1916 Minutes PROCEEDINGS ofth~ County Council During the Sessions held in the House,$i.. Thomas' June and November in ,the moriths of CEO. F. PINEO. \'(,Iardeu!, COUJ:lty Officials , c. W, Colter, E.Sq':, Cou'nty Jri'dge C. O.Erm'atinger, Junior Jud:ge Jas. H. Coyne, ESlq.,Regi,strar D. McLaws, Esq., County Court Clerk A. McCrimmQll, EJ3q., Clerk of the Peace and Ct;mntyCrown Attorney . and ISheriff, pro tern C. F.Maxwell, Esq., Master in Chancery~ W. F. Luton, Esq., J. A. Taylor,,,B. _A., and J.'8-. Smith, B. A., Pu;blic 8chobLln.spectors' K. W,'McKay, Es'q.,. County Clerk and-Treasurer James :A.Bell, M,C.~~, ',b.E., County Engineer C. St. C. Leitch, County Solicitor Frank Hunt; msq., Police Magistrate Ro'bert Kains, m:;q:, ,M. D.. Goal ,Surgeon F. ',.W. Guest, M.' D._,.Physician HOUEEl of Induptry "DOuglas"'L. mWin, 1M. D., Acting Physicial1House of Industry D. H. Gooding, Esq" Keeper House of Indur~try A. Turner, Esq., Inspector House of Industry ) . John Hopk,ms, Caretaker Qourt House All of St'. Thomas P. O. ,County AuditorS': Walker G,~CaugheU; W,A.Galbraith, Dutton Administration of JUI3tice Auditors: C. W. ,Colter, County John H. 'McIntyre, Dutton PROCEEDINGS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Municipal Clerks and Treasurers MUNICjP ALITY . CLERK TREASURER Aldlborougl1. . . . E. A. Hugill, Rodliey. . . . D. 'McPherson, West Dunwi,ch.,. . . . . D. A. McNabb,,-PuttOl1;' . . . .-J. A.',Camp,bell, Southwold... .J.C. McLennan, FingaL,.. .D.A. Ca'ttanach,Fin Yarmouth. . W. C'. C'aughell, St.' Thomas.. R. McLachlin" St. Tho Malahide. . . . . . John M. _Hale, Aylmer..' '.. . . John M. Hal~, A)'l Bayham.. . . Benj. Br'ian, Straffordville... \Vro. Grant, Strafford" South Dorchester... :D. Taylor, Belmont... .Gordon YVinder,~r,1 Town of. Aylmer. .. .. ,. .' .. .D. C. Davis,. .' . ."... ..: .W"Wt\.~~! Village of Vienn~. .., . . . , . .'S.S.elutton. . .. '. . . . . . S. S. -Glut Village of Springfield.. ._',... .J. ,B. Lucas.. ."" ..J. A. Cha~( Village of Port Stanley. .. .. . J. S. Robertson. . . . . . J. S. HO.be_1' Village of Dutton..... .".... .-;.1, D;Blue'~........ ...n.Cam! VUiage,of West Lorne....... .J. S. Robertson.,..,':. .W.<H.<ij Village of Rodney.......... .J; D. ',Shaw;......... ;N;S; PIUST SESSION--li'IllST DAY Tuesday the 25th day of January, 1916. The members-elect of the County Council of the County of Elgin this -day at the Coutt House, St. Thomas, at 2 'p~m., all of whom their certificates and tookseatl3' at theCounci.l Board as follows: of Aldboroll'gh- Reeve, ,\Villiam .Tolmie. Deputy Reeve, John A. McRae. of Dunwich- Rt}eve, John C. 'Camp1beU. Deputy Reeve) Leslie Kendall. of-Southwold- Reeve, Andrew A. MUleI'. Deputy Reeve, :)VIalcolm D.McCormick. of Yarmouth- Reeve, Dan'ie"IR. Curtis. Deputy Reeve, James Todd. of Malahide- Reeve, Genrge F. Pineo. Deputy Reeve,Wm. rr. Hare. of Bayham- Reeve, '.Vm. H. Moore. Deputy R:eeve, Thomal3 Dennis. 6 Elgin County Council. Elgin County Council. 7 TO'Ynship of South DorClle~ter- Reeve, ~ar:rY ~. Dyons. McLean, Town of AylIrter~ Reeve, Oscar McKenney. by M. D. MCCormick, We" adjourn 'untiLto:'morrow at ten 'o'clock a.m. Village of Vienna- Reeve, George F. Williams. qm(:). y. fINj;JO, Warden. Vplage of Springfteld- Reeve, Ernest A. Bryce., Village of Port Stanley- Reeve, N. S. Cornell. Yi1l.ag~ ofP~tt()n- 'Reev~,' John H. McIntyre. '.( -. \.<; ''';,-.."." / Village of West Lorne~ Reeve, J_ames A. Fuller. Village of Rodney- Reeve, James A. 'McLean. The Clerk took the -chair {tud exp~ained the p:rocedure of of Warden. under By-Law ,No. 81~. Tne election of Warden .was ,proceeded with and on the eighth vote qeor~e F. Pineo, Malahide, 'having' received a majority vote over the whole was deClared duly. elected. ;.,.:J,(:'. The Warden-elect made 13tatutory declaration of office I-lis Honor Judge Colter, took the 'chair and thanked the the honor ,conferred upon him. Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded. by vy. H. Moore, That the Reeves of the different municipalities be a to strike the Standing; COlI).mitt~es. Q'." , . Elgin County Council. 8 -Council. i)l'::rnost of ,the manufacturers anel agriculturists Will'he'working, ?r.:ahandicap that will,seriously affed production, It will. be our y,Jomeetlconditions as they arise -and doev-eryt;hing we. can to ;l~ertheinterests Of the -brave soldiers w'ho are ,fighting our {tl!*i__and :provide what i'B necessary for the su'p.pOi't of the Mother- ~*try. . , Canadian Patriotic .Fund . /~isRoyal Hig,hnes's,the Governor-General of Canada h,asl.llade ;P13c1a1 appeal to hhe 'people of Canada for ,contributions to this ~g,>,vhich is used to as'sist in su'pporting. the d;ependentsof .enlisted ~~':-who may .be overseas or in training. While recruiting is in :'r~1.3S,the demand,s of this~fund will grow. The amount required tliispurpo~e throughout- Canada, 'during 1916 is estimated at t:)nillions of dollars. T,his vast sumwill1be rais,ed by voluntary -~riptions and-municipal ,grants and already manyca-m-paigns for :,Cl'ip'tions. are underway. The matter was ,considered,informally h~C~unCil at the-NovemberS'ession 'and at a meeting of the ~y~atriotic As,sociatian a resolution favoring the rai13ing of the _!i~equi:red from this County by taxation was approved. ::,rhe voluntary subscription campaign 'ot 1914 was succesI3ful :'eriabled the County to make a gO'od showi'ng forliiberality, in '.:" '.' ." .' ... '\'" parison with the other parts of the country. FIRST SESSION-SEOQN)):nAY Wednesday the 26th day of January, The' Elgin County Council met this day Thomas,according to adjournment. at the Court The Warden in- the chair. All the members present. The ,pr'oceedingI3 of the last day of the previous session the' previous day were read and confirmed. ,The Wa'rden addressed the douncil, as follows: ,\\Tul'de1\'s Address To. the Elgin County Council..: Gentlemen,...~-JFb ;be elected to the positIon of Council of a county like El-gin is an honor that I much and 'for which I again thank you. It will be my endeavor to preside over your deli-beratiom.i impartial manner and I hope we may, ~y giving the'..bu!;inessbrq~ befo;t'eus ,close attention, do mucl~ to advance the interests at peo,ple we represent. rrhe-sc are stirring timel}, The war in which we are engit uppermost in the 'minds~ of all of us and the1consta:Q-t deman'li:., men and money which cannot be overlooked are taxing ourreso~ in many ways, so much 130 that our motto throughout the year''] be economy in our -municipal affatrs and liIberality in all BIl!: pertaining to the 'W'ar, which must Ibeprosecuted to a su~' ,conclusion, The demand for men is very great and before the forcel3 reach tile limit specified by Premier Borden, Good Roads rihe-Good Roads question,although voted d'own -last year, is 'a>vressing one. During the 'past few weeks many changes t'fli'gthe. question have heen made. Motor'license fees 'lia:ve lieen ai;ed", The Ontario Highway Act has,collleinto forceandwith ~~ovincial Highway Department, which will handle the amount :ed'froni the motor licens€1.3 and is ,co~operating with the Counties ';t~'~:H:ighWay 'Improvement Act and inthe construction.of'mal~ 'ays'and in 'provi'ding al~sistanye for thema:illtenance qf' 'high:- ':aiready ,constructed,. TIle equalization of opportunity and throughtheconstru.ction of good Toads is not new. ,.' , The-County of Elgih is _one of.the'best and wealthiest ag.ricul- di!3trictsof 'Canada and her representatives can be relied u,pon ake abroad view of the question which will 'be brought before fot a decision during the present 'session. D -- io Elgin County -Council. Weliave,,~eenfOr!ears keepin.g u,p the. ~bridges'on COtirtfyari,{1. TOWnShip,tiil,ea,_ thereby, reiieving, the local municipalities of thei~ .care, the .cost 'being horn Iby' the County. The same idea is to be fbuild 'els'ewhere. Schools are maintained ,by'Township, County arid Provincial grants aml asInall 9.irect tax on. the ratepayers ,cohtrOl1in~ them, There 113 an ~ver-growing demand for good roads and the equalization of 'the expenditures therefor. Elgin County OOUl~cll. 11 Froll1 Elgin HUll1ane SOGiety re Bird al1d Galle Protection. Referred 'to-Petitfois-and Legislation J~qI~:P~i#~~. From-Hbspitalfor Sick Childr~~ ~~- Pra~t. ftM~rrf;ld t(). Einance Committee: To secure this eCllta:Iization and'our share of the motor liceris~ fees werriust proceed under The Itighwaylmprovement Ac~, Tho Province will 'pay 40 per cent. of the 'cost of ;roa9s assumed by the CoUnty and 20 per cent. of I,mbsequent maintenance. The Townships would be relieved of the care of the main ;bads. . Froll1m. Thomas COl1e'giate Institnte wit4 t~nqtt. Refetred to :mducation eommittee. ' . C'.'" ~.\ {; l;'. .~ ~.~-' "- , From. -MaYOrof.Seaforth re Superannuation of PubHc School Tea~her~ and- In$'llector13. B~fore tIi~"-w6rk of road 'construction can. be undertaken, con. sideraJblei,pre,paration ,in the wayof 'prOCi1;i~g plans, specifications, machinery; . material' and m~n is neces,sary. To complete an organ- ization,with 11 view to -doing ,saUsfa-otory work would take many . 7 monthl) and I .would suggest th~t it_ Would be trueecon'omy to con- sider t'he m~tter at t~lis seEsiDn with a view to having all preliminary worlt-_ Mlilpleted during this year, the a~ctual work of road construc'; tiontion to commence in 1917, I.- Froll1J. W.Jardilje, ConntYClerk of We'itwort)1 re SuneHnl1U" I:l:t!,(m" . Of, T~~,c4e:r.s al}d- IllS'pectOi's. '" "." . . . . I . . . 'f,rpm F.R: nutherford, reo Superannuation of'Teachers'. From Charle-sG. ~rail~r; fr~~t~~lft -~49cational of. Teachers an(Clnsp~ctors~ ". A,ssn., re Sup- referred to the . ,Edllcation Oommittee. The repprt of the Committee appointed to strike the standin~ Committees was_prel3ented and adopted on motion, of-Mr. lWcJ(enney, seconded "by Mr .,Cornell. From.Tames A: Beil, County ~R~ht~~f P~1Jliclmp~oV'eme:nt Committee. . FrQm :Rr~pq!13 :H:m:H, .09. tg'Fi~Jn'~'e"C~m.illItte~: WitH r~~mN. ~~r~H~~ Thefollowjng communications were read: 'Fr~m A. Werner" re Annual Meeting, Ontario Educational AESOCla-,. fion. Referred tb E-ducationCommittee. fRH~~' Mf:p.t~trM~: WH~ 'f~~mrt. -l!,e- iil II I Ii Ji~ 'ili 'III lilf III1 11,1 IIII I[ ~,I "I 'Iii, ill' 'Iii, '1',1 I"~' 1 "ll ill,1 lijl 'I'l' '~ !,fI~.,~ :1.11 jdl~ 1:,1\1 '1"111' I~I!,!' \IJ'Hffi1il Fr,om A: M. Chapman, County Clerkbf Hastings, re amendment of Pu'blic Health Act.' Referred to Petitions and Legislation Com- mittee. . Moved by R. ':8. ~yons; ~~9g~e~~ p~, H. "~~~~~Rtr, That J. H.MGi~t;re. be ~P,P,RiN"~ Rll th~ Mmi!lim~HRI' of Audit for this year. ' From Oi1tari~ Good RoadsAlzsociation, re Annual Meeting. Referred to Public Improvement COmmittee. Moved Iby J. A. FUUer, ~econ'~ed ry \V. T.. :FI~~e~ Tha'tW.A. >G"]brajt~ "11~ yv. C. Can"h~!!b~ ap?pintedal1ditors ).'thecountYACCoun'ts'forr19i5. ',"" ..",-, j}" ,.,.' ',,'J'" . -9i}P'i,!:H:J. From Western University re County Representative Referred to 'Education Committee. '-Ca,~J;"ied. Elgfn Oounty Oouncil. ---~~--.~ i'2 Elgin Count~' Oouncil. Cornell, 1:,,:Jl:'Mo~e'd ,b'f..{"H...."iYI,clnt~re, 'i-'",''''''''''''' Seconded byD. R.-CurUs,o' .' ~: Seconded by John ,C. CamPlJeU;,', ;... " ,,: ." . ": ""., .. .':~ . . ~L. ',., '. f,J ,:'. " .. ' That the Ohairmen of the 'Standing Committees be a Special to report on matters referred to in the Warden's Address. ~Carried. That A. E. Roberts :be a:p:poil1ted 'Trustee o'fthe School for, three years. S.Corn!-'lIl, Moved by Wm. Tolmie, tv) 'il That the Wardeilname a Committee ,of tiiiee't6':c'oMi'der all pe'rtaining to the maintenance. of Grace Dorrington in the Sanatorium. \ Seconded 'by J. A.Fulfer, r',ITh'ftf;th'is Council do now adjour"n untn two committees to .organize an'dprepare-reports. ~Carrle'd. Mes;s1's. .'Miller, Cornell and McKenney,; The Oouncil Resumed The following <:ommunications were' read 'by W; Tolm,ie, From the' Clerk of the Peace re Juvenile Court. 'Referred tions and L~gislatiol1 Committee. from the Patriotic Association ,'be heard'. at --'Carried. :fi~rom the County Agricultural Representatiye with report, on motion' was accepted' as read to ibep'rinte-d in the minutes. T. Hare, 'rhe following noticel.3 of' motion were given: by-Ni -s. Cornell.. By Mr. Campbell for g,rant of Fifty Dollars to:Towns'l1;tp 1'e mainteI\ance of Kate Wallace; this Council 'do now, adjourn, to meet at 10 a.m. to-morrow committees to meet. ' r --'Carried. By,M.r. McCormick for ,grant of ,One Hundred ,and building a lock-up in lSouthwold. GEO. F. PINEO, Warden. By Mr. ,McKenney for a ,grant of Twenty-Five DoHars. each ;;'E-ast 'Elgin,Far:rners"aild' Women's, Ins,tit;utes" Jj'Y-' Mt., Camp:beIl for a grant of Twenty-Five Dollars each West Elgin, Farmers' andWomen',s Institutes. 13 '111.; I' 1 I" ~." ,'~ " 14 Elgin Coullty(lc;mucU. :EIghi. C()UJlty' Coull:cd. Hi I' <~I,i" FIRST SESSION-THIRD DAY Moved by G.- F. Williams, The ment Elgin Comity Council met this The Warden . in the chair. day according' ~o .aajourn~ Second~dby J. H. McIntyre, Th~t Alber(Wahin~d;oribe ap-pointedtrustee 6 the. Vienna High sdli8biior three yeafs. "~Oarried. Thl.i.f~(hl;Y'th~ -~7th a;ay'of j-kfihary, 1916. All. the memfbers present~ Mov~.d by J. C. Campbell, Tlieproceedingl:~ of the 'preVIOUS cliiywere rea,a ahd_co:nflrmed." econded ',by J. A. McRae, The Treasurer 'presented a report on the Fii1allc~~'-of.-the County arid 6h the Licenses iuforee, both of which; were referred to the-~_ Finance, Committee. That _ a grant of _ TwentY-five Dollars .'- v,1 E~gin Far,mers' a~d Wamen's,Institutes,., ea"ch be made to., th,e' We'st I The repart of. the Carn,mittee on Petitians and Legislation was presented and l:l-dopted o.n motion oiMr. MCIrtt"yre, secon:dedby Mr. Hare. Moved by O. McKenney, -Car~ied. ;.. , Se'conded byJ. H. McIntyre, The repo.rt -o.f the Pu'blic Improvement Committee was presented'.' and adopt,ed on motion of Mr. F,uller, seconded iby Mr. Tolmie. That a' telephone _be placed in the office of M;r;\ McCrimmon, 'the Attoi'n'ey,as recommended .by the GrandJUl:yof the last' M6ved by W. H. Moore, -Carried. Moved by h: 'Kenda:ll, ,Seconded by H. B.' Lyons, Seconded by-J. H. McIntyre, That the' usual grant of Twenty.;FiveDollars each Farmers' and Women's Institutes of East Elgin. Council adjourn until two o'clock. .........:...Carried. ,Moved by J. C. Campbell, The Council Resumed Seconded 'by L.K:endall, ,The following members of a deputatian from the Elgin-Patriotic then addre!:sed the Council requesting a grant, for the Patriot{c Fund purposes i Th,ata grant of Fifty Doll~i'S be'made to 'the Township of Du wich to. assist in the maintenance of,'K'ateWallace and sister vih wereformel'ly inm~tes of the House of Industry. Messrs. A. S.Smith, R. M, Ander-son, Alexander McColi, R. A. Judge Colter and A. E: Ponsford. 16 Elgin County G~unci1. Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded -by J. A. McLean, c That the g,rant -asked fbr-to'-day'-by the' detmtatronftoIl1 the Patriotic ASEociationbe left with the Finance Committee t.o he ,dealt with: at 'this I:ession, In Amendment: Moved -by N. S. Coniell, Seconded by-'G. F.WiUiams, That this Council' grant to the' Canadian-Patriotic Fund the sum of Five Thousand, Eight Hundred and -Thirty;.three33-100 Dollars ($5833.33) per I:nonth if required during th~ year 1916. Main motion carried. Amendment lost. Moved by, Wm. Tolmie! Seconded -by J.A. Fuller, the That Mr. J. VV. Murphy 'be allowed the privilege of ad-dressing Council. -'-Carried.. Mr. Mur,phy then addres,sed theC~)Uncil in reference to chUm for land' used in the construction of the Bothwell Bridge. EIgln:'Coullty C()1~;l~il. 17 Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded 'by J. A: 'Fuller, ~i I.'. .,!n That Dr. Homer McClay of Aylmer be appointed 'a13 representa~ .of th~sCounty at. the Byron Sanato:r~1;l~ ~n the place pf}.!i,6'lat.e Brock. ' , , . "'---,-Carried. The report-of the Education Committee was presente~ auf! on motion of-Mi'. McLean', seconde'd 'by Mr. Hare. l\19v~d by ,J. H. ,Mclntyr~, Seconded by G._,F. Williams, That tl1isCouncil do now adjourn to meet at 10 a.m., to-morrow. ~Carrled. ., W. McKAY,. Cou'rttyCle.rk. GEO. F.PINEO, \Vard.en. Moved by J; H. McIntyre, ~"sr,,<' ' '" I ~ j Seconded Iby L.Kendal1, 'JS v'''i' - ~- ,"; '( That the matter referred to by Mr. Murphy'be'left to the Pu'b1i<: Improvement Committee with' power. -Carried: :!',/ ,.;' ~i1 \8 Elgin' County CounclL 'Elgin Coulity Couuci,. 1ll ----~~~~-~--~ Friday, the 28th day of Janu-ary, 1916. The Second report ,presen-tedand' ad'opted Hare. ...' '.' -of' the PUibliclmprpv,ementt3.Co.mmHtee was i)n' motion" of Mr;" FUller-, seqonde,d by" Mr. ' .... '-'"1-[''' ,- I; ",.,,-- ;",',;,.," F'IRST SESSION-I<'OURTlI DAY The Elgiu' County council met this'day at 2 p.m. Moved bYi~>'S. Cpr.peP. The Wal'de~ iJ,l the chair. ~econded ~;y, Wm. 'r;~:~~~~, All the members present. Thatthls COlIucil'do. now'adjo'urn until ten..,o'clock to-nrot,row. . . -q~1:rled. The procefl~li~I?,::l ot.tl!e pr,evlo~~ q~ywe~e t~~q. ~:g.g ~{)!1fixme~. ,'i'h-,_..,",.".-..'" (" .1.,'. ',", '-"."';_';' """,' ',"_':,_;1. "',"'. "_"',;:';.>_ ,.i.......L.,.l..I.;..".,. The report, of-~~,~. ,,~,p.~Hi:~l,: C9mmitf~~ R~,~~? 'Y*~~~~'~,.~9.?:r~,5~.,,, was p,resented and referred . to a commitfeeof the whole, J. H. Mc~ Intyre ~n the .chair. After 'amending th(3 p~P?rt t~~ cOll1~i~t~e arose and it was moved by Mr. McIntyre, se,d~'~d~d "by Mr. '+oin~ie:tir~t: the ~~RRft *~ ~~~p~~4 p,~ . ~~?~t~~. ,.. . "." " ." .< .., K. w..\I!cj(4-:: . "Co'u~h': Clerk. ~~R. '~. I~~~~~'~pl' , >.." WardEfrt. i; The motion was lost on the fo"1lowing division: Yeas: -;"1.',;1.:' . MeEl3rs. Tolmie, McRa'e, -Campbell; K~l}~Nl, ~in~~; Mc- Cormick, Cur~is, Todd and . Moor_e. ' Nays: Mes~rs.. Pineo" Hare, Dennis, Lyons, McR.,euuey,_ Wi-l- Iiams, Bryce, Cornell, McIntyre, Fuller; M~Lean. It was then moved by Mr. Corne'll, Secortded- ':oy Mr. Fuller, That the report of' the Special Committee Ibe adopted' as pre- seuted!. Carried on the following- divil3ion : \ Yeas: Messrs. Pineo, Hare, Moore,. Dennis, Lyons, McKenney, Williams, Br'yce; Cornell, McIntyre,Fuller, McLean.. Nays: Messrs. Tolmie,. McRae, Camp1bell, KendaH, McCormiclt, Curtis, Todd. ~o Elgin -County' 'Council. ,H ,'.';1.1 {:,i~ r",: Ij'IIiST SESSION........FUI'TH DAY Saturday the ~9th;clay of ,J.anuary,-1916. 'The Elgin, County Council met .th~'8day accordirik t'o adjourn- ment. The ,Wardeh in the chair. ''1' . AU the, m,~m'bers 'present except Mr. Williams, Reeve Of Vienna. The PrO'ceedings of the previous' day were read a,n'd confir,med. () The report of the Special Committee re Grace Darrington was presented and"" ado,pted on motion Of Mr. McKenney, seCOnd!3.d by Mr. Moore. The report of the Finance Committee wal.3 presented and referred to a Committee of the Whole, ,Mr. Cornell ih the chair. After amending the report, the Committee arose and the report as amended was ad'opted on :tn'otion of Mr. McKinney, secdnded by Mr. Curti13, on the following divi~i-on : Yeas: Messrs. Tolmie, McRae, Campbell, Kendall, Miller, McCormi,ck, Curtis, 'l'odd, Moore, Dennis, Lyo]1s, McKenney, Bryce, McIntyre, Fu'ller, McLean. NaY!3: Messrs. Pineo, Hare, Cornell.' Move.d by W. Tblmie', Seconded 'by J. A. Fuller, That we 'I!etition, the Government qf Ontario to place a- tax on all property and incomes and to incr'ease the poll tax payable under the present law totneet the requirements of the Patriotic Fund and. that we request other counties in the Province to cd-operate. -Carried. Council. Moved by M, D. McCormick, . Seconded by W. Tolmie, That thisCoullcil provide Municipal Act of 1915. aU new members with a copy of' rhe ~Carried. Moved by'W. T. Hare, Seconded 'b~~ . Oscar McKenney, That A. H. Ba-ckhousebe appointed Trustee of the Aylmer High School, for, three years. '--Carried. , Moved Iby, M. D. 'McCormick, Seconded rby 0, McKenney, Th~t this Council grant the Towl1J3hip;' of South wold the sum One'Hundred and 'F'ifty Dollars to assist ill building a.lock-up in Village of Shedden, -..-Carried. Moved by W. T.Hare, Seconded by Tho8. Dennis, . That this Council authorize the Clerk to pre,pare a by-law in accordance'\vithThe Ontario Highway Improvement Act to designate a system of two hundred and fifty miles of County Roads, to be before the Council at the June Sel38ion. -CarrIed. Moved' QY James T,odd, Seconded byE. A.Bryce, .That Wm-. TolmiEi :be appointed to bring re~plution in reference Provincialt~xation for Qanadian Patrioti-cFund purposes to the attention of tl1e 'Government. -Carried. ~,l' 22 - - Elgin County;' CounelL Moved by J. C. Campbell, " Seconded by J. H. McIntyre, That By-Law No.8G8, being a 'by-law. to appoint' High ,SQJ1001 .TrusteeS. ,be' received and read a firs-t time: ~Carried. Moved by J. H. McIntyre, Seconded ,byJ. C. Cam'pbell, That BY':'Law No. 868 be read a second time. ~Carried. Moved by L. KendaU; Seconded/by J. H. McIntyre, That By-Law No. 868 be read a third time and finally passed. ~Carried. Moved by A. A. Millet, Seconded,by M. D, McCormick, I That By-Law No. 8~9!"l;leing a bY:1awt() apP?~nt a:r:epre$~p~ative on JheBoard..of, pirectors of the Royal Alexandra Sanatorium, ,be received and read a first time. -Carr}ed. 'Moved by J. A, McLean, Seconded by M. D. McCormick, That By-Law No. 869 be read a 13econd _time. -:-:-Carr.ied; , ",. Moved !by M. -D. M'cCormick; Seconded by J. A.McLean,-- That By-Law No. 869 be..rea_d a third ti]Ue and finally pa.ssed;, . -'Carried. EIghl CouJityCoriiicu. 23 Moved :by O. :Mc:Kenney, Seconded "by 'H. B. Lyons, That By.:,.Law No. 870, Ibeing a By-Law to ap,point a Board of Audit, be received 'and read a first time. -Carried. -, Moved by Thos. Dennis, Seconded by W. - H. Moore, 'l:hat By-Law No. 870 be read a second time.' , -CarrIed. Moved by W. H; - Moore, Second:d by Thos~ Dennis, That By-;Yaw No. 870 be read a third time alid -finaJly 'passea. -Carried. "'Moved by E." A. Bryce, Seconded 'by James Todd, That By-Law No. 871, being a by-law 'to authorize the ,Warden and Treasurer to borrow Twenty Thoul3'and Dollars ibe rec'eiYed and 'read 'a first time. . -Carriea. ,-_I ! j, I I, ) II Ii: ~ !~ 1',- *' " I~: t it! .1' jli Moved by H. B. Lyons, - "Seconded Iby Thos. Delinis, That By-Law No; 871 be read, a second time. ........:.Carried. 24 Elgin Count)' (launcH. Moved by James Todd, Seconded 'byD. R. Curtis, That By~Law No. 871 be read a third' time and finally passed. -Carried. ,Movt!d by Will. T. -Hare', Seconded -by N.. S. Cornell, ThatBy~Law No; 872.. being a by-law to appoint Auditql's for the year 1916, be r-eeeived and read a first time. I ~-Carried. Move,d by D. R. Curtis, Seconded'by Ja:tnel3' Todd, That By".Law No. 8'72 'be tead a second time. ~Carried. Moved by. James Todd, Seconded by D. R;. Curtis, That By-Law No. 872 'be read a third time andfiilally passed. -Carried. Moved by Wm. TQlmie, Seconded 'by- J: A. Fuller, That 'By-Law No. 873, .being a by-law to grant Fifteen' Hundred Dollars ($1500) per month to the Canadian PatrioUc Fund during 1916,-b8 re~eived and 'read ,a .first time. ---;-Car-ried. ~:, -' - ,', ~ '-..:. ,- , ~: ';;~- ;:;,: EIgi:ti'OoUlity Oouncil. ~,;;L, ':'i "H~~'.., "'i MoVed :byJ.A, Fuller, Seconded byWm; Tolmie, ;',i, n~ I,. 'i ;i, ,,;~:Ck,!}e_ '."d.1 y,iH'-,.-, ,(\ i,i', "");::"J !;' ,,~ ," Th'at" By;-Law No~ 873 be read a second time. .. ~ :" I' <, I ~Carried. .,~lj)Ve_dbyJ: A. McRae; Seconded' by Wm. Tolmie, ThatBy-Law No. 873 be read a th:rd time and finall:y passed. ~Carried. MdvedbyD. R. eurtis, Seconded by W~ T. Hare, That theWf\:rden b,e appointed, to accompany Mr. - TOlmie in ,presentingr6SOlution' in reference, to Provincial Taxation. ~Carl'ied. The Warden appointed the following de'putationl:> : To the Ontario Good Roads Association: 'Messrs. TOlmie,.Cam,p1bell, Miller, Curtis, Moore, Lyons, McKenney, Rare,.Cornell, Funer. To the Ontario EducationaJ Association Messrs. McIntyre, ~cLean, McRae, Williaml3 and Dennis. To:the Ontario Municipal Association: Messrs. Kend.all, M-cCOi'ini,ck, Todd and Bryce. {,' 25 " - 2G Elgin County,' Council. EIgHi bou~~ty Co~nciI. l\[oved,by J. A. Fuller, SECOND SESSION-'-.l<'IflS'l' DAY , Seconded by Wm~ Tolmie, That this Council do now adJourn'to meet on Tuesday, the 5th of'June. -CarrIed. Tuesday the 6th day of June, 1916. The ElgIn CotmtY901!-1?:ct~ metf1l,is day at the Court House,St. TI~o~au,according to adjourl}ment. K. W. McKAY, , County ClerIc GEO. F. PINEO, Warden. TheWardeh ill the chair; All the members present, except, Reeve Williams of Vienna. . The Warden addressed the Council as tallows':, 'Tothe ElginCouritYCouncil : Gentlemen-:-;- ,- Before commencing the business of the session, which in n'tal1Y waJ13 wilLbe the most importan.t the cOUllciIhas held in,recent yearS; I desire tQ di~ect attention to a few matters that may be Of interest. Public School Inspector, .On the 24th day of March this County lost by death one of its effi,cient officIals, WelJbern Atkin,Esq" who had filled theposi- of Public School Inspeclorsince June, 1884. ML Atkih had not been in ,good health ,for wome time, 'but not- he continued to perform his duties. until a few his death. It will bathe duty of the ,Council to appoint to 'prepare a suitable resolution of condolence to be' to,his wife and family. This'Cotinty hasbeGll'rnost fortunate in HI3 School Inspectors in and I :hope tlfat iIi filling. the position:youwills.electa. man Co-operate with yOU inmaintaiiling a -high standard in the $chools'for which Elgin' is noted. Acting Hndertheauthority conferred upon Die by the Public Act, I, ap'pointed J, A. Taylor, Inspector for' West Elgin, as 27 2" Elg'in Ccunty Council. acting InlJpector in East Elgin untH Mr. Atkill'ssucceEsor is appoint" ed and takes over the duties 'Of the office. . '.rhe Wa,r The great war is still 'Occupying the attentian of,the peaple thraughout the warld. The ,pasition 'Of the 'ap,pasing armies has nat changed ta any extent since J~nuary, ;althaugh many great .Ibattles hav'e ,.teenfaug~t an Sea and Land, na movement 'Of a ,decisive nature has been attempted. The pre~ent autlaok wauld indi~ate that haR- tilities will ,be cantinued far many manths ta come and that the need for n;are men ~nd money i:3 ~antinual1y increasing. , Few 'Of us imagined, th~tCanada was capruble 'Of taking the fore" mast positian it has assumed in a,id 'Of the matherland. The expen- ditureshave .been large but the authorities were justified in placing the reraur,ces 'Of the cauntry at the dispol3al 'Of the Al1fes: , It remains far each 'Of us ta do 'Our Whale duty in this cannec- tian. The CE!-nadUm Saldiers, are distinguishing themselves and making a Eacrifice that few 'Of us are aible ta appreciate ta itl3fullest extent. 'rh'e care 'Of the families 'Of thasewha are fighting 'Our battles should 'be 'Our special- can cern and I h'ope~ that aU'questions'hrought before the Cauncil in this connectiail win he determined :in a manner that will meet with the approval of the progressive ,peaple-_we represent. I~egislation 'l'he L~gislature, as usual, passed considerable legislation interest ta municipalities. The impartant new features 'Of the Municipal Act include to 'limit the number 'Of -billiard and poal taJble, ta regulate towers and tanks, to enable villages ta 'e13tablish garobage callection systems and far, requir-irg tawnship 'bridges aver 20 ,feet in length to be ,canstru,cted in accardance, with gene;ral specificatians by the Highway Department. El~ll County Council. The Assessment Act exempts battle sites subjects ta :be 'distinguished. from aliens in the " , ,,:' .' ...."" I a,pAreq-ui1;e,~I'::a;~Hlt~,~ ,a!:\s\,!ssm:eIl,1f1' xaHiI ,'Jr';x The foultdation 'Of t1?-etawnshipstatute l~bar. by:-Iawl.3 amitte.d in. ,th.e .,R.,~tq~)s,re~en'lloted ,a.nd, the.,au".thari:t~.e,s...ot,ur'bau mu,nicipal- itiesare ,al,ltharize,dJQiilcre,a:se.~he palJ ta'~;Ja; $5.00. ("'; ,.' . A -radical change is made in the prOVISIons 'Of the Hi;gh way . Imprqvement Act which may be applied by-,county councils':tofburOr more adjoining township,s. The Ontario Highways Actprovidel3 that sioners,_ whOEe 'salary thepravince will pay in- -permanent officials. township commfs- part, need not 'be The .Load of Vehicles Actpravides for a tatal weight 'Of twelve td~s' and prohibits the use of flanges, -clamps 'Or ribl3- an wheels or the. moving 'of heavy-loads when the weight exceeds 650 pounds upan any in.eh in width or-tire. Municipal autharities are autharized to ,grant permits for laads over twelve tans, but tks dOlm not .relieve the ,owner 'Or driver fram ,being responsible ~far all: damages ta ~he highway. '1'he speed of loaded vehicle$ is limi te.dfar faur taIlS to ten :rp.iles 'per houl;', six +~l'.~.sjx -milrlJ per 11aur when steel tires are used, and eight miles when tires 'ate - 'Of rubh'er 'Or other substance. The Tractian Engine Ac.t is made subject to the new Act. Municipalcauncils must naw see that all their bridges are p,qual to carrying a twelve tan laad. , Councils arc autharized~o make SWbl.3tantialincreases in 'Dog Tax and assessors aremade1i2.lble ta a penalty if dags are entered on, the raIl. ' The authority to make grants and issue debentures for Patriotic, purpOSe!3 is extended-and napartia:l or total exempUons fram assess- ment:or ta.:x;aUon 'Or fixed assessments can hereafter beCbri'sidered in levying rates therefar. . 29 the not Wl Elgin COu'lty.Council. That the Public Health. w'as 'not neglected, is evidenced by ~mendme~t~ W 1!1~ Aqt 'l~f~r~~I).~ ~o,:~~ti~~ of l\r13qi'~~l ()W'9~rs of HeaJt~ a~~ W~Qy~4PH~ t~1}t q~~ye13 under t~q vvee~~ pi ~g~ 'W-{ty 119t be-killed. ' , . The PJ:?f~~~~"Qs of t~e PURFc Libr~rie~Aqt is e;x~encled to t~w:n~ ahips and county 9()1lf1~il~ H~ ~l1t~9r~z:d to, p~ss b~-I~W:~' unc;J,ElI:t~e Snow Fences Act. The wet seasonaf 1915 "113, the caUse of exte'nding ~he borrowing ;powers of councils under the Tile Drainage Act to $50,000, and.iha Provincial Trea. surer' 'to illcreasehis i11vestments i.n Drainage Debentures. The Stat'ute AmeridmentAct, a's u,Eua-I, con,... tainl3 a conglomeration of legislation and iilcludes a sectionp'tbv-iding that ,councils may dispense. with cqUection of taxes by distress during the war. The importance of the sheep industry which is empha'sized by the present shortage of wool, walS re,cognized in amendment -to sectiOn -18 of t~e Dog Tax, and Sheep Protection Act making IUuni- c:~pal~q(3s l~abl~ 'Yhel;! sheep are kmed by unknown dogs, for coni- vensation equal to thel ~mount of da.mage sustained. The same act was also amended so that the dog tax may tbeincreased. Good ~oads The adyisabilit~ of -pa;:;sin.g. a County Road Ipy-Iaw at tl1is session \Vi 11 , no dO~9t r.~,c~Iye Y(,H~r car~~ul ,C9n$ider~ti~~. Thl:! draftBy~Law ~a~ b€1en in y()~r ~andl3tor so~~ time a~.d the information gained '"!Jy attend~nce 'at the meetings of tl1.,e Provincial -Good. Roads Associa- tion should enable 'you to approach the matter in, a manner that will give general satisfaction not only to yourselves but the people generally. I Nightwatc11man at Court House Some we\3!{s ago p.J-e pourt House Commissioners :consi4ered the question' of plflictng a nightwatchman in the County Build~ngs I, and decided to do SO and refer the question of his continu-anoe' f9r your decision at this session. . These are trouble!Some times and e:s;tr,a care in the protect~~~ of ,pubUc buildings is, almost universal. ' EIghi County Council. ~!II" II' )11"" !I. !. :11'11: !)Il' 1111 II IIII Illl!" '11'1 'I' IlfI[11 11'1; I~III It~.,' '11.1 '1111' ,I ill, 11'1'11 1(1 ,., il~11 III!I~II iil!1 I:~'II 1'1<1"1 "II~ l;~~: II I~~' Illt:I'II"I: IIIIII!I t[I" ~ ~ il im~' !i1lli1r ihl;I~1 11'1'1' Ii I!) II 1:1)1111' ~!~I'i hlli~ 111!1!111 I~'~n ,1:1",:'11 , I , i I ! i ' i ! ! i ~ i I !I~!!I il!II'i!:!111, ",1,:111 'I'" 'I'IK! J::W,I 31 Agl'i'cultural Outlook The continued. wet weather Which is, I 'believe, unprec~d~~teq in this districf, is having a depressing effect throughout th'~( ~o.u'~'ty and if continued the" agricultural prospe~ts in Southern Ontar~o will pc tl1e-- womt in many years. The dair~ing ah~s'tock lntere:sts ~~e ,suffering and the present high prices will' 'do muc'h to offset the in grain and other ,crops this year. It is to be hoped eh~t the c()~diqon..E1 Will cha~ge for the -better so that we Piiy p.ut an ef;for-t to bring about a semblance of nOrma'l COud'jUons. Staltcr' nl'idg~ Since the January Sel.3sion the most important 'business aff€1ct~~!? was Jhe action taken Iby the Township-of Mal~hide to liability of the county for tl].\3 cQnstr~ction of Ii bridge over gully, determined by tIle County Judge. The Puq1i? :tin~pr~ve- Committee advised .with the Solicitor and a'ttended wheuRis heard the e'Vide.nce and arguments in the case. His decision Jhat the county is liable for' '85 per cent. 'of the cost of the The' County Solicitor has taken the matter to the Court of- and an early decil3ion is awaited with interest. Owing to, the OfIll<tter~al the present cost o~ thestructu:re Will be ,The Public Improvement Committee will no doubt re'port more in r~ference to the platter. .If UIe Court of ApPea.1 f),grees witt! C~unty Judge, it will'~e for the Coun~i1 to qe,cide how the funda this work are to he provided, by de'benturesor by-raiSing the this'year. ' ., ',- -The following communications were read: Report. Referred to E'inance Committee. J., W. Murphy, Ridgetown" re payment for liand at Both-, 'Referred to.Publie ImprOVEJlnent COplm!ttee. D. Lighthall, re organization of Union of pntarlO Referred to Finance Committee; FI:orp Messrs. Scriver & Canning, 1'e reward f9r ap':prehension thief. Referred t? Fina~ce'Co~D::!ittee. !"I"'''I v 'I';'.'" ",,,,.:'>,' ,',1,.,1' 1'\'1,1""1 'l'! "", I i,'II,I,,']' ;'/,j;"'I::,J:"I, \"ll"""'" ~/' ~l ::: ; 1,"','.1[""" 1'0"11!II" !I}";:;:,I, '111'1\',:"11 ili'''':!.'. IIIII"'" 'II"~' 'i"II,i' 'I'''' ''.,:.lllf,,;!1 111'11";'::11 !ji~').il, 'r'ii:; 1'111,,111,,1, 11",'[T"llll"'i' !il~i.:;ii .,t;!":1 t,l;'III,1 ,:11:1','1 ;-:"'1 lii1:!'i~;'.I! :::i 'I "I" ',liJ:'; :"'1".""" ,::II!,.':\;', 'I i\,' ,"', " '''I'.:' ~: ,II \- ;;', v:!li:',', III', !1{' j ;1: ( ~ ;"il:'::I' I' L' II I' I" 'Il,' ;jl' :12 ElgiiY"COfiiit-Y'CoiiiiclT. From R(',lcruiting Committee, Te grant. Committee. Referred to Finance '_From'Educatlon Department; "re 'Legislative Grant. to Education-.ConHnittee,o From -County Registrar with Atinual'Report: Finance Gommittee. Referred From. County council," Stormont, amendment to Highway Improvement ~nd Le.gislation Gommittl?e; Dundas and Glengarry, re Act. Referred to . Petitions F1rom . Attorney Genlil.ral Oiltario re _Juvenile Qourts. to ..Finance "Committee, with annual Re~ 'FromJ. A. "Taylor', Public "School "Inspector, port. Referred to Education Committee. From Allbert Wallington, Vienna, resigning" pot3ition School Trustee. Referred to E-ducation Committee. Applications for the position of Puiblic Scliool Inspector: T.J. Hicks, B.' A., Caledonia, Onto J,. Q. Smith, 'B. A.,_ Ingersoll," Onto A. __-S. McRitchie, B. A., Arthur, Ont. Archie McVicar,' B. A;, Mull, Onto Peter M. Thompson, M. A., ,Windsor, Onto J. L. Mitchner, B. A., Vanleek Hill, Onto Referred to Education c.ommittee. Mr. Dollars Station. Ivli11er gave notice of application ,for grant of ($100.00) on Middlesex County, Line, near Mr. McGormick enquire,d ~s to the llability of }1laintenance -or a 'person aft~.r Houl38 of Industry issued but before he is taken to the Institute. IiJIgin_County, Council. ~~ Moved by.J. H. McIntyre, Seconded by L. Kendall, That. the chairmen of the various Standing Committee to report,on the Warden's address. Moved-by N. S. Cornell, Oommittees be a ---:.Carried. Seconde"d by -w'. T. Hare, That this COl!-ncil do now adJourn to meet ton:lOrrow at ten a.m. -Carried, K. W; McKAY,_ . County Clerk. Gmo. Ii'. PINEO, Warden. \ 3:3 II ii lit I.~ I I" , t III I~ II~ II III I . ',"~I I, 'Ii) ~ III :!' 'i!~ "I I' ii, '1:11 l'li I' fl ,,,1 1,:1 I', ,:'~I .,:,1 I~ ::It 'rf,1' ~ Ir(II' 1:11 , :I,~j! I II!I,I !~r, : ;1'11 I,', ,', il~~ i' I',',' )jill .::ii'j 11,,11, :~ll ' ,,';1:" 31 Eighl'County Council. SECOND SESSION-SECOND DAY Wedliesday the seventh day Of June, 1916._ The Elgin County Couneil met thit3 day according to adjourlJ,~ ment. The Warden in the chair. All the members ,present. _- The ,proceedings' of the p~evious day were 're~d andconfi,rrned. The- following communications were read From County EngJne,er, with Report. ,- Referred' to Public Improvement Committee: From F. Hunt, Police Magistrate, application for expenses', Referred to Finance Committee~ Mr. W.H. Moore gave notice thatlle would apply for tion- afOm'!' Hundred ThousaildDollars ($100,000.) in equalization. a reduc- Bayham , The report of -the Committee on Education was presen!ed and adopted' o~' the m~tion ofJ, A. Mc~ean, seconded by ,R: LYODl3. Mr. J. a.Smith, of Ingersoll, the newly appointed Inspector of Pu:blic Schools, then addressed the Council, thanking them for the appointment. , At the" request of the CounQil, President Andersori. of the Patriotic Association then delivered ari. address, explaining pertaining to the finances of the Association. E.lgHi Coullt.;f q~;~ncil. . [5 'Moved by 0; MpKei1:hey; Seconded byE. fi. Bryce, That this Counoil do now adjourn to meet at. the call of the '\' I I ' I~ Ii ~ ~ t I~ I~ if ~ '~ ~ I~ ~ "I ~l; I, 'II,,! I i~i ~ ,~ I ~iW 'I~ I~ , '~I' I~ 11,'1 'h 'I' I' ~ ~I '1',1. ,t4 .'1 'I' 11,,1," ~I ',~I' '~i 'I~ li","'I,j,! ,ft! '~II tl! Ill, '~~ ~I' 101 ~l ~Carr1ed. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. GliJO. F. PIN,EO, Warden, 36 Elgin 'Colmty CounciL SECOND SESSION-THIRD DAY Thursday the eighth day of June, 1916; The Elgin Gounty.Council met this day according to'-' adjou.rn; menL The Warden in the chair. All the members 'present. The proceedings of theprevioUl:) day were read and confirmed. Moved by Wm. Tolmie, Seconded Iby D. R. Curtis, That -this Council request the London Free Press to statement in Thursday's 'paper in report of discussion on Fund matters that, "The memlbem of the Council were 110t appa.rently satisfied with the details presented ,by the President and Treasure~, of the local Association, and some went so far as toc)1argethe officials with extravagance and broadly hinted that the affaim of the Association could be more 8.conomically administered", as such a; statement is not 'correct-and is without foundation in any particular~ Mr. McCormick enquired in reference to liability of Oil Company,for'licence for d~ing 'business in the County. Moved by -M. D. McCormick, Seconded by J. A. McLean, That the County -Solicitor be al3ked for an opinion in regard t,_ taxing the Colum1bus .oil Company for, doing business in th~ County Elgin Oounty,,'Ooullcil. 37 Mr. Lyons gave no~ice of' application for grant County Line Ibetween North and South Dorchester. on Middlesex ;' Moved by H.B. Lyons, I I I )1 II I II Ii II, Ii If I Seconded. ;by J. A. McLean, Tnat a deputation ten o'clock. be heard from South Dor,chester, tomorrow -Carded. Moved' by Wm. T, Hare, Seconded Ib;y H. B. Lyons That alBy-Law No. 874, to assume a sYl3tem of County Roads, received and read a first time. -Carried'. Moved by Wm. TolIp.ie, '/' 1'1 , 1'1 Iii If 111,1' 111,11 lill Ilili 'I~' "",', I ~! II 'I" /,', ]i~ I,I!! Itl~1 ~llil JlllU 111",1:11 "I'" ,,,,. 1')"(,: ,il'}'! Seconded by _J. A. M'C~ae, That representatives from each TownShip furnIsh, the Clerk,' the November Session, with a memorandum of the roads wish to have designated at3 County Roads, for the purpose of to BY-Law No. 874. ~Ca~rrie'd. Moved ,by A.A. ,Miller,. Seconded 'by M. D. McCormick That this Council grant the sum of One Hundred Dollars on the _ "-Middlesex Townline, east o'f Southwo1d Station, 'provided that the Cpunty Council of Middlesex grant the same. -Lost. ,38 ~~g~n Co~ntY9oullCP. 39 Elgin County Council. ~?ye~, b~ 4. A. ~~Ww; Moved ,by G. F. WilIfams, Seconded ,by M. D. McCormick, Seco~ded byW. H. Moore, That copies of theamendrilents of the Municipal Act of 1913 be given to all memberl3 of the County CO,uncil.' T~*t the .re~i~~,atiQn ()f Al~ert Wallington "be accepted, and- FralikCurtis be ap~pointed in his 'place on the Vienna School Board. .........:....Carried. ) Moved by W. H. Moore, Moved 'by Wm. Tolmie, Se,couded by J. A.McRae, Seconded by Thomas DenniI3,_. That the notice of motion given yesterday to redUce Bayham, Hundred Thousand Dollars be 'placed 'b'efore the' EJqU"a'lization at this session. That this 'Council :make an additional grant of Fifteen Dollars to the Canadian Patriotic Fund, for the ye~r 1916. -Carried. Moved by Wm. T. Hare, Moved by J. A. McLean, Seconded by D. R. Curtis, Secon~ed 'by O. McKenney, That this Council do now adjourn till two o'clock. . Moved by~. A.lfuller, The COUllCil Resumed Seconded by Wm. Tolmie, The Warden presented -the report of the. meeting held by sen.tatives of the 'County and City Council in reference to Patriotic Fund. money,,' which 'was adopted ~n motion _of seconded hy McKenney. That 'we. now adjourn till tomorrow at ten a.m. -Carried. W. McKAY, County Clerk. GI.iJO.~"'. PINEO; Warden. The report of the House of IJ,1dUl3try Committee was and adopted on motion of McKenney, seconded by McGormicIl;. ~rh~ re.pqrt of tl1.~ Sp.~~ial Committeeo.n th~ Wi3.rden's was presented arid' aq~J?,t~:~ p.~ n:oqon .o,f .~c~~mney, Fuller. 40 , Elgin County Oouncil. EIgih Oounty OOU}lcil. . Moved by James -.Todd SECOND SESSION.~FOURTH DAY Seconded by N. S; Oorp.ell, Friday the 9th day .of June,i916. That 13.ome action .be taken by this Council with regard to Junk Dealers License. , The ElgiilCounty Council 'met this day according to adjourn- ment. -Carried. Moved by Wm. Tolmie rfhe Warden in the chair. . Secon'dediby .I.A. Fuller, All. the memb,ers present. That ,a Committee be apPoInted, ,by the Warden, re Junk Deal- License, to report at November Session. Tl1e proceediugi,3 .of the previous day were read and confirmed-. -Carried. In accordance with appointment thedeputation,collsistingof Messrs. McVicar, Ham'blin and Shane, then addressed the 'Councir in reference to road im.provement on Dorchester Line. Mr. Lyons,' presented a petition in reference thereto, Moved ,bYJ. A. Fuller, Se~onded (by Wm, -Tolmie, That the Counciladjo.urn till two p.m. Mr. Todd enquired re Junk, Dealers License. -Carried. The report of the Spec~alCommittee, on resolution of ence to Mm. Atkin, was presented and adopted -on motion of tyre, seconded Iby Tolmie, The Council Resumed The report of the Pwblic Improvement Committee was ,preseriteeL and adopted on, motion of Fuller, seconded by Camp bell. The report of the Committee on Petitions and Legislation 'was and adopted on motion 'of McIntyre, seconded hy -Hare. The first report of the Finance 'Committee wa/:; 'presented and on motion of Cornell, seconded by Camp:bell. The report of the EduOcation Committee Was on motion of McLean, seconded by Hare, Moved by H, B. I--,yons, 'presented and Secolldedby O. McKenriey,' That a grant of Glie Thousand Dollars ($1000:) be'paid Treasurer of ~outh Dorchester to repair the Countr Line tween Middlesex and Elgin, providing Middlesex grant a like report of the Equalization Committee was presented and on motion-of T6Imie;' seconded by Cornell. The second report of the 'Finance Committee was presented and on motion of Cornell, seconded by Curtis; 4J 42 Elgin CoulltyCouncll. RelSolutions in reference to Stalter Bridge appeal 'were then pr,esented and referred to ,a Committeeuf,the whole; with~r; McIn- tyre in' the -chair, after considerable discussion the Committee rOBe and the :chairman reported that they had not arrived ata decision. Moved 'by ,0, .McKen~h'lY, Seconded by W.T. Hare, , That thia Council withdraw the appeal against the given by His Honor Judge Colter, re StaIterB'ridge, in _Mala'hide, and that the said decision be accepted by thil3 Council. Lost on the following divisi-on': Yeas: Hate, McKenney,CotnelL Tolmie, McCrae, Campbell; Kendall, Miller;. McCormick, Curtis, Todd, Pineo, Moore, Dennis, Lyons; Wil- liams Bryce,Mclntyre; Fuller, ,McLean. Nays Moved ,by N. S. Cornell', Seconded by O. McKenney, That we"pay Seventy-F'ive Percent (75 building Stalter Bridge, and that app~albe being without prejudice. Lost on the following divil3ion Yeas Camp:bell, Hare, McRenney, Cornell. Nays: Tolmie, McRae, Kenda.ll,Miller, McCormick, Todd, !Jineo, Moore"" Dennis, ,Lyons, Bryce; McIntyre, Fuller, -McLean. Moved by, O. McKenney, Seconded by N, S. Cornell, That this Coi.iricll do riowadjourn to tn'eet at 7:30 p.m, Elgin- County Council. The Councll Resumed ,Moved byJ, A. Fuller, Seconded, by Wm. Tolmie, Tl1at13y-Law No. 875, beiuga By-Law to amend By-Law No, 827 be,'receivedand read a first time, ~O~rrie,d. Moved -by J: A. McRae, ~€!cQ,n~e4 ~y W!l1' Tol~ie, Th~t By-Law No, 875 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved 'by Wm. Tolmie, Seconded by J. A. Fuller, That By-Law :No, 875 Ibe read a third time and finally passed. ~Carried. ,Moved ,by J; H. McIn~yre, ' "-'Vc> Seconded by"L. Kendall, That By.-LawNo. 876} 'being a By.;.Law to grant aid to Canadian be received and read a firl~t time. -Carried. Moved ~by J. C, Campfbell, ~econded Iby J. H. McIntyre, ThatBy-~aw No. $76 berfJad a second time, -Carrjeu. 43 Elgin County Council. 44 ... u'Elgin County'Council. 'Moved by A. A; Miller, Moved by L. Kendall, Seconde~by G. F. Williams, Seconded by J. .c. Campbll, That By-Law No. 878 be read a second time. That By-Law No. 876 'be read a third time aildfinally passed. -Carried. . 0 -Carried. _Moved 'by G. F; Williams, Moved by J. A. Fuller; Seconded 'by A. A. Miller, Seconded 'by Wm. Tolmie, That By-Law No. 878 ,be T,ead a third time and finally passed. That By-Law No. '877,to r~ise amounts for County Rates received and read a first time. -Carried. -,-Carried. Moved by M. p, McCormick, Moved 'by Wm, Tolmie, Sec'onded Iby A'. A. Miller, Seconded by J. A.McRae, That By-L~w No. 879, being a By-Law to grant additional aid Schi?ols, lb'e received, and read a fir-st time. That By-La"( No. 877 'be, read asec,ond time;" -Carried. Moyed ,byM. D.McCormick, Moved by J. A. McRae, Seconded, by Wm. Tolmie, Seconded by A. A~ Mil!er, That, By-:Law No. 877 be read a.third time and That By-Law No. 879"pe read a third. time and finally 'passed. ~9arried. Moved by Thos. Dennis, Moved 'by' A. A; Miller, Seconded1by' W. H. Moore, Seconded Iby G. F. Williams, That By.:.Law No. 878, being a By-Law to authorize the den and Treasurer to Iborrow, Forty Thousand Dollars ,( be received ,and 'read a: first time. I 880, to confirm equalization, Ibe received and -Carried. 45 46 Elgin County Council. Elgin County"Gouncilt 47' Moved by Thos~ DenUis, Moved ;by W.T; Hare, Secondeci.by_N: S", C&rteU; Seconded by H, B. Lyons, Tluit By-Law No. 880 be read a second time. .:ey-;La,w,Nd_;882,to fiX; salarr,?,f .P?~.ice 'Maf?N;tra;te; be and read a .first time. --'Carried; -Carried. -Moved by W. H. Moore, Moved by N. S. Cornell, Seconded'qy Thos. Dennis, Seconded by W. T. Hare, That By,..LawNo. 880 be read a third time and finally passed. That By-Law' No. 882 be read a second Jime. -Carriea, _Carried. Moved by W. T. Hare, Moved by E. A, Bryce, S~condedty N. S: Cornell, Seconded by H. B. Lyons, TluitBy-Law No. 882 'be read a third time arid finally passed. ,-Carried. That ,By-Law No. 881, to appoint a High School '.Trustee,be received arid read a firl3t time. _Carried. Moved byJ. H. Mcitiityre; Seconded, by_L. Kendall, Moved by James Todd, That the Council now adjourn to meet on Tuet;day, the 21st Seconded IbY, E. A. - Bryce, -Carried. That. By-Law No. 881 be read a second time.. -Carried. Gl!JO. :F'. PINl<JO, Warden. Moved by H. B. Lyons, Seconded :by Thos. nennis, That By_LawNo.-881 ,be read a third time and flrialiy,parised.' i; ii i Ii I! ii, 'I , iq :(1 'I' ii' :I! in (,L' ;r" I", iL 48 l~l,gjn Countj" C::uncil. THIRD SESSION-FIRST. nAY. Tuesday, the 21st day of November. 11f16. Good Roads. The Good, Roads agitation is making progress, the Counties in the West, and Prescott and Russell,: in the East, have By-Laws adoptinR County roads systems; since your last 'fhe Elgin County Council met this day ac'cording to ment. ;" ii:- !~ " ! The Warden in the chair. I hope that all of the 'Township Councils have complied with resolution passed at .last session, by 'designating the roads, that their" opinion,should be included in a County system, so that Councils may have your opinici'fi',as a basis' for future dis- All the members' present except Mr. Cornell. i'; I :, The Warden addressed the Council, as follows: The War and MattersPa,tri,otic. The great European War is"'stiU very niuch'in evidence. The Allies are on the offensive on all fronts and are meeting with . \ g'reat success. 'I'here is, as form>3tly, a' great 'demand- for men -and money. The question of munitions has been practically solved, our duty in tiI"is cOllllection is to maintain the necessary supply labor' and power. To the .Elgin County Council. 'Ii Gentlemen:- J: Ii " ~ l : i ,n. n I I am glad to meet you all once- more around the hoard tlnd hope that in' closing the business of the year, you Will give the same close attehtion to matters brought before you as ha"'e during 'former sessions. Since the 9Ist Battalion went overseas - there has 'beehno et- 'fort to recruit in. the County. There is a pressing 11eed for men t6' keep the Canadian forces up to strength arid ah effort will no :dou'bt:be' made to secure a quota of the men required from' Elgin. 'i.'he Deople of theComlty, especially the ladies, are doing their. whole duty-in supplying comfOi'tsfor the overseas men and 'Canadian' hospital requirements. AbettEll' organization of the for the collection of funds ,for the emergencies due to the is desirable. This is a qUe.3tiOl1,.that will no 'doubt he dealt by the:'Patriotic Association tomorrow. No business of outstanding importance has developed our last meeting. Outario' Temperance Act. The Ontario Temperance Act has become law and is being enforced th,rotighout the Province. This is progressive legislation that will produce beneficial results in every community. ii, Stalter Bridge. The proceedings of the last day of the previous se3sion were anu confirmed. i I. 'rhe decision of the Court in reference. to the Stalter. bridge 'appeal has not been received, it is,to be rgretted that a matter of such great importance to the community interested should beso' longd,eferred. The death of Mr. Justice Garrow, one of the Judges of ~the Court of Appeal, may account for the delay. If this is so and. it is necessary for the Court to rehear the arguments, County SoHcitor should be instructed in reference thereto. Fnm -John 'Grant, Turnkey, application foJ' increase in pay. to Gaol Committee. fOlowing communications we:re read: County Engineer with report. Referred to the Public Committee. I ~; ~ ~i ','; 5' I ~~l~jH fJp.HHfr Pm~nFH; From HOll. S'ecretary (li1fUH'HflH l?~triotic Fund. Finance Committee. Referred to Frolll tIle Mhli~t~r ()f'PubVc Wor~s, re ~r~~t 'Bill to pr()vido for the:'c~Histru'ctibii:.'6'f itoads-'by local asses'sll1€mt;' 'Refe/rre~ 'to. Public Improvement Committee. From CountY,: SoHpitor, re Bloom claim at Bothwen BrIdge. Referre'd to Pnbl'ic Improvement Committee. From 'Elliott and Moss, Mount Bridges, notice damages caused py '1l,CcideJ1.t, on Bothwell ~ri<1ge; Public Improvement Co~mittee. of claim fOr Referred to From John .McNicpl, in .Home -'for"Incurables, London" re re- lease from present arrangement' for his maintenance. Reterred to Houl:e of Industry Committee, with Mr. Tolmie _added. Mr. McKEmney gave notice of 'application for grant to the Elgin Corn and Poultry Show, amounttwi.> hundred dollars. ".. Mr. Fuller ga.-ve notice of application for grant to tJ:1e Elgin Corn and Poultry Show,a'mount twol1'Undred and fifty dollars;' Notices were t;+vell Fairs on same basi~, as of applications for grants last; year. / to all agl'lcu!tural MoveCi byJ; A.. Ful~er, Seconded by Wm. Tolmie, That we adjourn until ten a.m. tomorrow tp - allow commIttees to me-et. -Carried. K. W. ~cKAY, County Clerk. pEO. F. E~~hl C01lIltyOQUllCil. J,I_L ----;'i:'i" THIRD SESSION--S}jJCOND DAY. 1.' 'Wednesday,_ the 22nd day Of November, 1916. The Elgin County Council met this day 'accol'dingto ado'jurno, 'ment. The Warden in the chair. All the members present .'except M~. Cprn~'P. The proceedings of the previous .4~y..were read and confirmd. . The re~ort of -tIW Ph_:r~fcian of the House of Il}~ustry was presented '~n<i r~ferred ,to' the ,Ho~se of Industry Committee. East Mr. To!mie: ,made statement re Bridge on County Line over Morden drain. The Warden referred the matter to the Public Improvement Committee and instructed Mr. Tolmie to makestate~ ment in writing. . The report of the Public Improvement Committee was ,pre- sented and,referred to a'Committe~ of the- Whole, w~th lVIr. Campf- in the chair. After considBration,' the, Committee arose and the. report was ado'pted as amended, on mot:on of Campbell, soc~ ondedby,Curtis. " , Moved by J. ,C. Campbell, Second~d by H. B. Lyons, That a grant be made to all the Agricu~tur~l" Ffl~rs in t~e County, as usual, namely, twenty per cent. of the Government Grant. Moved by J. H. McIntyre, ---.,.O!,!--rried. . Seconded by Leslie Kendall, That the chah~mE:n of the various Standing Committees be, a to consider the'i-Varden's address and report thereon. ~Carried. tit fi2 . Elgin County' Councll. Moved 'by 'Wm. 'Tolmie, Seconded by J. A. Fuller, Tha.t a grant of Two Hundred Dollal's be' given 'to the Elgin Corn and Poultry Show, at West ,Lorne. ~Carried. l~oved by O. McKenlll3Y, Seconded by J. A; McLean, That this Coun<:;.il is willing, to pay their share of the claim of E. R: Bond, for damges to 'auto car on the Bothwell Bridge, and settle the claim. --:-Lost. Moved by J. A. 11~uller, Seconded by' Wm. T~lmie, That we adjourn to meet at 4 p.m. '----:Carried. The' COUllcil ResUluea:: Moved by Wm. '1'. Hare, ';(" Seconded by 0, McKenney, That. the usual grant of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars bo made to' the East,]JJlgin C~rn and poultry Show. Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded by \V. H. Moore, That this Council adjourn until ten a.m;' tomorrow. K. W; MuKA Y, County Clerk. GEO. 'F. PINEO, Elgin County QounciL 1.;IlU~D.SESllION-'l'F1IRD DAY. Thursday'" the 23rd day of November, 1916. ThG' Elgin Oounty, Council met tbis day accnrd;Lg",to adjourn.. ment. The Warden in the chair. All the members present except ,MI:. Cornell. i The proceedings of the previous day were read and 'confirrned. Moved by D. R. Curtis, Secon'ded by" A; A.Miller; " That a dermtation from the St, Thomas Poultry Association now heard. -Ca.rried' Mr. Ro~~erts made application for grant for the ,Elgin' Poultn' Moved by ~Thomas' Dennis, Seconded byH. B. Lyons, That this Council adjourn to meet at' 2,30 p.m. today. -Carrlod. The Council Resumed; The report of the Inspector of the House of Industry, was .lIre.. and referred to the House of Industry Committee. Mr. Curtis gave notice of applicatJon for grant of Twemy- Dollars to the St. Thomas Poultry Association, Mr. ~Lyo:ns gave notice of application for grant on the North of South Dorchester. "., 0., ,H RIghi Coiihty Councll. ' 'l'he report or the Finance Committee was presented and adopt':' ed on 'lJ:J...otion,of Wpliams.; seconded hyMoore. rhe.: seco,nd r,ep.orLor the P~hlic }mpr!.wement Committee was. presented and referred to a Committee or the Whole, Mr. Curtis , in the chair. After amending the report the -Committee arose, 'and the report as amended was adopted ,on motioh of Curtis; seconded by Miller~ The report of the Gaol Committee was presented and adopted oh motion of Dennis, seconded by Lyori'S; The report of the House of Industry Committee' was presented and adopted on motiQnof McKenney, .seconded by McCormick., The t'eport' of the Education CommIttee was presented and .Q,oopted on ,1110tion of ,MqLean, seconded by McIntyre. Moved by O. McKenney, , 'Secoiidedby W. R.Moore, r~'hat this Council adjourn until ten a.m. tomorrow. -Carried. Ie W.McKAY, County Clerk. GEO. F.PINEO, Warden. Elgin' 'CoUilty C(jiiriCl1. ..----------- ;'(: -THIRD SESSION-I'OURTH DAY. '''''' " '",'Y> ,,__,-, " Friday, the 24th day of November, 1916. CounCil _met thi,s day accordihgto adjourn,- 'I'he W'arden mtll'e chair. All the members present except, Mr. Cornell. The proceedings of the I?re-vious day were read and confirmd. The report orihe Public Improvement 'Committee was presented refe'rred to a Committee of the Whole, with Mr . Fuller in the After consideration the Committee arose and the report adopted without amendment" on motion of Fuller, secon.ded Campbell" lVIoved by D. R. Curtis. Seconded by A. A. MiUer, That the usual 'rhomas Poultry' grant of Twenty~ Five Dollars be given to. tIle Association. -':'C!j..rried. Buchanan, Agricultural Representative, addressed the in r~ference to hisWbrk during the year. lVIoved bY, O. IVrcKenney, Seconded by W. H. Moore; That the reportsubmited by Mr. Buchanan, tlW County Repre~ of AgriCulture be' accepted aIidpriilted in,the ininutes'.' -Carried. Moved, byW. T. Hare, Seconded -by D; R. Curtis, That By-taw NO. '874, in respect 'to Highway, Irriprbvemeht be it 'second. time. -Carried. 55 5~ Elgin County Council. EIghi"dbtinty.Oouncil. ;,,;7 Moved, by Thomas Dennis, ,Seco'nded by J. A. ,McLean, to extend time 'for Tax Sale, be recelVed .......;...Carried: M:oved by J. H. McIntyre, Seconded, by.E.' A. Bryc~,._ and '{'hat By~LawNo. 883, read a first time. vacate ,the chah' and that it be. tal{en ~JY Moved byJ. A.McLean, -Carnea. Seconded. by M.' D'. McCormick, 't'ha'.tBy'-Law'No. 883 be read a secc)llct Urrie. Mr. Tolmie took the charI'. \Moved by J. A. Full~r, . Movea~b{:':O.' MCKenney, Seconded by D. R. Curtis, 'Phat By '-Law No. 883 be read a third tillle and firtallypa.ssen. That fhe thanks of this Council be te~dered the War'den, CIeri;: all the' County Officials, for theirki,ndness to this board dUf!-- gthe past year~ and that the usual grant of Seventy-Five Dollars the Warden for his extra services." 'iocond'ed by "V. H. Moore, , Moved by J. 'C" Campbell, 'Seconded by' J, A. McRae, That: By-Law No. 884, being a By-Law 'to make grant to, ()anadian Patriotic Funel, be received and !'~ada firtt i,llne; All the memhers made complimentary addresses, in reference the Warden and officials. The resolution was carried unani": ()usly and tendered to the Warden,who made a suitable, reply pd resumed the '.ch'air. Moved',by M,.D.' 'l\I1:,cQQrmick, Moved by J. A. McRae, SecoIl:ded 'by J.C. Campbell, Seconded- by O~M,Cl{€lnneYj 'this Council ;donow adjOUrn ,sine die. " --Carriea. '1'n.,at,.By,~Law No. 884, be re,ad a second Um(~. I McKAY, COli:nty,CJerk.. QEO. F. PINEO, Warden. Moved by J. C. Campbell, Seconded by .J. A. McRae, That By-Law No. 884, be read a third time and uS' Elgin COUl)ty Council. . 11)16 STANDINU CO~~MITTEE~. Gapl OOlmnitt~e. Thomas Dennis, Chairman., Messrs. Miller and Curtis. Public Impl'ovement Committec~ Jus. A. Fuller, Chairman. Messrs. McRae; Camp bell, Miller;, CUI' tis, Hare, Bryce, Cornell. ,Moore, ,L, 011~ HpU~c "?f I~?-p-~try CO~lp~ttcc Oscar. Mc~enney, Chairman. Messrs; McCormick and T()dd. Messrs. Filla-Ilec Committee. " "',........ . ", .- N-. S. Cornell, Chai.rman. Tolmie, Kendall, McCormicl{, Todd, Moore, McKenney, Wi1liam~. l)1cLean; Messrs. Educa,tioll Comn~ittee , James A. McLean, Chairman. McRae, Campbell, Hare, Lyons, Williams, McIntyre, Fuller. l"ctitiollS and' Lcgislu,tiOll COllllllittee John H. McIntyr'e, Chairman. Messrs. Tolmie, Kendall,' Miller, Hare, McKenney. . Dennts, Bryce, EIgHi Cduilty Coriiicil. REPORT PUBLIC SCHOOL INSl'ECTOR, ;J; A. TAYLOR. JUNE SESSION; To the Warden Elgil1:_ and Menibers of the County Council; County of , I have the honor' to present the follbwiilg Report regal' ding the Public 'Schools under my' Charge for the year 1915. PCllllyBa'lll{s These Ballks have been established for some time inc'onnec- lion with many Public' Schools throughout thePrOV.ince' and have received the. heartyendorsation 'Jf the EducaWHl Dapartulel1tand Educationists generally. Of their importance as an e-ncoLU'agelnent of thrift there can ,be no diVision of opinion. Childhood is the habit-forming periDdof life, By dint of repetition; habits are formed' and the knOWledge of how to husband and eeOliomze (jue's resources; avoid unnecessary expense and make suitable -provision for thefriture, is' a most valuable part of education. Economy is a , habit w,hich is requir~d by practice rather than by adviee. Loyal co-operation, persistent enthUsiasm and ,unflagg!ng zeal" ell the part of Principals and Teachers are essential to the H.lCC033ful operatioh of this excellent adjunct for the form!ltiOll of chal'acter~ Tlle only schools in this Inspectorate that have n.vailEld thl,ms(~lves of this,_ exc~llimt institution are the Public Schools of St. Thomas. There ':is no valid reason why the urban centre.s of PortS['anley,' Dutton, Rodne:', West Lorne should not establish tll,ese BanJui in connection with their schols. PhysipalExcl'Ciscs; The work: of physical Exer,ciSe3 is becf?ming incr~asingly sat-' The Object is to produce grace 6f ~ovement, and normal: development, "and to correct physical defects by paying ~t-i to Position while sitting and standing; No' stated amount:, of time is to be given to drili in these exercises, but I recommend teaChers to 'givenot less than five.'minutes,ea"ch :halfd,ay. The ,tables .of exercil::es suggested by the Education Department are ' foilowed_ by (he teachers of each grade, These tables areas fol1ows:- 59 !' GO Elgin County Council. First Book-Tables. 1\ to 12. , Second Book.,-Tables 13 to 24. Third Book-Tables 25 to 48. Fourth Book,...----Tables 49 to 72. . All classes from the Kindergarten to the Entrance havel'eg- ulardaily drill. These exercises are invaluable as aid;, to disci- pline" correctors of bad posture, antidotes to mental lassitude, promoters of good hf;'lalth and the inculcators of read]" controi ami prompt obedience, ' . Cadet CO[PS~ Cadet Corps should be established in connection with - the Public Schools in Rodney, West Lorne, ,Dl).tton and port Stanley. Thes~, Conwani~s are very. popu1ar ,wherever .establish,ed. They have the sympathy and ~upport of the Edu.cation .Department and all Educationists. ,Every'Public School ,that establishes a 'Cadet Corps Of ~O.pupils or. more between the ages of.14 ,andl8 will be entitled to an annual grant of Fifty Dollars from the Departr,rl~nt and a further grant of' Fifty Dollars, ,from ,the 'Militia Department. InstructQrs and pupils ,enter into the Cadet work with great virp. ,and (3uthusiasm. I find that Cadet pupilS by reason of this drill, displayrp.ore soldierly bearing, are more erect. in attitud(3" strike R,better" alignment and are manly in their acts and appearance. 1:hei1', influence, too, on the toneaf the schooL is excellent. ~{ural ])ecoration. .This is-one of,the needs tht\t can stand until better economic and financial conditions return. Trustee Boards should keep in mind, however, th'e claims of the child for an artistic environment. The aesthetie side a! education cannot be ignored. Many of the pupils come from homes in which the softening and refining in~ fluence of ,good pictures find,S no place. The class room is the child's home. It should be a bower of everything beautiful, an environment of everything uplifting, ennobling and inspiring. S'chool Nurse. Last September -the SL Thomas Board tooK when they engaged the services of a nurse, the whole of time is given to the health of the children. Since then the Elgin, County.'Council. Gl ~a:ve.be:eri ,remarkably -free from contagious' and' inf~c:ti6us disease. 'l'hisis:partly due to the preyaution 'taken' to guard agai'nst infec- tion ;by-'fumigating the room; to ,preveriting"a'dIilfssion a"f pupils ex~osed to. infectious and contagiaus diseases,' to. the nurse fallowing up suspiciO'us cases and tb the Board insisti'ng> that. the Janitar's keep.th~ Lavatories in a cleanly conditian" Her repor-t shaws what a, large number of pupils are suffering. from diseased mo:uths due tacariaus teeth. Digesti~e arid intestinal disturbances, Pneumania_, Rheumatism, Anaemi51and an increasing 'suscepdbilityta Tuber- culasis, MeaslesjDiphtheriaand Scarlet lj'ever generally follow the wak.e of septic mouths. It is irratianal to suppase th,at a with carious teeth, cbns~ant' toathache, septic mauth, in- testinal'distiI'rbancesdue to. f'aadcantaminatian and fermenting debris' held hi 'cavaties, af decaying teeth cailmake .satisfactary pragress.in their studies. Backward . Pupils. ,The prablem af backward pupils will always furnish seriQus for, teachers,. -inspectars and schaal -boards. It. . is both sad and regrettable to. find ina class of farty_many pupils a cau~le af yHars behind the standard ages af'the grade. Invariably I make . inquiries frb_m the pupils and the teacher as to.' the cause of the "retardation and I find that, in' almast every case... it is due to. some defect such as impaired -hearing and deficient sight-th:e re'sults of Diphtheria or Scarlet Fever, to. par-ental indifference, attendance,migration fram. place to pla'ce, .premature promation, merital 'lassitude, defident vitality, lack of individual teaching 0.1' late entering schoal. The, standard ages far the variaus grades can be"derived 'frani two. s6urce~: (1) From the,regula~ tions which prescribe the course af stu'dY to. eight years' worlr priot'ta the Entrance, (2) From the average age afentrance candi- dates thraughaut the Province. The standard ages then far entering the various classes sl1o\lld be~- ' Far entering the Primer-6 years. Far entering the First Baak-7 ;rears. For entering the JuniaI' Secand-8 years. .For entering the Seniar Secand-9 years. For entering the Junior Third-lO years. Far entering. the Seniar Third---,-ll years. ,Far entering the, JuniaI' Faurth-12 years. Far entering the' Senior .Fourth-13 years. . , Ii ;1 " 11'11 I " ~ II ~pi 111 :!,:I ~!!I l:11 il~!I, ;':'1: r\l'!', '\1,', . 62 ~,lgi~l COUlltx 'CO~U~C:p.. 'rr;~:',""'':'~~ This standard age of course is for normal pupils and is, lin- po.s~ibl~, ,~o,8j'l ca~r~~d pqt f9f (1~. ~llP:q~,,'e~tei:,:school '1t_dlIf('J:pmt ~ges, _(?,) all p~Jli~s ~re liot llppu;al,n ~lJ~i~ty, (~) manY pupils have to repeat their year because of sickness, mental deficiency, '~a'reD::~al i~.di~fere~'c~, irreg~lar f!,_ttendanceand Chauge' of' 11abitat. , By- way of,shor,t~l1tl}g Jhe Public schopl course,we have 'reduced tile Utne ~llotted to second' book clas,ses from t.wa 'years tQ one: This cha:~ge . has been in operatioll for nearly two ,years, and I think the t'8SUltS so 'far justify the experiment. The normal child should now, pas~ ' his ,\3ntrance at 13 lUstead of 14 years.' " ;Cou~se . of St~~h'. Th~ revised course' of study was ,il:?sp.e4, la(:)t Novernber 'o,y the Education Department. The cOllrse cover3 ~ight 'years for the Normalpupil. The blJligatory 'studi~s are as f:ollows:-Rea;4~ng, Literature, Composition, SP!3l1~ng" Gramm,ar; History, GeographY;~ Writing, Arithmetic, Manners and Morj;lls, Hyg,i,~ne" Art, Nature Study and physical culture. The formal stu'dy o( Grammar is only fot:. Fourth ClasE:es~ There has- been far too much time given t::J Primary Arithmetic in our schools. Number work should only be taken up incidentallY in Primary Classes. I, 'am satisfied the pupi.ls wo'uldbe just as far adavnced in Arit~roeti.c when... in th-e , ..., . . T~irdBook c~asses" ~f littleatteI~tion.werepai~_to ~t ulltil the pupi13 pass through the Senior First BoolLThe subjects that should be stressed, it seems to roe, are'- Nature 8tu~:r, Art, oral Composition, Reading, Supplementary U,teratur,e Geography alld constructive work in plasticine. Consbin~dril1 in number work with immature pupils must produce mental atrophy. Far better would issue )Vere ,the, time given to other subjects. Attendllnceln' Va~i9:uS Classes. The registerE;'ld attendance during the year,11115 in the classes was as follows:_Kindergarten 215, PriI11'er 9Q3, First Book 536, Second Book 843, ThIrd Book 915, Fourth Book 810, "Book 31,totaI4,253,,' aVl.}rage attendange 3,258: Perce,ntage average 'attl;:Jndtl.-llce of the total enrol1m~nt was 76. Th~ attendance of St. Thomas was 2,090, Port Stanley 137', Dutton R'odney113, West Lorne 123, Aldborough 363, Dunwich' 293; The number of teachers .in connectfon with the Public is 107. This number includes 6 Kindergarten teachers, 1 hold Science, 1 Manual Training and 99 ,Public School. The of male teachers employed is .18, female 91. The Certificates the teachers were as 'fol1ows:~First Class 10, Second 89, Training 1, Household Rciencel,Kin~ergarten 6. Elgin County COUilCil. ~ Truancy' aud IngulaI' Attondance: Of Truancy, except in the Urban centres, there iR very' little and even in these centres the numher 'of truants;'is gradually dim- inishing. , Irrgularity of attelIdanc~, both in urhanand ,rural centres, is ,regrettably, large. ;By an amdenmeut of the ,Truancy Act, 'In-: 'spectors are required, to notify parents,and Trustee Boards of ,any viol'ations oC the Act. This'Act became effective last September, 'an9., as a result, there.is a, decided improvement in the rgularit)r ,of the attendance.- -In the Public Schools of this inspector,ate this' year tIle average attendance is only 76 per ceilt. of the total en- rollment. In actual dollars an.dcents this, means tl.Iat no less a .S.i!)U than $2,4,62.8.00 was paid for which ,no adequare l'etUl'n'if:aS receive9.. Irregular attendance and premature promotion are the I:tWQ' great causes of mental retardatio~l. It is impossible to estim- ate the detrimental influence ',of irregular attendance upon a class. Children wh,oareirregular' in attendance, not only arc backward themselves, not o_nly arrest the progress of the whole school, but they lUa'lee, impossiQleproper organizatio.n and -efficient classifi- catioLl. In or'der to make.qIe notice of Inspectors effective, it will te~ necessary for TOWllShip ,Councils .to ,appoint 'l'ruallcy Officers. '"Vere this done, _much of the irregularity would disappear. li'ina.nciaI - StatenlCnt; The total receipts arld expenditure in both rural and urball '.. I schools was _as follows:- RECEIPTS. Balance from 1914 .....,.;.. ..;................. .$23,294 69 'Municipal Grants -...... ................... .'..... 65,79231 ........ .,";... ..... '.' ..... .{..... 5,0'2404 ..............,... .. ................. 24,287 05 etc. ........\........................ 6,35756 - Tot::d . .'... .,. .,'............. ............... .$124,752 55 EXPENDITURE. Teachers' Salaries ............................... $ 6 8,884 01 Sites and Buildings.....;.... .'. . . . . . .., . . .. 6,877 50 Maps, etc. ........ ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . ." . . . . .. 2,703 28 Expenses. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 24,153 ,57 Balance on hand' for1916. ... '. . . . . . . . . . .. . 22,134 19 -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . :. . . $124,752 55 IAbl'al'ies. AUthe scho~ls of th"is inspectorate, are in'ovided wIth Libraries. hooks are, however, more suitable for advanced pupils 'than Second and First Book classes. The Boards are gradually G~'n 62b Elgin County Council. :EIgfii County COlUlCn. tion an-d makfls mote invitip.g its study. The schools' of this in~ spectorateare' well -provided with the necessary-maps; 'drawing models, hygiene alid 'nature study charts;, The" total number of m,aps'is 474 and Globes 51. There is in 'addition, considerabhir apparatus for the proper teaChing of science to advanced pupils, COlltilluatiOll Scho-ols. The Continuation ,Schools at Rodney and West Lorne continue dOing excellent work and deserve the Support and encouragement 'of -thil-f Councn:and of the community. They are contributing Jar'gely to the higher education of the districts which they serve. They both enjoyed splendid records 'at the Departmental Examina.. 0011S last June, a high percentage of theii.. pupils b~ing sucee'sstuL .Rodney had an enl'Olled attendance of61,31 being from the village and 28 from the County, while West Lorne fiad an enrollment of 32, 5. COining from the village and 27 from, the'County. Their financial statements are as follows~'_ Rodney. RECEIPTS Government Grant ...."...........................$ 47261 County Grants.................................... 1181 52 Municipal Grants. ............,................. '.' .. 408 17 Fees ..................... '. . . . . . . . . " . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 00 Examinations ........ - . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 85 - 6~c 'a4,ding new books suitable for the younger pupils; The total num- ber or volumns is 6,428 arid their value $2,150.00; The ,reading of books is -itself a libera:! educ'ation, and gives a culture and 'mental equipment invaluable to the pupil hi the further prosecution 'of hi.s' studies. Books also ftirnisl1suitable material for reading and cGmposition.' Some of the more progressive Boards are a::lding approved standard works on Agriculture 'for the benefit ,or' the surrotlliding com'Lllunity. Twenty~three sections, spent amounts varying from $10.00 to $2.-3.00 in addition to their libraries and earned special gra,nts. li'h'st Classes. As all the rural schools in this inspectorate, are but a short distance from Continuation or High Schools it is difficult to'main~ tain ,successful Fifth Classes._ . I douot encour.age th'em exce'pt in sChools with two teachers. It is impossible for one V~acher to teach satisfactorUy al1-.theclasses from the Primer up to and ineluding the FiUh. One of tw'o th~ngs, win be -the result, e:1ther the PrimaT/ classes will be, neglected or the Fifth 'Classes, will be imperfe9t1y taught. The number- of Fifth Class pupils diminishes each. year. This year only eight, wrote on the Junior Graduation Examination, four of whom were .successful.'Tw'O schools-Port Stanley and No. 10 AldbOrOugh-'----qUaUfie-d for Fi~th Class ''Grants. Two other schools taught the'work but r.eceivedno grants as,t,hey,didnot have an average of two,pupils. The grants are., exceptionally,large; Port Stanley received $48'5.85_:a_ud S. .s. No. 10 Aldborough $237.89; IDlltl'anCe Examinations; Entrance'Examinations were, held .at 'port Stanley, St. Thomas, Rodney; West Lorne and Dutton. 337 candidates presented them- selves for examination; -of whom 198 were successful. Teachers Institute. A most successful meeting of the Teachers Institute was held in St. Thomason October ,21st and 22nd;Every teacher~ in the Inspectorate, except one, was present. Mr; E. T. White, B.A.,. at one time Mathematical Master of Dutton Hi-gh School, but noW of the Lo'ndon Normal School, was th'e Government He gave two very able and thoughtful addresses on "The of History and Arithmetic." The.members o't the .Institute tributed the -rest of the. programme. It was generally that this was the best meeting the Institute'has yet held. Equipment. It is of prime importance that the schools be adequately ished: with proper equipment in order to attain to the, efficiency and make' the most satisfactory progress. equipment facjIitates the grasping of the subject 'under- Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DISBURSEMENTS. Teachers' Salaries '. . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . '" . . . . . . A.pparatu's '.'.......,............... .....,. Caret&ker ...........;..........,...... Books ................................. ......$210615 ". ......$1742 SO .......... 100.00 . . . . . . . . . .. 100 00 .......:... 163 35 .Total ......................................... $2106 15 West Lorne. RECEIPTS from 1914 ............ ..c. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Grant............... ................ Gralit .._.... '_'" .................... .....,... ........ 226 74 257 33 643 32 300 00 334 00 ...'..... ..... ........ Total .......................,.,..... DISBURSEMENTS ......~........................ . . . . . . . . . .1$1430 73 .. .. .. . ....$ 952 .................67 00 32 ( ~~i1 l3J,fgbl CoU:n:t~~. Cou'J~cil. .----"--~- Janitor .'......"....'.,....- ,-. , . .... ,'. '"',." :' ~_.' ,..., -~ ' , . , Books .....'...........'..,.... ,- ,'. , ... . . . . , . . ." .-. .-. ... . 'Balance' .'..' .'.,. .".. .-.'" ....,.,. . .' .... .'.-.... .'," . ,-.,.'.-.... .'. .. .. 36 .0.9\ 171 891 203 52; $1430 73 Agricultu.ral Education. It. -is now gepcpl)ly admitted that the_function of the Rural :pupJic School is to teach more than the three traditional R's; that In. addition tetl1es0 subjects 'which are- basel to 'any education, It should do something along vocaPo.nallin~-s.; thatit~enyirOn}n~l}t is agricultu.ral- and len,ds oPPQrtunity for observationat work; that .~he reason it was un,ab1e..'t9:;sustain interest and make satisfactory progress in the past w~s,:b,~,~ause it.s work did. nett bear' a direct relation' to rural interests.':and rural liftJ, and tl).at the material rresonte<lha:d n0 connectiort with the ..-.hi1rl's life or' activity. The> ]j]'elucation Department haS: enriched the' c/?urse of study by adding: the optiOnal subjdct" Ag1"iculblrl? 1 ndtIce a 'gradual increased. j.nterest being' falten in'the- teaching" -of th~ subiert rrheeIfortS' o,fthe' lDducaUon pepartnient t.o improve "RUl'al J~_chools by", the addition of A-gtfcuHunf W tln:i CUl'l'lcufuro should rece.ive., the. hearty. endorsation of Trustee Doards, 'l'ownship 'COUl}Ci13 and couritr . Counciis. wo. th~hg'S are absoluMlv 'essential f,or the successful pros,ecu-tiejn Of' this work, (1) teachel's wE!l1 et1ufr,'med with entlnirr. lasm and with kri6wledge Sllrficfenl to cl'c'ate and sustain inter,est in this su))jElct, (2) Enthl1siastic a,nd Emerg,E!tic tnspe.ctprs qualified to give counsel to the teac1~er,\ 'and direct their 'work Tn ordei' that teac'hers hot properly qutt,1ifieu 'may fit theoffi-selvelS to teach this sub- ject properly, Summer courses are esta1blished. Thelnspectol':;j,vere given 'a two weeks' course last August at Guolph ill order- that they might 13upedntcllu and. supervIse the work satisfactorily. I have aslted all my -rural teachers to glve systematic and regular instruc- tion in thiscoul'Se. All the scho'o18 a1'e teaching it and five quali- fleel fOr grants. Very sl1cceEI3ful School Fairs wer'~ l1e1cl at Rodney, ''Nest Lorne, 'Wallacetown anuS. S. No.12,:Dun,~'ich. l11ducatiollal Statlis of the Schools. I made 2~fJ lH1lf-clay yisi.ts to the sr:hO:01R in the iuspcdmn,t,e durlng ]915. GencrHlly speaking, I found the roOl~S cletmlv. t:heschools f:allitar~r. the discip" line good, t11e -[)Upils httpPY and, the ,]u,nitors lndnst,l'lOus. !v[ost of theteaehel's ;'vere [0111H1 cx.porier\ced ltnd efticient. _ Some posRcssed morepl'otessionalzeill,." experience and tact- than-others; ltndl ill, conseunencc, wm'e most successful iq" training ,their pupils in skill, power fl.-nd cha.rt,,(..,t,er. I cannot close. this bdef 'Rlll'VCY of the year's \\'ol'k without beltring test,irnoJlY to thA \,('ry zcalous antl/ h-i:;hly efficient n1atlnel' hI. which the member:'! of, 'frilBtee Boards discharged' their duties in pl'?viding s~ljt[l,h1e accommodn,tlon, tlnfs 'adding, to the; pupils jJl'ogrcss a,nd happmcss, ~n llnproving the sanitn.ry conditions, thtH,le.':'senillg contngion, a.nd in produoing mar'e rooms, thus relieYlng conge~tion."' , Elgin County Council. Ji)DUCATIQI\' COMWTTEE. Ja~llar;r S~ss~on, '.lothe War-den and Members of the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen,- The ,Education Committee reports alii foHows: That t~he-Wa:rdsville High School account 'be passed subject approval of the County Clerk. That the Ridgetown Collegiate Institute acc'ount be passed the approval of the County Clerk. 3. ThatInspector Atkin's I accoll,ht of $46.39 for travelling be J;laid. 4. That Inspector . be paid. Taylor's a.ccdunt of $35.9/0 'for travelling 5. That Inspector year be adopted. Tay}or'sreport on visits to schools du.ring That t'J;1e reports from Eal3t and West Elgin Teachers' Insti- received and 'adopted., 7; -., That the Warden apPOint meeting. delegates to attend the Ontario 8. That the report from the 'Western Uni-versitY'ibe received a'dopted and th.'iLt the ,President be notified that His Honor Judge the'representative of the Coulltyof Elgin on the U~iversity under by-law pa!3sed some years ago, 9. That @e report and adop.ted. of the St. Thomas Collegiate Institute be 0:3 IH ]~l~illCOlill'.t~'Couuci1. 10. That w.e have ,considered the :communication from the Mayor of Seaforth and would recommend that we co-operate' with the County of Bruce by yetition in- reference to the Superannuation Bill as- we are not in favor of the superannuati'on ,of teachers and inspectors, especially under the provisions of the present ,proposed bill. All of which is respectfully submitted, J. A. McLEAN, I. St. Thomas, 27th' January, 1916. Elgin' County Council. June Session; To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen,- The .Education Committee reportl3 that they have considered the applications for the position of Public 13chool Inspector and would recommend that' J. C. 'Smith, B.A., of IngersoU, Ibeappointed to the pasiUon. AU ,of wlhic.'h is respectfully submitted. J. A. M(lLEAN, Chairma.n. . ~t. Thomas, 7th June, 1916. JUlie' Session. To the' Elgin County Council: GentlemenJ- The Education Committee reports: That Inl3pector Taylor's account for expenses, $99.31, .be That . Inspector Atkin's account for expenses, $24.36, be That the account 01 the Dutton Advance, for printing for Taylor, be paid when certified. . / '4. That accounts 'from the Ingersoll, Tillsonburg :and Ridge- High 80hools be paid when certified by the Clerk. 5. T'~at Inspector, Taylor's report be received and adopted. 6. That co:mnlun~cation from the Department 'of Education, Legislativ;e grant, .be received. 7. That the grant13 to High and Continuation Schools;ibe the as la~tyear. ' All of which. is respectfully submitted. . Thomas, 9,th June, 1916. J. A. McLEAN, Chairman 65 13(3 Elgiii Cdtllity CoitliCii. N ovembel' Session. To the Elgin County Council: Gehtlemen,.......i The Education- Ocirhmittee reports: 1. That 'the account of the Municipal Word, for printing Pu\blic School Inspectors, amounting to Sixty-two D611arl3 and Sev'ehty Cents ($62.70) b" paid. 2. Th'at the Inspectors' accounts for expenses be paid, follows: J. C.Smith ............. ,',.. ,....$ J. A. Tay~or' . . . , . ' '.' , . ' . . . . ' . . .'. . J. A. Taylor, while Inspector 'protem East Elgin.,... . . , ' . . , . . . . . ,. , 11o.,n 72.75 24..85, 3. That InJ.3pectorTayior 'be paid Three Hundred and_ three Dollars and Thirty-two Cents (3"33.32) for services as tor protem for East Elgin for four months. 4; We recommend that._a uniform -set of examination be used for Bntrance pupils who go to work on farml3 in the of Elgiil. All of whiCh is- res,pectfully suhmitted. J. A. McLEAN, St, Thomas, 23rd Novembet; 1916. ElghiCoUIity CounciI. COUNTY'T.REASUR-EU'S".Rli.IPORT. January Session. To the 'Varden and Members of tllle Elgin County, Council: f}entlemen,- I have the "honor to submit _the following statements for your 1. A!~sets and LiabiliJies County of Elgin -on 1st January, 1916, 2. Receipts and Expenditures -to .24th January, 1916, The Balance Of Available Assets over Current Liabilities on January was $4,762.15. The Balance of Cash on hand on 24th January was $13,073.74. All the County Rates have been received and _all notes 'held the MO~I:ons Bank. have been paid. It will "be onec,es-sal'Y tb pass a By-Law to authorize the Warden Treasurer to borrow '$20,000 to meet current expenses during year. All of which is re-spectfully submitted. K, ,W. McKAY,County Treasurer. 25th Janual'y,1916, ~~1 i I II II III I ill 'I III II Iii ~ li'l 11111 !~I 1)'\1 ~ ill' II~ ~ il111 11:111' 1,'1'1 'II ':l\llll ! ,:~ I I ~I! !illl\lli '11111' :fi' 1,,1,111, :';"11111 :,jllll' IIII,1 1IIII I ill II ,1\, '~I' ""III Ii' 1:,1.\'1" !li:li,'I :j:jllll\II' ,:111111, , 68 Elgin County Council. --~.--~.---_._- ASSI1:'l'S,AND LIABII.1rrIIJJS-COUN'I'Y 01,1 EI.1.GIN. Cn Elg'in County Council. 1st Januar;r, 1916. \ I;"INANCE COMMIT'l'EE. ASSETS. Jauu~rJr' Session. III, ~ ill 1111" i'!I I I'~.I 'I' Ilf,1 :1' 111:'111 fill 1,111 [ii1111 ~Iili Ir :~I Ilillll ~!IIII lilllilll ',ILfil III I~II'I j'lli ! .'1 . 11111,1 'II' i1111 II'illllll! )' ':11:1 '1111 fj;I" \111 !I I~II ,.:,11:111 /':"[11 :i,il!ii III1 ~ !:i1t'I.i1h ~It II'" " Cash ~alance 'on Hand ...,....."......... $18098.68 County Rates ................. " . . " . . . . .. 7134.00 Provincial Treasurer (9 months) .,.......... 3750.00 Sundry ~ccounts. L' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 892.84 City of St. Thomas. ,. . .., .. .............. 856.86 _~~$30731. Warden and 'Members of the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen,- The Finance c.ommIttee reports: LIABILITIES. 1. That the report of the County Treasurer be ad'opted and printed.in the minutes. High Schools ..........................., $ Administration of Justice ......".......... House of Industry . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . -, . . TaU Bridge Oontract . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DCJbenture Payments ................ M:13cellaneous Grants ..................... Public Schools .................,.. ,. . . .' . Registry Office ....................,....... -Water, Gas'~nd Fuel............... ,"...,. . Sundry Accounts ......................... Balance Available Assets over Current Lia- "bilities . ..', . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8816.00 2026.82 1338.93 4172.00 5996.54 1100.00 11.00 66.25 570.07 812.04 That ria action be taken re request of the Hospital for Sick re grant. . ~ 2." That the report of the County Police 'Magistrate 'be receive I! printed in the minutes. That a B}"-Law :be introduce'd to authorize the Warden and to 'borrow the sum of 'l'wenty Thousand Dollars to nieet current expenses during the year. That the grantl1 to 'public libraries of the County be 'the last year "with the conditionthat'the _grant ,be expended for of neW baaksand -the Treasurer be autharized to pay on the certificate of the Public SChaal Insp,ector, T'hat the grant far 1916 ta Amasa WaodHospital he made $100.00. 7. That. the: faUowing a:lcounts Ibe paid: ownship 'Of Yarmauthre Mrs. Swift, Lunatic, ,". . . . . . . , . $ ownship' of Malahide, Conveyance, 'Gardner to H. Of 1. . . . .' Parker & Son. Bus, Grand Jury to H. of I,. . . . . , . . . . ' ~unicipal Warld, Account, i='oUce Magistrate..... ....... ::W~Po,well, Aylmer, 'Printing Proceedings ............... 'imes; Advertising and Printing ......,.... " . . . . . . . . >R.I-Iart &'Co., for Duttan Division ,Court............ 15.00 3.00 4.00 .50 201.00 40.85 18.01 70 Elgin County Council. Elgin Jos. Doust, for Aylmer Division Court ................ Province of Ontario, Conveyance for Prisoners. . "-' . . . . . Victoria Industrial School, Maintenance .....;. f. . . . . . . 8. T.hat aBy~Law be passed ,granting the .sum of Oue F'ive Hundl'ed DoHars per month for the purpose of the Patriotic Fund. JUlie Session No.1. Elgin County Council. Gentlemen,_ The Finance Committee report: All of w'hich i$ respectfully submitted. N. S. CORNELL, 1. That a grant of Two HUIidred and FHty Dollars be made the RecI;uiting Committee of the Patriotic Association. As -amended in 'Committee of the Whole,. St. Thomas, 28th JC\:lluary,1916. 2. That the Secretary of the Dutton Hig:h 8ohool Boa-rdbe to send balance off\:gricu1tu1'ai Grant to the County Tl'EJas- who is authorized to approve of the Re'presentative's'Accounts. 3. That we reqQest the Attorney-General to authorize Police Mag1strate -Hunt to act 'as judge under the' Juvenile'Delinquent Act" ~Oithoutsalary. 4. That anappHcation be made to t:heProvincial Government grant for Children's Aid wo1'I~. ' .. Tha,t no action be taken, 1'e :meeting to form union of Municipalities. That. no action 'be taken, re application from Military for-reward for apprehension 'of horse thief in city. That the report of the Au'ditors be-adopted. usual fee of "Ten DoHars for memberl3.Jlip in' Association be paid. 9. That the County Police. Magistrate receive an add-iti'onal for, expenses ,amounting -to One Hundred Dollars pe~ year. , That a' By-Law be passed authoriz-ing the Wa'rdenand to ,borrow ,forty Thoul3aIid Dollars to meet current ex- 71 . 72 :Hllgin County Council. )1. Sale for That a By-Law ,be passed to defer the holding of a Tax one year. 12. That the following accounts be paid : Children's Aid Society, maintenance OfCOUllty Ghildren. . $ Townshi.p of Malahide, Insane Indigent expenses. . . . . . . . Township of Southwold, Conveyance of Inmates to H, of 1. R. McLachlin, Stationery for Clerk .................'. R. lVIcLachlin, Stationery for' Registry Office. . . . . . . . . . . . W. L. Powell, 'Printing Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ~. Expre~,s., Aylmer, Printing Auditors' Report.....,...... Port Stanley; Conveyance Inmate to H~ of 1.. . . . . . . , . . . . ClerIc, Telephones .....,....,...,................... 'l~e).ephone, Clerk of the Peace, to 30th June. . . . . . . . . . . . All of which is -.respectfully submitted. . N. S. CORNELL, Chairman: 'St. Thomal3, 9th June, 1916. 110.37 20.00 7.00 14.88 16.70 4.50 66.00 2.50 3.35 9.99 El~il1 County Council. June Session. the Elgiil County Council: Gentlemen: The ,Committee on Finance beg, leav\:} to re,port .that, haVing into the finances of the County and the estimat.es prepared the Cqunty Treasurer, t.hey herewith'submit a statement of the e~penditures required for the lawful 'purposes of the County during 1916, I:howing t'he am.ount required to be raised' for the under men- tioned p'urpozes: Administration of JUstice '. . . . " . , . . $ CQunty ~:nesand Bridges- Tait' Bridge ........ $440'0.00 WardsviIle Bridge '" 4000.00 Turkey Creek Bridge.. 300.00 Miscellaneous....... 2500.00 ~--- Houce of Ir-d ustry . . . . . .. . . . . . . . High -8ellools .."...,...,...,." Public' .schools .........,........ Officers' Salaries ...,...,......., Members' iVages " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CourtHouse 'Oommission ....,... D€lbenture Rates- - By-Law No. 594 By-Law No. 737 By-Law No.' 759 By-Law No. 769 By~Law No. 858 . . . . $1957.00 2590.00 2268.00. 1264.00 1592.00 Interest ............,.......... Regil3try Office ................. 'M.iscellaneouJ:;l .................. Patriotic Fund Grant, 1915 ...... 5000.00. 11200.00 5500.00 13500.00 12000.00 3500.00 2300.00 1200.00 9671.00 ' 1000.00. 200.00 3725.00 45000.00 73 I~ III I II 74 Elgin County Council. Elgin County CO!lllcil. 75 Provincial War" Tax .....;......, 23288.00 NOVEMBER. SESSION. 137084.00 t~e Elgin County Council: Surplus, 1 January, 1916.. $4600.0'0 B.alance, 'Jate Bridge De- 'bentures ...... '. , ... 4400.00 , Gentlemen,- 9000.00 The Finance Comm.itteereportI3: $ 1280~4.00 1. '-rhata .'grantof 'Four Hundred Dollars ($400) ,be made Children's Aid S-ociety for 1916 and 1917, !being in accordance arrangements made 'by a, Spe-cial-Committee last year. Your Committee w'c,uld recommend that the sum of One Hun~ dred and Twenty-eight Thousand, and 'Eighty:-four Dollar ( be raised 'on all the rateable property in the several municipalities the County of Elgin during the year 1916 for 'County purpOSe!3, ,and that- a rate of 5 Yz mills ant-he dollar be lev.ied on rateable in the E'8veral'municipalities in bIle 'County to raise said an-taunts. That accounts received from Ohildren's Aid Society for County Children and travelling expens-esOhildren's amounting -to One Hundred and Thirty-,Five Dollars and Centl3 ($135.47) 'be 'paid. All of wJ;1ich is respectfully submitted. N. S. CORNELL, 3. That the following accounts be paid: for Incurables, reWm. Carroll . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . $ of West LQrne, Conveyance of Inmates to H. at I.. . Hart,_bOOks, etc., Dutton Divisi'on Court. . . . . . . . . . ,. Stationery, County Engineer ............ Clair Leitch, County 'Solicitor, services. . . . . . . . . . . . 16.50 7.00 16.25 4.30 150.00 Adopted June 9th, 1~16. WOl'ld- F~n; 'County,Clerk's Offi,ce . .. " . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Registry O'ffice ......................,.......... C, F. Maxwell ......... ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.20 122.50 2.50 . That a By-Law ,pe 'palJsedgranting Six T'housand Dollars ) to the Canadian Patriotic Fund, said gl'allt ibeillg esti- amount necessary to provide County's share of EX:pendit'!1res after the January Session, 1917, and that the City Council be All of whiC'u is ,res,pecVully submitted. GEO. F. WILLIAMS, Chairman, pro tern 23rdNovem:ber, 1916. -j I 76 Elgin County Council. Elgin. County Council. 77 COUNTY ENGINEER. (0) Regarding the bridg~ over Turkey Creek, on the tOWl1line between Southwold and Delaware, the Engip.eel'S were instructed to prepare plans' and specifications and' to -advertise for tenders to be to the Public Improvement Committee this week. This, has ,been done. Tenders have beenadvertil.3ed to 'be in by tomorrow. JUllUar}' Session. To the Warden and Council of the Oounty of Elgin: It will ,be necessary for your Public Improvement Committee arrange a ,meeting f,or a similar committee from Middlesex th~s I intimated to the Engineer of -Middlesex that Thursdaya"t o'clock would 'be a suitable hour. I I II 'I !ll 'i Iii 'I' 'I: ~I! 1111 "II riil' ,tIll II II! I lUll i"I!I'jll i1'11111 1,,1 ',I ,il!l! I~I'\I'!. dll 1,11'!,I" 1,'1 Iii', ill" ~n\i[ ,~",,!,11r 11111'i! I~ lilli' 1,'1 ~iillil ""\1"" Ml!'iI' "'I""I~ 'II II! ~,I!!ill/II' Gentlemen,- I beg to submit the fonowing report: All of which is 1'8spectfully l3ubmitted. 1. After the last Session of your Council, the. 'Public Improve- ment 'Committee met a .similar committee of the County 'Of sex, in ,regard tathe wor]t on the Tait Bridge, t'he proposed improve- ments to the Wardsv.ille Bridge and the matter of erecting ~ bridge over Turkey Creek between Southwold and Delaware. JAS. A. BELL, County Engineer. J.anuary, 1916. (a) In the matter of the Tait Bridge, the joint committee allowed the contractor $75:00 for ;building a temporary approach at the noi'th .end of the Ibridge and also exfended the time for corriplQtion 'of .t.he wor};: until the IlJt of June 'ih"is year, with the understanding that the C'ontractbr ,was to 'put on 'a temporary wooden floor on the brjdge sufficient for 'ordinary trafIi,c and to keepsa.me in repair" The contractor has fulfilled those up to the present. The bridge ,has' been open for traffic from the middle of Decemlber. (b} In regard -to 1;:he Ward'sville Bridge the committee, -the suggestionl.3 of the Engineers to take down the present 50 ft. span and wooden approach and -to build a new concrete and put -in a new steel span of 85 feet on the ,southe:Q.d,als'o move .the present ,bridge aibout one foot north, to take" off wooden Ifloor, .put on new steel j'oists an-d cur:bing and to floor the old and new spanl3 with creosote block floor. rrhey instructed the Engineers to prepare plans and cations for t!his work and to advertise for tenders to be this week by the joint committee. This work has bee'n done tenderl3 have ,been asked for. 78 Elgin County Council. Elgin COUJ}ty CounciL 70 June Session. N ovembel' Session. To the Warden and 'Council of the County of -Elgin: To the Warden and Council 'of the COUlltyof" Elgin: Gentlemen: Gentlemen,- I beg to submit the. fo:llowing report: 1. The S,Prlug ,freshets did very little damage to the bridges under jurisdiction of t'118 County. 2. . I ins-peeted the Tait Bridge on the 1st of June and found that the contractor had completed the painting and putting on the' concrete fioor and in a couple of weekl3 the .bridges will again Ib8 Oi}811ed for traffi,e. The -approach on the North side .has yet to completed. ,,3. Thero are a number of bridges t!hat require 'painting, of them should have been painted last year, but on account of continued wet weather, th!s could not 'be economically d-one. intend to h,~'Ye this work done th.is year if at all 'possible. 4. Nothing has been done yet towards completi'ngthe contract for the vVard,sville Bridge. The contractors for the steel wor~ are hav~ng difllculty in securing the mater.if).land Iwork will not .started on the a'butment until we know When the bridge will ready, so that there wUI be as little delay aspos,sible to traffic. On account of the continuous high water the contractor Turkey.:Creek Bridge 'hal3 not yet commenced work. I ,beg to ,slibmit the fallowing report: Re Wardsvi1le Bridge- 'Mr. WiUiam Irwin of the 'City was the ,contractor for the con- crete Work and also for putting on a creosoted wood block floor on both the new span and a113o-on :the old spanaer-oss the river. Hecoropleted the abut~ent for the new span early in August. The Petralia' Bridge Company of Petralia, Ont., 1vere the con- tractors for ere,cting the new ,span and for taking off the floor: and putting oli steel joists.on the' old span and 'for some other work. wrote me tll.at they would have their material ready early in to go on with the work. iIi,' I II I 'II I, :1': I,~ ,41 I,I,! '!~I! "1",1 il,~1 (therefore, urged- Mr. Irwin to get the Woi'kcompleted so that the contractors for the l.steelwork. could get along with their 'Work that the whole structure would be ready at an early ,date for the putting on o{tli_e floor. However; on account of delay.s for material and for la'bor the Petrolia Bridge Company claim that they could not get along with their wo'rk at the time specified, and in fact have not, yet ,com. pleted the IV-hole of l'lle Work. l'he Ch,airman ,of your Committee and myself, after visiting the site' of the -bridge, concluded that( 'Uwouid not be in the Ibest intere,st of the County to have the wQQden Iblock floor placed there-011 this year on account of the latenesl3 of: the 'season. The ,contractor was therefore instructed,' with, the consen.t ,oeMI'. Talbot, of Middlesex, to put,on the planl!: found,ation f'Ol<the ~oor and to leave the putting on of the blockG until the Spring of 'next 'Year. I expect that the plank foundation will be. completed today, the bridge opened for traffic. All of which is respectfully submitted. JAS. A. BELL, County. St. Thomas, June 6th, 1916. 80 ElgillCounty Council. AU Hle material for the floor is in the ViHage of vVar~svi11e and I have instl"ucte'd the contractor toplace it undercover. Thit3, I am, informed, he h,as done and the. blocks are pr'0tected until they are required for use. liJlgl:n COUllt~' ,COlU1CiI~ HI I would like to' have, 'aut'hority to remove part of the old dam which lim ~nderneath this-. br:dge and in order t.o -do so legally, would like your SoJ:icitor to advise me if I have power to do this. The Ling Bridge on the TownHno between South wold and Westminster ha,g been replanked. I rogret very much the dela)!' in not getting this wor!ccom- pleted. it certainly has been a great inconvenience to the partie,s using this ibr:dge to have it closed forsuoh a length or time. Foot palJ:engors over the 'bridge were not p.elayed to any extent, and a fordable crossiIig was mt'dew that parties ,could'Yade through the river, but this cbuld not to used after the water became cold. . Small repalrS were made to a tho county and, with the exception ilOW in ,a good state of repair'. num'ber of Bridges throughout of, tho ZavitzBridge, they are The Mchitc,sh Bridgo on the River Thames- would like YOUI' 'Council or Committee next year to make ,an of the 'Vardsville Bridge and the new- tIoor we are thereon. We have 11 num'ber 'of Bridges, pa,rticularly along Itiver Thames,which are not iSuJnciently 13trong to c-any -a con- tIoor. It is very d:fficult now to secure the necessary -plank Joisting and tIooring andafter.they are procured their lifetime is B'hort. If has been necoc:l:ary to put about 10,000 feet of new plank this tr:d~e and- to put in a -large numlber of new joists. This has been done, Ibutt'here are still some rep,airs- to be nlade t() this It seerr:!j to 'be 'almost next to -impossible to get the necessary materials for work of this kind. It took over five mC?nths to get a car load of material f?l' this bridge. The Zavitz Bridge oyer Beaver Creek on the Town Line between tho Towns,hip of Ya.rmouth and Sout'hwold- A crco:oted. wooden blocktIoor is nota cheap one but its life I think, will' over'come the increased cost ,and I would like Co~ncil to e.xam:no the W'ardsville Bridge floor after comple- and give an opinion -as to whether it would he in the interest of County to u:ce this method of covering on those bridges that are co!'.stnrcted strong enough to bear a concrete tIoor. The site of this bridge is across what w'as which hE.lJ now .been a'bandone'd. The o:d dam in every giving away and in this way is undermining the foundations of :bridgo to such an extent thats'Onle of the pile bents have to. r.op1.aced. 'l'his bridge is at the present time closed for traffic and am having a contractor take steps to have the necelzsary'work All of whic'h is respectfully submitted. JAS. A. BELL, County Engineer. November, 1916. Thisbl'i'<;lge is on a road that is very slightly used. are practically only two ,people who live on the road that the London & Port St.anley Gravel Road and the Union Sout'hwold" I cannot find in the records anything to show what, the '.of way is at this site. It seems to 'have [been a road laid number of years ago by the Quarter Sessions and the only the county has. in the matter is, one of pos-sessi-on. 82 Elgin. County Council. PUBLIO IMPROVE1\-'IENTS COMMITTEE. To the Warden and Council Of t'he 'C~unty of Elgin: Gentlemen,- Your Pu:blic Improvements Committee beg leave to' report as foll-ows: 1. forth in That they considen~d the matters and informatio'n set the Engineer's Report and would recommend its adoption. 2. In regard to the communication of the Ontario _Good Road,s A~EOciation, your Committee desirel3 that the Warden name' a deputation to attend in Toronto at the Annual Oonvention which takes place February 22-24 and that the fee of $15.00 be paid.- 3. Regarding the' Communication of the Creo.soted Block Paving Company, the -C-ommittee recommend that it be filed fot' future reference. All of which is respectfully su1bmitted. J. A. FULLER, Chaii'man. St. Thomas, 26th January; 1916. Elgin Oounty Council. J anuul'Y Session, No.2. To the Warden and Council of the' County. of Elgin: Gentlemen,~ I:i I :1. s;~ , 3347.00. :Ii i:i d '1 'I t, '1 , , 1:1 'I~ ,~ II' ,~ il'~11 :1 '~ !I :'I~ 1;11 Your ,Public Im-provementCommittee ,beg leave to report as 'They met a similar committee from the COUnty of 'Middlesex opened tenders for improvements to the Wardsville Bridge and the .building of Turkey Creek Bridge as stated in our former with the follawing result: WARDSVILLE BRIDGE. Steel- A. Hill & Co. (Complete) ..........$ . Daminion Bridge Co., (steel nat erected) ........,...'......... Extra -Steel, 3l4,c; Erection, etc., ,70c per hr. Hamiltan Bridge Ca. ......... Petralia Brid.ge Ca." . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hunter Bras. ..................... Sarnia Bridge Co. ........,....... Abutment.,...--,--. Wm.. Irwin. ....................,. R. Waltham .......... .... .. ....... Jos, Vincent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Frank Nichals ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . L. McCan-Mens ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lflaoi'-. 'Vm. Invin ',' . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . Jos. Vincent ... .. .......... Creasated Block Paving Co......... TURKEY CREEK BRIDGE. F. S. McCandless , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . Powles, & Knight ................ '. Williams & Walker ............... Ja8. Vincent. ..............,. '. . . . . R. Waltham '.' ,_. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . 2410.00 4590.00. 4130.00 5300.00 4650.00 685.00 750.00 1080.00 1000.00 797.00 2165.00 2385.00 2175.80 528.00 725.00 810.60. 642.00 650.00 I 8J.' rJlgin'County Council. Your Committee accepted the -to. west tender in each ,case, viz.: A. Hill & ,Co., for steel (Wardsville)................ ..$ 3347.00 WID. Irwin, for concrete abutment. ',' .. ..' .. .. ....." 685.00 Wm. Irwin, for concrete floor. . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . , , . . . . . 2165.00 F S. McCandless, for Turkey 'Creel!: Bridge ... . , .. . . . . . 528: 0 0 In ,ca138 of faUureo! any of the parties to sign this agreement then t'hiO) next lowest tender .to be acee.pted. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. A. FULLER, Chairman, St. Thomas, 28th January, 1916. Elgin County Council. June Session. thc_ 'Wardell and Council of the County of Elgin: d-entlemen,- Public Improvement Committee beg leave to report as 1. They 'have considered the matters .mentioned in the report the County Engineer and would recommend its adoption. 2. That- tho claim of W. Bloom for land taken at t'hesouth of the Wardsville Bridge, ,amounting to $27.00, ibepaid the Solicitor i~ ~atisfied that a proper release of the land is 3. Your Committee intends to inspect the Tait Bridge on Mon- the 19th day of June, leaving St:Thomasat 10 o'clock A.:M. 4. Re Stalter Bi'idge~ The Special Committee appointed by your Committee attended trial of thiscel:o before t'he Judge and gave the Solicitor -all the theycou:d. The Judge's award in this matter 'provides the County will arsumc 85pcl' cent. of the ,~ost of erecting this mid" the. l'owns'hip bf Ma-lahide 15 per cenL Your Committee would recommend that the Solicitor ,be to appeal 'against ,Hl0 Judgment of His Honor Judge All of which is respectfully submitted. Thomas,. June 9, 1916. J. A. FULLEH, Chairman, III1I St) ,Ii:'" 8(; Elgin Cou.n-::y Oouncil. lmgill .Count:r Cuuucil. 87 Novcmber Sessiou,l\To. 1. Novcmber Sessiou, No.2. 'fo theW,arden and Council of the County of Elgin: County Council: Gentlemen,- Gentlemen,_ Your Public Improvement Committee beg leave to report follows: The Pilblic Improvement Committee reportl3: 1. That they ,have 'had under consideration 'a draft Bill, relat~ to th'e cOIu:truction of Township Roads by local assessment, and recommend that this Council do'not approve of the same.~ 1. In regard to the 'Vardsville Bridge your Committee in the action taken by the ,Chairman and Engineer as to the floor this bridge as IJtated in the Engineer's report. All of whic.h is respedfully IJubmitted. J, A, FULLER" Chairman; 2. That t'he matter of allowing William_Irwin, one of, the tractors, compensation for the loss he has sustained in not a,ble to complete ,his -contract ,be left in the hands of the -Chairman and Engineer. As amended.in c.ommittee of the Thomas, 22nd November" 19l6. Whole; 3. That- :the a-ccount of E. Singular for keeping up lights and WOI'kt3 in connection with the Bridge, amounting to ~61.00,be paid. 4. T:liat the recommendation ,of the County Solicitor regard::- ing the payment for'right of way to one, B-loom, your Committee would re,commend that this. County's proportion be paiq to the County of Kent- as recommended 'by the County Solicitor. Novembcl' Session, No.3. the 'Warden and Council of HIe County of Elgin: Gentlemen: 5.. 'f'l1at the clai'ill of Ed. R. Bond foi' damages to Automohile on the Bothwell Bridge be referred to the Countr Solicitor an~' Warden with power either to make a settlement or to defend -the c;:a[C as 'he t.hinks best. Your Public Improvement CO'mmittee ,beg to submit' the fOllow- report: Re applic.ation of_ the Township of Aldboro to have the B~idge FiftY-Two- Creek or _Morden Drain on the County line 'between Counties 'Of Elgin and KentaEiSumed as 'a County Bridge: and the I.:mm of $265.30, 'being one-half of the ,cos:t of con&truction, paid ,by this County. Your Committee, after consi-deration, de- that no action should :'be taken in, this matter. Al! of, w:hich is respectfully submitted. !i Ij III (!i hi' 111" li:11 '1,,1 II!I'I I,," ,1"1" 'I'" illll 'I"j ,11',1', ,lil!I,! 6. - In the matter of the proposed :bill to provide for the struction of Township Roadl3, by Local Assessment; your mitttee will report on this matter later during the session. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. A. F'ULLER, St. Thomas, 22nd November, 1916. J. A. li"ULLER, Ghairman. Thomas, 24th November, 1916. 88 Ii}lgin Co~.nty Council. , Pl~'l'I'l'IONS AND LJiJGISLArl'ION. IiJIghl County Council. ,0 .J nuuary Session.. June Session. To the Elgin County Council: the Elgin Co-unty .council: Geentlcmen: GentJ,emen,~ 1. That we request the Ontario Governnient to declare the Juvenile Delinq-uents Act in for.ce in the County of Elgin and appoint the County Police Magistrate judge thereof without salary. The Petitions and Legislation Committee- report as follows: We have cOl1::::idcred t'he commun:c'ation from the united of Sto.rmont, DundalJ and Glengarry ,and recommend that no action. be taken in the matter therein referred to. The Committee on Petitions and Legislation Ibegleave' to report f'.I3 follows: 2. That we have co:qsidered -tho communication from the Elg'in Humane Society and would recommend: All Of whi.c-h is respectfully su:bmitted~ (a) That application be 'made -to the Lieutenant-Governor- in-'Council for a regulation prohl-biting _ for a period of three years the hunting and s'hooting in the County ,of Elgin, ofpart:ridge, quail and bIa,ck and grey squirrel and for the designation of addi- tional game war'dens to enforce the regulation. St. Thomas,> 9th June, 1916. J. H.McINTYRE, Ohairman. \ (b) That we apply to'the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Councq for l'oguJ.ations prohibiting or regulating the carrying of guns, rHI6i3 and other fire-arms in the County, su,bject to such exception in favor of residents as may be deemed l'casonruble. (c) "fhat the attention of t'he Agricultural Societies and the Agricultural Representative :be directed to the advisability of offer- ing prizel3 at the various fairs to encourage bhe ere-clion ofbil'd 'houses throughout the" County. 3. T,hat we co-operate with the County of Hastings and 'peti- tion the Legislature to a'mend, the Pwblic Healt'h Act, Chap. 218, Sec. 37, in the 6t-h, 71Jh' and 8th lines thereof so that the power of appoil}tment and dismissal of 'Medical Officers of Health will 'rest with the Council of the local municipalitiel3. All of whic'h is respectfully submitted. J. H. McINTYRE, St. Thomas, 26th January, 1916. '. 00 IDlgill County Council. HOUSE '01;1 INDU;3TR): COM)\flTTEE. JUJ;lC Session. To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen,c:- '}The Hous~ of Industry Committc',e reports' as follows: 1. That a By-Lmv'be pal3Eed to ,amend By-Law No. 8,27 by appointing iR-hea Gooding as "Matron of the House of Industry in place of Hazel Goo'ding, resigned. 2. And a By-Law !be passed to appoint Dr. Ewen as assistant p'hysician of the H()u~El of' IndU13tryand that' he be paid the amount to which thep;l1ysician i.s entitled during his absence. I AU' of which is respectfully submitteq.. o. McKINNEY, Chairman. st. Thomas, 8th June, 1916. November Session. To the Elgin County Council.: Gentlemen: T,lle HOUl:e of Industry Committee reports: 1. That the reports :of the Physician and Inspector be and printed in the :minutes. 2. That ,ve have opened tenders for Bread and Meat for and recommend that the tender of R. H. Beattie at .Five and Half Cents '(5'%c) per lb. ,be accepted ,and that. the tender of McCf.jJlum for !Meat at Eleven Cents (lie) per lb. be accepted. JiJIghl Count)' CHImeR Dl 3. That in reference to communications from John McNicol; that this Council agree to cancel the lease and presen-carrangements for maintellu.lll1e ,of John -McNicol, providing that he furnil3'h a ;bond ,satisfactory to the County Solicitor, that he will 'be properly cared for during the ensuing five years and that this Council gr,ant him the sum of Fifty Dollars annually for five years. AlIa! whic,h is respectfullyswbmitted. OSCAR - McKINNEY, Chairman. St; Thomas, 23rd November, 1916. 02 Elgin. Cnunty Council. RJI.POnT 011' INSPECr.rOR HOUSED}' INDUSTRY. ' November Session. '1'0 the Warden and Council of tho County of Elgin: Gentlemen,- Tho following is my report on the Ellouse of Industry and Refuge for the year ending 31st Octo:ber, 1916: 1. N~mbor of inmates at last report. . . . . . . . . . . . ',' 53 2. Number admitted during year... .'... ,.. . .. ... 20 3. NU'mlher of deaths ...............;.....'...... 11 4. Num'ber discharged ................,....... 3 5. Number absconded ........................ 8 6. Number now in house, (28 males, 23 females).. 51 7. Number of inmato13 sent from the several municipaliti~s the County during the year: Ald,horoug.l1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 Dunwich ........... ............... ....... ........ 1 ,South"vold ..................... .".. . . . . . . . . '. .'. .. 4 Yarmouth ..... '". . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . ; .'. .. 6 Malahide ..............,..... . . . ; . . . . . . .... .. ..... 2 Bayha'm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . '.' . . . , . .. 2 Aylmer ............,.........,..:...,......... 2 West'Lorne ... ..,.......... .... ... L' .,.,......... .'. 1 Rodney ..........,............................ ,2 8. The various causes of pauperism of inmates the House during the year may be classed as follows: Sickn,esn .,.....'................................ 6' Destitute...........,....,.............. ........ 10 Ol,d Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , , . . . . . .. 4 9. Average number of " inmates during the year:.:,.. 54 10. Average' number with Keeper's family and hired help...........,.. ................ .'.,. 60 11. Num!ber of weel{s' 'board -of inmates......... .2800 12, Num'ber of weeks with Keeper's family, etc... ?150 20 Council. 13. 14. Total expenditure during the year..... '" $7,697;53 Permanent Improve:rnent_ f Drai'ning,_ fenC'ing, etc. ....'...... $ 12.60 Receipts_ From inmatel] ....., .--......... 83,4.10 Farm stock .................. 10'39.4'0 Farm produce .....'....,........;.. 367.92" Sundries ."...'...,.."......... 261.00 --'$ 2502,42 15. Lea.ving-amount actually expended for support of inmates..................,.,......$ 5182.51 Average expense per week for ea,eh person. . .. 1. 6 4 % Average expense per' day for each person '.. . . . .23% Average expense per year for each person...... 85.54 19. Amount ~xpended for 'house and farm during the year is alJ follows: 16, 1.7. 1&, Farm Expenses_ Hired. la/bor . . . . .Feed ................ .............. Stock ....... Seed , ,. . Mis,cenaneou:s . " . . . '. .. ....... , , . , . , . ,$ 153.00 514.17 178.58 78.76 180.42 ----$ .,...... ......... House Expe-nses_ Hired lalbor ........ . . . . . . . . . $___ Bread ......... . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . Meat.............,............ . Grocer,ie.s .......,..... . . . . . . . Provisions . . . . . . . . , . '. . . . . ., Pry goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boots and 13h08S .......;.... Furn'iture and hardware '.' . . . . , . . . Drugs............. .,............. Coal and wood. . . . . . , . . . . . . .. . . Miscellaneous .............,.., 1104.93 405.00 555.20 715.11 368,36 485.05 319,96 140.88 403.67 111.60 977.51' 110.90 ----$ General" Expe~se_ Conveyance" of inmates ......,...... $ , , Repail's ;...........,.,.. _, . , . , .. . . . Perman'eut improvement. . . . . . . . . . 4602.24 21.50 187.62 12.60 83 Total expenditure. .' ................. $ 7697.53 20,. The following produce was raised on the farm during the year: 113 bUl3hels of wheat 85 loads of hay . 21 Obus'heIs 01 oats 14 bus'hels of barley 50 .bus'hels of turnips 50 busl1'eIs of potatoes 15 bUlshels sugar be,ets 10 bushels of table 'beets 25 'bushels of onions 350 jars of fruit . 6 bushels of salsify 160 1b;8 cheel3e. Y2 load of squash 15 ,bushels of sweet' corn 34 hogs sold 9 , l~]l~bl Cuunty ()oUll,cil. Salaries-- Keeper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 600..00 M?,tron .., I. . ..,.., .. .' . .. 240.00 Physician. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. 200.00 Inspector .......,...'"... 150.00 ___$1190.00 . . . . . . . . . . .. 578.64 ----$ Incidental 5 ibushels of peas 6 acres of cord fodder , 16 tbul3hels of ,carrots 5 Ibushels of table carrots 22 loads of st.raw 1/z load of pumpkins 1 load of melons 8 'hogs (killed) 800 heads of cabbage 50 fowls (killed) 2920- Ibs.bu tter 641 dozen eggs 5 barrel13, of soft soap 35 barrels of a'pples 4 barrels of cider In, a'ddition to the above, a large num',ber of - vegetables, were raised and consumed during; the year, of which no was kept. 21. Num'ber' of articles. of, bedding and clothing during the year 'by the Matron and inmates, 5.50. 22. Number of visits !bY Inspector, 47. 23 . Farm Stock.o-,-- 3 hor13es, valued at ,..,........, .$400.00 14 cows, valued at .".,.,...,... 1120,00 7 young cattle, valued at .,.,.". 195.00 31 hogs, valued at . , . . . , , . . . . , , . .. 332.,00 125 chickens 12 ducks 2 geese, Elgin Count;}' Council. Iii :1 '! 1990.36 9) 24, The total amount expended Iby Courtty on Hou,se of Indus- .try, etc" is as_follows: Farm, 100 acres, ,cost......", ',' '" $ 7250,00 House of Industry....,..,..,..,.. 11884.75 Laundry.. .,..................... 687.61 Fire,escape ..,.. .... ........ ..... 39'0.06 Root cellar, ,henery, etc. , . . . . . . . . . . . 879.43-, Cottages, etc. .................... 3104.77 Brick ice hOuse .................. 1180.50 Barns; etc. ....................... 4732.6.2 Tile dra]ns ................ ""..,.... 1031.23 Tile drain outlet...... .-....,.,.... 111.53 Hot air pump, tanks and connections 350.00 Refrigerator. . .. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40.00 Fencing. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1402.67 Ore-hard.... .-................... 85.85 Heating apparatus. . . . . . . . " . . . . " 1979.00 Deep well....................'... 827.66 Silo............................ 293.62 Hog pen .................. _. . . . . 654.99 ~---$36886.29 25. Received from 'Government, on ac- count of expenditures for land and bUildings "'" II, ........... 4000.00 -~-;:- Leaving amount actually expended by County, . . . . . $32886.29' AIr' of Whic11',iS rOOpectfully submitted. A. TURNER, Inspector of House of Industry,. lElg'in Count,\, Council. 96 EIghl Count)' Comicil. D7 Industry: He never fully reCOvered from the effects of the exposure and died there on"September 2nd R.JjWon.r.r PHYSICIAN HOUSE ?FINDUSTRY. 5. There Were no births. N ovembcl' Sessioll. G. Number died during t'he year 11; (male 8, female, 3), '1'0 the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: The deat9-s during the year Sarah Horton 'lio bert Grass Sam uel Coffey Wellington WardeU Eliza Coffey Calvin Sh~pherd Frederick, Maw Matilda Shepherd Charles Hart Daniel Berry \ Sandy - Sisko were as follows: 104 Apoplexy 85 Old Age. 77 La' drippe, 71 'Pneumon'ia, 69 Cancer of Stomach. 8 G Old Age; 72 Arteria Sclerosis, 87 Cerebral.Softening. 70 Apoplexy, 85 Heart Disease, ,84 Cardiac Dropsy. Gentlemen,- 1 have the honor ofpresentfng the Forty-First Annual Report of the Elgin HoUse of Industry, up to, October '-arid 13ubmit the following for your consideration: 1. The health of the inmates ,has been :fairly good, ,but accou'nt of tlieir advancedhge, many require almost constant fient. 2. During January there was an epidemic of La Grippe which',._ wa,s prevalent at that time. Very few of -the in-mates escaped arF: attack. '1'wo deathsoccur'red as a direct resultQf the epideinic. 1 have the 'honqr to be, 3. During the year I made fifty-three medicalvisitl3 to Home of Industry, and daily visits to patients while under ment at the Amasa Wood HospitaL Your obedient servant, " DOUGLAS L. EWm Assistant 'Physician. 4. During the' year I treated three patients at the Wood HospHal. On January 27th Eliza Coffey was removed, to the where she died February 18th, On April 3rd Frederick Maw was brought to the Lawrence 'Station,suff.ering froIllA,rterio-Sclerosis and heartdisea: hom which he died there on May, 19th. On April 20th Charles Hart was taken had boen atl:ent from the House of Industry from Novem'ber and on his. return I found that one of ,his feet 'had ~heen s,o frozen that gangrene was well 'ad '(anced and amputation was sary, He suffered seve,rely .irom exposure and remained in hospital until ,JUly 11th when he was taken back tlo the ,. 98 Elgin Oon'Illy Council. Elgin Oounty Council. 8PECIA:r~ -COMMITTEE ON 'VARDENtS ADDRESS. 3. Thatwe ',approve of' the action of the 'Court House ,Com- inp~acil1'g a Nightwat'chman in the Court House and no action 'be taken in reference to application for the 'position. All of Whie:!l i/3"respectfulIy 'sU>bmitted.. Janual'Y Session. To the WardE111 and Me-mben3 of the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen,- Thomas, 8th June, 1916. O. -McKINNEY,_ ,Chairman. The Special Committee on the Warden's Address reports follows: Novembel'Sessioll. L That ,ve approve of the Warden's reference to Good and r~commelid, that a By~Law be passed to aSSume a County SY!3tem under the' provisions of the, Highway Improvement Act, By-Law not to take effect during the continuance of the present and in any event not 'before, the, 1st Of January, 1917. County ,Council: GEmtlemen,,............ All of which is respectfully submitted. The Special Committee -on the Warden's Address reports: That in _re1e11o,e to the IStalter Bridge appeal, thwCc;mnty ibe instructed to ar.range to have th-e ,case re-heard if judg- not to be given out inthe'iIiearfuture~ 2. That in '-reference to Good Roads ]?y-Law" the Councils of South wold and Dun\vich'have' not complied wit'h req-uel3t designation'of roads, to be included in Good Roads BY-;"aw, to ,be RSBcond time at this session and we would T,ecommend that be requested. to supply the Cler'l( wIth the. necessary information th!'l'clcI3e of this session. J: !-I.McIN'l'YRE, St, 'l'-homas, 28th January, 1916. June Session. To theEJgin County Council: Gentlemen,- All of. whic11 is respectfriIlYJmbmitted. The Special Committee on the Ward'en's Address follows: J. H,McINTYRlD, Ghairman; 1. That the Wal~'den, Mr. McIntyre and the Clerk be a mittee to prepare a resolution of condolence to 'be presented Mrs, Atkin. Thomas, 23rd November, 1916, 2, That we are in favor of the adoption of a County System and belie-ve that the matter should ibe seriously at the Nove'in;ber Session, gg T 100 E~~ill Count.y Council. Elgin. CoulltyCounciI. 101 SPEOIAL OOMMITTEE RE GRACEI)ORRINGTON. . GAOL COMMI'r'J'EE. Jallu~ry Sessio.n. N ov'ember 'Session. 'To the 'Warden and Members of the Elgin ,County Council: COlm-eil: Gentlemen,- The Special .Committee appointed to consider _ail matters taining'tothe maintenance of Grace Darrington in. the Byron toritiIh"beg to. report: reports: That. no.a'ction he taken in reference "to. application of for increase 'of 13alary; That they have ascertai,ned' the faiCtsin reference to. the 1.310n of Miss Darrington to. the Sanatorium andar'e of op'inion the County of Elgin is not lia'bie -fOI', ,her maintenance, and that accounts theref,ore should be paid 1Jy the Township of Southwol<i. I SL Thoma,s,28thJauu.al'Y, 1916. OSOAR McKINNEY, ~ha(we .have' opened' tend'En;sfor,'Bread and ,Meat, 'require'a deHvered to the Goal for 1917 an'd' would reco.tnmend that the of R. H.-Beattie,>,for, ,Bread at Five and One-Half Cents lb. Ibea:ccepted, and also that the tender of Geo. E~Hill atSi~teenC,ents (16c.) per lb. iQe- accepted. respectfully submitted. All of which is res'pectfully subIpitted. November,1916. TH;OMAcS DENNIS, Ohairman. T01.'AL"ASSES~~NTROLLS, -1915~ Value of Real . Property_ (exclus- ive of bUildings) Aldbo~ough " .". $ 2,367,564 Dunwich ;. 2,114,448 Southwold 2,394,653 Yarmouth .... ;::. 2,759,.83-8 Malahide ..: 1,931;95-l Bayham .,.. '.. 1,601,762 South Dorch'ter .. 1,193,505 Aylmer ......... 227;4,99' Vienna ........ 41,080 DuHon "'" ... 89.055 Port Stanley. _ 166",870 Wel3t Lorne 48,10l Rodney 80,100 Springfield .....; 31.297:_ . " Muni.cipallty 'Totals. . . , _ . . . $ 1-5,0"47;723 Value of. BUPding.s $ 758,620 590,175 771,896 1,179,250 74_5,~-85 575,186 528,170 ' 7H,935 73,656 313,775 245,660 ,203,065 265,165 101,405 ~126,243 ro ,. "'J p' o 5 ~ J' ~ ~ ~' '-< ~ o " ~ ~ ~ ~ ;a u~in~ss ASSeEGmen:t $' 2,500 , 4,005 12,106 16,650 5,150 16,889 5;750 89,743 4,175 26;595 1,8,159 1-6,269. 22,398 10,.577 2,509;60 ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 o 0 5 0 "'J S ~ P"' .CD m I\) o ~ ~ Po w ~ ~ - p' ~ ~ " " m 0..,C+ <: >= << I\) &..~ S. o ~ 0 o " w ~ ~gs "'J" 0 ::;1C+ t:l CD c+ Q~ t:l.P"'...... c+CD'O '1e. _"'J ~, -.0"-..1 0 c+ ~. ~ roo CD t:lm '8 ~ 0- g,;. CD ~ ocr> ~ Hop t:lt;tj_>:: 0..1\) e. t;l'<<:;;. 0, P"'cr> .......1\)0.._ "5 ~ .... ~ '-::..;.t:l ~ e: " p' ;0' ~ " w " " " ~,- i@: -< m ~ c' ~, ~ ~ " Po 71 "'J o t' " ~ OJ Taxable ~ncome $ 1,000 3,800 1,200 1,000 20,272 92 16,468 1,000 1,800 2,37'5 1..630 50,637 "'J p' " Q " ~ " 5 " !' OJ " ~ E- O;' ~ ~ 0' o o o 5 ~ " o ~ " " o ;;. m Total Assessment $3,128,684 2,709,628 3,178,649 3,955,738 2,686,186 2,195,037 1,728,425 1,112,449 119,.003 445,893 431,689 269,235 370,038 144,909 22,47'5,563 "'J o " " !"l '" 5' o o " o ~ '" o o " o ~ '" ~ = " '" " " ~, g 1916 Equalization $2,977,254 3,198,254 3,840,267 4,641,657 2,839,810 1,884,513 1,678,552 973,819 330,524 218,893 144,660 99,707 218,772 216,633 23,263,315 ~ o to i"I .0 <'1 1>-' t' ~ " l>- e! ~ _0 'z o o ~ ::; "'J tt'I ~ tt'I € = o o :; ~ '" o o = = s, ,.. , 104 Elgin Couht~. Council. SPECIAl, COMMITTEE 105 Resolution of COlidolcnce to' Mrs. Atkiu .CAlVADIAN PATIUOTIC FUND Repol.t on Joint Action by City and Connty COllUliittees Minute/3 of a jOint nleeting of the Joint committees, qf the )Jounty of Elgin, and the City Council of St. Thomas, held 7th June, ';ltthe City Ral1; St. Thomas. JUNE SESSION. To th~Elgln County' Cou.llcil, Gentlemen; The'committeeappoin'te'd to ilrafttesoluUon- of ; dol,ehce. to Mrs. 4-tltin, lepo~ts as follow.s: ~ ,Whereas it hath ple'ased'rhe Al,rriig'hty God to- remove:from us>~ by the, hand pf {leath,W~lbern Atkin', E~q,,_Pll'bUc 80h901. Inspecb:~r,;:.:,- for this Copntr;' Be -it t'herefore resolvedthat>thIsCouncU- (rO,or,:,' this re,sol1.1i~ion, prace .upon .record the loss that this County ha.sSU~~ tainedfn.the death of ,one,whofor thirty~twoyears hO'nora;blY,lLn~,:':F faithfullr dil3ehar~ed the important duties, first as, .Inspector for the," whole Qounty anq. latterly of the eastel'ndiViSion;'A~d Ibeit alf\? ,resolvep, that tl1.emell1bers of'ihis Council,' while expressing their::~;' sorrow 'at~he los~ ofa~'honotedservant, -atruI3ted:~dVil3er,_a 'w~rtht:; citilZen ,tmd av~lued friend, rememiber_ 'those w-ho.se 'sorrowang whoi:l~ loss "is 80 mu,ch. greater, and, th'e'y do here'bymo)sLres,pectfuil(;', tend~r; to the Widow and family of 'our late respected ',Inspector Jor" their h~artfeltSympathy with t~ein in this the hour of their"bere-ave,':'? \ me~t, a11d be it further res~lved .and orderedJJythis ,Council-tha~ tMI,l resolution he' sujtWblyert~ros'sed,and transmitted to l\1:rs. ,Atkin; as a memepto of the very ~hfgJl esteem ih which her late lamente',- hus1;land w~s held by this Council. It cwas mutually and unanimously agreed that should' more !uridsbe required during th~present year to meet the requirements <ihhedependants of soldiers.and their Wive~ and families., that such 'unds. Will be raised qy the respective bOdie.srepresented at this reeting on tpe vasis pf the census POpulation of the County and Jt~, , All of- which' is ,respectfully -suibmitted. 1915. G. ~'. PINEO. Warden. -I'opulation, DomuUOll- Census, 191-1 County. . . . . . .'." .City ..; ....... 30.2M 14,064 .6828 ,per .3172 per 'cent. cent. -~ Total. .. . . . 44,812 AI! of which is respectfully submitted. St.Thomas; 9th June, 1916. ~, Fl. M'IN1'YRE, . Chairman. ~~s "'i' CD Z SillS pl g e pl g ~ro ~S ~~ 00 00 ~ ~ ~ 0 00 ~ ~ 00 ~ ~ ~>-' 00 -, ,;:...-.':\ <!S./co_ ~ g ::;1 pl ~ W 0: '0.: &;;-~ (l) ........... S;. ~ g: q,. S ,2 0. ~ o ~ " o ~ ~ 0 o ~ ~ ~ "'''" ro ~b' :::.0 -'< o 00 o e: ~O; ~ ~ iP- oro~ " > iP-" "'~ .- ~ " O~D OfiI(l) t;le3 ~ ~ 0 O.C-+C-+ 0:>::;. E. ~ Z o ~'" .-0' 00 - 00 m o.~ go ~ 0. S;' -'" o ~ ~ 0 po._"'i o ~ ':'..::r' ~ ro >'" "'i ..... o :'. 00 00 ~ m ~ ~ ~ ",'" '" ~ <D g; 0;, C; ;:;. ro '" ~~o ~ .n: ~ 0..Cr''''i '< 0 0 ~ .....0.. ;:l g l-I> 0..'0 0 co _"'i ~g.,.loo c-+-o D c-+'::!.,Cr' [l,l' IJ, 0 P1:[l,l_9- o " ;:l o.,,~ ..- 00.0 '0 ~ ~ ...... <D ~ ~ ~ ...... c-+::"b "'~o o 0 ~ '" 0 00 ~ '" ~ s:: ~ cr' .....00 <D D ~ S' W~(fQ [~ @ " ro '" . 0.. ~ ~ 0 o A e3 '" o ~ S 0' ~ ~. '" ':3 ~ g, "'''' CD 0 ~ ,..., 9- Cr'. ~ c g.: "0:::. " 00000 o c-+'<l - o CD '6 @ ~ S ~g;~ (l) ~ ~ g, o '" m' e3 ~ '" " o < o ro o ~ ~ ro '" " o ~ s:s: o. (l) :::I :::;. ~ ~ " " '" ~ ~ g: >,oj rn '< ~ :;- ~ ~ ro '" ~ 0", " 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o cr ~ :l. '" '" . ~ ~ ro. g, po o OJ ~. ~ ,00 OJ €:. ;' ~ ~ g; S. m ~ CD c-+ [l,l "'i 'tl Cr':::l " ro '" ~~g; ~ g ctl S ~ ~ ro " '" . " o " ':'. o ~ !" " ~ ~. O' 00 ~ o ~ '0 o o ~ [l,l 00 ~ '" " ~ ~. p.-q o 0 , 0 o ;:. p 00 oJ: " 0 o Cr' .~ ~ ro " . 0. '" ~ ". o 0 '" '" CD ~ CD . 0 ~ o ~ 0 '" 0 '" [l,l m '0 ;:l ctl..- 0.. ro'O D ~ ; ;; ~ CD P. ~ o . 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CD'CD o CD ~_ S ~._-;?" m >-j >-j tI.2 (;':::: ro. 1-1> 0...... !-!~ po. 0 C';\ ::t ~ ..- 00 po .... <D ;l) "'i "'i_ <<-:."'i:::::0<S5'O:: I ...@....@ ,1Jq~ ;; g, " o '" ~ " '" --~ ..- __-.",,_._ -.;7'-~' e3 o '" o " ~ ro ~-t'l " " p. O. o " " q o ~ g c:..; ~ >"l j:l > g. _~ Z .... .:- d s- iP- " " e. .e< ~ '" o iP-~ '" g ~. D ~ e. ~. ~ ~ ~ '" ~ o iP- ~ " g g 1'- P-'rn- :' '" z: ~? ? ~ ~ 0:>." ~~ 0", ~l:9~~N o O'l t\:l o.O'l OOO'lOO t\:lt\:lg;~...;;g~ O'lOOOO~o 6..0'l~~.~.~ 000 >{:>.,Oo O'll:'::> <::> OC..:>.~m.-;:j.c:n ,I-'-' J-LJ-L"';"I-'-' ,;:.. ~.t.':> <::> t\:l c:nOJ-L~o.o ~~~.t>:It>:I ,;:...oc:n....-;t en t;l en en H o Z ::l . '"" " . 00 g ~ ~ '~ _. " . - c c ~ S 2, ::l ,@ ~ .~ 1'1 f 0- ~ I:d = o '" 6 ~ a o S ~ '< Q o E ~ ~ '!' f'> 1'1 ~ Q o E ~ Q o E ~ ~ '" ~ ]j]lgin"County, Council. lUG Elgin, County 'Council. . Annual Itepol't C. 'V~_ Bucllanan, B. Agl'icultul'al Representa:tive JANUARY SESSION County- Council, I S. A., l_, 'WJHiN'O-.;ngal .;..... "". ',' "; 250 400 405 129 27 aUaeetown , . , . ../, . ,. 2'00 350' 337 107 24 ,'Dlinw-ich .'.~.....,." 225 200 356 l~l! 25 .~e:st Lorne ;.. ,>. . . '.. 2'50 500 38,3 130 20 ~,dney". .',"" >. >-,. ',' .400 600 543 1.45 24 !d~,O'rO',_s.'s. No.7. _'" 24 20 80 l.lthwO'ld, S, S. -No-~L 6 ... 30 25 100 TO' the Elgin, 'I Gelitlemen : I have the honor to submit herewith of theE~gin Branqh of t'he ])epart'm€mt of year ending October 31st,l915. BefO're reviewing;the work, I with whi,eh the farmers in Elgin responded to the call 'for grea- prO'duction. ,La'rgeracreagesof wheat were planted when Department emphasized the great impO'rtance of fO'odstuffsneces to feed t;he Empire and the meit - at thefrOlit during the giga ,struggle in "which our ,nation is'involved. Prospects' were ne Ibetter for a bumper crop in ElginCountyin 1915, Adverse weat conditions, however, interfered very much with the harve~ting_i lowered the average hath in quantity in quality. Since my last report -we have dis-continued the -Work High Sehool ,as the increased demand from other sources requi, attention and the'fayt that the High School Tea'cher was quaHfted: carry- on that wbrk prompted 'us to devote all our time tooutsI work, the Fifth Annual -Rep Agriculture for thefts , '", , , , . >. The question of visiting'Othe plots cluring the,s,umrrier is our '~ate.Stproblem; To call on o1).e thousand or 'more homes dUl'ing emonths of August aud September means that-a 'liumber qf farm-' 3}vil1:be adde9- to Our list. It is notaldne the fact that we' have dgedthe plipils' 'Plots, but that we have made the acquaintance of _eparent:S,made known OUr 'Workanrd extended'a h'earty, WelCOIDe "visit our office 'and send the older 'boys and girls to the Short illrses. held' during .the winter. In .all cases my' aSI3istants ".or my- ,l(visited' and inspected the p'lots, The-mate~ial given was't'he ibes.t procurable and, a variety [jest ited to, the district, Qats Q,A,C, 72; Barley Q,A,C, No,. 21, Pota- '?,'.Early Eureka; Corn, Bailey, for- field ,and GOlden Bantam for den_and' Yellow Leviathan Mangles. The oats and 'barley we're 'wn att'he 'House of Ind'ustrYfarm, in thecentr.e of our. County -d:the 'Corn and potatoes. were.prdcure'd from amefnlJJer of the Seed 'rowers' - Aswciation . locally. 'In' a.ll two hundred and three dozen of eggs were given to the O'O:IJ; three dOZen to ea'ch sc'hooL Ii,'orty doze,n ,of these were C, College, the''l'emaind,erfrom OUr pen at School Pairs. 'fhere il3 no line of work taken up )bY ourpepartment-wh\cK meeting with . greater approval and ha'\ring a more'beneficial~ff; than the' School Fail'S', There is' a vast improvement in the qu'~ of exhibits from year to year. The number of entries were more sehoolth-isyear than las,Land much larger attendance of thepare.- T'he Inspectors attended all our Fairs and the tea,chem gave movement the-ir heartiest support both in: the .school and a\- fhe'F: The competition was very keen among the :pupils. The following is a table of the Fairs, attendance, plots;etci:, Attendan,ce 'Total No. 8et'ti' Children AduItt3 Entries Plots of E 250 400 206 148 27 200 300 393 177 200 350 303 181 '-: A year ago we asked each pupil; -Who received eggs to return ~>a,puliet. One hundred were selected and placed on 'our. County k:Use Farm at .sixty cents each and the eggs 'bought lal.3tspring at .,iitY..five cents per dozen. rri,zes .\Vere,offeredfor ~school _}Vork, the list being prepared :1l1 SUgg-!3stion~by th-8 inspecvori.3. and several teachers"arranged to 'eVT .fhe:nature study and art ,taJ{en up in the Public S.ch'ools, e 'com:petitions, t,ewing for th-egirls and whittling for- t'heboys an1.atform added to the interest and held the crowd while was ,being done. Name Vienna ..,........". Mt, Salem ,....".,.. Yarmouth. . , , , , , l07 TJ;1eprize money, offered walS,based on a donation of -five, dolla!~ from each- school ,se-ction, w'ith, specials for the s,chool winning the' 'highest nu.m'ber of points;; The 'prize money was paid to the winners, the day of the Fa1f. A cheque for each pri'Ze .was issued by thtf.. ,Prel3ident payable :by the Treasurer of the School Fa~r Association., Rib,bons wereatta,ched to the cheques and the namesot thewinnets announced. The cheques were, 'endorsed Iby th,.-pupi'.l. and taken ,to:'" the Trea'surer, who ,paid them the money. By this system"businest( methods are taught and We h~vethe endorsed .cheq-ue asa voucher,f for the money paid out. 108 FJlgin COUl,lty Council. Series, of School, Fairs ,attended: ELGINCOUNTY~ No. of Schools 9 11 9 9 I 8 7 9 8 I OXFORD COUNTY: Name. Vienna Mt. Salem Yarrnouth Finga,l S,S~ N9. 7. Aldboro' Rodney WestrfLorne Wallacetown N. Dunwic-h S.S. No. 6 Southwold Brownsville Drumibo Embro Norwich MIDDLESEX COUNTY: Muncey Brinsley Appin Cofdstreani KerrWood Kilmartin Thorndale Melbourne Wardsviqe Date, September 21 September 22 Septemlber 28 September 29 October 8 October 12 Octo her 13 October 14. October 15 October 20 Septemb~r September Septe,mber September September Septemlber September Qctober October October Octoher October Octj)ber Elgin Oounty OOUncil. MONTH'S SHORT COURSE: BeginnIng Januaiy 12th, 1915, _at Aylmer twep,ty-fouryoung men -attended a .class for six weeks under Our instruction on the following subjects: I . Outline of Course , AhimalHusbandry. A study of the types and breeds of fl;trm anim{tls;. the care, f~eding ahd !llanagement of farm stock, lighting ,an'lI ventilation "':.~fstablesj individual cow records and the Babco:ck Test for milk ahd ,~rea-m; ,Visits were made to various farms when practical jJdging. wa'seQnducted, ' Field Husbandry. Farm ,brops and their. place in rotation. judging and discussion's Special work in corn on the best varieties 'l'he Soil. The essential constitu.ents of a fertile soil. Drainage' and.t-he 'coll,servationof_soil.moist"ure. TheapplicatioIi of'bar_nyard manure aJ;1d commer.cial fertilizers: HOl'ticulture. The plan,t~ng and care -Of orchards, Yllrieties suitable. for :the i'strict, propagati.on, pruning, graftingandbudding'of fruit trees. 'he,: p,rE:lparation andapplication,of-8pray_ materialandpac~irigbf 'hiit. Poultr~r . housing, feeding and general care of the and marketing, grading. and careo! eggs. Agricultural, Botany. Identification and erat"(ication .of common weeds, the study weed se"eds and. th,e Seed Control Act. Ihsectsand" Fungus Di$ea'Ses: Injurious insects, their. life. history and ... modes of attack. :.-The.remedi'es'used ih theireontr()l. ' . The.. mos't harmful fungus ..d1seas,es, identification a~dmeal'4 ,'prevention'. APltulture, The common diseases and common remedies. }.f'al'lll '~Htuagenlent. . ' Bookkeeping and Arithmetic. 109 -~ ~",;:::= -,-=-:. . D to 8 ~ 2. ~ ~_o {ll ....1::] g'"l t:i ~ :r :;. ~ 2. CD CD aqp.~~> o ~ p"' g ~ 1-3 '" CD t;~.cofj;_ o '"l CD ~ l:l O'C;l l-:j tf> (tl ~ 0":;;' g, t:i &i ~.CD 0 2. """" l:l. t:i ~ ~ 0 aq So tf> ~ '"l - ~::;:l aq 1-3 '"l CD ;l) p"'w '"l M-::;' (tl "'~m CD '< ~ S' 0 E. M- ~ g 0' ~ ~ '" ~ @ p. :;. o ~ " m ~ 8' 8' '" ~ o o ~i~~ '"l Po ~ffi: ;~. g,; m m ". ~ o .P ~ ~ .:: ~~t>:l...... ~ooo 0000 ~ , o M- 0' M- M- S ..". <l f-d P'CDO~CD~~o ~;l);3g..~:;-Eo o_;;':=:{llg~g."~ ~ 0 CD ~? M- tf> .....- ~~M-U1P.CD~ 0 ~ - P'.-. M-::;:l. {ll . CD ~ g ~ ~ 16 ~ 16 M- ~aq ~ ~~ggg'~~~ (tl g- S SO' 'H:::;:l ~ CO a S' &5; ~ {ll ::s 0 '"loaqaq ~g~ ~;:g:g~;~ p:. CD p-'aq ~ CD > ;;. """" CD {ll ~ 0 """,,' M- ~ . ::;:l M-;l) P ::=. t:1 0 aq 0 >-1 o'PO~'"lp-'~S>-7 ~. :: g; 0 tf> -~ M- ..... ... .'? o' ~ M- CD aq 'C;l ::l '< >-1 'C;l (tl 1-3 ~ I;ll;l) tf> CD ""l p-'l-' 00 l:l ::: ~ ;l) CD """" 0 'C;l ~ td IJQ ~ (tl '0 tf> ""l l:l {D o 1=1 ):j:;; CD CD >-j o M- P. -.. '0 M-::;:l ro p.. .'<, ~ 0 ~ p-' '< .... -< """" <l &5'"(/).' iJ;. ;; 0 S 8', ~ ~ (tl'M- ""l (tl IJQ ";l p.p. p..... 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Wherever possible these men helddm()8u-: stratious- when the 'older farmers-of the community turnep. out~ The. work was made practical wherever possible. Discuss~ouson the practical and busii'less sideof'farming 'were freely, eIl:tered, intQ by different-members of the .class. At. the- close of, the Course a: ' Junior Farmers' Association was formed 'with twenty-fourmem~:< bers~ each agreeiug<to conduct some experiment during th~ summer and: to giyearepoi't of-the results, for the ,benefit of the class at a meeting 'to be. held thefol1o.wing <,vinter. 'l'Wo na,~' ,Stock Course. Three Stocl~ Ju~gin~,Cbu~se3were held at L,yo'l1s, J)u~ton Clachan resp. '1'11-e most satisfactory ltleetings are whel~.e, th~:: stocle .can be in the ring and where' free discussion. is entered into: by all present. Good stoc!e was procured-'for each of our cq:urse~;:;. The popUlarity of these meetings is- evidenced by the large at~: -tendance. . ' 'results were obtained. ,'1'he crop this ~"ear was' fairly. clean alld <about one~half the usuaL None were sold as so many are necessary ';for,holll'e,consumpflon. .. The McKillo'p Orchard at Eagle has been sprayed fo.r two. years 'undel'oul'instructionand is almost free o.f scale. As mentioned )[tstyear thIs orchard was badly- infect"ed with San Jose Scale bue, .aftertwo years of spraying is practically free of the scale. From experience and observation in spraying, I am cpnvinced "'tliat ,a great part of the spraying is not done tJiol'oughlv," and systematically enough to. era'elicate'" the: seaie,' bl~t will keep it in check. In this orchard 'tl1B "f.ail: spraYing'arid' again in the spring gav'e the: ,best results-. nminage Surveys. In all fifty-four surveys were made 'for drainage work, most these being made in. the three .townships nearest 'office. The1a;nd l'b1li'ng so that it is not difficult to Imow ",here the, Wl;tter courses aiIdallthat is req~iredis the depths.evel;Y hundred feet to lOW that the drain' is in properly. In all but two cases profiles II were required and given wben the ditch'8rswere'at .tlie work. nf(tct,slllce being in the, County there, have been, v,ery. few com.:. :~ete pla~sand in 'many' of these th.e tile is not put in yet 'rl,VO traction ditchers are in operation in the Cpunty. ThesG :1\'f h.aY:'l:dv~ii all ,the assisiancepossibie - to' keep them,vorkillg. 'J;lereis not better' investment a farmer can make than to drain . f:'IJorti.on'_of the 'far,m. This . sea~lon _has,h'owever ,been:i~_ -' w'e't" . '~,at.it :was' often impossible for the ditchers _ to 'be operated.,. Their ~a!ge' is,. practically ,the 'same as for hand labor and altogether \lch bettei' -Work. n()x Packinga.nd li'l'uit Meetings. Box Packing Demons-tratioils:were held at Middlermirch, New: Glasgow and Rodne? The demon:strations were intheorchar~_:, at'the time oLpicking and COllsiderable interest-was tp.anifested; in the work. Meetings of this kind always bring out discussionS.. o~'- the many prohlems confronting Ule fruit growe~s. ,MU;h,'6i the fruit is packed in boxes or bushel crates for local consumptio Institute, Meetings. Co-operation with the Institute branches gives. the Distr,i, Representatlve an 'opportuilityto meet the farmer often wh!3n has leisure time. These series of, meetings in the winter 'ti should be better attended as the spe~1(8rs. are expe,yienc-ed Demonstration: Ol'chards. At the County House of IndUstry the orchard of hees has been under the ea~e Of_the District thr'ee "years. Since. t1~en .I~'.. has., p~ot1u'ced. three. good .crops. sprayings were: given' this year in August and September" aimed at the fungus,but owing to the rainy weather no Asso.cia.tions. Theorganiza:tionsin the county have had a successful year. wIng to the war the Publicity, Association: has discontinued its ork. The Elgih County Seed Grain f!.nq Poultry Association has ~argei'andbettershow than last year. Our Department has ays take-n charge of the Junio.r Classes and ,Judging Competi- ,n~~_ A 8hieldis given rqr the s~chCiOI winning the gre.aiest number rioints.and 'a cup to the. school whose team wins in the Judging -mp.e.tition. The Southwold Township Corn Fair 'held 'theIr- annual' show than attendance of tl,vCi hundred in the aftei'noonand three in the. evening. - 111 112 < -Elgin County Council. EIginCoUlit;r Council. Culti;.. Thresh~ Seed 'J)'! vating iug Cost The Beekeepers' Association an'd Elgin Honey prOducerS"A~,t ~ociation -have been inactive owing to tl1escarcity of honeY.hi$._~ year. The av~eragecrop this _year \villbehandle.d,locally, -,. T'} Bus.Valu"e Profit per acre at 400 Bus. 'lbs, per bus. JacKson... .$1.61 3.13 1.50' 14.70 63 20'% $25.44 $10.74 Charlton " . .. 1.05 3.08 1.50 14.04 61 23 % 24.68 10.64 Cheesman., .99 2.71 1.50 13.61 54 4 21.65 8.04 LeesC?u . .-,. 1.17 2.70 1.31 13.59 53,18 21.41 7.82 Ashton .... 1.09 2.47 1.50 13.47 49 14: 19.82 0.35 will note from the above 'that Mr. Jackson made the grain. The soil was a sandy loam"easily worked, ,was not by the wet andasa consequence his' crop stood up better gave the' greatest profit Farmers' Clubs. Five active Farmers' Clubs are in ElginCounty,namely;-,_ Shedden, Wallacetow'n, Coynes Cornets, $outh Aldb'oro\ign ,'~ Clachan'. They meet fortnightly with a progralll of 'address_" debates and music. The C~y~e:~' C?rrfersCIUb have-handled twocarlotsofpp: toes, six tons pf sugar, posts and salt in car lots, in all.about Sev~ rhO\iSai1d Donars worth'of business this falL The -cla~han'Clti have 'also orde':red rtOur,andother ,material by the car lot. .Hog Fe'eding Contest finis-hed iuthe, Competition with the fol1~willg House of Industry. Total Average Total Value Average Average cost of cost per weight at 9c Value pel' Net feed hog plus of hpgs per lib. hog Profit con- . $4 'ini- surned tial cost ,'nkLoeson .... $13.6.6 $8.55 562 $50.54 $16.86 $8.30 iffoid Heip'leh " 20~32 9.08 446 40,14 13.38. 4.30 :'G.Chee,.rqan 26.71 12.90 561" 50.49 16.63 3.92 d Gaggan .... 29.17 9.93 453 % 40.31 13.60 _ 3.67 ,,-,The winning hogs were fed for the firl3t eighteen weeks on whey ,:l.$horts and the last four wee Irs on ground wheat and whey. The I ir'd,:lotof hogs were fed the same kind of food one more meal per' lr ,and approximately three times as much whey ata cost of one- more' per hog. By having 'only registered stock and seed on this hoped that, it will become a source of 'supply, for the tJast season we placed a pen of pure Bred-to,..Lay on this farm as a source of eggs for our School" Fairs. increasing demand for the eggs' and many could be could be supplied. O.A.C.,No. 72 Oats, O.A~C. No. 21 B,arleyand Early Potat6es are grown on. the 'farm. The new seeding of variagated. Alfalfa gave two tons per acre this year and rell somewhat below. The new, hog pen is pro"{ing' a good mEmtand the farm is giving a greater supply of meat for tution. Since comingt6 the 'County an endeavor has to raise the standard of the farm. As a CountY.'Institution it be a local centre for the distribution of good seed and the count~. Weather Report 1914.15 Mean High~t Temperature Temperature 38.3 68.0 24.3 54.0 19.1 49.0 26.9 51. 29.3 49.0 49.8 90.0 51.4 76.0 59.&' 82.0 Lowest, Temperature 10.0 -21. 75 -'-21 2.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 36.0 e~ber 1914 ......,. mber . '. ,.' . .. '; . . . . .' ary 1915 ......... \.I.,~ry. . .. , . . . .. . . .. h ................ ACl'Cl Profit Competition. _Five,Acre lots of oats were entered in this cqntest In ea.ch ease Five Dollars is allowed for_- the rent of Two Dollars for plowing, Thirty~one cents ,for seeding Dollar and -- Ten Cents for gathering, excepting' Bert cost being only One Dollar. .... ..,....... ......'.,... 113 ,11'+ ' <Elgin "COunty 'Coun:cll. J.uly ...'...,.....,... ,'," August...;..... .'.. ','" Sept!3tIl'bel' ..,.,.,...... Octoiber .,............. Yearly" Average Mein 68.8 60.3 ~62.2 51.0 45.03 85.0 88.0 85.5 74.0 90.0 63.0 42.0 35.0 24;0 -21.75 The~El tempel,'atures give agrowirig season for this district 218 days in 1915 as' againI3t,209, days in 1914; The last killin'gfro"stthis spring was, May 19th' and ,the first killing frost in the fall on Octdber the 23rd, making' 157 day Ibetween the Ias't and first' killing frO!3ts' as compared to'May 2nd October 25th 01,'19 'days ehorter than last year. The rainfall hasbeEm taken by our ,Department here only sif!l~' the 29th of June and therecords are as fbllows:' 1915 PrecipitaJ~~on'No. days 1913 No. it rained Prel~ipitation it July. . . . .. .......,.... 6.29 15 3.80 August ........ "..", 4.51 11 2.00 Se.vtember ....,. ....... 4.66 8 .35 October ...." :..."... 2.31 9 1.75 This excessive rainfall of 17.77 inches more than hal'fth average for the yea.r in the four harvest mont'hs, made it difficul togatll'er the crops and consequently much lOBS to the' farmer3~ "," A demonstration in spraying celery on the Western .Ont~u:i ; Land-Company's property, "Elgin Gardens," was started -butth ground. became so wet it was_ impossible to continue the work.."Ttl' cJ::op was badly affected with' blight and the growers lost perhap,: one half Of their crop. ! Two men, Hollanders from Kalamaz( Michigan" are renting land fro'nt the,lcompany and have grown te acres of celery this year; They have. 'had as good a crop and a good Clualityas was grown in the celery districts of Michigan. The office is made, use of more year by year, by telephone, and -Jocal calls. A supply of bulletins, _reports_ and literature ing.t9 Agriculture is :alvvays. on hand and . seasonable displays in the window, ~very possible 'aEBistance is give)) to organizations, catiOlialwork. An effort is being made to promote throughout the Courtty. Attendance of meetings at" which we were present addresses. 15 18 19 20 an; 20 Jan. "21 'Jan. 22 FJan; 26 _:iTan. 27 'Feb. 16 ,/~~li 19 -Eeb. 24 Mar. ,18 Mar, 19 'Mar. 24 Mar. 25_ !day 22 June '1 5 10 Co~nty Afternoon Evening 7 .Box pac'king of apples at House of Industry ........ .'......,..... 13 West Elgin Corn and Seed Grain -Asso- ciatJon.'. . . . . .. .......'....,.. 2; Lyons Short Coulj'se, attendance...., 3 Lyons Short Course,attenCiance .... 4' Fanners' Club, Rodney, 1\11,'; Good, speaker, re "Co-ope}'ation" at- teildanc-e ...... .............. Clachan Short Course, attendance .. Clwchan Farmers' Clubs orgariized;. Clachan Short 'Course ,. .... . . . . . 12 Luton Women's Institute, attendance Corn Show at West Lorne ......... Corn Show at, West Lorne ... '" . Corn Show at West Lorne . , . . . . . . . Tru'stees' Convention, St. Thomas 'West Lorne Farmers' Institute. . , . , Shedden Farmer.;;' Inztitute ...;.... Aylmer Farmers" Institute, .,...... Straffordville Farmers'- Institute '" Middlemarch Corn Show .......... Patriotism & Produ.ction, Dutton ... Patriotism & Production, Aylmer " Farfners' Club at New Glasgow .... Farmers" Glub at C1achan ,........ Farmers' Club at Coynes Corners Farmers' Club at Wallacetown .... Beekeepers Co-operation .......... Bee Demonstration, Aylmer,Pressey's Women'!3 Institute at Middlemiss' " Southern 'Counties' Agricultural Cl'ub Straftoi'dville .... . . . . . . '.' . . Farmers' Institute, annual meeting, Dutton.. .",.. ..,.,.. ... .',..,. Farmers' Institute, AYI~er Springwater School Picnic ........ 14 20 lli June July Sept. 30 Bee DemOnstration, Wallaeetown, Patt'ons" :'......... ..... .~. . . . Publicity AssQciation...........'. Teachers" Conventioll; Aylmer. 20 30 Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. SOHOOI. FAIRS. Oxford SchocH Fairs-'-Oxford- ,7 Drumbo 8 Embro, 9 . Norwich. 10 Brownsville. 15 Stock Ju'dging at Straffordville Fair. Stock Judging atSpritigfield Fair. , S~pt. Sep,t. Sept. Oct, Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Middlesex,.;.......,.... 23. Muncey. 27 Brinsley. 30 Appin. 1 ,Coldstream. 4 Kerwood. 5 Kilmartin. 8, Thorndale. ,16 Melbourne. 22 Wardsville. School Fairs-.:.Elgin- Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. ' Oct. Oct. 21 Vienna. 22 Mt. Salem. 28 Union. 29 'Ffngal. 8 S. S. No.7, Aldborough: 12 ,Rodney. 13 We'st Lorne. 14 Wall!Lcetown. 15 S .S. No. 12, N. DunwJch. 20 S, S.No,-- 6, Southwold. EJ'gin'-'COU:ntY~Cotmcil. ]17 iiNNUiiL 'J.tEPQRT COUNT POLICE MiiGISTRiiTE_ . JiiNUARY SESSION. Warden and Members of the Elgin County' Council: 1. beg leaV'e to report to you the business done in connection my' office fo~ the past year as follows: Offences Tried. Nature, of Charges No;, Affray........ .... ....... ..... .... ....';......... 9 RObbery... ...-,.....~ ,'" '..... .,.......... .......... 1 Assault, COrrimon' . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. 8 Assault-ca\lsi~g'actual bodilY.harm ..... ..-;'........ 15 Assault :on Constable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 1 Atterript to-comma-rape .. -... . .'..... .'",. '.... .-.. 1 Burglary., . . . . . " .... .......... . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. '4 Bigamy ............ ...................................;... 1 Causing a Disturba:t;t:ce (Dru;nk) ... .'. . . . . .. .. . .. .. 9 Cruelty to Ani,mals ......'....... ... . . . " . . . . . . .. 4 Drunk' and Disorderly,. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , 3 False- Pretenses... .,....,...... ..... ............ :& Prison ,Breach ................................... 1 Violatioll Motor Vehicle Act ._..'..,............... 8 Violation Truancy Act ....'.................._.... 1 Violation Municipal 13y~L'aws ... :.. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 9 Violation RaJlway Act . ,,; . . ." . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. 3 Violation-Liquor_ License Act .. ................... 22 Violation Noxious 'Weeds Act- . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . " 1 Tr'e'spass ............. ._.. .,. " . . . . '.' . . . ... . . . . . .. 1 FuriQ.us Driving'.............,'....... '. . . . . . . '. " 1 Uttering Forge.d Cheque- .'......;-.................. 1 Not p:roviding Nece:ssaries to Wife .'-............... 1 Unlawfully carrying a pistol." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 1 Theft ............ ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " .. 14 Violation Vagrancy Act .,..-.,............;' -" . '. . .. 6 Juv;enile Court- Theft......;..... ....................... 1 Neglecte'd Ch,Udren ......................... 2 118 EIgin'County"CounCiI; -~~ _._-~~~.." Violation Sheep & Dog Act . ........ .,;...... .-.. .,' Violation D'airy Industry Act .....;........... Committed for Trial ..,.,..............,.. Total ..,........... . . . . .149 Convictfons were made for the following' offences: Nature of Charge. Assa'ult ."......... ....,"..... .'.............. Assault 'Causing Actual Bodilv Harm: .... ,". . . . .. .. . Affray "........ ............. ............. Assault' on Constable ........................... Breaking and Entering House....... ..... Causing DistUl'bance .... .... .'. . . , . Cruelty to Animals.. . . . . . . . .. . . Drunk and Disorderly .................... '. . . , . . Disorderly .......... ....,......,............. Petty Trespass ........,..............'......... Non-support of Family . ,. . . . . , . . .. ''',-' . . . .. . Violation Motor VehlcleAct.;...... .'. Violat;ion Liquor License Act '. . '. . . . . .. ... . .. . . . Violation Municipal By- Laws ........ .,....,..... Violation Children's PrQtectr6n Act .......... Violation Sheep and Dpg Act .... ',' ..-. .... , . Vi'olation' Cheese Factory Act.. . . . . . .' ......... ". Theft ...... ........... .... ......~...... . . . .... Allowing Minor'in Pool Room .....,.............. Breaking Pr-ison .... " . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .: . . .. . . . , . . Juvenile Delinquents -.......... ,.."... Prostitution ............ ............. Carrying Concealed Weapons .,'... . . . , . . .. . Total .. ,-........,.... .... .'...... Amount of Fines Imposed............~... ,$124'0.4,0 Amount of Fines Paid -. ,.,.............. 995.50 Municipalities and persons to whom fines were paid: Paid to Dutton ..........,............... $ 80.00 ,Rodney. . . . . . . .. . .. ............. 4.00 " Pt. Stanley.................. .. ... 145.,00 Springfield ............ .......... 10,00 V~enna. . . . . . . . ., ............... 2;50 Elgin QOUJltyOOUIlCiI. ------------" 2 1 15 West Lorne . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YarmoutJ:l ........."....:....." Southwold '. . . . . . . . .. .....:...... County Of-Elgin .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . License COmmissioner Ross ......., License Inspector Smuck.... ',""" Paid for damages for'SIleep ',' . . . .. . . , ,'\ . Constable- Tucker . .. . .. . . . ',' Constable:Pearce ............... P. lVI., Hare..... .'.... .'. .'. .". .'... rEravis .... ,...... ...... .,...,... Eden Cheese Factory .... ~ . . .. . ... 30.00 86.00 90.00 10.00 295.00 60.00 146.00 3.50 2.50 1.00 15.00 15.00 9 7 5 l' 1 8 4 6 2 1 1 8 21 6 1 2 1 2 1 1 4 2 1 Surrimary---'-- , To Municipalities..,....,.............. ;$457,,5'0 To Liquor License Inspectors, " . ... . . . . . '. o. 355.00 To HUJ;uane Society Inspector.......;... 3.50 To Damages to Persons,. . . . . " . . . . . . . . .. 33.50 To Compensation,for: Sheep ...... . . .. 146,00 ,995,50 995.50 'hav~ tr:avelledSixteen Hundred Miles in the discharge ot my expenses other than the cost of transportation being Dollars (44.00). llOnor,tQ _ be, 'Yb'tir obedient servant, ll'RAN.orS' HU!'I'l', County Po1iee.Mag-~strate, 119 120 Elgin County'Couu()il. (J!;lgin 'County Council. BY-LAW NO. 568. a,' Hoard RY-I,AW NO. 570. . QtAudit_in tlJe.,Co1!uty of Elgin for tile ,-enr 1916. T., Appoint.High School Trllstees. Passed 29th January, The' Elgin 'County. Coun~Il. Enacts: That AlbertWaWngton be appoiltted High School for three. years. That A. H. Backhouse he appointed Trustee of the Aylmer legiatelnstitute, for three ye'ars.' Passed 29th 'January" 1916. -Be it enacted, by the, Council of the Municipal CorporaUouof the County, of. Inlfiin,:' " Tllat' tl1e]Udge Of the County, Court and J9hn H. McIntyre be arfj.h.ereby appoilltedmembers ,of' t~e Board of Audit to perform duties requ1I'ed of tb,emby R.RO. Chapter 96, 8.ection21.- That the members of. :tll,e said- Board' be paid the sum ofE'our per day, far their services, and five cents per mile going-'to from such audit. That A. ill. Rob~rts beappointe'd Trustee of School, for three years. County CounciFChambers, St. Thomas, 29th ;fanuary,1916:, K. W.McKAY. . County 'ClerK QED. F: PINEO, Cotint:r' Cotincil' Chambers,'St.Thomas, 29.thJanuary; +916. BY-I;AW NO. 569. W. MCKAY, County Clerk GED. F. 'P~NEO, Warden. To Appoint a Representative ont-heBoard of nil'ectors of Alexandra Sanatorium; Passed 29th Ja'nuary, BY-J,AW NO. 571. Authol'izo the lVul'denal1d- Treasurer to Bo-rrow the ,SUnt of Twent.J-' .ThoUf;lftud Dollars. Whereas, by agreement entered into. between the Health' Association a'n,d tbe" County of .Elgin,and- dated the 15th day of May,. 1911, providing that the corporation of the County ()f Elgin, during the- continuance of the agreement, -is entitled to ap- point .two directors of the' sfi.;id Association; to 'consist of. the and a representative appointed by the County Council; The Elgin County Council ena,cts: That Homer McLay, M.D. of Aylmer, be and is hereby pointeC! to represent the County of EIgin,"on, the Boar_d of of the Royal Alexandra.-Sanatorium for a term of three years. Thnt, as' such' representative, he is entitled to receive expense::! incurred in attendance at meetings of such Board. Com~-ty Council Chambers, Sf. T,holllas,29th January, 1916. Passed 29th January, 1916; Elgin, County Council el:mcts: 'rhat the 'Warden 'and Treasurer be and are hereby authorized borrow the SUIllOf, Twenty hoUsand Dollars, as maYbe "required meet the:curre:p.t expenditures of the Corporation of Elgindurin~ and give a~secutity therefor notes of One ThOusand Dollars County Council Chambers; st. Thomas, 29th January, 1916. W. McKAY, County Clerk -QED. F\ PINEO, '\-Varden. K. W. McKAY, County CleJ;,k. QED. F. PINEO, 121 12:.2 Elghi County COUJiCil. BY-LAW NO. 872. fro Appoint' Audi-u)l~sf()l; tilc 'Yca,r 1916. Whereas under {h'e' auth~rity of' The MuniCipal Act;',~'Vetyhlun~ icipal cou!)-cil is required to appoint, at its first meeting every year, two auditors; Be' It Therefore Enacted by the Council of the Municipal Corp:'" oration of the County or. Elgin 'under thealith6rityaforesaid: 'That -W.alker C.CaugheU and W. A.Galbraith be and are here- by apPointed,Auditors, tOexaminl.'l and report upon all the accounts affecting the Corporation afE1gin, or .-relating t~ any matter under its 'control. or within' its jurisd-iction as .required. by statute_or order- in -council, and alSO all accounts of schoolmoney.s re?eived or paid by th!3 County Treasurer for the year eliding~lst December,1915, and that the said Auditorl3 :be paid the sum Of Sixty Dollarseach for their services. County Council Chambers,29th Janua-ry,1916. K W. McE:AY, County Clerk GEO. F'. PINEO, Wa't'd'en. BY-LAW NO. 873, To GI'ant' Aid'tb the Oanadian Pa,triotic l-l'uitd: PassBd 29th January, , 'J'he County Council of the County of Elgin enacts: That the sum of One "rhousand Five Hundred Dollars a 1:6 paid to the canadian Patriotic Fund during -the year 1916;' said payments con-imence with the~Oney Of i~!!l That the 1916; \ And that the Coulity'rreasurer be and is hereby authorized pay-the same on the 'order of the Warden. County council ChamlJers, St. Thomas, 29th January, K W. McE:AY, . County Clerk Elgin County Council. BY-LAW NO. 874. ~NotPasscd":":"" Ueing a By-L:tW 01 the CountY,of Elgin -with R~spect ,to- Highwa,t Inipi'ovenlcnt.. WHEREAS by an Act of the Legislature of the Province of Ontario e,ntitled"AilAct for the Improvement of Public ,Highways,': RevisedStatuJes of Ontario, 1914, chapter 40, authority isgive,ll totheeouncilof any county to adopt a- plan for thein;I-lHovementof highways throughout-fhe-countyby assuming highways in anymuu.~ ~c:ipalities tobetherearter constructed and maintained by the Corp-' oration of the County. AND 'i;VHEREAS' the County -Gollhcil of the County of ElgiR deems it necessary, and expedient .toadopt a plan for.' the 'improve- ment of certain highways in ,ordet' :that the cou.nty may avail itself of the-benefits of the said Act. Now therefore the Council of the Corporation of ,the- County of Elgin' Ena'cts:as Follows':-'- .~" 'Theseveral.Toads and h)gh1vayS described and set forth in ~chedule. "A", hereto annexed and formi,ng part of this By-Law; are hereby:, ~esignated and,:,a,ssumed as Cpunty' Roads, to he' improv:.ed, and llHtintaine'd under'the proyisions of the' said High way Improve'c.: ment.:Act, and' amendm'en,ts. thereto. 2. The said highways shall he constructed, improved alicI lllaiIl:t~~ned hiaccorcIallce with all 1?r~visions'and re~ulations pre'~ 'scribed by the-said Highway Improvement" Act, 3. Tl).e..work of construction and lllaintenanc: shall ,be,,<lom,- menced as soon as pracficable after.tl}e' c.o~il1g into 'force of this By-LIpV-. ' 4; The County Council ,may ,frl?m time to time by BY-law "make ;;;'u<lh grants as may te necessary and equitable for the im..' provement of'highway~ or portions, of highways in villages or tOwns, al1d W~1ich, are extensipns of., or . forIrl directconp~ction . h:et\ye~n dif-: ferentportions of county ~o,acI~, lmt th~_totaI~rnollntof such, g~~ll1eS to any, Village or town shall not exceed' thesulp." of the ProvinCiaC', granLthereol1 and the ta'xatioli p'aid by such ur'ha'u" 1hunicipaIitl~s- under,this By-Law. 123 'EIghl COil~ity (JounciI. 124 Elgill~ County CQUllcil. 1. ,The Graham Road, fromLa,k~' to .the River. 2. The - Road between Concessiol:l, 8 and 9 from the eastern 'Townlilie 'to the' Furnival Road'; . ~J" 3. The Furnival Road from the road between Concessions 2':;and13 .to.the Road between. 'concession ,2 and 3. 4; The Henry Road ftomRiyer to Road between Concession an~ 3.- 5. T)J.eRoad between Con,cessl-ons, 2 and 3' from Henry Road to Furnival Road. T.he - Road -:hetweE',}nConcesSions 7and8 from Furnival..Road West81;nTownliIie. 7. -- The,Road-between Conc~.ssiQ_ns 12 and 13 and from Fur- Road to WeJ3te:di.'Townline. '---,-.-'--,- 5. The County Council shall have aut~ority to raise andeX!~ pelid on highway construction under thiaBy-Lawand in pursuance of the -terms of th8'"Hi~hwaylil1prOvement Act, such sums as maybe necessary to complete ;the construction ot' the designated system of' county roads. in addition to .such amounts as may be required for re;p-air and maintenanqe, and for which purposes supplementary BY~' Laws m~y fr9mtilne to time be introduced and passed by, the county cu~mcll. 6,. To ine_et the annual e'xpenditure'on repai1',maintenallce cOlls~ruction;under' this-By'~Law, tliere shall be applied any vincial subsidy or sUbs,idiesavailable under. this Act, and, furtl;1er sum or- sums. required- may be raised by.- general rate, or by the issue of debentures, ,or both,.jnaccordance with provisio-Q.s, of the Municipal Act and the Highway ~ Act, and a~ may, bedete:rmined .by supplementary By~Laws. 7. All grantsfrO,Jh the Province-- under the Highway provementAct shall be expended solely upon the system of 1.'oads, regularly assumed and approved as County Roads und,er the Act. 'SCHEDULE "A"~ ' TOWllship of J)u~nvich. ":, Roads. designated: to ,be aSSumed for ,improvement under the ';~,rOv,isions:'of the HIghway Improvement Act;"forming part of and ~nnexecl to-BY~LawNo;874 or the County 6fElgin. ;,\;,':,'T,he:road:C\?inmencing_(iD. the nor,th', Hmit'"of the.lake road 'heing hetween lotn 0 "nc[ 11 j~ concession 10) to the Cnrrie Road :'~etweenlots 1,2 and 13 in the eighth 'concesSion) thence north be- it~eensaid lots 12 and 1,3' to ,the River Thames except the portion :;of-saidroad wit,h'in the limit of ,the Village of Dutton, The r()al:1 between the cOD.cessions 7 and 8 from the easterly ih~ifof r'oad })e-tweenlots6 ,and 7 'to the SouthwDld Town Line. The r,o'ad, between cOD.cessions A and five north - of A from the ':.i\I?bor6,ughTo'Yn Line east to-- the old Currie Road on lot 11, 'thence east to the'Village of Dutton. f . 'The,' :road between ,'th'e -Gore and concession 4, trom.', the, road ',:between'lC?ts 12, and 13 t,o the:,southwold Town Line. 'The'road hetween the lots' 6 and 7 from road betweenconces_ ,'.siOlLAand five ,nOrth' oLA,' to the 'RiverThames~ : . 'l'heroadbetween' conceSSions A and five sonth of A. from :~h,eline,of the Corporation of the Village of:D:utton easterly to.the South wold Town Line. ' The TOY{llLim~'b~tweenoDunwich and Southwold commencing troad between co"nc~SSiolJ.A and Jive south of A to Talbot Road .iSouthwold. 8: Should it be found, in carryi_ng out the' plan of ment herein provided, that a greater expenditure is necessary any township ,or townships than should eq'uitably!'be a charge the country asa whole, the Oouncil of th~ County may".bysupple~ mentary By-Law, with the assent of that council 'of such township or' townships and approval of the Minister of-Public Works for Ontario, cause a special. r:ate to be levied upon such t~wn:ship or townsl;1ips to meet excess, expenditu,re;but the cost of any -whicJ1 is a county 'bridge under the terms of the Municipal shf,Lll not be treated ,in tb,ts manner. 9. This By'~Law flhaIl ,come into force when approved, by Lieutenant ,GovernOr~i,I~-Council in accordance with section 12. tb,~sajd HighWay Improv(;i'ment Act. SOll,EDlJLE "A". Township, of A14bol'?'~gh~ Roads designat!ild' to be ~s&u;r;neQ. for improvement under provisIons of_ the lIigl1way Improvement Act, forming part of 'and ann,exedto By,~Law No. 87'4 of the 'County of Elgin. 125 i'::.., ~ ~ ~~ ~S _.0 p.~ m ~ " ~tf1 \j o ~ ~l:l' ~'" ~ 0" o " 0;" <+ ".... ~ P'8. l:l . >0 P. ~. . .:+:=:t:::lb:l g Com;' ~ " ,....Q" ~ ::! ~ ~ "" 0 p' ::::c+ tt> ""i g- ~i':: ~~ Q..i::j 0- _. o 0 ~ _. o >0 :::: e. '" -. ,,~ '< "" ~ m '" 00 ~ ~ m _'1 ~. ". S" 00 0 0- ~ '< ~ ~: 00 m (1 ;I1 OJ tJ c:: .t" l:'J (1 o ~ >oj ~ CD CD ::< ~ ~ ::;".~ ~ CD (0."0 ~p..8 p. <+8" :;-'" ~ J; -P" ~. " 0- 0 m ~ '"d @:: .e. ~ Pi...... $i "" p- m '" (1g: o :>1 ~ . ~.::: '< (1 ro ~ ",. " . . 00 m p. " o OJ ~ cfQ ~ 5" ~ (1 " 0 m _~ ~ ~ '< CO o ~ " ~ il> '" So ~ o' " .~ ~ ~ SO <.; ~ " ,m ~ ~ ~ ~" '" ~ ;>0 ;g u> m ~ p.S ., o o g ~ 0;" >1 t- il> :;I '" " " ., ;0 ~ 0 o ~ ~O "" o m ~"' "-,, ~ 0 o ~ '" 00 _. . " " '" p. 00 rn o _. "X g ;I1 ~~ 00 " p. ~ m p, . 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O' 0 il' 0 '" 0 " ~ Q 5' 00 >3 . ~ F ~ .00 0 O' 00 :;R~ . ~ '" 0 '" O' 0 ~ ~ , '-< 0 ~ 0 . 0 0 OJ 8' ~ 0 " '" a: 0 O' 0 00 .~ < 0 ~ ~ 0 . .. '1;; " 0 1ti 0 ~ 0- 0 ~ 0 00 '" >0 "3" '"' ... - I;j O' '" .0 0 ... 9 ~ 9 il' ~ ~ 0 ~ 9 '-< il' "1 '" . 0 . " 00 O' "'. .. ~ 0 ~ ~ " 0 0 , "1 -~ mi" m 0 ~ 00 '" 0 . "1 " >0 >-' 00 " I:j .. " -< !' 0 ~ '" 0 0 s> ~ 0 0 S" :<i z ?' '" ~ "- is: >0 ~ f" roO ~ ~ !:. ~ '" ;; 0 H ~ ~ OJ ~" " OJ 0- ~ :<i z ?' H ~ 0 0 < ~ ~ fI,S. I;; ~ :<i z '" ~ 0 , ~ " m 00 ~ '" '" . '" ~ . 0 I;; ?' ,c 0 ~ ~ , ~ ;,; . 0 '-< ~ p ~ 5" '" . "'- ~ ~ !:. '" 0 0 ~ m mi" "'- '" '" '" ~ 0 p 0 '" ,," '" O' P ~ \' '" '" _o~~-:::--_c_.~ :~~~- ~.~~.=-- -"';"'j- " -.. .~..-:. . .,--- ,.. :;:~_.. ~-' ---:::":'~~-- --. -~;\.~'{',-' ~~ -~ .,..... ,,-.:.._-- ~- Elgin.'County CounciL' 123 Council. the TalbatRaad betwee'nthe' lats 10 and 11 in the andeightl\-'eanCessions 'and between the sixhantd seventh ,to 'anddncIudhig raad: ,betweel1"Iats,i4 /'imd15irt the and $ixth cancessians to. and including raadbetweE;ln:fourth iifth cancessions to.' the w,esterly limit o.f raad between lats '21 22. Framthe'SpartaRaad between lats 14 and 15 in the > first, and third cartcessia'ns. From t48 Narth Baundary of St.'Thamas, . between .Jats '5 and the_ninth cancession_and range,sauth of the Edgeware:Raad and including raad between IatsS and 9 in therange;;ou,th and ~nd seGa~d_ ranges narthai the Edgeware .Raad, ,the tenth and cancessians. Fram:the Edgeware Raad to and ,including the raadbetweell ihthe first.an~dsecaIid - rangesnai'th;the tenth and ahd including the raad between thee,leyenth Darchester 'Tawn-Line~ Ne,w. Sai'uman 'l'albatRaad between Jats 20 and 21, to' BelinaIit. roadbe'tweenIats,18 and 19 in the ,eighth concessian and the'8'eventh and eighth cancessions' to., the centre.' af southerly to:raad,between)ats 21 and 22 in the seventh and'_sDuth -iaWe 'narthlimit af the -raad between the sixth 'concessians , '-, 'SCHEDU]~E HAi'. T~:wnsbip at Soutbwold. Road's designate,d to be' assumed, for, impravement und'erthe" provisians qf the Highway Impl'Qvement. Act,' 'farming part of: and/'- annexed to. By-LawJ'jo,.874 of'theQounty af-Elgin. Talbat Raad from:the D'umvichTown LLne'.la,:the, 'rhomas. The Back ~treet. ~ram tb,e,Du_nwich Tawn Liu.e to and theLonda~l a'nd'part-Stanley r~ad tciSkTha!lla~. _The. T?wn "LIne 'between_.Dunwic,h...a!id sauthwold. fromro~A No.. 9 narth af lana Statiqn to. and including. the road betwee"ll~h~ second and third 'concessions in Sauthwald to. thewesterlylimito!. lat, l; in the secand cancession,., thenGesouthe;rlyta the Back Stre~e along Taad between lats' 25 and 2 6, . Fram M:C.R. 'tighD~of-w~y_ in Shedden -thraUgh.....Fi.ngaJ'thEmc~. south to. raad in rearaf'the lats south afthe'TalbatRaad~ ,Frain the north' 1i1;nit aftlJ.eLakeRoadbetwe.en'lots6~nd>~':' in a nartherly directian to the Union Road and fra~ the Uni(jn Roadalangthe south limit of the lots an tIle sauth side of Talbot E?treet to theYarmauth Ta'wn' Line.. SCHlI]DULJI]." "A". r.uo:wnship,of Yarmouth. Roads designated. to be ,assumed far improvement under>th~ provIsians af .the .Highwaylmprovement ,Actl...farmingpart of'an annexed,;tO.By~Law Na~ 874 af the CountyafElgin. AU'af, the Landon alid Part Stantey Road framSt. Port Stanley. ' FraIn the KainsBridge west, -to. Squtll-ward Tawn' Line. The Ta)Vn Line 'between, _Yal'lllauth and Southwald, nprth}?, SL'Thamas, up to. and including, the raad(ram the Town Line to. sk G.eorgeStreet Bridge. Talbat Streetfram St. Thoma,.s to. the _MalahideTo-wn, Line; Fram Unian,between the._third ,an.d fourt~, concessians,t' Sp,arta, being east limit af road between lats. 21 and 2'2 'inthe'thi cancessian. lots 10 an'd-1L from Darchester!J1awnline AyIiner) then east to Bayhamtawnline an SOHEDULE."A". . I . Townsh.ipof l\'Ia]ahide. Raads. desginated'tah~assumed far inipraverUent under the pr~~isi.ollf~ of t~e ?igh way Imprayement Act, farming part afand '~nnex~d,~o. By-Law No.. 874,af the. C~unty af.Elgin. :.'_ 1. ,Talbot Road framEast'ta West except thraugh the Town ;of:,AyImel'.., 2: Raadbe,t'ween to 'Copenhagen (except "the 1st Canc,essian. i;:,....., 'B. The ~?adbetween l~ts,20 and 21"from Springfield line, >'sO'uth through 09, '8, and 'part af7thConcessiap and thence in a ~;,ve'sterlyand southerly directian to Aylmer. . :~ 123 EIghl 4. lots 20 R'oad from Talbot Roa,d,South to.' 1st Concession and 21. Elgin County Council. 5., Road east 4 th Concession. of Mt.Salem to Calton. between BY-LAW NO. 875. 1..'0 Amend By"Law No. 827. , Passed 9th June; 1916. .'The,IDlgin '9bunty ,Qouncil enacts: , THAT 'Miss Rhea Goo,ding be and is hereby appointed 'matron theiIouse of Industry. THA Douglas Ewen, M.D,~ he and 'is hereby appointed 'assistant ';thephysicianof the House. of Industry ,and that he be ,paid the. laryof the ,PhysicianduriJ;lg the. latter's absence from the County, County Council Chambers, St. homas, 9th June, 1916; .>W~McKAY; GEO. F. PINEO, County_ Clerk Warden. SCHEDULE HAl'. Township of nayham. Roads designated to beassum:ed' for improvement under .provisions of the High way Improvement Act,:i'orming~ part annexed, to\By~ Law No. 874" of the County of Elgin. Road from Port Burwell; "except 1. Th,e Old' Plank to' Acacia;, Theist 'Concession from'Malahide Townline to Vienna 2. welL 3. . BY-LAW NO. 876. To Grant Aid" to thel OanadianPatriotic Fund. Talbot Road across the Township; 4. The F,orgeRoad which ,runs ~n a. North Easterly the North. part at" the Township from -the :Passe~ 9thJun~, 1-916:. The Elgin County Council eliacts: , THAT the sum of FHreen Thousand DOllars be and'is hereb:y ;r_anted to ,t4E! Canadian Patriotic Fund for 191~;said amount to 'e'paid ~ver, as re~uired on the order.,'of the Warden. County' Council Chambers, St. horn as, 9th June, 1916. GEO. 1". PINEO, Warden~ across line. SOHEDULE "Alt. Township of, S,ontb 'Dorchester. Roads designated \0 be assumed for improvement u;nder provision,s of the' Highway' ,Improveme:nl 'Act, 'forming part auu,exed to By-Law No. 874 of th_eCounty of Elgin, Road between. lots- 3 and '4 from ,southerly limit of' the sex County Line south to and' including the Malahide line easleriy, limit of. the- Village' oLSpring~ield. Road between lots, 6 and 7 from north' limit of Springfield to the' ,south limit of, road between the eighth, concessions: Road:between lots 12 and 13 from southerly limits of the dlesex County: Line south to and including the Malahide Town to road, between lots 10 and 11 in 'Malahide. Road ,between lots '18' and 19 from .th~ Middlesex County , south to, and including the Malahide TownUn.e 'between and Yarmouth. BY-LAW NO. 877. Amounts }-'Ol'OOlUlty Rates During theYea,l' 1916. '-Passed. 9th, ,June, 19:106. WHE-B-EAS an estimate has been made showing that the sum (NinetY-Eight Thousand" Nine Hundred ,'and SeV~ntY-Four!'DoIlars required t~' be raised in, the -several MunicipaUties, for the' lawful rposesof the Gou~ty d-u:r'ing'-the y~ar .1916. AND WHEREAS, by-The Assessm~ntAct, this Council is re,:" ired 'to di;re'c.t what. portion of the sum to be levied' for ,-County urpo~es sh~II be l~:vied'in e8ich Municipality in th,e, County. Ai'fD WHEREAS, the rates are required .to be apportioned on \eba,sisot the assessment, of property as equalized inLthe preceding ]29 County AND WHEREAS; the assessment of property of the County, aJ3certained and equalized in 1915 is'asfollows: Totlfl'" .E.quaUzed Value Aldborougli ............ ............... .$2,977,254 Dunwich .......... ..'....,..,.,. ,. . "'...,3,198,254 Southwold .......... ................... 3,840,267 "yarmouth.........,.... .~'... .;...,. .;;~.. 4;'641;657 Malahtde..,.,.,. ,., '."""" ... .., .",. .. 2,839,810 Bayham ,".......... ................... 1,909,513 South Dorch~ster .,..,...,.....,.,. ....' 1,678,552' Aylmer .. ',' . . .',. ....,.,....,.,..,.,..... 973,819 Dutton ......,. ......,.,..,., ,. , . . , . . ., -330,524 Port Stanley"".,.,......., .,'.. . , . , . . . . '218,893- Springfield. '.""" ..' ,~.,.,.,......... 144,660 Vienna ".,.,.. ........,.....,.,.., '.". .,. 9:)"/1-'; Rodney.......,.. ...,.,..-.... ..,..., ,. 218,77'2 west Lorne .,......',....... "." .,...... 216;633 M).micipality Therofore the. Council of the Municipal .Corpora'tt6ncif. County of.Elgin.enacts:- 1. That a rate of Five, and One.-HalfMills 011 the Dollar levived on all rateable property in the ,several Municipalitiest the County'of Elgin, as above set .forth, for the year 1916, to ra::' , the' following amounts:- 2. That the sum of :9ne ,!:Iund;84, and Twenty..EightT.ho.u? and Eighty-Four Dollarsb~ rais,ed and levied in the severalM" JcipaHties in- the Count)':, aC9prding to" thefollOWingsch~dule',a,€(' that the amounts, aseIltered therein, be paid to the {Jou.u6 Treasurer, as by law required: . ,: SCHEPULE; Municipality '.f.-:ldborough ...,..,. >."" .....,..",..,.,. .-',~,)$ ,Dui1:wich. ,.......,....,. . " '. , . , , . " . . , . . . .' ....,. .,', 'S.6uthwold ".,.,..,. ,.,.,.. ',""'" ,.."., Yarmouth ......,..' ".,',.".,."....... Malahide ,.,.....,.., .,.,..".,... '.' . , . . . Total 16,375. 17,590 22,122 25,529 15,619 EJ]gillCOUllty Coullcil. Bayham' .'."."......... ....,....,......,..."".,. South D,orchester.,.,;,.-,.., .,',.,."." ':Aylmer ,'.... '~"; , ...., ...........,............ Dutton... .";.. '.' :: ;'" .'.,.. ....,..." ....... Port Stanley ......... ,. . . , . . ., ., . . , . " , , . . Springfield .. -' . , . , , ., ."..:, Vienna.........., Radney,..... .., West Lorne ., '\.: . . . .. . .. ., . . . . , . . . . . . . ... . 10,502 9,232 5,356 1,818 1,204 795 . 548 1,203 1,191 """." ""-,." ..",'.,.... Cl:;1amber, St. Thb~as,June 9th" $128,084 1916. McKAY, . County Clerk GEO. F. J;'INEO, Warden. BY-LAW NO. 878, the, 'Va-rde-Il a-ndTl'casurer to Borrow tho Sum ~f F'ol'ty Thousand :Po.I~ars. , 9th June, 19'16~ Elgin CQu,nty Council enacts: 'THAT theWa~denand Treasurer be and are hereby authorized the sum,' of Forty ,Thousand 'pollars, as it may be re- to"meet expenditures ,of the Corporation. of Elgin during and give' as' secul.lity th~refor notes 'of. One Thousand, Dollars Chambers, Sf. Thoma?" 9th June, 1916, GEO. F. PINEO, Warden, BY-LAW NO. 879. To. Grailt Additional Aid, to Schools. Passed ,9th ,June, 19.16. 'l'he Elgin Coi1.ntY-Council enacts: (1) Thatthe,sum,of One Thousand Six,Hundre'dand Twenty~ e.Dollars'be granfed to' the fOllOWing schools: 131 / 132 Elgin.County Council.' E:lgiIiDounty' Council. Aylu\er , Dutton Vienna Collegiate Institute ......... .$650.00 Hig\> School ................ '6,0.00 High School ................ 32'5.00 -$1625.00 (2)' That_~thisCounciIis willing to have the final equaliza_ tion of the assessment,in', case of appeal" made by the County Judge. CountYC'ounciI C'hambers-,'St Thomas, 9th June, 1916. ('2') That the St. Thomas.' Collegiate Inst,itu:te be. granted.an-; amount equivalent' to twenty per cent of the cost of maintenance of ' Couny'pu'pils~- (-3) That the grants to uontinuation be made on .the basis, of two dollars and granted by the Governme,nt. County Council 'Challlbers, St. Thomas, 9th, June, 1!h6~ K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. McKA Y, County Clerk. GEO. 'F. PINEO, Warden. and Fifth . Class Schools onei- half to each dollar, BY"I,AW NO.88~. To Appoint u High School Trustee. Passed '9th' June, 1916. The ,EIginCollnty COuncil enacts-: Frank Curtis. be appointed Trustee of the-Vienna High fiII,out'th,e t~rm of Albert Wallington resigned. CountYCouP.cil Chambers, StThomas, 9th June,. 1'916. GEO.F. J3Y-I,AW NO. 880. ,~10 COnfil'lllthe EqupUzation of the:, ASSeSSlllellt Rolls of.the of Elgin. '. Pas'sed 9th June, 1916. The Elgin County Council enacts: (1) That the' folloWing be the equalization Of Rollao! the Coun:tyof Elgin- fOF' 1916. AId-borough ........, .""",'. $ Dunwieh ....,.,.. ........,.,., Southwold . ,..,;,., .,..,. ..... Yarmouth "",... ..,.""... Malahide .,'......,.. .,......,.. Bayham. ......" ".......... South Dorchester ,'.,.......... Aylmer........ '........,.,.. Dutton.... .'.. .,:, ,..' ... ..... :'." Port Stanley ...."........... 'Springfield .....", ",..._.... Vienna .......... '.',"."." . Rodney..... .... ,'.......... ..:.. VVest Lorne "..........., McKAY, County, Clerk. GEO. F. PINEO, Warden. BY-LAW-NO.882. 2,9.77,254 3,198,254 3,840,267 4,641,657 2,839,810 1,884,513 1,678,552 973,819 330,524 281,893 144,660 '99,707 218,772 216,633 To '~"ix Sa~aryof, the Co;untyT'olice -l\tr~gistl'ate. ~asse'd9~'h June,_1916,. The ;:E,!Jlgi,nc,/?untyOounCil enacts: . - . THAT"the','salary of Francis Hunt, Oounty Police Magist-rate 'be an'd is hereby_:,-tixed at the SUm ... of . Six Hundred DOllars per >:aimum, payable' q,-!-arterly~ THAT the Police Magistrate be paid the sUm of One Hundred Dollars fQr postage, telephones andtraV'elIing THAT all By~haws in this respect heretofore passed be and hereby repealed, County Council Chamber, St. Thomas, 9th June, 1916. W. McKAY, County Clerk. GEO. F. ;PINEO, Warden.. 133 , EIginComityOounciI. 134 ';c :lj]Igi,n C!OUllty Council. J3Y,LAW NO. 863. ~'o J1lxtend the Time for theFJufol'ced Collection QY Sale l'tesidcllt Taxes in the~;County of' Elgin. Passed 24th November, 1916. The Elgin County Council enacts:, rfHAT the time fprthe- enforced resident taxes of the County of Elgin for one year. County Council Chambers, St. Thomas. 24th Novembet, ~ 868 To appoint High School Tl'ustee.s ,,; .12, 15, 21, 2}~, :~Q, 120 869 To a,p:point Sanatorium Representative.,:..,... .22) 120 8.70 To a'PPoint Board of Audit '.... ."~... :...... ,;11; 23, 121 871 To authorize Warden and Treasurer to Borrow $20,000........,.........,... ..:......::. ::23, 121 872 To appoint 'Auditors ......... .,..'.. . ,~.... ,.1.L,:~-:~, 122 873 To Grant_ Aid to qanadi~,n' P.atriotic Fund.. .~. . . .24, 122 8. 7 4 To Assume a Systelll :of .'qo~l!t.Y Roads. . . . . . . . ; . . ~,7, 12,3 875 To Amend By'Law 827 ...................... 43, 129 876 To Grant Aid to Patr~oti~Fun~. . ~ '. . '.. ..' . . . . . . '. 4,,3. 129 877 To Raise,':Cciunty Rates..... .'............, ',' .44, 129 87'8 To Authorize Wa:r-cten 'and Treasurer-to Bor'row, $40,000 ,.'... .............................. .44, 131 879 To Grant~:Additional',Aid to SC{1oo1s;..:........ .';'.'.45, 1'31 8'80 To CoiTfirm Equaliz'ation .... .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..45,' 132 881 -To apPQi~tHig'h School-Trustee;;....... ..'.:'; .46, 133 882 To fix Salary: County Police Mag'istrate ...........; .47 883 ,T:o, extend time for Tax Sale. . . . . . . . . . . . ',' . .. ~ 56, 134 . 884 To Grant.'Aid to Patriotic Fund. ................56,- 134 INJ)EX. >,.-'Address ofW,arden ...... ." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 27" 4.8 Representative . '. . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .29" 112 Co:mll1ittee . .,........ .-.. ,............. ..... ...... ..99 -and Equalization. . . . . .'. . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103 collection by sale be and is hereby K. W. McKAY, ,County Clerk. BY-LAW NO. 884. Aid to.' the Ca.nadian Patriotic li'llud. , To, 'Grant Passed 24th November, +916. The. Elgin County' Council ,enacts: '-_THAT the sum of Six Thousand Dollars t,e and is granted td the Canadian Patriotic Fund for 1917. Sa~d to ',be paid over as required on order of the Warden. County Council Chamb'ers, St.: Thomas, K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. GEO. F. QpmmnnicatiOl1s. ...:................. .19, 12, 31, 34, ~9, 51 Jorn Growers'A.ssociatiol1s ........................48, 50, 52 lOUllty Officials. . '.' ". . ; . . . . . . . . '.'. . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . '.' . . . . . . .4 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .25; 40 . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 .....,,,........:....................9, 21, 30, 49 Agricultural F-~ir!3 and'Shows ................. .51, 52, 55 Children's A.id Society. ..................... .,......... .75 B'armers' and, Ladies' Institutes .................... .-14;' 15 I{ate Wallace'-. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . ..... . ... . . . . '. .... . . . . . . .14 Libraries.......... .... ........... .... .',.. ...... .,.12, 17, 18 ' , 1.35 126 Elgin ,County,OollJicil. Legislation .......................... .., . . .'. . . . . . . . .'. " . .. '. .'2'.~ Lockup, 'Shedden. _' . . . . . '. . . . ;. .. . . . ;'. .' . . . . . . . ; . . . . ~ . . . . . . .21- Junk...Dealers . ,'. .., '......................... ... ,.... ......:_..i.l; Nig-htwatchman ................................... '; . . . ;.3:0 M,cNichol, John .......... ,.' . .. . . . . . . . . . . .: . . . . . . 39,55,~lR, Patriotic Ftind. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..9, 13, 15, 16, 2.0, 21~ 34, 38, .105. PubU,city ......... ,. . ;'. . , . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . '.' . ... ._' . . . . . .18;.1 Public School Inspector ~............... .'... ,..; ..,.27, 32.~: REPORTS~ AgricUlturalRepres-entative.............. .... .12,55; 10 County Engineer ............:... " . . . . . . . . . . . ... ..;.1 COlluty 'Treasurer ....................... .,.. . . . ; , .14,~ Education 'Committee................... .17,34.,41',54,_'6, ~q\1'alizat1on .... ............ ........ .',. ."," ...39,41;10 Finance Cmmnttte-e ............... '.... .20', 41,54:, 69,:p Gaol Committee... ,.... .'...................... ...34, 10 House of Industry....................;.......... Inl3pector' . . '.' . .' . . . . . . . ... . . . . . '.' . . . . ... . '. ;-, . . . . . . Physician .... ........................... ...... ..,,-.... .... Petitionsa-nd,'..Legis-latlon. . . .'_' .... ,. .. . . . . . . . . . . . n. Police Magistrate ...._... . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. ... ;.. . . . . .. 'P,ubli~Improve-ment,eonimittee..,..... .17,19,,40,51,54; P,~blic'School ,Iu-s-petcor ,1:'aylor ... .... .~..... ... . .. . . . . . Specialre. Reso.lution of,.co:ndolenc~. . . . . . . . . .. " ."; . . ... . S:pe:.cial re.q.ra~e!Dorringt()n.. . ../. . . . . . . . . . . . .. ; . . .13. ,'Stand-ingCommittees....... .."............ ..... ..6, Warden'8 A'd,dress Comm1ttees ...... U;U . . . .. . . .1.8. 33, Sanatorium-Representative.. .'.,....... .-............;... Stalter..':Bl"idge ............................... ... . . . .'. . . Telephone County AttorJley ..............;.;...;........ Tem,pera'nce Act........... .-;........... .--....... ......... W;a'rden~,s'.Ele'ction' ... .,........;................;.. .... .'. W'a-r<den'a....'Grant '. ...................................... 'W'ar ......................., t................ ..........,'8,