1911 Minutes PROCEEDINOS of tho ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL During the Sessions held in the COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS ,in the Months of January, June and November Nineteen. Hun~rf?ld" ~nd 'Eleven I<:"W. MoKAY: : rCo'~nty' Clerk \,5. S. MCDERMAND, Warden PROCEEDINGS -OF THE- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FIRST SESSION-FIRST DAY ~uesdaYJ': the 24th day of JtilluarYi, 1911. ,The-membe:rs~elect of the Co;'mtY,Council of theCountyofTIJ']gln'm'et this day'at the Court House,St. Thomas, at2 p,m.) alloT virh,om, fil.ed, certificates and took,their ~eatsat the Council Board,as f~110WS':, Township of - A'ldborough- , Reeve, William W. Campbell geputyReeve,- Colin ,D. Campbel'l of Dunwich..- Re-evc, Alexande.r' 'McLachlin peptit-y -Reeve,,' Arlexander D. McKillop Township of Southw.old- Reeve, Absalom Gilbert D~put~ Reeve, WilHam D. KiUens 'l'-Qwnship of_Yarmlouth~ Reeve, Georgel Russ'ell Deputy" Reeve; Alexander Anderson Township of ~alahide-,.- Reeve, s.y~ney S'. McDermand ,Deputy Reeve', Michael- McKnight Township of. Bayham...,- Reeve, ,David Stratton Deputy Reeve, William H. Moore I , ELGI.N COUNTY. COUNCIL 7 6 ELGIN COUNTY CO.UNCIL Township of SouthDorchester~ Reeve, Silas R. Wil'son That tq.e Reeves of the' different n'llini.cipa:l1Ues strike' the standing' committees' for the year 1911. be a committee, to ~Carried. Town of1.Aylmer- Reeve, OscarM,eKenney Moved by George Russell, Seconded by Alex. Anderson, ViIlagp; of Vienna- Reeve, Robert Gras,s That this Council adjourn' 'until' tomorro,wat terio'clock, to allow committees to 'meet. -Carried, Village 'of Springfield7"- Reeve, John "E. :Lindsay K. W~ McKAY, C'o'unty ClerIc s., S. McDIDRiMAND, Warden Village of Port Stanley-'- Beeve, W'ilHam Jackson' ViUageof' Dutton- Reeve, ,A!l'chibald J.Leit~h Village of WfistLorn&-- Reeve, Daniel M'9Killop 'y1nage of Rodney,........ Reeve" J; J. Mistele The Clerk took the chair and called for nominattonsfor the posltHm Df Warden. Every.member'ot the Council was then placed- in r;ominati<m, 'all of whom res.fgned ex,cept Messrs., McDermand, Liridsay,McLachli~,D. Mc~ Killop, Russell, and Mistel'e. The voting was proceeded with and on the Sydney S. McDermand, Reeve 'of' Malahid-e, 'havlng vote, ,vas declared duly, electedWar,d€m,' twenty": third vote received, a m~jority The:' Wardi:m~eleCt .made the statuto;'; Declaration, of /Otfice before !-Its Honor ,Judge C'olter, took the chair and. addressed the Council. M'?ved, by W. D. Killins, Seconded by "Silas ,R. WHson, 8 ELGIN COUNTY COUNC\L FIRST SESSION-SECOND DAY Wednesday. the 2Mh day of January, 1911. ~he 'EJginCounty Council met this' day,according to adjournment.- The Warden in the chair. All, the 'member$' ,present. 'l'he Warden addressed the qouncilas. follo'ws: WARD:EN'S ADDRESS To the Elgin County Council: Gehtlemen:- , Before com'roeueing the'business of the year, I desfretQ refer-to a few matters that maybe wo;rthy of your attention. Hospi~al Maintenance. The Amasa Wood-Hospital, in,St. Thomas, is the m'osteast(y avail- able to the ~esiden:ts of Elgin and is the Hospital to which theftuthol'i- ties ofthi8' county sendindigentsforwhose maintenance they are responsible. HospitalmaintenanC0 expenses are provided in three , ways: 1. 2. 3. By the Gover.nmer;tt. By the -Municipality or Board"having.,charge By patients treated therein. of same. When the HOSPital Board does not receive more tpan $'4.np a week fro.m ,a'Patient, the Government, supplements the' amount .to the exto'nt of tW,eilty cents)ier day, rrialdnga, total of $'6.30. This fELthe amount ?"harge~for indige'nt patients from municipalities' other f, than St. Thomas. In addition, th'e I1hysiCians of the Hospital staff ma.:Ke a Charge f'or attendance oil patients of, this class thaL theY"expect the municipalitie~ xesponsible ,to pay. The municipalities' of the County of mlgin have not contributed to theH'ospital in. any way and are.' not entitled to any special cousidera':' hOll. " They should, however, pay the full c6st of the maintenance of the patients, senLthere and 'f,or the service of an attending PhYJ:lician. I ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 9 would suggestt;hata spectal committee be appointed to confer with the Hos,pial Board and, :arrang.e a rate to be charged for the maintenance of patients sent in -ey the municitmlities,of 'the county. , County Roads. Three years, ago this Council was active in the investigation of m~tters pertaining to the County Road "S'ystem; Roads were Inspe'cted in differe~'t parts of the'Province,' ~s.timates and plans prepared, but no' action was~aken.. This was" o....vihg largely"to":thec,08-t in \lther lo~a;li- - ties'of,the class of .roads ,that theC.ouncil thought would be required in thiS' county. Recent newspaper reports of the investigati-bn of irregu- laiitiesconnected with the ad'rrlinistrationof the.Highway Improvement Act in'an'adj,?in~ng:county may account to so:hteextent)or, the high,: cost .of their road mneage, which asp'ecial committe,eor this "CouncH inv~stigated'. A statement has >recently appeared '. in the ProvincIal press that the Q-overnm,ent were considering, :the -advisability of extend~ ing aid to the maintenap.ce Of roads constructed under the, Act. If,this is the :case, you shouW, during this. yc,a,r, apPoint a comin'ittee to"again 'oonsidertlJ.e matter, withaview totaldng adyantage of Gov:er~mentaid for the improvement of our main highways. Toll Road' Claim. .At; the November session last yea'r a specIal committee was 1'0-- quested tt? continue theireff0rts to secure some recognition of Elgin's claim for additi-onal assistance towards the expen'ses incurred in epn- nection with the purchase of the London ,and Port Stanley "raIlRoad; Thelat,est development in the negotiations was, thfl"t the committee had requested the, members of th,: Prov.incial .Government to assist them in securing from M~ddlese~ the amount paid to that county for the mad' when the.County of Elgin was formed. Many years ago this was one of the prominent questions before the County Council,' andowing'to the heavy expenses for pu.)'':!haseand other improvements in connection with tIle roads since t,t has, lleen taken . over, the question',has been revived andconside-red in: a way that _ appears ,to. {Lppea! to the" memqers of the Government. I under'stand that the committee met with' considera:ble encouragement, and believe that 'the matter shotil'd not be allowed, to drop, but should receive' your' constant attention until it is determined; Scho.ol '. Reports. Last' year a resolution was', passed' requiring'. High SGhool Boards rece'-iying supplementary grants from this Gouncil', to frle reports show- ' 10 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCI( 1,ug the work 'done and particulars of their. reeciI;lts and-expenditures. In addition to this', I think that all of the Gcintinuationand Fifth Class ,Schools, whi~h r'eceive.sllpplementary grants amounting in the aggre- g~te to more than the grants t,o High 'Schools, should be required to furnish this C'ounc,H with similar information. I would Teque~tthe Education Committee to consider this matter with a view, to baving the fullest information before" June, when the sUPPlementary gr~nts will be considered. The proceedings of thepr~vi'ous 'day -were read, and, confirmed~ Thefollowirig communications were read: From the Minister' -of eaucatiou,'., confirming appointment of Pub- lic School Inspector Taytor. Referred to Education Committee. From, D.M. C'ameron,Secretary London Health Association. Re- fe'vred to Finance CoO').mittee. FromJ. A. Taylor,' T. 'Po S., with report. Referred to Education Committee. !!'rom Cdunty Clerk, with report re licenses. Referred to Finanee Committee. li'ro~ County Police Magistrate, with report. Referred to l"}nance Committee. From A. 'McCrimmon, Clerk of the Peace, enclosirlg Grand .Tury presentment. 'Referred to House o-f'Industry Committee. From County Treasurex, ,vith reJ?ort 'on finances,. Referred to I li'inarice Committee. From Secretary Pi'ovincial Trustees' Asso'ciation re appointment of representatives. .Refer,red to IDdtication Committee. Froni vacatiOn. Secr~tarYLinColn County 'reachers, Referred to Education, Committee'. 1'e extension of sum:q1er FlIomSecretary Western li'air AssociatiOn,re grant. Referred to' Ii'Jnance Committee. ELGIN' COUNTY COUNCIL n FiomSecretary delegates to annual Comm'ittee. Good Roads Association, Referred to Public 1'8 grant and Inlprovcmenfs Ontario conventio'nr Board,with J;1J~gin pupils" From Secretary.. '\Vardsville High Bchool 8.;:;oount. Referred to E'ducationCommittee. From County Council of "Wentworth, with petition re markeL legisi'ation; Referred to petitions and Legislation Committee. fees , From ,Prisoners.' Aid Association, regrant. Committee, ' Finance', Referred to From Salvation Army, Te g.rant.Ref'erred to Finance 'Cori1mittee~ From County' Gouncil of Carleton, re Act. Referre(l to Education Committee. amendment to Public SchcH'lls li'rO,m Hospital for Sick 'Children, re grant. Re~ern~d to Fil~ance COp1Initfe~. FroJ;U James A. B-eU;County Engineer, with report. Referred to Public :;rmprovements Committee. The l'epOi'tof committee appointed to strike stfmdingcQri1!llittees was' presented and referred to a committee of the whole,wLth Mr. Lind~ say "in the chair. 'Afterconsidei:'ing,the'repott,'the committee rose arid it was adopted without amendment, on motion of Lindsay, seyonded by Russell. Moved by George Russell, SecondedpyD. Stratton, That W.A. Galbraith and vValker C. Caughell be appointed Aud,ltors of the County .Accourit~;"for 1.9HI.' , ....;Carrti:ld. Mo'vedby O. McKenny; Seconded by J. J. Mistele, That this Council: meet in committee of the 'whole:~t2 sider the Warden's address. p.m; t(joon', ,,--'Carried, 12 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved bi. M; McKnight, Seconded by W. D. KUHns, i That J. ill. Lindsay be aPPointed on Board of Audit. of Administra_ tion of Justice Accounts. I Moved by M. McKnight, -Carried, Seconded 'by Roberit Grass, 'l'hat this Oouncil do now adjourn to meet at 2 p.m.1 -Carded: The Council Resumed. Moved bY. W., Jackson, Seconded, by W. Campbell, \ ThatdeJllltation from Law Libra:r;'Y 4-ssociation be heard. -';C:Hrrie(l; Messrs. IIJrmat,inger, Leitch and Hunt addressed the Council, ma1sing application- for grant, and the Warden l'eferredthe same to Jhe F'inance Committee. The Council -then went into committee of the whole -to co'nsider' Warden's address. D.McKiIlop in the chair. Aft,e~' considering the report, clau';:;G by 91ause, .tl1o committee -rose. 1.Ioved by W. W. Campbell, ,Seconded-by C. D. Campbell, ::Chat the Warden's address be referred to ,a committee consisting 01' chairmen of the 'standing~ committees. --:"Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCiL 13 Moved b~, D. McKillop, Se'condE:d by C.D.-Campbell', That this Council committees to meet. adjourn until eleVen o'elo,ok tomorrow, to alloW -Cl-l;rried. K. VI. McKAY, C9untY Clerk SYDNEY S. M-cDITIJRMAND I vVarden 14 ELGIN COUN,Y COUNCIL FIRST SESSION-THIRD DAY Thursday, the 2,6th-day 'Of ,January, 1911. 'I'he Elgin County Council met this day, according.to adjournment. ~l'he Warden in the chair. All the members present. The proceedings 'Of the previous days were read and...confirmed. A cO,mmunicatioll. fron;i' the Rural Section 'Of the Ontario Municipal Association, was readaild- referred to Finance - Committee. Mr. -' McKnight ga\te- notice 'Of application far grants 'Of t\v'eny-five dollars each to th'eEast E~gin Farmers' and Lad.ies' rn\>ititutes', and' Mr. KilHns gave notice 'Of similar appUcations far the \iVestIDIgin Institutes. '.rhe report 'Of the Education Committee ,was presented. and adopted an ,motion 'Of .r., J. ~ist,t1Je, ,seconded by D. MCKillop,_, The report of the-Petitions and Legislation Committee was pre- 'sehtedand adopted on motion of Killins, seconded by Anderson. - Moved Py O. 'McKenny, Seconded by W.H. Moore, 'i'hat M. ID.L-yon be reappointed 'J;'rustee fo~ the'Aylmer Collegiate Institute for the next three, years. ---'-Cartie1. Moved, by ,R.Grass, Seconded by D. Stratton, That James Cornell .be appOinted trustee of the Vienna High School for three yearsl ..........;Carl'ied. -Moved, by C. D. OamVbelI, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 15 Seconded, ,bY W, W. Campbell, 'iihat' the Council adljourn uptil 3: p.m. ~Carried. The C,ou'1cil Resun:ted. T'he report of the special committee onWarden~s' tlddress was pre~ sented' and adopted on moUoh of Leitch, seconded by Killins. Thereportof the Finance Committee was presented and referred ~o . a committee of the whole, with Mr~ McLachIin in tb,e' _chair:. After' consi'deringthe report;,-clause-by.clause, the committee rose and it ~as adopted w.ith6ut ~mendme;nt, on motion of McI.achlinj seconded by W. W. Campbell. .The report o'f the Public Improvements C'ommittee was presented and adopted, on motion of M'cLaChlin, g,econde-d: by W. W. Campbell Moved by A.D. McKillop, Seconded by A. McLachlin, That this Council ,do now adjourh to meet tomorrow, at tcn"o'clbcJ.c, ~Carrie(l. K. W. McKAY, 'County'"C'lerk SYDNEY S.,-McDER'MANU, Wardeli- ,16 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FIRST SESSION-FOURTH DAY. Friday, the 2qth day of January, 1911.\ The Eilg,in Co~nty Council met, this day, according 'to adjournment. , , The WaJ;'den in, the chair. All the members. present. 'rho proceedings of the prevIous days. were rea(} and confirmed. Anacc.ountfrom the Glencoe High School ,Board 'was presented. The report of the House and--Gaol Committee 'was presented and referred to acomm~ttee of tho' whole, "\vith A, J; Leitch in the chair. 'After conside1ring the report', Clau~ex.bY clause, the committee rose and it was aqopted without amendment,on motion of :Leitch, seCond'3d b~' McKnight. ,." Moved by 'M>. McKnight, Seconded -by Alex. Anderson, That grants of twentY-five dollars each be giVe':p. to the East EJlgiu" Farmers' and Ladies' Institutes.. :-CaTi'iecl. Moved by W. D.' Killins; Seconded by A.Ggbert,. Thwt thi~ CouncilgrantJ to the West Elgin .Farmers' Jnstitutes,the sp.m of twenty;..five dolIar~, each for 19H. and Ladies' -"::;'Carried. Moved by M; McKnight, Se'conded by RGrass, 'l'hat ~ylaw No. 786, being a bylaw to authorize the Warden and ,Treasurer to borrow tWenty:thousand dollarsl_ be received and read a 'first time. C~J.l'rjedr ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 17 ---,~--~ Moved by,M.McKnight, Se'conded by RGrass, '- That :!?yl'aw 1\ro.786 be read a second time.' -Carrif.d'. Moved by M. McKnight, Seconded bY'R. Grass, That B:rIaw No. 786 be read a third time and finally"passed. ~C[lrri?(l. 'M'oved by Do Stratton, Seconded':by 0; McKenny, Tha:tBylaw,No. 7&7, being n, bYlaw to appoint County XudHors,b'e' received and read a ,first time. -Carri 00. Moved by'R. Moore, i" Seconded. by D.' Stratton, ,'rh,atBYlaw No. 787 be r~ada'second time. ":':';"Ca.rriea. ,~,I[oved by O. McKenny, Seaonded by D. Stratton! That Bylaw No. 787 be read 'ft third time ,and finally passed. " ......,Carried. M'Oved by W.D. Killins, Seconded by, A. Gilbert, Tha,t l3yl-aw, No. received and'read a , 788, being a bylaw to appoint a Board, of Audit,' be' first time. .,...,:..Carried: " Moved by, A. Gilbert, Seconded "by S; R. Wilson, 18 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL That Bylaw No. 788 be read a s8'cond,time. -Carried. Moved hy A.Gilbert, Se,canded by S. R. Wilson, 'l'hat Bylaw No. 788- be read-a-third time and finally passed. " --CaITied. Moved byJ,J. MisleIe, Seconded by W. D. Killins, That BYlaw 'No. 789. being a byla;.N ,to appoirit High School 'l'ru~- tees, be received and read a first time, ..:....c.Carried. 'ly.[ovedby-W. D,'Killins, fi Seconded by J. J. ,Mistele, That Bylaw No. 78'9 be read a secQnd time, -Carried. Moveli by J.J.Mistel.:l, Seconded by W. D, inUins; 'fhat Bylaw N.o.789be read a third time ,and fiha;HY passed: -Carried. Moved by A. 1\~cLachlin, Seconded byD. McKillop, , . 't 'J.'hat Bylaw No~ 79iO,to provide for office ''l'reasul'er/be -received and read a first time. , assistance for. County -Carried. \ ~10ved_by A; D.Mc~i11op, Seconded by A. McLachlin, That. Byla~v No. 790 be r,ead a second time. -Carried, Mov0d\iby D.'!McKi11~p, ELGIN. .COUNTYCOUNCIL 19 ' "Sec:onded 'by A., D. McKil1OP, That Bylaw No. 79,0 be T,ead a third time and- finally passed. -Carried , Moved by C. D. Campbell, Seconded by W. _ W. Campbell, 'l'hat Bylaw No. 7n,being a 'bylaw to' appoint a Gaol Surgeon, be received a~d read a first time. -Carried, Moved by W. w. C:ampbell, Seconded by C. D. Campbell', Th~tBYlaw'No. ,,791 be read a second,:time. -Carried, Moved--by iC. D. Campbell, Seconded -by - W.W. Campbel1~ That 13ylaw No. 791, be read a third time and 'finally passed~ Moved by W. W. Campbell, Secon'ded by C.D. C'ampb~l1. 'l'hat this' Courtcil dQ' noW -h,djourri to meet on 'l"uesday, the 13th of June. '-Carried. K. W. ,Mc~AY.-, County CI~tk , S-YDNEYS.' McDE-R-MAND . Warden \,/ 20 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SECOND SESSION-FIRST DAY, Tuesday, the tilth, of June, 1911. ~ehe :IDIgiri County Council met this day 'f'houlas, at 2 p,m., according to ,adjournment. in the Court HOllSC,_ St. 'l'heWarden in the chair. All ,the members p'resent, 'rhe \Nard-en addressed the Council as follows: WARDEN'S ADDRESS ,Tn thoElgiri County Council: Gentlemen:-t- ,Before commenCing this session of the Council, 'I desire to refer to' a.' {ew matters that -should receive your carefui consideration. Good Roads. '1'he conditions' unde,I' which the various counties ,oftlle Provinee IUl,'e taken' advantage of tUe provisions of the High\vay Improvement Act are ~ot al~ the same, The Act! as many of you kno'Y,prov-ido.s that'County -Councils' maY by;bylaw, assume a 1'o8::d mileage within the county,,- for which they thereby become_ _I'esponsil?le, and are entitled to 'receive fro'm the Government one-third ,of alfmoneysexpended, in .tho imprOVenlerit of the, roads assumed. In the majority of th'e coun~ies the work of improViri~ the county roads is Wholly in charge of aHoad 'Si.lpei;iiltendent- or County Enginee-r, who are under the direction of_a cOl;l1m,iHce of the Co~ntY,Cciuncil-: '1'he cost of improved' roads is gCl1eraUYirie:xeess of the first estimate. The general opinion,Of, coun- Ges' wod(ing under the system is that the peo'pIe are satisfied, ~o pay the -cost if they get, the roads, Th,ere has been a foeling in this, as \veIl as ih some other counties, Lhatthe-to\\rnship's should be entitled to avail' _ themselves or' the pro- visio'ns of the Act, a.nd th~ 'HighWay Improvement Act, as at first enaqted, included this. It was,. hOwever, fOI,Uld. to be in the interests of cOunty muniCipalities generally that the roads shou)d c,onnee,t and that thoI'eshould beunifor;mity in cons'tTuction, with the result that the Act ,vas amended in its present form. -ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 21 My at,tenUon was, recently aireded to the .system in operation in tIle County o-fWaterloo, whereby each rl'ownshipC.~)Uncil controls the expenditure for. the improvement of the cbunty roads within its boun- daries, the Work in each being, under the general supervisiOn of tho County Engineer. As there is a- demand for goo'ci. roads' on the 'part of those acquainted w'ith the benents'to be der:ived therefrom, I procured copies of the Wfl.terloo Bylaw. These were forwarded to the Reeves of the local municipalities for their .consideration. A iarge amount of 'money is' now paid out annually hy,the Pruvincia"Treasurertothe' eighteen countins that have adopted the S,ysterr, A special committce should h~' appointed -to inquire into the Waterloo system with a,'view of introdllcing a~.siinilar system .irL.this' county', Sch.~ol Grants. In some quarters' there is a feeling that the supplementary gl;ants to High and ContinuatiOn' Class Schools should not11e ,given indiscrimw inately. '1'he, lawrE\quires Cou:o.ty C'ounqils to make grants- to these schools, but to add- to these grants without lcnowing the finanoial position or ,vor'k being done by the schools, or the' necessity therefor, is ~contraryto the spirit of ourmtmicipal, institutions, '1'he .I-Iigh-,Schoolshave. been asl{ed t,o report' at. this 'session, ~and similar iriformation in 'reference to the ,Public Schoots will also be pre- sented. mxcessive'liberality i'n, tho matter, of educational grants is one 'of the factors-leading-up to the high" county rate. Hycli'o~Electrio ,Power'- Atthe last session of the Le,g,islaturo,anAct providing for the locaJ dis,b:ibutionof electrical power was passed, 'This provides, that ,any ono, or more. rat6pay'ers in.a municipality may" apply to tho Coullcilto ~bt~infrOm the Commission a supply6f 'electrical power for their use for lighting, hea.un~ andp'ower purposos. Upon receipt ,of the applica- tion,it is','Ule duty of tlie Oouncilto request the C'ommissioll ,to supplY the power. Estimates are thEm furnished, and' within one month after they 'are receivedthe-COuncil,at a sp~ciaJmeeting, of which notice is required to 'be gvien .;to, each applic~arit, considers the stat~mentsand estill1ates :furnished by the' Commiss-ionand"wHh' -tue consent 'of the applicants,' enters into a contract with theCommlssion. It is'not neo< essar'y'Lo submit the bylaw to the people, Debentures may b,e issued to defray" the' cost; to be repaid by theapp1icants. 22 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ,ThiS legislation is most important to the.r'esidents. of rural mi.miciR palities in which.-brad.1oining \.vhich; the transmission lines are located: . Our experience in the rural districts with th'edevelopmentof' indepen- dent telephone lines suggests that asomewhat simHar,system might be ,;.dopted for the dis,tribution df'e.Iectrical power in variouf? parts of'this comity,' .The tlse'ofele,ctricity,will improve conditions and tend to make life on the farm more -attractive. This and good toads are both necesR sary if this county is to keep pace with the development that is taking place in ptherparts of-the, Province. Fruit Tree Inspeotion. The- activity th,a't/l'exists in i:'he fruit growing districts of the county, which are being gradaullY extended, would appear to make it necessary for Councllsof local munic1pa:JitIes to copsiderthe apt' ointment of 1n- sriectors.Thisis compulsory -\\'hen a petition of twenty-,five or more fruit growers, who are ratepayers, is presented. The municipality n:a~kes the apPointment" pays the remuneration and fees or charges of the ,inspector.' Bylaws for this purpos~ are subject to the written approval of the Minister of A!girculture. One-half or the sums paid to_inspectors are refunded to municipalities by the ,Department of ,Agriculture. It is ~C'ry desH'able that-.the orchard pests should be kept 'OUt of'thecounty as much as possible. Ij.(ruit grower's who are alive to their o,vn hest interests should consult with the 'Council in reference ,to the matter. Agricultural' f7ducation. '1'he Agriculturaisituation in Ontario appears to defuarid t.hat/th~se who are engaged in that occur;ation sh()uld bespeciaJly educated for it, the same as fa!: other callings in life. In l'ecen(years, the I::egislature 'J.:1as been devoting some l.!Mention "to this. The:P.ublip School Act l?-OW provides that the Council of a' township may engage the services 'of a p,irson holding'the degree of' Bachelor of Science, of AgriCulture' to give Instruction in agricuIture-in the public schools of'the municipality and the C'olin-cll o'f such municipality may levy and_ collect fl'omthe-;ateR payers of such municipality, who are public school supporters;suqh sums ,as may be necessary to pay the sala:ries of such instructors. The Buard ,of,a Rural School Section may also ~ngage the services of a pil(lilar,expert. Th'e ci;)Urse~ of. instruction, as far aspossibie, are open t'oaIl residet:lts of. th,e munioipality or school section. In . urban munJci'':' palities Sch091 Boards may provide for the carrying. on of -classes for~ instruction 'in agricultjlre.' '],'he' High!3chool ;'Bo~raalso has a similar authority. Where an agricultural department is established in a Cvn'-, 'ELGIN CqUNTYCOl)NCIL 23 tinuatiou'School', the County C'Ounqil is required to make a grant' of _$500.00 annually lowar'ds the expenses. I am pleased to know "that" tho Dutton' High School ~oard has an agriculturaldepartinent and that a large number of the-pubHc 13choo181n .the'comity, have already estab~. , lished'school gardens, in which practicaldemonstra'U'ons' in donnection with the course 'of nature study are carried on. The services of an expert' who w.ould' deliver occasional lectures in the schools and, b;y practical demonstration,direct .attEm-tion to the benefits to 'be derived from the application of modern methods in agriw culture, is something tha't should engage the attention of theCounR ciL I believe that in some counties experts, are already working and ,that their'exnenses ar,e ,provided for part by the ,County Council and . part by the Government. This portion a! theProvlnce 1s particularly \veil adapted to tllke advantage of the additional marltets tha,t will be: opened 'up- when' we secure reciprocal-trade with the Unite'd States. These additional marl}:ets 'should eh,courage all to bring their land to its. highest state' of d~velopment, with the view of Supplying the new demands, as well:' as present markets. Reports of Committees. r t:q.ihk it would be well to establish a rule whereby we go i.nto a committee o,f the whole to consider toe report of' every committee preR sinted t9 this Coun,ell. \With this end'in vfew, I would rec~mmend ~he chairmen' of the various c6mmitt~'es to give promPtattent,ion to the preparation of their reports, so that they may' be laid before theCounw cilatthe:earIiest . opportunity . Tn-eproceedings of the: last day of the pre'vious session .were read and confirmed. The following communications, were read: From Co'unty '1~reflsurer,,'o/ith report. mi-ttee. Referred to Finance' Com~l\ . From Mli'l!} Brierley,_ Manager E'lgin Humane; 'Society, Referred to :]'ina,nce Committee. grant. re F:ro.m W. Atkins, Insp.ector of Public Schools, with report. Referred to E9-ucation Committee. 24 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From Ontario Good Roads AssoCiation, re .Provincial Highways. Referred t~ Public Improvements Committee., ,From JUdgeCol'ter, re offi..ce 'accommodatioiL From Ontario M.m1icipal:A'ssOCiatioll',for betterme~t of consump- tives, redep'utationan.d g~ant. J;'{efernfd to Ii'inance Committee. li'rom Deputy Minister of'lDducation re_ amount of county grant fer equIpment and accommodation. Referred to 'Education Committee. 11'rcim' A. P. :vVestervelt, re grant to Ontario' Provincial 'Winter'l1'air. Referred to .Finance '"Committee. lJ'roin Seoretary TiIlsbnbilrg' High, Schoo!",' with account. Referred to Education Committee. From, Coupty CounCil' of Bruce; re Government owners}1ip of te1e- llhone's. :,'Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. Ii'rom County Police Magistrate Hunt, re increase, of salary;, He- rerred to INnance' C'ommittee. ,From 'mast'mlgin T<'armors' Jristitute, i'eappointment of distriCt representatives. Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee, Mr. .,license. 'M,cKillop inquired :if~Mr.Harvey QfWoodgreen h9:d a, pedlar's I Mr; ,Killins'inquired re auction license. "'Mr, Jackson presented report -of"special committee appomted 'fo arrange -matters, \v'iththe Amasa vV60d Hospital J3o<ird. 'l'his was, on motion referred to a committee of 'the whole' with Mr. McKenny in the chair. After considering, the report, clause by clause, the committee rose and it was adopted withou.t amendment on motion of a.McKenny, seGonded by W,\i\f. Campbell. 'Mr: Jackson presented re:porLof SpeCial Sanitor!um Coml11ittee, Which \vas,considered iU:committee of the whole, with Mr. )\i1istele in the chait,and--finally adOPted ,without amendment, on 'motion of J; ,1. J\tIistele, se.conded byW. <W.Campbell. ELGIN COUN1Y COUN.CIL 25 Moved by ~V-. W. Campbell, Seconded by Colin C'a:mpbell, That. the chairmen of standing committee be a special report on Warden's address; committee to -qarrie.d. It wl}sdecided to hear Dr. Voaden, Principal of the'Collegiate 1nsti- tut~, St. Thomas, at 2, p.m. Wedriesday, andCounciI adjourned uritillO" a,m. 'WedJlesday, o~ motion of D. McKillop, secondod by GolinD. Camp-' bell. K. VV.. McKAY, County Clerk SYDNH:.Y S. McDERMAND Wai'den ' 26 ELGllIl COUlIlTY CO.UlIlCIL SECOlllDSESSIOlll'-SECOlllD DAY Wednesday, the 14th day of Jun'e,1911. The Elgin County Council met this day, according to adjournment" '<.... The Warden in the' chair. All the_members present. The proceedings of the'previouS;',day were read and confirmed. F. G.-Macdiarmid,M.P,P., addressed the Council in ref'erence to appointment of a district representative of the ':AgriculturalDepart- :merh, requj'rihga _grant of $5100, and tlle org'~nization of a publicity dep~rtmeilt for the purpose of bringing the advantages of farm .1imds in IDlgin to the attention of investors and agriculturists in Great Britain. 'The following communications :were read;- From Co~i1ty: Auditors, with rep,art. RMei:rel:i to Ftnance Com~ mittee. li'roID' County, Engineer; with, report. Referred to Public_ Improve~ ments C'6mmittee. , , ", - M-r; McKenny gave notice, that 'a, deputation from . Aylmer would .,address.. the, Council in'reference to Equalizati()n. o~n Thursday' aftEl_rnoon. IMr.,.M:cKiUop gave notic,e ofappUcati(m for grant of $'215~OO for Kate Wallace. The report of deputation to GoodRoads' Association, was ,presented ,and adopted O'I;L motion ?f S. Wilson, se-eonded by VV. Wi Campbell; The report of deputation to, the 'EducationallA'Ssociation was pre'- 'sented and adopted on motion of M-istele; seconded by McKnight.' I Mqved,hY O.McKenny, Seconded by D. Stratton, ELGllIl COUlIlTY COUlIlCIL 27 rrhat this Council adjourn until two o'clock this afte'rnoon. -Carried. A communication from theCeritraJPipe LirieCompany, Limited, requesting,permission to lay gas pipes across county ,br~dgesat Vi.enna arid PbrtBurwelI was rehd and referred to Public Improvements Com- mittee. Dr. Voaden, Principal of St. Thomas Collegiate Institute, ,and Messrs. Graha~ and Conley, ~embers of the School ,Board, addressed the Council: in reference to grant to the Instit\ltej and the Warden referred the matter 'to the _Educational 'Committee, Moved, by W: Jackson, Seconded by G. ,Russel, 'J,'hat the Council adjourn to meet again at 1-1 a.m. tomorrow. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk' SYDNEY S. McDER:MAND, Warden.. 28 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SECOND SESSlON-THIRD DAY Thursday, the-1'Mh day of JUlllSl, 1911. \ The EIIJln ,CountY',Council met this day,' ac'col'ding to adjournment. - ~I~he vVa'rden in the chair. All the members present. The proceedings of the previous day wei'e' read ahd confirmed. The Clark's report on licenses in force \vas present~d. The report of the Gaol, (Jommittee was presented an'd !'Ldopted OI~ 'motion of Jackson, sec(luded by:Lindsay. The report of the EJducation Committee \vas prlilsented and adopted on motion'of M:istele, seconded by 'Grass. !Movedby'M. McKnIght, Seconded bY' if. E, Lindsay, 'J.'h'a:t a bylaw be passed, confirming' Bylaw Number 866 of the TownshIp of 'Malahide. -Carried. 'Moved by G~ Rus~elI, , Seconded, by.J.lD. Lindsay, 'l'hat we adjourn until' 2 p.m. -Carried. , The Council Resum.ecl. Mayor Christie and Messrs; Trim'and,Glover addressed the,Coun- cil in reference to ,equalization values. Thoreportof special committee on \Varden's address \vaspreserited and_referred to a,committee of' the'whole, with Mr; Russell in ch~il'. ']~he report v.:as considered, clause by clause,. after which ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL - 29 committee rose and Teportwas adopted, on m()tion of Russell, seconded by lY-1'cKnight. The'report ~f the Public Improvements Committee was presented.. ~and adopted,onniotion of McLachlin, seconded by Stratton; Moved, by A D;, ,McKillop, Seconded by A. J. Leitch, That this Council make. a grant of twenty-five dollars to the Tow-l"i- shjp of Dunw!c1?,-toassist, in'maintenance of Kate- -Wallace and sister, formerl~ iUl)1ates oithe House of Industry; -Carried. M'Qved by ,Di McKillop, ,Second(:'ld bye;' D. Campbell, _ 'l'hat a grant of $5,OQbe placed at the disposal oia speCial.comrn:it- tee; to be,kn,own as the Publicity CommIttee, to be organized :as a similar committee in the Colinty bfLambt:on, for thepul'pose of adver- tisingtl).e, ffl,im lands: irlElgili for investment and settlement foragri- culturists from ,Great, Britain alid other countries. '\, -Lost. Moved' by' 3.J. Mistele, Seconded by_Wi D. Killins, That the reeves 'of all muhicipalitiesbe the EqualizationCom1p.it- tee. ,-,-Carried. Move.dbY D.McKillop, -Se-conded byW. W l?a~pbel1. 'I'hat. Dr'. Ling be' appot-q.ted' .amember of the'BoardOf:the ~Byroli Sanitarium for throe_:y,ears,,-- that expenses incurred in atterl'ding' meet~ ' .ings oithe :I3oft'rd bepaJd. -Car:ried~ _,of' 30 gLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL " Moved by George RusselI, , Secqnded by J.l,TI.,J...1ndsay, , ,'Ehut this Council,adjourn ..u-ntil tomorrow motning;_ at 1-0 a.m. , / -Carried. ,K.W. McKAY, County Clerk S,YDN']}Y S. McDERMAND, Warden; gLGIN COUNTY COUNCiL 31 SECOND SESSION-FOURTH DAY" Friday, the 16t~ day of June, 1911. The' IDlginCourity ,Council met this day, according to adjournment. ,The "Varden in the chair. All the members presellt. The- proceedings of the previOUS day were read and confirmed. Mr. H:.J>Bowman, C.E., C-ountyClerlcand Engineer of,the Countr, of Waterloo, addressed the Coundl' by invitation, lin referenQe to system of construction and rilaint,ena:nc_e of county roads in the'ICounts; of Waterloo., At the concfusion of his address, M1:' Bowman was tendered a hearty' vote of thanks' fo!, the valuable-, information given the Coup-cil. Moved bYS. Wilson, Second6:9-bY.A: Gilbert, That ,this, Council arljournuritil' 2 p,m. -Carried, Council Resumei;l.. .Moved by' A. l\1cI,iachlin, Seconded by D. McKillop:" That the county grants to Agricultural :&airs -be the sa'me as last, year,' nafQ.ely, twen~y J:H;;r,cent of'Governmentgrant, ---'Carrled~" Mo~edbY J J. Mistele; Secpnded byW.,D.Killins; rl"hatthis_Councilt?-ke uP,'the Good_ Roads questionaiong the line, of theW'a-terloo system. , -Carried.; Move'd bY"W._ W;:Campb,ell, Se,conded by' C. D.. Campbell, 32 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL '1"11at the \Varden name a committee to report this 'evening on ~ Comity Road sys'tem, ,- -----'"Carried. , 1-'110 Warden appointed lVI'essrs. 'S<trcittou, Russell, McKillop and M:c- [..-achlin. Mr. Clement,-district .representative of t~e Agl'iculturatDepal't- ment,\vas present and -addressed the Council in reference to his work, in ,the c'ounty. 'Moved by D. McKillop, S'econded by A. McLach1in, '1'hat Mr. C'lement_be asked to secure aU information he can regard- ing tl~e'\york:that is being done in Lambtori county and oth,8r places, along the ,lines. of advertising the advantages of their counties,' and roport the sarrie to this Council at their nexf session. --Carried" Moved by G. Russell; Seconded' by J. m.' Lindsay, '1'11at this Council adjourn until 'j' o'clock, -Car~ied, The Council Resum~ed, A communication i"rom Dr. Coyne, in rei'erence to 1?1'esorvationof tbo Indian ].'ort' at Bur,well's Corners, in the Towriship of. Southwold; was read. , lVlo.ved by W, Jacl(son, Seconded by D; StrattOn, .'l'hatcommunicaticin from Dr. -COyne, re Indian ',li'ort 'on Henderson l<'ar}u, ,be filed. -Carried. The report of the Petitions'and Legislation Com'mitt"ee '"vas p-1:'e- sonfedan'dadopted,' on motioll ,of Killins, seconded l;Jy Grass~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 33 "fhe report of the Speoial' Good Roads Committee was presented andreferred to a c6mmi~tee of the whole,-;with Mr., Gilbert in the chair.,' After considering the report, Clause ,by ,Clhuse, tl:te committee ros'e and it' \vas adopted on 'motion of Gilbert, seconded'byS-iratton, 'l'he report of thl,'l E.cjualiz,a:ticin Committee was presented and adopted, on motion of Stratton, seconded by McKnight. 'l'he first repOrt of the F'inance Cpmmittee_ was presented adopted, on motion of M'cLachlin, seconded by _ Stratton. 111"\ :rJie second report of the Finance GommittE!e wa~ PJcsentec'l,_ adopted ort ~otiim Of McLachlin, seconded by Russell. pllrl Moved ~y J,E, Lindsay, Seconded by :M. McKnight, That-the wa:rdel1- name a cOmmittee to prepare the hylawfol' tho desiLgmationand construction of county' road-sin the County of Elgin, -----'-'-Carried. The'Wardell'appointed the, R.eeves of themuni,cipalities asa spo'cial committee, in 'accorda,ncewith _ahcive resolution. Moved by. "V, D. -KilHn$, Secondedhy J,J,' Mistele, 'l'hat Byl&\V No, 792,being a bylaW M'agistl'ate, be .received and' read a first to fix. the salar,y df'the Police time, -Carried. Moved' by J",- J, Mistele, Seconded by. W. D. . Killins" That Bylaw No. 792 be rea-da s'econd time. "-:'Carried, " Moved by W. D.. KilHns, Second'edby J.,. J. '~istele, ,34 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL That By:law No. 792, be read a third timo arid fimilly pa::l,sed, ---:,Carried. Moved by kD. McKi~lop; s~cOndedbY A.'M'cLachlin, 'l'hat BYlawNd. 7913, being ~ bylaw to appointa. Director of the Lon- don Health Association; be received and_read a first time. -C~rried. Moved by A; MrcLachlin, Seconded by W. W~ ,Campbell', 'l'hat Bylaw No, 7.93 be read a second time. ~~Carried.- Moved by D. McKlllop. Seconded by C. D. Campbell, That Bylaw No. 793 ~e read a third time and finally passed, I --Carried; , Mqved, byG. Russell, , SeeQ'nded by A, Anderson, 'l'hat Bylaw No. ,794, l5einga bylaw to gl;ant;additional aid to- Hig,h School's, be 'r\:lceived arid read, a first time. . -,-eCarried" Moved by G. Russell, Seconded by M.McKnight, rrhat Bylaw No. 794 be',read a.second time. ~Carried. Moyed by A.Anderson, Second;d :hy, G. Rg.sselI,' That BYlaw No; 794 be read a, third time arid finally passed. -Carried. .Mqved byJ. J. Mistel'e, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 35 Seconded ,by W~D.Killins, That Bylaw 'No. 795, bei,ng a t!ylaw toconfil'm the equalization of tlie assessment roll's,' be received and read a fi.l'st time. .".......;Cartied. Moved by: W. D., Kil'lins, Seconded' by J> J. Mistele, That. Byh'wNo.795, b~ read a second time. . --Carried. Moved by J.J. Mistel'e, Seconded byW. D.Killins, ' That Bylaw No. 795 be read a third time and finally ,passed. , ""-Carried. ,- The yeas and, nays being called for, were taldm down as follows: Nays~McKinney and IAridsay. Yeas....,;-;'1'he'rest iof theCounciI except Leitch, absent, and,Jackso'n, , I,: Moved by G. Riussell, Seconded hY'W. Jackson, ThatBylawNb.796, being a bylaw to borrow twenty ,thousand' dol;.. be received and read, a first time. -,.,,Carrled; Moved by G.Hti.ssell, S,econded by, W. Jackson, That By.law No.' 796 be read a second time. ~Carried; Moved by G., Russell, 30 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 'I'ha.t Bylaw No. 796 be read a .thirdtime and finally passed. --,-Carl"ieQ. ~VI'oved by lVI..lvIc'Knight, SCCdlided by k, - Anderson,' That llyla.w No. 797, being a bylaw to confirm Bylaw No, 8GB of lho Towns'hip of Malahide, be received and read a first time. ---':Carried. :.lvl'oved by M. l\.f'cKnight, ~cconded by .A. Anderson, rl'h;lt Bylaw Np.7!l7 he read a secondtfme. -Carried. ,1\1'ov0d by lVI. McKnight, f}ccondcd by A. Anderson, ~l'hat B~'law NO,'7'97b:e rcarla third time and linally passed. '.-,9arr'ied. Moved by A; Gi,lbert, 'Se'caudcd. by S. \V'il;;on, That 'Bylaw No. 7!lB', being u'llylaw tiyextend titne for "fax Sale, be f()(~cived and read a first time. -----:Carried. MO\'ed by 8. 'Wilson, Soc~nded by A. Gilbert, 'J'hat Bylaw No. 7U8 be road a second time. --C/lxi:'ied; Moved -by A. Gilbert; Seconded ,by S. "\Vilson, That: B.ylaw No. 7D8 b0 toad a third,tirne and finally: passed. -.~Carded. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ~ 87 Moved by,J. J. Mistelef Seconded by O,.lV1cI<:enney, Tlutt Bylaw No. 7DD".being 8; bylaw to raise amollnts for County Qltes, be'i'eceived;~1Ud read'a fi-rst time. -Carried. Moyed by 0.' McKenney, Se'conded by J.J;, Mistele, , That Bylaw 'No. 799 be read a second time. -CarrleCJ-. Moved,by J. J. 'Mitselej Seconde~ by W. H.M'oore, 'rhat Bylaw No, 7D9 be read a third time and fmally pil,ssed. -:"'Carded~ Moved by D: Stratton, Seconded bYW, I-I. lVIoQre, 'J'llftt Bylaw No. 8{)O,.being ,a, bylaw to authorize to lay "pipes oncoun~y brid~cs, tho Dominion' be ro~eived ,and ------:-Carrled~ Moved by W: H~ Moore; Seconded'by D:Stratton, 'l'ilM' Bylaw No.. 8'ODbe read <1, second tIme. '--Carlliod. Stratton, W; H.. Moore, 'l'hatByhtw]'\,T"o., S,O,Obe read a, thii'd time and, finally passed. -Carried, Mo:ved. by A. McLachlin, Sccondedhy A, D. McKilloPI 38, ELGI N COU NTY COU NCI L That Bylaw No. 801, being a bylaw to authorize the Central Pipe Lipe Company to lay gas pipes on countyhridges, be received ahd read a first time. -Carried.. Moved by D. McKillop, , Secon!ledby A. McLachlin, That Bylaw 'No. SOl be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by A. McLachlin, Seconded by A, D. McKillop, Tha~ Bylaw 1'fa. 801 be .read a third time and finally passed. --'-Carried. Moved by Geo" Russell, \ Seconded by W.Jackson, rl'hat thi~ Council adjourn untiJ''l'ue'sday, the 1'4th of Noverriber, 1911, at 2. o'clock p,m. --:-,Qal',tied. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 39 THIRD SESSION-FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 14th daY of Nav,ember, 1911. The Elgin County CopnciI' -met this day at the, Court I-louse, St. I '. -. 'l'homas, at 2 p.m;; according toadjourn,ment. Tpe Warden in the chair; All the :members' present. , , The Warden addressed the Council as' follows: WARDEN'S ADDRESS -'-- 'The present year has been an eventful one for Canadians, \Vo a bountiful harv~sLand tl;10country is in a mos(prosperous< The Federal elections, to b~ follo\ved_ by the Provincial~nd elections, an within a few' weeks, has directed the attentioi1 the,faCt that w:ehave a systein of self~governrri~nt. recognized al:\'the greatest Of, mngland'sin~ep'endent, cOlo'ni,es'; best evidence of this is the appointment of'the King's uncle, the of Connaught, t6 pr~side over the Governmont,at Ottawa; CaJ1ac1l\ the -first -British colony to be thus recognized. T~xatjon. Alow rit~ ofrininicip'al htxatioriappears t'o be in evidence, al~houg-h rateS'se'em to increaS~SOli1e"vhat, ri'tpidl;\', 'e-speciallyin, the Tura~ it is to, be p.qped, that the standa:r:dof education may be An effort is , being made to introdu,ce into pOli-' questions',:relating to the taxation ofbuildingS"arid other jmprov(l,~ on 'land; by tp.aking the rate of valpationof 1.his class'of propert~ with the people 'of the municipality, -Without gOing into tho I desire to say that the basis' of taxation for municipalp\it~ be uniform 'in all mun1blpalities. ' , I Aylmer Appeal. last session" a:n ,appeal was entered by .f\yliher of. t;h.e E?qualizatiob Committee, and: this has 'now 40 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGI.N COUNTY COUNCIL 41 been before the Judge for so~e time, during Which the Solicitor for the tpwri has presented his case, Yfhe Solicitor actin:~' for the county has not yet tendered evidence, but is awaiting the decisionoi the Judge as to'whether a case has been made Qut,'l'he Judge's deCision will be available sh,ort]yand it will thon be necessary to.decidewhatpl'ocedul'c should be taken on behalf of this Council. From i)rs. Turner, Smfth,;E1wen and McKcn:de,'with applications positicfn' of Physician, flcl"9se of. Ihdllstry, Referred to House. of Cammi ttee. . ~ l<:roin~County CO,uncU' of Halton, re expenses, railway Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. accident in~ , Agricultural R~presentative. From $ecretary_ Tillsonhurg' Hi.ghSchool, :with account. Hofcl'l'ed "Education Committee. ',l'he representative of the AgriCUltural Department, Mr. Clement, h~lS 'created a gO,od impression. He has been most_active, hi prosecut- ing 'inquiries, and assisting in improving the agricultural inten~sts tl1rou,ghollt the county; '1'ho brchard of. the-House of IndJstry farm is llOing 'improved by him for demonst~ation purposes, alid it is to be hoped , that any report the House of Industry Committee "i'nuy present in re[or- ~'nce to co-operating with Mr. Clement will receive your earnest approval. Frorri.:fumes'A. Bell,Co,unty Engiheel', "\vi,th report. B.eferrcd to Pub- Improvements COmmittee. li'rom V'iT, 1<'. Luton, M.D., resi,'?;nation as Physician, J:louse 01' Il1lhis-. Referred to House of Indu.stry Committee. Good, Roads. Mr. McLachlin' presented petition from AngJ,IS Murray and others, for fhe,constructIon of a ,bridge across the HiveI' 'l'hftIneS, near Village. /Referre(:' to Public Improvements Committee. ; At the last session; ptanslqoking to"\vard-1he developmcnt. of It County Road s.ystcm were consi,dered, and althoug'h aclion \vas takeIi by this Council \'.'ith a view to having thematterfurthcr considered, it '. . was. referred to the local Council.<;:, and only one or 1\vo of the, munici- palities have.passed resolutions designating roads to "be assumed, and the inference \i~ that local Coundls do not approve of the scheme.~rhe present Premier, Mr. Borden, in'going to the country, sta.ted that he was in faVor of Federal aid for good roads'. Fr,om inquiries made, I ,have ascnrtained' that'the Provin,cial Gover~ment is ill favor of a- s)'s1em of Proviricial roads. So that before many months, we mayexP7ct some def-inite informwtion in reference to roa.dimprovementin' Canada; -and Ontado''in ,particular. It-iS not demped ad'vis-ableto.'disturb the pr~sent Co"lmty Uoad syst.ems,but it is thought that this -should he supple, ll1ented by a system' of Pi'ovincial.roads, subsidizod lJy the Federal Government: Mr. Jackson inqUired in reference to the eff_oet of l~eport of JTjduea,- Committee,)n r-egard to withholdiJ;15' of gniilts [romso'hools pendJng of accommodation. Mr. Gilbert inquired roe liability for damages caused by flow ,bj' athridge recently'constructed on County Line. Mr. IVlcKillop gave notice of appliJ:atiein for. grant of $2G la ,Wesl Poultry" Association. . " PUiJlicSChOOI. Inspector TaYlor, on behalf. or :the St.'l'homa,,--,, 130Hl'd {If.Education, i~lvited the Counc'il' to visit the city schools. , Moved' by.. George Rlu'lsell, With these few remarks, g'entlemen, we wil} proqeedwith the busY- ness. of the session. , ' S~Cbnded by J. E... LindS~y, '1'he proceedings o'C the last day of tho June session, \yere read !;tnd confirmM. 'Ehat this Council accept invitation dC tlleSt. ij7homas BOard of and v1sit the city schooL to:inOlTOW n~o:rning', at, D o'clock. .-C-Car-ried. 'l'ho i'ollO\\'ing communications were read: Se,9onded. by A. Gilbert, 42 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL That the Cnuncil visit the Royal Alexandra Sanitarium at time to 'be"arrallged by the Warden. ~Carried. Moved by W. Jackson, S'e~ondedb~ George Russell, rfhat this Council adjourn until 'l''hursday morning at ten a'CIocIe K. VV; ,McKAY, County',Clerk, S"YDNE'Y S. McDERM'AND,-- 'Warden. r ~ ELGIN CO.UNTY COUNCIL 43 THiRDSESSWN~SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 1'5th. day of November, Hll,l., The C.ouncil visited the schools of St. Thomas in. the mOl'ni~g and" the Royal Alexander Santturium, near L..ondon" in the aft~rnoon. 44 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL THIRD SESSION-THIRD DAY , ~l'hul'sday, .the 16th day of Novem~er, 1911. ~['heEilgin County Council met. thisda3-", aecoi'ding" to adjournment, at the CourtHouse, St, 'rhomas, tho '\'Vardenin the chair, all the memo- ])01'8 present. 'lihe proceedings of the previous day were read and confIrmed. 'rho follo"wing comriltmications "re1"o read; l'~i'om Angus 1'urner, with al;l1ual report as Ii1spector of House or \ J;ndusfri". Referred tOl-louso' or Industry Committee. ,From Doctor Guest,'with. annuai' r~Iiort as.Ph,ysician, House of In~ uUfltry> Referred to' House' of Industry Comniittee. From Doctor Ling, ,,\rUh report as representative~on Board of the RpyuJ Alexandra Sanitarium. Referred to Finance Committee. , , From S'ecretary 0+ tl,1O Royal Alexandra Sahitarium; ;with report. Ordered to' be filed. '1'he report, of the I-Iollseof Indllstry Committee was presenetd arid :rc1'01.:i'~a; tO,a committee of th~ whole, \vitll l\lh'. Leitch in t11e chair.. Arterconsiclering tho report, it was adopted without amendmcl1t,on- mot:i'on of Leitch, seconded,bY vVilson. Moved ?y D. McKillop; Seconded by A. J\11eI..achlin, 'that this Council grant the sum of twontY-Hve,dolJars to the-'West Elgin Poultry Association. ~Carried. :!vlovecl'bY George'Russo}!, Seconded byJ. E. Lindsay, ~['hat ~neovos Stratton, Lcilch and D. l\I[eKilli)p'be a committee- to consider the vVarden'saddr.ess, ~Canied. " . ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 4Q ,I: Moved by C,D: C'an:ipbeH, SeQonded by --W.W.'CampbelI, That this COllneil a<ljoul'll to m,eot at 1:30'p.m, -,Carried, Council Resumed,. Moved by Go.(}}"ge Hussell, Secondod Ly J:E; T,indsay, ~rhfltMr. Cang-hell, be, heard, re County MUJ;licipal Association. I ---,Canied. Mr~ 'W. c" CaughelI-then addres~od 'the 'Council on, behalf of the liJ.Ig:in Munitip;ll Association, ant1 l',equested, that the Heov,es' of' the vad- ". ' ()usmunichlalitl0s 'be a.uthoriil.ed to attend the meetings; tho, same W, Municipal Oqic01's; ~[;he'Varden referred -the ma.tter to the l;'inance Committee. M oye.d. lSy ;0. McKillop, Seconded ,by G,'Russell, 'l'hat this, CouncH receive the rcn.Ol'-t lVIr. ~l~ment': and deputation, rogTl,rding to 'at. thc'June . session of thi~ Council. of .o_u,r District Hepreesntativu; publicity/ advertising, reforrod , --Cal,'Tie'd, . MeEsrs. Clement!" Macdiarmid; Hoberts, ':Hobh,l\1'cCutdy, Morris and H;unt then_ ad-drossed theCounciI in reference to adve.rtlsingag~;iculturn.l possibiliti53s, of the county, with a view tOSGcuring additional iri.l1al)i~ tants and farm labor. "Moved. b~ D. McKillo), Seconded by A, Gilbert, I "', 'J;hat .this.. Council,setasido the sum of five huridred dollars- for.. tho purpose of advertising the advantages 01' this county, tobeexpendec1'bY a com-m-ittoe appoiritedby thi.sCounciJ, . .., '"--c-Lost., 46 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The report of the II:ducatiori Committ~e was'-presented and referred to acommittec of the whole, \'lith Mi'. Jackson in the chair. After con- sidering the report Hwas adopted, ..,vithaut - amendment, on motion of, Jackson, seconded :bY Russell. ,'1'he report of the :Public lroprb'vemenfs Committee was presented and adopted on,motion of Mc~ach1in, seconded by 'Vm., Campbell. Moved by 3'. E.IAndsay, Seconded by GeD.Russe'H, ~I;hat this Coupoil do now -adjourn to meet at eight o'clocI>:._ Cou~cil Resumed: ScilJCitor J....eitch addressed the.Conncil and explained the proceed1 ilngs that had been taken,i-n connection With appeal entered by the rrown o,L Aylmer, against th'c report of the Equalization Committee,: and reported the Judge's Hndings in referencG,to tQematter~ Moved, by W. I); ;Killins, I Seconded by D.Stratton; r1'hat the Solicitor be instructed t,o proceed with his defence in appeal against' the report' of the Equalization. Committee, ias -in the opinion or this Council- the equai'ization of Aylmer is fair-and equitable. -CarrieD. Moved' b;V' W. ;N. Campbell, Seconded by C. D. Campbell, "That -this Council' adjouyn to timet tomorrow, at ten o'clock a.m. -Carri ed~ K. W:. McKAY, " ,County ,clerk SYDNffi}Y S. McDERMAND, Warden~ , . ELGIN. COUNTY coLiNCIL 47 THIRD SESSION-FOURTH DAY WrJday, the 17th tlay of November, ;1-911. The )DIginGnunty .Council met this daY, at the Court House, -Si. 'l'homas,' according to, adjournment. - - " The Warden in the chair. An the memb~rs presen':; 'l'tle proceedingS of the-previous daY were reaq and confil'rrlcd. Moved ,by: J. J. Mistele, Seconded by, W:D~~Killins, ! _ 'Thatthls Council 'hear South\v01d School Sect1onr~~' ll'1spector Atkins, re ,grants withh'eld --'--::'Carri~d. Inspector Atldn addressed the' Council, giving reasons for with- holding' the grants. Moved by O. Mc~enny. Seconded byG. Russell, cll. That Mr. 'X'. H. _Scott of Yarmouth-po allowed to address tho Couri- ....;.,.,;Carried. the, Mr. Scott addre~sed, the Council. Elgin poultry AsosciaUon. i making' aX>Dlicatioll- for&,I'ant to . , MoV'ed py G. Ru,ssell, Sec'onded by Alexander AndeTS'on, Th'at twenty"-'five dollaxs he granted to the lli:lgin 'Poultry AS's'o-Ciia,- ~"':'Carriea'. , The report of the PetitionS .and Legi~iation C'Oln'mittee was pre';; sentedand adopted, on motion of KUHns, seconded by 'Grass. 48 ELGIN COUNTY C,OUNCIL ~l'hc report 'of the c1eputa'tionaPP6iJitec1 to attcn'd tho meeting' of tlls Ontm'F) Municipal Association was p'1'8Son.tec!" and f.l:doptcu;nn motion ( . ,Anderson, seconded by McKnigh~. ' Moved by C. D. Campbell, Seconded by W. W. Campbell, 'J~hat this' Council adjourn until 2 p.m. -'--Carried. -Council Resumed. 'l'he report of. settlement arrived at in_appeal entered by the Town of Aylrrier against the equalization was read and filed. -'rho -report ot thc,-F'inanccCommHtoe was pl'c>;sented and referred,' to: ncommitb~e ot :the whole, with Mr.. Gilbert in the chair..4fter,ari1end- iug thereportthe. C'ommittee rose and reIlort- was' l'Bfoned back to the li'inanc'e C'ommittee; on motion of Leitch,'g.econdedbY.' McKenny. ~l']le r-epOl't of .special Committee 'appointed to consider. tl).e ,matters referred to in the \Varden's ac1dresswas, prescnted, and ttd(Jpted on mption of M~cKillop, secondoJ by Stratton. Moved _by .r., E. Liridsay, Seconded hy G. Russcll, T'hat t.his' Council adjourn,-to mc()t at the eallof the\Varden this . .-----:.CaI'ried~ Council Resumed; 'I'he report of ,the Finance Committee was presented'iuid adopteil. on, motion of Leitch, secbnd~ed by'Jack,son. 'I :,Movcd by M'i McKnig'ht, I . Seconded by ,A. Anderson, .iKlti l~, . ..,-Can'iedi . ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ,19 '1' hat Bylaw No. 8:02, being- a bylaw toamerid BylaW No. 780 and appoint a Physician to Houso of Industry, be received and read' a firs1 time. Moved by D., Stratoonj Seconded by-W. H. Moore, , 'That Bylaw No. 802 be read a second ti~e. -Carried~ Moved 'by'- Geo. Russell, Seconded by 'J. ~. Lindsay, That Byla\\7 No. 802:be rcad a third time and finally passed. J ~Car-ricd. Mov~d by .s.R.~ilSOn, Seconded brAG'ilbert. That Bylu\v No. SOil,boing ,a bylaw t.o appoint nn assistant County~rr'CuSlll'el', bo roc0ived'a~dT0ad a fl-rst thhe. ~CfLl'i'ied: Moved by W,D. KiUins, SE;condedby~~. J.'MisteIJ, 'J;hat E;yla~vNo. -803-be read ~'L s<Jcond timo: -Carried., . Moved by O. ,~'cKenny, ... Seconded by'R. Grass; '.j.'hat. Bylaw No~8'03'be read a, third limo andfl..naIly }1assoQ,. ------;Carried. Moved, by Geo;Russell', Seconded by J. .E. _Lindsay, 50 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTVCO(J'NCIL 51 ''l'hat. the Warden he granted fifty doUars' for extra services. -Carried. ,BY-LAWS Moved by A. D.M'cKil10P, ,BVLA W 'NO. 78,6 Seconded by A. McLachl~n, , 'l'hatfhis Council now adjourn sine die. To. Auti"jorize the Warclel) and Treasurer to Borrow Twenty Thousand Dollars~ ~Carried. Passed 217th January, 19:11. K. W,'lWcK'AY, County Clerk' s.yDNmy. $. McDEJRMA-ND, Warden. 'l'heOoun.tyCouncil'cif the County of the 'County of Elgin enacts: 'That the "\VardElU'-alid'Dreasurer be and arehercby auth6ri~,eci: to " borrow the sum of twenty thousand dollaTS, flS itlp.ay be requhed to meet the curro'nt expe'uditure'oftho:Corporation of the 'County Orlirlgi~, during 1,911, and give as securitytheretC?l' notes 0.[ one thousl:lJ1d dollars each. Council'.Qhambers, St.."l~homas,.,January '2'7th,.1911. W. McK'1\Y, , County Clerk: S,Y:DNrJDY .s.. MtJD:lliHMAN-D, Wal'don. BvLA \N NO.;78Z , To Appoint Countyf\,udilol"s. for the Year 1911. Bassed 2,7th_' Jan nary:, l',9M. YVllereas" under the ~LUtho:dty ofthe"lVtunici}loIAct, everY~,UliiciP'aJ "CGi.:mcii is re,uuired to appoint,cLt its firs-t meeting overy ycar~ bvo Auditors; ",,' c_ Be. it. thcl'Oforc"eJnacted by: the CouncHof the,MunieipaT Corporati:on 'of the. County of J~'-1gin,'under the ~uthority aforesaid, I ,'l'hat ~alkerC., Cau1:('hell . and ..W. A,Galbraith be and.. atep.crebY appoInted Audito!:,s tpexamine and, -rcport. upon all accounts affecting I' 52 EL(lIN COUNTY COUNCIL the Corporation of Elgin, or relating to any matter under its control, or within its j1irisdi-ctionas required by statute or order-in-council;' and also all accounts of school moneys receIved or paid by the County Treasurer for the year.onding 31~st December, 1910; and that said Auditors be, paid' the sum of :S,ixty dollars each for their services. Coun'cn Ohamlbers; St. Thomas, January 27th, 191L K. W. McKAY, County Clerk SYDN\E,Y S. lVlcDERMAND, Warden, BYLA W,NO, 788 To Appoint 'a Board of Audit in 'the Cou,rity':of Elgin 'for the Year 1911. Passed 27th January,1.9.11. Be it enacted hy' the County of mlgin: Council pt..the Municipal Corporation of , That the J'udgeof the County Coudand .Tohn !D. !-indsay boand are hereby aPPointed, members of tre Board of Audit, t9 perfol'lnt~,e duties r'equired of them bY. Chapter 815,R. S.D. 'That the members oft-he ,said Board be( paid the sum of fo'br dollars per~ay ior the'ir, services, andlfive' cents per mile in gOh1g to 'and from ,!;iuch 'audit. Council Chambers, 'S~.T'homaS, January 27th, 1911; K;,W. McKAY, County,Clerk ~ SYDNEY ~s. McBE~MAND, ,- 'Warden; ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 53, , BYLAW NO. 789 To A'pp,oint High School Trustees. Pas'sed 2!7th "January, 191L 'l'heEIgin County Council enacts: , . ,That James Cornel'lbe appointed 'rrustee of the Vienna High .scho'oJ' three years. rl'hat MahlonE. Ly,on be appointed Trus,tee of the Aylmer CoEeg'late Institute for thl'eeyears. Th~t D. 'Cameron; M.D., be appointed rl'rustee of the Dutton High .School fOlrthree years. Council Cham'bers,St, 1"homas, January 27th, i9let. '"'V. McKAY, County Cl~rk SYDNEJY S.'l\tlcDERMANT:i, Warden~ the' BY LA W NO, 790 To' Provide for Office Assistance' for:the County Treasurer. Pas'sed217th 'January, 191'1. \-Vh'ereas it is 'desirable that .T, Mcqausland( Esq., County' Treas,urer, to' advancing years, 's-hould have assi-stan'ce in ,his office; The County Gouncil therefore enacts': the sum of one hundred and fif'ty d'OllaTs be paid instalments,tqJ.McCausland, COUl1ty Tlr'easurGl> to prow, Council Chambers, St, 'l'homa-Sj J~nuary 2'7th,~ 19111, ~:cKAY, County'Cle-rlt SYDN'EY'S. McDERIVIAND, , Warden 54 ELGIN -,CdU.NTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL < all bylaws in thi's respect he'retofore p,assed'be and ii'0 hereby , .r', 'BYLAW NO. 791 'County Council' Chamlbers, SJ. Thomas-, ,16>th JU119,,'.1~H. To ,Appoint a Gaol ,Surgeon. }y.,McKAY, County, Clerk S"ft)NEJV S.Mc.DIpl~MAND, , ' , : J I, vVa,rden "i'I",' Passed Z,7th January, 191-1. , \Vheretis, owing to n,e,cessary' to '!'IlPoimt a ,the denth of VV~ C. VanBusldrJ\:, M,D., it Gaol.surgeon; \ ,l' 1;"- \\:, :".n And Wh~'t~'~tS it ,.is d6s.irable to appoint Robcl't ){airis, M.D., 'who was; 'by Bylaw,N_o. 7315, appointed Assistant ~ul'gcon; BYLAW NO. 793 The COullty\Gouncil of Elgin enacts: I .. a', Representative on the'Boardorbi;'ec't~~s of the Royal Al exa ndraSan ato.rl urn. That H:ob'crt Kains, ]\'1:0." be and is hereby appointed GaoL Sur:, geon. Passed 16th ,Turto,' 1f.111. ~,. "," '., '.' Council qhambers, St. Thomas, January 2701, 1911. ).: \ Wher;eas,"by iig'reemententered' iritobetweon the London i-iealth 'anc;l.the County or Elgin, n,nd' dated tho ,115th day of May, prOViding that the corpo:ratioIiof the County of Eili:;In; 'during the ,entitled to appoint.two directors oithe t9 cOll'sistOf "the Warden' and a representaVve GountyGouneil. K. '."V. McKAY, CoitntyClerk SYDNJ):;Y s: Mc:PJ1~RlV[AND, Warden Tho County Council of Elgin ,enacts: BY LA W NO, 792 '1'hat Georg_~:W, Ling', lVLD., ,Of 'Dutto~,be anli ,is,~her'eby, appointed- thisCOlinty on the Board of Directors' 'of the Ro;val Alex- Sanatorium for' a term of three years. .\Cd T!, Fix 'the: Salary.. of.the' County, PoJice' Magistrate; . . rl'h~lt, assu6h representative, he,is entitled to receive all actual inourredin atte'ndance of meetings of such Board. Pa.sscd 16th .Tun'e, 1911., Ctui.mhel's, St. 'l'homas-; ,16Lh;Tune,191,l. '1'he C'bunty Council of Elgin enac'ts: SYDN'E/Y S. J\l[cDE.RMA:~'r6,\ Wal'C!-en 'l'hat the salary of Ii~rancis Hunt, Count;}' Police Magistrate, he and is hereby fixedat'the sum of five 'hundred and lifty'dollarsl1er payable quarterlY,--to'date'from hsl .Tuly, 1,91>1. lVIcKA Y, County Clerk That the Poliqe Magistrate 'be llaid the sum of ,t\\fenty~llv'c annually for, postage arid: telephone. .66 ~"""'''=='-''''' r', ,~-- 56 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BYLAW NO. 794 To Grant Additional Aid to High Schools. I P.assed 16th June,19l'1. The County Council enacts: 1. 'I'hat tbe sume of qne thousand five hundred doll.ars be granted to the 'following schools: Aylmer Collegiate Institute ..... Dutton Hig:h S'chool Vienna High 8'choo1 ....:..$-600.00 ..... 600.00 ROO,OO $},500.00 2,; '.chat the,St, 'fhomasCollegiate Institute be gTanted ail amount. equivalent. to 2{) per cent, of the' 'C08't of ma!ntenance of county pupils.> County, Council Chamb,ers, St. Thomas" 16th June, )911, K. yr. McI{:AY,. County Clerk SY:DNIDY-S. McDEH1\ilAND, Warden BYLAW NO, 795 To Confirm the Equalization of the Assessmeht Rolls of the County of 'Elgin. Passed16tb June, 1911. The County. Council or-Elgin enacts: '1: ,That ,the following be the equalization of the Assessni~nt Rolls of the County of, EIgin for 19fO: Aldbo,rough DUll-wich Southwold ,.". .,.. ..". "',"" .;,.,$2,977,2054 .",.,.".,.",. .."..., 3,'198,2'54 ':.,..... '.""'" ,.,."".;, 3,-84>0,2.67 EiLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL, 57 Yarmouth .,.. ..." .---.",...". .......:' 'Malahide . ............,... '......,..". Bayham--..." ..,....... ...... .'. "." ..... ...: South Dorchester........, "_" ....... Aylmer ., ........ ..,.......,..... .'-..,., Dutton ... ~"....... ...... .r.,......, J' Port S'tanley .,....,....,..... ....... . Bprfngfleld . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . , Vienna ... ..... ....... ..... ..... ..... Rodn~y .,... .,..........., ,........ West -Lorne . ...... ....., .,'.. ........;"., 4,641,657 2,83.9,810 1,909,51.3 1,678,5'512 -1,066,273' 3BO,5~4 ?118;893 '144,660 99,707 ,218,772 216,633, $2<3,380,769 2. That this:Council is willing to have the final equalization of the assessment i'-;l case ,of appeal made.: by the -County Jud-ge, CountyCounc'ilCh:;tmbers, St. Thomas-, 16th June, 19U; SYDNEY'S. McDEH'M.AND, Warder. . , NOT~'-~Yl'aw,No. 79,5 is amended.by decision of County Judge on appeal" ,reduC'ing",f\-ylmerto $973-,8'HI. 'fhe decision in full isnrinted eJsewhe,re with repnrt bf Equalization C6mmi'ttee. K, W. MeK'AY, Co:unty Clerk BYLAW NO..796 To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow T~ent}' Thous@nd Dollars. Passed 16th June,' r911.. 'The County Qauneil bfElghi enacts: That ihe'vViarden al).d Treasur,er be and are hereby authorized to renew notes outstanding and to borro-w' the'sum of, twenty t,lwusand doUars, as -itlIlaY be require'dio meet the current, expenditur,eof: the Corporation o'r \he County ofElgindurlng Hllil,andg'ive' as' s~curity therefor noteso! one thousand dollars each; County COUll'ci'l Chambers, St.' 'fhomas,' 1'6;th,: June, 1911. K, W.McKAY, County, C!erk 'SYDNEY S. McDER1\;[AND, Wardli"u 58 EI.,GIN. COUNTY COUNCIl., EL,GI.I:<h COUNTY' COUN,",I.I.,'. 50, BYI.,AW NO. 797 To Confir'm- Bylaw No. 866- of the_iow.nship of. Malahide." ' BYI.,A W NO. 799 To ~Raise' Amotints"for';'CotfhtY'Rateii.:t;l~ri'r'i'g';the "'ea'~'19<11. Passed 16th June, 1911. , . \Vhcl'cas ,Bylaw Number 866 of the TowIlshipof Malahide, 'closing \,' . / . .- ',_ l and stopping up that part of tl1ehighwa'Y running over andacToSs the south.: half of Lots Nos. lil, 12" 13, 14 and 15 in the Fh'st-Co.Jlcession of the .sa'W 'liownship of Malah~(l~, was pal'ised in Council fon - the sixth day of~)'ebruary, 19H,; p,q.,s,sed ,', JIJIlC" .l6th, ,19Ht, 1 ..". U;'\ d'l i,';r'" And whereas, it Is . desirable thatl:!aid B~rlaw should be confir~ed by this Council; W'hel'eas, ,-an' \csLi.ma.te:has,:)beo"n.,-made" sh(J\vijy~' that: the: sum. of~ 11fty~two thousa.nd and hinet;Y"l:)ight ,dolla;rs- is':r84ui~red;,tt)';beT~l.iscd in the severar M'U!licipalities for!he !a"vful purVoses of tho County during tho ,year 191:1.' ,:~'i'i)): ',,1 ~ehe EJ,lgin County 'Council therefore enact that Bylaw Ole 'J:bwnship of MalahWe be and is' horeby con,firmed. Nu~bei. 866 A~d wheie:i:s; . by' tho As~ossment Act, '>this "Cblihci{'\:~'\'equired to - ' , ' , .(lir;oct what pOJ:.d6'n:~of lh'esum.'toDe 'le\riedfol" Cou:rit.'ip'~'rposos shtLll Do levi,ed in ,each'J\:::'uniciN\.llfi iitth'o' COunty; - ti 1-' Ill" K. W. M.cKAY, County Clerk S~NEY S. MeDmR'MAN:D, Wardel'i And wherop.,s,: t~:~ r:;t.t~s.:a:t,''?r,Eiq1Jirq{t ~q he~,(),~lc?l~t,e_9,~nbs6 muc,hon tho dollar uPo.n :~l1e~ctl'!E\.l;,,>:al\1-y.of ,~IL th,c r~al fLndj,ppr,s.\iI;n,al property equalized ill,Jh.e pry/?od!l)-g_yor-;r:., ,u' County Council Chambers, St..".rhomas-, 16th June, '191l. , And wherpas, tbeactual value of tho real and, personal property o[ County,' as 'ascertained and' equatil'lod1ri-19:LO.' i~>;ll:sfoiiows: \ ',:.-'1"" BYI.,AW NO. 7.98 M\i.~ici~a~itY'. ' rJ\;t~,l. ECluaJil'l;,e,d Y~l_:JJ~. I. AI~1?oro~~~ '..,'.' .',' .,:,~.~ .,-~ .:," .".:.~~?,~,08~9p.~:( D:UPj\vich .:......... ... .. .,' \..... .'.... 3,5,5,3,61,5' Southwold .,............,... '... 4,2~6,9G3 Yarmouth . .'. ...'... ...... .'........... 5,11>-7,3,96 M':::-:l1fmd~ ':', .:t-",." " :':L:,\~,d'.'."'.."'. $,155,344 Bay'l:latn. ..,....... .'... ................ 2,121;681 ,~'o,u_t~.P()r?he~~s!:>::\,:.....;...... ..... 1,865,0'5,7 Aylmer ..... .,:.'... .'... ."............ 1,24!~1~2" Dutton ........ i. ._................... 367,248 Port"Stanley ....'..................... 243;214 Springfield .... .,................. .... 169,192, Vienna ................. ........ ...... ,HO,7S,5, Rodney .............. .__........... ... 243;080 vVest~--,orne '....... ,... .,...;'......... 2'10,703 To Extend the'Time,of the Enforced Collection by S~le of Non- Residi:mt Taxes [nthe County of Elgin. Passed 16th June, 1911. ~I~hc County Council e~lacts: 'that thetimo for the enfol''Ced cbllection by .sale Of non-resident taxes of the County of ]DIg-in, be :l;\.ndis hercb;,' extend:ed 1'oron,o yem',. County Council Cha:tnbers;St. Thomas" 16th.June,t911. ){; W. McKAY, County Clerk SY'DNEYS. M'cD~H_MAND; Warden $26,049,439 60 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN :COllNTY COUNCIL Th-erefore the Council of the MunIcipal .corporation of theCoUIity of' Elgin' enacts': BYLAW NO. 800 1. T'hat a rate of two mills ~n the dollar be levied orrall rateable proPl.'!rtY,in the several,municipalities in the County oJ,Elgin, as abOV8 ~et forth, for the year 1911~ 'to raise .tn.efollowing amount's: Of th~_ M uniqipal Corporation of-the- County of Elgin: Whereas the DOminion Nrut1iral Gas Gompany,'Limited" hereina.Ete1' called_ theCom'pany,is.a corporation duly organized and exil:lting under the laws. of Ontario,. for the purpose, among others,' of constructing, mainta;inlng -and pperating _,wprks -fo.r:the produc,tion,::'s:ule- and distriJm-' lion of natural gas for-the purpose of light,heat andp'owel'. 2. , That the sum of fifty-two thdus-and and ninety-eight dollars ,be raised and Jeviel~in,.the several municipalitic's in the county, according to the following_ schedule, a:t;ld that the amounts, as entered thprein, be paid to t~~ County ,Treasurer, as by law required': Schedule. And \vher'eas, under and by virtue of, certain bylaws of, the ViHae;e of Vienn,a and Po~t Burwell, a,nd of the rl"ownship of Bayham, ,the said Com:pany'h~s been_granted permission to layahdimLintain mains and pipes fOr (he transmission of natural gas through, uriderand alorig the st-reets,- highways, 'and ,public: place's, of the said municlpaliti'es, for the t'~ansmission of l1atur!i1 ~,3:s. Municipality. Total'. ~ldborough ""., ..",....,.,..,...... ..$ 6;616 Duruwich , . , . . , . . . . , , . , . , . .' . . . , . . . . . 7,1-07 Southwold ,.,..,...,.."".....,...".. 8,-534 Yarmouth ,..",..'.,.........."...,. '," 10,315 Ma,lahide, .,..,.",.".""" ,.."...." 6,311 Bayham ."".""".".."...",."... 4,243 South; ;DorchGster ....,.. '.". . .." . .. ., 3,1'30 Aylmer ,. .', '_'" ,'. .,.. ..... ",'" ...... '.' 2,494' Dutton' ,..,........ .,., . . .". . . ,. ",.,. , 734 Port-Stanley" .,."....,..,..."....,... 486 Springneld .;','. .'..""".,.,."..., ,..', 338 Vienna' ...."....' '. . . . , . . . . ,,' , . . . , ' . . . 222 Rodney ...,. .,........;..... ..,.......... 486 West Lorne "..",.,...",.":.,,. ,. .;', 482 . , And wl1ereas, in, th~ /construction, of its' pipe line "system; it . necessary for the Company' to by and' maintain, mains and pipl:"~' 'ari.dacross, 'certain ,bridges and the 'approaches thereto for' 100 feet, at ~pot~ ends of eflch- of said' bridges,acr6ssBig' Otter' Creel:\:, '\vhich said bridges and approaches are the property of the .Gorporation of the. Courity or Elgin. / And ,whereas the said Company pas' laid and. is maintaining systems of main - pipes for the', distrihution Of' such gas, in saidyillageS;arid: is aboltt tolay mains'forthe tra:nsm~ssi9n of such gas.thl'ougl;1 said vil- lages. and township to the Town,of Tihsonburg and elsewhere, , , $52,098 Now'therefore, the, M-uniQipal Council of the Corporation of the County of EIgindoth. here'by. enac~: County Council Chamber, St. Thomas, June 16th, 1911. K, W;'"McKAY, County ClerIc SypNEYS. McDE-RMAND, Warde-'n. 1. ,Subject,_as after mentioned, and to the provisions of9 Ed. VII., C, 75-, permisSion ls hereby granted,to the s'aid Company, its successors and assigns, . to c.onst-ruct and. thereafter maintiin (a) A main pipe"not to .cxceed two inches i:Q'side diameter, along, 'and across thebr'idge and approaches thereto; as afOJ::esaid,cl'ossing -Big Otter Creek, on Bi'idges.treet, in the Village of 'Port Bur,.$-ell; (b) A main pipe, not exceeding four inches and.acroas the bridges. and approac~es thereto, 61 Ri"",,,""'i,~.~=,.."",,,,,,,;;r,,,,<=,"=~~'"""T=._' ,- _.=.v,~",.~".~~= - - 62 El.oGIN' COUNTY COUNCll.o ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Big' Otter Creek, in theVillago of Vieuna; for the ,convoyance()f natur,al gas and to conv0/ natural gas therein for.the period of twenty-five yoa.rs l~roIri and' after tho passing of, this Bylaw. , ," '," , .' Provided alw.ayS, that.this'nYlaw'shall not haveany force or effect, unless and' until the OOmpany 'sh~:tl1 havc executed and delivered to the c.orporati(l~anag:reei;ll2)nt in, the form Hereto annexcd as S~hedule "At' 'and' thevVal'den is"herebY au'thori'%cd to exec)J.te and deliver such agl'ee- ment.,und,or s:e}~l of thc:.?O'l'.poration,,"c'ouptqr's-ig.ned,bY the 'Clol'-I~ when itlld/as so'on as the sa.m'e has,hcen'e~ecuted 'l{Y the Company, And whereas, in the constrt:iction of its pipo line systerrl. it is n<'Jces~ sary'for'the Company to Jay and maintain mains and pipes along and across certain 'bridges and ':th'e';ppr~~'(;h.e~'-thereto, f'or.1.00 feotat lw1h 'ends. of cf.ich. of' said hrid,g'es crossing Big ,Otter Greek, which said bl'id'ges ancl approaches are tho property of theCorTl'orri.tlon of the ," " .. '" County of Elgin. . Now therofo1'((", the, 'Munictpal .co-)Jpcil County of EI'gin' doth hereby onact-> , of the Co-rpol'ation of ,Passed ,this 16th day of 'June, A,. l!.. 1911. 1. Subject, as af,ter montionodi';u,nd"to,tll'eprovisiol1sof C. 75, pei'misston is herebygrantcd to the saW-Company, its and assigns;, to constnict, and thereafter 'maintain successors K.\V. McKA Yj Cou~ty Clerk. SYDNRY S. McDERMAND, W ~rden. (a)" 1-\ main pipe" not to cxceed 'two, ii}.ch'es. im;,ido '(]i'}metcr, along' I;lTId across the,bl'~dgesand(1llproa-ches thereto, as aforesai{:l" crossing Big Otter Creek, on' Bridge stree~, in 'the Village of Por~ ~urwell; BYLAW NO. 801 (b) ,A main pipo, not exceeding foul' inches ins~de- ~liamcter, along ahd. aCt'OSs th~ "'hridgesand a-ppro<.ac)1es tllercto, as aforesaid, cJ'ossin.~'" ",' " ",-' " '" ~ ,', '. Big; Qtter Creek; in the Village of Vionna'; for ..the conveyance of natural ga-sand, to eo'nve';\, nat~l~,il gas, therein fQJ'.the period of twent;y-fivo,l, ,'{ " years from and, after the passing of this Bylaw. Of the)VluniclpalCorporation of the Gourity,pfElgin, Wher<;las;"l'heCenlral Pjp(jl'Lin.c Company, J..Jimited~ of1he City: oC Chatham,heroinfd'ter called 1he Company, is -a corporation duly organ- ized r{~d 'existing.. nndor ,the.la\\'S of Ontario ,Jor tho purpose, nmtwg others, of constructlng', maintaining and operating works.1'(;r the pro- ,duction, sale and distrilmti'onoC natural gas;, for the 11urpOSCs of light, boat: and powor, Provided always, tll,at 'this' Bylaw sha.1i'not haye any -forco 0'.' unless and' until 'the Company, sh,al].,lwy.~',ex.~P9tP(1,ll,nd' .dQli'ver,Qcr',1 'Corporati-~rian;.tgreement intheform h'eretoannexed as -S:qiH~(lule 8J!d'the'Warden is herel~~. a~l~hori7.ed to ,o'xqe.ute..!(.,lJ.ddolivor sU{~h' agt'Qe-, ment undor' 8'oaloftho CCJ'I'!J'oration,'C'ounters-igfilerl by 'tho ,Cl:crl< \';'h'en and as soonns' the same has been execlttedby;'.the Cblhpany. Andwhel'eas" under and by virtue of oGl'tain bylaws of the Villages of Viemi'a lind'Port Bunvell,and of tho 'l'iJwnships' or JJayhani and '~aI8J1ide;'thc said Company 'has been grantodpermission to layat1<'1 mfdtitairi mains anci pipo'sfor tlle'transmission of natural' gas through, Linder and along; the streets,' highways and "public places of tho said inun'icipa:lities, 'for the transmi,ssion of natural gas. J.=>assed .this 16th day' Of Juno"A.'D. 19lJ. K. \V.J\ilcKAY, County Clerk. SYVN]!}YS. J\/IcDJi};:Hl\1'4N:Q, Warden. And whereas lhef3aid Company 'has laid. and is maintaining systems of main piPeS for the,dist)'ibutionOf such gas ' j'n s'aid,yilIages, and is \ apout'to lay mains for the It'f\.l1/'imissibn of such gas' through si:dd viI:" lages fLnd tow~shjps to the ~I;own' of Aylmer anJi elsewhere. ,64 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY, COUNCIL 65 BYLA W NO. 802 REPORTS OF 'To. Amend' BylaW No. 78~l: , COMlVlITTEES AND OFFICIALS , , \',' ..... > 'rhe C'ounty Council of,the County ,ofmlgin ,enacts: 1. . That Fredericl!: Guest, M.D" be and is hereby a~pointed Physi~ clan of th6 'Elgin Hbu:;,e of. Industry, ' 1911 Standing Committees 2. 'l'hat~Ylaw No. 780 :be amended accordingly., ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Council C~ambers,--St. 'l'homas', 24,th.November,-19H, K.\V. McKAY, ICounty Clerk, , S,YDNEY S. McD'mRMAND, W a~den. Ge.'oi. a:'nd 'House of Industry Committee. Willlfuri ;,Jaclq;;:ou, Chairman Messrs. William D:, Kili~ns, Mri:chael' McKnight BYLAW NO, 803 Finance ',Committee. ,A. ,J. Leit'ch,', Chairman . Messrs, 'Nilliam" W. Campbell, Alexander McLachlin, Abs'cilo"rn Alex'ander Andpi's6n,'David Stratton; Silas R.':VVilson Os'car' M~Kenny';Wm. Jaclu.;on, To Appoint an Assistant to the County Treasurer. 'l'heEJ-Ig\l1Counly Council, enacts: 1. 'l'hat Kenneth McKay be and is h,ereby appointed Assistahtto the County 'l'reasurer- at the salary of $800 per ai:mmn, pay'able, quar~ .terty. , 3. 'rhat Bylaw/No. 7910 be repealed. P_ubliclmpr_ovemerfts Commiftee. Alexand~r McLachlin, .;Ghairma~, Mes'si's. William :VV. Campbell', A'bsolom Gilbert, .George Hussol1,Da,vld StraHan; Silas R Wil::;;on, John EI. I.Jindl';lay"DanieLMcKillop 2. That the Assistant' Treasurer be Tequired to attend to 'all' duties fnconne:ct'ionwith the office of Ti'ep.surez: and countersign a,u cheque~~ / , , 4. That this Byl'a w-talre effect from and after the l~t ,of Dec,<?mbor, K.W.McKAY, County Clerk. SYDNEY S. McDE'RlVI.AND; Warden. Petitions and ~eg:islation ,'Committee. William D. F;illins, Chairman Colif1,D. Campbell, Alexander D. McKillop, Alexander Anderson, William H,Mciore, Rob01,t Grass) J.J. M'istele~' ,. Council Chamber~; St., Thomas, 17th November, 1<91<1. " "'~ COUNTY COUNCIL :00 Et;G', N ;'COUNTY ,'COUNCIL Education-Committee. ,i . ," have less difficulty in, mastering and grasping their problems, and progr~s's. The comm"\1ufty too Ihecom:es'IDoro' dult:ured and as its acqua,intance with the literature. and: science contained. ~n Public School Library becomes enlarged. Some.of,the are worthy :of the se'ctioll'S, and the cruuseof true educaHon, some others, are quite -inadequate to the nee'dsof the school. is no moree:ffe,ctive way of buiIq:lng up the goodciUzenship,of th'an by )nstilIing into' the minds of the children of today, to be the citizens of ,tomorrow, _al"one to ,read' about all that.is noble, true arid, good. A child;ho has been taught to read, good' literature is reasonably saf,e, intellectually andmoraUY;"~ J'; i;'Mi~'tC'ie:_'! chi1h:inan Messrs; C;ol,in D.' 'Campbell" ~.lexande~ D, McKillop, -\Villiarp'D. KUHns, GeorgoHusseH, ,Michael McKnight, 'Williaro H. 'MO'ore,Osoar McKenney, Robert Gruss, JohnlJ1.I--,indsay, ArohiboJd J.Leitch, DaniefMcKillop. .,'. 'L'. N.B.-'-'l'he Warden is 'ex-officio a member of all ,Standing 'Committees: ,\) Teachers. 'ANNUAL REPORT OF). A. TAYLOR, PUBLIC SCHOOL INSPECTOR JANUARY SESSION -The teae.hers arelnmost cases 'earnest, enthusiastic, energet'ic,.and The schools: are su'ffering, however, from too . freqU~nt of teacpers.Afactquite, notic.eablei:n several schools.' 'The ~carcity o(teachers is d'1le, to (1') the inad~quate salaries offered most School Boards, (2). mare ample;reliluneration in, ind'uslriaJ al,1d (3-) iinmigmtion to th,e West and ,its'hetter opportuni':' andh'igher financial -considerations. When one ,coupl'es with 'tho incid~ntal'to becoming a.fully qualified teacher, the hig;h cost living of today, he sees-the inadequateness of the present salUiries. ex.per:ienc~ranges_ froJn2,Q years to, npne; the average is: five; six without,:anyexperience. In the county parts of my Ins:pectorate, four teachers \hol1 "firs't:-class' gertifi'cates;. 'ninet~en hold seco'l"1-d':' class; \wo hold limited thirds; two hold Provincial ttJ,i-rds; ,one holds a tem- POrary, and . five . hold renewe;d thirds,~ ,ExlC1us'ive of the ,principals .ot Vlest ,Lorneand 'Hod'ne~',_ there a're seven male tea:c'hers receiving an averagesal,ary of $5,62: 'l'he -average saUiryfor female teachers is $489. Compare with thigthe salad,es offered in..the,Western:'Provinc'e.s. In i\.lberta,. in:~'19'08 the, average rural s-alary for male teachers was $635; and for females $621 ;whHe in-British Columbia it was $6'50 for male teachers and '$5;5,0 for fema-lc,teachers'. When the various grants' are into consideration.,..-to'wnship, aycommodations and equip,ment, Ii"brarY,fifth _ dolSS, . tea,ch~rs,dentificates:-:--the cost of maintain:- 'ing th-isgreatest of all publicutiliUesiis found to be- not unduly burden- For purpose~- of referen-bes L sub'mit the assess'edvalue. locat general,school'rate oithe sections. , '1'0 Lhe \Vardcn and' ,lVI'embers'of the County Coupcil: Gentlemen:- , I:have the IlOnOI' tosubmi t my first. annual report on the con'c1i,Horis , dT.the.p:u'IJ11c S-chools. in the Inslpectorate of m~gin. 'V"est. Promotion Examinat,ions. Uniform Promotlon E:x:amiMxtions' were held thr01.1ghout my :~nspcc- torat: of, _-W?l::!~ 'mlg'i~_ (Ln~_ ,~t,--rr,ho~nas -during the last. week. .of . J'unc. "l'hcs'p' examinatio'ns'arb"a groat 'incentiv!?to both teachers ancl".pupils; 'they g-ive direction, to teachers; secure' m0'1'etcgu1'al'ity inattc-ndance, g,'ivc better daissinc'atl~hi;-ai!d>'sta'd'dirig: 61" tHo 'plipHs, and -futnish uniformity of g.rading tIlroughciut the InspectonCte. School Libraries. Ltlstycar the I~egisllatuJ.'e voted,$6;:OOO in aid of 'RuI'al E?chool Ubnlries_1'1'S:' an_ a~ditiom~l,perc~l1,tag,~,on all bool<s p,urchascdhy School Boru:ds, h':Gtween"_d6ti)ller'1;st,)~09, i-i.nd Octoher 1st, 1910~ M.any sections trlf,tdeinYGsbnentsin,hooks and rGceivcd liheral grant;s; . Onm~V:isit to 'the ,school,s I outlined with the teacher 'a. course _calculated to .pro~ mote morc 1{omh:al reading among the pupils. With candidates for' the entI'ahce" examinations a' ccrtain amQuntof supplementary-readiIIg is neecssary. There is no gr:eaL;Jr aid to erfec~ive teaohing'; than a properly -gt.a'd'6d;'An'd'\'\'ell rOKuI'atcc1librar;,,c. 'rho I)Op'j'ls \vho 'rbuil;; "1;OS'5e8S a w1&:r li1tClli,g'&ri'i5'G; are more in.terested in tllOir work,attenc1 more regu- 97 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL S$, 1, 2 3 .1 Dunwich Assessed Value 5 $176,250 137,080 l69,40(y 18-8,915-0 104,1:00 124;,37;1 198,893 1.2 .80,000 .7 pJ7,0510 ,1.0 20,0,315,0 ,1.0 142,4,210 3;.3 2,50,000 .9 177,D75 3A J%.,8M 6.4 9f1;S76 1.~ 1,3,5,665 :1..8 rate, 1.~ :riliUs. 6......... 7' 8 9 1,0 1:1. 12 1'3 14 \'5 l,(i General .9 Alclborough Rate 8.8. Assessed Vatue Rate mills 1... ... .SlOO,l'O'O \ L5milIs' 'mills 21....... ,1;32,5-5,0 2.3 mills mills 3........12;8,875 2".4 mills mills 4.......; 111,750 1.4 mills mills 5.. . .... 9G,US G.D mills i 6..... l3iS,OOO 6\5 mills mills 7.... . 182:,245 2,0 mills mill-s 8... 1,5,3,865 1.3 miIlR roms 91..... 1.70,2'2,5' -l.8 mills tl?-ills 10.. . 105,4:15 2.6 roUls mill~ 1lIJ.... 1134,800 2.6 mills mills 12"..... 160,3.05 1.0 mills mills' 13..... 49,895 1.7 mills roms 14...... . 85',.2,50 2;5 mills mills H.,. 95:,7150 2.6 mills mills 5.4 1.2 1.0 1.4 . Con'titiuation Schools -and Fifth Classes. General rate, 2.2_mills. '1'he Continuation 8'chools at Rodney and 'Vest I~orne continue to qo !?,ood work. I~ is,,ho\vever',very dHlicult}or oneteachcr to pass can'- didatcs st'iccessfullyfor junior lel:tving.. It is no easy worl>: even for Hig'h8chools with four or 'five te'achers. Many of the l'uraI-schools arc ecluiPpedsufnciently: \vell to success-fullY proscClite the work of the' ,first fo,rm 01' the High S'ch~ols, 'l'hese nfth chi.,sses areo:xcellent fceders of the IHgh Schools'and _many pupils find themselves at HighS'choo) who'would neVer ha,:e heenthero ,were it not for fifth claiS~es. In addi';.. don, thcse,classes bring to, pli'pils re1TlOte frQm High Schools tho bless- ings of higher educatiOn. They should receive every, encoprag'ement. This county recognizes their wprth, -as it douhles the Government grant to them. Teachers' Institute. '1'ho first 'l'eachers' Institu,te of this newly org'unizoq Ins.peotonite Was: hold in 8t. 'l'homas (,n October 6th ,and 7th. The Dopartment ;ldndly S~:llt lVIi'. S-tephenson, of the 1,00(\00 Normal School,_ who con- tributed throe cxcellenL.J'llwers. 'l'hemeeting\\'us an abundant S1.1(;> cess,' tht? tea-cners'aJl agreoing ,that it was ono of the best Institute meetings ,the~i ever atten(led. Neal'lyevery teacher in tho Inspectorate was, present. I .,.i~\!.....;__J.~~_.i1 El-GIW COUNTY COUNCIL 00 , New~Schools. School Section No. '14 Dun,wich el'ected two new' cement schools durin'gthe year_at a' cost of,about $2,,800. \"'hile:those schools are; noJt . large, they 'f.U'e \yell buHt,well lightedandv'entilated, m()dorn in plan and equipment, and f,urnish sufficient a!ccommodatio'r\ for the -presen.t attendance,-No,. 8-, Aldborough. hal:3 been completely i"emodelIed a:rld refurnished,. and is onc 01' the most,up~to-dal,eschools, in the..:tn~- spectnmte. ,r am h'oping./tI1at at ioast 2 more new sdhoollS' wm be-erected the' coming summer. The school should be tho finest .type, ofarchitEic~, ture in the seotion. It is'hel'eachiId spends eig'ht of tl:1ebest years,of its'hfe. Why should children leave their commodious and we1.l-erocted homes, equipP,ed with'evei'ymod(;1i'n convenience and accomm'odation" to seek ed!-1cation .in schools 'whi-ch ar~e at once unsanitary, 'badly vqJ.ti- lat,cd, 'poorly light,!Oifi, and miserably-heated. Schools'shouI'd, so far as possible, furn'ish equality'of. qpportunity fol'pI'oeuringan education to every ,child. I Seatirig Accommpdat'ion. ,Porh,apsthe/most outsta:n'ding deJect in our schools at the present time.is the 'poor s'eating accommodation. It -is a crime _,against reaSon and tJ1e;cl~ildren's woll }J;eingto,h,ave them sit day after day and, mon~h aft6r mont.h in seats so" unsuitable that in so~e ca:ses pupils have to bend' ovor to:r:each their, dC'sks, thus producing' chest and lung con- traction, while in other. caso.'? seats 'are so hig-h th~:t the '.0hldren's {'oet cannot -reach the floor;' many cases' .of' curvaturo .of the spine result, from ~U9h seating. Janitpr's Dut:ies. Many Boards are either unable to secure suitable janitors, orate linwiHing to pay a wage sufl1cient to command tho services of a suit~ able person. As a resuIts-ome schoolsjiarepoorl)Tattended to. The cleanly housowifewith t\yo. or -three children, washes. the, ld,tehcn . fI001' at least once a, weel>:, '\~hile ruany a school ho:using som-e' thirty or: f,orty" children, 'gives'its floor abathopce a year; Many oithc outhouses' larc dCla~idated anudo notke~p Ci~ltthe-snowj l'ain 01' wind, and thus the childre:p' are 'for.cedta suffer groat.inconvof1ienee and ,hardship.' DririkingWat~r. Several ,S'eh-oo! Boards experience considel'ah1e dif-ricul~Y in pro- curing (l, sati$f-actory ,S'upply of' Imre-:drinldng wG\-t'er,and yecourse,is, . 70 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL had to the o-pen bucket,: anddrinldng cup, Su'ch water i3xp0sed under worst possible conditions tathe ,germs of dust~laden atmosphere and 'to the contagiO,n that is ulymys' possible with thedrinldng cuP, is a standing meria:ce'to the children's health. In all such cas'0s the closed porcelain lined tank shou.<ld be used, S.ubjects" 5t,ressed. While all, the subjects on thecurricuJum are ,necElssary'for a hroad andciJltural education, yet all do. not merit. the same' aniount of. atten~ 'HOll. I have ,endeayored\ to 'stress the SUbjects of C6rn:p~sition, writing, rea.ding, spelling, geogTuphY and art, as, I regard these as basal to 'a good g'eneraleducation. UnfortunaJelythe 'blackboards irl many of the sG'hools,are unsuitable in qual'ity ,and'ins~mden't in qUantIty-us!M, and many, are too high for young' ,pupils. SevE<ral Boards dUring the year ,exchang'ed'their old. obsolete boards for new slate ones, S'atisftLCtory work is impossible\ where the blackboard space is not ample, Influence ofEnvirori~e;'t. -Not all education is gotten from books; there is the ed1.?-cation that comes from, one's emrironment; A bare wall'\vill' never develope tp.e, aesthetic side of a, child'sdbaracter: I have urged all teachE<,l's ahd school.boards to sperid at least a couple of dollars in' perry pictures, to relieve the monotony, of the bare walls, "rhe habits~ ta~tes,,_alld mOl'als a' cltild forms at school arc mostlil{(~ly to remain\vith it'throvg'h life, Bare walls, torn window blinds, carved 'anddisHgured desks~ uneven floors, unleveled and treelessgrourids, rusty stove pipes, brokcnfenees, and miserabl'e outbuildings will produce in,' th,e minds of the children such a state of contented familiarity that will be reflected in' all' their after life with losslo thcmselvesavd injury to .the ,State. Dela-yed Reports. ~.rhe statistical -part ,of, this r~port is deferred until the June ses':' sian, as, threE< Boards' haveneglectecL to sendIn their annuaL reports,', As the Inspector'sa'nnuall report is due '8,t the Dep'artment OIl February 1st, not as heretofore, onM-arch 1st, it will be imperative in ,f~ture- for all Boards ,to act promptly. In closing this" my f1rst 'report, ,:1 wish, to ~hanl{youforthe 'interest you aretaldng 'in the education of:th'e fuyu~e citizens, the trustees of posterity,and I also cordiaily tha~k teachers and trustees fo.r: th~ir willingness to carry ,out my sugges'tioris arid their hcar~y co-bperation in itrlP:roving the schools, J. k TAYLOR, p, S.I. !;;LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT OF W:'ATKIN, PUBLIC JUNJO SESSION. SCHOOL 'INSPECTOR, St. Thomas, 13th June: 19H, the Warde'n,and Members of the Eiigin County Council: Qeritlemep:- I have the honor of presenting for yOur consideration the public schools of East-Elgin, for the' year 19H>, m~' report. On At your January session I gave ,YOU a report of my character' or' the work done by the teachers, the grades certificates, and the': sa,nitary cond1tion of school~houses. visits, the of teachers~ 1 reported about 270 'visi,ts made pymyself last year; ,since th,efirst' of J-anuary,,Ihave made about' 17,0 visits. oLvisitshave varied from one to -three to each schoOl. This y~ear, "I''he number say that_most,of the schools have complied 'with the ventilartion. By the -&1'8t of September, when schoOls all" to be satisfactory in thispn,rticular, There ,are' seventy-seven 'rural ,alid 'four urban schools in spectorate, anddurihg -Ul1{J there were 104 teachers emplOyed., ,Iam,gladOt:, regulations as to re-open,' I expect this In- 'l~here \yere 3,312,8 chil,di'enattending the r:ural "schools and 582the urban, ''l'he total cost of maintaining- the_ rural schools was $60,44-6. Government grants amounted to ,$9,,0310.51;'leavirig:a balance of to be raised by taxation, ,'The to'tar cost of maintaining the: was $19,9,6.'1.1:6, The totwl Government -grants,to urban schools was $74-L54, leaving a balance oL $10,2,21.61' to be rais,edbytax- ation, The ~ass~ssment of' rural section~ ,rangeS,-frOln UO,OO,O,OO'td $3,00,0;00.00: Th1s' wide rang'e of seotian values necessitates :very dHferences ,of taxation faT school pU'rposes. A p:upil in ,deserves; arid from a national. point of view, demands as, good for an educati'on as in another. That is to say, the va,lued at $40,,0'00' is at as large' an expense,as ,a he'ighboring valued' at$20Q;0'OO,' ''l'his. is manifestly' a most 'unfair condition Yet- in: an old 'county like E',lgin,the location of the sd;'lool usually ofapermanent character; is a fixture for the present: s~chons cannot be equalized. \ 7I 72' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ,rl'o my mind the reasable solution o1',tl1o problem of equalization of taxation for school purposes, is the institution bf'l'ownshipBo,ai'cts of 'rrustocs, whowbuld,without dist1,1.rbing existing' buildingsof"R per'" manent charactor; provide ecjua~' opportunity to all children 'of the township at 8" uniformcbst ~() the ratepayers of _the town'ships. Und,or the mana,gement of a'J'ownship Board, .all the schools of-a townshipwQuldbe provided with uniformly good accommodation, KOodb1quiPment, Ul:iifo1'rn grades of teachers, good grounds p16perly decorated, etc. 8ehool gardens \vouldb~--Pl'ovided- at every school. '1;l1on there is the problem o.f schools \vith fifth claMeS. This could- be more economically dealt. with, A -schOOl' -wit.h a t1fth, class' this yeat m;;ty not have one next year. 'l3ut for a schOOl to getitsl share 6f'the. 'l-,eg'islative; anq. M.unicipal Grants a spocialequipinent for ,the fifth dass must" be provided ata cost offrom$100 to $1,3,0, U::rtder a 'rownshipBoard the equipment' could be transferred from one school to ,another -as necessiti\lS b'f the cost might l'eq:uire. I am s-aUsHed, that thi's question oi'Tmvnship Boards'is one that should engage the atten- tioh of the people of; mytoWllships. Continuation Schools. 'fhere are three mostsuccessfu.l Continuation ,Schools in this In- sP0:ctorate, at sprit;gfield, Belmont and port Bun;elL 'l'll'e l,vhole tirne :6f:t-wo'teachers is devoted.- to the school at Port Bur,well. At.Spring-- neW and Belmont, Jach school' require's the time of the Prhicil:la.I:and ono-half of the time .of a second teacher. 'l'heseschools arc doi,ng,excel- .lenl worka;nd'have as high as twelve pupils 'up fOcr the, ~l'eachers' and University Matri-culatian ex-aminations thi~ Y~9-'r: Scarcity o~ Teachers. rrh~re is ,still' a scarcity of dulyqUaJiflc,d teacpe,ts~ 1'here is no doubt but this sC'~rcitY was caused by the migration ofteachors; trained in.Ontarib, to the new',Provinces ih the\'\'est, as -we arc training. ahout 1,"lmO ne"v toaoho1;'s annually in' our' Provin'oe: To relieve this' s,caroity, the Education, Department has arranged to establishl,tempo'rarilY, some fpurtoen Mo-del Schools iIi, different parts of tho' Province, to'. provide third' clf)'sS teachers, for those part~ of the ]?l'ov,inco .notable to ,secure' second or' fh;st class ~ teachers. Very..few men,urc entering tho profession 01' teaching; astl1c industrial I'lUrsui{s ELGIN COU/'lTY COUNCIL aro-,offering tempting fi,nand'al jmluceinents. to young men. Unless muchlarg-er salaries ai'e expect to -get men teachers,. activG, offered, enterprising We need WH ,I~'a commllni.ty/ swch. as J3:'lgin. County" all Pl'imal'Y education shoui'a be.related to' the~life 'of' tho'people at their homos,' VULt 'isto tiio agricultural lifo. For this purpose, the sl.lbject of. nature 'study is g:ivell promin~~c'0 in the cour:soof study for out pl;l.b!ic schools. ,'1'0' take up' this study intelligentl;\' and successfullY, a school garden should be' attached to evet;y se11'ool. Out' pi-onecrschool garden,'as 1. reported la-styear,' was'e~~~iJ1lis'hed in 190'9, _' at' Spningwat'qr school by Miss ~-Wegenast. In addition ;tothisonc, too:1:Jhers, with regularly. certi- 'ticatedte~chers, have: been established thjS"yefil'~oneat- No. ,:l,8Yar- mouth, commonly known as]\l['ills'Scl1ool, In charge of Miss Minnie 'Bal~er, and 'one in' No. 13,lVfalahid,e; known as, Summers' Corners 'S,chool, 'in charge arMis,s, {jaroline 'Wrig'ht; ~l'hese three teachers will . receive ud'ditions'totheir, salaries, as a LogislU-iiv'o'gra.nt. 'l'hoseolioIl:s will. also.l'e:ceive special J~eg'jslative gran~'s to ai~..the trustees in e.s,talJ~ lishingand maintaining the gai'deniL In; ,addition to these,standa:nl garden~,theic- are man:yother.eX'ceUertt....~rdons'-::-at Sparta; Dunboyne, Strafford\iille, Slil'ingHe1d, 'Dolmont; Port -Burwell. In e\:'ery sehoolbut all pupi-ls who are up fOl'High School entranc-E' thlsyeal'; will do somethi~g in plant ,grbw'lng at 8-ohool. The. work is enjoyed by , is something tobe',ahle to s~ythat they enjoy.thewor'lc Bu~'it - is_ tru9.lhatwe . a-if enjoy intereE-ting' employment. Teachers report to me that the schaar garden has increased the regularity Of attendance; fmd has increased the int~rest-.in- ailschool'Wol'k; <~[,he school ga,rdori is co-t;elafe-d tq, sLlbje,ttsof formal sfudyand, incre,aseel thepupHs" prO-- in: sLlchs:ubJectsas read--ing, 'arit4metip,' comp?sitiotl andgeo-, becau~e it ma!{es the \Vork intheso subjects inten'~ely concrete real. MS' hope istha'tthere will be a:-beautiful, garden succoss-' conducted at every school in this Inspeetorate. Every school ',' ... ..! he the beauty. spot in its n;eighborhood, :where every pupil his,s:chool life\ in JOY; an'd gladness. I eo,unt 191;0 a succes,sful year'.!n school sentiment f\,nd upon 'all 'to h~lp ,on the good wo'rk. honor to 'be Your obcdi~nt seryant, W. AO'KIN. 73 , ELGIN. COUNTY COUNCIL 75 74 ELGIN qOUNTY COUNCIL EDUCATION 'COMMITTEE-JANUARY SESSION. JUNE SESSION. the Elgin .County Oouncil: Gentleme:ru:- T,he Eucwtion,Committee l'ep'orts: theE1lg'in COunty Council: Gentlemen:-::'" The Education Oommittee reports: 1. That the Tepor.ts of, linspectors Atkin tions,mad~be adopted and placed on file. ,2. That IuspectoI'l Taylor's report ,be adopte~d andi printed ill' the i and Ta'ylor as to I inspee- 1. rr::tlat the statement from .the TiHsonbu:l'g Hig'hSchool to the .Clerkand 8olieitor to prepare statement dUe. Board 0'( the minutes. That,' the, :report. ,~fthe Educ'~tional DepadIl}cnt, re, amount to byt,he County fQr equipment and accommodation, be placed 3. That Inspector .Aitkin's ac'Coi..uit pense.s,' anibunting. $6..li.2,0 pe paid. f'Or postage and traveling ex,. / 4. That the commuuic'ation from the EJdumition' confirming appointment of -Inspector Taylor, be filed. . Depart~ent, That the rep.orts' of the Dutton, Vienna and .4-y1mer .High be' pla~ed'onfile. the_ I;epOl"t,' of Tnspector Atkin be ,received "and printed in 5,; That no action be ,taken in reference to epmmunicrution ~e length of holidays in r'ural schools', received from' LinCOln-Teachers' /l.-ssociation. That the 'report, reamou:n.t,of rate to C'ont.iuuation' and Fifth Schools, 'be filed. 6. ~ That the IWarden Convention at Tor'onto. 'appoint delegates to-attend the .Trustees' I, 7; That no action be taken in reference to/communioation from Cau'ntyof,Carleton.,' r~ amend~ents to the Publ,ic School 'Act. That the Bup-pIementary 'Grants to Oorntinmition, Fifth Class High SchOOls be: the same as,last year. That the I,rispectorslexpense accounts, "be- paid as follows~ $6,1.910; Ins'pector A'ik,in, $160,.55. K That - aCC'Qunt received' from the vVardsville and G}enc'Oe High School B.oar-dB. be referred to ,the Clerl~ and .solicitor for i:n.vesHgation and,if satisfactory, t~ be paid. ' That the -Bt.Tho,ma's Collegiate Institute recet'v,e an amount, to 20 per cent or the -costo: maintenance or county pupils to Ithe 80 per cent required to be paid' by the, High Schools 9. That 'the Clerk notifY the secretaries of schools in wh'ichthe scho-al-house'$< are not properly ventilated that, unless they 90mply with the I~speotor's roc'ommend.ation in this ,respect, that the, County ,Sup- ;pIementary I;?;ran.ts to which they would otherwise be entitled, '.viII be wi:th:"held until this improvemen-t: is made. That in~the opmlOn of YOu't_committee 'a' County 'l"rustees' AJ;!- be formed and that, your COmmittee be ,aut-hori7.ed p,roe'eedings to ,organize- the same. ' , All of which is respeCtfully submitted. of which is respectfully. submitted. J.. J.~ lWISTEJLE, Chairman. J. J. MIS'rELEJ, Chairman.- -Adopted. Thoma:s, ,1Mh Jli,ne, 191Cl. -Adop'ted. St. Thomas. 251th January, 1911. ,/ ELGIN CQUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL NOVEMBER SESSION. REPORT OF DEPUTATION TO EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. JU'NE SESSION. mlg~n County C:ouncil: the illlgin County Oo-uneH: Gentlemen:- Gentlomen:- , . '1'110. lDducation-Committee r0POT~S: , ,1.: ~t:\hat a m'eeting ,of therepresentntives of the Public School ~1~rustce,'Boi.u;ds at theCount)r-be heM ,[L,t- the Court. House, St.~L'h0mas, 'during'?<<:tlluary next, /for L,he jlUl'pose-oJ'organizing a CUlmty' Ed'uca- tio'naJ.. As,sodation. ,The deputation- ;;l.ly))ointed to attend tho meeting of the ~ducational Assnciaqon -'reports: 'l'hey' attended the meeting held aot.Toronto during Easter va,cation. '1'110 pri)g'rall1 ,vas a,n extensive one and exceeding:ly fnteresting. " I nthe Truste.es' Department. 2.' thePulillic School Ins'pectorls} the C6u'nty Clerk and committee to issue invitations and arrang'e Urogram. 'Dr. -White, thopresident,in,speaking of educationall'osl!onsiLJili- ties, stated that education -was becoming more and mOl'e a national question, and that it was the duty~ of ,the stateto"pro\'idlOi such' educa~ tion/as'will conserve itshest traditions, and at the same time' p-rovkie for 'the,' realization of Jts best ideaJs': The, stre.'ngth of ' the nation dep,G,11dS- .. .- . '..."',.. . . '. upon the 'manp.ood of its citi~ens.Thel great.est problem cOnfl'611tim,g' Canadians was ho\-\'. hest to educate th~ ne'O\' peoplo, childron ftnd emigr'ants, 'and: make them. the b.est~poss:iblecitizens, iL ,'l'hrit this Conncilp,ro'vide for exp-enses connecto(l -,,,ith in:vita~ tions, the traseliug expenses ',of an 'outside ,speal,er, if iiny,and' f6r l'opbrting and 'publ}cation of the proceedings, 4. ~l'hat the following a<<counts .1JO ,paid: ,'N; Atk'in, In:spector's expe,ns'e accoun~.~........ $104.86 J. .A-. 'l'aylol', Inspector's exptmseaccount...... 1)8.52 Municipal \Vodd, pl'inti-ng for Inspector 'l'aylor 18.2(5 ,,1Vlunicipal Wor1<l, printing; for I-nspectoi" Atldn :19.55 In referrfng, to schools, 'he said that they should lJ'e made attrac- and healthy and~that the, character, mnd in'dividuality ,of the t~-aeher 'should: he ,the tir-stC'onsid~ra.tion. 'l'l'llstees build schools and etl~ip them-and the ~eachers give the education" a.ndthe question is, are .\\'0 doing better, work thanfifty-years,~go,or are,we only -toaching-as .a/. 'machine; He was of the opinion that the pUblic schoOls Sl;lOUld be so- improved_ that the'puPil_S would got 'a good,edu,.cntion l,1ot O'uly for entrance' to' the I:Ii-gh School,.: but that, at the conc'lusion ,of' the publib scll'CtQl course, a dipioma ShQll}~~'be given, ~nd that' the ent~ance ~,xam-', ination should -beat the end of the fifth form,'instead of the fourth as' atpres'ent. All of ~which is respectfuilr ,submitted;, J, J. MIS'r,EI:E-, Chairman; Hith,'NOVember, 1911. , ........AdoPitod. , < , Refer,yingto the future-of Ontario,-lle said t,hatif it isto.pi'osper it wiJI' be .thl;Oughthe .thO(t'ough[l,nd~carefUl'-edticat1onof the ,comml:?,u', -people ,on the questions ahd subjectsthat\\dllbem-ost useful to them i~' th~ir /ruturelt,res. . 'l'h~rOSition of trustee is a U10st responsible :O~le. He, ex<pres's,ed'sat,isfaction at the ,many6vidences' in' the,improveme!1t' in the physical -aspect"o( the-educational institutions' MtheProvince:. . .' i.d, '.' '."-;'" .': ...... I"... " ,He'thought that the pubHcschool ~coursecou1d" with' groat advantage; 77 78 ELGm COUNTY COUNCIL be extended sO,.as to be suffl.cient for those pupils whose life "\vould be' outside of'the professions. work In.reierring.to the teaching prates'sian, he said the.s,cardty 0{ .male teachers In thepub1ic schools is not only due to fnsufficient remunera- tion"butt~ the.fact that our school} work lacks in breadth and interest tosu'ch,anextent that the lit'eis too monotonous to 'be endufed, and Pleaded-for' gr.eater'V,:"ominence of thoe sC'ho.ols. He claimed _ that they Hire nnt the ,aid to pubHc morals that they should be, that immo.rality is rp-ore prevalent in the schools, and consequently Qut of the schools, than it" shOuld be. 'rhe time for ,education in this' regard is not appre- , 'cj.ated. There .is-a g,rea.t lack of knowledge 01). the part of the ,teachers in ,reference to : public health. They ,do not knO'w enough_.about theBe matters'; and if' they do, the'ydo not'impart Hio the young mind when it is most likely to receive 'and assimilate. Col.,Sam Hughes, 'in addressing the Ass'ociation, _strongly advo-' cated the training of pupil's to assume the responsible duties of citi- ' zens-hip. Honor"knowledge, jus'tic-e, fair play, constancy of tharacter, ~rmness '.vith gentleness, judgment ,vith fact; fearlessneSS in adhe!ing to ,the right, absel).c-e of 'deceit, truth:l3ulness andl thepracticc_of-temper- ance, he said were' amo'ng the ess-entialsconducivc to the highes,L development of noble conduct in hUnl:anity; Public rights must ,bo guarded by the introduction of physicalcontr-ol towards the pre'serva.. tion Qf law and'order, and :Enr', this reason he advocated military t-rain~ . ing. T'o have a 'great natiol:1" one must begin by lar~ge foundations, 4eep and strong in thechildl'en in the schools and homes of the- land. qhumniing between parents and children and between tcac:qcr and scholars', let'the children have plenty of fu'n, but see that. it is f~lll,'not tha~ which is ..so-called. He referred to the necessity for disei'pline as being necessm~y for good ci:.tizenship. A genernl discussion fo.l1owed, ~~nd it was adiVocated that the Government be 'recommended to propose a schome :with a view to improving the immonilstate, of affairs iT) schoolS. ,and else'where. It, was' thought that'too much .fimeW-as de\'otod to,'~rawing- and,paintingi~;. the' schools, and that wdting was neglected: ''I'he question of teachers' a~reement-s' was considered, and theques- Uon: was aslwd; "Are trustees satisfied'.,'ith a thirty-day .notice to end theirenga,gelI}.ent?" "rho general idea was ,that there should be a unif'O'rm contr~ct, determined at midMsummer,. and two months' notic'e be given, and-,'that the law ,shoul,d be rchang,e-d to prOVide that a teachei"s 'acceptance ,of anengagoment by'letter or tcleg'ram shouldbebihdirig; and,that.if hefaH's to do so that the Government cancel the certificate. The' whole trend of _ the discussiorn w'as that. the' common 'Srchools' should ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 79 be made more thorou'gh, and" that county grants to Continuation ClaSH Schools should always be twice as' 'ffiu'ch as the GoV'cl'nm6nt grant. of a county organization o'fs;chool trustees was strong;IY , ' All.of which. is respoc:tf~IlY s~bmiHed. J'; -'J. IVmS'TEI.iEJ) phairman. St. 'l'hbmas; ~4th Jrine, 1911. 80 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIl, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 8] F'NANCE COMMIT!EE. JANUARY SESSION .'J'6Wnship. 'of Aldboroug-h,,,0x'penses sending .Tqhn Driver, indi- gent lunalic,to As,ylum............ .'........-,....... t.. .','..$ .\\T. K. Camer()ll,.scniices-rehPpHcaqon to Board 'of ),'tuilwaY Coin- missioners -1501' 'removai' of switch <;ct- Port ':Burwell' btWg'c. , W. K; Came'~':on, services,equali%atioi'i' appeal ... '," '. .:.. J. H."Coyne, registering Bylaw 76D ...:.........,.,'..,v.......... ,R. lI'IcLa'c'hli:ri,' o;;tationery, ,.county-' 'l'reasm;'or MunICipal vVo'dd',- stationery, Count)' Clcl'k:'s oJ-fice... .. ..'" .... . ", '" ", ,"'- .. ,R., M'<.:Laohlin, -sLati,onCI'y,'Collnty Clerk's- o1'l.1cc, .. .'.',........ ..', lV[cLachlin, stationery, H.'cgistry ofnce .............~......,.. K. vV.Mq:KaY, po?tage and expenses ..-;.......... "..;......... ;-].9:25 fl!'o tIle'Elgin County Cou.ndl: flG.~G 45.00 2.50 4.1{} Gcritlemen:- 8.2{j, 18;10 'J'he Finance Committee ,reports: t2.R5 h ~l'hatthe E~gin I.imv l:.ibrary AssociationlH:; g-ranted ;'J;5,O.00. 17.25 2. ']'h:it $lDO.OO be gTanted to. 'the Children's Aid Society'. 13. '1'hat the sum of tifty dollars" bo granted to St.'l'homa'S" HOl'se Show; ,if 'held this year. ' H'. 'l'hait iheS'urn of one hundred and fifty dollars lle'granted to ,'pl'oYfdo'assistanee in the County 'l'reas'Urer's office. 11. Thiit the sum of twenty-rive, dollars be: ,.gTf-mtcd to Belmol)t HorseS'~lO'w, provid'ed' rl'lIdmese?, 'gTant same: amounL 4.' ~['hat tho Chairman; Anderson, Jad:son,and the.vV-ardon;"be a committee ,to confer with the London- Health,'Association and' arrange l'egisJation and ag1reement re gTa:nt to Ale~andra Sanatorium; to be suhmittecl 'for approval' at :the ;rune session. I Allof'which isreSI)cctftiny suJJmit-ted. .A.' J. IJElII'l'GH! \ Chairman, Thomas, 2Gth'JanWll"Y, lD'll. 5: 'l'hat the, sum of $2EiLQObe, granted- to the, Hos'pital Children, :-'oronto, being ,same g'raptas last y,ear. :'-Adopted; - " 6. ~rhat the Salvation krmy he .granted 'the, sum. of $25.0:0. 7. 'fhat no action be taken in reference to c'Omrnunieation from 'Western Fair Association. 8. 'l'hat a. Bylaw, be passed, authorizing thc.\Varden and'fl'easlirer 'to bOl-row ~?O,OO,O;(}O. fl. '17hat. the C-ounty police Magistrate's report. be 'a;d'opte'd - and printed in theminules. 10. 'l'hat-the' Prisoners' Aid Association he granted- the sumof t.en dollars. 11. 'l~hat -an order be issued 'for" fee of ten dollars membership 1n- Ontario Municipal hs'sodation, and that the l,Varden,appoinLdelegates to attend the annual/meeting. 1,2. 'l'hat tho following accounts be paid: ,_....,,,.:<z.:""';:~:~:'~',.,:^ 82 ELGIN COUNTYcCOUNCIL JUNE SESSION NO, 1. To, the E1gin Gounty Coundl: ~Gentlemen::"- ,r1'he II'inance -Committee reports,: ELGiN COUNTY COUNCIL .-,--------,-----, A~ ..E. .Ponsfoi'd ,......... .'.....,.. ....... '.' ..".. 'Blue' 8[; S-rh-ith ,...,._...,.........,.,.............. Ohild-ren's Aid Society ...... ...'.,........ '...... r-r:.t.:powman .. .._......,...,....,.. ..:'../;.... 'l'owriship of D,unwich ..... ._.......... ". ..'.... " Ai! of which is res:RectfulIy submitted; 1. rrhat, the salary of the -County police Magistrate be $5>50.00, pay- a.ble quartet:ly,. June 16th, 19:11. 2,. 'fhat no action be'tal{en in rflference to grant'to Ontario Pro'" vincial YV:inter Fair. JUNE SESSION ,~ N.O.2 3. / Thai no action be' tal{en in reference to_communication from the 'Elgin 1-~umane Society, 'J'o,' the\:Y'al'denand Co-uneH of the County of Elgin: 4. 'l'hat bylaws. he pa'ssed to-authorir.e' the'iVarden and '-rreasurer to bo-rt1ow' the sum of twenty thousand dollars; and to defer-tax.sa:le. , . . , Ge)1Vemen:--:- '\ 83. 24.42 2.00 75.00 15.00 -8.00, A,J\ :L:mFfCH, Chairman; Finance beg,leav~to' r.oport that,-having, exam: of the county and the~stimatespreparedby th'e herewUhs~bmit ast~tement of the' expenditure P'U1'poses:of,the county:dtiring,,19H, Showing the' ,be raise.d_for 'th,e undermentioned purposes: I ': 5,: 'l'hatno action he tal{cn in reference to grant to tIN' Ontario .-, l\1unicipat' Association f'or the 'betterment of ,consumptives. 6. '1'hat the fOllowiri,g ac'counts be: paid: Webster & ~O'., livery....., -'" .,. ,. ..~ ,......,;$ .John lIopkins ........ ',"" .., ..'... .~... ....... ...-.... :~I::L~~~;l~ .~'~'". ::::'::::::::::: :::::: :-:: :':::: E, McLachlin ...........,.... (....,..,.~...... R. M'cI..achlin ......,...,........................ R, ~ Mc'Lachlin ..... ,... ...... ........;..".. .'...... 'l'he-' ]J}lgin Sun ,...... ... ...-..... ..,..............'. -Municipal "Vorld ....,....,.................... Municipal World ...".........,...., ...,...... "M'lJ.ni-cipal' World ... ,............. .'.,.......... Munic-ipal World ,....,............... .,... .'.... M'l:lllicipal W'Orld I. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ,~ . Municipal- World . ... .,.........;........... '," Municipal "Varld ......... " . . . . . . .,. ~, . . . I . .., K. W. '.McKay ...... .... ....... ...:... .'.. .'.'.... ..... 8.50 5~o-O 3.00 12.05 4.310 1.95 1.65 4.50 56~q{) 4.;00 7.43 7,70 54.'7,5 .50 1'3.00 14;0.5 Administration':ofjustice . ~ .-, I;. ..... .~. ',_...;.$ County lines and brNges "...,.... .,... ._.... 'House of Industry' .....,;........."........, 'Hi'g'h S'Ghools .'.; .....'. .... ...'. ..' ;.'.... ..:;.......... Public S'chools- Inspectors~ salaries. . . .:..>. . . . .,.'. $1,775,00 ,ContinuaJtion 'C-lasses ........ '... ,: 4,000,00 Grant .. ..:,. .-..:... .-..... '.' ..-.... 1,302,00 Officers' i:;alaries .'.... ". "....... .:h,.; ;',..... , .. Membei's'wag~~, .;., ......... .......,....... Co~rtHouse Oomml'ssion '... .,...., .,. .'....... Deben'ture:_Eates- Bylaw No. 5,94 ..,........".............. )3-yla\'.' No. 7101, ,... ..,',.", ...'....,........ 3,0'00.60 2,,450.00 5;50.0.00 11',MO.00 7,077.00. ,2,6'5:0.0'0 1,70'0;'00 900.00 1,957.0'0 2','592.00 8~ EL,GIN' CO\JNTY CO\JNCIL J:l,.ylaw"'N9; 7,3;7 ........ .,............... ...... Bylaw N'Q. 7159' .....,....................... Bylaw' No. 769 . ",........................ Deftcit,ll~t J."ft.n'\1~ry, ,Ul'i . "",' ,'...'" ~ ,'..',.... .?,5'90.00 2,,268.90 , 1,264.00 6,6@.OO' To the,EIgtn County Couill'cil: Gentlemen:- $52,098.00 Yciur c9.mmittee would'recommend' thatth'e. sum of fifty~two thou- sand an,q n1p~ty~~igl;1t dollars be raised on all ,the rateable I;ll'operty in. thesl,3ver?,l municipalities in- the: County 'of Elg'in during the -year 1911 for county purpos'es, and that a rate of t\,./o mills on the dollar':bele\tied on the rateableprope.rty in the sever~l municipaHties ill Hie emi_'nty to' raisEi'said amounts. All of which,'is' respeotfullysubmiHed. A. J. LmITCH, C:hai'rman. Adopted.June 16th,Wll.. ELGIN CO\JNTY CO\JNCI,L .. NOVEMBER SESSION. The_Finance Committee reports: ,That in our 'opinion it would bebei1eficialto have the reeves of various municipalities attendth'e meetings of the Elgin Municipal and\v'ou~'d TGcommend tpat Bylaw Nci.7,41,as amended by No. 7~51,lbe arriendedbY addIng' the words "reeves of the loc,al after the ,'lord l'assessors" _'in, the .enactm~nt' thereof: I, That Kenneth:, i,V.McKay be appointed as', 'assistant, to the Treasurer,ata salary of eight hundred dollars per annurri,pri.y- quarterly'! aJid that ,as such assistant h.ebe required to do 'the wo~k the'offlceand counte;sign all cheques. I , ii. That ,the followingacc.ounts, be passed: James M.,Gle:g.Jl,servicesas solicitor..... .'... ...$30';66 , K. W.McI{ay, post~ge and telep!Ione . ... ..",..;.. 6.20' Munic~pal Worldjstationery,Police Magtstrate 'Hunt .,._..:...........,.........."............ 2.-25 Municipal 'Vorld, County'Cl'erk ... ...... ..: . ./,. ''-- .75 MunicIpalWorld, Registrar ,,~.... ..... . ..... . .... 10'.25 'Dr. LIng, exp'enses. attendance meetings of Board of I-Iealthi LbndonSahitfi,rium,,'.-:.. ... 7.50' S. S., McDerntand, expenses, atte-qdance it meet- ingsofBo,ard of Hea-lth"London Sanitarium;,. 3.80'/ Joseph Danst, one fee book for BaIliff ',White, ; AylttJ.er..... .,.....".'.. .... ~. .,................. 4.50', Children's Aid'$ociety, ,for maintenance of 'county ,. ,children ............. .,.,............. .'..... .'. 38.24 of .which is ,respectfully', submittedj A. J. LmITCH, Chairman; ) Novemb~i'l 1911. 85 86 ELGJN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 87 COUNTY, ENGINEER~S REPOR"r JANUARY SESSION. JUNE SESSION. 'rothe'Warden and.Councilof theCou.hty of Elgin: "\Va:I'den and lVI'embets of t"'('0 County CouncU: Gentlei:n?ll: ~ Gentlemell1:~ I 'beg' _ to submit the following ,report: hereby'beg to s.'ubmit the following report: 1.., rrhe jetty or; Kettle Creek, at Port Stanley, \\rh10h "\vas_ course o'f c'onsltl'llction at your "fast meeting, has _ now -l)een c~mpleted. '1'hi8 wOrl~ '008'1-$1,42>7.79, arid I thinkjt will hfwe the effect 'of complete.lY stopping the' washing' a,\vayof the gravel-road ,at, that point. have prepared; plan~ an_d specifications lor building' Nos. '2 an(~ on the Town Line'belwelm_,S'ollltlnvoldand Delaware, and ha'/t~ for tenders, which will b0 ,submitted - to, yon this WHElk, Wh<::H be able to a\<iard contract's in connection ,,\'ith the County OC for this work. 2. ':Phe conh:lictoi' for the \\'ol'l<_ at the ,Po~'t Bill'\vell bridg;e has coml:>leted his contract, but as it\vas put in very late in the sea~on, I have 11eld-back sufhcient money to replac~ the wOl'k or puttin,g on a new floor in case it dq0s notPl'ove'satisJ'aeiol'Y, although I heliov9..t'he \,\;Ol'l{:,' is -a}lright. Some mote, '\'V,ork will'ha:ve 'to beQ,one a~this hrf'dgcin the, ,yay oJ' widening out ofthe-apPl"oachcs andpiJttingupa permanent rail, g'ua'rd, but-the expense will be-small. Port Burwell, bd~ge is,,noL. yet sat~sfa:ctorilycompleted,: the steel \\'ork has DOt been:properly: done nOl~-aceepted, \\r01'k inane of ,the piers ,vas not properlY done, ,and s'ome repairs 'haVe-been made to this; :vet'it is_still not acceP"~- 'l'he fIoO-r' of the bridge was, also i~jured very mater,iallY bv . ' , ' .it being put 'on sO. Jate in the year. "1'he contractor has,' to a e:xJtent,t:ied to remedy this' bypatc~ing it; still it is' not- by any good ,floor, and it is' a verydiffi<cult thing to remedy and make gO'Odasit should beir work had been,d(:me..-fnthe proper seas'on. 3,~ '1'l1e Belmont ,bridge was sufHeiently,eol)lpletcdto allow' travel . to gO,ove-r ilt before winter seLin,but the f1()Ol'o[ this ]n'idgehas' yet 110'put on, 'l'his \vill not be don~ until pmbabJy tl1elUonth, ,oJ! 'June, thewol'k, as left now,: is in a e.afe condition 1"01' publie trav-el.{ 'JAS.A.BEI...L, Gounty'E'I]$ilJ-eel'. 3>~ N:othing has been done to\vards completing the BelmonLbridge last foalL The fi~or is not 'put on. Gcins,iderable damage has' caused "to this bridge by the f'l'Of,t during tho ,\vinter, caut";~:d by the season in whieh it\i/as built, I do Yl'Ot think it hil'S at an thes'b~ength of the\vorl{, 's'ti1li(al'fects,,'~ts appe<.tl'ance, and bO__very hard to remedy it\vithoni showingthat'It is IlnV;h'od. I -tllink the c'Ontractorelldeav?redto do aj'ai1;,iob. His onl,y he left it until- too late in the simson t:1do tlie w('j'rk. All of' which is respectfullY supmi,tted, J'aD:uary; '1911. I:haveordel'ed material for re-covering-the 'vVa.r.dsville.am1 Gl'a'~ Road-bridges, aiId also 'for s.onie new joists Jor this wade '1'his I will' beccimpl-8ted in:, a short time, 5:; I had application made to me by tW6companies,1'Qr pel'mis,sion crossthe-'PortBurwell bl:idg;e ,with 'lines of pipe: 'ror nahn'al gfj,s. I " .- ",' , " "'-,' '- tempol'a'l'Y permission for the crossing to both companies; toe-an-- of, -a' tVil:o,~inch, pip:e in each caso, wHh the illldel.'staiIding -that per- conse.nt be obtainerl fr'om your County Coundi at Ulis:s0ssi01L find that those ~cimpanies, uJ' at least one of thcrr;I, have C'oti--' , ELGIN. COUNTY COUNCIL 80 ! 88 ELG.lN COUNTY COYNCIL NOVEMaER SESSiON structed a line of gas pipe across the- brigges at Vienna :without arty permissi'on whatever. 1, think that in granting' permission for, the companies to, use the brid'p-e, there should be an agreement providing t~at the; county Iwould -be reimbursed shoutd any accident, occur by ,reason of having t~'e pipe lines on the bridge. Otherw;ise,I dQ not see aDS Q,bjection to' a small pipe being placed EVerass the bridg'es if the work is done in a proper manrier and kept properlY painted. 6. I would like Y,Qur P.ublic. Improven''l:El.ut Com;mittee to visit the Gillett Bridge during the wee}\.:, This is a wooden bridge and has been' up along time; but it is! for the pu~pose of observing the action. of the creek more than to examine the, ll'idge., 'EO the Warden arid Council of the County of EIgill: Gentlemen:- I beg' to .submit the following report: Nos.. 2 aud3 bridges, on the county, line between EJIginand ,Middl\e- sex, have beel1Cb:n1'PJeted. . The cost of :I:'Jo.2 bridge was $1,.091.77, and oiNo. 3, $952,.,09'. -The're will be 'an additional expense in .grading the that 'has' not yet been paid for. . JAS.A. 'BE'l';r.:, Comity Eilgil1e,er. BelmontBr~,d.ge has had the floor put on and" is now com- Acting in connection with "the police v'inage,the 'gr,ade on:the side has been raised and widened. The' Counties of Middlesex and,Elg-in Pay for one hu~dre9- feet, and' the village 'for the' balance'of., the worl>:; A'S,eons-iderable filling in had to 'be done late in ,the ~eason,; It was considered advisable to 'build the Sid-e.walksJip to the)Jridge next ,'yeM'. In the spring,aftei.,the earth ,has fully settled; thi~ work can 'be done without any danFer of future'setUement. 7. Your PubliS~ Improv;ementC'o:mmittee this w~ek have examined the:port Burwell bridge, the,'Bel~ontbridge and the '1'ait bridgeonthe Hiver Thames. All of which is ,respectfullY submitted; June, 191.1;'. The contractors'have put the fioe,x ,ontl;w Dodd~s bridgek:ihd com~ the, work, as p~rcontr,act. ' hisbe~n done,to~wards 'comljletirig' ,the 'col1tractoIj th~.1?ort T:rie floor and 'one. of Jl;ie :,abutments, are:stilldefective~ contr~ctor fOr'this, vvorl>:h:is-rnadeanassignmeht ot hiS coiitta:ct'to : '. '.' . .' ......, ,'.. .... " ..\,'.' London Guarantee ,& Accident Company. Befo;r~ this assigmne~t I had accepted ,an order to payMT. Jas. Po:yne$t'5,5.00 'for this'~orl>:, ..theaino~nt to be 'paid . '.vh:en, the co~t:~'a?t '~af:l: co;rnpleted. The l11atterl1asl>(;mnplaced befor'6 the COlmty n,'Qthfn'g further 'will be: paidwi-ij~,olit111s' advi-6'e:,: :', The' 'Wardsville and Graham Road .bridiges have beenreplank;d" and, floor syste:tnsstrengtliened, and also a portion oftlle. app~;oach to C?oyne'Roadbridge:., ' The Upperbvid.ge in Vienna is 'now peingreplanked,; ".DIre qillett, thee Beaver ,Oreek ;,and 'Robbin8'bridg~s have ai:so' had floors put on and a number of joists renewed. , 90 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The S:t. George street bridge, between the city 'and: county, has been' repainted. All O:f'lNhich is ,respectf-plly s~:bmitted. JAS. A. BELL,' County, l)Jngirieet November, .191>1; PUBLlCIIMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE .JANUARY SESSION ':Co the "Vm;d'en ahd' Council of the ,County of Elgi~: Gentlemen ;- Yotii' Public Improvement Committee 'b6g1ea.ve to submit the. fol- lo"",ving report: 1. Your ,Committee have considered the matter- of the 'Engineer's 'l~eport,and wouild. I"eeom,mend' its adopt'ron. 2~ That the Engineer have 'J?9\Ver tOdisP,oseOf the_old hd<l'ge at Port Burwell so that it wHIbe taken do\vn before the'Jirst dfM-arch. 3. That the Engineer hav~a retaining \vall built on the west approach oLthe Port Burwell.bridge, also a six-foot si(ie"lN~ilk' con~inued out to:,one h'undred feet, ,which is the limit of-the oblfg"ation of-the 'JlOtmty, and: to have an iron raili~.g~Jacedon same-. 4. T'hat the Engineer~have pJ.ansand specifi<mtidns prcpDxe'd- aild adVertise for' tenders, in conju~ction ~vith the County of '1\1iddl\:i~e:x for . the rebuilding ofBriCk'es' Nos.- 2 fl:nd 30n tho 'l'o:wn Line between Deh- wal~e and Sbuthwbld. 5. Re "c-ommunication of Good Rbads Association,your committee would rec-ommend that $1,0.00 be Kl'arited- ,t'o the:' GoodH.oadsAssocia- tibn, and that th'e'Varden name a delegation, to be present~it the Good ':Roa~ds 'meeting to he held' in '+oronto in March.' ' , ALJDX. McLACHL.IN, , Chai'~man. .{\.doptedo26th January. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 91( JUNE SESSION. ']~o the ,Warden ,and Members of the COllntp Council: Gentlemen:';""'" -Y~U'r' Public Improvement' Committee' beg leave to submit thefol- IOwing'report: 1 'That the appIicaUon of- the Dominion Gas' Oompany ,and also of the Central Pip~Line Company fo]' permission to place natural ,ga,s pipe, lines across the t\vo hric1g"cs:inVienna apd tl).e Port BUr),veUbridge, be granted', _,subject to'app!ovaL of- the mri"g"ineer, as to'size ofpirw"and 'wherethey'areto beltda-; and als'o sUbjc'ct to written agreempnt apPl'ov- edbythe;County. Solid to'l'. That_theawar~iug of contracts' for Nos. 2,aud 3, bridges', on the' between Southw'old al(d DeIawal'e, be left in the hands. of andlj}ngi~eet- to act with l'OPl'eSent8:t-ives f.rom' th\'), County 3. That the c?ntra,ctor for',the Port B-uhvell bridge have' the east abutmehtandfloor repair'cd to the -sat!sf'f\;ction of the Eug-inccl' before thepbntl'act is ta,ken off his hands. 4. . rl'h~t t~e, coinp!etionof the wor:( all, the Belmont b\idg~be l~J~t; ihe the hands of the Ohairman and_Englllce-r,' i,oaet with thcCour;tt~r 01' lvIiddlesex. Your~commi/tee today made [in examination~9C tho. surromidilig's Gillett hridg~, and fin~dthal the'.course of tho"creek a1)ove the ?h~n.g;es very rapidly; and' that ih,erc. may he ,da'rl,gel' , in J'uti:ii'o of it cutting aW~y tl1'e westapl?,roach. ''l'hcy do: not feeI1there is an)' immedl{tte danger -of this' ar-d w'ouIdI advise that no acti:on be: tal~cn thi:"-, Your committee also visited and lhspected the 'Tait. b idge and rrecom~en(limprOvements Suggqsted:'by the- E),ngineer,'-toQe made~ is,repairiilg the floor, ana joisting in the south approach, communfcat-ionfr,om the Ontario Good ROf~ds Asso- would recommend the Council to adqpt the therein. which is <respectfully submitted, Aoop'ted 15th .Tune,l91.1. A-tiEX. ':Mc.LA,C'J-:lLTN, C'hai'rman. 02 ELGIN COUNTY COPNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 03 NOVEMBER SESSION PETITIONSANO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. JANUARY SESSION h~~': '1'0 the ,Warden and:Council'of the County of Eagin: the 'Elgin County ,Council: Gentlernen:-- Gentlemen:- "YOUT Public Improvement Oommittee beg leave to submit the fol- l"o'wi~g report: ' The Committee onP.etiti-ons and Legislation reports: 1. Your C'ommitteehaveconsideredtheiriatters menUorred in the, report of the County Engineer and would recommend: the adoption, of the report. That in ,their o'pinion, the O.auncil should C:a-opetate ,vith the-County .', -'. .' " . Council of Wentworth 'in petitioning for' an ,amendment to the M~nici~ p,aI- Act,' so thatSe'cti6n ?79, sub-section 2, will read as 'follows: 4" : ''I'hat the Engine,or be . empowered to purchase an ad,ditional filing cabinet for his ofl1ce" in the Court House. , (21) 'No ,inarketfee shaU be charged, levied or imposed upon orili , respect of butter, 'eggs, pOUltry; honey, celer~', ;yeg'etables 01" f'l'uits brought tri market or u~on the market place for sale, whether from a, vehicle' or not, unless a convenient, and fit place in which to offer or exp~'sethe' saml;lforsale is pro"Vid~d 'bY,the municipality, ,wh~c~,I,shaJl 'aff~rd shelter in summe,r; and shelter, and reasonable :,protectfon ,from the cold ,in 'winter. Provided that iIi any niutlicipality wherein the marl\:et. ~ees had 'beeT,l let or sold prior to the ~st day of April,1911, this sul?~ section shall'not apply and shall ,not be deemed' to have applied' as to " I ,,' ,", ,,', but~er,,' eggs, poultry, hone'y, celery;, veg'ota:bles and f:t'uits, until the expirati,on-'of-t'!1e p.eriridfcir which such fees ,"vere s'o let 'or s'old.' 2. That in regar'd to the; 'Port B1;lrwel1:bridge;-that the County SoUcitorbe ask'ed to adv,ise,\vith ,the Oounty IDrig'ineer'in this' matter, I ?-Iidthat the wh'oIe'matter of settlement be left -in; the hands of the Cqunty Solicitor andELll'gineer'. 3. '.rha:t the applicati6n' of Scoyne & Ramsay for co'mpensatlonfor having their false work taken away in the erecUon of the Dodd's bridge, be- nbt ~ntertained. 5. Your-committee have considered tho' petition presented- f6r, tllo c'onstructionof 'a T,lew bridge over the river. nearM-iddlehliss b,etween the T'ownships of Dunwich andIDl\!frid; 'and,'would reeommend-thatthe inbbming Council, at the,irJanuary s'ession;appointa committee to act with- a similar committe~ fr\im the County oCMiddles<:lx to take into conf'i(1eration the ma:tte,r cont~ined -in the petition, and that they repcll:t thereon at the June .sossion of this Council', 'to be held in,1n12,' and that the. Councn of Middles~x be' notified oQ,f this action; Ali of which is 'l'es'pe.ctful1y subD?-'itted, w~ D, KIL_LENS,: Chairman. Adopted. 26,thJanuary, 19U; AIx' of. which is ,respeetfuUy submitted, ALE~.-McLACHLIN, Ohal'I'man; Adopted 16th November,.19:L1. ( ELGI!'lCOUNTY COUNCIL \)5 94 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL JUNE-SESSION HOUSE OF INOUSTRY ANO GAOL COMMITTEE, JANUARY SESSION '1'0 the Elgin Couhty Conncil: '1'0 theE,lgin County Council: Gentlemen:~ Gentlemen:- The-Committee on Petitio,ns and Legislation report-s: 'l'hut they haveconside-r.ed the communieation fiom the County Col'mcil of Bruce, re' telephone, companies, and"l'eco,mmend that no' action be taken. The lIouse of Industry and Gaol Committee reports: , h, That no aotion be taken in reference to recommendation made in Grand Jury ,presentment. ,/if. n. KILLENS, CJ:lail'mari. 2,.'1'hat \~'e he authorized to procure plans and tenders for'septi~'i tank f rdr'eating S(Hvage from, House of Industr,Y; and present same for' corrsid i.Ettionat ,the June session. Allor which is' respectfullY submitted, 16th Juno, 1911-. That,ve haveconsid'e'red an ap.pHcation 'fl'om+IisHonor Judge for ;increased'~oHice' aec'bmmod~ttion, and wotlld recommend tht~t part.itio~,'betweenhis office and the Barrist0rs",l'oO~ be l'emoved," GroWn Cour;isel' room, be used' by the, BaT'l'istel's. NOVEMBER SESSION, 4. 'I'hat thesttlaryof the late Dr. ,VanBus1ldl"l{; Gaol,'Surgeon; ~l)e paid, to, :1'1s De~€mber,: 1910, and t~at a:byla\,,1, be passed a~p'()inling th(pres~nt Ass'istant~Surgeon Kains' as Surg-eon; the:Elgin County.C'ouncil: Gentlemen:- 5,. That the salary of 'the' late Dr. Duton, Physician to the HOUS0 industry, bc:paid to 311st' December, 1910. 'I.'.he Com~ittee onPetiti'Ol1s and Legislution reports: All Of which is respectfully submitted. ~r]m~ ,'we l'ecomrnend co-operation in petitionas]{ed for by ,the County' {:;ouneiI, of Halton fpl' amendment to the law so that rail"'ivay corripanies wmbe liable- ['or', a fair pl~oportion of costs in, acciden ts o~-9,url'ing ou'theil' lines or 'c~used' bY' tneminanyway, WM. J'ACKSON, . C'habman, Adopted 27th January,19lCl. . All:of, which is respectfu1ly submitted. W; D. KU..,LENS, Chaku1.an. Adopted 17th November, 1911. 9B ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL JUNE SESSION , '1'0 the Elgin County .council: Gentlemen;:- '1~he House of Indus~ry and Gaol' Committee reports: ~'hattheyhave considered'fhe-matter of the purchase of typewriter ,for Registry Office anq, while they believe it would, be beneficial and G'9onomieal in many ways', that the matter be deferred until yo'ur eom~ mitFeehave had an opportupity of discussing the matteTwith the Reg'- istrar fo!, a reduction of -expenses of the oflice so that the anrtlJalsur," plus payable to the city and county will'De increased. All of which isresvectfu'llY submitted. WM. JACKSON, ChairmJ~n. Adopted 15,th June, Hl!i1, , ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL NOVEMBER SESSION 'ro the illlgin County .Gaunoil: Gentlemen:---'- T'heHouse of-Industry 'and Gaol Committee reports: 1. That thelnspector'sannu_al report be adopted. , '2,. That th,e Physi'Cian's annualrePQl't be adopted> 3. "l'hat the resignation of Dr,. W. F'. Luton as Physician of the Institution be adopted~ . 4. -'l'hat D:r.F. W. Guest be ,appointed Physician of the',Hou'se'oe Industry at a--salary of twohundl'ed dalal's per annun;1, payable quar~ " .. . '. terlY. 5. That wE\'h:av0-placedthe orchard 'atth,e disposal of MI'. 11'. M., Cle-ment, .l'eprese:ntativ~ '. of _ the Agricultural De:partm(?nt, ,for" dElmorl':' -straUan purposes,qna, hav~ cOl:\ferl~d with hirp in reference to ope-ra,tion' on the f:;:trm.... we: ,believe ,that under his direcfion the farm ,roight',be made an object lesson in many Way?: and more profitable to 'the-county. We would recommend a policy ofco~opel'ation with Mr. Clement in tI1'e future management of the farm. All of which isrespee:t!u[ly submitted. WM: JACKSON, Chairn1an~ :Adopted 16th Novembel', 1911~ Q7 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL REPORT OF INSPECTOR OF HOUSE OF INDUSTRY. NOVEMBER SESSION St,'l''homas, November 4th, 1911. ,'J.'o'the Warden and Council of the County of EHgin: Gent1enien:- 'l'he foUowing is. ITlyr9Port on he House of IU9-usb'yand Refug'e,fol' the year ending 3'1'8t October, 1911.: , 1. Number of inmates in H'QllSe' at last report.;.......... 49 2. Number admitted d.1.ll'ing theyear, 2femtdes, 11 maJes.. .1"3 HI. Number. of deaths . ,.".............. .',................. 7 4,. Number dis'charged ......................... ........ 8 5,; Number absconded ............".,.................. a ,6. Number now inHou~e, 24 males. 20 females .......... 44 7. Number of inmates sent from the several municipalities, in ,thq ooupty during the year: pun"\vich. . ... . ','" . .... . ...... South wold .............. 'Yarm'outh .. ','" . . .. '. . IVl1alaljide .......,............... Bayham.... .,..'\'. ...... ...., ........ ............ South Dorchester '... West Lorne ..:.. . . . . ". . . . . S'pringfield ..... ... . . . . .. . 8. 'J'he various causes Of pauperism of inmates admitted to the Hoi.l:Se' during the year may be classed'as follows': Sickness.......;.......... '_""" .'.. ....,... ...... ....,.... .... '4 ,'Destitution ,."...,....,....... ,......,....... ."......,..... 2 Old'. Age ....... ,.......,............, '.""" '.' ;.".;.......... ~'..,. '," 5 Insane, Idiotic," etc; ..........;....; ;-'. . . . .--. '," . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 C'l'ipple ......... ...... ........ .....,... "... .'. ........ .'. ..... ..... 1 Average nuinbm'" of inmates during tl1,e year. _.... . . ,.. . ...... 48 :1,0. Average, wi.th keeper's' familY- and hired help . . . . " 55.7 11. Numbe,rof.veeks board of inmates J..,........... .'... .2',903 1 4 2 1 1 2 1 1 .ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 99 12. Average", with keeper's, family, etc., added... ........ .2,899 13._ 'l'otal expenditure during year ......... ,.. . . . . . . . . $51,989'.93, ' 14. Permanent ltnp'rovemeIit- 11'enc'ing. Silo; etc' ...,..........,............"...$ 12,2.72- Heceipts- From inmates ; ........,. .'...... ,..,.. ,'... .$213,0.5:0 F:romfarm produce...".................... 13-1'.88 From farm stock' ,..................,....... 459.30 821,611 $ 944.40 115'. Leaving amount actuallY expended fqr support of inmates... .,.....,....... '_~""""""" .... .$5,045.53' 16; Average expense pel' week for e8lch person... ..... ~1'.74 17 . Average expense per dl;LX of each ,person.. . .. . . . . . , .2ii 18. Average e~pense per Year for each person . ',""" .90.48 19. Amount ,expended for House and farm during the year, is divided fO)lows: li'arm Expenses--:- Implements .......;.. .......... .)..... ..... .,..$ - E'eed . ........ ...... ..-..... ............ ...... .... Stocl.: .. .............. ........... ...... .'......... Miscellaneous .... ............... ............. 38.50 292.39 69;50 272.04 _ $ 672,431 House Expenses- Hired labor.'........ ... .... "" ..." ......... .$3,72.00 Bread ......................... .).';......... 397.96 'Meat ...... ..........,.... ..+...... .'...... .......... 604.18 Groceries... ............ .'. ............... .,.'... 37".57 Provisions ... .1. . . . . . . . . . . .'. ',' .'. \ . . . . , . . . ..: 3'05.45, Dry goods. ......... .............. ....... ........ 296.87 Boots and shoes............................ 109.05 Furniture and har"dware .................... 163.38 Drugs ..........:........... ...:.... ........ ..... . 82.03 Coal and wood ........... ~ /._................ 669.31 MisceIla.neous ,........,............; .'...... 197.59 . .,----'-$3,5~5.39 100 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL General :Elxpense- R'iW.a,irs ................................... $462.90 Permancllt improvements.......,....,.... 122.72, Salaries, Keeper and matron ..... '. . . . $Goq.'OO physician............................ 2'2{).OO Inspector ........_..,.." ..'.........'. 143.75 Comroi ttee Incidental Insurance %3.7.5 ...................,.........,..... 2\5.4,1) ................. "... '."..,........ 146.,21 ....................... ",. .,....... 21.95 ~$1,742.1l 20. ~['hc f'oliowipg produce,\vas rai'sed on the farm dUl'ingthe year: / Hi7 bushels of wheat ):)1 IO~tds -of hay 4,13 bushels of oats r:.!l bushels of barley ::115 bushels of. turnips ?,OO bushels of potatoes :1,0:1 1)1.]>:,hols of b(~ets l,a l)ushels Of 'table beels 1:J., Imsh.eh~ oj' onions 400' jars of fruit 8 bushels of salsify ISo :pounds, of cheese 1 load of pumpldns 1 load of squash ~ loads of melons 27 11USh81s' bebeans 12 bus'hels of ,peas 10 <teres of earn fodder 5,3 bushels of cm;rots }) bushels, of table. catrots 2.7 loads.of,stl'aw' DOG headof'cubbage 1:1- bushels of 'paxsriips 10 hogs (killed) 50 fo~vls (kiUed) 2,2,0.1 poun~ls "C1fbut'ter 73'0 dozen eggs 7 barrels, of soft soup 16 hogs (sold) ~)O barrels of apples Tll addition to the n,bove, a large number of' vegetaobles;etc., were raised and/consumed during the year, of which no account was l\:0pt. 21. Number of articles of bedding and clothing' mad(!'up'during the year by tli.e matron, and the~nmates, 7DO. 22. N'u'mbcr' of visits by the Immector,4'D. 23. l.'arm stoek'--"-- 4 hoi'ses, valued at ...,............................ $775.00 13 cows, valued at ..... ...... ..... .... . . .... . .. (i'::;0.00 f:i young' cattle, valued at ........................... 1'20:00 115 hog's, valued nt ...,.....,...................... 60.00 ;:;, 'sows, valued at ............................ \ . , . ., 7,5:00 14.0 chickens, 8' geese, 5 turkeys. ELGIN COUNTY CQUNCIL 101 24. The total amount of expenses by ,County House of In<lustl'Y" etc.,. is as fonaws: ,I Fa~m, 100 acres, cost . .."'~".."".'..".'" ..'.; ..$ 7,250.00 House ~f Industry,...... .,............. ~,'."'..~ ,. 11,794.13 ',Laundry . '.' . . . . .",o . . , , . . .,' .,' , , . . . . . . . . . . .,. . .,. . '. . 6'66.81 Fire escape.................. ... ~........ .,....... 3fJO.06 Hoot cellar ...................................... 124.9D Cottages, etc.' .,..... ,.......... .. .'................ 3,09,5.,207. Bri.ck i~e. hOUSe ..... .'....... ....;... .... .'. ....... 1;180;510 Barns, etc.',.. ~ . . .,' ... . . . .'. , . .'. . . . . . ." . . . . i. . . . . . .. 4,73-2.6'2.,. 'rile drains, .....,;..,'..'............'(...,....;.,.... .649.37 Tile drain outlet ......,'.....;.....,.'.............. 60.70 Hot air pump, tiOwlts and conne'ctio~s ....'........ 350.00 1{cfrigerator ...... .,.... .......... ,...., ... .. ..... 40'.00 ~:.:~~:~ : :'::: ::: ::::::: :': :~:::: :':::::::::::: :,:: :': 1,2,:,:,:~~. Heating apparatus', . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . , ..'. . . .. . . . . . .'. 1,97D.00 Deep, \vell ... ;,.. .,..... .'....... ','.. .,.'............. 82,7.66 Hila ... .'........,. .'.... .,........., .,.............. 2,93.62. I f34,7513.3G ~Ii"'''\ Received fro.m Government,on account of ,::expen- ;.:; ditures for land and buildings ..........., <{ . . .. .. 4,090.00 ,1 ' Leaving amount aC,tually expend'ed by counw, .... $30,753.35 institUtion is now i~ gOod rep'air through,o,ut.' "l',he sum of expended for painting, is, charged in the expenses for the year. pei',week, howev',er, ~emains the same as last _,;year. 'rho farm being lower, than formerly. of which is respectfully submitted. ANGUS 'l'URNER, Inspector. 19,m. 102 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL REPORT OF PHYSICIAN OF HOUSE OF INDUSTRY. NOVEMBER SESSION. '1'0 tho _",VardeD and Members of the I!J'lgin-Connty Council in November, 1911 Session, Assembled: Gentlemen:- On June 1st, 19'11, I was requested by your Sllr!oon, Dr. \V. F Luton, to act for 'him during his teniporary absence from St. 'l'homas. which Iconlsented to' do; therefore my report Includes ,from Jt,lllC 1st, 1911, to October3l1st, 1911"inclusive. L have al'so received certain data fr'om. the register at the House of Ilidustry, whkh'. enu'Qlcs me to report to you the condition of 'hea,lth of tho- inmates, thenurriber of deaths, causes, etc., from No'vember 1st, ID10; 'to May 3ilst, 1911, it being the poriod in which Dr. Luton was in 'charge. I therefore have the honor-io submit 1'01' your considi'lration' the thirty-sixth annual medical r'eportfor the Elgin ~ous80f IndusYy far the year ending October 31.~t, 1911. The Institution' has -been visited \veekly, and s,ometimes8!t shorter intervals, as accasion would demand. '1''110'1'0, have 'been no- cases of cantagiaus diseases and nO' births'. I treated two cases in the Amasa \V'oa:d Hospital for short per~ods, where' they made rapid and complete recovery-, and -Were l'eturnedto the In- stitution. '1''here ,are a number suffering from bronchial trauble,/which is peculia-I' to' their ,time of life, a.nd medical skill is una'ble to' effect a cure, ,hut remedies can be used which will aHay their symptoms and make life a little mare pleasant. ~ r.rhere are at present forty-four inmates', t,w\'lnty-faur, males, twenty females. '1'h0' martality during' the past year has' nat been so large. 'Fhc number being seven, whi,ch are as follows: , Feb'l'uary1i1Ith-Andrew Liddell, aged 84, died of heart failu-re. ]-"eb.ruary 1,5th-Pharniar J'ohnson, aged 82, died af valvular disease of the heart. March,9th--'--John McCallum, a'ged 81, died or uraemia, May 3Td;,......Fred Brooks, aged 61; died of eplJepsy. 'May 2'3rd':-'Mrs, Titus,a-ged93, died of old age, Sept. 2,7th-John S. Haney, aged 83, died of cerebral hemorrhage. Oct, 18th-Peter Dixon, aged 82, died of uraemia poisoning, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 103 I -have ai'so to rep'ort of the sanitary condition of the ".House, 01 Industry. During'the last. seas'on the sleeping quarters, Cining Fooms, in general haVe leceiyed a good -substantial coat of paint, renders them cheerful, clean and sanitary. ,It was also my prLvilege 'to he present during the dining 'hotl'l:sof 'inmates-, and.J found on ,inspection, the food to be of good: quality, supplied and whalesome. internal management seems to be all that could be desired. in charge beLpg -kind,' painstaking and attentive. ~ h~ve the honar to be, I Your obedient sNvant, FREDERICK GUEST, Acting Surgeon. ( 104 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL c REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON 'WARDEN'S ADDRESS. JANUARY SESSION. TO' the Elgiu'County oC'ouncil: G'entlemen:- The Special Committee on. 'Warden's Address reports: ,'" I 1. T'hat Messrs. Jackson, the 'Warden and Clerk bea,co.mmittee t!) confer with the Board of thE! Amasa 'Wood Hospital re amounts able bY9punty m'linicipai'ities for indigent patients. 2. That no action be taken- in reference to. a County Road. System. 3. That the -vVa-rdeu llrume a committee, as may be requi,red, to. look after Elgin'scl::dm for refund.' of moneys paid for Toll Road. 4. That th,e CIerl>: procure'information as t9 work' done uri.d pal',-' ticularsof receipts and eXP<;Juditures of alL 'Continuation and l<'ifth Glass schools; to. be presented to. ',Education' Committee ~t J:une session. All of which is respectfullY s,ubtnitted. A. .T.LEgTCI-I, Chlilrmull. Adopted 2,6th January, l!Jll. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL d 105 JUNE SESSION. To the EIgihGounty CounciJ: Gentlemen:- The Committee on "'Varden's Address l~eports: 1. Th?-tin referenGe to County Roads; We have "invited N[l', ILJ. County,Eng,jnecr, of Berlin, ,to address the Council tomol'l'(J'w and explain the system in operation in the County Of, "\Vaterloo. 2. That we agree with the \Varden that the 'use of electric PO'lyc)r in the 'agr'icultural districts of the county sl'ould be bencfldal to a',ll 3. That the protection of' our fruit-growin');' distl'icts [rom /.,~1(1 orchard pests' is a matter that should receive tho 'CarHest of those engaged :in that industry. \ 4. T'hat an agricultural department having lJeen established 'in with the Dutton' High School, it is neceSStU'y that t11(l sum be plae'ed in the estimates topl:,ovide lor county grant re- Sec. 3'3 -of the !-{Ii,gh Schools Aet. Vie recommend that arrangements be made for holding agricultural in, eaeh of the Continuation and High S'chools of the c.ounty, and of the expert be secured in connection with, operations the Gotmty House of 'Industry farm'. All of whiGh is respectfullY submitted,. "\VM'. .JAOKSON; Ch~tJ,r,lYIan. Adopted 15th.Tune, U11. 10~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL / REPORT OF COMMITTE'E ON 'WARDEN'S ADDRESS. JANUARY SESSION. 'To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen:- The Special Committee on,Warden'S Address reports: 1. That Messrs. Jackson, the '\v'urden and ClerK be a _committee tp confer with the' Board of the Amasa Wood Hospital 1'8 amounts pay- able by 9punty municipalities for indigent patients. 2; That no action be taken in reference to a County Road. System. 3. That the ."Va'rden n8JIl1e a committee, as may be requ(red, to 1001;;: after Elgin's claim for refun(\; of moneys paidfC?r Toll' Road, 4. 'l'hut th,e CIerI;;: procure ',information a's to work done and par""' ticulars of receipts and exp~nditul'es of all, -Continuation and l<'ifth CIass 'schools, to be pres;ented to,IDdueation Committee 1ft Jpne ses':sion. All ofwh10h is respectfullY ,submitted~ A.. J. LEITCH, Chairr.1all. Adopted 2,6th January, HIll. , '- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 105 '. JUNE SESSION. To the Elgih c.ounty CaunCi;l: Gentlemen: ~ The, Committee on 'Varden's Address Feports: 1. Th:;:ttin refei'en~e to. County Roads;',ve have "invited 'Mr. IT. J. Bo\vman, County,Eng,ineel', of Berlin, to. addreSS the Cauncil iomon'ow aml explain thesys.tem in operation in the Caunt:'," of, 'Vateria'C). 2. That ,ve agree with the "Varden that the use of electric pn\v()l' in theagrieultural districts af the eourity wo.uld ueuonoHdiLl to an 3. That the pratection of '0'1],1' fruit-gra"\vinlg' disti'icts fj'am l.,he ever-increas-ing archard pests is a matter that shauld recolvc the ea:rnest attention of thase engaged :in- th-at industry. \ 4. That an :agricultural dePilrtment having-been established" in, c'onnectian with the Duttan HighSchaol, it 'is necessa,l'Y that th(:, sum of $5100.00 be placed in the estimates to. In:.ovide far caunty grant l'e~ bY, Sec. 3:3 -ot the Hi,gh Schools Act. 'Ve recammend that arrangements be made for holding agricultural in each orthe Continuation and High Schools of the county, and that lhe,s'er~iceS' of the expei.t be se-cured in connection withoporaliolls the County Hause af Industry farm', All af whi~his respe-etfuny, submitted. W,M. ,JACKSON, Chai,r.rrJ-aIl. .Adopted 1.5thJune, 1.9,11. 106 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL , NOVEMBER SESSION. T? the Elgtn County Council: Gentlemen:- .The Special Committee on 'Warden's ~ddress reports as follows: In reference to the rate of valuation of buildings and other improve~ menta on land fo'l' the purpo!'l:es' of taxation, we agree with the "Varden that this should,'not be optional, hut should be uniform in all mUJ.?ici- palities. We regret that the loca'I municipali~ies did (not' take action on the good roads Piropositfon submitted' to them. "Ve are of opinion th~t this county would be materi'ulJ.ly benefitted by theconstrudiljn'of improved roads. We ~ote with pleasure that-at the opening of the' Cana:dian Parliament, the Go-vernor-General in his. addresS' :from the throne; stated that Fe-deral aid would he'provided to. assist the Province. in th~ construction of goo'd ,roads. "Vo 'are als,o pleased to note that fhe Pro- vincial Government 'is in f-av:or of a system of Provincia] roads, and are of the opinion that this county should co~operate \'lith the Government, by assuming- and con1>tructiJi'g a system of county roads, that the ques~ tion be. discussed in all Hs, hearings at. the coming nomination meetings, and be referred to the J'anuary session of'the County Council for fur~ ther consfderation. All' of which is respectfully submitted. Adopted 117th No:remher,1.911. D. M'cK[LLOP, , 9hailrman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 107 REPORT OF EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE. To the Elgin 'County Council: Gentlemen:- The C6U?-mittee on E}qualizati6n of Assessment reports: That the values of an of the municipalities in the,county, as cqual- izeg,Ia~tyear, have been reduced 10 pel,' 'cent, and that themunicipali- ties of Aylmer and Springfield have been aHo\,,'ed a further reduction of 5' per cent. We recommend that the following be the'equalized values: Aldborough .................................. $2,977,2154 Dunwich .....,'............................... 3,198,2\54 'Southwold .... ............... .... .....; .,..... 3,84.0,267 Ymrmouth '.......,.................. ..... ....... 4,.641,6~5'7 Malahide ............ ........ ...., ..... ....... 2,8'39,810 B,ayham . ..,.... .......... ........... .............. 1,909,513 South Uorches,ter ................,........... 1,678,5152. Aylmer ....... ._.,.............................. 1,066,2,73 Dutton ...................................... 330,5M Po:rt Stanley ........... ._.......... >......... 218,893 ,Springfield .. ..'. '.' ..,.......... .,.... ............' 144,660 Vienna ..... ._.... ..... ..... ....... /....... .~.... 99,7.07 R'odney ........................ .............. 2J.8,7T2 West Lorne' . '.' ..'.....'. ...... ..... .....'.... .'.. 216,6-33 $23,380,769 All of which isresrpectful~y submitted. D. STRA'l'TON, Chairman. Ad,opted16lth June, 191'1. Amended' on appeal by the Town of. Aylmer- to the County Judge. The equaHzed value of the townbeiU'g reduced f.rom $1,066,273 to $!l7~,- 8-19. [See settlement of' appeal on follOwing page.] , - ",:"c=,',',~=.'" -.""=.-- """...._, c,'- ELGIN"COUNTY COUNCIL, log In' the Matter 'of Appeal of the Town of Aylmer Against the 'Equaliza" tion Bylaw of the County of Eigin for, the Year 1911'. It Js agTeed by the appellant and respondent that the said bylaw of the County of EJIg-in 'be amended so as to fix the equalization of tho 'l"ownof Aylmer- theI'(;:lin at the sum of $973,819.00, and that the appellant and respondent' do ea'ch pay one-half the costs' of the court, including , also' fees of the st0nOgrapher andcof;lt of abstracts fournished fro'ill- the Registry OUlce and used upon said appeal, and' that there be no further; order, as to costs of or incidelltal to: said appeal. And it is aeGordingly. ~urthsr agreed that the County Judge do ni'ake an order (Signed) IW, HAROLD BARJ'{UM, 'Cot for Appellant. ; (~'ig'Ued) c. .s'T. CI..AIR LEiITCH, Gal. for Respondent. N ov.ember lTth, 1:9:1,1; Approved: (Sighed) C; Vi(. COL'I'Ji}B., Judge. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL REPORT OF COUNTY POLICE MAGISTRATE. JAN UARY SEssioN. '1'0 the Warden and Members 'of the EJ'lgin, County CouncIl': Gentlemen:,- ,lOg / I beg to'repnrt to YOU the business done in connection with my offiCe "or the pastyearasfoJ.lows: . , ( I Offences tried before the County Police MagistI'ate'-s Court: Nature, of Charge. , No. Shop.breaking . ..~,............................ .'.... ,4 Biot .'...................... ..........'...... ....',.,.. ...... ,5 Violation of Liquor Act.. .~.................... ~... 18 Vagrancy....,................ ........................ 6, Assault ........................'..................... n Insane ............... ....., ........... .'.. ..'. ......... 3 li'alse.pretense ..... .......... .'....... ........ ..,..... - 2' Causing' a disturbance ).... ..',...................... 20 Indecent assault.......:...... ,......... ".......... 4; Drunk and, incapable ...............,. t . . . . . . . . . . . .. 27 A.ssault, caus,ing actual bodily :\7.arm ... .'.... .... .'... 6 Unlawfully WQ1H1.ding ........:.......... .'.,......... 1 , Seduction ........ ............. .'. ........... .:,~....... 1 'l'heft . ...'.......... ....... ..................... ..'....... ..-. 6 Aftra,y .......,........;. ............. .................:. 6 B'Urg~ary .... .......... .'.. .....r... .'. .... ',' ..... ",'" 2. Unlawful speed ,of motor vehicle .......... .'... .,... '4 GToss indecency.. .... ......... .... ...... L .:..... ........ 1 Insultipg Hlug'ua.ge ...'...,;.............. ~ ..':....... 4 Violation of Cheese Factory Act'..... .". ...... .... ... 3 Cruelty to animals.... ......... ..... ~'.. .... .".... .... 2 Indecentassa'u1t 0l,1 girl under M Ye~rs ............ 1 Wilful injuries 'to mai:l boxes ...... ,1. .',...... .)....: .2 ;~~;:~ ~::~~::~~:::~,~::~~~'::::~~::::~::,:~,:::::)::>: ~ Violatiori of H~use ?f Indll;stry Bylaw....... .'..,.... t Keepin~ ahawdYhouse. :..... .....:.,... ,.. ,. ...... 1 4ttempt tqcommit suicide ...................." ,. . . 1 Hecognizamce to keep the.peace .....,..........,..~ 1 Juvenile' Court ........ .'..... .... .......:.... ........:.. 6 , I I' 149 110 ELGI~ COUNTY CO.UNCIL Convictions were made for following offences: Inju:ries to property... ... ."... ~...... ............. Violation of Liquor License Act............ '\....... V'ag'raricy'... ....... "0... ..... ....... ,',.... ....,...-..... A.ssault. .................:.............'.............. Neglected children ....... ..... ,',. ".:............... '.. False ...pretense ,',........-.. ,.;...........,....... ... Dis'orderly, conduct ...',..... '.' . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . Indecent -:assault .,..... ."............... "0.......... Causing a -disturbance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . Theft....... ',0.........."....".......,........... Burglary ......."... ',' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . Violation of 'Motor Vehicle J...aw........... ..'.,.. -.'.. ShoP. breaking ........... ........................... Drunk and diSOl'd,erl'Y ...............;.............. VioI'ation of Cheese Fictory Act....... ............ Cruelty to animals .........................;.....-. As,sault occasioning' actual bodily harm ............ Injury to mail boxes................ .............. Bigamy ................................................ Forgery .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Violation of House of Industry Act. .... ............ Affray ..........._.......... ................ ....\.. ..... Keeping bawdy house .'............................. Violation of Sheep and Dog Law.... ..... ......... Total number of convictions '.'................. 98 Amount 'of Fines and penalties imposed ...... $1,118.60 Amount of fines collected .................... 1;035.6,0 The fines were paid as .follows: To County TreaS'l.lrer, J. McCausland....... . ,. T'o' Treasurer, Port Htanley............... ,.... To Treasurer, West Lorne .................... ,T'o Treasurer, Dutton . ............;... '.'.... .... To Treasurer, Springfield .................... To I...icense I}lspector, E. N. Comptpn ........ To ulcen-se Inspector, W. R.- Andrews ......... .To Payne's 'Mrl.ll Cheese Factory.............. T'o Y'armouth Gentre C:qeese Factory ..... .... '-' To J. Farrington, informer.................... To William Paddon, compensation ............ To J. ~ulkerson (R. V; Lig,htfoot) com'pensation -1.1 2,00.60 105.00, M.OO 18.00 6.0'0. 85.00 540.0,0 15;00 10.00 2'5.00 15.00 12.00 $1,041.60 .. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 111 2 15 5 5 6 1 5 2 12 5 1 '3 3 13 2 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 I call the at'tentiol1 of the Council' to the -large increase in business' before the PoliceOourt, as shown by the records of past years. , Thefncreas'€I in the number of 'cases tried in the year ,1910 over 1909 was 38, and the number of convictions 24. . During last year 5-3 cases of indictable offences were- tried' by- the court. The increase i:p. thenumb'er of convictions is due,' largelY, to offences' committed by persons; who were n'ot permanent residentl'1' of the county'~ I am pleased to report that the County Constabulary .is increasing in efficiency, and has done good work in the P&st < year in bringing criminals, to justice. All of which is respedfuBy sUbmitted. F'RANCIS HUN 'I.', Police Magistrate. St. Thomas, January, 1-911. \, 112, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON ROYAL ALEXANDRA SANITORIUM. JUNE SESSION To theWal'den and M:embers' of theEIgin County Council': Gentlemen:- '1'110 Special Co:rhmittee appointed to,'arrange agreement 'with the London I-IeaHh Association, beg ieave to'report: ~l'hat they had one meeting with the members-of thci Assodatlon'in has -been preparc(l ir. aceord- 'rhis', provides: London, and, as I a result, an agreement ullOe wd-th the terms arrang'od' last year, 1. 'l'hatthe couhty'is to be represented un the Board of the Sani:- toi'ium by the\Va,raen' and ,one other person, to, be apPo,infed-by,the "County' Council. 2. rl'hat; for a period 'of twenty yeaTS indigent patients'Irom the municipalities' in the County of Elgin may' be sent to the Institution, to be maintained at a cost of fifty cents per day. 3. rfhat, for a term of five years, the maximum chrq;ge fdr IJi'i va te pwtients\vill, be $1,0.,50 per week. 4. '1'he agreement also provides that the privileg-cs of thE Sana- torium are not to be extended' to indi'ge'nt. 'patients frommllnicipaliti,es not included in the OounUes of Middlesex and Elgin" with:ml the approval of a majority or' the Councils oft,he Counties 0f 'l\liddlesex (tria Elgin and tho Oities of J..ondon 'an(\. st. 'l'homas, 'Ve recommend that this ,agreement be accepted as satisfactory, and that the Warden he instructed Itosign the same, -and ~he T,reaslirer pay the amo'nnt of the: grant, $3,313.4:00, to the rrreasurcr of {he Asso~ , ciation. ,All O'I which is respectfully submitted, WM. JACKSON; Chairman, , , Adopted June lMh, HIli. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCrL lI3 REPORT OF THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CqUNTY COUNCIL OF ELGIN ON THE BOARD OF HEALTH OF QUEEN ALEXANDRIA SANATORIUM, BYRON. Mr. ',Warden and Members of the County Co;ncil of EIgtn: Gentlemen:- In Presenting, my report, as one of the representativeiS of this CO'UI1LY ~he--Health Board of Queen Alexandrja 8anfttor,ium, Byron, in the; Count~" of Middlesex, I ha:ve V(Jlly little' to say. Since my app'oihtment to this office there have heen five meetings, The,til;ne i of meet-ing i~ on theseeond::8'tiday of every month, at three~thirty o'erock p, m. Iliave attended three meetings and 'have endeavored to get as 'much informa,~. tion as possibl'e. 111irst~I have this tb say, that the Queen Alexandria Sanatodum is in tll's-t~clas-scondition, rated as the 'best in America,' without '~X'ceptlon., It is a modern concern and up_to~date in every particular, There is 'to' be desired 'in the eQt.~.jpm'tmt ?r,,'lbuil!lin,gS ex'copt. a coup~e of shacl~s hecessary for patients who :;11'0 convalescent and reQuil'c some, place to go into out of the main building. ~ ' Secon'd........:..Durinl? the past ,year the Board has been handicappedhy want of proper nurses and a- right kind of.a physician. During the past summer th~ Board has been succ'ess'.ful in s'ecuring proper ,nurses for the Sanato.rium; besides a nurse competent to' visit, the cities and wherever there are patients, in the incipient state of tuher~ The kind "of patients that do not kr:pd\v what 1.s wrongiwith them or if t~ey are sick. This' nUl's'~ goes free of chargo for' her s'el'~ vices! but the Board insist that her expenses m,ust. be paid bY' the rjal't:J;" parties wanting her services; whether it be city; county, township or ihdividuals. Her duties are to direct or educate the patients. to take care of themse,lv?s, by way of diet,. ex,ercise, fresh ai-rand, and to induce them to go to theSanatol'im;n, ,where they w~l.lld properly. '.rhese are the Pl'oJltabl'i kind of pa'tie-nts for work, not much" or anything wrong with them, und the g~ts credit for restoring them to hearth, Patients who are thd-rd stwg'e of this disease are not wanted"at ,this' Institution, class is' called the! incurable class "anll tlie management do not "'... ',", ." 't ",. patientstoeome to the Sanatorium so 'as to have a cdmfortahl'c die. Such patients -are,U detriment, 114 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL If any of you or your friends want the services of this nurS'0,of which I. have spoken, or it your neigh-boT requires. her services, iilduce them to send for her. She will be an invaluable help to incipient cases and will do a world of good by gleUing the patieIits treate'd early. During the' past s'umUler the Hon. Adam Beel;;: visited England and the Contin'eutin ,s'earch of lmowledge respecting the treatment lof: tubercular patients. In Ids travels he came acrosS a physician._ an expert in pulmonary diseases, and one who had g.raduatedwith'honcirs and' a s,peciaIist in all diseases connected, with the lm{gs; aJsohaving papers,of recommendation from the professors, I think, of BraInpton University, He was very highly recom~einded.Hon. Adam -Beekon~his' return to this country brought ,before the Health Board the standing of this young physician and that he was o~en for an. engagement. 'fhe Board toolt the matter into -consideration and decided to engage this~ young Englisq physician at a salary of fifteen ,hundred'dollars a year and a hOUSe free of rerit. H,e has been oc-cnpying his, pOs,~tion s'ince October 1st. Those of the Board who have met him and' watched his imovements ,think he is the right man in the right place and -will fill the positron satiflfactorHY to all, a, very fortunMe affair, as the Hoard Were in need of a suitable physician xery badly. ~Lihe Board has been very much annoyed with the class of pbysi- cians' they bave had to deal with. Dr. Bruce, being an expert in using the microscope, will add ,greatly to the hefp in diagnos'ing, diseases of the lungs" and particularly anything relating to tubercuI?sis. This year a largehenn,ery and rriillt-house has been built and other minor improvements made- so that) the S,anatorilitm is' about perfect in all its v~rious departments. No\\' then, I have reported everything good, but there are some other things to be told which I think you 'should knoW. In the 'Hrst place' the SanatoDium is 'in debt and th'e Board would like t~ pay, it off. . 'fhe debt amounts to twelve or fourteen thousand doIl'ars. , 'It is not patroni~ed to the amount it' should be, having only eighteen pati~nt~, when the capacity is fifty patients. If hie Institution was patronized by, forty patients', it ,,,auld be self~sustaining; if by fifty patients we would have some money to the good. The expenses would be no larger wHh forty or fifty patients tl1l'tn w,ith twerity. '1'he same amount 'of heating, lighting', nurses and doctor and many other expenses would be just the same. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 115 'fhe territory in connection with the Sa-natorium comprises two large.count'ies and. two f~ir~sized cities. rl'here is not a doubtiri the mind of any man, who_ ha~r given a thou!?>~t to tbis matter, but that there are patients (tubercular) enOllgh in thisoterl'itory to fill and keep full the Sanatorium, and -.that would give money galore' to run the 'busi- All it wants is ad~ertisi~g-,-keep ;-6 before' the minds of ,the Tell therm:' the kind of an Institution we have, its good qualities, how cheap their treatment is, its safety in keeping'- this dreadf1.~,l disease, spreading. Many other good things might be said. V'le ask you to_ do this and it will help us~ ( This is not a money-making Instiution; but a charHable orgarii~a- worldngfor the good of humanity at cost, endeavoring to drive g~eat ,Vhite :\?lague from our midf/t. The HOHrd feels and reali:;.es that they haveeyerything necessal'y to treat Tubercular and kindred diseases, 'such as ate treated at Sapa~ tbr'iums of this' kin?-, and that the;i can do it successfully. Any help that- theCouncH of 'Elg'.in, County can. or ,will gi~e to help the Board in the way above stated, 01' any other way that suits them, willbo very much appreciated' by the Health Hoard of Queen Ai'exandr'ia Sanatorium. "We not askIng you for your mOhey, We-wrnt you to' talk and uee your: Your obedient servants, (Signed) GEORGE W. LING, (Sig'ned) S. McDE-RMAND, County Repl'e'S8'utatives Dutton, Nov. 14'th, 19i1. ''''''''''i'ia",~''~'' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 117 wI ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL REPORT o'F SPECIAL GOOD ROADS COMMITTEE. JUNE SESSION. REPORT OF DEPUTATION TO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION JUNE SESillON CO,unty Council: '1'0 the, ElgIn ,County Oouncil: GEmtlemen:- i Gentlemen:- The deputation fJ.ppointe-d to attend the meeting of the Ontario' Roads Association,' reports: T,he Sp'ecial Good Roads Committee. reports: They were present dt the annual meeting of the, AS8ociation, held in Torontodui'i,ng the first week in March'~ 'Eyery,County of t'be ,Proy~ incewas represen'ted and ,8.. large number of oth:r inunici~aliti!'lS,' 1. . That a C'ounty 'Road System of about ,150 miles be designated, and that the 'rowns'hipCouncils select the roadsthl3Y desire "to have assumed; and report' to the County Clerk on or befo~e the 1,51th of August, " 1 4. 'l'hat. a Bylaw be prepared, t6 define system for caI'!;,ying on the work ofimproYing the roads designated,- the vVatel'loO system of control of expenditures by the Reeves of the lcicalmunicipality in which the roads are situated.to be considered. The program' included . papers dild addresses in reference to every of highway ,w6i'k,in Ontario and the United ~tates, Heports presented by those actively engaged in the construction of roads' the Highway lq,lprovement*,ct in various parts.of the Province, p\eyaiIing opinion being that the ,county system of roadS-was, the I' one,'but that '?V.e must not expe'Ct to secure a g,ood,road,for,noth,.; Xhe expetience 'dr the various' counrti~'sis that the people wiint: the ;oadthey 'can' pOSSibly get; that theconstrl.lcbon' and' maintEmanc~ county road system materially increases' lari'd values, , I large number. of important res'olutions ;vere intr'oducod ;;md at the meeting, A COpy of these is attaclled hereto arid .are of the careful.. consideration of the mombers of this Council. All of which is respectfullY submitted. 2. That ,the roads' designated shoulp. forin' a connecting sy!>tem, and for this the system designat!3d, in 19<08 !pay be use,d ,as a basis',,-the number of, miles ip each, township to 'be, approxim;1tel;V' in proportion to, equalized .v8lI'ue. i , 3~' That when eac,h munidpality has designated its roads, an esti- 'mate be made of' cost of proposed improvements and Bylaw prepared ,for c,onsideration at the next session of the Gouncil. All of which is respectfully su'bmitted: S,R. WILSON, Chair'man. D. McKILLOP, Chairman,' Adopte'd 14th June, 19111. SL 'l'homas; 16th June, 19111. , I, ,j 118 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON AMASA WOOO HOSPITAL JUNE SESSION 'ro the Warden and Members of the EIgin :County CouncH": 'Gentlemen- The special'committee appointed. to confer with the Amasa "Vood Hospital Board and arrange for payment of' accounts re vVilliam 'CarroU, and, a rate for maintenance of county patients committed to the lristi- jtution, reports: 1. That'the account for' William Carroll, which amounts to' $18,1.00,' bepaid at $100.00 and a grant of $1<00;00 for the year 1911. i 2. That indigent patients f.rom the municipalities in the county and House of Industry be cha,rged for main,tenance at the rate of sev- enty centS' per day, and thattheCoun'tyCouncilmake an annual grant to the Hospital- of $1.00.00,0, or such larger amount ,as ,,,ill be eQ1.1:ivalent to thirtY-fiV~ cent~ per day. 3. ]jt was' deq'ided that incHgent patients should be those co~mitted on orders for which the Councils of local' municipalities or this county are'responsible. 4, That maintenance shall include board, nursing and medical at- tendance. 5. Thatpati'ents from the I-louse of Industry be attended by Gounty 'Physician. 6. The average cost for pa'tients per day in the Amas.s. \Voou Hospital, as shown by the Govern'ment reports, is $1.98, while the a\"el'- age daily maintenance in all of the Hospitals in the Pl;ovince is" $1.25. The 'Government contributes at the rate of hventy cents per day fl)r ({,11 indigent patiel1ltsor those who do not pay mo;re' than seventy cents, pel' day. 'It was thoug1ht that the municipalities in thiscountYCO~lWnot do,., less than paY1 the average cost for hospital mainte,nance. Under th~ proposed arrangement this would amount to seventy centshyt'l:i.8 iocal munic,ipality, twenty cen{s by the Provincial Government andthirtY,,:five cent9,by the count~y; the la::tter to be paid as an annual grant of $100:00 or such larger amount as will be equivalent to thirty-five cents per day. AU of. which is respectfully submitted. WILLIAM JACKSON, Adopted June 13th, 1911. '-Chairman; \ E'LGIN 'COUNTY COUNCI'C n9 REPORT OF DEPUTATION TO ONTARIO MUNICIPAL ASSOCIATION. , NOVEMElER SESSION, rfo theEJlgin Count):, Council: Gentlemen- The,' deputation appointed to attend the meeting of the Municipal Association_ reports: Ontario That they attended a temberand a 'great many ally were. discussed. meeting ,held in. Toronto on the Jirst of Sep- questions of interest to municipalities gener- , Among the papeTS presented was one relating to tax reform, in which the 'reduction of assessment of buildings and improvement~ 'on land was advocated. The system ,yorks well in some or the 'Western' Provinces. Its-introduction, however, into a P.rovince aE! old as Ontario is a different matter. We agTced with 'the ideas expressed in many ''lays,. but. are of the opinion that' the basis of' taxation should'be fixQ-d and not, optional'.' The provisions of the new Local Improvement. Act were explained arid the Provincial Auditor gave us a valuable addres's on'the import- ance of care in the appoihtm€)nt of ,auditors and efficiency in their work. 'I'he 'question of town planning is one that rural Councils generally upon as of peculiar interest to cities alone, but in this cpuntry it a matter ;with 'which rural Councils should talce a 'Pflrticu- lar interest, as, the sub-division plans of ruraldistl'icts' which are being registered from time to time wiil be included within .the future cities of On'tario, and ifa 'proper sub-division. of ,land.\ is insisted upon by the :local qouncils, it will be of greatbeneHt in later yeaJ:;S to assist their and be quite as profitable to oWl}.ers of the properties'. question of good roads,inits relation to cities and towns w_as by Mr, Me-Lean, Provincial 'Engineer of Highways, and we in time the cities and, towns will be' required to contribute 120 ELGIN COUNTY, COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 121 to the improvem€intoi'the leading thOrough,far.es\within a. limited 'area Of the country surrouliding them. "The importance of meeting County Associations was emphasized, and a paper by the Secretary Of th~' EIgin Association, -well r,er;:eived. The Ontario Assocj~tion is divided into two sections and, the proposed 1egislationin reference torural'and urban ,municipalities was dealt \vithlbY tile repres'entative from each. REPORT OF F. M. CLEMENT, DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE, ON. , '. . , '. ' '" TARIO DEPARTMENT OF- AGRICULTURE, ON ADVERTIS. INGTHE AGRICULTURAL POSSIBILITIES OF ELGIN. . NOVEMBER SESSION. All' of which is respectIullysubmitted. To the Warden and Members of the :ID.I:gin County ~unci1': ALimXANDE.R ANDErRSON, Chairman. Gep.tletnen- The resolution' on which' lam to. report today reads: "ThatM~'; Clenymt be asked to se,cure"allthe inr'ormatLon he can regarding the work that is being done in Lambton County and other places along the, lineM,advertising a({vailtages of other coup.Hes, and, report thc"sameto', the 'Council at -theriext session;" Norfolk, County; About eight tiears ago Norfoik County was' ,as unkn. own. to the rest '" " , ""\ the Province as 'E.Jgi:hQounty is tOday; but at that time one man the idea that there,was money'to be made from aPples. ~he 'Y!'lar the county produced ouly about six thousand barrels,Dutthis year they produced more than forty thousand -barrels. 'l'heir adver'Us- , " ,',' ",' ,', l has com1 through carefuHY' packing'only, the best fruit, and when "Norfolk County" is, stamped 'on abarre1' of,' apples, today, it m'eans, that the barrel contains only the best qualirty. TheyhavenoLpubIis'hed any: booklet o~: El:ent out any specIal advertising material for the county, but Fruit Growers' Ass'oCi_atiou', through theirh6nesty and fair deall.ng; d'one,all.that 'was required. A- ~umber,of ,capitalists' have investe~ their money,.in 'landS' at SimcoE)~ and the' latest report we' ',have', t'aki:m a Toronto paperIsth.at the' 'T.Eaton Company are ,consideri;ng a farm for thepr()(1ugti()n Of apples in Norfolk County. That mearis extensive advertising, for the county. Prince Edward CO.lnity.' Prince Edward County has formed an advertising club"backed b~r CQunty ,Courieil,for the purpose of conducting asystflrriatic adver- I 'campaign. Safar theirpublicatipn has not.. 'CO:qH~ to hand, but' t~1'at it has, gone tO,press. Just what line or- methodthey',shal'l 122 ELGIN C.OUNTV COUNCIL 'follow I do not kno.w, but I do know that a work such as this,' backed hy the best men of Prince Edwayd County, can not faU, as they haVe been doing things there for a number of ,years. 'rhe:originaI 'grant.\va,S 15~O,OO. . J Lambton County. Lambton County stands unique in the agricultural history -- of Ontario. '.cwo years ago it was noted for the fact that s~veral hun- dreds of its rural population had' departed, for the cities or the West; today it is known as the "Banner Cou!lty" of the Provirice, ,and the kend of population is back to the farm. "v\Thy' is this'? It was not lmown'that', the northern part of Lambton CO;Inty was equal"to ,'the best sections in the :~nagaj'a Peninsula, nor thM fruit colildbe produced almost anywhere in the county, nor th_at, ~.aken as a whole, the county was 'excellently adapted to general farming and dai,rying., A few months ago they' ,publish'ed a booklet setting forth the advantages of' the coun'ty,and haved'istdbuted it far and ,\v)de, at the same time conduct- h{g an advertisIng campai-gnthrough some English papers and the Tmrrl'igration Depwrtment. 'I understand they published-, fifteen thou- sand copies of the, booklet 'at a cost for printing al~ne of about six' hundred d1;lllars, twice that amount" being subscribed for theworlr in generaL ''1'he results ,speak for themselves. I--,and values 'have incl'e~sed .from flftee,n to' ,twenty-five per cent everY\'1here, and the county is so well pleased with the money thus invested that they )ust.June rais'ed the salary of the representative s-everal hundred dollars to stay with them and carryon the work. Hood River. The ~oosting' ide<a came originallY from the West, and we have them to 'thank for ~ny rapid- growth that we'may make. '.Vhen Professor Crorw visited the Hood River two or three years ago they were then preparing their advertis-ing boold'et. They sent out circulars asking for the ~est in Hood River, for the best yield of apples, for the best 'returns from, growers of gardentruck,etc. Their idea was to tell the East and Europe what \vas being done 'in' Hood Rh'er and they have done so- in such a convincing mahner that it is not an u'ncommon occurrence for land tosell' for one thousand dollars 'or more~er - acre, I am - not saying that mlg'in should be advertised - because' Lambton, Essex and Prince mdward and Norfolk and Hood Rriver and other sections' are advertising, :butb.ecai.1s8 Elgin has something to advert,is,e. \ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 123 , '1'0 the a~erage man there are hvokinds of land in Elgin, g'o~d lanp and poor land; or in other words, clay and sand,'l'his isbeGELuseall land' has, been handied much the same and sown ,with muClithe same crops ~;ear after year, with tl-\e r~s,ult that. some land has held ifso~vn, some as' become, poo'rer arid ..some richer. '1',he. land .that is becoming poorer and is the''-lorwest in price is jilst the !dnd 6f land,t'lmt the outside, public' are looking! for today, but they cannot knQw that ..,ve have it unless' \Ve tell them. 'I wish to state a fe\v facts abQutE,lginWitho\lt exp'laining them at any great length: L A, line drawn straight! east and west through S1. 'l'homas passas through the Niagara ~eI;Lins'ula and through li'orest; the two most adver~ Used tender' fruit secUOus. of' Ontario. I 2. --i\.-ccording to the American Biological Survey, \vhich' divides all pian't'life up into two groupS- according to the temperature in ,which thos_e plants' thrive best, the tender fruits will grow w.ell in al,l ,selctions having a pOSitive temperat'iHc of 11,50'0 or over. At Port Stanley we ha:ve- a positive 'temperature of. 11600 and over. 3. The growing' season ,0f.EIgin County is onl:>' five days less flui.n the Niag8}l'a Peninsula; being 197, as' compared to 202, days ,therq. 4. An tcmlerfruit counties' have, large' bodies of water n9rth oJ.: them except Eissex C'ourity anll the Learning-ton District, Leal'uington' fruit is equal to the 1:10st in tre ',Provincc, We haV'eno .large body of wat~r to the north,' but we. have a \vater fronto{ sixty'milei'l on 1..al(8 ,Eri,e. A man has ])ut to drive 'OVer the lal{e sections of the county to ' that ,the above arguments ar'e true,. as we have in thosesection~ of \ the .flnest orchards in the. Province. am not going to ,rtmrttion our lines, Of railway running the fun of the county,or ',our di,rect commun,ication \vith Detroit and orihe largecon\"luming'-poPulatio'n in St. 'l'liornas, and the fact the Condensor ,at Aylmer has made that section one qf the,m{ISf in the Province,- 'or that the champion,daiJ;"y cattle"Pore. tri lle there,:bec'ause-Ithink I have said enough to- show,that Elgin !las to'adV'ertise~ One qther point,! wish to emphasIze and that is this. ~his\York is a irivestment. !tis no use to try it for a month 01' t:\l(ltO '8€e 12" ELGIN COUNTVCO,UNCIL how-it worlrs. The heaviest outlay must, of necessity, eornf'. the f11'St year, and after that the ,vQrk would be comparatively (~fL.sy. '['he C0)8t this year would ,be an a$sessmeut of one cent on eachs!;.; acrcs'df the county. This would give ample funds and woul!1 not nee/I III i)e~W high the next year, My ambition is to, see Elgin come to the front. We have the_banner Province and there is no reason why we should not have the banner county. vVe cannot 'depend on a'Government to spoon feed us. We must be willing to go ahead and to a large extent fake care Of ourselves. I want to congratulate_;you' on the great oj)portunitY -you have before you. ELGIN COUNTY, COUNCIL 12t INDEX of Warden: ..~..........-.-..~.'_.........".'.',. .............,.,..,.8, 3D. R{I Education ',_... '.-" ",,-.....'....... "'.' .'. ....;..,.. .....,..... 212, _29 R'epresenta'tive ....,.... '........ .. ,. , .. '-2"6, 32, 40;, 4,5, 1'21 . . .. . . . . . '. . . . . '.. . ..... . .. .... .-.~ . . ~ .. . ..... .'. . . . . ... ,'. . '. '1.1; 12, 51,. .52 '186 787 788 789 790 791 793 793 '1'0 borrow $2Ltl,000 .. ........ ,.., .'.-.......... ,".. ,.'.. .'..... .51 To appoint County Auditors ....'............,.......,..".,....'5~' To appoint Hoard. of Audit .,........"......,...,....",...52 To aJl'poin.t High Scnobl Tnmtees ,,'......;..... '.. ~ , ...., ,...0,3" To provid~ aSisistance for County Treasurer....,........... 53 T-ri apP'olnt Gaol Sur1g:eon ..,......, .'.. v'" .'. .'.....". .'. ..".154 To., fix s-alary of Police Magis-tra/te,"'~"" . . .. . . .. . ., .. .. ,~~ 54 T'o appoint representative on Board of London Health AsS'o'elation '. .... ;---.;. ..'~ .... ... ...,.....,.. .'. ........ ..:.'. .'.. 5:5' To grant aid tpHigh Schools......,. .... ..,. ..,.. .'.',-...., ~56 To confirinElqu~lizationo.f Ass;es:sment;R,01ls .. ..,.... ..... ,'\56 'l'o,'-borrow $2;0-,OO~O ,........, ~ ;... '. .;,.,..,.. , .....,.... . ., ,57 To -confirm Bylaw 797, Malahide ..'...................".,..58 ,To ,defer Tax S'ale ...........,...... ..,,""...~ . ...., . ,." ; . 58 T'~ raise CountyBa~es . "",' ,. ',"'~"""""""""'" ",,59' To' ,grant permission to Dominion Nat~ral Gas Company, to_ lay gas pi~e'S acros,s:,County I3ridges ,..".... " ~,...-. ., '.. (}1 Tb grant ,p-ern:-is-s-ion to the Central Pip.eLine Company Limited, to lay pipes aetos's.' County Bridges .. ,.. ..,.,. .62 To appoint Phy kian, HOUS.-6 of Indus.try ., ,.. ,-._, '."'" ".' : 64 To appoiht AsiS'is-tantto' County Treasurer ;'.,.,. '. . . . . '.' . . . , :64' ...;..."..,.....;;.....,,;,.;~. 10,14,23; 2{), 2:7,41,44 Officials .~,,'; .......... ........... .'... ," .......... .,...... ~'.. ..,','...,.:4 . '-'. , .. . '," . .. .. . " .' .. , , .. ., . .. . . . . . . 9; 2ib~ 3:1,," 33,; ,4,0, 116 Ass-b'Ciati'dn ..... c....... .~.'.....,.. .';...... ....... .,45\ ...... .,..............,...".....,.. 813;' 3-9, 46,48,,107i 108 Insp,ection .... ." .',....... .... .... .,; ;'. ....;....... ...... 22 '794 795 796 '197 ,7-.!!'8 799 800 ~ibTaTY As-s'c~'blatio,n . .,. ........ ..., ..",.....; ...:;, ..,.. ,.;1,2 ?--nd Liidies-' Institutes: ......"...........,........ .14; 16 . . . . . . . ~ . .'. '._;<. . . . . .. . . . . , .. , , . . , . . . . .' . . " . . ',' . . .. . . . . .2,.9 Fairs' .',..", '." '.... ,... ..,......,..... "',~ ;......... ..;. ....a1' Elgin Poultry Ass-oeiation .. .,;. ..;. ... ...."".".,.......4'7 RepOrt . ,........,....,.,........... ...... ...............:. .,80 126 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL High Schno'lTrustees ...... ..,......... .,...,................. .'...... .14- Eligh School, Glenaoe .............. .'..... .'.. ..'.. .',..... "., ,......;. .16 .' '. I HIgh School, St. Thomas................. ,....... ....... .215,; 27, 41,75 JHgh School Grants. ..' ....'>...... ....... .... .... ..'., ,".. .......... .75 Hospita:I Miodntenance ............................. .." ........... .... 8 'Hydro-ml~ctric Powet~ .'..... ........,.......... ,"........,..... ...,. JVI'e;mllers..ot'..Council ........,........... ,',....... .,,-,. .... .....". ...".. MUl\i{~Ii'pal Om,cials I I . . . ;. . . . . " . . . . . . . ", <,' .". . . . . . . .', . . , . . .. . . . : .. . . .. I-{JE'POR'l'S OF COM:MIT'TE':mS., mTC.- Couri,ty Roads.,....,.........,.,......"'.,.' ,.. .',....,..; ,33~ HEl County E,ngineep ....,.,... I . . . . . . . .,. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ., . .'. . .86 Distr1ct R.epresentativeAgricultural Department .~.,.. . .... .1~2)1 Education ...................,...............'. 1.4';2'8,46',74,75,76 Educwtiari' Assa,ciatian ........., " . . ','" . .,...... .' .".... .... .': .26, 77 Eoqualiz'aticin . .:'.. . . . . . ... . . ;.,., . . . . . . .'. ., . I . . . . . , .. . . . . . ... ... 313, ,107 Financ~ ......... ...........:... .'.'.'..............;... ,15, -3'3; 48, 80 , . Gaad Roads As,saC'iati:on ....'. .... ,....'..,... . ..... . ...... '..... ... 26,117 Hause! of. Industi'yand Gaol,Cammittee,.. . .,............ .16, 2-8.,,'95 House" of Industry -Inspector, .,.,'., .'..... .'. ..'. ",...:... '.... .. .... .. .44,98 , H~use af Industr:y- Bhysicia'n .....,......;,................,.44,.102 Hospital S.pec.i~l ....".....,.....................<...... ~ . . '.24, ' IrS M:U1nicipaI As'so~iation ..::....."............~. ...,....... ..48,119 Petitions and I..0b>islation .......,.......,........;_.....14.312, 4i, 9:3 Police Magistrate .,.....,... ,.. ';' ,................~.. .......,.. .109 Public Improvements ................."... '." . . . . . . . . .1'5, 2.9 46, : 90 :'Public S.chooI Ins,pedar' Taylor .......... .,.........,.... .-..... .66 . Public School 'Inspector Atkin .,.................... ". ' . .., . . . . . . . .71 Sa'u8JtoriUlm 'Special ..."...,..:.......,.......'.,.........,.24,112 ,Sana;todum'Re,p,resentatives ...........................~..... ..r.p Btamding C-ommittees ....... .'......... .,......... .............. .,..65 Wa:rden's"Addl'ess' ..... ,. .'.........., .'..... ,..,..'......... ,28,104 Rayal Alexandra Sanatorium ......"...,... .'.........; ,'.'..... ;29 Scho.ol' Report,s' ....,....."..........................................., 9, Sehoal Grants' ......................................21., 24, .112,113 1'axaU'on ............ ..'''.. ..........,......... .'.... :'~........ .'.... '.' .-3.9 'ro'11 Road Claim,........ ....... ...:........................'. ..'....- .....9 Warden's TIned,ian .........,... .'. .'.............. ;;.... ~ ....,.....6