1914 Minutes PROCEEDINGS ~.of the__ County Council.. During .the Sessions,held',in tile Court . House, .5t. Thornas. in the months of . January/June and November NineteenH~.uldred and Fourteen JOaN DROMGOLE, Whrden County Officials d. W. Colter, Esq., County Judge C. O. Rrmatingel'; Junior Judge p. McCoU,. Esq.,' Sheriff JaB. J-;l. .poyne, :Esq., Registrar D. McLl\\Vs,Esq., County Court Clerk, A.McOrimmon, Esq., Ulerk of thEi Peace and County Orown Attorney C.. F. , Maxwell, Esq., Master in Chancery W: F. Luton, Esq,., Gaoler J. A. T<t,yloI', B. A., a,ndW. Atkin, Esq., Public School~nspectors John McOttuslarid, Esq., 00. Treasurer K. W . McKay, Esq., Co. Olerk , James A. Bell, M C.8.;. O. E':,Connty Engineer C. St. G...I."eitch, County'Solicitor Frank liunt;"Ee.lq.", Police Ma'gistrate Robert Kains, ,M. D., Gaol Surgeon F. W. Guest, M. D., Physicia.n Honse of Industry D. H. Gooding, Esq., Keeper House of Industry A. TUl'n~,r, Esq., Inspector House €If Industry John Hopkins,. Ca,retakel' Court House All'of St. ThomasP. O. County Auditors: 'Valkel' caughe~lj W;. A. Galbraith,-'PA\ttbn . Adminis'tration of Justice AUditoI'S:",.O. W. Cblter.'Cau'rity...'J.udge '. '. .-" ..- . ,'.-:. .- . James A. McLetl.ll, Rodney PROCEEDINGS --OF THE":"" COUNTY. COUNCIL FIRST SESSION-FIRST DAY MunicipaIClerltsand'Trea,surers MUNICIPALl'1'Y . ,CLERK. Aldborongh .... E. A. H\1gi11, Roq.ney":::'.. D.'M(iPherson, West Dunwicr. .......D. A.l\icNabb,))u~t-ton......J. A. campbeH, Southwold "', J. C Mc'Lennan, FJ':}gaJ .... D.A., Cattanach, Fin~a ,Ya.\'mouth... .W~ c.--caughell,St.Th,_omas . .R.:McLachlin, SLThom Malahide .. . Johii..:M'. HaJe;"Aylm,l'lr-:...~ . John M Hale,1\yl)ll Bi:\.yham .... Benj. Briari:;~Straffordvme".. Wm. ,Grant, Straffordv} 'Soutb Dorchester .. ,.. D. rra-ylori_ Belmont... Gordon ,Winder, Lyo Town ofAylmel' _. ... D:;'c.'Da~:is-~,.....,....,.. ':.c...W. Warn Village, of Vienna.... .. .,.. 13.,8',' clutt91i'.~.. ... .~~ .-;,....8. S. Clu_t" Village of Spt'ingfleld. .... .J. B: Lucr\.s~... .... ':.. ,. .._"George MuH,. Village of Port Stanley... .J. S. Rob:wtson .... .1.'.,-.. ,J. S.Roberts():i Village of Dutton.,..,... '-",J.- D. Blue ,'........ .,.... ,..... D.Cainp~e,! Village ofvVestLorlle. .';.J. S.Robertson...... ..... ...: ...vV.H~'Bo) Village of Rodney;.. ..' ,..J. D; Shaw..., " .,. ..., .,...'.N. S.Lus 6 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL Town of Aylmer- Reeve, Oscar McKenney Village of Vienna- Reeve, Richard H. Mc9urdy FIRST SESSION-SECOND DAY Wed,i1esday, the 28th day of J~llllHiry" 1~14. The Eigin OOltnty Council met this dny according to adjournment. Village of~pringfi~ld- ;Reeve, Ernest A. ~Bryce 'The WitT-den iIi the.cha.ir. the members present; ViUagc of Port Stanley-~ Reeve, N. S. Cornell \V a.r4e~ -addl'es$edtheOo_uncilas follows: ,Village of DuttOll--' / Reeve, John H. McIntyre Warden's 'Address ,Village, of W est Lorne-~ Reeve,' Walter A.Becker '~,~b~ EIginOoimty' Oouncil: ;"GENTLEMEN,~I have to again thank you fbr the honor conferred ;~lecting me te preside 'avei' your deIiberaticms dllring the year. . . _~:_Jt(d-gingfrom preseiltjrldicl:ttionsthere will be very little business .J~pmta1lce to engage yell!' attentit1u at this sessio1l. Village of Rodney- Reeve, James A. McLean The OleI'k took. the chair and explained the procedure for of "''''1tl'den u,lder By-La.w No. 815. The election of Warden proceeded with and on the'fourteenth vote,.Ml'. John D['omgoh~, of Dumvich, havin~ received a majority ,over the whole Oouncil, :duly elected. The V\.7arden~elect made statutory d,eclaration of office-before" Honor Judg:e Oolter, took the ,chair and thanked theCauncilfor:t honor confe['r~d upon him. . Publicity ,.1'he, 'parllphlet prepared by the County nOil,l'd of 'l'l'ude. and. "~Ucity Associatio~l to .advertise theOoulJty is nowavaila,hle. :erity thonsand copies \vill be isslll:'d and phns fOI' their dist,rilmtion '~,cure"the best results are ll1ostilllpoi'tant. ' Agricult,iiraIRepresevtative .'AIthougha second office for the use of the representative of the ,c~lltural D~partment has. been opened at Aylmer, this work will ',l';be_pro(lel'ly organized until a third office in charge ora compe~, lUan is opened in the City of St: Thomas. Under the pr'esent ~gementthe Oounty's expense is :litilited to$500.Ifa competent! ;w~re availa.hle I woilld recOlumed the Council to consider fut'ther t~-~Il this conn~ction with It vie\vto enabling the representative to' 'rj;ake ruore'wol'kthan he CHn at present. last da,y of the November The proceedings of' the l'e!1d and confirmed. Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded by;Wm.H. Moore, That 'the -Reeves of the different municipalities be aCommitt~;. strike the Standing Oommittees and that the -Oomicil- adjoUl'll,( 10' a"m. to. morrow. Hous'e of Industry K. W. McKAY, County. Clerk. , . "';,'t' year's reports. on 'the House of .Industry would indicat.e that as been some 'improvement in. the Uumagelllent. I would, Bug" '7 8 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN- OOUNTY COUN9IL p'romSt.. ThOITll1.8 CollegJate Institute, Annual R~port. to Education Comilli ttee. Referred 'gest that the Council continue their active interest in thi~institntion wi~h a ViAW to bl'inging abont a l,ettel' condition ofl\.fIairs. All ",ho are Hcql1n.inted 'with that iUf"titlltion will admit that there, could be 'some improvement in the farming' operations and now that the tHe drainage of the. land hns heen cornpleted, advatitlfge, should he takeuof the .improved conditions to endea.vor to produce i'csults. Some Of the expendit\lre~ during the year 1912 hftve proved to be ,pel'manent yevenue producers. I believe that other improvements could be made tha;t would bring about similar results. I ,vQuld i'equest that the', Committee report in this connection at thepl'€Serit session with a view tobri'nging, the matter up for the 'consider<-lth:~n of the Council. FromOnbtrio Good Roads Association, re Annual meeting. to PUQlic Improvement Oomrilittee. From Municipal Railway'l'ax Association 1'e appointment 'of '}'esentative. Referl'ed to Petitions &Legislation Oommittee. From Salvation Army Headquarters with request for grant. ~erred to Finance Committee. Electr~c ~~i~ways From Hospital Jor ~ick Children,' Toronto, request fOl' Grant. Re~ 'rried to Finance Committef', From Price Garvey & Co., Torontb,re incorporation of Norfolk and ',~J~in Railway.> Referred to Petitions & Legislation Committee. "-. '0 'From Bo- Bl'ia'n, redeputatioll for grant Straffordville'Lockup. ,From W{lrdsville High School-Board with account for-lOiS. Re~ .red to Education Oommittee. Fi'om County Solicitor reBy~law. for protection of Bl'idges.Re~ :red to Public Improvement Oommittee. :>:Froill OOtlnty Treasurer with Report. ,tee. ) ) There is considerable agitat.ion in different pattsofthe .lor the' estab1ishmentof extensions of electric l'Hilwaj's In viewof lhe difficulties that rnunicipaJities sometimes run in dealing 'Yit:' private companies who are always looking for bonuses Ol~ guara.f,Ite~ for excessive amount of honds, I believe that the Hydl'o~RadialSyste. of roads under th~ supervision of the Provincial Commission ..wil result in municipal ownership and control of these neceSO:iary mean"sQ comtriunieatiol1j \",hidl- will be wOl'thy of our ctLl'eful consider-f\tion; ',-.- rl'b('_proceedings of the pl'evions dllY vt'erc relld and confirmed;. The report of the Committee appoirrted to str'ike the Oommittees was presented and adopted on motion of Mr. seconded by Mr. Moore. Referl'ed to Finance eom~ From CountyE~gineer with Report "ts_ Committee. Referred to Public Improv. \ \ The following c6mlnnnications were read: From A. Werner, Secl'etHryProvin~ia.l Trustees' Associ<ition. fel'red to Education,Committee. Library Association re Grant. Referred to From Prisoners' Aid Association with request fOl' Grrmt. ed to Finance Oommittee. )Ur.'Stafford gave notice that he would apply for grant on County ~,'-b~tween Middlesex. a,ndElgin. . r. Mcintyre 'gave notice that he would apply for a. grant of "'!tyFive Dollars ($25..00) each for the West 'EIgiriPari:ners'ltnd ;f>'Institutes. From Oounty Ole'rk of Perth re-distriblltionol Fed-eral Ag1'iculture. Refet'red to Petitions & Legislation Oonunittee. v Re- l'ep~ Re~ 10 ELGIN COUNTY 'CO'UNCIL 11 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved byA. McOoll, That Erwin Smit,hbe appointed. Trustee of the Vienna High :~chool f~r a term~f three years. Seconded by J.B. McIntyre, , .ThatJames McLean be appoiutedon Board ofAudlt of tration of Justice Accounts for the year 1914~ -Oarried Moved by J. H. McIntyre, ~ecC?nded by Alex; Kerr, Moved by A. 'McColl, re-appointed Trustee of the Dutton High SeCOllded byA. Wehlano; Thr.a<tuis 'council do now adjourn to meet lit twoo'clock to Oommitte~ 'to meet. \ \ :-:-,-Carried Moved by}. H,'McIntyre, Seconded by W. A. Becker, That the Ohairmen ,of the various Standing Committees he_ a _,veciaI'Committee to co~siaer and report on the' Warden's Add'ress. -~-- The Council Resumed Moved by A. McOoll; . Seconded by A.Kerr; -Oarried, MovedbY_9. McKenney, Seconded by W. 'R. Moore, rXhat deputation from Union-So S.L 2 andS Aldbol'ough and wich be now heard. Messrs. Inspector 1aylor, Holla-nd, Oameron. a;ud Oi'iibb addressed the Conncil i'n-reference to grant (lotion of Union SecUons. -Th"att.hiscouncil adjOUrn for one hour to allowOo~m_ittees,to eet. -Oarried Referred to Education Moved by W.A. Becke,I', Seconded by A. Wehlann, The Council Resumed ::Moved by J; A. McLean, ,That the usual sum of Fifty Dollars ($50,00) Law Library Association. Seeonded by A.A., Miller, Council accept the invitation of the Cha.irmanof the of Educatfon and visit the Oollegiate Institute 'this' evening at Moved by R. H. McOurdy, Se.con~ed by M. B. Stafford, -Oarried 12 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moyed by W. II. Moore, S'econded by O. McKeu"ney, That thi.s Council n,djourn to meet to~mol'row at eleven o'clock. ":"":Ca.rried FIRST SESSIOJII,THIRD DAY Thursday the 29th day of Jfl,lluary, 1914 TbeElgiri OountYCouncilmet this dayaccordingtu adjoul'nme'nL' 'K. W. McKAY, Oounty Olerk JOHN DROMGOLE, . 'Warden The Wardenin the chair. , All the In,emb_ers present. Thep.."oceedings of the previous dflY were read a,nd confirmed. The following communications w~re read: From.OannLy Polic-e Magistrate with annual report 'Referl'ed to 'inance Oommittee. , ,From W. J. Shaw, SecretarY-Treasurer Ohildren's AId Society, 1'e 'rg.!lUlzlttion of Elgin Society. :n'rom Oounty Solicitor with report. on matter pertaining to St. ?mas.Colt'egiate Institute. ::::'Mr. ~ineo gave noticetha,t he woulc3 apply, for _ grants of'l'wentY4 !'I,Dollars each to the Ei-tst Elgin Farmers/and Ladies' Institutes. ,:~~e report of tbe Pu:blic Improvements Oommitte.e WilS presented "'~,,~~oPted on motion of Dawes, seconded by McLean. .<:>'.n,motion Of Oornell; seconded by Pineo, the council adjourned J2p. m. The Council Resumed r>MoKenneygav.e notic~ of application fOl' grant of Forty Dol~ '.OO),for improvements on Lockup'atAylmer. gran't for StraffordviIIe 14 ELGINOOUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN 'COUNTY OOUNCIL 15 Mr. Dawes gave notice of applioation for grant Dollars to the Belmont Horse Show. ~Carried Moved by M. B. StaffOI'd, The report of the Petitions and Legislation Gommittee w~s pre~ seuted and adopted on motion of Moore, seconded by Becker. Seconded by Alex_ Kerr, The report of thE' Special" Oommittee_ on the W8.rden's, Addres,iF:> was presented and adopted on motion of McIntyre, seconded by Ke.rr. /l'hat this County Conncil expend One HLindredDollal's in grave.l, prpviding tbeCounty of' Middlesex does the same, the gravel-to be sidoo the Oounty To\vnline between the twoCouuties northeast of ::ol'itbwotd 'StatiOl~. The report of the Gaol Committee' waS presented and referred to~( 'Oommittee of the who~e. Mr. McOoll hi the chair. After cOllsideriuJ({ t~e report it was amer.ded and adopted on motion qf McOoll, seconded" by Kerr. . -Oarriect >Moved by R.H. McCurdy, Seconded by Alex. Kerr, :That,deputation fI'om the Couuty Trustees' As"ociation ,be now Letlfod. The report of the Education Committee was presented andadoptecr; 'on motion of McLean" seconded by ~tafford. Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded by Geo. lI'. Pineo, -Cllrried ~M"essrs. Lindsl~Y and McPhel'son'addre",sed the Council with a,re- e~tforgrant-toward5thefunds of the Tl'ust~es' Association and Ja;Warden referred the matter to the Finance Committee. ,,:',Moved by A. McOoll. ThcLt Dr. F; H~Millerbe appointed a member of the Ayli:ner 0, h~giate Institute Boardforthree'yearh. Moved hyJ. H. McIntyrE', '-'Seconded by W. A., Becker, .-'.rhat 'a deputatio'n from the ,heiation be now heard. Elgin Board 0fTrade and Publicity Seconded 9Y W. A. Becker, That this council grant: Twenty-fiveDollars each to the-West Farmers' and Ladies' Institutes. -'Oarried Penhale,andSilco_x addressed, the Council with Publicity Association. The Ward~p- referred l;eq nest for the mattei' Moved by J. H., MCIntyre, Seconded by Samuel Da.wes, That W. A. Galbraith and'W. O. Oaugbell be appointed for the-Cbu!-1ty Accounts of11913. . 14 ELGIN QOUNTY OOUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 15 Mr. Dawes gave notice ofappHcation fOl" grant of -Twenty-Five-); Dollars to the Belmont Horse Show. - -'-'-Car'I'ied . Moved, by l\L B. Stafford; Seconded by Alex. - Kerr, ThS report of the Petitions and Legislation Committee w!'ts sentld and adopted on motion of Moore, seconded by Becker. The report of thE:' Special Committee_ on the Warden's Address,' ~as presented and adopted on motion of McIntyre, seconded byKer~. The report of the Gaol Oommittee' waS presented and referred to 'Committee of the whole, Mr. McCaHin the chair. After cousideriuR': tl;1e report it was ame~.ded and adopted on motion of McColl, seeon'de . by Kerr. <.:"..,.l'bat this ,County Council expend .one Hundred Dollars in grarvel, "pr:oviding the County _ of Middlesex does the same, the gra.vel.to be l~id on the County To\vnline between the two,Counties_uortheast c& J3onthwdld'Statiou. ~Cai'ried The report of th~ Education Committee was presented andadopteq on motion of McLean, seconded by Stafford. Moved by O. McKenney, '" Moved by R.H. McCurdy, 'Seconded by Alex. Ken, That,deputation ft'om the County Trustees' As~ociation .be now ~i;i'd. Seconded hy Geo. :b\ Pineo, -,-Carried '; Messrs. Linds/h' and McPherson addre..;sed' the Council with It re~ ~s~for' grant toward.:. 'the -funds 'of the -Tl'ustf;les' Association and' Wnrden referred the matter to the ,Finance Committee. That Dr. F. H. M,iller be appointed a member It'giate Institute Boal'dfOl,threeyear.:.. Moved by.!. H. McIntyre, Seconded 9Y W. A. Becker, That this council grant Twenty-fiveDollars each to :-;SeCOlided' by W. A.,Becker, ~~ltltt<l;deputationfrom thE; . ciatlOll be now' heard. Elgin -Board 0f'Trcl.de and Publicity /F~rmers' and Ladies' Institutes. ~Carried' Moved by J. H. McI~tyre, Penhale,andSilco,x a.ddressed, the Council with the Publicity Asso'ciatioh. The Warden referred request fQr the matter Seconded by Samuel Dawef:j, That W. A. Galbraith a)1d'W. O. O.)1ghell be appointed for the "Cbupty Accounts of'1913. by.W. T.;Hal'e, bY-D. McKenney, l~ ELGIN OOUNTY OOU~CIL 'l'hat the Olel'k be authorized to snpplyeach member of the Ooo,neil ..ndeach Conoty Official with a cloth bcood copy ,of TheMimicipal Act 1913, _~Carr'ied ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 17 FIRST SESSION-FOURTH DAY Friday the 30th day of January, 1914,' The Elgin County Council met thi~day accol'ding to adjournment. The Warden in the chair. Moved by R H. McOurdy, Seconded by M.. B. Stafford, That thIS council visit the St.Thomas Ohildl'en'. Aid Society at Shelter this eVf'uing ~n response to invitation, 4.11 the members present. Moved by W. F. Smith. Seconded byW. T. 'Hare, this council adjourn Thepl'oceedings of the pl'eViOlHs day wyre rea~and confit'ine,d. The repor't of the Finance Cbmlrlitt.ee was presented, and, referred a cbnnijittee of the wh.ole, Mr. Stafford jn the chair. After consid~ discussion the, report' -was adopted :without H,mendment .on ofMr~ Stafford, '3econdpd by Mr. Millet', The HOllse of Industr.y Committpe ..-'~port was presented and uci'opa on motion of l\fr: McIntyre. seconded by Mr. ICel'l'. ;rhat 9.30 a. m. to meet to~morrow Moved by O. McKenneYI Seconded by D. R. Oudis, JOHl\ IiROMGOLE, That a grant of Fatty ~ollars be givel1 to the 110wn (lfAyhnel' to building a lavatoryin the public Lockup, K..W;McKay, Oounty Clerk ~Carried Moved by Samuel Dawes, Seconded by w. F. Smith, That this Canncil ~rant the sum I of Twenty-five DoHars :to the providing the ~ounty of Middlesex'grants'a. , ..........Carried ;:~~~conaed' by W. T..Hace, 18 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 19 That the llsut\.l grants of,Twenliy~fie Dollctrs eltch Etist Elgin-Fal'mers' and Ladies' Institutes. be given to-the Th~t BY,Ltiw No. 838 be read a second time. , . -"'::Carrie~ Move!! by A; McColl, Moved-by J. H.Mclntyrej Secnud(d by Alex. Kerr, That By~Law No. 838 be read a third time and finally passed. Seconded by A. 'Vehlann, That By-La,w No.837 being a 'By-Law to repeal By-Law:Nb; 739 constitution of cornmittees;be received and read <l firsttiroe. -Oarried Moved by A. McCon, Secolldedby A.W ehla,nn, That By-Law No~ 837 be read a second time. By-Law No. 839 being a by:-law be received and read a first time: to fix the salary of the -Carried" Moved by A.,Wehlann, by M. B. Stafford, Seconded by A: McColl, by A. A; Miller, By-La.wNo. S3g'be read a'second_time. ThatBy~Law No. '837 bere<td~-third time and, finally-p'l"ssed. --;-Cal'l'ied. Moved by J; H. Mdntyre, by ~f. B. Staffcrd, Seconded by A. Kerr, by A. A. Miller, Thl-tt By~Law No. 888, being a by-law to pro,vide for the and preservation of bridges, ber8ceived and read'a fil'st'time. By~Law No. 839 be read <L third time and finally passed. " . -'Cnrl'ied Moved by-B. H. ,McCurdy, Seconded by, J.B. McIntyre, 20 ELGIN.OOUNTY COUNCIL That By~La.w No. 840.b~ing aby.l::(,w ~o app'oint aBoard of Audit; he ~eceived and read a fhst time. ~ -Ca. rried Moved-by \V. H. Moore, Seconded by O. McKenney, That By~LawNo. 840 be reag a second time. ,Moved by ~hos. Dennis, . Seconded 'by .W. H. Moore. That Br~law No. 840 be read. a third time and-finally passed: Movethy Samuel Dawes, S.econded by E. A. Bryce, rrhat By-Law No. 841, ,being a hy-Iaw to appoint frnstees be received and read a fi~st time. Mov~d by Tbos.. Denni,s. Seconded by'SmnnelDawes, That By.La~ No. 841 be read a second time. Moved by E;- A. Bryce, Seconded by Samuel Dawes, That By~Law No. 841 be read a third time and finally pn,ssed. ELGIN OOUNTYCOUNCIL 21 --Carried. Moved by W.F. Smith, Seconded'by D. R. Ourtisj That By-Law NO..842, beiug a by-law to appoint Auditors ,be l'e" ceived and read a first time.' , ~a,trried \ Moved hy D. R. Cu~tis; .Seconded by W.T. Hare, That By-Law No. 842'be read It second tirne. ~Oarried , l\Iovf.1d by-W. F,'Smith, Seconded byE. A. BrycE', That'By~Law'No.842 be~e.ad a third time a'ud finally passed, -Oarried Moved by ;N. S: Oornell; Seconded by G..F. til)eo-, By-Law No. 84,3, 'being aby~law ~o ftuthorize the Warden and - I to ,borrow ['wenty Tholls!-l,nd'Dollars ($20,000) be receIved' read a first tim,e. -Oarried by W. 'r. Hare, by W. Fj SmIth! By-Law N-o'. 843 be rea'a a second tIme. s';g o _ 2~, 1-3 6~g- -:. Q.. p;- .~..~ ~ ~ '6 9'9,'~ (1) ~?o, :tl ;: ~ w ~ " iii g P. ~ ::.: I-i ~ ~ 00 ~..,~ ~ ~ m ;:; 'm 'E..:1. 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'~ 22 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN OOUl.'ITY QOUNOIL Carried. SECOND SESSION'-FIRST DAY Moved by N. S~ Cornell, Seconded by G. F. Pineo, That By~Law No. 843 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. ';i'uesday, the 9th day ofJ une, 1914. The EIgin-Cou'ntY'Coundl Uli3t, this cluy at the ,Court House, ,St. /rhomas, at Lwo o'clock p. Ill. according to adjou,rnrnent. The Wnrden in ehe chair. _All th.erilembers present except Mr. Cornell, 'Reeve of Pt. Stanley. . The:Warden ~ddressedthe,CounciI [IS follows: THE WARDEN'S ADDRESS That this Conncil do now o'clock p; m. GENTLEMEN,.-8ince YOUl' Illst session the business of th8 County been ofa rciutine character. 'l'here a,re, hO'we.yer, several matteI's,. 'ing to your attention. n. 011 the 17th Of MHY"Chlp'/es'EUiott.;of \Vestrninster, ItIE'b with, ~;cident at Martin,'. Bddge on the County Line, we"t of Belmont, ic~~faction for $!UOO d'"ll"ges IVas rcceivl'd n,nd the Warden of ,d!~sex and myself inquired into t.he Cil'CUtDsta'nces connected there'~ ':~nd'a.sa. resnlt an offer of settlement Hb$3lJO . has ,heenreceived, .''I.'\vouJu l'equest the Public Impt'ovemeub Committee to l'eportiu. ";Uce thel'eto. K W. McKAY, County Clerk. JOHN Q'it tb-P. 6th d'ay ofMayiIis Ri>yal' Higl;ness, l'he Duke ofCon~-'. t,;Go'vel'noL'~GeQel'(d ofCituadn, visited St. l'holYl1tS. ~.hthe pl'Oposedvisi~ WitS anno.~lnc("d,:'I cil,lied on Mn,yol' John~ i%,~nanged for tbc Decor,'!ion of the Coud House, The gl'OUllds, lh?ftlle ~luilding Were aftel'wards plrwed-H,t the dispOSfll of t.?e' "tliorities and the pl'eseu!irtion o~ a joint address \Vas decided, ~~og:((lllme 'vas currit'.dollt in an .ffPPl'opdate'innnnernnder' ~llspicet;rHld I\Vl-1s pleilsedto notice tha.t n. majority of the i{lheOout.cif'were Otl1long those present; 2:) (3) There \~ere a large number of amendmentR to the laws passed at the last session of the Legislature, most of which of interest to url:ntn mimicipa..1ities only. The law relating ~o Honses of Industry was amended so that inmates who ha.ve not resided County f(?l' two years may be returmid to the County in,vhich last l'esided for two year8 24 ELdIN COUN'.ry - OOUNCIT, The proceedings of the last da.y of the pr,evious 8'e88ion. arid confirmed. 1'he following comlYlunications w('re\read: From' Glencoe High School BOfll'd 'yith'accollut for 1913. to Education Committee. ' From.T. A.Taylor, I.' P. S ,with report. Referred to Oommittee. ll'row Co. Olerk, Middlesex, re grant on Delaware 00. Lin€'. F~'[.nn J. C. Spencer,re City Committee on nppointment T,tylor. From J. C. Reed, 00. Clerk, Dufferin, r'e 'l'axing Mut.or -Refm'l'0d (,0 Petitions i~ Legis1~~tiol1 Committee. From O. K rrwiss with acct rnllsonburgHigh School 1913. fet'l'ed to Edncation Committee .J!'l'n~n COHl1(,Y AudItol'::> "With report, Heferred to ',Finarice niitt,(~e. Fl'om Vv~. Atkin, J.-p. S.~!l'ith report and expense acct. to Edueation Committee:. Fr;<:HIl Ontario Municipal Association, 1'e annual meeting. t'o Finance Oommittee. From Township of Bayham withpetitionre~. S No.2. to Education Committee, Fl'om Sec, Ontario vVintol' Fail'. Referred.to.Finance ELGIN From Education De,pal'tment, l'e School Grants. Referred to Ed- Committee. FrornCounty Engirieer with report. Referred to Pub1iclmprove~ Oommittee. FroUl Oounty Clerk with l'epOl'Lon,Licenses. Hefeued_. to ~"ina.nce .From County.Treasurer with report. Referrl:'d to Finance C0111- From Oourt House Commission with report. Referred to Ij1inance From Board of Trade & Publioity Association withl'eport." Re- Finance Oommittee. Mr. Staffordenquiredre agreement maintenance of road hI front of Indl1stry Farm. I 1Ur. DR-wes gf~v:e notice of applicatlon forgrnnts to Agricultural cieties. notice of Hpplicntion forgl'1lnt to .,Kate Wallace" Moved by W.H. MO'ore, Secon~ed by Thos. Dennis; Il,de'putation from Port. Bur~'i'ell find the 'fowi1tihip of Bay~ be. heard t.o.m~lTow at2p. m~ - Carried M. B. Stafford, by 0, McKeliney, Oounty Connci1re~grant to the Oneidct IndIan Reserve One Htindl'~d and Fifty Dollars ($150,00) for' the building' . 26 ELG,IN COUN'l'X, o.O:UNCI~ ELGIN OOUN'l'Y OOUNCIL of a cement bridge on the reserve, providing that the County of -MidM dles6x'arirlthe Indian 'Department grant the balance of the cost, the work to 'beapproyed by the County Engineer. SE:COND SESSION-SECOND DAY ----,Uarri~d Wednesday, the lOthdayof Jupe, 1914. Mcved by A. McOcll, The EJIgin COlmty Council met this day at the Court House; St. Thomas, according,to adjoul'nmen.t. Secopded by A. Wehlann, ~Tpat this, Council do now a'djouI'n to meet to-morrow at 10 a.m. Th'e"Warden in the chair. , All ,the members_pre.sent except Mr. Cornell. -Oarried The proceedings of the previous day were reudand confirmed. K,VV. McKAY, County Clerk. JOHN', DROMGOLE,' W.trden; A communiclttion from the Vienna High School was read: and referred to the Education Cblumittee. ' . Mr. McColl enquir~d in reference~o the payment of monies gra.n~ ted in 1909 under Bv-Law No. 757, and the Ward~n referl'eq,the mat-- tel' tothe PUblic Improvement Committee to report. , Mr. Dawes gave notice of application for a grant ofT'Yenty-five Dollars ($20.00) for Belmont Library. ' ~r. Dennis gave notice of-application tOl' g-rant of One Hundred ($100.00) fol' Nodolk Oounty Lines. Mr. Becker gave notice of application for grant of 'fwenty.five ($25.00) for 'Vest LOl'ne Library. MO,veA by W. H. Moore',. _Seconded by th05. Den'nis, That this Council do nowadjou.rn until 2 p.m. to allow committees -Oarried The Cou~cll' Resumed. deputation of representatives from the Counties of Oxford: and c~nsisting of Messrs., Squire, Stauffer and Goble" then adqres':' requesting the appointment 0f a l'epresentative on a Oom'mitteeto investigate all matters pretaining to the establish.. 27 28 ELGIN COUNTyOOUNOIL EWIN OOUNTY OOUNCtt.. ,mentof an Industrial FcV"m. The Warden referred the request to the Finance.CorllIlllttee. .,.-Oarried Messrs. Farley imd Spears then addressed the. Council requesting a grant for the EJgin Poultry. Association; and the Warden referred the rE;'quest to the Finance Committee. Moved by 'V. H. Moore, Seconded by rrhos. Dennis, The I'eport of the Education Committee waS, presented alid adopted on motion of Mr.Me~ean,'secondedbyMr.Hare. ,That the deplltat::ion from Port Burwpll b~no:w heard. Mr. Moore requested that the petition from Mr. M. G. Burwell and one,hu,ndred,andsixteen others praying that School Section No.2; Bayha.ll1, he detached from 'the Vienna High School Distr-iet, be granted. The report of the Public Tmproveinent CO:uiID\ttee was presented adopted on.motion of Mr. Dawes, seconded by Mr. Wehlann. The following gave notice of appJicll.tion for l\venty~five' Dollar to Public Libraries: Messrs. Backhou:?e, Cudney, 'Vright andVanOrder then addressed the 90uneil in support of thepetitiori dud the Warden' referred the ma,tter to the Education Committee. Mr;'. McCurdy Viert'na Mr. McIntyre Dutton A motion to grant t,he prayer of the petition WHS ..then pl'esented .and after eQnsiderahle discussion, theOoUllcil went into a of the \~'hole, Mr. Moore in the'chl:1ir; After eonsid(~ring the matter was Mr. Bl'yce Springfield Mr. Miller Shedden Mr. Moore Port Burwell Moved by O. McKenney, .l\h.. Wehlartn Rodney Seconded. hy'rhos. Dennis, Moved by Samuel Dawes, Th:lt the Council do nOw adjourn ruitil4 p. m. cation Oommittee to meet. Seconded by E. A. Bryce, That the County Grants to P_gricult.ura.l' Fair8 be the Same as last namely, twenty vel' cent. <J.f the Govel'ment Grant. The Council Resumed \i'ii: :10\:'; ..:c..Oa~rie~ Moved by M, B. St..,tl'ord, Moved by Alex Ken'l Secc111ded" by A. A. Miller, Secondedhy J.H. McIntyre, That a deputation from the El~in Poultry . Associa,tion be heard'. this,Cou..lCil l:nakea gnmt of Fifty Dollars to the Township' t~' assist" i~ the maintenance of K.:ateW allace and sisteI'; 29, 30 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNClL 31 'who "were formerly inmates of the House of Industry. "SECOND SESSION- THIRD DAY -Oarried , Thursday the 11th d'u.y of.J~(lne, 1914. Moved by J. H. McIntyre, The Elgin OOlinty Oouncilmet this drty according' tCf it,djourment at 10 a. m. Seconded by Alex; Kerr, That this Council do now adjourn flntillO a,' m.' to-morrow to al- low t~e ,House of Industry Committee to meet'at once. The W al~den in the chidr.' Allthe memhers present e;xcepf Mr', Cornell. .....:...Carriei\ The pl'oceadings of the previous ,da.y were read and confirilled', K. W. McKAY, County Cle~k. JOHN DROMGOLE, Warden. The follO\ying communic,ation<; were read: From John' Hopkins, with applicntion for positi()ll of-High Cl:m. stable. Referred to Finance Committee. From O,K, Silcox, 'I'm'nkey, with application for increa'el'e insi1l~ ary. R:eferred to Gaol Oommittee. From Oql1nty'Clerk QfMiddl,esex r'e Oounty Lines ILud Bridges. Referred to Public lrnpl;ovement Oommittee., .i\-lr. ~ineo gave n~)tiee of,applicf\tion fOJ' 'grant of One Hundred and Fifty Dollar:s to thE:' East" Elgin Oorn Show. Mr...Beckel' ga,v'e notice of application for grAnt: of Oue Hundred and. FtJty Dolbrs to t!le Elgin Corn Show" I ~h. Pineo gave notice of application for grnnt of FiHy Ddlhu's for of indigent inMl11ahide. .Moved by 'l'hos. Dennis, Seconded by"\-V. H., Moore, That this conncil grant One Hundred Dolln1's to be expended ori 'COlintY,Lines hetween 'Elgin and Norfolk pI'ovided Norfolk nutkes the salllegra.nt to be expended bet\veen the Fifth Line Bayham MId Talbot Road. ~Oal'ried , 32 ELGIN COUNTY'COUNCIL 33 EI..GIN' COUNTY OOUNCIL Moved by W. F. Smith, Seconded byD.' R. Curtis, Secondo,a by n.R. Our tis, ThfLt the Warden ~rid Chairman of the Public ;Improvement Com'~ mittee be a special committee to meet committee apoirited from Middle.. .sex're offer of settlement in Elliott VB. Elgin & Middlesex. 'l'hata,grant'of One Hundred Dollars be made on the Tow'n Line , ~f Middlesex and Yarmouth, provided Middlesex grants a like amount.' -Carrie~ .-Carrie,d Moved by Mr. McIntyre, The report of the deputlttion to the 'Good' Roads Association 'was presented and adopted on motion of Mr. Dawes, secrnded, by Mr. McOoll. Seconded by Mr'. McKe~ney, That ttJe reqiIirements oiBy-Law No. 827 1'e admission to Houseof Industry, of inmates who have property,-should be completed by. the Reeve of Aldhoro in connection with the committal of . John McNichol a~dthafthe standing cominittee be authorized to take such further action as~hey may deem advisable in reference to Bllid McNichol. The report Of the Petitions and Legislation Oommittee WitS pr;e~ sentedand adopted'on motion of Mr.. M~)Qre, seconded by Mr. Becker. The report of the House of Industry Oommitte~ was presented and t'eferl'ed-to a committee of the whole, MI'. McKenney in the chair'. After nmending the repOl't, t.he Oominittee arose and the rep()l.t was adopted-on motion of Ml'. i\JcKennpy, seconded by Mr. StftffOl'd. -Oarried Moved'by R. H, McOu~'dy, Seconded by 1\1. B. Stafford, Moved by S. Dawes, S~cond8d by T.. Dennis, That this Oouncil adjourn till 0 a. Ill; 1!'ridHY to allow the Finance ommittee_tomeet. - ' trhat thi~ Oouncil do now adjourn to rueetat2 p rn, The Council Resumed K. W. McKAY; CountyOlerk -Carried JOHN DROMGOLE. Warden The roport bf the deputation to the Ontario Edlwational Assoc~_ iation was presented and adopted on motion of Mr McCurdy, seconded by Mr. Kerr. - rrhe second report of the Education Oomniittee . was. presented aU,d adopted on motion of l\fl'; McLean, seconded by Mr. McOurdy. The repc'll't of the Gaol Committee was presented and motion of Mr. Sillith, seconded by Mr. McOoll. Moved by E. A. Bryce, 34 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 35 SECOND SESSION-FOURTH DAY Friday the 12th dayof June, 1914 The Elgin OountyConncil met this day at the Court House, St; Thomas, according to adjourment. That the Eqilalization of the Assessment Rolls be the s~tllle as last year; -Carried Moved by O.'McKenney, Seconded by M., B. Stafford, r.J~heWarden in the chair~ All the members present except Mr. Oornell. That in the, opinion- of' this Oouncil it is urgently desirable that- taken t.o sa-ve to the public and to. posterity the ancient In- fortification known as the Southw61d Earthwork 'by/ the estabr of a Domi~ion Park. The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. Messrs, P. Stalker and 4-. McKillop' addr'essed the Council, with a request for It grant to the Elgin Corn Show. That a portion of the Port Talbot property includ.ing. the site of Talbot's residence should also be included in a Dominion M()ved by G. F; Pineo, Seconded by W. T. Hare, That the sum of Fifty Dollars begralllted to the rownshipof'Ma!!).~ hide to assist in the care of John Swain, an incurable, living in said" Township. And that copies of his r'esolution- be fo;,warded to the H~:mpurable' of AgricultUl'E;. the membi:ws of the House of Commons and '-Vest Elgin audthe Otll1lrnissionel' of Public ,P<'1I'ks, ":-:'Carried / Mqved byO. McKenney, b-r A._A. Miller, Secbhded by VV. H. Moore, 'l'hut t~is councHaujonrn until 2 p m By~L,l,W No. 844, being a bYMlaw tq borrow'1'.wenty 'l'housand ($20,000) berec~ived and re;td a first time. . -Oarried A A. Miller, The Council Resumed l1'he Finance Committee then presented two reports, both" \,'ere adopt'ed on motion of Mr._B8cker, s.econded by Mr. Kel'l;' by M. B. Stafford, By~Law No. 844 be rei-td a second time. Moved byA. McOoll, ~Oar1'ied Seconded'by A. 'Vehlann, by M. B. Stafford, S6 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL Seconded by A. a. Miller, Tb.atBy~La.w No., 844 b~ read a third time and finally passed. --Oarriec. Moved by S.Dawes, Seconded by E. A. Bryce, . That By-Law No. 845, being a by-law. to be received and read a fiI'f:lt time. extend ti~e of tax sa-Ie Moved by E. A. Bryce, Seconded by D. R. Curtis, That By.Law No 845 be read It second time. Moved byE. A. Bryce, Seconded by S, Dawesj That By-Law No. 845 be read 'a third-time and flnallypassed. Mavea by J.:A. McLean, Seconded by, W. H. Moore, That By. Law No'. 846, being a hy-la,w schools, be received and read a fil'st time. togl'ant additional Moved by J. A. McLean; Seconded. by O.McKenney, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 37 - That By~Law No. 846 be read a second time. ~Carl'ied Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded byJ. A. :McLean, That By-Law No 846 be read a third timea.nd finally- passed. 20arried MO"ved: by'A. E:err, -Carried Seconded by J. H. McIntyre, That By~Law No. 847" being a. by-law to raise Oounty Rates, be re~ ceived'and readiLfirst time. -Oarried Mo~ed by J. H. McIntyre, -Carried Seconded h,Y A.. Kerr, That By-Law No;' 847 bE" read a second time. Carried Seconded hy'J. H. 'McIntyre, That By-Law No. 847beread a third time and finnIly passed.'~ -Oarried MovedbYA.Wehlann, Seconded by A.McColl, That By'.Law No. 848, being a by~la.wto confirm equalization, be received and read a first time. -danied :>>::: a ~[~~ o ~ ~ r;J ~ ~ Po,p- ::;:" (/1 ~. (I) ,~ 0 ::: ":! ~ - fJl (I) o ~ "'ooq ~" ro ~I.I < ::: 8. "<l g 8' g s " 0 '" ~ 02.~ ~ ~-g "'p: ~- ~ 3 ~ S 00 o g cr' 0' &: Q ~ ~ ,g ".~ l> ~ ~ p..~ ~ 1": cr' e. ii 8 ....;::: ::: ? Q 0 ~l:J'_ ~. i >oj ~ g:$"~; G" {5" :y;;;i~ ~ P. I"'l o Ul;::;:;:; :E B <:"'I" ("'\'" p- ~g-;~ a ~ (I) <' ro ro ;: ~ ~ era:g (Ii >0 2. o c p.~ ~'" o ". p: " ro ::: ::;-::l g ~ ~ -;5: - {Il l> s.; >-3 ~ ~ g'if aq 8 Q . ?E g ~ n ~ ':l,> '-<1 e: 6'::: c:: ~ ;::::.. 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(;1" - C1l :::, 0 g: i€ ft : ~~g,~ 5' ~ E; D ;;;' ro ~ ro ~. - ~ ~f n :::; ro roo . 00 _ o 0 o '" (t ::r. d 0 ~ S ;; 0 (t C1l 8' e ~ ~ p;; 0- ~ 0 >-30 8: ~....: ~& ~ ~ ~ _0 _ ::: --.J 00 2:: ~~ S: ~~~ (p . > " ~ ~ E S" o ~ 2' o oq ~. S [Jq ;;; "':l b.. s-. C1l ~ ~ "' o p.2 ~" & _. ;r 0' ~ ~ (f. ?: s::Q ~~~~~ (5 '<l ~ g ~ -;'l S en C't-- {f\ &00 ~:a 00 " ~ -8 " e. w ~ d" 0 ~ '<l 0: >-.! ~ ~ o. ~' g: ~ ~. ~ P" rn ::I o' e;'"'J:lo ;f' a " o c" .g' ..., o g: 0: q ;I> . . o Q. !!- o' o c ..- '" g-o o " ::; 0 00 Q o o 00 " 00 ~ .., ~ :1:0.. l'l ~ oo' :0:;1> ;1>0.. :='" " o . . >-3 '" o >-3 '" 3 "l . ". '!fJ ~ 5' tiQ ~ S. .0 a S 0 "'~ ~ 0 ;4 00 ~. g :::;::; ... @; 6.8 o' fD o ~ ~ ~ r:J g ;; ~ o . """, . ~ >-3 ". o .~ "'" "" o S o S ". o " 00 "" " ro w o ~ "" ~ ~ '" o o ~ . a o o S" -~ ". o go e" " ~ '" '" " o . 00 o '" ~ "" o o o o " ~ . 00 ~ S < 00 ~ ". o o o o " ~ ~ o o 00 ~ 00 \' .. o >-3 o o ~ '" . '" ~ ". ro Iii' ~ ". '" . '-<l, o ~ Z o < m S "" o ." ~ <0 ~, .. .., ~ ~ '" l'l '" '" i5 -z I ." ;; '" .., o ;1>' -< '" " " ~ z o o ~ Z ~ ~ o o ~ Z Q [:: [. o . < '" ". . 00 . ". o . ci ~ "" o " o o '" ~ 00 r t'j " " " o c q z ~ ~ o c q z " [:: 0- o '" ~ :;;" o '" ~ ". ~ " '" ^ ~ :t; 38 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved hy A. McCol~, 'Seconded by A. Wehlann, 'fhat By-Law No. 848 be read a second time. -Oarried Moved by A. McColl, ; Seconded by A. Wehlann, That By~Law No. 848 be read a thir~ time and finally passed. -Qarried Moved byW., H. Moore, ~~conded-by Thos. De~J1is, That By-Law No. 849, being a by-la,w to alter Vienna High Dish-iethe recei ved and read a first time. School -Carried. Moveq.. by Thos. Dennis, Seconded by W. IL Moore. rrhat By~Law No. 849 he read ,a second time. Moved by O. McKenney. Seconded by E. A. Bryce, ,That By~La.w No. 849 be read a third time'and finally passed. .-Moved by W. T. Hare, Seconded by W. ~, Smith. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 39 That By~Law No. 850, being a by~111w to fixTurnkey's salary be rew ceivedacd read a firs't time. 'i -Oarried Moved' hy V\T. F. Smith, Seconded by Do' R. c'tirtis. That By-Law,No.S50 be read a second Hme. -'-Oarri~d ~ M'Jyedby 'V~ F. Smith, Seconded by W. T. Hare, That~y.Law No. 850 be read a third time and finally ,passed. ......,.Carried The 'W /l,r,den appointed the following me-mhers to nualmeetingof the-Ontario Municipal Association: Messrs! W ~hifl.pnn, Curtis, Becker, Bryce, McLeau, Hare. attend t_he aa- , Moved by W.A.Becker, Secon'ded by Al~x. Mc'Col1, That thisOouncil adjourntomeet on 'November 24th 1914. ...:....Oarrie<i w. lVlcKAr, Oounty Clerk.. .JOHN DROMGOLE, Warden. 38 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by A. McCol~, Seconded by A. Wehlann, That By-Law No. 848 be read a second time. -Carried Moved by A. McOoll,; Seconded by A. Wehlann, That By-IJaw No. 848 be read a thir~ time and finally passed. -'-larried Moved by W,' H.. Moore, S~condedby Thos. Denpis, That By~Law No. 849, being a by-law to alter YiennaHigh Disttict be received and rea.d a first time. School Move~ by Thos. Dennis, Seconded by W. H. Moore, 'l'hat BY~{Jaw No. 849 he read,a second time. Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded by E. A. Bryce, ,That By~Law No. 849 be read a third time' and' finally passed. .-Moved by W. T.Hare, Seconded by W. "F. Smith, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 39 That By-Law No. 850; bei.ng a by-111w to fix Turnkey's salary be re~ ceiveda~d read a firs'ttime. "/ -Oarried Moved hy 'V. F. Smith, Seconded by D.' R. Ourtis, That By-Law No., 850 be read a second time. -Oarri~d M~ved by W. F. Smith,," Seconded by W. T. Hare, That By"Ln.'W No. 850 be read a third time and filially,passed. ~Oal'rJed The'War!ien appointed thefollowjng 1J1emhers to uual meetin~:rof theOntal'io Municipal Association: attena tit. a". ,Messrs. "VehI:l,n~n, Ourtis,. Becker, Bryce, MC,Lean, Har'e. Moved by W. A. Be.cker, SecOl:lded by AI~x. Mc'CoIl; That this OonnciJ'adjonrnto,meet on November 24th 1914. ...,,--Oarried K. W, McKAY, Oounty Olerk., JOHN DROMGOLE, Warden. 40 ELGIN 'COUNTY COUNCIL - E~GIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL 41: THIRD,SESSIOIlI-FIRST DAY 'Tuesdlty the ::l4th day of Noverhber, J:lavy has shown the benefits to he del'1ved therefrom. The Elgin Oounty Council met this day at the Oom'tHouse, 'rhomn,~, in accordance with adjournment. The Patriotic Fund TJ-ie necessity for providing .for the dependents of residents of the '(mnty-who are actively engaged in the war and for' meet~rig other ergenciesarising ther:efrom, resulted in the formation of the Elgin' 7_'~triotic Association \vh,ich conducted a. sncces"ful cllmpnign fo(' the ':e~essal'Y funds, $12,5JO of Which ha,s been contributedta'the r~lief of .:~:~:gaJlilnt Belgians who have been the gl'eatest Butre.ers from the 'rman irlVH&ioujand $5.000 to the Red Cross Society which ~lakes 'Ovision for the care qf the soldie,rs wounded in nctive set'vice.'rhe ~~in Society;hascontributed $12,500., to and ha,s affiJinted w,ith'the . adi\'lnPatl'iotic Association a.nd H" special committee i3 comple.ting .ngements for the ccu'e of the dependents of volunteers or resel'v- qracti'e servi?e who I'cside in the Oounty, At pl'esentithis will IfOt;, IIp\val'dsof $600 per month and as additionnl men' al'e enlisted ~'amount i'equired \dU be increased. ,The'prltriotic fund will l,hus leve the municipaJities 1:tnd"if the mOl~ies collecte~, or in tbe process 9oIlection, are not sufficient for the purpose flU'ther donatiolls or Meipal gl'ants-will be requir'ed. The Warden in the chair. All :the members present. The, Wnrden 'addressed the Oouncil as follows: 'Warden's Address THE WAR The all-absorbing'topic at the present. time is the war in Great Britain is engaged. The British Oolonial system is on 'the colonies 'are giving substantial evidence of their loyalty ing the Motherland in her great emergency. It is many ye~tl's since Oanadians were ctt.lIed 'upon to in foreign wars null 1 am glad to kno," tha.t the ~H1ilitary have beeu able to p}'ornptly supply the men and.equipmf'lnt First Oontingent 'which t,he Dominion Gov-ernment j)laced disposal of the War Office. Other contingentS'are now -ed with 1\ view to keeping up the supp'ly of men rf'quired front. 1.'h(-' war will be a,long one andCauadians pare to assist both by men and mOllf~Y in the" great struggle 'ing on. 'l'h~ military spirit is abI'oad and Home Guards are being It may be necessary for the municipal .authorities to D;tallY ways and, we are assur'ed by the Provincial expenditures for this pm'pose, a.s well ItS for all other ted "with tJle war will be legn,]ized. I There were a few anx.klUs days at the beginning of the Oanadians generally would luwe been, very' much relieved 'i'l1icleus of a navy controlled from Ottawa, had been available Atlantic and Pacific. Our Sister Colopy, AustraHa, with Publicity Association ;rhe PuhliciLyAssociatiou hl-110 not done m01'e thilll distl'it)l(t~, thE. 'kle,ts'thls year, Al"I'i-l.ngeplents were completed for- a fl'uit exhibit '9I:Onto, but the Pr'ovincil11 exhihition \Vas c1tncelled. OOl"U exhibits Itv~Jlnhleand some effort will be IDa,de to emlble, this County to .' It..p~aceas onwof the leadmg eni'n growing distl'lctlO of the Pro v- , :,There wiIlhov€'l'Y little fot' the s()ciety. to do until the wiU'is over. '~:~'g#I,t.tiori inrefel'enceto placing Belgian refugees 011 small plots of }n'Ontario will bebruught to YOUI' attention ~tll'ing the pr'esent QU. The proposition as' I undel'lOta.nd it is a tentat.ive one, that ;i,4~(!:,investjgatedbefore the January s~8sion. The 'Children's Aid Society 'h"eChildren's Aid Society is doing good work. The l'epresenta~ llppointed fl'om'Aylmer and Dutton do not attend the monthly 'Ilg~ and I wOIild suggest t,hat p~'ovision be made for the pa,yment 42 ELGIN COUNTy'COUNCIL oftheil' travelling expenses t6such meetings"as they may desire to _ attend. I understand lha.t,the Society desir'es to increase its useful. , ness and tbn,t some representations will be made to you during 'the present session. This County is not as progre(>sive in ;Childreu's Aid Work as mltuy would like it to be and'I believe this depends largeiy . on the. attitude of the County doll City authorities. The.pl'oceedings of the last dltyof the pt'eVlOus session were read ; 'and confirmed. ,".l;'hefollowing communications were read; From Inspector'HQuse of Industry with report. Referred to House of Industry Oommittee. FromUounty Clerk re Licenses in Force-. Filed. From F. Guest, 1\1 D".Physici!l,nHouse of Indust.ry 'with annual report; Refei'red to Honse of. IndustL'Y Committee. 'FI'om Ridgetown Oollegt.tte Institute \\'ith account,. Referred . Education Oommittee. From \Voodstock CollegiHte Institute \\'ith account. Referred Education COtlllllitl',ee. Flom Provincial Iri.spector with report on House of Industry. ferre;d to House,of Industl'Y Conux.littee. From J, A. Bell; County Engineer with report. lie Impl'ovent Committee; Mr.: BeckpI' g-ltve notice tha.t a deputation from the Corn AssociAtion would wit.it upon the Oonneil requesting' a grant the presen t session. Moved by Andrew A.MiIler, Seconded by Samuel Dawes, That the Tn'asurer of the Oom: ty of Elgin pay to the Southold the sum of Fifty Dollars ($5000) being, the ELGIN COUNTY.OOUNCIL ~g made '-at the June-Session for ,rt'lpairing the tne_Houseo! Indush'y. road in fron t .of .-Oarried Moved by J. 1-1. McIntyre, Seconded by A. ~err, That William Hollingshead be appointed trustee of the Dutton High School for the unexpired portion of: the term of Samuel McOolI, deceased; -Oarried' ' Moved by A. McColl, Sec::onded by. A. WehUtnn, That this Council do now adjourn to meet to~mol'row at telf o'clock a.m.. -Oarried K. W. McKAY. County Olerk JOHN DR~MGOLE, WardE::n H ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL ELGINCOUN'DY;, QOUNCIL THIRD SESSION- SECOND DAY Wednesday" the 25th'da.y of November, 1914 The Elgin Count,y,Ool1llcil met this day according' to adjournment. Thll,t thedepntation from the ChiIdre_u's Aid Society be now heard. -'-'-Oarried '1'he ''IV arden- in the chair. Messrs~ Dr.' Marlatt and Sheriff McOoll addressed the Oouncil re~ garding the work of the Oh"ildren's-Aid Societv.and the Warden '- re_ferred their applimition tothe FiilallCe O~mmitt;e. ' All the members present. 'Th~ proceedings of the previous day were,readand.confirmed. Moveg by N. S. Oornell, Seconded by'Geo. F, Pineo, 7fhe' following communications 'were re~id: From Dr. Ling, resigning position as representati,ve of the Countr 'On the Board' of the Royal Alexandra Sailatoriu,Ill' That a Special Oonimittee .consisting of the Watden" Engineer; O. McKenney alid the nt,over be app6inted to inquire into the necessity for enlarging the ha:{'bol' facilities at Pt.Stanley-and report on advistt~ bility_of erecting f1 sw'ing 01:' lift bridge in-pIa,ce of part of the present togethel' with I:'stimate of co~tof such, an improvement, and proportionspa:yable by the Ddniiuioh Al1thorities l'r Municipali. interested. From W. J. Sh~w, Secretary of the (JQild,ren's Aid Society with account. Mr.' OOl'uellrepol't.ed the proceedings of the Inter-Connty Prison Farm Commh,tee ltud the report WIlS adopted on montion of Mr. Cqr;~ nell, seconded by Mr. McLean. -C,trried Moved by O. McKenney, :M:oved by R. H.l\1cCm'dy, Seconded by M. B. Stafford, That this Council vislt the House ,of Industrya.t 10 a. m. on Thurs" d,.f1Y the 26th of November. . Secondedhy W-., H. Moore, That this Couucildo now adjourn,to meet at 2 p. nJ, ~Carried -Carried The Council Resumed The report of the House of ,industry Comm~ttee was and laid over until after the Oouncilvh;dt.ed the institution. by w. A. BBCkerj by A.' McOoll, The report of the Education Oommittee was presented tedop. motion of Mr. McLe<tn, see.anded by Mr. Kerr. Council now hear a depnta;tion from the Elgin Coun'ty and Seed Grcl-in Association. Moved by Alex. McColl,. ~Ottrried Seconded by A... Wehlann, Stalker-and McVicar-then addressed the OOlmeil l'eques- 45 " ,16 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 47 tJng a'grant for theOorn Growers [lDd Seed (3-rain .Associaticm. Warden referred the matter to the FinancE. CommitteE'. The Moved by A. McColl, THIRD SEssioN-THIRD DAY Thursday the 26th'day of Noven~beI', 1914 The Elgin. County Council met this day according;to adjournment. The vVlitden in the chair. Mayor John~on, of S~. Thomas, R. A. Penhale, President of the-, Elgin Publicity Association and R. A. Gilbert, President of the St. Thoma:;; Board of Trade, then addressed. the Council in reference to the Belgian' Immigration question and the Warden referred the matter to the Fiiutllce Committee. '- . All the mell1berspresent. Theproce,edings of the pveviousday were read aud confirmed. The report of the Finance Oommittee was._presented and adopted onmotion'ofW.A. Becker, seconded by W. T. Hare. A report from the Ooupty Solicitor re McNichol ferred to the Honse of Ind'ustry Oommitte. " Moved by R. H. McOurdy, Seconded by M. R Stafford, That this Oouncil do now adjourn to meet at2 p. m. tomorrow. was read and re- The report of the Public Improvement Committee was,prese.lted and adopted on motion of S" Daw~s, seconded by A. Wehlann. "'. "". \ ,":Th~ r~port of the House of Indw1try Oommittee was presented amJ adopted on rrloti9n of J. H. Mclntyre"seconded by a.McKenney; Movedby' W;" A. Becker, K, W, McKAY, County Olerk. JOHN DROMGOLE, Seconded hy .A. McColl, That Ex~Reeve, Dr. Brock, of West Lorne, be appointed as succes. to Dr. Lili~ Oil' the'Sanatoljium Board., -Oarried MovedbyJ. A. l\-IcLean, hyO;, McKenney, That>,ye .no:w adjourn for one hour to allow comniittees to'meet. -Oarried 48 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 49 ELGINOOUNTY. COqNCIL The Council' Resumed THIRD SESSION-FOURTH DAY Moved by "\\-T. 'A.. Becker, Friday, the 27th da.y of ,Nov em bel', 1914 The Elgin': County Council met this day according ~~ioUrnlh'ent. ,I Seconded by W. Kerr, Tq.at'this Council do now adjourn to meetto~morrowat9 o'clock a;ffi. The Ward~ri'ih,the"Ohair. All the mem bers present. .-Qarried K. W. McKAY, Oounty Clerk. J'OHN DROMJGOLEL Wardeli The proceedings of the previous daywet'eread and confirmed., The House of IpdustrYCommittee presenfed its second report, which was adopt~d'on motion of Mr. ,McIntyre, seqonded by Mr. MCCurdy.. The Finance Committee presented its second report which was adopted on motion of Mr. Becke:r:. seconded by Mr. 'RetI'. MovedbyO. McKenney, '3rJconded by J. A; .McLen:n, That the action for damages in Elliott vs'. Elgm & Middlesex ,be leftin the hands_ of the, Co\mty:Solicitpr tt.nd the Warden with power ' to act. -Oarried l\fo\'ed-hy J. H. McIntyre, Seco~ded: by A. Kerr; That By-La',V" No. 851, ,being I-t.bY~Iawto appoint a Trllstee'forD~t" ~o~ High School, be,recp.ived an'd read a first t~me. ' -Carried Moved by Alex. Kerr, Seconded by J. H. McIntyre, That By-Law No. 851 be read a secq:r;td time. , 50 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL EiGIN,'06uNj-y COUNOIL -,--Oarrie'd That the usmil grt"LntofFifty Dallal's ($50.00) be paid to theWat'~ den -for his services dnri~g the year, and that an additional Twenty,\ Five Dollars ($25.00) ,he paid him for hi~.services in attending' ,the Pat~ riotic and othei~ meetings . Moved' by J,"H. McIntyre, Seconded by Alex. Kerr, That By~LawNo. 851 be read it thil,'d time a.nd fin'ally passed; ...-.;,Oarried The Wardenthanked,the Council for the consideration shown him and resumed the chn.ir. -Carried Moved by W. A. Becker, Moved byR..H.McCu,rdy, Seconded by M~ B. Staf~ordf ThatthisOoUllQil do now,adjourn, sin~ ,di,~. . Seconded by A. McColl. Th:1tBy~Law No. 852, ~eing,a by-law to appoint' a representative on ,theBOi:wd of the Royn,r Alexandra Sanatorium, be received an,d read 1-1 first time. I ' -'-Carrie'd -Carried K. \y, McKAY, County Clerk. JOHN DROMGOLE. Warqer,., Moved by A. ,McOoll,' I' Seconded py' W. A. Becker, 'That By~Ln,w No. 852 be read a second time. Moved. by A-. MeC"ollj Seconded by W; A.. Becker, ~hat By-La.\v No. 852 be re'f1d a thitd ti'me n,ndOfIQally passed; The Warden was.th'en requested to vac~tte the' chair, 'taken by Mr. McOoll. ' . ,~ Moved by J; H. McIntyre, Secondedby'O. McKenney, 52 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL ELGIN DOUN'ry OOUNCIL 53 !I:I:'. tI 1,1 n II ,I'll' 'II '1'1: III till I 1'1 II '1111 ,II , li~1 11'11 III ill 11,1 11II II 'II " ;1 I" I"~ "It '''11 ill II1I 'II" Iii :iiil Iii I ',Iill 1111 II' III 11! ;1 'Ill Iii 1[\111 lir, 1\lil Iii il: , ~ iil REPORT OF COMMITTEES AND OFFICIALS Annual Report'of J. A. Taylor, Inspector, - .~ \ of Public Schools 1914 STANDING COMMITTEES Gaol Committee Wm. 'Smith, -Chctirman Messrs. McColl ahd ,Dennis House of bidustry _ Committee John H. .McIntyre, Ohairman Messrs. Stafford artd McKenpey Finance Committee, I W. A. Becker, C,hairman Messrs. McOoll, Kerr, Miller, Ourtis, Hare, McKenney, McCurdy, C~rnall Public Improvement Committee Samuel-Dawes, Cl1airman Messrs.Wehlann, Stafford; Smith,Pineo, Bryce, Cornell; McLean, Moore. 'Education Committee J. A. McLean, Ohairman Messrs. Kerr, Miller, Hare; Dennis, Daw~s, McCurdy, Bryce, McIntyre Petitions a.nd L~gilila.tion Committee Wm. H. Moore, Ohait'man Messrs. Wehlann, Curtis, Pineo, Becker N. B.-,-1'he Warden is ex officio a member of all' Standing Committees~ To the members "Of the County Oouncil of Elgin: GENTLEMEN-I have the honot' to submit my Third Ann'ual Re- por~ on the condition of the schools in mY,Inspectorate. Scarcity, of Teachers Tl).e tea.cher fumineis still with us.Whilel'we are singularly for~ tun'ate cO~-lpaied with,some ~ Inspector<ites, yet' three se'ctions 'have found it necessary to tn,ke 'teachers holding Certificates lowel"than SecondClassP~ofes$iont~1. Failure tq secure HI teacher' is ft'eqnently ,the:fault of the Board' itself, The Secret<l.l'r eammunica,teRby ,letter . with the teacher selected instead of, by wire or telephone. The result is, in mo"st Cases, the teacher' is eng'ltge~by' ,8omemol'e active Bmird; Tl1ecostof,livillg,-i,~still,l'i<:iiug and Sl1hides ~tre still .s,)lwing, tbe'!u:!.;e , ?f the west ,isa,s potent 11$' evel'.'l'be ~mig'l'ation"hum rural to urban centres still continues; U:dliiliBo;-ll'ds contiliue to tha.w t.lieiyiteuche~sl frotI1Hui'al Scho~)ls. 'The Rural Seho'ol i8 as' isolaLed H,nd hllely as ever, an~ th~re is the salone .difficulty, in flndiug sIlitithre boarding houses. There is'no a:ba:tenlentirithe ;wonderfnl indllsttialand nler'~ . '...... .. " 1..- ca.ntiIedev~elo.pment Ii,n~the mOl'elucrative 'positions f()I' intelligent yourlg peopleaI'einCl'easing. Ur-bitn Boal'ds n:re increu8ing their 8al~ aries and HUl'al Schools must augment 'theil,s if theylai'e to reta,irithe se[',vi~es of ex pede need 'teachers. Some idea of the ext.(~l1t, of this ~pil'~, it of unrest among teachers.. rllay ,be gathered frori:i the fact thu:tin Aidhorollgh'<llld.'Dunyvich alone' I~st July; nofe.wel' t:IHlU ,'l'\venty s,chools changed teHche~l:l. Vilhat incidc~lC1hle injury is dOlHl to scljools bythlscontinuou$ change is difficult toestfnlate. , Condit,ions could:be,' improveq, it seelUS tome, bv the creation of County B01.t1'ds. e()l'Il'po~ed of~embers 11Pr.lOinted by the.County CoU:~lCir with, thelnspectoi' ;,Ol' Inspectors as ex-officio me~bers. The dtltiesof these Bonrds, ,amo'rig othel'~, would be to look 'after the sanital'Y condition of the' school.':>, ' . '. '. ... .. 1 locate si.tes, select teachers, sec!lreequipment and impr'ovt! a,ccommo~ da,tions Instead ofa local l'1l.te; ulltheburden of education wou:a'be 54 ELGIN OOtiN~'Y OOUNCIL ~ Er~GIN OOUNTY' COUNCIL 55 aAsessed on the County. Sections ,\~ith 'snmll" assessment wonldhave as highly qu':tlified tE'ri.chel'sas those with larger assessment. ,In other. words, eotch Oonnty would look nftet' ils Public School edu(,'lation as it does now its-lligh School Education. 'l'heonly grants the Oounty gives to Public S_~hool Erluca.tion at'e the equivalent of the Govern- ment Grant for Accomodation Hnd equipment, _and those for Fi_fth Classes. To show th(~ inequalities'existing in sections- irinssessment and m'Ulrate and in consequent taxation, 1 submit the following: DUNWIOR Section Assessment A vei'a ge Rate A ttenda.nce (Mills) U. S,8. No, I $ 7B,175 ,Wl U.S.S,No.2 78,913 11.6 U, S; S. No.3 96,000 5,2 S.'S. Nc.1 186,925 16 1.3, .. 2 129,330 30 3:9 .. 3 152,225 28 1.6 ~ 4 199,000 7' ],8 .. 5 llO,150 20 4,4 .. B 128,529 29 1.6 .. 7 21O,OJB 17 1.4 .. 9 ~O9,825 25 1.6 .. 10 124,620 24 ],7 .. 12 264,000 10 I. .. 13 184,920 46 2,8 .. 14- 133,300 19 6.7 .. 16 125,288 11 2.6 Township General Rate, 2 Mills. As Union Scho,ol Sections Nos. I, 2'and'3 were only the fan term, their averageattendance'aridays'rage cbst'per omittl'i,d. ' ' , ALDBOROUGR $ 28,80 28.00, 22:70 112.01i HZ.OO Section Assessm en t Averlt~e ttate Cost pet' Attendance (Mi1I~) . Pupil -- U. SS No. I' $ 41,900 ,<'- ," No.2 74,740 3,9 .. No S 8d,1<50 S,S, No 1 170,001l 19 ],9 $34.60 ,; ,2 ,~20,12i} 27 1.7 27.'70 .. 3 193,705- 23 1.3 ~,60 .. 4 155,12,) 23 2,B - 3f.60 .. 7 .298.3 JO 22 ,8 30.00, " '8 237,200 ' 16 ' 12~ -'61.00 " 9 227,775 22 2; 30;00 '" 10 3]3,750 47 29 ~7;5q .. 11, 196,8;0 29 2,6' 22.00 H 12 171.905 21 1.2 34.40 .. 14 .123;050 23 31 31.00 15 I~(); l~JP 14 2,5 68,30 Genel'a'l1\nVllship I{H:teil 6 Mnls, No local Sch-ool Rate \vns levied inU. S. S. N6s.1 and a. 38,00 56,00 .' 24.56 66. - 64.30 Change,s in ~eguIa:tion8 .BY"Jhel)~W" ~~E.'}wl':lJjons,. OimtinLHL.Uon Sc~ools ha,viI?,g .bllt ,o.n_~ teachel','arenot;IIlo~\'ed to t~t'ke,up'Nor'll11tl ,Entr~tnce oI'Sp~ond" Ol~s~ work. It is f.'inillJ~d, and l'igh.tly too, th~,t-on'~,teaCf.wr cannot t~nch ,e:trecti,'ei): and,stic'cessfll1Iy three fo'rms',;tnd__:thaX 'much"ofthe','1?we~ '~cli()oLwol'l~ nllls-t, of" IlPcess'ity, be, n~glect(~ld.','Rodney 'has already, '~enll;lrged itsb~lil~ing .1nd!-Ves~ Lorne conternplatesaddingtw9roo.Ql~;' '-;;:t~~coming Sll;li1ll.el',:,Thesf'schools will then he, up' to date_ in,;ev,e~y, ' '_:p'a,rt~cu),tl' aUd,will.b~,\~ell,qU,~,liHe~ to t.&k~ np"_N'Ol'Ul1;t} El1t~lmce'ltnd <;;JU,J}iOl'MiLtr,icula ~iOll work., Herelofn.re, thel'eh:tf:! 'heen' noexntui~a,..: ~"t.ion'ontheP'!n.t .one suhjects .of th~,E,n"triLb.ce :Exalniu.;ttion~.._;+'4e' _:,~p~pe,cto,'. 1111<1 to l'Ppor, t()~(he_dJffer'ent:$chool: 13Qal'4~ il}HI t9 ,tqe 'lllit,-' "'+t~~IlceBo~r'dthe,ch;I~.ctPtel' ofthelteacl1ing ,a,n.(l_:t?8: P1'9vision ina~e ,f0r: '::t,8lWhtng ,~hes'e subjects. '"Berea-ft,er' th~r'e ,w'ill.be,' 'atl ,exalnil1a,tio~' ip them,'the_papersbeing set Ilnd eXltluined by th~ Ept,rHn~e Boa,.rd.' '",', , ,56 ELGINCOUNT~ OOUNCIL ELGIN-, COP-N'l'Y COUNCIL 57 Total-Number enrolled .... .... Average att'endance .... . . . .. Percentage attendance-.. .. Nlirilber of Pupils in Kindel'gBI.ten ""t H "Pal'tl I' " " "furt 2 .... ,4386 ..3053, 69 395 ' 1085', mel'its de;;:el've. Dent<iJandm_edicn!in.~pection are invogue.in toallY I !'.)choolsarid the physical wellheitlg of the child is l'eseiving I1ttentioll', bit,her~d UnklfO\Vu,' _ Theeonspliclated school~~ndthe training' in'agri~', 'c~lttlre ar:etl;1e two 11lost vital forces ~IJakiflgfortb,e' I'eCollstrLlctiC.lll' of the' rural 'sehop!., AU~ndance cif Pupils " " .. h Book 2 " " " " Bpok.3 " " " .. Book 4 ,637 853 751 G65 Acc6modations As';'arnJe, I fonnd!hescho()ls)n a flli'l'ly,good conditi~n hutshoWl; ing I'o'o'm , for: infi)rov~ment;, In, ll1any,.j,he:~\Ccorrlmod~l,tihns~ere :im'~ ,prbved.: The;\ymk of thejitnitol's is hetter',th~ Qut-:huil.dings are, re~' .ceivingmo~:ellttention and offer ~ilore ,pl'iviICY, RlJd, bette:e facility' of apP1'9ach. In,lllexcep,t,oue-" the h,eating ';('lld'ventilati6u_':H,l',egobd:~ Seve~al httve grentl Y'impr~ved seating ,HccommodH,ti(~J1 by, theintrQ~ dllction'of'n~w sillgledesks.Tak('llflS a whoale, thesClhlol accommo~' .dations of this inspectorate nre dlsgood 'as are found; in any other inspectOl'l\te'in the Proyince~ ' ' .1hom the average, attendance one seeS ,how ,much the coinnillnity su"~e~s1JY not,having its p,upils~ttend l'eg'uln.~'ly. ThJ!ty-one'p.io>l' cent; of the total exp'enses of maintaining the schools, is lost. This il'regu- /" ,', '''.-' ',' ",' " ",' larity 'of attenda'nce -is ,one of the mos~ l3erions draw,lmcks"1{o sllccessful ~ rurala.nd',m'ha.nschoolprogl'ess. It ruins good 'ol'gnni.zntiQll, makes impossible prop(;lr classificutio.n,'ietards progl:'ess anc' helps:' drive' ,th~ ,teacherfroulthe section. .The-Truancy Act_ should beatpended.. As at present constituted, it is compulsory ili Cities, Towns ',undlneor- porated YilIagesand optibpalon,the pa,rt of TO\vnship Councils and Rural Soho()1 Bo;u'ds to nppoint 'l'ruant OffiCfoll'S; AsttH'se latter .l>,odies never 'nppoint a Ti'-llfl.nt Officer, arid if tllPY did, .loca.l,eon~idf:'r- ation~ W(~llld intedere with his successful adLuinbtrt'ltion, it wuu'l;l, 1.5~ bettel' to ma.ke .it':obligatol'yon theCou'nty Council to appoint a, Oouuty_'l'rUa.flLoffiGer. As he wO).lld beunacq1Hl,iutedwith tl-iB.rur~l poPl1l'atiorij the Actwould mOl'elikely be,bet.tei:',~llfnl'~eJ. Th;~ Trend of Rural' Educa.tiort c:The'Rur<.l,l SchooLP.l'ohlem is still in rl' state of -transitiotJ.Eciuc'a~ , - ,:tors: ~\ndLe?islaitorsal1l:lgreethat-the l'ul'alsch(fOllUust'?ei"ecoiis\truc~ t,ed<and i~scorriculmJlmodified, eIldch~d,and adnpted to ,the , ~~eds Q! 'rur~l~ife. ECOl1(Hnic, political nnd social fOl'ceSal'oi n"opel:atiort modi~ f'ying , rurnl life ll,nd"rul'al insti~utions. Toweetthe~e dell~and~,' ,donl~ es~i~, indiJstrinJ Hn'd voc,l,tional tt'aiL.ing ~~l'e'be'ingi~~rodnc~d'inmany :" places. 001\r8e8 have:be~nf1stabli~hed in High, C~ntiriua~i<Hl,a.nd" " Public ,Schools and h,we been l'eceive~l,\\;itl1e'nthnisiasm,' ,A rie,w:~'> }nterestis ,being awa}\:(?_IJed in,l'ural:lifeandrUII11 schOdl~.. Agricul~',:, tnra.I trainir!g alldthe'School Gal'd~nareco,mpleJ:nentll;ry. .TheconsbP id~tteq.,school is maIsiug progress slo\yly, by no roeans~is fast ,as;'i,ts. Teacher's Institute-s , ' ", , The -West Elgin Teach'ers'Institute was ,held_ 011 19th, in the a,{ld'ito.,1;,jUmof th~ :Ooll~ghtte In~titute J?ost helph~l and pl'ofit<ll~,f'" lheprogr-alllmea ,_tical aIle. These ol'gl~llizationsal'e o'E'grcl<-l,t use ti') bl'ollde,n hi:,;.Lilind. prevent hi[,u ~r()jngetti,ng~il,tnts, bis tel~chil1g and,flll~ni~h oppoytnnitiel?for,glvlllg One>buqdl'ed-'i;l,Ilg. si~teel'l.tf'aGhers all~\yei.Nl roll c,L1],' tiumher'f'ligible' accoriding to reguIl:Ltio'nsgov~r'lling Ttach'e1's', Insti~" . ' , , , , . tlites Wel'e: Continulltion. School,:; ',.'. 2 Sepera~e School . , . . . 5' , PnbIicSchooL. ,;..:.. .,' ,.. 117 I Total '-:. ,";';",.'.', .... ,. ... ..124 New Schools As nientionedin my last Annual Report, three newschooi sec- -",' ' ha,vf!,been'Jor.med-alo,rig, .'tne,.towu "line;. r.rh~se .thl'ee,sections erected, th!'ee"exc~llent -redbl'ick, up-to-date schools at It cost.'of $4,000 each,.. These schools.al'e fashioned --I.nnch after_ the ,.samfO) \ 58 ELGlNCOU~TY: COUNCIL In:).odelyeach' contains' a largehi."ieilleJlt., '01;i8'3 -t'Ol)il}, .'c1€l~~k'rooms and teac~ltirs'/r'()()til, i3 excellently E:-quipped ,,,'ith,every conv8nience,_ The: 1,ightlh~iS 'fl'omthe left"I;uld le;11' 1\11(1 the he~j~ing.nnd've~til'Htion 'mod~ e,.rn.' No..;l' Aldl1Ql'o,llgh Wf'1'0 par-I icul;l1'ly lmf\11.tnua.t8_jn>having their fine new \ir'iell: building destroyed hy fire Tn thf'il' 'enet'gy,thrift and' intelligenc9 he'il Sltid,: t hH.t h:,rdly'had the smoke ,cleal'edaway, t!.;lan- the,sectiorjilli'l11'llctt'dlheil' t.riH3t.Pf'S to reara.new pui.Jdingb~, the ashe's of the old. I l:Ull in hopes that it cOllplenfo'theT. seotions wil1-re~/ placethp:ir' oidschoolk with' new .Intel up-t:o-~Hte'f<t~'hctllr(>s,l:mdf~rnish eql1~lity ofopportnnity, tr)-tlw" pnpils. Rodney "II dded,' a tW_l)~rOOm a.ddition to its school, --;,md ' it now 'ha.s one of, t.he hest Oontinuation; ,~cbo~ls in,the Prilvincl"; Itis't~q,(~iPPl:'dw.ith e,v;el'Y' facility'fo~d6iqg: ~,ffecti,:ework. 'Ve!it. Lorne clin)tl:'Ulp!a,tes_e'nlarging itsscbool the cdmingyeal". ,No.lI AIdbor'ol1gh:,opt>ried a-l~atidsoOle new huilding 'lti,s'tMarcb. All inte'l'est~d in epllcHtioll ',,"'ill rejdice at _ these visible ~videflces of educitt.ion;-~ I' progress, , Free ',Feit :Bo6ks' Many of. the Sahiln] QOIl,i',(', H:t'j~- nn1\.wM'p'th:'Lt t.heylil1ve the'_po,wet. 'to furnish fI'eet('~xt.,ho()kR,l.Othe Pllpils. Ollrside.t1fe,Oity'd'fSt:..ThiJIlI~ ':ct~'I'ThrLv:ehntolle ~ect'i(I;1 that flll'nishe(1ink, -pm1s. pencils, slates, -~Opy books. di.}~wing 'l!,ook$.'W(H'k'l,IOOks., 'and fool"(:H 1" The pione~l; ":i~,thi~ rner:it,or,'OIlS\VOJ\ ll,l U. H. S~ ,No; ~:_Aldhot'O()gh. ,I hl-we found 'p'Ll,pils in'l:'iehnol"ix w(',t'ks IlftpI' ,it- oppned~'.,'l!ot\,h>\,ving tIll-" Ilf cess<\.l'Y ':UbO)<:-:.- J,.; ,illlll,\' WO,lIl]el' Ihat't;omechildt"i"nat'ebilCkw;l}'d 1\1111 filil ofl their examinations? Grants 'J,'he ver~large ;Lnd gC)HWOU:-J g~.il~ts r.-'cehe::..'I)ysectiQl1s from the .':qovernmentl Towtl"htp and U(~nt~ty 11111 ke it po.s8il,ile good libera.l sa.lades tOfil'8tOl' seeond elH!'sJ,eachf'I's.', ,,' " J Thi:dollowiog' iR ,the'schpllle of_gr'ants:.,- 1st; OnSa.lal"ies,' 4() pel' ceo't. of all Sl hl'l.it.s, over $3:10.00 $600,00. 2nd On teachers' qnalifieati.on and pxperiem:e:' ,/ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Experi(7nce of 5 years, lsfOlassCel'tificlite . 2nd .. less than 5 yrs. I~t .. 2nd " 59 ....,..,.. ..,..' ...... ,$40 OJ' ....., ..,.., ,... ..... 2500 30'00 15 00 3t'd On Equipment.. 10 per cent; 'of the approved value, 4th On Accommodations, determined by tbeInspector. 5th On Libraries, R ,very liberal gra.nt is 'given. In 1913 Boards inv~stii1g'$J~.oo wort~' of bo'oks l'eceived $7.00 .grant. ~ 6th A Town~hip Grant<?f$300.00 for one teacher Rnd $200.00~or eachadditioual.one. . q~ the ba~is ?ftbe -above :t4e following grants W~re received by the Section's'-in Aldborough aud Dunwich in 1913: Dl1NWICH Grant on Sal~ , aries and ,qualificationR GJ:~arit on Libra.ry ~I'ant on Ac-' Tp. commodations Grant &.equipment 7 $6840 7992 5760 43 20 75 60 82 80 43 20 82 SO 6120 61 20 '17280 86 40 6840 79 20 700 $ 700 $ 24,64 2~ 94 .2037 2300 2797 260[ 24 64 16 43 20,70 2415 26 82 4202 20 20 14,62 700 ,9 10 12 13 14 700 $ 300 00 300 00 300 00 300 00 300 00 300 00 300 00 300 00 300 00 800 00 500 00 600'00 275 00 300 00 Total $ 393 '04 413 86 372 97 373 20 403 57 409 41 367 84 '399 23 3lll 90 302 35 096 62 785 42' 368 60 393 82 !lO ELGIN 'OOUNTY COUNCIL ALDBOROUGH Sec. Grant on Sal- Grant on Gl'anton ACR ,Tp. Grant Tot.al ades and .;Libraries commodations Qualiflcati'ns & Equipment No. ,I $ 57 60 $20 69 $ :loo 00 $ 378 29 2 8280 10 UO 22 67 300 00 41547 3 43 20 2366 300 00 " 366 86 4 87 12 882 26 28 300 00 422 22 7 8280 700 2497 300 00 41477 8 72,00 ,700 26 61 300 00 40561 9 7560 24 79 300 00 400 39 10 13680 3S 48 300 00 67228 11 82 80 829 24 97 300 00 ' 416 06 12 5400 700 2371 300 00 " , 384 71 14 79 92 '2333 30000 403 25 15 M80 700 1987 3UO 00 39167 EXAMINATIONS Uniform Promotion Examipatiolls for all cIa.sses above the senior first, wel'eheld ~h1'(mghout t.he Inspectora,te hI Jun,e. A very large nUIil'her of p~lpil~ wrote, ,and_the percentage-, of Succf'ls~fulcitndidl-l!es w~s. considering the inexperience of thf1 teachers <tod tlwil' ,la.ck Of familiarity with the course" of study"fnil'ly gr;l,.tifying. At the En. t'nLllce Examiriation 232 candidates wrote Cl,t the variousce:-::.t('J'ls and 178 passed. - Although,thpllumber wl'itingwas small{'l' .tha.n usual~ jretthe percentage of succ~ssflll"mtndidates -wa,s higher than for some 'years. Continuation, Schools .... The Contrnul;\tion Schools at Rodney and V\h:'st Lorne contihue 'doing excellent 'work. These schools had admirahle'resut"ts last year ana-a;mply''justified the very liberal grant which this County Council 'giv,es tl1(~m;, F~w sch90lsmadea bel tel" record' ~hctn did'Ro-&ney. Enlarged buildings" ,added facilities, --.-increased _acc~J?1-modatiorand more Hxtenslve equipment-will incre;~se still fnrthel' their-,efficieJlcy. r " ''' - Theil' grants for 1~13 we-l'e' as follows: 'Government Grant ,-$ 838 62 CountY Grltlit'$ 8:l6' 55 Total 1$1185,17 WestLol'ueGv'tgra.nt'S008t " \. 75210 105294 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 61 Qualifications of 'Teachers and,Salaries There were 101 teachers employed in my Inspectorate dUrlng' 19131, 14'ofthese ".tll'emaIes and 87 females., Th~ir ,personal qualifications weJ'eas. follows: ' .' ~umber ~lOlding' 1st Class Certificates ," 2nd H "3rd u " ~indergateri, Manm\l Tra.ining' 8 83 3 6 I Financial Statement. Bala~cefroml912 ,.......,..,.. .........,.. ..$11,35200 Municip~lGraIits':.~ .,........ .':............. ... .53,16700 GovernmentiGrants....... ._.,.................. .4,54200 Special Ta.xeson Property.,... ~ .;.'.. "',"'.'.. .20,742,00 Other-Sou.i:.ces....,.... '..... ,.. .... ...., '... .;21,67500 $1l1,478 00 ~xpenditures; Teachers'Stila'des .... ... ....... .... .... .... $60,625 00 SItes, Buildings, etc. . ."" . .'.......... ........-~ 15,90900 Library"anctIncidental Expenses.. ..,.... 18.,679 00 'Balance on hand Total .."...,....... $95.213 00 ,16,265 CO $111,478 00 231,100 00 17,083 00 Value ofScbool Buildings .... ......1... .,. 'Equipment'...., .,~,,' ",.. .,....... .',.... Educational Status of the Schools I visited eacb scbooltwice and some tbree or four tinies durL1g t,he' and sent detailed r'eports of these inspection~to the,Boa,r,ds con~ regarding the 'cont;lition and statidiflg ()f the schools. The wet-e,all foIl6wingthe same course of study and working hard, more s'uccess.than others. '62 EUGIN:':OOUNry COUNCIL ELGINOOUNTY' CQ~J"NCIL Notwithstanding 'the" frequent ~hanges" and,/tb,e' inexperience ,of many teachers, the pupils are making fairly goo,d prof{l'ess. 'The teachers taken col1ec~ively; are the most efficientthe. inspectorate ha~ ,yet had, and; oou14 tbeya.llbe retained in their positions for a couple of ye~i's, 'what a 'boon it would be t0thecause of educationlGo()d work in schools is 'impossiblewhere there are Jrequeht, cha'rig-es of teachers. 1 wish to thank all Who have in .".ny way.'.,contributed to the cai1~e of education, andespecially,the,QountyCouncil who are so gen- erOliS and liberal with their grants. I have th.e honor to be, Your obediei1.t:sBJ'vant, J. A. TAYLOR',. Inspector, Report ofW. Atkin, Public Scbool Inspector To the 'Varden and, Members of the -Elgin Oouuty <?pnnciI: Gentlemen:- IhJtve the honor of,presentingfor your' consideration my 'report on .the Public Schools of East Elgin forth13 yeftr 1918. ' FinaneialStatemeIit REOElP'l'S Balancefrom1912. ........ ..............;. Amount' of Mun'icipal GrHnts.... .." .'.., I H. \Governrnent." ....-..,.... .... ., Trustee Taxes.......'. ','" .1............... ~,...... frpm all other Soul'ces. '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ...,.... ..,."... "...,.$,43,58616 ,....... " 33,8.563 8,376,88 30,470 35 16,615 00 Total Re'ceipts.. . . . . . , . '. , .........,................. . ", , . . . ,$132.904 02 EXPENDITURES AI~lOunt paid:rea.chers .. .....,... .. .._.....: ... ., ... ,... '," $5~,875 6~ H " for S"itfls, Houses, etc. .".. .;..,...'..... ...... 15,02851 H " fo~;,Lihr~I'ies. Maps, ai1dother lllquipment,... '," 743 66 H " foi'Repail's, Fuel~nd Incidentill Expenses. .... 18,403 19 " ' rGtal Expenditt;l'es ',' . .. . . . " ~---1.:.... , , " "," ,$ 89,051'09 Amount til 'l'1'ust~es'Ha,~ds. 31st -December,' 1913.... 43,85299 $ 132.904 02 TEAOHERS Numheroi 'l\~aleTeachers wJ,s"12, Female Tea.ch'ers 87. In addition ,to the~e there weJ.'e ,2 Kinderga.rten 1~eachers. and,6 ' $chooITelwhers. Tqere.weresix'tea.chers'holding First,Clas's Oertificates. 86" " Second " 6 " Third ~, 1 .. Temporary Oertificate. 63 '.' 6!l ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The hig~est salary- paid a- male teachet'-W;~S $110U, and highest- for a female $800. rl'heavel'age ~alaryfOl~ males'was $694;and fot' females $555. Pupils. Tlfe nurnher of pupils l'egisteredwas 3,822; hoys 1996 andg.ids 18126. ~he average attendance was only 2;:512,- sho",;in~ thitll tll€' Ilttend!"11lce Wtt~notas regular as it should haveheen.This"irregularity of atten- dance.is not dne-to the habit of .tr.uancyon the partof the pupils hut ~atherto c'i-ii'elessness on the part o~ .pll,l'ei1ts, who do not,- realize_how ,p.urtfulirreguJarit,y is, not only to the .ones who pr~ctiseit, but to all ~he other members-of 'the class. A t~acherte,tches a subject';on It day 'when some members of the class are absent. On their return to'scho61 'thewol'k in thisf'rubjecthasto he t,iken up'againand t!1us the time of' ''the regnlai:'pupilsis wasted. It is high timEdhitt the regula;tions l'e~ \q~iringl'egtilar'ity of a,ttendanM were enforced. . lam convinced that in someof oUt schodls, ,one thil'dtoonEi~ha:lf of the time is \v<Lsted heC<Lllse of }I'regulnrity of at.t~lld<tn(;p. rfhel'e is still too' mneb bme wl-lst.ed in the ,jnnilJl' cll-1sges, 1l(~\?8:u$e 'neal'ly:all their .time is t,akenup with the ruechaili.cat" pl1l't;of rea,ding ':aridarithmetic. The first yeal'."o! ;lchild's' life' ,at_schoolshon,ld" he '.s}?enton the centI'H,l,subjects: NatlireStpdy, Gf':~graphy,Histi)rY, -LiV' eratl1re, including Myth<" Fable and memMy gems nnd Constructive .'w'or.kand all' ~nch kindred subJects, whilel'\adjug; ~Lnd should betlw~ht incident~lly arid Vit.1JIly in 'cqnnection with 'his, study 1of'these suhjects, " I n;m of.,the opini<)ll,that the yonng mind ,th,Lt ;i8 thus ,fertilized with-id,f-,ls' thus derived wiU very soon outsfdpthe ;pupil whose whole early school life is occupied-with lllech:mfcal tasks in re,ading a,n,d arithmetic. School 'Houses ..andSurrounditfl;l:6>' Ther~ uI'e78 School H~uses "in tris ft~allle, Everyyeal' sees -'improvemellt in Either new onesrepl:t,ce old ones ot' oldone's are' This year No. 19, s;outhwoldis klUildingover their, ):q)l;;,~~/ w~ich make it a goodup~to-date ho,us;), asgooda,s<l ,,,'hoIlor new' one,,-and 8 South Dorchester is 'building an entirely pew one,after n. most 'er~ plan, suited to the ne~d~'and tastes of the twentieth century. \ ,ELGlN(JOUNTY,Od,PNCI:r-- ~ch(lDl HOliSEis in this inspectot-ate :tIle ventih1Led'o!1 scien,tHic prinqi~ - 'pIes, providing aD lntake ofput'e air from .outside and elimina.ting. th.e vitiatedairand noxious gases h~l1l the rOom. One fa,ult eX:i~t~'; if1 lllflll'y of the schools. It,h"this: They l:LrellOt.:provided with sufficient humidity. '.rhis could be' ovel'comebyarrangin~fbr the evaporation (If ~great deal of wClter'in thE' rOOlll. By thi's'llle,tns':a much'lo\ver temp~rahir.e)s required..t@ nHl'ke pnpilsmore couiftJrtahe. Of course this-would'mean a ~rel-lt 'sa \ring' lif fuel and, thtl rooin' w,Juld'be'niore f:!anitary. "A few school rooms still require better blackboards, GenerallY 'the schools are provided with goud slate boards. AgreHt'tnany of the schools _:haye vel-y, uncolilfort,thlt> seatsanCl d~sks which,sool}, mnst:giye place to new c~lllf(h.tllil-)leUloder~ones'.- ~ remains to he done to. improve the school gt'rHlrids -and' -;"tne 'Many require w'llks fr0mthe' roi~d 'to the schooL:hdiis'e In Too uiany case$,thecIOseUr'fl,-re screens h-O}}l public vie \V andal'e~ vel;Y;llnsani~n'ry~ ,The sdhjeqt hf medicine" is untin the'pllbliQ mind., A cILUlpaign alo'ng hl::}-nstitutecl,hy Medical Health. Officer's, 50 Ulat"all 'anXi01-1S thaP:hildl'enmny,notbe expOflea' t'l disEmse get'liis~ ge1:111 elisE'ases among chil(ll'l:,'n w'huld'be sh~)nld':be; r'f'ovidpdwith ,vire'.scl'eenin:gialid the closet' . ' C'overtheholes after heing used so tbl1~ .flie~- ,cs,:nno,t InQ'ontact ~with 'the excrebL. heplal}ted pl'ofuse.1Y with~hacletl'ees, shrnbl;l and ~lrtl)i,s ,,'ouldlldd tot-he comfOl't-and hea,lth '-~f (jd,tario:Ag~icuttllrltl. Oollege,~lje'tph.provi'd~s schobr'gI'6Unds. ( On the' ~'eqlwst of l~ B011rd:of Pror':flutt WOllld vJsitt,heil'~ehool and.ulIlke plans alldglve; fot' deco~:ati.ng-t):i.~irscho~l g:rolHJds. Prof. Hutt's ~el'~ given,tb.~l1y)3oal'dof,Tl'llstees witho,llt expense't() the .seq He-wHsjnvited. to ~pa;J;'ta by the Trustees }~nd made pl~ns :'f01' , 66 ELGIN OOUNTY Co"UNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 67 Con~inuation Schools and Fifth Classes There M'e fo'ur contiuU<ttion schools in this ;Inspectorate a.t Spl"ing~' fiel~: Belmont"Fiugal and Port Bnrwlo'll. These schoolsftrc all sending ~p pupIls tp Lower High School al?d Middle ffigh SC}:lOoIExarilinations' b~th of which ha.ve to betaken fOl'entrance to a' NOT'mal 'School' ,. . .' ., . rrhese, schools I\re a grea,t cbove'nience to the peoph., \. Generally the pupils attending . them "vauld not' be __able to pt'epare themselves for entrance to a Normal School to 8eCUl'e teachers' certificates if these schools did not exist.There are also . manypublc schools with Fifth,Cl~sses. tIle Iium~ei' orpup;l~ in>~ucp: cla3sesrangin'g from one or two to ten. Th-e pupils in these classes 'are ! preparing for the Junior Graduation Examination. rl'here will prob~ ably be twenty-five writing on thisexaminalio,n this year. If it were no~, for these classes, many pupils would notg'.> fal'ther thanthe.,end of the Fourth Formconrse. These pn'piIs are preparing part ()fthe course'required in Higp. and Continuation Schools while still intl1e public school at'horne. under 'the' CI-\l'e of their,mothers,-where-they sl:wu1d he nt sHeha yonthful age, In lIlY opinion, the Education-De~ partment shu\ved great wisdom in 'IlllLking pl'ovisions for es-tahlishin'g , ' o.ontinnationSchools and'in providing such u':leful courses in Fifth Olasses. Teachers' Jnstitutes A meetirig,of our Teach(;n'"s' Institute-was held tn Aylmer .the 'trrst ofOotohel'. Dr. Hill, the Director of the Institute of Public Health ftt London was sent. by thE.-_ Edilqatioll Departrnent and delivered four Lectures on the suhjects of ;'DiseaseGerlHs" an.d ;'Preventive Medi:" cine." Theselectur'es were most instl'llctiv-eand enterta,i'ning, ' , P~6fessor Hutt of the O. A. O. Guelph, was also 'pi'esent and de.: 'livel'ed'instr'uctive'lectures on School Ground Deco61tiOlf. \- - - , Local teachers also gav~ addr'esses on. sllhjects of direct intel;esbto ,teachel'sfmd schoolsgel~eNlly.This w,'ts It first cl.assmee~ing of the Instittl,te; perhaps the heslin'its histoI'Y. . I am convinced that the Schoo!sare in condition to do more ,effi;. i ,_ _ _' cientwork than ever befoce. The accommodations are bettel'. The teachers Hl'e bette-r,nIIXlOst-allholdeither First 01' SecondOlass Certi~ floates. The peopl? have higher ideals regarding education. Vnder such condi~ionsscQools should be more efficient. I thankY~H1.Gentlemen, for your continued interest in our schools and your1ibera.lity iN S'Il?porting them. _' ,Your obedient Servant., decorating the scho~lgroul1Cis, These grourids are being improve(}' "~his y~a.r. o:rhomas; 9th .June, 1914-, W. ATKIN. School Fairs, School Gardens and Home Gardens Under the direction of,iV1r; Buchanan our, Local Agricu:lturalRep- reseri'tative,'asc~lobl fair was'h~~d last fttllat'Lutbn, i~ South M~la- hide. Nine schoolseetiol}s'in th,ilt pai:-tof the rrownship,l\;el'e.inter;es~ ted, ,ThP- exhihi~t,s,vere' the children'::" own products, vegeh~bl~s, grain, poult.ry anel manufilchlred':'LI'ticles.' Great interest was manifested by pupils-~ parents and l'atepayer& gen\:wally. l'his year it is proposed to hold fO\lrsuch school. filiI'S,. or.'e' in South Southwold; oneirtSouth . Yarmouth, onei'n':SOl:~t.h,i"l'll.lahide, and one in NOl'th Bayham.' EverYOlle should recogpi2m'thevahie i.tistochildren to havetheul gl'owirig f1owe1's..,vegetabI~s and grains in school and home- gardens;to hav~ them continlle %11.interest in their occupations nearest'to them in, th~irhome -lifej' the occupa.tions thnt Hi'e the l:m'sis of oUl'civiliza.tiQll. 68 ELdiN: bHuN;ry O'6b~BiL 59 ELGIN. CotJN'rYO(jU~WIL gDUCA1~ibNCOMMITTEE January Session ,Irb thc-Elgill Cciunty Council: 'Geritlenietl,~ ' The Education Committee?reports- L That the Warden appoint delegates to {tttcnd the Provincial ''rri1stee~' Assbcia:tioQ l11ceting to' be held in Toronto 011' the 14th, 15th; and 16th days of ApriL 2. That the Chairman ancI' W~rden be appointed to confer with the St. Thomas Board of Educatiofl afl:d arra,nge a- new agreement for payment of expenses of Ins-pector Taylor, 3. That the account received- from the Wardsville HjghSchooI ,for l1Uiil1tet1ance I of county p'llpits,i913, be red;ived a'~id re'fhred to the' Clel;kf~'r i1wcstigatiol1, and if' correct, paid. 4. That the report of the St. Thomas Collegiate Institute be V received. 5 Th~t the"'fallawingaccaunts be paid: June _Sess16ri~iiep6H ,life" i To. the Elgin; C:oi.mty Cauncil: " Gentlerrien,- The Educa tian Cammittee reports: ThaI,tilCY 'ha:e,had_u~der can~ideration ,th,e p~titianaf M.:G.. B(~rweii' ~nd o.thers,praying, far a' by-law to. amemI' the by-law estabiisfiing Vicl1na High ,'SCllaoi ,DistriCt, ~ydetachirig Schaal Sec-' tio~' ,No.. 2, 'Bayham, -therefram, " The petitiandaes nat state the baundarfesaf the sectian, and ~ewatildf~c?rrfnl~nd_,that wflcn thiS..informatian is supPlied, that a by-law! be passed grantinK the petition. All af which isre~pectful1y submit~ed. Th~i11as, 10t'h Ju~e, 1914. J. A. McLEAN, Ch<iirmali. ). A. Taylor:..Irispector" travelling expenses ;,..,........ W. Atkin, Inspectot", travelling expenses .... ,$ 30 78 77 42 6~ Tha.t.,the application of the trustees of.Unian Schaal Sections, 1, 2;: and '3,: 'Ald'bbrough 'and Dunwich, for ,grant, be laid over until the June Sessian. ' ) , ' ~i. ,That the Clerk procure, fram the Schoal h-:spectors a return' showing for ,each section in lIve County........; (1) (2) ,(~) (4) (0) (6) (7) All Assc'sesd value; General school rate; Tru$tees: -rate; Cost per pupil; Number of pupils: County grant; Government grant. of which is respectfully submitted. , ", ],.A McLEAN, Chairman. St. Thamas,Z9th January, 1914. 70 ELGIN COUNT1: COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUWCIL '7) . June Session-R~port No.' 2 To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen,- T.he Education Committee teports: 1. That no action be taken in regard to application from trll'S- tees of Union School Section No. 1,2, and 3, Al'd'borough 'and Dun~ wich; to be relieved of liability in r'eference, to 'formation of section. 2. That Union School Section N6:,,1,2,and"3, Aldboroughal1d Dunwich, be granted the sum of fiftY,.dIQIlars each. 3. That the accounts from Tillsonburg '1nd Gkncoe High S,chools 'be referred to the County Clerk and paid if satisfactory. November S'es,sio.n To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen',- -The Ep:ucation Committe~ rep1orts: L T~at theacountsfrom t11e'Ridgetown and Woodstock C~l~, legiate Institutes be paid, subj~ct to the certification of the Clerk. 2~. That the following accounts' '1~e paid: W._ Atkin, Inspector,. travelling expenses, ... ... .. . .. ... ... . .$. J. A.-Taylor,- Inspector, travelling expen'ses...... .'......... l'heMunicipalWorld, supplie-s,Inspector'-Taylor. ~ .'......... The Municipal World, supplies; Inspector Atkin............ AU' of w hieh is',resp ectfullysubmi tted. 156 67 " 64 87' 45 55 515 . i. That the reports' of the Inspectors ,be- rece-ived and printe"d in the minutes. /- 5. That the supplementary grants 'to high.-schools be tbe same as last year. J, A. MoLEAN, Chairman: St.-Thoinas, 25th. November, 1914. 6. That the grants to continuation and fifth class schools be the . same as last' year. 7. That the following ~ccounts 1:>e paid: M'unicipal World, supplies, 'Inspector Taylor ....;;.:...... .$' Muni,cipal World, supplies, 'Inspector Atkin .,....:. .._.... .'... Expenses, I'll'Spector Taylor ....;........:....,............. ;E,xpenses, lnspector' Atkin ............... ..... ...... ....... 8. That an estimate' of $10,000' will be required for public purp'oses, and $13,00'0 for high schooI' purposes,being th_e same last year. 9. That the report of the Vienna High -School be adopt,ed. All of which is respectfully submitted, J, A, St Thom,as, 11th June, 1914. The' following isareport on the financial position of the Coun'ty: " 1~ Duri'ng 'the year: 1913 the total'receipts of the Cou'nty Ti'eas-~ urer's office were $118;643;88, and the e;genditures $1l2,125.6~, le'aving' , " a cashpalance pn3tst Dece,iriber of $6,518.20. 72 ELGIN COUN1'Y COUNCIJ.. ELtHN 'Cout'b.'y bou'Nett REPORT OF DELJi:.GATION TO ONTARIO EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION I,. TREASURER'S REPORT January Session ~ro'.'the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin: To the 'Elgin County 'Council: Gentlemen,--':' GentlemCll,..,- y our de1eg~ti'on to the Ontado Educational Asociatio.n beg leave to' repart 'as follows: Nfcmbers in attendance,' Warden Drolllgole, and Councill'ar::: Miller, Dennis, ;Kerr, McIntyre, and McClirdy. An ,outstanding featitre of the gathering, aside from the.In-' spectors' Depa'rtm'ent,' was the comparatively small representation 'fram rural communities. assets and)ia-bilit.ies 011 the 1st January, 1914" were, as ASSETS R. Lees dealt with the rural ,problem, and proved hirl,lSelf an able adv;cate ~f better, sanitation and more attractiveness in rural school buildings and ~urr~unc11ngs, aild as a means to this, end', of. the establishment ofmunicil)aLschool boards and, cOlisolidated sch06ls, PI"oviding special cOtlrSes with better qualified teachers, thus giving wideropport\1l1ity for 'higher education at home. Cash- OJ). harid ...."....,..........$ Admri. Justice (estimate of.anlLdue from Provo Treas. ...........:. County rates . ,,;'. .. . . -. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . City ~6( St. Thomas ....,.......,.. Sui1di':y accounts ...,.... .'.. ,...... In discussion on camm'ittee reports, Mr. Lawton, of Parkhill, complimented Elgin County on her advancemeiltalong educ;:ttio"nal lines, and pointcdto our, liberal expenditure ,far higher education as .1I1" example worthy of emulation by trtany of; the. other counties in the: Province. LIAoBILITIES Admn, afJustice ........:........,..$ . House of Industry .......,........ Bills ,payable and interest .......,.. Debentl)resand. interest ........... High Schools-,--Dutton ,....,....... St. Thomas. (estimate) Board .of Trade gr~nt .:.,.'. '--.: . .\. . . Corn Growers' Asociationgrai1t'"",. Arrears. of taxes ..... ~ . . . . . . . . . . , , . Misc.ellaneous aCcOu;lts ...:......... .In'short, the whole treild of lectures and., discussions .at ,various session.s was toward increasing the .,efficiency of our as a m~an's of making the best po~sible. citizens of the rising eratioll: All of which is respectfully submitted, on behalf of the R. H, McCURDY, 'St. Thoni;as, 11th Jltne,.1914,/ 6,518 20 3,5'00 00, 12,8,03 00 1,115 93 348 47 ~~-$ 24,285 60 1,878 016 1,46672 5,0~6' 86 ,15,40'4 56 3,662'0-8 4,0'00 00 ' 900 no 150.00 453 80, 711- 28 $23,663 36 73' , , " 7+ EL.Gp~ o.pU~T.~ 9qp~pg~ ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 75 Balance availabk. assets over current "liabilities...........,..... . 622 241 $ 24,285 60 Julie Session To the Elgin Counfy Council: Gentlemen,- The-.following is p,.n a'bstract statement of the receipts and e:k~ penditures to the first of June, 1914, alldestimate s~owing~ri1ounts required to be raised for county ',Ptlfl?oses' this year. It" will be 'necessary' to 'pass a by-law authorizing the borrowi'ng pf at 'least $20,()OO for current expenditures dlJring the balance of the. year. K. W, Mc~AY, Asst. County Treasurer. 3. At the.close of business on the 27th inst.there was a b<,tlal1ce ,on hand of $4,124.45. All of the county r,ates hav.e" be<jll r~ceive~., and. all notes held by the' Molsons Bank have,been paid; 4. It will be necessary for'th'e council; at this session, to pass <.t,l?~':'la,* a~t9orizin&" th~ Wa~ge'l a.~'d Tre.~sl1r_er tooodow, say, $~:[},O.OO. t~ m.eet co..rrellt e~p.ense'sd~.1ring the y~ar~ ."'" . ,,' .,-'.' "-' ., . .....-.- .',", All of ,whichisrespettfully submitted. K. W, McKI'\Y, Asst. County Treasurer. ,The number ,of lots" elig:ible for sale for' arrears' 'of ,taxes thi~ yea~.is sma,ll, and I would recommend that a by-law be passed,to defer the sale one. year.. St. Thomas, 28th January, 191'1:. " All of which is respectfully submitted. St. Thomas~ 9th June, 1914., /~ 76 ; ELGIN ,OOJJ.N'r"X-OO.p~CIL ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL 77 Careef buildihgs. ... .,....,.,..,...... Water,--gas,and"fllet........ ... '-...... , , Mti'S:cella'neo1.t$, "'F',' ,.... "" ',~ ".',.';' 267 89 956 31 2,5'4'8 26 Receipts and E.xpenditures of the Treasurer of. the County of Elgin To 31s!, :M:ay, 1914 'Fota.lExp,e'nditures... ',.,...... .$34,5~'6 0.4 ,M'aY31 Balance ....,......."...........,.... 833 69 " ,$35,379 73 Bank. balance, per pass book" ,.,'.......$ 1,0.21 24 Less cheques _out .................... 334 54. 1914 1 -Balance .,......."..,..........,......,..$ 'fi,5,18 20' Jan. RECEIPTS Administration of Justice;-;....... ",' BHls p'aya'ble \:........................ Interest .. ,',....,. ...............;. 0.'... County ra,tes "..'"."...".,"",... Puhlic schools .....""....:, .'~<", , ,. House of Industry "",....".... ~. , Cbunty lines and 'bridges .........",; Arre~rs of taxe~ ..'"",.;..,.:."",. Miscellaneou$ ......,."".., "..,... Total Receipts ............'...{.. EXPENDITURES 2,27-7 2,8_ ~l,QnQ'Qn 137 00 12;80'3 0"0' 428 80' 65-2 80" "~ 75 33673 1,216 18, , $35,379 73 Administration of justice. ',' ..,... .." ,$ Bills paya1ble .........,.",., i, . . . .. . Intere'st ".' /..,.... ,.,.. "...... "..., Public schools..,...,.,...",.,..,.." I-louse' of Industry ..........,....'.... Registry office" "" ,.".... ;"....... County lines and bridges ......,...".. Debentures al)d coupons ",.."""" High schools "........,........... ,; 'Art'ea.rs of, taxes ",','.".,-" ,""."..,." 'M'e111bers~ wages... . ,. . " .;. " ,.. .. " Officers' ,salaries..... , " , '" ., , .. " , , P~inting, postage, and stationery ..", 4,7'32 73 5,0'0'0, 0'0' \ . 69 25 1,2.66 45 3,149 97 272 19 205 96 5',40',4 5'6 8,5'78 ,47 453 80 40-3 3'0" 1,0'2'5 nO', 211 90' Bank, balance ,..,....,...,;'......,;... $ , ", Cash in 9ffice ..",.".....,'.',..", 6806 7'0' 146 99 \ St, Thoinas, 9th June, ;t914, $ 8313 69 K. W, McKAY, Asst, County Treasur,er, . , ~ 78 ELGIN OOUN'.ry,COUNCIL Estimates, 1914 Admi'listration of' justice ............$ County' lines ....................... '.' House of -industry' . ....~...... .'.... .. fIigh scho.ols ......................... .Puh'lic:_:s~hools ............. '. . .. .. . . . . Officers'. salaries ~.~ '" .. " ..: . .. . .... Members' wages ",'" .'. .-.... ....,.... Court house commission ............., De'benture rates--;- By-Law l:'J:o. ,594 By-Law No. 737 By-Law No. 759 By-Law N9' 769 4,00'0' 90 2,500 00 6,000. Oo.~ l3,ono. on 10',000 00 3,420'00 .1,700 no' 1,200 00' ,.......$1,95700 2;5:901 00 2',268 00' 1,26'4 00' . Deficit, ls't January, 1914 ............ , Interest / ..............',............ ,',.. Registry offic.e ............;................, Miscellan,eous .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,079 00' 300 DO '1,150 00 650 00 3,893 00 ,$ 55,892 00 :ELGiN'COUNTY QOUNClL FIJIIANICE COMMITTEE January Session ~To t~e' Elgin 'Co.untyCouncil: ~ent~~men,~ Tile Finance Committee rep,arts' as follows: '1. That the following grants be made: ProJ~:incial Prisoners'A-id AssociatiClIi "....,.,.....;.. ... .. ,.'.$ 'Sa:lvationArmy' .... ",.,., ....';.. .......... ._.,.." ,..... Ainasa Wood 'HOspital:'. ... ; ..; ,.',.-. ,'. .r.,. ., . ; :',. . "," ,.. . :Chi1.dr,e-n's Aid, ,Society (County, of 'lil,gin '. .. . ., . . . . . . . . , . . '_ ... County Educatio'ilal Association... .-.............. '. .'......... ',' '\, ,,' 10 00 25 00 ',10-0' 0'9 1.0'0' 00 100 ,00, 2. -That the,' S11m_ of one thousand dollars be ~phiced' to the credit o~ th-e County Board' of Trade_ and Publicity Association, to he pai,d out 'a~f~l11ds lare' required, on' the :order of the 'pre'sident and,secret'ary 'of the, Association,' and' that the 'Association' -be, req,uested to'sitbmit ad~tailed statement of their work- and exp_e-n's1idu:es - to the, council , , , . I ' ' " , -a(the June session. 3:_ Th'at the report of the C~unty Treasur'er,be adoptedj'and that 'by~law be introducedto'authorize the Warden and Treasurer"'to bot~ow the sum, of., $20,000"to 'meet ,current expenses during,the ,year~ o!Porice Magistrate+luut be ad'optedand That the 'Following ,accounts ,be paier-: st'ationerY-County'cle:rk's office.. '........ ...$ Aid Sdciety,maint,enal,lCe county child~en ....... priMing-proceedings and by~laws.. . ... .. ~ ' pos'tage and te1pehone, etc. .~..,..,.;............. Dor~hester, ~onv,eyance inmate to H. nfL...,. , . 6 00 30 70 ,9'2 00 7.W 40:) , 'respectfully submitted. 2~th January, 1914. W, A, B'E>CkER,' Chairman. 79 $0 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTYOOUNCIL , June Session--:-Report No.1 _ Echo Printing~?use, S1i~rirygfi~ldJ printing audits.... ,. ... .. Municip;:tl World, supplies for D. McLaws .. .,....... ,';... ". F,'Hllnt ........,._....;_..;.... C. F. Maxwell <.............. ,_ I.H. 'Coyne-'., ,-,.....",..... , " ',County Clerk ...........,. ,'; . Office Specialty Co.; bookcas~ fot;'Ckr1~,'soffice . ,';. !,"';'" R.,McLachlin, stationery" c;leJ.:l<'s office .......... ... .. ... . . ... K \V;;-McKay,posfage an,d phone account -".. . ~ . .. . .. . ..', ; . . Prav, Treasurer, ;expenses',cdn'Veying-'M.:Roy to 'M~rcer.. .. Palace Livery, 'bus~ireforiury ".. ,;/, ... .. . .. . .. '.. , .. ".. ", i :Josepl;f Doust, forms, 'etc., for Aylmer ,Diyisian.'Caurtoffice. , , '" '-, ,- \" . C W. A.. Andrews;'decoratm~ o.Hause..... ,"" ... .. . . i. ," . . half address to' GavernO'r.:.Gene'ral .. half cast'?f' carpet...',.. . . . .. . '/" . .'. .. ... All af'vyhich'is respectfull~'sU'bmi.Hed. " the Elgin Caunty Cauncil: gelitlemen,- ~rhe Fina'l1ce ,Committ~ebeg' leave to' repart: 1. That',n~ action be taken on'granttoDn{ario Winter Fai,r. 2: \ That the Puhlicity Associatian, report he received and filed. 3. That the' usnal ,fee.~6f '$10..00 be, paid. 'to' the' OntariO' ,Municipal- Assaciatian, and,that the Warden be autharized to' appoint delegates. 4; That.l~a act'ian be, taken an applicatiall af J. Hapkins far the 'pasitian of' Hig,~:,Constable. 5. That the repart af: the: At\d~t~rs 'be :received ~nd fi~lally audited arid allowed. 8;, 617 0-0 ~ '2"(J --1 50' 4 00 :'W,75 38 89 2:0:2'4 3/;50 ~3 40 14 08 400 ~l. 00, 1)~{) 0'9- 1000 1~ 50 Th~mas,12th, June, 1,914.' W, A. B'EiCKER, Chairrrial?-' 61. .'ThAt N.5. tornell, Esq., be re-presentative on'the jaint ca111- re indusfrial farm. 7. 'That the vVarden ancl 'Sheriff'and... County to' pl"'oci.irebad'ge~ f~r Caurt' Constahles. 8. That the ,Elgin Poultry Assaciatioll be granted the tW,enty-fiye dollars. , 9. That ,a -'by-law to barrbw twehty thousand'dallars far , . !'cnt ,expenses be p~ssed.- 10'. That a by-law to' d~fer t,axsale far ane, year bepassed. '11. ~Tlnitthe" accaunt for printing auditors', repart be passed $07,00, 12. That the f~l1owing ,accounts be p-aid: Q~ 'McKen11'eYicanYeyan<;~ af inmates to H. of 1. ......... .,.$ 82 Ek'GIN ,OOUNTY'COUNCIL June_ Session':-'Report No.2 To the Warden' and Council of the County' of Elgin: Gentlemen,- Th'e Comrnittee on Fil18,nce beg Jeave to report that,' having examined into the finances of the County and tlieestimates prepai'ed , ' , . ' by thcCounty Treasurer,,;they herewith -stibtni~ -,a statement' of th~e expenditures requiredfcir the -lawful pur'poses of fhe County 19U,showing the amount required to be raIsecl for the undermen':' tionedpurposes: :j Adtbinistr.ation of justice .,..~...., .:$ County lines',ai1d bridges....,....... Hot1se,",6f industry..,.. ,..".... "":" PtL~lic schools. .'... . ,.. . .f;:. . .. ... . .. High schools ....,.;....;.....,...... Officers' salaries ,"........ '. .-,'.. . .. . .. . ,Members' wages ..............,..... Courf Honse Commi&sion ,......,... _4,0.00 0.0 2,500 00 610.'00 no. 10,0.00 0.0 ~3,O{)O 09 3,420' no. , f,7o.{} 00 1,2'00 ,00. Debenture rates"- By-Law 'N 6. 594 By-Law Nc, 737 By-Law No. 759 By~Law No. 769 .... .....$1,957 00 2',590., 0.0 2',268-,0.0 1,264 00' 8,m9 aD Deficit, 1st January, .1914, ... .' . ,. ... . 300 0"0 "I-nte'rest. ...,.........,-....'..'.',..,.._......, 1,li'iO 00 Registry office . ',"'" ,-.... -.-.,.... ','" 65'0 00 Miscellaneo..us ........;-,. ,.. .,. , .. . .. 3,893 00 $ 55,892 90. ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL 83 --l,~~ Your committee 'would --recormnend' t.hat the sum of fifty:-fiv'd :thousand eighthundrecl arid ninety-two dollai:s 'be raised on all the rat~,a'bk property. in the. ,'several-' municipalities \'intI1e 'Cono'ty of- Elgin dm,ing, th~ year '1914for "countypurposes, and that a rate' of two and .two-fifth-s'- mills ,on the dollar he 'levied on all rateable pro:.. perty-in the several mun~~ipalities in' the county torais~' said mounts; :AILQf ,w,hich is - respectfully submitted'. I St: 'Thomas;' 12th June, 1914. W,' A. BECKER, Cha'ir.mall'~ - November' S'essiofl' J'i'o,l To the Elgit~ Cou-nty"Councii; Gent1emell,'- The ,Finance, Commitfee,reports.: 1. That the'sum of two 'hundred doIlars ($2-(}O.,OO) be granted to the C9rn Growers"and Seed~ Grain .Association. 2. 'That 'Messrs. McColl, Hare, and Smith'be apl),binted fo coil~ fer" with those interested in the question of Belgian immigration; and :repo~tatthe"-January sessibn~ . I 3. That Messrs, McKenney, IVI'c:Curdy, and ,Miller be a sp,ecial to confer' with a'con~mihee from the Children's; ,Aid in reference to_their request, to report at the January session. 4. That the' sum of fifty dollar,s($50.00) be granted to. the Children's Aid",.so'ciety; :F , 5. That~ the 'rcp~es:e:t1tativesappbintcd by this coul.1cil. a~ mcm- of the board of the Children;sAid Society be paid Hie sum Df . dollars-for ,eX'penses f~r each meeting attended by them. 6. That the follo~jng accounts'be paid: 8( ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL S} RHart & Co., acct. fO~ 'Samuel McColl, deceas.ed', fOf sup- plies Diy~, Court office, Dutton, tobe1?aid whenClerkis satisfied goods were delivered '.. .":. . .. ... . ... ... ........$ S. R. Hart - & _ Co., _ cheque ,books for Co. Treasurer ..,.., -'. . . :R.. 'McLachlin, supplies-Clerk and Treasurer,......... .-,..., R. M:cLa,chlin, supplies .co.Engineei'..... . .. .,. ~ '," ... .,'... Joseph DOLtst, stationery Div, Court, .Aylmer............... The 11;utlicipal World, stationery Di;, Court, Aylmer......, The Municipal -W or,ld, supplies Co. - Engineer- ... .. . . . . . '_' . . . . The Mtinicipal World; supplies'Co. Clerk ..................; The Municipal World, supplies, Co. Registrar ..;.......,.. ,', Township af- ,Bayham, "canveyance inmates :ta hause of industry. ...........:.., .'. .'..". .,'..., .... ..~.::... ....... ...,' The Jaurnal Printing, Co., ,1,10tice re jurars .. ... , . ., .. ....... Pravii1ciaI Treasurer, conveyance of insane ... ........ .~... Dr, Ling,re B'aard' af Sanatarium ....,.".... ............ .'. Children"s Aid" Soci'ety, maintenance C~i1ntychildren .." ,.'. Vi1lag~ of Vienna, co~veyatice of h1mates to' ha'u~e of iddustry ,............,.................,..."...... ,',', .'. All of whjch is l'espectfully su'bmitted. 21 50 25' 45 720 2 00 2 50 5 00 500 13'83 79,70 W, A. B'RC;K'ER; Chairman; St. Th,?masi '2:6th Novem'ber, 1914. November Session' No.2 To. the Elgin,Co.unty Council:, Gentl,e.men,- '1. ;.That the fo.llowi;lg accounts be paid: Caunty Salicitor,far 12 months' services, as per accottnt rend:ered ,... ......". ......:... ..... ..,.;. "_' ... ....",.. ..$ Jo.hn' 'Col1in~, Cansta'ble,haard, G... W',NeaI " .". ............ All af which is respectfully SUbl?itted: ,St. Tharnf.\s,26H1Novem'ber-, i914. W" A.- BECKER, Chairman; ELGIN OO'UNTY COUNCIL COUNTY ENGINEER'S 'REPORT JanuarrySession d Tot-he Warden and Members af the',Elgin Cattllty;Cauncil: Gentlemen,- I 'beg to. su1)mit the follawing report: 1140, 65 98 35 lQ' 00 7,0 96 The bridge on the Little Ot(e'r- Creek, on ,the town line between ,the -Towns~ips oJ Bhyham and Hought0n,w'illhave to. be built t'hi's spring. I. ,have plansabbut prepared for this work naw. It will h'e nece5.?ary: to act with theCoul1tYClf'.Norf61k in doing thisw6rk, as this county only pays one..,h'itlf of. the cost. "An of which is'respectfully stibmitted. lAS, A, BELL, CountY'.Engine'er, 28t4 January, 1914. 4 00 June Session Council of the COllntyof Elgin: pl;epa,red 'plans and specifications' for the etecH()fi: o!- the bridge ' the Little Otter Cre~k bet:ween Bayham and Houghton Town~ . 'ar:id ~dvertise,d' for'fel1de~s for the ,work. Thechairnian' of PU:bllc Impr01,~-ements Co.mmittee 'and ,myself, acting, 'wit~ a committee, from Norfolk, met and awarded,the contract to Oatman 'far the sum of $1,lO-o"OO~ It is expected that "the' con,struction will be commenced,' next we:e,k. freshets "did comparativdy little damage to :the Your Public Improvement Committee, with a sintilar com" .from ~he County, of Middlesl:!xjlnspectec1 the Coyne Road' of bridge an the River Thames recent.ly, "Yaur, county 'should: 85 80 ELGIN Oo.U:\TY OOUNCIL 87 EW.lN' QOVN1'Y' (JQl,JIgCIL take action to ;rebuild,this bddge as scion as'pos-sible~ Notices , been placed on the bridge,prohibiting-traction_ en-gin,es to cross. , 4. I would like, if lean secure a competent foreman, to' pain, t I __ ' few of thecbul1ty 'bridges this year. , All of which, is respectfully sub!llitted. Counties, and are no~ awaiting your approvaL ~ ,Tenders have been asked - for for this )'.,o1'k, t.o',be 'in'by - the St'h day of Decem'ber, I s'ubj ect: to the approval of ,the pla~1~an.d~srecificM~Qll,~ by,1~oth: e,Quucils., ' 6. ,Plans were prepared for a culv.ert-, on the9_~le~4~~e~~rv~ and an inspection made of'the culyert since built. The culvert is satisfactory except :tne grading, which was nrQt c"()mplct~9. at- the , time of inspection. , '.. - All of which is respectfully 'submitt~d. J"'S, A' BELL, , CountY~ligineer. St. Thomas, ~th Ji.me,:1914. Nove'mber Session JAS, A BELL, Cou.nty'En~ig'e~r': , To the Warden and Mem]Jers of,the Elgin County CounCil: Thomas, 23rd November, 1914. Gen Hemen,---,- Ibeg to submit the. following as myrcport of. the' work don,e 111 the county since. your last meeting: 1. The I bridge oyer, the Little Qtter'Creck'between Elgin Norfolk'h,~s beeg completed in ,'a satisfactory manner, the cost of ~the bridge 'being $1,312.00, one-half of which was paid by tl?-eCoun,ty .. :Norfolk. '2: A new pl'anlcAoor was placed',on the bridge .Ct'e'ck on the town litle. between Yarmouth and South at a' c'ast of $96;'57. 3. ,A ,neW' concrete 'side,'i,yaJk ,and, gas piperailil1g ha'vebeen ,p)accd 011 the Belmont bridgc, a:11d some gradingdonc, at a of $235,02. 4. The .west abutm<:~lt of the Fingal bridge _betw'een . the' City of St. Thomas and ~he cOltntyhas been repaired at-a costof$SO.75. 5. In accord'ance w'ith"insti'uction,s received. horn your plans, and s,pecifications-have been prepared for replaci~g or' Coyne Road bridge: over, the River Thames with ~ concrete' \" . .... '.'. ,.... ,- steel structure'. ThO-Be, plans: an"d specjfications have heen ,to 'andapP,roved by' tp~,jo-il~tc-0lnmitteeof this a9-d BS ELGIN:' OOUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN:"COUNTY'OOUNCIL PUBLIC IMPROVEM,IDNTS COMMITTEE January Session, '1;'6the Warden andCoul1cilof the County of Elgin: June Session: ,Council of the County. of Elgin~ Gentleinen,- The, ,Public Improvements Committee reports': Puhlic Improvement Committee. beg le~ve to submit the r.eport: 1. That the,report of the County Engineer be adopted, and that the c'haJrman of this' COll1;tlli'ttee anet the Engineer have power to 'act :with tf1e 'County '0f Notfolkin advertising and awarding'contract \Jor~the bt1-ilding of bridge over the Little Otter Creek on 'the 1illebetwecn Bayham and I-roughton. 2. That the By-law prepared by the 'County SDlicitor , purpose of protecting county brid;ges be passed, and: that the of the .local representatives of the Legislature -be directed to the that there is no provision i'n the ,Statutes covering this matter. Re Tait or Coyne Road bridge, your Committee would recon1- that the Engineer prepare pla11s and specificationr: for', this subbiitthem to the joint commit,t:e of -this County and Middlesex, and when approved; the :E'ngineers, of bo'th' advertise for tend~ers to be'submitted to ,the' Councils at session. , the matter ofp,aintingthebridges be left in thehatlcl':; 3. Re communication from the Ontario' Good Roads your comm(ttee w~uld recommend that the fees 'be paid Wi~den name the 'delegates to attend .the convention. Comniittc<e would ask tl}at the appropriation for ptt'blic for""thc" year b'e ,$2,50'0.00. ~; hd'd'ge ~That 110 action 'he take!1 'by the COl1n,cil to assume the \ ' ,. 011, the towri line between N"orth and South DorcheSter. of which'is re_spectfully sl1pmitted. SAMUEL DA WES, Chairnial1. 5. That this Committee,' with a similar committee from se~, andtheCottnty Enghieer, visit and inspect the Coyne bridge at an early date ,in_ the spring. 10th ]une,1914. November Session 6. ' That, the Ch~i1"iFan and E;ngineer hav,e power to matters of minor repairs to bridges. Council: SAMUEL Pl1'blic 'Improve,l11~~t Cotn111itt~e beg~toreport as follows: the gran.t made ,at" the last session of one hunch-ed" and for" a:'briclge to be e,reded on, the Oneida Indian Reserve \All of which is respectfully sl1'bmited. SL Thoinas, 29th -January, 191:4. Qq ,EiI,\WI' ,00111''1''1' OOU/iOU. ELGIN COUNTY '2,. That this Council ::.J.p.proV<:l pr-the-plans and specifications prepared by the Engineers fop the Tait or Coyne Road bridge; , 3. 'That the a'cHar' of the Public" Improvem'ent Committee garding the Tait bridge be confirmed" and that thi,s COffiplitt.ee give'n power to.. ;meet and act with a similarcorrimi_~tee'from County of'Middlesexto -let contract.s for the: e;ecti:al1 of this AU ~(which is respectfullysuhmitted. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE January Session the-, Elgil1 County Council~ Gentlemen,- The' Petition,s and Legislation.Committee reports; SAMUEL' 1. That the notice received in reference to the incotpriration 'andiElgin Railway Company _be received and placed SI; Thqm~~,2qthNqvelJ1hr. tQ14' -:That in reference to the (tomniunication from the M1.il1icipal, Tax Association, w~ recommend that the Warden name for t'his County, and that the sum of five dollars, be appr:ovri"ated' to 'be p?-id towards the ,expenses of 'the if required, 011 the order pfrepresentativ'e. That no action be takeil in reference to resa)ution ftom the Co~ncil of the -County of Perth. of which isrespectfu..Jly .su'1mitted. WM, H. MOORE, Chairman'; 1914, June Session Council: Committee on Petitions and'Legislation report:' have considered thecommuhication from the County and r~co~mtlend' that niyaction be'takeil. which is respectfully submitted. ~ 11th June, 1914. W, H" MOORE, Chairman. 91 '," g2 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN'COUNTY COUNCIL GAOL COMMITTEE January, Session HOUSE OF INDUSTRY COMMITTEE January Sessio;J. To the EIgiI~ County Council: // To the Elgin County Council: Gent~,ero,en,""':"'" , Gentlemen,:-c- The G<:j.ol ,CO,~lJ,niitteerepbrts:" 'The House of Industry Committee. reports: That they have t"eceived a request from Gaoler Luton-' for an "fnel"eaSe in salary of $200, and would recommend that his. sala~y be increased by that amount. Tha.fw9,have considered the matter referred to us in. the \tVai.~ address, -and would 'recommend that web'e attth01'izedt~.ex": pend the sum of fohl' hundred dollars in the erection of an ur:i.,.to-c1ate hog pen at ~he; house of industry farm. All of which is res-pectful'1y submitted. WM:' F, SMITH" Chairman. All or which' is resiiectfully, submitted. ;~k Thomas, ,29th' ]au1taFY, 1914. ]. Ij. McINTYRE, Ch,ainpan, ,Amended ih Committee o(the ,Whore, by recommending ii1cr~a'se of $lOID. 30th lanua'ry, 1914. June 'Session June ,Session Elgin County, Council: To the Elgin County Council: Genttem~n,~ , , Geo tlemen,- The 'Finance 'Committee reports: , , The Gaol Committee reports: The House of Indu:stry Committee report~: That they have.; considered the ,application of O. K. Silcox. T~p1:k~y; for an il'lcrease: in' salary, and_ would ;recom~el1dthat his, , sa)aty'be i,l1ctease:d to ,$2.25 ,per J-ay. That the Co'mmitteebe' empowered to ask for tendets t6p'ut rO,ds on the buildings at the house o~findustry farm. AlI of which 'is-t,'espectfuIly submitted. 2,. 'W.e recomulend that the Committee ,be' empowere'd tosel1.d MyNi~~l, at present 'an inmate-in 'the_ county' house;' totl1e"'1 for Incurables at- London, ,and that the County/be l'espollsib,le his-m'aintenance there; an"d that the ,'Township of A'ldbol'ough oe for the rent of the farm of'which Ithe said John McNichol a' life lea"se. 'W. F, SMITH, S,t. 'th6tnasl 11th June, 1914. , 9S 9\ ELGIN- COUlS'TY S)OUNOIL EL(H~ COtJNTYOQUNOIL I " ~ \J5 Deputy Reeve Miller of South wold. institui9n dit~ing the ye-ar wer.e as follo'ws: Hog. :pen .... ..',........ ......, .......$ ,R~~a.irs , coal, .h?use .......;.... ..~;. .. fenCIng .:'... ,... ".' ...... ~....... ... ..... 'Tile and, tile drainage. .. . .. . .. . .. . ... Floodng:dining. room .'..... .'.,.,.... 554 99 ' 70 00 139 00 50 83 20' -62 3. We recqmmenCl that the County Council' make a grant of fifty dollars to' that portion or roadlying i~front of the house 'of industry, on condition that the TOWllShipcif Southwald give' the'< same amount, money to 'be expended und~r ,th~ superv1siohof 4, That 'the Committee be empowered to enquire as- 'to the' c~st of in,stalling natural gas at the house of industr~. $ 935 44 ], H, McINTYRiE, Chairman, 6,-' That we have examli1ed the insurance in force on the house of hldustry_ prop-erty, and 'withaview to adJusting 'sam"ehave had th~ buildings vaiued. Th: buildings 'arid contents at~v~1ued _ at ;-$39,3{52.00, and on this there was an insurance oL$12,825.0(}. W,e would recomllleridariincreas~ in :insilrance amOUnting fo $10,6512;00:" in accch:dadce with-th\e f~llowing schedu1'e, and that/your Comm'it'tee beatithorized to arrange for new policies throughout, to report same w{th rates paid at th'e)anuary sessi,On. All of which is respectfully- submitted. St. Thomas~ 11th June, 1914. ,Amended"hi Committee of thevVholeby striking out cla1.lse 2. November Session, "No.1 minutes. That the report of the Physician be adopted 'and ! ' . 'Schedule of Insurance, Proposed Total Building Vahle Insurance lnsur. Insurance_ Incr:ease ,.. , ': $21925 $7500' $5700 $13200 4365 750 14:m 2200, 765 25'0 320, 570, 80 40 40 1200 500 40'0 ,'DOO 94 25 22 47 2'5 9 715 115 . 175 50 25 25 1388 82 160 120 '120 1000 100 100' 575 To' the -,Elgin County Council: Gentlemen,- The House of Industry Committee reports: 1. . That the report of the Inspector be adopted and the minutes. 2, -3.; That we ~ay~ considered the' report of the spector and Physician in n;ference. to the, la-undry,and would mend that the chairman and Inspector order the repairs necessary the laundry and illS talI/ drying facilities. 4. That weare not in a positiofl to repo-rtcomplete i:l reference .to ,lightning rods. for the'ipstitution, and' would mend that the matter he laid over until the January session~ 5. That the cost.of the permanelit improvements nia~.e 66 Hen hOUSt(}d""" fl. Contqn,ts- 'i.. . ." Main barn,;;,;N:olll. Stock ,.. ,..,' I< Implemeuts ., H Produce ..... Old hog pen ...... Ne,w hog pen,..., . Contents...". Driv,~Barn"No.,,13 II,' I-Iorses . .,'..... H "Produce ..... Implements " ELGIN' COUNTY GOVNCIL 125 IOn 100' , ,100 75, 75 1964, 1000 475 1475 ' 120-0' 500' 500' 1000 cO,ws $6'0 550' 415' 415 ~50 30{J< 125 425 159 150 100' 650' 325' 325 280 210 210 includingh<!g~ 10,50. 1000 IODO 700 600 6000 horses $125 400' 100 20g. 300 10'0 75 75 - -- $39352 $12825 $10652 $23477 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL from_ John M~Ni.c~pL to,.-the County of Elgin. An, agreement was also entered into"by which ,the said)ohl1McNichdl agreecLto pay alIi costs, charges', and expenses while'an inmate of saidhous~ of 111- d'ustry,al1d providing that if he was transferred to any atherinstitu-c tian~ the rents aCcf(ting an tht~ said" lease might be appli'ed to. pay such, maintenance ch.arges,'etc;as the Caunty beca.111c liablefar~ . Altho.ugh an inquiry was_made at the time the agrecmeilt was entere-d'jilto' iri_ "r.eference to :rVIiCNichol's praperty, 'we "we,re able to .find only abaut $12:0o-in' the RoyaJ:'Bank, Radile.y. ,Since that tinie it! has,been-fou:!ld,_thaLMr. 'Mc:r\'richpl had assigned a 'mortgage' or$135.'O(} fo P. :A. 'McVi.c'ar; -of AI~barough, who also held $38.50-. in cash' far him. Thismaney :has-since"been .trans-ferred to. theCo'unty S-aliC:-itor, who 'has .i'nstru<;tiol1s, to.' pracure are-assignment pf, the, mortgage for the County, . After. t.he ,agreement wi-thMr. MtVicarwas en'tered " , I, ","" ,'" ''',' , ; inta;"applicatian ,wasmade for his admissio~' itito the 'Hlome far In~ curab}escat Landan, and' he was transferred to. that -institution on the 5th day af August, 1914,' charges for his -main.tenance ,therdn: \ being$5.0-o':per. weel\: qndp.ayment for .nec~s$ar'Y,c16thing~ AIl..-ofwhich is respectfully submitted. J, H, McINTYRJE,. Chairman; I St. Thonias, 24th N:avember, ,1914. Navembe'r'Session, NO.2 I, 2. V(e have 'cansid'ered_ t~e_CJ.~testi,a~, _cx ins,urance, and 'wQuld recammend that all the palidesat present in "force b~ cancelled,and' . 'C: " " '-"'_', "," '" _" ',I,. palicies'far $4,0,0,0 each, be taken pufin the Perth, Gare, Lo'i~don, a,;ldW~-l1ington _ Mut~aican'lpanies,' arid' the Merchantsl Insurance' C'ompal1y,a't tlj~ fateaf one per_ cent. far throe years. wauld'r~~almn~nd: 'th:a:t .:the Ci~rk ,:J?~ev~re 'pr,lnted sp~ci!1catians property to. be" ,insured, so that ,the palicies will be, uniform, if it-'jg faul1cfto 'be:imppssi'bJe to. secure the fi..111 amount Ofinsu't~ requirecf in tlte companies named, ,diat' applicatiOn be' maJ,c to companies;, to. be ,reparted at tile' January sessia,n af .the 1'6 the E-lgiti County' Cauncil: af. which, i"s respectfully submitted. Thama's, 26th November, '1914. J. H. McINTY'R'E, , Chairman. Gentlemen,--'---' The House' af Industry ,Co~llmittee reparts': 1. In accordalice ,_ with the instruct'ions gi-;en yaur Cammittee hy a resalutianat the June' sessian, we iris,tr'uctedthe solicitar , obt!lin the netess'ary papers regarding the' praperty belanging, 'JahllMcNichai; an inmate of the'house af industry. We re~eived, first, form af lease between J ahn, M'cNichal and Arthur Waalner,which hasb~en assigned to. the COl1nty of Elgin. This is a lease afthe east half af lat num'ber,sevel1"cq1).cessian twelve, Tawnship{ Of, Aldbarough, cantainin15' 110 acres,far a'termOf,:5:ve 'years, the' rentaf $200.00, being payable on/the',first dilY"af Marchil1 eac~ year. Second,an assignment afa life lease af same praper.ty Ii; 97 118 ELGIN COUN:.ry COUNCIL The following is my report.oll the 'house ofindustty f1,i1d- refuge for tl;e year 'eo-ding 31stOcto-ber; 1914: " '/ L Number of inmates' in house at .last rep~rt ... .."... 2. Number ~dmitted during; year, 9 fetllaies,12 m~les... 3. Numbe.r of deaths" ................-...;.......;;......... 4. NU111'ber discharged "," "i . . . . . ; . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ; .', . .. 5. Nt1nlb~r absconded ... ..." ; , .. .. ".... . .. . ,. , . .. . . . 6. Number now in house" 29 males, 22 fe~nales .-' :-,.,... .51 7. Number'o(inmatessen~ horn th~ several municipalities ' in the County during the year: 'A1dborough .. ..... . .. . .. .... . .;', .. ,.. . . ... . . . . , . .. . .. . .. . . Dunwich. ....... '" ...... '," ;,." .'.....,. .... '....,........., Sguthw~ld ...... ',' ....... ...... ..',............. ... .... Yarlnot1th .......:. '. . . . ..; .'. . . . ~ '.. . .':" . . . . . ;:'" . . . . . . . . . . . NI-alahide .....................,..,",. '. , , . '. , '. ' , . .'. ,., . . " '. Bayham. ....... ,'....... .,....... ..'..;-..... .;'.. .... ....',-.'......... South. Dorchester ,.............,.....,...".....,....., Aylmer '" .'.. .';...... ...,:..... ..'. ,'.. .... '~.""":" .::. ...... Springtfield '.... """ '.' ., ..............,.... ..... .'...,-.... Port Stanl~y ..................... ... .. .. . .'. .. .. . .. " ,...". Vie'111fa ". .......,...,... .,.,.... ..... .'.,.....-.... ......... :". . West 'Lorne ....:....... .... ...... .'. ....... ........ ... :..... 'Transfer'red from London asylum......,...... ,. .....,. REPORT OF INSPECTOR HOUSE OF INDUSTRY .. November Session To t4e Warden and Council of theCollnty of Elgig,; Gentlemen,'- 8, The various causes of pauperism of inmates admitted House during the year may be classed as follmys: Weak minded .. ....................... ..., ............ ",. Sickness ,.......:......... .... .. ..,:. ., .., . ...... . .. .'. . .. .. . Blind..., .\....... .............. ........ .:':...... ..''-., ........ Destitute. "... .'..................... ..... "............... 44 21 8 3 3 1 1 4 3 1 1 3 f 1 1, 1 1 2 -21 ELGIN OOUNTY: COUNCIL 99 ~:i:p~:e,:::<:::::::: ::~::::::::: :.: ':::::::::::::::::::: 9 ,1 -21 9., Average n,u1ll'ber of inmates during the year., ',' ~'.... 51 Hh 'J:verage with keeper's family and hired help ..; ,'., .58.~' 11, Number ofwec;;s' board of inmates. .........:....,. .2-'684 12,. Number of 'Weeks with keeper's family,ete. .... ..., .3'051 13., Total~xpenditure during the year..,...,.; ~..,- .$'7313 51: 14. Perm~nent ilnproveh1ent- Hqg. pen, . drainage, .. fencing, etc......, $ 935 4~ From inmates;,......:... .!.. .$, 429.. 88 Farin stock' ," , ,.'.,.. .:, 164 2-8 . Farm produc~- Eggs ,,' .'..,$ 134'15 Sun~ry. ..... 383 0<4 517 19 1111 35 '2046179 ',15. Leavil1g amount 'actually expend~d for St1pport 'of inmates, ........ .>.,.. ..,................,. .$5266'72 A~erage,~~pe~se,:.p.er week for, each' person,..,. 1 72 ' Average'expe'nse pet; day': for each person......_ 2'4';5c Average expense per yearior each person.,.... 89 721 Amount expended f6r .holtse and fann during theyea'ris as follows: iil' 16, ,1Z. 18, 19. divided Farm expenses- 'Hired labor ....<,...,.........~.....$ 2:0191 ~mple1l1ents',................... ...,.."/ 6250, F,e.ed ;................,.... .... . . .... 361 5'4 .. Stock, . .:.. . .. . .. " ',' , .. . .. . .. . " . . , .. 68 42 Seed ...............,....................... 78 96 Miscenal1'~6us ....... ;', :. . .... .. ... . .. 255 96 '$1029.,29 fao EL'~i~ 'b(}.~~ffJj.gV~qr~ -, .. ,', -,,-:-,"-':-':.' ,-" ELGIN 'Odtr~TY _Qi?,~.~9tt.... ,iilt -33 loa:ds '~trkw \, Ib~(d p\.iillBlfitn .. 2. 18'rld~ ili~j~rhs f ilgg~(k1iI~c1j ,1200, Head~ .. dft~,tB{ge 1 (:'alf (kille,i'j '.-, ;" 70 fpwlS" (kill~d) 2555 10;: oUttef Itfs3 -'d6iell~~gs , 'g-Jjafrelif soft s8ap 2dO',lHrreis ~pple~ 4', barrels ~id,er. )~'addition .to the above,a large ntltnber of vegetabl'es', ~tc:, were raised \ind consumed durinKtpe :,ycar, of whichnQ account wa,s-.kept; I-Iou'se'expeilse- Hired lahor ................ -'....., ..$ 348- 25 Bread- .. .... .'..... . .. . .. . 0'.. . .. . ... ... 478 08 '~r~:eri~i' ::~':-:':,::.: ::::: ::;::::::::: ~:; ~:.:t': Provisions :;-;,.. ~....,' ~'........ .>... 40.7 'b,g Dry Goods .,..,.. '. . , ' .. : ' : , , .. ;, . ",' 327 46 Bbots :andshoes .".................... H6 43 Furniture and hardware... ','" ,..... 197 69 Drugs ;.', .'..... . .. . ...... '.' ..... .. . .. . .. 72 74 Coal ,and' wood .......~.,......,."..... 663:13 Miscellaneous ........ ," .. 29 0$ $3673 44 277: bush'Hs p:6tatoes' '3B" bush'els sUgar be~rs 2,6 bttsh~]s 'table-''P'eet~ 50hush'efs diiions 400 jars~f,f~~it , 7' ~ushe}s ~al'sify 140jlbs..tlie~~e !-.-<-:-.I"'.. i loads"qllasli 2o:hushHs_:~weet ,corn 1'2 bush'eIs p~rsnithi 3 h'ogs:'~oh1' General expense- Conveyance' of ihmates . . . . . .-. . . . . .', . .$ _ RieiYaifS .:..',.... '..',... .... .; . ... . . .. . .. Permanent improvements'",......... Salaries- " Keeper ........ ;.-.,......$ 600 00 'Mati'on ..,..........:.:.. '240 o:{} Physician ............;.. 20Q,OQ InspectO'r .............. .-'. 150 ,on - 77-5 145 g8 935 44 ", '.. 2'1.' ,~t.lln:ber,.of'articles of bedding arid clathing -madettp,dttring the year' hy. theM,atron' ahd i11inates,'c7g2 ;1 ','j i NUJ.?be.r of visits' by Inspector, 48. Farm 'stack- hbt;seS, valued ~t " .:...:;.. ~ ~..... .$7,~OO GO 1 cqws,valtte'd at..... ;....... .'... 11'2500 6 y,?ung cattle, valued'at.... ';........, 240'00 24 hogs, valued at ..................... 336000 150. <;hickens 6 geese 5 ducks The'tatal amourttexpende,d' by C~unty an hause as follows: Comnlittee . . . . . . .'. ':.' .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'ncidertt.~l . .... . ~\. . .. . :..... . .. . ..... . 1190 00 82 40 249 21 , ,$2'610-78 Total expenditure .... .'...,~.;..... ',' $731351. 20. The faHowing produce 'was 'raisel'on tHe farm durIng '22'5 'bu!~liel~ .of wheat 58Io&'ds,6f'biy 300 bti's't~ei~ oats >""'" ' 125 hu'she'ls "barley 1m \msnel"s rut-nips 10, b~she1S ofhbh~ :.5' bUshe~s of p~its 9'acres'corri f'O'dCie'{ 3~} bush~ik '(~atrbts 15'bushels ta:bk carrqts ,Farm, 100- acre's;' cost......... .. ,,$ ,'House .of industry;';.....~. ~... '," 'L'aunQry ............... . . '.' .. . . . . . . Fire esca'pe ........(,';......'... tRoo.t', ceHar, henery; etc:.:. :-.. .... Cattages, etc. ';' .,........ .', ..,.... 'Brick ice house ';.......;...;...... 7260 00 11884,,75 687 61 390, 06 '879 43 31014 77 11800' 51)' year: 102 ELGIN' COUNTY'C(JUNCIL Barns-, -etc'. .., '.'."... ........ ,.'.... '. Tile'drail1s "'.' ;" .... .".,. ,. .'..., ,Tire drain outlet .....;. ..;,..;... Hot air: pump,- tanks ami connect'ns' Reft:igerator .; ..... ,". ,'" . .. . .. ; ). J;i'enci,ng ;..1';... ._.... ._;;.:.. .,' ,1.,~ brchard '. . . ; . . .. . .. . . , . .. . . . " . . . . Heating apparatus ;.,.,.......... Deep weH...,.. .'........... ,..,.... S110 .... .~.. '.' .,.. ..,.....,...... J-Io'g pen ,I..., .................... "25. Received from Gove~n:ment onae"'" Icotmt of expenditures for land and buildings CLeaving amount actua1l7xP~hd'ed by county All of which is'respectf.ul1ysubmitted. M.~~""__' ELGIN COUNTY"COUNCIL 103 4732 62' 1031 23 111 53 '35{)' 00 40' 00' 1390. 07 85 85 1979 00, 82~7 66 29362 65'4,99 REPORT OF PHYStCIAi'l,HOUSE OF INDUSTRY 'To. the War"denand'Memb,erslof the'Elgin 'C;ou,nty'CounciL In Ncnlcm'b:e'r,"191'4, ,sessioll assem'bled: '(;-Clltlemen,- , , I,' h<iye the hOllor _of pres en tirtg Jhe' 39th 'iihnu~it"~l~Jj-cal '~,e~ort ,of: the Elgin l--Iouse o{lndustr~a~d Refuge, l1P to Octdb~t>31st,',191'4; and ,suQll}it,the foll'owihg"for y~)ttr' co,nsidetatio'~: ' 1. Th~'l1ealth o.fthe irlrnafe{has beenfi1irly~o6d;' cchtsi'derilig) their. ages' and previous rnodes'of living, but.'on', th'e-' other h~nd"so.ti1e' require C,o.nstant attention and treatmclit o~ every'Yisit. "Ther:e.have been no. contagious disease~sin th,e'insti'tutiorv ,$ 36873 69 4090 00 $ 32873 69 the year, + treated two.patiel1ts in the AmasaWo.o.d February 27th, 1'914; '1 "had 'Adam 'Schmelz felhrived suffering -fro.m severe: burns to ..his, f'ace aJ1CJ.'hea-d.c. One eye so.' badly affected that J {oUlid' it ne~essary to. renlove it, ino.rder, save -the o.ther. This wa's 'done o.n March lath. He -made a goo.d and after a stay of six weeks was retLirned to the ,Ho.use: Industry. MIGUS TURNER, Inspector HQuse' of Indu'stry.. patient;, Jo.h,?-_)~otts, vv~s taken th~re from ~ingaL 1\ froni June' 25th toB'O, 1914, when ~e died from 'acute were no births. 4: Lmade fifty..:six'. (56) VISIts during the yeat. to the JlOl1se of and ,_sI,ailyvisi~s';to the-Amasa Wood Hospital( whellT'hacl being treateg there. 5. Number {)finrhatesOctober31st, 1914:male..29" femcde 12~51. ad1mitted during year:_male '12, female 9-21. - Number'died 'Year: niale 5, fem~le 3---:8. There,wereeight diathsdttring the y-ear,.-as' follows: 31st-Henry Bryce 73, Result of accident. .lOt ELGIN QOUNTYCOUNCIL ELGIN'Co.UNTYCqUNClI.L 105 1914~Jall> qQ,th~Isaiah CuAney \ 82, Old age. March: 21st-Charlotte __M.allory 78 Old age. Mlard"il 28th~W. D. 'Cr'os~ett 78 ' Chronic Bright's dis.ease. April. 20Jh~George, ,Bishop 69 Cancer '6J the stomach: ':iyray ~13th-Jane Hall 70 Uraemia. June 30th-'-JQhn PoHs 45 Pneumonia. Sept. 23rcl-Charles Thompson 81 Cerebral softening. ,_ 7~';:_lwould~gail1 recommend some' changes in'the laun:dry'which wouid faciHtkte the drying o,f such an abundant quantity of la,undry , as: th,ey: -are compel1ed to .have in an institution- of ihis kind., -Those in'chal'ge,givethei1," attention freely and effectively to th~ comfort ahd -welfare _ of .the "inmates; 1 h<1-vethe hOli.orto, be Y our- obed\ynt servant, , 'FREDERICK GUEST, Surg~on. SPECIAL COMMITTEE' ON WARDEN'S ADDRESS January Session To the ElginCo'nn,tyCouncil:, Gentlemen;-" . The Spcci'al COlllmittee on. the Warden's Address reports as follows: f:rhat 'the -Warden be author'izcc1.:to' confer with' the CPUllty Board,lof~rad_e and, !'llblicity Association in reference' to the distl'i~ butlo.n of bookt'ets, and't,h<\t he, beat1horized ,',ta ,appoint a sp~'cial to -cP,,:,operat,e ,with the Board, if 'he deems it advisa'ble,_ St. 'J'homas,. 23t;ct ,N o'j"ember'" 1914. , ,.... ....., 2: That we agre'e with the 'Warden'ssuggesiion that Agricultural Representative should ,be e-?Ctende~r. 3. That th,eHciuse of Iridustry C6mnlittee be r~quired tOi"eport . '.... '..' j impi"ovemei1'ts nec'essaryto, produce results in connection ,with. !nan<lg~mento(the farm." 4. That we'approve of -the Warden.'s suggestion that the con,. -oJ electric railways 'by the Hydro CQtnmission should be before further franchises are 'granted 'in the County. ' All of which is re~pe~tftiI1y,sub.mitted; J. H. MdNTY'RE, 29th J aoua-r'y, 1.914: '-. \'.....' ," '.' 106 ~ELGIN COUN~Y COUNCIL COUNTY POLICE MAGISTRATE'S REPORT January Session :ro the' W'arden and Members of the Elgin" CountyCoLmcil: Gelitlemen'~-- , I-beg leave to reporfto you the business done in connection with n~,Y office for the past year) as fo~lowsl Nature' of charge Affeay ............ ;"" ,,'~. .... .... . '/" .. ." .. .. ~ ., . Ai'soll. ...., .',... ...>,';-;, ... ..'"-,,,... ,',.. .'...... Assaitlt, conuno'n. ."............., ~..:......',. Assault aetas'joning actual 'bodily harm.... Assault on constable ...., .';. . ':-,. -.. . .. . .. . . Ahen1p't to break prison . ,. .. . . .'. .. . .. . .. . '/Burglary .... '.' ..,;..... ..... ".... .', ........ ':.... .BiganlY, ",'.;.. ",'.0'"'' ..",..... ,-., ...... ....,.. Cat.tsing a' disturbance.. . .. . ".' :. ., .. ",..:., Crue1t'ytoanimals.. . ., , ., :,' ',' ,. ' ., , ., . .. , ~Drunk and disorderly .....,..'..........,. false pretense...."., "'..,, ,..,",...,.... Wilful injiirylo 'property.........,..., ..,' Violation Motor Vehicle Act........... '," Truancy Act .,...",.....,.. ~ . ., Fruit Inspection, Act .,...."..,' Municipal By,-Laws-- '..,., :,:..... " ,Ra'ilway Act.,.,~.. ;'. ,.... ...,.. Liquor: Act . ,'" . .. . ., ' ... . .. . . ,. .. . I-mmigration Act ..... .,..'......,. Postal Act ',,;...,~,.............. Bread Sales-Act' ,:...",....... ',' Not providing necessaries to ,wife ,. ','," ':.' Untawfully giving. ammunition to minor Theft ..,..,..,."..,.....,..,...,...",..,. Violation Vagrancy Act ..,..,.,...,....... Off~nces .' Tried " " " No, 7 1 6 6 2 1 1 1 "5 4 ~ 2 13 2 1 13 5 14 1 1 1 2 1 10- 10 ELGIN O'OUN,TY- CO'UNCIL .Juvenile Court-.-.lrtdecent, assault ',.......... Neg;lected - children ........ Violation. Children's Act,.. / Total.... "'.~' '.' ,...... ....,.....,.,...:........ '." COilvict-ionswere mad~for the folloyving offences: Nature ,of offence charg~d .Assault ....... ..'..... ...._;.. '...... ..... ...,..;.... Assa~ultcal1sing actual' bodily ,harm ...... ,'_,' Affray.. ....... "';'.,. ;...... ... ..........:.., .... 'Aniclesofthe, Pe,a,ce '..... .;..... ../.... .'..... Assaul.ting constaple........... ._...... ..'. ... ",' 'Arsoll -...........,..'........:..... .....,.......'...1.. .... ~reaking al1d_.-entering 'house '...........:... " Violaqon:Fruit', I\t[a'r~s 'Ac,t ....;.....:....,. Causiqg a disturban.ce ..,........... " .. . .. , Cnte'~ty to 'animals ..~...... .... . ._. ..:.. "." . J?ru.nk and, disol'Aerly ....._..........._...." D!sord~rly. .. ...;... ....... .".......... .1}esp'ass;onrailw~y . .._,....... ~',.I. ,r.;. _Neglecti~g t6,pro1iide. necessaries for wife Offen'c,es onrairways':';',~_"'H'_:""'.'..n... Vi~latiol1 Motor..Yehicle "A\::t "." .:,. . . . . ., . . tiquor'1\tt ..,... ';' .. . . . .. . , . . . . . . Brea'd,' Sales. Act .. ;,.. . ., " .Theft ,.. '," .... "',~""" ........., '.' ...... ',' Wilful .Injury to property ................,. Sttpplying'-ammunifion to niiu()r '~. .. .. , .... , Attempt to br,eak prison ,_'.... .... ... , .. .. '. Breach -House of Indu'stry ~y-Law .......; V,iolation Truancy Act.... '_" ,..... ....... " MuniCipal byo:-Ja-ws .............. '< M,orality by-law...,......._ .;_... Children's Pr:otection Act Ainoul1t of fines imposed Amount of fines c9,Ilected 88 ..,..""....,$117000 .. ':. . .', .. , .. ,1011 80 1 4 2 l24 No. 10 ,5 6 1 2 1 1, 1 2 3 7 1 4 1 1 12 14 ,1 7 1 1 ,1 2 2 6 3 ,2 ,108 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ,/- ;ELG:J:N Co'uN,'rY OOUN<>n:. :Municipalitiesand .pef'sons.towhom fines w:efe _paid, an.d anio't1l1t: Port' Stanley........ ~... .....;$ bUttD11,\ .;................'.. ,... DLll1wich ....... .\...... ....... .'. B'ayhanl' ..'...~,................,...... Yarmouth ,~.... ......;.. ...... "..... County Treasurer .,......... :,.. ~tdborough .........'.......,.. J!\ylnier .. .'........;. u........,. ??ut-hwoId- .. .',..... '\ .......... . Liquor<Licei1se' Dept. .,.... ... . . Receive1' G~neral 'of 'Cana'da .... '1'ucker ..................... ~_.. ;bal~ages .......... ,:. .'... ... .-, 145'W 117 00 41 00 1 00 29 00, 62 00' 40 0'0' '97 80 31 00 380-00 lo. 01} 7 50 50"0'0 ,$1011 REPORT OF DEPUTATION TO ONTARIO GObD ROADS ASSOCIATION June S~ssion/'v.. .All of;which: 'is, --resp,ectfuHy si.\bmitted,' ,St. TI~.oma~, 28thJal1uary, U114, lhe Ergin' Caunty--Council.: Gentlenien,- -The, dcp\1.!atian ,.apr).oint~d to attend 'the -arin-ua-lineeting- af. The, ' O!ltatio, Gaod',RQa,ds AssQcia1;'ion,' reparts thatinoSLp.t,o/~ta:ble s~SSi:O-1H; :' ' " , ,,' " ,,~ , ".- ", ,,' ,'" , , were held at Toronto, during the last ,week in, F-.eb'ruary, 80' "Pr~siclent,'in his 6peiling address, direc'ted at(enti6ri,'_'t-6, ",'die' "\''''-,,'- ",': - "'", ',,' - '," ,. , , ' , great pragress beh)gmade itl,the ,campaign, fO~i;be'hei: 'taa,cIs /-in' Ontario. " : Mr:''S.L i Squire: afWatetford" 'r~fer:~ed: ~o'the~acrifice is'11ecessary for 'everyone- to 'make" if ,acom,prehcnsi.ye plallfor , was ever, to be",'carried 011t, in" thcProvi~ce: Them'or:d side 'of the ''Vario.us question was pres"cnte'di'ri <-tntllnb,er' qf FRANCIS HUNT, County qatharines,dealt with the referred 'lothe :bcnefIts to be 'Qf 'trah~~6rtation'. ' ' /I'! 'F"Vailce,of WaterdO~li, followed ,with di"s'cltssioll ',,'- , ,,,' -- "',.-,, .- of county roads"an'd was ,q:ssistecl'hy r .f.:Pars~l1s, s/on.1e, radi<:al changes, especial1y<J.S :tolautomo~iles. 'I I, ' " James, County -'Engin,eer of YOl'l~, thonghtt'hat the on,Iy inconnectiol1_ '~ithgood rOg.clswas thefinal~cing, of!:he, ahd thflt' everyone-. should, Hy, 'al1amake good ,roads:bes( public. . I-Ie als'ollirect~d attention to an impor,t;ant said that"~if-t~'e huild'ersbf roadscQuld findontthe 'traffic wo'uldt~ke, the questiO!l woul,clbe minim:.. the.. cons-tru~tjori,'of{o,ads for the', ex-isting ,traffic might ,be for~"the prescnt, but in a- shol.~ttime the -traffic mig~lt grow". an extent that,'.the roads built couldnotbe~rit." The neces~ HiD , . ~~qJN QQl!NTY' QQU~CIL !II ,110 ELGIN COUN'l'Y POUNCIL sity of separatinga)l politic!?, municipal and' otherwise,-from the' ,goo/d roads question was emphasiz,ed, as was ;-tIsothe necessity for abolish-, "lng statute labor. ' , The teclulical side of the question was discussed by Engineer' of the .Niagara Falls ParkCo~niis,sion; :Prof. .Lait1g,~-o(the. Toronto University; L. E. Allen, -Cotlnty Engine'er of Hastings;'- and Fql.l;llc Barbe.r, Bridge 'Engineer of York., ,c. A. ,Magrath,-'Ch'airm'~nof--thei-:lighway,. Commiij,sion, gave an interestingaddtess,'.andwas followed-by: oW. A... McL.ean,'Engineer of Highways, wh() mad~ a str,oug plea {or the Appoi~ltmeni of ail ex~cutive head: of 'the work j!1t~emunidpalities. Gentlemen,~ I ~eg to'q~P9rt that the f9_l1<n~ing 'li2enses arc, in force at this date:, The conv'enban ,placed c,itself '9n record a~ being ill favor 'of th~ abol,idono~, statute labor and an -exten,sion of Th~ Highway Improve- meiltAd to~organ)zed townships thathaveabolishedor-cOI~l1nuted' statute' la~6r. 1. Au'ctionee'ts---Daniel Black, ,Peter' A. M_cVicar,.Austiri Winters; W. \^I.I White, '\iVilson Pot~nd,' G; W. Durkee, J ohnD. Locke, T.. E. . Robson, T. MeFritt M00re. ?'_ ,1,~here are :no junk dealers' nor, pedlars' licenses 'in force ,at present. A resolution -'was also passed,recomlnel~ding an :ind.'ease' , , 'anl1u'al tax on mptorve-hicles. ,Al~ of whichiq n~spectf~HY9qbmi,~te4. " ,,'," ",' , K. W., M4"AY,' C6un'ty' Cl~rk . C:olonel( Pont,?n~Preside~t,of:the AssQci~ted Boarqs delivere4 anexc~llentaddress on the' ,-.value of, road's t9 towns,' from a p~~ctic'al, ~ocial,. and aesthetic, poiilt of view: Thomas, 23r4 N6vember, 1!)14. , A'number, of~ther papers wer'epJ;esent~dand of"roi!-d impr(;rvement discussed. Delegat~sgetier,ally. were anticipating ,with interest the ,-the ProviricialHighway Commission, which has since b,eeri and cO'ltail1s' almost all of the recommendatio;l1s, suggeste'd by County, Council at the November sessio111ast year, and 'also 'recommendations presentedpy the Execl1tive of theGood~ Associatiol~.' ' All of which. is respectfttlly -slrbmitted-. s, \ St. 'Thomas, lith JUli.e; 1914. iI2 ELGIN _ COUNTY 'COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY ObtmcIL' , REPORT COURT HOUSE'COMIMISSION REPORT OF BO:AR)) OF TRADE AN)) PUBLICITY ASSOCIATION June'_Session lune,S~ssion .To. the Elgin County Council: County Cou~cil: Gen:tlemen,- Gentlefuen,-,- The, Court fl:'o'use_Commission' reports - J;is follows: 1. Their 'expenditure's during the yearenditig 31st May.; 1914, !wete: The folIo,wing-_ i.s.r.eport of finances and: work dbne by' the Elgin of Trade and PUblicit,Y Ass_ociation, 5i,Bce it was organized -in January, i91S. For court house.. .n..................$ 78127 For gaol and residence ;.... ,',....... ,79 37, $ 860 64 Receipts From County grants ......., ,',;.; ;$19'72 36 Cltyof 'St. Thomas;..;..... .-;. 200 M. Sundries.... ,;................. 2 81 '$2175 17 2..Jt is now fifteen y,ears,since the court hou,se was operied, and, the walls in mos,t of ,the offices require renovating. This will be' donegraduaU~,. An estimate of$I,200'willbe required this year. Expenditures Paid Expenses, members Executive Committee ..,.,.,. ',," .,.,.$ 129- ot}_ Rt: publicity' information ,'.' ,. .. 168.86 Printing ....'.......,.."...,....1450,94 Sundrie's .., ... ..,.. '" ,'.. . '.' , ,. 12 02 Balance on .,hand, .,.,....,.".. 414 35 ';"$2175 17 All ,of ,which is respectfully su'bmitted. K. W,,'McKAY, COttlity Clerk. 51. Thorp-as, 9th June, 1914. - "Assets Balance .: :,' '" : "". ,..... "" ','," . .. ..;$ 414 35 'Proviiicial grant' .; .,.:',. ';.: ',' .:"'.,,.... 333 33 Cou~ty grant............... ,..... ... 127 64 $ 875' 3'2 Liabilities' " Printi'ngaccoul}t ..,::...........;;,:,..;$ 88,77" Sundries' .......... .'. . . .. . . . . .. : . . . . . . 25 00 1H ELqIN Oqu,~~y GOU~9It ,ELGIN: 00U~TY. OOUNClL B'alauGe Asset~ 'OV~t' ,L!a'Qi~ities" Farm Names has been .brought to the attention of the'M,inister of Agricultu,re 'at Ottawa', and is at present under cOl1side'ratiol1. v_. . .: ',' :: ,', . ..... " ,", ,'," """"'::.,''',',' \iVe-ha've to thank the County Council for theirliberalitx in the cause of pU'blicity;whiCh will, Thope, prove oue oitqeir best'invest- .;, ments.. Co-operation on th~'part of the p,ress of th~ County has been most, welc~me;' and our th~l.llks, are due to the,m, for t}leir:sha-re., to_'the , of ~ healthy' ptl'blic s'eilthhertt'in favor of publicity all~ " 7"1 5p' $ 875,3Z The principar work of th~' Assodation has been in connect~on' ,with the publicatio;lof twenty thousand copies oCthe booklet, which has he en well t;eceived and has been ~dmitted ~6 be farallOve 'thi' ave~age of such publication's. The'distribution of ,the .1~obklet bas" been asfollo.ws In the:'County. of RIg'ln .. ~.. . .... .. .. .. .. ~ro Domiilion "Enligration DepL, Liverpo~l' To the Provinc'ia.l Emigration Dept. ..... :To the City of St. 'Thomas. .. ... . ... .. . .. All of which is Pespectfullysubmitted. 7,000 5,500 2,5'00 500 K. W, McKAY, Secretary-:-Treasurer Elgin Board of ':rrade, ' -. '.. -. . "" al}d Ptrblici tyAssociat,i,o.t:l Thomas, 9th June, 1914. Thebal~nc~ pr,t~(tb.o.Clld.~ts ~re. be.!-~g c!~strilJl-1t~d~s,a;PfJlications are received,<Vl.9,there,?-re ~t p~e~~l}t p~hY~~l1 thn{l:; and four 'tl1ous- 'and'on ,hand'. Vve have arranged so that a secon'd edition ,of 10';QOO can be pro" c'ured at any time this y'ear', a.t. a:p'~){p~J~s~ .of$'.l65.0'0,.-as,.the-forms, used are still standing. Tl;is yeai'"the Assoc'iation are planning ,anexhi"bit- of corn apples,'and have. already, the assurance oJ Go-operation _qle.:ieading grbwers throqghout the County. In oreier- to meet the d~mand fartists of lands, for sale, will rib doubt result from the distribution -of the bookIe!; a committee. of- the Associati'on"hasd.ecided that w~en required, Secretary is to advertise forlandsfor sale a:t ,a nominal fee, will, pay fhe -~::<peI1'~es. At th,~p~~9~~t. ti!J1~ np r~ql~~9t9"f0r tion of this kind haveb~~l_~ r~y~~v~4;, 'apdt4c: :~~cr~_~~ryl.1<:!-s 110t any, actjon in, th~matt~~. The Board. has con$idered, many matterS ,for the rUl'a:1 conditions, i'ncluJing co.,.op'e~'~tiv~e'action" .for/the hydro-elcctri~ pgwe.r, ,the construction ofr~~i<,tl-, Itl1~s, -and. the provenlentqf. roadsi<Ie conMtions; The necessity fox fl: 115 116 ELGIN COUNTY: OOUNCIL BY~LAw 1'10:837' t'o~epealBy-Law No; 739, Re Constitution of Committees , ' .. . :P~ssed 30th J,\11uary, 1914." The Cciul1ty ',Counci19f EIg:jn enacts: That By-Law No.,.739he and i:'j hereby repealed. County.council Chambers; St, Thomas, 30th January, 1914. K. ~V, M'cKA Y, COUnty Clerk. JOHN DROMGOLE, Warden. BY-LAW No. 838 To' Provide fOf ,the Pr.eservation 'and Protection of Bridges Passed 30th January, 1914. ,The Municipal Coun'c'il of the Corporation of the COt111ty of Elgin cnacts ,as follows: ' 1. Thatll10 person shall' tie, 'or in any other manner fasten or attach any vessel, boat, tug, craft, raft, or ,timbers to any ,pier, abut.., mcnt, pillar, SUPP01:t, framework, or any other part of the stru-cture of any1bddge over ,which the County Council of the Corporation of COt111ty' of Elgirt has .exclush;e jurisdiction. ' 2. Any perso11 convicted of a 'breach of any: of the provlslOns this By-Law shall forfeit and pay, at the- discretion of the ,M.agistrate,a penalty not exceeding (exchlsive of costs) the sum Fif.ty Dollars for each o'ffence,and in default of payment of the penalty ,and costs forthwith, the said penalty and costs, or costs may ,he "levied by distress and' sale of goods and chattels of offender, arid in case of there 'being no distress fOU;1d out cif I ELGIN .<:JOUNTY00UNCiIi 117 shqhpena,lty ,could:be leyied, the conyicting"M:agisttate may,commit the, :Qffencler-to i,he" Common ,Gaol,of the Coun ty of ,EIgin,wiLh, or without/hard- fabor, for ariype'riod' l1?L exce"eding :twenty-pne -dayS,' unless the said venalty and-costs/(if any), including. the costs of said distres's 'and of the c6m~Htal andcdnv.~yance of 'the,9,ffender to, the said Gaol, are sooner,paid: ~ountyCCiunciI Chambers, 3Qth Jan1.1ary,1914. ' K; W. McKAY, l'OHN DROMGOL'E, County Clerk Warden, BY-LAW, No.g3S To- Fix the Salary of the Gaoler Pa-sse,d 30th ,January" 1914~ The Elgin County Cou-ncil ehacts: That, the salary of the Gaoler he Eight' Hundred Dollars per and 'that ,By-Law No. 747 'he amended accotdillgly. . , CounJY Co'un'dlChamhers, St. Thomas, 30th)anuary, .1914. W,' McKAY, Coul1tl Clerk. 'JOHN DROMGOLE, Warden. BYCLAW No. 840 ( ?:,o: ApP?int a Board of' Audit for the C,ounty Qf ~~gil:1 fO_f the Year 1914 Pass~d'3()'th January, 1914; ;B,eit enacted hy the Counci('ofthe Municipal Corporation of the o'f;Elgin: <' , 11,& ELGIN OOUNTY' OOl;:rNC~l:.. ELGIN 'COUN'l'YOOUNCl.L II\) That the 1 udg'e .of the COl,;utty-'Court. a;'nd' James A; Mc!Lean are ~er,eby'appaln'ted members of the' Baardef Audi~,' ta perfarm the d~ties requir~d .of them by Chap. 41,)C;,Edward, VII. ':- . I ':BY-LAW No. 842' To Appoint Auditors for-the ~ear 1914 That the members oCthe said Board be paid the sum. of Four DoUars per' dayfQr their, services" and fiv~~~nts per mile' gOing' t~ and from such audit. ;Passed 30th- January, 1914. . ,'vVhereas" ul)der the authority:atThc Jvluu-1cip'aLAct, e,,very mU,ni-:- cip'alcauncU is requiredta appoint, at its first 'meeting every'year, two Auditors,; "County Cau'ncil,Chambers; St. Thamas, 30th liu1Uary, 1914. .K W, McKAY, " County, ClerIc JOHN i".:".., :..,:,-., ...... '. ..'_:. .... ., ,Be itth~refare,e~acted ". by the Coulleil,of the Municipal tiaR .of thel:bunty .of. Elg111,' under the~l1thadty afon;said, , .. . ......'...<,. -". ""'/" ",' ... , That Walkef'..C..Caitgl}ell a,ndW:'A. GaYbraithbe anda're 11erehy Auditars,to examine anp, n~,part:, ltponall!th~' aC~.9unts ~ff€cting-~he' C~'1'1l0ration' of.;E1g.in,' .or r:elatI;lg t,~ - any 'n~attet' l1;lder its coi1tral~or-' w_!thin it~_ jurisdictio!1,: as. reqtli~ed, by,:statute,br.. or~ler-ill." cal1~1cil" and a-lsaall <l;cc,Onnt5'af s~haoIl11al1eysr,e'ccivedar'paid by the, Caullty Tre-a!>urerfor',the year ending \31$t ,Deq~nl!ber;,.191B,.- and that the sOaidAl1ditciys be paid the-sum.'of S:ixty D_allars, each' ~or,.thejl(' BY-LAW No. 841 To Appoint' High School Trustees , Passed 30th: lanu~ry, 1914. The Elgin County_Council :enacts: I That Erwin'Srnith"be apppinted,Trustee .of the Vienna High_SchooL . .. I for three years. :1-'ha,t Dr. F, II. "Miller beappainted Trustee _of.the AylmerCal., legiate Institute for three years~ .County Canncil ,C:hal11bers~ 30th ]anllary,i914, W. McKAY, . 'Cai~nty Clerk JOHN DROMGOLE, Vvarden. That Dr. \D.\.~A. Ca'm,erart be appaillted'Trnstee .of the 'Hiigh 3c-11o'a1 far three yea~s. 'Coni~ty CaUlicil'Ch'ambers,' St. ThOlnas;30,th lanuary, 1914. :BY-LAW Nc, 843 K. W, 'McKAY, Caunty ClerIc To Autporize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow Twenty. Thousand DaIla'rs 30~'h' Ja'l1l1ar~,1~14, enacts: " theWar~len' an'd Treasurer be 'and ;'tt'l11. or'T~~iltY..Thalls~nd" Dallars, hereby altt.11?ri;zed:to" as if may ,he requited 120 ELGIN- COllNTY COUNCIL 'ELGr&' COUNTY COtrNCIL 121 to.meet the 'current exp.enditure oJ the Corporation 0:( Elgin quring 191.4,", andgiv.e as security therefor notes pf, One Thopsand _ Dopars each.,: , , CO~J:lt}' ,bf .Elgin be,'and -ishere-'by~e~te'ilded fotone'year. County Council Chambers,St. Th'oma's'; 'l?t~'Ju.n,e, 1914 County Council CharpJ:>crs, 51. Thomas,BOth Jalluary,,1914. 'K W, Mcl'2AY, JOHN DROMGOLE, Cottnty Clerk.', Wardell.. W. McKAY, ,Count';' Cl~rk - '.--/' JOHN DROMGOI..E,' Warden. BY.LAWNo. 844 BY.LAW ,No. 8{6 I,To, Authorize theWardert 'and T1"~Cl~urer' t6 -Borrow ,the sum'of Twenty Thousane,1"Dollars 'Pass,cd :L2'th June, 1914. r6Gr~nt" Additional Aid to - Schools Passed 12th. J~ll'!e, 1914. The 'Elgih Cottnty.CQuncil enacts : Tlwtthe {A,"~rden,_~nd Treasurer he and areherelbyauthorize'<I_to ho'rrow, the-suin" of Twenty Thousand:Dollars, as it, may ,be:" required to meet"thecnrrentexpen_dit?res of the- Co.rporation- of Elgin during 1914, and 'give assecur,ity therefor notes "ofOneThouSal~d DolJars each. The:Coui1tyC;outicil of Elgin enacts: the, su~' of One Thousand Six Hundred and Tw:enty-Fjve gr:anted to the following schools: 'K. W, McKAY; County CI~rk. JPHN Aylmer 'Collegiate Institute ..........$ 650, ~IO" Duttori High School... .'. ... . .. ...... 650 00 .Vi_ehna H,igh Sch601 .........;..;.. 325 00, "';;"'-----,.-$162:5 0 0, That',t~e:St.Thontas Collegiate Instit,ute be ,granted an eql1ivale'nt t'o twen~y per cent of ,the, cost_of ,maintenanceof' pUpi.ls.~. County Council Chambers,: St. Thomas; 12thJun~, 1914. , \ BY-LAW No. 8145 3.Xhafthe,-gl'ants to Cotltinuation on the basis ottw'o G6vernmetit. ~nd Fifth ,Class' Sr1r66),s,he 'dollars' and one-half to each' dollal' 'gta'rffe~i To Extend the Tim.efor the Enforced 'Collection - by S~le of Ncin-ResidentTaxes in the _County pf Elgin Ptislfed 12th June, '1914; CO~tnty Council Chambers,SL Thomas, '12thJune;1~14. TheCoul1ty Council of El'gin enacts,: 'rh~t th'~tim~:for thecllforced collection by saleQf , McI~A Y, 9oup.ty Clerk. JOHN, DROMGOr..E, Warden.. 1:22 ELGIN'COUNTY. OOUN(jJII,. ,ELGJN'"OOU:'\'l'V/:COUNCIL- 123 'BY,LAW'No:S47 Ther~:fore the CO\lncifof the -'Munitipal Corporation of the Countyl of Elgin enacts: 1. :That. ar~te of Two atidTwo~Fifths Mills on:the bo1lar',be levied onalFrateable ,property in "the' s~veral iTlU~icipali~iesj~, the ,County .of ~lgir)., ~s ,a~,?ve set forth, fort-he year1914,'torais'e the following 'al1\oul1ts,; 2., Thatthe-'sum ot Fifty.;.Fi~eThousand, .Eight Hundred 'and ' "-"" ',' \ ,', " " ' ,Ninety-Two l(ollars -be raised' alid levied in the ,several municip:ilitJe's' -.in the CountYi' according to ,the followingsche-dule, al~dlth~tthe amolt11ts,.as -ent.ered therein, be paid to the :Collnty Treasurer, as by. law required:. \ To Raise Am6u-nts torCounty:Rat~s' During the Year 1914 ~'Passed, 12th- June, 1914. Whereas an estimate has been nlade showingtha't the sum Fifty-Five ,Thousandj ,Eight.Hundred' and, Nin'ety-Two Dollar~-is requi'red' t?, be.'ra-ised 'in the sev~ral_municipa1ities for_ the lawful:pur~, p'ases of the COi.t11ty,durin~ the ,year1914; Al)d,~'hcreas,_ ,by 1:'hii-:Assesment.ACt;- thisC?uncil ,is required' to_ iii'ce't, what porti,on of the SU111 to beJevi~d for County I:lUrpos'es shall he levi~ci in eacl~1i.1.ttnidpalitY 'intheCountYi ~unicipality, , Ald'borQugh .",'.,.",'..' .:. , . , , " :~ Dunwich ..... .;.,..... .... ,.. '..,..... Southwold .;...... , . . . . .._. . . ., . . . . Yarm'outh . :'........ ~ """ .,.... "., " ',' M'afahide ,.'::;. ""~' 'Y." .-.'..... '," .'.'. .'" ,13ayh:a-m .-. ,,-,:,. '," '.,;. '.. ."'.-. ','" .'.,.:.. So~th Dotcl1estet- ; j....... ..;'.....,~ '.' ~ylm'~r .-... . . ..;,.~. . ...... ... .. '. ., Dutton ;... ........... .......... ..... :port Stanley."..... i'... ....... .~...... Springfi~ld "';;'" ... . '.';' .. . .. . .. . .. Vienna . .'.. . .',. .,. : '.. . ',' .. .. . . .. .. . '.. .. . RO,clney. . . .. . .~. . .. . .. .'.. .... ',' West Lorue ..,.'.....~.........'....... , ", , , A'll~1 whereas, the rates 'are rcqltir-ed t~ hc apportianedo:11, -the hasis of the 'aSsessment 'of property-as cquaJized in the,precedhig- year; Andl w'het'eas the assess)llclnt :of pr()pet.ty of' the ' COtl11ty,as ascer~ tai'ned,and equalized in t913, ,is as follows; 'MunicipaHty. TotaI Equalized'Value Aldborough ",' ... '.'_' ._................$ ~,977,254' Dunwkh ..........................:..' 3,198,254 Southwold :......... .... . . .. . .. . ..'. .. 3,8'40,267 Yarmouth ,....., ......; ,';....., ." .;.. 4,641,657, l\1'al<!-hi4e",>._,. .. .. ,.. .... ..-... ",','" '\ 2,839,81'0, Bayham ....... .',.,. i., ','" ,..,.. '.... 1,9009,5ra. South Dorchester ....., .-. ... ,. , .;, .. .', 1,67~,55'2' Ayl.p1er, .-,..',.,. ..., ,,,.'. __., .... .'. ..' ',' ... _973;819' Dutton, .,..... .',. ... .'.. . ... .. '," .' ',' .. 330,524 Port Stanl~y .........,...........,... .~18,893 Springficld . ...;....... '. .... .. . .. . .. 144,66'0 Vieni1a .~...,.............:.......'.... 99',707, Ro'clney. . .'........ ..,.-.................. 218,77'2 West' 'Lorne". .:--... .':.......,......... ~n6;_6:63 Total 7,145 00 7,676.00 9,2170'0. 11,14(fOO'1 6,816'qO 4,5~S 00' 4,029 00 2,337" 00. 793 00, 525- 00' 347 on 239 00, 525 000 520, 00. Cflamher, .St. ,ThoH?as, 12th]ulle, 1914. ~ 55,892 00 ,',\ McKA Y, Co'i1n'ty,- Cler,I<:. \ JOHN DROMGoOLE, Warden,. '$23;'288,31'5 11 ..1, Iii, I II, :1 H r " I' :~i I' ,II" 'III 'II ;illl ,,'I' ,11,\1 ii'I' 1;111 , ! ~ _ HI,!11! "'!.I 'I I! ~ ' ill'l'l ' ". ,I, 11 'I"l '-JI ::"1",' L IiI! ,; wi' iii' 'I"I!,'! H, 1'1"1 1111'1 ;~, ,~.! "'I' I I 'I ~! Ii JI If, I" Ii II ill'II';[1 J' i .~,i: : I:; 'il\I'I!! i,II'liil' II'" 'l!!'ljlr lilT, J il~lii ',11'1' 111'1" 'tii" '1"1.1'" .. :1"11, """11' I " """'1 ':')tl I !I~' ,:II,dIJ " 12<1 1. oLdie t ELGIN OOUNTY"COlJNCIL BY-LAW No. 848 To 'Confirm tre Equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the County of Elgin, l~ass,ed 12th Jun~11914. The County of Elgin,cnacts: ~fIlaithe, {oHowing be!he e(1).alization of the assessment ron's Coun~y of Elgin for 1914: Aldborough ,'"..,..,."..,..,..,... ,$ 2,977,254 punwich' ;......... ,.... ........... . 3,lHS;:?5'4 SO,uthwold ........."....,........... 3;840,267 t~hri~uth ........ ,I, , . ... .. . .. ..... ", 4,641;657 M'a\~hide'.,., , . , ... ,... .. -' ._, . ... .,. '.: 2,83~;81O Bayham ',"", .,.,....... ..,~ .'. ...... .... 1;POIH,513 'South' Do.p::hester " '. ., /;. ','.;,. .. . .. .. 1,678,552 Aylmer ...... ,..,..... ....... ,....;".\ 973;8f9 Dutton .,.,',.....................,...,.. 330';524 . Port Stanley......,...."......,... '.. 218,893 6pringfield ....,.......' "':' ..';';...,. 144,660 Vienna, .... .'...... ',' .,... .,:../....... .'. ~9,707 Rodney ............"... ~ . .. . . .. .... 218,77'2 West Lome .. ~......,............... 21.6,663 $23,288,315 2, ,That',this"Cot.mcil.is willing to have the 'final e-quafiza:tion'of , " the assessment,jn case .of appeal; ,l).1ad~ by,the Coun'ty':Judge.~ C09n~y CouncilChambers;;St. Thomas, 12th June, 1914. ' ,W, McKAY, Cdt1nty Clerk; '}OHN l:)ROMGGLE, Warden. ELGIN,OOUNTY:.:06uNCIL 125 BY:LAW No. 849 To Ch'~nge the-Bot1~d,aries' of Vienna ~High School' D;istrict N~, 1. " Pa~sed 12th JU,ne, 1914. Whereas the l\fu1}icipal, Council 'of l,he Township- of'. Bayham' h~as, petitioned' for, an alteration' hl the boundaries of Vienna High School District Number 'One, by detaching therefrom the whole of School' .Seetio_n' Number~ Two of ,said Township; Andiwhereas- it -is deenie'd advisable to' grant the 'prayet"of,said petitiori; . Thi Elgin-CountyCoun.cil '.ehaet,s: ','That-'Sthpol Seqion NUni'ber Two ,of.tlic 1'ciwnshii)'Of J3ay:ha-m;' as'at prese'nt 'cqnstittited by'the by:"laws of ' said, Tpwns-bip"be'a'tfd is hereb,y','detachedfroln 'the Vienna ,High School District Nunlber O,Il,e, , . -', " ;, " , ' subjectto th~ provisions;of'The Hi~h.schQ'ols Act; ,that ,:By.-Law,N:o: 240 he amended actord'i1i[tly. ' C01111tyC6uhcil' Chamqers,. St. Th_omas, 12th June, lOlA., K. W, McKAY, Co.untyClerk.'" JOI-IN DiWMGOLE, Warden. ,I' BY"LAW No. 850 , To. Fix the Salal;'Y tif Turnkey o.fCc)"urity" Gao'! P.<lssed'12th ' June, 1914. ',," " Elgin'- COlmtyCouridl enaCts: salary o'f the'-:['umkey of the 'c:oi.t11ty.'Gadl,be'anct is at the sum,;ofTwo!)ollal's and Twenty-Five Cents 121J ELGIN Cou-wry C(JUNCIL ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL 127 That all-:by-laws ,heretofore passed. in thisbehaH '_be arid same are hereby repealed. \- appoint,edby the County C01.tl1cil; TheCo'unty Council of EIgil1 enacts: 'Coun'ty Council 'Chamhers,St. Thomas, 12th ]une,l\)14. K. W, McKA V; COUll ty Clerk JOHN That W. M.- Brock; M.D., of \Vest Lome, bealld is hereby ap:- pointed to represent this County on the Board of Directors of the Royal Alexahd.ra Sanatorium for a term - of three years. " That, 'a~ such representative, \ he)s entitled to receive expensesincurhedin attcl1da117e at meetings of such ;Board. all actual BY-LAW No. 851 County: CO,uncil Chambers, St. Thomas, 27th November,_ 1914. T"Q 'Appoint' a ,TrUstee' ,for ,the Dutt6n High School :K. W. McKA V. County Clerk. JOHN DROMGOLE, Warden. The Elgin CountyCouncilenacts: That William Hollingshead be and' is'hereby appointed of.ihe Dutton. High 'School. for the remainder of the liresent.year, in \ .piac~ of_Samuel MacCoH",d'cceased. 'c:.ounty Council, Ch~mbers,St:'- Thomas, 27th Noven;ber, 1914. W,c McKAY, C,?ttnty Clerk. BY-LAW No. 852 To Appoint' -a, Represtmt~tive on the 'Board of' Directors of theR?yai A.lexandraSai1atoriunl; -;.... 'J?assed 27th :t:'Jovem'ber, 1914~ Whereas, by agree~nen't entered' intob(;;'tween the' Lo'nd'ot1' Association_'and'the C01.t'nty of lEI-gin, ,and, d<l:ted the 15th'day_6f'MaY:i 1911; providing'that the corporation of the ',Countyof the continuance -0f the agreenlent, is~ntitled' to~ppoirif two of th~said A~sociation",to ~ons,ist o!the'Warden and ~ ]28, ELGIN:'COUN/l'Y. COUNOIL IN D EX ,Address ,of \i\Tardcl1' \,Agticultttra 1 Repres en tative '13e~gjan' J p11nig~'ation ........,.. .. .......... .,'.. . .'. .'... .;7, 23 .........., ..... ......7 ",...., ,..", ,......,..,..,.. ".46 BY'LA WS- To repeal 'By-Law 739 re C:ol1stitutic)li of Con\mittees ..18; '116 To provide fOl' preservation Qf bridges.. ........,.. .}8, 116 839' To i1x'salary,of Ga'oler .......... .',. .'.. .,.-..:!. "',' ..1~,' 117 84'0 To appoinfBci'ardotAudit.. .,..... . ....... . ... .10, 2.0, 117 S4~ To appoint High ,School. Trustees ...'" ,-.11,14, 2'0, 43i 118 842 To appoint auditors...,..................,..,. .14,_21,119 843 ,To authorize \-Varden and Treasurer to borrow , $200,000, .. .. ' .. , .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , , , .. .. . .. "8'14' To antl10riie the Warelei1 and Treasurei' 'to l)orro....'1 $2'0,OQH .....,......................". '_' ., . .. . .'. . ... ..35, 120 845 To extend timefo1'.tax salc. .'.......................36, 120 846 To 'grant additional aid to schools ....... ;_;..... ,36, 121 847 To raise County,Rates............,................37,,122. 848 TO,coiifinn equalization ..,............'..............37, 124 849 To alter, Vienna High School District ....... , .'. .... .38, 125 850 To fix T\trnkey's salary ._....,...... ."....,.....'... .39, 125 '851 To appoint Trustee Dutton High School. ... ...... .49, 126 8:i2 To appoint Representative to Board of- Royal , Aiex'andra Sanatorium .......... ._.......... '_. ...-5'0, 126 Children's Aid Society ..........,. ....... ........ 1-6, 22, 41, 45' Communications ,.............,....."....... 8, 13,' 24',27, 31, .l!2"44 Corn GroViers' Association .................,. .'........ .34,42,45 County ~Trustees' Ass'ociation ....,........ ......,...,..........15 ,County Officials ......................... .... ..'. .... ........4 Dep1.1 tations ..................,.......:-................,....... 2,2, 39 'Duke of Connallght reception ........... ....,....,.".,.......23 Dominion park .....,.,.......... ......................._.._...~.35.. ~nectdc railways ..,................................."........'... .._8 .837 838 .2-1; 119 GRANTS- Agricultural Fait.s .,.......', .-............,.......;.......;.. .29 Aylmer Lockup .......,........,........,.... :........; .... .'17 ELGIN,-COUN'l'Y COUNCl:t; . 13e'~l1101).t Horse Show ....................;;-,..,...:....:'.;,;.".-...17 Bridge.oll:Jndian Reserve......... ..,......... .:.... .'.-... .25 )?apners'a:nd La_dies: Inst. . ...... ',' ,..... ......... .. .... ,.14, ,18 HqltSe of Industry.Road .. ~_....................... ',' '..';,. .-'. ,:,42 1.01:111 SW.a.in... .._.., ..".,.. ........ ,. .'...-.... '." .......:. .,l.. ..... .-'.3.'1' )<_a.te ,W~l1ac.e"". ,_; .-....".,'.,...,.,...,.,.... "...:.-. . ';'.~..,.29 LflYV. Lip.raxy' ,,:,',' ..,... ',', ,.,.... ._.".... ..,....., ',' .',. ,;. .,... ;10 Mid,dles~x ,COJ.J.Qty'Lh1es ..... "';'V"',';' ._.......... '," ...,.,....1.0, 32 Norfolk County Lines l-:I ouse of-Industry ................ In,dustrial Farm............... lvlcNi.col,. John ................ lVlembers- Of Council ..................... J1atri6tic. Fund ............ ..................... Port, Stanley Harbor, .... Publicity "..",..,....31 .. .......... ..... .. .--:. ...... ;'7, .33 . ,.. .... ." ............... ".,.2:7, 4.4 . ...."..... ....... ..... .. . .. . ,33', AG ...........ii ... ..41 ............"....... . ., '... .45 ....'............ . ...7, li5J 41', 133 REPO'RTS- Auditors .................. Cohnty Engiri~er~ .'. .. . " .. . County Clerk ............................................. .:1.11 Coun~y Treasl1l~er ................ ',' .. . .. .. .... .. . . .. . .~ . .. ..73 Cou'rt House Commission ..................,.............. .112 ' Education Committee.....................,.. .14, 29,'32, 44',,68 Educational Asos.ciatiol1, .......................... ........ .82; 72 Eq-ualizatiol1 ...............'0........... ....... .. . .c... .... .... .35 Financ'e Committee_:........ ..'.............,., .1.7, 34,47,' 49,79 Gaol Coml~ittee '. .. . ... .. ... . '.. . ... .. . . .. .,.. .. .. , .. . .14, 32, ,92 Good - Roads Association ...........".....,......... .-'. . . .32, 1.09 I " House of -Industry... .,.... ... ..,...;....... 17, 32, 44, 47, 49','93 Inspector" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . .', '-. . . . '; ..98 ."Physicia11' ". ..,......... ................. ..,..... .'.. ..... .;.. .1,0,3 Petitions ,~nd Legishtion ............................ .14, ?2, 91- Magistrate ...... .'..... -........................,.. ,. ..10,6 Pu'bHc Itnproveille~tsCommjttee .'.... .-' .... '.' , . . ..13, 29, 47;88' Scho,ol- Inspector Atkin .";..,. '.' . .. . " :.. ,. . . .. .. . . .. .63 School -Inspector Ta'ylor... '( . ,'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . .. . .5B re El.liott vs Middlesex and' Elgin ....'..... . . , .33, 49 , ....,...... ...... ,2,1. 'I 129 ,.85 130 ELJ}IN.OOUNTY OOUNCIL Standing Committees ..................:;'.,. ," . .. .. .... ..' :...52' Warden's AdclressCommittees .,....................: .11, 14,105 Sf; ThQmas Collegiate Institute ................ _..... .-......;,.. ,11 Union S. S, 'Dunwich and Alclborol1gh .............,........:. " . .10 Vienna High' School Distdcl ............ '," ., . .. ... . ~. . ." .;.. .;,28 Warden's Election. .......,............;,..."..........:. .'... ,";6 Warden's Grant ..-..."' ..... ,',.,. ...... ........... .;',....... ..-,,'. .;....5f '0f <ir. '. _,', . . _. .', .',', . . . . '. . . . .', . . . . .', . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. 40