1915 Minutes in PROCEEDINGS I il of the Elgin County Council , i "I During the Sessions Held in the Court House, St. Thomas " , in the months o~ January, June arid November Nineteen Hundred and Fifteen' w. McKAY, Cou~ty Crerk. ALEXANDER McCOj:-L, 'Warden. County Officials C, VV. Colter, Esq., County Judge C. O. Ermatillger, Junior Judg.e D. McColl, Esq., Sheriff (died July) Jas. l-I. Coyne, Esq., Registrar D. McLaws, Esq., Cotttlty Court Clerk A.McCrimmon, Esq., Clerk 'of the Peace and County Crown Attorney and Sheriff,' Pl'O tem C. F. Maxwell, Esq., Master in Chancery W. F. Luton, Esq., Goaler ]. A. Taylor,B. A., and "V. Atkin, Esq., Public School Inspectors John McCausland, Esq.; Co. Treasurer, Superannuated June Session K.. W. Mc:Kay, Esq., County Clerk and Treasurer James A. nell, M.C.S., C.K; County -Engineer T. St. C. Leitch, County Solicitor Frank Hunt, Esq., Police Magistrate Robert Kains, Esq., M. D., Goa! Surgeon F. v\!. Guest, M. D., Physicial1 Ho.use of Industry Douglas L. Ewio, M. D., Acting Physician House of Industry n. H. Gooding; Esq., Keeper House of Industry A. Turner, Esq., Inspector House of Industry J 01111 Hopkins, Caretaker Conrt House All of St. Thomas P. O. County Auditors: Walter CaughelI; VV. A. Galbraith, Dutton Administration of Justice Auditor.s: C. W. Colter, County Judge Oscar McKenney, Aylmer Municipal Clerks and Treasurers MUNICIPALITY CLERK TREASURER Aldbol'Ough______..E. A. Hugill, Rodney.______.D. McPhersoh,. \tVest Lome 1?unwich___.........D. A. McNabb, Dutton....,___....J. A. Campbell, DuttOl\ Sonthwold______n..r C. McLel111an, FingaL___....:D. A. Cattanach, Fingal yarmouth....\tV. C. CaughelI, St. Thomas.___R. McLachIin, St. Thomas NIalahide.....___....John M. Hale, Aylmer............John M. Hale, Aylmer Bayham.....",,:Benj. Brian, 'Straffordville....._..Wm. Grant, Straffordville South DOl'chester..___...D. Taylor, Belrttont.___..nGordon Winder, Lyons Town of Aylmer.............m__......D. C. Davis._..___........___n....vV. Warnoclc Village of Vienna.........___ 'h"___S, S. Clutton.....___.... ......:.S. s. Clutton Village of Springfield.............______.J. B. Lucas.....______......___J. A. Ch_ambers Village bf Port Stanley.....______). S. Robertson........._..J. S. Robel.tson Village of Dutton........___..........______.]. D. Bluem...........___...........D. Campbell Village of West Lorne~...___...nm. J. S. RobertsQn....._..L___.W. H. Bole Village of Rodney.............______.....S. B. Morris___..___.______.........N. S. Lusty PROCEEDINGS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FIRST SESSION-FIRST DAY Tuesday the 26th da:y of January, "1915: The members-~led of the County 'Council of the County of Elgin met ths day at the Court House, St. Thomas, at 2 p.m" all of ,whom filed certificates and took seats at the Council Board as follows; Township of Aldborough- Reeve, Alexander McColl Dep~ty Reeve, Alonzo J.Wismer. < Township of Dunwich- Reeve Alexander Kerr Deputy Reeve, John C. Call1pbell. Township of Southwold- Reeve, Milson B. Stafford Reputy Reeve, Andrew A. Miller Township of Yarmouth- Reeve, Wm.F. Smith Deputy Reeve, Daniel R. Curtis Township of Malahide- . Reeve, George. F. Pineo Deputy Reeve,"vViliam T. Hare Township of Bay'han':1- Reeve,William H: Moore Deputy Reeve, Thomas Dennis i -'j 6 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 7 Township of Dorchester- Reeve, Samuel Da wes Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded by '.iV. H~ Moore, Tawil of Aylmcr- Reeve, Oscar McKenney That this Council do now adjourn tOll1eet to-lTIOrOW at 10 a,m. ----'Carried. Villagc.ofVienna- Reeve, Richard H. McCurdy :K. W, McKAY, County Clerk.~ ALEX, McCOLL, Warden. Village 0; Spril1gfield- Reeve,' Ernest A. Bryce Village of Port Stan.ley- Reeve, Nathan S. Cornell ,I' Village of Dutton- Reeve, John H. McIntyre i Village of vVest Lorne-,-----. Reeve, Jatnes A. Fuller ,I Village of Rodney- L Reeve, B. B. Graham ,I The Clerk took the chair and explained the procedure of election of Warden unde!" By-Law No. 815. The election of Warden was then proceeded with-and on the thirteenth vote Alexander McColl, Reeve of Alclborol1gh, having received the majority vote over the whole Council, was decIaredduly elected. The Warden-elect made statutory declaration of office before His HonorJudge COItC1-, took the chair and thanked the Council for the honor conferred lupon him. Moved by O. M~Kenney ',Seconded by Geo. F. Pineo, That the Reeves of the different municipalities be a Committee to strike the Standing Committees. -Carried. I Elgin. County Council FIRST SESSION-SECOND DAY. Wednesday, the 27th day of January, 1915. The Elgin County Councilmct his day according to adjournment. The Warden in the chaii-, All the members pr.escnt, The Warden addressed the Council,.,as follows: Warden's Address To the Elgin Council: Gentlemen,-I have to again thank you. for the honor of being elected as your presiding officer for the current year. There 'will bC"VCIY little business of importance to engage your attention at this session. The all-absorbing topic at the present time is the war and our duty is to ascertain what responsibilites we should assume in c,onnection therewith and see that everything is done promptly and in such a way that it will be worthy of the wealthy county we represent.. The responsibilities that are 'being assumed by municipal councils and the p'eople generally~re in connection, first.,:...- with the mainteilance ;of the patriotic fund; second,-'-providing reli'ef for the inhab~tantsof Belgium, whose country has been devasted by the ruthless e'nemy; and, third,-,-providing funds to enable the Red Cross Society to carryon its hospital and ambulance work in caring for wounded soldiers; fourth,-providing comforts for the soldiers who have enlisted. This last work is being largely assumed by the ladies of the County and their various 'organizations. Out of the Patrotic Fund raised voluntarily last year, in the County' and City, $12,5on was contributed to the Canadian Patriotic Fund, $12,500 to the relief of the Belgians and $5,000 to the Red Cross work. There is now over $10,000 in the treasurer's hands and a meet:- ing of the County committee has been called for this afternoon, at the City Hall at 2 p.m. to consider all matters pertaining to the work of the 'Patriotic Association. Elgin County-Council 9 The Canadian Patriotic 'Fund .:was established by special act of the Parliamellt of Canada to make provision, in addition to the -amounts allowed as separation aIlowance by the Government for the wives and families of the resel~vists'\vho,have- join,edtheir, regiments, -and of others who have volunteered and been accepted for active service. The fund is' almost wholly macIe up of contributions from affiliated Patriotic Asociations throughout Canada. In some districts, especially I in vVestern Canada where conditions are not as favorable for r,aising money as in Ontario, large numbers of men have enlisted and it -devolves upon the Patriotic Fund to assist in caring for' their families. It is the first duty of all Canadians to see that. the families and depend~ ents of tho~e who are in or on the firing title are prope'rly cared for. In no other way can wc as effectively encburagerecruiting for the various contingents and reinforcements reqtlired than. by taking the proper means to assure all who enlist that their loved ones wiII be properly 100ked after as a matter ',of right and,not of charity. It \viIl b~our duty, through the fund, to assist in providing means necessary for their care not only in Elgiri but elsewhere; The matter will no doubt be brought ..uP this afternoon at the meeting of the' Couilty Association. I bel,ieve that we .should provide for contribution in: addition to. the amounts that are in the process of collection. It'has oeensuggested that at this time contributions should be in the fdrm of a grant from this council and the council of the City of St. Thomas. It will be for you to carefully consider any 'application that may,.be made in this connection and I know that any action you may take in the matter will be in every way worthy of your constituents, all of whom ,are endeavoring to .do their full duty in connection with all matters concerning the war. ill i!,1 ~:r. ; 1Mi~m~Ji0J{-: Good Roads. The question of Good Roads is likely to he brought to the atten- tion ,oJ the councils of Ontario in a very definite fOl'm at the coming session of the Legislature. The report of the Highway Commission completed last year offered plans andsugg~stions for a compreheilsive system of improved highways that met with general approval. The amount of moneycnvolved, S0111e thirty millions of dollars, is a :very "largc sum and the responsibility of introducing the necessary legisla- tion has devolved upon our ahle represe:1tative, the Honorable Finlay -l\1"acdiarm~d, j\Iinister of Public \;\,Torks. ii ,ii,,1 \1 I I II" 1'1 j~i 10 Elgin County Council The plans outlined by the Commission include additional aid for- both construction and maintenance of County roads -and assistance to Townships where the roadimprovemellt is carried on under the direc- tion of a Township Commission. It is not desirable that such extensive \York be undertaken hurrie.dly. The con'ditio~ of.the money market at this time will not encourage any municipality to enter into large expenditures. I hope, however,that satisfactory legislation will be enacted that will warrant this Council in assuming a: system of high- ways, under the provisions of the Highway Improvement Act. Salaries. The question of salaries paid Cotmty officials should, I thinkj be considered annually by the Finance Committee or by special com- mittee of the Council. It is not always desirable to require employees to make personal applications, although this is often done. Efficient services should always he recognized and the best recognition is the payment of salaries commensurate with the duties and responsibilities. of the various offic,es. No applications have been received, but I know that some of our officials think that the matter should he considered' and that they will be satisfied \"lith any action the council may be inclined to take in the matter. The agreemen bctween the County of Elgin and the City of St.. Thomas re payment of administration ,of justice expense expired on the first of January. It will be your duty to consider whether it is: necessary to renew this agreement or allow the present agreement to. continue~ The proceedings of the last day of the November session and of thc previous day were read ancI confirmed. The report of the Committee appointed to strike the standiilg committees was presented and adopted 011 motion of Mr. McKenney,. seconded by Mr. McIntyre. The following communications were read: From Hospital for Sick Children, . Toronto, with requcst forgranL Referred to Finance Committee. From Ontario Municipal Asociation re Membership and Annual': Meeting. Referred to Finance Committee. Elgiri County: Council 11 From W. T. Poole Glencoe, app1icationfo'r position of Inspector of Tait Bridge~ Referred to 'Public'Improvement Committee. Fror6Provincial Trustees' Association, re Annual Meetii1g. Re:- ferred to Education Committee. From the Salvation Army with request for grant. Finance Cornmittee. Referred to From Ontario Good Roads Asociation, t-e Membership and Annual Meeting. 'Refened to Public Improvement Conlluittee. From Yarmouth Township Board of Health, recare of indigents in advanced stages of Tuberculosis. Referred to Finance Committee. From J. J. Kelso, Superintendent Neglected Children, Children's Aid Society, Referred, to Finance C0111tniHee. re Grant to From C. VV. Buchanan, District Representative, with report for 1914. Filcd, From A. JvIcCrimmcin, Clerk of Peace with Grand Jury Present- ment. Referred to Finance Committee. From The League of the Empire. 'Referred to Education Com- mittee. From K. VV. McKay, Assistant County Treasurer, with ~eport on County Accounts. Referred to Finance Committec. From F. Hunt, County Police Magistrate, with Annual Report. Referred to Finance Commit.e. From St. Thomas Collegiate Institute with Report. Education Committee. Referred to for From Tillsonburg and Warclsville High 1914. Referred to Education Committee. Schools with Accounts From County Engineer with report, ment Committee. Referred to Public Improve,. 10 Elgin County Council The plans outlined by the Commission include additional aid for both construction and maintenance of County roads -and assistance to Townships where the road improvement is carried on under the direc- tion of a Township Commission. It is not desirable that such extensive \York be undertaken hurrie.dly. The cou'ditio;lof,the money market at this time will not encourage any municipality to enter into large expenditures. I hope, however, that satisfactory legislation will be enacted that win warrant this Council in assuming ;1' system of high- ''lays under the p-rovisions of the Highway Improvement Act. Salaries. The ques"tionof salaries paid County officials should, I think, be considered annually by the Finance Committee or by special com- mittee of the Council. It is not always desirable to require employees, to make personal applications, although this is, often done. Efficient services should always be recognized and the best 'recognition is the payment of salaries commensurate with the duties and responsibilities. of the various offic,es. No applications have been received, but I know that some of our officials think that the matter should be considered' and that they will be satisfied 'with any action the council may be' inclined to take in the matter. The agreemen between the County oJ Elgil1 and the City of St. Thomas re payment of administration of justice expense expired on the first of January. It \villbe your duty to consider whether it is: necessary to renew this agreement or allow the present agreement to' continue. The proceedings of the last day of the November session and of the previous day were read and confirmed. The report of the Committee appointed to strike the standing committees was presented and adopted on motion of Mr. McKenney,. seconded by Mr. McIntyre. The following communications were read: From Hospital for Sick 'Children, Toronto, with request for grant.. Referred to Finance Committee. From Ontario Munic.ipal Asociation re Membership and Annual: Meeting. Referred to Finance Committee. Elgin County~ Council 11 Frain VV. T. Poole Glencoe,application fO'r position of Inspector -of Tait Bridge. Referred to Public' Improvement Committee. From Provincial Trustees' Association, re Annual Meetil1g. felTed to Education Committee. Rc- A From the Salvation Army with request for grant. Finance Committee. Referred to Membership and Comr'nittee. re Grant to From]. J. Kelso, Superintendent Neglectcd Childrcn, Children's Aiel Society, Referred to Finance Committee. From C. "'vV. Buchanan, District Representative, with report for 1914. Filed. with Grand JuryPtesent~ From A; McCrimmon, Cled.:: of Peace ment. Referred to Finance Committee. From The League of the EUlpire. Referred to Education ComM mittee: From It. W. McKay, Assistant County Treasurer, with report on County Accounts. Referred to Finance Committee. From F. Hunt, County Police JvIagistrate, with Annual Report; l:Zeferred to Finance Commit_e. From St. Thomas Collegiate Institute with Report. Education Committee. Referred to From for 1914. Tillsonburg and Wardsville High Referred to Education Committce. Schools with Accounts From County Engineer with report. ment Committee. Referred to Public Improve- 12 Elgin Co.unty Council Mr. McKenney gave notice of application for a grant of Thirty Dollars to the East Elgin La~ies' Institute. for Mr. Kerr gave notice of application for a grant of Fifty Dollars. the maintenance of .Kate \\.Tallacc, Township of Dunwich. Moved' by Ge,o. F. Pineo, ?Seconded by \tVm. F. Smith, That O.:McKenney be appointed 011 the Board of Audit of Admin- istration of Justice Accounts for the year 1915. In Amendment, Moved by E. A. Bryce, S"etonded by D. ,R. Curtis, That Samuel Dawes be appointed on the Board of Audit of Ad- ministration of Justiccfo1" the year 1915. Amendment lost, Original Motion cai"ried. Moved by Samuel Dawes, Seconded by Thomas Dennis, That adeplltation from the Belmont Public Library be heard tomorrow at 2 p.m; -Carricd~ Moved by a.McKenney, Seconded by B. B. Graham, That this Council do now adjourn for thirty ,minutes to allow the Committees to organize. --'-Carried. Elgin Cb~nty Council 13 The Council Resumed. Moved by J. H. Mcintyre, See.onded by N. S. Cornell, That .lheChairman of the various committees be ,a Special Com- nlittee to report on nlatters referred, to in the Warden's Address. ---':Carried. Moved by J. H. McIntyre, Secbnded by J. c. Campbell, ThatvVm. Hollingshead be re-appointed Trl1steeof the Dutton High School for three years. -Carried. Moved by R. H. McCt,rdy, Seconded by J. H. .McIntyre, Tha'tW. R. Kirk be re-appointed, Trustee of Vienna High School for three years. -Carried. Moved by J. I-I. Mcintyre, Seconded by R. H. McCurdy That W. A. Galbraith and \iV. C. Caughell be apointed auditors of the County Accounts for H114. -Carried. Moved by 1'hos. Dennis, Seconded byvVin. T. Hare, That this Council adjourn until four p.m. to allow 'the Committee to attend the Patriotic meeting in the City Hall. -':'Canied. 14 Elgin County Council The Council Resumed. A communication from the- Elgin Law Libral'Y Association was read and referred to the Finance Committee. M1'. vVismcr gave notice of application for a grant of Twenty-five Dollars each to the West Elgin Farmers' and Ladies'Institutes. Mr. Pineo gave notice of application for a grant of Twenty-five Dollars to the East Elgin Farmers' Institu,tc. The following notices of application for grants to Public Libraries. were received: Mr. Miller, grant to Shedden Public Library. Mr. McCurdy, grant to Vienna- Public Library. Mr. Graham, to Rodney Public Library. Mr. Fuller, gra,llt to West- Lorue Publh: Library. M~'. Smith, grant to Sparta Public Library. Mr. Bryce,. grant to Springfield Public Library. Mr. McInlYl-e, grant to Dutton Public Library. Moved by J as. A. Fuller, Seconded by Alex. Kerr, That Col. McLachlin, Food Examiner for the City cif St. Thomas'. be allowed to address the Council. -Carried~ Colonel. McLachlin then addressed the Council requesting' appointment as Food Examiner for the County of Elgin. The Warden referred 'the matter to the Petitions and Legislation Committee. Chairman Bennett and Trustee Hardy of the St. Thomas Board of Eclucation addressed the Council inviting the xnembers to visit the Collegiate Institute V/ednesday evening. Elgin County Council 15 Moved by B. B. Graham, Seconded by A. A. Miller, That this Council visit the Collegiate Institute this evening at 7.30. -Carded. Moved by W. F. Smith, Seconded by VI/. T. Hare That this Council-do now adjourn until ten' a,111. to-morrow t@ allow the 'Committees to, meet. -Carried. K. W. McKAY; County Clerk. ALEX, McCOLL. Warden. 18 Elgin Cou1nty Council FIRST SESSION-THIRD DAY. Thursday, the 28th day of January, 1915. The Elgin County Council met this day accQ'rding to adjournment. The Warden in the chair. All the members present except Mr. Fuller, Reeve of W'est Lome. The proceedings of .the.previous day were read and confirmed. A deputation from the Elgin Patriotic Association, being present, they were' allowe4 to address the Council. Messrs.R. M. Anderson, R,'N. Penhale, Jolin Dromgale, A. D. McGugan and E. S. Anderson made application for a grant to the Canadian Patriotic Fund a-nd the \Varden referred the matter to the Finance Committee. Mr. Dawes. gave notice that he would ask for the usual grants to the Agricultural Fairs of the County. The report of the Special Cc:>mmittee on. the Port Stanley ,Harbor was presented and adopted_ on motion of Mr. Cornell, seconded, by Mr. Pineo. Moved byA. J. Wismer, Seconded by Alex. Kerr,' That this Council grant Twenty-Five Dolial's each to the West Elgin Farmers' and Women's Institutes. -Carried. Moved by Alex: Kerr, Seconded by J. C. Campbe)l, That this Council make a grant of Fifty Dollars to the Tovmship of Dtinwich, to assist in the maintenance of Kate Wallace and sister who were formerly inmates of the House of Industry. -Carried. Elgin County -Council 17 Moved by Geo. F. Pineo, Seconded byW. T. Hare, . That the usual grant of Twenty-Five Dollars be given to the East Elgin :Farmers' Institute. -Carried. Moved, byA. J; Wismer, Secolided - by Alex. Kerr, That this' Coundladjourn until 2; p.m. ----Carried. The Council Resumed. Moved by S. Dawes, Seconded by W. H. Moore, That the deputation from the Ontario Library Ass.ociation' be now heard. ' --Carried; Messrs. \\T. Cars.on, T. "W. Strachan and W. H. Murch then addressed the Council making application for grants t.o the Public Libraries of the C.ounty. Moved by Oscar MceKnncy, Seconded by B. B. Graham, That all grants made to Women's Institutes at" this session be- reconsidered and that a grant .of Five Dollars be paid to each recog- nized branch of the 'J\Tomen's Instiutes in the C.ounty. Lost, on the following division: Yeas- Graham McKenney Moore Dennis Curtis Smith Pil'lCO C.ornell Hare Nays- Wismer Kerr Campbell McIntyre McCurdy Stafford Miller Dawes Bryce \Varden McColl. 18 Elgin "County' Council Mr. McCurdy gave notice of application for a grant of Twenty- Five Dollars to the East Elgin Women's Institute. The report of the Education Con;l1nittee was presented and adopt~ cd on motion of Mr. Bryce, seconded by Mr. McCurdy; The report of the Public Improverncnt Committee was presented and adopted 011 motion of Mr. Pineo, seconded by Mr. Cornell. Moved by N. S. Cornell, Seconded by Vl. F. Smith, That M1., McKenney, Mr. Bell, County Engineer, the \Varden and the mover, be appointed a COlTImitteeto interview the Depart- ment of Public vVorks of both the -Ontario and Dominion govern- ments to' ascertain what assistance can be secured re the construction of the proposed'bridge at Port Stanley. -Canied. Moved b1y O. McKenney, Seconded by N.S.' Cornell, That O. McKenney's name be struck off the I-louse of Incll,lstry Committee and the name of D. R. Curtis be added; that the 'name of D. R. Curtis be stmck off the Petitions and Legislation Committee and the name' of Oscar McKenney be added. -Canied. Moved by M. B. Stafford, Seconded by 'B. B. Graham, That this Council grant to the Public Libraries in the County of Elgin the sum of Twenty-Five Dollars each, viz.: Rodney, ,West Lome, Dutton, 'Shedden, Sparta, Port Stanley, Aylmer, Belmont, Vienna, Springfield and Bayham. -Carried. R. A. -Penhale, President of the County Board of TracIe and Publicity 'Association, addressed the Council and explained what had been done during the past year. Elgin_ County Council 19 Moved by, \TV. F. Smith, Seconded by Geo. F ~ Pineo, That permission be granted the Publicity Association to draw on the fund on harld to reimburse them for Joss, re immigration scheme and that this Council approve of the expenditure. ....!.-Carried. Moved by N. S. Cornell, Seconded by Geo. F. Pineo, That' this Council adjourn tintil ten a.m. to~morrow. -Carded. K. W: McKay, County Clerk. ALEX, McCOLL, Warden 20 Elgin County Council FIRST SESSION-FOURTH DAY Friday, the 29th day of January, 1915. The Elgin County Council met this day according to adjourn- ment. The Warden ill the chair. All the i11embers present. The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. Movcd by R. H. McCurdy, Seconded. by A. Kerr, , That this Council'make a grant of Twenty-Five Dollars to the Women's Institute of East Elgin. -Carried. 'Moved by Samuel Dawes, Seconded byE. A. Bryce, That the COul).tyGrant to Agricultural Fairs be the same as last year, namely twenty per cent. of the- Government Grant. -Carried. . The report of the Committee 011 Petitions and Legislation was p,resented and adoptedorl motion of Mr, Miller, seconded by Mr. Moore. The report of the Special Coinmittee on the \Varden's address was presented and adopted on motion of Mr. Cornell, seconded by Mr. Smith~ The report of the Finance Committee was presented and referred to a Committee of the whole, Mr. Pineo in the chair. After cOIlsi'd- ering a portion of therepo;t, the Committee arose and it was adopted on motion of Mr. Dawes, seconded by Mr. Fuller. Elgin County Council 21 Moved by Mr. Smith, Seconded by Mr. Pirieo, That this Council adjourn until two o'clock p;m. -Carried. The Council Resumed. A communication from the Assistant Treasurer resigning his position was read. ' The Council then resumed a committee of the ^ whole on the report of the Finance Committee and after amending same,_ the com- mittee arose and the report as amended was adop'ted on motion of Mr. Pineo, seconde'd by Mr. Smith. Moved by O. McKenney, t Seconded by N. S. Cornell. That the Warden, Mr. Dawes and the County Clerk be a COl'U- mittee to afran-ge the Administration of Justice Accounts with tbe City of St. Thomas. -Carried. Moved by O. McKenney; Seconded~ by, W. H. Moore, Tbat James G. Heiter be appointed Trustee of the Ayhllcr Col- legiate Institute for three years. -Carried. Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded by W. H. Moore, . That the \Varden, Messrs. Smith, McKenney and Cornell be a committee 'to report on the resignation of Mr. K. W. McICay, Assist- ant Treasurer at this session. -Carried. ( 22 Elgin County ~ouncil Moved by W. H. Moore, Seconded by Thomas Dennis, That this Cotll1cil'adjourn, to meet at the call of the Warden. -Carried. The Council Resumed. The Committee appointed to consider the resignation of the Assistant Treasurer presented its report which was adopted ol11TIotion of Mr. Cornell seconded by Mr. McKenney. Moved by'W. F. Smith, I Seconded by Geo.F. Pineo, That the Assistant Treasuret's resignation be not considered at this session: -Carried. Moved by G. F. Pineo, Seconded by M. B. Stafford, That all new members of this year. be supplied with a copy of "The Municipal Act." -Carried. Moved by B. B. Graham, Seconded by W. :E;I. Moore, That By-Law No. 853, being a By~Law to appoint a Board of Audit be received and read a first time. -Carried. Moved by, B. B. Graham, Seconded by A. A. Miller, That By-Law No. 853 be read a second time. -Carried. Elgin County Council 23 Moved by B. B, Graham, Seconded by Thos. Dennis, That ByLaw No. 853 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by V\T. H. Moore; Seconded by Thomas Dennis, That By-Law No. 854 being a By-Law to apoint Auditors be received and read a first time. -Carried. Moved by ThOmas Dennis, Seconded by W. H. Moore, That 'By-Law No. 854 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Samuel Dawes, Seconded by ,D. R. Curtis, That By-Law No. 854 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Movcd by M, B. Stafford, Seconded by R. H. McCurdy, That By-Law No. 8513,~bcing a By-Law to appoint High School Trustees be received and read a first time. ' -Carried. Movcd by M, B, Stafford, Seconded byA. A. Miller, That By-Law No. 855 be read a second time. -Carried. 24 Elgin. County Councjl Moved by M. B. Stafford, Seconded by ,R. H.McCurdy, That By-Law No. 855 be re,ad a third time and finally passed. -Carried. JVfoved by r H. McIntyre, Seconded by J. c. Campbell, That By-Law No. 856, being a By-Law'to authorize the Warden . and Treasurer to borrow ($20,000) Twenty Thousand 'Dollars be received and read a first time. -Carried. Moved by A. Kerr, Seconded by J.'H; McIntyre, That By-Law No. 856 be read a second time, -Carried. Moved by r. 'E. McIntyre, Seconded by J. C. Camphell, That By-Law No. 856 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. "Moved by Jas. A. Fuller, Seconded by A; J. Wismer, That By-Law No. 857, being a By-aw to grant aid to the Can- adian Patriotic Fund, be received and read a first time. -Carried. Elgin County Council 25 Moved by Alex. Kerr, Second~d by Jas. A. Fuller, That By-Law No. 857.be read a second time; -Carried. Moved by J. c. Campbell, Seconded by J. H: McIntyre, That By-Law No. 857 be read a third time and -finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Geo. F. Pineo, Seconded by N. S. Cornell, . That, By-Law No. 858, being a By-Law to raise the sum of Twelve Thousand DalIars, to provide' for the. cost of bridges to, be erected d.uring the year 1915 and to authorize the issue of debentures therefor, be received and read a first time. -Carried. Moved by N. S. Cornell, Seconded by G. F. Pineo, That By~La\v No. 858 be react a second. time. -Carried. Moved. by N. S. Cornell, Seconded by G. F. Pineo, That By-Law No. 858 be advertised as required by la~vinthe St. Thomas Daily Times and - that the same be considered at a s:pecial session of the Council to be held 'On Tuesday the first 'day of June at 1.30 p.m. -'-Ca:criec1. The Wardeil appointed tl1e following committee to consIder mat- ters re .Children's Aid Society:MessrsMcIntyre, Smith, and Dawes. 26 Elgin' County Council The Warden, in accordance with instructions, appointed the following deputations: To attend the Good Roads Association meetii1g: Messrs. Kerr, Stafford, Smith, PiilCO, Moore, and Dawes. To attend the Municipal Association meeting: Messrs. Campbell, Curtis, Hare, McKcnney,--Brycc, and Cornell. 1'08.ttc11d the Ontario Educational Association meeting: Messrs. Graham, M.cIntyre, McCurdy, Dennis, Miller, vVismcr, and Fuller. Moved by Geo. -F. Pineo, Seconded by N. S. Cornell, That this Council do now adjourn to meet on Tuesday, the First day of June, at2 p.m. --.,;Carried. K. W, McKAY, County Clerk. ALEX.,McCOLL, \Varden. Elgin County Council 27 SPECIAL SESSION Tuesday, the- First day of Junc, 1915. The ,Elgin Connty Co'uncil met this day in special session, to con- sider By-Law No. 858. The Warden in the chair. All the members present. The vVarden addressed. the Council and explained the object of the s'pecial meeting, as follows: "To the Members of the Elgin County Council: "Gentlemen,- "Our first business will be the consideration of By-Law No. 858 to authorizet!1c issue of $12,000 in de,bentures to pay for our share of the Tait bridge. This by-law was l'ead a first and second time at the January session, and the fact that we are about to pass the by-law has been advertised as required byThe Municipal Act. Ifothere is 110 objectiOn raised, all that will be necessary will be to put "!-lP a resolution that the by':law be read ~C thi1'd time and finally passed. "The by-Ia\v has been approved by the County Solicitor; and is, I think, in proper form." Moved by B. B .Graham, Seconded by O. McKenney, That By-Law No. 858 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carded. ,K. W, McKAY, County Clerk. ALEX. McCOLL, Warden. I:, iii !ij Ii !I i ',i '::j" 1'1" ili ;i ::i I: 28 .. Elgin County Council . SECOND SESSION-FIRST DAY " Tuesday, the First day of June, 1915. ;,i H,I j,'r iJ Tbe EIg~n County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, according-to adjoprnment. !~ i i The Warden in the chair. An the members present. The proceedings of the last day of the January session were read and confirmed. The Warden addressed ,theCot1ncil as follo\vs: II ii I:: "To the Members of the Elgin County Council: "Gentlemen,- "Since the January session no new business of in:1portance has arisen. \1 , New Legislation ;'! .i ., i il,1 '';'1 ~i ') , :i I , , ',I , , 11 The Legislature, as usual, has been active in amending the muni- cipal laws, most of which are of p~rtict1lar interest to the local municipalities. , "The Municipal Act has been amended so that the voting on municipal elections may be held on N ew Year's Day. This privilege has hitherto been COl1filled' to 111;'ban municipaliHes,and any council desiring to takcadv<\ntage of this amendment shoul~ pass a',by-Jaw not later than the 15th of November in any year. "The Highway Improvement Act has been amended by increas- ing the. proportion of cost of roads payable by the Province from one-third to forty per cent. (fA ncw Act Respecting Public Highways.has been placed on the statutes and has not as yet come into force in the whole Province. 'This provides for the complete reorganization of the Provincial Elgin County Council 29 ' Highway Department 'on the plan outlined in'the report of the Pro-, villcial Commission' issued last year. In addition to the country roads ass.umed under the provisions of The Highway Act" this .Act provides for suburban roads in the territory immediately surrounding cities and towns, to ""hich urban municipalities will be required -to contribute , and for main roads between prin~ipal centres or where qle greatest. <.I1110unt of tl'avel concentrates. Fori the mileage constructed under this Act, ,the Legislature will contribute a sum equal to tvv;enty per' yent. of the cost of maintenance. It might be wellforthe council to consider recent legislation with a view to becoming acquainted with its application. to conditions in this county. . "There is no provlSlOri made for aid to townships desiring to . improve roads. The Legislature has; however, recognized the greatest 'defect in our present township business system, which is the lack 'Of business-like methods in the expenditure of money on roads and bridge,S. The legislation suggests that each township should app'Oint a commissioner to supervise all work and to inspect all roads under the j'Q.risdiction of ,the township, and to encourage this the Province ,yiIl pay 'twenty-fiveper cent. of the salary ~f this official for a period of three years.. Provincial. War Tax "To enable the Provincial Treasurer t6 meet the '. conditions arising out of the war, a special rate of one mill on the dollar has been levied by the Province. This amount must be included in our esti- mates. This tax. is based 011 the equalized value. Patriotic Fund Grant "By-Law No. 8:37 passed by this Council, contributi.ng $1,000 monthly to. the Canadian Patriotic Fund during the continuance of the war, has been confirmed by the Le'gislature. The Act passed in this connection <luthorizes councils to borrow money on d't'jbentures or promissory notes without the, usual formality, all debentures being limited to'ten years and notes to five years. It will be .for the Finance Committee todecide. whether to raise thcmoney in this way or to include the whole amount in ,the yearly levy. District AgriculturalRepres~ntatives "The Act Respecting District Representatives has been changed. As I understand it, this position is not now connC'ctedwith any % 30 Elgin County Council school. The county Cotllicil is required to set aside the sum of five hundrcCt dollars for the purpose of assisting in the carrying out of the work. The Act also requires that some official be 'designated to approve of the account presented by the representative. A large amount of money is being'devoted to this work "Me Bnchanan, whose office is still at Dutton, has two assistants, one of whom is located-at Aylmer. In view of this change, it might be advisable for the conncil to consider the appointment of a small Ag'ricultural Committee to co~operate with the representative and with the County Board of Trade in all matters pertaining to the interests of agriculture in the county. There has been' some new legislation in reference to continuation schools, and I am advised that they are now high schools and subject to the provisions of The High Schools Act. Under the circumstances it might be advisable for the council to appoint trustees to represent the county on the new high school hoards. In any event, the Educa- tion Committee should give the whole question their fullest con- sideration, so that the relation of the county to ,these schools will be bet~er understood. Death of Alexander Kerr "We all very much regret that there is one chair of our council vacant. The sudden death of Reeve Alexander Kerr .has removed from municipal life in this county ageni.11, painstaking, and efficient municipal officer. I wOltld suggest that a special committee be ap- pointed to' cll'aft a proper resolution of condolence to be forwarded to the bereaved family." The following communications were read: From County Auditors, with report. Referred to Finance Com- mittee. From S. Baker, city clerk of London, re petition to Premier of Ontario in Council, re unemployment and amendment of Colonization Act. Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. From T. W. Strachan, secretary Library Board, Belmont, ''lith thanks for grant. Filed. Egin County Council 31 From County Clerk of Oxford, re municipal- elections for two years. Referred to Petitions and LegislatiQll Committee. From Glencoe high school, with statement of amount due for -the year 1914. Referred to Education Committee. From Dominion Tactile Press, Toronto, re grant. Referred to Houqe of Industry Committee. From.. Hon. T. VV. Crothers, ,Minister of Labor, Ottawa. Filed, From County Clerk, Welland, .for petition re distribution of automobile fees to counties. Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. From County Clerk of Peterborough, for petition re assesSment of mineral rights. Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. From Assistant Provincial Treasurer, with account for salat.y of District Officer of Health. Referred to Finance Committee. From A. H.U. Colquhoun, re county public school grant "for equipment and accommodation. Referred.to Education Committee. From County Engineer, with report. Referred to Public Im- provement. Committee. Mr. Stafford enquired re admission of patients to the Byron Sanatorium, and the question was discussed by the Council in. general. Moved by N. S. Cornell, Seconded by O. McKenney: That the special committee appointed to consider the resignation of the Assistant Treasurer be continued to report at this session. -Carried. '32 Egin County Council Moved by A; J. Wismer, Seconded by J, A, Fuller: That the chairmen of the various Standing committee to report on the Warden's address. Committees be a -Carried. Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded by vV.H. Moore: That this Council do now adjourn until 10 a.m. to-morrow, to allow the committees to meet. -Carried. 1(. W, McKAY, Cottnt~ Clerk. ALEX. McCOLL, Warden. Egin County Council 33 SECOND SESSION-SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 2nd day of June, 1915. The Elgin County Council met this day; according to adjourn- ment. The Warden in the chair. All the members present. The proceedings of the special session and 'of the previous day 'vere read and confirmed. The- following commttnication's were read: Thei"eport of the Court HOllseCommissiol1 and the County Treasurer's report, both of whiCh were referred to the .Finance Committee. , ',) Mr. Dennis gave notice that he proposed to .apply for a reduc- tion of $100,'000- ih the equalized value of the Township of Bayham. Moved by A. J. Wismer, Seconded by O. - McKenney: That the names of Messrs. McCurdy, Fuller, Graham, and Pineo be added to the comm-ittee to consider the resignation of the Assist- anV-Treastlrer. -Carried. Moved by G. F. Pineo, Seconded by W. T. Hare: That the reeves of the different municipalities be the Equaliza- tion Committee for this year, -Carried. 34 Egin County Council Moved by W; T.Hare, Seconded by a,'McKenney: That Messrs. McIntyre, McCurdy, Graham, the Warden, and the I Clerk be a committee to draft a resolution of condolence to the family of the hite Alexander Kerr. -Carried. Reeve Dawes; on behalf of the Township of South Dorchester, gave notice that his township would not be responsible for building. and maintaining bridges on the county boundary lines between Elgin and Middlesex, and the Warden referred the matter to the Public Improvements Committee. Moved by VV. F. Smith, Seconded by G. F. Pineo: That this Coullcilauthorize the Warden to consult the Solicitor and obtain opinion in reference to liability of the County tor the cost of construction and maintenance of bridges on county boundar lines. -Carried. The committee appointed to collect the rents due on the Tohn McNicol farm presented its report. Move~1 by R. H~ McCurdy, Seconded by M. B. Stafford: That this Council Slo now adjourn to meet at 2 p.m. -Carried. The Council Resumed A communication from the Provincial Treasurer in .referenceto The War Tax: Act was read and referred to the Finance Committee. Mr. McKenney enquired in reference to pedlars' licerises in force. Mr. Miller enquired in reference to payment of grants to public libraries. Elgin County Council 35 The special committee appointed to confer with the City rc Children's Aid Society matters presented its report, which was, on motion, referred to a committee of the whole, Mr. Dawes in the chair. After ameriding the report, the committee arose and the report was adopted on motion of Mr. Dawes, seconded by Mr. Smith. The report of the Public Improvement Committee was presented arid adopted, on motion of Mr. Pineo, seconded by Mr. Dawes. The report of the Education Committee was presented and adopted, on motion of Mr. Bryce, seconded by Mf,. Curtis. The.report of the Petitions and Legislation Committee was pre- sented arid adopted, on motion of Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. McKenn~y. Moved by W. H. Moore, Seconded by O. McKenney: That this Council do now adjourn until ten 01..111. to-mororow. -Carried. K. W, McKAY. County Clerk. ALEX, McCOLL, Warden. 36 Elgin County Council Elgin County C~ouncil 37 Thursday, the Third day of June, 191'5. The report of the Equalization Committee was presented and I referi-ed to a committee of the whole, Mr. Cornell in the chair. After discussion, the committee arose and the report was adopted without amendment, on m'otipn of Mr. Cornell, seconded by Mr. Fuller. SECOND SESSION-THIRD DAY The Elgin COUIity Council met this day' according to adjourn- ment. Moved by W. F. Smith, The vVarden in the chair. Seconded by N.S, Cornell: All the membersprescllt. That this C0U11ciladjourn to meet tomorrow at 10 a,m, The proceedings oLthe previous. day were read and confirmed. -Carried. The County Clerk's report on licenses was read. K. Vi, McKAY, County Clerk. ALEX, McCOLL, Warden. Mr. McKcnt1"ey enqtliredif the Empire Tea Company had a license, arid Mr. McIhtyre re company selling oil. The repOl't of the committee appointed to draft a resblution of condolence to the widow of the late Alexander Kerr was presented and adopted, on motion of Mr. McIntyre, seconded by Mr. Miller. 'Moved by W. H. Moore, Seconded by Thos. Dennis: That this Council do now adjourn, to meet at two p.m. -~arried. The Council Resumed Mr'. S; L. Squire, of Waterford, then addressedth,c Council on: matters pertaining to The Highway Act. ' The report of the County Solicitor re county bridges was read and referred to the Public Improvement Committee.. The report of the special committee re Assistant Treasurer was presented and adopted, on motion of Mr. Cornell, seconded by Mr. Smith. 38 Elgin County .Council SECOND SESSION-FOURTH DAY , i Friday, the Fpurth day of Jtme, 1915. \; The Elgin CO,unty Councilmct this- day according to adjournment. I I , I The :VVarden in the chair. All,the members present. The proceeding~ of the previous day were read and confirmed. \ The reports of the committees l10tbeing ready; it was moved by J. I-I. McIntyre: -Carried. Seconded by J, C.Campbel1: That this Council do noW adjourn until 1.30 p.m. -Carried. The Council Resumed. The report of the Deputation to the Educational Association'was presented and ,adopted on motion of M;, McIntyre: Seconded by Mr. McCurdy. . The report of the Special Committee on the Warden's Address was presented ,and adopted on motion of Mr. Miller: seconded by Mr. Stafford. The first report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Mr. Coni.ell: s,econded by Mr, Fuller. The Second Re,port of the Finance Committee was presented ancl adopted on motion of Mt-. Cornell: seconded by Mr. vVismer. , ' The report of the: Special Committee on the Port Stanley Har- bor was' present.ed and acl'opted on motion of Mr. Comell: seconded by Mr. McKenney. The report of the Public Improvements Committee' 'was prcsent- Elgin Cciunty Council 39 cd and refc'rrcd to a committee of the whole, Mt'. Fullet- in the chair. After amending the report, the committee arose and the 'report was adopted on motion of lfr. Fnller, seconded by Mr.\iVismcr. Moved by Mr. Graham: Seconded by A. A.Miller: That all matters relating to "the McNichol lease be Icft to' the \-Varden and the mover of this resolution. -Carried. The Warden appointed the following Good Roads Committee to 'meet on June 2Mh, at 11 a.111. Messrs. Campbell, Stafford, Smith, Pineo, Cornell, Moore and Dawes... Moved.by W. T. Hare: ,Seconded by W. F. Slnith: That By-Law No. 859, being a By-La"v, to confirm equalization of Assessment Rolls, be reveived and read a first time. ' -Carded. Moyed by Geo.F. Pineo: Seco'nded by N. S. Cornell: That By-Law No. 8;')9 be I-cad ~i. second time. -Carried. Moved by N. S. Cornell: Seconded by G. F. Pineo: That By-Law No. 859 be read, a third time and httally passed. .-Carried. I' , , I Ii 40 Elgin County Council , Moved by D. R. Curtis: Seconded by "V. F. Smith: That By-Law No. 860 being a By-Law to extend the time for en- forced collection by sale of land for taxes be received and read a :first time. .....,..,Carried. Moved by G. F. Pineo: Seconded by \'-..r, F, Sniith: That By-Law No. 1)60 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by W: F. Smith: Seconded by D, R. Curtis: That By-Law No. 860 be read a third time and :finally passed, -Carried. Moved by E. A. Bryce: Seconded by S. Dawes: That By-Law No. 8131 being a By-Law to authorize the Warden and Treasurer to borrow $20,000 be received and rea:d a :first time. -Carried. Moved by D. R. Curtis: Seconded by E. A. Bryce: That By-Law No. 861 be read a second time. " --..:Carried, Elgin County Council 41 Moved by E, A, Bryce: Seconded by D. R. Curtis: That By-Law No, 861 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Thos. Dennis: Seconded by V\T. H. Moore: That By-Law No. 862 being a By-Law to grant additional aid to schools be received and re,ad a fir.st time, -Carried. Moved by Samuel Dawes: Seconded by Thos. Dennis: Tha~.By-Law No, 362 be read a second time. -Carried. oved by' O. McKenney: Seconded by'S. Dawes: That B'y-Law No. 862 be read a ,third time and :finally passed. -Carried. Moved by O. McKenney: Seconded by B. B. Graham: That By-Law N b. 863 being a By-Law to :fix salary of County Clerk, be received and read a :first time. -Canied. Moved by W. H. Moore: Seconded by Thos. Dennis: 42 Elgin County Council That By-Law No. 863 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by B. B. Graham; 'Scconded 'by O. McKenney: That By-Law No. 86B be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried.. Moved by M, B, Stafford: Seconded by R. H.McCllrdy: That By-Law No. \864 being a By-Law to appoin.t a County Treas- urer be received and read a first tinie. --,-Carried. Moved by A. A. Miller: Seconded by M. B. Stafford: That, By-Law No. 864 be read ,a second ttme. -Carried. Moved by M, B, Staffcrd: Seconded by R. H. McCurdy: That By_La"w No. 864 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried_ Moved by A. J. Vvismer: Seconded by J. A. Campbell: That the County Treasurer's Bond be subjct to the approval" of the Warden and County Solicitor. -Carried.. Moved by J. H. McIiltyre: Seconded by J. A.Campbell: Elgin County Council 43 That. By-Law No. 865".being a By-Law to grant a gratuity to John McCausland on his re'tlt'ement from the office of County Treas- m-er be l-eceived and read a first time. -'-Carried. Moved by. J. A. Campbell: Secorided by J. H. McIntyre: That By,...Law No. 865 be read a second time. -Card ed. Moved by R. B. McCurdy: Se"condecl by M. B. Stifford: That By-La"v No. 865 be read a third time "and filially passed. -Carried; lvloved by A. J. \iVismer: Seconded"by J. A. Fuller: That By-Law No. 866 being a By-Law to raise amonnts for County Rates be received and read a first time. ' -Carried. ~oved by J. A. FuIIcr: Seconded by J. C. Campbell: ThatBy~La'v No. BG6 be read a second time. -Cab'ied. 1\foved by J. C. Campbell: Seconded by J. A. FuIIer; That By-Law No.'S6n be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. 44 Elgin County Council Moved by W. 1'. Smith: Seconded by G. F. Pineo: That this Council adjourn to meet Tuesday, 23rd of November, at 2 p.m. ~Carried. K. W. McKAY," County Clerk, ALEX, McCOLL, Warden. Elgin County C01,111cil 45 THIRD SESSION-FIRST DAY. ? . Tuesday, the 23rd day of November, 191:'5. The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St.- Thomas, in accordance with the adjournment: The "Varden in the chair. AU the members present,/including J oh11 Dromgole, who took his seat as Reeve of Dunwich and George F. Williams, who took his seat as Reeve of Vienna. The 'Varden addressed the Council as follo"ys: To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen,- ( Before commencing the business of the session, I desire to dir- ect your- attention to a few matters that may be of interest. Treasurer's Bond The Bond for our Treasurer, appointed at last session has with the approval of the County Solicitor, been arranged with the U. S. Fidelity and Guarantee Company fOl" $10,000. dating from the 1St. October. This has beel;t deposited with the manager of the lvlolsons Bank, subject to order of the Council. The Council should inspect the Bond each year as the value of the Bond to the County depends, to some extent, on the continued correctness of the statement signed by myself as "Varden in connection with the application therefor. Administration of Justice' Expenses. The Special Committee appointed to settle amOUnt of Adminis- tation of Justice expenses payable by the City will report that a $at~ . isfactory arrangement for the ensuing five years has been arranged. The Municipal Act should be made more explicit and detel~mirte the basis of division of the various accounts, the settlement of which wot).ld then be a m~re matter of accounting. The recent changes in the Registry Act are not altogether applicable to the adjustment of the expenses of the office in Counties like Elgin the matter 'has ,been brought to the atttention of the Government with a view of ,having the la~v amended~ 46 Elgin County Council Tait.. Bridge The Tait Bridge work has not p1"Qgressed as rapidly as. was ex- pected when the conti'act was awarded. This was due principally to the Iwet weather and the lack of gravel for the concrete abutments. The Engi.neer will, however" be able to report satisfactory progress. Good Roads The Good Roads Committe has been devoting considerable at- tention to this most importal1t question. In July last the Executive- of the Ontario Good Roads Association- honored us by holding a meet- ing in the Council Chamber and the members of the Comniittee acc- ompanied them on an inspection"of roads through Elgin and Kent. Considerable information was obtained and the Committee will re- port morc fully on the applic,-ltion of the provisions of Highway Im- provement Act to this County. The question is a ,large one that' appeals to progressive commun- itiesand I believe the benefit to be derived ham the adoption of a comprehensive system of County Roads will more than offset any expenditures we may_ require to make for Patriotic purposes during the war. Patriotic Matters The g,eat war is still going on with the field gradually widening. The three M's, Men, Money and Munitions are still the chief fac't- ors. Our connection with the operations going on in Europe is be- coming more and more a part of our, daily life; Since Septembe1. the recruiting officer has been active through-- but the County. The Elgin Company of the 70th Regiment was' rapidly enlisted to be afterwards used as the nucleus of a larger unit the 91st. Regiment, which is being recruited in Elgin and Kent with head~ quarters in the splC'ndic1 building phiced at their disposal by the City of' St. Thomas. When the new regiment is full strength, Elgin \'irill have recruited approximately 2,000 men whose movements, while in training and abroad, are the anxious concern of their many friends throug-hout the County and City. The orgallization of the Elgin Patriotic' Association was most Elgin County Council 47 timely and the-response to the demand for funds enabled its oflkers to at once co-operate with the Canadian Patriotic Fund in caring for the families of the 111('n who had enlisted. Over three hundred fam ilies have- already been reported and for the month of November the sum of $4500, was expended for this purpose. When the present re- cruiting is completed the number- of families will be largely increased and as the number will likely be maintained during the contil1uence of the war, we may expect demands of upwards of $75,000. anuuallyfor Elgin families alone, to say nothing of our responsibility for con- tributing to the less favored districts of the Dominion, in whietl the percentage of recrllits has been much larg,er than in Elgin Other. communities are facing the same problems which can ,only be' solved in an equitable way through increas'ed voluntary subscrip- tions and MuniCipal Grants. The first annual meeting of the Pat- riotic Association will be held tomorrow. when full reports of the year's business ,,,ill be presented and suggestions offered for raising the fund required. Although blit a year has elapsed since Elgin men went to' the front,somGof their number have already returned and while every community will extend a-hearty welcome to those who have been 'fighting Qur battles, there is a serious responsibility connected with the care of wounded men, more especially those who are unable to follow their usual 0'1' any occupation. The Don:iillion, the Provinces and Municipalities will all unite. in helping those who require special assistance outside the pension allowances. Effici,ent organizations for the purpose will find ever growing responsibilities of this kind throughout the County. vVe must face these, the most important questions We have ever had .to deal with, in the broadest manner and at the same time rest assured that we will not be relieved of expenses brought about by the war during the present. generation. Little economies on the part of eachanc1- every citizen will enable ',all tp meet the requirements of the situation and insure the welfare of our brave Canadian Soldiers and their families. I The proceedings of the previous session were read and confirmed. The follo,,,irig 'communications were read: Frorri Secretary Tillsonburg High School Board, reo halance due. Referred t9 Education Committee. 48 Elgin County Council From J. A. T~~ylor, Public School Inspector, Annual report. Referred to Education Committee. From Executive Ontario Good Roads Association, reo Transpor- tation Bill. Referred to Petitions and Legislation Coni:tnittee. Fam Dr. Ewen, annual report, Physician House of Industry. Re- ferred to House of Industry Committee. Frain D. F. Augustine, Aylmer. Application for position of High Constable. No action. The report of the Special Committee appointed to arrange settle- ment of Administration of Justice expenses with the City of St.-- Thomas, v.resented its report which wasadoptecl on motion of S. Dawes: seconded by O. McKenney. Moved by George F; Pineo: Seconded hyWilliam T. Hare: That a depunition asking for grant for the East Elgin Corn and-' Poultry Show, to he held in Aylmer during the winter of 1916, be heard tomorrow at half past ten. -Carried. Moved by J as. A. Fuller: Seconded by Wm. F. Smith: That this Council receive a delegation from the Elgin Poultry and Grain Association, tomorrow at 11. a,m. ,-Carried.. Moved'by N~ S. Cornell: Seconded by Gearge F. Pineo: That Mr. vVilliams be put on all committees that Mr. 1\1cCurdy was on, also'that Mr. DrOlugole be the committee man on all com- mittees ~hat Mr. Kerr v,ras on. -Carried. Elgin County Council 49 Moved by O. McKenney: Seconded by B. B. Graham: That this Council attend the Elgin Patriotic Association meeting to be held tomorrow at 2 p:m. in the CijY Hall. ! -Carried. Moved by George F. Pineo: Seconded by N. S. Cornell: That this Council adjourn to allow resume work at ten o'clock tomorrow.' Committees to meet and -,-Carried. K. W, McKAY, County Clerk. A, McCOLL vVarden. 50 Elgin County. Council THIRD SESSION-SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 24th day 'of November, 1915 The Elgin ConntyCo1.111cil lllCt this day a,ccording to adjotirnment. The Warden in the chaair. All the members present. The proceedings of the previolls day were read and confirmed. The following cOl11uniciaions ,vere, read: From Connty Solicitor with opinion reo ~ridges. From County Engineer with report. Referred to Pitblic Improve- ment Committee. Moved by George F. Pineo: Seconded by \iVilliam T. Hare: That the deputation from East Elgin Corn -and Poultry Associ- tion be no\\' heard. -Carried. Me'ssrs. Dance, Lewis and Ashton then addressed the Council making application oJ grant for the East Elgin Corn Show. The vVarden referred the application to the Finance Committee. The time for hearing deputation from \-Vest Elgin Corn 'Show, ,\'as extended, by request, until 3 p.m. on Thursday. Moved by Wm. F. Smith: See'onded by M. B. Stafford: That a deputation from Southwold and Yarmouth, reo Good Roads Scheme be heard tomorrow at 10.30 o'clock. -Car.ried. The Council then engaged in an informal discussion in reference Elgin County Council 51 to Patriotic' Matters and expressed an almost unanimous opi,nioH in favor of raising monies required for the Canadian Patriotic Fund by direct taxation. Moved by O. McKenney: Seconded by N: S. Cornell: That this Council do now adjourn to meet tomorrow morning at ten a.m. -Carried. K.,W, McKAY,' County Clerk: ALEX. McCOLL \Varden. 52 Elgin County Council THIRD SESSION-THIRD DAY Thursday, the 213th dayi of November, 1915 The Elgin County Council met this day according to adjourn- ment. The Warden i'n the chair. All the members present. The proceedings cif the previous day were read and confirmed. The report of the Inspector of the House of Industry was pre- .sented and referred to the House of Industry Committee. According to appointment a deputation from the Townships of Yarmouth and Southwolcl, Messrs. Burton, Coleman, Gilbert, Turne!- Ferguson, Mills, Todd, Roberts, \iVestlake, Penhale and others then address the Council in reference to Good Roads and the \i\larden invited them to be present ,,,hen report of Committee' was presentc(i in the afternoon. Moved by Thomas Dennis: Seconded by vVilliam H; Moore: That this Council adjourn to me,et at two o'clock this afternoon. -Carried. The Council Resumed A deputation from the Elgin Corn and Seed Grain Association consi'sting of Messrs. 1JcKillop and Sims then addressed the Council requesting grant. The 'Warden referred the application to the Fin- ance C0l111l1ittee. Mr. Fitller gave notice of application for grant to the Elgin Corn Show. Mr. Pineo gave notice of application for grant to the East Elgin Corn Show. \ Elgin County Council 53 The report of the Special Good Ro?-ds Committee was then prc- ~ented and referred to,the Committee of the whole. Mr. Dromgole in the thaiI'. the After discussing the report at some length report of the Committee be not adopted. it, was decided that On motion the Committee rose, when it was moved by Mr. Dromgole, seconded by Mr. Campbell that the report of the Com- mittee of the whole be adopted. The "Yeas" and "Nays" being called for \-yere taken as follows: Yeas \^lismel" Campbell Dromgole Stafford Miller Smith Curtis Moore Dennis Bryce McIntyre Nays McColl Hare Pineo Dawes McKenney Cornell Fuller Messrs. Graham and Williams wel'C excused by the Council from voting. Moved by J as: A. Fuller: Seconded by J. Droomgole: That this Council VISlt the 91st Regiment at their quarters and that the Clerk arrange the hour. ........,.Carried. :Moved by \tVm. F. Smith: Seconded by Samuel Da'\ves: '54 Elgin County Council That this Council do now adjourn to meet at ten a,m. tomorrow. ---Carried. K. W, McKAY, County Clerk. ALEX. McCOLL, vVarden Elgin County Council 55 THIRD SESSION-FOURTH DAY Friday, the 26th clay of November, 1915 The Elgin County Council met this day according to adjourn- ment. The Warden in the chair. All the members present. The proceedings of the previous day were read arid confirmed. The Special Committee in charge of the McNichol farm present- ed its report which was adopted on motion of Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Wismer. Moved by S. Dawes: Seconded by Wm; F. Smith: That the Council ,adjourn to meet at 2 o'clock, sharp, -Carded; The Council Resumed The report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on -motion of Mr. Cornell, seconded by Mr. Hare. The report of theEducatiol1 Comq1ittee was presented. and adopt- ed on motion of Mr. Bryce, seconded by Mr. McIntyre. The report of the Public Improvement Committee was presented and referred to the Committee of the whole. NIr; Smith in the chair. After amending the report theCOllll11ittee rose and the report as amended, .vas adopted on motiotl of M1": Smith, seconded by Mr. Dromgole. 56 Elgin County Council The report of the .House of Industry Committee was presented and adopted on motion afMr. Stafford, seconded by Mr. Curtis. The report. of the Petitions and Legislation Committee was pre~ senteel and adopted, this was afterwards reconsidered and amended and fimi.lly adopted on motion or Me Smith, seconded by Mr. :rv1iller. Moved' by Geo. F. Pineo: Seconded by Wm. T. Hare: TEAT WHEREAS by Section 44g of the Municipal Act it is provided that a bridge of a greater length than Three Hundred feet in a Township may, 011 the' application of the Council of (l- Township, bedcc1ared to be a Connty bridge; Be it therefore resolved that the bridge known as "Stalter Bridge" spanning, or to span, Stalter's gully crossing the Road Allowance between the First and Second Con- cessions of the Townsh'ip of Malahide, being a bridge of over. Three Hundred feet in length, be declared to be a County bridge because it is largely used by the inhabitants of othermuriicipalities; Because it is situate on an important Highway affording means of commun- ication to several municipalities; And owing to its length it is un- just that the burden of maintaining and repairing it should rest upon the Corporation of the Township of Malahide and that By-Law be prepared in acc01:chnce with this resolution and passed by this Council at the present Session. -Lost. Moved by Geo. F. Pineo: Seconded by vVm. T. Hare: That this Council pass a By-La,,, toassurne 71) per cent. of the cost of erecting the Stalter Bridge in Malahide. -Lost. Moved by N. S. Cornell: Seconded by Geo. F. Pineo: That the thanks of this C01.l11cil be tendered to Colonel Green Elgin County Council 57 for courtesies extended during visit to the quarters of the 91st Reg"'" iment. -,Carried. Moved by M. B, Stafford: Seconded by J. H. McIntyre: That By-Law No. 867 being a By-Law to assume bridge over . TurkeyCr'eek, be received and read a first time. , -Carried. Moved by M. B. Stafford: Seconded by J. C. Campbell: That By-Law No. 867 be read a second time. Moved by Andrew Miller: Seconded by J. H. McIntyre:' That By-Law No, 867 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by O. McKenney: Seconded by J. A.' Fuller: That a grant of $75.00 be paid the -Warden for his services during. the past year. -Carried. Moved by B; B. Graham: Seconded by ~m. H. M,oore: That 'this Council do now acljouft). sine die. -Carried. K. W, McKAY, County Clerk. ALEX, McCOLL, Warden 58 Elgin: County Council REPORTS OF COMMITTEES AND OFFICIALS \915 STANDING COMMITTEES Goal Committee Wm.F. Smith, Chairman Messrs. Hare and Dennis Messrs. Public Improvement Committee Geo. F. Pineo, Chairman Wismer, Kerr; Stafford, Smith, Moore, Bryce, Cornell, Graha111 arid Dromgole House of Industry Committee M. B. Stafffford, Chairman .Messrs. r.ilclntyre and Curtis Dawes Mcssi"s. Finance Committee N. S. Cornell, Chairman Kert,\ Campbell, Miller, Curtis, Hare, 11cCl1rdy, Fuller and Dromgole McKenney Messrs. Eq.ucation Committee E. A. Bryce, Chairman Campbell, Hare, Dawes, McCurdy, Mclntyt'e, Dennis, Fuller, Graham and Williams Petitions and Legislation Committee . A. A. Miller, Chairman Messrs; vVismer, McKenney, Pineo and Moore Elgin County Council 59 ANNUAL REPORT OF J. A. TAYLOR, B,A., Inspector of Public Schools To the vVarden and Councillors of the County of Elgin : Gentlemen-I have the honor to present the following report on the conditions of the schools in my Inspectorate during 1914. Teachers~ There were employed during the year in the Inspectorate ,105 tea.chers, of whom 1:::; ,vere male teachers and 90 female. One held a University degree, 9 had First 'Class certificates, 6 -had IGndergart,en, 1 had Domestic Science, 1 had manual tra'ining', 3 had Third Class and 84 held' Second Class Cetificates. There was little difficulty 'experi~ enced by Boards in se.curing legally certified teachet.s, especiaIIy when they advertised in papers with provincial circulation, offered liberal salary and used the telegraph and telephone instead of the Post Office in' advising the teacher .dlOm they' selected. Delay in selecting a teacher from a list of applicants and delay ",lw in advising the teacher whose application is accepted are two cau'seswhy some schools experience difficulty in securing ,properly Qualified te'achers Financial.'Statement RECEIP;rs ~~~~c~~air~1~a~t:1~m:::~~~~~~:::::::~~~~~::::::::~~~:::::::~~~:::~:::~~::::::::::::~~:::::~:::::$ Government Grants ...hm....m-_..........h..m..h___.hm..h..m_...m.........._ School Taxes .-...h..--......--..h..._..h..........._.......,_...'___...n....hnn......_....._.. Other Sources .-..--.......-:hn.................._..n_...._.........__........_h..........__.. 13,912 00 64,311 03 5,087 44 '23,610-35 14,343' 75 Total ~eceipts ....._..._.._.h...__...nn...........h...._.. .00.""" ...m---h......m....$121;2.64 57 PAYMENTS Teachers" Salaries ....~..hm....m......mm.mnn...m.....m...nnnmm..........$ Purchase of sites, building, etc. Libraries, .Maps, etc. .....m.......m..m___.hm......n.......___...mm......._..m Janitors, Fuel, Incidentals -..m.h___.....______.m___m..m....___....____...m... 6,6,840 5:') 7,482 13 1,722 08 2t5,394 57 r otal' Expendi tures .h----.....n...--.'-,.-....---...........h.___....___......n.....m....$101,439 33 Balance on hand ..---m....---.m.m.n..___m..____........._.hm....___.......___....m 19,825 24 60 Elgin County Council EXPENDITURE BY MUNICIPALITIES Expenditure Expenditure No. of Average for for Rooms Cost per all purposes Teachers' Room Salarie Aldboro $17,553 57 $ 8,472 71 15 $ 1,170 24 Dunwich 12,769 09 9,015 47 16 798 06 Dutton, 3,001 39 2,070 00 4 750 34 Port Stanley 3,323 47 2,499 02 4 830 86 Rodney 3,9_91 16 1,611 97 3 1,330 ,38 West Lome 1,974 92 1,579 00 3 658 30 St. Thomas 58,$25 73 41,592 38 59 997 06 The"high-average'in Aldboro is caused by U. S. S. Nos. One and Two paying ofr d'cbentures for their new school. The excellent addi- tion' to Rodney continuation sc,hool accounts for its high average expenditure. Highest Salaries Paid in the Inspectorate The highest salary paid a male teacher in the city was___________.......__$1,350 " " " " " "villages ..........._h______ 900 II " " " " "townships _______......... 650 " .. female" "city ............___________... 675 It " " " H villages ..______.._._..__... 650 " " " H "townships ................ 650 " Attendance No, No, No. Average Enrolled of Boys of Girls Attendance Aldboro 541 293 248 348 Dunwich 449 227 222 275 Dutton 191 102 89 133 Port Stanley 207 113 94 133 Rodney 166 87 79 114 \i\Test Lorue 166 84 82 100 St. Thomas 2466 1235 1231 2026 - - Totals- 4186 2141 2045 3129 Compared \vith 1013 there is a dect-ease in enrollment of 200; but an increase in the average of 71. Elgin County Council 61 Classification of Pupils. No. in Primary Class __..___00._..______00._..____________.......______001063 No. in First Class ;___ _...______._________________________.___...___.___..___ 635 N o~ in Second Class __________....______00__.___________._.....____.______ 795 No. in Third Class ___00 ...________....________________.m______.._______ 868 No; in Fourth Class .__ .___m.....______n.........__.m__..._.......__ 783 N.c. in Fifth Class _________________.__..______.___......_._____________._. 41 Subjects and Number Taught.in Each Arithmetic ______..__00_______.__________._____.....___00....____ 4185 Reading ___.___m_____.._________..______........___...__.____...__ 4185 Writiil1g ____._____d___..__...________..._____....__________._"___.. 4185 . Art ------.--.__..___00........______.__.___00....._____.._..._____..___00 3917 Geogrraphy -.__.____.__..__.________.____......____.._._____..... 3522 .wIusic -----.--.-------..'_____'___n.__.___..__..__.......___.m....__ 3250 Literature ---.h._____.._.___.____....______________n__..______.. 3709 . Composition ---...._____00..._____________..-___...._____......__ 3740 Grammar ----...._____.__..____...__.__...___.__....____.......____ 1098 English' History __.....___h._...____.._____._.______.___...... 1333 Canadian History ....._____...________......___...__....._. 1657 Hygiene ..:______....______00.....______......_____00.._...._____... 3428 Nature Study ___.....__..___.....___.___.....____.__.....__.___ 3911 Physical Culture ___......____._.....______.......___.___,... 3917 Book-Keeping ..._..__.___..___...,___........______.__.__.__. 181 Algebra. __..__.00.__..'._00...___.._________........_..........00.... 36 Geometry __..________...m_____..._________.......________....____ 33 Financial Statement \of West Lorrie Continuation School RECEIPTS Balance on hand from 1913 .------------.....______.._..__............___...____._____.____..$ Governlll en t Gran t __..___.____..__..__.___........____..._____...._____...__.....__.....__...__..... County Grant T o'\vn Levy: ___.......______.__.__..____.___....._..____..._____..__._____.__.___....___.._______... In terest '....--.---.-----...._._ .----.....-------.....--.------.----__...____...._____..___00..____...... .... 240 43 302 83 757 O'i' 300 06 3 62 Total Receipts --..-----.--------:-----------..-------...______...______.........__________...._____...$1603 95 PAYMENTS, Teach ers' Salary ----...------.--...--------....______......__.'......00.....___...__.......___....___.$1115 00 etc. .....--.------..-...--.---...-.---..--.......__.___.............___.....__...._____......_..... 56 16 62 Elgin County Council Library Examinations, etc. 116 33 89 72 Total Payments ________________.______........___m___.________....______.__......._.:________._______$1377 21 Balance on Hand for 1915. ______...___-_______________..........._____________________________.$ 226 74 Financial Statement of Rodney Continuat,ion School RECEIPTS, Government Grant______ County Grant Local Levy Examination Fees ......._.._______$ 466 95 1167 37 366 29 21 65 Total Receipts ..................$2022 26 Teachers' Salaries Janitor Library, etc. PAYMENTS, ........,...$171045 --.------- -------- . .n.'________ - 77 20 .......... 234 61 Total Expenditure ..$2022 26 The continuation Schools at Rodney and West Lome continue doing excellent work. Rodney had -an enrolled attendance of 51 with an average of 80 and a competent staff. of two teachers. By enlarging their schpol they now are able to take up not only the Lower Scho'ol \vork but also the Middle School. West Lome contemplates adding a couple' 6f rooms the coming year and increasing its staff SQ that it, too, will be qualified to do Middle School work. The record of both these schools at the' Mid- stimmel' Departmental Exarl1inations was very creditable and com.., pares most favorably with that of our High Schools anel Collegiate' Institutes. The very generous support of this Council enables the Boards to maintain these schools in: a very high state of efficiency. Promotion Examinations. Uniform Promotion Examinations were held throughout the Inspectorate in June. The results of these examinations, coupfed with' the teachcr's rCl;ort formed on the work of :the pupils during the Elgin County Council 63 y'ear'determities tIle/basis: of promotion from one grade to another. These examinations are of the greatest value to the young teacher, who is inexp~rienced and not familiar with the Course of Study. ~ N'ext to irregularity of attelldan'ce as a harrier to rapid progress comes premature' promotion, 'A thorough classification of the pttpils contributes greatly to the effidency of any school. Entrance examinations we're held in S1. Thomas, Rodncy, vVest Lome, Dutton and Port Stanley, Two hundred and ninetY-eight can- didates wrote, of wholU 178 wcre succes'sfu!. School Fairs School Fait-s were held at No.2 Dunwich and No.3 Aldboro. They were very suecessful, the children entering into them with great vim and enthusiasm, The attendance was large and the exhibits riumerous.These fairs are creating;, a new interest in Agriculture and Horticulture. Fifth Classes These classes arc decreasing in nU1uber and in the numbei" enM rolled in them' 111aterially. The most liberal 'financial assistance is given them . both by. the Department. and this County Council. In order to share in the gl'ants a school must have an average of two pupils to its Fifth Class. The unwillingness of teachers to teach these classes; the easy access to the Continuation Schools at Rodney and 'West Larue alldthe Dutton High School and the t-adial railways operating between Port Stanley and S1. Thomas make it very difficult foi" School Boards' to -maintain Fifth Classes in effective operation, Seven candidates wrote in the Junior Graduation Diploma Examin- ation, of whom four were successful. Status of the Schools. N at-withstanding the many disturbing elements incidental to the titanic conflict the Empire is passing .through, the prevalence of , truancy, tl.1e frequent change of teachers, and the local epidemics measles and scarlet fever; substantial and enduring progress, was made during 1914. The teachers were earnest, energetic and faithful, generally satisfactory, the discipline good and the of the pupils; such as reflected credit on teachers and in general and themselves in particular. The Great War, has furnished teachers an opportunity as never before, of tcaching the 64 Elgin County Council British Empire and the eternal principles of. righteousness, justice, equity and truth for which it so gloriously stands. In concluding my report, I desire, on behalf of the teachers and pupils, to congratulate the County Council for its generous financial support to the Empire in its Colossal struggle and for its great intcr- ~st in, and liberal support of the cause of education in this County, J, A, TAYLOR, Inspector St. Thomas, Novemher, 1915. Elgin County Council 66 EDUCATION COMMITTEE' January Session. To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen,- The Education Committee reports as follows: That we have considered the communication from the Ontario Educational Association and would recommend that the Warden appoint delegates to represent this County at the annual meeting. 2. That the accounts for expenses of 'Public School Inspectors be paid as follows: "'T. . A tkin .--.~n..--h----....."--..__"....__....n"."____hn..'____.h.__'__.'.,...o__.'.__"...'h__..$ 54 15 J. A, Taylo~. .........,..........................,............... .,.................................... 29.,45 3. That the report of the S1. Thomas Collegiate Institute be received and filed. I.t.. That the account from TilIsonburg High School' for 191.! amounting to $152.02 be paid, subject to confirmation by the Clerk. 5. That the account from Wardsville, High School be paid sub. ject to confirmation by the Clerk arid that the Boai'd be requested to furnish the names of the individual pupils. 6. That we accept the offer of the League of the Empire to furnish patriotic cards for the schools of the County and that the Clerk be instructed to procure the same and arrange for distribution the InspeCtors. All of which is respectfully submitted. -Adopted, E. A. BRYCE Cludnnall, .Thomas, 28th January, 1915. 66 Elgin County Council June Session. To the Elgin County Council: Gentlcmen,- The Education Committee reports: \ " 1. cation That the communication from the Deputy Minister of Edu- stating the amount of Legislative Grants be placed on file. 2. That 110 action be taken with reference to the OpllllOU of the County Solicitor re Continuation Schools as none of the schools ;;1 this' county were establishedullder Part II. of the" Continuation Schools Act. 3. That the supplementary grants to High Scho'OIs be the same as last year. 4. That the grants to Continuation and Fifth Class S.chools be made on the same basis as last year. 5. That the Secretary of the'Tillsonburg High School be advised that the deduction of examination fees from the maintenance accounts is correct,~ 6. That the following accounts be paid: Inspector Tayl0r, 'travelling expenses ______________......__................._____$ Inspector' Atkin, travelling expenses ___.....1.................._____________...___... Glencoe High School, maintenance account, Elgin pupilS, 1914 82 90 148 68 68 82 Municipal World, stationery and printing~ Inspector Atkin ,________.___..........................__________.__................$ Inspector 'l'aylor ...............________.................___._________........... 19 40 31 05 50 45 All of which is respectfully submitted. E. A. BRYCE, Chairman St. Thomas, 2nd JUlle,'1915. Elgin' County Council 67 November Session. To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen,--:- The Education Committee reports: That Inspector' Taylor's report be adopted. That Inspector Taylor's account for $64.85 expenses be paid. 3. That Inspector Atkin's account for $218.52, expenses, he paid when particular.s as to, schools, visited are supplied. 1. 2. 4. That the Tillsonburg High School account, $4.36, be referred to the County Solicitor and ifhe so advises, the Treasurer be author- ized to pay the same. 5. That account, $18.35, received from -the Woodstock Collegiate In!,titute, be' paid when' certified by the Clerk. All of which is -respectfully submitted. ~Adopted. E, A. BRYCE Chairman. St. Thomas, 26th November, 1915. " 68 Elgin. County Council. REPORT OF DEPUTATION TO ONTARIO EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIAT.ION To the MemberB of the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: The delegates from your Council to the Annual Meeting of the Provit1cial Association of School Trustees of Ontario held in Toronto, Aptil 6th to 8th, beg leave to submit the follo\\'ing report: Delegates :were present from all parts of the Province; from the southern portion of Ontario and especially the County of Elgin and City, of St. Thomas the representation was gratifyingly large. It was pleasant for your delegates to (be assured by the delegates from far -and near that Elgin County still remains on the honor roll in matters of education. The addr~sses were interesting and profitable. Specialmelltion might be made of two addresses by Professor McCready, Ontario Agricultural College, one. onllAneglected Educational Service for Urban Life," and the other on HRural Ontario Educational Needs." Anothct. address worthy of favorable note was given by Dr. Noble, of Toronto, subject, "The Human Brain." The discussions which followed these and other addresses not only emphasized the facts presented by the speakers and brought out additional important points but evidenced a broad and intelligent grasp of educational problems which confront us as a young nation with unmeasured possibilities. N otwithstal1dil1g the. spleridid ahievements of the past and envh able position which Ontario today occupies in matters pertaining:to education, we are convinced that 'our ~ystem requires some adjust- ment, having in view the preparing of all classes (rich and poor alike) for the avocations in life for whch they, by nature, are especially adapted. All of which is respectfully submitted, J. H. McIntyre, < Chairman. St. Thomas, 4th June, 1915. Elgin County Council 69 TREASURER'S REPORT , , January Session To the Elgin County Council: GentIeme;n,- The following is a report on the financial position- of the County: 1. During, the ye'ar 1914 the total receipts in the County "Treasurer's office were $124,064.41 and the expenditures $116,924.77, leaving a cash balance on the 31st of December, 1914, of $8,039.64. 2. 'I'he Assets and Liabilities on the' 1st January, 1915, were as follows: ASSETS Cash on hand' ......................................................................$. 8,939 00 'Administration of Justice (estimate amount due, from Provincial Treasurer)' .....h......................... Courity rates .....,..........,...................................................... City of St. Thomas ...................................................... SUl).dry' accounts .............................................................. 3,750 00 4,029 00 856 00 300 00 $ 16,974 00 LlABILlTIES Administration of Justice ........................,....~..........m.$ House of Industry ..........m............................................. Bills Payable ----____...o..___......'..______..______...o..___......._.._...__. Deben tures' ,.:................................~...................................... High,. Schools .....................................................::.............. Arrears of Taxes ............................................................ Registry Office ......................................m........n..........~~. 'Printing,. etc', ..........n......................................................... Water, Gas and Fuel .........h........................................... lfiscellan cous ...............................m...'.............................. 2,300 00 1,565 00 4,000 00 5,404_ 00 4,100 00 57 53 109 00 200 00 219 00 546,00 $ 18;500 53 The balance of Current Liabilities over AvaiIableAssets is $1,526,00.' A comparison of the accounts with the estimates adopted .last year -shows that there is a deficit of $1,564.00 in'Public School 70 Elgin County Council Accounts and that this is due to the County grants to Continuation and Fifth Class Schools which cannot be estimated definitely as these expenditures are constantly increasing. 3. At the close of business on 25th inst., there was a balance ort hand of $4,511.00. All the Cout\tyRates have been received and the notes held by the Molsans' Bank amount to $4,000. 4, It will be necessary at this session to pass a by-'law author- izing the \'Varden and. Treasul-er to borrow the SU111 of $20,000 tei cover expenses during the year. 5. .The contract for the Tait -bridge over the River Thalries has been awarcfcd and the Council should decide whether they propose to pay this out' of the current rates or by an issue of debentures. The market for debentures is rather uncertain and it might be well to have any you might decide to issue available for sale at an early date. 6. There are a few accounts in the County ledger which have been outstanding for some time and 1: should be pleased to have the Finance Committee repol't as to what action should be taken in reference to their collection. All of which is respectfully submitted, K.W, McKAY, Asst. County Treasurer St. Thomas',26th January, 1915,. Elgin'County Council 71 June Session Td the vVarden and Members at the Elgin COlmty Council: Gentlemen,- 1. I enclose herewith abstract statement showing receipts and expenditures of the 'county from the 1st of January to 31st of May, also estimates showing the amounts required to b,e raised for County purposes during 1915. Notes of the. Warden and Treasurer amounti'ng to' Eleven Thou,s'- and'Dollars have been issued under authority of By-law passed at the January Session, and it will be necessary at this session to pass a By-law authorizing the borrowing of at least $20,000 to meet c'urrent expenditures during the balance of the year. 3. The number of lots ,cligibile to .besold for arrears of taxes this year i~ not large and I woulcli'ecommend that a by-law be passed to defer the sale for one year. All of ,which is respectfully submitted. K. W., McKay; Assista!it 'Treasurer St. Thomas, 1st June, 1915. 72 Elgin County Council 1915 Receipts and Expenditures of the Treasurer of the County of Elgin To 31st May, 1915 Jan. .Balance 1 $ 8039 6~ RECEIPTS Administra'tiol1 of Justice ..________'o.._______.$ Bills Payable Interest County Rates House of "Industry Arrears of Taxes Miscellaneous 2045 79 15000 00 48 23 4029 00 576 50 303 85 1341 24 Total Receipts ____.___....__..___.........._____......,__.$ 31384 25 EXPENDITURES Administqttion of Justice ...... ________... ____..$ Bills Payable Interest Public Schools Honse of Industry ...n_____....___n___......______.. Rcgistl~Y Office ...._______.....________........____...___ County Lines and Bridges _____...________.... Debentures. and C~upons __..__._____...._____,__ High Schools ___.....m____....________......_______...... Arrears of Taxes Members' Wages Officers' Saldes Printing, Postage and 'Stationery ____m_ Care of Buildings vVater, Gas and Fuel Mistcllmlcous 5528 61 4000 00 54 20 710 79 3308 91 173 39 3322 10 5404 56 4446 82 9 14 691 95 1025 00 239 95 211 08 874 15 1112 24 li'l Iii I d 'II I',' I" 1111,1 1,li III:r illill Illil "'<'I I': I"~ II Total Expcnditures :M:ay 31 Balance n._m_...._________.n__.________.....n__________ $ 31112 59 271 '66 5t; Thomas, 1St June, '1915. $ 31384 25 K. W, McKAY,' Asst. Co. Treasurer~ Elgin. 'CotintyColirtcil 73 FINANCE COMMITTEE January Session To thcElgin County Council ~ Gentlemen,- The Finance' Committee reports as follows: 1. That the following grants be made: To the Elgin Law Library Association.m__..___...... ...._________.....___00...$ To the Salvation Army __mn.'___ To the Amasa- Wood Hospital 50 00 25 00 100 00 2. That the report of the County Treasurer be adopted. 3~ That a by-law be introduced to authorize the "Varden and Treasurer to borrow the sum of twenty thousand dollars to meet current expenditures during the year. 4. That' a by-law be introduced to provide for the paym~nt of the Tait brid,ge'-expcnses by the issue of debent,ures. 5. That the report of the County Police 'Magistrate be adopted :and prited in the minutes. 6. That .the communication from the Yarmouth Board of Health be laid over ul}til the June session. 7~ That no action be taken in reference to the presentment 'of the Grand Yhry. ' 8. That' the annual fee of ten dollars be paid the Ontario Munici- pal Association, and that the Ward'en, be authorized' to appoint' .{ielegates. 9. That no action be taken re request from the Hospital for Sick Children. 10. That B. B. Grahani and the Warden be a special committee authorized to act for .the County in connection with the collection. ,of rents and other matters pertaining to the le'aSe of the McNicol farm in Aldborongh. 74 Elgin County Council 11. That a Truancy Oflic'cr be appointed for 'the County of Elgin. 12. That in the opmlOU of this committee, the Children's Aid work in the County should be extended, and that a committee of- three should be appointed by the \Varden to confer with a committee from the Children's Aid Society of, the City of St. Thomas' to consider the whole question, and that this committee be authorized to enter into an agreement in reference to the matter, providing the cost to the county does not exceed $500 per ,annum. 13. That the fo11owing accounts be paid: The Municipal World, for supplies for Registrar' County Clerk's office, School Inspectors, and Police -Magistrate ...____________.....$69 10 The Journal-Printing' Co., for printing___._________......____.________....._____________ 13 75 All of which is respectfully submitted. N. S. CORNELL, Chairm~\rt. St. Thomas, 29th January, 1915. Referred to a committee of the whole, and amended by striking out clause 11, and fixing limit of $300 in clause 12. Elgin County Council 75 June Session First Report To the ,Warden and Council of the County of Elgin: Gentlemen,- The Committee on Finance beg leave to report that, having ex- amined into the finances of the County and the estimates prepared by the County Treasurer, they herewith submit a statement of the ex- penditure required for the lawful purpose of the County during 1914, showing the amo~nt required to be raised for the undermcntioned purposes: Administration of Justice. ..______..___....___._______...'.,..__$ County Lines and Bridges House of Industry~ High Schools Public Schools ...__.n"n', ..______m....________......________...... Officers' Salaries' ..______.___......_____...__.....__.______.......____. Members' Wages ___.......__._________......______..___....________... Court House Commission ....___________......_____.......... Debe~ture Rates ___.._....;.__________...___.___________........_____.. Debenture Rates (new issue) Deficit Interest Registry Office Miscellaneous: P,rinting .___.._...............__................._..__.........._ 'A/ater, Gas, and Fuel Sundry Grant, etc. Patriotic Funcl Grant, forIIl15..,___ m____________.....___ Provincial War Tax Provincial DistriCt Officer of Health.._________..___.. 4500 2500 6000 13500 12000 3420 2200 1200 8079 1592 1850 850 400 4980 12000 23288 615 $ 98974 Your committee ."oulc! recommend that the sum of ninety-eight thousand nine llundred and seventy-four dollars be raised 011 all the rateable property in the several municipalities in the County Of Elgin the year 1915 for county purposes, and that a rate of 4f milIson ~, 76 Elgin COUl1ty" Co~ncil the dollar be levied on rateable property in in the Connty to raise said amounts. All of 'which is respectfully submitted. the several munidnalities- Adopted June 4th, 1915. N. S. CORNELL, Chair'man. EIginCo'unty Council 77 Second Report June Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen,- The Finance Committee reports: 1. That a by-law be' passed to authorize the Warden and Treas- urer to borrow the sum of twenty thousand dollars $20,000) to meet ntrrent expenses. 2. That a by-law be passed to defer tax sale for one year. 3. That the Clerk be designated to approve of accounts of the District Representative to report to this Council 'at each session and that the county grant be advanced-as accounts ai'c approved, 4. That the Wardert, Treasurer, and chairm'an of thiscbmmittee be appointed to s,ell Tait bridge debentures, tenders to be opened on 25th-Jtine, at 2 p.m. 5. That the following accounts' be paid: Town of Aylmer, conveyance inmate to H. of I. ....m'....m.mm..$ 3 00 Municipal World, per K. W.,McKay '--..m'...........__..'.m..."...$28 '05 1 20 Municipal World, per J. H. Coyne Municipal World, per F. Hunt Z 50 3 00 Provincial Treasurer reconveyance insane, etc. ____m.........,_...m.. Children's Aid Society, re county children ..__m..m,...........__.......... Dutton Advance, re auditors' reports ..__m................__...'m......,...., George' Boucher, flowers re Alex. Kerr ..--m__m...__......m..__...'m__... 'T(. W. McKay, Postage and telephone ______'m.....m.....___"""..m..........., Township of Aldborough, re conveyance inmates H. of L..::__.. Assistant Treas. Ontario, re District Officer of Health salary.. Express, re Aylmer Division Court forms ...__...m............. Doust, re Dutton and Aylmer Div. Court forms,...m..... All of which is respectfully submitted. 34 75 109 76 .1287 72 00 8 25 2835 7 30 61:> 75 5 00 16 21 Thomas, 4th June, 1915. N. S. CORNELL, Chairman. '::1 :[,:' H ,;11 ::::1 ~Il :;1' ~I! "il " 78 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 79 NOVEMBER SESSION Express Publishing House, printing First Divi'sion Court.._ S. R. Hart & Co., forms for Dutton Division Court _...._.............. Municipal World, books for Aylmer Division Court .................. AU of which is respectfully submitted. 710 18 l)1 23 00 ',il Il: ".i To the Elgin County Council:' u:" ':1, !;i! Gentlemen,- 1. That -the SU111 of two hundred dollars be granted to the Elgin Corn, See4 Grain and Poultry AssociaJion. Adopted- St. Thomas, 26th Novel'nber, 1915. N. S. CORNELL, Chairman. i,11' 'III ,i" The Finance Committee reports: 2. That the sum of one hundred and fifty' dollars be granted to the East Elgin Corn and Poultry Association to be paid on order of Warden, if show is held. 3. That the sum of five hundred dollars be appropriated for re- cruiting expenses, to be paid out on ~he order of the Warden if required. 4. That the' following accounts be paid: Children's Aid Society, board of children.....................................n.$ ,W. Brock, M.D., expenses attendance Sanatorium Board.......... Town of Aylmer, conveyance of inmates to House of I ndustry ...........................................n.............un................................. Journal Printing Company, advertising re debentures ............m_ Municipal World, books, stationery, and printing: For Clerk and Treasurer n.............._.........................._...;............... C. F. Maxwell, Local Master .....................-..........-............ J. A. Taylor, I. P. S. ......-----........---......,..--------.....---------...---- W. Atkins, I. P. S., Registry Office ................,..................................--.............h..... County Court Clerk ............................................\........_m..~. Police Magistrate nun....mn....nu...........................;..;............n C. St. Clair Leitch, County Solicitor 1915.. ..mn.....mmn....... R. McLachlin, stationery, Police Magistrate and County Engin eer ....nn.......'nn.....nn...nu...n....nn....n....nnn............ A. McCallum, expenses Children's Aid Society meetings 118.81 12 00 9 00 ;) 60 33 65 10 50 44 90 4 90 101 25 26 50 3 50 150 00 3 50 , 2 85 5. That the following amounts be paid when certified by the Division Court Clerks: ~ I Ii II :1 ~ i [i d ill I 11 , ! I! Ii , II " " , ,I !i ~ ~ 11 Ii ~ q f 1 ~ I) i I I i I,' jt II !~ 11 t' ~ i ,- ',I It II II q II II', i III :11 ~ , I 80 Egin County Council SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON COUNTY TREASURER January Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen,- consider the resignation of The special committee appointed to the Assistant County Treasurer rep'or,ts: 1. That owing to this being the last day of this session, we con- sider the time insufficient for the consideration of a readjustment of the county officials' salalties, consequently your committee recommend that the clause in the report of the special committee on the Warden's address reducing the salary of the Treasurer be rescinded, and that it be considered' at the Jtine session. All of which is respectfully submitted. N. S. CORNELL, Chairman. St.'Thomas, 29th lanu.ary, 1915. Elgin County Council 81 June Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemcn,- The special committee appointed the Assistant Trea~urer'reports: . to consider the resignation of That the have considered all matters pertaining to the effice of Treasurer, and also pertaining to the offices of Assistant Treasurer and County Clerk, and would recommend: 1. That a by-law be passed:under the provisions ofsection'248 to provide superannuation allowance for Treasurer McCausland, com~ mencing with the first day of June, as follows: $900 for the first year, $700 for the second year, $500 for the third year; said, amount to be paid monthly. 2. ThatK. "V. McKay be appointed County Treasurer, at a salary of $1,000 per annum. 3. That the salary of K. W. McKay, County Clerk, be fixed at $900 per annum, and that he be allowed the same pay as members of the Council for attendance at each day's session of the 'Council or committees thereof. All of which is respectfully subI:f'itted. St. Thomas', 3rd June, 1915. N. S. CORNELL, Chairman. 82 ,- Elgin County Council COUNTY ENGINEER January Session To the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin: Elgin County. Council 83 sex met in London on the 8th day of'December, opened the lenders and awardedthe whole contract to D. Weatherspoon for $20j900.00. All of which is respectfully submitted. Gentlemen,- As directed at your last meeting, tenders were. invited for the construction of the Tait bridge, with the following result: St. Thomas, 26th January, 1916. JAS. A. BELL, County Engineer. Tenders for steel work: Canada Bridge CO..........__.........__on...______......___.,.$12,000 00 Hamilton Bridge Co. ___.n....'..__......__..........._..______. 12,479 00 Chatham Bridge Co. m...._____......________...__....__.._____ 12,400 00 McKinnon-Holmes Co. .___..m_n....n...n..........nn. 13,300 00 Hunter Bridge & Boiler Co. .._.__................n...~ 14,638 00 Dominion Bridge Co. n.......m.......n.m.............n.. 11,750 00 fetrolea Bridge Co. ..nm.........n.......................n. 14,045 00 Sarnia Bridge Co. ....'n..........................nn...nmnn 11,400 00 Tenders for concrete: Petrolea Bridge Co. ,....n..nn...h.....~..n...m........n:.$13,995 00 D. Weatherspoon, ..........00.................................... 10,900 00 A. Kilpatrick ............m.~..................n...........n.nn.n 14,400 00 L. McCandless n............._n....................n..........nn 13,985 00 J. VV. Chivers ....00........00......................................... 14,500 00 Jos. Vincent .......00'....00'............'.............................. 14,950 00 McRae & Champagne ........................................ 20,335 00 John Ritchie ........00......00...........:...............00.......0000 11,336 00 Webster Construction Co. ............................00.. 13,000 00 E. Lawson ........................................................00..00 9,800 00 R. Waltham 00000.....00.............................................. 10,450 00 T.'E. B. Talbot .00...............................................00.. 11,500 00 Tenders for steel and concrete combined: Chatham Bridge Co. m.......n...m......n..................$21,800 00 D. Weatherspoon ................................................00 20,900 00 McManus & Sons ...............h"......,....'......_........n... 27,416 00 W cbster Construction Co. n.h....................n...n 25,596 00 The Public Improvement Committees of this County and Middle- 1. 2. 3. June ~ession To. the Warden and Council of the County ~f Elgin: Gentlemen,- I beg to suhmit the following report as to what has been done to the county bridges since your last session. In the early spring the Catfish Creek washed out the west ap- proach of the Gillett bridge. I had this repaired and filled in again. The course of the creek now is directly against the abutment, and a couple of weeks ago it undermined the west abutment to such an ex- tent as made, it. unsafe.' Ihave a gang of men and pile:-driver working there at the preSent time and expect to have the bridge repaired and open for public travenn a course of ten days. The contract for the Tait bridge has been satisfactorily signed by the contractor and his sureties, and the contractor is now actively engaged in the construction of the work. I visited. the work last Friday and found that the footings' of 'the abutment were in place, and that 'the excavation of all the piers, on the south side of the dverup to thc. south pier ,of the m.ain span was completed. A large amount of gravel was delivered at the site of this bridge during the winter, but this was found, on inspection, to be for the work unless it was washed. However, the contr'\.ctor has succeeded in getting first class gravel out of the bed of 'the river, a short distance above the work. E.W. Brown,'-- civil engineer: of Lon'- don, was appointed by the chairman of the Public Improvement Com- of Elgin and Middlesex, to take charge of the work, and he is 84 Elgin County Council now Jiving in a.. tent at thy side .of the bridge, and has the wnrkunder c1o'se inspection. -'; As there was practically no flood this spring; the injury-to the county' bridges was very light and practically no repairs, with the exception of the Gillett bridge had to be made. All of which is respectfully submitted. JAS. A. BELL, I Civil Engineer. . November Session To the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin: Gentlemcn,- I beg to report on the work done on the county bridges since your last session. 1. The repairs to the Gillette bridge over the Catfish Creek, Township of Yarmouth, have been completed and the bridge is now in good state of repair. 2. A new wooden floor has been placed on the Ling bridge on the town line between Southwold and Westminster, and four new joists put in the bridge in each pa'nel. 3. It was my intention to have painted several of the county bridges, but tlie season has been so wet it would have been a vety expensive matter to have kept a gang of metl on this wo.rk, so that I only, succeeded, in getting one bridge repainted, that is the Fingal bridge over Kettle Creek between the County .I'nd the City of St. Thomas. 4. .r was notified by the Township of South wold that the bridge over Turkey Creek on the townlil,le between Southwold and Dcleware, a short distance west of South wold Station, was out of repair. I made an examination of this bridge and find that it wiIl have to be rebuilt next year. In my opinion, this is a county bridge under the Act, and should be rebuilt by the Counties of Elgin- and Middlesex. It is over a defined watercourse. It is a stream of considerable size, with banks on each' side about eight feet high. Elgin County Council 85 5. The contract for the Tait bridge provided for its completion by the 15th of September. The contractor has not yet completed his work, and it will be impossible to do so this year. The abutments R're completed and"the steel truss is in place and the contractor is -now, engaged in riveting the trusS. The approach on' the north end is not yet filled in, but last week when I was there they were engaged in doing this work. The contractor has commenced putting on a floor with the old plank, an'd if this is well done it'may answer for traffic until spring opens. No doubt the extremely wet weather is the cause in the delay in not having this work completed; as' the contractor depended on getting all of the sand and gravel out of the river bed. The excessive rains raised the water in the river: so much that it, was impossible to con- tinuouslyget this material out. This occasioned serious delay. the lateness of the season it is impossible to lay and it is also impracticable to paint the bridge On account of the concrete floor, properly. All of which is respectfully submitted. JAS. A. BELL, County En"gineer. Referred to Public Improvements Committee. St. Thomas, 23rd day of November, 1915.' 86 Elgin County Council PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE J anuarySession To the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin: Gentlemen,- Your Public Improvement Committee beg to submit the follo'.v- iug report: 1. By-Law No. 71)7, passed in 1909, provided "that the sum of two hundred dollars be 'granted to improve the county line between Aldborough and. Orford at Fleming Creek Drain, provided the ,county council of Kent grants a olike amount," The To\vnship of Aldborough and the County of Kent llave each spent this sum as designated, and we would therefore reC01l1111Cnd that the Treasurer of Aldborough be paid the amount as stated in said by-law. 2. That the communication ofW. G. Poole, applying for in- spectorship of concrete at Tait bridge, be turned over to the joint committee. 3. That this committee act witha similar committee from Middle~ sex in all matters pertaining to the construction of the Tait bridge. 4. That the Engineer's report be adopted. 5. That the chairman and Engineer have power to approve of the sureties to the contractor for the Tait bridge. 6. That the chairman and Engineer have power to act in all cases during the year in making repairs whe're the expenditure does not exceed $1,000. All of which is respectfully, submitted. GEO. F. PINEO, Chairman. 51. Thomas, 28th January, 1915. Elg~~ ,County C<?,uncil June Session . Report Number One To the Warden and'Council of the County of Elgin: GentIemen,_ Your Public Improvement Committee beg to submit the following report: 1. That they have considered the matters dealt within the report of the County Engineer, and would recommend its adoption; 2~ That the Public Improvement Committee visit the Tait bridge during construction. Allot which is respectfully subinitted. St. Thomas, Ont., ]une'2, 1915. GEO. F. PINEO, Chairman. June S~ssion Report Number' Two To the Warden and Councilot the County of Elgin: Gentlemen,_ Your Public Improvement Committee beg leave to report that no action be taken in the matter of the application of, the Township of . South Dorches'tE;r for this ,County'to 'assume certain bridges on ,the county line between South and North Dorchester. All of which is respectfully subinitted. Thomas, Ont., June 4, 1915. GEO. F. PINEO, Chairman. Amended by ordering the County SoliCitQr, and. Engineer to visit 87 88 Elgin County Council Aldborough. and South Dorchester bridges and report to Public Im- -provement Committee, with power to act. November .Session To the Warden and Council, County of Elgin: Gentlemen,~ Yout Public Improvement Committee beg leave to submit the following report: 1. That theyh'ave consideted the matters refererd to in the report of the County Engineer, and would recommend the adoption of his report. 2. That a -by-law be passed by this. Council to assume the bridge over Turkey Creek, sltuated tbaut 120 rods west of South wold Station 011 the county line between Southwold and Delaware, as far as the County, of Elgin is concerned. 3. That the question of the liability of this County to assume the bridge over the county line between South and North Dorch.este'r on a branch of Kettle Creek and also the bridge over what is known as-the Pool drain on the county line between the Townships of Aldborough and Orford, he decided by referring the matter to the Court for a decisi'on, and that. the County Solidtor be instructed to take the necessary steps to get a judgment on this matter at as early a date as possible. ' 4. That in, case the bridge over the Pool drain be ,deCided by the Court to be a county bridge under the Act, then this county shall pay to the Town'ship of Aldborough the amount expended as their share for the construction of this bridge. All of which is respectfully submitted. G. F. PINEO, Chairmon. " Adopted- 28th November, 1915. Elgin County Council PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE JanuarySess~on To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen,- The Committee on Petitions, and Legislation reports: 1. 'That we have considered' the application 'made by A. F. McLachlan, and would recommend that he be nominated for appoint- ment by.tIfe Governor-in-Council as Food Examiner for the County of Elgin. All of which is respectfully submitted: St. Thomas, 29th January, 19115. A. A. MILLER, Chairman. June Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen,- The Committee on ,Petitions and Legislation reports as follows: 1.. That we cOMoperate with the County Council of WeIland in petitioning for the reduction by one-half' of auto' Iicerises issued to non-residents of Ontario. 2. That no action be taken in reference to comu1Unication Cotlntyof Peterborough re assessment of mineral lands. 3. That we concur with rcsolutio'n oJ the County of -Oxford and petition for an amendment to The -Municipal Act providing for the election of members of municipal councils every two years. the 4. That no action be taken in reference to the communication the City of London for amendment of Colonization-Act to en- i: ~~ Ii ,I 89 from 90 Elgin County Council able desirable settlers without money to take up homestead 'farm lands inN ew Ontario. All of which is respectfully submitted. ANDREW A. MILLER, Chairman. St. Thomas, 2nd June, 1915. November Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen,- The Petitions and Legislation Committee reports: 1. That >the Dominion Government be petitioned to make an apprppriation for highway improvement, to be expended in paying freight rates on Toad making material. ~~. That this Council petltlO11 the Legislature against increasing the legal loading ,of vehicles crossing municipal bridges, as a large number of steel and'iron bridges are-erc_cted in this County that will not safely bear '-\. greater loading on vehicles than is now provided by statute. All of which is respectfully submitted. ANDREW A. MILLER, Cha.irman. Adopted. St. Thomas, 26th November, 1915. Elgin, CountyCou,ncil . 91 HOUSE OF INDUS'!'RY COMMITTEE lill I , I November Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen,- The House of Industry Committee reports: 1. That annual reports of Physician and Inspector and printed in the minutes. Iii be adopted Ii" All of which is respectfully submitted. M. B. STAFFORD, Chairman. St.'-Thomas,- 26th November,_ 1915. 92 Elgin County Cciuncil' REPORT OF INSPECTOR HOUSE, OF INDUSTRY November Session To the \Narden and Council of the County of Elgin: Gentlcmcn,- The following is my report on the house of industry ,ind refuge for the yea7 ending 31st Octoberj' H.l15; 1. Number of inmates at last report h._.U_____..___u.._____."............ 51 2~ Number admitted during year, 8 females, 13 males________ 21 3. Number of deaths ......___...m.mn....___m_m...nnnun.._mmm....""U 14 4. N tim ber discharged nnn....________..__________..__.________...._________........ 1 5. Number abscdnded '._.mmn....___..___.......______....._________....._....__.___ 2 6. Number now inhouse, 31 males, 24 females______......_____m 55 7. Nu;mber of 'inmates sent from' the several municipalities i'n Co'l1Uty dl~ring the yeai": At dborough ........_'n_........nnnn...._nn...._..n_._n_'n......oo.nnn.....'..00000000-00. Dunwich ......00'_._......._0000......0000....._.__00'"0000...._.__.00_..........___00__........,_;. the , 2 o 3 Sou th ,voId nn.n....._oo.nn......__..'.nn_..nu__nn_...__n.nnnn..._._.___nnn........ Y armou th _.__..nnn.......nn_..__._.n_'oo'...i..__..nnn_..____nnnnn_....-----0000-'-00 Malahide Bay hanl ,n...~,n-.--.n-n...nn..n....n.--_-oo.....n--nn.-........n-.00.0000_........____000000 South Dorchester ._..m......_._..m_....._..m.__m.....__..__m.......n......._._nn Ay ltner ....nnn......nn..n..._....nn__..._n_nnn.n....'n__..n..n....__n,_-,-'00"00'''''' . SpringJield .0000_,_....._0000........._............00_0000.00..00.._0000.__.00..00...."':''''-,''-"- .Port, Stanley. ..._000000......00_00.........00_.00...........00_.00_.0000...._0000.00.00."...'..,;',' Vienn'a ........00_.0000......._'0000......000000.00....._00_0000_.....00..00000000............-.-..-.00.00: West Lorne ..00._.0000'.....'0000_._......00..00......__0000.000000........0000_00..'''00''''_''''''_ 5 3 1 o 5 1 1 o o -21 8. The various causes of pauperism of inmates admitted to the House during the year may be classed as follows: Sickness ..._._...,.....___..........__J........_____......._.___....,.........---,-..-.........----.- D estitute .'n_......oo...................._.._d.n........,_.,_........._nn..._.......,_........00'...... Old Age ..........................................---................................---............ 9.Avcrage number of inmates' during ~he year ..m_.n_.......'... 54 7 7 7 Elgin County Council 10. 11. 12, 13. 14. Average with keeper's family and hired help __"'n.m... 62 Number of weeks' board of inmates '''''...._.m......___n...._..2850 Number of weeks with keeper's family, etc. ""00'00........._3225 Total expenditure during the ye,ar 00.....................__00.$6985.24 Permanent improvement_ Drainage,' fencing, etc. ...n._._.nnn........._....$ 69 74 15. Receipts- From inmates .---........hm...nnoo.................... 610 00 Farm stock -..n.-........mn......n...._....n..nm..m. 897 21 Farm produce --......-..m--n..._.moo.....m....__nn 40426 . Sundries ----.......---n....m....._.........m'..mn....... 1.14 40 $2125 61 Leaving amount actually expended for support of -inmates --.h---..n.....m......-....---.............._.h..._.'n___.....n..$4859.6B Average expense per week for each. person,..._....... 1.50% Average expense per day. for each person..n'......:... 21',4 Average expense per' year for eachpersonoo__..n 78.31 Amount expended for 'house and farm duriilg the year is as follows: 16. 17. 18. 19. Farm expenses- Hired labor .......___.................___....______...___........$ ImPlements -:...-.........-n.m..........nm...m...mn... Feed ..___.......................___....___....___....".................. Stock ..00-....00-.....00__...00_00_0000.....00..00.00....._......00..... Seed ___.._.___....__......_......_.__..~___....,___...__...._..__....____ Miscellaneous 145 05 10 00 671 44. 78 00 63 75 .......................---..---.............---... 226 66 ~----'41194 90 House.,expense-,- oR.ired . labor .nm.moo...m.m.___m.-_'................n..n$ Bre'ad n...-.-...n-..-.oo...n.........nn..n....nn.._....n...n.. Meat ....00-.-0000....-....00-.........00_.00_...0000_.._00. Groceries -..n....-..--..n-.....n..n_......n.nn._n...nn.._ Provisions ......-...---.-.....-.........m..m...____..n...m. Dry Goods '.n.....-...--....n_...n_....n_..n_n..........n.oo Boots and. Shoes _mm....m..nm_m_.....n..m...... Fur:niture and Hardware n_.m_mnn..m_...m... Drugs .-.-....00--........00....00..........00....._.....00....00....._. Coal and Wood ....'mn.....m...m...n....m...n...n Miscellaneous ..-.....00....00....._....._............00....00... 443.35 559 03 638 11 341 31 169 71 298 7,4 178 85 157 44 98.22 641 85 97 40 ,$392401 93 ~ il I'll II: !Ij ! Iii I I! ~ 'I '! 94 Elgin County' Council General expepse,- Conveyance of inmates ......______......______.....___$ c Repairs Permanent improvement Salaries- ICceper ______or .._________,.,__________...____$ Ma tron Physician Inspector Incidental Total Expenditure 26 95 170 50 69 74 600 00 240 00 200 00 150 00 1190 00 409 14 $1866 33 $6985 24 20. The following produce was raised onthe farm during the year: 150 bushels of wheat 51 loads of hay 400 bushels of Qats 58 bushels of barley 64 bushels 'turnips 100 bushels potatoes 155 bushels sugar beets 14.bushels table beets 40 bushels onions 375 jars o'f fruit 5 bushels salsify 160 Ibs. cheese 1 load squash 10 bushels sweet corn 14 bushels parsnips 28 hogs sold 5 bushels of beans 6 bushels of peas g~ acres of corn fodder 75 bushels carrots 30 bushels table carrots 40 loads straw 2 loads pumpkins 110ad melons 7 hogs (killed) 1200 heads of cabbage 1 calf (killed) 35 fowls. (killed) 2600 lbs. butter 1082 dozen eggs 10 barrels soft soap 50 barrels apples 4 barrels cider In addition to the above, a large number of vegetables, etc., were raised and consumed during the year, of which no account was kept. 21. Number of articles of bedding and clothing made up during " the year by the Matron and inmates, 600. Elgin Council 22. Number of visits 'by Inspector, 52. 23. Farm stock- 3 horses, valued at --....-...................,_,.....$ 15 cows; valued at __"""'_"'''m.',_____,......... .4, young cattle, valued at ........__...u___..._ 36 hogs, valued at .....................h...__........ 150 chickens 2 geese 9 due:ks 500 00 1100 00 130 00 350 00 , ' 24. The total amount expended by County 011 house of industry, is as follows: Farm, 100 acres, cost .............m............$ 7250 00 House of industry ..............n.......___........ 11884 75 Laundry ...m....m........___............................ 687 61 Fire escape ....._....m..................._.._.___......._ 390 06 Root. cellar, henery, etc. ..._...... ....._.... 879 43 Cottages, etc. ..........n................................ 3104 77 Brick ice house ...-........................_.........._ 1180 50 Barns, etc. 'mmm.......___.....................m...... 4732 62 Tile drains .....:......_........__m............_.......__ 1031 23 Tile drain outlet ..._,_......._......................... 111 53 Hot air pump, tanks and connections 350 00 Refrigerator ..........__.................................. 40 00 Fencing ,.............--.......__n..................m...... 1390 07 Orchard ...............,...........___........__......_.._...., 85 85 Heating ,apparatus ....nn.......................... 1979 00 Deep well -...........................__m_m.........__.. 827 66 Silo .m..........m...................___..h____.._....n.h.._ 293 62 Hog Pen. __.....m....._..............._........__.......... ,654 99 . $~nM 25. Received from Government. on ac- count of expenditures for land and buildings ..h..n...........__'.h............"""_......_ 4000 00 Leaving amount actually. expended, by County $ 32873 60 An of which is respectfully submitted. ANGUS TURNER, Inspector of Hoqse ,of .Industry~ 96 Elgin County Council PHYSICIAN, HOUSE OF INDUSTRY November Session To the Warden-and Members of the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen,- During the absence of Dr. Guest, since M'arch 1st, .1915, I have had the. honor of acting as physician to the; Elgin House of'Industry, and beg to submit th'e following for your consideration: 1. Con~idering their ages and modes of living before' entering the institution, the health of the inmates has been fairly ',!Scad. Although the mortality rate is rather high, you will naike that near-' ly all those who died during the year had already reached an advanced age. 2. There have been no epidemics nor contagious diseases in the institution. 3. There were no births. 4. During the year, -fifty-seven (57) medical visits were ,made to the house of industry, and daily visits to the Amasa Wood Hospital when inmates were under treatment there. 5. On March 27th, Eliza Coffey was brought to' the Amasa Wood' Ftospital from Rodney. I treated her there until April 3rd, when she was sufficiently. recovered to be taken to the house of industry. On Aug. 14th, Geo. Fleckensteil)- was removed to the Amasa Wood Hospital suffering from peritonitis. He died there on Aug. 17th. 011 Oct, 2nd, ,Eliza Coffey was removed to the Amasa Wood Hospital and treated thereuntil Oct. 19th, when she was taken back to the house of indu~try. 6. Number of inmates Oct. 31st; 1915: male 31, female 24:-55. Number died during year: female 6; male 8-14. Elgin County Council 7. The deaths during the year were as follows; 1914 Nov. 10 Ann Bundy 88 Old age. 17 Wm. Graves 76 Pernicious aenemia, ,Dec. 4 Samuel Orr 75 Internal hemorrhage. 1~15 Jan. 7 Andrew Tyrell 76' Apoplexy. 17 Elizabeth Little 96 Old age. 22 Joshua Eveland 91 Paralysis agitans. Mar. 7 James Eveland 52 Epilepsy. June 20 Ge'o. Smeltz 73 Cardiac asthma.' July 14 Milly Eveland 79 Old age. Aug. 17 Geo. Fleckenstein 89 Peritonitis. 25 John White 79 Chronic bronchitis. Sept. 19 Kate Hodgins 59 Mastoid disease. 30 Susan Scanlon 61 Pernicious aenemia. Oct. 29 Sarah Fowler 76 Old age. I have: the honor to' b~, Your obedient servant, November 23rd, 1915. DOUGLA.S L. EWIN, Acting Surgeon. 97 I I I I . I \ I l !I 11 Ii ~.. I ' II , I'! I'.'. Iii III Iii. li(! '!I,I III li'i 'JI IIH Ii! ; ~ I)t 98 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council COMMITTEE ON WARDEN'S ADDRESS 2. That Messrs. Miller, Smith, and the Warden be named as an Agricultural Committee to cO'-qperate with the District Representa- tive and the Board of Trade. January Session To the Elgin CQunty Council: 1\11 of which is respectfully submitted. Gentlemen,....,.... ANDREW A. MILLER, Chairman. Thespedal committee on the Warden's address beg leave to report as 'follows: Thomas, 4th June, 1915. 1. That a special committee be appointed to consider the matter of the agreement with the City of St. Thomas re administration of justice expcnses;'with power to act. 2. That a by:"law be passed amending By-Law No. 426 to reduce the salary of the County Treasurer from $1,200 to $1,000 per annum. 3. "That a by-law be passed to grant the sum of $1,000 per month, commencing January, 1915, to the Canadian -Patriotic Furid as tong as the war between Great Britain and Germany lasts, and that the Legislature be requested to pass a general Act to confirm said by-law. 4. That we approve of the remarks of the Warden in reference ,to good roads. N. S. CORNELL, Chairman. . St. homas, 29th January, 1915. June Session To the EIghl. County Council: Gentlemen,- The special committee on the Warden's address reports: 'I I' " ,I II, 1. That the Warden name a committee to investigate all pertaining to the _ adoption of a system of roads under the provisions of The Highway Improvement Act. 100 Elgin County Council PORT STANLEY HARBOR COMMITTEE January Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen,- The special committee on the Port Stanley harbor, appointed at last session, reports as follows: 1. Your committee have examined into, the condition of affairs in the Port Stanley harbor, and arc' satisfied that additional accom..; moclation is necessary. The improvements in connection with the enlargement of the outer harbor now under way. will not relieve the present congestion. This can only be done by making it possible for the fishing tugs and other boats to go above the bridge, which is now too low. Owing to the location of the bridge, it cannot be rai!\ed without interfering with railway and other vested interests Your committee is of the opinion that the construction of a lift span in the ce,ntre of the bridge is the only practical suggestion, and' would rccom:mend that a committee be appointed to con'fer with our rcpresentativesin the Legislature, and House of Commons and make representations to the Public Works Departments at Toronto and Ottawa with a view to securing grants towards the construction and maintenance of a lift span in th~ Port Stanley bridge, All of which is respectfully submitted, N. S. CORNELL, St. Thomas, 26th January, 1915. June Session Gcntlemen,- The special committee appointed to interview theProvindal arid Elgin County, Council authorities in reference to. enlargement of the Port Stanley reports: That we interviewed Minister of Public Works Macdiarmid, favorably disposed to consider the matter, owing to the large derived from fishing licenses; The decision of the Provin- Government has not been received. 2. That we were well received by the Minister of Public Works Ottawa, who is taking an active interest in the improvements to Port Stanley harbor, and we have been since advised that provi- will be made for the bridge improvement in estimates for 1916. All of which is respectfully submitted. N. S, CORNELL, Chairman. Thomas; 4th June,' 1915. lil'i.il H ,"; 1.Ii,i I!! I,iil'.' 'dl1 1~I'i 102 Elgin County Council ANNUAL REPORT COUNTY POLICE MAGISTRATE I beg leave to report to you the business done in connection \vi!h my office during:, the p-ast year, as follows: Offences tried before the County Police Magistrate's Court: January Session To the Warden and Members of the County Council: Gcntlemen,- Nature of charge Affray nun..n_un....______......___________...______... .....----.......-- Violation of The Liquor Act __________mm_mh._______ Comolon assault .___.m.mm.'n....__..___.......___....___________ Gross indecency .__......m.___u....................._......m..... Indecent assault .___m....._____._____...____.....___.:..__.....____. Indecent exposure .___........oon...____...__.....___.....__...___. V agran cy n_......n_._nnn._u....:.._nn....nn........._n......._.... Trespass Furious driving BiganlY ...................................................................... Articles of the Peace ............................................ Fraud False pretence Causing a disturbance Drunk and disorderly............................ ............... Assault, causing actual bodily harm Theft Burg lary .......,............................................................. Viola'tion Motor Vehicle Act Violation township by-law.................................. Violation Railway Act .......................................... Wilful injuries to property.................................. Forgery . .........................................................-........... Action for wages ............................:....................... Neglected children ................................................ Cruelty to animals .................................................. W ouuding .................................................................. 6 18 3 1 3 1 7 2 2 1 2 1 1 15 10 19 10 2 1 14 7 3 1 2 1 3 1 Elgin County ~Council 103 Violation Truancy Act ......................................__ Violation morality by-law.................................. 1 2 Total 140 Number of ,convictions during 1914, 99. Nature of charge Assault occasioning actual bodily harm..... Common assault Drunk and.' disorderly.......................................... Affra y .......................................................................... Violation Liquor License Act Causil1;g a disturbance Violation Motor Vehicles Act Truancy Breaking and entering .. ................................ Grossly insulting language Wounding Injury to property .................................................. Violation Township By-Law 859 Indecent exposure .................................................. Violation Railway Act .......................:~.............. Vagrancy ................... ............................................... Cruelty to animals Trespass Articles of the Peace ............................................ Theft mm_.uuuuuu_muu..u____u..mmuuuuuu______Uum Disorderly conduct ................................................ 9 3 11 10 10 10 1 1 1 1 1 4 13 1 6 5 2 2 1 6 1 Total ...............~............_...._................__............. 99 Amotint of fines imposed ..........m.................................................$592.00 Amount' of fines collected ............................$493.00 Amount' of fines not paid {Convicted in default muuu_u_m_m_________muu______u__m_u_______u_ 98.00 Amount of fines not coIIected on account of poverty.................................................... 1.00 $592.00 104 Elgin Comity Council Municipality. and persons to whom fines were paid and County of Elgin _____________________________________...._____$ 10.00 Dutton ..............;..........._.....____nn.nnnnn_..._".......... 75.00 Rodney ....._______._._______._________._________._________._____._____ 45.00 Bayham .___.._n_..__n_nn..__.'_____......;.............._________,__ 17.50 Port .Stanley ........_'__n________._____n...................___n 140.00 Springfield .._;:-"'___....___.__________............___...___.______. 20,00 Yarmotith .________.__............._______.___.__..__________...............66.00 West Lorne ______.....___m_______.__..............___________'" 34,00 Malahide ________________.._.______.._________________.________________ 20.00 License Inspector Smuck __________m............... 30.00 Compensation to F. Bowman _..m___m_______... 20.00 Comp~nsation to S. Augustine ________n.......... 2.00 Compensation to Balls _._______._____.......m___~_____ 5.00 Compensation to Constable Tucker Hu- mane Society ......,.u.mmmm."....,..mmnmm Colletted by Squire Price ....._m..un.m..m'''no amount: 2.50 6.00 493.0~ To Municipalities mm....'..m.'m'.....m..mu'.'.___. To Liquor License Inspector ....mm..m..m.. To Humane Society Inspector ..n.............. To Damages to Persons ....m........'............ Collected by ~quire Price 'm.......',............... 427.50 30.00 2.50 27.00 6.00 Fines not paid Fines not collected 493.0~ 98.00 1.0~ All of which is. respectfully submitted. FRANCIS HUNT County Police Magistrate: St. Thomas, 26th January, 1915. 592.00' Elgin County Council 105 SPECIAL COMMITTEE RE. CHILDRENS AID SOCIETY \ JtineSession "To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen :_ The Special Committee appointed to confer with a committee "from the City of S1. Thomas re matters pertaining to the Children's Aid Socitey, reports as follows: (1) That they enquired into all matters pertaining to the Aid 'Society and believe that much good cottld be accomplished by the expenditure, of an <11110U11t sufficient to secure an efficient secretary who would devote considerable time each year in making enquiries in reference to the welfare of: 'children throughtout the County. His duties ">'Guld be' in many respects similar to those of truant officer. In addition it would be 'necessary for him to attend' before justices whenever charges were laid against children and generaHy toa'ct as an officer of the Society in taking proceedings to have children placed iit the shelter and in securing Foster homes for them. (2) We had a n1eeting with the City Committee when the ques- tion of providing for the expenses of an officer tp act for both the city and county was considered, and a resolution passed that each 'should pay the sum of $400. to the Children's_Aid Society to enable to engage a secretary, and this was reported to the City Coun~ til, who did not conside'r the matter favorable but decided to con- tinue with the sum of $150. the same as now paid towards the mainw tenance of the shelter. (3) We believe that the Children's Aid work in the County should not be neglected, and from circumstances that have recently brought to our attention, we think that some children in the have been neglected. (4) We would 'recommend that the sum of $400. -and such .furw grant as maybe determined, be granted to the Children's Aid and that they be requested to appoint an officer for the, pur~ mentioned in clause lof this report. 106 Elgin County Council (5) That the travelling expenses of attending meetings, executive of Children's All of which'is respectfully submitted. County Representatives. Aid Society be paid. J. H. McINTYRE, Chairman St. Thomas, 1st of June, 1915. / Elgin County :Council 107 EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE ]uneSession To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen,_ The Equali~ation Committee reports: (1) That the Equalization Values of the County be the same as fer the year 1914; All of \vhich is respectfully submitted. i J. A. FULLER, Chairma n St. Thomas', 3rd June, 1915. I i II, III II, I I ;1 Iii I' III 'I I' II~I 1!1 108 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 109 SPECIAL COMMITTEE FOR SETTLEMENT OF ADMINIS-. TRATION OF JUSTICE EXPENSES WITH CITY OF ST. THOMAS COURT HOUSE COMMISSION June -Session November Session Elgin 'Cot,nty Connuil: To the Elgin Connty Council:, GentIemen,- , Gcntlemen,- T.he Court House Commission report as follow~: (1) The expenditures during the 'year ending 31st day of May, for CourtHouse were $.623.16 and- for Goal and Goaler's Res- $301.117, making a total of $925.13. (2) An estimate .of $1200,00 will b'e required All of w~ich is respectfully' submitted. The Special Committee appointed to arrange settlement of Ad- ministration of Justice expenses with the City of St. Thomas reports: That they had two conferences with the City Authorities 'when statements of expenses for the Jast five years were considered. The average annual cost was determined and divided between the City and County on the basis of population as shown by the Census of 1911 and the amount, Three Thousand Three Hundred and Twenty:': Five Dollars, ($3325.00) was agreed upon as the liability of the City Of St. Thomas for all expenses of Administration of Justice and maintenance of Registry Office during five years commencing Jan- uary, 1915. This amount is $325.00 highet- than was paid under agr'ee.. ment entered into in 1910. for this y~ar. Thoinas, 1st June, 1915, K. W. McKAY, County Clerk The' agreement necessary to carry this settlement into effect, prepared by the County Solicitor, is submitted herewith fully signed.. This we recommend 'for your approval. All of which is respectfully submitted. SAMUEL DAWES, Chairman Adopted Novemb1er 23rd, 1915. no Elgin County Council SPECIAL GOOD ROADS COMMITTEE November Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemcn,---' The Special Good Roads Committee report that they have taken into consideration all matters pertaining to improvement of roads. in the' County of Elgin and recommend that a By-Law be passed to. assume a County Road System under the.provisions ot'the Highway Improvement Act to take effect on the first day of January, H117. The road mileage designated to be in proportion to equalization. All of which is respectfully submitted. N. S. CORNELL, Chairman Not adopted,24th November, 1915. SPECIAL COMMITTEE RE. McNICHOL FARM' November Session To the Elgin County Council: GCl1tkmen,- The Committee in charge of the. McNichol farm in Aldborol1gh reports: That they have considered all matters pertaining to the lease which was assigned to the County, the proceeds .to be applied to the maintenance of J olm McNichol; in the Home for 'Incurables and would recommend that for this year the rent be reduced to $150.00 All of which is respectfully submitted. B. B. GRAHAM, Chairman Adopted, St. Thomas, 26th November, 1915. Elgin County Council 111 COUNTY CLERK'S REPORT ON LICENSES Tathe Elgin County Council: Gentlemen,-;- , The following is a report on the County Licenses in force at this date. Pedlars.-3. M. B. Isaacson, expires 28th April, 1916. E. Daly and Co., expires 2nd November, 1916. ~en. Goldhar, expires, 15th November, 1916. Auctioneers.-14. J. D. Locke T. E. Robson T. Merritt Moore M. -G. Dean Samuel McFarlane Daniel Black Peter A. Me Vicar Austin Winter J. 'W. Baldwin R. H: Lindsay J. W. Laidlaw Wilson Pound A. F. Armstrong John Dawes All of which is respectfully submitted. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. II i' ,[ ~ F i,l I ,I Ii !Ii I! II: ili,! homas, 26th . November, 1915. 112 Elgin County Coundl REPORT OF AGRICULTURAL REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE YEAR 1914 I have the honor to submit herewith the fourth annual report of the Elgin Branc;h of the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending October 31st, 1914. Owing to the many lines of farming receiving prominence in different parts of the County it is difficult to show marked progress along arty one line. The work carried on may bec1assed under sev- eral J;eadings. ' Teaching-A course in Agriculture was given in the High School with the pupils of the first and second forms in accordance with the regulations and course of study of the High Schools and Collegiate Institutes. Thirty-three pupils in the first form received instructions, four periods of one-half hour. each, pcr we.ek. This course covered work in Farm Drainage, Soils, Poultry, Farm Animals, Dairyin'g, Milk Testing, Agriculture, Horticulture, Propagation of trees by graft- ing and budding and general care of bearing trees, Entomology, bene':' ficial and injurious insects, their life histories,. feeding habits and means of control. A study of the Seed Control Act and. its appli- cation to ,the farmer. Twenty-eight pupils in the second form re" ceived instructions fOt" the same number of periods, continued along the lines given when they were in the' first form. The examination placed on this work was set by the Educational Department, the . mark to count as a bonus; but the real value of the work is to pre- pare the pupils as Public School Teachers or to be better farmers when they return to their homes. One acre of land 'near the school was used in connection with the ,"vork. A, portion of this was experimental plots, fertilizer ex- periments, alfalfa plots, peach and apple seedlings used in giving practical lessons in budding and grafting and a small nursery where gooseberries, currants and strawberries wel-e propagated'. School Fairs-In all fifty-three schools in the townships of Ald- borough, Dunwich, Southwold, Yarmouth and Malahide were includ- ed in this work. Last- yeaf the following material: potatoes,~trains flowers and settings of eggs were given to the pupils; these were Elgin County Council 113 groWl?- or cared for 'at home and in the fall the products brought to a centre \vhere prizes were awarded fOf the best. The following t~bles will show when the Fairs were held and the attendan'ce, etc. Place Schools Attendance Entries Plots Eggs Prices Offered Aldborough G 300 324 53 30, doz. $47.70 Dunwich 18 1000 846 141 70 doz~ 64.60 South wold 9 275 468 76 45 doz. 61.70 Yarmouth 10 400 394 77 50 doz. 57;20 Malahide 10 3'75 382 67 50 doz. 55.10 53 2350 2414 419 245 $.Z86.30 The plots of oats were O.A.C. 72, the best variety given out by the Ontario AgriCultural Experimental Station, Guelph. The, corn, the vV'hite Cap Yellow dent, a variety vety suitable to our county. The potatoes, the Delaware, one of the best yielders and of, excellent quality; All have given excellent results. Instructions were given how to plant and care for the plots. Each plot also was visited and scored according to the attent,ion it received and prizes -a\;;'arded for each district. The eggs were of the Bred-to~Lay strain of Barred Rocks so highly recommended by the Poultry Department, Guelph. Each school received five dozen and each pupil olledozen 'eggs. Instruct ions were given with. each setting on the best method of hatching and caring fOl' the birds. As many eggs as could be procured from Guelph were given to the s'cctiol1 starting the work for the first time. One pullet was given by each pupil, who received eggs theprcvious spring. These were placed ill three breeding pens and the eggs thus; procured used to carryon the \-vork in those sections the following spring. This proved"a very satisfactory mcthod of solving the egg pi'ohlem. The money offered for prizes etc., ,was donated by the School Boards. of the school sections taking part in the Fair. Keen intercst was 111~niifcsted by the Boards of Trustecs, Teachers, Inspectors' and Children. The prize' money is a slight remuneration to the child for the interest taken and the parent receives a start i,nthe best strain of grain or poultry. Month's Short Course-The course was held in Dutton and six '" 114 Elgin COLlnty Council young men from the country attended throughout. The Course con- sisted of lectures and practical work iuBtock, seeds, soils, fertilizers and Horticulture, including pruning, box-packing and spraying. dem- onstrations. An endeavor was made at all tithes to make the course as practicable as possible and of such a nature that the knowledge, obtained would be of value when they returned to the farms. Two Day Stock Course~Three short courses were held in Elgin County at Dutton,Staffordvi11e and Middlemarch. Good stock was procured for these meetings. These gatherings arc more popular than the Regular Institute Meetings. B'ox .Packing and Fruit Meetings-Box packing classes were held at Lakeview and Rodney. These meetings are interesting and in- structive and the experience gained is of much assistance in their work. These meetings arc also instrumental in bringing up disct1:s~ sions on many lines of orcharding. Institute Meetings-hlst1'l1ctive addresses wel-e given throughout the county by speakers sent out by the Institute Branch, these meet- ings were fairly well attended. If _ these meetings could'- be held in every district where a suitable building was available, the discussions would _ be of great value to _the farmers" and were attended by the, representative. This has been one of the best means of getting in close touch with the farmers. Special Pruning Demonstrations-Differing from the regular fruit meetings in the fact that they are held in the orchard; where plenty of material was at hand, these meetings were the most valuable- of the winter series. To meet the problems face to face and to overcome it seemed to be the sure way of getting things started in the right direction. Demonstrating Orchards-The County House of Industry Or- chard was placed under the supervision of the District Representa- tive and for three years it has produced excellent crops of apples. Owing to the fact' that so much of the fruit is used for home con- sumption it is impossible to give any figures regarding the profit, etc. An orchard owned by Mr. D. McKillop, Eagle, was thoroughly sprayed under our supervision, -this o'rchard was badly infested with Elgin County Council 115 ----/. Scale and it was a doubt in the minds of many in that district if this pest could be successfulIly controlled, however, after two years of tho'rough work the orchard is practically free of the. Scale. The strength of Lime Sulphur used was 1.035 Sp. Gr. A part of the orchard was given--an application in the fall and two more spray- iugs in the spring, just before the buds burst. The remainder was given two applications in the spring. From observation and our ex.. periments the most important feature in the control of San Jose Scale, is thorough spraying.Mak~ use oCthe wind as, much as possible and spray from at least two,and better three, directions. After the first year the pest can be easily kept under contro'l but it is more difficult to completely eradicate the Scale, particularly from an old and badly infested orchard. Drainage Surveys-In all fifty~five surveys have been completed by this Department within the last year. This assistance is being taken advantage of more and more by the farmers. Very few com- plete plans have been made. In most places they wish the depths to which a tile should be, in already known rUns. The Physics Department, Guelph, assisted in. planning five hun- dred acres - which we could not - find time to handle. . Associations-The organizations throughout the county are act- ive in many lines. The Publicity Association have published a neat, illustrated b,ooklet, describing the county lines of farming. The Elgin County Seed, Grain and Poultry Association held their annual Winter Show, in January with a much larger attendance than ever. The exhibits have increased in number with a higher class of material than previous years. Ou~ Junior Competition and Judging classes' are an impor-tant feature of this show. The South wold Township Corn Fair held under the management of the Middlemarch Grange, was stlcces(>ful in bringing out a good display of material, interesting discussions followed the Judge's awards. This class of show paves the way for ,good exhibits and stronger competition at the larger Fairs. The Beekeepers of the County have their Association and als,o a charter to do business as the Elgin Honey Producers Association. 116 Elgin County Council O-w'ing to the light crop this y-ear,' the greater part will be' marketed locally. Farmers'Clubs-At Shedden and ,i\,Ta'llacetown thriving dubs hold meetings fo'rtnightly. Their work so far has been - mostly ed- ucational. Co-Operative Buying~The Club at Shedden purchased a few ear- loads of feed and building ~l1aterial fOl- the use of its members. They ihtend to do more co-operative buying and selling this coming winter, At the _ County House of IndusUy, the new J1cn-hol1se has given excellent results. They are disposing of the mixed breeds of chick- ens and stocking the pens with the 'Bred-ta-Lay strain from the birds gathered from our schools. It is the intention:-to use this as a source of supply for eggs' to carry' on the school \york next year. A new hog pen was' built this season, and they hope to raise a _ number of hogs and thus provide a cheaper SOU1-ce of meat supply for that institution. The fields of O.A.C. 72 oats gave a good yield. The new alfalfa catch gives promise of a good cut next year and the old field wi11 stand- for anothel' year. The tarnl is in good, condition and the var- ieties of grain and breeds of stock kept arc mostly purebred stock and grain for the, community. The office is made use of by telephone, mail and private inter- views; as many as thirty to forty c<1-llers per week visit the- o'ffice. In the office window seasonable displays of demonstration material, as model chicken' cooP,s, drainage maps and bulletins,- boxes of apples weed and weed seed collections are to be 'seen at all times. All possible assistance is given to organizations with the object of promoting education,and co~operation throughout the county, Our Farmer's Clubs are a start in this direction; and our Scho~l :Fairs one of the best means of. getting close to the farmer through the children. While they 'necessarily entail an endless amoi.1l1t of detail yet it is the boys and girls of to-cIay who wi11 be the men and women of to-morrow and if they can be induced to start in the right direction to be observant and experiment for themselves, they will enjoy their work and be amply repaid for their labor. Elgin County' CounCil 117 Attendance of Meetings at which we were present and gave ad- dresses. 1913 Nov. 8 nec. 6- Dec. 17 Attendance St. Thomas Beekeepers Association mn__..m_.mn__..n...____..._ 25 St. Thomas Beekeepers Association ._...__....m...m...n__..'.._. 20 South wold Coru and Seed Grain Association ......n...m..n 200 1914 Jan. Jan. Jan, Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feg. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feg. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 17 Aylmer, Institute 'Meeting, a.m. .m.....n''''__m'''......n_...__._.__ 40 ,17 Aylmey, Institute Meeting, p.m. ..m.._..n......n_..m_.....__..m,.. 125 19 Wallacetown,' Institute -Meeting, p.m. .....-....-_....____:........m 75 19 Wallacetown, Institute Meeting, Evening ..mnhn.n'''mn 125 20-21 West Lorue, Coru Show n-..m-..mm_..m...mn.._.m...m...mn 300 24 Clachan, Institute Meeting, p,m. m-....mm__nn__m_....._..hm..... 75 24 CIachan,. Institute Meeting, Evening .---_..m_...m_____m_mn. 125 28 St. Thomas, Trustee Convention .....m-_.m__n.mn....m_...nmn 130 28 \i\Tallacetown, Fanner's Club, Evening m....___....mn..___.....n. 28 29 Dutton, Short Course, p.m. ..n__nmnn_._mn....m_..n.....m__..n..... 300 80 Dutton Short Course, p.m.m--....mn...nn..mm_.....__.__m..nn....n_ 300 30 Dutton, Short Course, Evening ---.m.......m_...._......__.....nn__ 100 6 Vi'enna, Institute Meeting, p.m. ..mm.hmn.m___....nnm.m_m.. 40 6 Vienna, Institute Meeting, Evening m_....m__....___....._._..______n 25 7 Grovesend, Institute Meeting, p.m. ...mn_....m..h.........n...nn 25 7 Grovesend, Institute - Meeting, Evening hn.....n_......nmm__.. 2:'5 S Sparta, Institute Meeting, p,m. ....n_.....m....mn......n_..m....n 60 8 Sparta,rnstitute Meeting, Evening .~.....-..mn...._n__h.m._...mn 50 10 Shedden, Institute Meeting, p.m, m_...m.m_.m......m.m..nm.._ 40 10 Shedden, Institute Meeting, Evening ...m___h__mm..____..._.n__ 115 11 West Larue, Institute Meeting, p.m. ...___....m_....m_..._.n.....__ 30 11 West Larue, Institute Meeting, Evening '......m__..nm...._.nn_ 35 10 Rodney, BOx-packing Demonstration m.....n_.......__n...____...n 18 11 Rodney, Box-packing Demonstration ....mm....m_...'m__.....__ 18 12 Lakeview, Box-packing Demostration n_.....n......m'n......._.. 20 13 Lakeview, Box-packing Demonstration .m._........n_'._.n....... ~O 13 Staffordville, Stock Convention ...m.......mn.....m.....'_'n__.nm.. 60 14 Staffordville, StockCorivention _m...nn.....m......mn__..n'm...... 100 18 Strathroy, Month's Course hmm.hmn...n..,___...n..__....n._._...mm. 25 24 Middlemarch, Stock Convention ....m_...mm......n_m....m_..... 150 25 Middlemarch, Stock Convention .n.h..m.........n......m_.....nn. 150 24 Shedden, Farmer's Club, organizes .......m......m.........m_....n 25 118 - Mar. 11 Mar. 11 Mar. 12 Mar. 12 Mar. IH Mar. 13 Mar. 14 Mar. 14 Oct. 16 Oct. 17 Oct. 13 Oct. 15 . Oct. 16 Oct. 20 Oct. 21 Elgin County Council Rodney, Special Institute Meeting, p.m. ........m.......___....___ 40 Rodney, Special Institute Meeting, Evening .._.___........... 150 lona, Special Institute Meeting, p.m. __m__m.h..___m_.'.......... 30 lona, Special Institute Meeti!1g, Evening...____..________.._______ 50 Yannollth. Centre, Special Ihstitute Meeting-, p.m. ___m____ 30 Yarmouth Centre, Special Institute Meeting, Evening m_ 35 Lyons, Special hl'stitute Meeting, p.m, ______._mmn..m..______. 25 Lyons, Special Institute Meeting, Evening .._mn....___... ,lOa Ayltner, Teacher's Convention, E. E. .....___.:..___n..._____..___ 100 St. Thomas, Teacher's Convention, W. E. ._m.._mn..._.___..___ 75 Aldborough, School Fair .......00_____................................00........ 30'0 Dunwith, School Fair .......00.........00.........__...00.........................001000 South wold, School Fair ................................._.000000................ 275 Yarmouth, School Fair ............nnnn.................................mn 400 Malahide, School Fair ....n..m.............................nmn............... 375 / Elgin. County. Council 119 BY-LAWS BY-LAW No. 853, To Appoint aBoard of Audit in the County of Elgin for the Year 191$ Passed 29th January, 1915. BE IT ENACTED by the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin: " THAT the Judge of the County Court and Oscar McKenney be and are hereby appointed members of the Board of Aildit, to perform the duties required of them by R. S. O. Chapter 96, section 21. THAT the members of the said Boal.d be paid the sum of Four Dollars per day for their services, and five cents permiIe going to and from such audit. County Council Chambers, S1. Thomas, 29th JantJary, 1915. Ie W, McKAY, County Clerk. ALEX. McCOLL, Warden. BY-LAW No. 854 To Appoint. Auditors for the Yeat 1915 ~assed' 29th January, 1915. vVhereas uncler the authority of the Municipal Acti every mun-, icipal council is required to appoint, at its. first meeting every year. two Auditors: Be it therefore enacted by the Council of the Municipal Corpor- ation of the County of Elgin, under the authority aforesaid; That WalkerC. CaugheIl and W. A; Galbraith be and are hereby appointed Auditors to examine and report on all the accounts affect- ing. the Corporation of Elgin, or relating to any matter under its control or within its jurisdiction, as required by statute or, order- in-council, and also all accounts of schoolmol1cys receivcd',or paid 120 Elgin County Council by the County Treasurer for the, year ending 31st December, 1914, and that the said Auditors be paid the sum of Sixty Dollars each for ,their services; Coltnty CQuncil Chambcl-S,Z9th January, 1915. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. ALEX. McCOLL, Warden. '. BY-LAW No. 855 To Appoint High Schaol Trustees Passed- 29th January. 1915. The Elgin County Conncil enacts: That\V. R. Kirk be appointed Trustee of the Vienna High School {Ol" three years. That J. G. Heiter be appointed Trustee of the Aylmer Collegiate Institute for three years. That William Ho1lingsh~ad be appointed Trustee of the Dutton }ligh School for three years. County Coundl :Cha.mbers, St.';rhomas,29th January, 1915. 1(, W. McKAY, County Clerk ALEX: McCOLL, Warden. BY-LAW No. 856 To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow Twenty. Thousand Dollars Passed 29th January, 1915. The County Council of the County of Elgin enacts: 'Elgin County Council 121 . That the 'Varden and Treasurer be and are hereby authorized to horro\v the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars, as 'it may be re- quired 'to meet the current expenditures of the COl"poration of the County of Elgin duriilg the year 1915 and, give 'as' security 'therefor notes of One Thousand Dollars each. County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 29th January,1915. 1(, W. McKAY, County Clerk. ALEX. McCOLL, "Varden. BY-LAW No. 857 To Grant Aid to the Canadian Patriotic' Fund' Passed 29th J auuary, 1915. The County Council of the County of Elgin enacts: That the sum of One Thousand Dolla'rs a month be paid to the Canaodian Pattiotic Fund during the Continuance' of the war between Great Britain and Germany; That the said payh1ents commence with the month of January, 1915; And that the County Treasllrcr be and is hereby authorized to issue his cheque for same on the order of the Warden of the County of Elgin. County' Council ,Chambers, St. Thomas, 29th, January, 1915. W. McKAY, County Clerk. ALEX. McCOLL, \Varden. 122 Elgin County Counci~ BY-LAW No. 858 To raise the Sum of Twelve Thousand Dollars to Provide for the Cost of Bridges to be Erected during the Year 1915, and to Authorize the Issuing of Debentures The'refor Passed 1st Junc, 191:'J. Whereas it is necessary to raise the surncE Twelve Thousand Dollars, for the purpose of providing for the cost of bridges to be erected in the County .of Elgin du'ring the year 1915 and in order thereto, it will be necessary to issue debentures of the Municipality of the' County, of Elgin for the sum of Twelve Thousand Dollars, payable as hereinafter provided; And whereas it will be requisite to raise the sum of One Thou- sand Five Hundred and Ninety-two Dollars and One Cent each year, respectively; And whereas the amount of the whole rateable property 9f the Municipality according to the last Revised and Equalizes Assessment Rolls of the Local Municipalities comprising the County of Elgin amount to Twenty-three Millions, Two Hundred and Eighty~eight Thousand, Tluee Hundred and 'Fifteen Dollars, ($23,288,315.00);. And whereas the existing debenture of the County of Elgin is Thirty~five Thousand, and Five Dollars and Sixty'-five Cents, and no arnount of the principal sum or interest is in arrears; Therefore the Municipal Council of the 'Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: (1) It shall be lawful for the Warden of., the said COutity of Elgin for the purpose aforesaid, to borrow the sum of Twelve Thou- sand Dollars, and to ussue debentures of said Municipality to the amount of Twelve Thousand Dollars. in sums not less than One Hun- dred Dollars each, payable on the first day of July in each period interest at five and one-half per cent. per annum during the period of ten years from the date of issuing of the debentures, in the, manner and for the amounts set forth in the schedule hereinafter contained. Eigin County Council 123 (2) It shall be lawful for the Warden of the saidmUllicipality and he is hereby authorized to sign and issue the debentures hereby authorized to be issued, and to cause the same and the interest cou- pons'attached there,to, to be signed by the Tl;easurer of the said municipality; and the Clerk of the said municipality is hereby author- ized and instructed to attach the seal of the said municipality to the said debentures. (3) There shall be raised and levied in each year the sum of One Thousand, Five Hundred and Ninety-two Dol1ars ond One Cent by special rate on, all -rateable property in the said municipality, said anlOunt being sufficient to discharge the several installments of principal arid interest accruing' due on the said debt, as the same become respectively payable, according to the following schedule: No. Year Principal Interest Total 1 1916 $ 932.01 $660.00 $1592.01 2 1917 983.27 608.74 1592.01 3 1918 1037.35 554.66 1592.01 4 1919 1094.41 497.60. 1592.01 5 1920 1154.60 437.41 1592.01 6 1921 ,1218.11 373.90 1592.0l 7 192~ 1285.10 306.91 1592.01 8 1923 1355.78 236.23 1592.01 9 1924 1430.35 161.66 1592.01 10 19V5 1509.02 82.99 1592.01 $12000,00\ $3920.10 $15920.10 County Council Chamber, St. Thomas, 1st Junc, 1915. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk ALEX. McCOLL, 'Varden. BY-LAW No. 859 To Confirm the Equalization of -the Assessment RoIls of the County of Elgin Passed 4th June, 1915. 124 Elgin County Council The Elgin County Council enacts: That the following be the equalization the COU1'lty -of Elgin. for 1915: of the assessment (1) rolls of Aldborough 0-' Dunwich South wold Yarmouth Malahidc .._m..."'" ..nnn. Bayham South DOl"chester Aylmer Dutton Port Stanley Springfield Vienna Rodney West Lome m.___$2,977,254 3,198,254 3,8'40,267 4,641,65"1 ...."___2,839,810 1,909,513 1,678,552 973,819 330,524 218,893 144,660 99,707 218,772' 216,663 $23,288,315 (2) That this Council ,is willing to have the final equalization of the assessment, in case of appeal, made by the County Judge. County Council ,Chambers, SL Thomas, 4th June, 1915. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. ALEX. McCOLL, \tVarden. BY-LAW No. 860 To Extend the Time for the Enforced Collection by N on-Resident Taxes in the County of Elgin Sale of Passed 4th Jnne, 1915. The Comity Conneil ,of Elgin ~nacts: That th,e time for the enforced collection by sale of non-resident Elgin County Council 125 ta"xesof the County of Elgin be and is hereby, extended for one year. Co'untyCoul1cil Chambers, St. Thomas, 4th June, 1915. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. ALEX. McCOLL, Wanlen. BY-LAW No. 861 To Authorize the Warden and" Treasurer to Borrow the sum, of Twenty Thousand Dollars Pa'ssed 4th June, 1915. , The Elgin County CounciL enacts: That the' \iVardcll and Treasurer he and are hereby authorized to borrow the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars, as it'may be reqltircd to meet the cur'rent expenditures of the Corporation of Elgin during 1915, and give as security, therefor notes of One Thousand Dollars ea'ch. Coun~y Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 4th June, 1915. 1(. W. McKAY, County Clerk ALEX. McCOLL, Warden. BY-LAW No. 862 To Grant Additional Aid to Schools Passed 4th June, 1915. The County Council of Elgin enacts: (1) That the sum of One Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty- five Dollars be granted to the following schools: Aylmer Collegiate Institute .......-m.............$65Q.00 Dutton High School.,...................,......... _....... 650.00 Vienna High School....... m.h..... m..__ 325.00 $162:3.00 126 Elgin County Council Thomas Collegiate twenty per cent. of Institute be granted an the cost of maintenan'ce (2) That the St. amount equivalent to of County pupils. (il) That the grants to Continuation and Fifth Class Schools be made on the basis of two dollars and one-half to each dollar granted by the Government. County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 4th June, 1915. K. W. McKAY, Cou'nty Clerk. ALEX. .McCOLL, \Varden. BY.LAW No. 863 the Salary of the Clerk of the County Council; To By-Laws 458, 587 and 777 and to amend By-Law 368 Repeal To Fix Passed 4th]une, 1915. The Elgin County Council enacts: By-Laws 458, 587 and 777 be and the same arc hereby (1) That repealed. (2) That the salary of K. VI. McKay, County Clerk, be and th,e same is hereby fixed at the sum of Nine Hundred Dollars per, annum and an allowance for attendance at meetings of Council and committees the same as is paid to members of the Council. (3) That By-Law No. 368 be and the same 5s hereby amended accordingly. (4) That June, H115. this lly-Law shall take effect as from the first day of County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 4th June, 1915. K. W. McKAY, County Clerlc ALEX. McCOLL, 'Warden. Elgin County Council 127 BY-LAW No. 864 To Appoint a County Treasurer Passed 4th June, 1915. The Elgin County Council enacts: (1) That KennethV\T. McKay be and is hereby appointed Treas- urer ofthe,Cbunty of Elgin at a salary of One Thousand Dollars per annum to commence on the first day of June, 1915. (2) That the Treasurer be required to perform all duties of , the o~ce as directed by law, By-Law or Order-in-Council, and that he shall submit to the Wai"den and Chairman of the Finance Com'- mittee a monthly 'statement of the receipts and disbursements of County monies. (3) That the Treasurer be required to procure at the expense of the County and keep on file in the MolsonsBank or such other place as the Council may direct, a b011d:[or Ten Thousand Dollars, ($10.,0.0.0.) in a guarantee company, said bond to be approved by this Council. (4) That' all Connty Monies be kept on deposit in the Molsons Bank or snch other bank as this Council may direct. County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 4th June, 1915. K. W. McKAY, County ClerIc ALEX. McCOLL, Warden. BY.LAW No. 865 To Grant a Gratuity to John McCausland on his Retirement from Office as County Treasurer Passed 4th June, 1915. vVhereas John McCausland was appointed County Treasurer on 6th day of July, 1881,and has now become incapable through illness and old age ~f efficiently discharging the duties of his office; 128 Elgin County Coundl And whereas, his successor has been appointed and it is desirable to make him a grant upon his ceasing to hold office; The County Council of Elgin enacts: That John McCausland be and is hereby granted the following amo'4nts to be paid monthly commencing with the month of June, 1915; For the year ending 1st of June, 1916-$900.00 For the year ending 1st of June, 1917-4700.00 For the year ending 1st of June, 19184500.00 County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 4th June, 1915. K. W. McKAY. ! County Clerk. ALEX. McCOLL, Warden. BY-LAW No. .866 To Raise Amounts for County Rates during the Year 1915 Passed 4th June, 1915. Whereas an estimate has been made showing that the sum' at Ninety"';eight Thousand, Nine' Hundred and Seventy-four Dollars is required to be raised in the several municipalities for the lawful pUr- poses of the ,County during the year 1915. And whereas, by the Assessment Act, this Council is required to dIrect what portion of the sum to be' levied for County purposes shall be levied in each Municipality in the County; And whereas, the ra:tes are required to be apportioned on the basis of the assessment of property as equalized in the preceding year; And whereas the assessment ofprop,erty of the County; as as- 'certained and equalized, in 1914 is as follows: Municipality Total Eqalized Value Aldborough ,___m ....._________....___.....___....____..______$2,977,254 Elgin Count~ Council 129 Dun \vich n_________... South wold --'mn_'hn'm_...... Yarmouth MaIahide ----____em__nn___. Bayham South, Dorchester Aylmer Dutton Port Stanley, _ ..m-_---_--..----______........___n____......n , Springfield - ____....__:...___ nn________.._____________n._..... Vienna Rodney 'Vest Lome _'''hn_h_h__ 3,198;254 n'h".""._n.._hn_.n_h_ 3,840,26,7 4,641;657 .-'h-,'.n_..n._n..n...nh__.n 2,839,810 1,909,51R 1,678,55.2 973,819 330,524 218,893 144,660 99,707 218,772 :-316,633 'I II I I ,I I I ~ 'II ~ ~ II \1 i !I' 1 ~Ii I' 1.1 I ~j I~! , II~I ~lli 111 I~ .I....!..I!.I.~'.I. - r ' ~i ['1..1"1 ~I '111 H, ~ 'i,J ~ I.I."I.! "1'1.' j1: ~i ~ $23,288,315 Therefore the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts: (1) That a rate of Four and One-quarter Mills on the Dollar be levied on all rateable property in the several Municipalities in the County of Elgin, as above set forth, for the year 1915 to raise the following. amounts: (2) That the sum of Ninety~eight Thousand, Nine 'Hundred an'd Seventy-four Dollars be raised a.nd levied in the several Municipal- ities in the County, according' to the following .schedule, and that. the amounts, as entered therein, he paid to the County Treasurer, as by law required : SCHEDULE AId borough ---,...------n.'----~nn.n--n..nn....._.;._______._._$12,652 Dunwich .---.--n.-----.---.--..----..,___._n____.....nn..-......._.n 13,593 South wold ---.nn.---.-.---nn_____nn.nn.n.___..n~nn.._..n. 16,321 Yarmouth -nh---.-..-.nn..'_.hnh___.,.........__......n.nn._..._ 19,727 M arahid e n.-'n---..'.'.nn-nn....hn_hn.......".......n.n_.n."'_. 12,069 Bayham n.-n.nn-.-n-n__hn_..'_...n.nn.m_.n..n.n._.._......_ 8,115 South Dorchester '.---......---.nnh....n.___.m...__.n.n_. 7,134 Aylnler ..n...n--.n...n-.n_hn_..nhn.hn...n.n.._...n...n.n 4,139 Dutton h-...n.hn-..-uh-_n.nh._..._..hnh_.h.uh.._n.'_u.n.. 1,405 130 Elgin County Council Port Stanley ................--..........--..--..---.--..........---.. Springfield .-.._--.._...--.._--..-..._..-~_..--.--_....._--..--..-...-. Vienna. .--.......--..--..--..---.------.......-.-----.--..--......-_....... Rodney ___m_____m_____m________..____r____..m_m___________..__ West Larue _n......__"___'_""___'__"'_"'___'__"__"___________ 930 615 423 930 921 $98.974 County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 4th June, 1915. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. ALEX. McCOLL. Warden. BY-LAW No. 867 To Assume Bridge over Turkey Creek Passed 26th N ovember, 1915~ ,The Elgin County Council enac~s: That .the bridge over Turkey Creek, situated about one hundred and twenty rods west of Southwold Stati9n, on the Middlesex County Line between the Townships of South wold and Delaware, be and is hereby assumed as a County Bridge. Council Chamber, St. Thomas, 26th Novemberj 1915. K.. W. McKAY, County Clerk. ALEX. McCOLL, \,yarden. Elgin COunty Council 131 INDEX Address of Warden .....;.,...............m..m......_...............h...............~8,. 27, 28, 45 AgricJl1 tura I Represen ta tive .....................................,...............................29, 1.12 Agricul turaI' Com mi ttce ..................................,........'........,.......................... 99 Bridges ................................ ........................,.......................................,..........;{,j. BY-LAWS~ 853 To appoint Board of Audit .................,...................,lft, -~a2, 119 854 To appoint auditors ................................................13, :ta, 119 855 To appoint High School Trustees......................13, :n, ;~3, l;W 856 To authodze Wcu'den and Treasurcr to borrow $.zo, 00 0 ........... ........n.... .......... """"."".. '''''.n.. ........,... ....~...n2 4, 120 857 To grant -aid to Canadian Patriotic fund ....................24, 121 858 To raise $12;000 by debentures .........!.:......,.......................Z:i, 122 859 To -confirm equalization .........................................0......39, 123 860 To extend time for tax sale .................0...................0........40, 124 861 To authorize Wardcn and Trcasurer to borrow $~30, 000 ...... '''''..0.. ... ............, "h...... ............ '.... ..n.... ................40, 12;') 8'62 To grant additional aid to schools .....:....................;.41, 12;') 863, To fix sabry County 'clerk ......................0..................,41, ]:W 864 To appoint a County Treasurer ...............,................'..4;~, 12'r 865 To grant a g'tafuity- "to John McCausland ................4B, 127 '866 To raise County rates .....................0................................43, i28 867 To assume Turkey Creek hridge .~..m..:........................57, 129 Children's Aid' Society .............................................................................35, 101) Communications .....m...'.................................... ........................10, 14, 30, 47 Corn. Growers' Associa,tioll ......,........,...............................................48, 50, 52 County. Officials ............................'.......................... ..................................4 Deputa tion s '''''''0.......... ..................................... ................................ .........2 (j Food Examiner .........., ........................ ..................""...... ......... ......:.................;14 Good Roads ............ " Bo, ;-]9, 46, 50, :513, 110 GRANTS- Agricultllral Fairs ...........,............ Farmers' and Ladies' lnst ........... Kate Wallace ...................._... .............. Libraries ......h.................h.......... McNichol, John ''''''''''''_''''''''''u.....n.....on.... Patriotic Fund ............. ..... !JubJicity ............ .h....... .......... .2H ......... ................16, 17, 20 """h......n.. .. . ..16 ""."''''h''''''.''''h..12, 17; 1B .............................h..H9, 55, 110 ............................,.16, 29, 46, "10, '!lO l!l 132 Elgin CoUnty Council REPORTS- Coun ty Engin eer n.....m.........nm........m..m...m...m.........m...m...m..m.83 County Clerk ......___..........__....___...___...___....__....___.........___..____.._.__.___36, 111 County Solicitor .........................n...n....'_....n'.__'....,...--....--.,__.36, 50 County Treasurer ........._m..............,.. ....um........_______,. ..________...,;33, 69 Court House Commission ..__....___..........__........____._____....__..___..._.33, '109 . Education Committee. ....um_......._____.___... .....____......._____.18, 35, 55, 65 Educational Association __.....00_......._____.____ ......_m.__ .............n.......i38, 68 Equalization ................__.......____........_____.......___.....___..__....___........3:3, 37, 107 Finance Committee ..._m.........m........mnm....m..n ...20, 21, as, 1),5, '73 Honse of Industry ..........m...................::.................m..........mmGGi 91 I ns pee tor ...n..mn..n..............nn.......nnn..............n...n.........,.......~..5~~,: 92 Physician ........nn.m.... .. 00.... .. 00" ... n~nn'.'... .. m....__..n..n....:.96 Petitions and Legislation n;...n...n'..........n..m......m........20, 35, 36, 89 Police lvlagistn.ite ......m.'''''''''''''''' ....'..'n............m.._ .'~...m..,.n~.,..n.....102 Public ,Improvements Committ\".e~.._....:. ....mn... ..___n...1S, 35, :.is; 55 Puhlic School Inspector Taylor ._:_.......n.-.....m'..~....m....mn..."..m..~n..59 Special re Administration, of Justice. E~penseS.ml0,:?1,.4;), 48', 109 Special rc Port Stanley Marbor m.....n..:...........m...m.16, 18, BS;' 100 \ Spcci~\1 re TrC'asurer ........m... ....mn..........21, 22,31, H3, ;~B, 80, 81 Standing -Committees n.m.n...n..m. ","0000'''00''00 ,"0000 ......m__m..........6, ('is Warden's Address COlumittees' n...~..'.......m......n13, ~W, 82; 38, 98 ,Sa la ri es .0..00...... '00' '''00'''' .... .'...00......, ,'00.' 00...000"00 '.00.0"',"" .00....00.,:.. ...,. 00.'...' ~.. .H":" ..1 0 Stalter Bridge ......n"m.......n...nmn..n..~......m_mn.m.._n..m.n .:__.n....m..n..57 Treasurer's Bond V\Tarden's Election Warden's Grant .0"00" ....md......n..m.__ War ___moo ...mn.md.n.~.n~~m..n...8, Form 12 10M Nov., 1933 Declaration as to Age of Applicant CANADA IN THE MATTER OF The Old Age Pensions Act and ONTARIO In the Matter of To vVIT: Applicant. of the of solemnly declare: 1. That I am well acquainted with the above named applicant and I krow he in the Province of Ontario,do (or she) is over seventy years of age, basing my knowledge on the following facts:- / \ HI 0;1 I\" ! c ~----- ----.- '101 '7 ' () J c; ,-f /'}'o/ . '1 J ~ ''1'y(- 1 1/ .l-- l't I 6 19 I 1 c I 1-1 j'( _ -- '.' /1/q li:;./~ /1~( l~ 2. -;1...--- / i .2. .3 "i:J-.y I; ),- .r" /1 .J,. ~ . 1 j.. 7 / 1 ..1.y I '1 :L1 113" /1.31 :Jy- I 1/ /I/) /'7 'V .--- / r 1>1> ..l" 6-.0 :2 'J... 0 ~ OfdJ,'./G 11.--($'" 2 ? ,,{) j '" I;> <> 1'[,.<>" 'I ')..C.I U )!.;;roQ , -- IO).~ 78 d 07- ff B ~ c>.8'" j :ru <.. ~(, 1r:3 :2 c;rg 3. -1 f or_ /~oo ...:l,oo C --- 7 ,- / f.:, 7 '>i) .i g ~ , .1 " . u /rc?o /~oO :2./06 .:l, ,q-o ~/"" '" .tl; ..~ a. / if> (/ oJ i ..'" ~ ' J~ 3( .,..----- ",- t,~c- .2-;).. &- '7.,r6 y"" / 6 ,," ;{.4. 16 co.<> , 7 7'..~~ ,I 9<:1 CI /70 0 '/~- 7"0 1 "i-.-(>" ,. .:i-' -(;I -z:) / :z.., s-" .IS-oc. /fT-po /~".:Ja / P:~ .a