1904 Minutes "C,,\ , ';;', "I / ~~,;y. '" ei- !:? f ::" I 1 r: I i , n I' ; , ! -.-' ,,:,--, ,'" ,.- , ~,.~.~~.~.~~~.~.~~~~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~~'~.S~\. ~~'1.~...~~~~~~~~~.-~~~~~~~~~~~~~j fl' . " ", -~,.t. .r." ,. ,~I ~.~ PROCEEDINGS \" ~ W ~ W ~.~ --'-o-OF THE--'-o- \" ~ W ~ . w ~R ElgJnCounty Cnuncil..~. .~~ ~I ~ W ;'~t~ DURIXGT~E SESSIONS HELD IN THE ", ~ w ~.~ COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS \" ~ W ~ W ~.~ THE }WN;rHS OF \". ~ w ~l~ January; April, June, August an,d Noveniber,1904. m ~l~ w ~~ w ~ W ~.~ '" ~ W ~ ~ ~ w ~I~ w ~~ ~I ~~~ ~I ~.~ K. W. McKAY. DAVID STRATTON, ,\11 ~.~: County Clerk" Warden ", ~, w :!~ T~EAYLMER EXP~". . m I.'~ . . ' . ~f '~~_""'~'''''~'''''''L'L'L''''L'L'#'L'~'.L'L'~'L'''''''L'L:JIf '~e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ee~~- Elgin PROCEEDINGS -OF THE- County Council DURING THE SESSIONS HELD IN THE COURT HOUSE ST. THOMAS IN THE MONTHS OF January, April, June, August and November, 1904. / K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. DAVID ST~ATTON, Warden . THE AYLMER E1CPRESS. COUNTY OFFICIALS. C. W. Colter, Esq., County Judge. C. O. Ermatinger, Junior Judge. D. Brown, Esq., Sb~riff. Jas. H. Coyne, Esq., Registrar. D. McLaws, Esq., County Court Clerk. A. McCrimmon, Esq., Clerk of the Peace and County Crow~ Attorney. Robt" Miller, Esq., Mast.er ill Chancery. N. W. Moore, Gaoler. W" Atkin, Esq., Public Sohool Inspector. John McCausln.lld, Esq., Co. Treasurer. K. W. McKay,E!'q., Co. Clerk. James A. Bell, M.C,S.nE., County Engineer. James M. Glenll, R.O.. L.L.B ,County Solicitor. Frank Hout.. Police Magistrate. W. O. VanBuskirk, l\I. D., Gaol Surgeoll. L" Luton, M,D.. Physician House of Industry. D. H. Gooding, Esq" Keepe.r House of Industry. .John Hopkins, Caretaker Court House. All of St. Thomas P.O Donald Turner, Inspector House of Industry, Sonthwold Station P.O. County Auditors: Andrew Murray, Aylmer; W" A. Galbraith, Ioua Station. Admiuistrationof Justice Auditors: G. W. Colter, County Judge, A. J. Leitch, Dutton P. O. ~ Municipal Clerks and Treasurers. , MUNICIPALITY CLERK TREASURER Aldborough E. A. Hugill, Rodney D. McPherson, West Lorne Dnnwich... ~D. Campbell, Dutton ,J. A. Campbell, Dutton 8outhwold, ,.. ,M. Campbell, Fingal . .D. A. Cattanach, Frome Yarmonth, W. C. Caughell, St. Thomas, R. McLachlin, St. Thomas Malahide Mahlou E. Lyon, Aylmer A. A. Leslie, Aylmer Bayham. ",J. G. p~'uling, Straffordville, E. A. Garnham, Straffordville South Dorchester D. Taylor, Belmont Thos. Winder, Lyons Town of Aylmer J. Bradley, . . W~ Warnock Village of Vienna. W. Watts,..., W.Watts Village of Springfield .J. B. Lucas ,. W. J. Kilpatrick Village of Port Stanley Jas Goug~ _. ,Jas. Gough Village of D~tton. ,J. D. Blue D. Campbell I ~ f. PROCEEDINGS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. JANUARY SESSION, 1904. f f , 1.'.1. t, ., FIR;,;T SESSION-FIRST DAY. , Tuesday, the 26th day of .'faunary, H104. The Elgiu County Council met this day Ilt the Court House, St. Thomas, according to adjournment. All the members were present except Mr. Thompson. The Clerk took the chair and called for nominations fa!' the posi- tionof Warden. Owing to Mr. Thompson's absence the meetin?; was adjourned until Wednesday at eleven a. m. FIRST SESSION-SECOND DAY. Wednesday, the 27th da,~' of ~anual'Y, 1904. The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, according to adjournment. The Clerk in the chair, The members were all present with the exception of Mr. Thomp- son. Each of the members were ~hen, nomInated for the position of Warden, all of ~hom resigned with- the exception of Messrs. Manis, McPherson,.T:urner a,nd Stratton. The election was proceeded with, <Iud on the sixth vote Mr. . 6 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. ELGIN COUNJ'Y COUNCIL. 7 I ! I i , i, 'I I] II Stratton having J'cceived a majority of the vo-tes cast was declared t.o be duly elect:d Warden fOl' the]ear 1904. The Wa'rden elect made the statutory declaration of office before D. ::VlcLaws, J. P., -took the ch;tir and addressed the Council. 1. From County Council Victoria. with request for- to secure repeal of County Council legislation 1903. Petitions and Legisla tion Committee. 2. From County Council NOl.thumberland and Durham, with petition for alteration or amendmerit of County Conneillpgisla.tion 1903. Referred to Petitions and Legislation Coml~littee. co-operation Referred to _~2. From, E. A. Hugill, withreso'lution from Rodney Police Vil~age Trustees rc census. Moved by A;.T. Leitch, seconded by W. Jackson, That tl:te Standing Committees for 1904 hethe snIDe <1,8 last year, with the exception tha.t Mr. McKellar ta,ke the' place of the present Warden on the Ptlblic Improvements andotherCommittees.-Canied. Thefollowing notices of ~otion. were given by : MI'. Morris for grant of $25 t~ West Elgin Farmers' Institute. Mr, McKenney for esti~Ilate of probable cost of r.aising Kains Bridge, and da~age to adjo~ningproperty. Mr. Stokes for reduction of Pedlar's' License Fees. Mr. McPherson for grant of $200 on West County Line. Mr. Jackson for grant of $500 on KRins Hill. 1\111'. McKenney for grants E:-tst Elgin Farmers' Institute $25, Ladies' Institute $25. Mr. Luton for grant of $200 for' Belmont Lockup. Moved by O. McKenney, seconded by W. Rockey, That W. F. HepbuiI'n, Reeve of Ya.rmoQth, be allowed to address 'this Co:uncil.~Carried. Mr. Hepburn then addl'<::ssed the Coupcil in refere,nce to the Kains' Hill and Bridge, the Toll RO<ld" Lake El'ie Crossing on Gravel Road and Harkness Bridge on Middlesex County Line. Moved by O. McKenney, seconded by A. J. Leitch, That Andrew Murray and W. A. Galbraith be Auditors of County , accounts for last year.~darried. Moved by ,Turner, seconded .by W. Jackson, That A. J. Leitch be appointed Anditor of Administration of Justice Accounts for 1904.-,-Carried. Moved by W. Jackson, seconded by A. J. Leitch, The proceedings of the last:'dpy of the previous session WE're read and confiruled. The following cOll?-Ulunications were read :~ 3. Fl'omCo-unty Council of Kent for same purpose and also in i'efel'enceto Cat.e of the poor i'n Townships. Referred to Petitions a.nd Legislation Committee. 4. Fr'om County Council of Bruce re pt"oposed changes in Assess- ment Act. Referred to Petitions and L,E'gislation Com~:nittee. 5. ' From County Council of Haldimand I'e legisla'tion. to .deter- miuebridges over 300 feet in length in Townships. Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. 6. Fr6rn South Wentworth Farmers' Institute re emigration of farm laborers to' Onta.rio. Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. 7. From The Toronto Hospital for, Sick Children. with request for grant. Referred ~ Finance Comm,ittee. 8. From: the Provincial School Trustees Associationwitb request to appoint delegate. Referred to Education Committee: 9. From the St. Thomas Collegiate Institute with annual x.eport. Referred to Education Committee. 10. From J. S. Robertson, Solicitor for Toll Road Mortgagee. 11. From E. E. Luton, re interest on purchase price House of Industry FaI1ll; Referred to House of Industry Committee. / s ELGi~ CdUXTY ci:hJNCrL. ELGiN COUNTY COUNCIL. 9 That the ri:iatter of raising the Kain~ Bridge be referred to the Public Improvements Committee to repOl"t at this sessioii:-dar:Hed~ Moved by S. B: Morris; seconded by b; j)!6Pherson, That this Council do now adjour.n until ten o'clock t?~11l6rrbW to itHaw Committees to ilieet.~dRrriea. FIRST SESSION.-THIRD bAy. Thursday, the 28th .day of January, ]004; DAV!D STRATTON, Warden. The Elgin County Council met this day according to adjournment. The Warden in the chair. All the members present except Mr. Thompson. The proceedings of the previcllis dtty were read and corifirinea. I The following communication~ were read: From West,ern Ontario Good Roads Association. Refened to Pi-:tblic Improvements Coniriiittpe. From County Tl'easurel' with report. Referred to Finance Com- mittee. Mr. Turner gave notire of application fo-r gra:nt of $200 on Dela.- ware County Line; 1\:1r. 1\:1orris gave notice of application; for grant of$20C to assist in the construction of a hridge. on the town line between the Tdwl1ships of Dunwich and Aldborough. Mr; Morris gave uotice of itppli'Cat16n tor: gi;~nt of $20 for West Elgin Ladies' Institute. The report of the Petitions and LegishttiOIl ,C61mnittee ,vas pre.- sented and referred to acomruittee of the whole with :Mr. Turner in , ,,', ","', ," ,,._ '.,'" .','..c. t~e chair. Aft,er ame~din? the report; the 9om~ittee'rose and it .was adopted on motion of Turner, seconded by Morris. l\<'[ofed by S; B. Morris, s~ctHided by A; Turiiel\ That this Council petition the Legishitrire to amend the Munic~pal Act by making it pehnissive that CountY- Councils maY-appoint an auditor to audit the ~ccounts of __ ,the ?ounty, ,.~nd each of the minor municipalities forming part of the Coulity.-Lbst; Moved by S; B. Morris; seconded by D. McPherson, That a grant of $25 be made to -the West Elgin Farmers' Institute. -O'-arri~d; 10 ELGl:N> COUNTY' .COL[.N:CU., ELGI~ COUNNY COUNCIL. 11 lVloved by S. B. Morris, seconded by D. McPherson, That tbis Councilrl,o now ndjourn Hntil2 p. m.--Carried. FIRST SESSION-FOURTH DAY. The CO~licil resumed. Frid;ty, the 29th day of January, 1904. Moved by O. :McKenney, seconded by W. Roc.~ey, Tha,t the. following High .School Trustees he appointed for three years: A" W, Graham fOl" St. Thomas Collegiate Institute; J G. Heiter for Aylmel" Collegil'lte Institute ;~dwinApplefor.d for Vienna High School ;' G. W. Ling, M. D.,- for Dutton High S!:lhool.---,--Carried. The Elgin County Council met this day accm:ding to adjournment. The ViTarden in the chair. Moved ,by W. F.. Luton, seconded by A. Stokes, That the sum of $125 be granted to assist ip building ~ Lockup in Belmont, pr.ovided the 90unty of .Middlesex grants a like <;tlliounL- Carried. All the merulWI"s present except ~fr. Thompson. The proceedings of the pr.eviol1s day wer~ read and confirmed. The following communications were read: Frolll Trustef's "'Test Lorne Police Village r-e census From County -Council Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry I'e J uror.s' Act. Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. Moved by A. Turner, seconded by A. Stokes, That.Messrs, l\fcPher'son, Leitch, Jackson, Luton and l\IcKeI;mey be a Toll Road C.OliJmittee, with power to act for 19(H.~Carried. Moved by O. McKenney, seconded by W. Rockey, That a grant of $25 be given to the E~t Elgin Farmer's Institute and an additional grant of $25 to the East Elgin Ladies' Institute.~ Carried. . The report of the HOllse of Ind:ustry Committee was presented~and referred to a ~()mmittee of the whole with Mr. McPherson in the chair. After considering the r~port the Committee rose and asked leave to sit again: His Ho~or Judge Hughes then addressed the Council and referred to his fifty year" expel"ience H:S Judge Of the County, and announced his retirement from office on the following day. He congratulated the Council on the splendid development of the County, and made compli- mentary references to m~ny membc:lrs with whom he had beeD associated. Moved byD. McPherson, seconded by S. B Morris, That a grant-,of $200 pe nlade towards the general improvement of the Western County Line tosupplemEmt a.gl'ant already made by the Kent County Council, said grant to be expended under the supervision of the County Engineer and Public Irr~prov~ments Committee. Lost. The, report of the Public Improvements Co~mittee was presented and adopted on motion of Jackson, seconded by M:ol'ris~ The "VVart:len and Members present made suitable replies and re- ferred to the ability with which Hfs HOllor had discharged his many duties. Moved by O. ,Mc~enney, seconded by W. Rockey, That t.his Council do now adjo,urn until to~morrow morning at 10 o'clock, to allow House of Industry Committee. to meet.----'-":Carried. Moved by A. Tm'ller, seconded by A. Stokes, That this Cquncil adjourn to meet a.t 2 p. m.-:,.-Carried. The Council resumed. DAVID STRATTON, Warden. A communication from J. S. Robertson re Toll R()ad was read aud referred to Special Committee. The Council then resuni-ed the Committee of the whole on House of Industry Report. 12 -ELGIN COUNTY GOUSCIL~ Mr. McPherson in the chair. Aftei' amending the Heport the Comlnittee 1.Ose find it was adopted on motion of McPherson, seconded hy Stokps, .ilfoved hy S. B. Monis, seconded hy O. McKenney, That a grant of $25 be luade towards the \Vest Elgin Ladies' Branch of the FIlI'mel's' lnstitute, should such he organizt:'d.- Carried. Moved by S. B. l\forris, seconded by E. McKeliar, That the request of the Trustees of the Police Vlllages of Rodney and West Lorne for the taking of a census as provided hy Section 75], Consolidctted Municipal Act, be grimted, and. that the Sitme he taken under the direction of the Council; and that E. A. Hugill he the Com- missioner for taking the census of Rodney, and Dawe(m Mehring for W est Lorne.~Carried. ' . Mov:ed by E. McKellar, seconded by W. Jackson, That a grant of $10 be ffilLue to the Western Onta,rio Good ROllds Association.~Canied. Moved by A. Tur'ner, seconded by A. Stokes, That a. copy of the .Y.funicipal "Vorld be supplied each member of this Council for 1904.~Carried. ' Moved by \V. Luton, seconded by A. Turner, Th'l,t W. Jackson be appointed delegate to attend meeting of West81'll Ontario Good Roads Asspciation.~Carried. Moved,by:A. Turner, seconded by E. .McKellar, That no action be' taken in reference to appointing a delegate to Provincial Trustees Association.-Carried. ~Ioved by A~ Stokes, seconded by A. Turner, That the fees for Hawkers' and Pedlars' Licenses be reduced to $40 for single horse and $60 for team of horses.-Lost. Yeas.-Morris, McPherson, M,cKellar, Turner, Stokes. Nays-Luton, Leitch, J,1Ckson, Rockey, McKenney, Stratton. I ELGIN 'COUNTY COUNCIL. Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by W. Jackson, That a stntement of the A,uctioneers' :-Lnd Pedlars' Licensesissued /lnd in force be submitted to this Council by t~e Clel'k on the first day of each sessibn.~Car'ried. The Report.of Com!ylit.tee on Petitions and Legislation was pre- sented and adopte-d on motion of Monis, seconded by McPherson. The RepOl't of the Finance Committee was pre~ented and. adopted on motion of Leitch, seconded by Luton. J\foved by A. Turner, seconded by E. McKellar, That a.s the law requires this Council ev"ery,year to inquire into /the sufficiency of the Treasurer's bonds, the Finance Commi~tee be authorized to make inquiry and repor.t at the J Ull-3 Session.-----:-Carried. Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by A. .J. Leitch, That the Auditors be paid $40 each for their services during 1904.-~ Carded. Moved by "T. Rockey, seconded by 0 McKenney, That By.law No. 658, peing a by-law to appoint Auditors be l'~ceiv- ed and read a first time.-Carried. Moved by VV. Rockey, seconded by O. McKenney, That By-law No. 658 be read a second time.~Carl'ied. Moved by O. McKenney, seconded by W:Rockey, That By.law No. 658 be read a third time and finally passed,~ Carried'~ i\.foved by S. B. Morris, sEl:conded by A. J. Leitch, That the Judge of the County Court be one of the Auditors of the Administration of Justice Accounts~~Carrie4. Moved bv W. Jackson, ,seconded by A. J. Leitch, That By-law No. 659, being a by-law to appoint a Board of Audit, be received aud read a first time.~Carried. Moved by A. i. Leitch, seconded by ~T. Jackson; 13 I ,I Ii i I II II i II , ~l, '1'1 i "I ~I ill ~ [Ii li II ~! ~'l r 14 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. ELGIN COUNTY COUN.GIL. 15 ~ ~ I ~II I~:,I ,I il ~' I ~I II II I II ! I' ,I j! I F !I II iii II :1 II il,l t'. l!i 1:1 il That By-law No. 659 be read a second time.~Carried. ~Ioved by S" B. Mon-is, seconded by A. Turner, Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by W. JackSOl,l, That By-law No. 659 be read a third time and ,finally passed.,--- Ca,rried That a fixed salary of Three Hundred Dollars be paid Police Magistrate Frank Hunt for the year 19040, the. same to be payable quarterly dating from 1st January, Hl04.-----,Carried. Amendment: Moved by A. Turner, seconded by A. Stokes, Thnt By-law No. 660, being a by-law to appoint Hig-h Schoo Trustees, he received and read ~ first t.ime.~Carried. Moved by 0, l\fcKen.uey, seconded by W. Rockey, That a sajary of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars be paid Police Magistrate Hunt for 1904.~Lost. Moved by O. McKpnney, seconded by W. Rockey, That the Warden be authorized to tender His Honor Judge. Hughes the use of a suitable roqm in the Court House.~Carried. Moved by A. Turner, seconded by A. Stokes, That By-law No. 660 be read a second time.-Carried. lVroved by A. Stokes, s~conded by A. Turner, Thnt By-law No. 660 be read a third time and finally 'passed.~ Carried. Moved by A~ J. Leitcb, seconded 'by E. McKellar, Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded 'by A. Tu7ner, That this Conncil do now adjonrn until Tuesday, 7th June.~ Carried. That By.law No. 661, being a By-law to borrow money be received and read a first time.~Carried. Moved by E. McKellar, seconded by A. J. Leitch, That By-lftw No. 661 be read a second time.~Carried. .J\'Ioved by E. M'cKellar; seconded by A. J: Leitch, Tha.t By-law No. 661 be read a third time and finally' passed.-'- Carried. DAVID STRA.TTON, Warden. Moved by S. B.. Morris, seconded by D. McPherson, TbatBy-Iaw No. ~62, being a hy-Iawto appoint Census Takers for Rodney and West Larue, he received and read a first time.~Oanied. Moved by S, B. Morris, seconded by D. McPherson, Th~t By-law No. 662 beread a second pime.-C~r,ried. Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by D. McPherson; That By-law No. 662 be read a third time and finally passed.~ Carried. 16 ELGIN" COUNTY COUNCIL. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 17 ~ iii I I ~ il: II l{ \1 Ii ~ I, II iI ii II I, 'I I, 'I APRIL-SPECIAL SESSION. JUNE SESSION. Thursday, the 7th day of April, 1904. The Elgin County Council ulet this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, at the request of the Warden to consider the l'ebuilding of bridges in Bayharn. The Warden in the chah'. SEOOND SESSION~FIRST DAY. Tuesday, t.he 7th day of June, 1904. 1'he Elgin County Council met this day at the Oourt House, St. Thomas, <lccording to ~djournment. The V\T ardell in the chair. A:-ll the members present except :Mr. D. F. Thomson, All the members present. The Warden addressed the Council as follows: The County Engineers l"eport re damages to bridges caused by high water was read. Moved by W. Jackson, seconded by S. B; Morris, That the Filmore Bridge he rebuilt of wood, using as much of the old mateI'ial as possible.~Carried. Gentlemen,~In commencing the b'..lsiness of the: June Session I have to report that no matters of importance requiring the considera- dOl} of the Council have been brought to m;r attention since )'01.11. last Session. Moved, byO~ McKenuE'Y, seconded by W". Rockey, That the Port Burwell Bridge be built of steel with concrete abut-, ments and floor, with sidewalk to be fenced off from the maiti drive- way, and that the Public Improyements Committee have power to ask fOl' tenders and award aU contracts in connection with said bridge. In Amendment: PORT BURWELL BRIDGE. This work owing to notice from the Tillsonburg, Lake El.ie }Iud Pacific Ra.ilway Company requiring an oyel'bead or swing bddge has not been proceeded with. The Public Impl'ovem€'uts Committee will l'eport on the question. RE CONSTITUTION OF COUNTY COUNCI~. ,Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by D. McPherson, That the Public Improvements Committee be and are hereby instructed to, rebuild the Port Burwell Hridge of wood, utilizing the material in the present bridge as far as possible. Main motion carried. Am€'ndment lost. The deputation appointed to l.epresent the Oounty in opposing any ('hange in the present constitution of the Oounty Councils attended at Toronto on the 23rd and 24th of February, and assisted in tlworgani- zation of a deputation composed of representatives from most of the Oounty Councils of the Proyice. The deputation was received by Pre'miel' Ross and several members of his cabinet. . After the argument on behalf of the ,County Cc:luncils was presented, the. Premier replied and olltlined proposed changes, which practically granted the request of t.he Councils. These are now inchtded in the Municipal Act, wbich provides that if a rnajor!ity of the Councils of the local municipalities hy resolution passed and flIed with the County Clerk before the first of October, 1904,sha.ll so require, the County C.ounCll shall submit to vote a by-Jaw declaring that thereafter the County Councilshall be compos~ ed of the Reeves of Townships and. "Villages and the Mayors of Towns, instead of representatives of the present County Council divis,ions. If Moved by O. McKenney, seconded by W. .Jackson, That in case Mr, D. Thomson is unable to attend the Public Im- provements Committee, 1\11'; Luton be appointed to act in his stead.-=-- Carried. Mo'Ved by S. B. Morris, seconded by D. McPherson, That this Council do now adjourn.-----;"Oarried. DAVID STRATTON, Wlirden. 18 ELGIN: CQU:KTY COUNCIL. thi.s is done and c:artied by vote of the electors there would be no County Council elf>ction in Janu.<:l.ry, 1907. This is t.he first eledion at which the change could tC'lke effect, and insures the continuance of tbe presf'ut County Councils for the years 1905 and 1906. Similar pro- ceeding~ rn'ay be taken in any year Pl.eceding a year in which n general;election of County Cou:oeils would take place. The deputation was a notable one, and is said to have been the largest and most representative municipal deputation that was ever brought together in Ontario, and I aID pleased to be able to say that the: Ul'gument presented by the l"epresentatives fl'OIll this County was most acceptablE'. MUNICIPAL AME~DMENTS. The municipal legislation of last session of the Legislature was quite as voluminous as usual. The sections of interest to County Councilors a1"e not numerOllS. A member of the Council is now prohibited from voting on a by-. law appointing himself to office or for any remuneration for services other thHn wages for attenuance at CounCIl and cOmmittees. Connty Councils may establish and operate a. telephone system within the County. An import/lOt section rIHlkes clear the right of County Councils t.o specify the length of boundary line bridg'es for which they ~re liable. The Education\Committee will be interested in an amendment to the Public Schools Act, which makes cities liable for a portion of the expense of the Board of County Examiners~and in the, effect of the amendments referring to the salary of the Public School Inspector. The most important new act refers to municipal taxation, thls goes into effect on the first January, 1905; and is of more interest, to Towns and VilJages ,than Counties. Townships will derive a benefit from additional values to be placed on telegraph and telephone companies. The proceedings of the last d~y of the January and Special Sessions - were read and confirmed. The following communic.atibns were read: t I I I I .-" ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 19 From J. H. Coyn'e, Registrar, l'eshelving 'and office accommoda- tion. Referred to G;wl Committee. .. From K. W..i\'IcKay, .county Clerk, with list of Pedlars and Atlctioneel's. Filed. From K. W. McKay, re 8.Jmeda. Hart. Referred .to 'House of Industry Committee. From\V. Wa.tts, Vienna, redeputatioD for <lid to l.ehuild Steele Bridge. From \tV. L. Wickett,.. Barrister, solicitor for James Meek, re damages susta.ined by ice at Zavitz Bridge. Referred to-Public Im- provements Committee. From J. E. Farewell, .cOUJ;lty Clerk, Whitby, re Dominion Good Roads Bureau. Referl"ed to :P.etitions and LE'gislatiou Committee. From Vit. J. Shaw, Secretary Childrep.'sAid Society, with account. Referred to Finance Committee. From W.W atts, Secretary Board of Education; Vienna, . pointmentof Trustee. Referred to Education Oommittee. From Dameon Mehl;ing, with census of West Lorne Police Village. Filed. l'e ap- ~ . Froll} E. A. Hugill, with census of Rodney Police Village. Filed. From L. B. C. Livingston, re Elgin pupils at TiIlsonburg High School. Referred to Education Committee. From Edith M. Young, of Children's Shelter, re expense of boy with scarlet fever. Referred to Finance Committee. From James A. Bell, County Engi~eer, withReport. Referred to Public Improvements Committee. From' County Auditors, with Report. Refert.ed to Finance Committee. From ,W. Atkin, Public School Inspector, with annual report. Referred to Finance Committee. The following petitions were presented: 'j 20 ELGIN COUNTY COV'~CIL. ELGIN COUNN'Y COUNCIL. 21 I ~ i II I 1j II II ~ '1 II III Ii !1. !I! fi' II " ]! i! II (I , , By D. G. JlcPherson. for Free Pedlar's Licerise f(lr Albert Hughes. . By S. B. ,Morris, for. incorporation of Police Trustees VV ~st Larne and Rodn('y. ,Referred to Petitions and Legisl<ttion Committ.ee. SECOND SESSION-SECOND DAY- Wednesda.y, the 8th day ofJ une, 1904. By V\T. Jackson, 1'e raising Zavitz Bridge. RefelTed to Public'Im- provements Committee. The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thorilas, according to adjournment. NIl'.. vVelch. of the South \Vester'n Tl'ilction Company, being pt.es- ent, was a.llowed' to address the Council on motion of Jackson, seconded by Mar.ris. The Warden in the chair. All the members present. Mr. '\-Veldl made applic1-ition for peI'nlis8ibn to run along or across the Toll Road. The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. Communications from the Prisoner's Aid Association re Gra.nt, and County Treasurer with Report, were read and r.efel'1'ed to the Finance Committee. On motion of Morris, seconded hy Thomson. the request was :l'eferred to the Special Toll Road Committee, K. VV. McKAY, County Clerk. DAVID STRATTOK, W -arden. Mr. Jackson inquired as to cost of feed for stock at Bouse of Industry 'since 1st January. 1904. The J:teport of the House of Industry Committee re Almeda Hat.t, was presented and referred to a committee of the whole'witb Mr. Morris in the chair. After amending the report tne Committee rose, and it was adopted on motion of Morris, secouded by McPhersou., Mo\-'-ed by A. Turner', seconded by 'V. Jackson, That this Council adjourn to lIwet at. ten O'clock to~moI'r('lw.~ Carried. . Moved hy S. B. 'Morris, seconded by D McPherson, That the Clerk be requested to notify the Trustees of the Police Villages of West Lorne and Rodney of the necessity of forwarding evidence of the llqtices having beell given as provided by Sub-sec. 3 of Sec. 751, Chap. 19, Coho Municipal Act, 1903.,Carried. Moved by S. B. Morris,. seconded by A. J. Leitch, That this Council do' now adjourn until two o'clock to allow the several Committees to meet.,-Carried. The Council resumed. A communication from Messrs. Dowler & Sinclair, re Port Burwell bridge, was read <~nd referred to Pu_blic Improvements Committee. Moved by O. McKenney, seconded by W. Rockey; That H. T. Godwin, of Bayham, be ~ow heard re Town Line Road between Bayharit and Malahide..-Carried. 22 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. Mr. Godwin :thenadd-ressedthe .Conncil in reference to damages lit Filmore bridge. Moved by O. McKenney, seconded by A. Stokes, That the claim of da.uwges asked fo;!:' by Mr. Godwin be. referred to the Public 1I1lproveHlents COll1mittee.~Carried. Moved by 0 McKenney, secondE'd by A. Stokes, That E. Buffe! be heard in reference to bridge at Vienna destroyeq hy floods of last l\iar'c:h.~Ca.nied. Mr. Suffel then :tddt'eased the Council i-md requested them to mak~ grant towards l"e~erectiol1 or assume the bridge. Moved hy A. Turner, seconded by VV. Jackson, Thnt deputation fr:)ill SOlJthwold 1'e Toll Road be now heard.~ Canied. 'Messrs. Pranglin, W R-llis, Hunt, Bennett and Coulte-I' ~henHddress- ed the Council in reference to Toll Road. Moved by S. B. MorTis, seconded hy O. McKenney, That the question of the London and Port Stanley Toll Road (I he referred to the Special Toll Road Committee, and that the Townships of Southwold, Yarmouth and City of St. ')'homas and ~: , 'Village of Port Stanley be asked to comrn~m:icate wi-ththis Council in reference to what they 3ol'e 'willing to do tow~I'ds the purchase and maintenance of thisRoad.~CarI'ie~. . Moved hy W.Jackson, seconded by A. Turner, That the County 'Jf Elgin will, if they can legally do so, give the Township of South wold a title to.tll that portion .of the Lon~on and Port Stanley Toll Ro~d within the Township of South wold nOl,th of the City of St. Thomas, providing the present lessee and the 'Township can agree on terms of transfer.~CaI'l'ied. Mr. Luton gave notice that on Friday he would move a resolution tocontl'ibute the SUlll ,of- six thousand,doUa;rs towards the purchase of the Toll Road. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 23 ,I , ~ II: I, il ~ I Iii Iii Ii Iii III iii ~' (~ Ii: n ~ " 'I Ii " M d by A J Leitch seconded by W.-Jackson, --'- ove .,. , , , That the warden name;: Commlttee to consider the.equalization of the County Assessment to repol't at this Session.-Carr~ed. The Warden named Messrs. l\I~rris, Leitch, Ja,ckson, Thompson, l\icKenney and Stokes. On motion of Jackson seconded by Turner thE) douncil ajoui'ued to meet at 10 o'cloc~ Thursda.y mO,l'ning. DAVID STRATTON, Warden. I ! ');4 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. SEOOND SESSION-THIRD DAY. Thursday, the 9-th day of June, 19U4. The Elf?in County Council met this day according to adjournment. The Warden in the chair. All the ~embers pr.esent. The proceedings of Hle previous day tvere reltd and confirmed. A commllllic;ttion from his Honor Judge Ermatinger 1'e his hook, on the History of the Talbot Settlement was read and referred to the Finance Committee. The Report of the Court House Commission was presented and re- ferred to the Finance and Gaol Committees. The Repor't of the House of Industry Committee \-V1tS presented and adopted on motion of Luton, seconded bi McKenney. Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by E. McKellar, That the deputation from Dutton High School be now given a hearing.~Carried. Messrs. Taylor, Ling and Popl, addressed the council making appli- cation for grant towards erection of High School Building, which on motion of Morris, and seconded by McPhe~son was refel'l'ed to Edu9a- tioD Committee. Moved by O. McKenney, seconded by A. Turner, That Messrs. Pratt and Suffel, of Viennil, be now allowed to ad- dress the Council.~Carried. Moved by O. McKenney, seconded by W. Rockey, That the deputation from Aylmer be now allmyed to address the: Counci1.~Carried. 1\1:essrs. Caron and Lyon then addressed the Council, making ap- plication-for grant to High School improve~ents. The Report of the Gaol Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Leitch, seconded by Stokes. ' ELGINCOUN'I'Y COUNpIL; 25 Jill'. Jackson presented his Report as a delegate to Western Ontario Good Roads Association. I The Report of the Public [mprovements Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Jackson, seconded by McKellar. Moved by W. Jackson, seconded by A. J. Leitch, That this Council petition the Dominion 'Government to make a substantial grant for the permanent improvement of the Port Stanley Harbor, as the accommodation there is not sufficient for the present business, which is growing rapidly, a.nd 'that the Warden name a- Special Committee of three to co~oper<i.te with the Cities of LondOlf, st. Thomas.and the Lake Erie and Detroit River Railway in bringiug the matter to the attention of the Government.,.--Oarried. The Warden appointed l\-1essrs~ Jackson, Leitch and 1[orris. mem. bel'S of the Committee. Moved by D. F. Thompson, seconded by W. F, Luton, That this Oouncil adjourn, to meet to-morrow at two o'clock, to allow Committees to me.et;-Carried. DAVID STRATTON, Warden.' I 26 ~ !: ELGIN COpN~'Y COUNCIL. EW:i~ cOtJ;;rT"~ COU;-\c1y, %J ; [, II Ii ~ ti ~ II I I II II II ,I II ~ II ill 1'1 II ,I II )1 ii Ii " I, '! SEOOND SESSION-'--FOURTH DAY. Friday, the 10th day of June, 1904. Moved hy W. Eocl,i:ey, seconch'd by 0 McKenney, That Mr. .Jackson and Engineer Bell visit the Village of Vienna and take the measurement of th~ bridge destroyed by the. .flood in M.ard:ll,wt., ctfl4 if in their opinion rmd t4at of t;}1e Cou~ty Soncitor, it is a County bridge, that <t speciaJ meeting of the Cannej1 be cn.lled to pass B'y-La.w assllwing the Bridge.~Carried. II Moved by A. Turner, seconded by D. Thompson. That the claims of Godwin and others be laid over until tomorrow and that the chail;man of the P~blic Improvernepts OOlp,mittee p\:)tain the GOPonty SolipitOl"S opil1ioI). :is to the legality of the claim,~Carried. The Report of the Education Committee was pr~sf!nted and ref~r~'~ ~d ton. Oommittee of the wpole Wit,h Mr. Luton in t,he chair. After amending the report the Qommittee rO,se alHl, Report. \'vas .adopte4' on. motion of Lnt.on; seconded by MOl'riS. The Elgin Count.y Council met this day according to adjournment. The Warden in the chair. , --411 the members present. The proceedings of the previous day were read and confil'med. The Report of the Equaliz'l.tion Committee was presented aod a.dopted 00 motion of Thompsoo~ seconded by Turner. _ The Report of the Specia.l Brantford Deputation was presented and adopted on motion of Luton, seconded 'by Turner; The report of the Petitions and Legisl<;ttion Committee was pre- sented and adopted on motion of Morris, seconded by Thompson. Moved by W. Jackson, s'econded by W. Luton, Tbat vVhereas the Lake Erie and Detroit River Railway Company have recently built a side track a.cross the LQndon and Pm't Stanley Gravel Road, irmnediat,ely sout~ of the City, and placed a switch immediately west of the Gravel Road, and also a switch immediately east of the Gravel Road, which connects with several tracks used for making up trains. And, whereas this crossing was even with a single track exceedingly dangerous, it is now rendered much more so in consequence of being used by the Railway Company as switching grot:md. Be it thel'ef0re resolved by this Council that the 90unty Solicitor be inst'ructed to inquire into the legality of theRailway Com- pany constructing' their side tracks without the permission of this Oouncil or the Railway Committ.ee,and if so that steps be taken by the Solicitor to compel the Railway Oompany to have ga.tes 'put up, or have a watchman stationed, at this crossing to properly protect the public.~Carried. Moved by D. F. Thompson, seconded by W. F. Luton. That this County assume the bridge on the County Line he,tween Yarmouth and Westminster, known as the Harkness bridge, and that the County Council of Middlesex be notified.-Lost. Notices of Motion. Mr, A. J. Leitcl1 fDr graqt to aid, D:1tton HJgh 8GhooI. Mr. McKellar, for supplementary grant, Dutton High School, Mr.. Jackson, for supplementary gr:.mt, Vienna Hi~h School. Mr. McKenney, for supplementary grant, Aylmer High SchooL Mr. Mot'ris, for continuation cla13s griwts Roquey ~nd West Lorpe. Moved by A. J. Leitch, ,secoridj'lq "bY WI Jack:;;Oll, ''rh.at this Council .do now a.C!jQnrQ g:[ltiI ten o'clock to~mQ;rrow. Carried. PAVIQ S'J'~A'rTON~ Wa.vqen. 28 ELGIN COUNTY COU~CIL. SEOOND SESSION-FIFTH DAY. SatUl'day, the 11th d<lY of June, 1904. The Elgin County Council met. this day at the Couy.t House, St. Thorn,-ls, according to adjournment. . The 'V ~rden in the chair. All the lllelli beI's present. The proceedings of the previous d""y were read and confirmed. The Report of the Petitions and Legisl::! tion Committee was pt.esented a.nd adopted on motion of M(;rds, seconded hi. McPhei'son. The Report of the Puqlic Ilnpruvelllents Committee was pl'esented . a.ndadopted on Ulotio'n of Jackson, seconded hy 1\1 orris. The Report of the Special Toll Road Committee was presented and adopted on illotion of Jackson, seconded by McKellar. The Report of the Education Committee was pre-sented and adopt- ed on motion of Turner; seconded by LutOll. The First Report of the Finance Committee \yitS pl'esented pnd adopted on UJotion of Leitch, secondf>Cl hy Jackson. The Second Report. of the Finance Commit.tee was presented and adopted on motion of Leit<:h. seconded by .Jackson. Moved by O. :L\fcKenney, seconded by W. Rockey, That the supplementary grants to the vH,rious High Schools be the same as last year.-Carried. M'oved by S.B. Morris, seconded by D. McPherson, That a special grant of fifty dollars be made to en,ch of the continu- tion class schools at RodlJey and West Lorne.--Lost. Moved. by A. J. Leitch, seconded by E. McKellar. That this Council grant the sum of fifteen hundred dollars to assist the Dutton High School Boal'd in the erection of suitable addition to their High School Building, said addition tv be approved of by the Minister of Education and to ~ost no less than $3,(JOO.-Lost. I 1'1 , i' III 1: II il 1 II" " I " 'I I, I' ,I " [i Ii II II II f ELGIN cdu~'N"Y COUNCIL. 29 Yeas-Leitch and ,McKellar; 2. Nays~Morris, McPherson, Luton, Thompson, Jackson, 'rurner, Stokes; Rockey and McKenney, 9. ' Movedby A. J. Leitch, seconded hy E. i\fcKell<u'. that this council grant a sum tow~-n'd the erection of additional ac- commodation to the Dutton High School Building eqllal to one third of the cost of such improvements provided the sftme does not exceed $3.00iJ.-Lost. Yeas-Leitch, McKellar and Morris, it Nays~McPhel"SOn, Luton, Thompson, Jackson, Turner, Stokes; Rockey and McKenney, 8. Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by E. McKella.r.. That owing to t,he large attendance of County pupils at the Dutton High School it hl,S become obligatory on the pat.t of the High School Board to provide hetter accommoda.tio~l, ~herefore this COUl:tcil agrees for this year to allow the Dutton High School Board to retain the fees collected from the County pupils attending said s('hoo1, provided the amount of such fees be applied by S<lid Bo~u'dtoward the erection of additions to the High School Building which :-11'8 rendered necessar)T hy the large attendance of County pupils at said schooL-Carried. Moved by 'v. Rockey, seconded by W. Jackson. That the Public Improvements Committee have the County bri9-ges painted when necessa,ry.~C?,l'ried. j Moved by 0 McKenney, seconded by W. F. Luton. That tenders -be asked for the coal supply for Honse of Industry, Court House and GO<'LI for one year, eithel' in car lots F.,O. B. St. Thomas, or delivered and. that the Gaol and House of Industry Committee h~ve POW81.-' to deal with s'am:.~Carried: Moved by A. Stokes, seconded by' O. McKenney. That tbe claim of- Godwin, Stevens and Tribe for damages caused by use of land for road at town line between B_ayham and ~alaQide be ;J(J 'Jj:bGIN QOUNTY QOWHJJJ;., 'paid to the amount of forty dollars divided rlS foUowl;): Godwin. $5; Stl}veIlIil. $2;5, alld Tribe $10. --0 Lost, . Yea..<;-McKenney, Rockey, Stokes. 3. Nays~:Monis, n-JGPb..g!'SQP, Lqtop, 'J;'QQmpson. L~itcA. MgK~llar, Jackson. Turner, 8. ,- ;l\{QV@q by Q; L\IGK~DP~Y, !i?~goqdeg by vV, BQGkt}r. That By-law No. 663 being a by-law to appo~nt a Tr-q:;;teEj fOI-' t}:le Vienna Hig-h School he received and read a first time.--,---Cal'I'ied. Moved by W. Rockey, seconded by O. McKenney. That By-l<'l-~ No. 663 he I'ead a second tiU1~.~Q~q:Tj~g, Moved by A, Stpk~s, slO:co!'J.deghy W, R.oQ~ey. '['pat By~lllW No. B!'i~ be x'@'Hl R- thh'g tirn~! ,<l~cl fiQ~lJy :pa'5sed.~ qa.rl'ied, Moved by A. Stokes, seconded by A. Turner, 'rha,t By"Iq,W No, 6tH. beirtg~ 13y.,.law to autbpriz~ the "\Varden and TreWlllrl'1f to horr'ow $2Q;000, bl'l rec~iv~d and read a fir$t ti~)e.~ Qa,rried. . ~~. . , Moved by A. Turner; seconded by A. Stokes, ThatBy~Jaw No. 664 be read a s~cond time.~Oarried. Moved by A. Turner, seconded by A, Stokes, That By-law No. 664 iJe read a third time and finally passed.---.,- Carried. Moved by ,A. J. Leitch-, secQtHieilby ~, MG~~H3,r, ,Th<!.t .J3y~law No. 665, J)eip,g f1; hy-J;:tw to !Jonfirm equali~atiop of the Assessment RQII~l he rec~jved a,p(l :reaq a first t.jme.---.,-Qarri-~d. Moved by E. McKelli'Lr, seconded by A. J. Leitch, 'J'hat BYRlaw No. 665 be read a second time.~Oarried. ~gv~4 lly E. MoK~l!.., ~@ogp4~4 by A, J,r.,.*h, ELGI~ COUNTY COUXCIL. 31 ~ II !' ~ 1,1 Tha.t By-Jaw No. 665 be read :l third time and finally passed.- Carried. .Moved by D. F. Thompson, seconded by W. F. Lllt?n. That By~law No. 666, being a hy-law to grant 1'ldditioual aid to High 8chools. be received and read a first time.~Carried. !I "I ~ "~!. !, I II n I' I! ii II' i,1 'II iii '[' \1 II! " U Ii Ii " Moved by W. F. Luton, seconded by D. F. Thompson, That. BYRlaw No. 666 be read It second time.-Carried. Moved by D. F. Thompson, seconded by W. F. Luton, That By~law No. 666 be read tl, third time. and 'finally passed.- Carried. I Moved by S. B.Morris, seconded by D. McPherson, ThRt By-law No. 667, being a by-law to l'ais~ amounts for County Rates, be received and read a first time.-Carried. Moved b? S, B. Morris, secondrd by D. McPherson, That By-law No. 667 be read a second time.-Carried. Moved by D.lVIcPhel'son, seconded by S. B. Morris, That By~Iaw No. 667 be read a third time and finally pRssed.- In Amendment: Moved hy'S. B. Morris, seconded by D. McPherson, That By-law No. 667 be amended bV making the rate one and seventeenRtwentieths mills. ~iain motion can'ied. Amendment lost. Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by D. McPherson. That this Council do now adjourn until Tuesday, the 15th day of November next.-..:.Carried. DAVID STRATTON, Warden. t 32 ELGIN COUXTY GauseIL. AUGUST-SPECIAL SESSION. Friu-&y, the 5tb day of August, 1904. The Elgin County Council met this day at two o'clock in the after- noon in Special Session at theC'i-tll of the Warden, to consider matters in connection with the Southwe<::tero Tmction Comp;:~ny and the I..ondon and Port Stanley Toll Road. The Warden in thp. chail". All the membeIs present. The following communications were l'ead : From A. E. vVelch, mamtging director of the South Western Traction Company, with plan of crossing of Toll Road at Talbotville. From A. Robert, of Montreal, les:-;e€' of Toll Road, offering to dis- pose of same at <i price to he deteI'lJiined by arbitration. From A. W. Campbell, C. E:, Pr!.JVineial Inspector of Toll Roads with Reports. (I). As to work ordered on Toll Road hyreportdated 24th Novem- ber, 1903. (II). 4.s to inspection on 12th July in response to petition of rate- payers of Township of South wold. - Fl'omTownsbip Clerk of Yarmouth, in reference' 'to To11 Road. Moved by W. Jackson, seconded by A. Turner, That this Council appl'ove of plan of crossing of the South western Traction Company tracks at Talbotville, proYided the plan he changed so that the tracks wilt leave the highway at a point sixty' feet north ?f the south~eusterly cornel' of Lot E, west of the North Branch of Talbot Road.-CarI'ied. Moved by ~-'-. Jackson, seconded by A. J. Leitch, That the crossing of the tracks of the Southwesterll Traction Com- panyat Talbotville, be constructed subject to the npproval of the County Engineer.~Carried. 1 -'ELGIN COUNTY C,pUNCIL. i " i ~. il ~.!l, iil !!1 III i!! ill !,' IIi ili "I 'I !l, !Ii I, " !! il 'i 33 .Moved by K B. Morris, seconded by D. McPher~on. That the correspondence re London and Port Stanley Toll Road be refel;red to the County Solicitor and that he give the Council his opinion at e,u.liest possible moment.~CaI'ried. ,Moved by W. F; Luton, second'ed by D. F. ThomsOIi. I j That in t.he opiuion of this Council the Tolls on the London and Pt.. Stanley Gravel Road should be removed and the offer of Mr. Rob- ert, Lessee of the Toll Road, to dispose of his interests at a pric.?: to be determined by arbitration, accepted; provided the Townships of Yar- mouth and Southwold and the City of St. Thomas join in an agreement authorizing the arbitrators to apportion the 1-\.mount to be paid by each and the Townships of Yarmouth, Southwold and the village of . Port Stanley agree to assume the portion of the road within their: limits and that the Special Toll Road Oommittee be instructe-d to confer with the Lessee the said Municipalities f!.nd the City of St. Thomas in reference thereto and that a by-law be passed ltuthorizing the 'Varden to sign agreement and appoint Arbitrator.~Lost. Yeas-Luton, Thomson; Jackson and Turner, 4. Nays-Morris, McPherson, McKellar, Leitch, Stokes, Hockey, Mc- Kenney, 7. Moved by":. Jackson, seconded by O. McKenney. That the County Solicitor be instructed to look into the legality of collecting Tolls on the London and Port Stanley: Toll Road and if Tolls are being illegally collected to pl'Qsecute the Toll Collectors.- Oarried. Moved by S. B. Morr!s, seconded by A. .T..Leitch. That this Council request the Inspector of Toll Roads for 9ntario to inspect the London and Port Stanley Gravel Road and the 'bridges ther;on and reporli at the earliest possible moment.-;-Carried. Moved by W. .Jackson, seconded by W. F. Luton. Whereas the present lessees of the London and Port Stanley Toll Road ha'Ve expressed a. desire to sell their interest in the said Toll Roa.d, De it therefore resolved, that this Council do agree to pay thirty-five per 34 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. cent. of cost of same, providing.the Municipalities tnrough which the road runs ma~e up the balance, and providing Yarmouth, South--w:old ~nd Port Stanley assume the portion of the road within their limits.- Lost. Moved by S. B. MorrIs, seconded by D. G. McPherson, That this Council do now adjourn.~Carried. DAVID STRATTON, Warden. ELGIN' COUN'l'Y COUNCIL. 35 NOVEMBER SESSION. THIRD SESSlON-FIRST DAY. o Tuesday, the 15th day of November, 1904. The Elgin County Council met this day at the Oourt House, St. Thomas, aC'-cordiilg to adjoUl'ument. j The vVard-en in the chair. All the members present. The Vlarden addressed the Oonncil as follows: Gentlemen, -In opening this the lastSessiou of our County Council term, I am pleased to he able to state tha,t no ma,tters of importance affecting thf~ interests of the County hnve been brought to myatt"'.ll- tion since YOllr last. meet,ing. LONDON AND PORT STANLEY TOLL ROAD. Notwithsbmding the I'.PpOl'ts of the Provincial Inspector of Toll Roads and th~ convicti9n of a. g<tte keeper, tolls are still heingcollected on the Londona.nd Port Stn,nley Road An <lppeal hns been taken by the Lpssee to the Con:irnissioner of Public Works from the Inspector's Reports and an interim injunct-ion has' heen issued restra.ining the County from. ta,king possession of the Road in Ilccordnnce '\vith the General Road Companies Act and pl'oceedings have been taken to quash the decision M the Police 1\i;tgistrate convicting the gat~ keeper. The Lessee hns entered an (l,ction ng;tinst the Count,y for <tn injunction and cl1tims d,tmnges for' conspiracy to injure his property and depre- ciate the v<l.lue of the Road. Severed members of the Oonncil have been examined for discovery, bllt t,here does not appear to he any reason for the claim for d;-;.mages or for the' injunction. The proceed- ings show that \'his Councii is desirous of ha.ving the Road kept in proper repair; but it=; not desirous of pu-r'chH.sing 01' taking over the Road, except for the protection of the County in case they are ma.de liable for t.epairs 01" damages, DOMINION ELECTION. Since your last Session the Dominion has passed throngh the ex- citement of it general election, and in this connection. I have to 06 ELGIN COUNTY COU:KCII.. congratnlate our c~l1eilgne, Mr. Jackson, on his election as representa- tive of the V\-:est Riding of Elgin in the House of Commons The Elgin l"epn~sent;ttives in the Provincia.l Leg\slnture ;\re both ex-members of the County Conncii, hut thi~ is the first time in many years that a memh.r has been promoted to Ottawa. The expel'ience gftined by Oounty Councillors in the discha,rgeof thpil" Municipal duties should be ~f ll.ssista,nce to them when they are elected as Pi-trliamentary representatives I know thll,t IVII'. Jackson will hI:' found wort,hy of the confidence pla.cedin him by the electors of \\7 e~t E"llgin, a,nd l'efle,~t credit on"this CJuncil of which he has been a valued wember for some yearS. It is advi::<able to have all unfinished business disposed of at this Session, so that we lTIlty leave as few legacies as po~sible to he disposed of by the incoming Oouncil. The yea.r has been a prosperOllS one throughout the Oounty, and I believe the Treasurer's Fiuancial State.,. men_t will show a bal!ance on the rignt side of the ledger at, the end of the ye~H'. The proceedings of the last day of the June Session and of the Special Session wel'e read and confirmed. The following communications were read: From L. Luton, :\i. D., with Annual Report as Physician Industry. Referred to House of Industry Committee. House of From W. Moore, Secretary Canaain,n Association for Prevention of Tuberculosis. Referred to Petitions and Legislation Oommittee. From JiLmes A. Bell, County Engineer, with Report. Referred to Public Improvemel!lts Oommittee. From n!. E. Lyon, Olerk of Malahide, with Road By-law to be confirmed. From W. 'Vatts, 1'e Vienna, High School Trustee. Referred to Education Committee. From E. Boughner, County Clerk Norfolk, with petition l'e boun- dary line bridges. Referred to Petitions andLegislatio~ Committee. c I r =~"""" ELGIN COU~TY COUNCIL. 37 From D. H. Gooding, Keeper House of Industry, applying for in- crease of salary. Referred to House of Industry Committee. r,.1r. Jackson presented petition re Fingal Police Vill_age. Mr. Morris presented petition 1'e incorporation Police Village .Trustees of Rodney. Mr. Mc F:herson presented pet~tion 1'e incOl"poration of West Larue police Village Trustees. All of which were referred to the Committee on Petitions and Leg- islation. Mr. Jackson inquired as to what action had been taken in reply to resolution passed at August special session l'equesting Provincial In- spector Campbell to examine the Toll Road, Mr. McKenney gave notice that Deputations from Vienna and Port Burwe'll would appear before the Couneilon Wednesday at 2 p.m. Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by "V. Jackson. That this Council do now adjourn until Eleven a.m. to-morrow to allow Committees to meet.~C~lrried. DAVID STRATTON, Warden. ~o, :38 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. THIRD SESSION-SEOOND DAY. Wednesday, the 15th da.y of November, 1904. The Elgin County Council met t.his day according to adjournment. The Warden in the chair. AU th,e members present. The proceeding;> a.f the previous day were r€<td and confhmed. The repo,rt of the County Treasurer was read and referred to the Finance Committee. Moved by O. McKennc-y, seconded by W. Rockey, That this Council do now adjourn to meet at 1:30 this H.fternoo-n.l The Council resumed. Moved by O. McKenney, seconded by W. Rockey. That the Deputation froni Port Burwell re bridge be now heard.- Carried. Messrs Dowler, Teall and Backhouse then addressed the CounciL l\fov~d by O. McKenney, seconded by W. Jackson, That this Colincil, the Oounty Engineer, Solicitor and Clerk visit Port Bur.well on Thursday next, to examine into the advis<tbiIity of building a new bridge and changing the present site of the County bridge.~CaI'I'ied. 'Mm'ed ~y Vi.T. Rockey, seconded by A. Stokes. Tha.t MI'. Olutton of Vienna be now heard.-Carried. Mr. CJutton then addressed the Council, and requested assistance for Village of Vienna in i'epl~cing bridge. Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by D. McPherson. That the assistance asked for by the Deputation of Vienna towards ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 39 , the reconstructIon of the Vienna bridge be referred to the Public Im- provements Qommittee.~Carried. Moved by A. Turner, seconded by O. McKenney. That this Oouncil do now a.djourn to meet at ten o'clock., Friday...,.- Ca'rried. DAVID STRATTON, Warden. \ 40 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 41 n Ii ~; I I l I Ii 1..,1 I. II , II Ii t r !ii ,. " I' ij' il ~ Friday, the 18th day of November, H.l04 That Architect Darr-ach explain t.Q the Council the plans he has prepar~d for the improvement of the Registry Office.-Carried. Mr. Darrach -presented his l?lans and the Registrar made some re~ mark~ in reference thereto, THIRD SESSION~THIRD DAY. The Elgin County Conncil met this day according to adjournment" The Warden in the chair. Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded py S. B" Morris That the improvir:rg of the Registry Office be laid over until the next January Sessi~n of this Council.-Carried. All the members ,pI'eseht except IVIr. Morris. The proceedings of the previous day were read 'and confirmed. The RepOl't of the Inspector of the House of Industry was present- ed and referred to the House of Industry Committee. The Report of the Public Improvements Committee was presented and adopted ,on motion of Jaekson, seconded by :McKellar. Count.y SolicitOl' Glenn addressed the Coun'cil, re Port Burwell Bridge and presented letters from Messrs. Dowler and Sinclair contain- ing proposition in reference thereto. Moved by A. J. Leitch, second~d by W..Ja.ckson, That t.he vVarden name a Committee of three to act. with the En- gineer and .County Solicitor in dealing with the Port B~rW'ell Brid~e question and report at the January Session of the CouncIl or sooner If they deem it necessary and that a special meeting of the Council be called befol'e any bargain is closed. In Aillendment 1st: Moved by S. B. Morris, seconded by D. McPherson. That the matter of the P'.Jrt Burwell Bridge be referred to the Public Improvements Committee with power to stop the wprk of con- struction of bridge, and thn,t the Committee have power to enter into negotiations with the Railway Oompany with a view to their under- taking the whole work both of the trestle and bridge, and repol't to this Council before closing an)' deal. The Report of Committee on Pere Marquette Rail Wfl,y Crossing on Toll Road was presented and adopted on motion of Jackson, seconded by Leitch. Moved by D. G. McPherson, seconded by E. McKellar, That this Oouncil make a gl'nnt of fifty per. cent" of the cost of the construction of a stone culvert or bridge on town line between Ald- borough and Dl!-nwich. That the ,...ork be done in Rccordance with plans approved by >lnd co;mpleted to the satisfaction of the County Engineer, said amqunt not to exceed f,ouJ' hundred dollars --Carried. Yeas~McPherson, McKellar, Leitch, .Jackson, Turner, Rockey and McKenney. Nays~Thompson, Luton and Stokes. Moved by A. Stokes, seconded ?y A. Turner, That this Oouncildo now adjourn to meet at two- p. m. :Moved by A. J. Leitch, .:Seconded by W. Jackson, In Amendment 2nd. l\Ioved by W. F. Luton"seconded by D. F. Thompson; That the PllbHc Improvements Oommittee proceed with the erec- tion of a wooden bridge at Port Burwell unless the T. L. E. & P. Ra-H- W,ty Company file with the County Clerk sfLtisfactory sectlr,ity for lay: ing the work over and the erection ofa high level bridge <tt ~ cost to to this County not exceeding the cost :Jf an iron bridge as at first pro~ posed. .The Council resumed. All the members present. The report of the Pe-tjtions and Legislation Committee was pre- sented and adopted on motion of Morris, seconded by Tur.ner. 42 ELGIN COU~'TY -COUNCIL. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 43 Main motions carried. . Amendments lo~t. .A letter from Messrs. Robertson. and Sanders, Solic::itol's for the lessee of the Toll Road, was read and referred to the Special Toll Road Committee. THllW SESSION-FOURTH DAY. Satlll'day, the 19th day of November! 1904. On motion of McKe.nney,' seconded by Rockey, the Council. ad journed until ten o'clock to-mor.row and proceeded to inspect the House of Industry. The Elgin County Council met this d~~y at the Court HOllse, St. ThOlli.lS, according to adjournment. The vVa-rden in the chair. DAVID STRATTON, Warden. All the mem hers present except Mr. Mor.ris. Th,e proceedibgs of the previous day were read and confirmed. The Report of the House of Industi:;y Committee was present/ed and referred to a COllllllitt,ee of the whole with 1\11'. McKellar in the chair. After amending the Report it was adopted on the folI-owing division .: Yeas-McKenney, Rockey, Sto~es, Turner, Ji'lckson,McKellar; Thompson itnd Luton. Nays,...--McPhel'son and Leitch. The Report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion or Leitch, seconded by Jackson. TheRe-port of the Education Comrnitt:ee 'was presented and adopt~ ed on motion of Turner, seconded by McKenney. The Warden na,tned the following members of the Special Port Burwell Bridge COlllmittee : Messrs. A. J. Leitch, A. Turner arid W. F. Luton. Moved by 0, McKenney, seconded by W. F. Lnton~, That the Committee named by the ',varden with William ROGkey's name added be"i,he Port. Burwell Bridge Committe-e.~Carrie9.. Moved by O. McKenney, seconded by W. Rockey, That the Clerk furnish the usual assessment, collectors? and election supplies for next yea.l'.-----:Carl'ied. Moved by W. Jackson, seconded by A. Turner, 44 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. ELGIN COU1'\TY COUNCIL. 45 That the :Members and Officers of the Council be snpplied with a copy of the Ontario Statutes for l004.~CarI'ied. Moved by W. F. L.uton, seconded by D. F. Thompson, That By~law No. 671 be read a second time.-Oarried. lYloved by D; F. Thompson, seconded by W. F. Luton, That By-law No. 671 be read a third time and finally passed.- Carried. Moved by A. Stokes, seconded by A, Turner, That By-law No. &jH being a by-law to appoint a Trustee for the Vienna High School be received and read a first time.-Carl'ied. l\fovedby A. Turner, seconded by A. Stokes, That~By-ht\v No. 668 be read a second time.~Carried. .Moved by A. Turner, seconded by A. Stokes, Tha,t By-law No. 668 be read a third tillie. and finally pa<>sed.- Carried. l\foved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by E. McKellar. Moved by \-V; F. Lutton, seconded by A. Turner, \ That this Council congratulate Mr. William Jackson on his election as representative of the West Riding of Elgin in the House of Com- mons. During his eight years' service int-he County Council he has proved himself to be a diligent and painstaking official and we believe that in the larger Councils of the Dominion he will be equa:lly efficient and in every way worthy of the confidence placed in him by the elect- orate. Carried unanimous(y by a standing vote. Tbat By-law No. 669, being a by-law to appoint nominatingofficel's be received and read a first time.~Carried. Mr, Jackson made a suitable reply. Moved by E. McKellar, seconded by A. J. Leikh, That By-law No. 669 be read a. second time.~Carried. Moved bY,A" J. Leitch, seconded by E. l\icKellar'. That By-law No. 669 he read n third time and finally passed.- Oarried. Moved by W. Jackson, seconded by A. J. Leitch, That a grant of fif~y dollars be made to t~e '\Varden for extra ser- vices and that the thanks of..this Board be extended to hiin for the efficient and courteous n1anner in which he has discharged his duties during the past year.~Oarried. Moved by D. F. Tho~pson, seconded by A. Turner, That the Oouncil adjourn .sine die.-Cal'l'ied. Moved by W. Rockey, seconded by 0 McKenney, That By-law No. 670 being a by-law to confirm By-law No. 751 of the Township of lVIalahide be received and read a first time.---;-Oarried. Moved by O. McKenney, seconded by W. Rockey. That By-Ia-w No. 670 be read a second time.-Carried. Moved by A. Stokes, seconded by W. Rockey. That By-law No. 670 be read a tbird time and finally passed.- Carried. DAVID STRATTON, Warden. Mo-ved by D. F. Thompson, seconded by W. F. Luton, That By-law No. 671 being a by-law to 'extend time for tax sale be received and read a first time ~Carried, ~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 47 I II [I 11 11 ii I' I I I i I I i I i i ! i i i I ! --- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. PUBLIC SC~OOL INSPEOTOR'S REPORT. To the Warden a.nd.i.l-[ember.~ of the Elgin County Council:' GENTLE):IEN,~ I have the honor of presenting to you my Report on the Public Schools of' Elgin County for the year 1903. REPORTS OF COM1\'lI1TEES. FINANCL-\L STATE1IENT. The following table shows the total dis'bursements, the am.ount per pl1pll, n.nd the average salaries in the different Municipalities of the_County: A'ND OFFICIALS. STANDING OOMMITTES, 1904. Aldborough Ba.yhnOl _. Dunwich Malnhide ., Soutb\,.o]d, S. DOr'chester Yarmouth. Aylmer Dutton Port Stan ley Springfield Vienna. _, GAOL AND PRINTING-'--Chairman, A. J. I.Jeitchj McPherson, Stokes. FINANcE~Ohairma:n, A. J. Leitch; Thompson, J ~cksop. EDUCATIONAL-Chairman, Angus Turner; McKenney, Luton, Mc- Kellar,. McPherson. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION~Ohairmall, S. B. Morris; Rockev Stokes, Thompson, Turner. ~ , PUBLIC IMPROVEEENTs-Chairman, Will. Jackson'. Morris. Rockey McKellar, Thompson. ' , , HOUSE OF INDUSTRY~Chairman, W F L t T Kenney. .. .'. u on; urner_ and Mc- Total Total Expenditure. ...$1055399 7~63 73 5913 87 7346 72 9613 61 418081 9173 99 4-765 25 1887 55 1046 30 1206 53 755 70 " $64310 08 Average Average Salary Male SalaryFemale Teacher. Teacher. $ 41688 290 35 435 00 2.9857 390 00 278 08 '*'750 320 00 396 43 296 92 375 00 3;;500 39143 30761 650 00 312 15 475 00 248 34 500 00 250 00 500 00 262 50 000 00 -- $ 414 87 $ 31845 Go' IPY Cost Per Pupil. $1000 948 1068 955 1212 11 68 1041; 1135 989 732 75D 982 $ 10 33 48 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. ATTENDANCE OF PUPILS AND NUloiBER OF TEACHERS. 6 '" ,; 0 " " m i ~ ~ E '0 11 m p, d 0 0 " p.,1ll 0 '" '" 0 ~S ~ " :;: ,; ,; 0 0 08 " " d ., ~ '<0 0 Oi il 0 0_ 0 "' :>l '" za '" ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~~ d " 0 0 0 .. 0 "., 0 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 ~.S > ., " " " " " AldborouK.h . ,1D55 541 587 459 8 14 22 Rayham.... ... 830 450 413 417 4 14 18 Dunwich .... 554 32B 287 267 2 i3 15 l\falahide 770 4;]5 405 465 2 15 17 Southwold"." . 793 4"'7 401 ::392 7 13 20 S. Dorchester.. 358 135 197 151 4 4 8 Yarmouth '" 875 495 446 429 7 13 20 Aylmer. . . .... 419 295 198 2'21 1 8 9 Dutton. . . . . . . _ . 1m 131 8<) 105 1 3 4 Port Stanley. 143 90 82 61 1 1 2 Sprin~field 161 95 79 8" 1 2 3 ,. Vienna. 77 42 30 47 0 2 2 Total 6227 ~085 3211 3015 38 102 140 Number of teachers holding first~class certificates. Nqmber with seconds, _".. .... .... "". ".' ~umber with thirds....,... .'... .." ......... Number with Kindergarten Dirt'~ctol"S Certificates...." Total... .. . ........ ... .......,..... ..." CLASSIFICATION OF PUPILS. N urn bel' in Firs't Class, Part I, Fir'st Class, Part II Second Class. . . . Third Class.............. Fom;th Class ". Fifth Class.... ...., ..., Reading. .............. Spelling......... .1270 759 1103 1312 1257 ........ .... .526 6227 .... ..." .6227 " " " ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 49 " o '" " 's. ~..; o ~- 0'0 65 Z8 Number in ArithrrH."tic .. Writmg ... .... ..... Composition.. . English History Ca.nadian History.. G~ography Grammar. Physiology Book-keeping Algehra Georuetry Physics Agriculture Music ,. ~hysical Cillture 6227 6227 ....... ..6227 1969 2924 484,1 4281. .3057 512 573 485 .. 159 ...... 1339 .33134 3563 48 47, 37 45 38 45 44 52 4s 72 56 39 SCHOOL HOUSES. Number Brick Houses Number FralI).e Houses 78 31 109 Total _ . 45 Valuation of Houses and Sites Valuation of Furnishings. .Number of Maps, 914. Number of Globes, 111. $320,495 17,425 8 64 67 1 140 Where school houses are heated by furnaces, trouble about the ventilation, but where stoves woeful lack of any pretence at ventilation. There are,however, four schools that are perfectly heated and ventilated. I refer to Port Stanley, punboyne, Mount Salem and Eden. The first cost is smftll and the saving, in fuel is fully one third. there should < be no are used there is i:t Te{Lchersare developing taste in the decoration of school" rooms, the most pr'ettily decorated school room in the County is in S. R No, 12, Bayham, where Miss Bessie 4-ugustine is the teacher. The pupils willnever'geta.way from the influence this teacher has had on their lives. In this school we find a library in a neat case, a new o'rgan, the walls covered with pictures, lawn curtains at the widows, etc. And this'fs'uot more tbn;n m'ay be done by any teacher. ' 50 ELGIN COU~TY COUNCIL. ELGIN COUNTY COUXCIL. 51 Then so much more could he done to make the grounds pleasant and attrltctive. With verj 'little time and expense a pretty row of flowering, shi"ubs. evergreens, and bushes could be placed all around the yardjnside'lhefence. In some cas~s more sh;-lq.e trees are necessary. I wish aU trustees .-md teachers would visjt the prettylittle park at the M. C. R. station, Rodney, and emuJ;i,te the taste displayed there. '.. by Inspector Trustees. . Clergy. Othel's. . . . . 303 209 63 320 Since the abolition of t.he Public School Leaving Examination, there is no stimulous for the pupils in the 5th form in the PUhlic Schools other than the 'enthusinm \V'hieh the t~acher can inspire, I fear the work is not so thorough and systematic Belie,ring th<ttan exam- ination covering thl~ fifth form conrse of study would be an incentive to greater effor,t <l.ud also hnve a tendency to make the ,vork more thorough and systematic, at the Jannal'Y meeting of YOUr honl:)1'able body, I shall ask that the Council, make provision for holding a Local Public School Leaving Examina,tion for Elgin County, to be held at the same time and places as the High School EntrAnce Examination, so that tbe ~ame presiding E'xaminers may condnct the Pl'oposed examin~ ations. Number visits Total visits" 895 Last yea.r there were twenty-three schools ra.nkiDg <ts Continuation Olass Schools. These schools receiv~ed Legislative and County grants amounting in all to $1,520. Th~y are as follows; LIBRARIES. No.5. Aldborough (Rodney)"... 6, (West Lorne) 11 S. Dorchester (Belmont) 9 Southwold (Shedden) ...... 12 (Fiugal) 10 11 16 Bayham (Corinth) 18 (Eden) 3 " 8 Malahide (Luton) 9 8 AJdborough 9 " 5 Dunwich (rona) 9 (Oowal) 10 "(Oambleton) 13 .. (Wal1acetown 7 Yarmouth (Spart,a) ..... ...... 9 ',' I (Union) .... ...." 24 (Dewars) ......,. ...... ..... .....'1"... Port Stanley..,..." .............. ."........'... Springfield c......... $200 (I(j 200 00 10000 10000 100 00 30 00 3000 50 00 50 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 3000 30 00 3000 30 00 30 00 3000 30,00 3000 3000 100 00 200 00 The following schools I'eceived grants amounting to $145.53 from the Legislature for Libraries purchased durin'g the year ending JUlle 30th, 1903. No.7, Aldborough Corinth Dun hoyne Jaffa,. ..'. Paynes' Mills, Spai'ta "... ...... Union .... NeV., SnI'um No. 8 Yarmouth Nn. 3 Bayhalll 1\'0; 14 South wold No~ 2 Ynl"IJ.lOuth .... No. 19 Southwold.. "........ No. 15 Dunwich ............,........ No. 4 South wold. .. No. 3l\l'alahide. $10 00 10 00 10 (JO 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 1000 lD 00 1000 -553 500 500 Total "..;. .... ...... ..... ..... ,. ............ $1,520 00 I expect to report over fifty school libraries, purchased during the year ending June 30th in.st. Consid.ering the schools, with libraries previous to last year, there are, now a minority of schools without them. My amhit.ion is to have evet.y school in the County, supplied with asuitablelibl'ar'y, 52 ELGIN COU~"'"TY COUNCIL. . 'To feerl the mind of youth on the idea.ls of It Dohle a.nd elevated human life; to win his fidelity to the bomeand family, Lhl'Ough sweet pictUl"es of parent,al ilfl'f'ction and filia.l devocion and pure household joys; to secure his loyalty to the- state by thrilling accollnts of thla deeds of britve men and heroic worneb,to.make righteousness attractive by pointed fable or pithy proverb o~ striking bde of se1f~sacrificing fidelity to th~ costlYl'ight <-lgainst the profit~hlewrong; to inflame with;:. desit.e to emulate the example of the P!ltriot, martyr and phil- anthropist, this is the social !~ission of good literature in the Public Schools. To interpret this litera,ture so that it comes home to the boys and girls, s.o that they see reflected in it the.image of their o~vn better selves. so that they carry with them its insph'ation through all their after lives; this is the duty and privilege- of every Puhlic School. To 'this end a good libl"ary is the most essential equipment of the Pnblic_ School. Through its use children lenrn to edll,cate t,henlselves. Such reading as I haver'eferrf'd to llllder the direction and super,iision of / the teacher, will develop-in the pupils light habits Of thought and good principles of life and will make them fHmiliar with our 11:l,ngu<-l'ge espe" cially the rIght use of words in which at pl'esent thel'e is a great defici- ency. The new progl'ar.i1.Iil'e of'studies for the Public Schools is promised for the fall term of this yea:r~ It is intended to give pupils n training more suitable for modern methods of the Industries of life. Teachers nhout enter'ing theIH'ofession will receive professional training along the lines of the new programme in the l\Iodel and Normal Sch.ools. Teachers aIt'eadv iuthe work should take Hdvantl-l.ge of the Summer Schools to b~ h;ld dnring the holidays, so th1l,tthey U1~lyfindthem- selves equipped for their work when they have to face this new pro- gI'<lmme-'in the fall. In conclusion I wish to say that we are giving special attentio,: to the old' three r's~Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, because tHey really are at theI'oot of the whole matter of Public School Education,' however the Pl'?gramme m_ay be.s,uhdivided intq other su~jects. Hoping .this report may meet with your approval. I have the honor to he, gentlemen, Your obedient servant, W~ ATKIN, School Inspector, Elgin Coun ty. St. Thomas, June 6th, 1904. Referred to Education Committee. ELGIN COU:\TY COUNCIL. 53 , EDUOATION OOMMITTEE. FIRST JUNE SESSION. 1'0 the Elgi1t; County Council." GENTLEMEN,~ The Education Committee report as follows: L That the Public School Inspector's report be Hdopted and thnt one hundred and f!fty copies be pri~ted for distribution, separftte from the minutes. 2. Thilt J. \-V. Cochrane be appointed TrustE'e of the Vienna High School, iu place of F.J. Inman. ~." 3. That the Clerk he authorized to ascertain the amount to which the Tillsonburg- High School Board is entitled by ~tatute, and that the Treasurer PRY the amount due on his certificate. 4. That the changes in the Public School Law hi-l.ve increased the Public School Inspector's,;annuall'emunel'ation_ which will now be for 120 Schools at $ 6 00 Travelling Expenses. 50 Schools 90 Schools $ 720 00 150 00 135 00 28500 $ 1005 00 5. Thnt we have considered the question of grant to,wards provid~ irig additional ~ccorrilllodation for the Dutton High School but are un~ able to'arl"ive at'R conclusion as to whatamomit should be. 6. That supplementary grants he m:tde to the Vienna, Dutton and AylmerHigh Schools, the amounts to be the same as last year. .Tune 10th, 1904. ANG:US .TURNER, Chairman. Amended in Committee of the whole ,and six. by striking out sections four 54 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. SECOXD..JUNE SESSION. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 55 To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen,~ 600 $84000 No. 10, Aldborough,.................." No.5, Dunwicb ................. .. ... No. IS, Dunwich ... ._.... ...c...._.... No. n, S. Dorchester...... _...... No. 4, Aldborough ..,..... ......... No. 2. Bayham........ ......... No. 18,Bayham ............. No. 10, Dunwich..... ...._...' No.-8, M~llahide............ _ n.......,.. No.1, Southwold.. ......... .__. No.4, South wold ......... No.7, Southwold ... ... ........ No.ll,Southwold.... ......... ...... No. 7,-Y:ll'illOUth ........~ ............ No.9, yarmouth...,. ................ Springfield ...... . .................. . Port Stanley................ The Education Committee reports: That they consulted the County Solicitor if! reference to amount pa,yable to the Public School Inspector under the p~esent l<l..w and have beeD advised that he is entitled to $107850 made up fiS follows: 140 Teachers with separa.te rooms and registers at $ Travelling Expenses. 50 Schools , . . . . . ,. . . . 59 Schools.. .... .... ..... All of which is reSpectfully suhmitted. Adopted June 11. NOVEMBER SESSION. To the Elgin County Council .. Gentlemen,~ . 15000 88 50 238 50 $1078 50 A. TURNER, Ohairman. Total.. .......... ", ....... All of which is respectfully submitted. 25 00 25 00 25 00 9.00 1500 1500 1500 15 00 15 00 1500 1500 1500 1500 15 00 1500 100 00 1500 $ 664 00 ANGU_S TURNER, Chairman. Adopted November 19th, ]904. Your Education Con'lmittee bf'g leave to report as follows: 1. That the Tillsonbul'g High School ha" been paid $210 for attendance of Elgin County pupils .during 1903. 2. Th;tt Mr. Frea Thorntbwaite be appointed Trustee of Vielma High School to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. J. W. Cochrane. 8. That the Treasurer be authorized to pay an equivalent to the Continuation C~ass Grants paid by the Government as follows: No.5, AId borough .. No. ,6, Aldborough,., No.9, Southwold .............. .. ..... No. 12, Southwold. .. ...... .... .... .$100 (JI) 100 00 5000 50 00 56 ELGIN COUNTY CQUKCIL. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL~ 57 GAOL COMMITTEE. COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT. JUNE SESSION. To the .Elgin County Council. JANUARY SESSION. Gentlemen,:-- 1'0 the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin. The Goal Committee beg leave to repm.t:-:- That we-have considered the communic-ation from the Registrar referred to them, and would recommend: GENTLE:3-IEN,_ I beg leave to make the following report as to the financial position of the COllnty on the 31st December last. 1. That a case of roller shelves be purchased for the Registry 9ffice. AVAILABLE A~SET~. 2. That your Committee be authorized. to make inquiries in refer- ence to the best means of enlarging and heat,ing the Registry office, and procure plans and estimates for the consideration of the Council. Cash to credit of County Unpaid Co. rates for 1903 .. $ 15,289 00 14,174 00 All of which is respectfully submitted. $ 29,463 00 LIABILITIES. A. J. LEITCH, Chairman. Warden & Treasurer's Notes at lIfolsons Bank Due Municipalities absentee 8;ccount $ 23,000 00 132 00 Adopted June 9th, !904, ~ -- $ 23,132 00 The balance due for Co. rate has all been paid the early pad of this month except the Township of Aldborough. " I note also that the halance due for purchase of land for Rouse of Industry amounting to $4,093.00 has beell all paid, this month. It will be necessary for you at the present meeting of Oouncil to pass by-law authorizin'gtheWarden and Treasl.1rer to borrow say twenty-five thousand dollars, as a portion of it ma.y be required hefqre the 'next l1;leeting of Council. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN MCCAUSLAND, County Treasurer. 27th January, 1904. , i: , Ii , " I' , I' II I' I' IJ ~s. ELGI:S COUNTY COUNCIL. JUNE SESSION; To the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin. Gentlemen,- I beg leave to report that I have paid all the accounts .ordered for payment tb 1st .Tune which includes expenditure on County Lines and Bridges .of $3,540. The indebtedne8s to Molsons bank"an Notes of 'Varden and Treas~ nrer an the 1st .of J nne $14,000, and I had a C;lsh balance to credit .of Oounty .of $1,294.00 It will be necessary at present meeting of 90uncil to,pass by~]aw' autharizing the WaI.den and Tr.easurer to borrow say $20,000 to meet curl'ent expenses if required until the Oaunty Rate for present year is paid. Enclased please find my estimate of sum required t.o meet expenses for year; .(\.i1 of which is respectfully submitted. JOfu~ McCAUSLAND, .CountyTI'easurer. Caunty Treasurer's office, St. Thomas, 8th June, 1904. Referred to Finance Committee. NOVEMBER SESSION. To the Warden and Memb'ers of t~e Elgin County Council; Gentlemen,~ I beg- leave ta make the following' report as ta the financial position .of the County on the 1st day of November. I had ta the c~edit of the Oounty'$1296.oo, having paid all claims that had been al-;dered to that date. The War,den and TreasUl'er have barrawed from the Molson's Bank :{;28,000.00 to meet current expenses and for renewal of nates .outstand- ing an 1st January to the amaunt of $23,000.00. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 59 -, I have thought it not necessary to have tax sale this year, and if you would please pass By-law to that effect; I enclose you schedule of. amounts paid Schaol Sections for Can- tinuation Olasses, which is the Legislature Grant far 1904, and for which the Coun~y is required to pay an equa} amaunt, $680.00. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN liCCAUSLAND, Ca. Treasurer. 15th N ovem bel', 1904. '" 6G ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. ELGIN COffi'\TY COUNCIL. 61 FINANOE OOlYIJlIITTEE REPORTS, .JANUARY SESSION. 3. That the County Treasurer furnish a guarantee bond for $10,- 000 by the 1 '3t July, the cost to be paid by the Treasurer. To The Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: 4. That no action be taken in reference to application for extr'a expense incurred by scarlet fever case in Children' Shelter. Gentlemen,~ The Finance Committee begs leave to report: 5. That account from Children's Aid Society for children in Shelter before they were forma.lIy committed he laid over for fui;.t.her cOl)sid~ era tion. 1. That the following accounts be paid :~ County Cl~l'k, postage.. . _... _... . _ _ .. Rodney Mercury, p:rinting. Blue & ~mith, printing proceedings. The Municipal W:-orld, sttttutes, etc., Co. Council. stationery Police Magistrate. .. election supplies.. J. Leach, 'bus hire since 1898. .. . $1551 200 82 80 29 58 1745 4407 47 50 6. That the foU-owing accounts he paid: 2. That the sum of $10 he granted to the Sick Children's Hospital. 3. \ That a By-law be passed authorizing the Treasurer fl,nd ,:V ar- dell to borrow $20,000. 4. That we are negotiating with the banks for a better rate of interest, and as arrangements are not yet completed, yonr ComrrHttee would ask that power be given to complete the same. All of which is respectfully submitted. Municipal 'VorId, Assessment, Collector's Roll and Arreal's of Taxes BO'oks, .... _......... Edith M. Young, maintenancf':9fchildren Shelter Children's Aid Society, maintenance of children cOlUmitted to Shelter James A. Bel!, consolidation of County plans R. McLachlin, pencils for Registrar R. McLachlin, stationery supplies Hart & Riddell, cheql,le boeks for Treasurer .Municipal World, stationery for Registr8,r .James M. Glenn, County Solicitor .$ 98 45 25 50 50 14 335 00 1 00 280 27 35 600 15784- That a by-law be passed authorizing the 'Varden ,wd Treasurer to borroW'the sum of twenty thousand dollars. A. J. LEITCH, Chairman. All of which is respectfully submitted. .Adopted 29th January. A. .T. LEITCH, Cha-irman. Adopted June 11. JUNE SESSION. .TUNE SESSION. To the Elgin County Council. To the Warden and Oouncil of the County of Elr;in: Gentlemen,- The Finance Committee begs leave to re:port: 1. That the Prisoners' Aid Association be granted the sum of ~en dollars. 2. That the Auditors' report be adopted. The Committee on Finance beg leave to report, that having exam~ iued into the Finances of the C01Luty, and the estimates prepared by the County Treasur,er, they herewith su bmit a statement of the expen~ diture required for the lawful purposes of the Connty during 1904, showing the amounts required to be raised for the undermen'tioned purposes: 62 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. ELGIN GPUNTY OOU:N"CI#_ K. W. l\1cKn,y for postage, Telephone and Telegraph account, 1st April to date .. .. .... , ... .. . .. " . . . . .... . . . . $ 18 30 John Leach, conveyance of Jury and Council to House of In- dU8try _'.',.. .',. ... Edith M. Young for board Almeda Hart 22 weeks The Municipal World for stationery for Council, School Inspec- tal' and County Judge Children's Aid Society for care of Children in Sh~iter L. Luton; M. D., attertda,nce children in Shelter ..... Dr. Fulton, assistance for operation .. '. . . " . . . . , Amasa Wood HosI:'ital, care of Edwal'd Oakes for operation. ,_. 3. That no acti,on be taken in reference to Ohildren's Aid Society account for ma-intenanceCif children before they were properly com- mitted to Shelter.. ' Administration of J listice _. . . . County Lines and Bridges House of Indust'I'Y .... .. _.. ..... High Schools. .. . .. . .. . .. . Scbools with Continuation Classes l\fodel School.. Officers' SnJaries" . ' School Inspector... Payment of Jurors...... Crown "'\Nitnes-ses .... Interest on Bills Payable..... Members' 'V 1'l.ges~ Committees, Etc. Debenture Hate By-law 533.... Debenture Rate By-law 594 .... ........., Court, House Commission.... Bills Payable........... $ 4,000 8,800 6,000 4,100 850 150 2,550 1,000 1,000' 500 750 1,000 1,942 1,957 800 5,591 600 7700 565 6300 12 50 400 550 TotaL.. .... ..." ... ..$40,900 4. That the New R,egisters of Arrears. of Taxes with index have beencompleted, that a.ll of the Muuicipalties supplied information a~ required except the Township of Aldborough, whose ta~ acCounts are still in an unsatisfactory condition. Your Committee would recommend that the sum of brty thousand nine hundred and ninety dollars be raised on all rateable property in the several Municipalties in the County of Elgin during the year 1904, for County purposes, and that a rate of Two .l\iillson the Dollar be levied on the rateable' property in the, sever~l Municipalities in the Coubty to l.aise said amounts. All of which is respectfully subIliitted. A~ J. LEITC;a:, Ohair:m.ll'Q.. Adppted Nov. 19th. All of which is respectfully submitted. A. J. Leitch, Ohairman. Adopted 11th June. NOVEMBER SESSION. '1'0 the Elgin County Council.. / Gentlemen,~ The,Finance Committee reports: 1. That a By':"htw be passed deferring tax' sale for one year as re- quesJed by the Treasurer. 2. Th:tt the following accounts be paid: % ~3 . ~~- 64 ELGIN COUN'l'Y -COUXCTL. ~LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. Il5 OOUNTY ENGINEER'S REPORTS. APRIL SESSIO;N. 4-: The Dodds Bridge 0'9 Kettle Oreek, near the City of St. Thomas, has had thrE'e piles knoc,ked out. o 5. The Orwell Bridge has had one pile knocked out by the ice. As far as I know those bridges are the most seriously damaged by the freshet. I may say that the Public Improvement 'Committee held a meeting on the 2nd just., H,nd concluded tha.,t a temporary bridge should be erected at 'Port Burwell. This is now being done,or at least the timber is being prep;>.red and the wOl'k will b'e ,prosecuted as rapid- ly as possihle und!:'!' the charge of}vIr. John Dadson. Respectfully submitted. To the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin. Gentlemen,~ I beg to submit the following Report: The sp'ring fl;eshets which recently occurred ha",e caused consider- able dama~e to several of th~ bridges of the County; this p1-1rticnlarly applies to the freshet on the Otter Creek. 1. The bridge at Port Burwell has heen lifted' off its foundations and carried down in~o the harbor opposite the T.' L E. & P. R. R. I station. I have had part of the structurE' removed and placed on the docks; this consists of the upper chord, some of the lW;-lces, and It portion of the floor. The lest of the structure is so embedded in the "ice that it is impossible to do anything- with it until such time as the ice melts. This bridg~ is a Howe truss, 130 feet, span in the clear. J AS. .A" BELL, Engineer. JUNE BESaw:,,:. St. Thomas, June 7th, 1904-. '1'0 the Warden and Council oj the COUllty 1)( Elgin. 2. The FiPmore Bridge, which is also on the <?tter Creek, and is situated about one mile south of Richmond, has also been lifted from its foundations and SWllrl'g around down stream, and is now lodged on a small island about 100 feet west oftbe site. To aU appearances this bridge is not very much dama.ged. This structure consists of two spims of sixty.five feet each, placed on pile foundations. It was erected fifteen yeal'S ago, and part of the wood work is ,considerably decayed. I made some repairs to this bI'idge last year, and if you ,decide to re- erect this bridge the foundations will ha.ve to be repairedconsideraoly. I have DO doubt that sufficient material can be got to rebuild this bridge with the exception of the floor beams by taking the material from the Port Burwell bridge and using what is good of the present structurE'. GENTLEMEN,- I beg to report as follows: 1. A temporary bridge has been erected nt Port Burwell which suits aU the l'equirements of tr'a.ffic. The cost of this In-idge and taking out the old one is $321.06. 2. au apcount of the receipt of a letter from the Solicitor of the 'r. L. E. 1:md P. Ry., asking thata swingbridge 'be built toreplace the one taken aW3,y, your Committee have not t.1:1k'en any steps towards erecting a. new level steel bridge. 3. Oook's Mill Bridge, which is about two miles- south of the Fillmore Bridge, was considerably dnmagedby the fiond, Itlthough it has not been removed from its foundations. The ice and water were up consider'ably higher than the bridge and the pressure of the ice forced the structure into a curve of about three feet. I am having this repaired now. There does not seem to be any 'of the timbers brokeD and I think a small e:x:pense will put it in repair. 3. Y op.r Public Improvement Committee met <-l,t Port Burwell and inspected the temporary bridge and had a meeting with the Manager a.nd SolicitOl' of the T. L. E. and P. Ry.. on the ,6th of Mi-lY, after' djs~ cussion the matter of building a swing hridge was left over to allow the Manager of the railway. to get the Government Engineer to submit an estimate of the cQst of a high le~el bridge. 4. The contract fol" the labor of rebuilding the Fillmore bridge was left to Robert Connelly at $305, the County to supply all material. This work is n?w beiI?g done a.nd will be completed in a few days. . . G3 ELGI:-: COUNTY COUKCIL. 5. I ha.ve h1td the Cook's bl'idge straightened and anChOl"ed in place by'-cnhles at a, cost of $81.50. 6. The Orwell bl'idge has been temporarily repaired hut will re- quire soine new piling to the ..outh abutinent before winter.~ 7. A .Q~W concrete floor has been plll,ced on the Port Stanley bridge. The traffic op the driveway was opened on Sat.ul'da~ la~t, I will report later as to the cost, aU the items not being in yet; All of which is respectfully submitted. JAS. A. Bell, 00- Engineer. Referred to Public Improvements Committee. NOVE1tIBER. St. Thomas, Nov. 14th, 1904. To the Warden and Council; oj the County afElgin. Gentlemen,~ I ,beg to suhmit a report on the work done on County bridges since your l~st regulll.r session. 1. The re-81'ecticin of the Fillmore bridge was completed in July at a cost of $756.94. In re-erecting this bridge it was i'aisedtwo feet which sQ.ollld place it beyond any danger from floods in the future. 2. The Orwell bridge, which was damaged by the freshet of last spring, has been repaired and strengthened at a cost of $169.23. 3. The St. G-eorge St. bridge over Kettle Oreek betweeIl the Oity and County has been repaired and tlle truss st:raighteIle(ra~;t 90st ()f $82.;;4. 4. The Belmont bridge over Kettle Creek, which is a joint bridge between. Elgin and Middlesex, has been refloored and the joisthig strengthened at a cost of $118;05. 5. The Watson bridge over Kettle Creek, which is also a joint brldge between Elgin and Middlesex,has been refloored and thejoisting strengthened at a cost of $71.98. l - ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 67 6. The ~lapleton bridge over H. branch of Oa,tfish Creek has be~p- repaired ap-d the breakwater re-buHt at.a cost of- $7948. 7. The Dodds~, bridge, which had one of the abutf"lments injured by the Spring freshets, has been repaired at a cost of $36.08. 8. The bridge over the Otter Creek neILr Tillsonburg J ullction, which is a joint bridge between Elgin and Nor'folk, pad the so-qth ap,. proach washed away by the spring freshets, <thd has bscll repaired at a cost of $1l:).80. 9. The bridge over the Little Otter Oreek' between E~gill and Norfolk, and which is also a Oounty Bridge, has had a new truss I'md floor .put on, the 'work being dOlle by day labor. I acted with the County Commissi0nel' in this matter, the returns are not yet'complete as to cost. 10. The floor of the McIntosh Bridge over the Thames has be~n repaired at it cost of $26.50. 11. The Zavitz Bridge over Kettle Creek which was struck by the ice in the spring freshet has been raised up two feet. Thisnecessitated thera.ising of the approaches for lot considerable distance and the ra.is~ ing of tp.e concrete foundations, the cost was $329.74. 12. I met the Oommissioners of Kent and Middlesex at the Both~ well Bridge over the Thames River,. to consider the matter of replacing the preserJt floor system. After inspecting it cRrefully we decided to repair it this time, but concluded chat next year it would require a new floor. The matter of constructing a concrete floor on this bridge .should be considered by your Public Improvement Oommittee. 18. A new floor h<'ls been put on the upper bridge in the Village of Vienna; As this work has just b(..en completed the detail of expense has not yet been given. 14. The west abutment of the lower bridge in Vienna is now in course of repair and will be completed this week. 15. The replacing of the Port Burwell Bridge has not yet been com- pleted. I thought it best not to undertake this work until the ice formed in thecreek,so that when under repair traffic could go across on the ice, as some of the timber required is now used in the temporary bridge. - 68 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN 'COU1"TY COUNCIL. 69 New timber for this work to replace the lower chords is on the ground, and the amount expended to date on this work is $361:.1.53. I am instructed that a proposition will be made by the Tillson burg, Lake Erie and Pacific Railway to your Council at this session' to straighten Otter'Creek at this .point and ask for the building of a high level bridge, the object being to secure better railway ffLcilities and permit the p<'\ssage-of a certain class of boats underneath the stl.nctnre. 16 Small repairs have been made to several of the: other bridges~ and they are now in good repa.ir. All of which is respectfully submitted, PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE REPORT, JAN:UARY SESSION. 1'0 the Warden and jJ[ember8 of the Elgin County Council: GENTLEMEi~,-,-.. J AS. A. BELL, County Engineer. The Public Improvements Committee begs leave t.o report: That in the matter of raising the floor of Kains Bridge referred to us at this session, we recommend that t.he question be laid over until the June Session of this Council to give local Townships interested in said change time to submit to this 90uncil a definite proposition as to what part of cost of change they are willing to pay. '\VM, JACKSON, Chair.man. Adopted 28th January, 1904. FIRST JUNE SESSION. St. Thomas, June 9th, 19040. To the Warden and j}/t>mber8 of the Elgin County Council. Gentlemen,~ Your Public Improvements Committee begs leave to report, as follows: 1. That ,the I'eport of th~ County Engineer be adopted. 2, That the claim of lVIr. Godwin and others for damages caused by patties going through their lands during the l'e-construction of the Fillmore bridge be not entertained, 3. Your .Committee have consideI'ed all the circumstances in regard to the Port Burwell Bridge and would recommend that this bridge be rebuilt of wood, using as much of the old material as practicable; and that the Engineer have power toga on and complete this work and furnish the material:at as early a date as possible. All of which is respectfully suhmitted. Adopted 9th June. WM. JACKSON, Ohairma.n. - 70 ELGIN OOUNTY com'mIL. ELGIN COUNTY CQUN-CIL. 71 S}j;COND J~-EJ SESSION. $t. Thomas, June 11th, 1904. of Vienna for a grant towards the re~erection of the Mill Bridge, and would recommend that a grant of one-galf the<!Ost of ~e-erection of the said bridge he made to the Village of Vienna:., said grant not to exceed the sum of $400, and that the wOI'k be done to the satisfaction of the County Engineer. <<:~ To the Warden and .1lfe'filbeToS oj the Elgin County Council: GENTLEMEN,~ Your Public Improvements Committee beg leave' to report as follows: All of which is respectfully submitted. That they have visited and inspected the work done in putting a new floor on the Port Stanley Bridge. The work appears to be well done, and we would recommend that the work be accepted off the contractor's hands. WM. JACKSON. Chairman. Adopted. In reference to the claim of James Meek for damag~s claimed to have been sustained by the waters ,of Kettle Creek at the Zavitz Bridge, your 90mmittee would recommend no ilCtion. After inspecting- the site of the Zrtvitz Bridge your Committee would recommend, that the Engineer be instructed to have this bl'idge raised two feet. All of which is respectfully submitted. WM. JACKSON, Chairman. Adopted 11th June. )l'OVEMBER SESSION. To the Wan~en and Qou'IIcil of the County of ~lgin. Gentlemen,-- Your Public Improvements Committee beg leave to submit the following Report: 1. Your Committee have considered the matters contained ill the report of the Engineer, and approve of the work dOlle by him Qll the County Bridges, and would recommend that his report be adopted. 2. That the matter of putting a COllCrete floor on the Bothwell Bridge be left to the January meeting of this Council. 3. Your Committee have considered the applicatioIl of the Village ,. 72 ELGL.~ COUN'l'Y COUNCIL. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 73; PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION REPORTS. SECOND REPORT. J A....'l'UARY SESSION. To the Elgin County Council .. To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen,~ The Petitions and Legislation Committee begs leave to report: Gentlemen,~ The Committee on Petitions and Legislati?n beg leave to report: That we: co-operate withthe.County Council of Bruce by petition to the Legislatur.e prayingtbat no Ch11llge he made in the present method of collecting arreaI'S of taxes and the holding of t1tX sales. 1. That in reference to cori:nuunications received from other counties, requesting co-operation in securing the l'epeal of the County 90uncil Legislation of last yea,r as to the composition of County Councils, we,re-commend that no action he taken, as this Council has already decid~d to petition the Legislature for this pur.pose. That the Clerk so inform the parties from whom the communications were received. That we co-operate with the united counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glen,garry in petitioning the Legislc1tnre to amend the htws in referenc,e to summoning Petit Jurors. All of which is respectfully'submitted, 2. In reference to the communication from the County Council of Kent in reference to compelling the Township authorities to care for their poor, we recommend that this Council petition the Legislature as req uested. 29th January, 1904. S. B. MORRIS, Chairman. FIRST JUNE SESSION.- To the Elgin Oounty Councd : 3 'Ve recommend that no action he taken in reference to com- munication fro:i:nCounty Council of Haldimand, there being no bridges over 300 feet in length in this County. Gentlemen,~ The Committ.ee on Petitions and Legislation hegs leave to report as follows: 4. That we co-operate hy petition with JJ;armers" Institute fo!' the enconragement lahorers/to Ontario. the South WentwOl'th of emigr'ation of farrp 1. That the petition of A~ Hughes, of \VardsviUe, Qounty Middle~ sex!, for a free Pedlar's License in this County he n'Jt enJ',ertained. Jauuary 28th, 1904. S.B. MORRIS, Chairman. 2. That this Oouncil co-operate with the Connty of Ontario in memorializing the Dominion Government to ~stablish a depot under the control of the Ministel' of Agriculture for the diffusion' of 'inform~l- tion in connection with the constrnctibn and maintena,nce of gO'od roads. II All of which is i>espectfully .submitted. Amended in ~ommittee of the whole by striking out clause one and substituting the following: 3. That the petition of the resident freehold{~rs of the Po-lice Villages of West Larue and Rodney asking for the ,incorporation of the Boards of Police Trhstees of said Vi.llages be referred to the County Solicitor with request to report at this Session. 1. TJ-Iat this Oouncil co.operate with other County Councils re amendment of County Council Legislation of 1903, and that the Chair- man, Warden and Clerk be authorized to join in a Provincial Deputa- tion to the Legislature if they deem it advisable. Adopted June lOth, 1904. / S. B. MORRIS, Chairman. :!; ;1 II! !" 1,"1 i':, III in f - 74 EiGI~ COUNTY COUNCIL. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 75 SECOND .JUNE SESSION. To the Warden and Members of the'Elgin County Council: Gentlem:en,~ T~e Committee Oll' Petitions and Legislation begg leave to report as follows: 1. That they ha':8 l'f'ferred to the Cou'nty Solicitor the petition 'and all papers relating thereto from the resident .fr.eeholders of the Police Villages of Rodney and West Lorlle asking for the incorporation of the Police Trustees of the said Police Villages, and that in aCCOl.d- "ance with the opinion of ourSoJicitor we would recommend that the matter he left over until the November Session of this Council. HOUSE OF INDUSTRY REPORTS: JANUARY SESSION., To the Elgin County Oouncil. Gentlemen,-- The House of Industry Committee begs leave to report,~ Adopt'?dJune 11th, 1904-. S. B. MORRIS, Ohairma ll. 1. That question of additional bH.rn accommodation haS been con- sidered. The Inspect.or has providt>d plans and we would be pleased to have instructions as to whether the ba.rns should be erected this year or not. NOY,EMBER SESSION. 2. That E. E Luton's application re interest be laid over to the June Session .'1'0 the Elgin County Cuancil : Gentlemen,- The Petitions and Legislation Committee reports: 1. That no action he taken on the petition from Geo. S. McColl and ophers, of Fingal, ,{sking that the Village of Fingal he set apart as (1, PoUce Village, Hnd t,hat the Clerk be request~d to notify the peti- tioners thatthey have ,not complied with the requirements of the Act. 2. That no action be taken re the communication from the County of Norfolk in reference to County bridges. 3. That we co~operate with the Canadian Association for the PI'e- 'vention of'Tuberculosis in petitioning the Provincial Legislature for the establishment, by them'of a Sanatoria for the prevention and cure of consumption. 4, That the petitions of the freeholders, of West Lorne and Rodueybe laid over until the January Session, and that the Clerk notify the petitioners that they have not complied with the require- ments of the Act pr()Viding for the incorporation of the Police Trustees of said Police Vi1lage~. All of which is respectfully. All of which is respectfully submitted. January 28th, 1904. . 'V. F. LUTON, Chairman. Referred to a Committee of the whole and amended bysubstitllting the following for the latter' part of clause one. That we build a b~rn this year and that YOUI' Committee bave power to proceed with the work. Adopted JanUlil'Y 29th, 1904 FTRST JUNE SESSION. To the Elgin County Council : Gentlemeri,~ The House of Industry Committee be~s leave to report: That a ,deputatio-? consisting of the Chairman ,and Clerk go to Brantford on Thul'sd'~,y to attend Graduation Concert to be given by Miss Hart, and consult with tea.cher in reference to her future work. All of which is respectfully submitted. Adopted. s. B. MURRIS, Chairman. 8th June. W. F. LUTON, Ohairman. '76 ELGIN. COUNTY COUNCIL. ELGIN CO~'TY" COUNCIL~ 77 ~ Referred to Committee of the whole and amended by appointing the House of Industry Oommittee H.nd Messrs. McPherson. Leitch and Stokes a. deputation to go to Brantford. Amended in Oommittee of the whole by changing clause 3 to read as follows: SECOND JUNE SESSION. "That the Keeper's application for increase of sala.ry he laid over until the next Session." To the Elgin County Council ; Gentlemen,~ The House of Industry Committee begs lea.ve to report: That they have renewed the line fence on the west side with wire, and have awarded contracts for horse barn, -to cost, for cement work $4:::19, and for carpentering work $690. This does not include stable fittings. The cement foundation has been completed and the carpenters are at work. All df which is respectfully submitted. W. F. LUTON, Chairman. ' Adopted 9th June. NOVEl\ffiER SESSION. 7'0 the Elgin County Gounc~l,' Gentlemen,~ The House of Industry Committee reports: 1. That the Reports of the Physician aud Inspector be adopted and printed in the minutes. , ~. That the horse barn has been completed at a total cost of $1,580.42, W. F. LUTON, Chairman. 3. That the Keeper's salary be raised one hundred dollars 'per aIinum. All of which is respectfully submItted. 7$ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. PHYSICIAN'S REPORT. To The Warden anrl ilIembers of the El.lJin Oounty ConncUl:n the.November Session Assembled. GENTLEMEN,~ I have the honor to pl'esentfor your consideration the 29th .Annual Medical RepOI't of the .Elgin ::a:;ouse of Industry. I have paid this Institution du:ring the year ending the 31st Octo- ber, sixty-two visits. The supply of good water has been quite satisfactory. The heating and ventilatio,n are all that can be desired. The religious services have been regularly conducted dud fairly well attended ~y the inmates. No sochtl entertainment was given this year. No bil'ths to record. Sent three persons to London Asylum and committed ODe to gaol. The ~nstitution has been singularly free from all contagious diseases during the year. We have at present in this Refuge, three Epileptics, one Blind and four Insa.ne~ One boy, aged 9 years. finds a home hf're and attends the adjacent .school. The Keeper, Matron and .Mrs. Mills, have per'formed their duties well in caring in rnany ways for those plllced in their charge. The following is a Jist of those who have died, their age and Ca,use of de<-lth, in sequential order: NAME George Cascadden Minnie Benner Michael McCoy Edwin Smith Patrick Roy Duncan McPhail Jacob Hlypringly AGE 64 45 77 62 68 78 45 CAUSE o~ DEATH Senile Decay ParalYSis Cancer Cancer Senile Decay C;;ncer Paralysis I would again as last year call your attention to the necessity of providing better facilities for the management of the insane. . I have the honor to be, gentlemen, Your obedient servant, L. LUTON, M. D. St. Thomas, November 8th, 1904-. 1 j ELGIN C)OUNTY COUNCIL. .79 REPORT OF INSPECTOR. To the War4en and J{emberw of the Elgin County Council: GENTLEMElN,~ The following is my report on the House'of Indus'try and Refuge for the year ending 31st of October, 190R 1. Number of Inmates in the House a-t last report.. 49 2. Number admitted during the year, 7 females, 16 males, 23 3. N urn bel' of deaths".. . . . .. ... 7 4. Number discharged '.. ....,......... ..9 5. Number absconded"... ....3 6. Numbei' now in house, 25 males, 28 males.............. .,53 7. Numher of Inmates sent f~9P?- ~hese\..erall\iunicipalities in the County dUI'ing.the' year: _Ald1orough . .. . . Dunwich South wold Yarmouth lVIalahide Bayham S. Dorchester, . . .. Vienna. .... ...'. ... ..... Springfield....... ...........,......... .... ......... Aylmer H'. ................. .... POI'tStanley,. '''H~..... ",. . . ..". Dutton . . . ,. . ..'. ... " . . . . . . . .. . . . . . Born in HOllse . ,......... c.."... ..,. 6 1 3 5 o ...... .... " ..... 3 o o 2 2 o o o .............. .,.......".......... ............... 8. The vadous cases of pauperism of inmates in the House during the yeal' mllY he classed ~ foUows: Sickness ......... H.. ..... .14. D~ti~tion ....~..... .. ...... .. .......12 Intelnperance..., .... .". .......... .'.... ............2 Cripple.... ....... .... ,~ .. .......,.... .... ....8 Old age .. .. . . .. . .. .................... . .. ....... .,14 Blind.... '.... .... .. ". .'..... ...:....."......,1 Insane, idiotic, etc....."....................., ." ........19 All other ,cases,...... ........ , , ... ............ ,........ 2 80 /ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. ELGIN COUNTY COpNCIL. 81 9. 10. Average number of Inmates during the year Average with keeper's family and hired labor added. . . . 49 Keepera,nd Matron.......... ..... ,.. Drugs..__. ............ .'" .... ...., Seed, F@ed and Provisions.. ." _ . . . _ . .. .. Meat.._ ....__............._..., ........... Bread _.. Groceries..... .. .. _.... ..... ..... ~ Dry Goods....__ ."....... Boots and Shoes.. . . . . . . . Furnitul.e and Hardware Conveyance of Inmates. Incidental....... .( Inspector _..,. . _. Coal..... ...' .,. ..... ._.. Insurance. . . . _.. ........... ...,................ Repairs." . .'.. ..,...... . ......... _.... .... ..... Permanent Improvements......., ......".._...... lYlinistel' .. . .. .........,.............. _.. . _ " Committee................ _. Luton Farm on account 56 2565 2912 $10834 28 11. 12. 13. 14. Number of weeks' board of inmates.... Average wit.hkeeper's family, etc., added ....' Total expenditure during the year Deduct, Permanent Improvements, Luton farm.. H:)l'se barn...... Fencing Repairs. Roof on henery... ... ..... $ 19 50 l?ining room..... ........, 17 67 ... $409308 ............ 150601 118 00 37 17 Furnishings. New harness....... Kitchen range'........ Mov\ier. _... ........ _ . _ . . . . Roller .... __..., ,$3200 135 00 MOO 1800 Grafting orchard ....... ... Farm stock, hogs, etc., sold.. Cash from inmates and sale of farID produce.~.. 22900 2700 325 59 20. One boy attended school during the year. I 550 00 53 08 41572 528 89 295 73 419 92 294 34 111 58 319 21 4640 378 5\ 100 00 62583 65 05 37 17 1624 or 5000 9860 4093 08 $1083! 28 208 69 21. The following produce was raised ori the farm during the ye<lr: $65M 54, 15. Leaving amount actually expended for support of inmates ........ ... ..... ... $428974- ]6. Average expense per week for each person .....' 1 47 17. Average expense per day for each person. .. _ . . . , 21 Hot 'Average expense per year for each persoll. 76 86 19. Amount expended for house and farm during the year i. divided as follows: 20 Bushels Wheat 40 Tons Hay 315 Bushels Oats 63 Bushels Barley 400 Bushels Mangolds 50 Bush~ls Turnips 335 Bushels Potatoes 12 Bushels Beets 100 Barrels Apples I 18 Bushels Ouions 352 Jars Fruit 29 Bushels of Beans 5 Bushels Salsify 1 Load of Tobacco 8 Bushels Winter Radish 10 Bushels Peas - 128 Bushel'5 Corn 15 Bushels Sweet Corn 114 Bushels Carrots 10'Bushels Table Carrot3 20 LondsOat Straw 1000 Heads Cahba~e 11 Loads of COl'n3:talks 24 Bushelsof Parsnips 35 Hogs 17 Turkeys 140 Chickens 1482 Pounds of Butter Hired Labor....... Farm Implements and Expenses 'Farm Stock.... Physician ,._. . ..._ ,$ 211 00 26134 184 06 200 00 ~ ''"'',.-'.,;;, 8~ ~LGIN -COUNTY qOUN:CIL. 7 Loads of Pumpkins 7 Barrels of Soft Soap 1 Cheese, 70 lbs. 2 Barrels Dried Apples 5 Acres of Corll Fodder In additio~ to th'e ~Vo~e, a raised and co~sUl~~d during kept, ~arge aD?~:}U:r;t~ of vegetables, etc. the year, of 'Yhich no account was was 22 N:'umb'er M artiCles Of bedding and 'Clothing made up during the ye~l.r by the matron a,lid inmates,' 675. 23. Number of visits by Inspector to Institution during the )'ear 52. 24. Farm ,S,tQck: 3 horsesvalu~d at 10 cows .vaiu~d 'at:... ...... ... ..... 8,calvesvalued at'..: ..... ..... i sow: 9" pigs'~l1d 10 shoats.. $ 350 00 450 00 13000 165 00 25~ - Toe total amount expe'nded by County House of Industry, etc.,- i3 as follows: Farm 100 acres, cost. House of Industry.. Laundry. . . , Fire eS,capes Root cellar. Cottages, etc........... .,....... Brick ice house. . . . Barns, etc.. _. _ Tile drains,... . .... Tile drain outlet......."........ ......... Hot air pump, tanks 3:ud connections. . . . . . . . . . Refrigerator ... . " .. ... _. ..... _ , . . . . . Fencing, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....... ... Orchard;'..... ",.'. ....... . .. .... ... Heating apparatus $ 7250 00 11400 00 66681 390 06 124 99 1525 72 1180 50 4115 g2 566 87 60 70 350 00 40 00 1006 18 8585 1979 00 $ 3OJ42 60 ~ I ELG1N COUNTY CO~CIL. 83 26. Received :from the Government on account, expenditure for lands and buildings, $4,000. Leaving amount actually expended by County $26,742.60. All of which is respectfully submitted. DONALD TURNER, Inspector. 15th November, 1904. -"='~'. ~'" ',"-~ -~ ...,...~...,~-"".~:~ =~,"-~-"-"._',,,, EQUALIZATION REPORT-ASSESSMEN1' ROI,LS, 1903. I I ~ I t;i,; .t I 'ii'll ~ ~ ~ ~ I PI (I)'" @(',l p,):>, ~ p,~ <>l Q) -(D ~'" P- I I ~ ~~ t' ~~ ~ ~ f ~ p. S v p. I ". Po' 1I o 15' 't:l):>, 0-,'$ 2~ ~ <:) ~.. l>l t:'l ,a I ~. ~ ~ O-,..,.j '" 1) ] . ';j~ o.,;!j ,go ",(I) ~J-i <Ii P, ~<D.ell::l 'g ,.., I ~ I ~ ~ g-g ';j ~ I ~ 2 g ~ g 0' ~ 0' .3 <:) ~~ lil ~ 4) '" <!lP; o'~ ~~ <l)~ 0 ---~-I~__I~__-"--_~_I~_I~__"-_I_~- ,MUNICIPALITY. Aldborough ' . 75,567 $ 2:a 09 $ 13,67500 ,$1,689.060':58 $1,682,73500 .~ 365S $ 20,17500 $ 2,764,06600 $ 2,784,24100 Dunwich,." . 69,616 2536 3,40000 1,765,200 1,768,600 00 4002 2B 400 00 2,848,78000 2.872,18D 00 Southwold ,.,..,.,.. 72,280 3357 7,550 00 2,426,7'7000 2,434,3.'2000 48GB 31,550,00 3,516,85900 3.548,40000 Yarmouth ,.... 69,776 38 22 7,5lJ500 2,666,82'700 2,674,42200 57'81 2!J,720QO 4,033,65800 (063,378'00 Malahlde.."".",. ..., (\2,462 3054 20,82000 1,907,89500 1,927,00500 4450 35,00000 2,7'79,927.00 2,814,92700 Bayham '...,... .. ..., 5'7,157 1880 0,85000 1,0'14,4B500 1,081.28500 2982 16,55000 1,704,20200 1,700,81200 South Dorchester. 30,570 3163 1,600 CO 1,067,OSO 00 l,Ofi8;680,OO 50 65 2325000 1,548,BfJ800 1,571,04800 Aylmer ...., ..,. 77,38500 638,63000 716,213500 . 15,43500 584,5B500 000,00000 Vienna ." 4,~50 00 72,77800 77;02800 . 1,00000 79,llOOOO 80,00000 Spring'field, ,.,., ..,'..,., 6,35000 82,00000 88,35000 , 2,00000 98,00000 100,00000 Port Stanley 13,42000 136,54QOO 149,96000 2,00000 138,00000 140,00000 Dutton".", '..... 30,61500 210,35000 249,06500 .....,., 5,00000 195,00000 200,00000 Totals,.. ~-.-~I_-~r__'__I_____r____,,_..:;.______ $ 205,080001$20,200,524 OOI$20,405,C04 00 To THE ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL : Gentlemen,"_ The Oommittee on Equalization report the above to be the equl),Iized values of the Real and Personal Property in the Oounty of Elgin .for the year 1904. D. F. '.rHOMSON, Ohairman. St. Thomas, .June 10th, 190.t, ~.' " ~ " H Z Q o oj ~ .. Q o oj Z Q. 'F ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 85 REPORT OF COURT ;HOUSE COMMISSION. For caretaker and assistance _ . . Repairs Court House . _. . Repairs jaiL.........."... Repairs jailresideoce ."......... For supplies;. .', . . . . . . , . . . _ . .. . . . . . . , Sundries. . . . . , . . . _ , < . . , . . ... $42326 88 75 120 11 35 05 85 43 6135 JUNE SESSION. To the Warddn and Members of the Elgin County Council. Gentlemen,_ The Court Commission reports as follows: 1. During the past year our expenditures 'have beeD as follows: 2. 'W'e have expended $84, in re-paiuting and endeavoring to stop leaks in the dome of the COlirt House, but have not been successful, and in order to makea thorough job it may be necessarry tore-cover it. ;tnd would be pleased to have instructions from the Conncil in reference there,to. 3. The following is an estimate of the amounts to be phwed at oul:' disposal for the following year: For caretaker and assistance For supplies; etc, $ 450 00 350 00 $ 800 00 All of which is respectfully submitted. D. STRATTON, Cha.irman. J. r;;"",,~~(:o\',:c L,' , -----..c..~,__,__ ~---~ 86 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 87 ""C,,< :ij!..I' 111,11 iili:"1 '1'111, 1'1' ,I:!:: 11,'::,' ".,1, I :1 "Ii!! I I'! !I::; I: :j':: I REPORT RE ALMEDA HART. REPORT ON RAILWAY OROSSI~GS ON TOLL ROAD. To the Elgin County Council: St. Thomas, Nov. 16th, 1904. Gent]eruen,~ The Committee appointed to go to Brantford re Almeda Hart, beg leave to report: Tha~ they attended the annual concert of the Ontario Institution for the Blind, last eVE-uing. ,:Miss Hart, who is a~l'aduate this year, took the most prominent part in the programme and received her diploma from the Ontario College of Music. We were much pleased with her appe:-u.anceand the ability she dis- played. Her trft-ining bas been thorough and she is now an accomplish- ed musician, capable of imparting her' knowledge to others. We had a special interview with 1\11'. Humphries, musical director of theinstitution, who has taken the greatest interest in her and dis~ cussed plans for the future. Y OUl' committee therefore recommend that a Special Committee of three, to be known.as the Almeda HartCommittee, be appointed, with- power to take such action as may he necessary to assist her in support- ing herself, and that Messrs. Luton, McKenney and Leitch be members of this committee. All of which is l'espectfully submitted. To the Warden and Mwmbers of the Elgin County Council. Gentlemen,~ !'il!,! 1,,1: ,II" Ii!: !!'I Iii:: '!' Your Special Committee, re crossing of Lake Erie and Detroit River Ry~ and London and Port Stanley Gravel Road. begs leave to report: In accoI'dance with instructions received from your Council, the County S~licitOl' made'applicHtion to the Railway Committee to have the side tr8cks ph\Ced across the London and Port Stanley Gravel Road rernoved, and the nuisance of switching trains across the road stopped. The Engineer prepared plans showing the qrossings and side tracks of the l'ctilwn,y. Th~ matter carne up in Ottawa before the Railway Committees on the 13th of October. W. F. LUTON, Chairman. VVM. JACKSON, Chairman~ The Chairman, Solicitor and Engineer were present on behalf of the Oounty, and Manager Wollatt <;tnd Solicitor Cobu'r were present on behnJf of the Railway Company. The Commission decid~d and ordered that the side tracks placed across the' London a.nd Port Stanley Gravel Road be removed at once, and that the uuis:tnce of switching ll.cross the road be stopped. All of which is respectfully submi~ted. Adopted 10th June. Adopted. I Iii ,I, 88 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. BY-LAWS. BY-LAW No. 658. To Appoint County Auditors for .the year 1904-Passed January 29th, 1904. Whereas, under the authority of the Municipal Act, every muni- cipal council is required to appoint at its ~rst meeting in every year two Auditors. Be it therefore enacted by the Oouncil~ of the Municipal corporation of the County of Elgin, under the authority afol'esnid: That Aridr'ew Murray and W. A. Galbraith 'be and are hereby ap- pointed auditors to examine and rp,port UpON all accounts affecting the corporation of the County of Elgin 01' rela:ting to any matter under its control or within its jurisdiction as required by Sta,tute or Order-in- COUDell, and also all accounts of school monies received or paid by the County Treasurer for the yell!' ending 31st Decemhm', 1903, and that saId auditors be paid the sum of forty dolla.rs for their services. Council Ohamber, St. 'rhoill,as, Janua.ry 29, 1904. K. W. MOKAY, County Olerk. DAVIn STRATTON, Warden. '. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. m 89 BY-LAW No. 659. To Appoint a Board of Audit in the County of Elgin, for the Year 1904.-Passed J annary 29th, 1904. Be it enacted by t.he Oouncil of the Municipal Corporatio"n of the County of Elgin: - That the Judge of the County Court and A. J. Leitch be and are hereby appointed mem bel'S of the Board of Audit, to perform t~e duties'Tequired of them by Chap. 84-, R.B. O. That the memhers of the said Board be paid the sum of Four Dollars per day for their services and five cents per mile in going to and from such audit. Council Chanlber, St. Thomas,_ Janua.ry 29th, 19040. K. W. McKAY, County Clel'l... DAVID STRATTON. Warden. BY-LAW No. 660. To Appoint Trustees of the High Schools in the County of Elgin.-Passed January 29th, 1904. The County Council of the County of Elgin; under the authority of the High Schools Act, 1891, enacts:- That Edwip Appleford be appointed Trustee of the Vienna High School for a term of three years. That J. G. Reiter be appointed a trustee for the Aylmer Collegiat~ Institute for a ter",? of three years. That Adam W; Graham, be appointed trustee of the St. Thom~s Collegiate Institute for ~ term of three years. That H. W. Ling, M. D., be appointed a trustep of the Dutt~ll High School for a term of three years. Council Chamber, St. Thomas, January 29, 1904. K. "'.... McKAY, .County Clerk. DAVID STRA'l'TON, Warden. 90 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. ELGIN COU;NTY COUNCIL. 91 BY-LAW No. 661. To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow Twenty Thousand Dollars.-Passed January 29th, 1904. The County Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts;- That the Warden and Tl'ensurer be and are herehyauthorized to bor- row the sum of twenty tho~sand dallal's, as it may be required. to meet tli~ current expenditm:e of the corporation of the -County of Elgin during 19040, Hnd to gi ~e as security therefore notes of one thousand -dollars each. Council Chamber, St. Thomas, January 29th, 1904. BY~LA W No. 663. To Appoint a Trustee for the Vienna High School.-Passed June 11th, 1904, The County Council of~Elgin enac~:- That J. W. Cochrane be and is hereby appointed Trustee of the Vienna Higb School in place of F. J. Inmrm to hold office until the first day of Feb:tuary, 1905. Oouncil Chamber, St. Thomas, June ilth, 1904. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. DAvID STRATTON, Warden. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. DAVID STItAT'l'ON, Warden. BY-LAW No. 662. To Appoint Census Takers to take the Census of the Police Villages of Rodney and West Lorne.-Passed January 29th, }904. Whereas the Trustees of the Police Villages of Rodney and West Lorne, in the Township of Aldl~orough have requ~sted this Council to take the census of the ~aid Villages in accordance with the provisions of Section 751, of the Consolidated Municipal Act, 1903. The Council of the Oounty of Elgin therefore enacts:- That E. A. Hugill, of Rodney, be dod is hereby appointed to take the censnsofthe said Police Yillage_of Rodney. That Dameon Mehring, of West Lorne, be and is hereby appointed to take the censlls of the said Police Village, of West Lorne. That the c'ensusof each of the said Police Villages be reported to th,e County Clerk in detail arid under oath. County Council Ohamber, St. Thomas, J annal'Y 29th, 1904. BY-LAW No. 664. To Authorize the Warden and Treasnrer to borrow Twenty Thousand Dollars. -Passed June 11th, 1904. The County COllncil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin en~ acts: That theWal'den and Treasurer be and are hereby authorized to borrow the s:nm of twenty thoLlsapd dollars, as it may be required to" meet the currf'nt expenditure of the Corporation of the County of Elgin during J!=J04, and to give as security therefore notes of one thous~ and dollars each. Council Cham her, St. Thomas, .Tune 11th, 1904. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. DAVID STRATTON, WardE:n. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. DAVID STRATTON, Warden. ii: " Iii' % I 9a ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. ELGL.'i" COUNTY COUNCIL. 93 BY-LAW No. 665. BY-LAW No. 667. To Confirm the Equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the County of Elgin, for the year, 1904. The County Council of the County of Elgin enacts:- That the following be the Equaliz:itionof the Assessment Rolls of the County of Elgin, for 190-1. Aldborough . . . . . . Dunwich ..... . Southwold ..... Yarmouth MaJahide . _.... Bayham . South Dorchester ,,_. Aylmer.. ....._ _...... Vienna........ ....... ".. ............., 'Port Stanley.... Springfield......... , Dutton.......,. o. To Raise amounts for County Rates during the year 1904.- Passed June 11th, 1904. ... ....$ 2784241 00 2872189 00 3648409 00 4063378 00 2814927 00 1720812 00 1571648 00 600UOO 00 800{JI) 00 140000 00 100000 00 200000 00 Whereas, by Section 405, of Chapter 223, R. S. 0., the Council of a Oounty lnay pass by-laws, authorizing the levying and collecting of a rate, etc. And whereas, an estimate hasheen made, sho\Ying that the sum of forty thousand nine hundred and ninety dollars is required to be raised in the several Municipalities for the lawful purposes of the County during the year 1904. And whereas, by Section 93, of the Assessment Act, this CouncH is required to direct what portion of the sum to be levied for County pur- poses shall be levied in each Municipa-1ity in the County. $20495604 00 Council Chamber, St. Thomas, June 11th, 1904. And whereas, the rates are'required to be calculated at-so much in the dollar, upon the actuI'LI value of all the real and personal pr"Operty liable to assessment. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. DAVID STRATTON, tVarden. And whereas the actual value of the i"eal and personal property Qf the County, as ascertained and equalized by this CouucH, is as follows: Municipality. Total Equalized Value BY-LAW No. 666. To grant Additional Aid to High Schools. The County Oomi'cil of. Elgin, enacts;---., That the sum of six' hundred dollars be gmuted t.o the following schools: Aylmer Collegiate Institute.. Dutton High School. . Vienna High School..... ....._ $ 250 00 250 00 10000 $600 00 Aldborough... . Dunwich. _. Southwold Yarmouth Malahide Ba,yham ... South Dorchester Aylmer Dutton Port Stanley.. , Springfield Vienna $ 2,784,241 2,872,189 3,548,409 4,063,378 2,814.927 1,720,812 1,571,648 600,000 200,000 140,000 100.000 80,000 Council Ohamber, St. Thomas, June 11th, 1904. ~. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. DAVID STRATTON, Warden. $ 20,495,60! lf4 ELGIN COUNTY COU-NCIL. EL(iI"I QOU~'fY COUXClL, QQ. Therefore the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County of ~lgin enacts: 1. That a rate of two Mills in the dollar be levied 011 aU rateable property in the several Municipalities in the County of Elgin, as above set forth, for the year 1904, to rai~e the following amounts:- 2. That. the suni'of forty thousand nine hundred and ninety dol- lars be raised and levied in the several Municipalties in the County, according to the following schedule, and that the amounts as entered 'therein he paid to the County'Treasurer, as by law required. BY "LAW No. 668. To Appoint a Tru~tee of the Vientla High SCho9):~pa~~e(l November 1 qth, 1904, Thp, County Council of Elgin enacts;--,,- That MI'. Fred Thornwaite be npp()inted Trustee of the Vienna High Schoo], in the place of Mr. J. W. C!Jchrane who 4as ~ef~ th~ District, to bold office until the 1st, February, 1905. Municipality. Aldborough .. . . . ._.., ............. -Dunwich-... .... .... ... .... ....., S'outh\,'old. . .. ................... ... .......... Yarulouth"....... ,. .... .... .... ... .... ...". .... .... Malallide.... ............ Bilyham ........... Sputh Dorchester . . . . . . . . . Aylmer.... ... Vienna.... .. Springfield Port Stanley. Dutton .............." Total. And that By. Law No. 663 be am.ef.lded accorq.~ngly. Council Chamber, St. Thomas, ~oveUlber 19th, 1904. K. \iV. McKAY, DAVID County Ciec~. 'ill STRATTON, Warden. SCHEDULE. ..$ 5,569 5,745 7,097 8,127 5,629 3,441 3,142 1,200 160 200 280 400 BY"LA W N9. 669, '1'0 Appoint Nominating Officers.-Pas~ed November 19, 1904. The Count,y Couucil of the County of Elgin, en'tcts:---,--- 1. Th;-!t the following Nominatiug Officers Q.eand are hereby ap- pointed fOl the purpose of dischiu'ging the dut,ies l'equiI'pd of -them pnder the provisions of the Municip~l Act relating to ~leqtioll ()f County OOll'ncillors: $ 40,990 Distr~ict No, One, E, A. Hugill. Tw'o, J. D. Blue. Three, NIalcohp Campbell. Four, Walker CaugheH. Five. Junius Bradley. Six, .J. B. Lucas. Oounty Council Chamber, St. Thomas, JUIle 11th, 1904. K. "'T. KcKAY, County Clerk. DAVID STRATTON, Warden. 2. That the Nomin1-l.ting Officers be pa.id the sum of six dollars eacp. for th~ir services. 3. Tha.t all By-Laws heretofore passed appointing Nominating Officers be and are hereby repealed. Oouncil Chamber, St. Thomas, November 19th, 1904. K. W. McKAY, DAVID STRATTON, County Clerk. Warden. 96 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. BY-LAW No. 670. To Confirm By-Law No. 751, of the Township of Malahide. Passed November 19th, 1904. Whereas, the l\funcipal Council of the Township of lVIalahide, on the 13th August, 1904, passed a. By~Law to close up and sell the allow- ance fO!' road lying west of the boundary line between Lots 34 and 35, In the 1st Concession. And. whereas, they have made application to have the same con- firmed by this Council, as providedin the Municipal Act. The County Council of Elgin enacts: That By-Law No. 751, off the Township of Malahide, be and the same is hereby confirmed. Council Cbamber, St. Thomas, November 19th, 1904. K, W. McKAY, DAVID STRATTON, County Olerk. Warden. BY-LAW No. 671. To Exteud the Time of the Enforced Collection by Sale of Non-resident Taxes in the County of Elgin.- Passed 19th November 19th, 1904. The County Om,meil of Elgin enacts:- Tha t time fO!' the enforced coUect,ion by sale o.f non-resiQ.Emt taxes in the Connty'ofEIgin be and is hereby extended for one yeal". Co~ncil Chamber, St. Thoma.s, November 19th, 1904. K. W. McKA.Y, County Clerk. DAVID STRATTQN, Warden. ELGIN COUKTY COUNCIL. -'" I N.D EX 97 TO PROOEEDINGS ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL, 1904. Address of V\T aI'den Al're<-ll's of Taxes Auditors. By-LAWS: A.uditors. Borrowing Money Board of Audit County Rates.. Confirming By~law No. 751, Malahide EqualizRtion. .. _ .. High School Trustees.. _ . High School Grants N ominftting Officers... Police Village Census Tax Sale Extension, Belmont Lock-up Coal Tenders Communications. Continuation Class Schools. County Councils County Police Magistrate County Officials Equa.lization. Farmers' Institutes.. Fingal Police Village Good Roads Convention Harkness Bridge Hawkers and Pedlers". High School, Tillsonbnrg.. High School Trustees.. High School Grants Hughes, County Judge Kains' Bridge, . . . MunicipalOfficers.. Port Burwell Bridge.; Port Stanley Road. ,17, 35 .63 7,9,13 . .13, 88 "..14,30,90,91 13, S9 .31, 93, 94 ........ ....44,90 .... . ...30,92 .14, 30, 44, 89, 91, 95 31,92 4:1,95 14.90 44,96 . 10 .. .29 6, 9, 11. 19. 21 32, 36 50,55 17.72 ,. ..15 ., ..4 2.3, 8i 7,9, 10, 12 ....74 12,25 .26 . . .72 ... ..54 10,54 24, 2R, 29 ..... ..11,15 ......7,8 .. .....4 .16~ 17, 21, q8,41, 48,65, 69 10, 22, 33, 35, 42 " 9$ EL{}IN COUNTY QQUX~IL, REPORTS OF PROVINCIAL INSPEOTOR OF TOLL ROADS. Port Stanley Road Railwa-y OrQssin~ Port Stanley Harbor , Port Stf!.uJey Bridg~. Police Magistrate.. Public School, Inspector, salnry Registry Office. . . ". . REPORTS: Almeda Hart County Treasur:er' Court House Oommissioners. Education Engineer.. .... .. Equalization Finance ... Gaol. Honse of Industry ,.... House of Industry, Inspectot'.. . House of Industry, Physician PetitioI).s I'md Legislation Public Impi'ovements Public School Inspector Sbmd_ing Committees Toll 'Road, Special.. ... Rodney Police Trustees South Westel'n Traction Oompany Talbot RegirrH' Town Line Grant.. Treasurer's Bond Vienna Bridge. . , Warden's Address ,~rest Lorue Police Trustees. Zavitz Bridge". . ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 99 26, $7 25 .._ 70 ............ .15 54 41,56 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS,ONTARIO. HONORABLE R. HAROOURT, Acting Commissioner of Public Works, Ontario. .75, $6 .... 57,58 "... .... ....24, 85 2:7, 28, .43, 5.'3, 54 "... ..16,64,-65, Q6 ... 26, 84 . .. .. . .13, 28, 43, 60, 61, 62 .24, 66 11, 12, 21, 24, 43, 75, 76, 77 40,79 7$ 9, 13, 26, 28, 40, 72, 73, 74 10, 28, 69, 70 .47 6,46 10,28 12, 20, 21, 37, 74 20,32 24 40 13,51 27, 38, 71 ..........17,05 .12, 20, 2], 37, 74 .. .20, 70 SIR,~ In compliance with the requisition of a number of the residents in its vicinity, I made an inspection of the London and Port Stanley Toll Road, in the County of Elgin, and on the 24th of November, 190.'3, made an order for the repair of several bridges, a copy of which is hereto attached. The inspection and order were made undt>-l' the provisions of the General Roads Companies Act, and amending Acts, In the month af May of tbis year, I went over these roads and found that repRirs of a very insecure and un workm<l:nlike charact,er had been undertaken. At the time of my inspection in N0vember 1903, the parties interested in the maintenance were present, and ngreed to Ull- dert<.tke the general improvements - of the road sur~ace, which, at the time, WitS in a vel'S had condition. On .June 9th, last; another petition fr091 residents was presented to the Department, urging tha.t the road he again inspected, and on July 12t,h, in company with members of the Oounty Council and rate- payer':,;, I agi-dn went over the road and bridges. I find that none of the work of geoeralrepairs of the road surface has heen underUtken, no gl';lvel or other materia.l has been applied and nothing has heen done except a little scraping which has "done the road more injury than benefit. The ordpr as to the bridges has not been complied with, some of these structures being now'in a dangerous con- dition. I am satisfied that only a small percentage of the earnings has in the past few yea;t'S been returned to the road, This was a first-class road built at a large cost and exceedingly im- portant to the community, has been so mU9h neglected as to leave that portion of the road from the southern limit of St. Thomas to the northern terminus of the road, iJil a worn out'and exceedingly danger- ous condition. ::"::0. "=-1 '>-... lBO ELGIN COUNTY COUKCIL. The Dodds Bridge, the Foote Bl'idge, the Brewery Bridge and the Cemetery Bridge should-be cloo;ed to traffic. , Those in charge of the road have made no genuine attempt to com- ply with the spirit of the order, nor do I believe that it is their inten- tion tq do so, until some more definite action is ta.ken by -this Depal.t- ment. The bridges are in such dangerous conditiorf as to require some immediate notice to be given for the safety of the public, ~.nd the road is so much out of repair-as to justify an Order under the Act of the cesser of,;the right to collect tolls, in respect to that SE'ction of the road ,between the Southern limit of St. ThomRs to the Northern limit of the said London and Port Stanley Toll ROl1d, and I ~CCORDINGLY RECOM- MEND AND DIRECT.-that no furthet tolls be collected at t.;be toll gates north of the City of St. Thomas and the one immediately south, until this l'lection of the road and bridges be put in proper repair. All of which is respectfully submitted. I have the honor to be, sir, YonI' obedient servant, (Sgd.) A. W. CAMPBELL, Asst. Commissioner Public Works. "Toronto, July 20th, 1904. The above Report, approved and service of copies thereof ordered. (Sgd.) G. W. ROSS. ....~..~. , ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 101 DEPART]';IENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, ONTARIO. Toronto, July 20, 1904. 8i1',- On -July 12th last I made an inspection of the work of repairs to be don~ to the London and Port Stanley Ton Road as specified in an order made by myself under the General Road Companies Act and amending Acts, dated November 24th WOS,and served upon, you. I find that this order has not been carried out, and that t.he Dodds Bridge, the Foote Bridge, the Brewery Bridge, and the Ceme-< tery Bridge are still out of repair and in a dangerous condition. While considerable work has been done to these structures, the tim bel' used is not sufficiently strong, and the foundations aTe not sufficient to carry the traffic with safety. Th~se bridges should be im- mediately closed to traffic. Yours truly, A. W. CAMPBELL. Inspector of Toll Roads. The Warden and Members of the Council of Elgin.