1913 Minutes PRO@EEDINes of the ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL During the Sessions held in the COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS in the months of January, June and November 'Nineteen Hundred and:Thirteen I I W. McKAY, Oonut.y Oi<~l'k, JOSEPH A. .JAOKSON. V'i?/Ll'den. I II I' ii ,Ii " :1 " I 1 County Official;; o. W, Colter, Esq.. Couuty Judge C. O. Ermatlugel', Junior Judge D. MoColl. Esq., Sheriff JaB. H. Coyne. Esq., Registrar .D. McLf\WS, E'3q" Oounty Court Olerk A McOdmmou, Esq.. ClerIt of the Peace aud County OroWu Attorney O. F. Ma,xwell, Esq.. Mast,ar ill Chancery W.IJ" Luton, Esq, Gaoler J. A. 'raylol', B,A., alld W. Atkin, Esq.. Public School Iuspe,ctors Johu MoCltuslaud, Esq.. On. 'l'l'eapur61' K. W. McKay .E~q.. 00. Clerk James A. Bell.. M,O.S.. O.E., Oounty EUf.{lueer James 1\'1. G~PJlIl, K.O.. LL, B.. County Solicitor Frank Hunt, E8Q., police Magistmte Robel't Kalns, M,D. Gn.at Surgeon' F. W, Guest., MD. Physician HOUEm of Industry D. H GOOOl11g. Esq., KeeIler Honse of Iudustry A. Turuer. E~q" Inspector Houseofludustl'Y ,John Hopkins, OaL'etnl,ol' Coul't House All of St,.Thomas' p, O. Couut.y Audit.ol's: Walker CI\llghell; W. A. Gi\lbt'aith, DuHoll Admilllst,l'at.ioll of .1nstlcH All(HtOI'S: C. W. Cnltt.1', C(n~uty' Judge; Johu Drolllgo1e, Wallacetowu PROCEEDINGS --,-OF THE-"----- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FIRST SESSION-FIRST DAY Tuesday. the 28th day of ,TannaI'Y, 1913. 'rho membel's.elect of tlHl COUllt.V Oouncilof t,he Oouutv of ;Elgin met this day at, t.lle Court House, St.. 'I'homas, at 2 p.m., all of whom filed certificatE'S and took tllPil' sflats at theOouucil Board as follows: Township of Allihorong:lI- Rflf'Vfl, PeteI' Me Vical' Deputy H.et'v(~-Arlolpllnil 'l'owllship of Dnllwieh- Reeve, JOllll Dromgnle -Df'puty Heevt', Neil ,Love TOW112hipof South wo1<1- Rp-eve, Hpl'bert. J. Ht'llllHl'solJ Deputy Reeve, Milsoll B. St,~ft'()J'd of Yarmouth- Reevej Alexander AtldEHSOIl Deputy Reeve. Gemge Doolittle' of Malahide---, Haeve, Michael McKldght Depllty Reeve, William E. Municipal Clerks and Treasurers ( M UNIUIP A l;ll'Y Ol,ERK 'fREASURER Aldhorough . .E. A. Hugill, ,Roduey. .,. D,McPhel'soU, West Lorne Dnnwi'Jh .... .... D. A. McNabb,"Duttoll .... J. A. Campbell. Sout,ll\vold ,J. C. McI~elllll\ll, Fiugal.. . ,D. A. Cattanach, FiugfLI Yarmout.h W. O. Ctwghell, St. 'rhotlll\s. .R. McLachliu, St,Thomas Malalnde .... .Mahlou E.. Lyon,Aylmer..... Mahlon E. LYall, Aylmer Bayhl\lU Benj. Brian, Stl'ufforrlvHle. .. Wm. Grant, Stmffordville Sotlth D01'(JhE'~ter ... . D. 'l'aylol', Belmont.... Gordon Wi.udeI'. L!ol1s 'l'owuof Aylmer ... ....D.d. Davis...., .... ,.....W. Waruock,;, Villa~e of ViClllltt. ' .. S. S. Glutton.... 8. S. Oint tOll Villa/l:eofSpringiield .... ,J. B. Lucas .... .. ..... Geol'geMnller Village of.POI't Stanley ...... .Jus. GOllgh ,... ...." .... . .Jas. GOll~h Villlw;eofDuttou .... ...J.D.Blue ..... ..,'. .... D.CampbeH Village, of West,Lorue ..... .,T. S. Robertson ........ .... w. H. Bole Village of Rodupy' . .' .J. D. Shaw.... .. ..... N: S. Lusty Wehltlllll Leeson . of Bayllam- Reeve. Joseph A..Jacksol) Deputy Heeve, Wilham H. of Sonth DOl"chestilr--- Reeye, Samuol Dawps Moore . 6 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL ~- -------- Towll of Aylmel'- Reeve, Oscar McKinney Village of Vieuult- Reeve, James McAllister Villa.ge of Sp1'iogfield~ Reeve, ,JoiHl E.-Lindsay Village,of Port Sta.uley- Reeve" Harley Taylor Village of Duttou- Reeve, J. H. McIutyre Village of West LOl'ue- Reeve, VI!. A. Beo'~el' Village of Roduey- Reeve, James A. McLean 'rhe Otel'k took the eha.it and explaiuedthe prooedure fot' €'llectiQu of. Wll,l'deu uuder By-laW No. 815. ',[,heelecttoll of Wal'den wastheu pro- . caeded with and 011 the eight.eeuth vat,e. Mr. Joseph A.Jackson. Reeve of Bayham, havtllg received a majol'ity over the whole CouueH. was duly elected. .The Wat'den-elect ffil\Ue _ sta.t,utOt'Y decla\'atioll HOUOl' Judge Ooltel'. took the bhair Il.nd tha.UKE:ld bOllor'conferJ.'ed upon him, 'fhe pl'OceedillgS.'of the last day of the November Session were read and coufirmed, Moved by Geo. Doolittle. Seconded by Alex,'Anderson, That the reeves of the municipalities be app.oiuted l\ committee to appoint the StaudiuK Oommittees for the year 1.913, Moved by William E, Llileson. Seconded by Mi.chael McKnight. 'fliat we do llow'adjouru.untill0 a.m, to-morrow to allow committees", to meet, _Canied; J. A. JAOKSON, WarderL of office before, Hi.s the Oouncil for the _Canted." . K. W. McKAY, Oounty Olerk. ELGIN' COUNTY COUNOIL ii; ,Iili I', ~ i I~ ~ ;i:~ l~~ Ir'" ::j~ I 7 FIRST SESSION-SECOND- DAY Wednesday, the 29th day of January,- 1913 II: p ..~ ~ I';,' qj 1~ 'I~ Iii: ,l~ , II 'I Iii "'I r I~ III II !J r I,' I~ J i The Elgin Oounty 'Oouncil mettllis day'accordiuJ:c 'to adjournment. The Warden in the ,chair. All the members present. fl'heWarden addressed the Oouncil as follows: WARDEN'S ADDRESS To tilt'!, Elgin Couuty _ O.;>.pncil: GENTLEMEN,'-I have to t,llauk you for the high ft~vor conferred upon tile Township of Ba.yham aud myself when you elect.ad me to preside over your deliberations duriug' tile coming 'year, . After some years of expe('ience in Township and Oouuty Oouucils, I always look back upon the meetings of the (JouUty Oouncils &S havtuJ{ beeu most pleasant.. aud to some extent a cqmpellsatiou for the many e;x.actingduties that,some of us have topel'forn~" hi 001' own mUlllcipalities. I hope yon 'will assist me iu makillRthis a pleasant year forall,,1 would like to say profitable. but as most of yon know there.are very few mattei'S in con~ nectioil with \vhich the County Council may exercise their discretion. Most of the expenditul'f's we have to 'providefol' are l'l-"gulated by statute lil other cases the act,ioll of lmst Oom. cils in fixing salaries, ~chool j:tl'auts. 'et.c., _haveestablished precedents which oannot readil!, be changed. So much is this the case, that dUI'iug the yeal' 1912 the Oouucil did IlOt control the 'expenditure o~ :1;1,000. Notwit,hFtaudill~'this theOount.y Councillors for 'i.he year are often called to accom;,tif the Count.y 'mtes Rl'e highel' than 8tlaL The 'l'l'easurer reports fL bala.uce of, liabilities ovel' assets ou,t,hA "l'st of January to be $9,600, an inorease of $7.777.95 dul'iuR 1912, he report will show how t.hisis made up, In addition to this there is ma1iabilityof $1,822.27 au Mcoulit, of deficit from 1911. 'l'his meaus twithoutau'thol'iziug auy HAW expenditOl'es, theOoullty rates for the ~lIeutyellr'will of necessity be hiihel' than last year. II ,il Publicity ;r~i~ce tbe Nove'mber Sessioll the Elgin BORrd of Tmde.l\nd Publicit.v , 'ciation hilS been 01 ~l\nIzed in accordauce with the constHutioll de- 8 ELG~.~ COUNTY. COU-NOIL cided 0\1 last November. AU the muuicipalities were. I believe, l'epl'e- sauted.. 'rhe publicity idea is bei'lg rapidlV takeu up amougst the Outario Oouuties; iu this immediute district Middlesex, Hul'OU, , Lambtou, Essox aud Keut all have their associatious, 'rho work that a publicity associa- tiOll should do lDaY be divided iuto two classes: (1) Publicityiu the way of advertising the advautages aud resources of the Ooun'y with a view to att"actiu~ desimble residents from aU portious of the Pi'ovince, and immigrant.s from l.\bt'o!\d; (2) As a Board of Tmde to l1mke ,uggestlOUS for the deveiopment of the !\~l'icultul'al intel'Mta of the County. 'fhls would 'properlY include a pro~mm for bette" ,'oads, co_ope,'atiou iu ,he ~rowth and sale of fruit aud other commodities, aud in a genal'a.l way toussist the A~ricultul'(\l Repre- s8utMive in introducing improved methods of agricultUl'e. I uudel'stl\ud that the Publicity !\ssociatioU will watt UpOll the roetu. bel's of this Couucil dUl'in~ the pl'eseut Sess'iou with ai request for a sub- stantial gl'll.ut to assist them in ca,n'yiuJ;t on the work they have undertaken, '1'hoir request will, I believe, c"n for your libe...l cou,idemti()u if the Oountv of Elgin is tOmll.iut!\in its present position among the counties of South-western Outario. Good Roads AU two occasions this Oouuty Ootmcil has had uuder consideration by-laws assuming a road system uudel' the '{)l'Ovisious of the- Hi~hwa.y Imjll'Ovemeut Act, Ou the firs' ucc"siou, iu 1902, the matter w"s defeated on thecnstiug yote of the Wardell. Iu 1908, the commi~tee appointed to investigate the matter found that the cost of roads. such as they expected to build, would be twice as much as their estimate, and the matter WllS dropped, Some twenty counties are already engaJ;ted in coustl'octiug 1\IHl umiu.", t"iuing a ,'oad system with owe 01' less success, The ~reat majol'i'y of' them, however, have found it difficult to complete the work on the esti mates contaiuediu the lllUUlcipt\l by-law, In Middlesex it has beeu fouu , that the roads will cost twice as much as the by-law provided fo", As l'esult. the Oounty CouDcil will make special application to the Legislatu fot' authority to extend their debenture i"su6, This would not appeal' be yery encouraging. but ill most of the counties where good roads ELGIN COl1NTY COUNCIL 9 been prope1'ly cOllstructed, the benefits derived therefrom have been so great that the ratepayers l~l'e willillgto provide the necessary fUllds. no matter what the cost of the roads maybe, A great deal of the work that has been doue is ouly exp~rimentH.l. and the good roads experts are beginlliuA' to. l'ea.lize tha.t they have overlooked to sollie extent an importaUt questioll-,-that of ruailltenance-which should becollsidered iU: the orifotillal' construction, '1'0 pi'ovide a system of roads that will deteriorate rapidly and re-quire large annual expenditures for mt\intenallce is one idea. '1'0 'provide fei' a permanent hif.thway on which the subse- quent maintenance chnrgf's will be elimillnted is. allotl16l; idea that shmild receive your cal'sfnl considerntlou, What the Vt~rious classes would cost in t.his county I am not pl'epan~d to Sl\Y. but if YOll feel disposed to take up the good roads.qul;"stiou. this yelU', vou should consider the classification and mileage to be ,~ssumed /tlln provide a sufficieut SUIll to cOllett'uet. them in a propel' muuuel', so that future councils will not be burdeued with hel\vy mainten!\llCe expeuditul'(~s, Uutil the qu~stiou of li'edtlml aid fOL. Highway Impl'O\l6mslltis fiuaU,V dispo8Nl of. I t'l1iuk it. would be ul~wise fOl' this CouucH to do morl~ than secul'e fullestillfol'flll\tiou I\S to the cost of the ch~ss of roads that should be built in this Coullt,y. House of Indu~try Last. year the Legisll\tul'o pl\ssed allnct in refer~llce to HOllS(~S of Industry, which provided that the.Ro<\l'd of MI\llagl-l1ll6l1t shonld consist of the W!1.rden ano two Ot.lleiH, who nll~ybe ult'mbers of the Douneil. :'l'hisfl.I'l'l\ugemeut would be made bvby-lawILlld the appointees would hold office during tile pleaslll'fil of t.heCouucit: There are otiler feat,l1I'esof this Act that I rim very much opposed to, that IS, the admission of'feeble- ';;Ulii1d~d and harmless insaue to Houses of Industry. 'l'his is 'ill dil'f'Ct pppositiou tothe I'fl,guIl\tious III fOl'Jfl luthis county, and will tend to ',ohaUf.t6 the charact,flr of these institutions to that of asylums, An importaut nHl.tt.Pl' in COllllf'ction with the appoillt.n:eut of tho of Mauagement \.ViII bp, whether thoSfl associated with tho WMdell be members of the OOllllCil, 01' othel'S appointed fOl' one yeal', 01' fOl' ter.ln, Alt.hough fullest reports are publisherl f\IlIlUll.lIy in COil- wit.h this institution it is doubtful if they reCf'iVellluch.at.f.ontion members of this Council. 1894 to 1903, rlUl'iIlg: which period t.he farm consist.ed of but theavel'ag(~ cost pel' inmate. inoluding iuterest on the capital at fivo pel' cent.,. was $101.5'3, 10 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL~ From 1904 to 1912; aoftal' the farm had beeu inoreased from fifty, to one hUlldred acres, the average cost per inmate was $126.26. or twenty-five, per oent. above the average pl'eviouB:.to 1904. Siuce 1903 the oapital ex~' pellditure' has iucreased 54 per. Cflllt. If the samel'ate of increase should continue durillgthe next ten years the House .,fludustry inmates will be costing this county over $!tOO pel' week. ThisisJL condition of affairs that shoUld be explaiued,.and I-would 8u~gest that,before deciding on the' system to be adopted fOL" the management of this Institutiou." inquiries be, made to determine whether a pel'lIla-nent or annual board would be more likely,' to reduce this rapidly iucl'easillg-exp,enditu1'e. With these few remarks we: will pl'oceed WIth the business' of the session, The pl'oceedillgs of the previons day- weret'ead' and confixmed. The report of the Committee appointed.to strike the Standing Com. mi,t~ees 'was presented ltudrefel'l'f'd t.o aCommittee oi'theWhole,' Mr. Me. Kfllluey in the chair. After amending the report, it was adopted, on mot,ion of Mr. McKenuey, seconded' by Leesou. \ The following communioations were read: l!-'rom County Council of Wellillgt,on, reference to looation of county roads. Petitions and Legislation, for petition to Le~i81ature in Re ~si~l'ed: to: COlnmi~tee on From ,Wal'dsvi\\e High 8011<;101. witli"account. Commit.tee. From Sem'etarv Provincial 'rrustees' Assooiation, re annual meeting; Referred to Educat.iou Oommittee. ' . From J. W. McOll11ough, Ohief Offioer of Health, re new Act,l\ud Regulat.iolls. I,'iled. :B'l'om Oomity Council Northumberland. aild Durham, for petitioll_ 1:e duty Oll d'itchiug machines. Referred to Oommittee on Petitions and Leg.. islation, " From Oounty Councilof Oxford, t'e',cost_,ol ,m,f'-inteuauce of vagrants, in county gaols. Referred to Oommittee on P,etitious and Legislation:, ELGIN COUNTY COUNOII~ 11 From County OounoIl of Grey, re equalization oftaxatiou' and deputa. tion in referenoe thereto, Refel'l'ed to Oommittee on Pet'itious and Leg:. islation. ) ~rom Prisoners' Aid Association, re' grant. Referred to' }l-'inauce Committee, From Hospital for Siok Childreu, '!'oronto, re llrant. Referred to Finance Committee. }l'l'om County Gtmncil of W~utworth;re Chal'ity Aid Aot aud Houses of Industry. Referred to Oommittee ou Petitions and Legislation. From Women's Chdstian 'rempemuce ',ulliou,re religious,service in gaols aud regulations in teference thereto, Refel'l'ed to Committee 011 Petitions aud Legislation. Fr-om Dutton High School, with annu\\11'6[lol't. Referl'ed to Educa. tiou Oommittee, From St,'lihomas Uolle~iate Institute, with alluuall'epol't, to Education Oommittee, Refet't'8f1 . From Tillsoubul'g High School, withaooollut, catioU' Committee. Refel'l'edto Edll- From Couuty Police Magistrate, with annual l'epol't, FinaQce Committee. RefN'['ed to From Secretary Ontario Good Roads Association,1't Referred to Publi0 Improvements Oommittee, f.nuualmeeting. From~t. Thomas Board of Education, with iuvitatiol) 9ol1eg:iate Institute. Re~erred to Education Committee. to (visit From Oomity Treasmel', with report. Referred to Finl\uoe Com:~ ,mittee, From J. A. Taylor, Public School Insp~ctol', with aunuall'epOl't, ,:erred to Education Committee. Re- N, Ludy, with application fot' position of: high oonstable; 12 EI~GIN COUNTY COUNCIL Fl'OIll Ohildren's Aid Society,with report. Refened to ]j"'lURuce Committee. ' MI', Dl'om~oh:.l~l\ve notice tllf\t he would !lppty for gl'auts of $25 each to the West Elgin Farmel's' ,audLadies' "Iustitutes, aud Mr. Leeson gave similar notice for East Elgin. Moved by J .A. McLean. Secoudljd bv M. B. StaffOl'd, 'fhat Jolin Dl'omgote be appointed ~,u the Board 6f Audit of Admin- istratIOn of JusHee accounts fOl' the year 1913. -~Carried. Moved by .1. H. MelutYI'e. Secouft.ed by P. A. McVicar. That thisOOUllCil aSsume the expense of :maint'euauce of A. R. Pat- tel'son, of Dutton, when he is adtuitted to a Home for Inourables. -Lost. Moved by a.McKenney, Secouded .by S. Dawe':!. . 'fhat A.H. Ba~kus be l'e~appoiuted Trustee fOl.the Aylmer Collegiate Institute for three veal's. . .....Oarried. Moved,bv JaB. McAUistei', Se'cQudad by W. H.' Moore, r.rhat . Orne Bartlett be re~a.ppoiuted, Trustee for the Vienua, High Sohool for three years, audthat Ervin'Smyth be appoiutedTl'ustee to fill' out the unexpired time of JaB. Cornell. who is leaving the oounty. _Oarried." Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded by J. A. McLean, That this Council do now adjourn to meet ,at 2 p.m. ELGlN COUNTY COUNCIL 1~. The Council Resumed' A deputation from the 'rowllshio of Duuwich,composed of M~~~l's: MoLachliu, Murray and McOallum"addl'essed the Council ill reference to the. construction of' a bridge IWroSS the River ':rhames. 'rhe Warden refened the matter.to the Public Inipl'ovemeuts Committee, 'Moved by P. A, McVicar, Seconded by W. A. BQckcl', 'l'hatthe chairman of the various Standing OOllllUitt.efls be a Speci~.l .Con:~mittee to consider Rud.l'epol.t 011 the Wal'd~II'R Address. -Of\l'1'led. Moved by O. McKeUlll:\Y, Seconded by W. E. Lee:;oll. 'l'hat the usual gt'a'nt of $50 be given the Elgin Law Libl'al'Y A!'lsocifttiou. ---eOal'ried Moved by Geo, DDolitt Ie. SecOlided by H. Tay~ol'. 'l'hat'l\ deputation of the Elgin COUlltV Board of Trade l\nd. ,Publioitv ~;':,Associatioll be heal'd to-mol'l'OW !~t 2 p.m. -Onl'l'ied. Ou motion theOouncil went ioto a Committee ,of the Whole t,o :9~usider the report' 1U refel'euce to Stauiliug Committee fOt. the Honse Of Industry, laid OVel' from the mOI'llillg' session. MI'. MoKenney in the chal1:, After' considerable discussion the repol't was adopted as originall,V p~esellt.ed. 011 motion of Mr. McKeulley, seconded by Mr. McKnight. " The report of the County Engineer w.aspresented and refel'red to the :P,ublic Improvement,s Committee, 't,:.".By request Countv Engineer Bell addl'essed ,the Counoil re the ~roposed Dew Thames Ri vel' Brid~e. ;Secouded by W. A. Beckel'.., 14 ELGIN COUNTY COUNdIL That W. A. Galbraith audWalkel' O. Oau~hell be appointed auditO.t's of the county accounts for 1912. _Darned. Moved by .T. A. McLean, Seoonded by O. M~Keuuey, That this Council committees to meet, adjout'll until teu o'clock to.lllOl'l'OW to allow the -Carried. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk, J. A. JAOKSON. Warden. ELGIN COUNTY 'COUNCIL 15 FIRST SE.5SION.~THlRD DAY Thul'sday, thl'l SOtrl day of January, 1918. The Elgin County_ CouDell met this day accol'diuJ{ tp adjournment. The. Warden iu,the chai..r. A,Il the mam bel'S pl'a,sent. 'file Pl'oceediugs of the pl'eViOlls day were read alid confirmed: Moved bv J. H.McllitYl'tl, Se~ollded by M.: MoKnight, 'l'lUl.t J. B. Ol'!twfOl'd be l'e-appoiuted tl'ustee -D,r, the Duttou High School fOl' a tel'm of three years. -Oarl'.ed. Moved by 0; McKtlllll~Y. Se~otlded by ,M, McKnight. ~rhat this OO,uncil adjourn until 2 p.m. to a~low committees to meet, -Oarried. The Council Resu,med Peull,ale and Oaron. l'€Ipre8entiug the Oountv Roard of 'rl'a.de Association. then addressed the Council in reference to grant fo" publicity purposes. The Warden I'eferred this rpques't to the .]'inance Oommittee, '1'he report or tbeSpecift.lOoIDmitt.ee 011 the Warden's Address Was and,adopted. all mot.ion of Beckel', seconded by MoVioar. , 'i'he' report of the Public Improvelueuts Oommitteewas presented adopted,:oiJ motioll of McLeau. secouded by Wehlauu. 'l'he report ,of the Ed'ucatiou Committee' was presented and adopted. motion of Beckel'. secouded by MoKuig-ht. 16 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL MesRl's. S. B. Morris and qecl'etary McPherson. of the Count-y'frus. tt>es' Associatioll, Ilddl'essed the Oouncil ill reference to a grant. '1'he Warden l'efe1'1'ed the matter to the Finance Committf'6. Moved by W. E. Leesou. Seconded by M. McJ{llight. That grants of $25 each be made to the East Elgin Farmers' aDd La. dieR' Iustitutes. -Oarried. Moved by John Dromgole, Seconded by Neil Love, That this OoulIcil make grauts at $25 each to. the West Elgin Farm. et's'l~ud Ladies' Institutes. -Cal'l'il;'d. Moved by S. Dawes, Seconded by - O. McKenney I rrhat!\ deputation 1'8 Law Llbral'Y be heard at 10.30 a.m, to.morrow and that the ~railt of $150~i.veu yesterday be rescinded. -Oarried. Moved by M. McKnight. Seconded by W. E, Leeson, 'fliRt the Gouncil do now adjou1'll \lntH four o'clock to nUow com- mittees to meet, _Oarried, f!'he Couucil resumed aud discussed the Good Roads question illform~ ally, aft,er which the repOl'!; of the Committee on Petitions and Legis. lation was presented and adopted, on motion of Henderson, seconded by McVicar. The report of the Finance CommittAe was presented and r~ff'rred to~ a Oommittee of the Whole, Mr, Dl'omgole in the chair. After the report clause by clause, the committee al'ose and the report adopted without amelldmellt,on motion of Dromgole, secouded by say, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by W. A. Becker, Seconded bi J-. l;)romgole, That the House, of Iudustr;v Oommittee be - appointed t,o revise the Rules aud Regulations of that institution, as recommended by the Special Committee on the Warden's address. ~ ,~. ~iq 'I' ~~ '1'1. ~i ~ ~II ii ~ 1 )1' i:I ~ ~I' ~~ ~I t ii' "'I ;11 ill , h'! ",I' Ii I~I 1111:" 'I I ' 11,111 ~ 1'1 ~I '} III Ii II ! I 1,'[ I,i )1 I 'I,ll, I :1 , t 17 -Carried. Moved by H, J, Henderson. Seconded by J. Lindsay. That the reeves of the townships bea special committee to confer with'Messrs. Browel' and Macdial'mid~ members of the Lel:{islatll1'8, in rElference towork Of the Representa.tive of the Al:{l'icuItul'al Depal'tmeut. .-Onl'l'ied. Moved hy J. .E, Lhidsay. Seconded bV S, Dawes. That this OOQlIcil do now adjourn to meet to-mOl'I'OW at. ten o'clock. W, MoKAY, County Olerk, JOB. A, JAOKSDN, WUI'dell, III '11 18 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FIRST SESSION-FOURTH DAY' Friday, the 31st daY of Ja.uuary, 1913. The Elgin Gounty Conncil met this "day- l:\ccol'diu~ to adjoll1'umeut. 'l'lle Warden ill-,the chair. All the members pl'esellt. rl'he proceedings of the previous day were l'ead a.n~ confirmed. A deputation"- cousisting of Judge El'matiuger, O. St. Clair Lp,itch. J. B. Davidson and E. 0'; Sn.undel'stheu addressed the Couucif'ill l'efer- euee to a grantoll behalf of th~Elgill La.wLibl'al'Y Association. Dr. Bentley, Pl'oviucialHel;l.lth Officer, Distlict No. 1. of which Elgin forms a part, then addl'f'ssed the Council in reference to his work-, after which he was tendered a vote of thanks. Moved by Geo, Doolittle, Seco'lld'ed'bY 'W:H. Moai'e, 'I'hat .nO' t\ctiOll betaken ill reference to establishment of a ,prison Farm, referred to ill communication received from the County ,of Oxford -,Oanied, Moved by W, E. Leeson, Seconded by J E. Lindsay I 'l'hat t,his Oouncil recommend the House of Industry Committee t.o have the DistdctRepresentative 01' County Engineer complete plfius thorough 8ystem ~f drainage at House of Industrv farm and commence work as soon as possible, said work uot to exceed $500 during the pl'esf':nt year~ Moved by W, A, Beckel', Seconded by 'John Dl'om~ole, That the stun of $50 be granted the ElliCin Law Library. Moyed by H, '.caylor, Se,,:,ollded by Geo, Doolittle, ELGIN- COUNTY COUNCIL 19 That By-Law No, 820, being, a by-law to appoint High Sohool rl'l'ustees, be 11eceived aud read a first time. ........Oarried. Moved by Geo, Doolittle, Seconded by. Alex, Anderson, That By-Law 820 be read a second time, -Oarried; :Moved by Alex. Ande.rson, Seconded b:y W. E. Leesou, 'l'hatBy-Law No, 820 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moyed by W, H, Moor6, Seconded by S. Dawes, Tha,t By-Law No. 821, being a by.taw to fix salary or Oounty Polioe Magistrate,-be received and read a fil'st tIme. -Carried. :\Ioyed byS. Dawes, Seconded by J. E, Lill~say, 'l'hat By. Law No. 821 be read a secolldtime. -Oarried, Moved by J. E, Lilldsay, Secollded by S. Dawes. 'I'hat By-Law No. 821 be l'ead a third time alld fiually passed. -Oarried. Moved by ,T. A, McLean, Seconded by O. McKenuey. 'l'hat By.L!\wNo. 822. being a by. law to authorize the Warden and to borrow the sum of $20,000, be received and l'ead a first -Oanied. Moyed lIy 0, McKeuutiy, Seconded by JA. Me,LeRn, 'l'hat By-Law :No. 822 be \'ead a 8econd titue. -yarded. . ELGIN COUNTY ,COUNCIL 21 20 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by P. A. McVicar, Moved by Jt~s. McAJlistel', Secouded by W. H. Moore. 'I'hat By-Litw No. 822 be read l\ thh'd t,llne aud finally passed. _Carried. Secondl;'d by A. Wehlanu. That Bv-Ltlw No.' 825,beillg,}t by-law to rl'stol'ethe duties of the . GoalOommitte@. be received and read a fil'st time. -Oal'riBd, Moved by R,.T Helldel'soll. Moved by A. Wehlallll. Seconded by M. E, Stnft'OI'd, Secolldt,(l h.v W, A, Becl,ElI', Tha't By-Law No. 823, being a b.y-law to aPPolUt 1\ BOll.rd of Audit. be received and read a fil'St. t.ime. 'fhat By-Law No B25 be read n second time. -Oarried. ~Oal'l'icd. Moved by W. A. 11pol,el', Moved by M. B. Staft'ol'd. ~ecouded b)-'S. Oromgole. ThatBy-L:a.w No. 825 be rflt~d ft.t,hil'd time alldfiually passed. -Oal'ried. Secollderl. by H. J. Hendel'son. That ,By-Law No. 823 be read a second time. Moved by M. B. St.l\ffol'd. -Oarded, 1'hfl Wardell appointed the following to l'flpl'esflllt.the ElginOoullty Oouncil : Seconded by H. S. Htmdel'son, 'I'hat By-Law No, 823 be read a third time aud fiu;~lIY passe:!, _Cal'l'ied, At the Ollt,}ii'io Good Roads Association-Messrs McLel\u, Mcl{uight,. Dl'Omgole,Hendet'SOIl, and McKflUney, Moved by J. Dl'omgole. Associl\t,iou-M~ssrs, Love. Liudsl\Y~ Doo~ Seconded bv W. A. Becker, 'l'hatBy-Law 824, being a by.law to appoIut auditors, and read a first time, \ Moved by .J. H. McIutyn~. Gl'ev: Tax: Deputat.ion-Messl's. MoVical'. Stafford, A"socif\t.~oll-----.,Mes&l's. Beckel', Wehlanu. MoAllister Seconded by Neil Love, That By-Law No. 824 be read a secolld tIme. A. Beckel', Move4 by .T. g. McIntyre, t.his Oonllcil do uow anjolll'll to meet 011 JU'lle 10th. 1913 Seoouded by Neil Love, 'I'hat. By-Law No, 824 be read a. third time and fiually passed. -"':'Oal'ried.. McKAY, Oonnty Olerk, JOSEPH A. .TAOKSON, Warden. . 22 ELGIN COUNTYCOU1'l'OIL SECOND SESSION-FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 10th da.y of June. 1913. 'l'he Elgin Oounty Counoil met this 'day at the Court House, St. rl'homas, at 2 p.m.. according to adjournment. 'rile Warden in the chair. All thsplembers present, 'l'he Warden addl'E'lssed the Council nsiollows: WARDEN'S ADDRESS To the Elgin Oounty Oouncil; GJ.J:N'l'LE~lEN.-rl'he Public Works of the Oounty suffered very little: damage from the spring freshets and this. I believe. may be attributed in many cases to theiL' capacity and permanent, constructiou. I am sony that I caunot say the same in reference to the townships, mauyof'which Buffered damages to !\ oousidemble extent. which will matel'iall V increase their expenditures during the year, Owiugto the iOCl'eased dmilmge facilities~ the character of the it'eshets which occur fl'om time to time is changing, so tlm.t a larger quantity of water than evet~ before is now brought to a given pOlm In a much shorter time, with the result. that bl'idges and culverts that were hel'stofore of sufficient cnpacity !\re now inadequate and washouts aud other sel'ious dn,mage to public and pdvt\te property have been the result. '1'lIis is the genoml expdrieuce throughout the PI'oVluce and lllllUicipal eouucUs should bll Wl\l'ued thel'ehy nud make all permanent stmctures of suffieieut capacity to deal with Lhe new oon- ditions that are cOllst,antly al'isillg; Good Roads It is not likely that road Impl'OVemellt will be cal'l'tod on to any extent anywhere in the Province this year. The Provinoial apparently alive to the f~\()t t,hat the'class of WOl'lI being done uudel' Highway Improvement Act is not exactly wlH\t it should be. and are toappoiut a commission to investigate the question of I'oad aud report fOl' the iuformation of th~ LegisI1\t\ll'e. Counties which posed to ulld8l't!\l~e axtlmsivo WOl'k tljis yea,I' h'We baen l'l~quf'sted by ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 23 Goverument to withhol,:lexpeuditul'es until plans for the, futUl'e have beeu decided upon, 'l'his, t~getherwith the fact that Domiuionaid will not be avaHablfl this yeal', should be sufficient to sf\tisfy the ratepf\yel's of the CountY' wilo expected the Council to fonu 1\ l?ood roads plan during the preseut year, I do 110t think it advisable for this Oouncil to make any definite move iu the lUatter until we have the advantage of th,e report of the proposed Pro_ 'vincial Commission, The Gove1'llment, as authorized by the act ofll\st S€SSiOll, is intending to' build sample pieces of hiRh-class roads iu vartolls counties. Al'rallg'pment.s have beeu ma(le fa\' the COIlRtruction of a piece of sample road ioand adjoiniuwt,he 'fown ofAylmel', and I believe tI\I~t ,the 'l'ownship of Malahide Rlld the 'l'own of Aylmer are, contributin~ a the expeuse. Every member of the Council shollld keep himself nswell informed as possible in refel'ence to road impl"Ovement matters an~ take advantage of Irtunity to ascertain what is beill~ dOlle elsewh61'e. 1 believe the COalIty decides to tak,e up the matter we willproflt bv the made in othel' places Rlld that when Dominion aid is availablO', that now available; we will be able to-,construct one Of the systems of permallellt high Ways that \vilL be a lastillgbellefit to all municipalities l'epresetlted. House of Industry The House of Industry Committee will repol't ou the dmiu!\.ge WOl'ks :(~Il prowess and thel'evision of the by-law l'elatiug to. that institution. In dealill~ with this it will be necessary for the Coullcil to. take a broad view of the questionl\nd carefully cousider the important reeorn- ,;::,pendatious theOommitteewillmalr'e witlu~ view to. placin~ the mal1!'\~e- ",mellt of the illstitut,iou Oil a different basis ft'omthe pI'esent. Agricu1turaJ Representative ~;'i.,:'As iust.rueted at the last session of the Council, the Special Committee . ,ppoiuted held' a meetillJ,!; with Messl's, Bt'awet' and Maodiarmid,_o~l' l'~p~e" utatives ill the Legislatut'e, aud Sl1~g€lsted that: al'l'allgernelltsbe Ip.ade open offices for the A~l'ioultural Repl'eseutative in Aylmer and St,. 1{\10ll!as. at which either the representative, or one of his assistan'ts, 'would ,~tend dt1'l'tllg certain days af the week for' theoonveuience ofthoS'8 who to cOllsl1lt them. Arrangements have been ml\de fOI',opening 11.11 ill Aylmel', but as yet thel'e has beeu no aunoullcement illl'\')ference 24 ELGIN COUNTY COUNaIL to St. Thomas. I hope. however. that in time a central nffice will be OPOlled and that this valnable aid to the advance of a~l'icriltnre will be available to all pai'ts of the county. Rate of Taxat ion The al1dit.ors' report. which wiH be laic1. befme .you, 8ho,V8 that au J'aUl1ary 31the1'8 was a deficit of nearly $10,000, $8,000 of which was ill couuect,ion wit,h the pxpellditUl'es of 1912. 'rhis. according to the MUlli~ cipal Act. must be included ill the estimates fOl" the conent year. Ifwe are to avoid a simillu' deficit this year, the estitm\tes of last year must be l'alsed. !tis doubtful, in view of the iUCI'eased grants to High and Pub'.ic Schools" and other sp8cit~1 grants made from time to :tiroe-by the Oonnoil, if the county mte crLll be left as it has been for the past few years. Sufficient mnney should be I'"ised annually to clear all 001' indebtedness. and uutil the out.staudil1g debeut.ures are retired asnbstantial iUClwi'sfI would appeal' to be, necessary. Therrl'e~\surer is in t\ position to give you fulliuformatiou in reference to the accounts ill which the deficit occurred, aud the auditors' report will direct your nttention to all t,he expel1ditures, very few of which could have been avoided, 11I\d t,ile ConUell oJ last yem: beeu so Inclined. PubHcity We have had no repOl.t fl'om the Elgin BO!~rd- of 'rL'ltde and Publicity Association. They are, I believe, actively at work" pl'~parl11g a pamphlet to advertise the rbSOlll'CeS of the Oounty. which wHi bel'eady for distri- bution in time to secure results ea\'ly next year. 'rhe Oomtllittee has already eudeuvOl'ed to ~olve .the labor with indifferent snccess, and it is doubtful, undel' present couditlOllS, the experiment will be repeated. 'rhe agricultural labor market governed by the same laws as - those required fo\' other undertakings. if the labor noW being diverted to towns and cities to oarry out the worlts,rtludel'edlleCeSSal'Y by,the rapid development of the country i,B t? be retainliJd. the prices paid for fa1'm labor must be placed ou a somewllat similar basis', The miuntelO of the last d!\Y of the January Session w'e:re l'ead confirmed, Tho following commuliications were read,: ELGINUOUNTY COUNOIL I~I' ~II I ii,111 II' 'I ~~ ~I !! I~I , Ii ," ~i :il I!: , 25 li'rom Oount,y Ellj;{iueel., with report. Referred to Publio Improve~ llleu~ OOlllmit,tee. Ji'rom OOllllty AuditDl's. with report, Reierred to li'ill!\nce Committee. Flom London HNllth BORrd, with account. Referred to IPillauce Committee. Ji'rom Outado Mtlllicipal to li'inl\nce Committee, Associatiou, re annual meeting, Referred 1!~rolll County Olerk of Oxford. 1'e Iudustl'ial1!'al'Ul, Refel'red toGao Oommittee. From A. p, Westervelt, SeCl'etf\l'V Provincial, Winter 1!'air. Referred t,o Finance Oommittee. FI'Dln A, H, Oolquhoun, Deputy Minister Referred to'EdlloiJtiou'Oommittee, '1\ " H, Ii of Education, 1'e gl'aut, 1!-'l'om Secretary St, 'l'homas Sohool Board. 1'e- Inspector's Oollf'giate Illlltitllte., Referred to Education Committee, l'epOl't ou 1!~rom Secretary Vi('Jlllll~ High School.'with I'eport, Refel'l'ed to:Edu~ .cf\tion Commit.tee. From Sec1'etary Gleucoe Hi'gh to Education Committee. School Board, with account for 1912; From Secl'etal'y Wardsville High Education CommiUee. 'I Ii I I II 'I II! I I , School Board. 1'8 account, Refel'l'flfl FI'Olll Good Roads, Cauaiia, )'e subscriptions. Referred to Finance 1'e St.atuJes, Referl'ed to li'illl\noe Com. From W. Atkill, Public School Inspector, wHh repol't, Rl~fel'l'ed to neation Oemmittee, with report. R(~ferrod to Finallce Com- 26 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL MOVf\d by W. A. Beckel', Secouded by A. Weldauu. That the Chairmen of Oommittees be address. a. Oommittee Oll the ,Wardell's __Cal'1'ied. MI.', 'Dl'omgole gl\Ve lloticethathe would apply for grunt.s .to the agricultural fairs au the same basis aslast.year, and also for a gl'aut of fifty dollars to ,the Township of. Dl1uwich for the Illaiut~uauce of Kate Wallace aud ::;istol'. Accounts fl'om Dr. Dorland and Mr- Morris for expenses re JalllC:s McKenney, all iudigent, were pl'eseuted and referred to the Fiuauce Com- mittee. Moved by W. E. Leeson, Secouded by M. McKnight,. 'rhat we adjourll ~Ol' oue'houl' to allow t,he Pllblic Improvoment Oommittee to meet. _Carried.' Th'e" council Resumed Moyed by O. McKeuuey. Secouded by W. H. Moore, 'l'hat this Oouncil dOllOW adjourn to meet at 9 a.m, to-morrow. _Oal'ded; K. W. McKAY. Oounty Olerk. JOS. A. JAOKSON, Wardell; ELGIN, COUNTY COUNCIL 27 SECOND SESSION.-SECOND DAY Wednesday, thB 11th day of June, ,1913. The Elgin Oounty Oouncil met this day at the OOl1l't HOllse, St. Thomas, according to adjournment. 'l'heWnl'den in the elmir. All the -members present. 'l'heproceedillgs of the previolls day were read and,continued; A letter from Dr, Bentley, District Health Officer, \'\-'I\S read aud l;efened to t.he Goal aud House of Industry Oommittees. '1'lie-repOl't of the Special Committee ontheWtll'd~n's address was pI'esButed aud adopted, on motion of W'. A, Beoker, seconded by Geo. Doolittle. '1'he report of the Education Committee was pl'8sBlltad audadopted. OlllllOtioll of W: A. Beckel', secouded by J. E. Liudsay. 'l'he l'epol't of the Public Improvement Committee was pl'esellted and adopted, on motion of J. A. McLean, seoouded by M. McKnight. Moved by W. A. Recker, Seconded by A. Anderson, 'fhat. this Oouncil visit the House of Industry, leaving the Grand Hotel at 8 o;clock to-morl'OW. -Oarried. Moved byO.McKel1uey. Seconded by M. Staff 01'9, That this Coullcil do now adjourll to -meat at. 2 pm" aud :t.hat the Oommit,tee meet at ouce. ~Carried , The Council Resumed 'l'he report of the Finance Oommittee,ol1 estimates for the YE'll.r :was 28 ELGIN COUN'rY COUNOIL presented and reioned to a Oommittee of the Whole, M", McVicar in the chair. After considering-the report the committee arose and it was adopted ..."ithout amendment" all motlOllOf Mr. McVica,l', secouded by Mr. Doolittle, rr'he report of the House of Iudustry Committee was presented and re- ferred to a Committee of the whole, Mr. Lindsay in the chair. Aftel' amendiug t,lw report, the Committee arose and it was adopted 1\8 amended,' au motion of Mr. Lindsay, secouded by Mr. Anderson. 'fhe second repOl't of ,the l!"iul\llce Oommittee was pl'~~ellted and adopted, Oil motion of Mr. McKejllloy, seconded by Mr. Auderson. Moved b,y 0.' McKenney-, Seconded by .1ohn Dromgoole. That the gl:!\uts to the agricultuml fall'S be the srtme as Itst yen,]', namely', 20 per ceut, of tile Government Grant. _Carried, Moved by John Dl'Omgole, Seconded by J. H, McIntyre, rl'hat'this Coullcilmake a gl'l'mt of $50 to the l'owllsbipof Onuwich to assist iil the rm\intenance of Kl\to Wtdlace aud sistel'. who were formerly inmates of the House of' Industry. _Carried. Moved by S. Dawes. Secolldedby J. E. Lindsay. r1'hat the Clerk 'Qe instructed to prepare by-law to a~sume the Laur Bridgeovel' outlet from Lake Whittaker Oll the Couutv line. between North and South Dorchester. -Lost. Moved by M. B. Stafford. Seconded by H, J. Helldel'sou. '1' hat Mr. Williams, a representative of the Oneida Reserve', be noW heard. ELGIN COU~TY COUNOIJ~ 29 MI', Stafford gave uotice 1 hat he would apply for a grant $150 to assist in building a culvert all the Oneida Reserve. Moved by M. McKnight, Secondfld by W; E. Leeson. 'l'hat this Coutlcil do now adjollt'n to meet to-lUorrow at 10.30 a.iu. -Oarrired. K. W, McKAY. Oounty Olerk, J. A. JAOKSON, Warden. 30 ELGIN COUNTY JCOUNOlL 3t ELGIN' COUNTY COUNCIL SECOND SESSION-THIRD DAY ditioll that the Oounty of Middlf''s''x iudl the balance of the cost of the same, work Engineer. . th(l Inrliftll Df'pal'tmflut provide to be n.ppl'Oved by the Oounty -Oarried. 'l'hUl'sda'y, the 12th day of June. HUB, Moved by O. McKeu.ue,y, Seconded by J. A. McI.;.I8illl-, That the equalizl'tion of the as."6ssment roUs be the same as last year. fI'he Elgin Oounty Oouncil met this day at thB Oomt House, St. 'l'homas. according' to adjourument. '!'he Warden in the chair. -Carried. MI'. R. A. Peuhale, Clutit'tllftn of the Couuty Baal'd of 'Trade Publicity Association, addressed the Ooullcil ill oonneotion with tile work of the association. All the members present. The report of the deputation to the Ontario Eduoational Al;;1sociatioLl was presented and adopted, on motion of Mr. Lindsay, seconded by, Ml', Doolittle, Moved by M. McKnight. Sec.OiJded by W. E. Leesoll, That By-law No. 826, being a bv-law' to repeal By-law 780, Industry regulations, be received alld read a first time. re House Tho report of the deputation to the Ontario Good Roads Association was presented and adopted, on Ulotion of Mr, McLean, seconded by .Mr. McKenney. l- Moved by W. E. Leeson, Seconded by W. A. Becker, ---,Carried, Moved by M. McKnight, Seconded ~y W, E, Leeson, rfhat we, the Committee of Oouncil, having visited -the House of dustry aud farm, beg leave to take this oPPOl'tunity of complimenting the Keepsr and Oommittee 011 the very efficient manuer in which everythillK is being conducted. we having found the house aud outbuildings clean and tidy. and the inmates contented and oomfortable. 'J'hatBy-law No, 826 be read a second time -Oarried. Moved bY,M. McKnight" -Carded, Moved by Geo. Doolittle. Seconded by W. E. Leeson; Secouded bv H, ffaylor, 8'J6 bel'ead a thil'dt,ime aud' fiually passed. 'I'hat the Gaol Oommittee be authorized to deal with request the Oouuty Clerk of Oxford, re Iudusti'ial Farm for g'l'Ollp of counties. -Oarried. Moved by M, B. Stafford, A, Wfllllnnn. Seconded by 0, McKeuney. By.;Law No. 827, beiug a by.law to prescribe rules and l'egula~ the House of Industry, he l'eC1.~iv(lfl itlld read a first t,ime. rl'hat this Oouncil grant the sum of one hundl'ed and fifty ($150.0Q) towards building' a celllent bridge on the Iudian Reserve, on -earl'led. ELGIN COUNTY COUNon. 33 32 ELGIN CouN'ry COUNOIL 'l'hat By. Law No. 829-be read asecoud time. -Oal'l'ied, ------..-- Moved by A. Wehlanu. Moved by H. J. Henderson. Seconded by P. A. McVicar, 'l'hat By~Law No. 827 be read;a second time. _Oarried. Seconded by M. B. Stafford, 'l'hat BV-Ij(~w No. 829 be read a third time aud fiually passed, _O!\.l'l'ied. Moved bv P. A. McVicar, Moved by J. E. Lind:;ay, Seconded by A. Wehlanll, 'I'hat By-IJaw No. 827 be read a third time and finally passed. _Oarried. Seconded by H. 'Taylor, 'rhut By-Law No. 830, being a "by-law !-schools. be received and read a fil'st time. to grant additio.nal aid to -.;Oal'l'ied. Moved by J. Dromgole, Seconded by W. A.' Beckel'. Moved by H. 'l'aylor, Secollded by J. K Lindsay, 'I.'hat Bv-LaW No. 828, beiu~ a by-law 'to authorize the Warden and 'freaslUer to borl'OW the sum of twenty thousand dollars, be received and read a 'first time. 'l'hat By-Law No. 830 be read a second time -Oarried. _Oarried. Moyed by W, H. Moore, Moved by W. A. Beckel', Seconded by Jas. McAllister, 'l'hat"By-Law 830 be read a third time and finally passed. Seconded by. John Drom~ole, 'l'lmt By-Law No. 828 be read a second time. -Oarried. Moved by .J, A. McLea.ll, Moved by John Dromgo1e, S.econded by O. McKenney, Secoud~d by W. A. Bec\ter, rrhat By- IJl\w .No. 828 be read a third time aud finally passed. a by-law to raise Oounty Rates, be That By-IJaw No. 831, being aud read a fil'f't time, -Carried. Movedhy H. J. HendersoU. Moved by O. McKenuey,," Seconded by ;ras. McAllister, Bv-Law No. 831 be read a serlond time. Seconded byM. B, St,afl'ord, That By-Law No. 829, being a by-law to extend time for received aud read a first time. -Oarried. Moved by J. A. McLean, Moved by H. J. Henderson. by M. B.Staff:'ord. Seconded M. E, Stafford. 34 ELGIN COU-NTY CbUNOIL rrhatBy~Law 831 bel'ead f\, third titne aud finally llaSsed. _Carried. Moyed by Geo. D"olittle, Seconded by H, 'i'a,ylol', That By-Law No. 832. being t\, by-law to coufil'JD Equalization, be received and read a first time. _danied. Moved by Geo, Doolittle. Seconded by Alex. Anderson, 'l'hat By~Lfl.w No. 8~2 be read a secoud thue. _Cardea. Moved by Alex. Anderson, Seconded by Geo. Doolittle, rl'hat By~Law 832 be read a third time and finally passed, _Carried. Moved by O. McKenney. Seconded by Jas, McAllister. That this Council de? llOW adjourn ~o meet all 'l'uesday. November 25th, next. _Oarried. K, W, MaKAY, County Clerk. JO~. A. JACKSON, Warden. ELGIN _ COUNTY COUNOIL 35 THIR[) SESSION-FIRST DAY Tnesdt\v, t.he 25th day of Novembel', 1913. The Elgin. Oounty Oouucil !Het this day at the Oourt House, St. ThoUlas, according to aCljmlrumeut, 'l'beWal'dpu ill't,ll(J chair All-the members prcseut, excppt M~'si'!l's.- Alldel'sollaud Tavlor, 'l'heWnrdeu adell'essed the UOUilCil as t'oUpws: ~ARI)E"'S ADDRESS '1'0 the.EIgill Oount,y COUllCi.!: GENTLEMEN,-IIl comllleucill~tbe'busiuess ot' this,tl~,e last session Of the yeal', I desire to express my plt1asl1l'e in meeting you all again ill Council assembled, 'I'he harvest has beeu a bountiful oue aud the County generally is, I iu l\ most pI'osperous conditioll, . The County Solicitor's Death 8illce Olll' last session we havAlost by odeath oneot' the most valued tl'llsted officers at' thisOOUllt.y, JanH's. M. Glenn, K.O"LL B" SolicitOl', Fol' nearly thil'ty years Mr. Glenn was tile tl'usted and confidential of the memb<l~'s and officials of tIns OonuciL His advice Was songhtallrlacted lllJ'Oll. and he was I~t l\ll times'wort.hy oftlie COll- placed ill hilll, He was philosophic, at' a sympathNic l11\tUl'e Hlld wide experirlllce iu municipal nffairs. It.will be yonl' dllt,y to cOllsidtH th(~ appointment ot' Ids Sllc:JesSO\' at. sessioll, Industrial Farm The establis'llnent Ofllli inrlllst.l'ial farm for a gronpofoonntieb. in. Elgin, has beflll the CRuse of s1W61'al general meetings of mUlli. l'C'pl'esoll1,(\t1ves since tho .JuneSeiJsioll,fl.ud, ill company with the 36 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL Chairman of the Gaol Oommittee and the County Olerk, I attended the meetiug at Woodstock, at, which the various counties and cit,ies were l'e~ presented, when the matter was fully disoussed. This was followed by n. meeting with the Honorable Mr. Hauna aud other Provincial officials at the GuelphPrisouFal'lll, when further information in reference to the matter was considered and dhlCllssed. Other meetiu!ls have been held by those iuterested. but rep1'63entl\tives from this county did llotattelld. We felt tlll\t we ,",'ould not be: justified ill ~OiLlg auy fmther without instruc- tions from the Oouncil. rl'he Industrial Fal'midea has f01' its maiuobject the reclamation of the confirmed inebriate aud the employmelit of the habitu'al vagl'ant at profit- able labor for the benefit of his dependents, 'fhis class of offenders is now taken care of ill the county goals. to which they are committed from tJme to time. without ;being: benefited thereby. 'l'heir fnmllies. 01' those dependent ou them. aTe usually the real sufferers, The Oity of Toronto last year established a farlll for -thia purpose 11ear Richmond HUl~ in the Couuty of York" It has given g:ood satisto.o. tion aud mauy unfortunates have beeu benefited thereby. An industrial farm is desirable and necessary where there is sufficient population coutl'ibuti~g thereto, The establishment of sllch a fa1'1D. how- ever.will not relieve the .couuties ofexpenditur,es .iu connection with the ~oals, as they are necessary for the custody of cl'imim\.ls who must at all times be und.er l'estraint, I believe it will be difficult to secllre the co.operation of counties and cities necessary to the establishment of these institutions, As far as have considered the matter, I believe that a slight enlargement of PI'iSOll Farm at Guelph would l\llSwer the requil'ements of the whole southwestern Untado, and that. if this cannot ;be carried Ollt, some sideration should be given to the emvloyment of prison labor all County House of Industry farms, A committee, consistin~ of Warden Denton. orOxford. as chairlllau; and l'epreseutatives from other counties interested in the matter, wiiL wait upon the Oouncil to-morroW with a view to securing your co-opera." tion in furtherinA' the iridustl'iI\l.fal'm idea, Publicity 1 believe that the members of the Oounty Board of 'l'l'ade aud._,fn licity Assooiation ha.ve about completed the collection and" compilation "ELGIN COUNTY COUNOI,L 37 material JOt; a pamphlet, hi which will be set forth the resources and COll- ditions existing ill the industrifll life of this OOllUt-y. ,One year has now" elapsed since, the pl'eliminary meflting ill this connection was held, and I am sure that the booklet, when published. will show that th{l EXE\Culive of the Association have been cal'efully consideriug' the best illtel'€sts of all concerued. Oood Roads 'l'I)e Public Roads aud HighwaysOoml:pission of the Province havenn- nounced a series ofmeetillgs with municipal representatives and this Oounty will have a!l opportunity of e.elldillg_ suoh l'epl'eS61ltatioll as they may consider necessary to T.JOlHloll on 'l'upsday.the 16th December, to pre'sent the views of tilis OOllncil in nJl mint'e1'S pel't!duiugto theilllpl'OVe~ ment of the highways of the Province. I would suggest tlmt yougire the matter someconsidemtion at the pl'esollt session, so tht\l- YOUl' representatives may pt'esent intelligently your views hi referellce to this great question, Hydro...Electrlo:: Development The present ~ellturywill always be best remembered in connection with tlie great elect,rical developmeut that hRs taken place. 'I' he success which bas attended the effOl'ts of the Hydl'O-Electl'ic Oommissiou in theh' co-operaJioll with the lllUllicipalities Imsbeell most l'emal'lH\ble. aud liow 'that this Oomlllissioll has undertal,eu the development of power, every of the Pl'ovince will SOOIl have au opportunity ofpal'ticipatiug in great. benefit to be' deri ved from the nse of electrical energy, The oftrausmission lines to the larger iudllstrial ceutres is being by applicati'olls for l'u1'I\1 lilies fOl' thfl dist,l'ihut,ionof powel' to l'oml communities, Most of us wh,o wel'e skeptical about this phase of its are 1I0W looldng fOl'ward to :the day when:it.will be placed at dispOfll\I. Wireless Telegraph Station A wirl:lless station ill cOllnection with the Marille Pl'Otectiou ,Service beeu loct\ted by ,the Government ill the 'I'ownship of Bayham, some east' of Port Biu.'well, 011 the l{\!;:e S1101'6, 'I'hisis one of a series of established along the Great Lakes to .keep ill touch with the pas- bOll.ts and others passing through, 'l'hese stationlj'~nYe no'tall been but I believe they will be of very great benefit When in WOL'k_ ol'del';they cannot,_ however,be of very, much assist,auce to vessels ill -ELGIN COUN,TY COUNOIL 39 38 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL stOl'Ul,S such as caused the ~reat\ disaster, of a few days ago, W sather prop- abilities, foreC!~sts and warnings from the meteorolO~ic!\l office could at least be communicated to boats in time to euable tllem to reach places of safety, I believe that t'tdlure to heed warnings of this Idnd should render thecaptaiu !lable to prosecution. From ,Children's Aid Society. 1'e formation of ,Oounty.Society"with aunuall'eport and accouu'ts. Referred to Finance Oommittee, From Oounty Clerk of Middlesex,l'e culvert all towr.line Middlesex: and Elgin, R"l"fsL'l'ed to Pllblic Impl'ovenBllts Oommittee, From F. Guest. M. D..Pllysiciall House of Industry, with annual raport. Referred to House of Iudustry Oommittee, Fl'omPublic Roads and Hig-hways Oommlssion, 1'e meeting of Oouuty l'elH'eselitl~tives iu Loudou. Refel'l'ed to Public Irnpi'oyernellts Oommittee. Ml'. McKenney gave llotice that he would introduce a resolution to appl'oveof the cOllstructioll of traction tines iu tho County of Elgin, Mr. McYicl'l.l' gaye ll'otiC\Lthat the COl'lJ Gl'OWeI'S' Association repre- sentatives would wait upon ,the OOUllt,y Ooullcil OIl Weduesday afternoon requestiug' a grant. Mr. Beckel' eaye notice that he would move a resolution for t,he pay- of county coustables in certain-cases. Moved by A, Wehlaull. Seconded by W. A. Becl~el', 'l'futt the chail'Iilen of the vanOllS committees be 1\ committee tOl'e- on the Warden's Address. Agricultural Representative 'I'he Agl'icultl11'al l:teprl'sentatives have, I believe, been faithful in the discharge of theil' dritiesdudng the llt\st year and 1 regret that SOlUe means 11,; Bot provided to euable Mlero to keep the work they a're doing COllstnut.ly befol'e the public, Every present day agriculturist reQogllizes the advantages to be d(,rlved by adopting t.lIe most adVtU1Cod id~'as in con. nection with the mauag,eIileut of his 'farm, t~\ld I think tlmt this Couucil would be justified in nmking grants for thepublicl\tiun 1\1\(\ Ulailiug of bulletins pl'epal'ed by the Agdcultural Represeut,ativE's or the Exct.,ulive of the Oouuty Board of Trade. . A very great interest, could be created ill this way, and attention directed to m~IlY matters ofpa,!'tiClllal' illterest to the residents of this County tllli.t might otherwise be overloo1ted, Finance The expenditures-of t,he Countydudllg the year '.'o'ere nJI anticipated intheel;>t.iUlutf'S and some of them have beeu slightly lesst-Imll estimated, I believe-tIH~t the auditors' report for this year willshow_that an present aud past lit\bilities have beeu" provided fOI', allfl that. if t,hel'e is allY de~ ficit. it will be less than $1000, I hOl)e that the municipalities ,,,ill eu~ deavol' to pay their county r!\t,es l)\'oropt.ly. 80 that OUl' ll\r~e indebtedness to the baul~ may be wiped onl entirely before the eud of I he year. -Oarried, Moved by M. McKnight. Seconded by W, E, Leeson, 'fila proceedings of the last day of the previons session w('re confirmed. That theelel'k pl'epl\l'O a by~law to confit'llI By-law No. 896'of Mala- -Cai'rlAd, Moved by p, A, MeVicar Saconded by M. McKnight, .That the Warden be delegated to convey to Reeve Anderson, of YUI'- 'llth.o\U' syulpathy with him in his long illness and expl'ess tho hope Vhe may soon be restored to health, 'rhe following communications were l'end: Fl'Om G.W, Ling, M. D.. County Repl'eSEHltat,lve on Boanl of Queen Alexandra S!\untoriuIU. with report, ReffJrred to FinallceCOU1ll1ittee, From Oounty Engineer Boll; with report, Referred to pt'oyernent Committee, From Comity Olel~lt~-with report, Filed. li'l'Om A, M, Olmpmall, SeCl'At,HI'y Rl\ilway 'i'ax Assocll\fion, wit.h port. Hefsl'l'ed to li'inanco Committee. <t;r -Carl'led, ELGIN COUN'lly...c;OUNOII~ 41 10 EJ~GIN COUN'l'Y COUNOIL Moved by .Jas.MoAlli'ster, Secouded bv Bamnel Dawes, THIR,[) SESSION~SECON[) nAV That this Oouncil visit the QneelhAlexnnd1'1l Sanatorium at Loudou au Thursday, the 27th iust., 'leaving St. Thomas at 12.30 o'clock. _Oal'l'ied. Wednesday, the 26th day of-November,l913. The Elgiu Oounty Oouucil met this day at. the Cou,rt. House, St. Thomas, accol'diug to adjonrumellt. Moved by J. A. McLean; Secouded by Q.McKenney, 'l'he Wal'deu ill the chair. That this Conncil adjou1'll mittees to meet. until 10.30 am. to.morrow to a1\ow com- _Carried, All the members preseutexct1pt Messl's. Audel'sou and Taylor. 'l'heproceedillgs of the pl'evlons day. were read.and,confinued. K. W.'McKAY. OO\1Uty Olerk, JOSEPHA.JAOKSON. Wardell. 'fhe morning haviug been tl~h;ell up by .committee ,meetings-,-U was Moved by P. _A. McVicar. Seconded by A. Wehlf\nll, 'fhat this Council do now adjourn to meet at 1.S0.'p.m, -Car-ried, The Council Resumed A deputation from the OOI'll Growers' ASSOCIl\tioul cOUSiStillW"Of', U, VcKillop t\lld A. McColl, addrf'sspd the Council wHlnm f.ppli- for 1\ grant,. 'which WIlS refel'red by the Wa'dElu to the Fill~ulCe 'l'he.1'epol't of tile Specild Oommittee on the Warnen's Addrf'ss was and l'efpl'red to a Committee of the Whole, Mr, Henderson the chair. After being amended, the report was adopted, on mot.ionof Henderson, seconded by MI'. Stafford, Warden Dellton, of Oxford, and Reeve Whalley, of Ingersoll, then the Oouncil in l'eference to takill~ part in tho establishment of farm for u group of comities. The matter was refened to Oommittee 011 the Wardeu's Address for report, Moved by Geo. Doolittle, bV M. B. Stafford, 42 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNOIL 'I'hat delegate from Elgin Poultry Assooiation be uow heard. _Carried. Mr. Peuwal'den then addressed the Council, making applicatIon for a grant to the Elgin Poultry Association, the mat'tel' being referred'to the Finance Commiteee. alldadopted, The report of the Educatiou Committee was presented au motion o'f Mr. BEicltol', secouded by Mr. Dromgole. '!'he report of the Public Improvements Oommittee was presented and adopted, on motion of Mr. McLean, secouded by Mr. Leeson. Moved by W, A. Heckel', Seconded by John Dl'omgolo, 'l'imt the Finance Committee report Oil the advisability of cl'eatlllg a fund to pay extra expenses of cOllstables ill detectiuR criminals. _ Carried. Moved by P. A. McVicar, Seconded by A. Wehlanll, . That thisOouncil do now adjourn until 10 a,m, to.morrow to allow committees to meet. . . -Oarried. K, W. McKAY, Oounty Olerk. JOS. A. JAOKSON, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 43 THIRD SESSION-THIRD DAY , Thursday, the 21th day of November, 1913:- '1'he Elgin OOUllty Counoil met this day at the Oourt House, St. Thomas. aeuording to adjoul'l1ment. The Warden ill the ohair. ,All the inembers present except Messrs. Auderson and 'l'aylOI. The pl'Oceediugs of the previous day wel'e read and confirmed, 'fhe report of the Inspectol' fOl'the HO\lseof Industry was l'on,d, Ml'. McVical'gave llo.tlOethat he would apply fol' grant of two hundred inade the west Oounty line, under the provision of By-law No. 757. in 1909. 11118 Special OomlUitteoon tho Warden's Addl'en pt'es6nted its secoud wh,ieh was adopted, Oll motion of Ml', McLean, seconded by Mr, The report of tho House of Iudustry Committee was pl'eseuted aud au motion of MI', McVicl\I', seconded by Mr, McKenney, Moved by O. McKenney. Seconded by John Dl'omgole, That, as the Loudon aud Lalw El'ie 'l'mclion 00. are GOllsidel'iug't,ile of their lines, t.his Oontloit wonld be glad to assist said compnllY other company ill pl>ocudllg a right of way throngh 01' iu: any of lllullieipalitif's iu thi" DOllut.y. .....Oarried, by W> H, Mool'e, By.Law No, 827 be nmfHHind to provide that tho exponses of all persousto the Houso ot' Iudustl'Y sll1\1I be paid by the Oonuty, t.J1O I'emonerat;oll for the sal1loshall be ten cents pel' mile each 44 ELGIN COUNTY UOUNOIL way fl'om the place of SJUtUllg, with l\ m\Ultnl1lU chal'ge of $1.50, alld t.hat t,heOwl'k prepare the by_ll\waccol'dillRly. III nmonumont: Moved by A. Wehlallll. SecolJded bv J. Dromgole. 'I'hat the question of th~ cost of conve.viug inmates to the Houso of Industry be refel'l'ed to the House of Iudustl'Y Oommlttee to report. The maiu motion was carried and l\m61Idmeu,t lost. Moved by W ~ H. Moore, Seconded by Jas. McAllister. 'fhat this Council do now adjourn to meet, tQ.morrow (\~ ten o'clock a.tll. K. W. McKAY. Oounty Olerk. J. A, JAOKSON. Warden; EL(HN., COUNTY \,.OOUNOIL 45 ~I" III I, 1'1' I~ ~ 1'.1\1' ~, fl ,I .~i 1', I I~ ~ U,I' I" :1:: 'I;: Uti 'I" i'l ~: il'l i'!' ll~i I": II ~ 1,1 I III: 11\ ill l' ,I' :111 I': !J II 1,1 I II I r J C , THIRD SESSION-I'OURTH DAY Friday, tho 28th di\y of No'vembel',1913. The Elgin County Council met this dt\ynccordill~ to l\djourllmeut, '1' he WLwdeu ill the chair. All the members present, except MessL's, Beckel'. Andersou and 'I'aylor. The proceedings of- thepl'evious dl\Y, were 1'o/\d and confirmed. A lettel' fl'Om C. St. Cli\ir Leitch, County Solicitor, re l,)y.lawto pl'f'- the tyill~ of boats, etc , to count-y bl'idges, was J'rnd 'I.'he report of the Finance Committee wns Pl'esented Rlid refoned to lI. of the Whole, Mr. McKnight in the chair. After amending the report. the committee a.;ose aud it was adopted as ame,uded, on motion o~'Ml'. McKnight, seconded by Mr. StaffOl'd. Moved by J. H. Mclnytre, Secondod by John DrOl'ilgoJe, 'fhat the Warden be granted the sum of fifty dollars for extl'a 8er~ -Curried, Moved by J. A, McLe~ll. Secoudedby M; B. Stafford" That K. W ,McKay be added to the con1.untte_e appoitited to atteud the Goorl Roads Oommissiou ill La_udall ou:Oecember16th. -Ol\orried~ Moved by W. H. -1\;1001'0, Seconded- by Jas. McAllister, That By.Law No. 833, being a by-law to amend By-Law No.827, 1'e of ininates to the I:Io~se o~ Industry, be l'eceived aud read a -Oarried. Samuel Dawes. Seconded by J, E. Lindsay, 46 ELGIN COUNTy-COUNOIL That By~Law No. 833 be read a second time. _Carried. Moved-bY J. E. LindBay~ Secolldcdby W. H. Moore. That By-1Jaw No. 833 be read a third time aud finally passed. _Carried. Moved by M. B. Stafford, Secouded by H. J. Henderson. That By.Law No. 834. beiug a by~law to authorize the Warden to sign quit claim deedl be l'eceived and l'ea~ a first time. _Carried. Moved by}!. J. Henderson. Seconded by M. B. Stafford, That By.Law No. 834 be read a second time. _Carried. Moved by M. B. Stafford, Seconded bvH.J. Hendersoll. That By-Law No. 834 be read a third tilUe aud finally passed. _Carried. Moved .by M. McKnight. ~Secollded byW . E. Leesop., rrhat By-Law No. 835. beiuga by~law to coufirm By-Law Malahide,be received and l'ead a first time. Moved by M. MoKllip;ht, Secouded by Geo. Doolittle, That By-Law No. 835 be read a second time. Moved by M. McKnight, Seconded by W. E. Leesotl, ELGIN COUNTY COUNOlL II II ! 47 'i'hat By-Law No. 835 be read a third time and finally passed. -Oal'l'ied. Moved by John Dl'OmgolC', SeClouded by Neil Love, 'l'hat By-L!\w No. 836, being a 'by-law be received and rettd a. fil'st time. to appoint t~ Oouuty SolicitOI', -Carried. Moved by J..H.MclntYl'e, Secoudedby J. Dl'omgtile, That By-law No 83Bbe read !~ secoud time. ....;Cltl'l'ied. M:oved by John Dl'omgole, SeOCiude.d by ~ eil Lovfl, That, By~la\v No. 836 bo readlltllil'Cl t.inHllu~d finally passed. -Oarrit'd' Moved byJ. H. McIntyre, Seconded,by Neil Love. 'i'hat theOlol"k be l'puuestf>d to IHW6 tho by the 20th DecelUbp!', 1\:113. milllHes pl'inted for distribu. -Oarried. Moved by W. E. Lef.lsotl, Seconded by Geo. Doolittltl~ That tllls'CounoU do now IHljonl'lllnne die. -Ual'l'itid. MoKAY, (Jounty Clf'l'k. ,J. .A. JAOKSON, Wtll'<It'll. .. Iii: '" Z '" m w hi ~ Iii: ~ ~ .' I '" ^' ~ t:< w m ~ w w '" ~ ."C ?i '" ~ 0 w 0 "i .: g OJ )': ~ '" "C a:: '" ..., ~ w " :Il a:: 0 '" ~ '" t:< i:l .. 0 ::: "i '" "C 0 '" :: ~ ~ :Il ~ :; ~ ~ = 0 :< ~ 0 ~ '0 "l t'j 0 '" '" 0- ~ " s ::: ~ S? 0 = '" 0 ~ ~ ~ '" !? '1i S w ;;. = ;; !? ~ :< t:J w w w 0 CH n 0 "i '" . n- O ~ ~ R ~ 0 ~ ;t ~ m ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ g 8- g ~ ~ . ~ tIl 0. .. ~ ~ 0 '" Q z "'- O' " = !? .. 3' ~ R ~ C> 0 .. :s = ~ I>> '" " !? ~ ;; ~ ~ "3 " .. 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E:..... c g - :::l "C < ;:::: E8.1JJ~ ~g~ '~al18~;:;~ . o '" . c .~ - " " o o 0- ... 0: o ~ ~ 0" Q,,1tl 1-'1"'" ~~. 0 ""t j;; o. - 0 = s ~;; ;-l g~~~O"g,~ '~:2 ~ g"-..., ~;s.?...;~~ ~~"g~c'o C" t::~., '" ~C"'"=~-~ 0 _ a> CD ro::!. 2l ~ (I) ~ _$" ;i ro ~ & ~ 2.;;j .. ~ ex> rIl.,.,.-g;.s;"ex>2 [. 0 g,c.~ ~a _ .,.,.1Q <I> :;;:: a> =-...-.<;:;0 0'" U> 0 ~ .,.,. p, a <= g; =- ~ ~ ~~.~c ;:; ;D' ~_;:l.. ... :s ~ ;:, CD 1JJ ~ Q, o B ~ :;; 0 ~ ~ " ~ ~ g'~. . ~: o o.~ ~; ;D ~ S ". 0. o C o ~~ c . ~ ~ .:0. ,:..,~ g ~ - . . ;~ ~~ a; :;; ;;l 0 9~g. 3. 0 0 ~c2.. o :; 00 c 0 ~ != '" - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; g- !Ii ~~ e:~. c;i g :;:: c;' ~ :::; S" >- 5 o g ~ 8~ ,;; -; ~ . " "" ~ - ~. 2'~.'g~ '-"":,.. - ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ a> ci ~ ~ ~~~=. ;D tll '"'" o~~;::l.. ~. ~..':r.< ;: - ~ -.:;; 5.: =~ W~ ~ e Q, - p ~ ~ s... 0 ~. o' :; ~ s. .... c:: g ~ I!:.. (3 :::; 0- o al . 9.z. ;i "C (D g" r~~ ~;- . "" " " ~ . m ~ ~ 0.; 5.~ (I) o. ~ !Xl ;:..~o , - p. C rn o ~ a. . 0 ~ ~~; ::l = - ;~f i5. ~ (; o 0 - p..~ ""0.. ~ ~ i: 5? F 0' ~ ~ ..., ... s_ 15 2 c- O" = a; ~ r;n- ~ ;: ~'c c 5:; ~~ ~ ~ g' g " . " " .., ~ goo 0,," o . - . - . , , =.p.. ; 2 ::...~ :: d:l 0' ~ j ..., ..., (; . o 0- "..- ~.~ 5. = ..... ~ ::l 0 ~ =-~~~l s' ;; = :; ... c ~ ~ o ~ ;~ a>:P ::;: a ~ ... ... ;; ~ ~ ::: c<" a> '" = ;; o' ~ ;j5 ::l t:: != =. < ... g _ a> &- 8~~ ". ~. - c ;- ~ :2..;: ... .-~ 'E:; '" ~ . " g, S ".;i;: - ~'9:~ ;.:: t"1 E. ~. c: 0 ~;: ~.$ ~"~~E. :-. 0 :.;j-< o t'1 x (ll ~ a g ~ ~ ~. ~ ~-~ Q, ~: .. 0 ~c ~ - . 0 os ~. - .'< ~ c' ;:r-<: . ~ . . ~ ~ := :l) S.cr;:j" p.. - ~ ~ ~ _I:: S. s~g-:::c' ;::"'0 p. ~ ~ o . " ~.. g ;;; c .,..~gg;a .,.,. 00 00 e ; ~: g' Po 1JJ ex> C"'" ~ ~ ~'"C 0 ~ ~. ~ (3 p.. E - ~ ~. ~ g' ... ~ ~ j5. s m o ~ - .. c " ~ O"::!,'''- C"alg;.(!) ;. c;' s' E' .".$"E.~ (t ~ 5l ~ I ~.,.. .. o 0- :;. ~ .." 0" c: ;:~g S al =- c.. Q.. 'E .,.,. ; c ;j5 : 2- 'S.~~; r;,.",: =-. r ~ w = 0. u' ". . . - ~ E =- ;::..~ 'g- F~ . .. m x . e ;; . ~ 0' o ~ '" 3 (';l a ~ ~ 2 s' :.~ r;; ~ CD '": ..., ~'~ g. _ c ~ ~ ~~. :F:I ~'Ol ;j5<< S2 ~ ~ ;. C 0 c' ~ p p' ~ := ;. g- g o lJl :;:; ~ ~ . ; .. ------.- ------- ~ .---- ------------- ---- - 48 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL )~EI?ORT 01" COMMITTEES AND OFFICIALS , 1913 Standinl(" Committees Oaol Committee George Doolittle, Chairman Messrs. Taylor and HelldeTsoll House; of Industry Committee Peter McVicar, Ohainn \11 Messrs. 'McKlJight. and Jt\Ckson Messrs. Hnanc.e .Com'mittee pscnr McKenney,'Ohail'nll\11 Becker, Dll,wes, Dl'omgole. Love, Stn.fford, Lersou, Moore. Taylor, Anderson. McAlHstol' Public Improvement Committee J, A, McLeall. Clmil'mfl.u Hendel'sotl,Lilldsay, McKantlC'y, Weohlanll. Dl'omgole. Dawes, Mclnt,yl'~. 'ruylol' Messrs. Leeson, Education Committee W.. A. Bt'clt6l', Ohairman McIntyre. . McL{'ull, Liudsay, McAllister. Wehlaull. Doolittle, Leeson, Moore Petitions and LegislaUon Committee Herbert J. Henderson, Chairman Messl's. McVicar, Stafford. Moore, McKnight ~,B _1~he Warden iS,ex officib It member of aU Stf\udillg Committee's, Messrs. ELGIN COUNTY Co.UNOIIj 49 ANNUAL REPORT OF J. A, TAYLOR. INSPECTOR OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS ,To the Warden and Members of theCoulltyOouncil of Elgin j ~i GENTLEMEN,-I have the,hollor'of submitting fOl' yonrcollsidel'atioll the followiuR report 011 ,t}lB sohools of my l!lSpectomte fOl' 1912:- The pa.st year 111\8 beeu oue of continuous aud sUbst.a.utialpl'ogl'es8 ill matters educatioual. On a.petitioll of 8everal of the.l'atepayers,nloug the towuline between Duuwich and Aldborongh that !\CCe8S tosohools was praotioally impossible Oil account of distance, the Couuty Conncil np., pointedthl'ee arbitmtol's, who dissolved U. S.8. No, 15 audfol'lued three '~ew union seotions. N,os, 1,2 and 3, 'l'hese have ah'eady elected their trustees, selected exceHelltalld celltl'aL sites!md tU'e issuing debentures fol' thoroughly moderll aud up-to.date sOllools. Tile lighting, heatiiJg alld ~eatiug will be the best and the equipment adeqrmt.e. Scarcity of Teachers I aill glad to report "that, judging fl'Olll thoc6Illpltl'I,~tive eaSG tile tl'Ustees' hadiu seoming teachers ti'16 past yimr, the tencherfalllill8 is u,bont _g,v~r: Boardsthat'aro alert aud active !\ud advertise enrly aud offer l\ suh- stantial salary g'enorally secure expel'iellcodN ormal trained teachel's, Of t,he ~!fte!\chel;S iu this inspeotol'ate 9 h6Idfil'st-chu;s certificates, 80 hold seeoud, reehave third and six have kiudel'g!H'ti.)nqtH\lifioi\tious~ '!'he s!~llu~i(,ls owaJ{ratifyiilg improvement oyer the previons year. Snell was the "s'piritof migration amonA' the teachers last yelu' that ill DUllwieh aud ,~~dbOrongh, where the salade., are high, there were but five sections that ~~rluot chauge teaohers, Oue can l'ol\dily co",template how the progress is iutol'l'upted by snch chauges, Important Changes in Legislative Grants Love, year the GovernmeLit paid 40% of all rumI sallu'ies "bove$3fiO 1600. In 1913 a fixed allldunt of $400,000 will be set aside; aud the grants exceed tllis. appropriation. !\ pl'O mta reductioll' ,,,ill be No gl'ants will be paidou iuterim iil'st 01' second-class oertificates, J;l'auts on ftl'st 01' second.class permanent certificates will remain Tr.ustee Convention promises to .increase the efficiency of the public schools qf this ;. 'g " 0- a.s S ~ ~ tn .... ~~ := 0 tn ",0 . '" <' , '" o ~ o ;; go .... _ 0; ~~ci S w ~ e'! ~ IJI:I ;; ..., o "'! 0 00" 3 S o-:t 5 P 0 ~;. ~. o '" " W .- i= . (D.... 0- ~ o' >-: :;; C ""9;00 (1; ~ g. .. 0 -g:2. "Cl;: !!' ii=~ := .~ ~ 50 ~ a ~[.~ 0; ~'O ~: g;; =-g ::tl;i ;:; m'O w g.~~ ~ S'~ ~ ::,.JQ 0-.... ; g. ~ tti ;::a:>::;'g ....::;-~~ =-riQ' - : ::;- " . .s:~ o <; ~ 9:. ~ ':2 ~. : c: ~.-'" ~;iFg ;;:;. c "'" - .... '" ctl "0 C J> "g ci .... - O":~ ;- ~ ::: 8 .-'<10 cp ~"'!~~ a:> ctl 0 "1 S.O :;;.'l <: ;;D" 00 ~ ~. g" ~ ~ ~ o ~ '" o ;.... ~ ~ g ;;. ('!);- o' -;; .... ~. :.~ ;. ::::- c: S. ctl ~ s:=::g goo PO::l ~5~i . S a:> 0 ctl o-:t"" to: 0 w ~ ~ ~ g 2. tti ::: >-: (ll 0 JQ ~~~~~~ ",. 0.' 0"" ;. ..., ~ ~::; >-: <.cj ; g' CD 00 'd ~ 1-I'Sl.. ~ ~ ~ g,.g ~ g: .... .- CD;; ~" W:3 m E ~ =- ~ 0 Co e; o' g 3 ...., (ll c: ;; ~:.g ~ o <D .... o-:t ~ ctl ..., g ?; ~. ~ "1 rr i? 5.. ~: Si ;;;-; ~:2.. 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IXl "'= o - ~ s: ~ g 2 '3. o ;; 2 '" 'C ; g. :;; s' " 0- =-0;- ~~ ~ ~~ o 0' "" ~ o o 2- <; ~ .g ~ g' ~ " m "" 00 "" ;' G t< " Z c o " Z " '" n o " z o " lei t< " Z Q o " z " '" n o " z o " 0< 0< 50 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 51 Oouuty and give education a stl'OU~ impet.us waS! iuaugurated lastJl\unary, when l'epl'eSelltl\tiv6S from almost every section mot III session to discuSS educn,tionalmattel's. .rl'he convention was a decided success, the Pl'OIl;l'l\1ll a comprehemlive olle,'thediscussious intelligent, poiuted !\UdfL'Cl~. !Hid such Was the enthusiasm t\lId iuterest manifested tlu\t thB association bidsfu.il' to become 1\ pOl'maueut ol'g~llizt\tiou, New Schooh; School Section No. it, Aldbol'ough. erected a splendid new buildiuJ{. It hIlS a ceUleut fouudatIoll p.nd is constructed efred brick, coutaiils a ll\l'~e class-room. 'teachel's'l'oo.m, two CIOll.k rooms. two col'nfOl'tl\ble pl1\Y- l'oolllsin thebasemeut and is 'equippe!i with SlngJedesks and ext~usiv~ slate blackboard, 'rile lig:htiug is bHatet'ftl. the desi~u tasteful f\nd the surroulldiu~s sl\uital'Y, It cost $4,000. . the illexpedeucBu teucher, as tlley fucilitutEl plOper classifioation, act I\S a. stimulus to both the tencliel' l\ud pupil, cOl'l'eot hregularity aud arouse the; interest of the parent. Illjudi::Jious pl'Omotiolls work ~reat injustice to both ten.chel' !'l.lId pupil. Entrance Exandnations The l'esu Hs of tile Eutl'l\llce ExamInntions were vel'Y gratifying: IUlll grent, impl'Ovement ovel' those of t.lle pl'ecedill~ vent' 'file IUI- inoicatt'd careful alld thorough pl'epamtion, TIll' pl~pel's were fail' ahd any pupil uuable to paHS on them was not iu a position to u High School course with profit, The Ilumber of candidates wl\s282, :aud oftbf'se 188 passt'd, 01' 66 pel'cent. Equally'success. call1tidll.les who wrote on 'the ,Tuniol' Graduation' )~xamilH~- tiOD. Honorable mentiou should be m!\dH of Miss Libbie McLrmlH~lI, .teacher in No, 14, UUllwich, fOl' her excelh~ut wOI;k ill pn.SSltl~ t'l, 0 IAUldi. datesfOl' the SeniOl' Gl'i~dul;\tioll DiplolUa. Library Extension Each school has the illlcleus of i\ good library, bot the baolts pl1rchascd at a time wh'111 lIu'gel' pupils WOl'a more 11l1Ulel'0119 than A gl'eat chauge haa eome ovel' the chanwteL' of .tlll'l attendance. BClu'city of help Qll the fl~l'm. the vll.r1ed iudl1cemellts offtll'ed in other of activity, the remarkable industrial expa\lsion, the migl'atiou rural to ul'bal1 centres ha.s sOI\ffected the attendance t.hatfew pupils Inti vel,V are found in th'e 'fifth and fOlll'th classes. Cotlsio.emble litemture hn.s beeu !loddeo. and the sohools {u'e beiug eq.l1ipped wlth kiudel'gl\rten material. Teaf;:hers' Institute In ordel' to observe and compat'e the work done in Amerloan iuEt,iru- tions of learuing, (;he teachers visited the Detroit schools ou MI\Y 31at, ~tlOctober they h{;'lld l\ lal'~elyattended conveutioll a.tDuttou, The 111'0- Fmm was 1\ most. intel'esting and helpful one, Mr, D!~vidsou, of the Lon- ~ouNormal, and severnl Of tho teaohel s Rave ver:v snggestive papers 011 t()pics of Jiving interest' to the teaclfet'. Ninety.fonr members were l":e. ~eut, ouly fan I' being_ absent, Sanitary Conditions SchooIG'ro,unds' Very little atteutiou isgiveU by school bORrdil to the importaut of beautifying the school groundS. III one school Yl\l'd the pl'illwval aud hollows stillling:el', 'rhl;}l'o should btl l~ systematIc effort ou. the of boards to !\dd to the improVfltnf\,ut of school SUI'rOl1U(liilf:l;~, I>Jalltillgsuitable trees and OI'UI\lllental fio\V'el'iug shrubs, Uniform Promotion Examinations These examinll.tiolls were held throughollt-We'illspectomte in Most of the schools did well aud passed l\ high percentage, but iu schools,owillg to irregularity of attendance. _pal't'llItal indifference, periellce of the teacher and laok of familiarity with the conrse of there were several failnres. 'l'hese'exli.tnhmtions are of gnitit'oenefit , 'J;'hest\uitary conditious cf the class-rooms aud closets continue nll- :Usfaetory. One of the most t\PPl\l'ellt difficulties is the iua'bilitv of eJ30al'ds to socure efficient jI\Uit-Ol'S, Most frequElutly he is oueof the hol81's. Mlmy roolUS are not swept re~ulady aud some are never dusted, closets i'eceiv,e little or Lio attentiouj they are full of snow in winter mud and leaves in suri::uner (~1}{1 al'e not screened fl'om obsot'vatiollv 81' snch conditions and' amidst ~uch surroundings what ideals of :utyand modesty can be devel()ped iuthe childl'on of to-day, who are ,~the citizens of to-morrow? 'I'he annual school I'eports show that ill some of the sohools ill this 'Mtol'l\te the l\Vorngfl nttelloance is verv low, from 7 to J2, IiI such 1()IS.I\tG'l\clwl' is Illlahle to do hel' best wOI'I., as she laclts the illspim- 52 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL E-LGTN COUNTY COUNCIL tiOll that comesfl'om numbers. The pupils lose the enthusiasm that , COUles from competition aud the honest rivalry that should exist in the play- gl'o1;llld. 'rhe solution of these conditions lies ill the Oonsolidated School. the estu.blishm611t of whioh would uot only set free a; large number of excellent teachers, and thus end the teachel' fl\llliu8. but it would give better teachill~ and better scho.o.ls, mOl'e extensive !l,nd varied equipment and superio.r sanitary cOI~ditious. ANNUAL REPORT OF W. ATKIN, PUBLIC SCHOOL INSPECTOR To. the Warden and Melllbers of the~lgill Oounty OOllIlCil: GENTLEMEN,-I IHive the honor of pl'eSentill~ to. your honorable body my' RUIlUall'eport all the public schaab of East Elgiu for the year 1912. Status -of the Schools It is a great pleasure to be .able to report ou thefi\vorable clu\l'!\cter of the teachillg f~ud the high dtlgl'ee of efficiEilicY of the schools of thisill- spectorate. With hardly au except-ioll, the pl'ogress has been gmtifyillg', 'I'he teachers are ftt'mlliarizillg themselves with the course of study amI are followiu~ oarefully oonstl'ucted tillle~tables, 'file pupils,' :t00, 1\1'6 br,i~ht,1'6SpOllsive. earnest and industriouS. , Financial Statement lU~CEIP1'S Balance ilUlRnds of trustees, ,Tall. 1 Municipal grants Goverument grants ..,. 'I'rllstees' taxes; ..... Loans and other sources ... ,... $ 42.379 03 27,624 20 9,336 24 34.926 23 19,273 37 - --,. ....;..,$133.589 07 I wish 10 thal1ltf\ll who have ill any wa,y contributed to this state gl'atifyillg' efficieucyof the greatcst and most vital illstitntion of de- mocracy - I have the honor to be, Your obedient servant. PAYMENTS J, A, rfAYLOR, Paid teachers ..... Paid for buildings . . . _... ,. Fo'l' libi'!\l'i€ls, mt\;ps, etc,... , . , , _ . Repairs, fuel, jl\nitol's, etc .,.. .... ... $'52,51386 . .','..' .., 17;501 10 2,144 75. 18.249 80 ---$ 90,409 51 43,17956 1. P. S. Balance ill trustees' hauds $f-B~,~89 07 .school Buildings are 79 sohool hOllses, 60 bl'lck, 19 frame, Teachers teachers 10, femaletfiAchei's 92. 'reachers witll fil'st-cla.ss cert.iticates Teachers with second-class cEirti.ficates 'l'eacllel's wit.hthil'd classc8l'Wicates Teti~herB with temporal'Y certificates 8 83 13 2 53 I'.!II'.. 'II" 11,,1 I,.; '.'1'.' -;I!! II,!I ,':'. ~' !I I.! Iii Ii' III I,.!I II!I'! I,[,,! "'II. 'I! III! il!I'1 1,'111,1 .1'1 11111'[ IIII11 IIIIIII ',1,'1111 I1I1 '1Iilll 111111,1'1 '111' I ,I/I,I 'I11 il,l "I, /,II!' , ih I' II'i II'....! I' W II'I"! ,I! 11:1,1 '11, 'i! I'! I' 11 I~I ~,'I JII flil 54 ELGIN .COUNTY COUNCIL Er...GIN COUNTY COUNon... 11'1' II,I "'I" 'I"~"~ 'II' I,i Ii" I~ I ~I '~!~i ~i!1 :11 'III r~~!1 ,I:'] '1'1'1: 1,1 'iiI' illlll ill!11 '1111,1 ",I] 11111 I,I!IIII 55 'rhe school population was 4,847. Number of children l'egist,el'ed. Boys ._. .. ... ....' .... ." '," Girls--.... AVtll'UgO attendance ....,.. .......-. 'to receive practically a high school training at their home schools, uuder parental care, which -they so much need at that tittle of life. 'fhis places ,the farmer's sou au a more even footiug with the lawyer's, doctor's, merchant's, or mechanic's sou, who, liyillg In a town ol'city, has the aetunl high school advalltuges while living at home. 3,887 2,028 1,857 2,267 16,092 '. .' $5,890,45 236 A vast improvement has been made in the charaotei' of the course of 'stndyiu our rural schools. The child whose educatioll iscollfined to l'eadillg, spelliug, writillg u.lld ~u'ithmetic. which constituted the old COUl'se of s~~dy. does 110t receive mucheduc~tion. l'hatold coul'seof 'study has beeu enriched by the addition of real subjeots of study, such as 'uature study. ;elemeutaryag-dcllltnre, history nud comlllerciui geography, 'l'hese slib- '>jectsof iufol'matioll broadeu lUld develop the mind, so that I'e~~diug. spell- :iug audarithmetio Me leamed much mom rapidly aud iutelligeutly, 'l'otn.1number ('of volumes ill Iibrn.df's Value of libl'arit'li ,." ..., ' ,.,. 'l'otl\l lIumber of visits nmde by Inspector. Tile yelll' 1912 vms oueof progl'rss in sOlUe llarticulal's. Iu the matter of tlCComlllodM.ioll there was some improvement, Sevel'f\l hOUi'lL'S WtH'e l"l'pf\ired Scats and desks,and blackboards, where uusatisfnctol'Y, wel'e I'f'pll\~,ed by uew onos, 'l'wo uew school houses wet'e erected,- oue in ll'iuf.'(l\l and oue in No, 3, Southwold. wherE' two 1iooms 'were nquil'ed. inst(,l\d of one, 'J'his Yf'al' a Ilowhonse is to be erected l\t Kiu~smHl, It promises to be l~ model'll school house suited to the twelltiethcentury. A few school buiil1iu~s are quite ullsllited fol' school purposes l\lld' IHust SOOIl give plnco to olles fitted to tile requil'f'lUf'llts of the soCtiOIlS,,; Most school ol'l.~lllisps are provided with propel' wall,s froin the highway tei'< the hOURHllUd also from the house to tile outbuilding'S. But SOIllO are sadly ddich'llt ill this particular. Iu some cases childl'e11 and teachers;- have to wnde throl1l-(h mud aud water iu t.he Spl'lllg aud fall to l'onchthe'< school house l~lld ombuildings A ~re!\t cleal has yet to be do~e in makhig:' the yards plfmsf\llt aud ltttn\ctive by plallting trees and shrubs and by pl'O~ vidiugrE'spectl\ble fencl>s and gates, Improvement WllS marl,ed in the standard of cert.ificfltes hpId by' the' teachers employed; Ollly 15 held certificates below second class, W hope soou to benblld to I'Pport nIl teachers holding- permanent, cel'tificates: The scarcity of teaCIH'll'S fOl' tho past few years is about OVN. we lmvi l'eason to hope, In the past fow yoal'8 IUl improvement has been made ill the course 0: study for rural aud small village public school!O, so that eVe\'y child.aCte, pasBiu~ the high 80ho01 entrance, may receivfl instruct,ioll iu his'houl,' school in all the subjects taught in the lower ~Ol'l.us of the high schools. Iu this inspectorate there are four coutiuuatiou schools, aud mail public schools with fifth classes where much hi~her work is t<l\l1~ht. TI\ is 1\ great f\dvautl\~e to the fal'miugcommuuities. fOI'.tlle. pupilS i(.:'.' , Little ollUdl'en who are attempted to be tlll1ght readiug', and nothiug else, d;J not learn to read. They do vel'y badlyalld g'o vel'Y 'ilowly, I l~veknowi1 such children to lingbr ill the pt'iineron8 01' two yel\r8, whel'@- !s:they sllould luwe' accomplished fal' more in six mouths. <"lfilld tht\t pupils ill SOI,IOOls where SJhool gal'deus at'e cnttivnted, '";i,~,reuatul'e study is taught !~Ild where elell~ental'.Y" agl'icultUl'e is pal't of sohool course, do b,ettel~ in the fOl'ml\1 studies of l'eadill~, Rl'ithmetic,etc" 11 pupils in other schools, 'I'hese real SUbjflctS of study not ouly help pupils ill theil' I'eadiug, etc , but the manual WOI'Ie uecessMY eucour- industrial habits, so essential to Oaul\dit~n citizt'llSllip, ~~his inspeotorate has the envIable position of stauding in the front of spectot'ates lU Ontario iu the number of schools engalied iu the rural tities ot' gal'dening aud the tea,ching of elementMY agl'ionlture, 'l'he 'lSterof Education has provided, and is providing', mel;Lns fOl' advallcill~ 'terests of ngricutiural education ill public schools t.hrough teachers ~spect.ol's, FOI' some years a COluse in agdculture t\ud hOl:tictiltul'e fOl' l's has beeu'provided tlot tile Ontal'io Agl"icultlll'!d Uollege at Gl1elph~ ~~!\Chel'S in Elgiu have takeu. this COlll'se than hOUl all,V otllel' pal'tof 'j.ovince, :~isyeal' the Minister has provided a short COOl;se at Guelph in for public and sepamte school inspectors, The comse will include ous phasE'S of agl'icnlture: The Tea0hillg of Agriculture in Impl'ovemellt aud Elllal'gem'eut of School Gt'0111Hls; The of School Sections, The Oo-Opemticiu of Different Scho'ol Utilization of School Fail's, Tl'ustees' AssocHatioHS, aud, 56 ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNOIL 'reaohers' Iustitutes and Reports of Oouuty AKl'icultural Rep1'6SentaH-v6S aud Field Agents fOl' Agl'iculttll'al Education. The comse i~ lutended to aid ill ~hEl betterment of l'llmllife, Elgin. was well represented this yeal' at the meetiug of t.he OutarIo Education Association in 'rarouta. It was l'onH\.i'ked that Elgin delegl\tes W61'O to be fonno evol'ywhe'l'e-teachers, trustees and others. Elgin-was re. ferred to 0.8 the bauuer county, edncl\tioually. All these thiugs show ~\ lively illtOl'Of<.t in education amougthe peoplfl of the county that is Illost gratifyiug' to' us, whose whole timo is giveu to the educatioUltl iuterests of: the OOl1lity. hOllorable hody for the t\ctive intel'est for the oause ofeducatiou. I most heartily thank your aud liberality you. alw!\ys manifest I have the honDr to be, Your obedient servant. W. ATKIN, Public School Inspecto1', Si. ThOlnast.10th June,,1913, ELGIN, . COUNTY COUNOIL 57 EDUCATION COMl\UTTEE-JANUARY SESSION '1'0 the Elgin couuty Council: GENTLEMEN',,-'-YOUl' Education Committel1 report.s;: 1. . 'I'hat tha report of IuspectoL' Taylor be adopted and printed ill'the minutes. 2, 'fhat tile accounts of the Wal'dsville High 8chool. I\mollllttng to $24672, and of tile 'I'illsonbnrg Hig-II School, amounting, to $170 ~O, be re- fen'ed to th,e OlerI. forinvf'st,igation, ,aud, .if coi'l'ect.j to ,be paid. 3 That the report of the Dutton Higb,School be' received. 4. 'l'hat the report "of the St. Thomas Oollegiate Iustitute be l'ec;eived aud that w'e recommend the Council to I\ecept' the illvitat-iollexteuc1elJ. by the Board of Education to visit the institution in a booy. 5. 'l'hatthe following accounts be pl~id: MUllicipal World, supplies for IuspectorAtkill ....$ 90 Iuspector Atkiu,tl'avelling 'expenses ..... ....,. ,8830 Inspector,Taylor, travelling 'expenses. . .....,..... .Bl 95 6. That the' Wardell appoint'l'epresentatives to attend the Pl'OVill- 'l'l'ustees' 'Association in 'fol'onto all 25th, 26th, and' 27th of Mal'ch. All of which is respectfully submitted. WALTER A. BECKER, Ohairman. Thomas, 30thJaunal'Y, 1913. 58 ELGIN. COUNTY OOUNOIL JUNe seSSION 'fo the Elgin OOUlIty Oonncil: GENTLEMEN,-Tho Eduoation Oommittefll'OpOl'ta as"follows: 1, 'I'hat the communication from the Minister of Educatioli, statill~ that the county will be requil'ed to l'aisfJ $1,245,23, the.equivaleut of the Le~lslatJvo p;rallt fot' equipment t~nd l\ccommodt~tioll, berefel'1'ed to the Finance OOlmmttee. 2. That the report of the St. 'l'1l0111t\.S Oollep;in.tEl Itlst.itute be filed. 3. 'rhntthe report of theVieullfl. High School be filed. 4. That the account fl'Olll the Glencoe High School be l'efiOll'l'eo. to the Ooouty Olel'k,to be paid 011 his certificate. 5. That the COlUmu~licatiou from the W,~l'dsviHo High School BOl\'rd be not outor,taiued. 6. 'I'hat the l\uuunll'oport of Inspector Atltiu be ndopted /l.lJd printed in the minutes. 7. That the following accouuts be pt\id: W. Atkill, Inspector, trr\velliug' expellses " .. $ J. A. Taylor, IuspeotOl', tt'ltvelHnf't expnuses Municipal World, supplies, Inspeotor Atkin Municipal WOl'ldl supplies, InspectOl' 'l'aylol' .... IG2 15 70 75 1 65 1 45 8. That the grants to OontinuaUon, Fifth mass a.lld High SdlClols the same as last year. 9. That we estimate the requirements for Public School the current year to be $10,000 and High So hoot PUI'poses $ciS.(,OO. All of which is l'e'Sp~otfllllY submitted, W. A. BEOlOm, St, Thomas. 11th Jun81 1913. _Adopted. ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 59 NoveMBeR seSSION '1'0 the Elf'till Oounty Oonncil: GENTLEl'.:[I~N,-'l'ho E'luClttioll OOlUmittee reports: 1. That the "ccotluta l'eceivedfl~olU the Ridgetowll High School and Woodstock Col1t>giate Insti.tute be paid, subject to the approval of the 'County Clerk, 2. That the accounts of ,T, A. rraylor,amouutillg to $19.83, aud W. Atkin, $15110, fal' tmvellillg pxpenses. etc.,as School Inspectors, be paid. 3. That the ft:CCOtlllt olthe MunicipalWol'ld for $81.38, for pL'intillg papers aud stationery fol' Pnblic School Illspectol'si be paid. All of which is l'espectfl111.v. sl1bmitt.ed. W ALTER A, BEOKER) Chairman, 'l'homas, 26th November, 1913. -Adopted. ,.,1, 60 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL REPORT OP DEPUTATION TO MEETING OP ONTARIO EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION-JUNE SESSION '1'0 the Elgin Couuty Council: GNNTLEr--IEN,.........'1'he depntation appointed to atteud the fifty~secolld annual meeting of the Ontario Educational Association begs leave to report: '.chat they attended the different sessions ou the 24t.h. 25th and 26t.1l of Marcil. DfJlegates WBl'e pt'OsBllt from all parts oftha Province. Elgin was acknowledged to be the best represented county at the Association. 'rhe Presideut ill addressing the Associatlo 11 said that QUI' present school systemtcudedto lead OUt' children from the farlll. He advocated a lUore complete course in the public school, the teaching of mere agricul- ture and industrial educatloll. rrhepublio school should'fit Ule pupil for the ol'dinatv walks of life, MilHat'Y tn\illiug was cliscussed with interest.' Loyalty, goodcitizellshlp, pllnctuality,prolllptlleSs nud courtesy were im- proved with militnry t,nt..iuing. Dr, McMul'chy addl'cssed the trustees on the subject of "Health in and Around Schools," Her address was very interesting and instructive, U1'giug that the trustees do their duty inprovidiug evel'y means, snch_as ,ventilf\t,iou, light aud sanitary conditions, alldabove aU outdoor exel'ch;o, and the educ~\tiotl which can best be obtained by the school gardens aud larger school grounds. rrh~ questiou of trustee associ~\tiouR Wf\S discussed. rrhAre are some local,some inspect'orate, some township and Que COlllIty assochi.tioll, Mr, Langhton sf\id that as a member of the AdVisory Oouncil he had" asked th(~ Educational Depanmellt, to assist the tnuitees to ol'ganize by giving !\ grant to each association, and he Imd been iuformed that as soon as the trl1stees Ol'ganlzod Oil a uniform basis assistallce would be given. He sfl,id that. he hud attended ueal'ly all the 'rrustees' Associatiolls III t,lls Proyincoaud that he was sure Elgin had the best Association he had attended, Elgiil had not only dono something fortllemselves, but had set an example for" other counties which was worthy of followiujr, alld he urged the a.dop~ tiOll of Oounty Associations in preference to all others. The matter was discussod aud v.oted all aud cal'l'ifld unanimOUsly by the 'l'rustees' DopaI' ~ ELGIN COUN'fY COUNCIL 61 mellt. A deputation was appointpd, consisting of Mr. Laughtoll and .J, E. Linds.ay, to meet the Illspectors and public school teachel's and ftl'3k their co-operation in organlzing Ooullty '!'rllstees' Associatious, The lleput,atioll w'as .:veIl received in theRe departments f\lld aSl'3u.rEid of every possible flssistallC(J, All of wlnchisl'pspectfuny snbmitted, .r. E. LINDSAY. Chail'lUllIl. 12th JUllf', HH3. 62 ELGIN COUNTY COUNdIL Er...GIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 63 COUNTY TREA5URE!R'S REPORT JANUARY SE!S510N 'l'o the Elgin Couuty Coutlcil.: Miscellaneous ,.. .... 3,420 84 Balance on huud Dee.Sl. $149,866 12 907 02 ----$150,713 14 2. 'l'hefollowiug.isi': StntNUl~llt of Assels aud Liabilities 1st of Jan. ual'Y, 1913: Al'l'ears of 'l'axes/,.. ... OouutyRatps.. >. Ooullty Lilies Bills Payable Miscellaueous. Public Schools. Admit,listnltioll ox Justice House of Iudustry Dutton aod othel' High Schools Debentul'es OafOh "., Assets LiabilithJs $ 6 93 $ 61 91 10~476 CO 20 22 275 00 12,000 00 1,459 10 275 00 294 00 13 58 2,704 00 2,062 00 1,676 00 3,700 00 0,404 DO, 907 02 --~-- ------ $ 15,867 27 $ 25,467 49 " ,,$ 9,600 22 GEK'l'LEr.1EN,-'l'he follOWIng is n. Statement of the Receipts aud Ex- peuditlu'es fol' tile Yf'!u' 1912: 1912 Jan. 1 Balance 011 hand Receipts Administration of Justice, ....... ... Bills Pn,yable Intel'est ..,. Oouuty Rates Pllblic Schools...... House of Indllstl'Y QOlltlt.y Lines aud Bl'idges A nears of 'l't\xes. . . . . Mis('clllll]{'01JS ... . ... ... ... ..... Expenditures Admlllistl't\tion of Jnst,ice Bills Payable Iuter('st "... Pllblic Schools.... Honse of Iudl1stl'Y: Registl'Y Offico. Uonuty ,Lines and Bl'idW:s Debentnres aud Ooupons High Schools..... ............ ArrOI\I'S of Taxes.. .... ,... Members' .."ages ... .,.. .. Officers' salaries Printing, postage Rud statiouC:'l'Y ,.... ... ,. ,Oare of bnildillgs ,. . .... ........".,.. Water, gas and fuel.... ,. '-' .... .... ..... $ 1,71~ 01 6,450 20 45,000 00 166 10 79,513 00 12,095 46 723 90 1,044 66 453 42 3,547 39 ---$ $ ..$ 10,762 02 68,000 CO 1,610 90 21,799 67 0,873 40 226 88 2,448 76 12,897 U4 12,265 67 1,248 03 1,902 15 3,420 00 562 10 1,872 51 935 65 Balance of liabilities ovel' nssets 'l'he bail\llce of"Liabllitit,s ovor Assets is lllllelo up of the following ill the estimates for 1912: wages .., etc. .... of buildings.. ..., gas aud fnel Sohools .... $ 643 62 983 70 1. 765 17 7UO 50 575 54 936 86 652 15 562 10 472 51 935 65 1,268 87 -.--$ 9,526 67 27312 1,475 60 ---- 1,74872 this deduct" surplns 'I'E'gistl'Y office, 1912 7,777 95 = -a 0.. o f.;".:.:> :s g? CO ro o ~ ~ Cj <5 8 ~ . w ~ z o < o 8 co S; '" ?' o a: Q '" oJ Z Z oJ ;<i ~- E. Ii . ~ ~ o ~ @;~ 00' ~ ",::0 ~ (t; ~ o ~ ;;; ~ ~ ,.0 (D' ~ e. ~ ~ .,.. ~ g ~ " 0 ;:: a = '0 ;f" ;; ~ ro ;; ~ ~~ = ...- =-; ;!; "0 ; 6 ~ < S' ~: ::: e g ;;; ~,., " ~ ~ ~ o " ~o ~ 0 - - ::;. S' . = ooo ~ ~ g,~~~. ~ ~ ~ ~gEg,[ ~~'~~o:' ::: ~ 00';: ~ !-3 _. ::; 0.. ;:, 0.. ... ...., ~ ~ t:: ....... m"'l~.. ~Q -' _ > g.to;(!I;;lJll:~ (D~ .::a ~= int:i CD (5 = ~~'i:liE g~O"<'!ieg ;co~~8~~ -~.:8 B g, ~0..8;';::l.~ _::a;:.o_g.~ ~[~a;~o;:~CD 8f;; a p; ~ ~c';1g~ CDQ:~~~~t:<Il -3 3" go ~ ....,;;. N ~ J::: co ~C"~ g ;; g. g-.: a> ~ __:~. ~.': ~ ~ [3~g.(D~ ~. g-~~ t: :. g: a>~ ~g~ ?-~,_ ~~~ ~g,H.g;.N~ H~ ~L ~ ~ 00 ~"f~;'~~ ~~@~ ;: g.g.~ ~w;;:" ~'" 0 a ~ ~ 5;Q;~r g 0;;;. Cj~ 0- 0- ~ ~ .~. 5; ~ ~ g ~ .g:: :- ~ ~ t:: ;:: ~ :p CD ~_~ =- I'D :3 - 00' JQ 0"" - ~ ~ _ <1> m c: ;E (t: ~... '" 0 c=;"_..~"o o~ ~ -. ._ '-'::;o~~o 2o=:._-g~ oomg. 00:';';0 0 ~ .=. ;5::OQ,~_o.. = c'?"J.. 0 g'S, 8~ 8_....., ~ ~ ~ 'g_.~~_rlQ~ ~: o..~g 0' a;~~E:'E m 00 -=:=a>..., ocl-f,p..,.. ::; i'5 :::. ro:;::.: Q g. ui - = !;:O > ~ = .,...~ ~ ro CD =-~.~ ~ g ~ s. ; f? VJ = ~::.... g ::: _. _ 00 ~ g- [ g, g :p ~~~sg"~~' 2: ~ ei g _g~~J :~o..-:~ ~ m 0.. ~ :::; (D- ~ 0" ~ o~ 0. (t; (D Q, ~ .., 3. (D "'; g S3 Q; ~ o =;;;0:;;; ~. 0 = ~Cl(!l :s~.oacog.. ....,5.~~~~8 ~;; z 3;:;a~~~ l!g-~gw'_ ro 0- 'E ~_, to':: to; ~_' <:...; ~ =-8 0 m i:: CD _ cr' 0 0-0 '0::;' CD - > Jtl:=_;::;::;:> _Q..t::.....B...... ~~j~~~! -g : ~~:~fg ~;~i:" "''5o~~c g a gg!:..~.p..:: ;:;~;:;o.H>;;O ~:='-<'ls...,...;:;; o~ ~'-:l~~~ m:::;;a~g;;. j'- ~~~ ~~~~ ro g t' g,S:~:g, 'g~~~~~ OO_cQ.. ~'--'l 1J> ~ t" ....:~Q;l~_ 5..DOC.~; I ~~"'~ g"~ ~ ~ g- ':';:~ ~g"~ro;; I ; ;; H; i ~ 1mB:!: m e 'I . ~~~~~SE~T~~~{?!~=~:~~:2;~3t~;~:;-~;:=~;-=~~~~~t=;.',~~~~~~c-i:~~~:~~;;_~~s~::;::-=5:~~~~~-F~~~~~~-~~:~=~,~~~~=~~:..~.~.c::~ ~ ,~ ;n. " . '0 o S. ~ e. ~ . o '" ~ o '" . '" p. " B '-<'l c;' ~ -.0 . ~ . ; e ~ " g' ~ a.~ ~. ro o 0 . ~ ~.~ o _ . 0 ~ ~. o " E' 0 a. "'0 Iii ~~ .,.. ~ ~ 0- i [~: ~ ~ ~ s:_ p-.o 0- o ~ ~ ro ~ a~$ .......0"0 ::;'l u;t $ ~. ~ ~ g =- l:: :.-g(!l IS .., S Q>~'E. :!:.. :.~ ~~?- g"-lii. ~ "d ~ ~ ~ 0 P;o S' g Iii .,..~Ol) Iii I: g ~.... e ;:;5 (I):; ~ . _."0 00 ~ ro 0 . 0 ~~~ ~ ,.." ~ (p~:;; 0' ~ ro \ ... $ '" . '" o '" ~ z ~ " ~ .: ~ z -I ~ '" m JQ ~ ;; OJ ~ o. o o g q- o o o = @; n o <: :z '-. -l > -< :z m <: :z > Q ~ Z '" m m m til ~ '" '" <3 ;c :z m '" o ;c -l ~ o .@ '" o ;;. " . ~ 2- 0- ~ . "" o OJ " " z c o " z ... "' ::":l o " Z Q ~ " 1'; " " z c o " z .., "' o o " Z Q ~ " 64 ELGIN COUNTY COUNon, $ G.489 27 4.GG7 00 In 1911 t,llerewas It dPficit of.... .... . For tllis the sum of .... WI\S included in the estimates of 1912. ICl\v" iug balallce not provided fOl' 1,822 27 --- $ 9,600 22 Making a tot!\! deficit of At tlllS date all of the Oount,yRates have beeu pl\id in aud the Hotes held by the MoIsOllS Bnukiulloullt to $15.000 III this connection it will be necessary 'at this session to pass a by-laW !\nthOl'izingthe Warden and '!'l'easur€ll' to borrow the 8nm of $20',000 for renewal of notes and to meet the expenditnres d\ll'ill~ the year. All of which is respectfullY submitted, JOHN McOAUSLAND,' Oounty'fl'eaSlll'er' St. ~homas, 2Bth January, 1913. ELGIN 'COUNTY COUNOIL (jl) JUNE SESSION '1'0 the Elgin Couuty OoollcH; GENTLEMEN,-I Sllclose herewith Abstract Statemeut of Receipts and ExpeulHtul'es to 1st JUlIO, 1913, and estimate showing' amounts l'e- qnil'ed to be raised for OOllllty Rates this yea,'; It will be neoe!lsary to pass a by~law anthol'izillA' tho bOl'rowing of at least $20,000 fat' 'cnrreut expenditure dut'il~g the l:mlauce of the year, 'l'he uumber of lots eligible for sale for arrears of taxes is small a1id I would reoommend that a by.law be passed to defer the sale for Due year. All of which is r'espectfully submitted. K. W. McKAY, Asst, 'l'l'easurer, Thomas. 10th Juue, 1913. I\G ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL -- FINANCE COMMITTEE JANUARY SESSION '1'0 the Elgin Conuty COllUClI: GEN'rr.JEMEN,-The Fiuauce Oommittee reports: 1. 'fhat the salary of the police Magifltmte be increased by the sum of $50.00. tn!\ldng in all $600. with all a.llowauce for postage and telephone of $25.00 2. 'flu\t thel't~pOl't of police Ma~istrate Hunt be received and printed ill the minutes. 3. 'l'lmt the followIng grants be made: To the Olliltlreu's Aid Socif'ty, St. TllomrtS.... ..$ ProyillClt\l Pdsollel's' Aid Association.... Hospital fOJ' Siclt Childl'ell, Toronto ,",. Amast\ Wood Hospital ", EdnCI\tiOlml ABsociat.iou 4. 'l'hat the sum of $;1,000 be placr.d to the credit of the Count.y Board of Tl'ndt> and Publicity Association, to be paid ont l\sfUllds !u'e requil'ed, ou the ordor of the President, and Secretary of tho AssocIation. 5. That the report of t.he 'l'reMurer be receivedl\lld print,ed in, the minutes aud that a by-law authoriZing: the Wardell and Treasurer to bor'. roW the [>um of :t;20, 000 be }Jassed. 6, That the following accouuts bo prdd: Ohildren's "Aid SOclfJty, maIut,eul\llce count,y chil~ drell ... .... ... $ 51 43 For attending roeetillg-Alexftlldm SauatoriuUl'- Dr. G. W. Ling ..' .... .. ,. ... .... A. Anderson. .... W. E. Wardell', services re Dell childl'ou .... Municipal World. s\1pplif's Registry Office. P. M.Huut County Council ...,. Palace Livery. bus hire for jUI'Y Victoria Industrin.l School, malutellauce boys com. mitted from Elgiu .... . .. ...... .... ., .... 44 46 .. 100 00 10 00 25 00 100 00 100 00 15 00 5 00 7 25 20 75 4 55 400 All of which is respectfully submitted. St, 'thomas. 30th JallUI\I'Y. 191ft OSOAR MoKENNEY, ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 67 JUNE SESSION-FIRST. REPORT GENTLEMEN,-The Finance Committee reports: 1. That the ,Auditol's' Report be adopted. 2. That no actioll betaken in reference to- communioation from ~he. Secretary of the Guelph Winter Fail'. ,So That au order be issued far ten dollars. membership fee ta the Ontaria,Municipal Association, and that the WfU'dell be autharized ta ap. point delegatei:l ta attend aUllualmeetiug-. 4. 'l'hat the bond of the Caunty Tl'easul'et. be l'f\duced ta '1,000, and that the bond 'Of the Assistaut 'l'reaSUl'6r be canthllled at $10,000., 5, 'I'hat a by-law be passed authal'iziug theWal'den und Tl'el\Bl1rer to borrow $20,000, as requil'ed to meet 'current eXflouses. That a by-law be, ,passed to extend the time far the enforced. col~ by sale 'Of nOll-resident t!\xes for aile year. 7. That thefallowing\aocountsbe patd: 'l'he'Ml1uicipl:J,l. \Vorld, for stfl.tioner,V F. Hunt, Police Magistrate J. H. Coyue, Reg-istrat' Cauuty Clark's 'Office K. W. McKay, postage l\nd telephone. . . . West Lorne Suu, printing audits . .'... ...$ 75 610 46 B2 28 65 66 00 "",' All 'Of which is respectfullV submitted. O. McKENNEY. Cllah'mall. 11th J"uue, H1l3. JUNE SESSION-SECOND REPORT Wal'~ell and OOl1lloilbf the'County of Elf{in: Comt\\lttee all ll'illance beg . leave to repart that, thefinauces oftheCoullty and the estimates pl'epat'ed Treasurer, they herewith"submit astatemeut 'Of tl)e expeud. }1~LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUN'ry CbUNon, 69 . 68 ~"'--- ,....- iture required for the lawful pUl'l)QSl;'S of tho'county dnrinK 1913, showing the hlUOlwt l'equirfld to be raised fOl'theondel'mentioned purposes: Adniinistmtion of .Justice , ....,.. ...,...,.... $ 5,000 County lines and bridg('s ." ,.' 4,000 House of Indu8tl'Y ... 7,000 Hi~h Schools ....' ....".. 13,000 Public Schools..,.. ..., .,. 10.000 Officers'sahl.ries .,. ...... .... ... 3420 Members' wap:e3 ..,. ....... 1,800 COlll't House Commission ..., .,. ..,' .. 1,000 Dl'lwntul'e Rf\le~- By-law No. 594 737 759 769 Deficit. 1st Jalluary, 1913 Illt,el'est Rf'p:ist,I'Y office MisceW\Ileous ." 2. That the report of the representative on the Board of the Royal Alexandra Sanatol'illlll he adopted and printed in the minutes, aud that expenses for atteudancoJl.t meetings of the B,:)ll,l'd bd paid asfol!ows: Dr. Ling', attelldillp:]O Uleelillgs.... .T. A. Jackson, Wal'den, l111eetiug' ...$2600 8 90 3. 'l'hat 110 nction be takel) reaccollnts ill conllectiollwith J, Mf'l{('lu- ney, illdigbllt. 4. 'l'h:l.t the'folIowiua Il.CCOlluts hI'! }laid ~ K. W. McKay,Co.OIt!I'k, post.ago tlCCOUllt., ~,tc. $ Plllact'l Livt'rv, cOllve.yance Gl'Illld Jury t,o House of Illclust.I'Y J, M. Ult'llll Estl\te. COllllty Solicitor, !lCCotllJt, Municipal R!~ilwny 'l'nx Associatiou ,.. ' Ohild'ren's Aid Society, llluilltellance couutychildreu. ClIildl'ell's Aid Society, gl'ant '... R. McLachliu, stat,ionery, Conuty Clerk ,., Rflgistl'!l." . <Jonllty EugiuNll' Mnllicipal .World, pl'iIHiug and billdiu~ fOl' Registry Office . .... ,... ......."" ".... Municipal Wodd, Coullt,y Olerk's office D. McLaw's office 12 70 . . . , . ' 1.957 25\10 2.208 1.264 5.494 1000 650 8600 ___$ 64.04a 800 44 79 5 00 186 85 25 00 645 1 00 60 Your committee would l'eCOll1melld that H.e SUlll of sixty-foul' and and forty-three doll aI'S be raised OU all the mtplLblepl'opel't,yin seven\lmunicipalitiElsLl the County of Elgin ~lul'itlg the yea" 1913 Oounty purposes, and tlmt ILmte .of 2% mills ou t,lle dollal' be hlVit'd rateable propel'ty in the sevel'fl.l municipalities ill the Oouuty t91'l\ise -a.mounts, A.H of which is respC'{'tful1:v sllumlth"d. 51 25 14 50 21 25 5. That we llPPI'OVfl of tllH action the Ohildl'eu'sAid ili,.lhe fOl'lnatioll of a Oounty Children's Aid Society, Society bRs Tlmt ill refereuce to Jll~ymllllt of expeuses of coustabltlsfol' illvestw of emergellcy cases, We have to dil'cCt t.heatt.fllltio'u of the Couucil St.\tntE's, 191O,Oha.pter 41, SBctiol!S II and 12, which read _Arlol)ted JUlie 11, 1913, NOVEMBER SESSION ,"II. (l) Where. ill the opiniou of the WIII'111-'1I and Crown AttOl'uey,special services not covered by the OI'dill!U',y tal'iff are fOl' t,ile rlf'tection of cl'imfl 01' thf1 captul'e of peol'son who is, helieved to IlIl.ve committed a cl'ime a serious clul.t'Rctel', they may alll hOI'iz(~ aud dil'ect - consta.ble 01' other persoll to perform such service, slu\1l certify upou the Mcount 10 be rendered by the 01' othei' persoll Whl~t, thny (hll'1U II. l'easouuble allownucl'l 1,1 i,1 ,I' Iii III II I. Ilii ,I ],j II II( III' ~IJ '1'0 the Etgiu Oounty Ooutlcil: GENTLB1LEN,-'l'ho Finance Committee reports.:' 1, 'rhat!\ grant Of tweuty;five,dollal's be'made tothe-.El~iii ,poul . Association and n J;{l'aut of oue huudred and fifty dolh\rs be tUllde;theOor Growers' Association, - 70 ELGIN COUNTY (JOUNOIL ~~-_._~"--~ to be paid to thepel'soU employed, and the amount sO oertified shall be allowed to 'such person in the' accounts in respect of the administration of jnstice, audsho.ll be paid ill the first instance by the a'cuuty. "12. In case of emergency the reeve of the municipality 111 which a crime of a serIOUS charaot_el' is supposed to have beeu CCimmitted may. joilltlv with the OL'OWll Attorney, direct the pay- meut in advance by the Oounty 'fl'eaSUl'er to l\llyhigh ot' couuty coustl\ble of a amit .lot exceeding ten dollars. in respect of allV. speoi!tl services deemed by them to be necessary for the detec~ tiOll of the cl'imeOl' the capture of a persoll who is 'supposed to have committpd it; aud they shall cortifv all the account to be l'endel'edby the constable wlll\t t,hey deem tobe a reasonable allow- auce for the services, aud the treasurer shall, on theirwritteu'Ol'der, PI\Y the sl1m so dil'ectej1 to he advallced, as ill other cases in the administration of justice.'!' -We bBlieve that compliance with the provisious of these sections will meet the l'equil'ement-s and t,hat 110 flll'ther actiollOU the part of this Oouu- cil is necessary. AU of whicl~ is l'oepectfnllY submitted. O. MaKENNEY; , St, Thomas, 27th November, 1913, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL . 71' COUNTY ENGlNEER.'S R.EPOR.T J ANUAR.Y SESSION To the Elgin Oounty Council:,....... GENTI,EMEN.,.......I beg to report as follows: 1. Th,e west sidewalk of the approach to the Port StlUlley brid~e is a wooden, walk. The oue au the east side is built of co.tlCl'ete with fin irolll'ailil1g, Thereis a gret~t deal of trnffic 011 this bridJl;e and the Wf'st walk requires a lot of repair&. I would reconimelldyour Oouucil to have a wall built similal' to the Que ou the east"side and a sidewalk consthlcted feet wide with iron railing, to mal,e the west side correspond with the walk ou the east. 2. '1'lIere ~)ave beeu no damages l'(1ported to me au any of the Oount,y bridges ~ince your last meeting, A report, came a few days ago that oue the piel'sof the bl'idge over the River 'l'hameshud giv8ul\way. I weut examined the bridge to-day and found that the ouly thing tlmt had was a slight settlemeut all tile llOrth approflch of the bridge, will not l'eqnil'(l auyrepairs nutit t.he fl'ost goes out. All of whiol1 is respectfully submitted. . JAS. A. BELL. 29th January, 1913, Count,y EuginEiel'. JUNE SESSION Warden and Ooullcilof the Oouuty of Elgill: beg to submit the folloWlllg report au t.he state of t.he throughout the couut.y, 'fheZavitz bridge was practically compJeh>ly destroyed by tho freshets. 'l.'his is a small bridge 'over Bf'l\VPI' Oreek, about two north of POl'tStauley. It. was built over the dnm tlltlt impollllded fOl' the Zi:lvitz mill. The dam WtlS washed nWtlY and two bents bridge destroyed, but as t1wy did llot 'prOl)OSe to agaiu ~l1ild t\w whole oithe beuts of the bridge had to be renewed in ordE'\' to bottom of tbe beuts below tile bed of the creel.. '1'IllS work has completed. 72 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL -- 2. '1'he walk and l'etailliu~ wall on the west side of the port Stanley bridge have been completE-d, I had this wn.lk made 8 feet wide. instead of 6 feet. as at. the east end of t~le bridge. 3. The water is cutting behiudthe southeast Wlug of the RobbillS bridge aud this wiup; wall will have to be extended. I pl'epal'ed pIa,us aild advertised this work in connection with the port St,auley work and, the Oha;irman of the Public ImpL'Ovement Oommittee was present wllen the tenders were opened. This work is not yet completed. 4, A small washoutoccnrred at the bridge over the Little Otter Oreek, betwC'ell Elgin and N0I1iolk. 'rillS hits been fixed temporarily and will be completed BOOll. 5, 'rile Public Improvemp.ut Oommittee visited the Gillett bridge this spring, The cl'eekat this point is still washing away the land to the west of the bridgeaud is uow even with the uOl,th side of the road allowance. 'fhe Public Improvement Oommittee decided to t!\\{e no nction ill this matter this year. '13 -~.~--~----~ Repairs bave been made to llll\ll.y.oftlle bddges iu a small way, and I have had a man in charge of a gang pa'inting the Oounty bridges, and the following bridges have been fiuished, {'Itch having received two coats of paint: ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL POl't Burwell bridge~ Two b1'idges at Viellua. 0oo1t's Mill and Pl1illmOl~e b1'idge, bver tile Little O~tel' Ul't'ek, Port' Bruce aud Jamestown bridgfl, over the Oat fish Ol'eek. 'rhe cost. of the wOl'kdolle on the various bridges isas follows: Wmg wall, Robbills bridgo." " Walk and iroll railing, PO'l't Stanley Painting ~ bridges mentioned above", '" Vienna bridge railing. '.,.. _,'.. Repairing bridge ovel'Little Otter Creek".. . " "'" Repail'ingapproac!l<>s, bridge west of Bl'lmont 'l'owllship of Orford has been paid ."" (Beiug oue~halfco8t of coustl'llCtlUg bridge OVHl' ]j'lemiog Creek, on the townliue betweeu Orford and Aldborough) Dmillg the summer.a dl'edge wol'ldug at Port Stanley was anchored Port Stanley bridge and a tug: and a scow were attached to the I thought the t.lling vel'Y dangerous at the time, asin cnse of there might be a sudden pull that would Q,o the bridge much in- $ 387 87 813 53 699 90 101 90 46 23 46 50 493'77 6. 'rile north apPI'O!\ch of the Coyne ~oad bridge will reqnil'e rebuildiug, ' " 7, It is my intentioll to get a gan~ of many of the Oounty bl'idgos as require it. for this pllrpOSe., mell in the field; pailltmg as The paint has been ordered All of which is respectfully submitted. J. A. BELL, 0 E.. Oounty St; 'l'llOmas, 10th June, 1913, NOYEI\\BER SESSION fro the Warden and Melllbel'so~ the Elgin Coullty Council: G1J:NTLE-r.1EN,-I beg to subinit the following report: The wing wall ordered to be built at the "Robbins bridge has been pleted, and au iron railing pllt thereon Rndjoined to the bridge. Au railing with wooden posts has also'beeu pot Oll the bridge over Oatfish 'rhe bridge over the Little Otter Oreek, between this Couuty and has been repaired. 'l'his bridge will have to be built next year, However, io looking up the Act and cousll1t.ing the Polioe Magistrate, there did oot seem to be any law prohibitillg allY one fronl a vessel ton bridge, and tIlere is no by-law of the Oounty for" it. think it would be well for the County Oouncil to take iuto consider- passing of a by-law to prohibit the anchorillg of vessols 01' any. to Oounty bridges. of which is rpspectfully submitted. J. A. BELL, Oounty Engineer, 25th No-yembei', 191'3, ~. g' ;;'.g'..~ a:...... I:: ....8 00 ='00 !:!> ~ ~ (II ~ ""l..,... (tl W - "ltg- ~,~:g ~ a ~ ~"g;.'.l;\; ~ ~ g.-ci (JJ ...-.:;::..,..... 0-: ...... 0 ~ p.--; ;? ~ (II ~ ~ :6 ~ CD' S"':=..... e ~3-.srJ-j~ 5.e- . :6 ~ g ~- ;:.~. t-=; ~ w ~~:::i' a; I:: :i ~...... ~ ::!. ~ r.<l ~ ltla;~s.;-~(I/ S':.g,[JQ::~=- ... c<' (tl '"l ....;; "t:I ~ :;:; g ai' ci.3 ;- ......~ rn i~C.~.;~g@ a~ ti 00 Q.. C := S 1i5 c r.o 0 :::. &.;:. c<'e'i08-~.'-<!l S ..... (II :JQ iO ~ 0 ..... o a Q.. ci c:: ., c 8 00 -0 '"l ::.l ~ g;. rD ... <0'1' 0 .........:= . 0 ::: o i2 ~ c.:J.S. 2. 0-+. 6 ......... CD.....::: _ < .... g: ~ ::. c. i2 =- <'tl =- (II ::;:" 0 't:l 0 Q.. (tl g =- -.. g: g rJQ ".. ~=g~~g,3~ ;; :; ~ ~ (tl ::;: g ::. CD CD:;' :; o' Q.:; .E~~o_.~.?lJI,..... "'" 0 ... ...::::. :: g.. :2 :- g . g 8 ai 5..'~ $?.!:";-:-:Jtl ~ ~ e.:~?-~g rJ} ~mci;=-gP.g o :; 0 tl> g t:: . 0 "0 ::::;: :=:.0 ttI Q.. ~.~. ~;:-;;~~~~;~ 0 ~ '" ~ '" '" 0 ~ t< 0 ~ ~ " in' 0 ~?' .. . 0 ~ "..... 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" ~ :;; c- o ~ '" '" " < o '" ~ 00 ~ ~ '" '" 3 ;- < o p..~ ~ ~ ~ Q E 00 o .., ~ !? o. @ ~ . @ o o 0" '" o =: 9' ~ c- o ~ '" '" " ... o ?- o .. = 00 o ~ o '" o ;;'Q 00 ~ " ., ~ ~ ~ ~ " -I ~ ;;; ~ _0 o. ~ o ~ o @ o Q o ~ o ~ ~ o o ~ = ~ " ~ ~ o o o " c- " 00 "'. o o g; o o e ~ o o o o '" ~ :s ~ ~ '" g 00' ,. "" '" , o 00 00 '" o '" ;;; '" 'C m <l ;; r- <l o i:!: i:!: =i ... .., ;>> m ~m ;>>0 ;02 -< '" .. m ::t ",m ~~ 2> ;0 o m 2 r;. ;>> o o ;0 m '" '" I>l ;Q o. o o g ~ o o o o ~: I>l t< '" ~ '" c o <j '" " .. o o <j '" Q ~ t< en '" 74 JJ;LGIN COUNTY COUNOIL PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS COMnlTTEEl JANUARY SESSION '1'0 the Wardon aud Oouncil of the County of Elgin: GENTLKUEN,-,-.Your Publio ImpJ'Ovemellt Committee beg leave to 1'61)Ol't: 1. That the matter of building a concrete wallaud walk with all iroll railing on the west aPPl'Onoh to the Port Stanley bddge be left ill the !lauds of the Enginesr. 2. That the Wat'dell appoiut. a delegatiouto atteud the Good Roads Convention to be held ill Toronto In February and tlln'tthe Associi\tioll' be paid the necessary fee. 3. 'rhat 110 actioll be ta,!tlilU this yeal: towards the 8l'ectioll of' a llew bridge, over the -River 'I'llames. at the site kllowil as the Low Water bddge, n6M Middlemiss. 4. 'I'Imt the Eugilleel' be authorized to have all miuoI' l'epa.irs made to County bddges, and in cases where auy extensive l'epa.il's are l'equil'ed, to lay the matter before the Chairman of this Oommitteo. ' Allof \\'hich is respectfully submitted. J. A. McLEAN. Ohairman, St. Thomas, 29th January, t913. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 75 JUNE SESSION 1.'0 the Warden and Oonncil of' the Oounty of Elgin: GENTLEMEN ,'-Your Public Improvement pommittee be~ tosllbmit the following report: 1. That they have considered the report of the Couuty EIlp;illeer and would l'ecoillmendthu.t -it be adopted, 2, TilattheOhail'man audEngilleel' have powel' tomake auy l'Opl-\i1's that they think necessary to the north approl\chof the Coyne Road Bridge and to.t'heWilley Bridge. AU of which iSl'espectfully submitted, J. A. McLEAN. St. 'l'homas, 10th June, 1913, Cht\irman. NOVEMBEI{ SESSION 'l~o the Warden and Members of the EIgiu (JouutyOoullcil': GENTLEMEN:-YourPublic Ililprovelllellt Oommittee"beg to report: 1. That we have considered the report of the Engilleel' and recom~ meud its adoptioll; 2, That the clerk beillstructed to prepare ,a by.lawto pl'otf'ct the caunty bridges bYPl'eventillg' the tying of allY scaws, boats, vehicles 01' , animals to sarile, said by"1i..w to have a penalty clause attached. S. That the cammullicatioll,fram the clerk of the Oounty .of Middle. se'x,regardiilg the boilrUng .of a bl'idge .on the towllline between- North and South DOl'chester, beptaced au file fal' the iucoming Oonuoil todenl with. 4, Re invitatian of the Public Roads. and Highways Commission, that the -Wal'den, Chairman of this Committee audthe Engineel' be 11 delegation from this county taatteud :the meefillg at Loudon all the 16th " December. All .of which is'respectfully submitted. St. Thamas, 26th Novembe,r. 1913. J. A. McLEAN. Chairman. 'd ~ ~ "'- ,,-9 '-< "' ~ . o ~ o = .g ~ o ~ 00 o'd = ro = 0 (0 s; = 0 ", ~ t=" ~. 00 0 00 = ~ w ~ - g.g z s 2 g ~ ~gOi q 0- !;:i:j"":l-3 0'" - <: ~ ~ g ~.; .,::; ;D III o W ~ >"00 000 = = = g'~ci o 0 ~ '" 0 S . - o = ~_ ~ C5 ro '"1 ~- p.. ~ -c ,,0 P '-<'dO o _ ~ 0 ~ - o - ~ 0 o 0 ::t c-;j;;: "'0- c .,::; H :il:l t::"":: -=- o "'<l ~ o . ~ g,; ci 6' a ~. :;; "g o ~ ci t: ~ < . o. 'd '" o =- ..., :iQ" 5'=" o ~ ~~ S m s. ~ ,g"e, ~ P. :;::0" = 0 '-< S :E ; ~ S. 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B "'''' -'0 ~ ~ ~ 8 o 0 =:;. ~~ o' g 0: ~, g g. - S- . ~ ~ s' S; 1:5. 76 ELGIN COUNTY COUN~L PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE JANUARY SESSION fro the EIKiu Oouuty Oouncil: GENTLEMEN,-Tha Committee on Petitions and LeRudatioll repOl'ts: 1. That we ",pprove of the petitioll from the Outario Women'sOhris. tiau 'l'emperauce Union. that they be pl'ivileRed to hold. roeetiuRs on a weekday for reliRious aud bible iustl'Uctioll among inmates of cOUlity Raols thl'ou~hout the Province, 2. rl'h!\t ill l'ete1'6.11ce to the communicatlOu from the Oounty Ooou" oil of Oxford for theestablishuleut of a prison farm. to take the place of the seversl county gaols. we would i'ecommeud that the matter be con- sidered bV the Council as -a whole. 8. 'l'hat we appl'Ove of the l'eso:ution fl'om the County Council of Grey ill reference to a more t quitable E'qualization of taxation with rail- way corporatious, and that the Warden beauthorized'to appoint members of this Oouncil to represeut -Elgin in a pl'Ovillcial deputation to be aT1'auged in'connectioll therewith. 4. 'l'hat we approve of the suggestiouscontaiued in the petit,iou hom tho County of Welliu~tonthat. anv system of county roadshereaftel' approved by tho Minister of Public Works. to which a grant is made, shall be l\long tho lines of the grel\test good to the ~I'eatest- number of people audShl\H be along thelea.dill~ highways oouvel'~iug ou the princi- pal mal'ltet. deutres in each county, thus acC01nmodating.the ratepayers who pay fO!; t.he building'aud maintenance of the system. 5. That we approve of the petition forwarded bv the United Oonn- ties of Northurnbe1'luudand Durham for the removal of dutYOll ditching machines, aud that. such machitH~R be placed au the free list 'untHsuch' time as they a.re munufactUl'ed in Ca.uada. 6. That no amion be tl\kf'n in reference to the communication from' th.e Oouut_yOoulloil of Weutworth. but that we are in fayor of haviuR Couut,y Hou8:es of Industry designated as institut,iolls to which aid may, bel grauted by t,heProvinoe. if we flore compelled to comply with the pro,. visions of the House of Iudustry Al;t passed lust year. in which the feeble-' miuded aud harmless insane are to be admitted to these iust.itutions, All of which is respectfolly submitted. St. Thomas, 30th JauUlu'y.1913. Ei.(HN COU'NTY OOUNOIL 77 HOUSE OF INDUSTRY COMMITTEE JUNE SESSION 1'0 the Elgin Oounty Oonncill GENTLEMEN,-'1'he House of Industry Oommittee reports 8S follows: L l.'llat, iu accordance with the resolution ,passed at the JanuU:I'Y Sessiou, we. had'theOounty Representative of the Agl'icultural Deplu.t- meut make all examiuat.ion aud layout the drainage wo.rk necessary to improv~ the fal m. 'l'his is llOW nearing complet.ion and will be a gl'ent impro.vement. Early iuthe season we purchased $105 worth of tile from A. E. PousfOl'd aud have'lladthe work dOHe at a price per rod. The work complete iuclndf"s 210 rods at 80 cellta, 50 rods at 50 oents, and 89 rods at 60 cents; the tot-a.l expenditure to date beil\g $216. 75~ 2, We submit herewlthonr revision of the Bv-Law of Rules'and Regulations J{overning the iList.itutiou. 'l'he most, importaut change ill this is the appointmeut of a Gommittee of ManaS{emout, t,o. co.nsist or,the present -Inspector. the Warden and William Jackson, Esq" fOl'merlv l\ member of the Oommittee. Your attentiou will be dil'ected to otherminol' changes when the by~law is brought before the OoullciL s. We find that the hen house erected last ,veal' has proved to bea paying investment, as the receipts fl'olU sale of egRs has increased to a larKe extent. 4. We find that the farlD is in a good state of cultivatiou. 'l'he '~,orohal'd has beeu thol'oughly spmyed uuder the supel'vision of the Agl'i- -i~~ltnl'al Representative. All t.he live stock is in good co.nditionl\ud there .s',apl'os,Ih:Jct for a very favo.rable year ill f"rmiu~ opemtions. All o.f whiclds respectfully submitted. P, A. McVICAR, Ohairmfln. t:.-'l'homas, 1tt~l Jllllfl, 1913. ':';~Olause:2 was amended in Committee of the Whole by strikin~ out oilltmfltltof OommittAfl of Managementand cOlJtiuuing the Oommittee: Illspeotor as 'ut present. f I '~ l ,,!I 78 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOlL NOVE;MBER SE;SSION To the Elgin Oounty Council: GEN'fLEMEN,-'l'he House of Iudustry Committee reports: 1. rrhat the Physician's report be adopted and printed ill the)nillutes. 2. rl'hat the Inspeotor's report be adopted and printed in the minutes. 3. That the sum of $373.86 has been expended outhe. construotIon of tile drains during' ~he, year, and that as there are some tile left we" would recommend that the work be continued. 4. 'l'hat we would recommend that the Agl'icnltut'al Repl'E'seiltaHve, Mr. Buchanan, be requested to make a plan of t.he fal'lU. showiug whal'e the feuces should be located, such pIau, after being approved, to be for the information of future committea. 5. That ill the year 18115 all' agreement was antered into between Oharltls Graves, of Fiugnl, and this county in 'i'efere-nee to ,the main-'. tenance of oue Mary Aun Graves at the House of Industry. The monies referred to in 'the agreement were l'6ceived by the county, but the agree- ment, which wt\S registered ag-ainst- the lauds therein refetred tW,is looked upon as all objection to the title. which the present owuer wishes to have cleared off to facilitate which, a quit claim deed has beeri forwarded and we recommend _that the Warden be authorized to sil!;ll same. All of which is respectfullV submitted. P. A. McVIOAR, Oh[\il'luao. St. Thomas, 27th November, 1913. ..' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 70 I{E;POI{T OF INSPECTOI{ OF H<JUSE; OF NOVEMBER SESSION INOUSTI{Y St. Thomas, November 1st, 1913. the Warden and Couucil of the Oounty of Elgin: GENTLEIILEN ,-The following is my report on the HOllse of Industl'Y and Refllge fol' t,lle year ending 31st Octobpl', 19J3: 1. Number of i1hnatesill House at lAst l'ep0l't .... ..... .... 2; Number admitted dUrillg year, 4 females, 8 males 3. Number of del\ths 4. Nl1IUber-dischftrged 5. Number llbseollded .. 6. Number llOW III House, 3i .males, 16 ff'malf's, 7. Number of inmates sent from the sAvol'al lUllUicip!\.1ities in t.he during the yeaI': Aldborongh Donwieh -South\vold Bayham .. South Dorchester AyImel' 48 12 o 3 1 47 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 8. The various eauses- of 'pauperism of inmat.es adtnitted' to the (mse during the_ year may 'be classed as follows: Siekuess-.... ..... .... .,.......... ..... Destitution .... .... .... ..... .... .... ........ Qld Age .... ...... .' . c.. .... ... .... .... .. 9. Average number of inmatesdllrillg the year..., ....... '10. Average with keeper's family and 'hil'edhelp .,. It: Numhel' of weeks~ board of inmati3s ..... ........ 12'. Number of weeks,with l,eepel"s family, etc..... ... 2,798 13; 'Total expenditure dUl'ing the year. . .. ...... ....., $6.663 79 '4; Permanent Iinpl'ovemeut- Root cellar, he~ery I draiuage, etc. .. .. . .. .. .... ....:$ 567 {JO 5 1 6 4(L39 54 2,410 g '"-=:J E ~ ~ ro '" 00 <5 " - '" 00 "" '0 ~ o " Ea; '!3 '"tl ~ 0 =-=:. . 0 5: 9. ~. ~ '" Q 0- ~ ~3 ~. s o ~ <5 ~. ~ - <5 '" " o~ """ = :; o C. "'Cl' 0' " 6.:- 00 ro '0 g?' ~ ~ .., ""l >-; ~ o p o ~ z ~ ~ ro ~ ~ ~ - 0 ~ ....., '" ~ " :!i'1;:lCt11:::l..,:l $1:1 .... Ij:> 0 {tl 0 a~ga';-o ~='p"=";at2 .... 0 <oJ ...... _ 0 a; g-;':..g~..., - ...;:.; 0... g Q (5 Q Q.. <l 00' ~oo~l-O~o o~~~C;g.~ .." ""l ;:: ~ :::. S' 0' o e 0 ~ g 2 :: 5.,(j)O't::S'aiUJ 00 t: CD "....,...:l' .... ..... 00 "0 /lJ-_,-.. ~ ~';:.g-6..1~O 2'cQ..=-~=~ :::' Q.. 0" Q.. 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III 2 ==;1> "'-l mo ;0;0 11>2 m:l 11>;0 ~m 0", 2;0 m V; III 2 -l ;I> -l < lJl 0; " " z (") o cl z "' '" (") o cl z o " Q o o '" ~ I~ en I ~ (") I.! o cl z o := '" ~ 80 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL Receipts- From inmates...... From farID stock ..... ,...... . . From farm pl'oduce- Eiggs .. SUlldryprodllce. . ............. .' 191 78 471 24 1J9 48 205 16 324 64 15. Leaving amount actually expeudedfor support of ill111ates .... ........ .... ...... .... $ 16. Average expellss pel' week for each perSall ..... .. ... 17. Average expense per day for each persoll ,." .... . . . . . 18. Average expens!~ pel' year for ench person. 19. Amount expended fOl' House t\lld farlll dUl'illg:'the year is divided as follows: IraI'm expcllse- Hired labor. Impfemellts Feed. .... ......... Stock .. .. .... Seed Miscellaneous 64 02 5 50 493 59 3 00 95 40 228 25 ---'-$ ...... ......... $ ... ..... .. House expeuse- Hired Labol'.... .,. ..., .... .... .. ,$ 459 40 B,read ..... ... .... .... .... 38296 ""eat .... ............................ 58970 Groceries .... .... .... .... ,.,. ..... .... .... 20943 Provisions .... ...... ..........-.... 43854 Dry goods .... .... ..... '... ..-. ,.." 36192 Boots and shoes .... .... .... ...... .. 10845 FUl'Uitnr6 and hard ware .,.,.. ........, 150 81 Drugs.... ." ...... .:'.. ..., .... .... 9586 Ooal alld:'wood . . , .. ....... .... ........ 738 80 Miscellaneous .... .... . , . . . . . ., .., .... 142 35 --$ General expsuse- Repairs..... .. '0 ...... Perman8ut improvements. ..... $ 150 91 516 90 987 66 5099 23 1 82 26 9448 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 81 Salaries- Keeper aud matron ... $ 670 00 Physician ..".......... 200 00 Inspector '.... .... .... 15000 --$ Committ.ee .... Iucidelital.. .. Insut'aues 1020 00 106 10 160 59 81 65 --$ 2096 21 'l'otnl expeuditure ",.. .. _. ......"...... .... $ 66()3 79 20. .The following produce was raised 011 the farlll duriugthe year: 112 bushels of wheat 44 loads of hay 415busl1els ofoate 45 bushels of barley 72 bushels of tumips 376 bushels of potatoes 20 bushels of beets 18 bushels of table beets 45 bushels of onions 475 jars,of fruit 7 bushels Of salsify 150 pounds of cheese 50 sg uash 20 bushels of sweet corn 14 bushels of pal'snips 15 hogs sold 10 bushels of beaus 10, bushels of peas 11 aet'as of 001'11 fodder 20 bushels of carrots 20 bushels of table carrots 22 loads of straw 1 load of pumpkins 8 hogs (kil4>d) 1200 heads of cabba~o 2 milves (I.Illed) 72 fowl (Itilled) :J.195 pouuds of butter 1008 dozen eggs 8 barl'els soft soap 200 bal'l'els of apples 4 barrels of cider addition to the above a large number of vegetables, ete" WOI'O consumed during the year, of whioh no accouut Was kept. Number of articles of bedding- aud clothiug made up dul'iug the the Matron and ,i1imates. 695, Number of visits by Inspector, 49. Farm 8took- 4horses,vat\ledat .... ..... ...., ,.... ..$ 14 COWS, Valued at .,.., ..... .. _. .......... . 4YOullgcattle,valuedat .... .... ..... .... 12 hogs, vl~lued at ... ., ,..... .. .. ..... 800 00 700 00 ]50 00 144 00 82 ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL .. 50 00 1 sow, valued 75 chickens 2 geese 10 ducks 24./ 'r1le total,amount, (-'xpetidf'd by Oouuty 011 House of Iuilllstl'Y, .ptc., is.as folloWS: at .;.,., FarUl, 100 acres. cost House of Industry Laundry :b"'il'e ("soape Root cellal', he1l61'Y, ete Cottages. ete Bl'ick ice house Barus, ete Tile drains Tile drain outlet Hot ail' pump, tanks and cOllnections. Refrigerator ]j-'euclug ..... Orchard. . .. Heating appamtus Deep well Silo' .$ 7,250 00 11,794 13 687 61 390 M 879 43 3,104 77 1,[80 50 4,732 62 1,031 23 60 70 350 00 40 00 1,251 07 85 85 1,979 00 827 66 293 62 ~___$35.938 25 25, Received from Government Oll accouut' of expelldi~ures for laud and buildings. Leaving amouut actually e~pendedby Couuty All of which is respectfully submitted. $31,938 25 ANGUS 'rURNER, Inspector House of Iudustry. 41000 00 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 83 R.EPOR.T OF PHYSICIAN OF HoUSE OF INDl)STR.Y NOVEMBER. SESSION ". "To the Warden and Members of the EIginOouutyOouncil in November, 1913. session assembled: GEISTLEMEN,-In preseutfne: the 38th annual report of the Elgin Honse of Industry, I have the hOllOl' to submit the followiug: fOl' YOU1' oou~ sideratiou: rIhe usual amount of sickuess has beeu fonud (Ull(lDR the inmates. There have beeu no cOlltngious disE'llSes. and they have not beeu aftlicted with auy epidpmics, I trf'ated ouly oue inmate in the Amasa Wood Hospital for a period of tW811t,y-olle dllYP. this bpillg: the ouly inmate I Beut to that institution during the pllst year. There were DO births. I visited and inspectl d the iumatf's weekly, Ilud, when necessary, at ahoy tar iutervkls. There were au October 31st, 191'3, 47 iUUla(ps: !Ollie, 31: femn)<" 16. Numbel' admitted dllrlug the yenr, 12. Therp were nine deaths asfollo...\'s:- St. Pierre. died February. 22. HH3 JosepllPapilleau"died February 26 1913 Mary Sllverthol'lle, died Ml1.l'ch 6.1913 :'!'homas Brown. died, M!~y 25. 1913 William White, died Juuell, HH3 0l\OS6 of d(~l~t h Bfart, disenst'. 83 Hflart diseaRe.. 66 l!:pilepsy. 65 Umr>mia. 84 Ohronic valv,111ar (liAI'I\Se of helut. 94 Old age. 64 Ohronic Uephl'H.ls, 71 Cancel'. 78 Chronic Bl'ight's disease. Age 72 Caroline 'l'emplar, died .July 6, 1913 : Jacob Gale, 9,ifld Julv 25. 1913 '~Jalle,Haydell: died August 10, 1913 ,<Jane McSlul'rYI diedSeptembel' 18. 1913 ;', 'I'he r.ecent dl'aiuage has gt'eatly imul"oved' that which was causing sonie trouble, aud the sanitary conditions of the grounds are good,'l'he Jmildiugs are olean, well kept aud iu first. class condition. The laundry ~s vot ~odel'l1,. I find that where fil0 many aged people at'e clothed, hOD sed d felftha,t the laulldel'illg requires a great deal of attention. III the sum~ aI', seasotit.he artioles laundered oan be dried without very liluoh tt'ouble, tiuthetJblt'i, wet weather it is a.lmost Impossible to have good rf'sults with ;lap~'i;ystem, 'l'he-iumates do most oft-he w!\shillg uudel' propel' 84 BU-P6rvisiou,aud"! fillet it pl'"opel'lY doue. This does not interfere with the health of the inmates i but I find that in hanging: out the clothes ino01d weathel'theh' health is iuterfered with, and I would strongly recom- mend a more np.to~date dl'yiuR rOOln, which would give much better s!~tiB. taotion. 'rhoas in charge are devoting their nU-eutian to the comfol't, and wel- fare of the i1l1lH\tes, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 85 SPECIAL COMMITfBB ON THB WARDEN'S ADDRBSS JANUARY SESSION Tothe Elgin County Ooullcil:- GENTL'El'tI~N.-The Suecial Committee on the Warden's Adell'ess reports: I have the'hollol' t.o be, Your obcc1ient !lel'Vl~nt. FREDERIOK GUE~'\'. Surgeon. 1. That Clanse On6, ill reference to the Oouuty Finallces, be approved. -.2. That Ola.use Two,.in reference to PnbliClty, boappl'oved, 3, That Clanse '1'hl'ee, in refet'snce to Good ,Roads, be approved. 4, That the W !~I'den call special mepting- of the Council fot' t,his at eight o'clock to consider the Good Roads question, . 5. "(hnt Clanse FOlll', ill l'eferf1llce to. Honse of Iiidnstrv, bs!\pproved that theWal'df'1l Rlld Reeve Dl'omgole bl.'> l\ Cornmittf'fI to !l}1poillt to considei' the by-In,ws of the ~01lS8 of Industry ll,nd l'Oport Sessioll. W, A, BECKER, Ohaii'll1!Ul, JUNE SESSION OOllut.y 00(1I1Ci1: Spechd Committee 011 the Warden"s Addl'eBs 1. That we agrefl wilh the Warden's relll/HI.s in t'li'fNenCe to the allamouut ofdamflg,e"dQUe to COllllty bl'irtgcs by the spring 'l'r'f'.'llu't.'l 114theuecesslt,y fOl' gl'eatf11' Cnl'e Oil the Pfl.l't of tllf1 cOllllcils of townships to ::e:that aU permanent"structures arB of sufficient capacity to permit the flow of tire cOIHlta!ltly inci'easing flood waters. :,?,'l'liatfweapPI'ove of the position tah:en by the Warden in l'efer~ ie,'foroad Impl'Ove~i18lft, alld believe that this county will pl'Ofit vel'Y :~ltthro~gh the:,iexperieuce of other parts of the Pl'ovlllcennd tile ~tOftllfdil'ovill~j'I\1 Oommission, by waitillg'lllltil this is available, and ~nesti91l of pro~fllcjal and DomiOion gmuts has been finally dqtel" 'e'd; 80 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL S. That we agl'ee with the Warden ill his recommendation for a. full discussion of allY report the Oommittee of the House of Industrv may in. troduoe tj) place the mauaf,temeutof that iustitut,iou all a different' basis from the present. 4. We are pleast:ld to kuow that au office for the District Rep1'6Sell. tative of the Agricultural Department will be Dveued ill Aylmm', and hope that when compt:lteut men are available, a thh'd OffiCA will be opened in St. .rrhomas. ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 87 meot of an Iudustrialli'al'rll be referred to the whole coullcil for theh; con- ,slderation. 4. We are pleased to know that the pamphlet advertising Hie county is ueadug completion, and hopE! that thore will be no further delays ill this connection and' that the pamphlet will be available at theeal'liest possiblo date. 5, .'l'hat' the question of recommeudation for the improvement of . throughout the pt'Ovillceto be presented to UI8 Highways.Oom- at Landau be referred to the whole OOllucil fortheil' consideration, That we al'e pleased 'tollote the great advatlce made throughout by the Hydl'O.Electl'ic Commission and believe that it wUlLo most to all classes, 7, That \ve approve of the WMdeu's suggestion as to the use of wire- t.elegl'aphy iUllOtifyiug the captaius of boats as to tho weather 'probabilities, -and that sallle be brought to t,he attentiou of Ollt' ,repl'eSellta~ Uvea at Ottawa, S, That the Warden appoint a committee atld Macdiarmid, 1'e county assistance ill Representatives. 5 III reference to the rate of taxation, we agree that the estimates for each yeu.l' should be sufficient to meet current expt'Juditul'ei which is constantly inCl'easill~. as WeHl\S I\H other liabilities. 6, We' believe that t,he Elgin Board of 'l'rade and Publicity Associa- tion are exercising great care ill the selection of material uecessai'v to properlY advertise the resol1l'ces of the county aud that the same WIll be carefully distl'ibuted with a view to secul'lng the best }'esnlts. We regret that the experience gained in their first effort to solvf" tho labor problem has proved unsatisfactorY and hope that the dcpal'tment will provide officials to lake charge of parties who~o passage has been advallced. until'they reach their dest,iuation, All of which is I'espectt'ully.submitted, St, Thomas, 11th June, 1913. NOVEI\lBER SESSION-fiRST REPORT of two to meet Messl's, the wot'k of the Agl'icul- All of which is respect.fully submitted, J, A, McLEAN. Clu\innftll, 1'hollias, 26t.h Nov.embol', 1913, ~Atnellded ill OommHtee of the Whole by l'ei'elTillg back pamgl'Ltplis 5 for fut'ther consideration. '1'0 the EI~in Oounty Oounoil: GENTLEMEN,-The Special Committee au the Wat'dl.n'sAddl' r6\)01'lS as follows: NOVEmBER SESSION-SECONI> County Ooullcil: REPORT 1. 'fhat we agl'ee with the Wal'den as to the prosperousopnditlou of the county, 2. 'I'liat we very much,reg-ret the death,ofOounty Solicitor Glem and recommend that CoHu St, CIail'Leitch beappoiuted as his success.o Speuial Committee ou the Wal'deu's Address re- 'l'hat we are favorably disposed to a full investigation of :tlle in farm 'idea and the benefits to be del'ived therefl'om, f\ud would re- that the Warden be a committee to co'oporate with other 3, . That the question of this Coullcil co-operating ill the 88 ELGIN COUNtrY COUROIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ,89 couuty committees ill fon'nulating a pIau for 'the -establishment of all ill- dustriaffal'lll, to be submitted to thisOonucil at a future session. und that all work uudel'tnkeushould:be under the super. of approved engineers appointed by'the~Coul1ty Oouncils. (7) That the use of wagous with wide til'('s be madElcomprdsol'Y on improved hi~hways. AU'of which is 1'8spect.fullysubmitted. 2. r.rhat tho committee appointed to attend the Public Roads and Highways Oommission at. Loudou be instructed to include the following in theil' recommendations: (1 ) That thepl'ovisiollS of :the Highway Improvement Acttas to de- sip;uation audCollstl'.llCt1011 of roads. be coutiuued for the improvement of thE' highways of :the Pl'OVlllce. 'l'howas, ~7th-Novembel', 19l3. J. A. MoLE AN, Ohail'luall (2.) That the highwl~.Vs- nssumed-for impl'ovement should_be classified in aCCOl'dllllCe with tho estim!\ted prcsent!\lid future tl'affic 011 each, viz:- Main Highw/\ys. OonntyRoads. alld that the spocificatiolls for the cOllst-L'l1ction of' each be val'ie'd accord. ingly., I ~ ~ b I j a ~ I, :1 i~ I , , ~ II' .1 II~f ~ II Ilil .1,. I II U 11'~i I,t: I i~ IH (3) '!'hat -the cost of COllstl'llctionshollld bo paid by'the Province-.. .... .... ..................... M County .._ ..' .... .... ...., . .... ,... 7ri' a,nd 'l'ownship 01' other local muuicipality.. 1-6 ill proportions specified, 01' as ttlaybe detei:miued by the Highway Im~ pl'ovement Act, and that anl\ssessllleut for benefit should be levied on the pI'opert-ies aloll~ and adjacent to imp.'oved roads,ullder,pl'ovisi,olls similar,';, to those cqntailled ill the Muuicipal Dr'aillage Aot. and that for thlS pur- pose each local munioipality ba cOllsidered an improvement area, t,hE' amount so assessed to be deducted from that payable by the township O' local municipality. (4) 'I'hat the impl'oYf\d highwnys should bemniutained by the Prov~. ines, OOllnty and 'l'OWllShip ol'loc/\lmUllicipality for original constructiOll. (5) 'rhatasu SOllrce of revenuefol' highway maintenl\nce'vurposei all motor vehicles be taxed at a rate per horse power, alld that the SUP1)~' mental'Y Revenue Aet be amended by increasing the taxation of railway (G) 'l'hat all specifications fOl'highway improYem~nt t3hould be lkl pared by a competent engineer and approved by, the Provincial Highwl 90 ELGIN (JOUNTY COUNdIL COUNTY POLICE MAGISTRATE'S REPORT JANUARY SESSION To the Warden aud Membsl's of the Elgin County Oouncil: GENTLEMEN,-I beg to report to you the business doue ill counection with my. office for the past year, as follows. Offences Tried Nl\tUI'O of Charge. Arson.... ." ..' ...... 'l'l'espass all Railway, ..... Falso pretence Violl\tioll ofda.ms Laws.. . WOlluditlga dop; ..' .... .... Oaruallmo.wledge of female uuder 14 years.. Assault with intent to wound... Truancy..... . Iut~rfering with human remaius ... 'l'l'espass Uttering au advertisement for mOtley Violatiou of Motor Vehicle Act, ...... Affl'll.V . ,. Violation Liquor License Act Common assault Perjury Causing a distul'blUlCe Poiutiug . loaded fil'earms. Dt'U'lll' llnd disol'derl.v . . . . . . , , . Assault occasioning actual bodily harm,... Assault on cOllst,able ." Indecent assault .,. ., ,..... rrheft ..,. ,., ,... Theft from pel'son ., Burglary. ... Insulting language.". ,... Carrying concealed weapons lnde:cellt exposure Indecent assault.,. Neglected childrell Violat.ion Children's Act Uulawfully destroyiug sllnde trees, No. 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 I 1. 5 [1 14 1 14 1 12 3 1 12 2 5 2 1 I 1 13 3 1 7 ELGIN COUNTY Receiving stoleuproperty. ." ,. Theft from post iet.tel' , . , . . . Cl'uelt.y to anImals _... , .,... AbandOlliug child .". ...,..... Seductiolr ." ,., ..,'.. Violatiou Oheese Jf'actory Act ..,. Total Amount of fiues imposed AmOulltof fiues col!ected. Pnid to Oouuty Elgin . ,'.., .. Village of POl't StalllE'Y Vii hige of \V pst Lome ,. Village of Duttoll .... '.., TO\'VlJ~hip of Y:u:1l1outh ." Towll of Ay11ll81' . '" Towu.,?J.\ip of Alrlbol'ongh Towuship of Basham ..... Licetlse Iuspectol' Compton OroW.ll' Attol'uey McOdmUloll Constable Tncl(el' (Hullmue Societ.v) Will. AI'Ulstroug (CCimpellsatiou) ,., Nnmbol'of CO!lViCtlcjllS Natureof CIH~l'ge_ Theft Iudecent exp~slll'e Assault '.. ..... .,. Assault 011 P~aco Officer. . , Violutiou Liquor License Act; Violation Motor Vehicle Act;. . . . Violat.ion Game Laws ....... Viol/Hion Peddlal's' By-h~w Orueltv to animals.... .. <. Wouudiug'dog ... Disturbing t.he pelwe. . . . .. ..., ... .. Dl'uukalld disorderly.... .,... .... .... ... .. Violatioll Indian Act (1911) .." "" >... .... ... Destl'Oyillg' shade treE's... ... .,'......,..,.,... Affl'ay '... .... .... Illtl'eatilJ,l:t child.... ,91 2 I 1 1 2 1 ....., 132 $ 548 00 $ 408 00 64 00 98 00 80 00 18 00 5 00 12 00 24 00 12 00 60 00 7~ 50 5 00 2 50 --$ 408 00 77 No. 7 1 17 2 6 1 1 1 1 1 13 7 1 1 8 1 92 ELGIN COUN'fY" COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 93 I draw your attent~oll to this mat,ter beoause I thiuk the muuioipalM ities should.take action and have the OountrY cOllstabulary perform its statuary duty and seem6 the fiues aud penalties fOl' the municipal tl'eas, 'ndes. Abandoning chUd.... ... ;.:;_..' .... NeglectedchHdt6U ,... ., " .' .. ',' ...... Using insulting language .." ... .............. Oarrying dirk au persoll .... .... . . ., .,,, .... '. . . r.r1'6SpaSS .... .." ..., ,..... ,. ........ ...... ,.. Uttel'iug aud distl'ibl1.tiug counterfeit money .. lJ-'alse pl'etl:lllCe .., ,... ..... .,. ....' .... .... .. Breaking H.ud 611teI'Hlg..,. .... ...... .... 1 4 1 I- i 1 1 2 Sev61'alchild1'6U have appeared before main the Juve'uile Court dur- :ihg the past year chal'ged With yadous offences, but I did not'think it wiseta adjudge allY punishment. Some of the accused I ordered to report t(v'ine from time to time, which they are doil1~. and I fiud their behavior satisfactory. 77 Total.... .... ........ ... I again call the attention of the Oouncil to the bct that there'is uo )?~OViSiOll made to secn re the servicE's of a coustable in case' of 'an e'm.er- f{elwy! Whel"e it is nec('ssal'y to send an officer to -protect citizens from a preach of the peace. As a rosult of ,the' Jt\UUt\l''y eleetiolis most of the rounicipalith's in the Coul,lty win Imve lOCH,l optiollby-laws in force aftcl' the fi('8t dny of May next. In connection thel'ew'ith I c'lll'the attelltiou Of tho members to the provis:ollS of Sec. 90 of tho Liquor Liceuse Act, All Of which is respectfullv submitt.ed. 1, 'rhepeul.~ltie8 iu money nnder this Act', or nllypol'tiou of them which nu\y be recovered, shall -be paid to .lhe couvict.ill~ justice, justices oi' police Magistrate in the case, and shall by him 01' them, 'in case the inspector or t\ny officer appoiilted by the Lieuteu!\ll,t Guvel'llol', 01' by the Liceuse COlUmisslouers. if tlt\l prosecutol' orcolUplt\\Ut\ut bEl p,dd, to the iuspectol' as pruvided ill Section 46, and in case uny other persoll; or au officer aPlloiulpcl nuder Seclion 127n, is the prosecutol', theu the salllO shall be paid to the treasurer of the mUllicipality wherein the otl'ellce was COIU- mitted. FRANCIS HUN'!', t.Thomas. 27th Jalluary, 1913. Police Magistrate, 2. The council of every mUllicipalH.Y shall set npart,uotlrss than oue-thirdpart, of.such titlE'S 01' penl\lties l'E'ct'ivt-O by II\!3 said llluuicipality, for t\ flltld to seco:re the_pl'os('cntious foriufractious of this Act, aud of I\UY by-lt\W passed in pursuance thereof. It is lnade the duty by Sectioll134, of the Act,for constables to see" that the prOyislOnS of the act arB doly pbsel'ved, and in case of neglect ou;'. t'heir pal't. they will be liable to a fiue of $lOOO, Duriug the IMt fifteen years l' have paid over hllndl'E'(ls of dollnrs toi' the License Inspect01', which I collected in fineS for the violt\tion of t.hs_ Act. '.rhis WI\S because the local constablllary failed in the performauCe. of their duty, and those interested in the enforcement-oithe law found it nooessary to apply to the Provincial authorities to enforce it. 'rhese of'; ficials havfluever shirl,ed their duty, and as a result, of their work the la,..' has been fail'l:y' well observed in the Count,y of Elgin. 94 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL <lOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION JUNE 95 REPORT 01' SANATOR1Un. RBPRBSBNTATIVB NOVBMBBR. SESSION D.ElPUT ATJ<)N To the Warden and Members,of the County_of Elgin. the ElgiuOountyOonucil: - GENTLEM_EN ,-'1,'he. Good Roa.ds Associa'tioudepntatioll ropol'ts: 'l'lmt. we att.euded theauuU!~J meeting of tile Outal'i6 Goo<l Ro!~ds at Toronto .ou ~he 26t.h, 27th aud, ~8th days of l!'ebl'Ual'Y' 'Yas a large attelldauce, e.V61'tlll'ee, hUlldl'od Inuu_LQipa1.d'elE'g'!\tes be. present. Iut'el'estillg' addl'esse&: wore delivered-by lthe,'Mayol'of'L'ol'_ ,Pl'esidellt Toronto Board of Trade, President Walltel' of the Balik of HOIl, J. 0, Reaullio, Miuist'Ol' of PllUJiCWot"ks, and the HOll, Burrell, Miuist8l' of AgriCllltUl'ofol' QI\III~da. Themol'o importaut papers IH'eSeuted were i GENTLFlr-.mN ,-In D;lakiu~ t.his, my annual report 7'" Queen Alexandra Saul\tol'inm, Byron, I beg leave to report that this has beeu a fairly SUCCl>SS' ful year. There has been an avera~e at.teudauce of nbout thirty.five patients,sometimes more and sometimes less. The success ill treatment of patients has beeu very ~ood, according to the Doctor's roport ouly one Imviug dIed dUl'iuF: the yen,l', . I JIl\Ve attended all the meetings of the Health Board this year, All the membel's of the Board are l\UXlOUS to do everything for the welfare theSan!\.tol'ium that cnn be done, We are building 1\ "PI'eventol'ium" for the preventioll of tuberculosis llmong childt'€ll at a cost of sixteen thonrmud dallal'S. Whou fully equip- ped, it will cost in the neighbol'hood of twen:ty thom:\uu dollars, 'rhe In.dies of the Oity of Loudon agl'ee to pay ten thousaun rlolllu's of amount, We have bought fOI'ts-foul' acl'l'S more laud. giving us'a of la~d by ourselves, entIrely separating the Sll.llat0r1111l1 l:\li/ls from other, and m!\killg in all onehnudred and fifty-nine ncrps. Road Ol'gaulzatlou nnd CoustrpctiOlj"".bv,,W, A. McLean, of Higll\vays. Course III Higll\yayEngiueel'lug," A. '1', Lf~ing. TOI'OlttO "Road Maintenance." Dr L, I. Hines, or t.he United States Office of WushiugtOll. ~'Stolle and Gn~vel Roads,'" E..H, Bhwl(well, O,E , Leeds Ilud It is liOt uecessn."y that I go any further with. this l'f\pOl't., Ill'> I enclosed an itemized repol't that I received from Mr, .Jull(l, thfl of the BOlUdof Health-a very fully itemized account, Grell- From this accouut you will be able t.o leal'll'the standiug of,the stitntioll, cost of uminteuauce, UlllubEll' of p:\tiollts. ett~. showing !\ssets and liabilities as well You will get nil tho iufol'lHl\tiOIl you require out of the 'l'reaSU1'81"S report. "Town nnd City'Streets," G; G. Powell, Oity Engineer, TOl'OlltO. ':,'''StpeIEddges,''U, R. Young, C.~.. 'l'oi'onto. ~'Ooncl'ete Bridges," Glms, Talbot, O,E., Landau. ',The discussions t.hrougbout W8l'fl lUost optimisttc, 'rile mliyor of 'l;onto favorediu~l'eased tllX on motor vehicles and. lI\!'gel' gl;allts_ from el'f\l and PJ'oviuciul Govel'umElnis. Sir E~lmulld Walliel' thought, tho iuion Government shouldco.operate ill 'the building of nil roads tu i,ll,da, the cost t()be paid by. tho towllship, connty and Fedol'l~l' and iV'illcin.l Governments, and that the largor cities silolltd-contr-ibute to~ ~dsthe cost of roads leading thereto, :;'~l" Fay thonght the Provincial. Government, should give to the' ~~l'coullties a special gmu,t. owiug to their having to build roads Yours respec,tfnIly, GEORGE W. LING, Member of the Board of Hoalth for the County I1uttOll, Ont., Nov, 14th, 1913. 96 ELGIN CouNtry. COUNOIL, ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 97 under difficulties. 'rhe ~ood roads 'buildiul?: system had greatly thl'Ough the experiences of these counties. He considered the Govern- ment shouldbet\l' at least half the cost of the couatr,uction of good roads. l'Oll.ds by the property tt.c1joiuiug Ol' benefited thereby, ol'satedoon- discussion. MallY delegates opposed the resolution-as embodying a principle of dil'ecttaxatioll of.impl'ovemsntsi which Would have; It deterrent'effect on construe-tioll of roa.ds in the future. aud would especially pl'sjudic'e counties which have llotyet adopted the scheme outlined iuthe Act. proportion of cOllstl'uotiou cost to be borne by those liviilg' 011 the main those. living'ou back 'i'Oads op~llEld up uew difficuHies. aud the was refen'od ba.ok to a eOllllllittee fOl' further information, All ofwhbh is respectflllly submitted. The Hon, Mr. Burrell announced tlmt Hon. Frank COChl't\ll'e re~itltt'o(ll1ce;t,he bill to gralltFedel'alaid to the provluces.for of go~dro~ds. "Wit'h the tl'emeudous iucrease in ~he revenues of the countl';r. it was':coilsid~red only fait' to give' a lal'~el'sum to the pl'ovhices fat' the bettel'me'nt,'o"f::a~ricultUl'e aud roadl";" said'Mr, BU1'l'elL "The suee,essoi ,the: scheme that is to be proposed depends ontil'ely upon the spirit -lllWhich it:is received'by the House and by-the coulltry/' Dr."Re~\ll'llle sfUd tlU\t the Provincial Govf\l'mellt's grant of fivo million doll!\l's for tha"purpose of, building r<)ads in Northern Ontado is' ouly a portion of the comprehensive scheme to be ~\dopted pl'Ovidingf.ol' the building of Rood l'.oadstlH'oughout the Province. "Ono of theques- tiOllB of ,the highest impol'tlUlce to be dyalt with by the Provincial GoVel'1l4 lllellt is the maiutenance of'l'oads" It'costs money to biiildl'oads. anon'; p;roat deal more money. together witih cal'efut attention. to Itf'ep tllf'Ul'ih;' ol'der aftel' they are built, I am watching carefully the IH'.ogTPsS of good l'ond building in the Province, and I congratulate you and ""f'lcolll€l you this city as men who have dOlle gren.t thiugs for the people of Province by working for g.ood r()\Hls, 'l'o~day we are 011 the verge ha.viug 0111' dreams realized and it i~ ,tlie intent,lon of, the,GovernuH'llt investigate the JdlldR of material suit~ble f.or roads III VlHious pMts of Pr.oviuce, We intend to start right'and.feel OUl' way in ClU'I')'lIlg outi great scheme tht\t has been outlined)' J. A. McLEAN, OllfLil'lnau, Thomas, 12th June, 1913. 'rhe resolutio11s adopted favored: 1. The abolition of statute h\l1ot'. 2. Payment by the Govol'llmeut of one-third the average cost of roads towards the construct,iou .of county roads. extensi.olls 01' ill all nrbau municipalities, 3, Grants ofiucl'eased Pl.oviucial and Federal !\id during 1913. 4. Goyel'llmsnt grants to assist in tho construction of all bridg-asover 100'"feet. in length. 5, 'rile principle of compulsory wide tire legislation, .A resolution favoring a contribution towtU'ds the con~tl'l1ctiou of- >0 o o o € " j-lj-lj-lj-l!-l ~:o~:-'"?? >-'" -" - " " o 0 ;.~ o o "'Otl~ ......-l'l>n ::;" 0. en '" 0:. [;.::: >-Ero '" ~ " /'Il .....tn o o '" o ~ ?J o n o o ::::'l??:""P~t-:'" " ~ ~ ... 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"' :;- o b;j ><: ;... ~ ::;: Z p " ... " ;l o OJ ~ " o 0. n o g q ~ ... ~ 0" n o ~ " ~ '--' o " -" ~ ~ ~ ?' ~ "' ~ ~ " g. " t" o. ~ ., 5' :;:v ClQ 2: g "0 ::j :;;. 00 " 0. ~ ~ ~o"" ""t :3 ~ ~ S ,...:;.r, r;;.'-'-....' ~" 0 ~ ~;; o ::l '""t ~ p.. ~ '0 ;:: g ~ ~ 0... --...... (ll 0: ~ 0.. -. 0 u~ ::::J '-< " " o o o ~ " n: o " ~ q >-J o Cl " . ~ ~ ~ "- "- a: o' ~ !:!. :>- 5: S rn n '" o e- 00 ~ o w :;, '" t< " Z ~ 0' " ~ ., ..; () o " Z o r: o X '0 o ~ b;j ><: ~ :i1 z p to is z () o " z "" ><i co o " " o r: gj o ~ ~ -< . 98 E~GIN' COUNTY COUNOIL .ELGlNCO-UN.'UY COUNCIL 99 CQIJNTY .l;LEI~K'5 REPOIl.T Of LICENSES BY.. LAWS To the Elgin Oouuty COuncil: QENTLI~r.t'EN.-,-:::I beK to report thn,t the foll()wiug licenses are ill fore,a ~t this dl\te: Pedlars BY-LAW No. 820 To Appoint High School 'Trustees Passed 31st January, 1913. The Elgi~ 'COUnty Council enacts: That Erwin Smith be ot-ppointed Trust-ee'of-the Vienna High for one year, and Orin Bartlett for -three years. That A. H. Backhouse ,be_appointed Trustee 'of the Aylmer Col~ legiate- Institttte for three year!. That J. B. Cr'awf6rd be appointed Trustee of the Dutton High for three "years.~ CountyCounci! Chambers, St. ThomaB, 31st January, 1913. A1;IftiQt1~er.f;i W. W. White. Daliiel Black. p, A. MoVicar, Austin Wiuter,J.W, Baldwin, J. D.Looke, '1'. L, Bt'odel'ick, R; HLiudsa:v. M. B. Stafford. D. R. Dibb, Thoma!'; Brown, '11. ~el'1'itt Moo~'e, W..G. D.ean, Su.l;ll,nel Me- l!""larlalle. Junk Dealers Louis Schott. E. Ualy & 00. All o~ whioh is respectfully submitted, K. W. MoKAY. W. McKAy, Clerk. JOS. A. JACKSON, Warden. Count.y Olerk. BY-LAW No. 821 To Fix the Salary, of,thee County Police Magistrate Pa,s$ed 31st January, 1913. St. 'l'homas, 25th November, 1913. Couilty Council. of Elgin .enacts: That tM~salary of Francis Hunt, County Police 'M'agistrate, be is'>hereby- fixed- a.t the ,sum .of Six, Hundred .Dollars peran.nnm, quarterly, to"date from Jannary 1st, 1913. thePolic,e 1Tagisttate be paid the sum of Twenty"';Five Dol- for postage and telephone. resped heretofore pa,ssed . be, and are Chambers, St. Thomas, '31st January, .1913. JOS. A. JACKSON, Wa.rdeu. :\00 ELGIN COUNTY~ COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 101 BY'LAW No. 8~2 To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow Twenty Thousand. Dollars BY-LAW No. 824 To Appoint Auditors for theY-ear 1913 Passed 31st" January, 1913. :Whereas, under th'e au{hotity Of The Municipal Act, every Municipal Council is required to appoint, at its first meeting every year, two Auditors; Passed 31st.}anuary,.1913. The lIounty Council of the County of :?-lgin enactS: That the Warden and Treasurer be and are heteby authorized to borrow the sum uf Twenty Thousand Dollars, as it may be to meet the current expenditure of the Corporation 'of the. County Elgin during. 1913; and. gi\'c assecltrity therefor notes oCOne Thous- and Dollars each, Be,it therefore enacted by .the Council of the Municipal Corpora~ tion of the County"of Elgin, under the authority aforesaid, That Walker C. CaugheI-l and W. A. Gatbraithbe and are hereby appointed Auditors to examine and report upon all _the accounts affecting the Corporation of Elgin, or relating to any matter under control or within its jurisdiction, as required by statute or orde'r- in':'collncil, and als,a all accounts of school moneys received or paid the County Treasllrer for the year ending 31st Decemher, 1912,311d the said Auditors be paid the sum of Sixty Dollars each for their County Coullc\l Chambers, St. ,Thomas," 31st January,-1913. K. W. McKAY. Clerk. JOS. A. County Council .Chambers, 31st January, 19l3. McKA Y. Clerk. JOS: A. JACKSON. Warden. BY~LAW No. 8~3 To Appoint a Board ~fAudit in the County of Elgin for 'the' Yeari9'13 BY-LAW No. 8l!5 To Restbre the Oitt'ies. of the Gaol Committee The Elgin County Council enacts: That By-Laws Numbered, 743,783, and, 784 rehting to the transfer the duties o(the Gaol Committee be and are hereby repea1ed. County COllnci'lChambers, St. Thomas, 31st January, 1913. W. McKAY. JOS. A. JACKSON, ul Clerk. iWarden. . Passed 31st January, 1913. Be it enacted by the Council of the Mtl11icipat County of Elgin: That the Judge of the County Court and-'johnDromgole are hereby appointed members of the Board of Audit, fa ,perform duties requir:,ed of. them hy Chap. 41, X. Edward VII. That the memhers of the said Board be paid the: sum of -Fall, 'Dollars pcr day for their services, 'and five cents per mile goingt and from such audit. County 'Council Chambers,S,t. ThomC\s, 31st January, 1913. BY-LAW No. 828 To Repeal By-Law No. 780 'Passed 12th June, 191'3, 'By.;-LawNo~ 780,re management of HO\l$:e is hereby repealed. Counc;il Chambers, 'st. Thomas, McKA Y, Clc'rk of Tndustry, be 12th June, 1913. JOS. A, JACKSON, 'Warden_. K. W. McKAY. perk. JOS. A. 102 ELGIN COUN'ry COUNOIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 103 BY-LAW No~ 827 To Authoriie and Provide for tl1e'App.oiri:,t'ment'IJayrl1ent; and of the Inspector, Keeper, Matron, and~Physician, for the Super;. interidence, Care, and Man"agement of the' House of In- dustry and'_ Refuge of the County of Elgin, and to Prescrihe Rules and Regulations for' the Government Thereof June session in each year, present an estimate oJ the probable aniount reqlJired f.o.r the ensu'ing year for the support and maintel1ance of i.ithe,poof, Bills and Claims That all bills and clainis against the Corporation for supplies fur- nished to the House of Industry and Industrial Farm shall be duly ',,~ertified, as beih~ -correct by the Inspector or-Keeper before being :;,presented for audit, and on the same being examined and. passed by ,;,o;~aidCommittee, the chairman shall be authorized to .grant his order ;;rC)ri. the County Treasurer for thes~veralalrtounts allowed to be paid :,',by said Treasurer. Passed June 12, 1913. The County Council of the County of ,Elgin enacts, un,der authority of The M,unicipal Act: That Angus Turner is hereby .appointedInspector of the: said .House. of Industry and Refuge at an annual salary of One Hundred and Fifty Dol1ars, and shall hold office during the p1eas,ure of the Council. That David Gooding be and is hereby appdinted :K-eeperofthe said I-louse of Industry and Refuge,. and shall hold office.. during t~ ple,~s,ureqf the Council, at an annual salary of Six: Hund-red .Dollars, ~ith board and lodging in the said House at the expense of th~ Cor':' poration. That Hazel Gooding be and is hereby appointed lvJatron of thtC said House of Industry and Refuge, at a salary, of -Two H'uudrcd an Forty Dollars per annum, with board and lodging in the said HallS at the expense of the Corporation. That, Fr~derick' Guest! a legally qualified mediCalpr.actitioner, :~~ and"is hereby appointed. Physi~.ia~l of the said. House of Industry.:-an:4 Refuge, and shall hold office di{ring the pleasure of the Council,ani'. shall be pai.d for his services an annual salary of Two I-~ttndred '60',1; lars, including medicines,' Standing Committee of Council That a Comll1ittee of three members of the ~otinCn to be call~' the Standing ComhHttee" _on Hous~' ~of Industry, shall be <:lppoint annually at the first session in each' year, whose duty it shall be oversee the .management and examine ,into the state ,of all matte and things relating to, the support and employment. of. the pa\.).pe<I mates; to audit ,all aC,counts quarterly and report yearly to the Cod~: Council at its regular meeting in N,ovember;- and' shall also, att~: Admission of Paupers :,' A Reevc ',o'r Deplity Reeve of allY Municipality in the County, or In,sped-or-or County Cle-rk m.ay" by writing under their hands and ,~eals, commit. to the said House c-f Industry or of Refuge to be em- ,~loyed an,cl g.overned according to the Rules and Regulations and 'brd~rs o'fthe House. ':All poor and indigent persons, who arc not, insane or afflicted itha 'contagious disease, who are incapable of supporting themselve,s rid 'who belong to the County of Elgin, and the Keeper bf the said onsof Industry shall and is hereby authorized to receive such per- OilS 'and no others. The commitment to the said l-lotlse of Ii1ditstry haUbe in forIn set forth in Schedule "A," When persons desiring to be admit,ted to the HOltse o'f Iildustry re owners of real or pe'rsm1al proDerty, or money, ;'t shall be" the duty ~(ihe' official to whom application is made to withhold the commitw lent until the property _b~lopging to thepn;Jposed inn-iate has been :~nsferrcd or placed in the custody of the C;::'quntyTreaSllrcr,:Jorthe .:pfll6se of paying the cost of their maintenance whilc,'in;" the" House bf".fndustry, and funeral expenses if they die while innlates: ilf tIle H6use, that hI lien of the transfer of the property to the ,County k' Weasurer, a bond of-a good andstifficient surety may be filedin"his c~tosect1fe the paymerit of all charges for maintenance and,funcral p-enses; Expenses of Sending Inmates to House By-Law No. 833 The expenses of sending all 'persons to the House of Indtlsyy 104 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL shaH be determined by the parties committing them, and sha:llin no case exceed twenty cents per mile, 'with a minimum charge of $1.50. That the expenses shall be pa,id in the first instance by the muni- cipality from which -the inmate is sent, to be refunded 'on presenta- tion of accounts to the County Council. Children All ,children betw'een the ages of two arid sixteen years,commi"tt'ed to or born in the said House of Industry, shall be transferred, in accordance 'with the provisions of The Children's Protection Act of Ontario, to the shelter of the Children's Aaid Society of the City of St. Thomas. Burial Ground That a" suitable place on smile part of the Industrial Farm, lying within the Township of SouthwQId, shall be seleCted for the burial ground for the burial of pauper inmates who n1"ay die in the, House of Industry and Refuge, and whose l;odies ,are not disposed of under the provisions of The Outario Anatomy Act,' or whose ft:iends do . not claim their bodies .for interment. Said burial ground shall fence'd in and properly laid out in tiers or rows, and graves to be plainly numbered. A Burial Register shall be kept in the form of Schedule HB'" to this By-Law, Officers' Duties It shall be the duty of the I nspector to see that th'e rules and regu- ' lations hereinafter provided are duly enforced; he shall visit the Reuse at last four times each month, hear any complaints ,that may be made and repon the same to the Stahding Comtnit-tee on House of Industry" and Refuge at its meetings. He shan also, under, instruction from the said Committee or the'County Council, 'au;thorize the Keeper to pro,:' cute, an necessary help and supplies for the House and, Farirr and': certify "all bills and claims for th~ same to the Board of At~di( "the' aforesaid Standing Committee. (; The Inspector: shall also, in conformity- with section 525 of Consolidated Municipal Act, and in books to be provided at pense oJ this Corporation, keep toe foltowing registers and that is to say: A register of the names of all paupers, vagrants, etc., into the House, in the form of Schedule "C" to this By-Law. ELGIN COUNTY C'OU:L<\CII, A ,Burial Register. Schedtlle I<R," The Inspector shall also make a yearly report to the County Council for~ the year ending the 31st October in each and every year, in the form provided lnSchedule "D" of this By-Law, with an addi- tional report 'upon any other matter or thing that he may consider of sufficient importance to' bring to the notice of the CounciL-He shall also, on or before the 31st of October in every year, check an invent- ory of personal 'property belonging to the Institution and value the amount of produce on hane!. 1("lr) Duties of Keeper It shall be -th~'duty!of th'e Keeper to unaertake the general super- intendence of the House of. Iildustry' and 'Refuge and the Industrial Farm attacheq thereto, and, "vhen not:'otherwise engaged, shall elevate :his time to tilling an'eLcltltivating s'aid farm, securing and harvesting the' crops, or at other manual lahar, according to the requirements of the severa"l seasons of the,year, and in order to work such "farm in a skilful and husbandlike manner. He shall give his attention and time for the benefit. of the institution, and shall carry into effect all the Rules and Regulations adopted from time to time by the said County for the govcl'rimentand management of said House. He ,shall also furilish the Inspector with a list of all the provisions and it shall be his duty:to see that,t.he'provisionsfuhlished <l,re bf.good qualit'y <!ncL such as the Committee or In- 'may approve of, and he'shall not allow any waste thereofj and not permit the use of intoxicating drinks by any of the inmates, work done on the premises to be done as directed by the' In- or Committee of Managcnlent. The Keeper shall take charge all raw material for manufacture and working tools provided by lnspector for the full employment of such of the inmates as are to work and direct and superintelid their work and labor undei' of the Inspector. He shall also keep fair and regular accounts in writing of all aterials:, provi~io~s, fuel, cJQthing,. ~nd other necessaries provided for e use of the Institutio;l, and of all expenses and charges attendil)g e maintenance and support of the poor, and of all monies received him from the sale of the products of their labor or other.wise on e premises, and, shall subtnh the said lists and accounts to the In- ectcr, and' Standing Committee on Hot1se of Industry and Refuge (the meetings d 2aid Committee. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 107 100 ~ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL with q, view of having ,the body claimed for burial instead setH to the Inspector of Anatomy as required by The Act. He shall -also keep a correct and particular account of each and every article or wearing apparel issued to the inmates, and shall keep a -complete inventory of all personal property .in and about the place, and assist the Inspector in checking the same for the purposes of the annual report, and also assist in the ~valuing of provisions, produce, etc,., on hand. Duties of the Matron It -s'haUbe the duty ~f the Matron to take charge and oversight all the in-door operations; to see that all the female inmates are fot according to their respective wants;, t,hat cleanliness,hoth their persons and apartments, and that good order and decorum, be at all times. He shall also keep a Visitor's Book, in which parties' visitiryg Institution shall 'enter their names, with any. rcmarks they may fit to make of a proper nature, shall be careful of 'all the goods, -property, and furniture com- to her' charge, that the-same. he not lost or embezzled; she direct the detailing of the .women un~ler her charge to such of labor as in her judgment they are best fitted to perform. She shall at proper and stated times have all the clothing of the and the bed-clothes changed and teplaced with clean apparel; shall be, vigilant over every part of the JlOuse in regard toc1ean- and s-halLsee that the female inmates ol:>serve all the rules that be prescribed for ablution. He shall also examine all paupers on their admission into house, note suchfac1:s in regard to them' as are important 'to he pre- served, shall cause them to be thoroughly cleansed and suitably loc.aF ed, having reference to their age, sex, and general character, shallbo especially carefnl that the infmn inmates and children ar,. treated with considerate care and kiildness, and shall see that prcpet atte-ntJon is' given to the sick. He shall also see that every department and all furnitnre and' utensils are kept neat, clean, and in order, and that all provisions, fue):. and every other article consume<L in and ahont the premises >re nse,d' with the strictest economy' Y Duties of the Physician shall be the duty of the Physician to undertake the sanitary of the Institution, to attend professionally on all the in.. and hav'e, the -general care of their health. He shall also, at- the resident officers and servants and. such members of their as 'are' bonafide residents on the premises. He shall also" in a book to be furnished to him for that purpose, all cases treated 'by him, and ili case of death, to certify therei-11 cause;- and shall 'also report. i'n such book all the births in said He and the Matron, or their assistants detailed for the !Jnrpose, shall also visit each and every occupied roem after the ringing of t~~ re"ring bell, and shall see that the mmates have all retired, excepti~~ those on duty, and shall see that all the fires are made seenre and saf< and that all lights are extinguished, save and excepting only whet fire and lights arc permitted to he kept for the benefit of the sick . He may also, for violation of any of the rnles for disohediencep, bad conduct by any of .the inmates, .inflict suitable punishment aL~\ discretion (but employ no improper means) by confinement or other ,wise;bnt in case of solitary confinement, not for a longer period th~,1 twenty-four hours, unless by the direction of the Inspector; and)' shall not absent himself from the Institution at any, time without! consent of the Inspector. shal1'it:l'so,' when called upon by the K,eeper, examine any of th'e inmates feigning illness, or otherwise, as to their ability to He shall visit the House at least once a week. Rules for the Inmates ALthe ringing of the l110rnilig bell. every inmate in the House mid those in confinement excepted) must, rise, dress, wash, in readiness to proceed to work. In case of the death of any lnmate, for the disposition of who body no provision was made at the time of commitment, or whiJ, body is not claimed by friends, that the Keeper be required to revi the death. to the Reeve of the municipality from which the inmate 108 ELGI:N ('OUJSTY COUNOIL ELGIN COUNTY COU~OIL 109 2. The bell will ring ten minutes before each meal, when all will leave their work ,and be in readiness, w.ithclean hands and faces,. for the ringing of the second belt, when they will repair to the dining rooms and take such seats at the table as are assigned to them~y those in charge, where they must observe silei1ce, decency, arid. good order. 3. At the ringi.ng of the slow bell, after ntcals, every inmate shall immediately repair to work. That no person be allowed to leave the institution without permission .of the Inspector, and_ that where necessary, he-will required to consult with 'the Council of the mltn'icipality from 9c or she was committed, or the municipality of which he or become a resident. 11<;l. No one shait go beyond the liillits of l?y permission oJ the Keeper, nor, remain by th.e Keeper. the Industrial Farm, out beyond the time 4. No inmate,s shall be allowed to loiter about the kitchen, shall any provisions or food (except at regular meals) be any part of- the house without the consent of the Keeper any cooking be clone except in the kitchen. The Sabbath Day shall be strictly observed, and no irreligious or unnecessary labor be indulged in. At the ringing_of the fo.r the purpose of assenibling for religious instruction and wor- every person (unless excused by the Keeper)' sha1'1 appear dressed clean apparell, in the instructing room, and shan behave with a,nd'sobriety. No noise or disturbance shall be made in any of the house during Stt_ch exercises. 5. At nine o'clock in the evening, at the ringing of the' bell, the inmates must secure the fires, put out the lights and bed in their resp.ective apartments. All persons wilfully absenting themselves from the place" of or violating the Sabbath Day, shall 'be subejct to prompt and punishment. G. No inmate sha!l be allowed to trade or exchange any other thing,with 'any person whomsoever, or beg of those visit there,; ,ilor shall they receive any money or other article anyone, without the consent -of the Keep~t; Every person, previous to admission as an' shall be subje_cted to examination and search of his 'assistants. inmate of the by the K,eeper 7. All'persons,shalldiligei1tly and faithfully perform the duty task allotted to theni by the Keeper, unless otherwise excused. No person shall have admission to the House Qn the Sabbath the written permission of the I nspector, or by the consent of upon good cause shown. 8. Any. person guilty of drunkenness, disobedience, immorality,-~ obsceility, disorder.ly conduct, profane or indecorous language, .theft,:. waste, or who shall absent himself or herself from the premises with':': out the permission: of the Keeper; or who shall be guilty, of injuting or defacing any part of the house or furniture therein, at who sha,ll commit waste of any ,kind, shall be punished as the case may seem, to demand. aggrieved may refer theh complaints 'to' the visiting the Hous'e. Offences Against This By-Law any person or persons who shall commit any infringement of anyone of the provisions, requiremeilts, enactments, or clauses of this By-Law, or any offence against this By~ any such person or persons neglecting or refusing to obey any of the reasonable orders of Inspector, K~eper, or given in the executioil nf the duties of their respective aforesaid, he, she, or they shall be liable to a fine not: exceed- Dollars, exclusive of ccists, and not less than Fifty Cents, g, Incases of solitary confinement, the prisoners shall be de'barr~ ed from seeing or conversing with any person except ~he Inspector) the Keeper, or the person employed to supply their wants, and tij food of such prisoners shall consist solely of bread and water, (mles~; otherwise ordered hy the IhspeCtor -or Physician. 10. Any person who shall have communication, either directly indirectly, with anyone thus confined, without permission, s:ha11 subject to punishment by a like confinement. 110 E~qIN COUNTY COUNCIL exc1us'ive of costs, and in case of non-payment of snch fine to be in~ flictcd for any such breach or offence, and there being no .distress found, ot1t of which such fine can be levied, such person or persons so offending as aforesaid aga-i.nst this By-Law shall be imprisoned', with or without hard labor, in the jail of the Connty of Elgin, for any period not exceeding twenty ,days, and upon an information laid or complaint made before anyone or more of His Majesty's Justices at the Peace, of the County of Elgin, that any person" or persons has-or. have,committed or are_suspected to. have committed- any such breach' of this By-Law, such Justice or Jl1stices may pr,aeeed thereupon and hear and determine the matter of such information or complaint, and. such person or persons S0 offending against' this' By-Law, upon con';; viction before such 'Justice or Justices, shalt fod.eit..,a\ld'cpay,'S'uch-nne a,s' may to him or them seem meet, not exceeding Five Dollars, ex-' elusive of costs,and not less than Fifty Cents, exclusive of costs; aforesaid, (together with costs if ordered) such fine tobe paid to the Treasurer of the COlt11ty,of Elgin and to form part of the funds of the> said Corporation of the County of Elgin, and in the.eventof-.the no'il-payment of-the -fine imposed by:such Justice ,or Justices, togethe'r:;- with the costs, if ordered, either immediately or withi.ll such period as such Justice or Justices, at the time ofcomiiction, appoints, there..: upon such Justice or Jtlstices may issue his or their warrant or distre~f for the purpose of levying the same out of the gf;)Q'ds and chattelsq,f the person or persons so offending, and if there be. no distress fouit~ out of which such fine can be levied, then such Justice or Jtistices may. adjudge the offender to be imprisoned in the Gaol of the said Count there to be kept with or without hard labor, for any space not 'exce~ ing twenty days, unless such fine and costs and charges thereupot shall be sooner pai'd. ,. Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 12th June,1913. K. W. McKAY, Clerk. J05. A. ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL III p:: 0._ o u ~ 5 r.,0 0.. >, ~,::; "5 pU r.,:" I'il.-" P::j:,4-I ...., . 0 A ZiU.S ......D bJJ .....S- :>< "i;tl p::;Sc; C-< >, >,. (I) ~'~ p" ". A4-<,O z.o U """f-"@ <1) ,,-" ~U)4-I 0'Ol-< ~.8 ..I'il "." -~. CIJ "'d ~ '>p ~ ~ o " ::r::; .S -" -'04-1 .-~ ~ "0 :iC-< .~ ,Z " 'il'il fi ,,::.; > E-<G ;:~ ::.;15 ',::';' 0 Of-< .() v ~ " '" 0 " ". 0 - "' v :0 " v '" '0 '@ - B .- " -, v '" " o ~ v bO o ~ v <>: . .,. g 0; '" I c I .in W I "0 ,., c ~~I o > " ." . :II' 0 . o " U , Zt> I 0; I . E " '" I';; ..l " .... ~ " I . . " '" .c. 0 '" ::: f:: " . .c ,., :;; " " 0 . " '0 -g ~ H ~ 0 . 0 Q " ". ." - . . ,.. - ~ 0-5 " . ~ " 80 ~ 112. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 'N.o......, .".... Extract from The Ontario Anatomy Act as to the Disposal of Bodies of Inmates Dying in House 'of Industry. Sec. i3-The Superintendent of every. public institution. shall, upori the death of an inmate of' the insti~ tution who is not known to have ~Uy relatives or friends entitled to 'claim the body, give notice within:. twcnty;.fonr hours of such death to: the Inspector of Anatomy for the locality. Sec. L-Any person who immedi-<- atly :be-fore death had bee.. sup.;./~ ported in and by any public insti~ > tution; shall be immediately placed under control of the Inspector of Anatomy for _ that locality, -and shall be. by him delivered to :per~ sons qualified as hereinafter men~- tioned, unless such ,hody is withiij' twenty-four hours after. death claimed by relatives or . bonafide friends. COMMITMENT OF ,..".."............"...."..... Sent from . .. .. . .~ .. . .. .. . .. .. . . .. Age ...,......... years. Born in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cause' of Pauperism ........,..... Received in to J-Iouse .."......". NOTICE The Keeper will please notify th~ undersigned of the death of the iri,"":: mate hereby committed, should,i,f occur while.. ...., ..... ..... ..;';:; is< an inmat,e in the Institlttion, arid the 'body will be claimed for buria ...,1...........,.... .19 Filed this ........"....... day of' ..................... .19 Name "......;......"...... P. O. ........."............. ..................... ..... Ke,eper Telegraph Office ......... .... This is to. Certify that .............. '," . .. '... . .. . .. . ... ...... is ,not insane or afflicted with a contagious disease. Dated.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .19 ..............",..............., w. :g <>: Z J<:'lSI1J<>'H I OlsnoH U! 'ON - ] -~. o z ~i ii' Iii, I' II!I III Iii .Iil' II III Iii' 1'1 Ul ~. ~' <<: z o f-< X ~ r:, :z. >-< :r: f-< >-< ~ 114 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SCHEDULE D. Inspector) Report L Number of inmates in the H6use at last report'............... 2. Number admitted during the year; females, males.... 3, Number of Deaths ................. .'......... 4. Number discharged ....."..........."..... ,. ... 5. Number absconded ............................. 6. Number now in House, males, females."......... 7. Nil1uber inmates sent from the several M'l1nicipalities in County during the year: Alc1borough ................,. .~....... Dunwich .......'......................,....,........... S6Ltthwold ...................,. ",. .-,.......... . '........ Yarmouth' ...........,............ .-.' ......., ...., ....... Malahide .... .,..' . ......... .......... ........... ........;.. Bayham ...............,.............-. ." .. . .. . . .. ....... South Dorchester ..........................,........... Ayln1er .............. .-.. ........... ...................... Dutton .....,........ .-......... ...... ,.,. ....... ........ Rodey ................................................. 8. The various cases of pauperism of inrnates admitted to House during the year maybe classed as foHows: ............. Sickness ............,.........,......,.............. .'. Destitution ....,...............-......................'. Old Age ... ........................................... Blin'd ,. ........,................. ........... .,,--'..,... .... In_sane, Idiotic, etc. ...........,........................ All other cases ...........,..................,.......... n. Average number of inmates during the year......... 10. Average, with keeper's family and hired help......... 11. Number of. weeks' board of inmates................., 12. Average, with keeper's family, etc;, added._........... 13. Total expenditure during the year.. :'.. . .. , .. ......;. 14. Permanent improvement ........................ Receipts: From inmates ........................ From farm produce . ,., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . From farm sotck ..,................. From sundr,ies ...,.......... .'........ ,I il,i1i 'I,ll Iii'. Ii,,' ii Ii, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 115, 15. Leaving amount actually expended for support of in~ ll1ates ........... ......... ........ ... . ,..""..,...... 16. Average expense per week for each person..... , " " 17. A verageexpen se per day for each persoh ........ ,. . . . 18. A verageexpense per year for each person ... ~ .. . . . . . . 19. Amount experided for house an'd farm durin'g,the year is divided as follows: Farm Expense: .' Hired help ........,.... ._. .. . .. . .. . Implen1ents" .. . "" .. . .. . ..... . .. . .. . .. Feed ................,.......,....... Stock ........,.......... .'.,......... Miscellaneous ................. House Expense: Hired 'labor. .,.......,.,.."",...,.. B'read ,.,............,..."."."..... Meat.................... ..... ... ..... Groceries .......................,.", Provisions ,..........,......... Dry. Goods .......................... Boots and Shoes ..................... Furniture and I-Ia'rwdare ............. Drugs .. ......... ,.. ................. Coal and Wood .............. ,., . . , . . . Miscellaneous ,.,...".,...,......." General Expense: Repairs .......,...,...,.,.,.,..... '.' Permanent Improvement"",....,... Salaries, Keeper and Matron ".",." Physician ..,..............,.. '.' ,..... Inspector .",.,....,.............,.,. COlnn1ittee ""...-....... ......... ..,. Incidental .,..'.......,."......,...,. Insurance ......,.. ,', . ., . . , . ;. , ., ..., . . The fol1'owing produce was raised on the farm during the ill '~I I illl 1',111 <II !Ii q 11!1 I II' ~ I~I' ~I' 11'11 "I' w I~ "'1.,11 ~ I 1:11 ~~,I ;1'1 li'l 'II I'I~ 11'1 '~,:t 'Ii " 1,:",,1' '1'1 ~r III ~, Number of articles of bedding and clothing made up during the matron and -the .inmates: Number of visits by the Inspector Farm stock: The total amount expended by County House of Industry, follows: 116 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 11', ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNOIL 25. Received from Government, on account expen- ditures for lai1ds and buildings ............. Le'aving amount actually expended by County... ... BY-LAW No. 830 To Grant Addidtional- Aid to Schools Passed 12th Jun~, 1913. The County Council of Elgin enacts: 1. That the Sum of One Thousand Six Hundred and T\\'cnty-Five be granted to the following schools: Ayl.mer Collegiate Institute "'~"""" $650 0,0 Dutton High School ............ ... .. . .. 650 00 Vienna High School .........."....,.. 325 no BY-LAW No. 828 To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer Twenty Thousand Dollars to Borrow Passed 12th June, 1913. The Elgin County Council enacts: That the Warden and Treasurer be and are hereby borrow the SU111 of Twenty Thousand Dollars; as it may he~ to meet the current expenditure of the Corporation of Elgin 1913, and give as security therefor notes of One Thousand each. County Council Chambers, St. Thbmas, 12th June, 1913. $1625 00 That the St.. Thomas Collegiate Institute be granted an equivalent to twenty per cent. of the cost Of maintenance of pupils. That the grants to Continuation and Fifth Class SchQols' be the basis of Two Dollars and ,One-Half to each dol'lar grant- the Goverill11en t. Council, Chambers, St. Thomas, 12th Junc, 1913. JOS. A. JACKSON, Warden. K. W. McKAY, Clerk. JOS. A. BY-LAW No. 831 .To BY-LAW No. 829 Extent the Time for the ~nfcir'Ced Collection by Non-Resident Taxes in the County of Elgin an estimate has been made showing tl)at the sum of Thousand and Forty-Three Dollars is required to be thes_everal --municipalities for the lawful purposes of tlfe during the year 1913; for County Rates during the Year 1913 12th June, 1913. . Passed 12th June, 1913. The Coun ty, Council of Elgin enacts: That the time for the enforced collection by sale of non-re:sid taxes of the County of Elgin be and is hereby, extended for one y Counfy Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 12th June; 1913. whereas, by The Assessment Act, this Council is required 'what 'portion- of the sum to be levied for County purposes levied in each municipality in tbe County; whereas, the rates are required to be apportioned o:n the assesment of property as equaliezd in the preceding year; K. W. McKAY, Clerk. JOS. A. 11& ELGIN CouNtry COU!\OIL And whereas, the assesment of property of the County, as ascer- tained and equalized in 1M2, is as follows: Municiparity Total Equalized Value Aldhorollgh .,.,..............,....:.'.$ 2,9'77,254 Dunwich ........ ,.... .......... ...., 3,198,254 Southwold ........................... 3,840,267 Yarmouth .........................,. 4,641,657 Malahide .........,...............,.. 2,839,810 Bayham ............................. 1,90-9,513 South Dorch.eSter ...,........., \.. .' 1,678,552 Aylmer ,.......... '," .. . .. . " .. . .. .. 973,819 Di.1 tton .............................. 330,524 Port Stanley ........................ 218,893' Springfield .........,....,,""",.,' 144,66Q Vienna .,.",..".".:,.,.,"",...,. 99,707 Rodney ..,..".,.".."..".,..,., 218,772 "Vest Lorne ,."""",......,,",... 216,663 $23,288,315 Therefore, the Council of the M,unicipal \=orporation County of Elgin enacts: 1. That a rate of Two and Three':'Ql1arter -Mills on the ,be levied on all rateable property in the s,everal luunicipalities in County of Elgin, as above set forth,for the year 1913,to raise following amounts; 2. That the sum of Sixty-Four Thousand and Forty-Three lars be raised and levied in the several municipalities in the according to the following schedule, and that the arnounts, as therein, bc paid to the County Trea-surer as by law required: Schedule Municipality Aldborough ...........................$ Dunwich . .', , , , , . . , . . , . ", . . . , ... . , . , . . . . , Southwold ,., . ' , , . , . . , . . . , ,j . . . . . . . . . . Yarnlouth .....,.....,... .'............, Malahide .,......,.,. '. . . . . . . . , , . . , , . . ' . Bayham ..,. .... ,.. . . , . , . , . . . . . . . , . . , . , , , . South Dorchester ,...".,."..,......., Total 8,187 8,795 '1(},561 12,765 7,809 5,251 4,616 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 119 Ayluler ., ...".., ,.....,.., ,..,.. Dutton .,.'"...... ..".,.." ,. .,., Port Stanley .".,',.."."'..,..,,. ',' ,. Springfield .,.,",.,'"..",.,..,.", Vienna ,.",...,."", '.'",.,..""". Rodney ',..".,',.,.,.",.",..,. ,., , , , West ,torn c 2,678 900 602 398 274 6,02 506 County Council Chambers, W. McKAY, Clerk $ 64,048 12th June, 1013, JOS. A. JACKSON, 'Warden. St. Thomas, BY-LA W No. 832 To Confirm, the Equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the County of'Elgin County Council 'of Elgin enacts: That the folowing be the equalization of thc,asscsmcnt rolls of of Elgin fort913: Aldborough ,....".,..,., Dunwich .,.....", Southwold ,.,., . . ,. . . " Yarmouth ..,.....,....., Ivfalahide .,",...,...,..., Bayham ...,. '.. , .' .. , , . .. . , , ' South Dorchester..,..,.."."....... A.ylmer .,..,.,."...", ..,.,.., DuttOll- ',.....,,'...,. ,...",....,.... Port Stanley...., " ... ,... , Springfield Vienna " .. ... ., ,.,., " Rodney '.,.. , " .,.... , \iVest Lorne ........... .,...$ 2,977,254 , .'...... 3,108,254 ,.' ,. ,...... 8,840,26'7 4,,641,6:37 2,839,810 1,909,i,}13 1,678,552 973,810 330,524 218,808 1H,660 00,707 ~18,772 216,633 $23,288,815 this Council is willing to have the final equalization Jf in case of appeal, made by the County JUc1g:, Council Chambers, S1. Thomas; 12th June, 1013. JOS. A. JACKSON, 'vVarden, 120 ELGIN COUNTY COUKOIL ELGI~ COUNTY ('OUNCIL BY.LAW No. 833. ,cd on the Seventh day of July, 1913, to authorize the closing and - stopping up, selling, and conveying or otherwise disposing of a pori" tionof Hale Street or road allowance in the Village of Port Bruce; And Whereas it is desirable that'said By-Law should be con- firmed; Re Expenses of Sending tnmates to. House of Industry Is included in By-Law 827. BY.LAW No. 334 The County Council of the County of Elgin therefore enacts: To. Authorize the Warden to. Sign Quit Claim Deed That By~LawNo. 896 of the Township of IVralahic1e be and the same is hereby confirmed. Passed 28th November, 1913. Whereas Cin the third' day of January,1895, Charles Graves, of th Village of Fingal, gave the County of Elgin an agreement izing the Clerk of the County Council to lease lots 21 and 22 on the south side of Lanark Street, and lot 23 on the east side of Inverness Street; in the said Village of Fingal, and to r.eceive and collect rents, and apply same towards the maintenance 'and support of Mary Ann Graves, an inmate of the County E;Quse of Industry and Refuge, and whereas the said Mary Ann Graves died Cin the 28th day of January, 1896, and all claims against the said property for her maintenance have been satisfied, County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 28th November, 1913. McKAY. Clerk. JOS. A. JACKSON, Wardell. BY-LAW No. 836 To Appoint a County Solicitor ~s:ed-;a8t-h -NCivei'nher,19.1_3."--------- The County Co.uncil of the Co.unty of ~lgin enacts: i "'j,c"",, (/<<(1'/','1\ ___ (,J That Co.lin St. Clair ~eitch, o.fthe Cj.t-y.."of-"~t:~-'F-lfomas, be anct hereby appointed- SolicIto.r for the Municipal? Corporation of the of Elgin. And' Whereas application has been made for the cancellatio.n the said agreement, The County Council' of Elgin enacts: 'That the Warden be ,and is hereby at1thorized to execute a Claim Deed iri reference to the property mention cd in ment and affix the Corporation Seal thereto. Co.unty Council Chambers,St. Thomas, 28th Novcmber, 1913. County CO,uncil Chambers, 28th November, 1913. McKAY, Clerk. JOS. A. JACKSON. Warden. K. W, McKAY. Clerk. JOS. A. BY.LAW No. 835 Tq Confirm By-Law No.. 896 af the Township of Malahide Passed 28th November, 1913. \iVhereas By~Law No. 89G of the Township of Malahide was 121 1;'1 II II ': 111 I~I Ilil 'I I, Iii] 1;1 !II,' 1.1: " '~, 1,1 'I! 'I. II :11, II: 122 EI..GIN COUNTY COUNClIL ELGIN. COUN'I'Y COUNOIL 123 INDEX House of Industry.. .. . , . .. ,... .... ConveYl:J..llCe of Iumates ..... Drainage.... ...... .... Hydl'o.Electric Development Industrial Farlll .. ,", of Oouncil ....9, 23, 30 , ,'. 44 18 .... .,37 "" 18, 30, 35, 41 '.. ".. 5 7, 13,15, 24,31. 36 Address of Warden Agricultural Bepl'eSelltative. BRIDGES- ......7,22,35 . .. 17. 23. 38 ,.,'... .... ,13 28 ",.. Thames Ri VOl' Lal.e Whittl\l,N' ............ 13Y .LA WS- 820 To Appoint High School 'l'l'llSt.f\E'S... .., . . .-. . 19, 99 821 '1'0 }j'ix SI\lal'Y of Police Magistl't\te ..... 19. 99 82~ '1'0 Al1thodllHl W!\I'deu and Treasurer to Bonow $20.000 1~, .100 823 '1'0 ApPoln t Boa.l'd of Ane1.it 20, 100 824 To Appoiut Auditors .. ... ..' .,. ...20. 101 825 '1'0 Rostor6 Duties ofGI\olUommittee ..... 21. 101 816 '1'0 Repeal R,V-Law 790. '!'Ii House of Industry ,. . iH. 101 827 '1'0 Pt'csoribe Rules and -Re~uh\tion8 t'e House of Inoul'1try3L 102 82~ '1'0 Authorize Wanlen and 'rr~l\Slll'er t,o BOtTO'''' $20.000 32. U5 829 '1'0 Exteud Time fot' Tax Sale ..' .... ." 32. 1 iG 830 '1'0 Gl'allt Additional Aid to Schools ......33.117 831 '1'0 B.aise Couut..V Rates :.... .., .... .... ...33.117 832 '1'0 Ooufinu Equalization ......... .,. .... ..n .... ..34.119 833 '1'0 AlUelldBy~Law No. 827 ......45, 120 R34 To Authol'izf-\ WIHdeu to Sign Qllit Claim Deed . .4(), 120 835 '1'0 Ooufinn By.Law No. 896 of Malallide .. .46, 836 '1'0 Appoint Douuty Solicitor ....47.120 Commuuications .... .... .' 10,25, a8 Corn Gl'owers' Association. Oounty Officials ... Couuty Solicitor's Death Couut,y Trustees' Associntioll Good Roads Couuty Ellgiueel',.. . . . Couuty Olerk .,.. .... ... Oouuty Treasurer... .... Education ...., ..... Educational Association Equalizatioll ............... li'iuauce . . . .' ..., Good 'Roads Association ...... Ho'use of Industry.... " ..,.. Inspeotol'. .... .......... Physioian' ........ . . . . ... Petitions alld Legislation Police Magistl;ate ........... Public Improvements Pllbtic School IllspectOl' Atldll Public Sohool Inspector 'l'aylor Representative. Committees,.. . Addl'esg. Committees .... ... ..71, 72 .... .... .... 98 .... ... .62, 65 .... 57, 58, 59 .... ..21, 60 ...... 31 16. 27, 38, 66, 67, 68 .. .. ...........95 .17,77,78 ...... .... .... .... 79 . .... .... .... "" 83 ".. .... . 76 .... ... 90 74, 75 _..,. .53 .49 .... ...... ..94 '.., .......48 ......... 85,86,87 .... 24 .. ..43 ... () 37 8,\6, 21, 22, 37. GRANTS- Agricultural Fail's, Bl'idge 011 Indian Reserve Farmers' and Ladies' InstitutE'S Kate Wallllce Law Library Miscellaneous Schools Warden ..... ...,.. .......... ..... .....