1908 Minutes
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Of Rohool ,et.,"' of Srib- he.,oeece of Seh",,1 ",oney' in the Coonty of Elgin.foe the ye"ending 31,tDeoembN', '190),
A'uditors' ,R,epori
._. ._..... ,'. _.,\..overpaid'- ,Balan c.e Leg"slat.i\,eIL eg.;,I_atiVe\' Coun~y .T.."tal.,' _'-_!....Total. over.pa.id .\'13al.an:ce~
TOWNSHIPS. in . on hood Grant. Equipment Geant, P,eoeipts ExpendW, in on hand
_ 1900 . 1906 . 1907 \1107. 19071907 . - 1907" 1907' . 1907
_---__________.~------------I~~~-~ . ~--
Al.dbotough '",' $ """" $_" ,. $ 1258 00 223 WI . 22' 04 1704. 08 168i 64 ,.. ".. \$ 22. 34."
. - ..... . I. '. ."
Duuwioh ." .", ".. 1000 00 165 72 \65 721 1331 44 131068, .20 76
8outhwold . _"",,' "" 12;4 00 227 94\ '227 94\ 1729.88 1729 88 "....
Yarmouth ". """,' ".....'.. 152000 23331 ~33S1 198682 196778... ." '\ 1884
Malahlde _.._ .....,... \ 580 10l'O-oO 21366 21366 14<1312 143732...--:- 580
'-''''' .. ... .. ... ......... "".. ,. 00 "" w ,,,,"' ,~'+ .
South l'occh"tO' ,,' . 1 00 50000, 8230; 6476 648 06[ 647 061 ... .. e.1 1 00
We hereby certify that we have examined tlee ret"rns made by the Tl'easurersof the several Town-
ships, and compared the items therein with the vOllchers, and we find tIle balan,;" as above set forth.
, W.A':GALBRAITH Audztqrs.
St.Tho~as C~urtH6use,-_l\iIarch 19," 1908.
County Officials
O. W. Gottel', Esq. County Judge. C. O. Ermatinger, Junior Judg-e;
n.MacOoU. Esq,.; Sheriff. JaB. H. Ooyne,_Esq.,Registrar,
D. McLaws, Esq.,OountyCourt Clerk.
A. McOrimmou,{Esq.,Olerk of the Peace-aUdCounty Crown Attorney.
O.F.Maxwell.Esq, Mastel'iu Ohancery. N. W. Manre,.Gaoler.
W. Atkin, Esq., Public School Inspector.
John McCausland, Esq , Co. Treasurer. K. w.McKay, Esq., 00. Jlerk.
.Jamol;l.A.Bell, M. 0.8. O. E., County Engineer.
.Tames M..Glenn, K. C.. L; L. Bo, Connt,y Solicitor.
_ Fl'ank Hnnt.,Police Magistrate.
W. O. VanBuskirk, M D., Gaol Snrgeoll.
L,\Lnton,-M.-D.,Physician House a! Industry.
n H. Gooding, Esq., Keeper House of Industry.
.John HopkiuF, Careta.ker Cn'nrt House.
All of St,. Thomas P. O.
Oounty .Anditors: Andrew Murray, Aylmer, W. A. Galbra.ith, Ion~
. Statiou.
Admiuistration of .Justic'e:,Anditors: O. W. Colter. ConntyJudge;
'[)r. Ling, Dutton.
Municipal. Clerks and Treasurers.
Alqborough.... .... ..E. A.Hugillj'Rodney. .p. McPherson,'WestLorne;'
Dunwich...... ..... ..D. A. McNabb, Dutton... ~J; A. Oampbfill. Dutton
Southwold....... .....; M. Campbell,Fiogal... .D. A..Cattanlwh, Frome
yarmouth.... ..'W. C. Oaughflll, St; 'rbomas. .R. McLachlin, St. Thomas
Malahide.,......... Mahlon E; Lyon, Aylmer. ...Mahloll E. J.JYOll, Aylmel;
'Bay ham.. .... .. ...Benjo' Brian, Straft'ordville..R A. Walllh,8traffordville
South ,Dorchester , ..... .'.D. 'l'a,yloT, Belmont....... '1'hos. 'Winder'-l~yon~
Town of Aylmer. . ..... ...... J. Bt..adley.... .......... ..... W. WfU'nock
Village of Vienna..... .1. . ...S. S. Qlutton........... .... ..S. S.OluttOn
Village of Springfield. ........ ..J. BLucas.......... .... W.,J ,Kilpatrick
Village of Port Stanley.~.. .... .Tas. Gough............. ',' ~. .."Jas. Gout1;li
Village of Dutton........ .....J. D. Blue........ .... ......D.,Oampbell
'Village of West Lorne.. ,... J.S. Robertson. .,..... ..... :..~,.:,::'~~m~~ck,et
Village of Rodney, "..,,, ""J, D. Shaw.". ,,,,,, "" ",;;;'~;S'hU"SlY
Proceedings of
Elgin County Council
'l'uesdav, the 28th day of 'January, 1908
The members elect of the Count,)~ Council of the (Jaunty of Elgin IDf>t
this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, and on motion adjourned unl it
-ten o'clocl,Wednes(:ay in0rning. .
Wednesday, the 29th day of. January, 1908.
'1'he members of the County Council of the County of Elgin met this
day at the Court House St. Thomas at teu o'clock in the forenoon.
The ~ollowin~filed certificates and took their seats at tl~e Council
Township of. Aldborough-
R6o'Ve, James A. McLean
Deputy Reeve, Donald McLea.n
To;wnship of Dunwich-
Reeve, Alexander McLachlin
Deputy Reeve, Willi,am W. Go\\'
Township of South wold...,....
Reeve, Robert Jelly
Deputy Reeve, William H. Turner
of YarIilonth-
Reeve, WilliamG. Saunders
Deputy Reeve. John A.Campbell
Township 'Of Malahidn-
Reeve. ~.: S. McDermand
Deputy R~e've, T _~L Moore
rrownshi'p of'Ba,yham-
lteeve,:Joseph A:', Ja:okson
Deputy Reeve. William Y e~ridle
Township 'Of South'DorQhester-:-
/ Reeve, Charles D. I...ut.on
rfown 'Of Aylmer-
_.,Reeve. ,Jp~lll R. Summers
Village.of"v.ienna:--:- ", '
~eeve,Eflward 13 I1n.ld.\v'iIi
Village of Srringtiel(l-
Reeve, M.- M. Black
Villag,e of port Stanley- '.
Reev\3, Arthb.r' McDonald'
RI38Ve', G,'W.Ling"M;,D~
Village 'of west :Lorne-'-" ,
neeve, William B,rock,'M.-D.
Village of Hodlley-
Reeve, 'J. J. Mistele
The Oledl: took the chair arid called for nominatiQlls for the p,mlition
of Wa,rdell.
, '-: .-";,:.',-:,:' :':.,- .. ", ::>:'. .." -'-. -
Every memher waS then nomin'ated'in regular-form,allof whom red
signed except Messrs, Ling, Luton, Black, and SllD1;D1ers.-
The voting was proceeded,wit.h and,__oll' ;tl~e, :fonrth'}':ote .M-r. Lnton
received a majority vote and was declared duly elected ""Var-den,
The Warden elect made the. statutory DeQlaration oLQfflce before
Police Magistrate Hunt, took, the,-" chair ,and "addressed.. th'e (Jollucilas
~ollows ;-'
Gell tlemen of the Coimcil j_
III commencing the business of the vear, I desire to direot attention
to It fflW matters fcir your consideration :_
'1'11e policy of the County' Council in dealing with I public Improve ~
monta for some years past has been, permanent work. While iron and,
- cement bridges -have-been const.ructed, as rapidly as possible, a large
llumb€lr of\vooden structures still remain to be replaoed." Ourexpel'ience
last :vear'lIt the _Mapleton Bridge nnd the compulsory rebuilding of a
bridg-e at Vienna at-te-r the Oou!ltyrat-es were 'levied, SUg-gHsts that few, ~f
any. of the wooden bridges are equal to the traffic demands cif the present,
The Councilshould'considel' the advisahility of rebuilding allthesp!
this year in a permanent mttllner at;td issue debentures to defray the
expense. We'would then be relieved of all reasonable liability for,
accidents and thepl'esent high rat.e ottaxatioll would be equalized fOl' a
period of years,
The establishment of Conntv Road Sy~temg is meetina' with g-enel'il
favor t.hroug-hout the Province. County after County is a,ssorning, 0011-
flfTuf'.rll1g' and maintnining an extensive road mileage, This: Douncil,
dnrillgtho past few years has not considered the matter seriou~ly. ThE!
time has come, however, when we ;i)houldgo into themattel' in a praCtical
with a view to utilizing the money placed at our disposal by the
The Countier. are not all working under the General Act.
passed at last s,ession-would s~ggest that the provisions 'of
Improvement Aot must be followed in assuming andoon'-
roads':-the qnestion ofmaintenanoe thereafter, to which ,the
does ncit contribllte, is another matter, and my suggestion is
we prepare a By-taw toassUlue and constrnct a connecting System
Roads to be handed back to the Municipalities when complet.ed
the sam~ for the approval of the Minister of .Public Works.
ofdebentmes to ci)mplete Ol1r bridges and improve the roads
be sufficient.
'l'wenty.five years ago the_ConutyOOUlicil was oOlli.posed of Twen't,y-
memberll, and this number had inoreased to twenty-eight, including
Village and. two Town representatives, in 1896~ wht!n the diRh'ict
system was established, reducing' th_e l'lembership to twelve. After teu
yeal'S suooessful operation, the I,Jresellt system somewhat similar to the
original was introduced, and we are noW beg-iIming the second year~unde:.:'
itj,with-lt membership of twenty... .
Previous'to lS96 there was a general complaint that the Councils were
too large and the represelltl:l,tiOll of- Villages out ofproponioll to their
financlal interest ill County AffiJ.,il's. 'fh6 Distl'lct system relllediedthiS
aud appeared,tog1ve the greatest satisfaction, sO\ffiuchso that theElglll
Ol.>unty OO,ullcH supported by !:lome of the '.Eowllship Councils were leaders
ill organiziuga provinoial depur;u.tioll favorin.g the Dig'trIot system ill
oppositiOn to the present oOllstitluioll of County Oouncils ill which the
iilequality of Village aud Towu representation is greater than -under the
old 'system of 'tWt;lut.y yearB"ago.
JJ::quality~iIirepreSen[ar.ion, one of the foundt~t,ioll stones of om' system
of.locul government, should bo oxtellded, to 'I'o\vuship Muuicipa.lities lU
Ontal'io Oouuty Oouucils.
In this Oounty the, Villagesuud Towns coutrib'L\te about one-
-twentieth of the Ooupty rMes, and leg-isla.tlve enac,troent confers upon
their representatives more t.han one third of t,he vot,lUR,power,: a brolJd-
minded a\Jpreciatioll of the responsioliity tJoullected therewith is most
IlllookiUl?; through the prLCeedin~s of' the Donneil for some years
past, Inotioe that theprovisiollS of StietiOll ~H4 A. n'ql1u'iug the Olerk. to
record the yeas and nays whenever there is a divu"ion,has not 'been
obse'rverl.. This mi.ll be doue, without delayin~ the proceedings; t.he. Clerk
haS' been- ins~rlicted and the melIlberswill hsred.fter be required to l'6lcord
their vo'tes,
lV1Qved by ~, -M,Blaok,
Second by S. McDerma,nd.
That the Reeves of the different Municipalities be a cammitteeto
apPQint 'the standing committees fOl' the' yenr,
M.av,cd by M. M, Black,
Second by S. McDermallded,
That this Oouncil do now adjourn to meet at two o'clock.-
The Oouncil Resumed.
, '
The pro,ceedings of the December ~es_sion, 1907, were oonfirmed.
Chairman, Saunders 'presented Rep.ort of Oommittee' appointed t'e)
strike t.he 8tanding' Oommittees which:was referred to a. committee of the
'whole. Dr. Ling' ill the ohair,'After oonsiderationthe report-was referred
back to' t.lle SpecialOommittee and the Oouncil adjouru'cd for half. an
hour to Itllow the Committee to meet.
The, Oouncil Resumed,
The repor'to! t.he Oommit.tee appointed to "trike8tand,iiJg Oomm.ittees'
was presented al)Q adopted all motion of Summers, seconded by
The,following comnlUnications'were read:-
From Nationai Sanita~iuln Assoc~ation, tor appointment ot Del~Kate8'
to' conference, referredto'Fiulll,lCe' OommiGtee~
From Tl'ustees Department, Ontario Educational Association, ' fo~
appointment of Delegates to 'Annual.. Meeting. Referred' to Education
}l'rOllt Salvation Ariny. Prison, WoIlleu'sR'esone andOhildren's de.
p,~rtmell'tj reqnest for grant; referred to Fiu~~ee'Oommittee, '
From Hospital for.Sick Ch,ildren re grant. r,elerred to Finance Oom.
. mittee.
";":,' . .From Oounty Conncil of Middlese~fo:' co.operationby p,etitiOD for
':'i\-melldmeJjt of Section 60~ of the MuniQipalAct, referred to Oommittee ,ou
:~jl:?etit,ious 'audLegislatiou;
Frolu County' Engineer.with r.eport, referred to Publio Improvements
;,~::From Western OlltarioGo~d Roads Association.re delegat~' to'annnal
;,~e_et,ing, referred,to Public Improveme~t8,Oommittee.,
Mr. Jelly gave~nodce of application for IZrant of '260. on "n'eJa\Vare'
M.oTed by W.' H. Turner.
Seconded by A. MoDonald.
That James A. McLean be appointed Auditor. Administration of
~\li.lce. ^,ocollntR,'
}j'h'st, Amendment
'Movpcl ,by ;1. A. Campbell,
Seconded by W. G. Saunders,
That Dr. J..Jiul? be appointed Auditor of Admiilistrationof JnBtir.-~
SeeOl~d Ame)jdm~]ji
Moved by T. M. Moore,
SecolldedbyS. McDel'wand;,
'rhat Mao'M. Black be appointed Anditor of Adrriinist.ratJon ~fJnHtice
A'ceoun ta',
First Amendment carried,o'Flginal nH)tjon RlHl Seooilfl Amendnlent
Moved by J. R. SummerS',
Seconded hy J. ,J. Jvlist,e!e'.
That M.' E. Lyons he" ap[ointed 'Trti~tee of t.he' Aylmer C'oIIegiato
Institute fol' three years.
Mov'edby ~T.,R. Summers,
Seconded by A. McDoualcl,
~~h~t W. A,' Galbraith a~d Andrew Mmrnybe appointed AuditOl's of
C9-l1uty Aocollmts for 1907.
, Move('f by E. B Baldwin,
. 8Monded'by M,Black.
, l.'hat 0, O. G,8r(}oer be Bwointed T1'natee&t Vienna
. ihr,~0 yea-l's.;
High, J:,CIlOOI fo1'
-:-Carvied. .
Moved by Dr. Ling,
Seconded by W. Gow,
That Dr. Cameron be re-appointed Trustee for Dutton High Sohool for
three Y6l\r8.
Moved by S. McDermand,
Secon ded by T. M. Moore,
That the vonnon assume the briag'e at Salter Gully in
of Mal.hide,
the Township
In Amendment.
Moved by Dr. Ling:,
Seconded by 4,. McLachliu,
That-tho application of Mr. McDermand re Bt'idR'e be referred to
Public Improvements Committee.
Main mot.ionlost, Amendment carried.
Moved by M, M;~ Bh\ck,
Seconded by E. B. Bald win,
Thatthe Clerk be instructed to procure cards with names of COlllloil
o.mcials and Committees for 1908.
Moved byDr. J.:..illg',
Secolldeq by A. McLachlin,
That this Council do now adjourn to meet to-mol'row mOl'uiuA' at eloven
o'clock to allow committees to meet.
K. 'iV. MoKay.
Connty Olerk.
0, O. Lut,on,
Thursday, the 30th day of JailUary, 1908.
, The Elgin Con~tyCouncil met this day acco!'dillg' to adjoul'mnent..
The Warden in the choir.
AU the members present.
The pl.'oceedings of the previous day were rea:dand COllfi,rrried.~
\ The following communications were read:~
Fl'om County Police Magistrate Hunt, .with Annual Report.
From Oonuty Treasurer with report. Referred to Finance Oommit-
ll'ro:m County Solicitor, oplUlon re County Bridges. Referred to,
Public Improvements Oommittee.
Mr. Summers gave notice of application for grants to the East Elgin
Farmers' nudLadies' Institutes and Mr. McLachlin ga,ve notice of a
,siJllilar application for the West Elgin Institutes.
Moved by T. M. Moore,
Second'ed by .T. Jackson,
That no License be granted to pack peddlers within the Connty;
In Amendment
Moved by Dr. Ling,
Seconded byR. Jelly,_
That no.change be madeOin the License of Hawkers and Pedlars.,
Malll motiolllost, and amendmrm.t carried on the following division j-
Yeas-J; A, McLean, D. McLean, Jelly, Turner, Saunders, Campbell
Summl;ll'S; McDonald, Ling', Brock, and' Mistele-l1.
Nays-McLachliu, 'Gow, McDermand. Moore, .Jackson, Yea~dle,
Baldwin, -Blitck-8
Moved by S. McDelma.nd. '
Seconded by E. B.Baldwin,
That a special committee consisting of the ohairman of each of the,
Standing Committees b~ appointed to report on matters rafoned to in the
Warden's Address.
Moved byJ.J ackson,
Seconded by William - Yeandle,
That' Mr. Brian, Olerk of-Bayham, be allowed to,.a.ddress the Qouncil.
Mr. Briah the~ made, It statement in reforehoe to the necessity, forth~
~ormation of a Muuicipal Officers Association for the Oomity,the expenses
to be paid by the County CouncIl;
Moved by !of, Black,
.seconded by E. Baldwin,.
That the matter of nOounty Association of MunioipalOfficers be
refert'ed -to. the Finance Oolilrilittee fo,trepol't. .,
Moved by A; McLachlin,
Seconded by W. Gow,
That this :Jol1~cil do iiow adjourn to meet at 2 p.m.
The Oouncil ReRumed.
~he report of Committee on. 'Petitions and Legislation was
and adopted on motion -of Jacksoll. seconded by McDonald.
Mov~d by R Jolly,
Seconded by D. McLean,
That the- Oouncil adjoul'nto meet at 10.30 to-morrow mqrliing;
w. McKay,
O. O. T.Juton,
l!'l'ida.y, the 3h1t day of Jalluary, 1908.
'l'he Elgin ComIty '(jOllUOil met' this <1a,y according to adjourmeot.
Tlc€l Warden in the chair.
All the members pl'e~ent.
The proceedings ot the previous'duy wel'~ read and confirmed.
Th~_ ItepQrt ,'of Committee on Public Improvements wa~ presented and
;refenedto a cOlll~it~ee of the whole, ~r.Sllmmer8 in the chfloir. After
considering thei-aport the CommIttee ros6. and the report was referred
back for further cOllsideration.
The Report of the Education Committee 'was presented and' adopted
on motion of Black, seconded by Summers.
The Report o~ Special Oommittee on Warden's address was pre~ented
p,nd tbe, Oouncil adjourned until 2 p tn,
The, CouDcil Resumed.
A communication from the Regoistrar ra offioe RCcomodation was ren.d
and referr~.d to the 'Gaol Committee.
The RapQrt on Warden's add~esB was then referred to a committee of
the whole with J. A, McLean ill the ohair.
. After iamending' tho_report the Oommitteerose and it was adopted on
motion of MoLe'an and secOJH~ed by McDonald, - ,
Mov.ed by J. R. Smumers.
Seconded by J, J.,Mistele,
rrhat ,the sum of twenty.five dollars be ~rauted to the EaRt Elgin
Farmers' ,Im:titate and twenty-five dollars to the El,\st Elgin LadieR'
IJlstltn,~~e. .
Moved byJ, A; McLean.
(\ Seconded by A,'McLachlin,
'!'hat a grant of twent.r-ftve dollars to be given
Farmers' Institute-and 'twenty-five dolla.ra to the
Institute, '
to the West Elgiil
West Elgin Ladies'
Moved by M. M. Black,
S~oollded byE. B. Baldwi~,
That this Oouncil consider the. qU'estion of'. R, revision of the list -of
County Constables. to.morrow morning.
Moved by A. McDonald,
Seconded by W. 110 Turner,
'I'hat this Ooulloildonow adjourn \lnW ten o'clock to''I;llorl'Ciw;
.i{, W. McKay,
Connty Olerk.
c. 9. Luton,
Saturday, the 1st day of February. 1908,
The County Counoil met this day according to ad'journroent.
1.'he Warden in the chair.
All t,he members present except Mr. Jelly.
The_proceedings of the previous day wer,e read and confirmed',
The,'Report qf the Publio Improvement~ Oommittee was presented
and adopted on motion of Blaok, seconded by Mr. MoDonald.
The Report of the Gaol Committee WRSpl'eSellted a,nd referred tOR
Committee of the whole with Mr. Black ill t.he chair. After amendIng the
report the Committee rose and it was adopted on motion of Black. 'sec~
ended by MeDoll_ald;
rChe Report of the Finance Oommittee WI\S presented and referred,to
a Oommittee of the whole with Dr. :Brock il,l the chair. After conBideri~g
tn6 report claus6 by clause the Committee tose audit was ,adopted wit.h-
out amelldment on motionc,fBrock, seconded by McDolla]d.
Moved by M. !\.'I. ~Black I
Seconded by E. B. Baldwin,
, That. tbis Conudl do nowcOllfliddl' t.lw question of the- County Oon.
stabnlnfY ~
Judge Colter addressed the Council in reference to the appointment
of Constable a and on motion Of Bl'ock seconded by Campbell was tehdered
a vote of thanks for same. ' '
polioe Magistnl.te Hunt also addressed the ClounoH in reterenceto the
Move~ 11y M. M. Black,
Seconded by E. B. Baldwin,
rrhatthis Counoil appropriate the sum of Fifty Dollars for the use of
County Polic,eMagist.rate HUlit, to be,u~od by'himasl'equired to .defray
the preliniinary Cost of the Constables he may designate to investigate
crimes in auy 'Part of the Oounty.
In Amendment~
Moved by S.McDermand,
Seconded by J . Jackson,
That where aQ-Y crime committed in the COlinty needs im,mediate atM
tent.ion, that theOountyPolice Magi.strate summon the assistanVof the
High Constable and that the said Constrable shall reoeive mileage and
pay for his days work.
"Main motion lost, pmoudment carried' on the follow\ng diviSion.
Yeas-i. 'A. McLean, D. McLean, McLachiin, Gow, 'rurn~r, Oampbell
Saunders, l\'loDermand, Jackson, Moore, Yeandle, Baldwin, Blaok,
M?Donald, Ling, B,l'ock, Mistele.-17.
.Moved, by M, M. Black,
Seconded by E. BBaldwin,
That the Clerli. be'instl'ucted to send a list of the County Oonstables
- 'to the Ree've'of each::JIlllicipality for revis,io:::. ---aud report at the June
Moved' by D. McLean,
Seconded by W. Brock"
That Ule Reeves of the Townships be spe'ciaI committee to formulate
plan for,County Roads.
Moved by J. A;,. McLean,
Seconded by W. Brock,
Tha't the-Warden oUhe County of Elgin 'be and IS hereby authorized
tpe:x:ecutel:t release to the Executors of the estate of Nelson Ohambers
deceased, ~nder the corporate seal ortha Corporation of the County' cf
for the' legacy bequeathed bybim to the said County; for the
ofthepo'lr in the Elgin House of Refuge, t.hesaid legacy havinp"
been paid, 'and that the Corporate sca1"of the Corporatiouo'fthe Count.y of
1;laaffi:x:ed.to this resolution by the Clerk of the Council.
- Oarl-ied.
Moved by William Yeandle,
Seconded by.T; A. OalI!pbell,
That By-Law No 725 being a By-Law to appoint Trustees of High
Schools be received and,read n first time.
:Moved by J. A. Jaokson,
Seoondedby WiUiamSeandle,
That BV..,.LaW'No. 725 be read a second time.
Moved byJ. A. Jacksoll,
SecondedbYW. G. Saunders,
'i'hat By-Law No. 725 be read a third time and finally passed.
Moved by M. M.Black,
seconded by E. B;.Baldwin.
r,rhat By.Law No. 726 being a By-Law to appoint a Board of Audit be
received and read afirat time.
Moved bv M, M. Black.
Secon~ed bV T. M. Moore,
That J3y~LnwNo.726 be read a Sl;lcond time.
Moved byE. B. Baldwin,
n .
Secbuded by S. McDermand. I
That By.Law No. 7213 be read a third tillleand fiua.l1y passed.
:Moved bV J. 'A.' :McLean,
Seconded by D. McLean,
That By.Law No. 727bein~a By-Law to authorize the, Warden arid
Treasurer to borrow $25,000 blil reoeived:and read a firElt tiIile.
Moved by, ~. McLean,
Seoonded'by J.A. MoLean,
That By. Law No. 727 be read a second tim~.
Moved by J. A. McLean,
. Seconded by D. McLean,
That By.Law No. 727 be read a third lime and finally pa.sed.
Moved by J.R.~ummers,
'Seconded by W, A. MoDonald.
728 beinll aBy~Law to appoint Oounty Auditors be
and read a first' time.
-Carried. '
..Movedby W: H; 'rurner.
. .
I;econded by A. Menon-aId,
That By-Law ,No. ,728 be read a second time.
Seconded by J.,R. ~ummers,
That By:'Law No. 728 he read a third time and finally passed.
.:.. aarried.
MovedbyA~ McDoua,ld,
_ Seconded ,by W. Hi Tnrner,
That this <;lonnci! do now adjonrn nnti! TnesdllY the 2nd day of
, .....:Oartied.
Oounty Olerk.
C. 0, Lnton,
T~e~day. t,he 2nd day of June, 1908.
rrheEIgiu County Oouuci! met this day according to adjournment.
'rhe Wal'dellin the ohair,
All the rncmberspi'6Hellt.
The Warden addl'essed the Council as follows:-
Gentleu)en. or the .Gounoil :,..,....,.
The bilsiuess to come before you at this session is of greater 'im.
portance, than the Elgin Council has had to cOl}sider for some y,cars.
In accorda.nce with resohltioll of, la'l:l't session the revision of the'
. Oounty Oonsta.bulary will require attention. Th.e list of those 'at '-present
in officidlag'been :ill .youl'hallds forsorne time and I hope your rec~
ommendat.ioIls will cOlllUleud themselves to the Court of Quarter;
'Sessiolls which ,meets llext week. The Detection of cdtri.illals' and ,the
prevention of crime an,d rowdyism t,hroughouGthe COUll~Y is an important
ma.tter. !thus been suggested that the Provincial Authorities should
appoint ono_or more officers for each C0l.ll1,ty and in tIllS wayol'ganize 'a
f'orce,that WOilldco-operate throughout the province under ,thedirect~on
of the Attorney Gene,rals Dflpart:ncllt. This would probabl:y be the most
effective way of seouring effciency. The Provincial Officers however
cannot take the place of the local officials and i;t is for you to recom~end
the 'qest men available.
In accordance with your instructions lattended the meeting of the
Onta.rioGood Roads As~ocil\.t,ion and at my reques.t'o the County Hoads
OomniitteeaCcOlllpanied me to obtain information ill reference to tho
,'worki9g Ol1.t,;,of the Highway Improvement Act in ot,her Counti~s 'There
\vas' a ropresent.at.ive attendance aod the ma,ny phases of t,he Road
. question were thoroughly..discussed. Before~oillg to 'roronto I acsertain-
ed that the:towllsl11p of London had secured a Provincial grant to assist in
the-purchase ',of the Proof Line Roadalld that the ,Towuship of Albion,
enst"ofToronto Whs'receiving similar consideration from the ~'egiJ;;~a'ture.
The matter was disoussed bytheCountv Roads Oommitteennd-we
decided to'make-applioation for a grant towards the expense inourred ,by
Yarmou~h, Southwoln and the Oounty in the purohaseof the,
Loudon and~Port Stanley Toll Road. An app()intD:1ent was arranged and
we laid our claim before the Minister of Publio Works, some time before
the supplementary esti'mates wer~ brought down, and left the matter in
yhe hands of our l',epl'eselitatives Messrs. Brower and MoDiarmid. 'Whether
they were as ac-tive iu our interest as they should have be-en I am~
li6t prep~red to say, But.! do know that this Oountyhad as good a olaim
to one third of $20,417, the cost of the Toll Road"as either of the Munioip.
alities above_re~erred to;,aild that we dId not receive:"the"sligqtes,toonsid.
erati,on. Our representatives have'not-been:abH~;:to,offer any,g()odreason
for this. oversight ant-he part of their g()vernmeut,~' The opiniop.. formed
bytheOoinmittee as a result of the interview with Dr. Reaume was that"
Elgin would_receive every, oonsideration.
'l'he 'SpecialOountyRoad Committee has bee_n most active and' will'
-l"eport fully for your conaiderati~n.
In thisconsiderationl'ou must liot overlook the large,exp~ndituresto
be provided for this year for County Bridges onro"qs,.that thEdJommittee
will recommend to be included ina .OountySystem. lJ:lo _ thIS, ID.J:.1st be
added a large siun which the' Township .MunioipaUUes. will_ 'e'x'p~p.~d'for
bridges 'aud CulVerts on th5li!e roads, one third of which'will be pay~'ble by
the Province if the COUnty System is adopted.
. , ....-. .'., I'
A considerabl~ portion of the proposed Oounty Svatem of roads has
been inspected lJ,nd the members (If t~is (Jouncil should be in a position. to
decide this most important question inth'e best interests of the Oounty~
The Publio Improvement Oommitteesh,0111d report fully_ on the
eXl-'enditure to be inourred ror b:ridges this yeal'as I amof-opiuionthat it'
will be advisable for th~ County to issue' debentures spreading ,the oost
of'these permaneo_t workaover' a period of-years; if the '-Oounty'" Road
System isuot approved.
The Municipal LegislatIon of last SeS!:li()lf)):6eS-l'10t. contain much. of
interest to counties.
. .
An amendm<3ntto Sub.Sectiou 22 of Section583, explains that the
,-words ";dealer in second hanet. goods"shali" include "persous who 'pass
from house to house, or along' streets 'or lanes, for the purpose ofcolle'cting,
or obtaining second hand goqda, incltl4hlg' bottles, bioycles
',-;,,',:, "
-w"astepaper, rags, bones, old iron"ol' otherscrarpo~jlltD;I;."
. 22
By-Laws. for licensing and regulating these dealers call only b~ passed
by the Couuoils of Oounties and separated TOWllsaud Cities .It will be for
yeu todecidewhetherthe junk detUers who are becoming. a lluisance
throughout the Couuty should pa,y a Ucense or not.
rrhe Assessment Acthaa been amended so that Township Oouncils
may pass a By-Law for taking assessment be'tween the 30th ~eptember
and 30th of April of the following year.
The Auditors Repol'tjor 1907 shows that the Oounty bad on the
:first of January last CUrrAnt liabilities of '$9174.37. after considering the '
Nelson Ohambers bequest, $5,000, as au available asset. and the am'aunts
neoessarv to complete th~ Vienna and Willey Bridges $8,000, Reliability.
The rat.e last ,year wae not sufficient by $7,OeO. The estim,ate for Bills
payable and Public Schools was low and the Vienna Bridge $6,000 and
Mapleton BridRe accident, $1.100, were unforeseen expenditures not
provided fo~.
The incorporation of West Lorne and Rodiley will make it necessa.ry
tore~arrange the equalization of AldbQrough. Those of ;you who have
been throuf{h the Oolinty during the past few days will no doubt ,have
. fQrmed an idea RSI to the correctness of the present basis fOl' apportiollment
of'Oounty Rates,
In acoordance with resolution of last_ Session a meetfng of the Mnnic- ~
ipal officers of the County, was held. 'This was largely attended and
p~oved to be most'helpful and instrt;lctive.
The Counciloan not do better than pass a. By.IJaw authorizing an
annual grant, thereby insuring the permanency, of the Association,
which has, been formed.
In accordance with instructions of Oouncil, I attf'nded'a meeting of
the Oounty Wardens at TOl'onto to consider the best mea.n!\ of prevent.in'g
the spread of consumption, We formed a deputation arid requested the
_ government to build 'consumption -Hospitals in different partEl of the
Province. The matter will come before you, in- another way , during the
Session. '
The proceedings of the las~ day of the previous Session were read
and confirmed.
The Report of/the_Special Oounty Road Oommittee was presented
and referred to a Oommittee of the whole, Mr. Baldwin in the chair.
At six o'clock the Oommittee rose and asked'leavo to SIt ag-airi.
Moved by A. McLacblin,
Seconded by W. Gow,
Tbat this Oouncil adjourn to meet at 7 .30p, m.
The OouncilResumed.
And again went into Oommittee of the whole on Oounty Road Report.
After amending the report the Oommittee rose, and the report'was
adopted on motion of Baldwin seconded-by J, McLean.
On motion of A.. McDonllld,'secondedby W. H,
, adjourned to ten o'clock Wednesday morning,
K W. MoKay,.
Turner, the Council
,Ohas. O. Luton,
Wednesday, the 3rd day of Julie, 1908.
The Elgin Oounty Council met this day at the COU1:t House, St.
Thomas.according to adjournment.
The Wa.rden in the ohM!.
All,the membGrspresent.
rrI~e proceedings Mthe previous day were read,und confirmed.
The following communications were read.
From Public School Inspeotor with roport. Referred to Educational
"Crothers &Ptiee, rednmag-o J. 'Meek at Zavitz Bridge. Heferred to
Pll.blio Improvements Committf>o.
From Bell 'l'elephbne Memorial Association ,re Rrant. Referred to
Finance Oommittee.
From Cowan & Towers 1'0 Geo.Rivers Claim. Reforred" to Public
Improvements Committee.
From Deputy Minister of Education 1'0 Legislative grant. Referred
to Education Committee.
From Ontario Municipal Association for botterment of Consumptives.
Referred to Petition and Legislation Committee.
From Oounty Engineer with report. ._Referred to Public Imp'l'ove~
menta Oommittee.
.Jh'o'm Ontario Fr~it Growers Association.
R~ferl'ed to Finance
From County Clerk. report Oll Licenses Filed.
From Auditors with rep01;,t; Referred to I!"inance Oommittee.
)J1rom Ont,a:i-io Municipal Assooiation 1'0 Anuual Meeting. Referred
to FmanceOommittee.
From H. Harvey, Woodgreen, re Peddlers Lioense.,. Referred to
From Provinoial'Winter Fair re ,gr~nt. Referred ,to Finanoe ()ofu~
Fro~ J. Price, J,P., r,e :port Stanley Lockup. Referred to Finanoe
D'ootor Ling inquired re arrange~ents made for application of
0hambers Legacy toOOUllty patieritsin,Amasa Wood Hospita.l, ancj,was'
informed that no arrangements had been made.
The following notices f~r grants w_ere given j_
-ByJ. Summers $ llO;OO for East' Elgin Fair
By A. MoLaohlin $ 50.00 for Kate Wallaoe
By A. MoDonald $15000 for Port Stanley Locknp
\!y R,.L.~el\:r $ 25.00 for Sonthwold an.~ Dnnwibh-Fair
By M..Blaek ; $ 25,00 for Spriul1/1eld Agrionltnral Association
ByA..MoLac.hlin ,for West EIR'inFair
By J,.' Ja'ckson $25.00 for B~yhamAgric.nltural Sooiety
By W. G, Sander. $ 50,00 for St. Thoma. Hor.e Show
By M;~Black $'-25;00 for Belmont Horse Show
By J, A. MoL,aan $I 50.00 f01 Aldborougb Agricultural'Sooiety.
Move.d by A.McLachlin,
Seconded by M. Black.
That By-Law No. 729 being-a By.I~awto designate cOllnty roads be'
received a,rid read a first time.
'- Moved byR. J. Jelly,
Seconded by 'V. ,R. Tn~l1er.
'Tha.t the GciodRoads By-Law come .upfCir its second reading, this nfter,
noon at 3 0' clockp. m.
1\Jo\'o<1 hy .LRRnmmerfo:.
~econdcd by_ .J. .1. l\1ifo:t.ele..
'fh3t thiA Council adjourn lmtil three o'e1oek to nllow Committees to
,meet. '
, -Carried.
Th(;C6nllci! ,Hc~lm1Cll.
.And went int.o ()oliunittec of the whole to consider By.Ln;w
Dr. Brock ill the chair, nJter'considering the by-la.w elanse
Committee ros~ :md it wm,;
;I\foyed by.J. A.'JndtHOn,
Second.ql,hy' 'V:. .G,~aliders,
'I'hnt By-l.nw 720, he read Sccaml .time,
No. 729, with
hy clause the
~Toved 1))' S. 1\:tcDermund,
Seeonded by T.,l\1., M001'C,
Tlll\t ny-I..aw 729 be not now reItd n third time, but ,be submitted tothc
j:'ilectors. of the County 'in .January next as provided in the lIighway Improvc-
'Irlent' Act. , ' ' J
Yea'~--J. A. J\-IcI..ca.n, D. McLean, :McLachlin, Gmy, Sa-julers, Campbell,
~fcDerman~l, :Moore; Jtwkson, Yeandfe, Summers, Bal(h'l'iu, Bl:w1i:; McDon-
ald; Ung" Brock, 1\1iRt.e1e, :Luton.
Nay~....:...Tnl'llm', .Telloy.
On motion of1\JcI.HChlill, seconded hy' Gow, the Conncil adjournednntil
]0 o'dock Tlnll'sdaymorning. ' '
](. \V.1\TcKay, C.O. I.:.nton,
,County Clm-k. 'Varden.
'fhursday, the 4th day of June, '1908'
'l'heElgin _County COllncil met this day according' to tldjournment.
The-.'Varden in the ('hnil"~
All the memherspresent:
The proceedings of the preYious clay were read and confirmed.
The following communiC'at.ions were read:
1<'1'oin J. R. Green, for Lakeside'P]ea~ml'eResoi-t re railillg Port Stanley
bridge approach referred to Public Improvements Committee.
From County Treasurer with estimates refe:rred to Finance Committee.
From Board of Education, Ingersoll, referred to Educntion COmmittce.
FromJ.' 1\1. Glenn, County Solicitor re Cham hers I.egaey, referred to
Finance Committee. ' '
Tho report oOhe Public Improvements Committee WilS Presented nnd
)'Oferred to a. committ.ee of the whole, Mr. Campbell in the ehaiI'.
Aft.er considering report clause by clause, it was adopted on motion of
Campbell, seeonded by Sanders.
i\Joved by .J. R Summer~,
Seconded by Arthur McDonald,
That this Council do llOW adjourn n~til two 0' clock.
The Conncil Resumed.
l\:Ioved b)~ W. H. Turner,
Seconded by A. l\fe])onnJd,
That iifl'. Cornelius, representing a deputation from the Oneida Rf'serve
be now heard in regarrl to gmnt for bridge.
'Mr. Cornelius then addressed the Coundl reguestinggrmH, to assist in
building cement culvert on road through reserve and the. Warden referred
the matter to the Public Improvements Committee for report.
Mo~ed by J. R. Summers,
Seconded by J. J. Mistele.
'I'hat deputation from. tl1e East Elgin. :Fa.ir Association be heard. .::,
Mess1'8. Sinclair,Backhouse, McKenny. & Leeson addressed the' Council
, reqllcsting grant.
Move'd by nr. Ling,
Seconded by A. McLachlin,
That deputation from 'Vest Elgin Fair be now heard.
. Messrs. McKillop and Patton ~dd.ressed the. Council requesting grant.
Movc!i by A. McDonald,
Seconded by J. R. Summers,
That a deputation, from the St. Thomas Horse Show be now heard.
Messrs., Kingsmm.andHoltby addressed the Council requesting grant.
MovedbyJ .A. 'McL'ean,
Seoonded by.D. McLeao,
'l'hat the matter of'gra.nti3 to the different AA'ricnltura.l Societies
Horse ShOWB be referred tn the Finance Committee.
The repoJ;,'t of Oommittee. on Petitions and Leg!slation was presented
and adopted on motion' of "Jackson seconded by D. !tlcLean.
The report of. the Educa.tion Oommittee was presented and-adopted on
motion of Black, seconded by Yeandle. ,j!-
Moved by J. J. MisteJe,
Seconded by M. M.Black,
'fhat this Con~cil do now re~collsiderthe'se~orid rending of the .By~J..<aw
729, designating a Comity Road.System.
Yeas-J. A. McLean,. Summers, Baldwin, Black, McDonald, Brock"Mis~
tele apd Ling--S.
Nays--D. McLean, McLachlan, Gow, Jelley/Turner, Sa:n:derst McDerM
-maud; Campbell, Moor~, Jackson,.Yeandle,;Luton-12.
'l'~le first report of th!3 Finance COlmnitteewas presented and referred to
a committee of the whole with Mr. McDermand in the chair. The report
was considered clause py clause and adopted on motion of Mc:Dermand, se~
canded by Baldwin.
Moved by A. McLachlin,
Second'ed by G. l.V. Ling,
That this Council make a grant of Fifty' Dollars to the'Township of Dun..
wich,being for assistance for the maintenance" of Kate, ,Wallace and ,si$ter.
former}y'inmates of the I-louse ofIndustry, said grant being for 1907 and 1908. . ,
Moved by l.V. Broc.k,
Seconded b): A. McLachlan,
That this council visit the House of Industry to~morroW morning, lCfiV"
ing the Court" House at 9 o'clock.
Thursday, the 4th dayofJune, 1908.
Moved by .1. A. McLean,
Seconded by Vit. Brock,
That the "Wa,relen name a committee to arrange the
J.V[nuicipalities of the County and report.
eqnaliz~tion of the
The 'Varden named the Reeves of the Municipalities to be the special
Moved by M. M. Black,"
Secondedby'E. B. Baldwin,
That'the Chairmen of the different committees be ft, committee toconsid-
'erthe Warden's Address, and report.
, Carried.
Moved by A. McDonald,
Seconded by J. ,R.Summers,
That this Council adjourn until eleven a. m. to~morrow"
K. W. McKay,
County Clerk,
C. O. Luton,
Friday, the,5th day of June, 1908.
The Elgin County Council met this day'at the Court House, St.:'fhomas:
according to adjournment.
The "'arden in the chair.
All the members present.
The proceedings of the 'previous day, were read and conflrmed.
The report of the Colirt House Commission was read and referred to the
, FinaJlce Committee;
The report of the Equalization Committee was, presented and adopted on
motion of Dr. Ling, seconded by J. A. Mc~ea.n...
. .,
The second report of the Public Improvements Committee'-was pre'sented
,and ad,optedon';motion of Jelley, seconded by McDoIlald.
The report of House of Industry Committee was presented and referred
to a committee of the whole, Mr. Jackson in the chair. After amell,ding '.the
report the Committee arose and report was, adopted on motion of Jackson,
se'COnded by McLaehlirr.
MovedbrR.- J. Jelley,
Seconded by A. McDonaldj
That this Council adjourn to meet tit 2.30 p: m.
The Oonncil Re.B_umed.
}Ioved by M. 'M. Black,
Secomled by R.J. Jelley,
,'fhat the report of the Honse of Industry qommittee ,bere.,conside,red.
-Oarried. '
Ye~s.,-~lcLachlin, Gow, Jelley,'l'u1'l1er, Sitnders, l\fcDermand, Moore,'
SUlillnersIB.a;ldwin, Black, Brock, - 11. '
Nays--J,A. McLea:i1,"'D. < lVlcLean, Campbell, Jackson, Yeandle1 Mc~
)).ona1dt" n~.g"Mlstele, ;......-8. '
Mov~dby D,r.Lingi
Seconded byJ. A. lVlcI-,ean,
'fhu.t we do not build a: Silo' at ~ho I-louse ot Industry.
In AnH!nc1mcnt.
Moved or M. M.Black,
~f'conded bv S. MoDermH.nd.
;.rhat, the -Hon~eoflndn!'ltl',Y Oommitteebe,Ruthorized to proceed-with
the 61'ectionOf a Silo at the House of Industry at a' cost not to exceed
MaUl 'Motion and Amendment l.ost,. on the following Division:
Nays for Amendment.
Yeas for Original' Mot,iOi1-~.T. A. McLf'an, D. MeLAaD. Mcl.acblin
G?~, Oampbell, Jacks~n" Yeandle, .McD?uald, Ling and Mistele-tO
Vensfor Amendment.
Navs for Original Motioll--.Telly, Turner, Sanders, McDermand.
Moore, Luton, Hummers, Ba.ldwin. ,Black, Brock--l0.
The report of the Gaol .committee was pl'esent~dandadopted on'
motiOll of Turner, secoD:ded by D.McLJean,
Moved by~R. J, Jelley,
Seconded bv G. W. Ling,
ffha,t the Public Improvemeuts COIDmitt.eebe inRtructed to. ascertain
the number of Bridges'of 20 feet span or over on OOllp.ty,J~ines, aD that
they may be designat.ed in By. Law to be passed at. the November Session
and that. iu~he ID_ean time the En~ineer be instructed to look after the
repair of such Bridges as 'the CommUtee may designate.
, _Carried.
The second report of', the Finance Oommit,tee was presented and
ferred to a committe'e of the whole with Mr. Sanders in the chair. After-
coueidering the, repe',rt clause bychmse, - the Oommittee rbseand it 'Was"
, , , I
adopted on motion of Saunders, seoondedby Qampbell.
The third report"of the;Financ~Oomniitte,e waBpresim~ed and adopted
on motion oLL A:,McLea:p.~ S9.oo,Jldedbj' D. McL'ean..
~oved by 'M: M. Black,
Seconde~ byS,'McDer?1and, _, ~ " ,
,That' the-R_ee~o'of each Municipality' file his revised'list of Oonstl\,~)~~"
withthe Oounty'CI~rk, to be forwarded_to the Court of . Quart.erS~89tp"ns '
f )r.their consideration'. ' .
MovectbvW; W.Gow,
Seconded by G. W'~ 'Ling,
That BY.Law 730,_ bein~ a By<Law. to authorize the, Warden
Treasurer'to;bprrow $25,000, be "received and read a first ,time.
Mov~d by A. 'McLachhn.
,Seconded by Dr. Bropk,
That By 'Law 730' be read Go. secoud time.
Mov~d byW. Go""
'Seconded by A. McLachlin.
That a3:~Law730.be read. a third time, 'andlhiully"p'assed';
Moved by R. J..JeUey,
Sec'onded ~byW .H. Tur9_e~,
ThfttBy.Law 731"beinga By~Law to coufir~ equalization, beregeived
and read a first time.
Moved by-W. H;Tu~ner,
Seconded. byR.J: Jelley;
''I.hat ~y--Law'731 be.read,a second time.
: ~Carried.
Moved byR. J, Jelley.
Secon4ed by W. II. TlIfner.
That ,By~Law 731 be read a ,third time and flnallypaElsed. ,
~'oved by.T. J. Miste1e.
Seco~d~dbY ;r.R.$:nqJ.n:iers.
T.I,1at_By.L~.w 732 beiuK a By"Law to gr~nt additlOti~l aid to HiJ~h
Schools be receivedl and read a .first time.
__Carried ~
Moved by J, J. Mi.tele.
Seoonded by R. J. Jelley,
That By-Law 732 ,be re~d a 8ep()nl1.ti~e;
Mav'ad by R. J. Jelley,
Seconded l?"Y .T. J.Mistele,
That By.La.w 732 be read a. third time andfinaUy passed.
Moved by J, A. McLe.n.
Sec()~ded by D. McLean.
That By.Law No. 78S. being a By.L~wjo rRise OouJJ-ty :rates', .be)'e-
ceivedand r,e,i,\d '" first ti\lle~ -
Moved by D, MoLetl.D, '
Seconded by'J. A. McLean,
That By.lla~ 733 be read a second time,
Moved byJ ,A. MoLean.
Seoondedjby D. 'McLean"
That By~LaW 783 be read a third time and .ii~aUy'passed.
, '_Carried.
Moyed'by T. M. Moore,
Seoondedby S. M9Dermand,
Th.t By.Low 784 b~ing. BY.L.w to JixTnrnkey....I.ry. be received
and read a :6rsttime. '
--Oarr~ed .
Moved by S. McDe~mand,
, ,
'Seconded by T. M. Mt;:Iore"
That By. Law 734 be read a second time.
Moved by J; ,A. Jackson,
Se~on"ded'byT. M.,Moore,
That By;.ld\W 734 be read a third time and finally, passAd _ _
Moved by,M;'M.:Black,
Seconded by E. B: Bald~in,
That By-Law No." 735 being a By~'La.w to appoint an 8ssistantgaCilsurg-
eon, be received and'read a: first time.
Moved by M.M, Black,
Se,conded by S; McDerma.nd"
Tha.t'By-I,aW' 735 be.reada second, time;
Moved by M. 'M. Black,
Seconded by T. n.,Moore,
That_By;.Law 735 be read, athii'd time:and:f1na.11y. passed;
}Io\'ed ~y ~Vm. Yeandle, .
Seconded by J. A.,Campbell,
':ThatBy~Law 736' beiIl'g a By~Law to e"X~end time for tux sale 1:W received.
and; read a first time.
Mi.:rvep. by'J. A.. Campbell,
Seconded byW. G.Sanclers,
:,,:~p~~}~y,~r~Yv_,?3.6 .1~.e.read a second time,
]\'I()ved'b~y'''Vm. Yeanelle,
Seeonued by 'V. G. Sanders,
'fhat By-I.-aw 736 be read a. third time and finally passed.
l\loved 'Bi/A', IVlcDoriald,
Seconded by.J. R; SUl:i1mers;
'l1hatBy~J..Iaw 737 to provide for the issue of Debentutes to rflise the:sum
. of'Twenty Thousand Dollars be received and read a first Ume~
" . Carried;"
;':,~". '.
Moved by A. McDonald,
Seconded by J. R. Summers,
-Tttat J3y.J~a.:w 737,be rerHl a second time.
Mov~(rhy 'V. G.Snndcrs~
S cended by J. A~ Campbell,
That a Special Session of this Council b~heldon_ the~tth of. N6vem~er
at2p. ID. to cOllsider the finalpassing of By-La,,; 737 and that tho: By-Law
be advertised as required by law;' hi theSt.. 'rhomas ~rim:e8..
','J' Carried.
l\fovedby.J. R. Summers,
,Seconded by J. .T. Mistele,
That this CCH111CU Jl.djOUr.lf t.o:meet,oii'\Vcdhesday, th.e.18th-day of, Nciy
ember. -at: 10, 'iJ.,. m.
- .- .:::.< ~; ,;
Tuesday, the 17th day of November) 1908.
The Elgin County Council met this day in Special Session at 2 p. m.' to
consider the final passing ofBy~I.iaw No. 737 to raise the sum of '1'\\'el1ty
Thousand Dpllars, to provide for the cost of Bridges. . .
The 'Yarden in the chair.
All the members present.
Moyed by J. A,.Meliean,
Seconded; by S. Mc])eI1nan(l,
That By-La'''' 737 be read a. third time and finally pOBsed.
Tho youncil then,adjourned.
C. O. I..uton,
'Yard en.
-Wednesday, the 18t~1 clay QfNovember, 1908.
The ]~lgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. 'Thomas)
accorcling to adjournment.
'fhe \Vardenin tJlc"cliail'.
. A.ll the members present. except Messrs. .Mistclc, Jaekson and Gow.
The 'Varden nddref:!sed the Council, as follows:
To the J<:lgin County COllneil.
Gentlemen bf the Conneil :
In commencing the Closing Sesl'lion of the year I desire to say that hay-
ing dispos'ed of the 11lol'eimportnnt politicf11 questions eluring the recent Gen"'
" eral J,mcc:tions, and ha,ving been favored with an abundant hut'\'cst, yon
should fcollike devoting' more than mmal energy.to the business to be brought
before you.
JTOUS1~ 01" m~bTnI~ )[A",AGJDIK:\"J'.
Under the District systenl: the membership of this_conncil was consider-
ably smaller than at present and the adoption of ftll unwritten liw, pla.cing
each member on ono of three committees was not ant of place. '''itha lar-
ger'membership the continuance of this system of appointing Committees
makes some of them larger than is required for the propertransact.ion of busi-
ness. /It is'doubtful if the Cornmittee system isalwa.ys the best., ~n thiscon- -
noot-ionI have to direct attention tothe House of Industry management by a
committee of six members, all but one of whom visited the Instittltionforthe
fLrst time this yeaT. 'fhe expenditure-s in connection ,,,ith the Institution
nnd farm aggregate nearly $7000. The eommittee were not' in a position to
eritieiBe much of this,HS it takes a yca,r or two to 10c.omo acquainted with the
reqtlirenwnts. Thero is no guarantee that members of cOlmeil with ~xpel:i~
once will beavailahle next y0ar, and if they are, the app'ointinen,i; of as-large -
a eomrnittee-will be detrimenta.l to the careful consideration of the many
questions brought before them. L:nn of the opinion that the House of 11;-
'd~lstry Committee,whieh by the by-Jaw governing the IU8titut.iol1f:: is lini.ited
to three Ill€lmbers, should,'be abolished in favor of- a commission, to be com~
posed in part of residents of the County-appointed by the.Oouncil to hold of~
flee during pleasure. ,It would be some encouragement to the permanent
members of such a board to make a study of the Institution and its manage~,
ment and give the coun~il the benefit of their ,advice.
Such a board might include four members, two appointed by the CounM
cil and two--members of the Council, one of whom should be the Wa-rden.
The office of, Inspector might be abolished and his dut.iesperformed by mem~
bel'S of the CommissiOJ?- for designated periods.
There,.Rre'luany details in connection with the dietary of the inmates,
their clothing, and the genera.Imanagement of the Institution and 'fan;n, that
onlj; experienced Commissi6nerscan deal with. The, Commission should be
('1lt1'llsted with the rtppointment of the keeper and- matron and other officers.
'rhe Council has, not taken advantage, of the Legislation of last Session,in
reference to the licensing of .Trlnk Dealers' travelling' around the country,' calM
lecting old iron, etc. 'fhis s,hould,not be ovedooked,flS foreigners engaged
in this bi.lsiness flrebeco!ning a. nuisance in some pa:rts of the County.
Considerable interestis being taken' iil the C01ll1ty Road Question,but it
lsdoubtJ'uJ'ir the people are suflleiently ,infohned to voteintelligentlJ' in re~
ference thereto~This is owing largely to the different oplnlonsheldby,mein~'
bel'S of the Council. If they do not acttvely support -the By-Law. between
now and polling day, the ratepayers generally will be at a loss to, know what
to do, and an adverse vote will be the'result. It would he betror to with~
dra,!'-' the By-La,v, rather than allow the people to register a votea.gainst. a
proposition, that when adopted will be most benefLeial to the Mnnieipnlitics
of this County. '
.J,RsE,~s~n~:'{'r J,,\W.
'rhe prosent Assessment Law in relatjon t(l the apportionment of County
rates, is n'ot exactly what it should be, no provision is mw::lefor the Equaliza-
,tion of Business AssOf!Slllent and. Income, which are to be taken. at the amM
ounts entered by the Ass€f!Sor. In some Municipalities butlittle llttentio~is
paid -to this elm:s .of AsseF-sment, and injustice results. Another matter ref(>l;~ '.
redto in an EquaJi;\[ttion A_ppell.J, in -Lambton Connty recently, was" tho --!\s~
sessol"s duty to enter on his Roll the acttml valuo'of all real property, whether
exernpt frOln taxa,tion or net. If a JOC'lllMnniC'ipn] Connej] exempt.'3a pl'Opcrty
from taxation, the assessor under ordinary circumstances would not enrer the
valuation on RolL 'Unless the actu..'ll value of an real propel'ty,-whethor ex- ......
empt from taxation or not is entered on the Assessment Rolls, a proper equal-
ized valne cann'at be tleterrnincd.
The prooeedingf.l of the last regular and Special Sessions WE're read \
a.nd confirmed.
The follow,hlg' COml'lUllicationfl wel'e l'Bl\d:-
From Oanadian Conferflllce of Cha:ritief.l and Oorrection, 1'e r1ele~ate to
Annual Meeting'. Referrecl-to Gn.ol Oommittee. \
From PhYRician, HOURO of Industry. with report Eeferredto I-IO\1"1p.
of IiHlnRt,ry Oommittee,
From Oonnt.y Engineer with report. Referred to Public Improvements
From Ohildl~en's Aid Society 1'0 appointment of OOllnty'rflprC8entative
on board . Referted 'to Finance Committee.
~'rom.Oount,ies Conncil Northumberlap,d and Durham, re Automobile
t,raffic. Referred}G Petitions and Ilegislation Committee.
From Westel'n University re appointment. of Senator Referred to
Education 'ComnliMee,
, The Special County ROlldsOommittoe presented a report which was
referred TO It Committee of thewbc)le with A, McDOlH\.lcl in the chair.
After considering the report clause by cintHie the Oommittee rose and
ask,ed leave; to Bit again. '
'1Viovec1 by M M. Black,
Seconded by E. B. Baldwin,
'fha,ta Special Committee composed of the Ohairmenof t,lle Standing
OOl.nmitteos of the Oonncil be a,ppoint,ed to consider thri reportOD the
Warden's addrefiR.
Moved by. A, 'McDonald.
SecC'nded by J. R. Summers,
That this Oaunoil do now,adjourn until ten o'olook to-morrow morn-
J(, W. MoKay,
Oonnty. Olerk.
Thul'sda.y, the 19th day of Novembe-r; 1905:
Justioes oftha Peace attending-Court t;JfQuarter Sessions of the peace and,
tqe,Warden referred the matter to the Finance Oommittee~ '
The Warden in the chair.
A Deputation fromt!1e 'Elgin .PouttryAssooiation,'. consisthuz .of
Messrs. Graham, Scott and Oadman,madeapplioation for grant.
Ref'erred to Finanoe Committee.
The Elgin Ooullty Oouncilmet this dayacoOl'diug .to adjournment.
The Ulerks report on Licenses issued was road and filed.
,!,he Report oftha Public',Improvements Oommittee was presented
and adopted on motion of 'Jelley, seconded by McDonald.
rhe Special .committee appointed torepresant th_~ Oountyon Pl'oyi;1'
oialDeputatioll organized by the, Ontario Munioipal Association for the_
prevention of',T,uberou'losis." presented report", wh~oh was referred; to ~
Oommittee of the whole with Mr;Jelley,in the ohair. After consideration
,the Ooni'mitt6'e rose and 'the l'epoi'twa<; adopted on motIon of Jelley, seo.
ondedbY Dr. Ling. '
Alltihe members present exoept Mr.'Moore.
The proceedings of the previous day were read u.nd oonfirmed.
'!'he Oonuty Treasurer's l'eport was read and referred to the Finance
The report of Speoial Commi.tteeappointed to oonsider the Warden's
address was presented and referred to a Oommitt~e of the whole with'Mr,
Mistele in the chait'. A fter amending the rsporttheOomrnlttee rose and
report Was ,adopted on mot-ioil of Mr. Mistele, secoud€:cl by_Mr. 'l'ur~er.
~Couuty Engineer,Bell ma,de statement re bud foraite, of 'l'ilspubul'g
, 'l;he report.of the Finano;e'Cornm.lttee was pJ'e~ented and adopted
m9tioll, of .J. A. McLean,'seoonded'by'-MoDermalld.
The report oftheInsp60t91~, Ho'nsc.of Industry-._wns read RQd referr~d
to HOllse 'of Indu~try Oommittee.
MovedbyR.J. Jellev.
Seoonded by W. H. 'rurner,
That this Oouncil agrees to pay one half theoost of the land and fence
madeneoessary b.1,ohange i[1 loo~tiion of B-ridge,betweon Ba,yhamand
Middleton, as pOl' tierms agreed upon by the joint Committee from. El~iu'
and N9rfolk.
, -Carried.
MoveclbyJ. J. Mistele.
Seconded by J. -~. Summers,
That tlie'Cl€rk be authorized to' prepare a'By.awto amend By-Law
No.4~~ ;";''-Section 60 torea,d as,follows :__
Moved by M. M. Blaok"
Each standlllg'Oommittee of the Oounoil shall consist of such Mell1b6rS
of the Oouncil;not exoeeding one from eaoh munioipality, astheOQuiJOJl
shall nanie, provided always that no member of,the Oouncil '"hall be
eligihle for appointment to more thln-one standillgOommittee.
That the Oounoil adjourn Goroeot ati 3 o'olook.
The'Donnell went into Oo'mmitteeof the whole On ,the report of ' the
County Roads Oommittee' withMl'.l\IcDonald inthe ch"air. After amend.,
iug-the report the Qommtttee 1'O:'le aud the report as amended was adopted-
on'motioh 'of A. McDona,ld, sooondedby E. B.Baldi,vill.
Seconded by E. B. Baldwiur
The Oouncil Resumed.
D. }I'. Moore~ J. P., addressed the Counoil re pa.yment of Non.resident.
'Moven by J.,1(,'. Smnmers,
8eeouded by j. J., Mis.tele,
That this Oounoil dOJiOW adjonrnuntil to~m9rrow at 10 a. m.
K. W. MoKay,
Oounty merk.
O. O. Luton,
Friday, the 20th day of N Dvem,ber, 1908.
The EIg-i~Oollnty Oouncilmet this day aocordi,ng to adjournment.
The Warden in the chair.
All the Members present.
The proceedings of the pr~viouR d'av were read. and confirmed.
The report of the Edncf\tion Oommittee was presented ,and adopted on'
motIOn of Black. seconded by Summers.
The report of the Gaol Oommittee was presonted and adopted on
mo_tion of Tiirn'er, seconded'by Sanders.
The report of the Honse of Industry Oommittee was presented and
adopted on motion of Brock andfH~Cotlded by Ling
Tb,6,report of the.Finance Oommittee was ,pt:esented and referred to a
Oomm;ttee of the whole with J. A.. O'\mpbell in the ohair. After amend-
ing the report the Committee rose, alidit W39 sidopted 011 motiollof Oamp-
bell, seconded' by I.Jing.
1.'he report of the Oommittee on Petitions and Legislation waspresen-
ted and referred to a Oom.mittee of the whole. Mr. 'TurneriiJ.'the chair.
Aft,er consideration the Committee rose and th'e report was adopted with;
ant amendment on motion of Turner, seconded by Sanders. "
Moved by,:l\-I. 1\1. Black, ,
Seconded by E. n. Ba.ldvdn,
'J'hat this council adjourn to m,eet at 1..,30P'rn'
The Coullcil Hesnmed.
Moved by J. A. Campbell,
Seconded by 'V~ G-. Sanders"
That By~La.'v No. 738being a By~Lnw.to ft'ppoiht a Senatoriar the Wes-
tern University,' be received and read a first time.
Moved by. J. A. Jackson,
Seconded by 'Vm.Yeandle.
. That By~Law 738 bexead a'second time.
Moved by W.G. Sanders,
'Seconded by J:A. Campbell,
'rhatBy-I.aw No. 738 be read a"third time and finally passed.
, Carried.
jVIQved hy M. M, Black,
Seconded"by E. B. Bald"\vin,
That.By~Law No. 739, being a-By-Law to amend By-J..aw 412, be receiv-
ed and, read a first time.
Movedhy M.M, mack,
Seconded by,8. McDermand,
That By:,I,.aw 739 be read a second time.
Moved by M. M,"Black,
Seconded'by E. B. Baldwin,_
That By-Law No. 739 be read a third time and finally passed.
~1:'oved;by J, R.' Summers,
Seconded by.T. J,Mistele,
That By~LawNo. 740, being a By-Law to amend By-Law No. 525 and
'assume bridges, be rec,eived and read 'aflrst time.
:Moved by A. McDonald,
Seconded by J. n. Summers,
'fhat By~Law No. 740_be read a. second time.
Moved bY'.J. R. Summers,
Seconded by J. J. Mistele;
That' By~Law No.. 740 be read a third.time and finally' passed.
--Oarried .'
. Moved by G. .'V. Ling,
Seconded by W.W. (tow,
That :By-Law No. 74i, -being a By~Law to authorize,annual grant to the
Elgin Municipal Association, be received and read a first time.
Moved by 'V. '\T. How.
Seconded by Geo. 'W. Ling,
Th~t By-La.w No. 741 be read a, second time.
Moved by,Geo.IV: J.Jing.;,
Seccin(ledby IV. IV, Gow,
ThatBy~Law No. 741 be read a third 'time and.fin'ally passt;';d,
Moved hy A. McI:achlin,
Seconded byW. . Brock,
Th~t'By~Law No. 742, being a BYKLaw to J.Jicense Junk .Dealers, be ,re-
ceived.and read 'a first time. .
Moved by IV'. Brot-,k,
Seconded by A. M eLaehlin, .
'fhat By~LawNo. .742 be read a second time.
Moved by J. A-. McLeltll,.
Seconded by D. McLean;
That By~J.Ja'v No. 742 he read a third tinie' and finany passed.
l\foyed by oW. 1-1. Turner,
S~conded by R.J. Jeney,
That By-Law No. 743, being a ByrLaw to amend By-Law' No: 600, be re-
ceived and read a)irst time.
. Moved'by J. A. McLean,
Seconded byD. McIAmn,
That By-Law No. ,743. be :read a second time.
Moved by S. McDermand,
Se'condedby"E. B. Baldwin,
'That By-I.Jaw No. 743 he read it third time and
finally passed.
Moved by M.M. Blnckr
Seconded by S,' MeDcl'mand,
'l.'hat the thanks of this Council be tendered to vVarden Luton for his sel'~
vieesa,Ii<-l nnfailing courtesy during the past year, and that he be granted the
sum of Fifty Dollars .for extra seri,'ices. .
}\'f oved by A. JHcLnch lin,
Seconded by Dr. Ling,
']'hat the thanks of thiR cOllncil be tenrlered to the'Clerk and
. ,Qfficinls for their eflieient SCl'ViCC8, during the 12astyear.
,all County
Moved by .T. R. Summern,
SecolHl(~d 'byJ. .T. MiRteloJ,
That thisConndl (10 now'adjourn Sine die;
K. ,-W.i\:IeKny,
County Clerk.
C. - O. LntDn,
Elgin County Council
Messrs. Turner (Ohairman), Baldwin, P McLean, and Mii3tele.
Messrs.J. A. McLean, (Chairman),Sauders, McLachliu, .Jelley,
and McDermand.
Messrs. Black (Ohairman) , Brock, Ling, Summers, Gow, Moore,
Yeandlej Baldwin, Mistele.
Messrs. Jackson (Chairman), Turner,D. McLean, OampbeH, ,and
Messrs. Jell~y / (Chairman), $atiders, McDonald, Lin~,Jackson,
::lIoDermand,-J. A. MoLea.n, MoLachliu,-and Black.
Messrs. Brock (Ohairman), Summers, Gow. Yeandle, Moore ftl,ld
, Campbell.
To the Wardell and the members of the Elgin Oounty Counoil:,..-
I have the honor'of submittio" to you mv annual report on-the f.nblio'
, Sohool. of Elgin Oonnty for the.'year 1907.
The total amonnts paid forPi.tblio School ,purposes in the different
Municipalities of the'Oouutyare Rsfollows:-
Aldborou~h ,... .. .. .. .. .. $ 13828 88
Bl\Tham............ .-........
Dnnwich ....... ..........
Malahide ......: .... ......
Southwold..... ...........
South Dorche'ster.........
Yarmouth .... ......
Aylmer.... .....,... .....,.
Dutton ...".1.... .....'.....
Port Stanley.......".', ....
Springfield.. . . ,
"Vienna.... ...... ..... .....
10649 18
11151 30
11778 10
18497 27
7119 56
16816 71
5299 40
2012 27
1610 55
2624 56
956 24
$ 97030 94
'reachers and their Certificates :--
NO,Uale No.F(Jmale No 3rd No. 2nd No, 1st mher
'l'ell,chers 'l'eachel'8 Cla8S Cla83 Clafj8 Cert.,
Aldbor,ongh 3 18 16 5 2
Bayham 5 18 13 5
DUll'" ich 2 13 7 6 2
Malahide 3 14 11 4 1
\ South wold 4 16 12 G 2
South Dorchester 3 5 5 6
Yarmouth 6 15 10 10 J
~ylmor 1 7 1 7
Dutton 1 2 2' 1
"port Stanley 1 1 1 1,
Springfield- ' I 6 2 2
Vienna 2 2
- - - - - -
60 109 74 52 11 2
Number Qf Pupils. Registered.
South -Dorchester
Port Stanley
GirlS Total
420 980
864 766
248 513
351 709
844 685
148, 300
387 861
181 689
88 170
6l 158
85 159
52 95
Au the 5730pnpils 1'6ceivedinstruction in
metic,Spellin~, Art,',' IJltel'ature. 'Oomposition,
Nature Study.
Rea.ding, Writing, Arith.'
Hygiene, GeographyI' 'and
In Music there were
In Grammar
In English History
IIl;{'anadian History
In Bookkeeping
In Elementary Science
In Agricultural Botany
Number of Pupils in First.Olass Part I
" 2
,.... 1138
...... 786'
.... ..1051
.. ...1240
...... 411
Second "
Third "
Fonrth "
Nftmbe.l' of Mapsin t,he Schools
.1 Globes
" Libra,ries in Rural Schools
'I School Houses
" }1'fame II
Visits made by'luspectol'
" ....1249
.. ..'.. 110
All the 80hool1:1 hav,a libraries: The following shows the Dumber (if
Volumes and their value in the Rural 86hooI8:-
No, No. Volumes Value of
Schools in LIbraries Librari'es
Aldb61'ough 14 1615. $ 600 86
Bay ham 15 1845 649 72
DUllWich 14 1118. 392 38
Malahide 17 1824 635 30
South wold , 18 1807 692 12
Sautl) Dorches'ter 6 484 234 86
Yarmout.h 20 2411 929 72
- - -
105 1l,lC4 4134 96
r.rhe ,Educational ,Department hassrtpplied every-Publio School in
Ontariowi~h ourNational Flag Already many Schools have flagpoles
erected. It is expectied that all wUfhavethem and that the flaK wilt-float
I ' .
over every Public School on suitable occasions, and that at other times-- it
will be draped in the sohool- room in view o'f t,he Pupils.
Better Schoolbnildings are gradnaUyreplacingold and unsuitable
Last year I reported five new and modern School Houses. This year
Sparta is to erect an up.to-dat& two room building in keeping with the taste
alldpFosperity of t~e lleighlJorhood. Number'5 South, Dorchester is also,
building ,a new up~to'date sohoolhousei '
The People of Elgin Oounty have been most enterprising aud generous
in providing their schools with suitable equipment,whtch will oall for. the
better and more intelligentt.eaching of their children. I believe ' thel'e are
_no better equipeil. sohools'in OntarIO, I cannot say' aq mll.cb fOl' the
sohool yards. A great deal remains to be done in making school grounds
and surroundings more pleasant and at,traotive; I hope that during the'
next year we shall be able to mnke c'onsiderable -improvements in this
Boys and g--irlS should have t,heir interest in this aroused. _r,I'he tas~e
and habits detelOped during their 8ohool years will be reflected in their
homes in after life.
I hope to Bea very soon a sCh,ool garden in connection with every
sohool. . '
Some elementary Agricultnre, especially, pla.nt culture, wiUSOOi!.,
become partof a child's training in every rural school in Ontario. ' The
. Department will make it inexpensive to the ra-tepaye"s, All that will. be
needed will be properly trained teachers and the department will provide
for-this bygivinl{ every teacher hereafter entering the profession a free
course at the O. A., C. at,?uelph.
The Legislative grants. to the Rural Schools last, year were most
satisfactory. Elgin ltural Schools received $7.432 on account of teachers
salaries and certificates. !;imila;r gorants will be received this ye",r.
In _addition to' this. Oities. Towns. and Villages, will' receive Legis.
lative grants b~sed on Teachers' certificates and expe.rience.
The Legislative grants, to Elgin Rural Schools, last year~ on accom-
odation and equipment. was $1,355. ., Th'e Oountyprovided an eqnivalent
ThIS year there will be a Rimilar grant of about-$I,SOO. an equivalen~
to -whioh the C (ubty will provide. The Le~islative ~t'ants to. Rura,l
Schools(m account' of additions made to libraries amounted to, $72-.26.
Similar grants will be made this yea~.
LeJtislative grants to Continuation Classes in EIgiri 'last year w'ere
'1.08250. This year this_ grant will be based on the salaries paid and tpe
value of the special equipment provided, I auticipMe a, gr~nt of about
From what I nave here said it will be found that the total Legislative
grants to the Rural Scilools of Elgin laRt year amounted to nearly $10,000
Under tbe new Snhoot Act and Regnlat-ions. the Inspector correspoli~
dance bas very larl{ely itJCrbftsed, Anticipating this, the Legislature in
itssohool bill,assellted to May. the 15th, 1906, provides that the Count,.
Conncil shall pay the Inspector's postage and Btationery account.
For thebrokeu year I did not keep an acocurit of my postaReand
stationery. I~ast year I did keep aD account,. It amonnted to 'fwent.)" ~
, five Dollars'
'I'he Oountytherefore, on May 10, just pass'ad; 'was iudtlbted to me
tOl' two years postag'e and stationery. at $25 per year.
~ would sUA'gest hl'lreatterthe' SlIm of $25 pf>r year, be .paid qnarterly
Rsthe rest of my salary is.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
W. A'fKIN,
School Inspector.
Referred to'Eduoation Comm'lttee,
To the Elgin County Council:
Tho Edueationa,l Oommittee begs leave to report as, follows:
1. That-the matter of sendIng a delega:te. toa'tt.erid the annual meeting'
of the 9ntario Educational Association be not entertained.
2. That whereas the Public Schools Act provides for a payment by the
Legislature of 40 percent. of the salary' of RllraI School Teachers, who re-
ceive over $300, and ,,,rherea!,! the Urban Sch~ols are not considered in this
grant, your Comtnittee respectfully submit that Urban Schools should parti~
eipate in the above grantand\vould urge this .Qonncilto take the necessary
steps to have the Act amended in this respeet
3. That whereas there are now some twenty4wo schools in thisConuty
that have'est.ablishcdthe continuation classes, thus bringing higher educl,l,~
, tion within the .scope mid l!leans 'of the l~ural and V\illage Oominunities and
whereas the tem!ency of the ,Provincial Legislation is along these progressive
lines and whereas themcmbers of the County COlmeils of the Province have
largely i11c-reasedtheirgrants to this cJm!sof schools and whereas a Jarge por~
tion of the scholars attending the public $chool8 are at present taking advan"
tno-e of the Continuation Classes which have been so sucGessf~lny esta.b1i~hed
at~a large outlay to the seCtions interested; Your Oommittee w~uld respect~
~uny recommend that our Connqil grant the sumoLTwo Dollars 'for' every
(lollar appropriated by the Legislature in aid of Continuation Class Schools in
this' County.
4. - That whereas the Rural Public 8ehools are assisted to the extent' of_
$300 for each principal and $200 foJ' each assistant teacher emPlqyed, Ollt of
the General Sphool Levy of the Town:;;hip, and whereas when-these same
schools happen to be included in the boundaries of an incorporated V,illnge
or Town this grant is cut off. 'Ve respectfully request,the ,Coun~il to make
representations to-the Legislature to .!1ave the Act amended in this, respect so
that this ~la~s of Urban Sehool will participate in the' grant, as formerly.
All of which is respeetfulIy submitted.
Adopted 31st .ran~ary.
~L\('_. }LBJu\(jK,
fro the Elgin County Council.
The Education Committee reports :
1.. That the Public School Inspector's report be adopted and printed in
the minutes. That he be paid $5'0.00 f(rr t,,\,o years' postage and T\venty~five
Dollars a~nuany bereafter. -
2. 'fhat the notice from the Deputy ~Iinister of: Education be . referred
to 'the Finance COIDmittee; ,,'
3'. That the follo,ving supplmnetitary grantf:! be rnade to County High
Schools. .
Aylmer .....~... .... .,..
Dutton-.... ./~. .... ....
"\Tienna... ',...,. . ........
$500 00
500 00
200 00
All of which,is,respectfully suhmitted.
];IAc. M. BI,ACK,
,Adopted 4tllJune.
fro the Elgin County. Oouncil :
The JMucation Com'mittee Reports ~-
1. That we recommend that His Honor'--Judge 'Colter, be appointed, by
this Council as a member cf the Senate of the 'Vestern Universi~y:"
2. rl'hat the surrl of $311;15 be pl}id the 'filsOIiburg High School for the
~aint?nance of Oonn~y Pupils'in 1907. .
3. That the sum of $51.50 be paid the Ingersoll High School
tenance of County P~pilEl in 1907.
for main-
All of which i~ respectfully submitted.
MAC. 1\1:,. BJ,ACK,
Adopted 20th November, 1908. '
To the 'Warden and Council of the ,County of Elgin.
Gentlemen ~
.1 beg leave to report that on the SlstDeeCIllber
I had a balance in the Bank of. . .... ......... ,_ $567500
And to credit ofConnty 'as, unpaid Co. rate . ~... 39400 --00
:Due fro'm Government for administration of Justice 808 DO
$45883 00
At thnt date there was due the MolsonsBri.tlk on Notes
of the 'Varden and Treasurer....., .... .... .... 38000 00
'Which-have since been redneed... .'.......... 1900000
'fhe County rates have all beon paid -'except the
sumof........ ........ ................. 342900
I have received from the Executors of the estate of the late Nelson
Cham.bers,his bequest to theTlouse of Industry, for the sum of $5051.00r
'which I have deposited in the Molsons Bank Special Account, to be used ae
you 'direct by way of permanent investment or otherwise.
It will be necessary for you at present Session of theOouncil to passu.
By~La\V authorizing the 'Varden and Treasurer to renew prese1it outstanding
noteff'and also to borrmy, if necessary. say the sum of $25,000.00.
All of which if? :respet.'tfully submitted.
County Treasurer.
C'mmty Treasurerrs Office,
St.'Thomas,Ont., Jan. 30t.h, 1908.
H.cferred to Fimmce Committee.
To the Warden and Gooneil of the COllnty of 'Elgin.
~' Tbeg leave ~o make thefoUowing report us to the fillancialpo.sitioD
of the Countjon the first day of June.
The Balance of the County Rates for ,1907 were all paid me the early'
part of January., The,present indeb~~dness to the Molsons,Bank an notes
of, War,den aiid Treasurer is $22,000 and on first 6fJune 1 had' a oredit
balance for $592 .
I wouldrecommE'md the'Oouncilto pass By-Law authorizing the War
den- and Trensurer to borrow, from the 'Molsona Bank. $25,000.00, forre.:
newItI of llotescoming drie and to meet. current expenses, if required, un~il
the County ra.tes of .1908 are paid. '
. I would ask the Council to-pal's By.Lawallowing OountY.Tl'eaSurertd
defer tax sa.l~ this year.
Iellcloseestimate ofth.e amount that wiIlbe required for eXPEmsEis' foi':
the curren t year. '
All of w]~ich is reapectfnlly submitted.
Referred t'o Finance Committefl.
ConntV' Treasurer.'
To the Warden andCounoil of the ,Coun~y of Elgin.
I beg: leave to, make the following rf!port as to the financial position: of
the Couilty ,
On the 1st November Thad a oash bnlalloeto credit of, the County ,of
$775 00,. 1
The indebtedness to Molson's Bank an DoteR of Warden's and r.rrea.s~
nrerwa.s $56,000.00 and since t.hatda.t'e I have given notes 'for $5,00~.OO. ,\
Makin~,a total of $61,000.00.
The total payments on County Line: 'BridgeS! to date Nav;
.amounte(~to $21,666.00.
I,t will be necessary for you at present meeting of Oouncil to pass
By.Law authoriz.ing the W'ardenaud Treas_urer to borrow say $20,000,00.
being axe'ess ofpreaent authority for $50,000.00.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
To the Warden and the m~mberlil of the Elgin Oounty Connoil:-
County, 'rreasurer.
.The Finance Oommittee report:
18th' November, '1908.
1. That the money received from the Nelson Ohambers Estate~be
}rept otI'deposit in a speoial account until require'd for permanent improve.
ments at the House of Industry.
2. -That a By.Law be passed authorizing- the Warden and '1,1re88Urer
to borrow $25,000 to renew notes and meet current expenses.
, \
~. That the Police Magistrate's report be received and printed in the
minutes. ~-
4 That the Public Improvements Committee be required to report
at JUDe Bessionan the amount required to rebuild bridges in accordance
with special report on Warden's Address and. that By-Law for Debenti.1r~B
be then considered,
, Q
5. That grants of teu.dollars each.bs'made to Ohildrens' Hospital and
Prisoners' Aid Associa.tion.
6; That uo action be ta.ken in reference to communications from
Salvation Army or National Sanitarium Associa,tion.
7 That if the Municipal Olerks and r.rreasurers of the Oounty form
a Muuicipal ASRociation; t,hat this Oouncilpay $2,00 each and teli cents
per mileforeacl1 officer attending all of the Sessions of the Association
each year. ,.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Adopted 1st Februarv.
J.' A. McLEAN.
NO. l--JUNE.
To the Elgin Oounty Council ~
The Finance Committee Reports;
L 'fhat noac,t.ion be taken 1'e request from Qutnrio Provinchi.l 'Winter
2. That no action be takenre request of H. Harvey for extensional
Peddler1s License.
3. Tlu\t the Anditor'.s report be adopted.
4. That l,lO action be taken on request of Ontario Fruit Growers' Asso-
ciation for gr:tnt to prir.e list. ' ,
5. 'l'hat no action be taken on COlm11unieation from. Bell Telephone
Memorial Association.
6. That a grant of $150 be made to improve lock-up at Port Stanley,
provided steel cage cens be introduced.
7. ~.rhat this Counciljoin the Ontario l\'Iunicipal Association and that
the 'Varden, ~rurne,r, .McLean, Black, represent't4i8 County at the Annual
meeting in Toronto.
8. That the follo\ving accounts be paid:
Ben & McCubbiri, for plans of County Ro.wls designated.... ,.'. $' 25 00
J. H._ COYl1e, Registrar's fees for registration of :Rodney and 'Vest
Lome incorporation By~La\vs ." . ..., .. .... .... ., ....
:Municipal'Wor1c1, acct. fo'r stationery, etc., for Registrar... .:,...
Children's Aid Soeiety for maintenance,. Powell Children.......
Municipal 'Vorld, stationery, etc., for County Clerk and Treasmer
K. Vi. McKay, 'CI~rk, postage and telephone acc.t...... .'..:......
10. That Dehenturesbe iBsued fOl' $20,000, re~paya.ble in ten years -at 5
per eent., to provide for the Bridge Expenditure'this year.
All ,of which is respectfully submitted.
J. A. l\IcLEAN,
Adopted 4th J (mo, :1.908.
F~nance' :Report No.2.
, To th~ 'Varden andCouncilof the County of Elgin.
1'he Committee on Financebeg'leave to report that'havingexamined in~
to the Finances of the County, and the estimates prepared by the County
TreaSurer, they herewith submit a statement,of the expenditure required for
the lawful purposes of the Countyducing1908, showing the amount required
to' be raised for the undermentioned purposes :
A,dministration of Justice. ....... ... ...$ 3,000
County Lines and Uridges...... .'......... 35-,000
House of Industry....... . ..... .... .:.,.'.. ~ 6,000
High Schools.... .... .... ........ ........ 7,000
Schools with Continuation Classes ...... . . 1,300
Model School... .'.. . ... '....... .... .... .., 150
Officers' Salaries ..... ..... '," .'....... 2,550
Sehool Inspector...... :... .... .......... 1,600
Payment of 'Jurors. ....... .............. 1,000
Crow'n 'Vitnesses. . ,. . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
Bills Payable and Interest,...... . ..... .., 1,034
~lelnbeFs' Wages, Committees, Etc....... 1,200
Debenture Rate, By~Law 594.. .... ..... 1,957
Court HotlSe CommiSSIon . .-. .. .......... 900
Public Schoo} Grant,. ... ...... ......... .~. 1,284
Debenture Rate, By~l,a~w 701.... ...... ..' '2,591
29 56
97 50
11 15
7 45.
$ 66,266
To be raised "by Debentnres .............. 20,000
:1\ 46,266
Your Conmdftee would recommend that the snm of l!'orty. Six Thollsand
Two Hundred and Sixty-Six Dollars be mised on all the rateable property in
the several M:unicipalities,in the_County of Elgin during the year 1908 for
County purposes, and that a l'~l-te 0:L2X' Mills on the Dollar be levied on the
rateable property in.the severall~Hmicipalities in the Connty to raise f:iflid
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Adopted 5th Juue, 1908,
, ,Tothe.Elgin .county Oounell.
The FinanceOommittee reports:
1 That the Police Ma.gistrate be gr!~nted ,J~25.00 annually for
:postage and telephones.
All'of'WhiQh is respectfullv submitted.
Adopted 5th June, 1908,
To the Elgin County Qouncil :
rhe Finan,oe Oommittee reports.
L That they receiven ten 'tenders for debentures. and recommend
acc,eptance of the-highest, from Brouse, Mitchell & 00.. Toronto, amount
2. That K. W. McKay, Oounty Olerk, be
Conn(y o~ Board of Ohildretls' Aid Sooiety.
All of whioh is respectfully snbmit~ed.
,apPointed to repres'enL
Ohairm an
19th November, 1908.
To the Elgin OountyOonncil :'
The Finance OOIDJIlittee . Reports:
1. That no action be taken re application of. D. F. Moore for ex.
penses of Justices. attending aourt of Quarter Sessions.
2. That the .sum or' Fifty Dollars be placed at disposal of F _ . Hunt, 'J.
P _, on the same terms as resolution passed ill January Session, allacoount
of expenditures to b~ presented to this Committee.
3. That ag-rant of Twenty-fivf\ Dollars be made to the Elgin Poultry
, Association.
4. That in view of the Debenture issue and other monies in han~s of
,County 'l'reasurer, no By-Law to borro,,", money be passed during' this
A~~ of which is respe.?tfullysnbmitted.
Referred to a Committee of the whole. and amended by strikiug;out
Section '3.
20th November, 1908
I beg .tt? report that the foUowiuR Bridges should be rebuilt this year.,
l' The'Lyndhurst Bridge bet.ween the City of St. Thomas \and the
bonnty of Elgin . ' '
, ~ The 'OrwellB;ridge OVAr Oatfish Oi'eek on the Town hne between
~ Mala9ide and Yarmonth.
3. The Mllpleton BridR6 ~ver Oatfish OIeek on the road in lieu of the
Town line between Yarmouth and South Dorchester.
4. The' Bridge'''over Otter Oreek near TillsonburgJunction between
B,9.yham and Middleton.
5. '1'he Ashery Brid~e over Kettle Oreek between the City of St'.
"ThomRsand'tbe County of Elgin.
I may say that t.hOS6 are the bridges that are in the worst condition at
the pl'eS6nt time. I also beg to ~it,ate that-I do not consider any Of the
wond,6,u bridges under the jluisdiction of the Coanty to be safe for cat'ry-
in~ tra:cHon engines of a weight of eight tons.llsprovided by the statutes.
All the wooden bridges i.n the County .h"ve been-built for a consi.derable
time. They were never, intended to carry a load fluchas above described.
and together with the decay in the wood, I cOllsider them at the present
tUile unsafe to carry traffic of this kind.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
James A; Bell,
County Engineer.
Referred to'Public Improvements Committee.
To the -Warden and Council of the County, of Elgin.
1 beg herewith to present the following report :
I. I have 'prepared plans and adve:rtiBed for tenders for the construction'
of the Lyndhurst Bridge, Orwell Bridge, Mapleton Bridge, Queen's Bridge
and'the Brewery Bridge. Tenders were received and' acted, upon by your
Committee-, and 'on those-Bridges which Et.rebet'ween the City of St. Thomas
and the County of Elgin, by ~joint committee of both Municipalities.
The tenders for the Lyndhurst Bridge are af3 follows ':
A, J, Oakley & Co, $11,026 00
Ch'tTk &; :l\1onds 10,850 00
Petrolea Bridge Co. 15,398' 00
Concrete Engineer'g &; Const Co. 10,810 00
Fraser & Clemens ,9,610 20
A. E. Ponaford '9,399 00
"Western,Bridge & Equipment Co, 17,377 00
The Contract was a;waI'ded to A., E.Ponsford.
'1'he tenclersfor- the On-vell Bridge areai;l follo'ws :
L. l\lcCandless $ 5,485 00
Concrete'Engineering & Const .Co. 4.,840 00
O. D.. &-A. L. Oatman 6,000 00
C. C. Stafford 3,993 00
Fraser &; Clemens 8,87900
G. A. Pon'sford 3,710 00
Petrcile:} Bridge 00. 6,56000
The Contrac,t was awa.rded"to G. A. PonsfoI'd.
4. '1'he tenders for the Mapleton Bridge"are as follows
L. McCandless
Concrete Engineering & Const. Co.
G. A. PanafoI'd
Scoyne &; Ramey
Ira Peer
Jos. Vincent
J. 'V. Chive1',':I
$ J,043 00
1,620 00
1,174 50
] ,484 00
1,290 00
1,100 00
J,OOO 0.0
the contra.ct wqs awarded to J. 'V. Chh'ers.
5. Tenders for the Queen's Bridge as follows:
Scoyne & Ramsay
A. K I:onsford
, Ll1cCandless
G. A. Ponslorc1'
And the contract was awarded to Scoyne & Ramey.
$ 7,678 98
]0,899 06
11,890 00
11,7,,0 00
6, "Thetenclers for the J11'ewe1'Y Bridge are as fonows :
G. A. l)onsford $10,999 00
.J. G-. 'Harper 8,825 00
And the contract 'wasa,varded to J~ G. B,arp,er.
7. \ I may say that the Contractors areaetiveiy engage(lon the work of ~
constructing the Lyndhurst Bridge and the Orwell Bridge.
At the end of the last year the Vienna Bridge was not wholly completed,
thefloorhad not'been put-on and the ,painting of the bridge had not been,
done; Since that time this work has been.. finishedsatisfaetorily and the
bridge is now open for traffic, although there is a sinall amount or repairs
yet to be done on the approacheB.
8. I have had the POl;t Hiuwell Bridge Btrengthenedbythe vmy of re-
inforcing theehords, but I find on exall}inationthat even afterth:it is done
the bi'idgeshmVB signs of 'oNcalmesR aml I ha.ye owlcred two bents placed nn-
(ler 'tho 'bridge in onler to KtiHen it.
This work iflliOW being flolle.
0, Tho bridge oyer Otter Creek nom' Tillsonbm;g will have to be \\'holly
or partially rebuilt. As this is a "vork that interests the County of Norfolk,
'it 'will be necessary f(lry011l' eommittoc to meet a conlmittee'of the represen-
tatives of Norfolk County and deeicle on the amount of work that wmbe
done on th1B bl'i(lge.
to, 'l~he Bothwell Bridge, over the Hiver Thames requires a nC\\i floor
and loistbig. I \vould recommend that steel joists be placed on this bridge
vdth ,>'{Ooden floor. This bridge is not sufficiently strong to carry a concrete
floor, and the cost of making it strong enough would be considerable. I may
SlW that this County's share or cost of painting this bTidge and doing some
minor repa.irs last yea.r ,>vas $81.69.
11. The spring freshet did considerable damJI!Zat.o the East,approach,
to the Gillett Bridge, w~shiog' the earth away from. the abutments and
endangerioR'the whole structure. I have had this bridg-e repaired 'a,t ..3
cost of $219,13:
'12. The contractors for the Willey Bridge over the River Thames a,re
progresl'ing slowly. The two end spans are ~rected and they are, now
erecting the centre f:1pan. As soon as this is completed I.will prooeed with
the work of constructing the approachestb~reto and cutting down the
lB. Your Public Improvements Oommittee' wilt now hav,ea much
better conc6ntioll of theOonnt,v Bridges thHin they had heretofore as tbey
took an extend6d tripwith myself over the gronnd and bridges throughou.t
the County lately., and are in a position to jUdge of the t:emaining wooden
bridgBs still left which will come nnder your considerati9u at this, session.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Jas. A. Bell,
RfI'ferred to Public Improvements Oommittee.
To the 'Varden and Conncil of the Oounty of Elgin.
.1 hegt? submit the follo'\ving report on the work done on Comity Bridg~
es since your last session.
Lyndhurst Bridge; This bridge is now comple~ed,~ and open for traffic,
There are a few ,unadjusted accounts out yet,. but the total cost of the stru:c~
ture will be about $11,600.
Orwell Bridge. This bridge, has also been completed some time, and the
total cost.inc1udingapproaches and railing ~s $4,739.57,
Mapleton Bridge: This bridge is also completed and open for traffic.
This is it heam span of 40 feet in the clear. The total costis $1,457.91.
The, culvert across the Port Stanley Road in the Village ofPo'rt S~nley
has also been ,completed, and tho road way filled in over the culvert at a cost
Queen's Bridge, over Kettle Creek, between the City and the County, is
~Jmost cOl~pleted.
The ,Brewery Bridge has all the arch~,vays in and part of the floor -con-
structed, but I do. not think'it will be possible to eOlp-plete this all together
this year, although.traffic can be opened over it I think in a week or so.
The "Willey Bridge ov'er the River Thames is practically completed ex~
copt some fencing to the approaches. There ,,'.'ill be no ex~m -work in the
contract of this bridge,' I am not abletb state at the present monient exactly
,,'hat,the cost of fining in the,appm-aches'has been as most of this work bas
been advanced by the County of :Micldlesex.
Your sub-committee met with a similar conimittee froni the. .county. of
Norfolk and awarded the contract for the construction of a steel bridge 82
feet hi length:with 14 'foot raad'Nay, to the Petrolea Bridge Company for $1,-
960. As it i"8 very difficult to erect cOlicrete foundations at this p~int on ac~
i countof the quick sand, the contract was let to put the bridge on steel piles,
and also the joint committee have arranged to change the site of this struc-
ture, placing it abotlt one hundreclWet fnrthur down stream. This ,vi1l'ile~
eessitate building Hew approaches to the bridge, but the site is a very Ju'uch
hetter one than the old one and there wil1 he a great cleal less dangel' of the
bridge wm'lhing out in timefl of freshet.
As instl;'d_cte(l by your Omllleil, I met representatives of the Conntiesof
Kent and :\liddlesex in reference to re-flooring the Bothwell Bric1go, and I
l;rt>parodpla,ns and'specifIcations for steel joists and an oak flOOT -for, ihis
l)l'idge; ,The contract was let to .TenksandDresser, of Sanlia, for the sum of
$2,000. 'J'his work is not yet completed; ,
In conjunction with the Oounty d Middlesex, we found that n, new rail
was necessary to be placed on the vVa.rdsville Bridge. \Ve asked for tenders
for this work, the lowest being the Hamilton Bridge Company, and the con-
tract was aV'lf\,rded to them for $450.00. '
I prepared plans and specifications and stlbmitted them to the Indian
Department and the Cmlnty of Middlesex in regarcl to the culvert on .the In-
dian Reserve, known as the Brown Brhlge. Those were adopted and a con-
tract let, and I understand 'now that the contract is completed, and I expect
to examine it this week.
In regard t6the'grant of. $500.00forthe T~wnshipofl\{alahid~ for: im-
provements to Stalter GuUy, I recommended certain work to be. done at this
gully and this has' been carried out by the Township, and I have certified
paymentto,themof $500.00, 1 think the, workdone will have the: effect' of
stopping the wearing a"v~y of the gully, and if. it has 'that, e:ffect, there wln be
, no trouble in erecting a permanent structure over this work in the future.
Repairs have been made to thefioors of a number of bridges throughout
the rounty, the p1'incipalOI~es being as follows:
Robbins Bridge ov:erKe,ttleCreek, on this has been expellch>;d ,the ,snm
of $5L57. .
A largo portion of ,~he \'lelntosh ,Bridge floorllas been rQpaired; a~d.. llt;W '
joists put in,Jmt:I have not the full ~ccou11t of this "vork a~ pre~ent. '
The PQ,rt BllrwellBridge hasb~en repaired ata cost 'Of $188.64.
The Jamestown Bridge haslJeen iepa~red at-a cost of $14.75.
A.ll of \":(1ich is respec~fully submitted.
Referred to Public Improvements Comn~ittec,
N oven, her,'] 908.
To the Warden and Oouncil of the Onanty of Elgin.
Your Public Improvements Oommittee begs leave to submit:
1. Tbatthe Bridges mentioned in the Engineer's Report be recom.
mended to be rebuilt andthat'theOommitteehavepower io the 'case of
the Ashery Bridge, to loom into the alterlHtt.ive propositionaf jointly pur-
chasing with the St. Thomas Oi(;~Cooncil the Spohn Flatsalld othf'r~
adjaCe~t, propertiesj _tl;1el'eby doiug away with the building of \ sai, ~ Bpdge
and the Brewery Bridge and COllstructing a ,new highway, or if ,feasible
closing that portion' of said roads altogethE'l' bud using Stanley Street.
immediately west of the Oounty Buildings, in lieu thereof, witli power to
ffhe estimated cost of the bridges to be rehuilt IS as follows:-
Lyndhurst Bridge
Ashr-;ry Bridge
Orwell Bridge
. Tillsonbl1l'g- Juuction Bridge.
Mapleton Bridge
$ 10,000
1 ,BOO
2. That a conor,ete cnlvert b~ .put, across the Gravel Ro,~d in
3, That no action at this Session be taken regru'ding the application
of the TowlH;hip-Of Malahide to a~sume the Stalter Bridge.
4. That this Commiuee. at t,he Call of the Engineer, mak.e anein-
spection of aU the Bridges ill the C('Iunty._ if 'possible, befQre the 'June
5. rfhat the Chairman and Engine-ar have the power to atteiid tnall
necessary repairs to Oounty Bridges and report f'xpenditures to th~ Ooun-
cil. And that the Public Improvements Oommittee have power stibj~c
t:o,approvalof Wardento settle all actions for damages caused by accidents
due to defective brirlg,es.
6. That a grant of $10.00 be made tD'the Good Roads Association and
that the Warden be appointed to attend the next meeting of the Assooia-
7. Your Oommittee have considered the Report of. the Oounty
Solicitor re Oounty Bridges and ask for further time before making a
All of which is respectfully submitted.
-Adopted 1st Februa.ry.
To the' Warden and Uouncil of the County of Elgin.
Your Public Improvements Committee beg leave to report as follows:
1. That the account of Eber Kensey for labor erecting a temporary
b~'idge during the construction of the Oook's Mill Bridge. for 830.25, be_
2. Re complaint of James Meek bv his Solicitors, Orothers & Price
for damage claim:f>d l)y tHe floods a't' the Zavitz Bridge, be not entertained.
3. The 'l'ownlin6 of Mala-hide made apv1tcation' for grant to pro'tect
Stalter Gullv in that Township fromdeepellillg by erecting Iilome pro-
t\"ctiveworlr, either a dam or otherwise. Your Oommittee would rec~
ommend that this Oounty assist the 'fowllship of Malahide to the extent
of $500.00' t,o put in obstruction work, to try and prevent the wearing- and
washing out of Stalter Gully.
4. That this Oounty pass a By-Law to assume all bridges necessarily
.20 feet and over in width on aU OountyLine.q,
5. That the Ohairman 'and Engineer have power to conetruct a culvert
across the Gravel Road a,t the Village of Port Stanley where the present
small ,bridge is now ~jtua.ted.
6. That the Warden, Ohairman, Oouncillor JaQkson and the Engineer
be inbtructed to meet representaLives from the Gonnty of Norfolk ,to take
into consideration the rebuilding or otherwise repair Ott,er Oreek Bri<lg-e
near Til1sonburg JU1Jct.ioll, with power to act.,
7. 'rhat t,hc Engineer have power to act with t,he Obuntiesof Middle~
s~xanc1.-Kent in re-flooring the Bothwell Bridge, using steel joists-and
wooden floor.
8. Your Oommittee has considered t.he items mentioned in the
Eng~neer's report and would recoU1rnen~- its adoption.
9, As n, result of the illsp,ect.ion of the Oounty Bridges t,hronghOlit
theCouuty, ,yourOommitree would recommend that"llo action be taken to
rebuild the following' wO'odell Bridges this year :-Gillett 'Bridg.e, 'James.
towllBl'idge, Pt. 'Burwell Bridge, and the Filmore Bridge.
10. That the request of t.heLake$ide Plefi.i'lu1'8 COnlpfl1lY for pnul1!'i'
sian to cut railing 01). west approach t,o Port, Shlulev Bring-ebe- granted,
subject to the approval of this Committee and Reeve of Port Stanley.
All pf which is respectfully submitted.
, R. ,T. JELLEY,
A?opted 4th June.
'To the Elgin County Council.
'rhe .Pnbliclrnprovement,R Committee reports,
1. That this Oouncil settle with the contracters for the Belmont
Bridge on the same terms as the Count,yofMiddlesex.
2: That agraut of $100 be made to aflsist in bUilding a concrete
bridge in the Indian B,eserv8, the mouey to be paid on the order of the
Adopted 5th ~rl111e.
~[,he Oount,Y Clerk of Middlesex, in Po letter da,ted 13th June says:
"The County Oouncil of Middlesex allowed Mr. Rivers -Paymant in
,fullforBridg6u'ear Bf}lmontwhenfioor would be properly drained. ,';[1his
was referrefl to the Engill.eer with power. He .has retained '$20.00 until'
,the floor is completed'to his satisfa,cti(m:."
To the 'Varden and Council of the Oounty of- Elgin.
Gentlemen -:
Your Publicllnprovements,Committee beg to' s'ubQlit Othe following
'report. '
1. They,have yisi<ied and inspected the Orwell Bridge, 'Mapleton
Bridge, the Willey,Bridge a.nd "th~ Lyn(lhurst Bridge, and find those
bridges completed In a,very satisftwtory manner,
2. That thh, County make an additionalg'l'ant of $70,34 towards the
construction o.f a culvert on the Oneida lteserve' on condition that'the
'Xowhship of South wold grant an additional sum of $25.00 for' the same
object. -' ~
3. .The Count,y Engineer has. reported that there are, -three bridges on
the Townlinebotwee~ Dela\Varearid:::;outhwold that- will .be neo_essarily
over twenty feet iu 1,ength, and ,would _recommend that in . accordE,tllCe
with the r,eport of thedoJ:hmitt~e of the'last Session, a By-Law be passed
assuming those as couJ;1ty'bridges. 'l'he brirlg-es are designated as' Nos'.
1, 2, and 3.
4,' No. 1 Bridge ,between Delawa'l'e and Southwold hasbee~ re~
builtthisYAar an-dthe money for one:-half the cost, has been advan,cedby:
the TownshIp of Sonth'wold, Your Oommit,tee wonld therefore reqom~
- mend that this Cou~ty recoup the '.cownshiIJ of South wold for oue.half
the cost of erectirig the bridge No. l'outhe Towuline" betwe~n,Delaware
and Southwhld.
5. That the.Eng-i~eer examine the Laul' and O'Neil bridges on ,the
Towuliu'e betwe'enNorth a,ud,South Dorchester, and if he reports that in'
rebuilditig,those ,bridgwi, they ar.e necessatily twenty feet or over in len~
gth. -that a By~La,wfiepassedaccepting them aR' county bridges.
6, Your Oommittee have considered the Engineer's report and woulq.
recommend itsadoptIOll.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Adopted 19th Novemhe'r, 1908.
Ohairman. '
To the Elgin Oounty Council :
The Committee on Petitions and I.JegislatipnReports : '
1. That we co-operate with the Oounty Council of Middlesex for amend-
ment to Section 606 of the Municipal Act, . so that said Section will -not imR
pose as heavy a burden upon Municipal Corporations as it does atthepreserit
~.That nO action bemken in reference to petition from Sheep-breeders
,of Malahide laid over from the Deceu1ber Session.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Adopted 30th .Trtnuary.
To the Elgin County Conncil:
Ge)~tlemen :~
The COlnmittee on :retitions and Legislation Reports:
1. Thatwc'concnr in communication from the Ontario}1uniyipal Asso-
ciation for the betterment of Consumptives and designate as Delegates' from
this Council, the Warden" Cha.innan of this Committee and Mr. Mistele.
'fluj,t a 'grant of li'ive Dollars be made to the funds of the Association.
All of which W respectfully submitted.
J. . A. J aekson,
2nd J't~ne,' 1908;
Adopted 4th June )908.
To the Elgin Oounty Council.
Gentl~men :
ThePet1tion and Legislation Committee reports:
That we co-operate by petition, with the United C01:inties 'of Northum~
berlimd an,d Durham for amendment to the hiw to make'it illegal to 'l'unmo~
tor vehicles on highways on: Sunday and at leas'(.on one .'Qther, day in the
week throughout the year. ,.
Aq 'of which is respectfullysubtnitteCl.
Referred to Committee of the \Vho'le', rind'
20t~ November:, 1908. . ,.
Chairma~'. '
adopted, without amendment
. ~,
To the Elgin CoontyOouDciL.
G,entlemen. :
TheG~'olOotnmittee reports:
1. That- they have considered the oommnnicatlOoreceived from the
Registrar; and have examined the Ragister Office and'agr~e wit.h pr~viou~
Ot)Uncil~tbat the f9110wing improvements arenflcessarr: Accomniodat.io~, \
; in basement for h~aterl_coal storage find lavatories, enlarged publio office
',and room for oQPYists"and Rewst:ar.
2. That wewonld recommend that webe authorized to confer with the
~onncil of the Oitv of St. Thomas.,and'deoide on "plans - f01:<:the improve~
ments and submit same with tenders at the June Session of the Comicil. *
_ AU of which is respectfully, submitted.
. Ohairman.
Amended hi Committee of the whole by striking out Section - ~-
Aqopted as amended.
To the Elgin Oounty Oouncil :
Heutl~men : .
The Gaol Oommit.tee recommend:
1. '-That Robert Kains,M. D., be appointed Assistallt Surgeon, owing
'totheHlness of Dr. VanBuskirk;
2. That the sD.laryof the sapond 'l'nrnkeybe~fixed at $1.50 per day.
All of whioh i. re.pectfullT .~bmitted.
Adopted 5th June.
Tothe'Elgin-Oonnty OonDCll.
Th'l GooI Oommittee ~epQrts :
1. That they have received teDde~s for Bread and Meat" 'required _ to
be delivered at the Gaol during 1909 and recommended1ibat the following'
be accepted.
For Bread
J. T. Stephens-2.% cents_ per pound.
. For Meat'(withouli bone)
Moody &Olark. 10 oentspel' poune.
~: That By-Law No. 600 be amended by the addition of th~ following
sections. '
, (9 a) That the said Oommissioners be and arehereb,. _ required to.
examine and pass for paymEmtall accounts for supplies de1iv'ered aCi the
Oounty Gaol, and the Uounty Treasu.rer is hereby 'authorized t.o pay the
same on the order, of the said Oommisllloners or any -twoot- them.
S. (5b) It shall be the duty of the said Oommissionerstopresent' to
the .Gaol Com~ittee of the Ooun ty OO\lncil at each, /Session a statement. of
all accounts 'for which they have ~ssued orders,on the OonutyTreasurer,'
since,t.he previous,Session thereof; .
4. That N. W. Moore, Gaoler. be appointed to attend Annual Meet-
ing of aanadi~n Oonference ofOharities and Oorrectionin Toronto.
AU of which-.is respectfully.snbmitted-,
Adopted. 20th November1 1008.
W. H. Turner.
8. That- teuder received from J. T; Stephen for Bread to be delivered
at the Institution during' 1909 fol' two& five-eig-hths of a cent per pound be
To the Elgin County Council.
4 'I.'hat woreceive- tender for fore quarterbeefa,t seven cents per
pound andwonld recommend that the matter be laid over until the Jan~
nary Session and that the Inspector arl'Ruga for meat supply reqnir~d from,
1st January.nntil thattim6.
The House of Industry Oommittee reports:
1. 'rhat since the January Session we. have' ordered the' fonowing-
(a) Hoof over steps to front entrano'e.
(1:1) Oement Walk toWomeD's Oottage and Wash House.
(0) Raising and ~xtending basement of ba.rn' and putting- in
cement 'floor and re-fitting interior.
(d) A Silo that4as not beencommeilced.
All of whioh is respeotfully submitted.
Adopted 20t,h November,
2. The Inst.itute thl'o\1ghont-is olean and in good order. the stock
looks weU, and inmates appear to be contented .
All of which is respectfully submitted.
W. Brook,
Referred to Oommittee of the whole, and amended by striking out
$u.b-Seotion (d) of clause 1. '
Report adopted as amended.
5th June, 1908.
To: tho Elgin Odilllty Oouncil :
GEmtlemen :
'fhe' House of Industry, Committee reports:
1. That the report of the Physician be adopted.
2. That the report of .the Inspector be adopted.
To-the Wardell Rlldthe memberfi of the Elgin County Gouncil:-
The following is my report on t;he Honse of Industry and Refuge for the
year e_uding 31st Oct, 1908.
1. Number of inmates in the I-louse at last report...... .... .... 51
2. Number adVlitted during the year, 6 females, 16 males. ." ,; 2Z
3. l," of deathH......... ................................. 12
4', "discharged............................................. '8
5. "absconded...... ......................... ..........;.5
6. "now in House--24 males, 24 females......... "." .. 48
7. "of inmates sent from the several municipalities in the Coun~
ty during the year:
A.lborough.... .... .... ,;'.,........."....... 1
J)un."ich ... ...; ............ ,....... .... .. 1.
Southwold ... . . .... . . . . . .... ..' . . . . . . .. ... 4
Yarmouth ....... ....... ........ ............ ..10
JVla]ahide.... ..... ... ..... .... .... .... .... 0
'Bayhanl .... . , .. .... ...... ... . , . . . . . . . 2
S. Dorchester ..... . . .. ............,... 0
Vienn~'L . . . . . . .. ... . . . .'. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. ... .... 0
Springfield. . . . . . . ... .............. .'...;... " . . . .. 0
Ayhner ................... ...................... 3
portSta.nley ........ .........0 ." .... ...... 0
])lltton. . .... ......... ...,....... .'.....:. ......... 1
Borll in lIouse.. ..... ............. ............ -0
8. , The various cases of pauperism of iIllnates admitted to,.IIou::;e during
the yea.r may be classed as follows :
Sickness... ..... .......... .. 8
Destitution .'. . . . . . ... ........ 1.
Intemperance .... ........... '1
Cripple.... ~.' .............. 2
Old Age........ ............. 6
Blind...,........... ...... ... 2
Insane, idiotic, etc........... 0
All other cases .. ...... ...... 2
9. Averagenumberofihmatesduringtheyear....;;..,..5111MI2
10. Average with Keepers' family and hired helpadded.'.~'58 3M4
11. N urriber of weeks' board of inmates. '. . . ... .... . . . . . . ., 2715
, ,
12. Average with Keeper's,family, etc., added.. ......... 306,91M4-
13: Total expenditure during the year. . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . $ 6680 44
'14. Permanent Improvement to Oottage :
'Valks, fencingand,tiling.... .... $104522
Receipts :
From inmates.. .. _.. .... $239 60
li'romfarmproduce1hogs&c 343 14
From farm stock. .... .... 134 50
From Sundries.. .... ..... 3560
$ 752 84
$ 1798 06
Leaving ani6unt actllally expended for support of
innlates. ...... ........ .... .........
$ .882 38
Average expense per week for each person .... . . . .
Average expense per day for each person.. .. . . . . .
Average expense per year for ea.,ch person... . . . . . .
Amqunt expeildedfor house and farm during, the
year is divided as follows:
1 59
22 5-7
82 68
Farm expense:
Implements. . .. .. '......
Slock"....,..".,,,. HH
Feed..... ... ........,......
Miscellaneous... .... ....
$ 75 75
137 60
515 27
194 42
$923 04
House Expense
Hired Labor.. ............ 32400
'fhe follovdng produce was raised on the farm during the year:
195.Bushels of Wheat 10 Bushels of Peas
50 Loads' of Hay 30 Bushels Sweet Corn'
430 Bushels Oats
103 Bushels Barley
100 Bushels Mangolds
10 Bushels Turl1ips
200 Bushels Potatoes
'i: l~ushels Beets
25 Barrels Apples
40 Bushels Onions
380 Jars of Fruit'
7, Bushels Salsify
1 Load Pumpkins
120 Lts Cheese
Bread'. .... ..... ..,.'...
Meat.,..... ......'........'.
Groceries.... .. "..... '.... ..
Provisions'.:;.... ..........
Dry Goods;-:... ...... .....
Boots and,Sh6es ..........
Furniture and Hardware. .
Drugs. ... .... ....... ',"'"
Coal and Wood... H"......
Miscellaneous ." ...... ....
Gener-al Expense :
Oonveyance of inmates. .'..
Repa,irs'....... .... .......
J;'ermanent Improvements..
Sala,ries, keeper and
matron .-... ._.... .$600 00
Physician........... 200 -00
Inspector.. .. ..... 10000
Chaplain $2.50 per
Sunday.......,.. 63 75
Connnittee........... .....
IncidentaL.. ...... ......
385 06
510 81
353 40
181 47
288 76
96 85
149 72
107 03
709 30
173 62
In addition to the above, a large number of vegetables, etc., were raised
and consumed during the year, at which no a,ccount ,vas kept.
21. NumbQr of articles-'of bedding and clothing made np during\. the \
year by the matron and inmates--810.
22. Number of visit", by_ Inspector during the year to the Institution, 43.
23. Farm Stock,:
$3280 9:<
2 Horses valued at $400
1 Horse valued at 30
2 Colts 300
130m.vs 650
2 Yearling Heifers 70
3 Spring Calves 50
10 Hogs 70
2 Brood Sows 40
3 Geese
18 Ducks
11 Turkeys
$ 36 85
205 .11
1045 22'
963 75
49 00
193 05
24. Tota.l amount' expended by County for House of Industry
is .., "... . , .. " " " ".' .',.. . " " ". .. . .. , " .... $34130 43
$2492 98
__ $ 6696 94
25~ HC'cei\'ed from the Government on account expenditures
Jor la.nds a.wl bilildings........... ..,.............. 400000
.Lca\'ing.amonnt actually expended by County..... " .. .~30130 43
i Inspector.
15 Bushels, Carrots
,12 B1iBhels Table Ca-rrots-
30 Loads Oat Straw'
800 Heads Cabbage
Heferre.d~to Honse of Industry Committee, 19th November.
11 Bushels Parsnips
34 Hogs (killed)
2150 lbs, Butter
9 Acres Corn Fodder
6 Barrels Soft Soap
1 Beel (killed)
To the Wardslland Members of the Elgin County Oounoil in Nov~
ember Session Assembled: '
In accordance with the rules and regulations of' yonr Honorable
Body, I have the-honor to submit for your consideratio~ the thirt,y-third
annual Medical Report for the EIgm House of Industry for the year
ending the 31st Oct., 1908.
I made fifty-seven visits during the year.
In December, January and J!'ebruary we had an unprecedented
u~mber sick ~rom La Grippe.
The mortality thIS year has been unusually large. The following is a
tabulated statement giving the name, age and - cause of death in each
Mercy Babcock
Louisa Murray
Lawrence Dingman
Ooarlotte King
AnD Shave1'
Alexander Sutherland'
John Campbell
John Cope
William Brown
Angus MoLellan
John Eveland
Josiah Dennis
Oause of Death
La Grippe and Old.. Age
Heart DIsease
Old Age
Old Age
Old Age
Old Age
Heart Failure
Liver Dise~se
I extracted about fifty teeth~
We were visited by German Measles, affeoting only three persons.
The inmates have been singulnlly fre~ from pneumonia, diptheria ~Dd
typhoid fever.
Two bi.rths have been recordea, one in April and the other in October,
both children bei~g females.
The iuternal ma.nagement of this Institution has been characteriz,edby
'ahigh .degree of effioiency.
IlIa-ve the honor to-be, Gentlemen
Your Obedient Serva,nt
L, L. LUTON, 1\1. D,
Referred to House of I::::dustry Committee.
To the Elgin County Council :
The Special Count,y Roads,Oommittee reports:
1. That by attending the annual meeting of the Ontario Good Roads
Assooiation and otherwise they have completed their investigation of the
Oounty Road question. There are in. all a.bout 1,238 miles of roads in the
Oounty on which thE' average expenditurE> for the past ten years was
$39,500 or $32 permUe: in addition to this St,atute,I.abor expended on the
roads is valued at $28,62701' an average of ,$23 per mile. Making the
total average uUllualexpellditure on the l'OurlR oftbe Oounty $55 per mile.
2 That in all. 10 OOl1utieR h.ave d~8igllated roads undf>r thElp!'ovi-
_ sions of the Hig-hway Improvement. Act aud were in receipt of grants
fi'bmthe Province before the IHt January laRt.
6: Thatthe work of improving the County Roads should be under ,the
,control of the 'Public:Improvement C,ommittee and the,QountyEnginee'r and
that the provisions of By"'law 412, relating to his and their duties be observ-
ed. ' ,
7. That to facilitate the'improvement of the ,roads the Coulity should be
divided into East and West Elgin, and the whole work comple,tedby Decem~
bel', 1912. I
8. That we have estimated the cost of the work at $1,500 per, mil~, to
includ.e bridges, qulverts, drainage, gravel, etc.,niachineryand superintend~
Le1l110X Ru(l Addingtoll
200 "
102 "
170 .,
472 ..
98 "
140 "
427 ,I
3. We are of the opinion that, this County would be henfited by
assuming a system of connecting roads of not lesR than 250 miles..
4. Th.at the' Road Mileage should be apportioned to t,he various
Townships in proportion to the equalized value of each;
5. That grants should be made, to the Town of Aylmer and, incorp-
orated. Villages to aaBist them in improving roads which areextension9 or
connecting links between the different, portions of Oounty Roads..
That the av~rage haul, for gravel will be 4.%' miles.
That at least two sets'ofmachinery will be'required, to include' cement'
mixers for culvert and bridge construction, road graders, steam rollers, and
gravel wagons.
That the average cost per mile for drain!lge will be $225 per, mile, and
that the gradi~g will cost $7Q per mile.
. That i~ addition thecVillages and Towns receive as' grants' -$1.5.00 per
mile for improvement of streetf3 connecting the designated roads and the ex~
tension' of the CouiltyRoadto the Port Stanley Bridge. \
9, ~hat to provide for the cost of the work, debentures should be issued
for 80 years .at '.fper cent.. If the amount required does not' exceed our esti-
'mate, the annual Debenture payment 1-"ill-not be'more than the annual'ex-
penditure on'the roads und~i',-the present system.
, 10. That the work to be undertaken this year should include the con~
struction of bridges,culvertsand drains.
11. We Bubmit herewith plan!'lhowing the roads we recommend to be
included in aCotmty System and a By-law designating ,the Sflme under the:
provisions of the Highway Improvement Act.'
'-12. The l'ecentamendmelit to the Highway Improvement Act requires a
two third yote, representip.gone-half of the equalized value of the County,
to ca.r.ry the By-Ia'Y.~
All of which IS respectf,ully submitted.
-:\-dopted 2nd June, 1908,
J.'A. l\iCLE"\N,
To t,he . Elgin Oouuty Oounoil
.The Special County Roads Committee Report.s :
That since the June Session they have continued their ''investigations in
reference to,the Oounty Roads.
They visited the County of O:x:ford and inspected some 'oftheroad~eorn-:
<p1<'"ted last year, and those :constructed and under construction this .year.
The County is divided into ,Two Road ImproVc)11ent Districts. Two out-
fits of machinery, costing$21,759;54wero, purchased last year. Sonac of
this is now found to be unnecessary or not as good a quality as should have
been purchased. The roads constructed in 1907 were models of what a good
road should be,' the cost, ',h01Vcyer, exceeded the estimate. For Road No. 2
from Ingersoll to 'l'hamesford, the estimated cost for 4.8 miles was$9,600.00
0,1' $2,000 per mile, The cost of completion was nearer $3,000. This was the
'first go()d work undertaken, :and the experience gai'necl was of value, but in
January last the ratepayers elected a new Council to build the same c~ass for
less money and we regret to say that although the same Superintendei'itis in
charge he is unable to make as creditable a job by keeping ,,,ithin theestim-
atos specified by the County CommiEsioi1ers. Poor machinery, lack of sys-
tem, the purchasing of material in a most expensive way, are obstacles 'to
the economical building of good roads in Oxford.
In' the County of 'Wm;twoJ,th we inspected 30 miles of road.aml found'a
better system in operation. They have nO unnecessary machinery, the out-
fit employed consists of two rollers, tVi'D crushers." two graders and sprinklers.
The gravel and stone is drawn by temnsand spread 'by- hand. The size
of. a load varies from J,6 cord down. The price of teaming. is regulated by
size of loadievery' attention is paid to the proper spreading and rolling of the
materiarandfirst class roads are the result at a coflt of from $800 'to $1,500
In both these Oouuties aU gravel and stoneis'passed through a crusher.
and screened. Th s provided uniform' metal. The coarser gradesforro
the bottom layer.
11h~'u)ore~erhruv~ 11i.Ye.sti~lted,t,he':ql1estioll,the 'IDore"we are' im.
preEl~edW'lt,h tbe,b~ll~fi~s:M be,deriv~d'fro[ll' a Oounty .System. We feel
t,~:at.j)wjn~', f?t~~ (~~~()sjti{)n off~r.ed' tothe",adopUen'Qf...the'BY~'f;8'W':l~JuDe
t~a:t ~it}~iil,not recf'.iv:e.,'asufficie.bt,;s~lPPO':rt:fl1)lUthe present members of
the', Oo:uncil d~ri~g:th~ 'ElectiC)u~:,a-4d :that,,a:s:"":resnU;themost : important
qlfestion t,heratepa;xers of.Elgin.wilI eVt!r.>have,c;ao'iQpportnnity to' vot~
uPon may b6defeate.d,:a:nd:.the a{;op:t.~otl'of'a Qonnty~Road,'8y,stemshelved
for years. Suchapossibili~YWould be.detrllllental:to,th-o'llr.ogr.ess of tJ.le
Oouu ty .
" :::' ", .':,' "",', ': ,i'.':' ,', , " , , /
Wewou;:Jd re,colll,~el1~,thatt~eJ~'y.Law bo,~ither.r~((.~:::;4Ibird time
at this.Sessionor that t,he'reso.~l1,~~QIltosnhmit ,the" qii~~~::--tO: the rate-,C-
paY~rS be res9inde~ li:Ucl,,the<BY',Law referred to theJ~cominJ(Gonncil for
their consideration. '
Amel'd.'d, in Oommittee of the whoh, bY8~riking::ontit'he
ill ~the report a.nd substituting thefoHowiJ;lg :
last claus6'
We would l'l."comnlfilld thutthe ,resj)l.ntion pa8sed in- June ,.,to 'snbty,jJ;
By.ll~ ~ Nn. 729 t:o t.hA Electors be~l'e8Cilldedand)hat the 'COri'~id~j,ofl;Hpb':Of
the third l'fllldillg 'he hlid over until next year. .
Adopted as amenderl.
19th November, 1908.
To the Elgi~ dounty COUD0it.
G~ntlemen :
The SpecialCommittee appointed to consider the Warnen's Address ,re'"
, ports:
1. That we agree with the suggestion to replace all wooden, bridges
with.rnodeI:ll structures of iron and cement, this:year, or as SQQll, ;,tAerea:ftet-
as possible and t~a:ttep.;rea.r debentures be;is,f',l~ed therefo~~
2. That'\;he tirne'hasarrived when the GounciIshould designate a sys~'
tem of County Roads under the provisions of the- ,Highway Improvement
_ Act and we recommend that/a Special Committee be appointed with power
to collect''hifonriaW:hi, consult the local1VIunicipalities, lay' out the roads and
report: fully at the June Session.
3. In reference to County Council representation we would recommend
that the Legislature be petitioned to amend, the present law so" that the
Odlluty Councils will be compo!=led);of 'one representative 'from each 1\IunicL
pality with snfficient votil1g' power to equalize the repl'esentation. -
AU 'of ,whichis respectfully submi.tted.
RefeFred to COl!lmittee of the 'Whole and amended by strikiJ:1-g out
Report adopted as amended.
31st JanuarYr 1908,
rrothe'El~in County, Couuml,
The Special Oommi.ttee appointed to consider the Wardea'sAddrese
as preselfted atthe last and present SeBsionsof the Coun'cn, report as
LThatthe questionofsecuringGrl'1nt from the
nment towards expense of Pu~chase of London and
Road be referred to the COUDC1~ for 1909. '
. 2:. That the Clerk be' i~struoted to draft a 13s-Law
JunkDealers. The festa be $5.00 for G!t-oh lioense.
Provincial Gover.
Port. Stanley ToU
and' ,'lioenslng
it Th-a:t theOlerk be instruotedto p~eparea Bt-Law Ruthorizin~ the
continnanceof AnnualGrant_to Elgin Municipal Association on ijRme
termsasgrant made this year. ' -
4. That th'isOouncilreoommend theOonnoil,of 1909 to abolish the
HQuse of Ind,ustry Oommittee,and appoint a commission . with the authority
referred to by the Warden
,'5. That this Oouncil petition the Legislature to 'amend . the ASSGss~
meJlt Act so that the apportionment, of OOUlIty Rates will be based on the
Equalization ~f 'ReaIProperty-Valnes. only. '
All of whioh is J'espectfuUy submitted.
Referred to Oommittee of
Sections 4 aud 5.
.19th November, 1908.
.J. A. McLEAN.
the whole and amended by striking ant
To the Warden and the Members qf the Elgin County Council.
'1'11e Court House COlnmission reports as follows:
During the past year 'our expenditures have been:
Caretaker and Assistance
Repairs-'-Oourt House -
" Jail
'I "Residence
Supplies, ete;
Dome re~slating
$490 00
41 91
235 52
21 65
177 42.
226 66
$1197 16
The sum of Nin~ Hundred Doliars :waf!placed to our credit last year. A
similar amount ,vill be sufficient this year.
All of which is. respectfully' submitted.
-W arden~
Referred to. Finance Conimittee.
To the Elgin County Council :
The following Licenses were in force on the 1st June.
S. T. Hall, Eagle
W. W. White, Aylmer
H. S. Woodry, Aylmer
R.B. Lmdsay, Aylmer
P. A. McVicar, Rodney
Daniel Blaok; Dutton
T. M. Moore, Springfield
to 12 July, 1908
7 August, 1908
23 October, 1908
16 Deoember, 1908
20 Deoe:mber, 1908'
6 January, 1909
3 March, 1909
Jos. Abraham, London, one horse, to 15th April, 1909
Geo. Bardwell, London, onfoot, 2 May, 1909
J.. E. Loyd,..Kingsmill, span horses, 2 May, 1909
AU of which IS respectfully submitted.
2ud Juue, 1908.
K. W. McKAY,
. Oounty Olerk.
To the Elgin County Oou~cil :
The fOllOWing ~re the Licenses in force in the County of Elgin at
this date:
R, 'H.' Lindsay,
P. A. McVicar,
16th December 1907
20th December
Daniel Black,
T._:M . Moore, ..
E. B. Baldwin,
Y.'E. Mathews,
D. R, Dibb,
Leslie Kindall,
W. D. Killius,
J. D. Looke,
E.J. House,
Robert Laur,
PLustin VVinter,
JOB. Abraham,
G. Bardwell,
J. E. Loyd,
H. Harvey,
Edward Daly audOo.,
All of wliioh'is respeotfully submit.ted.
6th January. 19C9
3rd Maroh
27th July
21st September
1st Ootober
1st Oct~ber
9th October
6th N ovem ber
12th November
12th Novembel
15,h April, 1909
2nd May
2nd May
24th June
2nd July
K. W. M-oKay,
Oounty Olerk.
19th November, 1908.
TO the. Warden ~nd the members of the Elgin Oounty Oounoi\<- '
I beg to report to you the busIness done in connection with my office
for the past year as follows: . .
Offen-ces, tried, before the Oou.nty Police -Magistrate's Oourt~'
Nature' ~f Oharge
Violation of Liquor Lioense Aot... ..............11
Theft.... ..................... ...... ..... 14
DesUtute Ohildren;... . .... ..;.... ;.':. ..... ... ....2
Assault ..,...... ,..-'.... ,:'.,.... ......... .'... "'~' "," .:.IS
Trespass ..... ;,.,-' .,'. '.. ,.,.'........... ..'..'," ...... ..... .,4
Drunk and Disorderly. ... ....;... '.' .... ......11
House 'of.Ill~fa.me. "" ........ . .....,:. .'.., . .'.... ....1
False' ,Pretence,.... . .,.-,:,',. .'-. '.'.'.. .... .'... . .-.. ;'... .. ;.1
Violation Pharmacy Act.-...~.... .... ........ ... ..,1
Ilisane and Dlmger?us-to be at large,... ... ~.... ....0
Offence Dgainst~, R. Act...... .... .... .... ..... ...2
-Abusive Langnage ... ........... ..... ...........6
Master ,and Servants Act...... '" ..... .... ~... ....2
,Manslaughter,... . .,..,'........ _' .'... .'....:.. .... .... .,.1
Criminal Negligence. ..-~.... . .'.... ," ....... .... . .,..1
, Furious Dri,viog'.... .......... .............. .... ..:.1
Hcsouing,Cattle.. ..... '...... ....... "'. ',' '_'" .....1
,'Bug-gery ".. ,'. :,' .."....... .... -... :'..... ," .... ..'. ....-.-.1
Unlawfully wounding.. .,.... ..'"....... ...,:..... ....2
Violation 'Jeed, control Act ",' .-...... ..............1
Stlpplying uddltera ted milk to cheese factory.,. ',.00,,2
Burg-lury. .'.. . '.. .'.... . ,,"'... ..,.. "'-'.""" ....,2
Wounding Cattle...,.-., . .'... ... ..'..... '," ."~...... ....1
Abduction of Girl under 14:. ..~. ..... ..... .... ....1
Tbeft by Ageut........,.............. '," :..:.....1
'Theft from Railway Car. ..........-.................2
Neglect to provide for ohild under 14 years.. .......; 1
Affray. ",' .':..;... '.-........... ','" ",' ,....~... ...1'
Aggravated 4ssa'ult ......~.~.:.-.....';-.....!~ .......;0
Number ofsittmg's hi Oourt..... ...~ ...... ..... ..J40
Number of Convictions. ., ...... ........... .... ..'.46
The unusually large'sum 'conec~~d by me in 1lries.;. ~8 owing the. enar"
Ketic enforcement of the. Liquor J.Jicense Act in local,option: Municipalities;
These fines were p~i.d to the License Inspector to: the credit of ihe Lioense:
Fund. and, I understand' a portion of it will revert tiO the:MuDicipalitie~.
R. R. Oranston, WesfMitgdal!3 OheelJe:Factoty;~ ....
Paynes' ~il1~ Oheese Factpry......:. ..... ...... ....
J. A,. Grant,.informer..." ...... ..... ....... ....:......
W. B. Gral1~m, Onto lJollege of Pharmacy...... ....
M. Heenan, for dama~e to R. R.Oar...... ......
Olive Stidwell, for injuries.... ...... .......... ....
Trell-surer Springfield......... ........ . ",.., .... .....
Treasurer Southwold... ... ......' .. .... . ..... ......
Trell(snrerAldborongh,......,.... .... ..... ........
W."B,; Andrews, Licenst! Iosrector.... .... ..........
J. A. McOausland. 04?ttilty 'treaEjurer...... ...... ....
Oonvictions were made for following off6lices:
Violation Liquor License Act........... .... ..'.. ....7
Selling Liquor without a Li,cense............... ....2
Assault:. .... .'.. .... ..'... .........'..... ._........ ....,....5
Assault ocoasioningachild bodily harm.. ........_.1
Trespass....... ..... .'.. . ...... .,..... ... .~'..... ..........S
Theft. .;................... .... .'.... ..... ........2
Stealing from Railway Oar;..".... ....... .......1
Drunk and DiBorderly~............................6
Keeping 'House of Il1~iame.......... ....... .'.......1
False Pretence............................... .,. . ..',1
ViolationPharm!lcy Act.. .. .......,.....;.......1
Insl\l1,e, .'........~.. '.' '."'" ... .......... . .......... ..4
Illterfering with signals_'M. O. R ............ ,.....2
UsiQg grossly insulting language.. .... . ...... .. ... 1
Ahusive',Dangl,lage... .... ........ ,.. ... ....... ... .....1
Wanto.n Drivi'!lg of Oarriage..... .............. ...1
Violation of seed control Act...... <...... .. "... ....1
SellingAdulterat~dIMilk... ...... ..... ....:. ......2
Oausing,a disturba.nce.."....,...'..... ...... .......3
House~Breakingandtheft,... ................... ...1
January, 1908.
An ,of which is respectfully submitted.
Police Magistrate.
'.rotal amount of 1!1ines and Penalties .'..... .... $ 783.25
'rotalamountofOosts..................... .. 201'.49
The 'Magist.rates ,fees. Whl~h I have colleote:d have been paid to the
Oounty Trea.surer and to the Just-ices of the Peace who issued warrants to
arrest parties charged with indictable offences before me, and which the
Justices were ep.~itledto receive 'by law.
Where pos'alble,' I have made those convicted before me, pay the costs
of thepro'secution. This'relieves the Ooun~y and Province from paying
large 'i:lums for Oonstables and Witness fees. which usually conies, in the,
fi-tst instance, out, of the OOUlIty Treasury.
The fines were paid as follows:
rroJ. D, FarrinRton"Inspector Oheese Factory...... $25.00
To t.he Elgin County Council.
Gentlemen :
The Special Oouimltte6 apPointed,at phe reqn8st of the Ontario. Muo-
icipal Associatioll for the preve~tioJ:i. of 'I'uberculosis; attended on tb,,' ,
Deputation tbatwaited upon the H~n.Mr. Haona, Provincial Seoretary,"
on Wednesday. and urged':
'1. Theestablish,meut of one or ~Ore jostito.tes 'tor incurable 000-
sumptiv8S and the education of those threatened with the disease.
2. The teachiDgof-ele~entaryrulesforthe prevention and care of.
inoipient Tnber~nlo8i8 the same as temperaDceis nowtan~btin our publio
schools. '
The Provincilil:Secretary in replying to the Deputation suggested that
each Oonutydon'ncil Ahould pass a resolution, requesting the Government
to inquire into the matterlindestablishthe inBt~tntion8, the. Ooonties and;
Qit~e8,to becharKe4_proportionately for theinmates.sent-from each.
To _,the Elgin Oounty Oounoil :
,Gentlemen :
. .
. The SpecialEqualization Oommitteereports:
That the equalization be the same, as' last year with the followitlR
ohanges' :
1-. West Lorne
,2. Rodney
3. Dutton
4. . SpriD~field
5. Aylmer
6. Port Stanley
-7. Aldborough $81 per acre
:.Al1 of which is respectfully submitted.
$ 180.000
160.000 .
2.31 i.577
Adopted 5th J DDe 1908.
For Total EquaJization, see By-Law -No. 731.
\ A permanelitABsoG~ation has been' formed and, the Oountiea' 01 the,
Provinoe will.be Rskedto contribute for the necessary.expenses;
All of wh~ch is respectfully suhl~itted;
, Re,ferred to Commit,tee of the whole..and adopted without amendlIlent.
i9tb Novem'ber, .1908.
By-tAW NO. 725.
'ra 'appoitlt ,Trustees of the High Schools in the County 'Of Elgin.
Passed 1st February l ..1908.
The'Connty Coup,cil of the County of ~lgin,Ul}der the authority of~he
IIighSchools ~ct" 1891enact"l :
THAT C. D.-Gardener. be appqinted Trustee for the Vienna High School
for'three years.
THATW~'E,"'.I.yon be'appointed,Trustee of the Aylmer Collegiate In-
~titute "for a term of three years;
THAT D. Oa~neroI:1, :Nt D. be appointed Trustee of the- Dti.tton' High
School far the term\ of three yeltrs.
. .'. \
founcilChambers, St. 'rhOl;,oas1 1st February, Hl03.
County Clerk.
. BY-LA'V NO 726.
~eo_appoint a/Board of AtHlit in.the Connty of Elgin, for'the. yem'I907.
Passed lst February, 1908.
Be itehacted by the Conncil of tha ~1nnicip:tlCol'poration of tl~e Colmty
THA;r the Judge of the Oounty Courtand G..vV. Ling, 1\'1. D.,', be, amI
ar~hereby', appointed members of the Board of Auditi' to perform the uuties
reqlii~ecl by them by ChaPi 84, R. S. O.
,TJIA.'l' the members of the said'Boawl be paid.the sum, of four dollars
pel' pay for their services, and"{ive cents per mile in going to and from" such
Conncil'Chambers, St. Thomas, 1st Febmary,- 1908.
Ie W..McKAY,
(Jaunty Olerk.
.0. O. LUTON,
BY-LAW NO. 727.
To authorize the Warden and Treasurer to borrowTwenty~five Thousflnd
. Passed lstF~bruary, 1908.
The County Council of the Corporation of t~~ Oounty of Elgin enacts:
THAT the Warden and Treasurer be, and are hereby authorized: to
borrow the su~ ~f Twenty-five Thousand Dollars, as it may. be required'.to
-rJnew notes, to meet the Ourrent expenditure 'of. the Oorporation of the
County of :Elgin durillg 1908, and to give, as security therefor, notes oione
Thousand Dollars eaelY:
Conncil Ch~mhers, St Thomas, 1st February, 1908.
K. W. McI,AY,
o. O. LUTON,
BY-LAW NO. 728.
To appoint (~ounty Audit,)l's fo~ the year 1907.
Passed 1st,February, 1908.
-Whereas under the authority of the Municipal Act,. every Muuicipal
Conncil is.required to appoint, at its first m '~eting in every yeRr, two. auditors~
BE 11', therefore enacted, by.the Council of the Municipal Corporation
of the County of ~~lgif!., under the autho~ity aforesaid:
THAT Andrew Murray and 'V.. A.Galbraith be, and hereby are, apM
pointed.. a.udito~s tt) ex.:tmine aud. report upon all accounts. affecting thEi
Oorporation of the Oountyof Elgin~ or relating to' any matter under its con,:,"
, traIt or within its jurisdiction; as required by Statute or Order in Council,
audalso all accounts. of School 'moneys received or paid -by the, Oolinty
Tl,'e=J8nror-for the year ending 31st December, 1907, and that said auditors
he'pai4 the sum of sixty Dollars each for tneiF services'
,OouDcil Ohambers, St. Thomas, 1st-February, 1908.
K. ,W. McKAY,
Oounty Olerk.
a. 0, LUTON.
This By~Law wo,s not read a third time: See report SpeoialCoun.ty Roads
Oommittee November Session.
To de8M~nate Highways to- be assnmed for improvement under the
'provisions of t,he Highway ImprovemeJlt' Aot.
, WHEREAS the Oounty Oouncil of the Oounty of Elgin deem it -nd.
visable to take advantage of the provisioil~ of th-eHig-hway Improvement
Act and assume. two hundred' and fifty miles of Highways in the Town-
ships in the said Oounty aa follows: -
Sout,hwold -
South Doi'ch~ster
'I'ownship of
AND WHEREAS it is estimated tbat the cost of constructing,'
improving and repairing the said ,highways will be j!375,OOO or an average
of $'t,500 permil~~lDaddition to the following, I?rants to be made to the
Vil1ag.e~ and towns.
The_County Oonnoil of the County of Elgill enact.s:
~. Tha't thefollowfng high'Yays be as/ilumed, to form Ksysternof
Oonnty"Hlghways for improvement under the provisions of the Highway.
IJilprovement Act.
Town,hip of Aldborongh :
No.1 The Fnrnival Road exo~pt the portion within the Village ot
Rodney frani-Lake Erie to the line between the, first oonoessionand
broken front.
No. 2 The road between conoession 7 and Band 'the townline
between the Township of Dnnwiohs and, Aldborongh,sontb. from said ro:a.d
fa the road between Ooncession A. and Ooncession 5 north of A. in
No. S The Graham Road exoept the portion within the Village ,"of
Wes_t Lorne, from the Lake 'north to the Graham Road Bridge over_ the
Thames River.
Township of Dunwioh :
4. The road cOQlmenoing (in the north limit of the Jake road beiD~
between lots.l0 and,ll in cOIicession -10) to~the Ourrie-- Road between --lots
12 and 13 in tbeeiA'hth oonoession thence north between said lots 12 aDd
13 to t.he River Thames except the portion of said road within the lim-
it'of -theVi1l~Keofnutton. ' ,
5. The road between the concessions ,7 and 8 from the easterly: limit
of road between lots 6 and 7 to the South wold Townline. -,
6.Thp road between._ conces~ions_A.and five \n'Ol'th of_ A. from the
". - -
-Aldborough "J.'ownlmB east to the old Currie Road on lot 11 thenoe east to
the, Village of Dutton.
7 The road b(1tween the Gore and Concession 4 from the road, be
tween lots 12 and 13 to the South wold Townline.
B. The road between the lots 6 and 7 from road between concessions
A. and five north of A. to the River Thames.
9. The road between oonoessions A.and 5 south of A.' from the hne'
of the Corporation of the Village of Dutton easterly to the South wold
10. The townline between Dunwichand Southwold commencing, at'
road between concession A.and5 south of A. to Talbot road in South.
Township of Sonthwold :
11. Talbot Roan from the Dnnwioh Townline to t,he 'City of St-
12 The Back RtrAflt from 'the Dlln~ich TOwnliufl to Tn.lhotvilleand
.the IJonilon aml Port Stanley' ronil 1"0 St. Thoma~
13. The townlillf\ hRt,WPf'U Dnnwioh aria Sont,hwnlrl frOll rOflrl No 9'
to anrlinclllrlingo t.hA Toart betwl:"el1 the !'leooon flJHl 'tl1irn ('onoP,!'RimH'l in
S,o'nUlwold ,to the WE!Flterly limit oflof. 1 in 'the R"'r,nl1n '('('mcp.~Fllon. t.h8n('8
southerly to t,he Ba()k Slrfl"et along rOll,if bP.t.WPi'm lotR,Z5 awl 26.
14. From M. C. R right of way in Shedihm through Fingal, thence
80ut,11 to TORdin rear of the lot-s sout.h of the Talbot road.
, 15. From the 1l0l'th limit of thH Lflkfl.Road bet,ween ]otR 6 tlnd 8 in
aiH)l't.herlY<til'€'ction to the Union Roan and from t.heUnion Roali along
the ,AouthJin.1it ot'., the lotH~ 011 t,he sout.h side of Talbot Street to the Yal.
mouth T'ownline.
TOWllShip of Yarmouth,.
,'l(l.. All;o:!" the hDindon and 'PortSfnnley Hond'from R'oadNo.-14 to Port
17., Fronn the KahiR BrirIgewest; to eotmect:~~~ith Itoacf No. 17.
18. The Town Line between Ya,rrnouth nncl'Sont,h-.,vohl,' north,- of ft.
Thomas, np to aml.inclt}ding thero,a(l from the To..."m Line to St. George
Street 'Bridge.
19. Talbot. Street from St. Thonns to ,the )'f,l,lahi{lfl Town Line.
20. From ROftil No. 18 at Uniml, between'the Thin} awl Fourth ConM
cessioilsto Spa,rta" beingeast.li"init of,toru} between']ots2J, 22 in the thirrl
21. From the Talbot Road No.Zl bet'-Neenthe lots 10 and 11 in the
Seventh,andEighth Concessions ana between the Sixth arid Sev'enth Conce~"
sions toancl inchiding-road between Jots 14, 15, in the Fifth and Sixth QOil-
eessiollS to aIlll including road b3tween Fourth and FIfth Concessions to the
west~l'lyljmit bll'oad between lot 2:1 an<122.
22. From the Sparta Road (No. 22) between lots 14 and 15 in the first,
second and third concessions.
23. From the North Boundary of St. Thomas, between lots 5 and 6 in
the ninth concession and range south of the Edgeware Road t.o and inelud~'
ing road between lots 8 and 9 in the range south and first and second ranges
north of the Edgeware Road, the tenth and eleventh concessions.
24. Fn:;m No. 25 the Edgeware Road to and including the road bet-<,Yl'jen
lots 12 and 13 in the first and secona ranges north, the tenth and eleventh
concessions to and inclnrling: the l'oadbetween the eleventh and twelfth conM
cessions to the Dorcnester Townline.
25." From the Ne'\-Y SfI;l'Um on Talbot Road (:No.' 21) between lots 20 and
21, north to Belmont.
26. The roan between latA lR ann 19 in t.he eighth concession,and road
between the seventh and eighth concessions to the centre of lot 20 and south-
erly to roan bphvf'f'n lots 21 and 22 in t.he seyenth. conce~sion ann south. to
the north limit of the roan hehveen the fifth and sixth concessions.
Township of Malahhle. :
27. The tmv,i1Tine between Yarmouth and l\Tnlahi(le, north 'from Orwell
on Talbot'Road to the' Dorchester l'ownline.
28. Tl't.lbot Hoft,rl except through the Town of Aylmer.
29. 'rhe roarl between lots 10 anrll1. south from the Dorchest.er Line to
Cbpenbngen ani! east behwen. the first and s'C'cond cDnce8s1ons to the Ba)'~'
ham l'ownline.
30. The rORrl between lots 20 aml 21 from the Springneld line South
throngh'the ninth nnll ('jg;hthpa.rt of the seventh CDn(~eBSionfl., thence hi. weB~
terly and southerly direction to Aylrner.
31. The 1'Oadbetwef'11 the fonrthanrl-fHth concep'pionR, from (No. 30) to
and in(~lucling the road between the lots 20 aneT 21 in the fQUT'th coneE'8sion q
to Mount Salem an<l east. hetween the third amI fourth conccssions to CaTton~J
on the BayhamTO\vlinc.
Tmvnship of Bayhnm :
32. 'Talbot Road from the l\-Iabhide line t.o the 'road between k)tl3 124
and 125.
33. The Old Plank Road from the intersection of'thelake road north to
the, south limit oithe Norfolk County line at Acacia.
34. The lake roadfl'om westerly sideof line between IotsJ5 and 16to
the' intersection of the Plank Road (No. 34) in Port Burwell.
35. Froin the Plank Road across the Port Burwell bridge to and includ-
ing road between lots 10 and 11 in the first concession andJine between the
first and second concessions westerly to the Malahide To,vn'line.
36. From Talbot-Street (No. 33) on lot 11Z ll()rth through Corinth to
the south limit of the Oxford County Line. '
Township of South ,Dorchester:
37. Road between lots 3 and 4 from'southerly Ihmt of the Middlesex
GountyIJine south to and inc1udingthe l\1alahide line to the easterly limit
of the Village of Springfield.
38. Road between. lots 6 and 7 (rom north limit of Vi1l?geoI Spring-
field to the so,nth liniit of road between the seventh and eighth concessions.
39. H.oad between lots 12 anrl13 from southerly limit ofthe Middlesex
OOlmty Line south to and jtH,'Jnding the Malft.11ide Townline to rond between
lots 10 andll in ,l\'lahLhide(No. 30).
40. Road between lots 18 and 19 from south limit of road between the
seventh and eighth concessions south to and. including the. Malahide Town-
jine between Malahide and Yarmonth. .
2. Thatthe improvement in said-roads beeOlppleted by the 31st Dec-
ember, 1:912~'
3. That the wOl'k he carried on under the supervision of the Public Tm.
proyement'3 Oommittee and the Oounty Engineer subject to the p'rovisionsof
By-Law 412 of the said Oounty, relating to his and their duties.
''4. That the amount'3 required to defray the cost of. s'aid iinprovemehts
shall be raised by an issue or issues of Debentnres, re-payable in 30 years,
with interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum.
5. That the grants to villages bE. equivalent to' amounts contributed by
them towards the cost of perIl;lanent iinprovement of the roads herein desig7
nated'to be expended as the Council may direct as the payments become due.
BY, LA W "0 730
To Rllthori?6 t,he Warden and '!'rea!<urer to borrow twenty-five thousand
Pa~..sed 5th June, 1908.
The Cou'nty Council E'uacts :
That the Wardep and Treasurer be. and are hereby. autbo: ized. to
borrow the sum,of Twenty-five '!'honsand Dollars. as it may be required.
1 . ...
to meet the c!-"rren.t expenditure of the Corporat~ion at the County of Elgin
during' 1908, and to give. as security therefo",. notes of one Thaus md
-'Dollars each.
ConncilChamber's, St, Thomas.
Oounty Clerk.
BY,LA W NO. 731.
To Copfirm the Equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the Oountyof
Elgin for rhe year 1908.
The Oounty OouncHofthe ConntyofElgil1 enacts:
'l'hat thefollowillg be the EqualizatiOn of the 'Asse8~meliLRoUs of the
OOUnty of Elgin for 1908;
Aldborough................... .2,311,677
Dunwich.............. ..... ....2,872.189
Soot.bwold. ...... ...,. ........3,048,409
Yarmouth ............ .... ....4.063.37,8
M,alabide ...... ...... ...... ....2.824.927
Bayham...... '......,.... ,.;.... ...1,720,812
South Dorchester. ...... ,..... . .1,571,648
Aylmer.... ..."..... ......"...... ..700,000
Vienna ...... .......... ... ......180,000
Port Stanley..... ...... .... ..... .160.000
Springfield...... .... ... ...... ....105,000
Dutton...... ............ ........245.000
Rod11ey ..... ...... ........_......190.000
W,est l,Jorne ........... ...... .. ..180,000
BY-LAW NO. 733.
~o raise amounts for Comity Rates during the year 190B. .
Passed June 5th, 1908.
'VHEREAB, by SectionA05, of Chapter 223, R. S. 0., tl.1e Council of a
Connty may pass by-la,we, authorizing the levying and collecting of a rate, etc.
AND 'VHERR~R, an estimate has heen Hlade shm.ving that the sum of
Fortv-Six Thom'!al1d T'(vo Hundrwland Sixty-Six Dollars is required to be
miRed -in t.he several Municipalities for the lawful pllrposes of the County'
eluring t.he year 1908.
Council Chambers, St. Thomas,
.,Tune 5th 1908.
K. W. MoKAY,
County Clerk.
AND 'VHRREA8, by the Assessment Act,> this Council' is requireo to
direct what portion of the sum to be leyicd for County purposes shall be']ev~
ied in eaehMunicipalityin t.he Cotmty.
BY-LAW NO. 732.
AND 'VI-IEREAS, the rates are required to be calclllaf:ed at so much on
the. Dollar, upon the actual value of an ~he r~~l a~l.d personal pl'operty liable
to assessment.. .
To grant Additional Am,to High Schools.
Passed June 5t,h, 1908
AND\VHEREAS, the actual value of the. real and personal -property of
the Corinty, asascertail1ed and (lqlialized by this C.Ollnc~}, is as follo'ws :
TheOounty Council enactA :
That the sum of One Thousand, ,One Hundreq and Fifty Dollars be
J;$ranted to the followiu~ Rehools :
K. W. McKAY,
-Connty Clerk.
U. O. LU'fON,
Municipality Total Equri.lized Vahie
Aldborough... ... ..,. .... $2,311,577
Dnn\-vich............ ...... ..... 2",872,189
Southwolrl.......,............ .3,54-8,409.
Yarmouth..,. ..... ..... .....,4,063,378
l\.falahide .... P............ .,.. 2,814,927
Bayham.... ..,. '}" .... .......1,720,812
South Dorehester .... .... ......1,5711648
Aylmer.... .... ...... .. .,....,. 700,000
Dutton.... .. ...... ............ 245,000
'J:'ort. Stanl~y .... ,........... H10,OOO
Springfielrl......... ............., 105,000
\Tienna,....... ,..... .... ...... 80,000
Rodney.... .... .... .... ........ 190,000
\VestLorne ..... .... "',' ...... 180,000
Aylmer lJollegiate Institute
Dutton High School
Vienna High ~chooJ
$ 000 00
500 00
Oounpil Chambers, St. 'l'homas-.
June 5th, 1908.
'l']wrefore the Conneil of the MunicipllJ Corporation of the County of
Elgin el).acts :
1. That a rate of Two and a Quarter Mills on the Dollar be levied upon
all the rateable property in the several Municipalities' ih the Oounty of Elgin,
as above set forth, for the year 1908, to raise the following amounts :
2. _ That the sum of FortYMSix Thousand T,yo 'Hundred and Sixty~8ix
Dollars be raised and levied in the several Municipalities,iIi the County; ac-
cording to the foHewing schedule, and that the amounts as entered therein
be paid to the Connty~Tl'easufer, asby law required.
Aldborough.. ........ .... .... .'.
Dunwich ... ~...... .... .... .....,'
South'ivold. o. .... .... .... .......
yarmouth.... ,. ...... ..........
Malahide ........ ..' .... ........
Bayhaln ..........:.... ..~..........
South Dorehest~~~...,..., ........
Aylmer,... C;,,'L.: .... ,..... .. .....
Vienna ... ....,. ...;'..
Elpringfield.... ....:. .... .... ..,.
Port,Stanley .... ..... .... ....
Dntton.;.. .... ... ... .... .......
Rooney,.. ... .... ....., .... ......
'Vestl..orne.... ...... ..........
$ 5,202
'County Council Chamber, St.. Thomas, June 5th; 1908.
$ 46,266
K. W. McKAY,
Connt~ ClerIc
BY-LAW NO. 734.
To fix: Salary of Assistant .Turnkey of the Oounty Gaot.
Pa~sed June5th,t908.
The Elgin Oounty Council enactlin
THAT the salary of the Assistant Turnkey of the Gounty Gaol be,
,and is hereby fixed at One Dollar and fifty cents per\day to date from the
1St June '1908. and that By~Law No. 702 be amended accordingly.
Oouncil Chambers,. St. Thoma~,
June 5th,' 1908.
K. W. McKAY,
Oount,y Olerk.
o. O. LUTON,
BY.LA W NO. 785.
To appoint 8,n Assbtant Gaol Surgeon.
Pased Jllne 5th,'1908.
The EIgiq. <:ountyCouncil enacts:
THAT I:tobert Kaine, M. D, be, and.is hereby ttppointed ASlIist'ant
Surgeon of the Gaol of the Oounty of Elgin. "
Council Ohambers, St. Thomas,
June 5th, 1908,
K. W, McKAY,
County Glerk.
0.0. LUTON"
Warden; .
BY-LAW NO. 7~6,
To Extend the time of the Enforced ColJection by sale of Non-Resident
l'axosin t~e OOlUltyof'~Elgill.
Passed 5th June, 1908.
'The Oounty Oouncil enacts:
THAT the time for the enforced :Oollection ,bV sale of'nOn-rf1Fddent
taxes ill the Oounty of Elgin be, and is hereby extended for one year.
Council Chftmbers, St, Thomas,
.Tun'e 5'tl~. 1908:
K. W. MoKAY,
(Jounty Clerk.
BY-LA W NO. 737.
'Toruise t,he snm of TwentY'l'hou~alld Doll~rs to provirle for the cost
of bridges to be erected tn the Count,V of Elgin during tIle year 1908. and
to authorize the issuing of Dehenturestherefor.
Passed J nne 1908.
WHEREAS it is 116CeB"lary t.o rahm fhesilm of' TWf'ont.y Thonsanli
,Dollarf'l, for t,he purpose of provirlitlg' fort,he CO"lt, ofbridReR t;o beet'flctfld
-jn th~ OouJit.y of Ehrin i1nrinrz the Yf1ftl~ jlJ08,-allilin OI'OFlr th"ll'fll,O' it will
~<'l tlpc"'sqary to i8sn,~ D~bentnr,Aq ofthA MnnicipaJitim; of the O,nunty of
Elg't:~'~for the.su:rrf'('if '{'went,y Th'odsalld' Dollars, payable as' _hf-rehiafter
AND \VHERELS it. will hA rflql1hdtet-O'l'aTAe the Alurl,bf Two Thotls.
Jli)il,Five Hundred and Nillet.v Dollars aud nille centA each Veal' r~.sp.
.:':,",;. ';
ANQ WHERE~S thp. am'onnt of the whole rat.ellule nropp,rty of t.he
Mnihc'ipalit.v, according- to the last revised AolSeASmetl,t Rolls of the ~aid
Municipality amounts t.o rrwpnty Million Four HlllHlced,and Nillet,y.Five
ThoUAand Six Hundred and Fonr Dollars.
AND WHEREAS the existing Debenture Debt of-the Cbuilty of EIg'in
is $38,014.
Therefore the Municipal Ooi1ncU of tlil3'do'rporatto'n of ,the Oounty of:
Elgin p,nacts a~ follows: '
1. It shall be lawful for t.lle Warden: of' ~thes~Id' Oothfty 'Of E1e:io,
for the purpO."Je aforesa'id to borrow the said sum of 'twenty' Thousand
Dollars, an,d to issue DebentureRof t,h6 said Mnilicipality th the ttnl~rti1t'of
Twellt.y ThonsHI~d Dollars in som8 of not lesstha,l}. One' _Hl1l1dr~dDolIar~
each, payable on t,he first day of- January ill'- ea'ch y'aar 'with i:ii63res't Jtt
the rate of ~'ive 'per oentum',ppr Alintuu dm!ing the periodofteil y;,a.~s'
from th(> datp of the i1'lsuing of tho DebFmture"l iu"the-ma'lller and for, t,he
,amounts s",t, forth in theSohedule hereill~fter containfld
2. It shall be Iawfulfor the 'Varden of the said l\-Iunicipa.lityand)16 is
hereby authorized toSigll l1nd issue the debentures hereby authorized. to be
,jsslled, and to cause the same and the interest coupons att.achedth~reto ,to
be signed by the,Tieasurerof the saId Municipality,and that the' Olerk . ~f
the said Munieipality is hereby authorized and instructed to attach the- s-eal
of the said Municipality to the said Debentures.
3. There shall be raised aIidlevied in each year the ,sum of Tw'o.'fhou-
sanclFiye Hand'red and Ninety Dollars and nine.c.ents by. special rate o~ all
'rateable property in the said Municipality,_, sa.jdamoiui~ be~~gsufficieiit,: to
disc.harge the several instalments of prin'Cipal al!-d interestacciuing due, on
the said debt, as the same becomes respectively pa)'able according to thefol,
lowing8chedulc: '
, Number Yea.r Dobenture Interest Total
1 1909 $ 1596 69 $ 1000 00 $ 2599 09
2 1910 1669' 60 920 49 2590 09
3 1911 1753 08 837 OJ 2580 09
4 ]912 1840 73 749 36 259,0 09
5 ]913 ] 932 77 657 32 2590, OH
6 1914 202H 40 560 6~ 259009
7 ]915 2130 87 459 22 2590 09
8 1916 2237 42 352 tW, 2590 09
!l 1917 2349 29 240 80 2590 00
10 1918 2466 75 133' 34 2590 09
County Counei-l Chamb~rs, ~trrhomas, 17th November, 1908.
'V ard~n.
Oounty Clerk.
BY.LA W NO. 738
'1'0 appoint a Senator for the Western University.
Pasl:led 20thNovember~ 1905.
TheC01lUtyOouncilof the County of'Elgin enacts.
THAT o. W. Colter, Ef'lq , Senior Judge of the Oounty of El~in be
Rnd,is 'hereby,a,pp6iilteda member of the Senate of the Western Univer~
sity and Ool1e~e,
CounCil Ohambers, St. Thomas,
November 20th, 1908.,
K. W, McKAY,
,Count,yo 016rk.
BY.LAW NO, 739
TO'arooml By~Law No. ,412;
Passed. 20th N ovem ber. 1908.
'rho Oounty Oounoil of the Conntyof. Elgin enacts:
THJ\T By~Law No, 41:&"Seotion.60, be and is 'hereby a.mended to read
flS follows j -
'ElWh8tandin~Oommitt,ee of th~ Oouncil, <,Ihall con~i8t of suoh memo
bers of the Oounoil. not eXIJeeding one member from each municipality as
the Oounoil shall name, provided alwav!dhat no memher of the Oouncil
shall be eligible for appoint:mentto more than one standing committee.
OOUDoil Chambers. St. rrhomas.
Novem~er20th" 1908.
, K. W: McKAY,
Oou,nty Clerk,
BY.LAW NO.' 740
To amend By.Law No. 525 and assume 'bridges nllmbered 1. 2, and 3 on
the CountyTAne between Southwold and Delaware,
Passed'20th,November. 1908.
The Count.y OSnncil of the County of Ehdn elJactl'i:
That 'this County Council assume and have exolusive jurisdiotion over
tl1r~e bridReEi llnmbered,-one, two, and thl'ee on the County Line between
'the TOW~Ahip of,Southwold arid the, Township of Delaware,' in the, County
~f MIddlesex. Said bridges 'being over twenty feet'in length.
That By.Law No, 525 be amended accordingly.
Council Chambers. St; Thomas,
20~h November. 1908.
K: W, McKAY.
County Clerk.
c. 0' 'LU~'ON,
BY.LA WNO. 741.
'fa authorize annual grant'ta tlw Elgin Municipal Association.
Passed 20th November, 1.908.
"\VHEREAS 'the Municipal officers of the County of Elgin have formed
. an Associationiknow-n\as the Elgin Municipal Association, and whereas this ~
CounciIis desirous of encouraging the littendanee oUlle CI~rksandTreastll'~ _
ers at the meeting of the Association..
The County Council of the County of Elgin, enacts :
THAT. the Coun,ty Treasurer be, 'and is herehy authorized to pay" the
Clerks and 'l'reasnrers of ,the local M.unicipalities who may attend/the a,nnual
meetings of the Association,thesllm of Two DollaTs ea<:h and five cents.per
mil\;'; travelled to and from such attendance.
Said amountfdo be paid on the Certificate of the8.eeretary of the A~so~-
Council Chambers, ~t. Thomas, 20th<NovembGr, 1\)08.
Oounty CleJ;lc
-O-',,,"'=..=c,-"~",,"-,=,.=.~'..~,~~~~_,,",_~ "_"~_ ,__'_~ __""~~__,_._ __
BY. LA W NO. 742
To .Lic{mse Junk D~alers.'
Pll,~se(120th November, 1905-,
The County Counci.lof the County ofEl~in enacts:
I 1. Tbjit from l'tn4 after the paRsing of this By.Law it, shall not be
lawful fpr' p(llllers iUl:lf'lcond hflud g'l:mdR, being- per80us who pafl~, from-
hOIV~ to . houAe or ,ltlollg- street~ or la1l:e8 for t.he purpose' of-
~oHect,~ng, purchasin,p; or obtailli'.lg' seC'Olld handgoods,inclndiug bOl.tles~
llioycl~s. waste paper. rags, bones. 01' old i1'071 orot.her scrap or Junk, to
car.-y:' on theireaid oconpationor buslne38 within any part 'of the, Connty
of Elgin unless aud until he shallbave procured a license as hereinafter
provided. '
2 TheOlerk ot this Oounty Council is hereby 8-uthorized'toissue
Lie~nfles nnder this By-Law with the corporate sea.! of t,his County at;,
tached_thereto-and deliver the same to persons applying therefor upon
paymen't of t.he fee of Five D:pllarfl. Eaoh License to be in force for- one
_'Year from the date of issue and no longer.
3~ Every person obtainhlg a Liaenseas her~inb""foreprovided shan
produce, the same whenever requireil to do so by any Monicipar or . Peace
4. Any per..on,oontravouiug' auy of the provIsIOns or this By-Law
allall for such offntlce, o'u conviction before one or more .Jm:ticp.A of t,he'
Pea,c'flfor the COllllt,y of Elgin, fOl'feitand pay a fille of IlOt, lP.lsS t,ha;n F~:ve-
J)olhtl's or more t.han 'rW'fluty Dolld,!'S in t,he dil'leret.ion of the JUl'ldce_ or
.Just.ices together with the C~Rt,s nud if not, paid 'fort.hwlth the Sfune shiln
be levied byo1strpsA and sale of thfl goOdfu:md chR.ttfll~ of t.he nfff!urler and
in ease of tllere beillg' IlO eli tl'essout at whic,h thepeila}tycall be levied. the.
"Ju!'lti~', m~y'c()mmit the otff'ndflr to t.he Common Gaof of 'the f'laid (JOOllty
of Elein for any time not exceediug' tW{lnty.oue days/ uuleRs snell fine
and.oostsincludiug- the cost.s of the. Committ.alshall be sooner paid.
Council Chambers, St.'l'homllB-,
. Noven;t12er 20t,h. 1908.
l~. .,V< MoKA Y,
County Clerk.
o. O. LUTON,
, Warden
119 .
BY-LAW NO. 743,
To ame11d By-1m\' No. BOO.
Passed 20th November, 1908.
'l'he J<~lgin County Conneil enaets :
THAT By-hw No. '600 be amended hy the additions of the following'
Sections -:
5(a) That the said commissioners be and are hereby required to ex-
amine and pass forpayment'all accounts for supplies delivered at the Co~;nty
Gaol, and the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay the same on the
o~der of tl1esaic1 Commissioners or any two of them.
5(h) It shall be the duty of the said Commissioners to present to the
GaolOOl-Illuittee of the Comity Council at each Session a statement 'of all ac-
counts, for which they, have issued orders all the Colinty Treasurer, since
the previous Session thereof, ,
CounGilChamber~, St. Thomas, 20th November, 1908.
K. ,V. M6KAY,
County Olerk.
I ND;E~.
Address of Vilarden<c~.... ..... .... ......
Auditors.... .... ........ '... .... ....
........ ....)0
Auditors.. ... ,_;. .... .'... . ... ...... ..... ".'..., ..,... ....... .103
Borrowing ~oney'""" ., ...... ...... ........... .. 103, 109, 114
BO~'Lrd of:Andit',.. ,........ ... ...... .. ._,.. .... .... ..... ..... 102
COlnmittees... .., ...... ..,0.... ....._ ............ ..... ,.... 116
County Bridges,... ....,. .......... .... ...... ...... .... ... .117
County Rntes .... .... ...... .,.... .. ...... .. '.. ',' .... ... .. 11'1
Coi.lnty Rafl,el's... .... ................ '....."... ..... ......104
]i;quali1..ation ...... .... ........ .......... .. ....., ..... ..... .1011
Gaol Comrnittee. ..... ...... ...,.. .... ....... ..'. ....'.--. ,.... 119,
Ga'oJ Surgeon. . .. ... . .. . . ,. .................... ..........] 13:
High School Grants. .. . ... . .. ......,.... ....,........... .110!
I-lighSchooJTrnstecs. ..... .......... ...... ...... ..........102
.J unk Dealers"". . .. ...... . . . . .. , . . . . . . . , . .. ... .. ........... .llS
Municipal Association... .............. ... ..,........., ..... .117
Senator'Vestern University.... .... .......... ....... .:.... .116
'l'axSale.......... ,:.......... .... ........................114.
TurnkeyrsSala.ry........ .... ..... ..... .... .... ....... .... .....113
Clerks of Mui-dcipalities ... . . . . .. . . . .. .... . . ., .... . .," ...... ..... ......4
Cqul1nittees,... .. ....:.. ... ... .., . '.," ,.... ...................8,9,43,49-
County.Bridges,............ ... ... ...... ,.... ........ .... .......... ..... .32
County Constables. ,.... ....,......'.'........ ..., ..........,..15, 16, 17,20
County Roads. . . . .. . . . . . ... ..... .. " . . . . . . . .. .... . . . .. 1.....7, .20, 39
Connty-Clerk'sRepol'ton I,icenses,. ......_.,................. .....95-
Communieations ... ..... .... .... .. .... .... ..~ .:.. .. 9, 12, 14-, 24,27, 40, 4-2
Farmers' Institutes ...,.........
Kate "r allaee
Honse of Industry .........,.........
.Junk l)ealers .... .'. ...... ......... ....... ...... ....;...
MUliicip~l Association.. . .... .... . .... ..................
Nels~m Cl}amber':':IWi1l... .... .......... .. .. .. .. .. .... ...
1'o(1<111:'],f,I' Lkenses
..... ,14,15'
.... .2lr 39
,......... .13,22
,..,.. ,]7
.... ..... .-12
.........,........ ..............
County Clerk.... .............................. ..;.... ...'95
County Heiuds.... .'................. ....... ..'.... ........ ..:\.. .".88
Court House Conllnissioll.............. ........ ...... .:';'.'.94
l;~ducation'Committee.........,. ............. ,',..... ..-....,.,.55
Equalization.....: ,........ ~'.... ................ ....... .....100
]~ngilleer .:..... _>..., ...... ... ...... . ,... ...,.., ...... ....66
FinanccCommittee.... .... ........ .... ...... .... .... ......61
Gaol COlnnlittee.... ....... ... ..' :.;. ....... ...... "," ..78.
House of Ind'm~try COll11nittec'... ...,.. ...... ........ ..... ........ .'.;.. 80
'Il Inspector.."...,. .. ....... .,..;. .... .. .;'.... ..,'.. ......... .82
" Physician. . .. .:, . . .. . . .. .......... . . ~-. . . . . . . . ; . .. . . . . .'.86
Petitions LegislationCOlllmittee. ...... .., .... .............: ........ ....76.
Police-Magistrate.............. ..... .......... '. ..... ...... ..........97
Pub]lc Improvements .... ...... ...... ... ....... ...... ,.. ...72-
Public School Inspector ..... ........ ...... ." ...... ...... ......50.'
.Salt.erGl1llyBridge ...... .... ...... ."'" ...... .,:.;, ...........n
Treasu.rer.,....... ...... .... ........ ...... .... ...:.......5R
Tuhel'clllosis Deputation ...,.......,..... ....... .... ... .. . ... . .. ; ~ ..101
\Varden's Address:... ..... .......... .... .......... .... ........... ..',92