1898 Minutes PROCEEDINGS OP THE Elgoi n COQntyConncil, DURING THESESSrONS HELD IN'rHE Court. House, St. Thomas, , IN THE MONTHS '01" June, July, September & November, 1898. DANIEL LANG, WAUDE::-;', ELGIN COUNTY LI8RARY RODNEY MERCURY PRIN,TING lIOUSE, 1898. COUNTY OFFICIALS. D: J. Hughes, Esq., County .Tudge; C. O. Ermatinger, Esq., Junior Judge: D. Brown, Esq., Sherifr; Jas. H. Coyne, Esq., Registrar; D.l\fcLaws, Esq., County Court Olerk; D. J. Donahue, Esq'j Clerk of the Peace and County Ora'NIl Attorney; Rabt. l\fiUor, Esq., Mftster in Ohancery; N; W. Moore, Esq., Guoler: W. Atkin, Esq., Public School Inspector; John Me-Gansland, ESQ" Co. rrreus. ; K. W. McKay, Esq., 00. 01erk~ Jas. A. Bell, M. O. S. O.E.. Couuty Engineer. Jas.1\L Gleun, L. L. B., County Solicitor. W. C. Vanbm:lldrk, M. D., Gaol Surgeon. L. Luton, M. D., IJhysiclflll House of Industry. Wm. Aldl'itt, Esq , Keeper FLanse of Indnsb'y. John Hopki.ns, Caretaker Oourt House. All of St. .rl'homns. P. O. Donald Turner, Insp)ctor House, of Industr.y,West Magdala P.O. County Al1ditors-AlHlrow :Murray, .Aylmer; J, B. Campbell, Rodney; Administ.ratioll 01: Jnstice Al1ditors----D. J. Hughes, Oounty Judge, St Thom:l.s; W. M. lJ'ord, C )rhth; John Thomson, West Lome. -0- Municipal Clerks and Treasurers. JilUNICIP .ALITY. CLElm:. TREASURER. AldbOl'ough..... .E. A. HUgIll, Rodnoy.... Dugald ThlcPhorson, West Duuwioh ..... .D. MoCallum, vVal1ac€towu...... Juo. A. C,-\mpbell, Southwold...... .. M. Campbell, Fillgal............ M. Cttmpbell, yarmouth,....,K. W. McKay, St. Thomas......R. McLachlill, St. Malabide. ....... .,John Haggan, Aylmcr.......,... W. E. Murrf\Y, Aylmer Bayham...... J. G. Pltuling.Straffordville... .E. A. Garnham, Straffordville South Dorchester...... ..D. '.raylor, Belmont......,... Thos. Winder, Lyons ,t Town of Aylmer...... ....J. Bradley.....;..,. ................ W. Warnock-tJ ? Village of Vienna...... ....W, Watts.... .... .... ..... ...... ....W. Watts',~ :] Village of Springfield...... .J. B. Lucas...~. .... . ~.. ...... W. J. KIlpatrick'')] , j Village of Port Sfanley... ...Jas. Go~gh........ ....... ...... ..Jas. GOl1gh'* Village of Dutton,......... ..J. D. Blue. ...................... ..J. D. Blue; PROOEEDINGS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. JANUARY SESSION, 1898, FOURTH SESSION-FIRST DAY, Tuesday, the 25th ,day of January, 1898. Elgin Couut.y COlihcil met this dlLY at the Court House, St. '.rJlOmas, to'adjournment. of the Members present The Clerk ill the chair. member of the Conncil was Ilotilinated for the position of Wanlcn resigned with the exception of Messrs Lang, Turner, JacksoH the tenth ballot amotion was made to appoint Mr. Dltliiel Lang, was carried alld Mr. La.llg' was declared duly elected Wardell for 18D8. Warden elect then made his Statutors: Declarati(ll of Office before Judge Hughes, took his seat and addressed the Comlcil. proceedings of the last day of the November Session 1897 wero read FOURTH SESSION-SEOOND DAY. Wednesday, the 26th day of January, 1898. The ];Jlgin County Council met this day at the Court Honse, St. Thomas, according to adjournment. 'l~he Wardeli in the chair. All the members present., TheWarden,addl'tSsed the COUllCtl as follows: rIhe bu~ines,s to be bronght Lofore ,von at this Session is somewhat'limit. cd. The Public Improvements Committee will ha\'e some veryimportallt a,nel expensive work all hand and wmuo doubt report to the Council in refer- ence thereto. VALUATORS, The Cotlllt,y Clerk has laid before yon a comprehensive report showin~ the \Jaunties throughout tho Province in which Valuators have been a,ppointed. It is now some years since the Equa.lizatioll of the Oouuty was revised and I bolieve there is dissatlsfaction with the present basis of apportionment of tt,c Oounty Rate in some Municipalities. It would be well to consider this ques- tion during the present Session as Valuators if appointed will require consid- erable time to complete their dutics in a proper manner. OOUNTY BUILDINGS, Tve questi0l1 of the nec('ssary accommodation required at the Oourt House for Offices aud ot.her purposes will be bronght to your attclltioll at this Ses- sion t.hrough an account presented for rout of office for a County Officer in another vart of the cit.y. It is the duty of the Oouncil to provide suitable ac- eommodation f01' the officials appointed to transact every department of the County's business and I hope thrtt in discussing the matter the Oouncil take iuto consideration tho c,oudition of the Court House which at r.equires a new roof and other improvements in order to place it in a proper stn.te of repair. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL '9 NEW LEGISLATION, At the last Session of the Legislature It number of Amendments ,vere made our Municipal Laws. Among the changes of interest to Oounty Oouncils au amendment which provides that-Auditors may be appointed. in Novmn- or Decemb0r and that they may hold office as long as the By-Law r81m~ins force. o The clause regulating the amount a Municipality is entiUedto borrow repealed and the following substituted therefor: "'rhe amount so borrowod andoutstalldil1g shall not, in the case of any than a Count,y,exceed eighty per 'cellt. of the all10unt col. as taxes, to pay the ordina,l'Y cunent expenditure of the M11nicipa.lity the preceding municipal year, ,anll in tho case of a Oounty, the amount so and outstanding shall not at f~ny time exceed the amount to be alid paid over to the Oount,y by the local municipalities therein for 01'- expenditure for County pUl'po.,;es I'm'the CLureut municipal yeul'. and of auy., (oullci} autll.Orizing the borrowing of any largOl' sum limited by this sub-sect,ioll, the members of the coutloil who shall bo disqualified from holding fLUY. municipal office for the of two years." IIII! I,! illi! The Oonntv Treasurer will report on the filHtl1cialstanding- of the Oounty I believe issOlllewhat better than ill provionsyears. Ymi were 110 rloubt agreeablv surprised at the reduction in amount paid wages aud Committees during' last year as compared \"ith lR90 I hope that the Members generally will give the business of the year tho a.ttention :'lO that we may be able to show'a somewhat sitnillll' at the end of the pl'e;:;ellt year. 'rhe following communications wE'rel'e'ad: Ihom Oounty Tl'easurer vi'ith report. Referred to Finance Committee; FrOlll R. Miller, Mastel' in Ohancery, withaccollnt for Office Rent. Re- to Fillunce Committee. Mr. Tnrner gave notice that he would to-morrow introduce a By.La;\y to for the appointment of Oount.y Valuators. Yarwood gave notice that he would apply for a grant of Eight Dollal's, to be applied towards the purchase of ~the lease of the Port Stanley Gravel Road. 12 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL Moved by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by W. B Cole, That the sum ofTwenty-Fivo Dollars be gmnted to the East Elgin ~"armers' Institute. Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by E. ~icKellar, ThrLt the following Special Committee be appointed to interview and get the County Solicitor's opinion all By-Law No. 5JI being a By-Law to g'overn Hawkers, Pedlars and othors, said Committee to report to-morrow.-Com, mittee-Leitch, Locker, Morris and the Warden.-Carried. Moved by D. Turner, seconded by a A. J. Leitch, rrhat the Clerk be authorized to furnish the members of this with the Municipal WarId for this yeal'.-Oarried. The Clerk read a telephone message receIved from Kent County Council requesting the Elgin County Connoil to appoint a Conimitteeto meet them at Bothwell to consider the olaim of one hundred and fifty dollars for -land for approach to bridge and adjust saine old accotillts, for repairs. The War- den referred the matter to the Publio Improvements Committee.... . Moved by W. Jackson. seconded by J. H. Yarwood. rrhat the Conncil do now adjonrll until ten o'clock K, W, McKAY, County Clerk.' D, LANG, Wa.rden. FOUR.rH S~SSION~THIRD DAY, Thursday, the 27th day of January 189:! The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House St. Thoma.s, to adjournment. The Warden in the chair. All th~ members present. The Proceedings ,of-the previous day wt're read and confirmed. Moved by W. l\L1!~ord, seconded by J.H. Yarwood. That tlllS Conncil adjourn at twelve o'clock until ten o'clock tO~lllorrow to reeeive Report of Public Improvements Oommittee...-Oarriecl. The report of the ]huallce Committee was presented and au motion tho went into a Committee of the whole, Mr. Yarwood in the chair. After considering the report it was adopted without amendm0ut on of Mr. Yarwood, seconded by Mr. l\loore. The report of the Educatioll Committee was presented. and adopted on (ulOt.ion of 1\11'. Yarwood, seconded by .Mr. ,Tm'nel'. Moved by S. B. 'Morris, seconded by D, Turner, That the Warden and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to sign a memorial to t.he Dominion Government asking that. a sufficient Sllm of ;noney be expelldedon Port Stanley Harbor to put it in a proper state, of re- pair, ,also that a subsidy be granted to the J..JlLke Erie and Detroit River Rail- l;ood for the extcntion of thClr line from Ridgetowll to St. 'rhomas, and that !he said memorial be ::leut to G. E. Casey, M. P: for presentation. -Curried, , Mr. Morris presenterl rej10rt of Srecial Committne ,appointed to conf(~r "fUh th,) County Solicitor 1'e Hawkers aud Pedlars, Licellse Law. No action taken. The Wardell left the ohair at twelve o'clock in accordance with resolu- tion previously' passed. , W. McKAY, County ClerlL D, LANG, Warden. FOURTH SESSION-FOURTH DAY, Friday, the 28th,day of January, 1898. The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thoma,s, necol'Cling to adjournment. '1.'he W ~tl'dell in the Ohair~ All the members present. 'rhe proceedings of the previous day W8re read and confirmed.' The report of the Petitions and Legislation Oommittee was,pl'esented and adopted all motioll of Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Locker. Moved by W, M. JJ'Ol'd, seconded by D. 1!". Moore, 'rha,t BYNLl,w No 574 being a By-Law to appoint County Auditors, be received aHd read a first timo.-Oarl' ed. Moved by O. McKenney, seccmdedby W. B. Cble, That By-Law No. 574 be read a second time. Moved by O. McKeuney, seconded -by R. Locker, ~[,hat By.Lu,w No. 574 be read a t,hird time andfill'ally Moved by D. 'l'arner, seconded by W. ,Jackson. ~rhat By-I.luW No. 575 being a By-Law to appoint a Board of Audit be roceived aud read a first time. Moved by D. l!\ Moore, seconded bv W. M. Ford, rrlu\,t By~Law N0. 575 be read a second time.-Carried. Moved by D. F. Moore, seconded by W. M. Ford, That By-La,v No. 575 be read a third time and finally. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by R.Locker, seconded by D. F. Moore, That By~Law No. 576 being a By-Law to appoint Trustees of High be receivad and read a first tilUe.~Oarried. Moved by. W. B. Cole, seconded by J. H. Yarwood, TIl.1t By-Law No. 576 bereacl a secoud time.-Carried. Moved by W. R' Oole, seconded by O.McKenney, That By.Law No. 576 be read a third time and finally passed.-Oa,rricd Moved by W. B. Oole, seconded by J. H. Yarwood, That By~Law'-No, 577, beiIlg' a By~Law to ant-horille the Warden and to harro,,, Twenty ThoLlsaud D(fllars, be lcceivBd and read a first Moved by O. M9l{OllneY,sccollded by R. Locker, That By~Law.No. 577 be.read a secandtime. -Carded. Moved by R. Locker, seconded by W. M. Ford, That By-Law No. 577 be reacla third time and finally passed.--Oarricd. Mover! by D. 'I"uruor, seconded by W. ,Jackson, That. By. Law No. 578, being a By-Law to provido for snpport of Elgin. be received and read a first time.--Oa:rried. Moved by W.Jacksoll, seClonded by D. 'J1uru'T, That By-Law No. 578 be read a second time.-Oarricd. Mo\'od by W. B Oole, seconded by J. H. Yrtr-wood, That By-Law No. 578 beread a third time and finally passed.-Oarried. Moved by D. Turner, seconded by D.:H\ Moore, the Clerk prepare a By-Law to provide for the the appointment of Yn1nators. 15 16 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL In Amendment: Moved by A.J. Leitch, seconded by E. McKellar, Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by 'm. McKella,r, ThaJ, the appointing of Valuators for the Oonuty be laid over for further consideraholl as the subject is too important to deal with hurriedly as would have to be the case now it being so Heal' the close of the session. 1'hat By~Law No. 579beitlg a By~Lf'LW to provide for gmnts to -schools, conducting continuation classes be received a.nd read fL first timo.-Ca1'1'iod. Moved by A. J--. Leitch, seconded by D. Turnor, That By-Law No. 079 be read a second time.-Unrried. MiLin maUoH lost. Amendment carried. Moved by A. J. ]~eitch, secouded by E. McKoUnl', Moved by O. lYlcKenl1cy, secomled by R. Locker, Tlutt thi$ OullllCil petitio 1 the Ollta,l'io GoverulUO:lllt to appoint H. H. lIoIcDim'mid .POli03 Ma,gistr1t-te fOt' E,\'st Elgin without sn.lary.--Oarried. MovedhyJ". H. Y.tt',vood, s3cond(~.lby W.Jackson. 'rh'.tl; an OtIdl' of l~i~~ht ThOo1.nnd 0 -"lhr.~ rmd the privilege of co1l0cting tolls for [l, term of 'five yoars be m.tde to the Lessees of the London alldPort St,tuiey Gravel R01td to L'din.l'1i$h all their right, title,alld iuterest in the same. said J.lessees to keJp the road in repair during the time.,they are col. leclillg tolls.-Lost That By-Law No. 579 be read a third time ftud finally pa,ssed.-Carried. Moved by a.McKenney, secondod by D. F. Mooro, rrh:tt the thanks of this OOllllCil be given to the JOllrual, and 'rimes :Priutillg Co'y fol' theil' killdne,.,,, in fi1.l'llishing newspapers for this Ganu- eiL-Carried. Moved by \V. B. Cole, Becu.Hled by J. H. Ya,rwood, That the Gaol C()\lllll1tt.oe be ituthorized to put a ll('W roof on the Court tl.lldmake such Ot)l~l' rep,tirs It!'; are reasotlabl,ynecessa,r,y.-Carrled; In Amendmont: Therepol't of the the P;.ilJlic Improvements Committee was presButed refened to a Committee of the whole, Mr. Jackson in the chair. Movod by d. J. Leitch, seconded. by E. McKe11al', That theresulntiOll making an offer of Eight 'rh6usaud Dollars to the rroll Hoacl Lessees be ref~'l'rod to tbe Special Committee appointed to deal with the questioll, with power to act. Afteramendillg the report the Comrnittee rQ.'.;'O and a motion to adopt 'the report was lost The report was thelll'efol'recl Lack to the Oommittee of the whole, Mr, McKeuueYlll the chair. After consideration the Committee rose and the Origiual Report was ~dopted as presented without amendment 011 llli tiull of Mr. McKenney, seconded by Mr. Morris. Main motion lo;;t. Amendment cltrried all the following division: Moved by O. McKeulle,y, seconded by R. Lockor, YI~AS,-Tl1l'ller, ,J,wksoH, Y<ll'wood ane Cole. NAYS.-McKc~lar, Leitch, Lncker, Moore, Jford and )IoKennoy. Tha~ this COUl,ciluo HOW adjourn to mBet iu Jun8 -at t.he C[bll d t.he ardell~-Carried, Moved by A. J. I1citch, seconded by E. McKellar, '!'hat the V\~ltl'(len issue his order on the Treasurer for two hundred bIS in bvorof t.11e Treasurer of Dutton, being amount granted lock-up in 11;96. w, :McKAY, County ClerlL D. LANG, -Warden. 11 ELGIN aOUNTY"COUNOn~ ,'the best interE"sts of mUllicip Ll governmollt by entirely abolishing the ',ward system. The leglslatioa of lltst se3sioll might be further improved by electing members of local councils fora term or years, AUDITORS, FmfH SESSION-FIRST DAY, The Act has boon amended so that theCouncil of 'any Munioipality may pa.ss a By. Law c1ochLring' that it' is expedient to appoint an Auditor or AllCli; tors for the MUllicipalit.y ill the mont.h of November OI~ December in o:1ch year and I would request the FilHLllce Committee to consider this amendment , iwdrepol't. Tuesday, the 7th day of June, 189~. rrhe Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House St. Thomas, at 2p. ID. The Warden ill the chair. All the members present. Among the',?theramendments applicable to' this Oounty hi one requiring theTreasni'er of every MUllicipalit,y payingmouoy 10 thq Treasnrer of fillY 'other Ml.lllicipality.to transmit on (11' beforo tbe 7th (by of Jnlluary in each ',yeRi' a statement oJ pa.yments. byregistorealeHer 10 tho head of the Munici. pality, fa whose Tl'easurcrlhe payment!" have bcellmaae, E,'ery Registral' iSalso required to 8ellfla statement to the head of every Mtwicipality to \vhoseT1'easnrer he has madepi.\ynlOllts. rl'hese statemClIts lLre to be delh~- ".81'04 bythoh~fidof the.Muui6ipnlity ('0 the Amhl-ors. Auditors are required tO,stamp aud init'ial all vou_chers. l'0CI)lptsaud'debentur8s submitted to them f'ol;-nuc1it with the word "Andited" iUHl iuilinl the Rame, The Warden addressed the Council as folloWs: In commeucibg this the fifth Session of. the Elgin Couuty Council I de- Hire to refer to a few matters which may be of interest not only to thosehe1'Ei assembled but to the public generally. Since J-llnuary the Province has passed through thetul'Uloil of an Election and we have now resumed our usual OCCullrLtions aud are Ruticipatiug an almuda,ut - harvest. Thn section of the Act referring' to the bOll'oIYing powers oLMuuic.ipaU. ':Ueswas repeall'cltUld the foIlovi'illb substituted:,--- NEW LEGISLATION, 'l'he Munioipal Amendment Act this year contains the usual quotaof amendments-one of the most important abolishes ward elections Townships and Villages. aud mttkes a ch,mge in the constitution. of COllllCils of Towns having a populat.iou of not more than 5,000; which for the next two years are to consist of the Mayor and six Councillors to be elect~ ed by a g-enel'al vote. After two aunua.l elections the TOWIi ma-y a,gain: be" divided Into wards if the p~ople so rlecidc. In thu"i abolishing w,trdelec;. ',~ tion.;;the Govem!U mt tu,ve re nove 1 a very SBriO~IS objectio 1 to the ~.vstem'.--'l of lll!lUlcipa.1 govel'nm'~nt in Oilet\ttioll ill nnny Mllnicipalitiel!:. The Wllrd,i Rystem has done a great deal to promote sectionalism aud petty jealousy, and ' oneJ.l prevents good men from entei'ing municipal life. The idea of an elee; hon irrespective of ward divisions is t.he correct one, it enlarges the cOllstitn; ency of the Councillor anti e,l-US for a wider application of his influence. This 'wus the resnltof the County Conllcil:; Act. The Legislature will advance "The fLllJ01l11lf:o l.lono,ver} Ami ontFttl'l,lH1illg shallllot, iu the' cl'lse of' allY ';:'m,unicipaIit.y ot.lwr than aCounty, exceed eig'hty pOL' cent~ of the amount col- 'lect~'c1 fU:; tHxe~, to pay the ordiuary current expNIdit.nrB oithe muuicipality inlhe prpceding lllUllieipa.l YCfL}', aud in the case ora Cou.nl-y, the ftmOnntRo l.ol'rowefl aIld oulstamlillg'shall lJot at ally time exceed the HmOl1nt to bo "::raiscda'lJd pa.id ovor to the ComIty by the local mnnicipaliLiest~lel'ein for or. -dillary expenditure for county pnl'po~()s for the current municipal- year, and in thr.event of fUly Council nutIlOl'iv.ing 1he borrowing-of allY larger sum than 'theumoullt lindled Ly this sub-sectioll, tho membOl'S of the C)ouncH who vote therefo}' shall be disqualified from holditlg allY mUllicipaloffice for the period of two renl's." Ac1joidng l\:hl1licipaliiies me authorized to cnterinto un ngl'eementfo1' llie'purchase of npplimlces for tliepurpose of fire protection orl'o,ld-making ,;luachiuer,)"'. 19 20 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL OOMMITTAL OF INMATES TO HOUSE OF INDUS'fRX' Prom County Council of Halton, referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. In the revision of the Statutes as published for 1897 a section taken from the Statutes of 1883 and not included in the St,atutes of 1887 has been reintro- dnced, authorizing any two of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace, by writ. iug uuder their hands aud seals, to commit inmates to the House of Iudustry rrhe By-Laws -of this COUllty formerly contained a provision of this kind but it was arnelJded SOUle years ago and Llst year it vms Rtill further changed 80 that Members of the County Council only were authol'lzed to com~mit inmates, I would l'cquest the House of Industry Committeo to consider the matter and report. From Auditors' Report, referred to Finance Oommittee. FrOlil B.eport Public School Inspector. referred to Ectucation Committe,e. From Reports County Engineer.,-Coullty Bl idges and Bothwell Bridge accounts, referred to Public Improvements Committee. From County Treasurer with Report and Estimate, referred to Fillance THE LONDON AND PORT STAN LEX' TOLL ROAD, The Special '1'011 Road Oommittee has beon quitr active dnrit.g t.ho past three months and a fllll report of their proceedings and l'OCOmillendations will be laid before you for consideration. 'fhis is the most important that haEl been beforo the Council for some yea'l'i1l\lld I hope t,hat you will it yom bORt considerlttion. Mr. McKenney gave notice of apr;lication for grant of Three Hundred to assist in building Lock up "in Port Burwell and Mr. Turner gave notice of an application for grant of One Hundred and 'l'wenty-:five DoHars assist in building a -Lock. up in Shedden. Mr. W H. Morrison of Shedden addressed the Oonncil in reference to to grant for Lock-up. The Auditors Report sholVs that dllring1897 the liabilities cd in:the snm of {$7,375.69. and that OIl_the 31st of December the liabilities over available assets was only 1fr;4,74t-l.95. I hope that in consider~ iug the estimates for the present year, you will provide funds to c'.11'1'en t liabllitie~. Moved byW.M. JJ'ol'd, seconded by R. Locker, 'l'hat this Oouncil adjollrlluutil to.morrow at eleven o'clock to allow COIn- to Ineet.-Oarried. McKAY, County Clerk. ANGLO SAXON UNITX', D, LANG, Warden. One year ago we were int('rested_in the Jubilee re-union in lalld, in h01101'of OUl' Beloved Queen. 'l'he ccuduct of our most Pr0)l}ier brought Cauada to the front 011 that occasion ill a very special not as a colony but as a sister natioll in the great and grand federation of British people, The result will no doubt be very beneficial to t.he trade Canada. The stern realities of war have suggested to our neighbors, Hed. Statos, the advisability of an alliance with the great Mot.her Anglo. Saxon llrttions, and if there is not to bean alliance between Britain and the 'Cnited States in form, there ought to be for all time, Of hearts- among peoples at' the lSUllle race, of the same lauguage, mutual iuterests the world over. The proceedings of the last day of the previcus Session were confirmed. '1)10 follo;.ving Commnnications were read:.,- From County.conncil of Lanurk, referred to Petitions and Committee. 21 ELGINOOUNTY COUNCIL Moved by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by "vV. Jackson, That the account prosontejl by L. Campboll for services as Constable be Moved by D. I!". .Moore, secouded by R. Locker, l"IFTH SESSION-SEOOND DAY, rl'hat thIS Council do now Adjourn to meot at rl'wo o'clock-Oal'l'ied. Wednesday, the 8th day of June, 1898. 'Iho Ocuncil H.esumed. The El~iIl County Council met this day f\,t the Oourt House, St. Thornas, according to adjournment. The seaolid, and third l{epol'ts of the Fiuftnce Committob were presented on motion afMr. Morris, seconded by Mr. Jaokson. 'rho Warden in the chl1it.. All the members present. l'11e House of Industry Report was presented and adopted on Iilotioll of Moore, seconded by Mr. 'l'urner. Tho procoerlings of the previou:>. day wore read and confirmed. , 'rh", Report of the ~pech\'l Toll R.oa.d Oommitteo was presenterl. Mr, )IcKellar prosented Petition from Ratepayers of Duttou School Section alteration, referred to Education Committee. Moved by '0l. JtLck:.;;on, seconded by J. H. Yarwood, '.rhe Report of the Education Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Mr. Yarwood, seconded by Mr. McKenuey; 'l'hat the' Gravel B.aad Report._pe laid over until Novembel', and that Solicitor prepare By.La;ws to b8 passed by Yarmouth, Soutlnyold and St<tllley nud agreement to purchase to be SIgHed by the Lessees, al d negotiations with the City be continued-Carried '1'he Report of the Committee on Petitions and Legislation was presented and adopted ol1lllotion of Mr, Turner, seconded~by Mr. Ford. '1'he first Report of the Finance Oommittee ,'ms presented and adopted Oll motion of Mr. Morris. seconded by Mr. Moore. YEAs-Morris, McKellar, Turner, Jackson, Yarwood, Cole, Locker NAYS--Leitch, Moore and ll"otd. ~Ioved by O. McKenney, seconded by R. Locker, Moved by D. TL1l'ller, seconded by W. Jackson, 'rhat tIle Deputation from t;he Township of Bayham and f'ort Burwell IJockMl1p be now hem'd.-Carried. 'I'hat the sum of One Hundred and Twenty-five Dolla,rs be grantM towards the erec~ing of a Lock-up in the Village of Shedden, providing owners of bnildillg in which Lock-up is erected keep Lock.up insurod favor of the Oounty-Oarried. Messrs Bnckus aHd StraHon theu addressed the Oouncil. Moved by W. Jackson, seconded b.r l? Turner, Moved by D. F, Mooro, seconded by D. rrurner. T'hat the sum of 'l'wo Hundred Dollars be granted towards erecting r...ookup at Port Burwell-,Oarried. That this Oouncil visit the House of Industry at this Session-Oa.rM On motion L. Campbell, High Oonstable, was aUoyvod to Oouncilro account for costs iucurred in prosecuting Pedlars. The Report of. the Public Improvements CommIttee was presented and all motion of Mr. Ford, seconded by Mr. Jackson. 23 24 ELtiIN COUNTY COUKCIL Moved by A. .J. Leitch, seconded by S. B. Morris, 'rhftt the Council do now arljonrn until to-morrow ltt Eleveu a. Ill.- Carried. K. W. McKAY, Couuty Clork. D. LANG, Warden, FIFTH SESSION-THIRD DAY, rrhUl'sday, the 9th day of June, 1898. The Elgin CountyCouncillllct this day at the Court House, St; Thomas, to adjournment. 'rho Warden in the Chair. All the members present. The proceedings of the. previous daywere read and confirmed. The second Report of' the Education. CommittJe was presented and ad- ou'motion of Mr. Yarwood, secoIHled by Mr. McKenney, '1'he ROpOl.t of the Gaol 061'nniHtoe was pl'osented and adopteel Oll mot- of Mr. Colo, seconde,d by Mr. Yarwood. .Movml by A. J. .Leitch, seconded by O. McKenney; That the Council go into Committee of the .whole all the Equalization Assessm'eilt Halls of the diffe:l'ent Municipalities oftha Oounty of 'fhe Council went iuto It Committee of the whole. Mr. Cole in the After considering the question of Eqnaliz~ttion the Oommittee rosa the Ohairman rOlJorted pro,q;ress. Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by A. J. Leitch, 'l'hat the account of J. M. Glenn for services for the year 1897-98 a,s amollnting to $87.71 be paid-Ca,rded. Moved by W. Jackson, seconded by O. McKenney, That Grand Jurors be furuished with rigs to visit the House of In~ not more than twice, a year-Oarried. 26 ELGIK COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by S. B, Morris, seconded by A. J, Leitch, rl'hat the account of John LeiWh for tea.m and conveyance to ta,ke't,he Grand Jury to House of Illdust.l'Y at ASsize Oourt and members of COUl1ty OOUllcill1t Jl1ll6 Session, be paid-Oarried. Moved by S. B. Morris, secolHled by A. J. Leitch, rl'hltt tho Statutes of Ontario for 1898 be procured for each momber of this Council, it not having been incorporated iu the H.evised EdirjOll-Cal'~ l'ied. Moved by ,T. H. Ya.rwood, seconded by W. J acksoll. That the Communication from the Regist.rar be referred to the Gaol Oommittee-Oarried. Moved by W. M. Ford, secouded by D,F. Moore, That the Towm;hip Mlmieipalities be fqualized at the same mte per as last yeltr, the number of Acres to be determined by the Rolls for 18m. The Aldborongh Roll to be corrected. 'fhat the rrowns and Villages and Pel'sonal .Property of rrownships be equalized the same as last Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by R. Locker, 'fhat before the grants made to the different Municipalities to aid building Lock~ups are paid, it will be necessary to have the County furnish this council' with a certified statement giving a full description the kind and capacity of building in each case. The same to be subject the approval of' this Council-Carried. Moved by R. Locker, seconded by D. F. Moore, 'I'hat By-Law No. 580 'being a By~Law to ra.ise amounts for Rates for 1898 be received and read a first time-Carried. Moved by R. Locker, seconded by 0; McKenney, That By.Law No. 580 be read a second time-arried. Moved by D. F. Moore, seconded by R. Locker, That By-Law No. 580 be read'R third time and finaUy ELGIN.COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by O. McKenney, seconded by R, Locker, That By-Law No. 581 being a By.Lawtoimpose a fee on OonntyPnpils High Schools be received aud read a first time-Carried. Moved by D, F. Moore,secon'ded by O. McKenney, That By-Law No. 581 be read a second time-Oarried. Moved by,8. BMorris, seconded by O. McKouliey, That By-LawNo. 581 be read a third timeaud finally passed-Oarried. Moved by D.Turner, sec~nded by E. McKellar, 'rhat By-La.w No. 582 beillg a By-Law to confirm the Equalization of As" Roll$ for 1898 be received and read a first time--Ca,rried. Moved by W. Jacksoll, secouded byD. Turner, That By - Law No. &82 be l'ead a second time--Cftrl'iecl, Moved byE. .McKellar, seconded by D.Tul'ller, That By-Law N 0- 582 be read a third time and finally passed--Carrioc1. Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by A. J. Leitch, That By-Law No. 583 being a ByeLaw to determine the length of Oounty be l'eceived and rehd a first time-Carried. Moved by S.B. Manis, seeonded by A. J. Leitch, That By-Law No. 583 be read a second time-Oarried. Movedby'S, B. Morris, seconded by A,'J.Leitch, That By-Law Ko. 583 be l'eau a thl'd time and JinaDy passed'--Oarried, Moved byJ. H: Yarwood, secondedby-W, Jackson, Tha~ thisOonnoil do HOW adjourll to tnflet in June at the call cf the McKAY, Conll ty C1Cl'k. D, LANG, Warden. 21 SPECIAL SESSION, Frida)' the 8thc1a;r of July, tSOR. All thl:'\lllrmbers of tbo Elgin County COlPlC'il met thiR day ill,SpE'cial SesRioll ltt tho Gl'fHld CentmlHotel, 8t.. 'l'homa.s, having been ca.lled together by the Wa,l'dCll to consider t~18 quO.'ltiOll of rep:"tll',; 01' IIl1~)l'ovelllellts to t.lw OOllrt Honse which was damagedby fire Oll the lllOl'H111g' of the 2nd of July. The Wardollill the chair. All the members present. The Warden addressed the Ooullcilas follows: YOLl are all nO doubt well acquainted ,yith the purpose for which I have c:tlled you together in Special Session'. From SOIl1<'l C(LURoat proseut unknown tho Qourt Honse caught tire ~ftbont 12.no on the mOl'uingof the 2nd of July, a,no. the roof and. cellingof the Court Room and rooms all the top story were destroyed. In addition to this the buildhlg t.hronghontwas flooded with wa,tcl', and the books, furniture and other contents of the various 'offi0es were damaged. rl'~JMPORARY O.FFIOES. I mot the Gaol Commit-Me at t,be County Building's 'On the Mouday the 4t.h iust., find aft8r ilJspectil1g the building' we rented rooms able :for offices in the Spohn Block on the cornel' of Talbot and William Streets, for the accommodat,ion of the Judges, Law Library, Oounty AttoriH'Y and the Sheriff. '.r,he furuitnre in the vttrious offices of the Oourt House is being and transferred to these rooms as rapidly as possible and I expect t,hat 'Monday next the Oounty Officials will be comfortably located in their quarters. 'l'hese omces were taken for one year at a rent of :f:"252.00. INSU HANCE, 'rho Insurance on the Oourt House and Offices amounted to $2,OOOoach in seven Oompa-mos. The County Clerk having ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Valuator on behalf of the Iusurance Oompanies would be here carly in week, the Ga.ol Oommittee and myself appointed Mr. J ]\f, Greell, Valn- all behalf of the County, and instructed the Olerk to attend to the mat- with aviewto having the loss sustained proporly adjusted. The Valua- have completed their duties and the amount of damage has been fixed at It will be J ecessary for the council to give the question of repairing or the building their very best cOllsidoratioll,alld I would recommend a; resolution be at OIlce passed iuviting all t.he'Couuty Officil-ds to cOtlfer the Council this evening with a view to ascert~1inillg their actualrc" audalso what should ve dOlle to provide tho accommolat.iou uoo- until ,the Uourt House i;; completed. , 'l'heIllsurallce Appraisers Awnrd fixing the amount of thedn,mageat was read u,lso 1(~tt0r from Mr. .J.. 1\1. Gl'eOJJ, Valu,ttor, all behalf of the in reference theretu. His HOllOI' Judge Hughos addressed theoouncil in refermice to temporal'Y etc. Leitch, sec;ouded by J. H, Yarwood, That, this Council do now adj-ourll to enable the members to view the HOll.Se and Offices, rented by <.:hto1 Committee and that the Oouuty be l11vltod to llJeet the Council this eVGniug at half past sevon fat' purpose of a COl1ft:l'ence to <LsCertaill their a~tual requh'elilents, aud to what should be done to provide accommodation necessary until COUl't is cOlllpleted.-UulTied. All the meniters pres8ut. Also tho following County Officials. C0l111t.y Hughes and Ermatingcr. Sherifi:' Brown, Couaty AttOl'iley DOlHthue, MaHter .Miller, Solicitor GI011ll. Ellgiul2el' Bell, Oounty 'l'l'ea.sti.rorMc. aud Gaoler Moore. Moved by S.B. Morris, seconded by A. J. Leitch, Tha,t the Officials, whose o1fices wcr(~ in the Oourt House be now allowed address this Oouncil.-Carried. r.rhe officials present then addressed the Council ill reference to tel1lpor~ requirec and offices, that should be furuished in Court 20 30 ELGIX COUNTY COUNCn~ Moved by J. H.. Ya.l'\Voocl, seaolldocl bv A. ,J. LF\itch. Thattl1e c]c'l'kbe authoril':cd to make al'l'allgemonis, 'with Mr. Spol11l pnt in the lleccssul'Y fixtU1'0S,for the cOllVeniOllc0 of the Couuty Officers, the rooms which they nH~y occupy during the l'cpairilJg' of the Court rmd to rell t store on corner of Spohn Block.-earned. Moyed by A. J. Leil chi s"lcDnc1c:d by S. B.Thforri.'J, ThfLt a special Buildiug Committee be a,ppoiuterl to deal with the im- provement!'!, to the,Oom'l:; Honse 'with pOWOl' to employ architect. and visit othor CountIos, where improvements have been made simila,l' to 'what we l'eqrul'o, Satd Oommittee to pi'OpUrG .pbus Hud report to lLHpecia:l mectlllgof 1,[te OOtllloil to be called by the vVal'fhm to l'eCeiVealld 0011S1clo1' the sain,~,-C,l1" ricd. BPEQIAL SESSION, Wednesday the 27th cby of July. 1.898. The County Conncil of t,he County of Elgiulllet this day at the Oounty Office, TaJbotStreet. St. ThoUlW'l, in Special Session m~lle,d by the to consider plans adopted by the Special Building Oommittee ap- at the last Session. Moved 'by \V. Jackson, seconded by S.B. Morris, rrhat; the followiug be a OommHtee to act; nndel' the Resolution of 1\11'. Leitch III referenco to l'epait's to Courl; House: 1\1orris, Leitch, Turner, Oole; Locker aH(l Moore.-Carried, '1'he follo:;nng commmlicatiolls we1'(~ road: FromJ, M. GlelJll, Oonnt,y Solicitor, re interest of Oityof St, '1:homas in House improvements. Moved Ly S, B. .Morris, seconded by A. J. Leitch, From Architect with Report. That the Wn,1'den issue his cheqne in favor of Jnmes Walthew for foul' doUf1rs for restoring IJlcture fm' Oourt Hoomand ill fa,vor of J, 1\1. thirt,y dollars for valning damage to Oomt House and amouut paid by to H. .Lindop U~ n, third appraiser.-Ca.1'1'wd. Mr. A, J. Leitch,<chairman Q~ the special committoe, explained what had done, and presented report with plans adopted by tho commIttee. On motion the Council \-vent iuto a Committee of the whole. Mr. Leitch the chair. ]\,:[oved by W. J,wkwn, secouded by D. Tumor, After considering the plans ILnd committee's report the committeo and the cOlUleil adjoUl'lled to meet at half peLst seven in the Cit:,-" Hall. rrhat a grant of t"\venty.tive dollm's be givcu to the St. Thomas Cmnpnuy for villnablo services at firo ill COUULy Bnildiuf{s.-Carried. Tho Council Resumed. Moyed by S, B. M01'1'is, secouded by A. J:. Leitch, That, the Special Committ,ee be and is hereby authorized to take r~ction 1'01' tho clmwillg np of the debris ,-wcl protecting' the Court House ill memltime as they miLY think nec(ojssary,-Oarl'led. All the members present. Architeet Darrach explained the plans and on motion the CouncilresuUl~ a- COllni1ittee of t11owholo. Mr. Leitch ill the chair. A~ter discussing the plans the conunittec rose and the OOtll~CilreSll111ed. :Moyed by \V, 1.1. Ford, seconded by D. F. Moore, That the Olerk forwfLrd a copy of the County Solicitors opinion re iutor- Oity of S~. rl'iJom::ts in new Court Housa to the City Clerk aud'invite Oity Couucil'to a.ppoint h, Committee to coufer with the Special Com. in charge of the Illttttcr-Carriec1. Moved by A. J. Leitch, seeouded by S. B. Morris, That the couu0il do now t~djonrll to meet at' the caU or: the Wardeu.-Oal'- ricd. K, W, MoKAY, County Clerk. D, 3.2 ELGIN COUNTY QOUNCIL Moved by W. Jackson, seconded by D. Turner, rrhat Frank I-L Silcox of Sonthwold be appointed Agl'icnUural College at Guelph-Carried. Moved by W.B. Cole, seconded by J", H. Yarwood, 1'!mt t.ho Ga.')l Oommittee co-operate with the Sheriff'and other hos in seclT"iug suitable accommodaUoll for Oom'ts until Conrt Room is able-Oal'l'ied. Moved by D. F. Moore, seconded by R. Locker, 'l'hat this Coullcil adjouru until ten o'clock to~morrO\v-Oal'ried Y.KAS-Loitch, Morris, McKella.r, Locker, Ford, Moore-e. NAYB--McKenlley, Oole, Yri.rwood, Turner, Jackson-5. SPECIAL SJESSION. 'l'hUl'sdfty, tho 28th c1ayof July 1898. The Elgin Corinty Conneil uwt this day nit the CUy Hall, St. Thomas according to ac1j0l1l'nmellt. All tho members present. On motion the conncil resumed a Oommittee of the whole fOl'theconsid. crat.ioll or tho plans, M1'. LeItch in the chair. Aft.er considerable discussion fL ch':cision was arrived at aud tho Com- lInttee rose, ullcl tLe cm.lloill'osumed. Moved by,S. B. Morris,s{condec1by R. Locker, That pl<1u No, 2 of the m'chitects be adopted for the remodelling of the present I..CUl't Honse, and addiilg tho 'iviugs.-Curriecl, YEAS-Loitch, l\fol'l'is, McKellar, Colc, Locker, Mooro.- 6. NAYS~Jackson, ,Turllor, Yarwood, McKenney, Jj'Qrd,-:-o. 1st Amendment. Moved by J. II. Ya.rwood, secolldeclby O. McKenney, That the-Report of tho SpecialOommittee be rejected and that. the sum of thonsl.tud donat's be appl'C printed roi' the purpose of repairing the Court House, and building addition to the same sufficient to accommodate the COlmLy Of{icel'i'1, and the Connty Ellgilieer be authorized to prepa1'e ill accordance with the sa.me.-Lost. YEAS- -Jackson, 'l'urner, Yanvood, McKenncy,-4. NAYS-Loitch,Morris, McKellar, Oole, Locker, Moore, Pord.-7. 34 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 2nd Amondmont. Moyed by D. Turner, seconded by W. Jackson, That ill view of the lurge expense in crocting ndditions to the Court Honse that tho l'eport of t.he Spr.ma.l Committee be not adopted but that Court Honse be restored with snoh alterations and improvement.s as may be llOCE'f'3SRl'ymJd that. a new Building be crocted for additional offices, the cost not t.o exceed $12,000 -,-Lost. SPECIAl. SESSION. Moved by A. J. Loiteh, seconded by S. B Morris. rl'llnt B'y~Law No. 584 being' a By-Law to appoint a. Special Committee tJ.,Lld authorizo the "Wardell to sign contracts be received a first time;-.(janicd. 1'hUl'scby, the 8th day of ScptOlllber, 18fJ8. The ElgillCOllllty Connedl met thisda,y in Speoial Session, at 2 p. l1L, in DUllcombe Opera House Block, St. 'f'homas, for the purpose of JOllsicleJ'_ .ilJg tbe H,PlJort of the Bnildillg Committee. JHovec1 byvV. J[WkSOll, seconded by E. McKcllar, That thi:,; couucil adjourn tomcct at half past one o'clock.-Carried. The Wm'dcn ill tho chair. AU tho mcmbers prosent. The Report of the Building Committeo was pl;cscntec1 and rofl'crred to of the whole. '1'ho COllllCil Resumed. Moved by D. 'furuer, seconded by R Lockor, r1'hn.t N. Diu-rach be employed as Architect of COlirt, Honse Building at 4 pel' cent on expom1itul'c not to exceed $J200 for whole work iuchldiug' -heat" :1 lng, ventilation, plumbing and fm'11ishilJg'.-Canied. .. Mr..Jackson ill the chair. After COllSic1cl'illg the Hepor! tho C0l111uitteOl'ose ana the repurt was pro~ without H11lf1l1Chnellt. Moved by D. F. Moore, seconded by W. M. l1'ord, r1'hat By-Law No. 534 be read a second time.-Carried Moved by R. Lccker, .seconded by A. J. Leitch, 'That the l\,(port of the Building Oommittee be adopted.--Carried. Moved by R. Locker, secolided by O. MrKelluey, rrlmt By Law No. 584 be read a third time and finally passed.-~arried,":; Moved by S. B. 1\.\orris, seconded by A. .J. Leitch. That the Solicitor prepare a Bv-Law to provide for issuing DebelltureS"{J to borrow the mouey necessary for Court House improvements.-Carried.,;' YE.As.-.Lcckel', Colo, MOl'l'is, Mool'e, McKellar, Leitch, Lang--7. NAys.-Jackson, Tni'IItl', Yanvood, McKeuney, Ford-5. First Alr.endmcllt: Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by A. J. Leitch, That this council do now adjouru to meet at the call of th"'o Warden.-Car;k1i ricd. ' :nIovcd by J; I-I. Yanvoocl, seconded by 0, McKenney, 'l'hat the Heport of the Building Committee, whieh authorized the ex~ or .:fiJUJ114, be rescinded a.nd the present Oourt House be repaired iw addition of 40 feet be built, to the east end, the cost of, the same not $20,000, and the engineer be authorized to propare plans in accord~ with the same and to advertise for toudcrs.-Lost. K, W, McKAY, . County Clcrk. D, LANG, .W ardell;'~ 36 ELGIN. (JOUNTY COUNCIL YEA.S.- Yarwood, McKouuey-2. N.Ays.-Locker, Oole, Morris, Moore, McKellar, Leitch, Jackson, Tllrnel\ 11'ord-9. Secoud Amendment: Moved by W. Jackson, seconded byD. Turner, r.I.'hat the Architect of the County be asked to prepare plans for the 1l1g of a 1l{:wC0l1rt H01.1S0 in its entirety.. cost not to exceed $50,000, and report to the Warden as Boon as possible.-Lost. SIXTH SESSION-I'IRST DAY. 'l'uesch"LY, the 29th day of Novcmbel', 1898 'l'he E:lgin COll11tyCouncil met. this day at the call of tho Warden, in t.ho Opora HOllse Block, 'l'albot Street, St. Thomas. Y]~As,-Jacl{son, Turner, Locker, FOl'(1-4. NAYS.-Cole, Morris, Moore, McKellar, Leitch" McKfJnney, Tho Warden ill tho chair. All tho members present. Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by D. Turner, That By~Law No. 585, being a By~Law to authorize the special Oommitte} to expend $38.000 and amend By~La.\V No. 584, be l'!'Jceived read a first time,-Oari'ied. 'lhe vVal'CleH addressed the Conncil as follows: I IHlve called yon together today at a .lator date than nS1l!tl. This is to sngg'ostibns made by members of the Council, and 'to the Holiday season during which many of us woro away from Moved by W. B~ Oole, seconded by S. B. Morris, OOURT HOUSE, 'l'hat By-Law No. 585 be read a second time.-Oarried. Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by W. B. Cole, '.rhat By~.Law Nu. 585 be read a thi1'4 time and finally The work of t.he Conrt House is progressing as rapidly as possible. At Lhe weathor i'3 rather unfavorable. The Building Committee will no report progress I'm yonI' information. RESIGNATION UP INSPEOTOR OP HOUSE OP INDUS'rRY. Moved by A. J, Leitch, seconded by E. McKellar, A few days ago I received a letter from .Mr. McKay, I1lsnectOl' of tho Illrlnstry, resigning his POSitIOll, ~Mld wonld rofer the same to the of Industry Committee to recommend the appointment of some one to fill office. Mr. :McKayhas filled tbis position very acceptably dl1ringthe past years, and now finds that owing to the pressme of other business, he can- devote tbe (,hne necessary to the propel' discharge of tho duties of tho 'fhat t.he Council do now adjollrn.-Carried. OOUNTY OOUNOILELEOTION, The N Olninating Officers have beon notified a.nd supplied with the forms for tho .Nominations for tbJ Oounty Oouncil Electiolls. Nomina.~ held Oll the 19th day of December, one week before t,he regular Nominations. as ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL rrho a,g1'80mfJllt.mude by t.ho Gaol Oommittee with Mr. Duncombe, o\Vllel; of the Opera House used fOt' OOl1l'~ Pl1l"PO_'83,s11O~ltd,I tl1illk,l'ocaive some sidol'atioll Thero seems to be Rome misllnderstaudiug in reference to nse ot' tha building for both COllrt [Lud :::\ho\'V purposes at the same time, alJd t:ho hOiLt.ing is unsat.i"factory. . "11ho proceedings of the last Regular and three Special Sessions rend and cOllnnlL(:(l. SIXTH SESSIOK-SECOND DAY. The followilJg commuuicaiiolls wero read: From Connty Oonneil oE Wel1and. Referred to Petitions a.nd tion COllumttee. 'Wednesday, the 30th cIayof Noy. 18H8, From OOL1llty Oouncil of Dll'fferin. Referred to -.PetitiollS tiOll Committe,-. The Eldn Ooun t)" Oounoil met this day in Mw Duncombe Opera Honse accOl'diug to adjoUl'lll1lCllt, Pl'om Rcpm.t of Coaaty Bllgiileer. Oommittee. Referred to Public The Warden in the cbair. AIl the members prosent. 1!'.l'om Report of Physician, House of Industry. Iudustry Committ(io, The proceedings of the previons day were read and. confirmed. l{eferrerl to House ]hom ,TltmeS C<t~ey baUding l.:tobill':-; Bridge. and -Wellington FrI111Cis, 1'0 damages caused by Referred to Pllblic Improvemont Oomluittee. 'l'he followillgCollllnunic<ttions were read. Referred to Gaol Fl'om II spector House of Illdustvy with Industry Committed. anIlUal repOl't referrod to Honse From H. Grack, 1'0 clearing out Comt House mittee. From Count.y 'l'reasurcr with Heport referred to Finance Committee. lhom Inspector Public Schools, re-grants to Continuation Classes. Mr. .McKenlloy mnde inquh'y from whom wore Gaoler's Residence purchased, ill what year, and 'Vho wore the Guol Committee at that time 'I the Malltlepieces III w lmt amouut "yas Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by t. H. Yarwood, Reply: QHO Mantle Pieoo and Hea,rth was oi'dm:ed by Gaol Commitlee: Brower, A. .J. I~eitch, M. A. Pttyne, all 12th September, 1891, and by the 'l'oronto Hardware Company, co~t $70. '.L'ho Report of Building Committee was prescllted and adopted, motional A. J. Leitoh, secouded by W. B. Cole. 'rllatol'del's be drawn on the Treasnrer in favor of t,he follOWing school who which have hac! Oontinuation Olasses and have been paid similar by the Legislatme: U.OdllCY, $100; West Larue, fiIOO; Fingal, $50; Belmont,$50;. Spring~ $50; Edell $25.-0anied. Moved by 'V. Jac1u;Dll, 'secondodby D.Turncr, Tha,t the Council do now adjoul'n until 10 o'clock tomorrow Carried; K \., McKAY, D, LANG, Oounty Clork. Moved S. B. 1\101'1'is, secOlided byE. MeKellar, That 'whereas the City of St. 'I'homns is lia.ble to.the Coulltyof Elgin for of the Expenditure in COllllectioll with the present repah's improvementl? on. the Court Honse and Gao1. 40 ELGIN COUNTY aOUNOH. The Clede is h€'l'eby directed to communicate with the Oity Council asCel'tnill if they will pay their proportion all completion of the ,,,ark or they prefer to have the County provide for the same and the City pay county.tllll1.UlI1y.-Oal'l'ied. :Moved by S. B, Morris, seconded by A, J. Leitch That tllis caullel] do nOW adjourn until half past two o'cloelr, tho members to ilJspect the improveinonts going all at the Court dod. ELGIN (JOUNTY COUNCIL Moved by J. H. Yanvood, seconded by W. B. Oole, That the thanks of this Council be, and a,re hereby tendered to K. W. for the faithful, paiu5takillg and efficient manner in which he has the duties of Inspect'.r of the Elgin County Poor House, dl1rill{.!; sixteen yom's.-Oarried. The report of the Finance C0111 mitteo'was presented and adopted 011 inotiolLot' S. B. Man-is, seconded by W. Jackson; '1'ho cotll!cilre8umod. Moved by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by D, Turner, That tho resignation of K. W. McKay be accepted and the matter l~ppointing an Inspector for the County Poor House be laid over untH morl')W. lril'st Amendme1u: l\{oved. by S. B.Mol'ris, seconded by E. McKellar, 'l'hatDonald TUl'ner be appointed Inspector of the the House of in lieu of;:.... W. McKay reslglled.--Curried. Second Amendment: Moved by W. B. Cole, seconded by J. H. Yarwood, That t.he office of Inspector of Poor H011.Re be abolished be performed b,y the committee with the Couuty Clerk as salary of Fifty Dollars.-::-Lost, Y Jus-Cole, Yarwood, McKenney and Mooro. NAys.-Morris, Leitch, McKellar, Jackson, Ford, Third Amendment: MOVf'.d by O. McKenuey, secon'c1ed by D. Moore, 'rhb.t the Rcsigm~tion of K. W.McKay as Tnspector be not accepted t.hat the l1ppointmcnt bo laid over until t.he llext meeting of the Conllcil.-Loflt. Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by A. J. Leitch. rr~le Clerk be, and is hereby instructed to supply the different .Local. wit.h the Blanks necesmry for the Elections in the varions Municipalities in tho County, also Assessment and Collector's Rolls Sllpplies.-Carried.. , Moved by W. M. Ford, seconded by D. Mooro, This Council do now adjourll unti110 o'clock tomorrow, to allow Public Committee to meet City Committee as pel' t~ppointrnellt.- MoKA Y, County Clerk. D, LANG, Wa,rden. 41 SIXfH SESSION-THIRD DAY. Thursday, the 1st day of December, The Elgin County Council met this da.y according to adjournment at Duncombe Opera Honse Block. The 'Varden in the chair. All the members present. The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmod. An account fram,R. Miller. Local Master, for office rent was presented. Moved byJ. H. Yarwood, seconded by E. McKellar, That account presented by R. Miller for ono year's rent of office for incss of Looa.l Master, amouut $84.00, bo paid-'-Carried. , 'l'heReport of thH Jail committee was presented anti of J . Yarwood, seconded by ~. J3. Morris. Tlle Heport of the Public Improvements committee was presented adopted OIl motiod ofW. Ford,seconded by R. Locker. The RepOlt of the Petitiolls and Legislatiou committee was adopted'oll motion ofD. Turller, seconded by W. Ford',- 'rho Report of the House-of Indus:try committee was presented ferred to a COllllmttee of the whollil. Mr. Turller in the chair. After considering the Hepol't clause three was atruck out and the as amended, was adopted on motion of D. Turner, seconded by W. J,'Loved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by S. B. Morris, 'l'h"t'By.J..law No. 586, being a By~Law to authorize the 'Warden 'l'L'oasuror to borrow $20,000 be received aud read a first time-Carried. ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by A. J, Leitch, That By~Law No. 586 be read a second tinlO-Carried, Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by, R. Locker, That By~LawNo, 586 be read a third time and finally passed-Carried. Moyed by R. Lccker,seconded by S. B. Morris, That By~T..law No. 587, being a By-La;w to fix salary of the Clerk of the Coullty of Elgin aud ameuc1 By~Law~ 368 aud 458 be received a,nd road a first time-C,tlTied, J\fovcdby S. B. Morris, seconded by R. Loeker, Tlmt By.La,w No. ,387 be read a second time-CarrIed. Moved u;yR. Loe1:cr, seconded by O. McKenney, That I3.y~Law No. 587 be rend a third time and iinallypassed.-Canied. Moved by D. Moure, sec()ucluil by \Y. Jackson, That By-Law No. 588,being a By-Law to appoint an Iuspector for House Industry aud amend By~Law 514, be received and read a iirsttime-Oar~ Moved b.vO. McKenney, Seconded by R. Locker, '1'hatBy~Law No. 588 be read a second time----...,-Carried. .1\-1o\'ed by ,",V. Jacksou, seconded by'D, Moore, 'L'jl<-H B.v-L,lW No. 5S3 be road a third time aud iinally passed-,Oar~ Moved by S, B. Morris, sec)ucled by J. Yarwood, That the Report of the Gaol oommittee be re.consideted-Carried. Heport of Gaol committee was theu considered in committee of the Mr. Yur:wooc1 ill the chair. 43 , .44 ELGIN OOUN'fY COUNOIL After amendinp; the report, committee rOBe. and it was adopted of J. Yarwood, seconded by 8. B. Morris. Moved by D. Turner, Seconded byW. Jacksoll, That the usual grant of $50.00 be made to the Wa.rden for his extra vtces alId the thanks of ,this Board ~Q extended to him for the efficient ll~rin which he has discharged his duties the past year-Oarried. Reports of Committees. Moved by W. Fm:d, 'secondedbyD;MoCll'e, , ., , That the thanks of this 'Council bo, and are hereby teIid8red to aU County Officials for their courteous and efficient services during the year and that thie. Oolllleil do now adjourn (Sine Die)-Ca,rried. K. W, McKAY, DANIEL LANG, Oounty Clerk. Wai'den. COUNTY CLERK'S REPORT ON V ALVA TORS ANDMI3MBERS' WAGES. JANUARY SESSION, the ],,'lgill COllllty Council: As reque~ted at the November ElessioD, ,1 addressed a circular to the of each Ooun ty Oouncil with request for replies to -the following ques~ "1,'" 1. H"f1w> Valuators been p.ppointed fat. your Oounty, and if so, were reports satisfactory? 2~ How many Valuators were appointed? 3. What directions were given by County Council to the Valuators? 4. Amount paid Valuators? "f.i.i ,),;(;.:,\' Remarks on Report of Valuators 01' manner in which Equalization of is determined. 46 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL fl. Amount paid Members of Council. (a,) }COl' attcndauce at Sessions of Council. lI'or at.tendance on Comnlittees between Sessions. (b) in 22 of ",vhich Valuators Hep1iof:l woro received from 32 Oounties, novel' berm appointed. 1. In Ontario Valuators were appointed 17 years ago, each of their ports have beon !';l\lisfactory, except the last one, which was appealed by .Ml1nicipa1it.ies to t,he County Judge anet fbally settled. In this three VaJnalors ",vore appointed, they rcceived no directions from the Councils, 0xcept to pct'1'ol'm'their duties us required bylhe Statute. ",yore paid $:2.00 for tho valuation. 2. In Dnffcrin two Valnatol'f:l wel'e appoint.ed and H.eports were factory, they were directed to go'up alld do\vn the Concessions of each ship a,lld yulue thd lots at f'O lllueh pel' acre, also to noto improvements as Buildings, etc. 11'01' this they received aoout,Ji300 each. ( 3. III Bruco two Valuators were nppoiJltec1 in 1879 and in 188fL ections wel'egiven, they received $11.00 per day when actuftlly employed. 4. In Grey threo Vall1atorshavo twice been appointed, the last 1883,fl.nd tho Report Wfl,S Batisfactory. The following directions were by the County Oouncil:- or Books in FmSl',-They were to provide themselves "\vith a Book they shall keep a, record of their proceedings as ValLlators, SEcoND,-'l'hey shall commence on 15th 1!'cbruary and work is fully completed. THIlm,-It slutH be their duty as fa:.r as practicable to ascertain l'e.lativo value of the RealProperty' in each Municip<Llity in the County. Foun.TH,-Thoy are required to note as near as possible the actor of the different parts of each Township, classifying the samo as swamp, stony, or good land, according to circumstances, and shall average cash value on tho lands in each such 10ca1ity to the best of judgemont, it being most desirable that the work should be thoroughly ELGIN COUNTY COtJ.NOIL FIFTH-After having inspected the several Municipalities,they shall from the illformatioll obtained by them, fix the averfLge valuo of each Municipality to the best of their judgement in all caSQ>I, keepiug in view the fLmou11t of clearcq. land, facilities of marketaud any other special advallttLge one Mumcipality may possess over anot-her. - -- , SIXTH,-Thcy shan also note the seyeralTowns -and Villages in eaoh Municipality aud report, 011 the valno thereof from snch lmurces of infol'ml't. tiOll as they lllay possess themselves of. I SEVENTH,-Shoulc1 anyothel' matters that may b9 considered of impor~ tance for the information of the Oouncil ocom' to t.lle valuators in connection their dnties they were to report the same to the Conncil. EIGHTH,-Oll the fiual eompletion of their labors they shallroport to this Coutlcil the results of l:.11oi1' valuation under oath. The valuators worepa.id three dollars pel'day while actually engaged, exclUSIve of stationery, they were reqnired to hand in a detailed statement 'as to their work each day. 5. Iu HiLStiUgS t.\\'o valnatoi'S were apppinted in 1866, their Report was Hot satisfactory alld \, ,.,- la" er ,.dopted. 6. In '"Ii! ellington two valuators wer~ appointed and their T: e}lort was satisfactory, they were directed to value the real property in the various Mlluicipalities as reqnired by statute. 7. In Victoda two valuators were appointed in January 1896 and re- ported ill Jnne 1897. Some complaints were received from Municipalities \'<bntllo appeals and the Report was adopted by the Oouncil. They wel'O <lirected to value eaeh lot and snb.division of lot forming or constituting fL separate proport:y eutering each lot 01' property and the value thereof in book8 providedby the Council, and for this they were to be paid the sum of :fivo hundred dollars each. 8.' ..111 Frontella.c thore valnators were appointed in 1876 their Report ;,~\'as very unsatisfuctcry, they wore paid $650.00. 9. In Perth two valuators were appointed and their Report was l3utis- :~:,factory, no directions were given them, they received $630.00 being 90 days /each at $3.50 per day. 10. In Peterbol'o two valun,tors \Yore appointed and their Report was 's,.Usfactol'Y. '.rhey_ valued each lot sepamte1y and roceived $500.00 each. 47 48 ELGIN COUNTY, COUNCIL 11. Whhreference to members wages, of the 32 Counties reporting members of 26 County Councils reoeive $3,00 per day for attendance at sions and a,nd Oommittees, in five counties they receive $2.00 per day and one county they receive $3.00 for attendingmeetillgs of council and per day for attendance at Committees. All of which is respectfully submitted St. Thomas. JallUa,l'Y K, W, MoKay, Oounty Clerk PUBLIC SCHOOL INSPF:CTOR'S REPORT. JUNE SESSION. To ill(! Wardell and iI/eli/bas of tile Elgin Coullty Council.. I have the honor of preii'lenting my Hepol't on the Public Schools of Elgin County for the year 1897 . FINANCIAL STATEMENT, '1'he followIng Statement shows the amounts expended for Publio School purposes and the cost per registered pupil ill the different Municipalities of t.he Connty: Aldborough"" , "",,$ 9,316 03 Bayham . . . ... ........ 7,345 99 DUllWich.... .... ,... 5,89464 Dorchester Sonth .... ~,761.38 Malahide"" ".".. 6,16479 Southwold...... ..... 10,099 49 yarmouth.... ........ 8,6::17 03 Dut.ton.... ...... ..... 1,79605 Port Stanley...... . ~'.. 962 48 Springfield ...... .... ] ,217 45 Vienna.. ... . . ........ 840 83 Cost pel' pupil. . . . ",,$ 7 42 7 78 8 30 () 84 8 00 10 37 8 60 7 18 6 55 6 55 8 32 " " " " TotaL." ".." ".." $55,042 14,..." ".". """ ."." $ 8 20 f>O gLGINCOUNTY COUNCIL SCHOOL POPULATION AlSD AT~ENDAlSCE. SCHoer.. l!OPULA'l'ION. No. PUPILS REGISTERED. AldborOugh;.... .'...... ...... .'. ..... Baybam..... ...... . ... l)UllWlCh. . . . ., . . .. . . . , . South .lJol'clwRter,..... ......,.... Malahidc... ............ .... Southwold'.... ...... ...... .." yal'luouth.... ...... ...... ...... .... Dutton.... .,._.. ....... ...... ...... Port Stanley. . . . . . .. .... .......... Springfield... '. .. ..... ~. ......... V'ienlla.... ...... .... ...... .... .... j ,.,':,8 1,1J8'1 1,0;Jf:i 4((j 1:;51 1,104 1,2~1 ~oo :615 2,B 150 1.256 9-14 711 405 770 ~3B 1,007 "50 1,17 18li 101 _-r-__I___ Total.. .... ........ ...... 8,075 6,7:0 Of the 6710 p.upils registered. 3540 were boys mid 3170 girls. rl'hc average ;._n.mb.er of days the schools were kE'.pt open was 200, pupil attellded all the ayeragel17 da.ys ascoUlpared with 113 dn-ys ill Every year shows a slight increase ill regularity of attendance. 515 pu.pils attended less than ,20 cbys. 848 p'.lpils attcuded betweeli 20 da,ys a.nd 50 (bys. 1296" .. ., 50 "lOG" 1615" " .. 100 " "150 2214"" 150" 200 222" .. OYel' 200" 14 pnpilsbetween the ages or Sand 14 year$ pid not. !tttelld and 953 between the same age~ attended less than, 100 days;. CLAssmICA~'ION OF PUPILS 57 5~ 4~ 51 ,6 47 [JU. "0 74 6" 52 N'nmbel' of pupils in part t, First Class .._....,.................,.. " " "11, '., ,. .........,.,.................. II .. Secoll_d Class,......... ... ,........ ........ .-.. 1.'hil'd II .... ...'... ...... ...... ...... .... " " Fourth" ...... ...... ..........-......... ...... Fifth " .... ...... _..... ....... ELGIN COUN'rY COUNCIL All of the 6710 pUflils rece-iyed instruction in Reuding,'\Vriting, Arithme- tic, Composition, Drawing and Geography. The following gi\'cs the number of pupils illstrueted in other subjer..ts:- Canadian History...... . .... .... ... .................. ... ... 3,]J3 EritishHistory...... .... ........ ...... ....., ..... ...... ....2,006 Gramlllar ....... ..... . .,.... ...... ...... ...... ...... . .... .... 5,089 Physiology...... ;.:. ...... ..... ....,. ...... ..... ...... ....4092 AlgebraJ . . . . .. ............................................... 477 Book-Keeping. ...... .... ...... ....... ....., ...... ...... ....... 542 Geolnetr.v...... ........ ...... ...... ...... .., ... ...... . .... 469 Botany...... ....... ...... ...... ....... .,.... ...... ...... ...... 151 Physics ...... .. . . .. "..... . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. ................. 82 Agriculture...... ...... ...... ..... .... .... .... .. .. .... .... .... 70 ~lusic. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..................... 2540 PhysiCftl Culture ......;............. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3302 The following graded schools,-Hodney, West Larue, Wallacetown, Finga-l, Belmont, Port Stanley, Springfield, Eden, i:nid Port Bur~ have large Classes in the Fifth Form. _Some of these will rank as with Oontinuatioll'ClasseR, two at lenst,.Rodney and-. West Lorne, A. SOIlie ot.hers will stand ill Olass B 01' Class C. A GOYCl'lllllent GranL of$45H., \VUS di@.tributedamongthePublicSchools, successful coudidates at the Public School Leaving Examinational' for the conditions to i'auk as schools with Continuation Olasses. SOHOOL SEO'fIONS. HOUSES, ETC. Number of S0hool Sections.... .............. ............ HanseR. ....,........... . . .. .. . . . . . . .. ... . . . Departments......, .., ....... ........ ..... Brick Hous\;'s ..... .... ..., . . .... .... ..., .... . Frame.... .... .... .... .... .... ....... ....... 105 107 130 65 42 " vallle of school sites and houses was $143,630 and tho value of $17,081. The character of school proprrty is steadily improving. New building!'l been erected iu sectiolls, foul' Southwold, 8 Bayham and Port Burwell. h011ses are much below tlw standard of excellence, oue would expect find'in the thrifty neighborhoods in which they arc loeated. rl'110 older buildings are badly ventilated. In fact the windows, gener- 51 52 EI.GIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN (JOUNTY COUNOIJ... 53 ally, are 'the Olljy meuus of ventilation. In some sectiolls the fire.wood exposed to SllOW and ice of winter as well as tbe rains of fall and spring .gome teachers report to me thut with such conditions it is almost to keep the !:lohoal houses cOlnfortably \vai'm. Tholat.e Professor Panton of Guelph Agricultural College was prp-sent delivered a series of lectures on the teaching of some subjects of prncti.., importance ill farming comlllllllities, viz.-Descriptive Bot.any, including noxious weeds fruit and ornamental trees, gmiu etc. TEAOHERS, Aldborongh. ..... ...... ..... 'I 2 Bayham. ,.. ...... .... ...... 2 Dunwich ..... .... ... South Dorchester. . .. ...... .. Mal!lhide.......' .... .". ...... Southwold...,.....,... ,... ,. yarmouth.... .... ....., .... Dutton..... ...... ...... ,... Port Stanley..., ....., ..... S.,.l?ritlgfieJd...... ...... ...... vlelln~...... ....., .....,....; Total....".............. .... .; m.' . ." m m <L <L 00 w"" ..q [i1 1.1.:< [i1 j ~ t3 E;;j ~ ~ oQ.QQQ ~~ ~~ ~S ;e E-1 0 E-1 I-' ~ ~.p:<. 0 P:< tr:; P:: 'T [i1 ~ ~ '-; [i1 l'-Io 00,0 - Q 7 I 13 8 8 8 8 1 14 8 4 I 3 3 6111 ~1 3 17 9 9 10 7 4 I 2 2 I I 1 2 1 5 .83 I 47 42 MISOELLANEOUS, 00 ~ [il.!il ~~ " 0 :;;., '" E-< AVERAGE SALARY OF ftlALES. Formation of Soils and Insect Life. 00 ~~ ~!;j ~Q ~., ~~ E-< These lectures httve prom?ted consitlel'ab~e. interest, the 'study of the named which may be turned to practical account in life 011 the It was a now departure ill Teachers' Iustitute work and has borne not only ill Elgin Oount.y but in the whole province, for we hope soon the teaching of such subjects made compulsory, in place of some of less practical utility. $352 80 375 62 343 75 371 66 340 00 371 11 386 42 525 00 525 00 450 00 373 78 01<' FEMALES. In a few schools smtable libraries have been started for the pupils. is u fe:ttul'o of school work needing activo attention. It is to be doplor- in some schools large pupils are found, who read no other books thah authorlzetl text-books. Iu this ago, when the bost, purest ,English Litera- published at very1o\V prices, thoro is no reason why 'everyohlld not have access to u good ~choollibra~y. ]4 10 7 5 16 ]1 12 3 2 2 1 $"5643 245 00 274 270 279 261 312 266 66 362 50 250 265 ..Many years ago the education department encoUl'ftged the establishmen~ libl'ar.r in eV2rysohool, by giving substantial aid to each section, to in the purchase of books, and we should bo glad to see the p'resent Goverument revert to that policy. It is a matter of ellcourag- that all are so interested in educational questions and willmg to giv8 influence for advancing the cause of popular education. - . 83 I have the honor to be, Gentlemen. Your obedient servant, W, ATKIN, Public Sohoollnspectol'. St. rrhomas, Juue 6th, 1898. Number, pfvisits, by Inspector,.. ........ .,., ...... ........ . ....., " " Trustees.,................................ " ., Clergyme.ll........... ,. .... ... ......... ,... ,. Other Persons .... .... ...... .... .... ...... j' of maps in sohools........ ....... ... ..... ... ........ " " Globes in schools...........,.,................. " 'J PublioExaminutions. ,.. .... ........ ....... ..... " " Trees 'Planted...,... .... ........................... .one meating of the Elgin 'l'eachers' Institute was held, ml?st teachers being in atteudauce. ELGIN COUNTY QOUNOIL 2. 'l'hat the places fot holding the Entrance Examinations to the same last year. 3. That the grants to High Schools be the ::lame as last year. 4, Tha.t reports from all High Sohools in tho County will be required befoi'e the gran ts are paid. I\DUCATION COMMITTEE. 5. That a fee of one dollar per month be levied on aU County pupils HIgh Schools lU the County und a Ey~L,~w passed ratifying the JANUARY. All of \vhichis respectfully submitted. To the E~t;ill COltllty CouNcil.' J.AMES If, YARWOOD. Chairman, GEN'l'LEMEN,- rrhe'Educa.t.ion,Oollnuittee beg leava to I'aport: 1. rrhat the usual grant of Fifty Dollars be given for printing and tributillg the uniform promotion examillationpapers, 2. That no action be taken in reference tc the communications taus., JUNE-SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT. the vVilrdCilalld Membe1's'o.f.fhe Elgiit. COVllty Com/ct'l.' All of whioh is respeotfully submittecl, Your Committce Oli Eduoationbeg leave to make tha following' as a SnpiJlementary Report: JAMES If, YARWOOD, 2'lth January, 1898. FmST,-The accouut of R, Mc:Lachlin for ~O:75 for _Model School Sup- .:plieshe paid when CB1'tified correct. SEcoND,-That no action be taken at preselltill the matter of the peti- 'fClll oithe ratepayers of S.S. No, 11. oithe Townsl1ip of Dunwichaskinf{ to the boundaries of said Section altered. Adopted, JUNE. THIRD,-~We also recomm6Ddthat the clause in original report (which adopted yestel'd~y) specifyillg that gl;allts to High Schools be the same :year, bestl'uck out aud the fOllowing clause inserted instead: To lite Warden and iJ1embers 0.1 tlte E~t;iJt CO//ltt)1 Council: GE.N'1'LE:MEN,- Your Committee on Education beg leave to report as follows: 1. rrlmt, the Report of the Public School Inspector be adopted and cd in the minutes. That the grants to High Schools be the amounts required by statute and all the same basis as last year. JAMES If, YARWOOD, Chairman, 55 ELGIN COUN'rY COUNCIL 57 DECEMBER. To tlte E~I;i1l COlm~v COUNcil: The_Gaol Committee beg leave to report: GOAL COMMI'I'TEE. JUNE, 1. That we have considered the application of Mr. Crack, referred to us and would recommend that hebe paid the sum of seven dollars and fifty cents, for additional servicef'j in cleaning out debris from Court House. To tlte Elgin County Council: 2. We have considered the agreement made by Mr.Duncombe for use of Opera House for Court purposes,alld would recommend that the Clerk direct bis attention to the fact that the building is not properly heated, and that , other matters in connection therewith should receive his attentioll. GEN'.rLEMEN ,- rfhe Gaol Committee beg leave to report: 1. As requested at the last session, we have arrang-ed for a new to be placed all t.he Court House, and have accepted an offer from A. thews, slater, of Toronto to do work for $497.00. 2. rfhat Judge Ermatinger's Office be papered and gas put in. 3. rfhat we have granted the St. Thomas BowlinK Club permission use the lawn adjoining the Gaoler's Residence as a bowling green and fence in the same. Use of lawn and imprQvements made to be at all subject to approval of this Council. All of which is respectfully submitted. All of which is respectfully submitted. W, B, COLE, Chah'man. Decmriber. W. B. COLE, Adopted, June 8th, 1898. ELGIN COUNTY dOUNCIL JUNE-NO, L To the Warden and COllNci! 0.1 the County oj' E/gin : FINANCE COMMITTEE 1'he Oommitteeof Finance beg' len,veto report that having examined into theJ3'inances of the County and the estim~teB prepared by the County TrC!lRUrOr, they herewith submit: a Statement of the ex:p011dit.urol'equil'ed for lawful ptll'poses of the OOllllty during' 1898, showing the amounts re~ qnire<'l to be raised for the ulldermentiOllE'd pnrposes: JANUARY SESSION. Administration of Jnstice... ... ,... .... . ..... ,..... ...... $ 4,000 00 Oounty Lillo!? and Bridges... ......,.. ...." ,.., ........ 7,00000 House of Incll1stl'Y . . . . .. . . . . .. ...... ,...'................ 4,500 00 High Schools.... .. .. .... .. .. .... .... .. .. .... .... ,....... 4,500 00 SchoolswithOontinuationOlasses ..... ...... ...... ...... 40000 Model Schools .... .... ,... .... .... .... .... ...,....... 150 00 Officer's Salaries. . . . ... . . . . . . . . . ,. .... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,800 00 Sehool Inspector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . ,. ,..' . . .. ......., 850 00 Payment of Jurors...... .......... ......., ........,...,. 1,50000 Crm',rn Witnesses..". ....._ .... .... ......... .... ...." 60000 Interest all Bills PaYll,ble...... .... .........,.. .......... 700 00 Members' "Wages, Oommittees, etc. ......... ..,......... 640 00 Debent.ure Hate,... ".. .... ....., .... ".... .. ..,. ... . ',' .. 1 942 00 Incidentals....., ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... .... 1,00000 To tlte .l;,,'~(i,; County Council.. GENTLEr.mN ,-- ;:'he Finance Committee beglea.ve to report: 1st. That the sum of Ten Dollars be granted to the Prisoner's Association 2nd. That an account of Weldon & Co. for Non-Resident Count,yTreasurer's Office amounting to $13.00 be paid. Urd. That the account of Mr. Miller, Local Master, for office amounting to $84, be paid. 4th, That a By-Law be passed to authorize the Warden and to borrow the sum of Twenty Thoup.and Dollars. 5th. That the snm of $25.00 be granted to the Elgin Association for 1898. Total,.",. ,.,." ,.,." ".,., ,..." ...... ,.",,$30,5~2 00 Y Onr Committee \vonld recommend that the sum of ':l.'hirty Thousand, and Bighty-Two Dollars be raised on all the rateable pro- in the several MnniClpalitiesin the Couuty 'of Elgin dnringthe year for County purposes, as per schedule herewith submitt.ed, and that a, of Two Mills on the Dolla.r be levied OIl the rateable pl'opert,y ill the Municipalities in the Oounty as equalized to raise said amounts. All of which is respectfully. submitted. , S, B. MORRIS, 27th January, 1898. Adopted, 50 GO ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SOHEDULE. ., .""".,." $ 3,783 00 4.160 00 ,," ".,,, .."" "" 5,73000 ,,, "" """ ' 6,170 00 " " ' " " " "" "" " 4,602 00 ", ",,,,,, 2,21700 2,630 00 722 00 114 00 138 00 136 00 180 00 Aldborough...... ...... ........ ...... .... Dnu\vich......., ....... .... ........ .... ................ Southwold.... .............. ........ Yal'ulouth..................,. ....... Mala-hide. . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Ba.ylHtlll...... .......... .... ...... South Dorchester. . '," . . . ..... . ... . .. .......... . . . . .. . . AylnlGr.... ...., .... ...... .... .... .... ....... VienlHt.... .... ...... .... .... ... .... ........ .... .... ..... Springl1eld. . . . .. ...... ... . . . . . . , .' ............... Port Sta,nley . . . . . . .. . . .. ............ ...... .... .,...... 1)uttOll... ............. ............ ..,..... ....... rrotal.... .. " "",,,,,,,,,,, $30,582 00 All of which is respectfully submHted. S, B, MORRIS, Committee Hoom, 8th J\mo, 1898. JUNE~NO, 2, To the /lfembers (?! tile E~r:ill County COll-ncil: GgN'l'I"EJ\IEN ,- '1'he- Finance Oommittee beg lea.ve to report: 11~IHsT,-rrhat no action be taken in reference to application from ployors Li~bility COl'pomtion for Guarantee Bond for County 'l'reasurel'. :::;EcoND,-rl'hat t.he follo\yillg accounts be paid: J'. A. Bell, expenses to Chatham, re settlement of accounts ,.. $ 4 70 H.odney MOl'(ll1ry, P1'illt.illg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ................ HI GO '1'. Hortop, Oonvey<tllCe .J ury to House of Industry. .. . .. .... . . S 00 Ii}. A. Hu~'ill. Pr1lltin6 Auditors Hepol't. . . . . . .. ......,....... 36 A. .Murr<tY, Services as Auditor.... ..., .... .... ..,. .... ...... 4000 .T. E. Oampbell, Services as Auditor.... . '.... .... .... .... .... 40 00 ELGIN COUNTY COUNoiL TUIRD,-That the AnditOl'ffRep'ortoe\ad'opted. FOURTH,-That the Lock-Up Keepers be paid a;sfollows: A. McRae, six months salary, L. .Pierce, " D. A, Kirkpatrick J ai:;:. PllYlle, l' 1?.' 'PllJ:.dy; " J a's. 'Goodall; J.' Mc'I'aggart, " N. Lndy, H Dutton"" "..., " " " " ...... $10 00 Aylmel' '.'" ...... .............. 15 90 vVestLorne..., .... ...........1000 Port,Stanley,..... ............ 15 00 V,ellua ......................10.00 Wallac'eto~vll...... ...... .... lobo Springfield........ ...,........1000 Rodney...... ...... ...........1000 .J<' " " " submit here an Account received from L. Oampbell, ,High 'All of which is respect,ful1y submitted. s, B, MORIlIS, Chait'juan. {UNE No, 3. '1.'he FlIl"nCeOtimll1ittee be.;lohv:Jto report, That the following accounts be paid: The Journal, Book for Hegistrar .......... .....,.... '1'110 Jourllal, Book for D.McLaws ............. ..... The Times, advertising.... ...... ... ......, ...... .... H. McLachliu, Stationery, Oounty Clerk. ....... ,.... .. Co. 'l'l'easurer,.......... .... " Regist,rar.... '.' "" .... .... $7 50 10 00 J4 65 tAl iJ5 J'{ 34 17 30 " of which is respectfully submitted. S, B, ~JORRIS, Chairman. 6'J: H2 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL NOVEMBER, To tk'Elgill COl!nty Council: GJ.l:NTL\!:1\IEN,- 'I'he .Fiuance Oommittee beg leave to report. 1st. That a By-f...!aw be pftssed for providing for borl'o\Vmg Twenty rl'hoU5!1ud Dollars, to meot the current oxpenc1i.ture of the Oouuty, as request. l:'d by the 'freasurer's Report. 2nd. r.chat the follo....ving accounts be paid;- OOUNTY ENGINEER'SRI~PORT. JANUARY SESSION, \[0 tlU! Warden and i11embers of tlte COl!nty COllltci!: A. McHae, Look-up keoper,.......... .......... .............. L. Pierce, Lock.up keep, Aylmer........................... D. A. Kil'kpfttrick, lock-up keeper, West Lorne,.... ........' Joseph Hou~h, look-up keeperl Port Stanley.. .. .. .. .. ..... . . D.Purdy, lock-up keeper, Vienna.. ........................ James Goodalllock.uP keeper, Wallacetown .... ............ I. McTaggart, look.up keeper Springfield.................... N. Lud.y, lock-up keeper, B.o:b10Y.. ...... ...,............... Hodney Mercury, printing Finance Statement etc.......... 'l'reasn'l.'er, Tp. of Aldboroughl expenses,examinati)ll arid con. veyance Mrs. Weddege to Asylum. . . . . . . . . . . ." .......... All of which is respectfully submitted. $10 00 15 00 10 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 7 75 Ibeg to report that considerable ropairs a.re necessary t,o the sub1;trl1ctUl.'o Kc'Lilis bridgQ bet\veen the City of St. ThOmas and Connty of Elgin. Thave nOlle Dothing towa.rds preparing plans and specificatioiJs ,for rOM tho Coyne H(;>ad Bridge ulltiUt is finally 8,,;t"tled as to the locatiori of Respectfully submitted, 15 00 J AS. A. BELT...!, C)Ullty Engineer. S, B, MOHRIS, Chairmau. January 25th, JUNE, Adopted, November 30. and i.J1embers 0.1 the E(l.}in County COll1lcil : lbeg to submit the fOllowing repol'tfol' yonI' cons~deration: DUrillg the spring- freshets in l\Ir.l'ch a portion of the contra pier of 0\'01' the Big Ottor Creek between Bayham and Middleton was ca.rried l1yrenc1ering tho bridge unsafe .for tl't'n:ol. I reported, to your Oouncillast .,:a1' in regard to this bridge and got permission from you at tha,t time to ;place it, but in, consequence 'of no action 'being' ta.ken by the County of '~rfolk, nothing- "vas dono. I examinecl the bridge in company with the ;~ail:ll1ltl1o[ your .Public Jmpruvemonts Oommittee on Mal'ch21st, aft~l' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 64 BLGIN COUNTY QOUNCIL which the COl1ut.y of Norfolk was notified to appoint a day to meot and con- sider the matter. The Chairman, County Solicitor an\l, myself met aoom.,~: mittee from Norfolk in Tilsonburg on the 6th of April and inspected the-:;~ locality of the bridgej but as the committee from Norfolk had llopowm' to..;};' act in the matter fOl' their council an adjournment was made until the 27th:,>~1 of Aprilj when the Ohairman. Warden and myself met the Norfolk COllllnit~;.:~ tee at Simcoe. !twas deciderl at that meeting to prepare plans for a woodeu,,!0 structure and ask for tenders j this was done and the same joint committeoi~ again met in my office 011 May 16th and received the following tenders: Xi W. F. Gibson, $2;200 j G. A. Ponsf6rd, $1,495; Alex. For Steel Superstructure, H,'Lmiltoll Bridge 00., $1,590; Dominion Bridge '.Co., $1.720; Stratford Bridge Co., $1,357; Hauter Bt'03., $1,349.81. Your 'committee accepted the tender of Hunter 'Bl'o3.for the ste::\l superstrLlctUl'e _and Geo. 'A. PallS ford for the conCret,;) foundations. 'rhe cont.L'a.ctor is now at wOl'k bailding the fouLldatio:ls aud it is expect1d tha,t the wholo contract will be completed by the fi1'5t of July. ",':: Gerhard & Griffin, $500; Jam6s Finney, $475; Robert Conley, $480; F.:~ Forsythe, $505. The contract W113 n.,vJ.rded to James Finney, his being the' the lowest tender. H'~ has signed the coiltract and given security forthe'N' completiol1 of the work. The work is to be completed by the first of July;:i, fl'his is the only bridge which received any material damage by freshets. 6. It will be necessary to replace the reproach to the south end of tho Wardsville Bridge and also to replank the north appi'Olwh of the McIntosh Bridge. 5, I have had l'op:til's ma,de to the R'lins BrIdge amounting to $101.00 of which this county pays one-half. 2. On March Brd yonr Public Improvements Committee met a similar,'%!, committee fiom the County of Middlesex and opened tenders for the r(t~ building of the Coyne Road Bridge over the River Thames. The followiu~2:)' tender.3 wet'e received :-Isaftc Crousfl,$4,570;. Lang Anderson, $3,900; Joh~:::~ N. Gibb. $4,457; Laucelal Hardy. $5,000; William Reath, $5,224.44; Tracy:;~ Bros., $4,493. YOlll" committee agreed to a lcept the tender of Lang Ander;':0 sou,. ne being the lowest teuderer, with the provision that if he would i10~n enter iuto a contract that the next lowest tender be accepted. Subsequentli~' Mr. Anderson refused to sign the contract on account of an enol' in his ten.;i del' and the contract was awarded to John N. Gibb, he being the llext lowe~t,'i3 tenderer. He has entered into a proper contract with bouds for the carl'ying\~ to completion the wo"k as specified aud is now at work on the bridge. ,~ 7. It will be nece~sary to replauk the whole of the Belmont Bl'idgo be tween this County and Middlesex; I have made arrangements to have this workdoue iu conjunction with theEllgilleer for Middlesex. All (If which is respectfully submitted. I havo the hOllor to b.e your Obedient servant, JAMES A, BELL, County Engineer l:~ 3. Youi' committee on the same date opened tenders in accordance witli;l speciflpallons prepared bv me for rebuilding of the Ling Bridge between';}, Southwold and Westminister. Thefollowiug tenders were received : For 8upflrstrncture : Stratford BrIdge. CompanYj .$279; Dominion 'Bridg#:~ Company-, $234; Hamilton Bridge Company, $215; Hunter Bros., $215. JUNE RE SE',t'fLEJ.1ENT BOTHWELL BRIDGE ACCOUNTS. Wardell and. Cot/lU.:il of tIle County of Elglll For Substructure: 'W. F. Gibsoll, $400; Burnett & Sonj $463 j PonsfOl'd, $379 The contract was awarded to the Stratford Bridge' Company fort~;~ steel superstrncture and Geo. A, Ponsford for the foundations; theirs beitlg~ the lowest tenders. The fouudatime are noW completed and it is expecij~ the superstructure will be erected this week. ^ In accordance with instructiclllS receivedfl:01l1 you, I beg to report that, to~~tl1er with the Commissioner of Middle~j6x, I went to Ohatham, met a '.committee from Kent County and made an investigation iutothe claim In(\de by the County of Kent for a settlement of accounts amounting to JS1.25 p,dd by them as being- ex:p;mdec1 all the BJthwell Bridge from 1'887 to 18U7; 4. The tenders for the Robbins Bridge were as follows: 65 66 rrhe COlUmlBsionGl' :OflH-LUlUv<>"'"" ~.~~ ---" amounting to $-17<1.66 in full of tLll chtimfS0xcept rL matter of !.Lud I have given YOlll' trea.sm:ol' a cel..'tifica,te to pay the treasurer the F;um of $121.84, being the pl'opor~ion due from tl1is county, ancl have tacheu to Altid cGl,tifimLte adeta,iled statement of 0[1chitom a.llmyecl and amount. 'rho County of Kent ri.lso claims thrtt the owuer of the lot on the Hide of the appt'Q:tcl1 in Orford 'rown"hip sholl.lcl be lJaid thesnm for land t.:Lkell in di vel'tll1g the 1'oa.d tht'Ol.W;h his laud in making [t11 to the bridge. It seomsthat when the fil'3tbl'idgc was built a,t this abont ono acre of la,nc1 wag tn,ken off this lot in order to get.a. cl'o3sillg at angles to the riyer. '.L'l1e hI,st bridge did not encroach any more on the thu,tl the old one, although it is clairned sQtue earth was taken off the la,ad iin in the approach. I would not consent to recommend the. payment of :portion of this amount \-"itbout further instructiolls iuthe matter, as land. has be0ll used as the road for ftlife time of two bridgQs. All of Tvhich.isrBB1)0.ctfnlly -sn.bmittod-. J\11l0. 1898. NOVEMBER, To lite vVarden and COlfNcil rif lite COltll!)' of Elgin: GBNTLEMEN, - I beg to submit the followi,llg report on the work County silica your' June Session. '.['lie following bt"itlges have been completed a,ml.,lnspectedby Special Committe"',. 1. o.ttC.l' Creek Bridge, contract price...... Approaches .'.... .... '. .. ;...... . .' . . . . . . . .. .,.... ...........,....... 2. The Coyncl:toad 13l'idge,contTfict price...,.. .......... The lIccouut for inspector on this -work ht(s not yeli been pa.id. \, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 3. The Ling Bridge, contract price ....................... Inspecting and filling in approaches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . $658 00 47 22 $ 705 22 4. The Robbins Bridge, contract price.... . Inspector and filling approaches. . . . . . . . . . . . $2844 31 76 50 $ 2920 81 The M9Illtosh Bridge has had a new floor put on the north approach alld uew railing and SllOW board throughout cost $129.42 The north a,pproach of the Graham Road Bridge his been strengthoned Hew braces put in the south approach at a cost of' $63.82. A new approach on the suuth end was erected to the Wal'dsville bridgo anexpe:l.f~e of $182.00 and repairs made to the planking at an eixpense of The Belmont Bridge has been repbnked with oak at a cost of $60 45 The Ka,ins Bridge has been repaired having a new bent put ill the centre 'arid-a pdrtioll of it replanked at a cost of $84.98. Small repairs luwe been illftde to a number of other bridges in the county. I also beg to report that the following bridges will have to be rebuilt year. i. 'rho KaillSbridge, between the city of :::::t. Thomas and the County. 2. The J3'iugal Road bridge, between the city of St. Thomas and the O()ulity. 3. 'rhe Port. Bruce bridge over the C"ttfish Creek. 1 had to get a tem- pbrarysl1pport placed under one of the spans of this bridge this year. 4. 'rhe Ta.lbot Ol'eek Bridge over Talbot Greek between the Township of South wold uud DUllWich. There.is lnore travel over the Kainsand Fingal Road Bridges than over ,uy bridge in' the county. The average cost of keeping the floor system of ,hose bridges in a proper state of repair is about $60 per year each. I would therefore ask you to take into consideration the advisability of erecting these ~ridges of steel witha solid floor system ;, that is the joists to be of steel and ,the the floor paving bdck. The extra cost of superstructure Would be mOl"O 'tiancbhnter.balauced by' the saving-in repairs. Allof which is respectfully submitted. .TAS, A, BELL, Oounty Engineer. 67 ELGIN. COUNTY COUNCIL 69 5th-That we have cOIlsidoredthe questioll Ol" assuming the-McInnis iu Yarmouth and have discussed the matter with the Middlesex Oom- and would recommend that liO action be'taken. Respectfully' submitted PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE, W,M.ll'ord, Ohairman. 26th January 1898. JANUARY. Adopted. To till! r-Vardi!1l and "Coul/cil oj'lllt! County oj j:.~~r:tll: JUNE SESSION, Gl~N'fLlnmN,- the E{t;in COUNty COUllcil: Your, Public Improvoment Committee beg leave to submit the report: lst,-Your Committee met a sirnilarcommittee of the County of sex in the city of London yestorday aud discussed thequtls~ion of the Coyne Rmul Bridge, and also tho question of selcctingn.differellt site this bridge. The jointOotllmitteo decided to rebuild the bridge au its sent site a,nd that it be l'ebuilt of wood all a pile fouIHlation using as much the old iron as is possible in thfl work. Your committee would thereforel'ecommend that the engineers two counties prepare plans and specificationsand,advertise for this 'Work alld,that yOul' Committee have power to act with a llli~tee from. the ComIt,y of Middleseq to open tenders and award for the rebu.ilding of this brid~e. 2nd-Your Committee have considered the application of of Bayham for a grant for graveling t,110 eastern townlille of wouldrer.Jolllmcnd'that Doaation be taken. 3rd-In the matter of the telephone message received from the clerk t,heCounty of Kent your Oommittee would recommend that the Emgineel' act in conjuuction with the Count.y engineer of Middlesex to tigate this matt.er with power to settle any dispnte 01'; if they think best l'eport back to yom; Oomicil. 4th-Your committee would recommend that the Chairman and lave power to advertise for tenders and a.ward contracts for 'Robin~ bridge over Kettle Oreek and the Ling bridge between ltnd \Vost,minister, ltllc1 thrl,t the engineer have power to nnke the rcpairs to Kains bridge. Your Public Improvements Committocbeg leave to submit tho follovl'ing the En;s~ueerI8R?port o~~the WOl~k doue andW91}ld h3,commelld'thltt the re~ anthorizecl"to carry o'ut the i'8cOfn- 2nd. That the action taken by the Engineer in settlemellt of the ac- with the Oounty of Kent be confirl;ned except as to the claim for pay~ of right~of-way, 3rd. That no action be taken on the claim made by the Oounty of Kent taken in TOWliShip of Orford ,for right of way to the Bothwell bridge, 4th.'rImt Messrs. Yarwoocland McKellar be a Committeo to aetwith Engineer in accepting the contmct for the construction of the Coyne Bridge. That Messrs. Leitch and Jackson bo a Committee to act with the in accepting the contract for-the construction of the Ling and H.ob~ r:!.'hat the Warden and Messrs. Ford al1dLocker bo a Committee to the EIJgillccr in accopUllg the contract for the CCllstl'llCtioll of tho ovor the I::ig Otier Creek. 70 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIIJ 71 7th. That this Oommittee would also recommend passed by this Oouncillimiti:ng the liability' of the COlluty Bridges required over riY~rs or streams- acm'oss 'the -Township which are 80 feet or more in'wId'th as provided by sub l')ectton 3 of 617 of the Municipal Act. 2", In regard to the chLim for clama,g8s of. Casey fLllc1 Fl'ftIlCis during tho of the Robins bl'idge yonr committee would recommend that tho matter bo left over until the Jauual';Y srssion and th,-"t in the n18alltimo the County Solicitor bo a.~lced to give his opinion as to tho Ibbiht.y of the COUllty in them:Lttel'. All of which is respectfnlly subtnitt.ed. W. M. Ford, 3. Your committee havocollsidercc1 the various matters referred to in the report of thecngi.nGer and would recommeUQ its adoption. Adopted, June 8th, 1898. DEOEMBER.. 4. Your committee ,vauld recommend thR.t the Pod Bruce and Talbot Creek bridges be rebuilt of steolon concrete fonudatious and that the Engi- neer prepal.e plans audspeciflcatiolls fat' tho rebuilding- of the samo, !tnd ask for tenders, to be receiv'ed at the Jammry session of your council, aud 11lso that tenders be received at the same time for the rebuilding of the Rains and Fingal bridges. To theWm'dm and Council of the County oj Council .. GEN'l'LEMEN ,.- 1. In referonce to the Fingal and Kaine bridges between the city of Thomas and this County, your committee had a meeting with a similar mittee appointed by the city of St. Thomas at which the Engineer for MUllicipilaties presented the following report, in regard to said bridges. 5. Your Oommitteehas received an account from A. L, Scott for divert- ingthe wat.ers of the Otter Oreekand for damage to lands which affects the ."sa,fetyof the bridge billlt this yea,r over the Otter Creek. The amount of the "account 'is $18,50. Your Committee would recommend that thoacconut be ~-pa.id providing the representa"iiive of Norfolk is agreeable to the smne. Your Public Improvemont Oommittee beg leave to submit the repOl'l All of which is respectfully submitted. I beg to submit the following estimate for rebuilding the Kains and ~al bridges, substructure to be of COllcrete and superstructure of steel l:lolid floor. I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, W. M. Ford, Chairman. Fingal Bridge. December 1898. Concrete abuttments.... ... ... .......... ...... ..........:. $1700.00 Steel superstructure and solid floor..... ...... ...... ...... 220000 Acl:opted, $3900 00 Kains Bridge. Ooncrete abnttments.......; .... ..., ......... ....,... ..... ... , Steelsnperstrticture aud solid fioor. ...., ...... .......... ,. It was resolved that each municipality should recommend to their CilA the rebuilding of t,he Kains and Fingalbddges as. recommended by l~llgilleor with concrete fOluHlation, steel supm'structure and solid flOOl'~3, ELGIN COUNTY OOUNOH~ NOVEMBER To the El,f:in CouJ/.ty Council: GEN1)LEl\IEN,~ The Petitions and Legislation Committee bog leave to report: PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. JANUARY, To tile Elgin County Council; 28th January,lS9S, Adopted, JUNE, To tile Elgin CmOtty Council,' 1st. That no <Lotion he taken in reference to Petition from the County Council of Ute Oouuty of vVelblld. 2nd. That we comply with the request of the County Council of Duf- ferin, by petitioning tor the amel1ClmGnts to the Jm'ors Act as thereiu rofer. red to, All of ,,,hich is l'espectfnlly submitted, D. TUHNER. Olml.rUlall. HOUSE OF INDUS1'RY, JUNE, D. To the /i,'I,gin COllNty COUI/ci!: GENTLEMEN ,__ The Hotise of Il,ldustl'Y Committee beg loa::eto report,_ 1st, 'rhat SOUlG ,veeks ago tho building used for the purpose of it wood. house, Ice-house <Lnd smoking room was destroyed by fire. '1'her8 'vas no izisul'ance. The Committee have had plans and specifications prepared for a new building to be cOllst.ructed of brick a.nd stolle with slate roof to rephce this, aud a.lso to provide additional accomn:oda.tion aud would recommeud tha.t we be authorized to proceed with the erection of the same at a cost of $1149. 2nd Tllat yOur Committee be empowered to make arrangements with Oouncil of the Oity of .st. '1'homas as they may think adVlsa,ble for the purpose of providing a Childrens' Shelter as required by the Childl'ens Aid Society. All of "iyhich is respectfully submitted, GENTLEMEN ,- rrhe Committee on Petitions and Legislation beg leave to report that action be taken in referenoe toComffiunicatiolls received from the Count' of Halton and La.nark. All of whioh is respectfull.y submitted. Adopted, 8th June, 1808. June 1898. D. 111, MOGH.E, Ohairman. 73 74 ELGJN COUNTY COUNCIL DEOEMBER To tIle Elgin COUll~Y Council: Gl1:N'l'LE:M:ffiN The- I-louse (If Industry Committee beg leave to report :- 1st. That the Reports of the Physician and Inspector be adopted. 2nd. That t,he building ordered to pc erecteel at the last sessioll, been complete.d in a satisftlctol'Y mauuer. Brd. r;I~hat we have considered an application from VV. Williams for allowance to him for loss in meat contract, and would recommend that be granteel the sum of 'lwenty-five Dollars. 4th. rrhat George A. POllsford be paid the sum of eleven dollars of contract and extras on new building at house of Industry. All of which is respedfullysllbmitted. D. ]', MOORE, Ohairman. Considered ill Committee of the whole and clause throe struck out. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PHYSICIAN. To lite Warden and i.Ji~'mbers oj tlld Elghz County Cot/lIeil in .)'c.fsivll Assembled- GEN'fLEr.1EN ,- I have the honor to present you t.he twcnty-thil'd annual medical report of the Elgin House of Indnstl:y~tlld Befnge. I have paid tifty-two regnla,r,tcll special, and thirty-ol/!,ht visits to Amas~t Wood Hospital, making a total of one-hundred Y1SltS dl1l'iilg the yea.r encliug the 3lst o[ OOtob81' lH~8, I have recorded t\'.,'o 1Jirth~ OIlO at the illstitntioll, the other at tho Hospi- tal,St. Thomas, The surgical \vork has exceeded any previous yoar of this Institution's existence, In addition to,minor opC:l'atiOlisDliniol rrayloL;was admitted hav- iug lJot.h bOlles of his legfrac~nrecl, result faitly: good, William Ryckmau, aged 72, was taken tothe HOSpital ill St. ThollJfts \yhere I amputated his left legjust Lelow'ihelmeo. lio died all the third day from surgical shock, Mrs, Clark suf'ferillg 1"1'0111 cystic tl11110i' of thebl'cast\Vas take.u to the Amas~t Wooal-Iosp'ital Olithe ~4tli ofOclober. Next clay I removed the cutire Mammary gta,lId.' At pi'eselit she is couvalcsciug nicely, This, like the t\',rb preccrlillg- )1Cnl's' ha~bcon ent.irely f~'ee from colltagious and prcvclltablc.dis,cases,'llOll:e hltVlllg Buffercdi'rollL bad\vater, bad vent.ila- tion or impropel' dothiug or food. The' uewbnilding erectec1this yc:arto take thoplnce of the one consum- ed by fire adds vel'y lUuch to the appeanlllco of the premises as \vell, !LS sorv.. ing:tllaIJY useful purposes, We always lULYe 10 cui'e for pcrsolls sufferiIJg from varicose audsyphilhtic ulcors. rheumatislll, epilcpsy, St. Vitns etance, Wioey and insauHy. t.ho lHinies of those \vho have died during: the year, giving their of dcntl1, N A~IE. AGl~, CAUSE OIP DEATH, Gem'ge TY1;roll 80 Paralysis John B,caty 82 Paral.Ysis Joseph Pierson. tiO ParalysIs Hemy Jh'c0wan ~O SC"lllle dOC~1Y rrhomus Alleu' 70 Heart; ,diseaso James Oswat .79 Paralysis 'rhOlll1\,S Hermon 50 COllf'Ulllption William Ryckman 72 SUJ'glCI-LI shock I Imve tho hOllOI' to be, gentlemen, your obec1icut servlmt, .L. I..iUrrOi'l, M, D. St. Thomas, Kovember ;~:2lld, 1898. 7;) INSPECTOR. To tIlt! rVardelt and il1e;nbers oj lite EI,g-i1l County Coullcil: GEN'l'L'IJ:MEN,- The following IS my report, on the House of Industry and Refuge for year cnding 31st October, 1898. i. Number of Inmatesin 'the House at last report ,..... ...... 45 2. " admitted during the year...... ...... ...... ........ 37 3. " deaths..., .... .... ..... ....... ...... ...,.. ...... .... 8 4~ " discharged........ ...... .".., ...... ....., ........ 14 5. l< absconded...... ...... ."... ,..... ...". ...... .... 3 6. " at Blind Institute...... ,., ,:.'. ...... ,....' ...... ..~. 1 noW in house... ...... ,.. .;',..... ...... ... ...... .... 55 sent from the severallllunicipalities 7, 8. Number of inmates Oounty during the year. Aldboro'l.1gh.... ....,.. ,......... ... ... ......., .....;... .,. ......'.... 2' DUll\vich.... ......... ..... ........ . ...... .,. .... ;......., ....... 2 Southwold............,.. ....... ...... ...... ...", ...... ...... ...... 5 yarmouth......,..,... .., .... .... ...... ...... ...... .... ........ 5 Ma,lahide,....... ....... ... ...... ...... .... ." ....,.. .,. ...-. .... .... 4 Bayham... .... ..'" ....... .., ... ...... ." .... .... ..... .....,. ... 8 Sou.th Dorchester. . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . .,. ... . . . . . ,. . . .. 2 Vienna........., .... ........ ,.............. ...... ................ 0 SpringfiGld,... ....................... ...... .,. ...... .... .......... ..1 Aylmer....... ........... ...... ,...., ..... .... ...... ........ ....0 port Stanley....... ....., .,..., ....- .... .... ....... ... ~.. ...... .... 1 Dutton,... .... .... ....... ..... .... .." ,........ .......... .... .....,6 "'" ELGIN. COUNTY. COUNCIL 9. The various cases of pauperism of inmates in the Honse dmillg tho year lllay bOe cla.ssifil"d as follows: Sickness.... ....., ,. ...... ........,.,.. ..... ....., ,... .... 8 j estitutioe_.... , . , . . . . , .. .. . . . . . . , . ' . . . . . . . . . , . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . .. 12 Intemperance...... ...... .... ... ... ....., ....... ............... 7 Cripple. ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . ; . . . .. .. . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Old Age, , " " " . " " , " " ,,,,, "" "",. " " " " "" ".", l,j Blind..., ,..... .... .... .... .... ..., ,..;. ..... ...... .... ',"';" 2' Insane, idotic, etc. . . . . . . . . . .. ...... .. . . , . '.. . .. .."........,.. 22 All other causes.... ,... .... .... ....... ..., ..... ............ 1B 10. Average number of inmates dllrillg the year .,.. '. . .... 49 1 l. Average with Keeper's family acldad... ...... ... ... ... :52 12. Number of weeks' board of inmates...... .... ...... . .. . 2566 13. Number with Keeper's family, etc., added'...... ,..... 2722 14 Total expenditure during the year..,... ..........,... $52,17 ""(J 15. Improvements, repairs and receipts from -inmates...... 147:J .95 10. LOfwillgamount ae~llally eXl:>ellded for support of iit. lnates.....,...............,... ...... ......,..... 377451 17. Avemgeexpense per week for each person...... ...... 1;38% 18. Average expellse per diL.Y for eaell per"on. . . . . . .. ...... .108 19. Average expense pei' YeiLr for each perSOll,...., ...... .. 72 10 20. Average expense p-:'x year for each person \\.ith interest all total amount expended by <Jaunty added.... .... 91 28 21. Average cost per week per iunmte dui'iiig t,ho past twent.y years, . . . .. ... . .. ,..... ..... ,............. 1 16 22. '.rho amouut expended for House and ]J'arm during the-year is ~.ivided as fullowti: Hired Labor. ... .. . .. ... ...................... ....;. ..... $ 120 00 I;\nm implements and expenses...... .... .... ..,. ...... .... 157 00 li'arIll stock. . . . , . ., . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . 1;28 00 .Physichni...,.. .... .... ... .... .... ..,....., """ ....., 21400 Keeper and MatrOIl. . . . . .. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .. . , . .. ,.. . .. . . . . 550 00 Drugs... .'. .'....... .".. .... .......... ...,....'..., ... ...... .... 62.52 Seed, Feed mId ProYlsiollS".. .. . .. ... .. . ... '..... . .. . . . ... ] 16 40 lVle:a.i... '..'.... ...... ...' ..... ... ........ ...., '.~_"""'''''' .'. 27541 Bread.... ...... ....,... ..,. ..,. .... .... .... ........ ...... 2ti{) 30 Groceries....,... ......,................... ....... . ... .... 474 B9 Dry Goods. . . . , . . . . . . .. . .. ,.... . , . . . . . , . .. ... . .. ...,'..... 2 J 5 ti6 Bootsalld Shoes.... ,... .... .... .... ,... ,... ...... .....;.. 60 45 Furniture alici.Harc1\'I..~are.... .... .... .... ..... .... ......., 5;a BS Oouveyal1ce of Inmates, .' :.. ,.... ..., .... .................. 82 40 Illeidellta.l....:... .'.'..'.,....... ....,...,.... ..,. .......... 27;a 00 IlJspectol'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 150 00 \VU!;u........,.................,. ... ..... J738;,>, 77 If 78 EI.GIN COUNTY OOUNCIL Coal".. ,..... .... ........ ...... ,..... ...... ...... ......., Iusurn,nce. ,...... ..... ,......... ....... ~ ...... .:.......;.. Repairs.... .... ...... .... ,... . .. .. .. . ...... .... ..,. .... . Pe.rl~HLl1ent Improvements.... .... ...... ......., ........,. Mullst.er.... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... ..., .,.. ....... COluniittee...... ...... ...... .. .... ...... ....,. ,..... ...... 362 98 44 80 126 60 1180' 50 55 on 57 !jl) TotaL.., ,.., .,.. ,."..,.,.,....,..,.,.,'.,'.,.,., $5247 46 23, No children attended sch(101 during- the year. 24. '1'he follovdng produce was r,Lised on the Farm during the year: 18 tons I-lay, B50 bushels Oa,ts, 105 bushels "\Vl1eat, 1000 bushels MlLugolds, 200 bu"hels 'i'uraips, 150 bushels PotlLtoes, 100 bnshelsBeets, 10 ba,l'l'ds Apple;;;, 10 bushels Oniolb. t'l0 oushols Oa,rrots, 10 bushels beans, 300 heads of OtLbba.ge, 20 Hogs, 25 Turkeys, 50 Ohickens, 715,pounds of Butter, 150 ja.rs Fruit. In addition to a.bove a lal'f,oa,moul1t oE vegetables, etc, 00nsumed during the year, of which llO account was kept. 25 Number of articles of beddi.ng and clothing made yoa.r by MlLtrOtl a,nd Inmates, 513. ' 20; The furniture, provisions, etc., on hand on 1st of November ljoen v!Llued at $2300. 27. Il'a.nn Stock :~ B horses'valued ........................................... i5 cows.,.....,.. ........... ."..... ... ...... ...... .......... 180W.... ,... .... ...... ...... ...... ............. ...... .... 28, (1'ho total amount expended by Oounty for House d Industry, . e is as follows ;- Farm, fiG flores, cost.... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... l~Iuu:,e Ol lndustry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . .. ........ ....;...... Laul.ldl")' ...... .... .... .... ...... ...,.. .... ..... .... ...... }j"LrG e8(~H] os.... .....' ...... ..... ...... ,.,. ....., ...,.... UOO!, Oeliar... ................. .... ... Cottages.. ...... ..... -.... ... .'.. ...... ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 70 .Bricklce.I-Iouse.... .......... ... .... ... .... ...... ....... Barns, eto...... . ..... .... .... .... ..... .... .... .......... llileDraills...... ...... ...... """ ...... .... .... .... .... 'lileDrain' Outlet...... ...... ... ............... .......... Fencing.... .... ...... .... .... .... ...... ...... .......... Orohard........ .....,... ............ .....,... .... ...... Heating Apparatus,..... ..., ............. .... ""'" ...... 1180 50 2~87 57 460 1~ 60 70 733 75 85 84 1979 00 Total .......................,....... .... ....$ 23956 H6 29. Received from the Government on R()c6itnt oXpenM~ tUl'e for land and buildillgs. . .. .. . '," ..... ...... $ 4000 00 --- Leaving amount actually expended by County...... ..... .$ 19956 B6 All of which is respect.fully submitted. K. W, MoKAY, Inspect,or, Thomas; Novembei; 1808; 82 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL The heating' pipes have been removed from the Court Honse and Clerk's and Treasurer's officm, have been removed to 28 Elgin ::)treet. the County Council P,LY at least $7,000 towards tho purchase of the and keep, tho gates on until the balance of the purchase 1ll0lH'Y is anelthat the Solioitol'pl'epal'e a By-Law io Le inilodllccd at llcxt and that the Reeve and Olerk be a. Committee to de.tl with aU m,tttcrs therewith,' , All of \v hloh is respectfully submitted. A, J,LEITOH, April. 18th, 1898. Y[trmouth. Adopted. Moved by J. Wise, seconded by W. l:a.ssett, 29th Novembel', That this Ooullcilassnmo and llutiu(-ain the portion of the Port St~11l1oy Road 'within tho TO\YIJship vrovidod the Oount.y COlll1cilpay a.t $7000, to\v.trds tho purclHtse of the I./Cit8C aud keep the gates Oli uut,il balauce of the pnrclmso 1ll0llOy is collocted, a.nd tlw,t the So1ieitOl' prepare to be introduced at lHlxt SessIOn, Hud that the Boeve, Wise and ue ,l Comlllittee.to deal wit.h all matters connected tl1cl'owhh." SPEOIAL 'fOLL ROAD OOMMncl:EK JUNE. To lite J'.'~t;il: County Council: . GENTI",K~iEN,- The Special (1mrnlitteo. towhOlll. all matters eOllnected ehaEe of the Lease of the London rmd Port Stanley Toll Road beg leave to report, lst-.rrhat on the 15th of Marchyour committee met and the resolutioll' was passed. with the was Mave(l_by A;,J.. us Tumer, sccoudec1 by Neill\IcLean, '.l'hat this Conucilassnme .llldnudlltaiu lllC portion of the J./01lC10u a.nd Htmll(,y Gmvel 01' Toll Hoad 'ivitl1in the 'l'owl1ship pr:'vicled the OOll.uty pay at least $7,000, towards the purchase of the Lease and l1lailltaiu ou t,llo boundary bet\Veell tJ10 City of St. ThomaR aud the Oouut.y the g<ltcs ol11',he goad until 010 balmwe of the purchase mOl1ey is and that the Solicitor prepare n By.La,w to be introduced at the Session of 010 Oouucil aud that the Reeve, Heidt and 'l'nruC'l' be ,~p~ a. Committee to dea.l i,yith all nHttters cOUllectedtherewith. HTha(; the Count.ypay $7,000, towArds the purchase of the of the l:'oncloll:and Port Stall ley Gravel Road. I,(.Jssees:, the be $14,000, or such sum as m~y be agreed upon, the balance paicl 11Ilnuf111y. as collected, ont of the not earnings, without Tolls to be kept 011 until the said sum of'$14.000, or such sum as agreed npOll is paid" 'l'he various Mmiicipalities thl'ough which t] runs to aSRlll1l0 and maintain the POl't-iOllS of the Road ,within their tive bon1lCh1ri~s. This offer to be without prejudice, the Oemetery now being buiJt to be completed by Lessees." 2nd; '['he Municipalities of Yarmouth,Sonthwold and Port have considE:red the offer made by your Committee and passed the resolutions. By-J:'n;wspassed for the above purpose willrequil'O to be confirmod act; of the LegislMUl'e. Yeur COlllmiLtee lUot a COlllmittee appointed by the. Council of the. CH,y St.'l'bomas todenl with Toll Road ll13"ttF\l's,'and discllssed the question with we this day received the llotico hereullto aunexed f'1'omW. B. Cit,.y Ole1'li, in which they dt'.c1ineto ttlke ,wy notion regnrcli!lg the In this cOlllJectioll we have to direct the attention of the OonnoH to passed au the 28th, of JliuulLry 1l:\63 as f'ollo'Ns. Ma,y, 9th, Port Stanley, Moved by O. King. seC'onded by W. Stacey, Tlmt thiB Council assumeand maintain the portion of the Port Sta,uley- '11011 Road lyillg within thL: MUllicipahty of Port :Movecl by 1\11'. Nail'l1, secondedLy Mr. Dobbie, 'l'hfht a petitio a be presented by tillS COrlncH to the LeglslrttiviJ Assombl.y for tlw pl~ssageor a })l'i'i'ate net (0 (;olltiullO ill the COl'{,ol'Htiou of 018 813 8(1 ELGIN OOUN'ry COUNCIL ELGiN a'ouNl:idouNcii:.. County thollliwngolllent andcont-:l:'ol of thnt part of th:'l London and Port Stanley Gl'fwollocl j-:oacllying within tho liniit!> of tlle TO\Yli of St, Thomas" and decln,l.'o tho s:-tnlO to be hold unclol' the pl'OSoilt Lease of said Road to Robel't Hepburn snbjcc't to all the right:'> anclli,tbilitie.s existing by virtue of said IJ8a,Stl lJefOl'o the iIlCOt'POl'lttion of s,~id Town. 3. That this Act sh,\.11 be deemed a Pubhc Act. We have also hadlt-doitn~l~eIlce\Vith the Lessees,of the Roadj and thcy offered to uccopt the sum of ~ixteell Thousand Dollars 'msh for theil'interest therein, Moved by lIll', Sntrel, seconded by Mr. DobbiE', rl.'lmt M0SfH','l, }T~dl'n, Deco,v amI Smith bE'l a. special Commit-toe to CO~ operato 'with n, Solidtor for rn'p,parlng a special. act in conformity with the I{,~,soltl.t;iou b"t p:t,>sec1 tLUc1 to tak'.) r;nr,h ~topsin c~oL1jnl\et.ion with thoCouu, oil of (',11e 'l'own 01:' St, Thoma,s ,15 th8Y may think advisable for the pnssin:g of tho samo, The Report of the Toll Hoac1 Commissioners presented to".this COllll"il at the Juno Session, 18\);3, Rl10wed that the gl'OS~ annual receipts for the years 1887 to 1892 aY(~ril.ge(l ~2900. 'l'hat the amouut p,-tW Toll Koep01;s fOl' COllect. iug'l'olls duriup;the llama pel'iocl,Lvol'aged nbont ;$300 peryem', so thnt if thG Eoac1 ispurclwsed by the COlUlty [I, SHiH Ot $Z300 would 'oe ,w,lilnblo to apply towurc1sthe pUl'chas~ mouey each year. Victoria, Your Committco therefore rccolnmeilcl,-- (a) That the iuterestoftl10 Lessees 1!l the Loudon aull Port Stlwley Toll H.oad. be purch<tsed fol' ,1jj16,OJU, tHO ulOuey to be l'aised by Debelllm'os or b,V ye,n'l~; i'<tto 1L$ yoti uiay decide', u,lld tlmt the Soliertol', pi'epal'O agrco~ mou,t tu pm'chasd (I) bei!igued by the Lessees. (b) '!'.I,mt the OOUl'.ty of Elgin contribut0 the SUlll ofib7000 to\vards tho 'ljtlrCIHi.se o~the'l'bll Hoachllld elmt fl;Omu,ilcla1'tpr"the tinlO Who'u they slmll obtaiucoml'ol of the s~ddH.o<-ldb)~ payineut of saidsu_ulof $H:i,UOO, that tho '.Toll Uaces be keptollltlld the tolls coJiect8d ,will the amouut, l'cceivecl from s1lid '1'ol1,o,;o\'er l1ud above allprbp8r,ul1c1 neuesstll'Y outla:r COlllH.lcted with tho collection of the same sha.ll be sll.fficiont to reimul1l'se the \JUUllt,y ill t,he :-->llUl of $9000, ,llHbutel'est, ami all' cxpeuses in cOHllectioll WIth the pm'chase of t,he'Leltiie. (c) Tlmtthe Couuty Solieitor be iust-ructcd to.prepal'e .By-LaWS to to provisionally pw,)sed. by the OOllueils of Y 1lrIl1onth, South wold, .Pon Stanley and this County Ooull,oil, to Cttrry the above resolutions and reCOllllllelld1tL101lS into effoct, and to make the necessary ,lpplica.tlOn to Lha UntUl'lO Leg"islaturc fora Special Act to confirm the said By-L,tws, also to make application for the repeal of thePl'iYitt.e Act passed ill 18GJ, relievillg> the CorporutlOll of the City of St. 'Thomas of all liability in conuectioll wit;h the Hoad, so thltt the ci~y will be compelled to assume the liability fOl' oue haH the bridges all the boundary liue UI'\ltJ10 whole of what is known as the Oemetery Bl'idgo and t,he Roadw<t)'sit,uated wholly \vithin the Oity limits, (d) That unless the Legislature pa,ss an,Act compelling the City to as. sumo the liability for t,he Roads and Bridges as above set forth (IHtt the Special Ac~ be vl'ithdraWll allc1lJo further proceedings taken illro1'el'el1ce to ,above_ rccoInmend<:l.tiollS. AHpf wl1idJ is respectfully subnnttcd. The private Hel'-' UlPreill "ororrc(l tn bPlllg Chapter 40, 26 a~sel.lted to on (,he 12tll, 01' May 1803 aIldrcads as fo110\v8: "\Vlw-l'l'<J..8 the Cnl'p01'a'ion of the ComIty of Elgin and of tho Town of Sl'" '.l',homuR, 11l\vo lly tbCll' p~>t,itlOllS l'opro:,cllh'd tlwt doubts have a.rb,ell sinGe tho ilJCOl'poratinu of tho H:d.d TOWI1, lvspect.ing tho riv,ht of pl'opr.rt,y in, au(1 the m;"l\fL~~(,\!llBllt ..,nr1 o;wtl'ol of: (:lnl', p:-tl't oe. thB J..Jondon ltnd Port Stauley Grft"';/(\ll~)d Rn:l(l. ]YlllP: within tho limits of thc Town of St. 'rhomns,ll-nd' hfl.,ving pl'aye,l for lUl a,ol; to l'Om0'18 t.he afore~ltid rlol1bts, a,nd it is expedh-'IIC.' to gmnt, reli'f t"O the Petit,iol\or...;; therefol'o, Her Hn.jesr;y,'by and wit-h the advice flwl COllRl:'llt of tho .L0gislati\'o Coullcil and Assembly of Cn,mitl'a enact,s as follows: 1. All thfLt part of t.ho IJoucl01.1 (tud PortSt.anley G.ravellcd Road, lying ,vit-hin tbe limi1s of the Town of St., 'l'homlls, to,llctber '\vi1'htholllRllagenlel Hnd cOlltrol1 hel'eof. shaJlbevorotcd and eouiilllH' ill the COl']'Joration of t COll.lIty of lillgill, in like 1ll1:bl\llOr flS the sallle was vested therein before., t.l illoOrpOrl\t1oll of the said 'l'OWll, the provisions of the Aet.respectillg ,:Ii!uui; pal Institutions, elmptol' fifty-foul' of the Consolidated Statntes for Upp Canada, 01' or allY of,om' Aetor J~f~W to the contrary lJotwithstall(ling; ,the rmid corporation of tho County at' Elgin shall hold tho samo, subject ~~11 t.ho righlR, lease 01' leases unclliabit,ities existing ou t,he other pOl'HollS the said Road lying witl:iu t-hes,ud County, and ..sithout the said 'l'o\yn, 2 Notwit1wt.a,jHlillg the three hundred aud thirty.sixth soct-ion of [~forosaid Act l'esp('otillg ,M.l.l11ioipal JIlf;titut.ions,the saiel portion of l'oad!>l ].Jot be deOlmd to be, lior be the property of the said To\y]), nor shall 1 OOl'l)Orntiol\l:hereof bo liable to repair the saUlO; or aliy part thereof, }i"blo for llll,';" loss, m' da,nqlgc t.hat'lllay :i.CCl'ne 10 Hlly person or pei'SOllfi, b: l'C',bOll ot' Lhl'l :.mtI1l)Orlion lIot beHlg kl'pt ill repair, A. J, LEIrOH, 01H1.irmitn, 8,; 90 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY-LAW, No. 577. AU'l'HORlZm '!'HE WAIWEN AND TREASURER TO BO.LUW'VV 'I'Wlml'Y 'l'UOUSAND DOLLARS.-PASSED 27'rI-I JANUARY 1808. '1'ho COlUIt.y Council of the CorporatlOJl of tlw Oounty of Elg'in OlHwtl'\! By=Laws,' rl'~Utjj the Warden and Treasurer bo, and axe hereby ~nthOl''izer1 to borrow !'lmu of Twenty fl'holumlHl Dollanl, w'; Iii llll~Y be l'cqrLll'ed to llloettbo curreut expenditure of the Oorporation of tbe County of Blgin dnl'illg It;ns and to give as secu1'ity there for Hotes of Oue 'l'hOllSltud DolhLl's each. ~C9~ BY.LAW NO. 574 Qoulled Olmmbol'St. Thomas, 27th ,LtUUltl'5" 189!:), TO APPOINT CaUNI'Y AUDITORS F,n. THill YEAR 189S~PAs:::\!6!? 1898, K, W, McKAY, Douuty Clerk. D. LANG., \Vardon. WHEREAS, uucler the autl10l'Hy of tho 1'\fnni.cipal Act, every Council is required to a,ppoint at its l1r:3t Meeting in eV8ryyear, tors, one of whom shnJlle snch yerson as the head of the Conhcil BY LA '\V No, 578. 'fO AUl'Ho"RJZm TIlE PAYMENT OF A GRAJ>;'l' TO TFm TOWNSHIP Ol~ :BAYHA,;\l Fon 'l'Ilii: SUPPOltT OF ELGIN GRIFI~lN-PASSED 27nfJANUAUY, 18!J8, Be it thereforo enacted by, the Council, of, the County of Elgin nnder theauthodty~tforesaid. That J,B, Oa,mpboll; the nomineeof'{-,he Wa,l'c1f\ll and Andro\v lw, mid hereby appointed Audltors to examine and report npon all a.tfcctillg the Oorporation of (;ho OOlllIty of ~-:;lgiIl, 01' reh1,ting to t1,llY under its control or within its jllrisdict.iou, as l'oqui1'ed by Statute or order Oonl.lCil~~lld also all accounts of schoolmollies l'eceived 01' paid by the '['reasm'or for tho Yl'ar bucling 31st December, lsn7. and that said be paid the smll of Forty Dollars each for their services, Oonncil Ohambor, St, Thomas, '27th Jauuary, 1898. The' Ooullty OOllucil of the County of Elgin ewwts: rrhattheOouuty ':ereaSlll'er be !Lud is hereby authorized to pay fLlumally tothe'Township of Bayham for thesuPPol't of Elgin Gl'iifiu dnring his lifo a sum aqua'! to the average Co>;t of t,ile mainteufLllce of iumfttes fLt the House of Industly as shown by the Illspectt'jor's Alllluulli.elIOl't. That t.he first plLymcllt Ill' 111[H1e on the fl.rstda:y of November, 189g,of It t~tuOUllt to be calcubtocl from the d~Lte of tho passing' of this Oouncil Ohamber, St. '.rholllas, 27th January, 18V8, K W, McKAY, Ccuuty Olerk. D, LANG, w, Mc:;'(AY, Oounty Clerk, D, LANG, 'Nal'(len, BY. LAW No, 579, BY:LAW, No, 575, TO .APPOIN'l' A. nOAIm Ol!'AUDIT IN TI-m COUNTY aI" ELGIN FOR 'l'I-lE YEAR l'ASSED 27TH ,TANUAHY lS98, PROVIDE FOR GRA.N'rS TO SCHOOLS COXDUCTING COWrINUA'l'ION CLASSJJ:8 IN THE COUN'ry OF ELGIN,-,P.ASSED 27TH JANUARY 1898. vVHEImAS, lllH101; Section 7 or Chapter 8.J, of the Revised OntariO 0\'01",)" County Coullcil is roquired to appoint aUHlmlly The <Jaunty Oouncil of the County of Elgin enacts. That the Oount.y TrMsurer be and is hereby authorized to pn.y ,to GC1.(:h, k.fU.rUCIPALITY. ^ &jS ~ " .....OC Cl~ ~w w , Aldborough_.,... ..... Dunwich. _ .,... .... ........ 8nuth\vold..._.. ..-.. .... yarmouth...... .._.. .... l'~lalahide.. __............. Bayham.....n... .... '_"156 South Dorchester _... .... 30,545 ..llylmer.... ..., Vjelma__. .. _. _... Port Stanley ......".._ Spriug1ield.. . . _ . Dutton...... .... ..... $20 70 93 2475 34.34 3806 34.05 1844 3480) I 1 1 w ,. ~ " m ... ~ ~ 8 0 o ~ ~ :0- ;;G:> '00 ~ 0 Q " @ K ~ ~ @ ~. 8"0;3.. ~ ~ ~~ ~. 0- " Q ~~ Q ~. '"0 s: ~~ Q j:! ~ ~o '0 ~ '" ,g ~ o '" ~>-; c' ...... P g 00 o il '" o ~ :0- m ~ ~ 18. S- ~, :1 15 S- ~ ..., t::. "" p' W C't" G:> ~S~C't"b'~oP' 1-3 --'"" ......'0 ;= p.. ,.0_ (t ;:: :-.;:'; ..... 0 s 0 >-;. s- W C't" ro ..., ~ ~ Q as. s' 0"" g,~ >5 5'~ ..... ,<;' (';),.... .... ~~;S"~o:::;...,S o :::..o..'~ 8:-.: cs,:::.: ::";;:;~W:::OJ~ & :=- S' ~ ~ & ~ g:. (1) Q<+o'~Q.:".....('pl; ~2'Q~()... 7J t"l~ f2 .... 8' '-<l C't" ~ ..... 0 2. a; g, >-: ~ "'< ...... g g, C't" f]""'::$S,;::'60~ C" 0 fJl o;=- ~ 8_. '" 0 8 ~~. ~ "" .0' - "'! ..... ..., ..., 00 t:: <1 OQ~qa;jp..o'p.& '"0 ,.....".."........ 0 '-1 !;j CD ::l o~8:~~o ~..... CD ~ ;:: ..., "'! 0 QQ~o'PGlO~:;: g'l,l:' :;;. l-:: '" ;.6 :> W~ W gs ~, p.. ~ ::r Q S- 0 ro -'1q p'...... c-t-... 0 p.. g, S' 'ro 00 '0 ;::. ;:: o"~rl-lI.l400roP '<I...,o~g;rl>H>'<!8. C ro i1: 0 ~,,<:+ c-t- ........ ..... r-3"" ::l CD ~:::; ~ Qo~~p..pal 0 0;::(1'1 :::.C't" 8: 00 ~ g'..... '"0 ~ ~ V' ~ c 8. ..., !?:i q 8 g ~ ~' p; ~. g ::: p'O 0 t:l p.. Jq~~OPS..... g- ;5. g 0 :o:i- ~ ~' ~ H> 0 ~ ~...,.'<I &....,., )::(0 CD '" o " ;- ~ 00 ji I t'i ::B 0:"'" o ~ " 0 - P1 q~ 4 O~ S ~ 1"' o o ,. ~. q Z ~ o ", '" ~ ~O ZZ W'" '" '" '" 0 8~ "'0 t<,.., ,., Ki o ~ '" o t< t< '"w 0", ", tJ >'1 ~ tIl '" 0 '1J ~ 0", '"00 :J ~ . <l @ ~~~ ~U:~H ;'{~~2l ~~~C7 Ar-'<;;:::! Z~oo ~ ~ '" '" a ~ o ~ Z Q o " z ~ ~ o o " z o 8 '" '" '" '" '" '" '" tJ ':;;j. 00 ~~g A i'i1H<lA 0,," w !:'J ',' ~ <I ~ l'=l ~ U) ;.....(h .fa S Q Z f-< ~ ~ ~ ~'.53 H H -< C ~ H ~ ~ B:< r.r. <I '.1 .:9 '~J --I I ~~; g;-~I~~gl 1----1-1--- I I ' , I 7,7000011'31,.0'53,940 ,00/1 Rl.56L640 00) $23.00 ~~6 500. i$ 1,874,600:$ 1.881.100 3.000,0.011,717.. , 1,720,80.000130.0.0 .5,0IlOI 2,081,94.0/' 2086.94.0 10,250.00 2.4I)B,,760 00 2.MJ9,010 00 40,QOjlO.DOD 2,898,120 2,908,120 8,770~OO 2,6.')9.463 00i2,66S,2H3 00 44 DO/ J0300 3,074,J04 3,084,404 20,080~O.O. 1,S9J,_<:_95JJO 1..91.'5.:375.001 13700 7,0.01; 2.806,358 2,313.358 4,fl[:ill.CU,_-I,043,J5500 1,047;80500 2000 5",'000 LWI,140 1,136,140 2.600.00 1,063,080:00 1,065,6,')0,001 43001 4,{lOO 1,313,435 1,317,435 l.o8A60,{'.o 608183.oO[ 7W,643,01l'1 361,000 361,.000 3,700.00 70,575.00 74.27500 57,000 57,000 1'7,8!l5:0U 12.9_605:001 147;500,001 68,000 68,000 .2.550001 7.3,4,')0:001 76,030001 09,000 69,000 18,350:00 1i5'i,020.00j 175,370'00i 90,000 ~,OOO I 1 15,312,497 ~ '" :0- o il p ~ w ~ . A l..;d~ ~ -<lp::~ ""1 ~ <I ~~p 0", ~~ Equalization RE'port adopted at t.he June sessiol1. The ASSE'ff'ec1 Valnf'~ m'd Af'rcape Bl'c'ncC'crdlJJgJo the A:;;sessment Rang for 18!l7. TLe Eq113Lzed Pcrso:JaIPropel'ty lmdvalue pel'acre is theS:l1ll8 as iu i-he Report for ISB1 which has been adoptE-d wit.hout clwnge each year. '" g S o '!' '"' " " '" ~ ~ "" >- ~ ~ ~ ?' ::'J !J:i tj o ~ " '" '" g:<l "' Ki o " ~ ~ ~ ~ " 9' w ~ . H.::-'.~ <L Eo< w. ~~gj ~reoo 000 -~ p; ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL BY.J...JA IN,No. 577. AUTII()RIZr<: THE WARDEN AND THEASUlUm TO BORnOW TWRNl'Y THOU8.AND DOLLAUS,-PASSI<;n 27TH J.o.'--NUAltY lRD8, The Oounty Council of the OorporatIOll of the Oount.y of Elgincnact.'1, By=Laws,' (lnd 'l'l'eas!ll'erbe, and (l.re hereby' ':Luthodzod to borrow of Twell(;y 'l'hollsl-tnd DolL!.l's, ,:\,s It Hilty be requii'8d tu moet tho expenditure of the Oorporation of theCOllIlty of Elgin during loDS to giyo as security there for Hotes of Ono Thousaud Dolhr!! each, -..- BY-LA W NO, 574 Oouncil Ch~~mber St, T,hoIUas, 27th J,tllUlU'Y 1898. '1'0 APPOINT COUN'l'Y AUDITORS F,)i~ '1'lm YEAR 1898, 189S-PASS~~'D JA:'-;UlcHY W, McKAY, ()ouu(;y Clerk. D. .LANG, \VnrdOH, WUEHEAS, under tho authority of the Muni.Cipal Act, every Counoil iSl'equil'ecl to appoint atUs first Meeting in Elvcry..-year,two tors, one of wholll shal1le suohpersoll a,sthe head of tho CorlilCilnolllinatl JYtunicipal Corporation BY LA '\V No. 578. ..iUl'HORIZS THE PAYlIrENT OF A OItAl"1' '.ro 'nmTO\VNSHIP OF BAYT:fA1\I ~'OH THE SUPPORT OF ELGIN GRIFFn~'~PASSED 27TH JANUARY, 18D8. Be it thereforo enacted by. the Council of the County of Elgin uuder the u'uthoi'ity aforesaid, The Oounty COllllCil of the COUll\Y of Elgin enaets: Tbat: J. 13. Ca,mpbcll, the nominee of the Wrmlrm and AlldrElw~ Mll1'l'a 1)0, anclhcroby appointed Audi.tors to eXilmine anc1repol't 'UpOll all ;i,ccollIl l~frecting the Corporation of (,he COllut.y of Elgin, or rola.ting torLllY ma under its control or within its juri.'ic1ictioll, as required by Statute or ardor Council !~lld also all accounts of school monics received 01' paid by the COl1D. ':l1l'casm:'cr for tho Yl'u,r euding 31st Dec8mbcr, 18\)7. and that said AndU, be paid theSl'llll of :Fort:y Dollars each for their sOl'vic~s, Council Chamber, St. Thomas, '27th January, 1898, County Treasurer be aud is he1'0by Ituthorized to pay annnally TowilShip of Bayham for the support of Elgill Griffin during' his life a sum equal to the average cost of tile' maintenance of inmates M the House or IudustlJ' as shown by the Inspector's AUllUll.l hellor/;. the first pltyment III' made ou the first day of November; 189i~, of a amount to be calculated from the date of the passing of this Council Chamber, St, Thomas, 27th Janua.ry, 18!J8. K W, McKAY, Ocuut,y Olerk. D, LANG, 'Varclen, BY cLAW, No, 575, BY -LA W No, 579, TO .APPOINT A BOAnD Ol;'AUDIT 1M TIlE COUN1'Y OF ELGIN FOlt THE PASSIm 27THJANUAHY It:H8. FOR GRANTS TO SCHOOLS CO:NDUCl'ING CON'fINUATION ChASSl~S IN 'rHE COUNTY OF ELGIN,-,PASSED 27TH JANU.AUY 1898, VVHERl~Af:l, nuder Scction 7 of Ch<1,ptorS~ ,of tho Hnvlscd Outa,!,lO OV()l'Y COllllty Council is required to appoint aUlllldly (Jaunty CortHcil of the County of Elgin enacts. th~ Oount.y Treasurer be and is herehy authorized to pay to (moh ELGIN COUNTY.COUNCIL ELGIN' cbu1'IT'fY c6mwII. lliEJetillg in every year a Board of Audit composed of the Judge of the Oourt aud two otiho1' persons, not morc than one of whom 8ha,11 be a for tho timo bOlUg of such Con:nty ComlCiL Do it thOl'efol'o enact",od by the Conncil of the Municipal CorpOrlttioll the COllnty of Etglll uilder tho a,uthoritYl1forosaid. Williatri of Audit 'sehoul conducting a ContinuatiOli Class, iIithe,County of Elgin,~ sum oq11nl tot,he LegisbtiveGra.nt a.ppl'opdated by the Minister of E](hlOatioll for such class. That this ~,y.1a.w be in for00 from and aftor the P,l,sslugthol'GOf. Council Chamber, Jauuttl'Y 27th 1898, rrhat D. J; Hng-hesEsquire, Count,y Judge, Thompson be, and al'O horebv appointed ~t Board duties required of them by Ohapter g.'il{, 8. O. T1Htt the members of said Audit be paid the sum of Foul' Dolbl's pOl' for their services ttud five cents pel' mile in going _to and frOlu snch Council Chamber, St,. 'I'holllasj 27th January 1898. W.l\~cIL\Y. Oonllt.yClerlt, ]), LIIJ\O, Wnnlon. BY~LAW No. 580, K W, McKAY, Count.y Olerk. ]), LANG, AUOUN'l'S FOR COUNTY HATES DUllING THE YEMt 189S-PASSED JUNB 9TH, '1898. BY-LAW NO, 576, WHEREAS, by Section 82 of Ohapter 193 oE the B.evis:ec1 Sta-t.utcs of u_~~trio the Council of '>Oounty iJl,apP()l'tiontng . _th~ County Hate sh,tll ;:'~k~~tlH} mnonutofpropei.ty retui'u,ed ontho AsseSSluollt Rolls ft.8 flnallt 'mllized fOl' the p1'8cediug ye<tl' 1;11e l:asis upon whioh the ap1:lOl't,iollUlellt IS (de: TO API'On"l' '1'ltUS1']]ES COUNl'Y OF OF THE HIGH SCHOOLS IN THE PASSED JANUARY 28TH, 1898. rrhe County Council of the County of Elgiu ul1(le1' the Hons 11 (\.nd 12, of the High Schools Act, 1891, enacts:---:- !:;A~Hl whereas bySl"CtiOllSB59 and 3GO ofChaptel'.18L1H.S: O.~he Council i\tic;ounty ma.y pass By-Laws authorizIlJg the levymg ftl1dcollecLi.ug of a, a etc. ":"l\.llcl Wilel'eaS an estimate llRstH'enmado sllOwing tl~,~ttile sum of 1~hh{y j~salJd Five I-:r~U1clred and Eighty Two JJoilitrs is required to \)0 rais8d in '~~v~.r,tl Municipalities fo~ the htwi'lllpul'po~e" of the County -chil'hig -tl~~ "1898, of the ViEJlllla rl'lutt J". H. Hoovor, ]\'!. D" be appointed a ~rrustee School for a term of throe yel\l's. That J. B. Bambridge be appointed 'frustee of the Aylmer InstHute for to term of three years, That G. W. Ling, M. D., be l:tppointod School for ateI'm of three years. 'l'rl1stee of ,Thel'efQrfl the Oouncilofthe MuniCIpal Oorporation of the Oounty of 'uenact.s :'-- 'I'lmt John Audrews' be appointecl 'llrustee of the St. Thomas Institute for throo ye~trs, and that By.Law No. 568 be amended by out tho name of W. EL Leonard. , Council Chamber, St, 'j~homas, January 28th, 189S. LThat a rate of Two Mills in the dol1a.l':lJo levied upollall, tho l'f)..tefl,ble ,leFt! ill the ~eYe~'al MUllicipali~ies in~h6_ County of :bllgm as. equalized :heyear 18tJ7 to raise the following amounts:- :2. That the sum of Thirty Thom;"~i,iid Five Hmidrodalld Eighty 'rwo ;narsb~ raised and,levied in the several Municipalities in tho, Couilty ltC' il~g to hw followl11g Schedule and that the a.moullj"S as Gntered ,theroin :lafdover to the COllllt.y rl'reltsnrel' as by luw l'eqniI'od, K W, McKAY, COUll ty Clci'J;;:. oi 92 ELGIN COUN'rY COUNCIL EI.GIN COUNTY COUXc!IL SCHEDUJ..JE. MU1\IC1PALI'1'Y 'f[tTAL. BY-LAW No, 58.2, .~----~--~~" A Idbol'ongh.. ....,........ DllllWich...... .... SOlHh\\'old ...... ..' Yal'mouth . . . . .. ...... Mala.hido .... . . .. , . . . . . . . . . Bayham ...... ..... South Dorchester Aylmer... VienIHL .... b'pl'iugftelcl. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 1><\1'1, f:'bllley .... .. ...... .... l)utlOll....... ...., .., .... TO'CONFnnr 'fI-I8'EQu;\n:z iiio.'ll OF 'i;RE ASSES3j\.t;j;:"1"Hb]~LS OF THE lit'GIN' Fcnt''i;IiE' YE:'c:U{. 18f}8......:..:pA.SSj~l)" f)'tIt JUN)!: 1898. 'rho County Oonncil of the Oonnty of Elgin enacts:- That the fOllowing be the Equalization of the Ass,msmelJ t Holls County ot Elgin fat' 1807' as l'equiIied by SecLion 78 of tlie' A~sljssmeii't of tho ..'l:ct.:- $ 378a 4100 DnO 8170 4002 2217 :;'G~O ~22 11.1 13d u.HJ 180 (!OU.\!TY01J~ ]ilJNrcIP~~Ln'IES. EQUALIZBDVALUE. .AJ.dbol'ongh. . . . .. ...... ,. Dunwicli.... _"". ...... ....... ~outl1W~d...:..c... .:........,. Yal'ulouLh ...... ...... ,..... .... . Mahdlldo.... ........ .... Ba.yll1.tlll........... ....., .... :::;uuth Dot"chesfei' .......... Aylmer Vjeuui>>..... ..,. .... .... ",...... Port SUtuley. ... .... .....,.,..... i:)pl'lllgfield '........, ...... "'0". ])llttOll,. '.' .....; ..',.. ,....... .... $ 1,881,100 iJ,U1:!6,D40 2,908,120 a,Ob4,404 2,313,35<:1 1,136,140 l,~n 7,4:35 301,000 57,000 O~,OOO 60,000 90,000 Coullcil Ulwll1bel', St. ThumHH, J"c1ll8 9t.h 1898. $30,582, K W, MoKay, Cmmt.y Olerk. BY~LAWNo. 581. TO IMPOSE A Flnr: Ol~ ON1J: DvLLAH PEU IIWNTH ON ALL COUNTY PUPILS A'l'1'EN HlQI-I scrr:::OLS AND Cor,JLEGIA'l'l~ INSTITUTES IN THE COUNTY OI<' AND Cll'Y Olr S'1'. THO-'IAS ]!'()R A PERIOD OF TIB]~E YEATtS.- PASSED DTH JUNE. 1l.)9S. WI-mRElil.S by Sec~io,' 37 of the HLg118~lll)ol.; Ao~ 0[1891, sllb.sedoll it is provided tllt\t County Pupils shaD pay to the rrreasu.xer of theIr School BOltl'd such feos ~tS the MlluicipaJ Cuuucil of tho Oouuty may'dl oxpcdiellt, provided alwa.ys snch fees ~hull bo uniform and shaJlnot ex, Oue Dollar pel' lllOlil;h. The sCltle of fees so fixed shalll t~1ke effect fro'm beginning of the High School terllluox:t cnsuing after !Ldoptiou the OOlUlty OOl1udl and shall continue iuforce for three years. '.rho County Oouncil of the County of Elgin therefore enacts: 'l'hlit'a fee of Oue Dollar pel' month shall be p'l,idby aU Oounty Pll a.ttending the High Schools and the Collegill,t0 Institutes in the CO'.1ll Elgin !tud Oity of St. Thomas, from the beginning of the High School next olisning, after the passing of this By~Law~ !tis fm.ther oLHwtec1 tha,t this By-L::tw shall continue in year,..,. Council Ohmnber,St, 'l'hol11as, 91h Juno, 1898. K. '0./, McKAY' County Olerk. St. Thomas, J llIle 9th 1898 McKAY, COUl1ty Olel'k. D.:LAWG, W ardOl~. BY-LAW No, 583, DETEK\IDIE THE LENGTH OF COUN1'Y BmDGES-PASSE~ 9TH .TUNE, 1898. Oouuty ColUlcil of the Couuty of Elgin enacts: That where thd words "rivers, streams. ponds or lakes" are 'mentioned Section 613 aud Section 617 of the Municipal Act as applying to the erec- i:md iii:tiiltelmllce of bridges overl'ivel's, strettms,pOllds or la.kes fOl'lll 01' any borindary linebotweclltvvo.Mhnicipttlities within Elgin: Count..)'!", ,dwords or allY of them shaH not include oi' extemd' to allY river, 'eam, lake or pond less thitll eighty feet in width. Council Chamber, 9th June, 1898. D, LANG, Warden. H"3 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIl, INDEX TO PROOEEDINGS,ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL, 1898, BY LAW No, 587, . .. ..... . . . , . . . ,....".""""",,8, 18; 28, 3, .... .....,...,.. .................1(\,...19 'fa FIX THE SALARY OF THE CLERK OF 'fHE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND AMEND LAW NOS. 368 and 458.-PASSED DECEMBER 1s'1' 1898. Auditors... ... .......... .......... ....,'. ..,.,'.,..'...._.,.._._..... .... ..1'4.. .88 BOl'r6willg ~oney........ ... ......,......-:..... :.. ........, .15" ,4,2, 9.0 Coullt,YRate8-;..:~,.-,-:...-............ ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... .20, 9[ County Bridges Le:ngt,h...... . . .. .. .. . . .. . .. ...........;......27, 93 County Olerk's Salary... .;. .... ........ ............ .......... ,43, g(j Court Honse Building. . . . .. ...,.,...... .., , . . , . . . ..' . , . .34, 36, 04, 95 Oontimintion Class Grants,.. ..................,.....,... ..... ,]7.90 Eqhp,1jzatioll........ .:.. ."..... ......" ..:........... ....'......27, 9:3 Grant for support' of Elgin Griffin.... .... .::. .:.... .... ...... ..15, 90 ;Hig4 ~choo~ ,Fe~~. .... ',..,...,.."..,.".., ;.. .. _. ". .. .. .. . " . 27, 92 High School Trustees...... .....,........,.,... .". ...... .. .'...15, 8f) HOUS00f Ilidns"ti'y-'IlispeCLor . .. , . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . .. . .. . .. . . . ,43, IW _..Iommit,te'e'~'.,.,.'....'., ............ ,." ..... ..,.. """ ....... .... ...". 6 'fommUllications to Council....,... :".. """ ...,.. ", ,(j~ ~, 21, 3~}3~, ~{J IntillnutiolI Cla,sses.Gr-ants......., ...... ..,... ... .... ...,.. ,..., ~ . ,..17, ~9 .nty Pupil Agricultural College..................... .., ,....... .."... 32 Ilfnty-Cou'!icil Electio'n3..:. "'."''', :',.:" ,,'.""" ,... .... .. .... ...... 37 . . IUllty.Officia~s,..,.. ..,...... ...... .... ...._...., ,. ;.. ..... ,. ,....,.." 4 :rit:r Clerk on Valuators' alldMembers Wages..... ..,. ".. ...,. ..".. 45 IIouseBuilding and Repair.s. . ..-.. H," ........ ....... .8, 17, 31, 33, 37 ", .<. l< Architect. , ; . . . . . . . . . . . . , .... . , . . . . . . ,.. ... . .. . . . . . .. 34 Committee;....... ...... ......~O,31,33,'~5, 38, 80,81 H . Temporary Offioes..... ........ ~ ..'>.. ..., .... ~,28, 80 Insurance-, .. .... ., . . ....... . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . " . .; ., 28 Court' Accommodation. . : .. ,. ., . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . ,32, 38 AndSt, Thomas...... .............' ._....,..... ,3i, ~9 Walthew restoring Picture....... .... """ ....., 30 , """ "'''' """ 16 The County Council of the County of Elgin enacts:- 1. rfhat the salary of the Clerk of the County Council of the Oounty Elgin be a.ud is,hereby fixed at the sum of $700,00 per annum, payable erly. 2. That in addition to performing the duties of the said office, as vided by the Statute and By-Laws of thif; Oouncil he be l"equired to Secretary fOl" t,hs Inspector and Committee of the Elgin Housc of and Refuge and that By.Laws No. 368 and 468 be and are hereby accordingly. It is further enacti3d that this By-Law, shall take' effect and be from and after the date of the passing thereof. Oounty Contlcil Ohamber; 1st December, 1898. K, W, McKAY, Oouuty Olerk. ,. " " " " " " " 'n Lock-up,.., ..........., ....., ... ... ... ,ersIu.st.it-utes.......... ...... .... ...... ........ ...... .". ,..... .".7,11 Jury OonveyancQ to House of Iudristi.'y.., .... .......,...... ..'"... 25 uElgill Grallt to Support' ..................... ,... ...:'..,.7,11, 15.90