1892 Minutes PROCEEDINGS _ OF THE -~- Eli1.in County Council , /" JANUARY SESSION, I89~. .' FIRST SESSION.-FlRST DAY. The-memhers of the County Conncil; of theCounty of Elgin, met 'this (ij),i! at the Court I-louse, St. Thomas,_at two o'clock in 'the afternoon, as,requiredby statute, a number of members not having filed'proper certifio~tes with the Clerk,. it '\Vas on moti.on decided that the meeting adjourn until tenti'clock morning. FIRST SESSION.-SECOND DAY. "\Vednesday, 27th day of Ja.nuary, 1892. T~le members elect 6~ the Cciunty Council of the County ofElgin"metth,is Court IIonee, St. Th'omas,at 10 u,.'m. lU,G1K COVWXY' COtrXCIL. ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL; DeputyRe"1\'e~, filed certificatesnnd took ballot i\11.M.E: Lyon having l"8ce!\'cd,il majodt'y,: of tho votes of tbecollndt Wtt>; d~eli1re(l duly ~)lech1d\Vat'dell for the YOal' 18W2. KIRKPATItICIC..... ............ Reeve ... .............. Aldborollgh THOMSON,....., .,.............. .1st Depu.ty Reeve McLARTY". ,..... ........... ..2nd DANHL CAl\1i>I'IJ~LL........ ... ....,. ...3rn A~A.McKIJJLOP..... .'............... ;Reev8............ ....... .~,DUllWich J. MCCALLU.lU. ..,......... ...... ...1st Deputy Reeve.... ........ l\foKELr.AR.. <.. .'.. ,. ,....... 2nd " .......;.., ... ...... ...... ...... Ree\'e' " 'T" ............ .Southwold ...... ..... ,. ''','' .lst. Deputy Reeve.......... .... .........."...... ,2nd " ...... ..... " ....... ....... .,.... ...Reeve.......... .... ........ .Ytirmollth '" ............. ','" . 1st Deputy' Rf1eve...... '.;.. " ...... . 2nd " ......:... .................... ...3/'(1 ., ....... .... LYON~.....;........ ...... .. ...Reeve.... ...... ........ .... Malahide .rOi-INRICHA:RDSON...... .... .....;.'. ..;1st Df:lpnty Reeve.;. .:.... SAMtnn, LWDI.J<]..................... .2nd \ViLLIAM'M. FORD... ~';.......\ ..... Ree\'e '" ...... .,.......... Bayhlllll THOMAS _PRESSEY. '" ..~;........... .lst Deputy,Reeve. ......... H;BAOIi:HOUSE.........,..... ..2nd " .......... MOCREDIE.... ...,........ .... .Reeve. '" ..... ..South DOl'chestel' . ApPLF,FORD. ... .~...... ...'..... Deputy Reeve.... " . '" ..... '" ..... .Reeve........ .,............. ....Ayhrll!Jr ....,.. ........ ...... . Deputy Reeve....... '.' ......... ., .... ........ ....... .... ....Reeve. ... ......... ... ....... ..... \?ielllla- i DONALDSON.......... ..... ...Reeve..........:... ...... ; Springfield ... .,.,..,....... .,...... ...Reeve,. .,.,...... .....,. ..Port St.llnley HOLl:,INWUiEAD.... .....,..... . Ree\'e. ....... ............ :Dutton. Theinembers/\vere called to order the Clerk hi the chair. The vVu'nlen elect hu\'ingmacle the statutory declaration of 'otnce,to()k the' cha,i;'[lnd addressed the COlmdL " 'Ihepl'oceer1ingsot thetast day (~f the previous sessioll 'Nere retid',lin(l con" firmed. " " " " j\loved b~ t1'. \V. Kirkpatl'iek,::lcconded hyDflllielCamphell;, That the Reel'es of thes8veral Munic:i,pal.iti~s -he a comri,ittee:to strike the standing conHllitt~eS,I\nd t]l(tt thb Council acljl'JUl"ll until 11:4-5 a.ui.-C1l,rded, The Coundl ]'csull1e(l. Therep()I't o!,the eommittee Rpp;ailtcrl to I:1tr:ikestanditig- committees W,i:\S ,presented and adopted on rrwtlOn of Ki'rltpatrick, secondediby Leeson. The following communications \VCI~e read: " ]PromPrisonet.s 'Aid ASSOcll1ttoll, 'i'ornuto, referred to Fimince Committ,ec , li'r'cirn County-of dxford reo bridges, referred' toPMitions audLeglslathie Cornmittee. " " " From'ConptyEngiueel' with report l;efel'l'edtoPnblio Improveme~lts 'Com- nlittee~ From County uf Gl'ey; with Petition re. High Suhool", Act. Education Committee. From \Yest Elgin Fi1rmeI'O!' Itlstitnte, referred to Finance Committee. From VY; Atkin, te Promotion Examination, referredt6 Education Com- mittee. From I?t. 'l'homas' Board of,Erlncat,ion, l'8fernxl to Jijdnca.tion CommiLtce. Messrs. Lyoll, Jackson,. Kirkpatrick, McKillop, Rro\vel', Liddle, Hollings- h'ead-,Teal, D6nuhFij~:u,'I~ayne, Leeson' and ThOmpson were duly nominated fOl' ~h(l6fficeofWarden, all of whom~'esigned except Me~srs. LYI)li Jackson; McKil- lop, and Brow,el'; .Moved by C. Donalflson, seconded by J. l\:lcLarty~ , Messrs.Pt\yne: nndThornson Wel'e appoirHed That this Council do ~ow arljotll'n to mecb at t,wo o'eloek p. m.-.Garriec1. ~heG{Jllncilreslllned. A. commll.riic~tion from the County Engiueer with supplementary rep'ot'twas the Public Improvements Committee. r I 8 Er,GIN COUNTY COCSC1L. ELGIN 'COUNTY COUNCIL. 9 Mhvcd hy, Clmdes \Val;sou, seconded hy ~L Leeson, rlhatAndl'ew~}~lT!1y,-of Aylmer, bl, appuiutcI1 AIH!itO\'for 1892~ ttllHHi(lment 1st; fVlol/ell -by A. A. MuKtllop, seconded by Peter J.. ~l'rcC,dlLHn, ", U.'hat J?hn .F. 'raylol"be appointed to ul.ldi)jthe CUllnty TI'ea-surel"s accouiits fOI'ISOL r",un,ndmont 2nd ;'.' FI RST SESSION.~THIRDDAY. )\'lrl\'ed by SVilliam Blewett, .seeondc(iby a.A... Brower', l'hat'Wt11k(~,I'Cul\ghdl be appointed County,Audit.ol' fur 1892. b;iglllrtl>l\'Juddn ,~lHi second (~Illellllrrient Jost. Fit'st amclldmel)tcarrie(l. 'T,h~~Va.rde1;'I.ppointedD. J. l!~ergllson, of'Aylmet> as his Auditor. Moved b'yi\'~, P<tYlle, secoUilcd by C. Donaldson, That '1\, "T. Kirkp,\tl~iel{ be appointed au,litor of the Administration of for, 1892, -CatTied, 'I'bmsday, the 28th i1ay of Janllary,1892; The Elgin Chunty Conl1cilmetthis dayaclloMing to adjournment. The Warden in the chair, all the m"mbers preseilt. I The pl"Oceetl.ingsof pl'eViOtUl (lay were read and confirmed. lVloved hy W. Af(:Cre~lie, secoulled byD,Appleford, .Mo\'ed by J. 'IT. Teal, seconded hy W. .M.Ford, ThatW. Bacli:hon::w beapp()inteduuditot. of the Admirlidtratiou of Jnstfce for 189.~. ----:Cltl'ried. Moved by M.l)aYllc. se('ouded by D. Cv,mphell, .- ThaUhe a'eputl1tinn from the so\'emlHigh School di8tricTS a;ud St. Thoma.s High ~k:hool DC heard tll-mOITOW at two o'clock p. m,.;.....Carl'ied. 1\1(1\'el1 ,by A.A. McKilkp, seconded by Peter J. McCallum, That the l;Htlary of the Conuty Auditors be fixed at $40.-Carded. .Mo\'ed by l'.W. Kirkpatdck, secOllded by J. McLarty, 'I'hl~tJal1le8 Goyne, County Registrr1r, he requested to /t(ldress thisCOUllCil olltIH)W~)['kitlgB of the ToiTens Sytem of lttnd tt'<.I.llsfer tlJt eleven o'clock to nior- That John B)t.:hardson be placed upon the EducatitmCommittee.-Carded. 'rb,eCounty 'I'~~sllrer's. rf'.port was read and refel:red to I the FillltllCe Co:nmittce. 'J\lo\'ed by'J. 'l'homso~, second cd by C. Donaldson, 'rhatthe Clel'\{. pt'ounre' a supply of cltrds :with" the numes of committees an::lCJounty',Omdals and dist'rib~ltu them.to members (If the GOllncil.-.:....CMded. Ot:mo'tioilof'r)onu,ldson,secouded by McLarty, ten o'clock Tlll\l'sdLY n~ortling~ l\-Iessei:l. McKillop lttld Leesoll~ave nutice' ofap'plication for !lr,ants for and\-VeGt Elgin Fu.rmers' 111;titut!3s: 'rhe report of Public Imprbvements Committee:was presented on motion of A. A. Mdrillop,' secGndi'd byJ. Richardson. The l'epol'tof Speciil GommiUee on tal! roads waspresentedand'udopted on motion of A. A. McKillop, seconded 'hyPo J. McCallum. \. ; MovC:d by M. Leeson, seconded~by C. Watson, , 'nlllt Dr. C. \\'. Madatt be, and het'ebyis appoin/bed 'l'ni.a~ee for the,Aylmer' Collegiate Institut<\ f,ir theee ycnr,rs in place of D. Murahull, the re~iringtrustee~ -'-Carried. Moverl. byW. M. 'FOl'd, seconded by T. Pressey" That inasmuch as petitions are being prepared to be presented 't~ J~egislature praying fol' tbe all?.endmentor repeal o.f phapter' 50', Section 30, the Municipal Act, 1890. That the .matter in, dispute between this County and the Township' oLBay- ham, rebndges"nnder this act he laid over until tile Jtine. ae'ssion:;-Carried., l'il. ,ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNCI]~. 110vect hy M. Loo,'on1seconded by Fc:ankBonnctt, 'J'bat the thll.IJ kg of this Council he tOI1(ll"l'cd tn ):JI\' COYlIO, Conllty Re,giStI'ilJ', the very able alHI clOUL' manner in wbwh he IJa~~ oxphdne{} tilt} Torrens Systemof ~and transfel'.--Cal'l'icd. , Moved'hy]', EOIluett, seconded by H. Duugherty, That anothOl' committee' he app()interl by the 'vVarden to ilscei'tain wbat the t.()p"roaflsinthe COltnty curi be bought for, and l'epoJ't,at the, June f:leSSiOll.- ( ~a{riecl; 'The WlI.l'cle;n appointerl MessrB. M0Kill(Jp, Hiohal'dson, Bl'OWOL', alld'Don,aldso'n, ' Bennett On,motion of .c. A. Bl'ower, f.lDconrled by \:Y. Blewett, Thecoffimitteeim gravel ro,-',r1s was ordored tOl"epnrt fluting'the present ses;;ion. ' ;Mov-edl~y H. H. Hollingshead, seconded by T, \V, Kirl(patricl\, Th,..t A.N, C, Bl;l(~k he clected tl''lstee of th0 Dutton high suhooL-CuLTil-id, Movec1-hy;,John H. Teul, seconded by John Richv,rds~m, iThat wherell.s the cpstern portiml of tllis County is "el'Y mueh in wl1..ntof cornmunica.tioll, and have for a number of yeul'f:l Leen taxed to pay hOlHulee to',railway coulpanio.Q; which railways. ha\'c built up other pOI'tion:;!'of 'thc,C<)l1lltyand enhanced tho vaIlleof pl'o)Y'rty ,by opemng up markets for 'Pl'oduee,,~hilcthose in t.he castel'll ,portio-JIll;; of the COllllty have still to draw thcitprodllC(l,flfteen or sixteen miles to ll.l'ail,^'ay for nmrket, And wherers, the ]~egi8lativo Ass,em~lly of the Prodnce of Ontario int.he year 1869 passed a :'hill 'g~'antirigi.\ld to tbe amount of $2,000 per mile to the Norfolk B,i1ilway Company., Tnthe year' 1874 tho 81tid 'lCt witi! amended unl,l the na,me "of the said COlljpany 'chalJgeit to tl)(l Brantford, Norfolk itnd POI't Bllrwell Railway CompallY. That ... ,. '. I h.Y\~,rail:way tlid act of Ontario, scripequivatent to 11, suhsidy"was }!t'anteit ,in aid 'of said railway. 'This CoulHnl therefore feel in dllt,ybollUd to l'endel'such assistance 'i].Sll111Y' be within their 110wer to enable the e!\stern portion of the C,ouu'ty to lJeclirel'ailway facilities.. Be it ,'csolverl that thLs Council petitioil tho. Honor'uble', the Licntenant, Govel'llor in Council unr1 the Legislative Assembly torevive.t'hol?-psed.sllbsidy. granted the B~'alltfol'd, Norfolk 'and POL't Burwell R,dlway Company and make the samepll-yaule to the Tilsonbnrg, Lake Erieand Paqifip Raibvay'CompauYr" ~Carried, Moved by'H. H.Hollingshead,"sccondcd by.A',A..McKillop, ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL', 1'hl\t the depl.tation from the Dutton High",School Board be now,helLrd,- sarried. ~ Messrs. Ling, Wilson and. Gnnn addressed the Council, 'Pursuant to appointrpent a deputation from the St. ThomasCollegio.te InstItute Board consisting o.f Chairman Midgley, Messrs. McKenz~eundQnaneej addressed th~ Conncil, \ The reports of Vienna High 80hoo1 and Ay1me'r Collegiate Insti.tute pr"e~ented, and all refel'redto the Committee on Educa,tiol1. Moved by John H.Teal, seoonded by "YV. M. Ford, That the County solicitor's opinion' be ol;ltained, re by-l~wg240 forming, Yarmouth and Southwold into a High School District..-Carried , , Moved by Peter ,J.McCalltlm, seconded by Ed",,-wd l\JcKellar, That as there is a growing feeling throughout the ~everal Mtihi'Cip.alities composing the County of Elgiri, that ,the ef(penses of.. the County Council are~oo large, , , Be'ittheref9re resolved that this Council do away with the' June e11C~1 year. In 'an1"eildment. Moved by John H, Teal(aeCOllded by ,1. ,Richardson, That tbe motion to do away with the June session be lftid over until fO'I: dhlCussion: Original motion IOl:t, amendment cat'ried. }.-:loved by A. A. McKillop, seconded by Eilward McKelhir, That the Clerk commnnicate with "other Counties and ascel'tain wht\to.ction they have taken, if any, towards reducing the number of members of '.County Councils; or t'he ho1d.ing of only two sessions du'ring the year, and report at the' ,June. sessions.-C,trried. Moved by John H. Teal. seconded by Thomas Backhouso, That 'iN, Watts be. appointe(l tnultee oL th'e Vien~' three years.-C'arried. ,12 J~UHN COUNTYCOL'NOH., EJ..GIN .COUNTY COUNCIL. 13 Moved by '1', W. Kirkpatrwl~, seconded hyJ. Thomson, Thlitthe Clerk purcbase a copy of the Ont'ldo S~atl.l.tes for 1892 fat each membcrof tlw COllndl.~Cl1tTied. " ThercRol't of INnu,llce Committee was presented arid adopted, on motion of 1', W. Kirkpa,trick, seconded by ,J. McLarty. Moved by \V, McGt'E'die, secoll(led by Thomas Jackson. " , Thuttho Council adjourn: until ten o'clock to-motTo I'.' morning to allow c9mmittees,to meet.-Carried. FIRST SESSION.---FoURTH DAY. 1(. W. McKAY, Chwk. M. E. LYON, Warden. FridaVjthe 29th ~ay of-January;' 1892.. 'rhe mgin Count'yColll1cilmet thi,sdayat the Court House, St. Thomas, "according to adjournn\ent. The Warden in the chair, all the members present. Theproce~ding8o~ the prcviollS day were read and confirmed. . M:ve,:1 by J. iiichardson,.-s:conded byS. Liddle, 'l'hat Mr. Glenn be no\vheard re by-laws 240 and School DisLricts.~C(trried. ' Mr. Glenn addressed the CQuncil. ->, !I.foved by VV. McCredie, seconded by Thos.Jackson, ~ ,/ - That the Treasurer'sbona,s be sribmitt,ed to this Council for their approval. ,-Carried. The 'rr~asurer'sbol1ds were submitted, and on motion of Thomas seconded by\~.-Le"eson, t'(}ferred to Finance Committee'to report. The report of the House of Industry qommittee was presented and on motion of J. Teal, seconded by El\i1cKellar. M~ved,py"M.Lceson, seconded by H. Daug;herty, That the sum of twenty-fiv-e dolltl,l's".be granted to East Efgin Institute.,-Carried. Moved 'by E. McKellar, seconded by A. - A. - McKillop" rr.hat the sumof twenty-five dollarspe granted to the West Institute.-,-Carried. 14 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL. 'l'hePetitions and Legishttive Committee presente'c1 their report whwh' ,vas adopted on' motion of \:V. McCredie"seconded by 1:h08. ,Jacksdll. Moved by, W. McCredie, seconded by D. Appleforc1, Irhat tliisQOUllpil petition the Local Legislature to so n.mend the~Illnicipal 4.6t ,tl~attownships ha\\ing only three Wltt'ds and. being cut; tled .,to' <July Oll'€! peputy-Reeve \nO-v elect a Councillor illoach waul by vc;te of 8u(:h ward only;' and that'the Reove arid Deputy be ele'uted hy vote of ,the whole township, add that copy of. such petition be placed in t~le hands of the local members of' both i'idingsof this County with instru6tions to present the same.--C<l.rded. The l'epory of th('lGaol Comrriittee waspresented 'and u,dopted t'nmotionof secolldedby M. Leeson. Moved by M. Leeson; seconded by C. Watson, ,'I'h,at B~.law No. 486 being a by-law to appoint a Board of' Audit in the IGlgin for the, year 1892 be received and read a ftrsttime.--Carried. Moved by C. ,Watson, seconded by M. Leeson, I).'hat By~law No. 48ti be l'cad,'a second time.-Carried. Mov'ed by M. Leeson, seconded byC. Watson, That 'By-law No. 486 be read a third time and finally passed.-Carried; , Mo:vedby M. Payne, seconded by D. Campbell, That By-l\aw No. 487, being a by-Iu.wto appolm 'v"'::-anty Auditprs for 1892, be.r(Jce~ved an\,read a first.time:-Carried. MOv,od by\); Thomson, seconded by A. 'A. McKillo{J, 'II l'hi1tBy-lawNo. 487 be 'read ";:" second time.-Cart'ied. Mov~d by D. Campbell, seconded by M. Payne, Thu.tBllawNo. 487 be read a third time and finally passed....:-Carried. , Moved bv 'W. Blewett, seconded by W.I!'. Luton, ,!:hatBy~lawN 0.488, being a by-law to authorize the Wardon and TrcJ;surer borrow the sum of $20,000 be received and read a ,first qme.-Cllrried. !vIovedb:y'rhos.Roherts, seconded byW.' Blewett, That By-law No.4SB be l'ead, a sec'ond time."'-Carried~ " ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. ' "i< MiJ\'edby W. lslewett; seconded 'by \V. F, ~ntnn, ThatBy.'!awN(J. .188 Lerer~d'athil'd time',and finally passerl.-Cal'ried. , The ('cport ofSpeciuJ Committee ont(Jllroads was preseiltp.d a:ri.dadop~cd on motion cif Richardson, seconded by Bennett;. 1v.j:9V"ed by C; Duna-Ietson, scc,onded by M.Payne, That By-law No. 489,being.a by-law to declare ib expedient' that the provisioni:.J of the La~d Titles Act be eXMndeJ to this County, be received and i'ead a first'time.-Cal'l'ied. 'Moved byJ. Riclu1:rds~n, seconded by S. Liddle, That,~y l~w N'o. 489 be read a second time.-Carrien. Moved by 'fhomas Jackilon, seconded by D; Appleford, That By-law. No. 489 be rea-da third time/and finally passed.-----'-Cat'riei:L Moved by:YI.Leesoll, seconded hyCo Watson, That BY'la~, No. 490, b'eing- a by.law to appoint High received; and read a first time.--Carried. Moved by A. A. ,McKillop, secimded,by P. J. McCallurn, 'That By.law No. 490 be rf::ad a "ecand thne.-Carried. :Moved by W. M. Ford, secondetl by Thomas Pressey, That By"law NO. 490 be read a tliirdtime andfi~aIly passed. -Carried. . , M~ved by M. - Payne, seconded by C. Donaldson, That the,y'etitionfrom the County ofOxfOl;d b';;' referred to the loeal ?letphers of this count": to be laid before the Legislature for consic.leration. ---:-Carried. Moved by J. l;tichardson, seconded by A~ A. McKillop, , That the Warden tepresent this cOtlntyon depl1tatiori going from Oxf~fd;~ Lost, The, report,ofCommittee on ",Education was preRentedand adopted'; on mo~ion ,of Payne, secondedbyLees()ll. , " ' The Finance '9ommittee presented report on Treasurer's Sureties, ~hich adoptedorl motion of ~lewett, seconded by Luton. ];L(UN COUN'l'Y COC::\CII,~ ELGIN'COU:N'TY COUNCIL, Move'd'hy W. M. Ft!:'d, seconded by 'rhos. Ba\Jkhouse. ;'rha.t this Council 'do now adjourn to meet again at 7 p. m. -Carried. SECOND SESSION-FIRST DAY. The Ci:luncill'esumed. Tuesday, the 7th day ofJ une, 1892 ,Mov~d'by Thos. Jackson, seconded 17 A. Brower, ThM;, in l'eference to the London and Port Stanley and Bayham Gravel Roads t:he~eeveFl of the different Munidpalitie,; be appointed a oommittee to gc ovet' theGra've~ Roads in theapring, arid also Sl:'e if they can agree with the as to'price, and also on what amount each 1'lunicipality would be willing towat'Cls the purclw.se of said roads tv repqrt at tlle Jun'l Session.- '1'he l!:lgin County Council met this day iit the CourtHouse, St.' Thomas, at 2 p.m. The Warden in the chair. A,H'lhe members present, except C. Donaldson, Reeve of Springfield~ 1\'10ved by,M.Leeson, seconrledby C. Watson, Th~t By-hnv No. 4.91! .beiilg a bv.law:; to make appropriations for the of High Sehools,arid Collegiate Institntes in the County, of ElgIn, to'Model School be received and read 11 fit'st time.-Carried. Mbved by J. H. Teal, 'aeeon'ded by J. Richardson, . 1;hiitHy-Ia\v-No. 491 be,read a~~olld time.--....:Carded. , Moved by J. Thomson, seccnded hyCo Doualdson, That By-law No.A91be read a third time, and finally pasaed.-Cari;ied. \\\ . Moved by S. ,Liddle, seconded by J. H. Teal, . Daniel McPhet'!l.on, El:!q., filed certificate as Reeve of Dutton Villll.ge, t(lblr his seat at the Council Hoard. \ The Warden addressed the Council. , y- 'l'Le troeeJdings of the last dayof.tbe previous session werereacl and co~firtned. The following, commu~nicatiQns were fead Fi'om Ontario Rifle Assoc"iatloll, requeBting grant, referred to Committee. From D. McLaws, with Grand Jury Preaentment, referred to Industry Committee. 'l'hat on a'ccoant of the lateness of the hour the members be allowed one pay.----::C<irried. Moved by 'rhom:as Jackson.scGonded by W. McCredie, From In~pector of-Pnblic Schools, referred to Education Committee. ,Fr0ffi Auditors, with' repurt, referred to,Finanee'Committee. , j From Co~nty Engineer, report referred, to Plibtie Improvement Comiri~ttee; ~r'hat the,Cotmclldo now adjourn to meetin June at the call oJ the Warden_ !C, W. McKAY, County Clerk. W. J. Brown, application for appointment as County student at College, referred tqPetitions and Legisla~ive Committee; M. E. LYON, Warden. From COlmty Clerk, with report l'e . reduction of fw.iriber of members 'of Councils', referred to Petitiolll3 and Legislative Oom[Jlittee. EL(UN, CO(rXTY,COUNCIL-. ELGIXCOU~TY COUXCIL. 19 'Movedby T, W. Kirkpatrick, seconded by' J~, Thomson, ,That Mr. 'McPheraon's'name be added to the Gaol and H:dncation Committees, vice Mr. Hollingshead resigned.-Carl'ied. SECOND SESSION--SECOND DAY. Wednesday, the 8th day of ,June, 1892. ') Moved by W, McCredie, seconded"byM. Payne, 'l'hatas the bridge on the town line between Yarmouth and South Dorchester datigerouscondition, and will have to be rebuilt, that the mutter be to the Public Improvements Committee, to'It,scerta.ir. if said bridge isa County bridge . ,-Carded. 'fhe Elgin Comity Council met this day, accordiGg to adjollrn~lent. TBO \Varden in the elmir All the members present except DOlJaldson. Moved"by M. Payne, seconded bV J. Tho,rosan, The proceedhlgs of the previous day were I'ead and confirmed. , ~'hat we adjourn until to morrow at 10 a. m., to allow committees to meet. -,--Carried. Moved by \V. M.Ford, secolldr~d by Thonins BaclthiHlse, K. W,'MoKAY, County Clerk. M. E. LydN, Warden. That as the matter in di:>pnte betwl"wu the County Clud Township of Bib'YIUl,ln, ' with reference to the paymrll1t (~f a portion otthe cost of certain bdtlgos, lair! over until this" sessioQ. .That this Conricil do now yonsider t,he TO\~nship by t1ssumin~":tbe .Port Bmwel1 brid,(!e ttS,a County bddge. In amendment; Moved by,A. A. "McKillop, seconded l;y:Peter J. McCallum. '] hat (he application Of the Towl)shl,? of .Bayhnm toluwe'.Pol't B.~r!\velLbridge assLlmcd by, the Oounty, be referred t~ the Public Impl'o\'ements Committee.; .Main motion lost, amelldmentcurJied. Moved byJ.~. Teal, seQonded by W, M,Ford, _o~~o_ , "I ' i That.L H~ Hoover, M. D., be appointed ']rllstee of the Vienna High Schoul instead of 'VV. Vlatts, resigqe(L,,.,......Carried;. ~ On motion of Leeson, se~onded by Blewett, 'fhe Council adjourned until 2 p. m. / The,CounciL resumed at 2 p. m. /' 'rhe Cotmty1'reasu:rer's report \,Vas read and reierrt')d toFimtilCeCo~mitte{'. The~epoj.t oCthe Petitions and LegislationCojnmittee was" presented and. adopted On motiollofMcCredie, s13conded by Leeson. , " ELGIN CDU:NTY CQUNOITJ COU~TY COUKCIL. 'l'he,rcport'of thePLlblic Improvements C()l11mitt~c was pl'esontednnd 11.';,opted'OIlHlotion of McKillop, seeondc(l by Jackson. . SECOND SESSlON.-TIIIRD DAY. Moved,byO. A. Hr'ower, seconded 'by \:V.Luton, 1'hdt tl1iSCOlllJeil o11WOSSCS regret that the Legislature has sep.ll fit to take awayJl'olrlthe l\hmieip,tlallthorities the powers of grantiri.g and issuing liquor . under which, general sar.isfactioll WaS given and jllstice done to' all, in vi.o\voftbedissatifJf,l"er,il;n at present existing with the pI'oeout [node d licenses,hel it l'osolvedthat tbis 90nneil petition the Legislatqre,to to 'the Mlmicipal rmthorit~esthe power of iSSlIillg all l!quor liceilses.-:;",. The lJonntvUouncil met tbi::. day acco~ding'to adjournmp,nt. The."vVa~d';n in the chair, all the xnrolilb.ers present except Donaldson; The procl3erlings of the pre~vibus day were t'eart and confirmed. Acoi11municatio.n from ,T. H. Coyne, Registrar, was read and r'eferred , K. W. McKAY, County Clerl{., M.. E. 'LYON, Warden. I The'Council went into committee of the whole on report of Special Uommitteej 1'e toll roads. I C. A. Brower in)he cnair. 'After dicussion the&'committee rose and asked leave to sit again. /- ' 'The reJlorr of !~r1l1cation Co~mittee was presented and adopted on motion of ' McCredi~, secopded by Teal. YEAS.-Kirkpa1rick, Thomson', 1;fcLctl'ty, Campbell,JtlcKillop, McCaTlum, McK'elll1.'f, Richardson,IJiddle, Ford, Pressey,.Ba.ckhouse, McCredie, 'Appleford, Leeson, Watson; .Teal, McPherson.:.......:18~ '. NAys,:-Japkson_, Daugherty, Bennf:ltt, Brower; Luton, Blewett, Roberts, Payne.-8. The COllucilagl\in went into committe~ on "t~ewhole o~ tbllroadreport, whICh was amendl"d~nd adopted on Illotion of Brower,' seconded _by'Jackson~ Y]i'As.-McKillop;McCalllllTI,McKellar, Jackson, Daugherty~ Bennett, , , ," ',' ,,', , " J ..', "', Brower, LutOll, Blewett, Roberts; ::Ford,~ressey, Baukhouse, Teal, ,Payne.-15 NAYS "-:Kirkpatrick" Thomson, McLarty, Campbell. Richardson, Liddle; McCredie, Appl~fot'd" L'eeson,,'~atsoI{, 'McPherson.---,ll. Moved by T. W Kirkpatrick, seconded'by J. McLarty, That this Council do now adjourn tom,eet to morro;"'mornirl,g at 9 a;, m. ',,t'o dme to meet, and also for Council tov~sit House c.,f ~ndustry.""- \Mr, Robel'~s pt'escnted petition ft.om Spat't<~ and neighborhood requestin~ qntranceexaminutions to be held at, Spf~t.tl1, refetTed to Edncattbn ComrnittE.'e. 'rh,e report of Speoiu.l Committee, 1'0 r~fql'red to eommittee of the whole. put'chaseof toll roads, was presented A. A, McKillop in the clHtir, > --; AfterdisOllssion tbecommitteo rose~nd' asked leu,ve to sit again. Onmotibn of, Brower, liicconded by Luton, l'he qOllncil Udjollrlll'd llntil 9!L m: to-morrow. \ ~>. "" ') , -00 ~. mIll ~J"- EutIN OOt'NTYOOCNCfL, E:LGIN' COUJ'<'L'Y COUNCIL. SESStON.-FoURTH DAY. .Moved by M.. Lee~on, secondedhy C;Watsoii.; .\ 'rbe' Elgin County CoundI met this day according to adjournment. Fr.iday, the' 10th day'of J nne, 1&9~t 'rhat By,~aw No. 492 be read a se'(:'ond ti\11e.~Cal'l'iod. 'lihe\VarJen ill the chair; all the members present excopt Donwlcl;oll. Moved llyJ.Thompson, ,secondedb,y Ji.McLai'ty, That.By~law No. 493, being a bY.hi~vto.im,pose'a fee,of oned~)llllrpcl',m,o~th 6n all county pupils_attending High Schools,and Coll~~illte Institutes in,tlle' countyberece~vedand,'read a first time.-Carl'ied. Moved by J. Thomson, seconrled by J.McLarty, The proceecJingsof the previous d<lY \Vel'e r~ad and confirm*l. " . r-- TJ)e r'epol't ahhe Gaol Comnjtt,ee was presented and !t-Clopted 01.1 rlHJtiQn of ,C. A.,~row~ri, seconded by \V~ Blewett. Tl1atBy~la~\'~o; 4931)~ read 11 seconrltime. ::-Carried; Moved by J. H..l'eal, seconde,d bY,J. Richardson" ThatB'i-Ia:-v No. 494, bei~g'a bJ'-law. to-a.ppoint J, .11. Hoover;M. truetee,")fVierinaHigh School, be received and read a first' time':'....,...Canied.. The repori of the House Of lii.chistl'y,Committee was presented and ~dcipted , 'on motion of T, Bennett, seconded byE. McKellar, I, .... . 'l"he repo-rt'-of the Rqualizatioti Committee was presented and' adopted on '. rroqOl1',of.~~lcKinop, second'edby'Jacl!sOti. Moved byW. McCredie, secondedhy T. \V.Kidrpauick, Moved by W. M. Ford, scconde(lliy J.' H. Teal, . ., That By-law No. 494 be read a secondtirile.-Cal'ried. That the members vfthis,Coullcil,having vISited the hospital donated to t,he Ci'tyofoSt. Thomas hy AmasacWood, Esqui~e, desire to express their appl'ecilt~ ~ion ,oXthis g~nel'ous <\pt on the part of Mt,.. \Yooel, and that they bi'llieve it \'!HIlle a,gteu:tboqu'; n6t'oll'ly to the citizens of St. 'fhomas, but tothf'l COlltlW of Elgin as \vell:'~Gal'ried. r 1.,/ '. .' , . , 'MovedJw ~l'~oiriD,~J~'ckson;seconded' byJ. Thomson; MOiled byS. Liddle, se'c~~ded byE; _M'cRflUitl'; \.;." ' ""-,.. '~ That By-law No; 494.be read a thiy'd"time anJ:lNfinallypassed,:-:-;-Carded:' . . ..." .-.....,.,..,. '. -....-.. ....... .' ....... .','. . ;.:..., Movedby w. &LFord, seeonded,hy:..'~'. P,f'esser.~; -~";" f,4at t.he m~mbers of this ,C?unCiLllSe ,theit'',iii.flu<mee in <1S~dstitlg the promo. ti()~~f a' fa;'nllfl'~r;~'iCriiC t9 be,helel ~t Port Stanley on ,Tuesday, the 2~st ,iust., ~~d thl1t ~h~ t;'l1ste~sof the several 8(:b(\oi sections in t'he county b~ requested to l!l~ke'that 'dl1ya,specia1"hoii:dayto-al1ow,the, scholars toatt<nid" aild 'that the inenibers of this..COJlncil, .ihe Clel'k\\nd. Ellgineer.be.lnembers of the commit bee. ' ,'\ -~Oarried;. ',:: '.' . . . .' 'v'<,:~,. '. < " 'iThat! Byelaw No, 495, being, a bY_Ia,w:,t~..(:~~nfi_rm,eq~mHz~tiQnof rolls f~r 1892, be received and read a tlrst1iQr~~~Oarried-. ,,' , ~OV,O'9: by', C~ ~\:y,I~~SO~,: secr,m~~d,-by"M: Le~son;' Moved by J. Richardson, seconded .hy Vi~, M.Ford, That'By-IawNo.49f) be read aseq'~nd time.-Cal'ried. Moved by.J.. Rich<trdsol1,....sec<mded by,S. Liddle, That' B'y.law,No.,495 be read,a thir~ti,meund:fin~l1ypa~sed.';:"':'Cal'l'ied:: . . 1 . ,. ,'1'ha;t:By.lawNo,-492, 'bem'g.a:by.]aw.to.make sllpplementary grants to,the 'putton, Ay1mcr:,ancl Yi~~lll'<l,rrighS(Jhoqls, he received and read a ,urst time'T Carried. -... I I [' ,~ ' ELGI.N COUNTY', COGNon. ELGIN COU:":TY COUNCIL 'That By)aw No. 496, being a !,y-Iaw to a~thod" the Gaql Oommittee to P"li:lSi:'l?g:ulati9IlS fol' contl'ol and preservatIOn of th03C()llrtHol~S~ Park, inthe '0ityof'St; Thomas, he \'cccived and sead 11 first time.-dat'ried. 1\1oved' byJ cl'!lom.son, seconded by D. Campbell, That By ,law No. 496 he road usecolld time.-Cal'lied.. 'iMov'e'dby A. A, McKillop, second~d by P.d; McC,tllutn, 'l',hatBy.Ja\v,No, 496 he read a'third fbrio and finally paSS8(I.-OatTied. Moved by,W. F.Luton, seconded by, \iV..B1ewett, ,~l'hafYt(}bert Plltnarn be granted a it'ee Hawker's and P,ed]al'~s License.".....; Can:ied; <!It,) Moved,by M., ,Leeson, seconded C. vVatS()I~, That By~law No. 492 be read a third tune, and finally pftssed>-..:...CaI'ded; '\ MoveLl by J.Thomson,seconded'by D. Campbell, , ~That"By;lf1wNo. 493 be read a t~i~d time,- aridftllul~y passed.......;..,Car!.'ied. Mov'edby M. P<tyne, seconded by W. '1M. 'Ford, That By-law No. 497, being aby'law'to provt~e for Gra~tfl to ;the~igh Schools and Collegi,ate Illstitutesin'the COlmty,of Elgin and CitY,ofSt;",Th?Ii1as,' .'t~ l1menr;t By"hnv No. 491 and repeal''By-Ia.ws 492 a[ld 493 be receiv,ed and',reaq.,:a first time.'~Carried. ~; On mot'iouof.Tfol'd,secouded by Pressey, the Council adjourned until Qnf! The ,COlltwil resumed. Moved bvr.Jack~ou, seconded byD. Appleford, Ii That By-law No., 497b,e read a, setondtime.-~~arrie~&;. 1\1ovedby tV; M.-EoI'd, 'seconded by 'f. Pr~ssey, ~ ;M(JvQd by John Teal,-' iJ8con(~~d byJ. Ric?ardsou', :T'i)ut'tl~e repbrt'of the Education~},Committee be r'econsidelcd.c--C'arded. l'he'Uounc:il then went into Commii;teeof the whole on the report, Th.oma.'3 ~abksoil In tho' oIum. That By.lf\,\V No. 497 be read'a thirdfime, and finallyfpassed.-Car~i~d; rvIo\'ed by M. Leeson, seoonded byM. Payne, ,After oo.tisiqQru,tion the report'~a'g.,alUonded 1nd adopted, on ,the following l;livisI0n: , oY1!.~S.-J1ickson~Daugh~rty, mmnett, Blewet; ROberts, Richardson, Ford, Ptiessey, Backhouse, McCt'odie,Appleford,L,eeson, Watson, 'l'ealallclPayne;_ That 'the Clerk notify the Board ofEducati'o~,.of.th~'Gtt'y ofSt;.Thomas,,'~; " '",,",' "" ," ,"" the action of this Council, with reference toeducation......:....GarricA. ' " ~rl'he report of 'the Firiaitce, Committee' was presented and adopted, of Kirkpatrick, .seconded' by Daugherty. ." . \ Moved by 'D. Campbell; seconde~ byT. W. Kirkpatrick, N Ays,,-Ku,'kpatri'ck, Thomson:, 'Meh1rty, CahipbeII, M6Kellar~ M{)PherOlou;c--S; McKillop, McpalI urn, 'rhatBy-Iaw ~o. 49Stoat!-thorize ihe. Warden; and Treas'urer $15;OO() bel'eceived and reada.6.r~t time.~C'arried. MovecLbY'l'h(:mias~ackson, aecondedby H: Daugherty, MO,?,ed ?yJ. McLarty, seconded byJ.~homson. m'~, to allow the FinanceComnlittee That By:lawNo. 498 'be read a'second,time.'--Carr~ed. Mo;,~i:l:bY,':O..,Mc'th~~~rjn'j'seconcled.b.Y'~..,Th<)m~on, :I ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. THIRD SESSJOl\.-FIRST DAY. Tuesday, November <22~1~1, 1892. The County Coundl, of the County of Elgin" met this day at thp.'Court' I-louse, dt. Thomas, at two o'cJock in the afternoon. The \Varden in the chair.- All the members present, except T. \V~ Kirkpatt'iok. Philander Babcock' filed certificate as Ree\"e (,f Springfield,and tool>.: hiil seat. at the Councitboard. 'l'he vVarden addressed the Council. The proceeding~ of tbe lastd"y of the previous session were read aud confirmed. 'rhe following communications were read: From IL Totten re Manuel, on 'l'ariffs, re,ferced to Finance Commit'tee. Fl'Onl County Engineer with report, refen'ed to Pllbliclmpro\'emen(s Committee. From L. Luton, physieil1n, Honse of Industry, with annual report, rcfer'r~d. to. House of Indllstry.Committce. From 'County of Ontario. requesting co operation in petition for l\I-Hillllway; 'frials Referee, ,'efel'fed to Petitions and Legislation Committee. I From Lessees of London l\ndPol,t Stanley Gravel Road, refusing $14,000 lea~e.-Filed. ' From--Colluty Ti:easurer with report, referred to FinC1nceCommittee. FrOm County of Northurribel'land, as to' reduction of to Committeeon PetitiunsandLegislation. '27 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIJ~. Moved by M. Payne, seconded by'Dalliell\'ld'Phel'SOlll 'That Mr. Bu.bcocklsuo,me be pltleed on all Committees on which ,Mr. Donaldson sat.-Carried. Movedb~ J; "McLart.YI,':lecondedby J. ,Thomson, That we adjourn until 10 o;.clock to.morrow morning, to aliow committees 'to MoKAY; County Clerk . M. E. LYON, Watderi. _.~~~, ~O~-"- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 2Q, THIRD SESSION.-SE<;oND DAY. Wedne,sday, November~3Idl.1892. The Elgin County ,Conncilmet this day, u,ccol'dingto adjollt'nment. The: Wardehin the chair. All the members present. The proceeding:s of the previous day werA read and cO)ufirm,e:d. 'l'he following comh.unicatiollswere read: From County of WentworthH3-aholition of. 'market fees, 'referred Committee on Petitions and Legislation. I From Inspector of the House of Industry, H~)Use of Inrlm:tryComn\ittee. The Council adjourned, and resumed business at 1:30 p. m. Communication from F. Pineo re dall).agesl causedbyactJid~nt, at Jameatrwn bridge Was read; also writ issued a'~ainst County byW~ H/Aahtolll both of whicbwere referred to tdthePublic Improvements Committee. The report of the Finance'Committee w.aspresented and adopted, 011 rnotion Kirkpattbk, seconded by Leeson. Moved by D. qamplJell,seconded byJ. McLarty, That this Council do now adjourn until 4 p.lm., to. allow Pllblic mente Committee to meet.--,-Carried. The Council resumed. The House (,f Industry Coml}:Jittee 'presented their rep9rt, whh\h .adopted~ on ;motion of RenIfett,.'second~dby McKellar. MovedbyD. Campbell; seconded byJ.'McLartYI That ,the Clerk,pro,cllb3 ~sual,supply of' election rolls. for. 1893. .~Carried\ 30 EL<HNCOUNTY COUNClL. The report. oh!1ePui?Iic Impro\'ements Committee ad?pted, on motion of'MdGlIop, seconded by Ford. Movedhy-M. Payne, secorided by p~, Babcock, That the Council visit the House of Iildllstry to'lllOrrow at two o'clock p. m. In amendment, was presented and 1Ioved byI'i-f. Leeson, seconded by \V. McCredie, Thatthe Council. visit the House of Indnstryto-morrow at 8:30 a,m. M aiu motion carried, amendment lost. Mo\>edby J. Richardson, secondefl hyS. Lidale, That theJ.ilerk get the minutes of the Caunoil aurl Reports of Cr,mmittees printed and distributed by ~he,15th December.....:.:..Carried. ]\'11'. Glenn, County Solicitor, then presented his opinion I'e upplicn.tin ma,ge to quash by-ll.Lws making gl'ants to high S9hoo1s. Moved .by N. L,eeson, secoIlcle& byJ. Thomson, 'l'hat this Council authorixe the "Varden and C0unty Solicitor_to defend by" laws passcdin 'January and' June hi-Rt reHigh School Grants.'-T-Oar~ier1. 1\{oved)jy D. McPherson, secorided by M.Pu.Ylle" That the Counon adjQurn until ten 'o'clock,to-niorrow nlOrning~-:CarTied. K.'W. McKAY, County Clerk. M.'E LYON, W(~rden. . "c~~~" ELGIN"COUN'fY COUNon.. :Jl THIRD SESSION.-TIlIRD DAY. Tl\\lt'sday, NI)vember, 2.j,th, l89Z. The Elgin, County Cmnl0i1 Uleb this d,-~y according to Cl.dj()Ul~1l1Y1e11t. The Warden in the chair. All tbe y",mners present exeepl; Khkpatdc\t., The; proceedings of tbe previous flay were read unrl confil'med: The Report of Comrnittee on Petitions and Legishtion 1'1D,fl preeelltec1 I~nd adopted Oll motion of M_cCl'edJe. ~econded hy Leeson. / Moved by 'l'homas ,Jacl,son,se'contled by~I. PaYI!e, That, wbereas it has heen dearly shewn th",t t.his county is in(leh'c\l to the' London & Port Stanley Gl'a\icl Road in tIle sum0f $8,370; Uw.t tbis Couneil is willing topn,y tbat ltIT'otJllttowards the pnrehase of sail] rml.rl,pro\'idingthe townships of Yarmouth and SOllthw~!d ar,(l village of PortStanh,y ,[uvl eityof Sf;, 'l'homas make npthe balance of the pnrellase mnney"md thiot: Ht.he above mentioned mllnieipaliti.es cannot ugl'ee with the ownor$of the l'Ofl.d 081;0 price to be paid, that this Council will name .'111 <el'hit.!'atiotl at the next In,n\lt'.r~' sesdon to fix th~ priceof ~aid rOlvl, pr()\riding ,'tbey are indemnified agu.ltll;t 1myexp,enditnre o\'er and above the 88.279 rtlCl'ltioner! and OH conditioll that the i\l\\nieipalties through which the road runs will further' agyee to keep up and m,\int1),IIl saill ~'oadthl'ough their respective Munieipalities.-.,.-Lost. YEAS.~Ja.ckson, Daugherty, Bennett, Brower, Luton, Blewett, nObtJrti:li Payne. -8- NAYS,--1'\Jollls<Jn, McLart.y,i Campbell, MdGllr-,p, ~:1l'C,dlllm, ~l;,Kl:llltr, Richardson, Liddle, Ford, Pressey, Backhollse, ,'Mi;Crellie, Appleford, Le{'SOIl, Wat"lon, Babcock, Teal, McPherson,~18. Moved by,W. McCredie, secondod'bYTholl1l1s Pres~ey, ,:l2 In,,CDI' COUWl'Y COUNCIL ELGIN COUXTY COUNCIL. 33 scutto the Minister of Rducation and to each mClnLcl' of thfl Qntnrib Legislature fortbis COllnty.-Cil.ITied. NAY:8;-Daugherty, Bennett, BI'owcr,Blewett, RolJel'ti!; Lesson, Watson and YJtA~~,""":'TI]()in8ol1, MoLurty, Ca,mpbell, McKillop, McCilUum, MoRellat', l~ord, Pressey, B:1ukhouse, McCredie, Appleford, Leeson, Btihcouk, Teu.l aud.MePhenwtl.-lS, :ryIovedhy W. M,. Ford, secunded by Tl\oma.s Presiley, Thn.t we -petition qle Dominion GovE'rnment to llmel}!l therailw,~y act,so aEl make itcfJmplllsory for t':tilways under Dominion jurisdiction to make provision nu..tuml water courses whel'eVet' req'lired" (Lilli that tbe CleTk a copy of tbis resohtion to otber Counties requeflting their co-operation.:- , ' NA'Ys.,.---Jackson, Daughei'ty, Bennett, Bl'Owel', Luton, Blewett, . Roberts andPtl,yne.~8, Moved by Thomas Jaukson,scconrl1d byW. MeC!'edie, 'j;ba,t,thisCouncil petition the Dominion Gov.ernment to amend tbe Indian sO, that ,che IlldianAgenr. 01; Indian Council will be liftble, nutlet' the Ditches er Courses Act, to open and mainb:Ull their fa.ir share of the ditches and dt'il,.i~s where lands joit~ tbe lands ofwlJite settlers,as someot thlOlland owners in S'onthwold ate 'plltto gteat loss and inconvenience by not beiug able to get their la.nd proper.ly .drained. -Carried. Moved by C. A. Brower, f:lo,conded bye. \Vil.tson, That this Cmuicil adjout'll lllit.il 7 p. m. -Carded. Moved by Thomas Jackson, ,seconded b'y W. McCredie, The,Gouncilresumed. The report,of the'Gaol Coinmittee_\V(\s ptesented <\nd adbpted, A. Brower, seconded ,by ;~.L Payue. MavedbyJ. Richa~'d801i, seconded by J. H. Teal, That By"law No. 500, being a by-law 'to confirm By,law No. of Malahide, be received; and: read a first time.-Carrici d. on ~utiOl1 of That 'this COlincil peti'tion the Loual Legislature to amend tho municipal act, 1:30 that an annll[l,~ r~te will be levied OIl all pt'OpOI'ty for Sti.ltllte labC)l" lhesame as o,ny other Plu'pose,-Carried. 585"ToWIlShip McLarty"Campb~ll; McKillop, McCallum, Ford, Backhouse, Appleford;, Babcock, Payne and,; Moved by,S, Liddle, seconded by f. Pl'essey, 'l'hut By-ll\\v No. 500 be read a secano. time.-.--Carried. Moved\ by RMuKellar,secouded by J. Richat'dson, That By'law No, '500 be read a third tllDC, and finp..lIy passed.-Carried. Moved by :V'll. M. Ford"seconded by T. Pressey, That By.law No. 501; beivga by~law to authot'ize,the WM'denand Clerk to sign agreement with Bayham, be reeeivedand,read a firattime.-,-Carried. Moved by 'IhomasBackhnuse, sec~:mde(l by Thi:nnas 'Pressey, ~. secam1 time.-Carried. Moved by J. n. Teal, seconded by W. M. Ford, I ' That this CbuMil' do now adjourn to meet at two o'clockp, m" fQr, the purpose of visiting the House oflndu~try.-.--Carried. The Conncill'esumed. 1'he repOl't ot,Education Committee w<\s presented and adopted, on motion seconded by Benllet~. The second report of..the ,Public Iinprovements Committeewa~ presented on matio,n ofMcKillnp, seconded by Richardson. ' , GJm'llLl~Mim,------,,'l'be Committee on tbe eqllaliiutiou of the assessment of the COlltlty ,o'r Elgin, beg leave to submit the following i'epo~t: AfctJrcotlsider"ttioll they wnnlll l'ecolumend fot. adoption by the Council the rep'or'tofthe Equilization Committee of last year for the pl'esent year. All ()f .which is l'espectfLllly subll'Jitted. ';J6 Et...GiN COUNTY COUNCIJ~ Equalization Committee To the Elgin County Council : Committee Hoom, June 9th, 1892. -"-.. ELGIN cou;\'rY COUNCIL. Finance Committee: JA~UARY Sl~SSION. 'rcithe Elgi.n County Council.: GENTLEUEN,,-TheFin::wce Committee beg le<tvc to t'eportag follows: That the R'.'!port of the West'Elgin Farmers Iustitute he c,msidel'0tl as satis- factory, Thftt-thp. account of F. TroHope Chapman', amonntiug to $20.0'0, be paid. M. PAYNE, qhairmall. That a by-lawhe p?-ssed l1uthol'izing the \Varden and Treasurer to borrow the SUIT. of twenty thollsan\l doll<tl'sto meet notes matllringandother expenses. That tbeustial grant of ten dollars be mtl,de to the P['iilOll'ws'Aid Associ- ation'. . All of \vhich is respectfully submitted. , . . \ Stll.temetl~ of Equll.tiz,ttion, 1891,' adopte(l by the above.Report for 1892: MUNICIPAr.ITY, Aldborough,..... ...... .... .., .... ,..... Dunwich, , ............,...... .., .-.. _,...... Southwold,....,.. ... ...... ........ ........ yaI'month............,.; ,.,. .............. Malahide.............. ,.................. Bayham ".,. ........ .:.. .... .,.. .. South Dorchester.............. _......... Aylmer ........,......, ...... ..... Vienbu...... '..... ....;....,....,. ... ...... Port.,Stanley ........ .'......... ..,........ Sprhigfield. .. i. .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . Dutt6n...,; .., ,..... ...... ..... .... "~~" . IlEAL A;:.:fD PERS0NAL PROPgRTY AS EQUALIZED. T. W. KIRKPATR'ICK, ChairtU!tll. Adopted.' SECOND ItEPORT. S 1891350 2080190 2865200 3085064 2301000 1108560 I:Jl4726 361000 57000 68000 69000 90000 -- -- $ 15291090 To the Elgin County Council : GENTJ,El\lEN,:-'--The Finance Committee beg lewe to report: Th~t accol'diog to rewlnti')ll'Wc have enquired at ]\:Tolstms Bunk, ,and as fa I' as can be f1st:el.taiHed, the Ti'easurer's Bonds are satisfactory. Further notice however will be ;;erit to the Clerlt from the manager; Mr. _Lockwo<;Jc1, iuthe course of a few days. WILLIAM BLEWETT, Chair~an pro. tem. Adopted,. JUNE Sli;SSIbN. To the Wardeu,and Couhcil of the County of Elgm : The Committee on Finance heg leave to report tha.t having exa.minedin'to thefinal1cesof the county and the estimates prepat'ecl by the County 'l'reasurer, :theyherewith s.tlbmita statement .of the expenditure required for the lawful purposes of 'the Count) during 1892,showing the amonnts.required trJ 4e 'raised' 'u:uiUJJ J 37 ~8 ~---,.---"- ELCHNCOUNTY COeXO!L, Administration of Jllstice,. _, Oount,y Lines and Bddges, ,..., .. HOllfleof Indnstl.'y.... ....,. High-8ohoo}s,...,., .. ...,.... Model. SchooL,................,... ..... """ Officers Salat'ies. . . . . . , . . . , . .. , . , . . . . . " . School Inspectot'. , . , . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Payment of Jurot'S".... ."........... .'.,., Crown VVitneiilses,...., .... '. ".,....,. .,.... Intet'est on Hills PI~yabJe. ........, Membel's WageH, Committees, ~~tc..,.. Bills Payable, . ., . . . '. . . . .. .. . .. , . , . " Common Schools equivalent to Legislative GI'ant.,., $ 3,000 00 4,500 00 4,500.00 9,000 00 150 00 2,800 00 800 ()O 2,000 00 500. on 1,000 00 . 1,00000 4,955 00 $:J4,405 00 3,125 00 TotaL,..,............ ,......,... .$27,5;3000 Y~Jtll' Committee.. woultl 'recOlllllleudthat the sum of tilirty-fourthotlSalld fonrli,tlllrlred ana Dve 'rlnllill's ($34,4-05) he raised on all the rateul,le propel'ty itl the,8everalnllluicipalities in the COUnty lif E~gill dtll'ing the year 1892 f.,r cOlinty pnrposcft Uapel' schedule herewith snbinItterl, ant1 tllUt a mte' of two ,l.nd one, quarter mi/Is on the dollar be levied-on the rateftbJe pr'(>pGrty in the se\:eral nlllllicipalitiel'l in the county as equalized to mise s1Lid amonntsexclllflille of School Gl'D.titfl, alld thM the SUlnof three t,honsll.ndonehlllldred find twonty-five dollai's ($3,125) be raised 'in the several t<J\lvnship muniuipaIities ('July fot' Common Sohoo~s, being an amOllnt eql1ivalent.to the Government Grant. SCHlmULE. G]~N. RA'L'E. ........"........,..... $ 4,256 4,6$0 6,447 6,942 5.177 2,494 2,958 812 128 155 '153 203 128 155 .153 203 ...................... ... $ 581 375 530 596 460 394 189 $ ........ ...,... ..... ..... .............,....,........, ,.........,....,.........,... ,..... .............'.... . . . . . . . . , . , . . , . . . . . ',..............1. ........ ..".................... . .. . .. .. ...... .. j "" . ~ . .....,............,...... TotaL.. .'~... ..'l ....... $3,125 $37,530 F,LGl'!\CUlJ)I'I'Y cnUNOIr.. SECO):\'D REPOH,T. To .the Elgtn County Coundl : GENTI..Er.m;.r,~The 1!'inanceCommittee beg lease ta I'CplH't: 1st. That the fol\owingEH\hries' of lotJlmp ll:eepfJf'il he paill: L.W. Pierue, Ayln-ler,. D. :rl'IuFee ,Dntton .,.. J. \Y. Beasly, POI't Stitllloy Is'aae Me'raggal't, Sprit}gOeH .}. McFarlane. Walla(':etown.., -, .,.. JaB; Balsdcll, .Shedd€,n"".... D. Purdy', Vienna.. . ..,. D,A Kirlq)'ltrh.:k; vVest Lorlle ~'l", Lurly, Rodney. . . . . , . . . ' , 2ud, T1Hlt t.he fi,U(lwing acc(itlnts he p,~id: F, T, Chapmlln.book!;.,...".. ....... ......... ~.. ,$2000 'l'l'en>;t\l'erVienm~, ll.ceonllt re 'rhos. Spellman a .1,<lngel'olH) lann.tic- . , . . ' _ . . 20 :')4- 'l'!'easlll'er.P()r~ Stii..uley, one-halfacCollut l'epair,slod{'l)p 5.10 :kd T!l\lt 11 ny~hw be passedautht)dzinl~ the War'den and Tl'ea$UI'l:'l' borrolv 'the Sllln 0'$15,000,00, Ail may be roq,llired to meet \:lll'I'elltexpen;jc,;; until the pu.Y\lle'n~: of Connty rates.. ' 4th Tlmt thel-l.ecunnt of Jalllp.s.M. Glenn fQr S()t'iliee;;,:\\O paid ~75.00." An of whiCh is 1'e(,pectful1y submitted. .$1500 10 Of} 15,00' 10 on 10 00 10 00 ]0 00 10 on 10.00 T. W . Kn:,.KPA'l'R:ICK: CIHl..-h'lllttn. Ju Adoptod, ' e 9th, 189:'>'. l{OVEill:BER SI';S..roN. 'To tlle.vVlmlen <\nd C~uncillif.theConL1t..Y of'RI~in: GlmTLElI-IEN,--:.!rhe' FitlanceCutl1mhte beg lea~e to repol.t as foll?ws: 1st '1'l1a,t a By.htw he passed authorizhig the Wlll'd.cn 'and 'l'1'i3l~Sl.\l'er ,bot'rowthe sum cf,four thonsH.ud dollars ,to meet oxpeuditut'e matll1'il~g the 31st j)eecmber next. 2nd That a resplutiun hepassellreqllesn'ng theC,H};lty ','I'reaSlll'l:JI" liold a tax salefbl' the ye\lr, 1892. , of , 40 j,':WIN COUN'l'Y COUNCH> ELGIN COU:'\'L'Y, COUNCIL. ' 4l 4tb That the following sahtdes to lock-liP l<.:~epenhepaid : J, 'Mo'l'ugg'llrt, Springfield."...., .~ix months.. J. M(~Fltt'la.ne, \Valhtc~U,wn,,,.,.. .. ,J, Balsdeu,-Sherlclen,.,... "..... L.Plet'ce, Ay}mer............,. 1'1"-: ,J:.udy, R<!dney. ,..,.., ".'. .. D.Pul'flYi Vienna. ,... ...,. D, 1\.. :Kirl;:patrick, vVei>t Lorne... 'J, W. Beasly,P\}l't Stanley.,..... D.JHcE'ec, Dntton..,. < . . . . . , . . . .' " ....... .$10 on .......... !GOO .... ......10 00 .... .... 15 00 .,........ 10 00 .......... !G 00 .......... 10 00 .......... 15 00 .......... lOCO And 'that the fees for examiners be three (lnllfu'l;; per ,tIay, and tl:H\t'tb'e confer with the Iuspee~ot. of Mi(lJlesex,with regard to pnpil.g from )1iddlesex attending Belmont eX:l1minl1tion~, as I'egc\rds to amollnt to be: cha\'f~ed such. examinations: 1892. T. W. KIRKPATRIOK, Chail'llian; That the wants to the v:ari(l\i~ High. Schools be. as follows :, AyhilCr...". ,...." "..., ........ ........... $20.0.0. 0.0. St. TholUas...... ...............,....,. ,.,.".,.., 140000 Dutton. ._. ,........ ,..."..,." ,." ,_. ........ 180.0',0.0. Vien~a..,..,..., "",.. " ..,........"..,... .,. 90.0. 0.0. ,That one hundl'ed and fifty dollal's be gt1~ntedto County Model School. Tho al,;\7e gl'allts to he nude on e~llrlition that_PllPils attendingSt.'-,Th(J'mas histitnte from the COlmty of Elgin shall be admitted ft'ee. All of which is respectfnlly submit,ted. '1'11l1ttbia(Jouut;il agree to. taken.ve on Tadffs af olle dollar each. copies of Totten's revised M. PAYNE, Chairman. 29th, 1892. JUNE SESSION. JANUARY SESSION. Report as amended in Committee of. the whole. Tv theW,a,yden and Council of lheEIgin Cuunty COIlUeil : GENTJ.l~MEN,--The ComlilHt(le nnEdncation beg leave to report tbe follo\\ing: 1st That- the County Inspectors l'(iport be adopted. 2nd The petition of theSpartll.Public School, asldnd thll,t an entrance e:xa.nination be beld in Sparta, he granted; with tbeprovision that 'the examiners be paid three dollars per day, the same as at PortStll.nley and FiilgllJI 3rd This County will sllpplement the Iegi:;;lative,Grantto all HighSqhCiols ,and Collegiate Institut!'ls-St.; Thomas to recei\'e the grant in the Sll,me preportimdor County pupils ollly ailuthel' FlighS(jhnols in the County. 4th 'l'httt the mrious High School Boards, St. Thomas iucluded, . send I~ detailed statcmeJ.:it" certified hy theChahmnl.alld .'~ecretaryof thelloardannnally to th,eCounty Clel k of the cost of the maintenance of their schoolfl, St. ThpuH1s_ cost to' be figured on Connty pupils Oilly. , . ... ./ ' . . .. , 5th That this totul cost be levied as a ,,County rate aVei' the"wbole'County, andthat€p;ch HighScbool; St. ThoU1l\slncluded, receive fT'omtheCQunty~.ut of this levy the sllm they~reentitled to, provided St.. Tl19rnasaceepts, this'. basifl, ',alldallows theawarc1 made.by:HIS. HOIHH"JqdgeH~gh~s, to...l~~se. ;'rllOrnaS-.fails to acceptthis'otl'er ouot'befo,niJuly, the ,1Rt!.!,3..~Q;2'.i_;;;:w.e,}J~~ ;.:iJ>< . ;_:~~~~~,.;...."--~'...........,""""--'"'~-~- .-.. Education Committee. ~othe,Wal'den and Council of the County of Elgin: ,.: . , Your Comm.itte~ ou EdulJatlOll b8g)eave tCireport: 'Th~terimmllnication from Owen Sound be not entertained. That application from Mr; Atkin, Public School Inspector, for gran6 for.e~P?nliles,oJ promotion examinations be grunted. the follfJwing accounts be pai'd 1m' W.W.. Rutherford .......,.,.....,................. .$1840 Sali1ueIMcColl........ .......,.... ..,............. ';3080 John,l\1cLcll.n;. ...,..... .,.,...,.... ,'....... ...... 16,,0() W.,Atkin ........,.... ,........ ....'..... ..... ... . 21 75 W.'Atkin, for sUP'Plies, etc.........,..... ','" ~...;.. 2 75' I;:J.GIN COU N'l'Y COUNCIL. 42 IJn.GIN dOUN'IY COt'NCI.L. nNAN~IAL 8TAT1~MlmT. Aylmer Dutton.. .. ,Vieiml1.... ,~~l100 00 000 00 850 -00 ltece'ipts: Balance,iilthe hands o,Lthe'1'rustees, Deeernbel' 25th, '90$13702 8t ('rhis is anavel'll,g;e of $130,00fol"each section): TI'ustees"dheC:ttax.,;. ",. ,.,......,..., ..,,43670'20 Go~'erIllYiellt Grant..,. ., ..",. .:.,.. ....... ... 1!~6!)' 2(j Municipal Grant..,.. ...... .. '..,' .... :~585 2)) From uJlothcl' SOUI'ces.. .". .......,. 5389 U;{ 6th 'i\nd thata fee of qne r](Jl1ur per mouth be charged 01: allCo'lnty plq;tls at1'ending,'the various schools. If the 9it,y(,f St. Thoulus ,do llot uGcept thc auove proposition Oil or before the 15th July, 1892: M. .PAY:t:<E. Cb,dnn:<ll. Total . ,$70617 Hi June,tbe 10tb. Ad opted, 'Ye~a, 15 ; lHl.Y-S, 8. , Dishursements; Teachers"Salaries. , , . . ' , . ' , . ' . " ... School houses and flites .... ..,... Libl',aries,maps, etc..,.. -:.."".. .\,.... Repairs, fuel, ete. . . ' . . . .. .' , , ' . . . . TotaL..., ' $43101 01 3'2mr 5!J 66<15G !J48R'S7 I NOVF.:M:Blm Sl~SSION. '1'0, the' Elgin Count}. Counoil: ." ,$56548 !)() GEN'l'Ui,r.rJ'~N;-'L'he Committee on Educ(J,tion heg lea;vc to rcp'"Jl't : Balance in Trustee's ha.nds December, 25th, 1891, .. .$14068 In lstl'l1at account pl'esente,d by St. Thomas BoaI'd of EUllcl1.tionfol' County's share of 0(-st8 of Albitdtion by County .Tn<}ge, as to {11llo11ilt to be pltid,St. SL 'J'bomas CollcghttoInatitutc, amot1uting tiJ,$12.16, be pilid by t.he wheilcopyoftho Jndge'saward is tiled whhthe County Clod" SCHOOL POPULA'IION.ATTBNDANCE, Wl'\~. , '1'ot31 number of childl'en between the ages of5 C'nd 21Yel~l's repnt'ted as resident in the County Deeember 25th, 1891, Number ofTegistered pupils,..... . . . , . , .. . .' ...,..,..,. Nunlllel' of boys.,...,... ........ ,.... ,...".. ,.",...' Numbet' of girls...,..,..,..,.....;;',. ............ '.-" Average number.of days t,he sehools were 'open .,. Number of-pupils who attendflflles,ll than 20 days.,.. , N umber who attended bet\veen 20anrl ,50 days, . , . . . . . . " "50 andlOO days" J, " 100 and 150 davOl:-;..,,', 150 and 200 days. . ' " attendell ovet. 200 days,.., . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . , N timher between the ages of 7 and 13 years, who attended less than 100' days. ...,..... ,.",.'.... .. ...' ..' Number hetwepp the same ages who 'rhd "not attend any school .,.."...... 2nd That acconnt for rea.di1Jp: papel's, entrance examinations, Port dtimley; Sparta and'B01mont, amounting to $67,00, and Fingal and Hoc1ney, amilUtlthlg to $94.00, bo paid'; also aeCOllnt of C. R. Gnnn, fOl' presiding' at Rodiley e'ntrarice'examhiation, amounting to ~~!).65; J. C, Gmham, Fingnl. , . . . ,entrance examination.. . 'L\R, Butchart, Smll'ta:...' ." J. C. McLennan, Pt. Stltnley " R (1, McRoberts, Belmont ,. ,$18 55 1040 10 00 10 00 All ofwhioh iSl'espectfully submitted. , ~ddpted~ .Nnv'emher, 1892. M..PAYNE, Chai'rman. PUBhIC SCHOOl:' INSPEC'fOR'S HEPOR'.!.'. It wHl be noticed h)T reference to past l'eports that .thennUlher who did 'not l\ttend any sehool i~ constan'tly,becoming les!:!, a,nd compulsory act respecting, the attendal1\Je of childl'e~l at school is should not be a chihl in the Cmmty, not' att~ndingschooL , rl'oth,e\\'~rden and memheJ's of the. Elgi11 Cori.nty Council: th,e honor of presenthw to you my ,SdhoolsofElp;in Count'y for the yeu.r1891. 8,07'2 7,:m B,S:J1l :3,51'5 204, 666 1.098 1.6:-lG 1,76:3 2,006 80 1,070 21 4,:1 ELQXI:>> CbUN'l'Y CbUNcIT~. ELGIN COUNTY .COUNCIh 45 , , ',lrr~'e.[I;\'et'aJge c2st pe'r registered pupil, $7.70. Tilt'! ascrage cost perjJlll'pil 'hn:a~'eJ;'~g;e-attendancc, ahout $15.4.0. " " . .'1,654 ...,.... ",.1,076 . .'...... ...,.. .1,514 .............. ..],320 . , . ' . . . . .. . :1~400 .............. . 383 Very littlowasdonc during ,the year towards .the imprO\Temerit of school houses, In a few rural sections tjle houses need t,l be repaired or replaced"by"\ new ones. The trustees 0 fsome sections should visit Clachan School, No. 10, Aldborough" and see the magnificent hotlse the people of that sectlOn have et'ec'ted, :.It is: abeailtiful convenien,t house; the best rural school house in .the County;, and an evidence of the interest the .people ofClachan' take in 1;he of their children. A very good library has also been purchased for pupils al:d young people of the sectIOn. Numhm',ol pupil:; ill the junior fkst class" ,," ." senior " second- chtss third class fourth class fifth class " 'rhefonowill~shows the nnnibcr of pupils in the Hfth class in tlHl different ~ruHicipu1itie8. AJdhoi'Ollgh ..,.'.....,.... ....... ....,.............,. 77 DUllWich.".,...,. ..., ,.',.. ...,.,. ....',..... ......... "".'" 58- tfalahiile.............. .... ......, .., '.,........".. '.' 25 8onthwold.."."... ......... ......,..... .....,...... ..... ..,..". 83 yO,l'lllouth..... "., ,.... .,... ,.... ,_.. .... ...... ....,...... 51 11ayha.ln.,.......",.,...,.. ',.,_....,..........,. " 41 SOUdl ,Dol'ehe~tel'., .,.....,........,...........,. _. , 18 Port.8tanley., ..........., ,.'.,.. I""" ,.... . _,.,........ 16 BpdngHeld,.,. . ...,... "~,"' ,.. ',," ,;", ," ...,....... 14, , . ;:\,11 pnpili:( receive Itlstl'uction 111 the ordinary subjeets of ,reading,arithmetiC". ~..ddllg,etc-, Tile folJowingstiows the-number of pupil", in morel\dvancedsubjects~ Number inBookkeeping~..,..........,..,...,...., 486 Geometry ....,.........,.,.,......,. .,. ~12 Ah?:ebra.........,..,.,.....:. .. .,.......,. ~59 ~~l:l~~S:::..::~::~ ~: :::'.::::: ~~',::'.::::::: -~~~ Agricul~ure..... .... " ,.,..".........1" 522 Tempel'ance.andHygi'ene.,...,...,...... ,. 3439 sites, $128,600; and of equipment, TEACHERS. Numbel' of teachers ...'...... . .0. ,.. ,....... ,. .."..., 127 " gentlemen. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 ladies... .-,...,.., .'... ., ...,.,... ,......... 69 N umb~~ holding third class cer:~ficates.... . . . . . . . . . . .. ' 77 second ................. 49 first "....... ........... 1 Ave~agel'Jalaryof male teac'hers,$371. Averagesalary"of felnale teachers,$318. 75. SCHauL !fECTlONS, HOUSj~S, SI'l'ES, '.1i7rC. I Number ot maps, . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . '.. . .. .. ... . . .. 931 " globes"..,.................."............ 104 " visits by, inspector. . . , . .; . . . . .. . . ~ .. . . . . .. . . 258 H "trustees..., . . . . ; .'. . ... . . '.,' . . . ... . . , . ... . 205 " .. clergymen. , . .. . ., . . . .. . , . . . . . . . , . ; 56 " publIc examinations. "','" /... ,. ..'.... ..... 48 H trees planted. . . .. . . .. . . . . " ............... 196 TheEl~in teachers' association~held two me<:ltings during the year ; one spring i St. Thomas, andonein the fall in Aylmer. Bothmeetihgs were atten'dl;ld, there bliiing125 teachers from the County present. F~riner"y these meetings were' always held in .St. 'fhomas,but last 'year. th~ ,teachers decided to hold slime of, their meetings in other parts of the Gomity; , hoping that more peuple might hecome acquaJnted . With . and interested in the '['t;eache~S<work. The change' has. proved ,very satisfactory.,This.spr~ng a .ineetiug-was-held i~D.lltton, -and was a greatsnccess., MISCELLANEOUS. " " It, h~now C'omptllsol'Y to give instruction in book-keeping tothe fOUl'th class;: f:lo'thatthenext repnrt wiUaho'W 31'much larger number of pupils in thi~ ',llllpOl'tallt subject. Number of school sections...,.......,. ..,............,. 106 " school houses. ,................. . . .. ., 108 u departn~ents.. . .. . . .. , . . . .. ~ . '. . , . . . " , . . . ., 12~ 'rhere are two sections with two school houses each, viz;::':':'No, 18 Yarmo\Jth and No. ..3 SO,llthwold. 55 53 IU.GIN COtr.'\TY COU-NOlL I Kind,er'garten, and to the'l'own of Aylmer helongs the cre~ht of having'the first a.nd.only KiridOl'garten in the County. This new ~Jlement arlds greatly to the efficitlucy of the ",!read.y efficient 6cl'.ools in the t...,y'n refe'l'red to. 'l'his school must have u bepeficiul effect on the methods of aU teacher,s ".c()t(lcin contact with it. ,'Already we at"e able t08('l~the .influence its sY8~,em of training hus 'pupils,w.ho have spent llome time in the- l{jildel'gal'ten bcfol'e entering' the !'cgulat",c!a8scs of the public school. The prclgressmade by them is much ll1pre rapj(l th~~ hyt'~ose who have not heen in the Kindergarten. It is 'not so mll'oh tlle information theyhaNeacqllired, us it is the state of Dlind develope(liulhem by the tmining and discipline to which the little Kinderl1ul'tenel's are,subjected while in: attendance. 1.'he County Board ofExurninerslfor Elgin, beinguilanimously oHhe opinic,n tihatevery, M.odel school ,would be. much-mol"e valuahle to the -' teachers tralning,"if a Kindergarten were established in connection therewith, passea a R"~aolution directiilg: thel1ttcntion of theSt.''l.'homaa "B01~rd of Edu,catiollt lack in the Elgin County Model School, and expressing ,tltehope thf1.t, we aee,1;I. Kiri~er.aarten catablishe&in the city. Tr,uatillg that the same interest in public echlcati(lll mruv 'be ,evidenced bY.YO,lt~ a.sha~ been so mll.,nifeet in Elgin- County Councils. "lha..e the ,honor to be gentlemen, Y oUl'obedient servant, W. AlI'KIK, Bublic School [us-pector, 'adopte'd. '-~J' un e ; 1892. El,GIN COUN'rY COONcn. '47 Oounty Engineer. JANUARY Sl~SSION. To the vVul'den--:and Council of the County o(Elgin: GJ~NTLE]',1EN.;~Lheg to submit for', your considemtion the following \ , ' ..';' (1;) The McIntosh bridge is now completed, excep,t someot- the ,poin'ting, the stone work, which on account of the late,ness oftha season,i\vflsinjllredby f~(jst;and it will have tl,be again repointed in the spring:. (2.) The Port Stanley bridge will require some extensive in the way of new floor, joists, and needle bef\ms. It may be that ;";'heri a thorough examination of itjn the spring, tha.t it w(Jt11db.~ Qlore eqonomical to have the'\~llOle bridge reconstructed; i' would likcifYOll ,vo,tld gh'e <iommittee full power to deal \vith this ml,l.tter as they decmhcst. (3,)' I wish to call'your'attention to some impl"ovements in the way of rrepail's that sho,uldbe made to the Court House. The outside wood,worl{of this building hasnotrBceived any paint since its construction, u,n'd'is in:~'eO~l: sequeilcesllowingsiglls,'of decay. The brick;work also requires_some TtJpairs. I think also that the wood-work' in the corridor,.; should he agaJn,gl'ained"and the' wllJls.cleaned and k.alsomined. X b",!ieve nothing has beeu done to . this part' of / tbehuilding since 1854. (4.) The ,roof of the gaol ancl fortner gaoler's residence will -hav,c to,'he rept~eedby a new one this year. It has now bf'ell'repai'red, so frequently ,that it is ahriost ilm;:lOssibleto I\eep it from leaking and i~judllg the building. inside. All of which is !'eSpectflllly sul::lmitted. JA$. A, BELL', Connty Etigh~cer. January 26th, 189~_. Referl"ed to Public Improvement~ 'Committee and adopted; ,J{.lN.E SESSlOJ':l. To the Warde'n an~ Counci! of the County of' :illig-in: 48 ELGIN Co.U)T'l'Y COUNCIL. proper l>tatd of repair \ \vill this ,year be less than usual, as' there [~reJ)6i largehridges to rebuild, and; no damage was occasioned by the spring freshets. rrhe,repairs to the Port Stanley ,bridge are now being' made, und'willh ~om,pl~ted in about two,wee\;;s. I wa""notified that a cU~l'ert across the 'London and Port Stanley''GrMTel in the village of Port Stanley hOld given way. Hit is the' duty Ot this Ccii:lUty'to maintain this culvert it sl\()uld be mude in a perm_anen't way. I could see my way clear,to do t!]is without some authority from you. I therefore a:w~it ~nstructioll~ in the matter. I hv,vehada good deal of difficulty this' 13pi'ing with the south approach to Or\l,ell bridge 011 the town line between ;the 'fownships of Yarmo....tHh and rrhe whole df the embankment on the south is sUpping tow~rdsthe with r;;uch force'that tbere is nothing I 'can do .to, hold itba.ck. This i,slocated hi avel'y bad plaee, and as it will hfl,veto be rebuilt very soon, would like YOtu' Public Improvement Comrriittee to visit it with me this week andtalce into their consideration a change of site.' 'l'he snperstrn('tureof the K.aina Bridge between the Cityof SCl'homas and. thisCOlltltywill have to b,erebuilt,thisyear,and the substrpcture repair_ed. ,I would recommend that theCool{s Millbridgewhich was built last year, he pa~nted; All ofwhlCh is respectfully submitted. June 7th" 1892. 'JAS. A. BELl'l COllnty.En~ineer. ,Referred to ,Public Impl'ovement Committee. NOVEMBER SESSION. '1'0 the Wal'den and Council'of the COUrityof Elgin: GENTI,EM'EN,-Ibeg to snbmit the following report: (1.) In accordance with instrnctions Ipreparedplam and,~pecifications for rebuilding the Mapleton bridge between Yarmouth and Malahide., The 'contract was' let for $435j but on account of the contractor not pu~ting th'eplank ~f the depth specified~'the wot'k has not been accepted; \vith work .has h?en.completed iJ;l, a satisfactory manner. ELGIN CCiUN'fY COUNCIJ... 49 niittee. The site of this bridgc was changed and moved about 120 feet further IlDrth, A:new channel ent f(lr the creek a.nd the old channel filled in ; ',by . doiug this the length of the bridge was reduced from -120 to 130 feet. The contract for thu bridge was let for $700 and the excavationfvr ne\~ chanriel,fill~?_~ itio1d:bed of crep-k, temporary, removal of old. bridge, purcha.se of land, 'fencing hnd ete" about $1,'000; makiu~a. totalot about $1,700. The :work, of, and, filling in wa!; done by day work under a foreman. The V.tal COStV6t'y, little exceeded t,he amount the hridge,wori.ld cost if placed,ont,he old' site. This work is ~nw completed and I wo'uld like yom' Public- Improvement Committeeto inspect it during the present session, (3,) The superstructure 6f the Kains bddg-e between the County and City St:,: Thomas has also been rebuilt and the superstructure ~trengthenedsiTJce all of thetimbel' in the old structure being used that was'goo'.g; of this work wo,s $788.27, of which the eity pays one palL (4,) The St. 'George Street bridge betw0en the COllnty and City has b~e'n repaired ata cost of $160. (5.) T!le floors of both bridges in Vienna have been renewed, the ood,flo?rs ' being in fl:n umafe condition. (6.) The Cooks MIll bridge over the Ott~rCreek,between Malahide and Bayham, hasbeenpaiflte~ two.coats of oxide of iron paint. (7.) I have'had a new abutment placed nuder the.. bridge over:_ the west I' branch of Kettle Creel{ betweenSouthwold and Yarmouth,at ucosb of $63., . . (8.r.. R~pairs' have been made \ to' cievcral other. briC'ge>:i. throughout ,the County, mainly the fol1owilig :--The Gillett bridgein Yarmouth, the bridgeover theOtter Ureek between Bavbam ,and Middleton, the br"idge' over K~tt.ie Cre'.ek , between Yarmouth and vVestministlZlr,.andthe: McIntosh bridge. The railing' recommended for the Bothwell bridge is being .put on and the approaches gravelled. (9.) Abl)Ut the llitterpart of Augqst an accident occllrredat t~e James- town-bridge. athreshingengine, ddven,by Ml'. Ashton, while passing ?'f~r, the' bridge brol,e one of- the needle beams and feU into the creek. One of the hor~es , . ., .- ... .'... ';. .. ..) was killed; the engine considerably dama~ed and'Mr.Ashton seriously injured; Thi's:bridgeat the time was not in a safe condition for th,a.tdas$of traV"et 1-' given orders, so~e h~'o weeks previously to have it repai~ed, but did no~ the needle beams udsafe. I immediately called the Public Iwprovement mitteCe~ together to get instructions"as to what action I .of repairing"the'bridge..,and they. instructed me 50 lU.GIN COUSTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUN'CIL'. 51 -..--' and adver..ise the contract for fL new bridge of the Howe truss patterno~ 100 feet,spa'r.. The contract was let tq!vlr. vV.B. Cole for $1,274, and thE' bridge i~ no~y co'mpleted in a satisfactory manner. 'Allaf whfch is respectflllly submitted, JUNE SI'~SIHON, 'To. the Warden and CounCIl of the County of ~lgin-': November 22nd, 1892. Referred to Public lmprovpment Cal1unittee and adopted. JAS, A. BE~L, County Engineer. GENTLEME::-T,-YOUl' Public Improvement Committee beg leave to i;n~}lnit following report : 1st That the _Engineer have an iran pipe culvert put in acrb~~ the and Port Stanley Gravel Road, about opposite the Eilglish 'church in the of Port Stanley. 2nd Y:onr committee have ,examined the Orwell bridge, between th~ 'rownf:'hips of Yarmouth andMalahide,ano.' recommend that the Engill~er prepare plans and specifications, for the\el'ectionaf a new bridge at this place.,; that the.ne,,, bridge be of abaut 100 feet span of the Howe Truss paitol'n,' and th,1t it extend abdut thirty fcet further to 'tl1l3 south tlH1ll the present, .stt'ucture.; JANUARY. SESSION, 3rd Your committeew6uld recommend thattilie councilassnnle the" Burwell bridge across the Otter creek in' the 'l'owns'hip of Bayham a~ .a, bridge, provlpiug the Township Council a/the Township of Bayh<;\Ul resolutioll agreeing not to ask for aid to any ather bridge ins,{id Section 30; of Chapter 50, pf the MnuicipalAmei1dment Act, 1890, Public Improvement Committee. '1'0 theWal'den i\nd Conncil a(theCoulltyof Elgin: GENTT.,El\fEN,--..:Vour .Public Improvement Cpmrhittee beg leave to submit the follawing ,rep.ort : 4t.h That the J!ingineerbavepower to act with the Engineerof th~ City-of St. Thomas, in reconstructipg the ~ains bridge OVer Kettle creek, between the County and the 'City of St. 'l'homa'$. 1st That the reports of the ConntyEhgineer be adopted. 2nd In reference to the Engineer's report on tbePort Stanley bHdge, your committee'wQuld recommend that they have 'power 'with the, Engineer to~ul.ke . . I ,. . such repairs as they think necessary to. said 'bridge ; or, iil ca$e they think it mOI;eec~nomicl;o,f to rebuild 'the bridp;e after havinu a report, of its . state from the Engineer" that they have power to do so withaut hringing the matter again 'beforeyour- hon'orable hody. . 5th YOlH' cornmittee reconfmend that this Conneil assume ,what isknowu as:'the Mapleton bridge in the Township of Yarmouth, said bridge. be'inM't;ln'a; road which is used in lieu of the towtdine, between' the Townsbips of and South D,orchester,and that if it is necessary, to, have this br,idge fehuqtat at once ; that the Engine~t' have pawer~to prepare,pl>111S ana specifications,'and ltd vertiee the letting of the can tract for said work. 3rd That the Ellgineet have pawerto act with the Engineer-of the City of St. Thomas, iri tecanstructinll. the.Kains bridge over, Kettle ,creek. All'of which is respectfully J3,Ub~lit~ed. A. A. 'MoKn,wp, Chatnnuu. 6th That the Engineer be'instructed tohuve the Cook's Mill bridge painted \\.:ith two coa~s of oxide of iron . ' 'All of which is respecHullysubmitte,d. , A,dopted.' J~nuary28th, .1892. A, A. .McKILLor, Chairman. ELG-IN COUNTY COUNOH-. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIT~.. 53 NOVEMBEl1. SESSION-IcIRST.REPORT. G'aol Committee. '~o the Warden and Council of the County ot EI~~n ; JANUAIW SESSION, GENTr..El'.IEN,-YoUl Public Improvement Committee beg leave to report as follows: 1st, We have visited and inspee;ted the Orwell bridge just completed. ,The' il}oll,r opinion, is well done, \\,ud the change of sitA will be: a benefit both the COjlnty and the travelling public. rhatthe repo'rt of the LJounty ~ngiueer be adopted. 'l'hat the account presented by James Finney for extras on);he bridge be not entertained., ,4th That the matter ~f claims for damages by Messrs. Ashton and Pineo in CoJu'seqlience of acciden_t ltt .Jam0fJtown bridge be left over 'to the January session. All of \vl.lich is respectfully submitted. To~ the Elgin County Council : , G~NTLEMEN,-.The: Gaol Committee beg: leave to report; 1st That they have considered the recommendation of the County Engineer in reference to rep"l.irs t(j'Co.~rt House, and new r~Of on ~aol, and'former gaoler's residence, and recommend that a llew roof be puton.the g:aol'and former gaol~r's residence: that the wood-work outside the Court HOllse be repainted ; that t,he (lorridots in the' Court House be cleaned and kalsomined, and the '-wood.work be repainted. A. A..McKILL(:'PjChairml...n. 2nd We have opened tenders for the Uountypdn~ing for the year 1892,'. and find that received from the Aylmer EXn,ItES~ to be the lowest, and would reco~mend it, to b~ accepted. 3l'd We have to recommend.that an inventory <if all the mo~eable property in and- abou't the Cou'rt Bouse, ,gaol, gaoler's residence aud RegIstry office, belonging to the County, to Le taken by the Clerk and Engineer;' for the, information of this committee, and that here.aftei' they be required to checkS!t1d inventory as often as this committee or council may direct.. 1892. SECOND REPORT. T~ the Ward~n a~d Council of the Count) of Elgin: GENTLIilMEN,-Your .Public Improvement Committee beg leave the following supplementary report, that in reference to application \lyhite, for payment of a' certain ordel' made by James Finney, your would-recommel1d no action. to submit of Albert committee 4th Your committee would a~so recommend that the gas accounts. for the County buildings be laid bef9re.the,committee quarterly; and, that ase]2erate acCount be reti~el'ed for the gaoler's residenoe. ' A.. A; McKILLOP, 'Chairman. 5th That the gaoler and other officials be notified that hereafter all a:lOounts re,ndered for supplies ordet'ed, or servJoes by them, tnust'bece.rtified,to, a~dstate the statutory 'or other authority requiring the Council to pay the acoounts,and tha~ where tbereis 1"!-o'special statutory authority, the aocounts will only be p'a.,d, the item~ charged for wereordered. by the County Clerk or Engineer,. C.A. ..BROWER, Chairman. Allof which is respectfully submitted. "Report Adopted.-Yea's, 14; nays~ 8. November 24th,. 1892. I ~- JUNE SESSION. To the EIgin'Col1nty Conncil:, GENTLEMEN,-'l'he Gaol Committee beg leave to report: I . " lst'rhat in reference to communication received from J. H. recommend:thatwe be empowered to 'make ELb-IK COUNTY COUNCIL. ELGIN COUN'I'Y COUNCIL. impI'ovements,aswc may deem necessary to overcome the difficulties complained Of by MI'. Coyne. Petitions and Legislation. 2nd That the l~ngilleer,ha've th~ brick workoftbe ConrtHouse and 'old gaoler's residence pointed ann pajilted. JANU ARY SESSION. :No.VEMBF,n SESSION. To tbeEIgin COllnty Council ~ GENTLEM~;N,-The Committee on Petitions and Legislatiollheg i'eport: (1.) That they lla'le considered communication received fronl the Oxford, inrefel'ence to the amelldment and repeal at Section 30, Olltar:i'o Statutes 1890, and would recommend tba_t b~presentecl at the coming session of the Legislature, and that the a whble,co\1sider the advisability Of appointing the Warden, aud sllch members of tbeCounciLas may be necessary, to .accompany the th,ree from the County of Oxford to Tot'onto, lor the purpose of interviewing Govet'urrieut and MUlllcipal Committee whil~ the Legi8lat'ilre is i~ sessio'n, hand, you herewith petition 'to!', signature, (2:) We have also considered petition for appeal to revive the subsidy grante(fthe Brantford, Norfolk and POl'tBurwell Ra~lroadCompa9Ji~; and would recommend 'the same for the signature of theWarden~ ' (3.). The foIiowing applicati6ns fat' free Hawkere' aild Pedlcr.{Licfmae , been laid before us and we wQuldl'ecommend that they be f.{ranted: James Armstl'ong, Lypns. William Rippon. All of which is respectfully submitted. 3rd That your committee he empowered to pass such l'eg:ulationOl as 'they maydCl:':ID neC~SSltry to pre\'en~ parties maldng thOI'~~ghfare of Park stll'roundirig the Conrt HOl1s~,' .'"... 4th Since th~ last session \V~ hl1ve awarded the contract to MI'. Newgury for pldntiilg tbe corddors.of the Court House and wood work outside-am~unt $1,80,50. 'I'h,ecCltltt'ad for roofing.the old gaolcr'h'esicleuee, ll,nd the gaol Wit)l slate l1as~lso been let-amouut of contract, $276.00. Alrof which is respectfullysubmitte'd. Adopted. C. A. BROWER, Chairman. June flth; 1892. T'o the Elgin County Conncil: GEWL'LEME:'I:;.,--Tl\(~ Gaol Committee beg leave to report; > lst'l'hat si~1oe the last session of the Conncil, the painting of the ,Court Honse has been completed; andu. new slate roof placed on the gaol and gaoler's residence. The lawn on the east side: ,bas been filled hvby the autho'l'ities, whengra.ding vVellington street, and 'baf; been levelled by instructions given by your committee, and the balance sodded. 'l'he'rest of /work ~iJ1 be completed early next year. 2n(l The le8M with Dr. McLartv for office of D. McLaws, Clerk of. the County Court. expired on the first of October last. . YOur oomJllittee have ex~miIJedthe;office,and find that the vaultls not large enough, nor in ~ur opinion 'tire-proof. We have been uuable to find other s'uitable offic~s, and wbuld'reco'mmend that Mr. McLa\\-is continue to occupy bis present ciffioes until the J annary session. 31'd In connection with the Regis~ryOffice improvements, referred to us, ,\ye ha've; ordered _96 of the lates,t .irr.proyed files,-a map connter, and an Abstract Regisl,rycas9' These are at presentheirig constructed by the 'Office Specialty Com~3:nyirJ,\Toron~o, a~d will be placed in th,e ,officieus soon as, completed. ,AU of which is respfJctfully, submit~e(l. Adopted. .January 1892. W.. j\fCCwlDaj,Chu.lrman; JUNE SESSION. To the Wal'den an1- members,o'f the li1lgin, COllnty Council l 1'hePetiti<!ns and Legislati~n Committee. would re~omme~d tbeapppiu~ment bythe'County Council ofW. J. Brown to the Outado AgriculturalColJege; I In regat'dt(,. the corrimnnioati(ju, r~ the reductioll of CouutyCoutlcils, 'your would reconuuen\'lthatno action be. taken at present as the ,Local with thisg\lestion. All of whi6h is respectfully~ubmitted; O,A. EJ.GIN' COUNTY COUNClI.. ]';LGIN COUNTY COUNCIl... 57 (l. ) That thesl~ggestion o,f the County Council be coin plied with, (2,)' In reference to the,Petitioll of the County Wentwol,th, r~' market fees, that no action be taken. of .the Gounty.of:Outai:io That we believe the County Registry office will now aflord all the acomodatidn necessary for tbe purposes of'this system of hmd transfer, and fmm all. the infbrmation we have gathered, 8reof the opinion it would be of no expcns~ to ,the County, outside of the' sma.ll. -expense necessary for the fmonishing of books required. ' " we are of tbe opinion it is now advisable ~hat the County pass a expedient that the provisions of this Act be_ extended: to ~OVEMllER. SESSION, To the IQombel's of the County Conncil of the County of Elgin ~ Committee on Petitions and Legislation beg- leave to Council.of the Countyo{ That the Council petition the Lieqtenant Go\'ernorin Council, that James Coyne. Barrister, Registrar of this County, be appointed Master of~l'it1es. All of WhIch is respectfully submitted. :(3.) ,rrhti,t in rcferenceto the resolution cof the Connty Council of the of Nor~humberlalld"and .Pllrham, re. reduction .of tha number of the Ccunty Council, we recommend that no action be taken. Adopted. Jauuary 28th, 1892. I -., T, W. KIRI(PATRICK, Chairman'. All of which is respectfully submitted; W. McCRlmm, Chairman. Adopted; 1892, Special Committee, re Purchase Toll Roads. Special Committee re Torrens System of Land Transfer; JANUARY SESSIO~. In theahsence of the-chairman,'tl:1e members',)f the Gravel RoadComri1ittee [eave torepor.t,: (1.) -The comnii'ttee met at the Grand Central lIotel in the Uhy of St. Thomas during the month of December. (2,) l'I'Ir. Morrison, owner of the Gravel Road in the Township of Bayh(1m, addressed the Committee and stated that it'consisted of ffve miles of road with one-gate; valued at $1600.00. (3;) But owing to' thenou'o(J,Ueridance of the shure holders of the' London andPortStanleyRoad, your Committee was unable to ascertainthealIl?\1:~t that thisroad could be bonght for, blltauthorizeq. the~hltirmau to c(jrrespond _ with the ()wners of said road as,to the amount asked for it, al{d report a(t,he January Session of this Conncil. All of which' is respectfully submitted. 'r~ ,the Warden aiHl'me_!ubers of theConnt;r Council, of the Connty of Elgin GE'N.,TI~EMEN,~The committee' appoiuted to consult with James H. Coyne, rcgistrai', as totheprobablecost bft~e introduction of the TOl'rcns System Of Land Ti'ansfe~J as well as tothe adYis~bility of intr'uducingsaid system into' the Cohnty of El'{in, beg leave to report as follows:, '\ 'l'hatwe:have c?mmunicated with Mr. Coyne in thismatteL', into the workins(of the ae't, in, the Province of districts, and have found 58 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. I JUNE SESSION. . '1'0 the Wardell and Council ofthe County of mgin : GEN~LEM.mN,-.:.The members of Special C0mmittee appointed at Janull.ry Session to enquire ill to the advisabilityof purchasing tbe Po'rt Stanley Gravel Road, m'etatthe Hutchinson House in the City of St, 'rho mas d~ring lnonthof May, and.after discussing bhe q'lCstion and intel'viewing the .owners of the road,ei~me to'110 conclusion in the matter. , ,Another rrieeting was held at the Court H"'use on JllucBth, 1892',. arid YOUl' Committee recommend tht>t this County mll.ll:e a propositiou\vithout pi:H'judiee to purchase from ownHrs ~f.,Gt'I1Vel Road said road at a price of $14,000.00, Yarrqouth und Southwoldpay $2,OOO.OOeaeh of said snm, and Thorrias pay $],OOQ,OO (If.sl~id lLmount. this Council pledging itself to. the same proportion with Bayhltm inpurchase,(\f their Toll ROads. ..f1..1I of ..\'hi~h is l'cpectfully submitted. Tilos.JACKSON. Chairman, Theahove report was I'efel'red to tbe committee of the whole, by the substitutilJU of the following Clause, which waB adopted by Yeas15j Nays 11. Tlmt thioc Council pay onqllalf the pm'chase money for the London and Port 'Stanley Gravel Road, providin~ the Municipalities of Yarmouth S;Outhwold~nd, the City of St; Thomas make up the other half and provided r'iladcanbe,bollghtata l'MsonablepriC'e, and that the matter be laid over tillthe No,vember session, to give the reprcscntativ"'g of t~eitltere.;;ted Mlmicipalities time, to confer with th~ir constituents and withthe_ownel's of the road, and that Bayham pay one.third and the County the balance of their road. Report of County Clerk re Reduction of Number I. .. , Members of County Councils, Etc.. Talhe Elgm Coun,tyCouncil: accordance with a'resolution, passed at the 'January ,session",: . the differ,entpouutiesin reference to the reductionoL the,';., 90u~ty COllllcil,and t110 holding of '6nly t\VO 8e~sio~ ELGlti~,:, COU!'<TY COUNCIL. I have received replies from about thirty Counties; twenty.five of whom taken no action in the matter, In Halton, the question was and.tbe Council decided to take no action. In Huron, Ontario, alldPetel'bot'Oll~h the Council holds but two Sf'SSIOl1S during theyeal'--in JOlnuary unci Jnnc, dIn the County of Grey, the matte!' WltS considered at the Jar.nary sessioil, resolutionto'appoint a eom'mittep; to devise some way ()f doiilg ,u\\'iLy November ,ses,;ion was lust. In Renfrew, the CO,uncil will consider at the June seSl:,IOllllOW going on. , I hand you herewith replies l'ecei ved from the vllriOllS Comities information of the Council. Jun'e 7th, 1892. House of Industry Reports. COMMITTEE. JANUARY SESSION. To the Elgin County Counoil : GEN'rLT~ME:<r,-TheHouse of Induefry Committee beg, leave to in accordance with instrllctionsreceived at the ,November session of they have ordered the Engineer tl' prepare plans, and speci6cD;tions for introduction ofa system of hot waterheatinginto the ~Uill huildIng, ahd instructed him to advertise for tendel's, to be opened by your committee meeting in 'April. In connection with t,his woi'k, we have dccii!cd to tha,t twcibath rooms be fitted up in theinstitution,wi.th hot \Vater the wa.terto be hefited by it boiler to be connected with .the ne~ ,stO\:'0 to be placed in the kitchen of the institution. This ~vOl~k eal1 be done,at and when completed \vill greatly impl'ove:the health ar.d well-being inmates, aild remove rIlaily,oftheqallsesf6r complairit,qf nncleanliness, want of,these.conv~niences,..we.ha\'efound to.'exist. ELG1K(.!OU::<r'J~Y COUNCH,. ELGIN c'OUNTY COG-XCIJ.J. JUNK SESSION: NOVI~l\IBF,R Sl<lSSI()N. rT~(),tbemgin Coun'ty Council: To the Elgin County COllncil: GE)[TI,'KliIEx,-The Committee of the House of Indu~try beg leave ,to report: (l)That the annual reports of the physichm and inspector he adopted withL ;amendrr.ents. IIouse of Ii1dustry Committee beg leave tor~pol't: since the last s~$sion they h!lve awarded the contract for a complete water heating to Bennett and Wright, of. TOl'onto. .The amount bi~Pl;979,OO. The contract for baths, hOr:water heatel' in kitchen, to James Acheson, St. Thomue, t:tmOlmt $150,00. The- " room and coal house wue awarded to George Ponsford, the' $32~.OO, We have also purchu'led a'John Bull steel .range. The contmct'ors are n~nv going on with/the work, and ,by the Ses8ion all improi'ements required at the institution for many yi:lars to IHwe been completed. (2) 'l'~at,theheatingappamtlls hll,s'been completed and appears.. to :work satisfaetotily. That the baths, etc. .are also completed, anc1'all of ,the' inmat,es are,now bathecl,once 'a, week. (3) The sixteen children in t\le institution at the beginning of the year have all been- prpvided with suitable homes. (4) The report of the physician in reference to the i,mproved facilitieaof caring for the i'nmates l10der all conclitions are vel'y gratifying, as lUllOh as..~. hirge amount has been, expended thereon dllringthe last two years.' We believ'~ that extri\. expenditure for improvements m connection with the institl1ti~n have. : now been rendered unn0ces8ary for,some yeat'sto come.' to:the change in County By.law, and advertising for' homo? ,foro thclllimberhas dcureasedfrcirr.sixteell to three, and we believe tha will in future prevent the crowdiug'of the institution with ~l:h{'mlmber.of inmatea at the . present time isforty,two, the smallest has been in the institution for many years. 'l'his is no doubt to the fact that children in the institution ha ve secured hOllies. {5) 'l'he rate per week, $1.47, as sllewn by Inspector's Report, is theh.igh., eat since 1877. 'This is owing to eXJ;lenses hi' connection wit.h th~ repah's.anfl iinprovements that hl\Ne not been inclu1erl in ,aceountas permanent improve- menta, and'also to.the fact that the numbcl' of inmates has decreased,the yearly average being six.teen less than' last year. " All of which is respect,fully submitted, Iilreference to the G['and Jury presentment;, we would recommend 0.11 the improv~Ule~ts in the institution have been completed the bo uuthodzed 'to furnisn com'eyances for the Grand Jllry o~ one Assize a'l1tl the Grand Jury oione County Court. (5) Y 0111' committee' have had the out-buildings and fe!1ces surrounding the mai~ Quildiilg pai11tedwith the labor of.tbeinmates in .the .instittition, . and be- lieveit to.be agreat.improvement as well as necessary for the preser\,Tation of the b\lildillg:s~ All of, which is re'spectfully submi~te(L F. BENNETT,_ Chahmail. Adopted. Nbvernber 1892. PHYSICIAN- F.' BENNETT, Chairman. '.f'o ~he Warden and i\-!embels of the ElginOounty Council; beg leave, to present the seventeenth AnnualM'edical Report of Iudustr~. ' 61 ! 62 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. The following t!1bultw stutement give>; fullinforrrl'1tion in mOl'tH.lity,:. NAMg. AGJ!1. WHEN DIED. CAUSE OF ~ Typhoid Scarlet.Ffl'(le.' ""Par,tlysis "'Cou,sumption ...Cnn'sumptioLl Epilepsy .....Consumption ,pa,ralysis < , Consumption Norah Cudney William Altetnltll William Clifford John Little not,1\, Alhson Manhu,Butcher Bnlck Titlls Muetha Little Colin Gillies 17 8 82". , 70, 8s... 60... 59-. 7"'- n November 7th November 19th December 2i'ld December 5th December 31st J'l,lluary.lst March.31st April 18th Octob\'lr 23rd Nobil'th~ have taken ph.c", not' bas there been any quit'e,d, We'have had three caSt'S of intermitting fever,'l?ut these hetel di':l,ease before being a(hriitted. surgical treatment I have only one case of Iu- grippe- to report, and that one was sufferi'ng t~is cause when admitted. The five cases of tjphoid fever'ill at the rlate of rriy lasr repyrt, made good' recoveries; but one robust young woman subsequently attacked died on the tqird" day 6f the disease. Scarlet fe\'er, of a VlrLllent type camed the death of a young lad, but by prompt isolation, no others contracted the disease, althou.!!'h fourteen children were in the building at the time._ Twonulses. were employe'd for a shbrttim~ during the typhoid epidemic, whose services were valuable adjuncts in the l'eco'/ery of the patients. I oannot speak tli>o' highly of the.ud \"<tntages affo"i'ded for the better <::ure isolation of pel'suns silffel'ing from contageousdiseases, effected hy the construe- tion'of tbe additionltl wing, aud oth~w improvements ma(Ie to the building (hIring the past Veal'. We now have better v.elltilation, betterhcttl;ing, better dassification, and betterf,~cilities for the observance of cleanliness,Which, taken together, this public charity a standing in keeping with ,thea(hancement of the times like institl1tioUl! iri this Province. Ihavethe honor to 'be, Gentleinen,your oHeclient sem'unt, ELGIN. COUNTY COUNCIJ.. Oil INSPECTOR '1'0 the County CounCIl ot the County of Elgin: GENTLE.MEN,~The following is my repot't on House of Industry and for the year ending 31st Oct,ober, 1892 : ~efuge I 2 :J 4 5 6 7 ", 9 Number of Inmates'in HQuse a,t last Report.... ., ,. ,.....,',62 " admitted durlllg the veltr. .,. ..,... ,..,., .... ,.30 ,I born in House.,...,...... ,..,.. ,..... ,.,....., d.eaths.,.,.....,... ..., .,.. _...."..,..,......,.. .9 bound.ol1t..,.,. ....,..................... ..... ..Jl discharged,..,. ,.,.....,.. ,.,......... ......... 19 abscoIlded.....,....,....,. '..,...,..,...... .....;. U at B1!nd +ns~itute...,.,...,...". ..........,..... 1 now In House..,. ,. ............... ......... . ,.. .,.44 " " 10 " of Inmates sent from the several Municipalities, in the COlmty during the year ': Aldborough..~" ......,...,........"..4 Dun\vich.,.....". ... ,. ,............. 3 S.outhwold..., .....,.."....,.. ,..,..., 4 Yarll1outh. , . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . .. 6 !vlalahide. , , . . . . . . . . , . '.' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 Buyhain. '~'",.,.....,. ,..,..,.....,... 2 South Dorchester, . . . . . ' , . . , .. . . ." .,., ] Vienna.... ...,..,. ."...., .... ,...,.... 1 Springfield. , . . . ... .......,............. ..nil Aylmer;.,......,'" " ....,.. ,.... ,.. ..nil fort Stanley....., ...............,.." ,nil Dutton.. ..,......, ... . . , . . . . . . . , . . , . , " 4- 'franlps,..".., ....... ,...... ,...... ...,.,. .2 11 'l'he various cases of pauperism of Iumates hi House during tllay be classified as follows: Sickness... ... "","., ......"". ,.,..' .12 Destitu-tioll.. ,...., .... ,...,..,..,. ,.. ..23 Intemperance, . . ., , , . , .. ....,.....,.., 11 Cripple..,. .,...... ...'. .............,.., 6 Old Age""" """.", """",",,', 6 Blind.... ....... .,."....,..,.,..,. .. ...,. 5 Insane, Idiotic, etc....,.....,..,......, .17 All other causes..... ,........, ",..,... .12 92 Average 1ll.1mberof Inmates dudngthe year.., .,'; " . ,with keerer'sfamilXi etc. added,. ,', Numberoiweeks board of Inmates,. .... ,;,.., "with..keeper:s,~_p~Uv;_e.tc.. H-fLdei! ' ELGIN COU::<rTY COUNcr.r~. 17 Dedlwt pern1l1nent improvements. . ." -..,,"...... " received for stock ftndaundries sold.....,.. ,. " "from inmates. . . ... . . .. .. .. . . ... .. " increase in inventory value of furnisbings on hand.. ,.. ........ ............. 18 Leaving amount achml1y expl?uded for support of .ilnnatl"ls................,..... ..".. .,...,.... 19 Avemgeexpense per week for each pet'son.",....... 20 1\.verage expense per yea\' for' each person.... .'....... 2.1 Averageexpense per year f.or each person with interest on total amount expended'by (Jaunty added.,..,. 22 Avet'age cost per week' per inmate dming lust 16 years 23 Dietary:-- :YIeat, daily average. 8-and five.seventh ounces. B'read, daily avemge, 14 ounces, 3031 83 185 00 88 00 47 30 --,----.:.$3352 13, 1.47 76 44 97 76 1 14 24, The amount expended for house Ulld farm du:ring the year is f61l()\vs: HirEJll' htbol'. . . . . . , . . . . . . , . , . , ]farm implerrlC.nts and expenses.,..,....... Farm stock.; . , . . . ,'. .... . . , , . . ... . .. . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . Physicians "alary.,....... ... ..... .,.... ..,.. .,.. Inspectm's salary...... ... . . ' . . .. ....,............ Keeper ,and matron's salary.... ...... ..... .,...... Drug.s,. surgical appliances,. etc. ., .....,.......... PrfivlsIOIHi....... ........,.. ..,...... -........,... .'. Meat: ,.....,........ ..... ,....',..,............. Bread. ........,.. ,..,.,..... .... ...,....' Groc.eries...,.,..,..........,. ......,... .... .'... ..... DryG()ods..........,........ ...... .............. Boots and sh'les. . ,.. . , . . . . . . . . . . . .,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hal'dwareand furnishings.. ...,....,.......... ..,.. Wood.. . ..., ,... ,'..." ,. . ,'.., ~..,.... .'........ Frlrnitnre andcoffib.s.,.. :.'.,... ......,..,......" PERMANEN'l' IMl'ROVEr.n:NTS. FUI'nance. room.... ..... " ,.., ,...,......,... Heating apparatus...,. .... . .. , . . , ' . .. . . . . . . . . Bltlarice onW eat Wing,...., .. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . Baths; etc...... ...... ,. ...... ....,. ,........ ...., .....' Hog.pen..,.,.... .... ,.,.... .,..'................... Wells, cisterns, ,drain!!, out.buildings,etc,. .,. ,... " Irisurauce,.. ...... ,'..... ,.......... ...,. ... ,... QJollveyance of inmR.tes,... .....,. ... ....... ..... lucid ental expenses. . .. .., . .. .. ... ,. ............ ~ine cbildren have attended schoo138#: which at75 cents p~rIi1onth.m.ak~s 14040, $149 00 130 47 1~2 -'0 200 00 15000 550 00 56 86 257 12 62555 388 33 ~74 82 28247' 43 20 327 41 462 00 54 00 ----$261490 3:l5, 00 1600 00 239 65 15000 41887 288 31 ----"-:$3031 83 67 00 88 00 ,479 56 4358 ,19 divided as EUUN COUNTY COU~CIJ.J. '26 The following produce was raIsed on farm during year: 20 tons of hay, at $7.00........,............,..... $ 130bushela of oats at 25 cents. ....,.." .' .....,. ... 800 " field carrots at15 cents,.. 500 " mangolds at 8 cents. , . . . . . ' . , ' , . . . . , 500 ,~ tlli'lllpsatlO,cents,........ 100 " corn at 25 cents.................. .. ' 75 " potatoes it 50 cents....,. . , . . .. ..... 20 " beans,... .. ... ......... ".,.... . ...... 25 " beets.,..... ",.. ,..'.,.., ,.....'..... 100 ,. carrots at 15 cents_...,... , ....,'. S barrels of apples. ,.... ,..... .. ., ,... ., 30 barrels of onions..... .... ,... ,.....,.... ,.. ,. 25 bushels of parsni.ps. . . , , ' . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . .. . 800 heads of cab1age . . . , . . . , .. . , . :' . . . " . , . . 10 loads of cornstalks. . . . , . . . . , . , . , . . . . '. . . . , . .. . . Straw..',... ... . ......... '.... .......... ..... ..... 946 pOLlnds of butter: ...,., .,...., '.... ....... 173 jars of fruit. .,.,., ". ,... ..,....,...., lObal'rels of s('ap......., .....,., ..'." 8 pigs. ........ ...........,., .,.'.,....,.... 1 barrel of pickles. . ,. ..., .. ' ,.." ,. .,........ ,. 14000 32 00 '12000 40 00 50 00 25 00 37 50 20 00 5 00 15 00 8 00 25 00 6 00 2500 20 00 8 00 18~ 20 20 00 30 00 ,06 00 300 -~,. Total value,................ $ 914 00 In addition to above a large amount ofveg:etables and frllit wa.s raised consumed (Iurhig the year,of whicl1 no acconnt was kept. 27 Number of articles of ged~ing and <Jlothing made up durin~ the year by matron and inmates,. 543. , 28 ,The fUl'Iliture, provisions, etc" on hand' lstof November are valued all follows: vVbod. ......' .... ..... ,.. ... ... ....,. ...... ..... Groceries;. .... ..........,.....,.. ....,. ,.,.. .'... ,. Dry.Goods......... .......,..". ...,.. ...,: .... StOVl'S, tables, etc;..... ........., .......... ,. .,. Beds and b(;\dding ..,...,..".. . . ' . . . ' . . . , , . , . . . ~~'~~~~~t:: '. ........'...~.'..:....:. ,. ,::....:.. :............::: ,. ., . ,Barrels, tubs, etc' ..,..' ...,.........,' Surgical appliances, ..'" ...,.",..,.".......' Meilicine case andsee'y . .. . , , . . .. . . . . . . , Fal'm'st(lck'and implements.,...,.......,......,.. Farm and garden prQdllce. "','" . .... ,..... ....,.. Clothing. ,. : '.' .. ....... ........... ,. ..,....,..' $ 100 00 37 75 123 70 34195 688 00 40 00 30.00 31 05 15 00 20 00 ,675 00 57000 25.00 --$269835 Thetotalcamou,ntexpellded by County for House of Industry, ~tC::, isas 66 ELGIN COUN'.rY COUNCIL. ' Cottages ..:.....'. ...,....... ,., ....... ,... ,..., ~~rns, \\'.ood-shecl, etc.....,."...., ."......... .'.. 111e. drains.... .,......,...".........,....... 'file drain outlet,......,..."...,.......".. '," Fencipg,... ,......,.,...,., ,<.,,'.....,...'.. 'Orch",l'd,..".".,......,..,.,...,..... : Heatin~ Appl1ratns.,... ...,...,.....,........... 1413 32 2058 02 417 10 60 70 709 95 85 84 1600 00 Total.. . .. . . . .. . . . ... $ '20669 41 30 RecelvedflOm Government Grunt on_ account of e:xpenditure for land and buildings.",...,.... ., $ 3000 00 --- Leav-ing amount actually flxpendeCl by County.,.. $ 17669 41 All of which is respectfully submitted. November, 1892. K. \V. McKAY; Inspeet(ir~ .~)i~u_ _..C~~~~_ "",