1899 Minutes PRO~EEDIHe8 OF'THE Elgin 'COUrtty COUD eil DURING THE SESSIONSHELO;.IN THE COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS, IN THE MONTHS OF" January, June'and December, (899. ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY . COU,NTY CLERK~ OSCAR McKENNEY, ,WARDEN. ,DUTTON, ':'l'Hli: A"DvA:rcE, PRl~'.rEnf; 18HU. COUNTY OFFICIALS. D. J. Hughes, Esq., County Judge.. O. 0, Ermatingel', Jl~sq., Junior Judge,' D.~Browll, Esq., Sheriff. Jas. H. Coyne, Esq., Registrar. D. lVlcLaws, Esq., County_ Oourt Clerk. p.J, Douahue, Esq., Clerk of the Peace and County Orown Attorney. Habt. Miller, E~q., Master in Chancery. N. W. Moore, Esq., Gaoler. W. Atkin, Esq., Public School Inspector. .,Jahu McOauslalid, Esq" Co, TrelLs. K,'N. McKay, Esq., Co. Clel'k. James A. Bell, M.O.S.C.E.,Collnty Eugineer. James M;Glenll,LL.B.. CouutySulicitor. W. C. VuuBuskirk, M.D., Gaol Surgeon. L. LutOll, M.D., Physiciau House of Industry. W. Alcll'itt, l!Jsq.,Keeper House of Iudustry. John HU\Jldus, Caretaker Court I-louse. All of St. Thomas P;O. Donald Turtlor, Esq" Iusp6ctor House of Iudustry, West Magdala P.O. County Auditol"s-Willianl Newcombe, St; Thomas; \V, A. Galbraith, lona Sta tibn, Administratioll of J'uRtice AudHors-D.J. Hughes; County Judge, 'l'hcilnas; W. M,Ford, Corinth; John Thomson, West Lorne, Municipal Clerks and Treasurer8. MUNIOIPAI,I'l'Y. CLEInC TREASURER. Aldborough ,,,,,........,, E. A. Hugill, Hodney.D. ;'\lcPhersbu, West DUllWicb......."...".D. M~Cl1llurn."Wallacetown...J. A. Campbell, Duttou Soutbwold...............~..M. Camlibell, Fingal ..........M. Campbell, Yarmouth.......".K.W. McKay, St. Thomas...R. McLachlio, St. Malahide..."......".,...."..lohLi Haggan, Aylmer... ...W. E. Murray, Bay}:laru... ...J ,G. Pauling, Straffol'(l ville...E. A. Garnbam" South Dorchester".... ...."D. Taylor. Belmont....... Thos. Willder, Town of Aylrne"..................... .J. Bradley........................W. 'V~lla'ge of Vienna...................... \fil Watts ..il.......,......,.."....:..W. Village-of Hpringfield................J. B. .Lucas................ W. J. Village of Port Stanley ........."..Ja8. Gough.......................Jas.'" V,illage of Dutton.............,..........T, p. Blue ......... .....".... D. PROCEEDINGS OF 'fHE EL€HN e013NTY e013N@lL JANUARY SESSION.. 1899,' F~RST SEssioN'-FIRST DAY, TnCRday, the 24th day of JauuarYl 189~. The Connty Conncil elect oithe Oouaty of Elgin met this' day at the Duncombe Opera House Black,St, Tho,llR8, at two p.m., M required Sta.tute; and' after filing ,~he necessary der>.la.rations of office and qualificatioll, took their seats at the Counoil Boarc;1 as follows: DISTRICT No, I--Samuel B. Morri~, Rodney; DatlielLang, Eagle. DISTRICT No. 2-A. ~r, Leitch, Dutton; Edward McKellar. Walla.ce. tow.n. DISTRICT No.3-William Jackson. Port Stanley.; Frtl.llois HUIlt, St. Thomas. ..' DIS'fRICT No.4-James iI. Yarwood, Sparta; William O. polloclr, 1'homas. No,'5--'-MahlOu' E.-Lyon, Grovesend j OSllar McKenney, DrS'i'RIOT No.6-David F. Moore, Mapleton. Tbemembers, were called to order, the Clerk in the chai1,'. Owing to the_absence of: County Councillor FOld, of Distirct No.6, ,members decided-to adjourn uutHIO o'cloclrWedn~sdaymorning., 6 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. FIRST SESSION-SECOND DAY, Wednesday, the 25th day of Jauuary, 1899. The Elgin Oounty, Couucilmet this day according to.:.adjournment. All the members preROllt, except Mr. Ford, from whom a cOlUlUuni. cation was read stating that he was detained by illness. Every marohl'll' of the Oouucil wa"! then nominated for thepos~~iOl~ of 'Varden; all of whom resiguedwith the excellt'ion of Msssrs.l'4q,l{en: ney, Moore, Pollock, Hunt aud Yarwood. Messrlil. Laug aud .Jackson were appdllted sCl'utineers. The election of Warden was them proceedeu with,au'a ou the tlJir teeuth ballot, Mr. O!lcal' MoRanuey, havillg received a majority of the votes of the eouucH, was declared duly, elected Warden for 1899. After maldoJ;! the statutory declaration of office, the 'Varden elect took his soat-uud-;addressed tbe Council 'as' follows: Totl1e Elgin County Council: (.:lENTLEMEN,~Before commencing the'business of thesession,Tde. sire ,to" refer to a'few matt(~rs that ma.ybe ofiliterest," ' APPOINTMENT OF .AUDITORS. Tbe'ly.[?llicip~lAmendment Act of 189S amended Secti~n 29tl of. the Municipal Act, so ~hat I have now no authority to nominate an auditor. The appointment of both of these officials rests with the COllDcil. VALUA'I'ORS, Duri~g the last YE'B:r an ex:t~llded report, was, before the Ootlncil, in ref~rence to tbe arJpointment' of valuators, but Lio action was_ taken. Some of the municipalities are dissatisfied with the present hasisof eqaJi.zatioo, and if :acl~aI;lge,is cO,nt.etr;l'pJated tJIis,year. and: the appoint- ment of valuators is thought advisable, action should bo taken d,u~il!g this session to appoint them. COURT HOUSE, The worl{ on the new Court House is progressing as rapidlya!'l tho weather will permit. Since last session the contractor bas been paid all estimate of -$6,200,-maldngtotal payments by county on contract $10,616, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL, It will be necessary at thissessiou to':p:ass a by lawto,is!'lP~,g6b~ntqres to paytbe expenses of this wor~. .Tender_~ for the plmu?ing and heating are, Ibe~ieve. 'ready for 'the considel'atiou of ,:the 'CommHtee '~s- SOOllas they'can make it conyenielit, The Mst of furnishings lliustalso-,be pro.... vided for. No report baR been received from the Oity of St,- Thbmash1'" reference to the communicatIOll seuttlwill ill accordance ,with the resolu' tion passed at last session, ,. . ", In conclm;ioll, gentlem~n, I hOpe YOli' ~'i1r'..give ,thehusiiJes,,,':oft'he Council yom Cfl,l'eful attentioll, The proceedilJgH of the last d'ay 'oftlie November'Se'ssion; 1898; were 'read and confirmed. Moved by F, Hunt, seconded by W. .Jackson, That the CoimeiI go 'j';l't'oCommit~ee of tlie 'Vhole' to" a~'poi'nt tho Standing'Committees 'for'the 'ye'ar,-Lrist. .', In amendment: .,';'1" }loved ?X 1\. J't~e.i'yCII",~econ,dE'd IJY M",:~yon, That the Warden Il.Lme a Comtpitteet,) strike the Standing Com; Main motion lost. Amendment ca~'ried. :M:o'ved by' S. B, Moi:ris,'secorideclby D,'Lang, Thattha dlilputatiotl ill eonnec~ion with tha bridge, oV,sr the River Thames be heard at 2 p.m.-':-Carried. .. Moved by S. B. Morris, secuiided by D. Lang, 'that this Couucil do n;ow adj,ml'll to m{l~~- af2 p,rn ',.t6 ,filldw Specird to" meet.-Canied. "'>, ,," , "" :," "':" ~'" ,::" - : \Y. M. 1"ord, Comity 'Councillor, ha~ilig triads ih'e:uecessttry d'~cl~r~ took his seat at the Council Boaril. .:.': ,,", ",,:,',: ,"" ", ;,',' ,;-' '-M~. Lang presented" a petition, signed by C;1in' Ca.,ll?pbeU and" 79 asking for abridge over the River Tham~s,oll the townline hR. Aldborongh :'and ,Dunwich; aud, Messrs. M,cLeari an,d"WaHti;Wad. the Council in RUpport of the same., 7 ':1 '(,,'1 8 ELGI,N'COUNTY.CoUNOIL; Moved by A~ J. Leitchlsoconded by W.:O.' Pollock. ~rbat the request of the deEutatioll re bridge over the River Thames, between Elgin and Middlesex, be referred to Publio ImprovemelltsCom. mittee....,.,.....Carried. Moved hy F: Hunt, seconded by-So B. Morris, TbatMeSRl's. Casey and FrallcIs be heard regarding e1airns for damages '1'$ Robins' bridge.-Carl'ied. Messrs. Fraucis and Casey then addressed tbe Oouncil. The Warden then addressed the Council and regular order of busi. ness Wa"l proceeded with. The report of the Specittl Oommittee appoiuted to strilte Standing Oommittees was preserited and adopted, Oll motion of Mr. MOl'ris,se. caudad by Mr. Hunt, as follows: Gaol and Prilltiue:-Pollock, Leitoh aud Morris, Educational-Yarwood, LYall, Hunt, Ford, Lf'itoh aud Lang. FInance-Morris, JaclulOu and Moore. Petitions and Legislation-Hullt, Lyon, Pollock, Leitcl.. and Ford. Public Improvemeuts-~aug, Ford, Jackson, McKellar" LYall, Yar. wood. House of Industry--Jacksoll, Hunt all~ Moore. 'l'ilefollowing communications were .read: From the County Clerk of the Onuuty of Huron. Referred to Pe, titions and Le!!islation Committee. From C. Sinclair, Aylmer. RefE'rre,d to Education Committee, -From County Coimcil of the County of Lan ark. Ueferred to Educa. tion Committee. From Wolland ,County Farmers' Institute. Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. From Provincial Trustees' Association. Committee. Referred to Education ELGIN COUNTY,'COUNCIL; From the Township of BayharrL la~ion Committee. Referred :to Petitions arid Legis. From Wlllia>>;1 Weaver, Vienna. Referred to ,Education Oommittee. From Prisoners' Aid Associ-atiou. Refl'frBd"to Fiuailce Uommittee. From'St. Thomas CbIle;giateInstitute.- Referred to Education Com. mittee From W. Atkin, I.P.S. Referred to Education Conunittee. From Oounty. Treasurer. Referred to Finance UOUludttee. From Samuel Day. Referred to Bdllcatioll Committee. Mr. Leitch presented apetitiousigned by Charles'Oaves and four hundred aud fifteen others for the erection of the bridge over the River Thames, where the Curri~ Road in Dunwich CrOf>ReS the same. Mr. Yarwood U1ade inquiries in reference to the employment .of two dul'ing the time the Goal was empty. The Warden l'tlferred the matter to the Goal Oommittee to repol't attbis Session. Mr.~Iol'l'is gave notice that he would apply fo'l' grant of tweuty.,five for the'~lest El~in 'Farmers' Institute, aud Mr. Lyoll gave a similar notice for grant for the East EIgiiJ Farmers' Institute. Moved by lVI. Lyon, seconded by W. O. Pollock, That Leitch, Lrtllg; Hubt, Pollock, MoorA and Lyoll be appointed the Committee on the Court Hoase.~Carried. Iu ametJdment : Moved by S. B. Morris. seconded by D. Lang, That the Warden el:ppoiuti a special. building committee in place of last year's committee. Amendment lost. Main motion carried. Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by M. Lyou, That Andrew Murray aud J. B. Campbell be appointed auditors of Co.uuty accounts.~Lost. Io"amendment: 9 10-' ELGIN' COUNTY COUNCIL. Moved by;J"H, Yarwood" seconded"by:W.'O.,Pollloolt, That William Newoombe and W. A. Galbraith be auditors of C6'u';~ty accounts. Main,motion-Iost. Amendment carried. :'Ye'as-'---"I-Iullt, Leitch, PoIlock,j.lackson, Yarwood and Moore,'?' Nays-Lang, Morris, McKellal', LYall and Ford. Moved by S, B. Morris, secondod'hy D. YIoore, That W. Ford and J. Thomson be appointed auditors for Administra- tion of Justice account8,~Carl'ied. ", Yea'S.,,:.:...HuI?-t, Leitch, Pollock, ,Moore,,La-ng, Morris, ,McKellar, LYOIl, Ford. Nays-Yarwood, .Tack-son. Ji'irst ame.nct1ll8nt: Moved byJ'. H~ Yarwoo~"seoonded byW. Jacksoll, ',~'hatW. M. Eord and .J. P,Ml1l'tin be auditors for AdminIstration Qf Justi~e accounts 'for 1899. Yeas-Yarwood, JacKson, "Nays-:-:-J-I.unt,Leitch,Pollock, Moore, Lang, Morl'is, McKellar, ~J:on, Ford. . Second amendment: Moved ,by F. Hunt, secouded by W, Jacltson, That W. Ford and E:;Camerotlbe' appointed auditors for Ad~iuistra- tion of.',Justioe accounts for 1899, Yeas-Hunt, Jackson. . I . _.. , Nays-Leitch, Pollock,_Moore, Lang, Morris, McKellar, Lyon, Ford, Yarwood. Moved by S.B. :\forris, seoouded by 0.., Lang; 'fllat D. Turner, Inspector of the Uounty House o-f Industry, be uow allowed to address the Counci1.-Carried. ELGIN. COUNTY _ COUNCIL. 11 'Mr.. TurtleI' then addressed the Oounoil 1'6 drainage House of In- dustry farm, Moved by A. J. Leitoh, secoudetl hy,.W, O~Pol1ock, That the matter refeHed to, by., ~bo_ ItJs}Jec~oL' of the House of In- dll~tl..y be referred to Houseal Indu~try' Committee, to report at this Selisiol,l.-,-Carried, , Moved by S. B. Morris, sec')udE'd by':F.' Huut, That the representatives 'of, the se,verai. heating companies, be:how by this CbU[l,ci1.-Cal'r~,ed. Messrs, Alleu audWiutl then addrsysed the Council Oil behalf of the oompauies interested in tile'Ci:lllr~ 'HOlls8''contl'ac't. Moved by F:Huri't, secoLided' by'S. B',"Mol'ri's; That the question of beating the Oourt House be referred to the Committee to report.~Oa~l~ied, Moveuby W. Q. Pollook, secouded. byW,'Ja'cksoo, That; we do nbi.V a.dj'ourri uutitteu o'clbdk' to ,morrow ,-'---'-Carried; ". lZ:. ELGIN OOUNTYCOUNCIL. FIRST SgSSION-THIRD DAY. Thur~day, the 26th day of .January, 1899. The Elgin Oounty Council meh this day acc'JrCiing to adionrnmentin the Duncombe Opera House Block TheWardel1:in th,e chair. AILthememhers -present. The proceedings of the previous day were read and 'oonfirmed. Moyed by S. B.1YIor,ris, seconded hy A; J. Leitch. That Judge Hughes be allowed to address this Oouncil ill reference to Childreu's Rome.-Carried. His Honor Judge Hughes then attdrs Baed. the Council. Mov-ed by. M. Lyon, seconded by W. O. Pollock, That the matter ()f providing Ahelter for homeless children bere. ferred to Finance Committee.-Oarried. In amendment. Moved by W. Fol'd, seconded by D. Moore, Tbat the Wa-rden name a committee ()f three, to cO,lfer with a com. mittee from the city, and report to this Council. Said committee to report at this Session. Amendment lost. Original mution carried. Moved by A. ,J. Leitch, seconded by ]~. McKellar, That the deputation from Dnllwich in connection with th~ petition asking for a bridge over the River Tilames. opposite the Appiu sideroad, in Ekfrid, be now 2.11owed to address the Council.-Carried. Mf3sflrs. Dobie and Kirkwood"who were pre.<;snt on behalf of the petitioners fo1' a bridge, then addressed the Council. Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by E. McKellar, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. That the petition asking for a bridg€'" opposite the Appin sideroad, be referred to the Public Improvements Committee.-Uarried. A communication from Stacey & Co., ill referellce to tender for plumbing of court hamle, was read alld ret'erred to the Building Oom. mittee. Mr. Ford iuqnired what actiOtl waR takeu ill reference to the disposal of the body of J. Smith, who died while an inmate of the House of Ill. Clustry. The Warden req\l8sted the H lUse of Iudnstry Committee to report in refereuce to the matter. Mr. Lyon gave uotice to apply for $25, to assist in heating the Ayl. mer lock up. Thereport of the Building Cummittee was presented and adopted, all motion of ~Mr. Leitch, secund~d by Mr. Lang. In amendment: Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded hy J. H. Yarwood, That the matter of :~.enders for heating tile OourtHouse be left iu the hands of the Special Committee, aud that the Clerk be aud iR hereby instructed to notify each of the fil'ms or parties tendering that specifications have been amended to allow t118 llse'Jf RuHalo boilers, aud asking them if they want to re tender, and, if so, they are to have ulItil February 10th tu do so. ' Main motion carried. Amstlument lust. t'he report of the Finance 'Outn\lJiGtee was presented and adopted, Oil motion of Mr. MMris, secotJded by W. .Jackson'. The report of the Honse of Industry Oommittee was presented aud adopted, OLl motiQll ofF. Hunt. seconded by S. B l\:1orris. The report of the Petitions and Legislation Uommittee was presetlted and adoJ}ted. 011 motion of. M. LYOll, secouded by W. Ford. The report of the Educatioll Committee was presented and adopted, motion of J. Yarwood, seconded by S. B. Morris. . Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by A. J. Leitch, 13 14 E:pGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. Th,at a grant of $25 bamads to the 'Vest Elgin Farmers' Institute. -Carried. :vIovedby M. E.Lyon, seconded by W. O. Pollock, Tllat the 8um of $25 dollars be granted to the gast E\giu Farmers' Institute-Carded. M'oved hyM..E.LYOll, seconded byW. M. Ford', That clause three of By law 561, beiug a By law tci license hawkers, petty chapmen and others, be amoudeil by :'iubstitutillg the word" fifty" fdr'one hoFse and- also' the word "'twenty, five" for each additiOilal horse.-Lost. Yeas~Lyon, FOrd,McKeuusy. Nays-Leitch, Hnnt, YarwooCl, MorriH, McKellar. Jauh:son, Lang, MoorealldPolloclc In amendment: Moved by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by W, Jackson, That no change be made in the amount of' fees charged for hawl{ers' and pedlars' licenses. l\I~in motion 1000it. Amendmetlt carried, Mr, Hunt ga'vB ll0tice that he would at this session inovefor the appointmeu't of County valuators. Moved by W. O. Pollockl secoudedby S" E,::.\iorris, 'rhat w.e do now adjourn, until 9 cr'clock to.morrow.-Car:ded. ELGIN' COUNTY COUNCIL. FIRST SESSrml-FOURTH DAY. Friday, the 27th day of ,January, 189~. The Elgin County Council met this day according to adjolU_ument in the Duncombe Opera House Block. The Wardell in th~ cqair. All the members present, The proceedings of the previous day were readau'dconffrmed. The repol't of the Publ'ic ,Improvements Oomm;ttee was pr8F:lButed, Moved by VV, ,Jac}{solJ, secouded by 1\1. Lyon, That the report be adopted. In amendment: .Moved by,J. H.Yai:'wood,secoridod byF, Runt TLat the report of the Public Improyements q0mmittee be referred to a Oommittee of the Whole. Main motion- carried. '":Amendmeut lost. ~ioved by J, H. Yarwood,sel1onded by W, O. Polloc1{, That the Council do now adjourn until 1.30 p.m,-Oarried. The Corincil resumed, The Aecondreport of the Finance Committee was'preI18nted. Moved by S. B.' ~orriR~ seconded by D. F, Mool'e, That the report be adopted, InamelJdmellt: Moved ;by,I. H, Yarwood, ,seconded byA. ',l; Leitch, That the report be referred to 51,' Committee of the Whole, Main motiou lost, Amendment carried. The'Council theliwent into _a :Oommitteeof :the_Whole, Mt;' Morris . ill tbechair, 15 16 ELGIN.. (JOUNTY COUNCIL. After amendil)gthe report, it was adopted, _OD motion of D. F, Moore, seconded by "Vil. M.Ford. ,The report of the Gaol Committee was presented aud adopted, on motioll of W. O. Pollock, seconded by M. E. Lvoll. Moved by D. F. Moore, seconded by D. Lang, Thnl; the County CIerl\: be granted leave of absulce for six weeks dUrillg 1899, and that he be and iH hereby authorizeel to appoint under his h,and al.ld sea\some -other perRoll wbo shaU act in his stead, saio appointment to be subject to tho apPl'Oval of the Wardeli.-Carried. Moved by ,J. H. Yarwood, Reconded by W. Jacksoll. That the Coallty Treasurer's salary be reduced to $900 a year.- Lost: Yeas-Yarwood, JaCl{HOI1. Nays-Hunt, Leitch, 'Lallg, LYOll, Moore, McKellar, MorriEl, Pollock, Ford. Moved by f. Hunt, s(~coucled by 8. B. i\ipl'ris, That the memben, be supplied witb copies of "The MUllicipal World" for 1899.-Carried. .:.Vloved by M. K LYall, secollded by D. F. Moore, That ~25 be paid to the treasurer of the Town of Aylmer to as,dst in defraying tbe expense of placing Hew furl. aces ill ba!:lement and other repail's of said lock uJJ.-Lost. Moved by w. M. Ford, secouded by D. Lang, That the House of Industl'Y Committee be and are hereby instructed to make arrangernollts with some person in tlle city for cheap coffins for the purpose of sending the bodiefl of persons dying at the Poor House to their frieuds, when.they fulfil the requirl\lments of the statnte and hy l~w \vith regard lto the same.-Oarried. Moved by 1\1. E. Lyon, seconded by J. H. Yarwood, That the matte!" of con~tru(Jting a roadway across the creek at Port Bruce, while the bridge is ill construotion, be left in the bands of tbe Public Improvemeuts Committee, with pOWEll' to act.-Lost, ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNOIL. Moved by W.Jackson, seconded by F. Hunt, That this Council ask Mr. Bell to llotifythe c:mtractor for the Kettle Creek bridges that if the bridges are not fiuished within the time sp_ecifiedthe forfeit will becollectediu fulI.-Carried. Moved by W.'O. Poliocli, secollded by ,J. H. Yarwood, That the Building Cominittee be iustructed to consider the advisa. bility of making au applicatiotl to the Goverllllleut for a grant towlfrds theexpensE:'l:of build,ing the Oourt House, a.nd to take suoh action as they may"'deem necessary.-Carl'ied. Moved by.J, H. Yarwoo/l, seoonded by W. O. Pollock, That the equallzati('IJ of the RSS€':Rsmsnt for couuty purposes be now. cohsidered and dealt with.'-Cal'l'if'd. . M\-lved byJ. H. Yarwood, seconded by W. O. Pollocli, That, tho townl:>l~jp ofYalmbutb be equalized at forty. three dollars per acre for county purposes.-Carried. .'Ye,RR---:-LeitclJ, Mc,Kell.ar; Ya'l'wooQ, F,ard, ,Moore, Lang, Pollock.' Mol'. , Nays-Hunt, Jackso'ri, Lyon. First all;lendment: Moved by F', Huut, seconded by W. ,Jad.sou, Thatill the el}ualizatiou of the 'asRessmellt l'olls Jor 1899" the valu. atiou of the lallds-iu Yarmouth atJdSouthwold be placed at $42 and $28, l'especti vely .-Lost. YeaR--Jackson, Hunt;'Yarwood,Pollock. ~ays-~eitcb, Lang, Lyon, Ford, McKellar, Morris, Moore, Second Amendmel.lt: Moved by M. E. Lyou, seconded by S. B, Morris, That the equalization of the, assessmout rolls be the same as ,last year~ Maill motion carried. Amendments lost. Yeas~Morris, Lyon, Ford, Moore. 17 IS ]~LGIN (JOUNTY COUNCIL. Nays-Hullt, Leitch, Pollock,' Lang, McKellar; Jackson,Yarwood. Moved' by It: HU-Iit 'secoridedby W. .1a~1{son, That this Council,:in case of appeal against the equalization oitha assessment reills made by it, is willing to lHwe lihe final equalization of the assessment nHtde by the' ConntyJudge, in accordance with Section 87"Spb.section:lj oitha Assessment Act of 1897.-Lost. Y eas-Jacksotl,"- I-lurit. Nays-Leitch, Yarwood, McKellar, Morris, LYOll. Laug. Ford, Moore, Pollock. Moved hy S. B. Morris, seconded by A .J. Leiteh, That the equalized valuation of the several municipalities ill the county he the same as last year, f1xcept Yarmouth, which be cqnalh..ed at $43 per acre.-Uarl'ied. Mov'edby W. Jackson, seconded by J. ILYanvood: That the Public Improvements Comlllittee he given power to act .ill 'o"olJjun;otio'n with the committee from thll oily of St. Thomas, in refer. ence to changes ill height of bridges at l!'illgal and Kaiu'sOroHsings, be. twee!) county and city.~Carded. Moved hv \Y. M. Ford, secollded by D. F. Moore, That By law No. 588, being a by.law to appoint county auditors for tbe'year'1899\be received and read a first time.-'-Cal'ried. Moved by W. M. Ford, l:lecondtld bv D. F. Moore, That By.law No. 588 be read a second time.-Oarried. Moved by W. M. Ford, seconded by.M. LYall, That By la,w No. 588 be read a third time and finally passed.-Oar. ried, Moved by M.Lyon, seconded by J. H. Yarwood, That By law No. 589;'bei'ng a by law to appoint a Board of Audit in the County of Elgin for the year 1899, be received and read a first time. -Carried. Moved by 1\1. Lyon, seconded by W. Ford, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. That By law No. 589 .be read a secoud tirue.-Carried; Moved hy M'.:'Lyou-" s8'1ondedby E. McKellar, That By\aw No. 589 be read a thil;'d' time t1LdfillaIly passed,-Car. ried. Movecl byM Lyoll,'He~on~led l),\' ,J. H. 'yarwo,tHl, That By law No. 590,being a by.la,w to, ltppoi,llt Trustees ,of the High Schools iu tile County of Elgin, be received Rud read a first titn.e.~ Uanfed. Moved by.L H. Yarwood, <;ecouded by M. -LYOll, T!mt, By law No. 590 be l'eada seoond time.-CarrieU. ~.ove.dby J.,ILYarwoo(l;seconded hy,W. O. ~pllock. That By.law No. 590'be read a thhd ,time and,'finally pa,ssed,,~Car. Mo\'ed by M. Lyon, seconded by E. McKellar, That By-law No. 591, being a by law 'to ex.tend tile time tor the' en. fOfC"erl Cn'hlctioil by Rate of non resideut ta"xes- iuthe Couutyof Elgio, be rt'ct:liveu add read a first tilU~.-Catl'ied. Moved by A. J:Leitch, seconded'b~E'. M'cKell~r, That By 18.w No. p91 be read a second time.~Cariied, Moved by E. MqKe!lar", secouded by 1\1:. E. LYOIl, That By law N:o.591 be:,re~d a_,third time and finally p~_ssed,:-,CaL" ried-. Moved by A. J.'Leitoll, seconded bv w~6. Pollock, .'.That By-law No. 592, 'heing a by',law to appoint a Special Building Commit,tee and authorize the Warden to sign contract8 for Court Hous'e improvements be received and read a fii:st'ti"ine.,-Carried. Moved by W. 0; Pollock, secon'd'cd"b'y A, J-'.Leitch, ThatBy.lawNo. 59.2 he reitda second time.-Carried. 'Moved hy A. J. Leitch. seconded by W, O. Pollockj That By.law No. 592 be read a third and finally passed.-Carried. 19 20 ELGIN COUNTY. COUNCIL. Moved by D. F. Moore, seconded by D. Lang, That By.law No. 593, being a by.lltw to authorize the Warden aud Trf'fiSUrel' to borrow $20,000, be -received and read a first time.-Carried. :Moved by D. Lang, secouded by D. Moore, That Bylaw No. 593 be read a Reeond time.-Ca.rried. Moved by D. Lang,' seconded by D. Moore,' 'That Bylaw No, 593 be read a third time aud l'ied. Moved by S. B.l\lorris, secolided by F. HUllt, That'Bylaw No. 594, beiug a bylaw' to rai~ethe sum 'of $40,000 for rebuilding Court House, be reoeived and read a first time.-Carried. Moved by S. B. Morris, secOl.dedby F, Hunt, That Bylaw No. 594 be read a secoud time,-Carried. Moved by ~. B. Morris, secouded by F. Hunt. That Bylaw. No, 594 be read a third time alld fillally,passed.~Gar, ried~ " . Moved by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by W a.pollock, That Bylaw No. 59,5, being a bylaw to confirm .theequalization of assessment rolls 'for 1899, b~ received 'aud read a "first Lirue.-Oarded. Moved by W. O. Pollock, sec'onded by .J. H. Yarwood i '.rhatBylaw No. ';'9;'5 be read a second til:ile.-Uarried. Moved by Vv... .Jacl<son, seconded by J. H. Yarwood. rrhat Bylaw No, 595 be read a third time and finally paBsed.:-Car. ried. Moved by S, ~. Moi'ris, sel.londed by D. Lang, That this ConucH 00 now adjourn, to. meet ,at, the, call of the Warden. -Carried. K. W. McKAY. Oounty Clerk O. MoKENNEY. Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. SPECIAL SESSION. Satmday, the 18th day of February, 1899. The Elgin County CoulJcil met this day at 10 a.m., in the County Engineer'S office, Talbot Street, St. Thomas, to consider the contraets for the Fingal and Kaim; Bridges. The Wal'denin the chair. All t.he members p'l'eS6llt. . The ,report of the Public Improvements Oommittee was presented. Moyed hy W, Jacksoll, soconded by D. Lang. That the report be adopted. III amen~lmetJt: Moved by A..J. Leitch, seconded by W. l\I. Ford, That the Council go"iuto a Oommittee of the Whole. Maiu.ui'otiou lost. Amendment carried. The Coullcil then went into a Committee of the Whule. , Mr. Hunt in the chair. After amending the report the Committee rose, and it was "Moved by F. Huut, seconded by W. O. Pollock, That the report be adojJted. III arrI811dnleut: l\lov~d by S..8: Morris, Reconded by A, J. Leitch, Tha.t clause" olle" of tile report of tile Public Improvements Com. be struck out, aud t.hat we adverti:->e for new ten dol's, ancl that balance of the report be adopted. Main motion carried. Amendment lost 011 the, following division: 21 2'J ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. ELGIN COUN'I)Y COUNCIL. 23 Nays-LeItch, Monis. Yeas-Hunt, Moore, P':lIlock, Lang, McKellar, Ford, Jacksoo, Yar. wood, Lyon. Moved by F. Hunt, seconded by W. Jackson. That the Public ImproyemeutEl Committee have full power to act in the' matter of all worlt8 at present before the Council in its department till the J ulle Session.-Carried. The Building Oommitt'ee presented'a report, which was'ac1ovted;'OIl motion of A. ,J. Leitch, secouded by F, Hunt. Movea by W.-M.FOi'a, seconded by D. Lang, That thisOouucil do now adjourn to meet at the call of the Warden. -Carried. SEOOND SESSION.;-FIRST DAY. Tuesday, the 6th day of .Tune,1899,. The Elgin Coun'ty 'Oouncil m~tthis day in the Dunco~~be' Opera Block at two p,m. K. W. McKAY, County Clei'k. Q. McK]~NNY, Warden; The Warden in the chair. All the members present. ;'The .proce€ldi[)gs ,of the last ~ay. of the pre,viollA r:eglllarSession. and $pec.ial: Session we,re read and confirmed. ~Ir. Hunt gave notice'..that he would at tllls Sessio'n move fortbe appointment of 'a commission in accordance with tbe provil!ions of the " Toll Hoad Expropriation Act." Moved,by Fi :Hunt, seconded by D.,Lang, :' ,.,: , : That tl:ieCouncU adjourn Ull,til.teno'c1ock to.morrow morning.- 24 ELGIN 'COUNTY' COUNCIL. , ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. SEOOND SESSION-SEOOND DAY. the committal of inmates to the House of Industry by justices the peace. This is as it was some years ago. An amendment as follows:" But before any such person is actually received such House cif Industry or Refuge the commitment ElbaIl be ap~ by the municipality in which such commitment ta}i8s plact.~ or a member i)f the Oounty Counoil ill writing." Wednesday, the 7th day of ,June, 1899. The Elgiu Oounty Council met this day according to adjournment. The 'Varden in the chair. All the members present. The \Varden addresRed the Oouncil as followR: ASSE~SMgNT J~XEjHPTroN'S, Before commencing the business of the June Session, I desire to direct your attention to a few mattel'S that may be of interest, The penwual,propl.rty of farmers is IlOW exempt from tllxation. An to Section 7, Suu.section 16 'of the Assessment Act adds following to the list of exemptIDns: HAud also all farming imple. went8,vehicles, and all hay, gl'aiu aud otberfann products, beiug the of the saiJ owner or tenant, and Oil the premises owned or occupied l?y him~" COURT HOUSE GROUNDS, Before the uext regular sess'iou of the Council the Oourt HO\UHl will be completed,aud I think it advisable for the Council at this session to visit ,thelmilding alld decide on wbat iIllpl'OV~ments shoulQ be made ill levelliugthe groundH. construptioll of walk:.;, etc, COPY OF ASSJ'lSSMIW'f ROLL, Uuder'the proviSIOns oC the Assessment Act. as it formerly was. all ot IO.:laf rIluuicipalities wen:) required tofl1rwar'd a copy of their rolls to tl'le coullty elerkw:tch year, An amendment has introduced as Sectioll 83 (It) makiflgi.t optioual with the County whether a copy of the roll is ,tope forwarded yearly or evel'Y I wonld rectimmend the Coudv Council to consider this and, if thought 'addsable, 'pass ahylaw permitting the of the"local municipalities, iustead of trans1uitting a copy of the to transmit'a summary statement oftha l'oll, shn\vitig population, €ltc" each year, aHd to tr"tusmit a copy 6f tile roll in every year,anCl whenever in other years he may be l'equired to do so by Couuty Junge or by re!"lolutiou 0f the Uotwty Council. COURT HOURJ~ OP]~NING, It will ahlO lm necessary for the Council to appoillt a !'lpecial corn. m'ittee'orinstruct the- Building COlllmittet~to consider the advisability of having the buildiug formally opened'. Thel'e are many ways ill thiR may be dOlle, andh hi, advisable that arrangements should he wit~the apI!ioval of the COl1llcil. OHANGJ<lS IN MUNICIPAL J..A\VS. At th63 last session of the Legislature' numerous were introduced in "The Municipal Act," Among those particular' interest to County COUUCil'R is an amendment to 263 of II The MUlJieipal Act," which abolishes the election of Warden ballot, aml provides that wheuever a divhdotl is taken in a council, either upon the I:l'PPoIutment of all officer of the corporation, election of Warden or other presidmg offiner of the council, or upon bylaw, reRolution, or fol' any other purpose,'each member of the present voting shall announce his vote upon the questioll openly individually iu ,the council, and the clerk h; reqlllred to record the and uo vote shall be tahell by ballot or by any other methorl of voting in "allY municipal conucil and every vote so tal{en shall be and of 110 effect. DrfCHES' AND WATJ.aWOURSI<~S' AC'l', The definition of the w<ll'd "owner" has 'been changed, and it now the tllUnicipal cOI'p'orations as regards any highway or other under its jUl'lsdictiou. VO'l'NRS' LIST AC'l'. An amendri18nt to the Voters' List Act proviCles that all memhersof County Council are to receive tw.o caples of the voters' list for each situated iil the division they represent, COMl\n'fl\fENT OF INMATES TO HOUSE OF INDUS'fRY. II rfhe Municipal Act," as ill the Revised Statutes of Ontario, The proceedings of the predous day were read ancl'cbnfirmed. 25 26 ELGIN (JOUNTY OOUNCIL. ,The following communjcatio1l8 were read: From County Engineel', with report. Referrerl to Public Improve. ments Committee. From County Treal'mrer with report. Referred to Finance Com mittee. From Pllblic Schonl In>;pector with report. Referred to Education Committee. From principal of the Agricultural Oollege, re county pupils. Mr. Yarwood made inquiry I'e insurance on Court House. Mr. Ford inquired as to what action the Couuty Solicitor had taken in reference to the report of Toll Road Cornmitt,ee, dated Novernb6f, 1897, and if any report was received from the lessees of the Loudon ancl Port Sta.llley '.r1)lJ Road. The report of the Hou!'l8 of Industry Committeewas presented and adopted, on motion of F. ,H.unt, R8condedby D. F. Moore. The report of the BuildillgCommittee was rjresented aiicl adopted, OlllUotion of A. ,T. tleitch, seconded by M. Lyon. Moved by W. M.Ford, seconded by M. KLyon, That this Council r~qu~stthe clerk to communicate with the County Solic,itot wi.th regard tq clause 2 of the Toll R9ad Comm.ittee report. passed at the November Session of 1897,beinu instructions far colJecting mOllieH from the ~ondou and Port Stanley Toll Road Company',and report at next se"lHion.-Carried. Moved by Vi-. ,JackRon, Recondeci by M. E Lyon, That we do now adjourn until ~wo' o'do,cIt p..m.-Car'~i'ed. Tho Council resumed. Mr. Ford gave notice that he wonIa at this session ~PlJlly for grant of $25 to the Elgin Law,Library. Moved by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by 'F: Huut; That the report of the Public School Inspector be adopted and IJl.'inted in the millutes.-Carried. ELGIN "COUNTY 'COUNCIL. The first report of the. Finance Committee waspreseuted adopted, on motion of 8. B. Morris, seconded by J..H. Yarwood. Moved by F. Hunt, seconded by W. O. Pollock, That this Council appoint three perSOllS by bylaw who shall con- stitute a Boa.rd of CommiHSionel"H ouder .. Tile Toll !-toad Expropdatiou , Act," with'. a view tu purcha<;;iilg the LOndon anu Port '8tali1ey Gravel Road and apportioning the purchase price of the !:lame to the coun'ty, City of St. Thomas aud other municipalities iuterestecl in the f;alUO, -Lost. In amendment: Moved by D. Lang, seconded by W,Jackson, That the rei':iolutiou of :\'11'. Hunt be referred to the county solicitor, at the November Session. the pOfo>itiou the London aud Port Gravel Road I!:! iu with regard to the Toll Road Expropriation Maiu motiou lost. Amendment carried au the following division ;_ Yeas~Huut, Jackson, McKellar, Yarwood, Moore, ,Lallg-. Nay:,;-Ford, LYall, MOl'l'i.~, Leitcb, Pollock Moved hy S. B.. Morris, seconded by J. H. Yarwood, That the depl,ltation from tbe Elgin .Historical Society, composed of HOllar Judge Ermatinger, Mr. BE;'ll and Mr. Murch, be now allowed ';'to aadress the coulJciJ...,-Carried. Mr. Bell, Presideut of tbe Hi8tOrlcal SocIety, and His Honor Judge 'Enuatiugel' and Mr. Murch then addressed the c(JulIcil in ,reference to .,the advisability of holding a ceuteuuial celebmtioll of the lauding of , Colouel Talbot in the dh,trict. Moved by S. B. Morris, ~econded by E. McKellar, That thig council do ,approve of the project of the EI61in Historical Society ill the commemoration of the ceut~nUlal of the Talbot Settlement in the 'year 1903, aud that the \Varden llame a committee to act ill con- juuctiOll with the flaid ~ociet'y.--Carded, Moved by M. E. LYall, secouded by W. Ford, 'fhat the '\~al'den, chail'mau of the Buildillg Committee and Clod, 27 Ilud 28 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL, be' a committee to make I1rrangements fortbe openillg of the Court House when said Court abuse is completed.-Lost, In aUlendment: Moved hy F. Buut, seconded by D. Ll\ng, That the Buildiug Committee be I'mthorized to make arran gem ell ts for- the formal opening of the Court House. Main motion lost. Amendment oarried on the following division :- Yeas-Hunt, Jackson, PolIoel!:, Leitch, McKellar, Moore a.l1dLallg. Nays-Morris, IJyon, Ford, Yarwood. Moved by F., HUllt, seconded by W. Ford, That thiH Council adjourn to meet at ten o'cloc}, a.m. to-morrow. -Carried. . ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. SECOND SES8ION-Tl-IIRD DAY. Thu'rsday, the 8th day ot' J uue, 1899. TLc E'lgill COlln'ty COlincil met this day a.ccording to adjournment. The Warden in the 'chair. All the members present. '1'1113' proceedings of t'be previous' day were read and cOllfirmed. CommullicatioQs from J ud~t1 Hughes were -read in, reference, to the Field Notes of the late Dauiel Hanvey, surveyor, arid re grant to Law Lib~ary: The report of. the Public IlPpro,V;emellts Committee was presentetl and adopted, on motion of W. Jaclowll, seconded byE: McKellar. In ~ccordl1nce '\\lith, resolution pasli\e~_ yesterqay,tbeWarden :ap. poiuted Messrs. .Morris, Yarwood and F:)rd to co'operate with,. tbe His~ torical Society, 10 the celebration of the centennial of the Talbot Settle-; 11JCUt. Moved by F; Hunt, f;econded by D. Lang, That, the chair~an lif the Fitla,~ce COlll~ittee, Mr. J. ,A. Bell and 'the Ol..:lrit be authorized to purchase the Field Notes of the lata Mr. Hanvey and also of the late Mr. Ball, if the same call be purchased 'at a reasoll9.ble vriee, and, if ~mccessful, to depoHit them ill the 'registry offioe' lor r"afekeepiug.-Lost. ,~aYH~.J ack8011,.. McKellar, .Leitch" Y arwood,.Mool'e, McKellue:y. Yeas-Hullt, Pollock, :Morris, Lyon, Lang, 'Ford. Moved by A. .1. Leitch, seconded by E. McKellar, "That Mr. Bell; GOull,ty.Ell~Loeer, be. authorized, to ,asoertai:ll'_'.w,J.lat tbe Hauvey.Field Notes can he purchased for audreport at the .ue;x;.t .1ll6Ctiug of ~he CoulJcil.-Lost. Yeas-.JackHon, .Leitch~ McKeUar, Yarwood, Mool'e. Nays-Huut, Pollock, j\fol'l'iil, Lyou, Lang, Ford. Mo,vedby ,So B. Morris, ,secoJ,:lded hy J. H. Yanvo_odj 29 30 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL, That a grant of $25 be made to the :mlgin Law Library on the, con. dition that all the magistrates in the COUll.ty have free access to the same.-Lost. Yeas~Hullt, Ford, Yarwood, Morris. Nays-Lyoll, La.og, Moore, McKellar, LeHch, Pollock, Jacksou. Moved by E. McKt'llar,secotlded by.J. H. Yarwood, That this Council do now adjonrll until two o'c1ock,sharp.-Carried. l'heOouncit reAumed. The report of the Finallc~ Oommittee' was presented and udollted, on motion of S. B, Morris, secondfld .by D. F. Moore. Moved by A. .J. Leitch, seconded by W, O. Pollock, That 011 exam'illation of the Auditors' Repol't for the year 1898 it will be fouod thatthereis cOllsiderable iucreaAe iuthe expeuditure uuder severaloftbe various heads over that Of 1897 , we therefore asktha,t 'a s(fe'ciiil committee be appointed by the Warden to iuvostigate the cause of the increase aud report at the November Sessi<.HJ.-Loat. Yeas-Leitoh, Pollock. Nays--Hunt, Lang, Ford, Moore. Morris, Yarwood, McKellar, .JaclnlOll, LYall. First amendment: Moved hyF. Hunt, seoonded by M,E. Lyon. That a'll the words in the original Illation al'ter' "that" be left out and th,e following substituted:- That whereas it appears from the report of the auditors fpr.tbe Ad. ministration of Justice Acoouuts that there haH besn a large increase duril::Jg, the' past ye~trsin payments to Coulltyofficials ill the shape of fees; And wherelts this Cl)IJuoil is of the Cipinioll that said payments are exoessive when compal'edwith tlleduties performed; 1. Uesolved, tl~at this Council relilollJlllend tbe ProvltJcial OOTem. IDet:lt to abolish the fee system aud fix a salary to be paid every'coimty official, an{] that all fees collected ,in connection with the Adrriinistra. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL; tion 'of-Justice be ,placed to thecl'edit of: the .Provincial aud County Treasurers. 2. That this Oouncil, while not complaining of the, action of the Board of Audit in tbe past, d'ewanda that the mem bel'S thereof streuuously oppose any attempt to have fees allowed by the Board which are not plear])' allpwed by the StatllteR governing the same. 3. That'the Sheriff be a~ked !Jot to summo-Il a greater ,number of coustahles than requited to attend Clurt, whe;u the docket ShO'Yli there is very little or Uo business to come before the court.-Lost. Yeas~Lyoll. Huut. Nays--pQlIbCk, Lang, Leitch, Yat'wood, Moore, Morris, Ford, ,lack. son', l\1cK.eJlar. Second Amendmen-t: Moved by S. B. MOi'rh;, secot:ldell by.J, H. Yarwoodj That Mr. Ford and the auditorR of the Adminiqtration of .Justice :lCCOlJuts beashed toreport,atthe November Session, explainiug the iu. crease ill the expenditureR for the year 1898 in connection with the Ad. miniRtratiol1 or-.JuRtice.-Cai'ried~ Yeafi-.Jackson, 'McKellar, Morris, Yar\'Vodd, .Ford, Moore, tallg-. ~ays'":,,;,,po1l6cl;,; Lyoll, Leitch, Huut. Main motion and first amendment lost. ~ Second amelldmI'Jrlt cal'1'ied, :Woved. b.r IVL E. ,Lyun, se~ollded, l>Y W..Ford, That the UJerk be illlitl'llCted to insure the Court House in the dif. fereIJtcompauif>s.payillg the loss ill the late fire~the Hoyalalld t.he Loudpn-':"to ih'~ "extent of $2,500 eacb, lI1aldug a total of $22,500.- -C~r~:'ied. Moved by W. .F01'd, seconded by W. Jackson, That the Building Committee have power to cut down such trees and make Ruch impr0ve,mellts as they think pr0per on the Court HouRe grounds.-Carried. l\Ion~d by F, Hunt, secouded by D. Lan~, That the Building Committee be iristl'ucted to cut down the troes, 31 32 ELHINCOUNTY OOUNCIL. ELGHf COUNT~:C COHNCIL."_ 33 remove thefenC6s and: buildings-in aud: around. 'the :gardeu"between ,the jail and the registry office and inc,?rporate the same into a park.-Cal'_. ried. .Moved by D. F. Maote..seoonded: by D. Laing", That Bylaw No: 596, ,being a bylaw to authorize clerks of locil.ltilUni- cipalities to transmit a copy of the assessment roll'to the Couuty Clel'k every three years, be received aud l'(oad a first time.-Carried. Mo\;edby lVT. l~. LYOll, seconded by D, F. 'Moora, THIRD SESSION~FIRST DAY. Wednesda-y.IBth day ofDecembe~. 1899. The Elgin COUJlty Council lllet this day ill tbe Council Chamber at the Court House atoll a.m, That Bylaw No. 596 be read a second time.-Carried. Tbe Warden in the cha.jl'~ All the memberS;pteBent\_ The,report of the committee appoillted,to arrange. for the opellint{ of the Court House was received, and the .Council.adjourned until 10 Thursdaymoflling, to take part in the ceremony of the opening at2ptn. Moved by W.Ford.seconded by D. F. Moore. Thati3ylaw No, 596 be read a third time and finally passed.-CarJ'ied. Moved by S. B, Manis, secouded by W. 0 Pollock, That Bylaw No; 597,' being S' bylaw to taiKe amotl'utl> fol' COlluty rat,es~ be l'eceivedaud rea,d a first time",-Curried. ,Moved. by'S;..B,',.Morris, secoLlded by J. H. Yarwood, 'blatl B);law No. 597 he read a secondtime,-Canied. .l\'Ioved by_ E. McKellar"Recoudedby S. ,R Morris; That Bylaw ~o, 597 be read a.tlJinltirue a,n,ll finally,passetl.-,-Uar. ried, Moved by F,' Ruut. seconded by D.' Lan'g, That this Council do UOWfl.djOU1;U tomest at tlle\call-of tlle-i,Vardell. -, Oarri,e~, K'. W. McKAY, County Clerk. '0', Mdi:ENNJ1';Y, Wardell. 34 I~LGIN COUNTY eoUNCIL, THIRD SESSION-SECOND DAY. Thursday. the 14th day of December, 1899. The Elgin County Council mettbis day at the Court House accord. ing t,o adjoUl'nmeut. The Warden in the chair. All the IDli'rubers present. The proceedings of the previous Session were read, and confirmed. The followiu~ communications ,vere read: From Warden of Kent,re commission fees B.othwell bri{lge pailltillg. Referred to Public Improvement!'! Committee. From drllnl{ards. PrisoDcrs" Aid ASHoeia'tioll, re Illduf-;tria.l l~eformatory for Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. From Dr. Luton. physician Huuse of Industry, with annual report. Referred to House of Indu,"tr,y Committee. From A,Macdonnell, County Clerk Cornwall. petition "1'C A~sflAsruet1t aod Education Act, Referred to Petitions and LegiHlation Committee. From County Clerk of Victoria, re Special Comt to settle digp\lte~ "Nitb railway companies. Referred to Petitions aDd Le~islatiot1 Com. mittee. FromJ. A. Robinson, solid tor for Mr8. Hampton, 1'(1 damagE'S at Raina bridge. Referred to Public Improvements Committee, From County,Collucil of York, 'I'e Couuty R')ads Convelltion. Re. ferred to Public Improvements Committee. From n. MUlot', Local Mn.Atel', with account for office rent, 189~. Hefflrredto Finat:iCe Committfw. From T. H. DUllcomhfl, PC use of Opera HousC:l for comts, with ac. count. Referred to Finance Committee. From County Engineer, with report, Referred to Public Improve. ments Oommittee, From W.O.T.U.. Vjel11~a. Referred to House of Illdustl'Y Committee, From Inspector of House of Industry, with report. Refel'l'ed to Hause of Il.1du8try Committeo. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. l\laved by M. E.. LYall, secomled by S. B. Morris, That the Coullci,l do now adjourn to meet at 2.20 p.m., and that the Couticil a::: a body comply with the request of. the chairuH\D of the Public Impr()verneuts Committee in inspectiug tbe'FitllP;al and Kaine bri(lge8.~Carr'ied. ' The CllUricil i'esumed. Mr. A, J. Lcitcumade itfquiry 1'e circumstancesednnected with tbe making .ofawillby Ohristy McKenzie, /tu illruate of, the House a,f Iu. dustry, alJd Mr. Turner~ luspector of the iostitution. wade a statement in'. reIPrenck 'thereto. )fl'. Ford made an znquir'y Fe payment for couveyance to inmates to Hoube of Iudustry, . Moved by Williani Ford,aecouded Uy D. F" Moore, That the Goal .G,Ollltllittee cop.'!iider the question of caring for the county buildings aud gralluds aud rdport to-morrow.-Carried. Moved by, F. HUbt,secouded. by l\L E. Lyon, That all monies payable to the County of Elgin be pafd into' the' MalsolJ:; Balik to thlp creJtt o(ihe Qounty, subj.ect to,'the ord~r of, the Wardell alld 'freasurer.-Uarried Moved by William Jackson, seconded by W. O. Pollock, That tbe County Clerk be authorized to purchase a pair of haudcuffs for-the useo! Harle'yTitylbr, of'Port'Stall'ley, who is'a, county constable. -Carried. '.\1oved byWilTi~m' Ford, seconded by D. F. Moore, That, th'eHigh, Com;table be authol~ized to collect an the: handcuff", are uot in Uf;0 in the county, and that the clerk pay bim a l'eason. Rble' amoulltforthed,lame.~Carried, ~lo\'ed by J. fL Yarwood, 'seco'nded by 'SoB. M'orris, That" the Ooullciladjourn to rnp.et'to.morrow at 1'0 o'clock, it) orU8r ~iye COtHlllit'tees time to l~ake o'ut reports.-Cal'l'ied. 35 38 ETAHN'COUN'l'Y UdUNCIL. THIRD SESSION-FOUltTH DAY. Saturday, the 16th da,Y o(Decerr)ber, 1899, 'l'btl E1lS!in Ceuuty Council met this 'day at the' Cburt HoUse, 'accord I; iug to adjournment: 'rheWardtiu in the chair, . All the, memb:ers,presellt.- . ,.,.." The proceedings of tho previous day, were read and con~rmed~ Tbe report of the Fiua:uce Committee W,1S pl'egeliteclalldadopted:, aD ll'lotioll of S', B. MOl'ris;secoridQd'i by W. Jaclnwn. Moved by M. g. Lyon, seconder] by Y.tliJ. Ford. rrhat' 'theC0l111ty solicitor be now .. heardl'e Port Stanley Electric Rail wayGo,~Oarrj€d. ;'Oounty, Solicitor Glenn then :addresl'ied the Conncil in re{erebce to electrlC rail way matters. Moved by Wm, Ford, seconded by M. E. Lyon, ;'That with' regard to the comm\mication of tbe Port Stanley Railway '00',1 this Council express throll.~ln" tbe clerk then disapproval of. tbe l'Iohem9 at present and that the Warden uame a comm1ttee.of three to aot, in cOlJjunction with the County Solicitor to carry out the wish of th~C'bl1ridl;"'yjz;'~id p'revent the'interests of ' the ccinl.lty"bei~~ encroaclJed upon aud report at :ihe Jani.mryS"essioll.'-'-Oarri0d. 'TIlt< Warden then g,ppoillted "uhefollowing Committee, Mflssrs~ Yar" wood. H~n,t ~lld Leitch. Moved by A. ,f, Leitcb. seconded by E. McKellar, 'that the Building Committee b~ in;;tructer1 to covel' the tioor of the ,council room with linoleum, to deaden tile lloise and makl1 suitable ar rangemeuts for hat and COftt hooks cOllveuiellt to conncil chamber.~ Carried. The report of the Pablic Improvements Committee wa,ill presented and adopted, 011 motioll of Wm. Jacln!lon, Becotldec1 by ,T. H. Yarwood, M')ved by S. B. Morris, seconded by J. H. Yarwood, That the county solicitor be and is hereby in'structed ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. Huoter Bridge and Boiler Co. (Limited), Sll(~r~essors to Hunt~'r Bros. Kiucardir.lp. contractol'ij for Port Bruce bridge, asking that the new Com. pallY ell tot' illto a new contract ~imilar Lo tbat of Hunter BroB.~Catl'ied. Mr. WIll. Ford, Administration,of Justice aU,ditor, then preseuted his, rep01;t, in a.coordance with resolutiolJ pa~sed:at the June session. .This,' was!adppted, on motion of MOl'. Hunt..secolldedby Mr. Lyon. Moved by F. Hunt, seconded by Wm. .Jackson, That the CouotyConuciI give a reward of $100 for evidence that will cause the couviction' of parties.wh'orobbed ',tbe house of, Mrs.HuUl ph. ries, , ilJthl';} Towt;lship of Southwold, il] N\wep:lher IUf;lt, , or thereabout. ~Uarried. ' ' Moved by Wm. Jackgo~l. secollded,by,D.F, Moore, 'I'll,at, ~he cO,untY,sollCitor be: ,illstru9teQto ;draw up all, agree~,~l,lt 'I'e C~uuty 'of Elgm, Luton~nd ,'Lyle ill roferell,ce to I-louse of Industl:Y. farm dr ainage aucl tbat the Ward~lJ be authorized' to ::;jgll said contract for couuty.:-CR-rried, Moved by W. O. Pollocll:, Fle-couded by D".' Lang, That Mr. Ford receive"three days' pay and 'mileage"to St. Thomas, h~ing},he time occnpiedill prepa~,iug"A,dmi[listration of,Justiq~ l'ep.o~t.~ Carried. ' ' Movel] by A. .J. Leitch, seco'nd~d by W", O. Pollock, ':that 'the'ea~t'room, o"ppositemaineritrallce, he,used, a,,; a -i,v{tit,iog and tha:t'the telephone b'eplacecl there, aud that the west' roo[ll;' be placed at tbe disposal of C0urt House Commh;:l3iouerf::!~ "'fhat tile Couuty Cl~rk be permitted 'to plaee apr(vate telephone. in hiso:ff1.ce.- Carried. Moved by A"J. Leitch, seconded by 1\'[, JlJ, Lyon, That the claimmacle by POlIsford Bros. to an additional sum beitlg paia:t() them oAtileir contracts 'of the Fingal arid Kains, bridges be not eutertailJerl by this Uouncil, ,'ts it would be establishing a very badpl'e- cel1eut, Yeas-:-Mol'ris, Lang, Le~tch, Lyon. Nays~YltrWood, ,Jacl{BOIJ, Moorj3, Pollockd\fcKeIlar, Ford, Hunt;. I 39 40 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. In amendment: Moved by E. McKellar, seconded by A. J. Leitch, That Bylaw 580 be read a second time.-Carried. Moved by A. J.. Leitch. seconded by E. McKellar, That Bylaw' No, 580 be read a third time and finally paRsed.- Moved hyJ. H. Yan....ood, seconded by F. Hunt, 'That whereas POllsford Bro!!. are aski[}~ for extra pay for building abutments at Kaius aud FiLlgftlbridges. the'yberequired to fnrllisb a sworn statem'ent, showing the total cost of constructin~ said abutments, the same to be certified to by the County Engineer as being correct, and to be laid before the Council at the January Bassien. Yeas-Morris, Leitch, Hunt, Pollook., Ford, .Jackson, McKellar, Lang, LYOll. Nays-Yarwood, Moore, Mail) motion lost. Amendment carried. Movedhy J. I-LYarwood, secouded by W. 0, Pollook. Moved by A. .J. Leitol1, seconded by E. iVlcKellar, That the Clerk procure the usual supply of-assessment aDd collectors' and electiollsupplies for local ru.unlcipalitie2 in the CQUuty.-Car- That the minuteR of this COllncil be printed and distributed .J aunary SeslOioll ,-Carriud. Moved by M. E. Lyon. secouded by William Ford, That Bylaw No. 57B.to extend the time for tax sale, be received aUI] read' a first time.-Cl1rried. Maven by A. J. Leitch, secol)(led by Wm. Jacl{son, That the mmal grant Lif $50- be made to tbe Warden for hi~ extra ~ervices aud the thanks of this Co~ucil be extended to him for the effi. :eieut manner in .which hehar; discharged his duties during the past year.-Carried. Moved by D. F. Moore, seconded by Wm. Ford, 'rhat Bylaw No. 578 be read a secondtime.-Carried. Moved byWm. Ford, seconded by M. E. Lyon, That Bylaw No. 578 be read a tbirdtillle and fiDaUy passed.-Carried. Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by ,1. H. Yarwood, ThatBylaw No. 579, to direct that moneys payable to the Condy of Elgin shall be paid iuto the Molsons Bank, he receh~ed and read a time.-Carried. :i\foyed by S. B. :W:orris, seconded by ,J. H. Yarwood, That thi<; CoutHlil do now adjourll to meet on the-fourth ',lanuary, 19011. . Tuesday in I IV, MoKAY, County Clerk. O. McKENNEY, Warden. 'Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by J. H.Yarwoo(l, That ~.ylaw No. 579 be read a Sl8cond time.-Carried. Moved by J. H. Yarwood, !Seconded by S. B. Morris, That Bylaw No. 579 be l'eada third time and finally Carried. Moved by A. J. Leitch, s8colldedby E. McKellar. That Bylaw 580, to appoint a Court House Commission, be and Tead a fi,rsttime.-Uarrien. 41 42 ELGIN'COUNTY,' COUNCIL. ,.,,~-"~-",--~-"-~~~-- REPORTS. PUBLIC SOHOOL INSPEOTOH'S REPORT. 1'0 the Wiu'den ,l1md-' Member,~ qf' the' Elgin Oourtty @OU'l/i:;~: GENTLEMEN ,- I have the honor of presl'luting my' report on the Public Schools of yonr County for the,year 1898, FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 'fhe fallowing shows the amounts expeuded for Public' Schools thG cost per pupil in th{'l different municipalities of the Couuty: Aldborough ............$ Bayham ..,................ Dunwich ..............., Malahide ........."..... South D,nchester .... Southwold ......"....... Yarmouth... "....,...... Dutton ................... Port Stanloy .., ...,..... Spdngfield . ...,.....,.. Vienua ".....,........... 9.350 43 7,120 79 6,854 44 0,379 59 3,376 40 8,200 77 8,294 13 1,725 95 985 14 1,209 41 740 16 per pupil....................$7 54 " .,................... 7 60 9 48 7 77 " .'.................... 8 31 ..................... 8 flO ..................... 8 07 ................ 7 00 ..................... 7 58 f) 75 ....... ...... ....... 8 51 AVEI'rage ..................... tl 02 Total ...............$54,303 21 EL(UN 'L'OUNTY COUNCIL. 80HOOL POPULATION AND A'I'l'ENDANOE. SCHOOL I, No. I No. ,OF POPULA'.rION. REGISTERIm. TEACHERS. No. OF PUPIl,S Plm Tl<aOHFlR, Aldborough..... ....... '," ~ Bavl1aul.'::.'.................. Dunwich ."............... Malahide .........."...... South Dorchester....... Southwold ................ Yarmoutu ...... .......... Dutton .............:......'. Port Stauley............... Springfield ................ Yiemia ... --- -----1-- 1,704 1,241. .. 22 1,080 9<37 18 965 '723 15 972 821 17 443 - 408 8 1,162 901 20 1,232 1,027 20 248 246 p. 4 178 143 2 179 179 3 87 87 2 -~- ..,--- _.- .-- H,250 6,773 131 Total Of the registered llUpils, 3;229 were girls and 3.544 boys. Tile schools were open, on an a\ierage 204 ,days, and the,pupil:!lat. on an average 11'3 days. and 524 pupils atteuded less than 20 days. 824 ,', .. between 20 aud 50 days. U2.1"" "50 and 100 davs. 1560 " .. 10.0~nd 150 days. 2262"" "150 and 200 days. 282 " " iuorethan'200' clays. . Seveuty.two pupils between the, ages of'S aud 14 years did not a.t- any school. aud 1,133 of thesam€l ages attended less thau 100 OLA8SIFICATION OFPUPIL8. Num'ber of pupils.iuPart 1.. FirstClass. ...........~...... 1..375 " " Part II., .First Class .................. 936 Second Class................,........,.. 1.288 Third, Class......,..... ... ,............ 1.2,',0 Fourth Class............,................ 1,3B4 Fifth Class.......~......;...".~.,,;;... 590 " " " " All of:tlle:.6.773 ',pupils receiv,ed.... instruction in' l:a~adin~;. ,writin~. arithmetic, geography, composition and drawing; 57 52 48 i!8 51 48 .51 61 71 69 44 62 43 44, In.GIN ,CQUN'l'Y COUNCIL. The following ara the numbers in other subjects;- Canadiau.I-li~tory .................. ....... ............ ............ 3.082 English History......,'.. .................... ...,.............. 1,987 Grammar,."... .'.... . ." ...................................... 4,837 Physiology.................. ............, ........................ 3,800 Algebra. . . . . . ............. . .. ... . . . . . .., .., ... . . . .. .... 529 Geometry, ... ... ....................... .............................. 526 Book.l{eepiug... .\..... . . . . ., ....... .. '. .......... .. . ......... 548 Botany............ .......... .,_ ... .......,... ................ 52 Physics ............ ...................... . . .. . ........L............ 113 Agriculture. .................. .................. ................... 97 lYlusic . . ...... . . . ............. . . ., . ... ......................... 2,395 Physical.Culture ................ .................................. 3,14~ The following ranked as continuation class schools :-H.odn€)', West Larue, in Class A; Flogal, Belmont and Springfield, in Class B; aud Bden il] Class C. Shedden will be added to the list for the preseut year. Several other schools' have fiftb classes and receive grants fl'om the Govetnmellt on account of successful pupils at the Public School Leaving Examination, Wallacetowll received $25, Shedden, $30, and Watson's Corners, $45. Other schools received smaller sums. SOHOOL HOUSES, SITES, ETO. ;\l"umL>er of School Sections....................................... 105 Number at School Houses. .....;................................ 107 Number of Departments ..... ....... ............ ............... 131 :"l"uooborof Brick Houses.......,.............................. 67 Nutnber of Frame .Houses....... .,............................... 40 There are still a few uncomfortable SCh09111Ouses, though the uuro. ber is becomhlg smaller year by year. The houses ill No.3. Dunwich, 4"aud in the Uuion Section 13 amd 15. Aldborough aud Duu\V\ch, were briclwd in and otherwise improved, so ,~hat they are practically Hew houses. The ventilatiou 01 school house5 is the oue question that should be pressed on theattentiou of the trustees and ratepayers. Thereisa simplo u,nd,iuexpensive, though effective,' method of v€ntilatiJ;lg any school room, whiCh I am r(:jcommending iuthe county and hope to in mallY flchool houses be'fore another year. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIl;.. At :the. last,'Sessiou'of ',tbe Legjf.\lative A"lsembly' a 'bill 'was passed providing" thatalJl extra.: .Govenlluentgrallt..sbould. 'be.' given 'to',each schoolcornplyillK,with the Regulations in their reqnirltments:a's to-site, ~ol1seaud.equipmetit; :This,graut would ,it! ,a short ,time: mOl'ethan,'re. 'coup the' section for aily..extra 'outlay, tiecessa'ryto fl)lace, it.. in'a' 'sa.tisiae. _~()l'y condition. _TEACHERS; I . ~ 5 ~ w )<o.,'~ ~ ~ ~ 1d tIl~ ~ al .~.~ ~,~,~ ",.0 ~ 0 115 0 .=l ";j 0 <:) d d ~~ 0''9 aJ.~ ~ W ~ & rn~ . 5~ "0 ~ 0 t ~ ~8 ,2 t-1 m:~ +'00 Q:O ;:;'0 '~ E',2 <d ~'<'3 e 8 .... ..... W. <'3 El (1) 8 .... Q) ~ ~ I>~ (1) ;"'Q) ~ {f1 ~ . ~ <dR <dR _.---.---'--'---'----;~-'""'---'-'""'-'""'-._~-----'-----.,.~ "-Aldbol'ough. H: ... 2 7 13 n $305 13 $288 Bayharn; .......~.... 2 9 7 7 404 11 235 Du'l1wich .... . . . . . . . . .. ...... 1 14 ~H '339 6 280 ~Ialallide ~-.. ..... ~. .'.. ...... 4 13 5 301 12 281 'Sollth Dorchester...... 1 3 4 3 438 5 232 ~,',Sorithwold .........~.. .'... 3 17 10 341 10' 263 .:.Yarmouth ... P' .. .'... ......, 7 }3 (j H88 14 297 :;Dnbbon....-...,.,... ..-.; '1 1 2 1 450 3 254 <POl'b $tanl~y ~ . . .. ','. .;... .. . . . . 2'. . . . .. ......: 2 363 Springfield ....... ..... ......' 2 / 1 1 500 2 263 Vienna......;......... ...... 2 ...... 1400 1 250 .... --I~-----~--~--~--- TotaL.............. .6 . 3,) 86 52 $364'/9, $273. . I .. , MISOEI..JLANBOUS. ~t1mbel' of'visitsby Inspector .,.............................. ......264 Trustees..........-.................. ............. 106 Clergymen.... ..... .....:.. ......... ,...:..:..... 39 other perE4oLl8 .......................,......... 432 918 99 B7 286 " " tllap!'l............... ....... .... .. .......... ....... globes.. ~.~ ........' .','.' .'. .......... ... .................. publicexaminatiomr ....... '''''' . .. . . .... . ...... trees planted'.:.... ,.'........ ....:............. .. A meetitJg of the Teachers'Institute was beld last autumn, when o~ the teachers wel'epresant. rep.1rt was pl'c'letlted a number of schools have been 45 46 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 47 ELGIN OQUN'l'Y COUNCIL. -~-~-----~-- . . provided withsiIitable libl'arie". This has. been: due largely tOi the en- -enterprise of teacbersand'pupils"whohavegi:veu school entertainments'; and: used the proc(;'leds'iuput'c;ha~itlg hociks:fo_r the usenf..thepupHs ratepftyet'fl or ,the sections;: Iua t'ewcfl.,ses the nlol1eyha:., beeu used: ill~ Hupplying- necessary dictionaties aud: other reference, books, re..qilir8,d by the Hegulatii)1lf~, In'conclusion I would 8aythattheres8ew.~ to bea contiuued active iuterest in -public schools. The teach erR at'e dOlug theil; wOlk consoi. el~ti(lusly and moreintelltgeutly yea.r by year, as they advance in expsl'i. auceand professional cultun), Iellclos8 a cOPy',.of a circula1; I issued to~he teachers audtl'llst,ees of 'the,couutYr directiug theiL' atteutlOu to "Empire Day," which waR observhd ou May 23 of this 'year fwl' the first tillie, FrOllJ all parts of the county lam receiviug. '(ery gratifying reports of the 'iutm'est takeu, llotbnly by the teaclH:ll'S and }!lupils, lJUtby the ratepayers lliave the hotlOrtobe,:~gentlemen, Your obedieht servant; ---'-'--'--_.~----------"---~-- EDUOATlONCOMMITTEE. JANUARY' SE88ION. . Wttl'llell andMmnher.~(!t' ,the ElglnOoltJlty (Z/(jlllwil: 'l'heEd'ucatiouConimitteG be~ l~ave to report asfollows,:- ThattheuRual grant, of $50 be mad(:l.ror defra'ying the,eXpE:HlSeS the,aunualPl'Oillotion ExarninatiQp, papel'H~ th.e COlltiuuatiolJ Class grant to the Belmout school for was in ex'cessof tho amount due tl1e80hoo1. This"ool."U1ty is Oldy a proportion equal to the liability of the portions oithe sfilcti<?ll iljElgjnMullic~palities, as determIned, by' the Assessors,! Equal. That~be, amount overpaid ingrallt for 1898~e deducted from 1899. . Rt.Thomas,.Jlin~ 6,1899. ' W. ATKIN. Public 8'011001 lll!~peettir'r 3. Tbat' no actiol1.~~.jl;ak'etl';. In re~.e-rel1c~,t6. !th.e:'"commiJ:nicatio'n:Jf,)jom' th.e:Secretary'of ,the -,P~.bvi'i'cial Tl'u!';te,13s" A~sp,ciation~ I, ~:~i ' ... ~ 4, Tha"t .no, action ,betaken it~ reference to" .c.o;uuty"Coullcll"of Lanark. 5. ,That the following High School Tnistees b'~',~pp6iut~d: Vienna High School, F, Inmau, for three yea.rs'. Aylmer Collegia.te Institute,.J..J, Nairn, for three years. Dutton High School, Dr. Ca.scaden. for three years. St, Thomas, Collegiate Illstittite, V. Cowan for rillE) year, in placeo.f ' Day,who resigued, and Frank Bennett,-for three years. All ofwhicb is respectfully submitted. JAMES H. YARWOOD, Chairman. 4.0 ELGIN ,-COUN'!'Y . COUNCIL; ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIl.. 49 . DlilCEMBB.H. SESSION. To;the Rl,qin'CountllOoll1fcil: GAOL COMMItTEE. JANUAIW 8E8SION. The Ed-ucation Con:inlittee beg leave t;o,rep'Ol1t :- '1. ,That inoomp1iance-with:Section 1, Suh-section6 of ,. The Pub. 'liQ Schools' Act," the following sums be paid to schools 'conducting Coutinua'tioll 'Classes: To the Warden anil Ommcil of the Oounty of lj,'Zrli/l.: -Rodney . ~. . .'. . .. . . .. ........;,...,.......... ..$100 00 'Vest LOrtH,) ... '".,.... .................................. 10000 :Fin~(al . '," 0"...... .'.. .................................. 50 CO BehllOllt. .................:...:......'........... ..... . .. .................. 50 on Springfield.;................ ..,...... .:. ..............,......;........': 50..0.0 Eden..,...,............,.. ....,.. . ".................. 2500 Sparta'..., . ........ . , . . .. ....., ........ ...........~........ '26'.00 Sbedaen:';..;. ... ........................~...... '.' ...... ..... 50' 00 TJte Gaol 'Committee beg lea'va to report :_ 1. That they -be authorized to purchase stOlle alHl arrange with the. and Gaoler to have the s~me hrokeu.qvprisoners seutenced to hard .labor, 2, That the Sheriff, employs the TurnkeYR and if> of the opinion that itis adviHable llottodiscbar!!e either of thematT,Ireseut, as, heruight be unable to'secure their services, if their engagement \vas temporary. All of which is resPcCtfull:y submitted. 3:0,"1. .................. .........................'45000 ,27th Ja.l~uar.Y. 1899, W. O. POLLOCK. Ohairman. 2,. That whe'reas Belmont s'ohool was overpaid, -last year to ti~e . amount of $30;25, W0 recommendtbat no grant he made to said scbool tl~ls".Ycar,astheywillstill be ,indebted to ,the CouutyofElgiuto th5 amount of~1O.50, aft-<.lr: deducting--the, ,amount Elg:in -is e:nti~led,to' pa-y this s~ar. J.R YARWOOD. , Chairman. 15th Decemller, 1899. 52 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL. InGINCOUNTY COUNCIL. 'JUNE SBSSION. To the li:lrlrn (JolIJ/llf C(Jl/lIdl: DECEMBER SESSION. To tho Wardell and COlllloilo! the OOl/lIt!! (?l E'l,r;h/,: GENTL1~:\1J<;N , G]~N'rLI..i\flilN ,- I beg leave to report that J: have paid all claims that have beeu sented tome for payment by county, aud had a balance to the credit thl?county ~n, the 1f>t JUlle, $29,211.11, and since last~eeting OfyOUl' Council have' paid 'all olltstaudiagtlotesof\Vardeli alldTreasurer against coupty. . Ieudose au' estimate of whatwiU_ be required for the comiug for the various purposes rnet%ioued. The Oounty Eugiueer's estimate, of what 'Yill ,bE' required for Oounty Lines I also enclose, and the amount is iuclucled ill mye8tIniate; All of which is l'flflpectfully submitted-. Co.outy Treasurer's Office, ~t. Thomas, 6tb.Tnue, 1899. ,JOHN iY!cCAUSLAND, Couuty' 'Creasurer. Ibeg !r;}ave tomake the fallowiug report as to the financial posHioll oftha' County, of E!giu (In the first day of Decl?mber:_. Available assets,caeh balance..... . . . .. . .... ... . ... . . $ 1,530.97 ASHets, county rata ltl full, 1899.................. .... . ....... 138,430 Ou Assets, St. 'l'llol1Jas, fai' admllllstl'atioll of ,justice ...... 2,950 00' LIAHU..I'l'IlilS. $42,910 ~)7 Notes of Warden alld 'fre:;tsurer, Molson.') Baiik.........$ 9;000 00 Bal~l)ce to credit ofcouutv to meet the various ac. ' COUtltH thatiUay b~'presel:lted ......., ......... 33,910 97 .JUN1~ESTIMA'1'gS. $42,910 97 I have jJaidatabo\'e date au coutract for new court house au,4 f~r. aU onhll's that bave ~)eel:l presented, amounting to $R4,471.66: I have thought it !lot necessary to ,have a tax ,sale of landstbis Yl:Jar, if you COllCHl', please pass bylaw to that effect. 1'0 lheWruyleJl. mul MelJtb(J/'.~ol tho ,Ji71yin Oounty Connejf: (h~N'l'Ll':;,<iJ~N ,~ ll>eg lea....e to Rllhmit ,the following estimate of what will he for the various purposes mentiotled. for'the co1tling year:- , ,A,dmil.listrati.:m of Justice...... ....~..............$ 4,000 00 ()()llOty Line Bridges. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 13.000 00 I-louRe of InnllstrV..,.,......, ...................... 4,50U 00 J:iighSchools .... ............................. .... 4,5000.0 Schools with 'Continoation Classes. ..'. ...... 400. on ModeLSchool..~............ .......................... 15000 Otlkers' Salaries. ~ . . .. ...... ........................ 2.80.0. 00 S'chool lUE'lpector;..... .............................. 85000 Payinent'of ,Jurors '.......................... ........ 1,500 00 Crown \VitneAses ......... ........................ 70.0 00 MemberR' Wages and OO\1rts .................. .700 DO. Debenture and Conpons, 'Bylaw ~o. 533....... 1,94200 Dehentllreand Coupons, Bylaw No.- 594....;.. 2,81400 J.l1cilh~l.ltals ... ..... .................... 57400 T,reasnrer's' Office, St. ,JOHN !VLC()AUSLAND, County Treasmer. Thomas, 15th December, 1899. $38,430 00. County Treasurer's Office, St. Thomas, 6th June, 1899. JOHN McCA.USLANP, , . County. , 53 . M 1,;LGIN, COUNTY COUNCIL. In,GIN COUNTY COUNCIL. FINANCE 'COMMITTEE. ,JANUARY SB88ION. 2. That a by.law be passedtoissued(fbentlll'e~ to the amount of $40,000. to be payable in 20 years, at 3iper cent:, to defray expenses cnllnected'with,tbe rebuildiugthe Court House. That your Committee, \\'ith theWardelf, be authorized'to receive tenderH for the.purchase of debeutures to'be issued ill accordance witb said by. Jaw. 'I'o Ow lVllnlm alld Ohul/eil of' the Oounly of Ely';;,> : CbN'l'LNMli'N ,- 3. We recommend' that the, Tre~surer use the balance on haud at county to payilOtes'outst~nding,whether tlH.y a~Q due "- The FinaneeCbmmittee beg leave to report that the following count~ be paRsed:~ 1. County Council E.I(~ction ExpeuRes':"- 'DistrlctNo.l-E. A. Hugill, l'lomiuatillg officer ....".......:~nO 50 District No. 2~J, D. Blue, f101uinatiug offiber...............,. 10 50 District':-ifo. 3-~M. Campbell; IIOllliuatitlg offi'c~r...........'" 1335 pistrictNo.4----,-S, Dfty"nominatiug officer..................... 1300 Dishict No. 6-.J. G.'Parilin~, llomitlatil1gofficer ...:........ 14 25 , Township of Bay ham,. electi Oil expem,;es... 51- '10 2. R. M9Lachlill~Stationery for School Inspector, $9; stationery for CQU~lty TreaP.lurer, $2.50; stationery for County Ulerk, $9.70; tionery'for Registrar, $11.85. The ,Juurnal,ad-.el'tising and $14.57. 3'. That tho !'!:uru of $10 be grallted.for the Pds:mers"Airl Associatioll, beinl~ t!l6 same amourlt as granted in fOI:mer yean~: All of whiclds respectfully submitted. '4-. That,i'l.l,refei.'ellce to the 'ql~e8tioifofChildre1l8'Sltelter;,referred',' . US, we hd.ve nut been ahl.~ to meE'ta committee fl'OIll'tbe,CityCoubcil, believeth~t 'it if'; ~uch ill the interest of both the qit'y aU,d the ccnnty the work ofthl;l: Ohildrens' Aid Society should bs'carriodou,t'as con; in the ., Ohildrens' Pl'Ote'ctiou Act;"'and wQulc1recomme,'ud that we be authorized to confer with 'the Cit\' Cotll1cil 'and, report at the .Jlll:leSeRsioll. -. , , "II of which'isre"[J(lctfally submitted. 27th ,Jaduary, 1899, As adoptedio Committe~.of the Whole. S. J3, MORRIS, ChairnHin. ,JUNI~SESSION, the Elf/iI/ ,.cOlll/f)j ,C01l11ril: S. J3, MOHRIS. Chairman, 26th ',Tanuary; 1890, JANUAHY SBSSION. The Finance Committee reports as follows :' 1. That the court. house' debentures have beell90ld to G. A. Stimson Toro,ntp, ata premium of $616 aud accrued interest. This is!! the, whish 3~, pel' Ctlut. anuuitieshave fueen soldin'.Ontario, That' tbe amount 'received for debentures was deposHedin a bauk acc6urit, a:ldthe 'Varden is raquhed to cOl1ut.ersigll tb,e cheques onsarue. All of Wl'lich is respectfully sl'lhmitted., S1-leON}) REPORT,. :ro tlw 1Vm'dell rultl COIli/wil of the COII-nty of Blyin: Gl~N'l'JjEMlIlN,"- The Fillallce Committee beg leave to ~ubmit thtilir follows :- 1. 'J;hat the following accolluts be paid :- S. Goodwin, for chairs alld furniture for Court -and Council, and pairs to' the fnrniture, $14;75 ; The Times, for advertising, $14,24. ~luLle7tb, 1809; S. J3. MORRIS, Chairnaall. 55' riG ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL'. JUNE SE88ION. tl"", SECOND HEPORT. To the Elt/ill Ooulll/! Oomleil: GEN'Jir.JEM]~Ni- . The F'ioabceCommitte19'beg leave to report: 1. .7hat the lock. up keepers be paid as follows: N. Ludy, 6 months salary as lockup keeper for R.odney........;.. . . $1000 L,PH'lrce, Ii I' I' /J Aylmer.. ',' , ....... ,15 00 A;, McRae, II I' " "Dritton......,...... 1000 D. A. Kit-Iq>atrich;, "Ii West Lorns......... 10 00 .J.Howe, " /I " Ii Port Stanl<.'y....... 1500 )).Pnrdy " II II /I VieIlIJ8.........,..... 1000 ,1. Goodall, II " " "'WalJacetowu ...... 1000 ,1, McTaggart, " " /I, Ii Spriilgfield .......:. 10' 00 Total .....................$90 00 2. That the followiug accollllts be passed :__ A)/lmerSuD, adverti3ing County Council nomiuatiolls, Divisioll 5.$ It. Sutherland, printing debentures. ....... ....... . ...... Blne & Smith, Dutton, adverti8it~g ............ ...,.......,.'..... ......... .... K. 'V. McKay, sUI!ldry expenSl3s.... .....................,....... Bell Telephone Compfl,ny................................. ......... ...... c..... The Times, advertisillg ..................'............ A'ylmer SUll, printing audit.. ......................... ................ ......... Municipal World, Surrogate Court, register....,.......... ....;....'....... " Assessment and 'Collectors' Rolls and ~Iectio\l blanlts .... . . . .. '. ...., ................. The .Journal, printing alld advertisiu.g ......... 149 64 51 19 Total ...$304 53 ,3. That ha'vlng examil.led into the fiuances of the county and the estil'nates 'prepared by the County Treasmer. they herewith submit Ii, statement of the ,~xpeuditure re,quirE:ld for the lawful purposes of the I during' 1899,"sbowing the amonnts l'eq'mred to be raised for the under; 111entioned p'urposes : Admitiistratiou of Justice................... ....,. County Lines and Bridges... ........... .................... I-IouseofIndustry......... IIip{h Schools.... . . . . . . . . ....,... .....'..... . ..............., 8611(\018 with Oontinuation Classe~. ...,.................. 1\110'1<-:11_ SchooL......,. ............... .'........... ......... ... '. . .;,'- $4.000 00 13,000 00 4,500 CO 4,500 00 400 00 15000 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL. Officers' Salaries........,. . ..... ............ ... ,.. .. .......... School Iuspectol'............... "','" . ...... ... ..,............... ~:;'\~:~i~ ~ :s~:~~'~......... :.... :.............::......................::.. :...:...::.......:~: Iutel'est on Bills.Pavable.............. ... Me'Ubers' Wages. C~lllmit'tees. Etc......... DeiJentul'eHate, B'v1aw53::'1 . ....... ............ Debenture, Rate', Bylaw 5fl4..........:........ ............ .., Inc.identals; . ,,;... ..:............... ............ .................. 2.800 00 850 00 1,500 00 700 00 700 00 700 00 1,IH2 on 2,814 00 574 00 Tota!........:.... . ...............:....... ..............$ 38,430 00 YOUi' Committee would ret:ommeud that the SlIlll of $38,430 be t'H..is(ul all the rateable pl'Llperty In the Reveral muuicipalities ill the UlllllJty "Elgiu rlul'iug tlleyeal' 11::199 for conllty purIJoses. as per schedule llBl'e. submitted, and that al'ate of two aud olle half mills Oil the dollar levied 011 the rateahle property iu tbe several muuieipalitieB ill the as eqnftlized 1;0 ralf.ie said rtmoullts. SOHEDULE. AldiJ01'ough DUII\vicb '...... ............ . ......... ...... Sontbwold. ...'..... Yi'trll1outh ........... ........... lVlctlahide .....................;'...... Bayhl'l.Ill ........ ...........'..... South Dorchesl;ul' ...... Aylmel'......................... Vienna ............. Springfield... ..;-'. __ _..... .................... .,............. Port Stanley,. ...'.. ....... .. ...'., .'.'.. .....,.............'.... Dutton....... ... ... $ 4.703 00 1J,~17 00 7 l~70 '00 7,711 '00 5,7S3 00 ~,840'. 00 3,~93 00 903 00 143 00 172 00 170 00 225 00 AU of which is rCRpectfnlly sl11Jmitte(l. $38,430 00 Committee Roorn, 8th .Julle, 1899. S. B. MORRIS, Chairmau. DgOErdBER 8E88ION. the Wrirden. (l}ul COliI/o/lor lhe OOIlIl.t;/j (!/E'lyiu: The Fiuance Committee beg loave to report:- First~That the following accol1nts be paid : m Secood-Thattbe lock up'keepers ~e paid as follows: L. Pierce, six mOl1ths' salary, Aylmer ...... ........... $ D A. Kirkpatrick, " West Lc..rne . ........... J6s~\ph Howe, six mouths' salary. Port St8tllley...... f). Purdy, II " Vienna.,... ...'''' James Goodall, Ii Wallacetowll . ...... 'J. McTaggart, Ii " Spriugtield....... N. Ludy, " /I Rudney ..,. Third-That a bylaw be passed in accordance with resolutioil passl:ld, providil'Jg that the payment of c(mnty rate$ be direct to the !\folHOllSl Bank by the treasurer of the local municipalities. Fourth-'fhat the following acoount:'> be paid: K. W. McKay, for maintenance Clark boys in Chil. drell's Shelter............................... ....... ..... $ 46 50 T. H. Duncombe, for use of Opera House for' Court pu~poges......"............. ... .. ................, . . . . .... .160.00 Q::~'" ti8 ELGIN COUNTY CoUNCIL. J.. M. Gleuu, $106.75; J. 1\'1. Glenll, $50.74 ....... ... $ Ohas. T. Bull, aile 6.in<.lh elbow and puttiMg up stove The Times, advertising aud printing ..................... The Ay.luHH' Suu, advertisillg ............................... It, ,J, Lovell Co..'fee bo.oln~.................................... The Aylmer Express, advertisillg ..................... .. Robert lVliller,. office romt ........................... .......... Mrs. Fisber; boarding Mrs. Irons ........................... Mrs. 'Johnl'lon, boarding Mrs. Irons.... .................. S. B. Morris, amount paid to W. G.lJunn & Co., reo port '1'8 Hunter Bros.. . . , . .. . . . . . ....... . . . .... .. All of which is respectfully submitted, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 59 157 49 65 4 20 3 50 5 10 7 68 84 00 2 66 266 2 00 2. That a bylaw be passed extending the tim~ for tax sale for one year. 3. Yuur Committee, by arrangement, meta Committee of tae City of St. Thomas Council, and, subject to ratification by this Oounoil, ar. ra~ged for each municipality to grant $25 ill aid of the Children's Aid Association, sai4grant to be, subject to the control of a joint committee of three-one each from tbe county, cUy and AS$oeiation-and subject to tq.e settlemeut of any arrangement made with Mrs. Young', the keeper octile Shelter. We would tllerefol'61 recommend, that the Couuty Clerk be appohlted Oll behalf of the County of Elgill to act on 'the said Com. mittee.,H.nd that the said sum of $25 be re.granted as aforesaid, it having 'been previously voted but Dot paid. All of which is respectfullysubmitted. 15 00 10 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 Oommittee lioam, St. Thomas, Dec. 16, 1899. ~. B. MORRIS. Cbairman. S. B. MORRI8, . Chairman. Deeember,1899. SI<lCOND ltNPOR'l'. 1'0 the lYwnleJl. {Mid Jl1 /Hubers of the JiJ1rjin Oounty Oouncil: GENTLEliU'N,- The Finance Committeerepol'ts:- 1. That the followin~ accounts be paid: Bell Telephone Co., for phone at Spobn Block. ....... $ K. W. l\lcKay, for sundry expenees paid, ...'....... 12 5G 10 31 60 l<lLGIN OOUN'l'Y COUNCIL. COmHY ENGINEER'S REPOI{T, JUNE 8ESSION. '1'0 theWat'llen fl,/ul J.l;[(mllu}l's qt' the Elgin Oounty Oo'Utwil;: GEN'i'LElImN,- I beg to submit you the following report:- A~ the last meeting of your Council the matter Of floors of the Fiu. gal and Kn.illS bridges was left ill the ha.nds of a sub-committee, con~ist. iug of the Uhairmall of the Public Improvemeuts Committee and Alder- man Walliiol, of the Oity of St. Thomas. and mY1lelf. In order to post onrselv8H Oil ,the differeut ldlldi:> of floor~ your committee v'isited YOUlIgl;;. tOWIl, OhIO, alld examined there th,Q Buckeye 'l'l'ou~h Floor, this beiog the cheapest iiendered on. The committee was so favorably impressed by the.superiority of this class of ,fl,)oring that tht?y awarded thE! cout,ract to the Domilliou Bridgtl Oornpa.uy, of Montreal, tu put ill this style of floor. The contractor for the substructure of those bridgef> intends to com. meuce work to. morrow. I have been uotified by the Dominion Bridge Company that on ac. count of the rliflieulty ill procuring material froJU the rolling mills there will he some delav in the erGletion of the bridges. The oOlltL'act,)l' for the suhstructure of the Talbot Creek bridge has his contra.et well under way, and 'I expect will haV"8 it oompleted by the end of tllis week. The steel superstr'uctllre is ready for erection and the whole will be completed in a very short timB. The'contractor for' th61 substructure of the Port Bruce bridj:!8 intends to cornmeuce work next week. I am notified by the contractor for this work that there will be some delay in erecting the SUpGll'structure, all ac(\ouut of the difficulty iu procuring material. Ibave had repairs made to several bridgeil throughout the couuty, caused, in some case8, by the water washiug out the approaches. The bridges are now in a fit state for public travel, excepting those which are being r0.c~nstrncted. Hespeatfully submitted. ,J AS. A. BELL. ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNOIJ" DECEl\tBERSESSION. St. Thomas, Dec. 11, 1899. 1'0 the'TYanlen Will J.llembel\\' afthe RIfF)! County Oouncil; GENTLI'~;\'IEN,- . I beg to report au the work doue all the bridges throughout the COunty since your first SessioD. TIlt: RaiDS bridge and Fiugal road bridge bave beeo completed aDd the approaches built at a total cost /Bf $11,323;14, TIw construction of pertl.laneut works of this kind it> a new departllre il'l bridge building, not only in this County but in the Province, aud I like your Couneii to take into consideration the advisability of erecting bridges of this character ill tbe future, particulady Otl roads where there is much travel aud the cost of keepillg np i~ woodeLl tloor system if> expensive. The Talbot Oreek bridge, on the townline between DUllWich, has ,been completed at a cost of $2.319,85. spau of oue huudred feet, set 00 coucrete foundations. The Port Bruce bridge is not yet completed. The abutmeut51 are all l'eady for the 'super5trncttl,~'e, The Contractor for the superstructure has driveu pile beuts und0r th(~ old bridge a.nd made it safe for public travel, and h'LS also got all his lumber Oil hand for the new bridge, and he in- formed me last week that he would erect the new bridge in the early part of J1;tlluary, 1900. South wold and This is a stoel The Bothw@ll bridge has heoll repaiutecl aDd floor repaired at a cost to this couoty of $51.08. The Orwell bridge has been l:e.floored at a cost of $46.79. The Port Burwl."1l bridge ha<;; beeu re.tloored at a CO!1lt of $106.fJ8. The villag-e of Port Burwell removed the aid and replaced the neVi' plank for the use of the old plank. Most of the other ,bridge,. throughout the county have had some small repairs, aud all are now in good condition. All of which is'l'espectfully submitted. I have the honor to be, gentlemen, Your obeclieot servaut, ,JAMES A. BELL, O(Junty E;ngitleQI'. 61 112 BLGIN CciUN'l'Y COUNCIL. l'UBLlO 1MPROVEM~JNTS COMMITTEE. ,JANUAH.Y SESSION. St. Thomas, Jan. 27t;h. 1899. :[0 the lVa,I'delt and COllil/m:[. of' the Oounty of Elgin: GJ<:N'l'LEi\fEN. - Your' Public Improvemeuts Committee beg to report that they re- ceived'and openedtbe following- ,tenders' for concrete abutments and steel superstructures for a bridge over Catfish,CleekatPort'Bruce and fora bridge over Talbot Creek, on thetownli~le betweAll South wold aud Dunwicb, near IOlla. 'l'enderH for C0ncrete abutments for Port Brncebrid~e'; G. A, Pousford ..................... ....,....$134900 l"{,owan & ElIiotL.... ................. ........... 1118000 '\\'. M, Hendershott................. ............. ...,.... 1800 00 Mclutosl1 & Griffith............................... 2888 00 Tellder<l fOr concrete abutmfdllts for Talbot Creek brid~e: G. A. PonRford.... . . . . . . . . . .. . ... ..........'. .. ...$1278 00 Rowan & Elliott...................... ............... 157500 V\. M. Helldershott. .......;......." . . . . . .......... 1800 00 Tenders for steel superstructure for Port Bruce bridge: Stratford Bridge Co....... .......... . .... . ',' .. ......$1998 00 Hunter Bros. .... ... ........ ...................... 2195 27 Hamiltotl Bridge Co. ................,.. ............ 2fi26 uO Wrought Iron Bridge Co. . . . ., ...... ...... .......... 2680 00 King Bridge Co. ......"........ "".......... 267H 00 Dominiou Bridge Co.......................,........ 277000 Dominion Bridge Co........... ...."...... ....'.......2878 00 A. R08seau &Co. ........... .....................284900 Toledo Bridge Co... ... ., .......',.... ... .... 2H58 00 Tenders for steel superstructlll'e for lona bridge: Hamilton Bridge Co.. ................. ................$ 924 00 Stratford Bridge CQ.................... ............. 1020 00 Dominion Bridge Co....................... .'" _. . .... 1072 00 Hunter- Bros... ..... .....;......... ................... 10&313 A.ltosseau &, Co......................................... 114700 King Bridge Co, ............ ......... .............. 1197 00 " ......................................120400 Wl'ou~ht Iron Bridge Co. .............:,............. ... 1500 00 Toledo 13ridge 00........................... ............ 169800 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. Your Commit-tl,'e would recOlnrnend that the tender, of G. A. POllS. accepted for the COllcrete abutments for the Port Bruce bridge. That the tender of G. A.Pousford be accepted for. the concrete for the Talbot Creek bridge. That the tender of Hunter Bros. be acce[jted for the steel super- of the Port Bruce Lridge. That tho teuder of ,tho Hamilton Bridge Co. h~ accept€ld for the superstructure of tlJe Talbot Creek briuge. Your Committee ftlsomet with a special cOITllnittee of tlH"l St. Ujty Council and opened the fCillowiug tellders for the concrete and steel superstructures for the Kains and Fitlgalroad Tenders for concrete. abutments for Fillgall'oad bridge: Pon:'lford Bros............. ............. G. A. POlIsford............. ..... R.O\\'EW &Ellintt...... W. M. Hender:dlOtt............. ................$171B 00 2149 00 .................. 2610 00 3565 00 Teo(lers fi)r cOllerete abutm8tlta for Kailllll bl'idg'e : POI1>lfor(lBros. . . . ...." ............ . . . . ..... . . . ...$1880 00 G. A. Pousford...... ............,.......... ......... 213(:\9 00 Rowan & Elliott .............. ........................... 2819 00 W. M:. HelJdenlhott .....".............................. 131395 00 Teuders for Rteel supr;>rstructure for KaiuR and Fingalroad bridges: King Bridge Co. " .............$4474 00 4775 00 5920 00 .............. 6260 00 7208 00 .................. 668000 .. ........... .. .. ...... 0610 00 7090 00 H590 00 7000 00 . .,......... ...................... 731000 7295 00 7535 00 8BOO 00 8500 00 YoullgstownBridge Co....; .... ............... ......... 8484 00 ToJedo Bridge Co. ....... ....."..... . ............ ......11120,00 Dominion B'ridge Co.......,...... " II " " A. R0!il>leaU'" ,& Co... ...........'.......,.......'.. . ... ...... HallliltQll Bridge Co..................................... II II \Vrought IrOi:l Bridge Co... " " 63 f>4 J'lLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. ELGIN COUNTY. COUNCIL. The joint committee decid6;d to recommemd that the tender of ford Bros. he accepted for the concrete ahutme\l.lts for the .Fiugal bridge. Tha.t the tellder ofPom;:ford Bro.~. he accepted for the COil crete abutments for the I{ai!Js bridge. That the tender of th@ King Bridge 00.. at $4,775, be accepted steel superstructure of the Raius and FingaL road bridt:{es. Your Com. mittee would recommend that this tender betl.ccepted. ~ 65 ------------. . II That, 0.5 the King Brid,g8 Co, !1l,ve refused to sign the coutract for ths Kaius and Fingal road bridges, that tbe contract be awarded to the uext Jowost tenderer, beiug tbe DljlfN.inion Bridge Oom}J1l ny, of Monti'eat." This compaoy teudel'il .fur what is called the Buckeye Trough Floor, at $6,610 for both bridgtl~ audfor a buckle plate floor for $6,680 for both bri?~es.. , Your Committee woulJ recommend that the Ohairman of the PubI~c Improvements Committee, together with 'the Chairman of No.2 Com. mittee of the City of St, Thomas and tile County Engineer, ha~.e power to decide 00 which of th'::l above tenders tiJ accept, aud that they have pOWer to: award tbe contract 'foi' (iile -of them: Public ~ Improvements Comm'itt'ee, at tbeir last Session, ~tlso tender of Poosford Bros., for tile concrete foutJdations fOl' n-8a:ttbe-foliowi~g'price~h FOl'the l{a{os' bddge, $1,880, a,u,d 'for,the FiJ:igaI bridge; $1,713. Your committee received communications from JVle8srs. Casey aud Fl'allcis, a,sking for cDlUpeusation fl.H:: di~lllages~ustaii1ed duriugthe ~rection of Itobbios' bridge, aud would recommend that no action be taken. Yout' co mmit~eo cOllsideredthe petitions t'or tbe erectiou ot' oyer tile Tha1ll0sRiver, at tile townline between DUllWich aud Aldboi" ough, and at the tlew Curda road site in DllnwlCll. and would recommend tbltt ac~iou Oll thmHl pGtitiolHl be deferred uutil the .June Se,f'lsion, Your comruittee would recoru0l81ld that a reward of five dollars be offered for each cOllviction of persoll~ guilty of fast riding or driving over the Port Burwell bridge. All of which is l'(~spectfully submitted. Ponsford Bros. :appeal'edbefore the meetilJ'g oithe jOintcorumittce stated tbat they had. madeao 01'1'01' 011, their tooder;,leavillg out' tb'e stone,as provided in the ';specificatiou, , and statirig that,"th'e left out w,o-uldamount'to $500 on'both bridges~ Your committee would'recommend that Pousford Bros, begiven,!lf~90, addition to the amounts set forth 'ill theIr tetider,'for the co~crete of FiJ3gal l,l.ud Kaills bridges, This would make the cost of conarete foundations: $4,093 feiJ1' both bridges., YOl,l.r eomtnittee_ ~o_act ~or w. JACKSON, Cllairman. FBBHUAHY SBSSJON. St. Thomas, Feb. 17, 1899, :Ii) tlu! JVurtllJ1I aud COlUwil of the. County of Elfl'il/.: (h":N'l'Lj,]l\mN ,- ,W,Quld ..also recomm@llQthat.the countY'8ogineer the county,Hl, puttillg ill tl,le brick floorsin'flaid All of which is respectfully submitted. 1. At your last Session the Public Impro\"emeuts Cornmittee re ported that the tei:laer of the Kiog Bridue Company, of Oleveland, Ohio, be accepted for the steel work of the Kains aUll Fingal bridges, for 8um of ~~4,775. When the contract \VaH prepared by the,Comlty the bridge company refused to sign it, claimil1g that their agent mnde an (~rror in his tender, and that the prIce should have been above Bum for each bridge. Adopted.with_the exceptiollof'seatiou 2. tho Whole. WM. ,JACKSON, Ohairrnall. Stru.ck out ill Committee The COUllty Engiueer called a lueetillg of the Puhlic CommittGB, and also the Spcl\lial Oommittee of the City fif St. to, re cOllsir1el' the mntb:'lr, when the following resolution was passed: 66 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. JUNE SE88ION. St. Thomas. June 7th, 1899. To the .El,qin Oow~ty Oouncil.' GENTLEMEN ,- Your Public Impr;vements Committ(,:8 beg to report a<:; follows:----:- 1. That the report of the 'County Engineer be adopted. 2. That during the constructiQn of the bridge over the Oa.tfish Creek at Port Erue'e the Oounty Engineer have power to place a scow creek fol.' the coroveyaoce of paRseagers and teams, aud that a man be placed 1U oharge oftha sameta operate it ,from 7 o'clock a.m. to 9 p.m. Bet.weeutbe hours of 9 o'clock p.m. and 7 o'clock a.m. the approaches to:said scow to be locked. The Engineer to have notices placed in the conspicuous places warning the public that thc' county does not assume any responsibility iu the. matter of persons using the scow, and that persollBsonsilllg the same mustdoso at their own risk. 3:. That the County l:!:ugineer have authoriby to talts pose of the old iDridge to the besb advantage. 4. That the Engineer lJotifythehridge companies having no\Vwiththe county, and that ,the penalty provided for in the with the county HlJall be forfeited if the work is not completed in the specified. 5. III regard to the pPrtibion for new bridges to be erected over Thames River, aile between the Coyne Road bridge and the Road bridge, aud the other between the O)yne Road bridge and tho Intosh bridge, your conunittee 'Tould recommend that the matter be in abeyance till such time as your committee GXamille th5'proposed company with the Public Improvement,s OommitJ,ee of the connty Middlesex. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. JACKSON, Ohairl11an. ELGIN COUN1'Y COUNCIL. DECEMBER SESSION St. Thomas, Dec. 15, 1899, Your Public Improvements Committee beg leave to submit the fol. lowing report :- 1. That the report of. the Oounty EngiueerbEl adopted. 2, In re~ard to the comrnutJication of the \Vardeo of Kent. asking to be',allowedcommisslOu fees for t~e repainting and l'epairiug of the Bot!l- well bridge, your Committee would rscommelJd that th~l Clerk notIfy the Warden of Kent that they do not think they areliahle fOl' any commis. sion fees all sajdwOrl{, and that the Engineerof,this aouuty prepi:trI:ld specifications and got bills printed for advertising the Work whicihthey think would amount to this couuty'sshare of the work. 3. Re'claim of Mrs; Hamptoo, asking for eompeusatioll in' the way of damages for raising the grade to Kains bridge; youi.' Comm,ittli6 would reo commeud that the application he not entel'tainec1, but that the Engineer be instructed to improve the approach to Mt.s. Hamptou'g place without endangering. public travel. 4. Be communication of Ponsfol'cl Bros.. asking for $250 on their con. tract f\Jr buildingtha co"ncret'e abutme-nts for the Itaius and Firigal bridges in consequetice of a mistake being made in their tender, your Committee beg to refer this matter to theCouuciJ. 5. Your Committee also beg to state that uothing has been doue with the county of Middlesex iu regard to the building of auother bridge over the Thames River, aud would ask that tbe matter be left over until the January Session. 6. Regarding the Port Brucfl Bridge your Committee have foun'd out that tha firm of Hunter Bros. has beeu tnrned into a joint stock COUl- pany under the name of "The Hunter Bridge & Boiler Co., Limited," and that they are quoted as having as having a nominal capital of $20," ODD, and that from the encouragement your Engineer has received the bridge will be completed in the early part of February next,. Your Com. mittee would recommeud that un further actiou be taken in the matter until the J an nary 'Session. All of which is respectfully submitted. WM. JAOKSON, Chairman. G7 GR J~LGIN (JaUNTY COUNCIL. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION COMMITT~JE. ',JANUARY SESSION. 1'0, the Rl{Jin. Omm,t,1j- Colt/wil: GEN'rLEMEN ,- The Petitiousalld Legislation l10mmitteebeg leave to report': . 1.. That-we concur in memorial from, the, CO':luty Couqcil .-orthe Caullty of Huron,'?'cmakiu.g municipal clerks cust()dians of voters' lists for election PU,rPOS8S. 2. That no. actiou be taken in referei::weto petitili)u tro:r:i1the-Wellftud Cpunty Farmers' Institute, 'fe, market fees. 3'.'~rhat no. action be' taken in referenbe to communication fram -the 'Pownship of,Bayhami rc milk stands on highways. AU of which is respectfully submitted. M. E, LYON, Chairman. 26th J'a)ll1ary, 1899. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 69 DECEMBER 8E88ION. 1'0 the Warden andMember,~ of the .Elgin, OountJ} OOIflWU,' GEN'l'LEMEN, _ Th~ 'Petitions and Legislatio.n Committee beg leave to. submit the fo.llowing report: ;1. That .the petition of the Prisoners' Aid Associatio.n for a me. morial to. tiheLieutenant.Governo.r of Ontario, aRking that provisio.ns be made in the g~neral hospitals of the Pr.Jvince for the treatment of pauper be graqted, and tbatthe \Varden and Clerk be instructed to. 'sign the same; 2. That the memorials received from the Councils of Storruont, Dundas and Glengarry, asking that the law be ohau~ed, so that tele graph and telephouelin~s, gas and water companies, railroads aod elec. tric railwaYl;~ cOlltractors'.plant~ and similar property can beass8ssedat its f'lIt standing vdlue (thati"l, the amount :)f mouey it represents to. the owners thereof), be 'concurred in, and that the Warden and Clerk be authorized to petitiou the LegIslature in that behalf. 3. TiJatwe have cOD"idered thememo.riaI, forwarded by the County Council of Victoria, regardiu.g the establishment of a ,Board of Arbitra. tioll for the settlemeut?f differences arising between railwa'y companies and OthSl' corporatioLlS and their employees, to be comprised of Jndges of the' Superior .Courts, ~udrecommeud that the Wardell and Cled{ sig~ the mew:::>rial as requested in that behalf. 4. That the memorial from the County Council of Stormont. Duudas and Glellgarr.y, asking fo.rtheaboUtiou' of fees imposed by Regulatio.n' No. 53 of Regulatiuns of the Educational Department,be not entertailled. All of which is respectfully suhmitted. .f 15th De~ember, 1899,. M. E. LYON, Chairman. 70 ]~LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL. HOUS]{: Ol? INDUSTRY ,COMMITTEE. ,JANUAli.Y, SJDSSION. '1'0 the Rlrlt/l Coul/llI GOI/lldl: G~N'rLEl\n~N,- ? The Hails!';} of Industry Committee beg Ie aye to report that they hf.tY6 ,considered the question .or drainage in the rear-field of farm and rfJco~mendthat tbey be authQrized to proceed with the'work a's, they max, ;tl,1inkad visable. All of which is re;.;pectfully submitted. p, HUN'f, Chairman. 7th June, 1899. F. HUNT. Ohairmall. DECEMBER S]ijSSION, To the rVfl.l'rlell fllld Mrmher'\'"of the 1iJlrdn,Col(lIllf Orn{.'I1cil: 26th ,January, 1899. The Hour.e of Industry Committee beg leave to submit tI,e followiu g .JUNE: SESSION, ~/'othe }V,tJ'{len (W,rt Gonl/cil df'- the OOl{.ntlf of El.!li;; : GF.N'rLl~MEN,-C. That the repor~ of the Physician andTuspector be adopted. 2. That your committee haveconsiderecl theapplicatioll of tile Women's '1'empfJl'ance UnionoCVienna. for aid to Emeline Marl'" and re- that the sum of one dollar. per week be paid for the support of ~aid Emeline Man until the next meeting of the Council, andtbat gl'an~ be paid on the order of Mr. Lyon, Councillor for No, 5 Diyision. 3. That there are still children i~l the House. of Industry.fol' whom have !Jot yet been secured; and your committee. recommend that bA made to maintain them in the ChiIdren'R Refuge, if one ei'ltablished it! St. Thomas, 4.- That there were ,cases of typhoid fE'vel' during the year. as report. the Physician oithe Houseaf Inr)ustry, audo!} account of thiR h!ld some of thft Cif:lterlls cleaned and properly protected 80 that surfane water could not enter them. All of which isrespectfllJly silhmitted. The House of Industry CommHtee beg leave to report :---: 1. That the back field of the farm hasbeeu tile drained at a cost of $97.52. 2. Aresolntion was passed attbe, last meeting of the CounciI', as1\iug the Oommittee to make arrangements to supply cheap coffius when or- dered and paid for by the friends of inmates who died,a'ud whoHe bodies had to be l'lhipped by train, Such arraneements have been made with Mr. Kerr, undertaker, who agrees to furnish coffins at $6.00, and cases at $2.50, aud to deliver the bodies at railway stations in, thecity'withollt cost, 3. ,Your Committe~ recommend that.individual Council' meuexercise the greats8t caut,iouwheLl requested to commit young women to the In. stitution. This class causes great trouble to the ufficials and expense to the county. It wo.snever the intention of the Act establishing Houses of IUdustry.C that they should be made lying.in-hospitals. Using them as, such tends,,) to lower the morality oftha community by providing a (lonvenieet place.' at the expense of the county for those who lead an imm.oral Iifs. Com.:: mitments under these circumstances, if made at all, should be made only',: in exceptional cases. Decem bel', 1899. F. HUNT, OhairltlfUl. every day life. Sunday is by most ofth~ .illmates loohed forward to with pleasurable expectation and causes them to make suitfl.ble changes in their personal appearance. The boohs and papers distributed by the ladies aud their kind interost and greeting are very Uluch appreciated. It 'is to be deplored that'chiI'dren still find a home here. The following tabular statement sets forth thenarues, a~(j)s and causes of death' duriug ,the year io the order of their occurrence : 72 J~LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. PHY8ICIAN. To the WardeJ1,mul OmMwil of the Gounty of Elf/in: GEN'l'LEMEN,- I have much pleasLlre in presenting the twenty. fourth annual medical report of the Elgin Honse of Iudustry and Refuge. The year has beeu characterized by an unusual amount of sickness and death, requiring much m.ore attention_on my part than any previous year iu the history of this Institution; I luwe visited the place ninety. four times. ~obirthsha\fe been reo cOl'ded. and w~ havt:l beeu entirely frBe from any disease ordiuarily called contagious. Mary L\llumey, aged six.ty.seven, was removed to the Loudou ASYI lUlU on tl1e 28th day of-Soptember, amI ill this c,)unection I may state that four others are insaue,alld should becared.for by the Pro'vince; The princillahmrginal work consisted ill atttHidance upon Thomas Avard,'admitted onthesecoud of December, suffel'ing from a fracture femur" near tbe hip joint; and, congestion of the lungs. He Ilied' on eighteenth of Febrnary from the combined effects of the injnryaudyon. l''l'.ll.Dptiou. Mark' Ectan's life was saved by the timely use ofaprobaug, he iug. attempted to swallow too lare-ea piece of meat, Yon will. notice that two persons near tile ,close of the year died typhoid fever. In both cases the type of the di8easa was ullusually vir- ulaot.'-oue died au the six.th day. the other Oil the tenth. Two sudden deaths from, the same cause aroused an active iuvestigation'onrily part; and also uf:.louthe part of the Inspector" Keeper'and Ml1tron, with,the;re'. l'mlt that uoth iug unsanitary could be discovered. HowAver, I ordered that all drinldug water be boiled. aud seut samples of water fJ;om both wells to Torouto for analysis, aud at this date lhavenot re0eivedth'.l ex.pected report. I also requested that the woruens' well be thoroughly cleaued, which was doneullder my directiolls and sllper\'h;lon. ' I~LGIN COUN'l'YCOUNCIL. NAlILES. AGES. OAUSE 01<' DEA'l'H. Paralysis, Enteritis. ParalYSIS. La Grippe. Consumptiol1. Pneumonia. Paralysis. Cancer of 'l'ou~ne. Bright's Disease. Cannerof Liver. Typhoid fever. Paralysis. 'Typboid fever. Throughout the year I havefotllld the whole premises clean, neat orderly, a'u.d !till my efforts to" reuJer the' lives of the persons placed our charge as_ balmy a,iH] comforta,bleas Poss~ble lfas been seconded by. Keeper aud Ma~ron. I have the the honor to be,gclutlE\meu, Your obedient serv(tllt, It is a sigllificaut fact that all typhoid fever duriug the past twenty. five years developed upon the W0ll.16L1S' side of the bilildillg. The religious uxercises observed hel's Sundays are conducive to keep: ing alive" the spark of good in every man," and break the monotony of J oseph_ S}l:Jith i\1ary .McLeod................... ... Lucius .McMa~ter ......................... ... Johu Thompson....... .'. .. .'. ..... ...... Thomas Avard ... ... ...'......... '_.' ....... 76 Sarah Disber. . . . ...... ....... . . ....... . ... Michael Barrett .... . . . . . Isaac Honse............ Alex.~lick,.............................. .Joshua. Trothafl......................'. .... Etta Baxter...........,'..~.........~"..._.: 18 J eauette Adams ..'. ......... ..~ . . '. . '. : ;;. ... '66 Flora Taylor ..',". ....'.... ........... ......... 40 72 60 76 90 69 72 90 65 75 St. Thowas, 14th' Nov., 189'9: L. Ll::J'fON, l\i[.D. 7n 74 F:LGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL. IJ:'iSPECTOR. 1'0 theW(/,I'don and Membciw of the E1rjIn Oounty Oou.ncil: GENTL]~MFN,- The following if'! my report all the House of Industry and Refuge for the year ending 31st October, 1899 :- 1. NUll.bet of illmatesin the House at 'last report......... 55 2. " aGlmitted during the year........... .......... 34 3. IJ deaths...,........................................... 13 4. II di!';charged .....,.. ......... ',', "..........., . .. ..' 25 absconded. ... '.' ..,....... ......,........................ 6 at 13lio. Institute:....... ,., ...... '._... ...... ....... 1 now in HouRe. ..... . ....... ',_ .....,. .................. 45 Reut from -the several municipalities ill tlH3 5. 6. 7. 8. Number of inmates county durillgthe year :--'- A,ldborough ......................... .........,...'. ............ 5 Dun\vicl1.......................... .......,.. ......... .......... 0 Souhhwold ..... ................................................... 6 Y a.rpJ.outh... ... ... ... ......:.. ... ... ......... ...... ... ... '" ...... . 6 Malahide ................ . ... . , .... .........,... ................ 8 ]3ayham . ..........................................~.......... ....;.. 1 South Dorchester.. ........ . .,..~.... . . . . ................... 2 Vieuna......................................... .......;.............;.. .1 ~priLlgfield...... ..................... ...... ......... ..... ............. 0 .o\.ylwer ......................................... .,...... ..... .... 3 Port Stanley...................................................... 0 Dutton ... ........................................................... 2 g, The various cases of paupedsm of inm'ates in the House the year may be classn.ed as follows-:- Sickness ..;...............,....... ......,.......................... ])estitution...., , . , . .... ,.. .................................. Intemperance ...... ...................... .................., .. . . Oripple ...... ..................................................... Old age ....... . ......... .....,....................................... Blind ........................................................... Insanel idiotic, etc .....................'. ........................ All other causes ..................... .;.......................... 10. Avera~e unmber of inmates during the year.... 11. Averagel with Keeper's family, added ... .......... " 16 12 8 6 15 o 20 12 53 56 ELGIN OO.U_N'l'Y. oo,uNeIL. 12. Number of ,weeks board of inrilat9s...-..;.......... 2,755 13. NUilloer, with Keeper's family, etc., added...... 2,919 14~ 'fotal"expenditure duriug the year ......, .. '.;.. .:$4'j086, 12 15. Improvements, repairs and receipts from in. mates.... ...........,..,. .................... 16. Leaving ,amount actually expended' for su'p. port. "'of inmates......;.....:....... .... ..... 17. Average expeUse per week for each person...... 18; Average expelif>(:l per day for each }JEH'H.on'....... hi. AverageeXp€lllSe per year for el10h pers.on...... 20. Average expeuse per year for each per30U, with interest on total amount expended by county added......... ............. , . . .. . 21. Average cost per w6ek per iumate during' the past tweuty'years ..~..... .;................. .- . ' 1 16 22. The amOUtlt expended for' HOUSe and Farm during the~year is didded as follows:_ llired labor ......,..... ..........................,.......$.14~00 Farm IrnplellJellt8 a~d expellses.~.'...........:.... 7i' H5 Farrn stock...... ...... ..~.....,.......... ...... .....,.......'... 122 50 Physician.. .. ...............'-.;...:.........:. .:~......,.... '210 00 Keeper and 1tfatrorj".,......................:........... 55e; 00 Drugs ..............."... .......... ...................:..:.-,. 61.-12 Seed feed aod provisions ............................. 269 71 Me~h ......... ................. '.. ........'.'.....'... .....'.... .,......- 316:'79 Bread' ......... ... . "'.- ................................."......._...... 320.42 Groceries.................. ....,..........,...'......... 25102 Dry goods.........,......., ... ...... ....... 39477 Boots a.ud Ghoes ....-..........;......... ...........~. 73' 50 Furnitnre aua hardware ................. ............ . 13436 COllveY3oce of inmates ............................... 8682 Inc.idental....:... ......... ....... ......................... 204 77 Inspector ............. ......... .............,..... 101:) 33 VI/ood' . . . . " ...., ... ... .. .... . . .. . .. . ..... ...... 1'3'6' 67 Coal.......... ....... .............................. 37023 Insuran(~e ..... :.................. ...'................:.... 7 82 R.epairs ........~......... ..............:.......... ...,,'~:: 38_09 PermallentIll1Pl'ovetnents'....:....................... 97 75, Minister .......... .. ~'..............................;'... 'liO ,00 CODlmittee .........................:.. .. ; ... ............ 56 10 'rotal................. ..........,............... ---:~$4085 12 195 75 3,889 37 138t 19 69 29 86 84 75 74 F.LGIN (JOUNTY COUNCIL. The following if'! my report 011 the Hoase ofIodustryand Refuge for the year ending 31st October, 1899:- 1. Number ofiur.t;lates ill the House at 'last report ..,.....'.~ 55 2. /I admitted cl.uringtbe year. .. . ... ... . . ......... '34 3, /I deaths...,........................................... 13 4. /I di!:>charged ..................... ................. 25 I). I' absconded... ....,.~.............;j...,...................... 6 6. Ii at Bliu~ II~stitute.................................... 1 7, I, no\vin HOuf'le......._......... .........................45 8. Number of inmates H6ut from -the several municipalities i;J the county during the year :- Aldborough ....".................. ............... .....".... 5 Duu\vich..................:....... .......... .......... ......... 0 Soutbwold .... .................................................... 6 yarPloutb................................................ .......... 6 Malahide .....................,... ..........,.... .................. 8 Bayham'. ............................~........~............. ....... 1 South Dorchester. . ....... ... ..'..... ... '.. .................. 2 Vienna..................................... . .. .....~....;........... 1 ~priugfield....,....... ...... ....................................... ... 0 Aylmer .......................................... ........... .... 3 Port Stanley...................................................... 0 Dutton ... ...... .........................................~........... 2 9. The VariOUS cases of pauperism of ium'ates i~ the House duriu,g th~ year may be class:fied as foIlows:- INSPECTOR. '1'0 the W(tJ'Ilen aml MemHm\g of' the .Elgin CO'itntll Cou.neil: GEN1iLBMl<'N,- Sickness ..~...................... . ...............................,.. ])e8titutiou............... ............................."..... Intemperance ............................... ...... ........., . . . . Cripple ...... ..................................................... Old age ....... ..................................................... Blind ...........................................................,.... Insane, idiotic, etc ..................... ........................ All other causes ..................... ............................. 10. Average tlnmber of inmates during the year.... 11. Average, with Keeper's fa,mily.added ............. 16 12 8 6 15 o 20 12 53 56 ELGIN Co.u-NTY, CO,UNCIL, 12. Number of weeks board of iniuates...............; 2,755 13. Number, with Keep€lr's family, etc., added...... 2,919 14, Totalexpenditureduriug the year ......, .'. .... "$4';085 12 15. Improvements, repairs and receipt;s from in. mates.... ............ .... .................... 16. Leaviilg amount actually expended 'for 'sup. port 'of inmatI38......~................ ..... 17. .Average- expellse per week for each p_er~mn...... 18; Average expeuA6 per day for each perf..on....... 10. Average expense per year for each pel's'oli...... 20. Average expellse per year for each person, with interest on total amonnt expended by county added............................ 21. Average eost per weflk per inmate dllrillg'tbe past twElOty'yeariil;....... ..................... . 1 16 22. The aruoulJt expended for Houss and Farm duribg the-year is dh'ided as follows:--,- Ilil'ed labor ......,. '/.. ............,......'_~,........:......$ )~400 Farm lmplemellts and expenses .................... 7135 Farm stock...,~.....~.............~_..........:..~......,..., 122 50 Physician.... ....".........'................. ,.~.......,..... -210 00 Keepsl' and Matron .....,................. ............. 55(j 0'0' Drugs ...................................."..............'. 611~ Seed feed aod provudons ............................. 269 71 lVleat; ............,................,...........,...._........... ...... 316 '79 Bread: '........ .... .... ............................,............._.;.... . 320. 42 Groceries................. ..,. ..........._. .'. .....'.. 25102 Drygoods.................. .: ............... 39477 Boots and shoes .;. i..........;. .. . .. .. . ... ........'.. 73'50 Furnitnre aile) hardware ................. ............ '.134':'36 ConveY['l.llce of inmates ............................... 8682 Iucide.utaL:..... ......... ......, :.....::.....~............ 204.77 In!'lpector ......................................... 10833 Wood...,.. ..,. .'...............,....... ....... 136 67 Uoal.......... ........ ............................. 37.;1 23 Insuranee ..... ;'................. ...:................:....' 782 Repairs ;................ ..........'...:................ :.... 3'S 09 Perma118utlmptovemeuts-.:..:........:.............. 97 75' Minister ............. ...............................~-.~. 50,00 Conlmittee ..;.......;...;;............... ............... 56 10 'fotal............... '. .......................... '-:-~$4085 12 195 75 3,889 37 133+ 19 69 29 86 84 75 76 I<:LGIN CoUNTY COUNCIL. 23. No children. attended school during the year. 24. ,ThefoUowing produce was raised on the farm during the year;- 20 tons hay. ~65 bushels of oats. 1000 bushels Maugolds. 50 bushels turn'ips. . 150 bushels potatoes. 50 bushels beets. 20 barrels app1!2ls. 10 busbelf') onious. 225_ jars fruit. 10 bushels carrots. '3 tons millet. 2 acres corn fodder. 10 loads stra w. --..:., hea-ds of cabb:tge. 18 bogs. ' 25 turkeys 50 cl~ickens. 798 pouuds butter. In ad,dition to the above a large amount of vegetable~, etc., wa!i raifIJed aud consumed during the year, of which no account was kept. 25. Number of articles of bedding ani! clothing, made updurin,g the year by Matron and iumates, 400. 26. Number of visits by Iilspector to Institutiou during 11 mouths since my appointment; 48; 27, Farm stock :- 2 hor~es, valued ...................., .".............." ...$ 6 'cows. . . .,.... ., ,... , .., , , '.' . . . .. , ., ............. 1 Ho.\v'.aud 8.pigs...., .......,..".,,,,,................. 150 00 180 00 20 00 28, Tbetotal amount expended by County Hou!Se of , Industry, etc" is a1il as follows :~ Farm, 50 acres, cost ........ .......................$ 3000 00 House of Industry..... "................ ......,..... 11400 35 T~aundry................... '.' ..... .................... 66681 Fire escapos............-...,........... .................. 390.06 Root cellar ........................................... 124 gg Oottag('!s ....................... ......................... 1486 67 Brick ice house"............................ ..."...... 1180 5C Barnsl €lte....................."............. ........... 2387 57 Tiledraius ........................"...........-....... 55787 Tile drain outlet....:..... ..."...................... 60 70 ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL. Fencing...,.......'--.. .., ..'. .........,... ...."........ ....., ..: 733 75 Orchard ................................................, 8584 Heatillg apparatus".................,................ 197900 Total ........ ........................----$24054: 11 29. Received from th e Government onaCCollllt expeoditure forland aud. building!';'.:;. Leaving alU91wt'actuallyex-pended by 00. All ot'whiGbig respectfully submitted. 4000 00 $20054 11 8t, .rrhomas, ,November. 1899, D, TURN.1~jR, Inspector: 77 78 ELGIN o.OUNTY COUNCIL. COURT HOUSE BUILDING COMMITTEE. .JANUARY 8E8SION. To the TVI/,nlen mul GO/uwil (If' the County (d' .Elgin-: GEN'l'Ll~MEN, "- The Special Building, Committee beg leave toreporta~ follows; 1.. That we reclPived eight ten,ders for the heating and plumbing reo quired for the Court House: Meatin~. $BI4~ 00 3900 00 6962 64 P1Ul11biog. Both. Joseph Harriso'u, Toronto.........,.. Keith & Fitzsimmons, Toronto ........ Stacey & Co., St. Thomas....... ......... K. J. Allison, Toronto.............,.. ...... Fiddas & Hogarth, Toronto... .... . . .... Purdy. Mansell & Co., Tororitol. ... .. .. BeLlllett & Wright, Toronto........ ....... Smith Bios., Londoll. . .. . . ... . . Smith Bros" with Buffalo boiler W, Mashillter & Co., Toronto. . . . . . . . J. 1-1. F'laherty, Sb. Thomas ....... .... We recommend that the following tendp.rs be accepted: Joseph Harrison, heating ......,..,...... ...... ......$3146 00 Keith &; Fitv,simmons, plumbing. ... .. ................ 11:l5 00 $1125 00 124576 1197 50 $5350 00 .4669 00 3897 00 4579.00 4474 00 1275 00 4789 00 1298 00 $4271 00 2. That no action be taI{en ill reference to communication from Stacey & Uo., 're Court House tenders. All of which i~ respectfully submitted. Jan; 26th. 1899. A. .1. LEITCH. Cha.irruan. FEBRUAHY S:B}SSION. 'to the, Rlf/ill aOllnl!! Oou1tmZ: . G]<,N'l'LKl"1EN ,- Tbe Builditlg Committee beg leave to pres9nt the following report:- 1, 'fhat since the ,January Session we have been considering question of flll'uishiug8, aud have visited the COUl't Houses at J~LGIN GOUN'l'Y OOUNCIL. a.nd Woodstock to obtain ideas in reference thereto. The arcLitect has been iustructed to prepare plans, specifications and estimates, and we would request permission to submit tlJO samafor tho cOD'sideration of the council at a Special Session, if. we deem it advisable to du so. All-of which is respectfully submitted. 18th February, 1899. A. J. LEICH. Chairman. .TUNJ'J SESSION. St. ThQIll88. 7th .June, l89!J. Tot/If! lVal'don !llld OOl/lIdloj the OOlll/tll of RI!r//I: GENTLl~MJ<)N,_ The BuiWiug'i_'Committee heg leave to report as follows;_ That siuce our Jast report in B'ehruary Wtl have awarded the follow~ iug COIJtl~acts : L ,James Acheson, hardwl!tre,'locli:s, etc.......,... . .......$40000 (These will be finished in r--and blast copper.) Macdonald &. WilSOIl..~I'oIOuto, ~as fixtures............... 620' 00 The Preston Office & School FUl'uiture Co.. special wood work and fittiu,gs required in library, court room and council chamber.................................2995 00 The Preston Office and School:b'uruiture Co., for fur. niture. ........ ...............................................55680 The Office Specialty Co" Toronto, for vault fittings aud furniture... ....,....... ......... ......., .......... ...... ......... 892 50 J. Ho.cdless, Hamilton, furniture............................. 8500 2. 'feuders for carpets, slmdes and mattipg were received, and also chait's required iu tho offic61s and other rooms ill the buildiu,g, bllt the wel'e not awarded. That for the purpose of preventing fire we haye instrncted the put in three stand pipes with hose connections on each tiOOI' COlll't House aod rear wing, allotted the offices aud marked same on the archi. The total contracts awarded a're'as' folIows ;_ 79 80 ]~J.(UN COUNTY COUNCIL. J. H. McKnight & Co.. ......... 0," ......... .$3399000 H. A.,L. Gray, electric wiriug......... ........... 346 00 Stace:y& Co" metal work............................ 123146 .Joseph lIarrisou.. heating..................,....._,~. 314600 Keith & Fitzsimmons, plumbing................... 1125 00 J. Acheson, hardware................................ 400 00 McDonald &; Wilson, gas fixtures............ ..... 620 00 The Preston Office & Scbool Furniture Co...... 3551 80 The Office Specialty Company................ ... 892 50 .J. H. Flaherty, plumbing............... ............. 187 00 F. Hoodless, fnrlliture................".. ............ 85 00 ----- 'rotaL................... ....................$45,574 70 5. '\'0 have ma.t'le the following el:;timates f)l' awa,rded :-Ohah's. $,300; carpe_ts, sbades, etc., $560, eoutnlcts to be G, 'that the followillg payments Court HO'i1seiriJl1l'ovements:- have been made 011 account ,of .T. H. McKnight &00........ ...;....... .....".....$ ..1:. .H, McI(night,&; 00.""....,..,..,..,...... ..;.... . ,J, HI McKnight &; OCi......".~... ."................. .J, II, }i'laherty...... ............."...."...... ............ Stacey Manufacturing Co......,,,.............,,... .1, EI. li'laherty... ..'..,......... .. ...;............... Stacey & 00.........,........ .......,. ........ .......... .Joseph I-Iarrison..........,..........................:... Keith & Fitzsimmons......"....... .................. Stacey & 00................... .J. darrison... ,J. H. l\fcKnight &; Co.... Stacey &; Co......,.. R.A.I...Gray,......"............. ..."........" .J. EL ]i'lahel'ty ................ ...... .......... ...... ...... N. 11,. Darrach.....,.............".,. R. McLachlin.."....... The C. H. Mortimer PublishilJg 00.... ......... The Times.....'... ............. N. R. Darrach... R McLachlio, . . ..,........."...... 4616 00 1000 00 6200 00 5000 100 00 GO 00 ,268 00 1300 00 3200lJ 392. on 331 00 3734 00 120 00 240 00 28 00 300 00 23 40 4 80 4 32 200 00 24 00 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. Hamilton BridQ'e 00................................ .... R. McLachlin......... .....:............ ...... ............ N. R. Darrach......................".......... All of which is respectfully submitted. 30 00 12 00 100 00 A. J. LEITCH, Ohairman, DECE M:BER. To the Warden ((,nd Memhel's of' the Elgin CrJIi-l1tJj Coltncil:- GENTLEMEN ,_ The Building Committee beg:leavetD submit the follo\ving rep'ort:- 1. That they were pleased' that the work iu conbectiou with the Court House had so far advau oed as to enable the County Oourt' and Council to meet duriJlj;{ the present !'!e$lsion, There is considerable work yet tobeddtl6 in the way of fillishillg the woodwork and compjetillg the fmnh)hillgs. We'expect, nOWeVel\ by the January SesBion to report the fiual'co~pletioll of everythitl~ 'coullected with th~buildiug. 2. 'That for the infnrmatiouof the COU(ICi! wesuhmit herewith a >;t~temeut, showiug the amouut of each cOUtl'1tct and the amouut paid by the 1,'l'easurer. Tbe tot~l coutract!'; awarded; including- other work ordered by the Oommittee, amounts to $49,205,70, of which $36.187.95 has heeu paid. The architect has notmaoe a final settlement with any the contractors. All of which is respectfully submitted. St. (~'homas. Dec. 15, 1899. A, J, LEITUH, Chairman. 81 82 l'lLGIN COUN~l'Y COUNCIL; DECEMBER SESSION. SBCOND Rl~PORT Ol? 'r.HE RUlLDING COMl'ttITTlm. :I,'o the rV(!l'dan aNtl M (JmblJr,~ (!t' the Elrlin Oounty Oou,lIdl;- GEN'l'LEMEN,- 'The Building Committee beg leave t,o submit the following report :- 1. Iu accordance with instructions passed at the. June Session we have had the groundR sa8t of the jailclearod,aWayalld incorporated with the park. In doing tili!> it was necessary to destroy the jailer's gardl.ltJ, arid we recoUlwend that he lie offer~d the sum of $15.00 in full of settle ment of auy damage he might have Rustained in the removal of trees, etc., in eleadug off the grounds. 2. That the Engineer be instructed to remove the old buildingsonth of tpa iailer's resi<lellce as soon as convenient, also to have all the 'old lumber in tbo cellar aud iu and around tbe iailer's residellce removed at' once. All of whicb'is respectfullysubmittud, A. .J. LEITCH, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY-LA "W"S. BY.LAW NO. 588. TO APPO!NTCOUNTY AUDITORS FOR THE YEAR 1899.-PAssrm JAN. 27, 1899. WHERl!aS, under the authority of the Municipal Act, every Municipal Council is required to appoiut at its first!meetillg iu every year two II ' auditors. Be 'ft the/'efore enacted by the CoulJcil of the Municipal CorlJoratioll the County of Elgin under the authority aforesaid, That William Newcombe aud W. A. Ga,lbraiH.l be, and are hereby appoiuted, auditors to exu.ruiue aud report upon all aecouutsaffectiug the Corporation of the Oouaty of~~lgill, or re.'1ating to any matter uuder its control or within its. ,jUrisdiction, as' required by statute or Order.iu.. Couueil, and also all acconuts of scbool monies received or paid by the County Treasurer for the, year eliding 31st DeC611.1IDer, 1898, and that ; sll,id auditors be paid the sum o~.forty dollars each for their 'services. Council Obamber, St. Thomas, 27th Jalluary, 1899. W. McKAY, COUllty Glark. O. McKENNEY. Wardell. BY. LAW NO. 589. Af'POIN'l' A BOARD OF AUDIT IN THl<; COUNTY OF ELGIN FOR 'fHF.YEAR 1899. I'ASSlm JANUARY 27, 1899. WHlmE....s every Couu~y Couucil is required to appoillt anuually at its l'st meeting ill every year a Board of Audit, composed of the .Judge ot' e Oouuty Court and twu other perSOllS, :Jot more than one of whom a.1l be a tnembl.~r t'or tile time being of suchOounty Uod,rlCiI. Be'it tlterqfril'e enacted' by the COllUCil of the MUtlicipal Corporatioll the the Coutltyof Elgin, under the authority aforesaid, That D. J. Hughes, Esquire, County Judge; Wilham Ford aud John .:6mpson be, and 'are hel'eby appointed a Board of Audit, to perform "duties required of them by Chaptel' 84 R.S,O. 83 ELGIN COUNTY. COUNCIL. 84 ~--~------~ That the members of the said Board be paid the sum of four dollars pel' day for their services and five cents per mile in going to and from such audit. Oouncil Ohamber, St. K. W. McKAY, Oounty Clerk. fhomas,27th January, 1899. O. McKENNEY. Warden. BY LA W NO. 590. 'fa API'OINT TRUSTEES OF THE HIGH SCHOOLS IN 'rHE .COUN'n OF ELGIN. PASSED JANUARY 27, 1899. Elgin, under the authority 'rhe Oounty Oouncil of tbe Cooutyof the Hi(;(h Schools' Act, 1891, e!:wcts :- That F. IUlllan be appointed a Trustee of the Vienna High Bcl1001 for a 'term of th:p;:8 years: ThatJ; J. Nairn be appointed trustee of the Aylmer Collegiate Ill' stitutefor a term of three years. Tbat,J. Cascadeu, M.D., be appoInted trustee of the Dutton High School for a term of three years. That David Cowan be appointed trustee or' the St, Thomas Collegiati:: Institute for one year, in place of Samuel Day, resigned, and that Bennett be appointed trustee of said St. Thomas Collegiate Institute for three years. Council Chamber, St. 'fhomas, 27th January, 1899. O. McKENNEY, Wardeu. K.\Y.McKAY, County Clerk. BY.LAW NO. 591. TO EX'l'END '.PRE TIME FOR THE ENFORCED' COLLECTION BY SALE ItJ~HIDENT TAXES IN THE COUNTY 01" ELGIN-PASSED . ,!ANUAR.Y' 27'ra. 1~~9.' The CountyCounci~ pf.t,he Coupty o.f Elgin, enflrcts :~ That the ,enforcedcolhiction bysa1e0fnon.resident taxes due ELGIN COU,NTY COUNCIL County of Elgin be, and the same is h2reby extended for the pedod of oneyeur. C6uncil Ohamber, St. Thomas, 27th 'January, 1899. K. W. McKAY, Couuty Clerk. O. McKENNEY. . Warden. ------ BY. LAW NO. 592. TO APPOINT A SPECIAL BUILDING COJl.1MI'.rTJ~F; AND AU'l'HORIZE 'rIm WARDBl\ TO SIGN CONTRACTS FOR COURT HOUS]~ IMPROVmimN'r8_PASS]~D ,JANUARY 27TH. 1899, The Coun!;y Oouncil of tho COlluty of ,Etgiu enacts:~ L That D. Lan!!, A. ,1. Leitch, .Frank Huut, W. O. PoUodr, M.E. LYOll aud D, F. Moore be, and are hereby appointed a special building committee, whose duties ..,balt beas follows ;_ (a) To takc~ compI'ete charge of all work connected with the reo building aud .enlargiugof tbe Court House. (h) To see that the plans approved of in general by this Connty Coundl are cal'l:Jil!1d out. and to decide-ou ail matt€lrs uf detail, changes or alterations that may be suggested by the architects iUCOllllGctioll with the i)lalls as the work progresses. _(0) 'rp receive tenders as required., and to ~:vard contracts fot, the completion of the work, including furnisbing. (dl It sh.all be the duty of the cOUlmittee to appoil.lt a sub commit. tee. or the chairman to make ius}Jectiotls of the work as it progresses alld to is~me orders ou t,he treasurer, in accordance with the architect's est.imates aud'certilicatf)s of the work performed, 2. That the Wardell be, and is hereby, authorized to f!lxecute' ~mch contracts as may be necessary for carrying out' the Court House '1m. provements ordered by this Couucilor by lihe special Building Committee hereby appointed, B; Thatthe County'Clerk be, aDd i8hereby, illstracbed to act a" ot the speGiD.l buildiug c.'"lmmittee. to keep a minute cifthoir 85 86 BTJGIN COUNTY COUNOH... proceedings and of all orders issued on the treasurer in connection with the work. Council Chamber, St. Thomas. 27th,January, 1899. 0, MoKENNEY, Wardell. IC W. MoKAY, County Clerk. BY-LAW NO, 593, ~'O AUTI!ORIZI'; TIm WARDEN AND 'rRI~ASURER TO Br..RHaW 'fWE.N'l'Y THOU SAND DOLLARS-PAssrm JANUARY 27'fH. IS9\). The County COHuoil of the Corporatiollof the County of Elgin euacts;- That the Wardt'll and Trea~mrer be, atld are hereby authorized to borrow the sum at' twenty thousand doHars, aR it maybe required, to meet the current expenditure of the Corporatiou of the Countyuf Elgin durillg .1899, aud tu give 0,3 H8cnrity therefor tlo"tes of one tlwusaud dol. lars each. Council Chamber, St. Thomas, JalJUary 27th, 1899. O. McKENNEY, Wardell. K. W. McKAY, COlUlty CledL --~ BY-LAW NO. 1)94. '1'0 HAISl!: 'l'Hl~ SUM Ol? FOl'tTY THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR 'fHE PURPOSE OF NRF.CTlNG-, BUILDING AND Fur~NtsHING A COUR'r HOUSE AND OFFICES, TO HJilmnm IN CONNECTION THl~REWl'rH, AND 'fa AUTHuRIZE 'I'HE ISSUE Ol? DEBENTURES FOR 'l'lm: PAYMEN'l' OF 'l'HESAID SU;\-I AND 'I'HE IN'rImES'I' 'fHEHlWN. WmnlEAH the> Oouncil of the Municipality of the Couuty of Elgiu has considered it Ilecessary to erect, build and furnish a court officos to be used In coonection therewith, upon the land of municipality, within the city of St. Thomas, AND wm<mTMR it is necessary to ra18e the sum of forty thousand lars to pay for tile said court house and offices to be used in conuectiol.l therewith. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient aud necessary to issue deben-- tures to the amoulJt of forty thousabd doBars, to provide for the pay- thereof and iuterest thereotJ, AND: WHEIU~AS the amount at the whole rateable property of the said municipality, according to the last revised and equalized assess. ment thereof, is fifteen million three hundred aud two thousand six hundred and thirty-~one dollars, AND WHElUDAS the amount of the existin,\,1 debenture debt of the municipality /IllW h~ the sum of, uiue tlwUSl1l1d seven huudredand tweuty. five dollars aud eleven cents, aud no part thereof or of. the interest tuereou iH in anears, AIm WHEREAS it' is desiri:tbJe auduece::mttry that the said sum of forty thouHaliu dollars, for which debentures are to be i:,;sued uuder th(;} autbority of this uYlaw, should be repaid iu tweuty years from the day ,'on wliiclJ tllis by-law shaH take effec~, toge~herwith the interest there. OU, at the rate of three alld oue-half per cent_ per auuum, the ijame to be re.payable by atJlJUal illstalmeuts durIug tbe twenty years next ensuing 'after: the day' upon which this by-law shall take effect, AND WHERl~AS itwi1l be ueces,sal'Y, in addit~ou 'to all other rates and ,taxes to be leVIed in each year in the said municipality, to raise and levy auuuaHy by sIJ8cial rate tluificieut therefor 011 all the rateable property iu the said mUlllcipality the .sum of two thousand eight huudred and fOul'teeu dollal'l:3 aud forty. four- cents, during the said IJeriod of twenty years, to pa\' tUl.d several instalments of principal aod interest 1:lpOIJ the said sum of fUl'ty tl10usnnd dollars as they respectively become due and payable. Be ittlw/'ejol'8 enacted, aHd it is hereby euacted, by the l\iItluicipal Council oitha Corporation of t.be said Couuty of Elgin:_ L That it shall be la-,yful for the\\"ardetl, for the time being, of lesaid CO\l-uty of ElgitJ. to raiBe by way of loan the said sum of ~orty lOu'-iaud dollars Upou the security of tlle debMtures hereinafter meu- ued, irom auy perSau or persons, body or bodies corporate who may willing to ad \lance the same upon the credit of the said debeutul'es, esanie to be paidta the treaSm81', for the time beiug, of the said mu~ ~ipaHty for the purposes above recited. ;, 2,That it shall be lawful for'the .Warden,fbr the time being, of the id Oounty of Elgiu to issue dehentmes of the said corporation to the 87 H8 l~L(HN COUN'rY COUNCIL. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. amouut of forty thousand dollars, ill sums-not less that one hundred donars eacb, hnt uot exceeding in the wbolB t4e sum of forty thousand dollars for the purposes aforesaid a,ud, tb,e !';aid debelltures shaH be seal@d with the seal of the said corporation aud signed by the Warden for thetuutl being of the said corporation. " 3. That tho saia debentures shall be made payable in twenty year- ly instalments from the liay her€)inafter rueutiolled fartha oy-law to take effect, such yearly iustalmeots to be of such amounts that the ag- gregate amount payable for principal andinterol;t in any year in respect of the'debt, s>hall be equal, as llearly as may be,' to what is Ji'layable for principal and illterest duriug eaeb of the other years of the sa,d p,erioc1 of tW00ty years, and the debentures to be issued for tbe !;;mme shan be f6rthe amounts, I:M1d pay_abloat the timescorrespollding with such year, ly instalments, together with intet'est annually, as hereinafter set and provided' by tlJis by-law, pursuant to iilection 386 of t.he Ac.t, that is to say as foliows ;- No. of Debon- Date whon ture. payable. 1 .... ..........1900 2. ... .. .........1901 3..................1902 4.... . ,.... ...1903 5..................1904 6...~..... .......1905 7............... .1906 8........ ....... .1907 9....., .........1908 10., .," .........1909 11. ................1910 12.,. .............1911 13.... ............1912 14...................19111 15..................1914 16. ..... .........1915' 17. . . ,.. ... ..1916 18,.......... ,1917 19..................1918 20,...,.. .......lm9 l'd)lcipt~l. $1414 44 1463 95 1515 19 1568 22 1623 11 1679 91 1738 71 17"9 56 1862 55 1927 74 1995 21 2065 04 2137 32 2212 13 Z289 55 2369 68 24f)2 63 2538 47 2627 32 2719 27 Interost. $1400 00 1350 49 1299 25 1246 22 1191 33 1134 53 107573 1014 88 951 89 886 70 81923 749 40 677 12 602 31 524 89 444 76 361 81 275,97 ]87 12 95 17 5. That the said debentm:es shall have coupons attached thereto for the payment of interest,atid such coupons shall be -signed by the \Varden and the Treasurer for the time being of the said c'orporation. 6., That the said debentures as to principal a.nd' interest ~hai1 'be payable at,the office of the treasurer of the County of Elgin -in the said 'Uit.yof St. ThornWl. Total. 7. That, for the,purposeof paying the said sum of 'forty thousand dollars and interef:lt, the said sum of two thousand eight hundr~d and fourteeu dpllars'!tnd forty-four centl'! shall be raised aud leviedannuaUy iueach year duriu.Q:the cur-rency_of the said d6lbentures bya special rate sufficient therefor on all tberateable property. in the said municipality, over and. above all other,ratel'! and ,taxes which mttybe required to be' raised and levied in the said rnuuicipality. 8. Tbattbe said sum of forty thousand shall be applied for th~ purposes above intent andmeaniug of this by.law. 9, That this by law 's11all come' into , f6roeaud ,take 'effect: on alid thefh:st day of Febr11ary, 1899. C,)Uuty Council Chamber., St. Thomas,t7th January, 1899. W. McKA.Y, Uounty CleriC dOllars, when obtained, specified and according to the $2814 44 2814 44 2814 44 2814 44 2814 44 2814 44 2814 44 2814 4.4 2814 44 2814 44 2814 44 2814 44 2814'44 281'1 44 2814 44 2814 44 2814 44 2814 44 2814.44. 2814 44 0, McKENNEY, vy ardeu. 4. That the said debentures shall bearillterest at the rat.e of and one half per cent. pei' annulU fr'om the day on which the by-law take effect, alld !':.uch interest shaH be payabJe yearly thereafter on first' day of 'February in ,each aud every year during the currency of said debentures respectively. 89 90 J')T..HIN COUNTY - COUNCIL. BYLAW NO'. , 595::' TO CONFIRM '.rIm E(~UALIZA'.rION .OF -THE ASSESSMENT ,~O:J;.LS ,OF THE OF ELGIN FOR 'rfm YEAR 1809.'-PASSE,D JAN 27,1899. Th..:l Donuty OullllCil oitbe Oounty of Elgiu enact~.: That the following be the equalizati(\ll of tbe aS88s'smeot'rolls of'the County of Elgln for, 189S, as )'equired, by Sectiou:78 of the A-ssessment Act. . Equalized Value.: .....' ....,. $L,881.100 2,086,940 2,908,120 3,015,538 2,318,358 '. 1,136.140 1,317.435 361,000 57,000 68.doo 69.000 90,000 MuuiClpalities. Aldborough. . '._ ','0 . . .. .. , Dunwich '. ........ ............ ........... ......,... SOlltbwold.-...... '..... ........,. ........,.. .'."" Yartnouth... . ......... .... ............ Malahide ......... Ba'yhaln .."........... ....,.......... South Dorchester 'A.yliner .'.......................................... ...... Vienna.. .,.",.... .......... .... ...........,... .....,. P01't Stautey ...... ........"... .;,:' . . ... ............ Springfield ............... ........... ................ Dntt'llll .......................................,..........;...... $I5,3GB,631 Council Chamber, St. ThoinMl, ,JrtlHlary 27. 1899, K. W. McKAY, 'ConntyClerh:. O. McKENNJW, Warden. BY LA ",. :~O. 596. '1'0 AU'fHOHIZffi. 'l'Hl~ CIJlmKS OF THE LOCAL MUNICIPALITms 01<' l-UJ(HN TO RurPLY THE COUNTY CLERK WITH A COPY OF THE ASSESS' i\'mwr lwr..I. NVERY THREE YEARS.-PASSRD,TUNE 8. 1899. The County Council of the County of Elgin enacts: 1, ,That the clerks of the local municipalitie!'lbe and, are hereby mitted to transmit a summarized statement of the coutSI:t.s of the as sORsment roll of their rnunicipality, showi\J~ the population of the ~-"~-~-~~~~'='-'- ELGIR COUNTY OOUNCIL. 91 COUNT'( , 'cipality and the total assessment of e,ach of the various classes of prop. -'erty liable t(} aiils8f;sment, instead of tramJmitting a t;:opy, of the assess. ,,;'meut roll for their muuicipality. The clel'lt of every municipalityshall, iteverthele~s,tral)smit a copy of the roll to the clarka! the county fn every third Y(!la-r, and wheuevel' ill oth61t year~, he may be required to do sobY,theCounty Judge or by resolution of the County Council. Couu~ilCharuber, St. Thomas, June 8,1899. 'lIcKAY, Couoty ClerIc O. McKENNEY, Warden. BY .LA \V NO. 597; Tv RtUSJil AJ\tOUN'l'S Fan UOUN'fY RAT]~S DURING nm YEAR l899,.-PAsimn ,1UNl_: 8, 18\:19, WHEREAl;l, by S61ction 9l-of Ch~pter 224 of the Revised Statutes of 91ltario, the Oouncil of the County, ill appot'tiouiug the county rate, shall 'rilake'the amount of property returoed on the aSi3essment roll, as finally 'equalized foi:the preceding year, the bd.sis upon which the apportionment i,s made. AND WHEREAS, by Section 405, of Chapter 223,_R.S.O., the Ooutlcil of Bounty may pags bylaws authorizing the levying and collectillg of a €ltc, . AND WHEREAS all estimate bas been made" showing that the sum ,of lirty eight thousalldfonr hundred aud thirty, dollars is required to be ~j~ed ill the several nluuieipalities for the lawful purposes of the couotv llringtbe year '899. Therelore ,theOollocilofthe lWullicipal Corporatipn of ,tbe County gf:Elgiu eo acts : .1. That a rate of two and one-balf mills in the dollar be levied upon ',~ithe rateable property in the several municipalities in the County of 19iu, ,as equalizeCl for th'e year 1898, to raise the folIowiugaruoullts. 2. That tho sum ofl thirty.eight thousand four hundred ani! thirty 6!lars be,raised and levied iu the several lUuuicipalities io the, connty, ~cor~ingto the following schedule, and tl1at the amounts, ,as entered (,le'rei~, be paid over /;0 the County Trdi1surer, as by law required: 92 ' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. ELGIN'Couwi'y'eolhtcIL 93 SCHEDULE. 13Y:LA IV No. 599J lVIunieipali,ty. Aldborougb...................... ............. ... ............ Dunwich ........,............................... ............ South wold .................................... ........ Yarmouth '.... ...........................' ..... .......... Malahide ............ "....;.... .......................... .- Bayham .... .....:.............................. ........... ... South Dorohester..................,.... .................. Aylmer... ........... ...................................... Vienna........ ............. ........... ..................... Springfield............ . .......... . ............................ Port '3tanley...... ........,... .......... .. ...,..............' Dutton... ,......,..........................,......... TotaL $4,703 5,217 7,270 7,711 0,,783 2,'l40 3,293 903 143 172 170 225 PAYABJ,E TO '.r1IE COUNTY OF EI#IN BY 'l'HE '.rREAIIIURI~ns ,ItOR:' ;COUN'l'Y: 'RATES,8HAJ,I. 1m ,PAI-P Il>i"~O 'L'IIE }IOJ.J~O,i'<S ;,R,A~lL: T(?THE :'C~];)DI.iL' ~:OF. ~fHE ,'~ARDEN AND. {L'REAgUl\l!Jlt"7"~ASSEn, 16r~"DECF.,:'tfREU, ~.8~9.: of ribe qo'uutY'Q~ COll'J:ty'rat-eti'sba.n ....~e St.,T!lOOOttS, 'totl18 $38,430 111akillg, the, p~yil1€!nts:,_to tll"e,lVI~l~o~s . Bal),h' as 1.e'cei~"tt\9'n;':th,e,,'lian]< th~refor,: .al'ld pr~~uce 't-~:'eas i;rt-H< 'wllo' shall' make 'the proper' ~nt,L:ie8 'JI')e;C(m~_ty._: :'3.; '-'~.r'liat:safd'mon:ies',:sll cret)o_sited'to "the,. cd~d'it' ?'f',t.he Oonl.ltyo~ sha'l-J'be w-ithdl!aw!l' ,therefrom '()1l1yupoliWe' chflq~ebf thh"frea. !:>.Y.,}he \Var.d~)]. e6U)]ty.Gonl]ci-L.Chamb~:j: St; Thomas, l6t.]} l)~cember; 1899':i ..' '..' ..' . '...': .....:.. ,', McKAY, .;. O.MdKEN;:\IEY, <:Joimty, QIer~L War<.1en, R.W. McKAY, Couuty Clerk. Dounty Council 'Ohamher, St. Thomas, 8th June, 1899. b. McKENNY, BY LA IV NO. 598. 1'0 EX'L'END. l'HE TIME FOR THE ENFORCED COLLECTION BY SAI,E ON 'fAXES Il-l.THE COUN~L'Y OF ELGIN~l'ASSED 16'l'H DECEMHRR. 18.99. ,(:; The 'CountyCounciJ of the Oountyof Elgin.. enacts; That the time for the enforced collection py sale of tax~Bin the County of Elgin be, and is hereby. extended for one year. County CouncilCh~ruber, St. Thomas, 16th 'December, ]8~9. O. McKENNEY. Warden. BY,LA W NO. 600. COl\IM:ISSIONERS 1'0 HAVE THK CAHE OF THE coURT HOUfm AND GROUNDS CO:lNECTED 'rHEREWI'l'H.-PASSED 161.'1-1 DiwlumER, 1899.. K, W.'McKAY, COUlit'y Clerk. The County Council of the County of Elgin enacts:- 1. That the Warden, the Sheriff, and Clerk of the Oounty Council and are herebyappoiBtedCommis~iollers to have the care ofYw l{ous6and all offices. rooms and grounds connected therewith. 2. 'That it shall be the duty of the saidCommissio[]ors:- (ft) To appoint a caretaker and engage !'.!uchassistauce as may be from time to time to attend to the proper lighting, b€!atiug cleallingof all offices and rooms in the court house. 94 F.LGIN COUNTY'COUNon. (b) To preserve and keep ill' repair' tile 'gao'l, gaoler's residence, ~ourt;hou~e and all office!'", rooms and grounds colinected .tber/?w.i'th. (d) That, if any emergency 'occlwfl'equ:i1'ing the expebditl1re-bfmol'e thatl ~100; OJ' the amount. appropriated' \.)ytliis COt1"ncil.,f6r repairs. that the matter he referred1fotbeGaol COllui:ri'ttee cir,thisCOUllCil,if iil ~€Js Sip~1: fo.r,th~ir ,c,o l:ls~d~ra tiop,\ 3. That the said Gommis'sionerS'heand are hflt'ebyrsc.t'uii:e:d'lokee:p'li,' r~cor~,{)~,their pl'oceediIlgs.. to report to thisCol1ncil',at tll~!Jnn~ Se~si6n_ ill e~Cli)~ea'r" ,alld;_sl~ bmi't,. all estip,late" ShOWj11g, amo~t1t, required, for., the fcille.wing:Ylilar, all? also"to rep.ot',t at an~' Sessioh,of the(Joullcit ,h1 ref~~,,: enee'to inatters that in tlleii'opillibil shonld he' bronghtt6 the', ~tt'te~tfoll oithe Council. ' ,,, , " ' . INDEX T,O PROCEJEDINGS, ELGIN COU;\1TY COUNUIL, 1899, \Vari:Teli. .. ,'.........:. .:...~.......,...........,.,..., '"'''' ,,,.,,,,.6., 24 of.1 ustice' Expendittire......... ...... "'" '...... . . . . ,30,'39 ...............,................... ......., .....'....... ............ "25 .... "" """""", '" .'.......,.... """',",'" .'.,., .",.....,...6, 9, 1.0 Audit,ors.... ...........,:................~...'...I',.......... ",. " '... .......,..,1:8; 83 . .Bor~o.w;,ng Mou~:y ..,..... ......... ',',,','" ..: ::: .........~.. .... ........, ..... ..,... ~..20, 86 , Clerl,s' QOP..v..ASH~ssr;uE:r~~ RuIL... '.., ....... .. .'...;e....~.....'..1:'l.2/91 'COU.I..t,y, Hates...: ~:':" ... .... ~...~: ~ . .,':...~......~. :'_' :.... ............... ~,B2, 9.0 County Rates Payment to B,ank......,.........................:~.....4Q, 9B . Court House Building........."........ .,.......... ......... ..... .~~,..19, ,8.5 Court House Debentures... ......... ......... ..... ,....... "',' .,2.0, 86 Court I-IouseCot11rnissiO)i,:'..:....,. .'::.'.:........ ............. ....:.'4.0, 93 ~q'uatizati01!l. ......... ......... . . . . . ....... '";~.............. ......... ..~ ....2.0" 9.0 High 861)001 Trustees............ ................ ...-~;..,..l9, 84 Tax Sale".:'. ......:.. ........... ... :........: ..~;.;...... : : : . . .." 19, "40', 8'!, 92 Aid .Societ:v.,....:...:...:. .;.... ... ......'........ ..... ...... ........ ...... 12 . . . . · . ::....../. :.::.: . ::..:: : ..: :::: >: : : : :<.::::8.~,;:~~~'3g Rat'e.s to be 'Pidd to.Ba~lr....... ..:.. :,... ...-..,.'.. ...... .....:~..35, 4.0 .. .......... .......... ........................,.... ..... 4 Clerk.......... :...:..............:'~.. ........,..,...... ...............,.,..... 16 SaIa'ry:............... :......-'..."...............'........,.,.....;.. 16 Building..'..,................ ..........6, 9. 11, 13, 17,24. '38, 78 , '. ", Ro'o-ms-,;;;:.'.;.'.'...". ..-. :":. . ; . . .......'.-:.-..::.'.;. ....'......-.. ..-. ... :.....".':.,39 Committe-e.:.:::.':.;..::....;:::... " .'.'lB, '22,'26'.28; 37. 38 . ~::~i:17~~:.:".'.' ....:::..,. ........ ......:...:'..::....:.:..:......~~~::.... .....':::.::.1:~: 1~~ Opening ..'.:....... ;..'.;':':..;.:...;~;'.... ;'.:.... .:..:..............29, 33 /I Ground!),... .............., ... ...... ...... ".... ''''. ,.... ......... ",... 31 /'e Hiver Thames Bridges........... ........................7, 8, 12 I'e Historical Society and Talbot CeJl~~iIJ1]ial.......... .... 27 .. ...........,.. .........." .,............. '-. , ...". .17, 18 Iustit'ntes ....... .......,. .........'..... ........"......:......:9.14 '. :,:4:",;1'l~,~~,'tb~,stl~l,of,-"fiv,e-'h~il'dred Cl(~llar~ heplage.d,'to,tbeereditof tl,le8~id. 0,il.n;1ll1issioners toprovic1e 'for. expell,SeS,qp_~o. tH-~b_:of July..',190b: 5:, That the Cour.ty Treasurer be 'and ,is :her,eby' requii'edtoiJayall '9~dersis~ued, trv'said commissioLlers, or anyt\~'J)oLthelI1. provined they 90 n()t: exce~dth~,amounts placed to .their credit .by the (Jonneil. G. That by law No. 523 and all otherby.-.laws, resolhtion~, ' regulatjOlh'l pass.ed-by \tib-is Council; which are incousistent terms oUllisby Jaw, be, and the sarno are hereby, repeated. .7. T,hat this by.law take effect and he in force ,hom ancl -'l,st day of January, ]9.00, County Council Chamber, St. Thomas, 16th December, 1899. K. V\!. MoRAY, -Connty.Cledt. O. McKENNEY, Wardell. Field Notcs. and Pedlars....... . . . ... . ~- ............ ... ... ... . ............... ..'. 35 '" ...-..... ..'...,...' 2~) ........,.....,..,........ ... ...... 14 gO J,UHN CQUN'fY COUNCIL. House of,Il1du~tl'Y Illf\pectnr.......,... .........'.....,.;..~.. .'. . ..,...h...........lO; Budai, InrIla,tes."...:,.... ....... ....... . ................13, II "Committal of Inmates............... .... ............... 24" L,a,\v,.J-.Jibrary......, ."""'" ......................,.. '.' ..... ._.. ...,...... ....26,. 30: Leg.isI.a.tiou........,. ......... ........:.. ,'" .........,... ":" . _, " : .<........ ".' ......."..:t.~...:24 LOCK,Ul'S ::-;- Ayhner." . .... .'..... .... ........ ..... .... .... ...... ...._.... ...'. ........,..............lir,.-IB :\'Illuicipal Ln.ws...... ........, ...... ... ....... ......... ...... ...... ....... .....~.... ...... -24 Petition' Ri vel''' Thames" Bri(lges'..: '.~. '.. ..;........-. .-~';'..~ ... .'.~'...;.;. ... ....;. ...7, 8" 9 Port Stauley Electric ,Railwlty...... ......'.....-.'.'.-.'.'.::.-.......... ;;.......'..... .36, 38 Port Stallhw Toll-Road....,;.;.:.;..:.'.....,...; .........;;....-,......23, 26;_27, 35 Pdl't Bruce Bridg{'.;,,;;;....;.'..... .... . .....;;;,;:..;;;;;:;;. .'; ..;........;:. ...'...... 16 Poilsford,,-Bl'OS.' claim;I\.ains and ':Fitlgal Bridges ........~.....,;..,-:.-.:.,,21, 39 Rj~POR'l'S ::......... Building Oommittee..... .".. ..,,:....,..........;.....t'3, '22.26, 37, 78 O()UlIty 'l'l'easUrer......... ..' ........:......... ........ ......, ........ .;.,.... ....."...... Education.... . .........,..... '....:... "... ...::. .... :,.. ..-..........13,37, 47 ~ ~~~~ ~:~ t'i~~'. '.:. '~~.'. ~. '.: .'.~':""".'.'''::''.'::: ,:,::":".:".: '.' ~', ....., ......~ '.';,'.:, ~ ~','. ~ ~ ~;. ~;. ~ ~.~. .~~' l?itlallce.........:'.......:... ....:.......,. ..:13,'15,16,, '04 "GoaX ... ...... ,."..... . . . . . , . , . . , . ,. .:.'...........:....... ......16, .35; ,36, '49 HOUfH'l' of Iudustry, .'. . .;. ......... ....~..-.:........~:: .13, 26,36, '70to 77 Petitions and- Legishttiou ...... ................... ...... ......... ..1~,'36; 68 Public Impl.overnel'lts...................'..................15. 2), 36, 38, 62 PLiblic . School Iilspecto,r. . . . ...... ............................:.........;26, 42 RobiQs' Bridge Dal1la~e8, ,Oasey and Francis. '.....,. .... ........ ......_.. Tal~otCeutennial..................:..............,..:.:, ~.......................27, 29 V.alu.at6rs...:..:. ........-,...................,..... .............. '.' ....,....'............. .6, 14 W ardet) '8 Address,..... ,..... ...... ... ......... ..' ... ''',;, ',', .................. ......... ..-.6, 24 Warde.,~"s Elect,iofl ......e.'.'... ......... .......'............::........,.. ............. ." ",' 6 '.?Varden's Grant............ ...... ..: ............,........'... '.' , ..... .......... .......'.'....