1909 Minutes .t :~ Iii' If: ~1J O.W. Colter, Esq., Oounty Judge. O. O. El'matillger"Juuiol' Judge. D.MacOoll, Esq~. Sheriff. JaB. H.' Coyne, Esq., Ref{iiltral'. I D. McLaws, Esq., Oounty Oourt Clel'k~ ,A. McOrimmon,Esq., 'Clerk of the Peace and COUllty Crown Attorney. C.']J'. Maxwell, ,Esq., Mastel' in Ohancery. N. W.Mool'e, G'aolel'. W. Atkin, Esq., Public School Inspector. ~John McOausland, Esq.. Co. Tl'e~tsul'el'. K. 'w. McKay, Esq.; Co. Clerk. .Tames A. Bell. M.O.S a.E., CoulltyEugineel'. James'M. Glenn, K.C.. J.JL.B.. CoulltySolicitol'. Frauk Haul;; Police Magistrate. W. C. VallBl1sldl'k, "M.D., ~ao18liJ:geoll. ,L. Luton, M.D.. Physichm House of Industry. D. H. GoodiLig, Esq., Keepel' Hause of Ind'ust.I'Y'-; J'ohn Hopkins, Caret,aker Oourt House. All of St. Thomas P.O. Couuty Auditors: Alldl'ewMul'1'ay, Aylmer; W. A, Galbraith, Duttoll. Administration of ,Justice AuditOI'S: C.\V. Colter, Conuty ,Jud~e; Dr. J-liug,Dut,t()tl. County Officials Municipal Clerks and Treasurers, MUNIOIPALI'fY CLEUK THEASUREn. AldborOl~gh .... ".,. E. A. Hu~ill. Rodlley " .D; MqPhersoll. W,est LOI'ue DUllWich...... ...... D. A; McNabb,Dutton ..... J. A. Carnpbf'll, Dutton Southwold ..' '... .... M. Carnpbell,.Fiugal.... .,D. A. Qattanach, Frome 1;armouth ..... W. C. Oaughell,St. rl'homas~.R.'McLac}llill, St, rl'hon:'as Malahide..... ... . Mahlon E. Lyon, Aylmer.... . Mahlon'E. LYOll, Avlmer Rayharn .: .... Benj.,Brian,. Straffordville. .R. A. Walsh,Straffordville", South Dorchester .... O. Taylor, Belmont... .... Thos. ,Winder, Lyons Town of Aylmer. .......... J. Bradley...... ..... .. .... W, Warnock Village of Vie~lila.. .... .... B'. B.Cluttoll.... . .. .... ..., .... S. B. Glutton VillageofSpringfield...... J;B.Lucas. .... .i.........GeorgeStewart -.... VillageofPortStanley"....Jas.Gough. ..... .._...........Jas.Gough VillageofDuttou.... .... ...'.J. D. Blue .... ....., ....,0. Campbell 'YillageofWestLorue ..J.B.Robertson...... .... ...'W.A.Becker Village of Rodney. . .. .... J. D.Shaw.. . .1. .... ... .N.. S. Lust.y -- PROCEEDINGS -OF THE- Elgin County Council FIRS'f SESSION-FIRST DAY_ 'l'uesday, the 26th day of.J:apuary, 1909. The members elect of the CoulltyCouncil of the County of Elgin met t,llis-day at the Court House, St.-Thomas, at 2 P,.nl. The folloWlllg members filedcehificat'es ai).<l','took their seats at the, ,Conncil Board:- Towllship of Aldbol'ougl.l-'- R,eeve, O~nald McLea~ Deputy-Reeve, William W. Oampbell rl'owlIshipofDnn)vich;-, .:: ,,:'.', Reeve~, .Alexallder~cLachlill OeplltY-Ree~e, Johu Dl'Olugolo 'l'owlIsliip of South wold- Reeve, William H.'l'ul'I1er Deputy-Ree,ve, Absaloill Gilbert 'l'owliship of Yarnlouth- , Reeve,' William G;:'Sa}iclets Deputy-Reeve. Johu,A: Campbell '1'owllSllip ofMalahide~ Heeve, Sydney S. McDerlnalld Deputy-Reeve, 'l'._,Merritt Moore 'l'ownsllip .of Bayham- Reeve, Joseph A. :Jacl;:sou Depuly-Heeve, WIlliam Yeaudle I," I':::,! ',~;. , ;li:!I! I II! tl , \ .6 , EI..GIN COUNTY OOUNCIL , 7 'J'owllship'of Sout,11 Dorchestel'- Reeve, James J. Mit.chell ELGIN OOUNTY' COUNOIIi Seconded by A. Gilbert That we do not repeal BY.Law rJ~own of Aylmel"--' Reeve,. John R. Summors 739, relating to Rtl'iIdug' committees. , Village of Vielllm- Reeve, Ed,vR]'(l.B. Baldwiu Main motion carried. Alllelldlu(~!lt lost. Moved by '1', M. Moore, 'seconded by William Yeandle. Vil1a~e Q'fSpriugfield- Reeve, .Tohu E. Lii.losay 'l'hat the Reeves of the Municipalities be a committee to draft,Stand~ iog Oommittees for the year. Village of Port St,anl(~y- Reeve, William Jacl\son In' Alll8ndmf;Jlt. Moved by William Jackson. Seconded byJ. J. Mistele, That the Warden name a committee of three to strike StandillgOOm~ luittees. Main motion carried. Amendment lost, Moved by W. H. 'I'urner, Seconded by J.J. Mitchell, That this Oouncil' adjouru to meet at teu o'clock. to-moi'lO()W to, allow tll~.(JOmmittee appointed to strike the Standiug' Committees tOllH3et. ,Village of DuttOll- Reeve,G, \V. lAng, M,D. Village of West LOl'lle~ Reeve, W~.l1in.m Brock,M;D, VilLage of Roduey- Reeve,J, J. Mistele r.rl10 Olerk took the chair aud called for uOluiuatious ftn' ti!ie posit,iou of Warden, ' Evel'ymember of the CouulIil Was. thon nomiuM,ad ~p. re~ulal' foqn, aU of whom resig'ued except Messl's.McDermand, S!\uders, Ling, Sum- mers-and T,urnaI'. rl'h~ voting wns proceeded with ~\ld' Oll the thiI'ty~third vote Mr. Buin_mal's received a majol'ityvote.,ail(~-was-declared duly el.ected \Varden; .r OHN R. S ur.UmRs, Warden. The Warden-elect luada ,the,statutol:Y,declu.l'atioll ofoffiue befol'~ H'is Houor, Judge Erlhatinger, took thechairand,addl'essed thacoullcil. l\i.'oved by '1'. 'M. Moore,' SecOT.ided by ,)".A. .Tacltson, That By-law 739 be l'epe!\led. In 'Amelldm,eut. Mover! by J, '.J. MiFlte]~, "\ 8 'ELGiN COUNTY COUNOIL FIRST SESSION-SEOOND DAY Wednesday, the 27th day of January, 1909. The Elgi~ Oounty Oouncil met this day aecordill~ to aCljpul'ument. The Wal'den ill the chair. ~ All thememberspr6s6nt. The Wardell addressed the Council as follows: W ARDEN'S ADDRESS. I thank you for the hOllor conferred in electin~ me to preside ovel' your deliberations for the coming year. and I hope tha~ nt !l,ll times you will give me your kiud a.ssistauce 'and support. 'l'h61'8 are. a few, matters 'that! ,desire to bring to your at,teut,ioll\fol' cousideratioll at this session. OOUNTY ROADS. At the November Bession last yeaI' the fiualcOIlSid61'atioll' of a by. law for tl\e,deslguatiotl o'f aCon'uty Ro~d System was laid' over uutil this session', ' The special committee appoillted:to deaL,with the_qnestipn last year devoted ,a gi'eat deal'of time to the collection of information in refereno,e to 'county Road Systems. 'l'his information' is known to' most of the membersj, and 1 hope you will finally determiue, t\tthiS session whether t-hema~ter is to be taken up or uot. TOLL ROAD-PUROHASE OOSTS, \ At the November Session, 1906, the special toll I:oad' commit,tee re- ported the ,completion of the purchase of the Loudoll aud Port Stanley Road andillclqded statement showing' cost to be $29,417.97, a portiOll'of whioh was assumed by the Townships of Yannouth and Southwold! uude:i' special agreement cOllfirroed by the Legislature, At: the session of the Legislature in 1907, being the first after the tolls were removed, t.he Oity of St.,Thomas made application for aud received thesulll of $3.000 towards their expenses in connectiou with the assumption of a portioll of t,heroa-d lying in the city and bridges on the boundary liue. Althougl~ the matter was,cousidere'dby the County Oounoil of that y,aar, no claim was put in on behalf of the Couutyof Elgin. Last year the W [I,i'den, having asoe1~tail1edthat the Gov~rlltQ.ent had paid oue~third of tho amount paid by the rrownship of London in the purchase oftha Proof :Lille Road, aud that a townshil? east of Toronto was receiving-similar ELGIN. OOUNTY COUNCIL consideration from-tlle Le~islature; made application for agratlt towards .the expense incurred by this -COUllty~ No,actionwastakenby the;Oovw ernment, but ~ have rea~0I1 to believe that,the claim is a ~ood one, and that:"this Oouncil should appoint a ,representative committee to wait upon the Government und secnre rf:lcognitioll of 0111' claim, whichj on the b..sis of ollewthird, would amount t,o over $6.000, SILO-HOUSE OF INDUSTH-Y. Ea,dy iuli:l08 the House of Iudustry Committl'e had decidi:H16h the -, ereotioll of a silo. This was reported to't,heJuuu Session, but -wusnot adopted~ I am very strong-Iyof the Opilliou'that it wonid be iu the iuter. eats of the inst,ltutiou to coustmct n silo thi~ year aud 'Yonld,request 'tbe Honse ofIudustl'Y Commit.tee to report in refMellcethereto. A,large llu~ber -ot qommuuicatious will be laid befol'~ you at this sessioD and Ihope.that you will deal with the.m promp'tly and that 'all llfattersbrought before you wiU'be_conside'red to the,bost interests af,'the couuty. Moved by r.r. M. Moore, Secouded -by S.McDennalfd. 'fhat By-Law 744, bein~~ By-Law ,to repeal By. Law 739, be received" and read a first time, -,-Cal'ried. Moved by J. A" Jij,cksou, SecQuded by Wm. Yeaudle. '.fhatBYwLaw No. 744 be read a ~ecolld time. -Carried; MovedbyWm. G, Sanders, Seconded by J. A. Cn:mpbell, 'l'hat By-Law 744 be.l'ead athhd time, and: finally passed. -CarrIed. The'report oftha committe6",appointed to"strike: Standin~ CC)mrn.ittees was presentadand adopted, on motion of Ling, seconded by-McDermand. The followi~~' coromu-nicatioDs were read: From J. KFal'Well, Secretftry Outario Good Roads'Associat.io;n, Re~ 'ferl'e'd.to Finance Committee. \ 9 10 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL -- ~. FroID'Ontario Municipal Association, for bettel'melltof conSIl;mptives. Referred to Petitions and Legislation Oommittee. ' From Provincial Assooiation of School1'rustees. Refer,red to.JlJdnca- tion OOIDD?ittee. Referred to Edu- From Glencoe High School Board, with account. cation CommittQ8. ~'Fi'om Pl'isollel's' Aid Associat,ioll, application for aUllual grant. ferred to Finance' Committee. Re- Referred to ,Finauce ~"l'om the National Sanitarium Association; Committ~e. ]J'l'~ml the OauftdiuQ Association fol'_ Prevention of fel'l'edto Petitionsalld LegislatiouCommittee. 'rubercu!bsis. Re~ .I!'l'om HospitaL for Sick Ohild(.on, re grant. Referred to Finance Committf'8; From COUllty of Essex, re use' of l\ighways by motor vehicles. ferred t,oPetitions and Legislation Oommittee. FromOoullty Oouncil ot' Grey, re Highway Improvement 1\,~t. ferred'to Petitions l111dLegislation Oommittee. . FromOoui1tyPolice Magist.rate, with annual report. Referred to Finance Oommittee. From Provincial Inspector, 1'e HOllse of Industr.y. Referred: to I;rouse of Industry Oommittee. From St. 'rhoinas Board of Education. -Referred to Education Oom~ .mittee. Re- Re. Referred to PnblicImprove- ,. From Oounty'En~iueer, with report. melltOommittee. 'FromN.W, Moore, Gaoler; re,inorease of salary, Referr~.Q. to Gaol Oommittee, From Ohildren's Aid 'Society, St.' T_homas" with Annual Statement, Referred to Finance Oommittee. <:i Mr. McDermand gave notice of application for $25 ~rants fot the East ELGIN -OOUNTY C6UNOIL I " ,:,1 Elgin Farmfilrs' aud Ladiesl Institutes, and Mr. McLachlin gave notice 'of application for similar grants for the West EIgillFarmel's' Institutes, Mr, Jacksonpreseuted petition from mtepay.ers of the county t'e granting a freepedlerlslicense to A. Hughes.' Referred to Petit~oris and Legislation Committee. Moved by G. W. Ling, SecOl,l(led by Wm. .Bl'oclt, 'l'Ilat' as acci'dents to pedestraius and thos~ di'iving, across l'ailw,&ys in this county have been and 'are now numerous and frequent j aud'-where~ as available ~fforts bv the j;mblio aud "all l'ecommendatiOlis made by 001'. OllerS' juries 'have been futile in iuduoiug tile railway' compallifls to provide anything Uk,e adequate protection froItl.these juggeruauts of death j be it resolved by the Oounty Oouncil of Elgin that avpIicatioll be made ~o the Boai'd of'Raill'ofLd C~mmissiouel;s of'Cauada, l'tJquest!ogtheul to take action forthwith, compelling, milway cOlllp~LuiE's. rL1utliug rail,njads throllghtheCouut.y of EIgin'~o provide propel' prot.ectiou at q,U dau"ger- ous crossings, by erecting' overhead ,bridges, . subways, 01' gates, or by plac. iug watchmen over the- crossings, particularly in ,cities, towns apdvil- lagesiwhere the s'treets are crowued on busy days, Qt' by reason of the crossi.u,gs being limited to oueor two at mo~t. (2) That this Council'request tile co-opera~ionof the Oouncils of the Gouuties,through which the Michigan Oentral and Wabash Raill'oads rUll. Moved by A.McLachlill, "Seconde_d by J. Dromgole, l'h,at this Council do'uow adjourn to meet. at 2 p:m. -Oal'l'iecl. -----Carried: Tile Couuoill'f'sumed. The Oouuty Clerk'srepol't on_licenses was read andtlwl'epol't oithe OOl{uty Tl:easurer was submitted aud referred to Finance Committee. , , Mr. Turner gave notice of application fOI' grants au Middlese~ Co'nnty line. The report of the Eduoatioll Oominittee was presented' and referred to it;' Committee of the,Whole. Dr. Lillg,in the clmir. " Ii ", I, Ii III 11, I' I:': ~' 'I. in I~I ~[ " I 12 ELGIN' COUNTY 'COUNCIL After amending the report, the Oommittee arose and it was adopted, on motion of,Lin~,secollded by Tumer. The report of the Pub,lie Improvements Cominitteewas presented and,ad'opted, on moti6uof Sanders, seconded by McDermand. The Report' of House of Industry Committee was presented and adopted, Oil motion of J. A.'Oampbell.'seconded by W. W. Oampbell. A deputation from the Law Librarv Association then addl'essedthe ,Oouncil, l'equestin~,grant, and the Warden referred the matter to the ~inl\llce Oommittee. Moyell by J. E. Lindsay I . Seconded by E. B. Baldwin, Tliat Audrew'Murray aud Oounty Accounts for 1909. W. A._ Galbraith 'be appoited. Auditors of -Carried. Moved by E. B. Baldwin, Seconded by 8'. McDermalld, 'I'hat James Oornell bed~ppointed Trustee of Vienna Hi~h School. ;to fill vacancy caused by removal of 0.0; Gal'dillel'. -Carried. Moved by E. B. Baldwin, Seconded by J. E. Lindsay, , 'l~hat Robert Scruton be appointed 'l'rust,ee of the Vienna.. High School. _Oarried. Moved by J. E. Lindsay, Seoonded by S; McDermand, That Jalnes G. Heiter be appointed Trustee of the .Aylmer Oollegi- ate Institute. ~Oarl'ied, Moved by Dr. Brock, Seconded 'bv W. W. Oampbell, 'rhat the.. chairmen of the Standing Oommittees be a Special Oom. mittee to report on warden's address. -Oarried. ELGIN-, qOUN'l'Y COUNOIL }\foved by W. G. Sanders. Se~onded by T. M. Moore, That S. S. 'McDermaud be appointed Auditor ofAdmiuistra~ioll of .Justice Accounts. I In Amendment. Moved by Dr. Brock, seconded by W. W. Oampb~ll. That 'Dr. Ling"be appointed Auditor of Administration of,Justioe Accounts. Main motion lost; Arnelldmellt carried. Moved by J .E. Liurlsay, Seconded by _,F. E. Baldwin, That the Count_v Olerk be instructed to issue c!\l'cls to members same as those of last-year. -Carried. Moved by W. Jackson, Seconded by J. Dl'omgoh'l, That the Warden name a committee, Witll. powor to act, re res,olution adopted this, morning, asking fol' hettel' protection at milway crossiuga. / (' -Oarried. 'l'h~- Warden appointed " Messl's,- Mistele, Lindsay aJidWm. Jackson. Brock, 'Lill~, 1'urner, OUlllOtiOliof Dr. Ling( Seconded by Wm. Jackson, The Oouncil 'adjourued uutil ten o'clock'Thursday lUoruing\ .JOHN R. SUMMERS, Wardml, 13 14 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FIRST SESSION-THIRD DAY. 'l'hul'sday, tl,Hi 28th .Tanuary, 1909. The ElgillOOUllty Coutloil met thisd.ay accordill~ to adjourument. 'fhe Warden ill thechail'. , All,themembsl's,p1'8sent. The proceedings of theprevious days w81'€ll'ead aud confirmed. The report of the Finance Committee was preseuted aud referred to a Committee oftha. Whole. with Mr. McDel'malld in the chair. AftN' oonsiderillg' the .report clanse by clause the ~ommitteeal'ose aud it, was 'adopted, without amelidmeut"on motiouof McDel'maud, seconded by Lindsay. (, Moved by Dr. Ling, SeCOLlded by JOhll Dl'omgole, rl'hatSamil~i MeoaH be appointed 'l'rnstee of the Dutton High School for three years. -Carried. Moved byD. MCLean, Seconded byW~'W.Campbel1, 'I'hat t,his Council do now adjourn to meet, at 2 p.m. -Canied. Tllo ()oullcilresl1med, . ' , Mr. 'l'hayer,i'epreseQting the' Oase Road Roller ,Oompany, addreSSfld the Oouncil,explaiuiug 'the merits .of the Oa.se Roller audthe benefits .td bed61;ived froniits use in road construction. II ,. I " 11 'I Ii '~i I, '1;1 ~! The matter was referred by the Warden to,thePu.blic Iniprovements Oommittee. . ~ ' '1'he report of Oorp.mittee ')11' Petitio11S and LegislatIons was presented and, refsrredto a Committee of the Wholfl, with 1\11'. Turner in the chair. After amending the report, it w'ns adopted, on motion of Turner , s~conded by Moors, 'l'he: report of the Gaol Committee was present_ed and refel'l'od tOft '[:'1 J. ~: ~, I!! ELGIN'. COUNTY COUNCIL Committee of the Wholer with Mr. Sauders ill the chair. After cOllsider~ at.ion, the committee rose aud the report was adopted, on motion of Sanders~ seconded by Gilbert. Moved by S.. McDermand, ;"""""'__"'.1'",..,,:,\ 1.;" ,i"... Seconded by T. M. Moore, ~i.r'ha-t $25 t{egl:aiftedtothe"East'iDlgiJ.i Fai'riiei's"TtIst'itu;t(;r~d.d"$25 ,to the East Elgin Ladies' Institute. ..:.......Cal'ried. Moved by A, McLachliu, Secondel;1 by John Drbmgole; 'l'hf!,t'a~raut of $25 be given to the WPRt, Elgin E~a.l'mel's' Institute and"3%?~pqJ~1,lel,.\Ye!?"t",~~g~,g, :Y~,di~st InstiJJ1t~,o. -Oal'ried,,\;.,: Mr. Ooyne, President of the EI~in Historical Societ,y, addl'ess(ld'the Oou'ii'C'il inl'eference to the centennIal of tlte Talbot Road. ; 'J ~ Moved by -Wm. Yealldlp, Seconded by J. A. Jaclumll, 'l'hat the matter of centeunial celebration of 'l'albot, Hbad aud Oity of St. Tholll_IISb,Ej.}fticto.:veLJwtH tqMll1Q.l'rCl~:Jnol'.ning.. , 70arrh)(1. Moved by W. H. 'Turner, Seconded by A; Gilbert, That this Oouncil make a grant of $800, t,o be a.pplied oll.t-he OOUllt:v Hne,b~r~~el~,tlle .rr~wn~hip8 ,Of South,vold and Dfllftwal'e. . . .. 'I ~'L<i8t,. 'Mbved'by'l'; M. Moorer';I'" c, SeQon,<l:erLby S. McDel'mand. 'l'hatthe Council adjourn to meet to "morrow at, 10 o'clock; -Oarried. \ .JOHN R. SUMl'.mnS, Wal'doll. 15 16 ELGIN' COUN'ii'y' COUNCIl; ~'IRs'r SESSION-FOURTH DAY. , Friday, the 29th day of Ja'lllUl.ry, 1909. ~hl'l Elgin Oounty Oou~cil met this day aecordiuR to adjoul.'llmeut. The Warden ill the chah'. All the members preseu.t. '1'ho proceedillgs of the pr8vious day were road and coufiJ'med; The'revort of SpeCial Committee appotnted to l'eportciU Wardell's addres'g was present,ed and adopted, Oll motion of Ling, secoudedby Mc~ Laohlin. 'rhe report of Special Committee ou Rail way C1'9BSillgS waspi'esented aud adopted, on motion of Bt.ocl. seconded by Jacltsou. '11he seoond report of the Education Conllllittee was presBut,eel aUII adopted,'onHlotiouof Ling., secolidEldby Baldwiu'. The seoond report of the Pnblic Improvem.ellts Cornmitt.ee. WllS pl'n- sented and adopted, on motion ofSauders,.secouded by,Mitohell, Moved by D, McLean, Seconded by W, Brock. 'l'hat this Council direct ~ttel.ltioll to erl'Ot' i'lpriutec1 report of second 'reading of By-Law ,No. 729, in proceedillf.{S of 1908. Road:No. 2, Aldbol'~ oUf.{h, was designated to run from Furuival Road, uet,ween Concessions. 'eight and nine, east to Duu.wich town line, alldliol'th tdroad betweeuCou- cessions A aud Concession 5 North of A, in Dunwich. -Carl'ie'd. Moved by, 'iN mi Brock, Secondeclby .J. .T, Mistele, '1'hat,this',Coullcil ,hel'eby conselltstO the application of the Corpora. tion'of the Village of West Lorne to the Ontat'io Legislat.tue now be-iug made for, a private act, so far as the same asks to have By. Law No. 72:1 of this "Council, inco'rpot'ltting the sftid village, COllfil'lned. 1\lId thM, t.l18 ELGIN, COUN'I'Y COUNCIL 17 Clerk of this Council do sign audseal a .formal COllseut t.hereto, slwuld the council of the' said village request the same. ...,.-Oal'ried. Moved by, W, H. '1'ui'n6r, Seconded by A, Gilbert, 'Ii That the Warden llame a committee of three tQcollfer with the His- tol'ical Society in referenoe, to the centeunial' of the Talbot Road, _and',that' the'sum of $100 bl( placed,at the dispO!ml of the Oommittee, -I..Iost. Moved by W, Yeaudle, Seconded by E, B. Baldwin, That the Warden and Mr. Gilbert be ncbmmittee:to conferwitil tho City Counoil ill reference ~o registry office impI'OVemellt~, to'engage au architect, to prepare plans 'and specifioations:andreceiveaudaccept tenders, III Amendment, Moved by J.A. .Jackson, Seconded by '1', M, ~oore. Thl1tthe.Gaol Committee ,beinstl'l1cted to coufer with the aUy Oouu. oil in reference to .registry 6ffic.e impl"Ovemeilts, to eug!tj:{e an al'chitect., t.o prepare plans aud sPEl'cificatious aud report with tel.ldersJ'-tthe ;Ttl11f1 Session, n Maiu motion lost. Amendment cHI'I'lAd. Moved by W. Brock" . Seconded byW, W. Camphell, That By-Law 745, being fl. BY.-T...iawtoappoiut, a,Bol'tl'd,nLA.lHlit, bf1 ].eceived alldread a first time, Moved by W, Brock, -CalT!f'(l, Seconded by W. W. Oampbell, rllaLBy~Law No, U5 be read a seeond tinw, -CHITter!. \~: 18 El.GIN COUN'l'Y COUNOIL Moved by 'W.' Brock. Seconded by W.W. Ca.J1lpbell, That By-La~ No. 745 be'read a third time aud finally passed. .,;....,Oa1'1'ie(1.:, ,Mov~~,~:y;A,." '1~~~a~1~,~~~3, Seconded by'.T. DroU?Role. Tllat By'~Law No. 746. being a be receiTed and read a fll'st time. by-law to appoint count,y auditors, -Carried. Moved by W. .T acksOI1". Secoudedby,A./McLaoll:\iu,. r,,' ~ ,I'"" P(\.", ,,\: 'l'flat By-Law No. 746 be r~ad a second t,ime. _Carried,., : "';':"'1\'\ Moved by W. Jacksoll, 8flcouded by A. McLachlii.l., (fhat By-Law No. 746 be ,read a third-time,atid j'" }"',-,","T- finally paflsed. _Oarrierl. Movedbv J.J, Mistele. Seconded byW~,H.,rrnl'ner, (l'hat By-law No. 747, being a by-law t.o fix gaoler's salary. be 1'(\- ceived and l'ead a. first time. _Carried. . Moved by W. H. 'furner, Seconded by. J. J. Mistele, 'I' fl'hat by-law 747 be rend a second time. " .,..---Carl'led. Movea .by W. H. 'j.'urller, Seconded by A, Gilbert, .','C';.', That By-I.Jaw 747 be read ,It third timfl ann finally, passed. i:~Oar,rie-aj M6vedby .r. A. Jaokson, ELGIN OOUNTY COUNOIL Sec:mded by T.. Merri"tt .Moore, That By-Law No. 748.beinR a by-law to appoint, 'l'rllstees of Hig-h Schools, be receiv~d and Tead :;t.. first time, ,.,..---Oal'ried. ' Moved by Cl\ Merri~t Moore, Seconded by S, McDermand, That By-Law No. 748- be read l\.secoud timf'. , Moved by T. Merritt Mool'e, -Cllrl'ie(l. ,Secouded'by J. -A. .TacksOll, 'I'hat By-Law No. 748 be read a third time and' fiually passed. -Carrief:l. Moved by IE. B. Baldwin. 3(,:couded by S McDermaud, 'that By.law No; 749, beluga by.law to authorize the Warden ~p borrow $10.000, be received and l'f'ad a first time. -Carried. -Moved by S, McDermaud, Seconderl byE. B. 'Bal(hvin, , '1'hat By-Law No. 749 bflread a BAcana' t,imA. -Cal'l'ied. Moved by E. 'E. Baldi,~in, 'secondod bv ,T. K Lindsay, , That By-Law No. 749 be read a third timo and finally passf!d. -Oal'l'ied' I III accordance with instruotions passed by the Ooultcil, t,he Wanls,1I appointedt!le following special depntations: 1. '1'0 wait all Government and present claim for oUB-third ot'. ex- pensesincurred in the purchase of toll road: Messrs. J. A. .Jacksoll.W. Jackson, W. Sanders, W. Brock,'l'. M. Moore. D. McLean. A.' Gilbert. J..LiU{~say. 19 fi~ ~ f,. 20 l!'JLGIN COUN'!'Y COUNOn~ 2'~ '1'0 represent Oounty at aUDual coiivell~iou of The Ontario Good Roads' Association ~ Messrs. McDel'mand, Dl'OIng-ole and Sanders. 3; '1'0 represent County at annual. convention of th.e Proviucilll Tl'Us- t~es' Association: Messrs. Dr. Ling', Willillo1Ji Yealidle, W. W.qampbell. 4. To attend all deputation organized to wait UpOll the Govel'nment by the Ontario Munioipal Association for the betterment of cousumpt,ives: Messrs. ,Mistele. Mitcl~ell and .J. A. Campbell. . Moved by J. A.Jackson, ,Seconded by Win.Yealldle, , That this Oouncil do now adjouI'Il to meet on the first day of .JuUfI. ....:....Cal'ded, ,TOHN R. SUMMEltS, Wfl.I'df'!U. ELGIN COUNTY, COUNOIL SPECIAL SESSION. }l'rid'ay, ~2th 'March, 1909. The County Oounoil,'metthis da.y in Special Session~ at th~cl.)ll of the Warden, to consider repairs to roadatPort Stauley, adJOining Katt.1€l Cre~. . I The Wardell took the chai l' at 2 lUW, AU the members present. The Warden stated. the ohject of the meeting'. Mr. .'Bell, -County Engiueer, addressed the Council Slid the. Oounty Sol~citol"s opinion as to liability of county WI\S l'pad, Maned by W. G. Sandel'S, Seconded byW. 'l'll1'llel', 'l'hat the Counoil visit Pot'tStanley and examiu8l'oad damaged aud that William Jackson be added to the Publio Inipl'ovemeuts COInmittee fortl,le p1,lrpose of considel'ill~ the-neceRsal'yrepail's. -Cal'l'i~d; 'I'he Oouncil adjourned l}lld resuniod a;t'7 p.m. Moved by G. W. Ling, M.D., Seconded by W. G. Sanders, 'that the repairs to road ou the Kettle Cl'eek, Port Stanley, be made by short piles. driven close to the b~nl(, uuder water.' the bank" above :the water to be sloped and faced with flat quarry stone. In Amendment. Movell'by, W, H. Turnel', Seconded by D. M. MoLean, 21 ]!.jT..GIN COUNTY COUNOIl.. -,--- ~----_.------,,-,-----,- ------~.,"----- -------- That the repairs for prOtection of roadway at Port Stanley be made by driving piles with three-foot centres and sheet piling the same. 22 Main motion carried. Amen(lment lost. Moved by 8. S McDel'lllaud, Seconde~ by J. A; Jackson, That,this Oouneil request the Oouncilof the Oitv of St. 'l'hotuas to grant the Independent Telephone Oompanies of East and West Elgin a franohise of that part of their city necessary for such companies to enter and place theh phOll~ in the Court House. -Carried. On motion of Turner, seconded by Mistele, the Ooutlcil adjourned. .JOHN R. SUMMERS. Warden. ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL SEOOND SESSldN-'-FIRS1' DAY. 'l'uesday, the 1st day orSt-me, 1909. 'l'he EIgiuOounty Oouncil met this day at the OourtHouse, St. rrh~mas, at 2 p,m. The 'Varden in the chair. All the members present. The Wardeu addressed the' Council as follows: WARDEN'S ADDRESS. To tile Elgiu" County Council: GENTLE.MEN;-Since the'last Sessi2n very lif,tle special business of "impol'tance,has been bro~ght-to my attention. Some time ago I received an application f~'om S. 4. Armstrong, Pro- vincial lIisp~ctor of Asylums, for the, adinission of all asylum inmate to the House of Iudmtl'Y, the reason' given being, that the 'asylums were crowded and- that ani~sane inmate in the 'gaCllco1?ldllot be admitted until a vacanCy,was creat-ed,ill this ~'ay. ;N'o action was taken iil the matter. The'prisoner in the gaol was l'ernovedto au asylum and the)n- spector advised that the matter. would be cousidered at the J~lIle Sossio,ll. It is optional with the Council whethel' thoy admit asylum inmates to the House of Industry or not, Undel'the Snppl~)lnental'Y_ Revenue" Act the localmullicipalities are charged 10 eellts pel' day for tl'e mailltell~ an'oe of asylum inma,tes. 'l'his is deducted from the proportion of l'ail~ way taxation payable to the municipality. If asylum inmates are to be admitted to the House of Iudustl'.Y, the County shoulq.l'~ceive ~I'ont' tho Government the amount, '10 cents pel' dav, now r€,tait'led ;for th~ pUl'pOSO of providiug tile additional accommodatiolltltat, will be iHlcessm'y if t,hi~ illsfitutlOll is to'be filled, with lHu'mless illsaue~ In fixing the countv rates it will be advisable to give some COilSidfll'fl,~ tiou t'Q the uti favorable ontlook in the fai'millg districts of die eorinty. -'l'lte seaBOll thus far has' bf(ElI1uuprecec1ented)y wet and under the mos\) ftwol't'ible circnrnst.ancesall aVel'ftg.e crop can hardly bfl expecte,d. 23 I'~ Il ~ 1') ~ 2'4' :mU.HN COUN~I~Y . COUNOH_, The proceedillgs of the lust dtLyof the J.ltllUary, and Special Sessiolls were read and confirmed. rI'he following- connnuuicatio1l8 wel'e'l'EH~d: From J. Gosnell, Oounty Clerk Keut, 1'e assessmGut farm buildings. Referred to Petitious and LegislatiouOoml;liltee. From Salvation Army, "e gl'allt, Referred to Fillallce Commit.tAA. li'rom Deputy Minister of Educatioll,re county til\X. R(dE'lI'I'<'d to Finallce Committee. Froni Untario Department of Agriculture, re grants fot. ft'uit, nnd cattle ,shows. Refel'red'to li'il.lance Oommit,tee. li'rom W. Abraham, Warden of Kent, re appointment drainagA rl:'feree. Refel'red to Committee on Petitions I~ild LC'gislatioll. From ,T. A. Bell, Oounty Engineer, with report. RE1fert'ed to Com- mittee 01.\ Public Improvements. From W. A. Atkin, Public School Ini'!pect.OI', \\'it.h report. Referred to;Epucation Co'mmittee. From County Auditors, with report, Referred to Finall!Jc Committee. From Oounty Olerk", with report on licenseR. Moved by W.,Jacksoll, Seconded by Dr. Ling, 'I'hat Ulis CounoiladjoUl'll until teno'clook to~m'orrow., -Oarrifld. , .JOHN n. SU;\IMEH.S, WarllflJl, ELGIN COUNTY' COUNCIL 25; SEOONDSESSION-SE,GOND DAY. W eduesday ,2nd J uue, 19Q9. rl'he E1KiuCouuty Oouncil met this day according to adjournment. "j I" 'l'heWai'den in the chair. All the members present. Tho r'l'oceedinKs of tl1e pl'evious day were I'e,ad and coufil'll10d. A comlliu;licatiou fL'omOountyPolice,Magistl'ate Hunt, 1'~ investiga- tion of ohildren's eases, ,was read and referred to the Finance Oomniittee. MI'. McDei'mand gave notice of n.ppliCm,ion for grants to tile various agricultura.l fairs held in the county. fill', McLettu g[~V~ notice of application for g-l'nt!t. 011 county lint). Mr. McLachlin gave notice of applicat,lOu for gl'aut of $25 for !rata W1bllnee, rl'hf~ report of Commit~ee on PetWolls f\,lld Lekislatiou waspreso,lll;or1 and adopted, Oil motion of J. A, .Jackson. seconded by W. Yeanc1le. r.rllereport of deleg!ttioll to the Pl'oviucin,l rl'l'Uste'es' Association WitS pl'eseutt'd and n,dopted, On motiou of Dr. Lillg, Rf'-coIHlrd by.T. J.'Mist.eln. Tlt.report of ,delegation to Good Hoads'Associa.tion Witi'! pl'psent'f:Hl n.ndadopted, all motioll of McIJennalld, seconded by Sandel'S, The report of Spe'cial Toll Road Grant Oommittee was presented al1(l a.dopted, ,011 motion of Wm. ,In,ckson, SBCOlldf1l1b5"I:). M0Lelw. M~ved by Will. ,Jackson, Se.collded by.r. ,J, ,Mitchell, '1'1.\nl; the Connoil a.cljonl"n to moet at, 2 o'clock. -Of~I'I'ieil. The COllllOil rf\snmBd. Moved. by Dr. T.Ang, Snconded by .r. .r. Mistele, / iJB :n':LGIN COUN'l'Y. COUNOIJ~ ELGIN COUNTY CO~NOIL " SEOOND SESSION-THIRD DAY. '.I:hul'sday, the 3nl day .of .Tune, 1.909. ThEl Elgi_!l OOl1UtyOdUIlCil met thi~ drw according to adjOlll'nmellt.. The, W fi,l'den in the' cha;il'~ All'the membol'spreseut. '.l'lle proceedings of the pl'8viol1l'i (lay W01'(1 l'f':td al.ldcoufil'lUOd. 'rhe County Tl'eaSlll'l'!I"S l'l~port. was' l'(~t"\.(l ann l'f\feJ'l'Nl to' t,IH'l 'lj1illltUO,e Uommit,te.e. 'rhe Report of the J1Jqualizat,iou Commit,t,oo was prE.gented [!.lid adopted, .011 motion ofW. G. Sa.llders, seconcled by.T. Iii.IHlsay. /) , Moved by :W" G. SUllders, 27 'rhat, in the opinion of this Council, it would bcdu the best interests of the County to make a change ill the management of the House of Iuv dustl'Y, by doing away with committees. al:! now organized, and substitute ,,'iugtherefor a commission of three men, two of whom shall be appointed by this Council, to fLct with theWal'deu and his successors. ,Lost. Moved by Dr. Ling, Seconded by W. Jackson, 'l'hn.t. deputation from School Section 21, SQuthwold, be hen.rd.. , -Canind. Ml'.'\Valker addressed the Council and made applicn.tioll for gnLlH t.b assist ill reb1.l,ildillg schoolhouse destroyed by fil~e. '2he-Wal'dell referrE1d the application to the Fiuance Committee. M'r. .IQ,ckson gave noUce of application for grant.s to School Section '21,'Southwold, ftud St. Thomas Horse Show. Mr. Mit.chell gn.ve notice of applicatiou for ~l'ant t.o Belmont ,Horse Show. Moved by ,T. E. Lilldf;ay, Secouded by E. B. Baldwin, That the OO~llcil visit the House of Industry'to-:mol'l'ow, Thul"fHlny, n,t,4p.m.-' Moved by ,S.-MoDel'm'aud. SecoilCled by G. W. I.JiJig,' rrhat theOoullty Solioit,at' _be requested t.o advise the couueH whet,hel' tho rural telephOll'e companies can obtain a frallohise necessal'.Y to eut,er the county court 'house in St. Thomas. \ -Oarried. 'rhe report of the Education Oommitteewas presented and adopterl, onffiotion of Dr. IJing, seoonded by MistelfJ. " Moved by D. 'J.VfcLean, Seconded by W. W. On;ml)bell, 'rhat,theOouncil ~djourn until 10 o'olook, to-morrow. -Carried. JOHN R. 8UMMF.HS; Warden. Seconded by .r. A': Oa.mplwll , That By:"'Law No. 741' be rtmeuded toil~ellld0 t.ho pttynwut: Ofl\SSeSOlOI'f'l fl,!;telldinp; SE'sSiollsof the El~ill Mnnlcipn.l Assoeia.t,ioll. _Cani('cl: l\1,oved by A. McI.J!wIlJill, Secollded'hy .T, Dl'omgoh', 'fllat, t,his UOllucilllH\llea grftut or $25 to nIl' Township of D.um'\'~ch to assist. ill 1.lHtlutf'Ul\.llce of'Kate Wallac8 and sister, fonnel'ly inmates: of the Honse of Industry. --O!tl'l'iod. Moved by D, MoLetUl, Seconded by W~ W;Campbell. 'l'hatthisOOllUcil ~ive a'grl1,ut, of $300:towar'ds the .cpustl'llctiou,of ,ft piece ofl'Oadway 011 cou,nty liuebetweell Elgin ttlld Kent.'. oPP9sit.eC(}U- c.E'ssion Sevell, ill Aldbm'O\lgh; providing Keitt Council will P;l'ftll't, fL IH,C\ fl,1l\onnt. 1st,.1\ m('lldmPllt. 28 11::LGIN COUNTY COUNcn. Moved by Dr. Ling, Seconded by W. ',Jackson, 'rhat we grant Aldb~l'ough $200 towards COlluty liue repairs, au cau- clitipn tllltt Kent does the same. 2nd Arnclldment. Moved hy W."G: Sandels~ ,8econdedhy.r. A. Clunpbell, That this Council make a grant of $200 to Aldbor~)Ugh, tn'9vidiug t,lmt the bridge Oll,pol'tion of the road to be 1mpro\,(-'(1 does Ilot prove to hea county bridge~' Original motion 111H1 sf1(;oncl funtllldm(~ut, 1m.t.. J!'il'st fimelldmf\ut ea.rrind. M6vedby 'IN. ,'VV. OamphcH, So(:onder1 hv D. MeIA~au, 'l'hftt, t,his council do uow adjourn to meet, ilt.2 p. ilL -Oanieo. 'rhe C0I111cilI'ORUDled. Moved by .T, .T. Mitehell, Seconded by W. Jftcll:sOll, That this Council grant $25 to :J3elmout,Hol'se SilOv.', providing Middle- sex grant the same. -I.lost, Moved by S. ,8. McDol'lnftlHl, Seconded by A. McLachlin, That a. grant of twenty per cent, of the amount of the goverument grant given to agricnlh11'al socletie~'begrauted by this county to the fol- .:lowing-socioties, upon- thesam8 statement necessary to reGei've the,gov. erninent grant: East, Elgin, :at Aylmer; West Elgin, at Wallacetown: Aldboro1i~h. at Roduey i Southwal'd,.at Shedden; Stl'affol'dviIlel atStl'af- fordville, and' South Dorchester, at. Spl'iugfielcl;' -Oarried. Moven by W. ,Tf~cksOIl, .ELGIN"OOUNTY COUNOIL 29 Seconded by.r. 'J:. Mitchellj ~L'hat this council make a grant of $50 to the St. rl~hCimas'HdrRe Show. Iu Amendment. Moved hy J~, B. Baldwin, See-ollded by S. McDsl'malld, ~I.'hatthe question of grant to S't. Thomas Horse Show be i'efel'l'edto the Finanoe Oommittee. Main moUoll lost. AmellClment cH-l'l'ied, Moved b)"" '1': 1\1. Moore, Seconded by J._A. JackSOIJ, 'l'httt tllfl Couucil adjoll.l'lll1lltil l.BO. -Cltl't'im1. 'rile Edllcadoll Oommittee pl'eseuted their seoondrepol't,whic'li fl.clopted,' on motiou of Ling, secollded by Oampbell. Tile l'epOl~t,. of tile" 'Gaol Oommitt.ee was' preseilted' fiu'-i.{ i'~ferred' to a OOlllUlit,tee of the Whole, with Dr. LilJ~ ill-the chair. was After cOllsidemtiol\,. the Oommittee rose and l'epol'ted, f\ud resolution to ltdopt the l'eport of Oommit,tet>, Of Whole was Ia.id OV8r by theWal'deu,.\ ~I~he "epol't of the 1i'i1rauce'Committee waR p,I'CRellt.edaud adopted, 011 motioll ofMcLachlill,sMon{led by Brock, Moved by .J. A. Oampbell, Secoiiderl byW, G, Salldol'R, That the Oouncil adjonrnullti110 o'clock to-mol'row, ~Cnl'l'i(Jd, ill..:. II~, II!I '!Iil IJ!!;; I,'l....'.. ';Ii;" ! '!Ii I'II(I! ,Ihi, JOHN H. RUJ',Il\mHR, \Vfll'f](\J\, ~ 30 ELGIN COl'JN'.I?Y COUNOIL SBOOND. SESSION _]~OURrrH DAY. IPl'iday, the 4th dllY of ;h~ne, Hl09. << '!'lie' ElginCOllllty OOl1ncil~met this day accordhl~ to adjolll'lUnenL ,'rheWal'den ill the chair, All the ffiembsl's:present. '1'11'0 proceedings of thepl'evions <lilY were lTall aud cOl.lfirmc(l. Aoo~lllul1ication from the Out,aria Mll'llcipal Associatiol.l, 1'1:: lUlUual meeting, was,read. Moved byW. 'G. 8ftl'lde1'8, S'ecouded by J. A. Oampbell. 'rllat the Warden !HunG l'epl'€sellta-tives to att,eJHIMullicipal ARsociia~ tioumeetihg. -Darrierl, ,'.rhe Warden ,named Messl's. 'l'llrl),el'; MoLaclllin :tud. Bnldwirl. Moved by Dt'. IJillg, Seconded- 9Y '1'; M. 'Moore, 'l'hat report of Oommittee of tho Whole, al:neuc1ing report oiGaol Committee, so that, registry office plan be uot accept,erL ho a.dop~ed. -Oal'rie~l. rl'he secoud report of the Fiuance Committ.ee vms p~'esellted nud 1'e- fe.rred tOllComiuittee of the Whole. wi~h Dr. Brock In theclmil'. AftN' amendiuJ:{. the, lleport" the Committetl rOS6. Moved by ~l" BJ'ock, , SecOlided byW. W. Campbell, 'I'hat the report of the Finance CO,mroittee ,be adopted as amellde~. In Amendment.. ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL 31 Moved by W. Jackson, Seconded by W. G. Sanders, 'I'hat grant of Ji50 to aid St. 'l'homasHorse Show be re~in8tat,edin . Ithe report Of Finance Oomtntttee,~ Amendment lost and main motion Cl\l'l'ied ou the following division: Yeas-McLean, McI..achliu, Jllcl(s:m, Gilbert, Sanders, J. A. C!\mp- bell. Lindsay-7. ... Nays-\V. Campbell; HI'ocl" Dl'om~ole. Lill~, Mit()hell" ~L'u'l'Uer" Yeaudle,.Taeksou, MOOl.e, McDermaud, Bald'win. Mistele. 'l'lle thil'd l'flPOl't of the Fillli'nce Oommittee was presented and adppted. Oil motion of .McLaohlin, Sf>collded by Mistele. Seconded by W. ,n, ~etll'llel'. . . // Moved bv J. ,T. Mistf>l(j, 'l'llat this Council adjourn to Illoet at ]. ao p.m. ...,.....Cil\l'l,i8<l. ., The Council resumed. Mm'ed by 1'. M. Moore, SenollrlNl by A. l\fcLacilliil. Tlla.t repOl'li .of. Gaol Cqm:mitt,ee bf> l'().collsidel'ed, ......,...On1'l'ied. M(ived by' Dr. I...iug-; Moved by 'IN. .Tach:soll, 'l.'hat the plaus of l'egist.I'Y office as pl'esented be adopten, wHll t,!le anditioil, that, twelve feet of east wingbfl added to centl\.,' vault. Carded 011 following-divisioll: Y()l\s...:...I..illdsay. B!\ldwiu, McDermalld, Yealldle, Campbell, Sanders, Mistele.. 'rumer, Gilbert, W. .Jackson, LinJ:{, Bl'oclt, W. W. Oampbell, SllIll~Il81's-14. I I" Nays...,.....McLG!\Il. MeJ..achlin, Mitol1ell.< .hcl;:r.jOIl, Mool'e, Dromgole-6, i , a2 JDLGIN COUN'l'y.COlTNOn, Moved by Dr. I~iLlg, SeQonded by :m. B. Baldwin, 'l'hat tenders for l'egisti'y afficebe f~ccepted, subject 'to aCljustrnent by Itl'chitect as to change ordored. -Oal'l'iecL 'Moved bY W. Hmol', Seconiletl'by'Vi/' VV. Oampbflll, 'J;hatBy-law No. 7liO, beiug It by.1aw to grant; aid to High Schools, be receiyed 'and read a,'fin'lt t,iinf1. -Carl'INt Movp,(] b:r W; B'rook, Soconrled by W. W. Campbell, 'l'hat, By~I.Jaw No. '/50. be 1'eno.;:t secoud time. -Carrierl. Moved b,yW; Ihock, Secoudod by W. 'V. ,Qampbqn, rj;l~at By-Lltw 750 be read a third time and finally p~ssed. . -Oanted. Moved by G. W. Ling, S0COllded by.T. Dromgole, ~l~hat By-Law N o~ .751; b&iug. be receiyed and read It first time. a hY~la",' t6amend B.y-Law No. 741, ...,.-'Cal'riNl, Mbved, by .J. Dl'oillgole. Seconded by .r. .T. Mit<;:hep, 'l'hat By-L,aw No. 751 be read a second time. .....,.Oal'l'ied. Movod by G. 'V. J.Jing-, 'Seconded by .J. Dl'orngole:, That By-Law No. 751 be read a. third time Rlld finally passed. -Carried: 'Moved by W. G. .8fmdfll'A, ELGINCOUN'l;Y COUNOIL 'I I , 33 Seconded qy ,T. A. Oampbell, I 'l'hatBy-Law No. 752, being a by-law to confirm equalizatioll,bc l'OM .\ (!eiyed aud read a first time. -Oarried.1 Moyed by W. G.'Sandel's, Seuon<,\ed by J. A; Oampbell, -Tllat ?y-lIt\\' No, 752 be read [t seconn t-ime. Moyed by,T, A, CI-tlllpbell! Seconded b.y ,\\7. G. Sai.Hle'l's. .....,.Oal'rior]. 'l'hat By-Law: No. 752, be l'eada, tllil'rl time ann f~uftlly passed; Moved/b.yW.H. Tumor. -Oftl'rie(l. SecoHrlert'hy,J,',J. Mistele, , That By-law No. 753, ,being a by-Inw t.o aut,hol'izeVVlirdeu and 'I'reas-ul'er to, borroW,$25,OOO,'be receive<< aUf} rf\ad,a first,Hme. -Carried. Mov(Jcl b,v ViI. H, 'l'ul'llel', Seconde<< by J. J. Miilt,n]e. That By-TAtW'.No. 753 'IJ~ I'AfUl a secol.ldtillle. Moved bY,J. '.J. Mistele, -Unl'ried. Seconded by 'V. H. Tn I'tl Ol', TllatBy-T.JftwNo, 753ho rAad a third time aud\tiLially~pIlSfled. -Ca-1'l'ifld. Moved, b:y E. B. Baldwin., Secolldedby S. ,S. McDcl'lllft.nd, That By-Law No. 754, being-a hy-law t? raise $20,000 by dehentur'es\ :be l'eceiyedand read a til'sttime, -'-Oarriod. MOYNl byE. B. Balrlwin, 84 'ELGIN' COHN'rY COUNCIL Seconded bv J. E. Lindsay, .. ~ehat By'~la\v 754 be read a second tim€\, -,-Carred. Moved by A.,McLachliu, Seconded by .T. Dt'omgole, ~l'hat By-law No. 754 be advertised in the, p~pel' St, Thomas JOllrnal, and that a ~pecial meeting toconsidel; the same be held Oll Tuesday, the lat,h November, at 2 p.m, , , -Carried. Moverl by J', A. .Jackson, Secolldedby '1'. M. Moore, 'I'hat 'By-law No. 755, being a by-law to raise county rates, be received aud read a first time, -Carried' Moved by T; M.Moot'e, Secolided by .r. A. ;facksou" That By-Law No. 755 be l'eada second time~ ....:-01\1'1'1e<1, , Mo'Ved by .J~ A. J"acksoll, , Socolldedby Will. Yeandle, 'lihat' By.J.JRW No. 755 be read a ,third tithe and finally passed. -Oarried. Moved by D. ~cJ..Jean. , Seconded by W. W. Oampbell, , That the Oouncil adjourll to meet Tuesday, the 16th November, at 4 p.ill, -Carried. .JOHN R. SUMMERS. War<1el1. ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNc'IL SPECIAL SESSION. Tuesday, 'the 16th'day of November, 1969. The EIght County Council Dlet this day ~t the Court House, St. Thomas, at 2 p.m., inSpacialSassion, to oonsider By~L!\w 754. The Warden in the chair. All,the membel~s Pl'esent. Moved by A. McLaohlill, SecoLl,ded by Dr. Brock. ,'fhat By-Law No. 754 be read a third time and filially passed. -Oa.rried. Moved byWm., Jackso1l, Seconded by E. B. Baldwilr, rfhat this Counoil do nowadjouru. --'-Carried. .J ORN R. SUMMERS, Warden. 35 'I I, i ~ !!Iu,! ,ll I' , "'1'.... ! , 36 JDi.GIN COUNTYUOUNCIL nIIRD SESSION-FIRST DAY. Tlwsday, the 16th day of November, 1909. 'I'he Elgin COlUIty Council met this day at the Oourt House, St. Thomas, according' to adjollrnment. at 4 p.m. 'rhe Wardell in the chair. All'the members prosent, The WI,iroen adc1l'OflSed the Conncil as follows: IV ARDEN'S ADDRESS. To t,]w Elgin Count,y Couucil:- GEN'l'LEl\'IEN,-Iu opening the closiug Session of the year; I desire to raffll' to a ft~w inattel',<;that may be of iutel'eRt.. ' PUBLIC WORKS. AUthe'work ulld~l'takell dUl'iug the year hasbeencom1l1eted 01' iSIU SHeila po'sition that the contractors will be relieved before the cold weather. sets iu. I have,ilJSpected the worl,s aud feel proud of what Ims ,been done. e 'rhe registry oitiee. addition is tho lllost backwal;,d of the improve- me.uts ol'del'f.lc1.,!'lle expem;iVEi constpuction 'necessary in this class of brii)diug oannot be rushed. It will be l'eftdy!for occupation early in the HOW year; I Since the last, Session I visited the county offices at Sal'Uia !loud ium,t say thatt.he;couiltybllildings of t,his'county al:e ill e'very way sllp~ri~r t~ those of Lambton and willI I beliflVfl, compare most favorably wit.lr those of auy county in the Province. 'l'OT,J, HOAD CLAIM. The County 'l'reasUl'cl' has recf1ived tlH~ Provincial TreaSlll'ei"s cheque for the $3,000, granted b;v t,lle Legisla.tolll'e t,owards cost of Plll'chase of t,he Londou aud Port Staule,y Toll Road. 'rile Provincial TreasUl'el'lllforlllerl the Couut.y Committee last, spnllgthat lie, !in,duo authority to eufOI'ce ola,iru against Middlesex : that the, chLlm belolw;ed to the F/(c1el'al author- ities, who fLlone had the right, to (lnforCFl it. SinGH the Sllllfl SeRsion I have made some i:nquirif's, with ft ~vit:'w to ELGIN COUN'I'YCOUNOIJ., 37 , advisiug Yqll. as tofurther proceedings in this matter. '!'he whole'questi()u was submitted to the Honorable MI'. Aylesworth, Minister of Justice, who writes in reference thereto as follows:- " It would seem to me that if this claim' can be enforced at" all, after so greatalapse"of time, it m?-st be the Provincial' Government of Ontario, and 110t the Dominion Govel'llment, which would be entitled tathe pur. chase money, Section 109, of the British North Alll:erica Act" provides that alllallds belonging to, the Federating Provinces, and 'all 8'ums theu due or-payable for. such lands' shall beloug to the several Provinces, aud this lallgllage would seem to describe the condition of things in"1867 with l~egm'd to the claim in q'uestion," '1'he Council should be adVISed by the CouLl;ty Solioitor in refereliee to further procedure aud I would suggest thfl appointuieut of It small com- ittee, wi~h pOWOl' to add tbtheir lll1lnbel', and t.ali;:e snch action n~ may 'be necessary iu the Intetests of the OOl1lHy", EDUCA~I?ION , This Council is more liberal in the matter of ,gl'allts towards publi~ IUHl i hIgh ;~chool edllcationthan any othsrcouuty iuthe Pl'oviuce. I' 'l'he Public School Inspector reported in.Julle that" this Couuty had the repntation of having t.he best eq uipped S"llools In the Pl'OVillCe," 0'ood results have fO,llowed theseexpendit.ures. In :xears past the exa.miuatioi;1 test placed the Duttou High School ahead of the other high scho.olsii1the Province,; 'l'hisyeal' the Aylmer Oollegia~e Institute holds tlleba,mer position,alld the examInations were said to -be the most exactiug' iLi years,l 'l'wopupils wrote for t~le SeUlot' Matriculation, Qlieen's ,Ullivel'sity, Both w"ere so successfnltilatPrillcipal Rutherfol'd received a specia.l letter of congratulation from the Rf'gistl'IU' of the Ulliversity. rl'lw p'upi1s'wer~, Hugh Van Patter, of Malahide, who secured fiVe sholal'ships, a:mouutillg to $830-a l'ecoi'd thnt has uevpl' been f'quaUed ill the Province; and OIHtT'lP'S Willis, of Malal.'iide', who Sf'CLlI'(~d t,lle Prill.J8 of Wall>s Scholarship, H.mou'lltiug' to $160. Results like this-tho btlst thn.t. call beobtn.iued fl'oni EHlnc'~tioua:.I grallt-s-fnlly just,ify tile liberal ~)olicy of the Corillty OounciL I ha.ve secUl'eda photo of tlll~ AylmBl' High School class of lOOn 'and, wit,h.youl' pel'lllissiou, -Will have it hUllg ill tlw Couuelit' Ohambel'H, Iu this conllectioll I would suggest thl~t,the ph.otogmplls:ot th~) high school bllild~ itlRs ofthecoullty, be obtained lLucllmug ill' this CllRm'ber 1'01' .iuformation .of the OOllnciL CHILDnEN'S AI]) SOCIE'rY. , Olll~ l'epl'esflntative on t,he Baard' of the Ohildl'flU-'S Aid Saciet,y 1'f'1101'tS I .. ,'. . as ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL that good work ifll beillR doue and that the Oounty Council is receiving .value fOt' their expenditures ill this cOlluectioll. When the l'egist,I'Y office was beiug' dismantled, the furnace, which had beellill use fOL' yef~l'S. was seut to the Shelter, where it will be installed, t'he preseutheatiug apparatus being i11adequate. I l'efeJ'reiJ iu June to the necessity for some representation to the ,IJegislatu1'6 to provide for au adjustment of the l'uilway.tax before asylum inmates are transferred to the House of Industry; and would request that the matter be lIot overlooked this Session. Thepl'oceedillgs of the last day of the .Juue Session were read and cou1hmed. 'The following commuJllcf\tiollS were read: FrOlll Maitland YOllllg& Son, I~nditol's, Toront.o. Referred to Fi~ ,Ilance Committee. , ~rom Olerk of West :J;Jol'ue, with account. Referred t9 FiLlanceOorri~ mitt.ee. lI~rom' Physician House of Industry, with report. Referred to House,' of Industry Oommittee. li'l'om CoulltyEugiueel" with repor,t. Referred to Publiclmprove~ JIlents Oommittee.,.... Fl'Ol~l County Olerk, report on Licenses. \ From Inspector Honse of:'Industry, with report. Referred to House ,of Indll,stl'y 'Oommittee. Moved by W. G. Saudel's, SecOilded by .J. A. Oampbell', 'rhat this Council ~o toPOl't Stanley to-morroW afternOollat 3 p.m. to examine the work that has been doue there this Bummer. ' -Oarried, On'ffiotion.ofYeandle, seconded by Jac,ksoll, the Oouuciladjourlled until ten o'clock Wednesday morning'. ' .TOliN -R-. SUMMERS, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 39 'l'HIRD SESSION-SEOOND DAY. Wednesday"the 17th day of November,1909. The EI~in Oounty Oouncil met this day according' to adjournment. r.rheWarden in the chair. " All the members present. tl'he proceedings of Sessiollsheld on the previous day werel'ead nild confirmed. ~l~he following communioations were read:- , /From Children's Aid Society, with aocount. Referred to :H'illance Committee. I FromM. H. Hpghes, re Yarmouth Police Vn'bge. From F.H. Miller, resignation as 'l'rllstee Aylmer High School. Re. felTed' to 'Edncatbn Committee. Prom Good.Roads' Associat.ion, reGoverllment Grant. Referred t.o Pnbliclmprovements Oommitteo. J;'rom Deputy Minister of Edlleatioll, 1'e Iu'spector of Public Schools. Refei'l'ed to Education Committee: Mr. McLean inqUIred if comIty grant all Kent county, lil~e ,\'o,uld be available next,yeal'. Mr. Mc~achlill gave notice of application for $200 for bllilding' two SCllOolhollses in.Dnu\vicll. Moved by D. McLean, Seconded by 'W, W. Campbell, That the Clerk prepare I,a by-law, providing for the e-xpouditul'eou ~el.ltcouuty line on moneys granted nt June Session. -Oarried; " ":" '10 ilJ}LGIN :COUN'ry:COUNOn~ ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 41 'The report of,theGaol Committee was presented and adopted,'Oll motipll of Yeanelle, seconded by .Jr~ch:son. l\i[ovec1 byS. McDsl'uumdf Seconded by :U::. B. Baldwin, rrhattheohail'men of,the vadousStallding Committees be a committee t<;> consider the Warden's address ,of this and the June Session. --:Oarl'ied. , Moved by W, H. 'l'll1'uer, Seconded by A. Gilbert, . 'I'hat the Warden sign order in favor of Amos IbbitsOIl, Treasurer 'School'Seotioll 'No. 21, Sou'thwold,'rol' $50. beiug' amount granted at Jun8 Sessioll fOi'l'ebuilding'sclloolllOuSe. -Carried, Moved by .Jackson, Secolldedby Lindsay, ,'l'hat, the Council adjourn nutBIO o'clock rrllUl'sday mOlping. c .TOHN R, SUMr.ums. Warden. THIRD SESSION-1'HIRD DAY, Thursday; .the 18th day of -November, 1;909. The EIg-in Oounty Oonncilmet thisdav according- to adjoul'llJuent. '1'he Wa.rden in'the chair. AU the members present. The proceedings of the 'previous day wor81'ead andoonflrmed. A cqmmullication from '1'. W., Morcha,nt, Ohief Inspector' of Publio~ SphooI8, ~as rea'a and referred to Education 'Comlliittee. / Mr.' Mcl;)el'mand gave notice of application for' grant of $90 for ticket foi', Mrs. Thorllley to England, 'Moved by W. .Yeandle,' Seconded by,T. A. Jack,son, '1'hat Mr. Smale be allowed to address building breakwater near Port Stanley. the council in l'efar8ncie to -Oarried. Mr.'Smale addressed the Gouncil and made application for gl'Rnt for eJ;:t,ra work,' and the' Warden refel'l'ed the' matter to the Publio Improve- mouts Oommit~ee. Moved by W. .Tacl.soll, Se'couded by "T. E. LindFlay; That this Council instq1Ct,the Clerk to prepare a bY~Iaw, exteudi1ug the time for taking advantage of ,grant of$150,made in 1908, t.oassist in improving lockup at Port ,Stanley, providing steel cages al.'e ul'ed. ---Oarried, . Mr. Sa,nders presented petitionfol' forlllation of Yal'ffioqth Heights :policevill~ge, which wasl'e'fel'red to Oommittee olllPetitions and liegis.' lation. 42 ~JLGIN COUN'ry, COUNCIL Dr. ,Ling presented a contra petition, which was referred to the same committee. l\{oved by Dr. Ling, Seconded by A. McLttchlill, That the Oouncil do now adjourll to meet at 3 o'clock, alldthat the Comulit'tee on Petitions aud"Legislation be instructed to meet at Ollce. -Carried. 'rhe OOllncill'eSllmed. The report of Petitions and Legislation pommittee was pl;.esellted,aud referred to a Committee of the Whole. with .J. A, Oampbell in the chair. Ar'uet. amending the rppol.t, the committee rose and it was adopted, Qnmotion of Oampbell, seconded by Mistele. Moved by J. A. Oampbell, Seconded by W. G. Sanders, 'l'hat trhis, Oouncil do now heal' from members of the St. Thomas Poultry Association. -Carried. ,.,., Messrs. Scott and GralHLm addressed the COl1ucilrequestilllI grant. Moved llY E. B. Baldwin, Secollg.ed by J. E. Lind~ay, rrhat there,quest of tho Poultry Association be referred to the Finance Oommittee. -Carried. 'l'he report Qf li'illance Oommittee waspl'esented and adopted, Oll 111otion of McLachlin, seconded by Brook. 'l'he'report of Public ItilprovememsCommittee was presented and adopted, on motion of Sanders, seconded bv Oampbell. 'rherepol't of Tuberculosis Association Deput'ation WitS presclltedalld adopted;: on motion of Mistel'e, seconded. by MitohelL Moved by J. A.Oampbell, Seconded by T. Merritt Moore, ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 43 That this Council visit the House of Industry to,niorrow afternoon, to leave the Oourt House at 3o'oloclt. -Lost. Moved by Dr. Ling, Seconded by J. Dl;omgole, That Dr. Merchant, Provincial Inspector. Inspeotorate hi Elgin. be heard' re Public School -Carried. Dr. Merchant addressed the'Oonncil. MovedbyT. M. Moore, Sec?nded by S. McDermancl, That the cbairman of Education Oommittee confer with chairman of City Board of Education, and arrange for joint mEleting in committee rooms as early as convenient. On motion of J. A.Jac~{sou, seconded by adjou.rned unt,illO o'clook Friday morning. 'r.M. --,-Carried. Mpore",the CouJ,lcil JOHN R. SUMMF,HS, Warden; 44 ELGIN f COUN,]~Y COUNOIL THIRD SESSION-J;'OURTH DAY. Jj"riday, the 1.9thday of November, 1909. 'I'he Elgin County COlmcil met this day according to adjournment. 'rheWal'rlen in thechail'., All the members present. 'rho proceedin~s of the previous day were read aud confirmed. '1'he following' COmu.l'lllli9atioLlS were read: }j"romJ 'A. Taylor aud D. Andrews, applying for position of Inspector Public Schools; T~le' l'epol'to'f the Finance Oommit.tee was presented aud referred to a Comtnitt'ee of the Whole, with '1\. Me,rritt'Moore in the chair. After amending the report; the Committee rose and it wlis adopted, all mo~iollof Moore, seconded QY McLean. 'l'he'.COUIlCil thenadjoUl'IlSd and resumed at 2.30 p m. iJ.'he l'epOl~t of Special Committee all Warden's addresses was presented and adoptfld, on mot,ion of-W. G. Sanders, seconded by J; A. Jackson. The report of the Education Committee was pl'esentedf1ud adopted; on motion Of Ling, seconded by, nl.'omgole. TH'e report of Honse of IlldustryCommittee was Pl'eSollt6d and adopted; on motion of J. A. Campbell" secollded:hyW; W. Campbell. I I " . The report of'Municipal Association De.pntatioll was pl'e<:lEluted and . ,adopted, on motion :of Baldwin, seconc1e~ by McLach1ill. Moved by D. MoLe an, Seconded by W. W. Campbell, /l'hat the clerkpl'ocure 300, pl'iuted 'copies of Minutes of OOlmeil, Re-, ports and 'By-J.JftwS, 'to be distributed before nomination day. --Oarried. ELGIN COUNTY 'OOUNCIL 45 I Moved by J. Dl'omgole, Seconded by W. W. Campbell, That D. McLean, J. .T., Mistele, Dr. Brock, Dr. Ling and William Jackson be a committee to actin coujunction' WiUl a committee from the city to ~el,ect a competent and, suitable inSPector for No. l,Inspectol'ate of the County of E,lgin, as rec,ommended by the Education Committee of this: Conncil, with 'Power to act. Moved bv,J. A. IJindsay, '---bal'l'i~d, Seconded by E. B.'Baldwin, That By~Law No. 756. being a by~law' to appoint T:rustee for Aylmer High School, be received and read a first time. , -Carried; Moved hy E. B,Baldwill, Secouded by'J, E;'Lindsay, ,'l'Ilat By~law~o. 756 be read a second time, 'Moved by,S,'McDel'mal1d, I Seco~l(led'by E. B. J~itldwiJJ, -Cal'1'ied, 'l'hat By-Law No. 756 bOl'ead a third time and 'finally pa.ss.~~. ........OarrhHI. Moved 'by W. Jacl\son, Seoonded by .J. E. I~iudsay, That By-Law No; 757. being (t'by-law tomal,e grants, he received aud read a first time, " , -Carl'ied. Mo;ved by J. K Lindsay, Seconded by Wm.Jacksoll, 'l'hat By-Law No. 757 be rea~llt second time. Movedby J. E. Lindsay, -CaiTied. I Seconded by Will. J~cksol.l, That B.y-Law 757 be l'ead a'third tiPle and fiilall.ypassed. ---.-.,.Oal'l'ied; F i~ 'I II '! :it: i~ If, I~ 'i" I: I 46 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL , Moved by Dr; Brock, S~c:mded by W. W. Campbell, That By-La\V No. 758, being a by.:.law to appoint a ernUll1.vorsity, be 'receivedan'd read a first time. Senator for West- -Carried. M'ovod by W. W. Calnpbell, Seconded by Dr, Brock, 'l'hat By.L~w Nq. 758 be r~ad a second time. Moved by Dr. Brock. ,Seconded by VV. W. Campb~ll, -Carried. '1'hatBy~Law No. 758 be l'ea.d a third time and finally passed. l -Carried. o Moved by S. McDermalld, Seconded by '1'. M. M??l'e" 'fha't. the sum of $91.70 be g'rantedfor .the purpose ofpurchasillg tickets necessary to s8u(1 Mrs. 'l'hornley aud family to her home ill Eng- l.and. -'-:'Lost. i\'Iov~q by W::m. Ja?ltson, Seeondedby J. E. Linds[l,Y, That the thanks of this council be tendered to Warden Summers for his services and unfailing courtesy during the year, and that he he g'ranted the stlm of $50, for extra services. .....,...-CalTied, Moved by Dr. I.il.ug, Secoudedby J'. Dromgole, 'rhat this OOllncH (10 110W adjourn sine die. -Carried. " "K. W. MoKAY. Oounty Clork. ,T ,'R. 8UIIIMEHS, 'V ~trde1i. ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 47 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES AND OFFICIALS. 1909 Standing Committees Elgin County Council GAOL COMMITTEE:- Messrs. William Yealldle (chah'mall), W. W. Campbell, Baldwhl. A. Gilbert. E. B, FINANCE OOMMIT'I'EE:- Messrs. Alexander MoLachlill (chairman), W.Jacltson, S,S. ,Me- nermand, W. H. Turner, W. G. Sanders. 'EDUOA'l'IONAL OOMMITTEE:- Messrs. G, W. Lillg,M,D., (chairman), 'r..M. Moore, J. Dromgole, E. B. Baldwin, J. E..hi.Ddsay, W. Brock, M.D., J. J. Mistele, W, Jackson, W. Yeandle. PETITIONS AND LlmrSLATIONCOl\IlIfI'l'TEE:- Messi's. ,JosephA.. Jackson (Chairman), A. Gflbert, .r. E, Lindsay, J. J; Mistele, G. W. Ling, M..D, PUBLIC IMPiWVEl\IENTS,OOM1\U'fTEE:- Messrs. William G Sanders (chairman), 8,8, McDermalld. W. H. 'l'ul'Ilf?r, D. McLean, A. McL.aohliu; ,1. J. Mitehell, J. A; .Ts(lksOll. HOUS~ OF INDUS'fRY.COMMITi'El<J:-'- M,essrs. .Tohu 'A. Ca.mpbell(chail'lllan), W. W. Oti,npbell, '1\ Merritt Moore. N.B,-l'he Warden is ex o.tlicio,a member of all Standing ComnlitteeR. I' Ii , t18 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PUBJ;,IO SOHOOr, INSPEOTOR. JUNE. 'I'O th,eWa'l'deil aud Mell1b'el'S of the Elgin County Council: , ' GENTLEMEN,-I have the hOllOt' of presenting to you my aUlluall'epol't 'Oil the Elgiu Oounty Publio Sohools for the veal' 1908. , 'rilts was' a year of changes of regu'ations, discussions of suitable courses of study aud COllsideratiollof text books,etc.. but these did not intel'fe1'0with the cOlltiU1.1~nCe of school work and it is to be hoped will ultimately add lal'gelyt6its effiCIency. ' , 'l'llere were 110school bnildillgs in the county, containing 140 depart- ments. 'rhe ohm'acter of schoolhouses is cOllstautly i~npl'oviug. ljew houses al'(l provided with~'p\'opel' heating and velltilatiug apparatus,,~'hile mauyolclones are being JU!tde comfort~tble and sanitary. Eighty-two<of t,he 1ion~eB are brick aud 28 are fl'arne, . Mnch remaius to be doue in improving the school,gl'oUllds. I have lately distributed among the' Rchools of the eonnty a, pamphlet all the "Improvement 'of School Grounds," printed by order of the Legislat,ure, rl'hfs book directs the attentiou of trustees to the importance of decorat.ing school grounds and contaius llIany plans of improved school grouuds" It also cOlltahis, lists ofthfl uanIes of trees, flowering shrubs and,vines alid cultivated ~tlJdwild f:l6woring plH-uts suitable for school gl'Ouuds. III the ,past the improvement of school grounds ,has beAU left ill the haudso'f thet,eachers, Some of thelli Imve been able to accomplish Imi~h with the co-operatioll of tile pupils, But such work is really the" duty of 'the trustees. More, it is their opportunity. ,rl'hey lltlNe done well in pro- viding' equip~neut ,U the way of libraries and ot,her appal'at,lls forI in~ide the school, but it is ns much their duty to ,equip the school outhwoutside, Make the sc.hool grotlllds worthy of the respect of. the people and t'he ,pnpilsJ1Ud the latter will take prido in them [\,nd will protect and preserve them. Moreover. the inspimtion thus received will result in t,he bea,utifyiugof'the homo surroundings, adding value thereto and improv. iug the appearance of the COlUltry generally, I In this wn,y the taste of the people is elevated and the mopey value of their property is increased. Whereyerthe trustees rise to the occasion rmd do their part of the work of impl'Ovemellt, the teachers and pupils may bo'counted,for heat'ty co-opedttion. ELGIN COUN'l'Y CbUNCIJ.. 49 Of the 140. teachers in the schools of the county, 30were,meu and 110 women. Two were graduates of a University, 12 held fh'st"class,c6rtifiM cates, 61 secondMclass certificates, and 65 third-class. In a year ()r two the thil'd~class teache.r will have passed, as the 06uilty Model Schools 'have .lltrgely beeuabolished, g-iving-place to the new Normal Schools. ~L'he seven Normal Schools prepare teachers for second-class certificates; About" 1,200 teachers-in-training' haveattet'lded the NOl'malSchoQls during the year -just closing. By the time all the thiI'd-class certificates have ex- ph'ed, it is hoped there will be a sufficient uumber of first and second-class teachers.to,:;upply the schools; There 'were 5,905 pupilf'll'egistel'ed, 3,064 boys and 2,741 gil;ls, but the average attenrlance wasonly 3,495, This low average is general through~ ont the Province. ' . The "Oompulsol'Y Attenda.nce Acl" S88ms a <'lend letter Imd,deserves the active ilt.tention of the, people of Qlltal'IO. There a~'e five Oontinuation Schools in the county and about 45 schools ' "', , I with ,fifth classes. The"se schools are equipped with speciallibrl'tl'ies RUcl other apparat,usfor the exclusive use of t.hese classes, 'l'bese schools ~'e- ceived a legislative grant of $1,652,02, aud acoriuty grant of $3,210,16. With SUC~l large gl'auts, the maintenance of these schools ddes not bear unduly QU any oue sention., when it is considered tha~ thes€l ,class~s. are composed of young children, who stilll'equireparental care,or of children of parElllt~ who caullot afford to pay for the maintenance of'their children away from home, in a town Or city. We cOllclndethat it is.."ise to ,enM courage alldfost~r these :-,lchools t,broughout t,lle rural parts o,ft,he pl'OVitWfl', All the public schools of the conhty, as I have formerly l'eportdcT, lire sllPpliedwithlibraries, Last year abOtlt $800 was expeuded 'in 1l1!ddng nddit.io'ns t.heret.o and the rm:n1' school~ received legislative g'muts amount. ing to $255.49. '1'118I'e are now over 13,000 volnmes III these Iibrltl'ins, valued fit $6,000. 'l'he Inspector made 291 visits dui'illg the year, being'llvisitsmbi'e tlV\ll two t.o each room, The t,otal amount of money received by.the public school trustees of tho couutywas $145,095.84. They paid out $101,309.48, leaving' tt balance ill theil'hauds of $43;780,36, :,rhe Legislative grants to the pnblic school's were $7,208.08,onac.C count of teacherS' salaries and c81't.ificates; $1,284, on ftcconuto'f nccom:r:rIO-, ~(/ 50 ELGIN COUI'iI'ry COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 51 dation and equipment; ,$255.49, all account of libraries, and $1,652.02, -Oll account of. COlltinuatiouschools audfifth classes-ma,king a total of $10,- 399.59, legislative grants to Elgiu public schools. This'does not include the grants to .the public schoolsill Aylmer, Dutton, Rodney;Pol't Stanley, Springfield, Vienna and 'West Lorue, of which I have no accou'll't. ' ED)JCATION COMMITTEE. J~-'IRs'r, REPOHT-JANUAHY. Tilo EducationComrnittee l'epol'ts:.- The Mlluty grants to public schools amolllltto $4,494.16. 1. That the amoull~ due Glencoe High School be left in the hauds of the Olerk aud County 3olic~tol' to settle. 2., Thattl18 report !i'om St.'l'homas Collegiate Institute be referred to' the Clerk and CoulltySolicitor. 3. That the amount due W iudsville High ,80ho01 be oonsidered by the Council at the JUlle Session~ 'The townships paid $300 to each school for each principal teacher, and $200 oilaCcoullt of each assistant teacher. When all, these grants are takel.l into account we must couclude that ta,xation for 'school purposes is very nearl,yequalized'in a township. After 25 yeal's'service the old Ontario Publio School Readers are to give pIac"" to new a'nd more moderll;oues.'rhese new,l'eaders will be ready for the use of pupils after next summer holidays. 'rhey are to be supplied to the pupils at. ,astonishingly low prices-ouly 49 cents for the entire set of five bool~s. AU of which is respeotfully submitted. GEOHGE W. LING, Ohairman; January 27th, 1909. Amended in Committee of the Whole and adopted as above. I had the hOllOI' of being choseu 'by the Minister of Education on the . committee who prepared the New Readers. The committee is composed of men whose lives have been devoted to the-education of t.be children of . , this Province, and the New Readers are the product of their experience, ,alldthoughtful intelligence. I confidently expect the New Reader_s will beadrilitted to be the be$t Public School Re'aders yet produced. SECOND REPORT-JANUARY. The Educatioll Committee reports:- \ 'I'hat they have. considered communication from the, Provincial 'l'rustees', Association and believe it won'ld be beuQficial to this Council to berepresented at the Annual Oonvention in Apdl, alldwonld recommend that the Wai'dell- llame It rleput.ationof three to att81Hl We also lllay look for new and more modeI'll text books ill some of the othel~' subject,s, especially ill Arithmetic, Grammaralld Geography. I am confident that we are ,making healthy, intelligent progress in the public schools of,the county and iut.he Province generally. All of which is r8spectfull,V submitted. It.is gratifyillgto kllowthat the people -of Elgin have been so gener- ous in the matter of public school education. This county has the repu- tation of having thebel:lt equipped schools ill the Proviuce. \ G. W. LING, Ohaihnan. Heportadoptprl. Depu'tati'on-DJ'. Ling, W. Yt'mnillfl, ,W, W. Campbell. 'Thanking you and all other friends of education for con'tinued iuterest in the public sc1)ools of tIle county. . I have the honor to be, Your obedient servant" W. A'l'ICIN. Inspector. .TUNE SJ<~SSION-,-l~'msT R]~)-'OHT; '1'0 theEI~jn County Council: GENTl,EMEN ,-'l'l~e Education Committee I'eports :,~ 1. 'I'hat the supplementary grants to continuatIon class schools be $,2 for each $1 granted by the Govel'nment. Adopted. 52 :b-:LGIN COUN'fY COUNOlj~ 2. 'l'hat the supplementat'ygl'Rillts to Hig'hSchools be as follows:- Dutton ..... ..........$500-00 Aylmer ... . .......:. 500 00 and't'llat the Vienuu High School be gl'aut\'ld the sum of $250, .$150 of which must be'expelldedin equipment. 3. 'l'hat, the Inspector's report be adopted. 4. 'l'hr..t tlJ.e amount of $14.43'fi will be required to be levied'by the county for Pllblic and High'School purposes, as follows:- For equivalent of Government grant. for accommodation and equipment..... ..... .. .. ... $ Oontinuation Schools and Fifth Classes, at,c. (estiluate) . High 80hools- Aylmol' Dutton ... Vienua ... ..',' St. 'fhomas ..' 1296.00 4000 00 ".. $ 32a9 00 2630 oo~ 754 00 2050,00 SG73 00 Illgenmll, asin 1908".. .../. .... 'l'illsonbmg .... ...... (Hencot~ .... ,... . . . . . 51 00 311 00 105 00 4(17 Or: $14,136 00 .All of which,is respect, fully submitted. GEORGI\: W. LING,' ChnlrlllfLU. ,Tn 118 2nd, J 90B. Ac1opr.ec1. SNCOND REPOlt'l'-.TUNF.. To the Elgiu OOl1ilt.y Council: GEN'l'LE1\u'lN,-Tlie Education Oonunittee reports:- 'l'hat we haye considered the claim of the W~~rdSVl11tl High -School and the Couuty Solicitor's opinion in reference thereto and would l'ecpmmend thFit,we offer to pay one-halt of tlfe clfLlmwithout pl'ejndi~e. All of which is respeotfully Fmhmitted. GRO. W.LING, Chall'lllrm. 13l'd ,Tnuo, 19m). Adopt'erl. 'ELGINCOUN'I'Y COUNOIL N OVRMBER SESSION. 'fo the Elgill OoulltyOouncil: GEN'rLEl'o1RN,-The Education OOInmittee reports: 1. That communication from Minister of Educatioll be- filed. 2. T,hat the resignation of F. H. Miller' as, Trustee Aylmer Oollegiate Institute be accepted, and that A. H. BackhouRO be ,appointed to fill VfLcallCY. 3. 'l'hat resolutioll passed atjoillt meeting of City and Oounty'<Jom- mittees,Te appointment of Public Sch.ool Iuspector, be .approved,;andtht,tt the Oouncil appoint a Special Oommit,tee of five, tomeetOity Oommittee .!wd arrange' appointment of au inspector; 4. That the Wardsville High School be paid the Slim of ,$800 in full settlement to 1st ,January, 1909. 5; That I:t by~law be passed appointing His HanoI' Judge'Oolter Sen- ator of Western Ulliversity. ~ 6. Tl~atJ,hecoullty be di-vidediLitotw:o inspectorates at' follows: No. t-Aldborongh, Dunwich,' St. 'rhomas, Port-Stanley, Dnt,toll, Rodney alldW est Larue. No. 2~Balallce of county to be ill charge of the preselltInspectrOl' Atkill. ' A,U of which is reHpectfnlly submitted. ~Oth November. 1909. Adopted. \ GBOHGF.: W. LINU, Clul,il'mnll. 53 lJ4 ELGIN .COUN'.ry. COUNOII, 1,That the sum of $25 be granted to the Salvation,Army Rescne,and Prison Work Department. ' ELGIN, COUNTY'C,OUNOIL .TUNE. '1'0 the E.lginCounty Coullcil:~\ GENTLEr.IEN......,...The Finance Committee,Report.ii1:_ ]j'INANOl~ COMMI'l"l'RE. .JANUARY. l'~innuce CommiHee repol.t,S: 1. 'frhat the Oounty Police Magistrate's report be adopted. 2; That the sum of $10 ble gl'allted to,Priaonel's'Aid Association. 3. That 110 grant be made to NfLtiomil S~llital'il1111 A8s~ciatioll.! 4. 'j~hat a grant of $10 be made,to the Ontario Good Roads' Assoeia- tiou, and that the 'Warden name a cOUlmitte~ of three torepres6nt the ~Oilllty at the annual conventioll. 5. 'That, the sum of$25 be grallt,edto the'SiokChildreu's;HospitaL 6; 'That a by-law be passed authorizing the reuewal of lIotes ontstan,cl- ing and the, borrowing of $10,000. 7. 'I'hat a grant of $100 be made to C.hi\drell's Aid Society. S. '.i'hat the following amouuts'bepaid:- 2. Th~t the expenses of the Executive of the Ohildren's Aid Society be paid for investigation of .char~es, in accordance with the provisions of ~ Seetion 68,:Ohapter 148,Statutes~of Oanada. All accounts to bec6rtlfied by Police Magistrate. 3. That.the sum of $25 be placed at,the disposnlof the Childreu'sAid . Society, to assisUupayiug' expenses oia Missionary Committee, to orgaQ- ize the work of the Society in the towns aud villages of the "county.. 4. That' no actionbetakeniu referenceto application for grants from Provincial Fa.t.Stock Show and H?rticultural Frl1it }~xhibit. 5.'l'hat the following account.s be paid:c K; 'w. McKay. postage and sundry expenses to date.$ Ohildren 's. Aid SO'cie,ty. maiutenance county children Hortop Esta~e, Hvery t.oHouse of Industry Hortop Estate, liyery .for Commissioner Saunders .~. St, Thomas Jou1'llal! adyertipillg by-law . '.. ..... W.J. Shaw, investigating under directiou of Police Magistrate .... ..... .... . ... . .'.. ... ,.... '"1'9 24 97 85 21 00 2 25 4 60 295 Ohildren's Aid Society.... . ...,.. .. . $ 'w. J.Shaw, expenses Gabl(~ chi'ld to 'l'oronto.. J. M. Glenu, Oounty Solicitor, services .: <,. lk McI.Jachlill, sttl,tiollery, Oounty Clerk;,.,.. \ " "Police M'l,g:istrate . . , . H "Oounty 'l'l;easurer " "H.egistral'. .. ,.. J08 04 14 30 103 J7 75 50 3 70 5 50 ALEX, McLACHLIN. Cha.ii'mnu. {),'rhat t.he sum of $50 be granted to School Section No. 21, Southwoldj to be expended subject to apPl'Ovaloft,he Reeve of Southwold. All of 'which is' respectfully submitted. 19. That $50 he granted to Elgiu Lf\W J.Jibl'al'Y Associa~ion. Aaopted; .JUNE..,..-No. '2. All of which is l;espectfl1lly submitted. The Finauce Oommittee l'epoi'ts:- 10 Tllatthesllm o(iJ50begl'allted to St. Thomas Horse Show. 2. ''I'hat a by.law be passed to authol'izethe Wardenaud1.'l'eaSU1'8r to borrow $25,000 for current expenses. Au~x. McI.JA.CHLIN; Ohairman. St. r~~houuis,Jauuary 28th, 1909. Re'ferred to Committee of the Whole and adopted. 55 56 I~LOIN COUN'rY COUNCIJ~ 3. That a by-law be passed--to provide for all issue of debentures to the amount of $10;000 for ten years at 4U p3l' cent;, to pay for bridges to beel'ected this year. 4.rrhat the auditorsl report be a,dapted. All of which is, l'ol-lpectfnlly submitted, AJ.JEX. McLACHLIN, Chairman. Hefer't'sd:to ConlluHt,ee of the Whole and amended by strildl.lg out Sect,ioil 1. JUNE-No. :{, ~L'ot,he Wardell auCl'OOllll,oil of t,he Oounty of Elgm: , !fhe Oot;nmitt~e on1!~iuallce' beg le~vetol'epol't that. having examined iu~o the finances of the conu~y a.ud:the estimates prepal'fld bV the County 'ITreasurer, tlwyherewU,h submit a statement of the expenditure required forthe lawful purpOfles of the, county duriug 1909. showing"t.heamonut required to be raised for the nudermelltionedpurposes: ... $ 4.000 15.500 4.500 9.000 4.000 2,550 1,000 1.000 300 6,581 1.500 1,957 900 J .296 2.591 2,591 Admh1istration. of Justioe .... ... Cquuty J.Jines and J31'idgeA . , HO,use of Iudustl'Y ..... ,.'..... Hi!1:h Schools .... .... .... .... Schools "i\'tth Continuation Class~S' Officers' salaries . . -- . .. . . .. ..... School Inspector Paymelltofjurors.... ..... .... .... ...... Orown"witnesses ..... ..... ..... Bills payable and interest:... ..... Membol's'wages,committees. et'c,... Debentul'eRate,By-Law'594 .... ...... .... ,........ OOUl.t House Commission. . . . .. .. .. ....".......... Public School Grant Debenture Rate, BywLaw 701 ,. "737...... .... .... $ 59.266 '1'0 he raised by d~bentures, . . . . .... ." ..- .... $; 10,000 "I'o,be.received ,from, GOvernment 011, toll road account ...... ..... . ..... .., ......'.. \3,000 . _~_$ 18,000 $ 46,~66 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 57 Your Oommittee would recommelid that'the sumot $46.266Ibe raised, on all rateable property in the sev.eral municipalities in the Oounty of Elgindui'iug the year 1909 for county, pUrpO$6S, and that a rate of 2ti mills on the dollar be levied OU the rateable property in the several mnni- cipalitiesill the countyto I'lt1Se sfl,id amounts; All of which is respectfully :mbmitted. 4t,h JUllfJ, 1909. Adopted. I ALl~X. MoLA(JHJ~IN, Ohuil'mUIL NOYBMHElt-No. 1. The li'inance Committee reports:~ \ 1. That. they hav6received the following" tenders for, debentures,to be issued uuder B.v.J.Jaw No. 754: A,;U;~U. VV.. pal' ..... ....".. . .'... ...... Wood, Gundy &,00'.... .... .... ,..... Bi'Ouse.~Mitohell &. 00' ......... G. A.Stimson&OO' ... ",_, ,.... ...... Ontario Securities 00 .. . ...............,..... H. O'Hara & CO' O. H. Burgess & 00. .. . . A.E. Jarvis.... ...; W. A. McKenzie.... .... .... T1O'minioll SecnritiesOorporatioll C. 11J. Spencer & 00', . ... $ 20.000 19,718 19,403 19,904 19,637 19,740 19,867 19,834 19.768 19,850 18,600 2. We recommend tllitt the OffSI' of A.O.U. W. be ft.ccepted. All of which iSl'esp~lct.fnlly subniiUed. Novembel;18th; 19m), Adopted, ALEX. McI-lAOHI"m, Chairman. N OYRMllER_N 0..2. To the Elgill Connty OOllllcil: G]~NTLEMEN.-'l'he Finance Committee reports: 1. That liO ltctiall be taken ou cOInmnnicatioll ,from Maitland Youug' & Sa118. ' , 58 ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL --,-,-~~--~_.-._-~--------'--"--~ '2., That no action be taken re claim of West Lorne for expense -Df Special. Act, the Oounty SOliOltOl' having advised that. the (Jounty is in no way lia:ble. 3. That tllefollowing,accoullts be paid: .., .." $ 48 21 102 63 25 00 Ohildren's Aid Society.. ,.' ." J~ M',Glellll,'Oouuty Solicitor J.. H. Hopkins, photos. .... . . . ... .. .. ... .., 4., 'l'hat the sum of $:?5 be gmllted to St, rl'homas potiltry Assooiation. All of which is respectfully submitted. ALEX. MCLACHLlN, Clminnan. 20th November, 1909. Amended, in Ooinmittee of the Whole by stl'ikillg out Cla,use 2, aud recommending that the ViUage of West J...o1'ne be pn,tel '$100;' Adopted as amenrled~ " ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL OOUN'TYENGINEER. JANUA'rtY~ '1'0 the 'Warden and Oonncil of'09uuty of Elgill:- GENTLEMEN,-I beg to submit the following report: Siucethel~st meeting o{the ?ounty Council tha Queen's Bridgo,be- tWflEm the city,and the county, bas been completed. The,total cost of this structure was $9,433.70. ''l'he Brewery Bridge, alsobetwe.enthe city and , the county, has beeu iJompletedat a total cost of $10,302.02. On ,this bridge! 'am hording some mouey back, as the floor was laid vel'ylate in the season aud in consequence of the frosts there might ,be some defectl'l ill it. 'l'hecontract forputtiug onllew joistsalld a newfiool' au the Both- well Bridge has also been completed. 'Tl;is county's shareot thiS: work is 27, p~r cent., and amounts to $557.36. ' I am notified "by, the contractors that the bl'idge over Ot.ter Creek,' neal' ',rillsonburg, has been completed and I am waiting the meeting-of the Couuty Donncn of Norfolk to appoint SOlUe perSOll or committee to hl~ sP8:ct it with myself. 'l,'!18 fencing of this bridge has not yet been undel'~ r,aken,as the work wasouly completed duriugthe winter. 'l'he ,large woodenbl'idges ill the county now are as foilows.:_ 'l'ait,. ol'Ooyue'RoadBridge,.O\rer the Riv81' 'l'ilnmefl.~ Gillett ~ridge, inthe''l'ownship of Yal'month, over Catfish Cre~k. BelmoutBi:idge, between thi8 conuty aild Middlesex,' 'o'yer' 'Kettle'(" Oreek. Phillmol'eBddge, illth~ Township of BaY,ham, over Catfish Ol'eek. Port Burwell Bl'!dge, over, Catfish Creek. ,lamestown B.ridge, over Oatfish Oreek. Dodd's Bl'idge;over,Kettle Oreete, ill the Township of SOllthwold. There are several othersmaller,bridges built of wood; but, ,onaCCOllut. of their It>llgth; there is not so much dallgerof an accident by t,he paRsing' of tractil?ll eugjnes. ' 59 .60 ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNOIL ELGIN' COUN,TY, COUNOIL1 aud PhiUqJ.ore Brid~es. 'I'he tenders for. the Jamestown Bl'idj:{e are a~ foJlows:- 61 It will be absolutely necessary to rebuild the Jamestown Bridg:e. 'i'hl;) other bridges yon will ha\'e ,to use yoq.r own judgment. as I thtnkthey ca.n be safely car,l'ied fOl" ordinary traffic, 'but nattar traction engine", A. co~mittee of your oOUllcillR.st yeft.l"iuspeoted all those bridges and made a report to thecOllllcH. All of whiclds l'espectfullysub~lHt,ed. ,.1 AS. A. BELL. Cou,~ty Eu:giueer~ St., ,'rhomas,.Tali\H\I';V 25. 1909. .TUNK 'l'ri'the' W"arden !l.ud Conllcil or t,he Oountyof Elgin:.....,.- " G~N'l'LE~lEN,-I be~t.o report all t,he wo1'lt clone since your last Ses- o si011.asfollQws: . . 1.' A contract; was let last year for pilttio.g 'Steel joists in ,the'Bothwell ~ridg'e_auda new floor. t.he, a?couut,s of which did not comelnat:the last Sesftlion, rJ~hl~,pl'Oporti'ou t,his couut,y had t,o P<l.Y. for the ,work was $5pp6. . . '2, .No'. L Bl;'idge, on ,the to\vuliue' between Delawal'eand 'So\lthwold. cost $585,7\). 3. 'l'iIlso\uhurg Jl1llctiouBridge, OVe!' the Ot.t.er., is completed. 'l'h~ costs of ,put.tiuJ:{"up, t,he feuciug.-,arenol; yeta.djust~d. The __total cost of the bridge, beside this, to t,his county was $1,133.11. if. Pt. Burwell Bl'idge...,..-'L'he, spring freshet.st.ooK ,out' the' temporary '-beuts"uuder.this;strl1ctul'e,aud ther ha.ve, now ',been 'I'eplaced a.nd practi- ul\Uy a. new fioor put Ol~ the bridge a:t ~ COStioi' ,$215.5'3. '5: .Last year "'ipe,w,lattice"l'ailiug Wl\S,put"Olf the ',Wardsville Bl'idge, theaceount of whioh waS not ill at f,)lfl January SesRion. 'rllis county's proportion of the cost is $2~5.00~ 6. I pl'epal'ed plans and ,asked fat' teudel's 1'01' We piliugoil Kettle Oi'aek,at Port, Stanley. 'fhe lowest tender fOl'furnishing the piles was from H; 'M;.Ellison, ,attic. pel"foct" _and the lowes~ teudel' :fol" driving piles was J. H.-Smale. at 11c. pel' foot. 'fhis work is uow being con~ struoted".' 'fhe stOlle' fOl'rip-rapping hllll not yet-been ordered. 7. I prepared plans',&ud specinoat.ioJis for l'eblli1ding,the Jamestown For Snbstl'uctUl'B"- R. McManus & 00......... .. ... .... ... ..... ..'-$2073.'00 Petl'oleaBridgeCo. ..... ...." ...'.., ......237000 O. O. Stafford ..... ...". ...."....... ...." 189200' J. W. Ohivers..~'........... .. .".,... ..... 1900 '00 IJ. McOandless ...... .'... ...... .... ..... ... 19tH 00 Jos. Vil;cen.t.... .... "... ........ ..... .._,. .159475 Scoyne& Ramey (... .... . ..; ............... ... 4098, 00 Williams'& Walkel' ........... ...,'.... .... 2488 85 J. Y. Harper.... ..... .... ........ '.. ... .322500 'For Steel Substructlll'e- Canadiali'Bl'idge Co. Petrolea Bri(Jge 00 .... "',' Hamilton BHd~e 00......... Harris& Co.:... .... R.. McManus &00. . . . . Jenks & Dresser.... . ................, 3320 00 3250 00 33~0 llO 3760.00 3312 00 3390 00 Theco'utract for the cemeut' work was'" let" 'to JoS:; $1,594.75, and for the steel work to the Peti'olea-'Brid'ge'Cd:, 'l'eeders for the.Phillmol'e,Bl'id~eal'e as -follo\vs: Vincent,. fol' for $3;250. Fbl'SuQstl'uctUl'e- R.McMauus,... . . Pe'tro1ea' Bridg-e' Co. a.'D. & A. L."Oatman C. C.Stafford.... .T. W.Chivel's.... ,... L. McOandle.ss.... Jos: Vincent. .J. Y. Harper ]1'01' Ste'eCSi.lbstrnctnre- ()auadh\"u- Bri'dg'fi' 00 . Petl'Olel\' 'Bl'id~e Co'... Haiuilt6u Hridw'l Co. .! Harrts&Co..... .. .Jenks & Dressel' R. M'qMalll1ll & Co ..,.....'...j.. .. .. $1883 01)' 2205 ,00 .'.." ..." 230000 2300 00, 1700 00 .... "... 1878 00 1892 00 21'0600 .. ." ..'..$3800'00' . .. '. . . .; 3725 00 . . . . . ! . .a70000 " .. .. .. .. ... 4225 00 3820 00 375H 00 62 }i~LGIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL 'I'he COlltl'act fQl' the cement wcn'kwas let, to J.' W. Ohivers, at $1,700 ahd for, the'steelworlt to the~Hami1toll. Bri,dge Oo.,at$S;700. I may say that the steel work for thePhillmore Bridge is 1l0W ready, but thecolltrtl.ctol; has not ,yet com,mencedwork 6n the snbstr!lcture. AU of which is respect,fully submitted. .T.lS, A. BELL. County Engineer. N OVl~MBI';H, 'l'ot,he Wi\l'den aud COlmcil of the COlUIty of Elgin:- GENTL'F.MEN ,-I beg to report on t,he work done throughout, the couutry since your last meeting as follows:- l. The Phillmol'o Bridge" over Catfish Oreek, between Bayham and Malahide, has beeu (lompleted sat.isfactorily aud is UOW open for t,l'affic. 2; 'rhe Jamestown Bridge. over Kett.le CI'eek, beJweeu :Yarmout,h and Malahide, has been coillpleted as far as theconcL'ote and the steel are cOllcerned~ '!',he approaches have not yet been completed audit will !lot be ready to beopeued foi: traffic for about t,wo weeli:s. 3. 'l'he bl'idge over Kett.le Oreek, ou the towuliue betweeuMalahide ,and Dereham, which had beell under,uiued by the fl'eshets'last sprill~, has been l'epaire,d, by: placiog a uew concrete wing aDd reinforcing t,hl2l west abutment. Also a new :floor has beflu plnced 011 the bridge,', the total cost being' $861.30, to be chat'gad oue-half a~aillst this couut,yand olle-half ~\gainst. Oxford, 4, The Wu.rdsviUe Bridge--A good deal of tl'ollblehfls been given by this bridge' on account of 'some action that I cannot explafu, hut the result, is that the pier in the river and thA abutment UIl the north side are moving towards each other" '1'he pro~ress is very slow aud:some years it amounts to about two 01' tln'se inches, and again ,probably 1.10 movement, at all. We have had to move'the seat of this bridge on tw.o occasions before audt,his year we have had to move the seat oftll'e bridge aA'aill, shifting t.lle,tiOL.t!1 endbaok thirteen anda.half inches. This, with some 'other repairs to.the bridge, has been made at a cost of $312.40, Ooe~half of this charge is t,o be paid by this county, ' 5. frhe McIntosh Bridge-Repairs t6 th~~ r:ilallkillg have been made to ELGIN COUN'l'Y. COUNOIL this bridge, which will cost about $264,00, one-half of which is .to be paid by this county. 6; The Breakwater on Kettle Oreek" Port Stanley-'l'he contract foi' the piling for this work: pi'oceededso slowly that it Was late in the se~sou before we could proceed with the stone \vork. Th~ .3ontract lS nowprac- tically completedand,iu my opinion, ill a very satisfactory manner, bllt I 'would like if the Council as a whole could see their way cleal'to go. down alldexamine this work, as it will ollly tal,e a short' timt'l to do 'so, The cost of this work will, be lessthan estimated. Although all the accounts f1,I'enot presented, yet,as uear as I can tell, the cost will be about' $3250.00, complete, 7. Small repairs have been made to. a numberof bl'idgesthroug-hou,t fhe county in the way of repairs "to planking'lI:pproaches, etc. All of which is l'espectrully submitted. ,TAS, A. BELL, County Eugineel'. ,I, 63 f;.J ELGIN (JOUN'I'Y COTJNOIr. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS OOMMIT'rEE. .JANUARY. Your PllhlicImprovemeut.s Oommitrt,eebegto report as follows: 1\. That the eugiiwel'bo instructed t~prepal:e plaus,and advertise fot' tenders for tile, rebuildiug of the Jamestowu Bridge, and that this com- Inittee have 'powel; to award co~traots for the construction thereof, 2. 'l'hat. in (la,se the Port Burwell Bridge stands the spring freshets, then this committee would recommend that the }l'iUmool'e Bridge be l'e~ built. ' 3, III case the Port. Burwell Bridge has to be rebuilt this year, we would recommend that the H'iUmore Bridge be carried'anotheryeal'. 4, rrhat the committee have' power to le~ coutracts for aJl other work on county bl'idges that may he necessary until next meet.illg of COlllJt,y Oonncil. 5. 'l'lult, in caRe the Port Burwell Bddge has to bfl rebuilt t.his year, a specialmeetillg (if the whole Coutlcil should be called, as this is a very important matter, in consequence of another railw!ty being projected in Port Burwell. All of which is respectfully submitted. ...V. G. SANDlms; Chairman, St, Thomas. -January 2'rth, H)09. ~ Arlop~ed. ' ,JANUARY-,-No, 2. 'rhe Public Improvements Committee repOl'tR:- L 'l'hu.t .T. A. .T~cksOll be appointed' to complete the work necessary at Tillsonpurg .T~mct1ou Brid~e,in ooimection with :represelltatlves fI'om Norfolk C'ouuty. 2.' 'l'hat we do ,not purchase a road roller ~his year, AU of which is respectfully submitted. W. G. SANDERS. Chairman, Adopted. ELGIN OOUN'l'Y -COUNoU.J 65 .JUN1~. To the Warden and ~ouncil of the Oonntyof Im~in: GENTLEMEN.,....,.. Your Public Improvemauts .Oommittee. beg' leav.e to Hubmit tile following' reports: 1. That we have considered the repOl't of the OouutyEng}neer and would recommend that it be adopted-, 2. 'J~hat the engineer have power t,o lwt, wilih the engineer of the 'County ,of Middlesex, in rebuilding, No.3 bridge, on the'towuline betweeu ' South wold aud Delaware, 3. That,the chairmalland engineer have pOWel' to let a,contract fdr ullloadiug and disinsing of the st.one for t,he, bl'eakwatJ81' in KettleOl.'eelt at POl't Staule.v. All of \vhich is l'eHpect,flllly subluHtcc1, ,Tune 2nd, 1909. Adopted. \V, G. SANDEHS, Ollairmn,n, N o\rm.:mgn. '1'0 the 'Warden and Council or' the COUllty 9f EIgin;- GENTLEMEN,- YOlll' Public Improvements Oommitt,eebeg- tosllhmit .thefollowing report: 1, 'l'hat they have considered the report of the Couuty En~ineer ftlld ,vauld recolllmend that it be adopted. 2. They have also 100lIed over t,he a~reemeut for a change of ronte of the"bridge erected over the Otter Oreek, betweeti Bayham and Middletou, aud \\'onld recommend that the agreement be submitted to the'ponuty Solicitor and, if he flllds it correct, that the purchase mOlley of$30.00 be paid; and also the ,solicitor's, fees of $45,54, one-half of thos€' amounts to be paid by the County of Norfolk. 3. /'1'he account for expenses in the erection of a tempomry bridge,at the,PhiUmol'e site was considered, the amount being $47 ,~O. Your. com- mittee would recommflud that this account be paid. '4. Au acCOunt was }Jt.eseuted for work and material for repai1: for hridge over Lit,tle Ot.ter Ol'eek, between Bayham ai1c.l Houghton; amo\.lnt,~ fHi E:LrHN COUN'l:Y COUNon, ..........---.---~-----_._--~-~,.---~..,----,--, iil~ to $42.21. Your committee ,would recommend payment of this account, one-half to be chan~ed to the ComIty of Norfolk. 5. Au account was presented for use of land and labor cOllstruotillg road across Catfish Creek ~tJamestowli, amoulltiug to $13.00. Your committee would recommend payment of this account. 6. A claim was also presented by one Simpson, who runs a milk route and ,had to use this temporary road, but your co~mittee did not see their way clear to entertain the aoconnt. , 7, Iu regard to appl~catioll ofJ. H.Smal~,' for extras for work - in building prote'ctioll on Kettle Creek at Port Stanley, your committee would recommend that J. H. Smale be granted the sum of $50. in con- sideration of the hard dri'ving he had to contend ~ith III placing piles ill position, , ' 8. Iu regardtocommunicatiou from the Good ROllds Association, asking the' Council to appoint oue or inor0 delflgatesto accompany the deputation which' will wait OJ! the Minister of Public Works at an early date, your cOl1lmitteewould recommend that the Warden and the Chair- 'nlan of ,the 'Public,Improvements COllImittee be tJ\le delega.tes from this county. and that this Council endorse the !\otion taken by the Good Roads'Association. iu a resolution passed ,atthe ltuuTlal meeting held ill Toronto" M~rch Brd and 4th, 1909. Allof whicl, is respeot-fully submlttecl. \V.'G. SANDERS, Clla1.rlIlltll. AdOPted. ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL PETl1'IONS AND LEGISLNfION. .JANUARY. ?:hJ Retitiotls aud Legi,slation, 9omm'ittee l'eports:- 1. That a free oUe-horse pedlar's license be granted to Albert Hu~hes uutil1st ,Tuly. 1909. 2. Tha.t the sum of $10 be granted to the Ontario Municipal Association for the Betterment of Consmnptives,~ud that the Wal'deuname a delega~ tiOllOf thL'ee to 1;'epresent. .this county on Provincial deputatioll, to wait 1l:POll th'e Governm'ellt. ' 3. That this Council ,co-operate in petition:f..om the Canadian Assbci- . ation fot'-'the Preventiouof Consumptioll',askin~ tIle Government tp ill~ . orease g-l'aut ,to municipal sanitaria from oue-fifth to 'oue-third., 4. That'petition' from County of Grey, J'e extensiou of Highway 1m- provemem Act to townships, be not entertained. 5. 'l'hat this Oouncil co-operate withtheGoullty of Essex in,petition-,' iug the Government for bettE!r,leg-iRlatidn to contr;ol foreigll autorriobile tr~vel thl'oug-h the Pl'ovi.f~ce. 6. 'l'hatthe OouutySolicitor be instructed- to cousultthe P'rovillcial' authoriti~s in reference to legislationpl'o'viding fortlHl incorporatiou' of police'vill~ge areas. .. All of which 'isrespectfnily snbmittf'/l. ,J. A. ,TACJIrSON; OIIfl.il'llHHI~ Referred to Oommittee of the Whole. Amewled amln,dopted ItS above. .rum;;, ~~o the EI~ill Oounty Oounoil: GF.N1'LEMEN,-,.'l'he Petitions and Le~iRlatioll Oommittee l'epol't,s:'""7 1. 'l'ha-t the petitioufl'om'Keut Oonnty, re assessUlf!llt'of Iltmlv:nJlleR, be not entertailled~ 2~'l'hatwe co-operate with Warden ,of KeufOolluty in l'equ(lst,fol' appointment of a, draiuage l'Bfel'ee for district west Of rl'Ol'onto. 67. '68' E/LGIN'COUN'rY COUNOIL _____~L_ All of whioh is'l'Gspectfnlly submitted. J. A. JACKSON, Chairman. .Tune 2nd, 1909. Adopted. N.oVEMBl<~lt. '1'0 the Elgiu'OQuuty'Oonucil: GEN~rLEMEN,;-The Oomm ittee. On Peti tiolls..alld .Legislation" revorts: , ' 1. That they have _ examiued petition applying for the format,ioll of Ya.l'mol1th Heights. andfilld: (ti) That a plan of ' the pL'OposeclpoUce village area, prepared by.Tas,. A. Bell, O.K, ifi'attl\cllfJcl t.hereto. (b) That the population of the:described al'cnisA55. (c) That the ,uumber of resident fl'eeholdeJ's iuthe area,is 72. (d) 'l'hatthe 11l1Inbel'of l"esident teuants in the at:ea ii'! 25. (Il) 'l'lmt t,he, pethioH cout!\lml the !HunBS of 56 f['eehohlers tenn,l.lts. iwd 21 2. We.have~ (~xf~mined t,he con~n\' petitioLl aud 1tud: '(f) 'rha.t,the names of seven owners aud three tenants are thereby withdrawn from the first petit,iou. (y) That twelve resident oWl,lel'S noOt_ on the first, petition !\,re opposed to theformatioll of T,he police village. 3. 'l'he petitioll"for the formatbll of the _ police village is sufficient: too comply with the provisioll8 of Sectiou 714 of the Municipal Act. aud, the Oouncil may set apart the uuincorporated Village of Yarmonth Heights as a police village, if they deem it ndvisftble to do so. All,of-whichis respectfully'submitted. .T. A. JACKSON, Chairman. November 18th, 1909. Refel'l'edto a Connuitteeofth,e Whole and a!meuded by striking out the whole of therepol't. ELGIN '"COUNTY.COUNOIL GAOL OOMMI'l''l'EE. JANUAHY. To-the ,Wardell ftu~l'Rentlemeu of the Oounty Coullcil:- 'rile Gaol Committee beg le~ve to submit the followiuK repo-rt: '. 1. 'J.'llat. the salary of N. 'W. Moore be iucreased $100 pel' year" 2. That the gaol accouuts have-beeu examined and found satisfactory. 3.'l'hat we haveexamilled the registry office and find poor heating apparatus, improper veutilation flud laok of room for the unmbel" of books iucl'easiug, aud th~refore recommeud that s'Jm,e actiou'be takeu',at ouce inhav"itlg improvements 'made, and t,hl'tt .we confer wi'th, the OityOonncil ill that respect. Ali:'of whicli"isT~spectflllly s\lbmitted. ,Adopteil i.n Commit-tee df the Whole. W:M. YF..~NDT.,E, Chairman. JUN]~. To'tlle "Elgin Oouuty',Coul.lcil:- GF.N'rLI~~mN.-The Gaol Committp.8 I'e})ol'ts:- 'rhat, in accordance with YOllr instruct,iou, we have couferred with a 'eominitr,f'e' fl'Om the Oft'y' of' St. ~rhomas iureferenceto. impl'oviugthe' Coullt.yRegisM'y Office alid have had 'phtlHl prepared; which-we- sl~'bmit herewith. We wonld.reeomIll8udtl.J'e acceptall{~e of ,the"foUowill'~",the lowest ,tenrlf'rs recei,vecl for the' work. A.:K Pousfol'd, mason work H.Liudop, il'tni aud'woor1 worl, Ollns. Lea, plastering. E. Da-llyn, paiuting .... ... E. B. Dixon, plumbing and heating {n.f{mrn & Davey, fllectl'ie worl, $328500 2100 00 390 00 150 00 548 60 fiO 50 69 70 EI,GIN"..COUN'ry COUNon, Hamilton & Stott. metal work Chas. Riddell, slate work 35 00 241 00 $6800 10 Allot which is respeotfully'submitted. Amended ill 'dommit~,ee ndopt,erl'as above. WM. YE,<\:NDLE, Cllainnau. of the. Whole and, Oll reconsideration, was NOVEM:Rlm.. To the 'F~lp:iu Couuty COUl~cil: The GaolOomniitteel'i:lpol'tS:-'- l.That~hey have exaroinedstatement of aCCDuuts passed by Oomt HOl1se'dcimmiss~ou alld,find thein satisfactory. 2~ rrhat the contracts for registry office impI'ovelllents, !,\S finally all- justflO by the architect, _wel'~ as foltows:- A. E.POI1Sfol'd. _mason.... H. Liudop, carpenter ... Ohas. Riddell, sla.te roofinp; ...... ..... E. B. 'Dixon, plumbing and. heating 0.' H. Lea, plast;l'inp;,... .... - ." Ed. Dallyut painting and glazing, . , , . , Hamilton & Stott, met.al work lugram & Davey, electl'ic '\\;il'ing $3407 00 2105 00 241 00 1560 00 390 00 150 00 35 00 65 00 3. Since the,June Session acoutract for au iron coulltE\l', flt,ted with roller shelves, waS awarded to'the Office Specifi,lty Oompan~ for ~6()5.0(). 4,'We haveexamiued the wOl'kin pl'Ogl'ess andfilld'it. fmt,isfactol'Y, rrheoldbuilding has been pailit'l.:idby ,prison, labpl' t,o reseinble th(~ UHW work. and, when completed; the hui.ldil.lI{ will pl'esent a good appearauce, All of which i::::: respectfnlly snbmitted. W~I. YEANDI.JE, ,Chail'lllan: , November 11th. ,.'. ELGIN COUN'ry OOUNOIL HOUSE ore INDUSTRY. INSPEo"l'OU'S ltEPOR'l'. 1'0 the Wn.l'deu and the Members of theE~glll County Council: GENTLE~IEN,-The following is my report Oll the Honse of Iudustry and Refuge for the year ending 31st October, 1.909: 1. Number of inmates in the House at last report ..... .." 50 2. Numbel' admitted duriu'g the yeal:,4 females; 14 males, ... 18 B. N~lmber of deaths ..,. ....,.... ... ,.. ,,,......,. 8 4. Nnmbel'dischal'ged, ..,.. ..., ...,. .". ,.,.7 5, Number absconded "'. ..., , ,'..' .., ,3 6, Number now in House-26 males. 24-females ..... .., , ,50 7. Numbel' of inmates SBUt fl'OIn the slwl;walluuuicipalities in tile COllu-t:r (hl1'i,-?g' theyeal': AldbOl'Ollg-h Dunwich South wold . Malahide . . Bayham 'Vienna .. .,'. . Aylmer Port-Stanley Dutton Born in Honse 1 3 .... '''' .... .... .... ... 3 '" ..."" 2 .... .... .... .,_.. 3 1 .2 1 1 1 8. '1'lIe various cftses of pauperism of inmates admitted to the 'House duriugt-he year may, be classed as follows; Siclmess .... Destitution Old agoe Blind...", Insane, idiotic, etc. , All other cases.... ...... '''''' 4 4 6 1 1 2 g, Average number of inma~es_(lul'iug the year.", ,.. .54.2 10. 'Average,-with keeper'sfamilyaud hired he~p. .__., ,. 61..2 1.1. Numbel' ofweeksjboardofinmates .".. ..... ..,..2830 12. Average, wit.h keeper's family, etc., added ...,. .." 3196 18, 'rotal expenditursdul'ing the year ..,.,.,...."... ..$63~9 13 71 72 ElIGIN. COUN'J;Y COUNCIL J4;' Permanent iml)l'Ovement to cottage: Walks, silo, fencHlg'alld tiling ... . .. ,$37069 H.eceipts: .... $21430 80 36 .....43442 10280 -.-$ 832 38 ___.$1203 07 15,.' Leaving amouut" !wtnally. expended fd.l' support of iumates. ........... . . .. . . .. . $,512.6,06_. 16. Average expeuse pel' week for each person..... ..... 1 60, 17.. Average expeuse per dav fol' each person ..... .... 22.8 18. Average,expetlse pel', y.eal' for, eachpersoll' 83,20, 19. ',Amount expeuclf-1(l fol' honse a.ud fal'lH dudllg: the year isdi,v-ided' f1f.lfollows: FrOm _ iUlUn,ter; li'-i,'om fal'lu.pro(ll10f\, hogs lrrom bl'lU st.ock Fronr sl111dl'ies ..' Jj'al'm IDxpense: Hired help Iluplemellts... . }l'eed... . Stock, ......... Misoellaueous $ 92 00 20 00 357 55 50 00 214 02' ---$ 734:,07 Honse Expense: Hit'ed labor Bread',... .. Meat ...... Groceries Pi'ovisions Dry goods. Boots and shoes ll'uniiture and 11l\rdwRl'O. Drugs Coal and woort Miscellaneous .. $327 O~ 396 49 629. 34 383 04 151 59 281 37 123 53 193 31 79 8a 890 36 285 22 ---$3741 OR Gmlel'al Expense: Oonvey of'inmates .'...' .,... ... ... .' Repairs.... .-." "-'-",'-"'- ,._._.., .-.. Permanent improv;emeJits Salaries, ke.eper;and' mar trOtI .".... ..... .J..,. $600 00. 49.90 312.,713' 370 6~ ELGIN, COUNTY, COU'NOlli Phy,siOlan Inspector. ...". ......200 00 ......... 100.00 --$~OO 00 ." 114 10 129 60 --$1877 15 ---$6352 30 Committee Incidental 20. The following prodhce wasraiS6cl'olltlw farm dUl'iup;the year; 9'4 B'ushels of- Wheat 54, :Loads of' Hay 300 Bushels of Oats 35 Bushels Barley ':42 Bushels 'l'l1l'uips 256 Bus!l('ls Potatoes 8 tl,usliels BeetA 100 Hl-tl'l'elA Apples 20 B.llshl'lls Onions 374 Jars of Fruit 10 Bushels.Salsify 130 I.ibs; Cheese 10' Buslkels,.of'Peas 15 Bushels' of' Sweet:' OOl'll 9 Acres eOl'uFoddel' 17 Bushels Oarrots 12 Bushels.'l'ableOarJ'ots 20 Loads of Straw LOOO Heads of Cabbagn 10 Bushels Pal'fUl'il)i"\ 10 Hogs (killed) 2,225 lbs. ,Bl1ttel' 7 Barrels.Sof!t-Soap 12, Hogs (sold} 2 Barrels Dried Apples III additioll to the above, a large number ofvegetaples, etc., were raised l-wd consumed duririg the,yeal'l,'_ot1rw;JHcli,,'uo'l!o-CCouut\was kept,~. . . 21. N:l1.ffi.bew Ofi avticles of'bedding and clothing made up during the year' b:y the, matron an<J, the iumates-890. 22. Number of visits by the Inspect,or-52. 23. J!'aI'Ul Stock: 2 HOl'ses, valued at 2 CoIt.s, 13 Cows, 4 Spriug' Calves, " 13 Hogs, 2 Sows, 100 Ohickens 12 Geese 8 Ducks 5 'l'urkeys " .... ....$ 400 '350 650 60 156 60 '" 24; The totalamol1l~t expended byOonuty House of Industl'Y, etc,. is as follows:- 73. 74 ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNOTL Fft\'m, 100 acres, cost,. HouAe afIndustry. Laundry..,.. ])~il'e escape. Root cellar '" Cotta~es. ete. Bi'iok ice' house. B(\l'llS, etc...,'.. Tile drains.. ",' . 'l'ile dl'iiill outlet. . . Hot air pump, tanKS {uid connections. Refrigerator. . .. .... ...,.. Fencing' ,..., Orchard........ ..... ...... Heatill~: apparatus Deep well Silo $ 7,260 00 1l,75Q40 666 81 390 06 124 99 3,096 27 1,180 60 4.732 62 641 87 60 70 ,360 00 ' 40 00 1,081 18 86 86 J,979 00 827 6(; 243 67 $34.600 68 25. Received fl'omtheGoVel'lltll611t, ou acc(lllut"ex. penditul'es for lands and"buildings '," .,_.... 4,00000, Leaving amouutactually expended by eOlluty$80,500' 58 All of Which is l'espectfully submitted. 'AN(tUS TURNEH, Iuspector. ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 75 PHYSICIAN HOUSE ()j;' INDUS'l'RY. 'ro the Honorable, the Members of the Elgin County Council. in l'foc, vem bel' Session assem bled: GENTLEMEN,-I have ,the hOllOI' to present the thirty"fourth annual medical report of the Elgin House of Industry for, the year ending 31st ,day QfOctober~ 1909. I 11ut,de 55 visits during the year, Thefollo,,\';illg is a' tabular statemeut of the names, ages and causes of death of those who have passed away: Name Sai'ah Harriot Sarah Ann Wilso'n:. Horatio Johnson Hiram' N, Gaines Sarah Smith .John C. Oampbell .Tohn McDollald Rachel' Webb Age 86 72 92 85 87 82 ti2 83 Oause of Death Old age Heart dtsease . Old age Old age Old age Old age Iia grippe, Pal'~lysil'! SnSall Kiug, aged;15 ye~rs', gave birth to afomale child, E:;tracted about forty teeth and attended severa] cases of minor sur. gel'Y. I am plea.sed that lIO fevers 01' cOlltaglOus diseases developed, which speaks,v~H for the J'llt,nitary conditiou of this institution, Yon will ohsenethat the mortality was very largely due to advanced years, 'l'he:wat.C'l'supply has proved a great benefit to allcollce'rlled, Good air, goodwatel','good food and clothingalld moderate exercise, withreg-: uli\r IH\hitR, conduce t,Q the best interests of t,he llluuan ,race, <, 76 ELGIN (jouN~rY COUNOIl, ELGIN OOUN'rY'COUNOIL The weekly religious exercises provided by yon have 110 dOilbt fl good influence over the morals of the illma,tes. GOOD ROADS-SPECIAL. The keeper and matron have performed their duties iu regard to the care of the inmates in a manner quite satisfactory to me. .JUN1~. To the Elgin Couuty Oouncil : I have the honor to be, geut.lemen, ,GENTLEI\:l:EN ,-cl'be Special OommIttee appointed to attend meeting of Olltario Good Roads' Associatiolll'eports:- Your obedient, S'el'Vflnt,. Sf. 'l'homas, NoVember 1, 1909. Ado'pted. I~. I.J. LU'l'ON;, M.D. That a most successful cOllvention was held at 1'OrolltO. "~L'i'e addresses and papei's pl'eS811ted were of a practical charaoter. Many of the speakers actively. engaged in the constrllction of county roads gave us the benefit of thp.ir experience. As lnstrllcted at the JftlJUary Session, .the-question ofincl'eased Gov- erllIllent t'\.id for the COUllty Road Systems was bl'onght np for discussion and a resolutiol1passed to request the Legislatlll'f! to increase their grant from:.one~thirdtooJJ'e-half oftha cost of construction, and a speeia'! com- . inH.tee was appolllted to lay the n~s?lution before the Government.' (. 'l'he Minister of Public "VorIo:! held ont some eneoUl'agemellt !wd suggested that all inei'eased gmnt might be 'available in tbelleR1; future, au,:t said that he wanted .~he people to tal,e hu iuterest in roads and not forget that they were the people's roads. 'The- Government did not wish to eucomage the idea that" because they assisted in the cOllstruction, they ,vere liot tliepeople's)'(~Htds. We would recollllilelld the Oonncil to I,eep in cOllsLallt t,ouchwith mo<lel'll systems of road impl'OVf:JllHlIlt, as we believe ElgiuOouuty will,a-t llodistauce date, undel'tftlte a system of road itilpl'OVement, 'a.t a moderate ~ost. All of which is resjlcctfnlly submitted. S. 8. MoDE~l\fAND, Ol1aitnlltll. .Tune 2nd, 1909~ Adopted. '" 77' 78 ELGIN COU:WL'Y COUNCIL SPEOIAJ~ TOLl. ROAD REPORT. ,TUN)'';, '1'0 the ]i}lgill Couut.y Coullcil: . GENTU!:MltN.:-'l'he Speoial Oommittee appointed. to apply to Legisla- ture for gra~t towards expensei of purcha,se of I.-Dudon lllld'Pol't St.anley , 'I ' '" '.roll Road reports:- 'rhat they waited UpOll the. membel's of the GOV6i'umellt and'pre- sented the county's claim for a grant towards the cost of pmchasealld re~ ne'wals, amouuthig in all to $40,543, and have beeu advised that $3,000. wfl.s appropriated for pa.ymelltto the county. 'I'lie attenMOIl of the GOVfH'Umellt was also directed to t,lle fact. t,lwt Middlesex hadueyel' been called upon to pay $18,000, t,ile price !'l,t which the l'oadwas purchased fl'om the Government in 1852, aud that, Elgiu Oou'uty was ell titled t~ n: re~uud from ,that COUlIty of tll~l amoullt, $8.220, paid for their Slutl'e of the road wheu the couut,ies were divided, III this COllllectiollwe were advised that t,he claim agaiuElt Middlesex belonged ~o the GoverUIDeut at Ottawa. We would recolllllleud that all effort he made to iudnpe the Dominion Government t,o enforce t.heir claim against the Oounty of Middlesex to the exteut of the arllouut pa,id by EIght fot. the road, withlt view to having the amount luwded back to this cOlloly as a fail' contribution towards the lal'geamoullts expefided by thiH eouut,y iu.removing the tolls and renewing the expeusive bl:ldges I'eudel'ed neces- sary by 'ohanges in locatiollafter 'the road was assnme.d by the Govern- , ment as a military road in 1842, W:\I .J AC]i:SON, Cllail'lllan. .Jnl.H~-2ud, 190B. :Adopted. ELGIN COUNTY COtTNOIL REPORT ON.WARDEN'S ADDRESS. JANUAlty. t1'0 th~}lJlgin OOUllty Council: GENTLEMEN.-;The Special Oommittee appointed to consider the Warden's address reports as follows: 1., That no action betaken this year ill refere~ce to desig-uatioll of a C01.lllty Road System. " 2. That the delegates to Good R:oads' Convention be instructed to bring up the,question of obtaining' a larger percEllltage from the Govern..; ment, ,under the Hij::thway llllprovemeut Act, in counties where stone or g~avel suitable for. the constructiOllof improved roads is not available at a reasonable cost, B. . tfhatthe Warden appoint a committee. to waitllpOn. the Govern- l~ent and nrge the' county's claimfol'agl'ant towards the 'expenses in.' clul'edtu the purchase of the Londou and Port Stauley 'lioll' Road. All of which is respectfully r.;uhmitted. GEOnGJ<~ W.LING, 01)ai1'lllan. NOVJ~MBlill{. 'l'o.tl1eElgill Oounty Council: GENTLJ<~i,u~N.-'I'heSpecial Oommittee 011 Warden's addresses reports: 1. We' approve of the snggestiollthat a poi~tioll of thE} railway 'tax .should be paid to coullt~es .admitting iU~_lItlie iumates' frOln. fts,ylums to Houseof Iudustry. We are of opillion,howevel', that it is ulluece$sf,l,ryfor the C0l111cilto take aliyactiop ~u the matter at present. ' 2. :We'lla,ve coiisi(\ered the Wardell'S l'emarks ill refel'enee to 'flll't,lier procednre to obtain l'efundof ttlllOnut paid Middlesex for LOlldou aud Port Stanley Toll Road, and wonld l'eCOcimelld that the Warden, VVill. .Jackson and the Olerk bea Committee, with power t.o add ,to their'llumM bel', to cousultwith the County Solicitor and take such action as'may be .I~eeessary in the interests of the cotinty. 3. We ag.ree with everything that has beeu saidillreferenco to the ~ood res1l1ts.that hf\Ve follo'wed om expenditl~resfol.' edncational.pul'poRes 7,91 .- '" 0 0 00 '" m H ~ ~ " 0 0 '" 0 ~ '" '" 0 ~ E; ;; 0 :>- "" :: eQ' :>- z '" 0 N't:! m '" 0 " 'C '" ~ ~ 0 0 " 0 0 0 m " '" < ~ 0 0 'C m "'''' m < ~- ~ -<l_t" iil '" e }. 0 m '" ~ oj e~ 6' P- " 4 0 P- <0 m ~ 0 s: o ~. g- " ~ 0 " m . g- o " g: wI 0 ~ 0 0 <0 . 6 '" ~ 0 " '" m = 8 ~ ;0 '" 0 m " 0 ;; '< . '" 1i '" ~ 0 'C 5' '" w '" '" - 'C '" 0 g ". " '" ;; 0 ~ " '" " ~ ;r ;, " ~ < " @: e. Z ~ ~ e o' e. :::g .:; o~ 5' N' 0 .:; I &) . 0""- C 0 0 q 0 o - 0 w w ~ "" " " ~ " " 8 5' " :>- ~, :::;0 " " 0 ~ t-< ci~ 8 E. 0 ~ '" ~ S. a " '" ~~' ~ " 0 :>- P- S,~ ~ '" ,,'8 "' 0 '" e8 ~ " 0 '" 0 " ........ " ~ " ~~ fl' ~ ~ -. ~ 0 '" '" ;; 8 w '" " ::q m " :;;J '" m ~ :;;J " ;; 0 . 8 '" U1 '" a 8 2- '" g~ 5 U1 '" 0 '" g. 9 ~ 0 w ~ Z ~. " w ~ " ~ ;; " ~ ~ 8. " ~ w ~ " ~ s " ~ ~ ?1. ~_!'l .< !' '" ~ ;; 0 ;; . ~ Statement of Assessment 1908, .and Equalization 1909 I I I ~ '0 1 0 0 I i ~ ~ ~ .~ . I ~_ ~ ~ ] ~ {I Total [I U 11 ~o' ;~ -<$~ j.:Q '::Q ~ 8 ~ trr -~-~------,--------~--I~--___------_._-- S Aldborough . .- .... $1,583,805 $ ~98,n~ $I,8~2,5201$ !,9~0 $ 150$1,~84,660$ 2,311,577 Z Dunw10h.. 1,910.260 ~:8,52o 2.488.7851 0,000 3,100 2,029.795 2,872.189 ~a~:,v~\~. . .. .. ~:t~~:m m:.90~gl ~:l~~:~~:1 i t~~~.. 430 ~:~t~:~~ ~ tg:~:~~~ ~ Malahide. . 1.863.501 709,710 2.573.21116,470 3.300 2.,82.981 2,814,927 i Bayham ..... .... .... 823,960 377,235 1,201,1951 14.462 2,220 1,228.247 1,720,812 ~ South Dorchester.. 1,193.370 '5~6,07 0'1 l'709.44~~i.. 5..800i 50011;-714,955 I,571,M8 -Aylmer.... .... ".. .... .... 177,91:) 666,045, 843,900: 101,392] 23,735 896,132 700,000 g Vieuna. .... 81,870 47.425i - 79,29B! 4,845; 1,290 85,430 80,000 d Springfield...... ..., ".. ... 30.040 73,690! 103,730; 8.605'1 963 113,323 105,000 is Por.t Stanley .... ........... 116,09;; 17, 1451193,240.1. 11;456, 1,519 206,215 160'00018 Dutton ....... ... ..... 81;466 269,408 354,819! 27,1381 7,600392,715 245,000 Roduey ...... . .. . 44,775 120,655 164.530: 13,2001' 1,815 179,5451 190,000 West Lorne .... 34,253 1l8,4101~,24R!~~~i~~.:~_-.!~4~~~_~~~~ Totals .... .... ". . ... ....... ...... , . .. .. I " ... ..1$ 20,562c940 I R.E.:AL PROPERTY 00 ~ ~2 ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIl; SPEOIATJ OOMMIT'.l'EJ~ ON RAILWAY OROSSINGS. ,TANUAHY. The SpecialComniitt,ee 011 Protection of,RaHwayCrossings l'epol'ts:- 1. 'rhat this Council memorialize the Domitiion GOV61'llmelltto legis~ late-for better-protection at railway crossings. 2. ,!'hat, the' County Solioitor be' instructed to take the proceedings necessary to seClll'ean o'rder from the~Rail way Oommlssiou for better pl'O- ~ection at rail way crossings ill the towns aud villages of the C6Ullty. 3: That theClel'k notify the oouncils of all. the ~ullicipa.lities through which the 'M. 'C. R.,W~bash au(lPel'e Ma:rquette Railways run, in refer- ence to the action taken by this C~Ullty Coutlcil, aUQ request their co. operation in,8:pplication to Railway Commission. All of whioh is respectfully submitted. W. Bn.OCK, ChairuH\.ll. C A (lopt'ect I ELGIN 'COUNTY CO-UNOIL REPORT MUNICIPAL ASS00lA1.'ION DEPUTA'CION. '1'0 the Elgin COU?ty Oouncil: GENTLEMEN,~The deputatiollappoillted to attend meeting of the On- tario Municipal Associat~ou 'aJ~Toronto 1st aud, 2nd September, reports:- . , rrlmt they attended' the various sessions which were held at the Oity HalL A g"reat many questions of interest were cousidered. Those relat~ ing to ,rural municipalities were dealt with by tt)eir represeutati'ves and included ill the ~eueral report of the meeting. a copy of which isattaohed hereto for your information. We are of opinion that all propositiollS,fOl' llew munioipallaws should first be approved by and presented to the IJegislatul'e through the Associ- ation. We believe it would be in th,e interest of be'tter municipal government if every municipal and county coullcil was rep1'6sentedat meetings of the Associ.ation. All of 'which is respectfnllysubmitted. E. R BALDWIN,: Ohairman. 19th November, 1909. Adopt.ed, 83 84 E-LGIN COUN'l'Y. COUNcrL ELGIN COUN'ry COUNCIL REPOR'l' TUBERQULOSIS DEPU'l'ATION, REPORT 9F POLlOE MAGISTRATE. '1'0 tho Elgin County Oounoil ;-- irheSpecialOOlumittoe appointed to ropresent,the county on deputa. tiOD ;covenedby't.he Municipal Association for thePrevelltiouofTuber- c~losls reports:- " ~ 1, '1'hat they atteuded lucetiug ill'l'Ol'Outo. at which over' fifty count.v l'epreseutatives were present. '11ho whole question was discussed and . Association officers 'appointed, To the Wa.,.den.and-Members of 'Elgin COllnty OOullcil:- 85 GENTLEMEN,--'-I beg to report to you the bllsiness done 'in connectiou "i'ith my office'for thepast year as f'oUows:- Number of sittingBof coq.rt. persous tried. ...... .. for iuclictable,offelloes 2. 'l'he Association w.aited UpOll Premier Whit,uo,rand requested that oue 01' moreproviucial ,sanitariums for ,consumptives beestablisheci aud mailitailiedat ,tile expense of the Province. Very, little encouragement was received, as the Premier stated the Goverllmeut was not prepared, to ' pmvide the expenserthat. would attend the establishmeut of large iustitu- tiou~ for this purpose. rrhe benefits to be derived therefrom were' ad~ mitted hyall and the Association de'cidedto contiuus- to' bl'itl~ their reO. quest to the attention of the GovernmElut until it is graJited. We I ,approved of this. '1'he' Oounty OouuciLshonld contiuue their membership iutheAssociationa11'dassist by appointing' delegates whenever required. 150 90 00 OFII~ENCES 'l'RIEDBEFORlC THE COUNTY: POLIOE :r.fAGISTRA'rE'S COUitT.. N!\ture of chai'ge Neglected and dependent children ........' Disorderly conduct ,. Theft. Affray.. ., Burglary ...... Arson.... .... .... Violation Pharma<,lyAct.. Oriminal neglig1llce JJ'Ol'gery , Iudecelltassault .... .... .... Insalls alld dallgert>us to be 'at large,... As~ault.... ,....... Assalilt, occasiouillg bodily harm. Va,granoy ... . . . . . ,... . . . Abusive language Violation Liquor IJioeuss Act. ]f'urious dl'ivillg .. ..... Coucealed weapons :./ Druuk aud disorderly Iujurh~s- to property . . . . , . . . . '. , ,Cruelty to animals.. ......... ViolatioJ) Gaule Laws...... ...... ...,.......... Assault.ingpolic(~ OffiCfli' . . . .. .... .... . . . . Shootiug wIt"h inteutto do bodily. harm ,... Actioufor wages, ..... .... ..., .. .... Debauching gt'rlullder 16. Non-support o.fwife..... Giving liquor to India'lll'!. All! or which is're::;pe,ctfully submit,ted, .T. .J..MISTELE; Chairman. , ' :trovember'18tll, 1909. Ar1opt,ed. No. 10 2 7 6 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 12 ~ 5 1 10 1 S 9 8 1 2 3 1 1 1, 2 1 86 l~LGIN COUNTyCOUNOIL, .ELGIN COUNTY COUNOlL 817, Nllmber of convictions, 64, as follows: College of Pharmacy. . To informers, . . . Magistrate's fees. 10 00 40 00 54 45 Supplying liquor to Indians ..... . .. '1 Neglectedchildrell.... .... ..... ...... 10, Insulting language..,. ., . . . . . . .. .... 2 'fil?).atiou Liquor License Act . . . . . . . . 11 Theft......., ... .... ....... ',..' ..... .... ..., 2 Affray.... .,..,. ...,.. ... '.<.." ,.. 3 ,.Arsoll." .... .. .,.. .... ... .... ..... '," '1 Violfi:ttou Pharmacy Act. . . . , . .. :...... . L' .. . .. '1 }'ol'gel'Y",.,.. ... .._ ..... .... .... ......,. 1 Assault ".. .... ..... ... .... .... .....". ...... 11 Iusalle . , . . . . .. .... .'. . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . ..\ 2 'Vagl'anc,V' ._....' ......' >... ......_.. .._.... ..... 4 Unlawfully carryiuf.{ pistol. . . ... .... ..." 1 Dl'l1uk and disorderly ,... . . . .. . . . . .. .. .'. .. 4 Disorderly perl>on . ... .,.. ,... .... .... ...,.., '," 2 Disorderly conduct ..... .. . . .... ....,.... ] Violation Unt~tt'io Game,L&ws . . .. . . . . . 2 DebanchinK Rid under 16.... .... .... ..... . .. . 1 Willful injuries t,o pl'Opel'ty ..... 3 Non~sllppoi't . . . .. ' . . . . . .. .... .... '1 Number of persons sent,enced to Oentral Prison.. 1 N~lmber of persolls seutelicedto Kingston Peniteu~ tial'y........ .,'.......... ..._........... .... ." 1 Number of persons committed to jail.... .... .... 6 Num,ber of pel' sons on suspeuded sentence. .... ."". 1 Number of boys and p;i1'1s 1.1Ildel'16 years of age, discharged from their cOllvicti..OIl. ..... .... 2 Boys returned to Baru!\rdo Horne. .............. 2 Ohildreugiven over to Ohildl'eu's Aid Societ,y .... 10 IIlSIHlO and finally commit,tad to asylum .... .." .. 2 JJi.berated on reepguizl-tnee.. .. .. . . .. ..... 1 The magistrate's fees collected. by me have, been paid to the County Treasurer, or to the Jostice of the Peace who issued the summons 01' warrants aud ell titled to fees. There are some fees to which the county iselltitled in the possession of tho late IJicense Inspector for West EI~in' and ,I will endeavor to collec,t them.. I have had several complaints against juveniles, which are' not, entered in the record. '1'his is in accordance with ~ate le~islatiou which will be brought to your ,'notipe. It has always been my practice uotto make publicotfeuces against boy!> alldgi.l'ls aud brand them as criminals 'before the public as long as there is a chauce for their reformatloll. I liave beellhighly successful in thi8 course of procedure, anduo boywho has been dealt with by me in a privfl,te way has ever betrayed the trust'or followed a criruillfd life. 'i'1l'e busihe'ss of the police court, as you will see by 'reft;lrence to the annual I'eport, is increasing and the' trials of criminal offences' is decreas-, iug iuthe courts of General' Sessiou and -Assize. 'J.'his reduces the cost of the- administratiOI1 of jllstices to the county and Province. ~-'RAN'OIS HUNT, Police Magistl'ftte County of ~JIgin. Amount colle0ted in fiues aud dami\ges .. . . .. .... $ Of this sum there was paid to the County rrl'efl.snrer$ 7400 475 00 34 00 600 45 00 20 00 '5 00 25 00 5 00 7'39 00 License lJ'uud Village of Port Stan lev . . .. ... . . . . .. .. ..., -, . . . Village'of West J.J0l'l18 ... .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... .... , South wold ...... ,... .. ,.,.., . "... .... .... . . Springfield.. .. . . . , . . . . . . .. ...... . . . . .. .... South Dorc'hest~I'.... . ._" Receiver-General Provincial TrEla-surer,. 88- ELGIN' (JOUN'ry COUNOIL BY-LAWS BY~LAW No. 744. 'l'o,repealBYwJ.Ja.W No. 739.. r~ Oonstitutioll_of Committees. Passed 29th .Taunary, 1909. 'l'he Oounty PouuciLofElgiu'8ut\ots:- rrhatBy"law No. 739, be and'is hel'e'bY.l'epealed'. Council Ohambm's, '8t, Thomas, 29th January, 1909. J. R.SUMl4ERS, Warden. K..W. McKAY, Oonut,y."Olerk. BY-Id\W No. 745. To ll,ppoint. a Board of Audit in the Oonnty of Jiagio fol' the yenl'Hlml. 'passed 29th .hIlU;U'Y,. 1900. Be it enacted b,y the Council of the MunicipaL Oorporation of t.ho County of l!J1gin: That the Judge of the Ooullty COUl't and G.W. LiuR.M.D., be and are hereby appointed members' of the Board of Audit, to perform the dutie~ required by them by'Chap. 84, R.B,a. 'rhat the members o.f the said Board be paid the SUDl of foul' dollars per day for their services, and five cents 1>er mile iugoing wand from Buch audit. Council.0hamhel's, 'St. 'rhomail, 29th January, 1909:. K. W'; MoKAY, Comity Clerk. ,T. R". SUMMERS, Warden. ELGIN COUN'ry OOUNCIL 89 BY-LAW No. 74fl. 'l'D appoint,Uounty:Anditol's for. theyeal')909. Passed 29th Januftry, 1909. W,HEREA~\ under the authority. Of 'l'he MuuicipalAct, every M,uni- cipalCouncilis required to. appoint,'at it,s first mee'tiug\every yeat1, two.' auditors; , Be it t,herefDrs, eUlLoted Iby tIH'lOOllucilof,the M\.lulcipal OOl'pDl'ation of the County of Elg'iu; ullderthe authority' aforesaid: (l'bat:Audt~ew Murray alld W. A. Ga.lbl'aith, be, and are hereby ap- pDinted Auditors to. 'examine aud repo_l't upon all aacDuntsatl'soting-the' OorporatiDn of Elgin,,~or reln,til1g' to. any matt,sr Ul~~er its cOlitrol, 0.1'. with. in.. tts jurisdiction as.rsq?il'ed by Statut,e oi' Ol'der"ill-CDUilcH, aud.. also all aCCDunts of SCho.DI mDneys l'eceived Qr, paidby,t.he County TreaSnl~el" for the. year ending 31st December, 1908, and that said auditors' be, paid the su~ofsixty doUat;seach,fOl' their 8ervices. ' Oo.uncil: Chambers, St, Thom.as, 29th JanllRl'Y, 1909. "K. YV. McKAY, Cqunt.y ClerIc .J. H.. SUMMERS, Wal:dell. BY-LAW No. 747. To. fix Gaoler's sa'lal'Y. .Pass(~d 29th .Jauual'Y, 1909. The COll,uty Oouncil.of Elgin.enacts: '!'Jlat.the. ~alarY;Df,tJle Gaolel': he:,$10H' P61,;,lau.u:um" pJ'.yabl~;q.:ua._t'tj;>;.rI,)\ Rlld't,hat By.law" No. 548 be amended accol'diug:l:y. Oounoil Ohambel's, St, 'J'homas,.29th .Tnuual'y,.1909: K. W. MaKAY. OOl1l1t.y Olerk. J. R-. S l1M~lER-S\, Wal'clell. 90 li.1LGIN COIlN'.ry COUNOIL BY-T.lA W N(). 748. \ To appoilit Trustees of the High Scl.lOols'in.tlle Oounty ofEl~ill. Passed 29th .Jauuary, 19m), "'rho Oounty Council' of tho County 'of Elgin; under the authority of the High Schools Act, 1891, enact.s: Tl,lat Robert Beratoll be apPointed 'I'mstee f91' the Vienna High School fbi' thr'ee years~ and James OOl'nell for two years, in place of C. a.Gard- ner, removed from district" 'l'hatJaulE\S G., Helter be appointed 'l'l'ustee oftha Aylnml' Collegiate hlstitute for a tOl'm of, three yeal's. That 'Samuel MacOoll be api)otuted" Trustee oftha Duttoil High School foT' a torm of t,hl'ee years. Q0l111cilCIHtll:lhel's, St,. Thflmas, 29t,h J-allURl'Y, 1909. 1<, W. McKAY, Oounty Olfll'k. .LR. SUi\[MERS; Wa.rden. BY.l~A WNo. 74\1. '1'0 authorize the 'Wll,r(lell and 'J:l'enSUl'el' t.o borl'ow Ten Thommnd, Dollars. Passed 29th .January, j\)09. '1'ho Oounty Ooullcil of tile Corporation of the OOLluty of Elgin enRsts: 'l'hattheWardell'a,nd 'rl'casurer be and aro hereby authmized to 1'0- lleWlnotE's outstanding' and to borrow the sum of ,ten thousand dollars, as it may be required. ,to llleet'the cUl'reutexpendituro of the Oorporat,ioll of the .coull'tyofElgin duriug, 1909, and to give llssecnrity therefor notes of olle thousauddolhl.l's each. Council Oh'mnbCl's, 'St. 'l'llomas, 20th January, l!)Ofl. Ie 1'1; MoKAY, Oon:fi.ty Clork. .J. R. SUl\tMFJHS, Wat'doll. ELGINCOUNi'YCOUNOIL BY-LAW No. 750. '1'0 Graut AdditioualAid to High Schools. \ Passed.J nne 4th. 1909. The,Oounty Council eu.acts: 'l'hatthesum :of oueth'ousand, two hundred and fifty dolh\.i's be granted to the'following schools: . Aylmer (JolLegiate Institute, $500; Dutton, High, School, $500j and Vienna High 8chool, $250. provided $150 is expended for equipment. Council Oliambel's.:St. rl'liomas. .Juue 4th, 1909. K. W. McKAY, Couuty Clel'IL .J. R. S Ur-BIEHS, Wal'r1f',Il. BY-LAW No. 751. 'l'OAlllfllld B.y-I.ll~W No. 741. Tile COllllty COllllCil e,llflcts: rl'lU\t, By-law No. 741 be alllended by adding the word" assessors '/ aftel.the word U'tl'e!;lslll'et'" in tIle enactment thereof. Oouncil Chambers, St. Thomas, 4th .Julle, 1909. K. W. MOKAY, County Clf1I'k. J. R. SU~iMI~RSI Wll.l'(hlll. BY-LA W No. 752. To CoLifil'ln tile Equalization of the Assessment :Rolls at' the Oonnt,y of Elgin for tile year 1909. 'rile Oouut,y Coullcil ot'-tlle ,Coulltyof J~lgin enaots: '1'hat t.he fol1owill~ be the.equahzat,ioll of the assessment l'Ollsof thfl Oounty of El~ill foq909: Aldbol'ough DU11.wich-. . South wold ..... .. .$2.:111:577 2.872.189 _.. 3,li48;4mJ 91 92 ELO'IN COUN'!'X COUNCIL ---~~--~ Ya,rmouth .... .... .. Malahide . Bayham ...,........ South Dorchester. . . . . .. . . . Aylmer.... ,_ Viouua.. . Port Stanley Springfield. '. . Dutton Rodney. ...... West, Lorne ... ; . 4.063,378 2.824,927 1,720,812 1..571,648 700.000 80,000 160,000 105.000 245,000 190.000 .180.000 $20,562.9~0 OOUTlcil Cl.lambel'l'l, St. 'l'homas. 4th .lulle. 190p. K W. McKAY, County Olel'k. .J. R. SUMr.IEHS, \Nan'l,eu. BY~I.tA\VNo. 753. ,To Authorize the Warden and Tl'easurol'toBol'l'ow'l'w'entv-five TilouSft.lld DollarR. . i Passed-4th ~Tune. '1909. Tlw'UOilllty Oot1ucilof Elgin ellllctS: 'l'liat the Warden aud ':L'rensul'61; bealld'Rl'ehol'oby.authol':ized to bo];. row the Bum of tweilty-five thousand dollurs, as it may b~I'equil'(>d. t,o meet the currou't expellditur60f the Oorporation of the Couuty of'Elgin dnrii:1p; 1909, aud give as security t.herefor not,es of' olle thousand dollars eaeh. " Counoil Ohambers, St. Thomas, 4q\ 'Jnue, 1909. K. W. MoKAY, Conilt,yOlerk.' ;L ,R: SU~fMERS, Warnell, ELGINOOUN'i'Y OOUNOIL: 93 BY-LAW No. 754. (As amended by By-Law No. 759) To raise tlle sum of 'l'weuty 'l'housand Dollars,: to provide fOl' the. cost of Bridges and Registry OffiCA- to be ereoted in the' County :of Elgin during'the year 1909, and to authorize_ the issuing ofdebentul'es therefor, Passed 20th N ovember, ,1909; WHEUEAS it is necessary to i'aise the sum of t,W611ty thousand doUal'l:l, for the purpose of providing for the cost of bridges and registry office to be erected in the County of. Elgin: during the year 1909, and in ordar thaI'etoit will be necessary to issue debentures for tile munioipalities ;of ~Ile. County of E1lgiu for the sum Of twenty thousand dollars,' payablE! a~ hereina.ftei' provided, ANDWH~REAS it will be requisite to raise tile sumuf twotl!ousaud aud five hundred and llillet,ydonar~ aud uiue cents eaoh year,l'espeo. tively.. ANn WHF.ltEAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the munioipality; aooOi'diug- to t.he': lastrevi$ed nsSeSSm€!ll.t rolls .ofthe said nlliuicipality, amounts to.,'twenty, million, foul' hundred and ninety,-five thommud Rnd'six-llluidred find four dollars. AND WUEREA'stlleexisting debenture debt, of theCoullty of Elgiu is fifty-three thousand, five huudl'edand eighty-oue doUnt.s aud twenty~ thr_ee cent,s, 'l'bel'efol'e the MUllicipal ConucH of the Oorpomtioll of the Count,y of Elgin Cllaetsas follows: L It shatIbe h~wful for,the Warden of the said Couuty of Elgiu,for the purpose afol'esaid, to horrow the sum of twenty, thousand doUnrs and to i3sne debeutures of said lllullicipnlityto the mllonut of twenty thou~'" saud dollars, in sums of not less than Olle huudred dollars each, p'ayabhl 011 the firstday of December'iu each year, withhiter6st at foul' and Olle~ pel'OEHlt.per allnum, during t.he'period ofteu yeat's from the date of is~ suillg of the debentures; in the mal.lllerand for the amount'Fl s~~t forth in the Flehedule Ilei'e,in-after contailled, 2. Itslmll be 'lawful fO'rthe 'Wardeuof tho said Uluui(lipality, aud ho is hereby anthorized, to' sign. aud issue the debc:>ntures hereby ahthol'ized to 'be iSl'!n~dj and to' cause the same a'lIdthe interest, conpons attaohea. 94 ELGIN -COUN.'fy,COUNOIL thereto, to besiglled by the Treasnrer,of ,the. said municipality, aud the Clerk of the said muuicipalityis hereby authorized and instructed to at~ tach the Bonlof the.said munioipality to-the said debentU1'8s. it _ '.rhol'e'shli.ll'be l'aisedalld levted ill' each year the sum of twO'- thonaaud five. hundred aud twentY~F;eyeU dollal'sltlld fifty~eightceutsbY8pecial rate 011 alll'at'eable'pl'operty ill the said municipalit,y,said amount heing sufficient to discharge the \\6v81'al installments of principal Rlldi-llt61'.est accl'uiuj:?; due au the said debt, as the same become respectfvelypayable, according to, t~he':followillg schedule: ' SCl'1EDUT,E. No. Year Pl'illoipal Interest Total 1 1910 $ 1627 58 $900 00 $ 2527 58 2 1911 1700 82 826 76 2527 58 3 ' HH2 1777 35 750 23 2527 58 4 tHI3 1857 33 570 25 2527 58 5 19H 1940 91 586'67 25.27 58 6 1915 2028 26 4H9 32 2527 58 7 H)16 2119 53 408 05 2527 58 8 19i7 2214 91 312 (17 2527 fj8 9 1918 2.314 58 213 ro 2527 58 10 1919 2418 73 108'85 25',27 58 --- ---- ~~--- $20,000 00 $5,275 80 $25.275 80 Council Ohumhers,.St.'llhollllloS. 20t.h Novembel'.1909. K. W. McKAY. .county CIHI'k. .J. R, SOM:m':RS, Wal'd~m. BY-J~AW No 755. ~L'oHais(,l Ampl111t,s for Oonut.y Rat,es dUl'iu'g 1909. Ptlssed JUlie 4th, 1909. WHll1HEAS, ',bySeotiou 405, of Chapter 223., 'R.S.O.,the ,council of a county ma,y pa,S8 by-laws. authorizing the levyill@: aJl;~col1ectillg,- ofa rate, etc. AND \VmmmAS' f1U est.imate hasbeeulllade showiugtlmt the sum of forty-si,;: thousaud, twohuudl'ed al.ldsixty.six.dollars,is'iequil'edto be raised in thesevcl'al mn'nicipalities.forthelawful purposes of ,the county dl1ring,theyear 1909,. ELGIN COUNiry COUNon, AND WHEREAS, by the Assessment Abt, ,this council is required to dil'ect,'what portion of the sum to be levied for county purposes shall be levied ineachmullictpalityin the COUilty. AND WHEREAS the rates are required to be calculated at so much 011 ~he "dollar, upon the actual value of all the real and personal property liable to assessment. Arw~ WHEUEAS the actual 'value of the real aud personal property of th_e county, as- a,scertaiued' ahd equalized by th.iFlOouncil, iSfl$ followsj-,- MnllicipuJity' Aldbororig!l Dllllwich South wold Yal'mOl1tll Malahide .. ............ BayllftlU .,.. South Dorchester Aylmer Duttou. Port Stanley Springfield Vieuua Eoduey \\7 eAt Lorne. 'l'otal ~~qualized Value $ 2.311 ,577" 2,[$72,189 3,548,4mJ 4.063,378 2.814.927 1.720,812 1,571 ,648 , 700.000 245,000 IHO,:lOO 105,000 80.000 WOtOOD 180,000 ...... $20.562,940 Therefore tl.ieConccil of the' Mnilicipitl COI'poratioll of tile Count,y' of Elgin 8iuwtS: J. 'l'hat a raticlot" two audtt qual'tel' mills au the dollar be levied llpon n.llratflable property iu.thesB\'eralmunicipalities.iu theC0l111ty of Elgin, as above set- forth', i'm"the year 1~09, to raise thp; following" an;10UIl~s.- ,2. 'I'll!tt the sum of, fOl't,y-six thouSH,nd two Inuidred a'iJd six:ty-six dollars be 'raised' and levied in the' severaL Mu.nicipalities in the county, Hecol'dinl{ to the 'followiilgschedrile, aud'that the: 1,t1llouuts, as eutered thel'ein,be pa,td to the County Treasm'el', as by laW,l'eqllil'ed, Municipality A:ldborol~g-h SClIE:qULE 'rota) $ fi;2D2 . 95 Dnnwinh ..... ..... '. SOl1th\vold Y!tI'Hlonth. .... .... ... M!tlahide Bayham...... ...... South Dorchester.. A,ylmsr.. .... ....... .... ..' Vienlllt ... ,..... Springfield.... .... Port Staule;y. Dl1ttQIl.... Rodi::lOY ... ',' West J.JOI'l1e.... .... 6,463 7,985 9.143 6,33' 3.872 3,587 1,575 180 287 860 545 428 405 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOU__ 9li EY__GIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL 97 BY-LA WNo. 757. To Mala" Gl'fl.llts. Passed 20th Noveniber, 1909. The Elgin COlluty OOllllcil enacts: l.'l'hat the sum of two !JUlldl.t3d dollars be granted to improve county line between Al'dborol1gh and Orford, at Fleming Oreek Drain, provided the Oounty Council qf Kont grants a like amount. 2. 'l'h~t the sum of one huudred aud fifty dollarf,l be granted forim. pl'OVemellt~ at Port Stanley lockup, Pl'ovided steel cag-e cells ar~diltl'O. dnced. $46,266 Counoil Challibol's, St. 'l'homas. .Tune 4th, 1909. Couneil Cllam bel'S, St. 'l'Jiornaf'l, 20t,h N ovem bel',190!J. K. "W. McKAY, OOllnt,y ,OIf1l'\(. .T. R. SUMMERS, Wfl,l'flell. K. W. McKAY, Connt.v Ole1'k. ,T. R. SU"'IMERS, 'Vanlon. BY-LAW No. 758. Tn-Appoint, a Sellat,or fQ.l~ the West.em Univenl~ty. Passed 20th Novemher, 1909. , The County CquucilJ of Elgin enacts: BY-LAW No. 75(\. 'rhat Q. W. Colter. Esq., Sellior .Judge of the Oouutyof Elgin. be !lud is hereby appointed a member of the Senate of the Western University and Oollege, to holdoffice until his snccessor' is appointed. (1;0 Appoint a '.rrl1stee for Aylmer High School. Council Ohambers,St. 'l'ho'mas\ 20th November, 1909. ,Passed. 20th November, 1909; '1'he Elgin (Jaunty Council enacts: 'l'hat A. H. Baokhous6 be appointed'rrustee of 'the Aylmer HiRh School to fill out term of F. H. Miller, resigned. Council OhamberS. St. rrhomas. 20th Nove'lnber, 1909. .J:. R. S UM:M:ERS, W ardon. 'K. w.. MoKAY, Oounty.Clerlc. .J. R. SUMMEIUI, Warden. K. W. MoKAY, , Con~ty Clork. 98 F.Jl.G:IN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL SP~JOIAL SESSION. Moved.py ~. McI..achliu, Fl'iday"the 17th d'ayof December, 1909. Seconded by W. Byock, 'l'hat By-Law No. 759,beiuR a bY7law to amend by~law No. 754, be reneived and read It fii'st time. 'the E)giu Ooi:1lltyOoullcil met this day at t,he Court House, St. 'nlOl'nas,' at the call of the Warden, to cousidfll' the aPPJilltment of It Pllbli.y School Inspector aud general hUAineflS. The Council u:ssembled at 2p.l~. rl'heWRl'dell ill tlle chair. All the members present; 'rIle Warden st,ated t,110 objeet of the meeting: C1u'ried. Moved by .J. J. Mistele, Seconded by W. G. Saundel's, 'l'hat By.Law No. 759 be read a secGll,d thue. Oarried. Tho report of'Special Commilteeappoiuted to meet a Committee from the, Board of Education for the Oity of St. Thomas fOl' the purpose of selecting a Public SCllOolluspector was presented- aud adopt.ed, all mot,ioIl of G. W. Ling-. seconded J):y Dr. Brock. Moved byA. Gilbert, Seconded by W. H. '1'U1'n8r, Moved byW. G. SILlldors, 'l'hat By.Law No, 759 be read'a-third tIme and finally passed. Carried. 'Moved b~ W: H. 'l'nrner, SecciudedlJ,y \V. H. rj\uller. '1'lnit t,llt3 Comity 'rreasmer be dii'ected to credit each'of thn To\\.'u- ships of'Yal'lllouth aud Sonthwold with fifteeu pel' cen,t. of the am')Ullt r,eceived from the Pl'oviucial'l'reasul'el' ou account. Londo'll and Port. St.an- ley '1'dll Roftd. Seconded by A.. Gilbert, 'l'hat the Oouncil adjourll. K. W, MOKAY, County Olerk. In Amendment,. Moved hyDro lAng, Seconded by A. McLachliil, , That t,he oonsidel'ltt,iOll of grant of fifteen pel' cent, of t,hs throe UlOUSILlld dollars received from the Government toYarmoutli aud South~ wold be laid over l:lnti! the Jannary Session. Main motion lost. Amendmeut carried. 'Mov(\(l.b.y A, MeI~aehlill, Secouded by ,lohn Dl'omgole, That theWal'den issue his order in favor of Ann Sabistoll for the sum of five dollars alld fifty ceuts, expellsescollveyallce of Oatharine Bartles t.O' nsylunliu February, 1908. Cal'l'ied. fig " 100 EJ~aIN CJOUN'l'Y UbUNOIL SPFlClAL OOMMI'l'TFlE REPORT. '1'0 tho Elgin County Oouncil: 'GEN'l'Ll<JMEN .--'1'116 'Special Clommittee appointed-to' Juee'l; 'wi:thOom- mittee fl'om the Board of Education of the Oity,of:8t. 'l'homas"toa;l'l'an~e for the 'appoiutmellt, of a Public School Inspector, l'eport.s:'-- 1. '!'hat two HPetiugs wel'e held: I 2. 'I'hat over tweutyapplicat.ioLls for the -position. wel'fll'eceived and cOllsid~~l'ed. 3.'l'hat the ,appoiutmeut, of J. A. Taylor; B,A., Principal -of the Wiughnlp High Sohool, isrecommellrled. 4. 'l'JUl.t the BOfI.l'.dof Education ,?ft:he CitF,of ,St. 'I'ho:mas Jlas 'a.lJ:eady appro~,edofthe recommelld!ttioll afMr. ~ayl~t.,s appointment. 5: 'I'l"lnt all other matters in cOlluectidti \\7ith the 'adjustment of travelliug expeuses, time, et,c.,referl'ed to in Section 95 (-4)'oLtheHl1blic Schools Act, be lai{lover until the .January SAssiou. , AU \o'f y.:,hic'lll is ,llespeot,fully, submitted. G. W. T.JING, Chail'lIl'au. 17th Deceuillel', 190H. Adopted. ELGIN C6UNi'Y ,COUNOIL IND.E'X Address"of Warden Auditors .., .. .... ......8,23,36 .... "" ""." ,,12 BY.LAWS: Auditors.,... .....'. ...... ... ........ Borrowing Money 'Boa'rd orA~dlt .......... ... Oouu,tyRates ;,'" .... ,.., ,... "'" Debentures,' Equalization. .... .. Gaoler's Salary Grants....,........ High School Grants. . . . . . . High School 'l'ru!~tees. .:.. " . Municipal Association..... Repealing ~ycLaw 739 Senatol'Westel'u Universit,y.. ".... ..'" 89 ..,...90, 92 ..." ...\88 ,......... ...; 94 93 91 .... ..... '" 8~) .. .....,.. .... ....97. 91 .. .90. 96 91 '" ""... . ..88 97 ", "'...'" Clerks of Municipalities..., . Oommittees ..; ..... ....,. OommUllicatious pepntiltiollS ....4 "',"" " ...."...".........47 ~~~M ..........~W GRAN'l'S: Agi'icnltnml Societ,ies Law Libml'yAssociatiOIl ]!'ul'mel's' Iustitute .... Kate Wallace, ....... Kent' County LlU6 Poultry AssociatiOlI. . . ........28 , ....".. .12 ...H. """ .... 27 "" "". ".27 .". "" 42 K~ttle Ol'eel{ Pl'ote'ction Port Stanley.. . ' 1\{'nllicipalA ssocfatioil. . """ 2] ." .30 HEPORTS: Education Committee Equalization.... ..... . ...-..... ........ ..... ... .51, 100' ......... ...l..... ..........00 iOl 102 _E,I~mN COUN'ry' COUNCIL }1~llgilloel' ........ ...59 IfillanceOommittee . . .' .... . .. . . . , . ... 54 Gaol Committee.... . . ." . . . .... ... . .... , .... ... 69 GoodRoads .... .... ".... ..1.. ..,;77 Honse of Industry Inspect.or,... ' .... . . . . . . ..71 ., Physician.. .. .... . ..... .........75 MUllicipn.lAssociatioll. ..'....... ... ....,. ,...83 PetitIOns aud Legislation Committee . . . . . '. . .. .. . . , .67 Police Ma",dstrate ,....... ......... ............ .... ...,. .85 Public Improvements.........."...- ..".... ".-....... .64 PublicSohoolIllspector...,.. ,.., ..,. ..... ...41,43,48 Ra,ilway Cl'ossinp;.Protectioil.... .... ..,..... ...: 11, 1S. 82 Regi~tl'y' Office Improvements.. ............. . . .. 17. 31 'l'oURoadOlaim. .... "" "" .,,",.... ".. ....8, 86, 78 Tuberculosis Depntation. . . . .. . .". , . ...0 .,. .. 0... 0< ,,0' 84 Warden's Address... 0 .0.. 0;' o. ,.., .0......"..0." 79 ~ f , , I'l :i; I; 1,1 i\ 1"1' :l .":) ,I;~ iij Ii n i;1 :J!.i! 'I :G,~ " 'j' , il:, :11 I ',,1 :::\1 !\ !3, !l ::J i~ ':,j ,711, [: ;l:1 ;~' ~II ii; "":1' :':ii t"1 ('~I' ,'0 ';11 "'111 I,j -.:.1 d'l ~ 1 :fil ,J,ll i~! ;,,~r: ;!_~I' t ii,l II it.! :w ~ ,1'",<