1895 Minutes 1895. f, IV v 1.895. TO"WN: m' AYL~IER. OscarM~K'enney Reeve A:yhller JuninsJ, Nait:n Deputy Aylmer' VILLAGE OF PORT STANLEY. Frank K Sheppard B.eeve POl'tStalll,ey VIT..J.Ji~Gl~ OF SPRINGFIELD. ,'T'HE COUNTY OF' ELGIN. -~".)-,"~.~~~ COUNTY COUNCIL. '--------------~"'~~"" .!J.OHNTJ-fOMSON, ESQ~, ,~~l..'.. "._~'" WARDEN. -' ... ""........ C' Charles Donaldson, Springfi.el(~ Reeve Name. TOWNSHIP 0)): ALDl30ROUGIL .p, 0; Address, VILLaGE OF VIENNA. JOh'i-l It Teal0 Reeve , ViOllll~' VILLAGE m' DUTTON. A, J.Leitch Ree\>c Diitloh Position John 'Thomson l~eeve Alex:, McColl 1st Deputy l)aniel H. l')O:,Uerson 2nd Deputy Finlay G. 'McDiarmid :~l'd. Deputy ~'OWNSHIPOl<' DUNWICH. "IV est L01'nc West Lortie Rodney AldborOtlgh Edward McKellar Henry, Gp..rblltt Alex,: McvVillia:tn . I' . Reeve 1st Deputy -2nd, Der:uty vVallacetown 'W,allacetown Cowa1 'I'OWNSHIPOF SOUTH WOLD. , Frarik BenllOtt John Steele 'William H.Morristn i,.Ree\',e 1st Depllty 2nd Depnty St-, Thomas Box-all Sheddcn TOWNSHIP, OF YARMOUTH. 'Villiam 11', 'Luton Ree\'c, Mapletoll William Blewett} JstDeputy St. Thomas .\Vi1liam Bassett . .{ 1St ))I.'J}Juty St, Thomas John Ii. Porter 2udDI.'Jptlty Mapleton ,Tohn Dadson _,:~;_,3\dDeputy Umon 'l'OWNSHlP,OF.,'A!ALAHIDE. Richard Locker .John ,R. Snmmers William Rockey Rt'eve ')st Dcpnty 2nd Deputy STANDING COMMITTEES 1895. ()F INDUST-RY,-Fl'an~ ]3e~l1le~tJ,Chail'man,'JrleKell~r; S~_\::'lilet'~;"li IM'BROVEMENTS~--:-J oh:n Ste~Je;:Chairmat~;. Wilwn~ Rockey,)'orterj Bael;thonse, rVlcWilliarn, Donaldson. I ,.., Locker~'ChQ,irnian;Lcitcl~',' "Luton, M, FJ(t,:"Chail;rnft~';'l)aXson;' Naitii, McDia'rniid,' Moore" Blewett, 'Bas'sett; Luton Aylmcr Mount Salem , , TOWNSHIP OF l3AYffAM., ,,,yo ,M,Ford gpomn,s Pressey 1\flOmas H.Bttckhousc. Reeve 1st Deputy 2nd Deputy Corinth Vienna Griffin's Cornel's son, AND '!'eall,Pt'essey, John.vVilsiJll ,DavidF.Mool'e TOWNSHIP ,OF SOUTH PORCHESTER Avon Maple Leaf Ree\'e D'eputi ,.:-_......;;2.~~ I,' , , VI cdiJlviy bFhciA!,.S. l)/ j. Hllghes~ l~iiq,.:donllt,y Jlldge, C. O. EriUl1tltlger, E~q"Jllnior Judge. D. Brown, Esq.,'Shel'iff. Jus. H. Coyne, Esq" Registrar. D. McLn.ws, Esq., 'County ConrtCierl{. D, L Dornihue, Esq., Clerk of tl1e Peace andConnty Crown Attorney. R'oblJ, Miller, Esq., Ma,ster in Chancery. N;W, Moore, Esq~, 'Gaoler. W. Atkii'l,' Esq., Public School Inspector. John'McCawdiu~d, Esq" Co. Treas. K< W'; McKay,:J.:sq., Co, Clerk, Jas. A. Bell, M~C,S..'C.R. ,CquutyEnginee.. ,Tas.' M, Glenn, Lb.. B., Co. Solicitor~ . W, c. VanBuskirk" M,D"Gaol Surgeon, L; L~t.on, l\L I>" Pl)ysicia~ !Iouse 'of Iuclustry. Wm.Aldritt,,,j':sq., Keeper Hcnise 'of Indnstry, .Tohu !-Iopldns, caretaker Court Honse, All of St. 'Thomas p, O. County 'Anditors.-AlidrewMurray, Aylmer; Peter' Camerun, Wanacetown~ Adm,inistrationof Justice Auditprs.-'--D. J,Hughes, Co. Judge, St.' Thomas; W M. Ford, Corinth; 8. B.-Morl'is, Rodney. PROOEEDINGS OFTtm E6@1j'J <30U NTY COUNCI6 JANUARY SeSSION, 1895. TOWNS'HiP CLERKS AND TREASURERS. FIRSr SllSSlON.-FIRSr ))4 Y. 'l'uesday,the 22p<{ JalltJary, 180"5. thc County Council of the County of Elgin. 'met this' (hiy House, St. Thomas, at two o'clock hdho afternoo;n as l'equl.recl QY their seo,ts MU~ICIl'A1.JTY 'AldJj:'ori)'ll'g1i " , Du'(:i\';itih.". ,.."", CLERK ..R. ~' ..J). C. 'Ij,LL, I-{cJf1n'e'y,. , . . . . . . .J. ]';T:A YLOR, C'LAY,'Dil'ttnll-..., ".~'" ,D.'1fc'NAYr,,'06'\\;il'i .,.". ...... ,', "'R~c\'e.,,,., .....,..... ',". "',,Aldborpqg'h ,.;,..". ,..,.lstDeputyB,ee\;c.,.,.,..." 'II PA,TTERSON.....,...,.....2nd <l H.;;...,.... II' SOllihwold ,'.... ,...... M. CA'MPBELL, 'Fillpal.,.." .',!d. CAMPBELL, Yi1r'mont.h.,.., ,0' ,-.E:. W. l\llJl(AY, St. Thomas. ~'.. R. McLACiU.u~, St. , :;....:'.-...' ".".", .::. ,':'.",' .' ; Malu,llidc., ,'"...... .JOHN H:AGGA'N,'Ayfmt,L"... .,..\y, E~MuRRAY, Ay'hllel' IlWyhii.:ill." ;'.0. ,. ".,'.)". G.p:;'u'ukG:, StJ<ifl'o-l;<l\"i'lfe."'; '.E., A; "GAlt~'HAM. 'S{,i:a'tiie SoutbDorcllCster",. ,,- D.'l.'AYL'ou; 'Belil1(liJt, .... . .'.:.. ..Tuos \\'nWER. I 1i~nvn:,of A.yhner. ,.. ..... ~.,~'~l~R:AI)r:'EY ....... ..".." ,..".'" \\-', \VARNOCK' Village of Vicuna. ~..,... W. .WATTS....".",.,..... .W. WATTS " SpdngfielcL,... ,T. B.LUC,AS.... ","" ,'...,. \V1;,,J.KILPAT'RIClI:' ,,' .Port,Stallley...,.,JA~,; GOtlGH<,.. ~"..... ....; .JAS. GOUGH .'.' .J. D. ,BLUE _'...' .:".;~..., .,,..j.',D. BLUE MC:9IAF:MID. . . , . ., . '.' . , . ,3rd - If " McK-ELLAU;., , "', ,....., .Reeve... .......,.., .,'.',..... ,'.JstD{iputy Reeve.. .'. DUlHyi9h '. ;-':.,..,.. ...~nd " ...,Reeve... ,..;., ,. ,... ;', Reev,e,. '" ." , u" 2 RLOIX COUNTY COUNCIL. JpH:-1" DA))SO~ '..,' .". "., "., .", ,.3rd Deputy Reeve .Reeve'.",," ,.-'..... .,.. ,." JOHN R. SUIIIMERS. .".,.."" ".', ..1st Deputy Ree\re",... ..." '" ."'" ,., .,2nd c. ".". ,. ., ...,., ., " .';.;"~;Reet~;", Tnos, PRESSEY. .. , .. , , , , ,. ,...,... .1st Deputy, Reeve. ... .,'.', 'l'HOS: H.BACKHOUSE, . , , .. , , , , , , , . . ,20(1" ". . , . . . .. . . , JOHN'\VrI:.SoN. ','," .',... ',':. ,',.. ,:., ,:::Reeve, .'".;..>;'....", DAVIJ)'Fi' M6o~'E',. ~':, . ,." ....... . ,Deputy Rec'\;e,.,. " " OSCA'R~~cKENNEY-.... .",.., ,.",.,..RCeY8"" ,',';.".'" "",...., JUKIUS.T.,NAI.U,N. ,\,.. """" .'.. .'.. ..Deptttr;Ree.\'c\, Aylmer, F;{ANK E. SHEPl;ARD,.,., '. R'eeve"" ..". OHARLEff DON'AJ..DSON'. ., . " , ' , -JOHN 'H. 'l'I~AJ;L. ,... '. ........;. ,,',., ." A.,J.,:LEITCIL '," . '1'ho merill1'el's were cal'lod'.:to" ov{l'e'r " the. Clerk',ihthc. 91;ail~'~ Messrs. ThomsOll" Locker, McKellar; Luton, Bonnett, Ford, -Teall, M(JKenney) W:~ls611" Leitch~ Donaldson and Sheppard ,,'Me dltlynomin[\ted for the office ,of jWardenj' all of whom '"resigned, with.' the' exception 'oL-Mc$srs: Llltorl'i-J3ennett, Teall and.Thomson. ' , ','M,essrs:"Locker.al)d .Fwd w.ere apPbintcd scrntineers,. Tha p,lection of'.Warc1Em ~as then proqeeded ,"vith u,tlcl'on the firsthallot, JolIn" . Thomson, Reeye of. Al'dhorOligh, hltviiig,.' receiv,e(lamajorityofth'e,vbte~,.ofthe Cou,ncil,wa.s declared duly elected War'denfoL' 1895. The, Warden elect made;.the Statutory" 'Declaration of officehefo'r.ehis,H'ono~' Jl~dge '~ughes, took thechairanda(ldressed the Couricil... ~llCipt'oeeedihg~'~f the 'l~st clay o,f,theIn~evio~ls.sessicin wel'e,retld.afld'cOllfirmed:,..",:; :Moved t;y \". ,Blcw~tt, seconded W: Jf, Luton: "Thatthis,.C9U11.cil go now adjonl'll tq ,f,l,llow , palities tostrikp staridhlg committeos for the d. ni.: t6~1110rro:"i. :"':"'CU l;'r'iect ELGIN' OothtTy'CO"uXOIL, 8 -~~~~~.--,.._~-"---~~---._._"".__._~_._,-,,- '-"~""""--"-~".'-~--,..,-~ ,FIRST SIlSSIOi'<'-'CSJ>COND 'DAY. W~dnesday, Pie ~2nd J'u.nuat'y,,)8,95, The Elgin County Conucil met this day according .to acljolU'nmeilt. : The ;\V a,r;lenin':the chair,' a,;ll.the,mombers. pr,ellcllt Thept'ocee,<lings,of.the,pl'CviOus day ~vel'e,r.eAd 'A,ud',ConQt'n;ed . ' .... ". \ ,TJ~e, repor~.of.$p'e_ci~l c;o.m'mittee app~int.ed,to strike.. -the..Statlding ,Com.mittees WitS pr,esent:ed 1l,lld ~dop~edop, utoHon ofBen}}.,et~,. .sec,olld!3d'by--Lockel',. The .following commllnicati6nswel'_c reac1: .Fi'Oln Single 'Tax~ss~ciatjon, .1'0rontp~ Referred to Petttionsalld Legislation' Frqm VielUia 'High School with report.' Referl'ed,toEdllCation, oo'm From County I~l1gineer with repol't. Referred to Puulic ImpL'oyimlents com, Froll1St. rl'hon~,as. BOlj,ri( ..of-J~duca.tio.1~re C91l'egiate,:In,5t, ":':"B,eferrccl ,to Ed-nG/'t- com. 1!'1:~m'C6nnt'y -bf\Ve:}l~t'id:': 'l:tefert'cd'td 'I-Iausc qfIll(~.US~[,y,~OJl1. ,of the Peu.ce with Gt'tm,cl <! u,t'y Prei3entJtlent, ~efet'red ,to HoitSe ,of' com. Carscallen& Co.; HalniltoB~ rc:petition'tot' Hail\vay"Subsidy, 'H:Cfo~'~ed and Legislation COIll. From'W. Atkil1~'.Public.School IIISp~~toL" l'e, ,Pl'omotiol1_,Exa.milll\tions. :Re'. to Educati~u' COUl, . 'r" '.' .. . , Refen'edto Petitions ltlldL6'gislation- com, 'Prisoners' Aid Assoc:iation, Refei:l'cd to"li'illltUCe COm. .~eferre,d to- PubHc' Imp., COlli. M. F,ord, seconded by J~ H. Teall!, . , IH,GIN COJlN't\" OOt'NCU., ., RLms OOU:':TY,' O(ll,T,\;OIL. Ii '~~' -~."""""'~~~-'~~._._--_.-----~-~-----'"~,~~-~,,,..,.-_.........-- Lyol1s;'Uhadcs-Ribblc,Bayham l1ud ,rohn' McLarty, D~nwlch, :Moved hy J.. -II, Teall, seconded by W, M. Jtorcl, 'l'ha.t the Depntation .from St._Thomas \ 130[1.1'.(1 of :m,4ucation 'be now hcard~~ Uar'ried. ' Thut, tho depntntiol1fl'OIU the.8t. 'rhoml\sCollegiato.Il1stitutcho henhl:o.t two olclookthis aftet'1lO0u.--Carrled.' +~eWai'dcl1 appointed Andrew Murray,of Ayl'~ner,A.llditoI' of Connty MfJssrs.J. B.Lucusj D. rfaylorl.l'etet~Cameron, '.rhomas Cruiston were nominated for the pOl:utiol1 ofAnditor, and takdll, Peter Cameronwo,s appointed. Messrs,McKen~ie, Dohei.ty an,d ~'l idgley addressed thc COl1nci,1. Moved by J, II. Tcall, seconded by. YV~ tlI, J!ol'd, Th~t the St. Thomas Deputation,meet tlw Education Committee re claim llltHle by the city for pupils attending Collegiat.e Instit.nte.--,-C::trHecl. Dh motioll,A. J. Leitch was added to the EducationCommitt'ec. Moved by W, M. Ford, scconded by 1', Pressoy, That the Council adjourn untiltcno'clocl, to-morrow to allo\v conindtt'ecs to' meet.':"""Cardod. . Messrs. ,Wm. Backhonse;,j;ll Li.1CaS, W,M. Ford, Thomas Leitch;T, 'Y. Kil'kpatricl.., S, ,So Clutt'On, g, B;Morl'is,. J, n. Graham and E\v(H~ Camer'On were tiominatod for the position of AuclHorof Arlministmtion 'Of ,Justice accounts, and an the vote being taken, "V. 'M.FOl'd li.lldS. B. Morris wcreaIlpQinterl. A, McColl made applisation forgl'ant of $2':, for\Vest EIginFarmer's .R. . Locker made applicati'On for gL'ant of $25 for East Elgin l!"armers' Mo\'cd by J.~ummcl's, sccolld(ldby \V.' RockeYi That the Clerk: procure card with llames of. County. Council Committecs Officials printedthercoll.-C<1rried. ,Mpvcd by \V. M. li'ol'd, seconded by John II. Teall, K. W.1{eKAY, I COUl1ty Clel'k, JOHN THOMSON, Warden, That the advisability of appuinting aJ}eptltatioll rePort Bur\vell l'e'ferl'cd to aspeci'aI committee tobc nrunell uy the Wardel1......:..Carried. The Wardell appoillteu as _special COJ)]mittec, Mbsl'S. 'Fo~'d, Teall, McI\.:ellarand MeJ(ellnC:y, Oumotioll, the Council adjourned ,llntil.2 p.m, '!'ho.Connoil reslllned, The follo\\;ing cOlUllinuicatiolls were t'cad: Fl'Olll County 'l'l'east1rer with report. Referred tcj Finanoe com. From Good Roads Associatioll, Referrcd to Public Imp, com. On motion, duly mo\'od and seconded, ,Free Huwkers lllldPcdlara', were, granted as follows: 'ToJ'Villiam Rip61i, RodneYi A. C.. Laur,. Port StaLlley;Jl1rnes 6 ELdIKCOU1\TYC6UiWIL', ' gLGt~ COt.;'NTYCOUNQJ.L._ --------.-- "---.--- ..~--- --~- The report of Pet,itiol1s null Legtsll).ti'Qn:ComltlittcewU:s'p~C.sCl~tcd an~l:, onmotioli of Nairn, seconded by ,Rockey, The report of the Gaol Committee Wl1S prescnted and Locker, secoIHled by Summers, i\Joved by~: _McqolI,:secol1de(~_ by ,F. ~c,~ifnv'id', Tllat,thc" usual grant of T\Veittj-'tive':Uollitl's' b~' lh'1(l'e mers' Illstitnte, -,.-C"rl'ied. Moved'by R Locker, ,secoIIded'h,}/:,T,-SlHnrner.s, That the sUm of Twellty.fiVe'E>olla~rs "be '-grh.litctr to Institute -:...Citrried. ' ':" " FIRST SESSION:,"-'rHIRDDAY, Thursday, the 2<1thJanllary, 1895, The Elgin CouhtY' coupon met:'this'day' 'according to adjournmelit. \ 'fhe'W-,l..l'dcn in the chair. All the''.ri1embel's prcscllt, 'rho promiedings~f'~he prcvions'day wel'cread, arid,confirmcd, Therepot'tof.Sp~cial Coulmittec.. to consider, ap;pointmentof Deputatio~-to urge the improvelllent of the Port Burwell Harbor was presented and adopted,on 'rnotio'il of Teall, seconded by FOl:~l. 'fhe Council resumed, Moved br,,~:J. Nairn"se~~Il,d,ed '~Y?',}\'fcKenn,ey,- . ,'l'hat David Marshall be appqil~tpd}'r::pstEJe of_thc Aylll1el' for~ term of three years. -Carrjed/ '.'''' ,....( ;.i',..<'_<."y...:!...:',:....,:.:__., _""""'..::":' Moved, by A. ",J: t~itch; s~colldcd' tyR. Garb\ttt, That Dr. G.W. Ling, he apP.ointei-l T,rnsteeof the Dllttord-lig!l Scl~ool.f()l' three 'years:-Carded. Moved,by\V, M.Ford,8e~ol1dedby T, H:;Bacikhouse, ThatDr.,J; H, Hoover be appointed Tl'lIstce of theVieUllu High Scho'c?lfol' yeafs;-,i..Car.riEid\:", Mo\'ed hy'J. Porter;secohde&:by~J. paA~'oll, Thn:tar'conimi-t~ec;composc(l of: Messrs~, ,Llitoil', 11'001'C;"S'lilillh'el's; Be'nl1ctt: a1i\1 Leitch beapP?inted to Gonsider the alll~mnt'ofsalariespaidtoCOllllty OffiCOi's tin. control of this Council, and all other eXJ?cnses with a vicw to the rcdllction or maintenance: of the: presenhate:,ofexp~ilditiire,:to I'l~port ~lt' th'e'June Ca.rried. .'Fll~'}:~'?ll~'~' pf-Industry p?:mm~tt.ee:p~!e;lente,d:~he,ir.r,eport. ;\vhicp,', on :ill9tion,of Teall; seconded by Ga.rbntt, was referred to a Committee .of the Whole; :111:'., ,,1j'e'allin thc chair. Atter amendilig:tIl~-Repol't.the cOlllmitteerose, and the report as a,mended Wl1sr'aidorltedol\nlotion of 'l'eall, seconded 'by-Locker. ' 011' 11lotion of Rlewett, seconded by Porter, H1C Coi.mail adjoul'ueduntil 2 p.in.' A comn1unication fi'OlllJ. H, Coyne, COll~lty Registrar, wi.th refer~nce to im,' to Registt'y Office was read and referred to the Gaol 90n~lllittee, l'hereport of the Education Committee was preseutedund referred, to a Com- m~ttce of the Whole, Wm. Ford in the chair. After consideration, the Com'mittee rose, o.nd the raportasamended,. was adop- ted on 'mot~on of]'oi'd, seconded hy Backhollse. . 'l'hcrepol't at the Finance Committee was prcsentedand'adoptcd on motion .of FO,r'd, seconded by' McDiarmid. ' The report of 't.he Public l1)lp'rovemetlts Committee wp..s presented and adopted on,ri10tiol'l cif Steelc, seconded by Rockey. The' seco~l(l '.l'cport of the. House 'of Industry UOlllmittee waspresentcd- and adopte(l'~n motion of Beunett, secondo,l by SlUllIu,ers, ' y e~s.-Backhouse, .Pressey, Ford, Stll;ll~~Ot.S, I{:)e;keY',..Leit~h. D<1d~Oll".POt'ter, )3lewett, Luton; McKenney, Nair!;', i\lbrr'isop,.oSteele. Ben'nett,' Mo;t'!3;:\Vilson l11ld Sheppard,"":,H~,,, "',:. N~~s.~~'eal,l.",M((W-iHiams,-,(jaFb~ltt, :rv.f'cl{cllar,. L:ocker(.D04~14soll,,' P,:lilcDiarmid; P'atterson:and th~ Wariien,--~-dQI ' , .~I.. ..,'.. . - . . . , ELGIN" COUNTY COUNCIL. 9, 8 ELG!l:ol COtlN'l''l COUNCIJ" -_._.~.- Moved by W.!If. F'ot'd,sccoilded by T, II, Hnckhonsc, 'i'hat the Treasurer's Bonds bo proclnced for inspection of Coi.mcilto-morl'ow 1~lOrni1lg.-0ardetl. l\!6ved bY 'vV. mewatt, seconded by W, ~'. Luton, T1littB,y,lttw :No, u86, being 0. By-Ia:w t,o authorize the W,i..rd'etl and Treasurer borrow the sum 'of Twenty ThonsatH1Dollars,'bc receivcd and read a first time, ~Carried. ' Moved byW: Blewett, seconded by ' \,V. F. Luton, 'l'ha't' By_lawNo.5iJ6 be rea\l p, second time; ~Carried, Moved by J. Porter, s,~conded byJ, Dadson~ That By-law No, 536 be l'eacl. attlil'd tiIhe I1n(l finaUy passed -Cat'ried. "},~o\Ted by H, Gar~utt, seconded byE, l\fbI~ell~r, , That By-law ~ro. 5:n, being a By-htw to appoint County Audi.torsl be receivccl apd rcli.lia first :timc.-Cauiecl. ' , '1-!0\;ed by E. :McKellar, secondedhy ~, Garbutt, ThatBr-law ~o. 537 h6 read a second t7mc.-Carried, .Moved by A, McvVillio..m, sec,onde(~ b~}I. Garbutt, 1'llat By"law; No, 537be read athit'dtime and fi~any passed.-"'--'-Carried.' Moved by W. M; Ford, seco;1dcd by T. H. Backhousc, . 'T,hat,By-lu.wNo. 5381Jeinga, BylaW to appoint'a Board of Audit, l-ct'l'ceived O,LlU l'c/1d a first time, .,-C!il'l'icd. Mo.vecl by T. H. "BackhOllse,'sfjconqc(l- b'y T, Pressey,- ',That By~1a'iV No. 538 be read nsecond' thne,-Cal'ried. :~o\'ecl by T. Pressey, seconded by vy.,:l:l: Fotd, ".rhitt'By:lawNo. 5'BS baread a thit'clthneanc1 fil1al1ypassed.~Carried. 9n'11lotion" the.Co'uncil..adjollrneci untU.tfin (i'-C~~ck,Fri~dy morni'~lg. .JOHN THOMSQN, l'IRSl' SESSION.-FOURl'H DAY. Friday;the 25th dayo{Jaul1ary, 'The Elgin Ccnmty COlmcil met this da,yaecordingto adjournment, 'l'he\Val'c1en in the chair,all the:mcmbers,preaent. The proceedings of '~he pre\''ioua,day wfJNr:eijd and confirmed, A con\mllnicatinn from the Ontario Rifle Asso'ciation; making application grant, Was 'read. 'fhe s'econd report (){ ~heHaQl:QQt~mitteeiwas,presented and, aclop'ted.on ll10timi ofLocker,secoilded by Leitch; , " Moyed by John H. '']'eall, secondl:)d by:\V ..M;:Ford: Thatt4e OntaJiQ..~ifle"Ass,~c~~tion,begr~nted the'.sllm of'.$lO~~Lost; Moved by F. E; Shepard, secondedby Jt;jhn H; Te~ll: That this Council cl)-operate l!ypetition, orotherwis~,- with 'the villagQ of f~rt in having that Municipality plti,ecd in the Si,Lme position ns,other summer in reference.tn granting Licenscs t~-hotels in the Yillage.,~Carried. ,; ....,.. ., Shepard" seconded by C, Donaldson: Bondsbc'read.:...c...Curded.' wer~ read as,reque~ted. Moved byr :L'Nairn, seconcled by a.McKenney: the'Trcfts~lter'a Bonds be accepted -Ca.rried. ~ M9Y~d,byA.,J: -Leitch,: seconded by Alex. Mc'Villiam: That this Coimoil make: the follo;wi~g,grants for 1895 to the Couhty High Schools,o.nd Collegiate Inetituteflj''inoluding. Be, Tho~m\sl""'St,. rtholnl\S}. ~22501 'rlmor,$2000iDlIooon, ,~1700; Vi'n~~, .700.-T,o.\, 10 ,J:J,GIN ,COUi\TY ,COiJ:KUIL. ELmx COUl('fY"COU:\'CIL Moyed byF. B81inet,t,sccondedby John Wilson: That fhQfollo'wing grants be made to High Schools: mer,. $!WOO; . Dutton, ~1600;, Vienna, $600,....,...Lo.5t, _Moyed by \-V. M.Fot;d, ,secon~le(lbY'I'h~s. l\~sscy: t:~lat.t,hc ll)attel' of.~grailts to HigjJ Schot;llshelaido\'er tuitil for COllsidemtion,-,..Carr-ied. St.' 'l'homas, S~2501 SECOND SIBSSION.-FIRST DAY. the'June ''1'110 EIgiii COlluty COLlllcit'm:eL thi~ day at the CourtHouse, Movcd by D. 'Moore, sccondi;ld b.rJo1m Wilsoll: , " ,.., . ,'l'hattheClerk J:lur~l~asc. a copy'of, thc, 01~~atio Stat,ut~I'I' f~r .1$95. fOl'~a~h,lp:em' bel' of the ConnciL-'-:Carl'ied. . , ..' Mo'l'edl's' A. McColl,sccohdcd py F. '.\lci}ial'iuid; '[~)atBy~law'No. 539,',l1,ei'ng.a. by-law t?appohlt 'lYustccs of tc"ce'i\;ecl'and,rea'd a'firsttimc.~tar~i'e(l: ',' .., " .. , AU .rnembers"present." '.' """"'.- '....: ..'.. ...: William Hassett.. Ble'd certificate ail~l took his seata:t thc'Cbnncil W:nmJ ;,l?epi.l.ty-Reev-e"of Ya'I~1JI0ut,.h. WARDElfS A.bbRESS. High The' \Vardflll' adat'esseflth~ CQuncilas:foUo'ws: .GIi~'l'LlmEN'_ InacC"ol;(lance with res~hltion'of'~dJ'ourl_l'tmmt;. I, havc called,J'o.lltogcth~l' to? (layin;regul~r sessiOll;to'co.nsider the'bdsiness,oLthe COlmty,'which I hopc, ~ill-' recei\'e your 'careful'attention; During~he'i~l.ter~'al, '~e'havelo.sfone of onr lYlost' valued cO,lhaagnes, ]Hewetli~Esq.,FiI'st ])eput)~:Reeveof Yarmollth. He', had, heerla member of 'the pou~cil Si~lCC the'year, lS90:,.'It i~ the duty of the Qoullcilto tender Mrs. Blewett ,~res~lntio.n ofeondolenc~; suitably engr~ssed. 'Vo were also very sorry to '~f,_the death of Mrs. Luton,-:wifeof.the Redveof. Yarmouth. '::"l'heJast f~w Weekslmve ,~~en exceptioIialthrougl~ollt Ontario, 'the seVel'efl'osts ,and dry ho.tweathe~ have/damaged thefrllitand other crops.' lVe at',e as yet 1 ,bl~ to, estimate the extent but I believe that it will be considerably 'less atfirstex'pected. Movedby:F. McDiarllli~" ~?co:ndedhY'.A.~'lcC()ll: 'J1mt 'B;y"Law'l,'{o; ,530, ,be ~~a.,d ,'a: s~,cond, t,i,I.l,~e~~C~r~.f€:~L, Moyed by A; Mc8cill, sC,conde~ b:y Co' :Oo1J~I.~lsp.n,: Tha~ BY,;Law No, 53.9,be l'cl\d,a thirdtit1l~,an(Ui~~a,ny ra~;s~l~,-Ca~l'ied r\Iovecl.by J. Sq~u:hers, sec:mded, by \Y., Rockey,: 'l'hattllisCo\lncil do now 'adjourp, to. ,meet in: JUlle.,at the call.of ~Cal'ried., ' ',,' K. Iv. McKAY, yO~1nt)' Clerk~ ii1cethe la~t se!:>sirJ11" ~he trialofi\~'essl's. Hentlel'shott aucl Welter: for mlirder; f::~t~xed tl~e capacity of 0111' COl-l~',t Hou~~ to its fullest extent, and I V(ouhl sug' ~~llt ,thatthis,?econsiderediu the'.future when making improvem~l~ts'aronncl,the ~,?lll't,House; Al~hough tUllchof the.aceOlllmodation may:not l'tpp~ar' to ,bere- '~iredit. i~an actual necessity 'on an, occasion' of this kind. AUDITORS' REPORT. ELGIN COtlN'.CY 'CeUNCIL. Liabilities is rather 'misleading, owing to the fact. that no ref,el:ence,hasbeenmade by the Auditors to the issue of debentures forperrilanent . h~provementsdllring . this year. This was owingto the tact that the money was not received for thedebelltur,eij until January. The,amount i.'eceivedfromthatsou~ce was$15;~ 7M, 'which if added as an asset would show that ou the 1st 'of- J auhary, 1895, th.e"availahle assets exceeded the liabilities by $2,194. . ESTIMATES.AND COUNTY RATES. 'l'heTreasnrer'will submit his estil1late ofexRenditure requit'~c1 for....the year, andjtwill be necessary for you to give this yourcareful consideratiWl;. During th~lo.8t tell years the a\'l:lrage atnoimt required'for CounttRateshas,be~n $38,~ 600; 'fhis does not inc1udethe Comhlon SchoolGrailt.A:plOng theitemsinlast :year's'estilllatesyou will notice .'. o'ler': $17j.ooo' for. bills' . payable'and laweosts,l ~vhich will not be requiredt4is y~ar. Redu(:lillg the hills' payable will als~ do aWay with part of the e:x:penq.it,ure for interes~j so'that thi~ year wemay'lookJor. ,",' ward, toa,rate at, least $10,oool'owcr t.hau the average rate durillg the,last,ten::1, ~eu.rs. At preseut it does not: appear that during the next few ycars the. Cl!l111ty:'i~' will be called upon for I1ny<ve!,yheav~ expellq.iture,,[tncl, that bya low rate '\Ve - 'yill reap n. benefit from the8ubs~ntia:l character of the pcr:ml1nent'improve:me~ts already COl1stl'Ucted. In connection with the estimates, there is one matter that ,1 w:1ah 'to refer to. Unde~, Section 357 Municipal Act, ,everyOonncil is"required to levy on the whol!l,rateable property' within i,ts jurisdiction a sufficient: sum. to, , pay all the valid debts'yfthe Corporation; 1 hope that theprel:!ent financi~l con~ -clition oithe Countywill be maintained, and' that futureCou:ricils-willavoid: car.Sp iyiilg over a'floating debt; Some COI,ncils appear to ,delight in Ulisleading:the':~ffi ratepayer~ by ra~sing a low rate and cal'ryinga floating "debtl'his. may serve:!) t~eirpul'posesl butit is iuthe intel'estof the ratepayers that aU accounts hepai~i' I1sthey become due. \ ;~ '. ..c}~ It will beneces,sary at this Session toe~ualizethe' Assessment R611sof'~lS94,:j~ D~ring,the.last:ten,yearsthe..equalization of.the Connty,ha~..changed bIlt ,littki1 The total equalized value was,$15,850,5::\9 in lS85,and in'1894,:$15.2~lIO~O,'Id~1' notJ.m'ow ~hat any challge iii, contemp'1ated. It is imp9ssihle to lay dOWlla hard~~,(ij fast t\llo whereby the Rolls m~y be equalize~. This is left, entirely to the jlldgl~ent~, ot ,YoRwbo,at'e to conduct the operation; anc1hy reason oflocalltIlowledge :yoi1;?' arebe'st ql1alifiec1'to do so. ' EQUALIZATION. HIGH SCHOOLS. 'l'hedecisicin (jf thi:lS1)premeGolll':t httlleclJ,se' of Wils.on vs. ,Elgincd~lfirmstl;e)1 " . ." '.. . ,;. . ....c;" ELGI~ COl:.'NTY. COUNCIL, legaJit~of the'By."Laws detaching Township MuniCipalities Districts. T.trl1stthat,this will end the strife that has this Council aridtl~e'variolls High School Boardsj'and .that unallimous-inwhatcveraction they decide to take during Asyou kllOW the awar,d,fixing the amount payable to Sh. 'l'honu.ts After the January Session' I reqll~stedthe qerKto coilllrinnicate Thonuts School Board tofllrnish yon with the illformationthat ,it proceedings were taken before the County Jltdge as Arbitl'ator .to decide due the school.'l'hey decidedto'furnish this information, and it will fol'~ you indue form. The By~law,imposirigfees all County Pupils High8chools, p,,"ssediI1June; 1892, expires with the'pres'e'llt Thisshould~emand'youl' attent.ion. Public sentiment ill thi~ 'County thl'oi.lghout~the'Provinccismfavor of imposing a fecon all pupils 'Hig!lSchools and to ni.isethe 'StalJdardo~ OlU" Public Schoolll. It' is that the Council should not assume to do t.hat which the st...tnte does iZ8, as ,bur experience in c1ealillgwiththe High Scoool question during few years shows that itisnotec01ibmicfi.l. It is not advisabletQ spend cost.s Ul,?ney that should Le used for Qther purposes. HOUSE OF INDUSTRY. It is usuaHor the Council'to visit thelnstit1.1tion dl1l'ing the: June County Solicitol', has directell my attention to the fact tbat ,the Council have no autho~ity t'o.compel. pel'sons to hecomeinmates; terhplatedhyo1,lr by.law-of Tl11es and regulations is that orders the HouseshonldLe given to applicants. who, 'in the opiuionof allY melubel' this Couu'ei.lj is et~titled tQ receiveassistallce or support at that' Institution: The, at its 'lastSes::;ionrecognized this fact" and passed an Act anth~t'izitl$ the WardenQf a CQuutyto commit persons for l~ months. vVithtbis exceptiOll1 it is not right. to fOl'c,e a~y one i,o' bec~me an inmate. NEW LEGISLATION., AtthQre6ent Session of the Legislat,u'e ;~hmicipaland ASJ;leSSmellt Acts. many' ari18lldmcnti:; 'An i,lllportant ,change waslllade in tJlOsect-ion,reforring to the '. of )pembers.ofa CO,nncil.!!o, that yo person.havingacontm(]t .:for, 'goods or materials,.or snpplies of goods or materials; to ac;ontmctor "'hich the corporation, pays, .ods liiLhledirectly orindirectly'to m1J, silbject to the control 'or supervision 'of the COLUicil, cirof ari Cifflcer ,behalf'of theCouncil,orhas allunsatisfiedcli"im'fot'"such gLG-INCOUN'L'Y U:OUXCIL, EJ,GIX COUN'l'YCOUNCIL. person"who, either by himself or _with or_through anothel"ha~-:a~y action ,or proceeding a.gail1st the Municipagty" ancl no person whQ 5s o~ solic~tot' either by himself.orthrough another in the ,prosecution of- ol'pi'oceediug against a Municipality , shallbequq,lified to he a CoulJ,cilof-any, ~1 ullicipa,l Corporation, sedtiOll o(the new act provides that in.case the 'ofliceoi' COllndillor be. after No~'ember,'it is nptionttl with tl~eCouncilwhetilCi',a'llewelec~ or'not. for memberz"wagest1ndcommittees.. Ohe,connty pays ,as liim df asseSSinent for officers' salaries. In Elgin the salaries lliillion, ,,,hile the melllbers' '''ages arnmllitto $84 per million,; Du:riilgthe past few years "tbe ;.county, e:(p.enditi1l'e'iWOlltai'io about the 'same, 'l'he ,jItatiistrcs show that;township taxatiOldlasiilcl'ea~ed2~ cent. in tenlear$,whiledllring ,tIle same period ~h~ t,~~,"~i~:n',in ,the \'illllge~ has'increased 83 per cent. In Elgin ,the t'ownsI1ip "taxat.lori fro111$Q;~7p~r head in1888 to$,5,72 in,IS92,whilQduring the"$~me taxationOin the "towns !1ud villages increased from $4,32 per head in in'180:2. , Taldng the cOlmty a's a whole, taxation in the local,' . aU: purp9ses, illCl'easecl from $1'>,27 perhl;lad in 1888 to:$6, 29 pet' orl1eal'ly 20 pe_r co'nt, Stone and '1\mber Drihmge Act w1Lsahlended !Jo'that appllcailtsfor will require. 'to file a shitlltqry'de'claratlon in reference to- encumbrances oi.'i, erty, If thepropel'tyis mortgage{l themol'tgagee must be not~tiedLe: C6uncilt~kes actiOli,' ' Health Act provi(tes that'hel'euJtet' the localBoal'ds of Healthshall of the Reeve or Mayor, Clerk' and:three l'atepaY(lt's, .appointed fot', and tht'uoyear:j resp'ectively,l;etiring' 'ill rota.tion, same as SchoolTrlls Qne ratepayer to be' ~ppointed-each year' for a term of three years. In towns with ovor'4,OOO l?opula~ion, the:Local B:oarcl of Hea,ltll shaUcon-- Ma,yoralldsixratepayers;-two of whom are to beappolIlted for thJ~6 t\\,O for two years, awl,two for one yectl', 'l'heretiringUlymbers to be l'e.. I>y two appointed forthl'eeyears. I'shnplymen~ion,th(lsefignres tOl''YOUl' infol'matiOli atid,-ln, ,justic'e to me~lbers of this Council, who carefully 10nsiclel'ed all thecil'cumstunces them, ,~hen many items of the,'present expenclih-lre, \...-ere fixed-; It is f~r,the Speei3,ICommitte~, toasce1't~in why these' expenditures were so fOl'e'they report "in favol' of any radical changes. I wonh1like to see l'eporton 't plan to prevent the rapid increase of taxation ill the local palities, Act,ha'l bl;:en anlended to provide that in case Of:l1, de,ath~akhlg (Jonnty'IIouse of Indns_trj, such inqgestshu.ll,not "he neces~ary, ll.ll- the CountyCl'ow[1,1\.ttorney believes that such'death,t06k under Ch:Cntllstances requiring investigation'. THE CONSOLIDATED BY.LAWS. . . . .. The report of the' Solicitor ancl Clerk on the Consolidation of.'Coml~Y will Ledaid bofore you, ,As these shollldbepllblished' the 'commIttee',to t~e question nmy be referred, should go over, the n1atter,yel'Y carefully to cjrrecti)css, MU~ICIPA [, l~XPENDITUREAND STATISTICS., of the Ju,l1nal'y,8esSlOl1 a special coinmitte:c was appoiutclt by consider the allloul1tof Salaries paiclto County Officers and allothei' with a view to the reduction of maintenance of the present rfl,te of I do not krlOw, what the intention of the rnovel' Was, orwhafhas been For~ny OWil infornu1tion I consulted the statistics issned'bythe Bureall [luring the last:year,' in which may be' fomid the mostreliable'inf?r- to,the cxpendit~ll'e of-all the M u'nicipalities' in th,e'Province, Tak" oftl(n comities, no.melyElgill, Essex, Norfolk,,,"Velland, Waterloo, Wentworth, Haltonand Ontario, all.about the with,the total ,assessed,vahle,of $116,000;000, i find 'that they a\'er~g~ $23tper' million dollars assessment for' offic('~s' salaries, (tllcl ]<:LmN COU:sTY COUNCIL. .MI~' COU)(':tYC()U"WIL. 17 ,The proceedings of the h~st 'day of tho previous session were read and 'fhefolhi\ving COllltnllllicl1tiollS wcree read Aqdn, Public $ohool Inpector, with anonal I'eport, Referred to Edu- SEOOND SESSION,~SE60ND DAY. Referred to Finallce COI'n,nlitlce. J, Gongh,'Ulerk of Port S"alllcy, re High Schools, Referred to'Educa- Wednc!ld~y',<, ,the. 5t:hi,da;y,ot':J,utiQj- ,lS9? " The EIghi. County C6UllCif lUBtthis' day at the' Court H;onse, St. 1'!i0/Jif\I!l,,'ac; cordillg to adjournment., " FrQm t,he,I'ai;~Amedcail Congress, reD~le'gate t,o Gou\'cntion, Referred, to Honse oflnc1ustry Ci)mmittee, ,Moved by J. Dadsoll. secnndc<lby J. Porter: ThJh''VV arde:n, in.tip,~:;,ab(t,in;"al;l,~:the 'UlQ111ber:$.'rr:e$ont" The PFoceeCliilgs of tho pre\'ibnsday: werctead'aml"co-nffrmc,l. 'fhofCillowiIlg comnllinica.tioris :were read': Fr()mCo1\nty Au(\jtors,.witb report. Referred to Finance ComnLittee. ,That E,_Moot'e be granted a Free Ha,wker's _and Pedlar's'License for balanceoI year.--'Carried From St. ~homas Board of Edu?a,t~oil;,statelll~'nt re Coutity,~pllpils a.t Collegiate rnsti~ute.-Ref~rre.d:to EmlCatioll Committee; " From Connt'r Clc:-rl" t:c'eons'olidation ofBY-Htwa, lfr.{)m!,QonlJ~Y',lDn1\j:neel','withrepol't.~-Referred to Publie Impl:'?vemen,t, q9,m- nii~tee; , :'1Ioved h:yA, J.. Leit~h, 'seconded by Alex, :McvVillii\m: That'a lft'eelra~'lters on~ PcdIar,'s Licence he'g'l'illlted to M, D\l1l\.dch. ..,....CarriE)d. 'M.OVC(lliyJ,(;, Mll.cdil\rHii~l; 8ecOlHle,lby A. McCon: That a, eotlltnitteeconsisting of the Cled~, ;Luton, and F;ord he d~aftaresohltion of condolence to be forwarded to Mrs. Blewett, :~o\'ed ~)y A. J; Leitch, seconded by R,Locker: appointed , Moved by- w. M; Ford, ses?nded by Thos,Pressey: That 1ft; Bassett, Fil'stDeputy Reeve of Yarmouth, be -placed on all the COlll- of which the late W;,Bl~wett, EsQ." was a m:eniber,~,-.Garded~ The re1'lort of the Special Committee appointed to. consider the amount of salMies,paid to County officers und.er control of the ,Council, and all other ex- with. a. view to the J;'eduetion at. Ol&intenanceof the prescnt 'rate of ex- was then prcscn.ted. That this Conncil do now adjourn till to-mort-ow (It two o'clock to allow ,com- rtJit,tees'~o meet, and to visit, the House of Iudustry t.o.morrowforenoon.-Carried je w. McKAY. VQllnt.r,Clerl}'. JOliN 'rHOMSON, Moyed l!y J,.R. SUQ1mcrs, seconded by f; Bennett: Tha.t the report be adopted. In amendment, Mo'ved by H;. Gl.ubutt, seconded by ,J ,Teall: ELmx :'COUNTY 'COUN<;J,I-L, 191.\; ',,18 IJ.:lGI,N .C0lJNTY'"Cdt;'NCIL. 'That the r~P9rt be Ieferred to a Committee of tl16Whole. Amendment'.carried. 'rhe.CouncHthen.went in~o a, Committee of chair. ' 'v ' ,~ ";~fter amending the r~port,':bi'~trildng ~ut all' the recommedations th~r~~n, the ',~~)ullnitt~,e rose, u.nd, the F~port,~s u.mendecJ,,~~Y&S,~~op.ted.. j.....,."._ . ' '<.. ,,: -'.0.'._' ",'.' ,t.<' .' ,..," ,'-'..,'. ' the ~hole, \V. F. Luton ,SECOND S]}SSlON,---'THIl\D' DAY,' '.".;,;,,:,",,' '<',::';":>"";';,' .'_" ,. "';"'.':',.11,.:" ;:" . Thursdriy/'th'e' tith\tay df ,Jun~i'1895.: <., '. . -,' ~, ." ,;,... '.' ,.,-' " , '/.; Elgin, COUllty" OOtm-eil' met tlii's'da'y'at'tlfe Cbi.it't' po'rdiilg;to:adj"on:inmellt; , .. " Moyedby W. M. Eord, ~econded by John H. Teall: That the Wai'dell i1amea;c'6miilitte~6'f'fofirtb'act:,"vftliiiii~self' Consolidation o~.9.?~~,~y",~;y-la~s",~~ re,q,ue,~~e~ ,~yClerk':7"7,-9~U,.J~~', .. .' '. T~eWard~ll appointed Messrs.F?~:~, McKelllleYI Benn?,t,t, ~~4!,'Leitc~}l\, ,speCial commIttee. i '. '''.- ' , ,.... ." Mov'ed brA: McC_611, ,ae99nde,dpy D. ,Patt~rson: , -",' ",- , . That thiR Counqil do now ~di?urn till _f.O ()'clpck 'tees'te ,mee-t,-Co.rrie4. " ' " 1\., W, Mc~AY, Coun~,. Clerk. '-,..,".:.,! ',,-:.,:,;-, '.J;he;~'\Y~F4~;n:,inth'e chair,:' -.Aill,the::mernhe:rs,'pres.ep.tl~ ;, i'--r', ) :', \~,::;;,,; "'?' ,'. .. t.,' '.::', i: ',', :~, _(\; . ; :-', ~. ',':: .'.. ,: . . ' '" , ':tR::~/~~P~H~,\?~"PB-~,;~q.~,a~izp,.;t~8?}:P8,~Pl,~y~~:e::~,as.,-pres.e~ted ',and, ~e1opted ~n tion of F, Bennett, ,seconded~y 0, McKenu~~\" '._" The report or-the specialcomIllitt~,~?~i P?~uo;~1,idati9n. qt.:r3y"~,~,w:S\TMJ 'presente~ and adopteil on, motion of A, J. Leitch, secondedbyH, Garbutt, " ".,,;':'.>:'/:,:- .,,,,:,:nlJ'.:,.,.:, .~...:;" "'.'!1".,,," ";'\:"':_; ,'.."..1:>" ,.r,,". .-Moved by W.Morrison,seconded,by J: Steele: "'\'.... '.~:a;JJ,;-l'.!.: :.c,.','\ "y\ Th.o.tN~,is.'Cotlllcil elo'now adjourn to l'i:leet at ~um p;m,.~qarried. , ";,-..' i """ ' ,The C9~ncJI resumed. The'report of the Public Improvements Committee, WM ,presented and referred to' Committee of the Whole, . ' Mr~ Steele in the chair. After'discnission. theTeport w!l.sn.dop'ted without itmendment, on motion of J. :<Steele, seconded by'W"Rock~y. Report of the '1Mucation Coinmittee 1VltS presented I1nd..referred to 8. Oom:: the Whole. .After, discl1sr40n, the report wafJ ttdopted~'ithout amendment. R~port of the House of Industry Committee was presented a.nd tidoptod ou; of F. Bennett, Sl\lconded by J. Summers,' ' Report,iof ,the'S'peeial Committee appo~ntecl to draft J!:JjGI'N ,C0,m:..Ty,ceU.>tCIL; ELGINCQUNTY ,COUNCIL, 21 lcncl;! totvlrs. Blewett,' prcsented their report which was, adopted hy' a standing Yo~e, on motion of W, ~1. Ford, scconded by ThomasPresse;y. MoycdbyA', J. Leitch, secon(led pyAlex, McWilliam: rrtmt, whereas /.l, largc"ll,uiriber'of'Her M:tijc8tY,~!l',J:usticel:i of, the Pe~cej who ,v:elle_l\~pointed illl\nd for ;thc"GounW_of Elgin, have removc(t from the County ,o~pe,~~,~d to be Justicesof,thePeace by (lcath orotherwisc; and :whereais' the tices 'an'4,Qol'respondencc'that,arc scnt,outa.t -,\'ariolls ti,mew,thl'oulZhout the by' the'Clerk of thcPcl'I,ce are ,noW peing-l.len,t tQall 'names all ol"absent', co.usmg unnoccsl'lary_ cxpenflletothe County. -Therefore, 'be that the COlmty Clerk notif'y,:the:Ghliirmanmf,:the:Se8s~ons :of thc tors of-the Administration of .Tu:sMc6 'uccounts, 'nnd requeflltthitt the SEC01W 'SEgST6N.-FOURTH DAY.' 'Friday;,tli~7th'day ,of ,~!uhe,'1895; The Elgin County CouneiLmet'thisday at the Cour:t House,'St, "l'!lolhasrae_ conling to'adjonrnment.' , . The 'Varden iiltheclHdl';ail the members'pre'sent" in the rMciy~d::byfrl' ,'J?~'eB'sey-; :s6c(hi'd~ajby"T;'}L .-,Bae'khbtisc: , That we -do now u.'dJournto meet 'to-morrow morning at 10 0'010010:. -Carr'ied. j(, W. McKAY,.TOHN THOMPSON, ' County tacrltl 'Varden. The pt'oceedings of the p~eviousfaay were' read and c'onfirmed; The 'Report of the FinanceCommittce was preso'Iitedall(l adopt'cdoll ll)(;tionof W, M. Forn, seconded"hy J,Daclson. ' l'h~-Hep?rt of .tbe.,GaoIColtlmittee -',wa~,_~I'ese11~ed'and,aCIopteq:on,' :'Illotio~,'~f 'R. La, clIer:, see.ondedby'ThollH\Sl 'Pressey. .' '. ) , , , , I '. " Moved by F. Sh~p'tl'd;,secollded hyW.F. LutQn: T!mt this .C(jtmty Council 'petitIon .t!~e. Donifiiioil Governnient to grant,the bonns of $3,200, OOller'mile tothl'l 'Lake 'Erie '&'De,t,ro'it Rivet.' Railway; ,to them to connect their line'from Ridgetown with the:LQndOl; & Port"' Stan- which railwuy liot{ theY'ha,>e1eased fortwe'nty year~. -Carried. Mo,>cclby'F,--'E.Sheppard" sccondedby ff,Gm;butt: That the Vienna High School 'be, granted and additional RUlldred 'DoUars;_ Lost. ~l ovcd by .1olm R. Summers, ,seconded :hy, J. 'Ii, Portor: Whereas,' 1n the opinion of thisCouricil,' tho system. 0[ election,. of '.'-TOWI1Ship the cons~quent :forlllation of County Qoulloilsshollldbo ,changed. it thorefore resoh'ed that we ,petition the Ontario Legislature to a.illcndthe Act so that Township COuIICl1l6rs may be elected for a . term 6ffour l'o~~tiol1, 'l:he 'Iveevo.,and 'one QouqqHJor,to,be j;l~eiJtecle''l.:d4' EI,GIN,: fJol.lR'rY CI!lUNCIL, ycar. ThcRcevcs and senior members of theT6wnship Councils to forlll the ;'Couilty COllUcils;and that other counties be rcquestc(l to consider the n"iatter and~o-open\teby petition orotherwise,-Lost. ELGIN'COU:.-lTYCOUNCIL, ThaI:. ny-law No. 54.0 be read ll. third thhcand. finally passe(l.-Carried', Mov'od by, j aIm H. Teall, seconded by John R, Summers:; By-h1\'f' No, 5..1:1,: being, a. ;B~;Law,.to i~l!poso. aJe~ o~ .QI].e,D,ol:larper all County pupiklittellding HIgh Schools, be r,cqei-ve,d. and road; a first ' !lJoved by W, Bassett, seconded by J, Porter: That By~la'Y ,No. 543,-being a By-law to nJake grants for maintenance of High Schools be received and read a. first time,-Carried. ' Mclvedby 0, l\JcK~mneYj .seco~ded.by' ;T.J:'--'Nidrn: Tllat ny-,La'w 54_3 be read a scconc1thlle -Carried. ~~fov~d by J".J. NaIrn, seconded hy O. McKcnney: T,hat Uy-law No. 543 b~ rO~ll",fI. t~ird' time and fin~lly, pasaed,-Carried. Moved by F.Be'noet.t, secon4ed_~1; John Steele: . ~~hl\:,t iI~ :case St.~ ThomasJtcc,epts Twen~y_-olie ~undrcdDonl1rsthatthe~' C~tlnt,y ~bli~itorpr~pare a.u agreem~~_t a~nlby-l~w to confirm the same forthl'ee,years'.-'-- Lost,:. . \1oved by F. Bennett, scconded by John Steele: ~rhat By~lt\w No, 540, being a 'By law to' confirm Equalization of the Asscss~ Rolbi.Qo"recCivedtl.l1d..l'ead a first time,-Cn.rried. .',1-1o'V,ed; by:;Frank Bennett, secou(led by:, John' Steele: l'hat: By-law 'No, 540bc -rcl:td a seqol1d time, --Carried. I l', Moved hy Frank J3cnnett, secoildec1:hy J ohl1 Steele: ", b~ :l'ead u. s~cond,time''7Cu.rried. ~roJed'hyA. McColl, 'secondb,:d;hy I), H, Pattersor'j: . ,,-" . 'l'hatthis Council do now adjourn until November, to Warden.-Carried. ' :: ~, , ,",' :',:,,-,' :,' ", ,,' 'Mo~'el\ .by, J oh,~ R. 'Sl~,~I~?~S'" ae~onded ,h>, John~I:t, l'e~~i; JOI'[N THOMSON, That,By-la,w No. 54:1 bere~.d,:~thir4 t,~!ne an~unal~YJ?I},~~€(1).,-c,CaFrie9-., Movedhy ,W'.,,;M: ,Vor4, ~~9??-,~e,~~)Y~T'" ~,l'ess~y: . , raiee amounts for County Rates,' 'he "rhat By-law No.' 542, being a By-law to ~'cceiYed u.nd read a i1rs~~V,nlq,---'-Car)'i~d. ,Movecl ~yT. })ei'.ls€!y.,.~ec,9nded by,W, M.:Ford,:, "That By'~law No.' 542berca'd'a."'sccohd'time,-Carried, M?vea;~yT. 'Ba'ck~ous~,,"B'econdcd hi :1'. ;Pre~sey:, "T'Mt :By'-law'No.; M2bereo:d,h. thiM,tinie undfinally paased,..J...QiI.'rVic'4. ',W ELGIN cbu~(j;X COUNCIl;, ~~~-----------'""~ ------ ,....;.:.,.-------- THIRiIJ SESSION.~FIRST DAY; T,uesday" the, t2th day of, N o'vm:llbe:r, J8Q5. H<H1se,o St. Thonio.s, at 2 The Elgin County Cotl.ncil met' this day at the Cotirt ,p.rn, 'l~be:Wo.r<len in tbecllail', AU the membcJ's"present-. The Warden addressed the Cbilucil as follows: Infi,ingthouate for tlii,tlle cl<,slng ""ion of thoOouneilfbrlS95; I .wo' , force(l to considertbat our-meeting plaGe"wae eng~ged for' courts during 'the first' week of the present ,month, and tha_t the day set apar~ for national Thanksgi'vi.ng is Thursday,the21'stof November, 80tl~D.traHlCr than' ha-v:eth'e meeting, latet' than it lUts beeli for many ,yCMS, I have called you toget-hell to-day to consider the b\lsiness;of-,the.Couuty~ TOLL ROAD COMMISSION.- at the Toll InS'eptemlJer I was notified that the members 'Y6uld;11'lcet in St. Thomas. The Commission was 'of an act passedo.;t' the last se'ssion ofthc Legislature"- chargeable and charged on road~andpridgeswitllin",the Province whether owned hy COll1p'any or by individuals,to which the General Road Companies Act:applie8, or which have been constructeq, or held thereunder, or which collect tolls tue thereof or otherwise, and generally as to the costs of suchtoad~ or and of their maintelll\nCe,alld all_suC:hothermatter8~ t'especting such roltds or panies as thc Lieutenunt.Governor in, council, might direct. The Reeves of an of the municipalities, werc notified, and on the 2nJ, 4thdo.ys' of October the Commission werEdn session here, The Yarino~t4 [\1i.d Southwoltl and the Village of port Stanley were counsel, as waS also tho ,city. 'of St. 'l'hOlllU.S, Representatives w'ere all the township r;nunicipalities" and I attended with our solicitor in of thc Coun~y. The principal evidence w'as ill reference to the London St('.uley Gravel Road, which since t~eyear 1857, has been controlled par tiel< \i'nder A ono Inindredand'ninety' nine yel1r lease, Oliguedbythe EL(.HX Q~UN"1~Y COUNCIL, t.l1l1tyear. EVidence,'was'producerl,fortlw phrpose, of showing that, tlie C6unty Council ha,d!no ullthol'ity to 'lease the road, find thatifth(;Jyhad,t1ielease,wasnot authorized by by-law or otllerpl'oceedi~lgsin Council, auc\ that tolls have 'bce~, and are atpreseilt cql1ected without prqp'er authority for so doing." , A'few days nftertJJo commissioIl adjourned a ma;l,nn~1ed J[l,lll,es Payne, ,of PortStanley~, re,: fu~ed_to'pay toll,giving,as his reason,thel'efnr, t]lft.t the pres~nt lessees "wel'~'act: illgwithol,t proper authority in demanding the payulCnt of theslln1e, and ther'e' suIt is _thatall,actio,nhas becn entl;rcdbyt4e ,said Jame's,Payne &gainst ,.th8'"les~' sees for obstl'Ltcting the h~ghw~y with their toll"gates, tdU.houses, ~tc" :After:tlle, c"ntering of this action thc lcssees ma,de an application to the proper officers ,in Totouto for,pormissici'n to sorve theCollntY,~f Elgin; maldng.them at~ir4,pai-ty to the action; ,This order wasissued,aml 011 the 1st day ofNovombcr,the;clerk, was served with the notice anelother papel's, all of whicll have been refer~edt9: the County Solicitor. " I unde:rs.tal1d that the questioh'of the' lcgalityof,the''leaae aU(I-tllO liability 'of the County to recompclls8 the lessees, if the'leaae i_sproyeelto be'iuvaIio, :will be brought before you in some form "during" .the present 'SCSSi011. The ConlltySolici'toI' is,r beJieve,'thorollghly' conyersalit with', the matter; a~d will be in a position to fldvise tIle, Council'in reference to' any action they,decid{l to take. ,,; , , STATUTE LABOR. . In [uiditioll 't.o evidcnce rcspcctingthe collection of tolls and '-tlle,condition,M the tOll roads, 'all of th9 'witnesses who appeared before the Commission were,,' qnos~ioned in referencc to tIle lUllnnel' in '\\.l1ich roads' shoul~ be maintained, if,. toll'roads were'abolished, .''I'hisbroilgh,t up the present system'of l'oad,'c,onstruc- tion'and maintenance by,Statute' Labor, I believe, ,without exception, all of the, ..dt.nesses, were opposed, to the StatutcLabor, system, and _as tho' ree~es of aU 'thi~ townships of~heCot~nty' g[we,e~idellce to ,this cffect before ;the C9mmi~si61);I; \vHl "expect definito action tohc taken at thc.,presellt session with a view tohav,. ing the road~10f Elgin maintained, ill the mos(pl'aotical manner possible, 'collsist~ .- entwith:ecollpmy, Wc have in the Gity ~he 2nd vic?-presidentand~e,cretary ,or theOntado,GoodHoads Association,.and they arc ill a position to give theinem. \Jers 6f.this Council 0[' of allY committee that-may ~e appointed, sOll1esllggestiolle asto the best plans to be adopted, Evidence of a similar character,was.i~i~ellbe. foretlw'l'oll,Road Commission in the County of Oxford~'~'her(l" a, vote will be' ,tl1kenat the sa!-'uc time as the municipal clectiqns, to ascert~in'theJeeling of the people inreferenceto the,abolition ofStatute'r..abor, Asimilal','IUove in thi8 CountY"WO~tld,'Ithi,uk, be appropriate to Lriug the question befot'e;thepeople for discussi?ll, atid this wllel~ properly directed IJY, yourseh'csat "nomi'llation'and otherpnb1iGI.neetingswill do Illnch to cr~ate,llniyersal demands for al1101'epro~ gressivc system of l'oa~l maintenl1llce: 25 . .26 R:LGIll",O.OUN'TY;:,~i!}1Jl'(Cu., EI,GI~CbUNTY COUNCIL, 27 which is always,veueficial. These new rl\ilways, \vitha. proposed Radin;} Rail~ way, for whICh charters have been obtained, wilfdo inuch to increase the corn. mcrcial prosperity of the county, and make Elgin the 11lost.progres8ivc sectrol'fo{ the Province Of Ontario, , lJ)I~TOJtICAL ~KETCI):E~. 'Siooe.;\he June sessioll\he.bistor;ea\skctebesof t.beCom\\ybav.e 1",,\ .hound \in,clo'bh ~t ,0" 'cost,;{)f $.1QO;:15.A .hWge ..;n,llmberQfthese,havcv.l,{:eady "bc~l:lc),is. ::\tri,but9:~;:.OllC'to Qaqh,memhe,r,qf. tlW,Qo,undLaucl',tWQ. to cacll:s~l1001...s1=l9t.i9_n ;in ",tll.e\Qpu-qt:y; ,~he :puhlic ',I:\opool i!-1sp~ctor .th~Hlght.it w[j,shettc,r ,to "ho~d, :~he .re.' ':m~\ningi.cOP\es,inJ:es(wv:ctox~ple.cejthose,sent out' w;hene.ver .t~ley "~ll(t:y'_pe'Jqst ,or <<cf:ltrpyecl. , ~he"publi.c,a~ion Qfthis . ,work, u.l~d ,thesubsEjqlle~l_t Aev(jll,lp. . ment,wi\h ,'vpich you.arcall no doubt acqnaintcd,has.create4 .the \iv,lie.,\ it>. 1t~,l:est'iJ;l,h,isto,l1i(lalma,tte:rs"thtoughqu,t .tbe ,County. lam, ,infqrm~d.,_~ha.~"the :PQln::p~titiQn,a:l:rIHlge(l,for by ,t~le::B,:istoI-,i9al, Soqicty_:will.re~ult iutlle,pl\b,licatio'u '(i,p.lthl'l\ni?ar,'f~,tnr,e of ;historiQ~l ;s\-.e,tche,s~rE}lath~gtoertch ,scll()ol . seGtiO~l ,n,nd, ,-its ;rll1me<<ia.te",neigllborhop~l,'.and,also.of ,p,ach..of ,the loc,;l wuni<:ipll:1i;tiY~iinthe ',0Q.un,ty,. (thif:lis,o,.dir~ct;re!>ult.of the,publiQation. and dis~dl:lu_tion.,Qf J\:te ,his~ ,tQJ;lPJi.l-sl,{et(lPl;\Sa\IQVe, rl}f01::red ,to. . LYNHURS'fERIDGE. .1 notice inthe.p"o..e<Uugs of recent . .."io,,' 01 the,conncih of .the city of St. 'rhomas and the township of Yarmouth, that by-laws have b{',en passed iorthe purpose of a"uming the .roacl ru.oning nortb leom Talbot street, in the city of St.'fhomas through tl~e township of_Yarmouth, in a norther1ydirection to the Sonthw"ld.townlioe. This roa~ PrO"" Kettle Creek, the bonn4^,ybetween tpe,cily,of S.t. Thomasac1d U,. township of Ya,'mouth, owosite Lot No.. I, in the',ninth ,coPc,ession..of the sailitown~hip" and it will be your d~ty. d11dngthe ml;E;l,s~n~; session, to' decide whether or not u, bY7laW ~honhlbe, passed, to a~stll11e ,tbiS,l',as, J1 CO.Hpty b~'idge. , PROPosED LEGISLA1'ION. , It is tJl1stomal'yfor the Ontario Legislature to revise and Act every' f1v~ y,ears. Follo-Mng' this plan the act may again tj18ne:ii:t session of-the Legislature.. 'rwo'nldsuggest that the gi81ri.tioli COlllmitt(!e, bring in',areportas,to,nece~s[I.l':Y amemlmel1ts ot Act, 'aud that all members -who desire change's in any of the acts slwuld :see thttt their.i~leas arc clTlhodiedill the report of this cOQlmittee, and int-hat ",ay brought ~efol'e thecounc~l for consideration. I I believe that -it is theopiniollof tho_ pub', lic'generally that. the standard of the public schools should. beelevated;al1dt~at the higher branches ofedu?ation.shoul~ be lIl<\q~ ~nore seU-sustaining, allyre~ commendations passed by the councildurlllg the,present s~_ssion shouldb~ sent'\t~ aU of the connty conncils fortheh' co-opel:at,ion~ftnd consideration' at thcit,'.fir3t session in January, so that all ;will'have bad 'noticc in time to consider and.. adj vi~e, with,' t,l)eirlocal representatives ,in.refere~ce to thevariol1~,ohanges,l'eqlli.red. when introduced in thc House by j;ho reprcsetitdtives of E:.:st and West Ridings ofElgill. , FINaNCE. It is always desirable for the members of tl1ilnoltncil to have reliable inforrha. tron iri,rcfel'enceto,the_possible'finanCialpositioil of the - county ,at" the',' close'()f the year, RAILWAYS. Although,.iu',the past a majo't'lty ot ushave'thonght that the ,was' wellsl1pplied, M far ~s railway, 'seryic~ Wll,S coneeruccl, t:hatthere,is' st~ll room feir fUl'therdevelopment along this line. present,ulldel'constrnction ft'~m' tho town of Tilsonbut'g south to ,the ".p.ortBUl'woll, inth-e tow'llshipo{.Baybam, 'This IH\s been enconraged--by gr(l.nted,~y tbc towpship 'of Bayhani'and'village'ofVicnna ,und ,scct,ions of' ad. joining~nunicipalit1Cs. In this connection I desire to refer to the able efforts Mr. 'J'eitll, the l'eflv,e of Vienna, who is genora\lnanager of the ,ro'1{l, as it is . his persistC\it .effo,'" th,it the ,esidei\" of the ""tC\'n sections of the illa,&hOl'~ time"he independent of that'fast-departing relic of the 'qoach," :which m,lny of uslmvc never seon. In' the west mad'tdor'the oxtensio,n of the Lake Erie'& Detroit RiverRailw1i..y; to\vn east to connect with the London & ]}ort:Stanley Railway, in of Yarmouth. This "",ill result in,eompotition in the wc~tern part' of the On the: 1st day Of November, tho liabilities of thecotlnty exceeded, theass,ets b~ ~1~,50.1, 70., ",:Vel\'ill ha~'e to meet this Jiabi~lty:, and;theexpenditllr~ for ,No" vemJjer and 'Decemher; the connty rates of tliepl'e)lf:l1t year amounting to $32,17t1 . I estimated theexpendiCure fo'r these iIlonths at $10,0.00, so that we may 'ceinfi~ dently look forward toaba.lauceon bapdamonnti,ngto aver $3000. ,I trust that the oounty rates for 'thi~ year will-all be paid promptly, : and that. thc itetn ,of,in~< terest paid by the local municipalities OI~ their unpaid county rate wilL in future I be avoided, as lbelieve it is entirely IHlnecess<ii'yin a wealthy county like ,Elgin' thal'llpw~~dsOf $10.,0.00. of the cou:litY'l'ateoflSq4shonld not have been paid i~ ort the lstofNovemher,' 1895, .The allnnal rep.ortfr~lln the,Honse of 11ldul:;try will be hdd, before you, ahdI the mei'nhers'will not allow theopflort.unity tOpClSS ,for obtaining.,an informati6nin ,reference_. to tb~ mana~em(mt.~~' exr~p.~~'9fithM ~NrY ips~itlltion, El.GI:ol COUN'l'Y COll~CIJ" ~-c-------,.-._-",---~_..- these few remarks, gmitlemen, I place the bU8ine~s of the count)' in ,1(lB. I trnst that you will give all mattfirs bronght b,efore you the most rionsideration. of'tl1e last day of thepre\,ious session \vere rej,d amI confirmed. of. Pcterhoro, P,"tition:- alldLegislation Reforred to. Petitions ttu(\ Legislation Com- Council of Sim~oe. Reiel'l'cd to Petitions and' Legish~tioll Com County Coullljil of Norfolk. R7ferl'ed to Petitions and Legislation COlll- Fr~l1l,theI=:hysicians of the House of Industry. Referre(l to Hall e of Industry Frpm .J. H.Coyne, Hegistl'l1l'.' R6i~rred to Gaol Committee; :":Fl'l?~'"thelIispeetor of the'House\of In(l,ustry, COlilmittee; Apple Grov,e Grange.witb 'aecolHlt, Referred t,ol1~iriance',ConJllJittee. Cormty ,Engineer "i~h,~e~ol't~ Refei'l'ed to Public Iwprove'lllentsCom- Referred. to HOllse ofhi(\~\stry gave nbti~e',that he woulclapplyfor gl'antof One HlUld~~dDol;, larging the "Aylm~r,Lock-upHorise, ',Mo'ved by:,JohnTeaIl, 1I,econded b~Johil Sllmmerl:\: That this Council do no'\\'adjo\trn till 10 o'clock t\,m, to-morrow to allow, com- mittees to..meet...:....,Carried; ,lb;. W.l>IcKAY, JOHN THOMSON, C6untyClel'_k; ELGIN COU};TY' COUNCI1", 29 ";' THIRD S)1:SSION,-SECOND DAY, ;,Weo.nesday, the 13t,h day ,of,Novcmbcl'" 18.!l~, The'-EIgin County COlincil met 'this' day at the Court rf'ouse f\lccording to(~d- journment. ..Th<:Ward81i h1i'the ,chair, All.the. met;nyersgrel'lent,!, The proceedings of ~he previous day wcrc rea'd an'd."cOnfiL'lhed, Morrh:ou gave notice ,that he would apply f()r' ti,' graiit. of Two to ,tlssist ill rcbuildillg the She!'lden Lock-up', . Mr. Donaldllotl gave notice that he would apply fot; assist in repaii'ing ,the Springfi~!d Lock-n~, :'1 gra.J~b of,Ten ;Dolh~rs .~-; l/ The Reporto[ thc Spc9!al Committceon QOllsolidatioN. of Uellmty :By-laws" was ",:presentcd a~ld adopted, o~' motion ofFord ~ecrorided .byBcl.lI1ctt, Muved by Ii'. E~ Sheppard, seconded by J. Dads(Jll: ".('.' That an action ha\'ing bcenenteredagainflt the Gravel Road Co.,' by James "Payne, and the COlllltymo.d~.co-defendant, that a committM of.Ee~vesof. the ;,differcnt llmnicipaliti{:s be appoiritedto. inY~stigate the ma.tter, andoomiult. with '-the Connty Solicitor as to what Mtion eh~~'l~-i."be taken; to rep0rt at thillsession. ''''', '.-,""" " " In amcndi-lJent, moved by\V,l\LFord,. ~e??n<1ed by B:. f'oAI'butt: 'l'hatUlCvVarden consult theCqunty~~,pricitor 1'e ~Ction of~JapleB Payne.-va, '~lgin and report to the CounciL---,M"ain ~10ti9n lost; 'amoIl.:~ment"c'o.r~ied;.. .- " , " ,! ' Movcd by J,J, Nairn, seconded by O. .McKe-';lney: ''l'hat,By-lawNo, '54:4 being it by~law to'lfceI'lsc berecei\'ell and l'eatt a first tim.e,-Cnrried, ':;Movod by J, H. Teall, ,e:econded ~y T, Pressey': That the opinion of, tho CountY' Solkitor l>eheard 'in reforc:nce :10 .tttGtN CciUN'f'Y COU;'<l'CIIJ. M.1.~Cal'ried. Mo\'cd,hy W. M. Fordl seconded by T. Pressey: That By-Law 'No; 545, being a By-Law to license auctiollcei's, rettd aflrstt\me. Moyed.by,.F, Behnett, sBcpnde<l by:D, F.M'60re: That~y:Law,No., .5~6;be~ng 0- apprehension oJ, llOre"e thie\~e~,. be Movedby,\Y.M.. }'ord,secon'ded by 'l'.H,13adi(honse: That .13y.I~aw"N,o;'547;':being-a.By-LiI.'v ',to i'C'pcalc,Grtil.iti By;LI1\\iS ; Qounty of Elginj be receivcclan(l 'read a. first _time,--Carried, . 1Io\'cr1 byR."'L'ocker, secondo(l by W: Rock,e'y,: ';"l'1'ii~'t':nY"L~,*:ii.'o;' 548; llQirig'['By.,L'a\" to.fixgaol salitrii:ia;- be 'read 'a-flrst 'time~~Carl'i~d, ::"ti6\~~d:Hy}i,:.&tH0hh~segd~ddd'hyF;Mab~iaHnid: Tha~ By.L~wNo. 549, b~i~g"a BtLltw to fixsalariea of keepers of rec,eived l\udread a. first tinie;~- 'c~rried, 'Otl'-fuoUoil th~: boiiricitndJ61itfl~aQrltn' ~wd :'o'cilock, ;'\'fiik.'d6~rij)irt~3\\ri\c(1. ,'Ih~'repprt ~f ~h,e,~ou,soof.Irlt\ustl'Y Committee WM preSt'llterl t1nd a.dop'ted motion ofBenii~tt;'8ecoii.(te(lby Sutnb)ed. if(ji'cijf'by' F: "~a(\diab-rild,' seCOb.(r~&:by .D:' 'Patterson! , "'.' . ,,' '. '.'.....,...' ;":;',,-.,' ..' ':'.' ., - ' "That ttspecial committee c~msi~ting .of .r-ord, .Loc~er, Wilson, Bennett; :Kellar and Luton, be appointed to.':c6risid~r the warden's add res's and a report in reply.-Ca.rrip,d. Mr. Glennl Oounty Solicitor,'gllve'l~iso:pif;.ion;:reBY:Law No; 544, The Warden reported, on.'opiniont'ecelv'~'d frobl: the Comity Solit;litor VB.' Caughell Dond :Ooyuty ~f Elgin. J:LGlt{COU,NTT COUlI'CIL. .31 Moved by 0, McKenney, seconded by J.J. Nait'll: . - ,.... . '- F . That one hundred dollars he gl'ltnted to 'the'l'ownof Aylmer to assist, in enla['g~ ing and repairing their lock1.lp,~qa:~r!~~" Moved by ,\Y,H: Morrison, ~~9q'1l,d.p.4,,!~y'l'(~~e,e~:~: That; agrall,t ,~ft,W() :,h\1~lqr~dAol~~.r~_ ~?, ,W~~~:"tP. ~~~i~,tjl1~:?~~~PIf;HAP: ;~ti~,~pk up Shedden, which'has:latelybeen ,destroyed by the. 'l'o be paid 'oni:irder of .' warden after the' bllil,ding i~_ ,qr:l'~p~~t~(l;-::-:C~:q:j~g...' Moved by _ A. McCj)ll, ,~t;ll?l:)nded ,l!Y. )l';,~lJ;Wl1-~m~,(l: T}iat By.La.w'No. 544 Jje.x~,~f1;~,,~ec,~~Ht;~~~~._~()ir:~!.~~. Mqyed,b.y ,J', :M~p~itl:1;mi4'is~'t;lr~4,~~)?,Y.~,,':Mqq911:' That By~taw No. 544 ~~;,~~F~~~t(~,,~yp.l~E~rf;{i~g:,,~~,?; ~HH~r~}pl~i~_~1:,1:Y.i:~~\'Htio[la of twenty dollars,-Ca-rried. ' Move..l by A, McWilliam,,~~c~~1~fLhr;:;,~.:q~~hn~t: That By.La'V}{0;.,~44~b.e:r,s;~d ,,~J'h;rfl. Hm-~",~~~:fi,~~HY:ill~~~~~'f~.,,~g~Hf'~:~t.. ' Mov~d by .r.,~utl1'!1~,~;s._,~;epg,,~~_,~rl q'y,:~ ?4.p,ij. ~'lJ7\qH:- That By"Law No. ,545 be read "a aecondtiIne.-Cal'ried. Movea~y w. F. 'Lut()n"se.oqp:d~.4:J)y,O.,M~:Ke~1~~Y:; - .., ".' . ....' .:.,,:. .....,:,': .'. ,....'........-...", l'llltt By-Lq,\vNo, 5.:!:ljbe read a third tili10and finallyp!\Ssod;-Oarried. Moved hyR L9clFer. secor~e4,:;:byA.J.'peit'cl.l: ~ThlltBy'-Law No, 546 he l'eu;d a second t~me,--..Gal'ded. ~10ved by: W. H, Morrison, s~conded, by.J',Steclo: Tha.t By. La,w;No, 546lJe ,rea,d ,a,thint, till1e,:!l,~dAinally:pa$Sddt 7Qtl,l'r.~ed. Moved LyJ, -~"f?ummers,8econdedbyW. Rockey: That By-La~ No. 54? be read.to second timo,-Cn.rded, J" H. Porter, scconded,byJ. Dadsol1, 3'2 m,(a~{JOtDI'l'Y corr;"C1L ~....-'------".'_._------~"""",..,........-,-o-;.~._---~___"~_ Tbat.By~Lil."r' No. 547 bo read athit'(ltimc ll-n-d finally pasSOd,-Cll:l'~icd ~oved by 'W'; M. Ford,';scconded by 1'.;:B,ac:!..hotlse: , 'l'hatBy-Lo.w N(j,548be'r-eada second ;,titl'IO. -Cri.rl'~oll Moved hy J.'Di\dson, secoliderlhy'J. Pnrter: . . . . That l?J'-La,W: ~o~5'i8 be-. read 'athit'd tirtle a~;ILt1n~liy passcd.-CO-l'rlcd, Moved by,T. B"c:'khotlse,: seconded b~ :.Pn:llipley'~ ThatBy.~u.\", No. -549 be read a aocond'tillle,_Cari'ic(l.' ,Moved.byE. McKellM) seconded ,by It, 'Garbuttl ", '." Tliat;By-Lu.w.Nu. 'JH9 bo read a.thir(l timc"autUinalIy passed,......;Carl'ie(l. Moved hyA, McColl; seconded,byF. ]i~cdin:rmid: ,That haviug heat'tl'tho warden's repqrt,onPayne vs, Caughall and tno 'cf Elgin that.ho bo ill$~ructetl- to defen:dthe acti~I1, I~ a'inetldment. mi)vedby J,Po-t'tHl,,15cc~ll(le'I' by \T, RtSS3~b: ",',' ':' I ' Thab the warden cominunioate with the Plaintiff'sSoHcitor in the case',of YS'.Countyof Elgifl, 'and'.report to Jh_e Council to-morr:Qw. }{a~~l motion Amendment lost ycas..,.....,Dadson, Porter; Bal'lset~, Lltton, 'Steele, Sheppard, Bemiett..-8. ' 'N:h'ys>:"::"'tlb-Coll,. l'a~tel'son,. \i cDil\l'nlid, 1-IcKellal', Garbutt, Locker, Summers, Rockey, For<i, l}l'cssey, Backhouse, Wilson,Moore, Doqaldson, Teall, Leltch,"--::'1S. . Moved,byA"McCoU.' s~coudcd biD, Patt~,l'son: Council dO.llo;w adjoUt'll to 1l1@ot.,..,Carried~ "'i:iirtil tOn o'clock to-moiTow: to allow .' ",e' 'ELGiN COU1\'i.YCOUt\CIL. 33 THIRD SESSION.--THII\D DA;:, /l~hl,lr'sd~y, the.;J4"t;h;.'d~Yt,Q~;~~'i~b1;b~r.,,; J:$Q5. "'fhe.:E.ig-il1' GO_Uil-tY',Cotvicil.J1iet, ;tbis-:do.y,nt>the:,(km,rt,:J!o\l.\W,';'S-t; ':~hQIl1tl.'s;.. '.0.0 cording to adjournmerit'. ' ':T,he.Wa.l::,{lcn~;lli;' ~he;;chiiir., /AU::_the :menlbtir's',pJiea'pnt; Th~ proceedings of the prcvio\1s day wCl;e read and-ctmfir-m{?d. COt1Jll1,ll.nicatio.n from the-l~ssees of ,the,Londo,n';\&:Por~St<.\.nl~y Jirlt'V:el.l~oad' Movcn by F, Macdi~_r,niid, second'ed ~y,J,Q!m Wilso,J;l: - T,hat no ;!tp~if)n;,bq:t,a,k~n, .,incrc: the cOlllnlJ),ni.Ga.tipJl f N(feiv.;€idr_fr:OJ.P1,i;he:.lessees nLQndotl,\&;Port,:&,tn,1?19y;Gra\;r~1R.Qtl;~.~QPin~~e~1. M ovedhy.T.Porter,sccorided by J;Da~son: Thn.tJ.the solicitor-foi- 'the le,"se9;,;:bftheL~ndon. & Port "StanleY,,Gravel Road be i-,..'~ked' ,toll.d.dl'ess it.hB:COt1nCn~S .to.,w,hll. t :claimthey ,make 'for: .,'hdemtiiti.'v~ ~Car' I(~i'd.' . . ... . ." ....., , On mO,tion theCouncil-adJolll'lied to meetagaJh p,t J,~Op,m, :rbeColinoil'resunied) ,:::,A cbn~nmnication from R. Miller,: Master'inCha,ncerY'r'in ,refercuoc ~:,ti);;office '):~nt :was re[td, ~;\:' ':~,.:,Moved byJQhll '.ste~'~,1" seconded by,]),>Moore: i'; That the account of,theMaster in Chancery be~:t;iot;nh\v entertairied:' buti laid \:p\fer until the January . session._Carr-ied. ~.. . " ~t::_~C0111rnUriica,t~(ln.fr?nl J. 111. Glenn, ,Q9Ull,ty:S,oJid~pr.., \VAS ,r~!\d\.~,nd,~f;l,~erred ':19:, the,Fim\nge',OmI1mitte~, ,.... , ',:,"; .' tlj~ihe repor't, ofthe"Finallce ,Con-;niitte@:,wiia,pre5~rit"#l: ~}~.q,~cl?pt'~d: Qti'~~9goi19@ :rql'dl"seconde(libr,Bas~9HI,' 'J . "," ~..:. '. - , ;" 3-1 ELGIN COUNTY C.oUXOIL. ELGI;S- COUNTY COlJNCIT~, 35 T~1C' rt':port of,thc ,Committee; on Petitions ani\, Legislation adopted on motion of Nt1im, secolided by Pressey, J~A.. K!1ins, solicitor forthe"lesseen of the London- &,POl't Sto;nley :thch addressed the Council.' Moved :by C. Donaldson, secoilded byJohnWilsoll: rrhat the sum of Ten Dollars be granted to assIst 111 rcplLiring the village of Springfielrl.----cCl1l'ried. -""'---_.~~-_.,-~-_._---~~_.~._---_._~,.._--, ouldhvNepow{jrt6 impose a fee if thcy so desired;.. upon pupils attending any igh School in theUounty from their own MUllicipulity;such feq, it imposed, be collected by the High School and crcrlited to thy 1),unicipn,lityfrc.i111 1-"hieh '~pllpll can'w, ~'l\.at::this COUllcilpetition the Local Legislatiue to alllend the !gh School Law lU accordallce with the principlpsofthis r:.esolution;'-'-Cardcd, ;:~Io\'ed by D, Pattersoll, l?ccondecl ,byA. McColl: fhat the Clerk procure the l1stlal suppJyof'ele9tiQn blanks, assessnlcnt and ,Jlectors'rolls~nd jury lists for local ,Municipalities'for 189'G,~Cardcd. i;<'Mo\tecl: by,T.H,''I'call,seconded 'by KLocker; ,;,-~hitt th'E,l-thanks of this COiUlCil bc extcnded to the Wardell and the varibtul ')unty Offlcidls for .their very efficient'se-l''fie'3s for thcpastycar, and that the' .lgrant 9f 'Fifty DallaL'S for extra services bamacle _to,'the \YL1rclen,-qan\'ied. by R. Locker, seconded by A. J, Leitch:, thi!! Ccni.n'cil do iww adjollrn sine die, -Carried, The repOl,tof the Puhlic Improvements Commi'ctee was presented al}d on motion of Steele, seconded by Rockcy, 'rhe report of the G'tol Committee was presented and adopted on Loctter, seconded by 'Luton. ,The roportof th(;l Special ComrIlittce on ,Wat;de:h's addrcss\ras a.dopted on motion,,{)f Wilson, secondcdbyBennett; Moved ~y W. F.Lut'oll,l'lecondedhyF. E.ShepP(l,l'd:, That tho opillion'of tbe Solicitol'be obtained asto .whether the the Coul1t:j'of the Londorl & Port St,anley Roacl are liable for' the the road or is tho County bOllnd to keep it up,-Lost, JOHN'1'HOl\lS0N,' Connty Clerk, YoltS,-Danson, Porter, Bassc-Lt, Luton, Shcppard, Bellllett.-6 Nay,s--'-'MeColll Patterson), Maq,diarl1lid, :MeKellar, Ga:rl?u:tt, MeVlilliam, risoll"Stccle.:Loc.kcr, SumfnerB) Hoel,ey, Pressey, Backhouse, vVilso1l:\' McKcnney, Nairi:l) DOiialdBon, 'l'cu.ll1tn~l Loiteh,-20; Moyedby W'.. M.]'ord, seconclcd bY' T. Backhousc: 'fhv,t the Adthess of the Warden at ,this~e~sion' be printed with :-Carried, ,'Moved'by E. McKolhw, seconded hy1-\:. J\Jc\Yilliam: Thutthe Clerk bc anthot1zoc1 tOpt'OClH'C ten pairs of handc1l1Is Cotinty Con~tables, ~Carric,d, ,Moved by A, McColl, seconded by\V, MOl'rison: .That in the opiilion of thii Council the High School Ln;wsh'ol1:hl b~ eo that all Mnuicip:Jiticsnot ineI'uded, in any High School District bl~ Ol'ilyfor Pt'9POl'tionatocost of mairit-cil'<1in,ee of pupils ,'~choql il~,qw,C0111~tyftoon'ltheii' o,wllMl1nicil-'ality~ Thn.v ,suc1~ 39 ELQIN .COUNTY, COUXCIL, ItWIWCO.U-N'I'Y'C&8.N{;,U,. 2. "Tl1f1,t~~h,e, follow;ing '[t(J(JQll.rJ.:tl>""lJ:e"J!a~d(- l;,,,. Th:i\t;N$l'/111t(of,$,(O:licll1ade. ,t(} .the".P,dsonerfi,~: 'Aid'Associri.tioll,. TOI"onpj;,; REPORTS 1>;1;" ,~, ':.Si:uc;Ia'~r, ;~x~,~u'!"ti~n'~'8i~~~qtl,:":~q,~U,ti9,.,, " $' Dl';,G;l!"'.:'Olar:Jt.; U Ie ','. J~, . '~t; H,nJrth~hi'aq:fj!lt"-.of': ~1~tli1:~~9"j ~ ~c:;". _~. ,.u,;_ , . -It.,,!lf C:tl],9h1un, for Assq,sSmEl~1:tR911~,:etc".,_. ~ . '.,' , GlobePi:illtillg Cd" ad,ve'rti~i,llg_.., . ",': ,;:; :""'" _,0" ,'. Mail Pdh~ingC(l'J . H ,,':"',;.,'::..,. '..,.. K. \V. McKay pa-idRegistration'By.~Ia.w 400 4 00. o GO. ,1,13,,]5 6 30 6 30 3 00 EQUALIZATION REPOR1', To theWardei1 and 'membe.rs ot the EIgill ConntyCollncil: G:_entl~l~l',\3n:~ TJie-)~Jqt\ali(lla tion Commi~tee.',begJeave',t.o',:rep,Qr,t:. T~at ,ib'e:rop'ort: of<1894.ibe' adbptcd:as~the -report of' 'the"Equitli'za-tioIl Rolls of the present yea,t'. All of which is respectflllly;';su,bm1tted; lrRANK BENNETT: Cimir,jni\n; :tThBit"the' CO~lnty l't'ea,s,~,t:cr.'s'report'be"a~opted:: . 4., Tha:,t-~ By-Jaw be passed'toauthodz,ethe<'W~rde_n and'l'rea'sur~r.to ~he-}S,um',of'$20,OOO,'.Jts'ltmay, he ,1'e(~l1ired, from"the 1{ol~ons. Bank;,:t() ,;cUL~~~~,t:~:<pendit~te,' until'the Cou~,ty,xates a~.e,p,.tt,id'il;;;' , All':of.\w:.hich is respectfully"sUlJmit,t(ltU, -,;U::, 6th J ~lrie",_lS(j'5:-,. ,Municipalities, Assessp,d, Val uo. Real and' Personal Property, 1894; Equalized Valu6: ~,~p'ort;adoptedJ(tllUu.I'Y ,2-1, 1805;. JU.('l'jiJ SESSWN, ,.',.,.."".".. ____.1___~ $1,668,00111 $1;891,30Q 1;741,i48 2.080,190 2;565,J05 i :!,865;200 2,(85)W~ I 3,085,064 1,914,tl80 2,301,00(\ 1,07-6,650 1;108,560 1,06'1,670 1,314,726 73u,84'4 361,000 74;655 57,'000 1'11,06:'5' 68,OQO 76,460 69,(190 1l:l2,660 90,000 --c---,----.- I--__~~ $13,927,096. $J5.291,090 ~6,the'Wa.I'den and C,--:uupU ,of the:,:C(ihrity'of.:Elgin: ,.".,."',,, .,.',.""..,.,,, .'...".".,.",..'. ,'...',.",',<". ,'...,...'",,'.,.... "",,"""".,'" REPORT OF FINANCE....COMMITTEE; JANUARY. SESSION;. ~l'<i t:lO.Elgin~oun,ty 9JUwliJ, Ge~thlmen:~The. Firlltnce CO~1miittee be.glea\'d to repot:t: J:iJ.;GIN COUNTY CQU)(CII., .....,-~---- .th\.l.Lthe ':il\lIu'of Twenty-nine-TllOilsuntl he l'aisedon aU, the rnJe(1)le pt'operty ih the seve~'i11..\1 u~ in'the County ofElgiul1ming thcycadSn5 for'Cbllllty'-pl1r-p~ses 'an sllbmitted,and that'a ~[l"t.e OfOl)C l11:clNinc-tcllth l\-lills,?n be lc~rjed Oil' therate""ble pr(jpertyitr the'severaf'M\.\ni;c'ipalhies ill,tlle- ascql1alizccl to raise 'said anlOnnts~xc1usi"e of SchtlOl G;r~l~t,s,'U:,nd'-~bat of 'rhrceThousa.nd, One I-lundred'alHl Twenty:Thrce' I),othu's be r~lse<l M lU1icipalities "oLlly' for C(iU11110i1 "Schools' being :an . CIluivalentto the:GovCl'tlUlcmt'(jt:u.nt, ' ,,' ' BCHEpULE: JtLmx c6ifx'l~Y ,COU:;\"CIL IV R. .McL~~hlih" billding48 Collectotk b,:nd, Asscssmellt RoUs R. McLachlin~ Rtationery..".. '.",' """ ".". ''-'' All of. which is I'espcctfully snblTdtted, "',\ 'I'" W,'M, 'Repor,t. Adopted, 'Jiiue.,7-l',189;), "...\. !\OVFlIIBER SESSION, 'i' ;vl nuioipality, Genera'lRat.c, To'the Elgin CciUI~ty Council: 'Gcllt.!emen-"" The Fillanqe Committee beg"leav<:i"to repo'rt: ,'. ' , , ' , ~" ".;,..,.," ,."".., -----~ $8594 '$57.-1 3952 373' ' 5444 515 5862 5H2' ~' 4372 456 2\00 400 ",;98 I 18'3. 1\86 108 .131 12\) 171 $4\68 ", 4325 5U59 >'1" 6454.' 4828 2536 2(3'81 6Sll' 108 \31 129 ' 17\ 1" Th.at thc accoun~ ()f 'Applc' Gl:"6Ye'Gl'an~e, "fbi' nOlC . of ~ilionnting to ~n5, be paid, 2, That the acconnt of '8,. Reynol'ds,fbr"stationet'y for allloUlitiilg to $7:50,be paid. ~, \\'e ha~'e exalllitwd, the'I'reasurel"s Statement und find the'sanie tory, ;,","'..-,.., ,...,.',. ."".,.",'" ",.""",'., ......',.. "..,'.,.", ,........ .....,..,... .".,."".. \\'e have to ['eCOllllncndthe following. Lock-up KeeperOl'tebe raid: I. i\lcTaggart, Springfield,.,.,. .,"", .$,10 00 D..Put'Cly, Vienna, ,."..;" .', ",','";., ;,.' 10 "00 L, PieL'cc, Aylmer, H:.:,,: ,',., .." ".. 15 00 "T. GOodall-,'-'vVallacetoivn' t. ,., '.' . ',"r'~". 10,'00 J. Payne, PortStanley "~'''''''''''''' 1590 L,Ludy,'Roancy,.,",;..,_:",.,..\.~... ,.,.,10 00 JD,'A,K~tk'p~tri(~dL ,\V,estLol'n(J'" ,. ,I,.. 10 "00 J,R. Clurk,Dl'lt'ton .,..'",.".','.".., 10':00 'f). That the ,account oLJ.M. Glenn, Solicito'r, foi'generals81'vieos, to$lo"l. 34' be :paid,,,; All Of whichjS:,respectfl'llly Olnbtnitted, Adorted-N~"emb~I',,14, 1895, I EUa:N COUNTY COUNCIL. P JlTITIONS.. AN))' r,E() IS.LATjON COUNTY ENGINEER"S ~]l[>ORTS. J; . J... NAIRN, Chair:man. JANUAlW SESSION. . '1'0 ',tlJ~ W ar<de~ ~lir)Counc'il 'of the 'County . of. Elgiti: Gentl~Q1ep.?I-_l~ave Ilothin'g .or inte~est to report in ; regat'd.,~o;the .'bridges,' of ,thbCOll~tyeince }~8t,~es~ion: ' Ohthc_ 28th ,0'fneceinbet';l)necft~e hot water ttlrnacestlmtheil.t',_this buildiog, br.~kei Il.nd'DJthoug~.I.imme(1ilLtely,teregr(\phcd tl) 'the.maKe,rs in '~oqt~eal. fot'...a; ne..,. ,sectio'}" it did n:ot ttrtive-liere, tor three: weeks; " TIll:i' re'ason . given, by the nlakers 'Was thalJthey.. ~poi1cdfollr castings... Wnen ~he ,new section' wasput,ih' .. i~~mlylast;ellone' (h~y ,whim i't'bro1w;. this break '~'as .n6t-so, s~r1ons as the former, 'I\nd I have'hlMHtconneeted with a pInte nhd atyre~etit'it, i!!w.o~k~!l;~:ll.liright.' Dufing the inte'rval I)f g'etting n. new sccti6nwe b:a.d'briiy.'pne rn'~nMer the Vuilding,fortunate~y t~e weat~er was nOt, very cold at the time,and ~ereheld;.other:wi8e'tlJ6,Mdden't.tIJIgbthll.ve, be~n' 8~r~~l1S; .' it takes ~owe1"'Of the two'boilers: tnheat the huil(li,ng' j~' cold~eather; " lw.oqId _~uggel:1t thea<lvisa.bilityol:your :cobsiderin'g the, matter'of nnd,extra furnace to,rncet,n.cn.se of ~his killd. All-o,fwhich iii' respectfully." submitted: JIi.NUARY:SESSION. Elgin COlluty Council: Committee on 'Petitiotis,:,a.tid_',Lijgi~lat:ijprf;"b,ttS';,(lea:,ie to from".Carsc:ellan & Co., 'I!amiltollJ.re Petition '.,' :.,' That weco-operate ,with theC9unty'of'6-,rey illpetltioning,,f~t: .the !\mend. the, ,-Sipgle i, 'ff.\.'X,--Afisociatio~l" .i:rEi.',Mineral :NOVEMBER ,SESSION. J~nmir1"t6J 1895... , 'Rer~r~~dlo'PubHc Improvell1cilts 001n_; JAS. A. BELL, Co~n~y ,Engineor.: on ('Pe,titioijs;"and;LegiBlat~on beg leave to In refercnce,.to' Me~odats,.receivcd,fl.1\6_nl!'~tlW N orfoU\il/.\niT Perth,that.l1o' actibllbe'i;ta.kell.,. 'i .....,. ' ,,~Ail;of.- ,w. hiclL~s,re~pectf~l;ly ,.6 ubroilt,.ted;. Ci.llliltieaof'Simcoe, '.Peter- Jl1Nt. S:ESS~O!j. To the Wa.rden ~lld(jouuci1 of the C6unty 'of' itlgtll'. J.J, NAIiN~ Ohitirman-, , ".. , Gel)tieme~l~~. beg ,to. .sllbrriit.fl)r.y~nr con!lide~tJ.t.io!l the foii~.wing, tcp_ort on the r-'ot:k,d~n~,t9roughouttheCollhty 'and the atatq of,the bridge.!!, . since' your lal!lt- se88~on. (.,I,have 'visited'alld:_examilled'all the .Conl1~~- bridges,dudng', U~'6 la.st,two ;JJlOnt~s Illl,d ~nd.thlJ,t,outsid:e.of-.srnn.ll relSafr3,tht;l',~ridge3'l\re i~:betters~apo a_f. tel' t~e_win:teranl.sprhJg.freshets tha.n they:ha.ve been f~r ~nu~~~r' o~ Y,eirs; 2::. I'pr~p~r_ed ,plalls i!;nd _ specifications,'~rid the cha.irmltn of the Public Impro;cio, i'nl~n~s:,Committee.n.nd.,inyself awarded contract for, buiIp.iJjg.one span of'theZav~ itzh'ridge q\'cr,I{e~~1~~<:~~e,~,~or$275t<this beit)g the IQWf,l/jttel1~~r, " Th9 wtlfk':tci .:'-be'comp'1~te4 by.tJlCh.fq.ay ofAngllat. " J8~ij. , ~.,::",;,.,->",.,,,, 42 'ELGI-N .qOUN1'Y'jdQUNOIL. '.:i .~ ", . -,,;. .<' ,.."" " , '. ':3. Tfound that, th~',~'r~ei,."was ~t~bt:(n'goR~'the Foadway all ~he east,side of th<,: ,bridge o~-er a bral)'ch"9f the'Ca;tfish'\c~"eek"bet\"b~ri.'th(f-.tbw~shipg "cii r.Jalahid~ SOllth:.I)~r.che1-ltcr. ,: .1- h~;ye:'@?,~e.l+dedth.e,pr,ose~t Jl1'eal~:\nl,t~r':'~'l~istance of' 30 ' east which I thinl\ will effectually stop,a)~y IDOl;:c.:cnt.ting,oi the l',Qadway, . '. '. ",' '." .... .."'. ..' ..' ,'. ..'-":'.', :-"" ,_......:', -"'. ':.-::":": - :.... '4.':(.f'O~nd\l'iso 'th~t "the creek 4~d 'yas~,ed ",outO," 'c:onslde,~:~ble', portion of the eirth ea:st '~(th~)1.~'pl~ton b~idge, "[l,p.d tha'i" ~{nles~ s~I).1e'thi;"g' 'nLS'(rd{l'~,"it'Would ~ve~ltu,~~l~,-'cut ~round'~h,Q bri(lg~'o~ 't1i.r:j'~Ollth':~,id~.? ,"1, haj\'e"-b\li1fl~:,'jetty or p.~e~.kwat~r.'in "tqe', ~r,eek",,~b?yeAo'.'fe,~\ l?~g,l,,'~j\!cl~~l t,~~~~'~,~f~~\.,h;~ve','tllC 'effect' ,Qf.;p~~v;,elltingan~" f~r~~e~__'ya~hingollt ~~:~~i;>':p'?~~,~~ ' ",,<.',,' :9~,~,tctiri,~ 'YJ,~h 'P,l~~, eT!,g~~~~~ ,o.f9~~ "q~~p~~: _pf"M.i"d~}?S!?f-,.)!e. hl!-':~'fe,plliired'~hc br,idge OVC1: Kettle creek au the townlinebctween Y:arm"ollth~n;nd-"Vi;estminster" ",,,,' ,,",,'.''''' I'" ", ,'-", '_" '''''':,' ":""" ,',<",,, '", "bJ\ 's~re~gtlle~.ing thc.'.?I19rds.l.l:nd,,~,e~ms, ."~':h~?h- )ve ,9~~I!-~:iw}1l ',y~~ke_" this bridge 'las't:qneyear,) ',wheldt wilLhay,eto be,rebuilt:, ,,; , .','"", ".... '" ,"" "", '0'" ,;" ,"i'(':'" '.j" ~ 6..li1, ,conIlectlQ~ :wit!:" the" el1gipP~.r.9fr.I}'lN-dl,ese:x,~ _ w~ .""h'l':ve', ;Qrn.~redSOli1e,~C;. pairs tohe 'made to the Coy.Ae_rqlltq.'aQit:qi'a1i3:~fl,r:oa(Lb.f~.1g~i3\Og.t4e'ri":1r Thaine!!' , ' , . Some ,repairs'have yet to:,b~,:'iliiti:l~ito.,--tjJ:e'1:ll'iage"6-+e'r~,;::1:,i't~1(j-'6te'ek" 'between and, Norfolk" and to th~ bridge over the' Ca-t~sh creek ,'bet,ween this Oxford, ,But as yet I have n'o1; sllcceeded,in,get:~ing an',N~pointment of those Counties to take actio~ ',i'll thc'~{O:tte:r. ',"''',,;,'1;:0''-';") '0 ,,<', L,.. '. , s: .~ would rocomillcncl that the iroU work of the McIntosh,bri,dge ttn,d6f, the di'aham:l'ofl-d bridge be 'pa'int"M'. "'J:.'his'is neceiilsary10"preyent thc' metal 'dccaying through'rust.- if"'" "', """", "i' ,>, ,....... .,9';.'1,~vonlq, als9.recomm,e~cl,that 'tho-,~t, .George ,~trce~' bridse;, ~'"dcil1nty"~n'c1 tl;eJ'city"of'Sb:~Th:~;~;~~:bJ'J?ai~i'~e'd: ."., ,." 1 , "" ", . " , ' " .. .' ,\ " __ " "" " _", " "~'" ',' '~' ',' '-" ',0' ,,' : i!',', " _ ( .". i' ,'. . '" ",,', f . , \ AU'of wbf'cIi- ls"respectfuilysubf!1-i!ted. ,:'.:" ",'f'; "',-, ,. ". ,. ,.' , "JAMESA. BELL, , i' < ., ,. '",.(~ ""-,":,, ;.;; , ,-,,9~Qj\~~.t~'En~~11eer; , ,,~ ,'" ", . ' " ?:l;)~95;", ~ '_I."I~'; !;,-,,;\. "." ir...' "Refetre<lto Pl-lpl'ic'Ill1provemeuts COlnrpit'tee. ': ."'" ,j\' ,', ...". ,; ,'l "i, ~ ""~,',''' ~, ",_" - ,;,",;, ,; ',i,':," :'" (\ ,",' '. ','. .0: ., ~OYEMBE'R S1!~SS10N, ' "",.'-:' T~ll.';<fl ;" ..' " . " . .,_ .' ~";:;. .,'''. --;.:~, . :' '_" . _ ,,,"',,;'i"'; ':;,. To 'tbe. 'Varden and ,mel~1 bers;,?t,. th,Et:E\lg~? (J~~~:p:t.y,:p:~p.~:R~li;l~l.r{H)~;' Geritlelnen:':""'Ybeg to prescl1tyou wi~h thefoliowing ;report: '1'ho' buildin~ 'of ,one Erpan of the Zavitz br,i~'$'(J:W_M,'ccimplete'af~[t E-LG'IN COUNTY COV-,'WIL. manner, I found ol1,takhig,dciw.IJ-th~')b)~li)spali th~f{t Wo~Nd also be neeessary to' rebuild the cel1'ti'e pier, 1~hecost o:f,thisbridgc with grading and' gravelling the approach was $353,75. . . Tll.eMcIntoJ;lb tUldGrallam'l'oad bddge's'overthe river Thamesha,ve be:eil painted.in:.a satisfi).ctory.mann{n~,at:an:cx:pense of;-$lOO,;, The 1'~paii's,to""t~~'9,~4~f. ' C~nllty bridges~ altho~lgh numei'ous, have notamoullted to,as milch as inf~rmer ycavs-, "',," . ....,' ' ,""",' .-, '-"":_1 ,'/..1(';1' .e' ,:..'1'ho bri4i~"qyer,K~-ttJe, .cr,ee.~,' bet'''Y.een,thetowqs!lips of Yarmont~ a.nd :. \V~~-t; minst,er wiU'hlwe, :to_:b~;rehuil,t l\ex:t'Year, j, 'l,woulda.-skfor,power:-tQa;ct..,with,;ti1;e: cp~nty, of,'Mi(idIe~ex..'ihrebuilding this' bl'~dge ofsteele,on_\'.ltone, :Qr C(;)l1;clCete,'a.hu;t,..', ments. -., \, ". " ' ,'" .' ,',' ': ,', : ",' , "" " , The.Beaver"Qreek bridge~e,tw,eell:Xa;rmmt4h '~lld!3otlt,h'v'~I:a ':w~l havetq"b~l'e'~, buHtllex6,y_ca!-,,< . " . , Th~ bridge Oyer-Catfish ,cteek:bet\Y:~enM:aIO:hi.-<;le: arid Derehall1 will 'have,tobe .. :.-', ", """"'",1,: '."' ',,:': '.",""",1[>,;_,.-,;,.' ", :"',", (,'_, '" ',,".. ",' rebuilt, ',next year..-l' :woJ.ll~'recom~?nd ~h~t,t'hi~ als,o' he Tepla{l_l:l'd~wi'bh'(1,:st~H)l' bFidge-c:r~9t,e~1,'on;:fl,,~~,e:I" c~l~~d~:ws!: ,an~'~;01~),4 ',~s,k' t9h,l1v..c'po,wer', eo act:wi:th. the erountY;-~f.p'x-~ord,'in:lll~ring,tli,i~_',d~p~:~'" . " : ' ':'''',; .... Th. we,,,ciil'p?6aclitotheCoyne ro",dbridge will har. to be r.b\lilt~extio~r' ,This' .app'roa;dhjs~hltog~th{ll''-240Jeet'- Iong,.,.,The cotmtiesrof:'Elgin,.' anicl.,tMlddtesQ~ ", are Hable.forl00,feet of this, ,and.the. cOl'poratio'n of tho, township. ofDllU,,;'ich.iis:., ~iable f9r~r,e~_~Ja~ce.: ,", This ,approach: is_ no~ built of trestle work, _It.is not;l'le~ ..:eessary :.~~,'~_'~at~rc~~{,~y/ ai-id {c6ihd blfi)led up:, With:'eatth., I,tll,illk, i.tw0uld"he,'" -addsab.i~f(lr. y~u~'P~blib ihipioV'Olit'ent's~bo'lnn-ilttce' to"consult - ,'\'i~h .,~;['iltJi'htt~' ccimmitt~~!'fl'oill th~-'c~liritY':bf 'NIid4Uijh; and""'i'tl:i,' th~" rfp'i'escht~ti~eS" .' of:" th~" ;~}owp.ship ofD,utIwichtto considerthe matter offillibg',up part"ofthis'upproach\ ' \\tith earthal1d make it a permanent improveme~t, ' IWouldl'ecommeild that5,oeO'feet of thre(finch whitc oak"plank'be' bought is winter and stored in, the ,yard, f(jr.t1se 'in. repairing. the floors of, th~.. ?ddgeS the qoulltyand the city_ofBt,'!l'ho~as. Pille plank is 'of"l~t~h~\tse~Jo'r and the' oak plaI::k is not:kep,t ill-s-toek; ".>" OflV hich,is ',respectf u~ly ,s ~ ~lUit~ed. '". '" "JAS'."A,':'BE1..E;ltl' ;,': '(' ,""'" :""", Er..oI~ COU~TY COtf:<:OIL;' ,PUBLICIMI'ROYEM.ENrs C()'I.~:IJT:rEE.: f,",'" ol.A.NUARY, SESSION. To ,the 'W!\rden !\ndCouncil of the County of EIgiil: G6ntt'~'lri~r;;::You'rP*tho:ltl:llii'ovemeritCommitteebcg leave to 'submit' tho fQUowing tepor~: ' """:,(1':,'1'>' """<,,:(,, ,",.','::i:'. ,:,' "'"''''',, ,', ", "":- ,,' 1., We, have ,oonsidere(l the a.OCdluit preseil,tc(l by ,J atnes- Fewings; a!;king ,for a. r'ewardfor securingfonrteen con~iction!lf~r -~a.st, driving-ovet_,theS~::;_G:eor,ga street bridge. We find on'cxami'ria.tibl1 tlia;t Vlerejs a.' standing' offer'from-thi,~ Cot\utyto pp,y t\ reJVard' of..$5for securing a. convic_tion for, fastdri.'l,in~ over the 'ro,t8t&01.y'hid~.. boUt ,10.' oot apply 'to aoy .th.r brid~" io the Coui,ty. We -woul'd-:;tlitii'.efore' l'ecommend thit the account.be Mt entl'lrtain:ed. 2, Qnd.r the pr...utAot.~il 6... ooU.otod for fast drivio~ ov.i.lIyhrid~e; ~re p,ay,a~l~, to the'iocal'lllunioipality inwhichthe,offencc:was oommitted, excepC in'the'case'of privo.te'com,~nies, <We would recommend-you:r.,Gouncil to, 'peti: t~~l\ ,*~, :~~gi8Iature t9 ,am.cll_d., t~eAct, so tha.t_ all fines oollected for' fast driVing ,t;)y"e,~-q'r:~dge;~for, ~or'~ujudes_to.bridge,s,.a~set forth in sections'S and ~,ofchapter' 1,95.R. S, 0" be pa.i<\ to the Municipality or Mut,licipalities:,whosc 'dttt~,~it_ i13'to ma.iuw.in the Bd~ge8. ,,' .' <3', 'Weha.vecollsidered the, invitation' of the" Good Roads" Association of Ont.,[o, to send a dele~.te "r delegate. to att..,1 'he meetingdftM Assodiatid;! to:be,_:~eldjn,Tp~(),llto'i()u..,tbe, 7th of ,February, n,ext;.an~ 'we would reco111metid ;th,~t no l\.cHou'be, tfl>ken. i~\thc"matter. . ',",""" ,,", ,"': . !: ;-A.\\iO( ,ii.;'~Jc,~.. if!, re~p~cthJUy: s\1bmitted. JOl-I~ STEELE, Cbail'Ulllu; Adopted 24t11.~ ~~~a~y ~ 1,89~. .rUNE SES5Ib~. Tothe Warden a.ndConncil of the County of Elgin., (jENTLEMEN:-y'oi.1r Public ImprOVellleD.t.'ComllliW~e. beg follows', " 1. We' have considered the ReporL of the Engiueer tl.I,ld would reoomUle~4;1 It..dnptido,..d that tbe Eoginee, bave powe, to have the Jlrid~es painted.f statect 'therein. ' . ,:,W ELGIN O.oUN''1'r, .OO_U~C~L; ,~ , \""-,',,,: ,,' ::', '",' '.", , ,,",,',: 2. .We woubll!e~;;.'~;n;uil'~n(Ltlia6'n6-action' be':'tak'~n cjli..the,AppHcaiiou;of:the ;~(le~o oiPort' S.ta.n~ey' t,o' ha\'e, thesidewal!t ~11~'lged 011.. tho 'POl't ' Stanley' Bridge. ~llof which is ,l;"o_s.pectfu\ly,_submi,tteti.,- .';, ;" "", ,,_ ,.'. ,JOij,K S'r~JofI;E, ;6'th June,' 1~95, . " , ", ""'",'\'. ': .',:' itcJ)ort Jt:,f(l~,t:cd to a. GOIn.nuttee o(the' ,,,,h9-1.e awl Olc~t.' '_" ' NOY~UDX,n _~Es!Jlo,. To~he_~Vardel~ i\,nd Co~~_cil of the COlltityofE'Hio: qK~~LEMEN:-'-'- Y O'~l' Pub)ip.linprov,ement ,Colllrilit'tel;) l,ieg'.lea.ve ..to ,Ilil~,fllj,t,. ,bbp- fol1o~ing report; , , .. 1, We hav~,~ousid~H'e:athe.the CountY.'~ll~il~ee'r'8 roport ,01. thc',~or'k .(~O~~ ~y bim thfou~!,out'h. G9nn!r'illoe.the lo.t ,...iOll ;'~dfi",lt~l"!!ti.'..t!sl.dtorr: ~. '.ye h_lI:ve also .cousi(ler-ed the I'ocommend,u,ti,on,s',contain,e.d,)n tlhO.hlport r~gat:4,iI,Ji~_ew bridgea anq, would _ red9U1n,lell,dthat they., be a~opted andtl~at' the Enginee:,rharo power to' ~~builotl thc bridges as proposed. "", 3; ..'~) w9,utd-ll.I.i>f}",:rQ9om~~ud:,~\h,\~, ~:he"Engi~~fg.,h~,V6 ,p~w~r 'h?",bny, ,wOo ;'J.eet:9fwllite ,oa.k plnnkl:uld,ba\~e it stor~d ,i,nthe ynrd fi,Jrfuture -Use. ,. 4~Y9u:r Commi,ti;ee, think it "wOII'Id be'~d\'i~able-fbr,,' them,toviaitalld. i~", ~pect \hi:l, lo-Jality 'Ldore,'deeidiIlli,t6,fill; the ~resent "itppr6~ch,toithe:CoYl1e: Roa;::I' ~rhl~e'-9nd wO'ul4;1l,sk for"p9wer to,tl.-ct;.with, th~.Cv~riiy' of'Miq;lJ~aex,.iu~d tho', '.To"'~cs_hipof Dunwi(l~ in hl~,villgt~ts' tLPli_I'oach, bU,il~, Q.ith~l~O(;,l:"OO(l 0." Vr ~Ujllg ~" . A" of:'":NohilJre8p~lQffnll'y'_sti~mItted, Adopted 13thN?\:'~li),~~I'~ ')8m);.~ 'JQilN'STEkt.E;;Cbalfm'~n;,'"'' . ,H..'; \,). (,"i;, : (,!.l.i] .~ ~LGllt ,COU'l!l"/l'Y', MUNCH:.; 1(:'.; ,\.., FIkl~~,(cIA~ ,~'J;)ATE.M_E':S-T,. '. HI)~~9"~N'~:y~'r~j~~HV~Cr,L~,,,, ,.,,;,\ ,,'I~);I':). ':"47 "~~"'\";-j:IP,':""""'_'::;;':""':',":':::",_'';""':-:",r"":'~';':_":"-'_'h!.' ,,;\\,1;.,::,.';. ..'" ~. :'Dh e~'a:V-eragQ';I"t.ttl'tl dance \",a:s, 3PJ5,;~~,;,~ b~11.t:56/}?;p~rl~q;~~i:h';-tl;f:;'r,qgl~tfr~'d'n t; !n'" ;,b~r,\".:. ,,' ',,','~ .'\.'~'ii... ,,'(;,", ,;.,-.' 'r:'~, ....~';,~. 1 . Tl)e' regul<id.tVhf attel1da-nCe is iin:reasing y~(\;t".aftcr'yeal:: '" :.~..' '. ',' .l'.' ... .', j '. ;1! ~!. """--."' " "":". ,,',oJ: ,:'-' ".r:. ',," :~ ''',':' r-... ".,,_ ",' .'il .. ;;.GOllta,g.e,Vi'~.s 52-thcliighest then reached,'" . . :,,1, ,,' . "":', . ,\, >'!.' . .": "','.' . ~ '. ';r- - . . ","'. .\:: ,...,l.';"~'.', .>-'..,., ,'.', '.' :',~" :."', ,'(".,.,,' "'. '-"'. .f,.'.." ,,'''' .~~ _' . ICi!" 'l'J~'(l:tt.\'et1a-g()"'co~t,pel':p'l1pjl.'wa~_ $&,,:jJ.O.i. ;:Jf!,::lS@0i~,;1\:-~.,~~S,:.,7?\\y",', ' 'l;llc follu idj~k til.-1'i1b'.~tfOWSl,.tIHl, :cos.1li)~.'er:p'll,pn :intllc '. scvdr'altil'llili~jpaJrtie's:' ' RE301V OF PUBl,lO 80HOOL'1N8PECJT'QR 1'<1R \89.. ',..I:';:'; '"f,i il." Jp'N:~~.SE:~\'lIl?-N~,,:,H' '1 ~ ''". , To' th~;",f~raeil; 'atld1fl31l1 \;~~fs;bf ~h{d~'l~1~1:'yOtlfitj.-' 0b\'tl1'Cil.' GE}\r~ENEN:c--o;l.ha,ve :the: hOllOl'to presenttJ)y.6~ '~fii'.ci)'Jrfi I(~l';the.yeri<t':: ~894; .,noJanqeJ!l';rr1J~tl$g~>(\:vgl(J.S}r:O.in )8,~3~J'" ,,':i$n3~5,',4() Trnste~s' Levy." ",,',' """, .>':;, .,., ., ,." ;'A~646 49 Govcrnmcat,Gl.'ant:,.. ',' . ,,_~_, ""_,:..;.,,,~ ,: ,. ':' 3345 ;25 Municipal Gn'tnk.""" ,,::,:.Ii:~~J.: "'ii~\',(~'("" 6571,05 From Clergy Reser.v~!J:'~~,d.an other-sources" 5210 78' ,', d ,;~ ':,,: .::' ,~\I . ~ofa1. ,', .. ,;', ~;'~I,~.; ..~, '~:-."~-,' ~:: , '.'.' . ,.'::::' S75'i'19 :6:l~' ,:,','r '.;';';' ,," -.;!l,:',:n ,',,'j ;'; ';",,"'.-(: "'-'j".., ,,!I'....-,:.':'<,',~- " ,'.l\1l1tl'idpa.liti'es:'" ,^< . '"," No,"or Pupils l'otal,outiay -Cost pCI' Pupil. . " ~ " ... '~~~.::.~'~~~~~~~~ Aldbcil'Ougl1~:.", .,;" ',1225 $9113 36 $ 17 '14 '13ayhaJHJ", '.,_. .: ',,',:"':,', .. ',_ 902,_ , .. 7479:9f3 . 8 30 So'lith' DoJ'iih\istei' , ",'.,~"-"-:,;';.,;) "":', ,~}14:~,~(. ,:, 1. ,rJ ""4,758,,;W:,,, ';' t, '. hY74 .DlJnw~ch ..'" '.' .": """':' ." ":... '7{)2,.:67~i5;,:23 _f 1.. 902 j\falahide .'"..,..,.;..'. ",_""'...,.,, 'S18 ." 7786'<16~':~, '952 "Southwolcl", :,., ,....: 1032. ,994G, 67.' ;9;,64, Yi1rllloutlt~,'..", ;..,' . },093 '_. 9888,04 ,.9 -,04 DuttOll. . ':.' ,; :, ',', " : ;.; ; ...., ; ~_'c,';';,.;;',;,.\: '-i,12{H' ~"~~ 1464' 225' 83 . Port_ Stl\lil'cy ~,' , . '.' .., ."_'~_""~">':". ~',". !/IDO ,f~ ,\ 10,25'066 83 Spdngfiel(L .'1." '-' ,~,:'-"-'!_,~' ,,,-,,;,,"~"":::":" '.i '" ~163 " 1171 "'987 .IS Vienna -"','" .,'.....';., _~,' ~>.',. ':.. .'" ~'I. 109 '741]6 6 ''85 ~-~. PIS>;BU1W$:w1.H;iN,+,S; ,;~in(JtJ1"el),~h~:r~' fPalar.ivs,,,: ','C','.'''',' H~'N ','_' ',' { .. ,',,_~4360,2,,8_g ""I"'''S~cllOol. HOl\ses arid- Sites: /, :.\., .~:J:'., J.' '. 293'2"\Y5; """"L;l:ir'~ded"'M'a~~, ;et(L',:j:',:;;'J.~:'~:I\.J:';.:, .,' . 1'287..'tjSl' JI., ',"" ~e--pa.jys,'~ti~l,,~tc.; "_",',':._' .",...,. . .,.;. 11842: 66 '," .", "i..' ,,,,,,',,.;1:0,.._"-,:, .;.l';".':I':L",(:!';'I:;',:' ,,1;.1 -", . :: e;;:'!,jJ; '<" ';i':"~ 1,'li" Total.. . "~>':\,~i:~ "".<..'::'~;_:,:':/,"_,,:''''''/' ~$9~?66.,,~,S.);~;', Balance ill: Trllstee$"'ha~la'~~8~t'tIHi '~~io~e elf ri8q4,'$15'453;;~~;" (~..,(i, ',',.Id ,/~ '.. ,"/.,'. '" ...,; .c", ,"'.:' .',. '. "" -. . '., - _.- , . \, ' . . ,_, ~. "'SCHOO~P,?'pU!<~TIONi A'l'TEN,~A~OE~'--ETO"""" <~~.d_\;-':-;\' , ,'.' , . '.'~ .... _. _ . ,;' ~ ':. ,), i;.... ;.'.) ,;,,:. '.' ..' ". :''-':", > "i'.he"q,llin)be,l;'/of!chil4r,et,tIJe,tween-the: "ag!'ls;,':of f 5 a,nd2.l 'yefl.llS-;.. resi,(l.~mt;iti ..th.e county~~~,t..~el,~~o~\'d;f\ lSlJ4;,,:w'tt:s':7:,BS2;,i'l!I,; . ,:!' j-' ~,' ,',';: ",,_::,V:' ,(,I ,,' .':~~ ~t~;:~l~~~\~:~~~t~;:.:~i~::.): ;;',r:':~;:,::,n:,},n~~:.' A veragenumber of Clays _theschoots w.ere opel1eu: 2:05 N:,umh!2l'of,Pu;pHs,who attended less than,20rlays,~" 576 It, " II. . ", betweeu.20'anH'50,daY'F "$90, 1f:d:)!,. '.:'~:'l:if (' ". '., ., 50 ],00" 1294; " ". (,'" "100 150 ',' 15,97- H I' "150 200" 2250 " "o\'er 2QO days.,., '.'" ..g1~:\ '-' ,-'dl',Asstr"ICltT.t6N",(>l!',;:P:U}\'it.s, No. 'ot:p'~;pi1s.in:. Fi'i's't Class'Pli,rt.'l,.,:;';::"..;,\.,..",,~.~. . .1396" '. ':"1.,,;"1':', "", -;~"" -" ," :,.~. ;".',.;",:;:, ".i!\~i,':~~ )~05 q' ~., ,SecoIj9,Class, '" ".,. ',' ...,:', :'.. ;':1'.1456 " ", 'Thi'rij'O:Cla:ss:,,~., "',i,.:, -},j \;~';,: 1;:':"""'::;"~";','12:51 'i ',' Fourth ,Cla,ss,..,; ~ " . "_", ""',' .~'.:'::, 1-:-J91' :'" "'" . }-'if,tll, Ohitgs':-:.,--~ ~,,::.:' :.',;,t{~r::~';:":';,'{\;~":':~339, ~ ,/--::- ::1: '.. _:_:.". :_, .... , " '...:" ::..' i", '. '.' '., '. ,. .... ...., '..," , '. ' , .,' 'r..:;;, :;t\lithe. "q,.93~, :-Pl\,pqs,t~,~:ixe~:~l.lsth.),ption: ;Iii. tea;djllg('~\\:tJthjg', 'iMithme'ticJ :spellilig__; draw'il1g:"geography__al:idthe_r~ght :u:se -ofEnglish__. '. . '~ " ;,,:"-,-~,:, Ahe;f61liiwtug 'shows "th,~": '~umber","O-f'::pupils..in ..,..,other ,,_ s.ubjects of the .public :;:'~(:)I~?1 p~ogr.a,tmne~'--:'-. ' . .. '. ' '01:1'-"_'1".. " ",En,~lisl) 'History,: !_"; ;",'-. ", 'h.,. '.:' ,.:;.,_It,,i\;:;:,',~,,'''.lS27. Ca;~ladian Hi.story; . ,. ''''<,,' :~'" . . . . " , , .., . ," " ".0'..27:7;7,' PhysiQlogy ii;lirl:'Temperance~. ,_, . n. '. '." ':'" '~'.."A'l48' .'J\1:11sic., , " ",","" .::.:"",..,:.", , , , .. . . "",~" ,.: .":,d2214 'Physical Clllt'llre."" /,. . .-_.", ,. .'...., ")'",..3.04.5, }lookKeeping, """.,.,.:.,.'"..,833' "A'lgebl'u'.. ,..... ."" ""''':0.. 36.8, ,..' .,.,,:i,i:~~T~~~:':,',}:': "'''''':;'''''':-''-'':.; :,::: ...;.,'. :':,:;:,~>:'::,::l~i :<.'Pllys.ics,.:"" """"~ .:;~;~:-;';. ""112 Agriculture, .',.". ,. ,-,; ",;'.,., 109 " This ~hows,thatl,472 pupils attended,schoo150'days.01' less; 2,766attende;.( 1,OO,daya orless ahd 4,125 att~ndedmorethan 150 da-y~, Therower~.16 chilc1rel) between 8 and 14 years rCPQrted as not attending any school, while 1,031be~\\-'e.en the,ages'o,fS ,and14 were 'repor-ted'o,snot.' having at. tend13;~,lOO'daY8 . -., ,);, t;J,~ ELG,m COUNCIl.. cp:UN11' COUNciL, MISCELLANEOUS, \,': , ;,.., No,'6fMaps. ,. '.' '.' ~_'" ,~" !',' q, ,_, ", , .94G No> of Globes'_ :"", "".,., '.. ,'... .. ,,_..106 NQ.of-'Visi'ts'by InspeotOl;: ',."",.,." ,260 ,4 Ti.'ustees ...,. '." .,.". .158 Clergymen "" "".", 67 'No; of other Visits.'..""" '..,." .....457. No. ofPublio.Exatilin.!ttiOlli'l _.'."."""" M No, of Trees pln.nted, ':'.,.,.., '_" -'. '. .239 GEluerr.!ly ,-:'" ,-- -- , nn4 ul'ithibet:ic receive more special a.ttcntioD'li.nd . .gr,eB,ter efficiency: in ,tnc8e s~bje()t8.Pllpila,a.l'e '~w'titill/l' gcneml1y'btiing.ofan excellent ch,ar~ct~r. ,',In' ql1' thb' ,scl1t:u)Lwork ,'we,ate .et-riv,in-g,to, dC~le\op in n~(l..tne,~s,"ltent~dn, 'l\~cul'acy.car~fulness, ct.c~' "Thbrcannot ';~oigood':in'de\'e'1bpiDg \lse1ul'Citi'zeIls. 8ClIOOt."~EC'TIONEI; "OlT3~SI' .ETC. "~o'. of Sch6tiiSections;, ,...:~., ';". t.: '105 Ii nO\lSe~. "...~_;".. ','" ,'101 .. Brick Houses" "_' ..'_'. '!' 62" .. Frame School'Rons'es ..45 , ".i DepartmentB;,~ ;'. :., ;',~".-128 ,'.l'b~ '~:)~neot:Scbo'~l ,hous,ei(andSites"is repor.tedt'obe $H12~'1()(l,( t,~rei::~toi;'~14;r:.;o., \ ThePublie Sc11001s received $IG5fl'Omthe Ontario Govel'llnlent lc.st ,ycttrfor' 31 candidates paS3l11g-theYublic School leavitlg examimdiiorl.' . Ono Sd1001,No. IOSouthwold, a o\]~'-teacher school, recei'v'ed $30 of this 'sum. 'I'here wcre two Dwetings of the Elgin. T<.'acher~' Iustit'tltedudng the yearjone 'at Dutton and one atSt.'Thoma3., .The meetingawercwetl attended, atvlIbe~' 'lievethe_ teachers,~nd thsrefore the' sehoolS,. profited th,erefrom. Thankh\g yon and the public' generally for' thcintercst mallifestcclin f<tre of our public Sch0ols, TEAonkRS. N.o::olTeachers..", ." ,. ..', ,:..-..';.-,:.-,128 < 'No,'cif Male'Teachcrs .. ,'.",. .:,,', "..-, .55 N"~_,ofFeniale~e/1cher8, ","'" ~ ..,.. 73 No.' h~lding tlii~d ~l~s~'certificates' 82 No. hordingsec(mdcla.91'f'.,~',,,~,. ;" .". ~ '45 No. bolding first cla.gg .......;~..". 1 Averagctlnlnrypnid n male tc~e~e~~ ~~~8..~8; Av()_rn.go:l'ln.iary,pn.id n fem~le ,'teacher".,$S07'.OO. o.verB-gy, salari:es pn.id'n. t.h~~dlfferent!\lunicipa\itieB: ,--,--:.....:..-...._~~l~- ~ld~or6ngh;i ";:"""'." Bayham .,,;,,;, ;:.i,.".... .'. South Dorchester"",.-;-."" Dunwi~h,:.-.", .:::.,. .'.' .',' Malahide, .,." ..'~,. .'. ,'. .'.' SoutlhwoM. '. .'..'., .. .'. .'; Yarmonth. . ~'" . ,..:...~.-..; Dutton: '. ,.:.'.. ~".,., :,Port: Sttl,nley ',' '_'.';'!-' '-':."" .'Spri.l)g6ehl,~,,,,,,,.,: ",',' ._....... Vienna., ,.......,.., ....,....,.-:'.... I,have:thehollor tOQC, gelltlemcn, yonr obedient rmrvant, W. ATKIN"; Public School IIlSp~c,t()~~ to Eduoation Committ~ea'l1ct~doptyd; .Male. Feinale; ~ $376 II 375 on. .425 no. . 377 86 339 i7; 391 37 37188 520' 00 521\ 00 4715 00 45000 .F..LGI:-r COUNTY COt'~CIL. JANU.A:RY SESSION. ELGIN, COUNTY CO'u:KCIL" S. That a By.law be passed imposinga fee of $l'permonthohall county attending HighSchools. ' 9, That the account of thc ('Time>;" fOl; printing Historical sketch~<!' :of. the of Elgin bepMd, the ainourit $140. That the HistOl~ical Sketches of the County be bound' in cloth. REPORT OF EDUCATION COMMITTEE. JOHN.H. Repol't'l'e.ferredto a Committee of the ""Yhole,. 'and $6,950 00 , Allofwhichisrespectfu:lly submitted. JOHN I!. ~,~p,or-b:J;'~feI're9-:,t!J Qommittee at the Whol'e alid amended by ti6ii.2, , ,,-,,'" JUNE SESSION, Tothe,Wfl:rdell and Council of the Comity of Elgin: "G-entlemen:-The Educatioll:Cdmmittee beg letweto pl'esent the port: ' L That. ,the Public School Inspector's report be adopted minutes. 2.' 'That an Entranco Examination be held in the village of West yeal', in addition to the other places where examinations are held, 3. That R. McLachlin'~ account of st",tionery for teacher's amount '~lO,OO;be_ paid" 4. ,That.~2100 be;granted to the St.;Thomas'{~ollegiate Institute 1895. 'That '$2000 be granted to the Aylmer Collegiate Institute for the 6'. 'that $1700 be granted to Dutton'High Schoolfo:r the year 1895. '7, Tho. $.600 be ~,on\ed\o \h~ Vienn. Hi~b So~oolf6, tho yo", 1895... ELGlSCOUNTY COU::\ClL. GAOL AN)) PRINTING COMMITTEE. JANUARY SESSION, report: have cOrls'iderc'dthe report'6'ftheCounty Engineedn rega,rd to tl1e~llr' this building. and gaol. vVehavealso examined, the furnaees, find as !Stated by the engineer, that there is Ollly sufficient fnrnace cb.,p~C- properly in cold weather, when cverything is iu"goocl' a~on,e oft\1.c furnaces is~n.ot,sufficiellt to heat the huilding alone,there sedous loss to tho County in case of accident t-,o one 'of the fut'nacesiIl We,would therefore, recommend that th~ .engincerbe itlStructedto at' once take steps t,Q ,have a,n extra furnace 'put in. ANa, 8 Spenc~ Dltisy fur-nace will deliveroll here $237and the connections will cost about $60,.makiug a'total of putting in au extra furnace of~bollt $300, ' 2,; That the County pl'itithig be awarded to the Aylmer "Sun," being the low- est tender. All of which loncspectfully submitted, R.. LOOKER, R,aportadopted 'January 24,' l895~ SEOON)) REPORT: To the Elgin, County'Conncil: Gent1eulen:---''l'he Gaol Comipittec beg leavctoprescmt their' folloi,vs: That th~y. have considered the Registrar's COlllllHlllication fOl'otUc8 f!Jeritsand would rccommend: ,1. 'Thatyonr committeooe ernpowcred to oi'der such :q.ling Casos, "t111d shelves fl:sthey"may deem advisable. ~l.,.Tha:t in l'eferencq to othei' improvements askcd for" your c'ommittee bring in ,a definite i'cport at the J nne session, ELQINCOU:\'J'Y COUNCIL: ~~----- -~-~~---- JUN<t SJ<:SSION; To the Warden and Conncil ohheCou'ntyof-ElgiIL Gcntlemcn:-The Gaol COlllmitteebeg leave 'to report: 1. That. con tncts for two eases o(rollersbe,lves; 34 shelves. il~,cach, caSCK of Document Files, 72 in each, ,for RegIstry.OfI:ice, have :liecn the Office Speciality Co., amounting, to $425:; 2,'l'hat since ,the Ilmrder 'trial "m have-' hl1d the Conrt'1"OOUl co\'ered with lino- hiuln, aliall'~xpbtls;l of $102,40, This Wa's iie"cessary'i:ni'sallita-ry gromids, and we believe it. wiIl be economicaL 3-Th~t wc haveordel'ed linoleum forthe space 'occupiedby. the petit and th'e grand jurics,D.-lld at the top of the main_stairway, .~. rl'hatour atteptionhaving beendireotedto the unprotected conditioll'ofthe Treasli~er'soffice, we have had it refurnished throughout at a dos;t of $177,69. The large crowds the tl:easurerhas to pay on mallY o~casions, r~udcred this, pense u,ecessary, 5. That three rooms iu thc, gaoler's residenco have been papered at ati 9f $22.35. . 6, We recomme,lJd that ilO other improvements be made to'the year, , 7, That half a dozen 'wire mats Lepl'OCllred for'ilsein COllrt Housennd1~egis" ofHce, ' , All of u'hichi.srespectfnlly snlmdtl"e(l. ~, ,LOCKER, Adopted 7th JU'le 1895. ELGIN' COUNTY COUXCIL, F.LGIN COUNT\" COUNCIL, NOVEMBElt ,81;:SSION. '1'0 the \Yludet1 and McmlJOrs'of the Elgil1 CountyCouncil. ,GiwtC0I11mit-tcebeg leave tOl'eport: to lighting:tlw Registry offiee,~fhltt thE:l'CbUl1ty" Engi~cer be prepal'c pIaus'[tucl"estimatcs -for,lighting'tl~e"~onnty lJuildings:, in- Regis,try office,....dth "electricity, ancl that the matter' be ,cOll!'.idered of theCon:nciL SPECIAL COM11I;rTEE.--,--PORT' BURWELL HARBOR, '1'hl,1t ,the Clerk be insh-udteci:t?Jlr??llre.sixtcoll \y~'re n1atr~~ses, forgao, and 0,1130 samc number of suitable sleeping, ~ugs. '1'l~,at the Enginoer he instrnctedto make. a hot water counection lIlthe: gaoler's kitchen to the bath'ln the gaoL "'fhat:adoOl: waybc cutin the fence opposite the water closetin-the'ga;6Ier's apel that the,caretaker ,see, tnat,It is ahvaysa\;~dlat,le for'thc laellcs:' ""Ill:> be attending Court, '1'0 the Elgin Count,y" Conncil: The Special:COllJlllitteo appointcd re Dep\ltationtQ urge POl'tBrir,well Harbor, Leg leave, to report: ~rhat, ill, their', opinion it is advisable td send the:following pc appointecl"thereon,W. F, Luton, and W: M, FC}l'd, and the \Varden withR Locker. above are unaRIe to go, All,of,which is respectfully suhmitted, Roport, adopted ,Jan, 24, 1895, SPEOIALOOMM!TTEE. ON RESOLUTION 011 OONDOLENCE. JUNE SESSION, ~lL Of 'w hich isrespectfullysu ~\nitted.:' To the\'Ya~'den and Com16il of the' COul1ty',ofE!gin. R. LOCKER, Chairmun. Gentlemcn:'-,TheSpeCia!' Committee'appointed to ,"draw "up a pl'csep~ the followirig: ""'hercas i~ has pleased-, AimightyGod to remove frot}l onr midst by '1Jhe anI' \'nlued frieild:and colleagne, \Villi'al~1 Blewctt;, ,'~sq'.']'irst Yab11Outh, be it,therefore resolved that t~le lllembersoitflis Goullcilexp~ess theil' h,eartfelt-sympathywith thewi'dow q,ud" fa~niIy a11d that the Clerk hdvethis ELGIN COUNTY COUXCIL, ,-.:,.---------'------::....~--'-"------'-'-~~ REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMlTTEli: ON COpNTY JU:<E EESSIO:-l. To tho Wal'rlc;l, [H]d Members?! the Elgin Connty,ConnciL G<mtlerilen:-...:The Special Committeeappoillted, to corisider the all1o\lut'of Sl1h11'ics paid'~o conntyqtficers under the contr61of thc:Elgi'nCoUli:tyC.Qullcil and expenses" ,,,ith.[1 view to the reduction ol'maintenallcc of thepI'csent ratcot expcil\littll'e beg,leave to present the following report:- \Ye lmve examined the auditors' report. hi l'cgal'd to coni]t.y\ sabries and \\'Ollld ':t'ecommcnd:- 10 ,';L'h'l1t,the salary of thej,lilol' be reduced to-S500. Z. That-the saJu;ry of the conntytreasurer he rednced to$l,OOO"anu he'be r':qi.lire~l to fmuish guat'antee compl1llY bonds to the amount of$20,OOO. 3 That Jamcs'A. Bell bo l'etl1ined liS COlHity enginccrwithout sal?-ry-,to he V11i<l for, Sel'\'lCCS rendered, 4~ Th~t the appoinl.inell't of thegilOlsurgeonbe"dthoutsal~r)'. 5~ ,l'l1at the sll.IMY;Of the county,auditors,bo' redIlG,ed,to $~O miell. 6., 'l'h<1t, the pay of membcrs of,this cO\lllcil foratten(lanceat me~tingsann comini'ttecs:bc'redueed to $1.50pcrdu.-y. 'rhat"th~ salary of the caretaker of. the, Cbtmty buildingsbo roduco(~ t9 EXI'ENDITURE. J~J~GIX 'COUNTY'c6'U}\cIL :57 REPORT OF SPECIAL COMM.ITTEE IlE CONSOLlDA1'T()N oF COUl\TY- , BY-LAWS. NOVEi\mER.. SESSION, Ti).t,.hc V\:nblei'i'aIHl. M'emhfJl;S .of 'tl1,'i.'l.'EIghi. {lOilot'Y.GOtl0ciL GeutleillBll:-Thcspocial committee app'ointcd to C6~lsidet' the ecitlsoli(!a.tio!l ' ". . . ..... ..., "., --". - "'.,,.... . .".' ...',... ,..- .:' oflh, 'OO"'y by"Iaws beg 1:0'010 topOtt, that "Wi II.'oass!>t"'" of tho .olioitot and clerk wehavc complet;ed the cOllso1idatiol.l" 'Of 'the ~h)'cl'u:\\'ikall'd sl;bnJithcre~' with:-:- , , L In(lc'xOf ttllby-,'la\vSliu'sscd hy'the0o'111ib,y COlliiilii"oI-'t"il'C'Coll"ti(y'M 'EIglb lip_to_the present .. (~a,t:, t?g,ct?~r. with'rr.eI11Ol'IUIChtlll, ~hoWjl1~ ,ydw~h:cl',-saidby_ liLWS are 'at prcscht Ill., f?rce 01: n'ol1', "and hy wh~at by-laws t'epeuJed'oi.' amended., 2. The following ,~I'e the by-laws at present in force ailcl 'w1]]ch in Oll~' opinion "should be pdl1t:cd: ~y,.~aw No. 37, to cOll~rm . tIle ac~i~ll. hel'e~of~re ... taken_ ,for the collection of -:'t'olt&'OU the Port .St<'~lllcy. road in the Cot1l~ty of Eigih and cst<1\)lish'tllC;'litl~te;:,' By~!a\\' No, 07, to appojnta sllrgeotlf6r the gaol oftlJO County of Elgin. i'cm unera tCI'n'en-'lliel's "of'contlcdl' for'itheir'1i. tleinhince in, That thesa1al'Y of the inspectorcif the Honse ofIndustl'Y be, reduced to g, .1',hi1t, the clerk be authorized to prepare by-laws necessllry to abo\;e'reeolllllloridations into effect, on and after th~ 1st day of Juiy next AU of which is rcspectfully submittcd, W. F. LU'l'ON,Chail'man. By.lawNo, 19G,to tnak6'J'-egtlilltiqll'S..fl)rt~c.pl'esC'l'vatioii 'of Pliblic.lll'ora!s' 11.1 '_tlic9o,p.nty of l~lgin, By~law No, 240,-to {orin IjigIi school 'distHots hitncCoUnty of EI,!iill'and de(crminethe limits thereof. , ~BY"IawNo, 2Q8, to appoiilt sub trcastifer-sof school iil'i:Hiies:inthc severLtI JUbidpalitios in the COlinty~ 1'::..:. "... 5th,Jlmel 1895. Report referred to commi,ttec f'lectons 1 to 8inclu~ive. bf.thG whole al1c1.amended {:,'By-law No, 349" to a.ppoirit i1. treasl~rei'ior ~lie County of Elgin a'nd l'epe'al i,}.:Iaw No, 251. ' . ::By-ll1w No. 364" to appoint J~mes_A.Bell, cbunt.y erigineel'of theCotmt,y of ~. I By-lawNo.3GB,to appoint, I{~nneth Vir, McI{arl ..~~QfflG~ of Ql~rk cd th,c'-Qpuut)' qf :EI~~!1' , :mT"GIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL, 'l<iLGIS COUNTY COU:-\ClL, ~- 3rd. We have. to"l~ellOmmend the follo'wii15 new b;,ia.w's .~~ be passed,;_, ' . . '., (0:) By-Law tOl'epeal certain by.la.ws Of the CountJ:'of ~lgin, (b), Forregulabirig thr3,am,ou~t to be p,BA9 byauctioueers for a1iecuso to goods,""wares aYld merol1andi~e in the CoulltyofEI'gin. I (o). To provide forthep'ayment.'or reward for "apprehensiou of ill the "County-Of'Elgin'. (d),:"Tofix the~alaries of ,the gaoler,matron;and,turnkl3ys of. the COUr;tty Ga.oJ. (e) To fix thc8ularies of the keepers of : the c1ock-'up, houses in', theCpu.nty Elgi,n, BJ':lajNo.378, to fix the salary of th,oga61snrgeoi1, By.l[1,w No, 381, to uTlpoint a solicitor for the corporation of the County of ~ll!iu, 388,' toap-po'into.n Inspcbtor of 'pubin~,sel1061s i'n the County Of 400,' to fix the ainount to' be plJid to schoor section':Nb~ 14,':Soi.l~h- the edlicatiOn'of childreldrom,the' Elgin' House D,f ,Industry, ' " Uy-l~w No, "412, to regnlate the proceedings in t,he municipal council of the corpoia~ioi1 of. the- Connty 'of El'ginarid the" officers itndcommibt,ces the~'e6f: By-law,No. 418.:to appoint rtboardofexaminers for'tbe 'purpose third. class certificates of qualification to candidates as teachers of pU,l)li.c 'By-lawNo. 4131, to'fix,amounu to l)e paid the Cqllnty of Elgin, foi t.ravclling expenses, By_,lawNo,-482, to namcaud appoint'an engineer t,o carry oitt 6fthe Act 5~, Vie; Chap~ 42, By-law No,4S9" to deeiarc it expedient . that the provisions of Titles Act be extclldecl' to the County of Elgin, By-law No; 496, to author\ze the gaol committee tapas::! of the Court Houso Park in the city of Sli, Thou'las. crt To license, regulate and 'govern,hawkers, pettyohaprpell an:lOthers. In this by-lawwercc'ommenda c^hange in the license fees as,follows:--:-:- Totra\,'ei on foot,th'o sum ofteil'dollars. To trav'd with"one"" dOllarf,andforevel'Y additional horse twen'ty dolhus. We further'recommend thatall.these-bY_laws ',ahd ,index boundsll bE'tantiallyin, boardsleathcl"'buck,and-,corners, and bac-k ingolp, ,"Consolidated By:,'Law.s oftheCounty,of,Elgin." All'"of-which is respectfully submitted; 'Adopted 13th."November, 1895, W. M. FORD; Clui.irman. By-law No, 511, to authorize ,the plLymcnt of a grant 'to. the ,Bo:yh'am forlbe snpport of Charles Chivers, an indigept. By~lawNo. 514, to anthorize [l,lldpt'ovide for_thcappointlllent;',paym(int, dutiesoft1niilspec'tol', keeper,matron D.,l:Hl-'pliysiciaIi for the care and mat'mgemerit, of t,he House of Indii.stry' and' Refuge of Elgin, and ~o prescribe ni.les and regulat~()lls for .the go\'e.nullent thereof, rica1 by-lowliNos, 276, 2S0, 375, 380, ?S9, 448, 456,484, By-law. No. 519, to authorize ~he \-Vardcn of t,l18 \,ounty of Elgin contracts for public works 1~'y';LawNoJ5:25,to determH~e wbat 'bndgea the maintain, " By-Law No. 531"to fix tbeexpenses,of'the~l:quiries,_dircetedto be ,~l19'1\.ot res~ecthl~ ~~lnatic As~lUI11sltrHI,thec1.l7t,ody ofinaane' 60 ELGIN 'CO:c'NTY"CQlJN;OJ,L. I!;LG-1-NCOU.N~:Y, CGUNCIL; l{EPoRr.Ol!~ ,SPECIAL COl\'rMITTEC: ON WARDEN'S ADDRESS; '1'0 theElginCc;n~t,lty ,C;o,uncil: gen.tlom'en.:~ The Special Corilmittee appoi:ntedto consider the Wal'd~'n'a udclres9 beg lea.ve to report: W'edo not,thinkit advi-li:able :to have IL votGtliken,-in referel1cetothe Labor question m.Township Municipldities this year, but we reCall' th,e l'Qwnshj.p repr~eenhttiye8 of tl:l,i'~ COll.ncil bdng_the~a.tt~r their constituents \vHh u. dcw to having the quest-ion thol'oughlydis; a,t nOmilHl.tlOt},Bl1ndoth,er meeting~. 2nd. '!'hatwe l,greewlth the views expressed by the 'VVal'vdfmin regttrdto rldsing thestanda,rd ofthePl:lbliQ Sc.hoolH, and-. tll[l,tthe Clerk prepace a-p,Elti, tien tO~e forwv.raE:dt~ the LocalLegislatur~ in reference thereto., 3t'd; That in our opinion the pl'~sent financial position o~ the, conaty is most'satisfa:ctory and bo~terthl1njt ,btl,B been, {ormf~,'qY _~ears, .!th. . In c108in~ this, report we def;ire to_ reJar to, the ver)', ~cc!,!ptal>le marm,er 1I1;which,thewarden hM,' presided over the deIiber.a,tJonso( the,qo.ul;lQ},ld,uring, t,lle present j8\\,1'.', Hid to be hope,(\tha.t, h'a'J1ng prov.ed, hims(!1f riJ.,o!>t capable ftSU public official he wiH i'n the' near future assume tl~ose rparital itiea' whICh not only himself but other lriembers anoi offichihi of tothemselve13~Hld the, public gCllrmdly, -All of- \yhichis r, spectfuJly s'ubinitted, TREAS URl~n'SSTAl'EME'N r. NOVEMllFR SESSION, To theWa' den,aud Council of the County of Elgin. (;IOIltlemen:_ I beg leave to'report ~tS to the financial position Of the, County of Elgin 31st, Octo~er Jaat. BulanceCo. ASSETS. rate'lS9.!, Township of AIdbbrough.,.." $ 2026:00 <l f, DUllWich,. "'_' '.'" IS9LOO' YarlIl,Ollt,h;., ,.,., 3420,90 B,ayh,am'1_,., "." 2:630.00, Cash."., ,.. ....,..".. '...,..,....,. ....,'. ',".',.' ','.' 530,40 Balance,..".. '...,. """ .", ",' ,. 20097,05 " ~'--.:. ~3~195.3'i5 LIABILITIES.. Bills payabla~tt Molson's ~U'nk,_, "','," '" ..,$30000,00' Balance due'Alboroughabsentee tax.'~.."",. 759,.'79 " nayham ".. .. , .. .. .. 262,91 Dllnwich " "'" ',", ,. 37;18 SOllthwold I. ',..,." ,,'. 68,62 Yarmouth" 66.85' FR:\:\K 'BENNETTj " ,Adopted 13th June. Chrdrman. .$B1195..35' The abo:~eBt,atement does not'inqJude any portion of ,county ,~:lr.' the .IIa:bi:1it'ies of CPU'll'ty 'fbrdebfm,lin~~~,. 'i;in6u~ting to fifteen, I:~'ra:,the fir~t' of which coinesdue:, l.~tof Ja,nU/:l.,ry, 1896; )All of which ia'respectfullysubmitted. rate for IS95, tbousand..dol. 1895. ,WEN McCAUSLAND, Oounty Tl'ea~urel'. o 6l 02, ELGINCOUN'l'Y COI1",CIl" ELGIN' COUNTY C0UNCIL. .,UQ'USEOF'INDt].,S.TRY:, .<, JA-:<:UAIIY SESSION, St. T~lO~?-S, J an:, 2,1th., 189,5, JUNE SESSI(:iN, To the, }Varden D.lld Members of the Elgin County pcninci.J, Gentlemen:_ ',To the,Elgin County Counci\. G.en,tlemEln:-'-7Th~' ,I-~ouSO of Indt~8try,Committeebeg -lel1-\'e to,re1?ort: ~ 1. That the com'mutlieatioi:l from D. J, DotlvJiue 'in reference jurorS visiting I-louse of Industry, th-i-s:committee would'recommend ,iuspector,\'!e9djlll'Orsfort?0 c,~utts in c::tch,y~ar t,u vis!~,the 110U5.8: 2; That the cOtnm"t<nieation,Ji'om the County of' Wp,llftnd In regard to tbe Anatomy Act'be referred to our :d~pre8entf\.tives in the, Local Legislatureand that ,our inspector be imp'o~'ercdto 'flct with said members in regadtoprll.nt d,ue thiseb~nty.from ,tho'government, , All of which is res})ectfully submitted. TbeHous"J.of' fndustry'Com'inittee beg leave to ieport::""~ That t'he,commUhicatiol\ from theP9n~Ahlerie[tn Al':sos:Iat'iui~,J;JB no't""';1t8r '_tained, ,., , "', . FRANK BENNETT, Cliair-m(l.'n; Repor~:~aopted, NOVEMBER_ ::;ESSXON, Counc\1 clmmber, 24th', ,Tau', 1805,' the ';~hoie.ana' !tmendeibY' strifdng .'.u FRANK HE~NETT, Chtdrn:hin. 'T6,tho \'Vl1rdeli.'dnd Co'tmcilof the Couut-yof Elgin: . . : , Gqntlcmen:-!-'he House of !n~lustr"y OOI11mittee,bpg' J.ca.,:e tf), 'repol',t: L That the: reports ofthe:Physidab and Inspect6i> beurloped anil pdntcrl the -minutes. .2nd. Report, 2,Thatsi'nce the last session we ha'veput,.dOWll .l:1n~(lditiol1nJ ',vall, 20ft:decp' apd ? lfeet incli[\meter~ " Although the 'presentstorage . capacity f~r :wa.!er :is sufliCie:nt to contu-inall of the rbof supply, thenecrls oft~e Institntionintl~isl'e- spect arc ver'y gl\'at,aIid the supply should be u:nlimitecl. ,This is lllem that has been promineiltly beforc,t.he Council for some tirnc and one ome, futul.'e C.onncil ,dll have to:remecly at a very ~reatexpe}ise, Repol'treferro,tl'. to 'cornroittf_e of chtuse one, < To the EIgit,1 County tOll,flCil. Council,chamber, 24th, Report adopted. J u.n., 1805. 'FRA.NIZ::ImNNETT~ Chu.-irman. it We have considered the quest.ion of church services 1le1d a't andho.vc to th(tl1'ktheladies andgentlemeu who have so kindly their services in loo1dng after, the spiritual welfure ,of ,the inmates; present arrallgc-IUent, thc ConntyCouncil furl1ishel'l a conveyance from of.St: Thomaf\ forn"minis'ter everyothel' Sunday. For the; future 'wc wi:mldhe bettcr tonlake an alTa,~gement withsople city.ministenvhereby hc,~i'lt attend regt~larly evcl'yothor Stinday,at;td hold such burial and .specht1 ashe may l,ellotified to attend by the managemel1t, and for this purposcwe re~ commend that the Inspector'arrangewiLh aministi?rill tho c~ty of St" Thou-ias to '.h61(1 regular services at the Institlltioll every other SnnclaYl' at a ..cost llOt fa exceed$W per year. , The keeper to arrange for the conv9yance of the minister with the teJ.]ll, Gent1emen:- T11elI,ousc of Industry. Committee .beg second report as fO!lOWS:,- ., ,,-- .'-:"".' 1. ThlJ,tthey ha~Y.e.,roade. 'inquiries in." ~~.f~~~l~~e t~' .'lun~.ti~ ': __ ',<, ",:,,', ,',!, ,',c' '., ":_,': ," countyjail, Ojnd finClthat he ~vas s<:nt_~thel'o ':rom'St, :J.'h6m~s~ not entitledtrobe p1aoed,in the House of lndus:ry llS. rec'o'rriI11enc1eCl. gr'and jury in theiL'pl'escntment. All of wbich.,is respe:ltf,ully,sub~,~tted, . 04 ELGIN -COtJ1i'l'YComtcIL. 4, W C hlil. ve had constructed an ice hous-e in pu.rt of the present wocid house, nndw'ill hu\'c a large refrigerator erected in t.he main building, This isnece, sltl'y.for the preser'vationof'ineuts, ,etc" during-the heatedtel'lll, aud it' is a coli. \'Emience that 'will be ecomical. ' 5.!Ulldet~ u,l'eC811t law, it w~s enaeted,that children'arc n;t to' bi:l'alIowe'd a's i inmatcsof HOllses of Industry. It;ll'cfe'rel1cQ,to this tbe Inspectot', has' commn- icated~wltht.he Superintendent ~f Neglected Children at Torouto; who, hitsdi. Noted him :to briilg ~hemattel' 'Lefore the Childrci1's Aid S9ciety f& the Courity theofIiccl's of wInch reside in St. rJ~hon1l\s, This has been d6ne, bUb as yet they )-lave taken no MtlOil, We would recommend thit the Inspectol:' be authorized to ,Qocoperate with the society for,pi'ocuring homos fat' allchildten who may 'at 'allY' time be committed by the Institution. ' G: 'l'be rate of nl[l,intenancc per inmate pet' weeliis as shown by the Inspectr's report '$1. 29. This is'the e,ame_ as itiva's last yeM', \V c arc ofthe.opinon that. ,'i.m'derordinary circun'Hltanccsthe -ru.'teC.:Luilot bem\ich lower than thisiu future yeal's unless' adc1itionalland is pro€ured, to ena\Jle the keeper to tltilize thesnr- labor of the -inmates,\;;'hieh cotildbe dOlle'at a profit, Ill. closing thel'epot't,\ve desire to,r'ofer to the efli'ei'ent mauneI' in which the 1 rii3titution ha,8 been conducted dtlring the year, Ail of ,which is respectfnlly_subrnitt-ed, FRANK BENNE1'T. Chairman. Adopted,Nov. 1:3, 1895. -If';, E'LGIN COU'N!l'Y'COUNcr'L.' PHYSICIAN. To vVarden',andMem:bersof the EIginCollntyCouncil in sessiou Geritlemen:-I have the bonorto rreaent you ,with my pOlt,of the'Elgill House, of Industry: Ibave made sixty-six officiaJ ,'isits~ ueenhvo with frozen feet., one .of whorp lo,st about half only the tocs 'of eaqh foot, ' Pete'r'Snider; an 'InstItution, met,w.ith an accidelltWhichcut:tsed a a fracture'ofthc 'hulllerusat the surgical 'neck.; suffered 'so ,much -from.ingrow'ing toe ,nails; both greattoes, One .case of rupture, :ot::manyhere,neady ;resulted fataJI.y~ alJcesses opj:ltied 'and'teeth 'extracted, .were -much 'tho"flame ,as every, year. birthstookplace,both lnQt.hers ,u,np.children doing "veIl, "Ne 'ha\~e been'singularly free fromancoi:lta~ious diseases, having,no,measles, scarlet fever, 'whooping "cough, I,chicken~,pox, ,diphthf),ria, nor_an.y-"ty,pho,l'a, or malarial,f,e\'er, ,although. the apjoinirigcityofSt, _,1'homas and s,nrro,uDding ,CoL1U. try have' been visited, by all the above named u1aladics, to.quite a considerable extent" Thisspeaks-,,'ellforthe'saliitary cOlldition in which the plllce has been kept. by those intrristed with this' duty. The foll~wingstatistics' will - afford you full information.in lJiortalit;y,giving th~lH1mesjages"causesand time of death;- NAME, J osephBaxter JohnvVilliamscin .Thomas Hill-born Thomas Phillips Johi1 McIntyre WilliamWiltOli Thomas Purdy E'ffieWallace Duncan'McPhail VVilliam Gilting Sarnuel Clark Jamj's Rochester AGE. 50 81, 76... 8th. 53 52 74.. 9&.. 7.6" 730. 86.. 76.,. CAUSE: , . . Consumption ~at;gr:eneu'f toe ."1Jropsy, . 'Old Age 'Coilsllmption Stoppage of :Bowels ""J>aralysif.l' ,- . Dysentery,1 "consumption I-feart,lfailu're' 'Old Age , Hcar3,Failure TIME. 3rd Noven,lber' 14th December 15th'December ',21st March ,1,7.th'Apt'i1 19th Ma.Y 13thJu~y- 24th ,July 7th Au,gust, 14.th Angus't ,'9th'September ..tlth October Dial'rh,oeas pre,;ailed in' September owing i,n: ~nany -casc's'to 11l1u10derateus!}' 1 hayc the' honor to be gentlemen}' Yoni' ohl'!,dierit.servant. L. gITQN, M, D. ELGIN COUNTY COUXCIL. INSPECTOH ToU)e County Council of the County or ElgIn. Gentleln~n:.:.- Th~ followi'ng is my rep?rbon'" the House of. Industry arid Uehige for the year etidiug31at.October. ,1895:- Nlimberofinmates in 'bhe houeeat last,report.,....',.." 49, ,. admitted d.uring the )'ear, ,.,.,.",," .',.' - ,23 Ii born in house"...", ,.".."." ..,." ....'.',.,' ..,~, .2 II d~l\tbs..." ...""...,.".,.,'" ."",.'.. '.' .....,. .:,12 .1 bound. out.,., ....,. ..,. .." .-...', ..., ..,,-,.,...,. ,..... ~ " discluirged..,.,. ...,..,.,.. ...~....... '.'" "'.' ,.,... '. ,., ~' 'I abscbnded..". ..'". "".' '..,. ,..,..',. ",', ,;'.,.., ,. 5 8. "atBlind',!nstitute".,..".""...".,...",...... 1 9. Ie now in bouse."", ,,' .,.,." '.' .,":" ,.,......"." .'...,58 10; Number of inmates'sent fr0IU the several muriicipitlitiesin theCourity 'duringthe year;-:- Aldborou'~h..,., .".,.,.~.".,.." .,.... ,."... ,. 0 Dunwicb .... ,...' ....... ."....,.,.,..,. .,.. .... .,." 2 Southwold, .... ...,.... ".,. .." .....,... ,.',.,., 9 Yatmouth.. "...~,. ..., ,'". ............,... '........ 4 Malahide......,. ..,..".., ,..j..,..., .."...,' ...... ;', 4: Bayhant..., ......,...... .;'. .....',.... ,.... ,..... ,.,' 3 South Dorcheetet,. "., ......,...,. ,...,., .,'. ,..... 0 Vienna. .'.,.,,'" ,..,.... ,.",. ....",.,.,... .'., 1 Springf1eld". ."" .." ...' ... ".."..", ..,.-~..< 0 Aylmer..., .'.. ,.".."...".,...." " ,. ..",.... ;', 4 Port St(tnley.".~ ...., ,.'" .." ,,',.,'" ...'.. ," '," 1 Dutton.,.,.. ..,..;.."...,., .,..,...';..,.,..,..',.. 1 IL The various: oauses of pauperism of inmates inh6us:e duriug,the :may be classified, as follows:- , Sickness,..,.,. .... ..,.,....;"" .,." ,. ".' ,.... ,... 13 Des'titution, . ' , , , . . , , . . , ., , , ,. """,....".,' )1 Intemperanoe,.."""." ...,.'"..." ..,....".. 6 Cripple,...,...".~, ,.". .,.""..". ,., ,.,:...., ,., 9 ~~~:~~:::::::: :'::::: :': ',::: ::_:: :,::::::::::::',' 1: I,nsane,Hiotio, etc.", '.." '." ;'"..".. '.';' '"., 15' All other cases, '.';' '.... ..,. ,,;...,. ,.. ,-, ..,. 9 12. 'Avpr~~e nu~ber,of ,inffJ~teedurin!5the'year,:."-!., 57 EL(UN COUNTY COUNCIL. 13. Average with lteeper's family; ete,. added,.,.., 6Q 14. Number of .weeks board of inmates..,...,...... 2958 15. Number \vithkeepor's family; etc., ttdcted.."... 3114 16. Total' expend,iture during the,yelJor,.."",..". ,~4250:09, 17, ,Deduct p~rmanent Improvements. , . . . . . . ... , . ;,~ 'Well, 20x11.,.". ,'.. """" ,.,..",. '" ;;;,:$ 63.10, ,Tile. ,......, '. ..', ,.",'. '.' ,'..,....;. ,.."" .. .'., ...~ 13,50 Stock sold.., '.. ,.....; '.... ..,'.., '.'..... ",' IOS.OO Received .from In~atC!sand Sll~nd~'ie9'.",." '" '.' 40.50 Making a total' ,of..." '" ~"'," "'" ""'" __$' 18, Lea,vingamount actually' expended for support.of Inmates...., .,',',., '... .., ,.', ,.." ,.... ',,;.;..,. HI. Average expenSe per week for eaoh p<::rson".",. 20, Average expense per dll.Y for ,eaoh person,.., ;'. , Thisatu,ount is made up as follows :_ Sala'ries"".,..,.,..,.,., ;0487 ,cents', Meat, 5 5-7-oz.;........._. .0203 If Bread., 13 I~7 oz,','" '..,.. .0154 " Groc8\'ies",..".. .,'"".. .0165 " Provisions.".",. ,'. """ ,0120 " Ilea-ting..,..,.",.",.... ;0271 " .All other expenses"",.,.. .0442 II 21. Average,expenseper year for:'each person"",. .,.... ","'" .,.J,..:.,.....,..,.,.. 22. Avexage expense per year for eaob person with, interest, on total [l,m.'t expended by Countyndded. 23. Average' cost ,Pei:, \?eek per)nmate, during tlJC last 19 years'~; , ". . ',", . . , . , . ", . '... ,-, . , , . , . . . . . . ... .. .. 1.10 24, Th~ amo'unt expended for House and Farm during the year is divided as follows;-':: Hired,Labor,.".",."""" $112, 75 l!'arm'Implem'ent~and expenses 1'06 94 'Fal'mStock.., ,_.:.."" ,.',. '_" 15100 Physioiai1..,.. '."" " ...',..., 20000 Keeper and,Matron, ,. , , , " , , , ; 65000 Drugs, , , . , . . ; , . '. , ... .,'.,." 73 42 Provisiolls, . . . , . . , , '. . . , . , . . . . 194, 85 Meat..." '..,'.. .'...... "..... 44579 Bread".."". .,,'.' ""',"" 337'69 Groceries.;.." '.."",.. '.'" ,. S<59 0'9 Dl'yGoods:,..,.... '., ". ...., '. ~90j7 EI..GIN' CDUNT'i: CQUJWIL. ELGIN-: ',C_Q,U1'lT_Y,'C0.uNCIL.: ' -- Boots and Shoes'""" ,."_..,,. Hard'ware', etc..,,,,..,,,,,,..',,,,, Conveyan.ce of Inmates,. ,...;.', Incidental.. . . . ,-" ,,, ",...., ".'~ ~.".. Inspector..,....,.,.. ",. ...",. "VVood...... ,.' ',"'" "... ,.."...... C'oai'..",.."" ,-,,', .., ", ...,.... Insurance. . , . , " ,...'",'" ... l'ERtllANl~NT .n[Pl~;IVEM:EN'1'8, 45 90 118 97 E12 20 313 65 15000 151 50 420: 28 69 50 III <tdditlol1 .to ltbov~ It llirge', amount of. veg~1io.bles, ecc" was raised and consumed d'uring the year, of, whicb no accot).nli \vaskept. 27. Number of ar~icles of bedding and 610thingm~de up during the 'yearby Matron andtnmates, 527', ". 28. Tlie Furnittll'8, Provisions, etc." on hand on 1st November"have; beeu' vil:l~ued. a~',fli2358. 2\1', The total amount expeuded; b).-: .county Cb:r I-Iouse,l1f' In~ugtr'y,et.O. is:tHfoilowi-l :_ Well...... ......... ......... 4000 Ti.le"."....,.,...~..,..",...""~....".,.... 1350; Brick for \lien,.,.,." "..... " 23 :10; Total.,..".,,',.. "",,,, __$424036 25, During tbe Y('larthreec!llld'renIlave a,ttend!ld schoo1292dl1YS, or fourteen and three-tifth months, v,ihich at 75 cents, pel' mnnth, makes amount .'due; School' Section 14, Sout.hwold,1,P'10 95, 26; The following produce wae taised- on \lh,e farm auririgtbe 10 tons of I-I-ay vaued:,..,... ,...,' ~.,' $14.0 00 '410 busbels of Oate."".", . .." ," . . ' .. .,. 100 00 79 " \Vheat..,... .,..."...,,';.,. 3500 2000 .', Mangoldlil.""."."',.,,.,. 14000 '300 " Turnips.", ".',' .,.,"."1 3000 100 " Corp...,..,...... ,.'.' ,..,... 2500 300 II potatoes; , ' , , ' , ' , . , " ,.,.. r/5 00 20 " ]jeans".",.,.". ".,,, ISDn 50 ." 'fable'ueets.,..",.,.".., 500" 50 " T!'tbl~ Carrots..'.," ,.. ,.". '.' 500 30 " Onions.,.". """ ..."." 21 00 30 " P!1rsnips,.,., "",j".",., '-' 7 50 1500 heads oE Cabbage""..",.,.. """. 30 00 10 loads of Cornstalks,."..."" ."..,"" " ~O 00 6 loads of Oat Straw ,,' ~..,. ". ..., ", ,... 2400 11 fatI-!ogs..",....,...,.., ....'"...., UO 00 100 Sprlllg Chiokens, \'....".....".. 1000 1 barrel of pickles..,., ,.." .0'.' .,.,., 300 74npou~ds of Butti.Jl' at 20 cents., ,....,. 149 50 80 jars of fruit.,..., ."...".,..". ..,., 800 . Toto.L:.. ....... .........:.. .,.,.. __~$966 '00 Fanll 50 acres, coso.. , ". , ." . .. . .',., ,.'" . ,$: ,3,OOl},' 02 HouseDf Industry.........,.",.. ."..'., 11,400,.35 FIHl Escapes-. ,,'., '..' ,'....,'.." ....." 390_06 Cottages; .."".,.",,'. 0_...... 0 ,... . . . 1,486. 6'il , Hav1-1e, Wood'Sbed, ete"....,.,.",.. """" ." Tile Drains,.,,;..".,.._..,..,..."'.,._." ".......',...' Tile Drain Outlet. .,.. ".. ,'.. ,..,..,.",',., Fencing" ,.'..., ..,. ., , " ,.,. O.tcll!J:rd".,.,.."" ...." ,. "'..,, '.., ...... HeatingA!!parattls"."".". '.,.,...,.. 'I'otal ";"."".,, ..,..'_.'.,."..., 30. Received from Gmr,el'nme.nt.G-rantQl1 rXI,ollditnres f'orhu'ld and buildings, .." .. '., L~aving ainouU:'t actqUiHy expend'ed:by county' AJ1.of' \vhich if! re-apecUully ,submitted. 2:,302:3:7' 460 12 . 60 70 :jq 75 85' 84 1,979.00 --$21,198 86 St. Thomas, 12th, Novel'D;ber, 1895,. K'. W. McKAY:, InspectO:Jr. EI.GI:-T COUNTY aOTINOll,. -~------ "."_._~~--'-'---------" BY.LAWS. BY-LAW No, 530, ,Toi1ut,horize the '''3.1;<1on 'and Tre,,",surel' to borrow the sum of Twenty Passed 24th J~\lii.lary,.1895,. l?,o it Emac.'tQ,d,hy the MuniCipal 'Council (If the Corporati(Hl of the younty of ,Elgin, umler the authority of the Consolidated Municipal Act, 1892, That the Warden and Tl'easurer be, and a.re hereby a.utho,rized to' borrow ,the, sum of 'T",enty Thotlsana Dollars in sums as may :bo required to ~eetthe' cur. ren,t expc-pp.iture,ancl renew ,notes of the Corporation of the CQunty of- Elgiu dur- ing t,he year 1895., " ' "The money, to be borrmvod from the Molsous Bank or otper _Chartered', Bank pro'dded th,e other :Banl~ charge a lowerra,te ot interest, CO\lllcil Chamber, ,St,. ,Thomas, 24th January, 1895. K. W. McKAY", JOHN THOMSON, Cou'tity Clerk. BY-LA\Y-No, 537. '1'0 appoint County Auditors for the year 1895, Passed 2:~th January, 1895, .' \V~lereas under the authority of the M;ut:icipal Act every Municipal Council is'l'cquired to appoint at its first meeting m every year two Auditors, one of whom. shall be such person as' the head of the CounCIl ilOnnnates, Be it therefore enacted' by the Council of the Mnnicip'al Corporatio'n of the COltnty of E'lgin,under the aubhority aforesaid. That Andrew Murrav, the nominee of the Warden, and -Peter Cameron be and arehe~eby' appointed Auditors to examine and report upon all accounts affe'cting t'J:le Corporation of the County of Elgin or relating to any.matter under its con. trol or within its jti.risdictiOi~as required by statute or order in Council, andalso of school monies receivett or paid by the County, Treasurer for the:: 'year ending 31st December, 1894, and that said Al1ditorsbe paid the su;u of 640' each for their' services. Qounqil Chamber, St,Thol,11aSJ 24th Jan.. 1895. K. W. ),!cKAY, C~untY"91erk. JOHN THO;!PSON, m...orx COt1N'l'Y COUNCIL. 7,1 BY-LA W No. 538. To appoint a Board 'of Audit in ,the County of Elgin for "tho year 1805; Passed 24th January, 1895. Whereas under s~ctiqn 7 of dlapter 84 of the Revised" StlLtutesof Ontario, evei'y County ,Co,uDcil i:'lrequired to appoint annually, at it':dlrst 111eetini hlevery yea I' aBoard of Audit; composed of the-Jl~dge of the County 'Court; aud byo ,other pel'sons;no~ 1l10re thanonc o.t"whom shall he ;a, memher for the time ).>eing of sUyh County pouncp, Bc it therefore,enMted bytheC~)Uncil of t.lleM.uniCipal Corporation olthe County of Elgin llll<:le'r the authority afore"aid; l'hat'D, J,Hnghes,,,Esq~, Cotint,y Judge, 'William,M, Ford and S, B. Morris be andareherebyappointecl a Board of Audit to p~rforll1 the duties reqLlired of them hychap; 84; R,8,O. "Thatthe 11lembcl's of said anditbe paid the sum of"Four'Dollars per their services and 1!"'Ive Centeper 'mile in gOIng- to a'I1d from stich audit. Council Chrlmb.8l'; 8t.' Thomas, Jan, 24,1895 K. W. McKAY, 'Clerk , JOHN THO\1PSON, BY-LA W No. 539. appoint Trustees of' High" Schools'in theCo,un'ty of Elgin. Passed 25th':J annary, 189?,- CouutyCouncil of the County of Elgin, nnrl!:>t theanthori~yOf sectionsl! 12 of the High Schools 'Act, '18(H, enacts: D", be appointed Trustee of-the Vienna High School ~ term of. thr'ee years, . , That })a~idMarshall'be appointed Trllstee of tIieAyImer Conegia~e 111Stit~t(l of three years, Thl.l.tG.\V. Ling, 1\J. D" ,\:>eappointed Trnstee of the Dutton High Sch~ol for o(.,threeycars. Chamber, St, Thomas;-25thJalluary, 1891) W, McKAY, County Clerk. JOHN THOMSON, y\Tp;rden:, ~"!' :U:LG'l'S0IJti:J:,;T;y' 'cou).::c,}]L BY,LAW N6,540. ,~o 'cbtifirm ,'the eqllHza:tibi1 :o'f the ,AsSlossnient ;'RollsofLheOOUllt-yof Jmginfor t~i;(~.~~~ 1895. 'rhcOO\lllty -,QoU119tl,of 'tho'Oouil:t-y 'of .El~iH"enacts.:- "rI1f1tthe 'follo,virigbe theeql1alizu;~ion hf the Ass-essmen,t'Rol1s,o'f o'f~-:lgill'fol" 18t14 as'l'equit'cdhySectioll'78i:if tho Assos~kell't Act, lVlimicipal;ty, ' Eq.ualizi31Valui3 Aldhorongh,~,-,,, ..".' ..., $1;891)150 DuriwiCh."", ,',..., .'.",'" 2)080,191) Bout,h.w61d:." ,,,'. ,.._.. "" ,.,' '2,g'f:5;200 Yarn;lOuth ...,..,..",."., 3,085;064 Malahide,.",..",.,',. Z;301lCIOO' Bayham",.,". ",. ,......,' .. 1,108,56'0 'South DOI'chester, , 1;314,726 Aylmer,., ,...... ",......... ,,' .,.' 36LOOO Yienna.., .,.. ',"'" ",. 57,000 Port S~anley, , "'.' ,,'. ' .,~ , " . , .6~,OuO Springfield,."." ., ',' ...', 69,000 Dutton,.,." ,..' ,,'" "",.'. 90,000 _..-- $15,291,000 'County ConncHQhu.mher,St, "ThomOJs,,7,th,Jtme,.IS9S, 1(. w.icieKAY, JOHN THOMSON, Ooqil:ty:Clerl{. the Clo~'l'l1ty BY_LAW'N0.54-l. 'Ioj\,;pose ..lee oJ One Dalla, p'; month on all Connty pupils attenJingHi~h: "Schools and Col'legiate'Institntes in the County of Elgillancl 'City 0f,.St,Thomm'l: for ,a,v(}riod, of throp, YClOrs, Passed 7th Jurie,',rS95, \\~hereas, by SectiOl137 of the 'High Schools Act of.1S,91, sub:sectionl, 'H'is prbv'id,ed that. connty"pnpi\s 'sl1all:pa): :to the ,Tr,easurel' of. the Hfgb'SC:hool Board sl~ch,'f~OB;af:vthe' Municipal Conncil, (}f ,theO;>tl,nty.may deeill . exp,ediellt', pl'o\'ide~ -;lilw-t1:'y~ SUC!l fees, shall ,b~. _ uniform 'aud ,shall. not ,exceed ,0.1)8 DoJ,ar- 1101' m~llth, Th~.,~"I~d[ lees'? iii?d ,hall take effect.lro", the begh?ning .01 the liigh Seho t~ili';i.?xte\\Buing"Jt?'?~lortidn '!>e,e.ol. hy. [l'e County Council, and ,!>all . dh:iic).in'-rot'p~' 'lo'l~' '.t'h\':ce, YClljjjS.,, ,':'" / ' , ELGIN cotJ:i:'HY"COUNTIL. The Connty Connoilof .the County of Elgin therefore enacts,:- 'l'hit a fee of ,O;w Dollar,per moil1',h shall uepaid by all County Pupils attciHl.' ing the High Schoo'sand Collegiate Institutes in thc COllllt,y of Elglll, and City, of St. Thomas from the beginning of ,the High School term next ensllingafterthe ,p'assing of this By-Law, It,is furtheronacted that this By-Lawshii.ll continue infoN!} three years, Chamber, St. 'l'hiJ\lHis, 7th J,une, 1895, W. MoKAY, County Clerk. JOHN THOMSON, Wal'den. BY-LAW' 'No, 542, - To mise amounts fOl'COllflty Rutes during the year 1895, , , Passed 7th June, 1895. Whereas, by Section 82 of Chapter H13' of the Revised Stahites of Ontario, the, Qouncjlof a CollptYin appbr~ioningthe COil11ty ra.t~s shttUma.ke:the am~ri.ntof property returned on the Assessmen,t Rolls as finally equalized for the preceding y~art,he ba.sis upon which the appnrtionm:ent is made. f\n4,~~~ereas,\j Section 359 and 369 of Chapter 184 RS.O,theConncil ofa 'oouritymay pass By-La,,'s ~uthorizil1g, t,he levying and coUectiMg of t1. Irate, etc.. , And,whereas, an 'estimate haS_:_R,~en_ ,made shewing that t~}esumof T,wenty. Nine Thousand' and Fifty-Thre,e Dollars )S required to beraise4, in the several ~~nioi.paliti~s 'f6~ 'ihe\la,vturf.:it~rposes of 'th~ County during theyettr 1895. And''Yh,erea!j:l_nOt-lc~"ha~,becn received ,from' the Educatiol1 '.Department that sumof Three Thousall,d One :a:undred_and T'\-Ve.nty-Thro~Dolll\l's, beingnn equi'{alenttf?' the Government 'Grant sh<?tlldbe,raiseQ. in the TownshipM1,1nici~ paJities"i!:_ tll~,qoun~~. for G~mmon,Scho()ls, ,,_:;,l.r>>er~fore,th.eCc:nmcilof the;MqniciI?al Corporation of th'e Cou]lt,Y .of Elgin ~hactg :-, 1st That It, rate,:.of Onelj.nd-Nine~Ten~hs mjIls,. in the Dollar he leviedripon }lrateuble property ,l~.the several'Mt~nicipaliti~s in the ,County of Elgin t\s ..qiIDJize~l for, thEl:~"'al'_ i8~H, ,to, raise. the 'fo.~lowfng amounts ':/ 2nd, 'J;'hat the:sulu of 'Thrgel'housand'One;HUlidred' and Twel1tYcThr~e Dol. ",s'be rais(J,d a,nd'~evied in th~_sev'?ral Township Mnnicipalitiesin tho:Count)l "1o,n~~q~I,.,Sc!1ools,.being an amountequiv(1lent to the Government Grp,ilt.' ;,:;,;",r.~i1t.t-he ,~:ilm of:,Tl)irty.Two 'Thousa,nd' OllelIurJdl'e~alld' Sev,enh'-Six 1'5_ bq'mis9~1; ~~~,)o~'i~d il1.t~lcseY(it'al Mltnic~p!l.lities inthe,.Coun,ty I1cQ,QrdftlS . . I 78 J<;J,GIN" COUNTY:COUl\CIL, 74"" to"thefollqwing ,1:Ichedule;and that the'amounts ?.d~lP.ty, :rre~~,uret: ~s 1Jy)a~, rcqll~red : S0ImlJUI,E. \\'.' I /J-fltllicipality, Gelleral Rate A-tdbci~o1igh,'. , , . D'ltnwi6h ,. '." Southwold,." ._. ,_,.', ,Ya:rlu(ll'tth".. .',.., "".. ,'r-.'ro.,lahlde .'""".'. " Bayham,......,.". ;.." South' Dorchei3ter"" ,;'. Ayhller,..,.,.".",.." .,.', .'." Vienna'".". ,."..".;" ,..,.,,', "., Port -Stanley"" .,,',.,.., Str1'Iii.gfield'i", :',':' :-,."., ,Diltt6n~ >,;,:..i,., ,,., ,y;;,'i ",,',; "3594" :3952 5444 5863 4372 2106 2498 68(F IOS. 129 1:31 .171 iI"'" Cquncil'Cllal1lherj St, TllOmas; '\Y. M.cKAY" GterJ~: .asentcre-a.b~, paid _9\'or,.to,the COJil'lJIotl ScllOOls 157~'; 373 "515-" 592 456, 430 183 '-";','\,,' 48'25< . 4168 5959 6454 , .4828 253G 2681 686 'i! ,~fJl!".}.g_8, 129 1:11 ,jOHN THOMSON,,,.. ~"',:! ',-~' :'i,?:'_;::;-,:;r:.')yri~~'ey: . ,';,:B)ti,A\\('~8\::]:4;3::"':;', .'..' '''i(;, , . ,," "I '" - ;'.', ..",,',... ',':<!;:,! 1'J{'"r 'Jf':.'+ ~oma:ke gt'n:Llt&.fcitl.tilrc'mai1ltcUu,i1'Ce;,bf:'~!igh,',gc;h0qls'~il' thi?,,;Gplln&y-: Qf ,E\giJ;l fOl,'"the'y,ear.1S95.', < , I .' "./":- '.:rll'e'C6U\1ty Cotm6ilof :t,1l-e County of,lmgtnenrtas: -',' ..' . 'I., .,,,,.,.".'__, '.' :[ihldi thc sum of Six'Thousan<1, Fourii:ll_n'dre'k"DbW~t~"l)6g~h:i{t~d .. : . :, '.' ,..:" "," :', ,,_,., :'::"')"}l.,'""_"', ""~ " , ~-U~'Jtigh,S;chools aTIll ,C61lcgia:'t'e rnstitiltl:!~Ji~,th'e 'Cdii:nty ,a~ . follows: To .the 'St,l'h6m'asb611egiiLte'In's'htllf&.:' ": ,iy,~21~O' To tho Aylmer CoHegiateJnstitut~.. ... '-, . ,:'; . :.",1,20'00',(< To the-Dti:ttoll 'Iligh S6h6b-r. , '~", ./ ':", . ,<,~i;':",'. i"U;,,'1,700' .. "''l'o"the:Vient~a,Hi,gh--Sc11:001 i~_",>,o.\ ..'y:-, ,.~.:{:";I:: ':~, ";iYji~qRQ C6uhcil,Ghamh6r; St, 'J;:homas; In'11o'7; 189:5';:"," I\:' \\'. McKAY, Gle!'\,. ,l'tbGtN COUN1'Y:"'600".N-'OlL; "75 ,B'Y::LAW" N oi:5-H, ,', To :Licc.~nse,,;.r(cgl1late ~~d ~~~'~i'nHa:w;kers, i~~ttydh~p!}len l111,<t,,()t,l,w'm, ., ". -.'. i:',',,, . ':.""" .', ".'.:.'-'."'''' Th,e'M:unicipal Counci19f,the, C01,1ntyof ':lmgiI:i,e;Hwts,aISJ.ollows":.~,, "-lst,.From :aud aft,er:the passing_?f this iBy:~aw -:it.shallnot'b'~.laWflllifor 'nilY 'Hawk'qr,or'~ettY'Chayman a~d:. otherp~rs~ns c~l'1'Yin*,.Oti petty "t,ra'des;'_',Ol' ,1140 froIl1 pJttce'to place or to. j)thcl' mpnis Iwtls8s'!on'fobt,' ot',withany.aniIrl~I":b,ear. 'i!1'g;'or(fr::a,v-ing any 'goods, 'wares'qr,merchuxrdi'se for sale, ,or"ih:or'with'anyboat, vcsselbr '0 ther 'cean" or otherwise carryitlg:'goods, '\Vares' or;' lrierc11an~lise' fo'r~$ale on any of the said trades, occupations" caUingS'O):,Dusiriess,.withiii:'any of the Cotu~ty of F;lgill,unless,a:nd"UliJ,ilJ1e,~~,all;1!<Wf);'P}'9c:.Ut;~(l~:,lic:ensc as hel'{ii,l?-aft~r provided, and, any person so licensed shall be subject to the; pro,'isions Of ,this 'By:'Liw, 'Pro\;ided always, that no snch LicEmsc ',:shaJl ,',bo required for ~'\Hai;vkirig.' peddling or selling frolU any vehicle or other conveyancc; . any goodl.'l', war'esormercha'l1diseto any retail dealer"or for ha,vking or peddling any goodsJ wares or merchandfse, thegro,vt]l,procl,u~e or mallufactureof ,this Province, not being liq.uors 1vithill' thc meanin'g ,of, tbEilaw relating to Taverns or Tavern Li~ .';'o'enses;' if. 'the same_are' ;b'eing I,Hl.w1wd aI' peddled ;by the-- manilfactuuer :o~',pro~ 'd,tcer"of. such goods, waresor:mel'chandis~, orby'hisbonR .fide,ser'v'a,llts'O'l'"em_ ,;',:pJ9yees, ,having'}irittml' authority'_intha.t"behalf;' andsuch, sel'\'ant ~l'"employec :,.:';~ha,n produc~ and exhibit' his 'written .an.thqrity.. ,when- .'rc,qllired "SQ. ..to.do, by,~.nY: ~~MUriicipalor Peq.cc'Oflicer, ' ':' ~nd~ The :"voi:d'\ha,wkers ," in thiss.ub.section,;shallj11c]ndc"anperS'o)l.s;~v:~w, -'::beillg,agents-for.personsllot:resid-cnf,wif.hin theCoun,ty, ,fie'll,OVipifcr: fOJ;'sa~e"tea,., gry-goocls, watches" "plated\va,tc"silveJ,~:ware,-, orje~~I~fll'Y ",orc<t;rrY;~n.d~~po,se' salnples at' patterns of any'ofsnch goodsto.beDJtenvard~ o;l;verpd,w:itllill<the ,_ County toany person not'behig,~ wh6Iesaleor:~etail dealel'ill ~'l0h6''il)d;:J,,'i'''H'l;5 ;:or merch,aridi.'>o, . Brd: The 'Clerk' of thisConncil. for the ,tillle,bCfng is herebyanthoqzed to /iSlll1:licenses under tl1is:Qy"_Lt,w with the Cor~orate s~1l1 of the Council,a:tta.ch_ed t_hel'eto,and deliv,ertbe samc to persons apP{Ylllg thel'ofol'upon paYIl).ent otithe, \followingfec :~To..travel'on foot; ',the S11m ~f, Ten,.Dollars, -rI'otn1Ve~;,'\,"ith,o;ii:~ :!lOl'Se or oHler-animal, ',Thirty -Dollars, .and for. -evcry. nddiNonal, 11.p.rs,e;o.~;;q~her {allimal, -,Tcn ,Dbllars. '1'0 . sail ,or traveh'with,. any boat"YOSsetor. 9th~r;q\<1ft, ::,~eventy-Five Dollars, Each licemle shaU,be 'in force for"one"y.ear;fromth,e'.':d,~te, ofiss!leand no Ioligel' , ' ;'4th. Evet'y:'l~aw,ker, pottY. chapma.n 'ol'-o.theJ:,pers/)ll;,t\forcsa~d,,"cal..~FYi,ng,on, ',4ny.such tl'ad~, "occupation;" caUing_ or business wi-thin .the'said.CquP.ty:df ,EJgill, l?nvhich it license is requi~ed uncle,r this ,By-Law; shalll1pon dCllll1ndbJ<~llJ.oh ,ftlllicipal orP~accOfficer:,. forthwith ,exhibit his -license to JSlwh Oflice'r. . 76 E'UU~ c6t1<''tY'''tJciu~bfl.., 5th; Anypersol1 contravenipgo"ny:of the provisions of- this By.Law, shallfor sUQh"offcnce, on oonviction. Leforo Oll,~ or marc Justices, of the Peaceifor the, '-ri Cou~tyof Elgin, forfeit and paia fine of not less than' TellDo~larsJ '~nd not:!~ !no~e than Fifty J?611ars,in the, discretiou, of the J u,stice or Justices, together:I1~ with ,the Cl?sts, anclif not paid 10rthwith, the sumcshaU be levied by'dir.~ress . tt!ldso.le of the goods, and chattels of the offender, and in: easoM, there beiilg no dist,ress out of which thc penalty co,nbelevied, the Justice may' commit the'o( fender to the Common Jail of the ilaicl County of Eigin for allY timopot,exeeed. ingtwcnty,one days, unless such finoaud costs, including the co~ts of thc \lom- }llittal, sh&ll be sooner paid. Co~nty Council Chamber, St, Thomas, 13th November, 1895. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. JOHN THOMSON, WUl'den>A' BY. LA \YN 0, 545, For' re~ulating the amount to be paid uyAuctionctlrs .Goods, Wares and Merchandise in thc Couutyof ,Elgin, ,;" Whereas by ,sectiCm4'95, sub.section 2 of T,hcConsolidated Muuh,:,ip,al Act, -1892;~~ it is enactecl:That the Council of any cOllnty, city; and town separatc"d', fromthei!i county for Municipal pmposcs, may pass By-laws fOl'licensing, regulating nuM govcr,nin,::\ o.uctioneer,s !LIld othel',persolls,: selling' or' nntting up for sale goods/ill -wares; merchandise,or effectshy pu~)lic auction, and, fat' fixing' the SUI,tl to: be;~l ,:paid for, every $uoh license and the time it slHI,11 be:inforce, The County Conncil ofthc OO~lllty of Elgin,thercfol'c enacts,:,., That from and after' the passing of tbis By-Law, it, shall not Lela"iful fot auy~ A~lOtioneer or other person to. sell or pu~ up for sale In~hc: said County oLElgi~I'~ ll'ny goods" wares,merchalldise or effects by pul1lic auctIOll, without havi~g firs)]. obtained (l, license to be ,issued ill the manner herch-iafter provided. ,ig .2. rrhat the Clerk of the said Conncil' is h~reby autborizedto, 'issue such, L1:,;I, cense to applicantFj under the seal of the COUiity' Council of the County of EJgin~ upon payment of the snm of Twelve Dollars, a.nd every such license shall bci6 force for one year from the date of issue, '3. That no Auctioneet's license shall be transferable, nor shall allY person cept the person named inthe l~cel1sc sell 01' put ,up for sale any' g?o(ls, merchandise or effects by public'anctioil theret1uder; ~LGIN COl,TNTY "COUNCIL. ":77 -,.----'- -'--- ' 4; That any personyiolating the provisions of this By-law shal,lon:?(Jnv.i(jti~~ ;thercof be liahle to' a'penalty not exceedi:;tg :twentY,dolIurs nor less, ,thdll" tweJ\:e dollars and costs,~ and if not paid for.thwi,th shall'be .levied 'b,y ,distrcss a\)'c\'sale :of 'goods and chattels of the_offender, And in case of llon-pay~nent ,0t'no,..'(Hstre~$ tobe,fOi.mc1 of which such fines ca.n be levied, t,he.pCI'SOll ,or personss'~':o~eIldirlg~ . ,may be imprisoned with or with~~lt, hard labor for any perIOd not 'e*'cee'ding twent,y-one 4a~)s pursnant to the pro,'isions 01 said Act, "C'ounty Cham bet'; St;Thomas, 13th Novemher, 1895.. K. W. McKAY, JOHN THOMSON,. County Clerk BY, I..IA W .N 0; .546. ,To provide for the payment'or reward f9rnpprehollsion of t~ieves horses m.the C?i.mty of Elgin. _ , Whercasl by S~ction, 494. Consolidated, Municipal A~t of ,1892,I~ is 0l;l!L~ted':: That the' COllllCil of.evel'Y County or City shall pro\:ide .by By-La"~~"th,!tt'a stun: not lcss thauTwenty Dollil.rsshall be payable as a reward to'any pers~t1or 'per' sons:whoshaU pursue alid apprehelld, Ot' cause'to be, apprelu3nderl;' n.ny 'personQI' pet'S6ns'guiltyof stealing ,any horse or mare ,"ithip. the sa'idCollnty or'lTity,,~lld~ ;~uch reward shall be pai'dout of the fnnds of .theCorporat:oni on the, ,C611vict~0~1 of the thief, ,on thc or4erQ~ :lil.le Judge before whom the:cOrivicti6nis Obtainc,d" ' The CClllnty Coutlcil- of theColintyof Elgin theref,ore enacts':--.That'asllm:of Twenty, Dollars 'iilhaIl be,paid as a re,vard t,o any person or persons who'shallpur~ Slleand apprehend;, or, cause to be n,pprehended,'uny' person or pel'~~ns' guilty of' stealing any ho~se or mare withih the saic1County ofElgin;an~'t~at such to. ward sha,ll Le.paid out of ,the funds of the Corpomtion on the' conviction, of ,the, thief,..onthe order of tlw Judge before whom the conviction is obtairie'd, ConncilChamher, St,Thomas, 13th November" 1890, K. W. McKAY, County, Clerk, RY.LAW No, 547, :l'?' rep,ealcertain By-Laws of;theColl:nty of Elgin. The County Councilof thc ' County of EIghl enacts ~_ l,st. 1'hat, the, following By.Lawl'l for licensing, l'eg~lating, and goYernin~ Hawkers. or Petty Chapmen, in' the County of Elgin be and are'hereby rep!3a1eCi;; ,,' "ELGiN,'COUN'l'Y 'COV~CIL, ELGtj'oT;COUNTY, Co.UNC1L, ")3y"Lh;,v'N'o:' 10'pa,ssed 21st'D~celliber,: 185:l, "J}y'JLliw,:',No';"35'"passed,28th Decell) hel'~;'l8u5; . ;:'i{'.\]jy:'La\'v'N d:liO:;' pa-ss'ed 11th M arch;,'185D. ';~'B)f,-:La,vN6,.;41G';'~assetll 9th 'November ,',lS85.' 'J:"'ByjLaw''N~, ,4119,'1'l1\~sed--29th' J anua'ry,_1886, ?-::By.~I.iaw ,N'O', ,427; 'passed'2n'd Jllue, 1886, By-Law No, 450passcc17th- JUM,'1889. 2nd'",,'.rhat By-Law No~'56; pI1sscd'on17th'Junc,-l85S,tb reghlate:'the;fortri: of _~'O~'dbf:"8l3curity,to be given by the County Trcas'nret', be and is,hereby r.Elpealed,I" ','~.r~' That the fol1owing.By-Law~ in reference to .Auotione~~s' Liceuseshe a~d' . '~f~::hereby:repealed : ' """ ... 'By,:Law No, 64, p:.>ssed 28th JalllULry, 1859. ~.y.+-u.';,1{o. 80, ,pa~scd'2;6th,Jannary,' 1860. ";fth';""''l11ta~ By"La,v No;'89; passed- on 8th N.ovember! 1860, .t9 pr.ovidefor the of the 'l'ownship' and County Lines,:'and .for l'egulating the St,at'utc ~~wr,eon, ,be and the same is hereby repealed, ' rj~5th;' 'B)cLa\v'No, '138, passed 25th day of,Jttnhary., 18Q~', ,reqniringthat:fhc , 'in' the County of 'Elgin be 'opened, improved aud,,'u'wJntainedby within'the County of ..Elgin adjoilling,snohCounty"Roads:. , . ; ~'epealed, :'\':l'6'th. . Tli'o;t":tHi:l''fol1bwing;By-La,vs,.' providing .forthe. paymentiofi'e'\'\'ards<for a;pp:teh~ll~it:hi:ol' hOI'se' thie\",'es be and'the"'sai11e'ar:e:,herehyteljOalcd. 13:r~L,0w,:No:,!I 52,-p~s,sed-J t1nU'ai,'y_22na" 1867. '-'By..La";'~'No:'-'343,':pass~d'January 28th, 1881, That'th(dol1owil1g,:By~La-wsrelating ,to' Gttol Sa.lu,'rim{:bc, all(! thc'~ame BY.LAW No,5t8 To fix the salaries of thc Gaoler, Matron arid Turnkeys, of 'the Goal;- The. Mlinicipal:Col1l1oil of .the' County of' Elgin enacts:asfollows'i7 ls.t, Tl~att~e salary of ti:te,Goaler'be$69'Jper an~~!ll' .~,ayab~e qua_~',tEl~~Y~ '.,', ",",' ,', ," ", '.:",' " 2nd. Tha,t the salary of the MatroI? 'be $200 ~er 'annum, gaf~N~,:_,q~~~r.t~'~~;Y'Z;n '31'd: That the ~,alar&:N t~~ qhierTul'n~{cY:at~4AI>~ist~~t, b:y,~JJ~~Jl~r,A~,~': each, 4th;-- Th~l the County 1,'reaiilUl'er, be a.uthorized 'to pay sai~r:Tur, "".k:eysa.t.',iilf,l.. ' , " "',''''':'!'''','';N en,:1:9'feach"lnonth upon thc pl'esenta~ipn of th'oir acconnts.d!11ycq~:,~.iffA4,by the Goaleror Shel'iff, . , 5th. That this By-Law be in force and take effect ftom thereof. Coullcil Chatnb~r,-St. Thomas, 13th Novernber; '1895. K. W, McKAY, County.Clerk, and' after tho,. plts~in,g JOHN THOMSON, Wa.rdl'n., .:j,By~UawN 0>348;' p'assed;J illle 9th,'] 881. By-Law No. 392; passed Juue6th,1884. By;~LMV No. 401, passed November 21st, 188.1. ;",I;;O'-~y~r~:aw No~'\410,.passed June 4th, 188~, . By. Law No, 414. passed Junc 51;h, 188;), 13y-Law'No,_ 428~ passed Jurie 4th, 1~86: By~Law No.' 483, _passed Novcnlber 1,9th, .1891. 8th, rl'hat By' Law No, 413" passo(l on the 5th (b1y,of J une,.18,8?", t,? regulatc the Size: of County Bddges'beal!-d the same is hereby repealed. ., Counc~l_,C~amb~r; ..St, Thomas, 18th .No\'eln~er, 1895. :'k,w, M~KAY, .', JOHN,THOMP~9tV BY-LAW No. 549, To fix the salaries of the Kcepers of the Lockup Houses in the County,ofEF gin, and to amendal1,By~Laws li~retofore passed in that behalf, viz, :~ By-Law Xo_ 57, passed June 17th, 1S58, By;Law,No, 228, passed November 13th, 1872. By-La\-v No, 244, passed NO\T, 12th, .1873, By-La,w No, 297, pasl>ed June 21st, 1877, By-Law No, 301, passed NO,vembor 14th,1877, By-Law No. ~18,-,passed January_ 30th" ~879. The t;ounty 'Coullcil of the County of Elgin enacts:_ That the salaries of the Keepers of Lockup Houses as follows :---,.. Town of Aylmer"., ,.,'. ....",. Village ofP6rt Stanley, . " , '.. ' , , . Village of'Sprillgfield.""."...,. Villu,ge of,Vienn!1, ,.."",.."" Village of Dutton'. , ., . , :. " '_~ . . . . Village of. V\~ est Larue., .., . '", , VilIag~of Rodner.-, """ , 'r'" $30 00 ',0 00 20 00 2000 2000 2,0 0,0 gO ,00 '. ELGI~ COOKTY COU~CIL. Village of Wallac,etowll"...,..,., 2000 :Village of Shedden.,',."...", 20 00 dllt,y of. the local.. tl-Iunicipalities.. to provide the several Lockup l1.,proper sl1pp,ly offllcl, stoves, and 'other necessaries required-for Houses, ' Nos. 57,- 22S,~H4, 297, 301 and :n8 be and the same are hel'eJ.:>:y, Co'uncil ella-inber, St,1'homas,13tli'November,1895. JOHN THOMSON, Ward,cu;