1901 Minutes PROCEEDINGS ~DF- +I=I-E---EbCJ-W---,-------~ COUNTY COUNCIL DURING THE SEBSIDNS HELD IN THE COURT HOUSE) ST.THOMAS IN THE MONTHS OF ,Jalluw:lf,Jcbruary. 9JTarc!" ,Julle and 9wvembcr, 1901 I ! 1 , i i I I I , J K. W, McKEY, WIU:IHM O. POLLOCK, Oounty CIerI;:. \\'IlHkn A YLJIEIt : THE SUX Pl:INTIN"(; l,n'lp,; j I I .; '7- , 1\;l1J1. COUNTY OFFICIALS. D. J. Hughes, Esq., Count.y Judge. C. O. Erm:ltinger, K;q., J nnim' J lldge. D. Brown, Esq., Sheriff. James H. Coyne, Esq" Registrar. D. McLaws, Esq., Couuty Court Clerk. D. .T. Donahue, Esq., Clerk of the Peace and Couuty Crown Attorney. Robt. Miller, Esq., Master in Chancery. N. "\V. Moore, Gaoler. W. Atkin, E.w" Pnhlic.school Inspector. John McCausland, Esq.,Co. TrE'aSl~yer" K. W. 1I1cKa.v, Esq, C.l. C'leL'k James A.. Bell, M. C. S. C. K. County EnglOeer. James 11. Glf!nn, K. C.. LL. B , County Solicitor. 'V. C. VanBuskirk, M" D., Gaol Snrgeon. L. Luton, M. D., Physidan House of Industry. D. H" Gooding, Esrh Keeper House of Industl'Y John Hopkins, Caretaker Comt HOllse. Al! of St" Thomas P.O. Donald. Turne!', Esq., Inspector House of Industry, \\'est Mag(1l.l.11l. P O. Connty Auditors: Andrew Murray, AJlmer; \Y. A. GallJraith, Iona Station. Administration of Justice Auditors: l).. .J. Hughes, Conuty Judge, St. Thomas; W. 11. Ford, Corinth; Robett McCully, St. Thomas. ~n::~lCIl'AI.lTY CLERK Municipal ClerKs and Treasurers. TimASl"RER, Aldborough Dunwich South wold Yarmouth Malahide Bayllum South Dorchester Town of Aylmet. Village of Vienna Village of Springfield Village of Port ~tanley Yina~e of Dutton E. A. Hugill, Ro{lney D. MeCaUmn, YVallacetO\vll :M Campbell, Fing,.l W. C. Caught-II, St. Thomas Johl?- Haggan, Aylmer ,T. c:- Pauling, tltt'atf'ordville D. '1'<1)'101', Belmont ,T. Bradley IV. nTatts J. B. Luca:,; ,T as. Gough J. D. BIlle D. McPherson, \Yest'LJrn'. J. A. Campbell, Dutton D. A. Oll.ttallacb, Frome R. MeLachlin, St" rtlOlnaS A A" Leslie, _","ylmer ,; E. A Uarnhnm, Stmffonlville~ Thes \\'inli~l" Lyolls W. \Yamuck W. ""Tatts \Y. J. Kilpatrick J as Gough D. Campbe!1 . PROCEEDINGS In'THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. JANUARY SESSION, 1901. FmBT SESSlON-FmST DAY, Tuesday, the 22nd day of JUl1llfll'Y, H101. The County CounCil elect of the County of :Elgin met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, at:2 p.m. as required by Statute, and alter filing the neces~litry Declarations of Office and Property Qualification, took their at t,he Council Board as follows: District No. I-Samuel B. Morris, Rodney; Daniel Lung, Eagle. District No.2-A: J. I,eitch, Dutton; Edward JHcKellar, "\Vallacetown. Jackson, Port Stanley; Angus Turner, I,aw- Distri::t No~ 4-James H. )'arwood, Sparta; Wm. O. Pullock, St. DiSltrict No. o-l\hhlon E. Lyon, Aylmer; Oscar :!\IcKenlley, Aylmer. District :Xo. G-Davitl F. Moore, l\Iapleton; 'yfm.1\f. :Ford, COril.lth. The Members were called to oreler, the Clerk in the Chair. !lIessrs. Pollock, Yarwood, Morris, .Tacl~soil, Turner, McKellar and 'Leitch were then no,.,inated for the position of "r arden, all of whom 1'e- ~igned vdth'the exception of 1\11'. Pollock, who ,vas declared duly elected (-Warden for 1901. The Warden elect then made the Statntury Declaration of Office before >Jlis Honor, Judge Enuatinger, and took the chair, when it was :Mol'ed by S. B. Morris, l3econded by D_ Lang, Th~t owing to the death of Queen YicLoria, the Conncil uo no't\' adjourn 10 ~.m. 'Wednesday mOl'ning.-Carriec1. W. O. rOLl,Ot'K, 'Varden} Ii Ii Ii " Ii ii II ij I' iJ \1 I, 11 ;11, lLi Iii II' Itl III H j.i j'I Ii II Ii til Ii! Hi lH 1'1 Hi Iii 'il 1,J tll : ~I , ~I ,I !'i \1 II Ii II it \1 11 lIi \~ 6 FlRST SESSION-SECOND DAY. 'Vedllesday, the 23rd day of J:muarjr., 1901. The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, according to adjournment. The 'Yarden in the chair, all the members present. The Ploceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. The 'Warden addressed the Council. lHoved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by Edward McKellar, That the Warden name a special Committee to draft a resolution ex- pressing our feelings in reference to the death of our belayed Queen.- Carried.. The following Committee was appointed: Messrs. Leitch, Morris~ Turner, Yarwood, I\-1cKenney and Ford. Moyed by M. E. I.yon, seconded by D. F. Moore, That the 'Varden name a QOlllIDitt,ee to strike the Standing Committees for the year.-Canied. The following Committee was appointed; Messrs. Lapg, Leitch, Jack- son, Yarwood, Lyon and Moore. .1\'1<:n.e(l by S. B. Morris, seconded by.T. H; Yarwood, That Judge Ermatingel' and IIfr. l\lurch be allowed to addn?ss the Council on behalf of the Elgin Historical Society.-Carried. Messrs. Ermatinger, Coyne and :lHurch representing the Elgin Histori- cal Society then adqressed tbe Council and presented report in .reference to statue of Queen Victoria, proposed to be erected in commemoration of the centeunial of the Talbot Settlement, which was referred by the 'Varden to a Special Committee appointed to draft "a resolution in reference to the death of the Queen. Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by Edward McKellar, That Messrs. l\1cl\furcby and 'Valker be now allowed to address the Council in reference to a Bridge on the Townline bl:tweell DUllWich and ~ AJdborougb.---,.C:a.rl'ied. IUelisrs. l\Icl\furchv and l,Valker then addressed the council,and the Viardlm referred t,heir~request to tila Public Improvements COmnl!ttee. :l\Ioved by 'V. Ford, ~ecol1ded by O. M.cKenney, That the Council do now adjourn to allow Committ\3e to appnint Standin~ Committees to meet at 1.30 o'clock.-Carried. The Conncll resumed. The report at the Committee appointed to strike Staz:ding Committees was prelisnted and adopted on motion of D. L:tl1g, seconded by \V. Jackson. 1\foved by O. l\fcKenn~y, seconded by "\V. Ford, Tbat thi:il Council do now adjourn to mee~ at the call of the 'Varden.--'--. Car;ied. ,v. O. POLTN'K, \Varden. g !l the effOl'ts of the owner of an adjoining farm having l'ecentiy been SIl(~(;CHS- fn!, it is thol1ght. by many that the water supply for the lnstit.ntioll slluulcl be taken from a sim,ilar 80n:l'ce which would be removed frOIn all danger Qf contamination. ii, Iii P1HS'l' SESSION-THIllD DAY. ,Iii [III Ilii .,' ill! III' lili The Warden addressed the Council as follows: 'Iii lil! Before commencing the business of the session,,_ I desire to welcome 1\11'. !II1 Tnrner to the Board, and to congratulate the rest of you on your l'e-l;Jection, II!: and a180 t.o thank you formally for the honor confelred in electing me to 'II!! this position, With your assist.nee ] will endea\'o!' to transact the husiness ! of the o1lice in the best. interests of the Count\'. Occasions may arise when II i I \vill be called upon to decide points of ordel:, and in this con~ection r will 11 expect yonr consideration. In transacting the business of the Council I III tl'llS~ the Members \vill extend that courtesy o~le to another that has al- 111 ways prevailed at this Board, and that all matters brought before you will ;(,11,1 receive careful consideration. "I . IlL y,\T.FA'i'OnS 0);' EQU.\UZATlO-:\. (Ii! Ili: T11Q Conncil bas for some years been considering the addsability of W appoilltillg valuat,or~ to report on an equitable basis for the apportionment ,~ilor tbe Con~lty H:.\tes. The present equalization is not satisfactory in 50me ; Ii MunjcilJ~lili.es. It ~"onld be. ,well ~o consi:Iel' th~s ql1es~i?n duri~g the :! j; In'csent SelSslOn as ),' aluators If appolllted \1,'111 reqmre conSIderable tIme to :l;'1 com:!)lete their duties in a proper manner. The Proceedings of this 'n!1 Council for 1808 contain a report showing the Counties in whieh valuators ;ljlj haye been appointed, together with a xeference to their duties and expense. ill!1 J'Olt'.r ST.-\-:\LEY ELECrRIC R.-\IL\rAY. ,_ 'II! j~11 I nnderstan.d that. the construct.ion of the road to Por~ Stanle~ .will be ilil undertaken clurll1g thIS year an~ that the. Toll Roa~ WIll be utIlIzed for 1,liright-of-way. Some mattelS III connectron thereWIth may effect the rill interests of the count,y and a special Committee should be appointed with :I!i! power to deal with the same. ,I!i! llEE!' \iHT .\1' HorSE OF JXDFS1'P.Y. : Iii: - ~, " ~ . i m _ The all yis8.bility of sinking a deep well at the House of Industry should, i11i!iI think, be considered during this session. For SOllie years the Council :llji'were of the'o-pinion that good water could not be obtained in that way, but ',I",' 'I': :Wi Tn~sday, the 5th day of Febl'llp.ry. 1901. The COllnty Council met thi:i according to adjoUll1Inent. day at the Court House, St, Thomas ('Ol'!,'J'\" nr(II)(:E~. The Council has in the past erected fl. large nnrllber of pGJ'll1anent bridges. This was a wise policy. Application has been made for t,he COile structiOll of additional bridgE'S f( r the accommodntion of residonts ur the County liYil!g on tile IUvel' Thames who are reqnired to tra\-el from ten to seventeen miles before they ca!'l cross the river. There m:"l\' be sOllie difft~r~ f'once of opinion as to whm:e tlJe bridges should be loeated, but if we eonsider the liberal manner ill which other parts of the COlmty ha\c been trented in this respect, it is no more than right that additiollal bridges should be erecteel oyer the river elming this yeal:. In conclusion, I would sugge'st that the Heport or the Special Committee appointed to draft resolnt-ioll in reference to the death of Her lHajest,y the Qneen be Jl rst l'eeei \wl 'TIle "'Varden in the chair, all the Members present except ~Iessrs" Lang and Turner. l\Iorris, The Proceedings of the previous day, were read and confirmed" ,', The follo,vini!; communications were read: 1 From A. l\L application for graut. H08ebrngh, Secretary P1'180nCI'S' Referred to Finance Committee. Aid jLosociation; 2. From Count,)' Council of '\Vaterlo0. fat co-operation by petition re 8ta~l1te labOllr vote, width of roads, etc. Heferred toPub!ic Improvements Committee " ,). From .John A_ Uamsden, Secretury Municipal (i-ood noac1~ Associ- with question relating to Go.,,'ernmellt Aid fo\' Good H.oads Improve- Referred to P\lblic Impro\'ements Committee. atlon, ment. 4. From Connt.y Council of Yictoria, for co-operation by petition 1'(1 gi'i'ing the public school leaving examination a permanent amlllistill_ct place in the public school system of the Province. R~fel're~l to Education Committee. 5. From Secretary of the Provincial Trustees' AS80ciation, rt'{I11csting the appoint.meJlt of delegat.es to attend a Meeting of the Associat.ion, in Toronto 011 the fltb of April. l{efel~red to the Edncrrtion COUlmittee. o. from Connty COl1ncil of Victoria, for co-oppratinn by petit,j'lIl ['Jl' a more complete fusion of the business of the High CUllrt and Connty C'OIll~ and Geneml Sessions of the Peace in Conn ties. Heferred to Peti~i6ins ami Legislation Committee. '/. From Connty Conncil of Dnfferin, 10l' coopcmtion by petition for autho'rity to direct that no Grand .for,"" be summoned wilen t:herc is no bl1sine1"s to be hrongbt before theni; Hc-:ferrecl to l'elitions and J..egi!:;lation 80IDll1ittefl; 10 S. From the Ontario Beet Association, tor petition in reference to grant. ing a bounty to encourage the production of beet sngar. Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. 0. From Conuty Council of Norfolk, for co-operation by petition in reference to the law regulating the licensillgof Hawkers and Pedlars. Re- ferred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. 10. From JamesA. Bell, Co Engineer, with repOlt. Referred to Public Impro..-ements Committee: 11. .From 'V. Atkin, Public School Inspector, repromotion examination expenses. Referred to Education Committee. 12. From D. J. Donahue, Clerk of the Peace, r~ fees enclosingol'ders a.f the Board of Audit., ancllctteI' from J. M. Glenn, County Solicitor. Referi'Ejd to Finance Commit tee. 13 From Benjamin Brian, of Griffin's Corners, re Bridges on Korfolk Townline. Referred to rublic Improvements Committee. hI:. From.J. U. H€lOver, re grant Miss Marr. Referred to Finance Committee. 15. From Principal St. Thomas Collegiate Institute with report. Re- felTed to Education Committee. 16. From J. R. Robertson, with application for grant for Childrens' Hos-pital. Referred to Finance Comrnitt~e. 17. From County Treasurer, with report. Referred to Finance Com- mittee. 18. From T. Robson, ..,>,'ith Notice of Meeting with a Committee from County Council of Middlesex, re Bridge. Heferred to Public Improvements Committee. Moved by 1\1. E. Lyon, seconded by D. F. Moore, That the Heport of the Special Committee appointed to strike standing Committees for the year, be referred back to said Committee for I'econs~cler- ation from the fact that some names appear on four Committees, while others appear only 011 one.-C~rried. Yeas-Yarwood, Leitch, :l\Ibore, Lyon and'Fol'cl. :Pft)'s-id:c~enney<, Jackson a~d McKellar, 11 Moved by D. F. Moore, seconded by M. E. Lyon, That the Council do now adjourn until Ten o'clock to-morrow.- Carried. W. O. POU.oCK, 'Varden. '" 12 FIRST SESSlON-FOURTH DAY, .Wednesday, the 6th day of February, 1001. The Elgin County Council met this day at t.he Court. House, St. Thomas, according to adjournment. The 'Varden in the chair, all the members present. The Proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. A Communication from J. J. Nairn, resigning his posistion as Trustee- of the Aylmer High School, \vas read. Mr. Yarwood gave Notice that he would apply for a grant of twentv- ii ve dollars for the East Elgin Farmers' Institute, and Mr. Morris gave a similar notice for a grant for the \Yest Elgin Farmers' Institute. The report of the Special Committee appointed to draft a resolution in reference to the death of Her Majes_ty the Queen, was then presented, and on motion of A. J. Leitch, seconded by 'V. 1\1,. Ford the report was adopted by a st,anding ,'ote of the council. The Committee appointed to strike Standing Committees presented their re~considered Report, which was adopted on illotion of Jas~ H. Yar~ wood, seconded by Will. Jackson. Moved by O. McKenney, seconded by A. J. Leitch. That Andrew l\iurrJ,y and W. A. Galbraith be appoint.ed Auditors of the Connt.y Accounts for last year.-Carried. Moved by M. E. Lyon, se-9onded by Oscar McKenney, That the County Council of the County of Elgin, in session assembled, humbly pray that you will favorably consider the Petition of The Ontario Beet 8ngar Association for aid to the sugar beet industry. as from the report of Prof. A. 1~. Sbuttleworth, of the Ontario Agricultural College, it has been conclusively demonstrated that our soil and climate can producE', both the quantity and quality of sugar beets so necessary to the successful prosecution of the industry in this Province. 'Ve submit that as a result of the opening up of the large wheat-Droducing territOl:y in the north-we::;t, where that cereal is producecl profitably at a price much below that at which it .?an be grown in this Province on onr more valuable and more heavily taxed lands, that it is the duty of the GoverumeIlt to aid in the (}stablisqroel1-t of sorpe o~her crol? or inqustry to supply "the lo~~ of th~ 13 before-mentioned wheat crop. \Ve would therefore snggest that encourage ment be given to the proposed sugar beet industry to be extended over a period of from three to :five years; and that the inducement be liberal enough to attl'a"~t either local or foreign capita.l to establi'3h and develop the desir- able industry and aid our important agncultural interest, upon which the prosperity' of the whole Province rests. and that a. copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Honorable John DJ'ydcn, Minister of Agriclllture.-,- Carried. Moyed by A. J. Leitch, seconded by E. McKellar, That A. 'V. Graham be appointed a representati\'c on the St. Thomas Collegiate Board for three years.-Carried. In Amendment.-Moved by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by S. B. Morris, That John Anclre\vs be re~appointed Trustee of the St. Thomas Col- legiate Institute.-Lost. Yeas-I\forris, Yarwood, Jackson, Turner and J\i[oore. Nays-l\tlcKenney, Lyon, Ford. Leitch, McKellar aud Pollock. Moved by J~ I-I. Yarwood, secouded by O. :!YIcKenney, That 'V. 1\1. Ford be .iluditor of the Administration of Justice Accounts. ,-Carried. ThIoved by O. McKenney, seconded by J. H. Yarwood, That O. McKenney's name be struck off the Finance Committee and S. B. :Morris be added to the same.--Carried. Moyed by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by S. B. Morris, That the Council adjourn until_ two o'clock, in order to give Committees a chance to orgflllizE'.-Carried. THE COUl\CIL RESUMED. The Repor~ of the Comm ittee on Petitions and Legislation was pre ented and adopted on motion of S. B. Monis, seconded by M. E. Lyell. l\fr. Jackson inquired re claim against City in Hampton vs. Elgin. ~1:oved by D. Lang, seconded by W. M. Ford, i4 That the 'Varden, O. McKenney and \Yiiliam jackso"n be a Committee to interview City Council with reference to amount paid in Hampton VB. Elgin.-Carried. Mr. :F'ord inquired re claim against the London and Port Stanley Lerasees, and the v\,Tarden replied by reading County Solicitor's opinion pre~ s'eIlted at June Session, 1900. Mov~d by O. McKenny, seconded, by M. E. Lyon, That D. Marshall be appointed Trustee of the Aylmer Collegiate Insti- tute to serve in place of J. J. Nairn, who has resigned, and that J. B. HalUbidge be re-appointed Trustee for a term of three years.-Carr.ied. A cmmtlunication from J. ll. Coyne, Registrar, was read and referred to Gaol Committee. Moved by A. J. Le~tch, sQconded by E. MeKellar, That Dr.. Ling be re-appointed High echool Trustee of the Dutton High School for t.hree years.-Carried. Moyed by M. E. Lyon, seconded by \V. 1\'1. Ford, That Messrs. Yarwood, Leitch and Jackson be a special Electric Committee with power to look after the interests of .the County if the cOl'::.stru~tion of the road to Port Stanley is proceeded with.-Carried. Moved by Vl. M. Ford, seconded by M. E. Lyon, That Edwin Appleton be appointed Trustee of the Vienna High School for the ensuing year in place of B. Clutton, whose term has expired.- Carried. ~ Moved by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by S. B. Morris, .. That the Council adjourn to meet at half-past Ten o'clock to-morrow in order to give Committees an opportunity to meet.-Carried. "\V. O. POLLOCK, 'Yarden. is FffiST SESSION- FIFTH DAY, Thursday, the 7th day of February, HIDl. The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. 1'110- maJi, accordin:- t(~ adjournment. The Warden in the chair, aU the members present. The proceedings of tl~e previous day were read and confirmed. The report of the Gaol COlllmittee was presented and adopted on motion of S. B. Morris, seconded by W. Ford. Moyed by S. B. Morris, seconded by D. Lang, That the usual grant of Twenty-five dollars be made to the \Vest Elgin Farmers' Institute.-Carried. Moved by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by O. McKenney, That the usual grant of Twenty-five dollars be made to the East Elgin Farmerl!l' Institute. ~Carried. Moved by :M. E. Lyon, seconded tV. Jackson, That the deputation from th~ County of Middlesex re bridges over the River Thames be heard at Two p.lll. to-day.-Carried Moyed by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by D. Lang, Tbat the Council adjourn to meet at half-past Two o'clock p.rn.- Carried. The Council resumed. In accordance with resolution,Messrs. Jackson, Gough and Gregg. and Commissioner Talbo~, ~ deputation from the County Council of Middlesex, a~dressed the COUDCII III referenc@ to the erection of a bridge over the Rrver Thames at Uuncey. Messrs. Telford, Brodie, Connor, Nagle, .Whit- ~ey ~d Fall~, resident~ of the district, also addressed the Cuuncil, reque~t~ 109 the erectIOn of a bndge on the Muncey site, and Mr. Burwell addressed the Council in favor of the erection of a bridge on a site further up the river. .~! , I .1 I I i , Moved by W. IV!. Ford, seconded by O. McKenney, 16 That the matter of building a bridge over the River. Thames at the Muncey site be referred to the Public Improvements Committee to report at this Session.-Carried. IHoved by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by W. Jackson, That the Committee l'e Tolls and Electric Road to P0rt Stanley be heard this afternoon at half-past Three o'clock.---:-Carried. Mes$rs, 'Vise, Todd, :ritherington and Sanders then addressed the Council. Moved by J. I-I. Yanvood;- seconded by D. Lang, That thi5 Council. having heard th.c deputation of residents along the Port Stanley Toll Road, do authorize the Warden and Clerk to co-op~r~te by Petition to the Legislature, requesting an act to provide for the abolItIOn of Tolls.-Carried. :Movecl by S. B. Morris, seconded by D. Lang, That whereas, the Lessees of the London and Port Stanley Gravel Road abandoned the said road, and whereas, the said road was ont of repair for over thirty days, as provided by the lease, and the said Road and Bridges being in an unsafe condition for public travel, the County, in order to pro- tGctlife and property, expended a certain amount of money in repairing the Eaid Road and Bridges thereon, and whereas, afterwards the said Lessees welll.t into and remained iu possession of said Road and are now collecting tolls, be it resolved that the County Solicitor be and IS hereb! instructed to collect from the said Lessees the amount so expencled.-Ca~ned. The report of the Special Committee appoint-ed to consider the :equest of the Historical Society for grant for monUlIlent purposes, was then preM sented and referred to a Committee of the whole. Mr. '1fcKenney in the chair. After amEmding the Report the Committee rose, and the report was adopted ou motion of Mr. McKenney, seconded by Mr. Moore. Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by D. Lang, That the eqnalizec1 value be the same as last year.-Lost. Yeas-Morris, Lang, McKellar and Leitch. .. 17 Nays-Yarwood, Jackson, Turner, Ford, Lyon, 1Ioore, McKennej and Pollock. MovG-d by O. McKenney, seconded by 1\1. E. Lyon, That this Council appoint valuators to equalize the assessment of the County, said valuators to be appointed at this Session of Coullcil.-Carried. Yeas-McKenney, i\foore, I~yon, Ford, Turner, Jackson and Yarwood. Nays--l\forris, Lang, McKellar and Leitch. Moved by 'V. M. Ford, seconded by 'V. Jackson, That BYMJaw No; 150,being a By law to provide for t.he remuneration of l\Iembel's 6fthe COuncil for their attendance in Council, be repe:;tled, and that a By-law be passed increasing the pay of members of this Council to three dollars pel' day for Sessional work, and mileage, awl pay of Com- mittees to be the same as at presellt.-Carried; Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by ,v. :Yr. Ford, That the adoption of the special Committee's report regarc1illg the grant towards a Statute to the Queen, be re-considered, and that this Council again go into a O!lmmitt.ee of the whole on saId repott.-Carried. Moved by 0, McKenney, seconded by D. F. Moore, That this Council do now adjourn to meet to-morrow at 10.30 a.m.- Carried. ,v. 0_ POLLOCK, Warden. 18 FlRST SESSlON-S]XTH DAY. Friday, the 8th day of February, IDOL The _Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thom- as, according to adjournment. The Warden in the ~ha~r, ap the members present. The proceedings of the previous day were read and co nfirmed. A letter from A. Vi. Graham, tendering his thanks for the lppointment as High Sebool Trmitee, was read. The report of the Educational Committee was presentedJand adopted on motion of J. H. Yarwood, seconded by D. Lang. Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by J. H. Yarwood, That this Council do now adjourn un~il 10.30 p.m.-Carried. The Council resumed. The report of the Finance Committee was presented, and adopted on motion of A. J. Leitch, seconded by O. McKenney. The report of the Public Improvements Oommittee \vas presented, ana referled to a Oommittee of the whole. 1\1r. Lyon in the chair. After considering the report, it was adopted without amendment on motion at lVI. E. Lyon, seconded by \V.M. Ford, on the following division: Yeas-Morris, Yarwood, Lang, l\fcKeui.1ey, Leitch, Jackson, Turner and Ford. Nays-McKenney, Lyon and. Moore. Moyed by A. J. Leitch, seconded by D. Lang, That the \Varden name a Committee to appoint the valuators for the County, consisting of ODe from each district.-Carried. In Amendment: Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by E. 1'1cKellarj 19 That the matter of valuntors be left over. until the .Tune Session, and that the equalized yaluat.ion for the year be the same as last year.-Lost. The \Varden appointed the following Committee: ::\Iessrs. McKenny, Ford, Jack~on, Yarwood, Lang and Leitch. Moved by M. E. Lyon, seconded by D. F. Moore, That the deputation 1'e High Schools and C01legiat.e Institute be l-lOW heard.-Carried. .lohn Glover. E" A. Miller, Chairman of the Public School Board, ancI 1\Jr. Caron, of A.ylmer, then addressed the Council. Moved by M. E. Lyon, seconded by A. Turner, That the matter of grants to the various High Schools and Collegiate Institute be referred to the Education Committee to report at this Session. -Carried. The report of the committe-e Oil Petitions and Legislat.ion was presented and adopted on motion of S. B. :\10rris, seconded by E. McKellar. Communication from J. l\f. Glenn, r~ bridges in the adjoining muni~ ci palities, was read. Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by J. H. Yarwood, That the Clerk procure the usual supply of Assessment and Colleetors Rolls for the local municipalities for 190L Carr-ied. Moved by 1\1.. E. Lyon, secondl':'d by O. McKenney, That the grant of One Dollar per week - to Miss Ernaline Marr, an indL gent, be renewed at tbis se:::sion and continue in force until the June session. -Carried. :ThIoved by A. J. Leitcb, seeollded by O. J\IcKenney, That the Clerk be granted kave of absence for the purpose of attending the sessions of the Asse~~mellt, Commission, ancI ~hat he be authorized to appoint under his band and i"~'al some other person, who shall act in his stead,said appointment to 1.e subject to t.he approval of th~ WflT<1ep.,------o 9~rr~~d.: 20 Moved by J. H. Yal'\yood, seconded by S. B. .Morris, That th~ Council adjourn to meet at- Seven o'clock this evening sLurp.- Carried. The second report of the Education Committee was presented and adopted au motion of J. H. Yarwood, seconded by S. B. Morris. The Connty Solicitor gave his opinion in reference to the appointment of yulnators. JHoved by O. McKenner, seconded by 'V. 1\1. Fei'll, That the Committee appointed by the -'Varden to select vallJatol's be a\,1thorized to meet withiu ODe month, and'select the said valuators and prepare all necessary instructions to be approved of by a special Meet.log of this Council.-Carried. In Amendment. :LHoved S. B. Morris, seconded by D. Lang, That the, Committee appointed by the 'Varden to select valuators re- port at t.lle next regular meeting of this Council, and that no special meet- ing of this Council be called for this purpose.-Lost. Yeas~Morris, Lang, :McKellar aud Leitch. Navs-Moore, McKenney, Ford, Yarwood, Ju:;kson and TUrner. Moyed by \Y. ::\1. Ford, seconded by A. Turner, That this Council be furmshed with "The l\Iunicipal World."-Carried. Moved by S. B. nlorris, seconded by J. H. Yarwood, That By~law No. 615 being a by-law to appoint County Auditors bt'l received and read a first time.-Carried. Moyed by S. B. Morris, seconded by ~. H. Yarwood, That By-law No. 61.5 be read a second time.-Carried. Moved by S. B. Mortis, seconded by D. Lang, 'rhat By.Law .No, 615 be read a third lime and finally paosed.-Carriecl. 21 Moved D. Lang, seconded by S. B. Morris, That By-Law No. 616, being a by.1aw fo appoint a Board of Audit, be l'eceiyed and read a first time.-Carried. Moved by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by D. Lang, That By-Law No. 616 be read a second time--Carried. Moyed by D. Lang, seconded by S. B. Morris, That By,-law No. 616 be read a third time and finally pas3ec1.-Carried Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by E. McKellar, That By-law No. 817, being a by-law to appoint Trustees of High Schools, be received and read a firsttime,~Carried. :Moved by E. McKellar, seconded by A. J. Leitch, That By-law No. 617 be read a second time.-Carriecl. 1'l'Ioved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by E. McKellar, That By-law No. 617 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. :Moved by W. l\'[.. Ford, seconded by A. Turner, That By-law No. 618, being a lay-law to fix Members \Vages, be received and read a first tirne-.~Carried. l\Ioved by A. Turner, seconded by "V. 1\1. Ford, That By~law No. 618 be read a second time.-Carried. Moved by \V. Iv!. Ford, seconded by D. :F. Moore, That By-law No. 618 be read a third time and finally passed.,...-Carried. nloyed by 1\1. E. I~yon. secondecl by D. F. Moore, . That By-law N0. 619, being a oy-Iaw to authorize the 'Varden and Treasurer to borrow the snm of T\venty Thousand DollarR, be recei yed and read a first time~Carried. l\Ioved by O. McKenpey, seconded by 1VI. E. J~YOI1, 22 That By-law No. G19 be read u second time.-Carried. Moved by l\f. E. Lyon, seco.1dec1 by \Y. 1\1. Ford, That By-law No. 619 be read a thi~'c1 time and filIally passed.-Carried. Moved by S. B. NIorris, seconded by J. H. Yarwood, That the Connty Auditors b~ requested to Blake a special report on the returns made by the Local Municipal Officers and County Treasurer in reference to Arrears of Taxes.-Carried. Moved by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by S. B. Morris, That the Council adjourn to meet at the call of the Warden.-Carried. \V. o. POLLOCK, \)~ar(ien, 23 SECOND SESSION. Thursday, the 71.h cby of March, HlOl. The Elgin County Council met this day at the CourtHouse, St. Thomas to cOllsider the app<- i111:.111ent of valuators and general busiJ~ess. The ,Varden in the chair, all the Members present. .The proceedings of the last day of the previous session were read and confirmed. The "'Varden addressed the Conncil. Mr. Morris presented petition from 119 ratepayers of the unincorpor- ated village of Rodney, }:ora ying for the formation of a Police Village, which was r~felTed to Petitions and Legislation Committ,ee; The Special Committee's report on the appointment of -ralnators was then presented and referred to a Committee of the whole on motion of A. J. Leitch, seconded by S. B. Morris. :MI'. Yarwood in the chair. After consideration} the Committee rose, and the report as uU1ended was adopted on motion of\Vm. Jackson; seconded by J. H. Yarwood. Yeas-Yarwood, J\IcKenney, Lyon, Turner, Jackson, Moore and Ford. Nays-Morris, Lang} Leitch, McKellar and "'Varden Pollock. The repor!; of the Petitions and Legislation Committee was then pre~ ... sented and adopted. Moyed by O. McKenney, seconded by D. Lang, That this Council do now adjonrn in order to have the By-law re valu- ators prepared, to meet at 7.30 p.m. to-day.-Carried. The Council resllmed, all present except Mr. Turner. J\Ioved by 'Vm. J<:-ckson, seconded by D. Lang, That !;he matter of establishing Hodney as a Police Village be laid oyer until the June Sessioll.-Carried. Judge Ermatingel' addressed the Council requesting the appoint men 24 of a deputation to go te Toronto and Ottawa in reference to Government grants for monument. Moved by ,Vm, Jackson, seconded by D. F. 1\1oore. That tbis Council do not send a deputation to Toronto and Ottum\. as requested by the Historical Society.-Carried. Yeas-Leitcb, Yarwood, Morris, Moore, Lyons and Jackson. Nays-l\icKenney, Ford, McKellar and Lang. Moved by W. M. Ford, seconded by D. F. Moore, That By-law No. 620, being a By-law to apppoint valuators, be received aud read a first time.-Carried. Yeas-~1cKenney, Ford, Moore, Jackson, Yarwood and Pollock. Nays-Morris, Lang, McKellar, Leitch and Lyon. Moved by 'V. Jackson, seconded D. F. Moore, That By-law No. 620 be read a second time......:-Carried. Y eas- Y anvo:Jd, McI{ ellaI', Jackson, Moore, Ford, Lyon and l\fcKen- ney. Nays-Morris, Lang and Leitch. Moved by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by Edward McKellar, That By~Law No. 620 be read a third time and finally passed.-Carried. Moyed by J. H. Yarwood. seconded by 8. B. ]\forris, That ~he Council adjourn to meet at the call of the 'Varden.-Carrie'd. ,"V. O. PonocA, "\Varclen. O' _u SPEClAL SESSlON. Tuesday, the HHh du y or March, HlOl. The Elgin County Coullcilmet this clay at the Court Honse, S~. Tho,. mas, at Two p.m. in special Session, to consider petition received frOIl1 the ~atepayers of the unincorporated village of Roc111ey, praying 1'01' the form- tlOn of a PolIce Village and to consider the appointment of Valuators. The 'Varden in the chair, all t.he Members present. The praceedings of the previons session were read and confirmed. The 'Varden addressed the Council. ~1r. Leitch inquired whether the procedure of theCOllncil a~ ~astsession, passll1g a By-law for the appointment of Valuators, was regula,!' or Hot. TLe County Solicitor being present repqed that the By~la\V passed at the last session had not been signed by the 'Varden. That one of the valu~ ators apPo,inted ?ad refnsed to act uncleI' the conditions mentioned, and that the 'W bole questIOn could again be considered. Moved by ,A. J. Leitch, seconded by V{ll1. .Jackson, That we take up business under Rule 4.-Carriecl. MO\1"ed by l\L E. Lyon, seconded by D. F. 11oore, That the Petition from the ratepu)'ers of the unincorporaLeu villaO'e f Rodney be received, and that a By-law be passed in accordance withb ?d Petition.-Carried. sal 1\1oved by S. B. Morris, seconded by J. II. Yanvoo1, That By-La:v No. 621, being a by-law to establish a Police Village at Rodney, be receIVed and read a first time.-Cunieu. Moved by A. J. Leitch, secemdecl by 'V. Jackson, That By-law No; G21 be read a second time.-Carried. Moved by P. F. l\I~ol'e: seconded by M. E. J.J)'"0111 26 That By-law No. 621 be l"ead a third time and finally passed.-Carried. Moved by 'V111. Jackson, seconded byJ. H. Yarwood, That the Council adjourn for ODe h<?ur to allow a special Committee re Valuators to meet.-Lost. Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by D. Lang, That each Valuator be appointed sep:irately by a resolution of the Council, and that a By-law be passed, confirming such appointments as are made.-I~c.st. Yeas-Morris, Lang, Leitch and MQo1'e. Nays-:J'vIcKenney, Ford, Lyon, Turner, Jao\60n, McKellar, Yarwood and 'Varden Pollock. Moved by ],-1. E. Lyon, seconded by \'V. M. Ford, , That the pay of the Valuators to be appointed by thIs Council be $4.50 Il81' day.-Carried. Moved by O. McKenney, seconded by A. Turner, That E. B. Brown, of Brownsville, and Jo~ep111\farshal1, of London TO\vllship, be appintec1 Equalizers for this County at a salary of Four Dol- lars and fifty cents per day.-Carried. Yeus.-McKenney, Moore, Ford, I~yon, Turner, Jackson, Yarwood and Warden Pollock. Nays,-Morris, Lang, McKellar and Leitch. First Amendment. Moved by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by '.Vm. Jackson, That the Council appoint some person to act in Th-Ir. Brown's stead as valuator of the County- and the' Clerk be instructed to prepare a By-law ratifying the same and also ratifying tbe appointment of George B. Camp bell.--Lost. Yeas-Yarwood, .lHcKellar ancl Jackson. :Nays-Monis, Lang, Leitcb~ Turner~ Lyon, Fo~'d! 1\1qo1'e, "Mc!';enne~r ~nd Warden P0110(1k1 27 Seco!ld Amendment. Movetl by S. B. Morris, seconded. by D. Lang. That Messrs. Brown and Gillender be appointed Valuators at $4.50 per day includirigtheir expellses.-Lost. Yeas-Morris, Lang and L.eitch. Nays-McKellar, Jackson, TLlrner, Yarwood, Lyon, McKenney, Ford, Moore aad "Varden Pollock. Moved by A. J. I..eitch, seconded by Vil. M. Ford, That t:Je Valuators be not required to value incorporated viUages and towns in making a valuation of the County.-L.:>st.. Yeas-Morr;s, McKellar, !..eitch and Ford. Nays-Lang, Turner, Jackson, Yarwood, Lyon, J\fcKenney, Ford, Moore and 'Varden Pollock. Moyed by D. F. Mooro, seconded by 0, McKenney, That By Law No. 622 being a by-Jaw to appoint YalnatoTs be received and read a first time.-Carried. :Moved by "Vm Jackson. seconded by A. Turner, That By~law No. 622 be read a second time.-C.wried. l\Ioyed by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by D. I.ang, That By~Law No. 622 be read a thirJ time and finally passed.-Carried- Yeas-Yarwood, Lang, Jackson, Turner, Lyon, Ford, Moore, McKen. ney and 'Varden Polluck. Nays-:a'lorris, tIeKe.Iar and Leitch. Moved by 11. E. I~YOll, seconded by 'V. M. Ford, That this council du now :-Carrieq: adjOllrn to meet the First Tuesday in June. ~y, O. rOLLOCK! W~rd~H 28 SECOND SESSION-FIRST DAY, Tuesday, the 4th day of June, 1901. The Elgin County Council met this day at. the Court House, St. Tho- mas, according to adjournment. The '"Varden in the chair. All the members present. The \Varden addressed the Council as fo110\r8:- Gentlemen,-Before commencing the business of the June Session, I desire to refer to a fe\'i" matters, that ,vill be of interest. Since your last meeting, nothing important has uccurred in connection with the business of the County. The various Committees haye attended -to their work, as fonnd necessary. COC.N'l'Y YALUATORS. The County Valuators are no,,,, at work, and they will, flS far as po~sib]e, adopt the mf\thod of valuing set forth in the amend:11811t to the Hllllicipal Act, enacted at the last Session of the Legislatme, whiCh reads ns follows:- "\\Then valuators have been appoint~d under this Section, the said valuators may ascertain the value of the said real property by inspecting and valuing from fi\ye to eight per cent. of the different parcels of land in different parts of each municipality in the county, and upon such inspec~ 'tion and valuation the said valuators shall compare their valuations with the valuations in the last revised assessment rull made by the aSseSSOI;S of the several municipalities \vithin the County, and if upon such comparison it is found that the valuation of the County Valuators nearly corresponds in the aggregate with the valuation upon the local assessment roll, 'the valuators, and a[lenrards the County Council, shall accept the assessment roll of the local municipality as correct for the purposes of County valuation. Where it is found that the valuations of .particular lots made py the County Valuators differ materially from the \Tnluations of the same lots IIp on the assessment roll of tbe local municipality, the Connty Valuators shali add or deduct a corresponding percentage to or from the local assessment and a similar method shall be foll0\ved with respect to the valuation of real property in towns and villages." This will greatly facilitate the work and lessenl in every way, the e~~ penses cO!lnected therewH,pl 29 NEW MUNICIPAL LAI\"S. A number of other amendments to the J\fnnicipal Act were passed, most of which refer to the powers of the Councils of urban municipalities. The only orie of interest to resid~nts of t.he County, provides for the separation of farm lands from cities, towns and villages. On petition, the County Council may, by By-Ia\v, reduce the area of tbe town or village by detaching- the farm lands and annexing the same to some adjoiriipg municipaiity, sub- ject to the final determination of th0 question by arbitration, where the Councils, of the towns or villages are opposed to the same. An important amendment was made to the Municipal Drainage Act, \vhich provides that the decision of the referee in an applications anel proceedings under the Act when not otherwise provided, as being final and conclusive, shall be subject to appeal to the Conrt of Appeal for Ontario, and its decision shall be final, conclusive and binding upon all parties concerned. 'l'01,1, ROAD EXPROl'RBTION. For some veal'S there ha'3 been a general agitation for the abolition of toll gates. A bill was passed at the last Session of the Legislature, lUak~n~ the purchase of toll road~ compulsory, when the ratepayers of the DmnICl- palit.ies interested petition the Count.y Council to take the necessary pro- ceedings. The prices to be paid for the roads are to be determined by arbitration when an agreement canllot be ari'ived at, anel the purchase money ma;' be paid by a County, 'a portion of a County or a Township, and, if these plans are not satisfactory, the County may pnrchase the road and continue the tolls, lintil the amount required to purchase the same has been collected,.. but not for a longer period than ten years. Petitions will, I understand, be presented to the County Council at this Session, for the purpose of commencing proceedings to secure the abolition of tolls on the road leading to Port Stanley. GOYER}l:i\mXT AID FOR HIGHWAY HIPROVE",mNT. Considerable attention has been elevoteel by the Provincial authorities to tbe qnestion of Highway improvement, with the I'es.olt that. ~n ~~t h~s bl.'len passed appropriating One Million Dollars to aSSIst mUlllClpalItles III improving roads. The Act tavors the expendIture of the money by ?ounty Councils on the roads assumed for that pllJ'p0Se, but does not make It com- pulsory, The members of the Council should, at as early a date as possib]~. decide whether the v are in favor of County roads or not. When that IS determined, the pT~visions of the Act \"ill regulate future proceedings. The Auditor's report is before you and should, I think, be satisfactory t.o the majority of the- mem bl$fs. 'Vith these few remarks, I wil1leave the business of the Session in your hands. The proceedings of the previous session were read and confirmed. ~o The following communicatIons were read: 1. Report of Oourt House Commissioners. Referred to Finance Committee. 2. From J. H. Hoover, M.D., Vienna, re grant for Miss Emalille Marl" Referred to Finance Committee. 3. From K. 'V. McKay, Co. Clerk, re Pedlar's License By.hw. Referred to Fmancc Committee. 4. From D. McLa WB, Clerk of the County Court, with copy of presentment of Grand Jury. Referred to Gaol Committee. 5. Award of Arbitrators appointad to consider the petition of D. McGre- gor and others for the formation of two or mor~ school sections, composed" of parts of the townships of DUllWich and Aldborough. Referred to Educa- tion Committee. 6. From \V. Atkm, Public School Im.pector, with annual report. R..: rer- red to Education Committee. 7. From ralepayers of Union School Seoction, No. 24, in the Township of SOllthwold, and of 25 in the Township of Yarmouth, with appeal against the refusal of the corporation of the saE! Tovmship of South wold to appoint an arbitrator to c€lnsider the alteration of the boundaries of said Section. Referred to Education Committee. 8. From Edith M. Young, re Children's Shelter, referred to Fina.r:ce Com mittee. 8. From ratepayers of School Section No. 12, with appeal against the neg- lect of the Council of the Township of 8outhw(~i to cc:~s:':er un applica- tion to alter the bonndaries of schaal sections Nos. 12, 13 s.nd 14 in the said tow~lship.. Rd ferred to Edncation Co,Llmittee. 10. From the County Engineer, Report, referred to Public Improve- ments Committee. Mr. Yarwood presented petitiolli from Yarmouth and St. Thomas; Mr. Jackson from Port Stanley and South wold, and Mr. Tarner from Soath- wold, praying the Council to take proceedings to abolish the toll gates on the road leading to Port Stanley. Mo~ed by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by W. Jackson, 31 That the pctittons of ratepayers of Yarmouth, Sonthwold. Port Stanley and St. Thomas be referred to a special Committee to be ~ppointed by the warden.-Carried: The following enqUIries wefe made:- 1. _~. J. Leitch, 1'e cost of Court House Commission. 2.-W. Jackson, r~ amount paid Bayham for maintenance or indigents. Tbis was explained ,to be in accordance with by-laws pu:ssed by the Elgin County Council for the years IS99 and 1900. Moved by M. E. Lyon, seconded bv D. F. Moore, That the Council do now adjourn until eight o'clock this evening:in- order to meet a deputation froI? the County of Middlesex.-- Carried. . The Oounci~ resumed. All the members present, except, Messrs. Lang-and Leitch. Messrs. Craig and Gough, of the Middlesex County Council, and Messrs. 'Sheppard, Nagle, Foulds and other residents of Muncey, were present arid made statement,s in reference to the Council's offer or grant towards the constrnction of a bridge across the Thames. No action was taken. Moved by J. H.. Yarwood, seconded by S. B. Morris, That the Council adjourn to meet at ten o'clock to-rnorrow.--,--Ca:rried lV. O. POJJI.OCK, \Varden. 32 SECOND SESSION-SECOND DAY. 'Wednesda.Y1 the 5th day of June, 1901. The Elgin County Council met this day at the Oourt House, St. Thomas, according to adjournment. The "Yarden in the chair. All members present. Tha proceeding of the previous day were read and confirmed. MO\Ted by W. M. Ford, seconded by D. F. 1100re, That the Council visit the. House of Industry to-morroW alternoon as requestec:l by Inspector.-Carried. ! Moved by E. McKellar, seconded by 'V. Jackson, That the Public Improvements Committee of this Coudy have power to act with a similar Committee from the County of Middlesex to-open tenders and award contra~t for r.e-building the South approach to "the Graham Road Bridge, tenders to be @pened in London to-morrow, th~ 6th of J une.-Carried. Tlae warden appointed thiJ following members of the Counail, a Special Toll Road Committee to consider the petitions presented yester("lay:- Messrs. McKenney, Ford, Yarwood, .Tackson, Leitch and Morris. Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by 'V. M. Ford, That whereas the Legislature of Ontario, at its last session, set apart as a speci~l a~propriati~n $1,000,000 to assist in the cor:Etruction of leadi~g roads in the various Counties in the Province, that may see fit to avaIl them- selves of the provisions of the Act, and, whereas, this council is of the opinion that the matter should be fully .investiga~ed before ac~ion is taken by this county, be it resolved that a speClal commIttee ?e~PPolll_ted b~ t~e warden, consisting of at least one member from each Dlstnct to lllvestlgate and report at the December Sessiorl.'--Carried. Mr. Jackson presented report of Special Committee, appointed to conf~r with the council of the City of St. Thomas in reference to payment of theIr share of the damages in Hampton vs. Elgin. The report was adopted on motion of \V. Jackson, seconded by O. McKenney. Moved by S. B. 1\lorris, secon,ded by J. H. Yarwood, 33 That this'council do now adjourn until 2 p.m. to allow committees to meet. :-Carried. The Council resumed. Mr. Jackson presented the Toll Road pet.ition from the ratepayers of the Townsbip of South wold, w hieb was refened to special committee. A deputation of the property owners living along the toll road were present, and l\1essrs. Graham! Hill, Bennett, Tit,beriugton and Johnson addressed the council in reference to the abolition at tolls. Moved by M. E. Lyon, seconded by D. F" Moore, That after bearing the depntation 1'e Port Stanley Gravel Road, that the matter be referred to the Special Toil Roads Committee, and inasmuch as there is a special Act bearing on the question, tiJat the said Committee be instructed to obtain the opinion oE the Connt,y Solicitor on all legal points; said opinion to be given at as early a d,tte as possible.-Carried. Report of Ed,ucation Committee was preoented and adopted on motion of J. H. Yarwood, seconded by S. B. Morris. Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by J. I-I. Yarwood, That this Council do now adjourn until to-morrow at 10 a. m. to allow C€.llumiJ tees to meet-Carried. If. O. POLLOCK, Warden, 84 SECOND SESSION-THIRD DAY, Thursday, the 6t,b day of June, 1901. The Elgin County Council met this day at tbe Court House, St. Tho- mas, according to adjournment. The "rarden in the chair. All the members present. The proceedings of the previouS day ~'ere read and confirmed. The report of the County Treasnrer was read and referred to Finance Committee. Mr. Lyon made statement re condition of Vienna High School Building ~nd enquired "Oan tIllS County Council make a grant for improvement of he building?" Mr. McKenney gave notice that he would apply for $200 for the im- provement of the Vienna High School Building, if a grant could be legally made. The report of the Gaol Committee was presented and adopted on mo- tion of Morris, seconded by Ford. The report of the Special Toll Road Committee was presented 3"nd adopted on motion of McKenney, seconded by Yarwood. On motion of lIforris, seconded by McKellar, Messrs. Sheppard and Nagle addressed the Council, requesting that grant to Muncey Bridge be advanced to 3D per cent. \vithout maintenance. Moved by M. E. Lyon, seconded by D. F. Moore, That the matter of dealing with the Muncey Bridge be left with the Public Improvements Committee to report to-morrow.-Carried. Moved by 'V. M. Ford, seconded by J. H. Yarwood, 'I;'hat whereas, weare informed that Mr. Leonard will not act as arbi. trator in the matter of altering the boundaries of School Sections Nos. 12, 13 and 14 in South wold, we hereby appoint J. G. Pauling, Clerk d Bayharo, to act in his stead.-Carried. Moved by D. F. Moore, seconded by W. M. Ford, 'J;hat this Oouncil do :pow adjourn until to-morrow at 1'0 a.m.-Qari'ied W. O. POLLOCK, Warden. 35 8ECOllD SESSlON-FOURTH DAY. Friday, the 7th dny of JunQ, 1901. The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Tho- mas, according to adjou.rnment. The '\17arden in the chair. All members present, except Mr. Lang. The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. T~e report of t~e J~int ~~morial Committee, of the City and County CounCIls and the Rr:::itol'lCal SOCIety, was read and ordered to be fiied. ~ioved by "\Vm. Jackson, seconded by Will. Ford, ?hat the County Solicitor be requested to put his opinion in reference to l'Th: Toll Roads Expropriation Act" in writing, and thnt the Clerk be authOrIzed to send a COPy of the !'lame to the Ron G W R d . .". . . . oss, an reqClest that the Act be amended at next SeSSIOn of the Legislature so as to apply t ~ll th,e toll roa,cls i~ this county, and that an Act be passed'toprovidefor th~ lepe~l oj the Specml Act passed in 1863, when the tolls are removed.- CarrIed. lV~oved by A. Turner"seconded 'itV. Jackson, That in view of the fact of this Coul!lcil having passed a resolution at the January Session, grant~ng a snm of money, not to exceed Twenty-fly\) pe:- cent of the cost of a brIdge OVlllr the River -Thames, at what is known 3s'~~e .Muncey site, it is resolved that the Public ImDroy~nents CommIttee be and are hereby empowered to carry out the 'intent of that resolutio'n namely Twenty-five per cent. of the cost of the bridge proper.-Carried~ ' Mo\,\:;'(1' by M. E. Lyon', seconded by O. M~Ken~ey ~ . T~.at the deputation from Aylmer, re High School grant be n h - -_T -'Carned. ' ow aaru. Mayor Glover and Messrs. Miller and Caron then addressed the Council. Moved by S. B. Morris, secondej 'by J. H. Yarwood, That this Council do now adjourn until 2 _p.ro.----'Carried. The Council resnmed. 36 Mr. Lyon gave notice that he would apply for a grant of $1200 fartLe improvement of the High School Buildings in the County, and Mr. Jackson gR'(.oe notice that he would apply for a similar grant for the St. Thomas 001- egiate Institute. 1\:Iov~d by Wg Jackson, seconded by A. J. Leitch, That the County Solicitor and, the Warden be instrucr,ed to take the necessary steps to have the London and Port Stanley Gravel Rmid placed in a proper state of Jepair.-Carried. Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by E. McKellar, . That authority is hereby given to the House of Industry Committee to pl"Oclll'ea wind-mill or bot air engine f61' the well at the House of Industry, if they think it advisable to act in the matter.-Cal'ried. The report of the Public Improvements Committee was presented. Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by W. Jackson, That the opinion of the County Solicitor be obtained on the liability of the County in regard to the building of the bridge across Catfish Creek be- tween Malahideand South Dorchester, which was assumed by the County, by By-law in 1894. Does By-law No. 582 passed in 1898, do away \vith the one assuming this bridge ?-Carried. Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by W. Jackson, That the Clerk have thIrty-six copies of the proceedings and auditors reports for 1897, 1898, 1899 and 1900 bound, and that one copy be supplied~ to eaeh member and official of this council.-Carried. Moved by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by S, B. l\i.orris, That whereas the County EnKineer is net provided with a copy of tlie Statutes for 1901, which is a great inconvenience to him, we hereby authorfze the Clerk to purcha~e the same for his use, which shall be the .property of the county.-Carrled. Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by J. H. Yarwood, That this council do now adjourn until 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. ---Carried. W. O. POI"LOCK, \Varden. 37 SECOND SESSION-FIFTH DAY. Saturday, the 8th day of June, 1901. The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, according to,-adjournment. The Warden in the chair. All members present, except Mr. Lang. The proceedings of the previous day were read and cOllfirroed. The report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion ot'A. J. Leitch, seconded by O. McKenney. Moved by O. McKenney, se'conde~ by M. E. Lyon, That By-law No. 583, being a By-law to det:r~in~ .the length of County b 'dges on boundar)' lines between two mUOlclpahtles, be amended by n . . d "'h' " C striking out the word "eighty" and substrtutmg th.e wor t lrty .- ar ried. Yeas:-McKenney, Lyon, Moore, Ford, Turner, Jackson, Yan'{ood. Nays:-Leitch, McKellar, Morrif'!. Moved by M. E. Lyon, seconded by O. McKenney, That this Council recommend Willard Spence, of Malahide, as a Connty pupil to the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph for one year.-'-Carried. Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by J. H. Yarwood, That in the event of the County of Middlesex consenting to construct the bridge over the River Thames at or near the townline between Aldbor- ough and Dunwich, or at the Willey site, this year, the Public Improve- ments Committee and Engineer are hereby authorized to act in conjunction with them in advertising for tenders and letting contracts.-Carried. . Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded bv E. McKellar, That the equalized valuation -of tbe various municipalities in this County be the same as last year.-Oarried. Moved by O. McKenney, seconded by \Y. M. Ford, 38 That the Clerk procure and .furnish each. member of this Council with a copy of the Ontario Statutes "for 190I.""""-'Carrred. Moved by D. F. l\foo:t:'e, seconded by \;y~. ]\1. Ford, . . That Mr. Henry be refunded Forty Dollars, oyercharge of licenses, pro- VIding he returns the IiceI~ses.-Carried. Moved by S. B. Uorris, seconded by J. H. Yarwoood, That this Council do now adjourn until 1.30 p.m.-Carried. The Council resumed. Moved by W. Jacks'Jll, seconded by J. H. Yarwood, That the report of the Public. -Improvements Committee be adopted _ Carried. . The House of Industry Committee's report was presented and adopted on motion of O. McKenney, seeonded by J.. H. Yarwood. Moved by E. McKellar, seconded by vV'. Jac~son,~ ~. Th~ta grant of One Dollar a week be made to Euphemia Wallace, a tormer m:nate of the House of InduEltry, to be continued until the next re- g.ular SessIOn, and to be .paid to the order of the Reeve of DUl1wich.-Car- TIed. Moved by }.II. E. J.Jyon, seconded by D. F. Moore, That, .aft~r hearing the communication of Dr. Hoover, re Miss Ernaline Marl' (an llldlg~mt) we continue the grant o'f One -Dollar per week until ~ovem.ber SessIOn, payable to the order of the Treasur~r of Vienna.-Car- ned. Moved by M. E. Lyon, seconded 'by O. McKenney, . That the s.um of Twelve Hundred DoIlat;s be granted:;o the different HIgh Schools III the Couuty for perhlanent improvements, to be divided as follows:-Aylmel', Six Hu'ridred; DU'ttob, Four BUlldred' '''jenna Two Hundred.-Carried. ' , Yeas:-Leitcb, Ford, McKellar, 1\1oore, Lyon, Mc'Ke:bney~ Nays:-1.forl'is, Yarwood, Jackson, Turner. . 39 :i\Ioyed by A. ~urner, seconded by 'V. Jackson, That an equivalent p''!ut be granted the St. Thomas High School as asked forthe Vienna, Aylmer and Dutton High Schools, in accordance with the High School Act.-Lost. Yeas-Jackson, Turner, Yarwood. Nays-Morris, McKellar, Leitch, Ford, 1\-1001'e, Lyon, McKenney. Moved by D. F. Moore? seconded by W. ilL I:ord, 'l;'hat By~law No. 623, being a b.r~law to confirm the equalizati(lfi of the acsescment rolls, be f\:ceind RHd read a first tinw.-Canied. Moved by D. F. 1\-1oore, seconded by A. Turner, That By-law No. 623 be read a second time.-Carried. Moved by D. F. Moore, seconded by A. Turner, That By-law No. 623 be read a third time and finally passed.-Carried. Moyed by S. B. Morris, seconded 'by J. H. Yarwood, That By.law No. 624, being a by. law to amend By-law No. 5Gl, ba received and read a first timo.-Carried. Moved bv S. B. J'.fonis, seconded by J. H. Yarwood, That By-law No. 624 be read a secOlld time.-Carried. Moved by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by S.~B. Morris, That By-law No. 624 be read a third t.ime ~ncl finally passed.-Carried :Moved by 0, McKenne:r, secondEld by M. E. Lyon, That By-'~\\ No. 625, being a by'-law to authorize the warden and treasurer t6 borro\\' :Fifteen Thousand Dollars, be received aud read a iirst time.-Carried. Moved by 1\1. E. Lyon, seconded by O. !I-1cKcnney, That By-law No. 621:} b0 read a second time.-Carried, 40 Moved by M. E. Lyon, &econded by D. F. Moore, That By-law No. 625 be read a third time and finally pass-ed.-Carried. Moved by W. Jackson, seconded ~y A. J. I~eitcb, That By-law No. 626, being a by-law to make a grant for the erection of a bridge over River Thames at Muncey, be received and read a first time. -Carried. Moyed by 'V. Jackson, seconded by A. Turner, That By-law No. 628 be read a second time.-Carried. Moved by W. Jack8on, seconded by A. Turner, That By-law No. 626 be read a third time and finally paesed.-Carried. Moved by D. F. Moore, seconded by W. M. Ford, That By-law No. 627, being a by-law to appoint arbitrators to decide School Section appeals, be received and read a first time.-Carried. Moved by D. F. Moore, seconded by "'V. M. Ford, That By-law No. 627 be read a second time.-Carried. Moved by D. F. Moore, se.couded by W. M. Ford, That By-law No. 627 be read a. tbird time and finally passed.-Carried. Moved by A. J. Leitch: seconded by E. :McKellar, That By-law No. 628, beiNg a by-law to raise amounts for county rates b~ recei ved and read a first time.-Carrie-d. ~ , Moved by E. Mc!Cella~', seconded by A. J. Leitch, That By-b. w No. 62S- be read a second time.-Carried. Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded b} W. Jackson, ,:!hat B!-law No, 52? he re'<l ~ ,hi!'<l tillle and Jjnall!' ~asse<l,-C~r!,jel1 41 Moved by M. E. Lyon, seconded by D. F. }foore, That By-law No. 629, being a by-Jaw to amend By-law No. 583, be re- ceived and read a firl!lt time.-Carl'ied. Moved by a.McKenney, seconded by M. E. Lyon, That By-law No. 629 ~e read a s~cond tiroe.-Carried. Moved by D. F. Moore, seconded by "\\... M. Ford, That By-law No. 629 be read a third time and finally passed.-Carl'ied. Moved by M. E. Lyon, seconded by D. F. lfoore, That By-law No. 630, beiu.g a. by-law to make grant for permanent im- provement of High SBbooJ3, be received and read a first time.---'Carried. Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by O. McKenney, That By-law No. 630 be rtmd a second time.-Carried. Moved by D. F. Moore, seconded by W. Jackson, That By-law No. 630 be read a third time and finally passed.-Carried. Yeas-Lyon, Moore, Leitch, McKenney, MuKellal'. Nays-Morris, Turner, Jackson. Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by A. J. Leitch, That this Council do now adjourn to meet on November 26th, 1901.- Carried. 1V. O. POLLOCK, Warden. 42 THlRD SESSION-FIRST DAY, Tuesday, the 26th day of Noyember, UIOl. The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court HousE(. St. Thomas, according to adjournment. The 'Varden in the cllair. All the members present. The proceedings of the last day of the previous session '\Tere read and coil firmed. The "\Val'den addref:sed the council as follows:- WARDEN'S ADDRESS. To the r.fembers of the Elgin County Council:- Gel1tlemen:-At the June SE'sdon, I was instructed to act witb the solicitor and have the London and Port Stanley Gravel Road placed in proper state of repair. I consulted the solicitor and' inspected the road and aU of the bridges with the County Engineer. The bridge at the Brewery was found to be in a more dangerous condition thun tue others, and before'noti- fying the lessees I had it examined by Mr. 'Webster, bridge foreman for the lvI.C.R., 'who agreed with our Engineer as to its condition. The Company was notified in reference to the condition of the bridges, and I am pleased to say that the Brewery bridge has since been repaired. The otber bridgE!s are not in a first class condItion and will bave to be repaired very soon. VALUATOR'S REPORT. The County Valuators filed their report with tbe clerk a few days ago and a copy was immediately forwarded tb each member of tbe Council. The result is, no doubt, somewhat different from what was anticipated. The 'Valuators, have, I believe, done the work thoroughly. and it would a.ppear that the basis of equalization adopted by the County Council for some years past, was a reasonable one. The villages and tbe town of Aylmer howeyer appear to have had the adyantage to a slight extent. Tbis was no doubt owing to the fact that the real property and bnildings, situated therein' were more difficult to yalne than fai'm lands. ' TOLl, ROADS ACl' AME:NDMENTS. ;r consulted the Solicitor in reference to tbe amendments necessary to make the Toll Roads Expropriation Act applicable to this County and we decided that, owing to the peculiar situation of the toll roads in Elgin, i would be 'better to consult the Premier in referelll~e thereto. I accordmgly 43 waited on hii'u at Toronto, accon1panicd by {he Clerk t'tl1l1 Solicitor. After discussing the question vdt,h Mr. Ross, we were infonl1l~d thai; some of the amendments could be made to the general Act., but that other amcnUlnents necessary might be objcctsd to, O\\'ing to conditions that exist in other partfl of the Province. Vle also referred to the necessity of repealing the special Act; passed in 1863, when the tolls are l'emoyed and \vere informed that, although tbis Act \vas passed at the request of the County Council for special reasons, the City Council should be now consnll;ed in reference thereto, an!i that, 'when an Qgreement is arrived at, a special Act shonld be prepared making the general Expl'opriation Act applicable to the Elgin roads and also to provide ior the repeal of the Special Act. I would suggest that a small Committee be appointed to wait upon the City Council in reference to this matter. With these few remarks, gentlemen, we will proceed with the business of the Session. . The following communications were rca~l:- 1. From Willard Spence, with notice 1'e his appointment as County Pupil, Agricultural College. 2. From D. :McLaws, County Conrt Clerk, wit,h presentment of Grand Jury. Referred to the House of Industry Committee. 3. From Attorney Genei:al, re Assessment Act. Referred to Pet,itions a.nd ~egislation Committee. 4. From County Council of Norfolk, 1'e cattle guards. Referred to Peti- tions and Legislat.ion Committee. 5. From Arbitrators, appointed to consider School Section appeals in Southwoldand Yarmouth. Hreferred to Education Committee. 6. From L. Luton, physician Honse of Industry 1 'with report. Heferred to House of Industrv Committee. 7. From County Valuators, with report. 8. From Jas. A. Bell, County Engineer, 'irith report. Referred to Public Improvemen.t.s Committee. Mr. Lang gave notice that he would apply for a grant of $225 to assist in the work on "\Vestern County Line. , 44 Moved by M. .E. Lyon, seconded by ()'~McKenney, ~ That the report of the County Valuators be referred to a Committee, composed of one member, from each district, named by the Warden, to re. port at the present Session.-Carned. The Warden. appointed the folIov,'ing members as a special Committee Messrs. Morris, Leitch, Jackson, Yarwood, Lyon, Ford. Moved by D. Lang, seconded by J. H. Yarwood, That the Council adjourn until ten o'clock to-morrow to allow Commit- tees to roeat.-Carried. Vi. O. POLLOCK, Warden. 45 THIRD SESSION-SECOND DAY. Wednesday, the 27th day of November, 1901. The Elgin County Council met tbis day at the Court House, St. Thomas, according to adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members present. The proceedings of the previous day were road and confirmed. The following communications were read:- 1. From County Treasurer, statement re Finances. Referred to Finance Committee. 2. From D. Turner, Inspector House of Industry. Referred to Hou'ile of Industry Committee. County Solicitor, Glenn, then addressed the Council in reference to Valuator's report. The report of the Petitions and Legisla.tion Committee was presented: and adopted on motion of S. B. Morris, seconded by M. E. Lyon. Moved by W. M. Ford,.seconded by D. F. Moore, That this Council do now adjourn until2p.m.-Curied, The Council resumed. A communication from the Valuators, amending report, wau read and referred to special committee. . " Mr. Moore enquired reason for deputation going to Toronto re amend, meuts to.Toll Road Expropriation Act. A. deputation from the Township Council of Aldborough, conBil!lting of MeE5Ti. Honse and Campbell, being present, were allowed to ~ddre8B the council. Moved by D. Lang, seconded by S. B. Morris, That a Ipecial grant of $225 be granted for work done on thi" western co~nty line, providin~ that the Q01mtr of ~~n~ r;O~~rU?g~~~ ~ H~~ ~ffi9\111~f'" 9~r j~\l - 46 Moyed by S. B..Morris, seconded by D. Lang, That this Council do now adjourn for thirty minutes, t.o allow the Spe~ cial Committee, to whom ,vas referred thel'eport of the Valuators, to meet. -Carried. The Council resumed. The report of the Special Committee, appointed to consider Valuators report, wns presented, and adopted on motion of A. J. Leitch, seconded by 'V. JH. Ford. The repOl"t of the Public Improvements Committee was presented, and adopted o~ motion of E. McKellar, seconded by D. LaIig. :!\foved by W. }\.1" Ford, seconded by D. F. Moore, That George Pl'ocnnier, or Bayham, be appointed connty pupil to the Agricultural College, instead of 'Villard Spence, resigned.-Carried. Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by A. J. Leitch, That the Clerk procure the usual election supplies, assessment and col- lectors' rolls for the various municipalities in the countv.-Carried. Moved by 111. E. Lyon, seconded by 0, McKenney, That the grant to Miss EmaHne ),farr be continued until the June ses. sian of next yeal', and that the grant be paid to the Treasurer of Vienna.- Carried. '1I1oved by E. McKellar, seconded by W. Jackson, That the gra1.1t of One Dollar per week be continued to Euphemia Wal- lace, until the June session,-Cal'ried. Moyed by D. Lang, seconded by A. Turner, Tbat the Ele;;tric Railway Committee and Messrs. Morris, McKenney, Moore 'mid the Warden, be alJpointed to meet with City, and secure such amendments io the Toll Road Expropriation Act, as may be necessary to make:t ap-ply to tbe purchase of toll roads in this coun~y.-Carried. l\loved by W. l\f. Ford, seconded by D. F. ldoore, That this conl1cil do now adjourn to meet to-morrow at 10 o'clock, to ~llo\Y cortllnittees to meet.-Carried. W. O. POLLOCK, Warden 47 THlRD SESSION-THlRD DAY, Thursday, the f8th day of November, 1901. The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, a('cordin.g to adjonrnment. The Warden in t.he chair. All members present. The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. The report of the Gaol Committee ,,,as presented and adopted on motion of S. B. Morris, seconded by IN. M. Ford. ' The report of the Education Committee was presented and adopted on motion of J. H. Yarwood, seconded by W'. Jackson. The report of the Special Road Improvement Commttte was presented a.nd adopted on motion of E. McKellar, seconded by J. H. Yarwood. The report of the House of Industry Committee was presented And adopted on motion of O. McKenney, seconded by A. Turner. The report of the Finance Committee 'Was presented and adopted on motion of A. J. Leitch, seconded by \V. M. Ford. Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by S. B. Monis, That this Council petition the Local Legislature to amend section 310 of the Municipal Act, as amended at last session, so that County Council! will have the sarile power to deal with valuators' reports, as they had before the amendment of 1901 was passed, and that the County Solicitor draw up the petition and includ~ the necessary amendment.-Garried. !foyed by A. J. Leitch, seconded by E. McKellar, 'rhut By-law No. 631, being a by-law to extend the time for the enforced collection by sale of non~re.8ident taxes, be received and read a fint time.- Carried. JHoyed by A. J. Leitch, seconded by E. McKellar, Time l;ltl.... No, 63+ by read ~ .""and t!PJe.-Oarried,'. . ,- - -.... 48 :Moved by A. J. Leit.c~l seconded by E. McKell.ar, That By-law No. 631 be read a. third time a.nd finally pallsed......:-Carried. Moved by J. H. Yaniood, I!econded by S. B. Mo:ris, That the Council adjourn until the fourth Tuesday in January, 1902, that the warden be paid the 811m of $50 for ex'tra lilervicel, and that the thanks of the Council be and ar8 hereby t,endered to the warden, cl~rk, treasurer and E.mitineer for their courtesy and efficient eeTvice&!.-Carriea. K. W. }\'lcKAY, COUNTY CLERK. W. O. POLLOCK, Warden, 49 REPORTS. STANDING COMMITTEES. To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen-The Committee appointed to strike Standing Committees, report as follows: Gaol a.nd Printing-Turner, Morris a.nd Ford. Finance-Leitch, Lyon, Ford and McKenney. Educational-Yarwood, Jackson, Ford, Leitch, :r..h:Kenney and Lang. Petitions and Legislation-Lyon, Turner, Morris, McKellar and Moore. Public Improvements-Jackson, Moore, McKellar, Lyon and Lang. House of Industry-Yarwood, Leitch and McKenney. All of which is respectfully submitted. D. LANG, Chairman. Adopted Feb, 6, 1901. "' 50 REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON RESOLUTION '['0 KING EDWARD VlI, ON DEATH OF QUEEN VICTORIA, FEBllUARY S.ESSIOY. To the Elgin County Caur-cil: GENTLEMEN,-The Special Committee appointed to draft a resolution in reference to the death of Queen Victoria beg leave to report:- 1. That the following resolution of condolQuce be iorwarded through the Governor-General to His Majesty, King Edward the Seventh,- "We, the members 0f the. County Council of the County @f ~lgin, having learned with regret of the death of our beloved sovereign Victoria "the good," Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, desire to extend their deep&st sympathy to His Majesty the King and the Members cf the Royal Family in their sad bereavement. It is difficult for us to realize that the one great woman whose name we in Qur youth were taught to honor and revere, is dead. When she began her reign in ]837, the Province of OntarIo ,ras engaged m an internal strife, which resulted in the enactment of laws establishiQg a most liberal form of local government, to which through her advisers she was pleased to assent to from time to time. The first general municipal law was passed in 1841, and each year Parliament continues to a,dd to the powers and extension of the municipal system. It. has exceeded the brightest anticipations of its originators. It has taught tbe people how to conduct tbeir own affairs. It has furnished them with a system, which, were they unhappily subjected to an external aggression sufficient to derange the general governmlilnt, would enable them to protect themselves, and as Soon as the storm was over, to .settle down without'.difficulty in the quiet and virtuous occupations of peace. It bas developed the talents of the people and directed their minds to the noblest of all occupations, viz., the making of the country prosper- ous and contented. The period of greatest development in Canada, Ontario and the County of Elgin in particular, will always be known as tbe Victorian Era. It was with pleasuretbat we were able to recognize the beneficent effect of the influence of Her Majesty by sending our sons to aSl'list in dt fendinr{ the empire in South Africa, and while appreciating the loss Great Britain and Canada has i)ustained, y..'~' desire to place upon l'ecord our feelings of loyalty to tbe tbrone and person of His Majesty King Edward the Seventh, with tbe hope that he may be long spared to reign over 'fa vaster Empire than has been." All of whi~h is respectfully submitted. Adopted 6th Fehruary, 1901. A. J. LEITCH, Chairman. 51 REP,ORTS TALBOT SETTLEMENT MEM(J!\IAL, .. . JANUARY SESSION. To the Warden and Members of the Elgin COUl1ty CouDcil: Gentlemen:-The joint committee appointed by the City and County Councils apd the Elgin Historical Society to decide on a plan for the commemora. tion of the centennial of the Talbot Settlement have agreed to recommend the foIlowing:- 1. That a memorial statue be erected in St. Thomas. 2. That the central fip;ure should be Queen Victoria with bas reliefs or figures ou base illustrative of. the history and development of the Talbot bettle- ment, including the services of the sons of the settlement in defence of the Em- pire in South Africa. 3. . That there is urgent necessity for immediate action as the time before the date of the centennial, in May 1903, is not more than sufficient to secure tlio execution and comple1.ion of the work. The Elgin Historical Society therefor.e applies to your honorable body for a liberal grant €ommensurate with the importance of the occasion to be undertaken. Signed on behalf of the Elgin Historical Society this 23rd day of January. 1901. C. O. ERMATINGER, President. K. W, McKAY, Secretary. Referred by the warden to a Special Committee appointed to draft a resolu~ tion in reference to the death of the Queen) the 23rd January, 1901. " ,. il Ii Ii F I; F if: !i r Ij FEBRUA.RY SESSION. To ~he Warden and CouDcil of the County ~f Elgin: Gentlemen:-I beg leave to report the following in addition to the report already submitted by tbe special committ.ee appointed to consider the question of a gram to the Historical Society to erect a statue to Queeu Victoria~ That your committee has considered the communication received from the Elgin Hi~torical Society for a grant to assist in t.he erection of a memorial I:: ii' H Ie I:i i:, 52 statue to Queen Victoria, and would recommend that we grant an amaun- sllfficient to pay one.fourth of the cost of a memorial statue, said grant not to ex ceed $4000, and that we be auth~rized to co-operate with said society in s~lecting a design and location for the monument,ann in a general way to assist in .procurM iug the erection of a memorial to the JZreatest sovereign the world has ever known, and worthy ill every way of the progressive community that we repre- sent. All of which is respectfully submitted, A. J. LEITCH, Chairma.n. Adopted Feb. 7, 1901. JUNE SESSION. To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen-The Joint Memorial Committee of the City and County Councils and the Historical Society beg leave to:report: That all the municipalities in the Talbot District, and the Dominion and Provincial GoYernments~ have been requested to make a grants towardll the erection of the proposed monument, but as yet none hd,ye been rcceiv~d. We have decided to leave the question in its present position and take it up later on, should a ftworable opportunity prellent itself. AU of which is respectfuUy)ubmitted. C. O. ERMATINGER, Chairman. June 6th, 1901. Ordered=to be filed June 7th, 1901. 53 PUBLIC SCHOOL INSPECTOR'S REPORT, June Session To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council: Gentlemen:-I have the honor of presenting my report on the public schools of Elgin County for the yeal 1900.. FINANCUL STATEMENT. The following are tho amounts expended for public school purposes and the cost per registered pupil in the ~ifferent municipalities in the Couuty:- Aldborough $11,414 61 per ~~pi1 $ 9 37 Ba.yham 8,022 00 9 95 Dunwich 7,301 70 " 11 22 Malahide 7,017 97 ~outhwold 8 45 9,045 28 " 10 28 South Dorchester 3,434 01 " 1295 Yarmouth 8,426 32 ", 8 70 Aylmer 4,572 81 1040 Dutton 1,926 81 " 868 Port Stanley 942 68 " 646 Springfield 1,27201 " 7 00 Vienna 701 64- " 900 SCHOOL POPULATION AND ATTENDANCE, No. of Resident pupils. 1361 1020 771 940 978 309 1152 543 275 176 182 63 Aldborough Bayham DUllwwh Malahide South wold South Dorchester Yarmouth Aylmer Dutton Port Stanley SpriDgfield Vienna. No. of Regi.tered pupils. ]218 905 642 830 880 205 971 440 222 146 182 80 No. of pupils per teacher. 55 48 44 49 42 33 46 55 55 73 60 40 Total number of pupils registered, 6781 Number of boys, 3480 Number of girls, 3301 Number of pupils per teacher, 49 The schools were open an average of 199 days ~D.d the 6781 pupils attended on an aTerage, 114 days during the year. CLASS]FICATION OF PUPiLS, No. o! pll~~ls in P,~rt 1, First Class, 1275 2, " " 911 " " Second " 1358 " " " Third " 1278 " " Fourth " 1473 " " " J.1illh " $.6 . 55 :ij;odney received $100 \-"est Loroe " 100 Port Stanley 50 Springfield 50 Belmoct 50 Shedden 50 Fmgal 50 Port Burwell " 25 Eden 25 Wallacetown 25 No 10. Dunwich received...- 25 Kingsmill recei \'ed 25 Watson's Corners received 25 Union received 25 Sparta 25 Yar. Centre 25 No.2 Aldborough received 15 No.3" .. 15 No.9" ]5 No. 12 " " 15 Corinth 15 No. 22 Malrlhide" 15 No. I Sonthwold 15 No. 27 Yarmouth 15 54 All pupils r~~~ived i~~tr~ction i~ R~ading, Arithm~ti~, Writing and iug. The following numbers received instruction in the subjects named:- Geo!:{raphy, 5399 Grammar and Composition 4863, though all take compositbn written or oral, Canadian History. Euglish History, Physiology and Temperance, Book,keeping, Algebra, Geometry. Botany and Agric.ulture; Physics. Music, Drill and Calisthenics, 3195 2255 3367 496 46&- 436 2000 104 3187 4018 TEACHERS, No. of Male teachers. No. of Female teachers. 12 12 7 12 12 7 ]6 7 3 I 2 2 Average Salary. ' $366 00 432 85 331 25 317 00 363 33 4]0 00 393 75 600 00 475 00 500 00 500 00 $246 50 254 16 268 57 3]4 16 288 33 289 71 286 56 312 14 255 00 300 00 225 00 282 50 380 :Jl 276 94 Aldborough Bayham Dunwich Malahide Southwold South Dorchester Yarmouth Aylmer Dutton Port Stanl~y Springfield Vienna' Average in the CQunt.y " " " 10 7 8 ThestJ grants, together with the equivalent connty grantl:; ffi3.ke a total of received by pubhc schools on account of fifth form work. The attendance of pnpils in thA fift.h form increased from 592 in 1889 to 845 190:). and the attendance was more regular, as the grants depend on attend- for each month in the year. SCHOOL HOUSES AND SITES, 5 9 1 4 1 1 I 1 There were 108 school houses in the county, seventy-three were brIck and five frame. Several have been permanently impro,'ed since my last report, Nos. 3, 4 and 5 Dunwich and No. IS Ma.lahide. These houses hAve com'erted into comfortable brick ones, with satisfactory heating and venti. for male teacher female teacher CONT]NUATION CLASSES, The following shows the amounts of government grants received by differ~nt schools in the connty. These schools are dil'ided into four grades A, B, C, and D;) A is a. SGhool employing a first class teacher, whose time is wholly given to': pupils who have passed the High S<?hool entrance examination. - B is a school with at least ten pupils who ha.\"e pa-ssed the High School: Entrance. C is a school with at least fiye pupils who have passed the High Schoot' Extrance. D is a school with at least three pupIls who have pa.ssed the High Schoo~ enira.nce. M]SCELLANEOUS. Number of visits by Inspector 301 " .. ,< "'l'rustees 193 Clergymen 49 " Others 5441 .. ~jilpS 947 " " eu", es 101 " Pub:ic Examinations 32 ,.. TlI:~es planted 160 Most of the sehoul grounds are fairly well plant.ed with trees, but a few very bare and ~o e~()rt is made to beautify or provide suitable summer Last year each school in A list received & government grant of $100; Each' school in B received $50~ Eac!J. I!c4001 ip Q rel?eiy~d ~~ <l.nq. e~c4 achooll~ D r~C'eive4 ~}5t M There is 110 report of the number of libraries in the schools, but I know that dur.ing the last two or three years several ha\'e been provided, much to the advantage of the pupils attending those schools. In these days of cheapeditiol1s of the best literature, a large number of books may be secur- ed for a very small outlay. Every school would be furnished with a suit- able, smalllibl'ary if tbe Trustees would only make the necessary money grants. In conclusion, I would say, that, in too many public schools, not enough attention is given to the fundamental foundatIOn subjects .necessary for the education schools are intended to give. Every child should receive a good thorough training in Reading, Spelling, 'Writing, Arithmet,ic and Elemen- tary Grammar and Composition, before leaving the public school. Too often children lea\'e school with very meagre attainments in these elemen. tary subjects. ' ,"'\Then teachers realize that the pupil's future success in more advanced school work 'or in self education or in the active duties of cit,izenship, de- pends so much on his efficiency in these elementary branches of education, they will give them the attention they require. I have the honor to be, your obedient sen'ant, 'V. ATKI~, Inspector of Schools Referred to Education Committee, June 4, 1901. 57 EDUCATlON COMlIIlTTEE. F ebmary Session. the Warden and Members of Elgin Qounty Council: Gent.!emen,-The Education Committee beg leave to report as follows: That the application of E. A. HUi{ill for pay for his services for meeting of Arbitrators, re altering boundaries of Union School between Aldborough and Dun wich, be not entertained, as the arbi- trators provided that each township interested should pay its own clerk. 2. That 'va haye considered petition from D. McGregor an:l others for change in School Sections} and would recommend that D. Turner, S. McColl ,and Archibald McCoH be appoihted arbitrators to divic1e the same. 3. That no action be taken in the matter of sending a delegate to at- tend meeting of Trustees' Association, which will meet at Toronto on the of A prilnext. 4. That the ~sual grant of Fifty Dollars be granted for the pnrpose of defraying the expenses of promotion examinations in Public Schools of the County. 5. That the report of the St. Thomas Board of Education re Collegiate, received and file:'!.. G. That no action be taken in the way of co-operating"with the County of Victoria, re public sc1:001 leaving examination. 7. That the account fot printing Memorial Address, \\'hich has been presented to all public schools by' 1\11'. Atkin, be paid. 8, 'Ve recommend that the entrance fee of all pupils who write at the High School entrance examinations held at Dutton, Aylmer aud Vienna High Schools be paid by the County, the same as those who write at all other places in the Connty. All of which is respect,fully submitted. JAMES H. YARWOOD. CUAIRU4-N. Adopted 8th February, IDOL SUl'PI,KUEXT..\llY RRPOR'J'. February Session. To the 'Varden and :nIe:nbers of the Elgin County CounCIl: 58 Gentlemen.-We recommend that the grants to High Schools ullc;1 Col- legiate Institutes in the County be on the same basis as last year. J, H, YARWOOD, Ohairnian, Education Committee. Adopted 8th February, IDOl: June Session. To the "\Varden and 1tfembers of the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen,-Your Committee OIl Education begs leave to report as follo\vs : 1. We recommend that the request of the petitioners of Sehool Sec- tions Nos. ]2, ]3 a,Dd 14, in the Township of South wold, be granted, and thatE. A. Hugill, Dougald McColl and 1V. E. Leonard be arbitrators to act with the School Inspector and County Judge. 2. That the report of the arbitrators 1'e Union School Sections between Aldborough and Dnnwich be received. 3. That the petition of the ratepayers of Yarmonth, 1'e the appoint- ment of arbitrators for the purpose of forming a new school section ont of portions of School Sections No. 24, South wold, and No. 25, Yarmouth, and the formation.of a new union section in the Township of Yarmouth: com- posed of parts of Sections Nos. 18 and 23 in Yarmouth and of said uuion section, be granted, and that 'V. B. Cole, J. C. Dance and Donald Turner be arbitrators. 4. That the report of the Inspector be adopted and printed in the minutes. All of which IS respectfully submitted. JAMES H. YAR\VQOD, Chairman. Adopted June 5th, 1901. Amended by resolution June 6tb, 1901. N oyern bel' Session. To .the ""Varden and Members of the Elgin County Council. Gentlemen,-The Education Committ~e beg leave to report as follows: 1. That in compliance with S€c. 1 Sub-SiC. 6 of the PublIc School"l Act we recommend that all schools be paid the amOllnts they are entitled to under the above Act. 2. We recommend that the reports of the Arbitrators appointed a.t the last Session be received. Adopted November 28tli, 1901. J. H, YARWOOD, Ohairman, 59 GAOL OOjlfMITTEE, To the Elgin County Council : GenOemen,-The Gaol Committee beg leave to report as follows: 1. That ,ve have examined the Registry Office, and would recommend that the Chairman of this Committee and the County Engineer be instructed to examine t.he same, and report at June session what is best to be done, with est-imate of cost, etc. 2. That the-gas jets are now being changed in the furnace room, as di- rected at the November session. 3. That the Clerk be authorized to procure a set of fdes, required for tbe Registry Office. All of wbich is respectfully submitted. S. 'B. MORRIS, Chairman. Adopted 7th Februarj, 1901. June Session. To the \1"arden and Members of the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen,-The Gaol Committl!e bE'gs leave to report as follows- 1. That no action be taken in refer~nce to the presentment of the Grand Jury. 2. Tbat no action be taken at present in reference to improvelnents at Registry Office. All of which is respectfully submitted. S. B. MaRInS, Chairman. Adopted June 6, 1901. November Session. To the ,Varden and Members of the Elgin County Council. GentlelDen,~The Gaol Committee beg leave to re~ort: That they have examined the Goal, Registry Office and Court House and find the same in good condition. Since our last meeting, one case of roller shelyes has been ordered for the Registry Office, at a cost of $70.00. 'Ve are also pleased to report that the commission, appointed to take charge of the County Build- is giving general satisfaction. All of which is respectfully submitted. S. B. MORRIS, Chairman. 1 I , i ! Adopted November 28th, 1901. 60 COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT, February Session. rro the vVarden and Council of the Cotul;ty of Elgin: Gentlemen,-I beg leave to make the following report as to the finan- cial position of the County o!1 the 31st of December, 1900. I had after having paid all claims, that had been presented for payment, a cash balance to credit of County $5] 13 96 and available as:sets as follows: Aldborough Connty Rate 1900 Dunwich " South wold " Yarmouth " Malahide bal. Aylmer Bayham " Vienna " Port Stanley " Dutton " St. Thomas share Admini"tration of Justice " Yearly grant for New Court Honse, 20 instalments 4703 00 5217 00 7270 00 7538 00 1783 00 903 00 2840 00 143 00 170 00 225 00 3000 00 856 86 $80762 82 On this snm there has been paid me in January 19824 00 There are notes of 'Varden and Treasurer at Mo180118 Bank at this date for $31,000,and these all mature by first of June next, and if tl.ey are taken up, it will be necessary for yOll to pass a By-Law authorizing the .Warden and Treasurer to borrow, say, $20,000.00 especially as some of County rates may not be paid in. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN McCAU~LAND, County Treasurer. Refeued to Finance Committee, February 5th, 1901. June Session. 'fo the Vol arden and Council of the County of Elgin: Gentlemell,-I beg leave to make the following report as to the position of the County on the 31st of May last. LIABILITIES. Notes of Warden and Treasurer at Molsons Bank Amount due Municipalities, Absentee Tax Estate Christine 1\fcKenzie . , $17000 00 510 00 200 00 $17710 00 61 ASSETS. Unpaid County ,Rate for 1900 Cash Balance to credit of County Balance $10378 00 1304 00 6028 00 $17710 00 I also enclose JOU estimate for required expenditure for year IDOl, I thInk will be ample ,to meet the expenses for the year. It will be necessary for you at this meeting of Council to pass It by-law the 'Varden and Treasurerto borrow, say, Fifteen Thousand if required, to meet current expenses, until rate Ior IDOl is paid. ESTBIATED EXPENDITURE FOR YEAR 1001. Administration of Justice - ~ ~ - - $ 3500 00 County Lines and Bridges - - - - - 5000 00 House of Industry - - - - - 4500 00 High Schools - - ~ - . - - - - 4,500 00 Schools for Continuation Classes - - - 400 00 Model Scbool - - - - - - - - 150 00 Officers' Salaries - - - - - - - - 2500 00 School Inspector - - - - - - - - 850 00 Payment of Jurors - - - - - - ~ - 1000 00 Crown "Witnesses - - - - - - 500 00 Interest on Bills Payable - - - - ~ ;100 00 Members Indemnitv and Committee. 500 00 Deb. and Coupons, By-law No. 533 1942 00 " "594 2814 OU Bills Payable, 17000 00 Incidental Expenses, 544 00 $46000 00 JOHN McCAUSLAND, County Treasurer. to Finance Committee, June 6J IDOL November Session. the 'Varden and ConDcil of the County of .Elgin:- Gentlemen:-I beg leave to report that I have paid all the claims against County, that have been ordered to November 1st, and had a cash bal- to credit of ConntY'Df$124S.1G. The indebtedl1cl;'s at that date on bills of .Warden and Treasurer was $21,000.00 and has not been increasedJ present time. I received from the Provincial Treasurer for continua.. c~~~ses for various i:fcq:061 sec;.qon~$495.00J for ~'bteh cheques have been 62 63 sent to the schools that I have been ordered to pay. I have just received an additional cheque for $75.00 for school section that was omitted. I have not been able to have a tax sale this year on account of not being abl~ to get the required returns from some municipalities, and I could not legally sell lands without these re~urns. I have to ask yOll to pass a By-law to sanction my not having tax sale this year. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN MeCA USLAND, County Treasurer.. St. Thomas, November 26th, 1901. Referred. to Finance Committee, November 27th, 1901. FINANCE COMM]TTEE, the Elgin Connty Council:- Gentlemen:-The Finance Committee beg leat'e to report: 1. That the sum of $10.00 be granted to the Prisoners' Aid A~sociation. 2. That no action be taken in tbe applicat.ion of'J. Ross Robertson grant for Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. . 3. That, in reference to communication from D. J. Donahue, Clerk of Peace, and Board of Audit, we would recoll1mend that the County be authorized to co-operate with :Mr. nonahue in procuring the of the Court as to the proper construction to be placed upon item 4 the tariff and upon section' 6 of page 03 of the Rev:sed Statutes of Ontario, Febl;uary Ses,sian] That at the Nmoember Session tbe Clerk was authorized to have the Policies on the Court House and contents amended. All of the were notified, and owing to the wording of the proposed amend~ the Board of Underwriters decided that it would be necessary to raise rate from eight.y-five cents to $1.50. The Policies were allowed to 1'e. as formerly, and \ve would now recommend that the Clerk'requeet ~he Insurance Companies to alter the Policies by substituting the following 'description of property insured:-' 'On the S story, brick aud stone, slate /roofed building, GO x laR, and brick,slate roofed addition, 32:x: 38,attached. ';'~nc1uding foundations, :verandahs, porches, plate and stained glass, gas and 'eleGtric fixtures and fittings, plumbing, heating apparatus, aud all perrna~ rient nxtUl;es and fit.tings, owned by the assured, occupied as County Court ~-Iouse and Offices, Janitor's Hesidence and Gaol Kitchen, and Turnkey's leeping Room, situate on the Soutb side of 'Vellingtori street, St. ThornaB, htarioo ~:__:';:- $350. On generallurnitnre and furnishings, i'ncluding clocks! mirrors, (~pd all other contents, while contai:led in the above described buildi,ng. $50. On pict.url-:s and frames while therein. Permis!'1innf'; granted to make ordinary alterations and repairs. D" Tklt. il J)y-Iaw be passed authorizirig the 'Varden and Treasnrer to uo.\ tIn' gl1tll of $20,000:00 as may be required to meet the currellt ex- of Ille County during t,he year 190I. 6. Tbat \\e have before us an account of $3.00 for C0111!e~;anc~ of Grand to tile Buuse of Industry during t.he December Sessiog~, and. would {.hat. the same be paid. "\Ve would also recommend that in all Gran,l Juries be furnished with a conveyance if they desir~ tq tll:tt ill~t.jtution. )Yl,! l.e~m~?l1:1cqd ~lJ::\t Hw foI1owIl1~ ~cu'oqQ1!a ~~ b111iq! 64 Newlon and Gilbert, forP::ocedure Book for Is!; Dh.isloD Court....... $1000 Mrs. E. M. Young, for maintenance and oth€r expenses, re George Clark 29 ~o in ehild-tens' shelter .. ,_ ;... ...............................,.... _' ::> The Municipal World for election supplies and stationery......... .... <>5 83 Oa.k Hall for clothing .....,....................................... 6 50 Canadian' Typewritin~ Exchange, for rl:'pairs ....." ...... ......".. '..... S 40 Township_ of Bayham, for medical examina~ion and conveyance of mdlgent hmati'cs to Asylum for Insane.. ..............".................. G.N.\V. Telegraph Company, fOT message, re Henry., an insane inmate of the gaol................ .. ............................ ........ R. McLachlin. stationery for Registry Office .................., Count.y Clerk's Office.... ..... ..... ... ..... ..... ... ...... ".. ..... ... Treasurer.'s Office...... ..... . .... .... ........................ ..... School Inspector, for examinations........!".... ............. ..:...... Village of Vienna., for maintenance Emmaline Marr, ~9 June to 22 Nov.". 8. That the following accounts for nomLnating officers for services in connection with the election, be paid:- K A. Hugill, District No. 1 .. ." ...,,$ 9 50 J. D. Blue. " 2"....... 9 75 M. C-.;mpbell," 3... ...... VI 56 W Caughell, 4......_.. 1275 J. Bradley, 5... ......1476 D Taylor, " 6.......... 16 60 9. That the Village of Vienna expenses of County Council paid, no Munieipal election having been held. Amount $9.50. All of 1\,hic-h is respectfully submitted. 65 aid to Miss Emaline Marr, we consider that this matter should with by the council, and we have 110 recommendation to make. That the 'Yarden be authorizod to issu-e orders on the Treaurer for of county valuators' services. That a by. law be passed, authorizing the warden and treasurer to fifteen thousand dollars, if required, to meet current expenses for ." . That the folJowing accounts be paid: eO-Municipal World, for assessment a:R.d collector's rolls to the several mtlnicipalities .............. " _". . _. ..". .................... h,e_Municipal World, for Registry Office .........."..... ~ . . . . . . .. . . ,. .. for Law Library.......... ........,........... for D. l\lcLaws .................. .. _... ....... $71 17 1 00 1 50 1300 That the following lock~up keepers be paid for six months enaim2" June .30\11; 19011 N. Lildy, Rodney..... ......................$10 00 L. Pierce, Aylmer......... .................1500 Jas. Trigger, West Lorne ....."..~........... 1000 C.A. Ostrander, Dutton ..._....... ,....... 1000 Harry Taylor, Port Stanley.............. .... 15 00 1. Goodall, Wallacetown .. .................1000 D. Purdy, Vienna ...................... 10 00 J. McTaggart, Springfield.." _. ......,... 1000 A. J. LEITCH, Chairman. D: K. McKenzie. account fea for changes in Policies on Court~Honse, -Es'tate of G. T. Claris, fee for Policies.... ............ ...... ...... K.~ W. McKay, repairs to typewriter...... ............... ....... 'Bell Telephone 00., phone in Court House........ ......... ... .... :'1V. Ross, framing resolution to Architect......................... F., Sutherland, printing resolution to Architect .................. All of VI' hich is respectfully submitted. $ 1 00 ] 50 10 00 1250 1 75 8 75 Adopted 8th February f 1901. June Session. To t.he Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council:- Gentleme:n:-The Finance Committee begs to report as folbws:- 1. That the aud-itor's report be adopted, and \ve recommend that auditors, h future, make some distinction between government and- county grants to schools having continuation classes., 2. That the communication from tbe clerk in reference to pedlar'$.;' license be received, and we recommend that a by~law be passed, amending' By-Law No. 561 to remedy the difficulty mentioned in said ('.ommunicatioil;~: 3". That, the_ report of the Court House Commissioners be adopted. 4. That no action be taken at present in reference tc the communica~ tion from Mrs. Editb IV1. Young, in )'eference to buying her house for ~ Children's Shelter. &. Wltl1 r~iard tp ~p~ ~QJllmunicatiQn fror.n .1. ft:. l1ooyer1 in A, ,T, LEITCH,Chairman, F]NANCE REPORT 1901. o-the "'Varden and COUilCil of the County of Elgin: The Committee on Finance beg leave to report that having examined to the Finances of the county anel the estimates prepared by the nnty Treasurer, they herewith submit a statement of the expenditure 'quir'ed for the lawful purposes of the county during 1901, sho~ing the- ounts required to be r~ised for theunderrnentioned purFos~s: ;M .!<:1nlinlstrationof Justice.........-...... ..$3DCD 110 ('ounty Lines and Bridges................ 5000 00 ~ou$e of Ind-ustry _. ..................... 400000 High Schools .._....... ..............._.. 3700 00 Sehools "ith Continua.tion Classes .......... 900 00 Model Schools .......................... 15000 Officers' Salarie'S .... . . . . . . . .. . . .. .... ~. .. 2500 00 <School Inspector .'.. ,_......._... 0,0......;. 85000 Pa;yment of Jurors..... ............... ... lOOO 00 Crown Witnesses....... .... .-............. 40000 Interest on Bills Payable .'... _. .. ..... .. 300 00 Member's "\Vage" Committees, 'ctc". ........ 500 00 Debentur~ Rat:e, By-Law 5H2 ............. 1942 00 _ '" 594..........."".195700 iCoort House OommissIOn ........"........ 750 00 lJ:osiden'tiils ..... ................ .. . .... iH58 00 TotaL...... ........ $:~0607 00 Y onr Committee would recommend that the sum of Thirty ThOllsand' Six Hundred and Seven Dollars be raised on all the rateable property in the several municipalities in the County of Elgin during the year 1901, for county purposes, as per shedule herewith submitted, and that a rat.e of Two Mills on the. Dollar be levied on the rateable property in the several llmnicipalities in the" county as equalized to raise said amounts. SCHEDULE. Aldborough .................,... .$3762 (0 Dunwich ......... ............. .4174 00 Southwold........................ 5816 00 Ynmouth,....................... 6031 00 Mal..hide .................."..... 4627 00 B...ybarn........................,. 2272 00 Soutl1 Dorchestel' ............ .... 2635 00 A....lmer 722 00 vienna. ::::::::.:::::::::::::::~: 11400 Springfield.................... .... 138 00 Port Stanley................... .. 136 00 Dutton......~.. .......... ...... 18000 Total.. .. .. .. .. .. $;'0607 00 All or whiCh is respectfully submitted. A, J, LEITCH, Chub'mar., Com.mittee Room) 8th June, 1901. . November Session. To the Elgin County Council. Gentleit1e"n::~The Finance Committee report as fol1ows:'~ 1. That a By-i"awbe'passed extending time for tnx sale, as requested ..by he Trea!!urer. '67 .That "tlle fo11owing accoU'n'ts be paid: I.OCKUl' KEEPERS. ".... $10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 15 uO 2500 25 00 1 25 2() 45 N. Ludy. Rodney...........................'.,.,.. .r. Trigger, West Loroe......" ..........._.... __... C. A_ Ostranller, DULton J.f:ioodall, 'rYallacetown :.:::::::::::::::::::~.: ... ..... H.. Taylor, Pt. Stanley _. _..... _........... ... .... _. ~ McTaggart, Springfield."..."....."..............".... ..... L: :i~~~~:' :;r~I~~.::::: ::~:::::::::::.:::::... -.......... .. H. Gal'btltt; grant E. \~'allace . ......... _. :: ... . _.. _'.' . \-V. Watts, grant Miss E L\Ja"rr The Jourria~ map for Valuators::::::~::::"::::::::.::::::::: The J ouroal, binding proceedmgs and audits and adycrtisements All of which is"respectfully submitted; A. J. LEITCH, Chairman. Adopted November 28th, 1901. o 68 COUNTY ENGINEER. S~. Thomas, January 23rd, 1901. To the 'Varden and Council of the County of Elgin: Gentlemen,-I beg to snbmit. to YOIl the follo\ving report: 1. Siur8 your last meeting repairs have been made to tlle Otter Creek bridge between Bayham ::Lnd Middleton. The creek washed out. one of the wings of t.he bridge, 'which had to be replaced at a co~t to this county of $89,15, . 2. 'l'he bridge on the townline bet\...een :Malahide and South porches- tel', and the bridge over Kettle Creek between 80mb and North Dorchester are about worn Ollt, and I expect will have to be rebuilt this yeal'. 3. A jetty will have to be drhi'en in Catfish Creek above "the Gillett bridge, to prevent the creek cutting around the west end of the bridge. 4. A jetty will also bave to be driven in Kettle Creek, above the St. George street bridge, to prevent the washing a~yay of the north bank. 5. The McIntosh bridge ,vill require to be repainted and have most of the floor replaced. G. The south approach to the Graham road bridge wIll have to be re- built and the main bridge fe-planked. 7. The Dodds bridge, over Kettle Creek, will have to be replanked. All of ,vhich is respectfully submitted. J have the honor to be, gentlemen, your obedient servant, JAMES A. BELL, County Engineer. Referred to Public Improvements Committee 5t,h February, 1901. J uue Session. St. Thomas, June 4th, 1901. To the \Varden and Council of the County of Elgin: Gentlemen,~I beg to submIt the following report:--1 1. From examination I find that the bridges throughout the County have not snffered from spring freshets. 2. I lUet the representatives of the Counties of :i\1iddlesex and Kent in regard to the replanking of a portion of the Both well bridge. This \\'ork ,bas now been completed, there having been about 4000 feet of plank required. 3. In conjunction with the Commissioner of Middlesex, I made an examination of the south approach to the Grabam Road bridge, and the result of our examination was that the approach ehould be rebuilt as soon 69 as possible. I therefore prepared plans and specifications and advertised for tenders {or the construction of t.wo spans of fifty feet eacb,to_replace the present trest-Ie approach. The centre is to be supported by a steel trestle on conClete pedestals, and t.he south end is to be snpPQrted on con crete abutment. The present trestle is Oile hundred and twenty-five feet long. This would leaye a sr:ace of ~l.Lcnt twenty-flnOJ feet to be filled ill. I . haye written to the Reeye of the Tnwnl'hip of Aldborongh asking if that municipality would be ,,:jl1ing to do this WOJ k, but fiS yet hfise received no reply. Tenders have been cfilhd fc.r, to be jn by the ;~rd inst., for this work. It will be Eecessary for yom Committee to meet a similar committee from the County of Middlesex to Jet the contract and decide on what should be done fit thi~ place. If they de ci2c on 80Hle otber scheme it \"ill not be necessary to accept any of the tendC:'l"s submitted. 4. On examinations '1 fonnd that the bridge oyer the Catfish Creek between the townships of MaJallide nnd Sonth Dorcbester, l'eqllil'ed re~ building. I have therefore prepared plans zmd specifications and ad\Ter_ tised for tenders for a steel bridge forty-fi\'e feet long to replace the present structure. I have tenders 111 my hands for th)s work now, whi,h I wiiI lay before your ComnJ.ittee. 5. The matter of assmning "bridges all the if)WI1 line between the town- ships of Bayham and Honghton has been referred to me to make an exam~ ination. I find that there is a bxidge oyer a spring creek on the townline between Bayham and Hought.on, adjoining t.he third concession of Baylmm. This bridge is t\....erity feet, six inches long; from :floor of bridge to "vater is seven feet,the water is about two feet deep; t,lle pr?f:ent bridge is a Kingtr!JSS; the creek at this place is about ten feet wide, and is a live, nmnhjg stream. This bridge is in bad repair, and rl:quires rebuilding at once. I also find a bridge on the same townline, adjoin:'ng the fourth, concession of Eayham, which ie: o\"er a small spring creek. The lcngth of this bridge aIel' all is sixteen feet, the distance from floor to wat.er is fOlll"t~'en feet. The water is about one and one half feet deep, and \\ollld average about :lhe feet wide. This bridge I fil~d in a fairly good state of repair, and will not need any immediate attention. All of which is respectfully snumiLLecl. JAS. A. BELL, Count.y Engineer. Referred to Public Improvement.s Oommittee, June 4th, HIO!. . November Session. St.. Thomas, Ont., November 2Gth, IDOL To the 'Varden and Council or the Connty of E]giJ):~ Gentlemen:~I beg to submit the followillg roport on t.he work done on the county briages since your last meeting. rhe ))rid~e over a branch of the Catfish creek betweei1 i.he to\v:nsJ~hJS 70 of Malahide, and South Dorch~ster has beeu completed at ao08tof$1373.83 made up as fo110\\'8:- . ." 9 00 Contract for foundatIOns.. ',' ........._......... .~8g Contrac.t for steel superstructure- without floor..... H08 00 New joisting and portion of floor..., ... ........ 56 50 ~~:il~~tf~ ~'p'p;;;ci:e'$ ~t;d"fe'~ci~g': ~::::.::::::::: n ~~ $1373 83 The south apprn:tch to the Graham RJ'1d bridge hn.s b:::en rebailt with concrete foundations and steel superstructure at a cost of $2480.73, made up as follow's:- Concrete for foundations.... .. ........... . .$1148 00 Extra conCl'ete 29 yards and digging. . . . . . . 183 83 Steel superstructure not including floor.......... 914 ~9 Floor amI joisting ............................ 201 60 Inspector. . . . . . . . . . .. ................. ...... 32 .'50 $2480 73 The floor and guard rail and joisting of the main bridge was all tak~n up. !.J.lld a large pOl't.ion of it replacad and reL~id at a cost of :i;i303.74. Tbe joint committee of both counties met; and inspected the work. The McIntosh Bridge has been refloor~d at a cost of $33~.95, the snm of $15.15 being received for old plank. The Beaver Creek bridge approaches have been repaired at a cost Of $24.63. In accordance with instructions, I acted \'yiLh a representative of the Connty of Norfolk, and prepared plans and specificationsfor as'mfl.ll wooden bridge to be erected over a branch of the Little Otter Creek on the to\v~- line between the to\'mships of Bayham and Houghton. We advertis~d fur tenders and accepted the only one received, \vhich was for bridge and fencing, $300. The approaches cost $5. This bridge has been complete,d in a sat,isfactory manner. Y ou"r committee visited the site of the Gillett bridge and examined the creek in regard to building a jet~v to, preveRt the creek changing its course, and they decided to have the buok of the presel~t jetty filled in with 11'q.5h. Repairs to the floors and approaches of several of the other county brid"ges have been made, but the expense has been smallj and they are now all in good c(mditiOl~. .AD of which is respectfully submitted, I have the honor to be gentlemen, your obedient servant, J AS. A, BELL, Connty Engineer. J{'cf~1't'gd W l\thHQ ImvrgV~m(JHtl:'! {1Q~mi~~~e~ ~OY~~~Gl' ~6th, WQtj 71 PUBLIC lMPROYEMENTS COMJYIlTTEE, February Session. St. Thomas, Feb. 7th, 1901. To the 'Varden and Council of the -County of Elgin: Gentlemen:-Your Public Impro\'ements Committee beg to submit, the following report:- 1. A commnnicatiun was receh'ed by your committee from Benjamin Bryan: councillor of the township of Bayham, calling the attetl!;jou of the committee to the fact that a small bridge on the town line between Bayharn and Houghton was out of repair, and asking that this connci-l and the counCIl of Nodolk have the matter attendt~d tv. Your Commi,ttt'c would recommend that the engineer enquire into the matter; and if -llecl'S~ sary cODsult the County Solicitor as to the county's liability to keep up a por~ion of this bridge. 2. Your committee have considered the question snbmitted by John A. Ramsden, secretary of the Municipal Good Roaus As~()ci<l..tion, and beg-to express their appro\'al of the-government making provision fortheilUprO\'e- ment of the leading highways thruughout the Province, and would answer 1 he questions submitted as follo\\"s:- 1. The County should designate the roads to be iinproyed, and super vise construction of the same. 2. Tbe cost of building said roads to be divided between the govern- ment, county and local muuicipality. 3. That the matter of dealing with tbe Statute Labor be left entirely in the hands of the municipality -througu wLieh the road is constructed. 4. That no portion of tbe government grant fur road purposes be used in the purchase of improved road machinery. Your COlnnittee considered the lllatters referred to in the report o( tile Engineer and would recommend tlmt the leport be adopted. 5. In reference to the memoriam from the Cuunt,y Clerk of Waterloo, dealing with the Statute Labur question, your cOlIlmittee would rec.oll1mend that no actIOn be taken. 6. That theCbunty Solicitor be u::;ked tu gi\'e a \\ritten opi11ion as to the Iegaljty of tbiscoumy lllUking a grallt CUl'.anb Llw erection of a bddge Q\'E'l' the Rh'er 'Illames at the Muncey site, and ~d:-ju WheUlel' tbis CUUllt,y can assume a portion or the COllstrucLion and tuaintr.;u:l.uce of this bridge, and your committee \)'ould recommend that in C,lHe the county can ouly make a grant towards the construction, tua~' th~ ~pllount of tbi~ '-'"rant be --..,.' ,,' . - , '-. , ., . l;] -.- . 72 twenty~five per cent of,the cost of said bridge, and in case it is legal for the county to assume a portion of the cost of maintenance of tbis bridge, that this county is willing to assnme twenty..five per cent of the cost and main- temmce. 7. In regard to the proposed bridge over the Ri\Ter Thames 011 the townline between Dunwich and A Idborongh, your committee are of the opinion that the erection of the addge al this point is desirable, and wO(11d recoIDmell'l that this council notify t.he council of the Couuty of Middlesex, that they are willing to erect a bridge at this point, and to pay one~half of the eost and maintenance. S In regard to nie proposed bridge over t.he rivet in the Township of Dunwich at tlie place known as the 'Villay site, your cOl11mittee are of the opinion that the bridge at this point is also desirable, and would recomniend tlmt this. council notify the Council of Middlesex that they are willing 10 erect a bridge at this point and to p;:t.y one-haH the cost of construction aud maintenance of 1 be same, Respectfully submitted. E. McKELLAR, Chairman. Referred to a committee of the whole. Adopted 8th of February, 1901. June Session. St. Thomas, June 7, 190I. To the '\Varden and Council of the County of Elgin:- Gentlemen:-Your Publi"c Improyements Committee beg 1.~aYe to report as follows:- 1. In accordance with a resolution of yonr council your committee went to London and met a similar committee from the Cuunty of Middle- sex, and opened the tenders for the south approach to the (il'aham Ruad bridge, the tenders being as follows: For steel superstructure consisting of two spans and central trestle bent:-'- Canada Supply Company. . . . . , ... ..." $2'/80 DO Hamilton Bridge Comp_'"y ...........r ll9:l UO Hunter Bridge and Boiler Co,..... .... 1500 Uti For the concrete abutments and concrete pedestal::: the following t.enders ".ere received. EdwinC.Le"wis ............... ..."t136000 G. A. Ponsford .......................1148 uO fou~ford Hros ...,.,.. ~. ....~:. ,.:. ~BUQ W 73 The joint committee decided that the coutract lor the SUpl.H'sthlCtI11':) was to be let to the Hamilton Bridge Company, and that the contract ror snbstruct.nre was to be awarded to G. A. Ponstord, both being the lowest telJderE'f. YonI' ji"Jint committee also decided that J. D. Ellison be appointed Insl-Jecto~ of concrete work at $2.50 per day. and that if he cannot attend to the work then the engineers of both counties to appoint anotber inspector. 2. Your committee have opened tenders for the construction of a bridge over Catfish creek on the townline between Malahidc and South Dorche~ter UlO: follows.- For steel superstructure:~ Hamilton Bddge Comp~LOY ............ $ 308 00 Hunter Bridge and Boiler Com,........ 49000 Canada Snpply Co........ ... ....... 450 00 For tbe substructure, cc.nsisit.ing of two conCrete abutments:- Pousfor>,i Eros ..._................ ...$ 960 00 G. A. Ponsford .... . . . . . . . .. ... ..... 8D9 00 Your committee would recommend that the tender of the Hamilton Bridge Company for steel superstructure, and the tender of G. A. Ponsford for the concrete abutments be accepted, they being the lowest tenders. 3. Your committee would also recommend that J. D. Ellison be em- ployed as Inspector of conerete. In caee he cannot act, the chairma.n and engineer appoint another Inspector. 4. That in \'iew of the opinion given by the County SoUdtor that this county is liable for one-half of the cos~ of the construction of the bridge over the Little Otter creek on the town line bet\\'een Bayham and Hough. ton, adjoining the third concession of Bayham, your cGlJ11mittee would recommend that the chairman and engineer have power to act with repre- sentatives from the Cuunty (}f Norfolk in advertising and letting contracts to re-build this bridge. 5. Tbat the report of the engineer be adopted. 6. Y Ollr committee be.lieve that the purchase of a cement testing rnaehine would be 10 the interests of this county, and we would. recom- mend that if the City of St. Thomas would pay one-half the cost of this ma- chine, that this county would be willing to pay one-half also, and tbat the machine, if purchased, would be a\'ailable for the testing of cement for all the municipalities in the county. All of \"hich is resp~ctfull.r submitted. EDWAllD lYIcKELLAll, Chairm an. i: ., I j' f' i 1,; I ,~ 1;: ;:: I:' i; ..j P: '. Adopted Jnne 8, 1901. 11 iii ;: 74 November Seesion. St. Thomas, NOl'ember 27th, 1901. To the,\Van:1ell and Council of the Count.y of Elgill:- Ge:ri1tlemen:-Yollr Public Improvements Committee beg leave to sub~ mit the .following report:- ]. Your committee have considered the matters contain'3d in the rep01't of the County Engineer, and would recommend that the repor!; be adopted. 2. Your committee understand that the floor of the Port St.aulev bridge will have to be repaired at an early date. This bridge is very muctl used, and your committee think it might be in tbe interests of the county to have a concrete floor placed thel'on. Your committee would recommend that the engineer be ini!!trl1cted to lay before this council at the' January session an estimate for replacing the present floor ~,ithwood, and also au estimate of replacing it with concrete. Respectfully submitted. EDIV ARD McKELLAR, Chairman. Adopted Nov, 27,1901. 75 PETITlONS AND LEGISLATION, February Session. To the 'VaIden and COlmcil of the County of Elgin:- Gentlemen:-The Petitions and Legislation Committee beg leaye to re- port: 1. That we co~operate 1\ith the County of NorIolk by petition for an amendment to the l\Junieipal Act in reference to licensing, regulating and 'governing hawkers, peddlars and petty chapmen. 2. That no action be tabm in reference to communications reeei ved from County of Dufferin and County of Victoria. All of which is respectfully submitted, S. B. MORRIS, Chairman. Adopted 6th FeLruary, 1901. 2nd Report, Ft.bntary Ses,ion. To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: The Petitions :!Lnd Legislation Committee beg leave to report: 1. That we have re-considered the communication from the County of Victoria. which includes an address from His Honor, Judge Dean, in reference to Courts and Juries, and, having consulted with His Honor, Judge .Hughes, in reference to the rnatter~we would recommend that a copy of the communication be sent (as requested) to each of the members for the Local House for this County, with a reo.uest that they co-operate with the other Members of the Legislature with a. view to securing Legislation in reference to the matter. All of which is respectfully submitted. S. B. MORRIS, Chairman. Adopted 8th February, HIOl. March Session. To the 1-Varden and Councilor the County of Elgin: Gentlemen-The Petitione and Legislation Committee report as follows: 1. That they have e~:amined the petition from the rat.epayers of the unincorporated village of Rodney, asking thQ same to be erected into a police village. 2. That the Clerk of the township of .Aldborollghj in which the said 76 village is situated, certineB that the 8aid petition ib signed by the necess:ll'Y majority of ratepayers. 3. That the area mentioned in the said petition he set aside as the Police Village of Redney, ~nd tbat the required by-law be passed. All of which is respectfully submitted. S. B. MORRIS, Chairman, November Session. To the Elgin County Council:- Gentlemen:-Tbc Committee on Petitioml and Legislation beg leave to report:~ 1. That we co. operate with the county of Norfolk by petition to the House of Commons ill reference to ~he construction of improved cattle guards at high way crossings. . 2. That we bave considered the communication from the Attorney~ General, and we are in favor of the separate assessment of Jar.a and build- ings, and that the wording of SectIOn No. 28, Sub-Sec. 2, as in the bill pro- posed, should be cbanged, so that the value of buildings will be tbe amlllunt by which the value of the land is thereby increased. All of which)s respectfully submittl'd. S. B. MORRIS, Chairman; St. Thomas, No"..ember 27, 1901. Adopted 27th November, 1901. 77 HOUSE OF INDUSTRY, JUllf! Session. To the ",Varden and Coundl of the County of EIgin:- GentlemeIl,-The House of Industry Committee reports as follows: 1. That a hot air pumping engine or windmill be prl)cnrad. for H )Use of Indnstry. 2" That a tank be erected in baselnent of barr~. 3.. That the County Engineer be authorized to order tha kl.l1k and pro- cure -the engine or wmdmill, and luve them connected with the well and tank in attic of main building. All of which is respectfully submitted. O. McKENNEY, Chairman. Adopted June 8th, 1901. November Sess:on. To the 'Varden and Mem.bers of the Elgin County douncD : Gentlemen,-Your House of Indu'3try Committee begs lea\re to report as follows. 1. That the reports of the Inspector and Physician be adopted, a.nd printed in the minutes. 2. .We recommeE.ljd that no act.ion be taken in the matter of altering fire escapes, as adviEed by the Grand Jury, as we consider them entirely sufficient, they Being only seven feet from the ground. 3. In accordance with instructions from the Council, we have put in a hot air engine for pumping water, which gives excellent satisfaction. 4. The water snpply for the Imtitlltion has, Oil account of the con_ tinued dry weather, proyed to be insufficient, and we ask for authority to increase the supply. 5. 'Ve have much pleasure in informing you that, under the manage- ment of the present keeper and ma~ron, the Institution is in a highly :1m-tis. factory condition, and t.hat the unfortunate people who are maintained there are well ~nd kindly cared for. 6. 'Ve recommend tbat the Connty Cle:,k be paid the Slllll of $25.~5 for rem-wing insurance in 1897, the receipts lun'iug been mislaid, and tbe amount not having been paid by the County Treasurer. All of which is respectfully submitted. O. Mc!\.~:NNEY, Chuirr.qalll ./1l,iopted NQYfi-lUber 28thi 1901: 78 INSPEOTOR, NOYember 8e"sion. To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: The following is my report on the House of Illdust..y and Rduge fur the year ending 31st October, 1901: 1, Number of Inmates in the Honse at last report.... ......."..... .41 2. NUlllber admitted during the .rear .,,".. ........."............18 3, Numb" of rloath, ...,... ....,......,.. .....,......,......, 6 4. Number discharged............. ....... .~...".......,.,..... 6 5. Number absconderl.... ...... _.. '" .".... .... ......" "."., ...... 2 6 NumberatBlinrllnstitute ..... . .............. ............1 7. Number now in House "... ....", .... ...... ... ...... ...... ....45 R Number of inmate~ sent from the several municipa'itieg in the Connty during the ye:l,r: AldLorough ........,."..... " ..1 Dunwich.............. ...........0 Southwf)ld ...... ...... ...... ....3 Yarmouth .............. ........3 Matahde.................. .....2 Bayham ........................ ,.6 S Dorchester .... .... ..... ......1 Vienna.............. ..... .... 1 Springfield..................... .1 Aylmer....... ........ ...., ".." 0 Port Stanley ......... .... ....00 Dutton......................... 0 9, The various cases of pauped m of inmates \n the Hous~ during the year ma.y he classed as follows: Sickness.. ... ........ ..;"....... .12 De<ltitlltion ... _... ......,..:. 9 Intemperance ............._.... 3 Cripple ........................ 6 Old Age.... ..... ..... .... .... 8 Blind. ........... ... 0 Insane, Idioti\1, etc. . . . . . .. . .. . .17 All other causes ...........:.... 4 10. Ayerage numher of inmat, s during the year....... .... .,,"..... 43 11. A\...ragewith keeper's family added ....... ....... ......,... 49 12. Number of week's board ofiumares......................". _.. 2225 13. Number wiLh k~epet"s f"mily, etc., added....., ................ 2769 14 Tohlex..penditure during the year................ ~ .. .... $4767 12 15. Improvements, repairs and receipts from inmates anrl farni. . .. 9i2 92 16 Le....dng amount actually pxpended for support of illUlat<-s .... 379! ~O 17 Average eXpen!':e per week for each person ......... '_" ...... I 37 18. Average expense per day for each per.son ..... . . _....;..... 19 19. Average expense per year for each person........... ._,.... ... 71 24 20. Average COl;t per wf'ek per inn,ate during the past twenty yeltrs 1 1!:J 21. The amount expEmq.rd for pOJll>€ ~9. farpt 4nring the year is di'ViC!eda& foFo 79 ,...$181 00 153 29 211 00 217 00 550 00 56 72 186 04 451 77 230 17 353 4S 202 42 77: 75 159 63 44 35 274 13 100 00 195 50 419 80 74 50 180 28 350 69 5000 47 60 Hired labor........................... Farm Implements and expenses..... ., . . .. .. . Farmstock ............. ...............". ~:~i:~~a~~~_:~~~~~~ ~'::: ': ~:':::'::::::::::::::: Se.ed feed and prol.isions. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . 11eat '......... . ......................... Brean .. ... .... .... ... ".... .... .... ...... Groceries............. ..' .... ............ Dry goods _.... "............. .......... Boots and shoes................ .... ...... Fnrniture an(1 hardware ...... ...... 9oD.v.eyaIJ.ce of inmates........... :::::::.:: IncIdental...".... ... .......... ~~~~d~~~::::::: ::::::.:::::::...........". Coal...."..... .. ..................... ... Insura.nce ...... .......... ........" ...... Repairs ...... ....... ... .." ...... ,.. ... .. Permanent improyement.......... .......... 11inister......... .... ............... ... . Comluittee ..................,............. 22. Total................$476712 No children attended school during the year~ Th€j. following produee was raisod on the farm during the ye~r: 29 Bushels "\Vheat. 6 Bushels Peas. 385 Corn. 40 tons H...y. ll:~ .. Ca.rrots. 230 Bushels Oats. 16 "Table Carrots. 406 Mangolrls. 12 Loads Straw. 49 " Turnips. 1200 Heads Cabbage. 256 " Potatoes. 23 Beets. 10 H<.'lgs. 5 barrels Apples. 52.Turkeys. O 53 Chickens. 23 Bushels nions. 991 Pounrls Butter. 30.3 .Jars Fruit, etc. 30 Bushels Parsnips. 21 Bushels Reans. 15 Bushels Salsify. 23. In addition to the above a. large amount of vegetables, etc.. was raise-d and consumed during the year, of which no account was kept. 24. Number of ll.,t:cks of bedding and clothing made lip during the year by matron and inwates, 4.)8. 25. Number of visits by Inspector to Institution during the year, 53. f:6. Farm Stoek: l'J Horses valued ............$20000 :; C'IWS.:.. .................31500 I;:; wand 12 pigs .......... 8500 H-~ qlli<.:kens? 40 Tl,uke!s .. ~.~ ~ ~. 27, allows:- 80 The total amount expended by County House of Il1dustry, etc",lR as Fa.rm. 50 acres cost House of Iudustry.. ,,::::: :::.......: ,::: .:$lr~gg ~g ~~l.Undry ...... ......................... 66681 R~~te~~lif:s .... ........................ 39006 Go~tag(>fi . :::::: ".:: :::::::: ::::......... 1~4 99 Ht'wk ice house................. "..... .. it~g ~l ~~:[]~~:i~~~.:::'::::::::::::: ::-.:::" 2;}8757 TIle drain outlet . . . .. 5~~ ;6 Hut air pump, l~t~k~ ~r;(i 'c~;;I:e';t;~~~' ..... .~-o [ie) R f' .... ,").) OF:n~~~~r~t.~I~ :::::::::::::: ::,:.:,...::.... 4000 rcharc1 . . ...... ." 'i3;' 75 Heltting app~~~t~~: ::::::. :::: :::::::::::: IH~~ ~g Total........'~.. $2464411 28. Rece~"ed from the (~o\.('rl1ment on account ex- pendIture for land and buihling~,. .. , ... . ... ,.;$ 40(\0 00 Leavin):t a:n')~ntactually ex-pended by County All of whlCh IS re:;pectfully subJllitte.I, . $20344: 11 D, TURNER Inspector. Referred to Houee of Indus' ry Committee, 21th Nov, , 1901. ' 81 PHYSlCIAN. November Session. To the Elgin County Council: Gentfemen,-I have the honnr to present this the 26th annual report of the Elgin House of Industry and Refuge. I paid seventy yisits t.o this Institution and fourteen to the Amasa 'Vood Ho:;pital ouring the year. Sickness and mort:tlity have slightly increased over the previous year. Food, watGlr, clothing, sanitation and care of the inmates has never been excelled. The medical and surgical work for)he year has been as follows:- lOne case of ophthalmia neon~orum in May Stured's baby a few days old. Z. Extracting teeth. 3. Removing a cystic tumor from scalp. 4. Reduction of dislocated knee. 5. Breaking down inflamatory adhesions, under anesthesia, in a woman almost helpless from rheumatic anchylosis of both hips, knees and ankles with complete fixed flexion or both legs. Shortly after this s?,vere operation she was slightly better, and left to be cared for by a sister at Mt~ Clemans Micb. \ 1 6. Dressin~ wound in temple caused by a !!ltone viciously thro\'t'D by an insane female. ' 7. Attended one case of pleurisy in the person of Mrs. Silverthorn. 8. In January and February, we had an epidemic of la Grippe, affect iog besides the keeper's family, nearly aU the inmates. 9. In Se-ptemberone case of diphtheria developed, but by prompt treat n~ent and isolation, recovery soon followed without spreading to others. 10. 'Ve cared for an Indian several montlla suffering from cancer 0 t.he forehead. He left the Institution and subsequent I)' died among his O\\'U race. 11. In Beptember Minnie Pettit beeame so violently insane we were obliged to send her to Gaol with a view of her becoming an asylum patient. 12. We bave to care for quite a number of msane, idiotic, epiIepticand choreic patients. Consumption fortunately is not rresent with us. 13. No births to record this year. Ii !i i ! j; i .li 82 14. In April, by request of the Elgin House of Industry Committee, I tested the water supply from the well near" the eastern limit of the farm and found it to be excellent water, free"from animal and veget.able matter. 15. During the past three years, I have paid several visits. to see sick children at the Shelte:r on Isabella St., St. Thomas, kept by Mrs. Young. My opinion is that. this home for the neglected children of the county is well and efficiently managed, consic1el'ing the very moderate facilities for doing so. 16. I 3ppend a list of names, ages and causes of those WllO died during the year. 1, James Coleman, 49, Chorea; 2, Thos. Hopkins, 77, Dropsy; 3, Emery Ferguson, 45, Epilepsy; 4. Jas. Vanderlip, 88, Old Agej 5, Alex. McPherson, 75; Dropsy; 6, Jno. Coombs, 80, Old Age: 7. Ann Payne, 68, Arteric Scler- 6sis~ I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, L, LUrON, M, D, St. Thomas, November 26th, 1901. Referred to House of Industry Oommittee. , COURT HOUSE COMM]SSIONERS, June Session. To the Elgin Oounty Council: Gentlemen:-The Oourt Ronse Oommissioners report as follows: That since January tst, 1901, when the commission took charge of the court liouse, they have expended the following monies:- For Caretaker and assistance $468 61 Repairs to-Court House 33 34 <. Gaol 47 75 " etc.. Gaolor's residence 78 83 Supplies and Implements 163 50 Sundries 35 15 1faking a total of $827 18 We ba'"e also incurred some further-liability in connection with repairs to the Gaol. Tbll following is an estimate of the amount that should be placeq at our disposal for the next twelve months: 83 For Caret.aker and assistant Supplies and repairs $400 00 350 00 Making' a total of $750 00 All of which is respect.fully submitted. 1,V. O. POLLOCK., Chairman. Rderred to Finance Committee, J Qne 4; HlOl. VALUATORS' REPORT, AS AMENDED. November Session. To the \Varden and Members of the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen,-The County Valllators beg leave to submit the following report : 1. That after our appointment, the Amendment to Sec. 310 of the Municipal Act, was passed, providing tha (,: "When valuators have been appointed under this Section, the said Valua~ tors may ascertain the value of the said real property by h1specting and va~ luing; from five to eight per cent. of the different parcels of land in different parts of each municipality in the county: and upon sl1ch mspection and va- luation the said Valuators shall compare their valuations with the valuations in the last revised assessment. roll made by the assessors of the several municipalities wit.bin the count.}", and if upon such comparison it is found that the valuation of the county \'aluators nearly corresponds in the aggre- .gate with the valuation upon the local assessment roll, the valuators, and afterwards the county council, shall accept the assessment roll of the loca municipality as correct for the purposes of county vaination." 1,.Ve jecided to adopt the plan suggested in this amendment. Our work i\'as thereby shortened and the expenses of the valuation materially lessened. 2. In commencing our work, we drove over the whole county for the purpose of forming a general i(iea of the relative values of property in the various municipalities. The different parcels of land, valued fl)~ the pur- poses of our report, were located in each concession of the various town_ ships; and in the town,s and villages every locality 'was included. 'Ve considered the general cha;acter and amount of cleared land, facilitIes for market and every circumstance that, in our opinion, would add to or d~- tract from the value of these l)arcels. 1,Ve distributed our time througholl~ the various municipalities in a manner that enabled us to keep in mJnd the values already determined. This enabled us to visit the different localities in the county, both in the late spring and fall. 'Ve "veTe also snppJj~d ,vith 'a. list of all transfers of real estate, regIstered during the previous twelve S. months. These were found to be valuable for reference, and, directed our attention to the localities in which sales had been made and assisted us ifl ascertaining tbe amounts realized. This is always an important element in dQterminil'lg value. In no township was the property found to be assessed on an avel~age of more than 60 per'centof its value. In the township of Barham, t.berate was the lowest, being: only 58 per cent. The highest assessed muulcipalit.y in the county is tbe town of Aylmer, where the rate is about 7811er cent. of value. 3. ,Ve have ascertained the value of the real property and impro\-e roents in each municipality in the county to be as follows:- Aldborough. . . . .. .. .. . . . . DUDWich ............... Southwold .... ......... yarmouth........... :. Malahide . ... .........., Bayham................ . South Dorchester ........ Aylmer:......"........... Dutton.... ~............ Port Stanley............. SpringfiQld .. ..' .... Vi~nna,.. ,. .."... $2764066 2848789 3516859 40;{3658 27'jg927 1804262 1548398 786873 330810 203463 ]04215 107951 Total".." ... .$20829271 4. Appendix 'A' attacbed hereto, contains the result of our work in tabular form and shows assessed values and percentage of increase added to obtain the above values. 5. Appendix 'B,' attached hereto, cont'lins a statement, showing that we have been engaged eight?-seven days, and that the cost I)f the valuation, not including stationery, amounts- to $783.00. In conclusion we have to thank yon for the hono~ conferred in appoint ing us as yonr valuat.ors, and also the clerks of the various municlp:~dities and public generally for much information and assistance furnished during the progress of our worl;:. All of wl:ich is respectfully submitted. K 13, BROWN, } ," t J OS. H. MARSHALL, ' al11a aI'S. St. Thomas, November 19th, 1901. ~ >< :a c <ll t:l. t:l. -<t: o ' ~p ?J W 0':': ~;, --" ~~ ~o ~B h$ -,,0 " Q)~ '000 ~ '>l a~ 00' _0 0" ,_ 0 - . gp. -atii ;;...~ '0_ :::;-a ~ w g ,2 ~ ~ " "' .;j - o Z "" 8 ~ ~ i'? .~ o 'W ~ :D S '" ii '" - o o .E ~ 85 I "'~"'""d I ::OO-lO::f.lt-C'-l I &p::;.a'O I ~OOL':lL':l"l~a;F'::::>:Clr:l- .--. '" ...,d Cl-OO;::;:;QC . --e>....L':l I :::~ 1;Z",~"",.;,i~6"'~"'~ ~, ......::;...l;l) 1..... -"'......~r-::; "*(/j~,,~;J: 1..-- 0) ::dAd c-lgjL'='Ot.....CC"':l1__...51'"-'---' 1"" 9~S5 W ~":!'C-l.......--r -. -...... :3 I~ ~g Cl ~ ~ ~~~ I'QOC'-lO-lI!:l I &~~'--'~~~I~S~~719~o ~ ~ <D g, ;::::;~lg~ ;:::C-l of'':'''~ ~" l-::2 c: =el~~O~0~~~~~r-~ ~ of2>l< ,....,~:'!;.3i~c :='<:C2l:S:1-t_/ co ~>- If.< ~ . .................. ~ j~g I "'1'r-..,fI......"'l.. ---:----1-= g~d 2;~2::::b~~~;;B':;:<" I v." . -~.~: "': <:C> ",c-l-=: >6<:.... 0 I ........t I . . .. -~ ~~g! ... I ~ I I !.~-,.~". ~g28~:2Rg~~c~la :::_ ~?)f:::r:::g:g;~O">;;SXg a:: -<~ 1;::~~:?;.!).,~""''":I'l~~::c.''JC ;: Wi> "."..---..-; Is I. ~ "/1 ~2],~~g;;-:c.9~:~oo~~ 1:- I M ~X~ ~~zr-~,"Q"~ ~ I ~ ~~a~r~O:>~I-I-~~ ~ U~~~;;61fll-'71"""'---''''':; / ';i II >>~cci Il.-~."lO." ----I ~~- ~~~I~~5~g~1O~r-~OOr- II !~~ 0,"''''''',",0'''''''8.8''' I ~-g I I ,,2.~ I ;2~~8&;,C-lc-lIDO-,j""'-::i' I ~ .......- ,...., ....... --~lOCIC-I"":;..... I ~ 0'" g; I i.'_:.~:, If':;;:= is "".... =-:,-/' ~_, 1"""_C>:'"'<1<~'-'C-Ic{;f.--<r.1Q ~ ....~.....,......~~..".,l_c-lO:::c-l....lg "~'3 -, I :: I ,- I ,/ . I , " I . " ,,;:: ,!!",': I f~]~i J l :.b : I' ~ I ~ g~'.~ji~~.~~,,~~ I ~ I"'P:2.~"",,,,..,,,d;i'r;: I -;; $ '" @ 'ii> iii - ,0 ~ ~ g o ~ :5 & 8. '0 '<i .;; ~ ~ o ;; ~ '" :> ,--~ "' H "'" 0; ~h~ ::O:-"li ~~ PIli ~ui ~S; ....; 00 '" '" ~ ,D ~ ~ Z ~ o h ~ '0 '" "' - w ~ ~ Si ;::; UJ ~ " '0 .8 " '" 86 APPENDIX B. Stat.ement showing days occupied by Valuators inspecting. and vfl.luating lands and preparing report. DATE. NO. OF DAYS. MlLY 25th.... .... ..-,'...............-.... ..... ~ May 13th. 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th.. .. ...... }hy 20th; 21i'lt. 2~nd 23rd ani! 24th. p........... 5 l\.hy 27th, 28th 2\')th aud30th................... 4 ,Tune 3,d. 4th, 5th, 6thanrt 7th".... ._... ..... 5 June 11th, 12th. 13th and 14th. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 June 19th and 20th................. .... ....... 2 June 25th; 26t.h 27th and 28th. ............... ." 4 July 16th 17th lSthand 19th................... 4 July 220l 23rd, 2-lth, 25th and 25th. , . . . 5 August 5th. 6th, 7tb, 8th and 9th. '.".... ...; .... .5 AuO"ust26th. 27th,28th. 29th and 30th....... .. ~ September9th.l0tba.ndlltb.................... 5 ~eptember16th l7tb.18th.19tha,nd20th ......... ~~pten,ber 2ard'. 24th. 25tl,26th and 27th.... ~.. _, 5 October 1st and 2nd .....,....."............... 2 October 8th, 9th, lOth an..] lIt.h........ ....".... 4 QGtoher 14th. 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th.......... 5 October 21st, 2~nd, 24th and '25th..... .......... 4 Oct.ober 28th. 29th. 30th, 31st al1d November 1st 5 }Jo\'emhel' 5,b. 6th and 7th..........,..... 3 November lSth and 19th.....................; . 2 Total 87 Days. ~783. Dated. this 19th day of Noyember. 1901. E. B, BROWN. } Valuators. JOS, H. MARSHALL. November Session. To the Warden and Members of the EIgb County Council: Gentlemen,-The Special Committee, appointed to consider report of County Valuators, begs leave to report: 1. That the report be laid oyer until the January Session. 2. That the report be published with the minutes of the Council. 3 That the account of the Registrar for information forValuators,being $30,30, be paid. and that the Treasurer be authorized to pay the balance dne the Valuators for their services as per account. All of w hieh is respectfully subrpi~t~d. A. J. LEITQH, q49:irman! Ado:ptecl1'fovember 27th, 1901, 87 SPECIAL ROAD IMP]WYEMENT COM.llITTEE. ,,:~ " , November Session. To the 'Varden and Members of the ~Igin COllnt.y Council : Gentleruen,-The Special Road Improvement Committee begs leave to report: That we held one meeting. and de.::ided that the County Council should designate the highways to be imp-roved under the Act of 1001. The mem bel'S of the County Council were requesled to consult with the township cOllncil in their respective district, and ascertain what Touds would be ac- ceptable to tbeJ~1, and report. \Ve ha\'e not received replies from all of the township couucils, and rocommend that the whole question be laid over until the January sessio)). for c~nsideration, and that the members of the Council be requested to asrertain the opinion of all the township councils by that time. All of which is respectfully submitted, ED\VARD McKELLAR, Chairman. Adopted Noyember 28tb, 1901. SPECIAL COMMITTE REllAllPTON DAMAGES. June Session. To the Elgin County Conncl1:- . Gentlf'men:-The Special Committee appointed to confer with the council of the city of St-. Thomas in reference to the payment at one-half of the damages paid by this council, in settlement of the claim for damq,ges entered by Mrs. .Hampton and f,uni]y, beg leave ,to report: That they had a conference \vith the St. Thomas City Council, and as a result, one-half of the damages, amounting to $80, has been paid by the city of f:it. Thomas to tbe coimty of Elgin. All of which is re~pectfLllly submitted. Adopted JLlne 5, IDOL ,V. JACKS6N, Chairman. SPEClAL TOLL ROAD COMMITTEE. June Session. To the 'Varden and ::\lembers of the Elgin County Council:- Gentlemen:-Yol1l' committee on Toll Roads begs leave to report as f01l0\\'s:- 1. That after hE'aring tbe opinion of the County Solicitor that .the recent legi-::lation re toll l'uads" does not apply to the London and Port Stanley Gravel Road, tJI,H- IlU action be taken at this session of the council. All of wh.ich is respecLful'y submitted. A-d{):J;it'e'd J IUJ.'C t\ H;lOl, 0, M~E:ENN.!!iYi C/Jainnal\, 88 GRANTS TO SCHOOLS FOR CONTINUATION CLASSES,-GOVERN MENT GRANT 1901. Rodney'~.........._ ..~.......... West Lorne.. _._............ Springfiald ............... _.'. _.. .... Shedden."..."...... ................ Belmont............ .... .............. Sparta..... ........ _..... .... ...... POI't Stanley........ .............. . Wallacetowll ............ .... ..... FingaJ......................... ..... Port-Burwell"............. .......... Section NodI;, SOJ,\thwoldc;..,........... Eden..... .... ...... ...... ........ .... Section No.9,' Aldboroup:h........... 7; S.-Dorchester:......... 19. Bayham ............, " $100' 100 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 Q- .0 15 ]5 15 Tota1............ $570 IIi accordanco to the government'; grant the' County'of-Elgin pays an equal.~IQO'lllt.to ~a,cb of thp.- :flchools.with the exception of l?elmont Union school, which receives only 27"per cent. or $18.50 from Elgm, the,b~lance being "paid by the County of Middlesex. "89 B;Y'=LAWS. BY'LAW NO. 615, To appoint County Auditors for the- year 1901. Passed 8th February~ 1901. ',"bereas, under the authority of the Municipal Act, every municipar couricirisrequited-to-:apPoint"at'its "ihst meeting in every year, two audio tors. Be in' therefore enacted'hy t-he Council of '-the municipal-corporation of the county of Elgiri'until.er the authority aforesaid. ThatAndrew Murray and W. A. Galbraith!betand,areherebyappoi-nted auditors to examine and report upon all accountsuffecting thecor.pcirat1on of the county of. Elgin, or relating -to apy -matter under,' its .controlror within its jurisdiction as required by Statute or Order. in-Council, and _ alsq..-all accounts of school monies received Gr?paid by-the County Treasurer for the year ending 31st December,]900, and:that"said- auditors'- be--pa-id- thestlm'-6f forty dollars -each: for- their services. County Council Chamber, St. Thomas, 8th :February, 1901, K. 'V. McKAY, W. O. POLLOCK, Connty Clerk. .Warden. 'BYCDAW.-NO, 616. To appoint a- Board--of Audit in;, the"Cou'Dty; of :Elgin;.for the year 1901, Passed 8th February, 1901. Whereas, every Courity Council is required to appoint annually'a.t'its :first meeting; in every year._-a-Boal'd of Audit, composed,{)fthe'JuQge-ofthe County Court and: two other persous,-' not more:than Que:of",w-n€lm,.shalf:be:a member for the time being of such County Council. Be it theretore enacted"bYithe Councitof 'the>M'i1n1cipal'.Corperation of the County of Elgiriur:der the'authority aforesaid. That D.J. Hughes, Esquire, County Judge and W. M. Ford ,be ':imd hereby appointed a Board of Audit to perform the duti:es':requiredbf them by Chap 84, R,8,O, That the members of the said Board be paid the sum of four dollars per day for Weir services and :five cents per mile in going to and from such audit. Council Chamber, St. Thomas, 8th February, 1901. K. W, McKAY, W. 0, County Clerk. POLLOOK, Warden. , "90 ljY.LAIV NO, 617. To Appoint Trustees of the High Schools in the County of Elgin. Passed ~th February, 1901. The County C.JUDcH of the County of Elgin under the authority of The High Schools' Act, 1891, enne's : T~at ~dwin Appleton be appointed a Trmtee of the Vienna Hi'gh Sehe,01 for a term of tIll ee years. That J. B. HltmLidge be app.ointed a Trustee o'f the Aylmer Collegiate In- s'titut~ for a term of three year~ and D. Marshail for one year. T~at Dr. Ling be appointed a Trustee of the Dutton High School for a term of three years. Tll'at A. W. Graham b~ appointed Trustee of the St" Thomas Collegiate Institute for a term of 'three year~. County Conncil Chamber, St K. W. McKAY, County Cleric. Thomas, 8th February, 1901. W, 0, POLLOCK. Warden. BY.LA W NO, 6]8" To fix Membees'Vages. Passed Sth February, 1901. The County Council of the County of Elgin enacts: 1.- That. the sum of three dollars per day be :paid to the members oftMs C JUI1;ci1 for their attenda;nce in Council and five cents per mile necessarily travelled (to m:d from) for such att~.ndance. 2. That the snm of two dollars per day be paid to the members of this Conncil while attending on committees of the Council and five cents per mile necessarily travelled (to and from) for suc~ attendance. 3. That By-Law, No. 150, be and is hereby repealed. County Council Chamber, St. Thomas, 8th February, 1901. K. 'V. McKAY, 'V. O. POL1,OCK, County Clerk: 'Varden. BY,LAW KO 610, Tol~uthorize the Warden and Treasurer to boiTOV\' twenty thousand dc1l3rs. Passed 8th Febnury,'I901. The County Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin pnacts: That the Warden and Treasurer be and are "hereby authorized to borrow m the sum of twenty thousand dollars as it may be required to meet the cur- rent expenditure of the corporation of the County of Elgin during 1901, and to give as securit.y therefor notes of one thousand dollars each. County Council Chamber, St. Thomas, St-h Febrllary, IDOL K. 'V. McKAY, ,:v. O. Por,weR, County Clerk. Warden. BY,LAW NO. (m. To establish a Police Village at. Rodney. Passed 19th March, 1001. Vlbereas, under thl!l authority of the Act, 63 "'I/ictoria, chapter 33, section 50, it is enacted tbat the council of nny county or the councils of any counties in which on unincorporated village is situated shall set- apart such unincorporated village asa police village u1)On a pet.ition b{;'ing presenteq, describing the area to be included in snch "j]lage and signec1lJy a majority of the ratepayers therein. 'Vhere snell uuincoporated village lies 'wholly in ana county, the council shall in and by such a by-Ia\v fix a time and place for, and shall name a returning officer Ior conducting the ihat c]ecti~n of police trustees as hereinafter mentioned and the date of the first meeting of the police trustees after such election. And whereas, a petition hCl,S been recei";-ec1 f!"Om the residents of the unincorporated village of H.odney in tile township of Alborollgh, praying for the formation of a police yillage. And whereas, snch petition defines tbe area to be incluc1ltc1 in such -village and is signed by a mnjol'ity of the ratepayers therein, The Elgin County Council therefore enacts:- 1. That the unincorporated village of Rodney in the township of Ald- borough be and ii'l hereby Set apart as.[t police vi]bge. 2. That the area to be included ill the said police village of Hodney shall comprise all and singular that certain parcel or tract of land situate lying and being in the Township of Alborongh in the County of Elgin and Province of Ontario, being composed of the south halves of lots numbers six and seven in the seventh concession and the nortI] halves of lots numbers six and seven in the eighth concession, and t'he south-east qnarter of lot number six and the south-west quarter of lot number seven both in ~the eighth concession,all in the township?f Aldborough containing five hundred acres more or less. 3. A meeting of the electors shall be held Ior the nomination of candi- d~tes for the office of police trnstees In the same villagl~ of Rodney in the To"~n Hall at noon on 'J'uesday, the 9th day Of ApI'll. 4. The returning officer shall preside at such meoting aud shall give at least six days' notice of the same. 92 5. If after a lap'se of one hour 11101'6 than three candidateS' are Domin. ated, the returning officer 01' chairman 'shall' adjourn the proceeding.sunti 1 Tuesday the 16th day of April, when a poll or polls shall be ope-ned in the Town Hall at nine o'clock in the forenoon,and shall continue until ;) o'clock in the afternoon and no longer. G. Thi:lt Mr. E. A.Hugill, of the saId village of Rodney, be and is hereby appointed returning officer tor conducting such election o{police trustees. 7. That the first meeting of police trustees after such election shall be held at the Town Hall on the 23rd day of April, at eleven :t.m. Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 19th March, 1901. K. W, McKAY, W. 0, POLLOCK, County Clerk. 'Warden. BY-LAW NO, 622, To Appoint Valuators.-Passed 19th March, HlOl. The County Council~:of Elgin enacts: 1. That Joseph l\Iul'slwllj of London, and Enoch Brown, of Browns. ville, be and are hereby ap~oillted Valuators for the purpose of valuing the real property, ,,,,]thin the 9ounty. 2. (1) That the -Valuators shall as far as practicable ascertain the relative value of the real property and improvements in each municipality in the County. (2) They are required to note.as near :;.s possible the .general chara.cter of the land in the different parts of each Township: classifying the eame according to circumstances and shall fix an aver3ge cash value on the lands in each locality to the best of their judgment, it being most dellirable that tt.ework should be thoroughly done. (3) After having inspected the BClveral municipalities ;they'ehall from the information obtained by tbem fix the average value ofeach'JiQunicipality to the best of their judgment, in a.ll cases keeping in view tbe'amQUllt Of cleared land, facilities for market and any otherspecial~:a.dvantage-oDe municipality may possess over-another. (4) They shall also note the several towns a.nd villages in each munici- palityand report on the valne tbereof from -such sourcel of information al! they may possess themselves of. (5) Should any other matters be considered of importance tbe'v:l1uators shall report the same for the consideration of the Oouncil. 93 $. That the- Valuators be paid the sum (If. four dollars and fift.y cents each !or every daT they ar~ 'Rctuallr eugage.d in valuing the real pt'OpeI:ty'of t~e County and In preparmg theIr report, said sum to include all ex' pen:.ies except stationery, whICh sball be furnished by the' County Clerk, . 4. That the Valuators hereby appointed complete their report and file the same under oath witb the County Clerk on or before the first davof November, 1901, together with a detailed Etatem~nt as to their work ea~h day, Council Chambers, St. Tbomas, 19th March, IDOL K: W, McKAY, w, 0, POLLOOK, County Clerk. Warden. BY-LA W No, 623. To confirm the Equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the County of Elgin for the year 1901. ' Passed 'Ju.e 8th, 1901. The County Council 'of the Count.y of Elgin enact.:; : Th~t the following be the Equalization of the A:'Ise~sment Rolls of the County of Elgrn for 1901, as ~equired by Section 78 of the AlIsessment Act. Aldbo'rough ............... $1,881100 Dunwich ........ _.. ...... _ .2,086:~40 Sonthi',-old ............. ....290SliO Yarm~uth ...... ............ 3:015;538 Malahlde'.. . . . . . . . . . " . _. . 2,31-3,358 BlLyham ...................... 1,106,14.0 South Dorchester:..... ...... .1,317,435 A.ylmer................ ..... 3tH 000 VIenna.. ...................... 57000 ~or~ Stanley................". 68:000 Sprll'1gfield.................... 69000 Dutton ............ '........ . 90:000 $15,303,631 Council Cha.rnber, St. Thomas, June 8, 1901. K. W, McKAY, Co, Olerk, W, A, POLLOOK, Warden. BY-LAW NO. 624. To Amend By-Law No. ~61.-PasEed June 8th, IDOL The Mlinicip&l Council of the County of Elgin tmacts as follows: . Tba.t.thethird claulie of By-Law 561 is hereby repealed, and th, fol.. (I lnp~'cl~qse 5n~$i~Qif~d ~he.r'eforr namely' ; 9.. "Third :~The Clerk of tbis Council for the time beinD' is herebvau- o . thorized to issne licenses under this By-Iaw-, with the Om'pOI"ate Seal of. the OOllllcil attached thereto, and deli~'er the saIDe to persous applying therefor upOn payment of the following fee: To travel on foot, the snm of Ten Dollars. To travel with one horse or other -animal, Tbil't.y Dollars. To trusel 'with one span of horses or other aaimals, Forty Dollars. To sail or travel with any boat, vessel, or other craft, Seventy-Five Dollars. 'Yhenever any hawker, pett,y chapman or other person nses more than one horse or other ani",al, or IDore than one span of horses or otuer ani mals, for bearing or carrying goods, "vares or njel'cl1anc1ise, as aforesaid, within the said Connty of Elgin, he shall be required to pay for each single horse or other animal, Thirty Dollars, and for each span of horses or othe-I' animals, .Forty Dollars. l~ach license shall be in force for one year from the date of issue andno ~longer/' Council Chamber, St, Thomas, June 8th, IDOL K. 'V. McKAY, County Clerk. w, 0, POLLOCK, Warden. BY-LAW NO. 625. To Authorize the 'Yarden and Treasurer t@ Borrow Fifteen Thousand Dollars.-Passed June 8th, 1901. The Connty C01:1l1cil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts: That the ,:Varden and Treasnrel' be and are hereby autl~orized to borrow the sum of Fifteen Thonsand Dollars, as it may be required, to meet the current expenditure of the Corporation of the Connty of Elgin during 1901, and to gi ve as security therefor, notes of One Thousand Dollars each. Council Chamber, St. Thomas, June 8tb, 1901. K. 'V. McKAY, County Clerk. w, 0" POLLOCK, Vl arc1en. BYLAW No, 626. To make a grrtnt for the Erection of a Bridge ot'er the River Thames, and to authorize the Pubic Improvements Committee to co-operate with the Cot\nty County of Middlesex.-Passed June 8, 1901. vVhereas it is proposed to erect a. bridge across the river Thames, at the -vil- lage of Muncey, and whereas, appiication has been roade to the CO.llnty of Elgin rOT: assistanc~ in :the )3rection of th~ j;1a~W, and, w~~reas< the County COl~ncll .lla~ 95 <lecided to make a. g-rant to assist in the erection of the said bridge, and desire-_ to antborize th.e Cunnry K'lgineer and the t'liblic ImplOvemeIlt C"mmittee to co operate WIth the couuty counCIl of the Counts of Middlesex, for the ere~tion 0" the same. The County Council of the Couoty of Elgin therefore enacts: That a grant of an amonnt eqnal to Twenty-five per cent. of the cost.- of the erection of a bridge, oot including approaches, across the ri,'er Thames, at the village of-Mnncp.y, in the County of Middlesex. be mnde to as- sist the conot,y council of Middlesex, in the' ereetion of t,he same; and t!lnt the, Public Improvements Commitee of this ConnoiI and tbe Count.y Engineel' be,. and are hereby uuthorized to co-operate with a similar committee,to be appoiuted:. Ly the county council of Midillesex, in the erection of the Lridg~; and that~ the amOUl1t be 'P>-\.Id by the Count.y TreiHwr, r on the orrler of the Warden,when the, work is completeu, such amount. not to cxeecd twenty-five per eent. of t.he cost:' of the bridge. Council Chamber, St. Thomas, June 8, IDOl. K. \". McKAY, Co. Clerk. '\V. O. POLLOC1(; '''Ta,rden._ BY-LAW NO, 027, To appoint Arbitrators to decide School Section appeal~.-Passed .lune 8th, 1901. The County Council of the County of Elgin enf\.cts:- That Don3:ld Turner, 'Villiam B. Cole and J. C. Dance be: and are- hereby appointed arbitrators .to consider appeal Tn reference to thealteration. of the boundaries of Union School Sectbn 24-, SOllthwold and 25 Yannouth,. and the formation of a new non-union sectIOn in the township of Yarmouth. That D. J. Hugbes, County Judge, W. A.tkin, Inspector of Public' schools, E. A. Hugill, Dougald McColl and J. G. Pauling be and are hereby- appointed arbitrators to consider appeal in reference to the alteration of the- boundarie<; of s~hool sections 12, 13 and 14 in the township of South wold... Council Chambers, St;. Thomas, June 8th, IDOL K.l1. McKAY, County Clerk. w. 0, POLLOCK, Wardeno_ . 96 BY,LA.W KO, 628. To raise amounts for Count,>, rates dlll'ing the yenr 1901. Passed June.8th~ ..901. ~ ." Whereas, by Section 91 of Chapter 224 of the Revised Statutes of 00- :GilI'lO, the Council of the Connt.y, in apportioning- tl'8 County rate, shall ,make. t,he amount of property returned on the assessment roll, as finally ~qnahzed for the precedIng yeaI', the basis upon which the apportionment 18 made. And ,,'hereae, by Section 405 of Chapter 223, R.S.G., the COUl',cil of a COlmty may pass By-laws, authorizing the levying and collecting of a rate ~~. .. , . And \vherens, as estimate bas been made showing- that the sum of 'thlrt.y thousand, six hundred and-se\'en dollars is l'Pquired to be rai,;;ed in t.he severf.\I municipalities for the lawful purposes of the county during the year 100l. Theref0re the Connml of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts: . 1. That a rate of two mills in the dbihl-I' te levied npon aU the rateable ~roperty in the several mnnicipalit.ie.s in the Connt.y of Elgin as equalized 1"or the year 1001 to raise the following- amounts, . . 2. That the sum of thirty thousand, six hundred and seven dollars be raIsed and levied in the several municipalities in the Countv accordina to thefolJovdng s.chedllle, and that the amOl1nts as"entered tb~l:ein be pakl to the CGunty Tceasurer, as By-law required, SCHEDUl,E. Municipality. Aldbol'ongh Dunwich '.. ... ........ ..... Sontl1\vold. . Yarmouth. .~,:::.:::: :::: 11alahi(le .. Bayham... '.:::,::::',::::'... South Dorchester."..... .... Ayhner .... ,.. .. ........ Vienn'l. .. Springfield:::.'.: :.::::~.". Port .':ltau.ey,......" Dutton ...... ... Total. $3762 4174 51;16 60;~1 4627 2272 26~5 721 114 138 IH6 180 Count.y Council (Jhambrr, S't, K. \Y. :McKAY, County Ch rk. Thomas, June 8th, 1001. W, 0, POLLOCK, Warden. 97 BY-LA"W NO. 629. To Amend BYMLaw No. 583.-Passed June 8th, IDOL The County Council of the County of Elgin en nets ; That By-law No. 583 be amended by striking out the words "eighty 1eet," and by substituting the "\vords "thirty feet," wherever they occur in ,said By-law. Council Chamber, St. Thomas, Jnne 8th, 1001. K, W. McKAY, County Clerlc W, 0, POLLOCK. Waruen BY-LA'V NO. (mo. To make grants for permanent improvements of High Schools.- Passecl June 8t h, IDOL) The County Council of the County of Elgin Cl~acts:- That the sum of twelve hundred dollars be granted for permanent iro- :proveme nts to be made to the Dutton, Aylmer and Yienna High Schools, said sum to be apportion, ed in proportion to the liability of the County to each of the said schools. Conncil Chamber, St. Thomas, June 8th, H)01. K, W, McKAY, Connty Clerk. W, 0, POLLOCK, Warden. This by-law was not acted upon. .An opinion from County Solicitor to Count.y Treasurer, dated 17th July, 1\:101, states that it is not a valid by-law BYMLA \V NO. 631. To extend the time for t.he enforced collection by sale of non-resident taxes in the County of Elgin.-Passed November 28th, H10l. The County Council of the County of Elgin enacts; That the time for the enforced collection by sale of non-resident taxes :n the County of Elgin be and is h~weby extended for one year. Council Chambers, St. Thomas, Novomber 28th, 1001. K. W.McKAY, County Clerk. W. O. POLLOCK. Warden.