1900 Minutes PROCE:EDINQS OFTHE Elgin County DUmNti TIlE SESSIONS IlELD IN TIlE COlJRT HOUSE, ST. THOMAs, IN TIlE MONTIlS OF' June and November, 1900~ COUNTY.. OFFICIALS: 1): J.:Hughe~;,Esq.,;' County ,J"udge. G. O.El'matillgel', ,Esq., .Jullior D;' Browl1i Esq;', Sheriff. ~Janles H. Coyue'j'Esq., Registrar., n. McLaws,Esq~"County.coul'tClerk. ' Clerk of the Peace andCoullty Ql'owllAttOl'lley. in Chancery. N ,W. "Moore, Gaoler Public Sehoc)l PROCEEDINGS OF TliE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL JA.NUARY SESSION, 1900. FIRST. SESSION~FtRs;r DAY. Tuesday, the. 23rd day otJ ~u'axy ,1'900~; I ~h~Elgiil Go~nty'Gol1ncilmet th:i& d;ayat theCourt~ House!: St.Thomas;, ,~according tq adjournment. Alloft.he melllberf; 'present with 'th-e exception of Mr.)\1:cKellar'" )jOlln~y'doul1cillor,'Division<No:6. ' , , -'The Olerlr tOok the - Chair and oalled for nominatIons, for :iofWarden'. Eaeh'- of' the, ,Mmribers ,pres~nt' wel'e:"th~~l"n~~nated, in, regllla1:' I fQrm',all' of)Vhom:resigned'Wi~h'the-excep.tion of Messr~." Y&rwood"Moore' ~YldPollock. ',-- 'c' T~ep:ew,lawin r~ferel1cet(}open voting ,waS, exp~,ained and On the" -1ec'o~Cl,' ,vote- M:l\,Mqore 'h~vipgreeeiyed, ,a ~ajority qf the votes, 'declared duly electedWal'den. .for~theyear UJOO.' , :rheWa,rde~l'ele6t made the, Statutory Declara:tion of OfflCOi took ,the ~:')jhail', a:q.d addressed the Oouncil; ,rho Proceeclings ofthei~st, day of the December,Sessioll.were read __atll~ cOilfirr.ned ' The, following" oqWmunications were read: Oll;tario ~i:tle Associ~tion r-e;Gran~, referred '1 8 ELGIN' COUNTY COUNCIL. development' of the.Province and that 'the Government should the proper' construction of roads to be assumed by the' Council of Oounty. ' THE TRANSVAAL W A.R. ,...~,' . " ,... ,,''''!Y~ of makillg::t'granttow~l'dS the Pittriotic. fU!ld ~owbeing:::%~ the benefit of the families. of, the 'Canadian Soldiers who enlistecl;;~ Africawlll'no doubt receive your mostliberai:.'*~; County Council of Essex which was in ses~ioi1 "'.la~t "weel{;;~ $200., Other, County Councils 'will be considering,the matt~r}~tf week. The war is likely to.he prolonged forsometime,an~;':.,,~ will no doubt be quite large. ,It _ is the firstoppo~:;}~ had of showing herlClyalty to the ,mother coup-try ill'~:;~,j: and,the least we can do,as_a Council, is', to' 'recognize t}llf?;~, for their wives 'and families duriIlg:~~' I don()tr~lJleiliber theti~e'when sa mttnymatters afimpf)rtance::t~' havebeenqefore the Cauncilatane session. , Ihape that at ,the claseory~~ the y~ar we maybe able to' refer with satisfaction to' the mannet:in whi~h::~ business has been conducted~, We' shauld endeavarto.be pragressiv~jp',;~ ~hem~nagement af all County affairs .and, be liberal ill'praviding perman,:.:~~~ ,-ent,pllblic improvements and making ,grants far, educational ,purposE!s iB,'-"~~ th~' Pllblic,schaols.Wi~h the,se feW" remarks, ,gentlemen, I willle'~ve the,:.F ,..:business,of-the' Cauncilinyaur hands. The praceedings of the'previons'daywei'e readand',confirmed., : The follO'wing communications were read: ,",,'J.) , ,,;:,' "':;\" ;!~ Fram POllsfordBros. and"County'E'ngineer",re-cost ofabutments,:r'~,\;~ Fingal ~nd Kains Bridges, referr?d_ta Pu,blic Imprave~entEl Committe,e/4~ From', County Cauncil of Lambton, referred to lationComoottee. I ,From. COllhty COlista'bles Associa.t,lou;with vot'e of thanks for 'use ,.I'()o'm',for me0ting, filed. ' Mr; IImitgaye natice_ that' he woulrl apply, for a: grant ,o{twa-hundm~:~ dallal's, ,for, the Patriati(} Fund ,to' aid the ,widowsalld, arphansof.:the'in Cana~Uan~aldiers ,killed in' the South . African " War, illld Messrs. M a~ris;-t~ a~ld Yarwoad 'gave :,' natice ,th~t ap~lications would pe made. for grant,sfgAtf theE,ast a:nd West Elgin Farm~rs' Institutes. .,t<.<1 The, Report of .tlie'Camri1itteeto stdke, f3tanding . Committees~vas'\{' presented and' adopted .an mation afMr. L~g,' seconded by Mr; McKenney:~} ELGIN' COUNTy"OOUNCIL. 9 Maved by A.J'.Leitch, seconded ,byWm:Jacksan" ~hattheWarden name a specialOommitteeto deal with, th~ settle- ::li1~ntof.the amount the'City af .St.Tnamas should PI1Y towards the' :~diniuistratian of Justiqeexpenses for the next five years. AlsO' that said pqulll1ittee have po~e~ to settle ~ith the' city regarding. the amount th~ ,qity should pay of the expend,itu.re of building the New Court House ana q'ffices.-Oarried. IuAmen4ment: MovedbyS;'R Morris, secondedbyO. McKenney, ,;>.:';-That the fOIlowinglllembers be appointed as aSpecialOommittee'.to 'ine~t the 'City of St. Thomas to' settle the amount to pepaic;lby that ,1luicipalitytowards the reconstruction of the new Court House and the dmi11istratiOll -of. Justice: Messrs. Hunt, Ford, Leitch, Poll()ck, 'qi'risandMcKenuey.-Main motion carried, aTiwndment lo'st. Moved byM~ Lyon, seconded by A. J. Leitch, \ ;~",:;-':!hat'AndrewMurray alId W.,A.Galbraitb: be appointed Auditoi-s'()f R9lJ,utyAccoun,ts for 1899. Yeas-'--LeHch,Jacksoll, Hunt,Pollock, Lyon,;McKenlleyand Ford. 'Nays.,-Yaa-wood, Lang and "Morris. In Amendment: Moved by S:RMarris, seconded by D. Lang, tho following be the Auditars for, 1900j Yarwood. Jackson, Hunt, 'Pollock, Lyan, Ford and ]4:cKenney".'-..;:.. MaiulllO'tion ca:rrie,d. Amendment lost. 'The follo\ving resolutions were.. pt:esented in referenc~ to' the' appo~nt~ of Administratian of Justice Auditars; Moved 'by~. B. Morris, seconded by D.. Lang, ~hat Jllo.Thoillsonbe te-appOinted auditor of Administration (}fJlls~ accou'itts;---:-Carried. -' " ,MovedpyO, McKenney, seconded byF.Hunt, 10 ELGIN COUNr~'y COUNCIL-; ELGIN 'COUNTY. OOUNOIL; ThatW. Ford ,be appointed auditor of Adminis,trat,ioll.,of,'Justice,>:;";, ACcomits.-,-:,C8J.'1:'ied. '.. Y~as-)v.r.cl.{enney" Hunt, Lyon, Ford,Yarwo0d 'alH;IWaxden' Nays~MorHs,Lang,Pollock, Jackson, and Leitch~ l\{ovedbyJ.H.Yarwood, seconded'by W. Jackson, A.'Payne be Auclitorof the Admillistrationof Mr. E: H. OaugheU, ,one oithe lessees of ther'6ad, explailledtheir in reference'to the ,matter. Move~byM'.-E~,Lyon, secondeq.byW. Ford, hearing the _ delegation 1'e St. Thomas that we take no action 'until at last session is MovedbyW; O. 'Pollock,-seconded byW; JiicksO:J1, Leitch be Auditor of the Administration reS'61uti01+S - were - - carried, - appointing '.. ,', .',', ...." ..... .' '. .'. ..'>. :.ii Special;oeput~tionfrom Aldbor:ough . and Dl1nwich.~Il ' the. ,proposed' bridge over the Riyer Thames at. 0,1' near the' between the above municipalities, ,be allowed to address, thi p.m. to~day.--'-Carried. Movedby"O. McKenney, seconded byF. Hunt, . . '/ThatthisCouncildo now adjourn to meet, at 1,30 ,p.:ni.....:..;.Car:ri~ci, The Oouncilresume(L' Ivlessrs.W alIreI'. aild. McLean of.. Aldb,oroug,h addressed. the ':CouriciI;; l'eque~tin'g:themto erect a bridge ovor tho TJ-.ames Riyer, 'bu,theT()wn ,~im3,?ot'yeen, Aldb?rough and Dunwich. Mo-~i-ed byF.Hunt,secondrd by 'M. LYOll1 1ff a bridge. on, the Town Lille botweoli DuiiwicWall< referred to the Publ'io Improvetn~nts CommitteeMrepm: oithe, C'ouncil.--'-Oarried. ' ' , frOlu'Yaxmolith and'Southw?ld p:resl3hted'a;:petiti6nan the Counqil in:referencetofranchise, for an::Electrie'Railw-at '1'011 Road to Port Stanley.. ~mong those.pres(;lnt'were;..::M~ssrs,: Todd, Sanders) paker and Titteringtoll),' ~nd, froIn Sbllth: Hie,ks. ,Gilbert) Boughner, Barnes.Wallac.8.and..Bennett., . .... . ( .'. '.' l)'~RST SESSION-TliIRDDAY. Thursday, the 25th day of January. The Elgin County COlllllcil met this. day in the Court St,;' Thomas, according to adjournment. The Warden in the chair. All the l1;lOniberspresent,except Mr. McKellar. ThQ ,p~ocee(:lings <?f the previous, day were read, and confirmed. Mr. George Burwell addressed the Qouncilinreferenceto a over, the 'Tlulnies River between Southwold and Delaware. ivi,bved'byA. J.Leitch, seconded byW.Jackson, That the application of Mr. Burwell fora grant to aid in 'building bridge across "the Thames:River, between ,Delawax~ and' Caradoc, r,eferred,to the Public Impl(ovements Committee, and that the eX11111ine:the proposed site -'and report at the JUlleSession as to the thebridgewQuld be to this County.-Cal'l'ied. Moved by 0.' McKenney, seconded by M. 'E. .Lyon, Thatthe deputation from Port Burwell, re'Police Village, be heard two p. ill. to~day...,.......Ca:rried~ Moved by F~ Hunt, seconded byO~ McKenney, That David Cowan bea,Represelltative,on the St. Thomas Bo.~d for thre,e years. ....:,..Ca:rried. Moyedby:M; E. Lyol1, seconded by,O, McKenney. ,That E. A. Miller be appoint~d Trustee on the Aylmer Institute Board for thre~ yea:rs.--'-Carried. Moved, 'by S. BMorris; seconded by."\V. , Jackson, That this Council'do now adjourn to .meet' here again sharp.:-CalTied. The'. Oouncil resumed. M'e~srs, Backus and Teall then addressed th€lOoulioil and ;-, petition requesting that a by-law be passed estaplishi~g:a pulice :PortBurwell. 13 ELGINOOUNTYOOUN<JIL. ELGIN COUNTY,COUNCII.. 13 H.Yarwood, sebonded'byW. 0: POllo9k, That"thematterof converting Port Eurwell into a PoliceVillage]:)l:l ,l#d-over until the June session and_that the Wardell name a Committee to ';~onfer witp.the' Municipal qouneil of BaYp.mn concerning, the' s;;tm.e. ..,.......Lo~t,.:.: In Amendment: Moyed'by S. R'.Morris',secolid'ed by D.Langr That",McKenlley, Lyon, Ford', Leitch' and'Moverbea Comrpitteeto"'- _9~nsider," the apPlication re"formation "of PoliceVilTage at Port Bu.twell" ~tOreport to"morrow. I Main motion lost. Amemdment, calTied~ Treasurer's'. Report, was' read' andl'eferred'to Finanpe> 'Mr.:.Ya:rwootl.lUadeenqmrleS re insurance. of Oourt House', and Mr;, ';pllock inquiried 're:'Oounty Treasmer's .secUl'ity, and' gave notice' that.: he' :6uldmove, to ,have the 'present bond chang~d' and a'guarantee' bolid' .rniBhed. ',_'l'l1e'Report<or theSpeeiaJ',Committee appointed' at "the. Decelnber' ,j~ssion.to.considerthe application of the Port .Stanley .Electri(J" Railway 9,ornpany-was p;resented .and Messrs. Ooulterand Travers ofSouthwoldj, '~d E: H.' <:)augl18Ii, one of ~he' lessees, addl'essed the Cpuncil. Movedby r~Hllllt; s'econdedbyA. -J.Leitch" Tlutt the Report' he adopted: Iu'AmeJ,ldment: " ,",Mqvedby W. ,0. Pol~ock, seconded by J;, H;'Y arwood-, 1'~:attheReport of the, . Special. Oommittee,. reElectric' Road"he not -()IJte4 . aWl.'. the matter of granting a franchise to said cOlllpany: be laid yertotl1e-June Sessiou~ . -Main motion carried. Amendment -Io,st. Mpved by. S. . B.' Morris, seco:nded by' D., Lang; " '-..." " .,That a grant ,-of twenty-five Institute;~Q~~ed;~ dollars be niade'theW~st,Elgin :':0 0,0 P1S" (t). S p" g ~ (tl ~ ~::5 . (ll,"O o 0 ~~ ~ S:g, o ~ ., " ,,0 12.0 o ~ o 12. ~ 0 s 0 o S p; S g,~ o o 0 ~., ~~ .", ~~ ~ 0 ., !;. o 0 ~~ 00 o '" o ~ "" o "" ~ :.: " z ~ 00 I I:" ~. ~ '" .?" I:" g !!' I:" '-' @ g "" :.: o ~ ~. !" ><i '" ~ , I :<: '" P1 '" ~ ~ o :< P1 o " ~~ I 8~ o~~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~. 0 g ~ ~gp.2. . g bj"~ ~8.P. 00 O. s: ~~~ o ~ OJ o p. i;' '" '" 00 o .? >0 g, o '" "" W ~"d P s: ~am 0'-10 S S 0 fii p P ::rg ~ a:> :::; ~~crq ~o~ p p, ~ 00 ~ ~~. ~ Qp..g 00 2. = ~ g: S o. S p ~~o g ~ H:. s:8~ ctl ~""l g ~,~ ~. ~~o "C. ,5: ~ j:::l ....p-' ,g ~ al- o ~ 00 f€ g--:~ g "" ><i o " ~ o f" 5" _S'~.-t!'[ ~ ~-E ....0. moo !:l.!3 IJq ~ d-~ CJQ -~-m ~ ~ 0 ~ gjs S:. J'l ~ ~ 1t~~p~P" l-j l:I o-i:l l-<-! ro (1l<Di:lp.,n"1 !"i "1 ~'"d ~ ~ p ~- 0 ~ s.. ~ S' <D't! ~ -s-~,g ~p..p..~-~ ~ ~ gJ<' a o~~ p (tl S b:l 00 ':~ ~_p :3 00 p c:> Po< r.n ~. a 00 CD": A>ooppo 88~~~ i.[g-5'~ Q ~ p d- e<- ~ g;-g (t> (I) <t> [Jl ., "" ~ ~ f2 ~8:g ~ -.oos:g.,;..S: ~o j:!<t> 000 p O"ao~c'- (D _~ S Q., j:::l ........"" s'......<:'f, ~ ~ ~~ s . S" ~ g, S:pCll.gft (tlmg'eot-8' i:l l,'ll H:. ~ [ ~ ~$. ~ ~,- . <t> >1 (D - ~ o al "" 0' '-' OJ P1 S ~~ 00 '" '" o is. '" "" ~ i'1 os: o a> S S s.o ;;g: o '" '" " ~O o ~ C5 S' -'g ~ ~g ~ 25/ '-< g g '" wS' 11: 0 S'~ p 0 ld- g>P1 3. g (lll]l pCP 0' '" " o ~ o " :;; "" '-< ~ 00 o .? ~ g ~b' a-p_ ~ ~ :.: o .-< '" "" 0' '-' '" '" a:: o ~ ~. yo 00 o '" o ~ "" a> "" 0' '-' :-< tI1 ><i ~ ~ o o p. z ~ 00 ~ 12. S' ~~ e<l p ~. a> o p. "" o a o " "" I:" g '!" ~ ~ ~ ii1 o " " o :< P1 o. ~!;. I:" '-' o .? I:" ~. ~ '" F i;' '" '" 00 o ~ ~ " p..', f !" "tlO,O""Cl, &g~~ a l:::! re-~"" (tl ~p;:gg- 4::;j'o (t> <:'l- 8....;;;-;1 :J;l J8 s: "1 ,,<:'I- '8: (t) p do 0 ........ . "d 0 p-,Ul -"1 d- P d- o P" <l P" "Cl CD <tl.... (t>,rJ). '":l~"tIo S i:l g 0 p (tl <:'1'" P "d m b:l g 00 fh ~ :::: 'Em ""l ~ s" ~m. S" ... ........ C1Q S- ~S" ~@g.~ (tl ~ (tl. <3 s _-g: ~ ""l (tl (tl...., ~ ~ 1-00 ~_ P"" 2. 1-10 ~. (tl c'~ [,og (tl g 0"' ~;S~. g o. ~cffl I:l g iy,j ct< p.,>-;(tlP" m 00 ~ (tl g, ~ ~>o ~o~.~ ~:?~'-<l "CI >-:.~ (tl >-:= (tl I-j 000' S'o 'g ~~:. ~1c;'~..~ ~~' ~ (tl ~ S. :.: o ~ 5. ~ I:" o m ".. ... 5 '" ~ ~ !;. o ~. o f" " " "- ~ o o " -.[ :.: '0 -< '" "" ~ ~ :-< I:" ~. ~ " F . "" o. " g S ~ ::.;, 00 '" '" o " "" '" "" 0' '-' i'1 !::l OJ :.: o o '" ~'" ~ it p " '" ~ " g: o ~ ~ o il o " " o ~ I o ~ ~. o p.- '-< . e. "" 00 o .? , ~ -< ro "" ",. '-' OJ ~ ~ ~~ . o '" o ~ it "" 0' '-' ~ :-< I:" ~. .~ p. ;..; ~ ... S @ "" S o ~ ".. z o '-' I :.: "'. ~ " '" :< P1 " ~" I:" '-' o .? I:" ~. ~ p. '-< ~ '" ". m @ ~ " "" :.: a, ~ . o " s" o "" ~'" 'g. ~ g,,g o :.:;;. " 0 ~ ><i~ ~ "" " 0 ~ OJ "0,," ,,"0 ~ '" 00 ~ '" ~ g g. " ""0 '" 0 ""s 0' '-' 8. ";'" ;> 2E ,,;~ g m ~"~ yo a> m o !;. o "" o " "" o a:: g " ........t"> Q~ ~ o 0_ (tl SF >"1 S m g ~ ~ ~ it 0 ~" (tl"g,g. 00 0 " ~ p:. S' (tl O"'(JQ- 'g <..;j ~ .::t ~(t) . . " I';j.g;- o 0 ~ ~ ""~ - ~ ~" ,,"0 ~g ~ S ~ g, '" ~ ~ ~ g" ~ 0'0 o 00 ro ~ ~& " ~. .....~ " ., :;; ~ Ws 00 g ~ o "" i~ !l. o '" ~ o "" ><i o ~ I >0 g, o " ~". ><i . " ., o o p. OJ o ~ "" g "" I:" g '!" t:S 5)~. "' '" a> m ~ 00 " ~"" " B g g:g '" "" f"m o I:"~ o ~ ~g ~ '" " r< '" :;; Q o c; z ~ >< Q o c; Z Q r '" ~ o '" ~ 4 '" 8 '" ~-- ~ "" 0' ~'g' 5 " [ " "" S. ~ 0' '" ,. ~ ~ t'< '-' @ ~ S' '" o [ " '" t' '" ;; Q o c; '" ~ >< Q o c; z" Q r ~ "' 16 ,ELGnCOUNTY COUNCIL. 17 metes and bounds. of the prope:l'ty .' J,l1'op6Sed ~mage is' furnished. -- Lost. ,!eas---:ponock, Ym.wood, Ford and'Lang. Nays-McKenney, Hunt, ,Lyon, Leitch, report. the committee rose and it was moved by Ford, that no action betaken in reference' te Moved byF. Hunt, second'ed by A.J. Committee Was presented andadQpted, seconded' by',Mr.Morris, seconded by W. Jackson, uutil Ten (')'clock to-lliorrow.-Oarried. In: Amendment. That while this Council isiu'favor petitioners' to, have 'Port Burwell made be laid over to the June Session to enable COUl~cil with a'proper map' showing the PQliceVillage. ' '- Main 'Motion Lost; Amendment Carried. D; F. MOoRE"Warde~. Ye~s-McKenneYl Huilt, Lyon, Leitch, Jackson Nays---'-Polloc'k, Yar:wood, Ford and Lang. ~oved by' S.B. Mo:t;Tis,' seconded by'J. H; Thatt~e matterofinsuran~e; on ,the the Gaol Oommit-tee to report, at,.June -Moved by F. Hunt, seconded' byW. That '. whereas Ponsford Bras..,' contractors for pridges ,over Kettle Creek" mfLde, a er,;timates, ,and pointed out the same to the signing the contract and afterwards completed factory manner and whereas said contra()t was lowest,: tenderer. Resolved that this Oouncil grant the Ponsford' Bros. to partly make good said City" Council of St. Thomas grant, a like -Carried. yeas-"":McKenney, Hunt, Ford, Jackson, Nays~Leitch,'Lang,Lyon and Morris; The report ,of the Gaol Committee was Committee' of the whole 'on ,motioll of McKem~ey ~ 18 I~t.GU\'COUS'n: c'obtiliIL; J!:LGIN',\CfOUNTif ,O.oUNCIL'~ ~9 ), ., I E'IRST SESSION 'FIFTH DAY, Tluit 'the_grallt';~laae to' M~ss Emeline '.\1al'r,mi indigent of, Viennaj '(me dollar per week, at the D,ecember,session be coutillueduntil tl,18 -t.reguhJ.l' .sessiO'n . tpbepaid :on ,the ~-order "of the" Reeve' bf :Vienna. ._. 'ried. ' I' Yeas.-MCKeulley,,'Lyoll, Ford, , Lang alldPollock. .N:!}ys-Huil't,Leitch,', Jacksqri,arid Yarwood.' ';'~9-vedbyF.:Hunt, seconded,byW. Jackson, :?-'h~t:'th~,'c.6ullt~Solicitor be- instrtlCted,_to' rep@rtat.'the:,June' au the proper step~'~o take to' have the"L'c:)udon, and, Port- 'StaIi1ey ,p.put inaproper sta~e of repair,~ndwhet~er orn~~ ,th{(, OountY-O~ll :ov~r -from-the '~essees' the, amoilntexp0u(ied', b,Y. the COll,nty d'Ul'ing ",period :t4e~essees ab~,don,.ed,the'l'oaii i~_1897;'-c'oariied~ .. , \ tyIoved by: A'.' t Leftch, f3~cQn1e(j by~. .J acks~m, '-' That the adjourn l'l.lltil" Two o'clock. --'-Lost T4eElgin\ OOUllty Oouucil met; .this.o.ay acc():rding. rj;heWarden: ilL the ohaii.': All. t,he. me'mbers presGuli except ..)1:essrs, Morris alld'l\1:cKeIlar; '!-'he propeedings,of the.'previousday were read and , 'rhe report'of.the'House.of industry ,d()~nitt~e,'w~s refeI:1'ed, to';a' Ooumi#tee '. of, the whole', Mr. Jackson tnthe Ghairv Alter' amBn.ding thei~ep(}rt the' Committee ,rose, and, ,the amended-~vas adop.tedon'motiol1 of W.Jackson, seCDnd~d Moved,'by.'O-; McKenlley"secOl;uled by M.E. ,Lyon, a_grant ,of twellty~five dollars be given to Institute,--'---' Carried. , Moved h-y' 'W;, 0,' Pollock, seeonded by'W. . Jackson, That ,the CotintyTrea:,~urerbe :requil'ed',to' furnish a guarantee for' $10,000' i'n'.lieu of'pres'ent ~ecurity.~Lost the- <':". .'. '. '.': ,.... ..... "".' . ..... . . ...:.:....:.. .... .' / ':MovedbY:"Y..o.,Pollock,secolldedby '0.' McKelmey, '~h~t ,this': bo~ncil 'a:ppointD, :E:I"Gooding keeper ,of' 'the j~us,t~Y.-:~;Qarrie9-. ' /"! ~ioore,F,ord;"Lang ..and ";PolloCl~ ',Nays Y~.i~wo(}d, JacksQh"Leitch~nd Hunt. 'Yeas~Jacksonl; Pollo'ok. Nays~Hunt,,'Lyon.Fol'd.McKertlley, Leitch, Yarw00d and I;iAinendinent , Moved by A~ 1'. Leitch, seconded byD Lang, .' ,. '. . . , , ,That' th'eT:reasurer'a ,Boilds, remain as at F,in~nc~, COlmIiittee:report as to,thefil1ancial.standing bondsmen at the Jun8 Session of, this ;Coun~il. , , N ays-'-'-J acksoll,' ?ollock. ' >,~love4. 'by :F. Hurit"sepoijded bY:,W~,.J~cks6n) Smi:th>be.[tp:p'oint~d keeper of.the Honse of '..' . ~lcKellne:r, Leitoh,Yarwood,Lang. JackRon. i!;"Nays Leitch,' Lyon,Ford; Lartg,::Y arwo9di ....POllbckj1\fcK~uney. ,'$,ec'ol1d All1endment:: :'~()yedhy'A. '.J: ;Leitch, "se~onded'byF\' Hunt;, '.1':,:,....::,...::,: '. ','. .:..\....:.:-,.:'. .".:""" ;h~t the:~ppointment,of':'a>' Ke~p~r,_'be pli1Ced~in. 'th~," hanqs ,of lllitt~e,colpposed o~: oiie: from ,~ach, dis.tr{ct,' ~nch Oomlnittee to Idbythe Warden,~Lost. Main .motioll'lost. .. Amehdment 'carried. Movedby:VL E, ~yon, seconded'b;r O. McKenney, I ",. '" a ~. ~ f ~cr e: p. 0' 00 ... - a ~ 0 " is t" . ~. ~ ~ -p. 0 00 '" ~ ~ ~ 0 0 " " [ " g, '" Q P. 0 ",. " " 0' Z ~ ... 8 ?if '" cr Q 0 0 S :=> " z * '" >C Q ~ ",. r cr g, OJ l' 0 0 ~ g ."" 0 0 !e ~ R .::;1 d- "" ~ '" p. ...':!'I '" --.p J OOt"l. . ~,g,~ << 'l:! '~.,f-3 ~4~; SO''''", !'.ll l=l ~ F>i ~." p g S;iog. ?l~'i~ , g: & p o~; G. 11;, CD ~~~ s: !$ ~~[~:@ m p.S... ."'S' ~ ~ S:-8> g- 5l m ~ o I-j III , ':::: !:t ..... ",",,0 c+ I-j '-'~ L' 0 ;s.-,~~' S. h- Z o ~ 'l:! .....;:l,.' 0 b 0 &~(JQ g 5'~<1~~ I:;l ,~I:i'g 0' E_~' (tl '"d ~ ~-..... 0 '""" ~ ~ ~ g P ,00000'Cl 0 ' ,m 1-:3 ~"O P ~ :::: I-j S' (tl r3 ~~=;:l.a~::!lp..le:! o"'-:l~~Ol:! ~ I-j g.. 5' ~ ct- 0 ct- ~ o",........l:l'-CD!!'...... '"""et- .... CI> o:t>. j:l' _-v <'t- P'"' '-' .....o'~, o'~ a P',,(tl ~ ~'1g.-gg.~:g ~ "C. P" S 0.'0 O'.l ~ ~ 'g CD ~ l-b~g;tt<:+ S'g g. s:: ~ g ~ ~4', <Il "oo~. p..~'It:l''g~I-jO- &~'a;_~ ~~ a. ,1;1 ~-e;i~O' go ~,e. ~;,a,S-=~a _~ 1.'D_(tl_~';S~;o Oep' a ~ o~ a:>o''g.o ::!.,~'o.g:..o;.... ~ p. g -;t!..- g,cm_ p..g " '" ~. CD (JQ ';::II:! S .~crq ~~' 0" g.~=-ct>tt> Cf-C+,l-tol-j ~ ;;. ~r~ a CD ~ og ~ 0' OCD't:I CD et--=', CD 8"g-:gse. ~ " I=',~ tll C6 ~~i go '0 P =- ~ b' ,l; ~ (tl..... P p; p;-& o' & ~g '~ =<P cr a&'e, ~ et- 0 (tl ..... "" s ... '" ~. ~g.~ g.g o <:'1-'0 g 0 p ~ 8. _<H> gCll g'lD & :=; ct> '~~ ..... g. ~ .;;t 0 =' ct> 0" 0 0 I-j l;l':;:;: ]::I e- '" ., ~ go ~ ~d_a ~s~gg o l>> 0 0>- III ~ g. .... e't- 0 F'l~ l:-' ~ (tl = .... p-, (l) "1 O"(tl ~ ~a5'"!fl ~ P-'~,',~,I-;"o:' e't-,-p. ~ (tl ~ Hqi'~ 00 Q ~ o o t< [(j Q ~ ~ ~ ,. ~ !" s~ ~,= (':) C CD l>> ........ ~ 'g .5) 'g p.e't-" ~ m !;f.~><l ....0' Q), c';='; ~ = ~e't-~~ ~ g' m-,~ ~ 0' S.-e't- fii rn <-< (Jq'~ ~ €; ~'t:I'O't:ICD _S:i5~e.~ ~;gs rn ~ ~'~ 1;, g. s::: ~" CD <D .... CD e.. l>> p. ttl ~ I-d .;:r p........ = -'0 e't- 0 0 s::: p.. Q)j:l' p-j:l' >- rt> ~ o p..= ,_.= "1 rt>p..-m ~ .--, I-t> m S' ~ p.. g QI=i ~ 0..... I:tl ~~OCDl>>{fJ.O~.O= cl (tl6'~=:,as:::== ~~ 1-1 ....'t:I rt> p- "1 = CJtl p.. 0 , aJg g~, ,(tl-(tl S.<.t-'t:I''''' rt> Q)'......<1 t-' ~CD iE t'I 'g g;;- fe ~~ .." CD ;1:e't-' ~ <<:CDp..O~,~~'"O:::t~ ~ ~ .q, tt Dl :CD ~ '(6 g ~ Dl (l):~0 CD Q P"gs Dl a; l>>'g = ~.'~' $. = ;1 [ gJ. g- 'CD,'~ g- ~ "1 ~_ ~'qQ p..0" '0 -P"g'" ' CD CD'FZ~. 00 s' -m'~ Q) a _13' ~ g., ~ P" @.gJ.=',d' ~o ~ m.' tt e;. it g CD ~ CD 8" 0 e't-O P"1-1->4 00 1-1 Ro I=: P"= 0> p:ioo -m,CD S' ~,~ a",';:1 as:; ~ ~ ""':-<O-""'Dl? c-~'s -~, ;=';-0 0 Ii-''-a.... ~ ~-.i's:m 1-3-~a~ o ,~, e't--- P" 0- P",:'-P" g- Q) p:'..- ~ ,ct>"~Gl?,a>,,,,' et- .. '" .; S : ~ t:d --'i-~ ~ ,~ '" ;:;10 ,,"0 o. s ""s s '" O\'g ... S' ii'''' o '" ~o ....0' ~,= ro 00 a; S. 00 ro ~&l o ~ cr "" '" a 0- g ~ H it 00 'r '" cr 9 ~ '" .. .~ cr o ~ 8 "" '" ~ ~ p. ~ g, p. ~ '" 00 00 '" p. cr If a o " " @; " "0 &8 g 0' (tlCD p..~ o o '" '" p. Jg" 00 o .. " -&"' .- g;. ~. .. o .'" o " 00 p. {j R '" ~ i ;i. 8 00 00 '" 00 00 -0. ~ " '" ~ ~ " ~ p. ~ ~ p. 8 ."" '" ~ 80,] "" o '" ~"~ rt'B. ~ a o g cr ... a g [ s '" cr s: 00 p. {j ~ cr ~ If a g ~ cr IJ1 o " 00 !!' '" ,. 8 f ::;1 .~ p. 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S. a o ~ ~ o~ ,; I> ~o o ~ ~ ~ r.; ~ 00 8 o ~ o >0 (t) P ~ 6' ~ Si S e 9 p.(P t"'l~ ~.g, " ~ Eg- 6' 0 ~ 0 o g- o ~ a" g g, :;~ " 0 ~ ~ ~ $ " $' " " w " ~ o' o o ~ '-; " " -0 " !P " ~ ~ o ~ " p. "" 8 S :-< is: ~B a " a iJ _. - .~ ~ $P 0 '" " 00 ~ S. ~ ~ o P1 o ~ N cr;' j " s ;' Sf:r:j ~8 '!H mf-' g-~ .Pi:I1 ;; g ~~ @ ~ ~is: o I;j OJ. ~~ o _. ~ " :::t.s @? 0" o " S gJ. 8.8. ~- g-~ f''O o ~. ~ 0.'" ~ ~ 00 J: " ~ " a " " .~ " " :>' " H " ~ ~ o >-3 ~ 00 ~ " " ~ q ~ ;1 C:.'"i ~. ~ m '"l.8 ~ g;. p- ggCD &gg ~. S: 9_ .......(p~ 00 H(Pr ~ E ~i :::"$: p. ?1 ~ S. . - ~ s :;. g- (P 0 @ o ~ ="'" p 'C: 8 :g: g88. p ::: g :g fZ 2. d 8 ~'. ~ ~ -1 <:+ <:+ 0 P :;:.-' <:+ t::J !""""' ~ g 00 (t) ~ 8. g t4 ~,<:+ t::J o % ~ H,::tl ~ U2 gJ. ~ P'g -3 is ;S, a ~ p @ UJ''O g ~ ~ S' ~ g~ ;? ~ a~ ~ p. ~ o "'" "" 5 .> >8'~.Jq :=;'Q:jUJ ~o~o 8.'-1~'cJ .......0_:0' p 0 ~ JjS~q8p g; 8.0 >E.,g-~ (p.......~ ~ o. "",. 0- ~ 'g.'~ ~ 0::-4 .... 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Q ~.~ ~ s.g ~ 0 ~ 'Cl-- (P " . -:S <:+ 8, ~ Q,...~l:i (t) ~~ ~ g-::~ g;g ~(fq"~ c"',<o+ ~.g. P'" ~~ p- P"' '<:+ OC" :.. is' g- P ~ ;S. S o~~Q(t; ::: (t e+ '0 ~ <D J:i P- e 0 o (t; : fi 0 .:::: K 0 ::: p-<:1"-OH:.:;;' CD a.g <:1"- ~ ~~ :::t. g- 0' O'~gUJ~ 8.~ 0.0- (t) ::: Q H, l:i '" ~ a ~.?'_ ~:~ ~,:;J.o g 00- s ~{~ ;3 ~(fq~ fI.o . @g.- 8 'a .l?' ~'.g,_ p:,'.........(t)' g C':LC; g- p.?'tO ~ d- ~.~ ~ l-! S ~. p::j g. g: &~ .g.,g c:.:~ e. reo a.q'g.- 8.g.g:~:tSrh p- ~ :;.~ ~ <l; (t ",' S' 5 &0 CD P""$ s.~.(Jq..l-j ......" '1 P- CD ::: (t) (P ,..~ . c; ~w~::: 6:::: g.~~'<l &.g p l:l :;. ~ '. $D. S e, gg.~gr[1 5:~..~ r; ~ "'" ~ ~ ~ ~ UJ ~.~' ~ p.g-<l~::: ~ S;:;"o g- p p.. Q'o ~".... f>' ~ >;j~::::I-b~p;g.~g~ g~$&~ . 00::: <:+c5~(D~g~''"gp.s; p- ~ ::: ~o', ""l (D ::: g,.g g. 8' p.'-1 '-1 '<:1' >gg 'OQ~o~s:.i'6 ~ gKt8'~8'g~(t) ~ g; (P e. a ~rItj ~ 0 g 0'" <:1"- <M- i:l i:l <0+ '"l: S' >-< "P et-oo(t;p"~aUJml-! ~.." ~~~"';~&~l-j t=J P 01< P'" P-': .' ;:::;:' p (t) 8 ~'~ "".g,g -=+~~tt~. ~ o(t)op [~s;g~ E:.gp~~ (t)blOP- .s::oo~pO~.""H:.~ \J~:::<:+d~P"'~S:'~::: b"" ~ 8' ~~ ~. p ~ to g. ;; g""l l-j ~., ~ J-I-! (il ....... 0' <:+~gg,~~~.~ ~',g [g P->::: '0. & l:i' ::f", 0' ct. m <:+~ 0 Po 8. 0'-1 (D g,~, @.:g S ~ fr 8 ~ g; g:' 5~ :~L 8: . ~ ~ if (D. P" g', 0; ~ ~.. '-1 ,.., P" if ~. 8" ~ s:- ~ ~ ~ " ~ " " o g " 060 o ~ r-,b' ~ ::: <:'t ~*'[~ ""l o'<..:j ~ p~ .~. := ~ g' o f-3 l:l S ~ ~ 0; (t) eg c-rItj w ci ~ ..~ g. S''-1 8- E 8> - " o s' g. H,>;j 0 &~C] " " 0 oS g ~ @ @; g,'6:g PH, (tl u~ """,0 o g- P g.~~ P-- 0 t<l " 00 " Set<:+ :J'p-- ~~ (t) ~. p >- ....... ~ 00 ~ <:+ 00 ~ g, m ~ ~ S P- <D_g go<:+ p:;~ g ~ q':ag; ~. <:<: rp ~ o q qo " o ::: ~ <:+'.O'CW g-~ ~. l-je.--<M--R> l:l:;>:l. "p ~ ::r.):Il 0 ~.~ In' & (t)rItj <:+(t) .~ p 3. : 15 5 ~ s :;;."",s-'i] ~ ~ :::: ~" 't so S. 6- r; $ crq @: ~ :;. t'"~.~ ~ <:+. ~ 0 - g,,:+ >-: 6 lf1 ~" O""~ON 00' 0 (p '" <;"t- 0-,: ~ UJ g (t) ~. <:+ '-1~S;P'" as,' Q ~ 9 ,<:+ ff g l=1ggt;. "tI>o ~ '-1 8 ~ :=D" 0 ;j ~ ~ g l:: l-j l:l Q-<I-cI@: ~ ~. ~ ;.- 8:'E- 0 ;; " s ~'" " l-j (t) Pi " " ~ g ~ ~ a~ ~.' m'-1 a re 00 - ~ p.. 9 ~ ~ qo " 6 " Ci ~ t< qo o " ~ " ~ g,..gR p. ,~ g~g.~ ~ ~.2; w" o..~O ,... H,' ~ gg"G;S 0-.. (t) .~gw~ g"~: ~ E ,..,.~ po. (p g-<<: 0 .,-+ p..H:.-"~ ,..,. g >- Q g,o ~ g........ 0 ~ $ 6' 8 $0"""'5 l-jO;g:.)::::.: "< 8 ~ 0 g- e: ~ .: ~;;~" ~ g ~ S, 9. :'Eq-4 (t) W p 0 CJ~:~g:~ ~ if ,.., ~. ~ 8" g, ....., ~ - '" o <:+."...0 PoP S <:+ ~~ g,g-5': <:;; 8, (t) 0 EB~~.g g 0'0 ." :;J g 8. g.~a P"'!/, ? o (t) .O'~-O' l:1 c" g.s ~ ""l S-'-1 '0, ~ ~ ~ & S.g.@ ~ .... ~ @ ~; ~- g:H,~g~p s:g~&ge: ~g,'.Sg,~,B ~ e;;" <o+:t:I-&q (}~ ~ p-'.(t) &~(Dg'b~ W"-~ ~ s- g ~ ~ '-1 8 @ S re o "'" UJ(D t::j ~ :::l <:+ p. ~ <:+ 0-,: O':::l' ~~;;~-[~ C ....... ~~ 0; (p ::: I-".~.o 8> E.-S :i: ~.,>+.,.~ '-' . ::ntr.. (t) $"~o""'~'-1 0' "",. 0:. '-1 cD 0 P~" (t) :::l ~ p 0 ~ ::: 00 I-!_l-j ~ t::: g :::l P- 0 t: :::. ~.@.~ b' g; O.(p l-j :::::.; G; <:+ If <:+ p' ctJ g<:+g-~>~ o ~; [~'g p.:::Q......",g~ o g. 0 ".f>' ~ H .:<:+~s:~& g-o'p;~~s- <."j S ~S. ~.:(t) F< CD (t)~ UJ ~ ~(Jq.'~ re g" 'E.,~~ g g, l-'~.<pp.p. ~ D !2 ~ f1 I> 8 5 " ~ ... ~ ~ " ~ o o q z " >1 " o q ~ " f'o ; I> q ~ ~ 6 " "'. ~ ~ " o " C' ~ t<. '" Z o g z " >1 " o q " " r <0. "" 20 ELGIN COUNTYOOUNOIL, ~LGINC:OUNTY, COUNCIl:,: 1)1 Yeas""":'JfI,okson, Leitch; Hunt. N"ftys.:..:....McKenney, Lyon,Moore, Ford, Lang".Pdllock. )j~or'd,.spconded by M.Ly-on, That l2y-Law' No:' 602 be read a secolJ,d :tiine. Carrie'd; '1:ovedby,M..- E. Lyo.n,secollded by O. .\1(lKenney, By-Law No. 602 k'lreada third time 'all~ .tinan;}" passed Third Amendment: Moved by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by W. ~ackson~ That the matter of appointing 'a Reepel' and Matron for the House"be-laidoverand.that the Coucil meet on the 6th Febl'uaxy the'purpos8'of making the appoilltments.~Lost. ~ eas' J acksoll, YaJ.'wood,.. Lyon. Nays McKenney, LeJtch" Moore, ,Ford,:,Lang,Pollock. W., O. Pollock, secollded byI Yarwood, By-I.law N0. 603, to appoiu.t Trustees ,of High ,Schools" ,b~ and read a fii'sttime~ .,-;:Garried. Moved byF. Hunt, seconded by M. Lyon, ~hat, the Council be furilished with The same asIaat ;rear.--'---Carried. ,Moved by'F, :aunt, seconded by M.Lyon. 'That th~' Oommittee of the,' House of, IIidustry-,with the beanthorized to make ,arrangements to install Mr; of' the Honse of Industry at such time as they consider' Yeas-:-,McKellliy"Hunt, Lyon, Pbllock"LaIlg' Nays, Ford, ,Leitch, 'Jackson, 'Yarwood. Moved by A. J;, Leitch, s8C'ondedby D. Lang, ; '!1hat' By~Law No, 60li to appoint OountyAuditors,be-receiv'ed and read a-, first' time, -Oarried, Moved byD, Landiseconde~ by A, .T, Leitch, '!1hat By-Law No. 601 be read a second time,-Carried i\lo.ved"'by A.J, Ldtch, seconded by D, Lang; By-Law ~o. 601 be read a third time andfillaUy ,JM:ovedbyJ.'YarwOOd, seconded by W.O. 'Pollock; '!1hat By-Law-N'o.603 be read a -second time,'--Carried. MOv:~q"hYJ. Yarwood, sPGonded byW; Jackson, That By-Law No. GOSbe read a third time and iillany'passed.~" Moved py O.M'cKeuiloy, seconded by'F~ Hunt, Tl:iatBy~Law No. 6~_4, to appoil1ta Keeper and Matron of the of Il1dustry, ,be' received and' read a first time. .-Carried. Moved 'byM, LYO:ll, seoonded, by W. -Ford, ThatBY~LawNO'1604 be read a seoond time,--Oarried. Moved by D" Lang, seconded' by. W: O. Pollock; By~baw. No, 604- be read. a, .third ti:me.and Jj"linally passed:~~: Yeas--:McKellUY, Lyon, FOrd, Pollo0k, Lang .andWarde11l\ioOl'e. Nays~YarW-ood,Jackson, Leitch awl Hunt. , l\1oved by M, E. Lyon; _seconded by'F. Runt, That.By-Law No.60;l., to appoint a' Board ()f1\udit,be ,read a first' time.-:-Oarhed.' Move,d byF.HUllt,. seconded by O.,~cKenneYi sUl1lofseven~y . cents 'be paid the Clerk . ror telegraph in connection with the Port Burwell_petition, l'e police -Carded~ . ELGIN.OOUNTYOQUNCIL. ELGIN OOUNTY COUNOIL; Moved by. D~ . Lang, seconded by Thatthis.Oounoil p.o now' adjourn to meet at th{lcallofth{l _Oarrieq. .SEOOND SESSION~FIRST bAY. D.F.MoORE, Tuesday., the 12th' day of J uue, 1'900. ,;~;,:;rhe Eflgin Oounty Oouncil met this day at the Oour~House, St. Thomasr, ~t~wop . .m'. T4e'Warden:inthe'Chai:J;. All the tpembe:rs prese~t. procEl_edings of,;the last ~y of, the preyious session i'll;led. '" ' ;<'TheWarden addre~sed theOouncilas foijows ~ ' ::.-:"-Bef~~e commencing' the'business of' the' Council I. desire t01:re'fer,toa '\ lllat,ters which may be of interest.' , PORT BURWELL. ;'<'At the' 'last Session.tlie question ofestablisliing, a Police V"illagefi,t ,~Bllrwell was before , you. > ,A second petitiouwith'_aU llecessaxyinfor~. f'. Iuwill be laid befo!e you ,during the 'pJ.'eseut Sessioll:'sO,thati tile'" ,rwill be ,properly Qefore the. C<:>uncil_ for, their: consideration., ,The" ilatp.rehas incl'eased,thB8onrces of,revenue, to: which 'the trustees of 'oliceVi}lagesal'6 elltitled,andatthe:mst' sessioll Section '7.14'of the ~ipal Act was repealed, and' the :p.ew' Section> provides that; .cQ~ty -cils, shall, set. apart. such unincorporated village asa ~olic~-Village; ~petitionbein~presented describing the area, to be inoludedin'snch'. ~~ audsigned ,by a majority of the ratepayers. resident,therein. SOHOOL SEOTION APPEALS. . . ~ ".' ..... . ." , ;",Anumberofappeals,fromthe.decision of:the local C()Uncil'hitY~ beell .:yedinreference to ,alteratio~',of"School ,S~et.ion boundaHes.','Itis "Ilal.with the OOllij.cilwhether, they, 'appoint arbitrators. or n~t,an<i I suggest that the:, Educatiou Committee ',endeavor toascertainthe: 'of,each, c~sebeforereportiug to the Couneilin- referencethereto. . . . AD:r.rINISTRATicrN'OF'JUSTICE AUDITORS; ihe Ml1nicip~ A~endmentiAct; pass~dat.> the~cent session/~fth~' latuoo;isas'largeas usual; Very few of the- sections refer,'to' '_'.tY-bu~ines,s.,: 01'1e of the ::m9st important provides that "Where a tormspartof aCounty, ~or judicial purposes, and paysa portio;nof' ','I :e:x:p'enses of. the, admil1.ist~tion of ~ustice, ,;?ne of . the a~dit~rs' :tedfor allditing 'andproying aacountsand: delllands ,preferred ',t""th~ County, ~ portion pf !"hioh is .paya})le'by the City, shall~ ~tedby: the ,City .Council;' the. other auditor being appointed', by the 'tjr(joullcil/' ' . 28; 24. ELGIN OOU~1'Y cO'(fNen.;, This ,will entitle the 06uilcil of the' cit,y of St~, T!lomas t()'appoillt~" member -of the BOMd of Audit, of the,adrninistration of' j;ustice accounts;: and-it 'will b(j ilece,'sai'yf0r-' theG6uricil at "this session to decide whicp- of the auditbJ:'s apP9illtedill .Tanuary hasbeonlegislated out of (}ffic~;. HISTORICAL SOCIETY~ Another.ameudlllel}t a.uthorizes the County Oonn:eil to maklOl gritrits't:6: assistHistol'ical~, Litel'itry or Scientifi0,Societi~s. , People,generaJlyar~ n'ow-takiI;Lga more- intelligent- .interest -in' ,tho- preservatioi1 of re(2.01'ds,all~" other matters pertaining tuthe history of olu Provilice. The'County of Elgitiwas the first to appreeiatethe ,ilecessity '6f i;lU lishi~g aGol~Ilty history" and, the impetus thus given to the collection 0 further il1fol'matidn .va!; ver:}" groat. The, membel'softhe Elgin Histori, Society have, cloneco1lsiderable work: They have colh cted a great'd oiinfol'mation ill reference to county history. They have the llUC1eusQ a valuable library awl are- desi1:ous of obtaining' a suitable r.oom in ,whig: th~h?oksr doculntluts ,and 'other artiCles'in their posseSSiOnlIlaYbesafe;~:, deposited~ 1 would suggest that, the. Council consider 'the advisability 0; plaCing al'oom inthe:\ 'oul'tHause at their disposal uiltil it is requh'ed fi other purposes., ADMINISTRATION OF, JDSTIOE' SETl'LE~1EN'l', ,':fhe Special Committee. appointed at the last'se'ssi6ii reference to:the,settlemeiit of acctm11ts tdth the city oCSt. Basis' which :Will, I think, me'et your approvaL PAUL VS. ELGIN. Shortly'after the J aiiliary session lrecei-ved a notice from Miss claiming' 'damages , caused: by,the c:oilstruc:tioii of'the eastapptaMh to Rain's brIdge,. This prop,etty adjoins th'atdf Mrs. !;Iamptollwith w: a settlementwas,triade and confirmed at tHe january. S~ssi()iL,'~ makingellQuiries alidconferring with theo.hail'manof the Pu Impravements ()ommittee I deoided that llO damage had. beeJ;1. sustait and, wh0J.l notified of the appointmelltaf, an arbitratarby MissPau' appointed Matthew Gilbert 'Of, Yarniolith'to act. for the County. ' arbitr~tai'sappointedwereunable ,to agre~ lipOll ~heappointment'o: third, arbitrator. and up to the present time nothing has been done. CO)U,1ITTAL </F INMATES TO Hy~S:m OF'INDUSTRY. Oonsiderable dissatis1'adioll'app'eaJ.:s to have existed in refere'uc1 Legisla,~ion', "allawing' J usticesof the Peace to Qommit illniates to' Hau,' Industry; Theiaw' was chang.ed during the,last ses$ion,aiid nobile nbwtJbrhmit iliiimtesunle:ss 'they are authorized to do s9 by by~law6f: Oomity Council. ' ELGIN' dOUN'YY,' bOUNOIL', AUDITORS' REPORT. The',Auditors' Statement i,,'before you and the "report I think should ~~mo,stgratifying to the membars of :th:lCouncil. Although we, issued ::k*4~,OOO worth" of :b~bentures, during htst year,' our ,actual li~bilitie's', were, '()l)ly increased to thealrlount 'Of $23,34fL06. I hape that in eonside,ring the." estimates for this year, yauwl11provide. sufficient funds to meet all ::~l1.rrentli'abilities and leave a reasonablebalallceat the end of the year;, EQUALIZA'l'ION. !twill be ,necessary for the COllllCil to equalize the Assessment Rolls ?ft,his'ye!;ir: The gradual imprbvement;~f the westernpartofthe'Collnty '~aused by the cOllstructibn of the Canada 8outhernRailway; shauld he insidered. NEW COUR'l'HOUSE. .AIl,the\v~rk ,COllU?cted ;~itll, t~18 new ,Caurt House is., now , completed' ith tq,e, eXP!3ption' of pointiJig up ~Ol~e parts of the,' stone, ","ork. '; All .the mtractors have been settled with, with theoxception of McKnigh,t &" d6. '~i~has, been,delayed OWblg to the set,tlemont of a carpellter,'slien placed '~:tliobnil~ng by J.M. Green &Co.,ono of the sub.contractors. 'fRIP TO CLEVELAND. As you 'are" all aw'are" ,we, .have thro(ugh the courtesy ofthehE.& tR...R'yCompany, an invitatian to join with the members of. tho City ,!9}inC:ilin a trip to Cleveland; Asirnilar inYitationWl;ts extended a few :~'ttl'S ago, hilt owing to the very short notice none of the inembers of the' !qp.lltyOquncif were able, to go. I hape that all oithe ,,~~#i~ipatejtL;the6uting this year'as a most enjoyable time The following communications were read: From .T. H. Hobv:er M, D~; Vionna"resigning position ksTrusteec ,u,H;ighBcbool" ~eferre~ ta Education Committee.. 2. FromJ. ,M.Glenn, l'e Christina McKenzie agreement, itl'seaf Industry Committee,. r.eferred , to, ;'S:FrDnl Clerk,ofthe C?Unty 'Of Frontellac; 1'0 servioeof Jurors, referred 'i'}titians and Legislation Committee. ' ;'4, FramOlel'li of tUe County of c>xfard,in' reference, tOIletition fdrlegis~ In:defining a highway, refen'ed toP€ltitions ahd LegislatiOli O(j1Ull1it.tee. ,'5.:From'J.W, 'Brittoil., Tr:ustee'8;.8;Na.5' Dunwich; wit~ appeal in ",,'26", ELGI'iCOUNTY COUNCIL; ELGIN COUNTY, COUNCIL; 6." From the T,rustee S. S; No.12,S01.l.thwold,;wi~h"appeali!l,r~JE:lre~pe' to,alterations in b01:1lldaries of S. S's. Nos. 12 and 13, refe'rrE:ld 'to Educati9n'/ Ooinmittee. Moved by S. B.M;orris, seconded by J. H. Yarwood, That By-Law:N o. 605 be read a third time and ftnctlly passed.--Darried~ "r~ferenceto challge, in, boundaries of. S. S. N 0.10, Southwold arid/No;!) Dunwich; referred>toEducatioliOommittee. From D'.M~Gregbraridothers, of Tyrconnel, 'with appeal in'refer':"' of boundaries of Union Section between Dunwich, and f\:.ld,borough, 'referred to'EduCation' Committee. ' 8. FromT; E.' Robson, ",Oonnty Clerk, London; re Graham, Road' referred.to PublicImpro.vemep.ts Committee. Frolll:Jasper Jolmston,',Fingal,' with application to atten.d'"Model referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. . t'0.' From 'Public' School Inspector, wi~h annualrepoi't;referredto_', ':,'Edl.1:cationOommittee. ' . 1l. From Comity 'rrreasurerl with report, referredto')rinaiice '12. .li'rom' Odunty Engineer, with Report, referred to Public Iinprove~' "ments 06mmittee;' , :13. <Froni'County Auditors, with Report, referred to Finance Committee.": M~.McKenney presented a petition fi'omthe residents of ,Port Burwe1!, for formation of Police Village, ,and the Warden referred the Legislation Oommittee. Moved byW. O. Poll?c1r,J~ecol1ded byD . Lang, That the membetE'1: of "this Council visit theHou.seof,Ind.ustry,to~ mori'owl:tt,halfpas~One p. 'm'cOarried. Movedby8.R. Morris,s€':condedbyJ. H Yarwood, That By-La:wN 0.605; being a By-Law tC)'authorise the, borrowing,~~f,\.. $20,QOO to meet, current expeni;es,' bert'ceived " and read a first,time.-'- ,.'. Carried. M ,oved by S~ B. 'Morris, seconded by'}. H. .Yarwood, T}u},t'By~Law No. 605 be read', a second time;-'--Oarried; 2.8 ELGIN .COUNTY OOUNDIL. 'ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. SEOOND SESSION-SEOOND I;lAY. Wedhesday, the 13th da,y of-Julle,'1900. The Elgin Oounty Council met this daY-at, the Court House, St.,Tl1omas, according to adjournment. The Warden'in, tho Chair. All tho members present. '.Dhe proceedings of the, p~evious day were read and cOllfil'nied. The following communications'were read: 1,. From J. Mills, President Agricultural College, 1'0 county !appointment,. referred to Petitions and- LegislationComrriittee. 2. "From J. M. Glenn, Oomity Solicitor, 1'0 Grant to bridge at Muncey. 3. ,From J. M. 'Glenn, County \ Solicitor, opinion 1'0 'claim Lessees of Toll Road. _The -following enquiries wete made: l',I3Y: Mr. Hunt, 1'0 removal of wood shed in gaol grounds. By. 'Mr. Pollock, re mounting Call1ian. 3. By Mr. Yarwood, re financial positIon of County. 4. By Mr. Leitch, recast of public improvements contracts awarded. :'A report of the Special Comlllittere adniinistration of justice settle- ment w~th the Qityof St. Thomas was preseiltedand laid over on motion ofA~' J. Leitch, seconded by Wm.Jackson. ~he report of the Puplie Improvements Commi,tteewa~ presented' and referred to a.Committee of the whole'. " Mr. Morri~ in the Ohair. After considering the report the Committee rose and. it was without. amendment, on motion of S. B. i'vlorris, seconded.' by Mr. on the following division:. Yeas~Pollo6k, Ford, Jackson, McKellar, Morris; Lyon and Hunt. Nays~YaJ:wood, Leitch and. McKenney. The report of the Education Oommitteewas presented :motion,of J. H. YaJ:'wood, seconded by W. Ford.' '30 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 3t .SECOND SESSION-'-THIRD DAY. ~PhhrsdaYl the "i4th dq.y JUilO, 1900. 'The Elgin: Oounty Council met this day titthe'Oourt 'St.T.qomas, according to adjournment. The ,Warden 'hl the ChaIr. All the riiembets present. Th,e.proceHdings of the previous day were read and confirmed. i.,' ': ~oved by,'W;Jacksoll,second~dbf E. McKdIaI''' That' thisCOUllCil do noW adjourn to meet at Two ',AsseSFlllent Rollsofthe city and county shollld have beeu. cpnsidered to arrive at a correct conclusion an(lthat ,the' rep,artbe referred back for' furtherCOllsideration, ,Main,motioncarried-,' amel~dri:1ent: lost;, O~l the followiI~g, division:, Yeas':"-Morris, Yarwood,Hllut a.p.d;McKeji~ey,. N nys~.Pollock,Lang ,JacksO:t;l,McKellar, -Leitch,.' ,FordttndLyon." A comm~llicationfrom'Jarvis Tlu(yer, of Malahide;on statut€llabor,. ,w!l.'d'efl4 ai1d~r.ThaYe.r addressed the Council~ MovedbyW; Jackson, seconded by D. Lang, ! i<< That.the petition of -Tar vis Thayer, re change of Statnte Labor, bq rlilf~rredto theWarden','and O.McKenney to report at November Session.. Oarried. f\loved byF~ Hunt, ,seconded by W. Jacksoll, That J&sperJohnston,_of, Southwold, be appointed tt county pupil at ,tfLeOnt~id AgricultllraJ College for oue year.-,:--Carried.- . M:,oved))y: M. KLyoh, seconded by F: Hunt; T~at ~hen-the Coullcil ~f the City, of St.- Thomas appoints. ah,a,uditor 2r'administration of --jul:itiy8 accQullts, that. W, . M.Ford be continued ' as ~,j;~uditor, fortheCountyof'Elgin and: that J..Thompson.of West ,Lorne, ,the ~:i;:;,o'the~, aUditor,. be notified. of the. Legislature making the change/-:-Carried. 'j},,':, The, first report of the Finance:/Collllliittee was presented and *dopted. on motion ofR :8. Morris, seconded by E.McKellar. T.hereport of the Special Electdc Railway Oommittee was presented ;,andadopted on motion of F. Hunt, secondeil. b~ IVL E Lyon~ 'r~_e second report ,of the Finance Committee was presented adopted on motion of S. B. :Morris, seconded by, W;:'J ackson~ 'it:".... Tb.e Third. report of the ..Finance . Committee WUspresenteil. ~d :;; ;:~1optedollmo~on of S, R i\10rris, seconded by,W.Jack,son; 'The Council resumed. 1\fovedbyyv, 0'. Pollock,seconded-byW. Jack:son, That tIle Council grant Mr. 'Bur*.rell's request. of addt:essing Board:''---.:Carried. . l\>;fr.G~B. Burwell, of:~the Township of Caradoc, th.en addressed Council. Move~, byA.J; Leitcll;seconded by D~ Laug, . :rhatS. McOoll, of Dutton, D.'Turner, of South wold, 'McColl;' of Aldborough, be and are het'eby appointed 'a.rbi~rateonthequestioll ota new Union School Section to be formed pa~sofDullwich and 'Aldborough, petitioned for by D. others.....:.:.Carried. Moved by A. J. Leitch, secondedby-W, Jackson, ,'That the report,' of, the Special Committke. appointed ofadministratiou of Justice expenses to be paid by the be 'adopted. Iu'amendment': 'Movedhy F.,Hunt, seconded by'O. McKenney; That the sum of $3,000 fixed by the joint committee.Oftheeityaud cou~ty ,appointed for the purpose, as the annual" amount to be paid by the city tot:i1eco'uuty as the city's share forthe administration of expenses, is too 8mall; and that the. census basis 'said amount was.fixed is wrong, and that the M;o-yed' by ,M. E.Ly:on,secorid,ed by O. McKenney, ~}':'__ . Th~t,thegl'aut . toMJ.ss' Emeline Marl' , ~... of one' d~llarper week, ;made; ~~:;'attheJalluarysession,becontillu. ed until ,the nexts.6ssion of'.Qouncil._ j'':;'.\.:.'''-':'', ". '.:" .:" . , '%':-Carried . . ll2. ELGIN COUNTY OOUNOI;L. , ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. llB: Mo"ved 'by M.E. 'Lyon, seconded by D; Lang, ~l1at- the Qount:y Clerkbegra.nted leave of absence for two lllonthg- during 1900, ,and that' he be and is hereby authorized to a,ppoint, un~erhis "p.alld' and seal SOlle other person, who shall aot in his stead,-said appoint- m€ll1t to, be''8}lbject,to. the approvaloftheWal'den.,..--Carried; SECOND SESSION-~'OURTH DAY. l\fovedbyA.'J. Leitch, 'secbnded ,by E-. ,McKellar, '"r11h,~t:,,1jhe,clerk:be reqnested'topreparefor 'publicatloll iviththe pro'ceedingsof, ,this\ Go~ncil,an,HistoriG ,Sketch,' referring, to the ,old pourtHouse~'. with such': illustratioll& , as, ma~ 'be,' appropriate,togethe~ ",,'ithan account of the rebuilding andellla:rg'ement and a statement of theorist ofthesame.-Carried. ' Fl'idaY"the15th day of June,J900. \ .. .'.' " The Elgin County Council met this day at,the Co1il't~House", St" ;rh()lll'aS, . accOl'ding to.a;djo,l,ll'lunent, j''hl~Wal'den in~he OhaiI'; All the membel's pl'esent. ",,') The: proceedings of the previousday'were read and confirmed. , .. ":: . ".,; " .. "i '.:, .;,c ""', 1, .' ~ ....., .'. '. 'Mr.....'Jacksoll madE(~I;lqui,ry~e .c.oI;l~rac~9r ;,f:u::r::pishing Guarantee" ,',I, ", '.i.'i';.!:.',,; Move~ by W;' FordjsecxmdedbY,M:E.Lyon, That' theOouncil \ dOllOW adjourn-'to m€'et'ot Eleven':o;clo'ck" ,D10rr9w,.,..,....Caxried. .The repQr't of the House Ofll1dtistrYOommi~tee ,was o'n 'motion ofW..' Ford, .secOllde~,.l?Y:,,;:W(J.:raekf;l(,)ri.., D. F .,Mo6RJjJ,Warden~ ; acc(mn~:'of. theullMrt~inty that appeal'~' to exist ill }'~gard:,t(),; .of, oon,oretel1butments;,:,~he" ~dV~llGe ju_ the priceo! ir.oll; very cOnsil1e~'abl~jncrease tl)is ,year'm~erformer years-in:the of' the" COJlntyi,n"bridgei4bl1ildiugr,W~"do llGt build: anym'pre bridges .~r- cOllcrete,'UiQutJ,llen.ts, ,trnsY.ear; --,~ClWi.'ied,' '-,; ': ,:,:':"',,-- "j;:)':' ,',' " .:';:': 'Ye~s'~ Mari'is" YarWood, Lang" McKelllll'"Leitch~ ForO-and McKenpey'~ "..,'... '., '......,.., ..... '....,.., , .. '. '-, . ,." 'Nays-pj)lIocik;'Jackson.,'LYOll:mi~Hun:t.,; <';;:,..~u ..... .....'...,.,., ...... '''. .,.... Mo;e4 by.J ,:8:: ,Yanvood"secQuded by'W;:O..:PoU()ckr': "". "..', ,,t,,;,,, ')i}.'i T~at',:Mr., ]~ell 'be'reCluested.. t.o: addl'essthe. Councilthis,afterlioo!t.at:, P'lll~;' congetning}he llbutlllents of Port Bruce 'bridge,~Carriep.., ,.,j:.'.: '.-.'.-.-',.:"...;'.,:"...'..',i....,...; ~oved by'F.HtpitJsecbnded' by ~.\~;!,~ypn, , ,- ..::...,.-,. That the Councp'adjourh' l1u:tU':WS~:();:p7'lll\'~O{tl'ried. The 09UllCil resun:l€l:d.;:" ",' ',...., ::..>, I',:'.., ..,'. '" ,./"',',:.-::" Mr. E'el!, .co~ty Ellgi!fe~>:, addr"~~e<,\ :l,h.e. Oou~cil. . '-MovedbyELR,M()rris/'seconded'by,.'A,.~'j:: Leitch, ~"-' That',!hereas' onslt 'A._ .Lu~as;,:te~f1~~e'~forth~'.~~~i~~>, ~d S~ibO~W~ al)'utments andhi,stender'~as, "solne~800 lower than the next ap-,cl'Y here~8 th~cout,racts'Ye~e.-not,. ,awarde(l,to !hilll1i,be.-;,it, ,resohr~d" ": all paperfj i~ connection: with the "tehders ,'be brought'down 'andWd . at t~~: m~eti,ng"',Lost'~ ,:" 34 ELGIN. COUNTY. COUNCIL: "ELGIN' aOTIN'IT COUNCIL. 3. y eas-'~ Morris lpld.Leitch. '''1dathesou the-balance Ieitaf theT:wo. Hundred Dallal's paid illtotheCounty 'Treasurer. ,by~liss. Christy McKenzie ~cGording, to the, terms' of theagree~- :mellt.sigrl!3d by the$aid Christy McKenzie. and the County TreaSU1'81'.-Lost. Moved by J. H. Yarwood. s8coilded by S.B. Morris, That By-law No. 606bein,g a By-law to confirm the..EquafrizatfollO'f l\:ssessmelltRolls (lIf .the County: of EIgiIl he 1'8ceivedalld' read a first time. ':~Carried. Nays~Yarwo()d~Pollock. Hunt, MeKelIftl', Lyon,Jacksoll~ Ford; McKenuey and La;ng. I Moved by D. Lnnjg, sec(ln~ed'bY , W. O. Pollock, That;'the equalization of the- ,asses;smentrolls be the same as last year; -...;.Oarried~ . MovedbyJ, 'R.yarwood, seconded by"W; ,FOrd, , " Moved Vy W: Ford, soo0lidedby M;- Lyon~ . "rhat By ~ la,w No. Jj06 be mad a:sec(md .time..-Cariied. That this Council approve of the action of the ,yublic.Improvenients Oommit~ee,iI~ not,awal'ding the contract ~6rbuild,ingtho-,abu,t:rnellts'.to ~he; ,Selbourne'all'd Zavitz Bridges to: ,the lowest tel\cl~r~runder the circum.,. stances.~Carried. ' Nays......\1orris', LeitchandMcKenney~ Y€ms~ YarWood, POllock,Lang, Jackson" McKellar, Fo~d"Lyon., an,:!:", Moved ]jyE.McKell.ar, seconded ,by A. J; Leitch, That By -Law No., 606 be read a third time ,and fi~lally passed.' -Carried. by,S.:'B.Morris, sectmdedby,J. H. Yarwood. ' That By ~Law No. 607 being a By-Law to raise amounts for Oounty ~ates the year 1900, be reqeived an.d read a :first time. -Oarried. 'B~ Morris, ~ecolidedby D. Lang, That By-Law No. 607 be read a saaand t4ne, -Carried. MovedbyS', B.Morris, seconded by D. L.mg" Tha~ By~Law N 0;607 be, read' a third time aud finally passed. Mov~d'byM.E:Lyon,Seconded by W.Ford,' That the Warden, -the Ohairman.. of thePublie Wo~ks, Oom~ittee, A;' J. Leitch1and J~. H. Yarwood, be a' Special Committee with power to ~ngage::t professiollalexpert to report. as soon . as. pOEjsibleon ,theco~ditio~ of, ' an cement. abutments erected.i n connection with County. bridges and if the, Work is ,fou:p.d to be defective in any p~ticularto'makesuchrecoin1Ilellda~ tions illreference to the specification.,;, lllspection,materml,', etc.,. ~s Iri,Ety be l;laoessary to improve future work, and t,Jata cOPy.of,the.expert'sreportb,e ~orwaJ:'ded to (;1aoh member of this Council as' spon .~. it is received'by the 'Olerk Oarried. . Moved byF. Hunt, seconded byW. Jackson,; Ellison be'uppointedas Inspector 9~ concre,te work, ill,con~ Selbourne andZavltz bridges.., Int~e,eveut ofEllisou being all the work,_that the Chairman of t.he Public Impr()ve- the 'power to,appoihta competent man .\Joved byM. E. Lyon, seconded by O.McKeuuey, ThatBy~La'v NQ.608 being ~ By~Lawtoestablish aPolioe Village at. Burwell be received and read a first time,-Carl'ied. MovedbyO. McKenney, seconded by M.E. Lyo~, That By-law No. 608 be read a second time.-Oarl'ied. Move<i byF. Hunt, seoondedbyM.E; Lyon, That By-Law No. 608. be read a third time and. :finally passed. --.:..Cal'ried. Moved by A. ,J.Leitch;, seeonded by E. McKenar, 'ThatB;V-Law No. 609 being .a By-Law to authorize the Warden'to:sign ,be ~eceived"and:read a,firs't time.~Carried.. The report 'of the ,Gaol, Committee was presen~~d, and ,adopted on motion ofS. -E, Morris, seconded by o. McKelllley. ' Mo:v~d.by,.A.. J. Leitch, Seconded'by'E.McKellar, Thatthis'Councilorderthe .Trea,surer'of the'Countyto pay Mrs. ' Flora 36 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL.' ELGIN OOU~T.y COUNCIL. I .37 Moved by E. McK~nar, seCO'1idedbyA,'J.Leitcb., That By.Law N 0.6091>8 read a~econd' tiIile..- Carried: ,Moved by'A. J;"Leitch, seconded by'E. ,McKellar, That By~law:N 0,609 be read a third time '~nd' ~l1ally MOVed byF. Hunt, seconded by v.,"'; Ford, That'the Counoil adjourn to meet ~t' the call 'of D; F.Mo9~E",WaJ;~en,; THIRD SESSION F!RS'l'DAY. l'uesday,the20th day of November, 1900. Elgin ConntyCoUJlcilmet this day at the Court HOuse,St.ThOlua.< p.m. the cha,iI'. All the memberspresell't except , "ELGIN OOUNTY; COUNCIL. t9 38 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. Ikl10W that;! anl but expre:;;sillg: the-feelings of the Council when I sfI,Y:,,' tl1at'. -Mr~Ford~' ,abseuceis vl~ry much to be regretted. He was seriously ill, with typhoid fever for somfl weeks and ,vas ill a fair \~'ay to recovery WhPll.' he had 'n, relapse,alld at the'present time heis just able to walk anclstayup;- fOf,' a short time He was very"desirons of being present as'itit is the la~t session of the pres811tOounciL That theOOillmittee of the House of Industrycousirler the advisability sillking a deep well for the Supply of the H0ose, andI:eport at this Carried. rrhe follO'willg communications were re84: Moveclby M;E. Lyon,s8'Conded by O. McKenneYl That we, the Oouncil Mthe', County of Elgin, wish ,to extend our sym- M; Ford -In his great affliction, assnrl1rg 'him that we miss his kansacting thebnsiness,ofthe County, mid trnst S00n be restored to pe~f~ct health and, fill that weU"honored to the Pllblic that he So well lR\'ldts --'-'Oarried. MCived 'by S. B 'MCirris, . seconded' by M. ,E.' LYOll, \ That ,a by -law be prepared and passed at' this session apIlOinting nom,; officers for the various districts in the county and that the 'present ].'epealed.-OtllTied,' ". Move~l 'by' W.Jackson, seconded by E. McKellar, That the County Cunncii.0f EIg'i.n inspect ,the"'Zavitz durhlgthe present session.,...:Cal'ried. Moved :by S,B. Morris, seconded byJ. H; Yar\yood, That this Coullcil do now adjourn until elevell o'clock to'morrowto Committees to' meet.~:Oarried. L Fro1ll.('Quncil of' Connty qf Victoria, rl'- extension of ,jurisdiction County'Coul't;,referred to Committee on Petitions and Legislation. u' \ c\2.fl~r0In Council. of County of Wentworth,re publication of of ConvIctiolls; referred to Committoe on Petitions and Legislation. 3.- Fi'om Prison:ers' Aid Association, 'e,granttohospltalsmakillg provisionfol' treatlllg inebriety; referred to Finance Committee. 4. From Se'cretary Asse'ssm~nt Coil1n1ission' and K. W. reference thereto: referred to Petitions and Legislations Committee. 5Fl'om Arbitrators appointed to consider appeal,1"e Union ;Section between Dunwich and Aldborough; ,refer-reel to, Education mittee. 6.' ]'rom D. \-lcGn'gol' ttlldCithers, r: Union ,School 'Section referred to~dncat.fon Qommittee. D. F;ThfoORE, Warden. 7. . Fl'OlU Inspector' of 'Prisollers, "report i e . S't. Thomas.' gaol; to Gaol COinmittel,'l-. ' I tl.FromL. Luton, M; 'n."Physician, Honse r,eferl'ed.to House'of IndustryCommittee. 9. 'From James A. Bell; County Eligineer,with report; Pu:blic Improvements Committee: 'rrhe following enquiries were made: 1. ByJ. H. Ya.rwood, re report of Building?ommitt\~e. 2. ByJ. II, Yarwood, i'cprintingCounty Council proceedings. 3~ By S; B. Morris, rereportof,Experteinployedby Special 'Committee; Moved hy F; 'Hunt,secolldedby O. McKenny, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. ELGIN COUNT:Y COUNCIL. 41 THIRD SESSION~SEOOND DAY, "theOouncil a:s to the' building of'abridge over the Thames River '~(juthwoldalld Oaradocor Delaware; Moved byJ.,H. Yarwood,'.s~eondedby W. O. Pollock.. Th&tin,theevent of the Elgin Oounty' Council.'oontribtiting'anyth~ng /to..yards the building, of a:, bridge over the R~ver .Thames between OaraQ.oo ,alldS~)Uthwold. they will only.oontribute on. condition that'it be built' on ~h{l Muncey site.,--Carried. Moved:'by F. Hunt, seconded by M:E. Lyon, Wednesday, the 21st day of November, 1900. , The Elgin County Coullcil met this day at tllO Court House, accOl'dingto'adjourll'niellt. The Warden in tho_chair All the members present exceptW.M.Ford. The proceediilgsof the previous day were ,read'and confirmed. ~hefollowing,in9-l.liries were made : l,:EyF . _Hunt, ,re inspectio~' by members of COUllt'yCOUllCil of Selbourne andZavitz'bridges. the 'Council adjourn. until Teno'olock' a. m.. ton:l.orrow, meet.' Carried. rtF. IYloORE,Warden. Leitch, I'e the contiuued ,existEJUce of. the Committee Electric RailwaY'lllttLters. M?yedby 1!". HUIit, secondedb;,.;W. Jaokson, rrhatthe Council inspect the S(-'lbourne and thursday.~Oarried. l\[ovedby-M.:E. Lyon, seconded byO. McKenulOY, ~hat J\:1essrs. Leitch, Hunt and Yarwood be a special 'conunittee guard th~ inter'ests ()fthe Oounty. re ,Electric 'Railway, , St. Thomas PortBtallleyand report at' January session. -.Carried. ;Mo~ed'by A.~. Lei~ch,' secoudedby F.Hunt, "!:'hat the report.of the Inspector of the House of Industry 'ahdprintedin the minutes.--Oarried. Thetllspecto~r'Mr. D. Turner, addressed theCouncil. 1v.(oved by A., J. Leitch, seconded, by E. McKellar, . . That'the'Coullcil.adjourn to meet at Tw'oo'clockj ,J?; m. . Oarried. The, Council resl.'!illed A' Conuriittee from' Middlesex County'" Council, McLeod of Parkhill,Mr, R JacksonofAryalMr. J. 'ter"ahdMr~ TRlbot, ,CountyEnginee~, and Mr. George 42 ELGIN COUNTY, COVNCI1.. , ELGIN COUKTY' COUNCIL, 41f TliIRD SESSI,ON-THIRD DAY, The report of the House of.lndustry Committee was presented and' "'adoIJt0(l,onmotiOll of O.McKeuney, seconded by W; O. Pollock. q.' McKenney gave notice that he would ,move a resoliltiollto pay J Oh11 McCausland for c~w purchased 1rOin himfo House of Industry. " ~loved pyF. Hunt, secondedby'J. H. Yarwood, Thursday, the.22nd day ofNovenlQ~r,1900. The Elgin Oounty Council met thiS: day at the Court ,House St. Thomas,.,according to a(~journment. The W'arden'in the chair. Allthe members present except,W. M. Ford. The proceedings of the previous day were read- and confirmed. TI~atthe Trelisl1i'er be asked to' furuish' the various amounts received br the year 1899 for fees collected from' Coui].ty pupils by the 'High the Oounty and report Friday.-Carried~ The: following ,communications' were read: L 'From John Rutherford, Clerk of the County of Grey, rEl -C,ourts; referred to, Oommittee on Petitions and Legislation. l\{o~edby S~ B:.IOITis,.s~conde'd by J. ' H. Yarwood, '2. FromJ. M. Glenn, re insurance on CourtHouse, referredto 'Com'mittee. ~' " '~hat-this Council~~o.ii()~-~djoul'n untilTen'o'olock a.m. to-morrow to anb~ 'the,members: to,ex~~~ne theZavitz,ap,d Selbourne, bridges built this yeal;-.:...tl{e abutments being, ofconcrete.--Carried. . " " , D. F."MooRE;Wa.rden. 3.' From J~ M. Olenn,1'e agl'eem~'nts w.ith Oityas to paynient ,of cost of OourtHouse and expense ,of Admiilistratioll of .to Finance Oommittee 4. Fr:omJ. M. Glenn, re pei'sonal account, referred to Finance .J:l1ittee. The fonowing enquiries \~ere made: By F. Hunt, re printing proceedings; Elgin Oounty Oouncil. '2. By J. H. YUJ:'wood"re feesl'efundedfromOounty High 8chools., 'The report of. the Special Commit'tee appointed with power to ei professional e'Xpe1.'t;tore~ort as soon as', poss~ble on the conditioll _ <cement abutments erected in connection with County ~,vor~ is'found defective, in any particular to make such "in reference,'to the specificati011S, inspectioll" material; etc.. as necessary,t()improvefutu~e work, was presented aJ?-d adopted on A;J. Leit~.h, seconded byW. Jackson. The report of the Gaol Committee was presented and adopted of'S. B.' Morris, seconded byJ. H. Yarwood. The report oft);1e Petitions and. Legislation Committee was ,.I:tndadol?tedon motioll'of M. E I.lyon, seconded by F Hunt. , ~ 44 ELGIN QOUNTY' OOUNCIL. ELGINOOUNTy:oO'tiiroTt.. ,il'j THIRD SESSION~FOURTH DAY. Fr,iday ,the 23rd daybf'NbvE;ll[llber, That':i3y~Law.No;I.61-1;?eing a by--law to extendtl1e, :time-fSl'the :\f3~forcedcollecthm,bysale,of llon-resident taxes in the county of Elgin., 'be-receivedand R'tlrst.time.-....Ca1l'ried. Mo~edby s. 'B.Morris, seconde<lby D.Lang) Tha;t]3y.:Law_;N~.'6l~bt~rread_~ secqnd time,-,~'Oarrie~ . 'Moved bts. 'B.,:~9r,ris,:second~d 'by D., Lang, Tl}at)3y-Law No;6Llbe read a third , time and'fina~ly aJ:l'ied~ Th~ I - Elgin County Council met this day at the' -OCim;t $t.Thomas,' : according to adj.ouriimell:t. The Wm'dell ill the Ohair. ~1L the members present, exceptW.-M.:Word. The'_procef'dings bf the previous dayv7ere read alldconfil'med. Treasurer" \vasreadand MovedbyF.: Hunt,secoud'ed byM.E.Lyou; rrh~ second ,report of _ ,thePetitiollS and' Legislation GOllimittee M.E.Lyon,s~cOllded 9YW. <,:' That BYc,L~WN 0 6'12"beinga'b;y~law- torepeal :13y~Jaw No '069:, ,ppointirignominating ?fficers, 'be received and:readafirst time;,.-..,...Carried. . .M()vedhy,':M; E. Lyon, seconded 'by W. ,Jaclrs~l~-, .That By~ La", NQ .612 ,'be (read.:a ~econd(tiirre. ~tQarried. ~oved byW,O. Pollock, seconded\by F'., Hunt, _B~~.LawNo<'6'12be-read a third ',timeanrl finallY passei:1.;~ Finallce Committee was presented "and adopted B~ Morris, seconded by D.Lang. ,_ "Th~,r~port'of the PU:blic Improvenients COlllluittee was rrlJKflllt'ed adopted 0)1 motion of,W. Jackson; seconden byE McKellar. 'I'hereportof,the ~ducatiollCommit.tee was preSeill0(1 iUHl m~'ltioll o,fJ. H., Yarwood, seconded by W.O. Pollock. ~ov'ed,:Py. W.', G.: Polloo1r, seconded:by'J.,' H;"Y arwoo~d, :.':ThatJ3y-Lll,'W r{o. 603lbeiIig ~,by~law to appoint nominating ,'e'received alld read a first tillie.'-Oarried. ' Move'dby J: H., Yarwood,', seconq.ed,by ,VI. -0. 'Pollock. The report of the,Buildillg'Cbmmittee was 'pres€mt,~d ,'motion of A "J. Leitch~ secollde(l by F, Hunt. ,~oveC!- by S. B.Mol'l'is,seCollded by'Jas.H.YfL'rwoodl That. By-Law No. 610, being a by.la\v toaut;horize Treasurer t,oborl'ow'Twenty Thousand Dollars, first time ~Carried.' ,rThatBy~LffW:.No;: 613 'be:reada ;second thne.~Carrietl , Moved, by S. B.Morris,seconded by D.Lallg, Moved'byW. O. Pollock, seconded by J. H; Yarwood"j .<That By-Law NQ.61:8be read a third'.tiille,and .finally arried. , :';(.'hat By-LitwNo. 610 be read a second time.-Carrie4. Moyed byS. B. Morris, seconded by J. H..Yarwood" :JIO.beread a;.third 'time., and,..fiu!l-lly Moved by S. B. Morris, secon'dedby ,i; H. Yarwood, MQv~dby O.McKenney,sec'onded by]}'. Hniitl :,That By-Law NO;,614"beiitg a .<a~'dellJo 0xecuteon~behalf ~:city o~ St Thomas, fixing ";cost,.ofCourt, Rouse, and are-oLexpellsesof .admillistration .,- e,'-'-'.Carried: 46 ELGI~ .COtTNTYCOUNOIL. ELGIN 'O()UNTY' COUNOIL. Mov:e,d by M. E.-LYOll, seconded by ,W. O. Pollock, That we recolllnicnxd'the llex~ ',year's Oouno.i.l :,to consider the, qu8:stion ()ffe~sGollectedfr()m,Co~nty ,~u?ils by, the Dutton alldAyImerI-ligh Schoolsaud the St, ~holUasOolleglate InstItute,' and determine whether' ; or not ~t is in the illtereSti:l ,of ed:nca:tioll' und of the Oountyfor all or . of said'fees to bereta-inod,bithe differehtschoOlBoards. .-Lost. YeaS,~Hullt,Lallg, Pollpck, Jacksqn, Morris. ';'l'hat'By~La'v No~ -614 be l'oada'S€COlld time.....:..:.Ca:rried. , Moved by E., McKellar, St~collq.ed by ()., McKelil1~Y, Tha~ By-Law No. 614 bo read a'third time au1 Ci:ttried. ",\ Mbved'byWm.Jackson,'seconded by J~ H. Yal'\vood, :vlcg:eUar, Leitch,Lyon, M?Kenney.nndMoore: motion and sedOllrl ,amondmelit "lost. '~hatthe'OOUllcn: do now adjol1;rn until.Two 6'clock p.m.-O~tI:ried,. , The Council resumed. ~1ovedby-YV:Jacks'Ori, se'con,d~d by.E.McK:ellax, '. . l'hatthe'g'i:tillto(-~ftjT doH<~l'~. be/lll_fLd~t.o, tho",:Wardep-for hise~tra, services 'and;thethanksof',this Council be extended to him.for the efficient' 'manner ht'rhic4 he ,has ,'discharged.....his.dutie~ during the'.pr6sentyear. .....;.,Caxried, . , :Movedby O.~cKenney, ~~conded b:y F.: Hunt., ~ That... all',or~er, be drawn on . the TreasurerfOl"Forty~fiYe'Donars'tll,' favor of JohnMopausland in payment of onecowbollght for:the IIonse"'of Indu$try~'''''::''Oaxried. Moved by A:J",Leitchi seconded byE: McKellaJ.", That aft~~ .the,expiratiol~o:i:"this\vear'the High "S,ch~olsatAylniefri:nd ])titto~beallowedtoretain,.the fees,' collected froni. (Jo,ll-uty.-pupi1s"ml,d , ,thq,t '110 deduction be made from the'Ooullty grantsto~heHighScho()ls; '-an ,a'CC(Hlllt, of. :fees, and tluit county Pllpils'beadmittedf~e€1"t() the f?~,Thomas qollegiate Institute.:..-Lost , ,TheWai~deiltheJl acldi'essed the Council. M:o.ved 'by b.Poll~)Ok, seconded by M.'E.'LYOll, :Yeas:--'~eitch,McK~ Uar. Nays' -Pollook', :LYOll; .\1 orris, Yarwood, McKenney, ,:and'.Lavg. '.... .:". .,:....:.,' :....' Tha~t~e thallk~ of ,this' Council. be tendered..' to :A;J. Leitoh',for-hi~:': eftkiontsel';ices.as.Chmrman of the Building Committee during the con- struction.ofthe Elgin, OoV-rVHouse.---'-Carried. . Mr. 'Leitch thenadd:ressed:the'Cou~lCil., Mcivl.3dby J, R Morris, seoOl~d~d by J. H, Yarwood, That this Council adjourn sine die. Carried. 'F~rst, anieIidmell~. ':fr, ']'. , JELL; .County,Olerk (pro"tem). Moved by M.E. ,Lyon, -seconded by O. Mclt~ni1ey, ',Thatthe:matter,of. adjusti~g the f,ees' of,the' various :HighSchoals ~~roughout' the County be laid over until the Janua:ry Sessioi;l.---,-Carrieq'~ . McKenney, Lang, 'Jackson, Martis,..Lyon, NaysXLeitoh,McKElllara~d Hunt ',,"." ' S~co:n.d A~endme~lt" Moved byF; 'Hunt, seconded by.:W, Jacksoil; 48 ELGIN 'OOUNTY OOUNCIL.. ELGI!','"' CoUN'ry. OOUNOIL. 4~! PUBLIC SQHOOLJ;NSPEOTOR'S REPORT. REPOR TS. WardotatidMembers of theEl~in County COlJ?ldl:. the hOllOI' of'presenting my report onthe publicsohools of Elgin 1899. . ST.ANmNG COMMITTEES,_ lo,l!i0Elgz"n,..County CiJitnctl; FINANOIAL STATEMENT. GEN'l'LJ~MEN;.....:..The Oommittee appointed! to'- reports as ,follows ~ Gaol and Pl'intillg-~ YaJ:'wood1Leit0kandM0rris. following shows the amounts expended for ?ublic ,School purposes pupil in the differeilt\ municipalities. House of l1idt1s-try~PolIock,Foi'd and McKellney; , All 'of which: is respBctfuHysllbmitted. Aldborough. $9,640 39 per pupil . ....u 07 \"B~!ham"", . '6;134 09 '.' 680, Dunwich . 5,722 49 " .... 8 09 Malahide . 7,451 24 " 8 70 S~.Dbrche8te!;. . 4,028 48 " 10 04 S()uthwold; . . 9,159 45 " 960 Y ar~outh' . R,26296 " 8 34 Dutton. .... 1,822 40 " 7 72 Port St~llle)" 1.041 58 " 7 71 Snring:ijeld.. 1,382 81 " 7 27 Vieliila. 566'07 " 6 11> Aylmer 4.627 33 " 10 81 Fina:nce'~ Mords.,' Jackson', McKeUeralidMcKenney.. :m'dueational- Yarwood, LY(l)ll,"Hullt, For(j Leitch and~btl~g. Petitic}lls and:Legislation-Lyon, Hunt,' P0Hoek, Leitch ,and'Ford. Public Improvemel.lts'-'--Jaekson, .HunJ.,. McKellar" Poll""Yck,. Lo.ng, , SOHOOr:. POPULATION AND ATTENDANOE, A.' J.. LEIT(JH~ 'Chairman~ NO,ofl No. No, No.ofP'lI~ Resident Rogisc of pi1~ per Pupils~ ten 'd. Teachers' Teacher. 1,327 1.195 22 55 1,048. 902 18 50 913 707 15 47 1,002 8M 17 51 439 401 8 50 1,:214 954 20 48 1,219 992 20 50 250 236 4 59 190 135' 2 68 198 190 3 .64 150 92 2 46 500 449 8 57 A.dopted 24thJ auuary;19'O()i . 'not, inClude the Kindergarten d~partment in Aylmer; " 50 'ELGlN'D01JN-r;Y 'COUN01L; l1lLGIN..COUNTY COUNCIL; ij umbei' 'of boys registered Number of girTs registered The following are th{}GoVertlment'grants toschoolsnamed'Ol{ac60tint ,sllCcessfuLcandidates at the ,p1ibliq .-schoolleav:i:q.g examination.: The 80;hoo18 were, opeii all: average:of_'203.dtty.t:r and" tn'e' at'tended ~tn~v0);'age .of 115 da;p3 eaeh. rrw~nty~two children,bet~een,the ages ?f's:and14arerepQrted'us h~:ying ':ttttended any school during .'the' year; alId, 8'(61:ietweenJh~ '~a.gesare,repqrtedl1s having attendedJess',thall100days.' :AldbOl'QUgh,-No; 2 .~, " No.3, No. 4. No 8 No. fl, No. 10. No..14. .$500 1000. .10 00 .500 , [; 00 15.00 500 -$55n0 " '" .'.l 0LAS'Sn'I0.,,,-TION, QFPUPILSc: N'umoerof pupils irif~wtI;' :E'il'st,'Fo:rm. ,; ". II, ''" iU,Seeond Form ,. in: 'Third ". ,'. in Fou:rth ." ~~, i'li Jj"ifth " Dubwlch,--No. 2. No.3. No.6. -" No: 9 ," No; 10. No. 12. No. 13 No. 16 .$ 500 5 00 ,10 00 5 00 5 00 zq 00 20 00 15 00 ~~8500 AU'the ',7,t09 pupils received instruQtil{n inRea~iri:g,. ,i':O.eFc;'Geographyand Drawing:. ".' N ltmber iuat,ho]! subject.s ~ tJttnadian History ~llglish, lIistory Grammai'. Physiology. Algebra. Geometry ,Book-Keepirig,." ., 'Botany 'alId Agriculture, Physics'" . Music Drill' and Calisthenics. , '3,134 2;104 . 0,2:81) 3;437: 52~ 529 544- 1,793 1"0, ~,479 4,594 iSOl.tthwold, No. 1.. ~, /No. 2. " No' 3. Nd.' 7:,. No. Hi. No. 11. No. 14,. "'1" ...$115 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 5'00 2000 500 -----'-$75 00 " , Yarm,outh, No; 16. Il" No, -8. No; 9 No. 18 No. 24. .No. 26,. No. 27. \ . .$20 00 5 00 .20 00 15 00 15 00 5',00 ...... 15 00 ~$95 00 ~r):le following shows, the amounts Q;ccouiltof Oontinuation Cla..sse;;: received, ;" l.. Rodney. ,West Lorne . Shedden.. ifinga:J . . Belmont . Springfield SParta.. -Eden. ; Malq,hide"No;_01. :" No._ 2. 'L Nci;,Ui... No"21. ., ... ...$ 5 00 5 00 15.00 ........... 5 00 . -$30 00 .....-.;., 'j,' ,'5fI ./' 5~ ELGIN' COUNTY COUNCIL. ELGIN OQUNTY OOUNCIL. 53 J?ayham,No. 1....,..... .,.. " No.2. Nq.3. H NO.17.". .... '8;, Dorchester,' No. .7',..., II No.lO. . $ 5 00 15 00 5 00 5 00 -$30 00 $20 00 10 00 -$30 00 . .$20 00 -$20 00 'l'herel are 108 schol?l. houses in theCounty-73 brick and35:fr~me. MISOELLANEOUS. Number of visits by Inspectgr . \ " '" Trustees ~ " I. " "Clergyman other'visits. mapi-L globes. public exaUlinations~ 'trees planted " " grants together with the schools make atot'al of $1,260 schools' named,oll account of Fifth Forni work done. TEACHERS. Aldboroligh. Bayham. DUll,yich Malahide '8: Dcirchei'lter. :Sou:thw.old Y~l,l'md'l1th .D:nttou. Pod{Staliley. Springfield Vielma Aylmer No. No. MalE; Average Fem!J.le Avebige Teachers 1:1alary 'l'eoohers Salary. 10 36750 12 25000 7 320 00 11 25000 1l' .33800 4 25000 5 :32'5 100 12 280 00 .3 362 00 5 250 00 .9 350 00 'J:! 285 00 4 394 00 J6 28800 J 450.00 3 246 00 'I 45000 . J :300 00 ,I 500 00 2 21250 2 298.00 GOO 00 ,7 :112.50 SCHOOL. HOUSES' AND SIT,ES. a;ble, if ELGIN OOUNTYQOUNOIL. M ELGIN OOVN'l'Y OOUNbIL the. Public.SchoqL Inspector.:be :adopted'and EDUCATION COTh~MITTEE. JANUARY ,SESSION. All Ofwhic,h is respectfully submitted. To,tlu Elgin County CounCil: 55 Th~ Editcat,ion Committee begleav:e to report as follows: That the usual grant of_$~O lJenuidefordefl~ayillg the 'Connected with the alllll1al pl'01Uotionexau'1inationpapers. no actionbe taken in the matter of se'ndiilg a delegate an~ H~gh School 'Trus~ees on 17th ApriLllext. ,All,of,wh'ich is,resp~ct~uiiy submitted, Adopted.13th JUlle,'1900; J. IJ. YAIY~()H9.1' . Ohaitman. NOVEl\1BEH SESSION. 1~leElgiH Council COUJlc~,'/: The ,Educatioll \.;ollmitt,eebeg leave to-report as follows: J, H~,YAR\VOOD, Chairinan~ 'COn1p1iaw~e with Sectionl, Sub.section6, of the Public the~ol1owilJgsumsbe paicLto schools COilducting .Adopted 26th January, 1\)06. ~UNE. SESS:r'ON. D...McLean, Rodney, S. S. NO...5,Aldborough.. B Partridge, West Lorne, S. S. No; 6, Aldbol'o.ugh. M. "Pa;y~18, -Port 'Payne J.B.Baker, Springfield. J,H.BaiIw,rd, Shedden, S; S:':No..9, Southwold. R.L. Peely;'Fingal,S.S. No. 12, Stmthwold.. A. Kei1lor,Wallacetowu;, S. 8'. No. 13, Dunwich. M; G. Burwj311, Port Burwell, S. S. No: 2, Bayhalll C,. 'F. Backus, Eden;S.S:No.1S,Bayham. .... AleJf:ander Finlayson, Campbellton, S. S. No. 10, DUllWich L. McKinney, Kingsmill, S. S. No. 15,Malahide, J. If Best, }"'i~gtJl,S.S.No. n,Southwold, JOhl1Mal'riott;Ulll~li,f3.,sNo~ 9, Ya'rmouth. G, H. Haight, Sparta, S.S~No.7, Yarmouth .,. . W~ G'. gandel's,St.Thomas,'S. S: No, lH, Yar:rp.outh. M.McNichol, Aldborough"S. S.No. 2, Aldbomugh. A. -Bowrrian, Eagle, S. S~No.3,Aldborough. James McLean, >Ci'illan, S. S; N 0:-9, Aldborough. . D. J.slcc6n, West :Lorue; S. S. No. 12, Dunwich. A:L. Cook, Oorinth, S. S. '1>1'0.16, Bayham, H..' Johllston, Springfield, S. S.'No..22, Malahide: JohuSteele,Boxall, S. S.No. ,1,S1Jthwold:..... J.H.Porter, Mapleton,S. 'S. No. 27, Yarmouth". 1I'o'fluE/gin Coun.ty Council: The Edlicatioll OOn1nlltte beg lea:Ve.t'o >repo'rt.: .11. That 'th~y h~'v~'oonsider~d the appeal r~~eiY~9-l.n t'ererence . ,31te'l'atiol1,of'the_bonndaries of S. 8'. No,'12a!ld' 13 Southvvold ',recomm'ehd'that'no ac'tionbetaken iut.hematter'this yeal' as the did' not "'gi'Ve'the'So:nthwold Connoil reasomibletime\to consider '~liatter. '-2. We recbrilmend that, itrbitra:tors'be aPPOb,lted. in 1i:eques't 'of D.McGregor and 12 others in the' formatioll of 'sec'tion between 'thetGwnships of~Dlmwich!tild Ald'borou'gp., Erie, S. ' We recommend that liO a~tloll be tne:appointlllent 'of arbitrators tQoollsider the S~ctionNo. '5,.DuliWich,asthe statrite respeotingthe:-appeal,has complied wi~h. ' 4. That the res,ignation of. Dr. Hoover, Trustee:of-the School ,be accepted, and, that the Council appointS.S. for 'the balance of his term~ . .$100 100 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 25"1 25 15,' 15, 15 15 1.5 15 15 15 ELGIN bpUN1'Y OOUNOIL~ ELGI~ COUNTY..doUNOIL. 5Ii 2~That J. M. .coustnsiof 'Belmollt,be paid Elgin's share which they 'are entitled to under the aforesaid Statute,' less $10;50 .theamc)ullt ovei'paid by Elgin in 1898. 3; ~hat the report: of the,'Arbitrators--appoillted,to #ies''of'''Blliou;'Sehool Section between Aldborough J:'e~eived,'and that fm.ther consideration of the, petition ofD. a1id'othfrsbe laid over until the Jan.u:ary Session.- JAM.ES H. Yftrwood,_ Chairman,. GAOL OOMMITTEE. JANUARY 'SESSION. ''/0 the Elgin (li'izmty Council,' Ad..opttd ~3rd Novemberr HlOO. The 'Gaol Committ~~':,,_heg)Elav'eto report: That ,they, 1ll1ve' cOll~ide~'ed', ,thH comn1~nlOation, fl'omGa'olel'Moore; \askiug'f()~,'an jncr~ase' Qf ~ahtl.y ',:all(:lw(n~ld l'ecommenclthat, this Gounoil, grant h,im ap. increase of 'salary providing the IIlspectol' 'ofPrisolls"and :'..~heriffagree t,o, dispeU$8 with. the"s~~vice,s' of_on~,of "the., Turnkeys, 'and : and--lwgept the Gaoler's' s~rv:ic'es iustead. ,,:"11his ,i:n:crease' in salary ,to ',,' continue as_ ~dllftas .op.ly, One, ," :I'urllkey-.iselllployed, 'aud .when' more ,thal~ i,'one Turllkey,is employed the propo~ed hwreasetocease~ A-lTof-' which is respectfully,subinitted. S. B,MoitRIS'1 0haii'inam ,of,the,'whole.. Not adopted. 26th Jatiuary,., JUNE SEESION. To'the Elgin COUllty Council: The.Gaol Committee beg leave to report: 1. That the woodshed in the gaol yard b~,takel1 downan.dtne soti.tl1 rebuilt,.. and ,that the material in present shl':ld be used to construct a IOby-24feetwith's19pingironroof under t1w level of it he fence~ A'ILof which is re,spe6tfully submitted.' ,s. ,B. MORRIS, ,Chairman. Adopted l~th June, 1900. 5'8' ELGI"\COUNTY COUNCIL. ,'EtG1N oS ~"-~~~~- -NQVEIIrBEJRSESSION. COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT, '/'0 thitvVardenand Memhosftlllte E~ffiU'Co'tt!llyCouru;it:: .JANUAltY.SESSION; GEN,TLE:UEN,.,.-.-- :Polhe .Walie'nand GJullc:iI-of EIg1:n County~ Tho, Gaol,Committeeheg loq.ve.tol~eportas follows:' L In regard to thechallges ,asked for,' b~ thePri~o~ , Inspeotor,)l} , - reference to the gaol, walls; 'gaoler's room an:cl telephone - roo:p:l, ',' that, ~\O t~?'tiOll be'takellat pl'eS~llt, butwouldr~'conllnend that Ol~lyolleturnkey be::: employed: as the PrJson In"p.cctor co:usiders that,Hufficiell'twith thHgaoler's." }'1,Rsi'sta,11C0, alld th'at'the sheriff be askedto'collsent' to. 'this 'change. :to,the filiancial'ppsit~on_ .AVAILABLE ASb'E~rs. '2. r.r1hat the'[~asalldelectric light jets in the fUrnace rooriI.'be:remoye_~ to. .00 stone \valls' 'at' each.'side,:and that th~' zinc be placed 011 the uw1e.r side of the jt)istabove the gas-jet,s; 'said jets to' be placedq,t Jea.<;t, twofelj,l>' below tnojoists. 3. .'Th(j Committees examiJ~e.d .the..laund.ry .l~o.om iJ:J. tJ~e.-b.~erqellt and fOUlld a, slight soakage of water from the outside. The Engineer reports havi.ilglnade .alterations.. alld'.i'epairf?- III cOlllleqtion.. w~th,same~ but.we wo:uld recommend that he be' instructed to further examine and try and i'enl.edy the defect. 4. W~ would recomniend that the Warden and 'Clerk be -askedtosigll; a rrwnwrial tothe HOll. t~eProvillcial Secretary asking' that a small' grant. be made by the Province to aid in the, construction of public:' hospitalsfor.the'scientific trefl;t~~nt.o~ :pauper inebriateS. All of which is. respectfully submitted. :LBY"tlllpai.d;Oc;mnty'ra:te'for,year'J899,"'. .";~ '.By amount due.from.:Si. r1ihomas .Adnlinistration of Justice. ' " BYabsent'eo tax !ltte COl:llity '-.'By, ca,shin:-Bank to ".dr. 'County; , $23,636 00 2,950 00 25 00 8,880 12 ~~ $35,491 12 :L:tA!13'iLITl.ES; 'To?ills }I.ayable Mcilson"s Bank; . To'a~sentl;le tax dueMul!~clpalities ;To balance for 'l':}urre1it expenses. ~ . .$9;000 '00 15600 26,335 12 S. B.MORl'US, Ohairman. $35,491 12 The1ast 'ha1f . of OOllnty -grant to' Aylmer' .and Dutton Vienna' High ,SCh9,ols have P9ta~ y~t been .paid ~ Debenture and "Coupons By~LawNo. 538 , . and payable, January,1900, is.-;. "".' cDehentlure'andCollpons 'payaple;Jali.-j' 1900"By-Law No." 594 $ 1.942 00 Adopted 22ndNovember, 1900. 2,S14 00 $ 4.75'6 00 1 h'a-vepaidonnew Coilrt lto:use a1l4,f'o.r,llishings. [have also paid 'on 'Oounty line bridges :this year. -All .of which is respectf'\lllysubmitted. . . $35,096 45 10,189 83 JOltN,MCCAtJSL,f\NDI C01?-nty'Trefisurer. ~eferredto ". Finance.Cbmniittee', 25th.:[ anuary ,:1900. 60 ELGI~ CO'uN~rY .OOUl':l"OIL. 01 ELGIN .COUNTY COUNCIL. , JUNE SESSION. 7,'otlte Warden and Comiciloftlu Coun':rojElgill: Interest-oIl' Bills Payable M'embel,siIlldenmity ulldOommittees, DebenturH' and Oonpons By-Law 533 '" "" 594. _Bills Payable l:[1Cidental 200 00 800 00 1,942 ~O 2,~14 00 10,000 00 60000 GENTLEMEN,- I beg leave to report as to the Finances of the County on the 'of JUlle:' - ' After meeting the vadous accounts pI;eS8lited '.for" payment I to th,ecr!O!dit OfCOUlltY,'$1,;320.64; - $52,S56 .00 On account of-a portion o{the County Rate of 1899 not been,paiq,the Finance Corrimitte~" on. t,1l~!r:9wn pbligatiQl1, Mols~n'sBalllr $3,000 whi9~,-is:'noW,du~ 'a#ditwillbe yo~'topass a By~L,awauthorizing'the ,WqJ:den,a:ndTreasurer f:iay,$20,OOO topay the $3,000 due at'Bal~k:and,' meet,cur~ent',expen8e~as may, beTeq'uired' until tne County rates of ,190P are paid., '~4ave paid on the Court House'andfnrnishings $46,255.64. All 'of which is ,respectfully ,submitted. ,JOHNMcCAUS~AND, J.MOCAUSLAND, County Treasurer.. -'R:,eferredto Fi~lance:Gommittee, 12th June, 190.0. NOVEMBER SES'SIO,N. I to theWar'den (md Council ijt7u' County of Etgil1': Ib~g leave to illakethe following report as to t~e financial position of {the Oounty of ,Elgin on the First of November. A'dn~inistration of' Justice. OoUrity-LilleS House -of, Industry. . High Sc~ool...... . 'School Continuation Classes. Model School Offl-cers',8alflJ:ies . ,,~ . . School Inspector. .' . PaymelltofJl1i:'ors.. Crown 'Witnesses .,.'.,.'.'.... '$ 4,000 00 17.000 00 4.500 00 4;500 :00 400 00 150 00 2,80() 00 . 850 00 1,500 00 800 00 The9ountyratesfor_~he year 1899 have all beeu'paidin full amlll1a,Ve "_'niet all the?,laims that have been ordered for payment and have caSl:1' ,to ,>'creditofCOl}lltY",~503.13. ' , I have, borrowedfi:'omMolson~s Bankollllotes ofWn.rdenalld,Treas~ ,urer,$19"OOOtoFirstof November and since tl1Elll I have borrowed to pay ?for County lillebridges $10,000.00, It'WiU he"necessary-at the present meeting ',pass 'a By-law authorizing the Warden and Treasurer,to ftdflitionalamOllTlt', say $20,000 to 'meet.. current' expenses and to retire 'notes of'$l,OOO each;c@ming due 18th December, as th~Oounty_rateswi1l ',not, be paiclin tirneto meet these claims.. .1 ha.ve thought it ,llotllece~flaty, to have a land ta,x .sale this .year aud.' wiHask.you topassaBy,~La'v' :.sa,nctiollillg that course. ,,_,I-enclose, yo:u'- abstrabt :st'atement of Receipts 'and Disbursem81itK to, ;Firstof November. All of which is.respectfill1y 'F)ubmitted. JOHN MCiOAt1SLAND, Oomity Treasurer. R_efe:rred t() F'll1ance 9ommittee~.. ~3rd' NovelIllJerj. 1900. OomIty,Treasurer; Refel'redto.Finance Committee, 12th Ju:i1e,)900. JUNE ESTIMA'I'ES. , ' "I 7'0 the Warden and lfum'bers 01 the Eight County Coiincil: J beg leave to submit' the' following ,estirilateOf whatw.ill be for the' :various purposes mentioned. ~;'62 !:EEG~N ':C0t1N~1'Y" OOUNCIL. ELQINOOUNTY COUNOIL. FINANOE OOMMITTEE. K.W . McKay, for ;oftice rent, self and Treasurer andioI' Stationary; 16 months: " , , "\" Mrs..E. M. Young, six weeks maintenance of Geo. Clark to.19th ~ay...... 12 00 JANUARY, SESSIQN.. 64 00 iTo',tke'E~~'in"Cout(,ty Council: . The' Finf!,.nce-Oomruittee"beg'l~a+e to..report a.ls follows:: ',no,'acj;i()~ .'b~',taI5eni~' reference .to' application for .gJ;ant the OJitario:ij,~fle.AssQ-,ciation. Thl1t the sumof$10.00',be grahted to,the ~risoner's' Aid.Ass?ciation. "a. That we have"'consider(;ld .,-tli~"'coml1lunication received from Oliver 'Mowat"Lieutenart~"Governor of. the,Pr~;villce ofOJ1~ario and recommend "<that the sumef$200.00'be granted".tothe,OanadianPatriotic Fund Asso. ;ciati(mfor,the.bene:qt of the-widows,'?rphans and other dependents of the ,~-so1diers WhOHUlY be ~illed or disabled whilesel'ving in South Africa. All of which-Is respectfully s,ubpli,tted. That the follow~llg Lock- Up Keepers be paid for 6 months ending <-~OthJ une---,. N, r.ud~,,'Rodney L, Pierce, Aylmer. A.KirkpiLtrick,WestLorne. ~ . Hpugh, Port Stanley', D. Purdy; Vienna J, Goodall,W allacetown. J, ,M cTaggart, Springfield. 10 00 15 00 1000 15 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 ~. That the report of the Court House OOllllllissiWlers be 'adopted. 'AU of\vhich .is respectfully submitted. s. B. MORRIS, ,-3; :B. MORRIS; Chairlnan. Ohairimtn. ,A~opted14th June, 1900. Adopted2oth.Jallliar.y;,.1906. 'JUNE SESSION--2ND REPORT. -JU.NE "SESSI0N-lsr,r REPORT. TptM Warden,and Councz'lofthe County Of Elgin: The:Qommittee onFinancebegleaveto report t.hat haviug,exm:nined: :ilitothe F~nances of the County and. the esti~ates prepared'bythe. Oounty 'l'reasurer, they herewith submit a-statemp~t" of ,the- expen"ditul'e:bequired' for the Ia-wflllpt1l'poses 'of: t~e Countydurlllg 1900, showing theamouuts; ~equired' to be raised . for the u:ndel'men~ioned purposes: 'l'he/EIg'ilz:County COUJlci/~ orhe Finance Comn-'Litteebeg leave .-to revort as follows:: That,th~ f@llQwingacc():q.llts be paid- Administration ofJ ustice. . County Lines an(l brid~es. flonse of Industry, , .. , . . High $cho01s. . Schools' with Oontinuation 'Classes. . . Moder SchOOlS: . Officers' Salaries. ..., School Inspector . . .. . , Paynl~nt of Jurors.,. ... .,.... ,....".... Crown Witnesses. ,'. , Interest'onBillsPayable... ......... ... Members'Wages,Comrnittees,etc; ...;" . . .. $ 3,542 00 16,000 00 i4,000,OO, 4,500 00. 400 00. 150 00 2,550 00 850 00 1.000 00 400 00 150 00 500 00. ..T. M~ Gl81Ul:,'Do1!ln:tySolicitol') -services to date. , Ik Miller, 'three months, oftice'. rent. ., ..,. .',. :R.McLaehlin) Stationary, ,Registry ,Office.. ' $89 87 2100 1'; ~ I CQ'l1ntyC1~Iik:'8,9ffl.Ge.. . .. , . . . . , . Oounty Ellgineer's office. . .. . . . County' :rea~tlrer's Office. ... :.. For Model School examinations. ,(;3;' ELGIN <;JOUNTY' COUNOIL. ELG-INOQUNTY i COUN'OIIJ. D~bentl11'e Rn.te, 'By-La>v 53:3 Debelitn~e mte, By-Law i'!\)4 CourtHouse CommiHsioll. 1,942.00 1,913 00 300 00 Session, showing the Assets ftlldLia,bilities,; All of which is respectfully' submitted. .Total. $38, "57 90 S. B MORRIS... Chairman,' " Your Committee Would rpcOlmuetid that the sum of 'rhousaml, Two Hlludi'ed' and Fi rtY,"SevellDollars be rftlsed ablepropel'ty in the several ,vI uniClpalitiesin 'the the:yeaf 1\)00 for Couiity pUl'poses,as per schedule tlmt a,rate of Two and Olle-HalfMills on the Dollar be ,prop'ortiy in'th0 ~e'Tprallllil1icipalit.res in theOounty as snid ainounts. ~dopted '14th'June,1900. . ' NOVEMBER SESSION; vVm:den mid iI/embeis ii/tile EI,'i!l1 (OUNt)' C0U110/;- . '. SC1IEDULE. '"\" $ 4,703 00 5,217 00 7;2(/0,'00 . 7,538 00 5, '(83.00 ~,840 00 3.293 00 903'00 143 00 172 00 17000 225 00 Thel!'illallce' Oommittee beg loave to report: Aldborough . Dl'lllWich Southwold Yarnioutli Malahide Bayha;in South,Dorchestpl' , Aylmer ,Vienrut. Sprhigfield Po'rt Stanley Dutton 1. ~hat the following'accounts be pttid: -J.M.G'lmin, _a,ccount'June to N~'mmber, 1900. Sutherland', Printil~g " Stationery:, . " " "." " total . ..$38,257 00 A; . Learll,.. Livery, aCCb'l1:nt Bridges. 2; rrh~t.the,~ockup'Keepersbe 'paid as follow,s: 'L. Pierce,Ayl~er. . D:H.Kirkpatrick:, _West Larue. ,T oseph Hough, . POl'tS;tanley . D.Purdy, Vienna ' .' . - . Jamt1~"Goodall,. WaJlabetown, J~. td:cTa'ggart,' Springfield H' Ludy, Rodney. $ 15 00 1000 15 00 10 00 10.00 10,00 10 00 All of which is respectfully Rubmitted. S. B. MORins;. Chairman. Adopte~~4thJnl.le, l\JOO. JUI>;"E SESSION. \". .... .' .':.. " '.. " . ' '3. rrhata By~Law bepassedauthol'lzing.theWarden and Treasllrer bo~row. $20,OOOt9' ~~et .c~ll'r~nt. expendi~nre. ' , 4~~l'hat a By~Law be passed exteI'iding the timefo~ holdhlg the sale of in arrears for taxes for one year. 1'0 lIfe 'Elgili Couut}1 Coullci/: GETLEJ.1EN ,- The Fill,anceConimittee be leave torePl?rt: r.chat the 'Auditor's l'epor,t. be ,adopted' ail~ t~at in view ,ofihe ments:tliat have bee,11 made,withtheoity,and theeompletio11of House 'c<;llltracts, that we be al1thorized.to bring:in'a more fi6 lh""LtHN 'COlJ:N''li'Y. trO'ON'd'H,. ELGI"'l". C()UNTY CQUNCIl;:'N .t)7: ($. 'l'l1fttthe Clerk be instructed to ha'ie the insurance CourtHouse and conteuts am0ilcled. as per the clause S. B.. Morris and approved of by the solicitor, Mr. Gle_uIl. OF ELGIN -,REVISED STATEMENTOP ASSE1'S AN]) LIABILITIES. 31st.DEOJ!JMBER. 1900. BiIls:l>ltsable. , ..,. ..,...,.. .$ .9;00000 DE:benture-and Coupons, By-Law No, 573, , 'lev~ed during 1899 Abs~ntee'T8.x due ~unicipaHties. . ;Debenture:and."Coupons-, By~Law No. 594, levied ,dudng 1899~:, . IBalance d~e Aylmer ;~igm -School. :BalancedueViennaHigh School. :Balance'due nutton High SchooL.. " .> , . , . 'Court House Accounts, including all pay~ ~ellts during 1900. . . . '. . '. . ,",.. '. '_ . 11.,024 :39 .Administratioll ()f Justice" ,Decemher quar~ 'tel'" accounts., Rouseof Industry-, Dec, quarter accounts. 'Oounty Boarq. Examiners, . _. '. . D; McLarty" relIt office. . . . . .'. . County ,LineA-ccouuts, including Port Bruce;Bridge..,. .., .. ,.., ." Su'udry Accouuts~ C~risty Mc,Kenzie. Ali ofw:hich is I:espectfully submitted._ 'ASSETS. ' S. B. MORRIS, Cha.irmnu. CoulityBuilqings; Begistry Office. House ,of,Industry.. adopted 231'(,\ November,,1900~ .Balance 'on :hand-.-:" County Rates drie . . ... . .. "._. St;Thomas,for, ;1899. ..'. _. . Admii:1istrationpf Justice, Sept. quarter. .,', '11 .Dec. quaJ.'ter. ,St. 'Thomas ;fcir' CourtHouse. :T.otal.Assets. iUAB:EL1'l'IES. . , . $135,000 0'0 12,000 00 24,000 00 $ , . $ :8;88200 23,636 00 2,950 00 78096 .1;280 29 '12,178 '17 49,707 42 $220,707,42 1.942.56 13111 2,814'44' 290 44 26292 33 38 1,486 :59 '61791 11950 M50 2.127 80 86 81 200 00 $ 30,175 35 68 ELGIN OOUN'l'Y COUNCIL. m.UlN,'OOUN'l'Y, 'C'OpNCfIL. "-'C.'<, 8,410 30 38,585 56 COUNTY'OF,ELGIN." ~9 ;'STA'l'E1'\IT(NT '.oF RECEJ;l''l'S.AND,EXPENDITURES,FHOM lStJAN;O~IlY 'fo.31st OOTOBER, 1.900. Total Liabilities. . ,Ba],ance of Available Assets over Current Liabilities'. Balance of Total Assets over all LiabIlities . .ltEC~I'PTS. , South .Dorchester 'County Rate.. Southwold'Coun~yRate . Rouse of: Industry <GellfOlral, P.urpGses. _. , . iD.O:':,Jui;y Fulld.. Aldborbngh. Apsentee"Tax. M~mber',sWages, , ' '''<\,ldborough. PO~llltYRate: .Dunwich On account County Rate: YarniorithAbsenteeTaxl. Vieillia Cortllty Rate ., ".. Port stanley COUllijy' aate ,Dl111',Vich Absentee, Tl1x. Administration of Justice. Interest Bayham AbseilteeTax; , ':St.~hbmas: . PortiStanleyAbselltee Tax. License. Fund , Bills'PayaNe: Land'.:ritles4~cqunt;,. Bayham'Oo~I:Lty'.Rate. . Public Schools:. County Lines. GovGrautp. ;8. :r.eaying. Jury Fees. ... '... ;BalalicelstJailU~y.':. . Tot~lReceipts. . EXP:ENDITURES. Adm.ihistra~ion'ofJustice.. . ...,.' ,.$ Board P.. Instruction. . General Purposes....,........... "'... ,.. )Iouse of Industry. Cou.nty' ~uildings repairs NewOourt House; . .'..\.' -'., ", ..... I Oounty,Lines.. .... ,i;':' . '$ ~,293 O@ 7,270 00 188 80 21 00 17 07 -4846 2 00 4,703 00 5;217 00 85 91 14~ 00 170 09 51 33 2,86G ,33 WI 25 12 82 2,950 00 60 93 248 00 22,000 00 .333 09 2,840.. ;0'0 S,054Db 20 00 820 00 49 50 8,880.,1;3 $ 65,476 61 6,4fl8 08 4S6. 63 2,0.78 52 4,439 38 14505 13,14716 . 9,658 ~~ ELGINCOUNTYCOUNOlL. ELGIN (lOUN l'YCOUNOIL. 71: Debentures , Coupons Registry rOffice. D. O. Jury. Member"s, Wages Vienna High., ,School Aylmer Collegiate Ins,titilte Bills Payable. Interest School Inspector Jury Fees . Malah~de Absentee Tax, Officers', Salaries. . . ' ' . . . Dutton1ligh,School ...... Dun\v:ich' Absentee' Tax., . CareCollnty BuildlngR. Bayham Absentee Tax. . f* . . Pp,blicSchools. r,eg. 'G~alltP.S. Leaving 2,864 01 I,S92 99 352,22 10 00 7\:)2 20 498 92 1,190 44 12,000 00 182 40 033 75 1;536 20 2 20. 2,039.00 , 2S3 .38 5004 2S201 6() 47' 3,'0!54 OQ 820 00 -----;- ~ 00UNTY ENGINEER'S REPOftT. JANUAUY; SESSION. St. Thomas; 231'd .Jall1U\.rY1,1900. WardeJ~'im IMe,woen o/llte El/{in COltnlJI Council; GENTLEMgN ,;;...0.. Ibeg,to"submittllEl ~oUOWi})g report' 0n' theuew ,work, that'" wiU:,b'e required to be done 'during the current year. \;" " 'The,',,' Selbourne.' Bt~idgeiuPo'rt Stanley should be 'rebuilt this',::y~al'; "'Thii3"bl'i?ge" ~tyresellt consistR of oue span'~f 120feet',in the, cleal';'of. the I Howe,', truss' P;ltt,t:lrI1""With', au ,approach Ol"ShOl't,'spall ,of 'twell~y,:iive fee't,; Thewoodeu'pier,llow stands at the edge of;.the creek. Ifmade in.one S'panit wouldreqltil'e a1ength ofl50 feet. Balance. TheZn.vitzBridge over Kettle. Creek, which.is. the.nextbl'idge .above the Selburn;shouWalso berebl1i1t. This bridge", consists of t~O'spans of the Queentl;u.ss pattern,~bne .spm1'75 feet and' the other ,'50 ,feet; witha cBntralpierin the creek. Thi~. bridge. should ... be : made.. of .one':span, and would require ~o,be~bout,YO feet in tho,clear. I would recommend st,eel bridges..on'concl'ete.abutmenti? in both these.places. c' , I~ould also-re60:nl~01ld that ,theWardsville bridge :Roai\- Bridg,e' :be painted ~with. two.coats.of minel'al.pairit; PortStanley,Bridge be pamted in the sam'3.way. An.of which.isr,espectfully .suhmitted; J AS. A. . BELL, Oounty Refel'redto Pnblic Improvements Committee; 23rd January" 1900. JVNESESSION. To the, W:,i1dm and Cotmci/oftlteCiJt{rlty of E~ghl: '" ," ,', ,,' 1 beg to Bubmit the following-report of ~hework' done on,pountr :I)ridgessinceyourlast session. . The,Por~ Bruye, brillge, has now-been COln- .',pletecl in a ~a~is.fac~ory manner. The whole cost of this work is as follows-'- I, ,: c,:, '/ Concretie.Foundations Superstru,ctul'e less $100; 'Ope:ratioriFerry. ..$1,34900 2,095.27 222 00 '12~ BLOTS COUNTY COUNOIL. -c ELGINCOUN'rYCOUNOIL. '73 Prepa,dng Docks and -Road to Ferr;y Damage to hl'idge at, Fl'eshet . \ Building Approaches F_pricing.., -. Inspection 33.00 81 32, 29 50 19 6S 46 50 Oontract for 'abutments, , . . . . . . . Filling.around abutlneJlts anuapproaches and graveling Insp~ctor .... ._.. ...' Maldnga total of. . .$3,610 00 20415 70 00 9,54751 TheZavitz ,bridgohas alsd, beeucompleted, except the rail gm~rdson ,the, approaches, at the following c9st: ' Contract for abutments. Oontract for superstrncture. Concrete floor. .'.. ' Filling approac)les aIId gravel Paid for right Of way. IUl:lpectoi>. . ~ . . . . , .' < Making a totaL of. . .. ..$2,529' 00 , . . . . .., 4;280 00 365 70 119 00 5 00 52 00 7,351 00 approach outhe northsid~ of the river hasbeell ata COB,t of $104.77. Thepanelrocls ill the Coyne Road Br1<:lge the floor of the south approach and piers repaired' at repairs have been made to a number of other been smalL . Respectfully SU~mitted. JAS.; A: ;BELL,' County Engineer. Referred to Public Improvements Comniittee; November 20th, 1900. , 't4, ELGlNOOU1>lTY' OOUNCIL; E'LGm':QO:Ul'i'l'Y,. COUNO!;L. 75 JANUAHY SESSION. , settled ,the claim' of1\1lr8. Ha:inptollfor iiljuries to her property by' th.e~eoils.tru6tiOll of the Rai.us Bridge, agTeeingto p,ay thu sum of$W01and would ask tlmt.the aGtion of tho Oommittee becouftrnlocl bytheCOUllci1. All.'ofwhich is.respectfillly Ru);nuittecl, PUBLIC. IMPROVEMENTS aOMMIT'rEJ1l. .\ . \ 1'0 (he ,"V(th(eir and Me/Jrlie15 {lftlie, E~~in County Coiilloh ,Wm.JAcKciON, Chairman. .r du1'_ P-q.blic ~iltproVemeHts, OOlln;aittee L. Inl'ega:rdto.theeom,mUllicatiollof Oha.:desE. Lumley, the' MuniCipal- Good'Roads COllventioll, your Committee r'ecommolld that the; Clerk he authorized to answer ~til~,state,.fil'st'-that this Council are,in favor of th,e pow.er to County Coullcils 't,OflSSUlllU leadiIlg CQUl1ties; for the pm'pose' of forming a. system' of leading SecQlld~rrhat this' .County is: hi favor 'of the'Legislatnre c~ulltiesthat ass~lme leading PnblicRoads by cost of ()onstrtlCtioll and maiiltenance, Adopted 25tb January, ,1900. .JUNiE SESSION. St, Thomas, ,.Tu'ne 13thll~OO, :riJi/le 'l.iVardenand.,'Coum:if#tlu"Cotinty:of Elgt'll~ Coulln'it!teeib{~g lea:ve:t0 '.ll1:eSmlt thn 2. TlieUom'l'ty Engmeerhaslaid, acommnnicatioll from the Bridge and ,Boiler Company before your Commi.ttee;stating that 'sufficient'steel on hand tocomplete,the P'01~tBrucebridge , \vQnld consent to change the plan of the bridge- to suit the had,oJl" hand, 'Yo1U""Committee anth0rized ,the,' engineer changes: asked for". providod such change will not in any ,vay strengti:J. ordurability'ofth€bridge~ . . 3; Tha;t theengine'er be' i1istl'U0ted'to prepHl'e plans and . for, the' rebuilding, of the Selboul'n8 and Zavitzbridges, HIHl teiid81's. "JJhesuperstrllctu1'eof both b'ridgel-l'to be ot'. steel' COlll:':r'ete,foUlldtL!;ionH-;. fLnd that bothbridgGR have 'ftOOC)l'S' awl that ,the Public Impr,ovmnents' Committee- have'power. to tenders,and tO~Lward, .contracts for both bridges,< 4.-ThatUje County EngineI" haV'e, power to' act Middlesei in, having the Wardsv'ille; ~andGrahn.m and that the Engineer' have also' power to have the Port ~aiuted, I 5 Your CommittetlWOuId r:eferthe :'matter,of ,malting a Pon~fol'd Br08., to conrpellsatethem,for their loss in buildillg to Kaius and Fingal Bl'idgestQ tl1eCounoiL, . (1.YonrCommitteeof'last 'ye~r, 'onOOvioe oftheCo,unty 76 ELGI~ OO'QNTY 'OOUNtl~r... ELGIN COUN'Ty'" COUNCIL. 77 B.' The tenders received for the steel superstructure were as follo,,;'s: Hamilton Bridge Uo'y , .. . . .$5,{)50'OO hominion BridgeCo'y, . . . . . . . 5,24000 -King Bridge Co'y 8,095 00 King Bridge Co'y. {Pincollnected).. 7,172,00 :(JavitzBridge; : H,amilton,B;:idge Oo'y. ,:QohiillionBrdgeCo'Y. . 'Ki~)KBridge Co'y,.. .. .. .... ..... .King ;Bridge Co. (Pill Connected) , NOVEMBER SESSION. St,'Thomas, November 22Iid, 1900. 7'o,tll.e tf?arden al1d CONncit 0/ the County 0/ Elgm: . $4,720 00 4.280 00 6,441 00 5,65$,00 Oominit~ee beg, to present Y(H~r'Comniittee awarC:ed "the contract to the lowest tender in \'case'sbeiug ,the Dominion Bridge, Co. 4::On M.ay 16th, your Committee exa,lll,ined the 'c.onstruc,tion of anew, bridge over "the"Thame.:; .alld,Bur\-vell Road.", and ,also, ,examined the river dowll 'between Delawa're and Sonthwold, and your Commitfee are th~t the bridge on ,the; Muncey site would ,bea greataccoinnwdation to people of this County and.' Would:i'recomniend that a grant be made'by Ooullty, towards the construction' of 'aqridge on this sit,e'providing grant;m'tnbe made without'makiIlg this County, responsible for the future maintenance' of-the bridge. 5.. On June 5th your COllmiittee. inspected the Port Bnlce br.idge and found thattl;18 contractors had. completed the work satisfaytory. and would r'eco:mmend'that theHunter Bridge and B,oHer Co. be paid,tp.e amoullt:o:f thei~ contract less $100,. the.C.ompany to have the old bridg,e. 6.. Y our.committee. would recommend that the Oountyof .:K.eiltbepfLid the sum of $3.00 011 account of painting the Bothwell bridge. That,ther~PQrt of.the OountyEngineer be adopted. B.That: the Warden, Chairman of. this Committe0, and instructed to meet the 00mmittee appointed py the County to consinerthematter of changing the north approach to 'th~,Q-raham brtdgeoYl3r the River Thames and . that.. said ,. Committee. have make the change if they think'i~. desir~ble,.and also have power to cOll.tru;ct.for'the rebuilding of the approaches to ,this bridge.' All of which is respectfully submitted. suh.-COinmittee met a similar 'committee from the . County to the application to'make a change in the north Road .Bridge. The ,result..of this i:neeting,was that no cb;ange be madein this approach of-the road is mad:e tothemunicipa:lity'and:then8W good-condition as the present one, and to be. above high examined the site of the bridge ,askedforonthe Dunwich, and the "'WiJIey"site ill the , , 'as Uti i-JimiJar 00nimit,tee met us froni. the they were ftrskedtodoso,:your COl:nriiittee to maJm. Committee 'would recommend that. r,he Inspector 'of the the ,Zavitz and. Selbonrne bridges .be paid' at the " 4. YonI' ..G()mmit~ee wouldrecommel1d the adoptioll of ,the Engineer's report. All of which is.respeJtfully submitted. WILLIAM JACKSON....", Chairman. . A,dopted23rdof.N ovember ,.1900. w. Referred)o a Committee of the Whole. Adopted 13th Jun~, 1900. .'18 'ELGIN'COUN'l'Y 'cot1NtJ1L. EJ_GlI~ CCU~T'y- ,COUJ\CIL.. 1'9" SPEOIAL SES~ION RE CONCRETE INSPEOTI0N J~'GERSOLL, 100Q. N.oVEMBEH SESSION, A.'f. LeitchiEsq., DuttOll, UntariiJ,.Gltah-mall, Bndg-e COllmidlee,G'oU1!ty.Coitndl, County of Elgin;- Tof'h'e Elgtn Co,ui!y emotei/: 'The Speoial Committee appointed with power to engage tt.'professiomU-.: -'~xpert to ~eport asso?nas possible ,on the condition alall oemelltabut~ents e~ected'-i~l' connection .',with Countybl'idges; "and ifthe>vol'k isfoUlld: defectiveiri allY pUJ:ticularto make such recommendations in 'refe~ellci::do: t~espe~ificatioIlS:; inspecti6~1,'lliateritil;etc.; as' maybe necessal'yto inipl'ove ' :future work; beg leave to report,...:.-. :'L Tha:t the\l'eport of. 'Valter Mills, ufJngersoll; who Inspected' the ';'abutments of ,the _JTingal, Hobins, KalllS land Port Bruce bridges be ;aClopted. ' 2., That \VIOl' would:recommelldthe Conhcil~orequest George Ponsford to- :lnake good th,e abutmentsM the Port. Bruce:bridge'lll accordanee -w:ithMr. Mills' r0port,at:hisowil'ex;pel~se. n " 3. Tha,t \ve 'Would, l'ecOJ:nmend that great 'care' shuuld "appointing~verseersof all concrete work-sill. ,future. it .' That, we would suggest, inJuture"that'-tweilty -five' per cerit. : contract' price bo' kept .back from. the contractor,. or contl.'actors, of.all 'concrete' work until-such. contract is passed by the Public Improvements Oi)mmittoe,lllid that- the order for the payment of the said tweilty-fiveper 'cent. bo'signed by theOhairman of the Public ImprovementsComrriittee. 5. 'Your committee visited the Selbourne and Zavitzbridges while," lundei-cQnstruction, :mid were ,highly satisfied with the concrete work in progress at .thetime. I beg leave. to r~port as follo\Vs,'recelllent abutlneHts" at the ,!oqQ)ving n:mGALBRIDGE. rrhe1!--'ingal ,bridge I would consider'a first-chtss piece.Df W()l'k~':alld specifictttiollS. of said work hl:l;i,re been fully carried out. ILUNS BRIDGE. 'rhework on- this bridge is notquit(j' so satisfact'ory. 11hel'e ~ppears >;slightdefectsin thefaclIJg of thecemellt, and Would indicatethat'asecolld "~rade'cemellthftS been used. in the construction. It ",ill take .~l~ucp.lollger-" time for this' to set, aud become perfectly solid. I \yould not consider there. ,Was any danger. ROBINS BRIDGE. I am pleased to report that the abutments to the bridge arefirst,~class r~spects, gl;eat care havingbeeu takm'l from foundation to. comple~ion. BRIDGE A'.r POrt'l' BRUCE. 6. ,That your committeeWel'e 'wen pleased with Mr. Mills~examinati'on ~andtesting of the several aputments of the bridges aforesaid, 'andi~':: ;recommend thepaymelltof hisaccotult for same, being the sum of $10; . All of which 18 respectfully sUbmitte4', work at this bridge r would consider a very poor pieced~of care .not -having been' takeil in. using the propel,' inateria1. grade cemerit appea~'sto ha~e been used wit~,~'ve,ryfine with lI;>am, the. two combined' making a very unsatis'factory' work. This has more particular reference to the north abntm!;lut eflSt wing, and to the facing of . the work. The inner part 01' concrete perfectly satisfactory~, but wQ:uldsnggest that It,new face "be: abutment. and the east wing rebuilt. Respectfully yours, WALTER MILLS. A. J, LEITCH, Ad6}:lt~'c122nd.November, 1900. '---'0 80 ELGI~COUNTY90UNCIL. ELGIN"COUNTY, COUNCIL. 81 F'JDTITI(jNS AND LEGISLA'rION OOM:M:ITTEK from the ,County Council of Wentworth; of convictions by 'Justices of the Peace,'bellot' JUNE, SESSION. 70 ,the Eight' (:ountyCouncil: M. E. LYON, Chairman. The Petitions and Legislation Committee report as:follows:- 1900. TIme they have e:xarilined,thepetitionreceived framthe residents of the, unincorporated, village,of Port Burwell",.and'.findthat' said petition is s~gne<;1bythEl majority of the ratepaye'l's in the area described. 2..tha.tthe said f'Ll'ea beseta~;i(ie aR said village,allc'l therequirec1 by-law be passed. ,3. That thepetiMQ,ll 'from t.he Coun,t.y"ConnciIof'Oxford re width r0urls, ,be hot 611tBl'taiupd, NOVEIirnER SESSION "":""SECOND REPOR'l'. To'th,' Elgin County Cound/: . 4. Tp.at,the. petition from M~e Col1uty Council of Frontenac, a~rlendillg t,helaw respecting Jury service. be concurred in, ,Dend' that -9(j-ll~erate by apetiti"l1 to be siglledby the Warden 'and Clerk prQsellt~tion at the liext Ressiollof)the Legislatnre, ':All,of which is respectfully, submitted, Your carrlluittee:on Petitions and Legislation beg leave:to report, that thatthe memoriaJ.from the County Council of Grey,re of the jurisdict~cin of Division Conrts, be concurred in, 'arid Clerk. sign said'memorial, and forward,. it to the Olerk Assembly. All of which is respectfully submitted, M. E.LYON, Chairman. ThL E. LYON, , Chairman. Adopted 13th June; 1900. NOVEMBER SESSION " To/he l'Vtinfm alldMemoen oflhe:El",'ill CinmtyCoullal: Your'committee on Petitions and Legislation beg'leaveto,report fol~p\vs:~' Re Assessment-Oommission.,-- 1. ,That 'the stock-ill-trade andcither property of nie~chants; mercantile firms,,~rid :llE}rcanti;le corporations be assessed on the same basis as farm i>~operty. - 2 rrhatthe' CouncilconcU1'inthe memorial from the OOl}llty Council of Victoria, respecting:the fusioll of t.he business of tp.e High and County Oaurts. 82 ELGIN OOUNTY' OOUNCIL, ELGIN,OOUNTY OOUNCIL. :S3 HOUSE OF INDUSTRY OOMMITTEE. JANUARY SESSION,. j 3. That weLe anthol'ized, to put an addition on,thebaru and re-arra.nge main chimney. . "All of whiehisrespectfullysub,mitted. 1'0 the Elgin County Ceuncil: GENTI..El\I1UN ,- w. Fo;:m, Chairinan.. 'l'heHouB0 of Iudllstl'Y aommittee'~portsas'fonows': Adoptix115thJ une,1900. 1. That they' have. recoived., a special report , from Donald. ,Turller~ Inspector, il1l'eferellc.etothe'managemmit of the Hous8'ofIridustry. -NQVE1.ffiER SESSION. /q,'r;,tlie Elp"n-:Cdvitt)l_ Council: 2., That they have investigated so;m8of: the.,ch..'1rgespreferred.agaiust theKeeperand believe theevidonce is-sufficient to susta.ln them~ 4.~.rhat' the-Keeper and 'Matron be' paid. the_balanc~-of th~ presellt . The .House oflildustr~y:'Oommittee 'bog leave lo.-rep~rt~: in 'a'thoro'ughstate'oli.'epair~ havir~g 'been,painted throughout. 2~ ,That t4e,'main chinl.l:iey.has been straightened'by: CQilstr:uctioll'ofa top,and is now, safe nndsat:isfactol'Yin evel'YWu,y" 3. 'We believe it is advisable- to make It 'change in the' management of the Institution 'and would recommend 'that the ,-Keeper and- Matroll be: liotified that theii' services will riot ,be' required after 'su0h date' as the, Ootl.llcil~naydetermine . qll.arter's "sq,lary. All df....-v;hich iS'respectfully submitted. That the iucreasedbarn accommodation was ',provid-edby addi'ng;'nn bent,Oll;"the westelldwith tool house inbasenient~os'tabout' WM. FORD, Chairman, .. remarks 1'0 cause -of high,rate:this report'be adopted and 'printed in-theininutes. - All of which is re&pectfuILysubmiited. Referred to a Committee of theWholeand clanse 4 struckout~ The report as amended was adopted 27th January" ],900. JUNE. SESSION. O. Mo.KEN~'Y, 'Ohairma.n(pro. tern.] 7'0 the Elg/nCounty Council: Adopted' 22nd -~oven:il}er, 1900 GENTLEMANt- The Houseo! Industry Committee reportS'as follows: 1. That no action betak~n in reference to the agreements DanieILllton,E$q'r. reTileDrainoutlet. ~ ,2. That your Committee be authorized to t,ake such action as deem advisable in roference to Christy' McKenzie monies Qounty Treasurer.. \ C.S4 ElWIN (COUNTY' COUN'OIL; 'ELGIN"OOUN'l'Y COUKOIL. INSPEOTOR. 10. Average-dumberof'iumates,duriu9,t.he Y~'\r. 11. Averag~\-yith Keeper's family added '12. Number o;Lweeks'ooard 'ofinJnat8:3 13. Number VV"ithKeeper:'sfamny,'etc" added ~4 Totalexpenditure_durinq'the year 2,'1(-i5 ,2,455 .~5,OOl' 04 To tI,e' Warden and members oj tile' Elgin. County -Col/ncil: ""GENTI.EMEN ,- . The' following iRilly-report onthe HCinse of. Industry and Ref1l-ge for year ending 31st October, 1900. N'qmber of inmates' in the, House,atlast }'eport,' . 2. 'N1imberadmitted during the, year 3. INulllber of 'deaths Nmn bel' dischaI:ged. Number abscoiided; Number, at Blindlnstitute. ,Number nowin-House, f5.' Imprcn;r(;luieuts"J;ep::t.irs' and 'rEiceiptsfrom immttes a'lld farm . '. " . . 7H967 ' ;6; Leaving~mount,<actP-aUyexpenrledfor support of "inmates,. . .4,211'37 17.; A,verageexpensepeEweekfor eachperson. 1 71% IS. Ave'rage,e:ipensep~rdayf()rP,[wh person.. .'. .'... 243>6 J 9. Average expense:per' year-for 'eac~ person ~8: '92, 20~ Average eost.per .wee~ 'per inniate dririIig the',past twentyyears....:.. "1"19 21. 'l'heamount e~perided forl1onse aud'farm duringtheye~.,is:,divided follows: ' '8., NUlllber of '"Jnll;late~ 'Oounty during'the,year,: sent ,from, the severalmnnicipalities in Hired Labor. Farm implements and expenses, Farm- stock, l'hysiciall ' Keeperand Matro:ll' brugs". . .. . . . ... '. . . .. .. . .. Seed. feed and<provisions, Meat< I Bread '. Groceries: Dry' goods. Boots and Shoes Filrniture' alid,hardware, ConveYance of inmates: ,............ 'InCidental. . . .'1. Inspector. .. . ,. . ,. . .. .,... .... Wood OoaL Insur~nce ... ... Repairs. Permanent improvements,. Minister. Conunittee, 18150 157 21 180 00 20000 550 00 7777. 390 28 367 40 22840 312 18 228 08 7145 31447 42 45 256 38 10000 260125 483 84 ,650 307 73 193 55 50 00 41 ~O AldbOl,'Qugh.., . D:unwich. . Southwold. Yarmquth Malahide, "Bayham. South'Dorchester. Vienna. .~. . Springfield. Aylmer. . Port Stanley. JDutton..... "',," '9.i'Thevarious ?ases ofpauperismofinmat'es iIi the House 'yeat' marbeclassed as follows: Sickness. Destitution. Intemperance. Oripple. Old Age.. .... Blind.,. Insane, . Idiotic',. eta. AU other causes. .'. ....1' ,.'.,....... Total .41 47 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 87 86 ELd-INCOUNTY, COUNCIL. Fencing. Orchard. Heating Apparatus, 73375 85 84 1,979 00 22.' ' No,children attended school during the year. 2lt, The following produce wa.': rais'edon the fal'~ eluring tl1e year: In adrtition totheahove a largea,)lcillTtt9f'vegetables, etc., Was and consumed during the year. of which no accl.;111llt was kept. 24. NUlllPer ,of articles of bertdi!l.i~ aud ,:elothing llJJtdo'llP during year by, matroll and' inmates;-: 450. 25. Numberof visits byI~lspector to IIist,itution.du~illgthe'year,,~? 26. Farm Stock: 41, Bushels Wheat. 22 Tons Hay. 540 Bushels Oats. 465 Bushels' Mangolds. 11 Bushels Turnips 207' BushelsPotat.oes. 19' Bushels Beets. 20 Barrels Apples. 20 Bushels Onions. 34.4 Jars Fri1it,eto. 12 Bushels Beans. 10 Bushels Peas; 14 Bushels Sweet COrll. , ,2 Horses, valued 5 Oows . 1 Sow and 12 pigs 10 Fat Hogs. . . . 468 Bushels Corn. 151 'Bushels Oarrots. 40 Bushe~s,T~ble, CarJ.'ots'. 3'ronsMillet. 2 Acres Oorn Fodder. 20 Loads Stl'aw. 10 Loads Corll'Stalks; 1500 :a:eadsOapbage; 10 lIogs. 52 Ti1rk~ys, 53Cl~ickens. GIOPounds B'utter. 30'Bushels Parsnips. Total . . $24,254.11 2tj Received from the Government on account expendi- tu'reforland and buildings. 4,000 00 Leaving ft.moun't. actually expended by Conn1jY. 20,254 11 '- > The foregqing repm:t shoWS, tl}e cost per inmate to be higher than i~ :Iluy ,former" .yem', There are severa1 contributing causes which",e~'e U,~cOllt.l'Olla.bfH. Durmg j;hola.st fifteen years the'avei'agenumber of .Wllll1te,S ad,mitted was 34. . Lastyea,r the number was only 10; less than 75. qf.tl10,avel'age, In Itj97 .the average numbe.t:'of'inrrlatesin the Jnstitution luringthr3yef,trw.as 53,1111898,.49; in Itj99, 53, and during ll1st year,. 41. Icaullot attempt to give any explanation for'this reduction other tp.ft.n 'Wat ~heg~ll;eral good times IP-ayhave improved the condition of those who' W;igh~ otherwisepe subjects for County charity. 0 ' Another coutr'ibuting cause was the change in li:eeper and Matron and -ificidental expenses in connection therewith which were unavoidable. rhe. o.o~nmi.ttee of Management ordered an improvement in the die:tary .which a:lsoincreased the cost to a small extent. .$"00 00 200 00 40 00 80 00 The"Institution gen~rally.is,in a~ excellent condition, clean, neat and iro.erly.. Much.creditis due to the K,eeper andMatronfol" the efficielltand liligent manner in. which they. look after the. comfort :and welfaJ:e of the ~~ates, all of whom are conte~ted . and well.. pleased ~ith their treatment. All of which is l'espectfully'subri:litted. D.. TURNER, Inspectci.r~ 27. . The total amount eX~0nded by, County House ro~ Iliaustl'Y, asfollow8: 'Farm,'50 acres, cost ,I ~ HouseM Indust,ry. Laundry . l!"1ire. escapes.. . Root: Cellar. dottages . Brick Ice House. Barns, ete. Tile,Draiils. Tile Dl;ain Outlet. St Thomas, November 8, 1900. . $ 3,000 00 11,400 36 666 8" 390 06 , 124 99 1,4S667 1,180 50 2,587 57 557 87 60 70 Referred to Ho-q.se.ofIndustry G<?llllllittee" 21st N oy; -1900. 8S -ELGJN COUNTY COUNCIL. IELl:l-lNCOU~'l'YCOUNblt.., PHYSICIAN'S REPORT. 3. AlfJ;'edLewis, aged 62, paroJysls. 4. Joseph Yillegar ,aged 72, 'heart disease. 5. MargaJ."et Loop, aged.41, paralysis. To the W"al den and Members oj/he Elgin County - Coundl, in Assembled: ~'bave thehollorto be, gentlemen, I have the hOllOI' tQ present 'this, the '5th amlUaI:n;r.edical 'report Elgin House of Imlustryancl Refuge: ,I'pn,;.cl'flixty-six v:isits,to thisI:ilstit.utiOl1andsixteento the Hoi-pital'd"uringt,he year. ' \ \Siclnlf~ss and lUortalityhavebeen much below the average. healthol' deat,h could ,be traced to unsanitary conditions. Food, clothing, cleanli:p.essand _ general care of 'the illl;riates have been quite factory. Your obedient s,ervant,.' L.LUTON; ,M. 20th'November,1900, referred to House of Industry Oommittee\ Iperf'orme(j. a :numberof mtnor surgical operation~theampn'4tion ofa ..mammary AfhasaW oodHospital. III ~ovemberlast.. David 'Wilson .. was brought to. my office severely from the lodgement of a large piece of food in the use of the probang hewas quic1dyrelieved. lampleased:to note that. rio ohildren at the prdsent findahome 'except Qnea few day~old. ' IJiMarchEUen Peer became so violently and ""e were obliged to selldher-to the Asylum in London. we;haveto care for 'quite a number of insane, . idiotic, I choreic patients. Chronic ulcers of the lower ~xtremities , common; \ There "is no consumptive here at present,' but when ,the opinion tbat some proyision shouldbe,made for 'isolation. lhave one birth tor'ecord. l,appendthe,list of the names, ages and causes of death died during the year at . the. Institution: \.\ ,:;'~ (,:" "",.,\:,: 1, Aby Mudge, aged 89, heart failure. 2. . Ohristina McKenzie, aged 63,consulUption. 9(1 ELGIN OOUNTY. COUNCIL, " ELGIN OOUNTY' COUNOIL. SPEOIALOOMMI'rrEE RE PORT STANLEY ELEOTRIC RAILWAY. JANUARY SESSION. the County :gifpnt, any powers or rights to anyother bftlle lessees Of the road? No. To,the .Elgin C~U/lty' Cound/: If bOI~h the lesseG8 and the Comity GOllSenUo the constl'llctionof,tlie alowt. the road; 0-.EjN'i'L~MEN,~ , rEhe' Special Committee appointed to consider the Stanl~y:~lectl'i?Railway Company beg~leave 'to report: 1. _ hat theyhavehri.dseveralllloetings, with the'lesse'es of the and" are'of the 'opiilioll that . the cbnstruction of all electric rail,vay " the' road too .Fort Stanley \Yillbe a 'gi'eat benefit to the road, and that this Council should do the present E10ctric Rail\vay Oompany to secure a franchise on j;hat \vill 1:;Ie acceptable to the Company, and ',it protection to the rigl1ts ,the pnblic aiid,the property owners-living ,along the road. 2,We recommend that the Port . Stanley Electric Ra,il way COnipany pel'rnitted to construct a railway on- the right of way of the London Port Stanley Gravel Road, in oocOl~4ancewith B?,-Laws to be dr~wn approved by the County,Solicitorand passed by this Council;,a letLVe from' the lessees of the said"road, on condition" that remClvedfrom said toll-roadu,fl soon as the electric railway-is What. effect ,would. that IUlve. upon.. tho rig+tts 'of. the lesse~'s,"-0' tolls?, It would no.t_necessarily, destroy the right to collect toHs. (b) Hthe lesse~s should at any time faH (0obs~rvethe COVt~llants:,\ll ,.theleas,e,eouldtho ,Countython collect. t~:llls? .' Yes,)fthe "breach vlo'uld be sufticient'tdentitle,th6 Oounty to resume possesston of~he road, (c) iiI the event of the Lesseesneglectillg orrefasing eovenants in the ,Lease, :w-ouldtheCounty,be,liable,;to',Jreop ,up ,t,he <>Yes; , ,. . ' ';:.... (dj. _ Could tile Chunt,y~, in 'that event,' cast the' llabllitYllPoh th~ lopal ',' Ip.unicipalitie~ through:,wh~ch .tl1o,road passes? No. _5. 'W0uld the,'Oounty ~ave ,a remedy' o'ver'againstthe Electric RailWay 'Co:qlpanyin,the~vent of alloocidentthrough its negligeilCe.? Yes. ' JUNE 'SESSION. 3.: We recoinmeml that your committee have power to safeguard interests of the public and the corporation of, the Cou~ty of ,any , legislation that may.be askep' .for by the ,Electric from. the Provincial Legislature. We her'ewith att'ach .the opinion of. the Oounty Solicitor upon questiollSSubl:nitted to him by the committee touching . upon the matter, All of which is respectfupy sub~itted. t'o:tlte,Elgill CoulltyCoullcil: GENTLEMEN,- The "Special Committeeappoin:ted" td :look aftet' tho 'iIiterestR . of 'thi'>, County in reference to application'made for charter for anelectric'1'aihvay' f-romPor,tStauley to London, bf2g leave to report as follows: F. HUNT, ChairmaII. 1. . Your cOtllmitteeheld severalmeetillgs for the purpose of conferring with th~ promoters0f the road, 'with the . objec~ of al'l'ivingatan agreen~Ellit ~so that your committee would be just,ified III supporting it' before ,the ;,';'Rmlway Committee of the Legislature. The lessees of the ,gl'aveLr6adset <':iipa claim that they 'o'\vlled the road'hi fee simple, and that.it''\v-a.s- aU'tside of municipal ?ontroL Y orir:committee, ,going on tho advice ?f the Coun:ty - Solicitor, claimeli that the. road w~s' a -public. highway;. .and that 'the: les-~ees 'po~saSSf'dOllly, initial 'rights andprlVileges mentioned in the lease, and that~ the pubIlc had a right whi.ch thts Council were bound to protect. YonI' COlllUlittoe ,illsiRted thiLt an electdc road built on the toll-road lllmt bebtiilt subject to conditions contained in Ry~La'ws to be passed by' thisCounci.1, and of Oouucils of the local municipalities throughwhichthe road\v"Quld ' rUll. Adopted 25th .January, 1900. 'rl-tE POR'f S'fANLEY ELEO'L'RIO S'l'REE'f RAILWAYCm.1PANY LONDON AND PORT S'l'ANLEY: 'ORA VEL ROAD. , LHave the lessees of the road the right, to. grant a franchise to cOhlpanyindependentl;y of the County Council?". No" ~,.. Y:011r,co~mittee,accompauied by committoesfrom SO-Llthwold a,nd 'Yp,l'mout,h,attended . before the Railway . Oommitt.ee , of the Legislat,ure, ELGIN'COUTY' COVCIL. ELVIN COUNT'y" COUNCIL. ~3 the BIll was'cousIdered"l1nd opposed the granting of thecharter':uf:!ked the Ccimpany.' Tn this they were assisted by theCouncilof thecit-y the result was the Bill was ,thrown out. GOMMJ:TTEE, RE SETTLE;!ENT m' ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE EXPENDITURE, WITH mTY OF S1'. TflOMAs. JUNESESSlON. The 'promoters made a successful application to have it l'econsidprerl" agaillcollferred with them, whell ltll agreement was a~,which was considered by 'your committee to be satisfactory. ,the mUiiicipalCoUlloilpower to regulatethe construction and road to p;totect the 'public iilterests. Yourcommit,tpe as' amended. The {~itlzens of London, ,whose ,Local House was suppor,ted by the Ma.yor and' city ,strong oPPositiOll,and' we regr~t to. report that it was To the Elgin' County Council: GENTLE,MEN; - The Special Committee appointed to meet a committee from the:Oity, StThomas, to arrange: a settlement of the Administration of' Justice 'expen~iture, begjeftvetorePort: ccinferreddu modern 'civilization by the elect:rJc railway 'must be 'appreciated by all ~Ildyo~commtttee, recognizing the fact that, during the applications will"be: made for per~ission/to',bui1d'el~ctl'icrailwayfco1 on leadirig highways'in the County; as well as the Londou and ,Port gravel rba~. reoommend. that some definite. .general' plallbe,' this'Council to safeguard the public and protect: the Your committee are of the opinion railways could be buptand run on the hig~waysiftheyare, constructe'd, and are made to observe proper recognition. An of which is resp.ectfully. submitted. F. HUNT, Chai-rman.' Adopted 14th Jub.e, 1900: 1)4 ELGIN' COUK'rY COUKctL. <', ELGIN' COUNTY, COU~OIL. 95 NOVEMBER SESSION. . ,4;_~rhe new buildi~gprov~4l:l'!:\,accommodation fort\vo 'the_C0l111~Y was paYi~g ,,'reI~t,amoulltingtO$234anl1ually; ,This -wh~n q1011cuJ~ted ~t three aJ!d ,a- haliper cellt.,is ~q ultl to the interest ~~peudltll~e Of~(3',700" whic~,may,b~ properly 'ded,ucte(l f;rom the to show the ,a~ounto~1'YhlC4' the _Connty is payinga~, c01p.pared cQllditioll_of. af1:'airs,lJ,efore ,the fire; This is.$25,951 95. 5. -"Thetotal cash expelldit1ire Was, asshowr;: abbVe,$50,954 72 BUILDING OOMMI'I'rEE. . County Cound/: 'Committee beg leave to,prese:1ittheir fhlal report as have b8811 completed,'contracts .closed,ahd acc:~nn:t8 The cashreqei.pts were- :' Insurance. Del;ll::illture' Premium '....$5,50900 616 00 --$ 6,125 00 furnishings' Leaying net Oash expenditure. This was providedfoi:' by Debentures Oash from G€meral'Funds of" 190tJ $44,82V 72 40.000 00 4,829 72 cut stone,.mason work, plastering, painting, glazilig and slating, ,~33:74200 L.: Gray, electric wiring"... .. ,', 34546 &00., #on;work ..... 1,25548 h\)atiugaridstalldcpipe, ....... .'.. 3,30800 pl;umbing ],143"'95 303:!)1 61936 645 00 3,914 30 ~~1 67 1.233 30 IH4 12 H9 27 480 64 57V02 88V70 750 49 H3905 The Annual payment required to 1'e- tire Debi;inturesissued is, ...... From this must be d,eductedtheaunual payment. due ~rbm ,St. Thomas. Le,avillg' to', be levied each year, the equal , aUlluat payment on Het cost to Oounty, as,showu,i:t;l,Sectiou 5, of this Report.... Less cash 'paid outof.geriera] fund: $ 2;81444 856 86 :;2;65155 4,829 72 Iilsura.nce ,.received Amo'unt due from St. Thomas: D~bellture'Premiunl, . $ 5,509 00 12,178 17 61600 $27,821 83$1,957 58 .7., Theexcellerit service rendered to'theOountyby 'Architect Dal;rach is worthy of special recognition, and we would r~cornmend that he,ll€) 'preselltedwithanaddressexpressing our appreciation of. his efforts. . Said_ address to be suitably engrossed and signed by ,theW arden; tLWe desire to refer to the satisfactory manner iu.which 'c~ptractors completed their worK The efforts of 1'orQuto;, th~p~'incip!11' contractors, who. were ,represented lllem'be~ofthe'.~~,. R',Carroll,. Esq., are wor~lY ~f special. notice, :''fquld :recommend.thatthe:Wardena'nd Olerk write them Coulldl's appreciation of .the manner in which their contract :out. ' Furnishings, Building Accounts, The'cl'editsto be deducted fr'om the abo,Ve are as 'follows:- Total OJ;'edits. Net cost to'Oo.uuty, .~~. vv e have to thank the officials of theOo~llty for. t,heir extl'a~ork, '~n~ -Valuable assistance in cO,unecti?ll 'with theOourt House lmprovements.;, ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL.' ~ ELGiN" COU~TY:~ COUNCIL. almost, completed the resolution passed appr'o'priate illustrations have beenprocure~, and 'Bxterior views 6f, old and new building. , the proceel.ings. We Would recommend, that onf) copies of iUii:strated"sketchbepritited for distribntioIl future ,member,s' of this CounciL All of which, is respectfully snbmi.tted. COURT HOUSE COMMISSIONERS' REPORT, JUNE SESSION. the E~f{inCounl)' COU1U1i: GENTLEMEN,-, A, J. LEITCH, Chairnian. ']]~eUour~ ;Ho:use Coriunissicmers, appointed, byBy~Law" No., '60~~ ' (',: bubmit, the fonowing report: l.~, ,Tl~~timniediateiy after (J'ur, appointment 'we"~gaged' as ~aretaker i tdr,' John Hupkins, at:~,salary of $25 per month, with, houslillighted'~il(l he,ated. ' , ",_ , I Ad.opted' 23rd N 6vember, 1900. "_, ,,\V'a h~LVe ?adnoticesplric~d'inea.C'h :J:oomand hallway inr(3fere'u~e .,'tothepreservl1tion of thebllilding andfurnituue. ' .'.."', ',,', , , 3;, We,h,ave paf?sed regulations ih referen'ce' to, the openiIiganq.'cloSiri'Jl '''of ,builCli~",',and : c~retaker's," duties." PrisoH_ labo~" is})eiug -utilizeq 'as much as possible in takillg'care oftha floors and' of, the 'ground!:) around 'the Court Hcmse. < f ,The' f9ll0",illg is an estimate showing' amount required ',for, 't,we~ve' mOllths, commencillg:July 1st; 1900: ' I Oaretaker ~d assistance. In;tplem~rit~and 'supplies.'~"~ $400.00 100 00 Total, $500 00 In Decemb13r last you placedthesuinof $500 toour credit. , On July lS(\fe\vil~ have expended, abQut>$30P,~f thisamollllt,)eaving' n pal.ulCe, oi ,''$200. If the, sumo!. $300 is 'now phiced' to tmrcredit We will have sufficient '''to'pay all'Bxpensesfor -the comillgyear. . ", ,'",', , AI],: 'qf 'which is respectfu)lY8upmitted, D. F,.MoORE, Chairma~; Refen-e<lto FinanceOo~mitte,ei 13thJunei,1900~ u8 ELGINCOUN'l'Y. COUNCIL. -~._-,-------~-_.-....--------~"--' -'-- -_._-~--~;-...,...,- ByeLAW NO. 601. To appoint Co'un1:yAuditOl"s for the .yea" ~900.__pa6sedJal1uary: 21th, 1900. Whereas, undor the au~hority of The Municipal Act;ev\Jry l\1unicipal" (joullciUs required tq apPolllt at: its first me8ting ill every. year ,two: auclitors. Be it therefore enacted by the.. conncil of the llumicipalcorporationof, t)lo'count;v of'Elgin, under the. authority aforesaid. That Andrew . Murray and W. A. Galbraithb~,andareherebY 'appointed auditors to' examine andreportupOll allaccoullts affecting; the 'Corpol'ationof the County of Elgin, or' relating to any matter uIlder'its control orwitl1inits jurisdictiOH'asrequired by statllte or order-i!l,-cOllU?i1, l:l,lld alBo all account~of,scll091monies received',or};laid pythe,CoIDlt,y treasurer for the year Blluiug '31st December, 1899, and ,that said auditor~ 1?~ paidt4e ~umof f9rty d'ollars each for their ~ervices. . Council; Ch!}.mber,8t. Thomas, ,27thJl"'llll,ary" }900., K~W. McKAY, 'Cohnty Clerk. D.F. BY-LAWl'<O: 602. To a,ppolnta:B()i:\rd ,or- Audit 111 ,the County ofElglnf'or the Vlill_ar 19D,o.~pasged 27th Jal1uary, 1900. Whereas"every county council is required to appoint aunuallyat it{ fir~tmeet,ing in every, year, a Board ofAtidit, COll1p,osed of,th~judg'e?f the~():\lntY'.court.andtW()'other.person~,'not more. than one of vv~lom sha!l btr:a:~ember,for the time being' ofsh~h county council. ' Be it therefore enacted by the counci16fthelUunicipalcorporation.o the.Ooutltyof Elgin, under: the auth9rityaforesaid, ' ThatD. J. Hughes, Esquire, County JudgejWilliam Foreland JOhlf ,Thompson be anq ,are hereby appointed a Board' of Audit, toperformt~4 duti,es re9.uired of them by. chapter 84, R.. 8;0. Thatthe members of the said Board be paid the'sum of four donarsp~r day for'their, services all:d five celits per mileingoil~g toalld from.sucW :audit. ,,' Coul1cilchamber, St. Thomas, 27 ,January. 1900. J{. W..J\{oKAY, County Clerk. D.'F.MoORE, Warde: << un :ELGI~ COUNTY COUNCIL. BY,LAW NO. .603. 'TOAppo'int'Trustees'of the.,HighSchools in the 'County, of Elgin, ~Passed 27th Jal1uary,1900. TheCourityCouncilof'the County 'of ElgiIi; under the authorit:r of' th~"; ;,HighSchools' Act., 1891, enacts: . ' 'Fhat ,;A':Teal~ be .appointed' it,. Trustee' of' the ViemulHign School for a term of three years. That,E. A.Miller be appointed Trustee of the Aylmer'qollegi~te Illstitutefor a ter~n,of' three yearS. That,Samnel.McOoll be,ap{lointed Trustee of the.'.D:utton High'School ,~ora term of three yeats, ThatDavid Cowan be appointed ~rusteeofthe,St~ ThomasOo~le'giate 'Jnstitute for a term. of tlll'eeyears. C.ouncil'Ohambel', 'l:Jk Thomas, 27th' January" 1900. MoKAY, County. Clerk .nF. MOORE. . Warn en:: BY-LAW.NO ,604. apPoil1t' a'Rcep~r ~nd Matmn for the:Hou!3c of,ll1d'ustI"Y. ~nd RefugeJ ani;t amend By-Law No. 614. Th~,O?unty{joullCif'Qfthe County of ;migin enw;'ts~ l.;',That,David ILGoodil1g be alldis lieri:by apPQintedKeeper ,of 'thl'l '-'o~se 'oflndustl'Y[j,lldRefuge, to hold.offioe during thepleasure_of.th~ :pllI1Cil, at an annual salary of three hundred and 'fifty dollars, -\vit.h board \,~n4 lodging in the said house at th,e. ex pense of the, corporatiOl~, ,.,.-2" That;Jenilie GOOding be and is'hereby appointed: Matroll' of'tho aid_ House of Industr'y at a sa}ary, of two hundred dollars per annum, wi 1:h boardiandlodging at the expense of the corporation. ... )l;,'That By-Law No. 514, appointing WilliamandOathariIle Ald:ritt; :pe,amended accordingly. 4. That thisBy~Law take effect 011 the 15th day of February, County 'Council, Chambers; 'St.;Thonias,. 27th JanuarY,l~OO. McKAY, . County Clerk 1900. D. F;',MoORE, 'Warden. . ELGIN COUNTY COUN.CIL. ELGIN.OOUNTY COUNCIL. tOt BY"LA W. NO. 605. BY,LAW NO. (;07. , . Toauthor.izethe Warden and Treasurer to borrow'Twenty ThOuS'l.nd' Dollars.-,-Passed 12th June,,1900. "o~aI8. amounts fo.rCountv Ratos during the year 1900.- Passed 16th.June,1900. 'T-ho,Oounty Councrl (Jf tho'corporationbftlle CountY;,0f]~lgin'e,nacts: ,That the Warden and'Treasurer be ant'fare 'ilereby' autP:ol:ized'to porrow t,h(~, sum 0,f" ''.I:'wenty- -ThousaJ:ldJ)ollars",asit maybe. requil'eli to I',~~et,the 'current 'expi:n;di~~re'.of,'the cori)orati~n'of the~Oountyof,Elgi.ll 'du:dng 1900, andt'ogiveas security theref0rnotes ,of One Thollsalld ,Dollars each", OCluncii.Ohamber; St,Thowasj,12th.Tulle,1900: K; W.MaKAY, Couuty I 'Jerk Whereas, by "SectionW of ;Chapter'J24 of the, Revi!'edStatlltes of . Qhtario, t~e Conn()il,of the Oounty inapportiol1~llgthe Ooml~y Rate shalL illalt:e th~~Illo1\~t:()~"property r~turned on the ASHessmentRolhi.sftnally equalized tqr t,he,pr,eQeding yeaI\the basi. upon which the'apportionment lsm:ad,e' An(1.*4ereas;?Y"~e'6PiOll4005,:of, Chapter, 223,~' R. 8.,'0., thebounc'~l()f a OOll.llty:may:p,?:'~s 'lty-~~~s' ','authoriziIig the levying and collecting of, ft., .~~,:~; - , " (. 'BY-LAW NO (106. ,<Alidwh1ereas,anestiniate ,:hllis,:been made showing that,: the sum of rhirt!~Eikht,rjiho~s~,n~":!~()H:1indred,and FiftY~SeveliD~llars'is'require,(} .tobe:rais,e4'}~;th~'."::,~~yeral' ll,1unicipalities for ,the "lawful pUJ,'poses of'the CO':lnt,Y'dur~~':r~~Y-~~rl9QO,.: 'T'o' confirm the EquallzatiQn of" the Ass~ssme~'t"RoIl8,0f' t:he':cJ,ounty, C)'f' " ~lgin,f"orth'cVear 1900., Passed fsth dune, 190Q, :,;:' """ ,~1:'~~r~fore;::~#e'9onncil':t&the MUllicipalCorporationof the OOUllty,of - i:'~~n'enacts: ' '. ' , Th'e' Cot1l1ty;Council 'of the ;COllllty;~)fElginenaCts :-. .:'That:,the 'followiilgbe the ,'equa1iz~io1t'off,heAssessmen:tRolls,()f'the,: .",001ulty ofElginfor'lX99, as required bySectioll :t8, of.rrhe.~ssessmen~ Act; ..1. Equalized Value. .$ 1,8SI,100 2,086,940 2,9.o~,12() :3,01'5,,528' . 2,313,358 1,136,140 1,317;435 I 301 ;000 51'~OOO 68,000 69.000 - 90,000 '''.'""",',',,':,; 1.:,Th#,:lt:~4~'e;()f':~W~:'t\#d One-Half IVlillshf tile 'DO~lar' be, levie~ up'o]} all.the',',~a~e~bl~'.:pf?~r'tYJ~tl1e several. mUllicipalities' 'in the County..of Elgin ase(rualize;d:''toF:~h~y"~a~',1899 to raise the, following amounts: ' . Municipalities. A.l~borough DUlIWich. :.southwold Yarni0ut,h .. Malahide, lBaypnm 'South Dorchester ~.ylmer. . '. . Viemia,. Port St~i11ey. '. Springfield. ;Dllttoil, ':', ,':?':,;'::'i'.':....:",:';;,:,,, ' '" .... '.' ." " ,', '. t, ' 2," "T~at..t~e':s~~' ~r,'~lifr~~,-~ight ,Thousand., Two Hundi'e4. a~d'Fifty ,Sev~n, ,I>,ol~:a!s,'.h~':~~~,~<l.:,~<l-l~Vi{ldl ,inthe,'.several mllniciralities . in,t~e ??UDty,:~c~~dil1g,'~?; '~~\;r f9l1owi~g,' schedule; and, that. 'the amounts as "enter!3d,p~p'aJdtp,:the bouxltyTreasurer, as by law required. " ii""""'"'''''''''' ,," '" ,,,', ;", SCHEDULE. Council Chamber, I 13t.'Thom~l15th JUlie, 1900. K.W.MoKAY, Cou~tyClerk. D. F. MOORE, 'Warden.: ~uniCiPIJtity; AJdboro~gh punw~cli.':/:-.';. '," , Southwolq.,. Yar~o1it~: Mala)1ide . , . Bayham S?utl1J)()rchf)st~J::' Aylnier Total. 'J,,"i' $4,708 ,5,217 7.270 '7,588 5,788 .. .. .................... .2,840 8,298, ............... 908 .,..'........'.'...'.,.',.. 102 ELGIN CQUNTYCOUNCIL. Vienna. Springfield ]f'ort,Stanley Dutton.... 14~ 172 170 225 Qonuty., CouncilOhamber, '-1. ~t~'Tholllas,15th' June, 1900., MoRAy; GtnilltY,"Clerk D. F. 'lOORE, Ward{}il; , BY-LAW NO. 608. T(J-E~tab'n8h,a Police Village at Port Burwell. 'Passed'15th.Junc,.1900; :VYHElt,EAS;" :under-, the -au.thority . of. the Act, 63"Yictoria"c~apter,,', 33j 's~cti01+_ bO,)t is entict~dthat ~lle.cOP.llCil()f "an~'9(irtnty" o~ ,~he ~oullcilwof ,all;reoulltiesiu which 'an uniycorporated :illage is situ~t_eCl,shaJJsetapart, suub ~iuillcor:poratec1. villageRs apolic€l':viliagsll,pOll, a petition, being pre~ented, descriPillgth(:j ~~~atolJe includedins:uchvillqge"a:i1dsigned by a majority of thoratepaytw!5 resident ther~ill"" Wh~re such uniIICorp.ol'ated ; village, lies wholly III one county, the COullcilshall, In aup- by such By.Law; fix~'time~lld placefdr''-"ftll'd shall_llani'e',aT€lturllillgofficerfnr conclucting t:he,1h;st, election ofpolice::truste'es" as ,hereillatter mentioned,and the,date .of the: first'llleeting :of the ,po1,ice 'trustees' after,such' el€lction~ , ,',' AND,' WHE:I~EAS, a petition'h~beenreceiv~'(lfrolll, the::re'sidentsof the, ::t{q~ncorporat,e_dv~l1ageof. Port : Burwell, ,in the To~nship of B,ayham, tprayiug; for' th~,forll?-ation-,of ,a;Poliee' :Villag~. ANDWHEREAS;suqh petition 'defines' the area' to b~ Il1cluded -in such 'vilhige, and is signed by a majority of the ,ratepayers therein. The Elgin, , :-younty Council therefore enacts,: , ,.' , 1. ,Thi1tthe unincorporated village of 'Port Burwell; in -the',Township :of'BayhaJ;ll; be and is hereby set 'apart,asa Police village. 2. That the area to',be included'inth6:said,.police village of ,port,Burwell. shallcolllr>rise altand, singular that 'certain' parcel: or tract. of lahil 'situate, lyiilg ~~ldbeing in, the, Township of. Bayham; -in, the County'of"ElgiIl'/,and J?rovinc8'<;>f Ohtario,being composed- of the Bo~th parts oflots'i-NbS,':lO"ll, 12iand'13,'in the first concession of. said townshipic()nt~ining'b!~q~,e~s:ure-' me~ltfour hundred. acres, . be the. same more- orlessr n;.ore';particUlarly described as, follows: ELGIV COUNTY C01JNCl-L, .103: -~------"..;;~~ ~(,-;: ..' Commencin~.in,the W€lsterlYlimi-tof't~e.said lotnmube,r,tenfL,t'[)ineiut ~;:,:.thirt'y"ch!1i,ns~.ten linlrs, southerly froni..the' nar.t~-\ye~terly .nng-lA,9f'S[ti.d.' ~,;.~}~t" thew?e eas'terly,p~ralh~l ,~it~ t.he rQad ~19wanc8' het'Y€l~n:tl1e, :fi~s~: all~ i~) seconde0uces~iOlis, to theoentre of the ro~d,betweell JotsN(),s~.J'~Jt'ahd elevell, th~ncesouchei'ly along the centre of said rO~ds~ven cl~~in's, t\Velve link,sj ,thence: easterly parallel with,the, road allowance 'betwe~ll,'.thH:,first and second 'concessions' to the easterly . limit of lot number. thifteen:,,'thence' ~outherly'. alollgt~e ~p:ster1y . limit Of,lot}~Ulnber thi~t8en t,o,~h,,~.'soiltherlY lilllit of.. tl1~ ,~~~t ..~on9~ssio:ri". ~~ep'Ce:,'wesh:ir~Y,along,. ~he'; soutl~(lrlY:lill1,it of :P4efi~s,t c()l1_?eS~i,bn ~o.the westerly Jimit ?fJot)n~~~b~l'tell; tl1eilc~ .'por:th'€lrly along the W"(:~st,e:rly limit',of:1o_t 'H~mb_e~tel1t() ;,the 'point,()r,beghpli~ig. ' 9-, .' A,meeting o~. the electors . sha1r be herd Nrthe, 110min~tiqn af . c'andi- }lii,tes f.9rt~eofficeof Polic'e Tr,y.stee~j inthe ~aidvilhlgeof, P6:dBurw~1l, in theOddfellows' Hall, atl1oon, on Monday, the 2ndtffiy orJU:h", 1900~, dI;-f',.' ,,1.' ,,"Tl1ereturni:ugcofficer-:i3hal1PFeside at:$l{bh"m_eetingj,fthd "" shaUgiv~, ~:.\'a~ least six days'notice of tl1e sa~e; ,,' I , ~' 5. 'rf':after",a,lapse ,()f'on\3 hour,tqore' :tha;u:three candidateE),ar~ .', '."', ':", "',',""'."":',' ",";'", ''''''''''', "'C"""", ,''', _, _ l!;olIl~tmted"tl1eretlJrhillg,o~cer.,orcl~airl11an. _shall, adjourn the proceedings ":-,' :lI.ntilMondfty, ~hl3 9tl1d~~:y .of.JJlly,'1~90;,whe,n a:poH or polls shall be, opened ~",,:;i11thf\Oddfello'ws' "Hall, "at,~ine 'o'clock in,th~ morningja,nd sballcontiJl.ue; r(~;~',opell.ntltilfiveo',clo,ck'in:the afternoon and_no longer.' . (j'-"" " "", ,,', "-' "" -,,' ',-' ",- , ~.;. ~. :That Mr G. B.: McConnell; of the said vill,',ge of Port Burwell, ~~~:''';druggistj'',~eand'- iR"hereby ':' app~hlted retul'l~.i:ug~officer for conductilig iirrs,ucheltm,tianof Pblice" trustees; :iV'", " , W. McKAY,' n Oounty Clerk D. F. MOORE, 'WaJ:'deu~ BY-LAW No. 609:.. t,,-,',:;. ',"",' , ""',,','" ,i' ',c",', ;~:' Toi,A.IA1:h,orize t,hoe, W,ar:dento Sign_Agre.ements. ''';; - ?, . Whereas, the ll{lreement entered ;pto between the City of St. Thomas ~l':apdthe County o~Elgin.in tl1e" yeaJ:';'#:1Q~.:t@ "provide" for, the., p~Ylnent "of ~:~~penses cif.'the Adillinist~ation, of Justi~ebr;the City ti~the'Co~nty,eXpired ~;:(jutheFirst Day',o:fhTanuaxy; 1900. . , ,;,;,;, ~ ELGIN aO'UNTYCOUNCIL. ,..c.... .....'. "1!lLGYN,':OOUNTy:c6uNCIL. .lli5 An~)vh~i:eas, ,it hasb~en"~e~d 'by tliesaidditydrSt..Th'om~s and the County of EIgin'thatthe said 6ityof St; Thomas, should p,ay~o ~h,esaid/, County the sum of $3,000 yearly during a term of. five . years . commencing the'Fir'stDayof'Jaliuary, 1900, ' Alio. 'where-a.", the Court Houflf'.was,ib,imap:ed'by fire on ,the First Day of July, JS,9,~, anrlhas bf1ell rebuilt alldelilarged' atauexpenseofabout $50,_000. it haR b8en.agree~ by the said,ci~yofSt;'1:ll.om,asand jy of St. Thomas should paY,tl1e~aidcollll,t:r,' total0ost to be divided on the ba..<;is of census ' with 37i per cent, inte.res't. And wheroa~;' it,' is lwceflFai'y that a ~eparate'agreeriient sho~ldbe<' prepaJ'ed to be' signed by the Warden and Mayor of the said COUll~y andcity re~pectively: ,,' : .1, The County Councilof Elgin enacts that . the Cou'~ty :Sol}'citorbean~ .' is ~ereby instrncteo. to ~preparean a~re'ement to provide'for,the p~YlIlentt~., the <;~unty by the city of ,tll.e sum of $3jOOOyea,rlydu1ingaterIq ,of five :rears: ~om_~e~lcillg,onthe first~ity of~anuary" 1900,,8uch aJnountt~,~~ in lien:?!;:' allexpensesof administration of j~stice,registry ,offic~ alld' . al~ other accounts to which the city of St. Thomas should'contribute duringth~~aid:, 'term. .: ~-------C---':~--'_-c-----------"-------;--r--~_~___~___ meet-the 'currentex'Penditl1re hr' the . Cotporatioliofthe' County of Elgin; to,"give,ll.sRecui:it,y:therefor notes of"On'e Tlit)Usand 'Dol~ . CouncilChainber, . ! St,;Thom'tis",November'13rd,'1900.J H;,F~ :JELL, Acting'Oonnty Olerk: D. F. BY.LA W .NO.611. ~.Th~tthe..Afl.i.d Soli~itor. be and ishereb_yillstruc~edtop~eplW6an ~reenwnt,to provide for t,he ,p~yment'by the ' city 'to ,thecounty'oHheir~ p'~qp()l't.iOllofthetotal cost of rebuilding,'an,denlarging theCourt,House,tq. be divided ,on the basis of CN1SUS. population in twellty-;anll.nalpayment~: .\vith3,M per cent. interest. ., . . ..," a.ThattheWard(-m and CI~rkbeaud are hereby authori,zedto sign sai~ 'agreements on behalf of t,his said Council and affix the county ,seal theret(); , E1Ct.~dthe Time .for,theEnf'on:ed,COllect,loncW'No,,-re8Ident'TaJCee, In ,the CountY~"',Elgln. : Pa8s.d 23rd November, 1900; TheConnty Council of the County of Elgin enaCtsj; That the 'tirileforthe enforced collection,by-sale of'non~l'esidellfTaxe~ the qounty,~fElgin be"and is hereby extended' for one y~ar. County'CouncilOhamber. St..:",Th()lnas,' ~3~:N ?:vember, 1900: H F. JELL. ,-;,A.ctipg, County Clerk; D F. MOORE. Warden. BY-LAW NO. 612; D. F. MOORE; Warden. To..epeal: By-Law No. 669, appolntlnIifNom..'atltigOfRcc_....-'-pa...d 23rd Nov~mber, 1900. . , BY-LAW NO. 610, The'CountY Council'of the County of Elgine1iacts: ~liat BY:"IlawNo._ 569,'bein!ra By-~ La~' to appoint <l>e",tmd the same is hereby repealed To. Authorize' the,Ward.n 'and Trea8urer. to, '. bor~ow :r.NlD,~tY Dollars.. 'Pa&l!IC,d 23rd Nov~n"ber.'1900. 'The County: Council of 'the Corporation of: the Oounty of, ,EIgirienaC~~; That', tile :~ aiden ,and,TreasureJ;' be and'are'}lereb:l<a~thOrized' botrow, the sum: ofTwentyT~ousand.' Dollars,' as it"may~ ,l;Je-req'll,ired, COll11cilOhanllJer; St. Tho:rpas; 23rd November, 1900. . I,' 106 ELGIN 'COUNTY' COUNCIl,. ELGIN COUN'l'Y COON'OIL. 'BY-LAW NO 613. To4pPl)intNominatlng Officers, Passed23rd Novembe'r, 1900. ThEY County. Council of the COlllltyof Elgillellacts, u:q.der th(l atitlior~ 8ub.;88060111, of Section 132, of The Muilicipal :Adt; (R.. K O. ,1'897 < 223)' BY-LAW No! 614 N aminating Officers be, and they ,we ,hereby dischargiuf{ thedutfespr,ovid,ed by sfti,d sectioli of 199R,alldsubsequent TO Ing'truct a'nd Authorize the. Warden to Execute on behalf of tho ' OO'ui1ty of Elgin the,' Agreements with the, Oity of'St, ThC;>>11ULS,._ Fixing'Am9untr:>ayable by St. Thomas 'f'or its Share O:f~09t:Of' Oourt House'and -Pixing Amo~ntP:aYab,le ~,Y,5t. Thomas. for Its Sh,are,of,Expel1ses of' Ad,ministratiorl_ 0" Justfce.-Passed 23rd NOlle'rnber,; 1900. TheCo:u:uty Council of the County of Elgin e,llaets: . .Edwili A. , Hugill. . John D.'Blul;}' .. . MaJcolm CampbelL . ..Wallter PllugheH ... Juniu!;BradlflY.' Duncan Taylor. An~ that,thesaid:NominatingOffic~rs_bepaid the '~U9Jl fqr tp-\'lir",!;~FVic~s; WheIl)~eces.s?try' to hQli.l ~:Couuty One..... " " rrwo. " Three " " Fo:u:r , ~ Five '" Six. /rh,atthe'W-al'denoftb,e'CbnntY'of Elgin, be'ftlld is hel'ebY4IstrP.ctufll' (l.ut}-lOriz,~dalld empowered to execute on behalf oftha CorpO~ftti()uof.th~ COlU;ttyofElgin. the ag!eement;s, '~,~t~ ,t~~_C~~y:of8~'?11?m,aS?e~illW(hite ~j,. th~ 21st day ofN ovember,1900, which have ~eell prepared fi~ingthc~mollllt ~~;,Ij~yable'by.~he<JityofSt.Thomas ~Ol' it~ sha~e of, the ':COS,t .o{,th~r'~build~ ~;;'i~i 9~"yheOollrt House and for its share Qfitheexpenseso~,~he,A~rllillistra~ ;J!:'t:tfon 6: Justice, :etc. ,respectively, aud to.affix thEtOorporate,SeaI.ol the said ie, Corporation' thereto. ' ~~; :::.':' ,",; COUilCilChamber, I i;: ~t::Thomas;:23rd November; 1900.) 1900,J .D.F. MOORE, D. F. A6'ting CO.mity' Cler;k; Warden; ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL. INDEX TO PROOEEDINGS, ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL. of Wardell . .,.,,7:, 23, of Justice Expenditiire, " .:.. ,,:7,,9,14:~8, UniOl~ School Section, DUllWich aud Aldborough,1\Ppoillt~ of.... .. ,29,30 Liabilities, Stat/?lllellt of, 9,~3; BY~LAWS;~' Auditors . . . . A lithorize, W. arq.en, to Sign, Agreeme'nts ,13orrowing ,MOIW:r. ." '.;" . '~: .... . . ...., Confirni' EquiUza,tion for' 1900. (Jouli~y, Rates,~... Court' House" Commission High School' Trustees.,' , ',' Keepe-rHouseof'Industry NOlllinati,ng' Officers. Pol'ice:Yillagt-\ at' Port Burwell Tax 'Sale T,orepealBy~LawNo 01:9 dasey'Drainag~ Bill ,Oommit'tees . d()m~ittee -'to Settle,withSf, rhomas 'Oommunications., ,COllcrete Abutments: Gc)Uuty Clerk. Go~nty ,Roads, ,9ounty'Treasurer's Security do:t:trt' House Building::; U Ii" Insurance.. .. Deputationre River Thames Bridges. , H' re l!al;lctric Railway,to Port Stanley: , ". H re Port Burwell Police Village Equalizfttion. .. ..... ", ..... ..... Fa:1'tpers'Institutes....,. .'.;.,...... ..FloraMathes:on. ",' ,.,. ," ..., . , . ,. ...' Hampton vs. Elgin, Settlement of . High Sohool Trustees. . . . I'", I,' ,..Fees..:.", "', ," :', .... ... Histbrio ,Slre,toh: of Court House,',. ,. ,'.. ". ,'.,..' Histori~atSooiety, Elgin.,,:, ~ Ho~seofIndustry,.,InspeotOl."" . .!, 9B 103 107 .26,100, 104 , 100. 101 29 21 99' .21 99 45 lOB 102 ,. lOB 105< .29 ' 4B BO. 42. 42 B7 T .13 IB' ........ 14 . ;13,15 16:'" . 10, 12,,-80 '40,,:: 10'" lB BB IB 34 14 12;__14 2:1; 41 96 6;8,9 9,14,28 5,-8,. ~b,'2!:l,-38. 33"iJ4 32 . ".12, .. .25 ..l~, ELGI~ COUNTY OOliN(JIJ~, House of Industry Keeper. Indigent Grants 'Insurance..",..... , :.-ljominating Officers. '~- Patriotic Fund, Grant ;to ':Port Burwell-Police Village. ~"Port :Stanley ]~lectric Railway Port-,Stanlev Toll Road, :- Port -Bruce Bridge . 'Porisford Bros. claim, Kains and Ilillgal Bridges JREPORTS:~ Auditors' . BUilding Committee. qounty - Treasurer. . Education. Engineer..... , '. Equalization. . . . . Finance.. '." ,r. G3{)L.~,,;'....._, House of Industry " ,. Inspector Petitions and 'Legislation. . ',Public, Improve~ents.. . Publio School.Jhspeotion. Special Committee, re Electric RaUway Standing Committees., .. . SpecialCoinmittee, re Concrete -Inspector_. Special Committee ,re Settlement with ,St. Thomas. Tendel:s Zavitz and Selbol!rne Bridges. WardeI).'s Address. . : Warden's Eleotion. ,Ward,en'sGrant. ... ,191 ." .19, 131 15, .39; j', 31,37, .25 .. :.44 .. ,.43; . .17,28,44; ", .14,31,44 16,42 . .,18, as; A3, , , . . , . . . . . . . , .29, 42'1,44 . . . ,'. . 'l4;'28,'~4', .... .8 .... ... .34 , .. .38 .... 7,23, 20: 94 59 54 7! 13 62 57 82 84 SO 74 49 13 48 78 93 34 37 5. 46