1912 Minutes J25 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Hig'h Scho'olTrustee-s .. '" .. . . . . ,. . . . . . .,< . . . . . . . . . . , . .. . . . . . .'. . . . . . ; If Hi1?;h School, Ole-ncoe ......".......,'.............. .'.,. ............ ..1& . .... I J1)gh Sehoal. St. Thomas- ".',..................... ... .....2,5.,27, 41, 75 High SchnolGrants ,. .,. ,,,'k.. ,<.... <.......... ..., .....,. ........ .:75 HoS'pitallVIaintenance ....................,........ .,..... .:". ,. ... ',' 8 Hydro-IDle'ctric PoweI~ ...... ,.. ..... . ." ........ ..... . ... ."... ..... .~1 l\iJ'embers..of.Council ,.,.....,................... .'... .... ........ ..... .... _5 " Muuioipal Officials .',. ,'" i. .......... ',' ',','.' ."....... ......... ,.,...: ,';.. .,..4 PROCEEDINGS of the ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL R!mpOR~l'S OFCOMMrr".r.mES', mTC.- County Road~ .....".. " ...........,... ..........,.... ..... .'...... .33., 1t6 County Engineex . '. . .'. . . .1 . .'. . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . ,'. '.' . . . . .86 D-istr'ict RepresentativeA>$Ticulh:iral Department ............. .'pI Education ........,'................,....,...'. 14;2:8,46" 074,7?,'76 :ffi.ducrutiori AssDciation ......,.._..........,............."..,..C26, 77 mqualiza.tion . ,............. l ..... .'. ... \.... .... .... . , ... 3'3,107, Fina'nc~ .......... ..........:... ..'.'..............,... 15, 3'3; 48, 89 . , Good RO'ads'As-S'oC'iati'On ... .'" ....:..,... ..... ' .......... . . ..' ,26,-117 House:' of Indus'try arid Gaol'.Committee,..:. .-.... .... .. .. .16,2,8; '95 'House of Industry Inspector '.' .'.'.' ,"""" P,..',. ..,.. ........:. .... ,44,98 House of Industry' Bhysidan ., "...,..."; i.... '_.' .'.,...... ...44, 102 FEospital Speci:;tl ','.'..."'..'.... .,'.... .".,.,.:~. .'.-: ..-...., .,~24,'lP MJUlriicipal,Aslso~iati(jn'""""" ,... ,......',.... .".,.,...... ,48,n~ p.etitions and Legislation"............ .'........ :..-.'. .14,312,47,9',3 Police 1iagistrate ,. ..."....;. ._.."........ '..... ,.... .....,... ,109 t)ublic ImproVeinen,t$ ..,;..,.,;'.............""..... .15,' 29' 46, ,90 Public School InsP8'ctor Taylor ..." ,..............o'..., .'. ..,..66 Pu1;>lic Scho'ol 'Inspector Atkin' ..,............. . . . . . ;'. . . . . . . .'. . . . .71 Sa'na.torium' 'Special ......,....;...,.....,......,.",.,..,.. .24, 112 S~n8::to'rium"Repres'entatives ................... ',""" .'" S'tanding C'Ommittees .,..... ,....,.... ,......... ........... ,... ,-. Wal'den's..Addr,ess' ,...", .'....... ...... ,.,.... .....,. .'......... .28, Royal, ,A'lexandra Sanatorium ,...,.........' ."..." .'" . ..-..". School: R'eports .,.........,..........,........,...,... " , . "'. . '.:, S,chool Grants.....,.. '.... .....,....,.... ..... .,....... .21., 2'4, 112, ~l'axati'on ..,.... ..... ........ "...,....... ....;....'.. .....'..:.,.;.. ..".:... ....,39. '.roll Road CIa'im ...,.... ,..... .... ...., ...... ". ...'....."..... """ ........ Warden's Ele'ct1on ....,.. ,'... ...:o' .............. .,.... '." '. ..;.. ....., During the Sessions held in the COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS in the Th[onths of January, June, and November Nineteen Hundred and Twelve W. McKAY, County Clerk. A. ANDllR$O)il, Wat-den. County Officials c. W. Colter, Esq., County Judge C. O. Erm.atinger, Junior Judge D. McColl, Esq., Sheriff J as. H. Coyne, Esq., .-Registrar D. McLaws, Esq., County Court Clerk A.. McCrimmon; Esq., Clerk of the Peace and County Cr,own Attorney. C. F. Maxwell, Esq., Master in Chancery \lV. F: Luton,- Esq., Gaoler J. A. Taylor, B.A., and "V. Atkin, Esq., Public School Inspectors J Ohl1 McCa':1slal1d, Esq., Co. Treasurer K. W. McKay, Esq., Co. Clerk , .i ~ai~leS IN. Bell, M. C. S.,'c.E., COl1ntyEngincer James M. Glenn, K. c., LL. E., COltnty SolicitOl' Frank Hlmt, Esq., Falke lvlagistrate Robert Kains, ]\11. D., - .Gaol Surgeon F. W.Gucst, M. D., Physician H01.1Se of Ind"l1stry D. H. Gooding, Esq., Keeper House of Industry A. Turner, Esq., Inspector :Hol1se of Iildustry John T-:1'opkins, Caretaker Court House All of St. Thomas P. O. County Awlitors: Walker Caughell; 'Vi. A. Galbraith, Dutton Ac1ministrationof Justice Auditors: C. \V. Colter, County Judge.: D.1VlcKillop, \Vest Lome MUNICIPALITY CLERK TREASURER Aldborough..... . E. A. Hugill, Rodney... D. McPherson, vVest Lome Dunwich....... .. .D. A. lVIcNahb, Dutton... .J. A. Call1pbell, Dutton Southwolc1.. . ..' .. .J. 11cLennan, Fingal..... D. 1.\. Cattanach, Fingal yarmouth.... VV. C. Caughell, St. Thom'as,. R. l\lcLachlin,St. Thomas Malahide. ' , .. . .. Mahlon E. Lyon, Aylmer, . Mahlon E. Lyon, Aylmer Bayham... .' ,. Benj, Brian, Straffordville, , \iVm. Grant, South Dorchester.. , . . . D. Taylor, Belm.ont. .. Gordon vVinder, Lyons ~rown of Aylmer. .. .. . . . .. '. . D. C.,Davis.. . . , .. . .. .. . . VV. Warnock Village of Vienna... . . . . .. . .. S. S. Clutton.. . . . . . . . .. S. S. Village of Springfield. . . .. . .. .J. n.. Lucas. . . . George Stewart Village of Port Stanley.. .. .Jas.Gough............... . .Jas. Village of Dutton.. . .. . . . .' .. J. D. Blue. .. . . .. . .. . D. Village of West Lome..... .J. S. Robertson.. ... . ..' Arthur Vil1a~e9f Rodney... ..... ... .J. D. Shaw... -. .....;. N. S. Municipal Clerks and Treasurers PROCEEDINGS - OF THE-' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FIRST SESSION-FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 231'd day of January, 1M2 The mC1TIbcrs~elect of the COl1ntyCouncil of the County of Elgin this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, at 2 p.,m., allot whom, '. the exception of Joseph A. J acksoll, Reeve of Bayham, filed and took their seats at the Council Board, as follows: of. Aldb.orongh..,- Reeve, William W. Campbell Deputy Reeve, -Peter l\tlcVicar " of Dunwich- Reeve, J 6h11 Dromgole Deputy Reeve, Neil Love of Southwold- Reeve, Herbert J. Henderson Deputy Rqeve, 1fils.on B. Stafford .ownship of Yarmouth..,.---- Reeve, Alexander Anderson Deputy Reeve, George Doolittle o\v-nship of Malahide- Reeve, Michael McKnight Deputy Reeve, William. E. Leeson O.VilShip of Bayham- Reeve, Deputy Reeve, vVilliam H. More 6 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Township of South. Dorchcster- Reeve, Silas R. Wilson Town of Aylmcr- Reeve, Oscar McKinney Village of Vienna- Reeve, Robert Grass Village of Springfield....:- Reeve, Malcolm 1L Black Village of Port Stanley- Reeve, Harley Taylor Villagy of West Lorne- Reeve, Daniel McKillop Village of Dutton- Reeve, Geo. W. 'Ling, M. D. Village of Rodney- Reeve, Benjamin B. Graham called the roll, and explained that omitted to bring his certificate, The Clerk took the chair, Jackson, Reeve of Bayham, had would have it in' the morning. On motion, ncsclay m.orning. the Council then adjourned until ten o'Clock, \i'ilecl- 1(. w. McKAY, County Clerk. ALEXANDER ANDERSON, Warden. llLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 7 FIRST SESSION-SllCOND DAY Wednesday, the 24th day of January, 1912 called to order at 10 a.m., the Clerk in the Jackson; Reeve of Bayham, filed his certificate and The Clerk then called for nominations for the position of Warden. Every member of the Council was placed in nomination, all of re~igned, with the excep-tion of M;essrs, Wilson, McKillop, Anderson, and Black The .voting was proceeded with, and after the sixty-second vote Council adjourned until 2 p.m. The Council Resumed Mr. and voting was resumed, and on the sixty-sixth ballot, Alexander Reeve of Yarmouth, having received a majority vote, was duly elected Warden. ' The Warden-elect made the statutory Declaration of Office before McLaws, J. P., took the 'chair, and thanked the Council for conferred upon him. lof the last day of the November Session, 1911, and confirmed. following communications' were read: President Ontario Good Roads Association, re deputation Referred to Public Improvements Committee. Secretary Provincial Trustees: Association, re delegates me,eting. Referred to Education Committee. F. M. Clement, County Representative Agricultural Depart- with report. Filed. Prisoners' Aid Association, re grant. Referred to Fillallce 8 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From the Salvation Army, re grant towards social work in Ontario. 'Referred to Finance Committee. From Warclsville High School Board, with account for 1911. Referred to Education Committe. From Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, requesting grallt. Referred to Finance Committee. From J. A. Taylor, B. A., Public School Inspector, i'c visits to schools, 1911. Referred to Education Committee, From County Treasurer, with report on finances. Referred to Finance Committee. From W. M. Reid and_other ratepayers in Dunwich and Ald- borough, appealing, from action of Township COl.111cilsin r.eference ,. to their application for' changes in Union Sections 13 arid 15, DUllWich and Aldborough. Referred to Education Committee. From John Ross and other ratepayers of Aldborough and Dun- ,wicb, appealing from action of Township Councils in reference to their application for the formation of a new Union School SeCtion. Referred to Education Committee. From Neil McEachren and others, appealing from action of Township Councils' in reference to their application for the forma-:- tion of a new Union Section. Referred to Education Committee. ' From F. H.unt, County Police Magistrate, with report. Referred to Finance Committee. From meeting. Secretary Ontario Good Roads Association, re annual Referred to Public Improvement Committee. From W. A. Reid, Secretary Boa,rd. of Education,. Woodstock, with account. Referred to Education Committee. From J. A. Taylor, B. A" Inspector Public Schools, with annual report. Referred to Education Committee. From John Hopkins, Higll Constable, r,c salary. Referred to , Finance Committee. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 9 From VV. Atkin, Public School Inspector, re V1S1ts to schools,' and expense account. Refcrrcd to Education Committee. ?vIovedby_ D. McKillop, Seccpided byP. VcVicar, That the Reeves of the several llltlliicipalities be 'a committee to the S'tanding Committees for the year. -Carried. Moved byW. W. Campbell, Seconded by P. McVicar, That the. Council do now adjourn until 1n a.m. to-morrow, to the Committee appointed to strike the Standing Committees meet. -Carried. McKA Y, County Clerk. ALEXANDER ANDERSON, Warden. 10 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL .11 FIRST SESSION-THIRD DAY Advertising the County Thursday, the 25th day of January, 1912 Since the 'Novc1l1_bcr Session, there has been considerable discus- sion in reference to advertising. ,the agricultural possibilities of Elgin County. The idea 'has been approved at various meetings of rate- paye~s. The question is one that should he broug"ht up for consider- ation during the present session. The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, ~C'CQrding to adjournment. The Warden in the chair. If you decide to go into the matter, an appropriation woulet have be provided for, and the policy to be adopted by future councils should be fully state-cl for their information. It is just possible that a plan for road improvement will have to be considered in this COll- before many years. All the members present. The W,arden addressed the Council as follows: Public ,W\orks WARDllN'S ADDRESS There no important public works to be undertaken this year, and something illlforeseen happens, the expenditure in this depart- will be low.er than it has been for many years. , Gentlemen 'Of the Council: I have again to thank yOU for the honor conferred in electing me as your presiding officer for the year. The attention of the Council is directed to the, report ofthe Improvements Committee adopted in November 'last, in to petition for a new bridge over the Thamcs Ri'vcr. The of Middlesex was notified, and it will be your duty to appoint special cominittee therein referred to. . Thel:e are a few matters that I would like to refer to briefly: Good Roads days were read and COll- This Council, on several occasions, has had the county roads question under consideration, but as yet have made but little pro- gress. Valuable information has, however, been obtained, and hope that the time is not far distant when a comprehensive scheme acceptable to the ratepayers of this county will be presented. The report of the committee appointed to strike the Standing' for 'the year was presented and adopted on motion of seconded by Robert Grass. Ling gave notice of application for grant equal to one year's rate, for improvement of street in Dutton. The Federal Government has made an announcement that meets with the apprQval of the good road enthusiasts of the Province, and the Government authorities are preparing to take advantage of the offer. Mr. Dromgole gave notice of application for grants of twenty- dollars cachto the West Elgin. Farmers' and Ladie's' Institutes. Leeson gave notice of application for similar granfs for the Elgin Institutes. ' This will no doubt ha\'e an effect ,on public opinion, and I would suggest that a special good r0ads committee be appointed to collect: information, watch the 'trend .of the present agitation for increased GovernmeJi.t aid,and report fully before the end of the year. Doolittle gave notice of appli'cation for grant of twohundl"e(l' dollars for lock-up at Union. 12 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by 0, McKenny, Seconded by Robert Grass, That D. McKillop be appointed 011 the Board of Audit of Admin- istratiol1of Justice Accounts for 1912. -Carried. lVloved by D. lVIcKilIop, Seconded by John Dromgole, That W. A. Galbraith and Walker C. Caughell be appointed Auditors of the County Accounts' 'for 1911. -Carried. Moved by Ivla1colm M. J31ack, Seconded by Wm. Leeson, That this Council do now adjourn, to allow the Committees to organize, and'meet again at 2 p.m. -Carried. The Council Resumed ]udgeErmatillger, President; C. St. C. Leitch, Secretary; and F., Hunt, Police Magistrate, addressed the Council, requesting a grant to the oElgin Law Library Association. The Wardell referred the matter to the Finahce COl1unittee. The report of the Education Committee was presented and referr-: ed to a committee of the whole, with M'r., Black in the chair. After considering the report clause ,by clause, it was decided to lay it over for further consideration, and the cOlJ1mi'ttee arose. 'M:oved by D. McKillop, I Seconded by W. W. Campbell, That the Chairmen of the various Standing-Committees be a special committe,e to report on the Warden's address. -Carried. llLGIN COU"NTY COUNCIL 13 Moved by 1\1. McKnight, Secollded by Wm. Leeson, 'That this Council do now' adjourn, to meet at 4 p.111., to allow the Committees to meet. -Caeried. The Council Resumed The report of the Sp,ecial Committee on the Warden's Address was presented and referred to a committee of the whole, De. Ling in the chair.. After discus?ing therepo.rt clause by clause, it ,was laid,over further consideration, and the Committee arose. . Moved by 'Wm. Leeson, ,Seconded ,by M. McKnight, That we do now adjourn to 111eet tO~111otrow at 10 o'clock a.111. -Careied. W. McKAY, County Clerk ALEXANDER ANDERSON, Warden. 14 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FIRST SIlSSION-FOURTH DAY Friday, the 26th day of January, ;1-912 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, according to adjournment. The "Varden in the chair. All the mC111bers present. The proceedings of the previous day where read and confirmed. Mr. McKinney gave notice that at the next l11ceting of the Coun- cil he would make application for a grant of one hundred mld fifty dollars to assist in building a lock-up in the Town of Aylmer. The 1-cport of - the Gaol and I-louse of Industy, Committee was presented and adopted on motion by 111. McKnight, seconded by G. Doolittle. The report of the Education Committee was presented and l-den'cd to a committee of the whole, Mr. Black in the chair. After amending the report, the committee arose, and it was adopted on motion of Black, seconded by Henderson. , 'The, report of the Public Improvements Committee was presented and adopted on motion of S. R. Wilson, seconded by Peter McVicar. The report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of B. Graham_, seconded by M,. !',1IcKnight. The report of the Special Committee on the 'Wardeli's Address was presented and referred'to a ,committee of the whole, Dr. Ling in the chair. After amending the report, the committee arose and the report was adopted on motion of Dr. Ling, seconded by S. R. \^Tilson. Moved by Graham, Seconded by McKenney, That the Connty Treasurer be requested to enforce the provi- sions of section 214 of The Assessment Act, and collect six per cent. llLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL , 15 interest on in any year. all connty rates remaining u6paid after 20th De'cember -1Carried. !y[:oved by Dr. Ling, Seconded' by M. Black, That Samuel McColl be appointed Trustee of the Duttoh High School. -Carried~ Moved'by 'Oscar McKenney', Seconded by W. E. Leeson, That-Jas. G. Heiter be re-appointed Trustee for the Aylmer Col- legiate Institute for the next three years. -Carried. Moved by Robert Grass, Seconded, by J. A. Ja,ckson, That vVm. Kirk be re-appointed Trustee of the Vienna High School 'for three years. -Carried. Moved ,by W. E. Leeson, Secol~dedl?y J. A. Jackson" That grants of twenty-five dollars each be made to the East, Farmers' and Ladies' Institutes. -Carl'ied. i\foved_ by J. Dromgole, Seconded by Neil Love, That this Council make grants of twenty-five dollars each to vVest Elgin Farmers' and L~dies' Institutes. -Carried. 1\ifoved by Geo. Doolittle" Seconded by Pet,er McVicar, That a gran'tof two hundred alldfifty dollars be given to'vvards a lock-up in the Village of Union. -'-Carried. 16 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Th'e "yeas" and "nays" were as follows: Yeas-M'cVicar, vVilson, M.cKenn,ey, lVloore, Doolittle, Taylor, Black, Leeson, :J\ilcKnight, Ling. Grass, J acksol1, Nays-Campbell, IvlcKillop, Dromgole, Love, Henderson, Stafford, Graham. 'Moved by Dr, Ling, Seconded by, Neil Love, That a grant equal to the coun,ty rate for 1912 be made to the Village of Dutton to assist in repairing the Main Street. -L()st. Moved by lVI.Black, Seconded by I-I. Taylor, That all the villages of the county be allowed to expend their , county rate for 1912 on their main streets. Moved by J. A. Jackson, Seconded by Robert Grass, That By-Law N(j). SO'4,being a by"':law to appoint County Auditors, be received and read for the first time. -Carried. Moved by J, A. Jackson, Seconded by Robert Grass, That By-Law No. 804 be read a second time. -Carried. M'ovcd by W. H. Moore. Seconded by J. A. Jackson, That By-Law No. 804 be rea'd a third time and fmally passed. -Carried. Moved by W. W. Campbell, Seconded by Peter McVicar, llLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 17 That 'By-Law No. and the Treasurer to and read a first time. 8.05, being a- by-law to authorize the 'Warderi borrow twenty thousand dollars, be received ....,...Carried. Moved by Peter McVicar, , Seconded by ] olm Dromgole, That By-Law No, 805 be read a second time, -Carried, Moved by D, MdGllop, Seconded by Vl. VV~ Campbell, That By-$Law 805 be r,ead a third time_ and tlllully passed, -Carried, Moved by Neil Love, Seconded by]. Dromgole, , That By-Law No. Sn6, being a by-law to pr6vide, for the attend- ance~f Reeves at meeting of Elgin MunLcipal Association be received read a first time. -Carried. Moved by J, ?romgole, Seconded by Neil Love, That By-Law S06 be read u sec~;1d time, -Carricc\. Moved by ]. Dromgole, Seconde'dby Neil Love, That By-'Law No, S06 be read a third ,time and fmally passed, -Carried, Moved by H. J. Henderson, Seconded by 1ft' B. Stafford, That By-Law No. 807, being a 'by-law to appoint High School be received and, read a first time. -Carried, 18 ELGIN COUNTY CQUNCIL Moved by H..J. Henderson, Seconded by M. B. Stafford, That By-Law No. 8-0,7 be read a se'concl time. -Carried. Moved by H.- J. Henderson, Seconded by M. B. Stafford, That By-Law No. 807 be 'read a third time and :linally passed. -Carried. M'oved by Geo. Doolittle, Seconded by H. Taylor, That. By-Law No. 808, bcing"Cl by-law to appoint Arbitrators to determine the school section appeals, be received and read a first time. -Carried, M,oved by 1L M. Black, Seconded by W', E. Leeson, That By~ILaw No. 808 be read a second time. -Carried. ]\iPoved by J. A. Jackson, Seconded by George Doolittle, That By-Law No. 808 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by VVlll. Leeson, Seconded by l\L il-IcKnight, That By-Law No. 809, bcing a by-law to appoint Audit, be received and read a first time. , Moved by 1-1. McKnight, Seconded by vVm. Leeson, That By-Law No. 809 be 1'ead a second time. > ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 19 Moved by Wm. E. Leeson, Seconded by n;J. McKnight, That By~Law }.;o. 809 bc read a third timc andJinallypassed. -Carried. :Moved by VV. H.l'doore, Seconded by 0.' McKenny, That By-Law No. 810, being a by-law to fix members' wages, be received and read a first time. -Carriecl. lvIoved Jjy O.1'-/IcKenne.y, Seco'nded by ',7"l. :a. Moore, That By-Law No.8W be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by W. H. lVIoore, Seconded by Robt. Grass, That By-Law No. 810 he read a third time and fl11ally passQd. -Carried. As ,directtd by the Conncil, thy vVarden made thc following" to join Provincial' deputation to Ottawa to wait npon and Mernbers of his Cabinet to present their views in to Federal aid to good roads-Campbell, McKenney, Dr. lIdcKnight, Henderson,.lVTcKillop, Wilson. Com'mittee fo attend Good Roads Association meeting at Toronto 11:cVicar, Dromgole, Leeson, Jackson, -Taylor, COllnty Eng'lneer 11. to' attend meeting of Prov1116al Trustees' Associa- :Moore, Lovc, Grass. publicity committee-Reeves Camj)bell, Dromgolc, 1-1C11- Leeson, Jackson;' Wilson, Deputy Recve George Doolittle. ~ o '-; 5 e " -< (fl o 00 00 o. " 0. o 00 ciQ. ~ ~ 0. ~ '" o >-l o ~ 00 E '0 :00 o o .., o 00 ~ 0.. t:! '" '-; 0 (i e ~ " 0 S' >-l (fl is: 8 (fl ~ '" ::r'- 0 0 aq 0 ~ 0 0 0 ~ ;;. 0 < i' 0 0 ~ ~ " 0 e: e " ~ 0. 0. 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I'i ~€ ':=l := ~ ~ ~ g gq o " n ~o ::; g crq Q; 0- ~ 8 p..~ o. ;:; ;. ::; 00- 8 o fr ~'< " ~ '" o o gr 5' -, - =--= -.. --~-= _"'_ . ,_ __n_. ~_~ ~ ;; n o " ~\ ~, o e F ~ >-I o o 00 ~ ::< s:- o ~ ;;: '" 0. ., '< s.- '-; o o ,0 ~- ~ ~ " w t<J (") o z tj 111 t"' " ... z w 111 w w >-< o z I 'xJ >-< ~ w >-l tj ;J> >< (") o c:: Z >-l >< (") o ~ z (") ... t"' '" '" 20 , llLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Special good roads committee-Cam-pbell, Dromgole, Leeson, Jackson. M,oved by W. V'l. Campbell, Seconded by P. A. McVicar, Tl.fat this Council do now adjourn to meet on JUI1C, 1912, in theCoul1cil. Chamb~rs, St. Thomas. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. ALEXANDER , Henderson, Wilson. the 11th day of _Garried. ANDERSON, V\T ar(ieil. I II ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL .1 21' SIlCOND'SESSION-FIRST DAY . ' , Tuesday, 'the 11th clay of June, 1912 The Elgin" County Councilmct this day in the Coui:t I-Iot1se, St. Thomas, at 2 p.m., according to adjouri1ment. The \iVarden in the chair. All the members present. The Warden addressed the Council. as follows: WARDEN'S ADDRESS In commencing the June Session of the Council, I have a few to refer to that may be of interest. House of Industry /' The Legislature at its last session consolidated the sect'ion of rela'ting to hbuses of industry, and introduced some new features. of management is now required'to consist of the Warden and bthers, who may be members of the Council. The appoinlments be made by by-law, and the appointees would hold office ,during pleasure of the Council. Tihisamendment appears to favor 'con- in the supervision of the manag,ement of the institution and and is, J think, a step in the right direction. The matter was by the Council a few years ago, some of the' present being strongly in favo'!' of the appointment of a permanent at. that tim.e. This Act is now in force and should receive change in the Jaw, provides' for the admission of the and harmless insane to houses of industry. This is opposition fa the regulations in force in this County, and commend jtself to me. It will tend to change the chai"acter institutions to that of an asylum, with increased facilities for atldi11aintenance of 'this class of inmates. Publicity the January Session, I designat~d the Township Reeves and 22 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Deputy Reeve Doolittle of Yarmouth as a Publicity COll1mittee. One lneeting was held; nothing was done, as the law did not authorise expenditures for this purpose. Full particulars of the work being done in Lanibtol1 Connty wefe secured' and a copy of President Fairbank's teportforwarded to each member. TheProvillcial Government hassinee changed the law -in this connection, andcol1uties rnay now expend $3,000 annnallyfor this pur- pose, ad receive from the Government one-third of the amount. This is vcry cncol1ragingto those who are enthusiastic in this connec- tion, and I hope that a favorable public sentimerit will result in the calling' of a meeting of representatives of all agricultural associations, boards of tr.ade, and kindred organizations in the Cot111ty, -for the consideration of the question. If this resulted in the formation of a strong County :j?ublicity Association, this COl.H1cil would no doubt be justified il~ granting financial assistance. Public School Inspectors' Salaries The Public School Law ,has been amended by increasing the salaries of Public School Inspectors to eighteen hundred dollars per year for 1912, to be increased to nineteen hundred in 1913, and two thousand dollars for cvery subsequent year. Election of Warden Although I have no fault to find with the result of th'co election of Warden at our last session,it does, appear to be necessary to con- sider a change in our present regulations, if it will tend to reduce the number of voteS. . My attention has been directed to a system_ that origi\lated .in the County of Victoria, and has heen adopted in SOlne other counties. This is in brief: There are no nom.illations made; every member is eligible for the position, and voteS as his narneis drawn' hy the Clerk horn a rec,eptac1e in which cards for each have been placed. Boards of Health The Public Health - Act has been amended to change the con- .,titution of Local Boards of Health and provide for the appointment ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 23 of District Health Officers by the Government, with hwisdiction in all ll1unicipalitiesill their district. The salary of these officials is to be $2;500 per annum, and an allowance for expens~s of $1,500, to he paid by fhe coul1ties, cities, and separate towns comprising the district, in pr6p~rtion to the population. The boul1daries of the district includ- ing thc COl11ity of Elgin have not been announced, and I am unable to say how much,we will have to pay on this account. Equalization and,County Rates Two of equalization atiQn of the your more important duties at this Session will be the of' the asses;'inent rolls Of the county and the detennil'1- amount to be levied for county rates. This Council has had considerable experience in equalization matters, and should not be long in arriv'ing at a conclusion this ye,U', The amount required for county rates is only within the control of tjte Council to a slight extent. There will -be but few expendihir,es forcOllnty bridges; in other respects the requiremelHs will be the same last year, together with the deficit of $7,nno reported by .the Agricultural Representati ve Owing 'to the shape of the County, it. is unfortunate that the headquarters of the agriculttlral representative are located at Dutton. ~'lr. Gfement is most efficient in endeavoring _ to. accomlhodate all :s:ections, but- I believe could d,n more i~ his headquarters were inSt. >\Thomas, with branch offices 111 charge of assistants; in Dutton and , Aylmer. If the l11el11ber~ of the Council agree in' this, they should rirrangc to consult' with our Provincial representatives arid endeavor tobdngabout the change. The pra,ceedings and confirmed. of "'the last day of the previous session were following communications were ,read: GlcncoG High'School Board, with acco1-tnt. Rderred to Committee. Secretary VV oodstock I-I. S. Board, xe account. Committee. 24 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From Ontario "Municipal Association, re annual meeting. to Finance Committee. Referred From H. Harvey, W oodgreen, re refund 011 Pedlars' License. Referred to Finance C0l11.111.ittee. From W. 'L, Wickett, Solicitor Township. of Yarmouth, re con~ firmation of by-law of township. Referred to Petitions and Legisla- tion Committee. From A. P. \iVestervelt, Secretary Live Stock" Branch, Ontario W~nter Fair, re grant. Referred to Finance C011l111.ittee. From Ontario Municipal Association, t"e taxation of lD1prOVe- ments, Referred to Petitiol1y and Legislation Committee. From Ontari1o -Good Roads Association, re Government aid f91" county roads. Referred to Petitions and Legislation C01Um.ittee. From Minister of Education, re accommodation and e'qUlpment grants to rural schools. Referred to Finance Committee. From Ayl'mer High School, with report. Referred to Education Committee. From County Auditors, with report. Referred to FiIlance Com- mittee. FraIn J. A. Taylor, 1. P. S., re examination charges and expense account. Referred to Education C0111l1l.ittee. From W. Atkin, 1. P. S.,with report an'd expense account. Re~ fGrrcd to Education Committee. From Coullty Treasurer, with report. Referred to FinaiIce Com- mittee. Froi11 County Clerk, report all license. Filed. From' County Engineer, with report. Referred to Public Im- provements Committee. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 25 Mr. McKenney gave hundred and :fifty dollars notice of application for grant of twCl ($250.00) to assist in building lotk-upii1 gave', notice of application for graM to impl;ove street present,ed the report of the deputation appointed to go re Federal aid for highway improv.ement. was?dopted 011 motion bf Dr: Ling, seconded by S. Dromgole gave notice of application for grant, to the agri.:. associations Ion the same basis as last' year, and for a grant dollars ($25.00) to Kate Wallace, Dunwich. .. I I . , Caml)bell gave l)oticeof application' for grant for Flemil~g Creek Drain. county line Moved ~y "'vV. VV. Campbell, Seconded by P. A. McVicar, , That thisCOUl1Cil hear a deputation from the Association on Vi[ edncsclay afternoon. West Elgin Corn -Carried. by W.. V\T. Campbell, by D. McKillop, the chairmen of committees be a special, committee to the Warden's address. -Carried. by Vl m. Leeson, by l\t:tichael JlI'IcKllight, "' ;; " " I () " ~ o " '" S- O ~ g ;r o~ ~""l ~ ~' CD ~ 02, ~ ;'.. o '"1 ...... 3 C; g ,-,. (1l " B o " ~ ~ " o " " ~ .^ :is () g ~ " n Q" :;:; :>- ()c< ;;- " c " o w o " " o _ :;. a 0'0 ~ 0 0;:;" ~ ~. ~ ~. o (; B "' 2. ." "" H o ~ g o ::< tc~ 0'=J ~ :;. ::r-~ :: ~ F '" ~ n H p.,,- o 00 '< ~ :iSf;; ~'2 ri t?(J1 6'~ o ~ ~ - :>- r-< N :><: :>- z o tI; ~ " o g. '-3 ~ [ o~ ;;. on ~ g o " o 2.: 8 a" g- ~ 0 w ~ '0 ~ 2: '5 0 o " ~ 2 ~ g Cj ~ g. g' ~. s, ,up.. g. S ?r, . [13: ~v, ,,,,", ~ " ~ 55 D ::: " () q 0." o 0 0." ~ 0. o~ '< ~ - " !Q>;:; ~ ri w , tn o o g 0. o 0. " ~ ~ to ;0- n '" ~ " " o o. a o '" ~ ~ g " (; ~ '? H o < o 0. -0 o ~ o r~d :0 8' -:r. D ~ '"1 r'- 8 -. (D '0 [J'J 0- Q :r. ,- i. S (1) ;': ~ ';j.... [1::( ~ ~ ~ ~.g n: ~ ,-+ p..:; ~ _ - 0 '< r;;.:::;- s::: 5 " - 0 0_ -- n _ co o:='p.. ~ ~-~. '< (fJ p.. ........~~ ~; fo ~ ~. ~ '< r; CD ~ (;l ~ _ :-: :>> o _ P 'J> [JQ .-+ '" 0 w -, '" o 0 - H ~ ' ",0 2.. ~ " :is p r-< o o g I h " - " ;;' ~ ~ o S ~rl-(il " " ~ ~ n 0" 8. ~ 8 o..{;; ... 2... . E.g:n ~ .g 2- 8 '" rl-,........ ;-< (,) crq :::::: ....:., 0.. - :::- 0 o ;';; ~ ::: '" (.) r:: s:i2...2... ",'0 -, ~ ,-+ ~ g " () p.. ~,- ~ ~ ~ ".,..... ~..., iIi 0,< Y"J ~~o n ~~ en 2 . ::..::::::: ~ ~5; B. ~~~8= ? 9 " (]) :;. < ~ ~ 0 ~ C;; g 8 g 'g g: g, ~ ~;::;. .... ~ - ~ ,. v '" (:) '< \,) '" 0.. g,g B ::: ~ ~ g' g' ,-+ o 2......... 3:;:; t::l ~~ g. to..- ~ ~-- F:- ~ > () (Jl g ;J o g.E- 0. g " ~. :~ ~ tn o 8 0. n 0. ~ go: o < o 0. p '5 0.0 .g &.l-J ():::: :::;- p..aq (;> :;;: p " o " o ~ g So:i 8 ;."6 S- ()::; gos. a.g,..,. ~ o' (D :-0p.. l' o. r:.. ~ &~ " " o /J::-. :::: 0 0 - p ::: " 0. g en p g >:g p.. ~ S. ~o~ ~ [2.. (D ~~p.. y; g' 0- P ~ ;; .-'", 2~ ~ (fl "'" e ~ ~ :-' [ 0 o ~ ~:; " " ~ ~ - ~ ~.- p o ro ~ o ? ~- o '?'i ~ o ::< = s,::J :iS~ .....'::: <[Jq ()9 ::-: 0 ~ ""l - 0 'V 'V vo rv ""l ~::::~ w ::::': o - o 0 o 0 = 0 ~~ o _ ~~ '< (') C"[j() ~ ~ " 0 ""l", ",0 H o <0. o' ....,. ~ ~ " " 5' ;C; o 0. S; o " o '" ~" ~~ ~~ On ::-: 0 E ~ - " 0" ~'V 8 - " ;.g o ~ -, ~. - ci;cR ~ ::-:. ~ CP. ~~ o ~ tI:! as: ~ ~ n~ o [f) "'" "'" ::: :' C00~ r; r-h (5 ::-: ~g~~ ~ (') ;l_:- ~2>-~. (') -' en n n~o2 g g.~" aa - ~- '3 ~ 0":' ~"2~::: :: g~:!:.~ , w - r--g~ _-fFt Po> n 6~A o ~~- 6;:5' 0" 0", '0 ~" . o 0- ~ ~ ~" ::-: ::;--.., -'0 (t) 0. " ()O ,..... 0 ::: ~:: :;- ~ ~~ o "'" ;:;: 00<- ;;;',.Q ~ c-: ~ -< ~ ;;. m. H o " 0 o _ ~' o 0 -" ...; 0 o ""l 0. H '" o " (; n o o ~ " o S, 0-8-. ~ - o 0 3 '"d ~2: " 0" o 0;-'< o e ....-.'V (; < o S ~g o _~en '" ro 'd d < o = " g- " ~ " n o ~ ;;. ~ 0. ..~ 0. o g '" a o 0. ~ " tn o o o = 0. n 0. M '" ~. () o ~ = ~ >-l '" . 2 o ~ n " (') o .~ " 2: g ~ '" i<I . m ~ 8 . 0. " " ." I t n c' 0. ~ s g :;l ro d o ~ '" n ;;: " n g- " M as: " 8 ~ " w- " 2 () g " () o 5 B.: " " o " g M o o '" = " o " o ~ e n ~ o " " " " 0. " " '" H o ~ ~ " o o o " ~ uq H " " a " o " E: o ; , S':: o < n 0. " " tn :':Jj, ?' ~ ;;;' g .,.., t:r:: g 0. n 2 o ? d ~ . " g- " ~ '" n ~ w '" 0. " " ~ '-< g p ~ M <~ ", 00 2; ~ ~ '" n" '" ~ " " M r-< " H Z (') o c:: Z >-l ><: a o n 8 0. S 5' n ::< o o . (') o c:: z (') H r-< () o :8 ~ o . 0- " o " o ;:;. rn M (') o z o M r-< " H Z '" M rn rn H o Z I >-l ~ H i<I tj o :>- ><: (') o c:: Z >-l ><: (') o c:: z (') H r-< '" ~ 26 llLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL That this Council do now 12th day of June, at 10 a. In. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. adjourn, to 111cet on Wednesday, the _Carried. ALEXANDER ANDERSON, Warden. . . llLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 27 SECOND SESSION~SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 12th day of June, 1912 Elgin County Council met this day, according to adjourn- . All the members present except lYles's1's. 'Taylor and McKnight. The Warden in the chair. The ,proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. The reports of the Dutton and Vienna High Schools were p1'e- anet. referred to the Education Committee. The report of Ithe Court, I-louse C0111l11issiOll was presented. The award of the arbitrators appointed ,at the January Session to the appeals for Union School Sections in Aldborough 'and was presented. and referred to ,th~ Educatioll Committee. lvIr. V{ilsciil inquired in reference to admission of patients' to the Alexandra Sanitoriur;n. inquired in reference to i1Ul1ates leaving the the House of Industry Committee to The report of the special committee on the Warden's address and referred to a committee 'of the whole, 11:1'.: Graham After considering the report clause by clause, the com- arose, and the report was adopted on motion of Mr., Graham, by ;Vir. "'Nilson. teport of the Gaol Committee was presented and: adopted of lVIr. -~,1IcVicar, seconded by Mr. Doolittle. Magistrate Hunt then addressed the Coullcil in reference committed to the care of the Childrcn'sAid Society, and of- witnesses necessary in the investigation of cas,es of 28 llLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 29 All of which was referred to the Finance Committee to report. Moved by S. R. v.,rilson, Seconded hy H. J. Henderson, That this Conncil adjourn until 2 p.m. SECOND SESSION-THIRD DAY 'Thmsclay, the :1.ath day of June, ln12 ElginCol1l1ty Council met this day, according to acljoufn- -Carried. The vVarden in the chair. , The Council Resumed rd,essrs. Stalker, lvIcGugan, and McKi'llop, representing the vVest Elgin Corn Growers' Association, then adQressecl the Council, request- ing a grant of one hundrc.ddollars ($100.00) to aid the association. Referred to the F'inancc Corl1mittee.' ' The report of the delegation' appointed to attend the annual mcetirig of the Ontario Good Roads Association was l)resentecl and adopted on motion of Ml'. Leeson, seconded by S. R: \i\Tilson. ':iVlovecl by Oscar M.cK.enney, Seconded hy VVm.Ii.ceson, That this Council grant two hUlldred'andJlfty 'dollars to the Town of Aylmer, to assist in repairing and furnishing new cages Ior their locl<-up"samc to he approved' hy the County Engineer. _.Carried. All the members. ])rescllt except 1\Jessrs. McKnight and Taylor. The proceedings Of the p1"evious day ,were read and cOll'[~rl11ecl. The report of th,e F\iblic 1mp1'oveme11ts' Committee was present- and referred to aCOl11mittee of the whole, VV. VV. Campbell i11 the After amending the report, the committee arose and it \vas adopted motion of VV. VV. Campbe.11, ,scconded by Peter l\fcVicar. The report of the I-louse of Industry Committee was presented referred to 'a committee of the whole, Silas R. "Vilsoll 111 the After considering the repott clause by clause, the committee and it was adopted on motion of S. R. \i\Tilson, secollcfed 'by B. Stafford. report of the deputation to the Educational Association was 'and adopted on motion of IVr. M.. Black,secondec1 by D, l\/.Toved by vVm. Leeson, Seconded by M. M.Black, report of the Petitions and Lqiislation Committee was prc- adopted 011 motio11 of Petcr McVicar, seconded by Silas That,this Council do now adjourn l111til nine o'clock morning, to allow committees to meet. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. ALEXANDER ANDERSON, first report of the Finance Committee was presented and 011 motion of B. B. Graham, seconded by Vl. a.Moore. by J o11n Dromgole, by Oscri:i.McKel111cy, grants to the ag:ricultural fairs be the same as .last. year, per. cent., of.the Govcrnil1ent grant. -Carriec1.~ 30 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 31 M.ovcd by Neil Love, lvIoved by S. R. \i\Tilso)l, Seconded by, H. J"Hcndcl'soll, That the COllneil adjourn until 2 p.m. Seconded by J 01111 Dromgole,. That this Council make a grant of twenty-five dollars to the Township of Dunwich, to assist ill the maintenance of Kate \iVallacc and her sister, who WCfe fonnr;:rly inmates of the House of 'Industry. -Carried. -Carried. 1'he Council Resumed The second report of the Finance Committee was presented and 011 motion of B'cnjamin B. Graham,s'econded by \Vm. Leeson. John Hopkins, Big-l}Col1stablc, ha,iing tendered his resig- ,.... , Moved by Geo. Doolittle, Seconded by M. B. Stafford, That the salary of Head Turilkey Silcoxbc increased to two dollars pcr day. --,,-- -Carriedl Moved by Wt'n; E. Leesoll, Seconded, by \V. H. l'lo.ore, That the resignation of J. Hopkins, High Constable, be accepted. -Carried. The COHncil then adjourned for fIfteen minutes, to allow the Educational Committee to meet. The Council Resumed J\iloved by O. IVleKelllley. Seconded by VV. H. j\100rc, That the request of the Governor and },':latron of County Gaol he laid oyer until the November Session. 1.foved by 1\1. '1\1. Black, Seconded by Vvm. E. Leeson, That By-Law No. 811, being a Uy-lm.y to grant schools, be received and read a first 'time. additional aid to the -Carried. Tbc report of the Education COlllmittee was presentecl adopted on motion of 1"r. 11'1. Black, seconded by' Robert Grass. ?doved by Nl. 1\'1..' Black, Seconded by \iV111. E. Leeson, Th1at By-La"v No, 811bc read a second time. The report of the :Equalization Committee vlras presented adopted on motion of Vi. \Ai. Campbell, seconded by P.A. MlcVicar~ -C,irriecl. l'vlov'ed by Dr. Ling, Seconded by Oscar IVfcKcnney, by 1:1.1L. Black, by \\'111.'- E. Leeson, be read a third time and finally passed. 'That this Council grant to the Village of Dutton the amount tbe county rates toward making a macadamized roacl stone, tal"via, and vitrified hrick all thcirmaii1 street. -Carried. 32 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by J. A. Jackson, Seconded by Robert Grass, That By-Law No. 812,beil1g be received and read atlfst time. a by-law to amend By-Law No. 766, _Carried. Moved by Jos. A. Jacksbll, Seconded. by Robert Grass, That By-Law No. 812 be read a se,cond time. :'-Carried. J\loved by Jos. A.' Jackson, Seconded by Robert Grass, That By-Law No. 812 be read a third tilne and finally, passed. _Carried. 8J.5 Moved by GeQ. Doolittle, Seconded by.Robert Grass, That By-Law No. 813, hein,g of Yarmouth, be received a,nel -Carried. a by-law to confirm By-Law No. read a first time. Moved by Geo. Doolittle, Seconded by M. 1\'.1'; Black, That By-Law N Q. 813 be read a second time. -Carrice\: Moved by J os. .-A. Seconded by Geo. Tl1<lt By-Law No. Jackson, Doolittle, 81B be read a third time and finally passed. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 33 Moved by vVm. E. Leeson. Seconded by IVI. M. Black, That By-La:w No. 814, behlg a by-law to 883, :Malahide, be, received. and read a first 'time. confirm By:" Law No. -Carried. Moved byW. E. Leeson, Secondecl by 11,'1: M. Bla7k, That By-Law No. 814 be read a second time. ...... .. .1........ -Carried. MQved byvV. E. Leeson, Seconded by M. M. Bla,ck, That' By..-Law No. 814 be read athircl time and finaIry passed. ---.:..Carried. l'vfoved by Robel't. Grass, Seconded' by J. A. Jackson, That By-Law..No. of vVarden, be 815, being a by~lawto provide receiv~d ,and read a:firsLtime. rule for the -Carried. IVloved by'Robert Grass, by W. H. Moore, That By-Law No. 8:1.5 be read a second time. -Carded, lvlovedby W. H, Mooi-e, by Robcl't Grass, By-Law No. 815 be read a third time and 'finally passed. -Carried, 34 llLCHN COUNTY COUNCIL M ?ved by Silas IL vVilson, Seeon,dcd by J-Icrbert J. Henderson, That~By-La"v No. Sl(), being a by-law to anthorizethevVarden and Treasurer to botrow the stun of twenty thousand dollars,be received and read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Silas R. Wilson, Seconded by Herbert J. Henderson, That By-Law No, 816 be read a second time. -Carried. :rvIovcd by Silas R. Wilson, I Seconded by II. J. Henderson, That By.:.Law No. 816 be .read a third'time <lndf1nally passed. _Carried. lYloved by Dr. Ling, Seconded by Neil Love, That By-Law No. 81.7, being a by-law to confirm equalization, be received and read a first time. _Carried. Moved by Dr. Ling, Seconded by Neil Love, That By-Law No: 817' be read a sccdnd tiJne. _Carried. '!\'Ioved ,by Neil Love, Seconded by Dr. .Ling, That By-Law No. 817 be read;i third time and finally.pass.ed. ELGIN 1.'11.:111 i~i : III Ii ii", COUNTY COUNCIL 35 f.lfoved by PetCr l\-1cVicar, Seconded by Daniel IVlc Killop. That By-Law No. 818, being a by-law received and read a first time. to extend the time for tax '.1' Ii '.~..' I!, !i \'1;' 'II; 'fl' j; iil 'I' ,,' 1,1 -Carried. Moved by "V. "V. Campbell, Seconded by Peter 1J~Vicar, That 'By-Law No. 818 be read a second time. -Carried. M.oved by Daniel McKillop, Seconded by W. v.,', Campbell, ~hat By-Law No. 818 he read a third time and finally passed. -ea'nieel. II! 1,1 ,I 'II III l Ii I Moved by B. B. Graham, Sec9nded by' O. McKenney, That By-Law.No. 819, being and read a first time. a by-law to raise county rates, be -Carried. , ,I~ I I: I' II Moved by B. B. Graham, Seco'nded by O. McKenney, That By-Law No. 819 be read a second time. -Carried. B. Graham, W.H. Moore, That By-Law No. 819 be read a third time and fmally passed. -Carried. 36 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The vVarden named the following .members to attend the annual meeting of the Ontario MUllicipalAssociation: B. 13. Gi"aham, Oscar :Mc.Kcl1ne:y, -Geo. Doolittle, _and Milson Stafford. 1fovecl by Danic1McKillop, Seconded by Peter 1fcVicar, ThaLthis Council do clay of November, 191.2. now adjourn, to meet ari Tuesday, th<; 12th -Carried. K. W. McKAY,. County Clerk. ALEXANDER ANDERSON, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 31 THIRD SESSION-FIRST r#iY Tuesday, the 12th day of Noveulber, L912' .The Elgin County Council met this day in the CourtHouse, St. Thomas, at 2 p. 111., according to adjournment. The \Varden in the chair. All the members present. The \Varden addressed the Council as follows: WARDEN'S ADDRllSS ElginCoLlllty Council: Gcntlcmcn,- Since our last session very little business of lmpoi'tailce toth.c has bceil brought to my attention. Agricultural Representative 'jl :1\'11'. F.:M. Clement; who so ably filled tile office of R~ij1'csel~tatlvG' the Agricultural Department in this County since the l)eglllning last year, has accepted a -responsible position on the staff of the Institute, located at 51:. Anne's, near Mcil1trcal, in the of Quchec. He did good work in flIis COitiity, and hid- is. al distinct loss to the agricultural CO.l1ullunity. His suc- NIr. Buchanan, who was his assistant, is well known and wilt fill the position in an acceptable manner. Nothing has been done in reference to the rcniovaI of tile Rcprc- office to 51:. Thomas. The Committee appointed 'to deal the matter should arrallge a meetlng with Messrs. Brower ,and and go into the whole qnestion, as Legislative actiori be necessary to make a change in the pl'esent law andregu1a- pertaining to these officials' hefore a change can be made in ill II , II I' Good Roads <11)pointed to consider the question of COttl1ty it necessary to meet, as the public generally.'arc '~il $8 llLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL not prepared for any proposit'ion in this connection. It 'will be a live question in this County before long, and I will not be surprised if the Council is forced to formulate a plan as soon as the question of Dominion aiel is settled. Publicity As you know, a meeting of representatives o'fBoards of Trade and Agricultural Organizations of the County has been called for to-clay to discuss the formation of a County- Association to take up the publicity question. This meeting is a campaign of publicity Hons of the Province. depend largely on the response to the growing public opinion that a will he as beneficial in Elgin as in other por- The success of a movement of this kind \vill executive officers. It will he your duty to attendallcl see that the organization, if any is decided upon, is: representative of the whole County and cap- able of expending to the best advantage,su,ch grants as this Council may c'ntrust to them in the future. The Provincial Government has approved of the idea" of publi- dty, by s~tpng apart. a fund with which to pay oIle-third of the cost Of County. expenditures for this purpose. On motion of P. McVicar, seconded by J. Drom_gole, the Council then ad;ournedul1til 10 a, m. to-morrow. K W. McKAY, County, Clerk. ALEX. ANDERSON, .Vlardcn, ,. 'ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 1.'1' I "I! " .I~ Iii! jl. Iii 11.f, ,. 'II, II! !'f ! '.! I' " , 39 THIRD SESSION-SECOND DAY \i\Tednesd\ly, the 13t!{ day of 'November, 19:1.2 The Elgin County Council met this day, according to adjourn- ment. The Warden in the chair. All the members present, The proceedings of the last day of the llrevious day were read and _confirmcd. The following communications were read: previous session and of 1'1 ;I! i ~ I Ii I" II From the County Treasurer, with report. COlnmittee. Referred to Finance From County Ellgineer, with report. Committee. Referred to Public Im- M.D., with annual report as Physician of the Referred to [--:lousc of Industry Committee. From K. W, tdcKay; Cotll1ty Clerk, with -report on liccnses. From the follm..ving applicants for the position of 'High Constable: Chute, Lakeview; J. H. Brien, Vielma; W. H. Finch, Aylmer; 'J.vVakeling, West Lome; J. H. Young, },<'ingal. From Inspector House of Industry, with annual repoi"t. Referred HOltSe of Industry Committce. The report of. the deputation appointed to attend the apnuq.l of The Ontario 11'Iunicipal Association was presented and on motion of B. B.Graham, seconded by Geo. Doolittle. :Moved by Silas R. vVilsOll, Seconded by FI. J. Henderson, this Council aclpourn until 2 p. m. -Carried. ~o ~j;Qm COUNTY COUNCIL The Council Resumed Miss '~ri,Grtey~ p.fSt. Thomas, addressed the Conl1cil,in thcititer- ests of the Elgin fl,urnane Society, and requested the moral -al1d fl11ancial~Hn'lRH 8f the Coit11cil in the work the Society is doing. The Warden referred the request tb the Finance COl11.mittee. Dr. Ling gave notice thi't he would apply for a grant towards the expense of improvements on Main Street, Dutton. Moved by W. E. Leeson, . Secondeq by1\L. MtK~1ight, '.Phat the. Council do now adjourn for one hour, to allow (0111- 4.11ittecs to meet. _Carried. The Council Resumed The report of- t1~e :flanse of Industry Committee was presented and referred'. tq a conunittec of the whole, M,L M:cK1llop in the chair. -0-fter ,an}~,p.~Hpg HIc report, it was adopted on motion of Mr. "j:\iTcKillon, ~RPRt~~l~~~ In' .T- Drorngole. The'repQ,rt of t~1e Ptf!)lic Improvcments C011l_nl.ittec was presented and adopted' 0'0 motion of S. R. Wilson, seconded by J. A. Jackson. Move4 'h'~ V. A. +vr.cY~car, Seconded by ~. }iI. 13~ack, That th~' ~.-mn pf one hundred dollars be granted to the Elgin 130ard of Trade and Publicity Association, and that they be requested to complete their org,~nization and report plans of work, with esti~ ; plates, for thc:'Cp:'1sidiratio\; of this qlltncil. Amendmcnt- Moved by B. B. Graham, Secondc(t by H. J.Jlcnclerson, That thls Council refuse to grant any assistance to the County. of Elgin Board of Trade and Publicity Association until- a well '(lefine'd advcl;tisillg scheme is presented to this Council. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 41 The original motion was carried on the following division: Yeas-'-Camphell, McVicar, J\lcKillop, Love, McKenney, Doo- little, Taylor, Leeson, Black, McKnight, Anderson. Nfl,ys-Dromgole, Henderson, Stafford, Jackso1J, :Moarc, Wilsan, Grass, Ling, Graham. ' Allovedby Daniel l'vlcKillop, Seconded by Peter McVicar, That this. Council do now adjaurn until 10 a.m. to-morrow. -Carried. W; McKAY, County Clerk. ALEX. ANDERSON, Wardcn. Tl{IRD SIlSSION-Tl{IRD DAY Thursday, the 14th day of N ovcmber, 1912 Council met this clay, ~\ccording to adjottrh~ The Warden in thc ~hair. All the n~embers present. The proccdings of the previous day were read and confirmed. Mr. McKillop gave noticc of application far grant 'Of twenty-llve. to The \\Test Elgin Poultry Association. Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded by ]\1. M. Black, That the ]\Itt'nicipality of the Village of Port Stanley bepermitted lay aut a street forty feet in width, from a point in Prospect Sheet said Village, across parts of township lots one, two, and three, first conces-sian of Yarmouth, now in the said village, to the limit'of "Flanison Place;" as shown upon registercd plan. ~CarriecL 42 llLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 1tLoved by \~T, E. Leeson, Seconded by 1\11. J'vlcKnight, That the reqnest of ex-Jailer 1100re and the lvIatron be not entertained. -Carried. 110ved by Oscar "McKenney, Seconded by W. Eo Leeson, That this Council visit the House of Indutsry this afternoon at 2- p. m. __Carricd~ ]lJoved by M.. 1'1'1. Black, Seconded by N[.. McK,night, That themc11l.bcrs of this Council visit tO~1110rroW morning, leaving here at 9 a. nl. Traction Cars. the Byron Sanatorium by South-\iVestern -Lost. riIoved by D. McK.illop, Seconded by P. A. rilcVical", That this Council adjourn l1ntill0 a. n1. Friday. K. W, McKAY, Coun ty _ Clerk. ALEX. ANDERSON, W arden~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 43 THIRD SESSION-FOURTH DAY Friday, the 15th clay of November, 1912 The Elgin County Coullcil met tbis day according to The Warden in the chair. All the ,members present. The proceedings 'of the prcvious day were read and 'confirmcd. The report of the Financc Committee was presented and adopted motion of Graharn, seconded hy M. IVIcKnight. The report of the Educatioll Committee was presented and on motion of lvL M. Black, seconded hy R. Grass. report of the representative on Jhe Board of the Royal Sanatorium was presented and adopted 011 motion of Dr. seconded by, VV. W. Campbell. Moved hy VV. \11/. CampheH, Seconded by O. McKe111Jey, That this Council grant to the Reeve of Dutton the sum of fom dollars to he applied on the cost of construction of M'ail1 Dutton. -Lost. by D. 11cKillop, by VV. v\T. Campbell, this Council grant the SU111 of twenty-fIve dollars to The Elgill Poultry Association. -Carried. 44 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 45 Moved by M. iVI. Black, .;~ BYLAWS Seconded by V..,T. E. Leeson, That theVv'arden,bc granted the S11111 of li.fty dollars for extra services. _r~lrri[~d. I "7 l~\i;:,':, BYhLAW No. 804 lItoved by 1-1. l'...icKnight, Seconded by VV. E. Leeson, That this Council do now adjourn sine die. -Carried. K. V\T, N[cKAY, County Clerk. ALEX. ANDERSON, "'vVarden. To Appoint Auditors for the Year 1912 Passed 26th ]p,llttary, 1\1l2. \>\ihereas, under the <tuthorityof The lVrunicipal Act, every .Council is reqnircd to appoint, at its first meeting 'every two Auditors: it therefore enacted by the CO~\1lcil of the IVfullicipa\ Corpo- oJ'the County of Elgin, under the authority aforesaid, vValk~I' C. Caughcll and VV. A. Galbraith he [lIJd arc hereby Auditors to examinc and l'eport upon all acccltlllts affccting- Corporation of Elgin, or relating to any matter under its control, or within its jurjsdiction,as rcquired by statute '01" order-in-council, and also all accounts of school moneys received or paid hy thc County Treasnrer for 'the year endiilg 31st December, lflll, and that the said Auditors be paid the-snm of Sixty Dollars each for their services. . C01111Cil Chambers, St. Thomas, January 26th. 19l~2. W. McKAY, COullty Clerk. ALEX. ANDERSON, vVarden, BY-LAW No. 805 To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow, Twenty Thousand Dollars January, 191,~. COHnty Council of Elgin enacts: the \iVar(\en and Treasurer be a'nd arc bereby at:Jloriy.cd 46 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL to bOl"l"oW the SU111 of Twenty Thousand Dollars, as it may he re- quired to l'l1cct the current expenditure of the Corporation of the County of Elgin during 1912, and give as security therefor notes of One Thousand Do1\ars each. Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 26th January, 1.912. 1<. W. McKAY, County Clerk. .i\LEX. ;\:.JDERSON, Warden. BY-LAW No. 806 . To Provide for the Attendance of Reeves at Meeting.s oJ Elgin Municipal Association Passed 20th January, H1l2. The Elg'l11 County Conneil enacts: That By-Law No. '('41, as amended by, By-Law No" 751, be further amended hy adding the words "Reeves of local municipalities" after the word "Assessors" in the enactment thereof. Coullcil Chamhers, St. Thomas, January 20th, 1912. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 47 That J. G. ,[--feiter he appointed Trustee of the Aylmer Collegiate for three years. That S. 1\'lcCo11 he appointed Trustee of the Duttol1High School .for three years. Coulleil Chamhers, 51. Thomas, January '~Wth, lfl12. y\T. 1\{cKAV, Coullty Clerk. j\LEX. ANDERSON, Wanlen. . BY-LAW No. 808 To appoint Arbitrators Passed 2(ith January, 1912. vVhereas, three appeals have been received from ratepayers of Townships of Aldhorough and Dunwich against the refusal of Cout1cilsof the said townships to consider their applications for form<ltioll of two new union school sections between the said and the alteration of an existing union school section, Aldhorough and 15 Dnnwich, and whereas, it is deemed to appoint not 1110re than three Arbitrators to determine matters' complained of, in accordance with the provisiol1S of Public Schools Act: K. VV. l\-:IcT(]\ Y, CouMy Clerk. ALEX. ANDERSON, Vvarclcn. The Elgin Coullty Coullcil therefore enacts: BY-LAW No. 807 To Appoint High School Trustees Passed 2Gth January, 1\)12. The Elgin County Council enactS: That VV. K.irk he appointed Trustee of the Vienna High for three years. That vVilliam Jackson, of Port Stanley,. Gentleman; Sydney S. of the Township of 1\falahide, Yeoman; and Charles 0; the Township of Yarmouth, Yeoman" be and are herehy Arbitrators to determine the matters com'plained of in herein b'efore referred to. Chambers, 51. Thomas, 26th January, 101.2. ALEX. ANDERSON, Wardell. 48 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 49 BY-LAW No. 809 from) for such attendance. To appoint aBoard of Audit in the County of Elgin for the year 1912 And that By-Law No. 7'67' be amended acco.!"dingly. Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 2Gth January, 1912. Passed 26th January, H1l2. K. W. McKAY, County. Clerk. ALEX. ANDERSON, vVarclcn. nc it enacted hy the Council of tIre ~l11nicipal Corporation of the County of Elgin: . That the Judge of the County Court and Da;llicl 1JcKillop be and are hcrehyappointed l1l_cmbers of the Board of Audit, to perform the duties required of them by chap. "85, R. S. O. BY-LAW No. 811 To Grant Additional Aid to Schols Passed 13t)1 June, 1912. That the members of the said Board be paid the 51-1111 of Four Dollars per day fiol', their services, and five cents pcr mile going to and from such andtt. The El,gin County Council enacts: Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 26th Jannary, 1\112. 1. That the sum of One Thousand Six Hnndred and T\vcnty-Five begr<lnted to the follbvi'ing schools K. W. McKAY, Connty Clerk. ALEX. A:oJDERSON, .$ G5n 00 G50 0.0 325 00 Aylmer Collegiate Institute' Dutton High School ..... V.ienna High School ;.. V\Tardell. $1,G2;,) 00 BY-LAW No. 810 That the St. equivalent to pupils. Thomas Collegiate Institute he granted an twenty per cent. of tl1'e cost of mui,ncnance of , To Fix Members' Wages and Amend ,By-Law No. 767 Passecl 2(;th January, 1012. tl1'e grants to Continuation and .Fifth CI,ass Schools be the basis of Two Dollars and One-Half to each dollar by the Government. The Elgin County Cotincil enacts: Council Chambers, St. Thomas, LBth June, 1912. That the sum of Four Dollars per day he paid to the of this Council for their attendance in Council and Committees the County, and fIve cents per mile necessarily travelled (to ALEX. ANDERSON, Vlanlen. 50 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY-LAW No. 812 To Amend By~Law No. 766 Pu'sscd l:Hh June, Ell~? The County COll11Cil of Elgin enacts: That the salary of Oliver Silcox, I-lead Turnkey. of the 1. County Gaol, be and is he.reby increased to Two Dollars pcr clay, to date from the 1st day of July, 1912.. 2. That By-Law No. 7GG beamcnded accordingly. County Conllcil Chamhers, St. Thomas, 13th June, 191.2. ALEX. ANDERSON,I Warden. K. V,r. IvIcKAY, County Clerk. BY-LAW No. 813 To Confirm By-Law No. 815 of the Township of Yarmouth Passed 13th June, ],912. Whereas By-Law No. 815 of the Township of Yarmouth, to authorize the diverting, closing, stopping up, selling or otherwise disposing of part of the road known as the Kain's Hill, being part of Lot Number One in the Eighth ConcG:ssion of Yannouth,' was passed by the Council of the said Township on the 6th day of' November, 1911., it is desired that said by~law should be cOllfirmed And whereas by this Council, The Elgin County Council therefore enacts that By-Law No. of the Township of Yarmouth be and is hereby confirmed. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk ALEX. ANDERSON, Warden, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 51 BY"LAW No. 314 To Confirm By-Law No. 883 of the Township of Malahide Passed 18th June, 1912. , vVhereas B~-Law No. 88~1 of the Township of MalalJide, for closing ~lnd stopping up that part of the road allowance between Lots 10 and 22, Concession One of the, Township of Malahide, was passed in Cotlllcil 011 the 16th day of March, 191-2; And wher.cas it is desirable that said by-Jaw should be confirmed by this Council, The Elgin County Council therefore enacts that By-Law No. 883 the Township of Malahide be and is hereby confirmed. County Cmindl Chant'bers, St~ Thomas, 13th June, 1912. \~V: 1JcK/\ Y, County Clerk. . ALEX. ANDERSON, Warden. BY-LAW No. 815 To Provide a Rule for the Election of Warden Municipal Council of the Corporation of tbe COUl1ty of enacts: the following shaH be the procedure to he observed 1I1 the of the \Varden: The Clerk of the County ,shall take the chair at two o'clock afternoon of the Fourth Tuesday of the month of January in year, or at such hatH and on such day. thereafter as he shall the majority of the members of the Council present in the Chamber; 52 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL -~---------~~---- 2. l'hat the Cicrk shall prepare lists of the names of the 111e111- ber5 in perpendicular and horizontal lines, alld a carel for each memher with the name of the l11.e111bc1" \\rritten or printed thereon; B. That the Clerk shall inform the memhers that he is ready to proceed with the election of one of theil" numher to he vVai"den; 4-. TheiL he shall thereupoll take from a scceptac1e in which the cards have been placed, Ol1e card at a time, as it comes to his hanel, and call upon the member whose name appears thereon to say for whom he castshif; vote, and the Clerk shall place the Jlgure under the name of the member for whom the ,'ate was cast. \i\Then all the rncmbcfshavc voted, the Clerk shall forthwith inform the memhers of the result, and the Clerk shall contlnue the sameprQ- ce.dnre unt;.l he shall find that .a rnajority or the votes have heen cast for one membel., and shall. thereon declare the election of s11ch memher. 5. That the vVarden-elect shall forthwith sign and declare <'tnd read aloud the declaration of office, '-\:nd on the cO~llpletion thereof. he shaH take the chair. G. '.Chat all by-laws heretofore passed for this purpose he, and tl1c same are, hereby repealed. :P<lssed at St. Thomas this 1ilth day of June, A. D.HI12. ALEX. ANDERSON, K. W. McKAY. County Clerk. BY-LAW No. 816 To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow Twenty Thonsand Dollars passed 10th June, HLI2. The Conllty Council of Elgin enacts: That the \Varden and Treasnrer and and are hereby llLGIN COUNTY ,ii.I'I' II' I, ~i! i Iii COUNCIL 53 County Council Chamhers, St. Thomas, l;lth JUlle, lnl:~. to borrow the 511111 of Twenty Thotlsand Dollars, as It may be required to meet current expenditure of the Corporation of Elgin during 1912, and gl've as secmity therefor notes of One ThotlSalld Dollars each. \ill; McKAY, County Clerk. ALE~ ANDERSO~ Wardell. BY-LAW No. 817 To. Confirm' the of the Assesment Rolls of of Elgin Equalization the County . Passed l:Hh ]Ul1C, 1012. The County Council ofEIgin enacts: That the following he thec(j11alizatiol1 of the Assessment of the Cotlnty of Elgin for 1912. !Ii' IIII Aldborotlgh DUllWich '.' South wold Yannotlth ......... l'vl'alahide Bayham . . . . . So'uth Dorchester ,Aylmer ..... Dutton ..... Port Stanley Springfield Vienna Rodney . ... .. . vVest Lorne " ......$ 2)J7'7,:~;).f :i,108,25.1 n,840,2Gi 4,641,(j57 2,889,810 .. . .. .. . .. ..' 1,009,51:\ 1,618,:'5,):2 97B,81\J B30,524 218,89:3 lH,GGO $]9,707 218,772 216,6B8 1111: I $28,288,81:'"; ""'O,:"\"(l;l~.-+:+&r.>rns~ ;:;>-+>()::;~8.- Sg..~b ~ () c.. C. (1: 8. () n 0 p..-,< H -:::::..8: .- >-trnQ'o0(t>;:> ~ ;:;; ::l S. '< 0 <: 2.. ~ :;;" ~- S __;:;" 8 ,....., 0 ,..> () . ,.., () IT S:ngo~~.:Jg'< ,..,.~~ ;:;....-'-'8,~~-=8.d;:;;. ~~'. -~..:-~~, ,. :- 0::::---. (,)';IlO&~O~~ O.-+8-2..S::>O;:;;()~8o ;3 :::; ::;" [JJ <, 0 ~ >-t IT g- E. ~ -. ~ ~ ~ g" 2.. g rg 8 8 ~ [JQ 0 C:l 12.?pg.::r:::0"'" 'V "-;';3 H ~ V 5. S' c.. p.. s.. ~ ~ ';j 0 (;,....... (!> ,.,..,.,.. '" n :n >-t =: ;:: :;; ..... 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S 5 o - < ::;-"(3 o " '< " ~ g. - ;'0 o .~ '" t<j 0. ~ o !!:. o' " (") o 8 [1, ~ o o t'1 t"' <;) H Z (") o c: Z >-J >< (") o c:: z (") H t"' < ;i ;:;->-;:J ;:;. 0 ::;-'"l " ,-,....,-< o o ~ ::: ..., t'1 t"' <;) H Z r. 0' (") o c:: Z >-J >< (") o c:: z (") H t"' '" "' 54 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 2. That this Council is willing to have the final equalization of the assessment, in case of appc"il, made by the Connty Judge. County Council Cham hers, St" Thornas,13th JttllC, 1.012. K. W. McKAY, Connty'Clerk. ALEX. ANDE1~SON, "Varden. BY-LAW No. 818 To Extend the Time of the Enforced Collection" by Sale of Non-Resident Taxes in the County of Elgin Passed 13th June, 1912. . The County Council of Elgin enacts: That the time. for the enforced collection, by sale, of non-resident taxes of the County of Elgin be and is hereby extended for one year. County Council Chamber.s, St. Thomas, 13th June, 1912. K. V'l. :McYAY, County Clerk. ALEX. ANDERSON, BY-LAW No. 819 To Raise Amounts for County Rates During the Year '1912 Passed JU1Jct3th, 1.912. vVher,cas, an estimate has been 11l.ade showing that the sum Fifty-Two Thousand TbreeHundred and Ninety-Eight Dollars required to be raised in the several municipalities for the purposes of the County during 1912; And whereas, by The Assessment Act, this Council is ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL to dil'ect what portion of the sum to hclevied for County purposes shall be Jevied .in each municipality i,n the County; And whereas, the rates arc required to be ca1cu~ated at so much the dollar upon the actual value of the real and persona! property equalized )n the preceding year; And whereas the actual'value of the real and personal property the Connty; as ascertained and equalized in 1D11, is as follows: 1vIunicipality Total Equalized Value Aldborough ..............,........... $ 2,977,254 DUllWich ...... .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. . .... 3,198,254 Southwold ........................... 8,840;267 Yarmouth .............,............ 4,64,1,6:i7 :MaJahide ............................ 2,839,81.0 Bayham .....,....."................ 1,0'09,513 South Dorchester .........,... Ayhl1er-............................... . Dutton .......,............... Port Stanle}~ .......... Springfield ... Vienna .....,... ...................... Rodney........ .'. \Vest Lome ...... 1,678,552 078,8Hl 3aO,524 218,8DH 144,660 99,707 21.8,772 216,638 $~3,288,31iJ the Council of the Corporation. of the COllnty of That the rate of Two and Olle-Qu~trter 1V1.i11s on the Dollar on all rateable property in the several 111unicipalities iri the as above set forth, for the year :Ull:~, to raise the following the SU111 of Fifty-Two Thousand Three Hundred, an~l , Dollars be raised and levied in. the several 111unicipali~ County, according- to the following Sehe'dule, and that the '55 I I' ,:1 'II I! 1 Iii ! I III i Ii I i II ;11 !'I '1'1 .1, ill Ii 111 '.'1' ,I 1IIIIi .11 " li'l. I: " I. ~ ~:? (') 0 (';l,""" "" o " - ~'f; -. 3 :::. g ~ [f] o ':< ::: "' o '{)c.. 9 ~ o " o ~o ::> :.0 (;) S ~ :0 ::>2.. o o "' -" " 0 o OQ ':I3. ;:; " " .-.- if' C " :.0 c.r. ;:; -. ;:; ;:; e:.ClS ~ e:. (Jl .~, S-7- ';.' ::;- '{:,','~ ~o R g'" 0 :;. 'S, g h g - " _ x (;) 0 [f] ~ r: ::>'-+ 2:;:; Sg.g <+~;:;";;.,.....,<: '-' ~~i,~~"~~;;~;~~: '" 7; ~ g. ~ =.. -, g. S- (Jl ~ ~: ~ ~ ~ [f] 0 0 ;;" 0"" ::> J; ~~ 0 - c+ :::. 0 ~ ~ (';l (;) (;) ~~, __ (;)....E;R :.0:',:. ';. ; " _ 0 ~ >-+. ~ ~ g c:, u 2.. P 7Q ~~,~ '-'-2, S.o~~, g a.-+ < , ~ ,,~~g ffi.9."~o~Q.,S..~8o -. (;) if' ::;" 2.. ~" . -. 0 ~ ~:Jl ~r: (;) '" -. :::-_r: >-: ~',-,(;) ~ 30 ::,,"',_, [f] (;) ;:; ~'g S" ~ S' g ,. ~ ~J ~. '" :Jl _, S' ~ ~ 0 ~ 8 ~ '2. (",) [f] f]q r; Ul ..., ~ q ~ 0 (0 (;) --. -' -. ~ cr. (;) (0 :::. ~ (il ~ 0 ::; .... ? 0..2 (0 0 ~ (il ?'::!. -. ;j z.....:::~'<!!''<~:':-.H.-+~ '6 (j) p.. 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'~~ ~ ...... c <: (ii >-: (ii' ~ 0' " ('J w 0 g.g o - 2..':< z o " (I) n '" o o " s -- ~ ~ ...., ? 0 (t ~ r>~ ;.~ ~ 'd (D ';j ~ (5 ~ ~ <2 < o p.> 0 ~ 0-: 8-. o ........- ;'2[~~Q ~5oS.:;j>-: ~.-+C:n2 - 0 0.. 0 ;j ~ B Bieg 8.~ ~ g'~._~ r.tJ ~ >-\ ~ tn R ';j C g >g :::: ""j & ~ ~ ~:~~a-~ g &5 ~. ~...., 0 :r. ~~g;;,~~~ ~g.O'.-+ ~ m(D ~8,S8. p. S 0 o ~ 0 " ~ ~dl Q ;:'... >-\ r;' "0 .. '< ~, n ,e. -=:: 2,J..., rn -~g. ::: 'f; 0 8, &~ q ::;"s~ ~ ~ ~ ::: (il (t ::: " 0 o " ~ '" t'1 r< <;) ~ z (l o c: Z >-l ><: (l o c: z (l ~ r< o rn < 0 g 8 ro t'1 r< <;) ~ z ", .~, g.g..., ~ :'-- (1l ~'_~;:;; (",) (j) 2 is & s ..... - 0 ........ ~ 0 2- g ~ 2. rn =: 0 ;; " i ~ g Q ..., Z " g. ~~. (il '" ~;. >-: r> _(Jl ,0 H~ '" (l o ~ 00 2- p; ~ o p. (I) o '" o 2- 00 "" o ~ n.t""" 9 2:: g: aq 0 ~ S a aQ 8?"' o ~ " o - ~ d ~ o " ~ ;::;' '" ~. (ii';:; _ 0 o <_n ;; ~ c... . '< g o - ::::. (f) 'f; C/Q ::7< ~ ~ q" ......;r-3 " 0 ~~ o~ -5' ;r <;; 0- " " >,-\ 0::- - 0 ~ ~. g 0 .-.- 1>-: >-l " ~ 5' 5' OQ n o B """g~ _0 >0.:0 ~ ~ c.. 5: [fJ ;. .-+ ~ ;P' ~;:;'< ::T 0 ~ " " ~"' ;.-3 (il :::.; W (l o c: Z >-l ><: (l o c: z (l ~ r< (ii. - - (t 2:: p. 6 " o " :;. o ~ ~ a g ;:; g-:::. - " -0 s ~ U1~ ~ 0 -~ o """ ~g o 0 " ' o rl. :~ :70..- (",) 5 --& 8 o " ~s. w c:.s o ,;:::::. n o '<: ~ >-: :-" ~ Ul (",) ~ (0 g. 8.r.tJ o -~ [j; ~ g (t n e-J :E g ;:; "'< o ~~o ~[; ~'<," 0 - :;.., g 'lo rn n (ll~S'-+ ::R (il ~.... OW" ~ g - d u 0 ;;. o ~ ~ :r. ~ '" n ~~ ~ ~ <2 (fJ. (0 1':> _ r> a :::.. 0 g f;; ~ "0 0":= 2 ~. " - _ 0 -. ~ ' - w Si~ r::. r1> g - B g ~ s ';j ;j ~ g w _ (f) .-+ g ~ ~ ::;-c... 8. (;) .-+ o " o "" o " w' . ~ g crq g- ;::;'g.s. (j;'.s.-+ o B ~ ~ " (;~ ...... J) o _ o " "- q s:~ (il ::::. ;:;'c; . " - " ~ g"S - 2. 8-.~' ::.......:;j " 0 ~~ ;:; ::: w' '1 .... 9 9 0- " " ",0 o _ F ,.::, =- .-.- :S B 8, [g.~2. 56 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL amounts, as entered therein, be, paid to the County Trcasnrer,as by law required: Schedule IVlunicipality Aldhorough Dunwich South wold Yarmouth Malahide .' 13ayham South Dorchester Aylmer Dutt01J Port Stanley Springf1eld Vicnna Rodney \"r cst Lorne Total . $ 5,599 7,196 .8,641 100,444 6,390 4,296 3,777 2,191 744 402 , 325 224 4\)2 487 $,32,3\)8 County Council Chamber, St. Thomas, June 13th, 1912. l(.. VV. r.,IIcKAY, County Clerk. ALEX. ANDERSON, \A,Tardcn. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 57 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES AND OFFICIALS 1912 Standing Committees the Elgin County Coullcil: The Committee 'appointed to strike the Standing Committees for year reports as follows: Gaol and House of Industry Committee IVIichac1 IVlcKllig~lt, Chairman ?dessrs. 11cVicar and Doolittle Finance Committee BClijanll11 B. Graham, Chairman ldessrs. Dromgole, Love, Stafford, Lceson, Nroore, Wilson Taylor, McKenney P'ublic Improvements ~ommittee Silas R. Wilson, Chairman Campbell, DromgolcjHelJderSOll, Leeson, Jackson, ]\!IcJ\:c1Jlley, Grass, Blick, Taylor, l~i1Jg, 1v:lcKidop Petitions and Legislation Committee 'Peter -:\lcVicar, Chairman l\Iessrs.. Henderson, Stafford, l\loorc;' wlcKenney ~;~&~t~:~~ S.~~~~0ogo:J1 li~~:l!~~ ! t:> ~ ~ ;r ~ ,--.- 0' P-crQ g.. p.:o~ 2..... ~'-' .... ;:: ::.... M- -' " 0 ::l r. (fJ ';:i" <: (:) ;:;"' 8.;'()~&(D~~;' g.. (.> h :=: g g; [JJ ..-+ 0 p.:~g~.---aO~< :;j..:: 2.. ~ () ~ ~ ~ g0-.o~~2L~~cs. ;. ~. "g 0 ' p.: ~ ~ (0 ~Bg~~cnM- ~:;:j ~ (),... (/) a;:; s@.go5:~noff p..p.._n~9.~;::: [f)~()~:- n (; :::, <: C' ,... ::. n ,3 o' 8-- ~ () ;J, ;~'.fJ~..-+g- o ~ ~. -' ~. g 8 ~ -g. ;) ~ ~..-+ - (fl~ rt [fl g >-J "" o ;:.; :3 ..., oj ~ ~ '""' ;" ~ ;:.; =. s:- f' (5.: 0 ~ (D <" ::l '" en....... (f) ,...,,--,.'<~g.o <: ;:r <: Ul g ..., g 5" 0 ~ w.g p:g-~~g,~;s~ ::; ~,:g (JQ ..-+ =. 0 8" ... ~ ~. 2. e; ~ ~ E..... g (0 .- {J) , (fl r+ P. o' .... >- o .~ o fi. o o < o o o 8 o o 8 '" o ;; o ;. o " o ~ s o ..., 0 0 (1) =. <: ~ S. ~ S,.a-q ::n o ~ p. w' -< ~ o ~v g g g ::; n ,.;:: -;; p.: <: v'< <: ("D p..'"i (;l " 0 0 '< _ '0 ;ll p_;:;; ~ >lJ =- ::;. ~ ;q ?-...+ .- (ll ""~ ..-+ _.0 ::;-.rJJ g Po 3 Q ::;. 0' __ 0 '.Il ~ g o ~ " [f> _. .... ~. 7 ~~ .-+ S ~ 5'::l g ~~.;:: I '0 (;" ~ Q 2.. g. ~. 6.. ~. S '" - p.: .... ,Q <: ..... ;:: '< [JJ ~ ~ ?- ~ ('0 ~ 0 0 ~9~~"-+"";~p.:ClQrr.O""0 :::: ~'~ ~ ..-+ ~ () 2. ~ S-. g .;: h ~.' 0 ..... s, :: g ~ ~ -. ;=-_ ::r ~ ;:.; :-:- .... S; '!3. () (/) () ,..,::: <? n p.: ..-+ p..:::> C/O (!l ~~. " p.. ~ :::r' '" '""' \.l ,Q -<., (j) -()q';::;~ O- M- ~ _ - ~- g ~ u -~ ~.y~ g.g -.g - g .... ~~- n,-+~ g..iQ::P.~:;;.o2g~. () -, ~ g ~ ---" ;:; :::: ~ ..-+ J' ..-+ 8.. '< or. S. ~ ~ ..-+~. 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" 5.:"0 o " " p 8 8 o '" '" ., 0 H 0 0 " R R g ~ '" " if 0 0 ~ " e g ~ ~ I '< 0 0 0 0 " ~ ~ 0 0 o '" ::'!;i ..... ,::. o ~ m o o 2. ;' " '" o o 2. w o aq o " < o :; 8 " o " u o 'g :;. ;; ,.; o o. :2" o ~ o t'J '-< t-< >- Q Z H c: Z >- '" () 0< 0 c: UJ Z t'J ;-J UJ 0< UJ H 0 () Z 0 c: z Z ? () H '" t-< t'J t-< Q ~ Z '-< c: n Z 0 t'J. c: en Z t'J ;-J en 0< en ~ () 0 Z 0 c: z n ~ t-< ~ - 58 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY 59 COUNCIL Education Committee my rcportlast year, were new scats a1ld adeql1atc blackboards which arc ,it once the most essential, arc at the same tillle most expensive acco1l1moda,tiol1s. Tn every case where bluek- were installed, the Boards procured the most expensive and most dt~rah1c, viz.. slate. vVhercthesc improvements were made, was found a marked improvement 111 the cctucationalstandil1g' tlIeschool. The teaching "\vas more thorough and effective, and, was more easily secured. rll particular, there lS (t'llotice- improvement 111 that badly taught subject of writing. No person do effecti\ic work with poor or dull tools. That school alo11e can effective and enduring work which is equipped with satisfactory and' equipment. The fotlowing schools have made changes and improvemcnts indicated. Malcolm 1\'1. Black, Chairman lvlessrs. Campbell, Love, Doolittle, M;:cKnight, Jackson, \iVilson, Grass, Ling, M.cKillop, Graham.. All of which is respectfully submittcd. G. W. LING, Chaii"man. Adopted 25th January, 1912. Dtinwieh,has installed new slate' blackb.oard aloilg both. class room. ANNUAL REPORT OF J. A. TAYLOR, OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS INSPECTOR 4, Dt1ll\vich, added new slate blackboard. S, DUllwich, added single dcsks. No.9, Dtt1)wich, added new slate blackboard. No. No. To the \iVai"clcn and Members o{the County Council of Elgi;l: 10, DllilWich, renovated the intcrior of the building, imprcl'v- appearance greatly. Gentlemen,~ added new .seats, l:ew slatc hlackboardl and I have the honor or presenting my second annual report on state at the public schools in my inspectorate. 1;3, Dunwich, and added its interior. platform,lowercd along both sidcs the and removed an obsolete new slate blackhoard No. Increased Accommodation In the matter o[ accommoclation there has becn a marked im-;' proyement. Long looked for and desirable changes have b~~n made in the seating and blackboards and ventilation oI many of my schools. The educated world is at last comht'g to recognize that the efficiency ot the teaching, the progress o{ the scholars, the tone of, the school, the regularity and pt111ctuality of the pupils, and even' their very attendance, bears a direct ratio to the style and architec~ tnreot the school and is aCCOll111Lodations and equipment. Wit)l hardly an exception, I have found Trustee Boards most responsive, and in some cases even anxious, to make any change' I wo\M' r.ecoll1111cnd, if they thought these would .contribute to the welfare;' of their children and promote their education. fvly paliFY was to c1ealwith the n1.05t pressing necessities first. These, as indicate No. G, Dt1n~vich, addcd new slate hlackhoarcl along hoth :sides. No. :I, A14borough, built a new school and equipped it '\"ith single and slate hlackboard. 2, Aldborough, added new slate hlackboard 111 front .and all sides and new single desks. I 3, Alclborough, blackboard in installed a new ventilating front and along the sides. system and added 4, Aldborough, addecl new slate blackboard ill front and Oll 60 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL No. u, A1dhorongl1, addcclncw single desks. Aldborough, installed new ventilating apparatnsll1 both added new single desk;, besides making extensive im- and changes III the interior. No. 10, rooms, and provements 11, Aldborongh, is building a 11e'\' brick school house, which equipped with every modern convenience. :No. 12. Aldhorotlgh, added new slate blackhoard." ',15, Aldborough, added new slate blackboard in front and all No. will be No. both sides. Dutton public school changed the interior of the Principal's room and added slate blackboard in all r00111S. To this may he added the pleasing information that \lilal1acctown School Board has decided to instal a ventilating apparatus in both rooms, secure new slate blackboard and new single desks, and re- model the interior of hoth rooms. \Vith these and other rieeded changes, the schools of Dl.1l1wich and Aldborough v,rill compare favorably in the accommodation and equipment with the rural schools of any other County in the Province. The 13l'ohl('m \"ith most Boards. scarcity arc: Scarcity of Teachers. of secllhng qualified te~{chcrs isstjJl a live one As intimated last year, the causes producing the (I) (2) Inacleql1ate [-inancial inducements: (,,) General good times; Nlore lucrative callings; (l)iVligratioll to the vVestern Provinces: (:>) Theloncly l11s01ation of the rural school. The disappearance of the male teacher frotH our puhlic schools is a sad hlow to the cause of edncation. Or the ninety-rive teachers III my inspectoratc,[ourteen a-re male, and of thcsc fourteen, nine are either Principals or Asstst<lnt urban Principals: there, are but five ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ",HI 61 rural male teachers. The Boards that offer sufficiently high salal'ies seclIre the best Normal trained teachers. Consideriilg the numerous and largc grants given alid remcmbcring that this County Conn'cil has no eCIual, let alone a superior, in its liherality to and ill support of it p~tblic schools, there shcnild he few schools in Elgin County not manned by Normal trained tcachers. To mect the nccessitics of the situation, thc Dcpar"tmcnt opcned a few 1\10del schools last fall. Holders of i'vlodel ccrtificates are rightly forbidden for competing' with Normal train'cd teachcrs,but ill case the lattcr arc not available,' Boards may employ the fonncr. Graduates of om Normal Schools are now required to te~ch at least one year in Ontario, on pcnalty of having their ccrtificate cancelled. The time should be extendcd to 'l:wo or three years. There is no valid reason why Ontario should build and ,tmiintain cxpensive Normal Schools to train teachers for tbe \iVestern Provinces. There are two Temporary and seven Thil'cl teachers in my inspectorate; all the rest: hold either 'First or Class ccrtillcates. The New Course of StUdy The new' C011rse o( study was ,issued hy the Department early in Some important changes are worthy of notice. Gram- is 110 longer required to he taught to third class pupils. This certainly a step in the right direction. The 'Entrance Examination no longer necessary for admisslOn to the nigh Schools. This i~ ,still retained, but entrance to a _Ffigh School may be hy passing either the Senior E-1igh -School Entrance or the GraduationDiploma. Both of these eX<lmiilatiolls qimlify for School li.:ntra'nce, as \vell as the ?diddle School of om ,High 1""0 examinations controlled by the Department are insti- for puhlic school pupils who have passed the Entrance Examin- viz., the Junior or Senior Graduation Diploma. Provision for tbese pupils.is now ohligatory on the part of the, Boards. These exaniinatlOl1s have what former liifth Class Examin,- 'ations had not, vi;::., a qualifying value on entering t High School. A'gricl1ltme is emphasi%ed in Fifth Class work. The following' sul)~ 'ctsare obligatory now 111 all rural- schools: Reading, literatuk, mpositioll, spelling, grammar, geography, history, writing, arith,. 'iletic",hygiene, music, ancl physical training. In addition tothcse T have asked the teachers to take up art (lllature study 011ce a week. All examitiations, Departmental and 62 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL public school, will be completed this year hefore the end of Junc. The rnral school summer holidays arc now extended to September 1st. Formerly they were to August 16th. Physica! Tni.ining By the new regulations, physical exercises in schools arc obli- gatory. The object aimed at is the symmetrical development of the 'whole human hody. Lord Strathcona donated a large sum of money, the income of which is to he divided among the Provinces to pro- vide trophies for competency and efficiency in physical exercises. A hook entitled ."Syllahus of phYSIcal Exercises for Public Schools" has been iss'u~d for the guidance of teachers, who will be instnlc.ted by instructors from the Department of 1\lilitia and Defence. For this purpose in my inspectorate, the(e will be two centres, St. Thomas and West Lor,i1e. By the Strathcona 'frust Fund, provision for military dril1, and riHe shooting is also made, but at the Teachers'.. Institute it was deem.cd.advisable to postpone any action in these until next year. Competitive exercises in physical drill will he held at the -[all fairs in '\i\Ta-11acetown and Rodney next fall. Among other things, these exercises will serve ,tS healthy correctives to the injur- ious effects of a vitiated atmosphere and ill proportioned seats.' Free Text Books In orde~ that our schools may attain the highest state of effici~ ellCY, it is absolutely necessary that all pupilS comc equipped with text and other books. ,llerein, I fllld, lies a great. drawhack to suc- cessful and efficient tea~hing in rural schools. The solution of this problem, like many more, is in the hands of the Trustees. By, law. they arc allowed to purchase for the pupil~ of their section all, needed text and other books. Frequently i.n my visits I find pupils who have been to school Iour or 'five weeks, still unprovided with the necessary books.W ould it not be 1'11011ey well spent if our Trustee Boards would invest ten .dollars annually in equipping theIr schools with pens, ink, writting books, slate and lead pencils, dru\-ving hooks, scribbling,' books? The City of St. Thol11.as spent $1,800 last year in ,thus equipping its schools. No other money is SO well spent is that which is 1l1vested in. free supplies. Irregular Attendance Another seriolls impediment to school progress 15 tendancc and trnancy. Some of the school registers ELGIN COUNTY 63 COUNCIL state of affairs. Some pupils are absent Ior weeks at a time. This is not excusahle, even 111 the cause of husbandry. Children who are irregular in attendance 110t only arc backward themselves, hut arrest the progress of the whole school. I find little of no effort made to cSHl1pel S01'ne of the irregular atenc1ers to go to schooL The Truancy Act allows a 111.aximum of six weeksincach term of absence from school, providing, of course, such child is required in husbandry or inuecessary household duties. Perm'ission is given Township Coun- cil to appoint a truant offi~er, and in case this body .fails to appoint them, the Schoo! Board may appoint one. I II New Schools School section X. 1, Aldborough, er-ectyd one of the most up-to- date school houses in the County. It is very doubtful if there is a more modern one-teacher school anywhere. It.lis built of reel brick, and is eCjtl'ippecl with every convenience, save il1ternal lava- todes. In it afe single desks, slate blackboard sufficient in quantity excellent in quality, furnace, basement, and teacher's room, Which acts as a library. It is umonument to the.genius and liberality section, and is a visible 'expression of \, their estimationo[ :ation. No. 1.1, Aldborough, contemplates erecting an equally modern the coming St1111111er. ii I~, Consolidated Schools These are the rural schools of the future. livery new school like 1, Aldborough, is a nail in the coffin of cOl1soliel<ttcd schools, and indefinitely their general. adoption. Rural mail delivery, of graded schools" better dassof teachers, higher of land, the benefits of a High School course, improved roads, and larger equipment, are all directly assoctated with schools. incline' to the opinion that many rural schools, in their loncly struggling along with a 5111.a11 attendance and with t~ach'ers qualifications, cOH.ld merge themselves into one good school manned with teachers possessing the highest qualifl- offering all the advantages of graded classes, owning larger libraries, equipped with every modern convenience, indud- 'system of septic tanks and lavatorie,s ai1d an assembly hall, \vouldmake the school what llone of our schools are' now, II II I "I II,!I "j i II \ ,II! ",,' " I 'j (:! II I, 64 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ' 65 the social centre of the community. Flerc, too, the pupils could re- main Utilil they had received ,a Second Class certificate, ,\vi'thout their parents having to send then1 to I-:\igh Schools at great cost and no little peril, because removed from parental control. The onlydiffi- culty inseparable from these schools is the cost and efficiency of transportation. Efficiency, not economy, however, should be the ideal of every 'section. The community must he prepared to spend larger sums on education. child, and se.nd a report to his parents. After careful cxamin- extending over many years, it is found that cl1i.1<11'cl1 with dcfcc- teeth are six months bchinclotl'.cr pupils in their studies. With- teeth, there canllot he good digestion. The health becomes the eyes weaker, -1 h-eadaches are ,present, dcvc10pmcnt is general lassitude follows, mdifferencc takes the place of activity, and failure in examinations frequently occurs. Broader use of School Buildings The Educational Status of the Schools General1y speaking', the progress of the pupils during the past was' {air.1y satisfactory. The disturbing clemcnts itj'cidental to changes of teachers, hindered what would otherwise he progrcss. The community seems slow to learn that the teachers are ahvays the cheapest, 110 matter at what price, and poor teachers are dear at any price. 'rl1e teacher is the soul the school. Fine schools, good accommodations, al'ld cxcellent arc nothing but "sounding brass and tinkling cymbals," manne,d hy real living, energetic and enthusiastic teachers. schools changed teachers two or three timcs during the year. nto this is added the fact that in one or two cases the teacher only had IJ,O experience, but was actually devoid of Normal 01" 'training, one can-readily see what irreparable injury was done of such sections. It has been carefully estimated that clay in public school'is worth five dollars to a hoy in after every day ill High School is worth ten dollars, and every day University, flfty dollars. If these ,Ul1ounts arc even approxilna'tely 'how essential it is to secure the very best teachers and su1'- the pi..lpils with the' yery best facilities for acquiring theil' I I wish to thank tbe mcmhers of the County Council' for generous support of and assistancc to the cause of education , One of the healthiest signs of the times, and one of far reaching and genuine interest, is the 1l1Ovementfor using the public schools as a social centrc. 'There is no valid reason ""l1y they should not be at the disposal of the community for holding their literary societies, debates, concerts, etc., espeCially where the objects to be arc to encourage culture, develop social life and foster ge.neral improvernent. If education means the safety of the state, then every facility should be afforded, adults for. acquiring culture and fitting themselves for complete and intelligent citizenship. 1'n nearly all my rural sell 0015, lbcal literary societies hold weekly or hi-weekly meetings. The stimulus to seH improvement and wider reading can in this way be scarcely over-estl1nated. The results . will he loftier ideals, higher citizenship, larger intelligence, wider information, and greater industrial 'efficiency. Medical Inspection The hasis of this l1l.0Vemcnt is that it is caSler to prevent ease than it is to cure it, anet that as the child is the "vard of ,state and its most valuable asset, the state should remove, free charge, any physical defect or abnormality that would hinder him taking advantage of the education placed at his disposal. The cal defects that impede a child's progress are adenoids, cnlarged ton- sil's, which, when diseased, be~ome the hreeding place for germs tuberculos"is, defective tcet.h, discharging ears, discharging nose, and throa't troubles. "[n many places the teachcrs are asked to the parents by cards regarding the physical state of their The teachers, however, feel their incompetency to make any examination, and the people discount their diagnosis. The ideal and the one 'that is most adapted, is to have some reputable, tent medical practitioner make a yearly physical examinatioil have the hOllor to be Your obedient servant, J. A., '1'AYLOR, L p, S. 5th January, ]nl:~" ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 67 66 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL children to school. [have referred the who has brought the cases hefore the with satisJactory results. matter to the proper County" Police' f.ilagis- ANNUAL REPORT OF W.ATKIN, rNSPECTOR OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS ---~_.. The actiqll of the County Council, in suggesting the with-holding ill certain cases, had a very salutary effect; so much so that fourteen schools were properly heated ail~l vel1tjla~cd last year. There is now 0111y one school, viz., No.2, SOllthwold, where no attempt has been made to supply the pupils with good pure 'air. There are three thing's 'that every school' can and must supply the "'pllpils, for their physical well-being, viz., good pure air, drinking .~ater,'alld proper. light. The Province of 011tariohas an a'hundant s'upply of these, and no citizen, old or ,young, should be deprived of what he nee'ds. To the \iVarden and lvlembers of the Elgin County Council: Gentle11l_cn.- T have the honor of presen'ting my alll1t1<l1 report for 19L1, on the puhlic schools of East Elgin. There are no startling features to report. The supply of regu- larly trained and certil,cated teacher5 15 still i;,adcquate lor the require- ments of the schools. T't is true that the number of First an:l Second Class teachers is much larger than formerly, but it is also true that there arenl.ore Temporary Certificates or Permits than I have ever had before. The reason is that the Third Cl<lsS certiflcates arc lcss numerous. These per11l.1ts are necessary and arc granted by the Minister or Education only after the Trustees have adverhsed and failed to seCtHe duly qualifIed teachers. In mos't caseS those teachers receive salaries equal to those of qualified teac11ers. The schools. in charge of these teachers, of course, are not progressing as should, and it is hoped that the SUP1)ly of ef6cient teachers will soon be, equal to 'the demand. This year's supply of new teachers have contracted with thc 1iJinister of Education to teach theflrst ycar, at least, after 'graduating, in Ontario. 'vVe therefore may expect supply of qualilled teachers to he very largely increased aHer next mid~summer. The equipment of the schools has been satisfactory for several yc_ars. For some time Elgin schools were the best equipped with lihraries, etc., in the Province. Additions arc made to the libraries stIle requirements 'demand. is realized to..:lay that public schools can and must do more chillren of the nation than to teach tl~~em the traliional school commonly, referrel to as the Three R's. h Iii 'Ii II I, , " Ii ~ ~ I I public school should be a strong, child with a well developed life, active agent in providing physically, mo,rally, and course of physical training has been iiltroduccd into the public of Ontario~ Its success win dep.encL on the teachers. The can do much for 'the health of the pupils, not only in the proper sanitartion of the school and its surroullcl- also 'after the personal sanitation of pupils. time is not'. far away wh_en provision will be made ill our schools for industrial aJ1d vocational training. InOn'tario largely agricultural, and the elements of agriculture should in public schools. I am glad to be able to report 'that made a good start along this line in the schools of this We have a large number of n'lagniRcent school gar- fifty have reported to me. There are only two schools is being done in this direction. Besides the industrial required for every child, there is the artistic. Twottld have II I The number of ehildten registered in my schools \vas;I,~)O;); 2,OB."i and girls 1 ,8'1'0. In some sch;ols the average attendance IS very low, six to It is to he regretted thaf"stlch sections arc not grouped and children carried in vans to a centl~al school. whcre 011e teacher do the work for' the same sat~lry' that each teacher Thc Consolidated School idea shonld be apphec1 as (1ifflculties noW prevailing in some localities in the Southwold, where. the school popu1atioll IS very small. If this ship were to adopt the Township Board of 'Trnstees' System, I urged last year, sncll aBoard would he able to solve the school prohlem. II I I II I' I A fe-..;' cases have come to my notice where parents do not o' 68 ,ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL, 69' every child plant flowers about the school. All school yards should be planted with. flower gardens and flowering shrubs. There is enough of this kind of decoration about our schools or homes. inside decoration, the walls of all our schools should be hung with a few good pictures. It is very gratifying and a lnost hopefnlsigl! t.o End the peopte- thinking a'bOtit and taking all a.ctivc interest in the public schools of this. County. I wish to thank the members of the Council, and all others have taken a kindly active interest in the welfare of our public I have the honor to be COMMITTEE-JANUARY SESSION, No. 1 the Elgin County Cot11lcil: Gentlcmcl1,- The Education Committee reports: That the report of T'nspcctor Taylor be received and printed minutes. That tbe account- of the \iVardsville High School bccreferrecl Clerk ~~\ld Solicitor, and if satisfactory, to be patel. Your obedient servant, That the account received from the Woodstock Collegiate enterained, as we did llot reccive stautory notice. w. That we bave cow;,icle~ed the appeals received from ratepayers and Aldborou:gh against the refusal of 'the Township .to appoint arbitrators to consider the formation or alteration union -school section or sections, and that we recommend Jackson, of Port Stanley, and Sidney S. J\llcDermand, arid C. O. Luton, of Yarmouth, be appointcd arbitrators the matters complain cd of, ,inaccorclance with the pro- of The Public Schols Act. That the account of Inspector Taylor fOf expenses ~(mounting be paid, and that a similar account from Inspector Atkiil,' to $79.07, be paid. '\ That a dclegation to attcnd thc mceting of the Provincial Association 011 _April 9th be namcd by the vVarclen. of 'which is respectfully submitted. iVl. )Y1. BLACK, Chairman. , 1012. tocoll1mittcc cif the ''''hole, amended, and adopted. 70 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL _._.---,_._---_.,-----~..._._.--_..-_._.- JANUARY SESSION, No.' 2 ~r'o the Elgin County Council: Gcnt1cmen,- The Edncatioi1 Committee reports as follows:, for 1. That the account for the Ti.ustees' Association,' printing invitations -and programmcs amot111tii1g to $6.2?,' be' paid. 2. That the account for printing and stationery for the Public School Inspectors, amottnting to $36.65, he paid. 3. Tha't the sum of ten dollars be appropriated for the expenses of postagband stationery for'the Secretary of the newly organized County 'EducaHonal Association. , 4. That 1'1,e551'5. Lindsay and Mi5te1e, former members of this Council', '~ho took an 'active intere5til1 the Educational Association, be paid' fdf their at~endance at the meeting, two days, at three dollars pe'r day and r'ailway fares. All of which is respectfully submitted. \\'1. M, BLACK, Chairman. 26tl~ January, 1912, _Adopted. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL n jii!;i ~'I,! ,I 'I 'I ,II, 1,1, :i:: ",L ,~ 1:1' I" ;1, III1 L~I i~ , II I, I 71 I JUNE SESSION To the Elgin County Council: , Gentlemcn,- The .Education Committee heg-leave to report: 1. That the Puhlic School Inspectors' reports he received an('] printed in the minutes. 2. That the. sum o_f $1,308,_ being the eqUiv~l(ent or :tl~e,:rl:bvillciai grant to public schools for eqmpment and accommodation Ec 'granteci. That the 'accoql1t of The 1I,,1ul1icipa1 \,yorlel,. a'~lOllljting to for supplies required for examinations; be paid. That the account of tbe 'Woodstock Board of E'~i~lcatioA', to $17.a8. for fees 6f .Elgin pupils, be paid. I That the .'feportsof the Aylmer, DuttOll, and Viel111a l-ligh he received and adopted. That Inspectol Taylor's suggestion that the, C~lilltX b~y tl~~ of the' Graduation examinations, thus making this' examiti- free to the pupils, be adopted. That Inspector Taylor's account for travelling' eXljcnses, to$Ga,Gl, and Inspector Atkin's accollnt, for $.105.40, "H! i Ii li"j h! ,:1 I III ! 111'11 '! 8. -That the accollnt of the- Glencoe High School Board, amount"'" to $77.-06, for educating Elgin pupils, be.referred t.Q; the Clerk: S'olicitor for adjustment. . That the arbitrators' award ill the matter of the dissolution school scet,ioll No. '13 Aldborough and No. 15 Dunwich, and of union sections Nos. 1, 2, and 3, Alclborough and Dun- be received andadopted, and that their account for $272.07 he the amount collected from the sectIOns interested. In reviewing the work of the Continnation and ,Fifth Class the Province of Ontario, as exhibited by the Inspectors' the years lno- and 1011, your Committee was very ,please'd I >- .g- " " co. & z o "' [ " ." c~ e .~ >- s. ~ n" ;0- ;;;. " o ~ " o a s " " " a' o P- ~ -.P 9 f-'.j (,L,:: [,:; ~ ~ ~lt!ir~ 2.S9 ~L~ :; ...... -' - ..... $l o'scrq ('J ;..<ft;:; ;::."g ~..... '""' ..... 0 _ 0" r1: v Of; ~~:l 'T '" -. ~ Y:: -. 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P- ;:;. 0 '" ;:. c 05 -. ~ :r " ~ ~ ~ c ~ g. 0 0 8 ~ _. - .::: ~ 0 " :0- :0- ~ 2- .~ 0- 0'";:;- " 00 ~ ~ . 0 0. 0 0 0 ~ , 0 0 W 0 W '" U;. ~ W ~ a s 0" W g. ~ ~ w M r r o 0." ~ ::.:> ~[ . _. g~ ::r-. ~" -. . 0'< :j 8 g -' tll ...... 8 ~O'";:;..<+ ~ 0 0 n:= 0 (') n ,... ::.:> .....;>:> 2. ....... 8 ...... p.. p. u" 0 ::;" <: 5 (i) g /'tl g. ('l '0...... o " ... ;;: < ;:;: 0 :0-0 ~ 72 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 73 to note the large increase in -the nUlliber of this class of schools since 190G. In that, year 91 schools wefe established, with 3,993 pupils in attendance, and in 19li the nnmber of schools has increased to 138, with ov~r{),OOO pupils in attendance. The number of two- teacher schools in 1910, was (i5, as compared with .2,1: in 190G. The Continuation Schools prepare candidates for Nannal School Entrance and :Matriculation Examination, with substantially the same success as the High 5c'ho015, un<1 their growing popularity indicates that where they have been established, hundred of pupils fraln the farms and adjacent sections arc taking advantage of thi5111ca115 of securing a higher education. NOVEMBER SESSION, Elgin COUllty' Council: - Gelltlcmen,- The Education Committee reports: the following accounts he paid: 1. P. S., travelling expenses.. 1. P. S., travelling expenses Powell, printing 400 copies . .$ 150',65 65 98 report Trustees' The aim of the .111.ajority of pupils attending appears to be to get a better general .education, and no doubt the DepartmeritWill make some changes in COlUses after determining what are the stand- ard lines of life work 'in the urban and rural parts of the Province. Weare particulatly pleased that the County of Elgin' was- the pioneer .in the encouragement of this class of schools, by making a grant 'of two dollars for each dollar granted by the Province, aird we believe it is our duty to further aid them by increasing our grant to two dollars anc\, a half for each dollar given by the Province, and that this he the grant for :1912. ........................................... Maxwell, for reporting proceedings of Trustees Ass'n World, stationery, printing, etc., Inspector Atkin.. -\i\Torld, stationery, printing, etc., Inspector Taylor of which is respectflllly submitted. 108 30 40 00 9 45 8 00 lVI. M. BLACK, Chairmal1. 14th November, :1.912. 11. That the grants to Aylmer anel/Dutton H.igh Schools $650,00 each, and Vienna $325.00. An of which is respectfully submitted. M. lVI. _Adopted lath June, 1912. 74 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 75 DEPUTATION TO ONTARIO EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION JUNE SESSION 5. \;Vc consider .tlnt the Council will be fully jusGilie.d in sending to the Ass.ociatiol1, a's much valuable informatibn is sectjrecl. 1'0 the Elgin Connty Conncil: .All of which is respectfully submitted. Gentlcrnen,- . M. 'M. BLACK, Chairman. 'The deputation appointed to attend the fifty-first meeting Ontario Education Association, beg leave to report: -Adoptt;d 13th June, 1012. :t. They attended the different sessions of the Association Toronto on the nth" lOth, ancl 11th of April, and fO,uuet that all tensive prpgral11111e had been provided. The Association is posed of ten '-se~tions, embracing the int'erests of the high school, public school, the _ kindergarten clepartlnent, the training the inspector's department, the trustees' depart1-11ent, the home section, the 1nanual arts. section, the physical uaining and hygiene section, and the ,con,tinuation school section. , Your deputation confined their attention principally to ings of the public and high schools,' trustees', amI the school sections. In the trustees' section we found a very representative attendf allee, and keen interest was taken in all the discussions. The prill cipal benefit ,was in the exchange of ideas as to the managcmentQ the different classes of schools. The sentim.ent seem.ed to b.e in favor. of the' consolidated school for sections where the attendance wa small. Some' delegates expressed thelnsel~res in favor of comhinill the rural mail d'elivery and the delivery of pupil~ to and from school No doubt 'a scheme could be devised whereby this might be at; cOlnplished. . a. The public school course 'should he improved by the additi of the !lfth classes, and practicable continuation classes establish We think that the course o'f studies should be so arranged as to COlli' prise all studies that will assist in giving the children from the fan a good practical agricultural education, and he a cOluplete course itself. This object can be accomplished by consolidation. Th would result in keeping the boys and girls on the farm. 4. Several speakers endorsed the e~tahlishing of school gardJl\ in connection with the public schools, and the inspectors report' satisfactory progress in this direction. 76 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT JANUARY SESSION To the Elgin County Council: Gcntlemen,----;- I ,have the honor }O submit the following statement showing the finanCIal position or the County of the First day of.Jalluary, 1912: I. Assets ...:,,, ..$ 1,,715 32 38,1'01 48 Balance 011 hand County rates due for HJll City of St. Thomas, under By-Laws 594 and 759 Co. Mjddlesex,account Co. lines Provo Treasurer, for Library grant Provo Treasurer, for Sept. and Dec. quarters' admin. justice . . . .. . .. . 1,115 U3 966 66 '3al 38 2,000 00 ___$ 44,830 77 JI. Liabilities ....$ 33,000 00 550 00 9,106 14 3,346 80 1,666 20 1,445 00 868 52 ___$51,944.14 Notes due lVlolsons Bank .......-.... County lines and -bridges Debenture payments Dutton High School .,.., . . . .' . .. . . Administration of justice.. ,." ,........ Bouse of Industry account....., ' Absentee tax due municipalities .'.',.... The balance of Liabilities over Assets is.. . $ 7,113 37 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Deficit This deficit was,Jl1itde up in the follow- ing accounts for whicll the stimate was -llot sufficient: Administration of justice County lines . .... .'. Public schools Officers' salaries . . . . . . .. . . Registry office .... .... Equalization. appeal Interest Absentee tax due municipalities .$ 1,2!J:l 00 8,5n:J 00 :U 00 17'1 00 !l4B 00 ;')00 00 467 G7 RaO 00 Total............ ....... ...$ 7',71057 Less halances 111 f--louse of Industry and Comt House Commission accot11lts. 5n7 20 ---$ Expenditures The Expe.nditmes for 1011, together with Liabilities in connection with the accounts fbr the year, after deducting .Receipts, were as 'follows: uno Administration of justice 'Cotinty lines ..... . ........ .$ of indtlstr-y Schools ... Public Schools .. salaries $ a,800 00 B,BB4 00 office pnrposes grant .,.......... of school monies appeal 7',1:1<] '37 J\H1 4,29B 00 2,142 00 5,414 00 11,1.62 80 7,OS!) 00 2,824 00 1,620 09 '726 0.0 11,781 00 94B 00 2,656 00 7'96 00 <>> 200 00 140 00 500 00 ___$ ;');~,.'286 80 77 ELGIN. COUNTY COUNCIL 78 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL All of the expenditures, ,the most of which arc able, are U11Cter the supervision of the Council and its The principal controllable expenditures afC for county lines, supplementary grants to 11igh and Public Schools, salaries, and miscellaneous grants. JUNE SESSION Elgin County Councir: Gentlemcn,- v. It will he llccess\uy Cor the Council to pass a authorizing the Warden and Treasurer to horrow the $20,000 for renewal of notes andta meet the during the year. 'On the 1st day of June there was a' cash balance to the credit of the County of $501.13, and the notes held by th,e Jdol- sons Bankforadvances amounted to $18,000. It will he neces~ sary at thisseSsioll to pass a by-law autl)orizing the Warden and Trcasitrer to horrow $20,000 as reql1il"ed to meet current expenses. The rate of intercst charged by the Ivlo1sons:E\ank for isfty.e per cent. The number of unoccupied lots of land in arrears for taxes liable fo l~c sold this year is too small to warrant the of a tax sale. It will therefore be necessary to pass" a by~law to defel- the tax sale for another year. VI. At this date all of the county rates except $10,000..00, and the notes held by have becn reduced to $lG,O{)O.oo. The following is my cstimate of the amounts required to raised for county purposcs during the ycar: VIT. Previous to my app.ointmcnt as Treasurer III 1881, oC a younger mall as Assistant Treasurer IS very appreciated. Admil1istratiol1 of justice of Industry bridges Schools ....... Schools salaries , wages House Commission rates.... . . . . . . . $ 4,500 00 5,00'0 00 1,500 00 11,23'0 00 7,900 00 3,420 00 1,350 00 900 00 10,671. 00 7,130 00 1,000 00 1,00'0 0.0 ~_--":$ 55,601 00 All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN McCAUSLAND, County ~~:3rd Janna1'y, 1.\11.2. offic'e.. ." ...... Expenditurcs authorized at the present session will he in thereto. All of which is r~spcctfully submitted. . JOHN McCAUSLAND, County TreasurcL 79 80 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL NOVEMBER SESSION To the Elgin County Council: GcntlemCll,- I have to report, as of the 1st of Novtmber, the following Receipts and Expcndit1.1reS since the 1st of January: Jan. 1st, Balullcc all hand ...$ 1,110 01 I Receipts justice 2,742 15 30,000 00 13025 3~/,591 00 12,095 ..1:6 G7D GO 094 66 43G 07 :~,82rL 20 ---'----$ 80,220 - Administration of Bills payable Interest........ . County rates Public schools .. aOl1se of Industry.,.. County lines and bridges Arrears of taxes ivliscelluneol1s ..' Expenditures Administration of justice.. Bills.payahle ... Interest Public schools Honse of Industry Registry office County lines and bridges Dehent.ures and coupons High schools ... Arrears of taxes Members' wages Officers' salaries Printing, postage, and stationery Care of buildings Water, gas, and fuel Misccll<ll1eOl1S .' .$ 8,G2877 35,000 00 756 30 12,337 93 6,4-87 45 140' 33 1,007 713 \),1013 17 4,970 68 8138 52 1:,289 gO ~~,8H8 75 34!J 7.0 1,026 18 n776 2,526 HI :'Hst C:5ctober, balance .... $ 88,321. 32 899 08 $ 89,220 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 81 " The estimates passed ill June w,ill be suffiCIent for most accounts. as I am able to determine, the 'deficit of $3,500 carried over last, year 'will he illcreasecl to ahout $6,000 hy the 31st of bei'. All of- which is respectfully submitted. K. W. McKAY, Assistant County Treasurer. -Adopted 12th November, lD12. 82 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FINANCE COMMITTEE JANUARY SESSION ,'fo the 'Elgin COltnty Council: Gentlcmcn,- The Finance Committee reports: 1. That the Treasurer's statement he adopted and printed ill,the minutes. ~~. That a by-law He passed authorizingthe vVarden and Treas- urer to horrow $20,000 as required for County purposes. B. That the report of F. lVL Clement, Representative of Agricul- tural Department, be adopted as satisfactory. 4. That the Prisoners' Aid Association be granted the Sli.m of ten dollars. G. That 'the Salvation Army be granted tbe sum of twcnty- five dollars. G. , That the usual grant of twenty-frvc dollars be made to the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. 7. Thati the annual report of F. Hunt, Police 1Iagistratc, be received and printed in the minutes. 8. That the: usual grant of fifty dollars be ni.ade the Elgin Law Library' Association. 9. That the Children's Aid Society he granted the sum of one hundred dollars. 10. That the Amasa Wood Hospital be granted the sum at one hundred dollars, being in accordance with the arrangement made last year. I 11. That the f.ollowing accounts be paid: St. Thoma,s Tim.es, printing minutes of CounciL..... . .$ Municipal World, stationery for police J\1agistrate. D. H. Price, Aylmer, printing Finance Reports; etc.. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 83 Municipal \V o1'1d, for Treasurer's office- Rubher stamp ."""....... Cash Book ..... Voucher covers and advice notes St~tionery ............ Lead pencils for Council Rubber stamp and order hooks $ o 7,,) 27 00 10 25 75 1 05 2 :)(J World, statiOllcry, for reg. office 42 30 ;') 50 12. That'a by-law he passed to amend By-La\v No. 767; section read a; follows: "Tha"t t'he smnof Four Dollafs p"er day be paid t6 the menihers of this COl1llcil for their attendatlce in Cotlticil and COl1imittec meet- i'ngs within, the County~ add five, ceilts per mile necessarily travelled (to and from) for such attendance." That the application of the: over for further consiCleration. '" High Constable for salary :he All of which is respectfully submitted. B. B. GRAHAM, Chairman. --,-Adoptcd 2GthJanuary, 1912. 0,. .. 84 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY. COUNCIL 85 JUNE SESSION, No. 1 To the :E.lgin County Council: Gentlcmcn,,......- The Finance Committee reports: The ,0 That the Council Childrens' Protection pay expenses of all investigations til1ct.ei Act, when certified by County Cl~rk. 10. That the CQunty Solicitor be instructed to take proceedings to- collect the amount due by VV. E. Brooks for the maintenance of his children committed to the care of the Children's Aid Society. 1. That they have examined into the fj.re insurance in force 011 the county buildings and find it to he satisfactqfY. 11. That the bOllet of the County Treasurer he cancelled -and ,a new bond taken ont, to include both the Treasurer and the Assistailt Treas'mer, and that the matter be left in he 11<tnds of the 'Cl1airm:al1 and the COulltySolicitor, with power to act. 2. That the West Elgin Corn Growers' Association be granted the sum of one hundred dollars. '3. That in reference to the resolntion submitted by the London Hcalth Association re adrnission.of patients from the County of Kent, wc recommcnd that the matter be laid over for consideration at the November session. 12. That"Ct b.y-law be passed authorizing the' Warden and Treas- urer to borrow the sun1 of twenty thousand dollars, as required 10 incet the ClllTCnt ex;penses. . 4. That the Auditors' report - be adopted. lB. That a hy-law be passed to extend the t'i111e for enforced collection by sale of non-residcnt taxes for one year. 5. That the request of H. Harvey, ofViloodgreen, for refund' OIl license fee, he not entertained. That the St11no! two hundred am) fifty dollars be paid the of Rodney on lock-tlp account, being :11 fty dollars in addition By-Law 782 passed in UllO. G. That no action be taken in regard to the application for grant made by the Winter Fair. All of which is ..respcctfullysuh111ittccl. 7. That an order he isslled for ten dollars memhershipfec to The Ontario 11unicipal Association, and that the Warelen beal1thor- i%ecl to appoint delegates for the anm1al meeting. s. That thc following acconnts he paid: K. W. 1'.icK.ay, for postage and sundry expenses .. .. .$ Dr. G. W. Ling, cxpcnses attending mceting of 'Board of 'LondonHealth Association .. n,oelney 11ercury, l)rinting Auditors' reports Municipal ';Vorlel, stationery, County Clerk's office.. M.unicipal y,,rorld, stationery for registrar .............. S.H.. Hart & Co., for chcque bo'oks . . .. . . . . .. . .. . Children's Aiel Society, W. E. vVarclell investigat'g complaints J. D. Leeson, witness fee, ,Brooks family investigation..... ..' Children's Aiel Society, maintenance County children to 31st May..,....................... ........... .,......... B. B. GHl\HAM, Chairman. r-Adoptec1 lHth June, 1912. 26 5:") 11 6:') JUNE SESSION, No. 2 \"lardenanc1 Council of the C0l111ty of Elgin: Gcntlelnen,- The Committee on Finance beg leave to repor't that, havi\lg into the finances of tbeCountyand the estimates preparect County Treasnrer, they herewith snbl11it a statement of tll('. recniired 'for the lilVvful pmposcs of the Countyduting 86 ELGiIN COUNTY COUNCIL amount re'quired to be raised for the ulldcnnen- H)l;~:, 'sl{dwingihe tiouc'il l1ui"li05CS: Admiilistration of 'jdstice Ccit1ilty lihcs and bridges Hohse of Inc1ustt.y ..., High Schools :Puhlic Schools Officers' s~\larie5 'M,embers; wages .,..... CDt11"t}['dtlSe Commission .$ 4,000. au 1,500. '0.0 5,650 00 11,350 00 7,990. 00 B,420 00 1,250 00 \iOG on Debenture l{ates- By-Law No. i'if.l4 By-Law No. 701 ........ By-Law No. 7;17 By-Law No. 7:'59 By- Law No. 769 ........ . . .~. . . Deficit, 1st January, 1912 ....... [ntercst ...... ..... .., . . Registry office .. 1;957 00 2,592 00 2,590 00 2,268 00 1,264 00 4,G6700 50n-oO 500 00 ..----__$ 52,B98 YOUf Committee would ,reconnnclid that tl\~ SU111. of li'ifty":Twci 'Fhousanc1 Three I:-{undred and Ninety-Eight Dolfars be raised on a\1 thc rateable property in the several municipalities in the County Elgin dtHing the year 'H112 for County purposes, and that a rate :zl mills on the donal' he levied on the rateable property in the :municipalities in the County to raisc the said amounts. A 11 o{ which is respecttully submitted. B, ]J, _Adopted JU1H'. Bth, 1912. ELGIN COUNTY .COUNCIL NOVEMBER SESSION To the Vo,Tardcll and IVIcmbers of the Elgin County Council: Gelltleme!1,~ The Final1cc Committec reports: 1. That in accordance with the report passcd at the last sessiollj matter of the Trcasurer's bond has heen arranged reCjuiring th~' Treasurer to give a guarantce bond of $10,000' at ,\" cost'to. County of $35.00. The County Trcasurer's bond is for a similal: and we' woidd recommend that both bonds, be \lepos:itedwith manager of the Mols,ons Bank, St. ,Thomas, subject. to the order this Comici!. 2. That the Treasurer's report be adopted. 3. That the follOWing aCC0unts be paid: ,VVorld, stationery for Co. ClerIc's office World, statjonery, Registry office World, stationet'y, Police :NJagistrate Toronto; l1laintenance I-:Tarvey Armsrong \iV, McKay, 'postage, phon~, etc. :i\JcLachlin, stationery, Clerk and Treasmer McLachlin, stationery; Registrar bo.oks, lst D. c., Aylmer .. Aid,SocietY;111aintenance County children..... . $ 5(1 \> O{)' 3 51} l4a ~3{j QJ) 12 35 f) R5 17~) 251 7..8' \ Thilt the Coullty Solicitor bas entered an action in tl~c COlm!? collect the amount due fot' the maintenance of We 1I1'oo((s to the first of June, and that he he instructed to called the. $218.5~, insluded in the above account, from the Childr'cn's Aic1 a grant of twenty-five dollars be made to the Childrell'~s is respectfully sl1bmitted. 14th Xove1111~er, ],91~. T3. B. CRAj'IAM, Chairman~ 8, "I~I 'il 1,1 Ii ELGIN COUIiITYCOUNCIL 89 88 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL i I II :1 " :1 I~ I~ II NOVEMBER SESSION REPORT OF COUNTY ENGINEER JUNE SESSION the Warden and CounCil of the County of Elgin: To the Warden and Council of , the County of Elgin: GentlclUcn,- I heg to submit the followi1.1g report: Gentlemen,- beg to report 011 the work done in Coullty since your last The Gillett bridge has been thoroughly repaired. New piles been driven. where they had been broken off by the ice, and the abutment" r,epaired, piers and abutment planked, and floor beams in where required. It is 110W iil as thorough repair as can be for a wC?oden bridge, and is safe to carry any ordinary traffic. The extension of the concrete wing at the St. George Street between the City and the County is now ttl1der construction \vill be completed in the C'OltfS,e of a week. ., V cry little damage was caused by the spring county bridges. At St. George Street hridge, between the City and the the north-east wing of the bridge will have to beextended in to prevent the creek frCim injuring he road. A wall about feet ili length will be l'equired. At the Gillett. bridge the waVr ,is washing away the earth the north and west side of the bridge, and although there is 110 mediate danger to the bridge, I thought it advisable to have ,whole Council view.thesituation. In 1ny opinion, the danger .in the fact tbat the course of the current is directly along the o.f the bridge, and when the freshets occur, if accompanied by they may cause its destruction. Some repairs will have to be to this bridge to the west and east abutments, otherwise it is fairly good state of repair. new floor put on and the The Port Bruce bridge has had a strengthened, at a cost of $456.81. The Port Stanley bridge has b~en painted, at a cost of my iritel1tiol1 to paint the Cook's 1\'lill and Phillmore weather has been so wct that the loss of ,timeocea- made the cost so excessive that I concluded that it better to leave it until next year. Nothing has becn done towards building new walks to the . of the Belmont bridge. There is a large Jill at the and on' consultation with the Police Trustees of the it was thought advisable to let this fill get thoroughly s~ttled putting on a cement walle Thc work,therefore, will be next year. The sidewalk and railing are yet to he placed on the to the Belmont bridge. In the matter of the port Burwell bridge, on the advice of . County. Solicitor, I gave an order for the payment of the of James Pp.yne for $155.00, to be deducted from the am0l,111t the contractor. I do not think anything 1l10re should be paid this contract until the contractor 'completes it in accordance the specifications. A meeting of your Public' Improvement Committee with a from the County of IvEiddlesex was held at what the Low Water bridge, near Middlemiss, on the Thames the 'Townships of Dunwich and Ekfrid. After view- pwposed site, the fol,towing resolution was passed: by S. R. Wilson, of South Dorchester, and seconded by of Ekfrid: Several of the county bridges require painting( and to make arrangemcllts to do this work by day labor, the hwnish all the materiaL All of which is respectfully submitted. JAS. A. BELL, O. L. S:, CCiunty 11th June, HJl2. ~ o (;' -< ~ UJ UJ ~ >t1 UJ t;;j ::>: i-Q n.s' ~.~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~3 [[ ~ (D (]Q 0 _ _'"," E: lfJ""": (;l ,<~vcc:iQ.<;:::l',....,. (f) ~o~~"g. ~~s,g -a ::r- .- ~;:) ::0. (i; '< l7J --,,:r-. ~ €~ (;l n (D ::: ~ (fl (fl ~ g " ;...J..... ...... o 0 ~ <:.--. 0 o c ffl '0 -, '" c c 00000 QOooo i"' e-J '" o ~ .0 '-' ~ g ~ ~ p !" f::j ~ > f"1jz 2.() (=i' ,....., Q <n ~7 ~ a 'B. 2 :t~ ~- ~ o " 0'= o ;;? ~ r. 0 ~ - o - "" 'S : - 9 " g' fflo " p ......'-'......000'" 1-'001-'1-'....,.....;8 n g ;:; 00000 00000 ~. "" ~ 0 0 ~ ::: 00 lO:> "" " ~ [ ~ o ~ ~ Q:i ~ S:;=- '.~ 5 ~ o ::1 n: 0 (]l 2- 9 p.. "1 ~ ~. ~ _~ r. crq X 0--' ,,>-l ..... ~. g ~ 0 ,....,. "1 ~ 5" g- '" '0 g.-::;- 0 ;:0- ::: <::: b ~ 0 ...... ;:;: (tl ....... 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'd [fJ::l; o ~ u o 0 0 8" ~ ~ .~ SJ Q c c_ rD ,.., "1 '" e;<< ~ 0> [fJ ~ ;) ~ o 0 " " p 0" 0 co 00 ,...... w ClJ 0<;;>0 o c 0 o c 0 t'""'r-' nO n" g g " " o 0 '--' H " ~ " >0>0 o 0 o 0 ~ ~ o 0 " " ~~ 9 0.. 'V ;i ga ~ o ~ e;, <:,,-.. o c c c '" o o o ~ o '" t'J t"' Cl ~ Z o ("l o q Z e-J ><: ("l o q z ("l ~ t"' 8: o ~ '" o '" g c- o w t'J t"' Cl ~ Z ("l o q Z e-J ><: ("l o q z ("l ~ t"' ~ o '" 90 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Committee report to the Councils of their "That this Joint respective Counties: "That having viewed the site of the Low Water bridge ,near Middlemiss, over the Thames River, we recommend the advisability of a bridge being built, and further, ',that the Engineers, Nlessrs. 'Bell and Talbot, be instructed to prepare an approximate estimate 'of the same and submit the same to the fall sessions of the Councils for their approval.ll War~len Anderson was tiOI1 was carried. Chairntan of the meeting, and this ,resolu- In accordance with this resolution, I have made all estimate of 4. bridge for this site, consisting of two spans of 150. feet each, and would estimate the cost at $20,000. This would not include anything for the purchase of a road. All of which is respectfully submitted, JAS. A. HELL, County Engineer, St. Thomas, November 11th, 1D12. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 91 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE JANUARY SESSION 'Varden and Council of thc County of Elgin: Gel1tlenien,- Your Public .Tmprovement Committee, )Ycg leave to report: That your Committee meet a similar Committee from the of. Middlesex" at the call of the Engineer, to consider the of the' petition for a new bridge over the H.iver Thames, pre- at the ,Novembcr session, lill1. That the vVardcll and Coullty Clerk appoint representatives Provincial Deputation to attend at Oawa on he 811 of l'ebruary. That' the \Varden and County Clerk appoint delegates to The Ontario Good :Roads Association m,eeting, to he held on the 26th, 27th, and 28th days of February, and that a of ten dollars be made to the Association. That the ClFtirman and Ellgirieer have power to make any repairs to 'county bridges. That your Committee meet with a similar Committeefro111 of IVliddles'ex at what is known as the Coyne bridge, over ~iver, and present a report thereon at the ]ul1esessioll.. That the accounts of Ingram & Davey for $17;20, and O. Pen- for $6.12, for permancnt fixtures in the basement of, the House, he paid. of which is respectfully submitted. SILAS R. vVILSON, Chairman. 26th January, 1012. I"" 'Ii 92 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN CONUTY COUNCIL 1,111 , illl ]',! c; ':1': i Iii ,I iJ :1 93 JUNE SESSION N'OVEMBER SESSION T6the Vlarden and Cou-ncil of the County of Elgin: To the \Varden and I\Jem:hers Gent.lemen,- of the Elgin County Coullcil: Gent1eUlen,- 'Your following Public Improvement Committee beg leave to submit the report: 1. That they County Engineer's Yqur 'Public Improvement Committee beg leave to submit the following report: 1. That the Engineer have, power to act with the City of St. Thomas in extending thefwrth-east wing of the St. George Street bridge. have considered the matters report, and would recommend mentioned in its adoption. the '1'1' I, "'1'1 'I 11'1 :,11:11 I', " I:' 2. Regarding the proposed new bridge over the Thames River at what is known as" the Low vVater bridge site hetwecll DUl1Wich and Ekfrid, near lVliddlemiss, your Committee would recommend that -as there is no road allowance leading to the proposed site, and as yet no action has been taken by the County of 1'liddlesex, that the matter he left over until the January session of the Coullcil All of which is respedully snbmitted. "" .,2. 'fhat the matter of repairing the Gil1cttbTidge be left in th\" hands of the ]~ngilleer. 3. That when the enbankment of the approac11esof the 13elm(l11t hridge is sufJiciently settled, the Eugineer act with the Cbunty of M'iddlescx in having a sidewalk and railing built one- hundred feet long at each end of the bridge. 4. That in the matter of the money he1c{ back on the port Bur~ well bridge contract, your Committee would recommend that the County Solicitor have this in charge, and that no more money he paid without his consent. S. ]~. WILSON, Chairman. II ~ ~ ~ - II t: I II , , :1 I I I I ~ ~t ~ ',II t t ~ AI :\ -Adopted 13th November, Ul'.12. ,5. That the Chairman, Warden, and. Engineer be instructcc1 to meet a similar Committee from Kent aud Middlesex, in regard to the painting of the Bothwell bridge. o. That in the matter ,of the proposed bridge asked to be erected over the River Thames near 1ilicldlemiss, the Public I mprovemellt Committee meet a similar Committee ,from Middlesex, either at tl" proposed site or otherwise, at the call of the Engineer. 7. That this COl1nty assume all bridges necessarily over in length on all county line boundaries. All of which is respectfUlly submitted. S, R. WILSON, l;:'eferred,to a committe of ' the .vhole and amended hy striking out claus,r 7. 12th June, 1912. 94 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 95 PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE GAOL AND HOUSE OF INDUSTRY JANUARY SESSION To the Elgin Connty Conncil: Gcntlel11enJ~ To -the Elgin County CoimciI: The Petitions and Legislation C0111mittee reports: GC11tlemcl1,- The Gaol alid I-lonse of Industry Committee i'epbi;ts: I. That we reco111111end tbe adoption of the resolution submitted hy The .ontario Good TtQads Association, which approves of the recent amendments to The Act for the Improvement of Public High- ways, and Suggests that in ararnging the expenditure of the proposed paminian aid to highways, provision he made for increased grants under The Highways Improvement Act, .and further additional aid on leading connty roads, to he spent. in accordance with specifIcations determined hy the .Public Works Depart111_ent; and tharthe Provind~l Gqverll111cnt, pay a percentage of cost of maintenancc of connty road's. the COltrt l:lousc Cominissidn bc atitlwriz('(l to repair al1c1 iron:' 'work 011 the doinc of thc CUlirl: Housc, <llld copper where. necessary. 2. That we arc in favor of tax reform" and approve _of the resO- lution made and presel1ted by The Ontario1-Iunicipal Association , ' l,ist year. "That land should he assessed at its fair actual value, and that huiJdingsan.d irnprovcmcnts, be assessed at 110t more than sixty per cent. of actual value. That the members of tlfe Council he requcste'r.l to illCll11re into the property interests of prospective inmates of ~he of Industry, and where they are found to havc any, tl) arrange of same to the County Ti-eaSllrer, 0'11 such terms as may he before they are committed. That <ipplieation he made by the Court Housc Commission .City, of 51. Thomas to light the Court [-louse with electricity. All of which is respectfully'submittcd. All of which is respectfully submitted. MICHAEL McKNIGHT, Chairl11all. P. A. }dcVICAR, Chairn1an. 26th Januar}', J!H2. _Adopted l:lth June, ln12. 96 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL JUNE SESSION, No. 1 To the Elgin County CoullciL GcntlemCll,- The }lol1sC of Industry Committee reports: 1. That no person be allowed to leave the institution without the permission of the Inspector, and that where necessary, he will be required- to con,sult with the Council of the municipality from which he or she was committed, or the municipality of which he or she may bee-ome a resident. ~z. 'Ne recommend that a new hell house be bi1ilt, size twenty by thirty feet, at an estimated cost of $17'5.00, plans and speciiications to he submitted by the District Representative. The hen hottsc to be locaetd west of the present one. :.l. 'Ne recommend the huilding of a new root cellar, size tWC11ty hy thirty feet, with five-lnch "\vall, estimated cost $300.00, to be located v"hcre the present root ccllar llO'N stands. . 4. The District Represcntative has had thefarl11 surveyed and is preparing drall1age plan, which is not yet completed. We reconi~ mend that allrnture drainage he 111 accordance with this plan, and that your Committee he authorized to construct such clrainageas may "he necessary this year. G. The orchard has been pruned, sprayed, cultivated, and manur- ed, and appeal's to be in excellent condition. This work has been done under the supervision of the District Representative. He has ;1150 sown a field of Canadian varigated alfalfa. All of which is rcspectfully submitted. P1ZTEH A. 1IcVTCAH, Chairman pro _Adopted 12th Junc, 1()12. 'II '.1 HI ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 97 JUNE SESSION, No. 2 the Elgin COUllty Coullcil: , 11:1 Gentlcmcn,- The Gaol Committe reports that they have had an applic?tlOll frOm the Matron of the Gaol'in reference.to a retiring allowancc,and beg to refer the matter to the Coullcil for their consideration: 2. That the Clerk be authorized to exchange the typewriter in office for a more modern one. Ii d'i All of which is respectfully submitted. PETER A. IV[cVICAR, Chairman pro tem.' -Adopted 12th June, 1912. co. ~ " cg.~ r-+::r' C 0 ;;; co. ~ 0 ~--g ~~. 0..::: - ~ o o ~ ""'-'2 ~ ~ - ~ " 0 o co. ci ... ~ 0 co. . a~ :t o ~ ::;-8 8 o () ~ po 0..0.. ,-;- >-: '" '" ::r 0 - '" r;. ~ ~ ~.!!, ;::-'V 0.. c..P> (ll p> >-: lI'::;,-,- ("'1'- ~:::.. (; .-.-';S't/l o co ~ ~ ~:' t;j g g ~'2.2. ~, (!l , o' ~ ;; ...~ ::: ~ ~. co. ~ :T o ~ e; o ;; " ~..f) G- 8. " ~ :or ~ ~ co. ;~r (I~ co 0 o ~ >7 ;:;. 0 rn p, P>;:T _ g ~ 0 ::: 0", " 0 (p g. H-, en' ~ o if, ~'-' -, 0 '8 ::r o " >-: (")" r.n o 0 0' g b.. s >-: - _00 B' ;:;- Ul ~ aq P>. (il ::; 0 0 ;::;:: () 3 8 ~ ~ (I:; 'U >-: P>:; :;:::;:.'-< '< 2..;:; '8 ~ 0 2-. ~ .::;- ~ ::;'-'0 :::: ~ ::r (D ~ ~ if, 0 ~ 'C c;; co. o < o 0" '" 8" o " - if, ~.J. 2. 0 ;f;:; ::: .:; 8 'B ~ ~,;; 2-. 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'" 8;:; ,,-, g' 0 'C, p- .,. >,..,.,::> H- p t;j f 9~' g ~ ii ~ 8 o [f) '" =,",,'0 rl- '" ro :::T::; ~ [f) e-:.-+ o =: 0 .....IJQ =: ;; ~ 5. ~ ~ ::;. < ,,-,,~::::.-< ~ p.. ~ (D co. 0' ~ ~ -. 0 ~ ~ .g ;: =. ~ ;:;'g~ o .-n8.. 8 8" :&5 ~ ~ i~ ';::n U"2 C1> g. f;; ~ ". o " c..~ 0' ~ ;- '8 ~ ~ 0 o g,~ ~ p..e-:", (j; Q~..-+ n :::r" C ~ Q ~ =-. " - (,i 8 g 3 ~ ""'~~ag -. p.. :::TU) n (1) ...... ~ '"" H- " a~ .-+ O,n co." ; ~ " 0 -. -. w no---' " ro S-~ 0" " ~ ~ ~ :T_ o ~ ;:;00. Ji[ :2..-+ 2. 0 e g ~ O;:Dn~ ::: -. :::T '" g- " _ CJJ o~g. ~ ~ ~ ~ s. s. o ,0 ~ 0 o 0 "''' >ll S. ~ U> :::: :: ::n3 ~~?f '<:;::. :- 'G;::. ~ S. ;) ? " ~~ " " ~ ;:;;.;:;. -0 o ~ :'""g I-rJ 8,'< ::7>:0 ~ ~ ~-<3' 'G' '"" s. ~ " 3 ~ - g o " ..... ~n ~ " 0 ~ rrq. 0 - :T" -- ~ .-+ 8-.~8, ;.~ o " ? " ;; 5 co. <+ ~ :::TP o " c >;:J~ o co. <1> ., -. '""'J n ::; ~g-g~ 0~~<+ o -.::; ~ C1> o :::.'" ~ c "'rf5 0'" ~ ~ ~. s,~ w 0 o ~ '::j ::3 5:~ 2. (D 0 ;:. 2. 03 = 0 g- F- ~ ~o. g -. o g c 8 " 'I ~o ~" o e-: co. ;; ;:;. ~ "'0 f ~ ~ < << ~ 0 0' 8" ~ <+ --;:;; ::r'~"g ~ ~ - o Q ~ ~ 0 p..aQ &; :t 3:C1> =: ::T '" 0 S,::;p.'-;' :::T g .g ~ Q e- a""", ~a.g'3 <: :::::: 0::: >ll :! .....::: -' '"" (""t- 8 C 0 " o~ [~ ~ o P ~ ~ :::'"" co o 3. Ula .-+ 0-" Sl.' p.. o "'co ;1ag- g.~p.. rl- o'(""t- o = 0 o~~3S -.0;:: >ll d I"Ij ~ P.. 5'"2. ~>ll~~~0 '" =: .-0 -' _.'--1 ;:; '< ~ b ~, . .......-n:::." p-":i:j' ~ C c.. '" 0 ~ 2:.;. 2.,;'~ & 5.' aq '" S-. ,<:0 ~ 0' i:! ~ g p -. ~,~ ~ g ~ C1> 0 ;,:;. ..., ~'.fJ&.<<F <+ 8-.(1) >--i-> . 8-.2. 0' ~~ o 0 co. co. ~ ~ S. 8-,'"" 2 ~ ::; .?-w' g o ':' 070 " 0 rl- g >ll 0<< 2.~ a (I) rl-CR 'V ~ ro Q (J) ~ ~ r. Q gF ~ -. :T ~ " .-+::;P- ::>0 o ~ " . c ~ 0 ~, s ~~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ C 0---' g~~ o. ;::;- ::: & o ~ ~ o 5 g g.'<i ::;. ~ 9 'aq ;:; r.;- 0..;:; ,.., o ;;0 ()~ 00 C::;;o Z>-I 0>-1 0><0 ~()"'l ;;00>-1 zC:::o: :<:)'Sl'1 l'1~ zt"'() ;..>-1.,0 >-IOO~ OZio-P-1 >-I z>-l >-I"'l>-l>-l ;..t<Jt<Jt<J "'''';;ot<J "";;0-< ;"c::~;.. ;..t'J"j ;;O:<:"j >< 0 >-I~ oo:o:Z F't:tj8 t<J ~"'ltl Sl'1 ~t;lb:I t<J>< ;;0 ;..., t"'.:o: ~ '" ~ ~ 00 t<J t'" o ~ Z () o c:: Z >-I >< () o c:: z () ~ t'" t<J t'" " ~ Z () o c:: Z >-I >< () o c:: z () ~ t'" ~ ~ '" o ~ -. o ~ ? ~, ~ " ~ " S-. ;;0 o o -. . "- m ~ o -. ,l:I1 iiQ o o o co. ;;0 o . co. m n g q n o g [~ 9 S-.'g ~ ~ ~ ;::. ~ t; ~ b' '<: :,' 5. ~ ~ 0 ~ (1) 2 0 'g ~ E.~' 8 0..:' 0crq 0.. 0 -. [f) (I) 0 <:.'"<::: ,~~~.g9~ ~ ~ ~-g ~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e.;. ~ '.fJ ; [n ~ rl- P ;:;--.;::: 0[~2.,~g. n n ~ -. ,""" ~ n .e ~. 2 0- :lO",:::TP- I-rJ ~. ~ ~ : ~ ~: P-o.. ;::;7,-;;- o ~'2 c.. ::: ::: 26 ~ : >Tj g g >ll ;:r; ....... Q ~ .-+.... C1> ",0 o 0 '"'" 0 " ......g E""~ &,~~ ~. ,;C v' -::2 o _. >---' n , >--7-> 0. '" ELGIN CONUTY COUNCIL , Ai ~, 'II!' "I II' III I'll" J I il ,111 " ~! ~l! 1"'1 'li I Gl I'i II II II Ii I ,1 i~ ~ 'I" i'l 1:1 ~ 1I1II ~ 'f !I,] '1 'II I \1 III' Iii " ii, ,4, . II~' ';"'1 III i:I' Ii, ['il i ~ , 99, 98 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL NOVEMBER' SESSION REPORT OF INSPECTOR OF HOUSE NOVEMBER SESSION OF INDUSTRY To' the Elgin County Council: St.Thomas, November 8th, .1912 \Varden and Council D,f the CGlinty of EIgiil: Gent1ernen ,- The House of lnchistry Committee reports: following is my report on the House of Industry and Refuge year cndil~g 31st October, 1912: Number of inmates in Honse at last report..... , ,. . 44 Numher 'admitted during year, 2 females, 1l males... 13 Number of deaths ..... .... .......... ...... 5 Number discharged .. . ...... ......'............ 1 Number absconded ......... ...................... 2 .. umber now in Honse, 30 males', 19 females.. . .. . . 49 Numbet- of inmates sent from the several111unicipalities in (,luring the year: 1. That the annual report of the .,Physician be adopted and printed in thc niilllites. 2. That the annual report of the Inspector be adopted and printcd in the minutes. il. That thc heilcry and root cellar have been completed at a combillcd cost: the l'or cemcnt work.. i... ..,...... ....$ 42:) 00' For Masonry ......... '0' .. . .. . 40 50 For carpenterer ..................... ~J1 50.. For lumber . . . .'. . .. . . . .. . . . . 107 33 Par hardware . "", ." . ..,.",. . .. 18 70 For cement .,."....,.",.,....,',... 8 72 ~--$ . . . , . , . , . . . . . . . , Lornc' '......,.,....,.,..,..,........."..,.'. Stcu1ley, ..,..."",........"... . . . ., . . . . ',' \ The variolls causes of pauperism of inmates admitted during the year may be'classcd as follows: :I. 2 4 '1 1. 1. to the 4. Wc recommcnd that the office of Inspector be abolished, and that thc duties he performed by a Board of Management,' to consist of two members' appoii1ted hy thc Council, who, with the ,Wardeii, will constitute the 'Board, as required hy The House .of Refuge' Act, H112. We reconlmend that Angu.s TurQcr, of Southwoli:l, and Jackson, Qf Port Stanley, be lTlemhers of the Board of 4 4 ~ 2 ..... ........ ... ........ ... 1 numher of inmates duri'ng the year . .. .4G.5 Average, withkee..per's family and hired help.. . . . . .. 540 NUli1her of week,s' board of inmates.... ... .2,435 Number of weeks, with keeper's family, etc., added.. 2,82:3 Total expenditure, during the year.. . . . . . ..$ G,77B 1.0 improvement~ cellar, henery, etc. ......... etc. All of which is respectfully submited. 1'1. tirHl 00 13th November, 1912. From inmates From farm produce From farm stock . . , . . $ 257 28 116 2D ......... 35800 .$ 73:1 57 _Referred to. Committee of the Whole and amended by strikil out scctions four and five. ilill ill 100 16. 17. 18. 19. divided ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 15 Leaving' amount, actually expended for support of inmates ...,................ ....... 5,483 53 Average expense per week for ,each person . ." 1 04 Average expense per day. for each person ..... 27g,.. Average expense per, year for each person...... 100 98 Amount expended for House and Farm during the )'ear is as follows: ' Farm expenses~ Iniplemcl1ts Feed' ...... Stock.... \ JYlisceltaneotls ...$ 95 7:) 411 02 38 00 306 41 -~$ 851 18 ............. . . . . . . . . . , . .......,........ I-louse expenses- ...."...$ 536 30 281 1(i 584 3B 403 ,B8 256 84 "63 1} 112 90 261 0.5 92 94 746 34 lDG 36 ____$3834 73 Hired labor Bread Meat Groceries Provisions ...,..... Dty Goods ..... Boots and Shoes........ . ........ .... Furniture and Hardy,Tare ............. Drugs ................................... Coal and Wood .....,'................ lVliscellaneous General expcnsc- Repairs ................. ....... ,," Pennanent im_provements ......... S~\aries- Keeper and lfatron ......$ Physician Inspector .$ 105 5G GOS 25 GOO 00 200 00 f50 00 Committee Illcidental "....... 9,')0 00 78 ,20 268 55 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCI0 101 -- Insurance......... '" . ........ .... 50 ns Miscellaneous ..................... 1.6 65 $2087 10 Total Expenditure ....,.............. . $6773 10 20. The following. produce was raised all the farm during the year: 175 bushels of wheat , 35 loads of hay 225' btishels of oats 75 bushels of barley 10 bushels of tmnips 100 bushels of pqtatoes 25 bushels of beets 8 bushels of onions 450 jars of fruit 15 bushels salsify 14G potinds of .cheese 1 load of squash 15 bushels of sweet corn 1.2 bushels of l~arsnips 1.5 bushels of heans 10 bushels of peas 11 acres of carll fodder 4-0 bush~ls of carrots 15 bushels of table cflri"ots 23 loads of straw 1.1.00 heads of cabbage 10 hogs. (killed) 40 fowls (killed) 221.0 pounds of hutter G40 dOZC11 ~ggs 7 ba1'rels of soft soap 1.00 barrels of 'apples (i barrels of cider 1.6 hogs (sold) addition to the above ja large number of vcgetabl~s, etc., werl; and consumeddtlring the year, of which no aCCOt1.11t was kept. Nutnber of articles of heckling and clothing madeu)) dLjril1~';. hy the 1IJatron and- inmates, 700. Numher of visits by Inspector, 40. . 4 horses, valued at 1n cows, valued at ... 6 young cattle, valued at ......... 12 hogs, :valued at ....,........,... 2 sows, valued at .. " . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . .. 150 chickens $ 800 00 585 00 180 00 72 00 60 00 102 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 24. The total amonnt expended by County on I-lonse of Industry, etc., is as follows: . . . . . $ 7,2@' 00 1l,7~H 13 GoG 81 390 00 7'24 99 -3,09:') 27 1,180 50 4,,732 62 G5~1 37 GO 70 3:';0 00 40 00 1,232 77 8;') 85 1,979 00 827 GG 293 62 ___$ 3:;'361 35 Farm, Jon acres, cost House of Industry Laundry . . . .. . . . Fire escape Root cellar" henery, etc. Cottages, etc. ..' Brick ice hotlSC ...... Barns, etc. ........ Tile drains ......... Tile drain outlet... Hot air pump, tanks .and :Refrigerator ........... connections. Fcricing Orchard .......... Heating apparatus Deep well Silo. . . ..... ..... ./.. account 25. l~cccivccl from Government, 011 of expenditures for land and buildings.. "Leaving amount actually expended by County. All of which is respectfully submitted. 4,000'00 $ 31,3Gl 35 ~~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 103 REPORT OF PHYSICIAN OF H9USE OF INDUSTRY NOVEMBER SESSION To the "Varden and ~dcmbersbf the Elgin County Council in November, 1912, session assembled: Gentlemell,- \ In presenting the 37th annual report of the Elgin House of Il.1dustry, I have the honor to submit the following for your con- sideration: The health of the inmates of the institution has been what we expected, coilsidering the advanced age of some. In months of February and, March, H1l2, an epidemic of severe colds place,.but no _deaths occurred. There have been 110 contagious I treated three cases in the Amasa \i\1ood Hospital,one a case requiring surgical operatioil for an abdominal tumor. the ,23rd of I'vIay, assisted by Drs. Tufford and Duncombe, I re- a large tumor from an inmate: She was discharged from the June 17th, 1912, and returned to her former position as .with the family of a Southwolc1 farmer. There was one I have visited the institution weekly, and at shortcr intervals necessary. a number of visits to the paticnts being treated Hospital. ANGUS TURNER, Inspector House of Industry. _Adopted. . There are at prescnt forty-nine inmates: 30 male, 19 ortality is two less for year H112 than for the year ere were five deaths, as follows: female. HIll. The There Age Cause of death 'timi.ry 30th, 1912-Georgc Atkins bruary 24th, 1912-William Cameron 25th, 1912-Thomas Simms 4th, 1912---'-Emerilla Fraser 84 Uraemic poisoning. 79 84 83 Old age. Old age Valvular heart. lesion of thc 17th,1912-l'vIary Janc 1vlcGaw '10 Blood poisoning. also to report that the buildings and grounds of the 111sti- clean and sanitary, and that those ill chargc are sympa- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 105 104 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL thetic, efficient, and very attentive to the care and ne~ds of the inmates. SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON WARDEN'S ADDRESS JANUARY SESSION Elgin County Council: I have the honor to be, Gentlemen,- Your obedient servant, FREDERICK GUEST, i Surgeon. The SpecialC0111111ittee appointed to consider the vVardel1's beg leave to report: _Adopted. That we agree with thcvVarden's remarks in reference t,o and wouldre,coH1mend that he be authorized to flPpoin~ Good Roads Committee, as stlggestecl in his a~,~lr~ss. That in reference to advertising the County, we reql1nmen'd. a S. \ecial Publicity :Commltte,e composed of one repre'sentative each Township be appointed' to report at next SCSSiOl~ op a plan the agricultural possibilities of Elgin, at a cost ?.f, $~i,OOO:~ which is -respectfully submitted. EQUALIZATION JUNE SESSION M. M. BLACK, ClJ,airman. 25th January; H112. To the Elgin County Council: The Committee on the equalization of assessment reports: "That the equalization of assess111.ent be the same as last year." w. W. CAiVIPBELL, Chairinan. _Adopted 1Bth June, 1912. 106 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL -....-----... ANNUAL REPORT OF COUNTY POLICE JUNE SESSION To the Elgi,nCounty Council: the vVarden and :iVIcmbers of the County:Cotll1cil: 107 MAGISTRATE G~ntlcmen,- I beg lea:ve to report to yon the business done in conllection with office ior the past year,as follow~: Gentlen1cn,- The Special Committee to consider thevVarden's'aclclre.es 1. That the clause relating to change inHouse of Industry be laid over for consideration at the Novclnbcr session, and that House- of Industry Committee be requested to report' fully changes necessary to be made in the By-Law of Rules and tions goverrfing that institution, Offences Tried Nature of Charge Affray Violation of The Llquor Act C0111mon assault Insane 2. That we approve of the clause referring to publicity. '3. rrhat we approve of suggestion for a change in system e1ecthfga \^larden, and recommend that the Clerk prepare providing for the system in operation in Victoria County. Perjury Causing a dj'shtrhance Pointing loaded firearms Drtlnk and disol'derly ....................., Assault, ea"using actual bodily harm Assault on Constable. . . .. . .. . .. . , , . .. . .. Theft., . Burglary Unlawful specd of motor vehiclc Robbery ..... Insulting language........ ." . .... Violation of The Cheese Factory Act Carrying concealed weapons '\iVilhll injury to railway coaches Forgery ........ .... . . . Resisting Constable.. Action for wages ...... .. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . Violation of Indian Act.,....... .' Juvcnile Court-Indecent assault Theft ........... ....,' Neglected children...... Habitual truant .... ,.,.. Viol;tiol1 oC Childr~n's Act.. 4. That in reference to equalization, we recommend Ree\\/es' of. the various municipalities in the County he a to rep01~t 'the equalized value of the assessment rolls for HIll. 5. That we arc in favor of the suggested change"in thelocatiori of Agricultural Representative, and recommend that the Warden be anthorized to appoint a committee to confer with Messrs. Maccliar1nid and Brower in re'fercnce thertco. All of which is respectfully submited. _Adopted 12th June, 1.912. Total.. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . , . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. 136 No. 17 13 G ,j j 8 1 3 14 2 11 2 2 3 5 3 4 2 :t 1 2 1 2 B 23 1 1 108 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Convictions were made f<:H-the following offences: Nature of Offence Charged No. Assault ... .....,......."............ Theft ......"...."."..................... Drunk and disorderly .........,....... li'orgery ..,'..... ,'..... .... ................. Uttering f01;"ged document .......... ,.... .. Insanity ......... .. .'......., . ..... ., .,.... Affrax ,...................,.... ,.... ..... Burglary ............................, ,-.... Violation LiCj1..101' Act ...... ',' . . . , .. . .. . .. . . Indian Act .........-.........,.... Cheese Factory Act .............. Motor V chicle Act .."........... Using instllting language.....". . .... ...... Cal"ryillg, concealed weapons Assaulting, a constablc .............,.,.,.., Carrying a pistol .,............. . ,. ." . . . . Rcslsting peacc officer ............."....... Action for wages ......,................... Endangering safety of railway passengers... Neglected and depcndant children....: . .... ,'fruancy ..................... '.., .. '. ., . .. . . , Causing. a di,sturbance .............. j)isorderly conduct . . . . . . . .. ,. .' . .. .. 'fatal.. . . . . .. . .. '," . . . . .. . .' . .. ........ 92 Amount of flncs imposed . ..' .. . . . . .. . . . .$ 578 00 Amount of jines collected ............. 577 00 Municipalitics and persons to whom fines were paid and Coun ty of Elgin ....,.....'..... $ 21 00 Port Stanley .................. 101 00 vVest Loruc ..... . ..' .. .. ... 81 00 Bayham ....................... 11 00 Southwold . . . .. . . . . . , . ,. . .. . . 10 00 Dunwich ...................... 10 00 Aldborongh .................... 1. 00 Yarmouth ........ .,........ .... 10 00 South Dorchester .............. 5 00< Springflcld ... ................ 2 00 Rodney ....... ............... 10. 00' Vienna ........................ 10 00 $ 272 00 15 5 4 1 1 1 5 2 11 1 3 2 4 1 1 2 1 , 2 18 1 8 2 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL .11 0l 10 ~! ';1' ~ ~l " ~ li~ ~I ~l I~ lij ~I '~:i '~I' ,~, ~'~ ,;1"1 '11!il f' fl III 1"'1'1' ~~! 'I' f'l II'I ~ ']I!I II' ~d ~11~i ~III' j~11 '1 hli ~'I II'~~ ~'~I "hl' II "I' Ill! r~ ' illl]fl: II' ~Iill Iii 109 License Inspcctor Andrews License Inspector Compton 4;"j 00- 165 00 21000 Behilont Cheese Factory .. .'.. Western Dairy Assoc. ......... Insped01: Cuddie ..... 80 00 30 00 10 00 70 00 William'House (Plaintiff) A. Pl1ddifoot (Plaintiff) 10 00 15 00 25 00 ,Total............... . Municipalities .................$ Liquor 'License Inspectors ....., Creese fflctories and lvIilk Inspjrs Awarded damages to persons... $ 577 00 272 00 210 00 7000 25 00 .$ 577 00 the attention'of the Council to the condition of the lock~tlps the County. That of Aylmer is J10t in a sanitary coi1- and provision is llOt made for keeping prisoners warm during weather. It is necessary to maintairi the' lock-ups in proper t'o escape. actions for damages. number of cases have been tried by me in the JUVenile COllrt, past year, and I am satisfied that the establishment of that will be of great benefit to children, who would otherwise be before other tribunals, and be stamped as cl'jminals. have much pleasure in ag~tin calling yopr 4ttcntion.to the good done by the Childrcn's Aid Societyl'in caring for delinquent neglected children. You will see by this report .that a large of children ha"e been comn~itted to the careot the Society the past ycar. Some of these childrcn were in a most deplor- and if actibn had not been taken, they would have up to l11~rihood and womanhood p]1ysical and 'moral .wrecks. of this Society represel1ts the highes,t type of human and endeavor, and should receive the hearty, support of the the Connty. is respectfully submited. FRANCIS HUNT, Police Magistrate. January, 1912. no ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL REPORT OF REPRESENTATIVE ON BOARD OF ROYAL ALEXANDRA SANATORIUM NOVEMBER SESSION To the vVarden and l\-Icmbcrs of County Coullcil of Elgin: Gcnt1emcn,- I take'much pleasure in presenting my annual report -as one of the Trustees representative of the County Council of Elgin on the Board of H'calth of the Queen Alexandra Sanittorlul11. 1. have to say that the institution i's in gooclworking order, and 15 doing good work, having at the present tirl1.c thirty-three patients under reatm.cnt, all apparently doing well. Last wiiltcr the Board found that owing to defective heating facilities it was necessary to refuse aclm.ission to. certain patients. To meet this defect, alterations and additions bave heen decided upon as follows: In the 111ain part of the building the roof is to be raised so as to add another storey, thereby avoiding the cost of a foundation and heating plant for an additional building. In my report a year ago it was stated that a new physician in charge, Dr. Bruce, from England, had heen appointed. After _one year's service Dr. Brnce resigned to acccpt a more desirahlc position in an illstiti.1tion of a sil'nilar character in England. As his successor there,has heen chosen Dr. Craig, of Quehcc, 'who was highly recom- mcnded for the position. I-Ie is nOW in charge. At the last session of the Ontario Lcgisl~tl1fe the law institutions of this sort was amended so as to provide that, except as governcd by e,arlier agreements, an indigent patients who can be at" commodated must be admitte'cl at a rate of not less than one dollar a day. The agreemcnt made between thc Counties of Elgin and Middlesex and the Cities oJ London and St. Thomas on the one halld, and the Queen Alexandra Sanatorium on the other, is unaffected this legislation, and secures for the indigent patients from municipalities the more' favored rate of fifty cents a day. I regret to inform you that the Sanatorium is still in debt. year ago the debt of the instituion was rcported to you as being .jlftcen thosuand dollars. At present thc income is suffLcient to ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 111 the current cxpenses, but the cost of the improvements mentioned above has iricreasec\ the debt to above twenty thousand dollars. The Board is making a sti'enuotls effort to clear' off tbis debt, and lms made application to the City of Londoll fOf' assistancc. As a result _of t.his application, the City Council of London has agreed to submit a by-law authorizing the contribution of fifteen thousand dollars for the purpose of ,the Sanatorium. With their characteristic' generosity, 1-Jrs. Adam Beck l{as contributed five, h;L1ndrcd dollars, and the Honor- able Adam Beck has becomc surety for an additional sum of two thousand dollars. rt givcs great p'leasurc, also; that as (1 result of a "Sanatorium Sunday," organized by Bishop Fallon, thc sLIm of five hundred dollars was raised in his diocese for the purposes of the Sanatoriul;1. [n conclusion, I would commencl the Ouecl1 Alexandra ~, Sanatoritlm to thc consideration of all philanthropically minded citi- zens whodesirc, by will or otherwise, to place part of their resources the scrvices of the public. Yours very truly, GEORGE W. LING, One of the Trustces on the Sanatorium for Elgin Health Board. -Adopted 15th November, 1912. 112 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 113 GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION DEPUTATION The gcncnd op111ioll was that county road systems are desirable; and that with increased aid from the GoverllmCtlt for construction and an allowance on account of' maintellCltlCe, every <:oltnty would adopt the plan for its leading roads. All of which- is respectfully' submitted. To the Elgin County Council: Gcntlcmcl1,- The Deputation appointed to attend the annual meeting of the Good 'Roads Association 'reports: Wi'll. E. LEESON, Chairman. 1. That they attended at Toronto during the last three days of Fcbruray. A large nttlnber of delegates were present - from other Coullties., Every phase of the road question was dis- cussed. The principal papers presented were: -Adopted 12th JUlle, 1012; Federal Aid for Highway Improvement. COUI1 ty Road Construction. COUNTY CLERK'S REPORT ON LICENSES NOVEMBER SESSION IN FORCE State }-lighway Systems. Foreign Road Systems. 13ridge Construction. Elgin County COl1llciI : Gentlemcn,- The follO\virig licenses are in force on this date: Township Roads; II. The Committee on Resolutions reportecl: (1) In, favor of thc idea of Federal aid for highway ment; Auctioneers \Vilson Pound, Robert Lam, R. H. Lindsay, Peter McVicar, RDibb, John D. Locke, G. G. .FJ:opkins, M. B. Stafford, Daniel Samuel J'vkFarlane. (2) Recommended lcgislation making the use of wider compulsory. (3) Suggested increases in license fees payablE; by aut'omobiles, the fund thereby created to be used for thc maintenance -oC improved county roads. Junk Dealers Zwig, Louis Schott, Sam. Leff. Pedlars A resolution' was passed favoring the distribution Federal aid, when received, through the Public 'VV od{s De~' partmcnt of the Province, in connection with The Highway Improvement Act. E. Daly & Co. K. W. McKAY, County ClerK", III. The delcgates waited upon the members of the Governmen in a body and presented the resolutions, with explanations; which will be considered in working oilt plans for the distd~:. bution of Federal aid. 191.'2. // 114 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 115 REPORT OF DEPUTATION TO ONTARIO MUNICIPAL ASSOCIATION NOVEMBER SESSION For the payment by the Province of expenses of a Provincial l~egistration of Vaters ill cities. Legislation in reference to all of these and many other questions be prepared and brought before the Legislature by_ the Executive of which Qur Clerk is secretary. The memb~rs cif the Association were entertained at luncheo!l by City of Toronto, and by the Toronto Harbor Commission to an sail oi'l the Lake. Conveyances wefe furnished by the o.J1tari~ for an inspection of pu'blic works in Toronto and the of Yark. To the Elgin County Council: Gcntlcmcll,- The deputation appointed to attend the annual meeting of The Ontario IvIllnicipal Association reports: That they wefe present at the varions sessions which were held in the City I-Ja1l, Toronto. The attendance, while not large, was most representative. The Il/layor of Toronto presented an address of welcome and ext'ended to ns the hospitality of the City. All of :v"hieh is respeetfnl1y submitted. B. B. GRAHAM, Chairman. Acldresses were delivered by )Jresident Spence; \7\T. A. Clark, chairman of the Rural Section; Dr. S. lI'l. \Viekett, on "rvlunicipal Governing Bodies"; Dr. C. O. Fairbank, on "Pnhlicity for Rural lVlunicipatities"; Geo. S. l-lcnry (cx-vVanlen of York!, on "Busilless Orgariizatioll 111 Townships"; Dr. lI.JcCLlllongh, on "Puhlic l-lealth f\ct, 1.\112"; 1Joll. Adam Beck. on the work of the Hydro_EleetricC011l- mission. ~ ,..:;....Adoptccl. An interesting discussion followed most of the addresses. A large number of resolutions v,rere snbmitted Eor consideration. The more important of th.ose that found favor with the delegates were: 1. The form_atlon of a Provindal Department or Sub_del)artment of l'vlunicipal Affairs. U. For the purchase of a11 municipal debentures by the Govei'n~ 1'nent. lTJ.I:<or a percentage <ldclition of ten per cent. to taxes in arrears collectors' rolls not returned. IV. For the holding oI future annual meetings of the Association Septemher 1nstead of June. V. For changing the date of municipal elections to New Year's Day in all cities. VI. For a street \vatering rate on the hasis of value, rather than foot frontage. 116 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL AGRICULTURAL REPORT OF REPRESENT A TIVE DEPARTMENT Dutton, January 16th, Hl12 K. W. McKAY, ESQ., County Clerk, St.. Thom.as, Ont.: Dear 5i1',- Now that the County Council-will be ,~allccl upon in a few days to make the stipulated grant off1vehundred dollars to the Connty Agricultural Educational Board for 1912, 'T feel that it is no more than right that they should know how the grant for 1.D11 'hasheen apprOr)riat€,;d: The Agricultural Board met in early sunlluer and divided t~'e 'money as follows: (a) $lOO.oo-Special institutes, both fruit and seeds. the COl1llty by means of an (b) ,$100.0o-For advertising at the Fruit Show, in Toronto. judging competition for young men at Aylmer , (c)$50.00-Fo1' and, Wallacetowll. I (d) $40.00-To the poultry Show, and to aid in setting up educational exhibit of poultry supplies. (e) $150.00-For short courses in Dutton. stock judging at Aylmer (f)$(jO.oo..:-For educational work along the lines most as scen j'lt by thc Representativc as occasion dcmands. Under grant (a) we have held threc special Fruit Institutcs; at port Burwcll, onc at Lakeview, and one at Rodney. Thesc largely attended, cspecially. the onc at Rodncy, and they took naturc of a demonstration whenever possible. The nloncy is used hall rent, advertisIng, paying outside speakers, etc. INe are paring,with the balance of the grant, to hold two institutes \n judging,at points y.ct to be selected. ELGIN COUNTY COUNClL Under grant (by we collected ninety-two boxes of fruit and ex- hibitedthem at Toronto as the product of Elgin County; a picture of this exhibit may he, seen at the County Clerk's office. . . Un'der' gralH (c) we offered 'prizes of eight, six, four, and' two dollars cach a young men' who placed a class of horses anclcattle correctly, and gave the hest reasons. At vVallacetown a class of thirteen competed, and at Aylmer a class of njne. Under graJit (d) we offered al1umber of pcizes 1Il clressedpol1ltry. This, was clone to encol1t'age the utility rather than 'tlfe fancy side of l~ol1lt'ry busin'ess. In addition to this, we had un exhibit of model houses, poultry foods', fattening crates, and dressed 'poultry, diseases; egg preservatives, etc. Under grant (e) we are,. preparing to. hold,two short courses in stock judging at Dutton, on Fehruary 1st and 2nd, and at Aylmre, on ~6th and .27th of February. The best men available are being f6r these demonstrations. (f) we have 11Qt yet spent any money, hut are pre~ some'plan oEwork through the schools. 111cmbers of the Agricultural Board are Samuel MacColl, Dr. Cameron, Secretary; William Hollingshead, T. Hockin, Daniel Black, all of Dutton; R. H. McCurdy, Vienna; C. O. Luton, . DUllcan Sorl.1erville, Sparta; ancl A.D. McGugan, Rodney. I wish to take this opportunity of thanking the County Council the County official", for their support apd hearty co-operation in year that has just passcd, and trust that the year 1012 will be as Yours truly, 1', M, CLEMENT, County Agricultural Representative, 117 .'j, "'tI r," 118 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE APpOINTED BY THIS COUNTY COUNCIL TO INTERVIEW THE FEDERAL' GOVERNMENT ON FEBRUARY 8th, 1912, AT OTTAWA lvIajor T. L.'Kennedy, Pt'esident of The Ontario Goo'd Roads Ass'ociation, was the fil'st to speak. ]-Ie pointed out tihat Ontario possessed 5'0,000 miles of roads, and that there was now no chance of keeping up these roads with,the present methods of finance. The 01lta"t~io Government had expended $1;00-0,000 on good roads, and if good roads w~rk was to becan-ied all, Pecle'ral assistance was abso- lutely necessary. Re Grants for Good Roads To the \i\Tarden and 11'lembers of Elgin County Council: c. J. Fay, of Lanark, followed in a stirring speech, in which he the llccessityof Federal aid in the construction and maintenance of good roads. His county had spent $175,00.0 on one and thirty.miles of road, but now th~y could not carry the any further for ,"vant of money, and they were now looking Federal aid. ' \Gentlemen,- Your, Committee beg _leave to report 'that pursuant to appoiQt- ment, they did meet at Ottawa a largc deputation hom all bvcr Ontario, two hundred and ftfty to three hundred in numher. So large was the nUlnher t'hat the lllenlbers of the 'Government had to va~ate their :seats in the 'Padiamellt Chambers to give' the deputation seats while they were presenting theIr claims and asking a grant to help huild goo'd roads throughout Ontario. 1;Jr. Rankin, 1'1'1. P. P. fm Frontenac,_suggcstcd that the Federal should pay fifty per cent: of the cost of construction, as fifty per cent. of the cost of maintenance. There should be county, and state highways, and the Federal Government justly be asked to aid in all of these. Vv.G.' Trethewey, of Toronto, represcnting the United Boards of in Ontario, read a memorial in which he laid, emphasis upon of the imprOVell1ent df the highways of Ontario. had been said about building a road from the Atlantic to but thC:y thought the money might better be spent on that would meet the demands of the people instcad of spending on a road that would. be 'used only a few months of We werc well received, kindly treated, and had a good time, with thc exception of it beIng cxtremely cold weather, and we werc crowded for want of time. Some of the C01l1l11ittee had a good time, ,ome had better, ,ome had still better, according to temperament and what they considered they wotlld have to do to make a good time' for thcmselves. 011 arriving at Ottawa wc were invited to the Civic IIaH, where the different delegates met and made arrangements as to the amount of money tHey would ask from the Governm'ellt for good roads, also appointed speakers to pr~sellf their claims, after which we ,proceeded to the Government Chambers and took seats, which were vacated hy the MC1l1,bers of Parliament for our henefit. H. C. Hockin, of Toronto, speaking for the United declared that while t/le Dominion Government had generous to prodigality in granting railway subsidies, they had the case of the King's' highway; wllich was the very basis 'Good roads would benefit thc farmer and the and by that way eliminate thcmiddlemen, thus resnlting of the cost of living. 'J'he cities were coniident that receive fair play from the Governmcnt. Secretary of The Ontario :\10tor League, said time for half-way measures or paltry appropriations. A is coming over the w~9le systcm of transportation. The of roads, compared with railways, will incrc,a'sc'as the continues in its rapid development. I-Ion. R. L. Borden in the chair, accompanied by Col. Hughes, Hon. Frank Cochrane, I-Ion. T. "vV. Crothers, and Hon. Martin rel1, M.inister of Agriculture. The deputation was introduced Richard Blain, 11. P. for Peel County, who laid stress upon the that the Hon. ]'vIr. Borden was the first public man to make wads a part of his policy. There were two classes who used wads, said the Speaker: the automobilist, who used the middle the roads, and the fanners and 'their _ wives, who were compelled use the sides of the roads. The deputation wanted to give the fanllcrs,thcir daughters the .J11iddlc of the road. 119 ~ .j::i,1)',[ :L'}LI',;;ij1i li:;n;i'i!'i', ''''I'''' l,jll','lt'\,[" "'::"'.')'1",. '~:~i~i' , i, " ' 1 ' ' i' III ,',1'.:',:.".;,1 i::/I,I";'i! I;,:, ",I ,;n:.,',:",',i" ilf:';'j"jii'j(:l' I' '" 'Ii'" ;,,'1'1 !~';:": :i,: I .. '!~;':"i:-1:{I:;!'!':' '1:li,l!llf" I,',:I"::"I!": : ! ! : , , L i: :: :!:: r ~ !: I Hi,"~'1:::, h 'iil,I,"":,:" ~";'L i: ".'1' , 1'\i('I,:',."", II',"""',',,. ';;,,:,,1:), j'il::';,;':11 I\i~'!.";: I!i'" ,,' I~;''':'' iJi?; I' ii;,'1 ! ~III, I'~(II, i,:"; IVI:;"~i,'}:,;::1 :',,;:,lj',\I, 1i"'>''!''''':;':',.'1 'ji;\::'{.,';i!."::'):: Ill"'""" ',;',{::.;,' I' ',1::'1 ',r," 120 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN J COUNTY' COUNCIL 121 lle said th~\t in the keen competition of trade' to-day, Canada must jump to the front. \iVhile Canada stands to the front in steam railroads, she had been lamentably backward in her ordinary high- ways. Every motorist, continued the speaker, was in the' very nature of things, an ardent advocate of good roads. Autornobilists were worthy of consideration, if for no other reason than that last year ,they enriched the Dominion Treasury by- $2,5.00,000 by duties being collected on motor cars and parts thereof. }1'e advocated that the F'cderal grant should be for maintenance as well. He also advocated that the grants should be liberal and based on population. COURT HOUSE COMMISSION To the Elgin County CounciL Gentlemen,- The Court House Commission reports as 'follows: 1. Their expenditures during the past year, ending Blst May,wcl'e For COitrt I-Iouse ...... For Gaol and Residence .....$ 710 S'G 1.42 28 " G. A. Simard, of :Montreal, brought wor~l that the province of Quebec was about to introduce a Bill to provide for the expenditure of $10,000,000 on the roads of that Province. II. Special repairs to the dome of the Court l-Iousehave been ordered and the eavetroughing on Cou-'rt House will be renewed ill' places with copper. The cement walks arol11ld the Court I-Iouse will b~' replaced where broken this year, . All of which is respectfully submitted. ,lIon. Mr. R. L. Borden in a very pleasing n1<.t1lne1" stated that they had incorporated in the Government schertles aphtnk for good roads. He further said that they had not had time to wOl'kout all the -details of their poti'cy, but had inttoduced a' B-ill, which ,will give a working basis for their poliGY, and'they propose in 'the supplementa1 estimates to make a substantial g,rant to the various Provinces for that purpose, but refused to promise any grant towai"d maintenance of highways. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. 11th June, 101.2. He thanked the deputation for the courteous malHler in which they approached him and his c811cagues' to present their claims, also stating that is was the second lat"gest deptltatior\. that had ri1et the Dominion Government in years. Three cheers for Hon. R. L. Bot'den, and the meeting was disp,etsed. This Committee wishes to express their thanks and good will to' 'David 'Nlarshall, Esquire, 1-1. r.for E<\st Elgin, for the hospitality, kindness, trouble, ancl expense incurred in entertaining the deputation from Elgin, makiitg a very agreeable and happy time for them while they were at the Parliament Buildihgs, Ottawa. Respectfully YOtH'S, G. W. LING, M. D., , --""Adopted Jl.lilC 1 Jtb, ltiJ.2. 122 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTy ~dUNCIL 1'1\11 1,lillll li'llll ,.!I,II ~;i;!:!I)i,1 1III1I1I11 11'1,.;11111 ""'11' "I' 1'1.,',.1', :! I[I!,I~I ,iWI,11 'I'll :,11,,1 'I,1 ill 11'\" ,",1 i:[,II!111 ','lrlll[11 ,I ~ i 1111! I ",III 1'1"11 I,':! 1.11 I: 1!1!1111111 I,'I!II; "lil'llll i,i.',I "'1"1' i!'I",1 iilil:I,1 . i'l' III I I'II, liIIII11'/1 1111111 ....1:"111,' li;II!I,II, ~j'llll "1'1' i III 1"'11'1' '~ I' , 1'11'11 Iii' rHi-" '1:'1' ,'11 1:1\,: I> II. il:!! II 111111 'I' , '111i I' ,1'1" ' 111111 ,I "I. I; 123 INDEX Constable ........... School Trustees ... of Industry.., .. . of Council ......,.... Municipal o ffici9-Is' .........., . .....+ '" . .....,.. . . .31 Address ofVvanlcn AgtiC1.11tural Representative . .10, 21, .3~i ......,.1;') . .. ". .21, 27 .2:l~ B7 ...,........'.t.i HY-LAWS- . .. '.d ,.11, 14, ,25, 40 804 To appoint County Auditors ,. ......,... ..............45 80.5 To borrow $20,000 ...... . . . .. . . .. .' .................45 806 Reeves to attend Elgin Municipal Ass.ociation..... .. .46 807 To appoint 1:-ligh School Trustees .... ...... .. .46 S,08 To appoint Arbitrators .. . . .. . .' . .' ......"47 son To appoint Board of Audit . .. .. ..... .48 810 To fiX 1tlembers' Vvages .......... ....... ...... .48 8ll To grant aid to Bigh Schools ......49 812 To fix Turnkey's Salary 813 To confirm By-Law 815, Yarmouth 814 To conllnn BX-Law 883, 11'1alahide 815 To provide for election of VVarden .. 816 To harrow $20,000 817 To confirm Equalization of AsseSslnent Rolls 8UI To defer Tax Sale 819 To raise Connty Rates Chilclrens' i\i.d Investigations Communications.. . ....... ..... ... . Connty Officials,.... County Rates, prompt payment .. County Roads Equalization Good Roads Street 40 feet , .. .. .. . .41 . . . ll, 21, 38, '10 , 7, OF COMMITTEES_ Engineer .. County Treasurer .. Court .House Commission . . . . . . District, Representative Agricultural Education.. .. . .. .. . . . Edttcation Association ............. Equalization ......... .. . . . . . .. .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . Finance.. . .. . . . . " . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . . ..14, 29, 31, 43, 82, 84, 85, 87 Good Roads Asso'ciation ..........................,.....28, 1n Roa-ds Deputation to Ottawa ......................... .1l8 of Industry and Gaol Com'tee.. .14, 27, 2Dj 40, \15, 013, 97, 08 of Industry Inspector ..................,............... !H) House of Industry Physician ............ . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .103 Mhllicipal Association ....... ......................... .ilD, 114 ;;Petitions; and Legislation .................................20, \)4 '>l?6Iice Magistrat'c ....... ...... . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . .107 ;'Puhlic Improvements...................... '.14, 2\), 40, 91, !l2, n3 Ptiblic .,School}nspector Taylor ..............................58. Public School- Inspector Atkin ....,...... ............,.. .136 S~ilatoriul11 Representatives .,.... ........... .43, 110 Sfal1ding Committees .................................... .11::)7 Warden's Address.....,.............. .12; 13, 14, 25, 27, 105; lOG , '" I.... .88, 8!J " .713, 79, 80 ...........,.1:21 Department.. . . . . .. . ,. . ,116 . .12, 14, 30, 4H, I3D, 70, 71, 72 . ........ .29,74 . .30, 104 GRANTS- Law Library Association .. Farmers' -and Ladies Institutes ......... Kate Wallace ..' Agricultural Fairs ........ . . . .. . . West Elgin poultry Association Union Lockup Aylmer Lockup Board of Trade and Publicity Association Whrden . .. . " .. .7, 22