salaryto . be ~on- tihU'ed"onlyso lopg, ,as the T1.!l'pk~ys; take care -of" the,', heating - apparatus when changed as: proposed in the 3rd section of this report. 5.' That I.,. Oampbell. High Constable, be paid a salary of $'I20,OO <~ ' BLGIN -' c6{hlTv 'couNb'LPri.ocI~imINc;s: perannUlli, COLll'nen':l11g Lit ,lailU U'Y la"t. ald thu;t ha p.:rfOl"U th~ dutle,1> ord,.;red by Ge,lt':l'a.l"essions of the P<.::ac,;: on 13th ]UD'J 1990, an'l such other work M IDLY fl'on tim~ to tLne 3~ requln;ld 0;' him by chid Counc'II. AU of w~lich h; submitted. O. A. BRow'En, Chairman. 4th June I89r.-Atl~e,lded in committee of the 'Yhol,= by s~riking out section 5, / NOVEMBER SESSION. To the Elgin County CJuncil. G~:i/rLE:';I};;~,.~T';}eG~.)1 'OOffilllittee bt:g.'lc.:av~ to; report.: 1. That theit~'\vgaolt1('S re~iderice has b~eh c6mploted in 'a satis~ factory ffi.l.nner. . l\l~,.~as~, incl:.ldi.ng ~xtras _for h~ating appanttus. raising kitchen floor etc. to date is $2617 . 2. That as ordered ~~havchad c:m~tl,'llct~d, aJal'g~_ v~u)tfo,rthe protection of ("ounty paper;:;,. cost $290. The office' cotme?ted;,there, with to be occupied by. the clerk. will be completed j~afl;':w,clays, . . The " County E,ngineer will occupy the office opposite the' Clelk's new'office .' . '3' '\Tith;refereIlce .to s~c'6'nd'f1oor of ()]d' ga61~r.',s l;,e~i:de~c~, ~e. hav(}, to recommend that it h" not used J?T a coun~llchaml:>erj, ?ut..that t":"o' of th~ roo_ms be fitted up' as an office fOl' H:~s 'ffOllQf Judge H,ygh'es,', That the remaining room, with the oUice at present oC0upied by His ~onor..ludge ~ughesandtheCounty -Clerk, be pla.ce~ at.t~~ ...Rispps~l, of the Sheriff for Court purposes, this will proyid(" the ,aclditionalwitness ' Jury and Orown Oouncilrooms so often requit'ed. 4. The heating. apparatushas.?~en 'ch~ngecl:' ,by. rep'~a~f~g ..th'e, old: boilet' with two "~cme Boilers,," cost $629; They hay~~een<lrran~eci to worksepara'tely or togeth~r in heating'the whole, building, At the' preSent-time only one hHna~e is being used. . .,.' ' '5. With l'eferer:ce to communication frQm, Q',1v.I:cLaws, 'Op:'q'ourt Clerk, reo vault accommodation,we recomm~?d ,th!.t~ . we: be,empowered to make su~h arrangement ashlay be necessary in'the matt(Jl\ ' C. A. lii1!i!!1 11 ~:(:1 if', <~ "I"" IILII%'I::;! ; i 'r ',' k~ iJ~m,):;,1' I'" li~"Ii.'.'. . , ~!r:!!rt b, ~ ~r" '"" II)!':'!I: [1 li~'T:'~ .1'1+ ijliL":,t:: :\ !,:~~:I: !i:'i: I' <ly:,I,.! 'l'l'il"t',;:, i ,'~t::';l ill"".I,;, ".11'.'''.1''.'.' '1""". iiGj~ ' 1~IM \ Ih':l~ii , I""", I!~ii!:i:;ii Ifn",,11 I "",!.I,;": 111.ri.:.lli:.!'Fleport o. f sp. eCia.1 c()m.m., ittee re Torrens "1'11"11> ' ,.S;}r~tt:lIT.\qf J.a~d.,Transfer. ''I .. , I niilll~Totht.' W.~rden .' a';d Members pOhe ~ol1ntyOoun~,1 oftbe Oounty ,'d'II'" of Elgm. iU:!!I!i~ ,-'. ,_ ,;, ,'; i' " .'. ' ' , ," , " j ;,Yiii;'::~ "'"n:f!;NTLE~~N,~The.,,,COll1mltt~~ appomted, to, l'ero~t" On, the com.. i11~;'III:';nlun!ioati~n)P.ref~re,rlc:e 'tp "1;~e T6r'r~ns'Sy~fe!F of Land /tr~Qsf€lr" b~ i: :~,I ,,'Heave ,to report asJollows;'" . "I Vi,:", ': " . ; ......... ". . [i ,'}.){:, I., ,That after carE3tully"c0n~idel'in(;t, th~"'1l1at,~er, ,your"com~ittee ~s H.,.:.tij]'..':.Of..O,.l1i!l.i.?, n.; 't."h..at ~h. e.-,.co.u,;, '..n~.l;Y."l'~,(hjrf3s ".,~c.lleaP.~r ~.nd n. lo~e e.xpecl.itipq''> II ;~:: :;::sys:te,~"of ]al)~ pra~sp':lt;~~?~ sater a~d less expensivemoqe orevidenc- Ii I::.:: '1'::.ling" tJ:i~ t.itle. of Ian. 4 ow.n ers. '" "':'1"1 "c", ,": """':"",' :1 ::;'111,1 2: Th.atth~ rprren~ ~ystem ,of I1n~ transfer would in OUt. oliinl~n i[ ;!\ii!~! largelY'ffi'eet these re<1U1re~~nt~. i,j;,ii\! 3. Tpatw~ a!.eofopi~ionthe time has COme fortI\e extens!pu of 1:li!111;,i.'..I. ~h...i8.'\."~y,~t.,,:.?f!l;!O. ,~h. is_ c,.o~n. t, y....' 'u.P?~: ~~lm.., j,~.~. 1,',' ~~rw..'s.,., i.~S ,,'t.~e ,~ap. ..,l.e has been ;'!,iiiillltrpdp?edlnto 11,1,eOlt)'.of Toronto and Ihe Co~nty ofYol'k. If!lil:'.' . 4:.. Th~t eopies oftlllsr~porf b~sent~o the Lieutenant-Governor in ~:!iJifik O?un,cil and to the mem bers fOl' tIllS' County'. I.'. t'.:..II,:II.:..',!. Allor whi(:h is. lesp~c\iJIIX submitted. ..' rn'I'" . .. h..~,'...!il,::j T. 'Y.; KIRKPATRICK, Ohairman.. 'I"'!" U',!i., c~ Report High Constable re Handcuffs. St. Thomas, 2,7th January, 189I. To the Warddll and 'Members of the County Council. GENTLEMEN,-:Jn compliance wil'h a resolution passed by YOUl' hono:able ,body Some time 'agp, in reference to the Cpunty 'Constables who haye handcuffs in their possession, and the partiesactillg who have none. 1 sent out a circular to each of the Constables froll~a list which I have received from your clerk, and I have only received very, few replIes fl'om them, SOme of the replies show me how very careless they, are in 'regard to the handcuff's placed :'in theirpossess,ion,by handing them to others and getting them -frOliil parties not' constables. Ilhave received six pairs of handcuff':'! from different constable;;;; and some of them were as rusty,as an old horse shoe, this shows you' how they are taken' care"of, if they were their own, the chances are, lhey _would be better taken care of. I would suggest that the whole of the band cuff's m. the possession ot constables and others be called. ih. and each constable who \V,ants a pair that he be made to payfo! thturi,when he receives them and when returned to the County again he receives his money back, that a book should be kept with the names of those that have paid fot' their ha:ndcuff.'), and credit them with them ,when returned, they have just as gqod a right ,to furnish their own handcuffs as a mechanic would his tools if he was going to do a good job of work By having some pE\tSOll to look after the handcuffs a.nd making those that have them pay for them the COUllty would save money in the transaction, but-you would :have to pay him for sodoing.now for the 70 BLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDING:;, position thatul hold as High Cons liable for the County of Elgin I s!lOuld have some remuneration more than a constable, as I b.ave to take charge of the constables at the several courts, to see t11at proper order is observed and to keep the time of attendance at court for the Sheriff in order that they get thefr.pay. 'l'here is no reason why I should,not be.'tnlated as High Constables in ether counties, who receive from one hundl'ed and fifty dollars to four hundred dollars per year. !fyau will attach a salary to my office, which will give me a re'asonable recompens~ for the taking charge of the handcuffs and keeping them in repair I am satisfied the. County would save money. ' Yours Respectfully, LACIlLIN- CAMPB~LL, High CQ;.st.tblew ,: ~ t',' ,/ ,(i I';' House of Industry B,.epoX'ts~~?~rnniittee JANUARY SESSIO,N. To the;R]~in'aou\1.y OO,nncil: ' GEN'l'I;EMEN,--The House report lod u8try, Oommitte.heg, leave to . . . . , ' '';';' , ~ o. " ' , , .. ' ... '.':' .... ," .'..... ...:. .,.....,. -::,:',- :"'.'- li,;That:your,committee 'havevi.sitedthe ',i.nstf_tu{ionand ~ou1?4,ev!3iy~'. thing in'ord~r; .t~e numher of inP:tatesat pre'sent'js;73; ", , 2. We have, considered report of~oUlmi~te~IP~s~ed&t the,: :rf~ve~" ber ses~ion .lastyea-r-;::;tnd, would. recom'mend. the"'erection1of',{n~~' \V~:ng on :west_side or InstitutiOn.'to make: provision; , " - I. For proper care of the 13 smA-ll c~ildrer. at present in the inst!.tution ':who'J6r :want oL'room,'are kept in th~ same wards with the vicious, idiotic and insane. 2. For the complete separation or the sexes, a m,atter,t.hat,)va.s,:,~ntjl:~Iy", overlooked in plan of present buiIding,'ahd whi-ch' Ii'as "been . the " ca.use of considerahle difficultX t() the mal);:tg~m~nt. " , ",.-. 3, For the additional accommodation requil'ed for the inmate~l-al present in the institution, this is required ror sanitary reasons. \ 72 ELGIN <JOUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. We submi, tha, this sbould not be considered entiroly from a financial point of view, but that the future welfare Qf the children alone, to say nothing of the sep.uation of the sexes, would warrant the erection of the l.Jl'oposed addition. 3. With reference to account. presented by Mr. Luton, wa recom- mend that no action be tak~n. All of which is submit,ed. -J QHN H. TEAL, Chairman. JUNE SESSION. To the Elgin Co. Council. "'-' .. , ,_.:. ,...\ ~ 'I. _ .. ':', ..:, '", , .. The: House of Industry Com~ittee begs leav~- to report ',".:.' ",. J. That they have award~dct;nt~act for b~ildingne\V;""inga~,Hoy':;" of Industry to GeorgeA. POllsford for $2,7oo,~this' inc1ude's:fire"escape,q-. and new slate roof on the whole building. ',_ f'."<" 0,:,' ,:: ~'.:"::: .,: ;::1,.. " .. ". ' " 2'. That'at last "session of th"li Legislature the sum of three thou~a:hu dollars' was granted to this ,Oounty fot -Ho"Jseof Industry. The vr~9'l~~~'~ }"'!=r,~':~~~~;gei~)p y, ;t~l~:: :Im~~otor'at~ $1:2,0<;>'0>, "Y-@?r: '::colt1nlltte~ antiCipated a fUlt~er, g~an~"o.f:'25 ,per'_cent: of the cost :of:uuprGvemen't::i this year. ' I', .~ .', i ,;i:j,~M Y9~,:l,'FHWIr;i~te~ ~e. ~ut401'ized, to .arra~~e'tl1e'c~tta~es'.in:' con'nectlon wIth the HOtl~e'.'ln,',su,ch;a waras"they'-,may d-eemmost" suita'Dle. JOHN H,!l1EAL, dhaitman. NOV EYBE R SESSION. . ",iI,"',:".""';.'.", ',:,,:;, To~he ,$Ig\n ,coU\lty)Jouncil. ' GENTL."EN,....:.'I.'h. House of Industry Committee, beg leave to rel'prt : ' ELGIN' CQlfNTY 'COUNCIL !PRbcE{!jjj'IRGS. I. That the.Ahl)Ual.yeports .qf,t}1~,PJ.lfsicitLn:llnri a~dbpt'..-:d'anu' p~~nt~d,'yi,t,~'pl.e lVIil1\l~E1~,_~! 2. " That J al'iW; tJl'~,lnpntLqf .-oct.'obertlH;:sljf:i'plyo'f )],ai'~; l}.,nrl J~ )ft water at' the' 'ihstlt,l1tio!l' Wa~ exha.lls: ed a.nd a 8~lpply' 't'aJten: from tJh~ city in t.a.nks, The l'gCC'otirains ha.v~ aglirl filled t~le l0e,!.Is :w'l d:st~rrit, It has been custo'w'ry fo,' Somi> yea" to drnv wlter for th" Iivn "Lock on the hrm during Ao:r".t. S"ptecllb'll" a'd O.;',ber, butOlyit.lg)C. pressure of ~v?rk"the,)~(~~p'~r d.idl1ot dl'.1w,'w,.l'L~r'thIs,;Y?:lr.' r.,..\, over- ' cO'llelhis rIilliculty'ill tf1elutllre, we ,.ecrimlne,vl Mut "C1d:i'iona!qi,terll. for st)I'in ,'w"ter b, C,)llstru;ted, ope "t. tho east .elldt',fIJtl;u"Ol)eat, west end of wO'J(l hotI::;~., ,Th:ttth} welt in [LId, 'east i)flUtf,ll b'.li1.1ing , be deepenel; Tnat.thedrywoll !I1w,)m.\n's y.1l"d becollnocte.J)vith do\vnpi!)e. for storage o~ r.m,l w"to,.. We hIve dJilSi~10rell.t,h' quest,iou; of borin<~' for \v.itel: 'and judging fr.om tho'experienr2 'of' th.e, ,,ownflrs,:,oE 1: ,hree farms adjOinIng the R)u.,', of Inrjustr)' wo do no.' t!.)iak It ".1,",i.s- ,1 ,. able to experiment in that Way. ) I) 3- The n()w \Vest wing is Cill1lpletcd, andFh~, Y,M_c1sin therewith provide fOl' the, complete 'sep:Hation .of the 's'exe's. b ", 4. 'rile,'. Qott,ago's.IJtLve be,en L'8:&rranged: 'tFJ-.I)rovid~' i~n~sota~Lng cc~tLl,ge, for ;men an?, one e01'v,:()[nel.l,land also a\vashhouse_ conV't)llle[~t for thC:u~e of'tj18:illm,~t~~.' , ", ,.-" , ,,' 5: In the ,nainbllilrjiJ,)( we have ]]ad wooden floors put in th~ b",se- ment: thl'oughoutJ___,an;l: the~kitcb~n ;ttn'Ia~gf'd.. :['he "basen~e11t.~f'11ort'h wing has, been arranged to provide,!ora clothes 'rooma'nda bath ,rOOm for women .and 'one fOf'men, We did not feel justified'~:ngoingto any expense to provide uath:'), apI~aratus for heating ,water e~c, ~nd \y:Jf;~I) w~ consider that son!ethin!>ofthiskinds!iould be providerj,we hay~ no pIagto'-pl;6pose, an~" recomrqend line ,matter', to ':t-h@ Oouncil {ofr. th~il" consideration. 6. All of 'h~iniprovcmejr; co1templated have boon ~o'))plqtcd t? oursatisfa,cth?9a~d aqJt illl,lch totl~e;appeal'ance'Jo[ the',~.-~n3iituti9n and: surroundi'ngs. ' , '- , ,,'- "j ',:, !','" ".,(), 7. The committtee at b.st rntering, Qrd'e).~ed ',the\(niis~r'(I~'tio'rl"o(a. brick hog pen,theold brick taken from bU8e'n,nt aoors to be used fOr tha,t,-pur:poS:t;l. ,cWhe dcictnr:llad previously recommended tIle relllo/a! 73 "GJ', , 74 IM.GIY OOUNTY OOUNC(L'PROeZZDING,~. oithe old'hogpen on sanitary grounds, and WA hope thIS action of the committee willnlP6t w jth the approval of the Oouncil. 8 With reference t~ childt'en, there are at present sixteen "in the institution a~,Jollows : BOYS. GIRLS. Age I J ohnPeer. . . . .. .... 6 " z GebJ'ge Whiti~g..~...... 7" Emerson Murphy......... 4 " Gordon Powers.. ......... 5 " Hay Powers...,....... 0, 3 " Oharles H. McAully.... 6 " H. W. Atteman...~...... 7 H 8 Henrv Rae... .. . . . . .. 2 " gDavidson Micka.......... 6 " to- Clarence 1\Iicks~....... 4 " W~have 'considered the advisability of providing separate accoUl- modation for them, also the rreason why' mOfe of them are not taken f:tQm tbeinstitutlOll byresiden~8 of the County. We fiJid that in the adjoining County ofMidd;esex, the difficulty presented . in the Elgin institution doesFlot exist, thediffl;lrence being that parties taking out l~hIldren, are. not required to enter into bonds. as provided in by.law N_o; 276,.. and we would recommend -that the section of the by-law ,referring to binding out children beamencled aq::ordingly. It this is done we believ~ there will be no difficulty in procuring suitable hom('~ for all the children. Age I Rosetta Johnson Peer..,. 3 .1 2 Ida Stephens Green.. 3" 3 Lucy Rae...... .. ...... g " 4 Gertrude Cudney.......~. 7 mo 5 Rhoda Micks... ... .... 9 yrs 6 FloriaPi~t,........... I " 9.. The Inspector- has had a telephC'Dt: placed ifl the institution, connecti.ng it with the Oity, the ,annual expense will be $35.00. "Ve leave'the question of deciding 'whether it shall remain there or not with theOounciJ, it will be very conven!f'nt in many ways. Io,Weconcur.in memorial received from County of WeIland and tecommend this Council to send a similar petition~ Ail oJ which is respectfully submitted. JOHN H. TEAL, Chairman. ','( - Physician's Report. To the Warden and Members of the Elgiu Oounty Oouucil GENTL.,EMErf,In compliance with ,the by-laws and 'regl1lations,\ in that behalf, the undersigned respectfully presents to your'Honorable Body, the sixteenth medical repo_rtof tIle Elgin House. of Industry for" the year ending 31st Octobe'r i8gr. I have during the year made six.ty~nine official viSIts, givIng 'strict attention to all medical su'tgical, hygenic and sanitary ffiJ.tters,that' fell under my observation. Two bIrths and nine deaths have occurred- The names ages and causes of death are as follows, in the order of theil occurrence :-Ma.hlon Stockton, aged'81 years, of,cancer;,;\fary Clark,'-76, convulsions; Nancy Smith, "N:J7" abscess; Charlos Peer,onEf: month, congestion of lungs; Mary Ann Bl'ow:n.,'Bo: apoplexy; Ar~hibald McPh,aiI, '€i.s, asphyxia, ,suddenly from food lodgiN, in the respiratory tract; David Littl~, 481 epilepsy; Stephan Pritchard" 86, par~l}'sis. The surgical work has consisted of lanCIng abcesses; ~Xtra'ctin'g teeth and proper care of various mirior injuries,als::> reduotion .ala.dis- located shoulder, on the Jlst Januarv John Robertson was admitted, having a broken lower jaw. Dr. Mills~ of Soringfie1dharl reduced the fracture and had skillfully applied the requbite apphanC('8 for the main. tenance of the bones in proper position. 67 , MLGI:iC:}UNTY OOUNCIL PRQCiLEDPW5. 'l'IH' history of 'J'yphoid fever in this Institution since its opening is a& follows: two cases in 1877, one in I878, one in 18BI, two. in 1882/ one in 'i89o and five in 1861. Some of the earlier cases were contracteJ outside, bllt the one las year, and the fiye"lhis year; originated in the Institution. I am nun ~le to point out the undoubted specific cause. The Keeper and Matron, by their .uniform and efficient attention;". hilvf3 ,q9u~;much to ~ssist mH in my efforts to render' t1:c lives of th~ nll- fOl>tunates'placed under OUt' care as comfortabl~ as the circumstances will'permit. " ,I 'The _additional.'\viri'g -built this siliilmel' with oth~r irripOl'tant alterations, ~as afl'~rdod fH?ilitie~f()r. th~ isolatip'l~;, a}1d:better care df <l\yp,hoidFevei'" patients" or any perRons sutfe-ring from contagious disease, and also now, the lying III chambel~,will be secluded and private as'it'should_be;.' -' , I,haye,the honor"to be,:Gentle'men"yh).lr,olw~if:nt servant. L. LVTQN"M. D. ,".',',"'>': '" , ",' \ $t,., Tllomfts,' <)et; 3ISt-j'I39:r; "'" ., . . j'" " ,:iiispectop's Report.. To ~heqQunty Coui'dlofthe.co~nty ',9f.Ejgin,. GF:N'TLEME~,~Tbe f?llowingis,?r mport pf Housq of .llldustry and Refuge :fqr,yt'RJ'{mdhlg'3I'st'O'cloHer, IB9I , I. NO~beroflnrn'a'te.fin'lroit'se atlt1.st report..,64 2. " , fld~Itted .dUling,the' } ear. . . . . . . . .. 40 3.i, ". ,horn in house........;......,....,....,.:.. ,2; .4. .." <:leaths. .,.;: ;'. ~". .'>,';\.J...... ............ 9 S. " bound' out. ,', .,1,.... . "',M,."" '. .:". "';".'.,.',':2 V.I " d,ischarged..:...........,..,.,;....;,. ..J9 7. " aDs'conded..:..:.,.u~..:.';"'''.'''' -..,.. ...'II 8. " al,BllIl:d Inl'ltjtute...,:~.......,.'.,'..... I 9- " llo.\V:l,riho,i1~e.,.,." _:':~.~..~....... ..... .. .62 10. " .ofiiHntites';sen(from eac!: municipaHty duling-the year 'Aldbol.ougb........,............. '5 ,Dun:w.ioh,~.:;_. .:. '. ""~;;','..., :.:. .'..:; I Soutbwold... ........,,;.......9 'Y~rmoutb... .... .. ...........9 MaIahfde.;....:.......... "'"",.2 BaybaiIi. .,.... ...............5 ,S-auth ~Botches:ter"';'.\."'.... .:,-';:'2 X'JrP~V~','r""" .......;..~,..,... , "".,;'..,1 S.pnngfield.., "',.".. . ...,'......1, Aylllier..,....., ,.,.,.,....... ...,;.':-,3 P'oit'St'anley..... :.......... ...nil 11: 78 18. '9. 20. 21. atCJnT' 'eoUN'I1Y, ~OOUNOIL .' PR~l'i.r~s-. E~~1~: ~oIJ1f~Y,~9Vl'f(IL :,PROCEEDINGS;' , Average cost pel' we'l;k per hunate dur- mg last 10 years.. ~ .. . . . . '," . .. .. . . Dietar}':, Meat; daily average 7 I~20 oz... ..... Bread, u " 13 7-:13 oz~......... The amuunt 'expended forhor:.se and farm during the year is divided as-fol. lows: Hired Labor.........$ 176 00 Farm Implem~nts-' and t'xpellses.... . . . . ...~.. Farm stock.. .......'.... St.atiOrHit.y.. .... ..."... Ph,rsicians salary......... Iu<;pector's 8ala'ry... . Keepei' & matrons salary Drugs, Surgical Al-'i>li- anot's €ltc..... .,......... ProvisiOlis'....... : ...... Meat...................... Bread ........ ......... .... Groce-lies.... .'. ..... ... Dry y.00ds... ... ...,. Boots 'aild shoes...... Hardware & furnlshi ngs .Wood .0.... .......... Frarniture & Coffins. '.. Permanent imp rovement new addition...?550 00 Moving cottages '52 00 Alterations Main b~i]ding ......... 467 31 Fir.e escapes etc 4r8 58'35r7.89 Conveyance of.inll1ates.... 7620 II~cidental expenses...... 281 41 . To\a] ..........8286 68 Dilring tJi.~ -year pin'e chndren, 1a,;(' attended sc~o,oI826\q.~y,sJ .qr 423:;19 m Qnths, which at 75 (;e~ts .})er ,~o~th .mak.~s_ amount due. School sec,tic.:m 14" ~,o_uthw~ld ',!".U ................- 31;72' II. The various causes of pauperism ofiumates in house duriug the year may b. classified as fol- lows; 23. 22. Sickness... ............ ........ . ...10 Destitution ...... ... ..... ......33 Intemperance.. .... ........ 8 Cripple..... ................... 7 Old Ag~......... ..............11 Blind........................ 7 Insane, Idiotic etc........... ,..16' Another cautles.............. ...14 24- 13. '4. '5. 16. Average number of inmates during year......69 H -'l wIth ,keepers fatnilyadded...72 Number of weeks board bf.inmates.,........3634 " U \Yith 'keepers family added. 3791 Totalexpel,l.d~~ul'e dur,iug 'the.year........8286.68 Deduct ,permanent improve,~ meats.. .;......... ...:....351!-89 " "rect'ivedfor 'stade aIid .' , ' sunaries' sold........... 186,50 " Received froIl}Jnmates 63"73 " increase in inventory value of furnishings on hand.................:.... '09,?0 3877.12 Leaving. amOll,nt aC,tually expendedLfol' sU.ppOl't of inmqt.es.............:. '.;;... .4409,56 Average expenses per week for,each person. _ .....-. ~.;.......". . .'. . :. : ........ . '" Average .e~pel:lses, per year for-each person Average' ex'peuses per year fo~_e:lch per:. 130n with interest. on total 'amount ex pende'dbycoutl\y added.. ;.;;..... ..... 72.80 25. 12. 17. 1.1671 60.49 , 1;10 188 22 173 00 2 200 'So 550 40 00 00 00 52 05 246 75 627 72 479 3' 414 20 339 0' 74 97 227 45 452 10 38 00 ~. ELGIN" IilOUNTY Farm and garden produce............... 687 00 Farm stock and' implements...... .. ......762 70 Medicine case and secretary............... 20 00 Surgical appliances etc...... ... . . .... ... 15 00 St'atiol1ary........... . ...................... 5 00 Clothing..... .......... ...... ...... ...... 50 00 Tota!........ ..............26,,' 05 ~9 The total amount expended by County for House of Industry etc.,_ is as follows: Farm, 50 acres, cost. .......... .........3000 00 House oflndustry.;..................I0217 57 Fire escapes. . ... ..--;.._....../.. . ... '382 26 Cottages................, .... .. ...:........ 1.413 32 Barns~ wood shed 'etc................... 1350 84 Tile drains....."...... .............. 417 10 p- Tile drain outlet....................... 6070 Fencing...... ........... .................. 709 95 O,ch.rd..... ...... ........ ............... 85 84 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 26 The following.. produce y,as. x~i~egqn, faell1clurillgyear': : ' '," > 20 tons hay at . $8'._. . . .. . .. .....:... ..160 00. 330 busl~e]s bf o~ts a~3.v cel),l;$,.,;.~..:....r.:. 99 op 600" . '6:al,1 C:arr9t? ~ .'. .". ...... 9.9.00: 400 "lU'an,gol,d~'\ .':,~ . " .,. 49.qq' 600 H tuJnjps...,...:-..,~.'7...'I~...~~.; 6.009 300" corn.:......."...... .;.....0. 7-5 Q.Q 200" pot.a~OEJS ,...... .;. ,..:.,/. 80 00 25" ,l\eans....:. ,'.~'; ....:...':.:..~ 25 00 100" beets....... ...'.~. ... ",,"','" IS 00 50" carrots'...... "'~'",.. .~.'" 7 50 40 bal'relsapp]es., ;...;. ....... "......:..'.;~.;.. 40 00 8ooheadsd.bba~\e.. ....... ..,_.,.,.~.,....,.....,. 25 00 4':lbllShdsjxi.rsniFS'. '... .'..........~.. ..g. '10 00 20 " b'nions,............~.'........ 15.00 20 loads conl.:,stalks~..'.."....;':...,:,~:.....'... ;40 00 10 loads stra\V....-..~......... .....,.... 3000 954 po Llnds _b\.lttCl........... .....;~~'......~...,I90 50 15ojar."1 fruit.. ..'.:...~:. ..... ...........,.. 15 00 20 LniTt"il's \ r,o'aIY. . . . . . . . , . . .. . . . .' .,' .~. 60 co 9fal'pi;1l-1...;:.': .................,._...~.. 7300 2 baIT':]::; pickh'.s...:. ;.....:...'...:.,~. ... 6 00 'J'.o\a,r.y;ill1~,....:...q55 00 In addition -to.' ahOvea.:,rar,gri:a.nlp-u~l~,'1fye!';(_~t,. abIes and fru'it.wM raised ft.'ld C),Jlsum<td cJupng the ycat' of W}lii:h lIb" aC,G?ui}t \vaf'l.k;ep~ 27. N unl bfll' of a,rtic]f~H o~'tdjd.jl,"\g.,:~nd,_:c~~thing made up dunng the,~:ef.r, 'by .i9l~,1~911' and in- ITllLtes. . . , . . . . . .. ........... .~~ ,'" . '" ~,,: '.., ~..'. "596 28. The fllrnit:n'e. provif;"ions,. etc.'; on'nah,d Ist Novem ~)er. '~rei y:~l u(~?',as'f?Ho\vs :.': ,:',') Grocenes.:.:......:......,....,.; .-;'...~......'.... ',' 39 00 Dry Good:i!...;.:......... ..; .-j: ;'.;:';.. .':..128 20 ';yood...."...~.~'..... '....."....:.~.. ..... ~.,IO::>_pP.; Sto,V;~$jJur:nisbin2'sl'etc_;-:... .. . :~:.230,'96'.' B.pp :'Ad ,hed,dihg:;;,..:.....;.'....... .....:490":~6 , CliQ,ck~)'i'..;,.'...'.....:.............:..:.... :'40 <is T. ' .' ." ,,' . , '6' ,w..~\~aJe...~.. ...... .... -........d,:.;.....'........... 5' 2 ... l, Barrels, tubs etc...........,....... ......... 31; 25 1'ot.I......, ...........$'7637 58 30 I\eceived from government grant on account of expe-Flditure for land and buildings.... .3000 00 Leavmg amount actually, expended by County........................ ........I4637 58 All of which is re':lpectfully submitted; K. W. McKAY, InspoctoI. November r891.