1896 Minutes I ::r:: z" 0 -< "Ill I "C ::I m VJ . C- O .tTl z -< I :z . C/l 0 :-1 ~ , -i tll ::r:: 3 0 0" $: tll ;l> ;'t C/l 1898. 1898.. TO,YNSHIP OF SOUTH DORCHESTER JohnvVilson Reeve Avon David l!'. Moore Dep, Heeve MapJe'Leaf THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. TOWN OF AYLMER, <.tClJ.mt~ (Council. ~..--~ RICHARD LOCKER. ESQ.. TOWNSHIP Oli' ALDBOROUGH.. NAME ,T ohn. 'l'homson Alexander McColl Daniel H. 'Patterson Finlay G, McDiarmid l'OSITIO:N Reeve 1st De'p, Reeve 2nd Dep. Reeve :{rd Dep- B,eeve TOWNSHlP OJ' DUNWlOH. .John'D, McDiarmid William 'V. Gow.' Dnncan 'D~ 'fnrner Reeve 1st Dep, Reeve 2nd Dop, Reeve TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD, .Tohn Steele \Vm, H, Morrison FranCis Hunt Reeve 1st Dep. P~eevc 20d Dop, Reeve TOWNSHIP OF Y AI\MOUTH Daniel,MoIntyre W Hliam Bassett John Wisa Charles A, Chase Rceve 1st: Dep, Reeve 2nd Dep. Reeve 3rd Dep, Reeve TOWNSlHP OF MALAHlDE IUchard Locl!:er John T:t. ,Summers William Rockey Ree,'c 1st Dap, Reeve 2iH1 Dep. ,Reeve TOWNSHlP OF BAYHAM. , William M. Ford ThomasPresscy Thomas Backhouse Reeve 1st Dep. Reeve 2nd Dep,' R'cj3ve Oscar. McKenney David 'Liddle Reeve Dep. Reeve VII~LAGE OF VIENNA Reeve Aylmer Aylmer WARDEN. Edward H. SLlff'el Viennlt Reeve Springfield P.. O. ADDRESS West Lorne West.Lorne _Rodney Aldborollgh VILLAGE OF PORT. STANLEY. Frank K Shepard Heeve Por't Stanley VILLAGE OF DUTTON. A. J~ Leitch Reev.e DuttOn West J...orne.. Dutton Cowal BoxaU Shedden St; Thomas Yarmouth Centre St. ThOmas St, Thomas Spl\>rta Lu ton ~ Aylmer' Mount Salem COUNTY OFFICIALS. ]). J', 'Hughes,]~sq" County Judge. C, 0, Ermatingerj 'Esq., Junior Judge. D. Brown; Esq"Sheriff, Jas. H. Coyne, Esq" Registrar, D, McLaws, Esq., County ,Court Clerk, D. J. ,Donahue, Esq., Clerk of the Peace and Connty Orow11- Attorney. 'Robt, !Vl}ller, Esq., Master inChancery. N,W, Moore, Esq" Gaoler, W. AUdn, Esq" Public School Inspector. Johp: McCausland, Esq" Co,'!'reas, K. W. McKay; Esq., Co, Clelk Jas, A. Bell, M, O. S, C. E., County Engineer. Jas, 1\'1. Glenn, LL,'B" CO, Solicitor,'V.G, Va~Ruskirk, M.D., Gaol Surgeon. L, Luton, M, D.,' Physician House of Industry. Wm. Aldritt, Esq., Keeper House of lridusty, ,Johu Hopkins, ~aretaker Court Honse.' All of St, Thomas P. '0_ County Auditors--Andrew'Murray, .Aylmer; 'V. A, Galbraith, Iona. Administration of Justice Auditors-D. J. Hughes, County Jlldge, St. Thomas; W. M, Ford, Corinth; S. B. Morris, Rodney. TOWNSHIP CLERKS AND TREASURERS. MUJSWIJ?AI>l'rY OLERK .A;:ldborough.. .",.,...,' ,fl. F, JELL, Rodney. J. F, TA.YLOR, j)unwich.,.,..;",.."., A, MCCAJ,LUl\f, Dutton", ,'Southwold.", . ,." ,.,. 1'1, CAl\It':Bl~LL, .B'ingal",. ,.,.M. CAJ\-[PBELL, yarmouth,....,.....,' K.Vv.McKAY, St. Thomas,l"{"McLAcm,IN,St, Mahthide"",.., ,'.',." .JOHN HAGGAN, Aylmer". W,E. MURRAY, Bayham, .,. ,J. G, PAULING, Straffordville. E. A, GARNI-IAJ\i, South Dorchester" ',"" D. TAYLOl{" Belmont,'"., TaoS, vYU<DER, Town of Aylmer. ". ".' ."." .J. BRADLEY..,. ..,."..,.,. W, Village of Vienna , ",.,... _". . 'AT. V\fATTS " Springfield.,...,. .J, 13. LUCAS., ,," port Stanley;.",.. ,.JAS. .GOUGH, II' ,Dutton...,.".., ".J, p, BLm: PROCEEDINGS OF THE ELGIN G8EfNTV G0HNGIL JANUARY SESSION. [898. l<"IRST SESSION.-FIRST DAY. Tnesday, the 28th day of January, 1890. Themernbers elect of t1i'~)CO~lllty CounGil of the County of l-iiJ~in met ,this day at the Court House, at two o'clock in the afternoon, as require~ by statute. The following Reeves and' Deputy-Reeves' filed certificates 'and took their at the Council Board-: JOHN THOMSON. '.,. ,. ,.,'.. .".,' ,Reeve ..,. "" ,;. ., ,.Aldborough MCCOLL...,."..",....lst'Dep. Reeve.., PA-'l'TBRSON.....;...... ,2nd" ".... ,..,.. " :H'INI,AY G, McDIARMID.." ,...", 3rd" ". ,.. " :JOHN D. McDIAUMID.",.,.,,': ,_,Reeve,. .""" "Dunwich ,\VIlA.IAM W, Gow, ,.", .. .,. ,,1st Dep. Reeve,."... _,. " DUNCAN D,"!"URNER.,_"." .., .2nd" "..,' ", 'Jolm STEELE,..., _.,,"...,... Reeve"""., ,..." .",Southwald WJ\f. H, MORRISON.. ,:..""..lst Dap. Reeve",.,..,'.. " ,:FRANCIS HUN'I'...,.',.",. ,"....., 2nd <l ". , . . , , DANIEL McINTYRE.,.,.,.. ,...". .Reeve,.." ,. .." ..." ,. .Yarmonth :,,:\VILLIAl\1 BASSETT. . , . , , . , . , , . ., , ".lst Dep. Reeve,.. ~ . " 40RN WISE.,. ,;,."..:".,...., ,. ,:ind " ;'9HAiLES A,CHASE..."".,."", ,3rd " DANIEL " " " ........ ',( 6 ELGIN COUW.CY COU!WU.. RICHARD LOCIOnl" JOHNR. SUMMERS. '.' vVILT,IAM "ROCKEy....., WILLIAM' M. FORD, , THOMAS P~mSSEY THOMAS BACKHOUSl~ ;T aHN "VILHON,., DAV~DF" l\1obRl:~ O,SCAR MCKENNy..", DAymLIDDJ.E.. . '1iJDWARDH. SUlrFE,L.". ., ,Reeve",..,.., . 1 st Dep, Reeve. ,.2nd <( ",', ,Malahide " "..". ,Bayham .. . ,Reeve , ;",., ."lst Dep,'Reeve,. ,',2nd <l ."Reeve.,..,,'." "., . South DorcllCflter ,.Ocp, Reeve",:,..,. ,.,. ;'"Reeve', ,."..".." ..,., Aylmer' " GH.AS~ DONALDSON. , , . . . FRANI( E. SHEPARD".,., _, ,Dep, Reeve . , , , . , , , , , ,.., ,Reeve.." .,..,.."."., ,Vielma I' ....., ,.,..", ,.Springfield " ,Port Stanley A. '~. LEITCH,.",'"..., """." ".. .",."",. 'l'he members were called to .order, the Clerk in the chair, Messrs. Locker, Steele;'Shepard, Thomson, Donaldson, McKinney,Ford, Mclntyre, Hunt, M.cDiarn1id, Leitch"vVilsOll and Suffet were duly n0111iriated for the offioeof ,Varden, all .of whom resigned, wi.th the exception of Messrs. Locker, Steele, Shl,lpard and McKinney. Messrs.' Ford and Morrison were appointed scrntiIieers, 'l'he election of Warden was then -proceeded with, and .on the fifth ballot Richard Locker, Reeve of Malahide, having received a majority oJ the votes of the Conncil, .was declared duly elected Warden for 1896. .TheWarden.olect made the statutory declaration beforHis Honor Jud~;J Ermatillger,.took the chair and addressed the Council. The proceedings of', the last day of the previoussesslOn. w.ere read and - - 'confir'med. . . Moved by "D. McIntyre, seconded by W. Bassett, That this Council' do now adjourn until'to.morrow at ten o'clock, to give the Reeves of the severalmtinicipalities an opportunity to meet, and' strike the Stan~Ung' COinmittees,-Oarried, . Dutton 1(.W. McKAY, County Clerk. R. LOCKER, Warden. ELrHN COUNTY COUNCII" FIRST SESSION,~SECOND DAY, :Wednesday, the 29th 1ay of JaillHLry, 1896. The Elgin COUllty Council met this day accordiog to adjournmen",' .Th~Warden in the chair,all the members present, 'l'he Wardon addressed the Council. WARDEN'S ADDR;ESS, In c'ommellCing'_the business of the County Council for the year 1896, I trust that the members will procurc 'the-fullest inform~tionand gi;e 'all subjects brought before them their most. careful: consideration, The greater pal'tiof the 'work is aone inCommittee, '1'he members should. be prompt in attendance at meetings ~o that the business of the county will not be del,ayed bywaiting for.thepresentatioh of reports, It is necessary for the Ohairman to rnakehimself familbrwith every detail of the va1t'ious questions brought before his Qommittec, so th~t he may be in a' position toghre the other members of the Council exery information required when presenting his report. FINANCE. The Treasurer's statement, which ,vill be laid before ,you, 'show~ the : financial position of the County to be most favorable. The b111ance on hand 'ontllc 31st of. December isbetweeu $4,000 and $iJ,OOO,bebig considerable "_lll.ore than was est-tmate~l by the Wardell in his address at' the November /Session, HIGH SOHOOL GRANTS. The question of High School grants is usually considered at the'Janual'Y Session, In this' ,connlilction, I would say that it is very 'desirable thaI; all reports of High School Boards making application for County grants, should 'l:Iepropedyauthepticated when,presented'to the Council or Committee. It ;,~~:s:beensnggested that the High School Act will likely be amended to <i ~~nsiderable:extent duringtheJnextsessio~ of the Ontario Legislature, and I ~ohldrequest the Committee to consider the adv-isabilityof notl'cporting on e'~rants until the June 'session, as the proposed legislatitHi may go into "t this year. 7 8 ELGIN COUNTY COUN.CU., CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY, Under the Childrens' Protection Act, of Ontario, as amended, in 1895,il: is provided that children are not to be maintained in County Honses of Industry; the act also provides for the formation of Child"'ells' Aid Societies; The Provincial Superintendent has been in correspondence "with the: Clerk and full info.lmation together with copies of the Act are now before you. I would request the [-louse of Indllstry Committee to report on the advisability Of this' Coun i lappointing a Special Committee to confer with the Provincial Super~ ntendent, when he visits the City of St, Thomas,on the 7th of February; for the purpose of qompletiug the organizalJion of a Society for the County l:GIgin. THE GRAVJ~L ROAD CASK At the Novembpr Session the Gravel Road CaBe was a prominent one, as advised by our Solicitor, the Court decided that the County Council not interested in the prese'nt proceedings, lnnderstatid that the trial of the action entered by Mr. Payne against the LesElees of the Road t,ookplace at: LOndon, but as yet, no decision has been arrived at. As tar ,as I am aware,no heavy expenditures are to be provided for, during' this year, so that by close attention to business, and an economical mariage-" rnent of the affairs of the County, we may cOlltidently 100kJforward to aslo\~, a rate as wa~ leVIed for County purposes for 1895.' The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed, The Report of the Committee appointed to strike Standing was presented, and adopted on motion of Ford, seco;lded by Steele. The following communicatione were read: From County Council of Carleton. ,re, Amendment Ontario Election A referred to Committee,on Petition and Legislauion. l!'rom Ontario Rifle Association, requestiug' grant. Committee; From County Council of Keitt; requesting co-operation by petition a.mend Act for the protection of sheep. Referred to Committee on Petitioi and Legislation. Ii'roDl single Tax Associatioll, of Toronto, requesting Petition, reo Arne ment of Assessment Act, Referred to Petitions and LClgislation ~I.GIN OOUN'ry COUNOU,. From Pdsoners' Aid Association, requesting grant, Committee, Refel'red,to Finttn~e .'From Bell Telephone COltipany, in reference, to telephone inCOllrt JIOlllie, Referred to Gaol Committee, :From Connty Council of Grey; for co-operation by petihion, 1sb, T'o enlal'gethe jurisdiction of Division Courts; 2nq, 1'8 pauper immigration from England. Referred to Conimittee on Petitions and Legislation, From report County Engineer, with cstimate for Electric Lighting, Referred to Gaol Committee. From St. Thomas Collegiate Institute Board re Deputation, Referred to F;ducatiQn Committee, From'..y, Atkin, 1. P. S" re grant fOl'promotion examinations. 'Referred, to Education Committee. Moved by J. 'l'hOlllson, seconded by A. McColl, That the deputation re -St, Thomas Collegiate Institute be heard at 2 o'clockp. m. to-daY,-Carried. Mov~d by I<',Hunt, seconded by- D,. Lid'dle, 'l'hat the. Inspector of the House of Industry bring down the fOl' the meat ,~upply for the Gaol and House of Industry for tcnders 1896.- J, Steele gMre notice of application .for grant of twenty five dollars 'for Elgiil Farmer's Institute, and D~ F. Moore appliecl for similar grant East Elgin Institute. Moved by F. :aunt, scconded by VV, H,Morrisou, Tbatthe Educational C'lhlmi'ttee be l'eq:uest.ed to consider the advisability By-law No, 541.-Cart'iecl. by O,McKenney, seconded by D. Liddle, the deputation re, 4ylmel' Collegiate Institute be heard at three to-day, ,-Carried; D, Liddle, seconded by 0, McKinney, Dr, C. Sinclair be appointed High School. Trustee for Institute; for a tet;m of t;hl'eeyear~.-Carried. the Aylmer 9 10 :f~J,GJN COUNTY COUNCIL, Moved by J, Thomson, seconded hy F, M(;.Diarrriid, /fhat a Free Ha\vlters and Pc(Ul1rs License ,be granted to John Chasely of West LOl'ne; ltlsd Wm R,ipon of Rodncy,-Cal'rie4. Moved by KH, Suffel,seconed by W, M. Ford, ~l:hat John W . Pressey be appointed a High School Trustee for Vienna. High School. -Carried'. ' The appoin:tment of ;Auditors was then pl'oceeded with, and the Warden having nominated Andrew Murray, of Aylmer, as his Auditor,it was moved by F. Hunt,seconded by J, Wise, That'S. Sheppard be Auditor. In amendment, Moved by 'V. ,t.LFord, seconded by T. Pressey, 'fhat J, G, Pauling be Auditor of County \Acconnts fOJ;. the year 1895. In amendmcllt,l\loved by J. Thomson,sc;conded by J. D,'McDiarm'id, That A, ,VV, Galbraitb be appointed Auditor of ,the County Accounts of 1.895. Main motion and amendments lost. Mo\'edby F. Hunt, seconded by W, H. lvJorrison, That the votlil on the motion t'o appoint A, W. Galbraith Auditor, be re~eonsidered, and that he be appointed auditor. In amendmeI?-t, Moved by D. McIntyre, seconded~by J.Wise, That G. H. Haight be Auditor of the County Aooounts of 1895.~Main motion carried. Amendment lost, Moved by J. ,D. MoDiarmid, seconded byE. H. Suffel, That "V. M,Ford and S, B. Morris" be appointed Auditors of A(~mi'nhlt'ration of Justioe A~counts for 1896, In amendment, moved by C. Donaldson, seconded by D~ H, Patterson, 1.'hat '1'. W. Kirkpatrick1 be appointed Ari.ditof of the Administration Justice Accounta.-Main motion carried, Amendment lost. Moved ,by W, M. Ford, seool19-ed by T. Baokus, That a,Free Hawkers and' Pedlars License be granted Bl\yham.~Carried. RLGIN OOUNTY OOUNOIl,. II ---- MOVI~d by J, D. ,vloDiarmid, seoonded by \V.\V. Gow, That 'a Free Ha.wkers and Pedlars',Li,'ense be granted Angus Mi:JGuga~ of .vVallacetown. ~Carried. Moved by l~. R Shephard, seconded by C. Donaldson, That a ]'ree HaWkers and Pedlars License be granfed to A, C, La\1.r, of Stanley, -Lost, Yeas.-Ford, McDiarmid, Bassett, McIntyre, McKinney, Liddle, MoColl, Patterson, Donaldson, Sheppard. -12, ' , .Nays,-Rackhouse;Pressev, Snffel, Summers, ,Ro~key, 'furner, Oow, Wis8, Hllnt, _Morrison, Steele, Moore, Wilson,-14. MOved by O. McKenney, seconded by D, Liddle, 'l'!lUt a Free Hawkers and Pe~llarsLicense be gra-ntedto Le\\'is 13rush, of -Carried. Moved by K II, Sutfel, seconded byJ,' R. Summers, That no mor~ Fl'eePedlofrs~; License be granted~ -Lost, Moved by A McColl, seconded by F. Macdiarmid, That 'this Counoll' ~onow adjourn tintil two o'clack p, m. to allow meet.--:Carried. The GL unci{' resumed. Pursuant to i'appciintment :hoo}. Bo,':trd, consisting ,of ddreseed the CounciL the deputation from the St, Messrs. McKenzie, Crothers Thomas -.High and Doherty }vfoved byO. McK,enney, secon~ed by D; Liddle, That the deputatidn from Aylmer reCollegia'te Institnte he nbw heard, ' Carried, Messrs RiltheHord and Sinclair addressed the of Aylmer Collegiate Institute. Council, rept'esentingthe r .J I by John Thomson, seconded by-JohnSteele, the reports of ,the High School Deputations be referred to the: Committee,~Car1'ied. 12 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL, ELGI~ COUNTY COU~CIT,. The following communications were road: From County Treasurer, with report referred to Finance Committee. From James Finney "Yith account, re St, George Street Bridge, referred to Ptiblic Improvements Committee. Moved by John-Thomson,second.ed 'by A, McColl, That the warden be authorized to obtain opinion of County Solicitor, whether the fees levied or collected from County pupils in County High snould be paid to thc County Treasurer or not, -Carried, Moved by JolmWise, seconded by,C, A, Cp.ase, That the warden and mover obtain the opinion of the County Solicitor refereDee to the compulsory commitment of indigeuts to the House Industry, and report to the Cou'ncil the circumstances under may issue his warrant for that purpose,-Carried. Moved qy A.J, Leitch, seconded,by n Turner, T'hat a Free Hll,wkcrs and Pedlars License be granted to Acheson Carried, Moved by J. D, McDiarmid, seconded by\V, W.Gow, ~rhat a Hawkers and Pedlars License be granted to vVillfam Dutto:n,--,-:Carried~ Moved by W, H. Morrison, seconded by J, Steele, That this Council do now adjourll WIten o'clock to.morrow,to Commtttees to meet,-Ca.rried, FIRST SESSION,-THIRD DAY, Thursday, the 30th day of Ja-nuary, 18HG, The Elgin County Conncil met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas according to adjournment, The 'Varden in the chair, All the members present. The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed, The report of the Vielma High 'School was read and referred to the' Committee. The report of the Housec/?,fIndustry Committee was presented and on motion of Thomson,~ecotided by Summers, 'The rep@rt of the' Petitions and Legislation Committee was presented, on motion the Coun&ilwent into a Committee of the whole to consider Mr, Steele in the chair. After,amending the Report, by striking out Clause No.2, the Committee- and it was K. "V. McKAY, Count,y Clerk, :iYloved by John Steele,secollded by 'V. H. Morri~on, That the Report be adopted. This was carried on the ,following division: Yeas,~Ford, Backhouse, Pressey, Summers, Rockey, McKinney, LIddle, Wilson, Donaldson,Shepard.--13, ' Nays.'-Turner,Gow, McDiarmid,ChasQ, Wise, Hassett; McIntyre, 'l'homson,McCpll, Macdiarmid and Patterson.-12. Warden then laid before the Council' the tenderil received for meat H;ouse of Indu'stry ill Decembel', 189;), and the proceedings 'of the , in reference thereto, 13 14 ]<;'LOIN . COU:N'l'Y COO'lC;IL. ELGIN com,n'Y COUNCIL. 15 actions for damages to [put up security for costs"when in the opillion,of the Coul!-~Y Judgethey should do' so,-Curi'ied, Moved by A,.J, Leitch, seconded by W, Rockey, That no free hawkel"sand pedlar's liccnsesbe granted for thc year 189G, and that ,!,II resolutlonsheretofol'e passed gl'anti;lg such be rescinded,:...c: Carried, Moved by 'Villiu.m Hockey, seconded- by J ohu R. Summers, 'l'hat this Council do now adjourn to meet at 2p. m, to allow Committees to meet, --Canted. Moved by J. Steele, seconded by W, Jl, 1'forr,ison, 'l'hat a grant. of $25 be made to West Elgin, li'arn,et;s' Institute yeai' 1896.--cCarried, ;. ,. ",,>,< Moved by D, F. Moore, seconded by J. Wilson, That a grunt of $25 be made to East Elgin Farmers' Institute yo",r 1896~--Carl'ied, Moved by J ohu \Vilson, seconded by D. Turner, That the mattcr of granting f1 free hawker's and Pedlar;s license to :Lanr be reconsidered,. and that the license be granted.'~Carried, ~loved by A, McColl, seconded by F. Hunt, (~'hat the resolution, granting 0-- free hawker's and pedlar's licen$e .Achesol1 Conn, of '1'yrconllel, be reconsidered, and that a free haiv'ker"s. IJedlal.'s lici:nse be not gtwnte(L-qarrie~, Y'en,s~Ford, Bn,ck);J,ouse, Pressey, Sufrel, 'Vise, Hunt, Morrison, Steele, Iv1 oore, Doualdson,' P~tterson, McDiarmid, Thomson and McColl.~14, ']'he Council resumed, \ \ Nays-She:pard, Leitch, Turner, Gow, Ch,ase, Bassett, McKellar, Liddle alid Wilson,-lO, Moyed by;F. Hunt, seconded by C, Donaldson, 'l'lunthis Council petition the' Legisla'ture to abolish cOllnty councils have the business done by thrEfe supervisors.--Lost, Moyed by D, McIntyre, secomled by J, Wise, That the Olerk prepare a by-law to provide tor the committal of persons .' to the House of Industl y for the County of Elgin, PUl'SUUllt' i'3ection 17 of the Municipal Amendment Act, U:l95,-Carried. ., Moved bynMclntyre, seconded by J, Steele, That this Conncil petition the Ontario Legislature to Pl1sssueh necessp,ryto enable municipalities to require' all persons MOlled bY,J. Thomson, seconded by F,'E. Shepard; A.c. ~l'hat the Honse of Indnstry Committee be instructed to ma\;e arrange- ments tor the m'aintenance of Almeda Hart, with a vi'e:w to enabling her to slipport he;self in the futurc.-Carried, The r{'port of. the Gaol Committee was presented and referred' to a committee of the whole, 'John Thomson 'in the chair, ) . After considering several clauses of the report, the committee rose,and asked leave to sit again. The report of the ll~ducation Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Leitch, seconded ?y Bassett, ., Moved by \V. 1\1"l?ord, seconded by '1', Backhouse, That this Co'uncil petition the Ontario Legislature to amend the High Act so as to \nable the municipalities composlllg a High School to enter into an' agreement for' a term of ye!\l'S to determin,c the of the expense"ofsald"schoolto be paid'by el~ch,-Cal'ried~ Moved by W. H,' NIorrison, seconded ,hy:F'. Hnnt, 'l'ha'tthe Clerk be iilstnwte(l'to procllrecarus of the StandingCommit,tees County officials for the year 1896, for use of memben of CountyCou,ncil. ),{oved by E.' H. Suffel, seconded bJ' Thomas Pressey, to meet at 10 a. m, to-morrow to allow McKA}~, Connty Clerk. H,..LOCKl~R, Wa'rden, 1'\ Hi EI.GIN COU::-l'TY COUNUIL, EI,GINCOUNTY; COUNCIl." FIRST SESSION-FOUR'rH DAY, Friday, the 31st day 'of .January, 1896. Moved by 'V. M. :Hord,seconded by A. .J. Leitch, That this .council send a deputation to Ottawa to impress npoh the Dominion Government the necessity of giving agrallt,to the.Poi'~ Burwell Harbor; and 'that this deputation comist of the :Warq.en,. Messrs,Suffel, Pressy, Ei'nery, McKinney I\lidMoore, the said deputation to gciwhen called Ilpon by the promoters of the scheme,-Carried,. ' Moved by John Steele, secou,ded by F, Hunt, '1'he Elgin CountyCouilCil met this'day, according to adjoUt'l1meli~. The Warden in the chair, "all the members present except Ml'.Rockey. 'rhe proceedings of the pieviousday were read and confirmed. '1'he County Solicitor's opinion re Local Master's OHico was read, The report of the Finance Cqmmittee was presented and referred to' a committee of the whole, Mr. Ford in the chair, After amending the report by striking out the first clause, the committee I'os~alldthe report was adopted as amended on motion ofFord, seconded, by' Liddle, On motion of A.McColl, secdnded byF.Hqnt, The Council then wentii1to a' Committee of the whole Committee, John T11.Offison'in the'chair. A{t,er amending the lteport, the Committee rose, audthe Report 'amended ,vas adopted on motion of Thomson, seconded by McIntyre. The Report of the Public Improvements Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Donaldson, ?econded by McColl. J\IIoved by J, D, McDiarmid', seconded by A, J, Leitch, 'rhat the County Engineer be instruCled to rebuild thl:l whole of the Soutll !1pproach to the Coyne Road Bridge, --Carried, Yeas.-Backhouse, Ford, Pressey; S1.~ffel, Summers, Leitch, Turner,'Gow, McDiarmid, Wise, BUHsett, McIntyre, :McKenney, Steele, 'Moore, McColl, Patterson;'l'homson, Donalddon and Shep,ard,-20. NaYH._Macdiannid,Chase, ~iddle; Hunt, Morrison,and Wilson,---,6, 'That this Council petition the Dominion Parliament to pass an'Act making all Railways, within its jllrisdiction, subject'to the Act:passed by the Ontario LegiHlature known as the Ditches and Watercourses Act, 1894,~ Carried, ' :Moyed by J, R. Snmmers, seconded by W.Bassett, 'l'hat the ,Clerk prepare a by-law to aSSume the Stevens Mill)3ridge; it on the boundary between 'Aylmer and Malahide and on a road n!ledin ofthebounrlary line.-In amendment. 'Moyed by F. Hunt, seconded by J, Steele, [) TIuit the matter of the Stevens, Mill Bridge be referred to the l)ublic Irripro,vements Committees, to ascertain if it is on a townline and rep'ort at ,theJune Sessioil,,~~ail1- motion,lost, amendment carried. :Moved by D, McIntyre, seconded, by J. R. Summers, That theCletk be, authorized to prepare it By-Law to aSSume the Pleasant Bridge in Yar~oilth as a County Bridge.~In a';1endmont. the motion -in reference to the Pleasant VaHey Bridge be laid over June Session and,that the Engineer report, giving alIpartlci.1lars said Bridge. '---Main motioulost, amendment carrie~.,' , Moved by J, Pressy"secon<;lec1 by 1. Backhouse, 'l'hat th~ permission of thisOol1ncil be granted to the~OWrisJiip Council of ayham to lay: outa road three roos in width between the Talbot Street Lots, nd Lots 21, 22, 23 in the South Gore,-Carried. Moved by A, J, Leitch, seconded by'''. W. Gow, .:rhat.J. DGraham -be ,apJ;l'oihtl"cl a trustee of the Dutton High School for 'ee:years.-Carried. ]7 18 m..GIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL, ELGIX COUNTY COUNCU;, Moved by F. Hunt, seconded by W, H, Morrison, Mored by D, Mcintyre, seconded by D" Liddle, That By.law No, 551 be read a second time,......,.Caq:,ied. M~\'ed byD; McKinney, seconded by D. Liddle, Th,~t B.y-Iaw No 551 be read a. ihi~'d time and finally passed.-----:-Carried, Moved by D, C. Turnel', seconded by W, W. Gow,- 1'hat By-Law No,552,being a By-Law to appoint Truste€sof High Schools, be r~ceivedand read a fl:st time.-Carried Moved by J, D, McDiarmid, Eeconded by W, W, Gow, 'rhat By-law No, 552 be reaela second time,-Carried. .Moved. by ''\T. W, Gow, seconded by J, D, McDiarmid, That, By-law No, 552 be read a third time and finally passed;--Carded. Moved by W. H, Morrison, seconded by J, Steele, That By-Law No, 553, being a By-Law t.o confirm ByLaw No. 632 of the ~'ownl;hip of Malahide, be rece~~e,d and read a first time -Carried. Movedby J-. Steele, seconded by.W. H, Morrison, , That By:Law No. 553 be read a second time.-Garried. , I Moved by J, Steele, seconded by \-Y. H, rVIorrison; That By-Law No, 553 be read a third time and finally passcd,-Cal'ried. Moved by Thos, Pres~y, seconded by E. H. Sulfel, That By-Law No, 554. being a By L.tw to authorize the detention of all person in the Elgin House of Industry be received andl'ead a. first That t,he Gaol Committee report at the .Tune Session on what repairs are necessary to the Count House and a1>:>o as to the cost of an addition to contain rooms to accommodate the County OHicials having offices outside the Court House,-Carried, Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by VV, lvI, Ford, 'l'hat whereas, His Excellency, Lord Ab~l'deen, Govornor General of thc Dominion of Canada has signified his intention to visit the county of Elgin during the comirig:summer, Be it resolved that 'this Council appoint a Special Committee to make such arrangemell:ts as would be suitable to welcome the representative of our Sovereign Lady, the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland and Empress of India, on his arrival at Dutton and that the ,City of St, Thomas be asked to co' operate with the County in this matter;----.,-Carried, Moved by J, Thomson, seconded by F. Hunt, That the following Comrriittee be appointe~ to make arrangements for the Governor General's visit: 'fhe Warden, Thomson, McIntyre, Ford"Hunt, l..eitch and J. D~ McDiarmid,-Carried, Moved by W, M, Ford, secoridedby T. Backhouse, That the County Engineer notify the County of Middlesex that tllis CountyCouncil'are of the opinion that the whole of the strncture at the Rciad Bridgeshcinld be maintained by the two Counties, and that the Public Improvem~nts Committee be empowered to take all proceecliugs necessary i'equire Middlesex to pay their share of the cost.-Onded. Mo\~etl by C, A. Chase, seconded by J. Wise, That By-Law No. '550,beiIlg a by;law to appoint Cotmty Auditors, received and read a first time,-Carried, ' ' Moved by 'f,Pressy, seconded by _K H. Sulfel,,' 'l'hatHy-Law No, 554 be read a second time,-Oarried, ,Moved byE, H: Sulfel, seconded by T. Pressy, That By-Law No. 55! be read a third time and finallypassed.-Oarried. Moved by J,R. Summers, seconded by E. H, Suffel, That this Council do now adjourn to meet in June at the call of ,the. arriod, Moved bY' W, Bassett, seconded by D. McIntyre, That By;law No, 550be'read it second time -Carried, Moved by J,Wise, seconde(l by C. A.Chase, Th<i,t By.law No, 550 be read a third time and finally passed,-Carried, Moved by D, Liddl,e,seconded by O. McKinney, Th<).t By-law'No 551;, being a By-Law to appoint a boad of Audit, received and read a first time.-Carried. RICHARD LOCKER, \Varden. 19 20 ELtlIN COUNTY COUNCIl" JUNE ~ESSION, 1898. SECOND SESSION.~FIRST DAY. Tuesday, the 2u(lday of June, 1896, The Elgin County Council met this 'd'ay at the Court ,House, StThomas, at2p, m, 'I'he Warden in the chair, AU the J11embers presen. The Warden addressed the Council as follows: WARDEN'S ADDRESS. GEN'l'LE:M~N,- In calling you together fortbis the second Session of 1896, I haveselectetl:, the only available week during the month of June. 'l'HlI NEW COUNTY COUNCIL ACT. Since our last meeting, the CountyCouocil Act of 1896 has been passed" The 00unty will be divided into five or shi:districtfl, and two members are to be elected from cach, for a tcrm of two year~, so that hereafter, the County> Council will nnmbor either'ten or twelve members, who al'enot to be members'! 'of the Local CoundJs. Acommis:>ioncomposed of Judge Jones of Brant,an4:3 .Judge Creasor-of Grey, has been appointed to divide the County, they\viU/i: holu a meeting here for the purpose of taking, evidence in referance totlJe~e:;l " . "g division, ohvhich.alllocal mtmicipalitieswill receive notice, The, form{)W eumulativc vo~ing has been iJ;1t~oduced in the Act, ,and for County Councillo::J each voter will have two votes, They may give two of the candidates one~ vote each, or the two for one, candidate~ The cumulative system is better}1 calculated to allow minorities a '.proper representation, and in this way the~ smallcl'ml1nicipaliti~sthat may ,be D1erged-with the larger municipalities in~i district, will be able toexertmoreilifluenc'('i in.the ,Oounty Conncil election;~ ~han they otherwise, would. It isin thlilint~rest of e\,ery county that the b,~_~J possible division should be secmed, and in this, broad andindepenclent .ide~~~ shoul(1 govern. . It lllight qewellfor them;embersatthe presentsession_0" discuss the matter, and if they cap. agree on a division the ,Judges \v(luld:~,g! 'c1o\].btbe h)flucncec1 thereby. ' . 'EJ.GIN' COUNTY COUNCIL. NEW. LEGlSLA TION. Other_new and important Municipal Legislation- was passed, which may be summarized as follows: ' 1. Under the Yellow and Black Knot Act, Cotlllty'Councilsareetn~ po'Weredto, appoint an inspector to aid a;i:J.d assi~t the 10cll.I inspeetol'; and. to aetas a local inspector wherenqne have been appointed. 2, Juries at Coroners' inquests are to receivefiftyeents each day of four hOlirs and $1.00 per day for .any longer period, and ten cents per mile for, , ' tra.velling expenses, ' Jl; Theappoii:J.tment of a High Constable is made imperative, 4: TheDi~ches and Watercourses Act; has been amended so that a maj'ority of the persons interested is now sufficient to . authorize thepassibg of aresolution providing for the extending of a ditch through Imore than sev'en township lots. 5, ~'he MuIiicipaLA,m,endment Act contains 39 section!>, aud p['ovidesfol' passing of By-La.ws so' tha't-i'uom!nations m>lY' be ,held at oue o'clock in the' afternoon. . No council is tod'o busiriess regarcllugthe payment of money after the 31st day ofDeceinber HI the-year iuwhich tne membel's were elected nor are they. to doauy I!~her business exc.pt in case of ~xtrenie urgency, 6. Sections relating to Hawkersaud Pedlars have been amended so that they now apply to both Haw:kers and Pedlars', alid include furni~ure, carpet, upholstery and millinery among thingg which are not to be sold by sample without a lice~se. 7, A mos't important amendment audone -in which we, will all be'parti. cula.rly interested, is that rela.ting to actions against municipalities; which pro':ides that notice of action aga,inst a townahipml1st be given within thirty' days and within se.vendays when against a city, town or'incorporated village, It e.lsoprovidestha.t action for- damages against a municipality shall be brought against a municipaHtyal1d not against any member of the Cou;ncil, officer or , employee. ' 8. The Assessment Act also contains a number of amendments ill ""..refereIice to Collectors' Rolls, collect~on of taxes' and sa.le of . land for taxes, 'none of,which require special mention. 9. A general act was passed to provide for the pa-yment of the, balance of ;Jhe Go~'ernnientgrant to County Houses of Industry, w~eretheir expenditure ' ~~been increas~d,since the first, grant'was received t9 an amol1ntsufficient, 21 22 ELGIN COUNTY CqUNCIL. to en~itle them to the balance, The: Provincial Inspector recently visited the lmgin Institution, and under this act the county will receive the additional $1,000, 'Which in former years has been frequently referred to, NEW SCHOOL LAW. 'fhe Public School Act has been changed and Count.yCouncils are not now required to raise an amount equivalent to the Legislative grant for public schools~ In lieu thereof, township Councils are authorized to levy the sum of fifty dollars fur each school, in addition to the sum of one hundred dollars .whieh they were authorized to raise under the ad of 1891. And in case of a school with an assistant teacher, one hundred dollars in addition. is. required for such ,teacher. This change-i,vill do away with the inequality that exists in township school section rates, and, will) to a great extent, relieve township Oouncils of the disagreeable duty of altering school boundaries. 'fhe High School Act has been amended, and after the present year ahy grant given by a , County Jouncil in addition to the amount to which the Couuty,is' liable for the maintenance of County pupils will be distributed in 'proportion to_the liability of the couucil; A change in the Public School Act requires ,the appointment of aCounty Board of Examiners annually, SURVEYORS' FIELD NOTES. An important matter recentlybr,lugllG to myattontlOll,' referf, to the disposition of the field notes oitha late PrOVincial Land SUI'veyors, Messrs, Hanvey and Huikie, These can now, 1 believe, be -procured for a very reasonable amount, and I would recommend. the appointme(lt of a special committee to consider t,he advisability of ,pur'chaslng them, arid placing them in charge of the County Registrar, where they will be avalIable to aU whO:' may desire to refer to them, It" is only a f<lw years ago that' the Township Yarmouth lost an expensive law-suit o,wing to their inability to prodnce these' field notes, which plainly showed that 'their contention as to the location ofa concessioll road was right, TJljLEPHONK Since our last session the public telephone which has. been in the Gourt House for a number of years, has been removed-by the Telephone Company,' and I would request the Gaol Committee to report as to whether the compan.y ShOl'Lld be requested to replace the same and maintain it there at the expense oIthe County or not. CHILDRlEN'S AID SOCIETY. 'l'he Committee appointed to meet the Provirtcial Superintendent Neglected:Children will, nodol).bt, r:eport during the present session, ELGIN COU.N"TYdOUNQIL. the past few days, five children who were 'in tbe Honse of Industry, havebeell placed in foster homes under the auspices of the Sooiety. FINANCES. Tam more than pleased with the financial position of the 'County, and whenthe" Tre'asurer's estimates arid report are laid beforeyoti,;I think all will ee that at no time during the past fifteen years have they beet!-. as favorable. With thes,e few remarks I'lea.ve the business of the County in your hands, and trust that it will' be transacted as expeditiously as possible, Th'e proceedings of the previous Session were read and confirmed, The following communications were read: From County Council of Wentworth, re Market shelters. Referred to Committee on Petitions and LegisJation. From Trustees of School Sec1ion .No~ 1l,Aldbol'01,lgh, with appeal, re alterati,onof boundary of Section, ' Referred to EducatioIi Committee. . From Public School Inspector, with report, Referred to Educa.tioD. Committee, From Auditors, witlrreport, Referred to Finance Committee. From Qounty ~ngineer, with report. Referred to Public Improvements Mr, Hunt gave notice that he would .intro'duce a by-law to appoillt an of Black Knot for the County of Elgin, Moved by W, M. Ford, seconded by T, Pl'essey, That this Council do now adjJurn to, mee't at ten o'clock to:morrow,to a.llow Committees to meet,-Carried, MaKAY, County Clerk. R. LOCKER, Warden_ 23 M EUHNCOUNTY COUNCIL. ELGIN' COUNTY COUNCIL. ~5 Moved by W. M.Ford, seconded by T. Pressey, That WilliamW eaver be appointed High 'School Trustee for Vienna High School-for three years, in'the place of J. W;Pressey, who refuses toact,-'- Carried; SECO~D SESSION.-SECOND DAY. Wednesday, the 31'cl day. 01 June, 1896. Moved byF, Hunt;seconded by.W. 'H. Morrison, 'rhat thiaCouncil adjourn until ten o'clock to-morrow morning to HOllse of Industry at 2 P'. m. 'to. day. ---:- ,Carried. visit The Elgin Coun~y Council met this day; according to' adjournm~nt. The vVardenin the chair. AU the men\bers present. 'I'hepropeedi.i1gs of the previous day were. read and coilfirm~d. the report of the County Treasurer was read and referred to the Finance Committee. K. IV. McKAY, County Clerk, R. LOCKER, Wardel!' Mr. Hunt presented a petition signed by eighteen ratepayers, requesting the appointment of a .County Inspector or Inspectors to. enforce the. Ac't respecting" diseases of fruit trees. Referred to Comlliittee on Petitions and , Legislation. The i"eport of the Gaol Committee was presented a,nd referred to a Com- mittee,of1Jhe whole. I Mr. McIntyre: in the chair. After amending the report, the Committee rose, and the report, amended, was adopted on motion of McIntyre, seconded by Summers. Moved \,y J. Thompson, seconded by A. McColl, That a freo Hawkers and Pedlars :License be grantcd to Albert Hughes,~ Lost. " ,Moved by F. Hunt, seconded byD, Liddle, That the High Constable prosecute all partie!> infringing on ~y.L(l:w respecting Hawkers and'Pedlars.-Carried. Moved by \V, :M, F_ord, seconded by 1'. Backhouse, That the Warden appoint" a Special Committee of-, six to consider appointment of High Coustable'uuder t..e ;new Act, ,and r~port,tothe this. session. __Carried. '1.'he ~arden appointed SpecialCori1Iriitte3 as follow:s: Messrs. Ford, Donaldson, Leitch, 'l.'homwll;McKinney and 26 EI,GIN COUNTY COUNCIL. ELGIN COUN.TY COU.NCIL. RECOND SESSION-THIRD DAY. Thursday, the 4th day 9f Jnne, 1896. SECOND SESSION.-FOURTH DAY. The Elgin County Council n:,et iJhis diLY at the Court H01\Bej St. ThOmas' '!'p.e Warden in the ch~ir, All the members present. The proceedings of the pl'eviouf:lday ,were read and confirmed, au motion the Oouncil udjourned until two p, m. lThe Council resumed, Fri,day, the 5th day of J'une, 1896. The Elgin County Council mct this day according to adjotll'mnent, The Warden in the chair. All themembel's prt<scnt, The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed, A communication from the Prisoners' Aid Association was read a.nd referred 'to Committee on Petitions alldLeglslation. The report of the Special Committee, l'e appointment of. High Constable; was presented and adopted 011 motion of Ford, seconded by Thomson, " 'rhe report of the Equalization Committee was presented and adopted on motion of ForD, seconded by l\'IcDiarmid. ? The rcport of the Special Committee to consider the division of the County into County Uonucil Districts, was preseli.ted and adopted on motion of Suffel, seconded by 'l'~~olllson. of the Education Commi tee was" presented and referred to VVhole, Mr:McKinney hi th~. chair. ,After consideration l'ep,ort was adopted without amendment, ' . Moved by A, McColl, seconded by F. G, Ma~(harmid, That the cl,erkprocUl'e a copy of tihe' Ontario Statutes for each member County Council. -Carried. Moved by A, ,T. Leitch,/second\edby D, C. Turner, That this Comicil authorize the Warden to issue his cheque for $200, to the treasurer of Dutton, on the certificate of the Reev,e that the completed; this bl;:ing a grant made by th~ Co'unty Council toward ofalocknp in the village of Du~ton.-()al'ried, Moved by R H. Snffel, seconded by W, M. Ford, Th'at this Council do now adjourlt until one o'clock to allow Committees to 'rhe report of the Special Committee re Childrens' Aid Society was pre- sented and adopted o~ motion of Morrison, seconded lJY Moore. The second report of the Petitions ancl Legislation Ccmm'ittee was presented and referred to Committee of the whole. 0, McKinney in the chair., After- consideration the Oommittee rose, and a motion to adopt the report was lost, __j__;C-/ The second report of the Gaol Committee was presented and referred Committee of the whole, ,T. Stceleiu the chair. Afte-r amending the repor.t by striking out the recommendations, thci:ep?rt was, adopted' on motion of Steele, seconded by Morrison. The report of the Public Improvements Committee was presentedal1d referred to Committee of the whole, Mr. Ford in the chair. After amending the report, the Committee rose, and the report, as amended, was adopted on motion of Ford, seconded'?y McColL The report of the House of Industry Committee was presented adopted on motion of Thomson, seconded by Ford, Mo\-ed by W. M. Ford, seconded by TBackhouse, That the Reeves of the different municipalities be a Committee to on'the best lines to dividethc County into County Council Districta.-Uarried; Moved by F. Hunt, seconded by V\7, H. Morrison, Th[j.t the Council adjourn untiI.ten o'clock to,morrow,-Carried, K. W. MoKAY, County Clerk, 27 ~s ELGI:<f 'COU)'f'rYCOUNCIL; ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL, The Council res\1m~d. Mo\'ed by J,D. McDiarmid, seconded by W, W. Gow, That By-law No, 557 be read, a. third time and fillally,passed.--Cal.'ried, Moved'_by'V, M. Ford, seconded by E, H, Sitffel, 'l'hat By-law No 558; being a by-law to autJhorize the W"arden and Treasurer to borrow,Fifteen Thousand. Dollars, be receivcd and read a first time, -~Carried, I 'The report of the, Special Committee re reception of . Governor General . 'was th.ell, presented and referred. to Committee of the Whole. Mr, Hunt in the I}hair. After consideration, the report was o,dopted Oll motion of HuntJ secondea., by Leitch. The report of the Finance Committee' was presented and adopted'on mo'tion of. Moore, secanded byFord, Moved by 0,' McKinney, seconded by:F, Hunt, That By,law No. 544 be amended to r~a(l:' That a six months' license may be granted to all hawkers and pedlars by paying one.half the amount charged for one year's lice,nse.--,-Lost. Moved by F. Hunt, seconded b~, W. H, Morrison, That By-law No. 555, being a by-law to appoint William Weaver Trustee of the Vienna High S~hool for three years; be received and read a first time. -Carried, Moved by E, H. Suirel, 'second~d by VV M, Ford, That By-lawN o. 558 be read a second time,--Carried~ Moved by 'V, Rockey; seconded by E. H, SUffel, That By-law No. 50S be read a third time and finally passed,,"'-C~rried. Moved by D. McIntyre, seconded by W. BaSS(itt, Tha.t By;hiw No, 559, being a By'law to raise amounts for County rates' be received and read a first thne,-Carried. Moved by D. McIntyre; seconded by W. Bassett, That By.law No, i559 be read a second time,-Carried. Mov/a by D, McIntyre, seconded by ,J. Wise, 'l'hat By'-lawNo, 559 be read a third time and finall:ypassed;-Carried, Moyed b.y; J, 'l'hpmson, seconded by A, McColl, That this Council do now adjoLlrtl, to meet at the call of'the Warden,..:..... Carried. ' Morrison, seconded by F, lIunt, That By.lawNo. 555 be read, a second time,--CarrieQ, Moved'by F,Hunt, seconded by' \V, H, Morrison, That By.law No, 555 be road a third time, and finally passed.--.Carried, Moved by D, F. Moore, secpnd'ed by,}. Steele, That By.law No.55H, bt"ing a by-Iu.w to confirm the equaliza,tion of th,e Assessment Rolls; be received'and read a first time,-Carried.' Moved by J, Steele, seconded by D. F. Moore, That 'By Jaw No. 556 be r~ad a second time,---:.Carried. Moved by J. Steele, seconded by, D, F, Moore, That By-law No; 556 be rcad a thirlltimeand :finally passed.~Carried. Moved by W. VIr. Gow, seconded by J.D. McDiarmid, That By~law No~557,being ~ by.lawto make grants to High. Schools and Collegiate Institutes for 1896, be received and -rel\d a first time.~Carried; ,Moved ~y'D.'C. Tumer, seconded by W.W.Gow, 'l'hat'By-IawNo~557be' read asecondt~me.--'-Carded. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. R. LOOKER, Wardell. 30 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL, NOVEMBER SESSION, 189B. THIRD SESSION..~FIRST DAY. , Tuesday, the 17th day of November-, 1896, The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court Honse, S~, Thomas, The \Varden in the chair, all the member", present. The 'Varden addre:sse'd the Council as fonows: Geutlemen of the Council,- I have called you togethe'r to-day to consider the business of the County. SURVEYORS FIELD NOTES, A.t the J,une Session I directed your attention to the advisability of securing the Field N ote~ of the late Provincial Land Surveyors, Messrs, Hanvayaud Baikie, but as the matter was overlooked, I would again recom- mend the appointment of a Special :Jommittee to conl:lider the question of purchasing them, .COUNTY PUPIL FOR AGRHJUUfURAL COLLEGE. Since the June session the Clerk has, by advertisement and otherwise, endeavored to secure application from, a farmer's son, resident in the county, desirous of attending t,he Agricu'.tural College as a county pupil, but has been 'unable to secur:e an application, Duder the Act the County Council is allowed to appoint i:)lle pupil who, is entitled to instruction at the college free of all tuition fees. This relieves the pupil from paying any other expense than his' board, and is an opportunity that many would ava'l themselves of if the rr:atter wasproper1y brought to their notice; I wonld suggest that, yon interest 'yourselves, with a vicw to secming ~nappointment of a county pupil at the earliest opportunity. VENTILATOR. . Some years ago, with the permission of ,the CountyConncil, the ventilator which adorns jthe walls of the Court Room was put in. It has proved. to be of ver.y little use, either as a ventilator or au ornament. During:.the last Assizes there was a very high I, wind for ,a, few days, and the ventila~or was the cause of so much noise at times that the business ,the Court cOi.lld, not, be conducted as convenientl,Y as' it !3ho\lld have been, IU,GIN, COUNTY COUNC'IL, I would recomment the Gaol Committee to consider the advisability Of having it removed at the earliest opportunity, CONSOLIDATED BY.LAWS. The printing-of the Consolidated By-Laws has not been proceeded with, as we deemed it advisable in view of th~ change in the County CouIlcils to delay the matter until after the present' session Of the Council, when the , completed work will contain all of the By-Laws pas!,ed under the old County Council system, In thi!3 respect, the volnme will be more valuable tothc new Council. HOUSE OF INDUSTRY GRAN1:. Since our last session the balance of the Government grant due the House of Industry hasbeell received, FINANCIAL POSI1'ION. The financial position of the County isat prellent quite satisfactory, all(l from calculations made I am in a position to say the expenditlires of the year ,viII be. quite within the estimates; . and that the ureasurer will have a bala.llce of a fa", hundred dollars Over and above all liabilities at the end of the year. This is very satisfactory showing as the County rate is this year lower th~n f61'merly. Tm<JASURE'R'S BOND. Sincl;l our last session. we have lost by death one of the ex-Wardens of County, who was ~lso one of the County Treasurer's bondsmen. I would the Finance Committee to consider the matter with a view to having bond deposited with the clerk at an early date, is no ,very important business to be brought before you at this whi?h I expect ~will be the last one under the present Jaw. With these few reniarks, I would ask you to procee,d, with thebllSines.ll of session. The proceedings of the last .day of the previous session were read and The following communications were read: From County Kent re ame~dment to Railway Act, Heferred to Petitions Legislation Committee, County Arbitrators on appeal S, S n, Aldboro, Referred to 31 32 Er,GIN COUNTY COUNCil.. From Physician, House of' Industry with Annual Report. 'Referr}ld to House of Industry Committee, ':From County of Huron ro amendment to- Municipal Act. Referred to Petit~bns and Legislation Committee, '~"romR.Miller, Master in Chancery repffice Rent. Referred to Gaol Committee, From County Treasurer with report. From Isaac Hannan and L, McGill caretaker. Filed. J Referred to FinanceCornmiti;ee, ( , re appointment of. -J ohn Hop~ins From County Council Commissioners, Filed. Report-on Division of "County, From Dr~ Ling with resignation as 'frustee, Dntton High School. Fl'omJ, A. Eeli, County Engineer with report. Referred to Public Impro\Tements Committee. M oyed by 11'; Hunt, seconded -by J,' Wise, 'fhat the commnnjcation re the appointment . of car'etaker for the Court T:Iouse'be referred to thE;lfollowhlg Special Committee: Hunt, Moore, Ford, Sheppard, Leitch,'McDiarmid, P~essy and McKinney.~CaI'ried. Moved by F., Hunt, seconded by F Sheppard;' That ,the Committee on Petitions and 'Legislation consider the a"dvisability of asking theLE'gislature to amend sectbn I30f, the County Councils Act, 1896, by having struck out from the said section the following words, which occur in the sixth, seventh, eighth, nirithand tenth lines: "And he' may at his option, when there arc two County Councillors to be eleqted; give hoth his votes to the one candidate, in which c!\se he shall place two crosses within tho division of the ballot ,,,herein is the name of such candidate,"--Carried. Moved by '/ll. If. Morrison, seconded by, D, Liddle, 'l'hat the Committee on Petitions arid Ltigislation report on theadvisa. bility of this Council requesting th~ Legislature to amend the County C'otincils AQt ~fl~96, so that Municipal Councillors wilJ be eligible as candidates for the County Councils,-Carried. ' Moved by J. R. Summers, se~onded byE. H. Suffel; 'rhat this Council adjourn until one'" 'o'clock to-morrow to C'briuidttees to meeb,-Carried. K.'W. McKAY, County,Clerk, El.GIN COUNTY COUNUIJ" 'l'HlRD SESSIOK.~SECOND DAY. Wednesday, 'the 18th day of :November, 1896. 'l~he Council met according ,to adjournment: '1'he Warden in the Chair, All the member$ present, The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. ThefoUowing communi?ations were read: From Lachlin' Campbell, High Constable, enclosing account for services, enforcing Pedlars' By.Law, Referred to Finance Committee. ' From Inspector House of Industry with report, . Referred to HOlHleof rn:d~stry Committee: 'l'he. report"of the House of Industry Committee was presenteuand adopted on'motion of Thompson, seconded by McDiarmid f Moved by J, Steele, -seconded by 'V, II. Morrison, That, Mr. Miller, Mastel' in Cha:.ncery, be heard in regard, to rent Of his office,-Carried. Mr. Miller, Master in Chandery, then addressed the Council. _M.oved by F. Hunt, seconded by "V. H, Morrison, That the Committee on Petitions and L'eglislaMon bring in a Report recommeilding changes in thc la\v regarding damages against mllllicipaHties for injurie_s on the highway,-Jal'l'ied, iYlovedby J. D, McDiarmid, seconded by W. "V. That this COllncil'do now Carried. Gow, adjourn to meet at teo o'clock to ulOrrow.-'----- K. \V, McKAY, County Clerk. R LOCK1<lR, 'Wardet,l. 3:) 34 l'.I.GIN COUNTY COUNCU" ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 35 ~'HIRD SESSION.-THIRD. DAY. Moved by D, MqIntye, seconded by J. D, McDiarmid, 'l'hat this Council petition,the Local Legislature to amend the Voters.' List Act to m'ake it compulsory for all 'partIes complaining against. errors in Voters' List to give notice at least ten days before the time for filing appeals. has elapsed. '--Carried, Thursday, the 19th day of November, 1896, Moved by D, F, Moore, seconded by J'ohnWilson, 'J'h~t By. Law . No. 569, enforced colltction by sale of time. -Carried, being a By-Law to extend the t~me fprthe> non resi.dent taxes, be received and read'a. first; The EIgill County Council met this day at the Court Houe, St. 'Thomas, accordiifg to adjournment. ' 'l'he Warden in the chair. All the menbers present. 1Toyed'by D. F~Moore, seconded by John Wilson, , That By. Law No, 560 be read a second time, '--Cf,trried. Moved by'D, F, Moore, seconded by John Wilson, That By-Law 560 be, read a third time and finally passed.-Carried, Moved' by A.11cColI, seconded by, D,U, Paterson, That this Council do now adjourn to meet to.morrow at ten o'clock.-,...;.. Carried., t K.W,'l\JcK,AY/ ,Connty Clet~k, R WCKER, Wafdcl1. 'J:he proceedings of the' previous day were read and confirmed. 'The report of the Petitions and Leglislation Committee was presented and referred to a Committee of the whole; Mr. Morrison in the Chair. After consideration the Committee rose, aod the report was adopted on motion of MorI'isoll, seconded by Hunt. The report of the Gaol Committee :was presented and referred to a Committee of the, whole, Mr. Hunt in the Chair, After consideration the Committee rose 'and reported progress and asked leave t'o sit again. The report of the Public Improvements Committee was adopted, on motion of Donaldson, seconded by McColl. 'rho report of the' Finance Committee' was presented and referred Committee of the Whole, Mr, M,oore in the chair. After amending the repol't, the Committee rose and the amended, was adopted, Ol~ motion of Moore, seconded by McColl. M,oved by 0, ,McKinney, seconded by E, H. Suffel, T'hat this Coutwil get the opinion of the County 'Solicitor on No, 544. To see if any person can sell or peddle coal oil, bJots manufactured clothing, jo",ielry, silverwarc, etc" if the same is in Ontario and not by the party or parties offering the same a hawkers or pedlars license.-Carried. Moved by D,'F.Moore, seconded by W. H, ,Morrison, That Messrs~ Hard" McIntyre, Steele and Thomson be a Special to consider the\Val'den's l'ecol1lnlendatioll l'e purchase of the Field the late Messrs. Hanvey a~dBaikie,--:-Carried, :~6 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL, THIRD SESSION.--FOURTH DAY. Friday, the, 20th day of November, 1896, The Elgin County Council met this -day at the Court House, St, Thomal:l, according to adjournment, The '"'Varden in the chair, All the members present. The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. 'The report of the Special Committee appointed to consider the communi. cutions reccived from L, McGill and Isaac Hannan was presented, and adopted on motion of. Hunt, seconded .by Pressy, On motion, the Council went into a Committee of the \Vhole on the report of the Gaol Committee, F. lI1lnt in the ohair. After considemtion, the Committee rose and the report, as amended, was adopted, on motion of Hunt, seconded by :McIntyre. , Moved by J, Thomson, seconded by A, McColl, That the Clerk -procure the -mual supply of Assessment and _Collectors' I-~olls and Electi9n supplies,-Carried. Moved by J, Thomson, seoonded by F. K Sheppai'd, That the Special Committee appointed re purchase of Surveyors Notes be continued with power tq purchase the same,-Carried, Messrs. Marlatt and Hepburn lessees of the London and Port, Stanley Gnw'elRoad, being present, were a;;ked to -ac1dress the Council.. Mr. :Marlatt made a, statement in reference to the recent judgmentiti Payne vs. Caughell"under \vhich they would' have to stop the collection of tolls on the road. Moved by J.Wise, seconded llY'\V. W, Gow, That 'the Committee to present the petition to tbe Government asking for- a changc in the law relating to ,~ctions for damages against Corporat~ons, b,e composed of the Warden, Ford, Wilson, McIntyre, Steele, J,D, McDiarmid and Thomsol1;-()arl'ied: ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL, The report of the EdtLcation Committee was presented and adopted ,on motion of Leitch, seconded by McKinney. T\'loved by F, Hunt, seconded byW.H. Morrison, That the Warden" 'l'homson, FO! d, :Mclntyre, Steele and the moyer be a.ppointed a Special Committee in the matter of the, London and Port Stanley Gravel Road, with power. First amendment-Moved by E, H, Suffel, seconded by J.R, Summers, That the question with reference to gravel road be laid over' until th.e ,January Session. Second amendment~Moved by D, McIntyre, seconded by W, Bassett, That the matter under discussion be laid over until the afternoon. Original motion and second amendment lost, First amendment ca,rried. Moyed byC! McKinney, seconded by D. Uddle, Thatthe'Conuty Solicitor be'now heard re By-Law No. 544.-Carried, The County. Solictor's opinion was then react Moved by W. M, Ford, .seconded by Thos, Pressy, That By-Law No; 561 being a By-Law to license, regulate and govern Hawkers, Pedlars, 'Petty Chapman and others, be received and read a first time.-Carried, Moved by J. -Thomson, seconded by F. Sheppard, That By~Law No. 561 be read a second time~-Carried. Moved by D. lAddIe, seconded by O.McKinney, That By~Law No, 561 be read a third time and finally passed.-Carriell. Moved by J, Steele, seconded by W,H, Morrison" That the thanks of this Council be tendered to the Com.ityofficials. for efficient services during the pastyear,,,.,---Carried :17 38 lILGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. ELGINCOUN'rY OOW~WII" 39 Moved by F, Hunt. seconded by W, H.' Morrison" That the thanks oHhis Council be extended to the Warden for and efficient services during the past year, and' that the usual grant <lollars be made to him for extra services,-Carried, hit'! able of fifty REPORTS; 'Moved'by A.,McColl. seconded by D,'H,'Paterson, That ,this Council do now adjourn sine die.-Carried, The memhe'rs joined in singing Auld Lang Syne, EQUALIZATION. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk, R. LOCKER, "r arden. JUNE SESSION. To the Warden and Members oj theE/gin, County Council: G~;NTL~MENJ- ,The Equ'alization Committee beg leave to report: That the equalization of 1895 be adopted as the report of the equalizatiolJl o,f the rolls for the present year. ' All of which is respectfully submitted. \ Jnne 5th, 1896. .Adopted. ,V, M, FORD, Chitirma;ll. MUNICIl':ALl'l'LES, Aldborough . . _ , , Dnllwich , . . South wold . Yarmouth ,.",... ""." "" Malahide "".. , , Bayhalll " . , " ,...,....' South Dorchester. Aylmer.,.","',., ..,.,..,; Vienna -,;" " ." Port Stai1ley." ,'.. . ,., . Springfield. . _ Dutton. ..".,.,.., EQUALIZED VALUJU. $1,891,350 2;080,-'190 2,865,200 3,085,064 2,'30Il000 1,108,560 1,314,726 361,000 57,000 OS,OOO 69,000 90,000 ...., ......' i5l15,2!Hl090 40 lU.GIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL, FINANCE. JANUARY SESSION. '(o the Warden and Membe~s oj the Elgin Count) CouncZ'!: GEN'l'Ll!:MJilN,- The Finance Committee beg leave to report: First-That the sum of $10 be granted to the Ontario Rifle Association. Second,-That the following accounts be paid: It, McLachlin-Stationery for' Registry office, $11.95 ; Assessment and Colleotors' rolls and Election supplieil, $130,70; Stationary for County En- gineer', 70 cent,s; Stationary for County Tre'asurer, $2,,85; Stationery, etc:. for County Clerk, $17.82. Third;..:...,.'l'hat'J, BaIsden be paid the Sl1m of $6 67 for four months services as Keeper of 'the Shedden lockup during 1895. :Fourth-That the report of the County' Treasurer be adopted, Fifth-'l'hat the sum of ten dollars be granted to the frisoner's Aid Association. All of which is respectfully submitted; D. F. MOORE, Chalrmim. St, 'fhomas,.,January :Ust,,1896; Adopted with the exoeption of clanse 1. JUNE SESSION. .To tlte Warden alid Members of the Elgin County Council.' Gl<:NTLEMEN,- The FillltllCe Committee beg leave to present the following report: First-Tha,t the follow~ng lock-up keepers be paid: D. A, Kirkpatrick, 'Vest Larue.,."",., -,.,. ,., L, Ludy, Rodliey, , ".,...""., ,..,. .1, Payne, Port 'Stanley., ",." .,.,.,..,. .James'Goodall, Wallacctown",.".. ,..", ,...., L. Pierce, Avlmel.'..', ,...., ,-.......',.. ,.....,. 1), Purdy, Vienna.,'".. "",...""",.",.... 1. McTaggert, Springfield.. .'. , . . . . . . . , , ,. ",., J'. E. Clark, Dutton. ,."" ,., ,., '," .,. ....,..;. $10 00 Jo 00 15 00 10 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 -1000 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIJ~. 41 Second~That the County Treasurer's account for $1.50, expenses retax deeds, be paid, We also recommend that the Treasurer'sreport be considered sa.tisfactory,and that a by-law be passed to authorize the Wardenand'r:reasi.1rer to borrow the sum of fifteen thousand' dolla,rs,to meet the current 'expell;ses of the County, and to renew notes until the Cciuntyrates for 189G are paid ~u. Third'"--'That hav'ing examined into the Finances of-the County,_a~<l the estimatespl'epared by the ,County Treasnrer, they herewith submit a state- ment of the expenditure required for the lawfulpurposesof-the Countydur- iug the year 1896, showing the amounts required to be raised for the under. mentioned purposes : . , Administration of Jtlstice,."."",."" .'".".,. County Lines and Bridges...,..., ,.., ". ,., ,. House of Industry..... '.,., .,.", .'..,'..", High ..schools...,.,.." _ ,',."""." ,'.'..,.". Model School,.",. .." ,., ,.,...,. '...,. .". ,.".". Officers! Salari(1S., "",.,." ,,'.. "'......,.,, School Inspector ""',...,.."'...,..,.",,..,. Payment of JurorL..,.."",. ,. ,. _.. "', "..., ,. CrOWn \Vitnesses....,' ,..,.,.,.,.,..,.",., .", Interest-on Bills Payable""".,."""""""" Members' Wages. Committees, etc..."",.,.."" Debenture Rate"".,.. ',."....,...",..,..." $4,081 2,000 4,000 G,500 150 2,800 8i50 2,000 1,000 1,200 1,000 1,942 TotaJ'l:"';'" '.., ...'........,...".", ,.... ....., $27,523 Your Committee would recommend that the sum of twenty~seven thousand five hnndred and twenty thl'ce dollars he raised on all the rateable property in the several muni9ipalities in thc County'of l~lgin duri~lg the year 1896 for coun~r purposes, as p\:lr schedule herewit,h submitted" and that a rate of one and eight-tenth niillson the dollar be levied on the: rateable property in the several municipalities in the county as equali;-;ed to rai~e said amounts. SCHEDULK MUNICIPAr~ITY, 1}J:~i~h~~,:', ',: ',:: ',.,::'.::" :'.: '.'....: :.'.'.:'.,.., South wold. ,', , ". ",' "" ,'., .", .", "" , Yarmonth ."'.",, ,', '....",....,.,. Ivlalahide "... ,.."..,.... ...,.".....""."" Bayham ....,... .." ,.,.. '..... ,," ....' ,. . .... South Dorchester. . , , , , , , . . , , . . . . , , , , , , . . . ~r~::r :::: ::: ::,:: ::: :::: ,~: :::: ::::::,_., '..." Springfield. , , _, ." ,.. .,. .'",.,.. " , , . , , . , ' Port ~tanley . . , . , . , , , . , . . , , , , . , , . , , . . , , . . , . . , .. Dutton ,., _, ,."" .." ,.... .".., ,.", .', ". All of whi,ch'is respectfully submitted. June5thj1896, TOTAL, $3,404 3,744 5,157 5,553 4,142 1,995 2,367 ' 650 103 124 122 ,162 $27,523 D. F; MOORE, Chairman. 4~ ELGtN COUNTT COUNOII.. NOVEMBER SESSION. To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Councii: Gl~N'l'LI<;MENJ- The :Finance Committee beg leave to report: First-That the followin'g accounts he pa.id: Aylmer Sun, printing ..,.....,.._.."... ,','" ..,.$ 4 72 Aylmer EX1>ress, printing.. , , , . . ' . . . , , . . . . ' , , , , ." 20 70 Rodney Mercury; printing,..., ,." ," ..,.,.." .." 4 50 R. McLachlin, stationery, etc."..,;, ,.",... ".." a9 37 Amasa Wood Hospital ",~ .:' ,'...."....""...,.", lO 50 Blue & Smith, Dutton Advance, printing,........,. 10 47 Township of Bayham, for medical examh:mtion, clothing ,and expenses for David Faval, an indigeut lunatic, . ,. , . , , . . . . . . , . , . . . , . . , , . , , '" 23 50 F, T. Chapman, envelopes Surrogate Court o,ffice.". 1 50 Second-Tha.t the Treasurer's reporb be received and accepted, and that a by-law be passed'in accordance therewith, Third-'--That the 'I'reasurer be requested to furnish a new bondsman, :Fourth..:...That, the lock, up-keepers be paid, All, of which is respectfully submitted. D, F. MOORE, . Chairman, November 19th,1896. ELGIN OOUNTY COU.NCIL, 4" .. COUNTY TREASURER:S REPORT. I NOVEMBER SESSION, To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: G-E:NTLEl\-IAN",-- 'I beg leave to report that on the first day of November, having paid, all theclairns presented against the County, I had a credit balance at b.nk.",......................., ...................... .... ....$3,817 78 Asset. County rate due from Township Dunwich for 1895.,.."".. 4,325 00 Total available assets exclus,ive of County rl,tte for 1896. ';' ,.,. ,... 8,142 78 The notes of Warden and 1'reasurer ,held by Molsona bank, on 1st Nov. amonnted to $26,000, The rate of interestnow'charged by the bank is fi,ve perc.eht~ I thought it not necessary to ha.vea tax sale of lands that are in arrears for three years, as they -were so-few in number. If this meets your approval will you please pass a By-Law giving'me aflthority for deferring the aale as by section 16? of the: Consolidated Assessment'Act, chapter 4-8, L AU of wl~lch ls respectfully submit~ed, JOHN McCAUSLAND, County Treasurer, November 16th, 1896, Referred to Finance Committee, 44 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. EDUCATION. JANUARY SESSION. To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Conncil: G Jl1N'l'LEMJm,- Your Committee on Education beg leave to report as follows: First-Your Committee would'recommend that the grants from the County to the High Schools and Collegiate Institutes be laid over for c6usiderationat the June session, Second-That the application of the Public School Inspector for $50 expenses of printing on a.ccount of promotion examinations be granted, ' 'l'hil'd-,-Thatthe account of.'Mistele Bros, of 72 celits for eighteen botHes of ' ink used at entrance examinations,and the ac~ount of R. McLachlin, for supplii.~s at Model School examiriatHms, amounting to $5,34, bepaid, Fourth--That the repealing of ,'By.Law No, '541, being a by'la.w auth6riz~ ing,th~ collection of fees from county pupils attending High Schools and Oollegiate Institutes, be lajd 0'161' till the June session, as it is expected that there will be legi'dation in reference to this matt~r at the next session of the Legislature of Ontario. All of which is respectfully ,mbmitted, A. .J: LEITCH, Chairman. St. 'J'homas, January 30th, 1896. Adopted. JUNE SESSION. To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council GEl'lTI.EI\1,EN,- 'rhe Education Committee beg leave to report: Firat- That the report of the Public, School Inspector pdnted with 'the minutes. Second--'---'l'hat J. D, McDiarmid be appoiuted arbitrator with the Judge and County Inspector to settle appeal from School Section Aldborough. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL, Third--That Springfield be granted an entrance examination for 1896, Fourth--That the following amou,nts be granted to High Schools in the county for 1896 : ' St, 'l'homas. . "'. .. . , .. , ... , .. , _. > , .. . ' . ~ , . , . .. .. , . $2; 100 Aylmer..., '" ,., ",. . ......, '" ...",.,...", _."( 2,000 Vienna" ",..", ,.,...,.""""""" ,.""".", 700 Dutton. .."...., ,.. _ . ,.,"..."..., '" ~., .,.... 1,700." All of which is respectfully submitted. June 5th, 18g6. Adopted; A,. J, L]~I'l'CH, Chairman. NOVEMBER SESSION, To the Elgin County Council: GENTUCMEN,- Th~ Ed~cati,on Committee begs leave to report: First-That the fees of the arbitrators appointed to co:psiderthe appc[tl froni School Section No, 11, Aldborollgh, be paid as follows: D. .J, Hugh.es , . ,'..., ."."" ,..",." ( .r. D, McDiarmid . , . . . , , " , .",,'., .", ( $17 00 'VV. Atkin.., ,.. ".". ",.", ,.,..". ..,) Sec~lld-Thatthe Clerk render the account to the ;rrllstees o~the said School Section No, 1l. All of whieh"is respectfully submitted. 4-, J,-LEITCH, Charrm",u.: November.] 9th, 1~96, 4;) 4G J':LGIN COUNTY COUNOlL. To the PUBLIC SCHOOL INSPECTOR'S REPORT. Warden and Members oj the Elgin CountyCounctl: GENTLJ~MEN,- I have the honor to present to yon my report on the Public Schools of Elgin County for the year, 1805, l~I)fANCIAL STATEMENT. The following shows the amotlnts expended for Public Schoot purposes during the year, and thc cost per pupil in the different Towns;hips l1nel Villages.: Aldborough, . ' . , , ,$10,165 52 Bayhani.",.,",. G,6G7 97 Dunwich..,., .", 6,36927 '-Sonth Dorchester" 3,764 67 Malahide. ,.... 6,608 14 Southwold .",., 8,608 14 Ynrmonth." 7,85810 Dutton"""., 1,749 79 Port Stanley,.,. 1,207 45 Springfield " " 1,5;~3 24 Vienna,.",.. 81951 __ Average"., 'Cost per pupil""." .$825 " "."..... 7 57 " .,..,... 8 02 " .".,. 8 65 " ".,.." S 46 " ..,.",. 8 36 " ,," 7 43 " 6 81 8 05 9 18 " .,."", 7 18 ......... 803 " " TotaL". ." ,$5'5,M6 80 SCHOOL POPULATION AND ATTENDANCK The following shows the School population, the nnmber of pnpils registered and the average number of pupils registered with one teacher) ill the Townships and Villages: POPULA'rION, No, R:JWISTJ<;RED, PER Aldborough, ' . , . , , . , , , , . . , , ' Bayham.. , ' Dunwich.,. _., .."." South Dprchester, Mri.lahide.,.. , , Southwold, ' . ,. ,', Yarmouth:., . -])utton:,., ' port Stanley,.., Springfield Vienna.., . 1,422 979 Di9 502 891 1,224 1,258 , 266 200 167 114 1,231 880 794 43i) 781 1,029 1,0156 257 150 167 114 fl2 4\J ('>4 55 40 49 50 64 75 56 , 57 'Total, , . 7,972 -1-:6,~-- ELGIN COUN'TY G'OUN(JIL, Of the total nnmbllrof pupils registered ill the County, 3,590 were bpys,. and3,;~04 girls. The aveage llUlnber'of days the schools wereopcl1 was 203, making tbe average attendance per day 3,688, or 53~, per cent" which is as high an aver- age as in most places, The numherof pupIls who attended less than 20 days was 618. , 'rbe number hetwecn 20 and 50 days, 88J. The number between 50 and 100 days, 1,485, '1'he number between 100 and 150 daJs, 1,650. The number between 150 and 200 days, 2,081. The numoEn;oV'er 200 days, 179. l'he number between the ages of 8 and 14 years who did'not attend 100 days was 1,2-70, while the number between the same a,g-es who did not attend any schoQl was 11" From this last statement it is vet:y evident that the compulsory attend. ance law is not enforced, atleastin some loct1lities, CLASSIFICATIONOJ;' PUPILS. NUll\per of 1>apils in l~art 1; First blass .....". . . , , , . Number of Pupils in Part 2, First Class"., ,..""., Number of Pupils in Second Class ..".,.." Number of ,Pupils in Third Classl, """ ,..., ,.,. ;', Number of Pupps in Fourth Clas~ ..".. ,.".. Number of Pupils in Fifth Class".."..".. ,." 1;4.17 1,027 1,438 1,2Dl 1,286 435 All the 6,S96.pupils received instruction, in .Reading, -VYriting, Arithma- Spelling; Drawing, Geography and Compo"Sition. ' shows the number who receivC:d instructi~n in o1.her ;34 Canadian' History. English. History. Physiology, . ,. .,.,..."" 'Book-keeping... ,.) ,. ,. " " Algebra. ';, . . . . . , , . . , , , . , . , , , . , , , . . . . , . l~uclhl" . Botany... Physjcs,-; , Agriculture. Ivlusie..."" , Physical Clllture, 2,768 '1,947 4,016, 784 429 414 199 79 45. 2,258 3,1)65- ...,....... 47 48 ELGIN COUNTY COU:NCII.. EJ.GIN COUN'rY COUNCIL, 4~ TEACHERS. Two meetings of the Teachers Institnte were' held, one in Aylmer and one in St. Thomas, Teachers, with but few exceptions, attended these, lll!letings. receiving much assistance in their work therefrom. During the last Session of the Ontario Provincial Legislature-the SehooH law was amended, I believe the Education Department has sent acircular to the ,Municipal Clerks, pointing out the important changes made, I enclose: herewith for your perusal a copy of the circular mentioned, Thanking you and the pub1ic at large for the active interest manifested in' Public Sohool education" SOHOOl, SECTIONS, HOUSES, ETO. Number of School SectioilS"" ,.""..".,., .... 105 Number of80hool Houses" ,..""".""., ,." 107 Numb~r of . School Departments, ".' "_..,.'",, 129 Number of Brick School Houses, ,... ._."'., ....' 62 Number of Frame Sch'ool Houses." . ..... .." 45 '1'he reported value of-Houses and sites was $106,100, and the yalue of School furnishing" $13,475. There were 64 male teachers and 65 female. One held fa first~clasfl eertific,1te, 45 seconds and g3 thirds. 'rhe followillg shows the numherof. male and female ,teachers in the townships and - villages, v.iith their average S!llaries : I have the honor to be, gentlemen" your obedient servant, June, 1896. W. ATKIN; Public Sehool Inspector; Adopted. MAT,E TEACHERS. AVERAGE SALARY, :B~EMALE TEi\.OHEns. AVERAGE SALARY, Aldborollgh . , , ,. . ' . . , , , , , , , , 11 $361 28 I 9 $26555 ]~ayham' ,.." , ' , ' , , , , , , , , , , f) 362 22 I 9 27555 ;,.; Dunwich ......, ...... "......." 7 288 88 8 28250 \ South Dorchester .."".,.", 4 295 00 4 3Et 75 Malahide ". , , . . . , . , , , , ' , , , .. 7 347 85 10 308 50 Houthwold....".."..." ..., 12 361 25 9 291 II Yarmouth ..""",.""",., 10 365 50 9 :Jl4 44 Dutton .., ,.", ,...." ," J 529 00 3 240 00 Port Stanley".".,.' ".,.. ,. I 525 00 J 300 00 Sprhlgfield .. ,.." ,.,.,....., I 500,00 2 250 00 'Vienna ..... ,..""..,.", ,., I 450 00 I 26500 -- -- -- -- 'fo'tal.", . ......,.... 61 $366 78 65 i $287 00 'J'he highest salary paid any teacher was $529,00 MISCELLANEOUS, N umber of maps in the schools, , , . , , . . . , . _ , , . , " "., 964 Number of globes"",...."'..... ,.."",.."",.., 100 Number of pnblicexaminations "".", .,_....".' 24 Number trees planted".. ..,. ,.",. ....",., .,., 119" ,Number visits made by th,e Inspector. '_" ,'...,' ,.,..,., 25R Number visits made by the Trustees,.,." .. ,."....' 141 Nrimber visits made by clergymen,..., . ...", ' .." 74 ,Number visits made by other persons" ,.. ...., ,..,.., 820 50 ELGIN COUNTY COUl'CII" PUBLIC IMf'ROVEMENTS. JANUARY SESSION, To the Wardeiz and Members 0.1 Elgin County Council: Gl~N'rLI~MEN,~ Your PlibIi'c Improvements Committee beg leave to submit the following rei)ort; _First----'- W e hfJNe considered the communication of James Finney in regard ~o Sl;, George Street Bridge, a.nd recommend that itbe ~ot entertained. Second-- Your Committee, as instructed at yonr last meeting,olet \vith the Public Improvements Committee of Middlesex and considered the matter of filling.in the south approach to the Coyne Road Bridge, After hispecting the'locality; the Joint Committee met at Glencoe and decided to rebuild that portion of the approach under their jurisdiction-cifwobd on cedar piles, "Vo would therefore recommend that the Chairman and Engineer have power to act with-'Middlesex, and awardtendors for the constrnction of this work Third-.The Engineer prepared plans and specifications and asked for ,tenders for rebuilding the bridge over Kettle Creek on the Townline betwe_en the Towntlhips ofYal'lllouth and Westminster, the superstructure to be of steel a,nel the abutments of stOlle 01' concrete, The County of Middlesex 'aIM a(Nertised for. tenders for this work, The tenders received by the Cmmty Engillocr were son:t P9 tho Commissioner of Middlesex, hut he has not yet l'oceived from them the result of the tenders received in London, \Ve would th~refore recommend tlUtt the Chairmu,n <1odMessrs, Wilson, Chase, Backhotlseand the l~ngineer have power to act with a similar Committee from M.idcllcsex and award tendors for the construction of this work, All of which is respectfully submitted, CRAS. DONALDSON, Chairman,. S~, Thomas, J'anuary :Ust, 189G. Adopted". E),GIN OOUN'l'Y COUNCIf" .JUNE SESSION, Warden and Me1l1bus {if tlte Elgin County Council Your Pl1blic Improvements Committee beg leave to submit the following F~rst- That the County Solicitor hi, illstructed to take 'such act:on as may deem best to have the opinion of the Courts on the liability of the Coyne Road or TaitBridge cxtcnsion, auclto recover Middlesex one.half of theexpellse pa~d by this County for the cl'ectiou oJ this work, The Coulltyof Middlesex: haviog had notic~ tbe County SoliCitor that this work was clone under protest.. Second-That the B,~port of the County Engineer be adopted. Third-That the Bngineer and Chairman be instructed to. go to and open 'tendcrs and award 'the contra.ct for the constrnction of on the Catfish Drain, j~ll ofwhiclds &spectfnlly submitted. JUIle4th, 1896, C. DONALDSON, Chalt'll1an. Adopted, NOVE11BER SESSiON, :Warden and M..e.mbers of the Elgin County COn/lei!: Your Public Improvemcnt;s Comlllittee beg leave to report as follows: We have considered the Engineer's repol't and would recommend: Fil'st.-'l'hat in themattee of the- deposit of Isaac Crouse' for the stone :ijtments for Catfish Drain Brid'ge, that his deposit of fifty dollars he ~;feitedto this COUJ'Jty and the Connty of Oxford, .. , Secob.d~l'hat the mat~er of l'Gbuilding the five bridges mentione(lin ,the 'ottbe left for the new COlincil to take action, .'~rh'ird"-:"':That the matt.er of fast driving referred to in the report he laid the;l auuary Session' of this: Cciu;llcil. !h 52 ELCIlN COUNTY. OOUNCIL, ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL, ! 'Jfourth-That the County Solicitor be instructed to take such action as" he deems best to compel the County of Middlesex to repay this Count.yone- half the expense iucurrediuexteuding the Coyne Road or Ta.it Bridge the River Thames. All.of.which is respectfully submitted, COUNTY ENGINEER. JUNE SESSION. Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: C. DONALDSON, November 19th, 1896. The following is my report of the. work done throughout thEi County last Session. First-On the 14th day of February your Committee met in conjunction ~ith a. Committee from the County of'Middlesex and awarded t\:1econtract' fqr ~oncrete abutments of the bridge west. of Belmont, to George POllafordj for ':he sum of $599, and for the steel superstructure to the Central Bridge and ~Dgineering Company, of Peterborough, for the sum of $398,89, The contractOl" ';'1 complete the erection of the abutments fat this bridge this week, and t inforrriedthat the steel superstructure will ,be on the ground ready for tion next week. This bridge is built two feet higher than'. the formeron:'o the gronn\'!. on the east is- '~ery low' so that it will take considerable filling ,aise' the roadw~y up to the new bridge, A contract. for this work has let.' Adopted, Second,-A capy of the resolution passed at your last Session~statiDg, that:. r honorable body com'liclered all the approl1ch to the, Coyne Road or Tait ge should be built uncleF. the jurisdiction of the joint Counties of Elgin Middlesex, was forwaMed to' the County of\Middlesex~ Considerable ,ywas ocoasionedhefore a l'eply was received; the reply was that 'the nty of Middlesexwould not conse:qt to the building of more than 100 feet is approach. Inconsequence of that,decisi,on, your Public Improvements mittee was calle'dtoget:.heron March' 31st, 1896, when the matter was :Isserl and I was instructed to act jointly with the COUTlty .of Middlesex in irig 100 feet' of the approach and to rebuild the balance of this approach expense' of this' Connty. . . I prepared plans and specifications, in accordance with these'instruct,ions, forwarded to the' County of Middlesex ,a.'plftn for the portion they nted ;to build, and advertised for tendersf6r the whole of this work. hairman -and myself met a Committee of the. -Council of Middiesexat ~n,on' Apr~l 9th, and opened the tenders' for this work, and they cd the contract for the whole of it to Isaac Crouse; he being the 10westJ .To be completed by-t-he 1st of June, About two wee~s before this, 'ingfre$hets in the river' raised so high as, to wash away a portion:of idge,. thereby stopping all traffic over it. ; lihis was cbnsideredat. the ,'~ettingthe contract, and it was decided to allow the contractor $2 .for' 53 51', IU;(HN COUN'fY COUNCIL. F.LlUN COUNTY COUKCIL, e....ery day he had the work completed before the first of June. The work was completed and open for traffic on May 2nd, The timber and brush that had floated down and 'lodged on the e'lst side of this bridge has been remo-vlid and I have graded up the approaches' 011 the south side sufficient to rri'akea reasonable grade to,this bridge, but this grade should be contillue9. back fori>,!, distance of at,loastfifty feet more and properly gravelled, In building' thist approach, the Engineer of Middlesex and myself thought. it ad visahle to pn anoLher bent under the south side of the bridge. Thi~ has been done but Wi>' not included in the contract; We also found it necessary to tighten uptlie,i r6ds'in the bridge audrepail' the north approaoh, The cost of all this extra; , work has been $88,99. Eighth.,--I have prepared plans and sp~eifications fo\' stone abutments for the Catfigh drain -bridge ..between Malahide._and Dereham, and for a steel snperstrllctnre, Acting with the Count,y of Oxford, ~endel'~ have been asked for this work, which are to be in" by to-morrow, These tenders will have to be opened jointly with the County ofOxfO"d, ~lld itiwill , be necessary to appoint a sub committee, -or your Chairman, withpo",!,el'to award the oontract; . All of which is respectfully submitted. JAS. A. BELL, OO-llnty Engh\e~l', ;June'2nd, 189f:i. Third _ 'l'he wings of the, approach to th,e 110rthside of the Graham Ruid bridge gfwe Wf1Y this spring and stopped traffic for a short time, V\Tlhen Crouse got through at the C:oyneH,oad.Bridge with ,his pile drivor, he sent there, and has completed the work of driving in new wings strengthening the abutments. NOVEMBJDR I:)ESSION. Tolhe ffardm and jJfembers oftlze Elgin County Counctl; OENrr>I'~I\-rEN,"- W ARDsvn~LI'; B]{IDaI~- I beg to sn hmit the.following report on the state of the bi'idgeathrougholit tIle Comity, and the work done since last Sessi,on, First'----Thebdo.ge over Kettle Creek, west of Belmont, is completed, und appro~ches'graded, The cost of the work was as follows: Central Bridge Co,; steelsuperstrllcture"."" $~~98 80 G~o]"ge Ponsford, concrp.te abutmellt,s., , . .." 599 00 Inspector of mastn;ry, . , , , , . . , , , , , ~', , , 4;:i 00 Filling approaches, ",., " ,. ,_, .., ,.,. 68 75 Fonrth.-Some slight expepsc ba,s been incurred in ren16vingsome timber brought down by the freshets, 'Vith Mr" Talbotl of MiddleseX'; made an examination of th~ bridge lately, I find that there,has eonsiderableof a slide of earth on the south side, just in front of the tie st.cel piles, There is no danger of the steel abutments at present, but more washing away of the earth at this 'Point would endanger this abut 'nlere is a movement of ehher the stone pier' or abutment at thi.s,bridg<', is evident t,hey arc moving together, The 1l10\'einent is very slight, but it; is perceptiLle, It hu.s not yet been 'possible to account for it, as both . abutments and pier remaillsill:position as built. This movement causes. litrge spali of the bridge to cl'Owd southerly, nnd it will be necessary llroJ!ll. this year, to move"nhis span north, probably a distance of fifteen inches, $1,11155 This is the first ~oncrete abutment builtin the COll11ty, and:to all appenr- it will form as good a foundation.for an .iron sllperstrll,cture. as stone, cost of erectionds abont one-haH of stone, whcre work is near a railway and where distant it would be mare in favor of concrete, In,a good throughout the County, crefk gravel is plentiful, ,and, with abntm-ents steel bl'idges can be erected at a very moderate expensc. Second-The bridge, ovel'<:'atfish Creek on the townline between Malahide Dereham has been completed, and thc approaches graded and gravelled. l'he cost of- this work is as follows: Central Bridge Co" steel superstructure, GeorgePousford, abutments",..,."... Inspector of m~sonry , .. , , , ' .. . " ., ,',' Grading and gravellillgapproaches",.,' Fifth-I lUld the 13eavcl' Creek hridge torn down aria a new substrllct erected nnder it, ThefloOl' of'this bridge and some of the joiati:n~ are ~o that they have been used again.in reccnstructiOll. The cost of this ha.i1 been, timber, $3;t93 ; labor ,and nails, $34,1)6; grading ll.lldgl'a\'eHi ~P-18.40, making a total of $87,28. Sixth-The earth from the south approach of the Red Bridge in Was washed away by the freshets, Thishas beenrepaireclat a cost of $250 :~8 739 00 50 00 77 2~ Seventh-Slight damilge was done at Otter Creek bridge and bridge by the freshets, .and have been repaired~ $1,])658 55 :56 ]~LGIN' COUNTY COUNCiL, 57 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. The contract for the stolle work of this bridge was advertIsed, and YOtU' Chairma~ of Public Ituprovements and myself: met with the Committee from -Oxford, and accepted the lowest t,ender) which was f}'om Isaac Crouse, the: amount being $480,00, After notifying Mr. Crom.e of the acceptance of his' tender, I was notified by him on the 26th' of June, that he would not sign the -contrai.Jt, that, he had n1ade an error, of farly-two yards in his tender, and ',would rather forfeit his deposit than go on.with the work, After consulting with the Chairman of the Committee it was decided to again advertise fot; tenders, wheli the tender of George PonsfoI'd for'$739,OO was the lowest and was accepted, I hold a marked cheque of Issac Crouse for $50, payable to the <'Jounty 'freasurer, under the circumstances I would like instructions -what to do in the matter, ' prevent it. I am informed that ill a great many cl1~esllo conviction:'oa~l be ~ecured ort account of the difficulty of securing the names of the parties -committing the offence. ' I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, your obedient servant, November, 17th, 1896. Referred to Public Improvements Committee, JAMES A, BELL, Comity Engineer'. Third,-lfound it necessary to have the chordsof both bridges at Vienna strengthened, It will be nece,ssary that both those bridges be rebuilt next year. . Fourth,-I have had the Port Bruce Bridge replankedandrepaired, }!'ifth,-'l'he wooden ~pproaches to the vVardsyille., Bridge ,have been repaired, and the iron br~dge moved llorth fifteen inches, at a' cost of $85.37. , Sixth.-I am now having some small repairs made to the breaKw<tlJe[' the Gillet Bridge, Minor repairs' have 'been tnade to a number of other oridges, but the' cost. has beellsC11aU. In addition to the Vienna Bridges, thefoliowing will have ,next year : Thebridg-e over Ott,er Creek, on the'towlllille between B:.tYl1aui Middleton. The Kingsmill bridge, over a hranch of- Catfish Creek. I~y:rihurst "Rridge,betweenthe County alldthe City df St. Thomas, I wish to call attention to the practice of driving at a faster - rate ,a ,walk over the Port Stanley Bridge, As you are aware there is a , offer of I:l. reward of five dollarafor the conviction of any person During the year convictions have been secured against seven persons for driving, and the County has, paid thr reward amounting to $35. The (!f the fine~I believe is generally two dollars, and this is,p'aid to ,the 'of the VilIag'e of. Port Stanley. The pract.ice of fast drivirigover this is very injurious to the superstructure, and ~ome means ilhouldbe 58 l~LGIN COU~TY: COUNCIT~. GAOL AND PRINTING. , JANUARY SESSION, Io the Warden. and Members (I) the Elgin Count) Council: GltN'rJ"l';l\1EN,.,- The Gaol Committee beg leave to report: :H'irst-'l'hat no action be taken in reffirence to communication from Bell 'Telephone Company, Second--,-'fhat we recomend the payment of the 'account presented by l~. Miller, Master in Chancery, for office rent laid overftom the November:, SesslOli last year, amount $168,00, ']'hil'd-'l'hat yonr Committee be empowered to arrange an agreement with the Master iu Chancery as to the amount to be paid hiin for office rent , ;in the future. Fourth-That the ,J OURNAT, tender for printing be accepted -it being ~l;.e.lowest, ],ifth~That we rocomend the necessary aparatus for electric lighting in Uegistl'Y Office be put in. Sixuh-'l'hat the question of electric light for the Court House and Gaol be laid over as.it is only a question of a short time until some extensive permanent improvement, will be l'eqnired in order to provide the necessary accomodation, ' Seventh-That your Committee be authorized to continue the improve- m'~nts in the Registry Office, intheway of filhlg.cases, roller-shelvcl!! etc" to such an, extent as they may deem a.dvisable, Eighth.....:.., W e hand you herewith plans alld estim'atds for the erection of a bui~ding to provide accommodation for all County Officers and alaQ a Chamber and Committee Rooms and would recommend the Council to consider the advisability of erecting the building, or a 'similar one during this All of which is respec~fully aubmitted, JOHN STEELE 8t, 'l'homrts,.January30th,~896. Adopted with except'ion of clauses onc, two, three and eight, -" :if-" . . ,+""" " "~"~<:;:- ^' ".':','q 'Srr kjj.', lilli, ]I.!'i!j il'l'::/' "'I' l!i::',i,',!,; 111,1 11,,/, Illil! ";"il!,I, EI.GIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 1)0 JUNE SESSION. .'1'0 the Warden and Members. oj'the Elgin County - GENTLEME~,_ Council.. The Gaol Committee beg ]eav~ to report: ;] First-That in reference to telephone in Court House, wc that no action be-taken. Second-That oWhJg to change in constitution of COllnty Councils take no action to enlarge the County buildings this year. 'l'hird--Thatpump in deep well south of Gaoler's resideucc and soldwheu a purchaser therefor is obtained. All of whbh is respectfully' submitted, .JOHN STEJiJLIC, Chail'man; .June,3rd, 1896. First clanse struck out, 'telephone ordered, alidReport adopted, SIr.COSD REPORT, To the Warden and Members 0/ .theE/gin County Council; GENTL,EMEN,-:-:-, The Gaol Committee beg leave to present,'a second report as follows: That during the winter of 1895 Col.Stacey obtainod front the-Dominion Go\'ermnent two cannons, weighing nearly six tons, with a vielv to same setupin front of the building'd, the Colonel this morning consulted your Cqmmittee, and,wewould recommend that we be; authorized to set up in front of the Connty Buildings, at,a cost not to exceed One Hundred Dollars, this amount to include; freight on the same from Kingston. AU'of ,which is respectfully submitted, June 4th, 1896, N9,.tadopted, JOHN STliJELE, Chairman. ELGtN COUNTY COUNCIL, NOVEMBER SESSION. Warden and 1f1'embers ()f'the Elgin County Coundl: '1'he Gaol Committee beg leave to report: lfir~t-'rhatthe ventilator in the Court-Room be taken'out, Second--'-:'Thatthe water closet ,in the gaol yard be removed alid that cist~rQ.be filled up, Third-That the stovepipe hole in the Sheriff's office be filled in, Foi1r~h-That R Miller's account for office rent, amounting to $194,25, be sa,id amount being $5 per month. a storm door be 'placed, on Gaoler's residence on north-west . matting on stairway leading to Court-room be replaced All of which is respectfully submitted, JOHN STEELE, Chairman, ,Nov'ember,19th,1896. Adopted, .ELGIK COUN'fY COUNCIL, PE'FITIONS AND LEGISLATION. """ JANUARY SESSION. To the Warden and Members of Etgin'(ozt1Zty (oltneit: GEN'fLEr.flfN,- The Petition!l and Legislation . Committee beg leave ,to report: That they have considered the various communication,s referred and heg to recommend: First~'l'hat w~ co-operate with the County Council of Grey in vetitiolling for an amendment to the law to enlarge the jurisdiction of the Div:ision Court" so that the amounts ,specified in section 70 of chapter 51, R. S.'O., stlb~ section (a), shall be increased from $60 to $100; in sllh-section (b), shall be increased from $100 to $200, and in sub-section..{c), shall be increased $200 to $400. Second,~Thatweco-operate, by petition, with the County ConDcil County of Kent to amend' the Act, imposing a tax Qn dogs for the of sheep, so as to form a county fund for the' payment 'of losses dogs worrying~r killing sheep, 'l'hird-,-'rhat we co operate with the County Council of Carleton for amendment to the Ontario mectionAct, to relieve the municipalities of _cost of providing polling booths for useatelectioDIi. Fottr'th-'----That we co operate, by petition, with ,the County Council of the' County of Grey tor fluch 1l3gisllitionas may, ,be n.ecessary to compel all societies or organizations for the immigration of pauper children into Canada tore-take, andkelOlp, at the expense of 'said organizations, any of such children ull'der the age of 18 years who maybe proved to be physically_incapable of work, or. worthless, or criminal, und thl(t f'uch societies ol"organizations be to guarantee aU expenses to which m(ll1icipalttiesrnay-b~ put by such or useless immigrations, Fifth-,That the petition from the Single Tax 'Association entertained. All of which is respectfully submitted, 1!\ St;. Thomas, J'iLllUary 30th, 1896, Adopted, with the exception of clanse 2, which was Committee'pf theWhole~' 62 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. JUNE SESSION. To ilte Warden and Me1J2bers of Elgin County Council: G ]~N'rLI~MJm.~ rhe Committee on Petitions and Legislation beg leave to report: That no action be t~ken in reference to communication from County .Qonncil of Wel1tworth respecting market accommodation. All of which isrospectfully submitted. F; H.UN'f, Chairma.n. o June 2nd, 189(), Adoptod, SECON~ RJ!:PORT. Warden and Members oj Elgin County Council: 'fho Petitions and Legislation COlpmittee beg 'leave to report: ~I'hat" they have considered the petition, asking f~r the appointli1eut of 'I'tispectors, undor the act respecting the diseases of fruit trees, and have to repb'rtjthat ~'the petition meets the requirments of the. act, but we would i"ecqmmt.lndthe Connty Council to deal with it in Committee of the whole, 'All of which is respectfully submitted, 'F. HUNT, Chairman. June 4th,lS9G, Not adopted, IH,GIN (JOUN'fY COUNCIl;, 6:; NOVEMBE:R SJiiSSION, To -the, Warden and Members of tile Elgin County Council; G-ENT.r.~lMEN. -~ .1'he Committ!'le on Pc~itions and Legislation beg leave to report: First--:-That we have considered the commnnication from the' COlluty 0 Kent, and would recommend that we co.operitte'with them, by p(jtition,' fOl' aMendment to ,the law relating to actions for damages caused by fire, frotH railway locomotives~ Second-That no action be takeu tocommunicf.l,tion frail). the County Council of Huron in' regard to amendmei}t to ~he law '1.'elatil1g ~o offering reward for con viction of horse. thieves. Third-That we petition the Legislative Assembly to amend section'13 of the County Councila Act, so that a voter can give a candidate but. one vote, Fourth-That we, petition the Legislattll'e to amend the County Council~ Aet, so that Municipal Councillors will be eligible candidates for nominatiOli for the County Councils. Fmh~l'hat -We petition the Legislati.lrc and Government, of Ontario,to 'amend the ilaw for actions agaiuet municipal corporations for damages cansed by accidents on higll';vays;-as follows: . , 1. By making-it compulsory for all 'grieved parties to present theh' claims to the-Council, with an itemized s~atement of dnmages inClined, \vithin thirty days after the accidEnt happens, 2,' Tha'tin case the claimant and corporatioll fail to agree within twenty da,ys as to the amount of damages, if any, to be pf1id, then the -amount shall 'be'determined by arbitration, in accordance with'. the provisions of the MnnicipalAct, and subject to the following conditions: (rt) The arbitrators shall be men residing within the cOllnty, or an, adjoining county, hut not aresident of the municipality interested, and their fees are not to exceed fout', dollars per day anclexpenses, (h) The Arbitrators shall rneet and hear evidence in ,the locality in whieh the accident Occurs. (el, 'Eh,tt witneSses giving evidence before the u\hiiil'ators aha,II receive One Dollar per day and tfll1 conts per mile tea veIled, to atteml beforc the arbitrators. )...~"~----, ~ ~~ ELGIN.' COUNTY'COUNOIf<; 6Ii ,..q' , 64 ]ilLGIN COUN'l'Y COUNCH" (d) That the arbitrators, in making their award, shall not ,allow for 'solicitor's' fees, (e) rl'hat there shall be no appeal from'the'decision of the arbitrat<:irs~ unless the amount of the award exceeds $500, exclusive of costs. 3. That,a deputation to consist of a representative from each Township in the Count.Y . be a.ppointed by . this 'Council to place the same before the Municipal Committee of the Legisla'vive Assembly, All of which is respectfully submitted. HOUSE OF INDUSTRY JANUARY S~JSSroN, Warden and Memben of the Elgin County Council F. HUNT, Chairman, The House of Iudi.lstry Committee begleaveto Ieport : Tha~ I1GommitLee, consisting of Messrs, Ford, McKinney,McIl,ltyre !loud ,:~Moore, with your' House of, Industry Committee; be"appointed ....tomect tl~e Provincial Superintendent of 'Neglected and 'Dependent ChVdren when h1] yisits 'fit, Thomas on the 7th of February, to consider the formation of 1\ Children's Aid Society lor the Oounty of Elgin, 'said Committee to have full P?'wer. to cllter.intosuch arrangemeiJts as ,they may thiiJk desirable in <lOnnection with the matter. Noyember 19th, lR96. Adopt~d. AU of which. is respectfully submittel. St, 'rhoma~, .January a'Oth, 1896, JOHN 'I'HO~ISON, \ Qha:irmau. JUNE SESSl,ON, vVqrden and Me.mbersq/ the Elgin COUIl()/ Coullcil: of Industry Committee beglel1ve Lo report: the House of Industry ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIl" I~LGlN OOUNTY COUNCIL, 67 NOV.BMBER SESSION, Warden and Members.j Elgin County Council: 'fhe House of Industry COIDlnitteebeg leave to l'eport ; li'irst:--That the reports of the PhY$icianand Inspector be adopted and printed in the'minutes. SC(l()ng."....That ,the Laundryhas been completed in a satisfactorYll1anner at'acost:of$68L Third-'J'hat the root cellar and a few other improvements have been complete!i, :H'ourl,h"'---'J'hat the balance of the Government Grant due on acconnt House of Indnstry improvements has been received. ]'ifth,-That we confirm agreement,'entered into between K. W. ; In.sp'ector of the Institution, fIond Matthew Y onng, in refercnce to the ance of the latt,er while an inmate of the Institution. All of which is respectfully submitted, PHYSICIAN. To tlte Warden and Members of Elgin County Couned: '-OEN'L'LEMEN,-'- I have the IlOnaI' to pre~ent,you with the twenty,firstannnal i'eport of the E~gin House of Industry. ' I have visited the Institution, offlcially, fifty-six timcs durill'g the year ending 31st Octobcr,lS96. The surgical work this yeai' has been very light, and of a trilling charac~er to a few abscesses and extracting of teeth, I JOHN TtroMPSON, One birth~instrumental_took place, and in consequence f nnnSllll,l scarCity of help, was obliged to employ a competent nurse fM a sho t time. Novem bel' .18th, .1896, Nellie Jones aged forty-two was removed to Amasa Wo'od Hospital on the 24th September, with "a view ofa.n-operation for abdominal tuinor, a.nd died ofsfpticeinia before an operation was made, Post mortem revealed, a multilocularo\:arian cyst, one of wliic\i had burst its _contents into the general peritoneal sac, N athanjel Fergusoll,aged seventy-seven, wandered opt upon the Michigan Railway track, was run over and instantly kill~(t ,James Irwin, aged ninety, very feeble when admitte'd, died in ten day,} thereafter', George 'l'aylot, also died soon after admiss:ion. 'Vehav~\ this year been entirely free from contagious and preventable diseases....,.-tionehaving suffered from allY sicln1esS traceabl~ to badwate:r, bad, or otherill~anitary conditions. died, giving, their ages and 'causes of ()8 KUHN COUNTY OOUNCIl" AGE CAUSE OF DEATH, A.sthenia' ...... Old Age. ~ Hemorrhage, ...... Ulceration, ,Debility. .....Heart Failure. ..... Heart Failure. . 'Old Age. , Accident, .....Debility, "'-ilrop'y. 'Septic'emia-, GEN"-'J.gl\tli.:N,~ To tile Uarden and -Members of the Elgin County Councz! : INSPECTOR. The following is my report on the Houge of Industry and Refugefor the eliding 3Lat O?~obe.:r, 1896 : 1. Number ofinma.tes in the house at lastreport ;".. ~ )jH 2. "ad~,itted'during the year... """.""." .10 3, "born in house, , . , . . , ,. """,."., " , . , , , ,. 'l 4', ,/ deaths" ..."", ,......:, ..,." ".', "...,. ,12 5. "transferred to Childrens' Aid Society" ~!,. ...,. 5 6, "discharged, "."..""." .",.,. {i 7, "absconded,..",",",... ""."...". G 8. "at Blind Institute, .....,......... ...... .1 9. "now ill house " . , , . , . . . , " , , , , . . . . . . . , AS NAMJo:. Mary Anil Gra.ves, J'ames Irwin. ,..,.. ," ,.. John Hamilton."",..,. Victoria Doolittle""".., Archibald Walker,. George Taylor., . Frederick Nicholson." ".,." ,..". Stephen Snidel;. , . , . Na.tha.niel Ferguson".,..",. Eugene Spellman, . . .. Charles Grey".."" Nellie Jones.,..:" I ha.ve the honor to be, gentleman, your obedient servant, L, LU'1'ON, .60" 90.... 8~ 6t.., 6R.. 6~ 6'l.... 8" 7'/._ 7a.- 56... 42 M. D. St, ThomaslNovemberlst,18\Ju. JlUHM dciUNT'l COUNCIL, Number of in'mates sent from the several municipn..1ities in during the year: 'Aldborough Dunwich" , ' . Southwold".. . Y armoilth '...' , MaJahide R1yham. , South Dorchester, Vienna., . Springfield, Aylmer: Port Stanley, 'Dutton.,.. 3 o 1 ;'i 2\- 3 2 o o 1 o 1 11'. The various cau!les ofpaup'erism of inmates in be classified asf()Ilows : Sickness" ,. Destitution, , Intemperance. Cripple_,.: . ~ldage... .,..,..., '\' Blind." ..',.,..., Insane. idiotic; etc.".,.'", All,othercaseif.", "..,. ,...". ,.,. ',' hcnhie dnring theyea.r 10 10 (; r ~J 10 3 17 12 . (;9 the Average number of inmates during the year.... Average wit,h keeper',s family"etc" added.", Number of weeks board of inmates. , . , . . , ' , , ' . Number with keeper's familYl etc.; added.,.. Total expenditure during the year, . . . ' , -... , ' Deduct permanent improvements, . ' , . . ., ..,. H,oot cellar.." ...'". ,.... Laundry."... .,."..",...",' Stock and Sundries sold,... . . . , , . . . , . , , ' , ' . , Other improvements_, ,... " ".." "" ,...... Making a total of",."".". ..;..." ,. 18, Leaving amount actually expended for support of intnates, . , . . , , . . , , ., "...,.,.'. Average expense per week for each persoll,.... $ Average expense per day for each person, ,",' This amount is made up as follows: Salaries .,... ..',..,.,' ,0537 cents. Meat, 7 4-10 oz. " ,...., ,'0216 Bread, 138-10 oz.,... ,.. ,0161 " Gr()ceties and provisions" ,015 Heating.,..., ,., ..",. ,0216 All other expenses. , . ' . ., ,0544 Average expense per ye!1r for each perl'>Oll, Averageexpel1se per year for each person with interest' on total amount expended by County added;',.. ..., .,. ", ..,.', ,," " 28 A vcrage cost pel' week per inmate during the last twenty years, , ., "., " , , . , ., ."", 24, The amount expended for House and Farm during divided as follows Hired labor.,..""" ,..".'" '.' " Farm implements and expenses, ' " .Farnl stock...,." ,."".,....,. ...',. Physician,..." ".. ,." ,,'" Keeper and Matron...".,..,.,. Drngs,.,. ".." ..", ,.,. Provisions, .. . , . ' Meat"., ,,' ,," ,.,.....',. .". Br.ead,.,.,..,.." "...,., Groceries.,."., ,.,. ,. .,' .." ,., Dry goods. ..."., ,.., " .., "..,. Boots an'd shoes, , . , Hardware, etc"".." ......,..,.....,., '." 70 12. 13. ]4, Hi, IG. 17. ELGIN COUNTY COUNOiL. HI. 20. 21. 22, :ELGIN COU.NTYCOUNCn, 54 57 2,822 2,978 $4,796 :l2 Conveyance of inmates. .,." """". Incidental,..,.., . .Inspector".",. .-...., vV.ood,......,." ,. ,... Coal, ,. ,., '.. ,...", Insurance., .."..".., .."" ,.",." H_epairs..,.., ,."" ,., ,., . ,.,.. 5075 411 72' 15000 151 48 297 56 7 82 27 38 $124 99 666 81 131 57 85 20 $1,008 57 l'ERMAN.I!lN'l' Il\1POVEMENT:J, Root cellar" ,..", Laundry". ,.,.""". Sundries:".,.,.. . .., Total. ,.,., ,."" ,..." ." ',. .',.... $12499. . 666 81 85 20 -$4,!l96 :32 $3,787 75 1 27 18 ]4 25, Dining the year five children have attcndedschool 359 d.ays" 01' . eighteen months, which at seventy,five cents per month, Illakes amount due School Section 14, South wold, $13.50', ' 26, The following produce was raised on the farm dllri~g the year :'~ 15 tODS'ofhay, valued, ,... ,.".".. ,. ~90 00 315 bushels of oats >. , , . , . . . . , . , , , , . ," , , 63 00 44' " Wheat.",....",.,.."" 3000 ]500 " Mangolds".,..., .",.." 14000 JOO " Corn"".., ,.."....",., 2500 175 " Potatoes, . . . . . . , , , " , .. . :35 ,00 15 ""Beans",.,.,. .,...,.."., 1000 50 " Table Beets. " ..",. , fj 00 12 " Onions",..,.".......", D 00 1400 heads of Cabbage. ,_.,. ,..,'., ,.", 30'00 '10 loads of COl'listalks'I,', , , . , , , , ' . . :30 00 8 loadsof,oatstraw",..., '" , , ,.. 24 '00 12Jat';hogs, .,.,., ",." ,.,..."", 7500 75chicIrens and turkeys",.,.., "," 2500 754- pouiids of butter at 15 cents,., "'" ~13 10 128 jars of fruit.... . . . . , . . , , . , , , , , ,. " 12 80 Tot.I........~ ................. .~$716 90 $ $ . . . . .. $120 00 )86 97 . 189 00 208 00 550 00 64.58 120 37 357 38 33676 19442 286 39 66 50 14224 In addition to above, a large amount of vegetables, etc., was raised and consumed during ,the year, of which no account was kept; 27, Number'ofa,rticles of bedding and clothing made up during'the , year'llY Mat~_?ll,alldt~~ates, 601. 28. The furni~ll.r~,pro"'-isiollS, etc" :onhand on l1'lt, of Noveniber, have been'yalued at $2;300",> 71 72 BLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL, ELGlN COUNTY COUNCIl,. 7:l 2t). 'fhe total amount-expended by COt;(nty for Honse of Industry, etc" is as follows :- ll'arm50 acres, cost .."., ' .. $3,000 00 House of Industry".".. . ..,. . 11,4QO 35 Laundry,.,..."..,.........".',' 66681 Fire Escapes ."",.',," ,..,.". 39006 l~oot Cellar,....", ",..., 12409 Oottages", . > '" 1,486 67 Barns. Wood shed,'etc.,.".., , ,.,. 2,387 57 Tile Drains,.".",..",."."" 460 12 'rile Drain Outlet, .' "". ' ", , . 60 70 Fencing.... .' .. . . , , . .. '_' . , .. . .. , . , 733 75 Orchard;",.". .,..".. .,. 85 84 HentingApparatus,.",.,.,.",... 1,9.7900,_...._ : \ Total.".,,"'..., ."..,.. __$22,11D 86 <......J. :'Hl. Received from Government Grant on lli,cconut'expenditure for land, andbuildillgs ..., Leaving amount actually expended by Co. . ,All of which is respectfully submitted, SPECIAL COMMITTEE-HIGH 'CONSTABLE. JUNE SESSION, To the.. Wal'denand Members of the Elgin County .Conncil: GE~'LiLEMl<lN : The Special Committee appointed to consider the qliestionof High Constable, beg leave -to report. : ' l'hatthe present High Constable be continued in oHice, and that hc be paid by f~es f1S pro\'ided in the Act passed at the bst Session of the Legisla~ ture. 4,000 00 18,775 8(-j ,All of whichie respectfully submitted, K lV, McKAY, V\T, M. FORD, Chairman. 3rd June, 1896, St,. 'Ihomas, 17th Novembet, 1896, Adopted, 74 EJ.GIN COUNTY COUNCIL. SPECIAL COMMITTEE-CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY. JUNE SESSION, To the Warden and Members of tlte Elgin County ,Council: O-EN'l'J.mMJ'~N, '-- The Special Committee appointed to meet the Provincial Superintendent -of neglected and d~pendent children, beg leave to report: ]~irst-rrhat on the 7th February, the Committee met at the f!:ourtJ:Iouse, St, Thomas and received an explanation of the aims and objects of the Cpildl'cn's Aid Society, organhe.} under the Children's Pro~ection Act of Ontario. Since thismeetillg, '<J, County Society has been organized, and we would' recommend th.at a grant of $25 be' made to assist in the payment of pr0limil1~ry . expenses of organization. Second- V\T c believc it is very desirable that no .children should be l;lonunitted to the House .of Industry in the future, and we would recommend that the Inspector of the HousE" of Industry co.oper~,te with the Sooiety in providirigone or more shelters ill the County of Elgin to which children may he committed, until such time as suitable foster homes can be obtain~d; the. p~eserit plan of committi.ng children to the House of Industry,being' very detrimental to their intl1l'e'moral welfare, and that the Inspector be requir~d 'to 'report any arrangement he inay make to the HO\~se of Industry_Committee for their approval. All of ,,,hich is respectfully submitted, w. lL MORRISON, Chairman, S une Srd, 189B. , Adopted, ""'~~;:.._.. EI,GIN COUNTY COUNOII,. 75 SPECIAL COMMITTTE - RECEPTION TO GOVERNOR GENERAL. JUNE SESSION. Io tlte Warden and'Meinbers oj tlu Elgin Count) Council: GEN'l'LEi\I_KK,- The Special Committee appoiIlted to make arrangements fot' the reception of the Governor General at Dutton, beg leave to report: First-That the County Council attend the reception iua body. Secol1d~Whereas the sum of three hundred dollars was granted on the occasion of tpe visit of His Excellancy,. the Marquis of Lorue to this County, and ,vhereas it is desirable that the ]~arl of. Aber1een,the present GoV"erriot' General, should be received ill a manner befitting, arepresent!Ltive of ~Ier Gracious Majesty the Queen, we therefore recommend the Council to niake a grant of three hnndl'ed dollars to be placed at ,thec1isposalof YOlll' Oom~ mittee to assist in defraying the expenses of the reception at Dutton, 'l'hird~That the Warden and Clerk prepare an adc1ressto be suitably engrossed for presentation to His Excellency, All of which is respectfully submitted, R. LOOKER, Chairman. ,June 5th, ] S96, , Adopted, ELGIN OOUNTY COUNClh ~:LGIN COUNTYCOUNOU.., 77 COMMITTEE - COUNTY COUNCIL DISTRICTS. REPORT OF COUNTY COUNCIL DISTRICT COM. MISSIO~ERS. JUNE SESSION. To 1Iis Ifonor the Lieutenant Governor in Council: .The Committee appointed to consider the division of the County into districts, beg leave to l'eport as' follows.: First--'I'hat the' districts be composed as folloWs ,: Numberl, or-the Township of Aldborough, 2, of the 'J'owl1ship of OUllwich and Village of Dutton. 3, of the 'l'owhship of South wold and Village of Port Stanley, ,4, of the '}'ownshipofYarmouth, 5, of the'l'ownship 'of Malahirleand Tow11 of Aylmer. 6, of the Townships of Bayham ~nd South Dorchester and Villages of Vienna ,and Springfield. ! Second-;-,-That the County C'lel:k be a'l.lthor1zed to suhmitthis report to the' CommisSioners. All of which is respect.fully sllhlliitted, " \V e, the undersigned Comniissioners appointed under tho County Act, J896,by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, todivido l:i;]gin,into Connty Council divisions,roport,that having -considered all the evidence adduced before us. and having had dlie'regatd'to the provis~ons of the sa.jd act, we have d-ivided the said COlmty'into'si~ COJ,-U;lty Council divisions for the. purposes of the saidactt'ts follows: ' First-'l'he First, County Council Division, to consist of the;Township of Aldborough; Second-TJieSecondDivision to conlllist 'of the 'I'own~hip Of Dunwich and the Villa~eof Dutton, Third--The, 'l'hirdDivision to consist of the Township ofSouthwo~d(l,rid the Village of Port Stanley, ' 1'0 the Warden and Members of Elgin County Colt1lcil: GltNTI.EMEN,-. " Fgurth-The Four~h Division to cOl1sistof the Township 9fY~rmouth~ Fifth-The Fifth Division to consist of the Town of Aylme:r;" the Township Qf Malahide (except polling sub.di~'ision number five) and(-~f p~llin,g sub.divj; sions numbers OUfHtnd two of the Township of Ba.}'ham aL<1'of the Village of Vienna. K H, SUFFJ~L. Chah'ruan. 1 . ~ . .' . i' Sixth-The Sixth Division to consist of. the' Township of South Dorchester, the YiIlage of Springfield, polling sub-division number five of the ~'(jwnship of Malahide'andtheTowllship of Bayham (except polling sub.divisit>ns numhers one ftlldtwo), ' .June 5th,1 Sfl6, Adopted, All of which is respectfully submitted, Dat€'clatthe City.ofSt, 'l'homas, this fifteenth day of .Jrrly, 'A, p, 1891), Signed, { S, .L .TON]~S; JOHN CR,IMSOR,' , . Commissioners, 78 Ji;J,GIN (JOUNTY COUNCIL. ELGIN COUNTY COU~CI~ 79 SPECIAL COMMITTEE-OOMMUNICATIONS. NOVEMRIDR SESSION,' 1'0: the Warden and Members of tile Elgin County Council: BY-LHWS. 'l'he Sp""cia.l Committeeappoillted to consider communications recei\'etl from ].., ,McGill and I. Hauna,n, report: Have made a thorough inqull'Y into the matters: complained of,al\u in' doing so have taken the evidence of ,T: Hopkins, L. McGill; I. Hannan, Jndge Hughes, J, 1\'1. Glenn and E, Moore. Our report is as follows: First-;-That at the ,Tune Session of the Connty Council in 1894, J. Hopkhis ',1ud L. ,McGill were applicants for the position of caretaker of the County buildings and oJfices, and -that John Hopkins was appointed. Second-'l'hat J, Hopkins agreed to pay Isaac Hannan the SUlllofone hundred dollars if,he sccured theoi-I-iC'e of Crier of the Courts"said sum, to be paid as a' gratuity to l\ll'S, Goodwin, and the widow of the late ericI', John Hannon; Third.----:.Tbat there isno evidence to show that any member of the Comity Council did anything improper, but th~1:; ill,appointing'a caret;D,ker they were iilftuenced by no other consideration than thaI:; of dis~harging au otIicial duty 'to the best of their ability. , , l~our~h~Thatno further action be taken ill the nlatter, All of whicl:ds respectfully submitted, BY-LAW, NO, 560 '1'0 APPOINT COUNTY AUDITORS FOR THE YEAR 1896-1'ASSED 315'1' .1 ANUARY, 1896, WlIER1MS, Under the authority of the, Municipal Act, every Municipal Coullcil is required to appoint at its first. meeting ill every year,two audit(,rs, one of whom shall be suchpet'son as the head of the Coullc~l nominates, Be it therefore enacted by the Council of . the_ Municipal Corporation of. the County of ]~!gin under the authorit>>\foresaid, 'l'llat Andrew Murray,the nominee of the Wal'den,and Wru, A, Galbriiith ..be, and afehereby appointed auditors, to examine and report upon all aCCOUllts ' affecting the Corporation of the County of Elgin, or r:\j';11ating to any matter under its control or with,in its jurisdiction as requir'e<l by statute or ordel' in Council, and also all accounts of school monies received or paid by the County Treasurer fOr the )iear ending 31st December, 'l895,and that said auditors be paid the suin of forty dolla.rs each for their services, Council Chamber, St, Thomas, 3,lst January, 18gB. K, ,W. McKAY, County Clerk. R. LOOrOm, \-Varden. 11', HUNT, Chairman. November 20th, 1896. Adopted. ;-- '=<=.--=====" -'~ so l.;J.GIN COUNTY COUNCIL. ELGIN COUN'l'Y.bOU.NCIL, &1 BY.LAW NO.qal, '1'0 Al'l'OIN'l' A nOAR.D 01<' AUDH IN 'J'Hl'OOUNTY OJ,' lo;LGIN FOR'l'HEYJ<lAR 1896 -PASSED ;Hs'r ,1ANUARY, 1896, BY.LA W NO. 553, lmder section 7, of Chapter 84,of the 11evised Statutes of every-County Council is required to appoint annually at- its first in every year; a Hoard of Audit composed of the ,Tud,ge of the County two other pel'sons,.not more than one of whom shall be amembel' _t~me J::>eillg of such County Qouncil. i3~it therefore euactedby the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the CO\\Uty of -Elgin under the authority aforesaid, Tha.t D. J. Hughes, Esqult'e, County J:udge, S, B, Morris and W, M, :Ford ~e, and are herebyapp'ointed aBoard of Audit topedorm th,e duties "requil'ed of them by Chapter 84,R. S.O, 'l:hat the members of said 'audit be paid the sum of fonr_ dollars per day fO!' ,their service!'; and five cents per mile in going to and from such andit. TO CONFIRlII BY. LAW NO, 6;32 OF'THE.TO,WNSHlP OII_MALAHIDll,_PASSED 3ls~ JANUARY; 1896, WHlml!;AS By-Law No, 632 of the township of Malahidewas passed Oil the 19th day of. October, 1895, to close up and dispose of l,1U original allowance for road situ-a.te in the Township of Malahide, being that portion o'f road known as the east part of the. Tenth Conc'eS.':IiOll, Malahide, opposit!'l lots ,Nos.- :12,33, 34 andS5 in said township, all said road allowance has never been used nor required for Road pUrpo~es. AND )-VHEftEAS it is desirable that s,aid By-Law 632 ShO'llld becoufirmed, Be it tJlel'~tore enacted bJi the' County Council of the Cou:ntyof Elgin. that s'aidBy.law No, 632 of the Township of Malahide, be, and the li'iame -is hereby confirme'd. Council Chamber, St, Tttomas, 31st ,January, 1896, K. ~r, McKAY, {~ounty Cferk. Couw.:'il Chamber, Thomas, Ja.,lluary31st, 1896, R LOCKER, Warden. J\lcKay, County Clerk. RICHARD LOCKER, Watdeu; BY-LAW NO. 552, TO Al'l-'OUiT ~rltuST~ES OF HIGH- SCHOOLS IN THE COUNTY OF' ELIJIN-l'ASSJID THIS 816'1' ,JANUARY, 1896. The County Council of the County of ]illgin', under thc authority of s~ction 11 andl2, of tl,lC High SchooLs Act, 18f-11, enacts: 'J'hat'oTohti \\1. Prellsybe appointed a Trustee of the V'ieuna High Sel100l for a term'of three years, ,That Dr. C. Sinclair be ll;ppoiutec1 Trustee of the Aylmer Collegiate In8tit'nte for a te~m of thrce, years, That J. D. Graham he appointed 'l.'rnstee of the Dntton High School fOl' aterm of three years. Conneil r'hamher, St,. Thomas, January 31st, 1896, K. W. McKAY. bounty Clerk. .I R. LOCKER. tY n.rdeu. 82', ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIl__ ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIJ,. BYeLAW NO. 554, BY~LA W NO; 555, TO AU'.l'nOltI7,E 'l'HE DETENTION OF AN .1NDIGJmT I'lmSON 11-:- THF: RLGlN HOUSE OF INDUS'rRY-PM,SED 31S'.r ,JANUARY, 1896. '1'0 APPOINT WILLIAM WEA VEH, TRUSTEl'; 0/,' 'l'ITHVmNNA HlUlI SCHOOL, IN PLACE OI~' W. J. PRESSY, RESIGNED-PASSEn;')TII JUNE, 1896. 'l'be County Council of Hie County of Elgin enacts, under the authority of the HighSchoolAct : ) That .William Weaver be, and is hereby appointed Trustee of the: Y~enna High School for a term of three years, and that' By-Law No, 552 is amendedbystrildng out the name of J:. "V.Presey. Council Chamber, St, '1'11oma3; Jnne 5th, 1896. WHEHEAShy Section ]7 Of the Municipal Amendmet Act of 1895, H is enacted asfollowJ:!; The caundlmrl,J pass By-laws far cammitting to. and detaining at such, ,Haus~ of Indnstry far. a periad of not mare than twelvemonths indigent persans, and the warrant of the warden or head of a council passing such :By- L'twunder the seal of the Corporation shall be suffident authority to. the keeper af such Hause of Industryoto detain the person therein mentianed far aperiad stated in such warrant not to. exceed twelve manths, but this shall nat effect the pawers af cammittal by law canferred Ol:\ any other persan 0.1" affic'er. K, W,McKAY, Caunty Clerk. R, LOCKllI\, 'Varden.. WHlml!~AS Mrs. Campbell, resident af ,part of Lot llllmber one 'in the faurth Concessianaf the' Township of 'i armauth, is au i'ldigent persan who. ?shaul~be cammitted -to. :~eElgin Hause of Industry. AND \Vim'REAS It is desirable that the Warden should Issue his warrant fo.r the committal 'of the said Mrs. Campbell to. the saW House af Industry to. be there detained fvr a periad af twelve manths. ' !it itt1lereforp mactedby the County Conneil of the Co.unty of~lgin, that the Watdenbc and is hereby autharized to. issue his warrant to eammit Mrs. Cltmpbell, a; resident df part of latnumber ane, in the faurth Cancessian of tbe Township af Yarmau'th, to the said HO~lse of Industry and detain her in s,dd'institutI611 for It periad of twelve manths. 'l'hi:1.t this n,y-Law shall take effect frolllltnd,after the date of the p~ssi, g thereaf. BY.LAW NO)556. :y TO. caNJ<'IRU TIIEEQUALI,ZATION OF THE ASSJJ:SSMENT ROLLS OF THE COUN'rV al? ELGIN lrOR THE YEAR 1896"":"-1"ASSED 5'1'I[ JUNJ';; 1896. . '1'he Oaunty Council af the County afElgill enacts: That the follawing ..pe the equalization of the assessment ralls oftha Caunty of Elgin for 1895 as required by section 78 of the Assessment .Act;. MUNICIPALITIES. Aldbal'augh .. . _ Dunw~ch. .. Sauthwald Yarmauth _.... <........... .....,..... 'lYlalahide ..... ......... .......... .......... ',' Bayham ......... ...... "'_' ...,......... South Dorchester.................... ....... Aylmer .... ............ ....... .............. Vienna "" ... .__. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Part Stanley ....... .... _..., ......... Springfield .._...... ......... ....... '........ Dutton .".... ......,...... ........... ....... EQUALIZED VALUJ~, $1,891,350 2,080,190 2,865,200 3,085,0~4 2,301,000 1,10~,560 1,:H4,726 :361,000 57,000 68,000 69,000 '90,000 Council Chamber, St.'l'homn,s,Janual'Y 31st, lSfl6: K. '\T. 1v~cJ(AY, COtlnty Clerk. RICHAI\D LOCKER, Warden' , Comi6il Chamber, St, Thomas, J un'e '5th, 1896. $J5,291,090 K. W, -McKAY, CauntyCler~. I\ICHAHD LQdIU<JII, , Warden. 83 84: , I~LGIN COUN'fY, COUNOn.... BY. LA W NO. 557, GRANTS FOR THE MAINTE1'<ANCE OF HIGH SCHOOLS IN Tl-U;COUNTY OF guu;:.; Felt 'I'HE Y1MR lS9G-PASSED 5TH JUNE, 1S96, Thc County Council of the County of Elgin enacts ,: 'Tha.t the s:um of sixthouslLnd, five hundred dollars be 'granted to the various High Schools and Collegiate Institut:~s in the County ofEJgin, to be divided as follows: To the St. Thomas ColleJiate Institute. . . . . . '1'0 the Aylmer Collegiate Institute. To the Dlltton High School.. To the Vienna High SchooL.. .:$ 2,100 2;000 1,700 7QQ Council Chamber, St. Thomas, Juue 5th, 1896. JC W, McKAY, younty Clerk. RICHAl\D LOCKIll\, "Tardch; BY.LA VV NO. 558, '1'0 AUTlIOl\IZE TH11, WARDEN AND TRI,ASURER TO BORROW 'l'lIlA SUl\lOll "FH"'fm';N ~HOUSANDDOLLARS--PA~SED 5TH JUNE, 1890. Be il'macted by the Municipal CounCIl of the Corporation' of the County of IClgin under the authority of the Co~solidated Municipal Act :l8g2~. 'L'hat the "Varden and treasurer be, and are hereby authorized' to borrow the, sum of fifteen thousand dollars, in sums as may lie required, to J!leet lihe cnrrent expenditure, and renew notes of the Corporation of the County of Elgin during the year 1800. The money to be borrowed from th~ ~folsons" Bank or other chartered Bank, provided. the other bank charge a -lower rate of interest. Conncil Chalnb'er, 8t; Thomas, June 5th, 1896. \C W. McKay, Co~mty Clerk. RICHARD LOCKIll\, Warden. lSLG'iNCOtJ-NTY COUNOxL. 85 BY. LAW NO, 559, TO HAlS}.; AlI:WUNTS .]IOR COON'r\'" RA'l'ES DURING THE YEAR.-l'ASSEO '.JUNl~ 5TH, 1896. VVHEH'MS hy Section 82, of Chapter 193, 01 the Revised Statutes of Ontario, the Caunc 1 of a County in apportionirigthe County rate shall make the anlotlnt of property returned on the Assessmerit Rolls as fi'nally e"plalized fo'r thepl'ecedinp; year, the basis upon which the appol'tiolllrient il=; mf!,de, \ AND WlIEREA.',1 bySection_359 and 360, of Chapt.er 184, R. S. Q.,'the Council of a Connty ni,ay pass By.Laws authorizing the levyillgalld collecting of a rate, etc. ' AND WHl!:RKAS an estima.te has been made showing that the sum oftw~nty seven thousand, five ihulldred and twenty. three dollars is required ,to be raised in theseveral:lnunicipll,lities for -the lawful pmposesof the County during the year 1896. , ' There-fore,the Coun~il of the l,;)ili.nicipal Corporation of the ' County o~ Elgin enacts :' ~. ., Ii'irst-Thatarate of one and eight-tenth mills in the dollal.' be levied upon all the rat'~a.bleproperty in the several Municipalities in the County of J~lgin, as equalized fat' the year 18fL"i, to raise the following amounts: Second-That the Suril of twenty seven thousand, five .Imn'dred and twenty.t:lree dollars be raised and 'le,,~ied iri the several municipalities in the Countyaccordiug to the following schedule, and that theamou.nts as enterecl therein be paid o\'er to the County Treasurer as bylaw req11ired' . , SCHEDULJ~. J'\JUNICll'AI..]'JY. Aldborough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dlluwich...... ..... ... ...... South\yold ., . ... ........................... 'Ya,rrriOlith ...................... ,. MaIahide ...... .................... Bayham . . . ., ........ South Dorchester ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . Aylmer ...... ..... ..'.... .......... Vienna.... .. Springfield Port ,stanley Dutton 'l'OTAL. $3,40' 3,74' 5,157 5,553' 4;142 1,995 2,367 650 lOa 122 124 102 Council Ohamber, St. 'Thomas, ;3th June, 1896. $27,52:J K W, McKAY, ,CoUlityC1~rl(. 86 J~LGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL, .~= BY :LA W NO. 560, ,TOEXTEND TIIETIl\IE I,'OR TIU;; l"NFORCED COJ.LIWTIQN.BY SALl~ m' NON.ItESIDE:KT 1.'AXESIN,TIIE.eOUNT'y OF I<:LGIN-PASSED NOYEl\1JJER---I-9THj-1-S96. '(://""A....V_':".-\"\,\ The County Council of the Connty of Elgin enacts: 'l'hat the erlforced' collecHon by sale of non-resident taxes due in the '.6?nllty'ofI~Jginbe,andthe same is hereby extendedfo~' the period of one year. C9untyCouncil Chamber, St. Thomas, November 19th, 1896, K. 'V.M:cKAY, County' ClerIc mOHARD LOOKER, Warden, BY-LAW NO. 561. '1'0 LI9ENSlc, R1I,GUI.ATE AN]) (lOV l"\RN HA ''''KEHS, PE'l"l'Y CJlAPliIEN AND,OTHERS_ .F ASSED 20TH NOvEMlmR, 1896. '1'1,18 Municipal ,Council of the County of Elgin Ol1<\cts as follows: 'First'~IProm and after tht;'l passing of thi.s' By-La.w, it shaJI. not be la';'ful for any Ha-ivker, ,P~dlar or Petty Chapman, and other persons carrying on petty trades, or who go from place to place or to 'oMier men's houses on- filOt-,or with ,any animal bearing, or drawing any goods, ,warell or merchandise for sale, ,or in"or with ally boat, vessel or other craib, or 'otherwise Cltrryillg goo,ds, 'yares or nlerchundise for sale, to oarry On any of ,the sahl rrades, occupations; callings or business within any purt of the County,of Elgm, 'unless a.nd lUltil he f?haU have procured a license us hereinafterprovided;lJ.ud any person ,so licensed shall be subject to the 'provisions of this,By.Law. Provided always that no snchlicense shall be required for Hawking, peddling or 'sellingfvom any vehicle or othcr conveyancc, any goods, Wares or merchan- dise ~o any 'retail dealer, or for ha\vking or red(llingdl'Y goods, waresandmerchan- d~se,the'growth, produce'or manufacture of this Province, not being liquors within the mealling of the law relating to taverns or tavern licenses, if the same are being hawked or peddled by the manufacturer or producer of such goods; wares or merchandise, or by his bona .fide servants or employees; having ,'vrit~en 'authority in that behalf, and such servant or employee shal,l produce ll.lid exhibit his written authority when req'uired so. to do by any Municipal or PC~tce Oflle'cr. shall include 0;11 the ,County,sellor ET>GIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 87 offer for sale, tea, dry goods, watches, plated - ware,silverware, furniture, cnrpets, llphohtery, millinery or jewellry, or carry and' expose samples or patterns of any of sneh goods to be aHel'wardsdelivered within the Connty to any person not being a wholesale or retail dealer in such goods, wai'es 'or nierchandi.e, ' Third-':The Clerkoi' tllisConncil for the time, being is ,hereby"authol'ized, _ to issue licenses under this By-Law with the corporate seal of the Council attached thereto, and deliver the same to pers')l1S applying therefor np01i payment of the following fee: To travel au foot, the snm of ten dollars; to travel withol1e horse or other aIlimal, thirty dollars, and for every additional horse or ~ther animal, ten dollars; to sailor travel with ,:my boat"vess:elor othcr craft, seventy-five dollars. I Each license shall be in forGe for one year from the date of issue and no longer. C F9urth -Eve:y J:awker, petty chapman, or other pel'sonaJoresaid, carrying ona.ny suchJitrade, occupation, callirig or business within . the' said County of Elgin, for>~hi(Jh a licemleis required'underthis By-law, shall; upo,Ii demand by such MnilicipaJ or Peace Ofncer, forthwith exhibi~ his liceme to s11ch officer'. j) li'ifth---Any perSOll cOJjtrll"~llhig 'any of the provisions of this. By-Law, shall, fo1'5nch offence, on conviction before one or more Jtulticesoft~e' Peac'e for the County of, Elgin, ~orfeit and pay ~ fine of not less than ten dollars, arid not marc than fifty dollars" in the discl"Qtion of the Justice.or ,Justices, together with the costs, and Hnot paid fortIH\-'ith, the same shall be levied by distress, and sale of-the goous aud chatt'els of the offender, and il~ case of ! . there b8ing no distress out of which the 'penalty eaube levie(~,tl]e ,Jus'tice may commi!; the offender to the common jail of the said Coulltyof J~lgill for 'any time not exceeding twenty,one days, unless such finc and costs, 'including the costs of the committal shall be' sooner paid. . , Sixth----,-.That By-Law No. 544 be, and is hereby repe~ied. County Council Chamber, St. Thomas. NovembCl' 20th, .]896, K.W. McKAY, County Clerk. RICHARD LOOKllR" vVarde}],