1917 Minutes PROCEEDINGS otthe Elgin County Council " " " ,'.' " During the ,Sessions heJd:iri'the CourtHouse, St. Thomas in the mp,nths of Jupe, July, Septemher and Novemher Nineteen I-i'un'dredand Seventeen County Officials c. w. Colter, Esq., County Judge G. O. Ermatinger, Jas. H. Coyne,Eaq., Registrar D. McLaws, Esq.', County Court Clerk A. McCrimmon, Esq." Clerk of the Peace and County Crown and Sheriff, pro tern C. F. Maxwell, ES(f; Master in' 'ChaI,LceryW. ,F. Luton, J. A. Taylor, B. A., and J. C.Smith,B. A., Public K; W. McKa,y' Esq., County Clerk and Treasurer JamesA.'Bell;' M.O.S., C.E."County ,Engineer G. F; Pln,eo, County Road Superintendent. C. St. C. Leitch, County - Silieitor Frank :Hunt, Esq.;P(}!iceMagisttate Robert Kains, Esq., M. D., Goal Surgeon F. W. Guest, M. D., Physician House' of Industry DOuglasL. Ewen, M.D., Acting, PhysiqianHouse of Industry Do' H., Goodlng,Esq:; Inspector House of Ind~stry A; Turner, Esq., Inspector Hous~ of .'Industry JohIiHopkins, Caretaker Court' House All of S t. ,Thomas P.O. County Auditors:' Walker ,C. c~ugheil;'W. A.GalbraIth, ,Dutton Administration of Justice Auditors: C. W. Colter, Co'unty Judge Mayor ,rrrott, St., Thomas; Oscar McKinney, Arlmer Municipal Clerks and Treasurers lIIUNICIPALI'ry CI!ERK TREASURERS. ' Altlborough. ... E. J..., Hugm.,:Ro~~ey ... ,A: Carmichael, West LQf Dunw~ch".. ", D. A. McN,abb,'Dutton ...... J. A. Oampbell, Duttl Southwold .. .... J. C. McLennan,ll'ingal :... D. A. Cattanach,]'i~,~ Yarmouth .', W. C. GaUgh~lI','~,t"r.rhO)rt~S, .'" :R~McLachlin" St.,Th~~ lVlalahide ....... }ohn, M. Hfl,le,'1\.!~ll1e_r,.. _' :'::~..John M,: H,ah';" Ay1m: Bayham ... Benj. Brian, Straft~rd:'liile', . .. Wm; Grant, Straffordyfi'_ South Dorchester .... A. Taylor.. Belmont .... Gordon - Winder,Lyp,I Town of Aylmer... ... .. .. .D.C.,Davis ..... ... .. .w.:W,ar~o iVIlage of Vienna. .. ... ... S. 8: Glutton .. .'... ... S. s. cI~if, Village of Springfield .;....... J. B. Lucas ...,.... J. A.ChaW1 Village of Port Stanley ..,... J. S. Robertson ..... .J. EtRobel Villa,gt},.-,of'DuttOll", ;".:;"'" .. ... J. D. Blue ........ ...D. '.paT:P Villag.e :or West Lorne ',... .1.... J. S. Robertson .,~'...." ':W.'H..'i) Village, of Rodney........... J. D. S:Q.aw ..........." N. S.uj ~ " "',' ',',", "t. III: III: dl I'1I Iht ii;'f .i,(!if' illlll 11'11 IIIII I~I' 11"; 1:,;'i)I" I !I~I~ 11''11'11' !.II'." "II I,I,,() "il"',I!; i i'ti~'I'il '1"[ !1.:iI'.1 1',I:V:!!i 11~liJ,<'),l i':~""t ')l;~~:Y i. '!(I;\;I~I \',' 11:"'''11' '1WII'J~ 1!!\:':\II;\' lil',I:,?"", '!I'j'!)IIII],: lln,,~tll lili\l!tl,,\:iii !1'lil'W'(:,I[, I"'fl \1\1~,t"I' I,(,q'i'd\i 1'11\l;\';,h!lj lil"II':IIIII ilJ.!i~ [1)/1 '\I''''''I'! 111:'1111"1,1,1,: /':'i..'\'[111I, ill';'I\lil"~!lfl I [, i'il\i:\~.II'I!' , l'J\hf~I",1 1'1111'''1'11 I 1"'li' II">' 1'111'11'1 1'1"',\11111'1 ," i (/i\' ti,W~,i!i ' I~ ii, li~'lil'I'ti~I(, '!!I,."'.' ':!ih,liii\t!,\,i,!.1 "I"'i""'I'II. j 1\ \' ,~f!!I;\:,'!.n ',I :1 ii'" 1;,lj 'I: i,I," itill "'I. iJrii PROCEEDINGS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FI.RST SESSION-FIRST DAY. Tuesday the 2ilrd day of January, 1917. ~lgin '"County at ,2 p,.m; Council met- this day at the Court House, St. . The.. m~mbers elect ,v9ok seats' at the for'the year 1917,file'd Council Bnard' as follows: their certificates and l'ownship ,of AJd'borough-::-- Reeve,: William Tolmie. Deputy Reeve, John A. McRae ,,,,,'o\vnship, of DUll\vich"- Reeve,,' John' C. Campbell. Deputy Reeve" Leslie Kend'all ',?wllsMp'ot 'Solithwold'-'- "j' :'ne'eVe,"'Atidrew'A. Miller. IJe'iiuty Reev'e~"'.Ma1colnl"D; McCormick. ;""Vll~hig ~f_::arrnoutl1~ -{. ~"''';:'Re'e'i~;: D'atiie'i)'R.d'ur'tis'~ fj~puty R~e~a:,: :iam.'e'S' ~Tb'd'd. 4 Elgin Council. Township of Malahide- Reeve, William T. Hare. DeputyRe~e, Euguene E, Hill. Moved by J.A. McRae, Seconded by, William Tolmie. Township of Bayham- Reeve, WiIliamH, Moore. Deputy Reeve, Thomas Dennis. Reeves, of the COlllnifttees Municipalities he a Committee to strike Township of South Dorchester.. Reeve, 'Harry B, Lyons, -Carried. Moved by O. McKenne,y. Secolider by James -Todd. Town of' Ay'lmer- Reeve,Oscar McKinney. That all Deputations or any person desiring to address thIs must be heard before Friday of each General Session during ensuing year of 1917. Village of Vienna- Ree.ve, George F. Williams. Village of Springfield- Reeve, Ernest A. Bryce.' -Carried. Moved, by Leslie Kendall. Seconded bYJ. C, Campbell. Village of, Port Stanley- Reeve, N. S. Cornell. That this' Council adjourn to meet to-morrow at ten o'clock a.m, Villag'e of' Dutton- Reeve. D" G, McCallum. JAS. M. MCLEAN. Warden, Village of West'{'-Lorne- Reeve, J.' B. Ferguson. Village of Rodney---'~ Reeve, James A. McLean. The Clerk took 'the chair and'the election of Warden was proceeded 'with anc;l on the' third vote James A.McLean, Reeve Rodney, having received a majority vote over'the whole was, declared duly elected. The Warden~elect made statutory declaratio.n,of:'offlce Honor Judge Colter~ took the chair" and, thanlred 'the the honor conferred upon him. 6 County "CounciL Elgin ,County Council; " FIRST SESSION-SECOND DAY ,'our last session the" Counties of Brant ,and Victoria, have, adopted ;:q~mnty' Road Systems. Making in aU 25 or over two-thirds of the 'Counties of the Province, Wednesday- the ,24th day of January, 1917. The Elgin ment. County Council met this dayadcordi~g to The n.umber of motors, owned in the County is constantly in. "~reasing and 'the amount,of fees paid to the Provincial ,Treasury ,is 'np-wvery large; There is a general feeling that sOJne definite action /~hbuldbe taken to enable theC.oUntjr topal'ticipate in the large amount' of money' the Government, is disbursing annualIy for road construction and repair, The Hono;rable the Minister of Highways lasannounced, an after the war 'policy for the construction of proyincial, Highways for which plans and speCifications will be com- l,eilCed ,this year, :w'ould it not be well for this Council to take imilar action" so that' all 'details for the, constructi,on of a County . :lysteni of roads may be commenced. 'j,', , The Warden in: the chair'. All ,the members present. The Warden addressed the Council. as follows: Warden's Address. To the Elgin CQunty Counc'i.: Gentlemen,----'-I have' to again thank you for the honor conferred and" at the same time express the hope that our deliberatio-p-s _-durin the year maybe harmonious and that all decisions arriv~datwm be L the bsetinterest of the County. Patriotic Matters. One of the important matters to beconsid'ered at this session the annual contribution to the Canadian_ -Patriotic Fund, the omit .required. will be large and we must expect to provide an ,er increasing amount until peace is declared and the Troops "13 again on Canadian soi1~ The Stalter Bridge. ,Owing to the ~ength of' time that has elapsed since the apPi31l against Judge Colter's, decision, maki.ng the County liable for 85p~ cent of the cost of constr.uction of' the Stalter Bridge. was argued and, the J;:reat inconvenience ratepayers have been put, to for' wa~ of the ,bridge; 1. would suggest that an agreement be entered itiH' between the, County and Township of Malahide. providing immediate construction, and the payment of. the cost of accordance with the decision of the Courts or the final tion of liability, The resPonse to the demand for National Service registration ~s,I think, good in this County. In every community, however, e,:,villfindthO'se who oppose or are sloW to par,ticipate in any move~ erit;'.beit liationaJ or.otherwise. I am strongly in ,favor of the c(lgnjtion ofteturned soldiei'swho are capable of filling pUblic ,gittons, and in,conclusioh wo.uld remind the people of this County' tfin these, days whim Great Britain and her Allies- are marShalling . their f~rc'es of Men, Munitions and Money for a supreme effol't ,the greatest struggle for the maintenance and advancement of 'ilization -and.1iberty ,that "the World has ever known, all ,8UPPor~ of British Institutions and what they stand for are testing and ifying hems elVes in the melting pot of the individual conscience. Good Roads. Last year the Council considered a By-Law of County Roads nnde'r the provisions at" the Highways merit Act and although a majority of the members of the were favorable to the By~LaW it failed to receive the bel'S representing one~half. of theequalizd value of the Tbose who ~lace their lives at the dsposal of the state; those '-contribute the full shar.e of their resources to provide for COll- 9ns;arising outot the war; those who are assisting to the full i#t of their ability in maintaining eflicency necessary -to the 'suc. 7 8 Elgin County Council. I'~ 1ii'1!1 '['ii1llil; 1'11'" Ilif'[ 1!,lill ,lil,I,\!~f:1 I'III!,I ,IIIII!~' , ~,III,) ',1i,! jl!lIIH,11 "'1",111",11,1 11""'/ 'd'l 'III,II!I,I.! , '1"1'11,,1 '111,l' '1"'"ii'i,\li:i !i;!\'11')\ 11'11:1',\:1 I.\,,'\!I' j'i,,',I'1 j,I,i!<l1:j:i 'I"",:i:;! 11!111:!!'ir',1 i'I!I!!''-!!'~-i 111",\\111' ,','I!I!)f,I!,ii l!ii!lHdlr '1:,,'Xkl '1;1111~'i11,,1 j,,"\i!j'i'!1 'Ii lifi\ll~ ',Ifiii/ltl!: Iii!! 11'1' I'! 1"", 'I l'i:1 III;! .(, i" Elgin County CounciL 9 , ce.ssful' accomplishment of our great undertaking; ans those considering their own selfish ihterest. in whole ..or in part before 'the bar of public opinion. From Provincial Trustees' Association ,re- Annual to Petitions, and Legislation Committee. ne. Meeting, From A.E. Roberts, Dutton, resigp.ing position of High School If you are fit; have you offered your services?' If you have money- or resources are you contributing to the extent of your ability! From Hospital for sick children, Toronto. Referred, to Finance Everyone must determine his responsibility and by their. works we shall know them. From County Council Stormont, Dundag and Glengarry, re Auto- mobile Lights, Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. The proceedings of th~ last day of the November the previous day were read' and confirmed. From Council of Oxford, ,re 'Patriotic Grant, L~gislation. Petitions and Legislation 'Committee. Referred The report of the Committee appointed to strike the Standing:: Committees was presented and referred to aCommitt~e:of thewnole: with Mr. MooI'e in the chair, after amending the report the Co 'mittee arose, arid the report was adopted on moton of Moore, onded by Lyons. From' County Council- of Essex, re Tile Petitions, and Legislation Committee. Drainage Act. Referred C. 'W.Buchanan, Agricultural' Representative. Annual The following communications were read: From, !\fi's, Atkin, aclmowledging resolution of condolence. Report, County police Magistrate, Referred to Finance mittee. The fOllOWing notices were given: Repol1't, County Engineer. Feferred to pub'ic Committee. usual grants to Public Libraries.. Campbell, for grant ofli'ifty Dollars for maintenance 'of Kate, and sister of Dunwich, Report, J. A, Taylor, Public School Inspector.. Education ,Com!llittee, From Oritarlu Goods Roads Association, Referred to Improvement Committee. gnrilt of Twenty.five D611ars; 'each to the East' and Ladies Institutes. Kendall, for grant of Twenty-Fiye Elgin Farmers and Ladies Institutes. From County Council of Grey re_,Assessment of panies. Referred to Petitions' and Legislation Con:imittee. Dollar's each to the West From County Council of Norfolk, re Patriotic Grant. to Petitions and Legislation Committee. Mr. Campbell County~ for the usual grants to Agricultural Fairs of the 10 Elgin County, Council. M'r. "McKenney enquired Justice Garrow of the Court Bridge. Elgin, County CounciL as to "appoirttment of 'successor to of Appeal and jUdgment ore. Stalter Moved by O. McKenney,' Seconded '-by W. 'Moore, Moved by William Tolmie, 'fbat. this CQuncil do now adjourn to allow the Committees to and t.o meet at 2 p,m, Seconded by J. A. Mcll-ae, ThatW. A ,GalbraithandW, C. Caughellbe ap'Pointed of Comity AQconnts for 1916, , The Council Resumed. --,..,.Carried; The r(n'iort -from J, C. Smith" Public School' !nspector was pre- referred to the Edqcation Committee, Moved by' William Tolmie, M. Anderson; President of the Pa,triotic Association the Council and ITinde application for grant for,tli., .lltll~ of Canadian. Patriotic Fund, wMer.: was referred by thH War- to the Finance. Committee. ' Seconded byJ. A. McRae, That O. McKenney be appointed Justice ,Accnunts for the yea!'. auditor of Administration o. Ermatinger, County JUdge and A. A.,Ingra,m then ad. the Council making application for grant to the IJaw lJibrary, ,was referred by 'the Warden to the Finance Committee. 'Moved by L. Kendall, IVlr; _Hare' gaVr;l notice of resolution to pass BY-Law No, 874 to a system ('jf County ,Roads. Se~onded by D. McCallnll1, That Dr, Cameron be appointod Trllstee' on the Dutton Schoc,l Board for three years. by O. McKenn.€y, Moved by D. M(fC~llum, this Council adjourn' until ten a.ill, to~morrow' to allow the Committee to meet. Seconded by J,C,Canlpbell, -Ca.rried. i That 1':, K. Panter be appointed School Board to fill out the term of J. A. McI,EAN. Warden. 11 12 Elgin County CouncH. FIRST SESSION-THIRD DAY. Thursday the 25th day of January, 1917. The Elgin County Council met this day according to ment. Elgin County Council. Tolmie,, lVIcRae, Hill, Hare, Moore, Dt\nnis, Lyons, McKinney, Williams, Bryce, Cornell, Mc,Callum, Ferguson, McLean. Campbell; KeI,ldall, Miller, McCormick, Curtis, Todd, The Warden in the chair. Alter" adjournment. for .lerIt's Report on Licenses and The first" Report Of the Finance, Committee was presented and 'dopted on motion ~of Tolmie, seconded by CorneU. The report .of the Petitions and Legislation Committee was 'resented and adopted on, motion of McKiImey, seconded by Bryce, T~e ,second report of the Finance Committee Was presented and i ~.~(iPted on mot!on of Tolmie, seconded by McKinney, ,The Teportof ,the Public Improvement Committee was presented on motion of Campbell, seconded by Curtis; All tJ;le members pre~lent: The proceedings of the pt6vious day were read and confirmed. The County 'l'reasurer presented his .l:l'inaucial Report whi:ch referred to' the Finance committee. Turnkey Grant applied for incJ:'eaf,e of salary and the tion was referred to thf, Gaol Committee, The Report of the Education Committee was presented adopted on motion ,of McRae" seconded by -Lyons. Moved by W,H. Moore, Seconded by 'rhomas Dennis, 'l'hat this Cou:nci'l m~ke the usual .grants to all the Libraries in th~ County for the year'1!:l17. dinner the Council resumed in force was presented, -Ca,.rried. by J, B" Ferguson, by J. A, McRae, lVIr, Hare PJ.'esmited a resolution for the final passing No; 874 to adopt a County Road System and on mot1.onttLe went into a Committee or the whOle, withMr, Curtis in the After a lengthy Iliscus,sion the committee arose, the Usual, grant of TwentY-five' Dollars each be' paid to the of Agriculture and, Womens Institutes of- West' Elgin. Moved by J. A. McH.a,e, Seconded by William' Tolmie, That thE'; thfrd reading of By-Law No. 874 be lard on until the June Sesion, and that the Reeves of each Township appointed to revifJ8 By-Law No. 874 and report atsairl session.. ried on the following divisIon: by D. McCallum, by J. C. Campbell,. usual grants be paid to 'all the Agricultural Societies na'mely -twenty per cent. of the. Government Grant. -:';Carried. 13 the 14 Counetl. Moved by J. :C, Ferguson, Seconded by D, McCallum, DAY. That this council provide all, new members with a "copy of Municipal Acto! 1916. Friday the 26th' day of' January, 1917, Counc'il met this daY~CCol:'ding toadjoUl'll' Moved by J. C,Campbell, ! 'I'he, Warden in the chaid, All the, 1l1embers present. The proceedings Seconded byJ. A, ,McRae, T.hata grant of Fifty Dollars be mad~ to the Township of wich to assia't'in the' maintemlnce bf kate Wallace 'and. were formerly . inmates -O('t:ii{H6use":o{Indti~tty:' of the previous day were read and !-eonfirmed. The report of the Gaol Committee wa~ pre,euted and adopted motion -of Kendall, seconded by Campbell, Moved by w. T. . Flare, .Moved by W. 1'.' Hare; Seconded' by E. B, BiU, Seconded, by E. B. HilI, That ;a'grant of Twenty-Five Dollars, each, be made Boar~ of, AgriCUlture and Women's Institutes. to 'the' East That' this Council_ enter into an 'agreement with of MaAahide" providing for the erection of the Stalter Bridge. cost to \ be paid in 'proportions as finally determined by the or otherwise, -Carried. That the County Solicitor, pr€lpare the agreement and that PUblic .Improvement' Committee. be authorized to approve of l1tentan:cl',;'prciceed:'with the' erection of the bridge; Moved bY:G~F',WiI1iams, by O,McKinney, 'Moved by E, A., Bryce, appointed Trustee for the, Vienna High -School Seconded 'by, James Todd, -Carried, Moved by 0, McKenney, That we adjourn until to.morrow at ten o'cock,a.m. by G: F. Williams K. W. McKAY, l:Jdtfllty Clerk. JAS,. re~ap:pointed 'TrUstee, for the Aylmer High -Carried. Council, Elgin COUIitYCounciI. Moved by D. MCCallum, , , Seconded by L. Kendall, That BY-Law No. 885 be read a second time. Moved by 0; Mclfenney, \ Seconded, by E;B, HiB, That if the appeal entered by this Council agf\-lnst the given by his honor Judge_ Colter, in E\giu County vs, the of' Malahide, re.Stalter Bridge, is not sustained, that the calla :3pecial Meeting of this Board as soon as p~ssible, -Carried. Moved by J. C. Campbell Moved by James Todd; Seconded by D, McCallum, Tl1at BY.Law No. 885, be read a thiI'd time and finally passed, Seconded, by N. S. Corn,ell, -Carried. That the Committee of Reeves; appointedt-o revise Good' By~Law be authorized to procure full informa;tiou' in reference the questfon and, the [operation of similar By~Laws in other Moved by' J. A. McRae, Seconded by J. B., Ferguson, BY-Law No. 886, 'being a DY.Law to apPoint High School be received and read a first time. Moved by J. A. McRae, ':n;: <'-f -Carried. Seconded by Wm. Tolmie, Moved by, J. 'B. Ferguson, Seconded by J, A, McRae, Tp.at . BY-Law No. 886, be read a second time. That Mr. Todd be added to Committee of Good, Roads By.Law., .-Carried. Moved by L. Kendall, by J" A. McRa~, Seconded by J. C~ Campbelll Seconded by J.B. Ferguson, U'hat':JBy~Law No, 885, -being 3"By.Law ,to appoint Audit, be received an dread a first time. be read a ,third time and finally passed. -Carried. 17 18 Elgin' County council. Elgin County CounciL 19 Moved 'by W. T. Hare, Moved by ,lVL D, McCorni.ick, Secondedby"A, A. Miller, Seconded by E, B. Hill, That. By-Law No.8S8, be read a third time and finally, passed. -Carried. That By-Law No" 887, being a By-Law to- authorize the Warde alid Treasurer to borrow Seventy-Five Thousands Dollars, be ceived and read a first time; Mo:vedby W,H. 1\1:oore, S'econded by Thomas Dennis, Moved by M, D, McCormick, Seconded by A, A. lVIiiier, BY-L~w No. .889, being 1917, he' received and a BY.Law to appoint read a, :first time. Auditors for That ,By-Law No. 887, be fead a second time. ~Carrieq. Moved _by,H, B.Lyons, Moved by M. D. McCormick, Seconded, by, E; A,' Bryce, That TIy.Law No. 889, be read a second time. v Seconded by A. A. Miller, -Carried; Th_at By.LawNo. 887, be read athird'time and finally Moved by'.G. F,\Villiams, Seconded by D. R. Curtis, 'by W. H; Moore, By~Law No. 889,beread a third time and finaUy passed, Moved by James Todd, That Ey-Law No. 888, being, a By-LaW to Grant Aid ,dim). Patriotic Fund', be received and read a first, .time. -Carried. Warden ,appointed the fOllowing :deputations: Moved by E:A., Bryce, Curtis, Hare, ,Moore, Lyons, and Seconded by James Todd, 'l'hat Ey-LaW No. 888,be read a second time, Tl;ustees Association,- McRae,' Dennis, ,"\Villiams; Bryce, McCallum, and, Ferguson, 20 Elgin County 'Council. Elgin County Council, Moved by J. A.' McRae, Seconded by J. B. Ferguson, SECOND SESSION-FIRST DAY. That June. this Council do now adjourn to meet Tuesday the 5th , Tuesday the 5th day of June, 1917. Council met this day according 'to adjourn~ K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. JAS, A. The Warden in the chair. All the members present except Mr. Williams. The Warden addressed the 'Council,' as follows: of the last day of the January, Session were The following communications were read: From. Education Department, re, Accommodation and EqUiP'. ant Grau"ts. Referred to Education 'Committee. Clerk of Vienll/it for confirmation: of BY-Law for Closing Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee~ From-County Treasurer with Statement of Receipts and, Expen- ures. and"estimatesfor the year. Referred to Finance Committee. 'rom Children's Aid Society, re, payment of expenses COUlUY 'Il:re.sEmtatives, Referred to Fitrance Committee, Olerkof Bayham. for confirmation of BY~La'w 'for Closing Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. om Department Inland Revenue announcing appointment of A. cLaughlin, as food examiIierfor County, From E. A., Miler, AYlmer, resigning County appOIntment It.l Trustee; Referred to Eudcation Committee. '1'0 the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen,--The time foi' another session of the County has arrived and I know that' you will give the business" brought before you the most careful' consideration. TheseasoAhas been most backward from' an Agricultural of view and, t.he present crop outloOk is not the best. The Great' War drags' on slowly and is'gradualIy the natioIis of the world. The decision of the United tively: assist theAIliEis, m'rays all the English the side of _democracy and civlli:&ation;" The thee-ntente powers is amazing', we have Iio fear uf the ultiImit'3 ~ulf of tl1e, strugl'jle, aI'though' it- maybe years h€'forG hostilitic:' l'rought: to "a 'ci6se. The Premier has r,ecentlY ann6unced necessity for greater assistance from Canada and 'some Conscription to secure the additional men required to gaJ1ant troops, now overseas, 'This has brought to ,the fact that we ,have some disturbing problems within this Domirtion,-thatiiiust be considered and' disposed of. The ness of the situation is best evidenced by the announcement our Parliamentary leaders ,may unite in the formation of a government. The result of the negotiaqons now /going on, awaited' with. interest; by all who appr.eciate the sacrifices made by our brave soldier boys and the great necessity porting them to 'the limitof-our,_l'esources: New Legiclation and Good Roa~s. The rece1J.t sessi,~n of th,~ frovincia:l'" ~egislatur~ 'Was interesting legislation.. some of whch may have' a fal; 22 Elgin, County 'Council. Moved' by" Wm, 'T. Har'e~ Seconded byE. Eo' Hill, That a deputation from' the East Elgin Agriculture heard at 2, p~m. to-morrow.' Elg:i':n q,ountyCq:un9il. influenceindetermilling the futurepersoim~l, of this Council, r.rl1e 'extension of the Municipal and ,Provincial francih,is'e .to womell will enable these guardians of. our' homes and Our families to exercse, a great infiueIice for good in the election 9f members of our ,Muilic~pal Couilcilsand Provincial and 'Dominion Parliaments. Inll1a~d:!1g prOVISIOn for a department of MunicipalAffaii's the :,p,egislature'responded to, a' ge.neralj del~and for expert consideration :Hfall' matters pertaining to local Governme~t. The niost advanc~d legislationprovi~ing for; road construction as added_ t?and we now have three classes of roads for l,\{hictl. qyernmental asistance is provided' a-s follows: CO!lntY,t"Wacl.s Con- truded uilder the Hig)1ways Improvement, 4Q per cent of construc- ;:ibn, 20 percent of maintenance, Main' Highways coristructed under the Highway Improvement '~tas amended ,this year, 66 :percent of construction and mainte,n- Provincial 'Highways" 70 per centb-f construction and maiil- In order to be -in a position to avail ourselves, of provincial assis- cie, we must 'first adopt a County System of Highways, under the visions of the Highway Improvement Act. 'The Good- Roads Committee appointed at last session will report fl'eSUlt of their investigations and I. hope the 'fact-that at least, \ltymiles of road in the County is favorably situated for desig~ 'on as a, main highway"will have some infitien,ce in' makng their ' favorable to the designation of a County Road System at this Stalter Bridge. appeal in' Malahide vs. Elgin has been decided" in favor of and ,for the time being matters areas they were in so constru~tiondfthe Stalter Gully Bridge is ,concerned" The have se,rved' notice of anew application under of hasty legislation .introduced during the closing last session, of the legislature. The Council should 23 24 Elgin County -Council. Elgin County Qouncil. 25 consider the to ascertain Moved by O.McKenney, question very' carefully and consult'the the present position' of the County. County SECOND SESSION-SECOND DAY. Wednesday ths 6th daY(jf June 1917. Seconded by,Wm, H. Moore, That the Council adjourn, until Good Roads Committe'e to meet. Conncil met; thi,s day according to adjourn- 10 a.m. to.morrow to allow The Warden in the chair. All the members present. The' fOllowing COnun~nications were read: T~e proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. K. W.McKay, County C.~erk. JAS. A. McLEAN, Auditors' with Report. Referred to Finance Committee. Report Cou:vt House Commission. Referred to Finance ,From Mrs. 'Smith, Fingal, Referred to Finance Committee. Clerk's report on License's. Moved, by Wm. Tolmis, ~econded by J. A. McRae, reference to matters relating to Stalter Bridge. That we hear the County Solicitor, at hisear1iest convenience -Carried. by D. R. Curtis, by James Todd, this Council do now adjourn to meet at 2 p.rn, -Carried. ~6 Elgiii' Couiity' Council. The' 'Coullcil Re'sumec.t J1l1gin :County"'CQuncu;' Movep, py W;, T, Hare, StCONO'SESSION"""-THIRl> Oily. Secon,ded ,by E. B. Hill" ThUrSday the 7th day of ,June, 1917; rrhat a now heard. froill . the' East Elgin Fair Association ElgiJi 'County. cou~cii uiet, this' \lay apcording to' a\lpourn_ deputation Mr. Pineo' then addressed ,the' Council, making Grant to proposed Ea~t Elgin Fair and the Warden r~ferred question to the Finance Committee, Mr. Leitch, County Solicitor; then, addressed thelioUll~ll-111 eri,ce to Stalter Bridge ma~~er:s, ~~oved 'by, q,.McKenp:e;t, Seconded by G. F,Williams, That the Reeves of the different Townships be a committee deal with all matters il1'_pol)-nectipn 1Yi~li the SfaIter Bridge., Wardell in the -chair. All, the members present. The pr06eedings of the previous day'were 're"d and connrmed. The report of the County Engineer Was presented and erferred the P~bl~,CllUpr~vement Committee, The report of the Special GOod Roads Committee was presenied nd referred to a committee of the Whole, Mr. CampbelI in the, chair. fte,. c.on~iderable discussion the COmmittee arose and asked le4ve sit a~ain. bY\V'm. H, Moore, by, TholUas, Dennis; Moved by J. F, Ferguson, thisCounciI adjoul'n until two 'o'clock. Se90nded,.,b,y,'J., ,C., Ca~ppell,;" That the CounciL adjourn t() meet ,at 10 a;m.' to*lliorrow, , ' , . " " , --CARRIED. The Council Resumed; lK. W, McKay, County ClerIc . "On motion. the Conncil agaln'went into a committee of the whole eontinne the discnssion of the Good Roads report. The diSCUSsiOn continned thronghont the afternoon and Me. Squire, Municipal r to the Highway Department addressed the members. On the cOmmntee "djonrned and asked 'eave to sit again. of the ,EducationComlUittee Was presented alld of, Mr. ,Rae; seconded by LYons. 27 .- 28 Elgin County CounciL Elgin 'County' Council. 29 The 'report of the Petitions and Legislation Committee presented and adopted on motion of McKenney, seconded by Cormick. SECOND SESSION-FOURTH DAY. Friday the 8th day of June, 1917; The report of the Public Improvem,ent Committee was and adopted on ino~ion of Campbell, seconded by HilI. Moved by M. D, McCormick, County Council ,met this\ day according to adpourn. The' Warcten in the, chair, Seconded by-A. A. Miller; All the. members present. That this Council do .now adjourn to meet, to-morrow at' 10 ,The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed, K. W. 'McKay, County Clerk. JAS.A. McLEAN, On motion' the Council reSUmed into a committee of the whole, consideration of the report of the Good Roads Committee" Mr. in the chair, After considerable disc1J.ssion the cOlUmittee the report as amended 'was .adopted on motion of Campbell, by Lyons. -Moved_by M, D. MCCormick, by Q, F, Williams, That this Council adjourn to meet' at, two p.m. -'-CARRIED. The. Council Resumed. first ,report' of the Finance Committee was presented and plotion of Tolmie, S6Qond'ed by Todd. second, report of the Finance Committee" was presented ari~ on motion of Tolmie, seconded by Lyons. McKenney, equalized at the same amounts as --CARRIED. ~ '1,11t illlll l'lfl '1"'11 1,",1 ,\,111'1 I,iil '1"" Elgin Oounty Council. 31, ,I,I,~~;, "I!(,,!I Moved by J. C. campbe;!, -to"~ I SecondedbYL..K~daIl. .1 Moved'by J.;a"F,ergusol1, Seconded by J" C. Campbell, That By-Law ~9' 890', being a"By~Law to grant to schools, be, received and read a first time. That By~Law No. -891 be read at~ird time and finally passed, -Carried. ,,- Moved lIY J. C. Campbell; Moved bYA. A; Miller, 'Seconded by J,' B. Ferguson, 'l'hat' By-Law No. 890, be, read SecolidedbyM-, D. McCormick, a second time. No,892, received being a By-Law to raise amounts 1'01' and read, a first time., M:ovea.byJ, IL,Ferguson, -Carried. Moved by A. A" Miller, , Seconded py W. Tolmie, Seconded by ,M,D.<l\1cCormiek, That By-Law No. 890, be, read a third time and' finally T~atBY-Law'No. '892, 'be read asecond\ti:ine. '---Garried; Moved by L, 'Kendail, Moved byA. A.Miner, Seconded by D. G, ,McCallum, 'l'hat' By-Law No. 891, beiuga By-Law to coilfirm Assessment 'Rolls be received and l'eada first' tiine. Seconded bYM, D.McCormick, That BYLaw No. 891:' be h:lad a third time and, finally passed. Moved by D. .G. McCallum, Seconded' by, L'. Kendall, bYG. F. Williams, by O. McKenney, . By-Law No, 893" being. a BY~Law to fix Members' Wages" and read a first time. That By-La,\" No. 891, be read a second time, -Carried. -.- ~i! "II II. I ili II~ ,l.1~ IIl1 i!,~: !!I:'J 11111 11111 ,'ill:J:i! '~'lli: 11'11, " ~!,I;ii hfll 111\'111 "!U'iI8 !~',:N' I'oli";' I\HI'iJ! ill:!"lll!i ~~!\I:liij ,1'\:"ll\'!] III"llll I'il, Ili;iljHj I/'O( !,:il~~li, 1!\i\~lil'i I",,"":'" 1')'i\I:I(I; ,\',\!\"IJ1!t l\!':!-!Itti l'I\~I'!;I;~lj 'i!rf\'!;~'I~~ :i(!I!;'~ih11 iIHII\~I; \ I, illll,II,~' " '1.ll'!;'\~":I,11 'J,'I':!:"I 1f;li!11I:~1 ;1'1;,)"1",1 1'(:,["]!'11'1,"1 Ijm'iljl~~11 , 11;~III,; I'll ~1:,\i'}I;I!~I!: i!ljr.i',I:111 "III"II~111 I:rhl!~!! ,Ii'! ,(rI!i1f!t'\' ,il,;II~,,'~llUi R2 Elgin, County Council. Moved, by O. McKenney, Seconded by Thomas Dennis, Moved by A. Bryce, Seconded by H. B. LYons, That By.Law No. 893, 'be read a second time. That By-Law No. 895, heing a BY-Law to Oonfirm BY-Law No. of the Viilage of Vienna, he received and read a first time. , Moved by H. ,B, Lyons, Seconded' by G. F.' W.illiarris, That By-Law No. 893, be read Moved by' H, B. Lyons, '-"Carried. a third time and finally passed. Seconded by Eo A. Bryce, That BY-Law No. ?95" be read a second time. Moved by D. R. Curtis, Seconded by E. B.HilI. -Carried. Moved by E. A. Bryce~ Seconded by H. B. LYons" That By-Law No. 894, 886, be received and read being a By-Law a first time. to Amend By-Law No. 895. be read a third time and finally passed. Moved by James Todd, Seconded by D. R. Curtis, -Carried. by Thomas Dennis, tl'hat By-Law No, 894, be read a second time, By-Law No. 896, heing 'a BY-Law to confirm :BY-Law No. of the Township of BaYham, he receivep and read a first.tlme. Moved by, D. R. Curtis, Seconded by James Todd, "!'hat By-Law No. 894, be read -Carried. McKenney, a ,third 'time and' finally by W, H. Moore, BY-Law No. 896,' be read a second time. -Carried. 32a EIII/ii b'ciuiidl, OolitiC//; Elgin Moved by Thomas Dennis, SPECIAL SESSION. Seconded by W. H.Mqore, TiIffsday the 10th, 'JulY; 1JH'i TWit :i:i~-L~w :i<ro.896, b~ "~a:d' a third tirrie and finali" l'as;ed. E1l?in ,County COuncil met' -this day in Special Session, at calL of the Warden, to consider report of the committee apM to revise the Qood Roads By-Law, and general business. Delegates to attend Ontario Municipal dall, "Miller, Todd, Hill and Cornell. Communication Was read from, John McNicol, reo lease ~f faru!u! Asso'CiaUuu; MeSsrS. MCKenney, Moved by L, Kendall, Seconded by 'J. d. campbell, by,W.H. Moore, 1'hat this at2 p,.m. Council adjoUrn to met on Tuesday, Novenibet That the communication from John MCNicol, re, Bonds be: left hands ,'of the Warden,- Todd and. Tolmie, as a committee with to ac't. -Carried'. 1,. J. A; McLllAN, report of the Special -Committe'6apPointed to reYIse the Roads 'BY-Law was presented and referred to a c'ommittee of whole,. with Mr. Ooruell iu the chair, after considering the By- .w, clause by clause, the committee arose and the report as ionded Was ado'pted on motion of Todd, 's,econded by Oornell. ~~McKay", C6UliIy CWfk. ,)fIove'd,by .N. S.Cornell, by H.,' B. LYons, BY-Law No. 897, being a,BY-Law to designate a system of Roads, be received and read a first time. byW, Tolmie, -Oarried, J, -A. McRae, BY-Law No. 897, be read a second time. , -'>Oarried. ...... " , '~:UI' I'm,~il" y'l~ II!.III,I "1' 34 E~gin County CounciL Elgin County Connei'!. Moved by W,. H. Moore, SPECIAL SESSION. Seconded by' Thomas, Dennis, That By-Law No. 897, be read a Tuesday the 11th September, 1917 The, Elgin County Council met this ,day in Special Session at the call of the Warden, to consider matters pertaining to Count.}" Roads and oth~~> business, third time and finally The follows: "Yeas" and "Nays" being called for were taken The Warden addressed the-Council. "Yeas: Tohnie, ,McRae, Campbell, Ferguson, McCallum, Williams, Dennis, Lyons, Bryce,' Hill, Hare, McKenney, M.cLean', The, fOllowing communications were read: From Deputy Minister of Highways, reo approval of, By-Law No, by Order-in-Council, to tak~ effect 1st October. "Nays": Kendall; Miller, McCormick, Todd, Curtis. Moved by D. R. Curtis, Seconded by James Todd, That the Warden and' Clerk be a committee to submit No. 897 for the approval, of the Minister' of Highways, From Deputy ~ 'Minister; of Highways, reo de,signation of ,Talbot between Srt;' Thomas and Aylmer as an Provincial County Road take effect 1st October. From Deputy -Minister of Highways with suggestions for organ!- for maintenance of a County Road system. Moved by 0, McKenney. From S. L. Squire, Municipal Adviser Highways Department, reo organization in other counties. Seconded by W.H. Moore, That this Council do' noW adjourn. application for position df County Fred Doggett. St. Thomas. S. R. Wilson, South Dorchester. Wm. Rockey, Aylmer. W, E, Stewart. Aylmer, James Todd, Yarmouth. 'G. R.,Lilldsay. South Dorchester. Wm. Grant, Bayham, Frank Pineo, Malahide; ,,:;,' K. W. McKay, County Clerk. J. A. A.. MCCrimmon, acting Sheriff, reo Turnkey's, pay. Referred Committee, w:. F; Luton, Gaoler and Matron, application for increase Referred tb' Gaol Committee; 35 36 Elgin, County Council. Jfrom Great War Veterans -Association, 'applicationfo1' ,grant. Referred to Finance COii1roittee, Elgin County Council. Moved by O. McKenu,?y, Seco_lid\'ld b'y N. S, Cornell, 87 F~OUl S, B. Morris,- Rodney, reo Interest on Wellmaii.Mortgage. Referred to Finance Committee. Moved by Wm. T., Hare, Council 'do, now adjourn to meet September 18th at Seconded,by E. }3, Ifill. That a' deputation IromMalahide and Bayham re~ Stalter be now heard. MoVed-,by will. Tolmie, Seconded hy J, A.McRae, That 'we do nOW-adjourn for one hour, Messrs.S. ,So McDermaid, McConnell, Hagg,au, Burdick, .denting Malahide; Main motion carried, amendment lost. Messrs, Backhouse and Poustie, represeilthig Port ButwelL W, MCKAY, County Clerk. J. A. McLEAN, Wa.i'den. Mr.Warbur-ton;Manager IrtterburbanTractioll Company~ Pearce and Farthings, representing Aylmer, then addressed Council in favor of construction of Stalter Bridge and of LaJn,'l Road, Malahide as' a County Road~ Moved by J; A.McRae, Seconded by Wm, Tolmie, That all thematers relating, to the consideration of Bridge be laid on the table until the November Session. The question of' appointing' a ,County Road, Superintendent then, introduced, and on motion the whole matter was referred a co"thii1ittee of the whole, With Mr. Cornell in the" chair, Aft, considering the' 'question for some time and not arriving at a) definite conclusion, the committee arose and asked toleavetositaga Elgin County Council. SPECIAL SESSION. That ,the salary of the County Road Superintendent be ousand Dollars' per annum, County to fUrnish auto and pay his ~enses, Tuesday the 18th September, lft'.:,:i-; The Elgin County Council met this day according to ment. 2. That G. ,upel'intendent. F. Pineo of lVIalahide be appointed County The Warden in the chair. That the County Road Commit(ee consist of the following: Tolmie, C,ampbeIl, Hare, Todd and McLean. All the members, present. of Cornell, seconded by Curtis the report The proceedings of the previous Special Session were read confirmed, Moved by J. A. McRae, Communication from' Albert G. Gardner, Stratford, for of Road Superintendent was read. Seconded_ by Wm. Tolmie, The report of the FinanceCcimmittee was presented and ed on motion of. Tolmie, seconded by Curtis. That the County Road Committee be instructed to' confer with Government with a vie'Y' to the designation' of Main Highways County, The report of the Education, Commtttee :was adopted on motion of McRae, seconded by Lyons. "':'-Carried. by W. T, Hare, The report of the Gaol Committee was presented on motion of Kendall, seconded bY, Dennis, by N. S. Cornell, Moved by O. Kenney: :That th.e sum of Five Thousand Dollar.s 'be placed at the ,dis. Lo! the committee, to be used on roads designated. Seconded by Wm. H. Moore, -Carried. That the salary of the Good Roads Superintendent be Hundred Dollars; per year" said Superintendent to pay expenses and furnish his own conveyance, 'Moved by, J. B, Ferguson, On motion ofWm, Tolmie, seconded by J. B.' Fergus'on; Council then went into a committee of the whole to conside matters pertaining to County Roads, After considerable disc' the committee arose and the Chairman reported as follows: That By-Law No; 898, being a By-Law to appoint aCqunty Road' ittee"be received and read a first time, -Carried. 39 Oue ex- Road was 40 Elghl County COllllC,il. Wlgh, Moved by J.A.:McRae, Moved by M. D. McCormick, Secohded by J; B. Ferguson, Tnat By.,Law No, 89S, be read a second time. Seconded, by D. G. McCallum, ThM '~Y":~4\W No,/JVo, being a );,y~r..aw to 1ix: J3J;\Jary of Gaoler Matron, be received 'and read a first" time. MoY~<l. py Wm, Tolmie, -Carried. Seconded ,by J. E. Ferguson, Moved ,by M.D.. McCormick, That ,BY~Law No. 898, be read a thirct"time and finally Seconded by D. G. McCallum, Th,at By-Law No. 900, be'read a second, time. ---':'Carried: Moved by E. A. Bryce, Moved by M. 'D, McCormick, Se~Q>>aed j)Ydj). R. C~rti., That By-Law No. 899, being a By-Law to appoint ,Superintendent, be received and read - a first' time, Secon~ed by D. G. McCaI1ulll,' That -BY-Law No. 900, be read a third -time 'and finally passed. ~Cari'ied. Moved by Thomas Dennis; Moved, by Wm, Hare, Secondeid byW. H; Moore, That.By"-Law No. 899, be read a second time. Seconded by N. S;, Cornell, That By-Law No. 901, being a By-Law to make a grant to the War Veterans Asociation,be received and read a first time, Moved by D. R. Curtis, -Carried; Mov~d by, Will, Hare, Seconded by E. A. Bryce! That By-Law N.o. 899; be read a thirdthne and finally Seconded bYE. B. ,Hill; That 'BY-Law No. 901,_: be read a second time. -Carried 42 Elgin County Council. Moved by Wm. Hare, Seconded - by N. S, Cornell, THIRD SESSION-FIRST DAY. That BYMLaw No. 901, be read a third time and finally passed. Tuesday the 20th day of November, 1817 Council met this day according to adjourn_ Moved by O. McK,enney, The Wardell in the chair, Seconded, by Thomas Dennis, That this Council; -do now adjpu,rn. AU theinelllbers present, The Warden addressed the ,Counci1as follows: K. W. McKAY, County Clerk, J. A. McLEAN, the Elgin County Council: GentIemen,-In opening the closing session for the year, I ,a.vevery little to say, the Special Sessions of July and Sept6mbel' isposed of the mostimportantbU:siness of the year, Which was the _designation of a County Road System. The County By"Law has been approved and the Superintendent ~~s been busy improving the more important road's. 1'he Special Committee will no doubt report fUlly in reference to their work. The great war is still raging and although over three years has ,psed since it commenced, nothing has occurred to indicate that ,eace, is in sight. 'The Military Service Act is in full operation and the complement reinforcements required 'Will no doubt be ,speedily obtained. The a.roands on ,the Dominion TreasurY;have been very great andtbe ird or Victory Loan ,is now, being taken up by the people of Can- a most satisfaptory 'manner. The state of unrest existing in Canada is evidenced by the for~ ;:ttion of a Union Government and manner in which the various ,~ristitueiicies are being contested in the General\~lection,which ':lllnienced yesterday. It is to be hoped that as a result of the elec' ;,u many of the ',_contentious questions will be settled and that ;iI, the close of the war a special effort will be made to safe~ 44 EI,gin' Coutity C.oUll.cil. df delegation guard' the interests ,~f Canada and at the same t1ni~ ,suPPo:;"ot: witl\ men" _money and munitt'ons,the brave boys whO are fightIng ouf: battles, where ever the armies of the Allies are to ,be found. At present we' should take such action as may be necessary to 'ensure :the success of the War Loan; the security is the best the: Country affords, the l'ate or ~nterest is good. 'rhe repayment ,periods vary,so that anyone having money on deposit -may suit his flltUl'&' . convenience, All available funds should ,be placed at the disposal of the state, ,by so doing we will be performing a most important duty, which at best will be- very little compared with the" sacrifices made by those who are in the battle line. . Theproceedingf:'l of the last da"y of the June, Session and of the Special Sessions were'read andconfirrned, Dennisas}l:ed and Vienna, 1'e, for reception designated roads. by ThOluas Dennis, the delegation Tbursqay. from Vienna 'and BaYham be heard atlO.'aO --'---Carried, Mr, Fergtl.song'ave notice of applicatitm' for' grant of Two liun- and Fifty Dollars, for West' Elgin Corn and Poultry Show. 'Th~f(jllowing communications 'were read: Moved by' M, D,MdJormick, FJ;'()J:I). County Engineer, wjthreport, Referred to Public prov~llleht Co:rp.mittee. Seconded 'by G.F,Williams, That this CounciIdo now adjourp. to meet to.morrow at ten a.m. From D. L, Ewin, Physician, I-Iouse of Industry. House, pf ,I;nclustry Committee. -Carried. Jrrolll F[ect,or MGlnto,sh, re; positipn of High Const,able. From County Solicitor, reo costs 'iriMalahide vs. Elgin'" farred to Finance Committee, J. A. McLEAN, Warden. From Canadian Patriotic .Fu1id, reo Grants. Referred 'Finance Committee. FromJ. II, YOUng, reo ;positjon :pf HighCoI).stab1e. lVIr, Hare ,enquired re, date for deputation from Malahide. Moved by W. H. Moove, Seconded by James Todd, That thedeh:'lgation frOJll the Elg,hl ;Fruit Growers concession Ma1aliid!3" re" StaJtel' Bridge bl';lheardon ten' a.n}~ from Elg~n County Council.- THIRD SESSION SECOND DAY. Wednesday the 21st November, 1917 THIRD SESSION-THIRD DAY. day at the Court House, Thursday the 22nd 'November, 1917. Council met this adjournment, The Elgin County Thomas, accordi~l.g to The Warden in the chair. All the members present. Elgin County Council met this day according, to adjoU1'Xl_ The Warden'iri the chair. AU thelUembers present. of the previous day were, read and \ House of Industry 'l'he proceedings The proceedings ,of the previous daYwBre read and confirmed. Inspector' of the the Committee. The report of the sented and referred to Moved by James Todd, In accordance with aPPointment a deputation from the Town-. 'hi]l of Ma]ahide waited uPOu the Council in reference to the designation of the First Concession as a. Counfy Road. 'rhe speak ers were Messrs. Haggan, McDiarmid, MCConnell, COok and Sharpe. Seconded by Eo. A. Bryce, That this Council adjourn to meet at 10 o'clock , The deputation from the TownShip of BaYham, in reference to desigllated roads, were then called Upon, and Ilk Moore presented petition from the inhabitants in reference thereto. Messrs. Soper BroWIi addressed the -Council. J. "4. Moved by J, A. McRae. K W. McKAY, County Clerk, Seconded bYJ, 'B. Ferguson, matters ,relating to Stalter Gully and roads in Mala. on ,the table to be taken up Friday morning, Moved by D. R. Ourtis, -Carried, Seconded by Wm. T,Hare, That this Council adjourn to IUeet at 2 o'clock. -Carried. 47 48 Elgin d61lnty douncll. The council Resumed. THIRD SESSIDN~FOURTH DAY. Mi'. Hopper-i reprMentatiVe of the: National Council of addressed the Council in reference to grant for The Warden referred the request to the Finance the over. Coni. Council' met this day accpr(!.irigtC?~djO,urn' Friday the 23rd day of NpYf3p1P.~F, f~:!-'7, 'Y. M. .C. A. seas' worlc mi,ttee, Mr~ Farley made ,application fo'r Association. grant to the' St. Thomas poultry ~_.,,,J The Warden in the chaIr. "." , All the ,members present except ,Mr. Todd. Moved by 0; Me-Kenney, Secondl.;ld by G. F. Williams, The p'roceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed, held in West the poultry A communication from the Tbwnship o~ Ma~ahide, reo bridge over Stalter Gully was read. The Council then went into a committee of the whole to consider matters pe-rtailling totheS~alter Bridge. :After.discussing the question for somethp,e the' comrilittee,arose (i-md it ,,",as, That the "grants to the' Corn and poultry Shows Lorne and Ayltner be the same as last year and that Showheld'ih 'St, Thomas be granted Fifty Dollars. PUblIC Improvement Committee was' pr'e- of Campbell,- seconded by 'Kendall. Moved by J..A,-, Mc~ae. trhe report of- the sented:and adopte:d'on ,mot1on Seeondedby D.' R. Curtis, Moved by o,McKeney, That 'this Council designate the. first concession road in Mala. fOl-; improvement as a county ro~41 :prqyj~e.cI' Seconded bY G.F, Williams, That this Council do noW' adjourn to meet to-morroW at 10 L The, p-overnment Ipngineer, -reports, in favor of the construe' ()~ a brid.gellt Stalter Gully, on the present or ;;l,ny oth_er slt,e. J. A. McLEAN, will approve of the designation of said K. W: McKAY, County Clerk, The Township of Malahide agrees to pay one-half of the share of the cost of 'the brj.C!-,g~, ....:..carried, , l:,epol"t a! the Educati,qp. ,C"Olpmittee w~s presented an,d on motion ()f ]\1cRa~, seporded by Lypn,s. -I"'" I'll il!lli [II!II! l'li,jll" II ~, , III' l~ ! .'~'I' ~ I Wi!'~ 'i'''I'' I, 'r' . i II~II: II'IIIII!I ',:l', 1'111111'1 1"1' 11;::lll"1 f lillll/II 1""<)1' I'I'II"! l'I'i,\lt' : I. '!~I'~ !"I"1 'llll,i'l! '1"1 I' l~lWi( fIl''''''I'1 il'lilllfill 1 tt ~'I( 1'1"11111,' ,'Iull : ,1;1,11;~li\?I\ !llliilill' ,II""" I 50 Elgin Council. --.....- I 'il,jH' I~ ',I~' - . ...... . ,J.i,'i' ' IMJ;II i~!~i\I~' , Moved byL, Kendall, Elgin County Council. -------~ In amendment, Seconded byJ. C, Campbell, That this Council ~djourn to meet at two o'clock. Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded byW. H. Moore, That the Good Roads Committee make a llhanging the Good Roads in South Dorchester. Amendment lost, original 'motion carried. on The Council Resumed. The report of adopted on motion the Good Roads Committee was presented of Tolmie, seconded by Campbell. recommenqation The' report of the Gaol Committee was presented 'and on motion of Kendall, seconded by Dennis, The County Solicitor Was reqUested to give reference to- the status of the Villages Highway Improvement Act. and Moved by Q, F, Williams, his OPl1l1on under the County BY-Law Seconded by Thomas Dennis, Moved by A, A. Miller, Seconde-d by M, D. MCCormick, That this Council adjourn to meet at' 10 a.m. to-morrow. That this Council give a grant of 'l'wo ,Hundred Dollars ViJlage of Vienna for, 'driving piles and fixing approach to No.3, in the Village of Vienna. Moved by J. B, Ferguson, -Canied. Seconded by E. A. Bryce, J. A. MCLEAN, "Varden. That this Council designate for improvement under the way Improvement Act, the :r;oads rUllning through the Villages the County, which are connecting roads to the County extensions of same, Moved by H. B. Lyons, Seconded by Thomas Dennis, , That By-Law No, 897, be amended by striking out the tween concessions' 10 'and 11 South Dorchester from Lot Yarmouth T~nvnline and substituting the road between 9 and 10 fl'om Lot 13 to the Yarmouth Townline, 52 Elgin County Council. Elgin County Council; Moved by J, C. Campbell, Seconded by L. 'Kendall, , That BYeLaw No. 9(J2. being a BY-Law be received and read a first time. 5a THIRD SESSION-FIFTH DAY. Saturday the 24th q.ay .of bfove:mb~r,' 1~~7, The Elgin County Council met this q.~y, l:}Cc9rdi~g to ~p.journ. ment, to amend B'Y-Daw No. The Warden in t4~cp-air, -Carried. 'l'he proceeding::? of the pr€lviQus o.ay "Yere ,r,ead and Moved by-, M, D, McCormick, Seconded, by A. A. Miller, That By-Law No, 902, be read a second time, All thememhers pre,s,ep.t except IWr. Toda. Mr, Leitch addressed the Council in' ~'ef,erl3nc~ to statlls lages and towns, under t,he Highway Improvement Act, -Carried. 'l'he report of the Finance Committee' was presented and on motion of '.rolmie" seconded 'by Moore. M?ved, by H. B. Lyons, TJ-18 r.,port .of the House of Inq,ustry ComlIl~ttee waf; an4 aq.opted on motion of McCormick, \S8conded by Cornell. Seconded by Thomas Dennis; That By-Law No. 902,be read a third timeaud finally passed, . l\1oveq.' by N. S. Cornell, -Carried. Seconded -bY W; 'T, Hare, That the matter of Meat for House of Industry hands of the" House of Indu~tryCommittee. be left , Moved' by J; A" McRae, Seconded, by 'J, C, 'Campbell, That By-Law No.. 903, being a By-Law to appoint a High Con be received and read a first time. Moved by J,A. McRae, Seconded by W. T. Hare, -Carried. That John Hopldns be appointed' High Constable for the of Elgin at a salary of Twenty Dollars per month, as expenses but without predjudice to statutory' fees 'to .-which be ,entitled. Miller, Seconded by M. D. McCormick, That By-Law No,903, be~ read a seCond time. -Carried. " 54 Elgin County Council. lVT.oved' by 'W, T. Hare, Seconded by N. ,S, Cornell, 1917 STANDING COMMITTEES ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 'fhat By-Law No. 903, be read a third time and finally passed. Gaol Committee lVloved by O. McKenney, Leslie Kendall, Chairman Mes,srs. Curtis and DennIs Seconded by W. H. Moore, That. this Council pay Ten Journal Reporters ror reporting Dollars, each to the Times Our actions at this Board. Mes'srs; Public Imp"oveme~t Committee J. C. Campbell; Chairman McRae, Miller, Curtis, Hare, Moore, Bryce, Cornell and FergUson LYons Moved by 0, 'McKenney; House of Industry Committee That the usual grant den, and this Council'do Seconded ,by- G,"F. Williams, of Seventy~Five Dollars now adjourn sine die. James Todd, Chairman Messrs, McCormiCk and ,Hill be paid the Finance Committee K.W.lVlcKay, County Clerk. .J. A. ~cLEAN, WilHam Tolmie, Chairman. Messrs. McCormick, Todd, HilI, Moore, Denni~, McKenney, Williams, 'Cornell and McCallum. Education Committee; J. ,A. McRae, Chairman. Messrs. Campbell,Curtis, Hare, Lyons, Williams, Bryce, McCallum 'and Ferguson. PetitiO!1s and Legislation Committee. . Oscar McKenney, Chairman. Messrs. Tolmie, Kendall, Miller, Hillanq Bryce. ,',1,1" Warden is ex-officio a merll'ber; of all Standing_ Com. ,6 Elgin County CounciL REPORTS OF COMMITTEES AND OFFICIALS. , . . Report J. A. Taylor, B. A.,-Pi.lbliC SCh'odl lris.pector; the County Council, Qounty Agricultural Education., Despite the backward "spri~g" ' t_he "cdii.f_,,;'eath~rand :constarit which mad~ satisfactory schOOl or hdnle garoensimpossWle good progress Was made in teaching elementarY agrlcp1tWe. year_ only 6 schools In this Inspectorate ciualin~ti .f.c(r" ,,;D(')part~ grants, now 25 are teaching agriculture an~ intend e~rnin'g gl;ants. Ina feW schools the attendap.ce is so small and the M yourlg _and immature that any eff,ort at teachlng ,elementary agricUlture would bense-Iess. In oniy two sections ,vere, the Trus- t~es apPosed ta;its introduction and in. one or two cases the indii~ fe-ranee of ,teachers amounted almost to OPposition. The teacher who, contlucts a school garden acording to the Regulations Of the: Educatidn Department and who holds an elementary certificate ih agriCulture draws ,a grant of $40, and the 'I'rustees $30, Thainten~ tion of the Department is that every rural school will be equippe<i'with . a rural garOen whlch wl11. he jnst as. mnch an educational institntiort as the school is and which will serve not only as a laboratory' for the school but 'also as a place for experimental plots for the neigh~ borhbod: Tb the Warden and Members ,of Elgin. hav,e We honor Schools under to present the following by charge for' the' year .1916, Gent1emen:~I regarding the public Accommodations. Although ,w,ar conditions are,stiii ~vith us ,~~d although thei',~ is a universal' desire for retrenchment and, economy yet'sl,lbstanUal improvements were made hi the accoirimbdatidh~ an~ surroundiIigs:?f'; many of the schools. Efficient ventilating systems were. installe~ iil. Dutton and Nos"1 and 5 Dunwich, Every rural school in this: ip;specto;r.ate is, noW equipped, with" an ~de~uate, system of ventilatio~,',' Dutton and No.3 Aldbol'o ,~~cit expe~aed bvei' $7~0 in improving the:if; accommodations: the former in reilOvating the school and' the latter:, in improving the grounds. Additions to equipment and accommoda tions were also made by West Lorne, Nos.' 7 and 10 D\l.m.,~!l. Thlj,; outstanding necessity of the schools now is better desks. Many -0" the seats', ate imprope+ly placed: others are either too large or ,to small causiriggl;eat discomfort to the pupils and producing res lessness and inattention. Next to ,impure ventilation there is 'not ing so destructive of good disciplinE; or so opposed to 'gooa, prbgl'~$l as unsuitable desks. Co~centration of' studies 'is impossible wh,e'r,~ there is physical discomfort. Every rdom should be equipped wit~ single adjustable desks so as to affprd every facility of moveme~' for writing and other desk exercises. ' Drinking Water~ Many of the schools experienced great difficulty in getting adequate , supply of pure drinking water and, that too in spite of,f; fact that the wells, were ciea~led o.ut iiilfi1edititely, prior-, to ,the 'opepi: of school in September. No doubt surface contaminatibri fromt. excessive rainfall in the spring was a cause in some cases'wh in, ,others the roots of adjacent trees fUnding their way into::' wells rendered the water unwholes?me, TruallCY Act. The revised Truancy Act of :1914 has llowbeen in effect Over a, and ade<(ided improvement in'attendance is noted. While there' been, a decrease In 'irreguUtr attendance yet maiiy children a,.re stiIid-en1'EJd thi:dr inalienable' tight fO:,at least the Iiniits of 'a PllhIie Sbhooi Education, The solution of the whOle matter' lies in the hartds df the. Connty Cdurtci1.The laiOliows TownshiP. COlmeU, tj appoiritTownsnip TrllfLllt Officers'bu~t sofaI' one Township, in Elgin . has lllade art apPOintment. . While a Township Truant Officer woulU .he irtfilliteiy preferahle to ncne at all Yet social and lOcal conoitiOns "'buldIu ali probapilit,.. hiuOer the effectiveness of his Wdd" The ::,.Act shouid he' soameuded as to make it Obligatory in all County Councils to appoint ano pay 1'hlaut Officers. The compUlSOry age ofattendahce !3hould be from 7 to 14, not as His now S to 14. It : seems, utter absurdity,' to Uuild and equip excellent schools ancl to 'maintain ihem at great expense while only a small numher nl the ;;'children are allOWed toatteud them, the rest being kept hOlM to amas~ weaith f?r their parents. The hope and mninstay of. democracy ',fies in the irttelligence of its electorate. Cannot this wealthy Co,mty 57 58 Elgin County Council. Elgin CountY-Council. writing in the County was 587 bf whom 403 were suqcessful, The nmuber ~riting in West Elgin was 322 and of those 251 passed,_while 152 out of, 265 ,in the East Elgin Inspectorate were successful. The numbers writing at the various centres were as follows: 'No. 'V'rote. of 'Elgin, which always stands for'the best in education, wnicH enjoys the unique, distinction- of being the mos~t liberaL and pro- gressive County in expenditures for educli'-tion~.l l)lirPOSIi'S, 'be alsO" t~epioneer. in appointing a County Truant Officer and thus achhwl? ,educational immortality, Teachers'. No. Successful. For, some time this Inspectorate has been fortunate in having everyone of its schools staffed, with leg~llY qualified second: or First cluf:'s teachers, There could be no possible excuse for any section '€'ngaging a taapher. with less than seclnd class qualification when the highC assessment and the capacity of the section to pay a fair salary is considered, Little difficulty is experienced.in secur- ing qualiJied teachers where liberal salaries are staled and where the advertisement is inserted in local papers and in those provin'cial cirGulation. The Normal schoo~'s_ ,are now turning out increasingly efficient teachers, most 'of whom succeed and but few fail. Those who fail, fail because they are unable to secure and maintain proper di13cipline and to impart instruction _ intellg~ntly~ Of the 1.04 teachers, 8 hold First Class and 86 hold' Second' Class certificates. The male teachers haye practically q.isappeared from the Public Schools. There' are only 10 in this InsJ;lectorate. Dutton 41 St. 'Thomas 213 Pt. Stanley 10 West Lorne 31 Pt. BurweU 17 Yarmouth Hts. 31 AYI~er 77 FiIigal 44 Sparta 13 Belmont 31 Springfield 21 Vienna 31 Rodney 27 32 ' '167 "7' 25 9 17 47 27 6 21 8 17 20 School Fairs. Excellent School Fairs were held at WaI1acetown, Rodney and Lorue and S. S; 11 Aldboro. These were very largely attended by both pupils and citizens and provoked the IiveUest interest and enthusiasm, They already, rival the larger fairs in interest shown ~nd in the character and quality oithe 'exhibits which were larger lqis year than on .previous years. The study of Art, and Nature Study was greatly, intensified; by giving prizes for the best collections TArt graw{ngs,labelIed insects, and identified weeds. These col~ ~ctions were to be the unaided work of ~he pupils, Prizes were Iso 'given for Writing, Composition, SeWing and COOking. Thus in .these subjects is increased and sustained and progress them 'is more satisfactory. " Teachers' Institute. For the first time in many years the East and the West TeaGhers'. Institute held a joint meeting in St. Thomas. 'teachers who were nearly all present from both appreciated the oP'portunityof becoming acqllainted with each The large numbers and the interest they created gave inspiration the Institute. Among those Who contributed .papers were: Dr, cox, of Stratford Normal School; Dr. Hill of London Institute , Health; Professor McLaren of Guelph; Dr. 'Seccombe of Toronto Mr, Hoffard of London Normal School. Many excellent papers given which provoked intelligent' discussion, Physie:al Culture. indicated 'in ,my report last year the pupils are be cOining prOfiCient in the Physical Culture exercises, rl'he teachers becoming more' familiar 'with them and, are more'efficient them. The exercises followed 'are those prescribed by Education Department, Where instruction and practice were in them daHy there is a' noticeable improvement in self con- Entrance Examination. Entrance examinations were held ,at Rodney, St. Thomas; Lorne, Dutton, ,and Port Stanley. The j)ercentage ,of didates was higher, than ever before indicating careful teaching and thorough preparation, The total number of 60 Elgiil Comity CoUncil. Ell'ir! gp~ntlf gp~npil. JMmary 10tlI, 1~J.7. ttoli oliedie:iice;proiritlhiess aild ~ttentibh, '1'h~ tl:i:achers are utianF lhbtls in reporting improvement in both disCipline and progress. Iii ortlertd stiil further promote and sustain interest in the Strathcona' work competitive exEifcises will ile heltl riext - faJl at the school' :hUrs and prizes will be awarded for the highest proficiency. 'H~port J. c. Sn1itf11 f'~bl!.c Warden and MJ:lmb,ers &P,~Q91 'n~pegtor: tho .of th,e CQPp,ty 9.oul},(}i1 gfp1Jgjh: , ,-;:} "~I ,,) ':;; ~ ;-, School Libraries. Gel1tleme~: -:-:-----1 Pf3g to submit my 'Offici.al visits 1..0, the sch.odJs 1916. re~erence ,during tim' fall, terOJ. thE) folIpwjp,g repovtin .of ,E~H9f Elgin ; All my rural, schools are equipped with fairly good libraries~ rrhe' '~I;rusV;1esl were- not urged to spend additional money in thefur~ ther purchase of library books owing to conditions created by the'; war and thegene~'al desiJ;:e for retrenchluent. Many _of, the books,'.::' noW in the libraries were purchased at a time when Fifth classes'.;' were morEl nun!erous than at present and when larger older and more advanced pupils attended school. Books that were suitapl for those more advanced are useless for the primary and second book pupils now and these constitute the majority.- Referencel. books, Gazetteers', and lexicous are found in all the schools. The school has 'not done its duty to the child if he is allowed toleaYi~ it without' knowing 'how to nse worl{s of refenence or WitIiout,'hav~Il~, created in him ,a well defined habit of us.ing books. The child' who' pos_sesses a, woli ,established habit of holding.. communion with ~OO}{S:; whoUirdiigh them Uecomes acquainted with all that mell havesai and 'l!io:i1ght , arid a~c(:niipiished, possesses the priceless' asset of.16f ideals ih life, ribbiiity 61', purpose, direction' in action and a - sm;ea.l.' sole develbpinent iri liienbil and ri10ral sti'ength, aC,tillg on in~struction8 from, the, D_epartment of spent considerable time at the London Normal School the'rliral and urban model schools which are, oonnected 8,ohoo1. . At the 'beginni11g of October: I made a spechil examinatIon !.:.., t!:.e' Fifth For1heqUipment -of Numbers_ 1 and 9, South wold. TheM were the only two organized Fifth ~"orms in East Elgin, which were of- cially reported in June and their eqnipment Was "elow the 'stan- dard. I interviewed the menIbers of tbe Boards and the eqUipment ,)va8 adjnsted to the entire satisfaction Of. the '~Department, the ':nistees and the Inspector. On account of lack. of time I was forced to spend only one day at each of the School Fairs. I visited One School Fair in est Elgin' ( No. iI, Aldborongh) and five in East Elgin, namely, "unboyne, Sparta, No. 18, Yarmonth, I'"ingal, and Payne's Mm. N:.7, SouthwOld). I regret very much that on aCCOunt of inter- !pted train Connection I was nnahle to visit the Schooi FaIr at '!enna,. The War 'and the Schools. Nothwithstanding the present awfulconfiict that is being; \VR, Oll the mrttopean battIe:~fields and notwithstanding the vast 8.UIllS people arecontfihuting iri their' colossal struggle for' the miti])' civiliza:tion and humanity; theprdgresscif education cbntin~es",., interrupted; It is universally admitted that it ,i~ the children".,,~. to-day areheing educated, that must~meet. the conditi(jnscoml~~~:~I .indmltrial and economic, that wiTI inevitabl; follow in the' walt",:- t:tlis 'titanic struggle. The' cliildrenof, to-day are the citiz~n to-morrow and the T-rustees of posterity. T~eyare the ~10St\~~ ?u~ of bur possessions" Their assistance' is necesary" in In~~: commerce; exploration; discovery and invention and no legh~} effort should be with held nor expell~e curtailed to, developi~\' the highest character ancI- the great'est efficiency iri their:ph aesthetic; ihtelIectual and ethical, education. J. A TA Owing to my, absence in September" I Was unable to give, the ' ~lation half ~ay to each school but I visited every school in the pectorate. Of tlIe .78 schools in my district, of WhiCh 75 are rural 3 urban, I gave 6 schools more than the regulation time, chiefly Use the teachers in most cases were inexperienced,- and in 10 ;ols, inclnding the 3 urban, I was,. compelled to shorten my visit. .these latter schools I shall make np the difference this term. iieschoOls were not visited last term through lack of time. I have 'UIiSed the pUPils and teachers in these schOols that I shall visit this' term, 61 ~'.'..llli.lL! . . .....1)11,,, !1,i~]I~l, "".i,J!, iiil~!,'i 1\ 11'~'Ii\ \ Ilt'll,j', 1'1'1"'1'1 il!'I!': ,,1,\1,11,'1 !!I:j1i} 'IWI\!\"'f !IM~!iiiI1 ."I\I'~I.II.'! I.! ,!lili!~I\"i JIIII~I,I",II\I I, 'i'~H-III\'r,' \'i!!11\~I~~11 ij 1"!')i!(i,I~li( ""'I/,i"I'i/J\\ illl~,i\'i\l!lli \'I!,t.'I\IIII:;~ 1,;,,\iI.1dLl!\1 ',\\I;I!i;("I'. '11I-!'I.'ql"I, ".").;:'\'.(li.I~..III (('!i!,\,\b'l! i!'!i\'i,)\\"p1i 11]1111Ii,'I'I(\ W'...,,' "llif II!! I,ll' II il " "!il " 62 Elgin County Council. \ Elgin COunty COuncil. I requested the teachers to revi!3e the equipment lU schools and 'Te-catalogue it in new catalogues which were supplied to them by the Department of Education. This worl{ has been completed in almost every school and .at my next visit I sl1alI able 'to check over the lists and examine the values. . EDUCATION COMMITTEE January Sess,ion To the Elgin County Council: When I have become more .thoroughly acquainted with schools and teachers, I shall make a detailed report on tlie dition of edu'cational matters in Eastl! Elgin. I cannot -conclude this brief ~eport without expressing pleasure which I derived from the cordiality of ~y reception pupils, teachers, and trustees and without recording my apprecilLlio-n of the kind helpfulness extended to me by the Warden and Members of ,the County' Council; the County: Clerk, and my colleague, Inspec- tor TaylQr of West Elgin. All, of which is respectfully Gentllemen:~The Education Committee r.epol'ts_ 1. ']'hat the, fOllOWing accounts be paid- the by Municipal World, C,\rds for Inspector Smith ................ MuniciPal World, Printing InspectOr TaYlor ............... In'pector TaYlor, TraVelling Expenses ..........:.......... Inspector Smith, 1'ravelling aIld other Expenses ............ Express PUbliShing HOUse Printing, Inspector Smith ...... 2. Tbat . the reports of Public School Inspectors be adopted and' printed in the minutes. submitted. J. C. SMITH, I.P.S., EAS1' ELGIN, 3. That the Warden' appoint delegates to represent this Coun- at meeting of Pi'ovii1cial Trttstees' Association. st. 'rhomas, January 24th, 1917. 4. With reference to recommendations contained in report of Inspector Taylor's: (a) We are in sympathy with the teaChing of Agriculture in Public Schools and WOuld recommend all School Boards to consider the adVisability 01 intrOducing the SUbject in their school. We recommend that the present law be changed so that be compUlsory for all children between the ages of 7 and 14 school. (cl appoint We recommend that each lOcal MuniCipality be requested a 'Truant Officer, All of WhiCh is respectfully SUbmitted, J; A. McRAE, Chairman. 25th-!anuary, 1917. 63 $ 1.75 275 26;38 110.92 10.25 6,~ :Elg~n County qounci:l. June Session. '1'0 the Elgin Oounty-Council: Gentlemen,~ . The !iJducation, Committee reports: 1. That th-e following a.ccounts be paid, J, A. ,rraylor, t:r~velling expenses, etc. Municipal World, supplies for Inpsectors, T~"flor f.L~9- Smi,pl, ,.,.....~...... ,:[~ C. ",f:?mith, travepi-ng expenses" etc. ..,..... rr~e Adva11,~e, Dutton, frintiup, fol' Inspector 'fay~or .. .,' ..... . . .., , ,..,. ... The T~HlUn~, Ayl;merl, Printing fpr Inspector Smith ,.,.....,.."......,.. 6.00 $ 90.65 32.25 168.03 12;50 2. That. accounts received from th,e'follp-wip.gHlgh for maintenance County. Pupils during 1916, be paid when ~y p).e ,coup.ty Clerk. Woodstock. Wa'rd-sville, Ingersoll. Tillsonburg. Glencoe. ~ - - ~.-. --."'-";""'~.: . . , ., .. .. '. , ..., '.IJ '\:, -~~ . <"".I!( 111\ "ill. I 'I,~i I ,Ii I. I!~i "'1,,1, " Il",f "1:'\", J Wi, I d!~ I ,II\~,II! ! ; '~,\I\'I ')'.hlll\.' ;!'\I"1 ,):,~,rl" ,lrl,:"L~(,1 '1 \~,.Ilrll, , !,:(il'\\,i~ [,11,1" " Elgin ,County Council, , 65 To the Elgin County September COunCil: Session. Gentlemen;_ 'The EdUCMionCommittee rept;lrts: That the fOlloWing accounts be Paid: The AYlmer' Express, Printing' Inspector Smith ......."' '" '" '" '" ...... $16.85 The East Elgin TrJbune;Pl'lnting, Inspectors Taylor, and Smi,th ..... ..., 2.00 All- of WhiCh is respectfully submitted. L 'rhomas, 18' September,:1917. J. A, MCRAE, Chairman. '0 'th'e' Warden an~ Gentlemen,_ The EdUCation Co:,mmittee repo~ts: That We have' considered communication from the Educa., nal Department stating that Inspectors: paYlUents to the Superanua. n Fund Wduld be 'taken care. of by tbe Department, We therefore tha.t 'their <salaries be paid in full as Usual. That the fOllOWing accounts be- Paid,: J.C.Smtth, Expenses. ... '.. "... ..... J. ,A. ,Taylo-r, Expenses ..,.. .'..,. .'.,...., T-b.eMunicipal World, Printing and Supplies ". .,.', ..... '.'" .'. ...... ... 229.69 9fwhich is respectfUlly submitted. 3. That the re,signat!o:q. of E,A, Miller, as trustee Aylmer School be acq~pted and that Dr.F. H. MjUer be appqinted to vacancy. 4, 'l'hat' the Finance C9mmittee inclua~ in County the sum, of $lj249,86, for Equipment and Accommodation Public Schools, as directed by Education Department, 5. be t~e That grants to High; Gbntinuationap..(I. ;Fifth Cla'ss same as last year. All of which is respectfully submitted, J,A,McRAE, St. 'l'homas, 7th June, 1917. Novembel' Session. Council of the County of Elgin, $202.24 90.45 23rd November;. 19;1.7. J, ;A, McRae, Chairman. " 66 Elgin County Council. Elgin County Council, 07 COUNTY CLERKS REPORT ON LICENSES st, Thomas, 25' January, 1917. January Session. June Session. To the ,Elgin County Council: To .the - Elgin County Council: Gentlemen,- GeiJ.tlemen,_ The following _is a report 'on the County, Licenses in force date. fOllowing 'are the, Licenses in force in the ,County at this Auctioneers. Auction L.icens'e. MUson B. Stafford. D, M. Campbell. G. W. Durkee. Robert A. Watson. Frank Fulkerson. Alfred J. 'Brantont T. Merritt Moore, John, DaWes. Dahiel Black. :Robert Laur. P.A. McViicar, .T. D. Hay, John D, Locke. F. V. Ridley. N. D, McLaughlin. Robert Laur. P. A. McVicar. Daniel BhLCk. 1. W. Baldwin. M.B.Stafford. D.M. Campbell. G.W. Durkee. Robert A. Watson.' Frank ,Fulkerson~ < Alfred J, Branton, T, Merritt Moore, John ,Dawes, All of which'i,s respectfully submitted. All of which i'8 respectfully submitted, Thomas, 6' June;'1917. ,., ., K. W. Ie W. McKAY. 'County Clerk January Session. '1'0 the E~gin COUllty Council: Gentlemen,- 'rhe following is statement of Assets and Liabilities on the 1st ,daY of January, 1917, 6S Elgin County Council. COUNTY TREASURERS REPORT 1st January, 1,917. ASSETS. Balance .,.',...." ", .. '. ... .., .,... Sund.l'Y Accounts .,... ...,.,...,.. County Rates. . . . . . , . . . . . . , .. .,......,.,. .." St. Thomas,. ,".'. ",..,.,. ....".., ....... .', Pro:viiuci-alITreasurer, 9 months. ..,...,...,. LIABILITIES. Admini-stratiou, of Justice ,...,...., ,., .,'. ., $ House of Industry ......,......,... ...,. ,'". Couuty'Lines ,...,.....,.".,.,' ,...,.. .., ,..;"., 'Arrears of Taxes ....., '-' ., ,..,.,...,. ...,.". Sundries ... ,. " . . . ....., . , ' . . .'.. ..,.. ,... Debe'nture' Levies ,.,.,. ,..... ...,........,.. Public, Schools ,...,.,.. ."...., ,.... .'.... ..... lIigh Schools ...,., .,.. .... .... ..... .'.... Balance' Assets over' Liabilities ,....,.',......'...,.... .-II!! Elgin County, COuncil. 6J~ J UlJe, Session. To the EIgin County Council: Gentlemen,---:- $ 7,894.21' 321.87 9,232.00 856.8G 3,000,.00 $ I take _pleasure in pre,sehting the Financi,al Statement ShOWing the -ReueipJs and 'Expenditures of the County, for the first- five months of 19H;' together with estimate qf amount required to he raised for County purposes guring the year, ' All of \vhic~ is respectfully submitted. ICW.McKAY, County,CH'll'k, Thomas, June 5th, 1917. 1,602.60 . 1,500.00 575."0 109.00 2,680.00 6,996.53 305.83 4,000c.00 $ li...t this date all of the County Rates 'have been is at present a balance on hand o,f Nine Thousand, and Ninety Dollars and Sixty~Six cents. Itwill be necessary forthe CO,uncil to pass a By-Law ing the 'Warden and Treasurer to borrowupwards:of Thousand Dollars, for current' Expenditures duril1,g th13 year. I" , All ,of which is 'respectfully submitted. K. W. McKay, St, Thomas, 25' January, ,1917, 70 ,-1' Elgin County Council, Elgin County Council, Requi'red to Be Raised Duri'ng the Year 1917. Receipts and Ex'penditures of the Treasurer of the County~i'" Elgin. To 31st M<;l-Y' Estimate of Amount Balance January 1st, 1917. .... $ 7,894.21 Administratioliof Justice ',...."...,..... CtiuntyLines and Bridges ......, ...... .., '" House of Industry.,.... .-.'...,... ...,....,. ",High Schpols ',........,.. ,... .j.... .,....,..... .' 'Public Schools ."....., ...,. '..... ..,....... Officers Salary ..",..., ...,...... . .',. .i., . '" -';Members' Wages .... ..,... '. .. .'.,. ." .. 'Court House Commision .,.... ..,.,. ..,.. Debenture, Rates' . .',,;, ,. "... ',. .',..., .",., .',... ';'IntEirest .., .,.. ..,... ...... ..,.., .. .'..... Registry Office ..,.,. ...... .....,. ':&1iscellaneous ...; . .. .. . .., ... .., .... ,.. ...... Patriotic Fund-Grant, 1917 ....,...,;..... ...... Provin'cialWar Tax..,..,.,....., ...... RECEIPTS. $ 996.85 .29,000.00 146.67 9,232.00 486.58 ,779.51 65.65 $ Administra.tion of Just-ice ..."..,.,........,. Bills Payable .,.,... ." ...... ... .,....,. Intere,et ...:.....,..... ,.,..... ,..,.... ....,. County Rates ...,....,.,... House of Industry_ ......... .,. ..' ... ....... Arrears of 'l'axes ...,.',..",...,... Misgellaneous ...,., ."". ,..\',. ....... EXPEND1TUjtES. $ 4,017.43' 1,226.75 3,607.79 84.33 1,775.4.8 5,404,53 B,774.73 422.80 891.65 2,69Jll 696.95 793.32 24,659.80 Adnlinistration of Justice ...,....... Public Schools .,..,., .."...,.," .,.,.. .,., Hous,eof Industry ....".,. ...,..,... ,..... Registry 'Office ....,.... .., . ., " .....,.... Roads' and Bridges ...,...., ,....' ,... .,.... Debentures and Coupons ....,. .,..,. ....,. High Schools; .. ,~',... .,.... ................ Memhers' \iVages ....,....... .,..'...,.,.-. .. Offi-CHfS' Salary, ..,. ......,...,' ....,.,..., Printing, pOjStage and Stationery ..,.,.,...., Care of Buildings "...,.,. ."...........,... W'ater, Light and Fuel...,....,.,....,... ..... Miscellaneous .".-..... ,.,."..........., DEDUCTlONS January, '1917. .,'.,. ,,_. ". For County $ 5,000 6,000 6,000 14,250 11,000 3.500 2,300 1,000 9,671 1,000 400 4,892 54,000 23,263 Purposes $ 142,286 ...... 2,697 $139,579-6 MHl$. Thonias, June 5th, 1917. K.W,McKay,County Treasurer Balanc,e .,.... . , . , . . . . . . . .. ."... ...... ----~ -~~ B'ank Balan,ce .,.,., ,.....,.. ...,.',. ....., I~ess Cheques Out .,... ,., . . . . , . . . . . $ 1,005.93 585,28 $ 420.65 555.7'5 C&S~ ill Office .,....".,., Balance.,.... .,..,... ,.-,. ...,_.,.. .,.' ..., $ K. W. McKAY, County St. Thomas, Ont., June, 1917, 71 ill !!WI '!![!); llill! 1I1III 11)\'11 1IIIi;' WII"1 IIV' 1111I11I Ilh'l 1IIIIIIiil 1,,!11111 'il'l)ill 11,11' 1i'11111,:I,! 1:li r~I' I,':'! ':';11 i!~ll'(i! '1'I'!lti' !1[11(;f:\11 ,11,1'(\111 I1I11 'il~1111 1IIIe;'; lil'lmlil; II,I~ 111111' I!II ~I"l~ '111'1'1 ,I'il:';;' Iiiii' !lj; iii~ 1-li,.!J II' :'I'II! :1'11 II"; 1!1,!i 72' Elgin Cbunty CounciL flE~OflT .FINANCE COIVIMITTE:E January Session 2nd Report. January Sessi~n To the Elgin CountYCounciI: To the Elg,in County' 00llncil: Gentlemen,_ Gentlemen,'- The' Finance Committ.ee, reports: The Finance Committ~e reports: 1. 'rhat in accordance with" the 'J',r!'la~-qlrer'* a By~Law ,be passed to, authorize to.a borrQ-.,yi:ng of Tlhousand Dollars, dUl'ingthe year 1917. 1. That they have considered 'the question of Grant for Can- adian Patriotic FundpurpQses. during 1917,: and have, had a joint meetitig with the Finance C~mmittee of the City Council in reference thereto. 2. Library That; .a grant Association, of Fifty DoJlars be made, to the Elgin Y.qiir COlUITlittee We,re favorable to a grant Of Ninety Thousand Dollars to be paid, Sixty per oentby the County and Forty per cent by the City. 3, 'l'hat the ,Sick Children',s sum of Twenty-Five Dollars, Ilospital, ,," Toronto, be granted At the joint.me~ting this Pr,oIJositi(>1l waspreseuted andfl!-Yo:r~ aNy T~p'e~Yedj:Jy ,the members of .the City Committee who also' 'pro- posed that the grant should be increased to One, Hundred ThOusand Dollars to be divided(m the samebai:lis. 4, 'l'hat thefol'lowing accounts be paid : Provincial Treasurer, District Officer of' Health ....,. Victoria Industrial School; County Boys ...... ....,. ., ,. Hom~ for Incurables, for John McNicol, .,.... .,.... .... ProyinciaLTreasurer, Conv,eyanceof Prisoners .,.......',. Township Bayham,'Conveyance inmate-sHouse' of. Industry' .. Township Southwold" Conveyance Inmates House of Industry' R. McLachliIi, Registry OfficeStatione-ry ...,.,..,.. ,. ,- . , ..:. R.. Mcr.aughlin, County Clerk stationery ,.. ~-..' ...",.".. J. Doust, Division Court CIerlt; Aylmer ,.,.".,....".,..,. Journal Printing Co., Proceedings ,....,.........,..,. Municipal'World,Registry Boolt .... ,.' ,'.., .......,. ..., 5. That the report of the County, Police Magistrate, be and printed in the minutes. All of which is respectfully submitted, . Your committee recOm'll1end that the }~.'ra:p,t fr.om qlis Council .to the Canadian ,Patriotic 'Fund be on the basis of Ninety Thou~ap-d Dollars for the year 1917,and tha,.t By~r.aw passed at the Novem1 Ses~ion, gra,p.ting Six ThOul3a,nd Dollarafor the same purpOse ',be repealed, All of whieh is resp'ectLl11y submitt~d. WILLIAn'I 'l'OLl\Um, Chairman. Thomas, 25t-;h January, 1917. WILLIAM St. 'l'homas" ,25th JJanuary, 1917, 73 74 Elgin County Council. 1. made to That the usual grant of. One Hundred Dollars ($100) the Amasa W,Qod 'Hospital, St,Thomas. be 7. Tha.tthefollowing accounts be paid: IDast IDIgin Tribune, Audit Reports Elgin Sun, Blank Notices ,.....,....,..., Clerk s;eoond Division Court, 4 Prooedure Bobks. ,etc., ,.,..'". .,.... .., J. B, Davidson, S,erviJces reo Incorporation 'Of Rodney and West' Lorne, in 1907 .,.... ,Municipal World- Supplies Itegistry Office ... .." " . . . . Stationery County Clerk .... , .. .,. .,... Stationery Local Master ....., ...... ... Stationery County Police Magistrate AU of which is respectfully submitted. WILLIAM TOLMIE, St,Thomas, 8th' June, 1917. I , ~ Elgin. County Councii'. June Session 2nd Report; the Warden and Council. of the County of 'Elgin: 75 Th;e Committee on .Finance beg leave to report-, that ,having examined into the finances of the County and the'estimate!3 pr,epared by the County Treasurer, they herewith submit a statement of, the expenditure required for the lawful pu'rposes of the County during ::.1917, showing the amount required to be raised for the undermen. tioned purppses, 3. That the usual fee of Ten Dollars ($10) for membership' to the Onta'rio Municipal Association be paid. 3. That no action be", taken, re. applica.tion Mrs. Dr. Smith, Fingal, f.or grant. June .Sessiol1. To the Elgin County Counci~: C1\'lntlemen,-'--- The Finance Committee r,eports: 4, That' the nightwatchman at the Court House be discon tinned, asr.ecominended by Court House Commission. 5. That all Auctioneers be uotifi,edwhen their license exyires 6. That Grant to EaSt Elgin Fair be Sixty-Five 'DollarS d65~ or such larger amount as may be eq'\1al to 20 'per cent, -of Goverument Grant, to Wallacetown Fnir. $ 69.00 3.50 20.45 20.00 71.80 10.41 10.60 .50 G;entlemen,_ Administration 'of Justice.,....,.,....., County ,Lines and Bridges .,.,., .,. . ... HOUf!e of Industry .,.... ...... ..,..,., High 'Schoo-Is ...... ...... ..... ....., Public Schools ........." ,.,.. . . . , . Officers.' Salaries'.. .'...... ....".. ,...,.. Members' Wages ,........ .,. .., ... ... Court HouseCommisslon Debentures By-Law 594 ....... By-Law 737 ....,...,."... By"Law 759 By"Law 769 ..,.,....,... BY-~aw 8,59 ...,..- ..,.,. Total...,., . $ 1,957.00 2,590.00, 2,268.00 1,264.00 1,592.00 ....,..,. Interest .,.'.., .'. .'. ... .", ....,. Registry, Office ....,. .,.,."..,.., ." '" Miscellaneous .... .., ,.... '" ..,..., Patriotic Fund Grant, 1917 ......"... Provincial War Tax Surplus, Deductions J,anuary,, 1917 ,....... $ 5,000 6.,000 6.000 14,250 11,000 3,500 2,300 1,000 $~671 1,000 400 4,892 54.000 23,263 $142,286.00 2,697.00 139,579.00 . 7~ Elgin County" Council. Your Committee'would recommend that the"sum of One Hundred and Thirty-Nine Thouf:l~p,d, Fi;ve I-I].1n~r!3(l l:l.-ud Seventy-nlne be raised on all the rateable property in ,the several Municipalities of the County qfEJIgin dul'iIlg the y,ear 1917- for County and that a rate of 6hlills 'On the doll~r be: levied on rateable "in the several Municipalities in the County to raise- said amounts. All of which 'is r,espectfully submitted. WILLIAM TOLM!E, .Adopted J:uile 8th, 1917. 3. All Q ~ ,.'. , 'ii/Ii 11I.lili' ',1/""',' II, I~!' 1'11:1",1 'lll}III~:j "III'lli~11 I,"'''','' 'IIJ.H[,!II III illi~,',\ . III ,!~III' ~i I,II(~I J ','11,',1,"1111' 11I11~:1111 : liI;"I'II/" I!IIII(!/,',/; ill~II~,llll IiI!I.,III'I' ilj,I,li!\ljl\,I!'1 .."",,111 1!,'j\\t:i!\'i11i i:'i:I,\11i',.'i;\ , I'! i!I(~~I!'il [';;[111,,11' I ,ii',111;:rl',\,';i 1iI,;;'l"I,',,\[ Iii [! '!iI 'il! II) I,i!' IA 1[1 Iii Iii Iii \i'li'l Elgin County Council, 77 September Session. Elgin County Council: Ge:ntlemen,-,._ The' Finance Committee reports: That no action be taken B. Morris, reo reducti,on in in refer~i1Ce to communicatioll interest' onWiUman Mortgage, 2, That the Council pay the', rent Great War Veterans Association, for not ,exceed Two Hundred Dollars. of the 'rooms Occupied, by one yearprovidsd amount ':that: the folloWin.g' accou1it'S r be Paid: Canada LaW.J300kCohiP~ny, MunJcipal Manual.", .,.. . "., ..... .".. Wm, Parker & Son, Conveyance Jury to 'HouBeofIn.~ustry ."....,. '.,., Victoria Industrial School, Maintenance Boys From Elgin to 30th June Vi'ctoria - Ho~e', for' In:cUrableS;;Mairttenance John McNicol to 5th Sept, , ,'. . . , ". . . Province' of 'Ontario', ; Cotrv:e'Yance of Inmates to AsylU'lii.s' 'and, Pti:Sbu's to 30th Jitlle' ,.. of which' is' respectfUlly sUbm'itted. $ 20,011 4.00 81.90 115.00 52.72 18th September, 1917. WILLIAM TOl;.M!EJ,Chairman. 78 Elgin County' Council. November Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentletnen,- 'l'he: Finance Committee beg leave to r.eport: L That we recommend the Council of 1918 to make a of Fi:Ety~F-our Thousand Dollars ($54;OOO) to the Canadian li'und', the ,same as this year, 2, 'fhat we grant the sum the Childrens Aid Society. 3, 'I'hat a grant of Five Huridred Dollars ($500) be the Y.M.C.A~ for overseas' work. 4, 'rhatthe payment of One Hundred and Sixty Dollars received all account Wellman Mortgage, McNicol' account, be ac.::-" cepted, that the Ward,en and Treasurer be authoriz.ed to discharge, ~ same. of Four Hundred Dollars ($400) sum of Mrs. Mary 5. That Dr. Leeson, Aylmer, be paid the Dollars ($35) from sale of property, account of an inmate of the I-louse of Industry. 6. rfhat the foUm,ving accounts be paid: Children Aid'Society, Maintenance .. Childrens Aid Society Expenses ...,....., ,. ProvinCial Treasurer, Conveyance of Prisoners Jos. Doust" Forms Division Court,_ Aylmer.. Victoria Industri-al Soh-ool .,.,...."..,... Dutton Advanoe, -Pril\ting ..,.. -;.,.. Municipal World, Printing and Stationery .. Municipal World, Printing and Stationery Registry Office ,.....~~."....,... ,.,. ., C. St, C,Leitch County Solicitor General services ,.. ,., ... ,.. ... ..,....,.. 150.00 C, St. C, Lcteih, County Solicitor, -Malahide and Elgin ".... ... ".:... .,....... ~ 215,17 All of which is respectfully submitted. WILLIAM TOLMIE, $ 117.00 16.70 78,59 4.65 79.80 31.90 9.20 18.70 St. Thomas, 24th NovemQer, 1917. ^~."',.,"''''''','''"''''''-, 79 Elgin County" COUncil. REPORTS COUNTY ENGINEER. January Session To the'Warden and Council, County of Elgin. Gentlemen,_ ' I, beg to submit the foIlowing report,:_ The' Zavitz Bridge on the TOwn Line between Yarmouth and South,voldwhich Was UndergOing renairs at your last Session is, now completed. The cost of the Work amounted to $334.95. This Bridg~ Was biult across what is known as the Turville Mill Dam. 1;'01' 'some years nothing has been done to keep the dam in repair and the result has beeu that. the dam is gradually going to pieces. The POnd above the dam' became filled with deposit and there was a drop or fall between the bottom of the pond and the creek below of about 12 feet. A" the Portions of the dam are being washed away. the deposit in the Pond is also being washed out. This has eaused the piles that Were driven some years ago to bo undermined. It Was therefore necessarY to drive new Piles Puttillgthem down a sufficient depth to withstand all erosion of the creek bed. When this creek bas washd all the deposit away then the erection ofa COllcrete cui. ver,t can be proceeded with at this place. ~. ties of Elgin and Middlesex. This is an iron bridge 180 foot span with a 50' SPan at' ,each ,end. The South span' is sUpported by steel CYlinders and planked behind to support the earth. At the Ndrth end there is a WOoden span of 36 feet supported by a ',eolpile bent the South end and' the Nor'thend resting On a stone abutmOnt. Tlte Main Span of the bridge is sUPPorted on two stone piers. This bridge Was built in 1878, I WOUld recommend that the fOll~wing repairs be made to this bridge this Year. 1. That a concrete abutment be built at the South end. That a concrete pier be built at the South end of the approach at NO'rtheud of bridge. I That the WOoden approach be rebuilt with steel. steel jOists and a concrete WOod blOck floor be Placed bridge With a new lattice railing On the Whole, of tho J", 1 'I I Iii ill I, Ii!: , I,,! , ,f,11 ,I ,"1",\" I II' IjIi,\l I'~ 1,/f,I:: I i'I'" ,1,III!i < "Ii}',' 'I' JI'~"!"i! II,i'l,i 11~1!. Elgin County Council. Elgin County Council. Jun~Session. The Graham Road Bridge on', the Thames River will also require considerable new _plaillr andjoisting,/ If the 'McIntosh Bridg~is r.e~ paired, 'as provided for above then I <think there would be' sufficient good material, in the present bI"idge floor to put the Graham Road Bridge in ,a proper state of repair" the Warden and Council ot the County of EIg,in. Gentleme-n,-:- little to report as' tv the County Bridges since our 'last I rfhe Port Bruce Bridge over Catfish Creek. This bridge also re- quires a new floor, and would advise that in this case,'also steEH jotsts be placed 011 the bridge and a floor of creosoted wood Qlocl'~ bep~aced theteoll; '_'he ~pring fi'eshets this ye..-Ll' have done pl''lclicalIy n,o damage. We 3;re placing a,fio'or ~of this Id-rrdon the Wardsv~lle ,which. -will b',e completed in the- early spring, I would1ike 'your Pub. lib Improvement Comittee to examine this' flo'ot after completion, if found satisfactory, would then recommend its adoption 'that are'ndt sti'ong enough to support aconcr,ete' floor. Some tilneago J, purchaserl 210 gallons of paint and lour barrels lins,eed oil for paintirigthe bridges. Since thf'-}lurchasethe price raint" audoil' have considel'<'..ble increaserl. I have noW a gang of men started to scrap'e and paint the bridges, as yet the weather ,is unfavorable, and not mnch headway tias made, All of which is 'respectfully submitte'd. JAS. A. BELL, On account of the Good Roads trip the committee decided that the, examInation of the bridges on the County Liries ' be post.poned until after the present Session of County Council. This Committee \villvisit and' examine tl).-eWardsville Bridge at th~, same time~ Th~ pi'oposed l'epairs to thel\1clntosh Bridge hav'8 been held n abeyance Until after the committee has examined the WardsvilIe ~ridge. St..-Thomas, Ont., January 23rd, 1917. of which is respectfully submitted. JAS. A BELL, 'County Engineer. Junet 1917. ~l 82 Elgin County Qouncil. November Session. To the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin.. Gentlemen,"'--- I beg 'to report on, the worlt: done to the County Bridges since the last session. Early in the season I purchased sufficient paint and oil to do the work of painting.the County Eridges, this year, I have Jilucceeded'in getting the following bridg,espainted. The l~st also shows .the cost of painting each Bridge as near as I could s~b.divide the expense; St. George St.Bridge, ..,.,...".... .. ,.. '$ 66.20 Kains Bridge .....,.,....... . . . ". . . .' " . 7:4.25 Port Stanley Bridge .....,..,..,..". .... 6.75 Robbins Bridg,e .....,..... _ ' ,',... .. ....... 130.00 Selbourne Bridge ...... ,.....,., ...,..,., 188.85 Zavitz Bridge ,.....,.. ..,.,.... ,.,....,... 156.50 Jamestown Bridge ,.,....,...,........ ,., .., 82.40 Port Bruce, Bridge .".,... ,.. ',. , ... . . ,..., 95.00 Bridge at, KingsmiIl ..,.,..,. ...,......,... 21 ,:n Bridge 'rown1ine of South Dorchester and'Malahide ,....,.,.,.... ,.,.,...., 19,80 Cook's Mill Eridg,e ,...,.,., ,.,... ...,.,.. 143.85 Phillmore,Bridge .',...,.,..... ....,...,.,..119.05 Rart Burwell Bridgo ...,......, .., ,. ,..... 156,00 Vienna Lower B:'idgc . .'....;...,.,. ..".. 105.52 Vienna Upper Briilge ,.,........ " . .' ..... 74.65 Talbot Creek, Bridge .".., .. ,. , . . .. ,.,.,.. 45~15 Total ........... ......... .......... $1,487.28 I have ,stil on hand one barrel of IAnseed, Oil, and 1,700 of Paint. "fhe Bothwell Bridge on the County Lines between' Elgin, and Middlesex, has' been l'e'.planked, this County's portion O'i expense being $197.17. The work on the MCIntosh Bridge' over the River ~Thames tw,een Elgin and Middlesex, has been completed, this consists new concrete abutment on the South' end and a new concrete at the North end. Next year there should be, a lattice railing on this Bridge and a Creso.ted Wood Block Floor, The contract this work amounted to $1.140,00, the total cost of this work pro,bably be about ,$1,300.00, one-halfaf which is paid by All of which is respectfUlly submitted. ' JAS,A. BELL, Coi1nw Elgin County Council. 83 REPORTS PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE January Session.' To the W~rden and Council, County of Elgin. Gentlemen,_ Your Public Improvement Committee beg leave' to submit the fOllowing, l1eport. \ 1. They hav,e considered the matters mentioned in 'the Engin- eers report, and would recommend the adoption of the same-and that the Engineer be authorized to prepare plans and- speciIicationsfol' the Improv,ements to the McIn~osh Bridge and advertise for t~ilders tor the same to be submitted to a joint meeting of this Comrilittee and a' similar committee of the County of Middlex and that the J oi . Committee- have power to award contracts for the completion of the ,,:o:rk. \ 2: Regarding the communication of the Ontario, GOOel i"l:.oads Association, your Committee would recommend that the Warden appoint a delegation to attend the same; and' that the fees to the AssocIation ,he paid. 3, That this Committee when meeting with a s'imHal' Gom- mittees of adjoining Counties be paid the same fees and l;jXllt\nstls as ,when attending Committee' l\'leetings Within the' County. 4. 'l'hat this Committee make an examination ofallbl'idges on County Lin'es and make a report to this Council giving their opinion as to, what bridges they think are County Bridges under the "Act" and r'fanysuch bridges aJ:le found to have heen' built in a permanent way with concrete and are assumed by the adjoirling County, then the Municipality building the same shall be- l'einbui'socL for, the expens'8 the~~of. I \ 5, That the Chairman and Engineer have power to make any to 'bI'idges _which in their opinion are not, of' sufficient im- to engage .the attention of the whole Committee. 6. That the Warden Chairman of this committee and the Engineer authority to settle all claims for damages against this County the amount involved' is under the sum of twentY-five dollars. 7. '1:'hat the account of R. McLachlin for $5.65 and of the Times $5.00 be paid. All of which is respectfully submitted. J, C. CAMPBELL,Chah.:man. Thomas, January 25th, 1917. 81 , EJIg'iii C-oupty OounC'il Elgin, County' Council. June Session. ~'-'------' November Session r1'o thevVarden and Council of tJ;le County of ElghL To the Warden, and ConnQn Qf the County' of Elgin. Gentlemen,-~ , Gentle-menj_ Your P'ublic follows: Improvement 'Committee beg leave to repolt as Your Public Improvement COlllll1ittee beg-leave': to' submit the following report; and 1. That they considered re-cominelld its adoption. th,ematters of the Engineer's Report 1. r.rheyhave considered the matters mentioned in' the repOrt of COunty Engineer,andw-Quld recommend their adoption, well 2. ,- Th,e'\vork of Painting the Oounty Bridges ne,CeSsal'ily haH to be dOlle by day labor, and YOur Committee are of the opinion that the County shol].ld be protected in ca'se ofaceid'ellt 'to any or its workmen~:WhHedoing this work", YOUr,CO:lU,l1lUteewoulc1 therefore, recommend that the CountY'Solicitor- be as Ired to r8p01't to this Roar/) on d the, best for~ of Insurance to inde-unify, tbe County in case of accident to theworkmell elliployedby the Courtty pairit. ing their -Bridges. the 3. Thai, your County Bridges All of which is respectfully submitted. J. C. CAMPBELL, Chairman; 3, III I;lceol'dance: with a rftsol1,ltioll PV-ssedat last COuncil Your ' , Committee examined the Bri1ges on the. BoundarY1ines o.f the.' County, it toolr two days to-y6 over the roads, One clay was devoted t.o, th,e Bo.unqa:t;'ies west .of 'St. Thomas and the second day to the BQundar-ies east of ~t, 'l'l1oma,s. 1}.:s a, result of tlds inspe,ytion yo.t~l' Committ.ee do not.' propQse to l'ecO:i;lll,11sndany more Bridges on the Line, to_be aSsutnedby this County, St. "l'homas, 7th June, 1917. Au- .of which i's respectfully' sUQ~nitteJl. J; C, CAMPBELL" Chairman; Thomas, 22nd November" 1917. 85 . so Elgin County, Council. Elgin County Council, REPORTS COMMITTEE ON PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION. June Session. To the Elgin ICounty Council: January Session. To the Elgill County Council: G:entlemen,~ Gelltlemen,'- The' Petitions and Legislation Committee reports: 'rhe Committee on Petitions and' Legislation reports: That thefolIowing,_-By-Lawsbe confirmed. 1. By-Law No. 777 of the Municipal Corporation of' theTown~ ship of Bayham. passed o,nthe 6th day of November 1916', to provide for the stoppIng up, closing" ',and selling that part of the original road allowance between the South' halves of, Lots five and six In . the fourth conces:gion' of- the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin which Ues south of Caulton Road. 2. By-Law No, 383 of the -Corporation of the Village of Vienna, provisionally adopted on' the ,5th day of May 191,7, to stop up and sell ,that----pol'.tion ,of the Sideline Road, situate. . lying and being, between 'Lots'llun1:bers Fifteen and' Sixteen in the Third Concession of the Township of Bayham,NorthfromKing streetaIid South from Chapel Street., luthe Village ofVienrta 1.~'hat we, co.operate by petition with the Counties CouncIl ot the united County or Stormont, Dundas an,d Glengary for .legislation 'to compel the us,e of dimmers in Head Lights of automobiles, 2, That we co-operate with the Council of the County of Ox' ford -in p.etitioliing the Dominion Government to pass a legislation, under which each' Pi'ovincial Government shall levy a taxon each County in their respective Provinces for the purposes of Canadian Patriotic ]'lund. 3. 'fhat no a,ction be taken in reference to commiln,icationfrom the County of :Norfolk, reo Federal tax for Canadian Patriotic Fund purposes, 4. That we co-operate with the County Council of Essex and petition for an amendment to the Tile, Stone and Timber Drainage Act, so that townships may borrow upwards of One Hundred . Thou. . sand, Dollars. AILof which is respectfully:, submitted, o. McKENNEY, Chairman, Thomas. 7th June, 1917. 5. That no action be taken in ,ref.erencetocommunication froni the County of Grey, reo Assessment of Telephone Companies. All of which is respectfully submitted. OSCAR l'IIcKENNEY, St. ~rhomas, 25th January. 1917. 87 88 Elgin County Council, HOUSE OF INDUSTRY REPORT Committee November Session. To the Elgin County, Council: Gentlemen.-'---.-.. The House of Iudlistry, Conimittee reports: 1. That the Report of Dr. Ewin.Physician. adapted, 2. rrhat ,the Report of Inspector ~'l'u:r'ner be, adopted. All of which is respectfut'ly submitted, JAMES TODD, St. Thomas, 231'd November, 1917. ~"'~r"',',~r","., , . '. ,..11 , I I I II I I. Elgin- County Council. INSPECTOR. November ,Session. To theWai'd,en" and Council of the County of ,Elgin: Gentlemen,_ the The following is my report, on the HOlls,e of Indu'stry and R.efuge the y,ear ending 3bt October 1917. 1. 'Number of inmates at last, report ........., 51 2. N'uniberadinitted during year ,.;...-. ..,-.,., 19 .s. Number'o!.'d,eaths .;.".. ..".,.'.. ",.',_,. 12 4. Number' discharged ...,..,.:..... ,..... .,.. 4 0,. Numb-er ab~conded .. _'. ,.':.. ...,. ,.... . ,., 8 6, Nuniber now in house, ,... ',."....... ......,. 46 '7. Nu.niber -of inmate,s sent from the s-everal municipalities in County, during the year: Aldborough .,.....,. Dunwich ........,. .'. .,....,...,...', SQuttnvo1d . . " . ,. . '; ..,. .., '" '.. .,.... .'. Yarm,Quth .,...",. ".".,...,... .,...... Malahide ...,.,... '..",.'..,....,. ... ......... BaYham ..,..,... .,...,...,. ..'.,.... South. Dorchestei' .......... ,...."...." . , . . AylIn,er .., ,', ..."....,. ". .., ,'.., ....., ,..,.. West Lorn.e ......,.. '" ". .,., ROdney.."..,.,.".... ....., ...;.,' .'..,.. ,... r6r 1 1 3 ~ 1 o 1 1 1 1 -19 8. The various causes' of pauperism of inmates aafl::trcted to fro:use during, the year may be classed, ~s follows: Sickn:e.ss ...,.... ..,.... '..., . .,.... ... ...,... 10 Del3tJ.tute ..,...'..'...., ..'. ..;..- ... .", ..... 2 O\dAge .......... ...... ........ ........ 7 ' Ay,eragenumbe-r- of inmates dmiin&" the year ,. 51 . Avera,genUmber with Keeper's family and hi:red"help, ..'.,...'..". .'.,....... ...".,. " 57 11'. Nu'mber of weeks' board of inmat;e~... '" 2643 12, Num:ber Of weeks' with Keeper's family. .._. 295~ 13. Total expenditure_ during the year ". .$'(,865;08 14. Permanent Improvement-Draining, renc_ 'ing~ Jete ,.,'\..."......,..;....,... 121.06 $7,744.02 89 90 19. divided Elgin County Council, RECEIPTS From' Inmates .....". ".,.. ...... Produce Sold ,'... ......,.......,'... Farm stock .,.. '.' . , . . . $ 354.00 196.65 1,154.71 ...... . 15. Leaving amount actually expended for 'support of inmates ,.,.......,. $ 6,038.66 Average ,expense per week for each person .....,.. " ,,'....,. .. 2.04%; Average expense per day for each person.... ..".. .... .... .291~5 Average expense per year for ,each, pers'on ........ .... .". ..,... 106,21 Amount expended for house and farm during -the as f-bllows: 16. 17. 18. FARM EXPENSE. Hired, Labor ,....... ...... Implements, . . " . , . -',' , , . . '.. ..." ~ ,...., Stoclt .,.... .,. ... .'.. .", .. .'...... Feed...... ....,,' ". .,..., ..., ,..... lYIiscelIaneous ."". .......... ,.,..... Seed ..,..,... .. $ 178.80 84.90 45.65 1,096.71 . 279,82 54.47 HOUSE EXPENSE, Hired Labor ......"....,....... Br,ead .,.,.. .....,..... ......,........ 'Meat .. ... ,',. ...,., ... .......,.. .... Groceries "...,. ..,......,... .....,., Provisions "........ ." . . . .. .." ,. . . . . Dry G.oods .......,. '.,......,....., ..,., Boots and Shoes .."..... ....., '..,.. ".furniture and Hardware................ Drugs ."....... ....".. ..'.... ...... Coal and, Wood.,.......... ............ IVliscellane-ous ..,........".. . . . . . . . . . . $ 388.20 806.87 708.18 3,5.6. 687.67 295.22 184.89 249.79 73.73 688.73 116.83 Elgin. County COuncil. GEJNERAL EXPENSE. Conveyance of Inmates ..,..... ..."... Repairs ...'. ,..., ............ .. _ ,..... . PermaI;lent Improvement ...,.",. ,....... Tnciderttal ,.....,.. ..,...,...., . ,". . .. " .Plants and Flowers.,......., .'.,... ,.,. $ 25.65 69.26 121.06 147.89 10.10 $ 273.96 SALARIES Keeper .......,.. Matron ,..,........,. ...,.... Physician .,...,.;. '" .,....".,. ..,.,... Inspector.., . ,..., . .. .,.,.. .". ',' ..., . $ 600.00 240.00 200.00 150.00 Total Expenditure ....,."..........,.. $1,190.00 $ 7,865.08 The following produc.8' was raised ,on the f~rmduring the bushelsQ,f ,wheat, loads of hay bushels of oats bushels of barley bushels of turnips hushels of potatoes of table beets. of ' sugar beets. 60 bushels_ of' onions. :300 jars of fruit. ,~bushels of-salsify 70 Ibs., che~se bushels 'of sweet corn. hogs sold; 5 bushels of peas., 12 acres of Corn fodder. 10 pushels of carrots. '16 bushels of table carrots 34 loads of stra,y. * load of melons. 500 heads Of cabbage. 7 hogs (killed). 35 fowls (killed). 2,900 Ibs.,butter 5 barrels of soft soap. 16 barrels ,of apples, In addition to the above, a large number of vegetables, etc., were. 'aised and consumed during the year, of which no account was kept, 21. Number of articles of bedding arid Clothing made 111' d'uring by the Matrohand inmates 500. Number of visits made by inspector ,. 45 Farm stock- 3 horses valued at ................ ,..... $ 400.00 14 cows, valued at.,....,. .'...,...... .. ,. 1,260.00 91 / 92 Elgin County Council. 4 young cattle, valued at;,.... .....,... 2 calve's,_ valued at .,........ .,...... 27 hogs, valued at ...........,.... 200 chickens. 11 ducks. Elgin' County Council. 200.00 70.00 450.00 93 ~ PHYSICIAN" November Sessio_n. $ 7,250.00 11,884.,75 687 .61 390.06 879.43 3,104.'f~ 1,180.50 4,732.62 1,031.23 111.53 350.00 40.00 1,402.67 85.85 1,979,00 82.7.66 293.62 654.99 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County COUtlGil: 24. ete" ,is expended by County on I-louse of Industry, The total amoUnt as follows: Farm, ~OO acres, cost .....;.,....... ,. ,.!~()U):le ,of Industry . . . '" ",... .-. <lJai~~dry""""".. .........., ,...... ':Fire-,Escape ..."" ,;, "....... Root,; cellar, Henery, etc.,..""......, Cottag,es" 'etc., .......... .,. ".'....... :Brick Ice House .....,.., .,... B'arns, 'etc.. .."...." ..,..".. THe DJ;ains ..,...... .., . . . , . . ; . Tile Drain Outlet ..','".. ..,......... Hot Air Pump, ~l'anks and' Connections Refr-igerator ".'..,.,....".. .., ..,.,. Fencing ;.,..... .',.,.".. ".... Orchard '.';.'.,.'. .;.',",', .......... Heating .apparatus "..."..... .,.....;.. Deep Well ........" ..,..,.., Silo ,..".... ....... . ..,.". .., .,.,.. I{og 'Pen ,.,.".""",. ......., "...... Gentlemen,_ I have the hononr of presenting the FortY'SeCOnd AnnUal Medi. cal Report ot the Elgin House of Industry up to October 31st, 1917, and submit the fbl1oWingfor,your consideration: 1. Considering their advanced age, the health of the inmates beElll good. 2: There Were no epidemics during the year. I made fiftY.four visits to the House of Industry and daily to patients while under treatment at the Amosa WOod Hos. During the year 'I attended three patients at the Hospital. Received from Government, On ac- cotuit .ofexpenditur;es for land a,nd, building ...,...,.' ..",....,. Leavihg amount actually expended by County' ......,... ..,',...'. .".".....",., --$ On January 28th, Mrs. Mary Tagg Was talrento the hospital. she gave birth to a female child. She and her child retUrned HOuse of Indus,try on F~ebruary 8th. 25. All of which, is respectfully submitted, On February 15th Edward Blair \vas bronght to the hospital near Lawrepce. He died on February '25th. On June 3rd Martin Smithson Was brought to the hospital from He was removed to the Ho'use of _ Industry On June 8th, ANGUS TURNIDRj lrif1pector of House' of There Was one, -birth. 5. 6. Number died during (he year 12, (males. 9, females 3) as 94 Elgin Date. Name, Nov. 6", 1.916, William Husband, Nov. 6", 1916, George Gardiner, Jan, 7", 1917, William. Ashe, Jan. 21", 19,17. Azariah Vaughn, Jan, 28", 1917, Fred'ericlt Acre, Feb. 25", 1917. Edward Blair. lVIay 3", 1917, Charles Broolts, June 15", 1917, Jane Lee, July 22", 1917, Sarah Gager, Sept. 4", 1917, Sarah' Pearson, Oct. 10", 1917, William F'ollick. Oct. 13", 1917, J,o'hn Cornish, Council. Elgin County Council. Age, , 88, 86, 68, 80, 80, 25, 70, 75, 78, 77, 85, 88, CaU1.3,e o'f, Death Sarooma. Old Age. Suicide. Apopleyy. Broncho.Pneumonia. Gmnma of; Brain. Cerebral Paralysis. Apoplexy. Apoplexy, Apoplexy~ Epilepsy, I have the honour to be, yourobedi,ent servant, DOUGLAS L. EWIN Assistant St, 'l'homas,20th November, 1917. REPORT COURT HOUSE COMMISSION. June Session. To the Elgin County Council: Gentlelllen,_ The Court HOuse Commission reports: That 'the following Expendttur,es werE. lncUl'r0d during the pa:::1t year, Nightwatchman '" ,., ',.".....,..".. R'epairs ,.,..... .... ..~ ", '... ..".. Caretaker ,..... Caretaker Gas .......,.. ,.,.,..., ...... Sundries ,..,..... '.,...... .,.",..'...... $ 669.20 447.19 480.00 50.04 27.64 ----$1,674.07 Dollars wi~l be" required for the That the sUm of One Thousand ensuing Year. That -the services of a Nightwatchman - for the Court I-Iouse he dispensed with, r All of 'Yh'ich is respectfully submitted. St. Thomas, 6th June, 1917. J, A. McLEAN, Chairman. REPORTS GAOL COMMITTEE JanuarY~e~sion. theElg:in 'County Council: Gentlemen,_ The Gaol Committee reports. That they have consid,ered appliciation from John Grant, Turn- for increase of salary and recommend that no action he tal>:en reference thereto, . All~,of w,hich is respectfully submitted. Thomas, 26th January, 1917, L. KENDALL" Chairman. 95 go Elgin County Council. Elgin CountyCounciI. Septembe,r Session. REPORT AGRICULTURAL OEPSESENTATIVE To the Elgin County Council: - January $e'ssion. Gentlemen,""""" I have the .:q.onor to submit herewith the Sixth Annual Report the' Elgin Br~nch' .of the Department of Agriculture for the Fi-scal Year ending October 31st,)916. The Gaol Committee, reports: 1. That' the salary of Gaoler be'iner.eased to ,Nine Hundred Dollars ($900) per annum and Matron to Three Hundred Dollars ($300) per annum, dating from the 1st July, 2. 'Dha(\; the 'Varden he', appointed to co-operate with the ill ,employing a Turnl>:ey au9. that By-Law fixing; salary be at next' ,ses'sioI)., AU of which is respectfully submitted. Before reviewing the work I would refer 1'.0 the conditions, in County during th~ la.st year. Unfavora.bl,e weather conditions during the seeding season, twelve inche'Sof rain fell during mouths of April, May' and June; competent farm help Was very sca.rce, Those' Who enlisted from the farms were' :given a month's furlough to assi:st int,he seeding but the wetw,eather .continued and the crops were not in when their leave had expired. . As a 'consequence not, mOl'e than" half the ~verage acreage .of, sp.ring crop was planted and the yield Was very light. F'ortunately, however, dry weather favored for' the harvest and the _heavy',crop of hay was "gathered in excellent shape,. The. corn came on well in spite .of 'the extreme wet and then dryw8-,ather and has provided a good q'uan- tityof silage and rough' fod.der. L. St,Thomas 18th Septetnber,191.7, November SesSion. The early potato crop was only fair, the me,dium crop good, but late potatoes are scarce, Small fruits yi'elded well excepting raspberries, peaches, plums, pears and grapesw8re generally good. <Apple orchards' along the lake' blos1somed well but cold, dull -,'".eather :prevehted the fruit setting but back from the lake, however, rhany ;;'orchards produced well. To the-Elgin 'County Council: Geiltlemen,~ The,' Gaol CommitteEi reports: Tha:t they Ilava received tenders for the Me-at, to be delivered at the County Gaol during 1918, and would l~ecommend that the t,enders of the Neal Baking Company for 'Bread at Five and Three~Quarters Cents (5%,) per pound, and f,or Meat at, Twenty cents' (20c) per pound, be accepted. All .of which is respectfully submitted. L. KENDALL, This' year care, particularly thorough spraYing, counted high the fruit business. ~he wert wea:ther mad-eit almost impossible get the spray applied but those who persisted and accomplished work, are securing high prices for. their apples. February the offioe was, moved in the McLean Block on' the side oflVIain Street, although the building is not as large as previously occupied we have' a nicely arranged o'ffice. In the room on a large taMe is plac,ed the latest farm papers and This part' of -the office is used as a reading room; alid St. Thoinas 23rd Novembe-r, 1917. m :!' llii, I:': Ii!) fS' ,:ruiglu,:'County CoU~Cil. aplac'e wh'ere many 'of.the"organizati,onsllOld th.e,-ire:;_ecutive meet- ingls~ Many farmen:l, who have a few hours to spare, when in town, make use of these magazinesaIld 1 feel, its popularity will- incr,eas'e; A number of bulletiusand r~ports 'are' kept for gratuito~S Ctls'tribu~ 'tiou,'arid are givep.orit in connection wi:th our classes and demon" ,.. ,,,..,""'..' ".. .", -- ,.. ,;' ';,' ',;,...:, ".:, , ',..:' stration "meetin~-s. Sinc~ )nsta~li.n,g:t~e_ ..hydro ;forlig;ht" ,aIldtli,e;g8:s" for heat these items of expense ar.enearly,cut in y.vp. :Th:e<,~dQ.it{dn,;' of the duplicator to our office, equiP'ment m~kes it '''pos~'ible' to: send;; out a :nul1).be,r of letters ' and circulars on the, shortest notice, TheBriinbh Office in AYlmer was not o~el\ed .this year; Mr.j\. 'B. Hinman, who w~s. in charge . of the Branch there going. to K~,;t. Comity,. Mr. Ybntig, whoas'sisted last summer and Mr. . Freid,. w~o., wa's ',cotmected with theo'ffice during' the winter have 'J;eturned' tq'" 'their farJils. " ,'"II,',,'"'' ',;', SCHOOL FAIRS "" ,",:'" ....,;,':, One new district, Tn ,Yarmoutp: \'.row~shiP. was ad~ed, t~, ,'qu School Fair area during the last year, and a district in Nort,h' D~, wich, where a Fair has been held for f~ur suc~essive y,e?-:rs\ya.5: ~?, taken in this year, because of ~he ~carcityof helpandlnview':9) the 'fact -that so lriu,ch ()f}l1e, Coun:~y ,was ,as Y'E;)tun,org:a?-ized~ -' A few changes have been made in the arrangement'of'imYI.'_i , ,,', ,'>, .' I,.., ,,,,,,.,' ;' ,,", , ,', ,", ',"_i, ,,',,',,',. the prize,moll,ey,W"on: ,bY, ~hep'upils., Las~ ,year,' a.~rant '" ,~~"~} polIarS wasa\>ke~for~rol11:; !3a:Cl1,school' sect.io,Il., ta;king,:part ~in"' Fair, Befo,re' tl1e ,,' Annu~l ,.S,Cl1ool_ JM:e~-ting:" ,la,5t, faJI ,a lette:r ",was:" s to the 'Secretary, of the School Secttons takm?,part',:asl<in~!,~,hat stead of the usual grant that they pay the prizes won hy the, c dren, of their _sectiOli, )This method has'the, advantage of Ill' " ' """,:,.. ,j,... ,.-",,:,' ,',1"';":'-""'0. ",' "-:"'" "" , eyenl.Y ,,~ist:ril:1l}.t,ing, th~ ,~xp,en~es of:, ,~he Fa,ir ovh ,~~e :~ist~ict/,_t j rhe<s:ma.ll:.~ectionis, not 9bi~s:ed, to,_ IJ~y I?ocre, , ~~an t~eyre~e~v~d,'- the large section' their' ,just .share. After the Fair :was over :~n,i.;i.,,%' with the ribbon attached, was given to each winner. Ast~t~$! of the winners in' each, section was" prepar-ed, a copy - sent :to,;:;l Secretary of the ,School Boa.rdand one to the' teacher '~r"to}i' JuniOr Secretary of the school. The officers 01 the SChooLt1i~~( ceived the iuoney/rom the section, saw that the orders We,~,i; dorsed, paid the money to the winners andhe-ld the ordersas,vO:ll(/' 'for 'the "liione.y paJd. This system teachi;ls business methodi,:i 'children and 'also' to those of.ficers'in charge, it, gives the'scb,O()" Iplgin'Cou~~y Council, '99 'ti'on-a re'port'of' the School Fair, _ the arn.ount, of money_ Won by their 'schobl,'who 'were, the winners and the material. o'n Which the p1'h~e was ""on, 'Dlstr'i'ct. South Bayham, . South 'Malahide, 'Yairii~:l11th ,', deUtre, South'_Ya~niO~th, 'So~th ,Southwoid, "'S~uih"DOriWich; East Aldborough, West Aldborough PaynesMills; J9 'Districts. i'Date, Fa:irs. 0'ct,i4; 'ViElnn'a 'Oct. 5.':8-1. "Thomas 'OcL '6 Du::n:b6'y'ne 10 Spar'ta 11. 'Fing'al --~, 16 WaUacetbWn l(Postponeci Nov,'l). Oct. 18 R6diwy Oct." 19 West Lorne (Postponed to ,Oct. "Sl), Oct, ",20 Paynes Mills 50 Total 9 Fairs,2237 SCHOOL' FAIR 'No.'uf SchiO'01s "10 , 11 '5 '9 8 9 8 10 1 .71 ChildrerJ, 300 184 300 240 273 250 240 300 SCHEDULES Attendance' Plots THE PRIZE LIST ,The'. prize"I:..ist" was ',arranged to cover "the clas'ses of materials ,'given to' the"childr'en ,by; the Department to encourage, the work of 'the 'school, 'to stimUlate the interest taken "in he wOI;k Of the home :'and ',to create' in the pupils a'def2'i~el/;o study the things' ,of nature Closest' to their \yorlL IThe money prizes total apprOXimately-Fifty [Dollars, Which would mean about Five Dollars to' each school in 'tbe';otganization, 204 217 150 347 249 213 237 365 26 292 189 70 '213 163 '170 151 179 40 2008 1467 232 doz Attendance, . Plots, Eggs~ Adults, Entries, ,Prize Money, 400 490 $40.90 500 .417 37.70 700 50539.60 600 470 27.70 700 430 39.60 700 407 '42.00 800 500 475 360 38.86 37.75 40 4940 200 No money Prizes, :3'74~'---'"~';;~ Eggs 31 34 17 32 31 28 27 28 4 ~ . . ."'v.,.."... .' . ....''''7'''1>'' "il! "1 f,'! IiI !I,I: ,!~li!1 f(I' iiili!!' II!!!I"I.I :!"(f f~"I.i'I'1 Illjr"I~;' !"/\I ,ilt'II,;,II,i.1 ()Iii ,I!' 100 ,ElginCouuty Council, Elgin County Council ''1'l1e Domestic Science c'1ass was arranged to give the junior classes an opportunity to ca~pete- in sections most' suitable their ages. I The, Contests were an' interesting feature of the Fair, while the .girls were doin,g their hemming an ane platform the :boys with saw, square and hammer were cutting up the board and making a little box t.o be later taken home for a hen's nest. ',I :).'hespecial Prize for the ;;chool winning the highest number 'Of points, was base'd on the average attendance of the school,this put the smaller school on an equal footing with the larger oni3. The material given was the. best procurable, of a variety hav-" 'jng- a 'st.anding in the Province-and' recommended by the Experimental :;3tations. INSTITUTE. MEETINGS Arrangements are made to attend as tar as P.ossiblealI llleet~ iugs, of Farmers in the County. This is One of the many ways of. getting better acquainted aud to get to kuow the prOblems the fahners have to conteud with iu their Work. The Board of Agricul ture is now fUlly organiZed and under the new nam:e We hope to have a series of successful meetings, DEMONSTRATION, ORCHARD The County HOuse, of Industry orchard of OUe hundred trees Was 'taken care of under the supervision of the District, Represen_ tative again this year, In addition to thethre8- regular sprays a later appiication Was giveu toa portiou of the orchard as a pre. ventative for the fungus and iU,kspot, slight reSUlt-sin faVor of the sprp,ying, Were noticeable. The crop of apples Was very light: MONTH"S SHORT COURSE. Eighteen- young men attended the Five 'Week's Course in,Roi:J.. ney. 'l'he ,forenoon of each day, was devoted to class-room" study of ' the probletns 'qf Agriculture,. Varieties of grain most suitable to the district, the' Smut Problem and Its Prev:entionwere the' principai"; topics in the-Field Husbandty periods. Spra~ing, especially 'forSa~ Jose Scale and the Production of Clean Fruit were the mainsllbjectl'l_;:, in Horticulture. Assistance was given on Horses, Beef Cattle,Dairy',,"' Cattle, Fruit Growing, Fung'us Diseases and Agriculture 'by 'speciall~::S 'quo..Ii:fied men. The afternoon was devoted tt? practical work :eitll~r-:: at ,some- convenient farm, or anImals were brought .in for the ,0cc'asionJ 1Vlany of the older men attended on these special days. On" many occa.si.ons lantern 'slides were used to- illustrate the work. This'pr()v'~d a very satisfactory means of conveying the proper idea to the 'Clas DRAINAGE SURVEYS NinetNeveu draitlage prOfiles with a total of eight thou.","u, hUlldredand thirtY-four rods or nearly twenty-seven mil'OJ~ (if drains were turued out from this office since last report. Some of the' old ditchers are Using the overhead liue, system, but it will take lime to get many of ihem to adopt this system. !Jnly one complete system, comprising about forty acres' was made this last year. In the greater part of the County the watercourses are quite 'marked and what the farmers require most is a prOfile tt know 'that their 'drain isputjn properly. There is 01i1y one machiue Working iu the C011'uty, aud the oJvuer is now able to take !jis OWn levels. The machiue 1s doiug ~ood Work aud giviug satisfaction. The value of draina"~ is be. poming "ell kuowu iu the County and oUr work has almost (loubled -!1isyea:r, 'l'WO DAY STOCK COURSE. Stock Conventions and Judging Courses were held at Shedd, and v'\Test Lorne. This class of meetings is' very pOPularwill1}1 stoclnnen. It gives the, breeder an opportunity' t~show ~i~ -g~P stock and those in attendance a chance, to show their S1rill,i~.pla; ing a. class of animals, to have the opinion and advice ofl:'t','"C;' petent judge on why one animal is superior to another and" ~()<. plain the desira.ble and undesirable qualities of the, animal::",7-\:' rin'g; That these' meetings are satisfactory is ev~denced'bi large attendance and the' que,stions asked. After the 'meet' Shedden a Live Stock Breeders As'Ociation was formed,w. object of promoting the production and sale o-f PurebredS ASSOCIATIONS The Elgin Purebred Breeders Association held their First uaual Sale ou TueSday, October 17th., 1916 at St. Thomas. Fifty "orthorn aud Hereford auimals Were sold by auction. The animals ere COUsigned to the sale by teu breeders iu West Elgiu and sat. 'factory prices were rea.lized. The Sale was on the co.operative .~n, the cost of advertisiug, reut of stabie, auctioneer's fees and 'her expeuses amounted to $6.25 per head. The AssOciatiou is iug a Sale of. Holsteius the iatter part of November when sixty of cattle will he sold. 1(1 Jl"2, Council,' El~jl\' Co.nn\~;"Q"nCil. n, ,~, 1"",;1, .,;11.",':;" 'inn: ,-- The West Lorne Driving Club 'wa's- organ.ized ,last a,new race trruckwas,built andltheir;first. rj:1.c,e,s They have.. a, str.o'ng Association of active, me,11. -As,soclation is: to develop local: animals and., to, in'g of'.good s,tocl{;;, io.,f~r!l1sl> t~ilj,~,an<\, ev~ry tpin'!; lW9,e~s~rr f?r. th~ lllu,?"." Th~, tnp '~v,~~::,a;~r~~~tcI.-,to,ce~Yje~i'a.PP:~~~ ei~,htr I?il~~:"a~4 t?le~r8;\ :q~t~?~. ~t: 8;~_?; ~,ll1., ,Autos gatheled,frp~~p~'ney, a:n,d :the" ~~?,t, Lo.'rnedistrict~,_ a~d :'between twentY~fi'v~ \~'nl thirty" left .b~tt~\n' o~ sche'duled! time. .. When' 1ye re.c,b.~<\ l'illgal. as mal1y-, 111ore, c,ars had., gath~re<\ there and, we vroceed94th;~ygh one of th~ b9~(part;;ofWestElgin to Unl?ll where iVe\V'6're.' jOi'~~d 'by ,;",a'ep~t~bo~ 'fro~: Ea~t 'Eiglu' ~d'dl~pro'ceeiIBd' to- the fruit farm of Mr. Sommerville,. here we were granted the fre.domof t~e, Plll~:o~chard:and the harrY-Patch andev-er'y one availed themselves of 'th'e'o~porhinity, ' " ,..' ~'t.-:' .' "', ' The' Aylmer Driving Club in co-operation with, th,e, farmJ~rj')c: East Elgin havepurcnased the old Fair Grounds and are ingto have a Fair in' connection with ',', their annual rapes. buildings, will" be repaired. 'so. that,eve'rything, wilL. bl?:, in, C01;1d,\tion for next', year's fair, At 11~30 \\;,e again met at 'a. nice 'little'grov'e' of about: two ahd a "':',',,:< ..'-,!..:" ,..,',:.:',',.."..':" """"::, ,,::': half acres where tables were 'fixed aridarrllligements mad,e for the :til~ri:ei;, aft'er:; which:' short' spe'eches' we~e nii:tde 'by' the:' officers and' in- ' 'J:;:, ;!.-:; : ' :," :"'.'," '-"': ,~' ", .. , , fl?entht~, llle'll ,in 'the district and th'e 'party then procee'ded on the.. '~'est (if' the t~ip. '.. . The Elgin County Seed :,Grain and P.oultry Associatiol):, their ,Annual' Show' 'the second weeIt' 'i~'January; The poultry were l'arger' than' previ()\l's, but the corn,' not. quite Much interest is taken in the grain exhibits, and the i3, devoting more money to this end, of the Fair, Our tookc:q'arge of the children's classes and conducted . the Competiti6il~ , Mr~' Va~pat'ter's and Laidlaw Brothe.rs large' dai-ry herds were 'OUlldin the very 'besf co:ndition and- these men were willing to give .)j:'jr inforl1l.ationregarding their 'stock and their line offar:ming, An ,&ieresti'ngfeatur'e' at 'Laidlaw Brothers was the annual-pasture mix- treaf oats, sugar cane and- clover, which was a-foot or more high ' ,d 'l?ravided an ahundanceof green succulent food for the cows. :rUNIOR FARMERS. After the summer's work was, over: the Aylmer Junior decided: to h~v'e a Corn, Seed Grain and Poultry Sho,w. T~ey invited the, Womj:ln's Ins,titute ,to take part and the: outcome was very, creditable' displaY ,of Grain, ,Corn, Poultry, C,ooldng and "ing, about, Four Hundred Dolla.rs 'was, o-ffe,r~d in prizes. :At'Mr, PEii1halEi's everyone was p1easeQ: witht~e results of., the illdn'g'~achine and, the,hYdropowEir in use- on the,farm~ Alt()gethe,r . had: a very' enjoyable and profitable- trip. About One-hundred' os' joined,in the procession and over fivehundJ;'ed people, satdow:n, dinner. BOARD OR AC:RICULTURE At the last Annual Meeting of the old' Farmer's Institut~ the First Meeting -of the Board' of Agriculture, the question of could be done to make this 'o,rganization more successful thoroughly discussed. Two things' were mentioned that met the' hearty sanction of the meeting, ,namely a Ploughing an Auto Excursion. Owing to the extreme wet and' then extreme weatlier'it was deemed advisable- to drop the Ploughing Match another year, Farmers'crubs. :<"F;iv~~armers~ Clu1J,~ are, or,ganized''in the County and three are .tivelY, engaged_ in cOlllmercial work principalIyin purchaSing ma- \';~i' in car lots, ' , The Shedqen, ClUb:, h~y,e ,Pllr,chased .twp ?a~s s~lt, ol1e of cotton ~,ll1eal". t:voor b~aIl.' aIlCl fiv"e'hundr,ed. ba~~ets ofpeacht:B. The-Excursion, however, was a- decided success, A frm the West Board arranged'to meet a like, Committee go over ~ proposed route and make ,all arrangements The Eastern Board agreed to arrange for; the noon 1?q~tthre,~ tb.9ns~'Jd dOllarswortb.9f.g09d,~ was. Pl'rchas~d by tb.~ .njlq~_t?'Y,IJ- qlp-R!, c<3,nsi~tiIl?, ofol}~ ci;\( of oil; cal\(3, o~~ of oC1;ts, >rts,' sugar, salt 'and fio,ur ih quan,~H:v:~ 103 D' Elgin County Council. The Coyhe's ,Corners Club handled on'8j car of 'corn" two posts, three or' oats, one of salt, two of potatoes, three of app,roximately ten thousand dollars worth purchased, Treating Grain For Smut. The campaign against the Smut in grain brought hundreds of ' 'calls , for literature and also requests for a demonstration on how to do"the heating, The illustrated Smut Notice's were sent to all the schools, drlig stores,grain dealers, member of Farmers' Clubs and Oth8:T farm: organizations. These with the notices in the local papers, fUlly cov- -Bred the, county, with the result that grain Was' fairly free from, -smut this year, The demand for Formaline l1as doubled and at many places ten times what it was a year ago. rrhelatter club has taken more int'erest in the financial part of work. These clubs,' meet fortnightly, and have good 'live meetings, poultry Association. - The St. Thomas poultry Association held their Annual" Show New Year's time, with a considerable-'increase in the number of exhibited. The Aylmer Poultry men have formed an are to hold a show the coming 'winter, Arrangements arebEling whereby the Juni'Or Farmers and the poultry me1;l can hold Fair at. the same time and ev'entually perhaps combine the two a building can be- secured' that will afford' ample Weather Report 1915-16; ~onth Mean Temp0Tature November .,.. .,.. ,. , , . . . , , .42.4 December ..,. " . ., , ,. . " , . . ,24.32 January.', . . . . , . .. ...,....,.29,58, February .,.." ,.....". 18.305 March ..,......,. '..,..,.,..25.59 April ',....".... ,......,..45.45 May,.,....... ...,.......,.54.72 June......"... ..."...". .59.73 July ...... ...,............ .75.60 August ."...., .....,....,.71,58 Sep~ember .,..,..,.. ...,.. .60.305 October ..,..,..,. ..,...,.,.49.415 , Yearly Average, . .... ....,. 46.416 The last killing frost in the spring was On May 20th, When the temperature was 31 degrees, although the thermometer liaa nof registered lower s'ince April 19th, The firstlrilIing frost in the fali 30 degrees on September 19th, making only 122 days between' the last and first IdIling frosts as against 157 dftys last year and 176 in 1914, Ifighest Lowest Tempe.rature Temp,e'rature 64'20 38. 9.' 57'-2. 39. -10. Feb. 14). 59.. ~5. 69. 20. 77. 31. 79. 39. 101'/, (July 20) 74 97. 4v. 89. 30. 84. 27.5 101'/, (July 30>l6)(Feb,1416) St. Thomas Vegetable GrowerS' Association. This Associati-onholds its meetings at Union wheuvaluable cussions 'are taken part in by local men. Special subjects ranged for, such as, a potato night,or a spraying night, when subjects are dealt with by a special speaker, Scale Inspector for Fruit Trees. 'l'he, ravages of the San Jose Scale in the county are an alarming extent, over ninety per cent. of the orchards in borough township and eighty per cent. of those in Dunwichtowns are affected, rrhe Dunwich Towns'hip ,Council agai;n appointed Inspector, who has made a visit to the greater number of the orchard: Last ,spring before spray;ing time a, circul~r letter was sent to ev~r; fruit grower known to have the Scale warning him of the dange~:'r his orchard, a Spray Calendar and Bulletin -on the San JoseSc~l were also sent so that he would know that the Lime Sulphur wOllI contl'ol tp.e<' pest and when it should be applied, Demonstration Work in Spraying and Pruning. . . . : During the spraying season a dozen or so farms werevls~ and assistance given in making and applying the Ho.meBuiledConCI trated Lime Sulphur. We generally aim to have several ,of the 11' bors invited so that the demonstration will be a bene-fit tathe munity as well as to the individual. Precipitation No. of days 1915 No,ofdays' it rained. PreCipitation it rained. 9 11 11 6 .,.,.. .... ..... 2.65 ..... 2.32 ......... 4.24 ......... 3.07 ,...... 105 11 Ii:!] II ill' ~'l ~\' I'l!ii i'i \'1['( l'!(I; V,lr; '1'1' ~ I Wl ~"ll1II ,""1' (I~ I li1f,1 i,'~i,I!r' Ih!'J'! ":'\1'11\1 !;Il~'i \'!{~I!ri r.ll:r,I:~\ \;~!:I!I~ ~li,:r;'lle~ l,'i.':lj1l' l\lt11Ie,): 11'1'1,1\ li'm\:~ ......... . ..'. .."pc, il:IIII,llii 1,1..11'11'.1 wlil!;!: 106 Elgin., COl,1llty;; Co,un:GiL., lJf,I?:~H:: q.o?f:~t:y,:, 004nc.1\., MaJ.'c:h" ."... ...,'..,.. ~t..:.:.:.:.:.:.::::::::::::.:.: J4'fy'.:,."" '.,. ... ....... A~~~~t. ': . ..." .......... SeI)t~!nbe,r ..".... ...... o'ctob'er ,'"...,.., ..,,,.. 2.58 2.21 5.97 3.87 .23 4.12- 1:90' 3.72 36.88 13 11 15 12 2 8 ' 5 8 111 In 6.29, 4.51, 4.66 2.31 Ip 11, 8 9. W e,N~?:~f a,(" tP.~_~~, F;'~irs, .if::~,r_ain,' a~d ,fruit,' alfd gav.e' ..What, Other atl~{s.ta~ge ',1/,e, S~"1}.1:t8, tpe- fairs in fac~ every possible, assi~tp,nce is givegi- tQ;or,~~~VzaJ!?n~", a~d ;to the promo~ion. of. c,o"PD~r. aY9rll t~roughout the county. The excessi;e rainfall of nearly 37, inohes'In a year' and twelve inches in tJ1e__ nonW of Aprq,__ May and June or nea~l)T half' o.f" the, ~y.erage ,rainfallju, the , seedin~" months it is -readiiy the difficuIti-e,s the farrnerf3 had in dOin~_ their see~_in~, and cons~que'llt- ly a much' i~ss acreage than a year ago'" ' Fortunately the":h~rvest, months dropped back to t")1e average, e,s'pe"ciaIly in July, when ";'e h~d: e:x:.c,elle::n,t, ha;yi~g weather, ' , W;O. .rll:):;;'igcr~~~J.~gfrl):m year t~ year. T,he caUs by ~,~~L ar~; atte_nd~d" to ~sP,r,om~tIY', as, POSS!'ble;, oyer lyMe_I;',s.. and ci:reuIars. \y~r~ sent out, from, tJhe Office dul'- Y;~ar. The off~ce is made, us:e, of as a Bureau of Informati'op- ,.for ~ of subjects, AUstis' kept, of 'those ,b,aying s,ee'd grain 'for sale', variety, possibly asaniple, the priye and the quantity they ~s~. . in t~e, fiy.eyears., we have 'been ou't are no,~ bear!ng' fruit, to 's,ee t~~ fiel~s,\ ~heTe hea v;y , crops; , ~arns' \y,here and poultry-yai'us that havlJ of Barred Rock eggs' given chIId,ren. Many far,mers are s~nding their mil1{ arid' cream, to' the- offiM t~, be tested. Several farmers are testing their herds and bring samples from, the ~ihole herd orice a mohth to be t8:sted, this is quit.e'~' stri,rt' to ,aSystematic' record and we hope to, find these men, carrying OR, the work' to a greater extent. 'v-e attended, and s,poke: Box ,Packing of Ap'ples, Rodney_ and,~ew: GJa~g;ow Farmers' Club., Shedden, e,:e.ning, meeting, attendance ,Ay.1iner Junior Farmers' "'~inter, Fair, evening, at. te-nd,ance ',"..' ...,.. ..,.. ,..,.,. ..." ..... ,..,. ;'." '.' 13, West'Larne Seed- Grain' and, Poultry Association, ,at. tendance ,..;...., .'... , . .... ". .....,....,....,... Ta'lbotv-ilIeFarmers' Institute, afternoon, attendance Wallace-town Farmel's'Institute, afternooti,attendancel WallacetownFarmers' Institute, evening, att,endance Trustee's Convention,afternoon attendance"."..., Farmers' In~titute, Mt. Salem1, afternoon, attendancel Firmers' Institute; Aylmer, afternoon, attendance.,. .'. Farm'ers.; rnsHtu'ie, Ayimer; evenin'g, ,attendance,..,', '. Shedden Farmers' Club;"evening','attendtlllce....,... Wallacet,ownFarme'rs"'ClUb, ev~n'ing, attendance... ... Sparta Farmers' rnstitute"af.ternoon;'attendal1ce", .'., During the sp.ririg the- office was a..Bureau fo,r the Distributton,or Hired Help. As far'as"possible we got the'fariners in_touch withtqe:-:;/ f!'i~h SChO?l boys and\ wtt~those who ~nlisted,wih€Jll they were giY~~;"" their leave to help in the se-e'dinl? and other ,work on thefa.rm; , 15, 19, 19. 26. 8. 9. 9. 9. 10. 10. In ,con~ectipn with o:ur s~rv~'Y work, we,have laidlJut - one r,~9,~;; "track, ten' dr~jl1,s", for, cellars, one cemetery and ,several, line fenc~~i W,e have been c.alled' up tq assist in planning barns, hog pep-8,,'l!eJ~ ho'uses' and other 'farrrt'bilildings, to"giv~_' infornlation 'o'n: se'ptin 't~n~~~ water, tanks, anq water systems, to 'g'iy:~'oU:r'oPin'i6n'onthe~~l~;~':#:f farms, their suitability to spe'Cial lines_qffarming and tlheSys,t€l~::,O' laying t:hem out. ' ' . 1m in for 30 400 500 100 , 60 150 200 16 25 50 16 18 30 Sparta' Farmers' Institute, evening, attendance.,..... Coynes' Corners Farmers' Club, evening, 'attendance.. Clachan Farmers' Institute, afternoon, attendance.." Olachan F,armers' Institute, evening, attendance..... Shedden Short ,Course,afternooil, attendance,. ....,.. Shedden Short Course,afternoon, attendance..... ~.; Union Vegetable Growers' Association,evening, at~ ! tentdance .,....,.....,.. ...',..,..,.... ......;;,... West LorneSh.Ol't Course" afternoon, attendance.. .,.'. , West Lorne Short Course, afternoon, attenganc€'"... Aylmer Junior F8!rmers, evening, attendance..,...,.; WaIlacetown Farmers' Club, evening, attendance".. Aylmer Council, Scale Inspector, ,afternoon, attendance Pure Bred Breeders' Ass.ociation, afternoon, attendance Pure Bred Breeders' Association, ,afternoon' ,attendance Yarmouth School Board re Fair afternoon attendance Purebr~d Br,ee:aers' Association, St. Thomas, afternoon attendance ..,......,., ....,.,........ ......,...'...:'... 31. Purebred Breeders' Association, St" Thomas, afternoon attendance. .... . , . .. . .'. ..'., . '.,. '..,. .....,.,..." .,;, WaIlacetowu Farmers' Club, evening, atteu'dance, -. . . , Aldbo,rough Tp. Truste-es' M~eting, afternoo~, attend- ance ".......... .... ".....,. "...', .......,.",..... June 8~ Bee Demonstration, J. C. Telford's, afterlloon,attelld. .allce ...",.."... ...,....,.".... ..,........,..., 15. Norwich Ayrshire Breeders' Association, afte.rlloon; attendance .,.....',..",. ........... " . . . .. .,..,;..... 16. :Fak Board Me-e,ting, Wallacetown, afternoon', att~nd- ance'...",.. .,...,. ...,.... ....,.. .,.;.. ,....... .'.. 20, Purebred Dieeders' Meeting, St,Thomas, afternoon, attendance ..".....,.. .."......'... ,..........,.', 24. Board of Agriculture., Annual Meeting, afternoon, at. tendance' ,..,.,'"....,. .,..,...,~,.. ........'..,..... July 4. Board of Agriculture, Annual Meeting, Aylmer, after- noon, attenda'nce, .. ,. . , ..... . . ,.., .".. '. . ,... ...,. .'~;. 19. Vienna School Fair Executive afternoon, attendance 19. Luton School Fair Executive" afternoon, attendance;. 20. Sparta Schoo1' Fair Executive"afternoon, attendance.. Aug. 22. Auto Excursion, Sparta, afternoon; attendance..... Sep,l1. D'rumbo School Fair".,....................'.....,.... 12. Hicksdn School Fair,."......"........,.........; 10, 11. 11. 11. 21. 22. 22. 23. 24. Mar. 2. 2. 6. 8. 16. 21. 24. Apr, 6. 8. ~ , " ~"~ -.- Elgin' County Council. 109 13. 14. 15. 16. 20. 22. 29. Oct. 3. 4. 5. 6. 10. lL 18. 20. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 31. 1. Embro School Fair.....". .,.."..."..,.... "..,...., Norwich School Fair.". .,..,............ .,',....,.. .', VerSOhOYleSChoOlFai:r....,.,.......,.... ,........,. Inuerlrip School Fair",.......".... ."..,.......... Strafl'o-rdviIle Fair........".....,........,.... Thamesville Fai,r ....."...".,.",........ '. . . . . , . . . Wallacetown Fair. ,..., ,." ',' ..'." ...., ..., ,.... .... Rodney Fair, .... ." ....,... ...'.. .... ..., ...,.. ....... Vienna School Fair, attendance.. .'.."....,....,..... St. Tho~as School Fair, attendance... . . ....,.... Dunboyne School Fair,attendance,...,..,.......... Sparta' School Fair, attendance..".. ~ ,'. , ,.... ..., . .. Fingal SchoOl Fair,attendance,.,...... ,~' . '. ~. . ..... Ro'dney School Fair, attendance'.'., '.... . .... .... ..... Payne-s' Mills School Fair, attendance., , .... .... " . '. Junion Farmers' Meeting, AYlmer, attendanc!3'... ,.... Ri'dgetown SChool-Fair,...,............. ,........... Dover Centre School Fair. , , ,. .... . ..., ...... . "'.. '. Kent School Fair.."., .,..........,....... ."........,. Tuppervi1Ie-, School Fair,.............., .~..,....,.... West L.orne Sohool 'Fak, attendance......., , ,..,.... Wallacetown SchOOl Pair, attendance,...,...".. Outline of Work for 1916.17. Final settling up of, School Fair Prizes. Poultry Breeding Stations, Assistance at Purebred Stock Sale's. Ani1Ual Report and' Financial Report and plan' -of work drafted. Drainage. .f\.rrangements for Month'sShol't Course and for Stock Courses. Getting out literature for Short Course-s and -preparation for classes. Arrangements faT' Junibr Farmers' Winter Fair ,and West Lorne C,orn, Seed Grain and BOUltry Association: Month's Short Course, Farmers' Clubs attendiug meetiugs and organiZing n.ew Clubs. Two Day Stock JUdging 'Course. 400 700 684 1000 840 973 1140 90 10 800 950 February. March, 'APyil. May. June, July. Au.gust. 'Conclusion', of Short C01.1-rse.s, Organization, of Junior 'F~..rll1ers, Two days meetin,gof Junior Farmers "at Rodney 'Ayl:rner. Acre"Profit Competi<tion~ . Hog Feeding, CompetitiOlL Arranging for Junior Farmers' Experimental Work. Institute Meetings,' Ordering' an.d'getting' s,eed' ready ',for School Fai'rs. Organizing n:e'w'districts' for' School, Fairs. 'resting Grain. Sending out CircUlar'Letters, re: SmutandSan,Jose' Spraying and . pi'U'1'ling "Demonstrations, Di\i1:inaie, Scho'olFair material" atranged"and distribrt.ted. . Assistance 'in Sprayirig-'f)elh6'ustratiou',orchaids. l!'1ngal 'arrangements for Competitidus. , Dra:inage. '11'"inal'diBtthiutfon 'or'sbhool! Fair: lllate:i'ial and Schools. Arranghig' bf" P.otato C Expei'i1ilents and stratLdils. AnnnualBoard '!ofAgricU:ltura-l Meeting. Otga:.nization "01 'Sdh(}Ol-Fair,Ass-oc~rutlons; ,Matter of Auto Excursion and Ploilghing Match: Visit Junior Farmers, potato 'Spr~ying Demonstration. Bee' Keepers 'bemOllSH-atiOn, school' Fa:tr Plots' inspe.cfed. $eed Growers' ,Associationln~pecto.rs "wo~k: Visit Pot~to- Selection"and Spraying' Experiments. School Fair ,Plot Ins:pection. 'Ailto"Excti.i'sWn. School Fair Organization completed. S,chool Fair Prize Lists 'and 'preparation , - ~lg~n __ G?~n~y, Council, 111 September. Drainage, S'Ch'6'61 jFalrs. Judging and' Assisting at FaIl ' Fairs, Re'port of Acre ',.Pr~fit Compettitions. October. SchocH Fairs. Drainage, IResults ,c'6f', J'dritor 'Fabne-rs 'EXPerimental petition, Ploughing Matches. ) Work and,' Com- C. W.BUCHANAN, . Representative. 2 Elgin County Council. -----',=-.=,'-"-- -=.-= Elg'hl County, CounciL Offenc'es Tried. REPORT COUNTY POLICE MAGISTRATE. JANUARY SESSION. To the W'arden and Members' of the. Elgin County Council: Gentlemen:- I.beg leave to report to yoU the business done'iu my office for the past 'Y8~r ,as' follows: Amount of F-ines imposed ..".....,. . . ,.~ :llllo1iUt of Fines paid..,..."....,..,....."..,... MunicipaliUes to whom Fines paid: Port Stanley ,..,. :', . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . ',' , . . . . .. , . . , . . . . Dutton' ..,..,.",. .,..".,.,.. ..".....".....,... Springfield ....,..,. '. ,. ..,.,.".,.. .,....;..,.,.. Rodney .,.,........ ,....,..,..... ..,., ,'..' . , ." , Soubhwold ....,....'..... .. .'.. , ..... , .. . ," . , . .',.. Dunwich ".......".,. ,.,.....,... ."...,..,',.. yarmouth".., .'...,.., ...' ,'".,... ........,.. .'.. M'alahid,e'. .'.. .',.,..,..... ..' .',......., ..........., Compensation paid: H. Mchlt.osh' .....,...". J. ,Tucker, . . . .. ..,.,..... '.,. , . . .... ......' .'..' . ,., Squire McIntyre ,........,........ ...,......,..... Mrs" Duncan"....,.......... .'.,. .... .,. ..'......... Mrs. Kelly,..,.'...,..'..,......,.... ....,':....:.'..,. W. Stokes....:.., .....,. ,.. .',. ...'....... .....,.... W, Guest .,.,.,...",....,.... .......,......-...... .,..,.,' ,paid'License Inspectors: W. Ro'ss ..,.,... ",......,...,. W; I-I, Smuck ,.......,........, .,......, ......,... .......... To provinctal Treasurer..........,..... .......... To Western Dairymen's Association...:...,........ To :Shedden Cheese Factory.,......... ,.......... .-. $ 89.50 65.00 2.00 20.00 33.00 NatUre of Charge. Affray.... ,_,...,...., ".,..,. ,.......,..,..,., .".,...,..,.,.. ':Assault, Coimrion ...,..........,.., .....,....,...,... ...Assault causing actual bodily..,.,.."......,....,."., Causing a Distul"ballCe (drunk)..,. .,..... ......,.".,..,.. ':CrueItytoAllimals .... .._,... ..,.,.. ... . .... ,.." ,...., Drunk and Disorderly. . . , . , . . , , . .. . , ,'. . .. ,.,..,........ <"Violation Motor Vehicle Act..~,....,..,....",........,. ..,vioIition 'Municipal By-law!'>.....,....,....,....,....... Violation Liquor License AcL,. ,....,...,.,....,. ....'. Not providing Necessaries tOW1fe.,..,..,...,........,. ,Theft".....,. ',.'....,... ......,.,... ,_.,. ,'. '.., ",......... >Theft' from the Prison. , . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . , , ,. ., .. >Attempt to CbmmitTheft,...",.. .......,.,......,...... "Juvenile Court. Theft...................... ............ .............. :Neglected'Children ..,... ....... ,.... .'. ,..,. "...,...,., Wilful Injury to 'Property, . . . . . . , . , . . . , . , , . . , . . , . , . . . . , , . Master andS-ervants' Act.. ./.. ,.....,.....,.,.....,.... Soldiers' Absent without leave.......,...,...,...,..,.., Aiding Soldier to Desert,.,........., ,....,......,...,.. Carnally KnowiIig an, Imbecile Woman.....,.,..,..,..., ':Amusement Tax Act .., '. . . .,. . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . , .. ."... :Violation Ou_tario Temperanc.e Act.,.,..,.,..,..,.,...,.. Viol?-tion Lord's Day Act. , . . . . . , , . . , . . , . . . , . , . . , .,' . , . . , iolation Sheep and Dogs Act,..,.,.......,....,.,...,. iOI,ation Dairy ;Rnd Industry Act..,..... ,.,."..,...". ". 'l;audulently obtaining Food and LOdging..,..,...,.... _Cclinmitted for trial....:'"..,.".,.,....""...,......, 14.50 9.00 $234.00 'uffiberof COll,Yictions .70. 'ature of Charge. ~ruerty to Animals,..,.,.....,.,. ,'. '.. ..,......,..,... Jfl'ay .'".,....... '"......" . ".',........... ."..,.,."..,. eglflct to provide fOr Wife and Family, . . . . , , . , . . . . , . . . , 'ii,eft ...;.........,..,.... ...,.....,.,.. ..........'.,.. ijuries to Property,.,.,..,.."...",...,...".,..,... 'i91ation Liquor License Act ,....,..,..,.....,.....". fqlation Ontario 'Temperance Act".,."........"..... 113 3 2 8 3 5 1 10 13 14 9 5 .C 2 " 9 7 3 1 2 1 I 5 1 2 2 3 7 123 6 2 5 8 3 14 3 114 Elgin County, Council, Elgin County' Council. 115 Violation Lord's Day Act........,............. ....,. Violation Amusement Tax Act...... .......... ....... Violation Cheese and Butter Act"..............,... Violation Motor Ve:hicles Act ....................... Violation Municipal By-Laws ..."...,., ,..... .;. .... Fraud............... .'.. ,.'.... .'....... .........., ..,... Assault .....,.....,.. .....",....... .....'... ,.... Dis,tui:'bing the Peace. .'"....",....... .,... .,.'. .'.,. .". Action fOf'Wages.,............... . .,....'..... ... ..,. ..,. Desertion 'of Soldier.............,.. ....... .'.......... Port Stanley Gravel Road and Talbot law is llll?st frequently violated. Street are the roads honor to be, Your obedient servant, FRANCIS HUNT, Thomas, 23rdJanuary, 1917. County' Police Magistrate. On the 16th day of September, last, the: Ontario came into' force, and the' result has 'been' of great benefit and 'llla'terial life of the County of Elgin. It has lessened of cases before the Police Court and 'greatly lessened the law. Most of the cas,es tried by me since the 16th of last, were for offenses which we-re created by the ance: Act, or for offense's which were winked at under License, Act, Many of the Municipalities have passed bylaws 120 of the Temperance Act and local officers are aiding 'Inspector in its enforcement, All the municipalities in should pass By-Laws under this secti-on for without ance' of the local police and all citizens in' sympathy will hecome worse than useless, and a condition of worse than that" under the- Liquor License Act. Where tion is\ laid by a local officer in a municipality, which has law under Section 120, the fine, in caseofa conviction, municipality. It is well known that the Motor. Vehicles Act is vi-olated by motorists using the, public highways to hum:an life and the destruction of the roads. There real effort made to enforce the law, and citizens use at their peril. I would suggest that you make prOVIsIOn to Vehicle Act and ,appoint and' pay off.icers f-or that 'Purpose~ IIU Elgin County Council. REPORT OF .I SPECIAL GOOD, ROADS COMMITTEE. . I NVESTIGAT,IN.G JUNE SESSION. To' the'Wardeu_and Members Elgin: of the CO'i,luty Council, of, the County of Oentlemen..-- Your Committee left St. members being prosent the Thomas on TuesdJ:i,y, May excepting Mr. Tolmie, the' 22i1d: All da,ys was for the most part to follow the, schedule 'rheweather during the four and cold making it impossible for us We toured ,through ton counties beginning at East-Elgin, Brant and Wentworth, and a.rriving at Hamilton .for the night first 'day. 'l',he '~tst three counties have not as, yet dC!ue anything to their ,highways undell'- the County, ,Sy-stem. 'When we roached worth we found an agreeable change, and thoug~ we had a road through Ancaster" we enjoyed travelling over the improved after" haVIng experienced a gre3rt deal of mud':, The second day we left Hamilton, breakfasting at Grimsby in County of Lincoln. This day we inspected 'roads in' Wentworth, coIn and 'WeIland Countiestra,velling oyer the famous Niagara Boulevanl, toward evening spending the ,second '. nigh~ at Fans,. \:'i,Te were met at'Welland by Mr. W. W, Brookfiield, of \i'ilelland Comity lloads, who gave usniuch valuable regarding cost of construction, attitude of the to inspection and, audit. He also escorted us :Roads. On Thursday wecl'oss,edthe river at Niagara and inspected of the EJrieCounty, Highways. The rain made our visit very .- Elgin 'County Co~ncil. factory. ' A~ noon ,wewere.eritertailled by a 'Committee of the County Council -of Lincoln and escor-tedby them over Lincoln roads. TheCotm.. tyhas just gone into the system and has' pure-hased machinery to go ahead with the work as soon as labor conditions warra\.t. They have had considerable experience with at least one ,county road. The- Q. and G., this old stone road connectil1gQuee:nston and Grimsby, The" county has spent as much as Twenty Thousand DOllarS,at, one time Upon this road. It, is a main thoroughfare, aild con:q.€'cts Hamilton and Niagara, We found a part of this road in excellent condition. The bridges are made of concrete, are built wide andar HSticaIlY'designed. Thursday night -we motored to OakyiIle and saw twenty miles of the Toronto Hamilt-onHigh,vay, T,his" Highway is - a, C~ c.:iit to OlJr Province and should be visited by alI who are interested ill . road bUilding. Leaving OakviIleFriday Tnorning; we motored to Milton int-he County of Halton, Halt'anhasqla:y roads and When We left the stone or illlPI'Ov-.ed roads' and struck those which were not improved, 1vehad an opporunity af making comparisolis. Such coniparisons wel'e all -favpr'of the improved roads. Leaving Halton, wectOssed Welling-ton into 'Waterloo, takinJ . dinner at 'Galt,. ]eav~ng Galt we ,proceeded t,o Paris, Woodstock, Inger soIl and St, Thomas. On Our trip we visited, NorfOlk,BI'ant, -Went 'WeIland, Lincoln, Halton, Wellingtou; Waterloo and Oxford 'V"e fo'und that mistakes had been made inconstrncti-on, SOllIe roads were lUftde too 'narrow, SOIne seemed too have too much crown Rlld sOl1l,e are in need of repair. We could not find any County that had" adopted a County Rqa(j System that W(!\lld go ba.ck tq t4e old way~ SQ~e: very ~nt!IuS!~stic peoPle declared that they W'antedthe 'highways,if the : taxes were doubled. 1.17 .~',R"": In Elgin County Council. Elgin County Council. ' 119 It, is adinitted, that as yet, engineers and superintendents do agree, as to what constructiOn is best. One superintendent declaring that he believed that water bound macadam would not stand up vl'ithout a dressingofdil' or tar. ORDER IN COUNCIL APPROVING OF NO. 897. COUNTY ROADS BY'LAW Onta_rio Executive Council Office. Copy of an Order in council approved by His Honour the Lie-uten- the 26th day of September, AID., 1917. Upon consideration -of the report of the Honourable, the Minister Public Works and Highways, dated 24th September, 1917, the Com- of Coun-cil advise that in accordance with section 12 of the ~o aid in the Improvement of PUblic Highway..s, Cap, 40, R. S.' o. 1914,By law No. 897 of t;he County of Elgin d,e:signating and assuming system of Highwa:ys to be improvedundcr the provisions of the said Act be 'approved by Y.our Honour said approva.I to take, ,effect 1st October, 1917; save and exeept that pending further inquiry be With-held with respect to the roaddesigna;ted as No; in the Township of 'Yarmouth, lYing -south of the road between' 1 and 2-of'the said towns,hip. '.rhe 'side roads were undoubtedly better improved in the Coun- ti):ls which have adopted a County System than .elsew'here. The made some of the roads almost impassible but nowhere had the rains effected' the improved highways to an extent that, t~affic could llot ,be maintained to themaxirrium. The wonder expressed generally was ",that any County in the Provice should 'stand in its own light and re:fuse Government ance in connection with, its roads. We hfl:vecol1ected considerable information in reference to' operation and ,costot~ County Road Systems, wt1ichisavailable the information of the Council. Your Committee recommends: Certified. rl~hat no action be taken in connnection with the adoption of County Road idea at thi's session that the question be laid -ove.r consideration at the November session. (Signed) J. LONSDALE CAPREOL, Clerk' Exelcutive Council. Allor which is respectfully submitted, W. T. HARI<J, St. Th-omas, 6th June, 1917, Amended in committee of the whole, by striking Out the cla:llse and substituting the following: "That in view of' the fact that, your committee has not the .By-Iaw!:!I that they be discharged and that another composed of the Reeves of each Municipality, be appointed to the Good Roads By~law and report inside thirty days to this in special session,," ]:20 Elgin'..County,Coup.ep, LETTER DEPUTY MINISTE!'l OF HIGHWAYS COUNTY ROADS BY-LAW 897. RE FROM PROVAL OF Ontario Departrnentof ,Public', Highways. Toronto, October 4th, K, ,W. McKay, Esq., County Clerk, st:, 'l',homaB, Ontario, ])ear Sir:-As adviseg.in our telegram 'of Saturday last, the ~aqr 0:rder-iu7Council has been passed, approving -of By-law No. 89'1 th~ County of Elgin; a copy of which order is herewith enclosed. You will observe that ,l,l.pproval is withheld with respectto No. 27 in the Township of Yarmouth; and while the Order ,does specifically.deal with th€; matter, our rep~rt pointed out-that approval of Road No. 36 in' the Township of Malahi,deshould tentativel~r given, the more desirable rout- would be ort the line tween concessions 1 and 2, but that in view of the conditions Stalter's Glllly, it would not be expendient to construct a bridge that poinJ until steps have 'been successfully taken t'o check erosion; Mr. I-lubeI' of this Department spent the greaterpal'l.:. or week' with ,representatives of your County Council in, going new' system. of county roads; I would -like' to_ impress upon County Council that the services of members of this will be freely available for corwultation and advice,' and your Committee a.nd R08,d Superintendent will these services whenever they may appear desirable. Y l>urs truly, (Signed) W. A. Elgin County CounciL LETTER FROM DEPUTY MINISTER OF HIGHWAYS RE PROVAL OF TALBOT ROAD FROM ST. THOMAS TO TO AYLMER AS A PROVINCIAL COUNT) ROAD. Ontarro Department of Publ.ic Highways. Toronto, ,August 31st, 1917, K.w. -McKay, E~q., County Clerk, St. Thomas, Ontar:io. Dear' Sir;"'- In accor.dancewith YOur request of the 24th instaIlt, that section QfTanloL Stl'ef.Jt between St. Thomaf:', and, AYlmer will 'be improved ~s a :provincial Coum';y Road, to taJte effect eoncurrent1ywith {he IIp,proyal -of the ,rr~ain County Roads BY-law. Yours truly, (Signed) W, A. McLEAN, Deputy Minister,. LETTER FROM DEPUTY MiNISTER OF HIGHWAYS HE DESI,G. NATION OF THE LONDON AND PORT STANLEY ROAD AS A PROVINCIAL COUNTy ROAD. OntariO Department' Of Public Highways. Toronto, OctOber 3rd, '1917. K.W.'MCR,~y?- Esq., County, Clerk:, St. ThQmas, Ontario. Dear Sir:-. Tn pl.].rsuanc~ of Our letter Qf, September 26th,; the request of your County Road Committee, Witl1 respect to the London and Pert Stanl~y road, was' submitted to the Miniter for consideration., It W?uld appear that the southerly terminns of -this road, adjacent to Port Stanley, has not been clearly defined by YOUI' County BY~law. WOuld request-that 'this be done, designating'the- entrance to Port in the Township of South WOld as a County Road, -When this done, the request Of Your Committe,e that this section of the audPort8tanley Road he deSignated a' Pro'Vincial ,County wilJ havefayourable consideration; . Yours truly, (Signed) W. A. McLEAN; Deputy Minister. 121 AP- 122 ElgiIi County Council. REPORT COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE. NOVEMBER SESSION To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen;- Your' County Roads Committee reports: That we have expended up to the 14th November the sum of $4,080,05. This includes the construction of Bridges and Culverts, The work of maintenance has" consisted chiefly of c~tting o:l't the shoulders on the sides-of the roads. Gravel is used to fill in the ruts and in many casas a continuous coat of gravel has been necessary in order to prevent the breaking up 'of a road. Some roads are in such a condition that in order to place them in a satis- factory state of repair some constructipnwork is necessary. Good Road gravel is scarce in ,most of the townships and_what there is. held at high prices. We would suggest t-hatsa:me ac.tion taken towards securing gravel for road improvement, to be shipped in carload lots, where material is scarce. Up to the present time we have made use of the .machinery; it will be, necessary however, in order to get results from labor, that some County machinery shoul~ be during the winter 'so as to be ready fal' work in the Spring. activities have been limited' o,wing to the scarcity of labor. We would recommend that necessary drainage be put in where necessary to maintain them in a \'spail'. Two notices of' action for damages on ,County Roads have -.;:eceived. One of small importanceoccul'red on the H~nry I\ldborough, the other on Talbot street just west of the' C. crossing east of the city. 1'he claim in this case is somewhat than in the, oti\1er but both will be dealt with by your All of which is t,espectfully submitted. W. TOLMIE, st. Thomas, 23rd November, 1917. Elgin County Council. BY-LAWS. To Appoint a BY.LAW NO. 885. Board of Audit in the County of Elgin Be it ,enacted "by the County Of Elgin: the Council of fOr the Year 1917 Passed 26th January,1917. the Municipq,l Corporation of That the Judge of the County Court and Oscar McKenney be and are hereby appOinted members of the ,Board of Audit to perfQrm the duties required of them by ~. S. O. Chapter 96, Section 21. 'Phat the members of the said- Board be paid the sum of lj~our Dollars per day for their services" and five cents per mile going to and from such aUdit. County, Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 26th January, 1917. Ie W. lVIc-KA Y, County Clerk. J_ A. McLEAN, WARDEN. BY-LAW NO. 886. To Appoint High School Trustees. Passed 26th January, 1.917. The Elgin 'County That Erwin Smith for three years. Council enacts: be appointer' Trustee for the Vienna High E. A. MiIlerbe a.ppointed Trustee of the Aylmer Collegiate for three years. That D. A. Cameron, M.D" be' appointed Trustee School for three years and B. K. Panter Cou,nty Council Chambers, St. W. Me-KAY, County ClerIc of the Dutton for fwo, years. Thomas, 26th January, 1917. J. A. McLEAN, Warden, ]23 124 . Elgin County Council. Elgin County Council. BY.LAW NO. 887. BY-LAW NO. 889. To Appoint Auditors ,for the Year 1917; I)assed, 2Gth January, :1017: under the authority_'of the Municiphl Act, l;lVOl'Y numi- council'is required to appoint, at its first meeting ,every year, auditors: Be it Thererore En'acted '6'y the Co1incHoC the Municiml1 COl'- of the County of Elgi.l1 under the authority uroi'esaid: That 'iValke:r C, CaugheIl and _W.A Galbraith 'be and arB hereby PIJ(l;r>tedAud'itOrs, ,1:0 examine and report upon all the accounts .fiecting the Corpora:tion of Elgin'; or relating to any matte.runder ts control or witllin, its jurisdiction as required 'by statute or or1er-in-council; and also aU accounts 'of school moneys received or paid by the, County"freasurer for. the yearendins-31st December; ~916, and that the said Auditors be paid the sum of'Sixty Dollars 'each for their services; County' Council Chambers, 26th January, 1917. the .Warden and Tr,easurerto Borrow Seventy~Five Thousand Dollars. Passed the 26th 'l'hs_Ellgiri County Counoil enacts: That- the, Warden and Treasurer be ~nd al:e hereby to borroW the sum of 'Seventy-Five-'Tho1isand Dollars, requ~re4' t,o, meet the current expenditures of the ~lgin ~urin,g ~~17, and give as security'thererornotes sand, Dollars each. County Council Chambers,St. '1'homas,26th To Authorize Ie W. Mc'KAY, County ClerIc J. A. BY.LAW NO. 886. Ie w. Me-KAY, County Clerk:. J. A. McLEAN, Ward,en. , To Grant Aid to the CanadIan Patriotic Pu~sed 26th Whereas application has been made - to this Council for the purposes of the Canadian_ Patriotic Fund for 1917. And whereas on the 29th .day of ,January, 1915, passed By-I,aw No. ,857, granting t4e sum of One pel' month during the COlltinU:ance of the War. And whereas this Council. has 'decided that the year 1917, lor the purposes oftlle Fund 'l'l)ousand Dollars. The County Council of the County 'of' Elgin therefore' That the sum' of Ir'orty~Two ThQusand l)ollars be granted to the Canadian Patriotic Fun~l for tl}e year amount to b~ p<J,id as required on the order _of the That I~y_"Law No, S84 be and is hereby repea1e(l; County Council Chambers" St.'l'homas,26th BY"LAW NO. 890. To Grant Additional" Aid to Schools. Passed 8en .rune" 1917~ ,The, -Elgin CountyOouncH enacts: 1. That the' sum of One Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty- -DolIal's be granted to' the following schools. Ayl.me'r Collegiate Institute ,.,......,. .,..., $650 Dutton High School . ,. ,. ,...,.,..,.,...,. 650 Vienna High SchOOl ...;" ... ,.... .., .'....,' 325 2, That the St,Thomas Collegiate Institute be .granted an "punt equivalent to Twenty per cent of the cost Of lllaintenance CountYPllpils,. 3; That the g_rants to Continuation and Fifth class schools tlladeon the'basisofTwo Dollars and Fifty Oellts to each Dollar ,nted by the,' Government; Council -Chambers, 8't. Thomas, 8th June, 1917. J. A. McL.EAN, Warden. Ie W. Me-KAY, County Clerk. 125 lZ6 Elgin County, Council. Elgin County, Council. To Confirm the BY.LAW NO. 891. Equalization of the Assessment Rolls of Elgin. Passed 8th whereas, the rates are required to lie apportioned on the the assessment or' property as oqualized in the 'preceding And basis, of year; And whereas, the assessment of property of the CountY,asascer~ :'-:'~ained and equalized in 1916, is, as follows: Municipality Total Equalized Valuel\1:unicipality Total Equalized Value ,Aid borough ..;.... $2,977,254 Dutton. . . . . . . . . . . . .. $330,524 ;;;bunwieh ."....... 3,198,254 Port Stanley ...,.... 218,893 !.Sbuthwold . '. . .; . . . 3,840,267 Springfield ......,... 144;660 :'Yarmouth ..,...... 4,641,657 Vienna..,.......... 99,707 Malahide ,...,.... 2,839,810 ROdney............. 21H,'I'IZ ,;Bayham .......... 1,884,513 West Lorne, .., . ,. " 216,633 'So,uth Dorchester .. 1,678,552 ;-Aylmer ........... 912,819 rfhe Elgin County Council enaots: 1. That the followi.ngbe the equalization of the R__~lls of tb\e County of Elgin for '1917. Aldborough, .....,'.,.,..,.,..... ".... Dun.."ich "......., ......'.. .....'.,',.'. Southwold ,.. '... , ,. . '. ..' .. ,.. . ,. ..... Yarmouth' ...,........ .,.",. "..,... Malahide ,..,.". ..,.,..." ..,... .. Bayham .."...., ......, ...,.,. ,.,.. South Dorchester .,..',... ,..,...", Aylmer . '. . . , . . .. ...",."... ...,..,... Dutton ..,., ,.. ..., ...., ,'.... ,.. ,. ... FDrt Stanley .. ,...... ., .". .'.... .. ..,... Springfield ........, ....,....,.. Vienna ., '. . . , . . . . .. ..,... ...... Rodney........".. .,...". ........, We-st Lorne ......,... ....... $2,977 ,254 3,1~8.2f,4 3,840,267 4.641.657 2,839.810 1,80'4,513 1,678,552 973,819 330,524 281.893 144,660 99,707 218,772 216.633 $23,263,315 . Therefore, the Council of the Municipal CorpOration of the ,',:.' " ',' J : ,County , of Elgin enacts: 1, ThM a,rate of Six Mills on the Dollar he levied \Jll,all rate~ oW, property in the several Municipalities in. the Connty of Elgin, s abov.e set forth, for the year 1917, to raise the fOllOWing amounts: 2. That the SUm of-'One Hundred "and ThirtY-Nine Thousand Five Hund;'ed and SeventY-Nine Dollars be raised and levied in the several Municipalities in the County, according to the following scbedule. and that the amounts, as entered therein, be paid to, the ounty Treal;3urer, as by law requ'ired: 2. Tlhat this Council is willing to have the final of the asessment,in case of appeal, made by the County Council Chambel'~l, St. rrhomas, 8th June, ) K. w." McKAY,. J. A. County Clerk, Schedule unIcipality tlborough ...,...... :mwich '.",........ outhwold ......,.... '~rmouth.', . . . . . . . . . hlahide ."..",.... 'J':ham . '., ....". '" "~thDorchester .... "Imer ..........'.... Total $17,863 19,189 23.042 27.850 17,039 11,307 10,071 5,843 Municipality Dutton... .......".. Port, Stanley ,....." Springfield ,.,..,..... Vienna;) ..."".,.. Itodney ............,.. VVest Lorne ..,....... Total $1,983 1,313 868 5'98 1,313 1,300 BY-LAW NO. 892. '"0 Raise Amounts fOl' County Rates During Whereas au estimate has be0u made showing that One Hundred and rrhirty-Nine Thousand, Five Hundred Ni~e Dollars is required, to be' raised in the 'Several for the lawful purposes ,of the County during the year And whereas by -the Assessment Act, ,this, Council is to direct what portion of the sum to be leviell for COUll,ty !3hall be levied in each Municipality in the Count.y; --- County COuncil Chamber St. T'holUas, June 8th, $11)9,579 1917. J. A. McI.dI:AN, V11arden. 127 J2l -Elgin County Council. Elgin, County Council. BY"LAVV NO. 893. By.,Laws '-~--,------- BY-LAW NO. 895. To Fix Members' Wages,' and Repeal 810. By-Law No. 383 of the Villa,ge of Vienna" Passed 8th .Tune HJ17, BYeLaw No. 383 of the Village of Vienp.a.was adoptecl 'dl'ty of lVIarch1917, to stop up and seli that portion of . :road, s~tuate, lying ,and being -between lotsnmniJ,~I'S _i:eri;:tud. Sixteen, in the Thh;d Concession of the Township of :ham, 'north from King Street and South from Chapel StreAr; l~t Yillage, of Viel~na. ,,:.1I.iid 'wherer,s .it' is desired that said By-Law should be con- '~i;Lin accordance with the provisions o,f Sedion 472 of the icipalAct. 'he Elgill Count)' Council enacts: hat By:La".y No, 383 of the Vmage of Vienna be and the same 'J'eby confirmed. CHinty Council, Chambers, 81. Thomas, 8th June, 1917. J. A. McLJiJA~~', Warden. 'l'he EJIginC01mty council enacts: 1. 'I'hat ,the 5,!-un of 'Fo1J:r Dollars J~\~r day be' pahl to bers of this Couneilfor their' attendan(,8' in Council aml and l~'ive Centapei', 11llle to and from fe,l' stich attendance. ,2. 'l'hat the sum of 'rwo pollal'S per day.be paid this Council for attendingoH -Cmnmittees out$ideth(~ their travelling and hotel expenses are paid by the County; 3. ~l'hat By.Law Nnmbered 76'7, a,rid 810 and aU bthe'r in this behalf be and the' same are hereby repealed, CouIityCouncil Chambers,; St. ~hQmas 3th June, J. A. 1(. W. .McKAY, County Clerk. BY-LAW NO. 89l. To Amend By-L.aw Numbered 886. Passed BY.LAW NO. 896. By-Law Number 7'77 of the Township of Bayham. Passed 8th June,"H17. BY.Law Number 777' of the Township of BaYham wag on the 6th day of November 1916, to provide for the stop- "closing and selling tb,at part of the original road aJlowance Jll the south halves cifLots ,Five and Six in the Fourth C\.m' ,'ri..of, said Townsh~p of BaYham, lYing ,south of the Ca1.tt1ll Roa:,d. '~whereasit is desired that said BY.Law shouWbe confirmed :ordance with the provisions of .Section 472,of the Municipal, '1'h8 EIght County Co'unci! enacts:' That By.La','i No., 8f3f)- -be amended by striking out In. A.1VIiller and inserting the name of Th'. 11'. I-I.MiIler, as of' the' Aylmer High Sc'hool. County Council Chamber.3, St. Thomas, 8th June, Ie w~ McKAY, J.A, County- C1ark, 'Elgin County Councilpuacts: t BY~Law Number 777 of the Township of Ba~'ham be and .€lis he__reby COnfirl,ued. ty .council Chambers, .St, Thomas 8th June, 1917. J. A. McLEAN, Warden. 129 ]30 Elg~p. p~Ul~trp,ou~CiL -- BY-LAW 1'10.897. e',ol,lnty of ,Elgin with' I mprovemeryt. Respect ,to and Which are extensions of or form direct connection hetwe")' different portions of' county roads, hut the total amount of such grants tb any village or town shall not exceed the sum of the Pro- yincipal grant thereon and the taxation paid hy Such urban muni- cipalities UIlder this BY-Law. 6. The, County CounCil shall have a.uthority to .raise il-nu t,.~,- pend on highway construction tinder this BY-law and in pursuance of the terms of the Hlghway Improvement Act, such sums 'is nn'y oe necessary to complete the construction of the designated system of County roads; in addition to snch amount's as may be reqUire,) 'or repairs andlllaintenance, and for which purposes SUPPlementary :Y-Laws may froll; time, to tible be intl'oduced aud passed by the :ottnty Council. ' 7. To meet the ahnual expenditure on repair. maintenancc d construction, under this BY-Law, there shall be apPlledauy 'r,oVinciaI SUbSidy or subsidies avaiiable, under this Act, aud ,uy fuither SUm or sums reqUired may be raised by general county 'ate; iu accordance with. the provisions of the MuuiciPai Act ami e ,Highway Improvement Act, aud a's may be determined by _~pplementary' BY-Laws. 8. All grants from the Province UUder the Highway Improve, ent Act, shall be expended solely npOn the system of roads, reg- arlYasSumed and approved as County Roads under the said act. 9. Should it be found, iu carrYing ou!' the Plan for improve. :~t herein provided, that a heater eXpenditure is necessary iu ","J' nship or tOwnShips than ShOUld equitabiy be a Charge UpOll the 'uilty as a ,vhole, the Council of the County may, by sUPPlementa;'y -Law, with the ,assent of the COUncil of SUCh Townshin c... ''''vn- ps aud appi'oval of 'tHe, Miills;er of, Publlc Works of Ontario, ~se a speciairate to be levied UPOn such townShip Or to"'nShips 11)e,et eXcess expenditUre; but the cost of any 'bridge Which is a Diy bridge uuder the terms of the Municipal Act, shail not be ed in this manner. lQ: The BY-Law shail come into force when apPrOved by tho 'tenant Governor-in-Council in accordance with section 12 of ~aid' Highway Improvement Act: "homas, '10th JUly, 1917. . Elgin C,?unty Council. Being a!3y.'Law of the Whereas by' an Act of the L~egislature of the Provih~~.., tarideiltitled "An Act for the, Improvemeutof: PlibHC:Hig~1Y Revised statutes of Ontario, 1914, chapter 40, authority_:I.s, to the 'council of any County to adopt a, plan ,for th..,.rmp~oy.~ of highways throughout the County by ass~ming highways,:,i..i:i"r; municipalilty to blp" ,hereafter constructed and maintained byt~~ 'poration of the County. And whereas the County Council it necessary and expedient to adopt certain highway,s_ in order that the benefits of the said act. Now t1ie~efore tlleCotiiicil Of the Corllbtatiob. of the cbUfi Elgin' ehacts as fOllows: 1. rfhe 'several roads and highways describ~d'and:MH::.} in Schedule "A" hereto annexed ,and forming part of thiS:~r} are hereby designated and assumed as County R;oads, to be~p~J-,j and maintained, under the i1rovisiotis of the said, Highw.aY.!,1 ' ment, , Act, and amendments thereto, ' ft, 2. The ,.g,i:tidhighways shall be constructed, maintained, in accordance WUh~l1 provisIons, and scribed by the said Highway Improvement Act. 3, The' work of, edtistruction of ,highWays, other thai!. shal~, not be. commenced uhtil,~ne year after peace has been.d in Wai' between Great Britain and Germany, \ The construction work shall be started in each To:wnshlp designated by' the Township Council and proportionate mi1e~~" be constructed in each Township yearly. 4. The work of IiHLiiltenance to be commenced practicable after the coming into, force of ,this BY.Lh,~; 5. The County Council may froin time 'to time makes such grants as may be necessary and equitable proyement of highways, 01" portions' of highways in of .the County of_ EIgi~> a plan for' the improv~.~~, County may avail itseJf~~ Clerk. J. A. MCLEAN', Warden. 131 [), '1'he Road betweeh conc~ssions to l1'ul'uival Road. 6, '1'he Road between Concessions 7 and 8 from to the ,;vestern Townline, 7, .'l'he Road between Concessions 12,13 aild Road to Graham Road. Township of Dunwich. 8, . 'rhe road commencing (in the nprth limit_ of the being. between lots 10 and 11 in concession 10) to the between lots 12 and 13 in:- the eighth concession thence twee,n "said .lots 12 and 13 and to the Willey Bridge Thames except the portion of said road within the Village of Dutton, n, 'rhe road between the concessions 7 and 8 from limit of road between lots 6 and 7 to the Southwold 10. The road between concessions A and Five the AldboroughTownlihe east to the old Currie Road thence east to the" Village of Dutton, . 11, The road between the GOl'e and concession between lots 12 and 13 to the southwold Tow~line road between the lots 6 and 7 from and Five north of A, to the' Riv'er Thames. \32 Elgin County Council. Schedule llA" Hoads designated' to be asusmed for l}1()VHllOllS oi'tlle Highway Improvement Act, 'forming annexed to By-Law No. 897 of the County of Elgin, I' Township o'f Aldbarough. .! I 1. The Graham Road from Eagle to the River. 2. 'rhe Road between Concessions 8 and 9 ,from ~rowllline to the Furnival Road. :L 'I'he ll'urnival Road from the road, between and 13 to the road between Concessions 2 and ~3, The Henry Road from River to Road between 4. 2 and :3 12" The concessions 'A Elgin County CounciL ;;. 13., The road between concessions A and Five south of ,A [l'om the line o~ theCol'poration of the. Village of DuttO~l e'as~'erly t'"i the SquthwOlq. Townline: 14. The Town1ine between Dunwich and SOuthwold cOlmnelfC' "frig at road betw.eell concessions, A mld Five south of A to. 'l'al.bot R<..ad in, Sotithwold, Township ,of Southword. 15. Talbot Road from the' Dunwich Townline to the City of Thomas: The BackStreet from, the Dunwich '.fownline to Talbot- the London' and Port, Stanley road 'toSt, Thomas. 17. . The Townline bet1veen DUllWich and South wold from road Orth of Iona Station to and including the road between the secoud ,~d third congessions, in Southwold to the 'easterly limit of lot 1, ~~:-the second concession, thence southerly to the Back Street along ad between lots 25 and_ 26. :FromM.c.n. right~of-way in Shedden through Fillgal thence road in rear of the 10t~ south of the Talbot Road, From the north limit of the Lake Road between lots fj and a northerly direction to -the Union Road and from the Union along the road along,the south limit of the lots on the, south 'Talbot street to the Yarmouth' Townline. Township of Yarmouth. All of the London and Port Stanley Road fi'om St. 'l'homas' Stanley, Fr'om Kains Bridge west, t() Southwold Townline. The Townlilie between Yarmouth and Southwold,; north or up to and including the road from the Townli,ne to 'st. Street Bridge. , Talbot Street ;fl'om St. Thomas to the MalahideTownline. Fl?OlU Union, between the thh'd and fourth concessions to being east limit of road between lots 21 and 22 in the third 1.3:1 134 Elg:in Oou.nty' Council, Elgin Ootuity' Goup.~U, '-"~'" 25. Erom tM seventh and eight'h c(m,ce~si~ns to and. sixtli concession. '1).1\10t 1}o~d b~tw~~n' tM lot~10 concessions' and between th~ i:'\t~J4 including roaq. between, lots 14 Road between' concessions 21 to th~ ~~rn!l-m Tq'YpIip-e ro.ad. roado~r;ween lots alo-pg Townline to 1st 2' a:nd 3 from ~]}4 ,S(H~t4 Road between concessions 4 and 91 easttQ ~f1YHam Townline ' , Tb.e LalteItQ;:tl:! 21. 5 :fro'm: road:hetween lots ' " " 26. From the Sparta Road and 15 in the first concession. rr9m 'QqR~~~a&,~1l ~a,.,~t' ~q, r()~4 lJ~tWf!~oQ Jo;:)ts 27. 'l'h€\ Llake Ro~d in the fir.st concession Townline. 28. FroIll the north boundary -of St, Thomas. bet\veen {l,nd 6 in the:ntnth c()ucef3sion and range sout"tl 9f" t~e Road to and including roa(lbetween \qts 8 _S,l1d ~ ill the and first ;and ,second range13 north' of' the Edgeware and eleventh COIlC81;:;siQllS; Township of Bayham. The OJ4 :p~aq.Jt:, ;RQf14 fro~n' :Port B1.):rw~ll VilIag~ of V~enJ,la:. The,lstconcession tp ACaci~ 12xcept froin Mah:thide TOWnUne to Port lilqf' 29. The Edgewar8 Road froD,1 ro'ad bl3tweeJ;l lots 8 including the road between lots 12 aild13 in the first r'angesriorth, the tenth arid eleventh concessions:' to the roadhetw'een the eleventh and twelfth (',oncessions diester. rfuwnline, Talbot Ro~d 'across the Township, Road which rUns in of the Tow:nsh'ip from The Forge the ,'north part 30, From the New 21, north to~elmont. 31. The road between lots 18 'and 19 in the a;nd r?ad between the seventh and eighth concessions to of lot 20 and, southerly to road between lots 21 and 22 in concession rmd '.south to the north limit of the roati fifth and sixth concessions. Township_ of Malahide. 32. Talbot .Road from East. to West except of Aylmer. the 10th 7th and 33, Road between lots ~O and 11 froni'Dorchester to . Copenhagen (except Aylmer). 34. The road between lots 20 and 21," from, south throut~h 9, 8, and 'part of the 'lth concession westerly and l:loutherly' direction to Aylmer . 35. Road from Talbot Road, South t,o 1st lots ,20 and 21l. J. A; McLEAN, Warden. Iii!! .', 136 Elgin' CQunty ,QQu~cit-" BV-LAW No. 898. To Appoint a County Road Committee; Passed 18th Elgin-County ' CoUncil. The Elgin County Council enacts: '''':~,~:hat;'Messrs., W. Tolmie,;~:o';'o., ,Campbell, Yl~:,T. :;f.[are,J. and the Warden be and are hereby appointed as'a Committee to co.operate < with and direct the County Road tendo-nt in the maintenance of,the'iRoads designated as by By~Law No, 897. That the said Committee be authorized accouhtsfor work on the said roads and to County Treasurer for payment of same. County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 18th K. W. McKAY, J. A. County Clerk. BV-LAW NO. 900. To Fix the Saiary of Gaoler and Matron of the Eigin CouhlYGoal. Passed 18th September, 191"1. The County Council of the County of .Elgin enacts: That the salary of the Gaoler ba and is hereby fixed, at the Sum Nine Hundred Dollars ($900) per annuln, payaOlaquart".;;" Gat- ing from 'th'efirst 'of July. That the salary of the Matron of the Gaol be and is hereby at the sum of Three Hundred Dollars ($300) per annum payan',. dating fro~ the first of July, T1hat BY-Laws No. 548, 737, and. 839, heretofore passed in this behalf be. a,nd, are hereI:iYELlnendedac.c?rdin,~l'Y., "" County Council Chambers, .St. . Thomas 18th September, 1017. W. McKAY, J, A. McLEAN Couuty Clerk. Warden. BY-LAW NO. 899. To Appoint a 90unty Road Superintendent. Passed 18th rfhe County Council of the County of Elgin enacts: rrhat George Frank Pineo be and is hereby appointo-.l tendent of the County Roads in the County of Elgin; to the duties required of him, by the Highway the By-Laws Hnd res,olutions of this Council. 'l'hat the salary of the Superintendent be One per annum, payable monthly. ''l'hat the said' Superintendent be supplied ,with and paid histravelling and other expenses while performance of his duties. rrhat all accounts for expenses be paid on County Road Committee, County Coun9il Chtlmbers, St, Thomas '18th, BY-LAW NO. 901. Make a Gran. 10 the Great War Velerans ASSOCiation, SI. ,Thomas Branch. Passed 18th September, :U:~r/. The 0 County Council of the County of Elgin eur,018: Tbat the County Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay rent Oaf rooms at present OCCUpied by the St. Thomas BranCh the 0 Great War Veterans Association. for, the periOd of one y~ar, total amount not to eXceed -T1vo Hundr,ed Dollars. Couhty Council Chambers, S"t. Thomas, 18th Septemhor, 1917_ W. McKAY, J. A. MCLEAN, County Clerk; Warden. K W. McKAY, County Clerk, BY-,LA W NO. 902. To' Amend BY~Law No. 897. Passed 24th November, 1917, The Elgin County Couucil enacte: , Th.atSchedule A to BY-Law No. 897 be and is herebYamendea :l'ead a's follows: Couucil Chambers, St; Thomas, 24th November, 1917. J. A. McLEAN, Warden. 137 138 Elgill Qq11Iltl' qPl'I\~!" ~ I i\1'j' lill , liJ,~' j{! .,,1\' ,'j" I~ '1,IIi 1,11\ II~ 1,11:1 'Ill! 1111,[\ ;,ii1i\1'j ,Pilh 'I jii!ji\d, 11~'i:i:il '1111',"11 II" 11~I;lW Illll\<:t 1;,:11,'1:1\ JIR~!f'i: 1)II.I'A!il jliliV!\i ":'I'kl! 1"1:'::"1:," 1:,:li',il I'~\i\'ir,~,:: !":'::I~ i,lllij:'IJ::~ !iii\t,~~ 11,~I\;~'itii( I.i'li'i\~',:!]t 'l,i"ii,";r"iM 1llli/ld ii!'I':'>i~"'1 1111' lil\:1 i,~i'I;L!'!;\;li 'liGi\,;\li1:t ""wi.':;,,, !1!ill~M,;,ii: Elgin CQunty Qq)l~pj!. I~Q ~9h~~U'~ ,A., fl:o~~~' 4ft€lign~~~d ,1;9 R~ ~f:lll~m~d fRf' Hl}p~Rv~~e~t, _ uRd~r th,f,pf8& Y~$~o.n~ , ot t-iJ1-~ ~ig;~PYa,~ lmJ),l'ovement Act forming part of, an~'-~~7 nexed to 131-~aJ.r N? 89'1; of the County of Elgin as amended})}" By~Law .No. 902. 1. 1'118 Gf~l1'~M Rp'~~ ,~p:1'(rwns,4ip, pf Alqporough; Commencing at the road ,between conces,~fqn~l2 ~~~ t~l,Hl~,t<1' ~~twe!3n lot~ ;1.8 !;\n4 ~~~ndit.s, C9~lt~nu~t~PI1 r~n~~p.e;" nRrtlI~~ly'" tl1~ riy~r Tl1,~m~15 sa-Ve ~nd ~ftG!ipt the; 'Pprqon. V{itp:in ~~e. Yill~g!3 West Lorne. ' 8, , COl11m~Il~ing lu"the road, b~tween the ninth .~n~ ~en~~cori~ . ~'sI.ons of the 'J,'Qwnsb,in" ,of, 'PHn!~~*!at" HJ1~p~tW-~~ll lPt!3' 8 ~~.~ ',"v. ':.', L~k:e, R:Q~d,~ast~rly '~nd, ~q~t!l~rIY,~hrHug~ lqt~~~ri.d' }q~ ~~i,~np~ >i .herll', the rqa<! QetlVeel1 19t~ lQ ~I))) 1l tq tlm r;iv~g rRMi>>G?!f- ,~~.~~i~ll ~, th~ncenorth"easterly, on Sa.iH',:fPf\9-'tq ';~~ pnrriegr~~ ~'~t'ween I~tf) 1,2, ,and" 13 i'll", the ,ei.gh~h,concession, ~hence ~ortl1erly !9~_~,'S~idroa~' to 'the ,rofLd~t 'tq'~, mn-th qf Gg~c~~lilioll pp.e, tn~nce f~,st~rIY alo~g ,s~id' road, to "th~ rQ"~4 b~tWI(~Il, '~ot~i'~ ll!~d 14,' U~~nce 'prtherly to tho riYer Tl'Laml"ls.. sa VB and ~xcept tQe portion Wit4J>> ..,~~', yill~~e of I)u~ton. . ~', ':r~~_r8f!,d 'pet\vee:n ,cop.ce~fjtqnS 7' an,cJ, $, Toyvnl'!nip '9b"'90m.1l1J:~J1ciIlg., M the roa~ betire~n lots 6, 'ap~' 7 ~p.q. terly to th~ ~putl1wo~4 tow~UHe. ~,.10" T118 rQad .b~tweencoIlcession A,ahd 5:no~thof A, Township f I)UIlwtch~ coll1mep,cini"at the Ald~'prough townllne" th(3!hCe easterly 'the old, Cllrrie, Road on },ot, li, thence, south.easterly on ,&afd Our. e ,Road to the "boundary of the Village of Dutton, 11. The rOad between the GOl~e al1d' con,cessioh 4,' Township Dunwich, from ther.oad between lots 12 and 13 to' the' Southwold: nUne. . . 2, CQmmell_clp,g ~t. tqe rOl).,q' in' Townsh~p' {)f Aldporq~g~;,b: tween lots 6 and, 7, t!11,e i'0~4 pe~ween c()nce,~f:\tqnf:\ 8 a,n!i 9T~~p-l}P: easterly to the tpwnHne ,tmtweer tb,e to-wP~l:l~PS of A~qb01'911~~:a,~: Dunwlcp" t"qenee northerly in said townline to the roaq betw-eeI~,~?~ cef:l~tPll A and concession 5 north of ,A in, Dunwich, save and exce the portion within, the Village ofW'8.st Lorne, 3. T-he Furnival 110ad in T,ownship QfAldborough. Commencing, at,the road ,between conces$ions 1~ al~:r13" tl1er~~' between lots' 6 and 7 to the Gore and continuing northerlybetw_e_e .lots 8 and 9 to the road qetweeh concessions 2 and 3, thence east~r~: on said road to the rmLd 'between lots fourteen and fifte-ehtn_:'~,<l:~ ces~ion 2, thence nortbe:dy on said road, to tlw riverTharoes,s~:y: aud except the portion ox the Furriival Road withiJl the Villag, ofllOdney. ' '-' '4; rrheroad between conCessions 7 and 8, Tow~ship of Aid~' ough from ,t~le western boundary of the township to the Furn.l" Road between lots 6' and 7, save and evcept the, portion within Villag.e 'of Rodney. 5. Commencing at the Furnival Road in the borough, between lots, 8 and 9, the road betwe.en 6, lots 9 to 15, t'hehce south along .the road bertween .17 to' the road between the third and fourth borough, thenee easterly, along said road, lots Graham Road. ,p, 'l'he road between concessions JZ and 13, Township borough, lots' 5 to 18 inclusive,. .7; The road, iil the To-wnship of Dumvich, and 19 in concessions 8;' 9 'and 10 and to the Lake cession 11. qf Pll!J- r~!ln~~~ 12; The road ~n the Towp.shipof Dunwich- between IQts 6 and 7,: m'meIlClng at the rDllQ between conce~sions A arid -'5 north" of A ~nii1g,Ilortherly to thEl Ri'v,el' Thames. '> UL The road betwee:tl' concessions A and 5 south of A, in the '\vnship of Dunwich, from the boundary of the, Villwge of Dutton sterly;to the Soutl;1wold townilne. i-;1'4; The -townline between the townships thwold, commencing at the road known, as ,,~w.en's Corners) _and running, northerly to the :eand Co~cession 4, in Dunwich~ 15. The old CUrrie Road, in the To\vnship of Dunwich, com. cing at lot 11 in concession 5 north of A, thence westerly and, herly through said concessioll, tho Gore and Concession 4,' to at north-east corner lot 10. of :[)unwich and the Talbot Road, road between the Talbot 'Road in the Township of town:Iine to the City of St.1'homas. South wold, from the' Dun- 1.40 ,Elgin 6ount~r':doun'cil. Elgin County, 'Council. -- 25. Commencing at the Middlesex County Line, the rOad be- tween the Townships of Yarmouth and SOllthwold to the road in the i'eor 01 concession 9 in Yarmouth, thence on St. G.eorge Street eas- ~erly and southerly through lots 1 and 2 in said, concession, to '::boUndary of City, of St. Thomas. 26, The Talbot Road in Townships of Yarmouth and Malahide ~from the easterlYboll'ndary of St. Thomas to the- westerly boundary of, the TOWh'of Aylmer. 27. COllllhencil1g at ,the Londdnand 'Port Stanley Road in the .yillage of Union, the road between concessions 3 and 4 in r.rownship 'of Yarmouth, lots 4 to 21 inclusive, 19, The road "in the '.Cownshjp of Southwold, between and ','18, commencing at (SouthwGld Station) the',county line" through concessions 2, 3 and 4,and behv,een lots 25 north of the Talbot Road - north to the Back street. I,,),~ ;-,., i ',',. 2(}:'" 'cbmllfen.'binif 'at the right,of-wayofthe Raiiwtty' in thE;' Village' ,of' SheddE!ll, the Toad between lots north of 'l'alb9t Road north, in the 'l'o~'nsMp of,Southwold, southerly through the Village of Fing..\l; to the road 10 and 11' on the' Union: Road. 21. Commencing at the north limit Tow:t1sh~p of Southwold, betweel1 lots 6 and 7,and norther,ly direction' to roadaJong the f:outh limit of the lots south side of 'falbot ROlld, thence in an easterly direcHon road to the Yarmouth townline and in the'To"i'llship of to the Kains ~ridge -on the boundary of the City of St. 22. 'The London and ',Port Stanley Road, Southwold, .from the Middlesex County Line to City 'Of St. rrhomas. Back Str'eet. 'The road known as the ,north .Ta~bot R03:d, in the Southwold, commencing at the DunwichTownli1;1e and easterly to the road ImoWn, as the LQn_do-n and ~ort at the Village of Tal-botyilla. 18. The road ,l:J.,etween eoncessions 2' and' 3, in Sout.hwold; from the Dunwich to'\vnline to .the .road and 18. 17. 23. All of the London and Port Stanley road 'fownship of Yarmouth and the portion of said road rrownship of Southwold between Yarmouth townline daryo'f the Village of Port Stanley. Commencing Qll lot 2 in concession 2, the top-of the hill on the Ld,:ndon and Port through fots 1 and' 2 to where the crosses said road, 21. mouth ,at the old road dary of Port Stanley Commencing, at the Talbot Road in 'l'-ownship' of Yarmouth, between lots 10 and 11 in concessions 8, and 7, and the rpad tween the sixth and seventh concessions, lots 11 to 14 and the be-tween Jots 14 and 15 in concession 6. 29. T-he- road between lots 14 and 15 in the secolid and third oncessions of TownshIp of Yarmouth, 30. Commencing at the north boundary of the City ofSt, 'homas the road in, Township of Yarmouth between lots 'Sand 6 ,in !lcession 9, the road in rear of the ninth concessiOn, lots 6, 7, 8, ~;uPtoand includi,ng the road between lots '8 and 9 in the range &th ond first and second. ranges north of the Edgeware Road, the lth and ,eleventh concassions. 31. Commencing in the road, in the Township of Yarmouth, ween the range south and :first range north of the Edgetv-are road, 9, 10, 11; and 12, the road betyreen lots 12 and 13 in the :first, d'second ranges north of' the EJdgeware Road the tenth an'd ''''nth c0ncessiOllS. \. 32. Commencing at the Southwold townline, the road, in. the wnship of Yarmouth, between concessions 11 and 12 to the town- ebetween Yarmouth and South Dorchester. qommencing at the road, in the TownShip of Yarmouth, lots 8 and 9, the road bet.ween concessions 10 and 11,Iots Used in line of Dorchester townline on lot 19 (Mapleton). 141 142, Elglii Cbullty Coun~i1. Elgin County COuncil. 34,' ,The Middlesex county line in rear of, thefift~ent~~?,', cession, >rownsMp of y,armouth, from the Dorchester-townlin~"Jl?~ !7' and 16, and r)art of }5 to connect with, the Middl~s~.x 0(')"#.) Roap,. 35, Commencing at 'NewSaTUll1 on Talbot RbaA Ittrow#~-~f of Yarmouth, lot ,21, the, ro~d rurin~ng ~ortherlY through conce~~,~?: 9; Ra.E.R., 1st a~d ,2nd ~angesN.E,R., ,~;Dnces.sion "",19 ~Il(1-,'~6, cession 1l,~0 t!te towntine between YarmOii~h,a,ndSQ'uth~ofP4~~t, thence northerly along said townlille to the county lin~ alo n6rtherlyboundary of Yarmouth, '36.' CommenCing at the Lake Road' in concession one" to~ ship of Yarmouth, the road betwe'en lots 21 and 22 in cOllC(}~,::;V 1, 2, 3, 4', 5, 6,an dits continuation northerly _ and ,:westerly tl1l'()" cQllcessi-oh 4, lot~ 20 ~:rid 21 to the road >etweell cO'I1cessions7' 8, lots 19 alid' 20 to ,and ~long road betweei110ts 18 and i9 j~ cession 8, 37, The road in the Township Of .Y~rhiouth betwe~111ots 7:':;: 8inconces,sions 5, 6,and 7 ,the road between conCe~'slollS lots 6 and.. 7 , , 3-8. The road known as the Talbo,t Road from 'the boundary of ,the Town Aylmer, running throug\~_the ':r-crwnshtP Malahid,e and Bayhamto the easterly boundary' of Ttrwns:lH: Bayham. 39. Corrimencingat We northerly boundary of South, ,the, road, betwen lots 12 and 13 of said b:rwnship arid As',~ tinuation between Jots .10 and 11, of the' Township of Mala,h{d~ the road -between concessions 1 and 2' (Copenhagen) saveande:ib that, portion within the Town of Aylmer. ' 40. Commencing at the southerly bou.ndary of theVi.Ua, ~pringfi~l,d the road in the Township, of Malahide,yunning erlybetween lots 20 and 21, in, concessio;iis 9 aiid 8_ and:tl southerly and westerly through lots 20 to 13 in the seyen' ces~idn ,to the easterly boundary of the Town of' Aylmer._ 41-. The road iii the Township df, Malahide, 21 in concession'S. 2, 3,,4,: 5, ahd 6 of Malahide. 143 43.. The road'in Township of Mal"hide between concessions 4 and 5, lots 21 to 25. 44. The road in the 'fownshijJ of ilHtlahide belween conc,essions 1 and '2 lat's 11 to 20. 45. Tile road in the Township of BaYham, knOwn as the old plank road from the northerly boundary of the POllce Village of Port Burwell and running northerly and north-easterly to the town- line between bhe townShips of BaYbam. aud Middletoj, ; ""cac!a) save and except the portion within lhe Village of Yienna. 46. The road in the Township' of Bayhain between the first and secoud concessions from the Malahide Townline easterly and south_ 'erly to a ,jJoillt 100 fe..t frbm the easterly end of the Port Burwell Bridge. 41. The Forge Road from the Talbot Road in the TownShip of l\!a1ahide and rUnning nortb-easterly through lots 34 and 35 and in the TownShip of BaYham, concessions 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 to the townllne "between the TownShips of BaYham and Middleton. '48. CommenCing at the townline between North DOrChester, the rOad in the Townsbip of Soutb )o,ts 3 and 4, concessions 7, 8, 9. 10. 49. Tbe road in the Township of South DorChester between concessions 10 'and 11, lots A to 12 (LYons), . 50. Tbe road in tbe Township of SOuth. DorChester, between lots 6 and 7, concessions 11 and. 12 to the northerly bound.,", of ~::the Village: of Spri~gfield 51. The road in the TownShip of South DorChester between 18 and 19, concessions 8, 9,and 10. 52. The road in the TownShip of South DorChester between cpncession. 9 and 10; lots 13 to 24. the Yarmouth Townllne. ' 53. The townline between the TOwnShips ,South Dorchester from the westerly bOUndary :priugfield to the road between lots 10 ~nd 11, ide. and SOuth Dorchester between 'Of ThHtlahideand of the Village' Of concession 9 Mala_ , 42. The: road in the Tawnship of Malahide ~~~ ..---- -_c~c,-" ,? and 3 from lats 21 to 35- auQ. the Hayham townline ,~outh' said road to read, between cohcessions 1, and 2 Malahide. Elgin County Council. aV.LAWNO. 903, Elgin County Council, To Appoint a High Constable. INDEX. Passed 24th November, To Appoint a Board of, Audit. . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . , . . . . . ,.16, 123 ,To Apppint HighSChOoITrustees...........,....,...17.123 To Authb:dze Warden and Treasurer to Borrow . $75,000. . .. . . . '" ............. .........,.......".. .18, 124 ' To 'Grant Aid to Canadian Patriotic Fund;.., . ". , . . .: .18, 124 To Appoint Auditors",..."..............."... ':,' ;'.19,125 To Grant Additional Aid to Schools,...,.......... '" ..125 To Confirm Equalization.,.. .., .,......,......,....... .126 To Raise Amounts for County Rates.'..." ..... .,...., , '. .127 To Fix Members Wages...,. .'..,...,.,.......... ..,..,. .128 To' AIifend -BY~Law886. . . . . , . . . . . , . . .... . . . . . . ~. . ~. . . . , . ~28 To Confir'ril By..Law 3"83 of Vienna...., . . . , . . . . . . . . . ., . .129 To Confirm By-Law 777 of,Bayham....... ...,.........,. .129 To, Designate a System .Qf County }toads;........... .'.34,130 ,To, Appoirtt a ,County Roau :COlp.lll~~te,e...... . ...., ...... .1,36' , To .Appoint a County Road' Superinteudent. . . . . . . . . . . . , . 136 ToO Fix Salary 'of ,GaOleran(jMatron. . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . ; .137 To Make, Grant to .Great _ War Veterans' Association... . .137 To Amend By-Law 897 Designating a System of, County,cRoads .. ..'.,....,....,....,......,..,....... ,137 To ApP~int a, .High, Constable._.. .".... ..._............... .144 CELLANEOllS'- .Address of Warden...,......:..... .,.,............,..... .7,22,43 County'O'fficials .:: :.'................... .......:.... ......,..2 :;Communrcations.... ..,...... .8;9, 11, 12, 21, 25, 33, 35" 38.'44. 49 'peputationsAPPo'intecL,. .,.,....,..,...... ................;.. .19 peputations Heard ...........,...........~ .;:.,.............26,36,47 EUect'iou or' Warden....~..;...~\...:..,. ........,..............4 'RIOTW .MA TTERS_ ~ai1-adian Patriotic Fund................ .................;11, 73 rant .y; 'M:. .0, A; Overseas .Work.;.............. '..;...... A8,78 ,rant Great War'Veterans' Association... .:....,.. :-....... .'...77 The Elgin County council enacts: 'That John Hopkins be and is herby appointed High of the County of Elgin and that 'he be paid the sum of Dollars per month for his services. COUlity Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 24th 1'{ovember, j(. W. McKAY, County "Clerl!:._ J. A. 'RTS_ g'r!Cu1tural :rtepresentative . .... . . . ... .. . '..",co . ._,,-, ..'. . . . . . . .97 "ounty Clerk's, Report Licenses......,.......... .,~ '-. . . '/;. . .. . .. .66 Engineer.............. ,.....,.....,.. ....'>:.:~:;,; ;'7'9, 81, 82 145 146 Elgin ,County Council. Co~nty ,_Roa,;ds,:Committe'e, ....., .......... .27, 29, 33,50, County Treasurer ......'. .,.'.......... ,....... ._..,:.... .;68, Court House Commission;........,......,........ ..:.... Education Committee............... ,12, 27, 38,49, 63,' ]Dqua~ization ... ,..... , .... ..... .....,."..,..,_... ...;;. ~~,.. ,F.'in~n~~'C~~rnittee', ...... ..'.... .13,29" "38, J~2,7.2,'73,74" . ," '" "I. ,',' ",,' ........, ,",", ",',;', ,..,'-, l;l~ol Cornlli1t,t.e,e,.. .... '.. . . .... .., :.. .. . .. .. .. . .15,38,50, House of I;n:du:styCorumittee.,......,........... ~'o~,s~,pf~n,du,st~,y ':P~lY,Si,~i~ll.. ..,... ..,.,... ..... ..~;.... .... :t~quf!leof l11:dp.,j:i~~;yI~~p,e:c~or. ,..:..... .,.,... .,..~.~'.~:.- ,. ... pe~iti?nSall<l,,::]j_e:,gis~atioIl"....".'....... .,'" .:,.. ..+3, poF~,e~~~tstra~e . ~.'~.....:. .',. ..,.,...,~... .-,. .'..... Puplic Ip1proyement Omnll1~t~,~,~.. ....,. .., ... . . ,18'-f~' Pij,p'l~c ,:Schoul:I;n1?p,ec.tor'T,a110r.,....-.....,;.............. ~. Puplic:Sohoot' "_i~,s,p,ectorSmitll.. ..,..... .c. ',',." .,.... ".,.. St,!-:~dil}~"com~ittees.... ..'.. .-... .'.. ,.. '....,.. .;.. ..,.. .'.~ R)ilSO):.UTIONS~ Atidit;or.A.dmitiistration of'J,us.ticeAocounts.. ..,.'. .'......, ,Auditors 'County,." .c,.,.,.,.'.,.,..... '.'." ",. ',' ;'... ,.,. .,.,.-. .c. .,.. Gommittewto -'Stti-ke 'Standing Comn1itt.ee.s. . ... .',. .... .. . . ..C_ounty"Road,s..,. .,.. ..,.. .".'. .'. ".'. .,.,.'..., .'.... .'.... .,'. ".,". 'Couuty:Roads'in :.villages............ ..,...:..... .'.',". ..... County'Roadsdn'Dor(lh~.ster.. ..' ,... ."..' .-.... :.~, .... ...... Devutations,When .to',beHeard......... .-.,..,..'.. .,.,' Equ~.l~zation ...'.'.".... .', .'.'. .,'.. .'.'. .. .'.-.. ',.,. .,...... ,.',.. .,. '-.' .'. Grants to Gornand Po~ltry Shows..,..,...'....;...... qrap:t"s to :a~Il,or~ers.. " . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . : . . ... ,. . .. Grants to Libraries..,.. ,............,........ .~raP:ts tp, :,~oar,d.s :pf ,Agri~u}~u.rean~ 'Women!s Grallts to A. ..'gr,icultutal Soc,ieties;........"......_..:.. " ".." ",,' ,':,: ',' : '", ""," " ;gr~ts Jp:Dunwi,~p.Te'~ate-Wallac_e ... .'.. .,. .:;'" ," .'.. ,Grant~ to ",V'i€luna }~H4~e:: ,:..:.., .. :~.. ';........ ~... High School Trustees. ..,...............,. .'.'.. .... ..... High Constable ... ......... .......... .,~,/; .,.:.....,.,.,.,....... H?Uf;!:} ',:C!f I:nduE\t~;yM,/;lat "Cop.~r~ct...,._~.. ...... .~.. ~o~ico),.J.OlJ.n ...................... .,.,"'CO ,.". S.t~tler .Bridg~ ......... ...,. ...,.: . . ..... . .. .,14, SuperintendEmt:County ,Roads..........., .'..... ~'....