1897 Minutes I I', I PROCEEDINGS OF THE ELGIN COUNTVGOUNCIl I DURI1\\G THE SESSIONS HELD IN THE COURT HOU~E, ST. THOMAS IN THE- MONTHS OF January, June' and November, 1897. '~ ) i ,~. .. 1<. '\lV. MCJ<;.,AY. CO'UNTY CLERK. ------~-.-......._.~. A. J. L./ElTCH, WARDEN, ElGIN COUNTY LIBRARY AYLMER: EXPRESS PRINTING HOUSE, l897. f 6 El~GIN COUNTY COUNCIL. DrSTRH;J'l' No.5. RICHARD LOOI{ER...... .......... . OSCAR McKENNEY. ..... DISTRW'r No.6. WILLIAM M. FORD. . . . DAVID F. MOORE........ .........LutOl1. Aylmer. ..Corinth. . . . . Maple Leaf. '> 'rhe members were called to order, the Clerk in the chair. Every member of the Gannoil was then nominated for the position of 'Varden, all of whom resigned with the exception of Messrs. Leitch, l\iorris, Oole and Yarwood. On motion Messrs. Ford- and McKenney were appointed scrutineers. At the completion of the seventy-ninth ballot, none of thecandi- dates having received a majority of the votes of the Council, it was on motion decided to adjourn ;until ten o'clock Wednesday morning. K, W, McKAY, County Clerk. I j. ELGIN COUI\"TY:;:'OOUNCIL. FIRST SESSION-SECOND DAY, Wednesday, the 27th day- of Jitmhii~y, 1897. '.rhe Elgin County -Cou~cil met this day at the Conrt House, st. Thom~s, pursuant tf adjo~rnment. The balloting for Warden was proceeded with, and on. the' one hund. red and first ba.llo~."., Mr. A., J. . Leitch, of Dutton,. County Coun~ .." .' ,.'" (~. . .' ..' .., .., . .... Cipor for District Numb& Two, having received a Inajol'ity of the votes of the Council, was declared duly elected Wat'den, After making the statutory declaration of office before His Hono:!:' "Judge Hughes, the' Warden elect took ,his seat arid addressed the CounciL T1:e proceedings of the last day of the Noverllben Ses'sion, 1891\ were read and confirmed. Moved by D. ~..,. 1\100re, seconded by O. McKenney, That the ex-wardens and Mr. Cole be a Comlrlittee M 'strike the Standing Committee"s.-Carried. The Clerk then read a communicatioil fr'om l\h. 1'. ,V. Crothers, Barris~er, on behalf of the London an,cl, Port Stanley Gr,tvel Road Lessees, requesting perinission to address tho CounciL Moved by W. ,M. Ford, seconded by O. McKenney, That T. W, Orothers, solicitor for parties interested in ]~ondon and Port Stanley Gravel Road, be h:ear:d at two p. Ib,., -tQday.-Cal;ri"ed. A communication from the Secretary of the St. lJ.'homas,Board ~f Education was theh rea'd. Moved by O. McKenney, seconded by W. M. Ford, Thii't the Depittation from St. Thomas Board of Education be heard at ten a. m. to-morrow.-Carried. 7 . .6 EI~GIN COUNTY COUNCIL. J)rs'.rRlq'I' No.5. RWHAltD LOC:tCEJR.. OSCAR MCKENNEY. DISTRJO'I' No.6. WI1.,UAM M. FORD.... DAVID F. MOORE........ .... ...Luton. ., Aylmer. ..Oorinth. . .. Maple Leaf. 'rhe members were called to order, the Clerk in the chair. ! ~ " Every member of the Gaunoil was then nominated for the position of 'Varden, all of whom resigned with the exception of Messrs. Leitch, Morris, Oole and Yarwood. On motion Messrs. Pard- and McKenney were appointed scrutineers. At the completion of the seventy~ninth ballot, none of -the ~candi- dates having received a majority of the votes of the Council, it was on motion decided to adjourn ;until ten o'clock Wednesday morning. K. W, McKAY, County Clerk. I I I: \ ELGIN COUNTY=,COUNCIL. FIRST SESSION-SEOOND DAY. Wednes(Ly, the 27t,h day of.Tainial'y, 1897: The Elgin Counpy Coul{cil met this d~tY at the Condj HOllse, st. Thomas, pursuant;,to adjourmnent. The balloting for Warden was proceeded ,vitl,1, and.. on the' one hundred and first bal~ Mr. A. J. Leitch, of Dutton, County Ooun~ d.llor for District NUluber Two, having received.a majOl'ity of thC-\ votes of the Council, was declared duly elected W Moden. After making the statutory declaration of office befOl'e His' Hono):' Judge Hughes, the Warden elect took ',his seat and addressed tho Council. T~e proceedings of the last day of the Noveri1bell Ses'sion, 1890, were read and confirmed. Moved by D. 1:j1. Moore, seconded by O. McKenney, That the ex-wardens and Mr. Cole be a OOl1'lmittee to stdke tho Standing Committees.-Carried. The Clerk then read a communication fr'om Mr. 1'. ,V. Orothei's, Barrister, on behalf of the London and Port Stanley Gr.wel Road Lessees, :requesting permission to address the Council. Moved by W. M. Ford, seconded by O. McKenney, Thu,t T. W. Crothers, solicitor for parties inte1'es,ted in London and Port, Stanley Gravel Road~ be heard at two p.nl.,tl,Jday.-Cni'ried. A communication from the Secretary of the St. r:rhomas._Board of Education was then read. Moved by O. McKenney, seconded by W. M. Ford, That ~he Deputation from -St. Th.omas Board 'of Education be heard. at ten a. m. to-morrow.-Carried. 7 . 8, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. n Moved by O. McKenney, seconded by W. B. Cole, From Aylmer Collegiate Institute with Report. Refel'reclto. Education Committee. . rrhat this Council adjourn to meet at two p. m., to allow Committee n.ppointed to strike Standing Committees to meet.-Carried. Moved by W. .Jackson, seconded by D. Turner, The Council resumed. That information regarding Registration Fees for last six yeal'S, the length of time the." Torrens .Land System has been in force in Elgin, and how many have secured titles under it, be laid before the Council. -Carried. The ""Varden presented Report on Standing Oommittees, which was adopted on motion of Locker, secOl~ded by Ford. I I 1.~he following communications were read: Pursuant to appoinj'ment,Messrs. Cro~hers and Meek, solicitors for the Lessees of the London and Port Stanley Gravel Road, then address- ed the Council. \Ii Moved hy J. H. Yarwood, seconded by W. B. Cole, That the Gravel Road Company fix a price that they are willing to accept for the road. -Carried. From Ji:lgin La..w Library Association. Referred to Gnol Com- mittee. From Ontario Provincial Constahulary Association. Referred to Finance Committee. lfl'o:m County Council of Simcoe. Referred to Petitions and Legishttion Committee. . Prom County Council of Frontenac. Referred to Petitions and I./egislation Oommittee. From Prisoners' Aid Association. Referred to Finance Committee. Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by D. Lang, '.rhat the matt_~r of the Gravel Road. be referred to a. special committee composed of ~rurner,.Cole, Ford, Morris and the Warden, and ~~eport at this session of the Council.-Carried. Moved byR. Locker, seconded hy D. Lang, That Andrew Murray be appointed Auditor of the County Accounts of 1896. From County Council of Lambton. Referred to Petitions and .Legislation Committee. From County Council of vVentworth. Refened to Petitions and Legislation Committee. From County rl'reasurer with Report. Referred to Finance Com- mittee. First Amendment: From Public School Insp~ctor. Referred to Education Committee. Moved by J. H. Yarwood; seconded byO. McKenney, That Wm. Newcombe be appointed Auditor of Oounty Accounts. Second Amendment: From Tilsonburg, Lake Erie and Pacific Railwa.y Company. Re- fe~red to Petitions and Legislation Committee. From L. Campbell, High Oonstable. Referred to Finance Ooro- mi ttee: J\f'oved by W. B. Cole, seconded by J. H. Yarwood, That E. O. Eakins be appointed Auditor of County Accounts. Third Amendment: From County Engineer with Report. Referred to Public Improve~ ments Committee. Moved by W. .Jackson, seconded by D. Turner: That J. P. Martyn be appointed Auditor. 10 h"T~GIN COUNTY COUNCIT~. Amendments lost. Main motion carried. The 1,7lilarden appointed Mr. VV. A. Galbraith, of Dnnwich, as his Auditor. Moved by O. McK.enney, seconded by 'V. M. Ford, That the COn1ltmnication presented to the Oouncil by Mr. Teal, manager of the 'l'ilsonburg, Lake Erie and 'PaCific Railway, iJoropany, he taken up by this Oouncil now instead of being referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee.-Carried. Mr. 'l\'laI then addressed the Council. II Moved by W. M. Ford, seconded by D. F. Moore, That the Warden and Olerk be and are hereby instructed to sign menlorlal to the Dominion Government to aid in the improvement of Port Burwell Harbor and extension of the Tilsonburg, I.Jake Erie and Pac.ific Hailway.-Carried. Movccl by D. Lang', seconded by R. t..ocker, That W. M. Ford and John 'fhomson be appointed Auditors of the Administration of Justice Accounts for 1897. In Amendment: Moved by D.'furnel" seconded by ,IV. Jackson, That l!'l'al1cis Hunt be appointed Cl'hninal Auditor. Main motion cal'riecl. Amendment lost. Moved by O. 1VIcKenney~ seconded by R. Lockor, 'rhat Fred Ramsey be appointed High School Trl.1.st'ee for Vienna Hig.hSchool for a term of three years.~Carriecl. Moved by W. M. Ford~ seconded by D. F. Moore, That Messrs. Cole, Morris and the vVarden be 'and _are hereby appointed a deputation to go to, Ottawa to' urge the necessity of repairing Port Burwell Harbor, said deputation to go when ca.lled upon by the promoters of the scheme. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. In amendment: Moved by O. McKenney, seconded by R. Locker, That a committee composed of the "\Varden, W. B. Cole and W. M. Ford be a committee to wait on the Dominion Government and present amemol'ial re grant to Port Burwell Harbor. Main: motion carried. Amendment lost. Moved by S. B. Mo/is, seco~ded by D. Lang, 'l'hat tp.o Honorable, the .Minister of Public Works, 'has promised to visit Port Stanley on the'f~vitaticin of the City of London. V' That this Council appoint a deputation to wait upon the MinisteI' H.D;d U1'ge the necessity of extensive improvemenps to the Port Stanley HarboI'.-Carried. Moved by J. H. Yarwood,' seconded by W. Jackson, That tho Warden and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to signa memorial to the Dominion Government asking that a sufficient sum of money'be expended o~ Port. Stanley Harbor .to put it.in 11.. proper state of repair, and that the Cities of London [Lnd St. Thomas be asked to join us in the same, and that the \;V arden and Clerk be a committee to present the same to the goverhment.~Carried. Mr. Morris- gave notice of application for grant of 'l'wenty-Five Dollars to West Elgin Farmers' Institute, and Mr. Mooro gave notice for similar grant for East Elgin Farmers' Institute. Moved by W. M. Ford, seconded by R. Locker, That this Council do now adjoUI'n until ten o'clock to~m.orl'O'w. -Carried. K W, McKAY, , County Clerk. A. J. LEITOH, "\;V ruoden. 11 12 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL; PIRST SESSION.-THIRD DAY. Thursday, the 28th day of .January, 1897. The Elgin County Council met this day at the COllrt House, St. rrhomas; a.ccording to adjournment. The Warden in the chair. All the members present. 'fhe proceedings of the previous day were read 'and confirmed. Moved by ,:V. B: Cole, seconded by O. McKenney, That the deputation from the St. Thomas Collegiate Institute' be HoW heaI'd.-Carried. Messrs. King, McKenzie, Graham and Crothers, member's of depu- tation from the St. Thomas Board of Education, then addressed the Oouncil aild presented the report of the Collegiate Institute, which ,vas , referred hy the -Warden to the Committee on Education. The report of the Petitions and Legislation Oommittee was pre~ sented and adopted on motion of Turner, seconded by Locker. Moved by D. F; Moore, seconded by R. Locker, 'rhat a grant 'of TwentYNFive Dolla.rs bf made to the East Elgin Fa,rmers' Institute.-Oar'J.:'ied. 'I Moved by D. Lang., seconded by S. B. Morris, That Samuel McColl be appointed a Trustee of the Dutton High s6hool for three years.-CH,rri~d. Moved by D. Lang, seconded by S. B. Morris, That a grant of. Twenty-Five Dollars be made to the West Elgin Farmers' Institute.-Carried. Moved by W; Jackson, seconded by D. Turner, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. Moved by W. B. Cole, second~d by ,T. H. Yi1rwood, That a FreeI-Iawkers' and Pedlars' License be granted to E. A. Hewitt to peddle with a t>~~horse rig.......:.Lost. Moved by W: B. Cole, s~nded by J. H. Yarwood, That we reconsider the resolution just passed to the effect that Free Hawkers' and Pedlars' Licenses be grn,:o.ted.~Oarried. :l\foved by ,",V. Jackson, seconded by D. Turner, That no Free Hawkers' and Pedlars' Licenses be granted this session....,-Carrled; Moved by D. 'furner, seconded by W; Jackson, Th~t the Clerk be instructed to procui'e cards of the Standing Oom~" mittp,es and County Officials for the year 1897 for use' of members of County Council.--Carried1 Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by D.Lang, That we do now adjourn nntil three o'clock, to allow Committees to meet.-Canied. The Council resumed. The Report of the Education Committee was presented and ndopted on motion of Yarwood, seconded by Turner. The Report of the House of Industry Committee was presented and adopted on motion of McKenney, seconded by Moore. The Report of the. Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Morris, sec()hded by Ford. Moved by O~ McKenney, seconded hy D. F. Moore, . That E. A. Miller be appointed 'l'rustee of Aylmer High School ~ol' three' years.-Carried. 13 14 ELGIN COUNTYCQUNCIL. Moved by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by W. Jackson, rrhnt the n~inance Committee be r~quested to lay before the Council at the June session an itemized statemeu't of the cost of the election of Oounty Oouncillors under the new act and also cost of same under the old act. In Amendment: Moved by S. B. Mar'ris, seconded by D. Lang, 'l'hat the Finance Committee be requested to furnish 11 detailed '$tn"tement of the cost of the election of County Councillors. andrepOli at June Session. Main motion. lost. Amendment caI'l'ied. Moved by S. B. MorTIS, seconded by D. Turner, That D. Lang be added to the Oommittee on Education.-Carried. Moved by W. M. Ford, seconded by D. F. Moore, rrhH,t By-law No. 562, being a By"law to appoint County Auditors, be t'0ceived and read a first ti.me....,..--.Carried. Moved by W. M. Ford, seconded by D. F. Moore, Th.at By~law" No. 562 be read a second time.-Carried. Moved by W. M. Ford, seconded by D. F. Moore, That By-law No. 562 be read a third time an"d finally passed.- Carried. Moved by W. Jackson, seconded by D. 'furner, That By-law No. 563, being a By-law to appoint a Board of Audit, be reci;dvec.l and read a first time.-Oal'ried. Moved byW. Jackson, seconded by .T. H. Yarwood, 'fhat By-law No~ 563 be !'ead a second time.-Oarried. Moved by W. Jackson, seconded by J. H. Yarwood, 'fhat By-l~w ,No. 563 be read a third time and finally passed.- . ' Oarried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 15 Moved by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by W. -B. Oole, That By-law No. 564, being a By-law to appoint Trustoes of High Schools, be received and read a first time.-Oarried. Moved by D. Lang, seconded by E. McKellar, That By-law No. 564 ~'ead a,secqnd time.-Oarried. " Moved by D. F. Moore, !5f~nded by W. IVI. Ford, That By-law No. 564 be read a third time and finally passed.- Carried. Moved by R. Locker, seconded by D. F. Moore, That By-law No. 565, bei"Ug a By-law to amend By-law No. 514, bo received and read a first time. -Carried. Moved by W. B. Oole, seconded by O. McKenney, That By-law No. 565 be read a second time.-Oarried. :J.\I!oved by D. F. Moore, seconded by R. Locker, That By-law No. 56..1) "be read a third time and finally passed.- Oarried. Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by D. Lang, That By-law No. 566, being a By-law to amend By-law No, 298, bo received and read a first time. --Oanied. Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by D. Lang, That By-law No. 566 be read a second time.-Carried. Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by E. McKellar, That BYMlaw No. 566 be read a third time and finally pas~ed.-~ Carried. Moved by D. F. Moore, seconded by R. Locker, That this. Council d'o Ca~ri~d. now adjourn untlI ten o'clock tOMmorrow.- K W. McKAY, Oounty Olerk. A, J, LEITCH, . Warden. 16 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 17 F1RSCl' SESSION-FOURTH DAY, After consideration the Committee rose, and it was moved by D.F. Moore, seconded by D. Turner, that the repor.t_ be adopted. First Amendment: Moved by W. B. Ool~econded by J. H. Yarwood, That clause one of Toll ~oad Report be struck ant. Second Amendment: Friday, the 29th day of January, 1897.' Moved by W. Jackson, seconded by D. Turner, That clause two be struck out of Gravel Road Committee Report. Original motion carried. Amendments lost. ':rhe Elgin Oounty Council met this day at the Court House, St; Thomas, according to adjournment. . ~J.1he W ttrden in the chair. All the members present. lVlovedby J. H. Yarwood, seconded by W. B. Cole, That the Treasurer's bonds be read. The Treasurer's bonds were read. The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. 1'he second report of the Education Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Yarwood, seconded by Turner. The report of the Gaol Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Cole, seconded by Turner. '1'he Council then considered the matter of Court House repairs l'el'el'I'ed fa them by the Gaol Comniittee. "Moved by, R.. Locker, seconded by O. McKenney, 1'hat the Gaol Committee R.eport 1'e repairs to Court House be laid over until the June Session, and that the Cdunty Engineer furnish the probable cost of new roof and all costs in connection with the new nddition.-Carried. :l\foved byO. Mclj:;enney, seconded by R. Locker, That the Treasurer's bonds be accepted as read.-Carriedl The report of the Public Improvements Committee was presented and adopted on motion of MI'. Moore, seconded E. McKellar. . Moved by W. B. Cole, seconded by J. H. Yarwood, That Miss Robertson be paid Five Dollars for stenog-raphing MI'. Meek's address to this Council.-Carried. Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by D. Lang, That l\h. Campbell, High Constable, be allowed to address the Council.--Carried. Moved hy R. Locker, seconded by O. McKenney, That S. B. MOlTis be added to the committee in connection with the presenting of the petition to the Government, asking for repairs to Port Stanley Barbor.-Carried. Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by R. Locker, Th~t the Council memorialize the Ontario Legislature, asking them to introduce a uniform system of hooks for the keeping of the accounts of municipalities, and to take such steps as shall be ,necessary to see that they are properly kept, and that the petition be forwarded to MI'. McNish for presentation.~Lost. Mr. .Oampbell then addressed the Council. 'rhe report of the Special Oommittee appointed to consider appli- cation of lessees of the London and Port Stanley Gravel Road was 'then presented'and refened to a committee of the whole, Mr. Moore in the chair. . 18 ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL. Art account prcseri~ed by the County Solicitor for services during 1000, was then laid before the Oouncil. Moved by R. Locker, seconded by O. McKenney, That the account of J. M. Glenn, amounting to $119.30, be paid.- Oarried. Moved by S. B. l\Iorris, seconded by D. Lang, That By-law No. 567, being aBy-lawto authorize the Warden and Treasurer to borrow Fifteen Thousand Dollars, be received and read a first time.-Oarried. Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by D. Lang, rl'hat By-law No. 567 be read a second t:ime.-Oarried. :Moved by S. B. Morris" secQnded by W. Jackson, That By-law No. 567 be read a third time and finally passed..:..- Oarried. Moved, by R. Locker, seconded by O. McKenney, That this Council do now adjourn to meet in June at,the call of the Warden.-Carried. K, W. McKAY, County Clerk. A. J. LEITOH, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. " ~ JUNE SBSSION. 1897. SEOOND SESSION.-FIRST DAY, Tuesday, the 15th dn,y of June, 1897. The Elgin County Coun'cilmet this day at ,the Court House, St. Thomas. The Warden in the chair: All the members present. The--lVarden addl'cssedthe Counoil : TJ:IE WARDEN'S ADDRESS. GENTr;'JjJMEN,- In caning yon together. for this meeting I 'have selected what appeared to be the .most convenient date. The season is liot so far advanced as that of last year, but I believe there is every prospect of an ahq.ndaIit harvest throughout the, County. There will be consider- able business before you during _the present session. OOUNTY BUILDINGS. The question of increasing the necessary accommodation l'eq~ired at the Conrt House for offices and other purposes, should receive YOul' most careful attention, and all improvements decided upon should he of a U10st permanent character, consistent with the good financial standing of the County and the progressive age in which we l~ve. nONDON AND PORT STANLEY GRAVEL ROAD, Considerable attention has been given to the toll road question since the last session, with the result that your Specia,l Committee withdrew the offer of $8,000 made to tile lessees, and Will intheil' ri;~po.rt 19 20 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. give reasons for so doing. Tolls have been collected by the lessees since the first of June, and I recently received a communication from their solicitor requesting authority from the County for so doing. This will a.lso be reported on by the Committee. NEvV LEGISLATION. At the recent sessiou of the Legislature uumerous amendments of importance were made to our municipal laws. The borrowing power of municipa.l councils is now restricted to 80 pel' cent of the amount collected as ta,xes to pay the ordinary current expenditures of the municipality in the pr~ceding municipal year, and members of councils who vote to borrow a larger sum than this percentt-tge a,re disqualified from holding any' municipal office for a period of two years. The Finance Committee should report for the information of the Council the amount that we may borrow during the current year. OOUNTY OOUNOIL'S AOT. The County Council's Act has been changed so that a member of a local municipal council for the year in which nominations are to be held for the election of members of the County Council is eligible for nominati<.m 'and election as a member of, the County Council, but no member qf the council of a local municipality may sit or vote as a Oounty Oouncillor. . It will be necessary during the present session to pass a by-law appointing nominating officers for the districts of the County and determine their remunern.tion. Under the Act of 1896 there was a difference of opinion as to the Warden's' term of office. This has .been limited to one year. ASSESSMENT AOT, An amendment to the Assessment Act provides that counties may be divided into tax sale districts, and that thereafter the sale of land situate thoI'oin for the arrears of taxes shall be held at such place in the district as may be named in the by~law. I do not know that there is sufficient land in arrears in this County to warrant the passing of a by~law for this purpose, but would recommend the Finance Oommittee to make enquiries in reference to the matter. "ELGIN COUKTY OOUNCIL. ,"'- V THE PROVINOIAL MUNICIPAL AUDITOR. A Provincial Auditor has been appointed to conduct special audits and prepare books for mUllicipnl treasurel"'s accounts. ':.L'his" will prON mote uniformity and materially assist, in securing efficient audits. POUNDS. The act respecting pounds has been amended in an important .partiCular. Pound keepers are now required within twenty~four hours after an animal has been impounded to deliver to the clei'k of the municip~tlity a,notiqe in writing containing a description. of the color', age, and natUl'al and artificial marks of the animal, as near as may be. REGIS~rRY OFFIOliJ. County Conncils may now by by-law authorize the warden or treasurer to inspect the books kept in any registry office for the purpose of testing the accuracy' of the returns of fees, to a share of 'which the counti, is entitled. QUEEN'S JUBILEE. One week from to-day Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria., will have completed the sixtieth year of her reign, and will be receiving from a United Empire spontctneous expressions of veneration and esteem. Her reign, a most illustrious one, hns witnessed a marvellous, materh:tl and industrial development, not only in the mother land but in all the colonies of which Canada is the most importftnt. As nn evidence of the ioyalty of the inhabitants of Elgin you should nt this session pass a resolution suitable to the occasion. GRAND JURY PRESENTMENT. The grand jury presentment at the recent session of the county court refers to a complaint made, by prisoners that they were supplied with sour bread. The contractor is under bonds to supply, H, good sound quality of bread, subject to the approval of the jailor or sheriff, and al~o to supply the House of Industry. I would request the committees to inquire into the matter and report at this s~ssion. 21 22 ELGIN CQUN'.rY COUNCIL. ESTIMAT1DS. ':ehe auditors' report shows that the financial position of the county is improving, and in considering the estimates for the present year I hope that sufficien~funds will be pi'ovided to ll.1CCt all CUITCl1t lia.bili- ties. The pI'oceedings of the last day of the previous Session "vere read nud confirmed. The following' communications were read; From Report Dutton High School. H,cfel'l'cd to Education Oom- mittee. :Fl'Oll1 Report Vienna High School. Heferi:ed to Education COlll- mittee. FrolXl;.J. H. Ooyne, Registrar, t'e improvements to office. Referred to Gaol Oommittee. From Oounty Council of WeIland, re Amendments Juror's Act. Iteferred to Petitions and I...cgislation Committee. From County Council of Bruce, re Tax Sales, etc. Referred. to Petitions and Legislation Committee. BroID OountyOouncil . of Wentworth, re County Auditors. Re- ferred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. From Presentment of Grand Jury, Court of Assize. Filed. From County Council of Dufferin, Petitions and Legislation Committee. e' r.e Poor. Houses. Referred to From Education Department, with noticere grants to High and Public. Schools. Referred to Education Committee. From Report of Public School Inspector. ReferI'ed to Education Oommittee. From County Treasurer, with Report and. Estimate. Referred to Finance Oommittee. From Prisoners' Aid Association 1'e National Council o~ Charities and Correction. 2<1 RlLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. SECOND SESSION-SECOND DAY. Wednesday~ the 16th day of June. 1897. 11he :pJIgin County Council met this day according toadjourll.., ment. The Warden in the chair. All the members present. The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. A communication from' the Conll'by ,Oonstables' Associa.tion Was, read and referred to the Finance Committee. On motion of Mr. Morris, seconded by Mr. Lang, A .deputation from the Association consisting of High Constable Oampbell, Messrs. Huffman and Kirkpatrick, addre,'3sed -the Oouncil. Moved by O. McKenney, seconded by D. F. Moore, ':rhat the deputation f"1'om Springfield for grant to Lock-up be now heard.-Carried. Reeve Wilson and Mr. Black, of Springfield, then addressed the Council. Moved by J.H. Yarwood, seconded by W. B; Cole, r:rhat the"matter of grant to build Lock-up at Springfield bE; referl'ed to Finance Oommittee.-Oarried. Moved by O. McKenney, seconded by R.J...ocker, That George Ohivers be granted Sixty-Five Dollars, to pay expenses in obtaining treatment and medical appliances for -Bessie Lawson, on condition that he keep the child,and ask no further assistance from the Oo').:mty.-Oarried. Moved by W. M. Ford, seconded by 'D. F. Moore, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. That. this Oouncil grant tho sum of Fifty Dollars to the Oounty Constables' Association "for tjhe purpose of getting badges, the same to be the property of the County in charge of the Association, and that n sufficient number be'left with the Sheriff for Use during Court. Amendment: Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by D. Lang, That the matter of 'grant to County Constables' Association be refOl'- red to Finance Committee. Main motion carried. Amendment lost. Moved b:r S. B. Morris', seconded by D. Lnng, That the amount voted to Mr. G. Ohivers, be paid him on his.sign~ i:rig' an agreement to maintain the child hereafter, during the life thne of himself 0'1' wife. The Report of t~e Educa.tion Committee was presented and adopted. on motion of 'Mr. Yarwood, seconded by Mr. 'l'ul'ner. r.rhe Report of the Public Improvements Committee was presented and adopted ,on motion of Mr. Moore, seconded by lVIr. I...ockor. The Report of the House of Industry Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Mr. McKenney, seconded by lVIr. Lang. Moved by D. Turner, seconded by W. B. Cole, .. That W. E. J...eonard, :H'rank Bennett and Samuel Day be appointed Trustees for St. Thomas High School Board for'the County of Elgi.n....~ Carried. Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by D. Lang, That His Honor, Judge Hughes, be now heard in reference to the Elgin Law Library.-Carried. His Hon'or Judge Hughes then a,ddressed the Council, and made application for grant for the purposes of the Law Library. Moved by S. B. ~orris, seconded by D. Lang, That the matter of. assisting the Elgin Law Library by voting a 25 26 ELGIN COUN'.ry' COUNCIL. sum toward assisting in paying the salary of the Librarian be referred to the Finance Committee.~Carried. Moved by D. Lang, seconded by E. McKellar, , . That E. Hugill be appointed Nominating Officer for District No. 1. --Oanied. l\ioved by E. McKellar, seconded by D. Lang, That John D. Blue be appointed Nominating Officer for Dist.rict No. 2.-.0arried. Moved by D. 'l"urner, seconded by W. Jackson, 'fhat Malcolm Camp bell be appointed N aminating Officer for District No. S.-Carried. Moved by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by W. B. Cole, That Samuel Day be appointed Nominating Officer for District No. 4, being .,tho Township of Yarmouth.-Carried. Moved hy R. Locker, seconded by D. F.Moore, That John Haggan be appointed Nominating Officer for District No. 5.-Carried. Moved by W.M. Ford, seconded by D. F. Moore, That J. G. Pauling be Nominating Officer for County Council District No. 6.-Carried. A Oommunication from the 'Officer in charge of the Salvation Army, requesting use of Court House Grounds, was read and referred to 'the Gaol Oommittee. Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by D. Turner, That the following Committee be appointed to draft a resolution of congratulation to Her Majesty, the Queen, viz: The Warden, Mr. Morris, Mr. Turner and the Clerk.-Carried. Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by R. Locker, That this Council do now adjourn until ten a. m. to~morrow.- Carried. K. W, lvIcKA Y, Oounty Clerk. A. J. LEITCH, -WaI'den; ~~Gf~ Sqr.:~'l'~ cq-q~SH~' tjEOOND SESSlON,---THIlW DAy. l", ;1', .. .",1.,"'" f.r Thursday, the 17th day of .Tune, ISm. The Elgin County Council met this'day at the Court FIouse, St. Thonias, a?cording to" adjourl1,luen"t. The Warden in the chair. All the members present. The proceedings ~f phr P!:~v~~u,~ ,4~y :wer,E( l:()~d l).o:rid conti1'meq.. T~H.>' Itepo~~ of ~11(l pet~t~o~~ 3!H~. Le;g~sl~ti!?:rt Q~)}p-l~littee was pl'e~ . $ented and adopted on motion of Mr. 1"u1'nor, seconded by .Mr. T--,ock(~1'. ' . .. ... . .. ~ -- .. . .. " .. . ." . "", ' , .' .,. , . '. '.... .. ".. . .. . . ., . . "... " " ..,.. .., , The Report of the Gaol Oommittee was presented a.nd I-tdopted on motion of Mr. Cole, :?ecQl"l.ded py :M:t. Turner. Moved by O. lVIQReplJ-ey, ~Gcopde4 by ~. LOGker, That the House .ot' Indn:~pry .c~m:rni1;.tee p~ autl1o:r:ize4 to increase the facilitie~. for bathin~ inmates at HO~lse()f Il~,dustl'Y, nlld .er('ct pe;'nlanen'h~oot'c~liar as:they'~i~y fi~d iiece'~sary.~C~tl:I:i~d'. -,!' , The Report of.th!( ~~na.p.ce C?m~4~tt!'!~ waf'! present~d and aqopted on motion ofMr..MoiTis',!s~cona'e(fby'l\:tr~Ford." ",,;, ,'..<,., I "J. Moved by W. B. P~J~.. ~.El,c,o~~d~4 h~ J. ff. rfl':r"':~R4, That this Counp:i~ g,o in~? q~P"frr~H~:e qf p~~ ~~?J,~ (~p. Hv~ ~A-m}l.iZlt~ tioD of Assessment for County ptJ.rposes.-OaI'l'ied. The Council-wollt into a committee of the whole, MI'. Locker in the chair. After Gonsidering the question 'Of equalization, the Committee r(~se, and it was moved by R. Locker, seconded byD. F. Moore, That the equalization of the Municipalities in the County be the m~mf: l}':? ,l~~~ r~a,r.~,q~1'r~p4. 27 28 HLGIN COUN'.ry COUNCIL. ELG1K CQUN'r'Y' COUNCIL. 29 Moved by W. M: J!'ol'd, seconded by 'iV. .Jackson, That By-Il1w No. 150 be repealed, and that members of this Council be paid the sum of Ten Dollars each a.ndmilea.ge for regular sessions, and Two Dollars pel' day and mileage for' attendance a~ special meet- ings and committees.-Lost. YEAs.---.Jackson, Turner, McKenney, Locker, MOO1:e ~l,nd For'd.~6. and Treasurer to borrow the sum of Five Thousand Dollars, - be received and read a first time.--Ca;rried. l\{oved by \V. M. Ford, seconded by D. F. Moore, " " I rr,hat By-1Mv No. l"}70 be read a second thlle.-Carried. NAys.-Morris, Lang, McKellar, Yarwood, Cole and Leitch.-6. Moved by W.l\L Ford, seconded by D. F. Moore, Moved by R. Locker, seconded by D: F. Moore, That By-law No. 570, be read a third tim~ and finally pa,ssed.- Carried. ~rhl1t By-law No. 150 be amended by increasing the remuneration of members of this Council for attendance at meetings to Three Dollars per day.-Lost. . Moved by'R McKellRr, seconded by D. 'l'urner, Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by D. Lang, Tha.t By-law No. 571, being a 'By-law to raise amounts for -County Rates forlS97; be received and read a first time.-Carried. ]~hat BYRlaw No. 568.. being a BYNlaw to appoint Trustees for the St. Thomas CoUegiate Institute, be received and read n first time.- Carried. Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by D. Lang, That By-law No. 571 he read a second time.-Carried. Moved by W. Jackson, seconded by D. Turner, Moved by S. B. l\forris, seconded by D. Lang, 'rhnt BYNlaw 568 be read a second time.-Oarried. Mo~ed by D. Turner, seconded by E. McKellar, That BYNla,W No. 568 be read It third time ftUd finally passed.-- Carried. Moved by D. F. Moore, seconded by R.' Locker, That By-la.w No. 569, being a By-law to appoint Nomina.ting Officers, be received and read ,It first time.-Carri.ed. '. That By-law No. 571 be read a third time and finally passed.--Carrh~d. Moved by.R. Locker, seconded by v\T. 1\'1. Ford, That By-law No. 572, being It .By-law to confirm the equalizatiion of the Assessment Holls for 1896, be received and read a first time.-Ca.rried. Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by D. Lang, Moved by O. McKenney, seconded by W. B. Cole, ThatBy-law No. 572 be read a second time.-Carried. Moved by E. McKellar, seconded by W. .Jackson, That By-law No. 572 he -read nthird time and finally passed.- Cal'I'ied. That By-ll1w No. 569 be read a second time.:-CaI'I'ied. Moved by R. Locker, seconded by D. F. Moore, Tha.t By-law N~). 569 be read a' third time and finally passed.- Carried. Moved by W. M. Ford, seconded by D. F. Moore, T'hat HYNLa,w No. 570, being a By-Law to allt40rize the Wardelt Moved by S. B. MotTis, seconded by D. Turner, That this County Council desire to place upon record. their loynlty to Her Majesty, the Queen, on this the occasion of tJle Jubilee Celebra~ tion of the sixtieth year of her reign. 1f1 ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL.. ,.,', Carried by a standing vote, the members ~ingiIlg "God Save the Qlwe:ti." . .." Moved by W. ,M. Ford, seCOl1ded by D. F. Moore, 'fhat this Oouncil do now adjourn to meet in Novembel' at the call of the Warden~-,Oarri~~. K, 'W. McKAY, Oounty Clerk. A, J, LEITCR, V\T~trden. B2 EI:GIN COUNTY COUNOIL. ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL. aa SESSION OF THl' LEGISLATURE. From .::>eport County Engineer, referred to Public Impl'ovements Oommittee. The Ontario Legislature has been called for the 30th of this month. If /lny of you know of desirable amendments to the Statutes I would suggest that you bring them to the attention of the Council either by resolution 01' through Petitions. and Legislation Committee with a view of having the 811me laid before the Legislature, if they are tho.ught to be of sufficient importance. HIGH SOHOOL GHANTS. From F. S. Spence, Secretary Dominion Alliance, referred to Peti~ tions and Legislation Committee. _From County Clerk, l'forthumberland and Durha.m, referred to Petitions and Legislation Oommittee. From Oounty Clerk and Solicitor reo High School Grant, reiened to Education Committee. From Inspector House of IndustI-y, referred to House of Industry Committee. I have received the report of the County Clerk and County Solicitor to whom you referred the question of High School Grants. They have fixed the amounts to which each school is entitled as follows: St. Thomas Collegiate Institute. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . $2:094 83 Aylmer Collegiate Institute..... .... ..................... 1,807 74 Dutton High SchooL.... ....... .. .... .... ... ....,.. 1,058 92 Vienna High School, which is equivalent to Government Grant 46434- From .J ames A. Bell, Toll Hoad account, referred to. Special 'Toii Road Committee; Making a total of. . . . "" ,,, ." $5,425 8.3 ~r. Ford gave notice of application for gl'a:q.t of One Hundrod . Dollars" to he expended on Town Line, between Norfolk and JiJIgin, provided Norfolk grant a li~e amount. Mr. Morris gave notice of application for a Special grant to each of thePoblic Schools in the County having Continuation Classes. In the case of St. Thomas, Aylmer and Dutton Schools the County is to receh7e credit fOi' the amount of fees payable by County pupils, this will reduce the amount payable to High Schools to about ~B4,200. In view of the fact that future High School appropriations will likely be detcrm:ined in accordance with provisions of the Act, the r~port ,,\'ill he Ia.iel hefore you for consideration by the Ed'iwution Committee. Mr. Yarwood inquired if the Hughes Street Bridge north of 81,. Thomas was a County bridge. The Warden referred th(.,; question to the Public Improvements Committee. GHA VEL HOAD, l\h~ Jackson inquired who of the Special Toll Road Committee went to Toronto to consult S. Blake, and whether the C6unty Solicitor was present. Since Uw. h\,st session the judgment in the Gravel Road case has been given in favor of the lessees. The judgment decides that the County Council had authority to authorize the lessees to collect toll. This will no doubt settle the' question unless the plaintiff decides to take the case to the Supreme Court: 'rho proceedings of the last -day of the previous Session were read and confirmed. The Warden replied that Mr.. Turner and himself, :tccompanied by the: County Solicitor, were appointed to consult MI'. Blake. The following communications were read: Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by D. Lang, That the Gravel Road question be refel'redto the Special Comulittee, and that the Engineer furnish a report of the amounts expended on'the while it was abandoned by the lessees; also an estimate of put~ing rciadand bridges in sufficient repail'.-Cal'rwd. Moved by S. B. -Morris, se<::onded by D. I--,ung, Report Physician House of Industry; referred to House of Industry Committee. :!4 ELGIN CdUN'I'Y. COUNCIL. That in view of the fact of the numeJ:'Ous "burglaries that are being daily committed throughout th~ country, and with a view of preventing the same: Be it resolved that this Council take into consideration the ltdvis<tbilityof adopting measures to prevent the saniC, and to riel the Oounty as far a$ possible of the large number of tramps now infesting it, nnd that the Committee on Petitions and Legislation report on the matter.--Carried. Moved by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by 'V. B. Cole, That the Public Improvements Committee report as to whether the McInnes Bridge in North YaI'Inouth is a County Bridge or not.---Carried. Moved by D. TurnerJ seconded by W.Jackson, '.rhatwhereas, this Council is of the opinion that justice is not done to all parts of thc County under the present mode of equalizing, Be. it thcrefore resolved that the Clerk correspond with Clerks of other Counties, to ascertain what Counti(lS have appointed Valuators; also what directions are given by Oounty Councils, to Valuators, and the probable cost of such valuation, and whether it gives satisfaction or nat.-Carried. Moved by W. M: :F'ord, seconded by D. F. Moore, That this Council do now adjoUI'n to meet to-morrow at two o'clock; to allow all Committees to meet and get their reports ready.-Carried. K. W. MoKAY, CountyClel'k. A. .T. LEITCH, 'V- arden. 38 ELGIN COUN'ry COUNCIL. IxEPORTS OF COMMITTEES, PETITIONS AND J~EGISLATION, JANUARY SESSION. 1.,:0 the War'denand jlfeml;e1'8 of the Elf/in Counly Gomwil : G-:mNTLE:i\IEN,- rfhe Petitions and Legislation Committee beg leave to report:- T4a~ we have considered the communications referred to us, also the petitions ordered to be fOt'warded to the Legislature by the County Oouncil of the Novein.ber Session, and recommend:~ 1. That the - Warden and Clerk be authorized not to sign the Petitions ordered 19th of Novemher in reference to notice before filing" Voters List Appe;-11s, and Petitions ordered by report of Petitions and Legislation Committee of November Session in reference to amend- ments to County Councils Act, so that a voter can give a candidate but oue vote, and... that Municipal Councillors be eligi.ble candidates for nomination. 2. With reference to communication received from the County Council of Simcoe, we recommend that no action be taken. 3. With reference to communication recei~ed from the County Council of Wentworth, we recommend that no action be taken. 4. With reference to communication from the County Oouncil of Frontenac, we recommend that no action be taken. 5. We recommend that this Council co-operate with the County Oouncil of Lambton in memorializing the House of Commons for a.mendments to the Railway Act as set forth in their communication referred to m~. All of which is respectfully submitted. Adopted January 27th, 1897. D. TURNER, Ohairman. , :plLGIN CPVNTY OOPNCIL. JVNF) !3F)S!3IO]\i, '1'0 . the Warden and Membf4.Tfi. o[ t~~ ElfJin CO!'-~t!! Council ; GENTLEMEN,- The Committee on Petitio~s and Legislation beg leave to l'eport: - That they have considered the communications referred to them and wPHl4 reqQPllll~1l4 : ~. rh~tno a,c~iop- p~t~~~m ~n r~ferencp to Petitjpp-sfl'olU Jjhe Cpunty of :Bruc~. p~ffe:rin qr Went'YP+:th. 2. That we co~operate with the County Council of W('\lland and peHtiqJ1 fqr amendnwnts to t:qe .Jurors 4.ct 8,13 tl1erejn reqlH:~stwL All of which is respectfully submitted. Adopted, . St. 'I.'hoilIas, June 17th, 1897. , NQVj1JjVp:JEft !3F)!3!3IOj'S, :0. TY~,NlU~, 04n~1'nlH~n. '1'0 the .Warden and Member8 ojt!~e.El{/i'(l, (}r;np/ty C~!??1H~il.: GEN+r,El\;r]J]N~-,--- Yq1rr Qommittee on Petitions and Legislation beg leave to repoI"b: . 1. That the Petition from F. S. Spence, Secretary Dominioil Alliance, as.king to have the power to limit the hours of sale, of HqllOl' placed in the hands of the p~op~~, rj3 Bot entertained, 2. That we wonJq l?~~o:Q:lp:1end ~b13 Qonn.cil ~9 c()~Qpeft~tf:l Wiqltr.e United Counties of Northumberland and Durham in their' Petition in to Police Magistrate. S. That we Petition the Legislatul'eto take some steps to prevent , fH' ppt a !itpp tq sq ll~~ny trlJ'p1P!i ~rf~st1!l~ our omH1try, All of which is respectfully submitted. D. TURNEH, Chairman. ~Qvelllb~r 17th; 18~7. so 40 ELGIN CQUN'l'Y COUNCIL. ELGIN COUNTY' COUNCIL. 41 EDUCATION. JANUARY SESSION. Clerk and County Solicitor be requested to ascertain the correct amounts payable to each school, and that the Wardell issue an order on the Treasurer for the amounts when he receives the report of Officials above mentioned. To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Oouncil: Your Committee on Education beg leave to report as follows: 4. That for High School Grant the sum of $5,500 oe placed in the until the pr.oper .amount is ascertained. ~..ul of which is respectfully submitted. GENTLEMEN,- 1. Your Committee would recomniend that the usual grant. of Fifty pollars, or not to exceed that amount, for printing and distributing the unifor'm promotion eXf\Jrnination p~pers, be granted. 2. That the grants to High Schools and Collegiate Institutes be laid over until the June 8es$ion. JAM.~JS H, YARWOOD, Ohairman. St. Thomas, J nne 16th, 1897. Adopted, a. That the matter of appointing a. Board of Examiners under the Act of 18g6 be laid over until ~he June Session. ,1. That the Educational Committee meet on, the day previous to the first dn,y of the June Session foI' the purpose of considering the matter of grants to High Schools and Oollegiate'Institutesinthe Oounty. NOVEMBER SESSION, .Warden and illembw}'s.of the Elf/in Oounty Oouncil: JAMES H, YARWOOD, Ohairman. ~our Commit,tee on Education, beg leav~ to report as follows: 1. .' That the report of the County Clerk and SolicitOl' determininl~ amounts due High 8chools in the County be adopt,ed, and that a copy be forwarded to each school. All of which is respectfully submitted. JUNE SESSION. 2. We recommend 'that an amount equivalent to the Government for that purpose be granted to each Public School in th~ having a Continuation Class, And that the Belmont School the proportion due from this County, And that the County of be notified of the action taken by this Council. All of which is respectfully submitted. January 28th, 1807. Adopted. 'J'othe Wat'den and.Members of the Elgin ()o1(,nty Oouncil : , GEN'.rLEMlilN,- Your Committee on Education beg leave to report as follows: 1. That the Public School Inspector's Report be adopted and printed in the minutes: 2. That the plaCes for holding the entrance examinations be the same as last year. ,T. H. YARWOOD, Chairman. to Committee of the whole, and second clause struck OItt. 17th, 1897. 3. That the grants to High Schools and St. l'hOl:nas Collegiate Institute be the amounts required by Statute, and that the County fJ JjJ'LGIN CQUN'ry COUNCn~. HIGH SCHOOL GRANTS. ~r'! th,f!- If"ard(>n ~'(Zd 1l:fe'lltbers o[ the jplgin 9Qunty 9()uncil : GEN'rLE1\IEN,- We havE;'l' examilWq. t4~ statements and other informatiol1- submitted py the various High Schopl BolLrq.s in the Op,-",-uty, and hav~ q.etermiIl~cl the amounts to which each school is entitled for maintenance of County . pupils for the year'1897, as follows: . St. rrhomas Collegiate Institute. . . . . . .. ... . . . . . . . ,$2,094 83 Aylmer Collegiate Institute .... ....., .... .... . 1,807 74 Dutton High SchooL..... ........ .... .... .... . .. .'. 1;058 92 Vienna High School (equivalent to Government Grant) 464 34 1'otal.. .. "". ,.,$5,425 83 The.County 'l'rea,sur~r. bef(}I'e paying the arpP"\luts over,' shou~d I'oceivo a statement certified by the Ohairman of the ~High School Board, showing the amount of fees paya~le by County pupils in ~cor<lanpr wi.thCou?ty By-law imposing. the same, and in the case of the St. Thoma,s, Aylmer and Dutton Schools, he should give the Oounty credit ~ortheamounts flO certlfied as a p}~YIllent qn ..wcount of such'mainten- I'/,nce. V\T e halid you herewith statements showing average attendance and ,cost of maintenance of each school. All of 'which is respectfully submitted. K, W, JV[cKA Y, Oounty ClerIc J. JV[, GLENN, Oou-qty S:oFcitQl', Sf. Thomas, 12th Noveniber, 1897. Referred to Education Oommittee and Adopted. ST, THOMAS OOLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. AVERAGE ATTENDANOE. 1894, '['otaL",,,.,,, """ ,,245 Oounty""".",,,,, ,,69 1895. TotaL."""."". ".261 Oounty"" ",,,,,,,,,,75 1890, Total.............. ..... 256 Oounty. ......... .... .62 - -" TotaL".".."""""" 762" """."", "", 207 Average, three years.... 254.... '..,........ .69 or .271%. I<:lLGIN COU~TYCOUNCll,. COST OF :i\L-UN'l'IJ]); ANCEl OJ!' SCHOOL. GOV:EHN:i\IEXT GRAN'r. 1894 1895 18!=JB ..... $8,823 25 " 8,70019. . " ,,, 0,626 91 , , $1,H02 48 1';138 m 1,823 OJ 'l'ohd.... .$27,150 35 .Average..... 9,05012. D(~chlCt GoveI'mncnt Grant 1,320 18 Balance....... $ 7,78000 .271%, or Conntios SlHt1'c,:B 2,004 88 <=.Jt A VeI~l~gc fees collected from-County pupils, $509,05. . ..$:3,950 :39 . . . $1,:320 IB A YLMER COl..lL]~"JGIATE INSTITUTE. AVERAGE ATTENDANCE, 1894, Total. 1895. Tota.l 1895. Total 185 Oounty 118 Oounty.. 103 Oounty 356. 118,(;, 50 49 ",,10 148 4g,n OJ.' .<:11:'5.%. Total. Avel'1-1ge. . .. (JOS'l' OF l\IAIN'.rENANCl!: OF SCHOOL. GOVIUHNil:{BN'l' GHA1\'l'. .1394" 1895, 1895" . , $5,471 26. 5,40072,. 5,826 53 .... .$1,049 OIJ 1,051 61 ..", 1,0i~1 80 TotaL", ..."" ,$15,20751. Average. . .. . . . . . . 5,402 50. Deduct Gov't Grant 1,046 48 .." ,,$3,13945 1,IHG 48 Balance..........$ 4,356 02 ..1:15%,01' Oounties slmre,$ 1,807 74 :Estimate of average fees collected from County pupils, $-J59.77. DUTTON OOLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. AVERAGE. ATTENDANCE. 1894, Total, 1895. Total. 1896, Total. ........... 60 County.............. .au 58 Oounty"" ."""",27 '50 Connty . ...........22 Total. .... .... ... A verlJ.,ge 168, 56. ",." ,.79 . . . . 26.3 01' 4:7%. 43 44 ELGIN COU};'l'Y, COUNOIL. COS~l,-OF,MAI:N'l'I;:JNANCE OF SCHOOL. GOVERNMEN'l' GRANT. 1894 1895 1896. ..",$ 3,0l~ 25 2,886 60 2,61224" , $ 587 00 59000 581 00 Total. $ 8,517 09 2,839 03 586 00 .." $1,75800 586 00 A ver'age. Deduct Government Grant BaJance. . . . . . . . .. . . . . $2,253 ,03 47%,orOountiesshare $1,05892 Estimnte of a.vorage fees collected from County pupils, $Q7fl"OO 4fi BJ.nC'l" COUXTY COUNCIT" SCHOOL POPULATION AND A'l'TBNDANGBJ. ELGIN COUNTY COUNen... ,47 ' -~-~-------~-------_._-_._~~-----~-- All the 6,786 pupils received instructions in Reading,. Vi'l'iting, Arithmetic, Spelling, Composition, Drawing and Geogra.phy. The following shows the number of pupils wh6 i'~eeived instrtlCtiollS in ~he other subjects: I 'I No, I PER POPULNl'ION. HEG1S'rEREl~'I'l'.EACHBH \..-.--..,-----,...-..--,--.--- ! 'li4t~ I 1,2:'8 I. 'I 1,0U,.', I 920 I 92~ I 77(1 'I ....: (~.9" 1419 I 853 \ 789 I 1,18;S 932,_ I l,l!BH 1,?lii , ,,90 I 259 . \ 2~~ 150 . 11" 173 , 150 10-J I i ! AldbOl'ough HrJ.,yhHm . Ihl1nvich . AnuM,l Dorchesttu'. l\:Ialahid.e. 8outhwold, Yal'n'lOuth ])u1,ton . Port Shmley Rpril'ig-field . '\ wnna. . . . . 0+ 51 52 Gramlnar Caliadian History. . ']~nglish HistOl~Y,. Physiology, . Book-Keephig' Botany ,. AIgebl'H.. . . . . . . . . . Geometry Physics. Agriculture Music...... . Physica.l Oulture 4,!lA7 2,957 1,881 3,787 6>lS 18$ 435 >l16 79 7, 1,8>l9 3,123 ,..':> ;).) ,It 47 55 615 75 58 52 Total. 8,364 .----....-..- -l.-~-- 6,785 52 I ---_.~~ _.,------~---_._.._-- Of. the 6,785 pnpils registered, 3,52[) were boys and. 3,23? wel'f\ girls. The average llmnher of days the schools ,;vere open ,vas 203;bllt oHchpllpil.attenrled on the average ol~ly 113 days. 1'his atitend."mce is about ~'vo per cent, hette.r tlIanlastycar. The Humber of pupils who attended less than 20 days ,;vas 50[\. The number between 20 ancl50 dftYS, 86fi. The number between 50nnd 100 days, 1,382. ']'he numbel' bot\vecn 100 i::md 150 dn,ys, 1,566. ,The number hot\veen 150 and 200 days, 2,188. '1'l1e number over 200 days, 282. The nmnber of pupils between ages of 8 a.nd 14 years "rho attended loss than 100 clays Vias 1,355, and the nuniber of children who did not; <lttend school at all was 1.1. CLASSIFICATION O:B' PUPILS. Number of Pupils in Part 1, First Class. ,j "Part 2, Second 01<:-\'8S. " .'1'hircl Class. Fourth Class. ]j'ifth Class. " The. Public School L~:lavlHg J:i:xamina,tion hil"s devclf)p~)d more in .!I"'ifthForm. work in thePnblic Schools. 'LH,st July 82 candi- were successful a,t this exarnillation, ,and inconsequence the County .rcc0~ved 11 gran'Vof $410.00 from the GfYV'l')l'nI11;ont; Regulations provide th,1,t aU who have pfLssed or shall he:i'eaft.ei'pa,ss this examilli'l.-tion'shfdl he credited ",it,h ]T'61'lU 1 standing in High Schoois lJ.,lld Collegiate InstittltBS. SCHOOI~ SECTIONS, H.OnSBS, ETC. N.uniber of School Sections.. Number of School Houses. Number :of Departm,ents Numb~r'of Brick Rouses. Number of Frame Houses 105 107 128 56 fl 1,369 969 1,:JB'1 1,298 1,287 495 reported value of sel-wol sitl,'ls ~m(l .hons,es . was $2(<)8,525, while it was only $105,100. From this it appears ofliUle value that should be reported. reported value of the fm'nisl:Iing.s .was $15,350. of Education ha,g isst.lecl a, circular offering a. diplolllll, where the house and premises reach a certain standard of excellence. I h:we sent a copy of this clrcnlal' to each Board of Trvstees, and enclose one herewith. The charactm' of the School Housof:\ iB:constantly improving. During the ye~Lr vVest Lorne erected a magniflcent fonr room building, which is a model of convenience Cl.ud comfol't; Aldborough takes the lead for good School Houses. Hmlney, West LOl'ue and Clachan have School Houses, which for beauty of design and comfort would be a credit to u town or city. Rodney has lately l'eceived a diploma fi'om the Worlds li'air FJduca.tiona.I Comrnittee for the excellence of. its School House. Generally the furniture of School Houses is satisfa~~tbry. Thei'e is OlH~ house ho:wever, with the old-fashioned.com.mon henches and desks. TBACHERS. '1'he f()llowing table shows the numbel' of te<whers holding the diiferent grades of certi1icates; the number of male teachers, the.h' average sa,laries ; the munbeI' of female teachers and their a.verage sa,lal'ies ~ "18 JilLGIN COU1\'.ry COUNCIL. I ill rtJ r/l ?6 ~i~ ~ Ij -< ~ ~ 00 ,0 . . H '"'. ~ ~ f:: Z H IQ ~ 8 ~ ~E3 g} ~ mOO w~ ~~ ~., 00 'H @E:4 S~ ~~ o 00 . p; ~ ~ ~ ~ AVERAGE ~ ~ IAVERAGE j:;] ~ 0 ~ ~SA.LAnY. ~ ~ SALARY ~ ~ AJdhOl'ough Bayham Dunwich . . Konth Dorchester. )fa.lahide . Southwold ' Y:trmonth, D'\.ltton.'.., . Pod Stanley. Hpringfield. \ lenna., ". 8 II 6 9 7 8 2 13 7 4 4 5 6 11 6 4 16 12 9 10 7 4' 1 2 1 I 2 1 2 1 $393 75 14 384 38 10 375 71 8 342 00 3 315 83 11 361 25 8 426 43 12 500 00 3 2 525 00 2 450 00 1 1 2 Total. 3 461 79 1 54 377 74 I 74 EJ~GINCOUNTY COUNCIL. J\IISGgLLANEOUS. Number of visits by the Inspector. Trustees. . . . Clergymen, . other persons. l\f~ips in the Schools Globes in the Schools Public Bxll,minations.,.. : trees planted. 259 104 59 ,164 907 91 37 22B One lueeting of the Teachers' Institute was. held, almost all the teachers being present. In conclusion, I would; say that though there is nothing of an uilllsua.l'charactel' to report, in reference to the management and con- <luct of the schools, all on whom their effiCiency depends are honestly .performing their duties to the hest of their;a.bility. 'l'hil"llking you and the public at large for the active interest mani- fested in Public School education, I have the honor to 'be Gentlemen, Y olir obedient servant, 'W. ATKIN, Public School Inspector. $263 93 257 00 239 13 3Il 66 315 45 'XI750 279 75 240 00 387 50 262 50 265 00 'XI898 ,t9 \. ,ELGIN COUNTY. COUNCIL, 9. That L. Campbell, High Col1stable, he l'equested tn addt'osstlH\ <Qouncil in, accordance with the prayer of his petition. 10. That the following accounts be paid: R. McLachlin; Municipal and County Council Election Blanks...... ......... H. F. Jell; Nominating Offlcei~ Divisioil 1 J. D. Blue" H " 2 M.Oampbell" " " 3. W.:t.Wicket,t" " " 4. D. Taylor" " " 6 D.. rrayloi'expenses df election Township of South Dqrchester .... .. .... .." 3275 11; Th~tthe County Ti'(~asut;er'$ Bond dated 28th Decertiher, lS{)(\ received and referredtd the .Auditors. 12. That By~Law No. 298"bearnended 'by reducingthe'salni'y ot the SubTI'e~surers' of School Monies to $12. ' All of _,,~hich is respectfully submitted~ $65 00 1100 10 00 12 OIl 2500 J(j 15 Adopted. Jamiary 28th, 1897. S. B. MORtus, Ciuti6mtl1.' JUNE SESSION. WardMi (:oid 3fembers of the Eldin County Oouncil: The Finance Committee beg leave to report: T~at the following accounts be paid: J?,. McLachlin, tracing paper Engineer.... .... ... ,..... ~. A;.Hugill, County Oo.uncil electio.n, District No.1: ~h€llourm~lJ CUi'!h,Boo.lc,.D.,McLaws ,"" ,.... ,.. ,~. McLachlfttn,'Startio.nery,.Oo~nty.T,reas.ut'er..."...;;.. ~aggap., .Nomin~ting Officer, District No.. 5~;.. ;... J;.J,\f. Glenn, Acco.unt Gell~ral Services..........:, .i:.. o.pinio.n reo Toll Roard...........;..;.....,.. Services..., ..".'" ....,. .... ;.;,.,;;..., Stationery Registrar ." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stationery, County Clerk....... ~..".;;. ,$ B 00 27 00 II 00 205 2429 125 00 125 00 200 510 21 90 51 52' ELGIN" OOUN'l'Y OoUNOIL~ :? 'l'hat nn action be' 't~ken in reference'to commrmication from E~ A. Garnham. 3. rJ~ha',t the SlIm of One Hundred and Fifty DolIal"'S' be granted towards the Springfield I..o-ck-up, to' be' paid when building is co-mpleted~ 4. 'rlUlit the sum of 'rwenty-F'ive DollaL's. be gr'anted to the T..l-tw IJibrary Association for 1897. 5. 'I'h[-\it n'O' action betakoo, reo division of County into> Tax' Sale Distl'icts.., 6. rrha;t the Al1ditOl'S Heport be> adopted, and that, in reply to fnquir-y ofl\Ir. Turney, the total liabilities of County in Report for 1895 'Were shown to' be $46,086.40, and in Heport for 1896, . $38,107.4.3, bein~ a. deer'case of $7,978,97, as, mentioned ill Report; this is with~ut reference to the ..ABBets. 1. We llt'LVe' ex:anlined estimates for 1896, and have decided' that lmWUl1t the County 'freaSUl'CI' and Wa.rden may be authorized to', bor- tow is $20,4G4. A By-law to bOITOW $15,.000 was passed at the January Session, and We' l"eeommel1d that a By~law be passed during this Session to barrow $5,000. 8. 'rI:u-1.t' the Lockwup Keepers be paid. }). 'fh~),t having exa.mined into the Finances of the County and the estimates prepared by the County T1~easurer, they herewith submit a. Statement of the expenditure required for lawful purposes of the Oounty during 1897, showing the amounts required t~ 'be raised for the tmdeI'mentioned purposes. Administration of Justice .. ...... ",' .......... ,... $ Oounty Lines and Bridges.. .,. .... ,. ,.,' Mottso of Industry.. .', .... .... ..,... .... High Schools...........,.,... ............ Model Schools........., ..,............,......,.,.... OfficersSall1ries ,. . ,... .... ,........ .... ,.. ,... School Inspectox' .. .." ..................... ........ Pa.yment of Jur'o.rs .... ....,. .'. .... . .... .......... Crown Witnesses..;. ..... ...,.... ..... ...... ...... Interest on Bills Payable........... ,................. Members' Wages, Committees, etc.,.,... 4,100:00 6,270 00 4,000 00 5,500 00 150 00 2,800 00 850 00 2,500 00 1,000 00 1,200 00 800 00 7 I 51 ELGIN COUNTY. COUNCIL. 3. ,That in the preparation of the Auditors' Report an. asset due from the Oity of St. Thomas, amounting to $2,950 was overlooked. We find that on the first of J alluary the Assets and Liabilities were .&5 follows: A V AlIJABLE ASSETS. County rates d1l8 by Municipalities ........... I?llnw~ch i~tel'est on overdue rates 4:bsen,te~ ~~t;t?". ovel'paid :l\lalahide. Cash Baian~e . . . . . . . City of St. rl\homas. $ 22;527 00 4117.00 i 75 2;Wi01 2,950 00 $ 28,932 79 LIABILITIES. :BiBs. payable in Molsons Bank.... .........."..."..$ ~4,OOQ 00 D~lJentures No's. 2 to 10, inclusive, By~Law No. 533 13,807 43 Matthew Young, Inmate House of Industry......... 300 00 Excess of Liabilities over available assets $ 38,IW 43 "",$ 9,i'/1 iYI 4: That a BYRLaw be passed to authorize the V\Tarden and Treas- ure~ to borrow $10;000. ' All of which is respectfully submitted. S. 13, MORRIS, Ohairman. Adopted, November 17th, 1897. ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL. GAOL. .JANUARY SESSION. To the Warden and Membe1's of the lllluin Oonnty Oo'tmdl: The Gaol Committee beg leave to report :-- 1. That 200 copies of the Consolidated By~Laws he bouud i~l cloth~ that blank pages be inserted for memorarHlUins a.nd additi~mal By~ 'Laws, 'ami that the balance be bound in paper. 2. With reference to communicatio,n from Elgin .Law Library. Assoclation, we have to recOlnIilend that the Janitorbe notified that it part of his dnties to look after the Law Library, and thi-1.tthe Clerk pr<;>C\lre stationery required. 3. At the January a.nd JUlie Sessions of th~ Councll last yea).' plans and esthnates for the erection of ,a building to provld'c~ accoinmod- for all County Officers, Council Chaniberand Committee UOOUlS considered. It was at that time thought advisable tfj maleo an ,addition to the Courtllouse and put on a new roof, an,dwe hand you )lerewi~h, plans prepared. some y~ars ago for sepa,rate. building for c(lp.nty..offlces, for the considerl;ttion of the Coun~il. Your .Corlimittee made an examination of the Court House, and find a new roof to necessary, and that considerable improvements of a pel'man~n.t are required to place it in a proper s~te ofl'epair th.rdngh~ We would ask the Council to give uS instructions in reference to matter, as it is necessary that something should be done befol'e the of the Council. That Mr. Miller, the Local Master, be notified that 1'(Jonts will fitted up fOl' his use at theOourt House,i! he will; occupy that if he decided not to occupy them, that this Colmcil will responsible for the payment of rent, 01' furnishing other supplies his office. W, B, COLE, Chititrnan. Adopted. 'JlI,iitiii.ry, 1897. 55 56 FJLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 57 ,TUNE SESSION. that the building throughout should be repaired and renovated in }'t substantialmamiel'. '1'0 the Warden (md JIemberso.ftheElqin CQ11,lity Go1tl/.cil: GEN'l'LEMEN,- The GltoI Committee beg leave to report:- 1. rrhat the Engineer put hot water heater in' stove iri gaol kit- chen and connect with bnth. The roof will be an expensive one and increased accommodation and offices is necessary. Your Committee thereforerecornmend,_That a separate building be erected on the Court House grounds, or that similar- ac- be: provided by buildip.g an addition to the present Court in such a manner as may improve the present structure. All of which is respectfully submitted. 2. That.with,reference to supplying sour bread to prisoners, the Gaolor will see that <l..good quality is supplied, and if that received from the 'contractor is not suitable,. his sureties will be notified and other bread will be purchased at their expense. W; B. COLE. Chairman. R.ef~lTed to Committee of the whole and recommendation to build struck out. St.. Thomas, 17~h June, 1897. 3. With reference to. the .Registrar's communication,. we would recommend that one case of document files and one double case for books he purchased this year. 4. 'fhat no action be taken reo change in heating, flooring or chim- neys in Registry office. 5. In view of the fact that further accommodation will soon be re- quired in connection with the Court Hous'e, and that if a new roof' is now put on the building in its present shape, the expense of same would be a loss in case of an addition being put on, and we are in doubt of being able to make a good job with the walls in their present' condi- tion, We would ther~fore recommend that the matter of new roof he left over until next session. All of which is l'espectfulty submitted. W. B, COLE, Chairman. Adopted. St. Thomas, June 16th, 1897. ,TUNE SESSION. (SECOND REPORT,) J.'(J the Warden Wild ~"'I embers of the Elgin Oounty Oouncil : G'ENTLEMEN,- The .Gaol Oommittee beg leave to report ;_ 'fhat they have considered the question of repairs and improve- ments to the Court House, and find that a new roof is . necessary, and , I I i I ,I II. r 58 1<JLGlN COVN'l''Y COUNCIl,. 50 ELGiN -COUN'l'Y COUNCIL. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. JANUARY SESSION. '1'0 the Warden an(l. .Me:rn7)ers oftheliJl[/in County Council: , GJ:iJNTLEMEN,.,- Your Public Impi'ovemellts Oommittee beg leave to submit the fol': lowing: We have ponsidet'ed the r'eport~of the County Engineer' andwo~ld recommend: , 1. That the matter of the approach to the WardsvilleBridge' be left in the hands of the Engineer, with power to 'act with a represerita- tive of the COUlityof Middlesex. 2. That the Kingsmill Bridge and \'Vhite Bridge, Vienna, be erect- ed of steel with concrete abutments. 3., That the Red Bridge in- Vienna be rebuilt of wood, using as much of ,the old timber as possible. 4. That a SUb-COllllnittee consisting of Messrs. Moore, Locker, and Ja<lkson, be authorized to meet with a similar Committee from the. city of St. Thomas to tal.:e such action as they think best for the re- building of the Lynhurst Bridge, with power to award cC?utracts. 5. ,That a Sub~Committee consisting of Messrs. Moore and Ford with the Engineer be nuthorized to act with a Committee from th~ Oountyof Norfolk, to take into consideration the re-building of the bridge over the Otter Creek, between Bayhamand Middleton, with power to-award contracts. 6. That the Engineer be instructed to prepa.t"e plans and specifica- tions fOl;'the above mentioned bridges, advertise for tenders, and that your Committee have power to award contracts for those bridges that are not to be built in conjunction with other Municipalities. 7. That the Engineer be instructed to widen out the east earth ap- proach to the Poi't Stanley Bridge, providing the Corporation of the Village of Port Stanley will agree' to widen the portion under their jurisdiction. All of which is respectfully submitted. JUNE SESSION., the Warden i(j(/liffi JIemlJe'lV5 qf the JjJl!lin CQunl!! Council ~ Your Public Improvemel1ts ComLilitt.ee beg leave to suhmit the report: L As instructed by yon nt last Sessi<Hl, the OountySolicitorentd'~ an action' ag.ainst the Corporation of the County of l\-iiddlese~~ to l'eco'Ver a. portion of certain monies paid by tbis County fot> approaches what is known as the Coyne Road Bridg-e across the HiveI' Thames. the action was en.tered the Public Improvements Omnmitt(.ie ftOlll County of Middiesex, asked for a joint meeting of the Ctnll.mittees the matter. This'Oollllnitteoluetin County Office on the 18th February last, the SolicitOl'8 frombothCoun- After-considering the mat-tel' thoroug'hly a proposition m::tde and accepted by both Oounties as follows: ThILt the CorpoI'. of the County or Middlesex Was to pay the Oounty of Elgin the of One Hundred and Four Dollars, in full settlement of sH,id action, being distinctly understood and agreed by both parties that the of the County of "Middlesex did not, by the pItyn~ent or admit that'itwas in any way liable to contrihllte anything the maintenance o'f this portion of the appt'oach in, dispute. w~ also agreed by both parties tha,t in future both counties shall in resisting any claim that may be made' by local Municipalities the corporation of the said two Oounties to lllcl,inta..il1 anyl the said approaches beyond 100 feet from the end of the main the river. In conformance with the above, the County Solicitor has pre~ agreement between the two Counties, ,""hich snid agreement signed by the representatives of the County of Middlesex, and herewith presented for signature by the Warden and Olerk of and your Oommittee would recommend that the Warden be authorized to' sign au Agreement. D. F. MOORE, Ohairman. Adopted. St. Thomas, J auuary 29th, 1897. Your Committee have considered the Report of the work done flO ELGIN COUN'l'YCOUNCIL. on the CountiY bridges since the last Session, and would recommend the mloptiou of the report. All of which is respectfully 'Submitted, D, F. MOORE, Chairman. Adopted, Rt.~'homas, .June 16th, 1897 NOVEMBER SESSION, To the Wa,rde.n and Members' oj' the h'lyh~ County Council , GEN~rLEMI~N,- Y Olll' Public Improvements Committee beg leave to submit the fol- lowing report: Your COlmnittee have carefully considered tpe mnttel's contained in the Eng'ine~l"s report and would recommend,- 1. 'l'hat your Committee have pav,reI' to act with the Coinmittee from the County of Middlesex in regard to the rehhuilding of the Coyne Road Bridge, to inspect the sit,e on the Coyne Road and other sites' on the River and to report to your Council at the Jallllary Session. 2. That the Engineer have power to act with the Engineer of .iYIidh cllesex to have the south approach to the- Wardsville Bridge re~built. 3. That the Engineer prepare plans and specifications for re-buildh ing tho Hob~ins Bridge, to be concrete abutments a~d a steel super- structure. ,t, That the val.ious repairs made to the County Bridges by the Bngineer as contained in his report he'approved. 5. Your Committee visited and inspected the Bridges re-built in Vienna lately, and were much pleased,with the work done, particular- ly with the steel bridge built on concrete abutments, which. reptaces what was known as the White Bridge. This, bridge is 109 feet long with steel rail, and the cost was within $2,200'. ' 6. 'l'hat your Oommittee consider the Ling Bddge on the bound- ary line between Southwold and vVestminster is under the Act a Coun- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 61 and that the County Engineer have power to act with the of Middlesex n,nd have this bridge re-built. YOllr Oommittee considered the mnt,ter of the McInnes Bridg'e that it is built over n branch of Kettle Creek on the road, between the 13th and 14th concessions of Yarmouth, and the opinion of yoU:I' Committee it is not a County Bridge lindeI' Your Committee have considered the matter of the Hughes Bridge and find that it is wholly within the Township of Yal'- and is not over' 11 stream forming the boundary line between of St. ,Thomas and that T~wnship, and is therefore not a Coun- under the Act. That the inatter of making a grant for gl'avel on the Oounty between Elgin and Norfolk be left until the January Session. All~f which is respectfully submltted. D, F, MOORE, Ohairman. 17th, 1897, .. 62 ELGIN COUNTY COUNClL. COUNTY ENGINEER'S REPORT. JANUARY SESSION. 1'0 the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Conncil: GEN'rLl<Jl\iEN.~ Since the last Session of your Oouncil, which was held in November, I was instructed by the Warden to take charge of the London and Port Stanley Gravel Road, and make such repairs thereon as were necessary in order' to keep the~'Oad safe for public travel. I have inspected the road several times since that date, and have had repairs made to some of the bridges and the roadway, confining myself to only such l'epairS as were absolutely necessary until yOUI' Council "'lOuid. give me further il1structipllS. The Bt'idge oye!' Mm.creek in the City of St. Thomns will l'equire some immediate repairs. One of the chords is fractured, and the stone abutment requires I'epail'ing. "\Vhen this is done -the road -will be in a ,sa:fe condition until spring. I reported to the Council at the November Session that several bridges would have to be repair'ed this year as follows: Both the bl'idges over the Otter Creek, in the Village of Vienna; Lynhl11'st Bridge, between the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin; the bridge over the branch of the Catfish Creek, on the townline between Yar~ mouth and Malahide, north of Kingsmill Station; the. bridge over the Otter Creek, between the Townships of Ba,yham and Middleton; the ~ Vienna and Lynhurst bridges, between the City of St. Thomas and the C~)Unty of Elgin will require immediate attention. The south approach to the Wardsville Bridge will also have to be rebuilt this yea1'. As reported, a slide of earth occurred at this place last spring, which to a certain extent injared this structure, and if another slide should occur the bridge will not be safe. Some of the bridges above mentioned should be built of steel, with , either stone or concrete abutments, hut I think the bridges in Vienna could more economically be rebuilt by replacing them with wood, and using the old fron in the present structure. The foundation' of these II lilLGIN OOUN'l'Y. COUN;diL @ bridges are in a good deal be~tei' shape than the, superstructure. All of which is. respectfully submitted. I have the honor to be, gentlemen, Your obedient servant, JAMES A. BELL, Oounty .Engineer. 26th, 1897. Referred to Public Improvements Committee. JUNE. SFJSSION, Warden and llfe1nber~ of the Elgin County C01J,ncil " :' Ibegto report work done OIl County Bridges since YO'lU' last Besw sion,- 1. 1 prepat'ed plans and specifications for replacing tho 'VVhite in Vienna with a steel superstructure on concrete foundati?llS advertised for te~ders which wei:"e opened by the 'Ohairlnnn of the Committee and myself and awarded to,th,(\ lowost, as 'follows: For steel work, Hamilton Bridge Co. $1190 00 For concrete ahutments, George A. Ponsford. 940 00 'rhe abutments on this work are complet.ed and the supel'stl'Uctltl'e course of erection. I expect travel will be opened' over this hddge ' first day Of July. I 2. I prepared plans and specifications and advertised for tendOl'fol rebuilding the Red Bridge in Vienna with wood,. using as . mllch of old timber from. both bridges as was. possible, Tl'he contract for the new timber Was awarded to William Hockey, and for :fJ:'aming and driving pil~s to E. Conley ,and Charles:M:1irphy,they lowest tenderers. When completed this bridge will cost u.bout All the matcI"ial is on hand for thiswork'and the chords'framed, soon as the White Bridge is opened fOl' traffic the 'erection of work will be proceeded with. The contract for the steel superstructure of the Killgsmi1l awarded to the Stratford Bridge'Oo. and the concrete a.buir l 6< RLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. ments to George A. PonsfoI'd, both being the lowest rrhis bridge wi.ll cost about as follows: Steelwork as per tender Concrete abutments. Lumber for joists, and tioor , 11'illing in approaches rmd fencing (about) Total, " , tenders received. $182 00 <2< 00 5500 25 00 $686 00 4,. 'rheLynhurst Bridge over Kettle Creek between the city of St. 'l'homas aucl Dounty of Elgin has been rebuilt with wood, using as lnuch of the old material as W~tS fit to be put in the work, with new chords and braces, both the material and labor were tendered for and the total cost, was $720.30, of which oIle~half was paid by the City of 81:.. Thomas. 5. ':1'he1'e \valjl very little damage done to the bridges under your jurisdiction hy the spring freshets, and the alUount spent i'n repairs has been very light. 6. "[ hnve awarded a contm.ot for the widening of the east approach to the Port Stanley bridge as directed by you for $79.00, and the work is now being' d~ne. All of w hieh is respectfully submi.tted. I have the honor to be, gentlemen, 'your obedient servant, JAMES. A. BELL, County Engineer. Referred to Public Improvemehts Committee. St. Thomas, .rune 15th, 1897. NOVEMBER SESSION, 'Po the Warden and .!Jfembers oj the Elvin County Council.: GENTLEJli1}!1N,_ I beg to report as follows on the work done on the County Bridges since last Session : 1. The work of replacing the White Bridge in Vienna,_ which was inprogl'ess at yonI' last session has been completed in a satisfactory ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 65 manner. The total cO,st of this structure was $2,199.52, made up as follows: Concrete foundations. Steel superstructure, Inspecting and approaches. ,.,,,,,,.,,,,,$9<900 1190 00 """",,, 8252 , From this amount $22.00 should be deducted for old iron sold. 2. The red bridge in Vienna has also been rebuilt of wood, using the old timber and iron from both bridges which was good, and- putting in new chords, braces and abutments. The cost of this bridge was $722,71. 3. The Kingsmill Bridge has been rebuilt with concrete abutments and steel superstructure at a cost of $753.07, made up-as follows: Ooncrete abutments. . _ . . . Steel superstructure and floor.. . . Inspecting and making. approaches " ,,$~2< 00 , '" , " " " " .,,, 260 <7 5960 4. The'bridg-e dver a branch of the Catfish Creek, between South Dorchester and l\tla.lahidenas been replanked with oak, and the abut~ ~ents repaired at a cost of $55.15. 5. The Mapleton Bridg-e has been replanked with oak at a cost of $<1,40, . 6. The Talbot Creek bridge on the townline between South wold Dllnwich has been repaired at a cost of $35.00. 7. Considerable repairs, particularly to the planking, have been niade to the Fingal and Kains Bridges, between the County and the City of St. Thomas. 8. Repairs have also been made to the joists and planking of the Graham Road a..nd Wardsville Bridges. 9'. I am now having repairs made to the Coyne Roa.d Bridge on the River Thames, strengthening the chord system and floor beams. 10. Repairs have also been made to a large numher of other bridges throughout the County, but of a minor nature, mostly in the way of to approaches and planking. 11. I niade a careful examination of the Coyne Road Bridge lately, 68 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL.. Carrots, or Parsnips, 61; Onions, Or Cabbage, or' PotntoB$ Potatoes to' ne supplied not less than three timeS' a. week. Snppel',-Bread, Tea,. Butter, Boiled Rice with Milk m' Syrup 01" Milk Custard or Apple Sance. 4. Arrangements have been made with the South wold Oouncil fOr' the improvement of the raad' in front .of the Poor House Farm by which the road will be drained, graded and pl'operly gravellelil, The Oounty to pay one-half the draining and gravelling and maintain the. Road in the' fIxture, the work this: yea,I' to be completed to the satisfac- tion of your COlnmittee. 5: That eave troughing and down pipes of iron be, put on Main Building. All of which is respectfully submitted. OSCAR Mcj{ENNEY, Cbairmari~ Adopted. .Tune 16th, 1897. NOVEMBER SESSION, 11'0 the HI arden and ill em6era 0/ the Elgin. COUllty Council : GElNTLEMElN,~ '.rhe House of Indust1'Y0omrnittee beg leave to report:- 1. _That the l'eports of the Physician and Inspector be adopted and printed in the Minutes. 2. That t~e Inspector send to all Oouncillors in Local. Municipal- ities blank forms in which they may recommend to Members of the County Ooundil, persons who are desirous of receiving assistance a,t the House of Industry. All of -which is respectfully submitted. Adopted. O. McKENNEY, Chairman. St. rrhOlnas,Nov-. 17th, 1807. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 69 PHYSICIAN. To the Warden and ,'I{ emhers of the Elgin County Council: GENTLEMEN,:- I have the honor to present you with the 22nd annual report of the Elgin House of Industry. I have paid fifty-seven official visits to this institution during the year ending 31st October, 1897. I have no births to record. Thomas Hopkins, aged 74, was removed to the Amasa Wood Hos~ pital on the lOth of August, and soon thereafter I amputa,tedthe right leg just below the knee. Considering his age and debility from a dise,ased leg, he.made a good recovery and by the aid of a wood~n leg made at the,Institution he is now able to walk a little, and by practice will be able~o move about fairly well. With the a.bove exception. the surgical work has been confined to bpening abscesses,-one of which discharged several pints of,pus-and extracting teeth. This, like the preceding year, has been entirely free from contagi~ OtiS and preventable diseases, none having suffered from any sickness traceable to bad water, bad food or other insanitary conditions. During the year the ,facilities for bathing have been very mnch bettered, and the windows properly shadyd' wi~h blinds,as also a thOI'M ough cleaning with painting and repairing, making the whole more complete and pleasantly efficient for the purpose intended. I append the names of those who have died during the year giving ~their ages and cause of death. NAME AGE Arthur Shores 71 Edward Rob~rtson 34 Ua vid Clock 82 Mary Fredericks 72 Archibald McColl 87 Elizabeth Ooleman 82 Jane Gavett 66 CAUSE OF DEATH G-eneral Debility Oonsumption Senile Decay Pyemia Epilepsy Old 'age Influenza I have the honor to be, gentlemen, your obedient servant, St. Th'omas, November 2nd, 1897. L. LUTON, M. D. 70 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. INSPECTOR. To the, W ard~n and Member8 of the Elgin County Council .. GENTLE:r.IEN,- The following is my report on the House of Industry and Refuge for the year ending 31st October, 1897. 1. Number of Inmates in the House at last report 48 2. " admitted during the year . . . .. . . . . 26 3. " deaths...... ...... .... 7 4. H discharged. ..... ..... .... ..... 19 5. " absconded. . . . .. ............ .... . . . , . . . . 3 6. .. at Blind Institute, . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 1 7. " now in house',... , . ..... . ..... 45 8. Nuniber of inmates sent from the several municipalities in the County during the year: Aldborough. . . . . . .. ..... Dunwidh............". _,. Southwold. . . . . . yarmouth..... ............ ....... ... Malahide. ,",.........."., Bayham..'.., ........ .......... South Dorchester.........,...... Vienna....... . .........,............ Springfield""""""".".,..,.".. "",,,,, Aylmer... ......... '.. . ... ..... ......... Port Stanley..,.. ....... .,.. ,... Dutton............................. ..... . 3 o 5 7 1 4 1 o o 3 o 1 9. 'rhe variouscaus~s' of pauperism of inkates in House during the year may be classified as follows: Sickness....,.. ........... ........ ... ...... 10 Destitution.......... ...... '" ...... .... 11 Intemperance....... .. ........... ..... 7 Oripple. ....... ,... ........... .............. 10 Old Age", ., " " .,. " . , . ", .",."." ."." 9 Blind.,..., ,.".,,,.,,,,,,,.,,..,,,.,,,,,,,,, 3 Insane, idiotic, etc...... ............ ....... 16 All other causes.. .. ............'.. .....,.. 8 ELGIN 'CO\JN''rY' COUNciL. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Average nnmber of inmates during the year Average with Keeper's family added.',... ..'. Number of weeks board 0f inmates. :.._....... N urn. ber with I{e-epe:es 'failll.ily,: 'etc.') added'. . Total eXfleJ?ditur: during ~~eyear.. . ~ '" . . .. Improvements, repairs a~d re~eip~~. 4'orn in~ mates. ............:.. ..'...... ......~ .~~.~ .~'. LeavIng' amOUNt actually ,~x;peuded~p~ SHp~ port of In.mates.... ...,........ .'.'.,_. "';'. A ve~ag~ expense p€:r w:e~k.~{)r e~<?l1 person A verag(3 e.xp~nse l?er day .fo~' (3~(l~ p~rson .. ~ Aver~ge --expense l?e:.:' yel;tr for ~~h person.;. Average expense per yeat':Jor eaCh person . with iilterest on total amount expended by'Countyadde(1 ....,.... '>~'_" .......~'.. A V'erage cost per week per il1lli1ate during the last twenty years . ~....;..... The all10unt expended fo~ Ho'use aIld Fariu during the year is d~vided':~s foi1o~~': ~Lred labor......:: '.'. ~..."...:' $~4~ ~5 ,t~arm implements and expenses :'130 19 :farm stock.' . ... .... 2i~ GO <~l?hysician. . .. .. . .. ... ...... .. ..??O 00 Ke~ver 'a~~l\f[ttrj;)li . . : . .. ...... ~5 ~O Drngs".. ,,,,' "" ",,, ,,7172 Seeds, Feed -rind Provisions .... 26.9 26 <"Meat,,,,........... ...."..". 371 24 "Bread..... ..., .... "".. ..., 323 70 vGroceries'...... ........n......... 20939 Dr~ <l?od~...,: ,...... ..,... ,..... t}OO ()4 Boots ';.ria.Shoes" , " .. .. ." .. ,,'67 ill Furniture and Hardware...,..., 17608 :Conveyance of inmates; ;.. . . . . .. '62 80 Incidental. " .. .., ",,,...., " . 202 13 Inspector....,,,,,, ".. ,,'..... liiO 00 vWooL...".." .............. i4!ii!li ./Co,,!', ". ,.."..... .."" ....". 63293 Ihsiirance...... ...... .......... ,211:3 Repairs"...."..".......... tI7 M 16. 17. 18, 19. 20, 21. .'22. '11 53 56 2750 2920 $~77U 5~ 567 72 4211 82 144 .2062 $74 88 91 6J 1 11 7,2 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL~ Minister....-... ...._. .... ...... 4200 Committee-... ,'''' ,". ._...... H.... 8780 'rotal...-........~.H..... - $477904. 23. No children attended' school~ during- the- year. 24. The following produce was raised on the Farm during 'the yea:rr:- 18 tons hay, valued. ... .... .... $ 90 00 575 bushelsoots:.... .._... ...... 13250 65 bushels wheat....., .....,.... 52 DO; 1300 bushels. mangolds ......'.... 91 00 150 bushels turnips...... .... .... 1500 75 bushels corn..,. ........ ..... 1500 200 bushels potatoes. . . . . . .. . 100 on 75 bushels beets ......... ........ 750 35 barrels apples.... ............ 52 00 12 bushels onions .. ...... .... 900 100 bushels parsnips..._.... . ..... 10 00 1500 heads of cabbage., ,., ,.. "" 3000 4 loads of cornstalks. , ',.,.". ,_", 4 00 10 loads of oat straw" ',. .... ,." 1000 16hogs""""" ,,,.,, .... 9000 ;w turkeys.. .. .......... .... .... 10 0() 75 chickens.. ,....... . ".."......, 9 00. 12bushels'peas.... .... .... 550' 722 pounds of butter at 15 cents ., 108 aD 80 jars fruit. . . , . . . . . . . . . , . .. . . . . 8 00 TotaL." ......."."," ~~ $ 848 80 In addition to above H, large amount of vegetables, etc., was raised {l"nd consumed during the year, of which no account was kept. 25. Number of articles of'bedding and clothing made up during the year by Matron and Inmates, 673. 26. rrhe furniture, provisions, etc., on hand on 1st of November have been valued at $2,400. 27. Farm Stock;~ 3 horses valued........,. 7 cows.................."-. . '7 hogs, 1 sow and 10 pigs.. . $160 00 221 00 6500 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL.. 73 28. The total amount expended by Oountyfor House of Indus~ tl'y-, etc., is as follows;- Farm 50 acres, cost,.., .... House of Indllstry Laundry.........,. . Fire escapes. . . . . . . . RootOellar.... ...... Cottages.,..... .... .... Barns, wood shed, etc, . . . Tile drains.,..., ..... .... Tile drain. outlet......... Fencing. . Orchard ........... Heatiiigapparatus. Total...I... $ 8000 00 11400 35 666 81 390 06 124 99 1486 67 ' 2387 57 460 12 60 70 733 75 8584 1979 00 ~-- $22775 86 II II! II 29. Received from Government Grant on ac- Count expenditure for land and buildings ...... ,... Lea;ving amount actually expended. by Oounty... ....... ..... ,.. ',"'" "'" ... All of which i~respectfully submit,ted. 4000 00 $18775 86 1 :i Iii 1'1 !: 11 I;!I K. W, McKAY, Inspector. St; Thomas, November, 1897. III,' !\ ,p " 74 , RL(HN ,COU,N:TY COUNCIL. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 75 TOLL EOA-D COMMITTEE.. JUNE SESSION, JANUARY SESSION. To the Warden and Members of the Elqin County Council: GENTLEMEN,- 'Po the War~en and Members o/the ElginO'ounty Coune:il: GENTLEME{N,- The Special Oommittee appointed to consider the application made by, the Lessees hf the London and Port Stanley Gravel Road, 'beg leave to repol't,...2.Thrit we have considered the matter and',' would l'ecom- mend,~ The Special Committee appointed to deal 'with all matters coi1i1ect~ ed with the London and Port Stanley Gravel Road, ,beg leave to re~ port,- 1. That since the last meeting they have held four Sessions,-That they conferred with. the Lessees in reference to youroffe1~ of $8,000 compensation "for, loss occasioned by them iil Payne vs. Cang.hell. 2. That 'the Lessees declined to accept this amount, and after con- sidering the whole question, the Warden and Mr. Turner were appoint~ . ed to consult M'2. Samuel Blake, 'Barrister' of Toronto, in' reference to the'matter. After placing him in possession of full information they obtained a written opinion, which confirmed that previously given by, the County Solicitor, that the County was in no way liable to the Les~ sees under the Lease and that they might be restl;ained froin paying them any amount whate:vel'. 1. rrhat the County Caul1cil make a ConveyancEl. to the present Lessees of tl~~ Gravel Road, ~aid Oonveyance to be without covehant J '. .. . as to liability of ,the Grantors i,n giving goa4 ~1tle, and oIl condition that the.Grantee$ enter into a good and satisfactor. y Bond of Indem- ~ ;, ,: " '. .. . " . ..... - .... - , . hity, 'to indemnify the Council against any action that may be brought a~ai~st the Oounty'for'dal1lage~:9rothe.rwise,,-~his ~no:tion ~s r~acl~ with 'the distinct understanding thltt the Soli0itors:for,the 'Lessee~ :can satisfy the County Couudr'that the 06tl'ncilliav-e the po'werto make Buch'a; Conveyance. 2. In the event of the Lessees refusing to accept said Oonveyance then, w~t:hq\lt prejli4ice, we would recommend that the COLtUcil offer thj3, ~e~s~El~ the sum of $8,000, in fun consideration for the interests ef the L<~ssees in said Gravel Road, provided also th~~ in<t~e ey~p-t ().f tl1e latter Pl'oposition being accepted that the Municipalities lYIng contigu- ous to the Gravel Road assume all responsibility connected theI'ewith for maintenance and otherwise. 3. This opinion was considered by your Committee at their Iilee,t~ ing on the 15th .April, when they deci,ded to withdraw the offer oi~ $8000, and instructed the Solicitor to notify the Lessees of the action they had taken. 3. ':f.1hat the present Committee with Mr. Locker added he appoint- ed to carry out the propositions made regarding the settlement with the Lesse~s of the London and Port Stanley ~oll Road, and in the event of no settlement being arrived at, to have power to deal with the matter as they. may deem advisable. All of which is l'espectfully submitted. 4. Purs'mint to instructions the Engineer since last Session has made such repairs as were actually necessary to Roadway and Bridges1 and on May 28th, your Oommittee drove over the Road, made a care- ful inspection of Bridp;es and condition of the Road-way! andirtstructed the Engineer ~oput up 'no~ices that the Bridges in and around St. Thomas on this road were not safe for heavy trafflc. This has' been done. A, J. LEITOH, Chairman. 5. We are informed that since the 2nd inst., the Lessees have been' again collecting toll,,-And having considered the letter received from Edward.Meek, Solicitor for the Lessees would recommend the Council to take no action in the matter. Adopted, January, 29th, 1897. 6. Your Committee would recommend that until the settlement of Appeal in Payne vs. Caughell, that no further action be taken in " 76 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL. reference to Toll Road matters, but that your Committee be continued with power to meet at the call of the Warden. ,All of which is respectfully submitted. A, J. LEITCH, Chairman. Adopted. St. Thomas, June 15th, 1897. NOVEMBER SESSION. 'Po the Warden and J.11 ernbe1'8 oj the Elgin County Oouncil : GEN'rLE~EN,- The $pechLIT611 Road Committee beg leave to report: 1. 'fhat One Hundred and 'l'wenty~Five Dollars be paid to J.A. Bell for his services and disbursements in looking after the Gravel Roacl_ during the time it was abandoned by the Lessees. 2. 'l'hat the Oounty Solicitor be instructed to.make a demand. of the Lessees of the London and Port Stanley Gravel Road .for the sum of lilive Hundred and Seventeen Dollars, being the amount of outlay the County was put to, in order to make public travel safe during the time the road was abandoned by said Lessees. Also that said Lessees be asked to put the road and bridges in proper repair forthwith. All of which is respectfully submitted. A, J, LEITCH, Chairman. Adopted, November 17th, 1897. ELGIN OOUNTY. COU,NCIT." ENGINEER'S TOLL ROAD REPORT. JUNE SESSION. , T(j the Warden and Members a/the ljJluin County Oouncil : GENTLEMEN,- I was instrllCted by your W~~rden'alid . Special Gravel Road Oom~ mittee to take charge of the London and Port Stanley Gravel Road and to make such repairs to the bridges and road~bed as would be nec- essal'Y to keep the same safe for public tra.vel. As soon as the weather peI'mitted in the Spring I made an examin~ , ation of all the bridges along the line of road and made anangements to have- such repairs made as were absolutely necessary. The Oemetery Bridge in the city of St. Thomas was reported to you last Session to be in a dangerous condition, the chords being cracked in two places. This 'Was first repaired together with the guard ra~ling of the approaches at a cast of $113. On making the repairs to this bridge I found that the timbers generally in it were very much decayed and the whole struct- ure should he rebuilt." In the early part of May the bridge at Union became unsafe owinK of the bents getting off the sill under'the water, I found it nec- essary to have two new pile bents driven and about one third of the bridge tak81i down and rebuilt at an expense of $125. A new wing was put in and about onewhalf of the floor renewed on the bridge at the north toll gate and part of the floor and joisting re~ newed on the bridge south of St. Thomas at the School House. I found along the road, particularly at the approaches to, the bridges that there was no railing to prevent persons from accidentally driving over the embankment. With the permission of your Warden have had those places fenced with a strong railing. The amount that I have expended up to the present time on the is $344,90, I reported verbally to your Warden that there were sOF1eof the on the road that were beyond repair and asked that either he the special committee go over the road with me and make an exani- 77 . [J1 I>- " 0- >'3 0 ",,,,- o $ S P. ~ ,00 ~ ~ ~ ~. '" p: ~ gs :-' '-< I>- ;.; OJ am g ?> ~ ~b:J .." 'OJ t;j~ ~r s' ~ ~ ~ ~, I>- '" ::: ~ $ SO ~ '" o ~ 00 o ~ - $ ~ 00 o 'tl C"' ~. r1 go; C'l- o ~ ~ Ej {C ~ ~ ' o ~ 00 g' ~ ~ ~ S [ =' F C'l- ~ 1; ~ p ~ < ~ ~ s+ o ~ ~ e,~b~g'g"gS' p..~~&-~<:js.:~~ ~~~g-~~~-!"o. 03 "< ('l) ......, ~ ,.... rn rn t:l =~~~O"'~'"dO _~ ~ g:-c+ ~'_ m ~ ~ ~ -(':l ~~ ~~~~.~t& g & ,....):l g. l-j CD ~ I-!&-=g-~~ ~ ,....0" l:r' d'- p.. :1. ,t:l ~ &~~o=-' <<:::"_g: S'*p..~('l)_~' S-~ ~~ &g"~p..p...&3'O ~ ('I; a: s.:<-<--~ 00 fE.. ~ 00 l:l (t CJCl 0 &-~ l'"'> <:+- d- (fJ ctl t-t.. Q >-:! p..o OO,....wOOOOCD/i""" ::: .~ ~ ::;j ?' 0" ~ ,0 ::= g;l":!rnctl!-30~~~ <:P g;"d ~ l:r'::;:;o 0'< .., ('D :::: = 0 l-b <l "< o c:t- -s 0 <:'I- CD 0 ~g,g~~~~:.~ ~,.... ~ Q l:r' & p-' ;~~~~~8~ (t) ro 0 :::lee S ~ s. ;-e:'i~ S Erp...g:. 12~"g~~~~(':) (t) CD 0" & CD '="'" t:l 0 (tl ,....... _ (t) >-:! o' p...):l m':'1 5' e..<<):l '-' ~ ;:.:. i!I S ~08g~I-!~ct: S~ _~ ~ 0 s.: :a s g- C'l- <-<:- g. ..... CR ~ Sf.9 o~rog;(tlO(tl ~8?~CD_~ap..'~. o ~- (tl = co ,.... C'l- l:r' "d"gp..~p-l:r' ~g-.::O"'et-p...ct-ct- aq'-<10~P-'&P-'P"' ('tl w '1 Q <D 0 ('D' <tl # ~ g: EQUALlZATION'REPORT-'-ASSESSMEN'l'ROLLS of 18!i6. I I I I Aldborough . .... 76,68J$2O.861 $10, 700:oo.181'~?9' 962...00111.$1,610,662'20 $25.00 $6,5 00$. l'~'850i$1'891'850 Soubhwold ,. . .. . ,,. , 72,535 I 34.76 7,900.00 i 2,021,365,75 2,529,265./5 40.00 10,000 2,85D,200 2,865,200 Dunwich. , . ,.. '" 69,006/24.90 I 2,400,00. 1,720,570.00 1,722,970.00 30.00 5,000 2,075,190 2,080,100 Yarmouth, ,.... "....69,86038.15 7,500.00 2,665,634.00 2,673,134.00 44.00 10,300 3,074,764 3,085,064 MaJahide ...",62,30230.31< 18,880;00 1;893,750.00 1,912,630.DO. 37.007,000 2,294,000 2,301,000 Bayham ,.. ..", , ...." 56,335 19.041 4,200,00 1,072,785.00 1,076,985.001, 20.00 5,000 1,103,560 1,108,560 South Dorchester. ..."" 30,544 34.89 2,800,00 1,063,185,00 1,065,985,00, 43.00 4,000 1,310. ,726 1,314,726 Aylmer" ,.,.. . """ 1 112,441.00 613,413.00. 725,854.00 361,000 361,000 Vienna... , ,.. . 3,000.00 . 70,039.001. 73,939'001' 57,000 57,000 POet Stanley. ... , .., ., , 1 1 12,545.00 125;840.00, 138,385.DO.. 68,0001 68,000 Sprmgfield " ., I , .2,550,00 :;3,060.001 Z5,610.1J0 69,0001 69,000 Dutton... . -1 I 18,730.00 It>.'3,080.00i 111,810.001 OO,OOOr 9OtOOO 'I i I I I ! I I I I' i I' r i t NOTE [On the 17th June the Councifpasse{l ~,I'e'Sohrtion.Tha;t the Equalizatioll'of the Municipalities be the same as last year~ .asseSSBd values ent~red'above are from the .Assessment~Rolls of 1896. The real and personal property and value, per acre as equalized ,iS~ the same as contained in Eqmtliza-tion Report for 1891, which has,beenadopted without change each yea.r.l.co;,Clerk-. " MUNICIPALITY. Q arp:j "00 ~oo 0" ~ffi <i IA ~ r::lp:j~ OOpo ~H< oo<i~ oo~" <i " 00 <i . ><A )",H~ ~ -<tlp::ffi ~1::ip;J "'",00 000 ",<i " AA " ~.1'J,'. <;>l(/) ~~~ oop:;'!:,! ~":;: ""0 A-tOo ~z p,Joo<: " . <i A Z~1'il O~oo r-:loo~oo .oiP:;.'i!1'il I'ilfilP-igs P::ill~-< A"oo ~ < A . " " NJJ:'l~ HpO ~H"'; <i<i~ p~" g: Jli 00 . ". <i A <i><" Z8N 0~:1 oo"<i ""P p:j 00' p',~,~ " ~ " <i " Z><N ~o~~ .-:d~fi1-4 !'iI.~~~ ~~oC" A"" z"oo <i <i 00 <iA p...~ ~8.... <i"" ~~-< ,,"P 00- "" " oj '" H ~ ::; " o " .Z " ..; " o " z " r '" t" " Z " o " ~ ..; " g z fa t' / _1' " 82 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. BY LAW NO, 564, TO APPOINT 'J'RUSTEEB OF HIGHSOHOOLS IN THE COUN'j'Y OF ELGIN,-~ 'PASSED 28TH JANUARY, 1897. The County Council of the County of Elgin under authority of Sec- tion-H,' and 12, of the 'High Schools Act, 1891., enacts:- ,,_,Tha,t;Jh~dRahiser.b~ a~pointed a, Trustee of the Vienria iIigh School for a. term of three years. That E. A; Miller be appointed rrrustee of the Aylmer Collegiate Institute for a term of three ye~rs. That Samuel- McColl be appointed Trustee of the D\ltti:m High School for a term of thl'ee years. Council Chamber, January 28th, 1897. K. W. McKAY, C~ui1ty: Clerk; A. J. LEITCH, Warden. BY-LAW No. 565. TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 514-PASSED 28TH J.<\.NUARY, 1897. The' Oounty Council of the Oounty of Elgin enacts: , That By-Law No. 514 be, and is hereby amended by providing that Inmates may be committed to the Institution by a Member of the Oounty Oouncil or Inspector only. Council Chamber, St. Thomas, January 28th, 1897. A. J. LEITCH, Warden. K. W. McKAY, Oounty Olerk. ELGIN COUNTY COUNOlf.. BY-I,AW,No. 566. TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 29g......;.PASSED28TH JANUARY, 1807. The County Council of the COlmty of EIghi enacts: That By-Law No. 298 be alllen~e,dby reducing 'th~ salaries ofSub~ Treasurers of S,chool Monies to Twelve Dollars. Council Chamber, St. T~omas, Janua.ry 28th; 1897. K. W. M~kAY, County Clerk. A, J. LEITCH, Warden. 'BY-I,AW NO. 567, ,.. TO AU'.rHORIZE THE WARDENANp '.rREASURER To BOR1WW )j'IFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS.----PASSED JANUARY 29TH, 1897. The County Council'of theCorpOl'ation' of the County of ~Igin en~ aCts,~ t ,That the Wa~den-an.~ Treasul'er~eaj1d are hel'eby :.iu~horized to borrow the sum of Fifteen rrhousandDollars, as it may b13 t'equil'ed . ~q~ee~tl~,~,~u;rrent exp,enditP-I'e,qf tIle C9rp()r~tiQn ,,<?f . the ,:,Opunty or E~gin daring the year HID7, and t~ .give as. security therefor' n'otes fOl; One Thousand Dollars. each. 2. That the Warden' and Tre~surerbeand,a!e,:h~:r€lby'authodzed renew the notes nowh~ld ~y.th~.Molsons Bank if it is found '~~ces~ to do so, said notes being as.foll<?~s :--------< $4,500 due 3rd February. $3,000 due 28th February. $3,500 du~ 5th March. $4,000 due 11th March. $9,000 due 13th March, Coun?il Chamber, . St. Tho~nas,..r ~l1uary 29th, 1891, McKAY, Oounty Clerk. A, j, LFJITdIt, Warderll 83 81 ELGIN CQUN'rY COUNCIL. BY-LAW No. 568. 'l'() APPOIN'l' 'l'RUSTEES I<~OR 'I'HE ST. THOMAS COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE- r ASBEn .JUNE 17TH, 1897, The County Council of the County of Elgin enacts under the riuthol'ity of the High Scho~ls Act: That the following Trustees be, and are hereby appointed. for. the St. Thomas Collegiate Institute: . . . .. for one ye{l,r. . . . for . two year,g. .. for three years. W. E. Leonard........ ......,.. Frank Bennet. . ... . Samuel Day. ..,... Council Ohttmber, St: Thomas, June 17th, 1897. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. A. J. LEITCH;' Warden. BY.LA W No. 569. '1'0 APPOINT NOMINA'l'ING OFFICERS-PASSED JU'NE17TH, 1897. The County Council of the Oounty of Elgin enacts under the tLuthori'ty,of. the County Councils Act, 1896: rrhatthe following Nominating Officer'S be appointed for the pur- pose of said Act. District Number One;-E.A. Hugill. District Number Two,-J. D.Blue; District Number Three,..:.-Malcolm Oampbell. District Number Four,-Samuel Day. District Number Five,-.Tohn Haggan. District N11mber Six,-J. G. Pauling. rrhat the Nominating Officers be paid.the sum of Six Dollars each , for their services when necessary to hold a Oounty Council election. Council Ohamber, St. Thomas; June 17th, 189.7. K. W. McKAY, Oounty Olerk. A. J. LEITCH, Wardeil. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. BY-LAW NO. 570. '1'0 AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN ANDTREA.SVRER 1'0 BORROW FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS.-pAsSED . 17TH JUNE, 1897. The County Council of the Oounty of El~in enacts :- That the Warden and Treasurer be and are hereby authorized to borrow the sum of Five Thousand Dollars as it may be required to meet the current expenditure of the OorporatiOn of. the Comity. of . El- gin during the year 1897, and to give as security therefor notes for One Thousand Dollars each. Council'Chamber, St. Thomas, June 17th, 1897. K, W, McKAY, County Clerk. A, ..T. LEITCH, Warden. BY-LAW NO. 571. TO RAISE Al\-IOUNTS F9.R COUNTY ItATES DURING THE YEAR- 1897.- PASSED JUNE 17TH, 1897. WHEREAS by Section 82 of Chapter 193, of the Revised, Statutes of Ontario, the Council of a County in apportioning the County rate'shall make the amount of property returned on the Assessment Rolls asfinw ally equalized for the preceding year, the ba~isupon which the appor:' is made. And whereas by Section 359 and 360 of Chapter 184,R. S. 0., the Council of a Oounty may pass By~Laws authorizing the levying a.nd collecting of a rate, etc. And whereas an estimate has -been maae showing that the sum of Thirty Two Thousand One Hundred and Twelve Dollars is required to be raised in the 'several Municipalities for the lawful. purposes of the County during the year 1897. Therefore the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County Elgin. enacts :- 1. That a rate of Two and One~Tenth Mills in the dollar be : levied upon all the rateable property in the several Municipalities in the 85 86 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. County of Elgin as equalized for the year 1896 to raise the following a.mounts. 2. That the :mm of, Thirty Two Thousand One Hundred and ~rwelve Dollars: be raised' and levied in the several Municipalities in the County according to the following Schedule, and that the amounts as entered therein be paid dver to the' County Treasu'rer as by laW re. quired. SCHEDULE. MUNICIPAU'l'Y. Aldborough.............,.. ...,.,.... Dunwich.,.................. .... ..... Southwald. ..... Yarmouth, Malahide..,..... . Bayham.....,.. ......... ..... .... South ,Dorchester.. ........... Aylmer ... ...,.............. 'Vienna..... . 'Springfield...... .......... .... PortStanley .. .......,...... Dutton... .'.. ..'.... .'.',. .. .'.,....... .." TOTAL. $ 3972 4.368 6017 6478 4832 3328 Z761 758 121 143 145 189 $32112 Council Cha.mber, St. Thomas, 17th June, 1897. K. W, McKAY, Oounty.Clerk. A. J. LEITOH, Warden; ELGIN COUN'ry OOUNCIL. 87 BY-LAW NO, 572. TO CONlnRMTHE EQUALIZA'l'ION OI!' 'l'HE ,ASSESSMEN'l' ROLLS OJ? 'l'lIE OOUNTY O)j" ELGIN FOR THE YEAR 1897.~PASSED 17'.rH JUNE, 1897. The County Council of the County of Elgin enacts :~ 'That the following be the equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the County of Elgin for 1896 as required by Section 78 of the Assess~ ment Act. MUNICIPALITIES. EQUALIZED VALUE. Aldborough.. Dunwich.... . SOlithwold. Yarmouth. Malabide.... . Bayham South Dorchester. . Aylm.er........... ............ Vienna Port Stanley. . . . . . . , Springfield. Dutton........ .. $ 1,891,350 2,080,190 2,865,200 3,Q85;064 2,301,000 1,108,560 1,314,726 'B61,000 57,000 68,000 69,000 90,000 $15,201,090 Council Chamber, St. Thomas, June 17th, 1897. Z. W. McKAY, County Clerk. A, J, LE1TOH, Warden. 90 ELGIN OOUN'l'Y OOUNCIL. Pounds...... ................. Provincial Auq.itol'. Queen's .Jubilee. Hegistry Office REfoR'rs,- Education. . Engineer. . . . Eqllalization ........ . . Finance. . . . Gaol,... .... .,. High School Grants,..... ..... ~6use of Indu,stry.... ,. .... Petitions and Legislation. :J?ublic Improvements, . . . Public School Inspector ................'...... , Toll Road""""""""."." , Itevised Statutes. . .. .... Solicitor's Account. . . . . . SuI;> ,:el'easurer's School Monies .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Tilsonburg, Lake Erie and PaCific 'Railway.. ...... Tilsonburg, Lake Erie and Pacific Railway Harbor. rorrl;lns System...'....;.... ....,....... .. ,.... ..., ...... Trui;lteesof High Schools................ ........... 12, 25, 'I'ramps". :'..... .. ....... Warden's Address.. '........,....... .......... Warden's Election......... ........ ...... ,............. ..., Warden's Grant..... .................. PAGE. 21 21 21,26 21 13,' 16, 25, 35, 40, 41 62 to 66 "'""" "'"'''''' 79 13, 27, 35, 50 to 54 16,23,27,.55,56 ,.."" """"""" 42,43 13, 25, '2!i, 35, 67 to 73 12, 27, 39. 38, 39 17, 25, 35, 58, 59, 60 "" "", 45, 49 . . . . 23, 85, 74, 75, 76, 77 ." """, 36 18 83 10 11 9 28, 82, 84 34 19, 31 6",7 ,37