1893 Minutes ~ s: 0 0 0 co ^ C t' :l> ::0 t'j -< -0 -I c OJ- :,::!. (1 "- 1 J: z " I cr: 0 -L: ! I-' z :I: ~ C '" I OJ z ~ '" ~ en '" co (I) '" ~ .rn '" 0 0 >-3 UJ z z P< . ~ I R:> ~ en '" t'j l> ~ j; I 0 --l '" ~ .- I 0 l> i -I :I: '" ,- ~ II ,> PK@tCEEDING8 -'~O'FTH'E':":":'~': .ELGIl\l...COUNTY COl:JN'CI}.. JANlJAFlYSE$SfOI\f. dt893. .FIRSrSESSION~FlisT DAY.. II TUERDAY, 24th day of Jau9ary, 189.3. , . . . J . , . . 'Fq,?,w~:rn; bers,.,el~e,~; qf tl~~, ,C()u,u ty OO'l1:l,1cil, P.f-,'the", ,~QUIl~Y ,.c~f:::Elgin. mEl't.thi~,~&_y ~t ~bePQur,t,,~oUE!\3~ .'St.,Th~ma~_~ ,1lJ~ ~~v,Q,'o'clo;ck}n: ;th0' ~pterr noon, as~required "by statute.'. " . ; :".:..' .".",.)....,'.. "..,.',.',...-:. . l The following Reeves and Deputy,Reeve8fii~d'6~~ti'fi~at~'~' th.!ilir sea.tsratJ,thEt.G.onriCiUBbal'df': , ' ; '... : ... ,:. , " ~ . ' and took T " >~'_ )rI~I~~~*~,i(J,K:;. :' " ',r'.; ~ ,"~'~:' '~', . ,"?: ~i~' ~It~'~ye" c ',~'. "', ~ r ~ . ~ ~-'r . ','; ..~;:.': ~~ Aid lwrp ugl~"i JOHN TH~.MSON:..:... ... ... ...~:....... ... ...18t-:peputy~ Reev@.........,- WM;''r6tu:;IE :;;::J............;'.:'......:....:u;~~~', ,,' ALEX. MCCOLL ..............................3rd <l " ,', --_c"'.='"_c~..~,".= 6 ELGIN C,oUNTY" COUNCIL. .A, A. McI{II,LOP ............... ............Reeve..............................Dunwich EDWARD McKELLA.:R........................1st Deputy-Reeve ............. II HENRY GARBUTT............................2nd " ............ II THOMAS JACIHfoN .................. .........Reeve ......:....................Southwolrl. FRANI{ BENNETT....., ... ... ...............lst Deputy,Reeve............ " WILLIAM PAGE"......,.~\'......................~lld " .............." WILLIAM. B. OOLE..., to.... ....... ... .., ... ...Reeve... ... ... ......... .... ... ...Yarmouth \ WILLIAM BLEWETT....;................. ...ht Deputy.Reeve............ " THOMAS ROBERTS ....;'..~....~.......~.....2nd " ............" , ,JAMES W....DOYLE ........................,...3rd .1 ............ " JOHN RICHARDSON ..... .... ................ ..!teeve ...... ...... ... ... ... ... .... Malahide RWHARD LOdI{ER ......,.....................lflt -paputy.Reeve ............ " ,SAMUEL LIDDLE................ .............2nd " .............. WI~L'IA.Y;.I-'M'.,,-F'oRb'.. J.'..'...... . ... ........ ;Reeve... ......; '....-;':..... .,~;..';"~... .:.;13ayl~arP; " . ".. ., JOSEPHT. ?RESSEY ...............;........lst Deputy.'Reeve................ " T1IOMAS H. BACI{HOUSE............. .......2nd " ..............." DUNCAN FERGUSON ... ... ....... ...... ......Reeve... ...... .... .....South Dorchester JOHM WILSON.... ...........:.,:.....:~,....'....~.Deputy~Reeve.t..~~ " Jr:M.. HUFFMAN ................ ...,.:.....:...Reeve ..~........:............, ......IAyluH.}r OSOAR MO!{ENNEY,.. ~..... ...... ...,...... ...Deputv.Reeve......... ......... ... " JOHN .II~ '.fRALL ................ ............Reeve ............................. ...Vienna JA"ifES D; }~LLISO~..~..........:..~.......... PHILANDERBABOOOI( .i. .......: .~.......... MALCOLM C. LEITCH ....i}....... ......... " ...~..~.. ... no ....~ ...)?ort Stanley ....;~... ...:~.. ~...... ...Springfield .........uo......... ........Dutton " " '.i' ..... '.., ... ".':. ....<.:'. . ' ..:.: ! The m~l~hers were ca'Ued' to order, ,the Clerk in the chair. i., 'Me~sts.Mc'~nHop,'_ Oole',' '.Tea'l~,- .Ja6k~on;,: Tli6rrisou,' ,K'irkpat,rick~ Leitcll~ Richardso'n';'F6ra; Babcock;' Huffman ahd'F'€rgus~h',,~e~e,duljT Dominated fot' the oflioe of Warden, all of whom r~8igned except' MeHsrs~ Oole, McKillo-p aud Jackson. ,i , i, ' : .' ,~ .",':'! i' "', ! .. . Messrs. Locker and Kirkpatrick were a-ppoililted 8crutineers, alld on ,the :seco~d ballot. Mr. A. A.. McKillop" having receiveaa,;majori~:r .' ?f the votesof,thecol1uoil,'was declared duly elected WardtlU for the )'earI893.' , ' . , Th~ W'w(]e'n'st'ect, having mad~..the statutory deolaration of 0 flice tOOK th~{ cllaira,'rid 'addressed the Ooupcii. ' . . . ELGIN.COTNTY' COUNCIL. . The pl'OCee~Ullg.' of the last day of the IH'svious se3s1on were and confirmed. . Moved hy 1'. W; Kirkpatrick, seconded by Alex. McOoll, Thatthereadino of communimLtions balf/,id OVOl' until to-morrow morni~g.-Carrie_d. ,., Movocl bY',Jol~i1 H,'T,6r,tU;'s'econded by: J; ,Rio.hardson, Tl1at:~h:13,Ite~v:es, a/the, vapOthiI~uuicipalities be a committee ,to stdke stiallding committees;-Oarried. :;- ,;,::, >.'. :,,' " "'., :' 'M6fe'dbi-."rhon:ias Jac'l(son;' secon'de']' b,y, T. W. Kirkpatrioli:;, That tho deputidiio'rrhIPJl:b' S't~i11ey hi-rbdrb3llo\v'h(jartV-Oiu.ded. Messt$:: :'PtVV iw'," :c'~ !ueroii, ,. fi'e L'guso;il; Yar WOQll,EllisOli,:: Hephur u, Shepher~ et (1(~~dl'e8Hed,tlle Q,mnail, reque~bing appointmeu~ of d0pllta' tiClU'to'go.to)jtta'Ya. "",! " . "I Mo'ved by T. W. Kirkpatriok,socondec1 by J. D;l~1li8on," That this Council appoiuta' depu,tation:composedof llot imorwthl;tu three" to ,a?t iucoujllllctiou, with'dep'ut~l;io'lHfrom -,Port,Stanll.1r, Lou~onll Middlesexaud St.'fhO'mas':to lay before til~ 'Dominion Govetnmeutat OU<l,watheadvisability of i:'opairing thePol't Stanleyhai::bor and remove th~har?ol: du~?:~q~rri~,d.' Moved by J. W.D,)yle, seconded by Thomas Robei::'ts',' That ..the'Warden'/'Ja;ckso n'and Kirkp'~t'rick'be 'a'. depu t'atiou:: to go" t(), Ottawa in regard to Port Stanley barbor.-OLl,rried. M:6ved by' Johri'H.'Tea;ll, seconded 'hy'Johu'Richardsdri, "Thaftl1is OOllricildo now adji:>urll,U'utit to:riioi.'rcJ\v' 'morning:attsll o'clock to allow the oommittri'a to strike standillgc.dmTllitteegto'tne(~t ,t6~ night.---:.Oarrieli. IL W. McKAY, .,).., "."..;,i. .,ii,J, Oounty Clork. A. A. McKILLOP, 'Vardon.., 7 I read 8 ELGIN CQUN'rYCOUNCIiL; . FIRST SESSION~SEcoNJ:) Day.' "VE'i.lNESDAY;25th: day,i:'df ja;nua,~'~ .)'S9,?'" The El,gin,:q1l~l1ty O.~uncil m3tt~,is:dalyaccording~? ~dj,??l,'H~e.nt. .?:he;Wa~dell :intllB chair, all th~ Ule,mb,l(1'8,vr,es~nt."" T,he,pNc~eCli.ngs o~,the previous dayw~~'ere~d and, cOl:};urmed.. The report/bf .th'e' 'spedial 'c~)mmi1itee committees was presented and adopted, seconded by W,.; ,M'.~ -Ford. . 'c: '..,'" \,. .f:.'.,' app~inted t.o .sR~!1re! B~~riding; on mDtion of'. i:' :afcbal'dson, ".rrhe,following eommullications'wer'~ road.:.. ~;~Ol~. rv ~3t'E I '4i;liFal'tllel's' I'nstibu'te,)vithaulluil, Ilepo .ct.; :(FillanC?o' C::-nntnittee. From Princip'11 St. Thomas Collegiate Institute;wi'tlh:iepdrt);' retertcd to Education Committee. . r~ferr,eClI ',t~; From,:DoDlinion",/tlli,!>uoe,; ,referred to. Peti~iotlR audtr,.e~~slitJo;n;~om' mittee. From . Cou~tY.'.r L'~asu~er, ~ithreport_ ;_r,eferrl3.,dtor:inanqe"OpmUli~pee. From OOUll.ty.Councih;of' Nor~olk aud ,Grey;; 1',ef~rr!3,d,:,to, ..Petitions and .l,Jegislation,Comulittee. From Pdson R~forJO AS'~JOcia~ion; referred to Fiilance 'dom\nittee~ From Oounty EngIneer, with report; referred top~bh<:"pnprove. ments Committee. ' From \V. -A~kill, Pablic School Inspector, re Public School leaving El,ud promotion e~aminatiqmr. ELGIN,COUNT:Y COUNCIL. 9 Report of Vienna I'Ii~hScho61 ;:referred to. Educatioll,Committ'ee. Mr. Teall gave nnticethathe would apply'for a~ grant of $200 to assist in ra-erecting the Vienna loclmlJ. Mr. Roberts aud M'r. MaRellat, gave notice that they would apply , for grau~R of $25 each to tho East all'd West Elgin Farmers' Insbitutes. ':. ",.".. ....:: Moved by,John'H. ,TealI, seconded by W.,l\1!Ford" That S.D',l\1c,Curdy be appointed t~ugtee for the Vienna" High I SchoUor a term of three yea,l's.--,--.Cal'l'ied. ' Moved by R. Locleal', secondecl:by J.,Richal'dson, ThatAsa Mil~eJ; ; bE) aplJointed tl'us~ee for the Aylmer Coll(lgiate Institute for tbree'years.":-'Carried. " MoveclbvJohnI-I. Teall; secoriilelll)5':W,,'M:. '~ord, That Mr. Suffel beallo'wed t() addresl'J thifl Conncil re the appoitit. ment of Auditors.-Cal'ried. M.oved-by R. t6~ker, secoud~d..b'y,,;r. Richardsi:m, That Andrew Mmray be, appointed auditor, of ' the CountV,aCcoullts for tbepreRentyea~.' . ' , In amendment 1'St.; "Jl,1jov'od h:Y"Vl;-M. FO~d, second~c1hy T.Pressev~/ 'l'hat.J. G~ Panling he appointed Auditor of the Conntv aCCOllnts for 1892 at a salary of forty dollars.' ,\ In amendment 2nd j .. 'Movedby"i'ho'mas' Rbb~'rt's, 'sec'obded:by' W,'.:Blewett. That J. P. Martyn act as County Auditor for 1893. In ame~)dment Brd ; \:. ':.::...:',...:. ,.,..,.::.. ,....:,:-.'.' Moved' by'E. McKellar, secoo'dod' by'H. Gal'britt, That John P. Taylor be appointed AuditOl: for the yenr 1893. ' .~',~,;-..;~=~"'==-_r';;"~""".;"-''''c... 10 'IU::;(l<IN !OOUNTY 'C6UN~IL. -.1\,11,'ji lY.Iain inotion ;cal'ried, amendments ; lost-; ;jMoved by' W:.:M'. Ford~' seconded.by'T.,Pr'esseY:i rrhat tho d'3jJutation from Amasa Oa;rried.'li, Wood Hospital be now heal'd.- '.::i I ; ~ " ,. Messrs. Dill, Wood, McCully and Ferguson then addressed the Counci1".t!,graut to'the FIospltaL; , 'I Mc)ved ':by 'l'i.'\V. 'Kn'kpatii'C:k, :secoirtled hy~,J :i;'rhdWSou~' I That the Council accopt invitatiolltelldereJ them by Amasa Wood to visit hishospital.at: t1,.,'b. o1clOCb::;:....:;.GJanied;; .:..., '" ..' ' iVt6ved. by".'r dhu F.t>'l'e'ri.ll,'secoric1eci; by 'j'.:R'ic1i'~~rdsoll, \_..."".' .. .._,) ":;:1.) That the questiol1,of granttoj Amasa W6o,cl Hospital ,be yeferrad to . . .; CO!." :.. .. :,. ..._" ,;.'1; ;,.,,:...,.-. .~..:; " ' J ;,. jq [y'. ., the Fmance Comrmtteej-Carnec1. .; U.' ',. ,.'; : ....,. ':., :.:..". >" ~ ; , . .,:.,:r r. .....': '.;' ;'.:..;' ,. ,; Moved by p. Babcock, secoDtied by H.: G'a~'b,~~~' That J, R:Lucas be~pp.oi)ltec11~udi~?roj' Adlnini~1tl'f\,.ti Accounts for 18WL' .' '.., .'," ~f Justice , I'~-~n~en~l~~~ont '; ,.... i ~...'" .1 ii'".i 1)1" Moved 'by J. H. Teall, soconded by J. Richardsoq. IC" ~ i ' : .. ' "'H")) ':['hat W. Baclrho~se qe appoi,nte,d Auditor ,qf ,/A~J;l1i':l..i~~.rl:)o~\~n of Justwe Accounts. ... '... ..'. .. ...'. .....'..,.: .'.'. .".' ..' . ,Ame~dment carried; mai~' fiotion lost': \:;.'1 [, Moved by J. Richardson, secouded bv J. H. T-hat T. 1v\r .1\jr4patrick be, appolDt~d .A:u4it,or of_ of Justice- Account~' f~r' 1893.":':Car~i~d.' . 1< d " " th,e!."A!)1lli,t;!istration , ,...., ,',',,-.L IvIoved by John H. Teall, seconded by J'. Ric~~~~~on, . .", .',..1', That .this Council. do ,now a(ijou,ru.to llleet at}l~~e~ .,o'~~~c~.~9a~ried. '".: ' " :'..: .'.:'".,..,",. .,."_,,,._,.,.,.1,,.'." /'.' (..",,1 The-,. Council ,rl:Jst:p~l~cl~ I'.," "Hi)' J!lL'GIN,)CO:UNfl\Y: (JOUNCIL~ Moved by H. Garbutt, seconded by M. C. Leitch, That Dr. Ling be appoiuted Trilstee of the Dutton High School for tl1l'Cfl years. In amendrnent. MovedbyT. W. Kirkpatdck;9ocouc1ed ?y.J; D.EllisOIl, That John L, Pearce be app.}intec1 trustee of the Dutton High School for three yett~'~,'_ \ ',I . Maiu motiollcarried, amonc11nent lost. Mo;~d })yJ.lti'chardson, 'seconded by R. Locker, ,: 'Tha'tth~'SfWlry.df ithe:Oouu'ty.'Ahd{tdrs be' f6~t)7 'dolll'r~ e~c'i-~~C~rded Moved'byT. Rohr3'rts, s'hc'~n(led bY;\V~Blbife'tE,; Thaf'theibTerk'pr66ur'e criirds:\v'ith'<thfj;'ilam;e~' 6f::o.c6n'tltV':; offihials, conncil and committees.-Carried. ~). . ' Moved by T . ,Jackson, secon ded by,F;Bemcett; :; (I'ha t:this, OOlU1CH :appoi nt. Muoe ,valuators'.b'.'ascertain;: tho: real; value of the LOlld1oll:iancl Pol.t8~.anle" Gtu,vN:,R')ad. to'!Hnable the<l\IIuuicipalitii~.s to arrive at what they would have to pay for 'Haid road, to report- at Juno session..........Cattied; . , ,'., 'I(\! ,"! 1 j: 'b"ri 'tnotio'ii'o'f:'Tedn, Se;dCni(~~a. BY ~i'ockektlik 10 ondcil ;itdj'6~tried 110 til 10 o'clock to.mor'ro~v"ill()riJ'iiig:"" "f',> ':f."_.,, ",! '"1',\,, ,',;..::'.i K. W. McKAY, "C!!'1rk. ;(, ;!'. A:. 'A,'MoKIL'LOP,' ,'WWcdell. '..1\ i} 11 >I,i' 12 ELGIN. COUNTYCOUNOIL. 'FIRST SESSION.~THIRD DAY. THURSDAY, the 26th day of JanUi\1'~y,}89a,. ~l~e :E.lS(~n, CO:I1~ty,Oouncil tuet,thi.s .dayaccording to,adi?qrnwont. T~le Warden in thecha.ir, ~l1,the member,s present. ,.:'Th€lprpceedingsof,the previou,s day ,were re~dand,confirlU,e.d. ':,'.<. .,....:' Communication from Judge Ermatinger re postage was 1'eacT and 11e- ferred to the Finance Committee. ,,:The report of-the Pllblio Improvements Committe0.\vt'l,~;presented' and adopted,on motion ofJ.'Richal'dson, secondedbyH.:Garhntt.' '.;...",>,..' ., Mov~d by John H. Teall, seconded by J;RichardSlon, Tl~atthe.fi~lll ()f_t~o:hun,dred: dollf1l's.be ,grn.utedtheYillage of Vienna t:6'~ssist in' ~recting'thelock.up ~n that vil1age,.~C~rr,i~4. ." Move,c1,by'rh,~0asRobel'ts, seconded by J'. Y'I'. D~yle, "That the usual grant of twentydive dollars be madetG the East, EI. gin Farmers' Institute-Carried. Moved bYJW. P~ge, seconded by ,I. W. Doyle, That Thomas Jackson, T. W. Kirltpatrick and the County Engineer b~a . committee to ascertain. the value of tho London and Port' Stanley Gravel Roa~.and report to.thi8.Coun~il~t its .Tuue Seijsion and .tha1t by- law confirming their a.ppointment be prepared.-Carried. ~oved by E. McKellar,secondec1 by H. Garbutt, 1!lLGIN, CPlJ!'l"'rY,CPUNl,IIL. 13 '------.--- -~----~. 'ThatthelSUQ1: o(;t",.~.ntY:fi"e;,doll~r~ : be . grat1~ed El~ill 1~:.arlllers~ IJlstitut~'rP~ff,ie4~ ,., ' " ' " ,1'1' lVloved hyW. Blewett, secouded hy ThoR. Roherts',' J '. I,. ,; .,.,.., '.1'..-:.":':_"_. ..'.":::'. .,:.:."._.' "'.:',' " T~at' the ';thanks ;of,,~Jtj~:. (l~qpcjl. ~e' ':e:~i~~.~~'~ ;~o, A)ll~~~;W q?~,f;fsq,:;, \ for the very Idnd and ge~t.l~rn,an,~y;man~~l'.in j~~~~1;t h!,,~reate~: ,lh,~ Coun. eil at. the ho~pital.-Cal'ried. Moved by W. M.,Ford,secondedby T. Backhouse, ,',f'! That; the: Warden beaut,1iqrized ,to, nam4:ia: ~olllmittee. ()f"twoto Rct wit~ himself, to take snch steps as'thev maY:decide~n, i'~ tllei~~t~irest8'~f.' the County to defend the cl~aims made by Ashto ~ and P'ine~'rI".Ja:ni'e~town'. \. '1.':.,....>. .' Bridgo accident.-Carried. .- .' 'r:heWa,l'd~q ,~pp:~.fu~~,d,' M~!'~+:~. :F~l;;]~ ~ilri' tn'~i~'p'atricklhlembel's6f' tht! com_olittee., . '.' ..., ,'; . /_, :.. ...." ,J,' " ,;; ,(',~ \. . ... ". ,',.,.' ._,.' ..-:.. .:,.. ......';, . ..:' . <. :. . :... ,. .. ,',. ' ";,,,The Wa.rde'l ~np~)~n~e(~Mr., ,T~hnF. Taylor one' of, the' attditorsdt: Oounty: 'aecounts f9r l8,~~.:" Moved .by T. W: 'Kirl{patri.~~l! se6o'nded' by 'W. Tolilti:e, Th~t thiR Council adjourn t~ mee~J~t},~?O p;.~n.-~9a,rried. :The:Co'uncil;l'~~umed. , ., .,-.- .,.,.". ,.:".' \ , i'h~.r~lp'b~t'of?'omiD.litee :,OD Petiti<?D8 ahd: L6~hdatibu was presented,: 1L'~d"'ad'~'pt'e'd'; ~n nli)tton of i,f. 'H. Teall; 'second~d 'by J.'T.,'Pressey.' ". ,.'..' The report of the Edueati,qn', Committee was presented a"~Ct adopt~d, on.motion of J. Thom!Jo'ri,'se:'crihded,'by"Oscar'MeKenney. ' i..",;f'<i' Moved by T. Ja9kson, seconded by F."Be'llnett', .' "J',>; That Mr. White be now heard.-.Carried. :MOv@~.. by .t.' H. ,Teall;'seconded. by;J . RichardRon I' . '1' ; : ., ;. . ;. ' ': ! ,; r,: \ ; J:" .: ':.. .,,' "... i :... ~....' ,.. .i. . ,.j That this Council pay Mr. A. Whit.'. claim to.tho ..n"u~t,of .i~hty, s!3yen .dollars.--,-Carried. '.C.'.J Moved by 9..McKe9~eY:,: s~~()~d~tl'~Yi:'Y:.,Tol~ie." 14 ELGINicou'tiTY; h6uN:cIt'~.' J~LGIN COUN'l'Y OO,U-NCIL. , ' ' H<' .',',' ;, H), I;: ,;J. XE.AS,----;I:nrkpt\tJ;ic~I.Tl~omsou, Tolmi~, McColl'"Ja,~kson, Cole, Blew- et~; 'DJyi~.'E)jb'~'t~, -Ricl~~M.&ii,"tJhlteii Liddle) -Ford,' Pressey; _,BMk. ho~~~,' F~r'gri.~b\~;~'f.iuff(tri1i.~', :M:ct{en'uey;' Teall',' EllIson and !Babcock'--:-7"21 ;;i~t "'\)'., '.',f.~i.). i." .; ,. ; ,':_;.f\.j '>1 '.' '. NAys.-1\'IcKellar, Garbutt, Bennett" Page, Wilsoll and .Leitch.~6:" I ,';:!J(',d-;,~;,::,~i ,T,/d;,.",},"'J'..:; .i/J<;'-.! .if Moved by Thoa; Roberts, secouaed by W. Blewett,' ,. ' ' .;n./I ni . ".tI" \" :'U.'/'..'f'." c'.". ,. " .,.' '. '..... .' ,I I 'I" .,~)1#.!~~~?,?v:~s.;gi.~~~~ri~" a&d'y'~rmddtlibe idded to comtili,tee 1" A;~~~t?~_a~d.Plill'iOe(l,sJ3>-l';()st,';'d ,"" ',! (r.,': "\.','" .,1.,..\... .,\, i.', "~I' : .,. ,'J,,:, Moved by J, H. Teall, seconded by W. lYI. 'Ford,that this CounCIl now adjourn to meet to. morrow morning at ten o'clock.-Carried. , K. W. McKAY. , C'ounty Clerk. do _':\,\,(;.'i'J;j;;71"'~:djj :d i;;t;-v,),-,',q ~!--:p(;, ,-,'/ii r.' ""'.\ ',. -.. .!- -,. ',' 'Phat the resolution appointing Dr. Lhig tr,:~le.o! 'tlj&.'Dtittou':Hlgh School be re.considerad and that H. F. ,Tell b)~"a-ppointea:trtiste'e'for:sardl High Scpool.-Oarri~,d.. i,:' ",,:';' A. A. McKILLOP, Warden. 'i .. :P' ';., 'I:' " .~)C ,; '$.111 /-,~ ~f::( .>):"!:;, ,:..;,'.lljij' !.;t.' 'I,.; it; .;j,'j.,,;\'\' )Ii.'( ,!);(Wr,.;\.' In;!:" Moved by W.1\1. Ford, seconded Ly T. R. B~~~~~l,ot;lSe, ',Ii": ,,".! +,\1~t..'!i')l~"oa~.tlw Pr~~iocia\ <!ove'':Ill~ot .h~. been petltionod from tlme 'to ti~el 'to' 'paso~ atl((a'ct tho' riedu'C'e \the ti'ufu1\'er 'Of: co'uiit'y"co'UnciHors, and having failed to. do so satisfac~ori1y, and believing that the workof t9iSH~\W~H. o.~,~:b~"P~~!OO~i"i\ \n ~. s~~~~~r~\.l)'lp~~~'l is ~e'~era~\y~~keo to do It; that a by-law be passed IUllltlog'ttie"pay'\df- m::etnliets ',to 'two dollars per day for fonr days and no more for an{cRi~ sa'~si'oii:""Thaf'the) Co.uncH mLlHt me.9i ,il':.~~ssion,VP!~j\tMl.e.1':~mr.erstp a. dl':t~y~y: and that saId by-law talm Gffect at the present session.' . .' '. r;-'-'ij""1 ,t,"i., ~,I' i;~', j \ Yea3,-Forc, B~:l.Ckhouse and Pr(issey>-3~' Nays.-Thomson.. Tolmie. McColl, McKellar{aafl5rltt!,'Jacl{s'on;!'Ben. n'ettrPage, ,O~\ei" ,~J~Wf;-~'~' /~qJ:M~1~~;~ i;;I?R'yl~, ~ i~RH~~D',': ,~~.P?I~:I~~!?f~,1i ,Bi,1dle, Ferguson'/:;Wllf1oJl/\'lI.uffmaq;,;.~cl\;eu~ev., -rreall., ~llis.,onl ,B~bcOC1r and, Leitch.-23. . .,," .,." ,..1."';' -(~~,.,I dl' ..,..1,(':"" r;i(" \.::,'.,.,';,;.,;:.,....> 1:;";"",.,,,_,. ...... .'.-' . "M;'~'~ii'bY ~r.'..:j~'~.l~~_6u'.'~~c~(~~~tl~;~/F;(_~~ri;i~~_t;,~ i.". , I',! _." .. . .' . ,'.'.'. " ,..".' "",, '. " ., j , . ,; ,:: ;,:,. "" ,I ~ 1 i 1. .' ,... ~., , That we do noW ad.i?urn ~or 'SlU~' hou,r to all~w the 'Gj,~i C~'ml~~Xtt~~' touieet.-Oarried. .~),,",\., tl' :')',rl~''':'' "., '.,;1 ":i:, ,.li,1 i." i"l' .. )" ,1'd ,11 \"y,' , ! i ,! ( . ~ -, i " ,it:li - \: ~"' " I ' ' ,'" I;, TheOouncil resumed. 'i...i.:; ,"( The report ofthe'G'a;()liCdrhriiit.?ee,was,pres~f1t~'rl', ,~pcl; 9llIAQt_i9n of, T ~,Jl;\>~:kson, seconded py R. Locker, referredto a committee of the whole, J"I~l;'::;i'1 '';'111''\1''';'t'h.'''''; .h'.."J"."~ r'f(-,';j.-, _.".(>~:., ,..';t . .'.1L Lea. .1 eo a,)r;. , ..) '..',' ,. .'.'. ,I',.',: UJ,V':';." After amending repqrt, th~co~Qlittee rose and the report w~s adopt8'd of ,J. H. T~'aYi."\~~co~d~d tfJ:'Ricli~'talort!.:-)1/ ,:::",.,:" 16 ,\,.,-" .":.' JitOlN~.~UNTY comwn,., .,~--'-_._-' " lli FIRST SESSlON.-FouRTH DAY. FR.IDAY, the 27th rla.y of Januayy, 189ft '1'be Count.y G'mudl of the County of Elgi', met this day acoording to adjolll'Dmeilt. 'fhe Warden in the ch;tit l1udall the members present. Theprooeeding,; of the,previotls da.y ~vel'e read and confirmed. The report ,of the 'Finance Committee was presented audadopted, ou motion ofMr.,Kirkpatriolc, seconded by~l'. Blewt:ltt. M:ovedhy .Jo.hnH.Teall,seconc1ed by A. McOoll, That this Council send a deputation, cOllsi8tingof l\f.:. Jolin Thom- SQU, Dr. Coll Sinolair and'the mover, to wait ontlte Minister of ~dl:ieatjon to oppo!'le the action of the deputation, sent by St. Thomas, Yarmouth,,' Sonthwold and Port,Stanley, fmd that thQ various Hj~h School Boards, he roquestadto send ftt lea.st one representative each to 'Rot 'with abovodeputation.~Cal'l'iec1. ' Y):MI.-Pressev, Backhcuse, Teall, Ford, Richardso~, Liddle, Ga~butt, M.cKellar. Leitch, Locker, Babcock, 'l'o!mie, Kirkpatl'ick, McColl. Thorn. sori, Forguson, WilROll. Huffman, l\'IcKeunev,-~19. N,-\.YR.--.Tack::.on, BOllnott, Pil.f~e, U1fl\vfltt, Robert::-. Doyle. Cole, lDl1ison.-B. Moved byvV. B~ Cole I seconded by .J. Richardson, That the Committo&appointed I'eclaini~ot Ashton and -ritleO he in. f'lbrnetedtoendeavor to effect a settlelllout (wit.hout prejudice), apd failing ,tha.t, toproi)ose to have the whole qU6t;tton of damaEfes and liability referred tdarbitmtiTl. 1111athat a By.law be ll.l:'~;lad f1uthol'izing the War_den: to a.p. poInt flU ,fl,l'hjtt~n,tol'.'-:'LoHt. ' " ELGINCO'tJNT'y COUNCi:L~ 17 y EAS.~ Fargttson, "Cole,M6I{eriney,:$lewet~)R'o herts, 'Doy le'I'Locker, , Richardson.-8 ' :NA1s.---,Pr~~sey,(B,~ck~,ouse,: .Fo,rd, realI, Ltddle,Gar~Jlttj .McKellar, Leit'cl1, Babco~~r, Ellison, Kirkpatric4, Jack8ori,\ McOoll, Thomson, Tolmie, Huffman,.Page, Beonetti,Wil8'on.-'-19 Moved;by.-Thomas, ~laykson, seconded by~F. Benriett, );",' "., Thap Messn. Donald Tjlrner, J. p. l\hrtyn and .James A. Bell be appointed a 'Board of OOJUniissiqn,ersi,to'_l1sc\Olrtain~h,~, valt~e of tl~e;;Lotltion and Port Stanley Gravel Road, the "members appointed yesterday' being disqualifiecl.-Carried ~ ~loved by D. Fel'gnsoli',:,secoorled by: J'llmWilsoll, '.I:'hab tliis,C~,llllc,il-'peti~iollth,e. q,ut,ario;r.efJislature ,tel .11n1~rldSedibn ;)(37, Sub.~e.cti~~ 3, of the Cons~lidat'ed Muni~i~alAct; 1892, 'bY' 'adding that Councils may pass By:1aws clii:'ectiogthat tl'ee's:shall,.for,'a ;space,', not exceedin~~9feet_ont.h~ sid~ of a hi~h~vav, he eu.~,dO\~nl w,h~q, the :'Yood is sitn,a:t'dld 'o~ o'ti'e 'sicldof "the high\vay' only.-darried; "',"':' , . . j, !. '!, . ., : , . ~, . ". .. .. . " , , M'we:1 by R. Locker, seconrifod by .J. Richardson,' That the Cleck PUI.'cI.lN'leia c()P.y.:o.ft,thEl,QI,lta~io Sttttute~for '189,3. fot' each member of the Council.-Oarried. ~loved by J~hn' If; ~re~ll, ':~ec;;~d~d 'by!rL Loclro'r, \. , :.., :::,;..:., ..': -,.. .". .,.,. .',.: :".." .'. :, ',' :,' That the Commfttee 'ria'med by the Warde'tl'yesterday '/;ethe .',:1\.shton. Pineo.claim begiven:f~ll,PJ\v:~f tose:ttle:said;~laim".if. th,e~, cOI~sid.er, it is in'~be'irit~rest8'of'iheboh~tytoldo.s6.~Carri~d:' " ":J J,: ' YEAS.- Pl'esse y, Teall, }"ich:~r'dsolll,;Lmdle, Gar btitt; :~ckeIlar, 'Leitch, L~pk~f,~,1l~~?~1:,~:~b~?:9~~,':,~,~I,Il:lie',_Ncqoll, .}?e.rgus~llt '':''iJs9P,: ~q.gEl;:,yacl\. son, Thomson, McKenney,' l:11;i:ffman.~19.' . .1....',;"'.::..: ..".i.,,: " NAys.-Beunett, Blewett,.Q~le,.Rob61rts, Backhou:seal.:!~l Doy~e.~.,6. ,.;.,...' .,: ".. ."..' ,."., ..".. "1,,'.,,,, Moved by A.McColl, seconc;1e~ bY,J; ,~hornson.:,_. ....-- '.',in:., ),,," ,:.., ".' ,. ":<' That By-law No. 503~,b~ing a.bY},aw, to ,appoin,t:a:~:q~rd ,?f Ar(dit i~ the Oounty of EIgin,be'recei'v-ed and ,read a;'first'time'.-Carried. f, 'M:oy~tl. bY:1\;'\v';' kii;i~pa;Hidk,: sec~ride'd 'b'y~ J'.~ :i)", )Elli'~oi); ! I ,.............. " ELGIN COUNT)' COUNGIL. r~hat By)aw N~).. 50,~ be l'eada sp.coudtime,-;Carde,d. Moved by P. Babcock, secouded by T. W. Kirkpatrick, Tha:t By:lawNo. li03 be read' a third time andftuallypassed>-"...Carried. Moved by F. Bennett, secouded'by V."r. P.age, That By-law No. 504,bemga,by.law tOl1ppointCounty auditors for' 1893" be received and read a first time.....,...CarJ:ied. Moved' by F. Bennatt, secciuded by W.Page, That By.law No. 504 be read a secopd time.-Carried. Move,a byF. BellU:att, seconded by W._ 'Page, ,];hat'~y~law No. 504 be road a th~~d tit;ne,~nd fii:1ally'pa.5sed.~Oarl:ied. ,~ov~4 byJ.:O.~llif:l(m.,seconded by,P. Bkl.bcock.' Th~t'B'y.law No. 505,'beinga by.lawto a,nthor'ize,th,a Wardeu'al~d , Treasurer to bonow the sum of tw:entythous0.nd dollars, be reeal veel aud :tElada first tirne.~Carried. Move(b,yJ.T-llOffisoil,secondedby A. McColl, That By-law No..505 be read. a second tim~:-:,"""Oarried. Mo\~ed py, w. Tolrilie',.seconded by T. W. KirkPEttrick, \ .-; . ,.' " 'rlll.l.t By:iawNo. 505 be,r~ada.'tliird thus and,finally:p'a~3,ed.-Carrieq.. ~\love4by' J,. ;Rich~rdson, ,seconded; by R. ,Loclt~r, That By-la'';YNb. 5()()',being a,'by~law 'to','appolllt t~u8t~e~ 'of (lIigl~:" Schools, be recei ved and read a first tim8,.-Carried. ' ,Movedby'R..t~~ke:r;"secon(l~d by S.Liddle, Thl1t By.lawNo.506 b'e read a socond time.-C~rril~d.. i MQveQ by' J.,~ich~rdson"secon~ad ,by J.,'l'eall, That By,laVj~o. 506.b~ r/il~d.athirdthn.ea)la~naUypa.ssed.:-.Carried. ELGIN COUNTY c.OUNCIL. 19 Moved by Thos; Jackson, seconded by Frank Bennett, tI'hatBy-law No. 507, being a'bv.law to appoiuta Boar4 of Commis~ sioners to facilitatetu8 purchaseof toll roads in the County of Elgin, be received and l'eada first time.-Carried. / Moved by 'rhos. Jackson, seconded by Frank B~unett, Tha.t by-law No. 507 be road a \lecond ti,lUo.-Cal'ried. . Moved by 1'h08. Jackson, seco}.itle,d byJi'rank Bennett, That By.lawNo. 507 be read a third timefl,ud finallypassed.-:-Oarried. Mayed byD. Ferguson, seconded by, John vVilsqu'. That the County Trea8urer's,~on~s be: produceq f?r inspection 'by this Council, as required by the Municipal Act,-'-:'Clttr16a. The bonds were IJrochw8_d. :\foyed by J. D. Ellison, seconded by R. Locker, That' bhis Council do .now adjournto:meet in June at the Warden .-Carried calloCctbe .ICW..McKAY, County Clerlc. A. A. McKILLOP, . Warden; 20 ELGIN COUN~.Y,O~U,NCIL. SECOND SESSION-FIRsT\DAY. TUESDAY, the 6th day of June, 1893,', 'The Elgin C.:)l]ll~Y Couucil met this' day according to adjournment at the Court House, '~3ti,Tho'mas,' at .2'p.1:n. The' vVal'dell:ill.the 'cbair. All the memb;jr~.pr'e3enb:ex.ce'pt ~Kirkpatrick.andTolniie;' The'WardeLl 'add'reS!;0d' the pOlij~Cir. The following communications were read: From County oE Victoria I'e railway fares; reEened PetitiollH and Legislation:' ,L;, 'i:O:OU1Hy, of: Fronten'ac 1'8 .Legislative'"Grants to :Public.. 3chools;"r'e- fened to EduCl.Lti,)u Committee. to'~U nlluittee Oll Vi1li:1;~::) Of,I?..ll'l; ),t,anleyand Township of Yarmouth, with ,ro$olutioilS. paSiJ~d:'il'(J ~~aiutll'lance of. pupils at High Scl100li'l ;,'referr'ed"to 'the Education Committee. Truste'es of School Sections 6 and 9, South wold, requosting Entra,nce Ex,amiliatiouto be hold):it Shedden; referred to the Elucatioll : Com". fuitt€-1e. W. Atkin, I.P.S" with il>o.ollal report, aud ,J. McLea.l1 & S.lil 'reHigh School Gra.nts.; ref'erred to Educatioo Committee. County of York, with copies of petitions 1'8 publication of school law~ for distribution, and rail ways crossing public roads ;/referred to Petition,B and Legislative Committee. County Auditors, with report ; referred to Finance Committee. From 'the County Engineer, with report~; referrs'c1:to Public Improve. mou'ts Committee; " ELGIN' cour:t:l'Y "co"Dl'i6iL. 21 Moved_ byJ. Thomson, seconded by A. McColl, That thiBCouncil do now a'liourll until to'U101'rOW morning at 10 o'clock to allow Committees to meet.-Carried, K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. A.:A. McKILLOP, Waraen. " '. "<,. ";~p,.-\i' !; (~ ;; l~;,..\ 22 ELGIN COmITY Cf'U~CIL. SECOND SESSION-SECOND Day.' WEDNESDAY, 7th day oLJune;1893'. Tile JlJlgin COUllty COllllcilmot this day according to adjournment; , The Wardell in the cha,ir, a,ll the members present. The,proceedingH of the pro\"ious, day were read and confirmed. 'rho following communications were read: \ .From schoolsectious 7, 8, alld 10, Southwold, N Shedden eutrance examiUf\.tlOll ; referred to Educfl,tion Committee. 'l;owllship of Southwold, resolution 1'8 majutenance of cnunty pupils 'atHig~l School; referred, to Educat~r.m c:nnmittee. Report frvln Amasa 'V ood Hospital J'C county patient!'; ali.d expend. itureofgra,rit; fllell. 'l"h~ following reports of committees were then presented. I Specialcommitteo as appointed adraputationto go to otta.wa, ad?ptod on motion of ,Jackson, secoridod by Kirkpatrick. SpeciflJ committee re Ashton Rl1dPineo cases ;adop'ted on inotionof ' ForeT, 86cohded by.Teall. I-lOUSE OF INDUSTRY COMMITTEE,-Movecl by ,Edward McKellar, secolldedby ,1. H.,Teall, 'fhatthe consideration of the House of Industry report be lai~ over ~mt.il to.morrow and that the 'council visit the Institution at four o'ciock this afternoon.-Carried. , I The .report of commissioners appointed to ascertain 'Lo~~doli ai)ld Port Sta.nley gravel road wa,s then read. Moved hy ,Jo11:111. Teall; seconded by .T. Richardson, valne of the tot) \ EL~JN, ,(l9,U~;Tr :~.o,U,NCIL. ,23 (, !That'it4~ x~po~t of.~pe ,commis~io,n. :f;(th~'I,L.op.,<lI!A;,al:1d;Eo.rt:..'~tanley' .f;(rayetroa~U~elaiCl,QQ-. th~:t~bl,~Jo,J:: ;liI:i~"m9l)~h8, a1l4, M)at i"tIW lile,rYli,~,~1i of the commissioners pe.,di(3coAt;1;lued; , In amendmtlnt : .,,~o,~~d; b:y 'rho~~,~;;r~q~~,?:n" ;sec()~l~,ed bY,Vf.,]~."C91,~,\, . ,.....- .'.. ..,' ..." .'" ,;.:,., .', ...,'."..,.. :Wher'eas,J.' EMartyn, Donald. Tu-rner:an'd,'J'aIne:sil A;, Bell w~re appointed commissioners for the valua.tiou6f' the' '.London and, Port S.tanley gravel ,road by this council on thel27th day of ,Jalluary"A.D" I ..,,:.., , .' . > " ) . . .: . . " . '."...' i.. .!, I . ., ..., " .. " '. , ,~' , .: , : ' . ,. . 1893, pursuant to the' Toll . Roads J\runicipaIExpl"Pp,:,iati~n. Act. of ,~~8~, by tbelr'report, bearing date the fifth day of Juue, 1893. valuodthesaid r9i1~ ;aflQ}r~ll,y~iB~at: ~h~. ~iuf1, pf. $'l:~IQO~} Be it therefore resolved, that the said commissioners he; uutho:dzed to proceed to tbepurchase of said road. and f,l:~m~\lhe :_at:,a ,('Ium riot exceeding $14,000; And if they be uJlable to agree with the owner~ of said roadfrau' cbise'sl!l to the'price'to he paid 'for the.sa;iue, thatthev be' 'aiJthorized',to apply to the 'Provincial Arhi'tra.tors to" det61\mi'n'e' :thEi 'price; puysuant to t1W gai~ Act. Amendment to th~iL~m~!lc1~V,ent. :M.o,~ed py,r. Thpmsop,:f.leq'~P5,1f:iL~Y,:\\', .'I'o~ryii~h .,.,..','.. .,; '::.,' ,...'.'..:..,..: .,.,.,' .. . That'th'e report oft~e'_conlJn'i~~ipn~r~,:~~:the,LOlldon, a_n'd" ~pr:t 'Stall.~ ley gravel road be laid 'o~er ~ntirto'~or'r~w f(;l~'fnrther cousi~l'~ritiol;. " .. .' ; , : . ~ ' Amendmeut to the amendment lost on-the folloWlllY division: < (~,' Y;EAs'"':-:Fergu.son ,.: J{h;ltpatric~. ,,'I:h,O.I;lJJ?prl',::_ 1~o.lUli.e>, ,':~f cColl", Doyle, Leitch, McKellar, Liddle, Wilson. NAYSTJackson, Huffman/MeKeHli'ey;' (Dlewett',IRoberts,' Coie,:Elli~ son, Babccck, Locltet. Garbutt, Richardson, Teall, Ford" 13ackhouille,' Pressd'y;\13ennett'au'dpJ,ge.,':. "f ,- ,,' , Amendment lost on following (\ivisio~ll 'C-:.}."'::':.' .-.:,... !.: '::'1".:.---' '."i:F.'.' .'.".,"r'..-.::.': .n. i X~~~70Co,I,~,;, .~~9J>.ei;~~< r~J!1~et~,,: ,~\\y~~!. .J,~<;:~~~o,n!.; Ellison-S. ' 24 lIOLGIN' COUNTYCO'UN OIL;' "'NAYs~Kitk patr'i'ck,. 'McC'on, Thomson;' .T6]'1i1ie,' McKellar..; ~Garbutt, 'Leitch; Ferguson,' Wilson ,Richardson, :.Locker;: : Liddle;'; Babcock,: Huff- man, McKenney, Ford, Pressey, BackhouserTeall-"--19.' Motion cal~l'i€d an the follo:ving division: YEAS- Mf{p~'1'I.. 'rhomso~, Tol'nli'e:.Mc'Kella~; di'lirbutt, Leit'Cili~ ; Fergu' Ron; W:ilson"IlIchardson" Locker,' Lid<lle,,..:Ba,bc.oc]{f J-Iuffman,.: McI\:Em~ey, ,FOl'd, :Pl\OSSOY; .Backhon;;;o, 'feJtU-17. . . .'" .'. ...,'....', .l. .:-,. ',',."',:_ . .'._'.' ." 'NAYs~.Jacl,f-;cn,.:,],3ennett, Page". 'Blewet't,. _dol~;,Rob~rts. 'Dq\;l'e, "~~iri\m\tl'ich?Ji~lJi'soll~~;' .,' ",' On, motion of Tolmie,seoomlec) b'y'Thoil1Soii~:the Cotl't1'6il 'adjOltrned !l1ntil)"ap- p,m, Tli!e Council i'cli1uil1ed. The, toll?wing oommutlioatiollB were read: l~l'om 'Ayhuer Callegi,a,t,e ~qstitut~" ,Yith.:st~te:m;ntpf c~,up~y P,uPj)fl,; ,l,'~fC;1n:e(\ to,T~d~lCatianCommitteq; , From Connty treasurer, with repart; referred to Finan(~e Conirnittee. Moved by .J. Thomson, seoanc1edby 'A~ M6Call, That thf;l Warden, T. W .'Kirkpatrick'and w~' Ford 'b'e, 'A :conlnlittee ~flpaillte4)~Y ~his Ooullcil,td aot in Clo~jnnc,tio~: with" tlw County _ Solid. tor 'in, def(311qillg cases Ash;tan,~11d}~~n139y,s, O_?unty, ,,' , ' Carried an the fallovving diyision: , YEAs-Fergusan, Wilson, Jackson, Emlllett, Page, Huffman, McKin- ney,'Thdmsolii-McColl;" Kirkpatrick, ~abcoQk;'Leitch, ;McKeUa.r,'-Gar. 'butt, Liddle, Pressey, Backhouse, NAYS7:0ole, BleW€ltt, Doyle;,Ricb.arClBon,-.T~aIL' far ,increase .or,sa:la:r,y::;wa~ .:.:',,:-'.;.' ;.: An applic&tion of N'.W. Maore; e;aoler, read 'and referred to' the Gaal Cammittee; .lNee hawkers' and pedlars' 'lice'~ses; we're' 'grs:uted as foll6'ws : ': 'fo;Tarnes"Al'mstr6'ng, MoKBUne)'. Lyon's, an fu()ti'Ol;"o{H~ffman, ~ecohd~d ~y , ., .:.. .".,.,', ELGIN 'CaUNTY caUNCIL; 25 TO' JahuA.Haaver, on motion of Cale, seoanded by Dayle. , To John MoL arty, an mation af Garbutt, seconded by. MoKellar. TO' A: C. Lam;, on motion of Ellison, seconded by Jackson. , ' , To William Rippon', ou mbtion'ofTolmie,sccollded by'Thoillson. TO' Angu'g MoGugau', on ll1otion!'of MoKellar. seoonded by Leitch. Maved,byT.,1N. Kirkpatrick;'sec'on'dad'bv J.;;'J.'homsau,.> That 'the' reeves. ,af,'the.' several .niunicipalities. ,bQ.a CommiUee.on Equalizatian ofthe Assessment Rolls, and that thi!') Cauncil adjourn for twenty miiilit'Qsto 'give'o6rri.'ri1ittee time t,q,:nieet..:.....Oarded. The Council rosumed. '... .,' .'.. ., .'.... .' :-...: The report of Cammittee o'n Equa'lization was pre,sented'an'd" 'a.dop. tlild, on motIan of FergusaDi seoondQcfbv Jackson. .,.-, ..', Maved bVoJ. H. Tea,ll, S8oo;u(],ed Jjy, 'W._;M. For4; 'fhat:this Caunoil do,paw ad:iour'l to' :visit the, House of, Industry, meet ..at :10 :a;,m ;:to-morraw;,-Carried. K. W. McKAY, Clerk. A. A.McKILLOP, ,.': ,;;"'W:a~sl€ln, " 26, ELGIN COUN'l'Y.iCoUNCIr... ELGIN" COUNT1:-COUNCIL. SECOND SESSION.-THIRD DAY. Th'a;t',thig County'Council 'wiUbeplea.sed'to .a.ccept' the, invitation': of the Ladies' Benevolent and Temperance Soeiety>th...visit.".tlie..-'Thouuts '; Wi1VaU18 ~Plll,~- a.t,f; p::{l1,---.,.parrie~,~ On motion of McKsllar"seconded by G,arbutt>theColmcil-'went"int'Q Comn;'itt~of;.th,~,:~Yh9,le OIl Honse of Industry report. Vt.' M.' Ford in the chair. THURSDAY, tIH~,8tb-of J,unel 1893. After discussion. the Commfttee rose alld aHkcd . leave to sit again; The Elgin .Coullty.,Cauncil\niet; this,day.-according to:adjournrnent; On motion of Page, s,ecollc1ed by Bennett, the Council adiourned to meet at 3p. Dl, The,Watden in:thf:.\ chair,:.all:the t'nemberspresentexcept,Ba~coclt; The proceedil'lgs.:o! the pre7i,jQ~s,day. werE! ;read_andcon~:r:gJ4ild. 'rhe following communications were read: :Frc)lll'.$yh?,ol :SectionN'o, 6,_, Sonth,vold, rt' Shedden eu~rallce exart)in. atian ; referred to Education Committee. 11~romthe PreBh:ielit?f tbe:ThomRsWilliarns Home, extending an iu- vitation to thE;l Council to visit the institution'.' ' " ;Mr/'Benn:ett" presen'te'd.. petition from' .the;'public" scnool":trustel:Js, ,Section 9, Sout.h'wold, 're Shedden entrance' examination,which was', referred to thel!lduc~ti~n Committee, Mr';;Elli~on enquired -,if the to...'vnlina betweenYarrncu'th and South- wold,in tho village of Port Stanley, was ever sold. rl'herellort of the Goal ComiDittee was presented, and, on motion of Loclier, secouded byBenllett ; referred to a Committee of the Whole. The Uoui:H:1I1 res'umed. The report ofOommittee on Petitions amI Legislation was presented and adQpted, on motion of Teall, seconded by Garbutt. The report af Public Improvemenb:; Committee was'presented and a(lO'I>ted, ori:mcitiori:~f RichardElolJ, secoi.ided by Liddle, The Council then went into a Cornri:Jitteo of the Whole on I-louse of Intlnf;try report. W, 1\1. Ford in the chair. After amending the report the Carow ittee rose; and the report waf! adopted, on motion of Ford, seconded by Locker. Moved by J. ThoDlson,.aeconded by J. Ellison, That this Council do Ilarebv tender a vote of thauks ,to the Ladies' Benevolent and Temperance Society for their invitation tovil'Jit' the Thomas Williams Home, and 'for the courteous mallnerin which they relleh-edand escorted the Uouncil through the Hom€.-,-Cal'ried. Mr. Jackson in the chair. AfterameiJdingtbe report the Oommittee rose an'd the report was adopted, on motion of Jackson, seconded'by Ferguson. Moved by J. M. Huffman, seconded by Oscar McKenney, That the Oommittee aplJointed to defend, the County's interest in the Ashton and Pineo cases be given power to settle, if they deem it a'dvisableto do so in ~he interest of the Couti~ .;Carrieil. Moved by T. W.Kirkpatrick, seconded by J. Ellison, Notices of motion : ' W. M. Ford, for grant of $1.47 per week for maintonftnce of Charles Chivers, an indigent. Messrs. Richardson and Blewett, fo,l' a grant of $2,50' per weell: for, snpP01't of Mr. and Ml'S. Knowles, indig~Dts. 27 28 ELGIN 'COUNTY ,COUNCIL. ELGIN~OUNT;Y CO,U,NOIL. ,Messr')~ Jacl;:son and Bennett, ,for a grant ot$2 pe;!: :week fO~;Bupport of l\irs.,CamPllellfan indigent. On motion of Ford, seconded by Pressey I n:eet; a~' lOa. m.to-morro",. the .'Oouricil adjonrned'..W SECOND SESSION~FOUR'l'HDAY. K. W. MoKAY. County Clerk. A.A.MaKILLOP. Warden. FRIDAY, the 9th 'day of 'June, 189B. '.... ....... ,'.. '" . .'.,<.";. i, ...,,;.,_,. <,' The'Elgin County' Conncil'ln'et t'hifr'day acco'rdin~ ,to adjournment. The Warden in t'he chair. All the members prese'nt. The proceedings of 'the previoll;~ day ,vera read, and. confirmed.' Moved by .Thos. Jacl{soll,~econd~d: by _It.,' J;.o(\ker, Tba~"th6;G~ol Oqrp.~itteebe.,Ellll'powered t,o .cpnti[\u,t;l i~prc)'ve. menta in tl:lgistry office, couunenced.1ast year,tosuchan,extep.t,asjhev may deem neoessary to overcome the difficulties ~omplained of by Mr. CO'y1l9.-Carried. Moved-by T. W.. ;K~rkpatr~ck, seconded bv W. ]~lewett, 'l'hatthe Warden, the BeniOl: Judge and the C6u~t;Y"'Clerk'be 'I\. com. mittee to adopt a design.for a crest to he embosaed.on cqunty stationery. -Uarried. Move'~, b1~,W..M;. F:ord. secbnded.by..Thos.Pressey, _That a yearly grant be rna;de to the Township of Barham for the sup. port of Charles Chivers, said gt.:ant to be equaLto thea;vera~e ,expenf3e of keeping inmates in the House of Industry, as shown by.. the Inspector's annual report, ,and that a by.law be passed confirmingthegrant...;.:,..Oarried. Moved by Th~~. 'j acksori'; seco~ded'by F. Bennett., Tha.~ ':R.'grarit-. be,niade'to",ards the~~i~ten:a~ce6f _M:rs'~Qampb'~h, all indigent........:.Lo'st.-',.. , " ,- The Educ8'~_1l ,(Jommltteepresente~,theirreport,. \Vhich,:,on ~otion' of Roberts, seconded bvBennett; was referred to a' Comiuittee, of the Whale. .. T. W. Ki~kpatrickin':the chait. 29 iSO' .LGlN COUNT'Y- COUN.IlL. IIILGIN"COUNT,Y' ,COUNCIL. 31 After considering the report, tho Committee rOBO and the report was adopted"oll l~lOti6n of Garbutt, seconded bV Tolmie. That,aBy,.la'Yrbe..passed.::r~sQiudill,g l:t3yrlaw Nm 49.8,Jmpo~,i1~g'itEles. on couuty pupils attending High Sohools.~Lost. The report of Fina.nce Committee WaB then presented aud adopted, on ,motion dfJI{irl~pl;l.trick,!-seconded,'by' T6hnie;, On motion tbe,Counoil 'adi9prriedlto:,me/ilt:at,{) _p.m. The ,Co:uncil :iQrmrued. 'YE4.s.-Backhouse, Pre~8ey, Ford, Teall, Rich~r4so11, '_~iddle. Gar. butt, McKaUa-rJ_Leitch} 'l1ocker, -Babc<lck;'T61riliSI 'McCdU," ::I1homson, 'Mc- K~pney, Huffn~Mll Wilson a!ld,~ergt1s.l,:>n.-:-18. ,~,A'Y:~~7~~flI~k~Qn", J~l;}P:~~~~1 Page" Bl(3we,~~".1~ob~rt~" poyl~I'. Oole"f{irk. patr'ick; Elii.goo.~9. " , Onmotioll of Thomson, ;ecunded by Tolmis, the Council adjourned uutil1.30 p.m. '. ,... ,.' .. .,. ..'.,.'.,. ., Mov~d by H. 'Gar'butt, secon(i~d: by,E~: McKp'lIar, . \ -".' , , " .' -.-. ..:~:,..: -' '; 'rhat By,law J~o... ,50$, hei;ug;~ B,y-lt\\V ,~()..poU}i~')ll" tp,a -\e,q~ali"~~,~'_?n of the A,m0ssment Rolls of the County of El~in, be received and read a :first time.-Carried. The ,Q'ouncil ,roFll1llH:ld. 'Tlui,t th'e'report of the:Eduoa'tion~.r Comruittee ref~d:e'd:"hack 't'o. tlje :co:mri1i,ttee..~qa.rried.~ Moved bv'p. Baboock'reconded by J. Ellia@u, That the Counoil'aa;6'rir,nforthirty' miunt€ilHoaUow Eduoa'tion-Oom. mittee tQ rneet.~Carrie~. hel'e eOiisiuered' alld MOVQd bv E.;~c~ell:~~~ _~e.o?n,p~~~:y H;_,~,~~PlJ~\tt, 'pi_at By.I~~',NQ. 508, p~_ r~a,~~_,~~QOIl~1,).int~';~a,p:,.ie;4!"i Moved. bv A. MoClol1;seconded byW,' 'fdlmie, Moved by;M. G. Le\toh, S.lNO~ld~\~pr:~": l\I..9~,~H~~':: :,."Thttt ~v~IB:",,;J'{o\508 be 1:e,(:.<1. t,h,e ~l!i~dV~U,'~;if"P,d,;fip~.llV!IPJ}~S.lfd..- Ca.rried. ' ," ,. , , , :\Invedby;R. Locket., s~col1ded by' J. Rioha.rdson, ','..Dhe.Cortnoil :reBumed. ":rh:tt By~law'"No. 509,"'being a By.la.w to authoriie'.'tlle':Y\';v;l;ii~n and '!'reasurer to. borrow the sum of t\venty thonsand dollars, be receivedaud read a :first-time.-'-Carried. , TheEducation Committee presented tlH;lir repo.rt, 'wbich, on motion' of Locker, seoonded"by' 'Huffman, ; was .,referred"to .a,:.Committee;of the Whole. Moved by R; Looker, ,seoonded by S. Liddle, 'fhat By.law No 509 be read a second time.-"':'Carried. Mo""sdby J. Richardson, seconded by R.~Locker; 'rhat By.law No. 509 be read a. thirr1 time and finally passecl."".:".:ClLr. ded'. '1\ :W."'.Ki rkprotrick:i l'lthe,chair. '<Mte_l' _am(l~lr;l:i:ng ,th,6: i~OP()xti.the ,oommitteerosel alld ,the ,report ,;was adopted, an motion of Kirkp~triokl ,s.econded by Hu~rp.an. YEAs.-~erguS9n, WilSOlll;Hnff)lla.,ul D(lyl!'.I,~o~~PIley,l,p..oJ.e;:eJ,.~M1"ett, '_.:.' ...... '...': '. ' .:: Ii .:....::,:-:..,;:.,., '.'.,<'... ':' .'... ,:"..: ". ".... .. MciOoH; Kirkpatrick, Tolmis, Thomson, Babcock, Looker, .L,iddle"J~~oJ:I. I:;trdson. ,X:r4-YS~~~~~';~u~ ,.il,e~'iw,ttl "r:agel~()b~~t'~l' ,I,.,eitGt.. -MG,~eU~,r I ",(l,a.r'P,1;l~tl {TeaH, Ellison, Baokliousej Pressey, Ford. Moved by W. B. Cole, secouded by Tl19JUal3:R9:~Q):t"s", Moved by T. W. Kirkpatrick, seoouded by W. Tolmis, That By.law No. 510, being a By-law to raise the amounts for county for the vear-1893,. be.received and readafhst time,-Carried. Moyed.by W. T,olmie.seconde~l by A.. McColl, 32 ELGIN :COUNTYCaUNCIL. ELGIN ..COBN'l'YOOUNClL, 33 Tbat'By.laWN()~ 510 be re'ada second tlme...,.....Oarried. Moved by .J. Thomson, seconded by W. Tolmie, That By .law N .0.610 be read a third; time 'and finally, passed'.-"':Carried. Moved by 'r . Ba(\khouse, seoondedbyJ. H; Teall, THIRD SESSION-FIRST DAY. That By-law No. 511, being a by:law to authorizethepaymeritof a .. grant to the Township of Bayham for; the support .of Charles Ch.ivers, be_ received and read a firsttime;-Carriedl. { 'l'UESDAY, tlIe .14~h day ofNoven~ber, JsqS. Th~ Elgin County Council met thiR day at the Court BO'1l130, 8"1.' Tho:h:l~S, at 2,p.m. Tlle"Yarden in the chall', 'M6ved"hf .1.:11: Teall,s'eoonded-by T.: 'H. Backbonse. i)' That Br-1aw No. 511 be read a second time.-Oarried. All the me,mbel's present except Tolmic and Kidqmtdck. Moved by Thos:Backhoufle, secouded, by J aha' Teall, The Warden ~),ddl'esfi;edthe.Uollneil- '.'.'.:. ... '.:, ,.:'..... :., .;."- ,c. :: 'Th~t By-lair No. 511 he 'lead a third tim'eaud finally passed:-CaniGd. Moved by J. Richardson, seconded by R. LoClcer, ,. . , . " . 'That 'thl~. (jOllllci,rdd:Ilo~ a.dj6urn'to meet'at -tnecaU,'bf the Warden. -Carried. ' The proceedings of the ,lftst day of the preVi01.1R sesBion were read,:~and .. confirmerl, The following communications were read: K. W. McKAY, CouJltyOle,rk., A. A. McKILLOP. Warden. From arbitrators, -rt S~uth wold schools0Ctioll ; referred to Education , Cornmittee. OOllnty Council ofHurou, l't amendment to Municipal ,Act j to Committee on Petitions and Legislation. Oounty Engineel',with report; l'efEH'I'ElCl to Public Improyon:.ients Committee. ' Connty Ti'easl11'er,withreport; referred to.Finatlce.C'omrnittee. R. Miller, County constable, re payment for hall. used 'in Glover in. quest; ~'eferrecl to l!'inanee Committee. Inspector and Physician of House of Industry, with anniml repol'ts; refl.ilrred to House of Iudl,lstry. Oommitteo. Mr. .Jackson, Heeve of Sonthwo,ld, inquired L How many bridges are there within the Connty which aro mail1~ tained ,aR County'bridges ? ,34 ELQIN 'OO'tjN'TY,COUNCIL.. 2. What names are each of such bridges Imown by, and on what roads'arB they situated? /3. If any of the bridges are 'n~ton townlin~s on what roads are they situatea, and by what right or authority bas the County Council assumed thalli? .Movedby F.Bennett, seconde'a by 'rhos. Jackson, 'That'tl'riS::Obi.inciT do now adjourn' -lihwlO o'clock to.morrow: to al- lo,w committees to m,oet.:..-....Carried. K. W, McKAY, Cleric A. A. McKILLOP, -WaTtlell. .\ ELG'!N1clbii,NTY ice'l'uNOFL. 35' THIRD SES'SION .-~SECOND DAY. ,"', ..,. ,;..-, ""'~EDNESDAY,. the 15t'h .day;?(~~vember,.189B. The Elgin County Council met this day at tl1,e Collt:t. .Hous~". St; Thomas, according to adjournment. ' , , ' The Warden'ill:tlle"chair'. Allthe. mam bers present. '1'he proceedings of the 'l~re'v..iousaa;y were read',and confirnHild,. The list of Countybriilgeg, with date 'showing,whenthe;y iW61'e :afl- Slimed, ete" waR then read. Mr.. Thomson, en,quired:alll'to 8!trlOunt. of fee.. certified, ,to',as'.'coHectedf;- i by.tp.e diff€lrent I;figh,s:;cho,ol, Boards: ill.. the Coi1uty!:,f'rb1n.'0"ciunty~::pupil8 , during the past year, and the Connty Treasurer was directed to send in report. l\Il~. Teall.illquirec1~ f. 'r":;i ij:aye. the..Gounty, Ooui;~U-P:6wer"to pass, a:hy-,la.,,, to, pl'event,.T.usti<iIiliS,'i Of the -Peace from sending inmates to the House, of Industry' :under, ltl~e Vagran?y o~ any ()ther Act; referred to the OonntySolicitol' for opinio~. l\fqvf;ld by W.B. Oole,seconded by "T. M. Hard,: That a,by.law be prepared to assnme all bl'idges that aro no\\' main. tained by th6 County as Oounty bridges, a':l flhown by return just l'liilad, and that the County Solicitor bel'€quested"to appro-ve< of the legality of the by-law to, prevent future disputes in referencethereto.-Lost. YEAs.-Backhouse, Ford, Richardson, LiJdle, Locker, Ellison; Doyle, Roberts, Cole, Blewett,-IO. NAys.-Pressey, Teall, Garbutt, ,McKellar, Leitch, Tho1llsou, MeCoH. Babcocl~, Kirkpatrick, Tolmje, McKel]uey, Huffman, Page, BQIll18tt, Jackson, Wilson I F€rguson,~17. Mcivedby 'l'homas Jao1uvlll, secondedhy F.Bennett, H6 lILllIN OQUN'!'Y,COUNIIL. That,theCouutySolicitor be asked to give his OplDlOll in writing; showing how many of tbe bridges now assumed by the Connty are iegal1y County bridges.--Carri~'d. Moved by T, W. Kirkpatrick, secouded 'hy A. McColl, T,hat ,this Conncil adiournto meet at ha1f~past one to allow commit. tees' to me,et;~Oai''l'iec1. The' donnol1' l'es'nmed\ The clerk read a conullunica.tion from t'18 Loca,~:\~aster, ,R. Miller, Esq.,yvith account fot' office rent; referred to FirJance Conuilittee. , The County 'l'1'easUl'0r'sreport III reference t,) l'ytnrnoffees paid by County pupils,atteuding high~schools WI.tS present,ecl. Moved byJ, :mlliSOll, seconc1edbyP. Bab~ock, That the Clerk be instructed to procure, the naual supply of election blanlur;"assessmeDtand,collectors'< rolls, and 'iJ'not'fUl'tllRhed hythe Governmentj; the>blanks-Toqliil'ed fior vote' ouprohibitiotyplehi>icitc,.+--. Cal;Jj0cl~, MO,ved by' F, Bennett, seconded by Tb()mas Jaclu,nll, '.l'hat thiH Conucil donow adjourn until to-lUO\T()W at 10 o'clock to allow Pnbli'eJ:mlll'oVenwtlts- 0ommittee.-to visit Port Sta;uley":~oi'idge; 'and other committees. to-lueet.-Carried ~ ,v. :VlcI{AY, ,iCoulIty Clerk. A. A. Mcl\ILLOP, "Tar d ell . . lr.LG.:(N CO,U NTY ,~OUNOIL. THIRD SESSION~~THn.D DAY. THURSDAY, t~]e ,16th day of Nov~lllber,18,93. ~rheEl~ln, ,?ou,nty _ C?l1,llcil. met this day at ,the Oonrt:fIons0\ St. Tho'rii'as, accora'ing to adjournment. ' .. .' ... - , . The 'Yarden in thecha{r. All the members'present. ':J,'he proceedings o1[.the.pre~ious day...~ere, read,andconfhme.d., The County Solicitor's opinion in l'eferene'e to co~mitta,l'of' inmates to tho Hollse of ~ndustrv was read. I "',,',' "',"" The report of the Finance Commit'teowas prefolented and adopted, all ' motion of Kirkpatdclt, seconded by Blewett. . The report 9Cthe Go~l COBlmittee was preselltedallc1 adopted. on motion of Jacksoll, seconded, byLoclr,el'. Thereport,of the House'of',lndust'ry-Committee'...va's lll'ese lted and adopted, on motion of MoKellar, seconded by Bflllllett. Moved'Ly W.,.M..'Ford, Hocoil'ded'by, ;J;' H. 'Teall, 'l'ha,tth,e Q),erk, prepare. a;B.v-,law consolic1atin~- all the county by. laws, and tha~'where necessary the Solic:tol' be_consulted in reference. thereto:, and that said By-law be presented'tt the.htlluarv sessiol1 with a view to having the same printed for generaldistl'ihlltion.~Carried. ' Moved by, Thomas J ac\H;ion;. secoml ed .Iiy. D..F Ol'gUROll, That this Council do now adjourn until :1.30 p.llJ.-Cal'riod. , The. O'oiiri'ctl l'aslwlocl. An account received ft'om the LesseeH of the London and Port Stanley Gravel Road waf; read and referred to the Finance Committee H. Miller, Local Master, addressed the~Counci1roRpecting hifi a~,COn!lt for office rent. ' 37 38"" l~LGrN~"OOUN!l!YiCOUNon,i.. ELGIN 'CQ\l'J{'f\Y' COUNUU/.. The report of the Public Improvements Committee was pt'esellt~d IW<1 referred to conuuittcc of the whole. W. B. Cole in the chair. :' A.ftar cliscrtR:"ion; the cOlnin'ittee rose and reported progress. , THIRD SESSION----:I'0URT]J:DAY; 'FRIDAY, the' 17th day of November, 1893. '.rhe ,R~CQnd 'rBriortdf the 'Finance';' COl-;:llnittee'wa'sp~esert~t3dand.- a<<opt(lCl, 'Oll'1Uotion of :Kir.kpatrick, lrl6conded bvO:McColl. I Moved by ",V, Blewettlsecomled by .J. VV.. --ooy'le, "The'Cmihtjr Oouncil'Ofthe COUtlty _of to ad:j6urrimeu'ti Ek(i"i'jl.let tl1is day, a'cicording r, ,.'. ..:.."....,, ' Thata specia"( oommittee, composed ofM:6ssr8;.Kirlq,)tttl'ick, ,C?le. Teall and-thet W al'de'n,-:be 'appoi n~e(l to' make'.nec'6Rsary,j nqniries. 'respect- ing Ml'~ Mil1er~s claim.-Cal'l'ied., The l'epol'tof CommIttee on Petltion!';a:n(lliegiHIa:-'tioil\hi:{pl'e~ellie(] anrll'efel'l'ed to commIttee of thc'whole. The 'Varden in the chair. All the mOlUb~l's m'oAcnt except.Kid{pat~'ick. 'fhepl'oceedings of the prevl~)us day wero read and ~ou!il'm~d. The second report oftha House of It)d~~try Committee,was p~~sented ,and .adop.ted,- on,motiOll\of E~.M'cKel-lal'l'fleCon'ded. b~lBennett.' . ,J .I-tichardson in the chait'; 'rho report of the Pnhlic""linprovern:e'nts"Oomiilltt(;)fli was' 'presented arid adopted, on mot,ion of Richitrdson, secouc1edby,,1. ]1;IliROlJ, :', : ,:: :.:1, '. .,:/..,... ;,'.:.. ...., ..,-.'....-..,' " : After, 'cliscussion'.' th~',.coinmittee .rOi'le:'anc1.'. the! l'epol.t. \v..:-'Lt\: n.c1r')pted withont.amendment, on 11lotion of Richardson'; iOecollcled .b\""l'l;'ll.'Lll: '.Thbi:,third ,rf)i'~(ll;t' of'.th'e' Fiilance 'Comm.ittee WftR..'pl;e$'eut'~(1 : 'and' a<loptccl; on motIon of DQyte, seconded' b'yMcCol'l. .., l\1oye'rl by JTI,-lYleKellar;.. geco.ndecl- by lL :Gal'hutt, Thn,t the Cicek he instructed to communieate with the Ci:mntyCol1ncil of Middles8x for the purpose,.of obtainingall,original,..n:,i<'lawf; "ana,'other papers of the London District and Middlesex. Oounty Councils ~efe~ri!lg whollv.-to:the,Gonnty,'of Elgin.'an(l,fl:>r'the 'pmpose 'Of'pl"ocming ,'~,qpies of all papers' ofimpOl;taneethatrefer in part'to,tl)is' Oottnty...c.-lCarried;'" ',.. ,.., -:,."..,.... .,:.. ..,. ,..., .' The report of the EducatioH'Committfle\va,s pre'Rohted.a,nd l'eferi'Ellilto a committee of the whole. Moved, by .1. H" Teall, seconded ,by R.Loclrel". Thomas Jackson in th~,pllail'. Ahe~,~1i8~t~~sion :the,Colll~ittee, ro~e,~nd t.he r13Pol't. was,/tdop~e~l,.: on motioll of.Ja?kson;' seconded by McKenney Moved by F. Bennett, seconded by ,1. rd, HntImau, ". _ ..". ....:'.:',......;.. .i:. d,.. ....;:\,,'.,' That,th.o. .r?Wi~,t",~f: ~tl}lt~~~ "io?~~ni,tt~l3.iLl ~egflir,(~,;~(), It9be,}1t, Mm~~'1'; .'~,c;COUl,~t ~f:;$4_f(H:.rent Of;-~1~~tf~r,,~pque,st:~~,re;cql'.l,sic.l0reil,j ~n{1, that thfdVarden issne)l.'is ,cheqn~,for tlH'larno\ill,~'79al'ri.ed. . ,.,". ... .,. Moved byJ. :RiC'l~n~~pn, secol~,dp(, by,R,_,_TJoclj:Gr,- That this ConnciL. do now~ adjolwn to meet,at,lO-,o'clockto.mon:owto allow committee.;; to meet,'-Carried. K..'W. MoKAY, County Olerk. A. A" McKILLOP, . " " \Varden. 'fhat the .00erkIl~:V~ proc~~4i~lg~(p_~,CO\ln?il~)vi~h:reportll of q~)tm:uitt~~s printed and distributed, five copieR to flach member, by the 15th Ilecetnber.-Oarl'ied. ' tl9 40 ELGIN. COUN'l'Y, COUNCIL; ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL,' 41 f, Moved l)yW. WI.l?ord, seconded by ThomasPl'ossey, That By-law No. 514 be 'read a third timo,auclfiually passed.-Carrie~. Moved by Thoma!'; JackHoll, seconded by F. Bennett. That the plaintiff's :~olicitor in Fergusou VB. Elgin be notiftecl of the action of. the Edncation Coniln~tt'ee,-Cal'l'l'ied, Moved by D-, li'ergusoll,HBCOllcletlhy ,John \-ViI80U, That the thanks of this Council be extended to tb€ Wa~4en, Clerk, Treasurer, .Solic1tQ1"andEngine.er for their very eftiGietJ.t E;orv'icos during the past year, and th~t thE~ a'mlleil gmnt the usual !HHn of $50,to the Warden for extra servicO!'ulnrlng the yea.l'.-Carriel1. Moved byJ. :Richardson. secondedbyH Locker, j That the matter of the claim of the Local Master, Mr. Miller, be left, 'in tho hands of the special commiLteGl to act as they think proper in the interests ofth~ ,Co,unty;-Carried. ,- Moved ~y W. Blewett. secOl:dec1 by Alex. McColl, 'rfl.at,~y.la>>, NO~..i5l~!,peing,a by-la:^, to"anthow::' ,~he Wa~c1en,and Tre:a.surer to boi'~o\';Y th~ ~uUl of $5,000, be rec0ivedand reac1,a,Jil'sLtirilO. -Carried. ,Moved by,Thoma!:l Ro-borts\ 'seconded by W. Blewett, That Bt ~law No. 512 be re~'j' a secollcftime.---"':Carried. MI)ved b;; W. Blewett, seconc1ecl by A, lVIcOoll, ".".:::..,,':,:: ,..:,,' . ' \. , ~.rh~t By .la ~v ,1':~:'(), ,512 pere?>dlathi~~Uhne and :fiually/passec1.-,-Oal'1'ied;"; That this Council do now adjonrl1 c:iw' dil'.~OH,rried. K. W. McKAY, COUllty Clerk. A. A. MclULr,OP, Warden. lVI<?:I;!3,~l?y;J, ~ ,Tholllsol1, $econc1edhy :A., ~fcCdll; '...1.:."-:':: _', ,'.: ",'..' ....' ,:.,:.,..,..:.,.....,..,..:'... ;.1 Tha~ By-Ia;...." No. 5tH, being a by. law to ext'encl the time for the 0_1- f?rC~9:"c~1l.ec~i(}n."l:>y sale of .I)Oq ~r;esic1ent. ~a~es in.th~ ;Conllt,y., of }1}lgiuj be l'eceived.al~d l'eaA a first time.-:-;-Oarr:ioc1,,; , ,.1~o,<e~1:by ,F, ~BitbGock, secoude.4by ,J. ,El1iBo~l, That By-lll,w No. 513 be read a seconcltime.-Cari'lml. Moved by J. Thomson, seconded by'''. Tblinie, 1'hat..B'Y'.law No. 5iB be' read athi~d time a~cl. fiuallYipassed-,-~,qa'rried;. Moved by E.McKellal', seconde~l by M. C. Leitqh! 'l'h,tit By.lawN'o.,514, bein~ a,.. by-}aw,;~o.; _a~lth,ori~e:~lld provide}or the ,appointluent',))aymeu,t al1~'dt~ties ~f Inspedt()~" 'etc.;. 'for th~..ll1,auage~ merit'of tile'Hotlse'(1f Iml'ustry,alld repeal,I.Bv.laws 276. 2f10, i?7'5', 380;B8'\},~' :;448, 456,484, be recei vec1 and road a first time.-Oarried.' , '" Moved by M. C. Leitch,secoudec] by'EdwardMcKeUa'l;, Th'n;t Hv:law NO'. '5i4'be'r~aaaHecon'd'titrie.-dah'ied. . , v . ... J:' Movod by E.McKellar, seconded by~\'.L a.Leitch, 189S. ST}INDIHe eOMMITTEES. "<.-.c' REPORT OF OOMMITTEE '--..:....Appointecl tostrike----.- , STANDINCCOMMITTEES --,--OF TI-IF:-:-'- ELGIN COUNTY OOUNOIL. HOURI<: 01" INDUS'l'lty. Bennett, McKellar, Toall. PC13LlC L\lPl{(lVj'~1I1Ji:~TS. , Ga.rbutt, Cole, FOl'd, Thomson, Ellison. IUchard8on. lh~,e .ok, F',Jt'!~lH:Oll, Huffman, GAOL AND PmN'l'INH. .TneksOll, Leitcb,. I..ochm'. F'INANCJ<l. Kirhpatl'icl~,' Blewett, McUoll, Wilson, Doyle. EnUCA'rrON, Bennett, 'l'eall, Hobert8, McKenney, Leitch, Backhouse, Gal'bu'tt, Fergu_ SOll, ThOlusoil"gllison, Liddle, Babcock. PETI'rroNS' AND LEGISLATION. Pressey, 'rqlmie, Doyle, TeaU,'RiclIardsoll, Garbutt, Page. All of which is respeotfully snbmitted. T..W. KIRKPATRICK. Chairm.n. Adopted Jrm. 25, 1893. ELGIN aOUN'I'Y UaUN(JIL. 40 Eq,uaJization Committee. To the glginCounty Council: GENTLEMEN,-;-Th(') q~mmitt(~e, on eqlw.1izl\,ti.op;-of, th~ ~sse,SSlUent ot' the ~OUllty of Ji:lgin, beg leave to) Hub..nit tho followillgrGpol't: After considcmtion they WOilld reCDlutl1'eml' for adoIltiotl by the C:mllcil the report of the E(~nali;':;rtti')ll C)mn:~itteo of last yeal' for the present year. Allcifwhich is respectful1,)' f:1I1bmitted, Do' FF.RGU80N,' Chail'ruail. Adopted June 7, 1893. Stri,'teuHHlt of]~(lii(tllzctti(jll, 189Z, arlnptQd by th~: above :Report 'for ] 89~.l. < " , :\lUNICIPALI'l'Y. m';AI~ ANI> l'BRSONAl,. l'ltoPln:'l'Y"AS: ,F.QTJALI:r.I<:n, .ALlbH'oua,'lL..,......... .... DUti\VlJh','......';...,..... ...... SO~ltl1\v~1(1... '.';,;;';,..... :......., Yal'n,dllth l\:1alfdlide ...'.. ,..,........,.. B~\,yh.ivn, .,...... ~~ '..""" .~~'.,:... .,. .",..... S'onth Do\'cLes't-::I' .............'....,....... ,l~.vlnlel'. ...,., ,."..,... ...............,.,'....., Vienna, ... .., ,......... ... .,.,... .,.. ,. .... POI,tRjjanli)\,.;.......,.. '........... ' Spr:iilg:ii.fllll.....,.,:,....".. Dllttoli.:.............,..,.. ,j I , . . . , . . . . . . , , $ 1891350 , :WBfJIOO ~805:wu )JOt:l;')OG4 2nO lOOO l'J08i'i60 1;3'1.4720, H:ilOOO 'mODO OHOOO (;gOOD ~nOOi) $1:;2'110\)0 Finance Committee, .JANUAHY SJ<lSSION. . . To the Elgin County CO'nncil: GENTLEMEN,-..:.The"FiiJa.uce-CotU:nit'te<l h€}.~le,i.ve ,tn IV:, [nllnl"I" : 1. That tho repJl't of the Ne;G .ml!,.("_;ll..l!'M II,;,',,' Ll,':>tita~o d) Cdll~i,1(ll'oil as sli"tis.factory.' 1A' ]~LGIN OOUW'!'Y COUNCIL. 2. That a by.law be passed authorizing the Warden allll Treasurer to borrow the sum of twe,~lty thousand dollars dp20,OOOj to moet oates maturing. ' ' 3; That'thefollo\ving. account~'.of R.McL.achlin be "paid~: SU:ppUes,to Couuty 'I:reasurer'soffice H "Clerk's" " "Ei1gineer's" '1: $11 85 22 05 3 7G 4. That the aecount of F. TrollopeChapman, for bin(ling aSfilessment rolls, to the amount 9f U6.GO, he pa:id, 6. That the aCCou~lt of :v.rr.Uoyne fOl'- $7.50, supplies for registry of. fice, be '11041 IJa.id, as ac"eollnt iR not properly certified to. H. 'J'hata grant of two hundred dolla,rs ($200) he III ade to the Ann'\,. a \Vood Hospital on the following condit-ions: ~ That one dollar ($1.00) per week of this flllld be u~ed to .pay for pa' tients aduiitted from County and the balance of two dollars and, fifty cents pel' week for maintenance of patients be paid by mnnibipalitieswl~o send patients. That all patients bo admitted only on the 0l'(181' of reeves of muuicipalitieR;aiJd that the Board of Management of,lh,c;l)itai make a return to County Council at its,] \1118. and ,January sessio_'I,;of.patiGuts f\.d. mittu(l, ana scatem6nt of fund to credit of the,Collllty. 7: That a grant often dollars '($10,00) be made to JU,dge Ermatingel' f01: postage for the c:nrrent year. All of whicl~ iBreApectfully submitted. '1'. \V. I{mKPA'i'RICK, Chairman, Adopted ,January 27tli, 18'tli\. ,lUNE Bl~HSlON. 1. 'rp the Elgin Oountv Conncil: GEN'nWMKN,-Tho Filmnct'l Committee beglea.veto J?epol't: 'J;hn,'l;tho following accounts be paid: F. Trollope Ohapm~l), $jt5D; Depnt~,tion, Toronto PfJ High School, $36.88 Thn.t fL By, la\\; by passed anthori7.ing the 'Varden ana Treasurer' to -ELGI:NCOUN'rYi',COUNCIL-.. ' 45, borrow' $20,OOOI.if::recfuired for' Couiltypnrposes, lmtil paymont,ofconuty rates," ,and, to l'ene,v.notes'-HilW heldhv:the .lvIolsoris:nauk. Tha.t"tbe ,follow.ing;salariesof.lock l1P 1te!,!pJ~l"s;,be, paid: .,.- .:. :..'.:::.:.'..."':,:> ": ,.' ..:.,< 'D~ 'Pu'rdy, yten\/a, 'si'i'month:s...,........ .........,.......;. ...$10'00' '~J.,.Balsd(m,.,,~ll~d~e~, siX ~:oriths-.~~'.;:. ..j_;;:,;" :.;'. !"';:""~',' ..'.: .10 00 'J';"V. 'Bea'sley,"Port'Stanley;sixmonthHi..:".:.,'....'.....'.. 1500. D.; .A.,Kirkpatdck,.W est Lorril;'l. ,SiX,1l10U,ths ......,;...:.....;..: .10.,00 D!<.lV[cPlJee.,DIl~~W1,siJ{,rn9_ut,tlS: "~:""':"";":'~~!'~'"'''''''':''' 10.,PO i d,. N. Ludy, .Roclney, six months...,........:.."...............: 1000 . J. McTaggart, Springfield, siX: months ..................... 10/00 L.Pie1'ce, Aylmer, six mOtlth8.,~~.,..;........................ 15,00 J. ,.McFar1ane. Wallacetowrf, sIx months................... 10 00 .. ... ./ T,hatthe ac.C01~11f~fGravel, R~ad Commis8,ioners, for $85;86 be paid, n.(;(~.J,; Hopkins se.~vi'ilg Subpt?3J1as, account '$,'5.30. ,. ,.,.,. .., ..:, A_H,of which ls\'espectfrilly submitted'., ,T.. vv. ,J(mlCl'A'fRICKj ;.NU.f,1 '~ Ado};Jted. .Jun,e;~,'J893. Tothe Wttr(lenanclCcJllocil'ofthe Counh of ,Elgin : . TihQ. Committee on FilHt~.ce begleav~,torE'Po~t.th~t,havi'l~gOxa:ni'~:~:i, ,[ into:the finances of the COUl;,tV. and theostimates' prepared by th~:b6unty'I,:' 'l'r6a8-ur~J:, thoyherowithsu.b'mit a statement' of .the' e.xpe'ridittirere.quire~" : forthe}awful pnrlJoses" of the:County (luring ~893,,$ho.\\;ilig :~th~,,'{tU10Ullt8 l'eq,u,ired ;t?, pe. raised _fo:~~~e~l,n~l~rrnentioned nnrposes : Administration of Justice............ ...... .,........$ 3000 00, County_Lines and Bridges .,.........,......,........, 5000})0 House of Iud us try ............'.:....................... 450000 High 8chools ...............;.....';,.,'.J,.,...;.......... 427600 Officers' Salaries.......,....,............,.............. 280000 School IOs'Pectol';~;.,.::....'.;;'.'.:;;'.:.,'.;:.:,,,..:.;,';..;. ,8_00, 00:' Payment nf .Jurors ...................... .;'.......... ,... 2000 00 \1,' : Ci:'ow'n"VitllOSSe1'> ';; ;>:..\ .';;'..: ;f,.:'.l,': ;'.;. '..; :'..';;; ;',;. ./.' 5000'0 ' Interest on Bill:,; Payable .............................. 160400 Members' V\Tages, Committees" etc;"..;.. ..<...., 1000 0.0 Bills.Payable ......... .........,'.. ............ ...... ,..... 10000 00 Mb-del 8.cho,oL.'.\.;.... .... ,..,.... ......,.;;: 150,00 ,..' $35080 00 'Caron-foil :Schools"eql1ivalen;t'1J,O Gov't Gmnt,,,.,.:.'...; 13078))Oi; Toto] ....,'.............. .,..........,,$B~7r,8 :60. 46 ELtlIN' COUllTY ,COUN(lIL. ,-----~_._~~_.- ''Your'committeewQuld ;recommend that the sum.pf ,thirty;fivethous- fl,ud 'Hix hundred ftnd eighty, dollars be rais".d on alltbe ratea.ble 'property ill the several ~unicipalities in the County ofElgiu during the year 1,893 for.conuty pnrpoHo8,as 'perschednle herewIth. submitted; and that a"rate o!_tW() au.d.o1le,t:\ird mills on'the dollltrb,e le~ie~OII~herateitblepropElrty in t,he H8v,81.t1.1mnnicipaiities"of the 'pounty as ~qnaJized',to rais~ said a:mounts, excl1l8iveof School Gr~nt8. and that ,the sum of three thousand and H8venty:eight dollars beralfled in',the several .to'~nship;municipali. tios oulyfor Com mOil Hehoats, being an amount eqni alent to' the Gov- ermnerit, Gl'allt. HcJ'[}<]btJJ~E. =:..:.:;.:_:.,,_'".:;::::::::-:-..::-::'-_~=:.-- =-=:;:::::;,;;;C.:==:;-,--::::=:=--;" I COMMON I (Ui:~. RA'l'E. ',. ,... "..: TO'fAL. __~__ _ ~___ ~_~_ _ ~__~ __~ _ _ ~!~OJ,s:._ _ __---'_._ Aldborough.......................'........... $ 4A13 I $' 585 ' '1$ 4.9~,R Dunwich ........................................_' 4,~5~ I ,360 I ,5,214 Southwolcl........................,........... 6,6B6 A74 7,W(J Ya.rmouth, .:....................;,............ 7,199 ii89 7,780 Ma.lahide ...;.......;...........:-. .........-.. 5,369 460 I 5,H2:), BaYh~.".r.n...,.~...................................... 2;587 432 3.019' South Darcllester ......................... 3,Oti8 178 3,~46 Ayhn0t......,.........,....... .....,........,........ 842. \ 842 Vien;l~t,'........;..,..................... ...... 13S" ! ~'33 Poi't Stanley.....,................,.......... 158 I \ ,158 SPl'i,llgfit~.lc.l. ;.. ...........,.'-;......'..'........... ;...... J6.1 '.. .. 161 Dt~tt01J.........;......~........:.................. 2,10.1". ...... ..... 210 Total ;;;::.;::::::,,::::.:.::;....::~':. _~i:5;(l8b' 1-- $3:078'-'038.7 58 MUNICIPA.LI'l'Y.) T. W ,!{IRKf'A'l' RICI{,-Qhairin'an'. Aclopteil. ;J Lllle nth, l'S9fL Novr':MnJ<iR HEBfllON. 'l'oth~ \V'ftrden and Council of the County of Elgin: GF.:NTI,K\mN,-ThoFinance.Cammittee beg-1eav9,to repor,t as follaws: , 1: 'l'lHtt uh,e following accounts be paid: It; .McLacblill"supplies.Couuty ,Treasurer.'s office. $ 4',45 IJ II "Clerk'soffice....... 1145 " /I .Jailor's office ...... 60 lllu;t,& Hiddell, /I "Clerk's office.....,; 625 HrReYllolds._ . /I . ' Registry office................ 7 50 J, ,& W. Micklehorol1gh, account R. Miller's office. 12 60 JilL~IN 'COUN'l'Y.COUNCIL. 47 '2. That "account Of Robert Miller; amoulit of' $4 for use of ,hall for' holding inquest, be not 'eJ1tertained. as we do not consider the CountYI ,I liable. 3. rrhata. by.law be passeclanthol'izing the Warden anclTrea:.surerto borrow the sum of $5,OOO'to 'meet current expenditures until the payment of county rates 4. 'fhnt a resolution be vaBsed, reqneRtitlg the C01Wty, Treasurer not . to hold a tax. sale for the veal' 1893. 5. That we have ('-xallJiucd into. the account "of..R. ,Miller;,Local i Mastel' in. Chancel'V. for rent chtimed fromOctoberj 1884, to October 189B, amounting. to ;$766,' bdng"'niuevean;'..l'ent at $7'..per .rnantil-. :W€ ~nd that in .Jannary. 1885, l\fr.Mille;l',iu acommllllication to'the County C()uncil. asked all allowance for rent, equal to $6 pet. ,month. Tlriat 011 the 2uu of June, 1~88, he pre:fl.e?tedJJ,gain to (jound1a,n i10canntfor three an(l a half years' re~t at $4, amonnthlgta $168 j and theCounty Council refusel].. to entertain said. claim for_ l'eaSl'IlS' set fQrth in report of ':Fina.nce ComJl)~t~e~ of June;8~h, 188~.: 'Th'1t your Committee, considering the action ~f Connt'y COlfncil heretofo't'('),'recotlltuend that said account be not entertained until so~"no iliformatioll i::. p'l'o(lllCed to shew that in the opinion of the Council the circullIstauces were of 8ueh f\, nature as to wi:n'rant the IJocal :\faster removiog l1iR office from the COllrt honsC'. All of which is respectfiilly-submitten 'l' ...\V. KrRKl'ATlUOK, ClI/tirman. AiJavted, November; 16, 1893. :<n;UON II RKP()lt'l'. 'l'~-tfl~ Idgin,Oollil'ty 'Coll'ncil: GEN'l'~,EMEN!~Th,erina~ce,Comm.~ttee, beg leayo to. report as.co.lla:ws: 'That t~eacconnt8- ?fA'. E. .Ma~latt;.J.t: Jleburll..LC. 'Caughell and HellrY.Cal1~hell ~e, l~id' ~~er' until .~ une~ 1894, for ..the follawing reasons: Se'~tio~ .17,: C,~ap;28\5~n~ :ric.., Ontario Statutes,". Ai\ A.ctto facilitate the purcnase,oftollroad,s by.M'uni.c,ip'alitie~...~'says: "If the 1'oad is not taken and paid for within ane year as aforesaid. thu ovmer ario\vners sha,ll be elltitl~d.toreceive the costs to; which he or they'm va beenpu tin allY proceedings, taken for detcl'l11inl11g l>yarbitl'ation the vali.leof his OJ.' ,thfjlir 48. l<~LG,l~,QO:UNTY,CQUN ilL,. road. ", '-'Vptherefol'o'"rocomrq.end,th,a.t! ,t)lo;abo,ye:acc~llQt"lle I;tOt, paid llnti1,one.,ye.al'lalJHeS .from time of rneetill!1 of Grn.velRHtd Commtf'l, ". ".... .'.. ..<"> .. ., ' . ... .. Hiollel'H. ; All, of.which ,is respecitfully snbmitted,. T.: W. I(IImPA'!'RICK"plHti~ll1an,. Adopted. November 16,1893. 'J~HIlm REPOR'l'. 'ra -the' ]mg~u; (JonI1'ty Oomicil-: GNN'i'Ll!:m'lN ,-,--,l'heF'iIHtlleC Committee ,hog,1oavo po. repqrt: " ,..,;, ,. . .- ., , ~; ,.....:.', , ,. :: ., ... , i :;- ,._ :. >< 1.,Tl}at t~lo,apCollut of, ~r.Glel.l~l,~?l' ~H50 ~e'1~'fd-Sl,1 , '... ,. .-. .. . ..'. ..... 2: 'rhat'~h~,loC?.i,<ilP k~el,lol's' n.CC01Ults he pa.id 3,s-llshal. '.'.,;1,. '..", ."..,' ,.." All iof which- i,':!respectfhllysubmitte'd. ~\.~lop~ed~.. Noyem~el'17, lH93. .J. yv. pOYI,J<:,:t!hail'man, Petitions and Legislation Committee. ,TANUAUY B.I!:BSION. '1'0 the l~lglll OOUllty ConDcil GNN'l'LE1Ytl<lN ,-The Committee on Petitio~l~: a:?,~. Le.gi~~~~i??1 :?~.g,le,i,tye:, to l'eport: . 'l'fw,t no iw'tioil l)o'tcl.kol'r\l i.'o'fe'rellce to the c'ot:l1mr(l(ic.ii:tiOii: from the Dominion AUiar,lC8 in l.'\del'ence to petitiou to thl3 Ontario Legiilll?-~ure , :...... ,'."1,,,..;;, . ,...:, ..... ,.;',:..;..::":.....;'.:: ,,:."J." tOlIlakoprovision.f()t';~the itrllUec1ia,te}aking, of a direc_tjvote 'qf:,the ~l.,ec~or; of.,O~t~rio in 'such f()~m, a~>vilI sa:y \vh:ut" llulllb_er'.~f/:'Sl~t?'h ,~l:~c:~o~~ ~~'O:~,ld approv~ qJ a liL:~Vpt'ohibit,illg ,tl~e -.i,l~l?oF~:~tJon, manllf~~t,\ll'e a:~d:~,ale of in to:;dcating liquorH into and intho said Province. ' ,I.. .."., ,..... .'..- ..,.. ",:; ,.,:- ,...:':" '.".'.,..".:. 'i );1 2,'. 'l')jat .itl 1;ofel'etlCQ't6; the' cOlnldllllicatiou.:froin tlre'Collnty 'of'Grey}<; l'e(llie~tillr~'co:oper(ttio'tl' 'hy'petitioh .fot" amenclme'n:t. to\: the: Consolidated' }<~LGINHJ0UN'l'Y!'COUNOlLl.. , 49,; Munioipal . Aot, so that the matters:dutS;eotiou:,533 A, which may now be be settled by arbitration, shall be wholly left to the discretion of the county counoil, we would recommend DO action:'!" 3. ':;rhato:the 'comlnu:nidati'(jt)'.froID' t'h~';OCill'llt'y"rif N"bH6Ik:,in" teferlmoe to Jhe., number ,of;:childreu that may be .committed' to the Industrial Sch~ol. be not entert'ained.' ! AIL of which is.re8p~ctf1.111y,subllli~tel1.: ',J.OHNH~,TEALL! Oh~il;-ll1an/ Adopted, Jannary 26. ...TtlNK ~F.SSIhN. To the County ConncU'of'c6ul'lty of'}~:rg~n : GENTLEME:K,-The Committee on Petitions and Legislation beg leave to report: ' 1. That the communicatiOlifrom the County of Victoria he not en. tertained. 2. That we concur in the communication from the County of York, and that a petition he sent to the Housouf .commons, praying-that au Act may be, passed to compel all -rail wa.y companies to pay the whole 'cost of , the wor).-l:s necessary wbere tbeir tracks Cl'OSH a-public highway, aud require the companies ,to leave the' public roads in equally good order as they were previolls to tbe railroad crossiugth81!,:,and ~o protect aU such m"ossings. 3. I~ ref~rellce to the communication from the County of York, re })ublicationofSchool Act for distribution, we ,would recommend lio action. All of which is tespectfully l'Hlbmitte0, .JOHN H. 'l'JUJ"J.., Ch'l,il'lUal~. 50 ELGIN COUWTYCOUNCIL. NOVNMBER..SESSION. T~ the b~lgiu County Oouncil : :,~\he'qC?mmttt';Je on, Petitions ,ancl Legisla,tiou,beg 1~a,ve~():,pre8~1l~: L 'T'll~~'the c,)l.Utllunication from'the Clerk bf th({OOUrity cif'Hrirhq":\ 'he uotentertained. . . ." 2. That owing ta lack of time :Ybur Committee were' 11ua;bleto'd'eal with ,th~Ditqhes', u.lld W,atercourses'Act, Municipal Draipage Act, and [\l$otl;~A.s!!';'ess'm'G'i;b Act,'hut would rocommend that the ,Committfle be, alldwed to meet in the nea.r future to consuler the same. All of which i~ ~ospectfnll'ysubmitted-" J-oNH H. TT~ALL, Chainuan, Ref,erred to a committee of the ,whole aud,~dopt~d. Noyomhbr H], 1893. ,- , , " / ELGIN COU;-Fl'YCOUNCIl,'. ~UBLIO:.R0H90r~ IN8P1WrO,R'? RIWOR'l', '1'0 the Warden and momberf'l of ~he Elgin County Oouncil: GE:.N'J;LEMKff,~L'~ay~ the,h,on.or of _pr~w~ntin.g Public School~ of the cou.. ntv fOl'theiyear '1892, .',. ,,-.,.. "',,.., .-'.' , yon.'ml'i-~po~t'qn:tIH~, ' ;'... . "..)'..':.' ,.)1,_, " l"INANGIAr~ STNl'J>lMR:N'f. Receipts. Balance in Trustees' haIl~lR,Dee. ~~" 1891..................$14190 64 Trustees' Levy...... .....:.:.,:....... ....'.':... .:....... ,........... 43322 24 GOYE:l1'llment grant,...................................... 6261 5~", :rvril'uiCipal ,.grant.:.... ~',""" '_' . .::.. ..'... n.... ..'. "',~" 3379' 02 ' Fl;om Cler~y R-eserves ahc1all other~~urge~ ............. 6930 39 Tota.t ,,,',,,,,,,,,,,,$7408879 :IDisburs'ements: reacbeJ:s' .g,al~ri,e~..;....: n..'... .~_',.... ~Y'~ ~; ..........:.."., ....., $432713: 15. ,Sob()ol.houses and sites ....,.............................'.. :..... 4149.16 Libdiries, n1aps; 'etc. i.:....:,'..~:.......';. ' ....-,.~. ;'.~ ::>... ',:.'..~. 418 ~30 Repairs, fuel. ete ............,.........................,......;..... 963700 -- Total ; ..'.~';;. ::. ;'..'......... 0'; .'.; ;'.'.'., ::.'.: .-", :.. ;,~ $57477; '61 BnJanee ill.Jn~stae,~' h.~~~(.h;~o.<?~ 25,189~,,,~......i../. ..:....~16606, 18 Tl~e halanc:e~,',al'e 'ulrich' lfil;ger' tll,a:l\, tJi'ey'; ':;~!;l'e ~o~~e., yea'l's, ago, the re!\80n being, as :y011. d011_b~l.es.s'.[~l',e.a ware,. that.. m a:ny: T_l.nRte~J3oa,l'ds.. now prpvicle for the'qharterly pay-ment.of Ralal'i8~. . 1 ~' SCHOOL' 'POPUTiA'.rroN; 'A'l'Tl'lXD'ANGlt; 'Nil'C,; .Total numb~i of C11ildrOri: beh~eeb' the '~,ges of 5' 'and 21h's, reportEida8.res~den~. ip':tb,ecollll?Y .I~ec. ~5,1892....,..81206 'Number of pupils' regiS:tet6a.':..:..'.~~...,.: ..~,' :....:....~'..::......... 7.129 Number:<4 bpys r~!?'Y~tCilre~:i',';',' ":,"',~:', ,,:..., "i,":"~';"" ~,","':,,"'" .,,3,,;790', ; Nnmber of gIrls ~'eglstored,...,~,"" ....'....._..,....,:..,".. '~.,',...~... ,3A29 A~e-rag'e .1l1.~~b,er', ~~ Aays', .t,l~e ~~I~'~oli.,vere opeI1~:. ...'u..'~ .':.,'. " "20~ Nnrnber of pupils who _a~t.endEld ,1_mH> _t1l:11l 20"d~tYf\ 'f.""',":'" .... .613:1,) Numbe'r'wbo 'attenCled tH~t'\;iJ~n' 20 mid 50' d,a,y{':.. ,~..<.....~..~~,dd.4;,.. . .'" ,< I' -. "50'n:lld 100 c]ays............:..'l,475' 1.0.0litP.d)i)O, .clayr;...,.~ .,..,..:..,,},6f?J ;,,'. I . ",,; ,. ,~pO,atld 200AaY~.~:...:..n.:.. 2,037 " " ove1'-200 davs......;:~..',;..:;;.,;,',..:.... 297 -Nutn,bei;'bf cbild-renhetWeon-Ule age-sof 8: and :14're'pol'ted.' as:not attondingarry, Bcho:oL..... .:.:.. ;..'i :......;..~;.',; 51 <,I.,,; , 5~, BLGIN:: <lQUWrY:COU}l'CIL;." ._-~-----~-------------'-----~.~-_..~""'.-~ The pupils -'who do not make sati!ifactory progress are generally found au=-ong the 3,000 wllo'littEin'ded'sohbol"fdi' legsi,tban,QO~ldays durmg the year. l'heavera~eattl:3ndalloe ,was 3,470; percentage,of"registeredn~mber, 48:.'; 'THis means th'at oil' theav~rage'each"registeNld":)1~pil1'attetldea(tmly 100 daYRont of tlHl208 daysthe"s'choolfi'we.re ol;en~ >, The average cost per registerA~l pupil was slightly oyer $8.06, while the cost pel' pupil, taking the average attendanoe, was $16.5fi. (J],A8SI:FIGA'.L'ION' O}'PUI'ILS, NUp1b~l~;of pnpi}Rin jnnior'fhst class...... ....,.... ...............' ,,' HeIHol'" .... ......... .,....~.....,...... Keconcl Class third clas~ fom;th cliiHk fifth ChS8 II', 1;611: 998: 1:584 '1.21:)4 1,2BB 316 All,tl~~. '7 ,129' 'pupi16r receiver] -in~trtlction. in'readirlg;;ari-tJllru"e~idi':wl'it- ing, sp~l1i'l]g,drawi[l!r;,geography andtbe cor.rec-t us_e ofth\r'E":I!WRh:laD- gl1age,{ ; mh0r{oJlo.willg,is the ll~unbfw of .p-gp~ls t?-ught1.the i".\11Ijects llamed: E'11g1i8h.HiHtorv....... .................. ......... '1;81'8" Ca"lll1.dill,ll _History............. ."........,...... 2,726 ,HH~iell'e~LIHl''J.''empe1'anM............ ...... ... 4';'5f;"l,' ~Ui,icnltnl'e-;.:.' ,... ... ..,.... ,.... .;.. ..~.;. .~/...... "'44;1;, Bouk.keepiDg .....,.....:,,;........,...:....';.. ...' ",480,;': Algebr.a- ................... ......................... 311 Geollletl:J'y...... ~ .....,. ... .,...~..... ...., .,... .,.. ...........,; 247 Boto,ny ........................................,:..... 223 Phy~iGR ~............... :''',. ...... .'. .... .,.~.~~..... .'. ~ ,1,94 sCHoor, .SEC'l'IONS,..' HOUSES,SI,TEs;'E<pdr., N#inb.er'of r:IChOOl sectilH18; .coulltingunionir'o~1~"septi'dn'!ea'ch'.'10'5. Nilh1bel' of ~chbol..houHe!:l..................;.............................. 107'.' N?mbel' 'of depa;rtme~lt8.,..... ",~' ..'....u~.......... .~.... ..!..... ... .'... 129':.~ NU~ber,' of'bl'ickhollses ..~....... ....... .u~. ........~~:.'........>...... '58'_~ Nttinher df frame },louR,eH..:..:.,........................,.:............... 47' " " 'l'h~ '.8Cht)'ol-honses'arejl,~l;roving jn charact'fir., In a few y~ars we hope to! }'lH.VG. all, school sections pl'~)Vida(l mith~g"ood,substantial ,houses~ No.' 2:i, South;wQld".and ',.8,;.Dun",,~ich, Ja;st;i,Yl;lal!;''-er,e~tedifa, '1mag,n,ificent nlldill:l!,~nnd next, veald hone',tio be.abIB-t'o, repor,tr;some ;bthe~s', ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. The estiil1atedvalue'ofsites and bnildingswas $106,650, and of fur. niture, equipment, etc., $12,26:'5. TEACHI<lRS. Nutilberof teachQrs~..."............ ............ ..... '.......... 129 ., male teachers ................................... 49' female " ................................... 80 " holding third class certificates .~............., 71) " second " ............... 54 Average salaryof'male.teacherR,................. ... ....;.$392 " female teachers ........................ 298 liIISCJ<JLLANJ1l0US. Number of ~~h:~':. '::.: ':. '::.: ':.: ':.'. ':.: ':.'. ':.::::.':: :.-: :::: :,:'::': visits by the inRpectol'...................... visits by trustees................. visits. by c.1er.~ymell ... .~....... ..........~.. visits by other persons...........~~......... public examinations... ,..'......... ....'..~ ....; trees planted .................................. 1021 105 260 176 72 752 33 213 " " " There' were twomeetinRs. of the Teacherr;;' Institute. held last year, one in Dut.ton and one in St. 'Ihol:.nas. Both wei:e very largely attended and were of great value to the teachers. A few schools are,now provided with our Oanadian flag, at the raising of which public meetings were held, when patriotic' addresses, were de- livered, directipR attention to the duties and obligations of citizenship. Next year I hope ,to report some important changes in the: regulation governing the High School Entrance and the PnbHc SchoorLeavingEx~ aminations, which will be int'ended to induce p1.l"pib in rural sections to remain a longer time in the public schools. Thankin~you and ,the public generallyfortbe interest,manife8ted in Public School educatio'll, I have the hOIlor to ,be, gentlemen, . . \ YOUi' obedient servalit. 53' ~ 5ik r~LGl~ COUN'l'Y OO_UNCIL. Education Committee. ,1ANUARY SESSION. To the WardllHl and Members of the Elgin County Council: GEN'l;LEMlm;---Your Committee all Education beg leave to report as ' ~fol1owlil : Is~. That fiftvdi:illarl!l, to (lefr8..Y the expenses of printing nniform promotion-examillaticiu papers for tbepublic, scbools, begl'u,nted., 26d. That tlHl County Council assume the cost for one year of one donar per pupil for each candichLte writing at the Public School L"eav1ng Examination. 3rd. That ,theaccouut' of eighty-two dollars and setentv.fiyc cents, for entrance, examinations for third Class certificates, certified as correct byW, Atkin, b~ paid. 4th. Thattbeexpellsos of stationery in eonnection with the High School Entrance ,Examinatiotl, _amounting to twenty.three dollars and ten cents; be paid. 5th, ,That the Entrauce Examination for Higll Schor>J',be helclat tl.le fo116wing places: Hodney, Fingal, Belmont; Sparta alld l\Jt.t Stanley. Alloi' ,yhich isrespectfnlly submitted. .J. THOM$ON," GhairmiHl. Adopted. Jallilll,l'y26,189B, JUNE SESSION. To,the.,'WardoHl1n(1' M~mb01"o; or'the Elgin County Council: GEN'l'r"l';MI!]N,~~re,your Coinmittee on Education, beg leave tore. port as followH : 1St,. That 'the coriulllluications from' :the various public IiIchools of S'outll\Yold, requesting that an Entrance Examination. be ,held tLt, Sned~ den,. be not entertained. "' '2nH; 7hat the commufication ftom. the Ooun,tyof Frontena.c re grants to Pul~1ie Schools, be laid ovel.' for further consideration. ELGlNCOD-N'l'Y OOUNGlL; 55 4th....Tbat the' resolutIons from Southwold, Yarmonth and Port S,tan- leyC(,)ullcils, notifyillgthe (JolllLtyConncil that tbe\', are preparedto,pay the proportionate costofec1ucating countypnpils,a~ theHigll Schools in the county, . be receiv:edandplaced,on file'. 5th. Thattbe county solicltor be instructed to appeal in the case, 'of Ferguson VB. County, ~uid that tha"treasnrer, b'einstr,ucted tofurnish the' necessary amount required as s~ciJrity, or that the Warden and Clerk may execute a"bond on bebalf'ofcOlloty far that purpose. 6th. That the following' ari:lOuilts be l'aised<for Hie-hSchool purposes: St; Thomas, $21,',7 j Aylmer, $1345; Dutton, ~1345; Viellria,,$63S; All of which is l'espectfl1llv 8ubrnitt~d. .JOlIN THOMSON, Ci\ftirman. 'Heferred to Committee of the Whole and arnendedby striking out the 6th clause. Report then a,clorlted, Yl'lAS-18. NAYS-~9. .June, Q, 1893. NOVEi'liB}'lR SESSION. To the JlJlgin County Council: GEN~n]~MEN,~The E.qucfI,ti on Committee beg leaye to l'epqrt: p lBt~ That xeport ofarbitratOl~s on Bi)n'tli~\'old SchoolSectionljEdn~d' for future reference. 2ild; That.theaccount oiR. l\1cLachlin, for statiolieryfor Pl'omotion Ji;xamiriatioll':l,amounting to .$21A7, ..bepaic1: Brd. ,That the County Tl'ea.Rurerdeferpl1yingover'balance of amountR, due,the variOU8, High Schools until the. High School Boards furnish,him with a statement of alLcounty ,pupils, wlw have attended said schools" and:alsowitb,a,;statementof,theamoulltof fees paid by said pupils, 4. That this Committee would recammeridasettlement in the matter oL,Fergusonvs. County,ofElgin upon thefol~owillg basis: The grailts made by by.law to the different :::1igb 'Schools and Collegiate Institutes in t,he County at the January sessioll; 1892, be collected from' the different Ulunicipa:Iites as levied ann paid over to 'tl18 differc.)]'di -High Schoalsanc1 Collegiate In8titlltesin,the QOllnty,U,g apportioued by by'.law; the supplementary grants" made ill JUD€i of saiclyear to berefunde'd to the different mlinic"ipaIities)lI ,tl"lC. pr/JportiOli'in whichtne'Y\Were, .leviecl >Z\ 50 El~(HN.COUNTY' COUNCIL. upon.the cTifferent municipali}ies; theCbunty to pay $300 of the 'plaintiff's co'sts intbe' case, providilJg asettlonient is effected and 'the above'moneys are paid over according'tothisreport; buthothing in this report shall auth- orize the 'freaBllrCH' to pay ttllything fnrth@l'to the SkThomas Collegiate Instittlte. A11 of which iR l'eSlpectfully sllhinitted. J .THonISoN ,Chairman. Referred,to,tL committee of the whole and 'adc;pted. Nov8rulWl' 17, 1~93.' County Engineer; JANUARY SJo~SSION. 'fa the WU,l'de:.l and Council of the County of Elgiu : O"r<JN'l'LI<lMEN,-I beg leave to l'lUbruit the follo\ving: The St,' GeOl'ge8treet bl'idgebetweeu: this Cotmty nil '1 the city of St. 'fbomaswi.lll'eqnil.'e. ,to be rebuilt this year. THis bl'idgu ,biLdsome .repairs made 1;0 it lar->t \'oar III order to make it safe until spring. ~have lilxamin,ed the PortBUl'wellbridgesinclil the agreement. was '~,ignQcl by the Township of Bayl1am maldug it a:Collutybridge, and I woidd recommend tha"t it b~ rebuilt alga this year. This bl'iclge might be repaired to stand'probably a year or"two, but,in my' opinion, it would not beecollomyto do, so. '_['he stl'uc,tUl'e'IlOW consists, mostly of: pile bents, , with one short spall. The waterway is muchobstructedby,the,piles aild thebridge'is also'toolo'\v. I would therefore l'~commendtbat'a bridge of nue span of ""bout .120 feet he built at this place and the approaches filled iii,' aud thaI; the new structure be built considerably higher than. the pl'eselitone,' Itlll'l,)"opinioll both of the above bridges should be: of stone u;'rid'il'on.) " All of which h~ l'espec,tfnlly subinitted. JAME'S A. BELL,'Courity J1Ji1gineel'. lU,jGiis"'(J(jU l.{'fY 'couioi'diL'.: 57:; , ,---~ JUNE., S:m'SSlON. To the Warden and <;JouncH of the OOUllty of glgin ; GF!NTr.:li:'M:Jh~',~ I~ beg .t8;~till'ihit"ehg :fJI'iJ~Vib~~ rep6i,t ':: Thedama,!;{e'tofbridgesthrorighout;the-,C&l.1tit\:, caus'ed' bi; :the, ~liHng' -freshet, has been very slight; l'be'recenthesh€t\';~fJhed ,Qut"the,'aou'thl" approachof,t~1e bridge over. tll~HigQtt~ri,_be_t~e~11 ~ayh~~ _an{l:lVIi~<:lle. tori;~anW'~m ,n:e'6e,ssitatJ'~heb'dilciibit"b,(~, l,n~_*8~;f6ot', span"of"h!'itl'ge'.' . ~, lulrve';propari3d p'rdllS 'an'd 'spi86'i'ii'CKtib\j\~' fo/~Ii'is;_!~,nd it' '18 ',il'bw"','arl'yertis\eH' for contract. Some action should be taken b:Vth~ 60Jll'ti61s: Hl~(:u!o'st"~d\'in' this ,b~;itlge to, ha':-;~the creek abq~o".the,bd,d~e. ,straightened, iU'(lrder- to prevent any,more.was11illg'~\VaJ"ollthe; sO,u,th side. '-Adtihlg '-\vi'th' 'the 'ebgfH~'6l:\ \:l'Bt'.':rtllO'I'i"as'i 'fprej}al-ied .lJr<'tl)~ahd 'W?,~C'i~' ~ r .1 .. ._.::..'.'i.'. ;"...,,' ficatious fOl'tho 'St. Gool'ge street' bridge audad vertised . the i;;a'iue.' fo't '" contract. Y~)ul":Pnplic,I~pr~'\lel1len,ts Colt,!mittee, with a, ~imjlfl,r ,c()m- llllttee from}he Ci~y qf ~t~Tl;1,on~a~,apP'oiute4 ,th~ qh~~lr~:n,~119t eac;h CO~:~" m~t,tee and ,the . engine~rs, to :open.. thetenc1er's and"/a ,v~l'.d, ,~.4~ :the: QOIl ~r.~ct:. Tbis-.'wasdone',and,the :,(}ontr~~t ~o/~9 "a\yardedt.o Mr".J~mt:FJ Fh;uley for'the:sum of $1,933.00, hi!ltendsl' beiug tbe lowest. I".also prepared plans fol' the :POI.:t )~~!nvell bri,dge, ,~n(,l :th:e:cha.ir!ll~':tn of your 9ommittee...anu myselfawd.l'dec1lllc.cQ,ntract 'to Alfred Zavitz fOl' tbe sum o'f.U';774.00;'this'cbding,the lOWQst tsnder. Some change was made tothis bridge'afterth? conerac,t,..~as awarded" which ~af;added to the contraCt, which now arl\..dNlit~C'ti~"$1',86ir'" " Acting with the engineer of"tb'e" C6unt~y'.of Middlesex, I had a new floor put o~,t~~Bel~ont,~ridge,"and,~~so .a, ,il,~w"fl~o,raud~o,rp,~in~wjoistH are being'pil"t' Oil the'.I\1:bln't'o~h"13ridge". ~ t ,'VouldVec~fuhleil'd 'th~f the Dr. well bridge, the Mavleton bridge.aud t,heJ'amestown bridge be painted' two coats oioxide of irollallc1, QiL All of:which~s respectfuVr snbmitte(f. ,JAs. A. BELL, County Eilgiiieer; Reiened to Public Improyemellt's Committee. , .. '. .... ,. . .'. ... .,., .... ..,., ,,' NOVKl\'IB~H SESSION. 'po the:Wardenand..Councp of the COQlltY'QfElgiu : "":-~_~#TLli#Ji'~.:~t b'~~ l'e?i~~'to' ~\HJii-At!fbP lowirig"f"epoi,t:" ' 58, ,"~.LGI}<O,OUWl'Y GOUNQIlJ,: The St,. George street bridge aud'the:,Pol't. Burwell hridge ,have been completed. ~ The .Taruostowq.., O\'j\vell M~(UWapl~tonbiidgea ha"ebeen paj,l1tell, !.Wh'e!chttil\r;(dnwn and thd re-gravellil1g of -the'hiIl at ,the ,McIntosh bridge:has,:bflon conipleted in a 'satisfactory manner.. ';:,>';.i 1"'__ ...:.: ..' .:,'...:.':: ,::..,...;.... '...:.:,'i ,.. ;" ..._' ,::' ..;' .:' ,'.,....;;,>.:.:' ":" Repair,~ have' been ma~e 'tQthe:I{ail1~bridge~tI!e Robl)insbl'idge"th~ Gi'll,e,t~ :br'idge,. tl;H;', kif~g;ptilllJridge.' a~t1, tlw'b:ridge, bet'w~,9,n ~l:]~ :ci~y,; all:q 09'un'~y,o'~,V1e, r~acl, ~'p:V111'~.a~,' ' . Th'O:P01~t SttLiile,\rbridge will have tbbe 'rebuilt as sooti'; as 'pbssi'bIEi. As-thero is a'very large anioHlltoftr'a'ver'overthil3'bddg'e'durilJog .the's'um: me.r.,wpn,t4s" itsholllc1, p,er:ebniltt1.n,d,openfol' tr~-fl?9 ,py.,:thei :1,jl'R~_,.day of .June, "180'4. ' , " .' . ("', .":,'.'. liIil'oi:'d€Jl: to' h'aveif'cOTI.lpreted'by .that:tinie you'r ~llb'lic'Ilrl'i;n:;~veme6ts \Oonl"l~itte~' shOuld', ha~,e.. 'pO'iV€l'. t'o :decide' .o'nthe kihclofstru'dl\'re,', they, propose.to..erect;:.ai?'d to' award "th{"; c.ontract, this 'y~.a~, so' thiit'all1il~teri~1 cah"be:- placed: Ot'!' 'the _g'ronnd l'e'ady for erection as'l:lOOli as the sprihg opens, All'of,\'hi6h is teR'tje'ctrM(ysub:mitted.' '.JAS, A,. BIU..T.J; ..Ooullty-' Eugilleei'. .... : , . .. ,'. ~ . . ': . .. " , .. . . I 'Hefe'l'l'f)(l t-o p'nbiic imrl1'ovam~nt~,d?n11Hi~te~h '. Public Illlpr(jv~mEl1).ts Gbmfu,ittt3e': :.,< ,;0,:. .'.-"''';;' :; ;.,...... ,.. .'; .-.,.-. "..",;. .. .-. ,,/ ANU AR)"'BESSror-i'." ..... ;.,,':'1',", "1'0 the \\'rtrrlen alld Council of the County of Elgin: " '.. ,,:',; ~";. I >'" '.'.' L' ',' .-., ':,: :'.. " GEN'l'I,]~Ml<lN,~ Yuur Pnblic Irlw~~~e~~nts Committee' beg 'ieave t~ reo pod, ;1,si.foll()w,s; , ,. ,. . "'..:':'.;"'.'" ..,:.,......'...:.''1..'.:,' ,\:".'(":, ',':__' ,_,;....'..1 We hrtve consid\;'l'ed the r'eport of the Ooimty En'ghH~erand would i:ecommenc1 : J. tllat your COlllmittee:nav8ipower' to:actw'it"b"it \siriiilar')6olb'lhitt'~;A" frorp" tIll,' City, of, ~;t.Thoml1,s an,d r~~~n~,~he ,f?,t'i Q:~.orKe ~t~,€)~,t l.b!:i.dge. .. i' ..,'. ,,',;., > ..':." ...<,.'.' .'..".': .',.., ..,.,.1-1"." -...1..." "'.,. ,..":,>V. .' ..-...."._'_..,,". .".._.._". the'llO\\' dmctul'e 'to"beeithel' built with stoneabntments anq ~XP:9_,s.up~r,~, KLGIN GOUN'l'YJQOUNUIL. 1)9, st'notur:e{or a! WoodElllbriclg'@ thtoughdut ;-,asthe join t,coromit~e,ma y, ;d(;)'. cicle'upoi1~: . \::-,"......:::':;::;"';."..,,' ':';-"'.':': ...,-,:-- :,:'., ",.,.,'.',-:: t~.~~ ,~ttElF,. tl;~y ip5i~~c('.tl~e:Eli~e,.<~'f tliePo,rt'B~njelt'lJr'ipg<~t~ey haYe"pP~er tp,r~?n{~(:t tllis: .p~i.~ge ':.also..'~hl~ ;~itI-le~ ,~ood :~~: i~'OI~' as '.tbe'y m~y::d~:I1;rn:h,est i,~:;tl)e,ip~er~;";~~(tl(~.',Q~~~t~._, ' "., ,~hr6h .i~,'r~Sl)ectfnn'jr 'sti.binitted: Adopted. J aihlit~i'26~-I893; ,lUNN' SJ';SRION, 'fo"tti~ ;'\Vii;rdcin:all~;b6uncil,-of't'b~'Poiiilt),; of 'Elgili ': ,. ,9'E~.TLIf~~~~",~ou~:~Ublic Impro",e~(;!Its 9QmHlittoa begle~v~ ~'o s),lb. m~~ 'tlle:f?llo:~~,i~lg..~>ev~r~,: - 1. That the Oouilty Euginper's report be adopted, and that th~ -EQgit1e~r;,hft:te powe1' to cartY 9up,p-h,e,l;~c,omm_el~d~tiopB contailled.~herein. ,_~{: ,T~~t,theEnginem:?l'ave ~o\~er,'to 'act 'with ..a .,resp,resebtatlve' of ' th~' C6Ull)t~ of Nddolk to sti'a.ighten' the Otter dl'eek~ abovo the' tlridge Oil the county linebetw-een the townsljipf-)...,oi' Middletoil 'an~B~yha;rp. All of which is respectfully Hubn{i'tt~d> .J.:RWHARDSON, Ohainnan. Adopted:, , June '8tl<ia9a: N6vF..'~inF,R ..SNSSjON. To: ,the: }y Mden ~nd. Oonncil or the OOU'llty- ,oLElgin: " /.., ,...<.,.>.' ,:,-. :,..,:.,.. .'\' >,,"G~1J?'f',~:~r,~~,"';':'I;o'lr)?~bli.c)l)~JJl:~yw~:.entH, Oomm,it~€1e;~\3~,lea.ye, ~o Ae~,., , port as follows: 1. That the St. George street bddge'.hi:i'ac'cept'ed, and that'the'ci)n. tractor be paid the amcnnt held bftckby the l~ngineer. 2. That $12,50 be paid to the $t. Thomas Real EstateCOrllpany for making a roadway for use 8r_:tl~~'pl~~)J~c d~11'illgtl~o :c(lostructioll of the St. George street bl'i!ige~ this a~r.lO\ln-{b~iug due.'halr' anlOullt of account. , , f, .~,,;! , " : ".',_ . ,', :,,:'.',', .,;.,' j .': i . .<" ..' "i. ,.", . 3. Your Oommittee have visited ani!' inspected: tIle, ',:fort ao' gI.G-IX 'COtJ:NT'Y; COUNCIL. br'i/lwi ahcl<~agree'with:. ,theA'eport : of;. the Ehgi-neer.:i\;bat'steI)s: should;,: be;' talten at once to rebuild saidbl'idge, and would recommend tha-t, , saId> b~~~~~ ,~,.~r~~~,~~t of ir()uol's~~el with st_on~ abtltmen:ts and', pie~. in two sp.'?-v.~',of:'a~o~t: 1'f.O.Jee~', to haveJ(j.f6o~ \v'ag',o~,wav a,nd," .ari,'outside- ,side- walk 6 teet .wide f(j'l' foot .passeilger,s.;,a~d that',th~;:E?giri'eer'b(firiBt'ructe'a;; to, prepare pll.ms and ac}vel'tisfdor tend€lrs, ahd tbat"'th'ei 'W"lttd-e'n;"the" chairmall of the Pnblio Impl'ovem.61,lt.!lColll'QiUtee:,al1d,Mr. W:.,-B.,po~~..be a committee to meet with the Engineer atHl open tenders alld award'the cO'Iit'l'act: " 4. That this County pa,y the sum of $123.33 towardfl tlle'cl1tt,iug,do~vn of the MclutOAll hill at the River ThaJY!j38, . 5. T~1at Alfred Z'avitz':;;ace.:mnt,of $HQi9S, forhuilding walks and fenc' iug for tho appl'OaChOR of tbe Port Burwell bridge. he paid. e.; .'I'hat' 'V'Villiam Phihnol'~'~ account. 'for,$'oS:.60"foi..., iIIHI.lectiilg' vUe driving and ,superinteuding ~onstrtlotion of approach0s'to'''Pl)rt' Hrii'i,'h'lll,' t,lridge, b~ paid;, 7. ;:1' lH~t'<Mr;: W;' Ba;clthb;tis'o' he pfiid,'.tlw'siltn-' of '$100 '{!II 'his:;a!:icduut~' Jo~', nS~;9tla,tJ~".;us~of .8c9w.ancl to pay, mall to .1'~U,SCOw,\\'Jlile; tbe, Port B~,rW'JlI~ bd~ge,.waH,jnco~1l'8e of Brec,tioll, tl~is,alllonnt :tolwin' full of ,'all claim s ,l,tg,fiJ,i !Jt'tJi' th,e.. Con~lty, All 1)[ ("hieh is respectfully submitted. .JORoN RICHARDSON, Ohairman. The above report WttH considei'ed in a committee of the,'~~6Ie,':"a:1-1d clallsP fiv~ referred bacl{ to ,tl1S Gomruittee, for further cClllsidEfl"ation. Tho Comr.nitteethen H,mtl1fllild their report by substituting the following for section 5: "'Vo have:,consideredithe 'items: iii.the;'adc'bunt:'-of-'\Alffe'd'\" Z~~itzf()i' ~uildiqg w(tlk8a~d fencin,g _atthePprt ~urwdl,brid~e,' a,ndbeg l~ayet(l'.l'eCbnllbetic1' 'thi-tt' ~105 -be paid Alfred' Zaviti in fl"il1~p_a.y,'rii.ebt' of, s!1id Q(loount. . ,'I'lleir~l?Ol't wa!;; tl.lel1..adQpt~c1. November 17, 1893. County Bridges. number, and locatIon. of ,bri~ges maintained by l~LGIN .cOUl::F'ycj)uNUIL. COUN'.rY LINl<i.BRID{{J<~R,' J 1. Bo_tll'W;oll bridge..over Itiv,(:~r,Thltm(Jj.i. ~, Wardsville bridge, over River ThnmeH. 3. Grttham bridge, over River Thames. "4. 'Co~rie roJcl bridge, over Ri\;er Thames. iL lVIcIhtosh bridge, over RlVer Thames. 6. Eden bridge betweeu;Bayllnm and Midc11eton,overtbe Little'Otter. :7., Otter,Creek bridge, b.etweenBayha,m. andMiddl~ton,over Otter Creek. 8. Catfish bridg~.. between Ba,yham aLld Dcreham, over Catfish pr:eek, 'g. Bridge east of Belmont, between North and S'lUth Dorchestei', 10. Belmont bridge; bstweel bfltweell South O::n'chester andWfl,st. minstcr. '11. Bridge west of Belmont, hotween Yal'lllonth and, Wegtmins,t~l:' 12, 13, 14, Kains bridge Fingi:tl bridge St. George street bridge Over...I\:ettle COllnty. Creek; between city and '.rOWNSHII' LIN'K UH.J:lHmS; 15. Orwell bridge, bet"ween Mltlah'ide R;hd Ya.rmouth, over Catfish Creek. 16. King"lmillbridge, bet'weau \\1alahide and Yarmouth, o;,rer C~tfish Creek. 17. Bridge oyer bra.l'l~h Catfii(h Creek, between Malabide ll.nd, South Dorchester. ' , . 18. Talbot Ore6kbridge"b~twl:lenDl~1~\Vicb and South wold. BRIDGES IN, VILLAGES AND TOWNiU-JIps. ^9,. .. ,Port.Stall~~t~rid~e';'~SSlimed 'tlndel~antllOrit'l of. Act.. by . :By~law N?~\2,6p:~an;1,an\18'i5. ?~cl~l;in.:~H:eDH,irs. 'et~. ,I, , 20. Selbourue bridge; iL'i'Port' Stan'lay;asi:Jl"imed by' l'el'lolntion, 8th .1 l;t!le., 1883~ ~l. Red bridge; in VienlHtia8~nmNllJ); res()lution;'Hth'.1rme,1888. 61 62 'i F.LG'IN: COUN'l'Y'COUN elL. 22. Robbins bridge, in,Southwold,a<;sum_erl bv rosolution, 22 Novem, bel', 188~. \, 28. .TamestO\Yll bridge, inYarrnonth, as'sumed';byre's'blution, 22nd ~oveml>el',188g. 24. ,Vhite bridge, in Vionna;:asSll'med:under_anthol'itYiof}o'pinion of County Solicitor, ftlld J:Hp,ortofl byC.ounty Engmeor,November,1,884. 25, Dodds bri(lge, ill Sou-thw()ld I Assume'cL hv,:,Tep~)l't8 llllblic 26., Port Brucflbl>idge. in Malahide (IrnprOVelnullts Cornmitt8fl. 27~;Gilletth\'illge',i in! Yarmouth r \1884_. 28.:'Philri1'Orehl;i'(lge".,j II '13a \'l1a~n, assmne'dhyreso-ln Win'-,' N ov'. -17',"'-1886. . 2~L ;,?o~~~'s~Y[ill. hri(lge, ill B;;"L~ham, ~ssnmecl by 'Pnhlic,Improve:ments 'tJorhinitteerel;(H"t, '1880, " , ":..,,. '.'..:,' 'd-' :,...., .':. ::.'..' 30., Zavi~,7J brid,~e, n,'lslll11edJJY re~ort of Pnblic,ImprovcmentR COlll- ltiittoe,' ,J anuary; :lB88. a1. Beaver, Creek bridge fLt Zavitz Mill, aSRnmed by l'eQ61ntioll, .Jnne , 0, tH9L' iB"M-apleton btidge, i11 Ya'rluouth, .asRurned bY.l'ep'ol;t,o't; P'rlhl:j'c Im- pl'ovementsCommitteo, Juno, 1892. H!3.. Purt 13n1'\v811 bridge;: in Bayham, aSRumecl bj'B"f.law No. 501, passod. Novoril bet', 1892. ., Heferredto OountySolicitor. ~ov~~ber 15th, lWJll.' :.1>:." " Gaol Commi.ttee. "I' ;TANUARY BEBSio'N. To the ElginG()nn~YJ~?.nP(lil: ',i ~ct,li;N l'~:',~'1!~~.:-:-Tl1e, c:t~ol,Co,mmitt,eb.eK leav~, :tq,~ r!'lJ~?,rt::_. .'" , , 'l'llat'they'. havo' 'con:iideredth,e 'ques~i?n ;o,tp'r~viping.~he-~ep~$.sary office aocommodatiun for the 'County Court Clerk and submit thefo11o\y. ing: pljQPosi:tions for the,collsideration. 'of ,the: CouDcil': ' 1. That thfl.t YOUl' Oommittee be empowered to proceed ~'i'th";the orecthlll pf. ',new !bniJditl'gs ,for, Connty.oilices,as,pl'opo'sed-: it), :~8g7 ;:;theplaus ,li:.L~~~ \qQU,:N:'l')'"q~U;~c,rL. , 68 J;LJl,d spe,Gtti9.~ti(.m~'lfor.:wl;tj.c~I_~re'ihl )j};t.e ,90UD_ty ,,.OI~,rl~~s'Q;fficei,,ef:l~,i~ap,ed cost of buil,~iug"$7,E?;;W~ '-2> That your'Conimittee. be empowered to renew lease of offices a:t present occupied by the County Court Olerk, the rent lor, which will be $150, and the cost of enlargilw the vault to ~~re!3,HWE}~)t~,l?l'~sen.t size, the estimated cost of this is about $600. ,..., . All Of,vhiclt is'respectfitlly snhrn'itte(l. 'f~Ql\!A~ ,J"\0I~8.oN, Chl1irp1an. Amended "'iu committee of'the'wt1'ole by strIkiug mJiclallso one,. '.,oT a)lt1:;t,l'Y ,26,;1,893. ~HJNF]fll~SSION.' To the County Cou'licilof Count\,' 'of Elgin : GI']NTLEMli.:N,~:y~Jr'GaoI--:Cdin;mH'tee beg l~ave-:to 'report 'I1S follows: l/The impl:OvementJ'i' to- thecoUl't homlti g,rmi.iJds are llCiW nearly completed. ~The City of St. 'rh,~!-9!1s Js lll);.y,g?il~g, t;o..~~,a~~:\,g:ray,e}' and curb the street in rear of the gru'lld~. When this is done a small ex- pew~.it)JrG}:willha~etp b,e,.lJ1::;tdeto ph~ce the boulevard on this street in propel' order.' , 2. We have ex;amined,the extension to'''the vaults,t_of Mr. McLaws' office' andfiud the s~me nearly completed, and we thinkth at this will supply ample ro'~m for the papers' fOl',l;3ome years~,090li:H:l.,and that, the W ai~den:be authorized.. t6 :s:igd le~tse.' 3., 'Vo reccll<umend,.,that the,;:rcqu'€ist,of, Jailor:'l\ioorefor iticrease b'f .~oo salary ,be gr!tflted. ';(A:lLof .which is respectfit11j:.>submitted. 'l'HOll-1~\SJ A(>KSO,N,,' Cha'irh?-a.n. Amclld,ed ill a cqmmittee of the. wI,lOIe by strpdngou~Glause three. NOVEM-!3:ER' SESSION. T~~Il.~',Ii;'tgi~, O()l~~tY~',9o'n~cil' : GENTLElI-1EN~~The' Gaol Committee: beg. 'leave to 'report .that asih.,' stl'cted,by resolution at:1a~t :ses8ion thevhayo ordered fOl'Registry of-' kLQIN COU:W'fT COUNQIL. Wewoulc1 recoimne'ud: 1. rl'hat a uew stove be pnl.'chased worllout. for the c1osetA~ tpeoldoll!iil,being planed in the hall of the first floor of 2. rfhat adl'inkin'g fountain be the court, honSe. 3. That, a fire hydrauLbo placed in the backhfi.ll on the first floor and 75 feet of hORe Iile purchased to connect; with it. 4. ~'lHl;t 25 feet more hose be purchaied for the~aol. G. That the city ",ater be placed in the G~olkitcben..: That onesto.rm ,window be placed on th(;'l Gaoler;s residence, Adopted. 'NcivGlllher,16,189H. Report of Graved :Boad COnlrnissioners.. 'Tq the Wardell tl.11(]. Illeltlbel'~ of the Elgin 'County Oouncil: \ GEN'l'LEl\1EN,-W~~, the Commissioners appointed hy your:honorable body, under Chapter ~8of the Statutes of 1889j with a' view.,to,facilitate tlH:l purchitRe of the London and Port Stanley Gravel Road and to eRtimate the 'va'lne of se,id, roa(1 , beg leave to report as follows: ()11 the i7th and 18th of April we went over ther~ad i~'qnestion fromwbel'e it' enters Hds County, to Port Stanley and thoroughly ex; l\mined the ['Oad. bad, bl'idgescnl verts and 'huildings. ~'he lengthof th_e road folll'Ollgl.l the Conutyis 15 miles. No~th of St. Thomas it'r'unstlirough thet(J,w'n!o!ltip o,f Southwold, and south oiSt. Thomas;thrangh. the: town. ship ,of,Yarmollth> It has, si)\. large. bridge81fo:ur~ oLwhich"are l':LGIN: dOUN'l'Y <COUNOIL'. o'vi:li'K~ttlcCreek; One over 'a larg'e.r'avineiu; St. Thoma$',andolle across I the U uion pond in Yarmouth. It baSI aIM four ,small bridges, '. ,orratber la~~ge,Clllverts:alld tweutyone sn:UllI culver~,8, t~o of ,~hich ar:e of brick, and t.h,e balance beingofW~Ofl.. T\11el'~ P.retdsoa f€\ytile drains.Iai4.across' tl~e, !oad, some of which have,bEl611 put)n bytll€ O{)mpall'V,,,a'pd 130me 'of them by private i!Jdividuals. , , There are five toll b'ousmion the road, two no~th,:andtbl'eesonth of St.. ThOlllas-. _"" V{O found tberoad-bedfor oeal'I'y its.;8ntire length t'O'haveave~.y flat Cr?8S section ina large llutubel' ~f places not convex enough to shed the<waterinto.t,he sid0 ditches. In our opinion the. road r(;'lqliites rbund~ iJ:lg 'up and re-gravelling for fully two-thirds. of iti entire length. The material to bensed should be a good class of grave!. We find.that tbegravel that has been used ori the rorud for the last few years has'b'een 'af averyin~ fe60r quality, a great deal of it heillg-mersly.coarse' sand.. The,resuitof putting ontbis cla'ssofrnaterial is that ili wet weather the surface of the road very rapidly cuts upiutq ruts and becomes unfit fOl."public travel. In the originalconstructioh ofthisioad the lal ge:stones and very coarse gravel \>;'ere placed in tIle bottom layers with. a topcoveringofiiner gravel in a 1,3:rgenumber places along,the road. This ~op COVel'illgbasbeen com~ pJetely woru off 80 that ~he large stones of the bottom lay_ers are ~o,:,,'.ex- po'sed; wbichmaltes itveryhard, and dH'l~~erous 'for animals to travel ~uP!=lUat any,rate. .of speed, and al,so ve~'~-lnjuriou8 to vehicles~ , We. also find,a:JoIlg.thebed,Qf the road large, loose stoneH which should either be heta'ken off or broken np, af'l at presout tbe \- 11!'f) only ;1 R0,\,-l'ge of, (langer tothGtravelling public. Two ot'the Iarge:bridgeswofotuid ill a. bad state of repair, viz." the bridge at Unial~ and the one 6Ver Kettlo Gi'eek in St. Thomas, known ItS thlil Ashery brir!ue; The reli:H\ining bridges werefoulldto be in <1.' fnirly good state of repaIr. Most of the-wOoden culverts were found to be 'very triuch docayed. SOme'ofthe.m are oflittle'u'se, being completely filled up with derlOsit and caving in. of the:plarik top ()t. eo~ering; the.wholo ofthflni shoulclhe built or repaired.' : No ,effort ha~,beel1made tqkeep the. side ,ditche~ cleaned out and iti consequeneein ,m~nyplayes,thel'oa,d.b~d is we,t~nd springy. Ou the bill north of St. Thomas tho side rlitcheshawJ he~l'l, n.l1()wodtofili cOp:lple~f)Jy 6. 66 ELGl'N COUNTYCOUNG!It. up 'throllgh:the cut,: and' the only escape for the water is"dowu,the :hill aloDf.{ tbec6lutre of the roadwa.y. The toll ,~ouses; ~~~.very.old. fraDls' buildillgS,. being originally.huilt ",he'n the'road was' first COlll~tructed. Some repa.irG bave been made to tl;enifrondime'to'time, but considered as adwellhJg they are Of very little value. ' On:thEfwhnle-;wemust:saythat the road.beel, bridges and' -culverts are not kep't insneb a state of rep8ti~s would fairly answer the': require- JD,entsofttgravel,~oad., ,Scarcely ally.portion of thel'Oad 18 of ,that cli~racter:that would warrant_ thecollectlOllloftolls for travelling thereon. In_ ordet., to get an a,CCoullt, of the receipts of the road ando(the Dlo11ey expended'uPol1 it, wet'oubpreuaed as witnessesthe-present, ('wners of.theroad,'anc1 also Bomo. of the former ownerSj but we found it iinposg. ible.:toogetJrom:tbem,auy cOlltil1uou~,yoarly statement of the receipts and disbursements. ,W ewere illformedthat no regular set of book;, had e... er heen kept ; that, the custoUl'was for each OWller, to keep a small menJOrandurn booh of the 'Work doneby-him'aud exp~nse .incurred durin~.!: the ye?>J.:. alld at,the~lo8e of the year, 'when.a Bettlement of accounts. took plaeo;those boohs Wel"e generaHy. destroyed. :B'r'ow..the,evidence of Ml'.,Il:laao Haight, who forDlulvo\\,.ued'a hltUiu-' t,erest in the road,' we foun~ that frornthey~ar 1869 to 18iH,' both,iuclusive the ~r\}ss receiptfol were $30,072.07, or all "s"verage of $0,759.01 per year; butw6WerG unable to _get the expenditures for the ganie perind. We were ~l1ly able to get the e:xpeuditure for three years, of ,this time which a'ggregated $5,193,01" an averaae expenditure of $1,731.16 yearly. ~ From Mr, Henry Caughell, one of the present owners, we found that in 187Btlie,receipts were &3"948.44, and the expenditureU.755.89, which , tallies ,very closely Iwith t\;1e' avel'age receipts and expc.mdit:uresof the for~ wer years. From ,tbeyea.r 1'878 tol8S7 we ha.ve been una.'ble to find any a'9-thelltic record of either receipts 01' e,xpenditures. From lVIr. , Robert Hepburu, OHe of the present ownerB of the road, we finc] that the ,gross recoipts from ,1887~ to 1892, both years .inclusive, were $17,1:55;80,oran average of $2,909.30 yearly, and the expenditurl.3 for the same period $8,695.16, or lin average of $1,449.19 yearly., From theapove we find that, comparing the two perIOds 8.bove mentioned, theav. erage receipts have decreased.ftom'$3,759.01 'to $2,909.30,'or an' average yeady deCrease bf '$849_,71. The 'averageexpenditnres:have decre,ased from$1,73Li6 to' $l,44'lt19;"o'r an'average yearly decrease of $281.97. l~LGIN COUNTY COUNCIlJ. a7 ----'----'T----~-_._" Theaniouilt'paidtoll.keepers ,forcolleoting tolls i8$576 .per.year,. This would leave an 'average of$873~19thathas :beeu expeudedper ,year for the last six years in repairiug:and maintaini11g, the road.hed, bridgo$, culverts and buildings, or all average expenditnre of $58.21 per mile Of road. This amount; weare satisfied; is entirely toO' small' to properly rnahltaiuand heep in.reI;airthiR road. In order to ~et some evidence of th~ expenditure made' . by other parties to keep roads of this descrip~jon in repair;, one ,of,y:our?o,mmis. sioners went.to London, and from the'offi('.ials of the County of Middle. sex obtaii1e-dth€yearly expenditure made by that county cin several of the leading roads of that' county. This expenditure covers the period of ten years before the roadA were turned ovel.tothe ffillnioipalitiesl' ,and !s as follows: The GOV61'IlOl"S Road, aV61'a!!6 oxpenditllre per mile per year'waA $,102.30. I The Sarnia Hort.d, average expmidittlrepel' mile pOl'vear was $83.19. Tho:WellingbonHol\(l"average, ~~penrliture pel', mile pel' year was. $106.25. Londo'napd Port Stanley-Gravel ROR-d, the average expenditlir'e' per mjle-pe,rye,ar,was $180,71,. The abovedoes'not'i{iolude anyrep{i:iL'~ or IIHl.inteli,ttllCe of bridgeR. The account!'> for'th,e,m were lre'pt Reparatel).'. Regarding t~e commercial v~lue Qf the road, . ,<,'etind that a . one-half interest was sold by Mr. Isaac Haight in 1878 to two of the pr(;'sellt own. ers,the coll!Oideration;be,ing $800 cash and Ulne annual pavmcuts of $800 each, with iuterest au each payment as it hecame due. ,This would equal Ii cash;payment of $7,718.54 ou: a 6per cent.cbasis. The next sale ofstook was in 1892. Ml'..lohn.HephmD soldo. qual" terinterest.in the ,road to Mrs. A.E,.l\fi,i.rlatt for.$400 cash and 12 annual payments of.$397.50, each without interest. Thi,; would equal a, c:asJi - payruentof $3,716.22 on a Ii percent. Lasil'l. We are of the opinion that a fair'valmttion .of- the road can 'not, be niade from any reoent-salesof the stock of the.roati, lIor from ,t~e liet :1'6' ceiptsas shown above, as a large'.expenditlireshonld be m~tde on the, road at anne, 80 that it may be brought to: 'snoh a Htandard of excellence 68 EIJGIN Co.UN'fY COUNCIL. ftS is'neCeSS!tl'yfOl.'!t toU ,1'oadOf its:-imporhance, and_:also tl.at;a larger amoupt must, ,be expended on: the road each year in mdar , to.: keep it 'in l'epairarid'maintaln it ill a 'proper mauner. y:our Counnj,";Hloners have bee,n unable toagl'ee with the owners as to.the price to. be pn.idfor tho. road. From onrowi1 observatiqpsandthe fa(its we have befo\'e us, we consider a fair valuation of the road at the pre'sent time'tQ bo $14;000. . I All of whi~h "B rospectfully submitted. .lAS.A.. BELL. J.P: .MARTYN. D. TURNltR. COIisideredion 7th ,lull@llS\)3. "." Report of Special Comnlittee, re Port Stanley Harbor Improvements. To the Elgin County Council: GENTLEI\fEN,-The special Committee appointed at lastsession as a deputation to. go. to. Ottawa to interview the .Government in reference to impro"ements of P?rt. Stanleyl1ar'bor beg ~ea':e to rel?ort flf;f9Ho~s: 1. That in company with deputations from Port Stanley and the Oiti~80~St~ Thorna.~and I-,o~);dof,l.~ y":e visited pttawa and i~terviel~edthe Minister. of Pnblic Works. alld,aS,a r('jBnlt,theParliamentatlast session sat apart the sl1m of $12,000 to be'e:xp~lldecl in improvmg the harh~r. ' All of whiehi" l'eHpectfnlly submitted. 'l'l:IO!YU8 JAiJ:n:SON, ,Chainilil,ll. .Tnne7,18\-)8. ._-- " R.eport of Special Committee, Ashton ,and Pineo vs. Elgin. To the Elgin County UO.11ucil : -GEN1'LE~IEN,-Tht3SJlE'ci[\JOommitteeappoillt€d at the .January ses. siou,~ith pcnv81"tossttle the actions enter~d by Messrs. Ashton and Pineo against the' Ootlnty for damages occasion\3dbyaccident-atthe Jamestown brirl.go; beglefvve,t,oreport, as,followiB: ELGIN,'.C.oUWfY. C:OUN'c,IL'. 1. Tbatprevious.to the,Asall(:les ,we met,. ltnd, , after,; consulting with theCou~lty- $olicitor ai}d E_ngi,)1ee,r; t,he Oo.untySolicitor,.was iustl'ucted to make anofferwithqutprejllclice"of $3.00.0 to. lVIi'; A$httm,and. $300 to. Mr.' Pineo.. IUUJakmg this off!3rth,e lueplbers af the ,committee. W8rsn'ot unanimous. The offer was not accepted, f\nd :when,the case:was-brought, up for trial at the Assizes, it was laid oyer until next fall. The Committee .would most r'il,spec,tfuHy l't:lfsl':the ~,l.attel',b~ckt'?;t4~ Youucilfor.theirconsiderati.o~l. an4 request., t~!tttheyber,elieve,d of: fUr~ that responsibility in connect,jon, with these, ,a,etioI;ls. All of whichisl'espectftilly subriiitteid. A ;,McKILLO,P, . Chairman. .Acl9ptecl. June 7,18913. House of Indust:r:rReports. COM1\-IlTTglU. . JUN;E:JlI~S~ION, To.t:b.e.J:Glg-bl County GOl~l1cil: The Homleof Industry Committee beg leave_tol'9port: <'> 1,That since your lar,;i meeting ,an'accident occul'l'edat the HO\l$6 of Industry, \vherehya'n aged iinuate was kiiJed'.hy. falling. fram ~ .seoond ~tory window of the Institution. An inquest was held at the request of thase in charge and the jury brought in a verdi~t of accident~lde:ath. and" recommended ,wire sereerls to: be placed' 00 tbeupper story wind9vvs. This.'bas been dOll'e.and there is. now no. further .druiger of accident!i of this-ldnd. 2.0wing.to,a difference of. opin.ion ,as to., the mpalllng,ofiSe~,ti(mJ3 of"tb~, Ad,respflct'log. ,Corone'rSi R.S:~.O;"Chap'. 80, an iiJ;lqu8st,was,held 'on ',~he death of another inm,ate,. Ag.thi$:w,as whoUy unnecessarya.ndconhar,vi to.the. practice followed~in .this'and,o~b8r sirnilar,institu~ious, thelnspectpt communicated :w,lth,theI>epl,1~y,,Atto,rney.Geueral,w:ho }lEl:p,li~d: ,10 1, ,anl, illclined ta...think1tbat:the ,pl,'ov;ision, ,;~!'),to,ho.l.dinf:! inq]lests ;ha,H.., refel}enCe to': i.tbe"prisonor,s~comfll~tted,to"the;~ioll"e qf _.I[ldtlsky ,,-and ;not, ,il1iWflly;~o; persons sent. there,jo,..be.cared: Jor :withou,t,any :fqr+4alcq.w.m,it~e,l),t, The word 'prisoners 'used iil the section points.tothis.COllQblflion." No. nn , 70 11)LG'TN COUllTY COUNCIL; persons have ever beell,committed to the Institution as 'prhlOners, aI, thougbBy"law No; 276,.whichdetines, the rules and regulations for the government of the Institution, provides that certain persons may be com" ,mitted to tho'; House of Illdustl'Y for a specified time by any two oiHer Majesty's.Tm,ticeR of the,Peace. a. In Fobruarv la;;u the Itlf::pectol' made applIcation for balance of gi:aat dlle't;he Oounty.untler the vrovisioris of Cl1'ap.7S'offi3rd Vie.. which p"royides'fora 'grftllt to alf~ujolJllt not e:xceeding$4,OOQ, to' be -pa,id to the. trea~urer of municipali1H(~~'\vhlell had acquiredhind' aiHl81'(lcted a house of refuge thoreOll before thepassiug of the Act. In March, 1891, the ProviilQi~l Iusp,ector ,visited the Institution, valued tho property at $12,. 000, and the County recoived from the Gov;ernment the SUIll of $3,000. ,Sincethat time the sum of over $6,000 has been expended in enlarging and improving the Institution, and the totalexpenditnre thereby increased to an:amonnt sufficiont to entitle the County of Elgin t; the full amount of $4,000. TbeProvincial Inspector replied tlJatthe5th Scction of tho Act only applied to" the appropriation of one-quarter of th"e value of the prop. / ertyat the time application was first made by the County, and he further Haid that he conldnot Reeany way nnder the Act of increasing the amount for th!3 County of}i;]gin.' The c.ounty Solicitor when in To- ronto was instructed to interview the I-Ionorahle the Provit'('lal Secre'tary in r.eference to the matter, and D. McColl, 1\f.P.P., pointed out to the a,uthorities the tnltllifesti\ljustico which woiila 'bedoue td Elgin if this is not paid ; and thufl far yonr OOllll.uittee have been unable to obtainauy satisfaction, furth~r .than that cOllbain$d ill the reply received from the Provincial Inspector. 4. We desire to call the attention of the, menibp.ts of the CounCil to the fact that, in committmg inmates tothe Institution" sufficient ca.re has not, 'b<aeil takEHi to see that proper convey~nces are providsd. One insta.nce bas been brougbt to the notice of your Committee of an old)ady'who'was takenaloligdistallcein ,:w\ere weath81>in' a conveyance - tl1at,'a,fforded uo protection whatever, the result being. thatiilhe\vas immediately eon~ fin'edto her hed. TheBy_laWpl'ovides for the_payment of:twen~y C9nti') per mile to the person bringing inmates to the Institution- This amount is, we thin:k,sufficientto provide reasonable care' in 'the conveyance of aged and infirm inniates. The Committee would recommendtbat By.law 276 be ameuded to provide that Ml:tgistrates be notauthol'lzoclto' commit imhates, but that that power relna,in wholly w-iththe members of the Conncil and the IU1'lpector. ELGIN GOUN'fY UOUN(JIL. 5..Since the introductiollof the new heating apparatus,.which'hasbeen;' fouud to work satisfactorily, the Htoves have heell removed from the wal'ds of the Institntion,anrl this sprillg your ComlUittee~Jwe had the interior of the building renovated throughout. This was especially necei')sary, ow: iug to,the,wa;llshav~ng'beenspoiled by smolw fr()mth(~ stoves, and pipe~. 6.A supply of hose and a reel has been placed (In each flooreof tho bnilding connected with the tn.pk iuthe n.ttic, Tbi:;;, wlth the precal.ition which haR hitherto been obflel'vecl, prod/les a:;; s(lfficient fit'e proto,ction aa :possible when the water supply iScOllSidel'ed. ' , ' , " 7. The C.ommittee would' recommend that the Illspeotorprocure, 250 copie~ the.-By-law No. f76. b~ing a By-law top~ml~ribe the.:t;ulEls,and regulations for fIhe govermuent 'of the:House,o't'fl;d~lst,ry,~hesnpply printed when the Institution was establisher1 hewing beell exharlstea: ' S:We also oelieve that:lt is, iutlJ'e;iu"t~restg ,~r,the1~stiriutio'rl that_ members of the Oouncil, \Vhell oO~~1mitting inmates, should see that: the persons to :be committed are informed elf the nature, of the Institu- tioutowhichthey a~e to be sent. Sometime a.go:a man llamed Chivers, wM'Icommitteqfrom Bayham.:who was deaf, ~nd_ dumb ~nd ,pal'tia.lly" blind. The authoritilils were unable to commuuicntewith him in any way; .I~e evidently .~id not know what \TaS being done with him or' where he was, and could not 'be induced to eat. The physician in charge ,had n~'.~Iternativi,butt?;~rder,thek~eper to have him taken to the pl~c~ from. whe'nce be .was committted. " I 9th. 'In March last the Inspcetoi' ,secured thE! admission of Theodore" j,\fanu,-the deaf.and dumhidiot, totheAsylunl.,at Orillia, aud the mau- agement were thereby relieved of oueof the most troublesome and ex.\ pensivB inmates. ~Oth.'J;he prO'VisioI1B;of the Apatoruy Acl;" RiIlCfi! theY)1aTe'beenmade public"al'e foun4 to he.v:ery obiectionable !tu(]:tocreat_e ,a strong feeling agains't: the Institution outhe part of,those whoare, or' shouldbe,ihrnat~s, aud we would recommend the Council 'to consider this question,' as we believea/plim' might 'be adopted\vherebyall of the bodies of:persons' dy- ingin the Institution would b8chime(1~'nnc1 not required to be sent"to the IUspt.C'tor of Anatomy. l~~IL'J;hat ,the}ieeperoftho:Honse d Iu(lustry be reqnested to 1'0. port the de~th of' a.U inmates ot"the House of Industry to tho reeve of the mUllicipa1itie~ t'romwhich they- 'were comnlltted, with a view tphaying- 71 72 ELGIN COUNTY '-C.oUNCIL. the'_'bodies':claimedfor'bnrial insteadofbeingi Bent; tOt118> Inspector of Anatomy; All of'1,vhichi>l l'~spectful1y submitted. EDWAED.McKELLAR) Chalr.luau. AdOlJh~d . 8th..June; .189H. NOVEMBl~R.SESSION. 'j:o t"he Elgiu'C6tinty U(l(llldl: (lENT'LEMEN,:----.'rhe Committee on House of IndlHtry heg leave to l'epbrt: . 1st,' ;Tba~,t~e apnual; l'eportsof~ha Physician a!ld Iospec~orbe, . ad'opteqand printed wlt~tbeUlinutes; , 2nd.: That the I~sp~ctor be .authorized ,to p.rocure, storm windowg where necesaary for the better protection of the Institution. 3rdi We wQuld'recorrimendtbat,itiiacc01'dance' with t,be suggestion Inadeby the Warden, thathereatter the Inspector he authbrized,to'-procure,; I conveY'ancesfor al1;grandjuries, de3irin'!:f,to:yif'i.it the Im:titlitioll',when 11@' thhi'lrs'it advisable todD' so; 4th. ,At the June,Session we were authorized to.ha.V,B2::iO copies of theBv-law of Hnlesand RoguJations of the House of Indllstr! printed, but have deferred doing so', aud b~gto submit 'herewi~hahY,.lawto autbori>'J6 and provide 'for the appointment, payment and dnties of the Inspector,;' Keeper""Matron.. :alidPhysiciau, for .the superintendj30ce;.., care and,manage.m,ent'cif:the House Of Ind-uf:!tr,'i" and,:Re~uge ;01 "the-:;Co,unty~ of 'Elgin,and 'to'.preflcl1ibe nulewnnd iregulation,s,for,;the"go,vel'omelJt :the116of, and to repeal By.lawi'l 'Nos. 276, 280, 375, 380, 389, 448,.453,a,nd484. Thi~\vOUld ,be thee~)n:ioli(h,tion of all the_'by.laws affecting thom,anag'e- meot of 'the,Institution.witb th~.changes .nec~ssarY'fl.1r ,cteprivhlg,}usHioes o1'tlle right to commit inmate,~, and also a slight change in the 'wordi,'ng; oftlt'eclallBe l'$fetringto the oxpel1~ekof 8ehdi~ginina.te:~to.th,e'Honse'. of ,the .Iusti,tuti.ou. ha,\'fl' 5ijh~Dnring ;th~) .yea.rthe ,otlicersjn"charge, PQl"for:med:their dl1ti~s -ill runetlicien:t01fLuner,. All of whicl1 is 1'68pectfully submitted. EnwARD McKELLAR,Ohairm.il.ij. Adopted Nove'n1'bel'16;'18913. ELGIN 'COUN'fY COUNCIL. To the Elgin Uouoty. Oouncil : GEN'r~JJ;ME'N,,--'--'-The Hou~e 'of -Industry Committee heg lea've ,to 'l"eport-: That 'an'i,_lm'at,e.named Flb:{:i11\idPherson is in 'receipt of the"sumof $164.39, beingo;ne JJf the heirs,at,law' ,of Archibald McPhersoll, deceased,' late of the Township of AldQorough".whicb she has,authdrizedttJb.epa.id ' to the lVIunicipaLCorporltiorLOf.:th'e;Oounty of Elgin., 'accord}j)g.to fo~r:o,of agreement;-approved of by the-'Inspector and tbo"County Solieitor"said sum tor~r.t1ainin,the,hands of the .Count.Y Tre'asurer, to be applied', to. wards:helJ"maintenanceas long-;, as(Rhe remains an iumate"ofth,e '.said HONse, so far as the same will exteur1, less the sum of $50.00, which isto be kept to her credit, to be applied for the rmrpose,ofdef1ay,i-ug"p,er"fun. eral expenses. Wel would recommend that,_the,County ,Treasurer" be. ,al)d, is hereby. " authorized to open a !'Ipemal account/or these moneysand"ch~rgecl~Ae same, with sucll amounts as may be required. to pay for her maintenance in thssaid Institution on c'ertific::ite recei-ved ',by hiin;fromthe::lnspector j and that the Warden he ancl is' hereby authorIzed tosigu__the' said',agree; I,' manto All of which is respectf.ully snbmi~ted. '1> EDWARDMcKELLAnl'Cha;rm~u.-,_, Adopted. " 17th No_~ember, 1893. PHYSICIAN. To the Warden and members of the' Elgin -County Council in Session as- sembled: . GEN'I'LlllMEN,-I beg led.ve to 'Present the eighteenth annual medical report' ~f thQ Elgin Hous:e of Industry.'- ,.. During the year ending the 31st day of October, 1893, sixty.eigbtoffici~lvisits'. " I have made The following !'Itatement gives full information-in regard to the mol'. tality for the year. n 74 ELGIN (JOUNTY COUNCU", NAMB. AGI']. WHEN DIIilD. dAUSEOli'DEATH. 'Mail'yYounglove Isabella Crossett 114ark 'llyrrell ElizabethQlyer , Arohibala McPI18,e~on Audre~' Gregg, Catherine Schmetz Richard Hooper Annie McGaw, Alex. Leitch Margaret'Wallace "1l6 '<72 '-67 ,-BO -80 .'07 -89 25 5 months 18 .....68 Dec. 27th Jan. 2nd Feb. 28r.d ;Feb. 24'th Feb. 24th March '11 th Aprilllth Apnl12tb Sept. 20th Sept, 25th Oct. 7th .... Old age. ...... Consumption'. Inanition. ,Influ811z'3.:' Paralysis,' 'Paralysis. ' ....Accident. , :-;-;'Oons11IDptiqn. Chokn:a Infal.ltum. Ch61era.M()rbuS. Stoppage of howelB One .bil'thtook .place. , I have had to deal with several cases of rupture. One person was admittedona.6'count of !'Icalp woundaun :thl'ee l)erFlOnS on aClColllltof frost;bi~ten 'feet. , Tw.o inquests were ,held hyOo_roner Guatin,one to enquire ,ll.ltothe cause of death ofCatherineSchm@tz" who, fell frorna second story wir;l" dow,causing death, and the other upon the body of Richard Hooper, who died of consumption. The Institution at the -preBent time cares for forty,nilw persons, a'nd is verv:efficiel1tly rnanaged. I have the honor to be, gentlemen, your obedient I')ervaut, I St, Tholllas; Nov. 8th; '189;\. L. L-gTON;' 1YtD. _-e-~~ INSPECTOR. 'ro the Oounty Oouncil of the County of Elgin: GEN'l'J..EMI~N,-'.rhe following is my rC1Jort on tile House ,of IIldustl~Y and ltefnge for the. yearonding 31st october, 189S : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. , NUll'lberof ,ihmates ill House at last report...... ............... .45 " admitted durhlg theyear....'....;.....~;..............,....55 /I born inHouse ............,................~............'.'.,.;...~.. 1 , I, deaths.:....... ........'........................... ........ ..........11 /I hound out... '....M'U.............. .................. ...... ........ ,6.' " _ELGIN COUNTY . COUNCIL. 75 Number discharged... .;:...:. ....... ...... ... ;... ....;. ... .;. ...... .......... ...23. " absconded. ,..... ......, .........................................:10 " at Blind Institute............,............. .................. 1 now ill Hous@,man,33; women, 17.............~.......5Q 10. /I of inmates sEmt froth these,'Yeyal 'municiI)alities in the County during the year: 6. 7. B. 9. Aldborongh... .......-' ......................... 7 Duu\vicb;... ..;.~. ;'''' .... ;...'......... ...:.'... .'.. ~ 10 Soutll'\vold .................................. 7 yarmouth................ ................... 9 l\fa.lahide .......'................................ .3 J1ayh.tn1. .............................;....,........13 SiJUth Dorchestel;'."........................ 0 Vienna ......................................... 0 Springfield_ ....~.........................;.;. 0 Aylmer... .... ....................1. .'. ..;... .';... ... 5 Por.t Stanlev......................,......;........ 0 Dutton .......;~.,...... ...'............... ....... 1 'rramps .................. ......................... 0 11. The various caseB of pauperism of inmates'in Honse dririolf the year may he .classified fl,s follows: ' Sickness... ;............ ...... ....... .....; ..... .;,..... ,9 Destitlltiol1..........,.......................16 Intemperance... ;.,.. ............. ..:. ...... .10 Cripple~::...... .,..... .....~".. ....... ;........11 Old age .......................................18 Blind,.....................................'..'..;....,..... .5 Insane, Idiotio, etc ............... ......,....20 All other causes.. . ..................... ...11 12. Average number o(inmates' duri~g the year 55 13. .n, with keeper's famlh> ,etc., ,added...: .58l 14. Number of weeks' hoard of inmates........:...2862 15. I' with keeper~8 farnily,'ete.,addfJd-. ...3040 3~7 16. 'rotal expenditure dutitlg theyear........ .......... ' $5448 55 1'7; Deduct permanent improvemel1ts...,...........,......$ 923 28 .u received for stock au'd sundries sold ..~..., 106 00 " u' from inmates.'...:".................:" 147)00 --$117628 18. Leaving amount a.ctml.lly A}(p'ended for' support ,of inmat~8~.. .:.... :,..,"... '," ',.. .:.... '::", ~,~... ...,......,' 19. Average expense.pel' week for each'person.:.......$ 20. Average expHusB per' yearfol' each'persou ..;.'.,..... 21. Average eXlJense per year for eachpersol1.with interest on total all10.untexpenued by COllllty ac1dqd:....,....;..;..,'...;..:....,'. $4272 27 140 72 80 ....';...,... 91347 76:'n' , I~LG-TN CoUNTYCOUNOn..' /' 1 15t 'I 24: The' amount I expended ,for, house,and_farw'dul'ing the yea.r is ~ivided as follows: 22. Average, cost per- weelt, per. inmate,duringJast'17 years, ............................... ............... .~......~ 23. liietary:' ,Meat, daily aV61'age, 63:19 oUJ1cell!. Broad, daily average, 149-10 ounces. Oa.tmeal, 'daily average, 24-50u1)ce8. Tea, daily average, 33.7 dl's. Hired labor....... ....... ... ... ...... .... ........ ............ .... .;.$, Farm im-plementsand expenses ......................':. Farm stock .......................................;............-, Physician's salary~;....... ...... ............ ............... Insptlctor's salary......... .... ............. '," .., ...... .~..;.. Keeper and Matron's,salary........'............. ... .... Drug.s,. surgical app.lian.ces, etc... ...... .,. ... ......... ProVIsIons... ...... ...... ........... ..... ............ .... ......:. Meat....................................................,............. Bread ....................................................,...... Groceries; ,;'.':..... .'.;......;' ~............. .:.....~.........;.. ...:... Dry goods.. .~.............. ............ ........ .........J. ..:. Boots: and shoes....... ..................................... Hardware and furnishi.ngs ....... ;.. ..................... Wood. .........'.................... ........................'....~.... Coa1..........;...................................'.-.................. }l'urnitl1re and coffins......... ........................'..;... Il1suranco ......~............ ......... .................. ...... . Oonveyance of Inmates ................................... Incidental expenses ............ ,................. ... PEn:I\fANJ~NT' IMPROVRMKN'.rS. Maiti building......... B?,lance in,fullfor'hea,ter ........................,........ FIre escape................... ". ...... ~.... ....... ...... ... ... Cottages,,_. ...... ... .......:..: ~ ~... ..................... ...... ... Drain's .~'.,........ ................... ..:.. ........................ Brick for',\vell. ,:;.. 99 90 183 28 174 00 200 00 150 00 550 00 61 13 219 01 452 53 396 25 305A9,. ' 464, ,35', 7() 91 19;~ 27 (\6 37 4B4 91 1200 7 82 118 70 370 35 424 38 379'00 7 80 73 '35' 1400 24 75 Total.......................,...............$544'l 55 2f.i. Dur;ng :tbe year four ;chi~dreh b1t"e;atten~ed,s;cbool 104' days"or five and one:~fifth mont~s, :wbichat 75 centsa,monthmakes amount due scbool section 14, Southwold, :~3.90." '26. The following. produce, was raised onthe,farm.duriagithe year: ELGIN 'OOUNTYCO'UNOI:L. ,,-----,-----------,-,-,' 25 tons 6fbay .t.$8..,......,..,... ,.,......,.. ,......,...,$,200 00 ' 365 ,bushels' of oats'at'25'conts ..;....-....;. ;..."........ ;" ;,'91'~5, 400." carrot.':I.at:'15,cents.->.......;.'......;:.. tiO 00' 800 ' ,', Inangolds' at.8"cents~.;;~.. ........-. .-.. 6400 200 '" tnrnil)S at lO'cents;'.~..;;...:;....,; ..'.. 20"00 100 " COl'u'at'25 cents -. .~. ..... ..~'..'.'.;'....-. -25':bO' 300 ';, 'potatoes'at '40'ceuts '.'...'.-....;'...'..... 120-'00 20 " , 'beaITSo.;.;...;....~.-......-... ~..,...'..','....':...-.....;. ,20...00 40 ,i heets ...-.........~.c..~';.~'.,;'.~.';~.;.....~... 6..00 50 " 'tablecal'rots..'.'.........;;..~-.-..-.;. ...;'. "'150: 5 :barl'elsof apples. . ............. ......... ............. 5 00 30 bushels 'of onions ..................................... 30 00 80, ." ;;parsnipS:.....,.....;.....'.;u'..'.~.~:...'...,;;~'~ 16,':00 8pO heads Of cabbage ......:..'..............:...:... ..... "24, 00 5Joads, 6fcornstalks;.............:.. ,..... .............. 10 .00 oat stra,v .....................'.. ........';. .....:......... :24' ,00 11 pIgS............. ............."..,.. .......~... .........,....,...... . GO ,00. 846 pounds of butter ...'...... .....'......; ........: .'.:.. 169"20, 200,jars ofJrqit........ ..~,. ...............................'... 20 00 '1: barrel of pickles ................,.. ............... ..'.... 3 00 50 spring chickens ................................'..._., ',1000 Total value. $984 95 ,In addition to a._bove a largea1llount of vegetables and fruit was raised [\11(1 c:)U!'Huned d,udng the Yl3ar, of which llO account was kept, 27. Nnruber or articles of bec1dingalld clothing tna~le up dnri'ng the year by matron and inn~ateH, 503. v, 28. The furmtlHp., proYisiong, ete.. on h'tnd Nw, 1 aee vlllned a''; fhI- lows: IV ood...,.................,...........,.. H........ ..H....... .~....$ 2, 00 Groceries .............,..,..;....................................... 42 fi9 Dry Goods awl Clothing.........................,........... 16100 Stoves, tables, etc..... ...........................,'..,.........:.. 27,9 25 Beds and bec1din'~.............................................. 71900 Orockery......,......... .............,............. ................ 87 40 'rin \va.i~e ... ........ .....-...... ... ...... . .........,..,..,........... 21) 20 Barrels, tubs;etc..........,..,................................. 1700 Surgical applia.uces ........................................... 15 PO Medicine case and secreta.ry ............................... 20 pO Farm stock and implements .............,.................. 67000 Farm and garden prodnee ........,...,..,.....,............ 60000e-_..--$:!lH4 [,4 29. The t6ht alllount expended by Couuty for HouRe of InrlnRtry, etc., is as follows: 77 78 E.LGINOQU:W~Y ,COUNCIL. e0B'HTY: OF ELGIN. Farm, 50&01'e8, cost .,......,..,., ...... .......... ...........:. $, 8000,90 House of:Indus:try ...._,...... ....,....~:.,.,.;.~...-.,........:.... 11366,_ 60 Fire pscapeB............... ..........,...~.-....,.. . ........,.",.,.,..... 390 06 Cottages ....... :............ .....:.........................,.... 1486 67 Barns. woodshed, etc......,.......:.,..:...,...,.........:..,.. 208277 'rile drains ...,........,.....................:,.,.........;.,.......... 431 10 Tile drain outlet..................; ....... ..................' 00 70 Fencing...;.. ....:.;...........<~..... ...,.....,".......,....,.'..,;. 709 95 Orchard... ......".................;..,...............'.....'....... 8584 Heatingapparatn"l..................... ::....:.........,"...., 1979 00, ~_..~ $21592.69, 30. Received fl"bm' q'oyeru11l8,nt grant'on fl.qconnt ' expendi~nre, for land andbnildillg".,........ 30QO 00 --- .' ... ".., , L~aving amount ,actually 'e-xpended by county.. $18592 69 All of whi~h isrespec,tfullysnhr,nitted, / BY-:r;...AVV" NO. 514, 'I'O AU'J,'.IlO,~zE'A:wn PROVIDI<:. FO~ THE APPOINTMENT, PAl"MEN1' AND DUIJIIES OF AN INSP,EOTOR, KEEPER, MATRON ANDPHYSIQ,IAN FOR'fHE SUPEFlIN)"E.NDENCE,OARE AND MANAGEMEMT -OF 'J.'I-fJo;-- Jr. vV.,l\1~KAY, Inspector. St. Th()mtt~;Nov~ 13,1893. Hou.~eof Ind,\jstry AND REFUGE t COUNTY OF ELGIN. .._o~.~o~ AND '1'0 PRESCRIBE RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR 1'HE ,GO]\!ERN.MEN'1' OF 'fHE SAME. , , .>"..' " ,,", >. ..' .'." . .'.. ,..:" ~. :,....< , . ..'...' .. ..' ~ PA88ED THE 17th DAY' OF NOVEMBER, 1898, . ... , .. ... "",. .' '., 'i";"'. ",. 'fHE DU'fTON .ADVANCE ,PRIN'l'. 1893. House of I hdustry and Refuge. COUNTY OF ELGIN. I.. ,. ." 'Io Autho,'l'iZiJ,Jt'tul .Pmvld..efol' the ilppoint-rnent! Paymef,l:t and n,'u,i{es altke Inspector, Krlc'p.'lf, M,ltro(/, and Physicia/l,j'rn' t}t(' 8/4perin:tendenC8, 'Gal'/} l/.lld )11 (t11(1,q(~IIIIJJ1f of Ow f](jl/-SI' of' Indu8tJ'l/ Ilnd Ref~ge of the Oounty qf , f~Plgin,.',anr.?,to,P)'/jW'l'il!(, Jlull'lI.'('NI1.llerlulation~:for:t!te.()ov,ernm,ei't,t, ~hq~e!d.', n/Ull'~pealljy htu;,~ N(),~. 276,,'180, 3.'1/5, 880, ,'J89, 448,'45'6;484. ' Passed Nov, 17. 1893. WHEltEAR it I!'> oTlactet"iI by Sectioll 4BO of the- Consolidated Municipal Act, 1892, tlHit thecoulJcil of every county mayacqnire ftll €!'itate inland€(l l~l'Operty :fop .,~n" industrinJ. f~rm, aui:f'may.establiSb,a"houfl.e or.jn(lils~I:;V and house, of l~efl,lge',to';pr()vide, hv by:la,'\Vfor tbeel'e,ct'ioll ,a,nd repair ,thereof,a;lCl in lilt€' rr~ann(w m~ke rules and rE>gnlatio'ns (ll'ot: l'spugnant,tn la\)')'for the government of the 8ftJJle. AN)) WHElmA>; j;he.C01}uty ,:Co~l.nciiLof th~'Gollt~t~v of Elgin in the year 18750stablislw(] f~ House of Iurlustry and Refuge in the \'laid Connty and pass'edDy.law No. 276, to prm:;cribe ruleR ftud regulatiolls for the govern- ment of same. ' AND 'WHEREAS said By.lnw No. 276 has been amentled t'rom.timo to tirno. byjly.laws ,NOR. '280,:37'5,' 380~ .389.' 448; 456'wnd:484. AND WHEREA8it iHdesirable th~t theBe'By~laws;should be repealed an,a consolidat8d in one general by.la.w, with such alterations as may be 118cesHary. I.. 'rh6 u.qY,~:,t;y Qe}lJ,l?~l"~'l.f.the,, COuu,tr o,J.Elglp,_,qn~l?~s:_,,~\l,dfJl' and by virtue of the'authoitityhel"einbefo1e recited':' ,'. .,' I That K.enneth Vil. :McK[tY, (JouotyClerk, is hereby appointed In. speetor_ of t,he said House of Industry an^d Refi:t'ge at an annual salary of one hnlldl'ed ana fifty d()llal'~, ~J?d shall hold ,Offi(:8 during the pleasure 'of tho COl\ncil. BY-LAW No, :311. 3 --------:..._~._..,:._-,!'::;..-._..'"~_....~.,-,_._--~-~_._--_.._._--~-,_....,-- \ "",,-.-., '.' ,r,',L'hn;t, ":~lli~~l AI,r)yitt:])~n9,tlis,h~re,by'~I~po~nte~ ~{~ep~r o,f,the; sai~' House of Industry and Hefuge and shall hold office during the pleasure o'f tbe:Oouncil"a,.t :a.n "an,qual.f:;~lar,'(Qf, ,thl'e,ehl,u~~'~(lt~,pdfif,t:y; d.ollaf(')r witb il.JO.~r,d,,:a.ncl..]odg:im~ ill th,E?:fMtid J:fl"!lUHl.a~,;tlle expc.,iJS,Q(iQf .,t4~ 99~,por_~t,iorl' , i'bl~~ ,'pa"th ~di'l,'~, 1\ l,d'l'ib't',_;he 'an d:'iR"ilm'~~h )_' '[~~)'p:?iuted,'. M~tron .. ,.o'f::tl~e Raid House'of InduRtry and Refuge at a: salaX.Y?'f,two.huni:h~ed,dollar,s pel' annum, with board aud lodgitlg in' the said Hom3'e at th'e expense o'f the Corporation. {;Je, ;;That ~eonR:rd: Lu ton, .aJegal~yquali1~f;d, ,rnedi9alIP~'a,ct~tiol1~r", be and !1 is:hereby appoin.ted :PbY_8icia~lof,the saicl,Jlouse,Qf Indu~,t~y~al1d":t;t,ef1,lg~,, and shall hold ,pffiO,e durmg-,the :pleasure of,.tbe.Co~ncil,an,d8h~11,b.e :P~W for his servICes an annual salary of two hlllH'h.'ed dollars, including medicinos. S'fANDI-NG;GOj)BU't'l'%I'; OJ~"~pOV2'WII,. ,,: ... <."':.' ...:':..' ,,:.. ..,. ..'...... ':.. :..... ..,'. ,. ,':. ., ..'..;'., <.,/ .,."",.,;. ;.."'';'.:1 Tha,t,a ,-COl;nrnitt~e of:three mE?m,~~rA~f the, Qou~cil" to be, ~~l1e:~:tbe Sta~dillg Com'mittee .oil House of r:l'dnstI'Y; ~~hall 'be s;ppoiuheCl annu'a:,fly _at the 1irstsessiollin eachy'ear, ."hose duty it shall be to .overseet'hJ mapagemen tanq'oxl1U?-i,ne ill to:. t~,1_e; s~a te ?f I1ltma~te,J;s ~lld ,t~i ngs,r:el;ating to ,the ,~J.1pport and .'~rqpl?J~!no.rlt. :qC, ;t.he~:p~up~r, in~,ates,;,:_to'~\l~,it:,~g acco~nts!quarte~lyand report tJl~1:e,oll,lHllf:ye{1rly ;to t,heCqun1;;yQpt,ltlcg , ,a~jts,regri,lar;l?~(9tipgsin Jp~eancl.~ ovumber; .~f!dshall:~lso;a~,th~ JHt;\,t1 session in each yea,r preseiJ.lant'stirnat'o:ofthe pro,bable a~o:unt requip::lp for the ensuiilg year for the support and maintenance of the poor. AND CLADIS. That all bills and claim;s :against the 'OOl'pol'1lJion'f6:r!alirjplies 'fliti u:ished ~o: theH?use,oflndustr~~n,d}udustr~alfartn sh~ll be 'duly certiIh3d 'as beingcorr~ct>h.y 'tIle Inspectol'Ol' l{e~per"i~~~.o~e'-'1>~i~,g ','.Pr~.; seuted f(Jr audit, and on the i:laalebeiug e.xJ1,mined ahd passed 'b): said' Committee the chairman sb~~l b~aut,horiz_ed to gra.ilt his order on the County Treasurer for the sev.eral amounts allowed to be ,prdd by sa.id' Tre'asurer; " ADMI88IO}l' ,\.WP_ApPJjlR~.: A Reev:e' ,'or D'e'putt ~ee,~eof:,any,: :#:u~iciPa.lit,Y::,i n tho..9'omlty'4r..'i~'~': sp~~~or,~, as;a])pplc'ted,aforesaid, 'lxlity':" b~, '~..riting:ll,~d~~ "~he'ir,h~nd~"t~'iY( s'e'~ls; commit to the said 1-lori~e oflndllst't.y 01.' pf Refl1ge tb be:err;ploy6il'itna' :' .... : ,. ~ . ; . .. ;, , ; ;.: i..... . , .. : .', ' ,.. .... :" ,.: . ,'. , '.. : ,'. ,. j ! ! '. 4 BY~LAW NO, 514. !? 'g6v8med, aCcol;(l'iilg to 'the-Rules aad RegulatioDs ail'd order~ of the House;: .,,,.' .. ,.,: ," .:' All poot' alld'iudigeut 'pe'i'son5wbo 'are ihcapable Of supporting them- s~lVes'arl(r who bolhng to the' County of Elgin, and the Keeper of the said I:Iousp or Il14ustl)',s~al1 and is hereby ,authorized to receive~uch'Persons a,ud D? qt,?el'~s, ,Theeommitmellt to the said House of Industry, shall he ,in forlU set Io~th inSchedu}e " A." J~Xl'li:NHESO:F BENJnNG 'ra HOUB},;" Tlie"6xpe\1soH'of sending aU p'ersons to,the' House oi'Iudustr'y"shall ~~detedriinedhy,the parties conHi1ittin.e; them, ar:id:io uOcase to exceed t? t'weiity cei:ita pernlile;i'exponses to be paid by the;County. -,JI, ' HINl>I}\G OU'r UHj:LDH~N '110 SEl1VICF., , If it is desired by any person of good 'illorals and repute to take any ~h~l9.:: Jrom, ,the , flonse of Inclustry and -Refuge as apa'ppl'~'lltice to any .1~:~!~~11tra4,e, professionor employment o}. tu take one on trialfar a ShO.l~t ~,iJ:lle;, "'1'bEl Insp:ector may ,if satiRfied 'of the characte'r of the'l"ll'soti' making s~'c4', a1ipli~catiOlil ,'give hisconsontthoretO. 'a~d may . ~~11S(-';:~pp1icathm to be' made to' the'Chairmauoi' the CourtofGeneral-Sessiul't'O- of -tbePeace t'oha.ve:~llch"chii\:i put'ana'bound ontas .ari .aPJlli'eritice;'in cdriformity with'the Act"respecting apprenticing of-minors. Provisioll shall be made to have such child stlnt to school, and ,also, that -u.ttbeexpiration of the a'pprenticeship, ilB or sbe- shall be furnished w.jth. ,al1011,tfit .Qtgoo.d;'and. comfortahle clothing. .1,," of~I,~isBy.la~ of .i,A- r~gist~l' ~hltll: be kept, ip tho form of. qchednle B of: all children.bound out.. '..".: .,'.. ... ,_., JlURIAI.j. GROUND. 'l'hat a Imitable place on some part of the Industrial Farmj lying within the Township of South wold, shall be selected for a burial ground for thli' burial ofeuohof the pauper inmatea as may die in the House of Indu~try. an~ ;Refl,1ge a?dwhosefriend~do notelaim their ,bodies for in. t'~rm~llt." 'Saidburi'al groun~l shall be fenced in and properly laid out in ;.,,1,'.'.':"..'.'; .: '. .. :.-.. .. .'.'.', _.,-.', .. ..... ...;.-., ... '..' tiers, oy .PJ:",s, 'aud gra,v'e'sto p~plainly numb,ered. A Burial Register s'~~I1'be' ke'pt i!J- the form at Sched'nle C to. this Bi'.law. . . \\ BY,.LA '\Y NO., 51:1. OF'FICEB,S'DlJ,'JUES.. ' DUTIlr:S G'l<''l'HR INSPECTClR. ".".:., .,..'.'.. 'y: ,:, ,.,,>. ' ,IF~ilall bet'be"dutY:9~ theln~pectOJ: tose,eth,at the Rules and :Regu., Iations'I~~reiq\3>fter .pr()v.i~led, !1r~.duly enforced,;,.he... shall visit 'the. Houae. a~least .four,tllnes pel'.:m,onth,bear..anY_,cqmplaints"that, llbay;.be made; ~lld.r~port_~h~ same to,the"Standing,OomI1l~ttee ou:House:oi Industry and ~,ofnge_at~ts, l)1~.e~ings. :::~~:s4all,also',:under illstr:u<Mqn from the said qplllmit,tfl~iJ.r, th~iC()un~ y. C.OUHqP "Etllth () dzeth e E,eeper.. toprocmre. allne, c~SSt~F1r ;l;1l3lp~nd .s'nppFe.s,. for:~l!e T:-Iauseaud, Far,rn", andgertlfy.. ,all bills [[11,1 claims for the same to the ]joal'~1'of ,i\:nc:li~, t~H,l afo1'eflai~l StandilJg Committee; TheI,nspector~l~all'alsQ~' 'i'n qont'ol:I'nit) \viU~,~',ept'iqll 461,o'f. th,e,Colji,' , ~olidLLted' l\IJ:tlUieipal,Act'~lld in ,l>o()ks,to 'be pl'ovid<,\'d, at'the .e~pen~e of" thisCorpor~tion','keer; the foIl6\~illg'~egi&te~'s an,a a~G6unts,'thatis~to ~ay:,: , c..'.....::;......"..:.. ....',.,:.. .;: ,.:. ..' '... ,..; A Register,: of the' na.tne'sof'aIL}Jaupers, 'vagrants, etc", admitted into the'Ho1l.se:in. theforllt ofScheduhfD to thiR Ry,law;: A Bmi'al Reaistel', ~~l;edule ,C. 4 Regi'stel:pf?11ildl'8U bound out to, :St)l:Y~CO, Schednlc: 13,;; TheInspeJctor',i~h~ll 'also.' in~l\e' ,ay,eal'lv:re[Jol't to' the Gcilwty Council', fOl':the'Jear~ndingthe'31f'lt Octobel'in8ach alHl' e'vcry yeal', in the form provided in: Sched-ttle E' ar thisBY''la\'~~ .with _:'ai1 'd.ddihlOnal report ;npaW allY other mattercir thillgthat he'mav cOllsiclol~af.::Hti:fli;ci81it'.iil'll)(n'trthbd' tob. .1'in.gto t.b.. e notice' Of the Oauncil. He shaII:also".Oi1.0r b,Hfqre,tll~. ,gIst .. .. ,.,'....., '.",.:;'.'.: ::.,., ;, ..:....,., .'....,. ,... ... ..',". ",."',,. of:Oc~ab~r in ~:vety:year,:checkaD ',lnvelltarv;;of:pql'~pua~,propel'ty bpl9),lg:, iug to the Ins'ti1;utio~ and value' th~ amount ('If prodnccon .hap(~, DUTIES' aFKEl<ll'J';U. rt shan be,the dntyofthe ~(oepextot nnc.l31'ta.ke,the genoral SIl])61'in-, tend~llceof the_House;pflndustl'Y an d ;Refuge \allcl the. Ind nstria 1 .: lir~l'll1; attacl~ed theret9,:_ancl, wllen.l1ot, athe1'wiseen~aged;,shalr dc:vato hi,-,time in. ~i1ling.~nd:cultjvating said,fa~:Ul" securing:: :alld,..hal'VOfJting .the .c~ops, 01' at other mauvallabor,acqording to. the requirements cof thesevol'aL soa,., sons of the year', arid in arder to work such farm ina skilful and husbaucl.. likem'anner..' He'shallgive:his'attention arid tImo far the benefit or'. .~he llistitution, and,' ,shaU~cal'rY 'in'to';effect all"the,' rules ~litlreg,nIati611f'f: aelqp:' ted, : {tnffi . time' "to-time"bytho Con.)~ty Council, 1'01' tho govornlnent 'hlnl' managemont afsaid Honse, 5 6 m<"(-'A\V"NO, ,514. ,}Je shall also f'unlish.tho_iilllllp0otor,with;a'list of all the provisions required, which aro to be,vp;oyid,eJ" by"'nm,~nil;~~ shall be his dnty to see that ,the provisions i\ll'ni~J10d to tho inrnates are ,of ~o:od quality~:nd suffi, cientinqur:.ntity Bll1d snch :as,tl1e':Committee m'ay'.approvo rif;-aJ.d he shaH 'liot:a'llOw 'a.IlY' waste therehf, alid-sh'all '11Ot-,pernlitthe'ns'e.6fjntoxi~' catin~; driairs:hy any bfth6inmates,'and'all,'\voi'k:1done on. the premises' to'.be".done.118 (llrected': by the Ihspector 'or 'Cominittee' ..of'Man'ag'emen't;: 'llho: I\eepei.; -shall ~takechar'ge: of ~tll 'raw' m:i,tei'ial . for marmfil1otul'e'and worldng'tools",ptovjded. by the Inspao'tor' for, th'efnll, employulont:,of su'eh of the"inmate'FHtS rtre-al~leto work, andc1irectand'Buperin'tenu;tbeirworli aile] !labor llijdei... dil'ection of tbe..lnspector. H~_~ll~ll (tlso koep. fair ftml,r,egnlal' acco.mits in writing of all ,ln~tei', iaIs, pr'ovisious"fnel, cloti1ing" ahd othor necessaries pro~ide'~ for:tl~e'; 11SB of the Inst~t~ti?~, arId ~f all ~ipens8s artd,charg~s.at.t(}llding 'the Jr:laintenanc~ and ~npport of the POO'l'; and' of all fionioR receiv'ed bv him from: tbt1 Halo of j,qeprodllqts .of .thf:lh' lab(}l'.. or othersvi~e,ou,the'premises" and shall ':submit the :;)aidlist.flALud, acCPUtl:ts rto:, the :Il)Sp,filC~orialld 'S~a;lldin,g:OomlDit..i tee on House of Illd\H:;try and Refuge at the meetings of said C,affimittee. , He shall ah'!o keep a; Wearing ApparE\1 B()okand ther~m . keep a, cor- l.ect and particl'llaraocouutof each and every' article, :issned 'to the in, l~~t~~"aJ;ld$haHJteep,.fJ< Q0Il1P1et9: iu~entory. ',pf ,all, ;person~l'1,prPlJel.\ty in rtqq.'ab.opt ~11O place",aJl(l.~\'SRistith~ Ill$p~c,t,Or, in,: phecking, ",the .-s,ame.:for, the,purpo8,esof:the ,all1~qaI,1.'l3pol:~, an(;l.al~o a~sist in _the,,;yalqing :oLpro,.,< viFJiq~8"Pl'o(h1C'o"etc.;,;pn,hanr1. - I l:[o..shall also keep a :VisitoJ:s'.Book, l~ .,vl~ich pMties.visiting.the 1n,- HtitutiOl~ shall- Emt~l'theirnames~ with any remarks they may' se@"fit to.. maIm of fJ.,pl'oper.llature". Ho shall also examine D,lll-_)[l,nper~ Oil their adniissioll into the House. llotesuch factH in, regard. to ,them 'as are iUlpor:ta'ut tb'ibe 'pi'eserved;,' shall cause .them,to 'be _ thoroughl~' cleansed; and 's\litahly 'loca'ted,' '--h'~ vin/!"tefet. ence,to their ago, sex and gell'Ol'al' characterc;..shaill iba 'especiallycare'ftil that't,he infit'ru. inmates'and children. are 'treated.-with c:01isidt,rate:;ca-re"' and kindness, and ,shall" see'that"proper a:ttEHiti0n' is -given :to,the ,sick; He,shaII.alsQ ,?ee,.t,hat~ .eV(jry depa.;rtX4!;3,nt:,au.d:all J.u):pit,1ire. 'and! ':uten+i i sih~"l;Lr~ ~~p~)le,~~",clea~l, ~nj:liu ordc:r, ,~nd"th:a.tall. ..pro;visions,,' ,f,nell,and; eV:,e,ry ot4f.1rr &l,;t.i~I.e', cO:llsrullfld,hl:all.d J;tbout:th~ pl.'emiB_es{:'-ltlJ~:' nsea.:, . ,with,:' the strictest econolUY. BycnAW<No..514. He 'aud.the Matron, or,theIr,assistants detailecl.for',the,;:purpose;, aha/II- also visit each and every occupied room after the ringing of thBi:l'etiriug' bell,and shall.':;ee that the Inmates have all retired, ex.cepting those on dlity, and'sball see that all the: fires 'at'e' made siilcure Land' 'safe"ab'd::,:that, all lights: are ;ex-:tinguished, save'.and'excepti'l1g' only wbi9re :fiN~':al'1d:::li'ghtE( are permitted'tobe kopt .for the be'nefit ofthe"sick. , He may also, for, violation' of: any of, the' rules for ,'disobediElllo'e ol.'lhacl , ' , ' . . . ., . ... , . ( conduct .by-any ,9f :the .inmates" ILlflict811 itable, plloishm'ent:at',his 'dinore.'!, tiOI1 (but employ no iIllProp~r moaus),j)ycQnfinemen-t; 'Or. oth€lJiwii:le:ji,but i 1. Cf\.se of solitary confiri~ll1elit not fo!.' ':1 1011ger period than twenty.fonr h(Jtu'~, unloss by the direction of tho Iuspector; and he shLlll not absent himself from the Institution at any tIme without the consent of the In. spector. In case of'the de'ath of a.lly,'illlnate, for the disposition of whose body no provision was .made at the tirne of . CoiU1pitment,or whose holly is not claimed by friends, that the lieepel' be required to report the death to the Reeve of the municipality from which the inmate was, corn. mitted, with a view tohavhig the body claim'ed for burial instead of being sent to the Inspect0r of Anatomy as reqnired by the Anatomy Act. , " \ nUTIRS 01>' 'l'HE )rA'l'HON, It shall be the duty of the lVLttron t'l take charge and oversight' of all the in~door operations j shaHs8@ that alitbe female inmates a.re provided fol' according to their respective wants; that clea'lllines'l, both in th(j)ir persons and apartments,' and that good orderaild decorum' be observed at.all.times'. She shall be, careful of all the goods, property audfuru\tmo com. mitted to her chal'gethat the same be !lot lost or embezzled; she shall direct the detailing of the WO{IlOIl undel' 1Jer~ charge to such branolwsof labol' as in her jud~montthe'y are best tibtel! to perform. She shall at proper and stated tinies have all the clothing of the iu'- mates and thebed.cIothes changed and replaced with clean apparel; ancl shall be vigila.nt over every part of the house in regard to cleanliness. and shall see that the female inmates observe all the rules that may he pre- sCl'lhedJor' ahlntion. DU'l'ms o]\' 'fHE PHYSICIAN. ILshall be tho dnty of the Physi"ciian to nndertalH.~Ghe sani.tal'." 7 S' l,:Y;J"AW 1\0.' G14. ,--~,--~_.~v:..,..-------_._._-_...~--'-- -~_.,.,--~----'-++--~~-~-~- supervisionof.the,saif:, J-foUf\eS, ana to. attend all cases' 6fsiC101ess 'that' ml1yiaccul'. ){,~shall.!11so, in a,book to,peful'tlished.to him fOl' that:plll'p9S0\ )1ote, ~lJ ~ases"trea~f'Jcl by,11ilJ;l" and in~case of cle.athto certify therein the' o~n8e; ,and shall also. repoJ't in $pchhook ::t.ll the births in_Haid,_Hous{~. .';]10 f:lhall"als'o, ,-v-holl callod llpon by the Keepol'.', . oxamille.any of the paupet!iumates: feigningillnes's,,'Ol' .otherwise ....as to. th~eir 'ability, to' 'work. He 'shall :visit' theHOllRo.at least onoe.a~'\-\'oek i: .' "", ,-+ , i ~ liY.LAW,NO,' 514.' / RULES FOR THE INMATES. A{the.x1ogillg"o..f the-, mo):niuR bell:every in,mate: iu_ .tbe-,~ house,:(th.o' 8ick :'atid-<those-:in, c0nunernent ",except'ed),,- mUi\l~"lise" di'l;~SSI walilh. and' be,Jn i'i~adines8: -to. ;proceen:to: IW01'k. 'V n. Tl)e bell will riug ten minutes before each meal", when all will 'leave t~,liljr ~9r4 ,.a;w:l; p,~:,in..~l!'Ia::dj.~l~$S,wit~"cJ~~Pihat;."cl_sand fa~esl' ,foJ:. ,the,ring~ i~g_.of,"~b,~,;Be9Qn~"1?e,n".,;~h,en.:tbey will rep,l1.il' ~q. tb_e; di?inf{:t;ppms'~~d., t~J~e;sucb,sef\ts:at_ t,b,e;t~hIe afil ~re:aasi~pedJ0 rthElm.by, thosa_in ..cha~'~~-, where ~h~y, mUf;t: 9bs~rye si1en~e,dec~~lCy,ltml gqod O1:der. HI; At the ringiu~ of the .sIo'w inllne(lin.teIy; repa~r to. work. bell,. afterm.eals, every / inmate shall 1\'[1 No inmatei;shall ,be allowed to 16'iter aboht the kitchctl1ll0r shdll" any ptovi$iollS orfaod (exceptln,g at re~nlar meals) be carried to any part of the house without the consent of. thp Keeper; nor. shall any co.oking, b~Jlotl,~~;elc(:!,pt:il,l the,l{itc,hen.. \ . \ ...'.-.. v. At nine o'clock iH the evening, at tho l'illgJng of the l'etil'iug hell, tr.la ,inmates must secure the fires, pilt. Ollttihe lights, and "e'tire tn hed in th,en';'1'6f>!1:ective ,a;pa,l'tment~. VI. No' il.limjlte,gll.t\.ll;be,~allowed;;,to,': t~'ade or.. exchil"ngO-:clothi'l~g-"m: any.; o.thel' thiug, .wi.th_: iily.pe.rl:1on: ,whomsoo.vol', or. b'e~ ,o.f.. thoseiwho. visit, tharej,no.i'shaILtl;u;W.-recetve,any; mnney orobhet'; articlo,. frO'm ItI)Y;OUH, -witho.ut ~he cnnseut af tho !{eeper. f) VII; Ey-:i,'Aw,No.514, It 10 DY;.LAW ,NO., 514. ,;.; il'XlIIi: II; All,perf'lOIHI sha,n diligeutly and fttithfully perform the dnty. 01' task ,allotted to,them hy tho Keeper, unless otherwise excused. '. ~, ::J..:' .~. ..' .,..: .'.:. ..'. '. ...,.: .. .':.' :..' ,.;.. .:,.. .... ..1. :...:' . ': ., ,'. :.,' ._' ': A,ll p~~,S,6~S)Vilful1y<?-:bs,eqting t~ems,~lve.sfro~Jhe:ntace ?f:W0,etfllgl o:i::viol'a.ring':'the' $~~hatli, ~~y<:,'fJh~.lI', he:subje~t t9! pr'orn~('ll~d','sev~!e' Pll~i81i,m;~n,t:"" "'. ,". ',,'." ":,',,,, ,',",",1,,','\" ,I, \ ;';: ('i i;';'Y~If' ; \ r .il :xI'v:. Any person gniltV of 1l1'Ullkeliness, lli'sobedielJce, immorality, obscenity, disorderly conduct, prof~'rie or indecorous langua€!8. theft, wa'ste,;'or:'who:shallabsent himself '01; herself.':,frOlll' the:premises:without the:''l)Jrmissir))). of., 'the,. Keepel',;, or: '\vhiJ: ,shall he "g'uHty of.: fnjuring' or defacing allY part of tb0 honse or furuiture therein, or,who'~ha;ll:colllinit waste of.anykind; 8ha.lt bG punished ~<'\iihe case may seem to nemancl. I,'. 'WV,l(fY ,pe,l~~oJ;l! p~ey~o~8 ..~t~.~d~nigsiop,as,. ,al\l.i';l;m~'~~,"6f, .i;H~~",ilOU,~~,! B,h,al.1){J~su~j~~t,ed"t9~~~~inatjpn and:~e,ftrGh,bY,th,e, ,I<eep~r or '!l1~:q~ h~~" a~~;i~,t!}rt~;., . 'xv. , {it',' rl' l'lo :yis,itpl:sh,alI have,admissipn.to, the,houiile,on, ,the S,abbll.th :with9nt thl3,\vrittenpertUiss,ioll: of the :Inspe~,tol', 91' by ~he ,cQnsept ofth.e,iKf:lepE;J.~. npon,:gp'9d,Causl'Jlsh:Qwn.; j..: fh :~tt, ca~es"~:t'; ~~lit'a~;f~'(jn~_lle~'+ll't::' tll:e"(!H~i611~:~~:,;'8:i~1,1":b~ 'd,ehM:i'Ec~:, 'ftd~d ..~'~~(llg '.~1:,L'98n'v'e~gltig;~itl~i,_,ali_t i~ers'0I1'. el~C~l)t)ll'e' Iilspest,br:,''tii9 'K6epe1~, 'ol.:tlle.: pel;~~'nl e:ll1ployEia. to.'8Up~ly', ,the~1' i..'Y(~'I)'t~.,;' 'ahd'tl1e'f()od,' a,f_ such prisoners ,sbtall tibtlsi'st ~oiely 'o(brea.d 'at-ic1 ,vatEn~; Ilulks's, oth~r\HRe" ordol'ccl by theIllf'>pector or PhYlllicia~l: XVI. ,. ;A11, persons aggrieved. may l'efel" ,their cO'mplaint!:i to ',the 'Inspec~oJ~' when;.lie is ,visiting the' Ilolise. 0'" x;. Any PQrsol1 who\ shall hase, communication, either directly or illdi. 'rectly, with ttllY 'one thns,conflned, without permission, shall be stibject t~:;VRlli,~1lPl~\]t. b'y:,,~ Ph~ conf}palJl~_n,~. "".i OFFENCES .AGAINST THIS BY-LAW. . . 1'h3.t any person or peF:wlls who sha.ll commit ally infl'ingement' or breach of ally oue of the- provisions, reqnil'omellts, enactments, sections or clausos of this By-law; 01' any offence il.gainst this By.law, 01' any snch personal' persons neglecting or refusing to obey and perfor~ any of- the reasonable orders of the Inspector, Keepel' or Physician, given in the ox- .ecutibn of thJ'ldutiesof their respective offices af6resaid, he, she 01' they shall be liable to a fine not exceec1ing B'ive' DDllar!'l, exclnsiye of costs, and uot leqs than Fifty Ccnts,cxclu:'live of co,~ts; ltud in case of nOlqmy. rnent of such fine to be inflicted for any >lllch breach orofIenco, and thoro being no distress found ant ofwhicb snch fine can be levied, such horson, or persons so offending as aforesaid against this By-law shall be irupl'is. on ed, with o1'withont hatd labol',in the jilil 'If the Conh~y of_Elgill, for any perioclnotexceecling twontydays,and npon an illformatiou laid or ~ompla.illt made beforo any one 01'- more of Hal' Maiesty's JustlCes . " , of the Peace of the COllnty of Elgin, that al'1Y' pel'son or pel'sons has 01' have cOlJlnitte 1 OL' rHO sn."Ipontor1 to have committel1 'any ~~. I. ..,..'. ,r. :' .'-. ..'..... ... ' ,,'. NU'-Olllil shall go bc\'o:ld the limits of tll8' Iu.dustdal Farni nnless'by' thlilpermIS~i()aof th~~ Kesper, nor romain out beyond ths time specified by the Keeper. XII. The Sttblmtb Dty s11,1,1l he strictly observed,' a'ua.. lib 1 ilTeHgious' d.iversion or'unnecessal'y)aboi: be indulged in. At the ringing of tbe bell .for the purpose of assembling for l\eligious iilstructioll and worf'lbip, every person (unless :excus,ed ,bv ::the Keeper) shall' 'appeari dl'eSsedi\.jn:cl~'an appa.l."elih' the' :illstl'tlcti 11g" roolll',',aad'shall, behave: with,;'dec'ency ancl':, sobriety;' NC)'lloisoor' distlwhallce' shaH bo'made in,'mlyipal-t-of.therhonse;: aUl'iDgs~lChexcrciReR. ' , 12, ! By,r.,.lW<'NO.'5:l4. ._.._-----'----------".----:-,..-._~-.;;.-~ such breach of this By.law, suo.b,Just'ice or Justices may proceed tl~er~uponal.ld h'~,ar ,and...de~el'rnine,..th,e. rn~tte~"d: s~?h infor~_~t,i.on or cOn1PI'aiq'~; ,au.? ,Buell p~i:s.~n, or'perHo:nsso offeMdi~g ag~in~t this: BY'-J,ltW upon 'C01:1 Yictioh :befo1'0 such'Justice or Justices; shall forfeit andpaYrs,uch :line as lllay to hi111 or them seem meet, not exceeding Five Dollars, ex: olusive of COf'ltf:l, f\,ud not leaf:! thall-l<'ifty Oents, exclusive of costs, as ,ft,f~re~ahl (to~ethel' with costs! if. ,orde~'e~)" such ,fine ;.to be p~i~l~i to'~'tllO ?'rEi~snrm'of' tho s~id' County' ~nd' ,to'fornl, p~rt.~f the' fuuds' Of the' '!iaicl Corp0l'atirlu' 'of the' Cou:nty'of"-El~in j al\ctin the evellt of the lloll.payment of the fiue imposed by such .Justic~ 01' J nstices, together with the costs,. if ordered, either immedIately or ~ithi~l,~mchpe~'iodas such .In!:Jtice or .Jnf>Hce.. at the_ time of ,conviction appoints, ,thel:eupolf. such .J ustice 'al'.J l1!:Jtices.. may issue his or'theil'war. r'ant 6fdist'reflR for: the purpose of lov,yiilgtbe 'same: o\lt:of' the goods l11id chattel~ of the person at' persons 80 offending,' and,if-'tliere beho-,'dlsti:ess found out of which snoh fine call be levie!], theu such'Justice or Justices loay adjudge the offender to bo imprisoned ill the Gaol of the said'Countv, lbe,re<to.,be1~evt :,wjtll,Ot., .wit4,Out ..h",l'u ,l,t\)ol': fO,l' f1lly:spaQe not, exceeding twenty days, nnlefJs snch fine and C'Of'lts ~tnd chargeS,thei:ellpOIl; shltlLbe, sooner paid. ','{' ("5' .HY -LA W.,No.5l4. 111 SCHEDULE A. C()~IMITMENT TO 'l'Im' HOUSE OF INDUSTRY AND REFUGE .j OF POOR '1'0 he Given nnder, the :f{and aud Seal at auy'R~eve pl':D~p:u~y:,,~"ueve iu the:Ubu\lty of Elgin. CANADA, 1 ~RO,VINOE OF ONTAldo, .. To (JOUNTY OF Er,GIN, J-~ To '''it: the Keeper of thef.Iciuse of Ilidustt;v and Refuge for the County of El"iu. Wm:Ul<;,\,s, inforliul.tionhath boen received by ~he undersigned, that . '\ of a;l'es.idelIt of this Oomt'ty, ill: pOOl' and"neec1y' anclnot 8:?let{) I'>ltppOl't self,-thesea.r<,! tthe:,;r:efore, to require you, t48said Keeper,- t'o'rece'ive the 8!}id into the . . ., Honse of Indust,rvaud Refuge, and to' [ll'ovidQ for. according tola\\'. G-ivel.l under hand ailds'ettl, at,the of iuthQ COllutyof Elgin, this A. D.18 d.yof , P'Y for conveying said Ule sum* of inmate tOD~::r8s~}... ......... ............. .....~.. 100 . [L. S.] Nott{J bo mOl'e tha,lI 20cts. )lel" mile. y. u ~ '"' t;; >- ?J1 ~ ~- 0 JQ ~ --"G 0 0 ~ 0 '" :J:::, , ~ 0 --~ g;" ~. 0 :n' S- a " ::!f " 0 0 c:: " 8 " 0 B " c o. , " . . .~ ~ '" :-. 0 0 ,. . ao " ... 0 " , - z 0'-- ....' Q- v ~. - ~- ~. ~~- - 2: "'5 :> ~ ~ ~ ~. >i z o .........18 u. 0< i""' "" , THE Ke~:per wiil please notify th'~ ~:.ide1'8igned of the c1ea:th. of.........;-.... should it ace'tir while.............."is an-inrilate of t~e _House of Industry au'Ci Refuge,-:-alldt~le body \vin be claimed and-taken from the:: said Institution fot burial. 1 Name ~.H.~.~~~.L... ............ ... ... .:.......... ..:.J P.O.... :~. ..;... ... ..., ..;....... ...... .... ................ .......................... -' . .. - JNsarest:TelegraphOffice~........);:............. .........,.................... 'SOlWVN' OLX:;lC!!-lIRLIA\ I I I I I I I I , i ! I I '1 "GS1'OH aq'l- o').u~ paA1aO@H: a'l--Ua 1-+: I I I I ] I [ .1 I I ~' ~ ~ z ? 'r.... '.IJ I<'>~ ='0 ~2. EDW- Le<i ::}-. ~ ~ 'S}[.l'llUt(,lH: ~ ;.:l go ",~lj '::d ~ :<t", ~ ~ ~tt S; ~ ..~ ~ ~I~ ~I 0 ~ ':'1 ~I ? 'panos: UIOtI& o~ o o " ? :(nA~'l-'llR , ""VI 'VUe{:) G\f:J- JO EHUtlN ![z!:. "" ~. ::'::,'1 !C;'::ii '0);[ !:s.g;i I~OI Ig I ;n!~[:B: JO A~nnoo ';:JBnJEra: PU'B A.1'lsnpUr JO esnoR aq~ JO J:o~0adstlI ~ln JO' ~1]8SYOO 81n -,(q '80'Raa -all'). JO sno!ssas I'R.Iau8f) JO !lJ:UoC}aqf JO u\:sm:.1!'RqO eq')..J.q sao1~n€l.1day S'8 'tuo punoq -U\:HPW!O JO'i:I3:J,SI-8:iIH 'a !>i1n'irilirD's f?- :.'t I c- ~ SCHEDULE D. REGIS l1ER of tIle Names of ~ll Paupers, V agrant~~ and Idiots re:ce,i v':ld into -_the_ Huuse of Industry anlt- Refuge for tbepounty of Elgin, from lst~Deceruber, 11:\ , to 1st Decemher, 18 No. 1 I" I ~ I~ I I 01 . I I I I I . r::l ~....jl S:=. ~G ~ <:;l ,rb ,~ ~ 1- ~ ! .a'dSIO".l ~ '$ :=8, <:;l~i ~r::l8r::l 'g 19 ~~ I ~ t,::l~ Ag,1i~ .!':~ 8 '"'81 > l~~' ,,~o I g','"" " ~ I ~ ~ol'l ci .I~~.~. I" i ~gI2~~'~~I~~~:'SS~I~~~~gll~ls~'gI~ ~ Slli~5.: I~ , ;i;.gJ5 ,,- ,m Z i!:;;:;1 oS> >0 "'0: E ' -< "'Sl ~ S ;::\ i=!l S ~ t ,,,,,, F;; ~ I I~: zoo ,.,. e.-::: i':: ::l~1 i ~ 0 Q ;; ,_ 0' ~I 1'-1 I 0 0 I Z o. I ~ _~_____ I I I ::q I' ~- : : .- ~T-'~-n--!'--I'-I--I-;-r-j-I-i--I-'-U- I I I I I 1 I I I I ! ; , i I I I I I I i I I I 'I ' I I 1 I I II Jill I I , I 1 '1 ,I I'" 1 "1 i I . I ! : . 1 i I 'I I i I 1 " I I' I I . I I I I I '" : I I !. I I I I I , , 1 I I i I I I I I 'I 'I ' ,II JL l\AMES "'" ~ lc,l o z ;::; ~ ~ i I I I 1 , I~ I , I WITH lNDEX TO NAMES. I SCHEDULE C. I BURIAL ItEGISTER--House of Iu(lnstl')'and .Refuge-County of Elgin. I . ,I I I I I ! g ~.! I! I Where Interred ] i INo. 1I1~ NAl\iE, I DDato,of I Year. iAg-elCauseofDeath I I I i I S ~I eat l. I I No of I I .~ I I I J Trer, Lot. G . I i--:-,~------ -~I~I--I~---~ ~.-=_~! 1 I I I . I I ' , , I .,; i I I I i 8 Ii: l I I I If. ., I I ~ I I I i I I ~ I I ~ I I ! Remarks. '" ~ I I I 1 WITH INDE::x. TO NAJIIES. IH BY .I;A W NO. !H4. " SOHJ.!iDULl~~ E, INSP1W']'OR'S IlEPOR'I'. l. ~. n. 4. 5. 6. . 7. B. \~L Numbor of inmatos iill:fousoat last report...................... admittod duriug the yf'fl.l'.... horn .iu .FIoUSG.., ........... .........,............... ...... ...... dOfl,tlli4.................................................. ......,.. uO\1I:ld .out.......... '... .,. ....... ............. (lif:;cllfl,rged ,........ absconded ;............ ...... n,t Bliud Instil:nto,......... ............... now iliHf)\lf',C ......... " 10. IJ of inllltttes seilt from the soveral mn.lJ\cipalities IiI the donnty',dm:ing ,the yeal': AldhJl;ough... . ])\it'l'\\;ich...."......... Sonthwold ynl'lllouth,v......... .,'. Ma.Ja,hitlo ...... BayluHI. ....,.......... Sont]l. Dorchester Vimllm,......... Spriu'gfield .... ............................. Aylmer...,.,... };)Ol''t Stfl:iilov..............., .......' ....... Dutto!\ .::,'..:.......,... 11 ,Tho.v:il'ious.ci-inse;:; of p1.\ll}JOl'l!>tn of inmates in I-louse dnri{l{! the 'yea,l' 11thy be nlaHsilied,[tH followf'l; Sioklie!;s,........ ......... ... Destitution tntelhperance... .., ,.. ...... ~. Cripple....,..............................,...., g:~:~l~g~. :::: ::~:: ::::::::::::::.... .:...'....... Lllsf\lw,I(J[otie, eta ....... All 'ol;hoi' en,n~CR.. . , BY:L1AW N6,M4~ 19 12.; Average riujnber: bl'inm'ates:'driring theY8s.i;' 13. /I with l{eoper's family, etc., B.c1ded.'.;. 14. Ni.uuber of weeks' board of inniates..."....... 15. /I with keeper's family, etc., added. ... 16. Total expenditure during the year...... . ........... 17. Deduct permanent iti1prOVel:)lentlil.;...........~..... 18. .Le~v,ing:,a,1llp,unt ..,aqt~lally..e~pen(\ed ,,~or. snpPi)rt 0.( innlates..., .... ...... ..,..... ,-: ..... '.: ...:... ...,:..,... ,.. .... HL Aver~~e expense pel' weokfor eachpel'son.......,. ,20~ Average expense per yeal'for saeh person .;....... 21. Average expenKeper' year for etwh persall' 'ivith interest on totalll.lllOU\lt Io'xJ..l8ll(lod by Connty added............. ,.....................,.......... ........,'1 22. Average cost pel' week 1'01' inmatedul'lug last yen,rs ..,...,...........".,............,.....,....,......... '23. Dietary: 24. The amount expended for honse and farm during the year is divided as follows: Hired labor...... ............... ,.. '....-...... ~"al'lU implemeilts,andoxpeusos :.. I1't1,1'tri l&tock ............;.;.................,.....,....,.......... Vllll~~~~l~::~::f:C;: :;.:.::::::: :':'. ::::: :~~:::::::: ::: ::::::::: Keeper .and Matrnll ;ssCLlary..." ,. Drugs, surgical a,pplial\cos, ole. .....,................ Provisions... ....., ,.. Meat,.. Bread" Grocel'ies............... ... Dry goodB.............,.... Boots andshoeR...... ... Hanlware and furnishing,; ...... '\Toad .,..........".".,........ Coa}..".;.............".,............. ........, Il'nrnitlll'8 and coffins;,..,.,.. InKnrance ........................ UOllveya.llco.of Inmates Illcitle;ltnl expenses' ,......,..,.,.. Pnrinanont impro'ltenlOnts....., 2!i. PI'oi}ncCl l'fl,is:c,;lon i;]wfn.l'ln rhuiilg tl\8yef\,], 20 lly.rr.\\V,.NO. ,ill:!. ..~_._~~._~-'-._~---~- ""~-'~-_."'~.~-"~"-~-" if 26. Number of articles,o(hedcl.iqg:.aucl .oJathillg:~~nll'rle "lfP,~lndng :the yearby matron and inmat'ek,. 27. Inventol'Y,:, 28. The to.t>:d a"ri:toHHt eXiJDlr'dedbY'(J011lft)~'fbi'Hon"s(iof;~ridti8t,l'y'.'et'(j'1 isas'follows.: ., , , ~ ,