1910 Minutes ;; I: PROCEEDINGS , of the, Elgin County Council During the ,Sessions. h~ld. in tl;ie . CO{JRl' lIOUSJj:, ST.. THOMAS , in the Moothsof Nineteen Hun'dred :and-, Ten June, August, Octo!Jerand I ,I""', , EI..C>INCOUNTY LIBRARY . K.. W~ I\1cKAY, County, Clerk I': DONALD McLE/,\N, Warden , , County Officials O. W. Colter, Esq.,Colluty.ludge. O. O.,ErIllatiilw~r, JunioI'Judg-e. D. MaCcoll, I~sq."Sheriff , Ja~. H~ Coyne;- Esq:, RE'~isti'a:I': D. McLaw,~. Esq.;CountyOourt Cleric / A. McCl-inYmon, Esq. Clerk of,the:Peace and Oounty Crown Attorney. C.F; 'Maxwell. Esq., Master-in: Chancery, N. 'V. Moore, GnaleI'. J. A.TayloI'"B.,A. W.Atkin,Esq., l~H?licSchool Inspector"; ,John 'McOal1s1and,Esq., Co. Trt'asUt'er. K., W.McKay, Esq., Co. Cle.l'k. James A. B,ell., M. ,C .S., C.-E.,Oou!lty Eng'IDeer., .Tames M. Glenn,IC'C.,L. L..'B., County Solicitor. Fl'ank Hunt," Polic'eMagistrate. W. C; VahBuskil'k;M.D.,Goal Surge<:m. Physician Honse otlnd,u!3try. ,D: H. Gooding"Esq., Keeper- HO).1seof IndllstI'Y. John Hopkins, Oaretaker Court House. " All ofS,t.1'hqmas p...n\ 'County Auditors:' Andrew_1Hul'l'ay,' Ayllllel'; W\A. Galbl'aith, DHt,ti.m. ,Administration of Justice -Auditors: 0.'''. Coltel',;Oounty Judge; Dr. Ling, UuttOn. . Municipal Clerks and Treasurers , ':MUNICIPALITY CLERK TRIIlASPRIUt Aldbo-rough;.. .. '.' E. A.Hllg-iIl,Rod,ney: D. McPherson, W~,st Lorne \Dunwich..,.. ... .D. A.McNabb, Dutton .'... J. A.Oc1mpbell, Dllt.ton Southwold.... .... ,J.McLentu,uFinga;l.... O. A.C;lttanaeh,;Fl~ome /" '- " Yarmouth '... ."V~ 'O._Caughell. St'. Thomas R. McLHchlin, St. ,r,rhQmns Malahide....... .i\1ahlon E. Lyon, Ayl~lIf'I'... . Ma,hlofl E. Lyon, Aylmer f' " ',', Bayham..... Be~j. Bril1n, Stl'l1ffpl'Q.ville...R. A. Walsh, 8tratfot'dville South ,Dol'l?hester.... D. Taylor, Belmont...... .'. :rhos. \VindE-f, Lyons 'Town' of Aylmer..,...... . ......, \-V,Warnock Village cif Vienna. ... ... .8. S.Cluttiln ... s. S. Clutton Village 'of Spl'~ngfield J. B.Lucas ..., ','.' G'eorge Stewart. Village (if fort Stanley'.. ,.Tas. Gough '. .... ....;" . Jas. GOl]gh Villa'geofDutton .... ... .J; D.Rlne .. ',' . '-' ...... ..J). Campbell ViI1~ge 'of West LOl'ne. ..'J.K Robertson, ....... ,,'\T. A.; Beeker Village of Rodney .... ~..J"J?Shaw..... .... _,.........~,S.Lus~y PROCEEDINGS ~o~' THE~ Elgin County Cou nell F~RST SESSION~FIRST.DAY 'Tuesd1~y;the :35thday of'.rl\.nu~~l')J, ~010'. I , , , . The members elect of the COllnty Council of the Oounty of EI,gin met this day at.the Oourt Housel St,'f'homa.s, at 2 p. 10; 'all of- whpm filed certifiC'ates and took theirsents at, the OouncilBoard it-s follows; "rownship of: Aldhorough.::..... Reeve"DOila.ld-McLean," ''":---.;. Deput~;. Reeve: \-VilliamW. Cambelt '>- l'OWIlSbip,()f Dunwieh-,--. . Reeve,- AlfixaIiderMcLachlin '\;~~ Deputy/Reeve, ,John Dror:ugole"""" Township of Southwold~-:- Reeve, A bsa-Iout 'Gilbert ...... Deputy Reeve, \VillhnnD. Killins..,..." Township' of Y.frmouth- Reeve._ George Rossell " Deput)-' Reeve, Alex.i.nder, Andel'son r.ro-wnship of 1'hllah.ide-,-- Re-eve; Sydney..S. McDerm~nd ". DeputyReeve,M,ichaell\.fcKnight~ 'l,'ownship oi>Bayham-- 'Reeve, David Stratton '\- Deputy Eee~e,Wi1lillr!lH. l\fool:'e , 6 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCiL BeGIN COUNTY COUMCIL 7 ~r~wnshipSouth DOl'chestel'':'- I ne~-\re, 'JHmes J. :\litchell ...... " 1'lw;t the Reeve'saftha vn,I'ious Mi.micipalit.ies be IH stdk:e i:JtandingICbmmittees'fOl'uno.~' " " , 'I "Moved by'~V;,H."MoOl'e, cornniittee t'o Oarried. Towrrof Aylmer'....:.... Reeve, .1ohnR. SLllllnH'l'~ \.. Seconded,br .J.R. Summers, Vill~tge,()f.Viellll,t- Rl'cve, Robert G-l'HS."f 'r Thitt this OOLincildo no\v adjourn llntil to-rnorrclwat 10 it" m. to nllow Comlllitt(~8f1ppointed to strike sta.hdjng 'Committees to 'meet. --Cai'I'ied , , ,Village ~)f f?pi\ingfi~ld..,..... He'e\'E', John E. Lindsay: ." Vill~\g'e of Port Stlul1ey- Reeve, \VilJinm ,Jackson ,~ DONALD MGf-,EAN, \VnrrlQ!), Village oi'Dutt.on.,...... Re.8ve, 'Oeo. ,\V. Ling, .!\l. D~""'" Villagtlof '\Vest'LiJl'ne..:....... , Ht"eve, Daniel: ilcKillol; " Villageoflt'oc1ney- ~ceYP,'J..T. Mistele. ,\" 'rhc ,Olerk tonk the Oha1:') a.n'Q.eallecl for llornin.ttions for the posi- t'ion ofv\Tarden. IJDv,ery men'} her of the Council wasthen place.d innominationaliof whom l'esj~ned' except Messrs. McDer;lllltnd; IvIcLachliil," LiiJg ~tnd '7 '''.' McLean; ,The yoUng was pl'oceeded with'a.nd on the ninth vote', Donald M'c.Lean, Reeve:ofAldhoI'ou~h h:vi'ing l'eceived '~l majority ~.ote \Vas dec,iare,d duly elected Warden,. 'l'he '\Val'den elect, made the statutol'yDeclllI'ution."'of Office b.efol'e ~isHbnor Judge Oolter', took tl~e chair ancl'l:uldreflsed . th~ :Council. IvIovE\dby J,'l~.,Su,mmei>s; Seconded by J. J. Mistele, is ~JLGIN 'OOUNTY O(Ju~OIL FIRS'f SESSION~~SEOOND DA Y . . " 'Vednesday, the 26th day ofJ:\lluary IglO, The Elgin County, Council 'met this da,y at the CourtHouse,St. , rjlhom3-6. ~cco1'4ing.to. adjourna:nent; The-vVa,rden in the-Ohair. All the memhel'~ present. TheWard'en - adcli::essed the -OOllllCil as.foll?ws- W ARDl~)iS ADDRESS ~ro the Elgin OOUllty Oouncil: , Gentlemen:- I have to aga.in,tqahk YOU for-the honol'Cbnft'T'red in pllLcing me in the Ohair to preside oV8rvyollI' deliberatiqus duri\,gthe yea;['; REGISTRY, OFFICE The Registry Office' addiit,ionis about completed, there are s(lme Ininormattel's to be attended to in connection with furnishings and l'enova,tfon of the interiOl;'of the old building, this:-can besllfel~ left in the hands of the'Gaol Cbrnmitteeasthe necessar'Y eXl,enditurp'will, not be htrge, ADMINIS'l'RATION OF .TUS'l'lCE ACCOUl\TS rIheag!'eement, with the city of St. ,'rhomasfixing:amp~ll1t payable to,Coun~y annually for t~e City's share of ,administt'atit)l1 cifJustice expel1'seshe:xpired on the 31st Decemberlast~ It:wiIl be tiecessa"ryto a,ppoint'~tstrong Oomr:i:littee to JUeet with' OOlilmittee fI'om the City Oounciland'ltl'l'ltng'e:i: n~w agreement, TOLL ROAD CLAIM ,'1'he County Solicitor will advise you in reference' to pl'OC'edUl'et6 l~e adopted ,to obtain amount paid Middlesex fat' Toll rOi-ld when 'Counties were-divided in 1852, A Oonl1nittee should be appointed with _power to actively press ,the 9onnty's'Cla,ims and fin~l1y dispose of this matter. ' ELGIN dOUN'l'Y 06U:\OlL o ,co:UN"ry ROAD 9YS'fEM I ,va~_rather surprised. recentl)~ toi't'acl. it soniewhltt lengthy Ie-ttnr 'to 'the p.,ress, instnlC'ting the Gouncil in the. propel' policy to ndopt when the County Roads By-La.w" comes n-pfqr: consider'ati.rn atthis session. The Council of,!I).O~ we~'e, active ir~inve~tigltti])g alImH",tt()~.s iqconnecUion with Coun~yRoads Systems ~nd at theN'ovemherSess. ion of tbat ye~u' -deCidedthcil the class of ~'()l:tds' ,e~pecte~l would. he t~)o. expem,<-Lve,sincethnt tiHie the rn.tttel' hasnothef:ln before, the Oonh:cil tLnd 1 Hill lIot a.w'lrethnt itis tll COtneup this~:elil'; EQUALIZATION , I It-isnOWS(lme yea.['s:since County YaltmtOl,'S Io'ql~~llized the Assess~. - llIent,,;'of th~Oount,Y anthl:'. per_cent;tge, plan. The<'l/lrninistl.<-~tiOtl qf the Asse~smentAetof19q4 has resnlted"in nsuhstant-inl in'ci.o:\sl:' In Hssessen values. of Elgin lVfunic,ipaFties which in 19:14 n.moun,ter1 t,o $1't060,161atld i'n1908to: $18.021.202. "Anincrea,seof ovet. Bj) per e(~nt,; Notwithstanding this the)la,,>isOounty l.'lltes has Tcm'nined pI'ltcticaJly uIlch1Lnged.ThR .Equ,tliz(i,tiol1 C(lmri1ittpo. sholild .:.Illeet:during the 'pl~esent session rtnd'nt'rangeJorthe appointment of Yalua..toi;s or make tho'rough inquiry hp~orerppol'tin"can eqttalizittion ilt the June ~esi{)n, :W,ith these few l'2UlH.l'ks- gplltlernen we shall proceed with:the husi~ nessof the-ses~iQllwhichI tr'i.tst wilJl'eceive that attent'ionthllt,has. ~Llwll~'s ch",rIlqtei'ized.<the delihol'i-ttions of the Elgiu, County Conncil; The"pl'oCeedi'ngsof the >Iast d.ty 1A the Novenihel' , Se~sioll 19(10 \ {)f the: 'Spe'cial"'Sessioll.andofthep1'8vious,day' wel:e l'eacl lweI C(;l~_' firmed. . The Report of theSpecialOommittee 'appointed .to'stl'ike'Stancling ~()oml.inittees was presented <1. ndadopt~donmotion of l\fistele secimded IlySl1mmet~s. ' The following comnlUniclt,Fons wel:el'ead:~ From VillageM Port SUmley'rc" .Hitl'l1fll' Im-pl'ovements referred to :petitions & LegislatiOlLCollimittee. , Frain 'Secretary Olltario Good_'Roads Association 1'e Annual Meeting, lU ELGIN COUwry COUNCIL F'rum Secl'e.ta,l'Y Natiot't"al Good' Roads' Goji,ventlon ferred,to ,Puolie ImpI'Jlvernents Oommitte~. re meeting, re:':' Frog} S:nbTl'easul'er's or Sehoo,l Monies 1'8, salary, l'efelTm:J, to Fin~ a.l1e~ OOli'IUlit4~~e, lJ'i~oi:n CllljntyClel;k ~Jondon)'e provincial, Grant 'to: \Nei:ll,wll Un i- Ye~'$jtYI'i.'efel'l'ed t9 Petitions '&.LegisllttiOu COlllulittee. / .' FI:.'Jlll S~l"lva.tionAl'my for renewal ofgr11llt,;-l'eft~I're~1 t'o FilU.LnCe Committee. ;ff.'r'om_Ontal'io MUlllCipnJAssociation fOl'bettel'ment of,Oonsnmp~ .. .. .. . .... 1".'-' ~ives 'rePetition'and 01'<\01',; rerel't'ed to,Fina/nee COlllJidttee. Fr'Oll,~ Pt~rdo.ri:l &. Pl1i'dOIll .' reii:lCtn:pOl'<tlion of London -an'd T..ake- I. '.," .... .....: .".... '." ,',-..', Erie-tr<tusport<tt,iotl Oomp<tnj',refer('cd to, comu'littee orLPetitionk& ,. I' . '. . \. I.... . ..' , Legislci.tion.' , FrOll!'. .\Vest lillgin.,Medkal Ass~ciatiori '.'1'8 ...<idmissio"b\ 'of'Elgin pn,tient,s"to Middlesex Sanitarium, .r(-;'ferre~l to Fi'tlRnce. Committee. From PI'jeoner's CtnhmiLtee; Ai.dAssociatioll'Te grant, referred to Filla-llce- .. - '. I ' PI'OUl ICIQspitalf01:" Sick Cl1ildl'cn, TOl'OlltO; 1'8 gl'Ul'lt, l'~feI'l'ed to Fi.-. nali(~e''Q'o):nniiitee. . :b~ronl Ca..nadLin'Fal'mre )Need Il1s:pection, referred to Committee O~l Petitions'&. Legishition. , :Fl'om (Jo~:m ty ;Engi.neer wi,th'r'epor.t, l'ef~~re'd to Public Impfov~- ilients Oorlmittee.' Fron'] Pr'ovillci.al Inspe~t01' \vith Annual Itepol't"referred to' House o(Indusr,l'Y Conmlittee. / F'l'zHltPt'ovincial Tl'ustees Ass?~il.lJion_re Anul.Htl, Meetingj', refer'red to Edtication Committee. ' , , '.... .,..! '.' ' ]~.r()n1'St.. Thomas Collegiate Institute with repor.t, 'l'(~ferred to EdIl- <:iltidn COllllnittee, ELGIN COtJN'rYCOUNctL ]1' From Wardsville HJgh School with I Committee. l'fport, -referred' to Edtlcation From'rl1l'nkeys Elgin Gaol ~pplication for increa,se of salary, re- , . . fereed to GoaIComn1ittee. FromCounty Police Magistrate with Ani:mal Rep01't, referl'edtd Finance. Committee. 1!)'om County Clerk re'Licenses. From Nation~11 S~initarium'Association re Grant, ref~l'red to Fiil- anc~ Commilitee. 11'rolll Children's Committee. Aid Society with report, referred 'to" Finance' From Oonnty Treasurer with I'eport,.:referred: to Finan,ce Com- mittee. ., , From County Solicitor with ophiion 1'e Toll Road Claim against Middlesex. A Deputation consisting of Judge .Ermatinger, Police ,Magistr<tte H~ntandp. s.t. C,Leitch addressed the Council requesting grantf<H' Law Librarv Association and the 'V arden refened the matter to the ~iDance Co;nmittee. I Mov,ed'byJ. It; SUrrl,mers. Seconded byJ. J,'lVIistele. , That Andrew l\furray and W; .11'. Galbraith beappointed'Audito1'8 I of County-accounts for 1909. -Carried. 12 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL Mr.. Jackson $nbmitted County Solicitor's Opillioil 1'e scowinc-reek utPOl't. Stanleyahcl the\Val'den referred the matter to th~ Public 1m provements Committee. Moved by George Hnssel, Seconded by J. E. Lindsay, That this Coullciladjourn until2.p. in. ~Oai'ried. The Councilresllmed; Mr. MeDermand gave notice of application for grant for $25.00 e'achto East Elgin Farmers alid :Ladies Institutes andMr; Dromgole gav,o notice of a similar appli~ati~n for grants fqr the West Elgin In- stitutes. C()lllity 'Police Magistrate Hunt. addressed the Council WtLrdE'll referred the same td'the Finance Con~mittee. and the , Moved by D. Stratton, Seconded by W. H.Moore, 'I'hat thisOOllllCil adjourn until tO~lliorl'OW at teu-o'clock to allow Co~m.ittee~ to l~!eet. -Carried. DONALD MoLEAN, Wa~den. FIRST SESSION--TJ-lIRD DAY Thursday, the 27th da.y of January, 1910. '11heElgin County Conncil met this \ day at the Oourt House,' St. Thomas ac~ording to adjournment. TheWal'den in the chat'r. All ,the members present. Thepl'.oceedings of the p1'evions day wer'e read and 'confirmed. ,Mi'. l\1istlele ga,>:e not'ice of a.pplicatiori for grant for Rodney Lock'up.;'. M1'': Russell grtV'\:l,notice'of a.pplication: for\ payment to Townsl1ip of Ya.rmonth and SOllthwoid of portion of ,amount received fronithe 'Oovel'nineht on account London a.nd Port Stanley Toll 'Road. ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCUIL J!@ved by W. Killins, Seconded by.it. Gilbert, That this Council hear' deplltatidn fmm the St, Thomas IiIO'I'se Show at 2 Po m. The report of Education Comm,ittee was presented motion of Ling, soo<?nded by Summers. -Ca.rried,. I and ad0pted on ~he He~oI't of Petitions andLegisla,tionComn'littee wa,s presented I "Lnd referred t() a Oommittee of the ~hole with Dr. JJ/ing- in the chair~ AHel' ~mending the report it was adopted on tn9tionof Ling, s(."Conded ~)T,Mistele. Moved }lY W. Killins, ,Se.cOhded by J. J. Mistele, 'That we a.djol!rU twmeet Itt 2p. )n. -Oal'l'ied. 'l'heCollucill'esumed. ' A heputation fI'Olll the St. Thomas Horse, Show Ass(}Cj;,ttio,n con.. ,istiug of lVInyol' Guest, R. D, Ferguson, 1. W. MCPhersun. .Tuo.Gilbert and 'J\h,'o Futcher addressed the Council making 11ppHc~ttion fOl' gr<tllt which Was reft'rred hy the Warden to the ,FinanceOOl1:11uittee. l\fr~ l\fitchellgave noticeof applic;ttion for grant to the Belmont Horse Show. The report of the Public Ilnprovernents qommittet~ was pl'esentc<l and adoPtedou,Ulotion ofl;\fcDel'InaIid, seconded by Mitchell. '.rherepol'tofthe Fina,nee Onmi:nittee "vas presented and l'efet't'ed to I.t committee oithe wh91e, with A. L\lcL'lChlin in the chltir;-Aftel; considering tll~l'epol't ~lause hyeI,anse it was adopted withol1t <tmelid, !U,ent on motinl1ofA\McLachlin, seconded by.J. E. Lindsay. Moved orB. l\CcDei'mand, ,/ III 14 ",ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Seconded hy,M. McKnight~ rl'h~lt twel~ty-iive dollars be granted to the East Elg-in Fat'mers; lnstitute ~Lnd twenty-five dollars to the East Blgin Ladies Ins~~tute. --Cari'ied~ , j.\1oved,.b,y J".Dl:'omg<ile~ - ~'-:f '\",. ~ ."', , Se'conded by A; M~Lachin. T.hfl>t a; grant of twe.nty-five dollars Qf' li'tL1'lnf.:'rs Institute and twenty-five dollars listitnte. given to the \-Vest Elgin ~o the \Vest Elgin Ladies~ -Oarried. Moved by A. McI...achIin, Secon.ded byS. MeDermartd, That Dl'. G; "V. Ling 'be appointed nsth~e Acconntsl, A.udi,tor of Administration of -Oarried~ Moved by A.McLachlan, , SecOl1ded, by D. McKillop, That the Chairman of _the variolls' Cominittees he a special C-om- mittee to, cClllsider matteI'S referrdtnin Wardens addl'ess.-Oar:ried. ':Moved by 'WnL Jilclcson~ Seconded. hy J. E. ;Linc1say. / That theivVal'denname a Committee t~ confer and act WIth com- t'-1it\(~:e of Middlesex, London, st. Thomas and Port Stanley Counci}s or any of them in memoria,lizing Domillio~ Govel'nl)](mt' for, impr'ove- mel~ts to P01.t Stanley Ha.l'hol'. '-Carried. M,oV'ed?y ,D. Stratton. See'oueled by S~MeDcrmll"ild. 'l'hitt this Council petition the Honorable tlheMinistel' of. Public 'Yorks to eslabiish a Hal'hor of Refuge at' Pt,: Bl~r~ell. -Carried.. , ' l):LGIN COUNTY COU.'WIL Moved by J;' R. Summers, Secollded by .T. .1. Mistelc'>, Thi:l,tA. n. Backu~be appointed Trustee'of fort.hree years_ Moveq. by Dr~ Ling, Seco;nded'by J. Dl'bmgole. That .J. B. Cr-awford he .nppointed . S6ho,o1 for three years. Moved by D. Stratton, Aylmer High School. -.Cal'ried. ,:rf'ustee fen', the Dutton. Hig h i-Carded. Seconded by Robert Grass, , That Orlll Bartlett he appointed Trustee for for the yeal's191O-11-l{;l. . Moy-ed by J. J. Mistele, Vienna High School -.Oarried. ,Seconded by ~. R. Summers, , l'hat t.he Olerk he instructed to procure cllrds with names bel'S and Oounty Officials. Moved by W. I-I. Moore, Seconded by D.-Stratton, That this Counci1adjourn~mtil to-morrow ~t . Oommittees to meeL J ofmomw -Carried. ten o'clock to aWn\' -Cal'f'ierl. DONALDJ\iJcLEAN. \Varden. 15,' I 16 lcLGIN COUN'fY COUMCIL FIRST SESSION-J;'OURTH DAY 28th January, uno. '. \ I 'J;heEIgin County Council met this day at the Court House, 'St.. , r~',homas ;accordiilg to adjournm<;.nt. The W firden in the chair. AU'the members present. The proce'edings otthepreviousday, were read, and confirmed. '1'he repartof Slpecial Oommittee on 'Vardens address'i'i'as pt'esen~ teal;-m'd a,dopted, on motion of Jackson seconded "by Lindsay. 'l'herepot't of the':I,?Lnance Oommittee was pres~nted and adopted ,on motion of McLachlin, seconded by Russell. The report, of Gaol Committee ':Vas presented and adopted on \ rnotion of Campbell, seconded by Gmss. The report of theEqu~J~zation Committee was presented a.nd I'efEWl'ed to ~1c()lIlnJittee of' 't'hewbole with Mr. McDermand in the' chait;. After a,mendhlgthe l'PPOl't the Oommittee,ros~ :tnd report was a.dopted Ol\IPotion of McDermHnd, seconded' by McL~tchlin. 'rhe report of the SpepiilJ OiHnmittee 1'e Inspctol' Tayior was pl'e~ sonted and adopted on' mo'tion of Ling, seconded; by DlOmgole. The Report of Dfputation' appointed t.o wait pn Gove~'nment in l~eference to additional aid for Highw<ty Improvement W;-lS presented. Moved by J. J.Mistele, Seconded by J. R. Summers, That thisOOUllCil gt'ant Two ,IHundl'ed Dollars, to buy o:rassist in buying steel oages for a lOCk-tIp' at' Rodney in case they build a new Town Ha.ll. I --'-:Oarried. ELGIN<COUN1'Y COUNCIL 17 'M()ved by J. J. Mitchell, Secended by A~Gilbert'1 That 1;.h~ Belm.ont' Hors,e Show -b(~ granted Twenty li"ive' Dolliu's provided that Middlese~ Cou.ntyCounciJ grant,:it siu<lilar anlount;, ' ~-Oal'l'ied,. Moved by Wm~ J'acksou, Seconded by J~E. Lilldsa;y~ 'That eommittees he'}:la-id,for wO'rk within t.he Oounty, r:fh!'ee DO'l- lars per day and mileage, and fOl~. W0I'koutsid.eth,eOonnt,y, '~'wo Dollars pei' day and 'expense;s. -~C<l,1'l'ied. Moved by'George I-tilssel, Secondedhy Absalam Gilhert, That the Oounty '~'reasllrer he dire'Ct~~ to credit, 'each of the 'l'<nvn ships of Yarmout.h and Sonthw:old, with fifteen pOl' cen't of the aIl10nllt . '. . c- .. . '._. ,...,. ',I 't'('IC'e.ived from:' the Provincill,l T,reasul'er on.IlCCOllllt of'Londoll.a:pd Port Stanley Ton Road. -Lost on -the following divisiOll~ Yeas:~Jackson, RusseU" Anderson, KUlcl?-s, GilheI't, Ling, 1\1,'0',. Lachlin-7. Nays: -Cilmpbell,. .Dromgole, .l\IcDermand,-,McKnigb.t' MO'o.re, Mitchell, Surnmet's, Grass, I~inds;'ty, Mistele~',,1 1. Movedhy A.l\fcLachlitl Stl'nU;(J'n~ Seconded by J, 'JkoUlgole, That BY.f-.cLW No. 700 IH-'tng It By~Law to' authorize the '\Vu:rrlen and. Tn:';'l,suret' to horrow $20.000 he ~'eceived nnd l'eA.-d It first time.. - Carried, Moved by 'J.. Dromgole, Seeimdedby, A.l\TcLachlan, 18' ELGIN OOUNTYOQUNOIL Thu..t By-Law~ ~o. 760he,read a second time~ -Carried~ Mo.ved by A.. Md..,a;chlan. Seconded by 'V. \V; Ca.,r.np\H~II, rfha,t By-Law, No. 760 be:,'rc<l,(t [l"thil'd time and finaIlypassed. -Carried: Moved. by J.J. Mite-hell. Seconded hy A. Gilbert, . That By~l.o'lw, No. 761 being a. By-Law to' a,ppoint County Auditors' ~)e',l'eceivedanclre:,"d It first time. Oarried. ~ M ovecl by A. Gilbert. Seconded by .1. J.1HitcheIl, That J3y~Ll1W, No. 761 he rsad}J, second time. ---Carried. Moved by .T. J. Mitchell, Seconded YV. Killins, 'rfha..t ny-L~w~o. 761; be road a third time and finally passed. -Carried, Moved hy.J..T.l\1isteIe, Seconded byJ. l.t, Summers. 'l'h<:Lt, By-La.w No. 762 bei_ng By~law to appoint a Board of Audit be l'€ceivedand read afll'st time. ' -Oarried., Moved by J. It. .sllmrnei'E" Seconded hy J. ,1. ~listele, rl'hat By~Law No. 762 be I'mid a. second time. -Oarried. . Moved by.T. .J. l\Hste1e, ELGINOOUNTY oOl.iNom 19 Seco;nded 'by,.J." R. "Summers, That By-La.w No,. 762 be read athh'dtime arid' firiallY'}J(t,ssed. " - -,-.Oanied. Moved byD. \Stratton, Secondedhy.W. H. Moore, 'rha,t By-Law No. 763 being a By.,Law to appoint Trustees of Schools he received and read a first time. FHgh ---'-Carried. Moved hyW, H~. Moor€', S~conded byD."Stratton, That By-Law No; 763 he re~Ld it second time, -.,O~rrieil.1 MOVf'd oy D..Stratton. ~e.conded hy W. H. Moore, !.fhatBy-Law No. 76S, be read a ,third time I:tnd finaIly pl:tss~ih -Ourried. -Moverlby M.McKnig-ht, Seconded bY_A. Anderson, Tha.tBy:-Law'No., 764 being-a' By:-La\y, to Hx Po~ice Magistrate bEl received and rea~ a first time. sa,lllry of County -.,Oar:ried. Moved, byM.. McKnight; Seconded hy S. McDermano, That By'Law NO..7f14 'he rew'a Be-cond time. --Carried. Moved, by S. McDerUlltud, Seconded by A. Apderson, " , ',,1 \ 2U ELGIN OOUNTY O()UNO~L \ That By-Law' No. 76'l,be,read a, third time aha finally passed. , , -Ca,l"l'ied. Moved byG. RUBsell, Secollded by. !A lex. Andersqn, 'l'ha,t By~Law No. 755, being fL By<Law to fix salaries. of Suh- 'rreaSllI'er of School Moneys be received a,nd rea:da first time. , . ~CaI'l"ied. 4foved by G. Russell, Seconded by.T-. E. LilldsaJ'~' That By.L;-lWNo.-765 b~read a. se('ondtiru!=l. ,. ~ -Oarded. lVIoved. by"S. McDel'innl1d, Seconded by Geo;' Russell. ;l'ha:tJ3y~Lltw 765'he I'ead,a third tiIne:arldfiimlly passed. ........;Ca.,nied. ~foved l~y"r.,v. OnmpbeU; Secon'dec1hy A. J\'lcLaeh li n, Thal:, By~La,w No. 755 being ,NXl~ived,tLnd read 11. first time. a By.LH.w to fix"1'ur:nkeys sa.1,nries he -----'-Carried. MO\Ted hy A. Mc Lachhin, 'Secouded by '\-V., W,.Citmpbellj 'rhat By~La\V No; 766 be,rend It second tinie. -Carded. Moved by'.T. li:. LindsaYl Se(~omled by George Russell. r11hatBy~Law No. 766 be'i'ea,d,ft.thircltime andfitlal1y passed. , ~CI\Tried, '~, ELGIN OOUN'fY00tJNOn;' 21 Moved by W.W. O::unpbell; Sec"onded hY'A. McLa.chllln, Tha.t By~La.'v- -Nh.176'7":heing It' B"-T.,,,aw't,(? fix 'n'lelonbe'l'SWil,ges'be :.received a.nd read a fil'st'tin'te. Moved byJ.E. Lindsa.y" , LCaJ.\,rie<J. ,'.-' 'Seconded 'by Geo. Hnss~n, 'That)3y-LaWN-o.767 be read a secone;! tiirie.. -'.~Olt1'{'k)~l~. JHoved'hy.r. 'E. Lindsay, Seconded by; Geo. Russell. 'That BY'R.LawNo; 16g'hel'ea.d~t tMpd,thne'ltfHlfinilllv,p,issed;' \ .. . ""',' e --.:':'Cn,l'l'ie(1. ~Whe'Warden npp()inted the lollo\~ingSp~cirLl Conlll'littMs; TOL'L HOADOI~AIM~Stlill[nel's,. .Tacksoti,.tinclsl~,Y" CI-\.tll'p.bell., Strn~~ t:;11, Killens, -l\lcKnig~t. .q.r'ilss, ",l\'1'cKfli6:,)" .'McJ{~ty. ''GOOD ROADS'AssOCIATfON-McDermand, lVIcr"achlin) 'l\lihchell 'Il,nd . I ~ , A~ld{>l's(m; Ji:ngcATIONAL, ASROCIA':I'ION -Gilbert, ,l\{oQl'e. WE$,'l;'E:R-N' UNIYERSI1'Y -J ndge Cqlter;Ling, .Jacksoi:J~ \ PORTSTANLEY----:_l.iing, Jacks:1tl,.~:EcKlty.. :4' ',' . 'j l\Iovedby'J. R. SUll\illEH'S; , 'Secrm<led by J. J. ,1\IistpJe, 'rha.t th,isCollncij,Qi) June at 2 p~nl, no\va-dj<illll"ll, nntrl the ,sp.cond rf'uo~dl-l,~~ jn -,----:Cilrrie(L iDonA.LD ,McLEA:i\"; V'i7;U'den ~ 22': ELGIN OOUNTY OOUN;OIL S]!ii'OON'll' SE8SWN~FIRST DAY ,t.:, 'l'hesday,. thefourteeuth day o.f Jime uno. . rl~he Elgin G()\1nty Conncilmet this:day !lIt the C'OUirt House, 8t~' Thomas abording to I':djoIlX11ment.. rr.hevVal'den in the Chl}jir~ All the members pl~ent except \'II'. Lindsi1Y. The' W a.l'd~n add,ressed the Co~ncil as follows;- WARDENS ADDJ;tESS .Jnne . SessiO'll To the:'Members of the Elgin County CounciI-:- Ge:ntlemen;- Before dealing with GO'unty Imttters r desire t6 -refer to the death of our BeIO\:,ecl,S(wereign Ki~g' Edward vn known thrp~gl1,~ out the woddas the "Peacemaker". Although he occupied the throne but for 10 years, his previous experience and special prepn.ra.tlon ,had so fitted hinl for the position that he was able to ,do much to con~erve peace among the Na,tions:of the world and assist'in the advancflment of the BJ.itish Empire. Hisdeath has been regretfully,. mourned by the British snbjet:ttsthl'oughout t'he world a,ndesDeciaIly the i:esidents of JtJngIand who knew him hest not onlY as their Sovereign bl1t as:;t king among meh; It will ,,he );'0111' duty ,a.sl'epresentatives of the' people of County?f Elgin to copsid~l',a resolution of condole"9ce arid loyalty to 'hi~ Majesty King George V. very Iittle:bllsiness of imp.ortance ha.s been brought to my atten~ t,ion s'n1Ce tho 'Janmu:y Session. Theval'ioll~ committ,ees have been iLt.tenti,'eand win l'eport,,:hat they have heen doing du'Hng that time. ELGIN eOUNTY OOU.'lOIL 23 The l\funicipal Comrriittee of Legislatul'e has' referred' a.Bill'intro- duced ilt the- Iastsessidn to the Oounty Council for anopinion"before it is reported 'to the Legislature. Copies of these were mailed to yo'u s~~e/ time ago; The more important changes suggested tovrhich I would direct your atteiltion toare:-'--- oJ 1. The Bill proposes to m'ake County Council~ r'esponsiqle,forll.ll bridges 50 fLor over situated on anY,Highway in the-Oo.llnty.~ , 2. It pm poses to-take away fi'oinC6unty Councils, the; right to de- termino how'a 1l1'idgeshouldbe built or rebuilt a~d confer that fiuthor~ ity on thePl'o'villcial,Dep'arttnent'of Pllblk:Works. . It will he difficult for'yol} to appl'pcia;te this. as in Elgin we are very, Inu:ch:in advance Of otbel"COl.lnti'es ill the'" Province in the Blatter of Public :works. Other COllntif;'s,-however, havf> not been liheral in this' rega"rd,_ha;ve not had theirbrid9'es platme~ or constmction sllpervised" by ft' compete'nt En.- ' gineer, Without the assistance of a pompetenta.uthority,Councils caunoLllowcOnStl'uct 'moderlf,h~'i.dge$lll,' a l:!,!lthlfactory 'mann~r, 'What may appeal' a necessitv in some'parts,of the PI:ovince is in m'y opinion a mellace ~Q'that delno~r.at,ic,spirit which has ,stood forso"much' in. the develoI?~ment of our Municipal Institutio~s. ,A'l?tl'ong 'petitiot;Lshould bl;lfm'-luuIllted,ill oppositiori to the proposed 'Bill. I I t,hinkit',"\ouldbe well to consider the advisability of visitiug the Housenf hldnstl'yearlY:i.nthesy,ssion so that we may adjourn rrhm'S_' da~r,Ol' I~~l'i(bY,morning,at the,lat~st. .. ,We will nnw pl'oceed with thebtlSiness of the session. The pror:eedings of the last day ()f the pl'ev[Otls session'were ,read confi:rmeq.. . ,'1'he followitlg conimunicationswerel'ead;~ From W. Atkin"I. P. S.l'e X-armouthEatrance Exa.mination aileI' account,referred to Education Committ.se. I From D. M. Cameron, Secretary London Health Assobia'tion re Sa,nitarium, referred to.Special Oommittee. 2~ \" \..,.,.:".. .' El;GINOOUNTY OOulIlOIL , -'----~~~.- L" .. I :ELGIN COUNTY OOUN01fL ''2T) ,'From Cou.nty AJd(tors wi~'hHepol''t, referred to Finance \ tee. ",', .. ',', . -; \, ','i. ..: Comnii.t~ SEOOND SESSlON-:SFJOOND DAY. _Fi'Oin R. I. Wut'per, J;-i:.>incipalAlma Collegerelnspecto!'. T'ayl~}i:', 'l'/;::fened to Education Committee', ". '., ",', ',) ',..,.,' , 'Vednesdri'y, the 'fifteenth day of June,' 1910. 'rh'e Elgin OOlmty Oomicil Hletthis day itc~ordingto 'itdjoUl'flIHont. From "V. Atkin; I. I? S'. with Annual Report, tatilj~I'ConlInitte(~; . "I';i""" refel'redto Educa~ The V'i lLl'den .in the Chair~ . J!'l'onl,Sec~ebrryoi:"Oil'nadian Conference qf Charit!es and OO1'rec- ,.tio~; l'efe:l-redito HouS~'df Industry Committ'ee. .'- ";' , -.;' .., ,,',', '; All. U.le'llUeiabers 'preseiit. I The proceedings of ~th~ pI'e~iousdlty were read and coufi-i:;'~iH~d'. From Edn,Yil,tion D,dp:ll'tmf'nt l'e gr~t'lt, referred t,p Education Com, mitte. I ' ' The fGlllowing- cpmmunications were read~':""" FI'Olll' Df'pijl'tmcnt, of Agricultnre :re,p;rantto Wintei' Fa.h:"I'eferreq ',toPinanct' Conn'nittee. From, the Ontaiio 'Municipal, Association reAnnu.ai 'M:ee'ti'~g,' ;L'e.. ferred to,'Pin'ance Committee . " I ".J. A. ff'll, '(J.E. .with Committee., , , . ' r report, ~'ef('rred toPuhlic IlUpr~)Vement iFI'ljill County GlerkwithReport on Licenses. Notiees of Motion:- l\f(iyerl hy ,.T.,il~. Sun'uners, By' MI'. Russell, $500.00,fol' Union 'Br'idge. Sf'c'Olldvd hy.T. .T.Miet~le; 'By'rlfr.:qamphell,'Grlln~ Aldborough Agl'icuituNtl Soch~t.y, That this C6uncil 'adj'oul'n'lmtil '"tl:o\\' Committees to'tlleet, to.morrowat eleven o'dock 16 .By Mr:/l\iit'chell, ...1. G6un'ty,to assl1~e\ brid~e- 'tJppo.<,;ite, 'Lot 10, Con;:U, S.DQrchestel". ~Carried. , DON ALD M 0 LEAN 'Varden. "'2.;: Grant,l'e l'epah"; l:()adat,Bl'idge between Malahide Hud. {Dol'chesteil."_Opposite Lot ...19, COli.!. .K.".; McKAY, Co. Olerk.. By MI'. Gilbert, toassu~ueb!'idge west of SouthwoldSta:tion. By 1\ir. Dl<omgole~ t.~ gl'ant,$2i:5;OO toK~te~Wallace: By ,Ml'.,:McL,H!hI,dl. togrant$200.00 fot t\vo'school hduS8S" S, Sec. 14 Du'nwi~h. Mr. S,uJl1l,ners; f(i~ gI'ltut to East Elgin Fair. 26 EI.GIN OOUNTY OOUNOIL Mr. Dromgole" fOl' grant ,t>o,West~lginFitil'. MI'. Liildsay" for g:,r~nt S,outhDorcp.ester 'F,aiL'~ (.:\Ii:;'~illetl8r foi',gr~U.tti(). S~l'Utp,wqld Fail'~ Mr', Stratton, for Grant to Bayham Fa~~~ The l'Cp(wt of Special Committee appointed ,t'o. inve8t~ga'te ~1fldl )i'epOI'b on Sanitarium, for the cUl'e'of. tuherculosis, neitr' London was. presen ted. .Moved by G.' iv. Lingr SecJmded by D. McKillop,' I ' ,,- . ,That the Report just read be adopted. rrhe Wa:['den.,announ~ed:'that the I-Io'n. A.da,mBeckwouldaddress: the Oouncil on thh; 8ubje<?t at 3 p:nt. a,nd ['esoluU01l' was l1-id OV.;ll'. ~.oved by s.. J\lcDerm!tnd, , Seconded by f1~J:tu~sell. Th~ttthe Puhlic hnpl'Overnent COllimittee have power,\to::tward , coritract'fpl' cement arc"!:1,to .,be CiCH~str~lCted at Belmont on Middlesex ,Collnty)ine, and'thatvVilliaUl Ja.ckson be added to s~id_Committee for,. 'anJY work th;\.t:-ma.y beun:dertH,k~,natPort Stanley. -Carried. ,t. ~'.. '''-. Movea by ,W. Killens, Secondedhy .J: .J.Mitchell. That the Conncil visit Port Starilex at eight- It. m. tc;morrow to in- , I, tlpect creekprotectipn wo,rk ncpes~;-~l'Y i!~p~at vill~ge. '"'-p.~rr.;i~4, Moved by J, Sumrilers, " ?' !, \, ,ELGIN OOUNfry OQUNOIL 27 Seconded hy W. H. Moore, ',~J,'hftt th_eCouncilvisit the House~'o~ Indnstry this afternoon at 4.38. -Carried. Move~, by G.Russel, Seconded by J. E. Lind,say, ;" Th;--t.t this council adjourn until2 o'clock. -Carl'ied. . The Conncil Restlmed. I, The Honorahle Adam Beck addressed the Council. Af tel' which' mbti?n to adop\t cllrried; Mo.vedhy W. Jackson, Secor,Hied by J'. E. - Lindsay, rrhatthe Tl'easurer of the' County of Elgin be instructed to pay 'the Treasure,i> of Port Stitnley th,e sum of One Hund_red, ,ttUd'F'ifty.Dollars being I-tlnonn;t~ranted for steel cages for Village Lockup. -Oarried. MOVedhy 8. MeDer'mand, Secp,nded hy A. .Andel'son, .. I That ~hefol!owing06rnmitte(~ be appointed t(Htl'l'itnge agreement in connection \VifhConnt.y :gl'ant to'the London Sanitariuml-Dr. I L!ng, D.McKillop. M.McKnight, .J. Mistele andWm. .Tackson; . ......:Carl'ied. Mr. Ca.mpbell gave n'otice of H.pplicati~n for F;l'ant to West EIgip ,< ,'Poultry Association. \ , Moved ?y W.' H.-Moore, 28 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL Seconded, by J. R. Snmmol's, That th'e'Oouncildo now adjollI'l.1to visit the'Hcillse of ,Industry to meet at 11' a, m.ta-morrow. . -Oarried. K. W. McKAY, Oq. Olerk. DONALD MCLEAN, Ward~n. ,"J !., ELGIN' OOUNTY OOUNOIL SEOOND SESSIONc-THIRD DAY. Thursday, the Sixteenth day ofJI~ne, nno. The EIginOount,Y Council, mat this da.yaccordin.g tol1dj(iul'nme11t:. The-Warden in'the Chair. A.ll the members present. ( The proceedings of the previ<llls dlty w;e~e rend and conffrmf'd. Mr. Mftchell; iuquit'ed r,e leng'th of County Bridges, and 'MI', 1Vf'c.~ Killap ll!quired as to time Vnlnatol's' Report ,wouhlhe ready; I Mr. ~ummer~ gave notice of ,applic"at'ion for grant for E<lstn:l'g'ltl . Hospital. ;..' ~ Tlle'report of the Education CommIttee -wnspresent~d and 1~dopted ou motion of Dr. Ling, ~econded hy J. H. Summers. Movecl hy A. McLachlin, Seconded,:hy J. Dromgole,' That' dele-glltirin frornScholll Secti()l\ No. 14, DU,nwich he, now heard. .-Ca:rried. Messrs; Ma.cPhersoiutlld Lackey, tbNul.ddressed the Conndt Moved by ,A; McLachlan, Sec0nded hyDr., Ling, ThatthisCouncilnutke a..gl'antofTwo Hundred Dollars to "the . I .' ~ Trustees of School Sect.ion No. 14, Dunwich to assist in schools in sltid section. '29 . 30 ELGIN OOUN1'Y COUNOIL Moved'by J. H.,Summersj Seconded by W;. D. KiIleJls! ~rhl1,t the,Oouucil'do now' heal' d{'tput;:i,tion.fl'onl'EastElgin ~die8 Institute. I ~Cal'ried~ Mrs; Finch and Mrs. rrrim then addl'esse<l'the Council requesting grant for East Elgin Hospital. Moved by Geo. RusseH, . Seconded by Alex. A~del'son. 'l'hat a gru,nt of 'FiveHlllld~ed' Donars,he inadeto~4e Township of , 'Y~J)mouth to assist in" there-building and filling of the Union, Bridge ~~n~n~,~d~S~nl~~." -'Lost. Yells:-Jackson, Andel'son,-Rnssel, Grass,' McDermarid, Stratton, ~oore, ',Kill'i'pSi' Gilbert-g. NitYS:"""':Oa.ulpbell, .Lindsay, _McKillop, Ling, McLachlin, Dtomgole~ Mftch~J'I,Mistele, SUmnlel'S, McKnigh't"~,li(l thl~ Warden-H. Moved hy' J. E. Lindsay, S'econded hy .J. Mistele, . . 'fhat the (jnestio1'1 oigra-ni. to Y.:t.,rlllonth Jor-Union"Bridge 'be re~ considl~red. -':'Carl'ied. Moved QY,.J..1. Mi'tchell, '.'.1,', " Seconded by A. Gjlhel't, .,.'J.; (That the County Engineet. pl'epal'e a.-lh:;t pf aIlCoul1ty Bridges 'giving length arid class'ofeonst.l'llction l:l~n(l ~ha,t thelistpe printed in HI iuntes. -Carried. ELGINOOUNTY OOUNOIL Moved hy Dr. Lingo, Seconded by D. McKillop, That all. Public Schools having the F:iftl1 Class, all schools ha.ving Continuation Classes, and High Schoois <Lsking supplementary grants trom this CounciJ,.'5hall-present to this Oouncil at the June Session each year a ful1l'Aport of the number of scholars' attending; COlUi~y Grants. GovernmentGrants, cost of ,maintenance and the quaJityof ~eaching' _done itl,th~irschool, failing to do this, they-will forfeit any ~upplemental'Y gr~ntsyhftt they,might be entit,led,to from this County. -Lost. 'Yeas~ Ling;: Dromgolp., McKillpp, Campbell, Gilbert, Killens', AnderSOn, McKnight-8. :Nays:--,---.Jackson, Lindsay, McDermand, Grass,. Moo're, Summers, ;t\~'jstele, Russell,. McJ-.llchlin~-.lO. l\1r. Killens gave notice of application for share of GoyernmeJit Gra.utto l'oIlRoa:d;for Ya1?~otlth'ltl~d Southwold. Mov(;!d byJ. Dromgole, Sl::lccinded by A.: McLachlin, That this Council make It gra.ntof l"wenty-five Dollars ,to the' T~\Vriship()fDunwlchto assist in ~l}aintenance Qf :Kate W'allace, and sist~r:, fOl'tnedy inm'ltes of the House of Industry. ' -'----Ol1r1'ied. i\iovedby W.'Jackson, Seco'nded by.T. E. Lillds;IY, That the County Grants to ~gricl1ltural Fairs be the same as last year, viz. twenty per-cent oft-he Government Grant. -Carr'ied. Moved ,by D. McKillop, S~condedbyw; W. Campbell, 31. 32 , ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY CO\JMOIL 'l'hat the W~rden calf a. special ses9ionof this Council to consider report. of valulttingcommitte . as soon as possible after the,report o:f ..said Committee has,been received. -Carded. l\Iove'd by D,J\'I'cKllIop;:; Secondedr;y,~:W. Campbel~', ,Th,at this,COllncil makea grant of Forty [~ollars to the West Elgin Poultry, ;Assoc'i'a:ti'on. SECO'W SESSION-FOURTH DAY -Friday; the Seve~teentbday,ofJl1ne,1910. -Canied. The BlginOouhty CounciLmet,this day, accordingtoa..djournrimnt. Moved hy'W'. tLMoore, \ ThE\Warderii,n the ({hair. All the llu;'lmhers pl;~serit. 'Seconded by RohertGrass, ':['he prO'ceedings of the prevhmsd_a.y'\vere read:and confiruied. 'That thisConllcil adjout'ri until tomo;rrowatlO a. m. -Ca.rried: :rhe Report of the Honse of Industry"Committee' was 'presented, anq adopted on rilOtio~l of W. J a,"kson, seconded by ~J. R. Slllnmer~. ~(. W.McKAY, Co. Cler'k. DC)l"ALD McLJjJAN, Warden; 1'he Report of tIle 'Pribliclmprovements Oomn~ittpe was prestmted "<-1l1d adopedonmotiori S. 8.., McDerrrm.nd, secondedbyU. Stratton. , I ' , , Th,~ first'Report of the ~i-nance CpUlmitteewaspresent~d 'ahd adopted on motion of A., McLachlin,'51econded by Dr. Ling. '. -- " , Tl)e, Report of the Goal Committ~e _ \V.as p'r,esented'and 'a'doptj;Jd on moti()n,of W:,W.Oa:mphell" seconded-by Hobet.t Grass. I The Secopd He'port of the Fimmce Cornmittee WitS pre,sent,ed adopte,flon motion ~f~. McLachlin, seco'ndedbYW.Jackso~,.' Move'd by J.GJlbel~t; Secollde.d hy'Geo. Russell, r, That the Townships ()I 8otlth~vold rindYarmollth, heg1.'ilnt~d 'rwo Hnl1d~ed aud Fifty Dollars each being"til full of theil- preeent.:tge ,of Ilmountreceived from Governmeilt on the 'Lan'don luid FortStnu. If:"!y Road; 133 \1 3L , , ' ELGINCDUNTYCOU:S-Cr'L ilfoved'byW. W. CampbeU. ~. Seconded by D. McKillop. That the Engine-er report on advisa.hiIity of assuming the hridg-e', over the Fleming Greek on the C'ounty line between "Elginftnd Kent.. -.Canied. \ Mov.ed by J. E. Lindsay, Seconded by W. Jackson, Th,..at the question <>f givIng a g'l"ant to S.S. No.Hin Dunwich-be r-econsidElred. -G<tl'ried. . Moved by J. Lindsay, , Seconded by Dr. Ling, , _ That all High' SchoolS; present, at, Jl1neSession in each ,'year, a full report of aU work: done in school, nUrIJber oft~achers employed, salar,ies paid, lnlmbel~ C?f pnpils nttending; how many from outs.ide the High Sehoo~ Dlstrictand how mnch money collected from such pupils. ' ~aITied. Moved by J. .J. Mistele, Sec<mded by S. McDermand, rrh:tt we incre1tse the sf\lary of Olerk K; ':Y. McKay by the amount of, $100.00 per annum. ~Ca,riied. Moved by A. McLachlin, Seconq,ed hy Dr. Ling; 'l'ha,t a gl"ant of $100.00 ba made to the Trnsteesof School Section, No, 14, in the Tow~ship of Dunwhich to {\'ssist in t,he building of 'twr,t school houses in said Section. ,.--.-.Carried. fiJ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIl:; Moved by J. R.'-'Summers, Seconded by 'Geo. Rusself Thi;ttthis"Councilll1'ake It, grant of onehundr~ed do~lars ':to flssist. ill ' maintenance of-an hospital in Oounty of <Elgin-, si~uated at Aylmer '\\'hen the Qerk reportstha.t the Hospitill has been estahl,she~_.. " -Oarried. Moved byD. Strat;ton, Seconded by_ 'W. Moore, r.rhatthe' Htnadian PitcificRflilw<-lY Companyqe asked by, the . SqIicitOr/ to,l'emovethe switch off the r'oad .allowance bein.g the ap{:lI'oach to t?-e Port Burwell Bl'idl;e and in Cltse they ,I'efuse to ,do so, that.app1icationbenp,det')the Rt'UwilyOo'J)mission to have it t'e:' moved, as the switch is'd'\.ngerol1sto the tr'welling puhHe. , I ..... J -Oarried. Moved hy H. Gra~s, Seconded hy M. McKnight, . That\V.'Kirk he appointed 'fl'llstee of Vienurt High .outtime of R.Screton~, who hns resigned. School tofiU -Canied. -Move"d by'W. D. IUllins, Seponded hy A.' Gilbert, , t;h.at theTi'easui'el~ payJ; Misses'13ryce ~o COlmty Hans,;. " J..4\fitchel! $3.00 for .transporting the --'-OaI'l'ied. Moved'by '"V. W. <,1amphelI; Seconded ?y D. McKillop, \ That the,OouJ,?-cil adjourn to meet at' two o'clockr "Oarried.' , 35 36 ELGIN COUNty COUNCIL .The Council Res:l.lmed~ ,l\fovedbY,Robel't Grass, , Secondeclhy \y. H. Mool'e, \~rhri.t'By;.LawNo; 768 being'a, 'By:LfLW to High School'be l'eceived. and rea.d: a first thne. a.ppoint Trustee Vienna. -'-'--Oat'ried; Moved by Rllbert Gra.ss, . Seconded hyW, I H. .Moore, 'rhnt,By~Ln.w'No. 768 ,be read a second ti;me. -Carried. Moved by Hobert Grass, Secon'deilby 'W.H. ]\fOOl'€', , \'l'hl~t Bv-L!tw No. 768 be i'ead a third time andfinall}~-pa8sed. " ..,' " " -CRrried. Mov('d'hy'J~ J. Mistale, ~e~ondedhy,W,.p. Killins, 'rhat By.lIrt\\~ No. 769 'bein~n By-Law topI'ovide ~or issue of *iO;OOO.'Dehentures, be received l:Hldrea.d l.l, first time..' .:.....:CRrri~d,. M('wedJ. J. ~istelel , Seconded by W: n. I<.illins, That By-La.\v No.769be:-1dvertised' iri'the St.rrhomas''ri[ueS,lolp~ that It special' m~eting to' consider sa.me he held dn Tlle~dl\Y the 15th day of N(lvemn~r at 2 p.m.. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 'S71 'Mov~d:by Geo. Russell, I Seconded by .J.. E.Liridsay~ 'fhatBy:.Law;Noi 770 being a,' By~Law to raise a.tl1ounts for C~unfY' Rates be received and read"firsttime~ .'-'-Cfll'rie'd. Movedhy J. E.Lindsay, Seconded by' G:eo. Russell, "l'hat,gy':'Lf1~~ No. no be readlt second timl".... i . . . ~(J~rI'ied~ Moved b;y '(leo. ~ussell,: . Seconded byJ.,E~ Lindsay, ThatJ:ly.Law~ Nq.' 770 he read a thil'd time,n,hdfi,llttlly pll,ssed~ ~-Carried. Moved, by W.. W. Carl1pbell, / " Secon,dedhy, D. McKillop~ ThatBy-Law,: No. 771 bein~aBy-La\v,to,atlthorize Warden' and '1'l'easurer to horl'ow, $20,000; he received-apd l'eadafiI'st time. . I I -,-O:uried; Moved by W. W. Ca.npbell, Seconded by 'D~McKilbp, rfhat, By~1..aw"No~771bereada sectmdtiine. -Cal',ried. Moved bJ'"W. W.Ca.nipbelJ, Seconded by D. Mc~mop., 3$. EVlIN CDUNTY COUNCIL That By.;Law,.No. 7-71, be read a third, tilDe and finally pa.ssed. ~CaTl'ied: M.oved by Ai Mc!,f)Jchlin~ Seconded by 'D. McKillop, ~. '. ThatB'YRLaw, 'No;_772,being a By,.Law sale, be receiyedaridrea.d a first thne. to-extend: time fbI'" tax' -Ca.rried. ~oved byp; McKillop, Seconded ~y A..McLackIirr, ThiLt By-Law" No. 772 be read a second time. '---:"'Carried. ' Moved hy,A.,1\r,cLachliu; Seconded by D. McKillop, Th~tt By.:.Law No. 772 be readl\- third time u}lId filially passed; -Carried. Mov_ecl by', 8. McDermand. . . \. ' Sec~nded'hy'Geo. ,Russel, That' By-Law No; 773,beinga By~Law togra.nt i=tidtoHigp Schools - '.... ! llei'eceived and l'ead:a, first tim(~. ~Carried. Moved hy Geo.Russell, See'aueled hy S;McDel'mand, 'fhat By~Law No. 773 he read n second tilne. ---:Carried. Moved by.~. McDermn,nd, Seconded by G~o. Russell; <,I ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL I -That BYMLaw No. 773 ,be' read a third time and finally passed. / - - - " -Oarried. ,Movedbr, J.-.T. Mitchell, Sec(:mded hy A. Gilbert, That' By-Law No. 774, being a By~La.w. to a.m,end By-Law No.' 514, he received and rea.:d a first time. -Carried. Moved ~y A. GiI bert, Secpnded hyJ. J. Mitchell, That By-Law No. 774 be read a second time. -Carried. 'Moved hy'J.J. Mitcl;1ell,' Seconded by A. Gil bert, ',/ 'rhat 'By_Law No, 774' he Dead a third'bine and fln/illy passed. -Carried. M~ved hyDro Ling; , Seconded;by.John, Dl'Omgole, 'That By..;LawNo;775, being a By~Law to authorize the Warden to sign ltgrepment,be r~cl:'ivedllndread a,first tmie. -Carried. Moved by John DrorngoJe, Saconded hy Dr. Ling,' That By~Law:r-ro._775 be read It second time. -Carried. , Moved by John Dromgol,e, Seconded by Dr. Ling, 39 '40 ELGIN COUNTY()OU"CIL' n ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Th}ttBy-La:w No. 775 be read a thirdtiime and firui.l1ypassed. -Car:ded. That Biy~ Law No. 777 be read ~ third ,time-and finally passed. -Ca.r~ied. 'Mo.ved. by W .D. Killins, Moved byA. M'Ctachlin, s.~conqed by J. J.' Ivlisteh!, . , Seconded by J. Dromgole, . That By-Viw No. 776, being aBy-La,w toghmt , ! ~ltl1itarium, be received and ,read a fir'st ti;me. $3334.00 to LOl1don 'rhatthe Auditors Report be - r~ceived and adopted and that the, Treasurer he instructed to' pay the Audttorsas pro'Vidl:?dillBy~La'Y .:appointing them~ ,.,..,Carried. Movecl,byJ,. J; Mistele, Secondeclby W., n. Killins, I-Oarried. As directed,hy the Finance Committee, tho 'Warden 'app.ointed the: followlng members as'a deputatiori to rept'es,e'n:t :the 'OPUl'lt~y'Oolihcil at the Meeting of the Ontario . Municipal ASSbciation:~MesBr.s. Mistele Dromgole, McLachlin ,and Russell.! " f'h(;\,f! By~,LiiWNo. 776 be read a secondthile,' , ' " -'-Carried. Moved by W. I); Killins, Moved by Dr. Ling, 8econd~d by J,. J. l\1istele, \ That By-Law NQ, 776" b~read fl. third tiine,ll.ndfhutl)y passE-d. " -Carried. Seconded by, ,John' Dromgole, That~his Council do.now adJourn to meet on Novembm'15th uno, at, 3 o'clock p. m. Mo'~edl)y J; E. LIndsay, -:--Carried~ Seconded by-Geo; Ru~sel, K..W.McKAY, 00. Olerk. Do~ Al,D IMcLElAN.1 , '\-V,ll'deh, Tqat)3y'-L~~w '.' No, 777~ l{eing, a, By:Law Clerk, he received a,nd re~d a first t,hne. to fix salary of County -Carried, Moved' hy Geo. Russell. 'S~conded by J\ ,E, Liridstl,y, That 'By~Law No. 777 be read ~ second time; , ~Cai'l'ied. Moved\. by J. 111.' Lindsay, Second~d,by Geo;'Russell, '" 42 ELGIN COUNTY COUMOIL SPECIAL SESSION. Friday,1ihe26th day" of August, uno. \ , 'l'h~ ~lgin OllUJ;lty Council met this day at. the Court _ House, St. Thomrts, in Special Sessi,on to co~sidf'l' report :of VaJuationOom'mittee. . ThE? C(lUncilwi\s called to order at 2p._ m. The Warden in the Chair, An the member's present except. Mr,_: Stratton. The repdrtof the Special Valuation Corninittee was preserited. Moved by, W..Tackson,. Seconded by G.Rnssell. 'rha~ the Repol'tbe adopted. Itl Amendment. M()ved ~yW. C,ampbell, Secqnded hy l\f. McKnight, 'fhat the Ooupcil go into'Comrnittee of port. the whole to consider 1'e- -Main Motion Lost, Amendment Carried. 'l'h~-CounciI went in'to Committee of the' whole\vith A. in the Chair; McLachlili. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 43 After'considering theRepQr~da\1se by cla,use, ,the Committee rose l\nd it was Moved by A, McLnchlin, ' Seconded, by:Geo. R:llsseIl. Tha.t the report he adopt,ed. ' In Amendment First. iVloved,by,W:, W~,Ca!llPbelI, Sec,Oncleq pyn. McLe"~n, That-the Valuat'ors rep'ort be amended by reducing the valua~ion of .Aldbol'augh by Three Hundred ThonsandDoUars. i In AmendmeIlt ,S~~pnd, Moved by Jal?n'R~ Summers. Seconded by W. _R. Moore, That the report ,Of the Equalizatioll Committee be a.mend(~d py J..educi-ngAy1mer by Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. The Second"Amendmen. twas 1,0. 8t on the follawingi:livision;_ ' , ", , ' , ,'- Yeas-Summel-S" C;lmpbeU, McLeun,' Nlly_s-Rest of,CounciL The First ~nlendmentwas lost an the foll'owing division-:; Yeas-Campbell, MCKiI_Iop, McLean, Nays-Rest ot Conncil. The'origin'al motion wa's carded on the following dlvision;~ 44 ELGIN bOTiNTY OOUNOIL \.. '.1 _ _ ""_"_ E.LGIN OOUNTY 001J~OJ~ '. - -- - 45. Yeas---':l\'lc~achHnl Drhmgole, Gilbert, Killins;. R~lssel1.'And'erson, McDermand,-McKnight, Moore,.l\1itchell, Grass,' Lindsay" '- Tha.t,n vote of thanks he tendered to Ute Special Valuntioll Com~ niittee for their seI'vi'ees~ .Jackson,. Ling, NIistele. -Can:ied. Nays-McLea,n, Oampbell, Summers, M'cKiUop. .\ -Moved by W;H. Moore, Sec0nde<,l by.RobeI'tGl'ass~ Moved by W. 'J acJesOll,. Seconded by Geo. 'Rttssel:I, , That the County pay the Iteeves Dollar',s p'er day fOl' attendiluce. with C~lUnty~ or their representatives Three Cop.'1'itlitte'e, in eql.laHzing, ,the ! That a By-Law be passed to 'confirm th'eecrliaiz~tion of' th~ Ass~ss. ment Rolls of,the County,nndln CI1seany Thiunicipll,~ity appe~is theJ:'e~ from, this Council is in favor 'of the same heingstJtUed by the County , ~Tudge., I ,'. - ,Carried. '1'v-rClitl:"ie'!l l\Iov~d.,by J.R. -Summers." ,"" , Seconded byJ. ,J. ~Iistele, l\loved by\V. Ja'ck-sOll, That thisO()nncil do now adjOltr.n sine die. 'J.seco'i:lllcd hy Goo. RHsseU, \ .7~..:Of'Ltrie4r' 'l'hht By~Law, No. 778, being" a By..Law toconfirln eqllulizlttion o'f Assessment, Rolls for 1810: be l'eceived and read a first tlt;r1~. ", ,! '-Garrie'd; K. W. McKAY, " Co.Clel'k.. HclXALDlVlcLElAN Wa..rdo'l~~ Moved'liy A., An4ers,Ol;, Secohi:led'by vV.J ackson, :'1 ,.1! 'l'hnt By~La1\\ No. 778, be l'eltda secoird t.ime. -~Carried. ,lV~oved hyJ.Lindsay, SeC<HHiedby W. .T ackson" 'rhat BYMLaw:, No. 778 be read a- third time 'and finaJly passed; ~ barried. Moved by 'V. Killins, 'Seco,nd~d'hy \Vi' H. 'MOOl'Ei~ ~6 'ELCflN'COUN;TY' COUNqIL SPIlClAL SIlSSION 'Frid"y th~ 28th 9f Octpber, 1010. ,rrhe,Courity Council met this day in SpechLI) Session at the,CoUl't, House,St>Tho~a:s at 2p. m;,'to consider matters conn~~ted with the' , appeal of the Township of Aldborough ag,ainst their equlllization. tfhe Warden in the chah', All the members present. rrh~ -War4f!~ explained the object of the I!leeting. Mo~ed by George Russell, Seconded by D. Stratton, That the matter of: the appeal of Aid borough be referred to the ~~qna.1iz.ationColnmittee to report at 7.30 o'clock"t~isevening. .......,..Ca.rded. Moved by Dr.. Ling, Seconded by J. J.Mistele, 'fhat the Council adjourn lmti! }.ilO p.m, -Oal'l.ied. The Council resumed; The Report of Equalizatioil Committee'was,presented and :referred to a ConlUlittee o;fthe' whol~ with Mr. Gilbert in the chair. Aft S ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 47 considerable discus~ion the Committee rose and the report, w~sadopted without amendment on motion of, Gilbert, ,second,~d by Russell. , Moved by D. McKillop, Seconded hy< W. W'. Campbell; That in settlement of appeala~eductionofTwp HdndredThousan~' Dollars be made in the equalized assessment of the TOWDShip 'of " AId- bor91.fgh,.~ach ,party to pay their 'own 'costs. L~stpn,the fol,I,owing division. \ Yeas-':Camphell, McKillop, McLachlan, ,qilbel't, .KilIens, MisteIe-~ I , " NttY8~~Iitchell, Sp.mmers, Moore"St,l1att<m, Grass, ":McKnight~ Anderson,',-RusselI,I~indsaY:-9. ' Moved by D. Stratton, Se'Gonded by' R.Graslil, That-resol~tion to'settle equalization appea.l berecoJlsid~red, Carried. " Move~ by J. I.L, Summers, Seconde~ by J. 'E. Lin'dsay" I . /,," _ Tqat.in.settlen'lentofappeal the following the' equalized assessments. :eeductio1l8 be made in , Aldborongh. ........,....,..$ 200,000, Aylmer ..'.....'..........'.,... 7/,000, Springfield 0;000 Each ,P~t'tyto pIty the~r own. costs. Ill'~mendn1ent. 48 ELGIN OoUN:r1; QOUNOl,L ELGIN.OOUNTY OOUNCIL 41') Move~ by D~ stratton, Seconded by l\IcKnight, That iTi s_ettlemont ofappea.l-a reduction of Two Hundred 'l'hous~ and Dollars he made in. the equalized assessment of the T,ownshipof . Aldhorough eHch pari;.yto pay their own costs. S,PECIAL SESSION. Amendment c.al'ried on the followingdiVision;- . Tuesday,the 15th, NOY,ernh<:;'l', uno. The Elgin County ecmncil _ met this day a.tthe CO,Ul.:t House, St. 'Thomas" at2 p. ,m~ 'to cnllsidel' - Debentulle'B.:v'-Law~ y eas~Can}pbell; McKillop, l\IcLachliu, Ling, Gilbel't, KiIlens, Mistele, Moore, Stra.tton, Grass, McKnight, Anderson, RusseU;McLean.-14. ., The Warden.,in the Oh~it.. All the members present. Nays.":':-Mitchell, Summers, Lil1(lsay.-8. Moved by J~ J~ l\iistele,. l\lain motibn lostbn ,the followiilg division.- Seconded by\V. D;I{illel1ls, Yeas-Summers, Lindsa.y.-,---2. ,THAT)Jy,-,Law,' N(i). 769 be :r~aditse'Condtim'e. Nays--....:Campbell, McKillop, l\1'cLachlan, Mitchell, Gilbert, Killen's, \ Ling. Mistele, :\loore, Stratton, Grass, Russf:ll.-12. l(JarI'iet1; Mbve~byDr.Ling, " Moved by D. 'McKillop, ~ecollded by Jolln'nl'omg61e, ISeC011dedby \V. W. Campbell, ; THAT'By-Law, No. 76g.bc-re~d .'1thira tim~ an~ finally passed. That the Council do now adjourn. C(l,l'l'ied. 'Ca,tl'ied. 1\Ioved by S. S.l\icDern_an:d, K. "".McKAY, OountyClerk. DONA'LD McLEAN, 'Varden. Seconded by Dr.Ling~ "~H:AT the CotH1cil adjotlt'u. 'Carried. Ie W.MCIIA Y, COlIrit~',CJelk bO'NALb 1\IOLEAN, ~'iti'derh 50 .ELflIN COUNTYCOUNCIL, THIRD SESSION--FIRST'DAY Tuesday the l?th day' of Nov'em1!>er: 1910. TheEl'girf'Cqunty,CmlnCll met Thoma~, acco'l'ding to lldj:'Ot~r~~n}lt~ this day' 'a<t-,the.{loul"tIlonse;,St~ ' The 'Warden in the cha.ir. AU the' mem berspresent. The Warden add~essed the CouneiI-.as fo1I.ows-:..- In beginning t~issession' of the GouucH.! d'esireto st~t'e t03t ~,n import'aut,matters \vith which th{l cO,JncH have had, to dealdurlng the '~far, h'ave,been .determined- or are uiakipg satisfa~tory ,progressa , I regretto'have toref{!l' to the' sudden death'Clf Dr~L.Lliton whO- has beenp1l;ysician to the House ~f. Industry,,~nd Refngesi:uceit was opened some 35 y~ars ago. His kindly di~P?si~io:n and th~_careful'and. pa,instaking manner in _ whicp he I~ischa}!g~d,'the du~iesofhis"office. )l).ad~ himnlmost invaluahle as ~i, public offl.oel'.and nq matter who nla.y he his succ!essol',it will be some time-',be1;ol'ehe acquires the'ex- pel'it'inee':necessaryto fill theposltfon in" a maunel; as acceptable to the County. , Equalib.tion Appeal:-, , . I J. am pleHsed to report that the Co~.mty, Judge ac- 'cepted'the decision of the Cohncil arriyedat, a,t the last specialsessioJl andthat,t,he eq\.lalization6fthe County is ilnRllydete~mined 'for this )-:ear. c. P;.R. Cross'ing at Port Burwell:- Asdirected at 'the June Session,_appJi- . cn.t:ion'wns Illade to the,Railway Commission fo~anOrder'forthe ~e~ ELGIN COUNrYCOUNQIL 51 moval of C. P. R., switch tracks' across' tbft east a.pproach to the Port Burwell Bridge; The matter w'ascorisidered a few'weeks ago in Ham~ ilton,and the just~ce of th'eCOUllty'S claitnwas admitted.-The question ofthenecessityfqr a high level .bridge a,t this point was introduced , and the finaldecisioIl of the mat.ter was laid',ov~l' 'untilthe Commiss- -ion'?s Engineer could report on this phase of the mattel'; I 'wOlild be pleased to hH.ve I:ill. the. special cornmitteesol' d€'puta-' ~tions during t he year present their l'eports to the Council' at thisses$- ion sO that future members will have the advantage of their expel;jence Thisi~ specially necessary-In the case' of the special connnitt~e thi\t made applicatiorrto Provincia.1 authorities in reference to Elgin's plaim .foran~dditional grant towards thEi pUl'chase of tile toll road,alld the adjustlUeutoftheold claim against the County of Middlesex. Noth- ing whatever hilS been done"sincethe Committee was nt Toronto, and 1 am, of the op'inion thatthe m,emners of the Gov,ernment were in:. cHned to look withfavorupOll Elgin's contiention and thatthernattel' should not he allowed to drop, hut should be; _ taken up at once or left "in such n way that f,utm'e councils will know ,...hat to do. . . . . / Some of the members have expressed, a desire to-visit the Byron Sanital'ium to which the' County i!!l making a substantiAl contrihution I would suggest that arrangements be made so that those who desire mayvi~it the Institution dill'iug the present session 0;' at some other timt~ heforethe eloJiie of the rear. / The considerl:ition of Bill No. 81re maintenance of bridges referred to the Connt,y Council by the Munidpal Co~mitte~ ' of tht; LegislatUl'e is a Ihatter that Was laid overnt the June Session and should be dealt with:-hefol'e you adjourn, The Pr{)ceediugs of the last day of the 'June Session and of two ',specialsessious w,ere read and confirmed. The foUo\ving eommunica.tions were.read;!...... }'rom James A., Bell, County Engineer, with report, referred to Public Improvement Committee. From James A,BeII,CoUlltyEngineer, with list of. COllnty Bridges. 52 ELGIN COUNTY CqU.jS'!!lfL Janles JVL.GlEmn, County Solicitm', with decisibn ofO. 'W; Col,te~'~ C~)lInty Judge, in l'eference,to Equalization Appeal,',<refel'r:ed.toFiuance Oommittee, Fr(nn the,followin~ with application for -the position of 'lIouse oflndl~stl;Y- Physician ,F. O. LllWren(~e, M.'D. R. M.I::.ipseYi M. D. \ ' A. '1'\11'n81", M. D~ D. 1~. Ewen, M. D. ,V. I? Luton, M~ D. T. L. Grn)', M. D. ]\~oved hy J.~. S~llrllnel'S, Sf'condpd by.J.J.Mistele, ~l'lHlt this Oouncil..do no:w allow Oommittees to meet. Ildjour'n until to~morrow at 10 ~t.ll1. to: -,.-Carl'ied. K. W. MeKAe):', County,Olerk. DO):'ALD MqLEAN; Wal'dell. \ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 5,~ THIRD SESSION-SECOND DAY ,Wednesday the16th'~ovember, 1910, - Tli~ '.Elgin County Council met this (l,ay Ilco(n'dil'lg tto a.dJ~lUrnniel)t> 'l'he Warden' in the Chair~ Ii I, "",' , , AU the members present. The proceedings of the. previOll~ days, seSSIons we).'e read and confirm'ed;; TheSp'ecialSanitarium CommiUee J;)l'esellted It report \vbitlh. W;l'io;" :adop~edonmotionlofDr. 'Ling, Seconded hy.L J..Lindsay. , M'o;ved by A. GUbert,' I 'Sec'ond~d byrW. D.Killens, . , ~'hat Messrs. Scoyne and Ranley Br~dge. he 'heard in I'ogaNlto the Dodcls -"":"Oar'l'ied_. Mr. Scoy,ne,addres.sed the,COlmuilil~ refef'(~hce to loss 8\1stainedhy them o\ving to high water during "'onstruction of Dodds 'B'ddgE'. Moved hy A~ Anderson, Seconded by M. McKnight, That: the claun of Scoyne and Rl"tmev ,he refel'l'ed to, thepublii-: tlIl~ proveme'nts Oc;>mmittee. . . , ,I ,/ In Amendment! 54 ElAHN OOUNTY COUNOIL, Moved by Di'~ Lin!?;, Seconpe;d' by J ann DromgoIe.. That the ques.tit)u of settlement with oontr-.1etm.'sfor Dodds Bridge. be'la.id oval' until Brid!ge.is completed., Main motibnca.rried.' Amendment l08t~ The Report afSpeeial Committee appointed to arrange settleinen't i ' with the 'City of St. Thoopfts re Administr'.ttiol1 of ~ustice and Re.,gistry Office expenses was presented,and adopted on motion of, .Taekson,Sec'- C:lt1~ed by ltllsselI. II,; The Report of the House of Industry Comri:Jittee was presented and .referred to a Committ.€'e of the whole. with -Alexander Anderson in the chair, After considering the,'Report, the Committee rose arid asked leave to sit ~~ain. ,l\foyed by D. stratton, -Seconded by W. H. Moore. That the Council adjourn until,2 p",m. -Carried. The ConDcil resumed. Moved,by W,'.T~tckson. Seconded by S. S. ~lcDermand, That uep'utatioll fl~(imtheE]giuPoultry Association be beard. -Carried. Messrs. Graham a.ndScott addl'e.E!sed the Council. Moved by W. Jackson, ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL 5:,} Seconded by J. -},J, Lindsay, Tha;t'we g['~nt Twenty-:fiveDoIlars to the, Elgin' POliltry Associa~ tionproviding sa,id Association holds It Poultry show in :Elgin within a yeaI'. St. Thomas Ol' -Oarried. The Councilr-esumed the Committee of the whole on Honse of In:. dustry Report. After amending the report".the C9.lnmittee rose,ahd reportWlls adopted on motion of Anderson, seconded by' Jackson. The'RepOrt of -Inspector ~f House of Industry was readar,:td re- fen'ed t.o Oo'rnmit.tee. Mo've,d by M. McKQ.ight, Seconded 'by S"S. McDermand, That this Oouncil donow- adjo~ll'n until TllUl'sday evening at 7.30 p.m. $: W. McKAY, County Clerk; -Carried. . DONALD Mcr;.EAN, Wal'(leh~ 56 mr..GIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL ' THIRD SESSION-'-THIRD DAY Thursday,the 17th day of Novembel',)l}lO. rrheElgin County Couhcil met this day acc'ordil1gto adjournment; 'rl'he.Warden,in the chair. All thetnemberspl'eserit. The pl'oceedings df the previous day were read a:nd confirmed. .A communication frprn COlmtyCounci16f Cari.eton l'eSchoOl Ad wasl'ead and i'eferred'toEducatioll Committee. ". I .' 'fhesecond l'eportof House of Industry Committee was presented " . -',' . . "....- .\ ',. }tmlndoptedon Motiohof Jackson. seconded hy OampbeU. r The RepoI.t oft,he Public IlUprove~nent Oommrttee was presented alldreferred to a Committee of the whole with Mr. McKillop in' the chait'; Aftei' consideration" the report was .adopted wif,hqut amend ment on motion 6fMcKil()~I; seconded byl\1cLachli~. 'The report of the Finu,nceCommittee was presented alid adopted Oil motion of McLachliil seconded by. Russell, ~rhe/Rep01{ of Deputati()ll to the Ontario' Mu:nicipal Association was pr'esented and adopted on ,Illotion of Russe(seconded byLiI~dsay. / The I;teport of the EducationCQmmittee was presente~' an.d re- ferred, to 'a' Committe of the whol~, with 'Mr. Mistele in the,chail';' After consideration; thel'eport was adopted without ,amendment on 1I1Ou'OIl of Mistele, seconded by Artderson. :MOVE;d by D; McKillop, S_cconded, by W. ,W. Cll..1npbeUl ELG1N 'COUNTY OPUNCIL 57 : . That in cO!lsideraUon of thecourtesYH.ud kindness shown by, the Board o~ Di'rectors 0fthe IWy-a1 Alexand.ra Sal'dtarium, t9 this Ooun-'. .,ciil on t~e occasioJ? of their~isit to'that institution to~day'andatotl;ter': times. That It vote of than.ks be tendt."'t'edto 'theIn, 'and that the 'Olerk:\ .olthis Oonntffol'w.a,I'cJ a-oo.llY_of this'llesgluti011 .to :the President of the,said .l~aard. -:D.airied~- Movedhy W.. Killens, Seconded Of W~II. Moor~ That M-essrs.McDer.mand; McKillQP:and. "jprepare Re(JOrtof vi~it to:Sanita,rium. Ling he'lt Committee r .~.[..lost; M@v:edlily .T,J. Miste!€,' Secol1ded by,.r.. R. si.tin merH, That the Clerk he:instrwoted to.pl'e_p~['6~aB_Y.iI~MV to confirIll :gl'li,n:t,:. .of two,hundred dolhwsto,the Vjllag~ ,of.R@'dney to Hssist. in the p~ll'~ .chase of .c!311s fol', the Rew lock up. ...-Carded.; Mov~ byS-. So .l\IcDet:manci, Se'cond'oo.by'J. R.:8nmm.erBj WiI'lian'i. ',Moved by D. McKillop, , Seconded by \V._'V. Campbl;'Jll, That'thisCOllllCil.fldjoUl'n nntillO '?)c1cick tolmot:l'()Wi ----,-O:ude'q" R. W. McKAY; . COI'mtyClerk; IWN ALD McLE:AN, War'deh. I " 58' ELGIN.' COUNTY COUNCIL THIRD SESSION~FOURTH DAY 'l~riday. the lSth dayof-N'ovembel", 1910. The Elgin Cbunty"Conueilmet t~i&day Mcordingto/adjourment. The \Varden in the'Chai)', , AU the membel's pregen~. The pt'oceedings of the' previO'us da.y,were,read and confirmed., 'l"be second report of the'~dllcation Committee was presented adopted.0n motiQn ()f Lin~1 sebon~edby Stimmel's. The Reportof:({oal Committee was presenteda,nd referJ;'ed' to-a, Coriul).ittee of the whole, with Mr. Killens in the Chair. Afterconsid- eri~g the ~'eport the OommitteerOS8Hnd it was adopted withont 'atnendment on-motion of. KiUei1s seconded hy 1\Ic'KilIop. rrhe report of Deputation to the Onta,rio Good l{.oads Association was'presented and adopted on motion of Stratton, seconded by McDer~ mand. . '1'he repol'tiof deputation to the Ontari'6 Ji;dilcatioml.l Association , was <h'esented andadopttld ()J1 motion of).~indsay seconded' by,Mistele. 'The'report of SpecIftl ',:t;>Ol't Stanh>y Harbor 'Committee was pre- . M,ented and adopted OD motion o'fJackson seconded by,M~Knight. 'l'he report of Spech~l'rroll Hoad Claim Comn}ittee,was-presented i\n~:\dopted on motiOri'of Jackson, secoiHled hy Sntnmers,: , 'l'he Warde'n appointed the- following Special Committee ItS direct- eel by resolution, to look after -Willia,m Oarroll-Messrs.Jackson, Sl1mmersand (~ampbell. Moved by S. S. McDermaud, S~conded' byM~ McKnight, . l'nd ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL That a By-hiwbe passed to confirm By-law, ~0.B~2 of the Town~ \ through"the South I Jship of Malahide to clo~e np an1 dispose of road Half of ,Lot 10. con. I. . .......c:Oarrie'd. Moved by Dr. Ling, Seconded by John Di'omgole, That this Oouncil, having ...isited the Rayal AlexandraSanital,"illm at Byron, desire to express their appreciation o.f the ,completene~s of' the Institution" which,jn their opinion, is 'well adapted to., the purpose.. fo.r which it h~s been esta.blished. We believe the Counties of ElgIn and Middles('x are to be congrat- ulated on having. in their midst one of ~he most modern Sanitariums for' the cal:e of those aJfli<<?ted' with Tuberculq~is. The rate of from FIfty cents to. Oue :Qollar and Fifty cents pel'da:y extended to theresidl:lnts of this County hyreason of the action of the County Conncil, is CbJcnlated'to: encourage those who may require it, to take advantage of the best ideas for thecUl'e of th.eir affliction,. -W-e believe itis the duty of this C()ullcil' to ,cir(mlate the fullest possihle'information is reference to theSftnitarium, so that it may he brought to the attention of a.lI who might be benefitted thereby. . We 'are cOhvinced th.1t, snbje.ct.to:),- isatisfactory. 'armngement of" detll;i1~, tlIe Institrltionis'caJcnJated to. hE'of 'great and: 'lasting benefit to'tlH'~; Countie~ arid Citiesconneded therewith: -Cltrried. Moved by J. R Li~dsa,y, Seco.nded by George Russell, ,I, That; the.SpeciaIOomm~ttee appointed to. interview the Goverrnent 'in refer~nce to additional aid towards, the pur<;lhase . of the _Lon~on and Port S(ianley Toll Road, be rl!quested to conthiue their ~ork. l i -'---'Car:ried~ 5g 60 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by D. Stratton, Seconded byR. Grass, rl'hat By-law No. 779 beihg a By-law to a'\lthorize Warden to eign , . Agreements" be received and read a first time. -Oarried. "'foved by W. H. Moore, Seconded hy D. Stratton, 'rha~ By:"law No. 779 he read a second time. --,:"C8rried. ~ l\1:ovedhy R.Grass, Seconded by D. Stratton, 'l'hnt BYMlaw No. 779 be read n third time.and;finallypassed. -Oarded. l\Ibve4 by J~ Dromgole, S,ecorided by A.M(lLn,ehlin, That By-Law, No. 780, being a By-Law to repeal By..J....aws cou- nected with House of Imlustry, he received ~nd readaflrst time. -Carried. Movedhy Dr. Ling, S:{~co~ded by J. Dromgole, ,rl'hat By-Law, No.~780, be read a second time. . -Canied. Moved by J. Dromgole, Seconded by A.M!JLi\eblin, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL That By~Law,No. 780 bp. read athird time and fipal1y _'Passed. '--,.Oarried. Movedby~.f. E.'Lindsay., Seconded. bv G... Ru.ssell., That By~Law, Ne. 7S1,beinga. By~La,w t13 pl'Clvide fOl'mana.genlent 'ai, I-Iouse of [nd:Qsty" be l'eceived and '<{lead a first time. -"~Ct\I'ried. .Moved by W., J a'ckson, Seconded by.r. JK Lind~ay, 'lrhat By~La..w., N0."781 be read ,8; sooond time. --..:.eal'dea~ Moved by J.. Eo Lindsay, Se~onded by W.,..Jack~on., ThatBy-Law, No. '78l"1he ['('.ad 'a bhloc'<l time'"&ll€l fitHi~ly passed. -.:Cal'ried. Moved by Y. If. Mistele, \ ~econded by J~ R. 'Summers That By-Law, No. 782, being a By-Law to gran't 'tW(';h'l.lilured dol~ l~r~ fo't;Lackup 'at Rodney be receivec.1l. I.tnd iT'ead. a fh'st thne. '--Oal';Y''i'ed~ I Moved by w~,n~ Killen~, 8econd-ed by.J. _J.Mistele, That BywLaw,No. 782, bel.'cad:ts'econd, tin:u~, ~~..cal'l'led. '01 6Z . .ELGIN.GOUJ";TY ()OUN~IL. ~0Y~~~ly;_J..J"~ ,Mistele,. St~':~rided by W~:Jw KiltenS', That By-La.w, No~, 782 he l'ea.d a thiI'd timeaud fiuallypassed. -Carried:. Moved by J. J.Mitc~ell, Seconded by A. GilbeI't~ 1/.f1ha,t By~Law, No. 783,. beingu.By~J...aw tor'epeaIBy-Law;. he~:eceivedand read a first ttme. No. 743. -Carried.:.. Moved hy' A. Gilbel.ty Seconded hy:J.J. Mite-heIr, That By-JAtW. No. 783.00 1'eOO "",second time. -;-Carl'ied" Mo:ved by J: ,J. ,Mitchell, I Seconde~ by W. D.Kill<~ns, 'l'hatBy-Law',No. 783.bereacl':i t,hii'd time and JinaUy passed. i -Cari'ied. Movedby W. ,W. Campbell. Seconded ',by' D., McKillop,' rrhat ,By.,L!lJw, No. 784,' being II By-L:-tw to'amend combining Goal and House. of Industry Committees, 1'ead "a. first' thne. by-Ia'f :Nt). 4012. be l'ecehed and -parried. M'ovedby D. McKillop, I. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL .Seconded by W. W. Campb.U, '.fhat By-Law, No. 784, be renda second time; ......:.Ca.rried. Moved by W. W. Ca'Ppbell, Secoudedby -D. McK'iUop, That By-Law, No. 784, be read a th~rd time and finally passed; --.;C~rllied. Moved by S. S.McDel:uland, , SecoudedhyM.'McKnight, , 'l'hat By-Law, No. 785. being a By~Law to confli'mBy~Law No. 852; o! the Township, of Ma.lahide,be received a~ld read It first time. ."...;...C~l'ried~ ' Moved' by ;A. AndersoI;1. Seconded by S~ S. McDerman,d, ~hat.By-Law,'Nb. 785, he read a second time. ~Carried. J\{oved. by M. McKnight, . Seconded by ltobert Grl:l~s~ Tha,t By-Law, No. 785,' 'be read it third time and finally passed. -Carried; t"ioved by' George Russell, Seconded by D. Stratton, , . That a grant of Fifty Dolhtl's be made to the Wal'denfor extra services. -:.-.Oanied. 63 '. lH ELGIN COUNTY COU,NCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 65 Moved by D. 1\1cKillop, , Seconded by Vt/.\V. Oampbell. !nmt this:Oouncil do now adjourn sine die. -.Carried. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES AND OFFICIALS .K. W. McKA", ,County Olerk, J)O~ALD McLmAN, Wat;'den' 191?Standi~g Committees Elllln County Council GAOL OOMMITTEE:- Messrs. WilliAm W. Campbell (chairma.n), A: Gilbert, Alexander Anderson, ~obert Grass. FINAN,(}E QOMItIITTEE;- / Me~srs, Alexander McLachlin (chail'irmu),Geol'g-eRussell, Syd~- ney~. McDermand.. William Jackson, Daniel McIGllop. l:!:DUCA'l'!ONAL COl\fMIT'l'EE:.- Messrs. George W. Ling, M. ,D. (chairman), John Dl'~)lngo]e,. Michael McKnight, Juhn R.' Summers, Rohert Grass, John E. . Lindsay, .r. J~ ~Iistele'. Daniel Mcl(ilIop. P,ETITIONi3 AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE:----,. Messrs. ,T; J. Mistele ('Chairman), '\ViIliam D. IGllens, Mjchnell\1b~ Knight; John Dromgole, vVilliam H. MOOl'e,'Georg-e'V. Ling, M.D. PUBLIC hIPROVE:11ENTS' COMMITTEE:- Messrs. By-dneyS; McDerman(l: (chairman), Alex.~' McLabhlin, Absolom Gilbert, George Russell, David Stratton, James.f. Mitchel~, John E. Lindsay. 66 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COU~TYOOUNOIL 67 HOUSE OF INDUSTRY COMMITTEE:- 'Messrs. William Jackson (chairman), 'Vill~am W.Oampbell, John R.. Summe'I's. EIQUALIZA.TI0N OO}IMITTEE:--. TheH.ecv,es of the Municipalities:--G. oW. Ling,M.D., (chairman). N. ,B.-.-The Warden is ex~officio, a member of all StalldingCom~ lnittees. .' PUBLIC SCHOOL INSPEOTO:a . EAST' EI..GIN JUNE St,Thomas, 14th June, 1910. 'fo the 'Y~rden ;tnd MeJ!lbers of Elgin Comity Council:-', GenUemen:- Ibeg to suhmit my repOl'~ on theschooIs of Elgin (East)'for trhe'fiht hal'f of lOW'-1 TheTe a.l'e'~6'Rul'<l,1 School Sections in [nf;lp~ctorate. ci~ntaining 87 Dep;ntments. 'There are _ three Urhllu schools containing 15D~paI't~ lnent5, rrmking in aU 102 Departments in charge of 102 teachers. Abo1,lt 20 teachers-are teaching on 3rd.'Class Oertificates or on re- o newaJs of Thirds. mu.de'by the Minister of Education, 'because of the' I scal.'dty of legally q ualifted teac~ers. 0 1~hese certiJicates will expire ,en the 8b~h .June, and I fear 'J\'ustees will ,experience much difficulty 'in finding,legally qualified teachers in sufficient numbers to satisf.ythe nee<1s. 1: haye visited all the teachers once and some oftener since January . 1st, making in all 129 visits; , ,I My s{~cond v,isitsconvince tUe th\l.tit is of great advantage and" vallw' tOS(lr~l~ schoolsf?l' the lnspe'ctor to'visit them f~eq'uently. I found all teachers, without eXception, doing their very best in the, interests of their pupils, the only difference. being in ability and tra.ining. There are three splendid cOlltinuation schools and about 35 Pliblic schools with Fifth classes 'in my Inspectorate. rrhese schools are doing a most valuable work for the people of this county;'not: t.he leastbeiilg , that they are inducing parents to continue their children at school for' pne orlUore yelusafterpassing the H. S~ Entrnnce. It is' due to this that'more p~pils are to be found a.tour High Schools, necessitating hi the cHse~ of Aylmer and Du~ton, an increase of staffs. You will find, that in v/?rymanycases this- ambitionforn l1igh~l' !3ducation WIlS born and nm'turec1 in the Continuation Schoo~s and Fifth Classes. We CI;1Unot hope that these schoolS" so many lof them in charge of young girls witho~ly Second Cln,ss Certific[!.tes, will as yet, do as efficient wo~k asHigh Schools inchluge of four or five or more U"niversity Grad lVttes, hut they are doing wondrously well and deserve the sympathy and'snppOl.t of nll who are honestly anxious fol' It higher stn,uda,rd of Education Rod ,mental development in our people. These schools cannot be too generously supported.' As I ~ave reported a.t, previous times, n.ll our schools have been generouslyeq,uipped, so much so that Elgin has been cited ,for othel' Connties to copy. The character of our School Honses is constantly improving; Old , honses built fifty 01' more years Ilgo are giving'phtce to modeI'll new ones, coillfortl'lbleand "vith upto date sanitary conditions. Tpe grea.t- est lack ~n our school nccolllodatioll is'a lamentable want'of decoration. S!',) many walls are hare, so many yards al'El plain, and ugly and uUat- tractive. This should- not he so. The school and its surroundings should be the mostbeautifnl spot in the community, '(he walls of the , school room should be decorated with a few good pictures Ilnd the 'gronnds with trees,fl(HVel'ing shrubs and vines and flowt'r heds. Let Out' children constantly look on the beautiful at school that it' may be reflected in their homes._ I am glad to report the school ga;rden idea in education ha..s'l'f>nlly rriade a. vigorous start in this Inspectorate; Thel'e have been It few flower beds here and there, for years, but now a standard. 'school gard-' '68 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ~1'1 meeting:'thtJ requirements of the Department Regulations has been ~establis:hed and'Union School Section Nos. 11 Malahide and-}6Yat;"7' mouth has the credit in taking the lead in this important department of Public School Education. Its establishmentisdrie iuna small degree to the zeal of the teacher, Miss Florence Wegenasti the only teacher i'n ,Oounty holding an Agricultural and Horticultural Certificate from the 5Chool at Guelph. I intend to prepare a-circular onthis school showing its plan and method as well as the great good 1 think it bl'inp;s to'the pupils and the community. I-'hope to selid such circula.r~o every school in this Insp~ctot'ate. All are cordially in~ited to visit this, school. , ., 'fhankingal1 friends of our schools for their co~opel'ation f0r the Ihett~rrnent of ~ducatiou and intellectual development of our people dna-II dilections to make them better citizens. I'am, Y 0\11' Obedient Servant, W~ ATKIN, . " Inspecto'r. -Adopted. . '. ELGIN COUNTY C~UNCIL "' ._-~~"--'-~ IlDUCATION COMMIT1'EjJ: . Januar,Y Session~ To th,e Elgin Oounty Oouncil; Gentlemen:- I. The Education Committee reports:- 1. That accounts recehied from,theWardsville and GI,encoe High Schools and St. Thomas - Oollegiate Institute be _ referre,d t:) the Old'K and -S'olicitor for adjustment. 2. That the \V arden l~~ a.uthodzed to name delegates to rapt'esent ~his 'Council at AnnualM.eeting of ProvinciaLTrustees Association. 3. That Messrs. _Ling, Mistele, ' Summers and Jackson he a COl:n~ ' mittee 'with 'power to confer ,with,' Oity Board ofli~ducatioll Hud~ n:,l'l'ange a definite agreement in writing in regal'd toP!l,yment o~ salal'yand expenses of School-Inspector Tay'lol\ etc. as pl'oVid8din the , - - '. I , Pllblic School Act, Section 95. All of'which'isl'es'pectfully submitted. JitHuary 27th, uno: Adopted G~O~'ge. H. lAng, Cha.il'illlttl. 69 " 70 ELGIN OOUNTYCOUNCIL , ELGIN C()VNTY.COUNCIL JUNE. SESSION 10. That the' following amounts be paid to High Schools for 1909;-L Wa.rdsville,......... . ............... ..$153.36 Glencoe .... .... ,.... '''''''''''''' 58.57 To the- EIghl County CouncH, 'I'illsonbul'g ... ..,.. ....,.... .......... All of which 'is respectfully snbmitted. J nn'e 16th, 1910. Adopted' Geo. W.,.Ling, I Cha.irrnan. 244.39 GentleP1en; 1'he E(lt1c~~tion Committee reports as: follows;- - , . l.'Thut Continuation Class Schools he granted two dolla.rsfdr ,eachOnedbllar'b'1:a~lted by the Governmeut. 2. 'fhnt t\.yo dollars be granted for each one' dollar apportione(l,to 'schools in the County for fifth classes. \ 3. Thc1t the following supplementary grants be made to the High Sch(~ols of the Cot)nty;,- q A'y'lmer.,....... ;... ...:...." ". "" ,,$600 I)ntton ..... '...................,....,...... $600 Vienna....... ... ....... ... ........ .... ...$3CO 4. That the account presented, by Mr. Atkins; Inspector for Dis- trICt No.1, for travelling expenses etc. amounting to $15L22 be paid. 5. That we app1;'oveof the establishment of entrance examina_ t,i,oris a,t Park Avenue School, ,Section 18, Yarmouth. ~ ' 6. 'l'ha,t the request of tho Prineipa.J of Alma Oollege for service!;. o{In8pec~t)l'Taylorhe granted. 7, That the comnlllllica.tion from Deputy Minister of Education be filed. 8. That the l'CP(wt of, r-,}spectol' A.~kins he receivedand printed ip the minntc,ls'; 9. That, the !l0CO,unt for Inspector Taylor for' travelling expenses an'd postage amounting -0 $64.79 be Pltid-. 71 . , ELGiN 'OOUNTY OOUNOIL 73 / 72 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNOIL NOVEMBEIl SESSION No.2. No.!. To the Elgin County Council;~ r.l'tl the Elgin Oounty OOllnClI~~ Glentlemen;-- Gei1tlemen; 'I The Education Committee reports;..,- ~rhe Bduca.tion Oomlllittee reports- 1. 'l'hat the following accounts be paid. .Temlings FUI'uiture ,Co, .g cost of desk for Inspector Taylor $ 16-00 That they have consIdered the communication fror:n the County of Carcltan, and wouldreccominend that the same be lnid over mitil the January Session, / Municipal World, examination ptLpCl'S and other printing for Inspector Atkin. ... ",,' . .. ... ............ .... .. ..'... $ 26 77 All of. which is respectfully submitted. 18 Novembgr HnO Adopted GEO. \\T. LING, OhnirllltLl1. Municipal World, exar'Ilination p<Lpers and other printing fOl'InspectorTaylor......, .......................'....... $ 6170 J. A. Taylor, InsPElctor, travelling expenses to 15th Nov., 'l2'lnber..... ..... ,". .............,......... ... .... <..... ..... $ 664-7 I)ostage. . . . . . . . . .. ............,........,... $, 7 78 _ ,V. Atkin, Inspector, tl:~welling expenses t.o i5th, Novem~ ber. .......... :..... ...... ..... .." ...........,....... $ li8 70 lClDstage....., ...... ................ .,. ......... ............. ... $' 24 {)5 2..vVe recommend that in future accounts for travelling expenses and postage for School InspeetoI'sheitemized. All of which is respectfully submitted. 17 November 1910 Adopted GEO., \\T. LU'IH, 0hail'man. 74 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCE. REPORT No.1 JA.NlJARY SESSION 'roltheJ~J]gi.1 County Oouncil:,..---. Gen~lemen:~ i 'The Financ(;>,Committee Hepol'ts:~ , 1 That ,the l)risoneI"s Aid,Association be gra,nted the sum of ten Dollars. . ' 2. ThattheSalvatio'n Army be granted the sum of T~enty Five Dollars. 8. 'That t,he R.eport of the, County Police Magistrate be received ~~nd printed in the mi~utes andthitt the salary, of the Magistrate be increased to Five Hundred Dollars pa.yltbh~ qmtrlerly a,ndthatgrant of $25.00 for postage be continued. 4. \ rrhat the Children's Aid -Society be granted the sum of One Hundred and Fifty ,Seven Dollars and Seventy Five Cents, being grant towards Ul:tintainance 1909a.nd for purchase of shelter. U. 'l'ha.t the Sick Ohildren's Hospital To;ronto' be granted the sum of Twenty~five.Ddlla.t's. K 'l'h!-\t tile hwLihral'V Association he gr~1Dted the snmotFifty Dollars. 7~ 'rIUlJt 1), By~:r.Jaw be passed authorizing the Warden And_ Treasurer tI.)'bol'1'oW 'rwentyTh~nsand DollOl'sas rE!qllired to meet current ex. p~~lses. " 8. "rhat, the following accounts be paid: Joseph'Doust for Pr~ocess Book and Judges LIst, Aylmer l)ivision.. ."..:... ...'..,.,....,...... ./....... .....,.... ., ........ '$' 11.2>> 'Township Malahide expenses 1'e Mitts Luna,tic . .,. .....$ 23 40 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 75. ~c.'.W~ Mc~ay.,County Postage and Telegralils ... """" $ 9. That the salaries of the sub Treasurers of School Monies in tHe "-' , . r .. . County be increased f~om $12.0D to $20.0() per: annui:b'. . All of whicll is l'esp~ctfully submitted~ Jammry 27t)j, 19~O; , ALEX.,McLACHL'4-N .' Ohairiuall." Adop.ted: No; 2, To the Elgin C~HmtyC()un6il;. Gentlemen;-c- The Finance Comniittee reP?l'ts;_ 1. 'l'ha:t a grant, of Fifty n6nars heniadeto Show Association. 2. 'l'hat. the ~ollQ\ving accounts'b,e pa:id;~, l " ,K. \V. Mcl{'~ty, I:lxpcnses approvaLdebent'ure,' O;1taI'io 'Railway & Municipal '.'Board 'and' 'delivery turesin Toronto...-. .... ,...........................,.".,.:.... Hart & Riddell, Check Books fol' County Treasurer .......1'. $.'2051) , All of whieh,ls l'espec,tfulJy suhmitted. ,. January 28th, UllO 'A,do-pted , ALEX MCLACHLAN, Ohail'm~~n~ 76 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL JUNE SESSION No.!. '1'0 the Elgin County Conocil;.c,-..- Gentlemen;~ " I 'l'he Finance Committee Repol't;- 1st. That a By~Law be 'passed authorizing the-, Warden and 'l'rensurerto horrow$20,0(J0,if reqnired,..to meet the current expenses . mitil theOounty' rates are pll,id. ~ 2nd. That ar BYMlaw he-passed to extend'the MUle for the enforced colIeption by sale of nou1resident taxes.in the Opullty of Elgin: Brd. That DO action be ta,ken-in reference to applicationfol' grant 'l'eeeived from the LiveStock llrnnch of the'Department of Agricul- ture. 4th. Thn,t,wejoin the Ontario Municipal Association and that the 'VHrden be authorized to appomt representatives and that the annmil wellnbel'shipfee of $10 be paid. 5th; That the following I~cconllts be paid:,- \~rebster & Son, livery",.. ..... .... ......... ..........;.., $ 75 1:t.McLachlin; Stationery for Treasurer .... ............... ...'1 ,10 ~5 Municipal World, " H..,.................... 150 ]J,~ l\'I~IAtchlin. .. Olerk ..................'. 13 50 '_MnnicipalWorld, Stationery, Assessment Roll andVahlM at()l"s books...........,.....,...... ...... .... ............ 61/18 1),: McLachlin, Stationcl'Y for I-tegistrar..... ,.... ...... . .,.... 371)5 Municipal World, " " ..............,..,..... 2325 :Municipal. World; Stationery for Gaoler's Office. .. ......"" 3 00 ,J{ortop Esta,te, livery,... .!.. .... .... ..... ... .......... ..,' .... 150 Ohildren's Aid Society; ffi,aintenance of children iuShelter. 90 35' Municipal World, notepitpeI! for.TuogeColter....... ......... 675' Munipipal World, Oounty Police Magistrate................. 468 All of which is respectfully' ~ulnnitted. St., Thomas, June 17t,b; 1910. Adopted ELC<IN POUNTY COUNCIL --"-~ No.2 To the Warden and Oouncil of the Oounty of EIgii): Gentlemen;-'-'- The Oommittee on Finance beg leave to report ~hl1t, havingexam~ 'inediutothe Finances of~ theColmty and the estfrnatesprepared by the Oounty Tl'easure,l.,they herewith submit a statement of'the ex- penditure re.quiredfcJ[' the lawful purposes of the enmIty dm'iug 1910, showing the amount requ.iredtoQe raig~d fm' :the .undertt.lentioned ' , l)lH'pose~: Administration of';}' ustice........... ,... . ... .... ',',' OountyI,ines audBridg-es.... ... ~ .." ..,; . Hous8of-Industl'Y'... .,...;.."...,...... ......... High Schools.... ... ',"" ..'. .......... ."..,. ........,.... " Schools, with, Continuat,ioi1 OIUHSt'S Officers' Salaries... .,:. '_'" ........ .... . School Inspectors.......... .,....... . .... .,. Bills Payahle an'd' Interest..... ,,'.... .... ..... Members"Vages, Oommittees, Etc ..... n Debenture Rate, By-law 594..... ...... Oourt House Oommission... Public School GI'ant .......... Debenture Rate; By-Law 701. ...., ...... ....., .. " "737......... '" ............ ,. 754:.............,..,... London Sanita['iulll ."... ..,.......... To be raised hy,-Debentul'es ......$ 5odo 17 500' 4 000 81jOO 4 000 2.550 2 000 10 525 2.700 19m 900 1 290 2591 2591 2 250 3 334 -- $ 71688. . 10 000 ................-. ........;..,. $ 61 688 Your CommitLee would recommend, that the Slll~l of Sixt,y.,.OIW 'l'hoi.lsl~nd Six.HuIH.tred aud Eighty-Eight: Dollars he:.raised on,all the l'itteable property.in I;heseveral Municipalit,if.>s in th~ County'of Elg-in duUng- the yea,I' 11)10 fen' Oounty\purposes, and th:,tt a; l'<l,.t,o ofy .Mills on the Oollar he levied on the rateahle property in the o;Qvel'all\fttnicipal_ ities in'the County to I'aise.~aid amounts. AU of which ii' l'e3peJtfutly suh~nitte'q.. Dated 17th, JUn(>" 1910. ALgx:, l\;IcLACIU,TN Oh,~~~I'man. ,77 ~ :78 ELGIN COtrNTy60UNC~L NOVEMBER SESSION 'J1othe Elgi-n- County' Oouncil:.-:.- Gentlemen;~ ,Thfl' Finn.nee OomWl'ittee l'eports;.- ,1. That the- foU()wmg a,ccourits. be paid;~ M.unic-ipaI World, Valuator's report'a.ridStationery County Clerk's Office....... ....'. .... .'... .... -' .'.. ..H..... ... ,_, _. .'$: 1475 .Tames H. Ci.lynH, Regist-ral'" Abs.tract, of Bales. of land 'in connection w'}thvahmtion and eqt~<iJization' appeal. . ... . . . n, It'; Maxwell, repol'ter, Equalization appeal. .. .". C. W,'Coltel', Oounty.Jtidge'.:Vt11uat~9n Appea.l ... James M. Glenn, Oounty Solicitor,. sel'vices~ndexpenses rei Tax Sale Deeds .". ... ..... .~.. .... ..'.. ..'.... ... .'.,. C4~1drell'i;;,Ai(1 Society, St. 'l'hQmas,Bo'al'd of Children.'..... MI,miCipitl World, Stationery, Rnbber Stamps fo,r ]~egistra,r P<.i.ltlCe Li"ery,Con.veyance'of CountyCoi.illcil tg. Honse .of Industry........,........... ....,. ., ~ ............ '.~..~. 'Jo8o. Don.c,t.If(:"'e Book feiI" Aylmel'.Di'v-ision Court '...,........ 1\1 nnici}?Rl:vV ot'ld, Stationery f~l" Oounty, Treasurer '. . . . . . . ',' . Municipn.l World, Stationery for Police Magistrate '....... .. . rfimes'Pl'int,ingOo., Adver1iising Debenture By~Law., ....., K. W.,' McKay,.post~ge ftnd 'l'elephol1c exrJonses ........".. 'l'ownship of,MalH.hide,.expells~sin connection \vith Sal'ah .lane MqCoinb, Indigeli.t IJul1a,tiC'...... .\.... ............. .'....., 2420 .JiHlw8 lVI.Glenn, .County Solicitor. for ser'vice~,': and dishlll'so- n-rents fl'Oln 18th'Novemb~1':WOg ........ .-. .:\".. ... '. .... ... .20427' 2. Thnt tlw'following tenders fOl'Debentures "'cre received;.- MOSSI'S.' Hanson'Bl'o$; .... .., ....... ..:...... ..... ..... .'. ..'$ g90l 00-. 'OamidiimDebenturos OOl'p~ration_.... ...... ...... ... .... 98S2,OO ,Brent" Noxon t~Co." ....... .,.... ...... ... .:.'... ~..... ... .... ,Q88600 Et'ouse; Mitehell-&Co...........,,,......,..;;. ... ,..... ...... '976200 Woncl, Gllndy &_:00......,..... ...........;.. .. ....'..-.. ..' QS2S 00 DominionSecni'it-iesCol'pol'ati6n '....1.. n._' ...., ........ gQ030U \\V..A...'McK,enzie'&Go....-........... ........ ............-... QS57'Oo. Ont;-tl'io SeeuriLes 0.0.. ..;...... ..... ..~.... .... 9837 ()(} '27 74, 2000 5O.011 6732 '341i34- 13 00 600 490 500 1 30 34 00 17 If> ELGINCOUN'l'Y COUNciL Ameliu$ Ju,rvis& 00.... ,. 0.1':. Burgess & Co. .. "'1" H. O'H~lr<l. & Co..... G. A. Stimson & Co. .... 'Ve I.:ecomrnend that the Company he accepted. .........'... 988300' .................. 989300 .. "" ........,.... 9779 00 ................... 990600 Tender of Messrs. Geo. A. Stimson ,\C All of whieh is respectfully submitted. 17th November 1910 I Adopted A. MCLACHLIN, Ohair'rnn.n. 70 Tenders were also received for the Dodd'.s Bridge asfolIows: G.4'. Pon.ford'....... .........", '''''''. ....$ ~649 00 M.M.Hiles....,.........,.. "''''''''''''''''\ 333900 Williams & Walker.. .... ....,.... .... .... ..".. 2925'O'il Powles & Gunnitig.'... .. .'......: .:.... I....,.. 2588 00 ~coyne & Ramey.:... --..." .... ... '.......... 2475 00 ,Byers & Anglin~,....\>.......:.,.... ......... 332600. F. M.Ru~herford. ........... .... ......~.. ..... '860000 Fraser & Olemens .-.......................... 299200 Onta'rio Paving Co,.... ... .,.,. .,'" . L. ~>......... 4000 00 Your PlibliC' Improvement Committee met and :twarded contl'act8 for the,sub.stru-:turePt.Burwell Bridge to the Ontario Concrete PtlV- in'g,Co.,and the super~structureto/the Hamilton Bridge Co.. I Contracts were prapa.red, but the OutarioOoncret'e Pavin~Co.,l'e" fl~sed to-sign,tbe contra.ct stating they had made an erro1' in; exchang.. , ing the t~ndersof, the two bridges. When the tenders were open~d your COmmittee was of ,the opinion that this had been done and th~y made" provision 'that the next ' lowest tender' 'was to l'o~eive the' cont.r_tCt" which, Wits. thftt of M. M., Hiles, amount being$3748.00-for Sub~structure, ~Hamilton's Bridge Oompany's tender; for super-structure being'. $4840.00. 80 ELGIN COUN'I'lC.COUNCIL .--~_._---,--_.- Do Withel'spoOll-...... ...., ....... .... ....... ..',., O,S. &l A. L.Oatman..,... ..,.., .... ..... . ..... A. Kirkpatrick... .. J. ............... Byers & Anglin ............'., .... .....,...... Williams & Walker... .......... ...'. ......., , For S~lper~struct~re: Petrolea. Bridge Co.......... ........ ..., '. (both contraots) R}tmilt.ol;t Br'idge,Oo.':.. ....... ..... R.'McMannhs & CD..,.... . ............. '" Stratford Bridge Co.... .......... .'.; L. ... Western Bridge & Equipment.Co... ..... Clinton Bridge 00".. .... ...... .:; .:......... I ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL \_-C._.__ COUNTY ~lNGINEER'S REPORTS JanufLt'Y Session. 'j'o t.he Warden and OOllIlcil of the County of Elgin. Gentleme'n:~ 1. I ,beg to'report that in my opinion the Port -Burwell Bri<lge ,slHHlld, be rebuilt this yeal'. This will cqnsistof a span of 1300. I 2:'That the Dodds\Bridge aver Kettle Creek, batweeri'.Southwold , l.tud Yarmouth, lalso should 'h~~ rebuilt this reat'. This is fl, hl'idge50<> long., B; .. The J amef'ltown bridge which wa's not quite c~mpl~ted at. the ,btslilIieeting of the Council, was completed shortly after, and ()pened for traffic. The cost of this h~'idge was $5080.~0. All of which is respectfully submitted. January, 1910 JAB. A. BELL, COllnty,Engineer. JUI"IE SESSION .~"o the 'Warden and Council of the County of Elgin. G'eutIemen:'- I beg to submit report of wor'k done si~ce'your last meeting as fol- lows:-' .' 1. In: accordance with instructions J prepared 'plalls and,'specifi- - uathl'lsfor building a bl'idge,at Port Burwell oyer the , Otter Creek and advertised for ten'ders for' the same; and received thE; following:-'I ].1'01' Suh.structure: I OntllrioICon<,:H'f:~te Paving Co..... I ' ...... ... M.M,Hiles.... .:.... ."... ,.... ........".... $ 2700.00 3'(48 00 The tendel',of-Scoyne & Rameyfor,Doda'sBrid~e, ,60 ft. arch, WUA accepted at $2i75.00. 6500 00 3991 00 ' ,4900 00 7615 00 5670 00 5100 00 9900 00 4840 00 5940 Oll 717500 555000 5500 00 81 82\. EIBIN .C0U~TY COUNCIL 2. Your Puvlic Improvement Committee met a similar' Committee 'from the Coun.ty ()fMit:ldlesex at Belmont' audexa:mined the bridge there and have cl}nchlded, that t~e:\hridge should be rie-built; I pri:~~ , pared plaps and specificati.ons for a 46 ft. arch with sidewalk and asked' 'for t0ndel's for same. These tenders will be submitted to you. during the week. 3. '1'he spring fl~shets hilve done c'Onsidern,ble damage to' the cl'eekhank iD"portSota,nley au~l hn"s necessitated the extension of the improV01hentthlLt. was made there litS,t yeal'. The improvement made last year d02S' no't show theslighest trace of heing injured by the flood, bnt it 'is b~~yor)d tha.t fm'ther down the strcanl where the creek hM. washed n.way', the ba,nks,<'tnd if not, std.pped, another freshet ma.y i:njl;;~thel'oad very materiiUly; 4, ,t:\. fire at Port Stanley clnl.'ingthe spring" destroyed the side- walk on the west a,ppro::wh to the bridge. On c@llsulta;t,on with the Cha.il'm,tn of the p,trbliclmprovement CommitteeJ had this built up with concrete !\iud hu,d an iron rail phlCed thereQp. 'This is' now /n.,lI lilompletedin';-t siltisfactory manner. , . , All 01 which is respectfully submitted. JAMESA. BELL, , Coupty Engineer. NOVEMBER SBSSION 'J.'o the Warden & Oouncil of the County of Elgin:.' Gentlemen: , Ibegtorepm{ on the condition of work throughout the-County Sh1/(1:' yonr last session. . Jetty a.t Bt. Stanley:-'l'he piles for'this jetty have been all driveii extl~nding it down as far as we 9an ,to the limit of the road allowance fU)dthe st(We is noW b~jng put in. The cost of driving and furnfshin~ pil(js for this extension was $504.10. It will OIlly be a sh'ort time until the whole wQrkis completed. Port BUl'well BI'idge:-I regret to say th~tt this work is not completea. The steel 'work was practically completed yesterday, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL c~pt some"pa~nHng which.ifnecessary, can be done' in t.hespring;'but' the'contractor for the sub~st/licture has got a lot of wo.rk to do yet; Hehas maden.~ at{tempt'to fill iil the. approaches' to the bridge a:nd-' has got the whole floor to Imtot:i,alld it seems that even noWhe h:'i.,g not. all' the matel'iaIready fOl',this'wol'k. It may. he .possible' for hilll to get the work done, thisyeal',:bnt it'is very 'doubtful, Belmont Brid'ge;---.:.r &lso ,regret to ~ay tha.t this work is not a.njr~' thing as nearconipletion as I would like it to be audit will be impos~ sible to complete the work this year, but" lam i~ hopes that the arch wilfb~ cornpIeted,a.rl4,. if this is done,tlie approach can then he filled in and tra,vel. o'vel'the bri.dgereslimed',and the floJJr put on in t,he spring-. This \~ill he all the 'bet'tel'as. far as the floor is concerned; but it is goin'g toleave a very muddy approach andCl"ossing' during the winter and spr'ing. T-h8 trouble with' this work was.thatthe contr:lCtOl.' WitS too late ingetting sturted,. and ,after' he~ got along with the work, ' claimed th~Lthe could notgetmat.erill1tO"conlp18te it. I DoddsBridge:-.This \Vorkexclipt the floor was completed 11 couple' of mbnths a~o::lnd traffic has been resumed. over this bridge. 'rhe contractor wa-s williug to' lea.ve the putting em" of the floor tmtilsprillg and a.sthiswouldreally.be a:henMit" I'acceded to> his request. 'l'hel'e -'. .' .' '. J. '" .,.,..... is not much travel over ,. this bridge and it is now in goood shape for puhlic:tl'<l,vel., An yother wOl'k.done since of repairs to l?l'idges. YOlU'last session has bee~ in the \Va,)' / All of which is l'cspectfnllv fluhr-nitted'. , ; " ./ JAS. A. BELL, County J~llgineel'. , illl SJ. ELGIN OOUN'I'Y OOUNOIL EJLGTN OOUNTY OOUNCIL Sf;, ,OOUN'r;y ,llNGINllER'S OFFICE. St. '.rbomas, Ont. July'~th,}910. COUNTYBRlDGEs, ELGIN ,COUNTY "JC:W: MbKa,y, Esq. City, OONCRE'J.'E AROH BRIDGES. DeaI;,Sir:~ Name of Bdg; Location Span' Cost Date I~eu1ur ks EI'ected King Kettle Oreek 3-55 $ 9U47 06 1907 Paid-one 'haM Queen " " 2~80 9433 '70 1908 llre\very " " 2.......7;') 10302 U2 10U8 Lynhurst " " 1~-I16 11617 0,1 1918, " '" I Dodds " " 1-60 Under 'COIlsti'uction Orwell Oat,fish " 1-75 4739 57 1908 Paid one half Belmont Kettle " L-(6 UIldeI' c()nsti'lIctio~l InrHls'I"or t:othel'esO:jutlOt'l of the Count,y Oonncil. T beg t6 , , . ,enc1o,s,e, ~o you 1;1,. statement sho\ytng the lU~1He, location" span, cost~nd (late of eI'ection of tho'hl:'idges in the County ofElgih,t.ogethel' witlla, ~:l,bsificH,tion. ' 'This is I think aJI that )'0\1 ,,'iIll'eqtiire. , YOul'S Truly, I JAB. A.BELl:. CONCRETE BEAM .BRiDGES 'Mapletbn Catfish OreJek Np. l' S; & Deleware " Cul Gravell'd. Pt. Stanley B. ,E. of Belmont, K. Creek I~40 1-'-:':'22 '1--4 1--36 $ 1457 91 1004 33 444 71 1469 6,; I9U8 1908 1908 1907 Paid Oll~ half: Paid. onehu.Lf S'I'EEL BRIBGES.ON OONCRETE,or S'1:mn!J POUNDA'l'IONS, OONCRI~'J'LiJ' FLO,OR ''Y~lJter RiverThaules 1-240 18700 UO 19U2 Pilidone half Willey I'. H 1~150~275' 13741 32 1907-8 st George Kettle Creek 1-133 8724 7U 1905 Fingal'Rd. " 1-120 5494 57 1899 " iCains .. lc-120 582857 1899 " Zavits. ' " 1-125 7351 '56 190U Selhonrne " 1-145 9547151 190U Pt:'. Stanley " 1..-lOp 1-112 1210000 18f)4 Oooks Otter, Creek 1-12U 690f) 10 1907 Red Bridge Vienna, Otter 1-112 i)0l400 1907 Jamestown Oatfish Creek 1-130 5126 13 1909 Phillmore Otter " 2-75 5589 53 Ig00 Mala.hide'& Dor.OatfishCl'k.1-50 1374 '00 190,1 ,8U ELGIN COUN'I'YCOU:;CIL ' _.._---~._---~-. ---~._-_.- S~EEL.-Olt II'ONBRJDGES ON S'l'ONE On. CONCR,E'J'E FOUNDATIONS WOODEN Pi.QOlt '/ Pt, Bruce Ol~tfisli Ot'eek 1-145 3876 27 'falbot Oreek '1:bt. Creek 1-100 ' 23H) 85 McIntosh ]-1ivel' 'fhames 1-1f3-150~1~40 1720000 Grah"ID rd. " 1-180-2-60-60-1-40 20880 00 W"l'dsville " 1-180-1-60 18838 00 Bothwell " 1_220 26500 00 W.' B,elmont H 1-40 1111 3\3- Oatfish Creek Oa.tfish Creek 1-3"2 1116,38 Kingsmill "1--32 ,753 07 White, Vienna. Otter" 1-112 2199 52 Hobbins Kettle Creek 1--120 2920 81 Ling Sonthwold& west... 1- 26 70522 TilIsonbllrgJl1flction 1-8'2 234.4. 56 Muncey 1-160-2-60 17000 00 ) 1899 1899 1879 & JIOPaid one half 1899& 01 " 1891 1890 Paid 27/100 181)6 Paid one half 1896 1897 1897 1898 1898 Paid one h:ilf 1909 1902 Pd.. No Maio. WOODEN .BnlDGES Ooyne I,d. U. Thame::,;1-16l).1~25 Wooden lLppl'oach'240ft.lon'g Pd half lTIdcnHd. Otter Croek 1~32 ,Paid one half Gillett<; Catfish Creek 3-75 BetweeuBayham & H9ughton 1-32 Zavits ;\fill, Yar. &, Southwold 1--30 No. 2. D('.lewl~re'& South:wold 1-.23 No. B." ., 1,-,--28 Pa id' one hil..If Paid one half BLHlN COUNTY COUNCIL 87 PUBLIU IMPROVEMENTS aOMMITTEE January Session. , . To the 'Ya.t'de~ a.rid 'Council of the Oounty of Elgin: Gentlemen:- Your Public Improvement Committee begs leave to submit the folkm'ing l'~pol't:'- ,I., ,. I . 1. Thl;Lt the Eng,ineer prepare plans :;Lnd specifications a,nd adver- tise fol' tenders to rebuild the 'Port, Burwell Bridge. to consist of Coil- crete abutmentslllld steel Superstl'ucture 16 foot l()adway with 'a 6 foo~ s'ide.walk' on the south side; '2. 'l'h~t the I!:ngineer pr~pare plans ~1nd specifications apd advel'- t~se for tenderst.o,rebnild ,the Dodds 'Bddge,qve:r KettleOreek on town line between South wold and Ynt'Ulouth. I,t is: to' consist of a conerete reinfQl'ceo. Ill'ch span. I H. 'l'hltt thePuhlic Improvement Oommittee have power to 'open ,tend~rs <;Lnd fLwar(lcolitrttcts ff)r' t~ecompleti'oii\)f said bridges. ' 4.. Tha.t the Engiueer mid Public Improvel.ne,nt Committee in con- nect'iOll\vith the EngiuE'Bl' 'ri.nd Cominittee 9fMiddle'sex visit and ex-, aminei:,he Belmont. bridge and report its cdn:diti~n .to this'COUllCilH.t' ne~t meeting.' , 5. 1~hlt.t the Eng'int'~~l' and Chairman of . the 'Public Iml.Jrovernerit, Committee ,have powertomu-k~ Il,nyrepairs that they think lleceH- sary to County hridges and ''if theY fi~~ 'cit 'l;ecessary, to. act with the .COlinty of}Ji,ddlesex'in reblliklitlg No.3 Bl'idge onthe'fownLitie fm-' tween South wold and Delawa,l'e. ~"I d. That a,grant ofTen DolIlLt'sbeinade4o, the Good Roads A8Sfj~ dation and that the YVal'den appoint a delegation to attend the sltlile. All ;ofwhich is respectful~y ~ubmitted. January 27th,i910. S. S. MeDER,MAND Chairhlan. Adol'ted. 88 ELGIN COUNTY 'COUNCIL JUNE. SESSldN '1\ the \Varden and Oouncir of the County of Elgin: Gentlemen: YOtll' Public Improvement Committee beg' leave toreptwt as follows:'-- 1. 'fhat no act.ion be taken by the OonDcil. towa.rds 3:ssuming 'bridge on the town line between Sonthwold and Delaw,are west of- Sout:wold Station. "' 2. 'rhat noadion he tak(m by this Council towards.assuming In'id!:{e on the 'fawn line hetween Yarmouth and SouthDorchest~r, opposite Lot 2i,Con. 11,' H. In reference t'o l'epail's to the approach to bridge over a b1',-\.Och of Ca.tfish Creek on, the TownliIie between Malahide Hod Sonth Dol'. chester,'thl;ltthe Chairrrul,.tl. Mr. Mitchell, an~ the Enginef'l' be 1-1 Com.' mitte(~'to ma,ke any, improvement necessary. 4;' That It I'itiling be.vlaced on the approaches to the bridge over- Oat fish D!'<l,in between Mahihide and Dereham. 5. Re improv'ement to Kettle ,Creek at Port Stanley, t,hnt the Ulntter ofeJt:tending the breakwater and making this irilpruvement be left in the hands of the Chairman, Mr. .Jackson 'and the Engineel'. 6. That the account of $6.85 'of J,J. Mitchell for expenses 1'(~ count.y bl'i'dges, b(~ paid. 7. That the account uf the Engineer-for expenses ~tten~ingGood R9ads Association in 'l'oronto.,he'paid, amounting tiJ $12.00. . 8. rrnat the considemtion of the proposed new Act governing tbe hridgesto be assumed by the County he leftover until then8xt . ' seSSIOn. All of which is respectfully submitted, .June, 17th uno. S. S. l\ICDERMAlS'D, Chairnla.I1. Adopted. , ELGIN 'COUNTY COUXCIL 89 NOVEMBER SESSION T<'.l the W'arden a.nd Oou.ncil of t,h.e Cou.nty@f Elgin: Gentlemen~- Your Public Irf1pl'oV~lnl'!nt Committ~e beg' l(~ave 'to su'hmit'the following I'eport:-,- 10 Youl'"Oonlmittee have considered the' matteI's mention'tld in the Engin~er's ~epoI't Hnd wouldl'ecomrriend.ad~ption. thereof; 2. Reproposeda.ct of the Legisbl.tureregardi,ngthc maint'(~nance,', :Of hridge,s"your Committe'e are of the opin~on thutas 'neitrl;\" all the bridges' in this countyate now built illa pel'manent rnannel,;'theydo not se'e how' this Act, " if .:'passed, WGuld. be, of any advalltageto :tliig County;a,nd wouldrecnnlluend that the Clerk take the llGCeSsarysteps' to notify the propel' authorities that thi,s County is opposed to this ael~ becoming law. 3. In r~ference t.o'iil-le application of Scoyue, ! alHl !-tamey tt. he',re imbnrsed fol' the 108S O{:casioned hy the taking away of" theh-' fll,ls~', work at-Dodd's bridge by flood, your Oommittee would l'f'commend , that no action be taken in this matter until thewl1(~I(': 'wMk is com , pleted; All of which is respectfully submitted':: N6vember17,19to. By}).. S. McDEHMAND Oht~jl'lHl1tl. Ad~lt~,1::cd, I,;jl " '9U ELGrl<f<JOUNTY (JOUNCfL PE'l'ITIONS AND ,LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. .J anuary SessIOn ToO the Elgin' Cb'llnty Council:; Getitlemen: '1'he:PetitioUt'l'ftlrid.Legislation Ci?mmittee reports:-,......-- \ I; 'l'hat'wc'co-ope'rate in'petition- 'sli:bnl,itted by the Outai'ioMun- icipalA~soc~atibli,for the bettet'ment' 6fOonsqmptives, andthttt,the- Ass~ciation, be, granted. rren Dollars tOodef1'8.y expenses. ,2; That W& co-6"Rei'ate with the Oou:b.ty 'Dauueil of'l\i:id.~lesex' and: A::U thoHties of the 'W~sterIl, University in '" re,q nesting. the- Governmebt to make a, hetterdistribution of gra.nt S0' that t,he , Western University' , \v.ill- get its proper share. 3.'fhat wea.ppt'ove of suggestionS' for Harbor Impi'ovement at: ,'.port Stanley and ,woul(l recommend that the Councii decide what wction should: be taken to. bring" the'Jhatter to,the' attention of.thl.'f proper authorities. . 4.,]~hflit Messl's..,Llll'g,.McKriight audl :l\Hstele;.':l'm a committee t&, I' eon1'er with 'the London - - Health Assocbttion 1'e admission of EIgi,Jl\ po,bent.s to Sanitiarillm for Confilmnptives.llow"heing e1'eeted. 5. ,]~hat we Itg'i'e(~",with Canac1ian,F'al'11'1 that legiglatioJ1i to\p1'ovide- for' \>Ve<:1d Inspei:~tOl'& is necBflsary ~ , , ~ Thn,t uo-ildinm he taken in refet'(-mc:et:') notice' 1'e IncorporatioJli li)fLake Erie l'l'a.ction Oompany. ' ' A:tIor whkh is'.respectfally snhrmtted.. ;Tariuary27th, WIO: Ji..Ji. ~;rsTEr:E; €nairman~ .Referl.'(~d toCi)limri.Ltee of,the'whole' and: amend'edl hY'a'd;cmng'Ur~ ]:~cKil,lop;to' committee mentionedi iUtSection' 4:~ ELGIN C,OUNTY COUNCIL , GAOL OOMMITTEE JANUARY, SESSION To the Elgin CQulity Oouncil: Gerith~men-~ The Gaol Committee reports;'-- { 1. 'l'hnt a By.,.Law be passed increasingthe'salaryof the Turukeys .of the Oounty Gaol to One Dollar andSev:enty~five cents per day. . 2,' ' That we be authorized to procure such. furnit}lre ",te. \asm{tyl)e necessary for the Registr:yOfficel1nd to rennovatl) the interior .of 'the old build~ng. All of which is respectfully'suhmitted: JanlHtry,28th.HnO, Adopted W. W. GAMPliEI..L; Ohairrnnn." JUNE SESSION ''---.' Ta the Elgin' County(tounci1;- GentIemen;- The GfloICommittee repOl.ts;--. 1st. That'the total arrlollnt p:-tidin coIinectipu with huilding .of the'R~gistry, Office to date is$B243.78.The contract for docmnenp . cases; ,files,et? and otherfuFflish~,ng8 amounting,to $750 has been awarded and estimates for'lightingfb~tlires al'e 'being p!:,ocured, these will cost about $75. . Wehad a joint meetipg with the Oommittee from theOi~y ,ofSt. Thomas, and approved of the cOIPpletio~ .of, the Var!(lUSc~ntracts l~nd the order for ,furnishings files - andIightmg fixtures ,above' refel'req to." I, 91 92 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL In conjunctiOli with the House o'f Industry Committee 'we opened tenders for ,coal and founl that the price submitted by eacl~ deh.ler was $6.75 per.. ton, and ha.ve instructed the Olerk to divide the, orders amongst. them. All of which is l'<<;lspectfully submitted. St. Thoma.s, June 17th, HnO Adopted. w. W. CAMPBEJ~Lj Chail'man~ NOVIilMBm~ SESSION ." 'f:) the Elgin County COt~ncil:-- Gentlemen:- 'fhe Goftl Committee i'eports: \ " ,1. That in their opinion~ By~La,YNo. 743, which transferred the dtities of this Committee, in reference to the 'passing of accounts, to the Court Hous~d)ornrnision should he repealed. 2. That the duties ,of the GaQICommittee,as defined in the By- La,,, of Rules nlid' Hegulations, be transferred to the House of Industry Oommittee, and that a By-_Law be passed cliangingthe name to Hou~e "(?f Industt'y and Gaol OO~I,rnittee. AU of which is respectfully submitted. W. \V.OAMPBELL, Chairman. Adopted. l'JLGlN COUNTY COUNCIL HOUSE OF INDUSTRY COMMITTE'" "JUNE SESSION T0 'the Elgin COtiluty (,U-Ullcil;- Gentlemen;-- The" House of IndustryOommitrtee reports'j- 1. That they have considered communicat-ioiJ'fi:'om the 'Oharitie<'i Association and recommend that the Inspector nlld Keeper of the, House of Refuge be instrueted to represelltthis 'Oolmty.. at that Con-' vention. 2. ThILt all commitments' to the Ifouseof IndustrYllUlS't he ell dorsed by'the Physician of that Instithtion that they are not i~sane or ~ffected with,acontagiollS'disease before they are admitted by thEl' keep"er. 3. That the By-h\'w regulating the~Honse of IndusLr:r he. Htluended so that rnemb~rs of this Council will "only he entitled to c0'1111nit'as inmates residents of their own municipality. 4. In conjullction ,..ith'the Gaol Committeu:tlmy opened tenders' for 00<-'11 and "found that the pric~ submitted by 'each denIer \,hi.sth,e same $6.50 per tori and have instructed. the Cierkto divide the Ol'ders . amongst. them. All of which iSI'espectfully subrnittC(d. 17th June I9IO. Adopted. WM. JA;C:Kso~) Chairman. " , ~3 9~ ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL, NOVEMBER SESSION No.. 1 , 'Ih;th(~ ]1]lgin (Jaunty ~on:acn:. I GenUemen:- , I trhe I-Iou.se of Industry Committee reports~-,-. , I' ' , . '1-: r!'hat DI'~ 'Gtt'est be appoin'ted Physician to tne Elgin House'o:lJ' ndl'lstl'Y i~ place of Dr..l.illtou, deeeased~ 'I 2>1'hn.t we have I1ad' the House o~ Ind-u~try By-La,w coru!lolidated,. an(l'rcviseq,. and snhm,it ,the a'aine :f1erewith for tIle (;onsjderati0~ of "t:pe- C91l11eil-i1t this sesaiOil. 'A~l of ,which is'I'es-pe€tfully suhmitte? St. ~~1homtl,8, HH,h Novemf:lel',191O... w. JACKSON,. Cliairmall-, Amended section one in-Comulittee of ;the: whole by'su1)stituting; :nameof Dl'~ w.. F~ I..titon fol"D'l.'. Guest,. NOVIUM BERSESSION No.2; 1\) the I{]gin (Jormty Council; G~ntlemml:-"':' 1~11'e' House of Imlustr'y Cbmmitte(~ re-ports:" 1'. 'l'bat the :report of Inspector TITl'ner' be ,recefv;ec{: amI printed in ~p~" ~Ifnlltes. , 2.. Tl,w,t we recomrPenu the appohltrnent tlf SpeciaJCoromittee to' take charge of and look~ftet:' onfl tVilliam' Carro,I, now in the'Amas:v W ood~ Hospital,_'_St~, Thotnas~ All ~'f.whiCh i8,res'pelltfulIy suThmitt~d., W. JA~KSON" (lh~irman;" \ J)JLClIN COUNTY OOUNCIL REPORT INSPEOTOR HOUSE OF INDUSTRY NOVEMBEH. SESSI6~ St; Thomas, N ovem bel', 16th~ uno. Tothe \-Varden and Members of The Elgin County Oourt'Cil; Gentlemeu;- Thefollowiu~ ism'yreport on the HQllSe of Industry and Itefuge .fpl;theyeare,nding 31st. October, 1910. 1. Number of Imnates in tHe hOtll'le at last report, .....,..... ...50 2. ,Numberadmitted:'during:_ the ,year, 7 females, 10 male~;. .... ~ .17 B. Nmubt'u'ofDeaths ..,."...., ,;... .......... ..... ,.'....., 0 4-; Number,discharged . ..... ....... .... ..._.. ..... ..0 5. Number absconded. ..,...... ..... ...... .. ......'...;....,3 6. Nnml~er no,,, in-Honse, 24omales,.25 females.., ,'" .. ,.....,...40' 7. Number ofimlllites sent from the County dllring the yeal': Aldhorough,;, . DUllWicp. ...... South wold . Yarmouth. Ma;hhide. .,...... Bayhltm.......X. South Dorchester. , . . . Aylmer Dutton.,... Rodney.. ,.. several Municipaliti(~s in,.th'e' , o ,2 3 ,.,. .. ..... ... ... . ~ i 2 2 I 1 1 ,8~ThevarIOUs c.ases' of pauperism of inmates admitted to'Ole Honsedllring the yeal' may he classed as follows; Sickness. . . , . , . , .. ."..,..,.... '. ._, ,. .. '. . . . . .. _',:,' , 1 'Dest~tutioll. .',."" .,'....,., '," ........ ".','" .., ": ""," ..., 6 Old Age ....... ..... .... ........... ..... .. ..' . ... 6 Blind::....... .. .....,..,..,....".:;,...., ",. ..., "J insane, Idiot,ic, etc ,("..;... .2 or:; 06 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNOIL All othercases... .'.... ..... ..'.....,'~....... ....;. .... .... 1 Average number of inmates dm'ing the, yeaJ:'...... .... 50.6 10,' Average, with keeper's family, and hired help... ..,... 57 11. Nuniber of .weeks botcnd of mmates.... ...... .... ... ,-,. 2040 12. Average, with keeper's family etc., added.;...... ...... 2972 13. 'fotal expenditul'u UUl 14. '~---'ing the year.... .... . Permanent, i~pi'ov~men t-- l\encing, Silo, etc ......$13005 Re.ceipts; 'From Inmates..... _,....... .., .... $ 24860 From farm produce. . . '. . . , . . . .. . . ,.! 61 87 From farm stock.. ..-.,.............. 67?<4D -$9~5 87 ---$111502 15. :Leaving'amount achtally expended for support of in- rnates......." ... ......... ,. ,',.... .... -, :... .,.... ;.'. $ Average expense pe;r week for-each person.... .... .'. , Average expense pel' day for eac~ person....'....... Avel'age expense pel'yeal'fol' each person..... ,.'..." Aq10unt expended for' house and farm during-the yel'u', is divided as follows: 515!J 58 ,I Tol 2f:& 90 00, '16. n 18. J(j. \ , Farm Expense: :tIired help, "................ '.... $ Implements, . ,. ............ ... Feed.... .... .... Stock.." ........ Miscellaneous. . . . . 7600 22 29 649 79 328 09 169 81 $ 1245 8\J House e~penses: Hired'lahof;,....,................ . Bread..,....".. ..'........ ..... Meat ,$ 312,00 395 55, 59541 .382 1~ 112 41 293 69 III 80 162.59 , ...'..,...........,....,."..., Gr'ocel'ies,..,. ....... .... .'... .,'" Pl'ovislons. . . . : . . ;' . , , ' , . ., ...... D~'y goods...,............. . .'... Boots, and Shoes.. .:.;....... .... Furniture and l-li\rdware.., ELGIN OOUNTY COUN(j~L Drugs... ',~'" ,....... ...;'. Ooal"andWo0d........... . MisceHaneouH,-'._._....... ~'.,. ..... '6672 860 94 6901 $ 3361' '21;, 'General Expense;- Convey of Inmates... .'.'.~. ......$ "56 20 Repairs...... .. ...,...... .... ..... 131 69 Permanent TmprOVeU1el1ts.....~ 130:05 Salaries, Reeper & Matron... ..~ .; "I~ 600-00 'Phvsiciall~ .... ....., .,., 20000 InspectOl'..,.~,.."..,........ 100'.Xl I, 900 00 6840 "30651 (J950 Committee .... ....;..... 'Incidental. Insur.ance: . .. . "... ....' .., 1657 34, I ' I , $ 6271; 50 20;' The'followingprodlwe,was i'Rised on the farm, aUi'ing:,Ul'e yel~i.. 170 Bushels of 'Vheat 50 L9ads of H~iy 452 Bushels of Oats 14 Bushels of Barle'y 30 Bushel.!> of Turnips 1st) Bu,shels'~f.Pota.toe~ 22 .. Bushels of Beets RO Bushels ~f 9nions 'BOO Jarsof'Frnit 6 Bushel~ of Salsify 120 Pounds. of 'Cheese 2 Loads ofPilLllpkins' 1 ACl'e of Peas , lOk Acres of 001'11 Fodde:r ,14 Bush~ls, Oarrots 0' Bushels Table,Cu:L''rots '30 LO~tds of Straw 1000 . Hea,ds of Cabbage I ' " ' , 12 Bushels 'of Pars'nips 10 Hogs (kill~d) . , 2190 Pounds 'of Buttel', .8;. B~r~:els of Soft SOilJ) 29Ho~s (sold) 2-<Loads bfMelons I~dditi()n to the ithove, a larg~ .LlU~het'of . vegetables .etc~l wer(~: l'n~ist'd and.consumed during the yeaI'l of .whic~l no accondt was kept, " , '. ,', ',' 21:.-,Number of aHicles i pfb.eddillg 'andrilothi,ng nuttl8 lip diil'ing" ,thE.")'_cai.>by the nwtro~l ,and the ipmates 850. . m ,{I 98'. ELl'lIN' OOUNTY OOtJNClIL" ,_.,....7,7j5 Oil> :t3Cows, ' .. .,.." .. ...~. ..,65000.. 5 Young Oattle;.valued at.,..... ,.1501 O(}" 9 Iiogs,.valuedat....... ,..... 7000 , 2 Sows~- ." .~. . . . . .. .. ,60 00>' 100 Ghickensi. . . . 3@eese.... .1".. ~ r.Eurkeys-..-.. "',,.. .'. ..." ,.". . ".... 2i~ 'li'lle to~al~amQ'L"Lnt, expen&d,by County'House @f Industry,,:et(~: 1"8'- as. follb,,,s;~ 22. Nu,mber of visits by the'InspectoI:'49.. .28. FlmmBteek;:; 4 Horses, valued at FaDm 100 fi;cres, cost". House of Industry . .'.;-.. ,_." 'Laund.l.y...... ...;.. ......'.. Fire-Escape.... .... ..... Root €lelIaI' "'-""",'" .'.. Cottages, etc... .... .'.. ,-""..,.., Brick lfile HOllSR' .. ."........... -Bfi,rns;', etc. ............. Tile Drains. Tile Drain Outlet ..;.. .. :flat Air"Pump, ta:nk~;&:cOl;nec'- tions ...... Refl'igei'atOll Fencing.... ." @lloha.rcb........... .... Heating: Approratlts;. '_Deep',Well:,... . SilOJ ..... $ '7;250.ClttJ' ,]1.794 '13. 066 81 390 06, 12499' 3,095 27 ],180 50 4,732 62; 04937 0070. . 350 00' 4000' I,13<h 68, 8& 85- 1,979.00. 827 66. 2lIJ>gg, ~--- $ 2iT. I~,eGeived.fi'om'G'overlllnellt',,(1n a:ccount expen~ dihues for la.nds andbuildingi-i.... ... ,. ... $' f~eavingll.mount actually expended'by County... $:> AII'ofiwhtch is respectfully submitted: \ Novelllher, 19101. _A.(lnuted. 3f,630 6S; 4,000 00' 30,630 r,~; AGNUf;j ''.DURRER, Lnspector;. ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 99 SPEOIAL QUEEN ALEXANDRA SANITORIUM OOMMl'fTE];J JUNE SESSION . To the Wnrden and Members of the' CountyCounciI of EIgi'u. Gentlemen:_ '.t'heCommittee appointed' by this OO1Ulty"CoUncil to vi$it, th~' .Queen Alexnndra.Sa.nito'l'ium in the C6untyofM-iddlesex to ascertl1,hi: 1ipon what,condition's Tuher'cuIaI' patiel1ts from the Oounty of_ Enghl' , would he I'eceived ahd treated by them, beg' leave' to rep'ort: mdoIl~ OWS;'- , , 1st. That on the'_ tw'entywfourth day of April we' visited the ab6v~ . " , Institution and were' l'et:~i ved very kindly alid courteously ~y tli:e- President Honor-able Adurn Beck, and the Secretary Sheriff' Cameron, hath' of the City of London. / 2nd. We wel'e shown. thebuiIdings and, over the farm and wOlllel say, the bpildings are- 'Ulodern and up-to-ante, laid out with all ,the modern improvements fat' nn insti,tutian of that kind, arranged ancI', iriad~ so convenient that-labor \-Yi]1 he at its minimun, having regalid to the welfaI'e-of thepa,tients so that,they can have the best accomo-' dation and treatment tlt the least possible expense and labor. 'rheI'€! are sevei'albuildings and pn,tients ~'iH be graded, that is to say, WhE'll t.hey the)' fh'st enter the Sllnatorium they are plltin a, cell':'. tain room /-IOdM they improve Hnd become eonvales(:ent they are thehe put into cottages to finish their treHt,ment and convalenence. 'l'he bu:ildiIigs ~iI;e lal;ge and airy, hel'i.ted'with hotwHter, lighted with electricity and well ventilated. These .buildings are el;rcted on a farl~r consisting of one hundred and fifteen acres of land lying i.l'l the extreme south,,'estCOl'ller or the To'wnship of London and' about five miles w;e,gt" of London 'City. This farm consists of a high elevRtion o{gravelly soil;, in' fact it _may be descl'ibed as a massive bed of gravel; the soil on. the top is sandy aud gl'aveily making it almostselfMdraining. a,n'the-.west side are thefttts' along,the ~hltmes Hiver, which will makethe'best C)f' pastur-a land f(H1 (~QWS. These buildings being 'erede,d on such a high elevatio'n of la.nd giv~s the Sanitorium the benefit'ofthe fresh ~}jh~jtIiey' 100 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL may require. They hlt,ve the best of water, in fact the noted' springs frohl_which r...ondon noW gets her water are located here, London's reservoirs are her!'l. 3rd. There will.be It large hennery erected, also a number of cows kept so as to have ple~ty of fresh eggs and pure ~i1k for their patie~ts ,two. great essentials in the treatment of Tuberculosis. 4th.' 'The surroundings are excellent, the, River Thames flo'\vs along ,the front ,or south end, and partly along the west side Of~he farm. Just across the river and to,the south. is Springbank,' London's favorite resort with'its walksd;roves,piu'ks and thousands of visitors yet far ellough away so' as not in any way to disturb -the peace of the Inl.tients in the Sanitorilml, A little further' to the west and separated QY the ri~er lies the 'old historic village of Byron with its quaint, old hqllses and grand old mill, A wlty to the west and south for three 01' faiu' miles the scenel'y is beyond. description with its hillsan:d valleys, cleared farms 'and beauti~ulfal'ln building's, roadwRYs, Rnd groves, creating Ii; beautiful scene, and gh'ing a view or lookout to'the patients however despon:d,el-it that would he most cheering a(Jd uplifting. An in all it is a pictm'esqlie spot upon '\'i'hich tQbuild and maintain a hospital, parti<?ularlf one fOl' Tuber'culos'is. In H small way we 'have el1deavoredto give ayon a description of the L grands, the buildings and the S;lll'roundings of this I Sanitorium, 'to which the County Oouncil of Elgin hRS the privilege of joining to secure It place for the treatment of her Tuber~ular patients at a nominal ,cost, "Ve were told while there that this Sanitorium was the' most conven-, lent and modern -in Oanada a,nd tpere are few (if any) exceeding it in the ,United States, 5th. We come now to the business part. In order to gain admiss~ ion for the County of Elgin patientsr let it be distinctly understood that whatever agreement we tn,ake (if any) is for the County alon~,. St. Tho'masdoes no~ participate in this agreement in any way what~ ever. St. Thomas must make llQr own a'greetnent (if they I so, desire ;Vv~th the health 'officers of thatinstitlltion. I 6th, This institution is a charitable one. The money has been l'aised by subscription,' donotion and endowment. '1'he County, of . Middlesex it'is expected will. give }"1ive Thousand 'Ooll;1.1's. The City ELGIN DOUNrY OOU~orL 11JI -of London has given' five thollsand dollars, the tacties' of L(')ndon~ l\irs. Adam Beck ftndothers, r.aised Si.xThousahd Dollars. The ladies .are endeaveringto furnish tp.e institution with the necessary beds and .otber furniture; One ladY'<.ihOlh Glallwopthbrought in a: wagolillondof beautifullal'ge pillows, sixty in'all, the other donators we cannot give; Honorable Adam Bet:k is ,-a. 'large donator, also they ha.~e wha:t' they >call the "Bla-ke:El;ldowm~nt" of one Thousand Dollars annually. '~rhe Ontario Government gives thr-ee dolllus per week' for each' patient there;ala.rge number 6fgendemen M'e contributors 'fro'ln the City-of Londo"n. The Honorable AdluuBeck and Sheriff 'Cameron are Vel;Y -enthuisiaStic and optirni;;,tic in their views about this Sltn-it(iH'il1m~ 'There is no such word as fail with them, it mllst'SllC'ceed. 7th. Now then their proposal to liS 'is tha~ the ''COLlNty 06tmcil hml City of St. Thomas. ,pay to them five thou'sahd dollars; thnt -the OOlln~ ty of Elgin roILY join without the Oity by paying two-,thir'ds of five thousand doUaI's, which will be Three Tho1-lsand . three' hundred and .thirty-fQurdGlIa.l's; Thzsgivesthe County.a life interest so long 1Hl the institution will l,nst. Indigentpatients from the County will h; ;admitted at Jfifty cents pel' day. ' This fut'uishesth.em with drJc'tor, medicine, nurses, board and ~'hatever is necessary' for their weIfar'e <an,d treatment. Patie~ts able to pay will be given l'OOI'ns ~tll'd. trr1:--\at~ "', ment at cast. No chronic cases will be .admitted. 8th,'l'he County wHl ha'Ve ,the ri,ght, to twoI'epl>esentati'VB'S on the health bOfl:rd~ _They recc,onunend that the ""'ai'den, WhOtfVN' :he lnay be, to be one, .aud on~ to be elected by the County Council.'l'he l<;t,tter t~ be elected for three or. five years for obvious rel\son. One I.eason is that a re,present~tive does not get al('quainted with the wOl'k~ ingof theinstitution in ,one year, needs more time to ;]e1ilJl'!l the' ma.nag-f."ment.n:lateNctl aud fjl1ahcing~ .Justxmewo.!'d Hier€', 'The trea.trnent of patients in tl1is institution is of' an ed'lcativ-e nature, educating them to take care of themselves and how to treat others. Treatment physicfl-lly, -is rest cure, feeding nnd fresh a.ir. The 'l'uberculine' Treatm~nt stands pI;ominently to the"f:l.'(jnt. Doctor' McCullo_ugh is. the Medical Superintendent and has charge of all patients. This being: a new institition and "Sllccess"' being their guarantees to every patient the best of Care and treatment. 10", ELGIN ObUNTY OOUNoiL This iil'stitlitiOIds' ndVa ffi0u'ey m:akm', its S~lPJ)()l't' fs 'pti:relyvor- u:ntal'Y. It is apew f(1r pa;tfeTItsn6W.. Your'Oorn:rbittee'wot'lId recornme'nd th:a:t'tfle Gotin'cH of the 06i1nty c'ounty of r~lgin accept the offer made to'tfielfl' by tl~€:' Hea;ltll: officers" of, the' :Lo11q'on Tllblei'culosis'SanatarimTI.' on conditiai!' that the He'altli, Officers g:ive td the County ()qunbil of the Cbnrity M' EIgin'a shtisflact- ory, agreement in writing/ AU of 'which 'we'beg'to submft.. St., 'l'bomas"June 13thr 1910.. . Adopt.,j GI-IDRGE W. LING'. Chairman~- NOVEMBER. SErSS'lON TO' t,hi3' Elgin County eO\'l.\rlci'l~ Gentlemen: 'rhe S'pecia,l Oommittee appointed to conrei' witTl the SarraterillUlr authorities at London report: ' LThat we have hud one meeti.ng 1\, hen the posftionof the' C'otitrty of E'lgill' fu reference- to' the' Sn~hatorinm 'X'fis tnut'ougply d'fsdUS:,,~d._ ~ draft- Agreement errlbad'ying'llU co-rnTiti611'S 11'ecessa:l'ywasto nav'e oee'l.Y pl>eparecT by the: BoIieiLo'I' o'f the' Saria:toriuql, hi:rt a's'yet tIlil? ha~ not;- hem) rece'ived. We ate ihfortilcd, ho~'evef, thatthis 1il'aybe-M'Hiiahte be-fore the Council adjourns, andwouI.d tecomtnend that theO~)'imty Solicitor be rtuthorized to go to London a.mt discuss' the terms of the' Agreementilnd subl'nit the same' for the ct1llsidetll,tidnof the ConnciL \ , 2. vVe w01:1ld recommend tbat :mem l)ers vf the Council visit' the' J-nstitntfon on l1hul'sd<ry. All of \vT~ich is respectfuTly snl'm1it:tea~ St. Tbolllas,16.th Novemhel?, ,1!nO~ Adopted'. GEO. W. I.II\:;'G, IDpaimnair" ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE JANUARY 'SESSION To the Elgin (Jaunty Co:uncil: Gentlemen: The .Equaliz.at~pn. Committee reportj"'-:' L That they'have considered recommendatian af Committee 04 Wardens address andapprave of the appointment,af a Sub Cammittee to. act a" V"aluata1's and report at the Nove~hel' 'Sessian, and have "to l'ecommend the-appointment ofJna. Dramgole, Sydney S.MeUe~tnan<l 8UlLWil.IJam .Jackson, and the Reeve'of each Municipality 0.1' his rep- resentative ,,,hen the pl:'opet'ty in his Municipality is being valued. . 2, Said Committee to receive remuneration ~t ,the rate of Thl'ee Dollars pel' day and expenses. AIlof which is respectfully submitted. Ja,nua:ry 28th, 1910. '~dopted. G;.W. LING, Ohairnlftll. ~ 103 ^t 104 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL " !,tEPORT OF THE,SPECIAL VALUATION OOMMP"l'EE AUGUS'l' SESSION I ' To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: Gentleman,- The Special Comrnittee.appo'inted at the In.nuarysession to examine into the value ofpi'operty it:l'eachm'unicipalityrepot'ts: 1. rfha.t they followed the.method of valuing l'effel'ed' to 81, sub-section: 3,- of'T~le Assessment Act. in section We haveinspecFe4 andvalued from five to ei~ht per cent. of ,the' different parcels of land in' the.d~fferent pal'tsof e,ach, ~unicipality, itnd fpund tha~oul' v;alufltion differed mate~ial- ly from the valuation of the same lots' upon tl1e Assessment ].=tolls, and' h~\Ve ,ascertai~ed the total valuation of each' Municip;tuty by adding or ded\ICti~ga corresponding' per- centage to or from the total assessme-nt,'particnlars'of which .: al'e contained in the following: 1[. . ..,!. ~ " ~ 000 ~~E-l P-i'S pBPP'9 9~'ll!J.U9\).19d qnM. l!J.uernss9ss'U J'll!J.OJJ l!J.uamss9ss'lI .19AO nor -!J.'l1U['llA JO eS'U8.1()UJ JO B~'ll!J.U9();rad " ~ 'g .~ " "- r.1 a: oil il< "'0 ~ ~E-l ~ ~ ~ Ipan'I'llKsElW -.ledO.ld 'ON .. :a 11 o ~ .. ~ .::i Ip.,assv sa!!J. ;rado;rd 'oN 1'll!J.OJJ JO a;J'll!J.ua;u9a: .. " o. . " ~ g o<i ~ co "' ~ "8 00 '" ffi ~ eo eo ~ co ~ . ~.C3 'oil..... 00 oJ" " iil 00 ~ 1.0 ~ .~ 0} ~,' ~ <0 co ~ ~ '0 0 0000 ~ !;; ;e 00 ~ ~ U':l 0 co ~ eo ~ ~ 0 i-t, >"'I.M !<l ... ~ . o " . " '" . o ~ " Eo '0 ~ ~ " ., ~ ,""0 g .d '0 $:.< .s a: o ~ "" ..9 <;:l ..j.J :s:! :J g ~ q '" ELGIN OOUN'l'Y OOUNOIL 18 ol ~ '" eo ,; ~ @ 0; ~ ., ~ o<i ~ o ~ 00 eo "' " ~ ". ~ .~ "<Ii '00 1.O 0:. C\? '=9 <:0 0 ~ ~ 'I8 ,~ ~ O'J ..... r'-< ,..., 00 ~ lQ eQ ,C\l M ". ~ ,...; ... o is ~ 8 ., ". ~ '0 ., S; ~-5 ~ 81 ~ ., ". 00 ., :. ,- :\1 gj "' '" <0 '0 ~ ~ 1il ... L-" t:'\l ~ ~ ". '" ~ ~ ". ., ~ eo "' '" '" r< co ~ .~ eo 8 '" " o '" ., '" ~ ,- co ~ '0 ,- ., * eo ~ ~ ~ t'"' LC- 0; ~ 00 ~ ... ) "" <;; (5 S . . '" eo "' g:j ~ '" O,,....! ....i OS 00 o '0 o ~ 0; Ie '" !@ o ~ [(l '0 '" ... <0 '" ~ ~ ~ ". '0 ill "' "' ". .'" "' ~ ., ~ '" ~ ~ L- '0 ~ ~ f!:J ~ ~ ?B_~ C\"5 00 ~ 0 [;; 0;- . "" ;E . ] '" . . ~ . . "" o ~ S p eoe ..t:l' "" ~ .., " . 0 '" '" <0 ~ '" co 0 L- ... ~ ',..,i ~ ~ ~ '" ." ,,; ... o '" ~ @ ~ '@ ~ ~ 8. ~ '~ '" "' '" ~ :;; ~ Chl ...... ,.... C\? ~ .?'l '" 00 ~ co 12 ~ "' ... '" ., '" "' 00 Ii; '" t-', eQ, t- ~' gj ~ '0 <0 '" o '" ... ol '" ~ '" '" '" ~ ". '0 ~ is L- !: ~ p o 0 - ~ - ~ .., " ~ p ~ <- '" '" .."..' C o ... ...1 4 ~ , 8 00 .~ ~ ... ~ '" " ... ., '0 <- L- o " '" '" co '-'i ~ '0 '" '" '" lOi> "----_., ~ " '" '8 d, o ~ t:: ~ '" '" co 1:1 '" ~ '" ~ 1:1 8l ~ oi <0 ~ I~ 0 ~--I~ 00 00 0 -...II t- 0 L- CJ;l S. ~ '~ :3 ,..., 1:'1 iN <:c "1 5 "' '" ~ ~ ~co "' " d ci o '" '" '" '" '0 '" ~ o l.O 00 o ~ 0:. t- tQ <Xi 00 1:"1 r.-.1 L- ~ ;:!: 00 g;j '" '" '" @ .; '. ~ 05 "' o '" '" '" ~ . 00 " o . " o p ~ '0 0; '0 g <- "' '" '" ,- ". <0 ~ co ~ " <0 05 '" , '0 ,- "' '0 " :ii '0 00 " '0 '" eo '" 00 '" '" 1:"1 .,. ~ '" " ___.__-.-.-.C..;,....,_._,__. ,- '" ~ ~ ,- " a<l ,...; '" 8 o '0 ... '" o o '" '" ;;:; 00 ,- S o '" o 6 ~ ,:. . . _ 'tl o - . . ~ '" . 00 ~ c .. .- ~ ... ~ <l) o 0.. ,.- Il; '" '" ~ ;::: fll 0; '=i ::lI g '" o c c ::: '" c '" @ ~ o ~ o. '" i?5 '" '" . " o ~ ~ p "" 'dl .~ " . iJ: ]06 EL(lIN OOUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL III. W,e found good properties ;assessed lower in proportion to vallH~ than the pOOI'el' properties. EQUAUZATIONAPPEAL DECISIO:" OF COUNTY JUDGE IV. We-do not thii1kit is a-good policy to appoint two or more 'assessors to ml:tke an iugependent assessment of different parts of a M u~kipality~ IN THE MATTER of By~Lltw No. 778 of the Municipal Corpol'~ ation of the County of Elgin; AND IN THE MATTER OF the Assess~ . ment Act being IV Edward VII Chapel' 23 and Amendments; AND IN THE MATTER OF the Appeal, by the Municipal, Oorporation ()f the Township of Aldboroughfrom the decision of the Oounty Coullcil of EIg-in in and with Respect to the Equalization of - Real propel;ty within the said CQunty, Y. In .insp(;'cting- and valuing propertiesl- we were accompanied by the Reeve of each Municipality, or hisrepresentativ'e for the following number of days: Aldborough 3 days, Rodney 2 ditys, West Lorne 2 days," Dunwich 4 days,' Dutton 2 days, South wold 6d'ays, Port Stanley 2 days, Yru'hlOuth 8d,ays, Malahide4, days, Ayltner 2 days. Bay- ham 5 days,Vienna 1 day', South Dorchester Bdays, . Springfield 1 day; tota1,4.3 days. PURSUANT to my appointment in that behalf in the appeal ~f the Township of Alborough from the decision of the County Oouncil of the County of Elgill equalizing the Real property of the different ~unici'palities within the County -of Elgin, ,I proceeded to hear evi~ deuce-adduced on behalf of the said Appellants on the 23rd day of St'ptember and on the 11th, 18th, and 19th days of October. lemd 9th day of November UllO, and having h0ard. and'considered the evideI;lce so adduced,' and upon hearing Oounsel as well forthe Appellant ,Town~ ship as for the County of Elgin, and III pursuance of the consent of Oounsel,aforesaid, ] find -and report as follow~:- VI. We Wflrc engaged for sevepty days in ,the . preparation of this Report" and our travelling and other expenses amounted to $50U.15. VIi'.' A list'of the 751 properties inspected, together with parti- enlars of'vn.lutttion and assessment a.re on file in theOlerk's office. 1. That the valuation of the Real property of the Appella~ll ~rownship as fixed and equalized by the By-Law of the County COlHlCi,1 of the County of Elgin No. 778. be l'educ.ed two hundred thousand dol- ,t1'S rind that said By;Law he amended in accordance therewi'th. All of which is t'{~spectfullysubmitu~d. St. Thomi'ts, Augnst 27th, HUO. W. JA.CKSON, Ohairman. S, S. McDERMAND, JOHN DROMGOLE, , 2. I order 'and dir{~ct that the fees of thE;! Judge, of the Oounty Courtofthe County of Elgii1, the fees of the Shol'thand RepoI'ter and the fees of the Registrar of-the County' ofNlgin fOI' the ahstr~ct pro- duced in evidence be borne and paid by the County of Elgin'and I make no fur.ther 01' other order or direction as to the (loses in th~ prosecution or opposing said appeal. Dated N av. 10th lillO, R/:jpOl.'t a,s adopted a,t August sessIon fixed the total valuation of : AJclbol'ough at $3,508,059, 'fhis was reduced $200,OCOat Special OGtober (Session and 'confirmed by Oounty Judge- ill settlem~nt of appeal, as entt:\!'Eld nhove, " C. W. COL':VER,. Judge. ' 107 108 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO ARRANGE WITH ST. THOMAS RE PAYMENT EXPENSES PUBLIC SCHOOL INSPECTOR. J ANU ARY SESSION ~ro the Elgin' Ooun~y Council:-- Glentlemen;- 'rhe Special Committee appointed to complete arrangements' with. the Board of Education incident to the appointinent of J. A. Taylor, B. A. as Inspector of Public Sch6bls for St. Thomas and part of the County reports;- 1'hat as the result 'of It m~eting with It Oommittee fromthe Board of Education we recOmmend that the Solicitor prepare an agreement ,providing. 1. For 'the paynient of one half the Inspector's 'salary" clerical ex- penses,postage etc. byith~ County and City respectively. 2. For the payrnent:by the County of travelling eJr;:penses incurred while visiting' County Schools. 3. That the arrangement remam in force for three years. All of which is respectfully submitted. , January, ?,sth, HllO .Adopted G. W.LING, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNOrr. Hill ...-------~.- 'SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON WA.RDENS ADDR.ESS Janua:ry Sessen '1'0 the Elgin Oounty CounciL: Gentlemen: The SpeciaIComm:ittee on Wardens Addresli' reports~-.- 1. Tha.t a Special ,Committee be appointed to meet wit:lll1 'Com- mittee fr@m,the,CouhciloitheCityofSt.Thomasandarrange u.nWunt to be paid by the Oity for administration of Justice and R(\gistJ1'1 Office du.'ring:tJhe next five years. That the Oommittee he eom-p:osed ofWm. Jacks(m, Alex" 'J\TC' I:Atchlin, D.. Stratton,.I. ~istele and Geo. R\tssel~ 2. That we have'considered the Wardens l'emarksre Toll H6n~~ Claim aud' the CGunty Solicitor's opinion in referei:t,ce thereto and re~ ,commend that the Wal'd~I.1'beallthorized to 'appoint a 'C'Omii1itt-e~ to lay the Clinmtiescase before t~e Proivncial Government, 3. That in- reference to Equalization we would recolHlliand tlUlt', the ~qualization'Oommittee appoint a sub Committee of one l'epl;e- .sentative from.theVillages and two from the Townships to exaniilie into the values of properties in each municipality as a ba~is ofequali~ zation and report flett,he June Session. 4. ,That no ;:tction be taken re County Road System uiltil such time as the Province grants 50%. ,I All of which is respectfully.submitted. Januar)" 28th, 1910. WM, JACKSON Chail~~mdl. no ELGIN OOU'NTY OQUNOIL ' , SPEOIAL ADMINISTRATION OF JUS'I'IOE OOMMITTEE N OVEMBEH. SESSJON '1'0 the, Elgin Gounty Councilj.c......, Gentlemen ;- trhe :,Specia,l Committee appointed.to settle> am<JUutpayable by the , eitv ofBt. Tholnas- to the County of EJginfOl' Adnrinistl"ation of 'Jus- tice expenses and for cost of ~egistI'Y Office improvements, reports;-- Tha;V as formerly!, a statement. was- pl'cpared showing the average' -Administration of Ju&tice expenditm'e' during the five yearspreceed- ing\the/first of January last.1.'his Wf~S ascertained to be $7,159.95, and, for Gaolexpenditure $1,322.14. The matter was thoroughly discussed at several'meetings;- wi,ththe- City C~mmittee alId-it'was finally agreed that the City should pIty t~e StIrn 0fThrec _tJ'housand Dollars Qlj13,DOD.DO} annually for thi~ ne-xt five y~ars. \ In'<1rliving ;:ttthi:ff amount, the Administration ofJtHsti~e expenses, were divided on n,hasis of population, the City's proportionheing 31-& per cent: htiing an. increase, . of 5 pel' 'cent. over last settlement. , The Gala ,expenditure was divided partly on this basis,and pa.t'tIy on the- basis' of }:>ropol,t,i011 of.. Oity a.nd County pris~net's. The nmO-nnt arrived 'at is- rl'lilFce Hundred and r.rwenty-fiye' Dolla-vs ($325.00) more' than W;.1S paid dml'ipg the lilst five'yeaT'1'J~ , Tbeqncstion of Regib'try Office impl'ovements;was 3.\ls(}comrldered~ 1'he ex'pendittn'e iti this connection amounted to $9,046.78. This was divided orl 11 l)Mi'it'1 of c.ity'asscssment and Oounty Equali.zation,:'the C~tY.'s proportion beitlg $2,050.00. rrhis to be repaid in ten equaJ anilUal instlllulflnts as the pa,yixients of debent\J,['(~S issued by the l.Dounty for this pllJ'POSP" hec()m~due. W e woul<ll'~Gonnnend that a By-Law be passed authorizing- the \\V~l'd~m to 'sign agreement providing for the paymcI)>t by the Oi~y ,of the sums above nwntiOlied. All of which is l'espectfully ,'':lubmitted. Conn.cil Cham hel's, St. rrhOm~t8-, Nov(!'~:ibe'[' 1910~ Adopted W. JACKSON,_ ChaIrman'., b ELGIN OOUNTY COUNOIL SPEOIAL PORTSTANLEY HARBOIt COMMITTEE N OVEiMBER SESSION To the Elgin ConntyOouncil:- Gent~emen: r.I.'he Committee appointed t{)con[:3'ider matters in conne~tion with \ the improvement of the Port Stanley Harbor l'eportsj~ 1. That sevel'almeetings were held which were attended by; rep- resentatives from the. - Vilhlge of' Port Stanley; pity of St. rhoma~l City of London and Oounties of Middlesex and Elgin. A.n effort' WI:lS made to secure the~ttendanceof fl,representati\'€ from the.porniuion Goyernrnent and th,e Ministf'r'of Public Works to attend a meeting anditlspect the harbor. ,l3'ailing in this, the Coin- mittee flnlllly decided to interview th~Minister of Public Works illHI othei' ~erribers of the Govern,ment !1t,,, Ottawa.' A deputatiOn ~f over 40 members. including represeiltatives 'from all of the :Mnnicip(~litie's mentioned and the LrindonBoar'd of Trade proceeded to Otta.wa in October Hnd 'were received hy the M.inister of Public .Wor'ks,theMin. ister of J llsticej 'fhe Minister _of State the Minister of OustornsHlld the Minister of RaU\\'a,ys. '.rhe claims of the deputation were well represented. und' we were pleas~i:1 to findtha.t so much interest. ht;d. been taken in ourpr'oposed application that several plans and estimates for the improvement of I the harbor had beeu pr'epared. ""Ve believe that-the necessity for iluw , provement of this HiI,l'bor will'receive consideration. A large amount has ltll'eady been expended for this purpose andwe were infOl:rned that it wasthe Jntention of the Government to complete the sa;ine, and \\'~~ believe that th{~ Minister of~ Public Norks will ph:we'a suhsta.nthd amount. in the estimates f()1' this purpose. All of which is re.spectfully submitted. Adopted. WM. JACKSON Ohairm{Hl. " III IltJ. ELGIN COUNTY COUN,CIL TOLL ROAD CLAIM COMMITTEE N OVEl'.:[BER SESSION 'l'o~he EI~in County, Council::-- Gentlem€'n;'-......, rJ~he, Special Committee appointed to interview the Government in rl;,ferenc,eto IIdditional aid for the purchase of the London and Port Stanler Toll Road, reports:-.. L That they ,va-ited upon the Honorable, ,the Minister of Public ,'Wo~ks and the Attorney General of Ontario, and stated, t,he County's position ,and desire for additional aid' towards the large expenses in~ em'red in connection with this I'oad. I,' As th(~ result of our considerl;ttion of the matter, we -believe that there :is a reasonahle possibility., with the assistance of the Provincial Government, of-enfOl'clng a elaim against, the Oounty of Middlesex for ,a.refund of $8220:00 paid hy J1jlg-irito that County. This amount was, i~tthattime a liability due hy the OC)unty of Middlesex to the Govern- ment hut bas never been paid over by the County of Mid.dlesex, nor has the Govel'ment I'ndeavel'ed to enforce the claim. At Confeder- ation.'al~ nH\'tters of t.his kind passed nnder the direction of t.he Prov_ incial authorities, and we beJiev,e that the proper action for this conhty to take IS to request,them to enforce the claim against" Middle- .. sex Hud,pa.y over the 'amount due Elgin. It is advisah'lethat 'future deputations, if any aI'e appointed to d-eul with this matter, should waitnpon the Governmfnt' at a time when the Legislature is, not in session, when the Ministers,hltve time to con. s.jd~:t, new matter brought before them. All of whic_~ is.respectftllly submitted. November, 1910.. Adopted, WM. JACKSON. Ohairman. , ELGIN COUNTY. COUNCIL DEPUTAlfION '1'0 EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION NOVEMBER SESSION To the EIgi?, Oounty Oouncil: G~n,tlemen;~ The Deputation appointed toattt:n'.d the Edu'ettticn AS$odatioJ} of Ontario, repoL'ts~ I" That they attended the meetings of the Trustee .Depm.tUltmt of the Association on the 30th and 31st Mar'ch, 2, . TheDeputation w~:sexceedingly ple:asell uod impl'essed wi,Lh the interest taken by the repl'es61ltatives of this Departnient, ,Itis n:n undisputable fact thn.t questions of education in this Province art~ most important. espedalJy'of Public Schools which in the opinion'of many delagates, were generaHv, n~glected., The condition ofth~' schools is largely, if not solely, due to the lack of interest on the part: of the people and the Jack of organization and efficiency of the trustee~. ' Attention wa.sdrawn to ,the fa'ct that High Schools and Universities are under a more efficient direc'tion and mrinagement than are the Puhlic Schools under the Trustee System. The larger s'Chools are generally represented at the meetings of the Educational Associa~ tion by oelegates who are competent to 'discuss and appreciate th~ adA dresses H,nd opinions of men who' have devoted years of their life and t,alent to the question of edu~ation.The fact that only abOllt 5 pel' cent of the children atteriding,th~ Public Schools ever advance to thf" High School was given as a rea;son for the statement ,that the interest of pal'ents of most' children in their edilCation ceased when they pas:, s{~d their Entrance Examination. This may account to sonie extent for the statementthat pupils in O?lIeglate Institutes and High'Schools cost $4-7ROO pel' hear as compared with $17.00 in the Public-Schools. 1.13 '/, 1I4 EWI.N COUNTY COUNCIL 8., It, was the UlHtrl1inOllS opinion of those pl'esent th~1t the beRt, l.'esnltsfOl' tihegrentes,t number of children can only be obtained from ~thor()ugh awakening of t,he parents of the children nnd of the trus- tees of the Rchooll't. 4. Asoue of.thebest~neans to,he adopted quired l'esults; it. was decided' to recoirunend .t['ust(~e'association, in each Inspectot'ate. to. bring a,bontthe 1'e- the '+organi~ation <?f ~\. A.lI of v.'hichi8l'e8peetfullysnbmitted.. NOVen1hel', 1910. Adopted. .J, In,; LINDSAY, Chairma>>~ \' ELGIN COUN'rY COUNCIL ONTARIO MUNWIPAL ABSOOlA'rION DEPUTATION. N OYEMBER SESSION To the Elgin County-Council:-- 'Gentleoulen:""'- ~ The deputation appointed to attend meeting of the Ontario Munici~ pal As.o~iation at Torouto 6th and 7th September, reports:- That they attended the vai'ibUS sessions which were held at the, City Hall,,'l'oronto. Many questions of interest wereconsidet'ed, sev- eral or which, in our opinion, areaf ,ilUpo~~hce ,to:. Jtural Municipali- ties. Weare glad to announce that the' Association III the future' will he divided into ',two classes. Rural and Ul'ba:n, although under ,the oontroLof the sarrH~ Executive. We would e~pecially direct the attentionhf this Council, to, CIau&'es IS/and 2.0 of the Ueport of Committee on RelllOlutions, which read as follows;- ,DISTRIBUTION AUTOMOB~LE LICENSE FEES 13., That in consideration of cost to municipalities of the ConstrllC~ tion and lUn,intenallce of roads and streets and the extent to which" they are used in the operation of moto:t; vehiCles, the Ontario Gov~rn.; ment be,pe'titioned to pay over to said municipalities a just proportlr1ri of the amount collected annuall:r for permits and fines imposed in connection with th~ operation of said motor vehicles. SANITORIUMS' 'FOR INEBRIATES. 20. That in the opinion of this Association the Provin'cial ,Govern" ment should establish an institution or institutions to which heads of families and others required by law to maintain I their fa.milieswho fnil ,to do so through inebriety, or' \\~ithout reasonable ca.use, can be, c'om~ mitted by the OountyJ udge. That the institution 'or institutions shall be provided with some means wher'eby such perso~s will be compelled' to ear'in or help to f'arn a liv~1ihood fpI' their families, and their'earn- ings be forwarded by the official,s of snch institution 01' institutions to their families for their SUPPOI't' and ma.intenance. 115 .110 . ,ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL , We are.~lsQ. in sympathy with t.he motion that was brought .for..'l wa,I'd by Reeve Glass, of the Township of London, which does not Hppear in the Report, of Committee on Resolutions but it is to be con~ , IHidel'ed by the Association at its next regular meeting. The resolu~ tipnprovides for the r,uakmg of the assessment in Rurul Municipalities itJ,the summer months instead of the winter months as at present. YonI' Committee are of the opinion, that this is a step in the right dh'~ ection and would ask this council to give this matter its suppor't. 'We believe th("'l Association is doing asplelldid Wot'k and. think it. would be in the interest of the gen~l'al public if all t.he Municipalities in the Province would gi-ve it their support. AU'of which is rf'iSpectf.hlly submitted. AdOjJted. .GEORGE RUSSELL" Chairman;,' . ELGIN OOt(NTY OOUNCIL DEPUTATION TO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION NOVEMBER SESBWN T~ the Elgin Count.y Council~ G,entlemen;;.- The deputation appointed to attend the 'Good Rml..c:1s ASBOci:\.tion l'eports;- That,the Oonvention washe1d in March, nnd the attendmWe\VHS the largest ill the history.of the Association. The pl'a.ctical interest which was' taken hV the Councils and-Officia.ls of the Counties in which the Provincitil Hig-hwayImprovement Act has heen adopted, hns led n great many- to tllke a m.ore intelligent. io't'erest in theeonstruction of improved roads than formel'.ly,and the-ineetin~ ofth~ Association is iJra~tically It clearing hOllse for the exclulllgeof ideas in' ':reference to , 'the best methods to, be adopted in connection 'with this 'class of \I,-Ql"k. Theprogramme i,ncluded, addresses .in refereu'ce to almost every' ,phase ,?f the rO!1d question. Our County ,Engineer delivel'ed an excel~ 'lent a.ddress:on the su.bject of "Cement Bridges" and this question WHfo! !tUso dealt w1th by othel"engi-heersfr6irH~thel' parts of the Province. As, an inoyatiOn in the progrninme of the, Associa tion;exper'ienced ~lighwayau~hOrities frornthe United St.ates were'presentanddeliv€l'ed' -valuable add,resses. One of the n'ew ideas of inteI'est to every CO~inly was that Legislatkm should he procllred, to. enable'Oities to nssist in -'~he ~onstruGtion:ofhighways__ leadi.lg thereto ,witbin ~l" limited area from each city. We b~lieve that_this Should be'encouraged,especinlly- ijIl countieswhel'e the Highwa.y Improvement Act ,has not been adop~ ted or OouDty_~oads established.. It is a considerable hnrdship for,' Townships adjoining populous centres to have to maintain' expensive i'oads to accornodatt'l the travel tha,t concentrates ,theron owing to the location oia large urban population. All of which is_respectfully submitted. Adop~ec!. DAVID STRAT'fON1 C~airtri!ln. 11'7 us ELGIN CrOUNTYOotrNeIL , ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL HI!:PORT COUNTY POLICE MAGISTRATE Convictioqs were nutde for folIwing offepses;:,- Violation Liquor License Act ...:......; I... . .10 Assault. ....... .',.,............ .'..... ..;..... IB Drnnk,& Disol'~el'ly;. ~ .'.....~......'...........n Violation Pilbli~ Health Act..... .~.. ......... 2 Disol'del'lyperson. .. . . . : .. . .. . .. .. " . . . . . .', ..: 3 UIIlanagahle Ohild.. .........,. ',.. ....,.. .." 1 Vagran~y,..~......... ...... ...................2 Theft over $10.00 .......,.... ..... .............. 3 Th.ft....'........ ...,.......'. ..... .,.. .... .... 1 4-b'lsjve,hfngu~~e... ~... .. :'. .... ... ~".. ..... .'.. I, T~re!ltepi:p~ lapgullrgtl ...,..... .... ............ 1 Viol~~io[}Cheese }1"actQl'Y apt. ...... .... _,..... l ~eep~ng q~~ingHQuse.~.._.... .. "" ,....... 1 Pr,9f,'Lll!'l L~ngq~ge,.,. ......;....,. ....., .:..,.1 Oauli!~ng Dis~lJl.b~nce... .,...;....... .... . .... 2 Illdecellt ,language.;.. ..- ..,...... .... .. '."" 1, ~nj~rie~ to property ,........ '0.;............... 2 Negl~qt,ef:lChild~., ......;.,..............,.... ~ Point.ingFire Arm.... .... .............' ..... .,1 Breaki~g, entering and stealing ,: .. .. . . ..' 2 Afl',:~y .c.....,..... ..... .""'"'' "'..... ....4 JANUARY SESSION 'l'nthe'Wn.ro.en and Members.oi the .BlIghl County Gounci1;- Gentlemeu;-'- I beg jiO :report to yon the business done' in conu€'CtioFb with my o:1~l((e for the ph..st year t;tS follows;- Offenses tried before the County Police Magi&-rate's Conrt~ Natul'e of Charge 'No. Affray:....,.. ..... ...... ...... ............ "..11 I~iquoJ? Licen,s0'.Act... ..... ...........,... """'0.20, ':Cheft . ...'~... ..... .,...... ....... ....... ... .'-... ....; '8 Assault bodily, harm. ..~. "",.' ...... .' .._.... 6 Assault fiJonn:no:n..~...,'..., .,-,.'...... .',....... .10 VagraMy......... ....,.......,....'. ...........11 R,ohbery ,....... '~'r;"""" "" ... ..-.. l"'" .-........ 1 WoundingCattl-e ......,................. .,..1 ,NeglectedOhildr'el'!- ..... ......... ..-......... 8 '13reakingand Stealing from shop..... ....... 5- Public Health Act,.... .............. ..' ...... 2 False Pl'etence.. '. . . . . ... .. . . .. ...... ...,.. 1 Insane &.Dang'erous to be at large-..~,., ... ,'. 3- Drunk & Disorderly; .......,,.......... ..,...s. , Recognizance to keep thePeace~. . . . . . . . . . . . .2- ViolfLti0uCheese F<tctol'y.act~..... ..~. .'. .'... 1 Violation. Lord's Day Act ..... ~ .... '. . .... ,4- GaIning House....... ..... .... ".". ~... .,..... 1 Receiving Stoh,lll Goods--... .J;... ._.. "','" 1 Using obscene and pI'ofane lang1:w:ge- . . . . . . . . .,2; Seduction of girl under va yeal'S) .... ..., ..... 1 Violation Act respecting motorS"......... ...., 1 Wilful injurytopropevty .................. 2: Pointing, title arm...." ....'.... ..... .... 1 .. 'fotalNumher of Oonvictions 74 Amount of Fines and ~e~alti'es impose~. ... ..$601 O(l Amm~ptpf:6,[w~ collected. . '. . . . .. 55(') 00 \ 'fheFines'\,,-erB IHiid as follows; In To 'W. n. Andrews, License Inspectol'East Elgin... ....... .$24500 " E.N:Oompton;" .. West Elgin....,.., 9200 ... J.'M'cCausland,County Treasurer,. ...... .......... 56 no .. Treasurer' of Springfield .00......... . . . . . . .'. . . . 'j' , 8, 00 H ... .. Southwold.,.......... ... ............... 1400 .. WestLorne"..............,.... ......... 20,00 " Aldbol'ollgh.............. ....,.... . '." 10.00' " Bayhanl..... .............. ,.........;.. 3'0f) .. Port Stanley.... ...... .... ... '" ....... . , 1 00 " Dutton ...;...;....;:. .~......,..;.......'... 2501!/' .. 110 !-----:'" 1:20 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNOIL J. D. Farrington, Inspector Cheese'F~lctory..., ..,.. _ _ - -... Pay~es Mills Cheese Factory.."."". ,,'.. 0';" ......' ..... Compensation to W. Nicholls ..............;........ \,ollectedby P. M.. 'Bradley, Aylmer..... .'...'.... _... -"".., 15 00 151)0 2\Kl 5000 $55601) Amount of Costs.. $314 24 .........r....'....,......,....,.. 1 have had severai comp1ai.nt,s laid before me against parentsuH~ del' the Ontario Act respecting neglected a1?d dependant children. In tnoflt ca.ses I placed these chiIdrenunder' thecal'e of W. J. Shaw. qfficel'of the St. ThonlflB and County of Elgin Children's Protective Society, who allowed, the~n to remain with 'their pal'ents on tlie co':1- (Utiotls that the children sbouldbebl'ougbt i.1p in such It manner that t:lwy. would re,ceive moral culture and such other training, as would fit thern to beC(mle good citizens on reaching Hllltu.rity. On ~aking en~ . ilui;'ie!:ll findth~t tJle preRent condition of most of these children is satiAfHctllry,' and the home life of theil- parepts has improved. . [ flni.~ in the discharge,of my duties that the Children's Sheltei' i$ (loinga grand workfol"the neglected chiljjren of theCol1nty, and that 'it is entitled to. :th(factive sympathies and'financial support of the people of the County, [am in positio.n to become acquainted with itH work and to estimate its value. All 'Of which,fsrespec.tfuIly submitted. FnANQIS ,HUNT, Po.liceMagistratf" ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNDlL AUDITOR'S REPORT " To. theWai-den and Council of the Oo.u.nty of Elgin; 'Ve the lmder8igu.ed~'Auditors,.of 'the County ~f Elp:infol' the_ year 1909. respectfully submit, the ,~ollO\\'ing report:,.,- We have ca.refullycolnpa.red the several Accounts with -the vO'n<ih~ -ers pro.duced aud, Ot'ders author'izing the 'VariousexpenditUI't~i:u(nd find \ 1,hen~ correct.. - , We find tIle cash balance' 'On hH'lld -Decem her 31st :190!J.. to he 'One thousand, eight hundred .andfoI'ty-;..fo~nr dollal's and five ceut's {$18-14.05~ itsfollows.:~ 'Two thOUSIlUd, twohu.ndred.a1'ld thh.t.y.twodolla1'8 and seven6h -eight cents in the 1\'Iolsons Bank, cheque not deposi(ed of,one.hlll\dI'('d/ and eighty dollars and sntty~five cent.s ,and <cnsh in 'l'reasurer's Ih'l.uds'i,)f twenty two d()lInrs and seventy'-two cents to he l'educedby erl'Ol's,of ~rreaS\lI'el', (}f t-wodollarsand fifty-nine cents and (~heqnesissn~dll.nd ,notcsashed amounting to. five hlllndred and {'ighty~ninc'(lollal's aUtl "fifty-one cents. 'l'he following statements are submitted:-:-".-.A,hstt"Hct \)f Hl;'epipts~llil(1 \ fiJxpenditu'I'E's. ~5lsetsand Liabilities, SUlIlma)'yofLed~el'Billi-l.t1Cfis, Detailed Statement of Receiptsil.ndE:s:penditures antlll!i Hlldit otSllb- Treasurers N'C-Counts of 8choe}- mon'eys\ Wehave examined. the 1'roo&1Il'et)s-secln.-ity -i1ndfind itt(, be 11 guarrant-eebond forten- thousand dollIlI'S, expiring. on Augi'l.st bt,19lO. We have exa.mined the Pol~ce Magi~tr'ate;s hnoks!md fi~ld that 4e hasp-aid" aU fees colIet;ted hy him to the, Treasl1l'E'Y\ . We ha ve examined the ret'urlls -made by the several 'l'l'ea,st\I'e'I'S to the County TreM\1rer during tha -year 1909 !tpd compared them with the ,Cpunty TreHsurer~8hooks~mdfiud them. cOJ.'l'ectly entere(l; St.' Thornas~Ma:reh17th; uno~ ANJlHEW MURRAY, . . W. A. GALBRAlrrH 'J A~~dlt(Jl'S. 121 ;E1jjQINOOVNTY QOIfNoH" BY -LAWS. BY-LAW N." 760. To\ authorize the Wrt;rden m:u:l. 'l'1.'eu~ure~ to. bor:row Twenty Tho~s- amd"Dollat's. ,PUBSOO 28th January, 19W~ TbeCounty Coundlbf Etgine:rmcts:: "]'hatth~Wal'derp1ndT'reasur~1' b:e and IW~. h~_re~y authorized to-l'~';' U~i,V notes Olrtsuil-ndiV-g aIld' to porrow the ~\lIn " of .Tw:enty Thoulila~~ " Dollars., as. it may be, req~lh.'~d to meet the current, ex.pendliture of th~~ CorpOl'aJtion of the- County of'Elgin dl~ring 1010, and give HS. _ security therefore notes of One Th.ousand Dolla.rs each- , Oqrincil (J4tlm;Pe~'SI st. Thomas, J all, 2$th, WlO. K. w. McJ>'A Y, Oo.-Ole,I,,' DONALD McLEAN, ... . '-,' ,', ,-,. W allden~ BY.LA'o/l'fp, 7~L_ 'j~Ol:~PPQlnt O~:m'i~ty Audit~l's for the y~~al~ 'QI0~ 'Passed ,28th Janual'Y. 1910. . Whereas, uncleI' the anthOl'i,t~ of~be '~~'W,~cip.~~A9K~'Vel:'Y Munfci~f:\',I ()oll:ncil,is I.'e'l};uii'ed to ll,J?po~nt"a.tits first m\eeting every year,' two Au_ ~~~Ol'8., " ,Be it thel'efore,~nae~ed, by.th,eC9un<1H.nf..~~~1!~11e:!~~p'a.1 aOrpQ,l1~tip;p: of the Oounty of Elgin, under the authority, aforesaid 'rha.tAndl'ewMJ;l~'~at lL.nd W. 'A:. ,Galbra.ith ,he and are, ~erehy a,p- nointed Auditors' to' exnm}ne and report, np~)Jl(tll accounts affectinp;t~,~~ ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNOIL ."" .--,-- ~~m___,_._._,~__ Oorporation Of Elgin, or relating to any matter 'under its control,. 01' within its jurisdiction as required by Statute; ,or, Or.der-in-Oouncil~ 'and also aU 'accounts of school moneys r~tieivedor paid hy the Oou,nty Treasurer for the year ending 31st Decemher, 1909,-and that sa,idAudi- tors be paid the sum of Sixty Dollars~ach for their services. Oouncil Ohambers, St.- Thomas, Jan. 28th, 1910. K. W. McKAY, Co. Olerk. DONALD McLEAN, Ward~n; BY.LAW No. 762 To appoint a.B'();\,l'd of Audit in the County of Elgiriforthe yea.r191O. Passed ' 28th Janulwy, 1910. Be it enacted by the Oouncil of I the Municipal Oo~poration of t.lle County of rmgin: - , TPat the Judge of t,he Connty Oourt and G. W. Ling, M.\D., he ~tlld are hel'eby appointed rnembers of the Boa,I'd ofAud.it, to perform the duties required of theJ]l by Chap. 85. R;S.O. Thnt the memliel's of t'~he said Bo~rd be paid the sUm of Four Dollltl''' perda,y for their services, ll,ndfive cents pel' mile in going to alid from such audit. Council Ohambei's; St. Thomas, 28th .January, 1910. K. W. McKAY, 00. Olerk. DONALD McLEAN. ' \Varden. 12.1 i q 124 ]j)LGIN OOUNTY OOUNOIL BY-Law NO. 763 To appoi:t;lt'TruBtees of High Schools. , Passed 28th January,'1910. The Elgin County Council enacts: 'rhat A. H.. Ba.ckus he appointed Trustee of ',the Ayhner'High ,SQQool for three years. ,That J. B. Orawford be appointed Trustee of the Dutton High SchO'C)!- fop three ye~rs. That Orin Bartlett be appointed Trustee of ,th13 Vienna. High School for three years. ',I Council Chambers" St.,'Thomas, 28th,'January,191O. It, W. McKAY, County Clet'k., DONAI,D McLEAN, Warden. BY-LA W No. 764. To fix,the salary of Oounty Police Magist,rate: Passed 28th Jannary, 1910. , The County Oouncil 'of Elgin enacts: "l'hatthesalary ofFl'ancls Hunt, CourityPolice'Magistrate be and hi hel'elly fixed at the sum of Five Hundl'ed BalIars pera-unum, pay' ,nblequarterly, to date fl'om 1st Jaunary, 1910. 'That the Police M'agistrate he paid the smn'of Twenty~five Dollars annually for postage and telephone. \ ' That By-Ia.w' No.68b be a.nd'is hereby repealed. Oouncil Chambe,rs, St., Thomas, 28th Jammry, 1910, K. W. McKAY. 00. Olerk; DONALD McL~]4N. Warden. ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL BY.LA W NO. 765 To fix sa.laries ofSnb~Trea.sl.lrers of School moneys. Pa'saed 28th January,lQIO Tht;l,Connty Council of mlgin,enacts:- Thlit'the Treasnre,['s of the seve,ral Township Municipalities in thl', (Jounty be and are hereby appointed sub~treasul'ers of 'School. monies, and thftt the said S1'lb~treasl1rers be paid the sum "of rrwenty Dallal'S l8ach annuftlly, for their services. That By~La.ws Numbers'2Q8 and 566 be and Ilrehereby repeale~l. OOlincil Chambers, St, Thomas. 28th JalllUlal'Y 1910. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk.. [OGNALD M.CLI~AN, "Wu,-,:'(it~n~, BY-LAW No. 766. . ,'To fix th~ sa.la.ryof the Turnkeys of the County Gaol, Passed 28th Janua.ry, 191(;, The County Coun'Cil of Elgin enacts~ That the salaries of the Tnrnkeys of the Connty 'Gaol 'be Il,nd ut'p hereby fixed at One Dollar and Seventy- Five cents per day to dute; from the 1st qay of January, '1910. 'l'h,at By~laws Nos. 702 and 734 be and ar'(~ hereby repen,Jed. I Cqun'cil Ohambers, St.' Thomas, 2Sth January, 1910. >K. W.>McKAY, Co. Clerk. DON ALDMcf,EAN.' Warden. 12l~ 126 , ELGl'N 'COuNTY OOUNOIL BY-LAW No. 767. To fix Member's Wages;, Passed ~th January, 19ra. The Oounty Council of Elgin enacts: I. That the sum of Three DbIIars pel' day oe paid to' the members' of this Council for ,their ~ttel!dance in Council and Committees wJthin the Connty, and Five Cents per mile necessarily travelled (to and from) \for' such attendflnce~, ' 2~ ,That the' sum' of'rwo' Dollars p~r day and', traveUirrg and 'hotel, expenses be paid to the memQ.ers0f th,is ConncilwhiIe attending em Committee,outsitle' the Oo~nty r 3~ ,That By~ht'\Y N.o. 618 be and is-herehy amended accordIngly., Oouncil Ohambers, St. 'l~homasr 28th J~tnual'Y, 1910. Hi. W. McKAY, COo. Olerk. nON ALO. McLEAN, WRrdeJl'~ I BY-LAW NO. 768' To ltppoint '1~:rustee Vienna Hfgh S<ll\OoL Pnsse<J. 17th June, 1910. i i ,The Oounty c.ouu"n of the Conut,y of Tmgill under the authority of the High Schools Act enacts; rl:hat \\T. Kirk be appointed 'rrnstt\e for the Vienna'Hip;h Schqol in {dace of Robert Scruton l'esig~led, Connty Oouncil Chi\mhe.l.'s, SL 'l1homn~ 17th June~ 19IOr K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. DONALD'McLEAN,. Warden. , ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNOIL .127 BY- LAW No, 7611. Tornfse the sum'of'T€mThous'and1Dollars, to provide for' the' cost of bridges t6be erected during the year ll}~O, and to authoriz~theiss;;~ ingof debentm'es thel'efor; ,Passed 15th'Novemh'er. Whereas it is necessary to'raise t'l16 sum of Ten Thousaud DollarS". for the purpose of providing for the cost of bridges to be' erected' in tlltt Oounty of Elgin durin'g the year 1910, and in order thereto it, will be ~ecfissaI'Y to issue debentures. of the municipality of the Conntyo! EIc / gin for the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars,'paya1)le asllereinafter Pr:o- VW~. ' And \vhpreasit wiJ,1 be requisite, to raisH the' snm of One' r,L'housilud. TwO' Hundred Itna:: S:ixty~thI'ec Doll~rs and S'<,'.lventy-p.ine cents'; each yea.,r, respectively~ - , " , ,,',', Anrlwhereas ~he amountof the whole rateableprop-erty of the' nlU nicipality accordhig to t~e lastrev}sed ~ssessme:qtrolls of the said nm~ nicipality, amounts to Twenty Millions, Foul'Hundred and Ninety-fi.v,e . ' , ',,'" I Thousand and Six HUlldl'edand Four Dollars. ' Aoel whereas the existing debenture debt of the Coq:nty'o'( EJ'lgill iH' Sixty~flve Thousand and Eighty~th.ree Dollars and Sixty "one cents. Therefore the Mqnicipa.I Council <?f the Oorporation of the Connty of EIginen'acts as foHows: \ , '. 1. It shall be hi-wfnI forthe Warden of the s~Lid Conntyof ElgiI;l, for the purpose aforesaid, to, borrow the sum of Ten Thousand DoWtrs;' and to 'issue debentnre~ of said municipality'to the amount of ~ren Thousl'Lud Dollars, in sums of . not less than One Hundred Dollars ench, paya.ble on .the first day of Decernberin each year, with interest at foul' and one~half per cent. per alinurn, dUl'ing'theperiod of ten years fro~Jr1, the da.te of, is!:luing of the debentures, in the manner and for tlic a'!lonuts set forth in the schf~dule hereinafter contained. "2; It shall be Iaw:ful for the Warden of the said municipality" and ~e is herehyallthorized to sign and issue 'the debentures hereby. auth~ 1.28 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL I ()1'ized to be issued, and to cause the s~me and the interest coupon's at- tached thereto, to be s~gned by. the Treasurer of the said munic'ipality, and' the Clerk of the said municipality is hereby authorizedRud in~ st,ructed to .attach' the s,eal of, the ,said municipali~y to the said deben- t.uros. 3. There shall be raised and levied in each year . the sum -of One Thonsand,' Two Hnridt'ed and Sixty-three Dollars and Seventy-nin€; ,.,cents:by spncial,l:ate on 'aUl'iiteaJble property in the-said : municipality; ':'Iuid a.mour.t being sufficient t'o discharge the several. installm~nts, -of principal and interest. a,ccruingdueon the said debt, HS thesamehe- J;cune respectively ,pl!,ynhle, according to the following schedule: SCHEDULE. No. Year. 'Principal ~nterest, Total. ~ 1m ~13;;g- $ 400 do $126370 , . '2 1912 &'l(r 41 413 38 1263 '70 3 . ]013 888,67 375 12 1263 70 ',4 1014 . 028 66 335 13 ,1263 70 5 ] 015 070 45 203 3~ 1263 70 o . 1010 101~ 13 240 66 1263 70 . .,7 1017!1l50 77 20~ 02 1263 70 8 1018 '1I07 46 156 33 126370 o 1010 1157 20 106 50 1263 70 III 1020 1200 37 M 42 1263 70 -,-~-~-~----~ $1000000 $2637 9Q $12637 00 Council Ohamber, St.. Thomas, 15th November, 191f).. K W. M:cKA Y, 'Co. Olerk. DONAI,D McLEAN, Wardan. '.\- \ ELGIN OOUNTY DOUNCIL BY.LAW NO. 770 'To raise a.mol1nts for Oriunty Hates durIng theyrCa~ 1910. Passed Jnne 17th, 1910. 'Whereas, by Section 405; 9f Chapter ,223, R. S. '0., tbe Council 'o{ll.; i()ohn~y may pass by~laws authoriiing the levying and collecting of 8, l'ate, etc., , Ahd 'V"hereas, an estimate has been ~adesh(')wlng that, the sum 'of Sixty~One Thousand Six Hundred and Eig,~ty-Eight Dolla~s is re~ ([uired to be raised ,in the sev.eral'Muni'Cipalities for the lawfll~'p'Urposes o(~f the County dtiring.the year 1910; And Whereas, by the Assessment Act, this Oouncil is requiredt'() ,~1irect what pdrtion of tha sumt0Qe levIed for County purposes shaH he levied in ea.ch' fI'lunicipality in the COlinty~ . , And Where~s. the rates are required to beC11I'Culab~d at so much oOtl the dollar upo~ the actual value of all the l'enI ~tnd personal propel'" ty liable to assessmeI~t: And Whereas, the actual value of the real and personal property' , ~)f theCollnty, ItS aacerta.ined:and. equa.1ized, by thIs COI~ncU, is as fol~ llows:- 1 MunIcipality '.fotal Bqnalized:Va.l,ue. A1dbOl'ongh .. .". ................... ......$2,3n,577 Dunvl'ich.. . _ ,.. ~ . . . .. """.,' ~ . . ., .., . . ., '. , , , . . .2,872,189 Sonthwold..".:.. .... .....,.... ".. ".. ..",... 3,M8,400 Yarmouth'. ..,. .,...., '" .'.... .,;.:. ,"',..,.. . .'..., 4,063,878 Mall.hlde "..', . . .. ... """.""""""""'''''' 2.814,027 Bayham........ _... .',.. ., ..,..,...... .'........ 1,720,812 South Dorchester,. ","'" ,.. ...~. ...... '.'," ," ...... 1.571,648 Aylmer........,~..... ,.,.... ...... .. ,~.,...., .., .., 700,000 Dutton....... ..... ." ..... ... ..,. ...'......" ,.,.. 215,000 P9rt~tanley-:..... ... .-.....,.,.......,.... .,." 100;000 12ll ]1lO ELGIN OOUNTY COUNOIL " ~pri~gfield,.................. ....... .'...... '.r . ....... Vievna ...,..',........... ..... ................... ......... Rodney. '.,......" .',.. ._, .._........ ;:.,.. West Lorile-.. "'. .... '" .'........ 105,000 80,000 190,000 180,000 _.~---'.\ $20,562,940 '.rhereforethe Oouncil ofthe.M'nnicipal Cbl1Jol'ationof the, County of: I~,Igin enacts: 1. That /:;' rate dfl'thr~e MilIs on the DolIa-I' he leviedu:pcl'll alll'ate- 'ltble property in the sevi>.ral Municipalities in the County of Elg.io, as., ahove set forth, for the YCal.' l!JIO) to-raiseth{~fol1owing amounts:. 2~ Th:<\I~ the' sum of Sixty-One ThoHsand Si:a.,:ijundred ana 'EJighty- Eig:ht Dollars be l'11ised and'levi.ed in the sevel'al Muuicipa.lities in th~ County, <1ccording to the following' s~heaule, and that the amounts, as. entel'edtherein, be paid tn, the County 'l\'ea.~ul'et'''i1S by law_req:uit'e~L SCHEDULE Munit:;ipality Total' Aldbol.'ongh....,. ..,.. ",' ....... ... ....:.. eo......_ .$' Di1'nwich............., ._...... .... Southwold......... .. _... .......,...._. Yai.[nonth....... ,.... .,'...." .,. ..... ..'.... Atn.lahidci.... ........... __.,... ,... ...,'.... .... ...". B,ayham,.... ...., . ",'" .... .........,. ... .... ..'.. South Dorchester...., ,-................. ..... J\.ylm;er... .'.'.... "'," . ..... _.. .... ..... ',"""..." '- -l)l1tton.... ...,.'. ,... ...'... ... ... ..... .'..... ...' ...... Port Stanley. . , . . .. ................ .. . . . . . . . .. .. Spring'field. ...... ..., '........ Vienna.,.,.. .,.....,..,'..... .',. ... R()dney<~,... ...... West Lorne.... , , 6,935 8,61& 10,64& 12,190 8.445 5.16~ 4.715. 2,100 7350 48() 315 24() 570 ~4() $ 6],68& (Jaunty Oouncil Gha,mlvw, S~..'l'homas, June17lih, 191~. K. W. McICh, O()l1uty Olerk; Di')NAT~D.McLEAN. Wa~den. ELG INOOUl>ITY,OOUlN1CIL' 131 ;.. 'I BY-LAWN6. 771;- ITo authorize the Wardena.rid, 'rreasurer t8,: iborl'ow ,,'f\yent'y'Thous':' nd Dollars, ';'1 Passed .Tune 17th, uno. 'The County OQuncil of BIgin enacts: , Tl~<lt th~,Wi1l'den ar1d'Treasul'el' bealld,a,re" hel~ehy a11thorized~~o\ hOl'roi\T the Sl1m of 'l'wenty'Thousand' DoU~I"s,' ~s it may be required, to meett-h~ current expenditure of the County dr'Elgindilt'ing 1910 and give as seeudty -ther'efor not.es of One'l'housand-06Uars each. .. I" Oouncil Chamhers, St. Thomas, .Tune 17th, UllO. K. W.McKAY, Co. Clerk. "')1 I 'DONALD' McLE1AN, 'Varde.ii. BY-LAW NO.'71,J:" \ 'I:To ex'tend thetime.fo.rthe.'enforced: 6dHectilJh -hy-~a,ie c-fnbn~l'esi~ dent Taxes iu the Co-unty qfElgin. Passerl17th June,lglO. TheColmty Councll 'e'nacts:, '.1;':1".1 '~hat t,he'time forthe'ehforced colld&io~.'~y, sale of non~residel1t taxes in the C011Uty 'of Elgin, l)e and,',.i:s h~,~~by'extended for oneyeaI'~ c.. - -', - - ,-, __- 'i -' ,rr,,;"cq',;~ 'CQuncilOh~mheI's'-Sk '1~h(jinas, i7tlP .run~/nno. : ' ~).' .. "( 1 J ~ K. W. McKAY, . Co:Clel'k. \\ ; .'DONAI,D McLEAN, , :,',' Wardeu.. \ 132 , ELGIN COUNfYCOUNCIL .\ ' BY-LAW NO. 773 T~ grant Hdditiomtl ~id.tQ ~igh.8cho~ls. L .p~sse(i.17tjl J,\lue,IQlO; 'rhe' County Oouncil enacts; !l'hatthesumof One-Thons;andFtve Hundred Dollars he gtAnte:dto . t,~w,fol1owing schools; Aylmer Colle,giat~ Institute '_~ . . .,'. . .. . . ". .. ... . .'. . , $ 600 00 D~ltto~ High Schoql.... ...;.............. ....;..".. 600'00 Vienna HighSchool.;......,.. ..,......;..... .". '._ .., 300,00 $i,oI)Q 00 CountyCopI?9ilCha~nbel', St"'~homas, 17th ,June, 1910. K. W.. McKAY, 9o,nnty,Olerk. DONALD McLEAN, Warden. IlY.LA W No. 774. r:L~o-nmend :By~law: ~ q.,5H- recommitment of inniates to the Bouse of Industry. ' rrhe County Oouncil of the County of Elgin -ena-as that after the date of the passing ~{this ',:By-law. thememberi3 of, this ,Couilcil:may:; by writing under theirhl\nds and seals, commit to the House of Indus. try-or Hefllge,to be elllp~(n;~d and gQyernedfWcordingto-the rules and l'egulations,'and orders of t~e sai~ house, allpoor,and indig~nt pel'solls, who are incapable of BllPp~rting ,themselves and,are re~ident <of their municipality, and the Keepel' of tl;w, said House ()f In,dlIstry sh.\ll' and he is hereby authorized t,oreceive such pers()~s and no others,provid- (,(I the s~id cp:~mitment is "endorsed by ,the Physician 'of the, Iiistitu~ til,mthat, they -are not insane or a.fflicted witha,Iiy ,contagious disease~ ; . ELGIN QOUN~'YCOUN{Jn, 133 . -------~_--!.-,~_--..:._-,- I _ _ _ . And that ~l?-e provisions oIBy-law .N~. 514 ill' reference to tIre Ilnissionof paupet's ,bea.nd is herebyame_nde~ '/Wcol,'d,j,ngly. St. Tho~as, 17th June, 1~lo. K, W. McKAY, Co. Clerk. DON AI,DMcLI~AN, W.arden; .. BY.LAW NO. 775. "To authoriz'e the Warden to sign ag:t'eemertt. "-'hereas,' (mder the pr(wisions ~If tbePublic$el~oi)ls' Act,/,~..:.sch~{)i itnsPtctiol\ d'istrict,COrilpbsedoftheCityOfSt. Thorna~,' an,d tlie ~rdwrl,~ ~hips of.AlaboI'ough and Dunwich and the ,Vill,1gesof Por:tStftnley;. , . .1 " l)utton::, "''"'est Lorue and 'Ro~ney, h:t8 heen fo:rm:ed~ And Whereas.Tohn A~Taylor, B. A. has beel~ app()iu~ed lll$peet~r . 'of pUfblic Schools f0r ~he s!ti~, Distri'C't. . - , , . - - - - And Whereas. the Boiii;a' of Edli~atii:ln 'Of the City 'Of St. Thollla~ the' Education Qo~~nitte~ oftheCount;r of JjJlgill ha~~ arriyedatan :l.Kreementfor th~payment of the saiary' and. tl.'av~1Hng and nthf'{. (>x" 'perises of the' s~id Inspector. ' Therefo~ethe oouniy Council ,of ,th~Uo'hnt.y_ofJ~lgin ~!nacts'thaJ, the Warden be and is hereby authorized t~~sign said istc;> be,attached, to and form a part, of this By..law. St. ThomaS:, June 17th uno. IK,W. M'cKAY, Oounty Clerk;. DONAI.)) McLElAN, W'"ardeh. 134 I'iJ"GXNCOUNTY,(Jl>ltrN'cn; ELGIN COUNTY COUN(nL BY-LA. W NO.: 7711 To confirm the equalization of the 'A~ke~sih~~i 'R:dli~ of th.] Oounty of Elgin, " The County Council of Elgin enacts: , 1. That the following he the equalization of the assessment Rolls of the County of Elgin for 1909. AId borough . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dunwich Southwold'. YaT'mouth. Malahide.,;. .. ", "" ... ,','.... ".. .... ..... Bayham..... ................. ........... ... ..... South Dorchestel....... ..... .. _... ...... .... ..... Aylmer ................ Dutton ..... Port Stanley. Springfield " Vienna ..... .'.......... ..... ..... .......... .... Rodney........ . West Lorne: ... .$ 3,5f)8.059 3,5.I).'i,615/ 4,266.963 5,J57,396 3,155,:34.4- 2,121,681 1,865,057 ' 1,247,102 367,248 243,214 169,192 llO,785 243,080 .............. .... 240,703 ...'..,......... ............................... .... ................ ...."................"........ 135 '. ,-" BY-LAWNb.'77~. .." ,-'r- ""., To" gll,l,ut the sum of Three thousand'th~~~hl~ndred and thlrty~ fput,:d:olhimf,1~o.:the :Londonand Middlesex Sanito~um-for'.(Jon.stj._mp- tiye6. The'C@un!;y Council of the'County of EI~in enacts that the sum of Tl'iree thousand three hundred and thh.ty.Jour dollars. be and i8he1'e.:., by granted to the London and Middlesex Snnitorium for Consumptives 'the said aniount toIle paid when ,loll agreeme~tsatisfactory to 1',f)thi~'9ouncilha.:,s beenente:r,ed Mt'():\)y't,i)'e:a.uthol'ities of that Instit- ntibn. ' : ,-, St. ~I~hom<ts, 'June, I1tb\l'mO.,' ,;;,.'1 I,VW; MCK<A:Y, CO'u'rity' Olerk DONALD MCLEAN, 'J; , WarderL 'leO, :'j; ) i' ~ ,,) I I '-"',1I'i' .I. ,I'll'!, BY-LAW NO. 777. , .,' 'I: [} . '1'0 Jix/, I.~;h~salary ?ftheClel'kofVh~ Cpunty of Elgin and. to ;u!~end By~la,.w'No.,,5,87. Tp.e Qoun.ty Counci,lof,the Oounty qf,~lgi;r;l' e,W.l,ct~:thatthe salary ',~f the Ole~~ of the County::C~)Un?il of. the'Oq:u~ty: ,~f' ril~i~ be and)B 'h(~X'fJbyfixed at't,he s,um of eight l:1updred p.og<p~s'l'py,l':;~p.nllm. paY~~l~ lluartGl'ly;, :; St; ,Thomas;.J Hue 17th, UHO. j. \ K1.W. MOKAY, Oounty' Clerk. DONwr;b MOLEAN, Warden'. $26,249,439 2. That this Council is willing t.o have the final eqnalizati~n of tbe ~esessment in case of appeal made by the:Coui1ty Juuge. County Council Ohamber, St. Thomas 26th,August. 101O~ K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. 'DONALD McLEAN, Warden. :Amended on appeal by order of the Township of Aldborough $200,000. County Judge l'educingthe 1St!: I!ir~GIN'()OUNTY 'CCJ1'fNCIL ELGIN COUNTY cil'l1NGIL BY.LAW NO. 778 To confirm the equalization of the -Ask~~sh1~~i'R:cili~ :01. tha-'Oo~nt.~ of Elgin, .,. The County Council of Elgin enacts: 1. That the following he the equalization oftha assessment Rons of the County of Elgin for 1909. Aldhorough ... . .. . .. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . Dunwich ..... .........., ........ .., South wold. ..............,............ Yal'mouth. ....... ... ............. Malahide..;. .. ", .... ....0'.... ... ........ Bayham..... ........,. ... .... .. ':,' ..... ... ..... South 'Dorchest~l'. . . . . . . . . .. ...:.: ,_..... . . . . .. . . . Aylmer' ....:........ Dutton ....... ..... ...... Port Stanley. . . . . . . . . . . . . Springfield ... '.'....,.. .... ................ ...... Vienna ..... Rodney,........ . West Lorne. ..' ..$ 3,598.059 3,5.1)3,615 I 4,26fI.063 5,]57,396 3, ]55,344 2,121,681 1,865,057 1,247,102 367,218 243,214 169,192 nO.785 243,080 .................. 240,703 13/l ,. 1') ,." ~ ...- ". . ., .' ':: .'. ~I'I BY:L:A.W NO. 776. 'n .... '; ~j I ..':.;".: i' .' ',... I "_.' '1'0, grlll-ut the Sllm of Three thousand tnree hundred and thlrty~ four.d(;)lI~n~',to: ~the London and Middlesex Sanitorium, for'Consllmp7 'tiv~. .. 'fhe O@nnty Co'uneil of the" County nf EI~in enacts that. the sum of Three thousarid three hundred ana thirty-four dollars be and is here,;. by'granted to the London and Middlesex S~tnito['iumfol' Consumptives 'the said amount to 'be paid when a.li agl'eeme~t satisfactory to 1,0 th-ifl"Oonncil Jia:s heenentered iI~t'rj"by-'t-n-e:authorities of that Instit- l'ltibll; St. '],:hom~t8, 'J'une, 17th; f910~ ;.,.,.'1: "f IV,W: MOK>AY, Oou'rityClerk '" "DONALD MCLEAN, ,:.f /; , WarderL ~ -', !; i ) ~ ,.11 I .-" ("-!(I I. II'; BY.LA VI' NO..777... D . Totix'~i.~;he_ salary :pf tihe Oh~l'k-Of.~h~ ConntyofElgin and ,to nl_~end By~la:w'No; 587. 1'4.e. Qtllip,ty Council.of, the County pf r;EIgi;o, . e,':vwh;;, thf,l,t the sall1l'Y the Oie~k of. the Ooul\ty,Council of the Cq,llnty ,of' Elp;in be ~i-ndi8 " . _".", ,-.' "'. .'" , ,. ". .-- "I hereby fixed at the sum of eig:ht hu,ndl'ed iI()'~~l:S~')Pl(.l': IH:lllUm, pa.ya:N~ qu1trtm'ly.\ 'I St. TholIHlS, '.Junc 17th1 1010. I, :' . Jl:'.W. MOKAY, Oonll,ty Clerk. ])ONJ\cr;b MCLEAN, Warden'. . . .. . . . . .. .... .........."......-............. $26,249,4H9 2. That this Council iswiIling to have the fina.l equalizati~n of. the /tssessment in case of appeal made,by the:County Judge. . County Council Cham her, St. Thomas 26th-August, 1010. K. W. McKAY. County Clerk. "DONALD McLEAN, Wardetl. Amended on appeal by order of the Township of Aldborough $200,000. Oounty Judge reducing the !ll6 ELGIN 'COUNTY COUNOIL BY-L,\W, NO,'779, To ltllthorizethe W:arden'tosign ngl'ee-ments, Passed the 18th Nov;ember. uno., WHEREA'S agreement -entered into between theCi-tyof "St. Thomas and the (Jountyof Elgin in the year 1905 to provide \fo1' the p~~yrnentof t>xpenses of Administl'Htionof Justice by the City to the County, expired on the' firstdayof January 1~1O. And whereas it, has been <lgreed by the said. City of St. Thomas a.nd the County of Elgin, that the said City of St. Thomas should pay I,tothe !'laid County dfElgin, the sum of Three Thousand Dollars yearly during a term of Five years commencing the first day of.ranuary,1910. And wher~as the Registry Office of. the County of EIg-in:has heen 'enlHrged~ 1 !mproved and refurnished at n. cost of nine t.housand alld forty-six dollars apu seventy,;eig};1t cents, .And, whereas it ha.s been agl'aed th~ttheamonnt payable by the City dfSt. Thomas, to the County of 'Elgin as theirshare of the ex~ pense in connection with the said Rf'g-istl'Y Office improv~ment~is two thousand .wd fifty dollars, und that the s'aid sum and .intf'l'est,t.hel'eon at foul' 11. nd one~ha jf per cent. shalll be paid by the !-laid Oity to the said Oounty in ten equal annual instn.lments of Two Hundl'ed and Fifty 'Nine DoIhus and Seven Cents each. The County Council of the.oounty,of Elgin enacts that the warden be and is hereby authorized,to sign ngreements' with the City of St. 'fhomas providing' for payment of Administration of Justice expenses 'and for their share of Registry Office improvements as above set forth. Council Cha!nhel's, St. 'l'homaf;l, IHthNov,emher,UHO. K. W. MoKAY, Oounty Clerk. DONALD McLEAN, Warden. ELGIN COUNTYOOUNOrL BY-LAW NO. 780 To authorize and provide for the fLPp6i1itti:1ent,p~lytnent-ail'd'dntlf>El -of the Inspector, Keeper, Matl'on, and Physicinn, for the,superil1tend~ eace, C{l.,re llnd nHtnagenie~'t:of 'theB6use of Industry a.ndRef,~ge of .-the Oo~mty (jf Elgin, nnd to 'Prescl'ibe Rules aud Re.gula;tjons f>6rth'e ;g'overllment t~ereof~ ' Pl;'tssed NO'\"embel' 18th,19lO. Th~ County Council of the COli'nty, 'of Elgin enacts .\md~l', the '<l.uthority of the Municipal Act,;- ,ThatAngus l'urner is 'herehy appoi_nted Inspector of the said Rouse of Industry and Refrige at, all- :l,~nunl salary of OneHIlndl'eqand Fifty, Doll~rs, and ~lian 'hold office dut'iug thepleasul'c of the C(;'llncH. That-David ~ooding be alld is herellyappoio"ted ,.i<:~eper of the S8;id House of Industry and Refuge ltndsllallhold office duI'ingthe pl.ea~~l.~;e "of the C.ouncil, atan annual saJa;ry of Fou,rHundred Dollars, with board and lod.ging in.tbe said House at ~be expense ofth~ Corpoy'u.tion. ':- - ", -,' That Jennie Gooding he and' rs hey'ehy Hppcil:nt(~dMatr:on".of thl':~ "~aid House of ~~dustry and Refuge, at It saJary of 'l'\\IoHunch'ed;D~I~ la.r& per annum, with board :I,nd lodging in t.he st~id J~qt,II;;(~ :It, ~he ox,. pense' of the Corporation. , Tha't Wi11ia.ffi F. Luton} a legally qU,ll.11fied l'nedi'calpl.ftctit]one~'. be :and is hereby -a.p'p-ointedPhysieian . 'of the said House .of Indush'y il~d Refuge, and shl-tt! hold office during the pleasure. of the O(iUll'C:i'i',,,,ja shall be pa.id for his serv'icefi'ii,n a.nnua:1 sal;-iry (Iii 'l'w'o n'nndred l)cllla;b,,; ,'" , ijncluding medicines. . STANDDiG OOMMI~'T'EE OI~OOUNOlL ThataC(;;.r'I:m'itt'ee-of t.hreemernhcrs oftheConndl to b,e callelftlie Standing Committee on House of' Illdus'tl'Y. shall henppointed <-innu'::~lly ~l,t the first.sessiotl in eMn year, whose duty it shall hbtoovel'see 'tl~e :rnanagement and examine into the state 9f ltll matters and things l'e.. Ia.ting too the supportimdeWijJoyment of the p~,npel' inmates; to audit ;;'dl a-c'conntsquarterly ltfid' report yearly. ,to theOolH1i.ty' Council at. ita 137 138 llLGIN COUNTY'COl1NCIL regular meeting in November; arid. 'shall. also at the June Session rn each year present1an estimate of the proba.ble amount l'equiredfor the ,msuing year fo.r the support and maintenance of the poor. . , . BILLS AND CLAIMS 'That all bills :J,Ild claims against the Corporation for supplies furn- ished to' the HOUSfl of Industry and IndllstrialFarm shall be duly eet:... titled (l,,8. being correct by 'the Inspector or Keeper' before .being presen~ tied for audit, and on the same being examrlied and pa.ssedby said Oommittee, the chairman shall be authorized tv grant his order Db the I Cdun'ty'Tteasurer for 'the se"teral amounts' allowed to he paid by Billd Treasurer. ADMISSION OF PAUP~RS A l~e've ()l' Deputy Reeve of a":Y'l\1:up.i~ip~~lity in the County, Ol~' Inspector br' County Clerk may, by writing under their hands and aeals. commit to the said House of Industry or of Refuge to be. em- pioyed n.nd goverued according to ,the 'RuJes- ~rid ;Regulations Ulnd 0),'- (h~l;S of the H'nuse. ., ,,,p AU pOOl' and indigent persons, who a:ce not insane or afflicted: w.ith ,Ill,contagious diseHse, who are incap~ble,ofsul?portiQg therr:i'selves and ,whobelongt~ the County of Elgin, ai1d':the',l{e'~pe:r, of-tbesaid HOIlS~, of Iridustrysbal1 and IS hereby authorizedto "rec,ehre such persolls and no others. 'l'he commitment to the said'Hollse,'of Industry shall be ih i'ormset fOI.th in Schedule "A." t,1 ' r;JXPENSllS OF SIlNDI'NG'!'Q')IOUSll 'fhe expense of sending all persons, ;~o the, ~ouse of Inuustl'Y sh~~l be paid by the~hm'jcipality from whic~l they ~t;.~.sent. CHU,DREN All children hetween th(~ ages of two and:sixte'en years~committed \'oOl":horri in, ~h~ saidHous'e of Lld,ust~~ shap"b1, ~r:ans~erred,In ;I,ccoro- l.J.n(~e wi~h' the provisions of the Ohil~ren's.;Pl'Qty~tion Act of Ontal'io.., t.<<) the shelt.,er of t,he Childrens Aid f'ociety of the City of St.Thomas. . , .' ",' ., i '-:...'., , BUHIAL GROUND, . , "'" ThHt asuitahk place, on some part of',the: Ind,~lsttial Farm, lyin'g ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 139 within the township of Southwold, shall be selected for the burin,} groun'd for the burialofpauper inmates who-maY,;'.die. in the,House of Industry a,nd Refuge, and whose bodies are no~' disposed of nndel: the provisions of the Ontario Anatomy' Act, or whose fl'iends dt.) not claiin their bodies for interment. Said burial "ground shall' be fenced in and prop~rly' laid out in tiers or ro~s, and' graves to be . {)Iafnly numbered, A Burial ~egister shall be kept in the' form df Schedule_ "B" to this By-La'w, " OFFICllRS .DUTIES DUTIES QF THE 'INSPEcToR It shall be the duty oithe Inspector,to 'seethat the rules and regn~ lations hereinafter pl'ovided are dnly enforced; he shall visit ,the House ttt least four times per month,hearany compl~ints ,that l:nay b,e ~ade land report the same to the Staniling Com,mittee on ,I-louse of Industry and Refuge at it,s meetings. He shall ,also.-under' instruction,from thf~ ' said Committee or the Oounty Council, fl.l1thorlze the Keeper to '.Pl'()- cure all necessary help and supplies for th(~ House and farm, andce,rti. fyall hi}ls Itnd claims for the same to ,the Board,('lf Audit', the aforesairl ~tandiug Committee. The Inspector shallalso,in con~or'ril1ty with .se(.tion 625. of the CO~l. solidated Municipal Act, and in books to be provided.atthe expense l)f' this OOl'poration;lreep the f0110wing registers and ac~ounts, that ist,o say: A registel' of the names of all paupers, vagrarits,etc., admitted in-' to ~he House in the form ofScheduleC, tothisBy-law. A Burial Register. Schedule B. , The Inspector shaH nlso make a yearly report to the Oounty Cou~~ oil f(lrthe ye~n ending the 31st. October in eac.h 8;nd evet'y; year, i1). the form: provided in Schedule-"D" of this By~Law. with an additionall,t:!~ port' upon any. otber matter or thing that he IrJay, consider of sufficiel~t impOI.tance to bring t6 the notice of the Council. Hesllall also, on 01' before the 31st. of Octoher in every year, check an, inventory of pel''' sonal property belonging to the ltl'stitution'lmd value the amount of produce' on hand; '. 140' ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY OOU:'iCIL DUTIES OF KEEPER B;e shall also keep a Visitor's Book, in which parties visiting '1 nstitution shall enter their names, with any iremarksthey may fttt~ make of ~ proper nature. . It shall be.thQ 'duty of the keeper to undertake,the general super~' tutendance of theli'~llseof Industry and Refuge and the Industrial }'armat.t:whecl thereto, and, .when not othe,rwise en~aged, shall devote 'his time totilling'arid cultivating sctid farm, securing andhnl'vesting- the crops. or at other nU1lluaLlahor, aeeOI'ding to the requirements of. the several seasons of the year, arid in order to work such farm in a :-;ldl:Cnl' and hushllIldlike manner. He Shil,Jl give his attention and time f()rthe benefit of the institution,! and" shall-.carry into effect, all the Rules and Regulations adopted from time to time by the said County Council for the Govel'nment andmanagemen,t of said House. He shall also fUl'llishthe Inspector with a list of all the provisions required, 'and, it sha;\ I be his duty to see that the pl>ovisions furnished', to the inmates are of good quality and such as the Committee or Ins- pectar may approve of, and he shall,uotnllow any wastethel'eof, and shall not permit the uso of intoxicating drinks by any.of the inmates, Itnd a,U work done on the premises to be done as directed by, the Ins- pector or Oommittee of. MaJ1~gement, The keeper shall take charge of all raw material for mlLnufacture and working toolspr,ovided by thelnspectoI'.fqT.' the fullemploymeilt of such; of the inmates tiS <\':1'0 able to work and direct':md' superintend their work and labor under d,h.'ection of tho 'Inspector. He and' the matron, '01' theil' assista.nts dt~tailed fOl' tho' pUl'pOSf', shall also visit each and every occupied l'oom after the ringing of the l'etiring bell, '~nd shall see th<l t the inmates have all' retired, excepting' thoseo;n duty, and shall see that all ,the fire,,> al'O mado seclJl'e and 'Sll.f<~ ~,md that all lights :ire ex,tfngu~s4ed,save aud' excepting ouly \"hel'(: lire andlights,ai-'e permitted to be kept for the benefit of the sick, , l{c'I?L.all also keop fair and regular accounts in writing of all mat~ t~rials, proviHions, fuel. clothing and other nec~ssaries provided forth\} l.lse of the Institution, and of all expenses and, charges attending the lnahlteuance andsuPPol't of the poor, and of all monies received by liimfrorn the sale of the products' of their labor or otherwise on the pre'tnises, and shall submit the said lists and accounts to the In~pector ttndStand{ng Committee on House of Industry and Refuge at the meetirigsof said Oommittee. He may also, for violation of any of the rules for disolJt~dietwe ,oi- had.conduct by any of the inmates, inflict sl,litft,ble punishnlent at Ii!., discl'etion (but emplQY no impi'opermeans) by .confiument Ol'otheI'~ c . "wise; but In case of 'solitary confinmEmt U()t for a longer periodthali twenty foul' hours, unless by the direction of the Inopectol';<ln'd'he shall not absent himself from the Institution a.t any time without the .consent of thb Insp~ctor. He also lfeep a, coi.'i'cct and particular account of each and every art,ic!eof,' wearing apparel issued to the jnmates, and shall keep a eotnplete inventory of all personal property in and about the place, and assist the1.nspector ill'checking the same for the purposes of t,he annualreport.,anda.lsn a.s,sist in the valuing of provisio'ns,prodnce etc" on hand. In case ofth'e death of any inmate, for the disposition of whose !lody no provision was~:nade at, the time of counnitment,or \,hose bodr. i~ not claim,ed by friends, ,that the Keeper be required tOl'eport 'th~ deathto the Reeve of the Municipality,_ from which the inn,ate waR. eommitted, with a view to having the body clailued for burial instead of being sent to 'the Inspector of AD;a,~on:l,y as l'eqllired. by the Anatom;\' .(; Act: 141 the see 142 llUIIN OOUNTY COUNCIl, ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL, Wi' DUTIES' OF THE MATlt(i)N It E.haU be the duty of the Matron to take charge and oversight of all the in~door operations;_ to see, that' all the" female inmates are ~ provided for.twcording to their respective wants.; that cleanliness,both in their persons and apartments, and that g.ood order and decorum be "observed at all timeft. Shesha:lI he careful of all the good.s; property and. furniture com- I Jfl.itted to her ehlll::ge, thfl't the, same beuotlost or embezzled; she shftU, direct the detniling of the women under her charge to. such branche~ o( labor' as hi her judgement they al'f~ best fitted to perform. Sh,e shall at propel' and statedt.imes have~lllR the- clothing of th(~ inmates and the,bedwcloth~s,changed and replaeed with clean apparel;. and shall he vigilent over every part of the house in l'f>gard to. cleanli- 'ness, and shall see that the female inmatesobscl've all the rules that 'riitl>y be prescribed for ablution. , DUTIES OliT '.rEiE PHYSICIAN. It shall be th-e cluty of the Physiciauto .undertctke the- sanitary su- pervision of 'the- Sitid' House a'1dto at.tend all caSes of sickness thatmR~' O(:ClIr. He shall also, in a book to be furnished to him for thl1,t pqrpose, \ not(J all <:ases treated by him,ltnd in case of death to certity thereJn the ca~s(~; ::tnd shall also report in such book all the hirths- in said House. H~~ shalll11so, when called upon by the'Keeper,examihe any 0fthe' pauper inmat{>8 feigning illness, Ol otherwise as to their ability to WOf_k. lIe shall visit the Hons'e a.t least once a week. RULES WOR THE INMATllS 1. .At the ringing pi the in.orll.ing bell every inmate in the House " (the ai,ok lLl~d those in confinement execp.ted,) must rise, dress, wash ll,nd bein readiness to 'proceed to work. 2, The bell will ring ten minutes beforo' each meal, whtmaU wiU 'leave their work and, be in rea.diness, with dean hands and faces, fOJ' the,ringing of the second bell, i when ~Ithey will' repair, tathe dining rooins fl.1J-d' take such seats at the table ,as are assi~ned to them by those in chftrgo, where they must' observe silence, d.ecency and good order. 3.' At the ringing,Of the slow bell, after meals, ev'ery inrn,ate ~h'I1Jl immediately-repair to work. I 4. No inmatl"s shall he allowed to,loiter ttboutthe kitchen; nor shall any provisions or food (except at regull-ll' meals) be carried to, any part of ,the house without the consent of the keeper; norshallany" cookin~ ,be done except, in the kitchen. 5, At nine o'clock in the evening, at-the ringing of the retirIng hell, the in,mates must, secure the fire,s, pOut out the lights and retire: to bedin their respec;tive apartments, 6. No i'nmate shall he a.l1{)wed to ,tl'aqe or exchal)g-e clothinK or < ' any other thiilg, \vith any perSall ~vhon;lsoever, or beg Of 'those who visit' there; nor shall they receive nny money or other article from any.one, ,vithout tho consen t of the Keeper; 7. All persons shall ,diligently and faithfully perform the d'uty or' task allotted to thern by the Keeper,unless otherwise'excu~ed~ 8. Any person gttilty of drl1nkenne~s, disobedience, immorality, ohscenity,disorderlyeondl1"ct, prpfHne or indecorous Ia.nguage, theft,' waste,ot' who shall absent himself or hCl'Relf fr'om the premises without the permission of the Keeper. orwho shall he: guilty of injuring or'de'. fll~ing any part of the h()use or' furnitu.re ther~in, or who shall commit 'Y3st.e of any kind shall he punished as the case may seem to demand. " 9, In CaBeS of solitary,confinement,the prisonerS'Bhal,l,be dehiu:'l'e(I from seeing or conversing vdth, any person except the Inspector, tiH~' :&--eepe~, or tha perSOll e~:ployed to supply their wa.nts., and the food of' such pr:isoners shall consist solely of bread and'water, unless otherwise' ordered rythe Inspector, or Physician: 10, Any person who sha.ll have com:r:nunicatioll,either dire~tly or indirec'tly,withanyone 'thus confined~ without .permission, shaUbo subject to punishment by. a Hire, confhiement. .i \ II. -Noone shall go heyond the limits of the Illdufiltrial farm unless hythe permission of the Keeper, .nor remain out beyond ~he time. 8pecified by the Keeper. 'By-I..aw shall: be imprisoned, with or with6ut'hal'd labor, in'the jail of the Oonntypf lQgin, for any pedod not exceeding 'twenty dn,ys,ulld upou an information laid or complaint made before anyone or more of His Majesty's Justices of the PeMe, of the County of Elgin, that ,lriy person or persoDs has or have committed or are Bus-pooted to have committed nny such breach of qlis By"LI',l,w -Ruch .r ustice or.J llstices may proceed thereupon and beftt' nod I de- termine the matter oisuch informatitlll or complaint, and,such pers(m 01' persons so offending against this By-LftW upon conviction befoI'(\ 'Such Justic'e 01' Justices, shall fol'feit and pay such firie aSlllay to hilll 'or them .seem meet, not exceeding Five Dollars exclusive of c'osts, -and not less tha,n Fifty Cents' exclusive of cos'ts tdol'P" said, (to-gether with costs if ordered,) sllch fine to be paid to jjhe Treasurer of the said COlintyand to form part Of the funds~ of .lihe snicl Oo:r:por,ation of the County of Elgin, and in the event of the non~pa;y- ment,of the fine imposed by such .Justice or Justicel'i. together with thecosts, if ordered, either immediately or within suehperiodas such, .lustice 0'1' Justices at the time of convlciUtm, nppoints thereupon' ::;uch ;fust~ce or Justices mny issue his or their 'warrant of distress for Uw purpose. of levying the same out of the goods and cllattles of the persOn' 'or persons so offending, a,nd if tlu-:re he no distress found out of ,,,hlah ~uchJine can be levied, then such Justice 01' Justices' trULY adjudg(~th~~ the offender to he imprisioned in the Gaol of the said County, there to he kept with or without hard labor, for any spacellot exceeding twenty days, unless such fine and costs and charges thel'tlUpOIl shaH he sooner paid. lH llLGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL ELGIN :OOUNQ'YOOUNCIL 14f) 12. The Sabbath Da.y shall he strictly 9bserved, and no irreligious diversion 01' nnn~cessftry Ian')r heindulg-od in. At the ringing of the hell for t.he purpose of assem bling for religious instruction and WOI'-' Rhip. ev(~ry person (u,nless excusedby the lie-eper) shall appear dressed in clean apparellin the fnstl'ueting l'oom.an'd shl1JI behave withdeceny nnd sobriety,. No noise 01' disturbn.nce shall he made in any pa'rt of the house dUl'ing fmch"exel'dses. 13. All peI'SOllS' wiHully ahsenting themselves from the ;place of meeting, or v,iolatlng theSahhath Day, shall be subject to prompt ~tnd s(werepunishment, lV, Every W'l:son previol1s to admission a~ an hunate of the house, Shf~11 be subjected to examiml"tion ft,ud search by the Keeper or one of his as.sistants. , , I!'), No person shallha.ve a.dmIssion to the 'house on theSahbath witl,lOut. tho written permission of the Inspector, or by the con~entof the Keeper upon good cause shown. 16. 'All persons aggrieved may refer their complaints to the' fnspector when he is visiting t,J;1e house, Council Chnmhel's, St. 'rhomns,18th Nov'emher, UHO. O]!'FENOHR AGAINST 'l'HIB By'LAW K. IN, McKAY, Qcmnty.Clerk" DONAT,D MoLEAN, Wltrden. THAT any person at' persons who shall commit any infringement or breach of anyone of the provisIons, requirements, enac.tments, secR Hons'or cla,nses of this By-Law, OJ.' [{ny offence againlit this By-Law, ()r any such person 01' persons neg'lecting, or refusing to ohey and perR io\,m any of the reasonable orders of Inspector, Keeper or Physician, 'given in the execution.ofthe dutle~ of their respec~,ive offices afore- fHLid, he~ she 01' they shall be liable to ~(fin'e not exceeding Inve Dollars 'exc,lnsive of costs, a.oel not less' t:h~Ln fifty cents. exclllsiveof costs, and in case of non~payment of 811Ch fine.to be inflicted for any snch breach or ofience, and there being no distress found 'Out'of which such fine'can he levied, such person or persons so offending as aforesaid against this I' I ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 146 ELGIN COUNTY OOliN()lIj BY-LAW, NO, %1. ~r()Repea,l Certain By-Laws, BY'1;A W NO. 783 'ro' Repeal By-Law Number74R Prtssed 18th, Nqvernber, 1910. Passed 18th November, 1910, WI-I~RIi.JAS By.Law No. 780 has been passed to revise and consoli-' date the By-Laws relating to the establishment and maintenance of 1,h0 H01'lseof I~dustI'Y. Tpe Elgin County Cohncil enacts; That By~Law-Number 743, transferring duties of GaolOommittee to the Court House Commissioners, be and ~s hereby repeal.ed. 'C._ I ,And whereas it is ~esirable to repeal all By-Laws so consolidate(i or rendered obsolete thereby. " Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 18th November, 1910. K.W. McKAY; Oounty Clerk. 'l'I:I!<} COlJN'ry, OOl}NCII, OF' THE COUNTY OJ<' JlJI.tHN ENACTS DONALD- 'MoLEAN Warden. That l3y:"'Laws Numbcrs-514, 565, 586,: 004:,' 685. 705, 714 and 774 be a.lida-reherehy repe~led. St. Thomas, 18th" November, 1910, ,C?uncil Ohambe~s, BY-LAW NO. 784 l)oNALD Mo;LEAN, Warden. To amend-By~Iaw'No,'.412 K.1N.,McKAY, , I . Oounty Olerkp Passed 18th Nqvember, 1910. The County Council oithe County of Elgin enacts; That By.htw number 412 be amended hy- strikingoutsub-sectiml Seven of SectionFifty~nine, and" adding' sarile to Sub-sectionTh~e(~, which will then read .. House of Industry, Goal and Pl'inting." Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 18th November, 1910. K;'W.,MoKAY. County' Olerk. BY-LAW, No, 782. To grant two ,Hundred dollars for Lockup a.t,B,udney. , Pltssed 18th, November, 1910. Tn:r" COUNTY OOUNCIL OF '.rIlE COUN'J~Y 0];' I~LHlN ENAC'I'S: DONALD ,McLEAN, Wardmi., That the sum of Two Hundred Dollars be gr'MJt(.~d to assist, In plac- ing steel '(~ells in the Dew l..ockup at Rodney. Oouncil' Ohamhers, St. T,houms, lSth, November, 1,910. K. "V. 11cKAY, County Olerk. DONALD MCLEAN, Warden. .! \ , ,. 147 .U8 ELGIN.COUN1'yeOUNCIL .-----...-------.- ------"-.- BY-LAW NO. 785, To confirm By-:t;.aw Number 852 of the Township of ~alahide. ELGINCOUN1'Y.COUNCIL INDEX Passed 18th Novcrp.ber, 1910. / . , Addl;essof Warden... ... _.......... ... ~Administration of Justice....."..~. ...... Auditors.-,.... 0,'........... ..;.....~, ~1~22,_1()9 .......8. M, UO ..14, 41, WHEREAS By-law No. 852 ofthe Town~hip of Malahide for .clo.- ,closipg up Itnd conveying <if th~ allowance for road' rUllJ?ing thrbugh ,the South Half of the South Half of Lot Numher Ten in the First Con- (lessian of the said Township of Ma.tlthide, was passed' in Council on the ,Fourteenth.day(')f May uno. ' ,. -', And whereas it i~ desira.ble that ~aid By-Law should be: confi'rmed hy this Do~ncil. I ~l'he Elgin Oouuty Council Therefore enact that By.:Law Number 852 of the Township of Mahihide be and.'isih,erebyconfirmed. , 'Oouncil Chambers, St.1.1!1C)flUIJS 18th November. 1910.' ,BY,LA WS: 760 761 762 763 '76~ 765 766 767 768 I 769 .770 '771 172 773 774 175 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 KP,:,W.' MCKAY. Oounty Clerk. DONALD McLEAN, Warden. , / Tobnrrow~~oney..,;.;...,.,h:~.....,....... ... ,17,122 appoint county a.uditors. ',:'. . .. .... ... . ]8, 12,2 appoint board of IlJudit.. . ~ ~:".. . .., . . . . . . . .. 18, ]::~3 app~i'nt High Schooi Trnstees. .....,... ..19,' ]24, fixsahtry county police magistrate. .... .19, 124 fix ~alary sub.treasurers' ...., ...... .... ...' .20,125"; fixsalary,oftu:rnkeys.......,.... ..... .20,120.' fixmemberswages.;....... ......,... ..21,120 appoint trustee for Vienna high school .... :'36; l~W ,~iss~e,$10,OOO,OO'dehet).tures........, .36, 12~ raise county rates .... .". . . . . . . . . 37;. 129 borrow money>.,.-.. ..',. ... ........ 37,,'UH ,extend time for tax sale... ...... ..... . . X", 131 grant/aid to High scho61s.I.~.. "....,... 'if1g, 132, amend by-law numb~r514 '. .."....... ...39. 132 authorize warden to sign agl'cementr-l. .:. . ", . :W; )'SS grant $8,334,QOtoSatlatoritlm ... 40",134 fix county clerk'ssalary . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . , . . . . .40, 135 equalize a~sessment rolls... ..,....~...... "..44,-135 authorize warden to sign ag.reement.s...... ..60.'.136 provide manageillent House of .Indtlstl'y ] H7 kt,145 'rep~al House of IndustryBy~laws.:. ..... .1.... 146 \ grant $200.00 Rodney Lockup ~'.... .,..... ,..,. 140 ~epeal Bynlaw No. 743 ........ .,...,.....,... 147 amend Hy-la'w No. 412...... ,. ".... .., ....._ 147 confirm 'By~law No. 852 of Ma.lahidfl...,. 1'48 Oarrol, WilliaD;l '.-........ ,... ..,. < <.,......,.... ..",.. ... .\. .',.57,,58 tJommittees.....,..............................7,J), '11.14; 2t, 20; 27'; 65.. Communications.............. .... ........... .... ...;. fJ,23, 25, 51. 5~, Oounty Bridges;... .\'... .'... ..:. ~.. . ..,..... .', .,. :.25, 20,'. ilO. &t.,. 51" 85 County Roads,........ .F.~.. .'... ,. ... ,.".,. ,., . .'.... .:.... .'. '.,-..... .~'. ..9 Deputations............ ...............,..................... .21, 'U, 51' \ I~qualizatton. .,........... ..'..:'.... u ,...,. ~.,' .'. ;,.9, 10, 42;,46, 103, 104 ,;1 14\) ],,0 ELGIN COUNTY CQUNCIL GRANTS: AYlmerHospitaL..,.~.".. ..... ,_ ",' .:... .,'..:........... ..35- Agi'icultural Fairs.. ,'. .,........ .'... .'............ .......,.. ;..31 130lt:nont Horse Sho\v...........,. ..,._.. .0............ ,. ..1'7 F~rmel's Instit,utes.:.......... ., ,..'~'u..... .... ','," ,-... ..14. Kate.,Wallace.... .,..... ....'.. ..;'" ...._._ ,..... '0'; .., ;.:~ .;..31 Lock{lp Rodney...... .':... .......0... " ",'" .......... ....16 Lockup" PO:l't Stanley.. ,."...._..,................ ....'... ..27 Law Libr.~~'y. ~'~:~. ,...._.... .... ,_.. .H..... 'U" ....;. ...1~ Poultry Association; ;.....,...... .,..;.......-....,.~ ,-.32,5ij, SchooLSecti,~~l 14 Dunwich.. '". ..... .J. .".. - '......... ..29, 31, Yarmouth &'>Southwoldre ToU roads.... r~..... ..\.17,.30,~3 JfighSehools.................. ......... ....'...........:.... ........34. 'Lk)ndo'n &Port'Stanley 'roU'Road....... .... . ...... ..'........ ..8.,58" 59 l~ocb:up;Rodney~......: ',""""""'" ....... '," ~... .....,... ../ ';.. .16 Lockup; Port Stanley,.... ',~' ...'.......... ....' .... ..~. .;'.. . ...~ ... ....27 'M'enlbers Wages................. '. .,.........;.. '," ... .';..........;. ',',' ~7 Officials.,Connty,...~...H.............;'. ............. ..... .'.4,34 OffiCials, "Local Mnnic~palities...... .',.'-..... ~".. . ...............; .,....'4, ~ort .Burwell Bridge & C. P. R. _....... ."..... ...,.... "... ..... ...35,50 l~ol't'Burwell Harbol'... ,.. ..." ,....... ......~. ...... ....... ..'.. ........14. Port Stanley Harbor . .~.. .. .......... . :..... .'........ ..14, 58, III . ", " REPORTS: Administration~of Justice Expe~ses.. .;.... ',' ....,., ... ..110 Auditors.... ',.., .....,...:.. ',' ........... ...'. ..'; ',""'" .....121 Education. . , . . ..' . . . . ',' . .' . .,. . . . ... . . .. . .. .,16.29, 56, 58, 69 Education Associntif)U' Delegates, .. ..............';. .58, 113 'i\~ Engineer,.~,.. ,...,.... '..... ..'. ",' ... ..'.. .... .... ..., ..:,..80 Equaliztttion. " ~ . . . .. , . .. . . . . . ... . .. . . . .. ~... . '- . . . . .. . .. . ..'103- Finaricfi........,.. "'," ...c,.' ..,......,;.13.16,33, 56, 7~ Gaol. .'...., .'. ... '.., _. .... .... .... .... ..., ..:.,.113;"33,58, 91 Good Roads Association Delega:tes....... .~.....:.... .58,117 Houseoflndustl'y;.........,...,'...:........33. 54j 56, g3,g5 Municipa14,ssociatioIl,Delegates,.... .'.. ........ .,41. 56, 1~15 Petitions and Legislation; . ......... ....... . ........ .13,90 <,Police ~agi8trate.. ,......... ...:............. . ...'......." .118 Port,:StlLnley Harbor.... .... ,..,..,.'.,...... ',...'.... .58. III Public'Irnpl'ovements.,.. :..' d.... .\.".,. ,13. 26, 33, 56.87 Pnblic Sr:ho()l Inspectol'sExpenses .... ,...".....,.... .108 Public,School Iuspectol';... .,..".... .... ......... .,...... .66 ELGIN .COUNTY COUNCIL 151. QueenAlexandl'aSal~atOI:ilim ,; , ' .; , '" .. .26.27, 51. '53. '9tJ Toll Road'Special.'... ...... '."; q.." .; :,:. ;.\.. .'58, 59.' 112' Valuation.;.. " .;, ',' ,.; .;..; ,..'..'...... ","; ...42. 46,)04 Wardeti'sAddre$s.,., .;,. ,';',:' ..,.:..... .,~ '.' ,;.,.... '" ..16.109 Registry Office....: .,...........~.;. ""'" ... '..,.......... ..... .'..., .'8' Sanatol'ium;. "~'~" "., ,.,.,.; .... ",' .. .., .,...... .... .H, 26,/27, 51,57,59 Trustees High Scho.ols,.. ........:.:....".. ,. .....,. ..... .. .;15,35 Warden, Eleetionof; !.. ,,;.... ..<... ."............ .. ......, ....'... i. _. ..6