1894 Minutes j,- \:.:,'. .i",:, "':'.i';:..., , ..c'.'....,".....'.........."".. .',.. .. ... ~::eOC.EED:c:t~GS -OF :rHE~ :ELG~. lcoum COUlet&' :. DURING<THESESSIO,NS'HELD IN THE COVRT HOVSE~ ST. THOMA.S ~IN THE MONTHSO}t'~ . Jf\1"lrd.]HCf,- Jrd.~B @1!:'](Q l7.8'~BM1)BR; 1894; ,. I!LGIN COUNTY L1B,RARV" ...-'--~-@r.----...:.- K. W. McKAY. CLERK. 'w. M. FORD, -"'-'~~ /' ST. THOl\fAS, ONT., . . 'l'IMESP.RIN'l', , ,894. " !P~OG!llll!!1l!J<!lR6}il -OF THE-- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL JANUARY SESSION, 1894. FIRST SESSION--FIRsT DAY. TUESDAY, 23i'd day of January, 1894. The members elect of 'the County Council, ofthe County of Elgin, met this day"at the Court House, St. Thomas, at two o'clock in the afternoon, as statute, The following Reeves and seats at ,the Council Boar~: T. W. KIRKPATRICK. _,....., Depnty-Recves filed certificates and took their ,...."... . Reeve .........,. . . . ,Aldborough JOliN THOMSON, AJ~EX; :NJCCOLL...."., ., . . . . . . 1st Deputy-Reeve ,. ..~nd " " DANIEL H. PATTERSON. '.. ,3rd " MoKl<JLJ..AR. ,..Reeve Dunwich GARBUTT ......... ..,...... ,.lst Deputy-Reeve MC'VXLLIAl\I. . ; . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . 2nd .< H 'i, BENNE'I"l'.. ,....., '. ....... ..,. . Reeve STlmLE.... .,'..,.... "..,.. i... ,lstDeputy-ReeV"6 SOllthwol(} 4 ELGIN' COUNTY COUNCIL. WM. H. MORRISON.., WM. B. COI..E, , . , .2nd Deputy-Reeve ....,.Reeve ,.. ,....,.... South wold Yarmollth WM. 'BLEWE1.'1' ,'l'HOS. ROBER'l'S. 'JOHN DADSON,.. ,..lst Depu,t,y:Reeve ,2nd .3rd " , JOHN' RICHARDSON, , Reeve Malahide ,,1st Deputy.Reeve . 2nd , Reeve Bayham T~IOMAS PRESSEY ,1st. Deputy-Reeve ,....., .2nd " 'D~Q~.; H. HAOImOUSE........ DUNCAN FlmGUSON. , . . . . .,.. Reeve" , . . South-Dorchester ., . Deputy.Reeve ..;.., 'HUFFMAN,..,...."..,....,... . Reeve .:Aylmer. MoKINNEY..".., , ,D~puty-Reeve . i . . . , . . . . , . " DONALDSON,...... . Reeve"...... ,. Springfield , , . . . ,Port St.anley Dutton D. . EU.ISON ".,........ "... ,Reeve...,..,..". MALCOLM C. LEl~l'CH,..".."..,.... . ,Reeve .... The members were called to order, the Clerk in the chair. Messrs. Kirkpatrick, Ferguson, Richardson, Cole, Ford, Bennett, Leitch, Donaldson, Thomson, McKellar, Huffman and Ellison, were duly nominated for- ~he.,office of'Wardell all of whom resigned except Messrs. Ford, Fp.rgllson, Oole,' Richardson and Bennett. Messrs. Thompson and Donaldson, were appointed 'Scrutineers. The Ballot was then proceeded with up.to six 0 clock when. the Counoil was adjourned until ten o1dook Wednesday morning. EI.GIN COUNTY COUNCIl,. 5 FIRST SESSION-SECOND DAY. WEDNESDAY, the 24th. January, 1894. I The mf1Illbers elect 6i .the County Council of the County of Elgin, met this day at, the Court House, St. 'l'homas, at IOa.Ill. An the members pl'cseut, the Clerkin the chair. The election for Warden was then proceeded with and on the Sixty-ninth '. ballot, W. M. Ford, Reeve o~ Bayham" having received a majority was declared duly elected by the IJlerk. The Warden elect having made the Statutory Declaration of Office . took the clmil' and. addressed the Counoil. The prooedings of the last day of the previous session were readarid'con- firmed. 'The following communications"Yereread:--From theCountyCouneil~tOl'mont, Dundas, and Glengarry, re reduction of County Councils; referred, to Petitions and. Legislation Committee. From W.,Atkins, LP. S. 1'e grant for promotion examinations; referren to ~~ducation Committee. County Council Hastings,.Ke fees of County Officials i referred toPetUions and Legislation Committee. Canadian Institute, re Publioation of Historical records; referred.. to Finance Committee. From, Canadian Institute, 1'8 Provinoial Association, meeting for Road Refol'm; refelTed'to Public Improvement3' Committee. ,. Auditors West Elgin Farmers' lnstitu:te with Report; referred to Finance Committee. County Council of Frontena.o, re appointment. of County Officials. Single 'fax Association re Local Option in Taxation; referred to Peti ~ion8 and Legislation Committee. Principal St. Thomas Collegiate Institute with report; referred to tion Comrilittee, County Council ofCarl.'i'lton, re Amendments to Assessment Act ireferred' '\. . .. 6 EJ..GIN COUNTY COUNCIL. to Petitions and Legislation Committee. From Pl.'iSOllCfS' Aiel A1'sociation,1'C Grant ; referred to Finance Committee. " m~dn Historical Society, re Puhlication of Historical information; referred to Educat,ion Committe. " County Engineer with report; refened to Public Improvement Com- mittee. County Council of Grey, 1'e reduction of Railway Rates; referred to Petitions and Legislation"Committee, " SpeCial Committee, n; payment of R: Miller's OfIiceRent ; referred to Gao] Committee. Moved by A.McColl, seconded by D. Patterson, That the Reeves of t,he different Municipalities 'be a committee' to strike t.he standing ,Committees. ---Carl'led. Moved hy W. BleWett, seconded by Thomas Roberts, That this Council ~do now adjoul'll to half-past one to allow commi,ttce appointed to strike standing Committees to meet. - Carried. nTl~ COUNon, R)~SUMED. Mr., Roberts gave notice of application for' Grant of Twenty-five Dollars for ]jjast Elgin :Farmers' Institute and Mr. Steele gave similar notice for Grant to tbe W est. l~lgin Institute. The report of the Committee appointed to strike Standing Committee was' present,ed and adoptecl'on motion of Kirkpatrick seconderl. hy Cole. -Moved' by D.Ferguson, seconded by J. Steele, That the Warden appoint 'a Committee of Five to meet. City Committee, re settlement of Administration of Justice expenses, said ~omlnittee to have power to . act, -Carried. ' 'Movedhy 0, McKinney, Seconded by J.'~ ~uffman, 'l'hat a De;Jutation from the Aylmer Collegiate Instit~lte, Dutton and Vienna JIigh Schools be received and~heard by this Conncil at' 2:30p~m.to-morrow.- Carried. . ELGIN COUN'l'Y OOUNCIL. 'fbe Warden appointed the following Special Committee to meet Oity Com_ mittee :- Messrs. Kirkpatdcl{, ;Bennett, Cole, Richardson and.lf~erguson, Moved by Thomas Roberts, Seconded by W. Blewett, That the Clerk procure cards with the names of County Council Committees and County. OffiCials.-Carried. The Warden appointed Andrew Murray of Aylmer ,tS his Auditor of County a.ccounts. Moved by A. McColl, Seconded by T, W. Kirkpatrick, That John Taylor be appointed Auditor of the County accounts for the present year at a salary of Forty Dollars.-Ca,rried, Amendments to the above Illotion to appoint Messl's. John D. Graham, R. .R.. CranstOli., J. _R Lucas, Duncan 'fay lor, and Thomas Leitch as Connty Auditor were defeated. Moved hy J.,Richardson, seconded by J. R. Summers, 'l'hat W. Backhouse be appointed Auditor of theAdministrationof.Justice Accounts. -CarriedL Moved bY,J; Thom:son,.seconded by J. D.' Ellison, , That T. ~W. Kirkpatrick he appointed Auditor of the Administration of Justice Accounts.--Co.rried. Moved by O. McKinney, seconded by J. M. Huffman, That James Armstrong of Lyons be gmnted a' free Hawkers and Pedlel's' Licenes.-Carried. Moved by J. D. Ellison, seconded by C. Donaldson, That A, C. Laur be granted a free Hawk~rs and Pedlers' Moved by J.. Richardson, seconded by Thomas Rockey, That the salary of the County Auditors be Forty Dollars: each.-:"-Curl'ied. Moved by A, McColl, seconded by D. H. Patterson, Th;tt . William Ripon be granted a free Hawkers and Pedlers License'.-. Curried. Moved by H. Garbutt, seconded by~A. McWilliam, 7 8 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIl.. ELGIN, COUNTY COUNCII,. 9 'l'hat a free Hawkers and Pedlers' License be granted to John McLarty.. Carried. Mov~d by J. n: Ellison, seconded by D. H. Patterson, That this Council adjourn to meet to.morrow , Committees to meet. ~Carried, at 10 o'clocka. m. to allow FIRST SESSION-THIRD DAY: K. W. McKAY, COUNTY,. CLERX. W. M. FORD; W AmmN . TnURSDAY, the 25th January, l894. The lDlghi. County COllllcillnet this day at the Court House, St. Thomas'; aecording to adjollrnment. The Wal"den in the chair, all the members present. The pt'oceeeings of the previous two days were read and confirmed The following communications ,were read:- From Vienlltt High School with . AllllUal . .Report; referred to lfjdllcation Com- mittee, County'rrca,surel', with repoi't; referred. to Finance Committee. J,A.Dean'Port Burwell, 1'e ,damage at Port Burwell Bridge; l'efened Public Improvements Committee. ' T. E. Hobson, County Clerk, Middlesex, re documents required by ElgiTJ; Moved byE. McKellar, sct.londed by A Mt:William, ~ ~hat Samuel McCollbe appointed trustee for the .Dutton High -School for three years. -Carried, l\loved by 'Thomas' Pressey,. seconded by.'l'homas Backhousc, That Charles Thornthwaite be appointed trui'ltee of Vielma High the term of three, years. -Carried. Moved by Thomas ,Roberts, secouded by Wm. Blewett, That the uSllal grant of Twenty-five Dollars be made Farmers' Institllte.-Carried. Moved by J. Steele, seconded by F. Bennett, 'I'hat . the usual Grant of. 'l'wenty"tive Dollars 10 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. Farluers' ,Institutc.-Carl'icd. Moved by T. W, Kirkpatrick, sccondecl by J. Thomson, That the Gaol COl~mittee he instructed to purchase a flag for Court House at a cost not to exceed thirty, dollars.-Cfwried. . Moved by F. Bennett, seconded by W. B. Cole, Thf':tthis Councilpetition the Ontario Legislature to pass an act whereby all toll roads in the Province may be abolished and that we solicit the co-operation of other Counties in the matter,-Carried. On motion the Conncil adjourned and resumed at 1 :30 p:m. Mr. Garbutt gave notice of grant of $100 to assi.~t in rebuilding Wallacetown Lockup. The RepOl:tofCollllnittee on Petitions and .Legislation was presented and adopted on motion of Bennett, seconded by Back~lOuse. Moved by,T. Steele, seconded by Vil. n.' Morrison, ~rhat James Payne be granted a free Hawkers' and Pedler's license for the County of ..Elgin,-Cal'ried: Moved by D. Ferguson, ,seconded by J. Wilson, That the Deputations from the different High School Boards be now heard.~ Carried. The following gentlemen then addressed the Council:- FroI'n Aylmer, Messrs. Rutherford and Sinclair; ])utton, " Black and \\Tilson, "Vienna, " Gamble. Moved by T. W. Kirkpatrick, seconded A, McColl, 'Chat Deputation from AmlLsa Wood Hospital, be now heatd.-Carried. Messrs Mayor Oilland D. Ferguson, then addressed the Council I claims of thc Hospital which were referred to the Fina,lJce Committee. Moved by O. McKinney, seconded by: J, M. Huffman, 'rhat this Council do now adjou'rn until to-morrow at 10 a. m. to allow the different Committies to meet.-Carried. K. W. MoKAY, COUNTY. CL:imK. W.M. FORD, WARmJN. l~LGIN COUN'l'Y OO'l'NCIl~. II FIRST SESSION-FoURTH 'DAY. FRIDAY, the 26th Jannary, 1894. The Elgin County Council met this day according to adjournment, The Warden' in the chair. All the Member" present. The proceedings of the previous. day Wer: read and confirmed, A communicationfrom the Chatham Board of Tr~Lde; ?t making Rond ]~au Point .~ Public Park, waS read. The report of Public Ilnprovements' Committee was presented ' ILndadopted on motion 'of Ferguson, se~onded by Garbutt. 'l'he report of the Gaol Commit.\,ee was presented MIlt l'eferred to a CommiLtee of th8 :whole, Mr. 'Ferguson in' the chair, af-ter considceation the report was amended and adopted on motion of Ferguson, secolHled by Pressey. Moved by,F. BennlOltt, s~coll(led by.J. Steele, That the Council adjourn to meet I1gail{ttt two o'clook.,-ClLl'ried. The Council resumed. The report Of Special Committee 011 Ashton and Pi.neo VS. l~lgin, was presented and adopted on motion of Kil'kp~tl'iek, seconded by BfLckhou:se. 'rile report of Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Kirkpatrick, secumled by Pressey. The report of the Education Committee was presented and adopt.e'd Inotion of McKinney; seconded by Pressey, YJMs_EaekhoLlse, Pressey, Richardson, Sumtn:rs, Rocky;, Garbutt, McKellar, Leitch, Donaldson, ThoQ1son, Patterson, Kirkatdek, McKinney, 'Huffman,Wilson, :H'erguson.-1S: 12 JU"GIN COUN~l'Y COUNCIL. r ..... NAYS-Cole, LElli,on.-8 Moved by H. Blewett, Roberts, Dadsou, Bennett, Steele, Morrison, Galbutt, seconded by E. McKeUar, That the sum of One Hundred Dallal's be granted the Township of DlllHVich to assist in re-et'ecting the Lockup in the Vill~ge of Wallacetown.-Oarried. . Moved by M. C. Leitch, seconded ~y H. Gal'butt, That the, grant- of Two-Hundred Dollars to Village of Dutton for Lockup made in l8i1l, not having beon called for hy that Mllnicipality be and is hereby l'egl'anted as it is proposed to proeeed with the building this year.-Carried. Moved. by J. M. Huffman, seconded by 0, McKinney, 'l'hat J. 11. Hamhidge be appointed Trustee for the Aylmer Collegiate Insti- tute. for t,hree years.-Carried. Moved by D. Fe\'gl~son, seoonded by J. Wilson, (l'hat,the Clerk purchase a copy: of the Ontario Statutes for 1894 for each ,member of the Council--Carried. Moved by T. Bennett, seconded by J. Steele, 'l'hat the County withdraw appeal in ths case-of Pineo and Ashton vs. Elgin, andsettle the same,witli the plaintiffs.--,-Carried. YIM.8-,---.-,-Richardsony Summers, Rockey, Daclson, Robel',ts, Blewett, McKinney Morrison, Cole, Steele, Bennett, Donaldson and Ellison. - 13. NAyg..,.-.Backhouse, Pressey, McWilliam, Garbutt, McKellar, Leitch, Thom- son, ,Patterson, McColl, Kirkpatrick, Huffman, Wilson, Ferguson, Ford,--~I4. vcd by]'. Bennett, seconded by J. Steele, That the Warden be authorized to sign petition on behalf of this Council and co-operate with the Chatham Board of Trade with a view to having "Point anx Pines," made a Pubiic Park.~Carried. Moved by Oscar McKinney, seconded by J. M, Huffman, That incase the special Committee ,re Administration. of Justice .expenses with St. 'l'homas fails to effect a settlement, that the Warden be aut.horized to appoint an Arbitrator to act in the int81;est of the County.-Carried. Moy'ed by J. Thomson, seconded by 1\. McColl, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL, That By-Law Number 259 being a By-Law forming Dunwich and Alrlbol'ongh into a High School distrIct be amended by de1;aching Aldborough from said District,-Carried. YEAs-Kirkpatrick, Ellison, Donaldson, Thomson, Patterson, McColl, Dadson",Roberts, Blewett, McKinney, Morrison, Cole, Steele, Bennett, Wi~son, ~ergus0n..-l6 NAYS,--Backhollse, Pressey, Richardson, Rockey, Summers, McWilliam, Gar butt,' Leitch and McKellar.-9. Moved by M. C. Leitch, seconded by E. McKellar, That the County Solicitor be heard in referencc to the Question of taldng Aldbol'ongh out of the Dutton High School District,-L9st. Moved by n" Ferguson, seconded by J. Wilson, That a By-Law be passed detaching South Dorchester from the,Aylmer High ,School District.--Ca.rried. \ ,Moved by C. Donaldson, seconded by D. Ferguson, 'I'hat a By-Law be passed detaching Springfield from the Aymor High School bisti'ict.-Carried: Moved by J. Richardson, seconded by J. R. Summers, That a By,Law be paflsed.9-etaching Malahide from the Aylmer High SC',hool Disirict..,.-Cari'iea. Moved byD. Ferguson, seconded by J. Wilson, Tha~ the Treasurer's Bonds be submitted for the approval of this Coun~il,- Carried. ' 'l'he Bonds were produced. and read. Moved byF. Bennett, seconded by W. Morrison, That the County Treasur~rs' Bonds be accepted as read.-Cari'ied. Mbyed by T. W. Kirkpatrick. seconded, by A. McColl, That the County Clerk inquire the probable. cost of obtaining copies and original papers, relating to the County of Elgin heforebeing divided from the County of Middlesex and repoi:'tat, the June Session,-Carried. Mo,'ed by~D. Patterson.. seconded by. A. McColl, That By, Law No. 515 being a By-Lawto~authorize the. Warden and Treasu:r.. 13 14 J~VJIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL. ET..GIN COUNTY COUNcn,. er to hol'l'oW the sum of~l\venty 'l'housand Dollars be received and rcarla; fir;3t time.-Oal'i'ied. T1utt ByeLaw No. 518 be read a third time and fiuaily passed. -Carried. Moyed hy D. l~ergnson, seconded by J. Wilson, 1'vloved by J. Thomson seconded by T. Kirkpatrick, That By-Law No. 519 being a By-:(.aw to authorize the Wrtl'clen to execrite coutracts be.received and read a first time.-Carried. 'rhat By-J-,aw 515 be read a second ti;Ole.-Uarried. Moved by D. Patterson, Beeouded by. A. McColl, That By-Law 515 be read a thinl time and finally passed. ~Carried, Moved by D. Ferguson, seconded by J. Wilson, 'That By-L,tw No. 519 be read a second 'time,.-Carr~ed. Moved by H. Garbutt, seconded by' A, :Mc'Vil1iam, 'l'hat By~Law No. 5l6being a By~Law to appoint County Audital's b." rcceivedand read a first time.-Carried. Moved by F. Bennett, seconded by J. Steele, That By-Law No. 519 be rell.d a third time and finally passed.-Carried. Moved by .J. M. Huffman, seconded by O. McKinney, Moved by'A. McWilliam, seconded by H. Garbutt, That By-Law, No; 516 be read a secolul time,-Carl'ied. Moved by E. McKellar, seconded by '1'. Ba<Jkhouse, That By-Law No. 517 be read a third time and finally passed,-Cal'l'icd, Moved by I: Richardson, seconded by J. R. Summers, 'fhat By-Law No. 515 being a 'By-Law to appoint a Board of Ar:.dit be' received fwd read a first tiine.-Carried., That By_Law No. 520 being a By-Law to make grants' for maintenance 'of High Schools'be received and read a first time.-Carriecl. Moved by J. M. Huffman, seconded by.O. McKiillley, Th,\t,By-Law No. 520 be r'ead a second . time.-Carriecl. Moved b,1 O. McKinney,.seconde(l by J. M. Huffl?an, That By-Law No. 520 be read a third time and finally passed~-Carried. ,Moved by D, H. Patterson, seconded by J~ Ellison~ That By"Law No. 52l beiilg a By-J..Jaw to authorize the Warden to appoint , an arbitration be recei vedand rel1d a first.. time. -Carried. Moved by J, R. Summers, scc9nded by J. Richo,.l'dson, That B~r-Law No. 517 be read a second time.-Oarried. Moved by W, Rockey, seconded by 'f, Pressey, That,By-'Law No. 517 be read a third time and finally passed.--Cal'ried. Moved.by Thomas Roberts, seconded by W. Blewett, 'fhat By-Law No, .518 beiilg a By-Law to appoint Trustees of High Schools, be received and read a first time.-Carried. Moved by D. H.Patterson, seconded by J. EllisQI1, 'fha.t By-Law No. 521 he read a second time.-Carrfed. Moved by A, McColl, seconded by J. Thomson, That By-Law No. 52l be rcad a third time and fin~ny passed,.-Carrifld. Mo\'ed bv ,T. Thoms6n, second~d' by A. McColl, That By,uaw No. 522 being a 13y-Law to detach Aldborough, Sout.h Dor- chester, Malahideand Springfield from the High School Districts in which they are now: sibuated be received and read a first time------:Carried. ~~[oyed by W. Blewett; se::onded by Thomlt,s Roberts, That By~Law No. 518 be read a second time.-Carr-ied. Moved by D. Ferguson, seconded 'by J. Wilson, Moved by J. Dadeon, seconde~ py Thomas. Roberts, That By~Law ~o. 52~ be read a seconn bim.e.-~Carried 15 16 ELGIN COUl'1TY COUNCIL, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL, 17 Moved by J. Richardson, seconded by J. R. Summers, That By-Law No. 522 be read a third time a.ud finally passed.-Carried. Moved by' J. M. Huffman, seconded by O. McKInney, That this Council do now adjourn to meet at the call of the 'V arden.~ Carried. , SECOND SESSION-FIRST DAY. WARDEN. T~ESDAY-, ,the 5th' d~y' of June, 1894. 'l'pcfEIgin" O;}i'int! Council met thi~ duy at2 p.m. The Wardeu in tJ:le chair. K. W. MoKAY, COUN'l'Y, CJ-Jl!;RIL W. M. FORD, All the members' prl;lsen lj. ThOlnas' M~Greer filed ce~tificate and took hi)3 8eatatth~ Council Board Reeve of the Village of Vienna. ' , . The. Wardon ad'dre'ssed, the Council. The proceedings of thelas,tdayof the previous session were read and firmed. T4e followingcommullicationswere read. From County of Kent, re payment of County Officials by:trees. Dominion Live Stock Association, n Ocean Fl'eighton Cattle. County of Welltworth, reTaIls; referred to Com:inittee'. Public School Inspector with Report; referred to Education niittee. " County Eilgineer ,with 'Report; refened to P.ublio Improvements Committee. , c F. E,' She'ppal:d Account, 1'e moving Boat House; referred:toPublic Im~rovements Committee. (< City oiSt,. Thomas re-A,dministration of Justin~ Expenses; Special, Committee. Yarmouth and Southw;old and.village of Port Stanley re at High SchooJ!! ; r~ferred to EdncatioilCommitte'e. 18 ELGIN COUNTY COUNTY, ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL. 19 From Judge Hughes 1'(J appointment of caretaker as crier of the Court, H J. A. Dean n damages at Port. Blll'WellBridge; referred to Public Improvements Committee. ., FJ:'om the following persons making applicatiOli for the position of caretaker CourtHouse and offices: ,Joseph Laing, Geo; Drinkwater, E,Evendon H. Harris L.McGill, James Coughill;A. R. Lonllsbcny, John W. Sutton, D. McBain, , John Hopkins, Isaac Hannan; Daniel Cameron and ,Taffies N, Da~H'i. Moved by D. Ferguson, seconded by F. Bennett, That on account of the num:bcr of applications for the, office Of caretakel'of '~heCourt House that,the appointment be laid over until to:tnorrow morning,-,--'- . Carried; SECOND SESSION-SECOND DAY. -VVEDNESDAY, the' 6th June, 1894. Th~ Elgin County Council nlet t~is d~~y according to'udjournmeilt. The Warden in the chair. Moved by Thos. Pres~ey, seconded by Thos. Backhouse, All the members present. That Thomas l\'[cGreer, Reeve of Vienna, be pla,ced on Education Commit~ 'tcc.-Carded. Moved by J. Thomson, seconded by'.T. Elliso1;l, rr~at the Council adjourn for thirty minutes to fl.llow Special Committee to meet.-Carried. The procecdings of the previous day werc ['ead and confirmed. The Council resumed. 'fhe Report of Special Committeere settlement with the City was,presented. Moved by Bennett, seconded by Roberts, That the Report be adopted. The Auditor's 'Report onacconnts .of 1893 and a letter from the County Treasi~;er were read and referred to the ll'inance Cominittee, A communicatiori. fromW. Metcalfe with application for. the position of caretaker was read.' Moved by J. Richardson, seconded byJ. R. Bummers, rrhatthe a?pointment of Janitor. be laid over until two o'clock this after- noon,-Carxied. In amendment : The Report of House of>Indm,tryCommittee was motion of Roberts, seconded'by McKellar. / htr'oved byJ. Thoms'on, seconded by D. H. Patterson, That a .free Hawkers and Pedlars License be granted. to John Chaseley of, West Lorne. -Carried. Moved'by'A. McCQl1,seeondedby D, H.Pattetson~ , That the Report of Special Committeeiti reference tosettlem ent with St. Thomas and County' be laid over imtil.t.o-morrow for further consideration. Amendment lost. Moved by W. H. Morrison, seconded' by J. . Steele, That William Feethambe granted a free Hawkers and Pedlars License.--'-:" ,Carried. Main motion carried. Moved byJ; M. Huffman; seconded by O. McKinney, K. W. MoKAY, W. M. FORD, Moved by F. Bennett, seconded by' D. Ferguson, That this Council ridjomn to mee~at half past one.c-Carried. The Council reSUffiEJd. That.. the Council a"djourn until ten o'clock to-morrow morning to allow "'Committees to meet. COUNTY CLEltK. .W ARDEN. Mov:e,~byF. Bennett, seconded by D.. Ferguson, .20 , ELCl-INCOUNTY COUNCIL. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. That the appointment of Janitor be by ballot.-Cunied. Moved by F. Bennett, seconded by J, Wilson, That the salary of caretaker of Court House be T\vo Hundred and Fifty Doll~rs per yeul'.-Oarried. " Moved byJ. Dadson, seconded by J. Steele, I . . , That, on )~alloting for caretaker the [~pplicant receiving the. smallest number ,of votes at each ballot he dropped.-----:-Carried. SECOND SESSION-THIRD DAY. THURSDAY,the Third Day of June, 1894. TheE~gin County Council met this day according to adjo'llrnment. The Warden in the chair. The Ballot was then proceeded'with and on the'eighth Ballot Mr. John Hop~ :Idns received a majority of the votes of the Conncil. All the meihbers,pressentexcept Kirkpatrick. Moved by Thomas BackhQuse, seconded by Thomas Pressey, That a By-Law be prepared to appoint' John Hopkins, caretaker County building and offices.-CarrifJd. The proceedings of the previousda.y were 'l'el\d .and confirmed. Communications from the County Solicitor re AsMon and Pineo vs. Elgin, I Wilson vs. Elgi;'~lid opinio~, re Connty Bridges were read: A CO~1mllnication from Prisoners' Aid Association was read 'and referred to Finance Oommittee. The ,report of the Equalization Committee was presented _ and adopted on mCltion of 'Richardson; seconded by . Rockey. Moved b'y Joh,! Thomson, seconded byD. H. Patterson, On motion of Thomson, seconded by .Ellison, the CouliCil.adjonrned until ten .Q'clock to-morrow morning to allow the Council to visit the House of Industry. K:W. MoKAY, 'That a fre.e Pedlars' License be granted to WilliaI'n McCartney.-C~rried. W. M. FORD. COUN'l'Y CLERK. WARDEN. Moved.by ThomasJ?ressey, seconded' by T. ..McGreer, That By~LawNo. 523 being a By-Law to appoint a janitor h received and ,read a first time.-Carried. Moved by J, rrhomson seconded. by A. McColl, T~at By-Law No. 523 be read a second'time.-Car'ried. Moved by KMcKellar, seconded byR. Garb~tt, 'l'hat By-Law' No. 523 be, read a third time and finally passed.~-Carried. Moved. by J. Richardson,secoJnded by J. R. Summers, 'l'hat By,Law N~. 524 being a By-Law to confirm the ,Equalization of the ABsessme~t Rolls be received 'and read 'a first. time.-Carried. Moved by J. M., Huffman, seconded by O. McKinney, That .Byc LawN 0, 524. be read a aecone! time~ ,.-Ca~tied. 21 ELGIN COUN'j~Y OOUNCIL. The Council resumed. 1'he report of the Puhlic. Improvements Committee was presented and adopted onmbtion of Fergnson, seconded by Garbutt, The report of Committee on Petitions and Legislation was presented .and adoptedo~l motion of Bennett, seconded by Rocl{~y, The report of the Gaol Committee was present~d and adopted on motion of Leitch, seconded by Richardson. Moved by J. Wilson, seconded byJ. Dadson, . That Messrs Thomson and Richardson be appointed members of the Fi'nance Committe. -Carried" ' Moved by J. v,rilson. seconded by C. ',Donaldson, That this CotUlcil petition the Dominion Parliament topasa an act making all Railways-within its jurisdiction subject to 'the ac~ passed by 'the Oritario, Legisla- ture known as the Ditches and Watercourses Act, 1894; and that other dounties beaslaid to co-operate with this County to procure passage of such dnact.-'- Carried. ',Moved byA., McWilliam, ,seconded byH. Garbutt, That a By-Law be prepared detaching the Township of Dunwich from.the "Dutton High School Distrlct.--Carried YEAs----.:..Thol11son, McCall, Patterson, McICellar, Garbutt, McWilliam, Ben- Steele, Morrison; 'Cole, Blewett, Roberts,. Dadson, "Richardson, Summers, Ford, Pressey, Backhouse, Ferguson, Wilson, Huffman, McKinney~ El1isoJ?;.~-25 I NAYS-Leitch and, McGreer.--2 Moved byO. McKinney, seconded by J. ,M. Huffman, , That, a By-Law he prepared to detach .the Town of Aylmer from the Aylmer School District or District number J,'wo.-Carried. On motion the Council adjourn~d to meet at 10 o'clock to-morrow morning allow Committees to meet. K.W. ~cKAY, . COUNT'y CLERK. W. M. FORD, WARD~N, 23 24 I~LGIN 'COUNTY COUNcn" ICLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL, 25 That By-Law number 527 be read a second time.-Carried. Moved by M. Leitch, seconded by J. Richardson, SECOND- SESSION--FoURTH DAY. That By-Law number 527 be read a t,hird time and finally passcd--Cl1rried.; Moved by Thomas Backhouse, secondetl by .Thomas Pressey, li'RIDAY,the eighth day of June, 18,94. The .Elgin Connty Council met this day at theCourt'House,St; 'rhomas, according to adjournment. That By-Law number 528 beinp;a By-Law to detach the Township of Dun,. wich ,from the Dutton High School DiBtrict and the Town of Aylmer fl'om the Aylmer High School District be received and read a tirst time.-Carried, 'l~e W [l,rdell i.n the chair. _ Moved by Thomas ,McGreer, seconded by Thos. Pres~ey, That By-Law number, '528 be read a second time.-.carried. All themerohel's presen'!i. The proceedings o,f the previous day were'read and confirmed. The report of tHe Finance Committee was pl'csente{1. and adopted on. motion of JGrkpatl'ick, seconded by Ri('hal'dson. W The report of the ]~ducation C(!)mlll1ttee was presented and ~dopted on motion K.t McKmney, seconded by Blewett. The Supplementary_report of the .Fmance Commlttee'was then presented and adopted Oll motion of Kit>kpatdck, seconded by MOl'i:ison. . Moved by ,V. Rockey, seconded by J: Summers, That By.-Law number 528 be read a third time and finally passed.....:.:.Oarried. Moved by A. McColl, seconded by J. Ellison, That By-Law number 529 being a By'Law to repeal By-Law number 520and make grants to High Schools for 1894 and grant'to Model School be received al,ld. read a first. time:-Carried. Moved by D. Fergu~on, seconded by J, Wilson, 1Yfoved byF.Bennett, seconded by J. Steele. That By-Law 'No, 526 heing a By-Law to authorize the Warden and Clerk Eo issue orders on'the 'l'reasurel' for amount of costs in Ashton and Pineo .vs; Elgill,be l'eceived arid read a first time,--Carl'ied That By-Law number 529 be l'ead a second time.~Carl'ied. Moved by J. Wilson, seconded by D. Ferguson, That By-Law number 529 be read a third time arid finally passed. ~ Carried. Movcll by F. Benne,tt, seconded by J.Steele, Moved by, F. Bennett, seconded by J. Steele, 'l:hat Bye Law number 526 be read a second time.-Carried, Moveq by}!'. Beimett, seconded by J. Steele, That By-LawnUlllber 526 be read a third time andfin'ally passed.-'-,-Carried', Moved by J. Richardson, seconded by '1'. MoOr-eel', 'l'hatBy-Law number 527 being a By-Law to ;authorize the Warden to sign agl'e,ement, be rece~ved and read' a first time.~Carried That By-,Law number 530 being a By-Law to authorize the Wardonand and Treasurer to borrow the sum of 'fwenty Thousand Dollars be received and' read a firsttime.-Carried. Moved by J. Steele, seconded by F. Bennett, That By.-Law number 530 be read a second time,-Carried. Moved by W. H. Morrison,' seconded' by J. M. Huffman, ~Ioved ?yJ. 'Summers, seconded byW.. ,Rockey,: That By-Law number 530 be read a third,tiine and finallypassed.-Carried. ;26 ELGIN'COUN'l'Y COUNCITJ. ELGIN COUNTY COTNCIL. 27 Moved byW. B. Cole, seconded by Thos. Roberts, That By-Law number 531 being a By-Law to fix expenses of examination of Lnnatics be rCQeivcd and read a first time.-Carded. Moved by A. McColl, seconded by D. H. Patterson, That By-Law number531b,e'read a second time.-Carried. SPECIAL SESSION. Moved by J. Thomson, seconded by Q. Donaldson, That By-Law ,number 531 be ref~d a third time al1dfil1ally passed,-Carriedj Moved by 'l'homas. Roberts, seconded by J. .Dadson, 'l'hi1t By-Law number 532 being a By-Law to raise amounts for County Ra~e~ be received and read a first time.-Carried. 'l'UESDAY the'13th November, 1894. The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas,~n Spe('ial Session to considel' a By-Law to raise the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dol- lars tJ provide for the cost of erecting an Iron Bridge at Port Stanl'eyand obher , Bridges erected in the County of .Elgin during 1894, and to auNlOrizethe issuing of Debentures therefore. Moved by E. McKellar, seconded by H. Garbutt, That By-Law number 532 be read a second time.-Carried. The Warden in the chair, All the members present except Messrs. Bennctt, Kirkpatrick and Mc- William. Moved by M. C. Leitch, seconded by Alex. McWilliam, That By"Law number 532 be read a-third time and finally passed._Carried. Movcd by J. Richardson, seconded by W. Rockey; 'rhat this Couucil do no~ adjourn to meet on the Fonrteenth day of Novem- ber next. -Carried. The W,trdel1 addressed the Council. Moved by T,- H. Backhouse, seconded by '1'., PresseYr K. W, MoKAY, W. M. FORD, That By-Law num} er 533 being a By-Law to raise bhe sum of Fifteen Thous~ and Dollars to provide for the cost of erecting an Iron Bridge at "the' Village of Port Stanley, and other Bripges to be erected in the County of Elgin during the year l894 <l:nd to authorize the issuing of Debentures therefore" be' received"and read, a first time. -Carded. COUN'l'Y CLERK. WARDEN. Moved by M. C. Leitch, seconded by Thos.Rockey" That By'Law number 533 be read a second time.--':'Carried': Moved by W. Blewett, seconded by T. Roberts, That By-Law No 533 be read a third time and finally passed.-Carded; On motion of ]~erguson, seconded by Steele the 'Council adjourned.. K. W. McKAY, W. M. FORD; COUNTY. CJ_ERK. WARDEN. \ ~8 - EJ..QIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL. THIRD SESSION-FIRST DAY. WEDNESDAY, the 14th day of November, 1894, , 1fhe Elgiu County Council met this day according to adjournment at 2 p. m, 'T.l~e Warden in the chair, All the members present except Messrs. Cole, Bennett and.' McWilliam. 'fheWarden addressed tho Couneil. WARDEN'S ADDRESS. 'GENTLEMEN :-'- In,cl1lling you to order, at this the closing Session of the County Conncil of 1894, I trust that the same harmony and good feeling will exist between YOllas iuf~1;nlerSes8ions, ,-md that t,hebnsiness of the County;will receive your careful attention; It very often happens that through the Munioipal Campaign or' at ~olI1illation Meetings, questions concerning ,Cpunty business are put to those ;Who have heenmembcrs of the County Cannoil, \'cry often they are unable to give ,~he necessary information, and. I am sorry to S<1Y that in many instances tbl) flucations asked are very simple. The rules and regulatiOlisprovide, that any member may make inquiries concerning any Subject on which he desireslllforma- tion, if it is within the control of the Councilor of any of its officials the answer to his inquiries will be laid before..the Council or sent tothe Members individually , ~t the earliest possible moment. As this wiU probably be the last Session this year, I would like to see Members of the Council become as well i~formed with the affairs of the County as they are with those of the Local Municipality which they represent. RE. COUN'l'Y PUPIL AGRICUL'l'URAL COLLEGE. / In August last, the President of the Ontario Agricultural College, informed the Clerk that there was a vacancy for a nomination by the Coun,ty ,Council of a Student for free tutitionat the College. The matter was referred to in the News Items of the L00al Papers, and as the last appointment was from Mahi.hide, the 'Clerk notified all the Members of the County, Council in: the fonr Western Townahips, and the Reeves of the. other Municipalities, . requesting. . a nomina- };LGIN COUNTY COUNCIl,. 29 tion as the College opened on the iii'st of October. Very few inquiries relative to the mat,ter was recejyed, and only one application from Mr,Percy MoLaughlin, who came out from England to learn farming and ,h.a.s been living in South wold for the last two years. The Clerk and myself did not see fit to appoint,him, as the Act provid~,s tllfl.t the Student nominated must be the' son of a praotical Farmer Resident in the County 01' DistrIct, and have li\'ed on his parent's. farm for at least two years prior to his admission to the College. It would be mani- festly unfair to appoint a 110n'l'esident, if bj so doing we were to prevent 011,0 who possessed the qualifications mentioned in the Act, from availing himself of the advantage of the Course at the College, as the Principall'ceommends all Students to i;elnaill two years, I think the Council shouJd hesitate before appointing a non~ resident. FINANCIAL POSITION ,OF THE COTNTY. From conversations withtl~e members of the Council and people throughout the' County, I find that the financiriJ position of the County is but little under, stood. The facts are as follows :- The Auditors' Report shows that on th: 3lst December, 1893 the excess of liabilities over available !LSSl3tS was $7,'844.80; During the yearJ.893 the Coun!;y paid Interest on BiHs Payable, $69,000.00; the Interest amounting ,to.~pl,940.55: In fixing the estimates for the present year, l894, the Finance Commit~ee pro-, vided' $2,000~OO, .topay Ili.terest on Bills payable; . and $7,500,0.0, to pay the liabilities as shown by the Audit~rs' report; they also provided for ,another, expenditures as near as .they conld be esthnnted at the time, and. it is expected that the Report of the Auditors appointed in Ja.nu!1ry next will show a small surplus. The only liability being the $15,000. Debentures issued by By-Law passed yesterday. RE. ASHTON AND. PINEO vs. EI,GIN. As authorized at the June Session the following orders on the Tl;."easurer have been issued in t,his case:- ' 7th June 1894, J. M. Glenn on account, appeal, 20thJune,Plaintiff's costs, Ashton vs. Elgin.... 23rd JUlie, Ashton vs.. Elgin Verdiot.......... Interest $256.40 and costs Fi Fa $6.,.......... Pineo vs,EIgin, Verdict...... .:\..,.......... Interest"$7. 35 and Fi Fa $6.,00.,..........,.... $ 100 00 770 3u 6,400 00 262 40 300 00 13 35 30 JUAJIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL. Pineo \'8. Elgin c 'sts. . ' Shedffs' charges in ftlll... Making a totu,l of... 50737 10 00 $8,363 42 The co'sts of the actions entered against the Townships of Malahide YarmO"nth by Messrs A:;hton aud Pineo will have to be paid hy the County, but at present. the amount to be allowed by the Taxing Officer has not been flettled, these accounts will be about $100 each, in addtion to this the costs of County' Solicitor ha\'c Dllt beell paid, his account amounts to, FOl: Disbursements :- Amount paid Mr. Mel'edith,.."..." AmountpaidJ. D. McKillop, for witness fees, Amonnt paid T. Robson, witness fees,.." Amount paid Armstrong & Rushton.... "., .... $ 474 64 14 25 17 25 10 00 -- $ 516 09 400 00 -~- $ 916 09' For services and various other expenses.. Total...,...."........,... . So that when all the costs are settled, the total will he $9;479,51 or $370.49, b"elowthe amounts placed ill the estimates foi: this purpose. TI-m PORT STANL]~Y BRIDGE. Since our last Sessioll the Port Stanley Bridge has been completed. n is. a magni,ficient structure and one of the best Bridges the County of Elgin has yet undertaken, and is the only Iron, Bridge except thosc 01) the County lines that they have evel' constructed. Judging from my experience I cannot,too strongly advocate the of M{micipalities. building permanent Brioges. I trust that" in the future the good work commenced at PiDl't Stanley. will be continued until the County replaced the numerous wooden Bridges in which they are at present interested, by substantial Iron and Stone structimos. There would then be less liability to u,ccidents, similar to that which led to thc expensive litigation, the costs of which l'havc just mentioned. CONSOLIDA'l'ION OF nY-LAWS. The County Clerk has completed the work of the Consolidatecl Ey,Laws,and' you will hrwe his repol't at the present Session. I strongly commend the Council to have t,his report printed, and Ibeli~vethat'in the futllre it will be advisable to print the By-Laws ptLssedeach year wit4 the Minutes. By-Laws would then ELGIN UOUNTY COUNCIh available for the Nlembers and Ratepa;yers. It is tho practice iu other Counties to print not only By-Laws but Communications and Petitions to the Legislature or House of Ci:HnrrlOnS with the Minutes, This makes the Proceedings very valu- able,. and assists greatly in informing new Members in reference to the work of Councils. ELEC'l'RIC ROAD. I notice through the'public press that it is, proposed to construct an Ele!;ltric' Road fl'om St. Thomas to Port Stanley and it may not be out of place to appoint a committee to s{:e that the interests of the County, in as far as the LOllrlon and Port Stanley Gravel Road is concet'ned are not overlooked. COU:N'J'Y SOLICITOR'S REPORT ON HA Wl{l!:RS AND PEDLAHS AC'l'. The Connty Solicitor has completed his investigation of the Hawkers and Pedlal's' Sections of the Munil;ipal Act. This is' an important matter and I recommend it for your careful cOllsiderati.on. RE. WILSON VB. ELGIN. Jlldgmentwas given yesterday on the appeal in this )ase, from an order of Justice Robertson dismissing appellants motion to quash By-Law number 522, the By-Law was sustained. I trust that this will end the dispute in reference to High Scho61Distrieti'l in this County, and that it will be SOllie time before the Council is again called upon to defend any Actions fat' damages or other- The. proceedings of the last day of the June Session and of the Specia.l Session were read a,ndconfit;med. The follO\ving communications were read :::.- From the 'l'oronto Exhibition Association with reference to a Dominion Fair referred to the Petitions and Legislation Committee. " The County Conncil of WeIland, ?'e Amendments to the Anatomy aud Coroners' Acts; referred to the House of Industry Committee. The Physician and Inspector of the House of Industry with annnal reports ;referred,to tue House of Industry Committee. The County Engineer with Report; referred to Public Improvements Committee. Move~ by 'f. W'. Kirkpatrick, seconded by J. D; EIJison; . 31 32 l~LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. :mLGXN COUNTY COUNCUi, , That the address of the VVal'den be printed with the procsedings of the Conn~ cil,fol' 1894,-":'Cal'l'ied, Moved by J. Thomson, seconded by D. II. Pat,terson, 'rhatthis Council do nowadjoUl'll until ten o'clock to-morrow:to allow Com~ m:ittees to meet. -Carried. K. W. McKAY, COUNTY CLERK. W. M. FORD, WARDEN. THIRD SESSION-SECOND DAY. THURSDAY the 15th November, 1894. The Elgin County Council. met this day at the Court House; . St.'rhomas, according to adiournment. The Warden in the chair. All the ~nembel's present except Messrs, Me William and Bennett. The proceedings of the previous day were read ~nd confirmed. The following' communications .were read :- From the St. Thomas Board of Education, n Grant to, Modol School;fHed. The County 'l'reasurel' with Report; referred Finance Oommittee. " 'rhe. County Clerk with report on Consolidati~n of County By ,Laws.. The Report of the House of Industry Committee was presented and adopted on'illotion.of RobertI;!, seconded by McKellar. 'The Report of the Pub1ieImproverrient Cqlnmittee was presented and adopted on motion of Fcrguson, seconded by Garbutt; The Report at' the Petitions and Legislat~on Committee was presented and adopte~ on motion of Steele, seconded by Rockey. The,Report of the Fimi.nce Committee was presented al'l.d adopted on motion of Kirkpattick, seconded by Morrison. 'Moved by John Dadson, seconded by J. D. Ellison, That this Council take action at the present Session'to'purchas~the London- 'an-d Port Stanley Toll Road and abolish the tolls. That the Report of'the Gravel Road Commissioners bearing date 'the 5th June, 1893 be considered,., and that be inst~ucted to proceed to purchase the Road. DadsOl:l. ----.:.3. 33 34 .ELGIN COUNTY COUNOU_. l~L({IN COUNTY COUNTY, NAYS-Backhonse, Pre8sey,. McGreer, H,ichanlsol1,. ROL:key, Su)nmers, Leitch, Garbutt, McKellrLl', Donaldson, Tho:nson, Kirkpatrick, JilcColl, Pattersori, Roberts, Blewett, McKinney, Huffman, Monisou, Steele, Wilson, Fel'gnson.'--22 Mr. Glenn, County Solicitor, then presented his Repol't on amendments necessary to the Hawkers and Pedlers' Sections of the Municipal Act. Moved by T. W. Kirkpatrick, seconded by A. McColl, 1'hat this Council petition the. Ontario Legislature to amend the Ha~ker8 a.nd Pedlars' Sections of the Municipal Act in accordance with the Report of tho CQuutySolicitor. -Carried. 'Moved by,J. Richardson, seconded by J.R. Summers, ... That the Clerk have'pl'oceedings of Counliy Council with reports of tees,andWal'dens' address printed and distributed to each mambol' of the by the 15th of December.-Oarried. Moved by J. Thomson, seconded by A. McColl, That By-Law number 534 being a By-Law to authoiizethe Warden and Treasurer to borrow the sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars be received and read a. first time.-Carried. That. the By-Laws passed durmg 1894 be printed with the minutes.-":'Carried. Moved by John Dadson, seconded by D; Ferguson, That the 'Warden \tppoint a Cqmmittee of three to look after the interests of the County in regard to use of the London and Port St,anley Gra.vel Road for an Electric Railway should any move be made in the matter.-Carried. The Warden' appointed ,M essrs. Dadson, Jf;llison and Bennett to be the Com. Moved by.J. M. Huffman, secondea by O. McKinney, That this Council pass a By-La\'{ to amend By-Law No, 528 in so far as they ha.ve power to do so by reperdllg the second section ,of said BYeLaw detaching the of Aylmer from the Aylmer High School 'District,-Carried. Moved by J. :M. Huffman, seconded by O. ~cKinney, That By-Law No. 535 being a By, Law to amend By-Law 528.be received and . read a first time -Carried. Moved by T. _Roberts, seconded \;Jy,J. Dadson, That By:L~w No. 535 be read a secoud time.-Carried. MovtJd'by'Y. R Morrison, secOlided by J, Steele, That By-Law No. 535 be read. a third time and fi~allypassed.-Carried. Moved by T. W.' Kirkpatrick, seconded by A. McColl, That the thanks of this Council be extended to the 'Warden, Clerk, Treas- urer; Solicitor and Engineer for their efficient services during the year, and that Council grant the usual sum'of Fifty Dollars to the Walden for extra services the year.-Carried. Moved by J. Richardson, seconded by Thomas Rockey, Thatthis Council do now adjourn sine die.-Carried. Moved by A. McColl, seconded by J.Ellison, That By-Law number 534 be read it second time.--Carried. Moved by A. McColl, seconded by D. Patt~rson, That 'By-Law number 534 be read a third time and finally Moved by W. Blewett, secondell by O. McKinney, That this Cou~ci1 do adjourn tomee1 again at 2 p.m.-Carried The Council resumed. A Communication from D. McLaws, ,.e account of ,Tohn HannaI\, 'deeeased, for services as Court Crier was read. K. W. McKAY, COUNTY CLERK~ W. M. FORD. WARDEN. Moved by J. Thomson, seconded by C. Donaldson, 'l'hat Mrl\l., John Hannan be granted the sum of Six Dollars, being for servicell,)j' ,of the late John Hannan as Crier at Court a few days before his death,-Carried. .;;' Moved by J. Thomson, seconded by D. 'Patterson, 35 1884- .l!lLGIN COUN'l'Y COUNCH>. Reports of Comnlittees To the Elgin County Council :- EQUALIZATiON COMMITTEE. GENTLEMEN :-The Equalization Committee beg leave to repor~, --AND-- 37 That they ,have examined the Assessment Rolls for 1893, and would re00111 mend that the Equalized Value of the Municipalities in the County be' the same as last year which was as. follows:- All of which is respectfully submitted. T: W. KIRKP A'rRICK, Chairman. COUNTY OFFICERS. STANDING COMMITTEES. MUNICIPALITY. HOUSE OF INDUSTRY, Thomas Roberts, Chairman. Aldborollgh , . , . . ,. . , . .. . . , . . . Dunwich.., ,.,. ,..." :... .., Southwold ,.., ,.,. .,.. ,... .,.. , Ynrmout.h ,....."",..,.." Mala-hide ,. ...".""...,... Bayham ,. ....,.. ,..... ,>,..,......, South Dorchester....., ,."... ,., ~r;:cie::::...:: ::::::::::::::::::: Port Stanlev-..".,..... ,..".,.." Springfield':~., _," ,:........,.... Dutton.,..,. ,. ,..... c.. ,..,.. .... MoKellar, Bennett. 'l'hompson, PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. Duncan Ferguson,. Chairman, Galhutt, Ellison, Donaldson, HufIman. Cole, ,JAIL AND.,PRINTING, Malcolm 0~ 'Leitch, Chairman. Richardson, DllJdson, FINANCE. T. W. Kirkpatrick, Chairman. Backhouse, Wilson. Adopted 7th June, 1894. ..._,,-------------,...-- EDUCATION. Oscar McKinney, . Chairman. McColl, McWilliam, Morrison, Blewett, Summers, McGreer, Pressey. ASSESSED VALUE REAL AND PJmSONAJ. PROl'ERTY. $ 1,673,360 1,737,8l0 2,561,177 2,678,531 1,917,020 1,097,975 1,065,400 718,954 75,810 135,760 76,148 156,915 $13,894,860 FINANCE COMMITTEE. '1'0 the Elgin County Cpuncil ;- JANUARY SESSION. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION. EQUALIZED VALUE, $' 1,891,350 2,080,190 2,865,200 3,085,064 2,301,000 1,108,560 1,314,726 361,000 57,000 68,000 69,000 ,90,000 $15,291.090 GENTLEMEN:-The Finance Committee beg leave to report as follows:~ Frank Bennett, Patterson, Rockey, Kirkpatrick, Chairman. Steele, Cole, Backho1ise~ 1st. 'l'hatthe Report of the West Elgin Farmers' Institute satisfactory. be considered as 38 l~LGIN COUNTY COUNOIL. 2nd. rrhi1~ a By.Law be passed al1thol'1zirig the WcLrden and Treasurer to borrow the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars, to meet notes maturinng and' any further loan that lUlLY be required. 3rd. That a grant of ten dollars per annum be llladf' to ,Judge Ermatinger for 'Postage and Stationery, 4th. That the sum of (lve dollars be paid Judge Ermatinger for examination and COlnmittalof James \'700d adangCl'ons Lunatic, and that. this amount be recouped tv the County by t:.hc City of St. Thomas, aR said James, Wood was committed from the City of St.. Thomas. 5th,'1'hat the report of D. J!'erguson, Secretary Amasa ,Wood Hospital show- itlg amountex~ended for cal'e of County pat.ients he considered satisfactory. 6th. 'l'hat the Aylmer Collegiate Institute is already credited on the Treas- urer's Books, with the stun of $105.07, being equal to the a'dditional Government Grant, received by the Aylmer Collegiate Institute in December, 1893. 7th. rl'hat clainLof the Aylmer Collegiate Institute amounting to $421 for Educating Connty Pupils, be not. at present entertained, as the Committee is not in the possession of information to satisfy,them that the County is liable. , ~th. That we have looked into the Aylmer, Dutton,and Vienna High Schools Accounts in Treasurer's Bool~s, and find them as follows :..,.... Aylmer Collegiate Institnte;....,..,.,. Dutton High School.........."...... Vienna ... ,.' ..." . ,..". ...,.. Cr. $105 07 Dr, 24 75 Dr. 32 44 And upon examination of vouchers, find said Amounts to be correct, All of which is respect.fully submitted. T. W. KIRKPA~RICK, Chairman. , Adopted, 26 January, 1894. JUNE SESSION. I. To the Warden arid Council of Elgin:- The Committee on Finance, beg leave to report that having, examined into the Fimmces of the County and the estimates prepared to the County 'freasuter, ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIl" 39 they herewith submit a statement of the expenditure requll'ed for the lawful purposes of the County during 1894, showing the am?l1nts required to be raised for the undf'.rmentioned purposes. Administration 0 .Justice"."..,.". County Lines and Bridges, Honse of Industry, High Schools,.., , . , , . . , . . , . . , . . , . , Officers' :Salaries, School Inspector,.,.."".,.., ,Payment of Jurors,..,. ,.., Crown Witnesdes. ' . . ." . , , , . . .. . , . . . . , Interest on Bills payable. . , . . , . , , :Members"wages, COlllmittees, etc. Bills Payable,..,.".. ,....,.'.,.,..,. Ashtuil & Pineo vs, Elgin, Law costs. ...., Model ,School.,.",..,.., .....,..,..,..., $ 4,000 2,000 4,500 6,357 2,800 850 2,500 600 2.000 1,000 7,500 9,850 150 Comm~n Schools" equivalent to Government Grant.... ,.,..,........ $ 44,344 3,015 To,tal........... ...... ..............$ 47,359 Your Committee would recormhepd that the sum of Forty Four Thousand Three Hundred andFourty~Foul' Dollars be raised "on all the rateable property in the several MuniCipalit,ies in the County of Elgin during the year l894 for County purposes f s per: Schedule. herewith submittea, and that a rate 'of. Two .and .Nine- t,enths Mills on the Dollar be levied on the raj'e,able property in the several Municipalities of t.he County as equalized ,to ralse said amounts exclusive of Schaal grants, and that ,the sum of Three 'l'housand and ]'ifteen Dollars be raised int.he several Township ~Iunicipalities only for Common Schools being an amount equivalent to the Governmerit Grant. SCHEDULE. . OOMMON MUi<rcIPAJ~ITY. ! GEN. RA'rE~ I SCHOOLS. TOTAL. Aidborouvh~, . .,. ... ... ., ~ ~ 5,485-- $ 541 -~--,$6,0~6 DUT1Wich. , , . . . .'. , . , , . ! 6,032 359 6,391 Stmthwold .,..,.. .,...,........ 8,309 495, 8,804 Yarmouth ",.,..., .....,..,.".. 8,947 579: 9,526 Mah~hide ".,. ...... ...."., 6,673 453 I 7,126 Bayham "..,."., , . , , . . , , . . . . , , 3,215 415 3,630 South Dorchester , 3,813 I 173 3,986 Aylmer, . . .,.. , ,., ....,..".,... 1,047 1,047 Vienna ." . . , . . . . . . . .. ..,. , . . , ,165 165 Port..Stanley,."..,..,..,., ,.". ,. 197 I 197 Sprin~field"....,..,.....,...",...1 200 200 Dutton . , . . , , . , , . . . . , . . , . . . . . 'I 261 I 261 Total. . . . . .. ..... . . .. $44,344 !i3~_;:; $47-;359 Adopted '1', W.; Km.KPATRICK, Chairman. 8th June 1894:,. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. H 40 EJ.GIN COUNTY COl1NCn.. ,- Sec. R.. S, 0, 1887, Chap, 245, Sec. 11, S, S. 2, and Sec. 37. JtJNJ~ SESSION II. :6., That a By-Law be prepared to issue Debimtures under the authority of the MuniciPf11 Act, Scc1.ions'344 and 345 for the sum of ' Fifteen 'J'housandDollal's to' extend over ,a periotlof ten years to bear'intel'est at the rate of five per cel~tum per amium ; Debentures to be is'sued on the sinldng fund pIau said !b1ll0unt to provide for the 'cost of the Iron Bridge at Port Stanley and other bridges. to be erected dnrhlg 1804, 'l'hatthe By,Law be advertised as required by Section 345 of the Municipal Aet ih the Weekly .Journal and that a special, meeting of the Council be held for the purpose of passiilg said By-Law on the 13th day'of November, 1894, 7, :That the following Accounts be passed :~ Township Y armoi.rth :~ Expenses Iiidigent 'Lunatic.. .,......".."...,... ,$13.35 Tow-nship Aldborough :-'-Expenses Indigent Lunatic..,. 26 00 8. That the following salaries of Lockup Keepers be paid for six months to 30th June, .1894:~ To the Elgin County Council :~ GEN'l'LEMEN :-,-'1'he Finance Committ,ee hegs leave to report; L That the Auditors' Report on 1.893 accounts beactopted. 2. ,That'communication from the Prisoners' AldAssocilLtion be laid over for further.. consideration. 3. That no action be taken in reference to procuring copies, ot old }Japers reh~ting to tl~is County from the County of Middlesex. 4. That a Hy.Law be passed lJo authorize the Wardell and Treasurer to bor. row the sum of ,$20,00'0, 5. That u, By-Law he passed fixing the fees required to be paid under the 'authority of Chapter 245, B,. S. 0., Section 37, for the Examination of Lunatics that the 'l'al'iff of Fees be as follows :~Schedull!l Tariff of Fees f1Howed b;y the County in reference to examination of L-lllHttif'Js. Notice.to Judge withcommittment and papers,. Notice to each Medical Examiner. , Eve~y necessary letter to Pro. Secr:etary Inspector or Warden,..... ,."""...., Copy of Schedule of Enquiries"..., . . , , , . , Service of summons and other serVICes, same, actions in COilllty Court. COUNTY ATTORNEY. ..$ 0'50 o 50 Dutton,.,.., ,.. ,.",.,.. ,.. ..."..".., ,. ,$ J as. Goodhall, . Wallacetown. , . . L. Ludy, Rodney,.,..... J. Mc'l'agga'rt; Springfield..,..,.,.".,..... -D. Purdy, Vienna..".".. ,.. ,... ,.. ...,... J. W.Beasley"PortStanley..,...,... L. Pierce, Aylmer;.."....,. .,. .,.,...,... J. Baisden, 'Shedden; ,.. ,.."..,. ,... ,.. ,... D. A. Kirkpatrick, West Lome.,'" . . . . . . . , 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 15 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 '1'0 SHERIl<'F. 050 050 9. 'l'hat'the Insurance on the County Buildings as arranged by the Clerk be considered satisfactory. viz.; "Court' House Offices. 7 Companies $2,000 each, $14,000 Gaoler's Residence, 1 Company $1,500 1 Comp<tny 1,000 2,500 as in civil Original summons, to witness., ,Copy... _ _," _,,, -,,, -, -, ",,', _$ 0 40 0- 20 Gaol, 1. Company '2,000 2,000 WITNESSES. T....tal $18,500 Same fee as in civil actions, ' In C. ~C.to bepl1id by Treasurer upon order (if Judge. JUDGE. lO.rrhatthe account presented by the County Solicitor, for his (losts in Ferguson va, Elgin, amounting to Three Hundred Dollars be paid. '1', W. ,E:'IRKPATRICK,Chah'man.' Same fee lbSMedical Examiner,. , . . . . ' . .. $ 5 00 Adopted 8th.J une. ELGIN COUN'I'Y COUNCIL. 43 42 I~LGIN COUNTY COUNCIJ~, PI0:TiTiONS AND L.EGiSLATiON CCMM,TTEE. NOVJ~MBlm SESSION, '1'0 bhe W ~~t'q.en and Council of theCol'mty of Elgin :_ G]~NTTJEM]CN :-'1'he ll'inltllce Committee beg lfl[tve to report as follows :_ JANUARYS1<lSST.ON, '1'0 :the Elgin County 'Council : 1. That the following Accounts be paid James Bain & Son, TOi'ontoBooks for Loeal Master's Office." ,.. ,$ 8 50 R.. McLachlin, Stationery COllnty Treasnrer's Office 2 41 R. McLachlin, SLati.onery County Clerk's Office., 29 22 A. . E. M,~rlatt ;l~ssisting Gravel Road C"mmissioner 6 00 R. Hepburn, " Commissioner,."." . ,$ 6 00 J. C. Cuughill, " Commissioner,.. ..., 2 00 Henry,paug1wll," Commissioner. , .. , . . . 2 00 The Journal, Publishing By-Law. '.., ...., 59 36 J. M. Glenn; "fees, charges and disbursements ,paid in Pineo & Ashton vs, Elgin..,.,.,.., 516 09 J. M. Glenn, bltlance of Account Ashton & Pineo vs. Elgin.,..........,..,.....,... 40u 00 The Journal, Ads for County Engineer. , . . . , 7 05 R. McLachlin, Stationery for County. Engineer, 2 65 2. 'l'hat a By-Law be passed authorizing the 'Varcien and Treasurer to bor' . roW- $30;000, to renew notes maturing, and to meet cunent expenses until the payment of County Rates. GJm'l'LEMEN :-The Comt1nttee on Petitio.ns and Legislation b~g l<1ave to report. L 'l'hat this Council act with the County Council of Carleton in petitioning the Legislatlll'e to fl.melJd the Assessment Act, of 1892. " 2. That t'be Petition of the County Council of Cornwall be not entertained. 3.'1'hat no action be taken in regard to the petition of thc County COUllcil'~f' Hastings: 4- That no action be taken ill regard.-to the petition from the County Conncil of Frontenac. 5. 'rhat this Connoil act with the CountyConncil of the County illf Grey in petitioning .the Dominion House Of Commons and the Local Legislature 'of Ontal'io tOJ'educe the p~assenger rates for first class rates to two cents per mile and second class to one and one-fourth cents per Ihile. 6. 'That the petition of th1'l Single Tax Association be not entertained. 3. That the follo'Ying salaries, of Lockup Keepel's be paid ::_ All of which is respectfully submitted, -! B. ]1'. I-Iarril'l,. Dutton. , . , , . . , . , ,J. Goodhall, Wallacetowl1, L. Ludy, Rodney,......"... ,J, McTaggart, Spl'ingfi~ld, D. Purdy, Vienna. Oscar Mellen, Port Stanley,. L, Pierce, Aybm~r, J'. BaIsden, Shedden..".. D. A" Kirkpatrick, West Lome. FRANK B}::NNJ<~T'l', Chairman. ...... .$ 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 15 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 . Adopted 25th Jannary, JUNE SESSION. To the JlJlgin County. Council. GENTLEJ\-b~N :-The Committee on Petitions. and Legislation beg report. All of which is respectfully submittcld. T. ,W. KIRKl'ATRICK, Chail'man. 1. That'this Council co-operate with the Dominion Li,ie Stock 'Association in pe~itioningthe House of Commons forsnch Legislation as ~vi1l free the cattle industry from ~mfairtreatment at the hands of those interested in the carrying trade,. and to provide 81:c11 safeguard as will preyent those engaged in the cattle industry from hereafter being at the mercy of the Ocean Steamship Companies. Adopt'ed 15th N ov 1894. 44 I~LGIN COUNTY COUNOIl.. 2. That the petition from the County of Kent to abolish ,the Fee. System be not entertaIned. 3. That this COlmeil co:operate with the County Council of the County of Wentworth in petitioning the Legislature to pass an Act reduring the rate of toll now collected on all Toll Roads in the Province of Ontario, All of whion is respetfully submstted. FRANK BlmNE'l'T, Chairman. Adopted 7th Jime, 1894, NOVEMBER. To the Elgin CountyCoulIcil. GlnNTLEMEN :-Tbe Committee on Petitions and Legislation beg leavcto report. That they have considered the communication from the Toronto Industrial "Fair. Association, and would recommend that this CouncHdo not petition-the Government foi' aid to assist the. said Association in holding a Dominiou Exhibi- tion. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. S'l'EEUTI, Chairman. pro tem Adopted 15th November, 1894. EDUCATION OOMMITTEE. JANUARY SESSION. To theW arden and Members of the Elgin CountyConncil.' G]mTJ~EMEN:-Your Committee on Education beg leave to report asfol- lows:-- 1. That Fifty;Dollars be :granted to defray the expelis~s of print.ing uniform ,promotion examination papers for the Public Schools, 2, 'j'hat this committ,ee recommend a'sum not exceeding $lOO.OO to the Elgi,n HistoricallIistitution towards the expense of printing a ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 45 the County of Elgin providing that five copies be supplied for each Public School in the County free of charge. " 3. That this Committee recommend the Cbunty Ooun:cil to levy $6,357.'10 fol Hig. h School purposes, to be'distributed a.sfollows; '$2,l57.10,to St, Thomas, ;,' $2,000,00, to Aylmer; $1,800,00, to Dutton; $900.00,'.to Vienna. . All of which is respectfully submitted, OSCAR MoKINNEY, Uhairman, ADOPTED, 26th January. YEAS--,--18, NAys-8; JUNE .imSSI0N, 'l'o't,he 'Varden and members of.the ]jjlgin County Coun"il. GJ~NTLEMEN :_c-Your Committee on Education beg leave to -report as fol~. 'Iows:~' L That the Inspector's ~,eport boadopted. 2. That a Grant of Twenty-five Dollar.s be made to the 'reachers' Institnte, 3. Werecommend that By-Law No. 520 be amended by substituting the f following Gran'ts to various High School iii lieu of thofle mentioned therein; Namely:- ~t. Thomafl, -"\y1mol' Dlltton Vienna .,...".,.... ,$ 2,157 lO 1,800 00 1,600 00 800 00 . 4, Your Committee l'ecommendthat an addititmal Gra,nt of Fifty Dollars he ma(le to the St; Thomas Mo(iel 'School provided" no fees be imposed on qOllnty 5. \Ve recommend that, the County Solicitor be ins~ructed to defend 'the _ Appeal in Wilson vs. :County, lijlgin, 6.'l'hat Entrance Examinations for High Schools beheld at the following :--Rodney, Fingal, Belmont) Sparta,. Port Stanley. .--\11 of \vhichis respectfully submitted. OSCAR MoKINNEY, Chairman. 46 ]~LGI:N COUN'l'Y COUNOIl,. ]~LGIN COUNTY COUN'l'Y. l'UBI,lC SCHoor, INSPlw'rOR's Rl'iPORT. '1'0 the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council. GEN'rLEl\mN:~I have the honor to preSBlit to you my report on the Public Sohools of the County for the year l893. ll'l'om this we see that l,588 pupils attended sehoolless than 50 "days during theycar; 3,066 pupils attended'less than lOa days and 4,794 pupils attended le~s t1ian 150 days. .FINANCIAl, S'l'ATJTIMEN'l'. The number of children between the ages of S,tnd 14 years reported as not at-Lending any_school is 21. RlWEIP'l'S : The avemge attendance was 3;G03. This gives the highest percentage of il-ttendance I have had the honor'of reporting vlz nearly 52 per cel1tage. . , Balance ill Trnstees' hands Decembp-l' 25th 1892.,. $; 10,347 32 Trustees' Levy..,. ."...'........' 41,92586 Government Grant '. , . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . , ' . , 3,499 85 Municipal Grallt....,.,.,.. ....,.."..,.., 7,~2975 From Clergy ,Reserves, and allotli'er sources 8,840 6Q ---~. 'l'otal...,......"...,.,... ,$ n,843 47 Though the average attendance is more sat,isfactory it is not so large as it might or should be. 'It is at the pOor schools where the inegularity is greatest, If the school is all right there if; seldom any compl:1int of irregular attendance.., "The 'reacher the school," is an old true saying~ .If the teacher is poor ,parent,s become about sending their children, and if the teacher is of the right quality great sacrifices in order to keep. their children at school. Hence necessity of 'l'rustees securingtheser\'ices of good Teachers, , DISBURSEMENT,',; : Teachers' Salaries..,...,." School Houses and Sites.,., Libraries, Maps, &d, H,epairs, Fuel, &c. , . . , . ...$ 43,14228 7,973 16 623 58 9.049 20 The following table shows the numbel'of pupils registered tho: total outlay aild cost per pupil in the several Municipalities. Theavel'age cost for each registered pupil \Vas $8.70. 'l'ot~l..." . Balance in Trustecs' hands December 25th, 1893. .$ 60,788 22 COST l'ER PUPIL: ~TIl 811 . 9 51. 8 69 955 12 14 8 16 5 15 6 31 654 719 NO. PUPILS., TO'l'AJ.. REGIST~R.~ ou'rL~ 1,393 $ 9,781 68 834, 6,7G3 92 432 I 4,108 45 731 I 6,356 80 837! 7.994 97 1,036 I 12,580 90 1,097 8,956 49 293 1,508 54 158 997 00 146 955 06 109 784 41 $ 17,055 25. scnoor.. POPU!,A'l'ION" A'l"l'l~NDANCE, &c. Number of children between the ages of five and twenty-one years, reported asresil€mt in the County December, 25th, 1893, 7,684. Number of Pupils registered..., ,... ,,6,970 Boys" , . . . , , . . 3.612 Girls" . . . . . . 3,364 A\'eragc number of daYi:l schools were open." ., ... 204 Nnillbor of Pupils who atteudcdless than 20 days"" . 620 " " "between20and50days.. 968 , 50 and 100" . ,1,478 " 100 and 1.50" ,,1,728 1.50 and 20U" ..2,043 over 200 -days.., ,... .139 ~L'he high cost in Southwold is due to the construction of new school houses. CLASSIFIOATIOJ\' OFl'UPILS. Number of Pupils in Juniot' First Class, " " "Senior " H Second " "Third " Fourth " Fifth .., ". '.1,500 997 1,460 ..,..,..1,352 ......,.1.340 327 .. .. .. .. " " " .. " " " " " " 47 48 m,GIN COUNTY COUNCIL. All the'6,97fi pupils received instructions in Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Spelling, Drawing, Geograllhy and the r,ight use of our EIlglishLanguagc, The followil1g shows the number of pupils 'who received instruction in the other subjects of IhePub1ic School programme. Number in MusiC,.. ," ,..... .. "]iinglish History. ...,.. ,..,. Canadian History..,. ,:., .... ..' Physiology and Te01pcrance , . Physical Culture .....,..,.'... BookKeeping.......,. . Algebra " Geometry.,. ,.....,...., " "Botany..., " "Physics..., " Agriculture......" .2,702 " 1,937 , ,2,738 . .3,073 .3,301 655 317 294 175 141 22 Reading, Writing and Arithmetic very properly receive the most and geuei.'al1y they arc fairly welL done. Thegl'~atest failure "one ohser\'es is the failure to awaken intellectual activity and intel'est by means of the lllstruction given, and yet this is thel'eally hnmalJ-i~- iug and civilizing pal>t of the work of instl'uction. The cause of this failure is the lnechanical character of the work. The children's minds are not. brought toa proper condition to have free play about ,the subject taught. One subject on the . Public School programme has always been famed gr<::at civilizing power" I suppose because it electrifies us and callsul' the noble instincts of our nature, I mecm the Sltbject of Music. This subject could ' pr,acticerl in all,sehools with great advantage to the children and to teachers ~eit':; It"delights and enkindle,~ the child's nature and would nature for the powerfully refining influence of Literary Culture. SOHOI)L Sl~CTIONS, HOUSES, SI'l'ES, &0. N \1m bO' of School Sectlons.. ' Houses ..., ,... Departments Brick Houses. ' . . . . FraIne .,.,.,.,..'.." 105 106 129 61 45 " " The reported & c;, $14,265. value of School Houses and sites was $127 ,200 a~d df fiJLGIN COUN'rY OOUNOlL. Two -very fine smbstantial Houses were {irected durillg 1893. One at Watson's Corners1n Southwold and one in Nu. 7 Aldborough. Both reflect credit on the rateplt'yers and trnstees, I belieyc them equal to al~y rtll'al school houses in the ProviIlce. They are commodious and supplied with modern appliances, Each is pl'vvided w'ith a perfect system of heating "nd ventilating by means of a ft!r- Dace in the "basement. At Lawlence Bt.ation the School House has been rebuilt 'so that they now'have a neat comforfablebrick house in that Section. Slowly . the work in this direction goes on. There.are a few more dilapidated old houses; enemies of progress and refinement, which must be replaced by new ones, then Elgin County will have,a class of l'3chool HOllses in keeping with general condi- tion of the peClple. A child's flllrroundings largely determine his tastes, hence the necessity that our School 'Houses and, premises should be of such a character as will help to develop the best thereia,in the child. A great deal more _could be done in beautifying the school grounds with trees, shrubs and flowers,. and af~w pictmes would add mnch to the appearanc,e of some of thflschool rooms. , 'l'EACHRRS. Numbcr of Tcachers,... ..,... .,. , , , ..,. .... ,.. ,129 Male Teachers..",. ., '..,.....,.. 57 (, " Female Tcachers ,... ,... .... ".,.... 72 holding 'l'hiId Class lJertificate,~..,....,., 79 Second" "......,..50 Average salary of Male Teachers.,., '.., ..,.$ 388 00 " ., Female " 295 55 MISCETJLANEODS. Number of Maps in the Schools.,.. '...., .... ,. 911 " Globes in the Schools.... . . . . . . . . . . .. 101 " visits hy Inspector..,... ,..., '.. 258 Tr'ustees .,..."".,.,..,., 194 " "Clergymen. . . , , . , , . , . . 63 " "Other Persons,....,.."..,. 432 Public Examinations., ,..., ,..., 101 "Trees Planted... " ,.., 198 'rhere were two meetings of the Elgin 'reachers'" Institute held last year, one, at Aylmer, and one at Bt, l'homas. Teachers avail themselves of these oppor- -tunities of better preparing themselves for the work of the school room. Thanking yon arid the public generally for interest manifested School Education. in the Cause 491 50 ELGIN COUN'.t:'Y COUNCIL, ELGIN CQUN'I'Y COUNCIL. I have the honor to be gentlemen, your obedient servant. W.ATKIN, All of which is respectfully submitted. \V. M.FoRD,.Chairman. Pnblic School Inspector, Adopted 5th,June. REPORT SPECIAL COMMITTEE ASHTON 8& PINEO VS. ELGIN. REPORT OF COUNTY ENGINii:ER. JANUARY SESSION. JANUARY SESSION. To the Elgin County, Council. GENTLEMEN:-The Committee appointed byyonr honorable aiteI' the suit of Ashton and Pineo vs.Elgin,beg ~eaveto report as Tha't, acting on advice of ConnselfoI' the County; the case has been 'to the full Court and is now ready for argilment. Toth,e Wardan and Council of the County of Elgin. GENTLEMEN :-1 beg to submit the following report ::-- body to look Jollows :-:-- As instructed by you at your last-~eeting I prepared plans and specifications. for the erection of an Iron andSteel'Bridge on Stone foundations to replace the: present Port Stanley' Bridge. , Youl' Special Coullnittee. met in,my.office on the 20th of December, 1893 and openecJ- the tentlers, ,they awarded the contract for the Iron and Steele superstruc_ ture to the DominionBridge Company for the sum of $4,238.00, theirs being the lowest satisfactQry te'nder. Th.e contract for the sub-structure wa-s awa,rded to Sangster of Thorold for the sum of $5,734.00 'and the following oxtras if required, piling 35cents per foot ;,excavation under pier, $1.00 pereubic yard,; ooncrete, $8.00 pei' cubic yard ;.lumber and sheet piling, $30 per thousand'; this \Va,s altogether the lowest tender for this part .0' the work. All of which is respectfully submitted. Adopted 25th J alllla:ry, 1894. T, '\V., KIRKPNrRICK. _'_----e--'_'_..____--~ -. SPECIALC'oMMiTTIEE re SETLEMIENT OF ADMiNiSTRA- TION OF JUSTiCE EXPD'iNSES WITH THE CiTY OF ST. THOMAS. The County Solicitor 'prepared the contracts and they have been executed'in satisfactory maimer. Your Special Committee instructed me t.o advertis~ and let the contract for removal of the old Bridge out of the \'.'ay.of the new work; this contract Was aW<o_l'lled, to Geo. Snyder of Sparta for $230.00 and $10 pel' thousand for labor and erecting lumber for approaches. To the Elgin County Council. GENTI,EMJJ:N :'--:'The Special Committee appointed to arrange settlement of Administrationof Justice expenses, to be paid by the City of St. rrhomas; leave to . report :-' 1. 'rhat 'they h~ve corlsidered the communication received from the with offer to pay $2,950 as a lump sum yearly, during the next five years, would recomltlend that this offei' be accepted. 2. That the city be notified of the acceptance of their offer. Solicitor be i!l&trucied to prepare agreement to be signed by Mayor. The .old Bridge is now moved over to -its new site and the approaches are completed. The contractors for the 81lb-sl;ructure are at work, ahd expect' 1;0 have the wOl'kcompleted before the spring freshets. following Bridges will have to be rebuilt and repairs made this year. Bridge will require to be rebuilt. . 51 ,52 l<JLCHN COUN'l'Y COUNCIl.. The Fingal Bridge between the City and County will requireto have consider- able repairs made to the Abl1tments, The superst,ructure of this Bridge will reqllire to be rebuilt in about three years and should be of iron and steele. I would like your honorable body to consider the addsabtlity of rebuilding the Abutments with stone, and they would then be ready for the 11'011 Bridge when lcquired. "rhe Rubbin'a Bridge will require considerable repairs to the Abutlllenta. One span'lOf the Zavitz Bridge will require to be rebuilt'. The Gillett Bridge will have to be rebuilt. The White Bridge in Vienna will require uonaiderable, repairs to the. chords , and walk approaches. All of which if;\ respectfully submitted. Adopted JAS. A. BELL, County ~ngineur. JUNE SESSION. ~ro the Wa:rden a'nd Council of the County of Elgin. GEN'l'LEMEN :-,.-1 beg to submit. the following 1 CpOI': '.- The 'stone work,'fnnning the ,sub-strncture of the Port Stanley Bridge has been 'completed in a very satisfactory mallnet; by t,h(': Contractors, 1\'less.'s, Usher anEI Sangster. '('he steel superstructure bas not arrived yet. but the contmctors ' say that it \vill be shipped very soon.' - One span of the old Bridge gave way during' the)ast freshet caused by the wet' weH,ther acting on the timber which was very much decayed, this span 10dJSed in the creek and I have had it nearly alll'cmoved. As soon (~s the watcr ofth0 C<',cek went down sufficiently I had a t,empotary Bridge built using the old material. This temporary Bridge is perfectly sctfe for any kind of travel, and uniess another freshet occurs will answer all the require. ments of,the public as a crossinO" until the new Bridge,is completed. Your Public Improvement Committee met a similar Committee from. the City of St. Thomas in reference t'o,rebuildirig Abutments to t11e Fingal Bridge. The representatives of the City stated that they were not ina position to'go oil and rehi.lild,the Abutments with stone. It was,thell,agreed by both Committees that' the Abutments be repairedtempora.ry to last the . life of. the Si.1pel'st'ructur~ EJ.JGIN COUN'i'Y COUNCIL; and that,the City Engineer of St. Thomas and myself be authorized to employ men and furnish material and have the work done at once. H was necessary to close the traffic over this Bridge for a short time. This workis so far advanced t'Iat the Public are again using the Bridge, and it will be completed ill a few days. 1 prepal'edplans and specifications for rebuilding the Dodd's Bridge, an~ for repairing t,he Robbins Bridge and your Public Improv-ement Committee awarded the contract for rebuildipg the Dodds Bridge to Laing ~ndersoll for $715, an~ the contract-for repairing the ~{,obbill'!> Bridge to 'John MQGugan for $200. Both c~ntractors have comnHmced w0rl~on their respecGive contracts. 1 would recommend that the Port Burwell and St. George Street Bridges be, painted with oxide of Iron and Linseed Oil. I would ask instructions as to w~lat 1 am to do with the iron and timber of the old Port Strmley Bridge. A considerable' amount of the Timber I can u'se again in making repairs to some of the other Bridges, but there is a large amount. Mtimber and iron that -I could not.use again to advantage. AICof which is respect~ully' submitted. ,JAS. A, BELL, Connty Engineer-, Adopted J tme 1894. NOVl~MBER SESSION. To the Warden and Council of the County of Blgin GE :N'TLEMEN:-I beg to ,vbmIt JOU the following report of worl{ done since YOlll' last. me'eti!lg. . The Port Stanley Bridge has been completed, in a'very sat.iLfactory manner, 'l'1'e total cost of this Bridge inCluding removal of Old Bridge and erection of temporary structure is $11,912.86, with some of the material of the old structure, 1 have replanked the Zavltz Bridge, 130 feet long, and the Beaver Creek Bridge, 60 feet long, 'and furnished the material for. the two a.pproaches'to the Gillett Bridge. I sold aU the old timber that 'Was useless for repairs and some of the old iron. 53 54 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. Iprepared plans and specifications and advertised for contracts for ,the rebuilding of the Gillett Bridge; the Chairman of your Public Improvement Coin- mittee and myself opened the tenders and awarded tlJ.e contract to Mr. Wm. R~ath for $1,393, his being the lowe:;.t tender, this did not iriclude Grading, gravelling and fencing the approaches, nor bracing a. portion, of the breakwater whieh will amount to about $125 m<~king the cost of this Bridge about $1,5l8.00. This Bridge is now completed . and open for' Public Travel. The Dodd's Bridge has also been completed in a satisfactory maniler. The >~ost of this Bridge was $741.96, but I sold the contractor $26.68 of old iron from POl;:t Stanley Bridge which reduced the'cqst to $715.28. I have made repairs to a numl)or ~f other Bridges and they ,arc all in good shape fOl',the winter. All of which is l'esplctfully submitted, JAS. A. BELL, County" Engineer. Re'ferred to Public Improvement Committee, 14th November 1894, and adopted. REPORT OFPUBLBC IMPR'OVEMENT COMMITTEE. JANUARY SESSION. '1'0 the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin. GENTLEMEN :~ Y our Public Improvement Committee beg leave to report as follows :-, 1st, That ~he Report of the County Engiilccr be adopted. 2. 1'ha1", the Public Improvement, Committee with the Engine,er have power to ad\'ertise an(ll,et. contracts for all the worh: ,specified in the Engineer's Report, 3. 'l'lmb the Count;)'" Engineer be a delegate from this Council to attend convontion olll~oad.Reform ill Toronto, the e:xpensesnot to, exceed $6.00, 4. That the claim of.T. A, Deaufor damages causerl by flood. atPort.Bur. well bcnot entertained. 5. That the.. Engiueerhave signs painted and placed on tho Port Brhlge warning all pal,ties using said Bridge that they until the new Bridge is completed. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. All o~ which is respeetfuIly submitted. D. FERGUSON; Chairman. Adopted 26th 'January, l894. JUNE SESsION. To the Warden and Council of the Courty of Elgin. , GENTLEMEN :-Your Public Improvement Committee beg leave toRepor~ as iollows:_ L That the claim of J.' A. Dean for damages freshet at Port Burwell" be ll(j)t entertained. claimed to be caused by a . \ 2. 'rhatthe communication of F.E. Shepperd claiming compensation for the land used for the old Bridge at Port ,Stanley while the~ abutments were in course of constrnction be left OV81' until your committee inspect the new structure and investigate the claim. 3, That,the Report of the County Engineer be adopted ,and' that he be empowered to carry Ollt the recommendations contftl1ied therein; and that the matter of storing the ,old iron or such part as may be USCflll be left in the ,hands of the Connty Engineer with power to selranypart t.hereof, and also to sell all the old timher that the Eilgineer C~~lUot use again to adVailtage. 4. The ReQve of Vienna hus made application to your committee for agrant to repla"ce, a culvert in the Village of Vienna, which crosses Front street within' 100 feet of the Red Bridge, Your Committee would recommend that a grant of $25 be made to the Village of Vienna, providecl:,a 15 inch tile' culvert be put in to replace the present one. All of which is respectfully submitted. D. FERGUSON,. Chairman. . Adopted 7th June, 1894. NOVEMBER. SESSION. '.Tothe Warden 'arid Council of the County .of Elgin. 55 56 ELGIN COUNTY COlJNOH,. ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL 5~ GRN''l'LEMKN:- Your Public Improvement Committee beg leave to submit the following report;- 1. That tlw Engineer be instructed to have the old piles at the site of ~he Port Burwell13ridge removed. 2. That the account of F. Shepperd for moving Boat Honse, at Port Stanle~:, presented la,st sGsslon be not entertah18d. 3. -That the report of the County ,Engineer be adopted, All of which is respc<,tfully submitted, .JUNE i:lESSION. To the Elgin County Council. GENTLEMEN :-The Gaol Committee begs leave to report. 1. That they be empowel~ed to continue the improvement-sat' the Regi:otry Office, to such au extend a~s they may deem advisable :by the introd'uction of iht- proved filing appar~tlls, etc. D. FERGUSON; Chairman. 2. That the Gaol wall be l'epaired and 'pointed up \yith cement where necessary,.. Adopted 15tl1:November, 1894. 3. That the Engineer be iustructed t1? provide the l1e..Jessary drainage to the cellar of the Gaoler'!" residence. -~,..,~---~ 4. 'Chat the Band Stand in the Conrt House Park is dangerous for children owing to-the iloor being rotted thl~ough, and that the Engineer be instructed ,to the stand ii it isiiot repaired by the, City Council or by the citizens who itin its present positiQn, and that the City Council be notified. REPORT OF GAOL COMMITTEE. JANUARY SESSION. All of which is .respectfully submitted. '1'0 the Elgin County Council. GEN'l'LEl't'mN :~The GaolCommittee beg leave to report:~ 1. That we have-consideredroport of Special Committee in reference to pay. ing R; Miller, Local Master, seven dollars per month for Office Rent,' and would recomfnend that Mr. Miller be notified that suitable rooms will be providedfol' him properly fitted up in the Court Housc whenever he notifies this. Council that he is prepar'ed to ocoupy them, and that he be not paid any further sum on' account of rent of the officcs he at present occupies. 2, \Ve have receivell an applicat,ion from Gaoler Moore fot' R,n illcr('ase of ~a,bt:y ltlHl,would recommend that he reecive an'increase of aile Hunrlrell Dollal'8 pel' annum. M. C;. L:E:I'l'CH, Chairman. Atlopte,d 7th June, 1894; HOUSE OF INDUSTRY REPORTS. COMMI'r'rEE. JUNE SESSION. M. C, L.ln'fcH,. Chairman. To) the Elgin Uounty Council. GENTLEME'N :~Th~House of Industry Committee beg lea~e to report; All of which is respectfully submitted. ioth January. Referred to cOll1mi~tee of the whole, and amended by striking olIt the Section of, Report. be, erected on the West side of lane where required 2. That members -of the Council be requested to take special precautions 'ascer,taiu'history of persons making application for admission to Institution 58 ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL. ardor to avoid the possibility of s1111111 pox breaking out there. theN is any donbt in reference to persons mulling application they thePhysiciall, Dt'. Luton before being admitted to the Institution, 'l'hatwhere, be- taken ,to 3. vVehave Im1de an addition of 16 fectto the barn in 'order to make roon! for the crop _which is incrcnslIlg yearly, the basement to he used as a shelter fOl; wagons and other implements Cost $143.00. 4. 'Ve recommend that a one-horse spring wftgon and heavy single harness be secured. 5. We rccommend the Coutlcil to visit the .Institution (luring the pt'esent session. 6. We-have receivedan applicati<m-from 1\Ti'. James Brooks'in reference to a change in the system- of sondingministers every other Sunday, and wonld recommend that, rlou,ction lJe taken. All of which is respectfully submitted. THOS. ROBERTS, Clutirman. Adopted 6th June, 1894. NOVEMBER SESSION. '1'0 the Elgin County Council. GEN'rI,EI\nm :~Thc House of Industry Committee, beg lcave to:report. l. 'J'hat the annual reports of the Inspector and Physician rcferred to thcm he adopted and printed in the Minutes. 2~ 'l'hat we co-operate with the County ofvVeliand in the petitions asked for, riamelYi (a) 11'01' snch amendments to be made to ,the AIlatomy Act as will leavc the disposal of the Bodies of the Inmatcs of the House of Industry Iv under {he control of the Council or Councils of the County or Counties hy which they wore established or are maintained, (b) li'or an amendment to the Act respect,ing Coroners to be amended by striking out the words HOUSE OI<'INDUS'l'RY from the third line of the third Sec- tion of '. aid Act. In our: report presented to the Council at theJ une Session 1893, we referred tO,a 1etter received by the Inspector from the Deputy Attorney General l;ead as follows: "1 am inclined to thill,k that the Provision as to lDLmN COUNTY OUNCIL. .inquests has l'P,fet'cnce to the prisoners committed La the Honse of Illdi.lstry and "not mOI'ely to persons sent there to be cared for without any formal commit; mcmt. '1'hf, word pri,sonersused in the Rec~,ion points to this conclusion. J> Under the present regulations no person can be, commItted by a Magistrate to the E1bin House of Indtistry, and to avoid complications in the future we it is only proper that the Coroner's Act should be Jl,meuded as mentioned, this wO,nl(1 not do a\Vl1Y with right of Coroners or the Authorities.of the Instihi- Hon to demand an inquest when e\'er the circumstances would seem to warrant it. 3.' Thequestiull f6r procnring homes fot' Children is one that we have consid. ered. The plan adopted for the paf.lt- few years has been to fl,chtertise the Child- nIl ili. all the (jaunty Papers until they M'e provicled with homes" we have nO" mealls of knowing whether the parties taking the Children carry 'out the agree- ment entered~into, or not, 'alid havl11g had our,attentiondir.ected to the fact that a Society has been formed in the City _of St. Thomas undei: the authority of an Act,recen\.Jy passed by the Ontario l,egislature whose province 1is. to procure su'itablehomes for nestitute children. '1'he Childrcn to be visited" at least once each year, or as nraY'bethoughtnecessary by Members of the Society, to sce tha.tthe Children f1re to )m-properly looked after. We WOll.ld recommend that the Chairman and Inspector communlcaGe with the Childrens' Aid Associa_ tiol). to ascertain on what conditions the Society will undertake to procurc homes' for --children ,,'ho niay he committed, to the Elgin House of Industry,and to report at the J annary Session~ 4. On account of the extra rain fall in May, the extreme drough and heat of July and August, and the unsuitableness of the soil for hoed crops, "although were wel~ cultivated," they were rather poor. 5._ During the year the Inspector, Medical.Attendant, Keeper and Matron of the Institution h.ave performed their duties in a satisfactory manner. THOS. ROBER'l'S, Chairman. Adopted 15th November, 1894. PHYSICIAN. To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Oouncil in Session Assembled :~ GENTLEMEN :-1 beg leu.ve to present the Nineteenth Annual theElgin House of Industry and Refuge. Me~ical Report , 59 GO ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIh ELG-IN COUNTY COUNOlL. During the yeal' ending the Thirty-first day of O~tober, 1894, I have'made_ Sixty-one official visits.' ' INSPEOTOR To the-County Council of the County of Elgin ;__ GKN'l'LJ<Ji\fEN :_ N 0 bir~hs have takcn place, and tl~e mortality has been ,1S foHows :- NAME. AGE. CAUS)~ OF DEATH. The following is my report on the House of Industry and Refuge for the yeltr~ellding3lst October, 1894. L 2. 3. 4. 5. Rachel 'Millard Louis Oappelle, William HntchinsOll, John O'Oonnor, John W'inslow, Lachlin. McKay. Thomas Deo, 'J ohn Quick, l)'lora McPherson, 7&~ 5"- 57..., 76... 7<l. 81" 61, 71- 81l...- ",""Consuinption Inanition .... Paralysis .....Pq.ralysis ......Consumptioh ....Senile Decay ........Paralysis: Necrosis . of. 'I'ibia. Diarrhwa. 6, " discharged.......... ............ 8 7. " absconded.. ......... .............. 6 8. " at Blind Institute. .~.... .... .... .... 1 9. " now in House.... ...... ...... ...... 49 10. " ofinmates sent from the several muni~ipalities in during the year :- Nnmber of inmates in House at last :r:eport.... 50 " admitted during, the year............ 28 born iu the house..... .,.....:.,.... deaths.......... ..,..... .......... hound out..... .. " 9 5 One man was received suffering from a self-inflicted would' upon the arm. A. young woman was admitted on account of a sprained ankle caused in escaping from a bnrning build~ng. Aldborough............ .... Dunwicn .... ..... .... .... ......... ...... .... Southw'old...... ......... .. .,................... yarmouth...... '" ........ Malahide........ ....... _.. ............ ... ..... Bayhaul .......,... _ . . . . . . . . . . . , .. ............ South Dorchester. Vienna........ .... ................... ......,.... Springfield...,.... ,.... ....., .,............ ... Aylmer... ...,................. ......... Port Stanley.. ......... "'" ...............,.... Dutton.-..... "'.' .... .....,....... .... II. 'l'he various causes of pauperism of Illmatefl in House during year ~ay be classified as follows :_ 2 2 I 2 6 7 I I o 5 I o One case of 'l'yphoid Fever developed 11l September, but hy st.rict isolatioll a_l~d cal'e no other cases have appeared. The most ofthe sickncss dming the year has been of a chronic and incurable natUl;e, such as might be expected in anJnstitution of this kind. Many, of the Inmates IHwe Ruptures and Indolent Ulcers. 'rhe Keeper and Matron have satisfactorilyaid-€;d m;y effortS" to lelld'el' all tIle assistance and, comfort to thesick thn,t their indi'viduaI circumstances would permit., The Sanitary condition of the premises is all that could be desired. Sickness.._..... ....... ... ....... ............ 13 Destitution. ...... ..... ... ....... ......... 11 Intemperance ....... .................,......7 Cripple . ........... ...... .......... ...... .... 7 Old age.... . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12 Blind ,.... ...,.............. ',' ........... .';... ...... () Insane, Idiotic, etc............ ...... ._..... ...... 15 All other' causes....... '," ............ .......... 9 12. AY~rage number of Inma,tesduring,the year;......... I have the honor to be Gentlemen, your obedient servant, L. LU'l'ON, M.D. St. 'I'homas, Nov. 1st, 1894. 61 the, 62 IDLGIN COUN'i'Y OOUNCIL. 13. Average wi.th Keeper's Family, etc" a(h~ed. 14. Number of wceks hoard of Inmates........... 15: Number with,Kecper's family, etc., added, "16. Total expenditure duriug . the year. . 17. Deduct PF-rmanent improvement,s. 57 2,784 2,9m ~4,395 40 Windows... . Tile-........ . Addition to, Barn Wire ]i'encc'. Stock Sold. Hay Sold Rcceiv'ed from Inmates and .$ 33 75 15 32 143 00 23 80 184 88. 37 92 122 75 Sundries. t'::. 18. Leaving amonnt actually expended f~r support of Inmates. $3,833 78 19. Average expense per week for each person.............. 1 29 20. ..\ vcmge expense per year for cach pei'son.: . . . . . . . . . . . 67 08 2}. Average-expense per year fo'r each person with interest on total ainount expended by County added . . . . . . 22. Average cost per week per inmate during last 18 years... ~3. Dietary. Meat, daily average. Bread, daily average.. ...........,........69-10.oz. .....,........... .12..9-10 ox. ~24. The amonnt expended for House and fa,'m during the year is ~ol1ows ':- Hired Labor........................ . ...$ Fartn implements and expenses. . . . . .. . . . , . . . Yarm Stock .........,..". Physician,..... ..... .... .... ..,. ...... ...... Keeper and Matron........,............... Drugs, etc......... ......... ,............. Provisions............,........ . Meat........ ....... .........,....... .Bread ... ............... .......... .... Groceries. ....:...... ,..... ................. Dry Q'oods................................ Boots and Shoes........................,. 'Hardware, etc.,....... ... ...,. .....,.... Insurance ............,....,.. ~ Conveyance of Inmates. .\. . . Incidental ..... '; . . '.' . . . . 100 95 146 '57 197 00 200 00 550 00 75 81 188 41 519.91 31424 295 84 240 20 37 40 178 00 20 50 90 io 208 47 ELGIN COUN'ry COUNCIL. Inspector Wood........ ."..... ". '" Coal. ..... 150 00 75 38 424 03 PERMANENT Il\-Il'ROVEMEN'l'S. Windows Tile..... . Aildition to Wh'e Fence. Barns. $ 33 75 15 32 143 00 23 80 ......$ 4,395 40 Total. ............ the year five children haveattended'sehool122 clays; or six and which at 75 cents per month makes amonnt due school section lo4.57. . 79 04 I 16 26. The follOwIng p'rodllce was raised on the'farm during the year:- 20 tons_of hay at- $7.00.......... 320 Bushels of Oats at 25 cents. . '800 " "Carrots at 15 cents. 1000 " "Mangolds at 8 cents.. 150 " "Tlil'llips at - 10 cents. 120, " "Col'nat25eents.,......,..,.... lOci " "P,otatoes at-40 cents. 16 " "'Beans at $1.00,.'... ............ 80- " "Beets at' 15 cents. . . 80 " " Table Carrots. 20 BatTels of Apples 10 Bllshels of Onions .'. 200 " "Parsnips. 100 Heads of Cabbage 10 Loads of Cornstalks Oat Straw :. 19 Pigs....... .'..... '" ......... .,.. 658 Pounds of Butter. . 137 Jars of Fn~it. 1 Barrel of Pickles 105 Spring Chickens. ............. ~140 00 80 00 12000 80 00 15 UO 25 00 4000 16 00 1200 1200 20 00 10 00 40 00 300 20 00 20 00 118 00 144 76 13 00 300 2200 ...... .................. ............ 'l'otal. $953 76 Inaddttion to above a' large amount of veg dllring. the year, 'of which no _account etabl~s and Was kept. fruit was mised aIid 63 64 Ii:LGlN COUN'ry jJOU:NClL. 27. Number of articles of bedding and clothing made up during the year by Matron and Inmatcs 486. The furniture, pl'odsions, ete;, .on hand 1st N"ovember, are valued as fql1ows": . W'ood- . Grocet'ies. . . Dry Goods. Stoves, Tables, et,c.. Beds, amI Bedding. . Crockery. . Tinware- . . . . . , . .' . .. ,......,. Blwrels, Tubs, etc ........ Farm Stock and Implements. .. . . . . . . . . . . J!-'arm and Garden Produce. . . .. . . . . . , ~( 25 ,00 87 00 63 00 326 00 769 00 26 00 34 00 5000 760 00 480 00 I I I \ TotaL... . . .$2,620 00 29. 'The total amount expended by County for House of Industry, etc., is 'us follows:~ Farm 50 acres, eost-......,....,.,.' House of Industry. . . ............ Fil'eEscapes.,.... ..........,...... Cottages....... . Barns, Wood Shed, etc. Tile Drains........ Tile Drain Outlet.. Fencing.. ....,..,.....,...,....,.. Orchard.... . ,,:. Heating Apparatus.. ..$ 3,000 011 Jl;400 35 390 06 1,486 67 2,225 77 446 62 60 70 33 75 85 84 1,979 00 ...,..,.,.... Total.. .. ................. $ 21,808 76 30. Received from Government Grant on account expenditures for land and buildings-. , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .. $ 3,000 00 Leaving amount. actually expended by COlwty... ... ..' . ' ... ... ' .... ...... ...... ........$ 18,808 76 All of which i$ respectfully submitted. K. \V. McKAY, Inspector. BY=LAWS "-':OF TIU:-': County Coune I PASSED' iN THE MONTIlS OF R Rf,JrdFlE~rl@ 1894. . DURINQ_THESESSIONS HELD INl"HE URT HOUSE,S'r. THOMA9 -+-~ W. M. FORD, CLERK. (m Ei,c:l::{ COO'S'l'1:" COllNCfT,. BY-LAW JIIO. 515. 1'0 altl/wJ"ize the Dol/an Wa1'del1dnd Treasurer to bon'ow the sum 01 Twenty Thousand Passed 26 .January, 1894. County of Be it enacted by the Mnnicipal,Conncil'of the Corporation of the Elgin under the authority of the Consolidated Municipal Act, 1892. That the Warden and Treasurer be, and are hereby anthorir:ed to borrow the sum of Twenty 'J.'housand Dollars ill such sums as may be required to meet the currentexpencliture (tud renew notes of the Corporation of the County of Elgin clnl'ing the year 1894. The moneyto'he borrowed from the Molsons Bl"tnk or other provided the other Bank nllU-rge a lo\ver rate of Interest. Conncil Chamber St. :rhOIDltS, 26th Jannary, 1894. K, W, McKAY, COUN'l'Y Cr,ERK, W. M. FORD. WAROl<lN. ~..__.,........--~. BY-LAW NO. 516. . 7'0 appoint County Auditors /01' tlte,yea? If!94' Passed '26th January, 1894,. Whereas under the authority of the Municipal Apt every is 'required to a.ppoint at its first meeting in every year two Auditors one shall be such -person as the head of the Council nominates, Be it therefore enacted by the Council of the Municipal COt'poration of qountyofElgin under the authority afol;esaid. EL(UN COU}['l'Y COUNCIL. That Andrew Murray the nominee of the \Varden and.John JT, Taylor be' [l,nd are hel','Ly appointed Auditors to examine aud report upon allaccorints affecting the Corporation of the CIlHlnty of Elgin or relating to any matter under iLs control 01' w~t1lill its jurisd~ction as required by Statute or order in Conneil, aUfl also all accounts ofSchooll\fonies receIved or paid by the Couuty Treasure!' for theyeat' ending :~lst December, 1893, and that said Ariditors be paid the sum Of Forty Doll<1l's each for their services, ' COl1llcil.Chlimbet', St. Thomas, 26th J'an~lary .1894. K. "'. 1\o1cEAY, COUN'l'y.(JLlmlL W. M. FOnD, WARDJilN. BY-LAW No. 517. To a; point a Boa-J-d if Auditm the County of Elginfor the J'ear 1894. Passed 26th January, .1.894. Whereas mider Section '7 of Chapter _84 of tlw Revised Stl~tutes of Ontario every County Council is required to appoint annually at its first meet,ing in every year a Bmtl:dof Audit composed of the Judge of the County COlll't, and two other' persons not mOl'e than one of whom' ,shall be cL member for. the time 'being of such 1J0.unty Council. Be it thel'efore enacted by the Council of the Municipal Corporation at' the Connty of Elgin under the authority aforesaid ;_ 'I'h<tt D. .:r~ Hughes,Esq., County Judge, William Backhouse and T, W, he, and a-rehereby appointed a Board of Audit to perio/'m the duties required of them by 84R. S. 0: Tha.t the Membel'sof said Audit be paid the sum of Four Dollars per .day for their services and Five Qents per mile in,goiug to and from such Audit; Council Chamber, St. Thomas, 26th January, 1894. Ie, W. MoKAY, COUNTY CL1~RK, W. M. FORD, WARDEN. 67 68 ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY OOU:NCIL. 69 BY'LAW No. 518. BY-LAW NO. 520. (REPEALED BY BY-LAW 529.) To appoint. .7'rustees o! High .~(hooh/!l tlu County 0/ ElgiN. .. - To make ~'rallts (or tl18 Maill/enfl7tce of High Schools in flu CoulI/yoj Elgin jor, (heyeaJ', ;894, PaSHed 20th January, 1894, ~:rhe:Co\1nty Coutlcil of the County of Elgin under the authority'of Sections 11 and, 12 of ,the High Schools' Act, 1891, enacts: That Charles Thornwaite be appointed Trustee of the Vienna High School for a term of three years. Passed 26th January, 1894. To County Council of the County of Elgin enacts: That J. B. Hu.mbidge be appointed Tl;ustee of the Aylmer Collegiatelnsti- tute fai' a term of three years. That Samuel S. McColl be appointed Trllstee of the Dutton High School for term of three years. Council Chamber, St. cfhomas,26th Jannary, 1894. That, the sum of Six Thousand. Eight Hundred. and Fifty Seven Dol1ars. .and . TfnlCents be granted to the various High Schoolsaud Collegiate Institutes in the County of Elgin to be divided as follows ;_ K. W. MoKAY, COUNTY CI.ERK, W. M. FORD, W ARD}JN. 'fo the St. Thomas Collegiate -Institute, am09ntof Judges award,.",..."....$2;15710 To the Aylmer Collegiate Institute, .,.".... 2,00000 To the Dutton ,High School,." .'.""...,., 1,80000 To the Vienna "High School", ,.. ,.,..",.. 90000 Co'uncil Chamber, St,Thomas, 26th January, 1894. K. W. McKAY, COUN'DY CLlmK, W. M. FORD. WARDEN; BY-LAW No. 519. BY-LAW NO. 521. To authoriz~ tile, Warden of t/t~ County of E/gltt to execute contracts for: Pnblic 'Works. To aut/tol ize tile Warden to appoint an Arbitrator. Passed_ 26th January, 1894; Passed 26th January, 1894. The County Council of the County of Elgin enacts: That the Warden be, and is hereby-anthorizod to execute such Contracts as may be necessary f9r th~ ean;ying out of the PuNic, Works (lrdered bY"this eil, or by the Public Improvements Committee acting on" behalf of this between Sessions. Whereas the Agreement entered into between the County of Elgin and City' of St,. ,Thomas in reference to the payment of Administration of Justice and other expenses expired on the'31st day of December, 1893. And'Whereas Committees have been appointed by both Municipalities with power to determine the basi. of amount to be, paid during the next five year.;!, 'K. W. MoKAY, , COUNTY CLERK. W. M. FORD, . WARDEN. And whereas these Committees have been unable to agree as to the amount to be paid, it is therefore deemed expedient to authorize the Warden to appoint an Arbitrator on behalf of this County to act with 'a "person to be appointed by the City of St. 'l'homasto determine the ampunt to be paid by the said City to the County -during the next five years for the said expenses of- the Administration of }ustice, etc. ' ' , Council Cl;amber"St. Thomas,26th January, 1894;. 70 rU,,(HN COlj]\'l'Y COUNCIL. Be it therefore cnaeted by the COlint~' Conncil of the County of Elgin under the authority of the Municipal Act that the Ward 11 he and is herehy authoriz\ld to appoint an Ar'bitrator to dl'terminethe ,1mount to be paid by the said City of Bt, Thomas to the County of l<;lgill during the next five years for the Administra- tion of ,J l1stice, use of Gaol abd (Jourt Hous~\, expenses of Rcgistry office, etc, And it is em1<.:tcdth,tt this-By-Law shall he in force and take effcct fl'OnJ and <1ftel' the passing, thereof, Cqtuuil Chamber, Bt, Thomas, 26th J-anuary, 1894. K. W. McKAY. Cou~'J'Y CL]~RIC. ,V. M. FORD, W ARDJi:N. --_.~._--- BY-LAW No. 522. The County Council of the County of Elgin enacts under the authority of the "High SchoolsAot that the To\v'nship of Aldhorough be, and is .herebydetaohed from tho Dutton High School District. 'l'hat the 'l'OWIlShips of South Dorchester and Malahide and the Village of Springfield be, and arehe~'eby detached from the Aylmer ~.igh School District., 'rhat all By-Laws heretofore passed by this CQunciL be and the same are herebyarnended accordingly. Council Chamber, St. ri'homas, 26th ,Jannar~r, 1894. K. W. MoKAY, COUNTY CLERK, W. !vI. FORD, V\T ARD1~N. ---'-----~~-...........---'----"---"- l~LmN COlJ.'<'l'Y COG;,\CJL 71 BY-LAW No. 523. 70 appom! a /tUlitvr 10 tolu care 01 Lour! HOllse alld all Roolll.I and OJ/ices con_~ herted then:wit h. Passed 7th J\lue, 1894. Be it enacted'by the Connty Conncil of the Connty of ]~lgitl, 1. That John Hop~'ins"be, and is hereby appointed Janitor an(l Caret,aker of the Court House, and of all rooms-and offices''3onneded therewith. 2, That the dutics of such ,Caretaker shall be as follows:- 1.1'0 sweep anc\ dust all offices once during each day and to keep all other rooms, stairways, windows, etc~, swei;t clean and in good order, 2. rro flee that the" Waterclbsets in ooimect.ion with the COUl'!.; Honse are kept clean arid to /lush them at least once a week, 3. To take care of the /lag and t.ohoist it whenever reqt18sted to do so. 4. '1'0 perform such other. work and ,make such repairs as mfLY be required of him by this Council, the 03;"01 Committee, the County: Clerk or Engineer. 5. That in additioli to the offices in the Court House, the Onretu.ker is hereby required to take care of the Offices of Mr, D. NIcLaws, Clerk of, thfl County Court, 3. That the Salary of the Caretaker herehy appointed be and is he~;,eby_fixed at the snm of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars pcr annum, payable quarterly, 4. That By-Laws No, 's 431 and 478 be arid the sarnQ, are herebYl'epealed. I . 5. That this By-Law be in force and take effect from and after the date of, the passing thereof, C.ouncil Chamber, St. Thomas, 7th J\ine 1894. K. W. McKAY, UOUNTY Cr,ERK, W. M. ]}~ORD, W ARDI'lN. . 72 EL(J.IN COUNTY. OUNCIL. BY-LAW .No. 524. '/0 cOlifil"1!I tIle Equalization of tile ASSeSSJl/ellt t'he )18m' I894. Rolls of the COUl1ty 0/ EliJin fOI' Passed 7th June, 1894. l 'fhe County'Collncil of the Count.y of Elgin enacts: That the following be the Eq~alization of the Assessment Rolls oJ the County of Elgin for 1894 as required by, Section 78 of the Assessment Act. MUNrCIP ALITY. EQUALIZED VALUE. Aldbol'ough,....,., ,.., .... $ 1,891,350. Dunwioh ,;,,;,..; ~...,;." 2,0.80.,190. Southwold ...,.".,..,.... 2,805,20.0. Yarmouth ......"."..,.. 3,0.85,0.64 lyIalahide...... ,....,.."" 2,30.1,0.0.0. Bayham ...,.............. 1,108,560.' South Dorchester.,.,.,.,., 1,314,726 Aylmer, , . , .. . , . . . . . . , , , , .. 361,0.0.0. Vienna",."...........,., 57,000 Port Stanley_ ,." ",./.... 68,0.00 Springfie14,;;. .,..;, ',;;;" 69,000 Dutton.... '., ;;;..... ,.;..;;;. 90.,0.0.0. $15,291,090. Counoil Chamber, St. Thomas, 7th June, 1894: K. W. MoKAY, COUNTY CLERIC. W. M. FORD, WARDEN. ~~.-- BY-LAW No. 525. ToddC17Jdne what Bridges the ('olin/yof Elgin will maintain. Passed' 7th June, 1894. ":hHE:!\S th{- County Council of the County of Elgin at vn.rioustimes ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. resolution assumed control and exclnsive jurisdiction over certain Bridgcs lying wholly within or on the boundary line between MUliicipalities composing the said County. And whereas it is desirable that said Bridges as well as all other Bridges OVel' which the County Council has exclusive jurisdiction should be assumed by By- Law anCl. that the County Council should determine what Bridges they have exclu_ sive jurisdiction' over. The Municipal Cor,poration of the County of Elgin enacts: (1) That the 'County Council hereby assume ~md have exclusive jurisdict~Olt over the following County Line Bridges :_ 1. Bothwell Bridge, -over River Thames. 2. Wardsville Bridge, over River Thames. 3, Graham Bridge, over-River Thames. 4. Coyne Road Bridge, over Riv-er Thames. 5, McIntosh Bridge, over River Thumes, 6. Eden Bridge, betwee~l Bayham arid Middleton, over the Little Otter, 7. Otter Creek Bridge, between Bayhamand Middleton, over Ott.er Creek. S, Catfish Bridge; between Malahide and Dereham over-Catfish Creek. {b Bridge east of Belmont between North and South Dorchester. 10. Belmont Bridge between South Dorchester and Westminster. 11. Bridge west of Belmont between Yarmouth and. W estmins~er. 12. Kains'Bridge. ' } 0 K I C k. b 13 F' I-B 'd . Vel' ett e roe, etween . lllga _ 1'1 ge, City and County 14:. St. George Street Bridge, -'. . (2.) Th,1t. the County Council hereby assumc and have exClusive jurisdiction the fOllowing Township Line Bridges:- ..., 15. ,Orwell Bridge bet1"een Malahide and Yarmouth; over Catfish Creek. 16. Kingsmill Bridge, between Malahid'e and Yarmouth over Catfish Creek. 17: Bridge over branch Catfish Creek between Malahide and South Dor- cheflter. -- IS. Talbot Creek~Bridge between Dunwich and Southwold. (3) That the County Council assuine and have exclusive jurisdiction over the Bridges in Villages and Townships. 19.- Port Stanley Bridge, assumed under authority of Act by By-Law No. January 1875, .ordering repairsetc, Shelburne,Bridge in Port Stanley, assumed by resolution -Stp,June, 1883: Red Bridge in Vienua, assumed by resolution 8thJune, 1883. 73 74 EL(JIN COUNTY COUNCIJ,. '22. Robbin's Bridge in Sonthwold, assumed py reRolution 22nd Novemher, 1883. 23. Jamestown Bridge in Yarmo,uth, assumed by resolution-22rid November, 1883. 24. White Brirlge in Vienna, assumed under authority of opinion Solicitor, and reported by County Engineer, November, 1884, Assumed hy Repoi,ts Public Improvements Committee, Adopted in 1884. 25. 26. 27. Dodd's Brid!.!€ in SOllthwold Port Bruce Bridge in Malahide Gillett Bridge in Yarmouth } 28, Philmol'e Bridge in Bayham, assumed by resolution Nov~mber 17th, 1886. 29, Cook's Mill Bridge in Bayham, assumed by Public Improvements Com.. '.mittee _Re,~ort" 1886, 30. Zavitz Bridge, J,anuary, 1888, assumed hy. Report Public Improvement's Committee, 31. Beaver Creek Bridge atZavitz Mill, _assumed by resolutioll June 5th', 1891. 32., Mapleton Bridge in Yarmouth, assumed by Report of Public ment's Committee, June 1892. 33., Port Burwell_Bridge in Bayham, assumed by By-Law No, 501 November, 1892. COUlfcil Chamber, S~, Thomas, 7th June 1894. K. W. McKAY, COUNTY CLERK. W. M. F()RD, WARDEN. . BY_LAW No. 526. To authorize the Warden and Clerk to. issue orders on the Treasurer of costs to be paid in settlement oj Asltton and Pineovs. The Countyot ElKin. Passed 8th June, 1894. Whereas in' ~he year 1892 actions Of law were entered against the ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. Elgin by Mes"r.s, Ashton and Pineo, claiming damage.s sustained by accident at Jamestown Bridge ill the Township of Yarmouth, AmI whereas the Court of Appeal has decided tha~ the County should pay the amount of damages awarded as well as the costs of the Plaintiffs. Be it therefore enacted 'by the County Council of the County of Elgin: 1. That the Warden and -Clerk be, and are hcreby authorized to issue, orders on the Treasurer for such amounts as may be required to discharge in full the ainount of Judgment and costs in the said Actions at Law above referred to;' and that the County Treasurer he and is hereby-authorized to pay the same. 2, That thii'l By-L11W be in force and, take effect the passing thereof. froni and after the date. of Council Chamber, St. :Thoinas; 8th June, 1894, K. W. MoKAY. COUNTY GLERK W. M, l!~ORD, 'V ARDJilN. -.-------c---_ BY-LAW NO. 527 To authorize the U'i:ll-defrlo sign Agreement, Passed8ith ,June,. 1894. _Whereas the Agreement entered into between the CIty of St. 'l'homas and County'of Elgin on the eighth day of June, 1889, to provide for the payment of the expenses bf the Administration ofJ ustice by the City to tho County expired on the First day of ,Jalluary,1894, And where<1s it has been agreed by the said City of St. Thomas and 'the County of Elgin that the said City of St. Thomas should pay to the said County the sli.mof Two Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty Dollars yearly during a term of Five years commencing the First day of January; 1894. :And whereas it is necessary that an agrement should be prepared tobe signed by the Warden and Mayor of the said County and City respectively, Be.it therefore enacted by the'County Council of the COllnty of Elgin' that Solicitor be, and is hereby instr'iwted to prepare an Agreement to provide for 75 .76 J<lLGIN COUNTY COlJl"CIJ~. ET.GIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL, the payment to the Count.y by the City the sum of Two Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty D(mar~ yearly ~l11ring a term of Fivf~ years commencing on the First day of January, 1894, said amount to be in Nett of all expem.es of Administration of Jm,tice, Registry Office and all other expenses to which the C~ty oi St. Thomas should contribute during the said term, BY-LAW NO. 529. 10 ,-epeal By-Law, No, 520, and make Grants 101' the mailltenance oj Hi;:h' ScJlools in the COUNty of E~f[i1llor the year IS94' 2; 'rhatthe Warden be, and is hereby authorized to sign slid Agreement on behalf of the said Council, and that the Clerk is hereby authorized to affix the County Seal thereto, and that this By-Law be in force from and after the day of the passing thereof. Passed 8th June, 1894. The COUllty Council of the County of Elgin enacts: That the sum of Six Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty-Seven Dollars and Ten cents be granted to the High Sohools and Collegiate Institutes in the County of Elgin to be divided as follows:_ Tp the St, 'l'homas Collegiate Institute, amount of Judges award...,...,. .',., .'..,..,. ....$ 2,157 10 To the Aylmer Collegiate Institute, ,....,.."... 1,800 00 To the Dutton High School. ." '.. '.., '..", ... 1,60000 To the Vienna High School,...".."..,.....,. 80000 That a-Supplementary Grant of Fifty Dollars be made to the St. Thomae Model School provided no fees arc imposed upon Oounty pupils, said Grant to be in addition to the $150.00 cquivelent to the Government Grant. Conn..cilOhamber, St. ThomasSth June, 1894. Council Chamber, St. Thomas" 8th June, 1894. K. W. McKAY, CO.UNTY CLEEK, W. M. FORD, WARDEN. BY-LAW No. 528 tlte Ta detach the Towns/dp of Dunwiclt from the Dutton H/gh School District, Town 0/ Aylmer from tlte Aylmel- High School Distrid, wpassed 8th June, 1894, K. W. McKAY, .COUNTY CLERK, W.M. FORD, WARDEN. Be it enacted by the County Council of the County of Elgin. L That the Township of Dunwich be, and is hereby detached ton High School Distdct. 2.. That the Town of Aylmer be and is hereby detached from High School District, or District.No, 2. BY-LAW No. 530. 7 reasu?'er to borrow the .snm of Twenty. Thousand 3; That all By-Laws heretofore passed by this Council be, hreby amended accordingly. Passed 8th Jl1ne, 1894. Be it enacted - by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of under the. authority of the Consolidated Municipal Act, 1892. That the Wardeu and Treasurer be and are hereby authorized to .borrow the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars in such sums as may be' required to meet the Current Expenditure and renew notes of the Corporation of the County of Elgin '::duringthe year 1894. CounciI'Chamber, St. Thomas, 8th June, 1894. K. W. McKAY, ,COUNTY CLERK. W. M. FORD. WARDEN. 77 78 [~LGIN COUN'rY COUNCn" l The monoy to be borrowed from tho Molson's Bank 01' other Chartered Bank, pro\iided the other Bank charge a lower rate of Interest. Council Chamber, St. Thomas, 8th June, 1894, K. W. McKAY, COUNTY UI,ERK. W, M. FORD, WARDEN. BY-LAW NO. 531. i'ojix tile expenses oJtlle Enquiries az'rect{1d to be made under tlte Act 1"cspecimJ: Lunati~' Asylums and tlte Custody of !mane persons. Passed 8th .J une, 1894. Whereas by Seclion37, Chapter 245, Re\,ised Statutes of Ontario, being all Act respecting Lunatic AsyhllliS aud the Custody @f Insane persons, it is enacted that the expenses of t~le, Enquiries directedhy this Act to ~e made and of convey- ing anyillsane person from allY Gaol to an Asylum -for the, insane, shall be paid by the. County, City or Separatc tl'own in which the Insane person has been apprehended. And whereas it is desirable to fix the amount of expenses to be paid by the Oounty. :l?e it therefore enacted by the CountylJoul1cil of the County of Elgin: 1. 'l'hatthe following Schedule 'l'ariff of Fees be allowed by the County in reference ,to the examination of Lunatics :- TO SHERIFF. Notice to Judgo with contmittment and papers, and Notice to eaQh Medical Examiner,.." ,.",..,..,...","...,.",.., ,$ 50 Every necessary letter to ProviricialSecretary, Inspector or Wal'den.,.., ,... ,.." ,.. ,., ,..,."... ,..,....' ,.,." Copy of Schedule of Enquiries" . . . , , , , ' . , . , . , , , , , - . , , . , . , . Service of Summons ana,other Services same as 'in Civil Actions in County Court. 50 50 ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIJ... TO COUNTY AT'l.'ORNEY. Original Summonse::; to '\Vitnesses, , . . , Copy......."",.",.,.,"",., ",.." ................ ..$ 40 20 TO WITNESS]~S. Same Fee as in Civil Actions in County Court to be pll.tid by Trea- surer upon order of Judge. TO MEDICAL EXAl\IINER. Fee ." ......$ 5.00 TO .rUDGE. Same Fee as Medical Examiner. . . , , , , . ................ 5.00 Council Chamber, St. 'l'homas 8th June, 1894. K. W. McKAY, COUNTY CLERIC W. Me FORD, WARDEN. BY-LAW No. 532. ~'oraise amounts for (ounty Rates during the year' I~94' Passed 8th June, 1894. Whereas by SeJtion82 of Chapter 193 of the ,Revised Statutes of Ontario the Council of a County in apportioning the Connty Rate shall make the amount of propert,y returned on the Assessment Rolls as finally equalized for the preceding year the basis upon which the apportionment is made, And whereas by Section 359 and 360 of Chapter 184 -R. S. O. the Council ()f a County 'may pass By-Laws authorizing the levying and" collecting of a rate, etc. , Arid whereas an estimate has been made shewing that the sum of Forty~Four Thonsand Three Hundred and Forty~Follr Dollars is required to be raised in the several Municipalities for the lawful purposes of the County during the year 1894. And whereas notice has been received from the Education Department, that the sum of Three Thousand an Fifteen Dollars, being an equivalent t"o the Govern" 79 80 ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUCIL, ffieut Grant should be raised ill the Township' Municipalitie; in -the County for Common Schools. Therefore the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Count'y of l-i:lgin enacts: 1. That a rate of Two and Nine Tenths Mills in the l}oUarbe levied upon all the rateable property in the several Municipalities in the County of Elgin as equalized for the year 1893 to raise"the following amounts;- 2, That the sum of Three 'l'honsand and Fifteen Dollars be raised and levied in the several Township Municipalities in the County for Common Schools. being an amount equivalent to the Goverment Grant. 3. 'l'hat the sum of Forty Heven Thousand 'fhree Hundred and Fifty~Nine Dollars be raised and levied in the se\Teral Municipalities' in the County. according , to the following Schedule and that the amounts as entered therein be paid over to the County Treasurer as by law required, SCHEDULE. MUNICIP ALI'l')'" Aldborough , , . . ' . . , , . ' . , . . . . ' . , , . . Dun'vich,.,. ,., <,.. ,.. ,.,.'""..', Southwold , , , . . . ' , , , . . . ' . , . . . , . ' , , Yarmouth .,.. ... ,.,... ,. ,... '.. ,.. Malahide.......,"""",....,',.. , Bayhanl ,.., ",..,. ".. ,.,. ."..,., South-Dorchester,.....",. ._,.,.,.. Aylmer. , .. "..,..,.,..,..",..., Vienna ,'. . ,., , . . , , . . , . , . . , , , , . . , . . , , Port ,'Stanley,...., ..,..,.,.,., ,... , Springfield",..,..".....,.",.... I Dutton....",..,., ".,...,.",.. ,..,' Gl~NERAL RA'l'l<:l COMMON SCHOOLS TOTAL 541 359 495 579 453 415 173 6,026 6,391 ' 8,804 9,526 7,126 3,630 3,986 1,047 165 197 200 261' 47,359 5,485 6,032 8,309 8,947 6,673 3,215 3,813 1,047 165 197 200 261 44,344 3,015 Council Chamber, St. Thomas, 8th June, 1894. K. W. MoKAY, COUNTY CLl<JRK. W. M. FORD, WARDEN. EI:.GIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL. 81 BY-LAW. 1110. 534. To authotl'ze the - Wtl'den- imd Treasurer to bon'ow the SlJ.1It of TMrty Dollars, Passed 15th November, 1894, Be it enacted by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the ~lgin under the au:thority of the Consoli~ated'MllnicipoJ Act., 1892. , That the'Warden and Treasurol'be, ~nd are hereby authorized to sumof-1'hirt-y Thousand Dollars in such sums as may' be l'equiredto meet current expenditure, or renew notes of the Corporation of the County of d~ring the year 1894. ' The money to be borrowed from the Molson's Bank or other provided the other, Bank charge a lower rate. of Interest. Council Chamber:, St. Thomas, ,15th November, '1894. K. W. McKAY, qOUNTY CLERIC W.M. FORD, W ARDlnN, .. BY-LAW 1110. 535. . To Amend By-Law, 52$, ,-Passed 15th -November. 1894.' Whereas By-Law 528, was passed on the 8th day of June to detach -Township of Dllnwich from the Dutton High School Aylmer from the Aylmer High School District. And whereas it is desirable that 'said By-Law No. 528 should be so' far as it refers to detaching the Town of Aylmer from the Aylrrier , District. 82 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COPNTY COUNCIL. theTQwn,of Aylmer from the Aylmer High 'School District be, and is repealed; and that said By-Law be, aud 18 hereby amended accordingly. C~uncn Chamber, St. Thomas, 15th November,1894. hereby COUNTY "SOLICITOR'S REPORT. K. W. MoKAY, W. M. FORD. COUNT'yCtERK~ WARDEN. To the EIg~ll County Council: GENTLEMEN"':-Inaccordance with resolution passed a.t your iuneSession, I submitherewith Sub-Section 3, of.Section 495 of the Consolidated Municipal Act, '1892, with Amendments Ilecessaryto enable County Councils to pass By-Laws to prevent non-residents selling foreign goods and merchandise by sample or 9ther- wise without a License: ~'he words in Italics are the changes suggested. 3. For'licensing, regulating and governing Hawkers, Ped/m's, or petty Chap~ Inen, 'and ot!:tef persons carrying on petty trades,andc'VcfY otller trading j<ersall or persons who go from, place to place or to other mens' houses, on foot, or . with' a.ny animal, bearing or drawing anv goods, wares or merchandise for salc,orinor with 'anybmit, vessel or other craft, or otherwise carrying goods, wares, or merchan. ':dise for sale, and for fixing the'sum to be paid for a license for, exercising. such calling within the County, City oi:Town, and the time the license shall be in force, In case of Counties for providing at,the discretion of the Council, either the . Treasurer or Clerk of the County, or the Clerkof any Municipality within the County with licenses in this and the previous 1mb-section mentioned, for. sale Ito "parties applying for the sam~ under such regulations as may be prescribed in such ,B,y-La,;s: . Provided always that nosnch license I[Iha11 be required for hawking, peddling 0_1' selling from any vehicle or other conveyance, any goods, wares or merchandise -i:Oany retail dealer or for hawking or peddling any goc.ds, wares or. merchandis,l:l, the growth, produce pr manufacture of this Province not being liquors, within the meaning of the lawrelatiJ;1g to taverns or tavern licenses, if the same are being ha,wked or peddled by the manu ;acturer or producer of such goods, wares or mer~ andise, or b).. his ,bona fide servants or employees having written authority in at behalf; and-t'f the Manufaduref'or Producer of such good5, wares or fllCrcha1tdts~ iJtthe #me entered upon the AssessmentRoll of the Municipality in wht'ch the same t~iftgltawkedor peddled,t'n respect to incontcorpersonal property inthmune mannef: to the same e~tentas required and provided by Sub. Section 9a of Sec. 83 84 ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNOIL, Ad, as amended by Sec. 7 of Chapter 50 of 57 Vie. in resjl!Cto/transient traders. (a) T/tis Sub-Section skall apply to, and include all such persons asaforesaid 7/1110 seif, or offer fo" sale goods, wares 01' IIlcrc/latldise, or carr)' a#d expose samples 01' pMter1tS of, or take o1'ders for any such goods, wans 01' merchandise to be ajterwards delivered 'wit/tin tlte County to any person not being a wIID/esa/e or retaiL dealer l'n such goods, wans or merchandise J. M. GLENN, COUNTY SOLIOITOR, NO\;omber, 1894.