1918 Minutes
County Officials
Esq~, 'County Judge C: O. Ermatinger, Juni91; Judge"
Jas. H. Coyne, Esq..'Regislrar
D. MyLiws,Esq;,County C,o\lrt Clerk .
A.McCrimmon, Esq, Clerk,of the Peace and Coul{ly Crown AttOrney'
W. H. Elliott, Esq.;' Sheriff
CE. 'Maxwell, Es'q" Master inChantery ,W. F. Lptort, Esq."G-oaler
J;A Taylor, _B.A" and J. C Smith, B.A" P,ublic School Inspectors;
K. W, McKay, Esq., County qerkand,Treasurer
'James A.Bel1,'M.C.S~, C.E., County' Engineer
G, F,Pineo, County Road Superintendent
C.St. C. ~eitch, County Solicitor
FrankHunt,Esq.;-Police Magistrate
Robert Kains, Esq" M.D., Goal. Surgeon
Doug.Ias L. Ewin, M,D., Acting Physician House of Industry'
D,H'.' Gooding,Esq., Keepel:,' Hotlse of , Industry
A. Turner, Esq.; Jtlspe~tor House of Industty
Wil1,'R~ndle,Car.etakerCourt House
J ohri Hopkitis, High Constable, St. Thomas
All of 5t, Thomas P.O. .
County, Auditors:, \iValker C. Caughell; 'W.A.:',GaJbraith, Dutton
Administration of Justice Auditors: C'VV, Colter, Eounty Judge
Mayor' Florton, St. 'Thomas ; Oscar McKenney, -Aylmer
Municipal Clerks and Treasurers
Municipality Clerk- Treasurers
Aldborough......,.J. A,McRae, Rodney.... .~A. Carmichael, West Lorne',
Dunv.,ich............D. A, McNabb, 'Dutton.u.........J. 'A, :Campbell",Dutton
Southwold........J. C. McL'ennan, Finga1........D. A. Gattanach, Fingal
Yarm9utl1..~,W, 'CO Caughell, St. Tholl1aS....R. 'McLachlin, St. Thori1as,
Malahid'e............JohnM. 'Hale, Aylmer.......~....Johi1' M, HaJe, _Aylmer'.
Bayham........Benj, \ Brian, Straffordville,.....nWm., Grant, Straffordville
South 'DotchesteL...~...D. 'Taylor,Behnont........Gordon Winder, LyonS.
Town of Aylmer...eu.......,.....,.......D; C Davis...........-,..............W. ,Vvarnock
)' , ',' " , '
Village of,Vienna~,..................,.,.S, S, Clutton.....'~..................S. S. elutton
Village of Springfield....................]. B. Lucas....................J.A. Chambers.
Village of Port Stanley......,.,.......J~ S. 'R6bertson~..._.........J; S. Robertson
ViH,age of Dutton...........'...:.........,....J. D. Blue._.......c.....:............D.'Campbe11
Village of ,West Lorne~..'............~..j.S: 'Robertson.m....~..~........F. Stone
Village of .Rodne~.............,............J.D. Shaw...........................N. S. Lusty
of the
. .
The Council elect of
Co'urt House, St. Thomas,
Tuesday, the 22ndday of ]anuary,1918
the County of Elgin ,met. this day at ,the'
at, 2 p.m.
The following members filed certificates and took their seats
at the Council" Board:
Township of Aldborough_
Reeve,WiIliam Tolmie,
Deputy Reeve, William
'TOWllShip. of Dunwich-
Reeve, J.L.Kendall.
Deputy Reeve, J ohil A.
Township of, S.outhwold-
Reeve,WiIliam' H. Turner.
Deputy Reeve, William R. Gunning/
Township of Yarmouth-
Deputy Reeve, Wilson H. Mills.
Elgin County Council
T'ownsllip of ' Mala hide-
Reeve, William T. Hare,
Deputy' Reev:,e, Eugene B. Hill.
of Bay-ham--:-
Reev;e.'"Willia~,H. 1~oore.
Deputy Reeve,' Thomas Dennis,
of ,50uth\ D6rchesfer-
Reeve;:Malcolm M,cVicar.
of Aylmer~ ,
R~eve, "O~c,ar 'McKenl1CY.
of ,Vienna-
Reeve, George F. Williams.
of Port St:'l.llleY----i---:
Reeve, N. S. CornelL
,'Villag'e 'of -Dutton-":":
G, McCallum.
of West Lorrie-'
Reeve, John' B. Ferguson.
of Ro'dney-
Reeve", B, B. Graham',
The election<of Warden was proceeded with andoTl'the second,
,vpte, N. S. Cp'ri1ell, Reeve of Port, Stanley, ,received the majority
v.ote of the \vhole Coundl, and, was -declared dtdy elected' for the
The Warden Electmad,e ,statutory' declaration' of office before
his ',Honor, Judge, Colter, took the /chair -and addresse~L theCotincit
Elgin County Council
To the Elgin CountyCoun,cil:
Gentlemen,-I have to again thank you for appointing- me t6,.
presid~ over you; c1eliberationsGuring the year,
Our Municipal Institutions hav'e justified' themsel~es during the past
thre.e.years' by'enabling us, to equalize many, of the larger expenseS.
due to the, war. The Provi'ncial authorities are gra-dualIyexteriding'
the 111unicip~dfield,of co~operation in this regard. It is to ,beho/ped
that'- municipal, representatives' generally "will, rise' to the occasiOri' and
that a wise and ecoriomical administr'ation ofour:,I'otal affairswiU
be the result.
County Roads
The County Roads Committee will, no doubt" report fully in
referent.e tothei-r work with 'recommendations as to the scop~\'o,f
their ,operations during the year. This will be thefir'st opportunity
the Council has had of considering m,atters, pertaining- to, ro~d, im,.
p:rovement. The experience gairiedby, the Supe'rinllendent and 'Com,;,
mittee- during the past three, months should be of th~, grea1:estv:alu~
iI?- assisting the Council, in arriv~ng at a "policy, to be cai'rie"d Ollt ,dur':' '
ingthe' wfl-r,'
Greater Production
The' Food Controllers 'of both Cana.daand the United, ,States
are advising a compaign for, still greater production, This should
be encquraged by municipal authorities generally,' every effo~tshould
be made to complete' such, organization a,s will utilize :to ~he ful~est
extent a:Ulab6r available in rural and, u'rban communities, so that
we' may in' this 'way assist iriraisirig Ithe 'food necessary..to proyide
for shortages due to the w:ar.
The severe -winter has shown thatouf coal c1ealersare not as
fore~tlnded as they might be or that greater capital.is required:to'
,carry" on' ,business, under ,present circumstance'S, The .fact is \ 'that
the:re is_a shortage of fuel in'both rural and urban ~omri1unities. The
legislature has authorized municipalities to go into the' coal business.
El~i.n 'County Council
and itmightbew.eUif prop.er coal war,ehouses could be
in every community, for the storage of: coal for local. dealers
to such regulations 'as t'11e legislature or ~oundls might ,think
Patrio~lic ,Fund,
I The Council will, at this session, be required to
grant to the ,Canadian PaJriotic Fund. At, th,e November'
recommendation of the_ F'inanceCommittee was, that grant
should be,the same as last, year, Fifty-Four Thousand Dolla:rs~
is 'the amount reqnested,by' the Central, Patriotic Fund-
who are arranging tofinanceau'expen-diture of One
lars a month duriqg 1918., The City Finance, Committee will
this, eveni~g in 're''ferenc~ tothematt~r'and it would be wellif
representatives,' of this ,Committee cotildbe present with
to make a statement on' -behalf of this council.
For the past two or three years we have nothad,-3.
-our repr~sentativeson the By~on Sanatorium\" Boardalid
counts for expenses have been presented, the suggestion is
have not been attending: to their :duti'es:, t would
the:,matter be considered by the Council. It is very
we should have a source of information in-reference
necessary institu,tion"
'MCiveq, 'by O. McKenney,
Seconde~ by G. F. Williams.
That tpe Reeves of the different municipalities be a
to strike the Standing Committee, wit:\1 Mr, Mills', name,
EIg~n COUQty.'Council
~ove4 by Wm. H. Moore,
Seconded by Thomas Dennis,
That this Council a-djou,rn until to~morrow atl0o'clo'c~,
County, Clerk
Elgin County' Co'-uncil
Wedhes.day; the 23rd day, of
. .,
The Elgin Cou~ty Council met this day accor,ding- to
. ,
Arthur l?arroll, Reeve of Springfield, filed certificate
his, seat at the Council Boara.
'All the'mE;mbers present, except Reeve of Yarmouth;
pl'oceedings of the 'last day of the
,The repol.t of the, Committeeappciinted to strike the
Committees was presented and ado}:ltedon motion'; of .
:seconded, by Dennis.
The 'following communications were read:
From'E-Iospital for Sick Children, Toronto, application
G~ant. Referred to' Finance Committee.
From E. M. Young,CountyClerl(;'P.rinceEdward, re
'ments to Highway I'mprovement Act. Referred to'Public
ment Committee.
From J. A.Taylor, I.P,S" with repottReferrcd to
From J.Gosnell, County Clerk, Kent, re Amendments
tario: Franchise Act. Referred to Petitions ai\d Legisi~tion
From Salv'ation Army, reGrant-for Rescue Home.
,to Finance Committee.
Fr()~n Di-. A. Voaden, Report St. Tho~as
H.,eferred to Education Committee.
Elgin ,',County ,'Council
From' Provincial Trustees Association, re Delegates to A,nnual
Me'etirg. Referred to Education Committee.
From Geo. S. Henry, re 'Meeting Ont'ario Good Roads Asso.,-
ciation. Referred to County' :Roads -Committee;'
Fr'om County Treasu,rer; with report. Referred to FinanceCqm,.:
From County~Clerk, Report on Licenses.
Nit-, F~rguson gave notice of application,
From County Engineer, 1'\'ith report. 'Referred to Public
provem'ent Committee.
From County Police Magistrate, with .report. Referred to
ance Committee.
Mr; McVicar gave noticeqlata deputation from South" Dor-
. chester would address, the Council on County Roads, on Thursday.
,Mi:Ken-dall gave notice of appIicationfor grant of Fifty bol!
for.' Kate "vVallq.ce ,<\-nd" th'e ,usualg,rants to ,Boards,of Agrioulture.
Moved by Wm. To!mie,
$ec~nded by Wm. Stalker,
That W. A.Galbraith and W. C.'CaughclI"be appoi:htedauditors.
of thc County Accbunts for ,1917. ' .
Elgin Count~ 'Council
Moved by Wrri.Tolmie,
Seconded, byWpl. Stalker,
That O. McKenney be, appointed
Justice Accounts tor the year.
AU,ditor, of'A~ministrationof
Mov:ed by W; H. Moore,
-Seconded by O. McKenney,
That this Council adjourn to meet at 2 p~m,
The CC)1,tncil Resumed
A -deputation fro;U the Law Li,brary Association, consisting" of'
Judge Ermatiriger and J.B. Davidson, then it'ddressed the Council,
-making application for g,rant for the'Library; -Which' was referred by
.the,Wafden to the Finance Committee.,
Mr. Hare gave notice 6f ap'plication for grants to Boards of .
Agriculture 'and'Women's, Institutes. '
The report of the Finance Comtriittee was presented and re.'
ferred to a Con'rmittee of the whole, Mt,', Moore in the, chair" After
eonsidering the report ,dauseby clause; the Committee arose and
the, report was adopted without am'endment,on motion of Moore,
,seconded by, M,~ Vicar;
Moved by J. B. F erglison,
. Seconded by 'J, A. McCallum,
That Reeve Kendall be appointed on the Good Roads_
tee in place at Reeve Campbell. --'
Elgin County Council
Moved by 0, McKenney,
> Seconded by G" F. Williams,
That Mr~' Turner's name be added on the Go()d
in;, place of Mr. Ca'mpbell,
RQads Corimlit':'"
Amendmentqrried, main motion lost.
Moved by. J~ B. Ferguson,
Seconded by L. Kendal~,
That this Council adjourn to meet' to-morrow at 10 o'Clock
County' Clerk
Elgin Couuty Council
-Thursday,the 24th day'of
~Th'e ElginCoun'ty Co~ncil met this day according to adjourn~
';w'cnL All members present 'except Reeve bfYarmouth auf! Mr.
iThe Pi~oceedings of ,the two previous days were
11;1', Dennis enquired in reference to matters , pertaining
:'Cpllnty-Roads. After which thb r~port of the C~tinty" Rqad Com~,
'mittee was presente<i'and' referred, to a Committee' 'oft-he whole,
1v);r; Ferguso,h,in'the chair. Afterconsideririg the re'pott)or some
:Hme, ,the commit'teearose and; asked leave to 'sit again;
A::deput<;L-tion )rqm the County Tr'ustees~" Association,' consist.;.
it-ig air A, Thylor, LP.S.,and J. A.Mc,Rae then, addresse,d the coun>.
.cil in ,reference toa grant and amendment to the law respecting
~uperallnuation, both' of which were referr,ed by the Warden ~o
.Edu'cation'Committ.{'f' I
Elgin Coun'ty Council
:of County Roads CoIl1mittee, Mr. Ferguson jn, the chair. After'c6ri~
siderable discussion tllecammittee arose 'and, the'adoptioll, of' all of
the report, with theexcept'ion ~fclause 8, which was refe;rred back
fo the c9mmittee" was moved by Ferguson, seconded by
Moved, by C. l. vVilIiams,
Secol1:d,ed by O. McKenney,
That W.R. Kirk be reNappointedTrustee of Vienna' I-ligh
Scho'o(and' J; G. He:Herof the Ayl~er High School for thre'e: years.
Moved by D.G.McCalliuu,
Seconded'by J. A.' McCallum,
That William Hollirigshead be appointed trustee, of the Dct.t,.
ton High_ School Board for : three yc<).rs,
Moved by Thomas Dennis;'
Seconded byM" McVicar,
That this Council adjourn to meet at 2,30 P,IfI.
The Council Resumed
A d'etl,ltation'from SO,uth Dorchester,in reference-- to
Roads,then a-ddres'sedth~~otincil 'and presented a
Reeve McVicar. The deputation- c,onsistedof Messrs."A.
,E. 0'., Neil, A, c.- Hoover"A, Moore, W.McCred~e and J.
Th;e Council then resumed a committee ,of' the whole
'Moved by L. ~endall,
Seconded by].:, A, Mc~allum, '
That a grant of Fifty Dollars be paid to the Townshipo'f
'\vi~h to assit in the, mairitenance of !Cate Wallace and sister,
were formerly inmates of the House of Industry.
Moved by VV~ T. ?are"
Seconded, by E. ~. Hill,
That By-law No. 902 be amendcd by designating roads
bered42 ,and 43 as follows, heillg in aGcordancewithl rcs6llttio'n
C' :,," ,'.,:1
El~inCountyCouriCiI '
Special.Meeting of M~tlahide, Township 'Co~ncil o~ 19th Jan-
'42-.Road' between concession 1, a'od 2, lots 11 to 25.
Road between lots: 25 and 26 in 2rid concessIon.
Rciadbetween concessici~ 2 'and 3; lots 26, to 30,
Road between lots 30 and 31 in, the 2nd concession,
.Road hetweenconcessions 1 and 2, lots 31 to _35,
43-Roac1 between the 3rd and 4th concessions, lot521
,Road bctwcen IQts 30 and .31, in concession 3.
Moved by W. H. Moqre,
S'econded by Thomas, Deul1iS,
That' By~lawNo, 902 be amendc_d bydesj'gnating Road.sNiim~
bcred 44 and'45,;asfollows: .
44~In the ,Police Village of Port Burwell, in the Township of
from the intersection of, Wellington and Erius Streets, as
'shown in Rcgistcred.-Plan No. 112, Erius Street ,in a 'northerIy',and
easterlydU'cction to the no'rthe1'11~boundaryof' the said Village 'where-.
itconn,ects"with the old Plank Road runnin'g northerly and north'::
eas~erlythrough said Township to theto'\Vnline betw~~n Bayham and'
Middleton (Acacia) save and except the portion_ within the Village
of, Vic'Q,na.
45-The road in Township of- Ba'y~am between the first and'
'second concessions from the'Malahide townline' easterly, an:d south'-
"erly to Chatham Street in thc 1tnincorpo;ratt~d Village of Port Bur':;'
well as shown 'in' Registere-d Plan No; 112', then.ce along
Stre'et to-Bridge;Street to Robinson Street to \iVellington
lidus iStreet connecting 'with road No. 45.
Elgin County Council
The ,report of the Public Improvement Committee was pres'-
-ented and adopted, on motion of Hare, seconded by Moore.'
Moved by ]. B.Fel>guson,
Secondcd,by L. I<endall,
Thatthisco1!-ncil adjourn to meet <J,t 10 Q'c1'ock to-morrQw.
K. W. McKAY,
Coun!y Clerk.
Elgin County 'Council
Friday, the 25th dayof.January,.1918
County Council m'ct this day accordip.Kto adjourn~
in the chair.
All 'members "present except ',Mr. ,Todd._
The'proceedings of the pre'vio~ts day \:vere)read and confirmed~
The', second report of the County Roads ,Committee" was pres-
alld'>..d'optedon:tnotioll of Tolmie, se~ollded by_Grahcun,
of the House of In'dustr.y Committee was presented
motion 'of'Mllls"seconded by Hare,
The- report, 'of the ,Education C6mmittee ,:0aspreserited and
s~conded by, Barron.
Moved,'by J. B,,'.Fergu'son,
Seconded by WoJ11;. Stalker"
That the council make a gelant of Twenty-five Dollar~,to each
the following' libraries: Rodney,' West'Lorne, DuttOll~ Port Stan~
~ylmer;Vienna" -Shedden,Sparta,B~hnont,Springfie1d, and Bay~ '
to: be paid on the' recommendatiptl of Inspectors Taylor _or
they~res'atisfie-d that libra.ty.has, complied with :,the
Regulations and that' this resolution apply to the grants
that are unpaid.
NJ;ovedbyO. McKenne:y,
Seco'ridedby G, F. Willhqns,
That -this 'council do now ,adjourn to meet at 2.3.0 p.m.'
Elgin Courity ',Countil
" The Council Resumed
The -tllirdrepo'i.t' dftheGounty Roads Conpnitke, was present-
ed -and adopted' on motlon'of Tolmie, secondcd by Hare.
The report of th'e' Pd:itio~s,and 'Legislation C~mmittcc was pre~
sented and' adopted on motion of Kendall. seconded by':Stalker.
I' "
The ,report of the Finance Committee was. presented and
adopted on motion of Tdlniie," secdndei;lby McCallllm.
Moved by, D. G. McCallum,
Secoild'ed by J. B. F~~guson,
Tpat By-law 'No, 904,< being a By-Ia;w to appoi11-t Auditors ror
1918 he recdved and .r:ead a first time.
Moved by J. B.Ferguson,
Seco41ded by D;,G. McCallum;
Tllat By~ra\~No. 904 he read a second time.
Moved .by D~G,McCallltm.i
Secpnded by J, B. Ferguson,
That By-law No. 904 be reacl a third time alid'finaHy ,passed.
Moved by )iVm. Stalker,
Secolided by J" B. Fergusbn,
That By-law No. 905, being a By-law to appoint a Board of:.
re,ceivedand read a first time.
Elgin County. Council
, Moved by. L. Kendall,,\
Seconded by J. B. Ferguson,
, That By-'law, No. 905' be read a second tipic~
Moved by L. Kendall, .
Seconded by Wm. - Stalker!
Thqt Bly-Iaw No. 905' he read a'thit:cl time andJi~al1y ,passed.
Moved by W.-H. Turner,
Seconded by B. B. Graham,
That By~la:v... No. '906,beingaBy-lawtQ appoint High
1)ustees, be receive~ and rea'd' a 'first time.,
Moved by W. iH. Turner, ~
Seconded by B.B. Graham,
That By-law No; 906, be read a second time.
Moved by W. H, Turner,
Seconded by,W. R. Gunnin'g,
That By'-law No. 906 be read a third time arid finally passed,
Elgin County Co'unciI-
Moved by B. B. Graham,
Se,collded by W, H. Turner,
That By-Ia\v' No. 907 being a By-law to. Amend By-law No. 808
b~ received and read a' ,first time.
Move,d by B. B: 'Graham,
Seconded ,by W. H. Tunfer,
That By-law ,No. 907'bc -read a second time,
M'oved,by B. B. Graham",
Seco'ridedby "'.,T. 'R, Turner,
That By-'law No. 907 b,e rt;ad, a third- 'time and, finally passed.
Moved by B. B. Graham,
Seconded by W. R. Gunning,
ThatBy-IawNo~ 908, bcing a Ey~law ,to grant aid toCanadiall
Patriotic Fund, he received arid read a first 'time.
Moved by RE. Graham,
Seconded by W, R. Gunning,
That By-law No. 908 be read a second time,
County Council:
Moved, by E. B. Gtaha~,
Seconded by vy. H. Turner,
That ',By-law 'No. 908 be rea'd a third time 'and' finally
Moy-ed ,by \"1. R. Gunn'ing,
'Seconded by' \"1., H.:rurner,
That ,By-:-law' No. 909being.a By-la\v to Amend By~law No;
be received and read a first time.
1vtoved~Y VV. R.Gtlnnin~;
Second~d by W.: H. Turner,
That By~law-No.'909 be read a second time,
Moved by, VV'~ R. Gunning"
SecondedJbyvV. 'H; Turner,
That By-law No. 909" be
read a thirdtinle and ,finally p,assed.
Moved byW. H. Turner,
Seconded by W, R.,Gunning,
That By~law No. 910, being a By~lawtQ,designate Ro'ads arid
Streets in Villages and Towns, be red,~ived,and read a first time.
E:lginCounty, Council
Mo.ved byW> H. Turn~r,
Seconded, by B, B., Graham,
That BY~la~w,No. 910 be read a second time,
Moved by W" H~ Turne1',
Seconded by W..- R. Gunning,
Th~f By-Jaw No. 910, be ,rerid a. third time and finally passed;
Moved .by J. B. Fergqson"
" " , ; , "
Seconded by D. G. 1\I!cCallnm,
That By,-law No, 911,_ being a By-law to Authorize 'Wardeh and
Treasurer to~bortow One Hundred Thousand Dollars, be received'
anl-read a first . time.
Mqved by D. G. McCallnm,
Seconded by]. B,Ferg,uson,
That 'By-law 'No. 911 be read a second time.
Moved by J. B.Fhguson,
Seconded by:D. G, McCallum,
That By-law No. 911, be read a third. time a'n-d finally ,passed;
EIgiltCounty Council
Seconded by J, A.Mc,Callu-m,
That' the usual grants be paid to an tie Agricultural Societies;
in the County, namely twenty per cent: of ~hc Government
Moved by L. Kend,all,
Moved by Q,McKenney,
Seconded by w. H.Jyloor-e,
That thisCouncil-a;djourn \lotil to-morrow at lo"k,~, <
County "Clerk
Elgin County Council
Saturday, th~ 26th day of January; 1918.
The Elgin County Council met, this ,day according to adjourn",
The- Warde'n in thechair~
All the memberspresent except Reeve of Yarmouth.
The proceedings of the previous day Were read and 'confinned.
,Moved by O~ M.cKenney,
Seconded by W. B.Moore,---
That we ,request out i'epresentatives in ,the Dominion, Parlia~
ment t6ttse their influence to have farm tractors plac~don(hefree
;Moved by W. T, Hare,
Se,condeg by E. B, Hill,
That ,our representatives in the House of C~mmons be request-
ed to use their influence to have all class'es of'field tile ove'r 12 inc~es
placed on -the free list,
Moved by Yy:. T.' \fare,
Seconded by- 0: McKenney,
That this Council 'provide all new members with 'a, copy 'oftl~e
Municipai Act of 1917,
Elgin ,County Council
The Warden appoiri.te'd the followin,g. d~putations:
Reeves" i:>f,To-.,vnships, J. B..
Good Roads'Association:
Edudl.tion Associ~tion: Messrs.
Callum, Hill, Barons arid Williams.
Gu,nning" Dennis, D.G.
Moved by M~ McVicar,
Seconded by 'Thos.- Dennis,
\ Ii
this Council' adjourn.to meet 'Tuesday, the nth/lune.
K. W. McKAY,
"--.- - --- . - - - ------
Elgin COlInty Council
',Thursday, the 28th day of March,_ 1918.
The ElginCo1.mty Council metl this day at theCol1rt' HOlise,
at the call 'of the Warden,
. T.he Warden was in the chait' and all the members present ex":
-cept Mr. Tolmie,
The\rVarden, addressed the' Council as follows:
To the Elgin County Council:
Gentlemen,-Iha.ve called 'you together to-day)n Special Ses~
sian to considermatters"o'f great importance. '
Greater P~oductian
On the 16th 'of this month the Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario
iss'ued a, procJamation requesting the, County Councils of .the Pro-
vince to 'meet to consider ways and means tostimulatc otassist in
the maximum production of essential foodstuffs in 'each County.
A number of 'the Councils 'met ,on Saturday, last the day stig~
'gested in th,e procIamatiol1. The problems connected'with theques":,
tioD of greater production 'are very g.reat. That there is a-great
emergency is beyond question, It is ol1rduty to' place the demands
of th~ war before every other c6nsidetation andb3( every
in our power increase our agricultural and industrial production, prac,:,
tice to t.heutmost thrift and "avoidance of waste, in order that the
shadows of hunger 'and fanline may not descend, upon our' fighting
forces and the homes of our allies .and rencler necessaty, the' a'c~
ceptance of a German pea'ce, '
The submarine destruction of shipping and the progress of
the war has eliminated many natural 'sources of food supply. The
great call has come toCanad-a and the,Unite,cl States to iriC:tGase the'
exp'o'rt of grain and other food, 'Ontario ,is leading-"in thecam~
paign for ;conservation and grea:ter- ,product,ion, It is yourdiltY' as
the representatives of t.heb~s.t,agrict1ltu"r~1 ?istrict in that Province
Elgin County Council
to rise to the occ,asionandcall upon your.:
by producing spring wheat, every'busheI of which will
'bution to the ca't1se of Victory; and a_ world 'made: s'afe for
,The fisheries on the lake -shores of Elgin 'last year
proximately ten million pounds' of fish, valued at nearly
doItars'; An effort is being made to increase the production
,valuable food during the current- year.
Y. M. C. A.
\You will be request~d' to consider the, question' of making
substantial grant to the Young Men's Christian Association ov.er~
seas work, which 'is intimately 'associatec1 with the welfare of
soldier boys. \ The"demands of this 'organization are very great
a Dominio'n widecampaig'n for-funds has he~rt, inaugul'ated.
This' Council made a small grant last Nov~mber al).d.it
a view to 'determining the necessity of organizing, a County
sing compaign fo'r a much larger amopnt that the matter
brQught to your attention at this- time~
Day Light Saying
A Day Light Saying, Bill has' been introduced in
Commons, and while'it app"ea,rs to meet' with fh~ approva'
members, there arevariot1s intef'~sts opposed thereto,
A cQmmunication requ'esting Y0U1~co:-0peration in
to the' proposal will be presented.
The United States authorities have taken
and the spirit of co-opera;tion in ,anything that will
the' present world crisis should" commend itself to
The GiIlettBridge
The only damage of'importance to 'County Bridges this
was at the Gillett Bridge east of Sparta,where the iceca'rried
a span at the east end. This is o:ue of the last large wooden
'that this ,Council will have to rebuild, arid it will ,be for ,you to
sped the site and decide whp,t action should ,be taken'.
Elgin County Council
County Roads
The County Roads Committee will report. Their principal re..;.
commendationwilI be in rderence to the pu'rchaseof a County gravel
pit~in South Yarmouth~ on which the committee has an option,
The maintenance of County Roads will call "for a large 'supply
of gravel and it is the desire of the c'ommittee to, se'cttre suitable pits
wherever they can be located convenient to the roads. ,The property
at ,present under, considerotion is convenient to railway facilities- for
distribution throughout the, County.
I hope y6u will 'take the time to visit the farm and advise with
the committee in reference thereto.
The meeting,'is riot limited tCi'theconsideration of matters''t,o
which I have referred, other ,business may, be 'brought up in, the reg':'
'ula:,r way.
",The Rev. John Dawson, Secretary of the Military Y.M. C.A:
, of London, addressed the Council' and made application for a grant
for the overseas work of the, association, he was followed by Lieu;'
tenants Frith and ,Wlteable. Sergt. Tripp and Capt. Graham, who
te'stifiea to the -wOrk being done by the organization in England, and
France and the great benefits derived theref1-om.
A letter 'from Lt.MCol. 'Brown, C.F.A" commending the' appli-
,cation for assistance for the Military Y.M. C.A. was ',rea-d~
A, communication from theCoutity Council of Wentworthop-
posing day light saving legislation was read
The. report of'the County Roads Committee was presented af!.d
<'itdopted oornotion of Todd, seconded by ;Moore.
Moved ,by :W. T. Hare,
Seconded by J, B.Ferguson,
That the Warden and Clerk be authorized to sign and submit
Elgin County Council
,MinJstet' of Public Works and Highways b(the Province of
tqe ,petition.of the cOrporation of th'e,~County of-Elgin,
showing, that' dtlring, the period 1st ,October t'o 31st December; 1917,
there "has", been expendedupo~ the County Highway" System
of$lO,~ll,57 andrequ'esting tlJe ,statutory grant'spn th~t
provided by the Ad, to 'aid in the improvemei1tof pu1?1ic
Mr. C.W, Buchanau(Agric'u1turalRe,presentative and R. 'A. Pen-
hale, addressed.'the-Coundlitlrefereu'ce to the ,campaign forgteate.r
On motio.n the Council :went 'into committee of 1 the whole. to
consider matters referred to in 'the~arden\saddress, O.McKen-
'ney in the, chair,' Ailer 'considering, the .addre'ssclause by clause,.
the,co'mmittee rbseahd theCoundl adjourn~4'to inspect the Gillett
13ridgesite <iud pr'oposed'gravel pit, and to meet at the call of the
K. W.. McKAY,
County, ,Clerl~.
N.. S. C.aRNELL,
Elgin ,County Council
Friday, the 29th day' of Ma'rch",lD18
The Elgin, County CounCil met this day at 4 pim.
'The Warden in the chair,
All the member_s present.
The~ proceedings of ,the previons da'y Were read and confirmccL
Moved by 'James' Todd,
Secol1ded:by o~ McKenp~y,
~oved' by \\T. H, Turner, \
;Seconded 'by W, R,"Gunning,
That this council co~operate in resolutiol1 pa'ssecl by the Co.t\n:t,3',
Council of Wentworth Qpposing proposed day, light saving,legisla,.-
tion, , .
Mov,ed' by, W. Tolmie,
Seconded by W. Stalker,
That the County Roads Committee be authorized to r,ep'ort fully
befqr,eoption expires, on the purchase of thc Batha way Farm, for
a gravel pit"together with cost of delivery o'f gravel at the vari~us
railway stationsandsidin,gs 3n ,theCountv.
Elgin County,;Cou~cil
That this- Council recommend the organization
mittee in each Town and Village, and several in each
secthat' all availablcland and unused streets areutiFzed
v:egetables and grain.
Moved, by O. McKenney,
Seconded by W; H, Moore,
That the Co,un~y R~ads Committee report:
.1." On deposits ()f gravel available for .use,ori
different parts of the' County,
2. On the question. of freight rateS. on road
3, On Provincial assistance available for
Moved by O.McKenney,
Seconqed 'by' G. F, Williams,
Moved by W. T, Hare,
Seccm,ded by James, Todd,
That this Council be a committee~ toco~operate with
auan, the Agricultural Representative; to increase the
grain and food ;stuffs in ,the County.
The rep'ort of' the Public I~pr'o'vement Committee
sentcd and adopted on motjonof Hare, seconded by
Elgin CountY' Council
Moved by]. B. Ferguson,
;Secol:)ded 'by. VV. Stalker,.
That By-law No. 912, being a By-htw to grant Seventeen Thous-
Dollars to the Military Branch of the 'Y.M. C, A. be .rdceived
read a first time,
Moved by \tV. H,Moorc;
Secondcd byG, F. \Villiams,
That By..:law. Np. 912 be read a second time.
M<\lved by E. B, 'Hill,
Seconded by W. T. Hare,
That By-law' No. 912 be read a third time'and-finally passcd.
Moved by 0, Mc'Kenney,
Secondel"by \V, H, ,Moore,
That' this Council do riow adjourn to meet at the call of the
County Cle!.k.
Elgin ,CouotY,Co1-1tl,:cil
Tuesday, the 28th
The Elgin ,County Cou17cil'tnet his cla)' at tile rCo.ur~
',Sp~cial Sessiot1 tocollsidcr purchas~of County'GraveIPiL
The \Varden in the chair;
All the member,s ,Pl'esent.
The"l:eport,()'f the County Roads C0l11mitteewas
motion referred to a committee of the whole, E.' .B.
. ", ' '. , ,
chaic After considei"able-discussioil, ,the: committee
, the repol't as presented '}Vas ,adopted with~ut amendmerit,
Mov~d by'v\rm. Tolmie,
Seconded by J. 'B. Fergu-sol1,
Th<1:t By~L<L-"v ;N~.913', being a ;By.;Luw to,Pr()vide
chaseofa County Gl'aveLPit,pe re,cei:ved and read ,a first
Moved by James Todd,
Seconded -by \\.T.H;' Mills,
That By.;Lai\-v No. I1l3, be read a secoo'd, time.
Moved by \iV111. ~.:Gunlling,
Seconded by "vV. H. Turner,
That By-LawN o. 913, be read a third,time and finally
Elgin County COl111Cil
Moved by 1\11. McVicar,
Seconded by A. 'Barons;
'. That this Council adjourn to meet June 11th,
~Carried ,
K. W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
Warden. ,
Elgin' County Coun'cil
"Elgin County Council
New Legislation.
The lasL session of the Legislature was productive of much leg-.
ot interest to mU;1icipal officers,
Tuesday, the l.1th day of
The Elgin County C~:)'i1ncilmetthis daYi according to
The Municipal Amendment Act, Section' 53, specifying the persoJls' ,
- disqualified from being members of councils is explained to include
_icommissioners or a member 'of anycbmmission or other body ap-'
;:;,pointedby a council except where otIH:~rwiseexpressly ~rovided.
JJerribers of councils who are members of boards' or other public
bodies should inquire as to their present standing, M,9ney by-laws
for water supply or sewer sysfe1l'!s must in future recit~, that the ap:-
',proval of the PrO\iinciaI Board of Health has been ,obtained, The
'-,ipsurabk interest~ of counties and ,separated cities and < towns in
'>Court HouseS, and Gaols is determined. By-laws to fix stands fo~'
i'motors and other vehitles on streets are authorized and further author-,
~";-HY is ,given 'to regulate hours ,during' which cattle, ,'etc,,' maY be driven
' 'along streets,
The Warden in the chair,
AIL the members present.
The Warden addressed-the Council as follows:
To the Elgin CountyCol1ncil:
Gentlemen,-'-Before taking up the business of ,the' most
.session of the year, .the,re are a few matters to' which I
The' grcatwaris still progressil).g slowly and
weeks the enemy has been' making some advances in
Allies are working unitedly and while the "fortunes of
ways uncertain, we know that with the assistanc'e of an army
United States, right and democracy 'will prevail. In the
; ,-the Governments of:'the Allied nations' are placing the ,whole
resources on a war basis and are receiving the
'people. It has been hai'dfor sotneof us to appreciate
. the situation and the necessity for recent "calls . for
under the provisions of the Military Service' Act, Every
bu'siness will be affected and non-essential industri'es
be suspended, It isqoped that following the c~ming
availablelab6r will be distdbuted so that it-may he
'best advantage. \
, The fuel situation, is evIdenced in authority for by-laws for pur-
<:chasing'or leasing weighing machines for weighing coal or coke in
other than car lots, and for the measurement of wood sold- on or dff
,,;th'e market. A garage,_ the location of which ,is subject to municipal
'regulations" is defined. p'rovision is made for licensing places where
'':-cakes,- pastry andc~ndies are made or sold, The authority fOl' reg~-'
J~tingsale of meat in urban municipalities is amplified, and traffic
,signs are authorized. The extension of 'the municipal, franchise to
'women rendered' nec.essary'aslight change in oath of voters at muni-
'cipal election's;
The Public Schools Act :improves the -oath of a voter at election of
or otherquestiol;ls so that aliens may not vote and gives
direction as to the qualification ofvote'rs and voters' lists;
County Roads.
The Statute Labor Act is amended so that employers a~e required'
pay poll tax for employees and township counc~lsare authodzed,to
by:"Ia\vs raising the poll tax to'$5 same as' in urban municipalities.
are autllorized to double the commutation rate, and statute
commi~sioners in unorg~nized townships have similar,powers,
The 'progress of Highway Improvement' work. in the
.creatinga favorable impression, and I am pleased to.annonnce
Honorable the' Minister of Highways has recently
Provincial County or Sixty per cent, roads about seventy
-extending from the eastern to" the westerl,1boundaries, of the
About, fifteen miles in South wold is still underconsich;ration,
the location of the Provincial; Highways.
The encouragement of sheep f,arming -~s th'e cause of a new "Dog-
Elgin, County Council
Tax. and. Sheep 'Protection Act';. Thisirtci'eases the' annual, tax' on
dogs and provides that dogs maybe shot when 'straying'betw'e~nsuti-
se:t and sunrise'fro'tl:'!- the ,pr~mises on which :sJ,1chddg is habitually
.k'~pt, The appointment of sheep.'valuators is now compulsqryand
9wners:dissatisfied, with, damages awarded, by a council may appeal to
Uie Minister of AgricultU1"e;'
The' Grea.ter Production Campaig,n is 'responsible-for toe authori-
za-tionof by..laws respecting the cultivation of vacant lots, notice to
'own~rs al1'd the issue of. permits.
The progress of highway improvement annually calls for new
legislatioll'"which-this year took the form of author-ity'to dose 'roads
'yhile.Ulldergoing. constt~tction or repairs'; and- county, city or town
,<councils' at~e authorized, to change 111embe~s .of suburban road COpl-
. . I
The engineer under the Ditches andWateroQnrs'es Act 111ay now
mean the ,persons 01' 'firm of persons<'appointed,QY the councii.
The Highway Travel Act is iinproved and authority toinake
grants for patriotic purposes is extend,ed, '
~ The Public Health Amendment Act contain's eleven sections. The
, " ' , ' , ~
vexed' question to_,pay, fOl"--medical officers of health \ may now be
de'tenninec\ by the Cou'nty J\1dgeon appeal by that offi.cer; Pe1~sons
-exposed to communicable diseases now include those. living in or
entl1rihg a house in -Which the disease' exists.
Councils 0\ urban municipalities; have now a certain control over
the sub-division of 'property in the territory surrounding them, subject
to, approval of the Railway ,and Municipal Board~
The s'alar'ies of School In'spectors have been increased
i hy additional grants from the Provincial Treasury.
The proceedings of,the'last day of the January.seSsion ~nd of the
, special sessions were read and confirmed, '
The fo.llowing communications were read:
From VV, A.McLean,'Deputy Minister, of
Elgin County Council
in 'c1e'sigllation of Road Number 33. Referred"to r:;OUllty 'Roads 'Con1-
From Dcpartment of Lands and Forests,re, Fuel Sitt1atioti~
-ferred to Finance Committee.
'From Ontario Municipal Association, re, Annual Mccting. Re~
ferred to Finance Committee.
F'rorn City Clerk, Toronto, re abolition of, ,Senate:
Petitipns and Legisla-tiqI1:Coinmittee,
From County :,uditors, with report. Referred' to' Fin_anceC;o1Ti-
Fr01Ti City Clerk, London, re, Insural1ce' for Sor~ie,rs.
Petitiions and Legislation Committee,
From County Treasurer with Fina'ncialStatementand Estimates.
Referred to Financc C01ui11ittee.
From County Clerk' 6fHuron, reo reduction iq expense of. ,g0-01
'accommoda'tion, Referred to Petitions and Legislati-on Committee,
From Education D,epartinent, reo Eqi.tipincnt and Accoml11oclatiqn
-Grants. Referred' to Education Committee.
From Great vVar Veterans'- A.ssociation, re, Grant:
Finance Committ.'ee,
Rcferred 'to
From W, A. _McLean, Deputy
tiOll of Pro"ll'incialCounty Roads.
Minister qf Highways, recl'esi'gna-
Referred ..to, County Roa-cl's Com:
From County Engineer, with report. Refel;red to Public: 1m-:
provement Comulittee,
From J. C. Smith, LP.S., with report, Rcferredto Educati~n,
Committee, '
Elgiri CountyCoup.cil
'Froth J. c. Smith,~"LP;S. re office accommodation. Referl'ed to'.
Court House COlnrtlission and Gaol Committee,
Moved by G, F.Williams,
Seconded by O. MC,Ket'):n'ey,
That this Council do now adjourn, to 10 a.m, tomorrow to allow'
committees to meet.
County Clerk
Elgin County Courtcil
'vVednesday, the 12th day of June, 1918.
The Elgin'Couhty Council met this day according to adjournment.
The Warden in the chair,
.AlI the members, present except Mr\ Ferguson.
The proceedin'gs of the previous day, were read and confirmed.
Communication from 'the ladies of',the Red Cross Association
requesting appointment for deputation was read.
The report of the Court House Commission .-was presented and
referred to the 'Finance Committee.
Moved by B, B'. G,raham,
Seconded by Wm. Stalker;
That the deputation of ladies from Red Cross Associa'tion be
heard at'lla,m. tomorrow.
The report of the Gaol Comniittee Was persentecland adorit'ed on
mdtion of Dennis, seconded by McKenney. .
. 1
The report of the Petitions and Legislation C0111111ittecwas pre-
sented and adopted on motion of Kendall, seconded by J. McCallum.
The report'- of the House of Industry COtl11Uittee was presented,
and adopted on motion of Mills, seconded by Mool:e. .
The report of the County Roads Committee was presented and on
motion referred to a committee of the whole.
I '
Elgin County Council
Mr.,Tolmie gave notice of application for grant for Paid try Show
at West Lome.
Moved ,by James Todd,
Se"conded,by VV. H.Mills,
That ,this council adjourn to meet at 2 'p.m.
The Council ,Resumed
The council w.cnt into a comrriittee of the whole on report or
COtil1ty Roads Committee, Mr. Dennis in thechaiL Afterconsidl:;r-'
able discussion the committee -arose and' the report ;.\rasadopted as,
presented, on motion of Dennis, seconded by' Hare.
Mr. Mills'inquired re li;;tbility' for sidewalks on County Road.s,and
:vv,as, referred to a .section of the Bighway' Itnprovcmei1t Act, which'
i"elieves'the County of all liability thet'efor.
Comiuunication frOil} Salvation Army in, referen:eeto grant for'
'Re~cuePIome ~a~ react
IM.ove,cl.by. James To.d,d,
S~col1(led by W.H. Mills:
, That Adjlltant Mat.tin of the Salvation Army be allowed to' ad-.,
dress the Council.
A~tjutant Martin then' addresse-d the, Council" explaining his appli-
cation for 'grant, whkhwas referred' by the Warden to-tbe Finance
Cbmli1tlUication .from ,the ,Knights 'of Coltirhbusforgrant to the
Catholic Army Hut Fund was then read,
Elgin County Council
Moved by Wm. Stalker,
Seconded by \iVm. Tolmie,
That the deputation~'eprescnting the Knights of Columbusbcnow
b~rd.' . _..
Mr,Kessel, representing the Knights of Columbus, then addressed
th'e Co~n~il, making ,application' for grant, which wa~ refet'i-ed '.by' the
\i\larden to the Finance "COmmittee.
The report of the Public Improvenlent Committ.ee was, presented
;andadopted on motion of Hare, seconded by Tod-d.
Moved by-"W. H. Moore,
S~con&ed by 0, Kenne.y,
That a committee comp'osed of Messrs. T<.Vmie" 'Todd,Hal:e,
Turner, Graham, Ferguson and' the Wardcn be appointed to deal
with grants to Villages, and the Town -of Aylmer,; under the pro-
.visions.ofCountyRoads By-law;'
',' ---Carried.
Moved b:yL. Kendall,
Seconded by Wm. Stalke'~,
That this Co'uncil adjourn :to meet t~m'orrow at.10 o,'dock.
K. W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
Elgin County Council
Thursday, the thirteenth day of. June; 1918.
The Elgin County Council met this day'accorditlgto adjou'rnme-nt.
The Warden in/the chair.
All the mClnbers present.
The proceedings of the. previous day wete 'read' .and confirmed.
, In accordanc_e-withappointment, Mesdames Leitch, Gilbert, Col':'
scm, Clark and E:1liott then addressed theC6uncil, making, a:ppli'c'ation
fqrgrarit ,for the Red, Cro~s Society of S~. Thomas, anjl it was referre~
bY,'the Warden' to the Finance~omrn.ittee.
\ The' Co:uri.ty Cl.erk'sreport on licenses' in force in the CoulJ.ty was
presented. :
Mr. Moore gave notice that he would apply for a reduction"af One-
Hundred Thousand Dollars in the equalization of the Township 'of
Bayham. \
Mov.ed by A. Barons,
Seconded by W. H, 1Hlls,
That this Council adjourn .to meet at 1.15 p.m,
The Council Resumed.
i A communicationfro111 the Militia Headquarters,Lond6n, ~aking
application for' use of the County Gaol as adetel),tion gaol for mi1i;.;
:tary offenders,' was read and referred to the "Gaol Committee.
'Elgin COl1ntyCouncil
Moved by A. Barons,
Seconded byvV. T.Hare,
That the council adjourn to meet tomorrow attcn o'c1ock~
K. W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
Elgi'n Coui1tyCouncil
Friday"the '14th June, HilS.,
The,'Wa,rdel1 in 'the" ~hair.
The Elgin C~~nty .council met this day according to,adjournment:
.' ' 1
All the members present.
The, proceedin~s of, the previous day W~re re'ad andcop,flrmed.
The report of the Education Committee was presented
i:adopted oninotion of Ferguson, seconded by Barons.
The Coun,ty Roads Committee presented : their' /second
w,hich was' adopted onmo,tioH of Tolmie, se~()tldedby, Hare.
The report 'of the SpecialComni.ittee, regrants toViIlages, was
presented. and referr~d to a committee of the whole, with Mr. Turner
in the chair. After consideration tke ~eport was adopted as pre~
sented on motion of Turner,'seconded by Moore.
,The, report of the Gaol Committee' was 1?rese~ted ~nd' adopted
motiOl).,of, Dei1nis, seconded by McKenney-.
Thc:0.r$t report of the Fii1anceCommittee was
adoptcdon 1110tion of Tolmie, seconde:dby Ferg~son.
The second report of the Finance Committee was 'p'reseilted a'nd
ado'ptedoninotion of Tolmie, seconded by,Williams.
Mov.ed by W. H. Moo~e,
Se~onded by Thos. Den'ti.'i,s.
That the Equalization of ' the Assessment Rolls 01 the
Hl1S- be the same as last year, with the exception at the
Ba:yham, which be ' equalized at $1,7S4,513.
Elgin County Council
In: amendme,nt,
Moved,byO. McKenney,
Seconded byG. F.WilIiams,
That the equalization of the County, be the same as last year.
Main motion' lost, amendment,carried.
Moved by ,\V.- H. Moore,
, Seconded ,hy a.,McKenney,
J'hat thisCoundl adjoum to meet at 2 p.m.
,The Council Resumed.
Movee;! by a., McKet1ney,
Seconded by ,B. ,RGraham,
That this Council rebate to the Town and Villages in the County
SO-per cent. of the amount levied up,on theni:-un-der By-Law No. 89'7
for this year" the said amount to be expe,nded on the connecting links
of tlieCounty roads arid that rto w'ork be done on the said road until
after'the 1st of August.
In amendment.
Moved. by A. Barons
Seconded by G. F.' \i\TiIliams,
That the question of gral1ts to Villages and To~n fOl: road 'pur-
be left in the h'ands Of the County Roa-ds Committee with power.
Main motion, lost, amendment 'carried
Elgin County Council.
That By-Law No. 91~, being a By-Law to,a'ppoint
House,of Industry, be received and read a first time.
Moved by James ,Todd,
Secondeq. :by W. H. Mills,
'Mpv.ed by' James Todd,
Seconded by W. H. Mills,
,That By-Law No. 914 be now read a secdnd time.
Moved by W. H. Mills,
S~condedby James Todd,
That By~Law No. 914. be read a third time and finally
Moved by M.McVicar,
Seconded by ThOmas Dennis,
. That By-La,w No. 915; being a By-~aw
~By-Iaw be 'received and read a fir.st'time.
Moved by M. 'McVicar,
Seconded by W. H. Moore,
Th:lt By-Law No. 915 be read-a second time.
Elgin CountyCourtcil
Moved by Thomas Dennis.
Seconded by M. Me Vicar,
That By-Law No.. 915 be read a third time and fina~ly passed.
Moved by O. j)1cKenney,
Seconded by G. F. Williams,
That By~LawNo. 916, being a By-Law to fix salary o:f County
RoadSuperintendetit,be received and read 3: first time.
Moved by O.'McK,enn~y,
. Sec?nded ~y G. F.Williams,
That By':'Law No. 916 be read a second time.
Moved by G. F. WiIHams,
,Seconded by Wm. R. Gunni,ng,
Tl~at 'By-Law' No. 916 be read a third time and finally ~passed.
Moved by W. ,H. Turne'r,
Seconded by B. B. Graham,
That By-Law No. 917, being a By-Law to authorize the Warden:
to appoint, f!- Suburban Road Commissioner, .,be r,e'~eiv~d and read a
first time. '
Elgin County Council
Moved by Wm.R. Gunning,
Seconded by B. B.Graham,
. Thht By,..Law No; 917 be read a second time.
Moved by B. .E. Gmham,
Seconded bYIW111~ H. Tui",net,
That By-Law No. 917."be read a third timeand 'fi'tlally passed.
Moved byb. G.McCallum,
Seconded by.B. B. Gr'aham,
That' By-law No. 918 being a By-law to rnake
War Veterans'- Association, be received ancl-rea'd- a
,Moved by J. A.' McCallum.
Seconded by D. G. McCallum,
Tbat By-Law N.o. 918; be read a 'second time:
Moved byE. B. Graham,
Seconded byD. G~ McCallum,
That By~law No. 918 be read a third time and' finatly
.. Elgin County Council-
Moved by J. .B.Ferguson,
Seconded by L. Kendall,
That By-Law No..91q, being a By-Law to.:grant additi911aLaid to
,. . , '. . / I
:s_choCils" be received and read a first time;'
Moved by L Kendal!, '
Seconded by J. B. Fe;rgusort,
ThatB'y-Law No. 919 be i"ead a. second time.
Moved by J. B. Ferguson,
.Seconded - by L. Kendall,
That By-Law No. 919 he read a third time and finally ,passed.
1{ovedbyW. Tohnie,
Seconded by Wm. Stalker,
Tha\ By~Law No. 920, being a By-Law to raise County Rates,.
:received 'and read a first time.~
Moveq by WU1.- Stalker,
Secondec1__byWm. Tolmie,
'That By-Law No. 920 be read a second time~
. .1 . .
~lgin County Council
Moved by Wm. Stalker,
'Seconded by Win. Tolmie,
Tl~'at, By-:-Law\ No. 920 be read a third time and fina'lly.passed~
Moved by Win. H. Turner,
Seconded by Wm. R Grinning,
That By-:-Law No: 921, bein'g a .By-Law"to confirm equal~zation,
received and read 'a first time.
Moved by Wm. T. Hare,'
Seconded by E.B. Hill;
That'By-Law No. 921 be read a se<;ohd time.
Moved byWm. T. Hare,
Seconded by E. B. Hill,
That By-Law, No. 921 he read a 'thirdtime'ahd ,finallYPC1:ssed~
The Warden appointed the following members a deputation
wait upon the' Minister of Highways in reference to the question
grants to Villages and Town uuder the County Roads
Ivfes'srs.Tohl1ie, Hare, Ferguson and McKenney.
The .following, delegates were appointed to attend the
meeting of' the Municipal Association:
Elgin C(mnty Council
Stalker, J. A. McCa'llum, Todd,' Graham, Hill, Barons and
Moved' ,by A.C" Barons,
S~conded by Thomas Den~is,
That this Council adjourn
at 2 o'clock.
to m'eet on Tuesday, the 19th Novem-
K. W. McKAY,
County Cler~.
I ,Warden:
Elgin County Council
Thur~c).ay, the 12th'day of Septembf'x,
The, Elgin County Council met this day at the Court
St. Thomas, .at 2 p.m., ,at the request of the Warden; to
\matte'rspertaining tei grant to the Navy League of .Canada~
Previous fo going in session the -Councilatten'ded a public'
iug in the Court Room where addresses were delivered by
of the' League. '"
The Warden to6kthe ~hair at 3;,30 p,m.
All the members pre~cnL
After'somepreJimi.na1'y discussion the council went into a
mittee of the whole, with Mr. Tolmie, in-the chair. After some
cussion tne, committee arose and the Chail.manreported, in
a ,grant of Fourteen Thousand Dollars tp the Navy_League.
report 'was adopted by the Council.
'Th~ Treasurer repor'ted that it would be necessary to
the borrowing of additional funds tOlTIeet current expenses
CountY Rates were paid. ' ' ,
Moved by D. G. McCallum,
Seconded by W. H. Turner,
I 'That By-law No. 922, to authorize the Warden and
to bon-ow $50,000, be received and read a first time.
Moved by Wm. R; Gunning,
Seconded 'by\V. H. Turner,
That'By' -law';No. 922, be re'ad a second time,
... ,,'
E~g~n County. Council
-Moved by B. B. Graha'm,
Seconded by \V. H; lvroore,
That By-law No. 92-2, be read a third time and finally passed.
Moved by Wm. Tolmie,
Seconded by E. B. Hill,-
That By-lav,' No. 92a, to make p. grant
Canada, be received aIld read a first, time.
to the NavyLcague qf
Moved by. James Todd,
Seconded by W. H. Mills.
That By--Iaw No. 923, be read a second time.
Moved by A. Barons,
Seconded by M.Mc Vicar,
That By-law No. 923 be rea,d a third time and finally passed.
Mov~d by W. H. .Moore,
Seconded by 0, McKenney,
That this. Council do fiow adjourn.
K, W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
Elgin County' Coundl
Tuesday, the 19th day ,of November; 1918
The Elgil1, C6u'nfy Comicil met this day at "the Court House,
accbrding to adjo,urnnlcnt. .
The\~larden in the, chair.
AIL the men'1bers present
McCalh1l1J, 'Ferguson, -Grah;-lm
except Tolmie; Turner, }O"liUs, D. G;
and Williams.
The Warden addressed- the Council, as follows:
the Elgin ,~ounty Council:
GentIemen,-This is the last meeting .of what haS: been prOD'
the most eventful year 'in the history of Elgin County.
Sillce our last regular meeting n10st remarkable evel;1ts hav~
taken'place in reference to the ",'orId war. Whatwc' then looked for-
warCl to with hope and _courage has beco;me a reality VI'ith ,a spee(\:.
\\'hi~h has exceeded .the hope of, the most 'sangt1in~. It is certainly
<t, ,source of wOllderftil satisfaction to kno\~' that the efforts of our
bravcsoldiers have at last been' rewarded and that democracy has
prevailed overautocra.cy. However; ,there ate' other forms of au.to-'
cracy,bther I-han that known as "political'autocn-icy," into ,~hich.
let us hope, Canada will never be drawn to any exten't.For instance
the concentration, 'of wealth into large' corporati'OnS:, i::oml~bnly
known as the "biginterests/' These ibsprb thf smaller corpora~,
dons, resulting in the building l1fJof a fe"v largece'1tres of -industry
at the expense of smaller.
Let mcmention briefly, as an illustration, our Canadian banks,
~hose '",harter permits them toloan',their money in any _place ,they
desire. These banks have branches in almost every ,village and ,ham-
let,throughout the country, and like an octopus whose tcnaclesreach /
'mlt sucking the strength from whatever livil1g object they come into
contact, these,btancheswithdraw themon<;y from the ,smalle1' -town
where it has been ,deposited, taking it to their offices in the cities
Elgin County Counc)l.
for the use of large, industrial concerns which they belp to build up;
Bank presidents ,and directors ate in many instances, p,residents and'
directors of industrial in'stitutions, and when 'application is made for
ldans by- institutions in which they are interested,. what ,,\(Ould
T110re natural than that tH~y sho111d favor these institiltiollS. Ther,e
is n marked' difference in the charters issued by the United States
Government, which only permits the loaning of, money- bythehanI<;s
in the ,communities where .it was deposited;
To some of, us:tbe gra'nting of one million dollars by thc.OnM
tado Government, to be lo,ined to different l.llui1icipalities for ,the
better 'housing of their employees, I()oks like anot,her error along
the' same line, namely the concentration of wealth in larger celitreS
at the expense of the generaLpublic, thus carrying oot the BibIical
qiwtatioll, '''Unto them who have ,sliall be given aJ'1d from themwh6
have notsh'aIlbe taken away, eveil that ""hich they have." Instead
of .increasing',thesmplus of those who are alreadYl'ich we should,
look to provicling for the less fortunate- and above all be sure tlpt
we are generously just \vhen soldiers return 'batter'ed'utld scarred
from thl'; pattIe fields of Europe.
Perhaps the iTIostimportant County, work for many yeal'sis-'
the introducnon and \vorking out of the Good Roads Scheme. On
account of high wages, scarcify of men, advanced price of 111ateriaI,
machinery and oth~r requisites, also the doubling of freight 'rates,'
it'hasbeen very difficuftto m~l'ke rapid prog'ress. Notwithstandi'ng
all these difiicltlties, there has been a good C0111mencern,ent made,
of.. whiCh you will, hear more from'the Chairman of the Good Roads'
In conclusion, I \vish ,to t1~ank every lpc1l1bcror this BO,il'cJ:
includingCQl1llty Officers and Officials for the support and, :ISSj,S-
-- tance giventTi~ durin?, the past year; ,
Proceedings of the last day of JUJ"le Session and' of Spe~ial
Sessiollwere'readand ,colifinlled.
The following c01ll111nnicati011S were read:
FrQln Ci:mnty Council),Watetloo, re rccluctiollOf' Pt'lblic Expense
,Referred to Petitions and Legislation' Comnlittee.
Elgin County Council
From .coun.ty Council Peterborough, re distribution of auto:-
mobile'license fees. Referred to Finance Committee.
From County Council, Fr()l1tenac,."re AI?olition of Titles. Re,fcr-
t'ed t'b Petitions and Legislation Committee.
Fr()tU Dr. Evvin, ,Physician, House of lridustry'with report. Re-
fei'red t~ House of Ind~stry Comrrtittee. '
From Jas.. A. .Bell, County Eilgineer, withrepor-t. Referred to
Public ImprevementCorrtmittee.
Mr. MeKe'uney gave"notice of
Elgin Poultry Show,same as last
application for gr,ant to the East
Moved by A. Barons,
Seebnded"by Iv1, McVicar,
That, this Council adiourn until ten a.m. to-morrow' to allQw
committees to meet,
1<. W. McKAY,
County, Clerk.
T:i1ird'Ses.sion-Second Day
Wednesday, the 20th day of Novemper, 1918
The Elgin CQunty Council met this <;lay according to adjourn-
The Warden in the qlail'o
All. the members present except Ferguson, Gr.aham ,and Wil-.
Proceedings of the previous day wet;e read <11H1 confirmed.
Elgin CountyCoullcil
M.oved by O. McK-enp.ey,
Sec~nded byll'. Moore,
That a grant of One Hundred
East Elgin Foulh'y Show.
and Fiffy' Dallal'S be given' to
Moved by L Kendall,
Seconded by '1\1.. Sta'lker,
That this
allow members
City Hall.
Council adjourn llntil three-thirty this ;iftcrnool1 to
to attcnd the Patriotic A'sso'ciaUoll meeting, at,the
The Council Resumed
Moved by. ~V; Stalker,
Secorided -by Wm. Turtle1',
,That _''Ye adjourn until 10 a.m. to-nlorrow.
1('. W. 'McKAY,
County. Clerk.
Third Session-Third Day
Thursday, the 21st day of November, HilS;
The f1gin County Council mct this day, accol'didg toadjonrn-
ment, -
The .WardG\l in the chair.
All the members prCsclltcxcept ,Williams. ~
ElginCoullty Council
-~------- ---~---~-------
The 'proceedings of the prcvious day were i-ead and"confinned.-
The' foll..owing communications 'were read':'
From Elgin" Winter Ffli'r Association regrant. Referred to the
Fi;l~tnCC C0t11mitte~.
From City of 51. Thomas,re appointment of Suburban Road
Fl'om W. B. Doh~rty, re apP'ointmentof, deputation to ,Toronto
obtain Southern Route for Provincial 'Highway; BO'ql of' which <
vvere'referred to the County Roads Committee. ,
From ltlspectorof House of Industry with 'annual report: Re-
, :ferred to House of Industry Committee. <.
The report of the Caunty, Roads Committee was prescnted and
d1~cl;ssed. -.
Moved by' Vf'. H. Moore,
Seconded by M.M~Vicar,
, That this Council adjourn until 2 o'clock this afternoon.
The Council Resumed
T,lie discussion of the report 'of the County Roads Committee
.\vas continued, ,after which t~e report was adopted on ,motion- of
Tolmic, seconded by,'Hare.
The report of the Public Improvement Committee ,was present-
ed and 'adopted on motion of-Bare, 'seconded by Todd.
The' ,report :of'theGaol' Committee was presented arid adopted
on motion 'Of Dennis, seconded by' Turner. ~
Elgin Cotinty, Council
The report of the Bouse of Industry Committee Was p'resent:..
'ed and ,adopted on 'motion of ,Mills, sccondcel.by"McCallu11l. i
Moved by James Todd,
.,S~conded:by W._ Ij.Mil1s,
ThaI,the,Elgin Poultry and Pet StockARsoclatiGll1. ,begratlted '.
the:suril of One H~ndred Dollars.
Moved by, Vim. 'Tolmie,
Seconded by J. B-. Ferguson,
'That the Reeves of- the Municipalities in the ,County be ap-
pointed' to attend ,Qn'deputatidn' re loc~tion of ProvindalHighway
on SouthernR6ute.
Movecl by 1'hos. Dennis,
"Secoudedby VY. H.Mbore,
That the "Varden bCCiuthorized to appoint' a committee to
Donfer \"ith the Connty, Council of Oxford ~nd other illunicipa'lities,
interested in the designation of _Road N 0.44, the 'olel 'r)Jailk road in
Bayham,as, a Provincial COUllty 'Road.
TheWard~l1:appoil1tcd th~ following committees~
To waiton'Minister of Public \Vorks at Ottawa', rc Port Stan~
Bridge: County EnR'~neC:l< Be-l!,. q. f1cKeriney and himself.
Committee to confer:'with the'Com1ty of. Oxfordre Provincial
County Road;D,enilis anel"McVicar.
,Elgiri,Cotiilty, CoUtfciI
, ,
'K, W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
The" Warden in the :'Chair.
All the members present~
Thit;'d"Se;;sion-Fourth Day
Frid,ay, the, 22ndday of November, 1918.
Moved by 'G. ~F. \Villiams,
Seconded by O.McKcli.ney,
That ,this COlq'icil. do' now adjourn to meet. at 2 p'.m.
The Council"Resumed
The Elgin County Council/met this day ?-ccording to adjourn-
Moved' by W.H. Tutner,
Seconded bYB.B.'G-raham,
"rhat we adjourn to Ineet to"morro\V at t'cno'clock.
Thcproceedin'gs of the previ9us day' were 'read and confirmed.
Communication from Natural Gas Commissioner oJ Chatham
was read;
The repol:t. of "the "Educatio~1Committce.: was l;resentedand
adopted Oil motion of Ferguson) s'cconded 'by Todd. ' ,
Elgin C~unty Council
The report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopt..
ed on motion of Tolmie,' seconded by Williams. I
The report of the Petitions and Legislation., Committee was'
presented and 'adopted on motion of Kendall, seconded by McCal-
Moved by W,H. Moore,
Seconded 'by Thos. Dennis,
That 'this Council reappoirit the same, members of the Board of
the Children's Aid Society, as last, year, namely, K. W. 1tJ'cKay;W.
J. Mann, Aylmer; A. M'cCallum, Dutton; Geo. Stewart, SJ)'ringfield;
'Clarence Cr01llwell, Port Stanley.
Moved,)y James Todd,
Ser::onded by D. McKe'nney,
That this Council ask ,th.e Domin.ion Goven'uuent for <t"cap-
tu~e4 souvenir of the w,ar to be placed on the Court, House grounds.
Moved by J. D, Fergnson,
Seconc1edby' O. 'McKenney,
That, in the opinion.ofthis Council, grants to Villages' and
Town under the provisions of the Highwa.y ,lmprovell1cnt Act,
should be oumulative and available for expenditure at any time in',
accordance with the regulations of the Highway Department on
roads designated by. Qy-law of the Couuty Counci).
County Council
"Elgin County,Co,uncil
Moved by 'N., 'H. Mool'e,
to appoilit a. Tr.easurer and that in the meantime the Warden receive
,applications 'for. the position.
Seconde.cl by O. McKeilney,
Maill motion lost, artlendment carried.
That ,the Reporter for
fol' the efficient manner in
the Times:-Journal he paid" Ten
which' he has reported this Council.
Moved by B. B. Gr.aham,
Seconded by W. H. Turner,
The .resignation of K. W. McKaYl<ts"Treasurer, was, read;
That BYhl,aw No. 924, to make special'grants to villages and
t6wn for Hig'lnvay Imp~'overn~ht, "he r'eceivedand read a first' time.
Moved by Wm. Tolmie,
Seconded by' J. B,Fergu,son,'
'That this Council accept the resignation of J(. W. McKay
:rviovedby O. McKenney"
Seconded by G.F. Williams,
That By-law No. U2'1 be read a second time.
Moved by'G.F. Williams,
Se~onded byO. McK,enney,
That the Warden be granted the usual
Dollars' for his services tot the past year.
Moved by fB. Ferguson"
Secqnded by D. G. McCallum,'
"That 'By-law, No. 924. be read a third time .and finally pa'ssed,
Moved byWm. Tolniie,
Moveq by James Todd,
Seconded by VV. H. Mills,
Seconded by vVul.T; Ear.e,
That ,E. B. Gr'aham bc appointed
Twelve Hundred Dolla'rs per annum.
Tre::isnrer ..at a
That J3y-law No. 92S;'being a
be received anq read ,a first time.
By-law to fL.: sal'~ryof Ttu'nkey
Ih amendment:
Moved by James Todd,
:Moved 'by vV. ,'H.Mills,
S~condec1 by ,W. H. Mills,
That a special session be held at the latter
Seconded by . Jamcs' Todd,
That By-law No. 92{,be read a second', time.
Moved by James Todd;
Seconded by E. B. Hill,
That By-law No. 925 be read a third time and finally
, '~ '
Moved by, Vi. R. Gunning,
Secondcd,byvV. H. Ttirner,
That By-law No. 926. to extend time for T~x Sale, be
'and read a first time.
Moved by W. 'R. Gunning,
Seconded by vv. H. Turner,
That By-law No. 926 be read a second time.
Moved by W. H. Turner,
Seconded by'W. R. Gunning,
That By-law No. 926, be read a third titne ~nd finaliy passed.
Moved by O. McKenney,
SecondedbyM. McVicar,
That' this Council d~ now adjourn to meet Tuesday
day of Decerriber, 1918:, at2 p.m., fot the purpose -of
treasurer and other business. ' ' .
K. W. McKAY,
Elgin County Council
!. Gaol Committee
Thomas' Dennis,' Chairman
Messrs. G:unning and McKenney
Public Improvement' Committee
Wm.r.Bare, Chairman
Messn.. Stalker, Turner, Todd,Graham,McVicar
Williams, JZendall and Ferguson.
House of Indusfry ConiD;1ittee
Wilson Mills,' Chairman
,Messrs. J. A. McCalluni and HilI,
Finance Committee
William Tolmie, Chairman
'Turner, MiiIls,McVicar,Moore, Ferguson,
\VilIiams; Barons and D. G. McCallum
Education Committee
J. E, Fergus'on, Chairman
Messrs. Tolmie, Todd, Hill, Gunning, Dennis
Barons, D. G. McCallum' and Graham
Petitions and, Legislation Committee
Leslie Keildall, Chairman
Messrs. Stalker, I.-A. McCallum and Hare
County'Roads Committee
W. Tolmie, Chairman
Messrs. Hare, 'Todd, Turner'
N. B.-The \:\';"trden is ex-officio a member of all
Elgin County Council
The'Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council:
Gentlemen,-I have the honor to 'submit my eighth annual re-
port on the condition of the Public Schools in the, West Elgin In-
sped orate.
Teacher Supply
1;'his Inspectorate has- experienced little difficulty in secnting
teachers with First and Second Class qualifications. Indeed it would
be' a ,sad commentary on our boasted intelligence and -liberality were'
:we satisfied to have OU1~ schools manned with teachers not possess-
inghigh,. academic and ,.p'i-ofessional qualifications. Of the' 105 teach..
ers in this Inspectorate, 7 hold First Class Certificates, 93 hold Sec-
ond Class, 4 hoJd Kindergai.ten Primary -and only one holds a Third
Class Certificate.
Improvements.' in Accommodation and Equipment
While there were no new buildings erected, substantial addi-
tions were made toihe equipment. ,In every school, rural and ur~
ban, theminimnmequipment required by the Regulations has been
provided. The Schools of this Inspectorate in equi'pment, libruy
and accommodations -will compare favorably, with t!lOse of any other.
Th~ qbjection is sometirpes advanced, ancl that, 'too,not without
reason, that little or no use is ,made' of either the libral~y'or equip-
ment. Evidences of such, neglect are occasionally found but not
with living, active,'up-to-date teachers. .The' note books in Sciel1ce
a~dthe, Library book showing the names of th,e books read by each.
pupil have removed 'this objection.
Women on Rural.Schooi Boards
This is a consummation devoutly to be vv:ished. Women 'have'
amply demonstrated their capacity for lea,dership .a'rl'd their ability
to discharge. any duty assumed by or imposed upon them. Their
election to rural school boards, in many .States of the United States
produced a revival of interest and increased, efficiency in'thea,dmiil~
istration of. the public schools, It is unthinkable that .:rrtanyof the-
unsanitary' 'conditions of the classrooms and' out,buildings,the 'filthy'
El~in County Council
and unwashed floo,rs, 'blackened ceilings and blindless windo\\'s, rusty
stoves<tnd rustier stovepipes would be allowed to conti.nue w:ere
; women e1.ected school trustees. The character of the rural attend~
',: ante h<isgreatly changeU ' dtiring the last 10 '01'12 years. Rarely is
'there foundho\v a pupil in the rural public school 14 years' old. The
0verage is abol.lt 10. vVho takes ,so keen an 'interest i'O the welfare
o{sucli small children, or who -so competent to judge of their
as ,\vomen? Ninety~five per 'cent. of all the teachers are
)v[oreover, womeli, 'ITIOre than ~ny other class of, ,citizens, are
est-ed in 'advancing and 'maintaining a high standard of
fbr,-ci-i....ilizati~n has liited them h6inacondition of degradation that
would be 'intolerable to- wonlen, ,of to-day. The,'introduction of, lhn~
ual'I:raining and Household Scienc,e; the establishnlent6fDental
and: Medical Ins,Pection, the improvement in the' sanitaryco'ndftions
th,e'beautification of th'e s'chool' gt'ound~would"be greatly
.moted were women given a place on iruraLsdiool boards.
School Games'
'l'hisis a feature of school life that is, sadly"neglected." There'
is no str01~ger antidote to truancy and irregular attendance than
healthy school games.all'd proper playgroundequipnienL Play isa
lp:tU1'alinstinct of all healthy children, and to rob them of play is
to rob them ,of part 'of their heredity; Tru~teesshould
, g,tmes by providing adeq:J}ate school, grotlndsand proper
,The g.rounds should consist of at lea'stthree~creS:. They
be adequate for all school games ~nd local"picnics.- Here the
of'the section could meet in the evenings and on holiday's to
their games: The trustees should supply ,swings, teeters,
and' the~quipment' for baseball,hasketbail, 'croque't and.. t.ennis.
sucb' done, 'truancy would disappear.' The small outlay would
inore than compensated by ,the inqeased regularity, the improved
dis(Zipline, the quickenedtpental acti~ities, the physical 'development
,'and the' more substantial. progress.
Changesirt Regulations
Important changes which witi still, further- \ncrease the
. ciency of Teachers" Institutes and secure rpore intel1igel~t" org'aniza~
Hon and management of urban scho'olswith fout or more teacheis,
have been ~ade by the Education Department. H PTf'af'ter ." Teach-
,Elgin County Council
erst Institutes .\vill prescribe a course' of Reading, for the Teach.e~rs;
.Particular emphasis will be placed dn thelfanua1s'. Discus'sion of
the books prescribed and portiOhs of the Manuals wiII C011stitu(e
I , " "
a'n important part of the programme at the Institute sessions. I,n
this way ,Teachers will avoid "ruts," be better informed and will
be more famiJiarwith' modern methodsofpr~selltation. Of' lar-
reaching il'nportance is the new. Regulation regarding the Principal-.
ship of schools havirig four-or more teache'rs. Beginning' with 19~30
aild thereafterPrintipals oL Public Schools with four or more teach~
ers must h~ld at leastpern~a~ent first class certificates. ,This is a'n
excelLent Regulation and one against which no intelligent 'o.bjection
can be raised. Effective leadership requir,es', inaturit,y_ ot intellect,
-sanity oJ judgment, ripened convictions ,and unquestioned high ,ac-
ademic attainments. The PrinCipals's qtmlifications should at least
be as high as, those of ,his assistants. Boards, of Education arenbt
avers'eto paying high' salaries to teachersholtlinghigh qualifibtions.
Junior High School Entrance
This examination was held.i,in June at Rodney, \Vest Lome,
Dutton and Port Stanley. 111 c,~ndidates presente~lthemselves of
whom 60 were successful. In addition, 20, .received entranc,e stand~,
ing ancl4. Junior Graduation throitgh withdrawing in, April to 'work
on the farm. These s;me privileges will he in opera tion in H118 and
will be open to girls as well as boY.:s who are Willing t'o 'chgagc'in\
the occupations of phmting, cultiv~ting' and, lrar~esting the cro'ps."
. Alt~lOUgh candidates who obtain their Entrance standing in this way
cannot possibly hayeas good an education -as those who re11laiil
until June, yet the great scarcity."of farm labor and the trenien'dous
demand there is for increasing production in thi~crisis ~ftheE,.n-
pire's History and with an actual wot1clfam'ine becoming probable
every day, any regulation, even to the closing of the High S'ch'ools
and the Third and Fourth Classes ih the Public Schools fl'om,ApdI
to October would be justifiable. ' I
Township',.Trustee, Boards
Has not the: time arrived when -the old fashioned niraI Trustee
Board can be dispensed 'with :and in its place putaTownshil),trus~
tee Board of duee members? Excellent results would follow m~tk-
ing', the Township the ,unit instead of t'hc section as at present. Tra-'
Elgin County Council
clition, custom and habit die hard. We are living inanew
age of centralizati,on and efficiency. These pioneer school
were satisfactory in their day and' served a usef'ul purpose.
these are days of theeleytric, telegraph,
rttral maildeliv'ery. It takes 90 Trustees to
th~, Townships of Dunwich and Aldborough,
Education ,consi'sting of 10 members manage,s the 'whole system
Education' of the, ,City of Toronto. The schools .wouldbe'
more efficient undel" one Township Board ,than they 'are at'
under many boards. Inequality of opportunity would ,disappear:
tel' teachet:s, larger libraries and more'" serviceable equipment,
ern schools with 'improved sanitation and ven'tilation, medical
dental inspection and adequate provision for
Manual, Training and Household Science would be
The Rural Classroom"
'Th'e classroom is the child's home. It- should be 'a place where
everythitig: is beautiful,an environment where everythirtg is
ennobling and inspiring. Between 8 and 14 is the child's most
pressionable age, and before 12 his character is largely formed
more or less fixed. A bare wall, will never develop the aesthetic
of <'t', child's character. The classroom should be as arti'stic as
,<;;hi1d's sitting-room at home;:. It should have ,an organ' for
arid closing exel.cises, ,for literary meetings .and for phy~ical
ture. MusiC deepens the s.ancitity of devotional exercises. On
.valls should be hung lanclscape paintings"patriotk pictures and
til;nlal portraits. On one side of .theRoyalpor~rait should
honor roll, containing the names of those ex-students of the
,who" volunteered their lives 'that civilization mi'ght :noLperish
the British Empire live. Side hysid'e with this ,honol' roll
be printed the principles for whiCh the Empire is figl1ting,viz.,
eterna1'principles of righteousness, justice, equity and truth.
the other side" of the Royal portr:aitshould be placed a
tablet containing the names of those whohad,falleri' in order
, trttth,honor and human civilization" might survive, this
be 'the heritage of posterity. The school is the nursdy of
ism. This memorial t'ablet would reniind thechildre~ of to-clay,
are to be the men and women of to-:-morrow, that love of
, the noblest attribute of' the hllman soul; that sacrifice, courage
Elgin County COl1ncil
service are the quaJities that dignify and ennoble life, and that,the
real value of life does not consist in life itseJf, but ih the way that
life 'is spent.
An Enriched Curriclum
The curr'iclum has recently been enriched by the addition of the
optional subjects, A,fanual Training" Household Science and Agri~
culture. The Department gives large grants to boards that maintain
cla's'ses in these subjects. Of the desirability and 21'ecessity of,teach-
ing them in hl1~al schools there can be no two opinions. Rural gir'ls
are no longer taught by their mothers how to cook, sew, knit, or
darn. Their mothers have neither the time nor the patience. The
baker's wagon taIls at almost as many honies in the 'country as it
does in the tOwn or city. ,ReadY-11':\ade garment~find' aSl'eady a sale
with rural women, as with urban. Nor should boys be denied in,--
struction ih these arts. Many asolc1ier in thetrenches to~day would
have his. personal comforts increased were, he able to sew or darn,
Moreover, many of oui' boys 'will be "squatters" on the hinterland of
New Ontario; 'or on the prairies of the west" where ,a kno'wleqge Of
tObkirigandse\.ving will be an asset. An annex 12 feet by 16' feet
could be added to the school, 'whicl1 would serve as a room for al~'
'\:,,;rnate instruction in Manual Training and Household Science. Its
equipnient would consist of the simpler tools, such as saws, ham~
mers, etc., and a cQal oil stove. The larget' girls could, unde1: ,the
tea'cher'ssupervision, be given a daily practice in preparing a warm
dish for each pupil; 'they coitld 'also submit'to their teacher samples
of'their Saturday co~king, .with full verbal or, writte,n de,scdptioll
of the process. True democracy could be den;lOllstrated and i,nci-'
dentally,good table manners taught when teacher and pupils?te
their noonday' meal together. Th'e boys could be given practice
i'n making many of the" a,rticles: required on the farm, such as ken-
ne1s,rabbit house,S, bird cages, etc. Scientific Agriculture "should
also be taught. The sch..ool will nothavedone its duty to the boys
unless they h~ave it with a knowledge at least the eqttivalent of that
wl~ich their fathers; at great sacrifice and no smallcost,acquirecl iri
the" bitter school of experience. '
SChObl Fairs and Agriculture
The introduction of Agriculture as a subject of s~udy has made
Elgin County ,Council
great progress. In only a few sections is objection found. Thereis
no other subject so captivating to the pupils as 'Agricult.ure
there is no other subject: so practical or sb.' re1ated-,totheir
.~icti'vities.' Of the 30 rural schools, 27 have a place for it on, their
time-table. A 'libe'ral education, calls for a knowledge, of t4econdi-
tions ancI' processes of plant" growth,of soits and drainage, of rain'-
fall and fertili;'ation' while the operation of pruning, grafting,"
digging, weeding spraying and housing of th'e fruits deepen
;,p~essions and create, and sustain interest in the subject. The School
Fair has passed the experimental stage and has ~b~~ome
popular. Not only were competitions held, in exhibits, which
spIte adverse weather conditions were goo,d, but also in singing, sew:-,
iug, cooking, drawing, _maps, ~riting" composition, e1qcutiori"phys~:
icaL culture,' and oratory. No other movement in ,the schools
ever "created such interest in the public mind and one is
statii1'gthat- in a few years, the school fair" will absorb
The, Ideal Rural S.chool
I must not closcw'ithout. giving an abbreviated description'
an idea-l rural school ,as given by the Educa,tion. Department
Saskatchewan. "The building 'willbe surrounded by a'mple
grounds, and gardens. 'There will be plenty of windbreaks and
shade t'rees. On one corner of the property will sta~d the Teachees
rdidence. There will be outdoor workships. Tile. playgrou-nds
b~ supplied with s,\-vipgs, sand. pilesaud qther Isirrlple and useful
paratus for outdoor gymnastics and g~mes, and.the play will
,supervised. Much'less bookwork will ,'be done than is now
but it will be done,' better. In the, afternoons much of'the study
be done in the' open air,wherithe ,occupations of tlre children
be hand-work. No 'pupils with .defective eyes and teeth will
through neglect~ The s'chool will be attractive and properly
and ventilated. It will have verandahs <;m two sides.
and ulladjustab~e seats will be replaCed/by fUi'uituresuitable for
ne-eds of fra'ternal'societies, religious bodies, etc., vV~ndow space
be ample. The school will contain- a ,public . r,eading-raom,
\-viIl have ,a public library and copies "of the daily.newspapers
magazines. It will also ,con~ain varied ap'par'atus- for indoor
, There will be a public telephone, a Victrola and a magic lantern.
short, every,thin.g pra,cticable will be done"t? m~ke the school
Elgin County Council
suitable place for fhecitizens of therura'1 community to meet: in
the evellin'gs f~'r self-improvement ,and the enjoyment of social in-
The E~iciency 'of the-Schoois
I ~ade 2-53 haH-,day ,visits 'to the schoblsof my Inspectora'l:e'
During 1917. This is 33 more than is reql!-ii;ed by the Regulations.
Without ,even one exception I found the Teachers capable, efficient/
'energetic and enthusiastic. R,elatively the teaching is of ,a, highe.r
type than ,some yearsago,and the standard'Of efficiency _collsidh-a,bly
higher. \ This is due to the disappearance of tbeThh?d Class Teach':'
'er,' the" lengthened ,CO(lrseat the Normal Schools, the'better 11le,th-"
'ods bf 't'eaching"and to the rise 'of general educatiol1 among"thE:
masses. The ~rogress 'w6~ldbe'even more marked..were it not for"
thefartoo frequent changes of teachers. During the year 1917,no
fewer ,than 18 schools in Aldborough and DunwiC'h cha'ngedJeach/
'ers. Itisimpossiblc toesti'mate tne loss to these schools thr.ough
these-changes; The salaries, paid are too low to attract and 'retain
good teachers. Considering the famine I prices at which most cott)-
m9dities are selling at now, and having. regard tel the' very \arge e*-
'pense incurred'while. obtaining onon-professiol1al aild pl'ofessional
~ertificates"the presen't salaries, are very'inadeql1atc~ The poorest"
teacher in my Inspectorate is worth lUore than the highestsala-r'y'
paid 'While the best teacher is worth twice what she is getting.
In closing this, my eighth annual report, I reqit'estthe co~op-
eration, more' urg~nt and more emphatic than ever,befbre of'Trus,.
tees, Teachers, Parents an'd 'Councillors in- maintaitling to their high.':'
e~"'po-intof effici.ency and excelleticy our ,Public' Sch'ools in order
thati they 'ma,y- form_ ,the 'character, shape the destiny, educate. 'tl~e
il1telIect ~and f~shiotithe. c~)Usdence. of. those who we hope jn' a few
years will be citizens ofa world purged, of false ideals and:pnholy
national 'embitiou~ and'fron~. whose mounta'inpeaks wile be seen the
hills'ancl_,valleys, of the new, world.' ,l\:fay we who are responsible
for their' efficiency ,and 'tnaintenance~I1<i.ve the larg~st: outlook, the
loftiest ideals, and the clearest vision of our obligations an'd duties;
I have t,he' honor, to be,. y~ur obed'ient servant,
War-de1).s and Members ,of the County Council:
County of Elgin.
Gentlemen,.....;....I have the honor, to present the following report'
the" Public -Schools of East Elgin for the; year 1917.
Notwithstanding the effects' of the"war,the conditionofedu~i
ca'tion'in the'Ins1?,ectorate is sat'isfactory. Considering ' the social and
~conornic 'changes, which a' prolonged, and expehsive war is 'bound
tb entail, the schools are not suffering; to the extent whfch 'was fear.,
ed at 'the ',outset. There, is reason _to hope ,that EIginwillno't relax
its'zea1'-for educaticinaladvancement ,for w1).ich its people have longo'
been well known. It cannot be overlooked 'that the future of the
~oli~lfrymust, one day .;depend largely upon those who are' nov/ at
scho,?1. , ,Any attempt ~o curtail the,: efficiency: of the 'schools must
neglect this potent faCt and prove shortsighted and ineffective.
. .
During -the year there were ' employed i):1the: Inspectorate 102
teachers of wh'9m 11 were, men and 91 women~ Threehe1d First
Class Certificates, ninety-four had Second Class Certificates, two
had Thirc1ClassCertificates, 'and three head. Kindergarten Cer'tifi-
cate~. Of the total number, 15weree17-gagedin, the ,urban schools
of' Aylmer, Springfi,elc1 andVienna,and 87 in rural schools. The
ranks of the male teachers are being steadHy depleted Qythe caU
"for:'ll1cn ,for military service _andwhen~ the :;cho~ls re~open in'Sep;.
temper, 1918, almost ,every school will be in charge' ofa f:emaleteach~
vVith'out going into long -details' I should like to note the main
f;ltatistic'sfor the' year~ The tot"al'receipts in both u~.ban and rural
s:choo1s wel-e$144,089.82. The total expenditures were $93;679.H7,
leaving a balance . for 1918" of $50,4,09.85. In_fh~ ..""ban" schools -the
. to.tal recyipts were $14,323.15, the expenditt1re~"-'-were:,. $13,643.36, and
. .' . , ." - , .
the balance_ for 1918 is $679.79.
Elgin County Council
Throughoq.t the ,year 3,859' pupils were enroHed of whom
were boys and 1931' girls. They were classified as follows':
'Kindergarten .,-_......____....nn'...'..'__.....m.....n_ 63
Kindergarten, Primary _.m_m.._._......'..;n.. 5~
Prit11..er. n__mm.mm.......n.__....'.,......m..........._ ,730
First Book Classes n..._......_.m_.....m...... 429
Second Book Classe~' ..m_._...m...mm_'..._ 820
IThirdBook Classes ~'___"'''''m'''''''___.~.'''. 846'
Fourth,. Book Classes m..m'__....n'm...._.. 856'
Fifth Class ----..-......_m'______m_m_.._..-....m--... 6~
Total .,,-,...-.......,...,...-,.......00_,_....3859'
Of thisnuri1 ber .7f55 'received special instruction
Agric;ulture,. 1217 in JElementaryManual
mei1tary HouseholdSeience, (Sewing).
in Elementary
Training and 161 in
,It is gratifying to note tha't not a few boards have made 'iln;~
proveillents in the school preniises and buildings. Thereal'e also
encouraging signs that the trustees in many parts of the Ins'pectot';;'
ate:'only-await the termination ot,the war.in.. order to' make exten-
sive Improvements. his b.dng realized igenehilly that the school
is the home of the child during the formative per~od of his lHe aI1d
that his, seliool 'surroundings, wih have much to do with shaping :his
characteran-d determining 'his destiny. Many boards are beginning
. to see th,e necessity of ,-providing increased blackhoard space' in~the
s,chools. In :the rl1ral'schooLthe 'teacher finds it impossible'to cover
the courses satisfactorily unless theh~ isainple space for work at
the blackboard. Much: of the so-calt'ed, overc1'Owding oLt4e cUt-
i'iculum maybe re-lievedby providing opport,unities for pupils"to
'work at the blackboard while 'the teacher 'is busilY-engaged in. teach~
ing. Much valuable time is saved and the periods required fo'r coi'~
rection 'or' work are shortened. 'The time fqr teaching and super-'
vision is increased and - the pupil:Sdevelop self-confidence and s,elf-
reHance - since they know that the'ir board' work is open for general
inspectionjnd criticism
Elg~!1 County
Equipment' .
The minimum equi,pment which'i's prescribed for all
pages 20 <ilid'21 of the Revised RegulaHons of ,1915, iscompt'ete
~tf many schools and ,practically complete ,in the-pthers. o.wingto
th,e,great demand, for 'the various parts ,of 'the equipmehtand'the.
unavoidable delay o'n the part of the manufactur"trs in' supply. ing 'the
:'",' ",_ , " " ':'1,,' " " ,
: goods' on accOunt of, war. conditions, somedifficuItywas experien'ced'~
, in' securing,'the necessary ,supplie.s., But the b~ards; showed a very
conlmendable spirit-in endeavouring .to meet tl~ewishes oftheDe-:c
partm,ent of Education and 1 have been assured, ,thatlhe balan~e 'will
'be provided in 1918.
Promotion Examinatidns
In order, to secure more uniformity in the grading ~f pupils~
uniform promotionekaminations were arranged in June for the whole
County." The exatl1inatiolls were,des~gnedto. etlable Prin'tipals'to
d-etermine ,protnotions, and to maintain a 'proper classificat~cm'with-
out which- satisfactory, progress is:' impossibl~. Examinations
end of Education, but only the means ,to ,th,e end.
work, the candidate-'s 'age, his'merital:ability and the'
of him should all be factors in promotion.
En,trance' and Graduation Examinations
Entrance examinatio'ns weteheld at Aylmer,Vienria, ,Belmont,
F'ing,al, Port' Burwell,' Springfield, Sparta and YarmouthHeights~
Graduation-' examination's, were, also held at'AylITler'and FitlgaL There
we~'e 221 ~ntrance ',candi<;ia:tesof wh~~ 105 were,,'su~cessfu1. ,There
were 16 Graduation candidates of wHom 9weresucces'sful. Besides,
t:p:ese,50 candidates qualified~ for' Entrance Certificates and. '6 'for
Gr'aduation DiplomB:s by farm employment under -the proyisionof
Circl1lar-27, of 19'16.' - .
Agricultural Education"
I.i1terest in iAgricultureas ;a subject of study in the schools' is
rapi'dly, developing and there has b."~l1' a remarkable increase in the
I1aSt- three years" in the' nU!llbei.,d!~:'s'chools'_ which, p,ave register'ed for
the work. All the schools in my Inspectorate take up Agriculture
in c'onnectio:tl with their Nat~te Study,but i-h the two years since
EIgih County Council j/
my appointn:ient in 1916 I have increased the l1unlber of schoqIs
which qualify- for Departmental grants '250 per 'Cet:it. The following
figures show, the insrease:.
.In 1915, number of schools registered",'..,..mm'.__. .13
In 1916, nnmber of schools r,egistered....~.'..._......m. 18
In 1917, number of schools 'registered..,..m.,.......... 22
In 1918;. number of schools registered..".m,............ 45
Successful School i~airs were held at Vienna, Monnt
Sparta, Payne's 'Mills, Fingal and Yarmouth, Heights;" The variety
dfthe exhibits anclof the programme offers a widefieldfo~i the act-
ivities of the pupils and the open judging by experts and their dis"'
cussion of theqifferent exhibits are amqi1gthe,best'educatior:iaJ
fe::).tures of the -Fairs. The interest of the parents aJ1dfri~l1ds of the
pl,tpils was shown by the large' attendance at all the Fail'S. It 'is to
,b~ hopedt!1at thebo8-rels in the, sections which have l10tyet been
'organized into School 'Fair Distdctswill endeavour to extend the
bene'fits of the organizati'on, tb their districts. i
The' War and the Sc1wols
,School attenClance has 1?een more or less affected by, the war.
The neGes'sity of increased farm:proct'uctions'eems .to, have_'justified
.the practiceofWithdra\-ving,pupils from school to work on the
farms. There has. been a n~ticeable decrease in, the number ofoid-
er boys and girls'-at schooL In 1916 the, percentage of average' at'::'
tend'ance to total attendance was 61.79. In 1917 the percentage was,
a' little lower, 61.54. But ,this condition sho\lldno.t affect the 'at-'
tendance of the, younger pll-pils. The desire of parents to , secure an
educ<;ttion for their children is one of the best characteristics oJ the
pepple of-Ontario, and it, is only l)ecessary to remind them of'their
obligations in this respect to ensure th~ir taking ,care to s.ee that ah-
sence from 'school is not _aIlo,wed whel'eit can be avoide,d.
The schools 'havecontributed'generouslYi to the numet'o\ls ac'-:c
tivities in connection, with',the \Var Relief Work, such as Red Cross;
Soldiers'and Sailors' Comforts, Pris.ol1ers' -Pund, etc.' In thisW'ork
and in: many other ways the teachers have s~right to,inculcate the'
principles of loyalty" to the cause of justke ,and righteousness
which the Empire sta~ds and, for whiCh it is maldnif,such enormous-
., " I
Elgin County Co~ul1CiI
General. Remarks
It is a regrettable fact that the great majority .Sf pupils with.'
,draw fr0111 school before they reach the Fourth Fortp.or":before-~hey
p?-ss'out of it. Many causes contribute to this 'exodusa'ud it, is -_being
investigated' by a commission of -.Educati(;malists. It .is therefore es':
s,ential that every boy and girl receive something of: teal, practical
and permanent value, 'while-they remairi' 'at school, which will be ,an
Icverlastingpossession when they leave schoo1. In order toacco1n''-
plish this object,.' I have instructed the' teachers to arrange thdr
work huuch a way that every pupil, while not neglecting any of his
school duties. may on leaving school, have at hi~ command a good
'knowledge of Reading"Writing, Spelling,-' Letterwriting, Public
Speaking,. .History'..and' Civics, the f~ndamental processes of Arith-
rnetic."and .the' pt-inCiples bfElementary Agriculture.
I also clesireto ,have the'-study o't English receive more atten,-
tion. One of the best means of p"romoting the use of good English
'is the coristantuse of it by the teacher who is the pupil's model in
,botlll speech and COli-duct. A wonderful stimulus is also' ,provided',by
the use of good books for supplementary reading. Every school
in the Inspectorate is provided with a School Library but in many
cases' there are' n6t enough books for the J anior Classes. The' De.
paitment makes a generous annual grant for the purchas~ of Ten
dolhi.rs' worth .of. books for. rural'school' libraries, but.. only a'cOm-
paratively few schools have availed themselves oi'the offer. In-1916
24'schools qualified for,th~ grant which amounted to 75 per cent. of
the purchase, ten dollars being the maximum grant, and ,in 1917,
schools, qualified for. the 'grant which :ainounte9. to 82 per c'ent.
is one: of the most important ,duties of th'e teacher tq foster the
of good literature ,and th~ love of reading':and the love of reading
.one oft,he best legacies that a child' can carry from: his school.
During the year 1 made 231 half-d'ay 'visits. Generally speak-
'tng. I found the organization inmost case:;, satisfactory, the
pline good or improved, the pupils industrious and the
Inspector 'Public
St. Thomas, J rine 11th, 1918.,
Elgin County.. Coundl
the. Elgin County
Education Committee. reports:
That the ,following accounts be paid:.
East Elgin Tribune, printing Inspector Smith, $6.50; ,MurijCipal'
'Norld, $8.,00, (printing Inspectors Smith and Taylor); J. A., Taylor,-
expenses, $51.15 ;J.c. Smith, expenses, $120.11.
2. That the report' of Inspector Taylor be adopted and printed'
in the minutes.
- That the
Pupils, he
account of' \i\Jardsville'High 'School,
paid when certified by the Clerk~
4. That the report
be received an'd. filed.
from the St. Thomas Collegia,te Institute
5. That thevVarden appoint ,a
of Provincial Trustees' Association on
6. That the sum of Fifty Dollars
Trustees' Association,
delegation to at.tend 'meeting
April 2nd, 3rel, _and 4th.' ,
($50) b,e gran teet' to the Elgin
7. That,"in accordance with the resolution passed by the Elgin:
Trustees" Assodatio.n, .we ask'the Education De'partment to so amend
their regulations as to relieve the Rural Trustees of the necessity
of collecting fromthe teachers tne, monies for the superannuation
arid that a copy of,this recomtnendation be for.warded to other Coun-
ty Councils for tl~eir co-operation.
8.:, That we ,end'(j.rse
the advisability of having
School Boards. '
Inspector Taylor's reco1TImencla'tionns to'
:v.romenas members of; the Rural Public
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Elgin .Co~Iity:Council
Elgin County Cci'ullcil
Educatiori Commi~tee-November Se'ssion-'
To the Elgin Co~nty Council:'
the;Elgin County COl1lici,l,
Gentlemeri;-The.Committee on Education reports :
Gentlemeh,-The EdllcationCommittee reports:
L: That accounts for mq,intenanceof Coun.ty pupils (It theTil~
Is.onQurg, and .Ingersoll High Scho'Ols 'he ..re'ferred to the Clerk to be
paid o~/ 'his order.
That tqe following accounts be paid :
2'; That -the report of Inspect()r 'Smithber:eteived and printed
the' minutes.
J. C. pmith, Expenses
r A. Taylor; Expense
.......................$ ,187 99 ,
96 10
That the followin~ accounts be paid 'when properly _ce:rti~ed;
That the following accounts be paid:
East Elgin TrIbune, printing_m,._mm_m...~..mmmcmm$ 14,00
Inspector Stnith, travellinge:l{pen~es......,,~.~....:.._..~. 212 2,8
MunicipalWorlci, 'for supplies Inspectors Taylor
J' and' Smith 'm__.m~____.'_______________n,.m__._;..;...mh_~"'_~___"_'_" 149.90
The Municipal '''lorId ...0...______ ...___,.. ........__....$ 17'0 50'
The Express .Publishing Co. .....u........".......___ 2il 25
All oJ. which is respectfully submitted,
Express, Publishing House, printing ___"_'__;n"'_"_~" 550
J.B. FERGUSON, Chail'man:
J.' A. Taylor, travelling e~penses
4. That the:-supplementary g,rants to High, Continuation and
'Fifth Class :Schoolsbe th~same as last year, I
116.Q 3
November 22nd,' 1918.
5. We recommend that thelnspectors be requested to reduce
ihCir,'a~connts for supplies. as much as possible, '\
All of\vhich- isrehectfully submitteq.'
Ont., June 13th, 1918.
Elgin County Coun,cil
Ja'n. '1st.
>B,alance 'on hand m" .m'," ..... ...n..n............. ........... ......$ 11937 78
City cif'St. T.homas ............m.'..............nm......n..m.... 856 86
,'Provitlce of Ontario Admn.Justice ..................:..... 3000 '00
'?rovince of Ontario; Registry Dffice Surplus.mm. 1096 21
Provint,c of Ontario, Good, Roads ...............m..... 3600 00
County Rates ...................m ...........m.....m....m.. ...~...... 19J89 00
County of Middlesex, ,Bridges, etc.' ,............,.... ......... 229 52
Sundries ....... .......,........................................;.... .............. 250 00.
$40159 37
4542 34
January Session
the Elgin Coutity,Council:
G-entlenien,-The following is a statement ot ,Assets, a;4.d
on 1st January" 1918:
Balance of Liabilities over Assets
D.ehenture Payments Collected
Administration of Jllstite
House of Industry
I Arreat's of Taxes
Coi.mty Roads
Library Grants
Board of Trade
Agricultur~d Representative
Grants Poultry and Corn' Shows
War Tax Provincial
Public Schools
Children's Aid Society
.....$ 6.996' 54
2800 00
2239 S7
298 01
4515 25
200 QO
403 12
1361 90
23263 00
1824 12
400 00
'44701 71
Elgiri County CO'l1llcil
At this date/all' County Rates, have been received- ai1d vVar
l1Cis been paid. 'There'is,a,debit b~lanc(" at present of,$65'12~98.'
It will be necessary for the Council to pass aBy-lawa:tl,tho.r~
lzing Warde'n and'Treasurer tobonow upwards, of $100,000 'forcur.-
tent expenditt\res,during the year.
, All of which is respectfully submitted.
K. W .M-cKAY, C<?unty TI~easurer.
To the Elgin County Coundl:
Gentlemen,-I have the honor to hand you hel'e\vith
Df Receipt.s 'and E>;pertditures of the County of Elgin\ to 31st May,
1918, also Estimate of amounts required to be 1"aised for CountYPur~
poses during the year.
The Auditors' I'eport shows that on the 1st of Jal1uary,the
current Liabilities, or'the County ex:ceed'ed the Assets by '$6546~OO.
This was-due. to the expel1ditures on County Roa'ds,for which, nq ,
provision had been 'made and to deficits in the followin'g acconnts: I
House of Industry.....,...,.......................................
Public Schools
Members' Wages
Court House Commission
Il1terest on Bills Payable
County Road Expenditures
__$ 10:25 /00
1650 00
653 00
,615 00
11391 00
Theestiinates of 1817 were high in the
following accounts:
Admiriistration of Justice .,.....:.....................................$
County Lines ........................,........."....,...)......,.......~..........
5'65 00
3000 00
1280 00
4845 00
$6546 00
Elgin County' ,Council
'iJ.'he estimates for- the yea~' show, art increase
$VO,3157.do, made up as follo.....vs:
, ,i-,.
H~)Use of It-idustry,due ,to high 'cost of Jiving....$
Pl1blic Schools' ................................._.....'.............._........
M:embers' Wages, extra sessions "Comicil and
Committee ......:....m..m..m.......~........_._m...._..._...m~.
Cour,t :flouse Conilnission, forl'repairs heating ap-
paratus .. ...............................'... ..........,....._"u.............
Interest on Money harrowed
Y.M., C. A. Grant
,Cbi1,nty Road~
D~ficit January, \1917
neductions in' debenture amI Registry Office
,'.Accounts .m.."'.""." ......n...n....._.."....................."..
Net 'Increase
1000 00
i750 00
700 00
500 00
1000 00
17000 00
64993, 00
61546 00
1{)8 00
3240 00
$ 90357QO
Municipal, Expenditures, generally, are beyond the cQntrol, of
Council,:being either statutOi"y 'Or for obligations incurred in
;for,mer years, The onlycontl'ollabl'e expenditures this -y,ear wouldap~
pear to be in 1i;1iscellane()usGl~ants to School's and for ,Co,unty and
.. . ',. /. ,
Pahiotic'purposes.' The: largestn~w expenditure is ~or County roans
wllic~laccounts foi" about three-qu~rters of the i1').creas~to, ten mills,
this year. To off-set ,this'dle: road expenditures in the i.ural 'munici-
. '
paJi,tiesshouldshow a substantial'reduction.
All of which is respectfully 'submitted,';
St'. Thoma,s,'June, 1918.
K,;W.McKAY; County Treasurer.
Re'ceipts and Expenditures of the Treasurer of the County 'of Elgin
to 31st 'May;' 1918
$ 11937 78
Elgin County Council
Administration o-f JustiCe
Bins' Paya,ble
COunty 'Rates
Public Schools
House. of Industry
County Lines and Bridges
Arrears of Taxes
County Ro~ads m_"~mmmm....n_.
i 3;2000 00
1~189 00
300 33
7 50
653, 89
2311 62
'$ 73833 83
Administration of Justice
P1Lblic -Schools
House of Industry
Registry,. Office
County "L,ines and Bridges I ...m.........m....."................
Debentur:es and Coupons
High Schools
ArreaTs' of .1'axes ..u........n..n.._~ "n........_.........."............
Officc'rs' Salaries
Printing, Postage and Stationer)'i
Care of . Buildings'
vVater; Light and Fuel
Coun ty Roads
War Tax 1917
Y. M. C. A.'.,Grant
mnmm mmm.$
23263 00
5000 00'
1665 55
9 85
2933 52
4956 81
215 52
152 '16
5404 5,7
3514 84
4275 83
1269 75
76,6 64
321 19
223 19
746 67
1.0996 3'1
29928 55
$ 7207.1
'All otwhich is respectfully submitted.
Ie... W. McKAY,. County Treasilrer.
Elgjn County Council
January Session, No.. 1
To.' the. .Elgin\County, Council:
'Gentlemel1,-The Fil1~nce Committee reports:
1. Thaf' they have considered matt,el's pertaining to' the Can-
adian P~triotic Fund arid would' r_ecommend that the grant fdr 1918
be Fifty-four Thousand Dollars ($54;000), provided. that the City.
of St.Tholnas grant Thirty~six Th,ousand Dollars ($36,000).
2. That we request the Patriotic 'Fund Fund Committee of the
Patriotic-Association to furnish each member of this Council with a
list 'of :names of the dependents altd the amount paid monthly.
All of which is respectfully subinitted.
W. TOLMIE, Chairnian.
,St: Thomas, January 23rd, 1918;'
January' Session, N o. ~
the' Elgin County. Council:
Gel1tlemen,-The' Finance Committee re,ports:
1. That the sum of Twenty~frve Dollars ($25.00) be granted to
the Boards qf Agdculture and the \iVomdn's Institutes foi' Eastand
West Elgin. I;}
2. That a, grant of Fifty Dollars
Law Library'Association.
($50.00) he made tq the Elgin
,3. That the Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, be~ granted
Tweilty-five Dollars" ($25.00).
4, That a grant of Two Hundred and,Fifty Dollars ($'250) be
Elgin Coun-ty' 'Coimcil
made to the Salvation Army for Res9ue Hom~ and Maternity Hos.;.
5. That report of Comity Police Magistrate be received and
printed in the miutttes.
6. That a by~law be pass'ed to authorize Wa:-rdenalld Treasurer
to borrow $100,000 to meet current expenses until the Co'unty 'Ra~es
are paid, in.
7. That -the followingaccoullts be paid:
Alexandria, Industrial' School ..'n.:..:.:.,___.mm................$
\Tictoria 'Industrial School .mun'.!nm........._....'..m.n.._...
Municipality of, Aylmer
C. Sf. c., 'Leitch, County Solicitor ...:'....mm.....__........
'The Elgin Sun,-WestLorne .'__nomm................m__......
Times, adver.tising
Times, 'Printing Proceedings m............';m.m:.............
Municipal World, Registry Office
Municipal "\tVorld, COl1l1ty Clerk's Office 0000.............:
.R. McLachlin, Stationery' County Engineer Inn".....
R; McLachlin, Stationery RegistryOffice....,......n:
R. McLachlin, Stationery Co. Clerk's Office......
All of which is' respectfully, submifud.
037 50
19 Q(i
68 22
5 00
7 80
29- 59
2 025
5 00
St. Thomas, JanuarY,25th,1918.
W; TOLMIE, Chairman. .
JuneSessiqn' N o. 1
To the Elgin C011l1ty-,Conucil:
Gentlemell,-Thc Finance Committee reports:
1. That grant' to Great \iVarVeterall's Association be same
as last year.
2. That the Salvation f\.rmy be granted the sum ,of Two Hun-
dred 'and Fifty Dollars. .towards_ cost of R!escu'e Home.
Elgin County- (olmdl
3. That 'no actiO'll be, taken in 'reference .to application of
Krlights of Colunrbus.
4. That application for grant for Red Cross Work be laid over
hntilNovcmber and ,that the councils of the loc'al ll1Unicipalities
reciuested to fi'nance the req'uirements for necessary supplies.
I I" .,
5. That"the \Vest Elgin Winter Fair be granted the sum of
,Two Hundreel D6llars.' . ,
6; That. the sum of Onel Hundred Dollars begninted., to the
An~as~'Wood,Hospitalan:dthat the Wardena~dChairman, wait
up;~m the Boal;d" of Governors inr~ference to admission and medical
attendance of','in~igent patients from the Comity.
7. Th~lt the Auditors' H.ep'ort be l'eceived and adopted.
8. -That,the annual membership fee to the'Ontario, MtmicipaL
"Assodatioj1 be paid al1d that, the WaMeh appoi~t deputation'to at-.
tenel annnal indeting. '
9,' That th.e follo\vingaccounts be paid:
Elgin' :Sun, printing
Prov.'Treasurer, conveyance prisoners ._..~_.______nu.._
Municipal World, Registry Office ...______...__._....___.......
Ale~andria Industrial School
Jos. Doust, Fee Boq,k ...
D. T. Augustine, Care of Lunatic
Municipal World, supplies County Clerk ___..___.,___...
Journal Printing Co" Auditors' ,Report
Children"s Aid Society _~_m.....m__'''''___''___h___n'__...~_,',,,,
Horrie for Incurables; London, maintenance Jno;
Mt'Ni~ol ------.--..T----...~-----.... .------....-------..------...----------------
",J ohn Leach,. taxi service
" /
An. '01 which is respectfully'subriiitted.
78 72
56 00
27 00
5 80
25 00
78 00
'293 66
W. TOLMI,E, Chairman.
,:St.Thomas, Ont" Jll11'e 13th, 1918.
65 00
~.. 7,5.~
Elgin County Council
June"Session No.2
To the Elgin County Council:
Gentlemen,-The .Finance C6mtuittee b~g leave to r~port that;
h3:vi"rigexamined into the finances of, the County and the; estim,at~s
prepared by the COllntyTreasurer, they herewith submit a' st'ate:-
merit of' the expenditure required for the lawful purposes 6f th,e
County during 1918; showing the amoun,t req~ired to 'be raised for'
the undermentioned 'purposes. '
Administration of Justice ____..___.....____....._......__.._,...__,..,_......_________...$
County Lines. and. Bridges -.---.........--......r--...:........m...--.-:~--....:m
House.. of Industry ...-.----------.-------.'---.'-----....-----..--..........--..'T--...........
.High' Sch'ools ______________..____________________._______,.._____________________.______._,___...__.
'Public Schools
Officers' Salaries ______.................___.....,_.._.___.__...____......_._...,_...__________..,.;
M embers'- Wages'.' __...___,.__.,_....._____.._____._..__._.____..............___.......____..____..
Court House Commission ......____..___..,_______...___,___...__.......___.......____.
J?ebentures:-- '
BHaw No. 5.94 ".. .......'"....................$
By~law ~ o. 759 ...________...'______________m__.
By-law No. 769 ___.,_._..._____...._____..___.
By-law .No. ..859 __________._________....._____
~957 00
2268 00
1264 00
1592 00
7081 00
B-egi'stry': Office' ___..___................_._,'.....__._______...______.___,__..,_"_____..J_____....'...
Patriotic Fund Grant, 1918 .__...................._,.....____-'__________,.___........."
Pro'vincial . Wat Tax .__..."._n___.._____,___."________,-_______,---.--.,_.___.:~........_n_'
. Y. M. .c. A. G;ant .............................,............... ........................."....
County Roads .___..,....__.___...___.......____.,________._____,____,..__...___.__..,______.._.____,
De'fic.it, '1917
2000 00
250 Op
( 54000' 00
23263 00
, 17000'00'
64993 00
6546 00
$ 232&33
Your Cotnri1ittcewould n!:comti1end that 'the surn of Two Hun-)
dred and Thirty-two Thousand, Si~ Hundred and Thirty-three Dol~
lars be raised on all- ,the, rateable, property in the seVeral municipal..
Elgin County Council
.'itie'sof the County of Elgin during,the year 1918 for County
p'6ses and that a rate of 10 mills on, the dollar be levied on rateable
property jn the several Ipunidpalitiesin, the County to' .-raise sa.id
All of which is respectfvlly submitted.'
'WM. TO'LMiE,Chaii'm~tn.
,Adopted June l.4th" 1918.
Finartee Comri1ittee-N ovember Session
'To ,the Elgin County, Council,
Gentlemen;-":"':The -Finance Committee, reports:
1. Tha:t the Children's Aid Society be granted the- sulm of Four
'Hundred Dollarf. '
2. That the Amasa. Wood Hospital Authorities 'be notified'to
-charg,e for County Indigent patients setlt to the Hospital by the
Councils of the' local municipalities the sum of One Dollar 'and
'Twenty~fiveCents per-d;tv.
3. That the Royal Alexander S-anitoriu~ be granted/tl;e smli, of
Two Hundred, Dollars to be applied for' the maintenance, of' indigent
'patients. .from the municipalities of the County af-therate of fifty
-cents per day for,' one year, and if the attendance of said patients
,duriilKthe saidycal' exceeds four hunc1r~d_ days, that an account f6r
s<:j.id excess at the said rate will be paid py the County.
4:. That the sum of Two' Hundred Dollars begraq.ted to
:Elg~tl Winter Fair' Association.
5. \ That the follow'ing ac'counts be pain:
-MunicipaL World, for J. A.Bell --------
Municipal vVorld, for Registral; ------
Municipal \i\Torld, for County Clerk
El,gin County Council
Express Printing Co., Divisidn C~urt ____,_...............;__,'.___..
R. McLach,li'n, for' Registrar' ___,__....,_~............_____..___._.m........
R. McLachlin, for County Clerk _____.m._____.....'..,___________..
R. McLachlin, for COlt1,1ty Engineer h._____U_________.._..__...~
All of which is respectfully submitted. /
3 75
6 50'
.21 M
460, .
November 22nd, 101$.
WM. TOLMIE,...Chairmanl.,
Elgin County Council
J a~uary . Session ,
the'\Varden' and Council of the Coulttyof Elgin,
Gentlcmen,----:.I beg to submit the following report:
1. The small bridge on the County Lille bet\.veen this County
and Norfolk, opposite the' 3rd concession of the Township of Bay:'
ham will require to be built this year. This is now a wooden bridge
an.dwiIl'req'uire a'span of'20 feet: It is (lveI' a smallbranchofOt~
iej.' Creek.
It was ihte'nAed . to complete. the repairs of the: McIntosh
over the ,River Thames by putting on steel joists and a "creo-
woodblock 'floor, ,tog~ther with a ne",lat.tice steel railing. But
to re,commend this work this, y'ear on account of th'e 'fin-
situation. This work could be"cartied'o~er without incur':'
much risk. 'l~eave this, matter in your hands to s~y' what shan'
3. 'As ,most of the internal county "brfdges wetepainted last
the bridg~s on the outside county, linesshoJild -receive atten:"
this 'year, particularly those 'bridges over 'the tiver'between, this
and ~iddlesex. These include the McIntos9, Wi,lley,'Walk-
er and Grahani Road Bridges. The Tait,Wardsville and Bothwell
Bridges are in good conditiol~: T'he Graham Rciacl Bridge will re-
. . - I
q,iire some repairs to the floor.
4, The 'Bridge over' the Catfish Creek o'n the 1;'.ownline be-
tween Dereham and Malahide should ,be,' pai'nted.
.\ ,
All o'f which is r'es'Iiectfully ~ub.:ri1itted.
JAS.,A; BELL, County Engineer.
)anuary22, 1918,
Elgin-Comity, Council
May Session
To the\Varden 'and Council of the County of Elgin;
'Gentlenien,-'--I beg to submit the following report:
As instructed by your' Council,. I prepared plans and. specifica-:-
tionsfor a concrete bridge over a branch ,'of the Little OUet Creek
wher~ 'it crosses the TQwnline betw~en BaY,ham and Houghton:'in
the 3'rci concessiori of Bayham. 1 submitte'd these plans 'al1d sped..
fications to the Commissio,ner for the County of Norfolk by, whom'
they were appl'pved-. The Contract was then" advertise'd and only
one tender; was received being the ten'del' ,of O;D,:qatrtmu for 'the
. ,
sum 'bf Twenty.,four Hundred .Dollars. A joint committee of. the
Comriiissi'onersfor 'Norfolk, the Cha,rman",of the Public Improve.,
ment, Committee and 'the Reeve of Bayham met and awarded, 'the
contract' to O. D. Oatman. The contract was pi',~paredan-d now
.awaits the '\Alarden'ssigl1atul-e. ,
In regard to the Gillett Bridge, ,1 had a suspension Bridge built
at a cost Of 'One, '-Hundred'a~d.. Thirty~three Doll~rs an-dForty~one
cents and it is now in use. I also 'had the old bridge removed, from
the creek and, drawn back to 'the old sidean-d-expect to' have a man
re-,erect the span ina shqrt time.
The: old wooden break water at the'north..,'west corner of- the
Port Stanley Bridge has been considerably damaged by, the action
of the' ice, ~nd will either have to be repaixedor renewed. It has
been in, conteptplatiori by th'eCounty that in the near future a" "swing
or'Hft- bridge would have tobe erec~ed, at this point, when this ~o'rk"
.is done' it will- require.. th:e removal, and rebuilding of the, west abut':'
ment. When that work is ,done a conc1"cte',wing will have, to,;be
extended to ..the north-west corner. This, work cannot be :done 119W
.andth,ere10re 1 would a~vise ,the replacing of the oldl;>reakwater
-with the old wo"o.den structures I
Very ,little damage was caused to the county'bridges by reason'
Elgin County Council
of the spring freshets, other than the. car-rying but- of one
the/.Gillett Bridge.
All Of __ which i~ respectfully submitted.
lA.S. A. BELL, County Engineer.
St. Thomas, May 28, 1918.
June Session
To the Warden and Council of the County of EIgill,
Gentlemen,-,-I beg to -,submit the following report:
1. ,As instructed by your Council,! prepared plans' ,and speci-
ficationsfor ~ concrete bridge over a branch of the Little Otter
Creek where it crosses the Townlihe between J3ayhamand Hough~
ton in the .3rdconce'ssionof'Bayharn. I submitted these plans
specifications to theComrnissioner foi" the County of Norfolk
whom. they' were approved,' The contract was the'n, advertised
only one tender- was received, being, the, tender af O. D, Oatman,
the' sum (jf- T'weilty-faur, Hundred Dallars. A, jaintcpmmit~ee
the Cammissioners far, Norfolk, the', Chairman of the' Public' Im~
prbvep'1ent Committee and the Reeve ,of Bayham met and 'awarded
the contract to O. D. Oatman. The"contract was prepared and
awaits the sig,nature of the<County of Norfolk.
2. In regat'dto the 'Gillett Bridge, I had a suspension, bridge
built ata cost of One Hundred and Thirty.three Dollars nad Farty-
ane' Cents. I also. had the bId bridge remavedfra'm the Creek and
drawn back to. the aId site and naw have a man re-erecting the span
and driving the piles.
3. The: old wob'den hreak water at the nortl1--west corner
'the Port Stanley Bridge has been 'considerably damaged by,the
'tion ()fthe ice, and will eithe'r, have to. be repaired or reneWed. It
has been in cont~mplation by the ,County that in: the ne'ar future
a swing. bridge or a lift "b'r'idge w01:ild have' tobe erected at this
point, when this work is done it 'will requiretheremov~l a'nd te-
Elgin CauntyC6uneil
_..r. '
building of the west abutment. When that wark is done, a concrete
wing will have to be extended at the north-west corner. THis work
cannat bedane now' and therefore I would advise' the replacin,g of,
the, old break watet; with a break water built of ' sheet piling.
Very little damage was caused to. the Caunty Bridges by reas-
-an of the spring freshets, other'than the carrying but of ane span
of the Gillett Bridge.
All of \vhich is respectfullysubmitt'ed.
JAS. A.BELL, County Engineer.
St. Thomas"Ont" June 11th, 1918.
N avember Sessian
Ta.the' Wai.den and Courici} af the County of Elgin,
Gentlemen,-I have to report, on the follawing . work done an,
tqe Caunty Bridges since your last meeting. I have had the Willey
Bridge, the' Walker Bridge and the, Graham Raad Bridge, aU over
the River Thames; 'painted. Also the bridge over the Catfish Brain
between'Elgin and Oxford; Con.siderable repairs have been made to.
the \tValker Bridge an the river in. the way Of replan king and rep~ir-
ing the rail on the appr2ach an thesauth side.
The Gillett Bridge ha,sbeen completed.
I I advertised far tenders and the Joitit Specip,J' Cammittee let
the wark afbuilding the bridge aVer a. branch of the Otter Creek
betw~\~n Elgin and Norfalk to O. D. Oatman.. The wark is t1owcom.,.
pIeted, 'the appraachesgraded and the' gl1<;tt;d raU fixed.
S:inall repairs have been made to. a ,number af ,other bridges,.
mastly in. the way af planking and repairs to appraaches. I have
nat yet got the work at Port Stanley bridge done, but expect that
it will be campleted before the end af the year.
Elgin County: Council
There is ,a, gradual .slidingm'ovemcl1t6f,the'west abutment
of the-' Port Stanley Bridge toward the ,creek. If your-Countypro~
pose 1'0 do anything towar4s putting in a Jift ,or swillg-bi-idge at this
point, l/wish YOU' wQuld take action- So' that the work can be con...:,
tracted for early in the Spring;
AU- 'of which is respectfully submitted.
JAS.A. BELL.. County Engillcer_
St. Thom~s, N ovember19th. 1918.
Elgin County , Council
January Session
To the: Warden. and Council of the County of Elgin,
Gentlemen,-Your Public, Imp.rovemenLComrilittee beg to sub...,
the' following report: '
1. ,That ih regard to'the communiCation' of' the Ontario' Good
Roads Association, y'ou,fcommittce 'would recommend' that the fee
of '$15.00 be ~ paid and tha't the' Warden name a clelegatiol1 to atten'd
the meeting of the' Association on the 'days stated. /
2. That'the I Ellgineer act with the" Engineer, 'of ,the County of
MiddJ'esex in h,<J.virig'- the following bridges ,painted that span the
River Thames, viz~; the, McIntosh, ,WilIey~Walker and Gt:aham
Road Bridges and tHat the ,Engineet<alsb' act with' the Erigineer
of the County of Oxford in'having the bridges over t'he Catfish'
Cl:eek 'painted.
3. That the matter of putting on a newfloo.r and steel railing
on the McIntosh Bridge be ;c~rried' over this 'year.
4. . That the ,Engineer act with a repre'setltative ,of the County
of Norfolk in havirig the bridge over a ibnihch of the Little Otter
Creek opposite the third c~ncession of J~ayham rebuilt.
5~ That the Engineer have the
floor of the ,Graham Roa~ -Bridge.
necessary repairs made to the
. '" '
6. That the Chairman and ~ngineer have power to de,al with
min,or ~epairs to 'County Bri,dges,and t.hat the whole Committe'e be
called together only on instructions of th~ Chairman.
All of which is res'pectfuIly., submitted.
January, 1918.
W. T. HARE, Chairmah..
Elgin County Council
,March Session
the Warden and Council.of the County of Elgin,
Gelltlemen,---.,. Your Public ~mprovemerit Commit~'ee be'gleave
to submit ,the 'following report.
1. The whole Coul)cil visited the site of the Gillett
to~day. After viewing the situation, your -Committee met arid would
recommend the CounciLto rc:"erect the old span tha'thas been wash'::'
eel'down the creek, using as much of the old timber -a,s poss'ible.
2. That 'the Ellgineerprepare plans for the bridge over a
,branch of the Otter Creek, between Bayham and Houghton and - ad~
'vertise for tet).ders and that 'the _ Wardel~, the Chairman ofthi~ -Com~
mitteean-d'the Reeve of-Bayhambe a committee to meet with Nor:"
fo'lk and award tenders f~r the same;
All of, which is, respec~fullysubmitted.
vV.T.HARE, Chairman.'
. 51. Thomas, March 29th, 1918.
June Session
To the Warden and -Council of the 'County of Elgin,
Gentlemen,-Your Public Improv~ment---Committee beg leave
Ita' report ,as' follows:
. (They have c01Jsidered the matter contained in the rep?r'tof
the ,County Erigineerand w,ould recommend the adoption of the
report, and that the Engin_eer have power'to make such impro~e-
m,cuts to the Port Stanl,ey Bridge as'he thinks best.
I, All of which is' respectfullysuhmitted.
W. T. HA~E, Chairman.
St. Thomas, Ont., JUQe 12, 1.918.
Elgin County Council
November - Session
To the vVarden and Council of the' Count'yof Elgin,
Your Public Improvement Coml11'ittee beg leave to submit the
following report. "
1. They hacl considered the matters contained in the Engi.,.
rieer's repqrtalld would recomJTlend its ad,option. (
2. Your Committe,e are convinced ,of the ,importance of the
li1atter of the sliding of the west abutn').ent of ,the Port 'Stanley
Bridge an<;'-. ,r,ecognize that something has to he done to make this
bridge 'safe.
In _1915 ,a Special Committee of your Council interviewed the
:N.(inisterof PublicW()1-ks at Ottawa iri regard 'to having a SWiilg or
lift 'bridge er,ected at this point, and had the assurance ,of the then
Minister that the Govermh~nt would as soon as the finances of the'
Department would pen-nit,take action to have the harbour exknd~
edand a "swing, or lift bridge erected.
Your' Committee therefore recommend that the Warden natne'
a Committee to go to 'Otta\va:'to. meet 't~e Minister of Public Works
and get a decisive answer as to what the Government will do,and I
report to 'thiS: Council at its January, Session. '
All of whic~ i~ respectfully submitted.
'vV. T. HARE;Chairinan.
St. ,Thomas, N ovemher 21st, 1918.
~lgin County Council
Jan,uarySession No.1
the Elgin County Council,
Gent1cmen,-The ,County Road's Committee reports:
1. Between the 1st October and~nstDece1l1ber YOHr'Co,1l1mit-
tee quthorizcd expenditures ',to the'amount of _'$10606.,37;' divided as
follows: . , "
General ,Expense
11~5 '40
$ 10211 57
Pi'ovincial G'rants
ture $6953,;21:
$ 10606 37
that on this expcnl:liturethe Comity will receive
a9"gregating $3653:,16,leavin~ net -County expendi-
Claims' ~or Damag'es
2-. Notice of seven actions;{or damages caused 'by -accidents
,on County ~oads have' been received and' are being dealt with by
'your Col'u1l1ittee,thy Superintendent>, and County Solicitor. It is
not expect~dthat ina'ny cas,t recourse to the Courts wilf be neces-
sary, if your Committee is satisfied that th~ County is 'liable' "and
the clait'n is reasonable.
Drainage ,Liability
3; The Highway Improvement Act does not make provision'
~or, Counties !assuming Township Liability under The Ditches and
Watercourses Act, awardS1l1ade or -Drainage By-laws passed prev-
ious to 1,st'Octoberand the' Deputy. Ministe~ of Highways has in-
, .,
Elgill COUTity Council
timated that the Province is not liable for any portion of experidi-
tures in this tdnnectibn. The County Solicitor is'of opinion that
{here shotild be an amendment to The I-lighway "Improvement AC,t
in l:eference to Drairiage and wi11,no doubt, bri1i-g draft of the' ne9-'
essary legislation befor t~le Council at ,this session.
4. It will not be possible to adhere strictly to,thc, 'prov,isions
of the County By,-:law in limiting construction work. The' Tile
Drainage of roads necessary Jor repair, the :widening o'f fo9-dst,O
make them' safe.. and the tonstructionof c:ulyerts" and bridges ,are
all necessa:r;y and are recognized'constructionwork by ,the' High":
ways' Departmept.
5. The amendments to County By-'law 897, ,enacted at the
Novembe'r.Sessiotiby By..,law 902, have been t'ransniittedto,the'l1in-
" I,
i:5'(er-of. Highways; together with resolution passed in ref.erence to
the Stalter Bridge and designation of the road between the first ,
an9 second concessions of Malahade. The, approval of the By-law
\vill be withhe1duntil after the 'January Session so that the adji.lst..,
ment of South Malahide roads, if any, may be included.
Labor an'd' Material
6. The shortage ,of labor during th~ farm work' season is a
seriousmatt.er with ,which the ,County{ Road, Superil1ten,<;lent' will have
to contend. We h.av~adyised that gravel he drawn during' the winter
and placed in piles along highways 1:0 be repaired nextsprittg .and
that teaming of allkitids of material be \done as m1jchaspQssibl'e
during theslaclc season. We would recom'mertd that gravel 'pits be
,purchfl:,sed ,wherev'er suitable d~posits can be located and that ar-'
J " "" " " ' "',,'
rangements be madeta prOCllre gravel andstoncin"car 101s.
Suburban Roa(ls ,
7. The' Ontario Highways Act of ,1915 ,make:sprovlsloll.. for
the appointment of a Com~issioli to designate and define Suburha;i
Roads orportions/thereot towards the, const~uction and mainten-
ance of which the City, of ,St. ThomasshaU conhibute.
This 0ommissio_nwillbe composed 'of three :merubers',one <tp:"
Elgin COUhty Council
'pointed by the City' Council,:, one ,by the County, Council and the
third to be agreed upon by th~- two me,mbers so appointed, all to
hold offi~c for 'a period of five years. Thei~ appointments arere~
quired to be> made, w~thin thirty days of the receipt by the Clerk
of a copy 'Of 'the order-in-council authorizing the Commission.
We would recomme'nd that-,applicationbe,' made to- Lieutenant
Governor in' Council fora direction in reference to the, selection of. a
Commission to deal with road's it). the suburban area, surrounding the
'City 'Of St. Thomas. .
Es'timatedExpenditures, 1918
8. The County Road Superintendent" has submitted a prelim-
inary estimate of amounts r:equired for county roadphrposes <iu.ring'
the year 1918, as follows:
10 bridges, ,and .17culverts......'_______....___..$
Road Mai~tcnance,' $125 per 'mile.
Maintenance Villages .,__..._..m~_.._hm.___
Maintenance, Townships
3837 .00
34538 00
30000 00
$ 68375,00
For Machi'nery, ,6 graders, 75 ~plit log
drags, 1 portable stone crusher, outfit
with screen _____m._____..___mmm..____..__________..__<.. 5000: 00
'l-ihis would r~quire a County appropriation of about 2 mills 0'1'
$.lG,52EL We would recommend that work be' started on a basis of
expenditure, of $53.023 and the purchase" of 6 graders and 75 split
Iogdr'ags and, that this be s1ibjectto revision at -the June Session
wheri firial estimates will be prepared.
All of which is r,espe.ctfully submittU~d.
"V. TOLMIE, Chairman.
January" 1918,
Elgin County Co'uncil
January, Session N o~ 2
To the Elgin Co un ty COUlH~il,
Gent1emen,-----::'The' County Roads Comlnitee repo~ts:
That they hf!-ve considered communication fromehe, Couli~y
Council of Prin'ce Edward and would recommend that 'weco-operate'
by 'petition for amendn?ents to the Highway ImproveU\eut<)\ct~'o
th?-t the County Road ',Superintendent may dose ,highW<i)"S or,' por-
ti~ns thereof to traffic for such time ashe may deem l~t:ce~sarY
while construction and ,'repair' or imvrovem'ent of any toad lS in
All of" which is respectfully submitted,
\\1. TOLMIE, Chairman."
St. Thomas, January 25th, 1918,
January Session No.3
To the ElgiriCounty Council,
Gentlemen,-TheCounty Roads Committee reports: '
That in. reference to Clause 8 of the' original re:por-t referred
back to 'them, that the following. streets, extensions and connections
betwe'en different p.ortions .of ComHy Roads in Villages and, To\-vn
be d~signat~d fot improvementiri accordance with provisions of
the Highway Improve:nierit Act and 'B~-law No, 897:
Furnival Road.
Queen Street from ,,;esternboundary to Fnrnival.
. S:()ringfield-
Main Street to East Street.
Wellington Street to Main Street,
East Street to Main Street,
Elgin, County Council
G~aham' Street.
'-'Main: Street.
Shakletoh Sh:eet (rom easter:nlimit to' Main Street.
Currie Street frolD northern limit to Shakleton Street,
Colborne 'Street ,ft'0111 n01'th limit to Bridge Street.
Bridg~ 'Street.' tt;> George Street:
Gebrge Street to New Road up ,hill to - tnvel'erie.
Up New Road to w~stern 'boundary of,1otl, being line, be-
tween Tov.~nships lots .15 and 16.
Plank Road froni. north to"'Front Street to'\Vater' Street to
Plank ,Road', 1'0' s01.1th .boundary. ., "
J oh~ Street.
TalhotStreet frotnwestern' 'limit on south side.
All' ofyvhich is respectfully 'submitted.
St. Thomas, January 25th,1 1918.
'IV;, TOLMIE,Chairman;
Elgin:Cpuhty COllncil
March Session
TO the Elgin County Council:
G'entlemen,-:--YOUf,County 'Roads' Committ~e, reports:
1-. That they have ordered 6 ro~d graders and .75, drags.
I ..
2. An option has been taken on the Hathway ,FanI:1 near
White's St~tion in Yarmouth, with a view' to purchasing same, .for
-a County Gr,avel Pit, price, Eleven1.'housancl Doll~rs." We,_willqe
pleased to have the COuncil inspect this property during. the pres-
'Cnt session and take such action as you may'. deemadvisable,iri
refer~nce thereto;'
3; That w{': waited 011 the Minister of Highway-sand,request..
ed that 11e- designate the following as Provincial County Roads', to
the ConsU'uctiOn and Mainfenance of which the Province will con-
tribute 60 percent.:' ,
Road No. '17 to lona.
Roa-Ci No;_14 from' Roa,cl No. 17 to RO,ad No. 1a;
Road No. '13 to Dutton.
Roa'd: No. 10 to Aldborough Townline.
Road N'o. 2 to Rodney.
Road No., 4 to' Kent, County Line.
Road No. 38 to infer,section of Road No. 46.
Road No. 46 tp Norfolk County 'Line.
The Minister expFessed himself as being favorable to' ,the pro-:"
PCl'sition, but we have not been advised that any action hasbeeu
.taken in the matter.
The Talbot Street, between S1. Thomas and Aylmer has 'al..
ready beeh' designat~d and an appli,cation in reference to th~'Loti-
don and Port Stanley Road 'in Yarmouth and' Southwold, sent in
tastfalt., will, we believe, 'be favorably. considered.
Elgin' COUrityCoundr
4. The Caunty Raads,B-y,;.law, :a'samended- at.'the Navember'
and January, Sessians, has:' been in. the hands af th~ Departmenffar
same weeks, but we have nat been advised af: it~ ap,provalby the
Lieutenant GavernarinCauncil. The pressure' ofbusi:p.ess in con-
nettian with,theLeg'islature while-'in'session is the causeof,the-,
delay.. .
All af whiCh is 'respec,tfully submitted.
WM. 'TOLMI E; 'Chairmal1.
M_ay Session
,To th.e:,EIgin Co.unty..Cauncil,
I ,_ I,
Ge'n'tlemen,...:.-.TheCaunty Roads 'G:ammittee reports:
1. That they have been cansidering the questian af the ptir~'
chase af gravel. pits and have been advised that a GavernmentsubM
sidy: af 40 per cent.ofthe purchasepr,icC;,af tr-epit~'wauldbe,avai1:..
2. We have had the matedal in' the Hathaway and Hepburn
pits examined by a Pravincial autharity and slibmitherewith his
repart, 'tagether with' repart fram the County Engineer in reference
3. We have taken up the question affreight rates from the
Hathaway Pit to the various statians ,in the County, and submit
herewith a list.shawing the rate per tan far a minimum weight per
car af '80,000 Ibs. ar', less accarding to. the capacity af the car. --These
vary fram '55c., delivery at St. Thpmas-ar iri Yarmauth,to $1.05 far
delivery to' Radney ar West Lorne. We submit herewith_.a list
of the freight charges per card far the delivery afgravel thraugh-
out theCaunty.
4. We' recpmmend that the Cauncil purchase the Hathaway
Elgin Caunty Cauncil
Farm' at 'Eleven Thousand Dallars ($11,000) also. the gravel o'n the
Hepburn Farm at Five Hi.tndred Dallars ($500) per acre.
All df which is respectfully submitted.
St. Thomas, May 28th;, 1918.
WM. TOLMIE. Chairman:
June Session No. 1
To the Elgin Caunty Council,
, I .
Gentlemen,-The Caunty Raads Committee reports:
1. That they have had a canferenc~ with Mr; Hepburn in
reference to. the purchase of gravel and ascertained that his price is
Five Htindred.. Dallars per acre, all to. be paid far ar secure,d when
-agreenlent signed. Under. these circumstances we recammend that
naactian betaken' in reference thereto..
2, That we apprave of the designatian af Road No.. 33 sug-
gested by the P'rovirtci<,ll Highways Department a,i1d that By-law'
be amended accardingly.
3. That we have 'secured_ expert advice in reference to. .open-
. ing the Hathaway Grav'el Pit and find that equipment sufficient to.
enable us to. ship 1,000' cars af. gravel anually will cast abaut $25,000.
We are cans ide ring the a'dvisabilityaf establishing starage yards
for gravel w:here necessary at statians indifferent parts of the
Caunty. ' '
4. ,V.le recommend that Co.unty Raads estimate be' increased
to. $64993,being an increase af$8273 to. pravide far gravel pit de-
velapment. '
5.' We are', ,pleased to. know that the highways suggested:- by
your cammittee have been designated as Provincial'Co.unty ar 60
pet cent. roads, this places the County ina mast fava,rable. position
Elgin County Cau'nci!
~nde:i1ables us to 'el11arge our plans-for the bett~rment of the fpads
in our charge this year.
6/Thatwehave had under considera:ti'on the question of cleri-
cal watkin ,connection with the 'County Road Superintendent's' offi<;e
and would. recommend that his 'salary be increased to $1200' to en-
able him to provide for assistance necessary.
All of which is respectfully submitted-.
J une12th1 1918.
WM. TOLMtE, Chairman.
, JuneSession'No. 2
th~,' Elgin County Council,
Gentlemen,---':"'Thc' County Roads ,Committee -reports:,'
Tha't ,a By-law be passed authorizing the \Varden to 'appoint a
Suburban Road Commissioner.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
. ,
WM. TOLMIE, Chairman.
St. Thomas, Ont., June 13th, 1918.
N ovein ber Session
To the Elgin County Council.
., '
Gentlemen,-'The County Ro~ds, Committee reports:
1. That the expenditures on the County Rciads up to th~ 16th
of November have been: '
Genera,1 Expense
Con,struction .
Elgin County Council
Thi,s will be increased, by the: cost of 'work in' progress, the'
completion of contracts and grants to villages. It is ,not expected
that ,theestimat~s for 'the year will be exceeded. The Cbnstyuction
work induded five' cement bridges, eleven cul,verts and the grading
of , 'approximately fifty-'one miles' of' r'oad. The machinerypui'ehase:d
in'eluded: 6 road 'graders, 53 road drags, 6 iroad 'scrapers, p wheel
scrapers, 2, foad plows. '
2. As directed at the June"Session, a ,Special Comhlitteewaited
upon the Minister of High'ways and n::p:orted: "That they"w/ere re-
ceived by the Minister and 'Deputy, Minister of Highways."
As- a rl;:sultof the conference:
By'-law, No. 910, designating the rORds that are extensions of
.01' connecting links of the County Systemiri villages, and town was
A suggestion that ,appeared to meet with general favor was:
Th<3,tthe villages and towns be granted ,annually an 'amount" not to
-exceed the taxation levied therein, for"~expenditures, in oonnectiol1
with the County System of Highways, said grarit to be expe~ded
in accordance with the regulations of'the Department of, Public,
The County would then receive from the Province the percent-'
age payable in respect to ,said grants.
It was agned that an Engmee'r uf the Highways Dep,artment
should visit each 'vilIage'and Town, of Aylmer and confe1' with the
l~etveand' Council in reference to work to, be done this year.
A report in reference to the conditions peculiar to each 'urban'
-municipaljty in the County' will: be prepared and sue,hl new legislation'
;as may be n.ecessary to equalize their position will be considered'
by the department officials.
With' refererice to the sale of gravel to ~he localmunicipali-,
the Minister offered' rio objection provide'd the Cou.nty charge,d
EI,git;i" County Council
:s~tfIident to _cov~~th,e cQst ap,dthe amount 'received' wa's'cred'ited
in the .. tIle ,(aU'nty Roads, Accounts.
Your':Corntnittee., as authorized by yo'u1;honorable. body, de-
cided, that the villages should receive for 1918 ;,J-n amOl1nt~quivale:nt
to, their contribution tdward~ the estimated County Road Expend'i~
'. ...., "
ttir.es for the year:'
.Aylm er ,\, ......,'__'..____...,-.___.._..,..._______,...___.'n_.'.~...__.'nh,..$
Vientla n__....;............'....n...____'.....:..______,...____......._.....__
Spr.'ingfi eld ..n~.........__n._________,...._____.'n...__;.__.._,.._--...
Port Stan~ey_ __.'........__...........:.__.____.......___..___....;______
Du tton ---............h'--................,..--....-------...'i----.;"'--....
West Lorne _n_..nn.......nn,n.....__.._...__........_n....n
. R,odn ey n._n......_.._..nn........n..._.....n"nn.nnn.......n._
2719 88
. 278 48
611 37
923 1'5
605 05
611 03
$ .6152 00
It will- be necessary- ,for the Council tQ pa:s,s a By-law at this
'Sessi~h COnfirriling these grants so that they' may, be -in-chided hi th.e
a'ccQunts towards which _the Province will contrjbute.
. I
'Provi~dal Coun~y "Roads ,,', "
,Orders-in-Co,uncil' 'have been passed designating the follow-
ltJg as ProinvcialCountyRoads,towards the Construc.don and
Maititenance oJ which the Province will ,contribute. 60 ,per cent.:
Provincial C'Qunty Road No. 10-:---.Part of the County Road No:
14, from Talbot Road north; northerly to the northerly limit of
Co.un. ty Road No. 13; County Road ,No. 13; Cou.n. t.y Road N.c.. 10.;
C~unty,RoadNo: 2;COUlityRoad"No.4; com,prising a road gener-
ally from' the Village of Iona westerly to the Kent lJoundary line.
Prov.incial County Road N o~ l1,,;-RjJad No. 38 to the junction
with Road ,No~46; thence Road 'No. 46 easterly to the Mid-dleton
'boun'dary line; beiJ1g generally the 'Talbot. Road ',f1"(;)1n', Aylmer' to the
Middleton boundary line.
Pr,ovincial 'C(;mntyRoad No. 27.....;....S\t. Thomas .to, 'Port Stanley,
peingComityRoad, NQ. :,23.
Elgin County 'Cou'ncil
These are !in addition to part Road, No. 2G, Talbot Road fr.Q111',
St. Thomas to Aylmer ,designated last year. ' , "
Although specially Illentioned in our application the. de~ig;la"::
of the following roads was ,\vithheJeL
No. 22.:....-The London and Port Stanley Ro,\dfromSt/U'hol11a.s
nor!thto,the Middlesex County Line and. No. 17 'from. Talbotvine ta-
These are two of the ;most il11port~nt roads in the County'Sys-
tem on'-whi'ch heavy expenditures 'have be'eni1ecessary" It .is,pos-
:Sible they may, be indudedinthe Provincial Highway.Systel11 if
the southern route to Windso,r is approved by the 'Depart.ment. ,In
any event your c(lmmitt'eewilI urge the' payment of GO "1?ei' cel1t~ by
the '-Proviri'ce on this' year's, expenditures, which indudethe br\dge
at Pay-ne's'Mills, cpsting' abou,t $6,000.
Application was made for the' designation of the oldplapk road
in B~yham, ruyming from Tillsonburg to Por,t:BurweIl. 'This',vas
strongly supported by the Oxford County Council and :themuni-
cipalities of Woodstod<, Ingersoll and, TiIl,sonburg, all of, whi.ch de7
sJre a, ,good, road-,to the lake, , We -wer,enotifiec{,that the ~p.plic<l:t~qn
whuid ,not be granted. A fUl'ther effort will h,e,made ,!text ,~,~~r'
whenspeciaI.'deputations from the mUllicip'alities ah;d Counties' i~;.;
terested will urge their. reque$t l.lpOn the Min'istex Of High:'Nays.,'
4. Your Committee has made a c~~'eful,inspecti6n of,the'C~~d-'
ty Road 'mileage 'and reported 'on all'-'culverts, ,bridg'es, hills;, etc.,
with a view to systematizing the recordsandfuturewqr~cther,eon; 'in
accordance with the ideasot the Highways De'partt;lent. '
'5. The purchase of the Hathaway Ft).rm hasb~en completed
and a tenant has been secured for the next year, r.ent $350 'per an,:-
num, with an 'allowance of $5pgr aete ltsed in taking?ut graveL
, ..
'Your Committee have given every consideratio~, tt> equiprn:enJ
of the pit and have ordered a suitable screen and - elevator .eostin:g
$:fOll. A bin to holdabojlt$ix carloads,'wtII be c(111struch~:d tc{ fatil~'
itate-Ioad'ing, 'this \\;ill' cost Clbout'$2,00(). THe timbl1r,fl'Oln,'lg:Cr,e~k
Elgin County_ C()ll~ciL
Bridge o'nTaJhot Street will be used in this ,Work as, far .as possible.
:A prelimimir:y 'arra~ge~ent - has been discussed with the' Railway
'Company and when definitely arranged >the construction 'of the biri
will be proceeded with.
6. The clerical work" in connection with the County Superin-
tetident's OffiCe' is much larger thafl weantidpate'd-and y'our, Com-
mitt'eeare co'nsidering the- advisability of employing an assistant. The'
.-large'number of accounts has increased t.he, work of the Treasurer's
office by over 50 per cent.
7. Pursuant to BY-law, No. 917,the Warden has\ appointed
A.lexander Anderson, 'of Yarmouth; as'a member of the'St. Thomas
Suburba'nRoadCommissio~, the City has appointed. John T.Web-
ster.,Of St. 'Thomas, _,as their representative on the Commission. -It
is, th~ duty of theseCommisisoners' to appoint _a third .~ember of
the' Board,,: which is to, designate ,and' define the suburban _roads Of
'portions thereof in the County, System, tow'ards the construction and
maintenance of which the city 'shall contribute. The Commission is'
also'chargedwith the duty of directing the layin,g out, maintenance
and, ~epair ot the roads selede-d~within,the suburban area.
8. Your 'committee,_have pa1d $70 for three" small accidents
duringithe year"an_d.l~ave, instructed ,the Solicitor ,to,' defend the fol-
lowin,g actions~dr' damages due to- a~ci-dentson COU1ltr RQads;
Bryce vs.EIgin~In Division'Cotirt; Accident onR6a-d40~M()r-
rick vs. Elgin.......,..3 plaintiffs;" SnYder v's. Elgin.......,..2 plaintiffs~
These five plaintiffs claim with, respect to the same accident
,on Road N 0.45: "
Lounes~erry vs. Elgin-2 plaintiffs; Kelbourne vs. EIgin~2
plaintiffs; Moore vs. EIgin-3 plaintiffs.
These seven ,plaintiffs claim with respect to the 'same accident
-on Road No. 22.
There were;numerous other claims ,prese_nfed,and investigated
:at di'ffer<rnt times.'all of which were withdrawn or allowed to; lapse.
Elgin CountyCou:ncil
In addition, to the above there are a number of claims' with ,re-
'spect to Drain's and Watercourses .which are receiving attention.
All of, which is respectfully slibmitted.
WM. TOLMIE, Chairman..
St. Thomas, November 21st, 1\~8. ...
Elgin'Col~tJ'L/ Co'uncil
, Under the ~uthorityof Order':'iti..,Coun,cildated the 13th day:
of June, 1918, and By..,law NO.' 917, 'of the, Elgin County Council, I
'hereby/appoint AlexahderAlldel:son"of the Township of Yar~otith"
, as. a member_of the "St',,'Th:o~nas Suburba~ R6a,d Commissio~.
Da~ed at 'St. Thomas,th'is 2nd day' of JliJy;' 1918.
'N; S. CORN~LL, >vVarden, ,County of Elginl
;Elgin - County Council
To rheElgin County' Council,
Gent1e'mcp,-The Special Committee' re Grall:ts to Village roads
, ;reports. as foll6:"s:
That the qltestion of Grants to Villages arid Town -be referred'
to. th,e County,.Roads ComUiittee to be. conside~ed, when the By-law
designating the' roads and stn~ets; to be improved; has beer] approved
'arld tha't the '\Varden beaLtthorizedt6n~me':'Cl.dep'utation'to, wait
n'p011> the Highways Deparhr]ent iil reference to', the:' apPl:o:v:alof We
ViIIage Road By-law.
. All. of which 'is respectfullYrsub'~jfted.
WM. TOLMIE, 'Chaimm-ll.
St.Thomas, 9nt., June 13th, 1918.
':To the Elgin C01.~nty Coun~iI,
Gent1emen,~Thcdeputation to Highways Department report
tliat :they a,ttended at! the -office of the'Min;'Rter of, Hig!W'liys on
, '28th June.
Present: N.S. COrliell, 'Warden; Jas.' Tp,dd;W.T:' :Hal'e;
'E. Graham; J. B. Ferguson; O. McKenney; and Mayor ,Wright,
Ayimt':r; ,.A. Barons and ,K.'W.McKay.
They were received by the Minister arid Deputy; Ministet bf
High:w-ays. " . ,
As a result of thy coriference:
By-law No. 910 designating, the roads that, are ,extensions of
-or connecting links of. theCobnty SYstem in VilIagesand Towns
was. approved. 'J
, A suggestion .that appea.red to ',meet With general, tavol' wa~;
Elgin' County Council
~That 'the Villages 'and -Town' be granted allnll.ally'anamount not.tO'
exceed the taxation levied ',therein, for expenditures in connection
'with the County System of Highways; said grant to be' expended
iinaccordance with the revlllation<;; of the Department of Public-
The County would then receive froth, the Province the per~
"centage payable in respeCt ,to saidgtants.
An Engineer ,'of the ,Highways Department will visit.each ViI..
'lage ,and the Town. of Aylmer and Confer' with the Reeve and Council
reference to 'work to be done this year;
A report in reference to' the conditions peculiar to 'each 'urba'n-
:municipalityin the County, will, be prepared and such new_ legisla-~-
tibn as rimy, be necessary to equaliz~1:heir, position- will he con-
:sideredby the department official!'l.
With reference to the sale of graver to thelocalmunidpalities;
the Minister offered no objection provided the County charged 'suf~
ficient to cover the cost and th,e ,amount received was credited i~
the Couqty Roads account~,
All' 'of which' is respectftilly ,submitter!
Elgin County Council
. )05
January ,Session
T9 the ,Elgin CountyCoundl,
Gehtlemen,-The Petitions and Legislation Committee report~,:
That they haveconsid'eredcommuni,cation from the County of
'Kent and in view of th-e passi';ng of the Ontario Franchise Act of
1917 repealing the provisions of -the Manhood Suff.rage Act in re-
refe~en'ce -~o Registration, tbey recommend ,that rtp action be takyn.
All of whicn, is, respectfully submitted.
St. ,Thomas, J anuary25th, 1918.
June ,Session
-1.~0 the Elgin' County Council,
Gentlemen,_The Petitions and Legislation Committee reports":'
. '
1. That". we approve of communication from the County Coun-
cil of Huron, that some pIan should be adopted to reducetQ.e cost,'
of .keeping up County Gaols and that .the Provincial Government h~
requested to cop-sider the matter.
2., That no action be taken in reference to request. ,from City.
of Toronto, suggesting a vote as to abolition of the 'Senate of Can-,
adL . ,
3. That in ,reference to communication from the City"of Lori.-
'd'on, your Committee _did not h'ave sufficie'ntinforn;lation before
them to enable them -to cot'ne to a decision and would refer the
'matter for their consideration.
All of which is l'espectful1y subniitted.
St~ Thomas" Ont., June 12th, 1918.
Elgin County Cp~~cil
No~e~ber Session
the :Elgin County'Cound),
Geli.tlemen,.c...:..The'.Petitions .and Legislation Committeerepl?rts:
1. That comnluilication' 'from, County of Peterborough re 'dis~
tdbution. of Motor'':'LiC'ense fe'es be: filed and no 'action taken.
2. That the' Council co-oper~te with 'the ,County. Council, of
.Frqritenac by' petitipn regarding titles in C:inada;
3.\ That,we.co~'operate' by, petition with ,the County Cou'ncil of
\NatetIoo,' rega1~ding, eC0110mical legislation.
All of' w,hich is respectfully submitted,
,.LESLIE KENDALL, <;hairruan
ElginC6~nty. Council
, January" Session
'To the, Elgin County 'Council,
Gentlemen,~The'House of IndustryCo.nitnittee reports:
That in accordancewithresohition ',passed in November' last,
the' Cqmmittee purchased 'seven h~a:d of cattle ata net cost o{$487,'l4'
for 3330poundsofbeef,' this was ,placed ,in cold storage and; charges'
for six months paid,Ui.aking,price,:to-1nstitution 15.7c.1 per Ib,
The tender received in November was l8c., p,er pound,'forfore'
.quarter beef delivered at the Ins'titution,
All of which is respectfully submitted. .
:St. Thomas, January 25th, 191,8..
June Session
,'1'0 the,EIg.in County.Council,
Gentlemen,..c.-.,-. The House of Industry Commi'ttee reports:
That they ha:ve' had . under' . consideration necessary changes, in
the position of Matron ot' the' Institution ,and' w-ouldreeomlnend:
That. Mrs, D.' ,H, Gooding, be appointed .Matron .a.nd Mrs. Nellie
Attridge; Assistant M'atron: at' a salary of :rw:ep.ty-five Dollars l?er
l"llOnth, ,
'All of which is respectfully submitted,
,"St. Thomas, June 12tH; 1918.
Elgin ,County Council
. . .
......-- -- ---~ -.--..--..
November Session
the Elgin County Council,
_ Gentlemen,-The House of Industry Committee reports:
That the report of In~pe.ctor and Physician he adopted.
That we 'have considered 'report from Architect Darrach with
referellce toinstallatiol1',ofSoft Coal Heater at;dwotild recommend
that plans be coinpletedand tenders secured to be submitted to the
Council at,the January Session.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
W.'H. MILLS, Chairman.
SL 'Thomas,N ovember 2ist, __ 1918.
EI~in County Council
To the Warden and Members: of the Elgin County Council,
G;entlemen,-I have the honor of presenting the 43rd Annual'
Medical Repor;t of the Elgin House of Industry up to October 31st",
1~18, and submit the follo\\)ing for' your co_nsideration:
1. The 'health of the inmates has been good.
2. Th~re were no epidemics.
3. I m~de 52 visits to the House of Industry and daily visits
to patients while under treatment at the Amasa Wood Hospital.
4. During the year I attended three patient,s at the Hospital."
On December 13th, James Dalglish was taken to the_Hospital
suffering from an advanced stage of (Arterio-Sclerpsis) and" Gan:'"
grene. He died there on January '2nd.
On December 19th, Fanny Tyrell fell and dislo-cated her hip:
She was removed to the hospital and remained thereuntil.January ,
On May 20th, Andrew Smith was brought to the Hospital from
Yarmouth, He died there' on June '9th.
5. There were no births.
6. Number 'died during the year" 6; (males, 4; females, _2) _.a';
Name Ag~ Cause of ,Death
21, 1917, Mary Jane Coan.mmm 81..........._0Id age.
2, 1918, -James Dalglish:mo_.,m.m77____m.\...~Arterio-Sc1erosis al1d
I' 'Gangrene.
Mar. 18, 1918; Mary--Dennis.n.._m......_~_84....._.m_'_Paralysis.
April 17, 1918, 'James Robertson,_...,__:.8L...:';.....Heart Disease.
Aug. 4, 1918, John, Thomas.__....m...... 74h........._,Bright's Disease.
SePt,\17, 1918, John McDonald..._.m_.. 70~.m.......Cancer.
Jan. ..
I have the honor to be, your obedient servant,
DOUGLAS L. EWIN, Asst. PhysiCian.
Elgin County Council
the\Nard-en and Council of the C01,lnty, of Elgin,
GentlenlelT,---':'Thefollowing is my report on the' House of In"-
and Refuge 'for the' year I ending 31st October, 1'918.
1 Number of :inmates at last report
2 , Number acllnitted duting year
3 Number of deaths
4, Number discharged
5 N urn bel' absconded, '"'e__'" .,------....".........,;.,-----...--..--....--.,----.......
6 Number now in House
7, N1im,ber~f inmat'es sent from the several municipali-
ties in the County during the yea~:
AId ho~'ough" .__,...:..,............::.......__...'....____........__..__...____...__.c.__.__..,.
Dun wich . . .__.......__........:...,......____...........__..__..,--.....----.--..--.~--....,.--....
South wold __.______........__.__~__.__.__..........____...............________.......".__..,----
Y armou th ____"......__...........__.'..,..__..__,;.....__.;.....,_______....___...,..------..~...:..
11alahide ...........,.....__.....____.__....,...........__..____. ..........,..------..:.,--,...,.--.
Bayhall1 ...._____~_.....__..........__..........__..______ ..........____..........uu______....__
S011th DorchestetJ
Ay InTer ...."..".._.____.........__.......h......__.__..__ .--.--..........------......---.....
West Lorue
Rodney ..____........."____..__,_____...________..__..;..... ...-.----......----..
8 The' 'various cmises of pauperism of inmates ,admitted
to the HOljse during' the year,l,uay be classed as
oS i ckn 'eBS .,__..__.. .__:____.... .__..... .___"___.. ...... ."_. ..____... ...__..... .'. no .~.. .__.__.... 1
D,esti tute __..__....___.........__.__.......__.;......______....,__..__........___.___.....----:...., ~
Old Age ......................................................................................... 7
9;, Average number of inmatesduririg the, year...____....... 48
10 Average number with Keeper's. family' and, -hired"help 55'
11.' Num'ber of week's 'boa~d of'inmates _________...____m::.~........___2520
Elgin County Counci~
,--,......"""-'..". ".,-..,..,...."..""..':.~-
Number,' of w~ek's 'with - K;.e~pei-'stal1lity.._~.~,.,.~.:.....,..,,:,_289~:
Total ex,penditure during the year .:,:'....--.....~.,__~."....:,..$945~.6~,
-FroIn Inmates __,..:.....______..._................___...:..$ ,
From Produce Sold, ..__.........___..__......,.__...
From Farm 'Stock ......__..._........__....___.___......
From Sundries ....___..._.....-..____.....___:~............
15 Leaving amount aCtually expended for
support of inmates .'___'''''h'''''..__....n......
16 Average expense per week for each
.pe,rson ..........__.h.....__._......____.......__.__..:.......
. 17 !\verage expense per day for each
person .n.........__...,...................____...___........
.18:Average expense per sear 'for each
person .__._...............____......______......__............,
19 Amount expended Ifor'house and :farrp
during the,year is divided as fol1ows:
Farm Exp~ns~
Hired Labor,.' .,._______.___.'.,__..___............,;......____$
1m p le'ments .__......n._........n..........,........____.......
Stoc.k ........'___..,.....____.......___:......__............'........
Feed ....;__..____..h...................___...._.......____.,.__...__..,
Mis cellan eous ..__....'.......,..._,_......................,
Seed ...............__....,..._...____..,.......__........__.........__
House ,Expense
Hired Labor __......__..........__.__......,.....____.....,..
Bread .__.........__._._.,....____...____...'....__..__..__.
Meat .n__......._..'......;.........______.........____......".__._.
'Groceri es' __..__....____........__...__._.,.,..____.....,....___
. Proilisions ____..;....______.......,.....__.;.:...._____,........
Dry :G'oods ,__.........n..__._............__,..........:!.,._c.,..
Boots and Shoes ....n'.....'....______._...;.L..____..
Fu'rhiture and . Hardware, ____....____..___..~~...
D.tu gs m..'......___.......___...............___~.,............__..
359 50
231 73.
673 58
102 86
, .~
260 15
118 55
279 75
,1071,.5$ ,
162 47
113 86
360 25
902 -51
.836 86
374 04
783 88
350 72
202 51
337 23
110 .01
1367 67
8001 01
1{5 5Z
, .
,200(; ?o
Elgin County' CoundI
Coal and Wood, ~"___'.__'n,___.'u,___,,,"""'_'___'__
Miscellaneous _____.u..n.'.....hm...._'.;___...,...'~__
General- Expense
Conveyance of Inmates. un:____.____..........,
Permanent Improvement
;; 5:3
227 77
8 96
476 47
600 00
2:')5' 00
200 00
150 00
Total Expenditures
The following produ.ce' was raised0ll
the farm during the year:,
215 bushels of wheat.
65 loads of hay.
600 bushels of oats.
40 bushels Of barley,
60, bushels of turnips.
165 bushels ofpotatocs.
10 bushels of table beets.
40 bushels of sugar, beets.
45 bushels of onions.
250 jars of fr'l1it.
5 bushe1sof salsify.
80 Ibs," cheese.
5 bushels of sweet corn.
17 hogs sold.
10. bushels of'peas.
9 acres'. of corn fodder.
45 bushels of carrots.
5528 57
1205 00
9458 68
Elgin.' County Council
11 bushels of table carrots.
~8 loadsoL straw.
1 load of.. J;uelons.
1,000 heads of cabbage.
7 hog,' (killed).
eO fowl, (killed).
3;000 lbs~ bU,tter.
12 ,barrels Dfsoh soap.,
50 barrels' of appl~s.
2 veal calves (killed)..
In ~ddition to the above, a large :,number of vegetables, e'te.,
were raised 'and consumed during the year, of whiCh no' account 'was
21 Number of articles of bedding and-
clothing . made up during" the year
'by the Mahon and inmates.___....__.__._.
22 Number, of visits made by Inspector
23 Farm Stock-
3 horses valued at _,........__.___.....___......____..
17 cows . valued at ___........___,.._____________,_._.,__
2 'heifel's, valued at ____..__________...._.........____
16 hogs; v-allied at ___.__.....___.._...______~...____,__
3 sows, valued at ......._.._,_______......_...._.......
19 pigs, valued at ______....____..__________.....n....__.____
150 -chickens, 18 ducks.
24 The-total amount expended by County
on HOtlse 'of Industry, etc., is as
Farm, 100 acres, cost ___m_...__.~__,___...__._h__$
Hou,se' of Industi"y .__.___.............,__,____.._____.
Laundry ______......._ .._______.__.....____.___._.____......._..
Fire Escapes ______.....____________.__....._____..______..
Root 'Cellar, Henery, et~. _..._____._........_._
Cottages,. etc. ........___._.__.________........___..._....___._
Brick Ice House _____nn.........._______..........__
Barns, etc. ..__..___.........______......... -..-..............-.--
Tile Drains ____......_______.....__..___.....,__....___:,__..__
Tile Drain O(ltlet ..._...__,___........:..............
350 00
100 00
410 00
150 00
76 00
72,50 00
11884 75
687 61
390 06
879 43
3104 ,77
1180 50
4732 62
1031 23
Elgin County Council
Hot air pump, tanks an.dconnections 350 00
R.efrigerator ...__,____.____.__.. ......"......___--_.............. 40 0,0
Fenci~'g ____..........____..____.__... ...........________...__.. 1:1-02' '67
Or'chard .__.......................____..__ ......,.____..____~__. 85.85
Heating Apparatus ..__.........!...__.__...__...___. 1979 00
Deep Well .............______.___,.......___.___...,.___,.,. 827 M
Silo .........______.,__...__.:...............__.________.....,.:.......... 293 62
Hog Pen .......m............___......___....,....,........... 654 99
" $ 36886 2fr
R~ceivedfrom" GCiv'ernment on acCount.
of expenditures for land and' bldg...., 4000 00
Leaving amount actuallyexpen'ded by
Courtty .m....mm.__.__.h__.......~... ..........~~'........ 32886 29'"
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Inspector of Hciuse of Indusi~y
,Elgin County Cottncil
To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council;
Gent1enien,-Ibeg leave -,(0 report tOY01l the . business
,connectiQn with my office for the past year as follows:'
Am~unt of' fines imposed .I.._....h.......__...........'h.'....m~$
Amount of Fines' paid ...~.....___--__......................m..h...,..
MtiniCipalities to Whom Fines Paid:
Port Stanley _ ...~'.~............................~.~...;,.:'-.....______...._____no
DiL ttou' 'h_.__..__.,....__.;.__...... .--.,......--.--....,.:----..--....r...~..........h.
W es t Lorne ....__..........__'__....__....h.:...____________..____...__..__.......
Yarmou th ________________.n...____......:....~.~....................~.;h.....h..,. 'j
'Bayham,- ..:...:__......;..,____...__________n...____.....__.....____......______......__.',
South porchester
Malahide ____..______....____.oo.....................__....h.______..____.________...
Sou thwold h________oo__....,.____.........................................____..__
Dttn wich .._____________......__.____...____..__..__....,...__......__n..__..'..'......
Compensation' Paid:
E. W addiI-ove ______.....__,.......,..;...........;.................__........,..
Moiety of Fines Paid:
J;' .TtlCker ..................:,........:..__..__........__.........__....h....________.
Constable Young oo..__~'.,...............;.......___:m...----..............
LiCense Inspector:-
Walter Ross .______....:..,..__.,.__.__h...________.._.....__h.______...____...
ToWestel'n, Dairymen's Asso<;iation:.............__h.,
Sparta' Cheese Factory
, Shedden Cheese, Factory __oon.............................'...........
Offences 'Tried
2479 59
2268 50
:, 732 00
290 00
200 00
18 00
10 00
'5 '00'
1297 50
done in
Nature <?f C,harge:"'-
Forgery ""....h..................u.~;...............nnn.........n..............nn....... l'
~~~;::ul~~ ~~~:di~.~n.:::::::::;::i::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~
18 50
7 50
5 00
895 00
22 50
10 00 '
12 50
$ 971. 00 2268 50
, Elgin' County Council
Burglary . ...h______n'....__...,............_..,_________.n__.'..__.........................h.
Bawdy Hous e ,.......,__.__..............__.....__.,--.n..........n.'...................,....
Inmate. Bawdy House ....~.;~.........h.m.'n..mm.....'__'.......m.'......;.
Affray .__.........'h..h.n...____.n..~......n.n...h_..n..n'__..n....__nun...______.n__.
Assault, Common ,...n.__hm__.'mm~.....m.'..........'n...:_._.__;_,..
Assault,,~ causing, actual bodily harm
Causing a disturbance, drunk. ____n...__m'.m__........mn......m......
Cruelty to Animals
ViolatIon Motor .Vehicles Act ..m.~~.....____.....m__..'.....~m.__.__'h
Violation Municip~l By;"laws m,.__.m..:""".m......m...__'......m.h.
I N ot p~oyiding necessaries for wife
Theft, breaking and entering m.____m......L......__.......__.._....,......
Juvenile Court ..__._.....__"..._.......__......."__.....__..__,:--...------n.------."..--..
Thefl ....,......___.....______..____________..___.......____.....___.__..................______.___.
N eg lected children:.m. n.....m____'..'mn__''"...mm_m_m___...m..._..'.:.,
Vi'olation Ontario Temperance Act m.'m....m...._:m:.m..m
Violation Dairy lridustries Act ...................._h................n.m
Bigamy ..____....._____-..__..h....______.:......n._..'.nn..________,....____........n__....'.
Perjury ...................h.nn.,....:.__....__.__...'.____.un.____:nn___..__.____.__________
Violation Public Health Act .h.....h..............__.....h......'...h__.
Articles oJ the Peace ...m.m..___..m.m__n...u_....__m.......m.....::.
I Violation Public Schools Act'
Insari e __..n.........__h.......__....____.:n...__.__....__n........n...,.................________.
Seduction ....__n'.......____.. n.____;'...__..____....____.n_________..________.____..__.u.n......
Violation' Truancy Act ........:...................,..........hm,_.__'.'.;h_h...
Number of Convictions
Nature 'of Charge-
Violation Oritario Temperance Act- ..__.'mnm__.......
Violation Public Health' Act .:..__.....m..m ....__.....m.m..........
Violation Public Schools' Act
'Cruelty to Animals
Assault ............n...__.__..__........._.....____........_.,....._______.._....n..
Vagrancy _____.n___..h.......'....,'..______........__....____nn.............____".."""n
Ke~ping Common Bawdy.' House .~............__............'............
Inmate Common' Bawdy Hou.se L__.....m..m...::..................,
5 .
Elgin. Coun,ty Council
Theft .....__..__.....______...__..__.__..........................._______.___..__.................: 13'
Violation Motor Vehides Act __.....______._.................:...m....~__ 5
Trespass ....,......______.__..________..................................__..n...'__.__._hh.h.. 1
H()use Breaking. ............__...__n....".________.........__.~.........._........._...... 1
Shop breaking ..:m._mn__m__.'......:m...........__..__..:.__.mn..mm__.__... 1
Causing. disturbance .:......'.....m...._..m.m.:__'..__.......................... 3
Violation DaityProducts.Act ....,.........~.......__........__......____.;.. ~1'
Violation Cheese FactoryAct.........h........h..~.......:..,............ 1
Violation Yarmouth By""laws m........__,'.....,.,........__........,..h__. 2
Wilful. Injuries to Birds 'm.__...... '..h.h..m..hm.........'.............. 1
I ha~e the honor~o be your obedient serv3:nt,
Police, M,~gistr'ate, ,County of Elgin
Elgin (ountyCoUlJ.d1
June Session, No.1
tl,le Elgin Cciuntt ,Council,
Gentlemen,-":'J'he .Gaol Committee, ,reports:
That ',they have'. had. undei: cO\lsicleration the'Tc-arrangcment of
heating apparatus in the CqurttybuihFngs 'with a vie"y, to utiliz-
ing 's6ft'coal. Plans and fenders were secured fo~.a boiler of suf:"
ficient, capacity for the whole buildings to iun separately or in con-
jtiitC'tiOfl with the present heaters. Follo'\ving this we made an ef:...
fort to' sechreas\lpply' of' hard coal, for next sesaon an'd having suc-
cc~ded in securing the deliveryoL over one hunch"ed tons, th'e' full
e'x:telit of present storage capacity, we have decide4 not to .introduce
,:th,e'soft coaL water heater this year.
VN; would recommend that we bcauthoriz'ed to secure a re-
port from a competent al1thorityin ,reference to the 'condiUon, and
life" of th'e ,present boilers and if deemed advisa'ble that 'plans and
sp,ecificatio~lS be' 'prepared for theinstallatiollof new boilers next
, -, ."
A.ll of -Which is/ respectfully submitted.
s'L'Thomas, June 11th, 1918.
June Session No.2
To, the Elgin County Council,
Ge:ntlemen,~The Gaol Committeere,Porfs:
1. That the offices ort second floor opposite the Council.' Cham-
ber be placed at the disposal of the Cotmty Engineer, until such
,time as they are required 'by tlie Local Master 'or for other County
Elgin' County Council
2. That the School Inspectors' office be renovated and placed'
at the disposal of Inspector Smith.
3. That -t~eoffice now occupied by CO,unty Engineer be' ,util-
ized by ,the Local Master~
4; ,That the request of tl1e ,Military authorhies for use of Gaol
be granted ,and the She'riff, Warden artd,County Clerk ,be authorized
to completea'rrangements. '
All of which is ~espectfuny- s'ublilitted.
St., Thomas, OnL, June 14th, 1918.
G'ao! Committee.......N ovember Session
To the' Et'gin County Council,
Gentlem;en;~The Gaol,Comrnitte,e reports:'
'That they have consider,ed report from Arthitect'Darrach with
reference to Soft Coal Heater for County Rnildirtgs and wouldr'e:...'
c'ommend that plans be completed and tenders secured' to be s'ub-
mitted to the Council at the January Session. I,
All of which is resp~ctful1y submitted;
St., Thomas,_ November 21st, 1918.
E.1gin County Cou.l1cil
'.".._~_.__.,'-,'_..~- '
To the Elgin County Council,
Gentlemen,-The Court Bouse Commission,',.'reports:
Th'at their 'expepditures dunngthe past year have 'been for
$'- 432 39
480 00
48 60'
17 00
$ 977 99
,2. Th?-t the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1500) wilt be
required for the ei1suing year, This includes repairs to furnaces to
be made in co-operation with the Gaol Commtitee.
3. The' resignation of Caretaker' John Hopk~ns ,vas received
about the first, of ApriL Mr. Hopkins had:. been; in charge of the_ -
building since 'it was 'Opened in' 1899 and' dischiu'ged his dutiesfait~.,.
fully, and welL 'A!e are pleased to know that he is to continue as
Court 'Crier and High Constable.
We were fortunate in securing as
Reudle, recently returHed from overseas.
siderable experience and will, we, q-link,
manner acceptable to all concerned.
caretaker Sergt.,' vVilliam
The Sergt. hets' ha,d con-
perform h~sdutie~ ina
Elgin County, Council 121
BY-LAW No. 904
To Appoint Auditors fotthe Year 1918
Passcd 25th January, 1918
\Nhereas under the authority of the Municipal Act, every mun.,.
icipal counci.!is required 10.apPClint, at its first meeting every year,
two, clUditors:
Be it therefore enacted by the Council of th~ Municipal Cor,
poration of theCountv of Elgin uncleI' the authority afores~lid:
That \iValker;C. Caugll'ell, andvV. A.Galbi'aith he arid 'arc herc'-
by appointed Auditors,.to examine and report upon all the accounts
affeci'irig the Corporation of Elgin/' or relating to any matter 'under
its control or, within its jurisdictiQn as requil'ed by statute or 'order-
in:"council, a'nd also all accounts Of school moneys: received ot paid
by the County' Treasurer for the, y,ear endil1g- 31st DeceltJi)er, 1817,
and that the said Auditors be paid the sum of Sixty Dollars each
for their services. I
County Council,Ch:'tmbcrs, St. Thomas 25th, January, 1818.
K. W. McKAY,
COl"nty Cl'erk.
. h' ' cffnIly submitted, :',':",;,'11.,:"," BY-LAW No. 905
All of WhlC IS respe:.~~, ,~_ .
N. S.CORNELL, Chairman. -:,ji 7 To Appoint a Board of Audit in the Cou~ty of Elgin for the
Year 1918
J 11th 1918.
St. Thomas, Ont., . nne . .::_' Passed 25th January. 191"
Be it ellaetedby the' Council of the Municipal Corporation of
the County of Elgin:
Elgin County,Cou~,cil
That the Ju(~ge of .theCounty Court andOsca:r McKenney be
and are hereby"appointed members of the Board of 'A.udit toper~
fod11 the duties requin~cl of them. by R. S. ,0. Chapter 96; section 21.
Th.at the members of the said' B'oard be paid.the' sum of Four
D6Jlarsper day; for their services, and five cents per milegoirig to
an'd from such. Audit. 'j
COllnty-Col~ricil Chambers, St.Thomas' 25th January, 1918.
C01,U!-ty, 'Cleric
, BY-LAW No. 906
To 'Appoint High 'School Trustees
Passed 25th January'; -1918
The Elgin. County' Council 'enacts:
That W.R, Kirk be 'appointed, Trusfe,e fqr the Vienna High
School for three years.
That J. G. Heiter be appointed Trustee of:theAylmer Collegiate
I'nstitute for three years.
That vVilliam ,'Iiollingshead he appointed Trustee of the Dut-
ton High, School' for three years;
County Clerk.
County Council Chah1bers, St.-Thomas 25th .January, 1918.
Elgin CountyCou~cil
BY-LAW No. 907
To Ameri,d By-law No. 898
Passed 2:'/t.h ]alluary,),018
The EI~in COU;ltY. C:ouncilenacts:
That \i\lilliam H: Turner be appointccl,a member of theCoullty
. , " -
Road 'Committee in place of J., C. Ca\nppel1.
Count?' COllncil Cbambeis,St.Thomas 25th January, 1918.
K W. McKAY."
County Clerk.
BY-LAW' No. 908'
To Grant Aid to the Canadia,n Patriotic Fund
Pas5,cd 25th January, Hll8
,Whereas application has 1'een made. to thisColincil fot
for thej'Pllrposes )of the Canadian Patriotic, Fund 'fOT 1918.
a grant
J\nd" \tVhereas on the 2!1th'day of January, 191:J, this Council
passed By~la-wN o. 8.57" gralltirig the SUlu of One Thousa~d, Dollal:s,
'per month 'during the continuance of the wac
And 'Whe.,rcas this Council has decided/ that the total grant for
. the year lins:for tl~epurposes.or'the Fund- shall be FiftyAour -Thous-
and Dollar,S.
The County Council of the,County of Elgin therefore enacts:
, ,
That the ,sum of Fifty-four Thousand Dollars bl and is hereby
Elgin ,County Council
-_----.:--~-, ,'.
g'rantedto the Canadian Patriottc..I:<'und for the year 1918; said'amottnt
to b'cpaid as required on the order 'of the Warden.
County Council Chambers, St. Thomas 25th January, 1918.
K.. W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
BY-.LAW No. 909
T9 Anl'end By-law N Q. 902
Passed 25th January, 1918
The Elgin C,?unty C,~.:)Uncil ~na~ts:
That By-law Number 902 be amended by :designating Roads,
nin11bcred 42, "43, 44, and 145 as follows:
42. The, n:md in the Township of Malahide between Conces.""
siol1s 1 and 2, lotsl~ to 2:'),
Road between lots 25 and 26 in second concession.
Road between concess,ions t~'o and three, lots 26 to 30.
Road between lots- 30 and 31 in second' cQ,ncessioiL'
Road between concessions one and- two, lots 31 to, 35.
43. The roa'd in the Township -of Malahide between the third
and fourth concessions, 'lots 21 to 30.
Road between lots 30 and, 31 in concession three.
44'~ 'In the :police Village of Port Burwell, in the Township of
Bayham from the intersection 'of vVellington and Erius Streets
as shown in Registered Plan No. 11.2, Eril1s Street, in a
northerly and easterly direction to the northern ';boundary of the
said Village where it connects with the old plank road running north-
Elgin County Council
erIy and north~easterly through said Township to the t~wtl1ine be-'
tween Bayham 'and Mlddlet'on (Acacia); save and except the per-
Hon within, the Village of, Vienna.
45. The road in Township of Bayham between the 'first arid
second concessions from the Malahide tow'nline 'easterly and sou'th-
erly to Chatham Street in the' unincorporated Village of POrt Bur-
well as shown in Registered Plan NiO. 112, thence'along Chatham
IStreet to, Bl'idge_ Street to' Robinson Street to Wellington Street to
Erius Streetconnec,ting with, Road Number 44.,
\ County Couricil Chambers, St. 'fhomas25th ]anuaiy, 1918.
K. W. McKAY,
County Cl~rk.
BYeLAW No. 901
To, Designate Roads and Streets in Villages and - Town
Passed 25th January, 1918
The -Elgin C;oui1ty Council enacts:
That,the follow~ng Streets iothe Villages ,and -- Town in the
County of Elgin" which are ,extensions of or connectio11s' between
different portions of County Roads be designatedundet the High-
way ImprovementAct,section _5 s.s. (2) (a), for i"mprovement" in
accoi'dance With the provisions of By-law :r.;;r 0, 897, section 5.
Furnival Road from southern boundary to northern boundary
of:. Village.
Queen Street from. western boundary of Village to I Furnival"
Main Street from western boundary 'of ViIIageto .East Street"
Elgin County Council
, . ,
Street ham northerll boundary of Village to ltla:in
East. Street from southern boundary of Vitlage to Main Streh.
w'est Lorne-
'G,niham ,S~reet frnm, northern boundary to southern 'boundary
ofVil1<).ge.' .
Ma-in Street from yvestern boundary to eastern boundary of
Main Stree't from northen'l boundary,to southern boundar)' of
I. Shakleton . Street from ea-stern l)()undary of Village to Main
Street. " ,
Currie Street 'from 11ortherl1 boundary of Village to Shakleton
street. '
Port Stanley-
Colb'orne Street from northern boundary o.f Village 'to Bridge
Brid~e Str,eef to George Street.
GeorKc'Street to .N'ew_Road up "hill-to
'Along New ,RoatJ- to", western 'b'otipdat-y
tween' Township lots 15 and 16.
Eas,t Str,eet from eastern boundary ofVplage
to '-Colborne Street.
Invererie Heights,
'of 'lot 'l,betng line
to -J oseph Street
Plank Road from northenf boundary of Village to Front Street
to \i\Tater Street to Plank Road to southern boundary of Village.
John Street hOlT). ,northern boundary to southern. boundary of
Town. I
Elgin,' County Council
I ','.
Talbot Street from, western
-eastern boundary of Town.
poundary '(as on South side) tq
That the plans of
showirlg the roads and
thei'aid Village and Town attached hereto,
streets hereby designated, fonn pC\rt of'this'
, ,
County Council Cllam'bers, S1'. Thomas 25th jatmary, 1918.'
1(. W.McKAY,
County Clerk.
BY-LAW No'. 911
, \
To Authorize the Warden, and"Treasur,er to Borrow the Sum ,of One
Hundred, Thousand D~llars
,Pass'ed 25th Jan'ttaty,1918
The .,Elgiri County Council-enacts:,
That the \Varden and Treasurer be and ,are hereby autborized
,to borrowthesu1ll of One 'Hundred Thousand Dollars, as maybe
requited to meet the current expenditures of' the' Ccirporati~ll' o,f
tlle Cciunty of Elgin during' 191'8; 'and give as security, theiefor note's
of- One Thousand'DotIarseach. '
County Council Chan~1)ers, St. Thomas 25th' Jan~tary, 1~18.
K W. McKA Y.
County Clerk.
. Warden
BY-LAW No. 912
To Make' Grant to the Military Branch" of the: Young Men's
Christian, Association
Pa'ssed25th Janup.ry, -un,8
'.The Elgin County -Council enacts:
That the sum ,0fSeventeel;t Thousand Dolla-rsbe granted to
-Elgin County Council
the (Mi1ital-y Branch of the'Y oung Men's Christian Association 'for
overseas work for the year']918.
That .the sum ofFve Thousand eDollars be paid during the
lUonth of April 1918 a11cl the balance in monthly instalments of Fif~
'teen HuilclredDollars each. Said;payments to be iriadeby the 'Freas-
ured, on the order of'the'Vvf\rden.
County ,Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 29th March, 1918.
K. W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
BY.LAW No. ~13
To Authorize the Purchase of a Gravel Pit
Passed"the 28th May, 1918
The C~unty Council of the County of Elgin enacts:
1. That the Corporation of the County of Elgin purchase the
n'orth' ,half of lot No.2, in the fourth concession of the Towns~ip of.
Yarmouth, the pr9perty 'of Samuel Hathaway, f,orthe purpose of
a County Gravel Pit,at and for the sum of :Eleven Thousand DDI-
lars and that the Warden be authorized to' execute and affix the
corporation seal to a mortgage on said lands for a, term of'ten years
for the said am punt with interest at the rate of six per cent. per an-
I num" payable half yearly. The principal of said mortgage to be
repayable iil sums of Five Hundred Dollars or more at the end of
allY, year after the fifth year.
2. That the "Varden be authorizcd~ to execute an agreement
_, and affix the corporation seal thereto,' providing for the p.urchase
of.' the gravel on part of. the north half of lot No.4, in the fo'i.1rth
I,acre-s, the property of Mitchell Hepburn, at a purchase price of Five
concession of the Township of Yarmouth, conta~ning about fifteen
Hundred Dollars per ac're, as required;
County Council Chamber:J, St. Thomas, 28th May, 1918.
K. W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
Elgin COUtfty Council
BY .LA W No.. ~14
'To Appoint a Matron and, Assistant 'Matrono.f the House of In~
dustry and Refuge and A:rp.end By'::law. No. 875
Passed the 14th June, 1918
The Elgin CountyCout1cil enacts:
1. That. Mrs. Jennie Gooding, be and is hereby appointed Mab,
1'on ~f 'the House of Industry and Reftige.
) 2. That Mrs. Nellie Attridge be and is hereby appointedAs.,-
sistan't Matron of the HO~lse of Industry an'a Refuge at' a salary" of
Twenty-five Dollar9 per .month. '
3: Thaf By-law No. 875, be and is hereby amcn~led accordingi'y.
County Council Charnbers,St., Thoinas, 14th .June" ,1918.,
K. W. McK:A Y,
County Clerk.
BY-LAW No. 915
Tp Amend County Roads By-law
The Elgin County Cooncil enacts:'
Passed 14th June, 1918
1. That the designation of road ~t1li:ibered 33 ,be changed 'to
. 'read as follows:
33. The road in the Townsh.ip -Df Yarmouth betw~~n IotsS' and
9, in concession 12 'and 13. The road between concessions 13 and 14
-lots .9' to.12.
. The road between lots 12 and; 13, concession 14, to County
EIgh1;, County' Council
boundary, line q,np easterly alon~said boundary connecting "\,'ith
road i,lu:mbercd 34. '
2. That By~law.,N 0.S97 as 'ani ended
is hereby amended accordin'gly..
by By:-law N9' '902"be.
Comity Council.Chambcrs, St.' ~~homas, 14th' June, 1915.
K. W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
" BY-LAW No. 917
Fix Salary of the County' Road Superintendent and, Amend
By..law No. 899.
Passed 14th June,I91S';
That the salary of 'George Frank'Pineo,~Superintendenf of.
Ro~ds be and is, hereby fixed at the sum of Twelve Hundre'cP
pei" cUlnU111"payable monthly;
That"the,saidSuperintendcnt be required to lSupply such cl<~r-.
assistanc'e as may be neces'sa'ry in conn~ctidn with his office.
2. Tl).at By-law No. 899 be and is hereby amended acc'ordingly.,
Count~' Council Chambers, St.Thomas,'14-th, June, 1918.'
K. W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
BY-LAW No. 916
The Elg!n Coun-ty Council enacts:
To Authorize the Warden, to Appoint a Suburban Roads
Whercas application has been made to the Lieutenant Gover-
Passed 14th June, 191"8:
Elgin, Coup.ty touncq,
nor..in,-Countil, as provid~d in sectior:' 12, of theOl1tf.,~io Highways
Act, for a direction to appoint a, S~burban Road Commis,siol,1er to
designate and define the Suburban Roads or port~ons thereof in the
County System towan;ls the construction and maintena!1ce, of which
-the City of 5t. Thomas :shalIcontribute.
And Whercas it is the duty of this Council toap:point a mem..,.
ber of the Commission within thirty days from the receip~ by,:the
Clerk of a copy of the or,(Jer.:in-Council authorizing s.uch-Commissioll;
And ,whereas a copy of the order-in-Cuuncil has not b~en re,-
ceived and it is deemed, desirable to authorjze the ,Warden to ap-
point a Cominissiom:r whe'n -req.tiiredto bf arlPointed llY this' :coundI.
The, County Council of the County of Elgin hereby.cnacts:
That th'e Warden of this, Council be anJ'is"h.creby authorized,
to appoint a member of Suburban Road Commission".to' designate
and define the Suburban Roads ot portions the,rc?f in the Cou'ntr
System towards the construction; an.<l maintenance o.f which - the City
of 'St. Thornas shaH contribute.
County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 14th.Jutl'e~ 19'18.
K. W. l'vrcKA Y,
County Clerk.
BY-LAW NQ. 918
To Make a Grant to the Great War. Veterans' Associati'on,
~S't. Thomas Branch
Passed 14th June" 1918
. The Count.y Council of the County ot Elgin 'enacts:
That the County Treasurer be and is hereby authorized' to' pay
the rent of rooms at present occupied by: the St. Thomas Branch of
I i.,
Elgin County, Council
War 'Veterans' Association; for the period'of one year.
total amount not to exceed Two Hundred DOnars.
County Coun'cil Chambers, St. Thomas, 14th !une,.1918.
'Ai.' McKAY. e'
Cotmty Clerk.
BY.LAW No. 919
To G1'a.nt' Additional Aid to Schools
Th,e Elgin County ,Council enacts:
P<1ssed 14:th June, 1918
1. That the Slim ,of One Thousand,Six : Hundred and T~enty~
Dj)llars,be granted tdthe following schciols for 1918:
Aylmer' Collegiafe Institute ____._m......______$
DuttOn High School ___hm,n______.....___..___.....
Vienna High, School._.~_"._,___;~u.._...........m...
325 00
2.' That the St. Thomas', Collegiate Institute, be granted an
amount equivalent to twenty per ce.nt; of the cost of maintenance
of ,C'ounty pupils.
3. That' the grants to Continuation and FifthCfass Schools
be made on the basis of Two Dollars and Fifty. Cents to each Dol-:
lop' granted by the Government.
County Cotlllcil Chambers, St. Thom,as, 14th June, '.1918.
Ie W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
BY.LAW No. 920
To, 'Raise, Amounts for County Rates Du~ing the Year 1918
Whereas an estimate 'has been made showing that the sum of
Elgin County Council
Two- Hundred <\-nd Thirty-two.Thous<).nd, Six Hundre'd:and Thi~ty:~
three. Dollars is, required to be raised ,in the several Municfpaljties,
for the: laiNfulpurposes' of the County during the year 1918,:
And, whereas, by the Assessment Act, this"Councilis requi'reci'
to direct what portion of the' sum to be levied for (tounty.purposes,
\ shall be 'levied in each MuniciPiillity inthe,Courtty;
And wher,eas, the rates are required iobe apportioned 011 the
basis of the assessment of ptoperfr as equ.alizedin the: ,pre7eding
Andwhel:eas,il-le assessment of property' of the Comity, as
ascertained and equaHzed,ifi 1917; is ~s follows: .
Total ',Equalized Value-
Aldbo'rough _____...__n'__~_'~_hh"_,.__"__,,,,,,"."_........$~, 9 77,25'4-
Dun wich ___;,._...____..__.............,......l........._,........... .3,~ 9.1,312:54-
'Southvvold ....h..:..___~.__...___..__.___,___..___......._...... 3,840,267
Yarlllouth ____._.__.._.__....h..........................____.... 4164-1;657
Malahide __U.....h..h...,....__.......__;...__.n.___....__u._.. '2,839,810
Bayham .___....__m________m.....h..........__.....'.......... 1,884;513
South Dorchester .....--...............---...-..--t-..---. 1,678,552
Ayllu'er. ____..__._._____,____.u____c____.._,.__.._'__............... 973,819
D'utton ____'____u___.__..__.._..'.......n~.....__....................n 330,524,
~ ~ ;i~l :~:~ e ~:..~~~~~::::~~~~~~:::::~:~:::::::::::::~::=::::::::: ~~:: ~:~
Vienna ....;...._.___..._..____.____.,_._____..._.~,.__..__._.....h.. 99,,707
Rodne'y ....__........__....'.___.........._."._'....._.,......__u,_... 218;,772
West Lorue ___.-..un__u__m_____...~.'~_.____h......__.... 216,633
Therefore, ,th'e Council of the MuniCipal Coi'porationof the
County of -Elgin enacts:
.1. That a rate. of Le-n Mills oft the dollar be levied on. all rate-
able property in the several Municipalities ~n the County__of Elgin as
above' s~t. forth, for the year 1918; to raise thcfo.1lowing am.ol.:tlts,:
'2.. 'That.:~th<sum 01' Two Htindl:cid, and, Thirty-two' 'T~ousand.
,:Six ,Hundred a'nd' Thirty~three' Dollars be raised and levied.. in. the
~.eV'er8JMuniciP8)ities:"itl, the CountY',accol"Qing"to the foilo\,,'ing
,'Sche-du:1e, and that thean'lounts, as entered therein, be, ,paid to the
County Treasure.r, a,s by 'law 'rr;quired: '
Municipality Total
A)dbo,oUgh mm....m...........m........m............ .....$ 29,772
~::th~~ld :'-~::':::::::~~'::::::::::'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::_. ~.~::~.~
Yar1110uth .-~..n;;.n____....m..m._________;....m__....____..__.__ 46,417
Ma1ahide" .---'..------..--.---------.:;.",-.....-'...-c,..-.,:....,..., 28,398
B a ~ IJ am . ',"',- ~ ~ :.___,~.:..----....'..h-.---:c-._.."....,;.~.:....___-- 18,84fi
~outh Dorc~ester. .,_~.____,..:.--....-:.~,.---.."'.....m..' 16,785
A-yl:rn~r ...h.....____.,.............h..-______..._:..;..~..-:.,....'-..... 9,738
Dutton ':.......__..____.__.___._.......____.__.____.___..........__....... ,3,~0'5.
Pott Stanley ............._..........,....,...c................. 2.189"
Springfield, .---...........__.....___.,'__.."...'....._,.......--.m~.~'.. 1,44'7
Vi en ria .. .".'__n:-..--,........-..'..",---,-..~..~.....~......,-....,--...., 998
RodtJey _'m.......,..__.--.:-__,_n......~--:,....~.._'''~....,......___ ~;188
West L'orne .._.n.....___._,--..-.........-....-:,----c---...nj.. 2:,166
COtllityCouncil,Chambers; St., Thomas, June ';~4th, 1918.
1(. W.McKAY,
County Clerk.
BY-LAW No. 921
To Confirm the Equalization of, the Asse13~ment Rol~s of tl1e County
of Elgin '
Passed 14th ju~e, 1918
The Elgin County Council enacts:
1,., That the following be the equalization of the Assessment
Ro~ls of' the 'County. of Elgin for 1918:
Elgin County, Council
AId borough. ._;.__....n_____..h_nn..____'..'....m._..m___.:,$2, 977 ,254
Dunwich ....'.n____non~____..,___..____,_____.._..........mm. 3,198,254
SOllthwold _,on...____,..:.... ____......n___';'_............h__. 3,840,267,
'Y<:trnlouth 00__"__ .....n___....___m_____'__.'....__..........,.. 4,641',657"
Malahid'e ..........__........h_.._._...'._..:....;..............._..... 2,839,810
Bay ham . hh__._...nnn.............._........_.._.__....,.;.........; 1,884;513
South Dorchester ....__........_.......__................ .1,678,552
Ay lmer___;_____,.;______.._______._..._____._._.__~.'_".h,_..."... 973,8,19
Dutton ,....__..._,.........._..........__.__......__..........._....._ 330,524
Port Stanley __~____..___'__"__.__.,--.-,,-.,--;~:--.-----m--' 218,893
Springfield __m._~..n___._.__'n.._:___:__...h;..........___... 144,660
Vie,una ________...................________.:.;.___....__..____...___.__ 99,707
Rodney _____,_______......h_..__...h__._..........__.....,........ 218',772
"'0.' est Lorne _:~.......__..'...mm_..___..___.m_.._____'__... 216,633, ;1'
2. That this Council is willing. to have the final equ:aHzation of
the assessment, in ca,se of appeal, made 'by the County Jud~e. \
'. .1
County C?unctl Chambers, St. Thomas, 14th June, 1918'.
x. W. McKAY,
Coupty Clerk.
BY-LAW No. 922
'To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow the 'Sum of,
Fifty Thousand' Dollars
Passed 12th S~Ptem~er, 1918
,The Elgin, Count-y, Council en~cts:
That the ' Warden, and Treasurer be and.- are hereby authorized',
to .borrow the"sum of Fifty Thousand ,DolIa'rs, as may be- requifed,
to me~t the current ' expenditures of the Corj>oratio,l1 of Elgin dt.tr-
Elgin TountyCoun_ci~
give as security'the:reforno~esof One-Thousand Pol,..
,County, 'CoUTlcil Chambers, St. Thomas, -September 12th, 1918'.
COtlnty' - Clerk
BY-LAW No. 923
To Make Grant to Navy 'League ofCanaaa.
Passed 12th September,191B:
,The Elgin County Council enacts:
1hat the 'sum of Fourteen Thousand Dol.1ai:'s be and is hereby-,
g'ranteq,'to the Navy League: of Canada.
',That the said'grantbe paid on the order of the Warden.
County Council Chambers, St. Th~mas, Septeniber 12th, 1918.
K. W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
BY-LAW No. .92~
A By-law for the purpose of ma~injg special grants to the Vil-
lages 'and Town in the Co'unty of ,Elgin; f~r the improvement of
certain highways within the-'said 'Villages and Town.
Whereas, under the Act to Aid in the ImprovementofPubHc
'Highways,B:~ S~ O. 191f, c.hapter 40, a County' Council may, from
time'to time, while carrying ,outapla-n of 'highway improvement un-
det':'t.he saidAct,by by~law make gral1ts to ,Villages or Towns not
,/'sep"arated,fro:tn the"County, for the purpose ofi~p,rovii:lg such high-
ways 0'1" ,portions of ,highways in such Villages or Towns as may be
Elgin County Coundi
designated in such by-law and which are extensions of; or forlll con..;.
'n'~ctio~lS between different, portions of Count:YRoads;
And whereas a grant made in, accordance witl) ~hesaid Aot
,to a Village or Town having a p'opulation of more than '1500 mus't
be exPended solely upon roads and streets or portions thereof which
lie opposite to larids; on one side or the other thereof ,used forag-
ricuItural. purposes;
And: whereas the .Coundl of the ; County ,of Elgin deems it
expedient' to make' grants to the, Incorporated Villages and Town of
theConnty'in acco'rdance with-the ,terms of the said, Act;
And whereas the population of 'the said Vi1J.ageand Town,ac-
cording to the la'st (1911) revise,d census is as follows:
AY]lner, -1'own' '~--..""h__.."..'__..""'.__'".h'__.__..'''__...,
Port.. Stanley,VilIage
Springfield, Village .__...0..0..___.......__..'__...___...___..")".
Vi e n n a, -Vi llag e - ..~.~__....h.... ..'.....~....__ .____...;~ __......-;.....
'Dutton, Village .........0..__.....0.__........_____...___:.......__
'Rodney, ,VHlage .__h.m.......__.....;.___.....___,....__,__......
West. ~orne, Village .h.......____.m_...___...,..;..____........
. 891
Be it therefore enacted by the Municipal Corporation .of the
County of Elgin as f,ollows':'
(1) .Pi grant of $2719,88 is hereby made to the'Townof :Aylm'er'
for the improvement of John. Street, from South Corporation Line
toa point 'e.ighty rods north and Talbot Street from' the ,West' Cor.,
pration Line to a_ point Forty rods 'ea'st.
(2),-A grant of $278.48 'is hereby made to the Village of Vienna
for the improvement ~f Front Street Bridge. '.,
(3) A grant,of.$404,04. is he'reby made to the VIllage ofSi)l'i~,g~,
field for the improvement of Main Street, from. West' Corporation.
Line Twenty rod? east and Wellington Street fro~ll North Corpora.,.
tion Line, four rods south,.
Elgin County CO,u~cil
(4) A grant of. ,$,611,37'is herebyrnade to the Vil1ag~of Port
Stanley, for the 'improvemeritofColbome Street, from the, North'
Corporation ~ine south eight rods and Bridge Street west from C01-
borrie ,Street, twenty rods and George Street west from Bri1ge
S~-reet" 'ten ',rods.
(5) A grant of $923~t;J ishe~eby made to the' V'ilIage, of 'Dutton
the improvem~nt of ~hakleton Street from East Corporation
Lin~, we~,t twenty~five rods,
(6) A grant of $600,05 'is' hereby made to the Village of West
Lome, for the improvement of Graham Street fromSol1th Corpora-
t}6n Line, north Seventy rods,
(7) A grant of$61LO?is'hereby made to the Village of ,Rodney
fOI' the improvement of Fl1rl1i'val Street fro'm Corporation Line,
ricirth thirty-five '<.+ods and Queens Street from West' Corporation
Line, east to Fl1rl1,ival Street.
The said grants shall be expended solely upon the highway or
portion thereof herein' designated.
(8) The work on which the said grants shall be ,expended shall
be pdforme-d in accordance with the last revised Regulations Re-
specting Hig,hways, of the Department of Public Highways of On-
Read a third time and passed this 22nd day of November, 1918.
K. W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
Elgin County 'Council
BY-LAW No: 925
To Fix' Turnkey's Salary
Passed 22ndN ovember, 1918.
The COunty Council of the County of Elgin ,enacts;
That the' salary of the Turnkey, of theCoUlity Gaol be and' is
hereby fixed at the sum of Three Dollars per' day.
TJ:tat all By:..laws :hereto.fore passed ih this behalf be, and the
'same ,are hereby repe;aled,
Cpunty Copntil Chambers, 'St,Thomas, November, 22rid, 1918.
Cbunty Clerk.
BY-LAW No. 926
To -Extend Time for Tax Sale
The County Council of the County of Elgin 'enacts:
Passed 22nd November, 1918.
'That the time for the enforced collection by sale of lands hi
arrears for taxes in the Courtty of Elgin beatid ~s rhereby extended
for one.. year.:
County Council-Chambers, St. Thomas, November 22nd, 1918.
K. W.. McKAY,
County Clerk.
Elgin ,County. Council
Roads. designated to be assumed for improvement under
the provisions of the Highway Improvement Act forming"
P;ut of ~nd artnexedto By-law No" 897, of th~ County.of El-
gin as amended by By-laws No. 902, 909 and 915. .
'And approved by orders of the. Lieu tenant Governor of
Ontario in Council.
',~l'he, letters P. C. following a Road Number show that, it has been del;ligl1ated
asa Provincial' County. Road towards the construction and maintenance of which
the Province contributes sixty per cent. of -the cost.)
.11.,. (The Graham Road in Township> of Aldbor.ough.
COll.1mencing a~ the road between concessions 12, and, 13., the
road-, between lots 18 and 19 and its continuationrurtning'llortherly
to I the river Thames; save and except the portionwitllin 'the Village_
of West Lorue.
2 P.C. Commencing at the road in Township, of Aldborough
between lots 6. and 7,,'. the road' between co.ncessions' Band 9 running
easterly. to the 'town line between the Townships of. Aldboroughand
Dunwich; thence northerly in said Townline to' the road~etw.een
concession A. andconcessiort, 5 'north of A in Dunwich, save and
except ,the portion 'within'"the Village of West, Lor'n,e.-
3. The Furnival 'Road in Township of Aldborough.
Commenci'ngat the toad between concessions 12,and 13 the
road between lots 6 and 7 to the Gore and continuing northerly be-
tween lots 8 and 9 to the toad between cpncessions 2 and 3, thence
easterly on said road to the road, between lots 14 and 15 in con-
cession 2,thence northerly on said road to the river Thames, save
and except the portion of the Furnival road withbf th'e' Village
of' Rodney.
4 P.C. The' road between',concessions 7 and a,Township of
Aldborough from the western boundary ,of the. Township to the,
Elgin CountyCoundl
FurnivaliRoad, . between lots 6 and 7,' $a~e and except the . portioJ;i
within t,he Village of Rodney.
5. Commencing ,at the Furnival Road in the Township of Ald-
borough, betwE;en lots 8 and 9, the road, between concessions 5 and
6, lots 9>to 15; 'thence south along the road between lots 15 and, 1-7'
to the road betweet-i the third and fourth concessions east Aldbor-
ough, 'thence easterly along said road, lots 17 to 21 "to the'Graham
6. The road between concessions 12 and .13, Township oLA.ld-
borough, lots 5 to 18 inclusive.,
7. . The road,inthe Township of Dunwich, bet\veen lots' 18 and
19 in conces;ions 8, '9 and 10 and to the Lake Road in 'conoession> J1.
8. Commencing .in. the road between the 9th. and' 10thconces-
sionsof -th~ TCl\-vnshipof Dunwichat lin.e between lots 8 arid 9, the
Lake' Road easterly:and southerly throughlots 9aud 10, thetice'north-
e'rly .thero~d between lots 10 and 11 to the given road in. concession 9,
thence north-easterly ,on said road t9 the Currie Road between ,lots
12 and 13' .in the 8th concession, thence, northerly along said road
to the road at the nodhofconcession r, thence easterly along 'said
road,to' the roa"d 'between' lots 13 and 14, thence northerly toth~
river Thames, save and except the portion within the Village of
9. The road between concessions 7 and 8, Township of, Dun..,
wich, commencing at the road between tots 6 and 7, and running
easterly to the Southwold Townline;
10. P.C. The road between concession A and 5 nor::th of A
Township of Dunwich, commencing at the Aldborough Townline,
thence easterly to the old Cur'rie Road on lot 11, thence south-east..,
erly on said Currie Road to the boulJ.dary ot the 'Village 'of Dutton.
11. The road between the Gore and concession 4, Township'
of Dunwich, from the roadbct\ve~n lots 12 and 13 to the South wold
Townline. '
The road in the'Township of Dunwic~ between 'lots 6 and 7
Elgin 'County Council
cotlnnenciifg at the 'road between concessions A arld' 5 north of A
run,ning northerly to the River Thames. . (,
13. P.C.The road between concessions A ,and 5-south of A,in
the: ,Township, of Dunwich, from the boundary of the Village' of
Dutton easterly to the Southwold Tow~lin:e; ,
'lit. The Townline between the Townships of DunwicJ:1 and
SOl1thwold, commencirig at the road known as the Talbot Road,
(:a:ul.,"well's Corners) and running northerly tothe road between tlie
Gore arid don cession 4, in Dunwich; excepting the follow'iug:
14. P.C. From the Talbot Road north (No. 17) northerly to
north.limit of Road No. 13.
15. The old' Currie: Road, in' the_ Township: of Du'nw'ich, com.,.
mencing atlot 11 'in concession 5 north of A,thence westerly and
norther1y through said concession, 'the: Gore and concession A, to
road at' north--east corner lot 10.
16. Talbot Road in the Township ofSout~wold frc)m'the Dun-
wich Townline to the City, of S1. Thomas.
17.' Back Street.
, The road known as the porth Talbot Road, in the, Township' of
Southwold, commencing at the' Dunwich Town1ine and 'nmningeast-
erly to the ,road known as the London and Port Stanley Road at the
Village of Talbotville.
18. T,he road between concessions 2 and ,3, in the Tov.~'nship of
SouthwQld, from the Dunwich Townline to tre road bet~een lots 1
and 18;
19. The road in the TO'Ynship of South wold, betw~en lots 1,
and 18; commencing at (SouthwoldStation) the county boundary
line, through concessions, 2, 3 and 4, and between lots 25 and 26 north
of the Talbot Road north to the Back Street.
20. Commencing at the right-of-way of ,the Michigan Central
Railway in the Village of Shedden, the road between lots 15 and 16
'Elgin County' Council
north of Talbot Road' north, in the Township of Southwold, l:unning
southerly through 'the Village of Fingal, to the ro'ad between 'loti;
10 and 11 on the Union Road.
2L Commencing at the north limit of the ~ake Road" in the
To\vnship of South wold, hehveen lots G and 7. <(,rid Tunnirlg ill a
northerly ,direction to road along the south lim'i't of .thclots on th,e
south side of 1.'albotRoad, thence in an easterlydirc~tion along s,iid
\' ,,', ,-
road to the Yarmouth .To\vnline and in the Township, of Yarmouth;
to /the Kains Bridge on theboundary\ of the: City' of St. Thomas.
22. The London a~d Port Stanley Ro;:id, in the Townshi,pof
Southwold~ from the Middlesex County Li.ne to the boundary of ihe
City of St. Thomas.
23. P.C. All of the London and. Port Stanley road situated in
the:, Township of ,Yarmouth and the portion of said. road situated in
.' the Townl'hip ,of. Southwold between Yarmouth To~nline . and .the
boundary of' the Village "of Port Stanley/
24~, Commencing on lot 2in concession 2, Township of Yi-\r-
mouth at the top of ,>the :hill on the London and fort Stanley Roa,d,
the old road through lot5 land 2,. to where the corporation b0U11d:"
aryof . Po~t Stanley crosses. said roa-d.' .
25. Commencin~. at the. ,M~ddlcsex Coui1ty Line,' the road be~
tween the Townships of Ya.rmouth and SOl1thwoldto the road in the
rear ~J conees'sion 9 in YarIl1outh, thence on St. George St'reeteas~
terly and southerly through lots 1 and 2 in said c~ncession to'bound~
ary of City of St. Thomas.
26.P.C.' The 'Talbot Road in Tovvnshipsof Yarmouth arid Mal-
ahide from the easterly boundary of St. Thomas to the westerly
boundary of the T~wp. of Aylmer.
27. Commencing at the London ....and,Port Stanley Road' in the
Village of Union, the: road behveen concessions 3'and4 in Township
of Yarmouth; lots 4 to 21 inclusive.,
28. Commencing at the Talbot Road in .l'ownship of'Yarmoufh '
'~lgin County Council
then:>ad,bet.weenlots10 ',and, 11.itl concessions Sand 7, a,nd the road
betW,een ,the si;:<thand seventh concessions, lots 11 to" 14 -and the.
road! between lots 14 and :15 in'~ toiIcessi6n6.
:29;, 'TIle roa'd ,between lots 14; anp. 15 in the' second a'nd third
c011cisosion,s Of Township of Y~rmouth:
30'. Commencii-lg at the northbol1ndary of the City of ,St.
ThOinas, the road in: Townsl~ip of Yar,moutli. b.etween l?ts5 an,d 6' hi
conc,ession 9., the' road in rear of the ninth 'concession, ,lots, 6, 7',8;
9:,; up to, and ,including the road between lots 8 and 9 :in ,the range.
sout11.and first and, ~econd nnges north of the Edgeware Road, t~e
tenth and eleventh, conces~ibns.
, '31., Cominencil1g in-the ,road,'in the Tm.vl1ship of Yarmouth,
'betireen ':the range south and 'first rqnge, flOrth of the Edgewar'eroad,
lots! 9, 10,11' 'andi12, the road 'between lots 12, and' 13 in, the first'
and:,'second r~l11ges north of the Edgeware Road the 10th and 11th.
32. C01U1?ei1ciltg at th'e Soutlnvolq Townline, the r~ad in the
Township of Yarmouth, between concessions 11 and 12 to th,e Town'-
line between Yarm,ol1th and South Dorches'ter.
33. The roadii1 the Township of Yarmouth between lot,s 8 an,d,
9, in conCeSSiOl1S' 12'an'd,i3;' The road between concess;tons 13 and
14, lots' 9.to12; The road between lots 12 and 13, conces~ion :14
to Gouoty boundary line a,nd ~astet'ly along said boundary' connect-
ing with ,road numbered 34. ~ ,\ . '
34.1 The JvEddlesex COUl\ty, line in rea'r of the 1HteentJ:t con~
cession, Township' of Yarmouth, from the Dorchester Townline; lots.
,17 arid 16, a'nd'part 'of, 1:'5 to connect with the ,Middlesex County road.
35; Cominenciilgat New 'Sarum on Talbol Road in Township
of' Yarmouth, lot 21"the -road running northerly through concession
8, R.S:.E..R., 1st and 2nd ranges N.E.R., concession 10 and conces-
sion 11, to the Townline between Yarmouth arid South Doichester,
,-then,ce northerly alorlg said Townline to the county, line along north-
e~)y_-boutidary of. Yarmouth.. '
Elgin County Council
36. Commencing at road between concessions 1 and 2, TOWI1-
shiV of' YannOtlth, the road between lots 21 and.22 in concessions
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and its continuation northerly andwestcrly through
concession 7, lots 20 and 21 to 'the road between concessiorls7 and
8,1ots19 and 20 to and along road between lots 18 and ~18 in~onw
cession 8.
37. The roadi11 the Townshh) of Yarrnouth betwecil lots 7 arid
8 in concessions 5, 6, arid' 7, the road between concessions 7 and 8;
lots 6 and 7.
38. Talbot Road in the Townships of Malahict'e and Bayham,
froln the Forge Roa~l No.' 46 to the easterly boundary of the Town-
ship of Bayha.fu.
..38. P.C. The road known as the Talbot Road from the leaster_,
ly boundary, of the Town of Aylmer to the junction with the Forg~,
Road No'. 46.
')39. Commencihg at the ilortherly boundary' of Dorcheste'r
South, the road between lots 12'arid 13 of said Township arid its C011-
tinuationbetweeh lots 10 arid'll 'of tbe Township of Ma:1ahide to
the toad between conce~sio11S 1 and 2 (Copenhagen) save and except
that portion within the. Town of Aylmer. '
40. Comrilencirig' at the southerly boundary of the Village Of
Springfield the road in the Township of Mal<thide, ruririing south-
~~ly behveen .lots 20 and 21, in concessions' 9 and 8 and' running
southerly and '\ve'stefly through lots 20 to 13 in the'seventh con-
cessiol1to the easterly bc)t.tt1dary of the Town of Ayltl'ler.
41. The toad'in the Township of Malahide bet\-veeri lots '20 a'l1d
21 in 'concessions 2, 3, 4, 5, <tnd6 of Malahide;
42. The road in the Township of Malahide between concessions
1 and 2, lots 11 to 25. Road between lcits25 and' 26 in second, con;'
ce~sion. Road between concessions 2 and 3, lots 26 to 30. Road, be- (
\ tween lots 30 and a1 in second conc,essiol1; Road ,between conces~
sions. 1 and 2, lots -31tb35;
Elgin, County Council
4'3. The road ,in the Township of Malahide bebveenthe third
ancl, fourth concessions, lots 21 1'030. Road between lots 30; and 31
in,' coq.cession 3.
4'4. In the Police Village of Port' Burwell, in the Towi1shipcif
Bayham, .from the intersection of Vlellington and Erius Stt,"eets as
shown' in Registered 'Plan N o.i 12, 'Erius ~treet in northei-ly: arid
easterly direction to the, no'rthern, boundary of the said Village \vhere
it 'connects with the old plank rOf1:d runni'ng northerly and no'rth-
easterlytht:ough said Township to ,the Townline between Bayham
and Mjddlctop (Acacia), save anCl except the portion.vithin the Vil-
lage, of Vienna,
45. The road In Township of Bayhambetween the first and
secon'cl 'concessions hom the Malahide Townline' easterly and', south-
erly toCh<itham Street in the l1ninc,orporated Village,of _Port: Bur-
\\rellassho\vn in Registered Plan No. 112tI1enc,e along Chathal'n
"Street to Briclge Street to Robinson Street tp Vvelliilgton SUed to
Erius Street 'connecting witp. _road number 44.
46. P.C. The Forge Road' from the TalQotRoad in the Town:-
ship of Malahide and running north-easterly through lots' 34 and 35
-and in the Township of Bayham, through 'concessions 7,8,_9, 10, 11 -
to the Townline between the Township~ofBayhamandMiddleton.
47. Commencing at the'To\vnlilie between ,- North and So~tth
Dorchester, the road in the Tcwnship' of .south Dcrchester bcb\Jcen'
lots 3 and 4" concessions 7; 8, 9, 10.
48. The roa'cl in the TO,wnship,of Sputh Dorchesq~r'behveen
concess~ons 10 and 11, lots A to 12 (Lyons).
49. The road in the'Township of South. DO'rchester, 'betw'een
lots 6 and 7" conces,sions 11 anc112 to the ilOrthcrly bottnrlary of
the ,Village of Springfield.
'50. The road in the To\vnship .of Scuth Dorchester, between
lots 18 and'19, concessions 8, 9, and '10.
51. The road in the Township .of South DO'rch~ster, betwee~
ccncessions 9 and ;to, lots 10 to ,24, the Yarmouth Townlii1e.
Elgin County' CotinCp
147 '
52. The, Townlinebetween the Townshi:rJs of Malahideand
South Dorchester from the westerly boundary of' the Village '~f
Springfield to, thero'ad between lotslO and 11, concession {) Mala"-
hide. '
AUGUST 10. 191'8
Elgin 'County Cou'ncil
'Spckial Session
Tuesday, the 17th day of Decemhe.r, 1918"
The Elgin County Council met this day according ,to
the Warden in the, chair.
All the members present exc,ept Mr. Ferguson.
The Warden u(ldressed the Cciutlcilas fo'llows:
The iri1fiortantbusiness 'to be considered at this session, is the
appointment ofaTrcasuioer.
'The present Treaslirer had been acting as assistant before his
appointment in 1915. His resignation- at the November session'was
due to the' refusal of the Finance Committee to consider any 'addi~
tiona! remurier~ttion for the large increase,in the work of the ,office,
referred t'o in the report of the County Roads Committee; whjchhad
been adopted by the Cottl1cil.
During the' past seven, years the"former Treasurer.was pai'c1 an
average of. ,$960 by Wcty of "salaryand annuity. During ',the sam,e
period Mr. McKay received an average of $896 peran!lUlnandlper~
formed -all- of the duties of the office iuan effic:ie'tit manner. He is not
an applicant for re-appointti1ent.
Owirigto'the increase in County Expenditures the bt~silless of
the office is very much larger thallin former,years. The decision .of
the' Committee to have individual cheques issued fo'r all 'payments in
connection ,with County Roads will'make this' part of the Tl'east1rer~s
work alone larger than the whole of tile bt1sincss of the' offj,cei.n the
, past.
It is-desirable that the Treasurel' shout'~l have some knowlcclgsof
County bi.1siness and appreciate that, ,there isa large aillounLof WC)1:](
and responsibility involved in the administration of, the office.
The salary of tl~e Treasurer s11ol1lc1be,sufficiei)t toeiutble him
Elgin County COilncil
live properly underpresel1t conditions aIid employ such assistance,
may be n,ccessary, to Insure efficient work in a, l'nodern way;
The following communiCations were read:
From the Treasurer Queen Alexandria Sana to dum, re application
of County Grant. Referred to the Finance Committee.
From the following with application for,the"position of County
:8. B. Graham
G. R. Wolcott
B. Brian
H. P. McMahon
VV; Ye"mdle
A. J. :McVicar
F: W .Drake
A,. A. Stewart
Samuel McFarlane
K B. Baldwin
Lennard,' Wa"rd
-Moved by O. McKenney,
Secoll<led by G. F. Williams,
That a Special Cqmmittee' consisting of Messrs. Todd, Tolmie,
Turner, M'oore and McVicar, be appointed to repo!"t on applications
for the Treasurship.' .
The Council then adjOtll-ned to allo"Y' committees to meet.
The ,Council Resumed
The report ot the Special- Committee was presented and adopted.
Elgin County Council
Moved by \i\!m. Stalker,
Seconded by \iVm; Tolmie,"
ThatHarold Becker be appointed Treasurer,ata salary of T\\;elve
Hundred Dollars pCI' annum.
Moved by 0-. McKenney,
Seconded by G. F. Williams,
That we select the Treasurer by Votes" same as we do f01' \tVarden.
The selection of the Treasurer was thcn proceeded' with a;ld"on
the second vote th. Graham received a majority vote of the whole
Co'uncil and was declared 'elected by the \Varden. \
Moved by W. T. Hare,
Seconded by J ahies Todd,
!,hat this Council authorize the Good Roads Committee, t.o Pl:0~
cure an office for the County H_oad Superintendent and'equipl1'lcnt, for
the same.
The report of the Finance Committec was presented and adopted
on motion of Tolmie.> seconded by Williams.
The report of the Special Deputation, reo Provincial
in Bayhal11 was presented and adopteciol1 motion of Dcnllis,
by McVicar.
Elgin CouutyCOUl1cll
Elgin County..CouricLl
Moved b;yWtn. Tolmie,
Moved by. \Villiam Turner,-
Seconded by\Vm. Stalker,'
Second edby WIll. Gunning;
That the salary of the Treasurer be Twelve. I'lundred Dollats
. ,
per annum.
That this Council adjourn~
Moved by vVm.Stalker;,
K.W. McKay,
County Clerk.
,Seeoride.d byL. Ken:dall,
That the Warden alldMr. Tolri1iebe a COl11niittee toarrangeap-
,pljc~ti6n for bond for County Treas~i'er.
To Hie Elgin County 'Council.:
'Moved by James, Todd,
The Special Committee appointed to consider app)ications for "the
Treasurership, recommend th~ following for the cOl1siderati(Jn ofl'he
,Se,condcdby W. H.Mills,
B. B. :Graham
A. J. McVicar
S. McFarlane
Th\tt' By-Law No. 927, to appoint a CountyTreasure'r,be received
<ind read a first time.
Moved by A. Barons,
Allor. which "is respectfully submitted,
Seconded by M.McVicar,
Th<tt By-1...,n\l No. \127 he read a sceon"d time.
St. Thomas, Decemb-er 17th; 1918,
Moved by Wm. ~unning,
Seconded by Wtn. Tumer,
To the; Elgin County Council,
That By-Law No. 927 be read a third time and finally passed.
The Special Committee appointed to cOllfer'with,tllcCoutJ.:tyof
11"l I
,. ~
,; I',
I .
~~,,",,,'''''''''''--- ._-_.~ .~^
,Elgin County Coun,cil
o.xforcl,re designation of' Provin,cial County Rojd in Bayham, report
that thc,Y' mct with a deputation Of tho?e intercsted and presented
their request to the Minister 'of Highways, who promised -to designate
, --:Road No. .'44, the old plank r~ad in Bayham, as a ProvinCial County
Highway'and'in accorilance with this promise the Clerk ,has made
app1icatidn~ for same. '
All of which is r~spectfully submitted,
St. Thomas, Decembei" 17th, 1918.
December Session
'To ,the Elgin CountyCottneil:
The Finance Committee reports:
Tliat grant to,the Queen Alexandra Sanitol+l1111 lriade at the No~
vember, Session, be understood to date Jromthe 2"Oth day of July, 1918.
That'the following' aconnts be paid:
, S.,R:Hart & Co., County Tl'easurer's Chequesn;.$62 10
J oscph Doust, StationclW, Div. Court Clerkm..m... 3 18
Victoria H~me for Incmahles, maintenance'J. Mc,-
The Municipal World, 'Ltd., Stationery
Village of Rodri.ey; reo Knight, a Lun,atic
60 00
6 25
17 00
All of which is respectfully submitted,
SL.Thomas, Dec'cmber 17th, 1918.
Elgin County' Council
BY-LAW NO. 927
To Appoint a County Treasurer
Passed 1,7th becember, 1918;-,'
The Elgin Couri;tyCounciI enad's:
(1) That Benjamin B. Graham be and is hereby. appointed Trea:"
surer of the County of Elgin at:a salary of Twe1veHundred Oollars;,
per annum to commenceon the first day of January, 1919.
(2) That the Treasurer be required to pe\form all ,c1uti,es 'of the
office as directed. by, law, By-Law or Order-in~Col1ncil, alldthat he
sli.all submit to the Warden and' Chairman of the Finance Committee
a monthly statement of the' receipts and disbursements of' County
(B) That the Treasurer be required to procure at the expense of
'the County and i{eep on file in the Molsons Bank oj. such ~ther place
as the CounciL may direct, a bond for Ten Thollsand Dollars' {$10,-
OOO)ii1 a guarantee company, said b011(1 to be approve-cIby this"
(4;.) That all County Mon'iesbe kept on depo'sit in the Molsons
Banko;' such' other bank as this Council may direct.
'County CounciIChambers"St. 'thomas', l'7th December,,1918.
K. W. McKAY. .
County c:lerk.
Elgin County.council.
. ,
904 \ To Ap))oint'IAuditors m",m. ...........,....................... ..............___17, 121
905 To Appoint Board of Audit ....'---......m....m ............ .......;17, 1.'31
906 To App<?int High School T~~l1stees m".~.~n.. ........ ;.........18, 122
907 To Amend By-Law 898 m.................... ........... ..............m.~.19, 123
908 To Grant: Aid to Canad~an -Patriotic':Fund '...~..m""""n19, 12a
909 To Amend By-Law 902 '.m.........'..........m.................___,....20, 124
910 To Designa,te Roads and Streets in Villages and Towns2J, 125
911 To Authorize "\^/arden and Treasurer to Borrow
$1 00,000 n...n....n.......n...............'................u.............. ...._.................21, 12,7
912 To Make Grant to Y.M.C.A. "''''''.m'....m... .......... .........3, 127
913. .1'0 Purchase Gravel Pit m.... .....---........m...m.... ...........,m..;..:32, 128
914 To Appoint Matron HOllse of .Industry............,.,.....___...4G, 129
915 To Amend County Roads By,;;,Law .---.....m.........___........___.4G, 129
91G To, Fix Salary County Road Superintendei1t ---........m..47, 130
917, To AuthorizeWal'dell to Appoint Suburban 'Roast
COl111Uissioner ........ ......m............... .............................. .............47, 130
918 To Make Grant to G.W.V.A. ---..............""..___........................48; 1:-31
919 To Grant Additiona:I Aid to Schools ..mm..m....m.~..........49, 132
920 . To Raise County Rates.......m....m.....,.....m...............m.......49,IB2
921 To Confirm Equilizati'on Assessment Rolls ..............._....50, 134
H22 To Attthorize Warden and Treasurer to Borrow
$50,000 .......... .......n..................................... .........,.......:.0............52, 1,35',
923 To MakeGr~nt to Navy League ..............m...................,..',53, 136
924 To Make Special Gr<.tnts to Villages and Town .....".54i,136
925 To Fix Turnkey's Salary .................m..mm....___...........m.,.54i;, 139
926 To Extend -Time for Tax Sale ..._m...........mm................54j, 139
927 To Appoint..a Treasurer .............m............................................155
County Truste'es Association ....,...................m..mm...........................n12
Educa ti()naI . Associa tion .........o._.......~......................m....h.....h..................24
Good Roads Association ..........................................__................................24
Elgin Co.unty Council
~r,alli: t~ Villages
K:ni'ghtsof Columbus
Law', Libniry ....nnn______.....___.............__.....____.......
______n ..00....50
.........41; 76'
:MU1~icipal As S6ci~ tion.m.....___.....___....om...........:.........n.......n...........0._______50
, 'P01't ,"Stanley -.Bridge ,.....................__.'.......__......................nh..____.nh.__n__54e, 87
Proviilcial COllnty ,Road, Bayham .__.__n.nnm..___.....mhm____.hm.54C, 153
'Provincial Highway .n..... ...........mh.__nm...hmm.__n.n.__n___.m.____54d, Me
Red C;'055 Associa ti0l1'.,m..n..._____nnn__m____________._______..m...m.n_---39, 42,..76
Soutl~ ',Dorchester ,Co. Roads n__nn__n.__.___..___~nm.n_________-..._________..n__________n~4
Y Olltig Men's Christian -Associatio,n ....................................................27
SoCieties. ......_"......
........76, 78
...n.l......n..nnn... ...00....;.....00.52
00.. '"''000000''' ..noon.... ..000040
Elgin 'COUl).ty.council
Au:dit~l:S .....:............................... .......,...........:....m.........u.'.'...n.........,,,.~;:9, 10
.Byr~;)-:""'Sai1 ~ toi"ium .............-................................:......,.........::...............6,.' 78
Com)uunic~tions ....~....................,..............................:....8,. ..27, 36; '39. :H~
County' Gravel Pit .m...-:.......;.........___...............~27. 28.29, 32,,94, 95;99
C~unty Roads ....,..A, 10, 12, i3. 14. 16, 17,27. 34, 40, 41. 45. 54d; 1'40
County Gaol. for Military Prisoners ......m................m........'...............A2
Coun ty Officials .~.........;......................................................~................u:..;;..2
Child~en's Aid' Society' Representatives .............................:.............04g
Day Light 'Saving ...............................................................................,26 '29
Electi6n of '1.Ji..Tarden ....:'.......n..~::.'.....,................,....,............'...m.....'.._......-..4
Equa1i.?atioll .:................................ ..;.;n........._........~......................................,,;4.4
Gillett Bridge n...........,.............n.....n..n'................................................26,. ,28
Greater Production ......................................................................25. '28" .ao
Legisla tion, N ew ........_.............u....................................h............,.....u...........3 5
Municipal Clerks and T;reasur~rs ....m...............................n.."......_.,..~~;.;2
Navy League ........................,..........._......n.............h'..~......................,...0......52
N'ew Legislation ..u......'..........h...................."................_.............:..........,.,..;35
Patriotic Fund .......hU....................u......nu......n:~.........................................6
Provincial County Roads .................u..................,........................54e. 98, 99
Standing Committees. .......:............................................................6. 8, 54k '
Suburban Road Commissi6n ...............................h...............54d, 100, 102
T rea surer} ~ Resig'nation .........................,............c..h..~.u...,.......u........,..~.,541~
Warden's J\~dress...............................~.......-.......m........~.....5, 20. 34, .54, 149
Warden's . Grant n.................................................n..~__.................................54.h.
War S.ouvenirs ....h.....U...u~.....,.................n...n_n............'.....oo.....~n.:..""'...n.54g
Y. M. C. A. ........................................................."...............................26, 27".
County Clerk re Licenses .......................................................0.......,......:042:
County Roads C....Oluluittee, .....h..C...........................................n.........
.....mm.............101 1'2, 16. 17, 27. 32, 39, 44/54d.88, 91, 93, 94, 95 96;
COUl.t House Commission ..oo..........'.........................m.:'......_......,39 120
Education Coi11mittee .........0.....................,....____....16, 44, 54f, 67" 68, 69
"~ngin'cei' ...................
',Financ:ej C<;m1mi,ttee ...................,10,17, 44, 54~,
Gao l~ommittee,:....~.,..,"',...............,n..~..',..:,~,.....'..~:...39:, ~4:~J54d,_ 11 ~', .119
,House; df Industry Committee ,...,...........,.....,............J,.6.<{9, ,54e,107, ',108
\':',: , " " ", ",' ,,"," ",' , " '
:HO~lse::9f.', I n:dustry'll1s p~ctor: ~:...,~,.....n..'..:.:.~.....,..,....'.....:'...,........,,54d, -110'
,l{ous eqf I l)dust'ry" Physician .................;m:;:,.~,:...~................~.'.....~~m.....109
Petitiql1sand Legi~.1ation C01ntniQee-.':.,.,m:._.,...17, 3'9,' 54g{ 195;;106
P Q~i c e, :~ agi ~ tr at.e , :..:.. ~ ~ ~..:~~,... ._""""'::;~"':'.""','" ...~ :,"'",'. ......m'~:"""'''' ,...115
'Pu b.Hc, 'S'chool, _ Inspectors, ,....,.,.."........,...,....;.,.".,........;':.,..;.."...........,.55.62
, ,.-", -'. ", ' ,-', ' , :' ",'" , : ' " .
'PubH'c lmprovement Commit'te~ .........~,:...;;..".15. 30. 41,' 54d, 85~ 86, 87
Spe'eial:Con1:n1ittee 'Gi:ants ,to Villages .......,...A1, 44; 4'5, 54g, 103
"-I-: .,"-.' "-', ,.-",,':,' ',' :"" '
Treasnrer ..>.......... m........................................ ................... ::......,._.,..,:.70;, 71