1907 Minutes . ,'\#~I " I, I I: , I i I I I , Ii II I I I "-' I , , I f 'I ! if i' I I I t I Ii 'i , PROCEEDINGS OF THE . Elgin County' Council DURING: THE SESSIONS HELD IN THE COURT tlOl)SE, ST. THOMAS IN THE MONTHS OF .January; June, July, November NINETEEN tlUNDRED AND SEYEN (, ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY fi. W. McfiAY. W. TOLMIE. County Cl~rh. Warden, ,\ I I I " Ii II II I i I I I Ii )1 I '; Cuunty Oilicials C.yv. Colter, Esq., County Judge. C. O. Ermatinger, Junior Judge~ D. McColl,Esq., Sheriff. Jas. H. Coyne, E'sq" Registr:ar, D.McLaws, Esq., County Court Clerk. A. Mc.Crimmon, Esq., Clerk of the Peace and County Crown Attorney. ~. F. Maxwell, Esq., Master in Chancery, N.'W. Moore, GoaIer. \"TV. Atkin, Esq., Public School Inspector. John McCausland, Esq.,Co; Treasurer. K..VV. McKay, Esq., Co. Clerk. James A. Bell, M.C.S.C.E., County Engineer. James M. Glenn,K.G., LL E., County Solicitor. Frank Hunt, Police Magistrate. W..,.C. VanBuskirk, M.D" Gaol.Surgeon. L. Luton, M.D., Physician House of Industry. D. H. Gooding, Esq., Keeper House of Industry. J aIm Hopkins, Caretaker, Court House. Al! of St. Thomas P. O. County Auditors: Andrew Murray, Aylmer; W. A. Galbraith, lana Stati~:m, Administrationof}u'stice Auditors: C. W. Colter, County]udge; C. VV., Wonnacott, Copenhagen. M~nlciPiillClerks and Treasurers ~fUNICIPAL,,~TY '. CL,ERK TRJ:,(ASURER Proceedings of ELGINCOUNTX COUNCIL AldborougJl.................. E. A. 'Hugill, Rodhey.!....D. McPherson,' West Lome Dunwicb.................. ..D. A. McNabb, Dutton..........]. A. Campbell, Dutton Southi.volu ..,................,.M: Campbell, Fingal...... .:.D. A. Cattanach,Frome yarmoutb...............W. C. Caughell, St., Thomas...R. McLachlin, 51. Thomas Malahide .....'... :... MahlpnE,' Lyon,,'Aylrrier; ......Mahlon E.Lyon, Aylmer BayluVn....... .... ....Be'nj\Bl:ian,_~traffordvil.1e.'..., R. A. Walsp, Straffordville SonthDorchester... '..;; D. Taylol" Belmont' ...... :rhos. vVinder, Lyon,S Town of Aylmer...". ......J. Bradle'y;~. .......... ........ .......vv, Warnocl{ Village'of VIenna.............. S. S. Clutton ....... ................. .......5,. S. ChitfOll Vil1a~e of Springfield... ..... J. B. Lucas ...... ....... ..... ...vV:J: Kilpatrick Village of Port Stanley ........Jas. Gough ..." ...... .........Jas'. Gough Village .of Dutton...... ..... ....J. D. Blue... ................... . ...... ...".D. CampbelL FIRST SESSION-FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 22nd day of January, 1907 The COlincilelect of the County of Elgin met this day at the Qourt House, St. Thollla6l, at- two o'clock in t.he afternoon, as req!lired byStatu~e, The following lllem bets filed certificates, made the Deelaration of OiliM and took their seatB at the Council Board: Township, of Aldborongh-----., Ree,re, William Tolmie. Dep. Itepve, James A. McLean. Towsnship of Dunwich-- Reeve,Alexander G. Duncanson .:pep.- Heeve, Dugald Blue TO\VnHhip of SOl1thwold- Reeve, Hobert T. Meek, Dep'~. H.e~ve.,Herbel't .r. Henderson Towllsh:ip ot Yarmouth'- Reeve, Cq.a,rles E. Lock Dep. Reeve, Augustus S. I-bgers Township-o Malahide--": Reeve, Charles \\-. Wonnacott Dep; Heeve, \VilliaOl.T. Hare 1'o-i,niship of Bayha:-ll1--:- , Iteevo,\\'illialJl Gran~ Dep. Heev:. Joseph Ai Jackson Township of South DOl'chester- Heeve, Charles a.Luton Tciw-!l hfAylmcl'- Reeve;'.J olln R Summers ':1 15 0 t {) , ,~ ~ Village of Dutton- Reeve, G. W. Ling, M.D. Village of Port St,anley- Reevel Arthur McDonald Village of Vienna- Reeve, Edward. B. Baldwi~ TheClel'k. took the chair and called for nominations for,the position of Warden. All the members present were then nomillated in regular form, all of whom resigned except Me:'lSfs. Tolmie, Summers and WOllnacott~ The voting Wall proceeded with, and on thefOUl'th vote Mt" Tolmie received It majority, and was declared duly' elected Warden. ' The Warden' elect made the Statutory Declaration of Office before His Honor Judge Colterl took the chair and addressed the CC!uncil. Moved by C. Wonnacott, seconded by A. S. Hogers, That the Reeves of the different Municipalities be a Com.mittee t9'ap~ point the standing committees for the year. . IIi Amendment, Moved by J. A. McLean, seconded by A. G. Duncanson, That the Warden be appointed to stl'il>:e the StandingColUlllittee:s."- Main Motion 'Carried; Amendment Lost. -Moved by, Dr. Lingl seconded by D. Blue, That the Council &djourn to meet at ten o'clock to~mo1'I'owmor~ing.~ Carried; \V. TOLMIE, \Varden. 7 FIRST SESSION-SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 2ard day of .January, 1907 The ElginCoullty 'Conllcll met this day. ftt the COllrt Honsel St.ThomalJ, acco~dillg toadjounim<:'ut. The\V..rden in th~-chail'. All the lllemberspresent. The Warden addressed the Council as follo,,,"s : WARDEN'S ADDRESS. Gentlemenbf the COl:mcil: 1 have to thank yon iorthe honor conferred ine-leoting me t,I.YLhe posi- t,ion of W~rden. The l;l11ilincssof the Connty Conncil is new tomo~t of 118. .<\.11 mutters l;ronghf before' YOll i';hl)tlld receive the most carei!)] .attent.ioll, so that our inexperience will llotbe lnoticeable in the cOllclnsiolls arrived' at.. The Rg-itati.on which l'eslllt,ed.in a change ill theconstitll,tion of Connt.y. Councils'did not originate in this Connty.. where the district system praved to beverysatislactol'Y. Dnring the past ten years a majority ot the mem- oersof this Conncil w~re men whohad years of experience-in the man~ge,~ ment of Muuicipal affairs in t,he local municipalities. They approved very s:rongly of t~~district system, onp. Of the principfi.\ reasons being that thevwere elect.ed-for two year tel'UlS, , dnring \\:hich they could ,introdllCe and carry out. reforms, .and neW'illf'lllbel's acqnire.the experience.necessul'Y to a proper transaction of Connty business. In ,many wa~vs the two year termis'desirable,and shalJld be considered in t,he mnnicipalities yourepre- sent. I worlld suggest that yon take the matter into your ~er'ious consider4 ation. with,a: "jew to influencing ,public opinion in favor of the election of municipal rep~esentutive3.fo~two years, a system that, is riow optional\\'itb the ratf'payersof, a"municipaJity. I hope th,at dl1l'ingt.heyear there will be no eviden~e of sectionaJor party feelit;g, and that, at the closing session, we maybe'able tosuy that we ha~te bee~l of sOllie service to tbe Conntyof Elgifi. R~IS'!'HY OFlrICE. The l'epairill,g,enlarging or re~llilding of the County Registry Office is ona of the illlportantqtH'8tions VOq will havet.o consider. It hai' been beforetheCollllci! at:'diffel'ent,tiille:o:. and draft plans have been '.prepared!', Borne charigeis riecessar:v. Before de'cidingon ,anythillgdefillite,:tbe c6~ operathu oi thl' G!11l1cilof the City of St., Thomas lilUst be secLlred, as they are Iiablefor a considerable portion of ihe expense. The bllilding is rapid- ! 8 " Iy becoming too small and is not as modern"in man:}' ways as )'00 wOl1ldex~ pect.The introducti6,n of Celllent constrt;lction will,:make it _possIble to change the plans at one tim~ required for a:lof these offices; 610' that the coriditioDswill be more-favorable for -those employed therein and for the transaction of public business. PUBLIC'-I:r.r'PROYEM1INTS;' The Connty of Elgin is notftd fOf its Bridges whiOh, formaliyyear:s past, have been constructed in a most, permanent manner~?'hiswork is not ulldone. Last year's Council arranged with 'the Cou-uty Q'fMiddlesex for the erection of a new bridge over the Thames River. , The plans ,lwd I t,enders for this wil'l, I believe, be brought before the Public Impro\'i;~ll1~nt Committee at this session. '. Other bridges reqpiring atteJ')tlOn \vill be, re- ferredto by the County EngineE'r in' his report. The policy oJ constr'ucting permanent work should at ,all times be adopted, as it is the moet ecollomi; cal. COUNTY RO.~DS. The delilignationof Roads ,for 'impr.o\'ement' by' this:Colintywith'ithe assistance of moneyfl appropriated therefor by ,theProvin'cial-,Gonmlmen,t', shot1'ldbecou'3'idered at this session. M~uiy cOllnttes'ha\tetaken advantag{'l 'of the Highwi1yImprovementAct.' In" nearly ,every' case .some.de\datiotl> from the generaliwovisioos of the 1a\\';Waiii,friuud tohe"oecessar','Y ,and ape proved.'by the' Legislature.- Last. year' ,the "COlluty::COllllCiLof':Midt.llesex obtaineda'spectafAct to'meetthei:r views.. lnothis way all..obje0tinns can be 'provided for and a -plao' arranged sothat'.Elgin mav,'participate ,hi. the distribution 01- provincial'" fUbds-' for . road improvement.. There does : .r.ot appBar to be an-ylimit'to,the"amount -the. G[,vel'llment'-willgrant~ Some counties ha\'e: already drawn- twicea8 ,mllc':1. ,as they appeared tobe' entitled to, under the 'Million Dollar 'Act. They see the benefit and:are striving:-to Becnreasllluch as possible. Elgin, should' follow their,example. HOUSE OF INDUS'i'RY, The Report of the 'Provincia.!' Inspector last year directed attei1tiOfFtd\ t6e'co'ndi_tion' of thhCoririty'Hollwe of Ref_uge. OSolIi~'e,xtensive rep:tirs-.:arid' irnprovem~nt8are necessal')~ if it is to mailltain'tbegood, name it bas had Bince it was' established'in1875'. At that time,.-tbe County Council had little to guidetbem inplanning'i: thetnain bl1ildinR,- which is not as modern as those of more recent con- stru0tion.Ill addition to thiA, there is evidence' that some of the'w,orkwas not of as permanent a"character as should'be in. Instit,ut~ons ofthis.kind; l'heCounciLwill have to remedy all ,thesE'def~cts troUJ,time' ,to time, and larger expeoditures't!lan llslH'l.lw'ill be neces8'aryfor'this'purpose~ By, the death "if'Donald Turner, Insi)ect:or, theCoubty'lbst an e.x'peri enced and painstakipg official, whose sen'i'cesha\.e bermmofit vaiu- '.'.9 :dble'"to .the _members -,of 'the, Co.ll,ncjJ, Bppd,i~tefl"t('),'slipe'rvi~e;. tlre .manaKement. It will be, necessary, _for tbe Cou~cil to,,, >recogllh;e fdr. ..'Tur- luer-'s services andtt.Ju ,loss, the, (Jounty',;,has,_sus,:tained'in,an ~ppropda-t~' 'manner. Before apPoinbin,g,a' new Inspector,' the 'Ommoil,. ~ho111d: 'consider the :advi,sabHity'of ,~ombin:ng hisd,ntieswitrh thOse'oi,a' committee to: be COH", ;f!tituted'so~newhat dtffel'ently from'the pre8ent.'tE)'be'compo~ed in.. part,.of .memberso.f-theCouncilandat least two 'others ,to' be appoint~ bythf;l <Council. in vb'is way't'he ser-v'ices 01 'experienced mencould,al w-ays . be. 'brought ,to ,tbe assistance of the <Council. Tb~' EIouse:6f [ndusl'ry Comrni't,- 'tee should 'make in,quiries and H1port,on Vhe W'hole'questlOll 'f01' your infm- llIlatjon. WARM .AND DOHlESTI'C, rfEL:p. The p1l0Per distrTibution of farm laborers and domestics has been 'under <oonsidet'ation- by ,the,Emigrationa'lithorities forsoJ::1e time. it is. now an- ,nonnced t-:hat-Goernmen'~ !EtnploY1:llent 'Ag.ents.are,to; ,beappoill'ted in,t;lach Count.y to 'receive .appli~ation.,for help and co.-o.perate with the booking :agenrs'lO' England" a.nd th~,:Elnig1!ati6n,.'D~partment,in",p(QvidiQg:fo.rall r~'. <quil'enienti;- This wW'be,welcome ,news in', many- :quartevs" ,and:r hop~ th~ -experiment \\'iI4 p,rov'e a success. IEnUC"-WON,'!BI:IlL.' A most 'J'adicat <1t'part~re from the _ Jong-~tablisi',ed pr.incip~l "Of .locat ;administration 1}f ':i1Umci'Pa~ and school alffairs was embodied in t,he Educa" tion Bill psssedat last session of the Legislature, which/fixed the salaries to bepaidtheteachers ofthe rural schools",o~' _tbis"Pro'vince. No protest against legislation of this character can b<\l made t.oo strong_ The Bug'gestion apparentlyorig;nated with the Provincial Trm'ltees' ,Association, composed pr~ncipally oftrnstees, teachers and inspectors. ,Few n'Hmicipal ,.councils .01' rural schoot boards have been repreE.entedat its meetingS; The result is tbe legiSlation above referrea to. For some y'f'ars this ,CounciL has been regularly in\'itedto send representatives to, ,toese m,eetings, but have not' done so,. . I wonld sngg,est a more carefn'! conside'rfltion of the question be. forethei.Qvitatidn is disposed of this year. AC'l'ION lo'Ol~ DAMAGltS, The agitatiQu for ,the amendment of the Municipal Act, so tnat' :\Illllicl" palities;will not'bt1 liable for damages in,every ca~(~of accident 'On a public highway, originated in this County, -alId has been continnedby ,thePro~ vincialMnnicipal Associat'ion. rrhePetitions and Legislation Committee should.' report thereon, ;.and ,sugges.t". \vhat' should" be done to. further the mo"e~Len,t to ob'tain the necessary relief;' ,i" nl' rlfiJelje ,frre Inan'Y'otIl~:r::;iiie.st!on.s",tbX~',,:ni~~t 'l::,;brought to your iltten- t'i(>'tj,:'l-~e, prlllcipal,being't'he-' present ihe\1'uita,ble:I=YE:tem of rail ~,"-uY taxatioll._ , A grertdea'lbas been said'and written:irt' re-fer~ht:e- theveto, b:utthe fact still ;'emains thtH mil ways are not t,axed asth~y should be for M~lllicipal:. p'\1rP9:,~~s,jn)h~ ,r,tl:r,a+:4j!'tri:<;,t,~",,'fhere ~S';JI-Q ,qi8~i1im,jlla~lo.n, i'n>';fa;,\'oF of any class of i'nd'i'vjdll~I_~.":~.F,be:,:w~altllyand,,aggrees;i;v'Ef r.ailway.,~cQr.p,I)I1a.tjons ~l'e' app~relltly eapable of: :co;n,tr()ll~n.g,Jhe--, ou.t;pnt, of legislation::necessal'Y to. bYing.,about aneq.,uitable aS5eSSrnE;!n~,;9Ltll~i~pt\)pe,rty,wbjch" 1:lhonld lie as. sessed' a:t actual ,value', the same as other la'lld"anc1,the bni!dillgs ther~on. A, little,tinre de\;ot'ed. to' t,he d,iscussiou, of. thi~'q..\1estl{}I.1'Jl).a)~ have fa.-r.veaching: res'l]lts., With t,hese few remarks, ~(l.tleHlen'. we wi.llpl'oCBPro w~th, the bl1sillijS~ of the Council. Tlm. proceed.iugs' of the }aHt d'ayof NOvember. Session an& S'pecial Dc- C'emhcl' Session ?,nd the"lwevio.us d3;Y weFe read. ali-d'confi.nned,;. The repm'tof the Conllnittee appointed' to'strike the Standing' Commit"- tees was'p-l'esented and, adopted. on Oil'otion 0:6 Wonnaco.tt,~ seeondied by Sum- Hlerft. 'flle following commllnicationswell'c rea>d:;; Fl'om F. Hunt, County P'oH-ce~ag.is-trate" witb 3JnnooI repore~ vefenedl to the Finance Conll'nittee~ .From Hospita: for Sick Childrtill1, TCI'ronto, re graut, mfel'red to ,Finance C()\umittee. l?rolH Na.tional Sanitadnm Association, Ee grant, referred to Finance 0~~nmlttee. From Township of Yarllloilth~ with accounts reinsanclndigent, referred to'li\nance CommHtee, l?roin Sa1.vation Army HescueWod" Department, regrant, referred to Vi~ance COl1uriittee. l'1'om Secl'etal'YW aodstock Collegiate Institute, with notice; referred to Education Committee. From A'~',~e'Evoy,Collnt:r Trea6u~er,.'Mi~dlesex, re payments county bridgy~, referr~d 'to Fi~ance COlllmitte'e. . . From 1. W,; Vincent, Ottawa,with noti,Je re oanal from Lake Huron to. nard! ~~ore 'of Lake;Er~e, in;Co~nty"o~.~IKi!l.:, From Provincial Trustees .A.ssa~iation, re delegate to, annual meeting, referred to Education. Oom,mitt{l,~. ' :Fr:?F,.P~~~ei~~I,,' ~t... '.f~om<ls to'Education. CommIttee.;' i"C'"" ~o~legill.,te ,In.st~:t~,t{l, with :repol't; refened ,,!i I Fram Ridgetawn CoIlegia.t~ Insti,t11te'Ba~rd, with claim f()rlpa~ntenallce Elgin pupils, referred ,to. Educ8;tion Conimittee. " ',-,l, ,,:FrOlll f'.i\:oBelll Co.l1nty.Er~ineel,,}'e w~t~r hy,_ referred to' H9use of Industry, Committee;' supr1y, ~t Hol1se of Indils- FrOm J. A. n~ll.,withreport on con~ty bri~ges, referred to. Public 1m. prQVel,nent ComnHttee. ' ' ~r~, ~areg'lve. nQticepfappliel;L~,io.", forgrants,of,~)ventY~five dollars ea'ch to. the. East Elgin Farmers' Institnte and Ladies' Institut,e,aud MI'. Dunc'anson gave notice of similar ,application.for grants to the Wes't Elgin Institutes. Moved by J. SUm[l:lerS, se~onded by C'. 0., Lutan, :rhat thisC'Juncil adjourn until to.m~rraw ,at lOa,lll,. to. allow the vrtri- QUSCOllllI]ittees. tall~eet........,o.~rrif)9.', W, TULMIE, \Vn:dEll, El'om l\bitland Young & Sanl Toronto., appJieatitm for positian of'Audi hor. l?rom W. 11.1.unn, W. O. Pollock, A. Tiu'ner, .T. G. Cha.pman and N FIRST SESSION,-TlclmV DAY. ,l'hu]sd~y,the24th of Ja!lllar.r, ,1907. rfhe Elgin Count.y Council met this day according to adjournmeut. The Warden in the chair" AlIt1<le mell.lber8 precent. ,\ The pl'bCQedings (,f t.he previous day WMe read and cl)ufirmed. Tbe following commnnlcati6ns.were read: 1(1rol:n Contlty'l'reaf!urer with report.; referred to the FInance Oommittee.. ,J. H. Coy tie, Regisl,rar, fe improvements to office; referred to Gaol Co"mmittee. Co. Olel'k,re Pedlars and l\.uctioneers' Licenses. The report of ,the House of Industry committee was presentedand'adopt~ ed, on rnotionof Wonnacott, seconded by Summere. Moved by W. T.Bare, seconded by C. Wonnacott: That the sum of Twent)'~fi.,e Dollars- be grantedtotbe East' Elgin Far- mers' lnstitnte, and Twenty.five Dollars to the Easb'EIgin Ladies' Institute. ........:Carried. Moved by C. W. 'Vonnacott. seconded by,C. E. L~cke: That this Council place UpON. record the great loss t,he county tained fn the death of Donal,d 'fu:-ner, Inspector ofthe H,ouseof and-Pefuge. . - has EU8- Indl1stn' " 1!"or man}' years Mr. Turner was a valued member of this Conncil, of which be was Warden in 1888. As inspector he gave the COI1I,lt,y- tbe ,be'n€'; rit of his wide experience, and- whiJQ express:ngonr sorrow 21. the loss of an honored servant, a trusted aclviser and worthy citizen, WR "GIllem bet those wllose sorrow and wh0se l088 is so mnch greater, and that.-w8 tl1o."t .respect. fnllytender to t,he widow and family of ot1!'late rps]wctQd Inspect-or onl' heartfelt sympathy with them in the hour of their ber&.3\'emellt; Polld that ft copy oitlns re13ollltion be forw'arded to Mrs; TUl'Jler. Carried. Moved by Dt.Ling, seconded by D. Blue, Tha,t' O. W. Wonnacott be appointed Auditor of Administratioo of .J ns- tice Accol1nts.~Carried. iVIo\!ed l.y.T. R. 'Summere-, seconded by (). O. Lnt,oll, 13 'I,'h:lt'the CI~rk be ins~,ructed'toprocllrecarC1s showing members of County C91lncil standing Committees and Offlcialsfor 1907,.-'-Oarried., M()\"ed by J. R. Summers, Seconded by C. 'O~ Luton, Ttlat "Andrew Murray and' W-.'A; Galbraith"be' appoin'ted to audit the Ac(~onntsof, the County Treasnrer for '1906.:, I . In Amendm'ont. Mbved R Meek,.seconded by H. Henderl'lon, I,', That W. A. Galhraith and Walkel'Oaughil1 beappoirited A-uditorf? of Connt.y Accounts for 1906. Malt! Motion Carried.-Ar:nendment Lost. .Moved byJ. McLeau, secouded by A. Duncanson, That.u grant of Twen'ty;five Dollars be given tG the West Elgin Farmel'el Institute, and, that Twenty-five Dollars be granted to thE West Elgin Ladies' st-itnte, to be equally divided between Dut,ton and Rodney.-Oll.l'I'ied. Mo\'~d by C. W.. W ODl'lacott, seconded by O. E. LOCKe, That Dr. F~ H. Miller be appointed' Trustee of the Ay'lmer Collegiate Institute; In Amendment. Moved ~'yR.1\'Ieek} seconded by J. R. Summers} That J. ,G. Heiterbe appointed Trustee of the Ayln"ier Collegiate In- stitute for three years. Main Motioncarried.--Amendment Lost Moved bY9.W. Ling, seconded by A~Duncallson, That G. B. Crawford be appointed Trustee of the Dutton High School fort-bree yearB.-Ca'rried; , Moved by E; R Baldwin, seconded by A. McDo'nald, That Charles Godby be appointed 'I'l'u'stee of the Vienna High 8chool for three' ,'enrs.-Carried. " , Ii i I Ii 11 I II .5 ]4 15 IiIRST SESSION-FOUIWH DAY Moved by A. Dllllcanaoll, seconded by.J. A.MoLean. Friday, the,25.th dn.yof Ja,ilriary, 190!7. ' ""."';''',.i',>'''''''' ,>""", ..:....,.,..:. .,,",:,.. , .....' Tb,~t:,tbi&,CoQPc.il d,D nQ;\Y,~(UO,nrn_ u~tilt,wo'o'~:1.qclr.,-:-;;Garf:i,e4. ''Ute' Eliin County 'Coun~ilm'et' this' day itcc,o.r'ding' to' adjop.rntnent; r~e'Co_lln,cil" ~~6u,mel;1. The Warden m the chair. ,::"l.'h.e,.x~p,qr~, 0:,i;,tb~,:J~d,u,9a,~'i,Qn' Cq,~t~i~te&' w-!\s- p~~B~n~$di,a[l~' Jl.dQ'p~ed motion of Ling, seconded bySumr,l1e:rs. i T.~,e.'report of theGoalO!Q.lrt;litt~e .w~s/pre8ented and referred to a Co&ffi{ttee of the whole,with Dr. Ling in the' chair. After considering tho report tbe committee rose aud aske,d:leaye,te'sit;;lgnin. on Ma~.M. Black filed certificate-andtoo.khis seat as Heev8 of the Villag~' .uf Springfield. The reel/:' of the' :memher'8 were present. The p,roceetlingfl of the' pre'vians day were read and co~'fi~'med.; Th~ ,re1?ort,' of ,ComrniHee '" on ".Petitions 'and ,Legisla:tionwM prc$enteu ani;! refer~ed to,~ commi.tteeof the whole, \'lith Mr. 'VV onnacott i,n the, chair. Afterconsidl;lring t~e- repaTtO ~l~useby "claus~" the 'comrn~ttee rose and 'it, was adopted without amendment on motior' of vVonnacot,t, se'conded by Blue;' MQyed,' by' C.'W,. Wo,nnac'Q,tt,'s!3coQQed: by :W.- T.,,:H~1"e. That this Council do now adjourn until ten o'el,oak t<rIDorrowmorning-. -:'Carried. \V. TOLMIE, :;Wa:rden. MovedbY9. E.Loc~e,.secondedby C.W.Wollnaco,t~; That this Oouncil do 'nowadjoum'to nieet;at two.thirty.;;...,;,.(jari'ied. The Council Hesumed; Moved byW~T. Hare, seconded hy'J. A.-JacksoN, Th~t a "statmerit showi~g ',the location an,d cost of each or'tlle C'otmty Bridgese-:-ecteddllring the ,last ,ten years be presented' to this Couno~I'at it'E n~xt sess~on.--'-Carried. consider 'report of ~a;oJ the l'eportthe'commit, a~conded qy Meek. The ,'report, of ,the Finance, C?lllmittee :W~li/ present.ed a,.nd ref.~rl'ed to co:mmittee of the whole; with Mr., Snmmers in the chair. After ameiulitig thereport, the Com-mittee rose, aIidit was adopted on motionofSul1liller:s\ seconded', by Jackson; Moved,by C\'V.Wollna'cott, se'conded by'A.;Ro!!.el'sj That the Chairman of the Pu blie, Immovenlenti5 C'O.lIl111'ittee be <Li1}Jolnted , [: HI '(rel~g'ate to' att'tmd meeting 'Of Western Ontario G'Ood: R'OadB Associatfon.- C~rtied. . 'fhe report 'Of the Puhlic Impravements Cammittee was presented' andl .rudoptedon moqon of Locke, seconded by Hare. Moved by J. A. MwcLeam, sec'OndedhyA. S; Rogers,. 'fhattha Reeves of the 'l'ownshipliI and, County Clerk be added to d:el'e~' gation ta attendmeetiug at Good Roads Association, l.I1ndmake fmquil'ies as: tabestplarl toadaptiu takimg ad'vantag,e of the Highway Impravement Act., ~Carrie(t M'Ov'edby'A. DtmcanEion, seconded by H. Hender8on, , That the Deputy Reeves of the Tewnships be wdded to the delegation to> the Good H'oads AS'f'lociatian meeting.--'-Carried. Moved 1::y C. E.Lac};:e.seconded by C. O.Lutou, That Mr.", Wonnacott be added ta the Public ImprovementE'.' Committee ,,"henthoy v'isit theWdley hridge 8ite.~aartie.d, rvlaved by a.KLocke; seconded by A, S~ Hagel's, That H. A. Penhale he appointed t.rustee Of ,.the St. Thonias Callegiate l-nsr;j,tute fOl'three yean>.~Carried. Movedby.IL T.Meek,. seconded by A. McDanald, That resolutIOns appointing de~egates',to the Ontario GoodRoadR,Asw sociatian meeting be rescinded, and that the 'Wi!>rden, Chairman 'Of the'Pubc' lie Iiilpl'ovements Caminittee and Mr. Wonnacott he appointed to i'epresen,t theConncil and report at next meeting.'-'-Carried. 1\-16ved by C.W. Wonnacatt. seconded by W.Grant, That this Council do noW' adjourn to Illeetto-mon~aw morning'at ten '/~]oek.-,-,,:Carried. W, TOLMIE, Warden. 17 FIRST SE"SION-FIF'fH DAY, Saturday, ,the 26th day of January, 1907. . The Elgin County Cpnncil' met this day according to adjournment. The Warden in the chair. All !nembers present. The praceedingsof the previol1sday were read and confirmed. Mov€d by R.Meek. seconded by H. Henderson, That the' clerk procure three dozen bound copies of thfl proceedings and Audits 'Of the'last five :yeaI'8, a'nd that one copy be, forwarded tue3.ch Maved'byC. E.Locke,seconded by O. W. Wonnacott, J.'hat the Municipal Clerks of the COIlnty be notitied to' filec'~rtified of the AseeSStlWllt Rolls for 1906 with the COllnty ()Ielkbefore the Sessionsaucl'tba'tblanl(,:rolls be'supplied for that purpose.-Carried. M'Oved by' A.' Duilcanaon, seconded byD. Blue, That a by-Law be passed to fix fees for Hawkels aud Pec11el's ,Lic€'llses as follows:-Ta travel with one horse,. fifty dollars; to travel with ('me span ofho'rses, 'se\'~l1ty"five dol1:us.'~Lost. Moved byM.M. Blick; sec...:mded by J. R. Sumrners, That the clerk b~instructi'ldto furnish toe members 'otthis Counoil copies of the Municipal Act revised to date.-Oarried. Moved by W, Grantp3econdedby J. ,A. Jacksdu, l'~lat By-Law No. 710, being a By-Law to appoint Trust,et~S of High be received and read a first time.-Oarried. Moved by J.A. J:wks'1n, seconded by W. T.' Hare, 'pw:t Hy~Law No. 710 be read a second time.-'--'Carri~d. Moved ,by W. T.,Hare"i:ieconded by Wm. 'Gram, be read a t,bird time and Iinail.v pa~sed.- ,'i 18 Moved by A. G. DuncallEon, seconded by J. A. -McLean, That By.Law No. 711, beingaBy.Lawtp appoini, a'boardof Audit,; be recei\'ed and read a firsttime.-'-:Carrfed ' Moved by A, G.Dllncanson. seconded byJ. A~McLean, That By- Law No. 711 be read a second til:ne;-Carned. Moved by ,j"; A. l\icLean,eeconded b:y A~ G. Duucar:son, 'fhatRy-Law No. nIb:,: read,a third tilne andfinallypassed.---:-Carried. Mo\'ed by,E. B. Baldwin, s€co,nded by A,. McDonald, That By~LuwNo.712, being a bv~La\V to appoint"County Auditors, 6:, i received andread a first time.-Canied. J\lo\'edby,.J. R. Snrllmers" secolldedby M. Bl'ac'k. That By-Law No. 712 bE' r.ead a second timi?-Ca.rried; 'Moved by E. B:' Ba:d\dn, sf.'colldf!d by A. l\lcDonald,' That By-Law No. 712 be read a third time nncl flnall'y passed.-Carried. Moved'by it Meek, sec00ded bY C.O. Lilton" That Ey.LawNo. 713; being a By-I"awto ,authorize t.be \\Tarde.'n-and Treas\lrer to borrow, :t;20,OOO,be re'cl-'m.:,d and read a'first time.---,-Carrit;d. Mo\'ed by H. Henderson, 'seconded by O. O.-Lu'ton, Tbat By,Law No.'7l3 be r,ead a secondtime.-,...'{Jarried. IVlo~'E;d byC. O. Luton, second~dby' R. 1\ Meek, 'l~hat By. Law No. 713 be read a third time,and finally passed,----"--'Carfied. ~l()ved by G E. Locke, seconded by A; S. Hogel's. That By-Law No. 714. being a By.iav.: tciappoint anJnspectorof tbe Honse o.Dndustry and Refuge, be received a.;d r,eada first time.---:-Carried; Mov(-'cl byC. W. Wonnacotf., seconded by A.,S. Rogel's, 19 That By-Law No. 714 be read a second time.....:....Ca-l'ried. "l',1-ov-edibyA. S. Rogers, ~econded by C. E. Locbe, That By-Law 714 be read a third thae and finally passed.-Carried. Mov-ed byiDr.~Li,}g, secollded. by D. Blue, That By-Law No. 715, being a By"Law to incorporat-e the Board 'of l?olice'Trllstees of the VHlage of Port Burwell, be,;receivelll and :read a first, !time.----'Car1'ied. Moved by Dr. Ling, 'seoonded 'by 'D. ~lue, _That By.jLaw ]No.-.715 be read a 'second time.-Car'l'i-ed. Moved by .Dr. Liri'g:, 'sec0ncled by D... Blue, Tbat By-Law No. 715 be read a third time-and fina11y passed~-:-Ca.ried,. i\loved by 1LM; Elack, seconded by J. R. Summer81 'l['bat tbe ,Conncil d0 HOW adjourn to ,meet on Tuesday,June 4.'-Carried; W. TOLMIE. W,arden.. ,;~ 2cr, SEOOND SESSION~FrRST DAY, Tuesday; the 4th day of June, 1907::. The" Elgin Oounty Thomas, at2 p.m. COlmcil lilet. thtsday at the Court House, s.t~ =-="j' 21 & amending the Highway TIl]provemeat Act, the Legislatul'e, at it'! recent ses. sion, passed the usual large number of amendments to t,he :MunicipaI Act, with which you should make yonr3elves familiar. This Council petitioned 't.he Legislature tor amendments to the Jaw l'e~ la,ting to the taxation of railways ,and in i'cfel'enceto actions ag~ipstmunici-' palities for damages catlsedby defective highways,,' but no action was take'n. We also petitloned for 'nn amendment to the EducatiOri Bill of ,last year.' This has been amend,ed, and reads as follows : COUNTY,ANJ) ,'I'OWNSl-IIP RATES ,Sub"Sectiow'l 1,2,3,4,5 and6 of Section 70-of the Publi_c Sehools .-\.ct, as enacted by Section 39 of the Act passed in the -:;ixth year of !::Lis HaJesty's reign.. Chapterel153,have been repealed, thus tescindingt,ho_Uli1l11ll11lH sl1lary proYhlionR except' as provided in (4) below. The following sub-sections have been 1,mbst,ituted .for the aforc?aid sub~secdons: 70. '{ 1 ) The Muuieipal Coullci] of every- organized courdy slndllevy f],nd collect: by f\.n,'qual rate i\pon the taxable property of th'~ whole cOUllty (not ill chIded ill ulban municipalitieB or ail hexed to any urban municipality 'for school pmposes) ~)"ccoL'(ling to the equalized asses"mentfi\of the mUllicilJaW ,tie~in themanllcr provided by this A.c'G awi the MUnLcip~d ancl Asse"sment Acts, a, sum. which "hall he equal to at least that portion; of the legislative gralltwhlcb is apportion eel by the Minister of Edueatioll on the bf.Lsis of the equipment a.ndaceOll101odatiolls of the rural public-,and' separate schools of tbecount,y, and snclUHlnls shall he-payable to ,the trUf~tees of the respect,lve schools reccivin'g such legisla'jve grants III the S,Wle pn)[JOl't.iOlll"as the said gnU'lts :are apportionceL (~) Whero the aSfJel":scd vallle accol:tling t.o the equalized assp.f'lsments afores!1id, Of allthe taxable propert.y of t.he public school Slw11Orter.sw any township in ali.orgamzedcountYI is at least orIllal to an, ann-u~l a\-erage as- scssme'nt of $30,OUO for e~wh public school section therein, the MuniCipal' Council of each ,township shan each year !evy and collect by assesslllentnpon ' the taxableproperty of the public school supporters of-the whole township not included in urban municipalities' or annexed to any urban ,munici~ palitX for school purposes),in the manner provided by this act, and, the Mu- J,nicipaland Assessment Acts,;,~hc ,sulll.of $300 at lettst for every _public sch061 where the tea-chet or principal tcachci' is engaged fota whole year excusive of vacat,ions"anua proportionate amount of such sum of $300 at lel:l.stwheI.:e it, kaclier 'or prinCipal teacher is engtLged for SiX mOliths OJ.' longel';' >Lud- tIle ,additional :mm of at least $200 ror ever'ya:ssistant teaeher engaged for a whole,year excln"ive/,of vacli.tions, and a proportionate l\lUount of- 511chsum of $200 at leaf'lt for every assistantteachel' engaged for six months or longer. (3) In e'.'ery.or{!ani,;,ed county wbBresllcb assessed value,according .to-tbe eqnal,zed \i.~Sei:iSlllellISnfore8aid. is less than an average aouna] ,us- Sl'SSllWUt of $30,000 fill' t.acl1 'Public E.ch(l'ul ~ecti()ll in allytuwnshipl audin e\'eryorgllllized township iu thetl~l'ritorial 01' jndici~\] districts whatevel' Its as'ses:;ments may bE',Lht~I\T\lnjcipa\' Contlcil of 811Cb township shalL each rrhe \\,'arden in the ch.a,ir. All th-e Itlembers,present'. The.Warden addressed theC()t1nci]~ W I\,RDItW1:3 ADDREB&. 1'0 the 'E.Igin County Council : fiBN'l'LBM,kN,- ]:11 corilmcnclng Ufe. .rune s'e8Rion, r d'osire' to' refel' to-a few ~tl'attel'B that maY',be of in:e10st. 'Since. thc ,J1aullary Ses's1on there has been no special bnsLnoBs' of. impor~ tUllee reqtliring myal1tentimL The St. Tho,mas City Council r'equested our co~opera;tioll i'D< an app'lica~' tion to- the Goy'emment for assistallce~owards the er8(ltioll of bridges oHthe l'ollHoad. I attended severa] meetings at-which representatives of th\'; GouncilR' ofYannou!Jl aii.d Sonthwo-Id were p}~esent. The PI:oposed applica- tion eontelllplatedthe designation of the Toll Road as a ConntyRoali aml the adoption of the County Road system. 'fhe township representatives were Hot/fal/orabIe to this, and we decided to take no action in the matter. The city of St. Thomas succeeded in securing the sum of Three Thousand Doll"l,l's from the Legislature to assist them in paying their share of the '1'011 Road bridge exp(;mditnres. ' The Western Ontario Good !toad.. Association did not ho'd the usual eon vention to which delegates were appoInted at the January Session. This- is to bo regretted, as we had expected to procure some particular,s in refer-' ence to County Hoad Systom.'! for your information. The Legislature have simpli.iied the Higln,ray Improyement Ad, and it isdcBirable tha:: theqlles~ tionsl1ould be discllssed during the' p~0sent S~SSlOn, to ascertain tho \'ie\vsof the members 'in reference to the adVIsabilit.y of adopt,iug the Count;}' Road System in Elgin. , _" Every county is. now required' to work lInderthe GeneraILaw, The 1'!pechd act obtained by Middlesex IMt year is now of nobeneHt to the eOl1uty; as the Government will not grant mone~r for expenditurcsthel'c. under. The County of Oxford has also iabanclollcd its :>])0('i111 pysteul fOI'the sanwreilf;on, al1d is l}}'()ceeding under the General Law. In Rdditioll to \<", r,_!;< ~> li-, ,fti N' r.i~, Wic &!' % ii 22 ye~l', lE;vy all,dcol1cct asafol'esaid, the ~3"nmo,f,~'~50 at,lea:st forevh.r Publie School where a teacher ol',prin('ipal teacherls engaged. fOI' a wboJe year ex. clusive of vacati.on, and a pl'op~:>rtionate amonnt' of said snrrl'of$150at leaflt, where a tefl.chi~r orpri'<lcipal h>acher is engagedf!;r six rnonthsor longer; and:Jn additional SUIll ,of at leae;t, $100 for every ussistantti:'ucber engliged f?r a wbole year exclusive of\'acatiolls~and a proportic)Jiate anlonnt, o'fsncb S11m of$100 at leaRt, where sllch aH8ist,~H1t tellCller js~ngaged for six moiiths or longer. (4) The sums so levied and collected by the cOllncil nf the townsbip shall be applied exclusively to teacherI'!' salaries. The amourlt thns rais{~dby t,heCo,]oty under tile Act of 1906, will be the amonnt required, to be ralsed this year, nnder"the amenjed Act, of 1907. The preceedings of tbe last day of t,lle previous se"sicin were read and contirrned. 'The foilowing comtlinnicat,iotls wel'e read: From .t.\'e Salvation Armv,regrant.; referred to t.he Finance Commi~te~!. FrOlfl Jamefl \Vhite,Collnt,~' C]erk~ Oxford. re'treatme"t of tllbnrcnlosis; referred to FicatiCe Commit.tee. From J. S. Robertson, Secy. Natiollal Samtariull1 ASS4clatioll,re grant; referred t.o finance commIttee. From Children's AidSociet,y~ with acconnt; l'l'fftTl'edto Finance Corn- mittee. FrOiiLOrit.ario Munic'pal'\ssocl:".t,ion, n~ delegate~ to An'nl1al MAetifjg; referred t.o P<'t,itiolls anu L<'gislatibn Cumrrllttee. .From 'W.A,tldn, Inspector Public SchoJ:s"witb annual report;. referred to EdncationCommittee. From Ontario Fruit Gl'ower's Association, regrant; refererd'to Finance Commit~ee. Ft'om Connt\'. Auditors with report: referred t.o Finance,Oommitt€;e'; From Tillsonbllrg and Ingersoll High Schd61s 1'e amounts Jue for'- maintenance, 1906; referred to Education Oommittee From Francis Hunt, Connt.y Police M~gistrate, re salary; referred to .Finance CommIt-hoe. 23 . J; A. Bell,CouritYEn'gine~r.' with,repo:rt',',r'eterred:to Flihlic';,:lmp'ro~',e" I "," , ' , '"",', \ mentsCommittee. Mt. Stirn mers ,gave notice that ,adeputiou !ro'mthe ;,Ea~t ~Igi n. -~ni r, A~. sociation. ,wou-ld-'\V:ai t. upon:theCoU'n!>.i1;Dn~ Thursday,,'.. with. ..s,pplicatiollfQI grant; Mov~d by J.:Summers,secorided by D;,'Black. ThatthisOouncil <tohow adjourn until to-morrow att~no'(il,oc~;':~ allow,committeesto_meet.,:;"..Carr-ied; . , w. TOL'MIE, War'den;. ,\ ,II 24 25 SECON"D SESSION~SECOND DAY 'WilIHtm Grant, for StraffordviIle Agricultural 'society. Wednesday, tile 5th day of June, -1907. J. A, McLean., f.or AldboroughAgi'icultural Society. The Elgin 'QoUlhy Council met \'his day according to adjournment. R. T.l\1eek, for South wold and DIlU\vich,Agi'iculturaISociety, The' Warden iIi the chair. All.the mem bel's present. Moved by William GIant, seconded by J. A. JackeD,il, ~heproce,edingB of the previomi day were. read and confirmed. The follo,villg COIUlllUllicatlOllswere r.ead : Thatthil'l Council re.adopt the report of', Public Improvements Commit. tee passed at January Session, 1906, granting to the !rownship of-Bayham twenty-five Jilercellt.of":Qst of construction of culvert in 4th,con.on line be- tWetln B.yhamarid Houghton, wherl completed to the satisfaction of Coull'ty Eugineer.-Gal'l'ied. pi'om K. W.McKay, County Clerk, report 011 licenses. From R. II. Lindsay, 1'8 refund of fine; l'efenedto Finance Comrllittee. Ftom G. Stewart" P. ~1., Springfield, re lockcup repairs; referred to'Fi. nanee Comnlittee. Moved hyD. Blue, secondedhy A. G;, Duncanson, That the Council adopt a sY6te~110f County'Hoads. After diElcufI;sion, it ,walii moved byC. Wonnacott, seconded by A~ S. ,I Ro~er,8, Mr. Meek mqUll'ed reu,greement as to maintenance of road in front of House of ~ndustry f:\rm, and \vas referred to House of lndu"try Com mitte p report,....:,..J une Session, 1897. Mr., Grant ga\'e notice of apdication ,for assisehnce in build'jug ij"ewkirk hridge>on county Jiue between Bayham and Houghton. That the qnestion of altopting a County Boad Sy_'tembe laid oyer until tD~ll\OrrOw mor.l"!ing for ftt1;ther discussion.-Carried. Movedby C. E. Locke. ~aecoRdcd by U. ,\V. WOllnacott:, Mr. Locke gn,ve lJotiee of deputation from St. 'l'.hOlll~~ Horse Breeders Asaociationttlld application for grant. ,That, the deputatioli representing tho St. Thomas Horse Breeders' As. sociation .he now beard.-Carried. l\Jr. Dunc3.n:son .towp lock .up. gave lIoticeof application for grant to repair Wallace- M8.iers, KingslMiIl, Pearce, McColl and Dingman then addressec\ the e':lUllcil. Moved ,by C; W. "\Volluacot,t, seconded by\"\". T. Hare, Moved by C. W. Wonnacott,_secondedby W. T.Hare, That, thif! COIlIlCil do no\v adjourn until 2 'p.m.-Carried. That the matter Of a grant to the St. Thonias Hor~e Show he laid ovei; fl,tld taken up with the grants to -the V1tl'loUB fairs aft'cr hearitig deputatioll froin the East EIgin.Agric~ll)ural So'cietyto-molT,ow'afterlloon._Carried, The Council Resumed. Mr~Luton gave notice of application for grant to the Belmont Horse Show, and the following members gave notice of applications for grants: Moved by C. W. Wo'nnacott, seconded by William Grant; Dr.;, Ling, for Wallacetown Fair Associl~tion. That this Council do now adjourn to visit-Honse of Industry and meet again at,ten o'clock to-~o;rl'owmol'ning;----cCarried. M.. M. Blaek, forSottth Dorchester Agricultural Society. W TOLMIE, Wahlen. 26' SECOND SESS~ON-THr:RD DAY Thutsdh:y; 'the' slx'~li d~'y ,or June; , 1'90t. rrh~ 'Elgin County Coullcil met' t'hisdaY:ac'cbrdi'ng 't'oadjournthent. TheWardan in ,theJchair. "All. the memhers presenlo. The proceading,s of the pl'evioU:8"day:were'>relld alid'confirmed. The l'llpol'tof the,Court House Commissioners \'\'!\8 pi'~.sented and refer~ r,ed, to the:fI'inance Committee. (fIle :reportof the County-TI;eaSlll'er was preeented and referred to the Fillance Committee. Moved by. C" E. boche,.secondedby. A..}to!!ers, That t.l:iiscouncil do now adjourn to meet att\\'o o'cJock.-Cal'ried. 'rhe:OounciIRegume'd~ .M o\"ed , by M. M..mack; seconded: by,J,lkSummets, That the deplitation froin East Elgin Fair 'Boa'I'd 'be no1\" heard._Ca.r. ried. Messrs.,;MoKenneY:j,Price, Monteith and"Leeson addreiJ':sed' the 'Council., Moved by Dr. Ling; s:econded~y n. Blue; ,'that dep,utationfiom the West EIgiri Agricultural Society be heard._ ,Carried. ' Mr. Pat bonaddresaedthe 'COUncil: Moved~hy Dr.THng, 'aecondedby'D.' Blue', That w,egrant!the'flum of:fr~tydolIal:seach to tile East 'and"We~t".E18in AgriCliltul'alSocietiea; and' twenty~fiv,e'dollar8 each to the Aldborollgnl ,8ollthwold and,Dunwich,~tra~ordviIle a,rid South Dorchestel' AgIicrilturiiI 8ocieties.-Ca'i'ried. ' .\1 (lved by_O. E.Locke, seconded bye. W. "ionn~cott, " 27 That the surn'of fHtydoll!;tJ\s he gran~ed to the S't. Thoma,s Hor$~ S'how Association.-Lost. yeas.....;,Hare, Wonnae,ott, Rogere, Locke, Meek, Hendetson;'-:"6. Nays--:-McLean, ,LfIlg, BIne, Duncanson, SUlUinel's,'Lnton, Black, Bald~ \V~n, GrantltndJackson~lO: Therepo'rt" of the,," Education,Committee,:~\'as presented and referred.' to a'committee o{the whole; Mr.: Summers in the chair. After'amtm(iing tIle report, the COllllllittee rose, anrlthe: l't'port was adopted on motion of J.lt SUllllllens!, seconded 'by D. Bh~e'- ., 'l'hel'eport of thy Committee on Retitions and LegisIl;ttionB,WaSpl'eSe!lt~ cd and adopted on motion of D; Blue, seconded by, A. DUQcanson. . - Q :Moved by' E. B.Baldwin, seconded by M. M.BlIWk, ThatO. O. Gal'dnerbe appointed.'trust.eefor the, Vienna High Sch"ool.1n' place of ThomaK, Melton, who has m~vedout ,of 'the connty.--"-Oel'l'ied. Therepoi:t of,thePublic Improvements Committee was presented and adoptedonmotir>n ofG.KLocke, !!Ieco~idedby W.T; Hare; The report or, the Financedomniittee was presente'i and referred to a eommitteq,of the whole; Mr.l\1eek int'h,e'chair: '-The report was considered clal~se byclullsc, after wbichthe committee,rose,alldtlfe report aertruended wasftdopted dn motion of Meek, seconded ,by Bhic,~. MQvecJb:y D.RIne; seconded by A.Duncanson, That ,the Oouncil go:int'ocommittee of the whole todisctlss resolution. to,adopt a 'county road system'~9arried. TheWard'en requested Mr. Luton to take the chair. After discussion. tiwcommittee rose, 'and the chairman reported the following resolution': Moved, by A. S. Hoge:rs, seconded by VV. rr. Hare, 'l'hat"tl1eHeeves of. the'rownships in the Comity be appointed a special committee ~o take up the uiatter of the Highway, Impl'ovem:entAct, with power to ,"isH other counties and p~'oClll'e information' in reference to'county roads'ystemnndt.o report at the nextsesHion.-Carried; !\'ioved by C. 'W,.Wonnacott, secondedbyW. T. Hare, 28 'l'hat the equalized MSef!SlIlentof th'e several municipalities in the county remaiu the 8am~ as last year.-Canied. Mov~d by A. ,Duncam~on, seconded by J. A. McLean, 29 SECOND SESSION~FOURTH DAY. :Friday; the 7thdn,y of 3une,1907. 'l'he.Elgin County Council met this df!.Y according to adjournment. 'l'hat this Council do now adjourn untIl to...lOl'rOW morning at ten 'o'cl(,ck.~Can~ed. I The Warden in the fihair. W. TOL:\UE. \V arden. All the memberfl present. The' proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. The ,report of the Housedf Industry Committee waspresented'3;-nd adopted, :on motion of W onnacolt, seconded 'by Summers. The repo'rt of the Goal Committee'waspresented arid adop,ted on motion .of Rogers, seconded by McColl. The second report of t4e Finance Committee was pres,ented and' adopted on motion of Meek, seconded, by Black. "Moved by J.. A. McLean," seconded' by Alex,' G. Duncanson, That the Connty' Engineer i:\,i:icompanyspecia..l committee appointed to inspect' wOl'king, of, county road sY'5tems.in other ,counties.-Carr~ed. _~'iov.ed by_Wm. q-rant;seconded by J. A.Jackson, That t,hequestion of making a'grantto the St.:Thomas HOI:se Show be 1'l3c6nsidered and that we grant them the sum of fifty dollars~-:-Cal'ried. l\hivedby M. M. Black, seconded by C.' O. Luton, 'l'hat this Council grant the BelmontHol'l!eSho\v the sum of twelity.five dollars,saidamount not to~eexpendedfor i:acing.~Ca.l'ried. Mon'd by W.T;Hare; seconded by J.A. Jac'ks!)n, TbatBy.cL:lwNo.716; qe;ng aBy.Llo\wtoconfirm equalization of ,1\6. aesflxilenL Rolls, be:recejved and rl?uda fir.Et time.--'-Carried; :Moved by C W.WonnucoU, sl?col?ded by,W. T. IHare, That' By~Law No.)16 ,be read a second time.--Carried. l\1o\'ed ~yWm. Grant; secollded b.'" C. W. Wonnacott, ,- gO' 't-ha't, By-taw No. 716 be rearla third time anclfinally paseed',-Garrfed~ Moved by Dr. Ling, s~colldedby D~ Bluer That By-1..awNo.'71'rbeing a by~]aw to gra!:',tadditionaJ.aidtoHigh Schools ill the,CollutyofElgin. b.e receiveda.nd fl3ad a ,first time_Carried. MO'fedby Dugald Blue, Aeconded by I)r.- Ling,. ;Shat By"La"Y No; n7be read a's~cond tilUe,;-Carri-ed~_ Mov~d_by Dr,..Ling,se9onqedbyI\ Bluer That By.Law No.711 be read a tl1il'd time and finallypassed.~Curried. MovedbyE.B. Bald\'\"il1,li=econded by Ar.thllrMcDoriald. l'hu'.. By- LawNo.718,: b~iJlga ,by~]awto appoint ati'ustee for:tne Vielltllt High Sch~ol, be received and read a first.time..-,...Carried Moved - by A'rtlJur ,McDonald, aecondeq.,by E..B, ,Bald \\'I,U, That fjy:L:1W No. 71Sberaad a second t.ime.,,,--,Oarried. :\,luI'Nl oyArtbur M'cDonaJdl seconded by E. B, BlIldwlll, TliatHy:Law No. 718 be read a thirdtirr_w and finally va9sed~-Oarr:ed. M0\'ed t'l'yM.'M. BlilCk,f!econdedbyJ,.sumn~el'e; TbatBy-La'f'i' No'. 719, being a by-Jaw toautborize,Wal'den and Treas~' . lirer ~o borrow$20,OOO, ber~ceived and read a first time. -....Carried. Moved by J. R.SuUJmers,'s@conded-bYM.M.Black'; T,hatBy.Law No. 719 be read a secon!itime.-Carried. Moved byM.l\L Bia~k,seconded.hy J. R.8umniers, 1'hat By-Law No. 719 be read a third time and 'finally pussed.-Qarried. M?ved by C. E. Locke,secondl~d by A. 8. Rogers ffhat l~y.taw No; 720, being n by~law to fix fees to be paid Jurors:, be 1'(~~p(\'edand read a fir.:it ti:ine.-Carrjf~d. 31 FIRST SESSION-FOURTH DAY Moved by C: \~'. Wonnacott. seconded bv C. E. Locke, That By'Law NH; 720 be read n second time.-Carried. Moved by C. W. Wonnacott, e>ecollded by A. S. Rogers, That By-Law No; 720 be H'ud a I,hird ..iole and finnllv passed.-Oarried Moved by R. '1'. Meek, Eeconded by C. O. Lllton, That By-Law' No. 721, being a By-Law ,to raise ~mounts Rates. be. recei ved and read, a. first time.-Carried. Moved by C. O. Luton, seconded by R. T. Meek. -That By. Law No. 721 be read a secpnd time.-Carried. :Move(J byII. J. Henderson, seconded by R. T. Meek, TQat By-Law No~ 721 herea.d a third time andfinal1ypassed.-Carrj~d. for' County Moved byA. G. Duncanson, seconded by .I. A McLean, meet on Tnesdaythe 19th of November.- W, TOLMIE, 'Varden,. " 32 SPEC! AL SESSION. FRIDAY, t.he 19th day of Jilly, 1907. The Elgin Cunnt1 OOIlDCil. met t.his' day at the Court House, St; rrh')m~ a8,atone o'clock, in special sMsioncalled by the Wardentoconslder're. p'Jrt of the Public Improvements Committee in reference t.o I'ebnildmg a Bridge' at Vienna. The Warden in the Chair. All tlle rnembersprC8ent, except Mr. Me!')k. A report from the County Eng:lJeer was presented and I eferred to the Public'Improvements Comlilittee. , 'f1hereportof the' Publiclmprovement,s Corrimittee 'w'aa presented and r~ferredto a committee -of the whole, e.E. Locke' iuthe chair. After confiideratioll the report 'was adopted on motion of Locke, :80' oIlded by Hare, on the fo]]uwilJg~ division. Yeas~.Jackson, Grant, Hare, Wonn,ueatt, Rogel'El, Locke, Luton, Sum. mel'S, Black, Baldwin, McDonald-lI, Naxs-MeLean, Dllllcanson, Blne, Ling and Hnndel'son,-5, On rnotion of C, Wonnacott, seconded bv .John R. Snmm~l'!l the conncil Adjonrned. VI'., Tou.i:IE, Warden 3S THIRD SESSION-FIRST DAY Tuesday,the 19th of November., 19(H. The' Elgin, County Conricil met this day at the' Court Houge, St. -'Thom.. a>l, at 2 p.m. The Wal'denill the (lh~,ir. All the membe~pl'eSent. The W8rden addresl:Iedthe Council asfollows: '1'0 the Elgin County Council: G1NGJemen- , Since our special session in July a fe,w matters of intel'8st have required my attention. MAPJ,E'l'ON RRIDG}t~ ACCIDENT Early in Augu.:lt,F. Dunsford was driving a traction engine and separator over the Maple.ton bridge situated on road used in lieu of the town line between Yanllouth and Dorchester. He met with a 8erious acoident owing to a' defective-cord breaking and pl'ecipit~ting driver and outfit into the creek. MI'. Dunsfo.d wafl~lightly injured. The Public Irnprovements C~mmlttee met, a~expert examined the engine and sepa'rator and reported amount of daniage, and after secilring the opinion of the <Jounty Solicitor andgivirig tnequestion ourqest oonsjdel'l1tion, a settlement was made with lVIr.Dunsford for $];100.00. This aUlonnthasbeen paid over by the County Tl'ea!'\urer. NELSO,~ CHAMBEHS' WILt, Last year Nehwi:i Chanibeni,of Aylmer, died leaving bequests antount. irig to sno,ooo for the ClUe of the county porn' at' House of hefuge and Amasa \Yood Hospital"St 'l'homas. It wasthonght by some' tohe art 'ex,~ cessive amolmt,cOlll'idt'ring". that the tntal estate amonnted to $27,801). Mr. Haiiws., s(jHcitorJor member>; of Mr. Charnber's family, ma~ea -prO):lo. sitionto the city and Gonnty in reference t,he~'eto and,a F;ub-Commit:teeof :the:I-Iollse of Industry t ommittee met with ~ome members of the hospital Hoardto eonsirier the in:ltter; nothiug was decided.'The executors' of the erotar.e applied to the Conn for arllllterpret,ation of the will. 'rheSolicitors for-county an'li eity attenderl. AR a rei'<lllt the cOllntywill reciciveone-ha]{of the leg-acy at Olle8. The jlldgf! reser\'e(~hi,~ dec f'ion RRto the bn.lante. ," 34 FOOTE BRfDGE , tcannot let the opportunity pasi'l with"ut l'efening to the completion .of the triple arch cement bridge at Foote's on t.he.LOlidon and Pot!. Stanley gravelled'road. It is IL magnificent strnctl1re, introducing the most modern ,ideas in bridge construction. Future councils wiH do well if they encourage this class of work and seCUl'eas good value for bridge expenditures in the future. Unless the communications, to be laid before you bring np ~ome business of importance of which I am not~ware, there will not be many questions for the coul!9il to dispose of. Theproceedin(i8 of the last dayo! tbeluue eession an~ oCthe' spe,ciat session -were rend and confirmed. The foIlowin~ cOl11tnl.lnicat.ions were read: From-County'TreaSllrer, with report; referred_ to Finance committee. FromConntv Engineer,with report, referred to Public Improvement Com mittee. . , From Count.,. Clerk. wit,h report on Licenses. Fro:~lPby~iciab Homm of It:dustry,' with report; referred to I-Iotlsc of IndustrJ~ Committee. FromJ. Gosnell, County Clerk, Kent, with accotu:t for repairs Botb. well bridgej referred to Public Improvement Committ,p.es. From O. D. nr.d A. L Ol'ltmanl re loss on Vienna bridge contract;re. ferred to Public ImproveJuents,Committee. From County 9Ierk:ofI-Ialton, with -petition for iiJcreu8e in L~gislative grant. for highway impro\'ement'j referred to Committee on Petitj',ns and Legi~lation, From Ontario Rifle Association, Ie grant; n:iferred to FinanceC<Jllllllittee. , Frolll.T, 1\1. (:ilplln,COlll1ty SoliCitor, re Nelwn Chambers' will; reier.- red to:Finunce Con'-ulit.tee.' FromP:,:hwne,ra~ A,id Associatj.O,ll; tllanks for nrmual grant._ 35 From J. D. Cberri8l', seeretary Hamilto,n_R~dial EJectri~ Eail\,\'uyCom. pany, noticere,ll:'gislation .lpplied for; referred to' Petition.s and Legislation COlumjttee. .Mr. McLean preEf!Ilt.eda p(~titioll for incorporat,ion -of the vill~ge of West Lorne;, referredto--Petitiolls aJ'ldLegislation Commlttet:'. Mr. Black gave notice of application fdr reb<J.te 011 Pedlars Licens61 fee paid,by Hh'arn Chambers, Springfield. Moved by M. M; Black, seconded' by.-J: R. Snmmers, That thiscotlnci.l do not adjourn to meet at 11 o'clock to-morrow to allow Committees to meet.-Cll:rried. . W TOLMIlC, \-Varden:. 36 37 The committee on Petit.ionsand Legistation retired to cOllsiderthe new petition: rl,~ferred to them. After atr.le"din~ the report it was again preeetited ' and referred to a committee of the whole with Mr.:Summers in the chair. After considering the report clause byclauae, the committee rOBe and reo port was adopt~d,withont amendment on motion of Summers seGonded' by Ling. THIRD SESSlON~SEOOND DAY Wednesday, the 20th 'Novemuer, 1907. '1'he Elgin County COllllcilmetthis day according to adjournment. '1'ile Warden in;the chair. All mi:Hilbers present. rhe pl'A'eedingaof the previous day were read and confirmed. Moved by W. r. Hare, secQudedbyW. Grant; TheAlltlual Eeport of the Inspector of tile House of Industry was pre- sen,tednnd 'ceferred to the Oommittee. That this Council do now adjoUf[l_ until ten o'clock to allow committeps to meet. tomorrow morning Mr. McLean presented petition for tbp.incorporatidnof the village of Hodlley,which wasrefened to the Committee on Petitiolls and Legislation W. TOLMIE, Warden. Moved by H.. E. Meek. seconded t.y H.'J. Hende,reon, 'l'lliLt' the Pnblic Improven:ient8 Oomrnit'tee include in their report a definition of what Bridges on Oonnty and .Township Boundary liaes this CUllllt,yOonncil is liable to maint,ain.---CarrieJ. .Moved ,by C. O. Luton, seconded by J. R. Smnm,ers, That the Oouncil adjonfO ulltil 2 p. m.-Carried. Thtl Council Resumed. The n:port of ,,' the commIttee on Petitions and Leghllationwaspre_ sellted awl referred to a committee of the wllole.-Mr. SUlllmersiu the chair. Aft,ar considering a part of the re1?ort the committee rose aud'asked 'leave to iit again. W'hen the warden resumed the chair, Mr. McLean presented petition from ratepayers opposed to the incorporation oftbe village of Rodney. This 'was l'eJ'erred to the committee onPetitioos 900d Legislation. D('pllt<\t10nS from the 'villl:!-ges of We8~ Loroe and Rodney being pre- SP,Ilt, addressed the Council: !\l,~:::sri". Dorland and Morris fa\'ored the incorpor!4t.ion o:f Rodney; and ~:h'SHS. Whiuon, MistelE', McRitchie.' <;traham and Katzenm,ier were ap- p\l~lf'd. Messr8. Hobertson and McKillop SllpportNJ the p,.~tition f01' incorpora- tion of W('st,Lorne. :18 THIRD SESSION-'fHIRD DAY Thursday the'21~t N6venlber. 1907. 39 ' dred. dollal's"F()r "a ,license to peddle in this county, 'and whel'eas"thesaid H~raln ChaIp'hel's'wa ulOt:able' to'enjoy the'" benefit ,oI, his, lic~nse d~ringthe' 'wholeyear,'o'~ing to a fire which destroyed his store,entailin;; a loss to hIm oIover'$15,OOO; be it r~8olved that he be granted a rebate of fiftydollal'i; on his,license ,fees for,1907~ --':Carried. ..rhe Elgin Oount,yColll,lci! m,et this day according to adjournment. The Warden in the chair; All mem'bt?rA preeent. The proceedings of the pre'vious day, were read and confirmed. ~IIo"e4.bYl\l. M. Bfa,ck, secondedby G.O.Luton, Moved by,C. E. L~ck(",Aecollded by R. E. Meek, Thatwhel'eas It,.has come to the' kno\vledge of this,'Council that 'certain \ tea'p~~dd~el"sand,ot.herf3 arc "peddling .in, this Connty withouf,licenses;,:tha t, the:connty}onstables ,be furnished ,wi1:halist of aU'licenses,and be iri~ strllctedto pI:OSecllte,~n ,tho~e fOllnd ,without the necessary,pap,el's.~Carrie.d.' 1vlove(lby ,KH.:BaldwiIi, seconded,by,A~ McDonald, That Deputation from the Elgin Poultry Assoch\tion be heard.-Carl'j'ed. Messrs. A. W. Graham and T. H. Bcot,t addressed tbe Council re" queiting grant. Moved by C. Lockp, seconded bv 0: W. Wonnacott, I ' " . That we grant the sum of twenty-five DanaI'S to the Elgin Poultry A!!,sociation.-Carried. 'l'haf:his Coup::;,ll. adjolimuntiJ ten/o'clock.to"morrow.~OaTried. W, TOLMIE, Vi arden. Moved by C. O. Luton, 'seconded by J. R. Summers, That.tbe Council. adjourn .until 2o'clock....;..;Carried. 'l'he Council Rpsnmed. The report of the Pnblic Improvements committee was presented fwd adopted on motion of Locke seconded by' Ha e. The report of the gaol committee was presented and adoptedoll motion of Rogers, seconded by McLeall. The report of the HOllse of Industry committee was Dr: sl,'nted aud adopted on motion of Wonnacott, seconded by ?\feek. - The report__of Delegates to the Ontario N!:ul)icpal'Association 'was pnl" setited and adopted on motio'n of BIlle seconded by McLean. , The repbrt of. the' Education Committee. was presented and adorited on motion of Ling, seconded by'Black. Moved by M. M,Blac.'k, seconded by C. O. Luton, That whereas Hiram Chambers, of Spriri!rfield, paid the sum of one hun. 40 TI;!IlW $ES$ION-FOUJt:rH DAY Fl'ida~y;th~22ati day of November,'1907. The EIghL CollutyCouncil met this day according to adjonl'lHuent; 1'hecWal'q.en iI} the c,hair. All the memberspreaent. T~e proceedings ot the pr,eviou8 day were read alld confirme~~, . The report of the Finance COlninittee was presented and adopted motion of Meek, seconded ,by \Vonnacott. Moyeq. by O. 'E. Locke,se,conded by C.,p~ Luton, That the settle,ment made by the Public. Improvements. Committee wit~ F. DUllsfordfor damages sustained at the Mapleton bridge be aplncived,by thi~ 'CounciL---':'Cl1ri'ied", Moved by Dr. Ling,8cconded by D.Blue, That By'Law No. 722, being a 'by-law to uppoinu censustakcl's tor Rod- o neyand West Lome, be recei\red aU(ll;ead afirsftime.-Carried; Mo'ved by C.E. Locke, second_od by A.S. Hogers, That By-Law No. 722'be read ase-eoud tllllc.-Ctul'led: 'Moved by Wm. Grallt, seconded by ,J,A, "Jackson, That By-Law No. 722 be read a third time and fi1m{Jy passed.'---Qarded. Moved byj.'vI. fvl. Bllt,)k, secoH.led by 'J. R. Summel's, ' That,1',he mInutes of the various se!:;sions 'of the Council be printed and di?tdbated by'the 21st day ,of December.-Carried. Moved by Dr. L'illg,seeonded by It T. Meek, That this Council adjourn (,Q meet on 21st Decemher a,tten o'el9:ck, amI that all unfinished business be laid over until saiddate.-Carried; "v. TOLMn<:; Warden' 41 RE.POR TS OF. COMMITTEl[.S . AND OFFICIALS STANDING COMMITTEES, 1907 Elgin County,Council GAOL, AND PRIN'rnw-A. S. Hogers (Ohairman), McLean, J acksoll;' Bald win. :FINANCE-Robert T:Meek (Chairman), MeLean,Duncanson, W Ollnacott~ lLDUCATIONAL~George\V. ;Lin'g,M- D~ (Chairrp.an), Hoger~, Hare" Jackson, Luton) SummerFl,Baldwin, Black. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION~Dugald Blue (Chairman), Grant,. McD(),nald: ' , PUBLIC IMPRovE1.:L!l:N1's:...,...Chafi.K Locke, ( (;hrdrman), Dltneamll)n; Gra.nt;Luton,McDona.ld,Black. , . , HOYSE OF INDUSTRY-Chas. W. WOnl)acott, (Chairmf1n), hlue,"Meek, Sum~erj, . Ling. N.B....,....::The Wardeniaex'officio niembcl'oiall ~he StalidiugCOltllilitreoici. 42 PUBLIC SCHOOL IN';PECTOR'S REPORT .Tune Session T.i) the. W'arden ll;nd meLuters of'the Elt{irj G6urity.Council: H{;ntJelbe~~I bl\ve the h,onol', of 'presetlting Illy report on' tile ,Public Schools of EIglO. County 101' the year 1906. SCHOOL HOUS]IIE! 'rIlerewere 1091::;0hool BUlJsee in the'County 1~8t year; One more' is ,'being added this year,' hi 'the new Section created. laet -year in the central part of Yarm'ontb. There. ,ba,ve befln IOUle in~pt;ovements made in the pooter buildi'ng~, dl~ringthe, YI!JRr a~d :lnore 'will be done, dori?g theapproachiug holidays;! !:1() t.battbe' S('!ctions m;::y more largely partiClp3.le in the distribution of tbe Legii:l,lil,ti ve RndColluty Grants. ' Recently two Bew rnqdern School HOllses_ were erecte4! olle inS.S. No.',23 Yarmouth ltnd one in S. S. No. 14 5outbw(jld. 1'hl'ee. l\.r~ tob~~ ,; '{freclBd this year...:....om~in'the ueWSMtion referred to, one in' No.2 Dun- ,\'iqhand one III Qrwflll,to replace _the old one burned a iewdaysago. T~leBe,T believe; will be thti R)Olltrnodern ftndnp.to-Qft'te Rural School Honses in the 'Proyince. VBNTILA TIOM A.!lthembdern school hOlllilesare well ventilated arid in a good many of thl'JolderllOllMeRaplendidv&Rtilating sY8tt.~m haabeen installed. I ~XpE'ctth8 otliltrstoreceive the desired attention this BUmmer. The Grarit fOfsuitable ventilation islargertha.nforftn,yother item of nccOlnniodation, becl\ul!@ it 16'recognized to,be of the ma~t vital ihlportance to'itb.e physical well belng of children that,they be rmppHed 'with good pure ail'. Ti.!achers in schoole recently ventilated, tell me, tllat they"noticeda vast change ill' the condition aftheir pupils. Thel'ewerefewel'.c'olds, less headaches, less filleepinesfiI'andindlfference to their '!Vork'and, more cheer~ fuln"eSs,~tlergy, power arid willingneB"t'1 Jotbe woi'kof the school. EQUIPMENT 1n1906, die E~gin Rural Schools received a special Legislative Grant, ,if 4R $1,368: the C0nnty gi\ying an eqni'valent, making a total Grant of 2,736. Tbisel'ant wa'! not intended to be used for ordinary' expenses of the schools but to purcbasesl1ch 'equipment as any efficent rural' school shou'ld -have; Allbut.three l'll1'al schools have need thil' grailt as was intended audare n'ow provided with a splendid p.qni'pnnmt of maps, giobes, ,dictionari~s'.et:c. The three schaalI:' referred-to. are in sectlqns amongLhe most wealthy in t'he connty. Alr~ady,teachers repor'tto me of the more efllcientandintelli~' geilt. w()rk being done in 'the schools s:nce they ai'e sllPpliedwith suitable appl.iances. Asln:~p()rted last year, all pnblic schools In EIg:inare 'pl'Ovl<1ed ,witb suitable iibraries. Last 'year additious were made t,o .the libraries to extent t;-,at,.the Legislative Grant, amounted to over $200: In the matter of libral'[esat:d other nece~sary eq\lipjlle~lt, the scho61~ of Elgin are far in advance of the schools in allvotper ,colintyintht': province. Without the 81ll)port 'andco-aperationof the "peopl.-e; we 'COllld not'have, accomplished 'thi!5 good work'an!l I congratnlate them 00 the reputation they have acquired, as an ent'erprising and g{~nerous people, in the matter of their puhlic schools. SCHOOL YARDS Stllne school yar:ls -arC verY,ne'1t and tidy, hut some are vOI'y'i'ough, ill. kept placos. The soh9.01 pre:mises I'Ihould be the prettiest spot iiI the sectioii, ',. but.it is not. Shade ti'ees,,,lll'ilbs,' -flower ;beds atld flowering vine's anell,lie care ofteachel's and pnpils,:,>vill do wonders' in' changinl-{the appearance 'O'Ca' school yard. '1'he whole section should take. pricle in' th~ir school-the 1!i1l1'~ l'aunding~as well as the building and the w'ark accompli~hed. TEACI-lJ~US:;' 'rIwro were 139 ~eachel's in 'the county last !year--,-32 men and 107 WOlIlEnl te~ch~rs. _ Ofthes{l 119, were engaged. in the ruraL schools. Of ther\ll'aJ ' t,eachel's, 65 held third claFs cel'tificates,48 seconds and 6 firsts. Third-class certificater,;are still largely in themajodty. . AftertheNe,,, Normal~got into active work, only_ permanent certificates will be issued. As t,he Ne'w NOl'mall'l will, n()t be 'completed till 1908, there will be another session6f \ Model. Schools. :PUPILS. The Schoolpopulatian in 1906 was'6,681, and the numbl"lrof pnpils're~ gistered in the schools Was 5~94L . Of thes,H, 8,021 were boys and 2,92(; ~irls. Thenuinber in par!, 1 ~vas 1,233; p:,ut 2, 673; Se~ond Porm, 1,01.7 ~hil'd form, 1,189; Fourth forni, 1,266, a\~d Fifth fOl'lI1 433. 44 CON'l'INUATION CLASSES; _' ,rrfHdolhH\'ingschoo]8rilr~~edris eon,t.innati()llclai3s-schoots -arH~ n'c{'i\'pd ,g~llllts ns Hhowt;lher~~: JiegnJar,pral1t. Special Grant' $IQO 100 50 50 50 "",," ".. 50 ........ .... 25 25 25 25 15 ]5 ...... .... ],5' R(ldileY~',;,;:/" . Wes't.l)orlle 'Sb,eddeJi Bdrnont.. . .., Sppll,El;-fie:!d'i<":'" .....,... PO'I;t"Sta~rh~y......-.;.. ..', 6 i)ontl},Wold:.. ",'" 8:,Sr\ll~.Ilwold .._,...... ,5 Dlirl>~.jch ',.)....:.; 'nsot1't)ll\'old.... ,.., S. t\j~4'pro\1i!tl .1OSo'jithwoJd 18. Yai.jjwuth '-"il ,,".. ,$200 200 ]00 11)0 100 ]00, 50 50 50 50, 30 """..,, 30, 30. 'fUl.lll '" $1.090 $545 TIH~RPl!ci}ll'grallVwere givcnto :lssist; t.heechools in.the. purchase ,of RcIent,ificeq~ipme~~ and"booked refe~ehce '''''f0r: tbe - OontihnfiHoti ,,'.CJ",lss'ee;. TIJ"s(~grflntst.o Coptinl)lltion:'Claeses'will be largely increased. t,llitJ .Y:,ea~'."af; showI~ b~.t'he' circlilarfrom the DeparLltiem, 'which J am appe'ndingto 'tl.lie rl-'port,'; 1,]~QISLA'1'IVE-AND COUNTY GRANTS FQR'l'HE PRESENT YEAR :rherc are ~O\lr differentgrll~ts payable to rural schools: ,'Fixei;.Grants; Grants on Teachers' Salaries. Grants on. the ,Quali fic<lti6ns ofthe,Teachc'rs.. ,Grulits' on Equipnlent ,and Accommodation; In,addition to.tqese there is a:Speci~l'Gra-nt':f.orLibrarie~oradditiohs 'thcl'eto; PiHchasedsince'July, 1st; 1996. No school is to,receive.nwl'ethan $:).orJ'and no purc.hase is to be less than$W.OO. rl'l~e"Fixed 'G~arits" are to rural schoolsjllt(lwnshipswhere the average a"~e~l';-f1ent 'of the sectiomof such township'iI,relessthal) $0,0,000.0.0. . As .EIg,iIllla'l,-no township where the avera;;:e asseSflment otthesectlOns,lFl as lowtl.fol $50,000.00, no school in t,his county will s::al'e i~l tbe8e- "Fixed' Grallts.," 45 Th~"GmIltsori Salaries."ar~etohe'40%(Inthat pait of tue salary Qvel' $300'Jor .~. prinCIpal. and $26Vf~r,~n,a;s~i,.,tant.tillii;hesalal'y.reaches $61)0, where- the ayerl1ge st'ction aS8essmcntis $60,000.0001' over, 'as is the case in c\'eI'Yl.ownship in l~]p'in. ' ~GRANTSON T1IE .QUAr..IFICNfIONS,01<',TEACHERS Each 'i'uralschool shall receive a Legh;latiyeg-ralltot $2();O'O;' whe'r~>~ ho14in~.asec()Ild or Hrst.cl.asj3 Qertificate-,is_.employed,. if slich .teach-eT reported cornpetellt. .- GRANTS. ON lC,QUlFMJCN'li X~m ACCOMMODATiONS; These. grantswillche rl"ovidedfot- {)tlt of$60iOOO.OO Legisfa'tiVe' .Gf~nt. eqnivaj~nttoqeraifjedbythe County COl,1ncil!O. ~'he,~rants "viIlb~ the \'al~e;of the' eqll~p'men.~andthe chara:;;teroLthe a-cco.i.illllOda." .. ....... .... '. . ." ...., .:...:...... /..... . .......'..., : rurali schoolsha~j receivl~ 10% of ' the approveava-Iue of the a wa.xinVimgrant'of$2C.OO for each principal and$2.50ad~ i;tsBi8ta:rit. co.:iblll~d ;legisJ'ati"e' aIl~leoi1nty:gl:ants, .each rurals<:hool !!rt,tnto"n the character, of itsaccomnlOdu.trone, rangingJrom for'aoil~-t,t;ache-l'school, fi'otll$lL30 to $45;00 for a.two ltnd,:forthtee teachersur lIlore,from'$15.06 to$60.tiO. iriadethisschelUe quit'e:plain. 1 shall begladto give any dCHired. lhaveattac,hed,r.o,this .report, CiNularo15A, Depart..jent, . directing yourattention< ~o, itri'portant School Act, passed by the Legislature, at its last. session.. Illavethe,honor to:be, gc?nqemeb, "~, , Your obedient 8el;van.t, W~ A'J'KIN" School.'hispector. St. ,Thomas; 4th June, 1907. 44 CON1'INUA'fION CLASi3F..,s. ,rfhefollo\\'ingsqhools rilnked as: Oont,innat.iQllC1HA8sqhoo)s ,awl' J'('c(>j\'pd grantsfls 8hO\\'11 'Jlel'e: /Reg,nJar:firant HndlH'l'5"::';,... ..'...,. .0'.'. $200 WesOLl:hHIl(:' ... ... ,_.. .200 'Rheadcli ...,. lOP Belniont. 100 SPfj;n~'fieJd'(~, ...... '" '100 Po".'tSt,r\1?'Ip.y.... .. ,', .'.. .... 100.... 6,~~olltlhnjld:... 'p' "H, 50 8,So,pt1i'sold , . " . . ',' .. .. . . 50 ,5' Dntr~'jch ""j.. ..:.; ..... 50 ],],,':ol<H{t)I\\old:... ..',. ",_" 50. 8: t,\-Id:qprqllf!ll . . . 30 lOSohl;ln~;o]d . "'q.. ."... 30. 18Yfii:hIOIHh..,.. ..'.. 30. Special-Grant $IQO 100 50 50 50 50 25 2,5 25 25 ,15 15 Ip Total...; $1.090 $545 Tfll~,1'iPllCij1.1 graIl V \\;eregi ",en tr), :lssist:the sch?ols ',in,th~.Pllrchaliie>:of ReIent,i,fi~:eq~ipme~t and'books,ofreference for LbeU~nLillnation CI",18S'Pf;: '1'/,ll'S!) gr~ll~s,tq, COl1ti~IH\tioll' 'Classes will b~ largely incr\'lase~ tl.~i13yelll\:atl ah.ow9 bv.the'circ~lar' fronl,the Deparlniell~, wbich laIU appending to,'tl.lis r~'port. LlmISLA'l'IVE ;-AND COUN1'YGRAN'l'g- FOR THE PRESENT, YEAR There are, fOIlI:differentg'rlJ.~tspayable ,to ruraIschools: ,Fixd,:Grants; ''Grants oll-Teacherr;' Sala.-ries. Grants on,the,:Qualifications of. the Teacrhel's;; .Grant8 on Equipment and Accommodation. :IU" ddition- tot4esethere isaSpecial Grant'forLibrarie~'ol' ad~itiOi:I~; thel'et,Q pill'chased since J uly, 1st, , 1996. No 8chool is to.receive nlorethan $,3,.()i)alldnopurchase is to'bellilssthan $lO.OO, The'" ',Fi~ed'Grants", ate to rural schools: .intownshipswhel'e.the averag~ ,a,<:h~f;$tnentof' the' sectiomof such townshipa.reles8 thaIl $50,000.0.0,. A_~ ,Eig)u ha?-no township whel:e the avera~ea8Segi'ment ot ,the8eC\tl~ns.il'las. ~ow ai, $50,000.00, nosohooI in t,his county will s::arcin.the;,e "Fixed Grants.'" I 45 Th~"Grants ou Salaries" are,~o:he"40%onthat. paitof the salary Qvel' $:300. tor~principal and $260 for,all,as!'>ii;l,tant till.ithesalal'Y reaches $600. where.thea'''er'~ge St'CUOll aS8eS,Slllantis $60,pOO:'Oo. or over, 'as is theease in every bownsuipin ~iIRin; GR'AN'l'RON- THE QUALWW:ATIONSOF TEACHERS 8cho()1' shall receive a Leg'is'\atiye'grant' of' $2C(O'O/ ",he~~, ~ aSeC(Hld 01', first~clas~ gertifiC8;t~~ is:13mployed, if such ,teacher GRANTS ON l~QUIPMImT AND Aco'OrvITliOriX'l;iON& w:iil' he rrbvided- for out. ot' $60;000. 00' :Legisla'ti~'e'Gfan t to b,e)'aised by the' COllnt;YQ91'1ncil".'l'~egrants ,viI] be i'allie" of ..nleeq'u~pmer~~ and t.he chara:;,ter..ofth~',a<jcO'~~](jd~, fumf.. school sha:I receive lOT of the [tpprovedyaIueofthe grant.o"f $2(,00 for each principal and $2.50 ad~ co.~lbmed .jegisj'ati~e ancleounty:,gran~8,:eachrural s('hooI ~l'ant 011' the chal'actel', of its ,accommodlttlOns,' l'an~ing, .from tO$:~~~O? fOr'<a,orie',t,~~e4~l'sehool, from $11.30 to,$45.QOfor a~t,wo :,chaol andJor three teachers Ill" mOl'e,"from $15.0()to $60.0.0. have made-thisscheme quite, plain. I shall be glad to giyeany deHired. Ihav'e atta~hed'J.o,'this ,repol't;Qirouhu-l5A, D~pal'k,j'ent, directing your, .attentiont~.:.: iIn'pott~nt SehoolActj passed_ by the Legislature, at its last, 'session. '~onor,tobej gl?ntIelllen, Yourobed'ient servant., W; A'rICIN, School Inspector. St. ,Thomas;'4tli.June,1907: 46 EDUCATION COMMITTEE JANUARY '1'0 q1.e E.lgin County Council~ Gelltlemen,,~ The Education Committe reporfs~ 1 T1ui.t communication: from. the Ridgetmvn Colleghite Institute be re~erred to the County Solicitor toc,ertify to the County Treasurer' the amomlt due tbe lnstitute for maintenance of' COllnty- pupils._ 2 That tbe report of the St. Thomas, Collegiate Institute be filed. 3 That Dr < Ling represent this c~unci1 at meeting of Provincial Trustee:; Association in Toronto on '2nd April. 4 That notice from -Woodstock Collegia,le Instit~tebe filed. Altaf which is respectfully siibmittec1.' GEORGE'WLING, 'ChB.irnit.:,~ . 24th January, 1907. JUNe To the Elgin-Count.y Council: Gentlem111,-- The Education Committee reports: 'that the PilhlicSchool Inspector's reporfbe received aadprintedin the lriinute~. 2 :That ther-eport of proceedings. of Educ'atidnal Association repGrted l)' Dr, Llng- be..i:eceived'~ll1d pdnteu. in t1).e'minutes. 3',', That'we gl"ant o::le,clol1ar,atid twe.lty-five cents fOe' ev~ry dollar apV".- priated by'tIle Goven1tl1ent {or contir:uahonclil2.s,sdiobisi;1 Elgin'_ 4 'fbat the statuto'ry gleant" to the High Schools be suppl~m.ented by the . fol1<)winf{ sp~cjalgrants': 47 Dutton Aylmer Vienna........ ,,$5,0,0,,06 . 400.00 ".,......""";""",,,,,....',,, 25,0,,0,0 '5 ,Tha,t commul1lcations'fi'op1- the "Ing~l'soU andTillsonburg"H;igh, SchOOl Boards be referred 'to the Clerk and Solicitortoascer~aintl~e amount due f~r cOll.nty pupils' 'attelidailce; 1906, and that' the" County .Treasurer, pay dntheir certificate. All Dr which is respectfully stibrriitted: 6'thJune, 1907. NOVEMBER T6 the Elgil1-County'CounciL Gentlemen,~ The Education'Committee reports: 1 Th~ttb~ sumo($92.35bepaid' ance cl?unty pupils, 1906. 2 That tllesum of $225: 78 be paid Tillsonburg 'ance county pupils. ,1906. 3 . ,'rhat the Municipal WorW' account for. printing' examination papers"cel:~ tifica.tes;. etc..;fol'.P'ublic School. Insp~ctor,. amo?-ntiI!'g to $29.75,I.pe paid. 4 . That.theamount 'of $8.00 .bepai'~ J.Smith,B.i\.:',expenses al; (lelegate 'to'.the Provincial T~ustees' ,Asso9iation in AprilJast.. All-of which is respectfully submitted. GEORGE W, REl'ORT OF n-lE DELEGATE TO THE ONTAIUO EDUCATION -;UNESESSION, The.Fo'rty~Sixth Anl)ual,Meeting .of:the Ontario'Rducational.Asso6i:i1tion. metinthebuildingsoftheUniversity of Toronto" Aptil 2nd, and closedonth,e' . ev~ning_'of April4,19,b7. 1;'bis, assodationhasjbeen steadily 4~ Hsinfluence till at the presenttime',itrepresents almost every educational interest in the Prov:i~ce of Ontario. In otdertb accommodate the very large attendance, and aJso to afford hetter o1?portunities'-for work atlcl discussions along ,special .lines,several,dep\lrtments "~n'd-sections lui.~e been ''formed. Each of thest!departnientsand.secti61lsisaffili- ated,with the General.Association. Each is officered an'd managed pyeducation? ~ists: who are particularly interested in tne spedallirie repl'eseritedby theclepart- ment: ' i The' GeneraJAssocia1iOli affords an opportunityforthe transaction of business of commoriinterest to all departments and sections, and also gives an oppor- tunity qfdiscussing educational problems of general interest to the Province. .OnTuesday morning the Association opened with sixteen departments, 'all largely attended. The College and. High School departments,r~presei:1t the in- tel'estsc'ommon ',to the Universities;' High Sch.ools and Collegiate_ Institutes. These are further represented by the High School Principals': Department" and the Sections of ModernLap.guages, Natural Science, Classics, Mathematics and Physics, History and Commerce. ThePublic,schoolsare rl:<presentedby the Department of Public Schools', Kindergartens, 'Inspectors, Training, ,Manual,'Arts; Home Science, Hygiene.-and Tfllstees. It is impossible, to attend these' meeth1gs witholit:being sttOltgIyimpress;ed witb, t!le1r importance in' mouldlngandgivirig direction to the trend of education Ontario. There were many papers read py' educationists of recognized ability, huta full, rep.ort of, these would he impossible. Perhaps the question ,.of. greatest interest\vasthe formatidnof a T~achers" 'Vition. The obJects of this Union-, as recommended by a Committee tothe As~ s'ociatioll, include the fO,llowing: To unite the teachers of Ontario,for mutual improvement and protection; t<r provide,a:,medium for effective expression of t1teir:collective:'opinions 'on"educa'- tionalquestiops; to provide_ means for those who'" administer educational affairs; to secure information andadvicebas~d on the experience df the',associated teach~ erfl,and to further co-operation of trustees and teachers; 'to determin~ and con-, tr.olth~C}ua,1ifications for entering.the profession; ,to secure the proper recogni- tion, of the t~aching profession in all appointments to the highet,positions in the educational service of the '[>rovince; t()secureaneqliitable 'superat{uation Gchenie; to secure the' compilation of a teachers', register for Ontario;. to afford a.civlce"inpr~fessional matters.to llw'mber~ of the Union; to -exferid. protection: to 40, anymeIll,berswroi1gftillytreated,' apd,to dad from them the proper fulfilment of their p~ofessi6i::tal eiigagements, and'to discipline, any membet:s found, gl1i(ty of unprofessional.conduct. The questionofs'uperauuation of teachers was, one of the' large problems: befoi'etllecon'vention. Chancellor Burwq.sh reported to' the General AssoCiation for the committee appointed to interview the. Governmellt on tl:is' ~uestioit; q1at inasmuch as asmtable scheme would involve tbeexpenditure of$60;000.00:a year,theqdver:qmeri,t could not see its way dearatpresenUoembarkin such , an 'un-derta""ing. Before ,the pubiic.. School..:and.. fl'rust:es Departments'a very suggestive dress wa~givellby Mr.M. Parkinson on "Points, Picked/up m Toronto public Schools," The annuaJ outhty fot repairs on school buildings.. worth $2;OQO,000 '"'<tsnotover.tw,o gel' cent-.. _while ordinary companies expect .to spencl five,per ce~t. This llighl/ satisfactory condition is attri~uted to thefactthatthe,city has asuperintend~nt,of ,buildings. . The appointment of exp~l:t supervisbrsof :mc11 subjects as drawing', writing and music had. proved very successi,ul., M<anu~ altql.iniI1?_and d9,mesticscience had' provedtheirright:to, a.placeon the,schclOl c,urricnlum. The annuafexhibition-of the pupils'work, ,brought the parelits ill toucll-with'the-s'chool. torontohas foundthaclhe system of free text bOdksis agre,at saving'tothe parents. The ,)Jest t)iing in the '[oronto educational.system, in the opin'ionofthe, speaker; was the system of giving certificates and medals. A'boy who attends aTorontoschool for one year, 1: n~t late or abs~ntexcettonaccount ofillness and\vhO bebaves properly, recel\~es a certificate ,with blanks .for eight years.' At the end~ffour,_years, if he has kept his recOl;d, he is given abronze'medal"ahd the end of eig-hl years a silver Qne. I~lth~ Mode~nLangtlage System it was pointed ant that the State of. New Yorkrequired al1>ma:tricularitsand teachers to pass an examination: in American as,wellasin English literature, including the works of someCanadh~nwritetsi , ",;',".- ,',' ,.' ",:", , ' """,' ,,, ,.,- i of\Vhom CanadianpupUs are grossly}gnorant. Before the, adjournment of this section it placed itSEM on. record, as favoring .a course. in Canadian .literatur~ in our training schools,somerecognitionofCanadian literature in ~ourses q'fs~tldy leading to. teachers'certificates and matriculation examinations, and a request,~o the .ontario L:i~rary. Association for co-operation in, placing Canadian literature in public libraries. Mr.De~rness,oftlieL6ndon Normal Scho,ol, in his opening addr~:s in'the tt"aiJlin,K department., made a strong plea fora vlew of education thatwonldem~ brace~orrelated, doingand thinking. .. The ,chan~es . are ten toon~ t'hat,the c1iild wl1owinsthe,medat.for being the youngest in the province' to pass the ex'amil1a~ tion is. to be pitiedra~het than congratulated. Anextra-mu'ralgtaduate 'who had ,made fair use of thecultnral advantages that: most Ontario towns and .vil~ 50 ag~s,e()Uld ofl'erwas probable fl. morevalu.ahl~;citizen than if,he' -had done 'aJl his'stu~'ying,within college halls aridl1lissed the' accompal\~'ing educa- tion 'which ctn~;esfrom,ettTlling 'a' living. ,( Principal'T. .,M. Henry cousideJ'ed, the, Liter:;try Society, iii High-Schools ~,~ldCollegi~te Institutes oneaf the most. effective irlstl'umeuts, in getting boys.and,gir1s _to'take'a"bl'oad' and_ unselfish,view ot., 1ife~ It,_. -benefits the pupil intraini,ng him,to,_put,his,thougtlts in good liter~ryfwm;.,aIld.to", pl'e~ sent th~m 80 as to. be appreciatedby,othcl's. It.- also gives ;him, practice In ,,' conducting public imeet.ings with propriet.y; to. the school it givcdyar,iet)' an~l :Z~st. , ..' -incouclus~on, G~ntlemen, I 'cl1nnotallow'this .opportunity,:. t? .I)a~f;'iwith. 'ol1,~,dt~~\villg . yOUI' attentio~, a~ aCounty,Council,and the, atteJ?-tionpf,other County 'Councils to the actiOll OrS\.l:llld the ~ocaILegisl~ture took in~efE'r' ence tqthe Sixty ,Thousand Dollal grant t(jwal'll forlllinga_~nr,entn~l~'~ ,ation Fuud fort,he Teacher's Union. ',I~ay "All Hail') to auy GO\'e'l!llwnt which has slUHcientback-bollC to turn 8u(:h a gl;ant down." J ' . .. " r~'~et'e teachet:s are,petted mi~l Sl'lppOl'ted by our GO\'~r'illreutand'(.'m_int,:-. ConndlsaAlittlehelpless cll,ildrell. The trend of Lhe Teacher~' U~do'l: a~,I1'. whole is' Sochdistic inItIO Chal'fwter. 'VVe lake them J-1'omthe 'crad_[e'~lld seud ,them to our Kinderg'ar~eIl. E?cho~ls,snpP"Hted hythe";G(,vfJI:'I~leht".. awl County COlplcil g:rants; pass thelll lIIto (:1][ pnblicf<choolos. snp]l()~'te4~by Govern>>lentunrl COHIlty CO'IUlcil g:antR; pas~ them iutoou':'(::P,glt SdlOf,ls andColleg;i~te Instit.utes, snuported uy. Go\._t:l'nmeut andCollnty ('olll:,~ir graul,S. '~heydonot8top a!; t.hisulltyassiuto Oll,' t)tliv~l'f;itie8 wbleh are beayilysuppnrtl3d by large endOWmt'_lHt> llud,govel'llme!.t' gr:lllt:;:. TIH~~:thell b(l~olU~ ollt'i:ea't:bcls allt! professors at largp 6ftla1'ies, made t:P liirgelyof, 'GOyerntllent grants and grants fl'Or'Il, the Count.y Couricih,; llndlH.iw';1sa, ,'fencl;ters'l!nioIlthey go to th_e Govehlinentand ask ~-,subfndy OI',$HLlIt',of sixty,tho~l'sa~d,dollars to start a ~upel'anullatiOI~.Fund \~hi~('h". nod~nbt,they \\;otl1d aak to h~ve increased every ,year. SoeialisHl from s~artto finis~, O(~~ it not behoove us. a County ConnQil, t~ralse up. both hallds ugaillstsueh a ln~asure? What o'lher ,trade orprofes~lOn dare dO",ouc'h? . The. LalJorerj the Tradesman, the f\'lechanic anO many others earn their 'living'and-sup.- por~their families;' paY,their"debts on a lUuch iess salary;.. world~~ t~n h0\11'8 aday :everv woddng day in the year, whilst our ~eachersea.rning lUuchlarger" ~alary only workmg six hours a day and only tw'o hundred: and eight -days in the year. Is this fair? Is: it. right that the Iabol'cr arid the, tradeslnan liviI~~ ~ Inuch h'anl,er life on illnch less wa~es,shouldpay 1'nto S~p~rani:lUation Fund for these.teachel'8; wh'o c~nlivein . luxury and eaf;ea.ndwhellthey,are~ cast of 1', !'lay at the age of fifty. live or sixc:}", 'C3.u:go to the Gove'rrl"meilt and get "pap8"fol' thebalanccbf their days 'withonta thtnght or a ' ca,re ;who,pays thcl;nol' fl'~Hl,whe'ice it comes?' , 51 I thinkqlis council. sbouldput itself on record as to its staml in the question ofa government grallt,;toi this",',reachers' Union Superannuation Fun'd,amL find-out what the people have to' say about it. ' I havethe honor to be' 'yom; obedient servant. DR, GEORGE W,L1NG. To:the.Warden.and Council of ,t~e ,Ooull~Y ,of)!;lgin,pnt. Dutton, June 4th; 1907. . 53 Having paid .all claims ,that h'a\:e,beenordel,'e:dJor"pRyment, I'badto credit. of GOUllt V,one thousand three hilndreq. -and: seventvdollars. There were 'notes at Molsons Banknot ;yet'matlilf~d,made by Warden' and Treas;: mer for eleven tbo:lsand dollars. I would reCOlnmel.ld tbat the COl11lcil pass a by~Jaw allthorizi.ngtlle 'Warjenqnd'r~easnrer, t6b()rro~' it_oiu,Mol" .,ems Bank twentythouSRnd donars for r~newal of notes and to meet, current , expen'sea Ifrequirlild until county rates havebeenpaid~ I also enclose estimate of the. amount that \vill be reqllirectfol' expensl;'s of cnrrent'year. 62 COUNTY TREASURER JANUARY SESSION To the Warden and Council.of the Oounty ofEl~in: , , , Gentlemei1,-,-, Ibegh:iave to:make the following .re'pllrt as the:financial pOf1iti'orrof theCountv on the 31stJpayof December last: At t,hat date 1 had received an CDunt,v Rate, 1906, . . . $15238 00 L('lRving a balancedneCounty........ .............. Hj60300 A oct a ,cash-balance. . .. .. . . . . .. .............,..... 8888 00 Sundries' fram Provincial Treasurer (OIl" f:lept~tilber Quarter Adrufnistratioll 'Of Justice Accounts... ',' ]28200 AI} of. w'hich is respectfully slibmi~ted. Total Available Assets, . . .. . " . ,,$29773 00 COl~nt,'. .TrE:aSllrer'f' Office, JUlie 5, 190'7. JOHN McOAUSLAND, Cou~t,y'Treasun~r. 1'hetota\ inoebtedness at the Mo\sons Bank" Oll-I~otes of Warden a,ud \ Treasurer:..-vaa$44,000.00; Sixt~eothonsandof this -"''lS- given for purchase ofGi'avd Rood, ~nd fO,r wbichdebentnresbave 'beeni~sued far that; ~lim, payahle'ill five annnal instalment's; ES'!'.!;]rMTE .JUNE SESSION To t,he Warden andCou,ncil 'Of tile Coun,ty.af ,Elgin: Ge:i1tleroen,- Lbep;' leave ..ta sllbmit.. st,atenientof..the .expelldit,ure,reg.uired.:for,tbe 'lawful ,purpo8es 'Of t,he County ,dnring,tbeye'ar:1907', shawing, ama'Untre- quiredtv be ,raised for llIidermelJtlOued purpases:' Admin'istrationofl,\sL ice . ',' ..,. ,',.,.,.. .$>5,000",00' HOlleA of Ind.ustry .,;........ ,. ,_. '........ 5000,00 Cmwty Lhies .. ..,.... ....... .;........_.. ..' .',.12000_00 High Schools _ . . ... .. .'.,. .......... ........ ..5500 00 Scb~,'oI8Cbnti'lluationClasses! ..;.....,.. ...... .900 00 MOdeI.Scbaal...... ..;; ..... .... .... ...... ...... 15000 'Officers' Salaries.;.... .'..... . ','" .. .... ".," ,.255Q;,09:;; School Im;pector...,. ... ..,.' '," ',"'_' ... ..... ']000'90' Payme:nt.or Jurors;...;....;..; .......". ....... 1000 00 CrownWitness~s ..: .......... . .," .... .... .... 500: 00 Members' Wages an~ C~rn~]ittf!es. ... .;.... ...,. 1200 00 Debenture and Ci)llponsBY7Law, No. 594.. .. ,... 2814' 00 " ., "701........ 370100 Court HouseCooltilission.. ..........., ........ 900 00 Bills Payable"".. ,,'" ~ ".,.. .... "".. 5000 00 PublicScbao\tl-rarit ........... ......,.. ...... 150000 I would ask the Conncil topass a by-law allthorizlng the Warden and 'l'rf.'lasurerto borrow fro III the Mol.eons Bank t,he sUm of twenty'thaUsand dOllars, if itsbollld be req~ired. AnJ also ta pass a by. law giving ul1thoritytoWardenalid ,Treasurer to renew, if necessa,ry, nat,es that wereOllutandiug onthe31stp~C~Ulber last. All af.whic.h is respectflllly submitted. JOHN McOAUSLAND, Treasurer. C!)Ullty Treasurer's Offic~. St. Thomas, 23rdJaollaryj 1907. ;JUNE SESSION ''futile Warden and Oouncil of the Cou'nty of Elgin: Gentlemen,- I beg leave to preseIittbe following report as the D.1I3ilCialpOSltionof I'be Connty ontbt' first day of Junf:: $ .487]500 54 All'ufwhh:h is.respe<.Mully sllbmitted. COil n~'y,T1~!;Jaf;ll~ rer; a 'Office, St,:,.f,tlOl.nus, Junp 5,i'g07. JOHN McOAUSLAND, COllllty Treasurer. NOYl~!I.[BER SESSION , To. the warden and coun'cJlofthe."Oounty ot Elgin; Gelltlemen:~ Tbeg:Ieave,M,nlaketh~ followin~ repprtas to Ihe finance qftbecoollty. On' the"'(irst;.oLNo\;ember I had aca~h ba1ance to, credit' of, tbeeolluty $1,385:00,and the acconnts.r,hat had been ordered.'have'been paid-the in.. debtedneS's to the bank at the pr€'l5enttimG i~ $39,000;00.' On ,the notes lallingdlH~'eiIlceihe fifql .ofNove[l1ber, Ihave had to 1'13., new them at 5 pe~ cent interest, an increase of ivaI' cent of what w?s for~ mer!)' paid. 'Thereasoll'of::thisch2.-rige yau','will find-explained by' the lets of the M~magerof the Molsons Bank;.:which I e,'nclose. . The total smp, paid on theColJnty Line Bridges ~t the preserit time L "($19144LOOj,,.and,:tlle,Co.unty:engineer informs me,tl1atit may.-require an' additional sum by D~c., 31~t Qf$4,COO.OO~ ' If tllf.~ County I ates are paid in Dece~mber,I will be ablp, to reduce thl;l indebtiless to'tIlebank to alf.trger exte'ntbyDec. 31. ' All of which is reElpectfully submitted, JOHN McOAUSLAND, Coune~;T:re'a'Bu'er's Office Ek'Thol,llas,'.J9th, Novemberl1907. CO\illf,y Trt'uf'un;r. 55 FINANCE COMMITTEE JANUARY SESSION To the Elgin Connty CouBcil: Geritlemen:- The Finance Committee rerIOl'ts,.- 1. That the annual report cif th\e Ootlnt,y _Police MaglEtrate be rtl~eived and printed in the millllt(~s. 2. 'l'hflt no actioll be taken re the communi.:mtlOll from the National San. tariutJ1 Association. 3. rhat no a~tion be taken re l.he grant to Hospital' for sick children. 4. That no act,ion be taken_ recomml1nication from tbe SalvatIon Army 5.1'hat th,€) Prisioners' Aid' AS'ilociation te gmnted the sum of $10.00. 6.That the notice' from the TreasllrtJr of the Oounty of Middlesex rem payments to .county Treasurer, be referred to the auditors. 7: That a .,By~Law be pa~~ed to amhorize the Warden and Treasurer to borl'ow the Sllrn of twenty thousand dollars for,OolJ.nty purposes as n~ay be -reqliired" and to r6new notes outstl'l.ndiug. 8. That the sum of $10.00 be granted to the Western Ontario Good Roads Association, and we would recommend that the council appoint delegates to attend the annnal meeting. 9. That the following accoullt:il be paid,- Tremmn!rpfYarinollth lor conveyance of Insane pel'son to Asylum .$15 '50 ~lunicipal World, Election supplies....... ,... . ..... ............. 50 34 Journall Printing and Advertising ................ ......... .,.. 48 35 R. M'cLacblin, stationery for Engineer ......'....... ",' ...... ..... 2 75 " " Treasurer........ ...........,......... 649 l< " Registrar ...... .... ...,.. ...... ..... 1720 CountJ1 Clerk, Postage, et::-.,. ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... .... ,:13 65 Municipal 'World, :Binding for Hegistl'llr . . . ... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 All of which is respechfully submitted, January 25,:1907. l{; Meek, Ohairman. 56 Amended by striking out clause 3 and granting the sum of $10.00 to Hospiial for Sick Children. IFlT REPOIiT-.JUNE. To the Elgin Oounty Council: Gentlemen- 'The Finanee OommJttf;}er.E;ports: L That thechmrman of your committee represent tillS Colincilat conferenceto be ealled ',byOxford county council in, refel'e~ce t()est'ablish- ril,ent of-a place where 'tuber~ulosiB cases will be propedy cared for. ' 2. filea. That communications from the National Sanitarium Asso'ciation be ,-,.,'. ',' " -"-'-',,. -t<, 3. -That the sum of Twenty-five: Dollars be granted to the, 'Out,aria FrllitGroyv~rs' Associ~tion, for prizes to ,be, ~\yar.dedfo,:F~uH ,E~hibit fl'oOl,County o'f.Elgilr, at Exhibition to beheld ia ToronLo next fa'!L 4'. ",That uo aCtiOll betaM~n,inTefereuce toth,eap:pli~atlo~l from Coun- ty Pulice l\iagistra'te Hlmt far payment of, travelling expe,uses'. 5; , l'hat tb~ 'auuitors' report !:.:e finally audit,edttndadopted~ \ ... - ., 6. That Police Magistrate Bradley, of Ayimer; be reqnesLed ta r~fund .floe 'Of Twelve Dollars imposed on R. H. Lllldsay, ~llcti'Olleer, 101 seIJing ,^,ithonVs."license. > 7. That the Sl'lln 'Of Olle Hlllldred and Fifty 'Dollars be granted to the village 'Of Spr,lugfield.torlock,ul) impro\-:€'Illents,to i.nelnde cl'mentfaup- dation; partitIOn and two iron doors,wbell completed' to the approval of the Cl;\Unt.y'(lngr,I'l(~er. 8~ Th~t asnm !lotto exc'i"ed 0.lle Hn~dl~e,diDollars 'ae,; g,ranted;f0r imc prov,elpentsto the'Wallaceto\\\n Jock.up. 9. ,That ~lJy-.la,w,bepasseq,to mise th,e pay of jnron attendiug court, fl'olujTwo Dol lara, to Two Doll'ars and Fift'yCen~6 pyr_day. 10.. That the following acconnts b(~ passed: 'l'hm,. Hortop, livl'rl', 'j\1rH;,,S!~n,~\,c,onnc,il ..'....,.: .,. $?;300 Childl'ell's Aid ~ocil-'l,y, tllaJI1H"llfl'nce of clllrdren 8'7 50 MIll~icipalWorld, 1m Clel'l,'!'; office ............... 5,65 R~McL:'eh:jll, for R<-,,~. office,..... .. '_" ........ 75' Municipal \VorJd, " ............. ...... 575 57 - All of \vhichis re~pectfnl1ysllb'mitted. . June 6, 1907. R~iehed clause six. R. T, ME]-DK, Ohairman. t,oa committee of the whole and amended byst.t;ikillg:,'iout 2ND REPORT.-JUNE. To the Warden and' Cau1)cil of the County 'Of Elgin: The Committee 'On Finance beglQave to report that having examined in~o 'tb,e.linancel?of.the county; and theestilllate~prepared by theCo1mt'y Tr~a;s'u,rer( ~Hi:(r:'~_,~~e'~/ith'shb~it. ~ ':s~ate'lnetit,"of the-. 'expenditure' :rcquired fo'" tillle raw'flll-p11'rposes"'o'fthe' cduqty during 1907: AdlBinistrationofJl1sti'~~".... ;..~ ..... .... .,.$ 5000 C9un'ty:Lines'1l1ld.Brid'ges ...... .~... .... 20000 H'otiseolInd-ust~y '....:............ .... 5000 H :gh Schools . . . . . . . .... ............ . . .. 6500 Scll,o()ls",'j,~:il ContinuatIOn Classes,. ....,... ,1000 M.odelSchb61 .... ...... ...... ............. 150 Officer's Salaries.: .'. . ..... ......_...... .... 25[)O School Inspec 01' ~"... .. .... ..".. ......... 'J ,1000 Payment of J'irror:-:. ... .... ......,... ,..... 1000 CtOWIl '\V1t'ne'6~!e8.'..... 0............ ....;; 300 Iuterest.~6h'miIA 'Payable :'.. ... .... ,.....,. 500 lVJem,~'e.r.s', ':\Vag'es,"OO'lr~mitteef3, etc,. ".... (:1200 DebeIl.tli're' Rate, By",la\\o''''594.... .... ....... 1957' 'Co\lr't "WailS-e' Cb'mrh'issi'bn" . . . . . . . .. ..... 900 BiH8Pa.'Yable;'}~".;;:/./;,......... .... ..'..'.... 123 TuLlic ;School Grant. .'.'. . .-... ....... ...... 1468 Debent~re-Rat~.~y law 7J1 .... .... ....... 2591 $51,239 Your committee would recommend that the 8nmof;Fj[ty'one~rt,6Llsand andl'hil'ty-nine DollarA be raisfld an all the rateable pr(lper~y municipll,lities intbe-COlin~y at Elgin, dlirbg the ye::t~ 1907, coun.t~" pmposes,and that a ran' 'Of 2~. mills on tlH;~'dolla:l,:be, levied oli the r,;,.teable property in the several municipalities in t.he cOllnty to mise said amo\ln~s. All of which is respect,fully stlbnlitted. R. T. X1EEK, Adopted Jtine7,W07. U)lilinll:lH.' 58 59 OQUNTY ENGINEER NOV]!:MBER , I '1'0 the Elgin County Council: Ja:auar.y Session I GelltJemen:- St. Thomas, January 23, 1907. To the Warden and, Memhersof the County Council: Gentlemen: 'rho Finance Cominittee llepoJts: 1. . Thli\,t the County Treasurer's topott be {Herland" that the acdon of th'3 Bank in raising the rate of interest to 5 per cent be considered '~atisfac- tory;under prestut fillanci~1. conditions. I beg to state that shice t.he lafl.t meeting of t.heCouncil there has np't been much work done to any of'thecountybridges. The approach, ~o the Brewery bridge on the '~. & P. S. Gravel Road has been injured by the recent floods and the lee' going out, and' 1 have a gal~g of men now at work driving a bl'e~\kwater as a pl'oteet-wll. { This bridge is closed in the :ilean time fpl'traffi::;. 2. That all details a:i\ to receipt of monl!ly from the Nelson Chambers', estate and future proceedings in reference to the provisions of the. will be left to the Wal'den and County Solicitor. B. That the account of the County Solicitor for $66.20 for services'dur- ing the past year be paid, ' ' Some repairs nave been made to other bridges on this ro:'td but on cou~~ of the high w<\,tCI', I have llOt. been able to have them completed. All uf'which is l'eflpectful!ysubmltted. 4. That no action be taken in reference tq a.pplication" from Ontario lUite Assoeiation. ' 5. That the followin?-;accounts bo pald: (Jh11(lrell'~ Aid .society for :iYbilltenance, Firby Boyl'>.... . . ... . . . . . . . $- 18 75 Thomas HOl'toP; conveyance Juries to HOUf"e of Indnstry .... ...... . 6 ,00 The Municipal World, StatJionery, forltegistry Office..... .... ...... 6 50 " " RetUl'nsof Convictions..:..... 125' " " Binding Proceeflings and Audit 2170 A. poole & Cd., for binding Law reportsfor'Uounty Jri'dge.... ...... 2185' l'ownehip 'of.Dunwich, Grf:l,nt for Lock-up....... .......... .. <..," 100 00 I JAK A. BELL" . Engineer. JUNE SEBSION. AI 1 of, which iS'respectfully submitted, St. Thomas, June 4; 1907. To the Warden and Council of the County of. Elgin. Gentlemen: ROBERT,MEEK, I beg to l'eporton the work 'done to County bridges since , , Stoll. your last ?es- Chairman. November 22,1907. t prepared plans ami spe'cifieation,s ,for a concrete aJ'oh bridge to rop]a~o present Foote Bridge' on tbe London and Port Sta.n]py Grayel, 'Tbis bddge conf'ist" of three f'panA of fi5 ft.,ca"c.h, ,the whole being reinforced eonl'.1rete. Tenders were' advertised for, flud 't meoting was 'held with the cit.y of St. ThoUlfl.S; when the folJowillg opened: ac- 60 .... $8,920 7;840 7,640 8;642 ".... ".." 8,290 "" "" ,," 9,20C 8,989 61 Concrete Engineering & Canst. Co ...... ,JOB. Patterson .... .... .... ,... .... Concrete Pole Co.... .... .c..... .... ....,. .... W.estiern Bridge & Equipment Co. Pet,foliaR'ridge Co.... .... .,.... G. A. Pansford...... ...... A. E. Pousford....,. .... .... .... Steel. Ontario Bridge Co.... ................. $3,950 J euks & DI esseI' ............. .. . . . . . . .. 4,224 Hamilton Bridge. Co.... ...... .... ...... 3;926 Concrete. \ The joint committee awarded the contract to the Concr~te Pole Co.. of St. Catherines, their tender being the lo'west. Nothing has been done tOWai'p.s the el'cj:ltion of this'bridge as yet, but I am toldthat,tlie contractoi- expects to comnlence work next week. Plan~ were prepared for a bridge over the Thames River on wha~ is' }mown as the Willey site, and on February 15t.h a joint commitLee meeting of the counties of ltlgin and Middlesex \vas held whellthe following tender's were received: 8.',S. Hal'p~l' & S<)n; .-. .....',.... ..... ~ .,.$2,7o.Q Chas. Stafford...... . . .. . . . . .. .. . . ...... ,3,197 L. McCawlless &.J, Vincent.,.. . . . . . . .. 2;987 The contract fa\' the sustrll.Gt.ure was awarded to S. S. and for thesuperstructu.re ,to tile HamiItpn Bridge C,o. foundations Of this bridgehas,nopep,mmenced yet. Harpe,l',&S.pn Work ,Qll' th!3, OntarIO Bridge Co. ....... ..... .... $ Hamilton Bridge Co. ...... ........... 9,5,35 B Petrolea'BridgeCo ..... ,.....J....... 7.450. A J(~nks&Dre8ser....., .............. 9,749 OoncreteAblJtments and li'loor. 'I haveulso prepared plans and specificf.!,tions fora concrete he,am bridgf'l to be el'ected over Kettle Cr.eek on the to\Vll lilJe between Nortl~and Sout4 Dorchester, about one and a half mile,s east of Belmotit. Tendenihave been asked.fW:, and will be ill my halld~ by to-morrow, It will be necessary to arrange a date to meet a similar committee-from the county of Middles0x' and award contracts for this work, Steel.' '['he following work; on county bridges has been performed: The Honh appl'Oach and the jobtirig on the Mcln~ash Bddge ,has been replaced at a cost of $130. 77:' ' S. Pearson....,. D. Withe'rspoon" l~. COlll'e". .',...,. ." F. E. L.,Talbat'.......,., N. Mitchell Pet.rol'~a Bridge 00 Looby & Nagle"..,. George R; Rivers.'. . , . . , . ' L. McCandless,.".. .,... .,""'" ,$6,936 "",,,.,, 6,780 .""", "" 7,740 ,,'" "'" 7,500 8,100 5,\)00 7,000 8,600 7,294 B $16,815 The Port Bruce Brid~e has been replanked at a ,cost of $203.95. The north app1'0ach to the Port Stanley bridge has been mIed in and gr,avelled at a cost af$lU4 99; A ] 3,350 The work on the Gra yel [{,aad Bridges has beenmo.'iitlythe completion' of the'bl'e~k-water to the Bi'ewery Bridge, whieh was in course of construe" tion at your Ja"t meeting. This has been ali,complet~d,andthe amount spent on the bridgesw daters $785.63. and the cont,l'actwa:,; awal'iled to the Petralia Bridge CO.fOI' the whole work providing they furuish the Engineers \vith detailed dl'awiugs of th/:l stee'l superstructure for their approval on or before, t,he first of ;\-)ay, alid,t-JJat their stJaiu andll1aterial sheet" be also sp.bnntted io,;: approvaL After (Jon. .;idel'l\.ble delay this agreementhl'Hl at lea::;t, heen signed (0 the satiofactioll of ,the Comity Solicitor. \Vork has not commenced on thi~ bridge yet; All of whi.ch i.s respectfully sutlmitted. J, ;" BELL, COl:lllty Engineer. Plans wel'ealso .prepared'and t.ende,rs asked for the erection Of a steel bridge I1t Cook's Mill on the town line between Bayharn and -'Mahhilte. i The"e tenih~l's were also opened- on Feb. 15th wi! h the ful loxillt{rcJ-;ults: ()2 63 JULY SESSION To the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin: Gentlemen,~ Since your last meeting one of the cou:qty bridges" namely, the lower bridge in Vienna, "has become so dangerous that I had to have two be11ts driven down by way of support. TIle trouble WaS the top chord bpckled or got out of line,' thereby weakening ~he trnss. This bridge is safely supported now for ordinary traffic, but would not be safe for very heavy traffic or traction engines. The t'emporary bents placed under, the bridge will not withstand any freshet in the way of ice or titnber comingdown the creek; andif those bents are l~ft thelike~ Hhaod wonld be that the temporary supports would be .knocked out probably by the first of March. This would necessitate a long 'delay in rebuildirig the bridge. The Public Improvement Committee have considered' the matter, and have ,visited and inspected the present, bridge, and have referred the matter for de~ termhla,tion by the Council. I may say that 1 had plans and, sp~cifications pre~ pared for' this work and ,tenders asked for, and if your Council decides to go on and rebuild this bridge, those tenders are now available, and 1 may say that'1 consider the lowest tender in each case very reasonable., The tenders received for this work are as follows: \Villey ,Bridg:e The concrete\Vor~'for the piers a~d~butments of this bridge lias been corri~ 'pleted-. Nothing has been done yet towards the erection' of the steel,superstru,c~ ture, nor towards thegraclingo:fthci approaches. The contract for this workis asfollaws:-; . Peb.-olea BridgeC()., f?rsuperstructure ......$74.50 00 " for concrete work ...... .'5900 00 Paid'for inspection to date..,..; ...... ";". ..;...' 19,2. .50 Making a total C?f...". ......, .....~$" 13542 50 Vienna' Bridge The abutments fbrthis,bridgehavebeen Gompletecl,<and, the ,steel 'work iB now izi the course of erection.' ,Thecbi1tract for this work-is as follows: ' I / ' " '"" '", " O. D. & A. L. Oatma.n...................... Geo. A. Ponsfbrd....,.......".. .............. For the Steel Superstructure- I:familtoll Bridge Co.'.... ................. PetroleaBridge Co... .................. Ontario Bridge Co............... '.$1995 00 2990 00 Hamilto.l~ Bridge Cd. ,forsuperst~uctu:r?, /... ~3729 00 O'-D. & A. L. Oatman, for substructure...... 199.5 00 Steel for reinforcement .;..,......., .... .. .92;'89 Insjiectioi1 ............................................. 147 ,:'00 For Concrete Work- Making-a totai of """,.,$596389 the old imn.oJthis briclgewas sold for $37'.60, ,,$3729 00 4140 00 .... 3812 00 Cook's MilL Bridge This work calls for concrete floor on reinforced concrete abutments and steel superstructures. The steel reinfol-cement is to be supplied for this work, and will cost about $200.00. This amount would 'have to' bE: adde'd to the ten~ del'. This bridgehasa.l1 been completed and.isopen for traffic,.' the. contract, be~ ing as follows: NOVEMBER SESSlON Hamilton i3ddge CQ., for superstructure ....$392600 S,S',Hai"per &'S~h, for cOl1cretea?utm~nts'. 270qOO Extra work on.concrete abutments.............,. 1.54 10 Inspection ...... ........................... 12900 11:<tking.a. t~taLo~"...... . ... ",,' .;... .$690910 The old tim1?er and iron of this bridge sold for $74.00. $67.50 was paid for repairing the old, structure. . All of \"hichis respec\fully subm~tted. JAS, A, BELL, County Engineer. St. Thomas, Nov'. 19, 1907. ToH;~ \Varden and Council of the County of Elghl: Gentlemen,~ I bE'g to report as follows 011 thewbrk done on county bridges' since June last. Bridge,.'East 'of, Bel11/dil( This bridge' bas beencompl~tedby tl~~ contractor, and iSopen.for hOlfiic, but is not fmishedin a satisfactory roa'nner. The cbntractfor this work i~ as follows: 64 ,G. R,Rivers;,for concrete 'work.......... .."..$1125 00 For the steel work........::........................ 2636.5 Inspection ..........;.;..........,......1..,,,.......... 6000 Making a total cf...... ,.. ..,......'......$144965 66 Mapl~tonBridge I This does not include the, building of 'the approaches to the bris!ge; which iH~.S ilOtbeensettlecl for )let. I A tractionenginecrossin'g this bridge broke one of'the needle beams and . \vent through the bridge causing considerable ,c:1amage' to the engine. Thi~ matter lias been adjusted, by the County, and'the sum of $74.43 hasbeen'ex~\ pendedon re'pairs.', Port Stanley Bridge F a'dte 'Bridge $29.63 has ';been ,;expelldedon this bridge in the way ,of repairs to the'ap-, proachesi, on the Selbbtne Bridge, Port Stanley, $4.39, and lon, the Gravel Road Bridf{e, ,P.ortSta~ley ,', $8;75. I This bridge is now open for traffic, but there are some matters tha(have not b~en s'a'tisfactorily CQnipletedby the contractor. To 'datethi;dollowing is the contraCt for this work: ' For advertising ",....,...,. ..."..,.....;.......,.....$ 720 Concrete Pole Co., for concrete work ....,.... 7640: 00 . 'Steel Reinfo:rc;ement..."....,,,..,,,................ 112479 Inspection..,....,....~.......,.';'.,. ..'..................... 22679 For Repairs to Approad;ies..........L........... 4857 ~~ Making a totalof.;.... ...... ".... "..;.$9047 06 Some minor rep~irs have been made to, alargenumber of other bridges tluoughouUhe county, but theyary all small items. McIntosh Bridge Over Riv~r, Thames $83.57,has been expended on this bridge in the,way of repairi'ngthe planldng andp'utting broken stone ~n tl{eapproaches. Tillsonburg }ul1ction,.,Bridge Over Otter Creek $66.59 has been spent on this bridge 111 the way ofstrengtheningitandre~ pairing theftoor. The bridges are'ail ilOw-in, a 'fair state,of rep~ir'1:>ut;as l' havescated befor~ to,y'ourCou~c~1, _ we __ have no' '''Y.ooden bridges 'but what hay; been erect:d ~ci:r more than ten years,-and it is almost iITlPo~slble'}o_ keep ;those bridges in a state of repair that will allow traction engines of the weight aJlowe?,~y th~statutesto go ove~ them. ~~the'January sessionJwilheport to'your Council as to the number of those briclges that}t ,will -be'imperativeto rebuiid. I"hav~ the honor to be, . Gentlemeil, Y,our ,obe_dle;ntservant, ]AS, A, BELL, County Engineer. Graham Road Bridge' Ovel1 River Thames $29.97 has been spent on,the north approach to this bridge. Thetownship on'the north- side oftheriver made an arrangement' to change the approachto-, ~ards,this bridge; which necessitated a certain amount of change in the portion \_h~longing- to the county. and this amount has been expended towards fixing the 'appr~ach. There will be some; ftirtherexpenditures ,in this way of gravellh1:g the approach"the account of which has not been entered as yet. Phillmore Bridge Over Otter Creek $11.30 .has been expended <:in. this bridge in the way.of t~pairing plan~lng; yvarc1sville Bddge ov~r Thames_Hiver; ~)~O llasbeen spent on thisbridgein the way of repair's to the approaches. till puin..,IC IMPROVF;-MENTS,C,OMMITTEE JANUARY ,SESSION St: Thomas,]~n. 25; 1907. To the Warden a,nd Members of the County Copncilofthe Countybf Elgin: Gentlemerf, - Your.Publi~ Improvement Committee beg leave tosqhmit the following ie~ por~: 1 That your Committee have power to'liave plan~prepared a.nda\vai.-da c,o~t~,~,ct for t~~~~ilding th~ Cook's MAll ~rid-ge w.~th concretea,~utmr;nts and st~~l"s~p~~str~(;ture a~d,concretefl.oor. This'bi"idgeis,over the,: Otter 'Creek on a,~o8,(tus'~(\i~~ lienoI t~e,townlil1e'bet\\,een ryI,al:ahide, and B:aY)l~m, The sp~~, is'i:?q'l~e~~n(~ of ther:loweTrussp~ttern. Tl~isbridge was severely da~aged a,b,,~ut't1~.reey:ais ago 'by a flood. 2 Itis qi.lite,j:ke:ly that tIle He;inoilt,' I~;'id~e, ova:' Kettle C;eek}wd the bridg-e east oJ the towIlliI1C Liet\"eeh 80rtli ajj(l~outl1 DOle!W<-itel' will also reqnire to' be :lebuilt.. Your,Comlllittee\Voulrlask po.werIl'o-m this' CouIlcil to act withthe County of MiddJc.i:;ex ili:haviilgthose bridgesrebi.lilt, ifneces- sary, in concretean'd fiteel. 3 ':'Youl"Clmmittee/ together with. a ~ilUi1i1rCOll1rnlttee fronl the ('ity,of St. Thomas, visit,edand inspected the BrewcJ::Y Bridge; the As11eryBridge and the FooteR-ridge on the London & Port Stanley Gravel Hoad. Your Committee are aware that reports have beenmadeby engineers that those bridges, although the superstrllctures 111"eneai'ly new, are notstl'ong euough to'safely- pro'videfol' such 'traffic as trac-tion eligmes weighing eight. ton:'!. The, ougitleer ,is now making repairs to the Brew,el'Y Bridge -in the way of a breakwq.ter,which was recently washcd:;ouk YourColl1mitt.eewould also ask power to actwiUracori'Jmit.teefl'omthe city of St. Thomas to take into :con&iderationeither the re.pair~ng or rebuilding of those bridges. 4 It is quite possible that it will be llecessar-y to reflool; the Bothw.eII Bridge, which Is'kept up hythis-COu~ltr,the County of l<ent and the'County of <Middlesex. '1'hi:; is asteelbl'idge of 220 feet!',pan.' Hit isfouildneces~ SH.ry to refloor this,bl'idge, your Committee \vouldl'ccol11111cnd that they have power to ,act with theCo~nty of Keutand rilt-County Of Middleflex to h,ave steel' joists placed' in thj,\ bridge alid 'n. concrete f1()or pnt on. 5 YourCommitteewonld fl,:so, ai:;kpo,wel' to have authodty 67 I any repaiJ:,:s or l'ebuild a,ny bridges that may be found necessary before t,he next meeting of your Council. All of which if; respectfully};ubmitted. C, E. LOCKE, Chairman. JUNE SESSION To the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin: Gentlemen,- VOl1rPublic Improvements Committ~e beg leave to submit the follow.. ing report: 1 1'hat the work done by the County Engineer since lastsesslOn and reported uPQn 'be conli! medby the Council. 2 That the small bridge on~.the Gravel Road in Port Stanley may re- quire improvements, and that the matter of replaoing this by a concrete cuI: yert be left in the hands of 'the Chairman and the County Engineer. 3 That your Committee have power to act with a similar committee from the County of Middlesex to open tenders and let contracts for rebuild- ing the bridge o\'el' the Kettle Creek on th~ townliuebetwl:en North :~ud South Dorche.ster east of Belmont: All of \\'1Iic11 is-respectfully submitted. St. Thomas, June 6t~, 1907. C, E. LOCKE" Chairman. JULY .SESSION the Elgin Coun,ty Council: Gentlemen,_ The Public lmpl'o\"enwnt Committee 'reports: 1 That they have inspected the Vienna Bridge and found it as l'epol'ted by the County Engineer. 68 2 'We,l'ecOlumend that the bridge bel'ebllilt of stee: un concrete found ation and that the following tenders be accepted: For Concrete \V 01'1(- O. D. &' A. L. Oatman...... ....... ..-.$1995 OU Hamilton Bridge 00. ...:.,.._........." 37290U Steell'einfol~cement,'. 0," .... ...' .. . -.. '200,00 , $59:l4 00 All of which is i'cspectfully .mbmitted. C. E. LObRl', Cha.il'man. 19th JulYJ 1907. NOVEMBElt SESSION St. Thomas, Nov, 21, 1907: 'To the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin: Gentlemen,-,- \, YonrPuhlic Improvement Committee beg to report as tollows; 1 At a joint meeting held this morning of the City oiSt. Thomas and the Conuty of Elgin, it was resolved that the mMter of ace,epting the Foote Bridge off thehands'of the contractors be left in the hands of the Engineel'. 2 That the name of this bridge be changed to the "King Bridge," ,and that t.he thanks of the joint committee be tendered the Engineer' for the satisff1c'tory 'way 'he has carried out this contract. 2 Re application of 0, D; and A. L.Oatman asking for extra remuner- l\1;ion for thecollstruction of the Vienna Bridge. Your Committee do not see , their way 'clear to allow the contractors ahy more, than the contract price for thiswodc 4- In refel'enceto the rrlOtion of Meek and', l:lendersonto define co~nty bridgeR, your Committee would recommend t,hatthiEi matter be left to the C01lllty Solicitor to niake a written report attheJanuaryscilsion. 5 That the matter of account for repairs, to the l?othwell Bridge be le'ft 'to tiTle Engineerto adjust\ 69 6 The-Engineer's.report was considered, and we would re(~ommend that it:. be adopted. 7 Regarding the bridge over Kettle Creek east of Belmont between North and- South DOl'chster, which the.Engineer reports is not completed in a satisfactory manner and in accordance with the plans' and specifications. The Warden of Middlesex and Chair:nan of.Co\nmittee, together with the Chaii'rllan of the Public Improvement Committee of this county, Councillor Luton-and Coml1iis,ioner of Middlesex and EngineCl' of this county" inspected this bridge this week and fonnd that 'while .the work was strong, it was fin- ished in'sllch, arough and slovenly manner that they recommend that' $2CO.00 be deducted fl'omthe amount of the contract. Your committee would advise th~ttthis be done. ' All of which is rei>vectfully su'bmitted. 0; E. LOORE, Chairman, 70 PETITIONS AND LEGI~LATION JANUARY SESSION To theEIgin Oounty COUDCII: Gentlemeri,....,... The Petition!! and LegislationCommHt"e€l'CportOl: 1 'rhat. the application of t,he trustees of -Port Burwell Police Village" for incorporation he granted, ,and the necessary by law passed. 2 That the Council petition the Legislature to repeal the provisions at the Education Bill, passed at last' sessll)ll, fixing the salaries of the teacheh3 of the ruml schools of the Province. 3 That the Council petition the Legislature ,for the amendnlen~ of Sec- tion 606 of the Municipal Act; so that municipal corporations,\vill not be civilly responsible for damage~ caused by accidents on'. highways. 4 That the Council petition the Legis;::\ture to amend the Assessqlell~ Act by providing for the assessment of the structures, supel'st.rllctUl'eS, ,etc., on . rail way right' of way at a fixed value per mi1e, as in case of the 'assess" ment oft~]ephonecompanies~ All of whie1~ is respectfully Bubmitted. DUGALD BLUE, Chairman. 24th January, 1907. JUNn SESSION To the Elgin Count.y Council: Gentlemen,~ The Commiljtee of Petitions andI.o(~gislation reports: That this Council join the OntarIO Municipal Asso,:iation and appoint th'e Wardpn, M. M. Bltwk, A.MeDonald and Ch~irman of this Committee to represent the COllueil at the annual meeting of the Association. All of which is respectfully submitted. DUGALD BLUE, Chairman., 6th June;.1907. 7I NOVEMBIiR SESSION .,;!;' ;' I ~~ T? the Warden and Members ,of the County Cduncilof t)leiCou11:ty.,(jL~lgi.W': j I, ' ,Gentlemen, '- The CQll1mittee'on Petition~ and Legislation reports: : '.' '., I Thatin reference to petitions for incorporation of Lorne, we recommend: (a) that thepetiti()nsfor the incorporation of'~estLorrie;sig"ned by sev~rty~eight .owners and thirtycsix tenants, bereceived. (bl That the petition for in~otporation of Radney, signed by seventy" three owners and forty-nine tenants,.. be received. (c) That (he petition opposed to incorporation. of Rodney,. signed by eighty-two owner~ and twenty-five tenants, 'be received. 2 That Walker C:aughell,.Clerk of the' Township 'oLYarmouth,,, be ap-' painted,to take the censllsofJhe inhabitants of the area referred to, inpetttion from, the resident freeholders and tenants 'of the .unincorparated 'village',of.vVest Lome, to report to, the Coun~y Clerk under oath on or before the 15th December. 3 ThatDuncan McNabb, Clerk of the Township of Dllnwich, be appain~ed to take the census oithe inhabitants .of the area referred to in. petition from tl~e resident freeholders and tenants of ul}incorp.oratedv;i1lage of Rodney. to report to 'the County Clerk under oath on pI' before the 15th Deceniber. 4 That the said census takers be paid' the. sum of twa dollars per day and ,expenses for each day they are engaged in'taking the c'ensusandcompleting theirrep'ort, said expenses being guarari.t~ed by the residentsofthesai~ villages. 5 That ,a meeting afthis Council. be held on 'SatU1~day, the 21st pecem~er; being at least one month after the said petitions were lodged with" ,the County Clerk, to consider the ~epo:t'tsof the census takers and by~laws far theihcorpor-' ation of the said villages; 6 Thatnotices.of said meeting be published once a\yeek far two successive; ~eeks in the Elgin Sun, published . in. West .'Lorue, arid the Mercury,' published in Rodney, said naticesto set fortlla description of the area inten'ded to bee~~ braced in the said villages, the ,expense of said notices being guaranteed by the residents of the said villages. 7 That the Cauncil co"aperate with County Cauncqof Haltoniil petitian~' hig fo'r an increase of Legislative gran.ts for construction of cou~ty roads under the Highway Improver?~.nt Act. 72 8' .. ''that in ref~rence to ,notice from. Hamilton., l{adial Electr~c Railway Co. ,'6fproposedapplication for charter through' this county,our representatives ill: the House of Commons be requeste?.to .protestagainst.. the granting, of a charter th.t interfere, in any way with the full contml of the highway, by municipal' corporatiop.s, or that does not provide for the applieation of the Provincial- Drainage \:Laws..whenthe dr~inage of lands throuf:{horalongthe right of way of the said cornpanyis required. All, of which.is respectfully submitted. ,73 -,,"', , GOAL COMMITTEE JANUARY SEssION , To:tbe, Elgin, County:Couneill Gentlemen,~ The-Gaol Committe,e reports: Dub;\LD BLl1E, 'Chairman. '....,.,. ,-" .,.' '~ T~at they have ,'considei~,ed, th~,coll1mtinicati.on received .f~ointhe'R,egi$" , trai~and'haYe~xaminedthe~:egistrt'Office, ,and agree \\lith ,previous Councils ha~.th~_ 'follo,wjpg.' impr;,o\'ements. ..are ,necess:;ry:". Accommodation'in.baseme,hi forheater, , Goal storage and lavatoriesi ehlarg'ed-public officea,l1d'~oom for' COpy'~1 istsand :r:egistrar. '20tliNo:vember, 1907. -2 That we woulei' 're'cotn:mend tiiat we ,be authorized-fo 'confer'"with, the' 80uncil ,of the eity of St. Thomas;~d:deci~e,,():n pl~ns far,ihe.-im'proyements, and ~.ubmitsame with tendebat the June Sessions of the Council. ' . I . '. ,. All of \vhich'is.respeGtfully submittecl. A, S, ,ROGERS, Chairman, 24th. Janllary, 1907. Amended itl comrri.i'tteeof the.:wholc that Clauses 1 ari-d 201 reportbestrl1ci~ out, artdthatthe'qu~stion of repairs to the. Registry Office be leftin.the harids of the.GaolCommittee. JUNE. SESSION To the EIgin,'County Council: Geritleri}en,':""'" -The 'Gaol COD1Il1i~teereports: 'V " t Y That, tIle Registty\?fficeirriprovements be laid over tmtiI next year; House C6mmissio~ proceed With:repai~'s to dome 0 All of whiSh is respectfully submitted, S" ROGEl,S, Ch<ii:nm'.n. 7tb J~me, ~907. 74 NOVEMB,ER 'S~SSION To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen" , The Gaol Committee reports) 1 That they have received tenders for breadahd meat,required.to bede~ live~ed at the' institution during the'year 1908, and have accepted the following Moddy & Clark, for meat: fore quarter, beef without bone, lOc,per pound;}. T: Stevens, for bread, 'zgc. per pound. ' , 2 ,'~ That on November 21, 1904, a case of shelves were sQldby the Office Spe9ialty'Companyfor ot,he Registry Office. This was largElr than' had been ordereci, but the price was the same. At that time the Council ~erecor)sich?ring some extensive improvements at the office, anddecidednoi' to pay forthe sClrne. but to have it replaced when the othElT fittings were put in. As there is no pros~ pect of this new work being gone on with in the immediatefliture, the ('ompany have~eqnested payment of the acconht,and agree to allow the Council t'he full amount,if they wish ,to return the c~se when purchasing, other fittipgs. All.of which is respect,fully submitted; A, S, ROGERS, Chairman, HOUSE OF INDUSTRY COMMITTEE REPORTS, JANUARY SES'SION. To the Elgin',County,Council: Gentlemen, - The House of Industry Committee reports: 1 That they have visited the Institution and examined the state of repair of the various buildings, andwolild recomme_ndthat.they,'he empowered to re~ pair the men's cattage:.'ina substantial manner, and also ,make' such ,repairs and improvements to the other buildings as they may thinknecess,a;ry. 2. That they have considered the Engineer's Report on the installation the KewaneeWater :?upply System. and would recommend that your Committee be authorized to instal su.ch sy,stemo( water distribution as they think most de- sirable after they have~hadtime to make further enq~iry into the wholematt~r. 3. That noch,ange he m,ade in the present sy;;tem of ,managemant6f the Institution, and that Angus T~rrier be appointed Inspector of' the House of Industry, Allof whiCh is respectfully submitted, C. w. VlONNACOTr, Chairman. 24th January,' 1907, 75 JUNHSES,SION 'J'o-t;heEIgin County Council: Gentlem~n,- The Honse of Industry Committee report.s: 1 Tha't no'act.ion be ,taken in 'l'efel'eoee tO~lOO "tatr~vay at Houso of 'In, duatry. 2 That ArthuT Pert'Y'8i'~j.lway fare'be paid to Tciront::>. 3T.hltt the County k'eep ih repair the road in front of the ri?Ufie ()'f Ill- d'u'stq fat'm: . paid, ThaLiLruoutl.j', for- sending Mrs.CoviU andson ,to the 'nn>.tl:'nt.ionbe A~ilol1nt, $2..15. All of. whieh:is respectful(ysubmitted. 7th Jun'e) 1907.. C, W. WONNACOTT, qhairinan. NOVEMBER "SESSION; 'r'o the Efgin Co;).u'ty Conncll: Gentlemell;~ The House of IndustryCoillluittee have- to repol'tthat,they have l'e~ ceivedtelldersfor bread and, meat required tobe .d.elivererl'.at,the institution during the_ year 19'08, and have . ~ceeptell the followiog: \\'. ,F. .Paddoll; for meat, $5~,90 per. hundred; J. T~ SMvens;for ?reaq, 2J1c. per ponnd. 2 That rep~)ft of thephysicianbeadopted and' print.d 10 the minutes, 3 utes. That,the report of the Inspector he ad-opted and 'printed in the mill: 4 That a book: in which proper clasf;ifi.~;'Ltion ofHouSl~ and l~arm expen. dHu'resmay bek~pt!be,stipplitid for' the' use of the Inspec.\'or. All of which' i.':les]Jechfnllysubmitted. O. W, WONNA('O'l'T, ChairnJ':ln. 77 76 SPECIAL REPUiH' HYENGINEElt rHYSICIA~ HOUi'>E OF INDUSTRY WA'l'Eit SUPPLY, NOVEMBER SESSION To theWal'den aiidMellluers Of the Elgin Cotuity,Co'u'ncil in Session Asselli. bled: To th~ Warden a'lld CouileH of the Count-yO! Elgin: GentleltlCn,':""'. hi", com:pliauee with" inst,1'I1\3tions from your." lafit (;o\lueil, 1 heg to say thatJ have,taken into considp.rati'm the best' method of. furui,Hug -a ,,:upply of water a.ttheElghl House of Tnduf:\tl'Y fr,om the'lIl'eseut deepw~ll. Gentlemen;-,--. I havethehonorto vre"elit~his,the the Elgin ,l-:iouseOf Iudu8tl'Y. 3~hd )\.ul1ua1, Medical Report',of There. are t\vomethods in' \\'hieh' thi~ ",vark' 'cim be done ~Olieby, all ele- vated tanl< placed on a st~e1 or wooden ,ower, ccnd the nthe,' by hnildi"g " tank on, the leVel of-the groui.1d, 01' probably ::I,lightly belo'... it, '\11<1 gettlllg the ptesj;ure~bypumpiug airiuto this tallk with the water, the expaufiiionof air being sufficient to give t.he neces"al"~' pre,~sure; In ord81'to~et. theriece,fl s'ury'pre!:i'sure,'s'ay; in ~ca~e of ,Iii'e, if the lil'st's'cheiue ,,",'ere adopted, the ,tan k and tower would have'to be COllBiderably higher thalithe l0J19f.~lle pl'es~nt buildhig', In. the,econ'[ m0tho,lall that is nccessa'Y i, t,o co",press the a" to such ,an extent as \vill glve you Pl'csslll'esuiticient totlilOW watel"OveJ; 'the building. Takiil'g,ever,ything into considerat.ion, I would, recommend' the c'onstl'Uct~on of the tatter system; that is; putting in asteeltankan!l using compressed"ail' asa force. I would estimate, the'costofa(li~tribu,tionplant of this kindasfollo\\'s: lhcivemade '!U1'illg th,e year eilding:31st Octobei', to this ihstit'ution:, 1907{ 54':offjcial visit's . " \ The)~e_ai'ha~ .bc,eil .cha:r~ct~rize~ by ,.verY'. little .l'lickness othel'than.thtit bolongillgto o"hl age. .1'he:i'eha~ be~n:~,eompl-et~ :-~bs~l1ee of fevers,'alld con- tagions diseases. 1 attribute largely th~ well.beitlgof' the inmates- to the' ..- .'-'.,- '.-". ...., ..-...... '. '.','" ".. .. . ".' '.--,.,.." " vigilant care exe~cis'ea t.jtbe keeper and matron, as also the etflcientmri,rmer i,n which Mrs. Mills bas sUljerv1>led the ?-iet-ary. An,iuqllest:washeld~npon the body ~f Wm: Brennan. Theji~ryls verdic,t was to the ,effect that his . death ww,\l;lastened by.a fraeture of the :_tbigh n~ar 'the hip;calls,e,d bybeing,t'hrow~l in a .~cnffielwith Patrick Murphy, a fellow illlnl1te.Mnrphy was n.djl1dg,ed insane and ~\'Cnt to the Asylum,. The mort.ality l'atefot' ]Ohc yea~ is'comparatively low.. The followmg tabulai'llst l4ivesf.nll information as to tne naliles, ageBand causes of dent,h: $5750C 48100 5U OU I .6x24 Steel Tank and CompressOl 1"3h.p. GasoliR~ pUI!lpand Accessories-.... Freight and Delivery.... ...,.... ..... .... Fouudationsfor Tank, COIUDressorand pump and suit- :able building to'be made frostproof,flay> ...' ,. ... A.ttachments to present works .. ','" ...... ..-...' 600 00 800U AGg 'CAUSE o I!' J)/~ATH . . , .mal.-lHl ~ritioil ,;cllncel' .iujury .. ..f\'c'~lYil{' (lp.'C,flf NA;\IE EZl'aOsear Vr,ughfili. ,J ohnWihoa Wm.:B-:'ennen Ann, Hoae ~ ..,~ 14n]O!lt~'lS 5'6~yeK'l'S , .80 years . 'oredl.O ye:ns "" ..$1786UU Maldng a, totrt.l: of.... Say $1800.00, In'n,.t"'nk',of this capacity,.6x24;although.thi~w()nl~.hold 4,200 .g~lloilS, you eould only count ,on an available supply ot. about 2,825gallons,.thc, ba.l a.n:ce"ofl':l,?ac'e'lieing-tak:m ,up~by th~ compre,~sed ai~,Thegr~atadv'ltntage ' 'of putting in a scheme of this kind is that thereisvel'Y little expen~e at. tached.tO' keeping n,plrlnt,ofthiskin,dinrepail', w::ile -the .ei'ection ofli-hI'gh tank and r,ower is always mlHe or less expemive. '{'he lite ofa .tllnk is f!hort and a tower has to be' constantly ,well paInted, ~nd,then aga\nthel'e,i!'1,d~nger of its being wrecked by an exceedingly great storm. I will be pleased to U10et your House oflndustr,y Conunittee'tmd,explai~l t,his matter lUorefnHy' at (tuy time. J have the hiJiHil' to be VOlt! ohedient i\t~l'\'ant, ,L LUTON, )1, It JAS A. BEI,L, Co\'~nty Eugill'eei', 78 REPORT 01' INSPECTOR :NOVEMBEH. SI~SSION ;''1'0 ;the \Vardenand Members' of the EIgiu,CoulltyC?l~~Cll: Gentle~nen,,~ 'fhe following is myrepot't on the House of Iudust.l'Y and Refugefol' the YelU' ending,31st Octobel', 1907. I Numbe~' Of inmates ~ll theHou~e at laRt report.,..... 48 2 Number, adn1itted dlUillg, the year...c-4:females, 14' nlale8 .....' ....., ,.... .... ... 18 3 Nlunber,ofdeat:hs .... .... ..." . ...... 4 =l: Numb_er discharged ..' .. .. .... .' ',' ,. 8 5 Nllmberahs<iOudecl. .......... '" ..". ,. 3 6 Nnmbel' no\....in House-,.27 males, 24females........ 51 7 Number of inma,tes seiltfr.om the s0venlmunicipqUttes ,in the. County during the yea!': , Aldbol'ough .. . .; . ." . .. . . . . .. Dunwich Southwold Y:al'lnouth Malahide Uaylu.!-fil , ". . S. Dorchester 'Vienna:... . SpringfIeld Ayhiler Port. Stanley Dutton .... ."'" Born in,'House ."" ..., S The variollscauses of Hf1l1perisfnof inmatesn.rlm:itterlto l:louse durin~ th'eyeal'may be classed as fol. low':!: ' Sickness .".... ....,..... ..,.." .... 5 I:testitution ,...,......,. .... . . , . 0 Intemperance ,.....,.."",...... .'." ................0 Cripplo' ...."..'" . . , . , . .... . ./. . . . . .. . . q ~:~~~g~,,,,, ~'.'.'.'.' "..: ',: ..." '.' "':::: . ~ In13l\.oe, idibtiC,etc ......." ...... .... ...... l All oth~rcasef:l...... ......... "',' ........ l' 9 Averagenllmber ofinmates (luring tlw year. .... .,., 5:2-5 10 Avei:agewith };;;eepel"s'flLlllUy lindhired help addd. 5g~. 1-1 N um bei.. of \....eeks' board of inmates . .', i:.7l7 12 Average \'vith keeperl::;, family. etc ,added. , . . 3J 10 1:~ Totalexpenditureduriug,theyel~r.. ....'., .$G~20,';):~ ...;...,..... .....'.......'. "","'..'..... ....'...".,'., 2 2 4 I o 6 I :1 II \ 1 I 1 79 ( Deduct 14Perm:anent)mprovewentst.o Cottage: Walks', fencing arid tili,ng,. .,...... .$1.021) 54 Creamsf'paratbl' ...;.........,..... 98:00 RecEipts: F:rom inmate!'>.' ."... . . ,$11650 . From farmprodllce.;.,. .... 40,00 From farms.tock ........, 191 50 FrOln hogs".....,. .., ...., 46833 From sundries ,..... ..... 32/46 -------- $ 84879 ----~$ 1967 33 .15 Leavinganiount actually expended f~)f snppol't of inmates . .. ...... .........,.~., ".,.$43530U 16 Average,e'xpen>>e' per week for each 'person,.. .,.... 1 40 li Avel.t\\{:j~){pens~ perdayfor each, person..".. ..... . 30 18 Avera,geeXpi!U8e pel'yearforeaeh perSOIl.,u......\ -72<80' 19 Amol1nlexpelidedfor hOUBe and farm d~ll'iJi::rthe' yeaI' is . divided as follows: Hired 1abor....... ....,. .....~...,........ ...$ 223 5U FarOlimplf'menr,f, aildexpenses ...... ........ .... 31769 Earm stock ..... . Physician Keepei' ::I.lJd TlHtt.i'oiL Drug~ Meat Hread Seed, feed, prOYl"iOllS,... . ,. .. . .. . . ,. Groceries',' ;.'".. ...... ..'..,. "''''', """""/""", 'Drygootls .,... ...... .;... ..... ............. Bootsalld,sh'oes,.... "j ...... ...., ...."..,. Furniture and hardware Conveyance of inmates' . In<:pector, 1906,accfj ......... Inspector, 1907,acct'~... . '........ .. .'. .. '.' Incidental...,....'." ... ....".,...; Coal--ari.d ,'wood. .',. '.,'. ,'".;". ".... .... ... .'.. .'. ,... Insurance...... '".. .;'.. "". . ',' ... .. ',' .... l{epairs' .. .,.,.~..., ,'. ...'.. ." '.',"'" .,... Permanent impfovemelJ:ts ..... ...... .'.. .,.. Minister::....." ~... ...". ... ........ COllimittee ...'...,......,.....-.,.' . . . . . . . . . . ... .,' .,....,. :!OO IJO ..... .... .:.. Cillll OJ 66 IS. 543,77, :3;-;:{9a M:~ 20, 396 63 2;33 1-1 10'! 50 1690:3 67 75 25 90 100 00. , " " :Jl3 81 ,781 78 ~2.25 IH)5l 1020 iH 50'00 90 10 " ~~6320 80 20 'l'hefollowing.pl'oduce was raised onthe'farnid.tlring,the ye'ar: ~]8'BuBhels'Wheat; 'llJlushelsPeas 42'f.OIlS Hay 250 Bushels Corn aoo Bushels-Oats 15 Bushels Sweet Corn 30 BUBhels, Barley 106 ',Bushels "Garrote 375 Bushels. iVVi,ngolds I 10 Bushels TableCanots 50 Bushels 'fmnips 27Loads"OatS~ra'" 240 Bushels PdtatoeB 1000' Heads Cabbage 9 I~uflhels Beets 7 Loads'Col'iL S 'alk8 1,00 ,Barrels A,ppIes 10 Bushel!'!' Par:;;mipi;; 35:, Bushel~ 'qnions 39 Hogs sold :3QQ Jars'Fruit 1997PoUL1ds Butter 5 _Bushels B;eans 1 Acre Corn J1'oddel' 9 Bushels Salsify 4 BanelsGidcr 8Loads:PumpkiI~s 9 Barrels.SoftSoap 80 Lbs: Chee...e 5 Barrels Dr~ed Ap_plcl< . J 1 81 . " " " , " " ,,$1)80 50 4190 33 641 87 60 70 350 00 40 00 10$) )8 ,... ". 85 85 197900 827 66 Brick Ice Hou13e ...... ... ,." "," Barns; etc. . . . . " . . .. . . .. _ . . . ,'l'ileDr,ains ... ....... ... .... ...... ...... Tile Draill ;Oiltlet .......... ... ...... .... .... Hot Air Pump, Ta.nks and Co'lluections...... .,.. Refrigerator ...... . . . . . . . . Feticing.. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. _. . . . .. Ol'cha'l'd ..'.. ... .... .... .... Heatjng"Appara,tils,.... ....... .......... Deep Well..... ........ ',' $33085 21 25. Receiyedfrom the GO\'erUlent on, account"expen- ditt1r~ for lands and buildiug~...... ........... ..,'. ... ..,' $40COOO Lea....ingamonnt actually expended by County.... . .$2908521 All of which is respe:::tflilly. submitted. " In, addition to the above," a large llUluber of veget.able8" et,c" ',"m e ra.ised andeonSUllHJd duringt he year, ()f \jvhich 110 accouut. was k)p'. A, TURNER, In,spector. 21 Number of articles oflJe.ddillg and clothiIigmade up during the year matron~llld illmates-820. ' .' 22. N~~lbel' ,of vi,sits,by Inspector during the yeal.to the institution-....:...48. 23 ,ll'arm' Stock: 3hol'ses, valll:edat. .... .... .... ......... ......$450 00 2 colts, valued at..... ...... '" .... .......... ..... 16000 ti'cow~,valued 'o.t .....,' .,.. .,;' ;. ... "';" ..... ~ 495 00 '4 head yomigcattle .... .... ..... -.............. 100 OJ 28 hogs...,... ..... "':," ...... ..... ...... ...." 17500 ,.i.shet:\p......,... ...... ...... ....... ." .... .... 3500 so 'chickens,.,.."...'''' ,.'.'....... ....., ...... ..'.,.. 9 geese ..;..,. ",'" ...,.,. ..;... ..,.... ......, ..... 13' du'eke,. .'. .,.:.'.... .... '.. .,. .... ,'. .... .'. " .'." ..... . I2turl{eys .. .' ...... .................... ,.2! The toti1lamollnt expended bJ'.Connty Honse of L.:dnstry, etc., is as 1'ol1o\\'s: Farm', IOO'acres, cost........ .., ,. ...... .... $i25000 House of Industry ;.., ',' ...... ..'............ .... .1140000 Laundry:..... .... ....'.... ...... ..... ........... 66681 Fhe Esc{i,pe...... ..... .... ,.,. .... .... ..... ..... 39006 RootCellar " .., .... .'........:........ ........ 12499 Cott.ag~6,etc, ...,. ...... ...... ..... '...... .,.... 281G 56 82 COUNTY CLERK'S REPOR'r ON LICENSES No\'elbber Session. ,To the Elgin County Conncil: I have t,or~port;t.he follo~ing' Licen~es .in force at thisdate.~ AUt.'TIONEEHS- .John'D. Locltl.'! . '_.'" .... ;5th Dec(>mber, m07 R,.H.'Lfndsay .... .... ....6th .,' pp-ter: Me Vicar, . . . :. . . . . . . .19t,b JD~niel'BJack ..... ........, .21th T;'Merr-itt Moore.,... .... .. .. 22ndFebilary,"190S N. D. :\1eLachlill ....., ,".... . 27t.h D: R. Dibb ,"'" ,. .....19tl,i'Marcll, E.B. Baldwin.... ..,. .... ...,'Utb.April, S.T.I-laW....... ...... '.' .17t.h .July. W. Wi White ..... .... ....'...7t.hAugllst. H;-,F,Wood'ry. '...., ...... .... :'23th Oct'(lbe,'; .. PEDU<;RS'- Joseph AbrAham, onp Iioff'f'. 5tl, .Tanimi'y, 1008 George.Bardwell,,On ,foot,;.; 10th March, ]908 I-I.Chamberf],~span. hnrse~, It,!) Ma,\'; 1908 H.H,arve~', spal)..horFP~,.30th.Ma,.,-1!)08 Allbtwhic'h'is l'e,spectflllly ~Ilb'nitl'ed. 83 COUN'fY POLICg MAGISTRATE'S RI~PORT. ,JANUARY Sl~SSION To the '"'Varden and Me:mbels of the County Council: Gentlemen: I bp.g, leave to report to you the business done in connection 'with my office the past year, asfoJlow!?: Numberof sittit/gs of Court ......... ......... ......... '..I...... ...... ............... NUlilber of persons tried................................... ...... .................... Nilmber of persons tried .fbl' indictable offences..... ...... ...... ...... >..... Nurnber of convictions;..... ...... ...... ...... ..... ....... ............ ...... ....... Sentenced to Central Pi'iSOll... ......... ...... ...... ............ ...... ......... .... COlIllllitted to jail...... ...... ...... ...... ... ......... ....... ...... ....,.. ............. Suspended s.eIHence....:.. ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ............ ............. ...., Boys under 16 ye..l.ts of age dischal'gedfro:n their convi~t,ion...... Returned to Mimlco Industrial Schad! ......,..............,....... -Insane and fioally c'--'mmitted to aSy~tllU. ..........,........ ...... BOlel'1.icense'alll!ulled. ...... ...... .... ....,... ... ...... ........ Liberated Oil I"f'cognizance.......................,..,........,...... Alllollut collfo'cted in fint!, and damages.................. Otthis Bl1m there,was paid to County Treasl)rer ...... Licellse Fund.. ... ...... ...... ...... ............ ..... ...'... ...". ...... ....... ......... Village of Dutt.on...... ....... ...,........ ...... ...... ............ Damages ,to property, paid owners...... Receive<,1 Magist,rate's fees.................. "",140 80 27 48 5 9 ] """ 10 1 4 1 4 ....$243 98 93'00 IJP 00 iQ 00 ",,""",,"'''' "." 8098 ""..............".." 1290 There are some fees Hot collected', and a fine of $50.00 dlle on account: of tbe LicemeFulld,and for which there is ample security, is not y,e,t N+ . lected, but will be as Eoon as the. papers connect.ed t,herewith are j'etul'I1NI from Toronto. Ie W, McKAY, County Ole/,k. 19t11:N<.\venibe'r ,,1 D07. lnseveral eases last year, I gave the Meglstrate's fees to the Justicl'f> oftbePeace, \vbo issued the papers and attended the hear.ing of t.he ellse and were.by law entitled thereto, Following are the offences charged 1u~d th.:dr number: CO!Ul.nO!l ussalllt. ,..,........ ................ ..,... ...... ...... ............, Aggravated Assault. ......... ............... ......... Blll'gJary,..j.<....... ......"........................,..........,......".... ~:fl:~i ~.~,~~.~~~~~. :'.., :~... :..::....:~: :....:..::....':..~:... :.... :'.~:". :....::., ..... !l 4 6 3 ".,,]4 84 85 I Receiving stoler:. goo1s. ..................................... ........ 1 Crllelty-toanimals ..".. ...... ".... ".... ".... ,..... ...,............... 1 Forgery......,.. ... ...,., ...... ...".....,. .......... ...... ...... ...... ...... 2 ~njtlfies to property'........"...................................._...... 4 Bigu.my .."............................... ................................... 1 InE!ane and dangf.:rol1s to be at large...... ............ ..... ...... 4 Affray .....,..............................."............,..,. ............ 6 Trespass ............. ,~,... 0"'" ,.......... .... ..,... ..... ........ ........,. 3 Pound- Breacll............................... ................. ....,. 1 . Offence against Naval Act.......................... ..... ....,..... 1 Offence against Liquor License Act........... . ... ...... ..... ..' 5 Carryingoffensi\'e weapons..... ......... .... ..... 3~ , Fnriou8 drivltlg..... .. ................ ............ Disorderly conduct ............ V'agrallcy ..,..........~........ ........; ....,.... .................,...... 3 Dnink and disorderly..................-............ .................2 Dischargingfirearrns on public streets..... ...... ..,...... ".... 3 . Wrecking bol;tt...... ...... ...... ............ ......... ......... ...... .,1.... 1 REPORT OF DEPU'rA~'ION TO ONTAIlIO MUNIOIPALASSUOIAl'ION NOVl<~MBJmSF..8SION To the Elgin ConlltyCouncil~ Gentlemen :'-- The deput,ation appointed to attend rneetlng of. the Otitario l\iI1Du:iipal ASRo'ciation at Toronto in Augl1sthlst, reports-'-' 2 That t.hey attended tbeymiol.ls ~esslons which were held,at the city; a gr~at many 'gnestions of intereST, were e'Jllf!idered.Tbose reh"tting to rlvaJ MuniCipalities were dealt with by theirrepresemtatives and included in the gerip,ra] report of the meeting-a copy of which is attaclled hereto for your information. I We a:reoCopinion that all proposit,ion~ for new Municipal Laws Sbi"llild first. beappyo\'ed by' and presented t,o tbe Legislature through,the Associ, ation. I On account of tbe vlgilence of t,he Coullty Cunstables the pasty'eul', <l large number of criminals, who w~re guilty of petty the it and robbe.ry in the townships of South wold aud DUll~ich,' ha\'el been convicted and are now ',ser,vJn'g sentence in Central Prison. That locality has bi03en remark. ably,free from crime during the last six months. ':' ~~e amount collectQd in fines the past year is'less than in the previous year"and one reaiwn is that in a large number of convictions I thought 1m- prisonm,ent. would meet the den:iu'nds of Jnst,ice better than a fine, and luakethose criminelly inclined to have respect for the taw., FRANCIS HUNT, The qllestion o[ Civil liability o[ Mlloicipalitief,; for dam~ges caused by accidents.0n the hIgh \vay was again approved andthl3 neeessary am3ndc ment to the law will be brought t9tb8 attention of the Legislature at its approachingSes5ion. We believe it would be in the intel'estof btltter Municipal Govel'llment Jf e\'ery Municipal and County Conncil wasTepl'csented at meeting~ of tbe Association. St. rrhomasi Jan.'22, 1907. Police Magistrate. All of which is respectfully submitted. DUGALD BLUE, Cllui'rman. 86 COURT HOUSE COMMISSON .JUNE SESSION '1'0 the warden and members of, the Elgin Coonty Council. The Court House Commission Reports as follow8,- Dnring t.hepast year our expenditnres ha\'e been,- Caretaker and assistance. ,.. .... .... .... . .... .... $440 67 Repairs-CourtHouse........ ...... d" ........ 9534 " -Jail.,.. ....,..., .... . ...... ... '...., .... .... 18n 18 I' ---,-,Jail Residence ,...... . ..... .... ...... .... 'p6 15 Supplies, ete. . . . . . ....... .' ...... . . . . . . .. .......... 90.33 -- $887 51 The eum of Nine Hundred Dollars was placed to our credit last year. A siroilararnolmt will be sufficient this year provided the Goal' Committee assume the expense of repairs to dome. All of which is t@spectiully 81lbllitted. W, TOLMIE, Warden. 87, BY-LAWS BY,LAWNO, no, T():ippointTr,llstE1F>B'oftb<- High schools in tbe Gounty of ElgilJ~Pa~sed 2(jdi Jaiill'ary, 1907; 'l'he69l1ritY<;OI11~dJ,(jft,heConnty of Elg\n, uurlerthe. authority, of the High'Schools ~ct,']891, enact",,; THAT'Cllarh.'s Godby l~e appointedTrn1;;teefor the Vieniia High SCtlilOlfor: th fee ;yeal's. T~-IA1'Dr; F. H, M:llerbe,'apj~oiilted a TI'llstee,ofth~'A.ylm,e.r 9011" ('giatelnstitnte ~dr atprm'of tl)l',eeyeul's. 'rt.! AT ,n., A., Pen:halBbeapPoint,ed Tr(lsteeof 'th,e" St. ThQ!Ol\r.l.- 0911:. egiat,e In5Ihl1t(~ for-a'term: (if thl'eeyears; THAT .L B;,Cra'wford'be appoint(~da,-Trlls.te~ ,o),theTNtton' ,J-ligh S:lhooL for atf'rmof threE' y~ars. Gotl!lcil Chambers, St. )'homas,26th Janllary,l007. 'K,W.McKAY, , County Clerk,_ W. TOLMIE, , ''-Varden. BY-LAW NO, 7]], To OPl)Oint a,Boar~or,Alldi~ in th(!yonhtyoCElgil1,for 'the year'19@7.;...,.., Passed Januar:'l 26th, 1907; Be it enacted by t'he Co,lll1cirqfth~r Mhnicipal COi'POHttion 'ofthe Coun.,ty Qf -EJgill: <, THAT the JlldgeofttieC?l~nty COilftand'Charles-)V.,\Yonnaccltt, ','be, and are h~reby,ap'p(},intedme~_bers-:Qf t.he BO.fl,rd of Audit,t9Perf9r~n t,b'e duties required, bytbem by Chap. $,4,~. s. O. ' ,- . " ,.. ,] THAT the ,111emb'ers of the: said Board be paid the, Sll,nl 'of 'four'dol,lare l?ef day fO,rtheir services, and'five centsyer ,!lile in goingtc and frfHDsncr audit. " , Coul1cilCb::lI~Jber8,'f:)L Thomas, 26th In:nnary, 1907; K. W. McKAY, Count.y Clerk, ,[ 88 . me-LAW NO, 712, 'roappoint: County, Auditors .for the ye~r lOOB.-Passed 26th January, 1907-, WIIEREAS" ullderthe,authority ,~f the 1vluriieipalAct,every municipat co.uncil is required to appoint, at ltsfirst rneetingin e\'ery year,two auditors;- BE rr, ther~fore.enacted by. Lhe Colin'oll ot "the -Mnriicipal. Corporat,ion of the Connt,y'of Elgin, under theu\lthod_ty'~foresaid: ,THAT Andrew Mnrray anclW;, A. Galb~<l.ith be,~nd 'hereby ,are, appmnted Audil,Ol'i to'ex,amine and report upon allaccol1ut,s afft:ct;ngt~e OorporatiOoof tbe Coulltyof I!ilgin, 'or rdatingtn any matter' uuder its catnfol, orwithmits jurisdiction-tits required by ,Statute:or'Order.in Oouhcil;, and also all accounts of school moneys received or paid by the County 'l'reaf.!urt'lrfortbe year ending, 3h~, Dee~nibel'; 1906, a'udtba~ said utfditors, be paid the snm of si".xty dollars each for theil' services; Cuuncil'Chambers. St. Thomas, 26t,h,.Tanmuy" 1907. K, W, McKAY, County Clerk, W. TOLMIE, Wardell. BY-LAW No, 713! 'rb'Allthorize the'Vul'den and Treasurer to borrow, i.rwentyThousand Dpl. lars.-Passed ,26th January, 1907'. 'fbe County Conncilofthe(Jorporatio~ of t;,,'e,(;ouri'tyofElgin enact's:' THAT the ,Warden arid: Tr,easllrer. bE:', and are hereL.y"anthorizedto borrow thl3 sum 'of.'l'wenty Thousand Dollars, as it 'may be reqniled,tollH>et the cnrrent ,expenditlHe of the CorporatlOnof tbe G,nni,y ofElgindnring IH07, ',and to'give,us seenrlty~herefor,notee of One Tbon~andni)llan: each. CO~lnc1: Chambe,rs, St.''l'homas,26th-Jaol13.ry, 19'07. J<,W, McKAY, County- Clerk. \\" TOLMIE, \-Va'relet'. 89 BY-LAW No.. 714 Toappointan Inspector January 26th,'1907. of 'the' Honse 'of Industry and Refuge.~Passe,d TIle CoUi:lt,y OOU'I:eiJ'of t~lf, C6nntyof'Elgin,enaets: 'THAT' An&!\ls :: TUl'ner,be, and is hereQY; appointed Inspe/;:.tor of the' County Hpuseof Illdllstr'y ~ndHefuge; at,a salary of One Hl1ndred'Dollar.'; ; ,per annUl;nr pa~tableqlla(t{'fly. ' K W, McKAY. CQiltltyCh~rk; W. TOLMIE, 'Varden. I BY LAW No. 715. , , 1'0 incol:pOrafe-the -Board'ofP()JiceTrllstr~l'sof the Village,of Fort HllrwelL -Pa,ssecl,26th J;1nn~ry ,1907, WHERltAS., the Census I'etnrns ofthePnliceVillllg-e of, Pt. Burwell, t!lken-ilOd'e't':thedi~ectionnf tht'Collnt~" COUll'C:n. QfElgin, show that the ~wm~c()ntajllfl o\'er 500 inh',~bibl)t.1'~ ' ANP,'WHEREAS,"a,'p~,tition,of .9...er:fiftyresicl~llt freeholders ot't,h6 saidP6liceVillageh~s beerl'presentedtOlhE!<OolltlCil praying iur a II)" law to incorporate the Polic~Tr118tees of t,hesa'id Police Village. AND W_~_EI:tEAS,th~'~aid!pe,tit.ion' was lodged 'with the, C]prkof this COlmeil on t,he16t.h day:ofOctobel',1906. 'AND WHEi:tEAS, .publjc.notice that thel1etiti'on wOlild be considered at this meeting of the Conncil, was given jn the "Weekly Packet" , a news_ paper publjshed inthe, SElid PoliceVHI~ge" 'theda\psofpnblieation beil_lg 'the2Oth ~nd27th;'d{l-ysof December, 1906, ,and the3rd and 10th clays of JaonlUY, 1907- rheCollllty.COilllciLofthe ,County ofF.lg~.n enacts- 1'HA~,'the Police Trnstees ,of~thePolice 'Ylllagebfport ,Bnl'well, .be and are, hereb,'de:h~l'f-dtl) ht::, !tCol'poration:lnder .the name oft.h2 Board of p'rUr.e Trn~tees of the Polibe 'Vi Hnge of Port BUl'Wl!ll; " " . "\. COllT)ciIChanlQf>rS,' St. Th'o,mas.26tbJah\inry, 11007. T,- W,M.dCAY, COllllty, ,Clerk. W, TOLMIE, "'Varden. 90 BY.LAW No, 71G 9.1 BY.VA'\\' No, 718 ToCbnfinlJtheEq~laliz,ation, oft,he ASSP$'8tlleilt-Rolls lJ'fthe Co nty'ofElgin fortb~ year 1907. The'Count.yCciuncil of'tlle Couutyo['Elginenacts: -'l'H AT thEdollo\ving'be the Equalizatioll"of the i')_fsessil-JenIRollsof the Oounty,at Elgill' for,190T: Td' .-\\ppofnt'a'frllstee"fol' the:Viehna. H'fgh':SchooL Tbe C.OUllty Council ?f the County of Elgin eoacts: THA'r i C::h~rH:!H 0; ,'. Gardner, be appbinted;-tl.t1~tee- oi'the VieunaHigh tl-c h 00,1 for the balanceof tlw )'ear in place of ThornasMiltoo, who has,re~ moved from the county . Aldborqugh.,... ,.. ,.......".., ,............ .$2,'784,241.'00 DUl1\vich'.. ,';.. ....... ...... ...,........ . ','" 2,872,1~9.00 Southwold . ._...,............ .... .... ..... 3,548;402.0) Yarmouth ........ '.;. ..,:.. '. .....',.... ...... 4,063;378,'00 {r'lalahide....,. ..... ..... ..... .......... 2,1:114,927.00 Bayham,.,," .. .>.... ..' ,...... "',,' ... ' .... L720,81~,OO SOllt,hDorchestel' ...... ...... ........,..... .],57J.M8.QO Ayltn€l" ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... ..." 600.U00:00 Vi,eulla.,.... .... .', 'I'" .... ... .' ,'" ..'., .'.,. 80,;OOU,OO PortSt,anley ................. ..,.. .,....',... 140,;000,00 Springfield ,,,,,,,,..,,,,,.,,''''',,.,,.,,' HlO,ooo,no Dutton ",.",', ",.,."", ""., ,." ,,,. , 200,000,00 COllli't;y C()'lltiejrChan-}ber~;St. 'Th0ln?S, 7th June, 1907: E~.W. McKAY, Count}: Clerk. W.rOLMIE, Wittdeo'. BY-LAW NO. 719 1'0 authorize t.he Warden and TI'easnrel' to borrow T\\'entyThollsandD61Jat.s TPassw.d 1une 7th, 1907. The County Conncil of the porporatioli of the Conaty of HigiuCllfl,ef,S; That the Wl:\:rdEln, and Treasn.re'r be,. and are hereoy,authorized to borrow the'suUl' of '1\ventY,l'.housa:nd'J)oIJ'n,rs"as it 'may be retIuil'ed, 't'o', meet the CtuTent expenditure ~f the Corporation of the County of Elgiu dtuing 1907" and: to,give as secnrity therefJr note3 of Olle thous~nd dollars each. ,$20;4H5,604 Council p~Hlmbers, St.. 'l'homa!3",.hnle,7t,h,~g07',. K. W, McKAY: County,Clerk; W, TOLMjE, Wal'deil. CouncitChambers, St-. Thomas, J'une,7th, W07. K W. McKAY, County Qll}rl,{. w, TOLMm, Warden. BY.L,'\ WNo, 717 To Grant.. Ad1dit,iona\ ,A id 'to, High. Schor-Jls: The Oounty Council of Elgin,enactsl / BY.LAW No. /720. To fix ~hefeeR to,be paid to' Jurors. ooehlludred' and (Htfdolhi.'rabe TI::IAT'the sum of one'.thousand, granted to lhefollowlllgschools: Aylmer Collegiateln8tittl~e,...., .:.... ..., . . ,..'- ;$~OO.OO Dutton High SchooL ~, .. .. . . .. .... .. .... ..... ,; ;'. 500;00 ViElIHia High SchooL... .... ..... ....' ,... . ...., .250;00 -- $n50 00 The Coqnty} Council enacts: THAT, evel:y Graml and Petit J nrol'attending, the Hig)i,; Court 01' General-sessions of the Peace or County Courts of the County 'of Elgin. shall be paid _thesnln' of fifty cents per day for every day he attends such Court III .a,ddition to thesum,of twodoIlars.penday,andmi\.eage fix<;ld bySect,ion142 of the Jurors Act. Connty Council Chamber, St. Thomas, June 7,1907. Dooncil Chal11bel'8, St. 'rhomas, 7th ,Jtllle, 1907. K W; McK~Y, County, C10rk, IV, TOLMIE. /. \VardElli. \Y.' tOLMIE, Wa:rden', 1(, W. McKAY, Conoty Clerk. 92 BY."LA '" ~o, 72) 93 2 That the 'sum of Fifty.One"Thousand Two I-Iundred and 'l'hirty.Nirie Dolhi.rsbe raised andJevit:d intberse,\lei'al'MuOIcipalities ill the County, 110- cordipg to theJollowing schedllle, and that ,the amounts asent€'l'ed therein be paid to Ule County Treasurer, as by-law required. To 'raise amonnt-sfor County Rates during,the,re!lf t907:77'J',l;ls~eCll~l~e7~jJ, 1907. . WHEREAS, by Section 405, of Chapter 223, R S. a., the Conn,eil ora County may paesby_lawsauthorizing the le\"yillg and ('oHecting of a rate, etc. SCHEDULl~ Munic.ipa]~ty Aldborough . ',' . .' , . . .~ . .. . . ',' ., . . .. . . .. . Dunwich ...... ......... ..,....:. ."......... SOllthwold ....." .',. .... ..... ...'; ,'......... Yanno,ith...." .... ..' ....... ....,. .... ......... Malahidl':!.... ..... ....."...... ...'.... ........... Bayham .......... .,........... ,.,. ..... ,. .,..... ........,. Soutb Dorchester........ '.., .. ...., , .... .. '... Aylmer. ..... ..... .... ...... ........ ...... ..... ..... Vienna:.... _..... ........ ... ......... ....." .... Springfield, .... ...... .... ..;. .... .;.. .... Port St!ln/ev . ."'" .... .... .... ...... .......... Dott,qn.....;... .... ........... ..... .... ..... ..... ....... Total """ f 6,961.00 7,180,00 8,87] .00 10,159,00 7,037,00 4,302.00 3,929.00 1,500.00 200,00 250,00 350,00 500,00 -- $ 51,239.00 AND WHEREAS, an estimate ,bae been made, sbowingthat the SllffiOf 'Fifty.One_Tho,lleand Two }lllildred and Tbil'ty.Nine Dollars is-reqnired to bGl rmsed in, tha sevt1ral Municipalitif's fur the lawful pnrpoeesof theCouoty- duUngtbe )€Hl' 1907. AND WHEREAS, by 'the Assessment Act, thisConocil is reqoiredto direct what portion of the Sll,'l to he levied for Countypnrposes shall be , levied 10 each Municipality in theCouoty". AND..WHEREAS~ the rales are ~eqt:ii.cd to be calculated,at so ffillCb 00 the ctol~ar, upon the actual value of all the real and personal property liable to assessment. ' AND WHEREAS, the actual value of the real and p~rsonalproperty of ,t,he CountY',lls ascertained and equalized by thisOouncil, is as foilo~vs: Municipality Total Equalized Value , Aldborough . ....... ... .,...... .,. ..... .."...$2,784.,241..00 ,Dunwich ...... ............ ...... ...... ..... 2,872,189.00 South wold ...... .'...... .., ,., .,.... .... ..... 3,548,402.0J Yarmouth, .....,............ ..... ........... 4,063~378.00 Malabide...... .......... ........,.........2,814,927.00 Bayllalu. . . . . . . , . . . . . . ". , . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. 1,720,812..00 South Dorchester...... ., .'... _......... ..... 1,57],648:00 Aylme" ,,"... ...." ""'" ...." ..o''' ....., 600,000,00 Vienna; ....... ...... .., ... ,..." ... ........ 80,000,00 Port Stanley .....,........ .".. ...... ...... .. 140,000.00 Springfield.." ......'"",,, .." "". ,:.. ..., . 100,000,00 Dutton ......................,......,..... .'. . 200,000.00 "$20,495,604 Therefore, the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elg~n enacts: County COllncil Cbumbp.r, St. Thomas, Ie W. McKAY, Cqunty Clerk. Jl1ne 7th, 1907. W. TOLMIE, Warden. \ \ , , 1 That urate of two and' a half mills on the dollu be levied upon'all t he,'r,at,enble property inthe several Mllnicipalit.ies in the COll'nty of Elgin,- gSf.1.b()\'l'f.W~, fortb;for thliyear 1907, to raise the following amonnts: H4 BY-LAW NO, ,~;2. To ~ppoint. OOllsiHl l'akl3P'; "rho Count.y Couneil of Elgin enfl.l:.t~~ 1 'r;hat'iValkerCllug~lell of the To\vnship of Y,\l'moli:t1i,G~j'aiHl if< !Jere~ by appdint~d','to, take,theCellsns of the inbabit~Lnts of.t\m\~I)~llpPI'pOl'ated ;Vilbge of'Yest:Lorne, in t,he TOWIlOihip ofAld\)oP;lllgh,,\':'it;~lts:J;llmediate neighborhood; the area- oLwhich may be ul(lre IHLl:ticlit::\;):ly- '(\~.!;;(!nbed ,1:-1 follQWS- , (lL) The 1l0l't,h half of Lot Number, 19 in\he 9thi~:~ )\1(Je~siolJ of Aldbol'oilgh, lOO'!lcre5. ('bY The south half of Lot:. Number, 18Jn t!le$t:.h;C(}l!\':,eR~iotl . or Aldbol'OlIgh,' 100 acreS'. ,",", ; (c) The north half. of Lot-Number. 18. in t\1e~rl.;i:'.cOI1CpBl'.;ion of AldborO\lgli, 100acn.'s. (d) Th~~:part,o~ tJ,lesout:.h, ~lalf:,ot Lo:~ I? i,,~,1 the ~th Conce<;sioilOf Aldborough, described as follows;-Bc:ginriih'g" at ,',the" 'so\(~lf-pa:ster1y' l'l,pgle .of s~id Lot 19, in the 9th Concession of Aldboro\lgh. ,~rhen ~qrthel'ly' on ,the limit between Lots 19 and 2C,in, :tb0S1~td,8thcon:" cession to the northerly boundary of the rightof':\\la:r' o'f"the"Cana~\ian Southern llailway Compf\ny,thence westerly al()llg the sa:iri l.orthern boundary of the Canada Southern Hailwa.y Company's property to the' eentre line diVI(ling the easterly tLild westerlyhalvcs of s'l.id L()t No. 19. T~ence Noi'therly along said centre line to the centre line dividing the Northerly and Southerly halves of s.aid Lot 19. Tr-ence -Wcstedy'a.lollg said last mentioned Centre Line to the West limit of said Lot No. 19. Thence Southerly along said west limit of Lot 19to,the South west angle of said Lot. Thence east.erlyalong the, southerly limit of said Lot 19 to the place of beginning. 52 acres. (e) That part of the east quarter of Lot 17 in the' 9th Conces~ion of Aldborollgn descr:bed as, follows: Beginning at the south~east an~le of said.Lot 17. 'l'bence westerly along tbesolltherly limit of sUldLot 17, a distanct:l of 30 rods. 'l'hence northerly at right angles to said souLherlylirr,it to the northerly limit of the right of \"a)' afthe Canada Sout.hernRai1way Company. 'l'hence ,easterly alongtbe nortberly limit of'said railway company's right of w:"l.y tothe easterlv limit of said Lot Number 17. Thence eoutherly along the said €asterly,Jj':nit'of . said Lot 17 to the place of b€'giunlllg-lO acres. 95 CO The north-easterly half of then9rth-east quarter ofLot'Nnm l per)7, in the9tbConcessi.on of AJdboro\lgh~25aeres~ (J{) 'rhe"olltb-e~8t:ql1:il.rter ofLofNumbel' 18 in theOth Conc~l9- I sion,of AldbJI'ol1g~---:50aeres. (h). :rile southwest quarte', ~ldborongh_50 ~cres. of, Lot 19, in the9thConcessidu of 2, That,Duncan ,McNabb, of theTowr1ship 'of DtlllWlCh, be ar.d :s',here. by, ap~oiu'ed to take a" censn, 0; the inhabitan"t, o;,he nninc,orpora'ed village of Rodney"in the-TowlJshipof Aldborongh, with itslrnmediate IH'!ighborbood, tbe area {)'rwhich .maJ' 'be mOre part'iclllllrIYdl;Scl'ibed as fol- lows:' The north half of,~ot-Numb~r l-3e'ven in theEiK,hthConce13siou,the north ,halJ of,LotNntriqer Six in, the Eigh~h Doncession,and,the sonth,_ ",est qna,t., of Lqt Nnmber ~evell"in 'he Eigbt"hCollcessioIJ, _ndthe sOlltheas,tq~arterof Loti :Nnmber Six,IIl the Eighth C{)llc(~~sion~alld'th{l south bal(of Lot NurnberSix i.n.thA Se\'entb COllceilS1ioll, arid tbe sontb half of :LOt Number Seveni'n tb~SeveBthCmlcession.. )111 in the 'I.'OWIl'~ sh,ipofAldborougil afor~~a;d, compris.illg in all Fh'eHnnd~ed Act'F's. 3 .Thatthe,said"censl:iS takers filethei.r 'report-i ,unde~oath :with t.he Olerk of theCounr.yConncilonor before the 1;5th day'of Decembel', 1907. \ 4, 'Thattbe said ce'nSu8t:lkersb~ paid'thl\ Burn o(t'.\'o dullars per day expenEleswhile taking the'censllfli-andpreparing their I'epol'ts. COllllcilChambers; St. rhom~s, 22rid November, 1907.~: W. McKAY, W, Countv Clerk. ., l'OLMIE, Ward~n. 97 FOlJR'fH SESSION. Saturday, 'the 21.8t Decl;lr~6ei'\ '1907. , The Elgiri C0L11lty COIincilmet this,clayattheCourtfiollse., St.Th(1):l~!:l.' , accord~ngtP adjolllnme,nt. TbeWarde'ri. in the chair. Allthe,member~ present exeept,Mr.M:cteah. Tbe procciedings oft,he'.hj.s~ day of'_the pr~d6'l1B Se'asian \'il;:l'e'read and 'confirmed. Theia] lowin:g cot.mDnnicatioris, werere~\d: From D.McNabb, 1'~i?o,t.toncl~li8U'SJ, viiJage of l{o[lner. From-W:. CanghUJ,l'report "n,census, WeHLorue. FrOl)ll'utepayers, (JI:;]{IJdlley, "with'petiliiJh ';;":il hdtil\\;ilig II;~ nil'S petition fOl' incorportlti(Jll~ Fr<'Huuuited' COlludes, ',Nulthumbetl<lIJd"alld I_lilt'ilIHlI, i'OI'l)t'lili"liH lu ~melJd ~li!?pJt;:I~:eBlal'yR~~elJ1W Act: \ From' COll!!l)' G IllU~'11 of Qxford,;1'6 S,l'lli tari,illl),f! ,r:,(}jJI~Il!,II(Ji i;,)!, Allof'\vbic~lwef;eref\';rre:ct to the uummittee 9U P~titiohsatJd L~gisl~\ti()ll From,Provincial'In'spector, \\;ithrepol.t'on ,Hollse of Indnstl'y'. Re/, ,ferred to BOllseoiIndhstry Mmmittee. On motion ofBald~i'~li secoIldr.od ,by HenderSoIl,the council a,djo'lrned>' to meet at 1.30 p.m. The cpunQil,resl]med. \ "I, .. , " Dr. Lingpresented affidaYitsproying9wneTShipofresident'~'o.,1 petItion iorinco~poration qfRodney, .and()ther' ,(jeclarl).tio[)s,fromr'esi(~ent,s whlise names were on the,\Vith dr,a~'n]gedtio~l,fa v''c)rhlg", t,be" IncOfJ;:lOniti6nof ,,', f,h e village. All of \;\;hich were> re{erredto thecun:I'Ullt.t.eeunPet.itions'alld' Legi~latiorl. ' On rnotion of'Blue,:seconded "u..'i'Black" the ,eo!1ncil..'a~j,ollrlledforfif.. teen minutes, to allow the 'commlHee on Petitions al1dLltgi!'!lution tp meet. '.the'Council, resumed; 'The'report' ofthecommiUee. on Pet.itiolls and :L~gi~lation 'waR 'prPEl~nfl~d and the Warden cullt'duponthe d(7pnt,alious prt'sent tOllddref's tlleCQlfucil. Mr. C.St, Clair-I~eitch;_represe.nt.in~ ,1 h()~e' oppo8(-!'d, IO'i,llci)t'p()ratio~l, , addreesed the'council. Hewas followed, bj' l\1r.,i\oforris, fa\'< ,rillA' .rncoqJllw. tiono:f Rodney. ' . " I Messrs; Mistelt-,3nd \\'hittonalso (~xprel;'!'(-'d llit'nl~I.'I\'('!,!;I;> (lppn~!t,.d',t<) incorpomt.i6IJ1. 08 Acting G,)\lnty ,Solicitor Da.;,.ids'onexplained the positio.lof t.h~ coqncil. Moved bv D. 'Bltl~, seconded bv W.Grant, ttmt the 'report, of committee c.nPetitioHs ;ndLegislation bead~pted. !n amendment: Moved by E. B, Baldw.in, seconded by J. R. Sumroen!, That the council go into C()mmittee of the Whole to corisiderrepbrt of P. and, L. CommIttee.' ' nLlin motion lost; amendn:18f1t cal'ried. Tbe connell went int6Comrnit\ee of the Whole, Mr..Wonnacott iritbe chair. After con'sidering the report, elanseby clalll'le, the cornr'nitteerose. and the l:eporli waeadopted 'without amendment; on motion ofW.onnacott, se- conded by Baldwin. , lI'loved byWm. Grant,s~c9'nded by W.:T., Bare,that B},L1.\v No. 723, b~inga'by.law't.,incorporatP the'Village of West LOI'no,l:)e r.ec~ilied, :wd read a l1rst t:ime..:....".Carr\ed. ' Moved by A. S. li.ogers, seconded byC. E. Locke. That !?y-Law No. 723 be read a second' time.-Cari'ied, Moved byJ.B. SUU'lrners, st'conded by M. )/1. Black, That By;Law 723 be l'Eiflda third time and'final:y pa8sed,~Cl\rried, l\loved by Dr. Ling, secondl.dby D; Blue.'. That Dy.Law No. .724, beiug n by"law to lIlC,'f\)OraW the Village aiRod. no\', be rece\\'ecl, ~ndreadaf1ret time.-Carril'd. Moved \,)y E. B. Bald\vjn~secondedby A. -McDonald. Tlwt By."Law No; 724 be read a second time.:-:Carried. Movedby.U'. Herldersoo,sec.bnded by A. 'McDonald. TIIUt. By-Law No. 724 'te', e?d a third time and-finally .plLs8ed.~Cil.rried. Mr. Wo:'nacott presented' 'petiion from D. Lellsuu and 6tbor~\1fep bl'eedt-'rs of Malahide, requesting pet.ition for amendment- totbe la\.... relating to the t.ux on dogsulldt1:le protection" of' sheep. ' Moved by l\,.'. Duncanson, seconded by D. Blue, That th(~ petit.ion fro'm' sheep' breedm'sof'Malahidt' be laido\'d n!ltil the ,Ja,Duary St'sslon.-Garried. l\1Cl\'edhy M. M. Black,8econded'\)y'J~, R. tiu111 llIfH'S. 99 Tlmt tbe thanks 'of thiS conncil be ext,ended to the Warden f6rhiis conrtesy dnring the year,',.tlndthat we make him rohe psnul grant'ofFifty Dollars.---':Carried. l\1o\'f!d by M. M. BJ'flCk, se,conded by.To R..~llmmeI'S, 'fhl}t. tll,e ,~Ollll(:il adjourn sine dle.~Carried; ,Ie w. McKAY. County ,Clerk; PETITIONS ,100 AND LEGISLATION REPORT, DECEMBER rrotb~ElgiriCounty Couu,oil: ~pe'PetitionB'l)nd Legislati~n O{)ml;-,itt~e report~: .','Fhat, ~be: wit~,dl'awal pet,it'ioufrom petit-ion lor inc?rl)(Ji'~; Hm (If Rod.ne,y'b~ ,r~oeive.Aa8' withdrawing the names o~ eight owners and.:three tenantsj'letwing theodgimil'petition wiJhsixty-fi\'8' oy..ners andfOl'ty'f'!),X tenants; a total of one:hundl'edand eleven-. , 2~"T,ha+'t.ber:eport'8f D.' McNabb,. _('.eosI1S liker of, l{odney,' sh6\\'s th~ 'J.lopulatipn, ,(ii;,the area'to 'De incorpol'uMd, to' be 829. ? rrhat: the' propel; notices of p.rop')sed,incorpolatiOl:of l\o(~ney'wer~ \};lU\)lisbed an the. 5th and'12t,h December, in ,the 'RodupyMerclHY. 4;-That thQCOt1i1'c't1"\\'(lllldhe 'justified inpaRslng ,t.behy-law foriIl~ ~Ol'poration'of 'RQdney, the petition as it f:tRudsbeing SllffiC\ent. 5. 'Weat"tach heff~tolett'ers received ham _a.firm of'rcironto 8olidtOI'~. withnbticenotto,pllse the'Dy-law incor~oi'iiting ,'tt0dney. \ ~. Thatindetermining,tqepetid0l1,re:ferrecl to 'in s<ctiun L we COll- 'si,de'redthedec,larationsof fift?'~IOllr frpeholdcrs entere'd thereoB, pllldll~ ownership, and other decraratlOl1S favoring it'lCorporatioll.' , 7. :That tlle report of ~. Canghell" censuS takpr .fo~ W~st,Lnrne. ell'owe populatio'n of area to be incorporated, ,to beSlg. 8, Thatfioti,:;e~olpropm;edjncorp()r~\tion ~)f West', LonwN.erep',U; lishedin t~e:E:lginS\ln on',5th alid 12th December. Tbt"se were in proper fOt'lnwit'h'the,:~xceptioll~f a,c1erical error in stating the number of con- oessidu.' in' see,tion ,( e:) describing,the area to be ,lncorp{Jr~tt-d' as '9"''wltetl' it i8~,ould:bave been8~: Thiserror'iscoveredby thepart,icnlm ,de~crlptdon __\It ,:,thearea,: and we are advised that Lhen6t,ices'-are snfficient. 9. "Tba~ t~ Conncil pass t.he neces!'ary by-la\'\" incorptwat i i1.K the\'i 1- ,Jage of West Lorne. 10~'fbat we co. operate by petit,ionwit,hthe:\lorin~ies. of NorllLntlllwr- landan~ Dereham for-:amendment to Sltpplpmeutary He\'etl\w Act.. lL That in re,ferenceto C(lmmtl'tlicationff(Hl;CCilltlt,\~ ,.f Oxford, we It':- commend thntthe Warden' attend allvme~"tin2:that llla~' hI' C'llHt'd to. "wait . ' .. upon' the(i'overn ment',befnretheJ an l1u1':: session. .AII of which i'" respectfully sllbI11illed', [J, BLUE, Chai"lllfW; December,21':190r. 101 ]JY.LA IV No. 723 Tp:ln(mrp~rate.the'Vil1age of \Vest'Lan:e.-Passed,2Ist D,eelllber~ HJOi; ',,:1VHEREAS' a petiti<;iU by not .les)l,thanone-hundred l;'e~idellt"fI'ee.l~oItl~r,~' all(ttenants o!.the[ini,ny~rporated vinage'?!VV ~st Lor~e_ and neL!~ hbol'hood,_ bi '~h.e'rownship of Aldliorough,. of, Wh?fH not .f_~~vor, tl~itll.- olle~,half Svel'o: fl'ee~__ hOld,ers, was lodg'ed,}vith, the. Clerk of . thE:"Co~ut.y,of Elgin OIl' t'h~ 13th day oi November, 1907., .pra.YlIlg.. 'fCH.th~.incorpo., ratlOn of the 'said unincoJ:{J<:,raterl ',,' , " '''' I,'" " village and r~eighu,odlOOd".. ... ' .. AKDWI-I EltEAS oni the-,':22_lld,d~y of.N 9VI;Hllb~:'~y,- L:u,w~.o:7:.?2 \V,ttA passed" by.H,.,eCollntYCOIlI,wi(Of. the'Couuty pf Elglu,.apl,oJ11ting WLl,lkel' Qa.ugheJ.J; ,of ,the To\~.nshj'p 'of Ya~'ulOut,jl;, tyuJUke,u,il'etUI'L;.ofthe' eellSUSO! the'. f':u'id unillcwporl~ted viI lage, ,a'uu" I]{}ig h 001'110.0(1.,;, audlt'bereasthe ,said, ,~ValkerCn'ughe]l Jl~S ,made Jli~cen81U ret'tlrl1,l'lHJ\dllg,tlH~t. the suidull'.ll- corporated villag,~,u,lltlit:,; lqllll~t1iate l:eigl~~ol'hood, ,eolmtilli'; over,:,;eV0U qred-and. fiftyinhabitallt" " , ANI) IVHERE~S pnulie notiee nU8vnb,li,hed once ~ neck forewe ,ne". ,eesE,{veweekllill theEJ~ill St:jll"alleWSpapei', pUUJi;;;hed ill the, :,;aJd vUiage:of ' , vVest'~9rne, on,,~he,fift,h ll_nd,twe!ftl1 daJ~,()f De'celll,uer',lHU7; .&Ud:lIHJtiuy' s\ettilJgf~~'tha'de8d'iption of ,the area '.int~n~l~d .to;_b,El. enl bl,:ac,eu, in thc,.Ejaicl village, and date,wh~nthe County Council, would,meet to- c;Jnsidel' a by. law I to 'inC01'pOTaloe the VIllage. ' ANDWHERlj":AS:theal'eaintended to be embl'acedin the s~i(lvil1{tge ' does.. not..,exten'd.' over or.'oceupy.arla'rea.of more. thftn live hUlldrcd.ac1'cs.o( land. ' The County CourwiL€macts: 1. ... That the,unin.corpol'atedvillage, uf '\Vest Lbmeallq.It~:inl"nledia,ie" neighborhood be and ul':ehel'eby erecteJ. into an' incprporatyd' village,.. .apart fr'omthe 'fownship,ofAIdbol'ohghin' which th,e,sJJ.lllcMe. sitnate, .\tlJder_th~ -,na~~'~ft~e V,illag~ of,'Yct';t"..:Lorncalld Wi h- the,bound:tl'ies a'f,d Iilllfts which UJaYb~,m,ore:p_~.rtlOt1larly~escrIbed tt~JOllO\V8: - (a) .The'north JlaH 'Of Jotnum bel' -l'i)..inthe' 9th eO-!lccssionofi\.Id., boro~gh, 100 acres. ' (~) T~w8outh'IHtlfof!,9t uUlnbcI' IS;;J,>> the 8th eOllcession of bo'rotigh,lOOacres. (c)'T!::ie north half of lot Ollmbel' 18 ih tlw, 9_Gh cone~:si';iolJ bor.6ugh,. ~()O. aCl:es. (d,) That pa(tof. tlwf30utli h~lfofL)t, IY in the 8th COtjces~ion(jf :'~ldbotOllgh,d(: 8cl'ibedas f()}lo\Vs:-Beginnillg"at:. the, south ea~terlr' :t~HgJ:e oL,saidLo~19, i!l.. the '8th eon(~es8ion ,of Aldbol'ougb. ThellllOJ~therly . onthehnlitbetwee~L~t8I9and2U in the said '$tIl cmwesMion L~ ,t'be I northerly, b~illld'aryof thel':ght' of way oft,he. CHtHl;{l't'au South0l"lt Htl.l'\\'ItY / 10~ C01H1H~n.r,thQnce ..'~e8terlY'lLlong,the said northern hOnl1!\lLryof the CanfLdiail S(}u:tlt~l'll' ~{,[).ilwa)" Compapy'f.! !Jropert~'to,.tb,e'ce:n~l:e.Fpe: didl~iII,.s:,,:d,le tnl$~edy a~d\\'e3ter1y halves of ~aid Lot "Nu., 19. 'l'hellce" Ilor(-;lled):, ':l'~toilg ~~id' ?~:ntre, '1i,1ll' t.o tbe centre line dividing UI~ 'n?rtherl~ nod. s.ollth~'rly. halve>!, ,()f8~idLo~ 'No. _:' H)" 'TheU:ce 'westel'lya-IanK lOlL}:: la:-;,t'.Illentionectcentre line-to the' west liluitof said,lot N"o. HL Thence south.. erlyalong 8~idwestlimit of Lot IOta' the ~oth~westangl~" .~f Isaid.lo,t~ Th~,nl~e eastel:ly alo~g the southerlJ:!imi'; oLsahL Lot' 19to'&he place, of bei~~~\~ling,58..acre8. ' . ,(e) That .part of-the east' qn~rterof Lot,"17 in the 8th (loncesBion, of Aldhorough::dcscribed a" 'foJlo,vA:~llegi:rining,at tl~~,si:iilth-east' tl.n?l'e'?f said Lot, 17. Thence, westerly along lbe,southerly liInitof, said. Lot, 17,n 'dista:nce of~~O rods., Thence nOl'therly,atright (,i,Ilgle~to sa~(Lsoutherly J.imitto the northerly limit of the'_ l'ightd,way,of,'tbe, (-;,anndtk!3011th~rn Jta,i'h~ay'Gompany." Thence eo'st'erly ~dong the nonherly_lirpit'()f ,sai,d,l'u.i1' way company's rightQf, way to the, easterly limit, of $fli(rlotll,un~her If Thence southerly fdoIlg,thc,sahfeasterly Jimit of said, Lot.'17'tb'" the:-, place of beginning, 10 aere~; (f) Thenorth.eastedy liu.1fotthe'nortl-i:east"quartel',of lot; IlU~-;Qt\~ .. ," ,,","', ":"'" ", ",' "", "" ',,' , ',-- ","",,-' ,', \ . in the 9r.h cOllcession of Aldborough, 25 1.1:('.1'e8. ' (g) The south'eastqual'tel'of lo~ numb~l' 18, ,iq t,~~ 9th ,collce,s,j>iQu'(!f' Aldpol'ough,50 a(:l1'8s. u' ,(,h) Thesouth-We::tqnarte,l';of,Lot)9, i~lthtL 9th 'cnnces,slon" of Aid, borough, i 50 acres. , , 2: ;rhat thefln:it eJc0tionof Reeveaild C,01l,ncUlol'>;'fo~:, ,the 8aid.,cor~ poration .of the Vilhge of \VeB,t, Lorue R\l?'tlheh'~ld,ill. the 'fown ,HpJI m th~' saidVillago' on the fir8tMo'lday in ;Ianuary, H)Q8. ' :t '1'-!tn,t,.Iohn CIHl~el,ey "h,all' belte,ta~ning Ofliilel" to hoJdthefi'l'f:\t eleH,i.o(l.tol'th,~~sdid. Vilhwe. ' .'" " ,', -- ',", " Comity Council ChaIIlber,;:'~ St, 'rhomas,21liit'-Decem,bet, 1907. ,K. Vi, ~icKA Y, County Clel'k, 'Wo. 'rOLMIE, W arden:~ BY'I~AW NO, 724, To'i1jCOl'ppr~tet,heVillage of Rodn'ey. \'\ ,Passed 21e~ Decem ber, 1907. WHERE'AS, a petition bY, not less.'than o.ne,hundred resident he... ehold , ',",," ,". __ ,,,', '""0,,, "". -'__,"1; '-.,", ',":',""",,' "" ",' , ,'" ers ,and teIl~nts oItbe, ,on int:or,po;~tedvillage; 01 Rodller,and ueiglLbo.r l1pod: in the Towpship"of Aldborough. of wh()nlnQtfewertlu.l~l,one:ha,l.f:W.~le il'eeholders, was lodged with ,the (Jlerk ortheCOIlJlty,of.Elgin"o~:tlle~Oth , (lay of: No.vernber, '1907"prayil1g, fqr t,he inc(Jrppr,}~t,ion of"the~aiq., :uniI)CIlr. pOtated villlageand, neignborhl)od; and ]Q3. . . 'W,BEREA'S. onth~e22hddaYl)f ~o,vem,ber;BY.La.w' No~72~'-'wasp~ssri&'" by the County ConnciJof th~Cou;t:1;t:~ @f;,Elgm,appoint:rigDuoca-oMcNl'tbb,- of JJ1€i .Tow-rish.ipof Dunvl-'lch,- 10 maken re-tnYnoftne OMens of t,he,said nni.ncmpOl'at.ed: "iHnge a;~d neIghborhood; and -where-aathe'saidl Dllnca1i' ,\\:lcNabb has made hj's cellsns ..etnm,show:i.ng that the said nnincgrporRt"d, irilJageand. it"simI'tH~"(,'lifit~ neighbol'llOod cont.nJns,'ov:er Seveli I-I!Jl)Qr,ed:, and ,Fifty in j abitants; and "WBJ~RF;A~. pn 1)lic"l}()dre was pnbHshE'c] Otlce aweek for" t'\VO Sll'CC~S~ gj',:e \t~~ks jn'Ule"Ro4rJ'~1Y'Mercnr.v," a..newspaper_ pnb!ish~d(j'n: theF.luid Vi 1 Jag-e9f, Hodney,'-.r'l!{the'F,lfth and r\velfth 'da~'Rofpecernberj,lVO'l,. such n.otJc'eRs~Hing fnrth,a'~"'~pr:ipLioll of I he al'ea intended,to be',ell1brac,edin the' sajdYiltHge..and,flai~ wh'?'ll 't:he Oonnl,)' C(>1lnciJ .wonld, meet toc,rJOsidera,' l).\'.!aw:to,incorpOl'l1fe, the' VO lagf'. A oct , , "VH~RE'AS;:'t:fle[j.rea: intended Ii", he f'mbrnced ill,the's!lld v.ill.age.does llot e*.t~?di:l\~eLor,occnpy,an_ afPftof mi)fe thao,lhe'hundredaoresnf land. The CQlH1tY,C()Ullcj)el1~Cts: '" Ii Tha.Vthe u'nincQ'rmlJ-aterl VjIJa'~~e/jf Rodney and" its immf.'diate ne'igh~?rilo()d' be and,!areh;~r:"by erecteiJ.inti, ,an .iiJco~'p()ratPd 'vil/"gf', :-tpart ftotntbe,Tnwnshik' o( A,,)f'P;:iOl'ol12:h, in whICh t,he same, HI' >sitnate, IH1(~~r tlwnan~0., 7,t I.he' Vi]l~ge qtRodn~y, and:. wiLtrtbe oon'ndari(;s and .lin:li't.s ,\:hich,Il~i1Y;he nH'!re parti011!<-lrly de3cribedas fl)llpws: ' Thu:',ricirth .h;alf'of, .IQt...Nnrnber_ Sevf.>1l 'in the-Eight,h conce~sioll.tlH~ "pcthb.!'r oUo' Nnlll~llr SixJn tbe J1:;ghth,concession,.'"dthe~ontlhcve't q~l~rt:~l.~ ot-1Qt-:Nl1n~ber'Se\'t1~:1 in the]!~ighth COI1CEjssiol1,an(,1,the. S?"lt,h'l:1~st, qnarter of lot :Wlnn tier Six i tl theeight-hconcession;and the sonth ,haIr:: ,01 loiNnniber Six in theS"veqtheone"ss,on, .nd thosonth half of' 10' Nn';" be,~Sevell int1"w SeV(~ntl)_ ~qncf'ss:on,al', 'ill ..the, 'rownshipofAldbol'Oqglt. f1fore~aid';ic()mpl'isillgin, flil. fi\'e. Hnlldred Acres; ,;2. That the fii--.'lSt eltlc~ic~li ofR.eeq-j andC()uneill()'r~for the :iHjollof.:the \'illngeof HOc1tlf!ys,bal!be beld IU' -the town, hall v,iJJage on ,the first 'Monday'in Junllar:v; 1008. 3. l'h~t John ]).R~lR\\~ shall he Hetllflling OftLer to, holqf.hefii'st elf'!ct,iiHlfl'ir the saiit "U~<ige::' \ " CU(]tll.,vCollncil Chatllbf1r,Dec~ ,2],1907, IV, MeKA Y, Co.Clerk. ,said.C1Jr{H!t\ j'n' illt' f.1aid Vi, TOLMIE, \-Varden. 1'04 INDEX , ' Ad(h~ef!ftQfWard~n Auditol'~ '.. . ,.,':'-'''., ,,>".1:;" ,BY~LA'Y.i;:;,::',J A pp'oi,nt G~ns\,ls':~~al~~rH:. ", ~~~~veetor Hpurse ,9f, Il~lltl_sti'y An'~itorB'.".",.,: .." ., H','i';" .. .. 'B.orrowitlg' Money '.' 'I' . . . i13o'a.rd.?:,r.Aul~il; <I COlill~yltates ,... ..", . Equali~l\tion".. . .'.. <Fix,Jluors' Fee$.... ; ','.. ~l~gh'SchoolTl'ustee;s". '. , ,- <'n, Grants ....... ItJcor::iOl'I}tiohof "Vc,,;tLorne.. . ,_.,. .. '-'.' il Ro.!,fI;ley;........, .,....,..';,\.~., " Poliee'l'l'llf<teeB Port Bllrwe~L ptel'ks of.. Munieipalitieg ;CQmmittees... ,<... "-' .... County/Bridges',',...., :',.'.. .... ...,.... ..., ..... " Roads ..i...'...... .... ...... .... .... ...,'.", County,ClerkJ~ l~eport on Lice,llses Com,munications . " . , . , , . .. ...... Deputations GUAN'l'B: ..... ...... .1(),.22,,2,f, . . .. ..,. "" .. , ... " , ~ ..;i,6, E'a~men/'histitutes. .;;. ..-.. ..,. .,......:, .;" .';..', ;":',i.:.,:.';:l~ p;'oult.l'y A<"::\ociat.ion,... .. ...... ... ...,.... .. ~... ..' ...:,~$ Horse Shows ........ .... .. ','" ......... .... .... .... .. ..;;!5, 2~ Agricultural As"Qciations.... .,.'. .. ~ ';.... ........ ,'" . - .. ,~'. ;.~~11 M,aplet.on Bridge,Accident.~.. "." ,'.' Mhnicip[l"l ASl!lociatiolL' ...... ,..,...... . Nelson Challlberls Will ...... /Peddlers' Lhiense8 'H.E~'oltf1'8! COllnty,dletk "',,."-- "..,. ..... .,.......... '.,.. .". '.."'" CbnrtHor,seCo:umisE'ioIL.;;... "'." ",".' ....'..".. l!;ducatioh CoturnifLee :., ... ..;" ,. .... .., .;..... ... ... i, Af3sth\itttion belegat,e'.,...... ..........;~, ,.. ,.. Bhl'tihe~t .""'''''''' ......,.'. .....',.'".. "." ...' .. .., /1?ihb.MeCull1\l1.iHee... ....... ,.',. ... .............. Oaol ('omulittee '...... .;. ,..' ".... ...-.....-.,........ '",','"..,..,;...:. ......',.., 105 HouseofIndustry Committee.. ',". ...... ,.. " Inspector. . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . II Phy"dcian.,.... .... "". " Water Supply, ..,..... Municipal Assoeiation Delegate.. .. ,... .... Petil;ions LegiE'Iation Committee..,. '.' Police Magistrate.... ...., ..... . Public IllJpl'.ovement<l,..... . P... .... Public School Inspector.... ...... ... .'l,'1'el1su1'e1' ....,.,. .'.. .', .... .....,...,..... ',' ., ',,> "'''''''' """ 74 " """ ",," "" .78 """'" '''''' ".77 ",. ,..- .... ,... ,. .-,.-76 .... ,.'.. ..... ". ','" .85 " "" "",70 ."" ,83 """. """"".",66 ...... "" """" ..42: ...,. .52