1919 Minutes o( the '..'c '. .' .' PROCEEDINGS , . Elgin County During the Ses5i'~ns . held COURTHOUSE, STTHOMAS . in' the months of. .', c.', Januarj}, April, June, July, September a~d." November ' 19l(~ County Officials c.W.CoHer, Esq., County-Judge C. O. Ennatinger, Junior' Judg-e Ja's. H. Coyne, Esq.," Regish',a'l" D.McLaW~, Esq., Coun,ty Cour't Cierk A'. McCrimmo;m, Esq., Clerk oof the .Peace and Coun:tyCf\OW-n Attorney W. 'H. J3JIHoH, Esq" Sheriff C. F.Max:weU, Esq., Mas>ter in Chancery VV. F. Luton, Esq., Gaoler ,'J. A'!'Taylo,r, B.A., and J. C.Smith, B.A., Public School Inspectors K. 'AT. MdZay,Esq., County Clerk B.B. Graham, Esq~, County Trea,snrer James A. Bell;- M.C.S;, C.E.; COtinty Engineer 'G. F._ Pineo, County Road Superin,tendent C. St. C. Leitch,-County Solicitor Frank Hunt, Esq., Police Magistrate Rohert Kains, Esq., M.D., Gaol Surgeon Douglas 1.,. Ewin, M..D., Physician House of Industry D.H.\Goo-d.ing, Esq.; IZeepe:r, House of Industry A. Turner,; Esq., In'spector House of Industry \Vhl. Ren-dle, Caretaker Court . House J oh-n Hopkins,- High Con,stahle" St. Thomas All of St. Thomas P. O. County Audit'O'rs:Walker C. Caughell; W.A.Galbraith, Iona Station, Administration of Justice A,nditon: C.W. Colte,r, County }udLge Mayor H,orton, St. T'homas; Osca'r McKenney; Aylme<r ~ Municipal Clerks and Treasurers Municipali.ty Clerk ' Treasurer Aldbo;i.oUghm.....J.A. McRae, ,Rodney....,....A. Gannichae1, West Lorn,e . Dunw-ich....n.....mD. A. McNabb, DuHon..............J. A.. Campbell,_DuHon SOU't'hwold.......m...}. .c..McLe11'l1,an,.Finga,L..........D. A~ Cattap.ach, Fill'gal Yarru'outh..,...vV.-c. Canghell, St. Thoma,s..n..R!. McLachliri, St. Thomas Mahhicte.::...........J ohuM. Hale, Aylmer......nu,....J ohn, M.Ha,le, Aylmer Bayham:..:.....,.Benj. Br.i:an, Straffordville,...,......Wm. Grant, St'raffo'rdvine S. Dorche~ter.,.jli[, S, Charlton, R.R. 1, Sprill'gfield....G.Wirtder;Lyons Town of' Aylmer~~....m.....'nn...n....D. C. Davisn..,m..........mm.,.,;W_. 'Wa<rnock Village of Vienna~.......m........n.;Edward SuffelL.....n.m.......nEdward Suffen ViHage' O'f Springfield....n....m.'on.nJ.B. Lucasn..,m..n.........j., A. Chamhers . ',' . . .." I V1l1a:ge 'of Port Stanleym............}. S.R,o'be,rtson....,.......:nJ. S. Robertson VHyage of Duttonm.,......"..................}. D;,J?lue,"n..n....n..n..'..m...D. Campbell Village of ' West Lonlen......nm.....'....}. S. Roberts'on.m,.....m...m'..,..F. Stone Village of Rodney.............................}. D. Shaw....-......................,N. S. Lusty -. PROCEEDINGS OF THE Elgin County Council FIRST SESSION-FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 28th" Janu,a,ry, 1Q19 The Council elect of the Coun.ty Court House, St. Thomas,a,t 2 p.m. oJ EIghl met this' dayat' the The'Cl'erk in the chair.. ,. T'he fonowing members filed certi:ficate,s and ..took th-eir seats at the Ooundl Board: ' WiHialil Sita1lker, Reeve" A'l4borough , William Kdly, Deputy.,Reeve, 'Aldbqrough LesHe Kencla,ll, ; Re'eve, DUll'\vich J'olhn A. Mc:Callum, Deputy R,eev,e, Duriwidh WWi1am H. Jurnet, Re.e.v:e,SO-uthwoild. Wi'l'Ham R. Gunning, De'pu~y Reev.e, 'South world Jame's To&d, Reeve, 'Yanwoutih Wi'lSO'l1 H. 'Mills, Fi'r'st Dej;mty Reeve, Yal:mouth An&rewM'ills, 'Sec'ond Deputy ,Re'eve, Yarmouth EIT!-nierso:n McTaggart, Re,eve, Malahide 4 Elgin Count); Council .-.------'"'"-..,. Eugene' B. Hilil, Deputy Reeve, Malahid-e . . WjUiam 1-1. Moore, Reeve, Bayham Thonns Dennis, De:12,l1'ty Reeve, Bayh.a-m M~kolin 'M'cVicar, Reeve, South Dorohest'ev Osca.r McKenney, Reeve, Aylmer Geo. F. W~H~ams, Reeve, Vienna Arthur Ba'rons, ;Reeve"Sp'd'1l'gfie~'d JoJlnBrumptol1, Re,eve, 'Po'rt Stan'ley WilHam Pa:t1ton,Reeve, Dutto-n Hugh C. McKiUop, R\eev,e, West Lome r-L W; Th01111JS'on, Reeve, Rodn,ey The election 'of'ATard1en 'W2!spro,ceeded wi,th, and onbhe eighth votc,WilEam,H. Turner,,"Reeve of Southwold, t'ecdved r\Jhe majority vote of tihe whol1e Council and was declal'e,d, cluny elected,. Th'e Warden elect inap,!e ,statutory ,de:cla,rat~Q1n: 'ofoffice ,hefo'1"e His' Hono'! Jt1dg'eC6ItC'r; Ex-'Warden Co'rnell then iritrO'duced hi's 'succeS'so~r,who ,too,k' the Cihai~r an;d't~l,a<nked,the Council f0r the'honor co'uf-efired l1p-o'n him. ' Warden's Address '''To 'the, Elgin' County Councill: '~Gentlemeil,-Irl commendng ,thebusines~ to eHrect attention to a few matter's tihat consic1era~tiq'n. "'Dhefinancial po'siti:bn of ,tlie County iismost sati'Sfacto:ry, the, bonded indebtedness being only $12,738. The rece.nt high. rates. of taxwvion we:re'~ccep'~ed by the peloplle generalll'y as an evid'ence 01 thepa-triqtic' d!ema~,d's of a most,stryuuo-llS fime. The people 'o,f 'Elgin, County'a,re 'to, he" congratrtlate,d'on-Uhei<r\ magnHicent ,e,op1tribu- tip-ll's 'of men; money, comf.orts anld, Red Or,o'S,sis-uppliC's dud'11,g the of the year, I. desire may be' W01"t-~y 6& . " Elgin County Council 5 past four yea,rs, and 'it 'is mo,re.than gratHying to know tha:t':all i~ paid fo'r, ,and that we enter upon the peLr'iod ofl'ecollslrudion praoticaJily free from debt. "It will be inct,mbemt OIn the Council to -co~lt'ill'Ue to safeguard the, ~nanoe's of the County, for ,it is poss'ihletip.at we ma,y have to pas-s through a pe-rio-d offinanda:l and indU'sltrial unlrest. This is something we cann:o.t avoid. "The Dominion authorities will' establish,Larhor BU'l-eaus 'in "_all ,demohilizati'oncc;utres, indties an.d the large'r town,s, with a ,vi:~w to"the distribution and assimilation-of laha:r in the, inlClust'ries ':o,f' the country wher,ever sihw)ted; De~nite housing atld laiO'd s'ettJIement, poEcies "vin' be ava'ilabloe in' the nea,r fu:tm~e, a,nd I would' ~ugge'gt t'he re~orgaJ1iization ,of the County Boa,rd of T,rade andPublicit1Y As's'o~ia-, tio'11;,'1:o s,tuc1y t1l(~ situalti'0n:,with 'a 'view, to se'curiilg tihe"loo:catio'11'Cif la:boron apeirm",netit basis in Ithe 'ag'riculturarl distf'i'ct1s of the Coun.ty~ "The Coun-eil shouldemba1'k on a p,rogres,sive PQllicy of toad cOT1Jstruc,tion, witih a v1ew to't'he completion 'or tihe mi,le,age' h1t'he Cciun.tySys',tem 'within a reasona,btl'e time, 10 be' p'aicCf.o,r by' a'nlll11al )evy. T1he ~ons'truction .oJ gO'o-d roads ,'h~t's a henefl'cia'l effec't i;n the t:.o.tllmunitiC's in which they J.'l'e looca:ted, and 1alldval)1es, are thereby appreciated. I>:wo'1.11d recommend(the Co'uncH to cO'l1sider-:thle a,dvi'swbihty .of petitioh'1ng 'fOf anamendlnent' to' ,the' preg,ent highway h-ws, so thalt a small, pei"centa.g<e may he levieclasa direct' cal1h-.ibu:. tionfor ben-elfitj' O'n the lands ,frori'tin.g on 0',1' co'ntiguoust:o' Countyoi;, Pro:v~nda.1 highways', Something ot'rthis ldn,d is, ne'cessary to' ,equa,liz,<:tlh~: 'taxation of the ratepayer oon t'h'e back conce-S'sio1;1,wl~ose .land receives no 'direc't benefi't. "The-Memorial Hospita,l sugg,:esticin w,iHbe b1'ougrht t,o yb:ur aHenti;o-n', a;nd Iwol1'ld f1ecolllme'nd it t'O the Council' as the most p'racticalmea.n.s of- cOlhmem~fa'tin.g t!he supteme ,s-acdfice. mad~by so many noble ,Elgin 'bo'ys durinrgthe 'wa,r,and at the ,slam~-' time assqre'those who h<lY'e been, fighlti,n.g our.ba1ttlesthat 'in the' years to com'e, the best possliMe faci1:ities will at aJl times be availa.ble 'fox their' ca're." , On m0'tio.n the minutes of the last day of the Novembe'r session 6 Elgin Cqunty Council, and 6f-l1he spe'cial t'aken a's read. December session, having been printed, w'ere M'oved by O. McKenney, Seconded, by yv. ,H. Moore: That, ,the Reeves of the different 'to &triket'heSianding Committees. munidpaEties be' a Committee ; _Ca.rried. , Moved by W. Stalker, Seconded by. W. A. Kelly: That thi's Coundlclo now adjourn, to to allow' 'Committee to meet. ll1ee't to-morrow at 10 a,m. __Carried. K. W: McKAY, County Clerk. W. H.TURNER, Warden. \ Elgin County, Counell 7 FIRST SESSION-SECOND DAY \\Tednesday, the 2,gth January, 1919. The Elgin County Council met tlhis day acco'rding to adjonrnan'ent. The Warden in the ch'ai-r. All the members present. The proceedings of, the previous day we're ..read and, co'nfirmed. . The report of the Specia'l Committee apPo'inlted to strike the Standing 'Committees was presented and adopted 011 moti'o,n of Todd, seconded by Monre. The following communications werei'ead: . Fro.mMolson's Bank, 're Treasur--er's bond.'--'-Referre.d to P'inau,ce Commi-ttee. From County Council of Lincolln, re Ontario MunriCipa.! Asso,ciati'on.~~efel'red 'to P.etitions an'~lLegishtionCo111mitbee; FrOm County c:oundloJHasting-s, re 'road ma'in,tenanlce- a'nd, Wid,e:' tires.,-R~fe;rred to Cou'nty Roa~ls Goninli;ttee. From, W., Tolmie, report Special Ho'spi'ta,IOommi't'te-e.----:-,File:d, From V..,T. R Do'11erty, re Hospit'<\,l.,-F~l-ed. 1:71'0111 P.iovin,cial Trustees Associa.t100'l1, tiC de-legates ,to. :;thuual converition.-Referred, to Ed-uca'tiol1 Gonlmit,tee. From Pee:l'Courity ROlad'S Commit1te'e; reamend,ing Hig11way law., fefeirred to Petition,s and Leg,islat'j:ou Commi,ttee., ' Frotp County ~ouncil, Stormont, Durid:asand Glengarry, in .s Elgin County Council, oPP'O's:i1tion to Daylight Saving.-Referred' to PetiHons and Legisbtiou, COIma.nitte'e. F'roI!1 W. VV. Sands, City Cl~l-k, KingsM'n, redeportation of intern,e'd aHens,.-Rderred to p.et'iticins' f\Jnd Legislation Committee. From J. R. McNeillie, County Victoria, reDog Tax, and ~heep l?r6tec.tioll' Act.------'-Ref.e:rred:to Petiltions ,a'u-d,'Le-gislation Committee. Fr;omW. A.McLe:a,u; Deputy Minister of Higihways, re designa- ti:on of Road NO'. H, in Bayham" ,as a P,rovi'ncia.l. CounrtyRo'aid.-:- Refer:red to Couuty'Rqads Commi1btee. From Coun1ty Council, 'Pl"ince Edward,. 'fC amendments to Higrh- way Improyement Act._Referred1tb Peti'tions anld Legi-slath:m Committe,e. 'From Ontario Good Roads Association, re annua'l meding.~ R,efe.rre-d to Public Improvement CommiJt:tee; , FromA. 'A. Ingrain, Chairman Salvation Army Campaign, re deputation. , From Fra'ncis I-Iun\t;, ,County police M,a;gistrate, with annual reporit.~Referred to Finance Commi,ttee. \ ;FromH6,spitalfor Sick Children,To,ronto; rc granr..:-Re,ferred to' Finance Committee. From County Trea1surer,with report.-Referred to Finance Com.mitotee. ' From County Engineer, with report. - Refe.rred to Public Imp'fovement Committee. Moved 'by 0; M,cKenney, Seconded by W.H. Moore: That thi'sCo\lucil meet a'&eputaHon. ham the' Sa-lva'tLion Army Committee, ,re ,grant,.to be heard 'to-morrow' at 10:3,0 a,m. _Carried. ,Elgin' County Council 9 Move'd byW. H. Moore, Seco;nded by Thos, Dennis: Thwt morning. deputation of the Trustee's Associ3Jtion be hea,rd' this -,Ca,r-ried.' A deputati-o'n f,rom theTJ:lustees. Aiss'ocia,tj'OlY' cons,isting of Inspectb,rTaylot," and J.,A~'McRae: then addressed, the Cound.1; mak.,n,g' ,appH,cati'on fm' 'grant of one huridred doMa!rs toward, the exp0n's~sbf "tlhe County Trustees' Association. The que'sti'oiU' wa'~' refe,rre-d . by tihe Warden,t'o'the Education Committee. M.oveq by Thos. Dennis, Secon-,ded by,A. B-ar-ons: That {his Coundl adjourn;' ~o meet a!t 2, p.m. to-day. -'--Carried'. The Council Resumed "Mr. McKililop gave notice of applicaivion fo,r theusual,grants to, 'Public ,Libraries,,_arid"'Mi, PalDto:n ga,je, simi,la:r, notice of, 'g'l'a.nlt, for: maiJ:il'Dena.nce of MIss Wallace. ' . M'oved by, O."McKenney, Second,elhy G.'F., Williams: That t'he' chairma,n of'last yea.r's' County RoadsCommi,ttee be all}owed tOp'~e,sen>~ reporf,to'tlhis Couhdl. ~ -Cani-ed. ,,' , ,',' ',,',' "I M'r. Tolm,ie thenpreseri!ted re:po-rt with es,tJimates and, explanation. 10. Elgin County' Council M'oeved by W. B.Moote, Seconded by O. McKenney: Tha;t the County Roads report be lal,d over fo'r fut;uf'e con<sideratio:n. ---,Carried. A deputation from Hle Law Li?rary Ass'O'c'ia:biOllthen, addressed ;th~ Council, makinga'pplication for grant, which was ;f'eferred, by- the Wa'l'den to' the Fil1anceCo~nmittee. \ Lieut. ,Stewart,. Secretary of the SoMiers' Aid Commhsio'li, addres~ed the Council in refe'rence to' securing complete ,honor rolls from ,the .Jifferemt municipalitie-s in the County. M,oved ,by H. W. Thomson, Seconded b:f W. R Gunning: Thalt the Council ,do now appoint the County RoadsCommiiltee. _Carried. Moved by W. Patt'Oll, Seco.ndedby J. A. McCa,11um: , " Thalt Dr. A. ,McKillop be appointed .trustee, of the Dutton High Sch()ol fn! three yea.rs. -Ca-rri~d. \ Moved by H. VV. Thomson, Seconded by Wm. pa-tton: . , That the County "Ro-a'd,s ,Committee consist of the Ree:ve, of each Township and that a by':'lawbe passed actord1'ngly. Elgin, County Council 11 Firs.t amendment: ~oved by O. McKenney, Seconded by W. A. Kelly: Roads Committee Jor 1919 be composed of the Messrs. McTaggart, 'StaIker, Todd, and Keu?-a:H. Second amendment: T'hat the County following m~hers: Moved by, W.. R.Gun.ning, Secon.d'edby-G. F. Williams:' T:haf Messrs., Stalke'r, Todd, the County Roa.dsCommi'ttee. , Kendall, and Penn:is be appointed Main motion and amendment's lost. Moved by vY. Stalker, K: W. McKAY, County Clerk. W.. H. TURNER, Wat~'en. 12 Elgin County Council FIRST SEssiON-THIRD DAY 'Thursday, the30tlh ~ay of January,'1919. The Elgin County C6uncil met this dla'y a'tthe Court' House, St~ Tlh~l1ia,s, accord+ug ItO, ad}ournrnent. The' W,arden in the ,chair. All 'the members present. The p,ro-ceedings of the 'P',rev,ioU's day were read and co'nfi:rrned. ThefoHowing 'communication's were read: FromCal11~r:on&: Granlt, soHcitO'fsfo,r McPhers,on, re culvert 0'11 County Roa,d.-Referred' tc? County, 'Roa.d's Committee; From,' Education ])epa,rtrnen:t, :re apPQlrlti6'll'm~nt of ,Sc~'Ool ,Inspectors' sala,ry.-Refcned to Education ComilJ1i~titee; FroVlJ." A~ Ben, repof,t ondeputation~ to Ottawa re Port 'Stanley Bridge.~Rderred to' Publ!ic Iinprovermerit Gornmi,ttee. FJ1",om" Gao'ler l.:uton, wilt1h application fot increase ih salary.- RefcHed to', Gad, Co:mmittee. ,Atcof\d:ing to appointment, the deputaition O'n behalf o-f t~le Sailva- tio'nArmyCampa1ign then add-re'ssed the Gounci1.A<nionrgthe speake,t"swere Rev. '-N. I-I. McGillivray, His Honor Juds-c Collt'7r, and Me)5'sl's. '_Haine1s, James and Ingram. Tihe Warden referred thei'f applicatio,n f()'f, g'ralnl_tothe F,inance Cammilttee. 'fIhe report of the ,Petitions and Legislation Committee was presentedan'd ,ad,opte,d' on motion ofW. A; 'Kelly, seconded,by, 1. A. "McCallum. Elgin County Council 13 Move-dby G.F. Wi-lliams, Second,ed by 0; ,McKenney: That ,~his Coullciladjour,n ullItil 2 p.m. .....;....Ca,rried. The' Council,' Resumed Mr. McKenney gave notice ,of a:pp'lica,tion f0'1"'grants to BO,ards O'f Agr'icU'~ture'and vVoimel1's In<stitutes -f,o,r ',Ba'st a:ild West Elg.in. Rep-resentaltiive's 'from the County Truste~s Asso,dation. the'll: addlreS'sed the,CoundL r A. Taylor, 'in reference 'to the-appointment of a' County Tmant Officer; and' r A.McRae, re reso'lution to re'Hevetu~'al School Tt.rustee's' fr',pm t!he, coHect,i,o'n from teachers of' monies .If()r the' s11'perannua!tion fund.:' Both of the tequestswere' referred by the,' Warden t.o' the" Educatiion 'ComniUtee. M-oy'edby. W. Pa:tton, Seco.nded, by M.- McVicar: That .'the Cotinty Council' meet monthly hi 'the County 'Road Committee be_ disp-c<nsed with. the: fut:tirc,"and tha,t, .....;....Lost~ , Moved by' O~McKeniley, Seconded by A.Bar~ll's: That -the Turner, Todd, CO'l.lnty Sta'l'ker, ,Roads Commi:ttee be composed McTaggart, and .McVicar. ' of ' M'essrs. . 14 Elgin County Council . -. ----- First amendmeu,t: Moved by H. W. T'homson, Secdn,ded by W. Patto',n: That' the members of the County' Ro'a-ds Committee be appointed individually. Secoll,d amendment: . Mav_cd by W. R. Gunning, Seconded/by G.F.'WiUiams: " ;Dhat {Ihe CounLtyRoads Commitltee 'be composed of M,essrs. Denu,is", To.dd..sta:lker( and Ken,qall The flnt ainendmen1t waS car:ried orntihefolloWi'11'g division: , :qeasc...;....<Mc~i1lop, Kendal~, McCal'lum.',Pactlto,n, Tihomson, Gunning, Wi11iams", Moo're, Denl1i's. Hill., Turner-iL Nay-s..-Stalker, K,e11y;,M,cKenn'ey, McViCla.r, Barbrtl'S"A. Mms, W. MiHs, Todd, ,McTaggart, Brumpton~10: MO,ved by W. Patton, Seconded by J. A. McCallum: Th3.Jt 1.,. Ken-dan, Reeve ,of Dunwich, he a member of, the Gounty. Roa,dis Committee. -:'Carried. ,M'ov'ed'by.W. R. Gunning, 'Seconded 'by G. F.Wi1liams: That Thoma,s Commi:ttee. Dennis be appointed to' the' Good ,,__Lost. . Roads Eig,in County Council 15 Moved by W. H. Mills, Seconded by A~ Barons: That J as. Todd be appointed a Committee. member of th'e County Ro!a.ds \ -Carried.' Moved by H. C. McKillop, Secon.ded by W. Kelly: ThatWm. Stalker be appointed a hlember oJ-the CountyRb~ds Committee. ,:,-:-Ca.r:ded. Moved bx M;~.fc Vicar, , ,\ Seconded by A. Baron's: ( Tha:t Ha:rry:Moore be,a member of the County Roa-ds C6:rpniit':tee. , ,-' ",' , In amen,dment: Moved by O. ,McKenney, 'Seco'nded by E. B. Hi'll: That E. R. McTaggart be apPolin'ted on the County Road'S Committee. .. , Ma'in motion lost, amendmentca,rried. Moved by -yv.'Patton" Seco'n,d-ed by H. W; Thomson: That R. K. Panter,- be appciinted trus'tee of ,the,Dutton, High 16 Elgin' County Council , Scil].ool fqr!thr,ee 'years, and that a misu'nde'rs1tahding be ,rescinded. resdution' passed ye-s,terday under --Ca,rrieq. Mov'ed,by G. F. Wi'llia11ls, Secb,n4ed by O. 'M,cKen.uey: Tha~ J.ames McAllister Sqhool for, three yeai"'s. be appointed trustee of the Vienna Hig-h ~Ca,r!ie,d. . M,oved by E.E. McTaggartj Seconded by E. ]3. Hill: 'That ,0sc'M MtI(eu'uey'''be'Couwty Justice AccoU-llt's. " ' Auditor of Administration- of _Carried. Moved by W. Patton, S~conMdbY J. A. McCallum: Th.ai the sum of fifty dollars be granited for maintenance of Miss,,, Walh'ce,.of Dutton. ' _Carried. Moved, by O. Mc;Kenney, Seconded by E. E. McTaggart: That, A.H. Backus <Sc'46911.fo~r', three years. bea'ppointed trustee of the Aylmer High --,Carried. M.ovedby L. Kendall, Seconded by J; A. McCallum: Elgin County Counc,il 17 Thaot aU requests 'for' grants must be presented to the Elgin Comity COllric,il not later tha,n the Jupe sess;ion. ,-Carried;" Mwedby H. C. McKiHo,p, Seco'11,ded byW. Stalker: That 't1hisCouncii grant the sum, of twe-nty-:five dollars' ;to each -of the following Pub:l.icLihraries: Rodney, West Lo:rn'e, Du<u:oti'j Port :St~nley, Aylmer, Vie-nna,Shedden, Sparlta, Belmont,' Springfield', an,d Hayha.m, to, be paid o.n the recommendation-of In~pe,c:tolrs, Tay'ldr or Smi'thafte,r they are sMLs'fied that,the lihrary has comp,li:edwith' the Governmeut,regulatri.-o'us. ' -C,arri'ed. The,Conncit then,wen:tinto'CommJtttee of,the Whole 'to' conside'r the County Roa,ds CommiUee, with Mr.' Todd,in the ,cha'~r: t'he report." clause by daus'~',. the Gomtll.iUee,T'ose"',ah.d am'end;Pe'n;t, on motion oJ Todd, s~~Q1n,~l:ed: , by H. c. McKillop: adjourn unltil 10::30 a.m. to~mor,ro'w. t6allorw -.:....Canie'd-. W. H. TURNER, Wa,rd>eu:' I I 18 Elgin County Coul;lcil "FIRST SESSION-FOURTH DAY Friday, the 31st Jartua:ry, 1919. , Th~ EI\g1'll adjournment. Conuty Council this day, a'ccording met The "Wa'rden in the c'hair. All the; me-m'be.rs present. The proceedings 'Of thepre-vi,ous day \-vere rcadand confirmed. Moved 'by A.' Barons, SecOnded by O. McKenney:: Tl1a,t this' Council 'adjourn, to meet at 2;30 o'clock sharp. ~Carried. . Th~ Council Resumed A communication from th,e' Warden of the County ofOu1ario, e,ndosing a reso1lution' infa'vor of a poHcy of the expenditure of Federal grants for highway improvement 'by supplementing the Provinc'ial grants to the main rurallhighwaysof Cana,da, a'ud sUggest- ing t,he ,a:ppoi11'trnent of a committee,fo join wi:t'ha conimiHee from the COll11lty of dntari0 in bf'inging thematJter to the attention of the Gover,nment. T'ne report of the Education Committee was ." p.resented and adopted on motion of Ba,rons, seconded by Thomsan. The rep0'rt of the Fina,uce Committee waspresente,d and referred to a CommiHee of the,vVho1.e, w~th M,r. Kendall in 'the chair. After a d,i:s'cuSS1'on the COm:hliUee arose andt,he re-pont as amended was ado-pted?-,n, motion of ,Kendall, seconded hy, McVkar~ The'report of the Gaol Committee was presentedand'ado-pted on, motion of Gunnil}g, secoride,db.y McKenney. to > Elgin County CouncE 19 The 'repprt of the Ho~se of Ind~s'try Committee was a~d' adoplted on .motion of, McCa:Uum; seconded by Mills. presented Th'e repo'rlt of the Public Improvement Gommrttee was and,a,d,opted on motion of McKil:lop, se'c'onded by Todd. Mov'ed by G. F. Williams, presented Seco:rid'ed,by Wm:' Gunning: for That- W. A. Ga'lbraith an,d Walker CaugthdLbe a'ppoinlted auditorS 'last year'~ account-so ---<Oa.:rrried; Moved by O. ~cKemiey, Seconded by J. A. McCallum: That -the Wa-rden name a, committee to meet with the St. ,Tho,nias City Counci:land report in ]up1ei re the Memoria,l HO'S'pital. ~Carrie,d~' Moved by, O. McKenney, Seconded by Jas. Todd: That the 'Council co-operate with the County Council ?fthe County of Onta~io in, a resolutio'n re 'Fede,ral aid ,fnr higihway' improvement. ...;...jCarri,ed. Moved byW. H~ Milts; Seca,nde,d by And,rew Mills: That the appointing of a deputation of three to wait on the Hon. Sit~ Thoma-s', White, in co,-O'peration wi,th the County of Ontario, '-be 20 ;Elgin County Council left in the: hands of the Wardenaud Committee 'Good Rq\i<1s \pnvention at, Toronto in March. which a.ttends the , _Carried. Moved 'by' W. H.Moore, Seconded by Thos, .Dennis: That By-Law No. 928, to a'pP'ointAtiditors, be re'ceived and read a fir;st time. _Carried. MO'iod by Wm. A. Kelly, Seconded by H. C. McKillop: 'That ,By-Law No; 928he read a second time. _,Carried; M'O-ved by H. W. Tho,nrson, Seconded' byWm. ,Guniling: Tha,i:,By-Law No. 92~ b~ 'reada -third time andfmal1y ,passed~ "~C.arried: "Move,d by E.E. McTaggart, Se,colldedby' J ohp. Br'Lunpton: Th~t' By-Law No. 929,' to a-ppoint, a Board of Audit, be received anq 't~ad a' first time. _Carried. Mpved by E. E. McTaggart, Seconded by H. C. McKillop: 'Elgin County Council 21. That By-Law No. 929beJrea,d a second time. ito.>~" -Carried. l'v[ovedby E. E. McTaggart, Seconded by A'. Baron: That By-Law Nb. 929 be read a third ti,ine and filla:Ily passed. ~Carrie-d.. 'Moved by Wm. Gunning, S~,c(mded 'by G,; F. Winia.ms: 'Dhat By-Law' ,No. "930, to appoint High Sch'ool'Tnistees, received and read' a first time. -Carried. Moved'byWm. Gunning, Sec,onded byG. F; Wi.J.Ii?ms: ,.Th'at By~La"'.' N Q.9S0pc read, a 'second' time. ---,Caf'deld. . . Moved by v\Tm., Gunning, . Seconded by G. F. WiUiams: Tha,t By-Law No. 930 be tea,ci' a thil'd time and 'fi'na'nypassed. ---,GarHed, Moved by, Mi MacVicar, Second,ed by A. Barons: ,That By-La,w No. 931, to authorize the W,arden and, Treasurer, , 22 Elgin County 'Council tCi~ borrow Que and read a first Hundred and FiHy Thousand DoHar;s, be received time. ~Carried~ Mo'Ve,d by A.' Baron-s, . Seconded, by, M. Mac Vicar: ThatBy~Law No. 931 be read a se,c:ond ',time. _Carried. Moved: by M. Mac Vicar', Seconded by' A. Barons: That ;By....i...aw No. 931 be, read a' third tinie and 'fin;:tlly passe,d. .....:.Carded. Mo,ved by Wm. Patton, Seconded by J, A. Mc:Ca.llurrt: That By-Law N 0;932" to appoint a received and read afirs:t time. County Road Committee, be -Carried. Moved by J. A. McCallum, Secon,ded by,Wm. Patton: That By-Law No. 932, be'read'a secO'ltd time. _Carded.' Moved by H. C. McKiHop; Se_cond9d by Win. Kdly: Elgin County Coun~~" < 23 Th-atBy-Law No. 932l1e read a third time and finally passed~ -Ca'rtied. . ,M'oved by H. W. Thomson, Seconded' by Wm. Gunning: T'hat By-Law No. 933, _to'fix ,thesa'j,ary of the Gaoler,bereccived andre~d a first time. -CarTiPd; , Moved by H~ W. ThoIl1so-n, Seconded byWm. Gunning: That By~'LawNo. 933 be rea,d a 'second time. ~Carried. M"oved -by H. W~ Thomson., Seconded,'by'Wm. G:un.ning: Tha;~By~Law No. 933 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried; Moved by Wm., Stalkerl, SecCludeQ,by Wm. Kelly: That By-Law No. 934,to make a ,grant .to the Salvation AtmYl be received and rea,d a first time. ---Cal'ried. Moved by Wm. Kelly, Secon,ded by Wm. Stalker: That ,By-Law No. 934 he read _a second ,time. -:.CarJied. 24., Elgin Cou'nty Council Moved by Wm. St.alker, Secotfded,;by Wm.,,'Kelly: Tha.tBy~Law No. 934 be read a third time ,and finally'pa'ssed... _Carried. Mov,ed by E-. 'E., McTa'gga,rt, , ' Se~onded by E. E., Hilt: That'Mrs. Cau-gheH'be ap-pointed'County Trua'll't Officer fo'r-the year' 1919,at a ,salary"of three, dollars, per day and e~penses. _Carried. The ,Warden, appointed the follow.ing deputatiol1ls: , Good Roads Assbciation Meeting_Reeves of Townships, Pa.tton, WHliams rhd ~cKay. / Annual- Meeting Ontario Educational Association-Dennrs, Hill, ~arons, Thomson, ~cKenney, A. Mi'lls. ,I T()', repO't\t on Memorial Hospital-To'dd, :Moore, McKiUo-p. McI(~~ney ,Kenda.'lll. Toa,r,ra,nge apportib-nmcnt School Inspectors' Sa-1:ary------Barons, Todd, Stal1ker. Moved by E.E. McTaggart, Seco'll'dedby John ,Brumpton: Th~,t:tihils Cou:;tcil adjourn unltit to_morrow'mornirigat ten o~c1ock;: -'Carded. ' K., W. McK.AY, Co:Unty Clerk. WM. H. TURNER, Ward:e-n~ ;, Elgin County Coffi'ic.i1 25 'FIRST SESSION-FIFTH DAY Saturday; the 1st February, ,1919: The Elgin County- Council met this' day at t,he :Cour,t ,Hotlse, St. Thomas, a'ccording' to adjournment. The 'Warden in the chair All the members present except M'esM's., Kelly and ,Thomson. The proceedings oft-he previ'ous day were readattd confirmed. 'Moved by K ~;M'cTaggart, Secondedb~ '0.-' McKenney: Th'at :t-heusual grant 'of tw'en'ty-five dollars each be paid to the of Agr'icullture and \iVomen's Institute 'of East Eilgin. ...c.:..Carded. Mov'ed by H; C, McKiUop, Seconded by, Win. Stalker: That the' usual grant of twenty-five, dollars eac'h be p,<!,id to t,he Agriculture apd Wornen's Ins,titute of West Et'gin, '---Car~ied. Moved by Jas. Todd, Secori,dedby,E. E. McTaggart: attentiori;of, the D,epartmen1t of,Ag~iculturehe directe~ distribution of Flanders poppy,. seed in , differentj parts ' -Ca~'ried. Elgin County Council. M,r, pactton then prese'nted re'solutio-n f,or the Dutlton Soldiers' Aid Brandl with request for- gramt of two hundred dollars, and a1so a commt,tn.i\cation from the commi,ssionin rdcrence to the irregu'larity in vote taken:fo,r 'l'reasurel:on 17th n'ecembe,r. Moved by'ATrn. Sta-Iker, Secor(ded,by G. F. Williams: That no action be taken on resolution before us, regarding vote' for County Treasurer. . ' Lost on the following division: Yeas-Stalker, VliHiams, Moore,' Dennis, McVicar, Hill, McTa'gga,rt-7. , ,N aY's~McIGllo'P; Kendall," JVkCallum, Patto,n,. Gunnili.g; 'McKen~ ney,' M,Hls" Mills, Todd, Brumpton..---,10. Moved by J as. Todd, Seconded by vV. B;., TvUns: ,That this Council have confidencc in M~Callum's statement, when he says t1hat ,he voted for McFarlane on theseco'nd vote for County Treasurer on ,nccel~ber'17th. _Carried. M.oved by, O. M,cKenney, ,Seconded by H. ~. M.cKmbp:. That the Warden and,M'r. Patton consult the County Solicito,r as to the legality of the vote 'and by-law appointing Mr. Graham, Treastlrer, torepor,t at Junc session. ' _Carried. di:> Elgin Coun'ty Coundl 27 '~oved by E. E.McTagga:rt, Se.conded by ''V-l. 'H,' Mills: That ,By-Law No. 935, to r.eceived and read a first time; appoint a County Tmant Officer, he -Carried" Moved byM, Mac Vicar, Seconded by A. ,Mil'ls: That. By-Law N 0.935 be rea,<\ a second time. -Carried Movedhy W. H. MiHs, Seconded by G. F.,Willj,ams: That By-Law, No. 935 De read a third titueandfinally passed.. ...:.:....Carri~,d, Moved b~ vVin.St'alker, Seco'hded by H. C.1f-cKillop: Council do now adjourn, to meet on Tuesday"the ,10th ~Carried~ W. McKAY, County 'Clerk. WM. TURNER, Warden. 28 Elgin CourityCounc.il ..-.-,.---.... SPECIAL SESSION-FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 15th April, 1919. The Ehiin County Council met this'.date in, Special Session at the Cotq.tHous:~" St.' Thomas, at 2 p.m. Th,e Warden in the chair. All the ;tn-emher's present. TheV\Tardcl1 ad-Mc'ssed ,the Cpun'~iil'J c::<;,'plaining his reasons for callillg the meeting; as follows: "The reason f'br calling you together in Special Session was_ p,ri'ncipally,toco-nsider matters in, connection wi,th the County,Road's , 'Committee and their 'relation tod-~tie:s olthe,r than tho'se specified to in the hy~lawap'poil1'tinK the-ill. The by-law defines "the duties0'f the Committe'e as follows: "'To eo_operate with and direct-the Coun,ty Road Superintendent the maintenance ,of ,the ,r'oads designated as, County raid,s.' ",'Toal)p-rove arid pass an accounts- fnr work on said roads and to issue'lordeFs on the Treasurer 'fofpaymen.t of\'same;~ , ":Q:uring Tasty-earthe' Committee reported that "severCj.,1 actions had peen e'n:tered,against the C-ountyfo,r dama'ges caused by accident on County fpads, which theyhadinst,ructed the Solicito,r' to defend. Otfe of the' a~tiO'n's, M.orrickvs. Elgin, was tried in March, and decided a!gaihst the' County. The Committee and-County Sup erin- tel1dentassisted tIre County s.olicitor in'.this case. The autho,rity of the CotluuittC'C' in' ;this conneC'tion ha-s been questioned, as wen as. the advisability of trespassing on ,the Super.intenden(s time, that should be ,devoted wholly to w.ork on lhe road'~., T- would suggest, ~'or the ;considm'atipn of the Coun,cil, ,the advisability of a1?pointing a cominit'tce,toadvise with tlhe Solicitor an-dde'te'tminewhat s"houJd ,be clone whi:m,a'ctions al~e' entered against the County,; said committee to 'ha\r'e' a:nthorHy to issue orders on Tr'easurer fo,rpayrnenr1: of casts, damages and ~x-penses, as may be necessary, and report to :this C61mcit Elgip. County CouncU 29 Rules "and 'Regulations "The hy-:-law regulating theptoceedings in Connciland the, dutie's of com:rp.itte.es and officials has _not been 'revised since 1885. .A committee should be' '~pp~intedto -repod a,newby..:ta; that;wiIlbe ,more in accordance ''lith the presentbusiricss system. "Any business o,f a general character requidng a.tteniion,,' may be broug.ht before'the Cou:ndl at t'hisse,ssion." I Communications from the Salvation Army, than'king the CounCil for thei'r grant, and fromth-e Londo,n Chamber of Co:mme'rc,e,lreques1t>- ingt'heC0'uncil,to, appoi'nt -a, deputation to: await on., the autho'riHes M qtJ8iwa to secure imp1'ovemellts flt Pori Stan-ley hal'bor were read. Moved by Wm. Stalker, Seconded byH. W. Thomson: 'fIhat the Commi,tte'e to chairmen of the l'epo'l't on maH,e:rs Stan,ding Committee's be, a Spedal' referred to in t,heWarden's add<res,s. --::lCard'ed. Mo'Ved'byO.McKe:nney, Seconded, by'G; F. Wi1ilianls: That the "Ward~n name a committee of sev'i:m t0' improvem,ents'to- Port Stanley ha'rhorand bridge.' visit,'OHawa,re ~Carded~ Moved by Jas. Todd, Second,ed, by ,E. E., McTa:ggar'~: That the Warden and Clerk ,be a:uth'orIzed tOo sign 'and submit to' tihe"Ministe,r ofPu,bMc Works and' Highways of. the Provinc'e 'of Ontario, ,t,'he" petition cjf t-h'e Corpo,ra.tion of the County of '.Elgin, I 30 -Elgin County Council showi,ug that during .the, ,period 1st January, 1918, to '31st D'ecember, 1918, there ha's been ,expended upon the County Highway System the sum of $96,90'5.19, and ,requ,esting the statutory grant on that amount, as provided by -tLhe- Act 1:0 aid in the i.mp,rovemeu1t of public highways. _Carried. Moved by M. McVicar, Secd-nded by A., ,Baxons: That theCle'rk' is ,!hereby authorized to' advi,se th,e County ci-f 1fi-ddlesex that Elgin County is willing to co-operate 'in thedesigna- tion of road through the Police Village of Belmont. ....:.-.Carried. Moved, byH. 'Moore, Seconded byG. F; Williams: ThMthisCouncH adjourn to anow and r'i;P9'rt 'at ten o'do'ck' to-morrow. Special Committee to meet, -Carried... K W. McKAY, County, Clerk WM. TURNER; Ward-en. Elgin County Council , 31 SPECIAL SESSION-SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 16th April, 1919. The Elgin County Council met thi's day ,according to adjournmen't. All members l}resentexcept the Ward-en. On motion, 1I\T. H.Moore, Reev,e of BaY-ham, wa's' appointed chairman. , The' proceedings o'f -the previous day were read and confirmed. enquired in. ,refe.rence ,to" ,insumnce onCoutt !')artictilars of which we,re laid, hefore the" Council by 1:'he reporto.f"the' Special ;Committee on the Warden's a'ddress Pl'esented and ad?'pteq. on mo'tion of McVicar, seconded 'by Moved hy H. W.'Dhomson, Secollde,~ hyWm. Patton: That the Clerk be irrstl"Ucted' to place aii additi6'nal ins'~rance 'on' House and ,conten.ts, amouniting /to twenty-seven thousa'n'd ---'Carried. , McKenney, Secon,d,ed byG. F. -Wi1niams: ThatW~ 'A. Galbraith andW. C. CaugheH be appointed COluity Auditors,M a sal,ary of two hundred dollars ea'ch, to audit all corunty quarterly and presentt'he'ir repoxt at the Jauua'ry'sess:ion year. -.;...Carried. 32 Elgin, County Council ,The chairman ,the'n announced the names of thedepu,tation appointed by thqWarden to represent the .county at,confe'ren;ce ,at' Ot'talwahl reference to improvements to Port' Sta'uley ha'r'bor. County' Engineer Bell, }a's. Todd, Ex~Ward,en Cornell, M. "N['cVica,r;.'1.,. Kendalil, I-I. ,C. McKirrilop, and I{. 'W. McKay, 'County , Ole,rk. Moyeod hy M. McVkar, Seconde'dby Q. McKenney: Tha\t this Council d:a noW adjourn. ...,..c..Carried. K: W. McKAY, "County Clerk. WM. H. TURNER, Ward'en. Elgin County Council 33 SECOND SESSION'---FIRST DAY :Ttiesday,the'lOth day of June,d9i9,' 'The Elgin .adjourmnent. , County to thi's 'day accardill'g \,' Coundl met The Warden ip, the chair. All the members "present; The Warden addresseq the Co~~dl ri:s folI:o,ws: . "To,i!heMembers of t'heCounty Coulldl: have ass6mble;g t~--day in t,egular session .tb 'the' g,reMest iill'por.tari:ce to the Tatepayer's 'of "The agdcultura:I outlook" thro,ughoutis good, 'no:tvyiths1tandiry.,g weather of some '~e'eks ago. ,Fric'es forfa,rmproducts are' and it)s" 'doub.tf111" if ,there, will. be, much re,duc,tio'h'until The' expo,rt of. raw materials and food supplies,a'Ctua1 is 'to some 'extent t-h-e,ca.use"of high ptkes. The devastate-dcountri'es of Europe ,and, in England are h'rge cori,tracts:are ,gradu:ally,bebg placed: in this is_a general ,unrest -in urbanc~n~rd, a.ricl 'a" {fesire .'t.o sca.le' of 'wages in' vogu~while w'ar conditionspr,evailed. have~a tendency to inc,rease the, cost 'of manufacttlred The danger isthat'cost~ may be increased so that, c.omp'e--:' with..:othe'r' countries infhefO'reign marketswiil be unpro',fitab.te. . . tecent" re-4~ction' in, theta,;iff bn,s'ome classeso't agricu,l'tural is, 'I t'liink, '-in the right direCtiori, an"d will tend,to matters in western Cariad,a. The' growth of th"e .present impor,ts has been gra,dua:l The fina'ricial 'integrity o!f the that'reductions sh,ould bea'lo,so g,radual. ' duty as anag-ricultural ,community to increase the of foodstp,ffs, as "n),uch as' possible a:ndthereby as'sfst th,e great present 'day,problem, 'th'e highcos,t of living.' :\4 ,,~"'--- Elgin County Coun'cif J The :E,lgin Soldiers HI am Sl1rewe a,re all pleased,to welcome the returned sQlldier,s, whol1av,e made a great name for :themselves. Before' our next meeHng it is expected, that the wholeo,f the Can'cidian a'rmy will have returned; It,might. be well' for the 'Council, ,to' consider some fO'l'm or individual;,re,c.ognit'ion that wCluld be appreciated byth"e men 'and .their' fa,mili'es in the years to come. Council, Business.. liThe Memorial' Hospitall Committee win repo'rt progf,ess; and a~ , 'revision of the rules 'regulating the p-roc~edings of thisCoundl w):l'l be presen,ted. A EttIe 11l0re attention to therule.s on- the part of menibersin Council and Committe'es will not only add,to the d'i'gnhy of- ourpr9c'eeding~, but will fa'ciHtate' ibu?ihess. ' County 'Roads "'Dhe CountyR<Dads Committeewi'11 no' doubt report progre'ss, and defi'nitely lnreference to their estLma.teS: fo'rthe. ye1tf; "The County Roadid:ea is meeti.ng with much fa,vorable comment' ~nd I 'find it 'is not so muc.4 a qtlC'stion of expe-ndi,ture ~s' results:; . The, Provindal Legisl:ature has doubh~_d the grantfo,r' maintenance of roads,makin.g .it fo'rty per cenL, the saine as forcbnstruction, and I wiH 1-n futur;e; deal most'liherally in constru;cting and maintaining- Provincial county roads, in suburban a'reas. "The' location, oJ the Provincial Highway west ,of Londdnhas not beendeterminec1. The. Highways D:'ep~r:tlnent'is ,completing the necessa'ryol,'ganization for mainbil1ing,a ve:ryco'nsiderablle -mileage and no dou~t have in hand aH ,they can accomplish this, year. On,e result o,f'the agitation in this c-onnection is to show that no" matter where, located, one line 'of Provincial Highway in Western Ontario will not sa:tisfy the popular demand.' "The question of Federal.aid i,s not advancing very rapidly, and I wo,tild n-Ot: be surprised ifi,t wa.s crowded OUlt of the Ot.tawa programme t'his y,ear. When it "doe'S to'me, the percentagesofcO'st' of road constructiop payable by the munkiPalities will be 're'duced. , Elgin .COU11'tyCounc.i1 3.5 New' Legislation "-.some interestin'g legis-lation, was placed on the sta,tute hooks this yea:r. 'The ladies, l.God bles,s theni,',a-re now eligible forelecti6n to muri,icipal' office and t.o,act asschool trustees. 'MU11kipal councils' are aut1ho.rized to grant money formemorial,homes ,and monuments, and,toma,kc grants to rC'turned,s-oldiers,.q.nd nursing'sisters. Th~ income exe.tbption ha.s been- raised, andpo\y,eT isj~"iven' to provide for a,reduction in.taxation payable,in -respeotto buHdings.,in both tural'and ttrban communities. School ,taxes, howeve,r; must"be " paid on prese'nt va~ue's: as 'fo,rmerly. The: liability" for' sidewalks, on courityro'ads~is cleared, up;,<these mayiti.-future' be c,O'nst'ructEfd by the 'townships;, with the approval, of the :counrty road. a'Uthoriti,~s. "The speed 1imito,fmotor ve'hicles, has be;eri increased to twenty- five miles in to,wnsnips and twenty in chic's, except at sii'eet:ii1t'er- sectio~sand curves in roads, where the limit is reducedhY,one-haIL "lho,pe to meeJ you ,ai1 ,in a sod'al way on Thursd:ay ~venin'~J' Thep'roceedirigsof.,the' l,ast day of.t-be JanuaTySession flndof the Session were :read and confirmed. The fo.uowing ,communications FrOl:n1 On:tario to Finance were read: Municipal AssQocia'tion, Committee. re annual meetil1g.......; From Y. M. C. A. Red TriangleCampaign.--:-----Filed. From Chief El1.gine'er Highways De'pa'rtmel1.t,re bddge ov~r toPubHc' Improve.ment Committe,e. 'From Deputy Minister of Education,' Toro'nto, re' 'scho01 attend':' 'officer.--"::'R'7ferred to Education Committee. !from LonclonHealth Committee. Assoda tion, \Vithac~ount........:..Referre,d to Mary McCoiI, preg,enting Sheriff's sword and hat to (0: Gaol' Committee. HI; E~gin County Council F'rom Depu,tyMinister of EdncaLtion" r:e equipment and accomn1O- dationgral1Jts to sc'ho~ls.----Referred to Education Commitotee. From' Hydro':"Elect'ric Commis'sion, Sv T'homas.---:,Referred to F.inan,ce' Committee. ' From Navy League of Canada, re grant.~Filed. Ff\om Salvation Army,thanking Council for ten thousand. 'd<?Hargrant.-F.i1ed. From secretary Ijr'die's'Amdliary,G.W. V. A., Ayhner, applica- tion for ,grauL-Referred to '.Fiuan:ce' CornmiUee. ' From ,report of CourtHouse Co.tumission.____ReferredtoFinance Cbmrrl'i'uee. ' From Clerk, ,with report, on Hcenses. _'R~ferred to Finance Comm.ittee. From Jas. A.' ,Bell, CountyEnginee'f,report on tile ftoo,r for Court House.-Referred to Ga'i't Committee., From Jas. A. Ben, County Engineer, repO'rlLO'n Countybridges.- Rderred to Public Improvement Committee. W From John Grant, Turnkey, a.p'p1ication- for increase of salary.- Referred to Ga,ol Committee. ' From 'County ,Auditors, with report. - Refer,red to Finance Committee. FromC. St. C.Leitch, County Solicitor, repot"ton appointment of C;:ounty'T'reasurer.-Filed. The repo'r.t' of the S-peda,l Committee appointed to revise the Rules M1d Regulations governing t'he proceedings of Council waS then presented, and on motion .of Barons,':seco-nded' hy ,McKenney, was 'referreOc1 to a Committee of the \i\T'hole, wi,th Mr. Williams in the chair. The report of, the- Committee was considered clause- by clause,aHer -which the Committee, aToseandt'he, report a's amended wa-sadop.ted 'on motion of Wi11iams, secon.ded by Ba.rons. Elgin' County Council 37 Mov~d by 0'. MCl(enney, Sec~,tided by,W.'H. Moore: That a ,deputation to the G. W. V. A. of (newt1me). of ladieS from_Aylmer and Ma1ahide, re grant East,Elg,in, he hea-rd to-morrow at three p.m. --<Carried. Moved by E., E.' McTaggart, Set;onded by E. B. Hill: That a 'deputation, consisting relating tQ"County roads on 'first , to~morro:w at '11 a.m. of Messrs. Barnnma.nd Sinclair, concession of Ma.lhhide, be heard , -Carded. Moved by, A.' Baron's, SecondedbyA. Mills: this 'Council ~a-djourn, tomeetto~m-orrow at 9:30 ;l.m~\ thue). '. ~Carried. K. W. McKl'\ Y, County" Clerk. WM. I-l. TURNER,' , Ward'en~ 38 Elgin County Council SECOND SESSION-SECOND DAY WedtH::'sday, the IHh day "of June,_1919. County" Council met this day according Th e Elgih ad~'ournmetit. T;he Warden in the chair. All the member,s ,Present. 'The proceedings' of 'the pr,evio11S day were read and-, confirmed. Con1municatio-n froin the G. W. V. A. was re-ad and "fl'led. with, appointment, and, the: abse'hce "of ,Messrs. Mr. Barnumwaspre'sent..in ~ccord'ance ,exp'1airted his ,inability to proceed, owing to Sinclair and Leitch, -who' were 'in Toromto. Mf.Patton' g~.ve notice ofmotio-n re gra'ntfo'f street hmpr'ovemerit in Dutton, to come up on Thursday. 'I , " Moved by _Wnl. Stalker, Se"onded' by W. A. Kelly: That the 'County'Road Superintendent he autho,rized toappr.o:ve, 011 behalf of this ,Coundl, of the cons',tr:uction ~of sid,ewalks oh County 'ro~ds, ahd t'ha't a by...law be ,passed acc0rdingly. ' _Carried. Moved by E. E. McTaggart, Seconded' by E. B.' Hi'll: That a Fai-rBou'rd hearing be given two repres,entatives at 10:30 a.m.' to-morrow. of the East ,Elgin -Carried; to Elgin County, 'Council :i:J ,Moved 'byW:,R.Gunni~g.. Secol1;.ded by- G.F., ,Williams: That the Secretary of ':the' Holstein' Br-eed'ers' .Assoe,iation, ,Mr. E. C. ,Gi1'bert,be allowed t'o address the Council .to-rn'ortbw afternoon. , ' " -Carri~d; MovedbyO. McKenney, Secondedby',A. Barons: '"Eha:t this Council do n'qw a,djourn, .}.heHospital Committee 'to meet. to meet at 2' p.m., toall()w .-;..Carried. 'The Council Resumed Pursuantto~ appoin.tmen:t, .the ladies',dep'utation ,fromlthe G. W. V. A. ~uxiliaryof ~ylmer,made application fO',r, gra'll't bf twp, ' hun4roo d~l:la.rs, 'the ,::lpeakersbei~g 'Mesdames Fowler, ,Bril)gman, Warno,ck, atrd 'Paupst. The Warden referred',theirapp'lication ,to the Finance Committee. ' . , A.,deputation fil"omthe Y.M. C. A. Red Trja.ng.le Fund thenmacie appHcatio'u for grant of twelve ,thousand, ,dollars; ,thesp~'akers being Dr. Turner; Capt. ;Best, Pt-e; " Mutch,F. ,W; Suther1?-nd" and 1..,11,.., Urie. The application wasrcferred by the Ward~n,to the Finp:n,ce Committee. ~, Moved 'by O. McKenney, Seconded hY' A. Barons: Tha,t this Council do no\vadjourn, to ,meet at 10 a.lli., t~allow' committees to' meet. -Carried. W. ~McKAYi CountyClerlc WM. H. TURNEII-, :Wa.rden: 40 Elgin County CoutieB SECOND SESSION-'1'HIRDDAY Th"ufsday, the 12th, June, 1919. "The Elgin ; adjournment." , County , CounCil met this day, according fo The,Wa1rclen in the chair. .' AH the members present. T'he' proceedings of the previous day werereada'nd confirmed. 'Adeputatioll from the East Elgin Agricu1turalSodety a,ddressed the' GaimciI, making' application for, grant. 'The speakers were '1yf.esS'rs.Ashiton, Lindsay, and Hammond; The Wa-rden r,eferred their appli'oation to'1:he F:immce Comtnittee; Mess,rs.Barnum and Siridair, Solicitors for th~ Township of Ma1ahide and 'residents 0'0 the 'first, concession, mad-e statemen.t to,th.e Counc,ilin reference to construction 'ofa bridge Qver Stalter Gully, andfheinaitter was laid over until the report' of tire PubH~ Improve,- ment Committe,e was presented. ,od' . Moved by Thos. Dennis, Seconded ,byM, 'McVicar: , That this Council do no\'-{ adjourn, to meetat ~},1.).m. -Carried. The Council Resumed ' Adeput.ationfrom the G.vV. V~ A. of St. Thomas, consisting ,oJ Vice-President McLach1il1 and the 'Rev. N. H. McGiHivray, then addre:sse~the Coun'cil, requesting continuaulce oLgran( to tne Assock a,tio,n , ,for, another year. The app1icationwa's referred -to the Finance Committee. Elgin County 'Council , 41 Mr. E. C Gilbert, Secretary offhe ~ure Bred Holstei-n Breeders' Assdlciati-on, othen ftddressed the Cquncil with reference to a'ssis-tance in,offering prizes to be' compc,ted'fo.r by the own,ers -of animals offered for sale, and ,the Warden referred the maitter- to the Fiuiance Comtnittee. Capt. Boal ,addressed the Council; to the Navy League, and the 'matter Committee; , 'Dhe Cou:nty Treasure.es report was Fi-o'anc_e Committee. makingapplica-ti'on for gra,rit was referred to the Fil1ance \ 'P're.s~nted 'and referred", to The report of the ~ducationCornmi-ttee, wa's presented' and adppted' oln motion of Barons, seconded by Todd., The report' of the' Public' Improv-emen.t ,Commitltee was present,ed and adopted oninotion of McI<jllop, seco~ded, by Mc'Vica'r. , , The report of ,the Gaol Committee was,p.resented,and,'referred tq'a Com~ittee of the ',Whole; with ,Mr. McVica,r in the chair. Afber ,considering the ryport, \ the Cornn.littee arose a,qd' asked 'leavet'?, sit ~-g~in. The report .of the,Hous e, of Industry Committee was present,ed and referred'to: a Committee bf the Whole" with Mr. Sta-l'kerin the chair. After: considerin:g the report clause by' clau-sei th'eCommittee arose, an.d;it, was_ adopted as, am'en-d;ed on motion of Stalker; se1con-ded by Ba,rons. the'Councii resumed a Committee o.ftlle Whole on Ga61 Committee, with Mr,McVkarinth~ chair. of, the repoi.t was com'pleted and' t'herepor,tas was adopted on motion ,of McVka,r, sec011d'ed by Thomsqu." Moved 'b);Wm. Gunning., Se~onded'by G. -F. Williams: That'this Council do now adjourn, to meet to-morrow at 10 'a.m. --'-'Carried. W. McKAY, Coutity, Clerk. WM. H. TURNER, Ward'en. --""-;:';"'7"=,=,:c.~~:'"""~,, , '42- \Elgin County Council I SECONDSESSION-FOUR;rH DAY Friday, the i 13th June, 1919. The Elgin County Council met this 'day at 'the Court' Hou's.e~ St. 'ThomM. The Warden in the chair. A:\.1 the ni'emberspresent exc;eptMt:.IZel1y. The p-ro:ceeding;3 of ,the' previous day were read' and confirmed. , Communication fronithe Deputy Mi,nister o'f Game and Fisherie~. with 'refe't'ence to the close season on'squirrel was read. The ,report of the Memor-ial Hospital Cornrnittee wa~.; pl"eserited an,d ..adopted on' motion of ,McI<;enney, secon,~ed by, M'oQ-re. Moved by' Jas. Todd, ,1011, Seconded' by 0." McKenney: That thi"s Counetl' do now adjourn to allowCoundJ tovisitStalte'rGul1y. , until 10:30 a.m. to-'morrow, , _Carried.. W. McKAY, County Clerk WM. H. TURNER, Warden. Elgin County Council 43 SECOND SESSION-FIFTH DAY Saturday, the-14th' d8;Y of ,June, 1919. ':The Elgin County ,Council met this d.ay at the' Court,House'; St. Thomas, a,ccbrding to:'adj6urnrnenL The ,W.ar,den in the chair. All themerribe'rs p"re~'ent. T,he 1?roceedingsof the previous day were ,r,ea-d andco,nfirmed. Mr. 'Dennis -made enquiry refreight rates on gravel 'from ,County gravel pil~; Thefirst'repo>rt o(the' Finan'ce Cbmmittee wa~ p\f\es'e~te.a. and 'adopted .01'1; motion of McVicar,'secoll'de-d by Mnore. The Coundlthe'n 'weti'tinto a Comm.iH~e of th~ .Whole ,tb conside'r matters pertaining t'o,theStalter Gully, with Mr, McKenney in the' c,hair. Afterconsiderihg the 'question the Committe,e a'ro'se. Moved by E.' E. ,McTaggart,', Seconded'by O.,;McKenney: Thaf the HighwayDepartmentllav:~ng consen1:edto .thedesigl).a-, as a COl1,n(r ,road',of that po'rtion, , of the,r-oad-from'the ,_Chute extending east. across the Stal!ter Gully, to connect with', Ro'~dN 0.42, :and to paT forty 'per cent. of sa111e', tha'tthis adopt the reso.}u.tio-n~ passed on November, 23l;"dJ,1917;',~nd the Township of Malahide agree ,to pa.y,o-ne-half of the County's of the bridge. -Lo~t; Moore, McKenney: 44 Elgin' County Couricil That this Coufi:cildo now adjourn, t~ m~~tat 2::p'.m. $ ~Carried. ' The Council Resumed The report of the County Roa-ds,Committee was presented and: adopted on mo.t1onof Todd, seconded by Kendall. . ,Moved by 0.; McKenney, Secondd by H. C. McKmop: Th'aot,the gr.aprts 'to tine ,Co~n and Poul,tl,y $h0'wS in the County and City of St.,Thomas be the 'same,as lastyeat-West Lorne,$20'OI; Aylmer, $15n; St. T'horims,,$100. -Carried. Moved by A. Barons, Second'ed' by M.Me Vicat: . .- That supplemen~tary' gran1ts,to High, tontinuation, and Fifth Class$c'hools bethe ,same as last yeat. ' -:--:cCarried. Moved by M. M'cVicar; Seconded by A~ Ba'l"ons: Th?-t the' eqpa1ization the safne'aslu'st year. of the assessment rolls of the County be _Carried. Moved byvy.'H. Moore" Secortded by Thos. Dennis: That the Ministe:rof Game ,and Fisherie,s be requested to have an Order-in-Council 'passedprohibitin.g; fo.r a period of t'hreeyears, Elgin CountyCou.ndl ' 4.5 the,hun.tip.g and shoo'ting in the County of Eh;in of partridge"quai1~, Mack and grey ,squir!fels. '""'"-Carried: Moved by' Thos. Dennis; Seconded by W. R. Gunnring: Tha'ta by...Jaw b~ ,passedgran{ing.to the Tnwn of Ayhner.and the Villages of the Count'y' an amount equivalent to theh~ contribution towClirds -the amount to' he included in theestimMes for County Road expenditure this year,' to be ;ex:pended in accordance with the prCl~ visions of The Highway Improvement Act. " In ainen,dmeh,t: Move.d by A; Barons, . . Seconded by W .A. Kelly: That th.isc:ouncil grant to the Villages, fot sbreet 'improvement under provisions of Highway Improve111ent Act" the amount equival'~ ent'to .the amount 'paid by the Villages of the County; together -with fif'ty p'er c-en.t;of Government subsidy' of th<;tt amount. Main motion ca,rri-ed, amendment ,lost. Morved by' O. ,McKenney: .Seconded' by G. F. Will'iams: a-grant of onehllridred and. fifty dollars be given' to the Aid- Association of. East Elgin, the same to. be pl,ac,ed in of Mayor H. H. -Wright of Aylme:r,to assi$'tthesaid main'tainitigrooms and other e4penses in the Town of, Resolution lost on the, following' division: Yeas-McKillop, Williams, Patton, McKenney, Barons, Mills, Hill, and M-cTaggart. " 46 Elgin' ,County ,Council Nays--,--Stalker,Kelly, Kenda,ll, McCallum, Thomson; Gunning, Moore, Dennis; McVich'r, Todd, ahd,Brumpton. 'Moved by Jas. Todd, Seconded by w. H. Mills: T'hat t'heCounty Solicito'r' be iu,structed to 'join: in belhalf of the CouriLty u-ponany application that ,may 'be ma,d,e to the 'Ontario :Railway and Municipal Boa,rd to extend the,time'fO'f t'heTown'Ship of M-a1,alhi'de, to build fhe bridge over the Stalter Gutty. ' _Carried. Moved by" J as. Todd, Seconded by E. E. M'cT.agga'rt: Thaf the, County Roa,d- Committee-be instructed t@confer with ,"the County roa,d authoritieso,f ,Middles,ex and Keu<t and arrangefoT the designation of roads 'connectirigwi.th' ,the 'Mid"\d~esex and, Kent' County systems, and a,lso.to confer with the St. Thomas Suburbart Road Commission in reference to change in'dcsig'niati6n of roads enter~ng the City., That the, Wa,rden, can a spe,cial session 'of,the Cou11'cH Ito cons'i'der 'report o'f the Committ'ee as soon. as it, is avaibibl'e. _Carried. ' M?ved by :H.W. Thomson, Seconded byM. M'cVicar: That' this .Counciladjourn fO,rfifteen minutes to allow the, Finance Corp.mittee to meet. -Carried. The, CouncilJResumed The: secC?nd report of the Finance Couimittee was presented and adopted on,moti.on olMe Vicar, secon.ded by Todd. [J ,I Elgin, County Council 47 Moved by Jas. Todd, Seconded by Wm. Patton: \ , T'hata coinn~it'tee of ::tihree'be appointe.d to, consiUer ,the'rep6rt of rhe committee a.ppoidted Tn January t'O'irivc:stigatethe legality' of the Treasurer's' ap'vointm'ent and,tepo'r.t a:ta ,future date, anel to , aH rec~'rds and- document-s per:tlainiul5, the-reto. ' "-Lost. Moved, by L. Kendall, Seco!>ded by J. !I,. McCallum: , i 936, to appoint County Auditors, be received / '~Carried. Moy,ed by J.A;,McCaJ.1umj Seconded 15y L. Kendall: That By-Law NO._936be read ase'cond time. -:':Carried. Moved by L: Kendall, .Seconded by J. A. McCallum' ThatB,~-La1V N 0.936 be read a third time and finany pa-s,sec1; -Carried: Stalker, byH. C. McKillop: N~. 937,_to authorize County Roa,d S,uperintendenf 4f Elgin County Council to approve of s'idewalk cons.truction,be received and read a first time. -":'Carried. MO,ved by'-Wm. Stalker, , Seconded by :!-.1. C" McKillop; That By-Law :t';J0;' 931,be read a second ,time. ....Carried, Moved 'by H. C.McKillop, 'Se,conded by Wm. Sta1lker: 1-'hat By~Law No, 937.be reap, a third time and finally passed. . .;-Carried. . ' Moved byW. ,R.Gunning, Secon,t:iedby G. F.WilHams: T'hatBy-Law No. -93.8, to authorize closing ,of Registry Office on SaturdayafternoClns, be received and rea,d afi'rs.t time. , ,,' _Carried, .'Mov:ed by VV. R. Gunni'Uig, Seconded by G. F. Williams; That By-Law No. 938 be r:ead a second time. _Carried. Moved by W. R; Gunning, Seconded by G. F. Williams; Elgin County Council 49 That By-Law No~938be read a third time and finally passed; -Carried. ':M:ovedby G. F.' 'ATi11ia01s, Seconded, by O. McKenney: T:hatBy-Law No. 939, to ex'tend the time_ for tax: sale, be 'received "and read a fi'rst time. ....:.Ca,f'ded. Moved by O.McKenney, Secon1ded by G. ~: Williams: That By-Law No. 939'be read a second time. "" ~Caf\1'i~d~ :Moyed by A.' Baronsj , Seconded byG. F. Williams; T'hat By..Law No. 939 be read athi-rd time and finally ,passed. -..Canrt.ed,., Moved by VI. H. Moor~, Second~d by~?hos. Dennis: By':Law No. 940, to regula.tepro'ceedings of the 'Council of of Elgin, and repea1By-Law No. 412, be received and -.Carded. Move~ by'Thos. Dennis, Seconded by W. H~ Moore: BywLaw No. 940 be read 'a s<econdtime. -Co.fifi.e'd. Elgin Cou'nty Council --_.~ Moved by M. Mc Vi,car, Secoll'cled'by Thos. De~nis:" ThaJt By'-~aw ,No. 940 b,e, read ,a thkd,Hme and finally passed. _Car-ried. Moved by Andrew Mills, Se'conde-d by' A.~ BaroilS: Tha:tBy-Law No. 941, to :confirm equalization, De received and readafi~st time. ' _Carried. Mvoed' hy A.Barons, Secorided by Andrew MiHs: That By-Law No. 94{be read a se'cond time. (,' ,v ' " " _Carried. Moved by Andrew - Mills, SeCOl1d'ed by A,. Barpns: That HyO:Law'N 0.941 be read ~ third time and finally passed. _Ca'l1ded. M~ved by Jas. Todd, Seconded by W. H. MiI1s: That By-Law No. 942, to make supplementary'_ grants to sc-hC?ols, be received and read afkst- time. ~Ca'r,ried. Moved by W. H. Mills, ~lgin County Council 51 Seconded by J as.' Todd: That By~Law No. 942 he read a second time'; -Cartie,d'. Moved' by J as., Todd; Seconded by W. H. Mills: Th::~.<t B'y.:.Law '1;J o. 942 he read a third ,time and fin>a:Ily Rassed; , , -Cal1ried. Maved by E. ,E. McTaggart, Seconded by E. B. Hill: Th~t By-Law No. 943,to make grants .to 'viHage~, and town fot highway improvement, be received and tcada first time. ~Carded. Moved by ,E. K M'cTagga:rt, Seconded by E. B. Hill:, That By.;.Law N 0'. 943'be read a- second .time. ~Cariried~ Moved, by E,' K McTa,ggart, Seconded.pyE. R ~iH: , ' , , ' , ThatBy-L~w No. 943 be-read a third tim'e tnd finally passed. -'-Ca'r-ried. ' Moved byM. McVica.r/ Seconded,by A. B~OC'ons: , By-Law No. 944, 'to raJse amoun,ts for County 'Rates, be and read "a first time; , 7""Car\fi,ed~ 5~ Elgin' County Council -'------. -.,. Moved by M. McVicar, Seconded byA. Barons: That By;;Law No. 944 ,be read a second time. _Caflrkd. Moved-by M.'McVicar, Seconded by A. Ba,roris: That By-Law No. 944, be read::i third time and fin-aMy pass-ed. -,-Carried. ~ovedby H.C. McKillop, Secon:ded byWm.Stalker: ... ., Th;aCBy-Law No. 945,to make grant toG.. W. V. A., SLThorna1'i 'be received and rea'd ,a first time; _Carried. Moved by H. C. McKillop, Seconded by Wm. S'talker: That By-Law No; 945 be read a second time. _Carried. Moved by H. C.McKiHoPI Se'conded>by W!l1. Stalker: . That By-Law No. 945 be read a:third time and, finally passed. _Carriec'. Moved by Wm. Stalker, Elgin, Coun'ty Co'uncil 53 Seconded by H. C. McKillop: ThatBy~Law No. 946, ,to authorize the Warden and Treasurer to borrow Twen.ty-Five Thousand DoHars, ,b'e ,received, aiidre.ad a first time. -Carried. Moved by Wm;Stalker, Seconded by H. C.McKillop: That By~Law N 0.946 be read a second time. -Ca'rried. MQve~ by Wm. Stalker, ~econded by H.C. McKillop: That By-Law No; 946 be read a ,third time and finally passed. "":""Carried; Moved"by Will. Stalker, Seconde,dby H; C. McKillo'p: That. ,threehundnid c'op'ies of By~Law of Rules and ',be printed- for use of m.embers. Regulations I ~Canied. THe Wardenappdinted the following to represen'tthe Council at tll~an'OuaJ'mectingoftheOntario Munidpfd Association:'. Messrs; Brumpt.on, Gunning, Mc'Callum, Mills, Iv.[c.Killop,M c- Kellney, ,'and McKay. ' Mory~d by L. Kendail, Seconded by J. A., McCallum: M Elgin County Council' EIgin~otmty Council 55/ That this Coul1dl ,adjourn, to meet at the Cou~t House, ,St. Th0'm"as,' Tu;esday, November 2Mh, at ,2 ,p,m. ~Canied. SPECIAL SESSION 1(. W. McKAY, Cou:u<ty Clerk. WM. H. , TURNER, Ward'en. Wednesday, 30th day of July, 1010. The'-EIgiri'Counfy Counci,l~et,fhis day in Special Session at the Court Hous,e, SL Thomas!, at 2,p.m., at thecaIlof,th,e W'arden. TheWaiden in the' chair. AHthem~mberspreseri-t except Mr. Brumpton; . . The Warden' explained that the meeting' was ,cailled to- consider neces~ary repairs to the Port Bruce 'bridge, a:ndthe" passillgof by~Iaw de'signating connectionsbet,wee-n ,the 'Elgin:CoUt:l,ty, Road an-d thos,e_ of' Middlesex and Ken1t;, and for ,gener~1business. The report of the Co'nntylEngineer Was presented' and referred the Public Imp1"ovement Committee. report, of,thePuhlicTrnprovemeuLt 'Comm,it'tee wa:s presented motio'~ o.fMcKi11op,'second~d' by Todd. repofit of the Coun,ty Roa-d CommUtee was presented:'aild-, on motion of Todd, seconded by McTaggart. , Mr. Thomson inquiredre operation of gravel pifand machinery. Moved by 'Wm., Sta.lker; Seto:nded ,by 'Wm. Kellt: 947, toamen-d By-L,Cl.w No, "897;b~ receiyed Moved by' E.E.Mc'f.aggart,' Secon<led by~. B. Hill: ....:..:..Ca,rrie,~., That'13y,.Law No. ,94,~ be .read a_secbnd time., -----'--Carried.. Elgin County Council 57 fill Elgin County Council '----,--------'---- SPECIAL SESSION Moved byM. Mcyicar, Thursday, 18th September, HJl0. Seconded by A. Barons: ThatBy~La:'iV N 0._ 947 be, read a third time and finally. passed. _Carri,ed; The Elgin County Council met this day iu_SpedalSessi6n at the, Court Hous,e,St. Thomas; at 11 a.m. T4e \iVarden ,addl'essed the Council as follows: :Moved' by G.' F. Williams, Seconded by O.-McKenney: "I have ca.J1ed you.to.gether to-d,',!-y in Special'Session to db. ,honor Sit./Arthu,r Currie; the Canadian GeneraI'who, ,was in' comma:nd of soldiers dtiring the last two years ,of the Great War. ' t11.i'$ Council do now adjourn, to meet at the call- of th,e ~Ca'rried. flIn co.,.operation with the Mayor of.. St. Thomas" arrange1:nents, been 'mad~ to entertain the General at luncheon and 'present with' an address,in r~cognitio,n of his ,great services ',overSea's. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. WM. H. TURNER, " . Warden. have also. takenadvan,tage of th.e o.ccasion to tcndera the returned soldiers of'th'e County, to' 'present them of Thanks, andclltertain them, pr.ov'ision being for three thOlisand'soldiersahd their p.arents orwi-ves, This 'undertaking has' be,enassuined by tIle citizens of St. Thomas, misc'ellane~us exPenses to be' provided b:r th~ ,City ,and ,Cotlnty, this purpose you will be-asked to make at; appropria.tiOl~~t '!Th~ presentq,tion qfCertifica.tes of Thanks to all whO,etifiste-d capacityfo,r ser;vice du'rin-g the Waf should ,be con.tinuedat 'the to be held' during the next 'fewda'ys at Ay;Ltn,er,:R'odney, ..and so thattho'se who do not attend t:o~da'ymaY,have,"-an receiving thein-for dlis purpose committees should Jo'r'epresent the Con'ndl. ' is l-irnited, as ,the 'hour 'fot IUi1'cHeo,n "I~the time 'table as at'ranged i-scarried out, the forma,l proceed- be completed at ahollt2:30 p.m., {h~ balance of the day fOT the entertainment ot' the retur~le4 he:rocs'flndtheir families., them'embersof the, Council ",HI do ,everything in tl:Ieir'power, in making the 'dayas,uccess. . 58 Elgin County Council "The ,presentation ,-of 'Certificates of Than,ks ,to all who served in c6nnectionwith -the war is a fittingconc1usion to >the' organizeq patriotic effottsof the' people of Elgin." , Mo'Ve;d 'by Oscar McK,enney, Se'conded ,byW., R. Gunning: ThaJt this, Conncil approve of arra'ngements111ade'by the Warden, ,in co-opera.Ho~,' with the,' Mayor:, of St. Thomas"for l.dncih~on' and J ia,ddress to General Sir, Arthur Currie and the, Jpre9:entation otf 'Cer'tific.ates of :rhanks to; each of' the return-ed soMiers,',' nursing sisters, etc., of E.1ginCounty~ ' -"'Ca'rried. Moved by, H. H. Thomson, Secon4,ed by Wm.',A. Kelly 'Th~tarrangements be made for'-'the pres,entation of, Certificates of, Thanks' at the Aylmer" "Rodney, andWa,l1a,cetown ra-ii'-s,'andthat the Warden lappoint committees to attend with him for th-ispurp'o~e. ......:.C3.Jrried. Reeves and Clerk as a The Warden appointed the attend with him a,t the fairs. Moved by 'James Todd, Seconded by E.' E. McTaggart:' That the sum of-one thousand dollars ,beapprop'riated to' assist in defraying expenses of' rec,eption to returned soldiers' in St. ThO'mas, as,the Warden 111ayorder. ':'-Carried. Moved by Andrew Mills, Seconded by, VV. H__, Mills. That this Cou'llciladjourn. -'-Carried. K. W. McKAY, i County' Clidk., WM. H. TURNER, , Warden. Elgin, 'CO'un'tyCouncil '59 THIRD, SESSION-FIRST, DAY Tuesday, the- 2Mh day ofN ovemher, '-191.9. \ The Elgin County Council'met this day at the Co(u'tHouse,St. ThO'mas; according toO adjournmeht. The Wai'del}Jri the chair. All the-memhers present. ~'he;Warde'Ua'ddressed the Co~nciI 'as fo'Bows: "To the Elgin County Counci'1: " ,j' , "Geritlemen,--,-Ih op~n.ing the clo'sing'sessio'n of the year, I desire to refer t'Ci a few matters' that may' he oftnte-resi. ' "Fo-1l0win;g 'our, Special S\'ssion in September" the rec'eption to Sir Arthur ,Currie' and the-returned' soldiers ,of the'",County w~s'carried 'out, most-successfully, the ~day wa,s ideal, the arrange~,~nts p,erfe~t, . aitde~eryone was, Tam sure, PNudwH1h i~leway in whil:'h'the ,pe?ple of)he City an.d, County -responded iu'dDinghono,r to 'the great General and so 'many 'ofhi'shravemen. I attended the Fairs h.e,ldin' Aylmer, R6dney; and'W:alilacetown, and ,formaTly presented the" Certificates of Thanks -feir services. Th':ese .are',still,availabl'e arid rImy'he obtain'ed 'from the officers of the various Soldiers' . A~dComll'lL'lsi'ons of, the County. ' Victo.ry Loan "~The patriotic sentiment, of the people was in evidence during' $e_pasttlvre,e_we,eks, and I an1 glad to be able fosay thai Elg~n went over 'the top and is one of twelve, Counties in the Province that'is ent'itled to two crests on ,the Honor Flag,which will he presented durin:g thi~' sess'ion. I , , Good Roads By-L~w ,"The by"law j)'assed-,in> Ju'ly des1gnating inter..county connecting links a,nod other des'irablechang,~s' in our' County ,roads ~as been a-pprOved. The London road, No. 22, ,has been designated as a Provincial County or sixty p,ercent. 'road, an'd I, hope that in' the ()O Elgin County Council ----'---- near future Road, ~o. 17 fr01ll',T,albotvi1le to Iona will be placed in, the, same c1a:ss. "Wh'en this' is done: ,the formation of the Elgin County Road System wiU.be,c'ompleted. The work that is being done is producing results,a.nd I believe the policy in this Coun,ty of keeping. theroacl.s good- isgivin.g hetter satisfaction than 'that which is being wo,rk,ed' ,out elsewhere. County'Treasurer's Salary llThell~'rge County, Road expenditure and the individual ,Gh:eck system has so increased'the duties of {he County Trea'surer's office tihattheFil;1ance Committee sh'ciuld p.t {'Ms' sess,ion inquire into the matter aild recommend ,anihCf'e,ase in the Treasurer's salary. Navy ,Lea&ue 'ITheNavy League of Canadawi1l again appe~l' to you fo'ra grant .towards the very necessary campaign they a1"e carrying on. Las:tyear ,we made a substa'ntial cont,ribution towards this work The needs are apparently'as great as evera'nd ,in every '~ay worthy df .your co-nsider.ation. Elgin_ Patriotic Association "The annual meeting of the Elgin Patriotic Associatio.n has been called for Wednesda)j afternoon. Thi,s, will ,probably' be ,the .last rriee1tirtg ,oJ the Association which did so much to' orgahize the pa,trio'ti'c endeavor of the County during the, past five years. "We are greatly indebted to the officers who volunt.arUycatried 01'1 th}s'great w01:k so 'successfully; " liThe Council should arrange to attend the meeting in a body and express their, appreciation ofservi'cesrendered. Election "'Sinc"c ,our l'ast:rn~eting, the 'provincial election h~s be,enh~ld, and a~ a result ariew re'gime is in control of Provincial affairs.' Altho~gb .the ,1uenlbersof "the' Gov~rnment a're, without parliamentary , Elgin Cou'nty, Council experience, they"will soon, ,adapt themsdves and ,announce a policy in every way worthy of the banJ.1ef Province df this great Domini1on; "I am glad to congratulate 'Mr. McVicar, Reeve O'f Sbu-thDor.. c'hester, on his election for the Ea'st Riding, of the County, He will, I am :sulre; 'look' after" the, best' interes~ts of'his ccimstituentsa'nd ccintr,ibute ih ,~ci smal}' w'a~ to the d~li'berationsO'f the L~gis'lature." The' proceedings of the ]un1e Sessi.on and the SpecialSe'ssicins were read and confl:rmed. The foUowi~g communications were' read: From Dr. Ewen,"Physician, 'Hous'e of Industry, report.--->Re:f.er,!ed to House of Industry Committ'ee. Fro'ffi' J. :A. 'Be1>l, Counoiy Enginee~, with repo'rt.-Refened to Public Improvements Committe:e. ' From Depar-tmeht of Highways, re designati'on of Provincial Cou.nty::Road "No. 22-an'd a'pproval of By~La\vNo. 947.-RdeT'red to: County"-Roads Committee. From County Atldito.rs, with l'~po'rt, to g,()th Se'P'tembe'r.-Referred to Finance Committee. Fr;omN avy League of ,Canada,re gr-ant.---:Referred Committee. ' , Fr'om K. Aid Society. W. McKay, re representativ:e on Bcia-rd of'C;hildren's Moved, by' A., Ba'rons, Seconded 'l;w-Andrew' Mills: That. deputation from the Navy League'of Canada be 'noW heard. "' -Carried. :behalf of Lieutenan't , N av:y, League. Bird then addressed the Council"on On motion of' W; I-I. M'o'o're; Council adjourned until ren o'c1o'ck K: W. McKAY, County ,'Clerk. ser;onded,byO; McKenney, the Wednesday,moming. W. H. TURNER, Ward'en. ~_ 61 Elgin County Coun,c.i1 THIRD SESSION-SECOND DAY Wednesday,the?-,6th Noyember, 1919. ,The Elgin County Council. me't this day according to adjoU'rnmen,t. The: Warden in, the chak All thernr~hers present. The proceedings of the p,revious day were read andconfirrned. Mr. Wi1Hams g,ave noti~~of resolution hi. refer,enf".e to the streets Vienna. -. ' Mr. Patton gave notice- of resolutionreirnprovernen't of street in Dut,tonand .for 'grant of$l,OOQ. Mr. MeVicar gave notice of deputatiO'n from Ca'nadianMi1k 'p.roducts ,Co. Mr; McKenney gave.t;otice of application for grant re indigent. Moved by James, Todd, Seconded by W. H.-Mills: the Canadian' Milk 'That this' "'Council hear:'adeput,atiort, from pf'()duc:ts Company at twoo'c1ock oiY Thwrsday. --,--Carried. M'ove.d by H. W. ~:hotn'son, Seconded by W. 'E. Moore:. , That a committee compose-d-of-Messrs. Todd, McKenney" and St9-lkerheappointedto select a successor to K; W. McKay as County representative on the Ghild'ren'-s Aid' Soc~ety. . Elgin Coun'ty CouncH 63 In amendment: M.ovedby W., Stalker, ~econ,ded'by'W; A. Kelly: , That, Mess'rs; :McKenn,ey, Thomps'on, Paotto-n, ap,d theWardenb~ a committee t? report on represeu.ta1ti'Ve tOo Ohi1dreri'sAid Society. Mairt motion ca'rded, amendment 10'st; Moved by 0; McKenney; Se'conde:d by G.F.Wllliams: That this Council do n'ow adjourn, to meet with the Patriotic Associado'U at 2 ,p.m'.'and to me:e>tin 'Council-again at 3 p,.m, ~Ca-rrie-d. The' Council Resumed The 'rep'o'l";t of .the' Edu~ationCommiUee was presented arid adopte,d '0'n motio'n of Barons; seconded by Th'oms'on. ,On motion of W. Stalker,sec-onded"by W. adjouraed until 10 a.m. Thursday, morning~ A. 'Kelly, the 'Council K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. W. H. TURNER,_ Wa-rd:en. 64 Elgin County Council THIRD SESSION-THIRD DAY Thursday, the 27th November, 1919. The Elgin County Council met this day, -according , to adjournment'. The Warden in the chair. All the"members -present. , The proce~dings of the previous day were read and confirmed. Moved by 0/ McKen-n,ey, Seconded by J. Todd: That the Council visit the Holiseof Indu,stry this a:ftern:oon alS 'p.m. ' _Carried. Moyed by W. H. Mo'ore, . , ' Seconded by M,McVicar: That this Council do, noW adjourn, to,meet a:t 1 :30' p.m. , ......;..C~rried. The 'Council Resumed Pursuant to appointment, Mr. H.Mannell; of the Canadian M11k Products Company, add,ressed the Counci1andmade application for grant on town line road between No'r-th, and South Do'rchestef, and M1";McVkar-' gaye notice of applicationfo;r grant 01$-1,000' to he expended on the road. M'f. McTa'ggart'gave notice ofapp1i~a.tion for payment of expense of r~ilroad crossing gates, ~ut of Aylmer. The',report o'f the Public Improv,ements Committee was,presente-d and adopte:,d on motion of'}-I.G. McKillop, seconded by ,J: Todd. ~, The' report of- the County, Roads Committee was pr,esent;ed, and Counciladjou1'11ed until ten o'cfock Friday r:riorn~ng, W. H. TURNER. WanIen K. W. McKAY, County' Clerk. Elgin. Coull'ty Cou,ncil 65 THIRD. SESSION_FOURTH DAY Friday, the2,st'h NovemberI' 1919. The Elgin County Council met. this day" acco'rding to adjbtfrhllient. The Warden in the chai'r; hll the membets pre~'etH. . ' The Ptoce:edings of the previous day were r.ead and "cbti'.11rmed. On motion "of Todd, seconded by Stalk~r, the report of, the County'Roa,ds Committee was. adopted. The report of the House ,of Industry Commhtee was adopted on' motion" of McCallum, seconded: by M'iHs. Theteport of the Goal Committee"was aoopt'e,d on rhoti\=ln of Gtmhing, seconded by Dennis. The report of the LegalCammittee was presenb~d and re'fetred to th,e Comrn,ittee 'of ,the Whole, with M'r. '",rhoms-on in the chair. After adding clause 8 toth'e report theCcimmi,ttee ra'se and the. ',re'pott was adopted on motian o~ Thomson" second.;ed by McKe~ney., The repo'ttcif the Finance Cqmmittee'was presented anda-d-pp..ted ' by mot{.o-n .of McVica,r" seconded by Todd. Movedhy G. F.WiJH.ams; Seconded byW; H.Moare: That this Council pass a by-law to"designate as'.'Cal1nty>Roads those portions oJ the str,eets of the'Village-ofVieu1la that forma cannecting' link of -the roa,d between ,SttaffordviIle ahd' Port Burwell ftom the,S6uth County Bridge oinasouth:erly direction'includ'ing Water Streets and the"6ild plank .toad to the cOTpo'ration line. Also froin ,t:he, N'o-rth' County Bddge irl a, n'OrtherIy'direction an the line qf the. o,ldplan,k' raad ,to' limit o,f' corporation. . 0":', Elgin County,:c:oundl G In ame,ndment: Moved by Stalker, _Second~dby,I(elly : That 'the que'stion of designating vHlag,e stre,ets as County Roads- , be r~f<:;ri'edto the County Road Committee to confer with the High- , ways D\epa'rtment' and report at thi Januar:y,sessi'on. Amendment. canied on the following division: Yeas,....;-McTagg,a,rt, Hi1l; Todd, Mills, Mitlls, Gun'tl'ing;, McCallurn, Kendall" Kelly,' Stalker, McVicar---'l1. Nays-Barons, M'cKenneJ, "vViIHams, PaUeu;' McKillop, ,Moo:re, Den,mis, Thomson, ,Brumpton~9. Moved by; Wm:,PaUou', Seconded by McCallum: That the MunicipaHty of Dutton lie' grante:d the amount of $1,000 ,fo,r the construction ,of a section of toad w-ithi~the said municipality which)s :a continu.aHon .'bfthe County Roa,d No~ '16 extending 'nor,therly {,rom the rio,rth end of the exi'stingTa:rViapaveinent; \" The amount of ,$400 to be forwa'rdedby the ",Municipalityof Dutfon to the T;easurerof the: County of, Elgip. 'prior;' to', -the c'om-' mene-ementef the work. The mon-ey,to beexpen-ded 'under 'the S,upervisionof t:he Cdunty Road SU'p,erintendent in accordance with the reguhltions of,the Depa,rtrnent of :Public I:I.'i~hway~. -'-Lo;st. MQve,d by G. 'F-. "\i\TiHiams, Seconded by W. R.Gunning: T:hatthis, Coundl adjourn, ,:to 'meet to-morrow at ,10' a.m\ I _Carried. W. McKAY, Cour;ty- Clerk. W. H. ,TURNER. , Warden.: . Elgin County Council 67 THIRDSESf\ION-FIFTH DAY Saturd,ay; the 2,gth No'vember,"1~19~ T-he Elgin adjoutnment~ ~ccorditJ.g to Council met this day, County Th'eWardenin',the chaJr. All fh~ memb~rs pre~ent except M;essrs. Stalker and' T-homsqn. The proceedings of ,tre -previ~us, day' we,re -read and' confil'trH~d. M,oved by James To_dd, Secondedb:Y q. McKenney: >';Chat Daniel-Cattanacb- ,be' app'ointed County the Board pf the Children's AidSodety in pI,a'ce resiJtned. , Representative on of K. W. McKay,_ +Carri'ed. Movedb~M,oore" Seconded"by .McKenney': .Thatthe reporter-fo,r the Times-Jl?urnal"be 'for the efficient, manner he has repo'rted,t:he Coun'dl during ,the year. paid' fifteen do,}Iars pro'ceedings of, the -Ca',rded. I Mo,ved, by,]ames Todd, Seconcledby W: H. Mills: That the Warden appoiUlt a cormnlttee of three, including,himseH; to apply-to the, RailvimyBGla'rd for :better, freight rates' on grav;el shipped froni the CountY"p'it. -Carried~ ,The Warden 3:ppoin:ted Messrs. Todd an4 McVicar 'to act onthe .. ~o:lrimihee. " 6,8 :E.1~,i;l,1, ,CO,t1l,1,ty: CQ,\l,'l1,~,iJ Mov.ed by McTagga"rt, Seco,ttded by TO,dd: Tha.t. the Cl~,tk::qe," reque,sted to as,certai1;1 the attitude of the Departmefilt" of Highways,"i'u'.regard to the maintenance oJ 'gafes.3,t railway ctossings in the County, ' -.Gi:\'rried. Moved by McKillop, Seconded by I(elly: That' the Warden and Clerk inquire il,1,to conditiQus.o.f policy to proteet the, County frotl1 action'sfo.r da,magesin respect to County Ro:ads and take out a policy if -they deem it advis<\ble. _Carried; Moved by Kend~ll, Secou,ded by McKillop: That By-Law No. 948, to aut'ho-rize Wa'rden an,d Treasurer to' borrow one hundred thousand dollars, be receiv:~d agel, r~ada first time. ...,...(ax'J:ied. Moved by Kelly, "Secondedby'Stalker: That By-;-LawNo. 948 be read.a 'secQtl,d thlle. _Carried. Mov,ed b.y,.W.rn,. Patton, Seconded by McCallhrn: That By-Law No. 948 ;heread ,a third time ,and finally, p~ssed. -.+Cqtri~q. EJgin County, CO'Ul,1,ci'l Moved by James- Todd, Seco,nded by W. F(. Mills: That, By-Law No. 949, t6appbint a- Indl1stry, '?e tecdved and, read a first time. Physician to.Ho'use of --Carried. Moved by' Andrew Mills, Seconded ~y A.,-Barol).s: That By.;:Yaw No. 949 he Tead a seco~dtiine_ --'-Carried. Moved by-McTaggart, Secoll,de-d by ,Hill: That By-Law No.'949 he read a third t:ime,andfinally'pas.s:ed., --..Cal'ded~ Moved by A. Batons, ' Seconde,d hyAndrewMil'ls' That By-Law, No. '950,to grant aid:forimpl"ovement of\Middlesex. County Line between North arid South Dorchester, be recdved and re,ad,a first time. -Carried'. Mov.ed by W.H. Moore, Seconded, by Thos. Dennis: That By-Law No. 950 be read a second dme. -Carried. Moved "byG; F. Williams, ~9 70 Elgin Couhty Council Elgin"County'Council 71 Secondedhy W, R. Gunning: That BylLaw ,No. 950 be read 'a third .time and finally, passed. _Carried. REPORTS OF.COMMITTEES ANDOFFIC~RS 1919 STANDING COMMITTEES; ELGIN COUNTY COllNCIL ,M9ved by O.McKenney, , ,Gao.lCommittee William R. Gunning, Chairman Mes;srs._ Denlllisand' Mc~(e'n11'ey I , S~c-onde.d by Williams: Thalt a'g.rantof ,one hundred dollar's ,be pa:id~ to the Assodatio'n of the County to 'defray expenses for t~is yeR,r. Trustees' Public Improve-merit Committee ,Hugh C. Mcl{.i,110p,,~Ohairman Messrs. Stalker, Kenda.l1,i:',odd, McTa.gga+.t, :M'cVicar, Moore," Williams, 'ahd Hrufilpton ~Carri,ed. House'of'Indusfry Committee }ohn -A. McCallum, Chairman, Mess:rs.W. H.Mills and Hill Moved by McKillop, Seco,nd,ed by Kendall: Finance, Committee Makolni',McVica'r, Oha'irman Messrs. StalkerjTood,d,W.H.Mi1~s. M'oolre, McKenney, Williams, Barons,Pa.tton, and'Mt:KiUO'p That the thanks 'of this 'Cotmdl' he tendered, the Wa'rden for his extra s'e'rv.ices during the year" and that ,the' usuaL-grant of sevenlty-five dbllars be ,paid, to ,him. ' ' , ' -Carri.ed. Educ,ation Committee Arthur BarOns, '~hairtnan Messrs.. Kelly, Gunning" Todd, And;r'erw Mills, HiH Dennis, Patb.;)ll,and Thompson Moved by MillIs, Seconded by: Mi11s: That the Council do noW ,adjourn. _Carried. Petitions, and Legislation ,Committee William A." Kdly, Chairman Messrs. Kendall" McCal}Hm, an'd-A",Jy[ilis K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. W. H. TURNER, Ward,en. County Roads Committee , James ,Todd, Cha:-i<rman Messrs. Stalker,' KendaU,.andMcTa'ggart Legal Corillnit~t;;,e M. McVicarr, Clhailrmat1 Messrs. .James Todd"and ",w. H. ,T~rrier ,(Ward'en) TheWarden is ex~officio a memberof-all 'Standing, Comm:i~tees. :E~g{l1, Cot,1nl~Y ; Counoil '7:1 72 Ell?;i'rt Courtty ColiilpU EDUCATION CQlvllVIITTEE Jun(t Sessi()n To the Elgin County Coun~Hi Janu~ry, Sessidn Gentlemen,-The"Educa-tion Commi'Hee r(:!por~s': 1. That, comn111nicati-ons frotn theMinisb:~r of Educ~<tionre legislativC'_grant and Scho'ol AttendanceOffice;:rspe (1ec~ived,and filed. To the, Elgin C01\ti,ty ,.council: Gentlemen,~The,Ed'utation ,"Collltnibtee reports: 1., T'hat we approve of resolution frotn the Elgin' T'rustee's' Association" in reference tolegis.Jation for, app6in,tment of Truap.t Officers by townships being made compulsory, a'nd would recommend the appoitttment 'of a Truant' Office,r .fo'r the who.Je County, to be under the d:ire~tio'nof thePublicSc~ool I11Ispe'otors. 2. Tha\taccount o,f Till'sonb_urg High School for maintenance of County pu-pils, amounting to one hund,red and seven1y-six d-oHars an,J seventy-two cents ($17G.72), b~,paid on certiificateoJ ,the County C:lio:lrJ.<:.' 3. That the following accounts "be paid: 3. That the Warden <l'ppoint a depmta'Hon from this CoU:ndl to atten:d, annual meeting of Provincial Trustees' ~ssoc-iation. Municipal World,' stationery, Inspecto,rs, $3~50jMrs., Caughell, services as Truant Officer,; $5'2.00'"jM'f's. Caughell, exp,en'se's,$8L25; Inspec'tolr Smi~h, expenses,,$25S.64; InoSpdct'O'r Taylor, '6xpenses,'$94:.88. All of whi'ch is respectfully suh'mitrted. 2. That actdunt'from Ward;sville High Scho'0'l for maintenance pf County pupils be paid when certi,fied. by the- Clerk A. BARONS, Chairman. 4'. Thalt we recommend the appointme'ut of a special committee to confe:,rwith the Chief Inspector of Public Schools and apportion the sa.tary of Inspect,or Taylor:between the City an"d, (ounty, said committee to have pO''F~r to aot as requested by the De'puty Ministe'r of Educado'n. . St. Thomas, June 11th, 1919. November Session To the '~lgin ,County, CQuncil: 5. Tha;.,t in:.accordancewith resolution of the Elgin Trustees' Assoc'iatio'll, .we' -request the Education Depa'frtment to so ~mend their regula,ti-ons as 'to' relieve the, ruta'l trustees of the n<ecessity o'f conect- ing from teacihersthe mqnies fOf tq.e superan,nuation fund, and, that a copy, 'of this "recomtnendation be Jorwarded t'o othe1r' County Councils for,their co.;.o'pe'ration. Geri,tlemen.,-The Education Com111,ittee, reports that the ,following accounts be', paid: 6. That the following 'account':5be paid: J. C. Smith, Inspecto1r,. bravelli'ng expenses, $86;79; J. A. Taylor, Inspector" tra:vellbllg expens'es; $44;'90; Expres's Publishing House, printing, $4!.2g';':'Mhnicipal Wo'rld, priu.Hn,g and office file, $5.50. , All of which is respectfully ?ubmitted. Aylmer Express, $38.00; Ayh'ner Express, $36.00:; J.A~Taylor, $112.72; J.e. Smith, $3'00.09; El1terpris,e,Pb Burwell" $10.7;',1; Aylmer Express, $212,.00; Mr's. Caughell (West Eligin),$8~;:OO;Munic.ipal World, Limited, $29:1.14; Mrs. Cangh'Oll (East Elgin), $115.00. All of whiGh-is respedftilly submItted A. BARONS, Chairman. Novembel;_26, ,1~19. A. BARONS, Chairman. 31,st Janu'aty, 1919. 74 Elgin CoU:ntyC~)Uncil COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT Janua.ry Session t'1~e Elgin County CounCil': Gentlemen,-The foHowin.g is -a' stateme11'to.fAs-sets an&-LiabiH- '.'tie:s 'on tne 1st of january,1919: ASSETS Jan.lst. Cash/ ,on 'hand .......--.-.,----.----.-.---...-----,.-....--..'.---'..----'..."---... $ County of l\i1iddlesex ..____........---..........---....,-------.--.-----$ 273 26 Pro'v. of 'OnlL for" Co. Roads....".....,.--,..,.......--.....--...'.-.. 41375 00 ..P1;O,,?,- ,0f'Ont. fO'r Registry Fees.....--................,.........- 542 55 Br,pv. of. Ont., f'o,r Admn. of, Justice__....___..'.,.__,"..____.... 30'0,0 00 City ofSt. "Thotnas, Court 'Hous'e de'bentures--..,.. 8,56' ,86 Sundi:lies __..................___..___..'....,__....'.___'.___........'..........-...--.... 2'7'2 75 13885 56 46320 42 Excess of Liabi11ties ,over' Asse't'S..n__..___~..~m.....--.... $ 6020'5 98 16154 88 $ 76360 86 LIABILITIES Pu'blic' ,Schools m...um.____.._m'__:___~.----_..___--.--~.m..m....--.~"$ 1818 46 County BO'Md of 'Drade_ .____:'__..~.___.,_______..___...___..____..,.~ 40:3 12 Agricultural Representative, 'grant __.___..__,__~...____,.: 167659 B-iUs' Payable .__,,;,____,_..__....__m..._______..._._.,..--.--.---..-..__-....- 47,000"00 D'ebentur,e Levies ___...,_.__._._________..._.__.,.____.,_______.__,___,__-'-... 4406 42 Hous'e, 'o'f' ,In-dush'y ,__..._..__{.____...______m______'_____~__.___.___'-',--- 1994 16 Administra.ti'Qn of Justic'e ______.____._.'_,.._---..----...--.---.---__. 21181 70 C'o,unty 'Line~, .._____'.__,_.______..____...___...__.._,;.....:_..."_.....~.......---. 897 '60 , Cotln,ty, Roads , .m'__..___..:_.____'-_..,;..___...___~...--.-,-----.-.-.-...,.--- 6,860>-00 Co,. Grant to Villages, Good Roads_.___._.:__....___,__...____ 312;55 57 High Schoo'Is .......mn....n...-.mn..n.'..."...m....m.....'m...... 4500 00 Sund-ri,es ___".____...._,_.__.__..,___,;..___...,.___.'...._.'_..____..'.____...__n__.___ 1-367 24 . $ 76360 86 This de'ficit is due to the grant of $14,000.00 to:theNavy'League, and to ,the under estimate of the House of In-dustry"Members" Fees, and, JnterestacC'ounts. Elgin" County Copnc.il 75 It ~ill' be necessary fo'r theCouncil,to: pass ,a, 'py-law authorlzing the Warden a~d Treasurer to borrow $15'01,000 to,meetcurr>ent" expen,diture durinlg:the year until the' Courity Rate's, are paid in; . All oJ which is re,'spectfully s1ibmibted. B. B. GRAHAM, County Tre,aosure'r. 29th 'January, ,1919. June Sessipn To 1!he War~,en\ andCoundl: Gen1Jemen,~ 1. J 'endo,se ,herewith abStract ,statemen:t s'ho;,wing"Re:Ceipts atid 'Expe.n,d:i;tures of the County" from'the 1st of January to,- 31st ~ay,' also estimat'es showing the amounts required' to, b~ raised', :fo;r County purposes during:1919. ' 2. Note's of the Wa,rden an,d' T,r,easul1er amounting to s,eyerty.." nin<e fhousan-d ,dolla-rshave been'issuedunder aut11O'rity o.f by-l~vl passed at the January_ Session, audit' will be necessar'Y.~t this Se~'sj:on topass',ab'y.;.law' atl't,hoi;izin.g the borrowing of 'af least twemty';five thousanadollars ($25,0-00) to meet current expend:itures duridg the b~lance of 'the' y;ear. 3. The number of lots eligible to' be 'sold forar:re-a't:s, of taxe's" this year is not large, and,J"w'oulcl recommend't'hata"hy-'law"bepassed. to defe'r -the sale for one' yea'r. All of which is re,spectfuly submitted. B;- :8; 'GRAHAM"Coul1itYI Treasurer; St. Thomas, June 12th, 1919. TofueWa-rden and Council: Gentlemen,-:-I have the 'hon~or .to- submit for your consid,e-tation the estimates 'f.or, the year 1919. These estimates ate sixt'jr-seven thousand 'four hundred' an'd'sixty.;.fout-dollars,($67,464) 'les~ than,las,t 76 Elgin 'Coun'ty,' Coilficil year, due. 'booU'! grateful r'i;~1iel f,rom some of our war burdens, and are as foHows: AdmiJ1.istr-aJtion of J ustice ._".....m.._......~~..._._.,.."_..._....~.$ 50,00' 00- County, 'Lin:es _m'__.__"...~__,..____....___...__.._..........--.--.,.-..-...~_.-,.. 600-0' 0'0 H'ous'e 'of ,Industry .....__......__.:..___;'....____._..........'.......__..... 9000 00 High Schools .........................____..................................... 12000 00 Public, Schools ._......._::._...__.___.._...__..._.__.".___'_,..__.,__..__~..d.' 13'2:50,OO' Of;fice-rs' Sa.lari,es ................_.......__..................--...:...';...... 3500' 00', ,Members: Wages' ,..___._____u..__....___..______.__.....__'..___.'.._.___.__ 400.0. 00 Court House Commi~sion _______m__.......__..__......'...'...__.... 1,50'00 00 By-Law N 0'. 759....,....._......_......_..___.....,._..___.....$2'26-800 By-Law No... 769'___.......___................................ 1264 00 By-Law No. 859...__..................-.................---. 1592 00 5124 00 Lute rest .'_..~.-'..__.....'..".n---. ...,.___...___ "_..__..._.._,...__.._'.._,____._.____'___~ SHOO 'O"Q ~~~~:;;rn~::e __::<:::'::::..:::::::::::::.:::~.::::::::::::::::::::::.::"::: 4:~~ ~~, County:Roads and UrbanGrants'....~..--.....---.--......--.. 70'0'0'00 0'0 Deficit; 191-8 ..__...__....__.......,..._.....:.......,.....'__...__.__...__...-..---.. 1800-0,00 Salvat-i'on, A,rm'y ,...,_.....................__........_.....,_.__.....__..__.__.~. 10000'" ,0'0' $185269 00 Rate~...,...~..,......:..._r.......,__.._____~7%O -Mills These estimates do not -provide. for grants'urade'a't pr-esent Se'ssion. All'b~which is r,espect'ftily submitted. B. B. GRAHAM, County Treasurer. June 12th, 1919. 'Receipts and -Expenditures,lVlay, 1919 RECEIPTS . Balari'ce Jan. 1st .--.~........--.....--............,-.'.--....--......--,..----.. BHls Payable .....--.--............----...--.....---...,--....--...--..--.-----$ C)oun ty ,Lines ..........,...,.__.,..._...'__........,...__...,...._....__......;c.~.,.>-., Arrears o'f 'Taxes ...--.,............--..........-.--,.'....'....-->-.---.'.... Mis,c'e lla n e'o us "......--~~..........--,...,.......~.--'.,...........-. ......,.-..'...... Adm1n:istration of J listice ..---.........--...-~..................--.., May Tota-I $ 13SS5 56 8000'00 79000 00 331 35 1876 18 2121 12 1462 84 116033, 127119 ,EIginC6lifiitY CottncH Public' Scho,ols ...............,.:.-.-..',.',.'.'",.,,,..,__'..'..;...'.'..'..,,".-.'.'..,'....... C'oun ty "R'o.ads __..._.__........___.,.~--.,........-...........,__"...--.......... Intere'st ........._......,_.;.'_..',',........;....'......,.'...;__,..........,..;........."':.,._.;... H'oUose of' 'Industr;f- .__'"....................'..___......_.,.__:_..~..._..'"... M'ay Receipts Total Receipts ---..----,---.--.--.----..'"......---.,.....----.............,...$ ....................................-..........,...........,.,..... EXPENDITURES Administration of, Justice ......_.._.___..,..,.___.____..._............$ Bills Paya ble ,--..,..__....________......"...,..._"...."...,..,..,.'_...,_.____._'''',.' In tere'st ..........__..___.....__...........nn__......._.......__.....__....__'...,__.. PilMic :S'ohoo-ls ...........____..___.,...___.;.....,......,~.....,.,....__..,...". ~ ~:::y 'oii~:~ 11 ~.~~~..~~~~:,~::~~~~~::::~~::~::~~~~:~:::::~:::'::::::::::~~~~: De'ben.ttLf\es' and Coupons ......'..,."..,.......,~,.,.,....;.__....,__.~,.. A,rrears of Taxes ._____.__,~__.',....._...__.__...,..........u....,....._......n M em'bers' .W'JJges ,.._..:..___...~-...---..........-....~.-..-.-.....-.....".m...,. ~f'in;bilng ',,' a'ild'Sta:tibh'ery ..__.."..._..___,._....~---..__..------..~--. Care, . qf B'1iil'dinlgs" .,..__....__....,....,;............................_.....;...., County. ',R6adis'- ______...,.__.,....__.__................:.:........".............. Mis'cefla.n'e'd'tLs ...,;..._.._....____..-"......,....,_........................:'...:..,,-. .Walei:' and Light ____~_--...........--........,.-.__....---....--.--...".------, Reg1stry, "0 fiic'e ,....".__.-------------....__.___....:........_____________...___ High ',5 cho'oliis ...............~...~~..........,.....-......----...~...... .........~~ (j'flic-ets: ,Sala;tie'g' .__........._...,.,_...........;.................,......,..... May, Expend:ilure:s ,.__....,.....,..._.......,~...;..........._.._.,__....__.:$ Total 'Expenditli,res __.....__............,-----..._....~,_.,.....___..____. Balance ._____,.'.,____.......,....;..,.......,.._............,.....................__.. Ba'u,k, ':B ala:nce" ....'......__...,...............-..."...............:.....,......__..,$, Cash in Office' ....."..........,....".....~_'.......'..,..____........o.'....__.__.... . r',"-' $ Less ,C,heques Out ____...........___.__...__....':'"__......................__. 1S 20 2-,33 46 77 13'0 00 11S 20 13'1,58 810 71 9o-S8 n $ 99~6255 231 l'2-{) 812- 178 00' 1~27 27 3300'1 10 06 188 15 ~50'1 49 158 '35 39' $' 60'53 28 470'QO 00 287 70 2635 '45 4S72 43 957 30 2814 44' 1596 13 '1403 25 413 78 632 4S 20854.84 ,,2-71'9415 98 0'5 129 59 3249 11 850 '00 8944 53 $ 98367 08 2895 47 $ 99282 55 2607 9S '64~53 3'250 51 355, ,04 $ 2895 41 B~B. GRAHAIM"Odurity Tfeais1.1rer. 78, Elgin < County Council November 'Session f,o,r Gentlemen,--...:.I have the, honor to your inf6rmati?11: Council of the County of Elgin: submit the following s>taltements . . r To the' Wa'rd.en and 1. J'he- e,~t.iIi1ates 'Of $186,1-'0:6..00 wiiH,he quite ample to;, meet' the cur.rent expe11lditures of the year, as t'he accompau!ying statement shqws: ~~1?enditure's for the Year 1919tb d'at'e--'- N o,tes'Ou.' MOn'lsons, Bank ...___."____.;:...__..,._..___.~.__..._....n:.".--..-,.c..------:$1740001 00 Ov-erdraft",;' ..'.__'.._,__."_...__._.._...._~_...____....._,_.'____..__..;__..:_..--......----..--..--...-....-- 3,60-0'0' 00 ''Esti1:na~ed: expenditure for ,balance ~919, Grant'to"Urban MunidpaHties .._._____...m.....________.'....'._____..._....'.__..___ Administration' oaf" Justice ,...__.._....._______.__.____..____..__..._...._.,u__....nn.m H'ous,e -'of ,1 ndustry, .___..u_.___...n..___..___.._____,__".____~__..____.~____,.--,..,...~.__..--- High . Scho:Qls ,.__.___...__c____..__....m___..____.___..__...__'___.m____.____.___...m..m.-__ Public Sch-oO'los' __...__..___..__....n..._"____.__."'..'.n.___.._'__..____.__~n___.'..n....__.__...._ Officer-s' ,Sala,ries and Members' Wages..._._.._I...~,__...____,.___.._.__...._A." ~ nt e ~ e'st, un ',.'__ ......" .:.___...,... .n_,.nn __,'..__....____._ n ,__"'__""___'''u' .".--..-------.---- p ehenture' Ra'tes ,__..._.....n.,......____.,n...'n..---....n...,n..-------',u:.Cn.n--..--...----. Mis'cellaneous ',Gra11lts",etc. m...n.._...___..__...___.--....__~~--__...__._,.__..___.... '-for County ,Roads and o,ther,unf'ureseeri"'e:ip-ense~~..----...._--... County' Rates, and other, Recd'p;ts' __..___..__...._...-...._.$18610,6' 00 Pro'9indal Aid to' 'Good Roads ......__...._.~_____..m..____ 7'50Q{)I'OO , $26110& 00 $261106 00 6600'00 3000.00 3000 00 10000' 00 9000 ..00 1900 00 40'00' 00 2800 00 3000 00 7:80600, 2. It will be necess,a;ry to passa by-law autho,r,izingthe Warden arid TteasU'rel~ tlQ ,borrow $100;O~,03)iO to ena,ble the County~o' carry thedove'rnment',s sha,re o,f go~d roa,ds, e~pe~diture un~il,such time asrtheProvin,Cia.l Treasurerreiniits s'ame. All o'fwhich is respec:tfuly subm~trted,. B. B. GRAHAM, Count-x Tre.a'sure~. Sf: Thomas, N'ov.25th,,1919. Elgin Coun1y' Council 79 FINANCE COMMITTEE J~nuary See:;sio;n To the; Elgin County COlu~cn: Gentlemen,-TheFinance Committee' reports: L Tnat we have consid'ered <Rppl:ication,receive.d fpr grant ~owards the work .'the Salvation: Army is doirig in Cionnectii'on with the ,'de~lO'bilizatjon of the army,and- would ,recommend that fifit'eeri' .-tho,u's-and ,dolla:rs $15,000) be appropriaJted for tha-t' purpose. (R,educedinComilliHee ,of the W;'~ole to '$lO,OQ'O.) 2. l1hat'. a gran.t of fif'ty, -dollars be made to- the E'1gin Law Libfia'ry Ass'ociation: " 3. T'hat the Sick Children's Hospital,.. .To.r0'rt-to, be granted the' sum of t;mc ,hundrei:! d'ollars. 4. ThGl,t a by:..law,'be ,pctS'sed to authO'rize the' Wa,r,den ahq Treasurer to bo'rrow the 'sum of onehuridted'" a:nd fifty thotisand dollalrs ($150,000)" -to meet curr'e'ntexpen"ses 'i.mtil the,.' County . Rates are paid - in. 5. That the recedpt fi'om the M.o-lsonsBan.k for Tre.as'J.T'er's bond, be, accepted 'an'd, filed. 6. That the repo.rt of CountY' 'Police' Magistratte be ,received ahd printed in ,the minutes. 7. Thart,ten-ders fUTprinting ,be req'ues:tedfrom the 11,ewsp'apcr o'ffices at, Rodney, West Lorne" Dutton, a~dAylmer"andthat 'the Warden an~ ChCl-irman have1 authorilty to open tenders' and' awa'rd~ contract. ' S.That ,the sutti"'of five hundred ddlla'rs ($'5010) be 'placed in hands of-the'vVa'rden to enahle ,h~m {o as'sist in reception-of returrting'so1d.-iers d'rprovide re.Hefaspaybe> foun,d nec-es'sa-ry; ,9. That the 'salary. of the Co unity ,Aud~t'or's be' one hund,red 'dollars ($100) each. 80 ICl&ill C9"1l\r C91l11Cil M. Me VICAR, C4~i,m~n. 31st }anuary,1919. JI1\l~S~$$iQ,n To the Elgin, c.ounty' Council: Gentlerri.en,~The Fin,ance Committee reponts: 1. With refer,ence to application of NavY:L~,a:glil;: fQr ,grant, that no action be taken. ' Y. M, C. A. Rod 2. ,With ,refe-rence'to the ,application o,f dre Triangle: ,Fund for grant, that n,b action. be taken. 3. 'W~th reference to ap'p1ication of the Lad.es' A\J.x.iHaxy, G. W. y. 4.., Aylmer, for grant, that no actiohbe taKen. 4. That:the G. W.V. A.i:St. Thomas,be grahted the sum of two hundred"dolla.~s ($-2-00-) 'to pay the rent of rooms. 5. That <:t- py-lawbe 'Pa~se'c1 'to,prQvid,e for clO'pi-ng th~qo\J.nity R~wi!3try Office ()~ ;;a,t~t:dlay afternO'()n!3~ 61. That we recommend the purchase of ,I a book typewriter and an o.rc1ina,ry typewriter' for the~egistry Qffic,e. I ,7. That the grant to the A!;ricultural Fair, Association of t~~ C;:ountybetwenty pe'r ceno1:. of the' Government gJ'lant. 8~ That" we' have consider,ed the applkation f.rpin the llplstJ'::~n . E.:lpip. COUnity 'CQunc,n 81 :ijr~~Qers,'1\g,so9iatip!1 <l~d' w0111d recomrtnend th~t this C()uncir gr~l},t twe..ntyp~r cenit. of the Government grllnt tOt:l,U' Pure Bred Breed'et!'~ Sale: .t\s'sqc-iath:ms of the: County., 9. 'That accoun,ts received f,rom the', Lond-on Health Association f.or the mail1tenanceof patiertts to the:'Byro,n Sa1nitotiumj a11lQunting to $492; he 'paid,and that the Sanitorium aurt'h'OriH,e's be ,notified, tio charge the ,municipalities of the Coun,ty at the r~teof-on'e d<;>Uarpe'r ,day for indigent patients for one year.f1"ol11 th,e: 2(lth J1,11y, an4that the County pay fifty pet cent. of the amount paid by the 'local municipalities. 10. That the 'annual membenh-i'p fee to the On:ta-rio, Municipal" Associa.tion be p;lid and that the W~rd'e:R app-oirut a <1e'pl1t:a#on -to R\ttend,annual,meeiHp:g. ' 11. That no action be taken iil l'eferente to.invhaJti.on frptl1 the Municipal Electric Assodation inviting ,the Cpun.cil to meet with ;tthemat -Niagara Fa'Us. l:a;, That' a by-law he p,assed :to atlthQrize the"W&rdenand' Trea'5urerto, borrow the sum or twentYNfive ihousa'rtd doUa-irs. 13. That' a ,by-law be passed t'O ex,tend the time fprh()lding t~~ ,sale fo,r on.e 'year. 14. That ,the-Auditor6' 'R'ePo,rtpe adopte,d-; 15. That o'rd~rssigned by \the Warden 'andCle'rk' pE::tween sessions 'of the CouncH be 'paid ,by' the Trea6urer and repa-I',bed. to the FihanceCQmmiHee at the first session of theCounci1,th~r~aftet. 16. ,ThM the following acC'oU11.ts' 'be, paid: C"hildren'sAid Society,St.Th-oma's, $11'5;2,5; Aylmer Expre'$s', pr!ptip'g Auditors' ,Repo't'.t, ,$9'9.0Q':1v.\unicipal Wotld, p:r;ifl,t'Ihg, CC)l1.nty Tr~as'J $45.84;Vticto'daHo1TI;e forlncurahles,$110.09; AJexap.dria~n4U's:ti. ri~l, School; $3JL30; DuHon Advance, printinl!' $8.OiQ;R.; M~Lach1i'll, sta:tionery; County. Treasure-r, $8.00; R. McLachlin, statJoh'e'l;y,' Regls.. trar, $4.75; Municipal World, statione~y, Registrar, $138.75; Municipal Elgin County Council ,.Wor.ld-, stationery;" County Clerk,$8~20';' Mun,icipa'l Wo'rld; stationery, Div. COUflt; Aylmer, $2,6.00; R.McLa'c'hH.n, statio-ne'ry, ,County Clerk,' ~8.65; R. McLathlin, stationery, J. A.Bell, ~2.3'5; K We, McKal" p09t~ge' -account,$16;70.i' ' AH of whiCh is respectfully'submittes!. M, McVICAR, Chairman. SL ,Thomas. Jun,e' 'l3th. 1919.' June Session~Second Report ';'To the Warden and Coun'~i1'cif theCoun'ty of Elgin: Ge'11Jneinen,-~-Th~ COiUmittee on Fimi.nce beg leave to repol't that, 'having ex.a~ined into ithefi'nances of the- County and-' the e,stimate,s, pi:e:pa'red by the, County, Treasurer, they herewith ,submit a' s'tatement ''of the "ex.pen.ditur'e t'equired fortheb,wful ',purposes ofothe County dU:14ing 1919"showing the amouu't required: to be raised for_the uu'der- Inention'ed purposes:. . Administration o~ Jus1tice ~_..'n......'~..,_-.'-..n.,-...;.---.n..~--..''''u.,-.,~-~.--..$. ,50'0.0,,000 ~Io;~:?, ~i~~d:~~yB ~i~.~~..:::::::::::~::::=:::::::::::'.:::::::=:::::::::::::':: 1~~~~ ~~ . High Schools ...........m....'...,..;::....................m.........:'......m....m:m.... 12000 00 Pub1:ic School'S- ......_..n_......_._..,__u._n.m'..___"'n.m..__..'_~:...-__.___"u;____.n."___.u.. 132:5.0 no Officer's'" Salarie~ ._..___.m____....n.._u._..n...______m.n..'___._'._____n.___.....m.___. 35-0-0' .00 Membe.rs' 'Wages ___.__..n:.....'_.n..n......._.__n.____._...'n_n.._.._...n.__..___n...n.'.. 4000, 00 Co'urt 'House Commission _.n.u._:..._._.....n....._.nn._~~.___.____.._.n.~n_....._ 15000 00 Debentures-..- By-Law 759 .....m................m..m.......'....m.m;....m..~ By-Law 769 .m.........m......................,...... By:"Law' 81i9' .___....-._n..n..__nn.__.____..'..n.____n'.__._".__u__. 226S 00 1264 00 1\59~ 00' Interest n..n.. ..._..n._n.... .__:,_~..__,._.... ___..n._n_'_.n__...n_~.__.__. ..... '._._.n Refi'stry' O#ice __...n_n,.,__...n..-.n...n.---..n....n'n'-,.n.--...,nn ,M'i:s,cella1}eo:us .n.'.n.'n.........n,...n-.--r--....-----.n...--.......n....--n...__.n'_'''._,,-' g~~~i:'. ..~9i~d~.n::=:::::'::.:":.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::'.::::::::::::::::::::::'::::::: Salvation "Army .Grarut' ._...._...__.-n..'..---,,-c...,..--...---_...mn..,....-- Gra'ut ,Urban M,ullidpalit'ies, n.~~_.m_~......_..._...;_",.--.u~,.--...-..-_- 5124 00 3000 00 800.00 9331 00 75000 00 18000' 00 10000 00 7101 00 $18610'6 00 Elgin Coun1ty Council 83 . Your, Comm'iUee' would recommend that t'he sum' of one hundred and eighty-'six .thoqsand one hundre,~and,six d'oHa,!s be raised 'on all the rateablep.roperty in the several municipaHtie,s_ of the , County of EIgin'ddring the J'ear 191 9 'for County purposes, and that ,a rateaf eightinil1s ant-he dollar be levied on ra'te,ahlep'roperty-.in the several muu1icipalities in the County tn raise saidamouM'S;', All of which, is re:spectfully, s-ubn;litted: AdoPte,d June 14, 1919~ M. McVICAR, Cha.;rmaf1. N ovemberS'ession To the, Elgin County Council: , Geu,tlem:en,-,-T'heFinance CommittE;e reports: 1. That account from the Ama'Sa Wo'o'c;1 HospIt.al for mainti:m~ ance oLAnd.rew Smith for twenity (20) d'aylS in 1918,amountiti.g,t-q $25.00, be paid. '. '2. 't'hat IUO actio'n be taker{ in reference to applicat+qn' froni',the Navy League ofCami.da for-t'he grant. 3. That the Children's' Aid Society of the. County be gr-al)ted,the sum' of ,$400.0'0. 4.T,hat at a request of the Society, th'eTateforthemaiI~tei1arice of County children in' th'e Sh'elter' be increased' from '$?~50: to' $3;50 per week.' 5.' That a ,by..law, he,passed to aut'hprize theWardeh'and Trei's.:. > urer to bO'1'row$100,OOO tOo enable ,t-he:Tr~asurer ,to carryover the percentage of CO,unty Road'"ex.penditure, payahle by t'.he ,Province. 6., Tl-{~t ,a by-law be passed ~rantin'g$500.0'O' to:be"e'xpcnd'edon the. Dorchester, County line from, lot ,12' to 'lot, '24, ,:,pr'Ovi.Je-dthe Councils of the County of' Middlesex and th'e To''wn,ships- of North' ~outh Dorc'heste,r gra'ntequalamounts, and that-the Canadia,n 84 Elgin, Co'un'ty Council Milk p'r'cld1.'1;<.:ls Company grants th'e stImdf '$',i,oo();OO 'for_the same' purp'ose. 1~hee::{'p'enditureo.f, the tnoh~Y to be in 'charge o:fth;e Re:'ev'es ofNcYrth and South Dorchester. 7. That' 'th'e fol1owingad:ounls ,be"paid: Children's Aid Sodety, account for maintenance of childr'en; $213.93; for 'exp~ns'e's 'of irivestig1ations. '$17.45; The Municipal World, fo.r books, etc., Registry Office, $177.25; Township ,of Yarmouth, to'l1vey,ancc,Hou'se of , ,Industry inmate_s; $4.00; Alexandria'In:du-strial School; ,$34.04; Municipal World, for County Clerk's 'office, $2.40,; Rodll'eyMercury, printing,- $12.00;- Aylroe'f Ex:'pre'ss, f,orms, Div. Court Clerk, $17.00; Towtlshipof M,a,l'a'hide, conveyance indiget1,t lunatiC's to asylum, $18.,00; A.-dvance, Dutton, printing,> $39.00; "Muni- cipal' Wo,rld, supplies for Treas'nrer,$31.28; Province of Ontario, ,conveyance of pris'oners to reformatories, etc'.,$80.48; K. W. McRay; . postage, $11.00" 8; 'Inaccordatice :With insttuctions pa'ss;ed ,at ,t'he, Ju-ne Session, the fol1o,w,in:ga'cc'onnts have heen received fO'rthe :ma1:ntena'i1d~ '()f patieUlbs"a1j; the B1ro~ Sanitarium. We recommend that 'they ,be paid,; V.illageof P,o'rtStanley, $103;'0:0.; Village of DuHon, $61.'50. , Allof..whkh is re'spectfuUy submitted. M. McVICAR, 'Chairrilan,. 28th 'November, 1919. Elgil1 COUll'tyCO~l11Cn 85 COUNTY ENGINEER'S REPORT I J anU:ary: Session To ,the Warden and Council of the County. of Elgin: Gentlemen,---'-I have nothing new to report, as to the County bridges this year. As far as I kl1lo-wthere wi11be no new bridges to construct. We have a large nUrhber of s;teel bridges with W'oodeh floors -that' r'equire attention. It is almost impossible to ,get plal}k to cover t,hose bridge floors, and some substitute must he' provided'. The quesitionof usingcreo'sote woo'den block to ,itake:t!J.'e place of Plank is su,ggested an-d we have on~-Jridge n'ow covered in that wa,y. Creosote: block mak~s a very satisfactory fl.oo't and is 'light enough ~;o be us'cd hn most of these brid'ges, while concrete is, prohibhive, on account of its weight. There are other means used to improv,e the life of wooden floors. 'One is the use of bitumen and 'gravel mixed. This is spread over the plard( floor and iri.'suresa longer, IHe time to't,he'wooden,floo1':' It mig)Jtbe w~ll to experi.mel1t to som'e extc-nt with this, mate'l'ial. I may say that I am glVl11g this matter my best consideraHotl, , and: will recol~lmend' to your C9mmitte~ al1ytiew mated,al that is recon1mended for .this pllfpo'se. All of which" is re,spectfulIy, submitted. JAS. A. BELL, Coun'ty Engine'er. St. Thomas, J anua:ty' 29th, '1919. June, Session To the W,arden and, Counc}l of 'the' County of Elgin: ' GentIcmen,-I. beg to submhthe' following report: T,he spring floods ,did'll'otcause very' 'much injury to the Coun1ty bridges, eX'ceptiri ,the' ca\Se oif the )?o1't Bruce -bridge; A, diyersiono,f the water, causedhy the formaHo'n of' an ,island .in the creek, ,caused the north abutment, of the . Port Brouc:~'briQ.ge (()be undermined so much that it is ,sagging ~owards the'creek, and on th~ Elgin, Comity Council n.orth' spa.n the '~hords of thepridge have' become buckled. t'am tcildng action to have this ,abutment repaired. To ,do this work it is f).ece,ssary to put in a cofferdam and dump the w~tet out which will be, a 'matter of considerable expe3se. ' Tl1e Port Bruce bridge' will also require a,n-ew'floor, .and consider- able new joig,ting, Some of the mater:ialfor 'this I had purchased lastyea:rarid J,hav:e- men now afworkdoin--g these repair's. The north appr'oach of the McIntosh bridg<e over the River 'T'hames will require to be~built It'hisyear, and ~hile -we are doing this work Lthink'it would he well for the County to constnict a new .flo'or on this bridge of creosote block; however, ~ am nut at aHsure tha,t we can get the material at a reasonable price. If we cannot, t~en 'we could 'c~rry this work over for another yea~. ' The matter of' getti~g material for floors for the bridg.es is becoming'more,difficult,and expensive every ,year, and Hoi's necessary that some' 'su'bstitute be found to'take the place of plank. In a great many of oUf bl~.idiges whil;:h were con.structed years agO 'they are not 'Sltrong, e,n,ough t9-be:ar a"concrete floor. A floor composed of 'wo'od;en block laid oncl'e'0'soted plank makes a floor which gives very good results. W,e "have, such a floor ,on the Wardsvillebridge which has ~e~ri 611, tl1ree years and -is sa>tisfactoryin every way. The'. west abptment of the Port Stah1ey bridge is s,till sagging toward the creek and may atarry time becOlpe d,a,rigero,us. Neg'Ot1a- tionswith the Governmen1t to.yards imp:roving the entran.ceto the harbor above the bridge have been in' pro:g'res,ssinceyour last meeting 'and, I believeN. S. Corndl:your re'present~tive in charge of this matte:T, has 'the assurance of the, Mi,nister that 'ih~ Government will do 'something so that fishing craf,t andsmit1 boats will-be able to pa"ss up the creek. Until this matter is fill'allyset'tled, plan'-s' for the improvement of, the' bridge cannot be gone on with. I understand the Government arereluctq,nt ,~obuild a swing, or Iik bridge on account ~f the continual expense of ope-rating the, same, and -suggest the 'raising of the present bridge about five feet. This would permit fishing 'ves'selsto pass under with' a hinged smokestack. If thh 'we:re done,lthe 'structure would 'hav-e,'to be carried acro,ss the-London ,and Po,rt' Stan1ey and a trestle of e-ith~r steel or concrete with a long a:ppr,oach ,on the west side. Plans will be submitted'to you 'fO'T thi's Elgin County 'Council construction.. n this scheme were carried out, the approaches wduldhavet~ be purchased; some land adjoining All of whach'isrespectfully submitted. JAS~ A. BELL, County Engineer. St. Thomas, Ont., June 9th, 1919. , JlI;ly Session To theWaI"den and:Coundl o.f the County of Elgin: Ge'11'tlemen,--,- Re Port Bruce Bridge In my report to your'~C(rundl,atthe Jun~ session, I wa's 'un'der the impression that the building of a cdffe:r-dam, at this place would enable met~ underpil;1 the' ah'ntment soas t.orender it safe; howev,e'l", I fi~d that afiter I 'had -the co;fferdambuil,t and pumped out; tha't the a!butment' was so seriol1.sly nndermined and 'that' there was, ,so i'nuc:h s'o'ft d,eposit under it that it would be impossible to' mak'ea proper job of repairimg thea,bU1:ment. I the-re:6o-reha,d t,he earth taken away from the hack'of the, abutment, t,hus relieving the pressui:e', and an approach made, to the bridge, thus keeping it' open for public travel. ' I was under the impression that I couI'd sej:ure one'o:ft'he long scows used by the C0'n,tractor at P'Oort Stan1ey to make a tel11polra-ry bridge,put I find that this is impossible. I w-ould not like, to recommend'ther1J.nn'irig of a ,sho,rt SCQW for the purpose of carrying over pass'engers. I think the risk to,o, great transp'0'rtingaut01110biIes , in 'this way. The only other way ofkeepin'g traffic op'en i's t~, build a;:'temporary bfidgeacross the creek by driving pile bents. The,cost of this' would b-e abbut~ $~1,OOO. By using Stan',dardizedLumber,a, goo'd deal o,f this material could heused'a,gain in the repairing of County bridge-s~ , ,It Is absolutely necessary that the pres-eu.t abutment be t,aken,;, out completely and piles driven,forthefoundathn fo'r the new abu.tment~ 87 8' ElginCourtty C9t+ul;il -"-- There is ~QPt\t sevell feet of soft material beneath the present aQ@tc nient' before "firmer material is enc,ountered. Under _these drcumstauC'€S I 'did n'ot feel ,lik.e going 0:0. and oO:111ploeting the work without youra.dvice. All of ,which is respectfully submitted. JAS. A. BELL, County Engineer. Sot. Thomas, Ont., July 29th, 1919., November 'Session To the Warden and Council' of the County o,fElgin: Gen'tlemen.-I beg to submit the'followingrepo'rt ,on the: work done on the Courttybr.idges,since:,your last meeting: , Port StMley 13ridg. AstepoTted upon'befo're, ,the west : abutment of this :bfidgeha,s beeh slowlys'h0ving towards the' creek. lu'orderto'reHeve 'fhe pre,ssute',of the earth back of the abutment, I had ten I-beams; thirty feet long, placed in the approach, and 'also 'a 'bent steel rail- placed :arO'undthc abutment al1d anchored to the wing walls. This has had the ,e-trect of stopping th~thru'st O'f the abut:mert1t towa'rd,s the creek. The cost oJ this work a,nd material amounted to $927.25. ii' 'port Bruce ',Bridge The repl:;lcin,g of the north abutmenit of this bridge-has been 'cort1p1eted, ,the temporary bridge ha.s -been torn down and lu-mber' placed,on-, aloo.t, for'frtture' use. The worlena". on this bridge was pntting on )l new i1oo-r ~;>:"d ta.kiu'gd,own -t-he' nbhh a:butmen-t an;'d replacin.g in with:i~,.ewCoJJ,crete abutine'nt. I found it neces'sary to drive thil:ty_sevenildditionalpiles und,er the new' abutment. The, amountexpertded a,t this place is nlo-r,e -than usual for a j6bo\f this ,1d11'd;,aslt was ne5:essary to build :ElgIn COt1utyGofiticil 89 a'temporary' bridge the construction. oVer the"creek,;to'atcommodate the traffic during The cost of the work was as follows: ~e~plankin;g ,the hri-dg:e' .___.,____.___,...,......'C.hh......__Lh.....h_.'...................;$ Building 't'he temporary'bridge___..___..........,.h_................................ 1.'akirt:g down andre-building. abutmetit _ ..C___'___....h....______..,_;....__.. Total _,"-_....__......___....____ 632 7S 995 00 2S85 31 ..,.___.________..___..oo______C___...o.___o___$ 4513 09, -The material on hand w~~id be fttlIyworth $,1000.0-0 The Robbins' Bridge The flo,or of thi,s bridge wasrep'aired at a cost of $67.80.. The I bridge .over theOttet betv,reen this County and. No<tfolk,n'ea'r!illson:' burg Junction, was repaired ,at a cost of $44.64, one-half being paid by this Coun,ty. AU .of whkhis respectfully subirt:itte,d'. J.A~ BELL, County Engineer. November, 1919. 90 Elgin County Council. --"'"-- PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE January ,Session To th'e War-d,enand Council of the County of Elgin : Public:lmprovemerit Committee beg to report Gentlemen,- Your" as foN,o,ws: 1. They have considered the matters brought to their aHention in, the report of the. County Engineer, and ,,!ould recommend that the En.gineer u'sehis best, judgment ,jnthe repair, of bridge floors, and . that he 'have power toexpedment in the _ttseO'f tar pr-epairaltioU's and gravel. 2. In regard to th, report of the ~egation that went to Ottawa roe ,Port Stanley harbqr- and bridge, your Committee wouldrecbm- mendlthait M'r. N. S. CorneU,be appointed to go to Ot,tawa and a'ssist Mr, Uav-idMarshal1, M.P., in urging the Governrilemt to get the improveroeuts 'a.sked for by tMs Council. ' 3: :YourCommi,ttee:'have consideted, the communication fro.m the Ontario Good Road Association, and would t'ecommen:d that the fee of$15.00b~ paid, and that the Warden name _a delegation to attend the'J,lleeting of t'heAssociation onthe-da:y stated and that-the Clerk he a member oCthe delegadon. 4. That the Chairman and Engineer have power to ,deal 'with minor repairs to County bridg'es during the year, and" that the Comin:itteebe caned 'together only on instructions of the Chairman. All of whith is re'spectfully submHted'. H. Co McKILLQP"Chairman. S,t.' T-hoi:nas, January '31st, '1919. ~June.Session' To the 'Warden and Council Qof'the ,C;ounty of Elgin: Elgih, _County Council 91 , Gentlemen,----,-Your. Public Irpprovement Commit,tee beg leave 'to report as follows: 1. Regat!ding the matter of the M.,cIntoshbridge mentione~ in the Engineer's report, your CommiHee recommend that the En.ginee,r act. with th~County of Middlesex regarding th"e building of. the' north approach. 2; That the matter of a new floot folf this bridge be left in ,the hands of the Chairm'an,and Engitieer~ an,d H.-prices are reas-onable, they:havepower to act with Middlesex in,hav.ing this wo'rk don:e. . 3. Your Committee 'approves of the acHon taken by the, Enginee~ inrega-rd ~o the improvements contemplate-dat Port Brucebrid;ge'. 4. In regard' to the communication from Geo. Ho,gatth, re Stalter Gully, your Committ'e'e are unable to make a re'commendation on this maotte.r and therefore 'refer it to the whole Council. All of which is respectfully submtitted. ' H. C. McKILLOP, Chairman. St. Thomas, Ont~, June 12th, 1919. July 'S~s.gion To the War-den'and Council of the Comity, of Elgin,: Gentlemen,~Your .Public Improvetnent Committee met this morn1n;g and considered the report"of the County Engineer 'as to the Po~.t Bruce bridge. Your Committ~e are of the opinion' that the matter: 'of building a temporary bridge at this place should he ,left in the,han-ds ofth~,Chairman an-d the:Engineer. ' Your Committeebeliev:e that it is "necessarydo keep the crossing open fpr ,public travel at' this poin't, and as a l~rge sCO'W wo,uld qe approxima'tely ~he only, other', alternative to bunding, a', temporary hri-dge" the questionwa.s discuss'e-d as to the ,advisability of removing the floor _of the present bridge in the construction of the temporary brid'gf:, butas,,-this would- necesslitate c10singuv o:f the,traffi~:<du:ring the'removal, and again 'aJter, the bridge had been repaired, your 1)2 Elgin Co,Up.ty Council Committee think that it is b~tter to purchase 'material 'can be used again Jorother, repai,rs. An of whi'chis l;e,spectftilly submHte:d. new materiaL Thi. H. C. McKILLOP, Chairman. I 'St. Thomas, Ont., July 29th, 1919. , Novem her Session To the Warden: and Members of the County Council: 'Public Im1?rovement Committee beg Ileave to Gentlemen,-Your repo,rtas follow,s: They have examined into the matter" reporfed by th~()nnty Engineer and take leave t~ recommend' the ado,ption of the repo't'<t. It has come to the notice of your Committe'e that a man by' the name o.fGeorgeR. Dowd was employed 'by the Engin,eer in working on fhe approach to the Port Stanley bridge, p'utting ,on tarvia on said bridge; that while doing this work~ and being pf,operly, protected by a railingl a man from 'London driving an automobile wen't' ,through the ra:iHng an,d'upseta 'barrel, of tarvia o:xer this man Dowd. He-was S'eve,re1y inj,ured, particularly about the eyes, and his clofhes were tota1iy 'destroyed. He has present,ed an account to the man'in Lond'onfor sev'en-ty~ fived,ollar,s ($75.00)fO'r doctor fees -and injuTie's a'1;1d' we are informed th?-t he is trying itO rec'over the amount. At the s,ame time there was one ;J:ia,rre1 of tarvia destroyed which belonged t,o {he County, worth nine _dQl1arsand f1ftycents ($9.50-). We would recommend iha,tthe County also take action to recover the cost 'of the ta'rvia destroyed, and that the County pay one:"half olf -the 'costs, if necessary. Allol which i's re'spectfully submHted. H. C McKILLOP,'-- Chairnlan. 27th November, 1919. Elgin, Co~m~y Coun,cil PETITIONS i\ND 'L,EG~S,LATIO,l" COMMITTEE' J a~qa,rY ,'Sessiol;l' To the Elgin County Council: 'GentIemen,-The Petitions and Legisl'aJtion Committee rep'orts: " 1. That n08.'ctionbe taken in rderence'.to communication from' th.e County of Hastin'gs in t'eferente to the widt'ho,r Ures and the Load of Vehic;les Act. ' 2. That no action betaken in reference to, Cdttlplai:fiIt f'rom th:e County Council of Lincoln relative to' deliberations of the Ontario Mimicipal Association. 3. That no action be takeniri reference .to tesohition from' ~ou~tyCouncil of Peel' for legisl,ation fqr afronhi:g~ tax or as-sess:" mentfot:' road irnprqvememt. '4. That weapp:roved of petition frqm. theUttit'e'd COUl,l!ties,of Stormont, Dundas' and Glengarry, praying Parliamel,it tlot t.o., p,u,t the 'provisions -of the'Daylight Saving' Hill into' effect during 1919 o-r't'here'after. 5. Tha-t'we' approve of the d'e'porta!tionl oJ interned'alien enemies and co-~perate in re,solution from the King,ston CityCc;>unciL 6. That we 'co-operate by petition with t:he~ County 'Council of Victoda for an amendment to ,the Dog Tax arid Sheep ,Pro1tection Act,to meet conditions arising when sheep are held hy:, butchers in yard-s adJoining a city or town'. -, 7. That w'e approve of suggestion [,rorn the County CounCiI'of Prince ,Edward, that the Bighway Act should 'beatlleJ;lded to provide for a, uniform standard' of construCtion of roads, aud closer, S'Upel"'" vision ~f work by the D.epartment of-Highways and. for the division of the Province into County Highway Dis~tricts,wi,th' Divisionlal Provincial Engineer in each, who wout.d-a,s'sume authority,n'ow con- ferred on'the R'oad Superi'n.tendent, inteference to dr-ainage. An of, which is respestful1y~ubm~tte<:l._ WM. A. KELLY, Chairman. 30th Jan4ary" 1919,. 93 \\\1 Elgin, County Council GAOL COMMITTEE January Session To. the,Elgi~County Council: 'Gen,tleJD,en,--Tlte, 'G~ol Co.mmi~tee repor~~: 1. Tha, they have been advised by the Architect that it'is not adtVisable .to ask for tend,~ts for the soft co'al hea.tingappa,ratus for tlhe County'buildings at the'P:resent. time, owing ,to high' prices, an,d ,tha't he be requ'este,d 'to have tenders ready at the June 'Sessi()n._ 2. That the Gaoler's sabry be increase&from nin,ehundred d.o.llats tooue thousand donars. . 3. That theCo.unty Engineer be ,r,eques,ted to. supmit at the June Session, estimate of cost of placing a tile floor in the main corridor of the Gourt Honse and' in the telephone and - Police, Magis:- trate'sro.oms. All of which i's .r.espedfully' sub111,uted. WM. R. GUNNING,. ,Chairman. '31s~, Ja'~'uaty', ,19HL ~un'e' Session To :the',EIgin County Council: Gentlenien,_TheGaolCommittee repo,rts: 1. W ehave' received 'tenders fotin'sta1ling~ a so.ft coal, - smokeless hot. water heater in: co'nnection with' t'he heating system of Court House -and Gaol, and would r.ecOJnmendthat theten.,d'er oJ J.A. McKezie, &'Com'pi:\ny be as:cepted fo,r twO,thousand fourhund'red,and sixty-six dollars ,and ninety"six cents (~2,406.9o), the. work to be cO'ffi'pleted under the superv'ision o.'f Architect Darrach. report o.f Engin'eer Ben, we recomurend that be placed in th'e fi,rs:t flo'Q'rcorrid'ors o.f the' 2. In' reference to a marble mosaic floor .. Elgin' County',(onne,i} 95 CourtHouse, ;the telephone and Polioe Magis,trate's, rooms,th~t' marble" steps replace the' steps, in entran,~es t'o thehuilding, and: that the ceiling in the furnace rq,om,be,replacedwith ooncretec'ons'truc~ Hon. The work to be d-o'll'e'urtder the' supervision of the En.ginee,r, estimated ,to ,cost thre-e tho~sand two hund'red;'doUars ($3,2'00). 3. That np action -be ,taken.in reJerence to Turnkey'sapplicatipri ; f.or' increase of/salary. '4. Thalt ,~we accept the swolrd and-hatof,the late Sheriff McCaU art'dthat the saine be"plac'e-d in a, suitablecaseiiri t'heLa.wwbrary, 'andthat the Warden convey to Mrs; McColl and !amilythe, thanks of the-Oo.uncil for' the gift; and 'assure her .that it will be pro'P'er'ly,' cared for and be available for use by the p.roper' officer on' offiCial o.ccasions. All of which -is, respectfully subm~tted', W, R. GUNNING, Chairman. June l'2th, 1919. November Session To_ the Elgin County Council: Gentle.men,"--TheGaol 'Committee r,~por,ts:; Th~t ,the'insltallatiori of' a 'smoke'lesssoft c(j'al-water,'boUer::iii" connection With the heating apparatus has 'been' c'omplet~d,:in asatis:~, f.actory manneran,d will .be put in commission a~, s'Oon as a supp1y'of soft coal js~vaila.ble, Jhe total cost Qf the "imp'ro-veh1.'ents, inclii-d-in&",' Architect's fee, \wa's two tho.usand eight hundred and eight.,five-d'oUars ' and ninety' cents ($2-,885;90). ' Allof which is' respectfully ,su'omdtted'. W,R. 2-7th November. 1,919. 96 Etghi Couh ty COU'ilCU --,.-'-.~ HOUSE OF iNbUSTRY cOMMiTTEE janUary .Session To theElgiu"CountyCouncil: Gehth~1Uert,~Th'e Hbnse'6f Industry COminittee i'eportS: -That "they: have been advise,d by the ,Architect that it is not advisable.to ask for ten,clers for the soH coal heating app~ratusfor the House of Indus,try at the present time, owing to high prices, and that hebereqnested to haY'e tenderS ready at the June Session. . All of which_ is re,spectful1ysubtuhted. J. A. McCALLUM, Chairma'" 31st JanuarYi 19HL Jim~ Session To the Elgin County Council: GeriUemen,-The,House of Industry. C;'ommittee reports: 1. That ari,e1ectric lighting system be installed in the "House of Industry ,and btlildings c~mnected "t'herewith. 2. We ha've an offer from the District Manager to: 'lUsta\! a De1co..,'Ligh<t plant f6r dghteen hundredan& ni1}ety~one ,dollars ($1,891), w'hichis, submitted for'the consJderatiou":"of the,Councit ,3. That the following accountS for C'onveya:nc'e of-inmatesto the, Institution bepa.id: Township of -Aldhorough, reThomas Holland" '$10.:19; David Johnson, '$10.35; ,Mrs. Walket)$6.QO'. 4. ThattheC1'e'rk b~, aU,thoriz;.ed to 'Siign contract for individual linetelep'hone service to House of Industry ata cost offifty-'six &ollars ,and ten cents {$56'.10) per year. 5. That we would recommend ,impf'Oving the heating a'pparatuS \. Elgi:tl"t~ttn\ty -CotUllcil 97 a:nd coal sto'rage ):1 e~larg.ing 'the p,res'e:nthea.fer building, the con- struction ()f a new' chiI'nney, and the ihtro-ducti0'h of 'a ,sf1t0'kel:e'ss 'soft coa:lhct.f'wate't boiler, in addhion t'o the, ha;nl: e,oalbo-ilerg,at pres:ent in u.se. 6. That we fete-rIunencl the acceptance of the, following te'ti~fe'rs received. - , A; Monis, mason,cal'penterwork, ,etc. ___________~~..m.________.'m....m$ I.A. McKenzie,lrot 'water boHe-r _________:,______".___...,___.....__~...___....__,.;.. \ 2170'.00 11m 74 Total _'_'___"'____,_,__"'''_'__hn.n__...____........_"_"nnh'''__"_''''''____.,._,..."".,..........__..$ 3280 74 arid that the work be completed under, t.he -supervisi-on of ,Architect Darrac'h. ' , , Al1 of whi~'h is resp'ectfullY,sub~nitted; J. A. McCALLUM, .-Chairman; St. Tho-mas, June 12th, 1919. November Session TO'the Elgin. County Countil: Gentlemell',;-Th,eHot~'se o.fIndustty 'Committee repo~t that boiler house and installation of smokeless soft coal water honer, in connec': tfon with' the heating' apparatus: 'of the Ins,titution, -has been C:'oh1pl'eted in ,a' satiMactory .man~er and' will he 'put ir commis'sion, as soon ,.as 'a supply of, 'soft. coal is available; Th~ 'total cos"t of ,the_ impl'o'V~:tn,en'ts, including the Architect's fee, was three thousand :six 'hundired and. fqrty-flve, dollars and twenty-s~ven cents ($3,H45.27), two tll,ousand two 'hundred 'and n~'nety.,one dollars a,n-d' thirty~'flve oe'llts($2,2'Q1.35) of which was for building. 2. That the-report Of Dr. Eweu be a,dopted'and printed, in the "miriutes. 3. That -the' 'report of Inspector Turner'be adopted and printed in the minutes. Elgin, CQunty Couu~,l.1 Elgin C9unty Council 4. Thi,t theWarden,beal,ltho-riie-d,.td sign petition for th'e' i~stallati"n of a hydroeelectric power line. along Tilbot Street, and tq ente-rinto a contract:for the,requirem.ents of the Institution. 5; That we have'purc'hased fourthousancl. six h'u~-d'red and thirty (4,630) pounds of beef, at seventeen cents per pound, for use during the ensuing year~ This''ha:s''been placed"'in the coldstoraige 'of the St, Thomas '~ackih,g'Company. ' :REPORT INSPECTOR HOUSE OF INDUSTRY November ,Session 'To, the'Warden ?-ndCounciloft'he County, of E,lgi'n: Gentle,men,--:--'rhe following is,my repQflt on,t'heHo'use oflndustr::y' and Refuge'fO'r the Y,ear eri,ding~31st' Octobt;lr, 19:19: 6. That a byelaw be passed appointing Dr. Douglas L. Ewen phys5cianof the House of Industry 'in place of Dr; Fflederick Guest, Who has ,been appointed District Medical Officer of Health, with headquart'ers in Loridon. AJl of whic'h-is' respectfully st1hmitted. J. A. McCALLBM, Chairman. 1 Num.'ber 9f inmates at last"report .__....__~..___........._____.._________._ 2 ' NU,mher admitted, during year, .,~,;"-____'-..__"~"".'----.""''''''----'..--~- : ~:: ~:~ :l:~~~:;:~dn:::::'~::::~::~::::~_:::::~:::,:,::::::::::~::::::::::::::::: Number now in Hous'e- __.._.'..'.....'"'_..'........._____,..'....'._____,..____...__...____, N.umberof. inmafes sent '{,rom the ,several,municjpalities in\'the County during the year: ~~anb:rthUg_~_..:::~:~::'::~::::::~~:::~::::::~:=:::::':~~:~~::::::::~::~_:::~:::~::~:::::::"::~::::: South W'o ld ,', ,.___,_.._____...n_h'~____....:__.,.h__.'n.'..__...,___.~.".__.........................; , Y'a rm 0 u th ~.~_____. _____: ::__.:~___ n__.~.---------..___..- _,______ n .~..-----~-- ______..:.__..'~ Mala'hi4e___.,;,.____.___.,_._____.____,..c___..____...___~,.......--,,-.,'~.----,---....---,.:..-.,....',-~o 'B a yhaln _'_"_'__'_,.--.. ..'.. _______.__~.__,--....._._~.._;..-.:.....:~:~.-h..--'-.,h ...~-': ......,....~- Sotith: ,Dorchestet ,...h.~,-...n...~'.....-....,--....._~..;,---....~.'...n'.-'..:.-,.._.,..__.... ,A y't~ e, r ' " _.__,_~~,.,.---,.....,..--.'-.--h-...-'.---...,-..--- ._____.._.',__.....__ ____.._._'_~_________~. West ""Lei-in e, ' '.,-.------~-,~:...-----.'~....--. .____.__~__ .__.____ u~_..~,... _nO. ..;~-.'-~-..-.--,'. ,~~ ~t:;; '..::~~:::::~:::~:::::::~~:::,~~::::~::':::,:::::=::~~:,:=:::~:~:~:::::::::::::::~~'~::~~~:::::::' 28thN ovember, 1919. 8 The various -' causes 'Of pauperism of: innta'tesadmitted to -the House during 'the' year may be classed a's follows: ;~i;:St~t~ ,"~~~~:~'~: ::::~~::::::'~::'::::~::~:'~:~:~:::~:~:::::::~:::::::::::::',::~::::~~~~::::~:~:::::: .' :" Old Age' ,____,____-'_________,_.____.".........,,________________....___-..----....:_......_..... 3 9 ;Average-nutnber,of in.mates, 'during the year:..T--".~.--,___....--.~1:8.5 10 Average nurrrber with ,Keeper's 'family and hired, help;.," ,53.8 11 Number of weeks' hoa,rd, of ,inmates:~__..,..______,_..__.n_,__"..~...2528 12 N1-unber, '~f _ we'eks', with Kee'Per'~,,',~ami1y-;-,...'........h.~~--:....,2806 13 Total expen~iture during the year..___....._...__.__...mh'i$ 142'2'575 99 47 8 7 1 2 45 8 100 Elgin County Council 14 Receipts F,rom Inmates. ...,........,.........---.-,....-...,'..'. ......$ From Produc,e Sold, ,..----'-.-........-..----'-.----.--~ Er~m .Fat-ro.- '5.to.ck :........:__........,h.....'.__......;..' From- Sundri:es-c .,:.'..__.nn.._..'....--..'.-......n..'.... pe;rmaneri.t Improvements ......--................ 15 Leaving amount actually expended fo,r 's,upport of i'111uates, ._____..____..n_.___...__._._._ 16 Average ~xpen$e per we,ekf0'r each 'person __..._...____.................___............'....n.___ 17 Average ex,pens~ p-er d'ay fo,r ea'ch p e'f-S 0 n .....__._... ..~_....__~.~.._...__.._.._...~.... n__'__~ 18 A ver;age' c.x:pense ,per.. yeario,r each person .____.__.__.__.______.__.n.__,__...__.,...n...n.n__.'._ 19 Amount expended' for<house' a'nd-fa:rm during theyea,r isd'ivided as {"CHows: Farm Expense 4-99 87 375 08 1954 70 47 60 283S 76 Hired Labor Implements ............._.....__.....004--.-......-.....'-..... Stock, .__"..00...._..__.,...._.....,__.__._.._:..__...._ F eed ,.__~..___,....__..__.._......._.._'n....____..~_..__;...__._.... MiscellaneouS ___,...,__.,..__._..4_'.....__.._._..__....._.._. Seed --......--..-..~..,...---,.... .--.~'..-,:'--..---...-~. ..-- ....................................._.."......$ 687 70 35,7. 86S 05 1254 97 277 20 ~57 49 $ House Expense Hir.d Labor ......"............."...........................$ B read .--..~-.......--,.....-.--..'----..:..-....-.;'-:.....--._-.,......,. Meat ______.__._......._..__...._....._.'..00........._.__ Gro cerie's, .......__..__.00.___.._ .,.--.-..-----..--.-..--.--..~ Provision's _.__..n..____._u.__.--.-...-..'--,.-.-~.-..-,....-- D-i'y, "Go'o,d,s, --..----..,..-.....--..----,..-..--.--'.--.--..-..-:; 'Boo;ts and Shoe:? .-.....---:-.-.........---..........--.-.:.. Furn'iture and Hardware .--..-,..--,.........-...... Drug's -...--.-.,..--.-....--.-....--....-.--.~----.--..-,....-.-...,-.- Coal and Wood, .....,....--.........-....:......-.~..:..;..,,- Miscelianeou,s __..u.._.,....___._..,......,:......_...'.'.... 297 00 10'4()'.,30 617 96 275 04 939 2,1 '33S 47 296' 60 577 SO 95 56 1916 33 140,05 5716 01' $ 8509 '74 3 03 157 06 2781 22 43 6555 22 Elgin County Counitil 101 ' , " , ;---~ GeneralExpen~e Conveyance o,f Inmates -.-....---.....:......-... Repai'rs __....____..'__,____.....-----:..,.,..-,-....-----,.....--....$ Permanent Improvernertt ....,nm.......__........,' Incid:e,n tal .__,,__..._____...:.~..-.--.-...-...---',--......-......-.. 341 03 2S38 26 500 85 3680, 14 , Salaries Keep,er ________.. -.-----.--.'.--...--.--.:...---.- ......----..--.---$, Matron .__.__.-...--.---,--..----...'..--.-------'.00...-..-.--....--- Physiciap _.._______..00..___....____._..___.___......_......... Inspector, :___,.00....-----.,-..-----...,..---.--..--...--..:...1----.. 600 00 25,0 00 20,0, 00 , 150' ,00 1200 00 Total Expenditures $ 14216 58 20 The following prOduce was raised, on the fa'rm' during the yea-r: 95 bushels of wheat. 38 loads of hay. 200. hushds of oats. 15, hushels of" hadey. 15 bushels of turnips. 100 hushels of. p-otatoes. , 10 ,bushels oftahIe bee.ts. 10 ,pushels 6f'sugarbeets. 15 bushels of' 6h~ons'. 200 jars of fruit. 8'bushels of salsify. 10 bushels of sweet :corn. 33 hog's' sold. S bushels of peas. 12 hushels of carrots. 11' bus'hels o-ftable carrots. 13 loads of'shaw. " 1 load of melons. 800 heads of cabbage.. 8 hogs (killed). ,2 heefs (killed). 2 veal calves, (killed). ~;;;: ;:.c;:"~~~" 102 Elgin County Council 30'00 lbs. butter. 10 barrels of s:oft, soap. 50 fowls (~i11ed). ~lgin County Council 103 Boiler room arid, SCift'coal.boileI1______~~"., 'D eep, :"well' .......;___.__..___.._____,__,....__.____._...__.:_.... Silo ___:______.__....___...__...m______..'.____,........._,_:_ Hog, ',pen ___~___...____n..._......____..__'..:n__........._.. 25' Received from Governinenton,account of,' expenditures for ,land' and ;bui.}d.;.' in'g ,'-'---;-~-.-----.,..,'.;-e-...h-..;;..--':-".----.;-~..,.-,--_.'....,... Leaviil'g amount actually expended "by Coun ty, ___,_..._,.._______...~n..;:._,.._",...;,---.'--h'.-.,.~...___, AU of 'which is tespectfullY,,S'u1imitted. 2S00 00 827 66 293 62 654 99 ,--$396$629 . ' In~dditi,on'to' the above,-alarge:humber .of vegdables, etc;, ,were raised and' consumed during tJ:1e year, of which no . . "a;-C'ccil1:qt 'was ,kept. 21 Number 'of articles of'he'ddinga11'd clothing made upd-uring the year' by ,the Matron and inmate,s __....,..._....__'.._.__ 337 22 Nu'm,p'er of yisit~ 'mad'eby" Itlspedor---- 48 .F.ar,m.Sto,tk- 3 horses yalued "at .---...--.--....--..,-~...-;.....-:.$ 15 'towS valued at ..._.___.m._.__~,.....-..---...-.... 3' calves val\Jed ,at ~._..,..._..:-:",...--...'--.'n.-..".- 10, hogs v.alued at ;_..h..'...._....._._--.:.---~..-,...-. 2 cows,'valu,e'd at ..._........_.___...___.______n~..___ 20 pigs valued at ..._____.n.......--....------...-.--L.: 125 chickens, 23 ducks. 24. The total amount expended by County on . House '01:- Industry, etc.,is: as follows: Farm, 100 acreS, cost' .nv._.__,...__..___..,__:...,$ House of Industr:y, -...,..,-.--..,:~..-..--;.,---.,._.--... Laundry' m._...;.._~~:.....-------..:-~.:..---.._.n.m.....----. Fire Esc~pes -...--.-....--.--~-.._,..--...._--.,..---...-". RobtCellar, Henery, 'etc. ..---..-..-.....-..-.--~ Cottages, etc. ..--.,.....--.-..,--...-;---.~-.--....-.....--.-- UriCk Ice House ....-....--..------..-......--.'.-.-...-.. Barns,' ,et;c. ___.'....._n.__..'_.n.'_...._____...____._,__._...__.' T:ile Drains ,..-....'n....---.n....-...'"...-..-..--._~----... Tik Drain Qut\iet_...,-..........-m_._-._-.....~_.......~ Hot air puqrp, tanks and connections Refrigerator ..___.__e..__..._.....___:......__.......__..._._... Fencing ....,....--....--....-.,...........-...--.'---..--'.-----..--. ~~e~t~: .~~~.~.~~.~~;~... :~~~~~~~~~~~..~~:~~~~~~~~~:~:~~~.~~~~~ 500 00 200000 .125'00 250 00 12000 60 0-0' 725000 11884 75 68761 390 06 .879 43 3104 77. 118'0' 5(} 47'3262' 10'31- 23_ 111 53 350 0-0" 40'00' 1402 67 85 85 197900 4000' 00 $ 3568629 28tl,l" November, 1919. ANGUSTURNE~. , 10~ Elgin County Council p:!lYSICIAN'S REPORT Nay-ember Sefjsiqn To the Warden and Memhers of the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen.-'"I have the honOrot presenting the forty-fourth annuahnedical repor't of the Elgin House of Industry, 'up to Octo her 31st, 1919,and submit the following for your,consid,e'ration: , '\ 1. The. health of the inmat.es has been good. 2. There were no epidemics. 3. I made fifty-three vtSlts to the House o! Industry and daily visits to patients while under treatment at the Amasa Wood Hospital. 4. During the year I attended four -patien.ts~t the Hospital. On December 26; J.Howe was taken to the Hospital suffering from rheumatism. He returned t6 the House of Industry on , January 1.1. On December, 26, David Johnson was taken 'to the Hospital suffering from heart disease. He left the Hospital on January 7. On August 12, Thos. Mitchell was remove" to the Hospital 'suffering with threatened gangrene of foot. 'ne remained ,there until 'September 10. On July 3, A. Crum was taken to the Hospital, where she temaineduntil_September 2. 5. There we,re no births. 6.,Numher died during the year, ,seven (males, 5, females 2), as fo1l0WS: Date Feh. 7, 19'19, June 11,1919 Name John _Berdan Nancy' Pettit Age 87 S8 Cause of Death Apoplexy Shock following frac~ tured hip Elgin C6uqty' Councn ' 10'5 June 18, 1919, Sept. i 7, 1919 Oct;)2; 1919 Oct. 15, 1919 Oct. 19. 1919 Clarinda Taylo'r Ma1colm.Taylor Steven'Hb,lmes Josea'h Hubert Chas. Oliver' Paralysis Arterio Sc1eroqis Bright's Dis'ease Cancer Old Age 82 75 71 81 77 St. Thomas, Ontario, Nov'ember, 17th,'t919. Y.our bbedientservant, DOUGLAS L. EWEN. '1 106 \ Elgin- CountyC6uncil COUNTY ENGINEF;R'S SPECIAL REPORT ON TILE FLOORS I . June' Session 'To ,the, 'War'den and' 'Council of the County of 'Elgin: j " ',' ' ""', -- " ,Gel)tlemen,-In accordance wifh your instructions, 1 begto report th~t I ',have examined the ,ground floor of yourCoun.ty Court, House with,aview to determining the c'ost of re'p1<iciri.g the pr~'sent -wooden fl00ring in the first floor c-orridors with. a 'tile floo.ron a concrete foundation., The followin,g es'tima'te which I 'have, prepared,indudes' the. folldwi~g: ,; , (1) Remov:irt,g..the 'present wooden f1o'or and johtsiti the main C'~rridor,,'p(jHce\'Magistrate's' office and telephone room. (2)"i Laying are-inforced concrete base for, theproppsed new floor., using, steel Floretyk 'cons~ructiou. (3) Removing the wooden ceiling oJ the, furnace room and replacing, w'ith, concrete co"nstructio'u and 'plastering it, using ple'tal lath. ' ,(4) Replacing the w.oodensteps inside the '_north,ea.st, and west :en'tranc.es with white, marble steps. (5) Laying a new tHe floor in thcmain corrido'r, Police M3:gis': trate's bffic'eand telephbne room. I I:'estimate the cost oj: the work ~t'sfonows: Retl1ovi~g' ,oldflo-or' ..._._.._.,__,..._...__.___.....___...m.._~'__._..__h$ 1001 00, Trussc,d ,bars, Floretyle, _ etc., c..___._____._..".~'m..___..m..... 44;000 Cohcretebeam' in furnace room .ce.__.._...m.........___.:. 75 00 Concrete floor .__......___........,.........m..m.........;................. 40'0" 00 Plastering furnace rooms.' m....~n.m......".......,.......m.... 3-0" 00 $ 10.45 DO. Elgi'nCounty CbuncH 107 Matble Mosaic Floor, Marble Steps;m,.m:..m:'L..___. ?134 DO. Say_._..._.__............ $ 3179 DO $ 320.0. DO. Tihec'O.st Of laying aTerra~z floo-r,. which is a'cornposHio:i1 of cement and, ri1.arbJ'e "chips, will be ,as follows: , . R'emoving o1d'f1oor, cancr~te base, etc;..._.....~:;.___...$ ,Layin-g' Terrazz, floor,' marble step's, 'etc._ ,..""._._'''''' Say.__.....__......._.... 1045, '00 1295 DO. $ $ 2340 0.0." 2350. DO. The cost of laying a parder, will he as" follows,: floor,'Mwhite cera~ie tile ,withcplo:r,e-d Removing 'old 'Boor"concrete base" etc; m"...m..h___~$' ,Ceramie"floor'-mth, marble sfeps, etc., ........._..'mom.._ ' 10.45 DO. , 1650. DO., $ Say.."..____............. $ 2695 DO. 270.0. DO. All. ofw,hichl is respectfully suhmit:ted~ JAS. A.BELL, County Engineer. Referred to:G~\Ol Committee. St~' Thoina~,' J un'e ,10,th,'1~19. 108 Elgin '-CO\1uty Council REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE RE PORT STANLEY BRIDGE AND HARBOR January. Session. To the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin,: Gelttlemen,~Mr.N. S. Cornell, your late Warden, has a~ked me to submit for your consideratio1l a repo'rt o-fthespecial' q.elegation appointed to go to 'Ottawa ,and interview the Hon.Mr. Carven, tlte Ministe1~. of Public Wo-rks, regarding the desired improvements your Council wish to bema.de to t'he Port Stanley 'harbor. I " " The Commit'tee, consisting of the'Warden,Osca,rMcKenney, and myse.lf, from' the County, and Ed.gaF San-dets,represe'nting the City of St. Thomas, were met on their arrival at Ottawa by the Hon. )';W. Cro1thers ,a;ndwere .introduced by him to Mr. CarveH, by whom we were very co"rteously received. Your Warden first addressed the Minister and pointed out to him the necessity of opening up the harbor above the bridge for the use of the fishing boats and leaving, the harbor below the bridge free for commercial use, and stated that at the Pfesent ,time the barbor was so congested that it was qf'little 'qse except for the fishing boats. He also pointed out that the extensio'n of the harbo,rwou1d necessitate the ercctio'n ,oJ a swing'or Hft bridge. ' It was also hrought' to the notice of the Minister ,that the action o.fthe Government a . few years ago in dredging too near to the west abutment caused it to set'tle and is noW left ina dangerous condition. Y ourWardcn was supported ih ,his views by Messrs. McKenn~y, Sanders, and myself. The, approximate cosl'oj the work required was placed at $30,000. ' The Hon.Minister, afterhearirig the delegation, stated that they presented a stro~g case, bqt that the difficult part of the' m.atter was the building of the swing or 1iftbridge by the Go,vernment. 'Ho.w- ,.e-~rer; ;he :promised at.an early date to bring the matter before his c'0l1eagues. Mr. David' Marshall, the Member for East Elgin,wa's not- able': to Elgin -County Countil 109 'l:iepresent, hut Mr.' Co,rneU informs me that he hads~en ,him-since his feturti and,thathe 'wiUbe' 'in Ottawa ,the second,week of February, and desires Mr.Cor~ell to meet. him there to ,go further int:o the thatter 'with the Hon. MInister. All' of wh}chisrespectfully submitted.: JAS. A. BELL, Coutity Engineet. St. Thomas, January ROth, 1919; 110 Elgin County Council SPECIAL CpMMITTEE ON WARDEN'S ADp~ESS April'Session ,To' th.e;' Elgin, County C~lUncil: Gent1emen,..,.:...Th:e Specioal Committee appointed to consider the Warden's a,dMess report:;: '1, That a, Legal Committee be, appointed" to cons'i,st or the Oh<l,lrmen of the Finance and ,County Roa-d's Co'irhrriittees"and: the Warden, together with ,th_e Reeve of ,the municipality, in, which the cause of the action is 'lotated; This Co-mmittee to have po,werto advise with the So-licitorand -determine what 'shoul,dbedone when actions are entered against the County; said Committee to have authority to iss'ue ord,ers pn Treasurer f'Qr' payment of costs, damages arid expenses, as may be necessary" and report to this Council. 2. That Messrs. McKenney, ,McKiIlO'p ,and' Baron's be appointed a Spec:ial Cominittee:'t.o' revise ,By;..Law of Rul'es and Regulatlons of , :the"Council and repo'rt ~t the]uneSession. All of which is respectfully suhrnit.ted. M. MacVICAR, Chairman. April 16th, 1919. 'Elgil1C011rtty' Council' 111 ' -,...'-----'...'.--, COURT HOUBECOMlVllSStON June Sessi,on ,To the ,Elgin County,(ouncil: Ge~tl:emen.--':'The Court';HCluse Commission re-po'rts: I That Expenditu,res during the past year 'were; as' follows: Caretaker's', sala'ry .__.,..____,...__.__.......,..,...__..._______..___..........$, 60,0' 00;\ Repairs __'__'__....,__..,__...__.~.._________._____.,'......____,..:.__..__h'.............. 6,60' 1;0 Miscellarieo-p.s, s-qpplies _.m__.__...,..__m.___......'__.....,__.....m 181 5.5, . ,$ 1441 65 Some ,further repairs will be undertaken this year, an,d it is estima1ed that "at least fifteen hund!r'ed dollars ($'1J500:) 'w,il1 De required fo-r(he purpose of theCommissi'0n. All of which is respectfully submitted-. Ie W.M'"cKAY, COUl1t:y' C'lerk. Sf. ~rhomas,'June 10th, 1919., Elgin Connly Cot\neil SPECIAL :aOSPITAL COMMITTEE Jal1uaJ."Y ,'Se,s:aion To ,the 'Elgin, C:oitri-ty 'Council: G'e-ntlemen,.- Y o:u:r .sp:cc'ial Commiueeappointed to !.:onfer with the Govern,ors of the Amasa Wood Hospital in reference to' the ,ac1:missioll and medical attendance of patientsfrotn the County, r~port as fo'-1lows: 1. .That theactioh of the Council in increasing the amount to, b~ paidfo,r indigent patientsfrorn the County to $1.25 per day, in Q,ddition 'to 't'h,e CoullIty' grant, is satisfactory to the Ho-spital auth6rifi~s. ;2. That" since YOU!.: Committee -Was appointed, it has pee"u suggested that the, present-hospital accommo'datio'nin St. Thomas is' not sufficient and, that.some adion should' be taken with- a ,view to' providing a suitablehos'pital.for both the County and City, as a memot,ial'to thesqldiers from Elgin who rnade:the su.pr.eme sacrifice during the war, and fq,r the care in years .to come of aHmen: who enl'isted from this Cou'nty. We recommend the Cquncil toappoiht a: 'Special Committee 1:0 confer with, the hospital aut:ho;rities and con,sider thewho'1e question. All oJ which 'is respectfully st1'b,mitfed. WM. TOLMIE, Chairman. 51., Thom'as, 8th J anua'ry, 1919. Elgin CO~llty Council 113 SPECIAL MEMORIAL HOSPITAL COMMITTEE ," ", "'., ' " "I June' Session To the Elgin Counr~ Council: GentJ,emen,-,The Specia,l Memorial Hospital Committee reports: 1. That they have had several meeHngs, with a committ,ee from the City Council 'and have considered the whole question. <2. Wesubinit'herewit'h report of a' Spedal SUh~Conlmittee cbntaining' a -definite pr0'positioll. 3. We recommend that ,the special repo,r.t' he priri1ted and dis- tri'buted and considered by the Council, ata futn're session. All of which is respecdully submitted. OSCAR McKENNEY, Chairman. St. Thomas, Jun~ 11th, 1919. To'the Joint Memorial Ho'spital'Committee,:' Gen'tlemen,-----The Specifl,1 'Sub..,Committee appointed ddinite propositibnreports: 1. We believe, from infonnation' before us, that aho'spital, build- ing_ is needed to provide accommodation suggested by the -d'octo~s 'at"the last meeting :ofthe"Committee. 2'5 beds for ,obstehi'c, work. 2'0 beds in 'pr~vat,e rooms, with., bath. 50 heds in cheaper rooms. 52 beds in' public ward'S. In all, 12,7 beds. This will cost 4bout \ three hundred 'thou-sand dhlla..rs, on~ 'hundred thousand dbHa'rs of which would be 'con:t'rib:uted by subscriptions and furnishings. 2. That the City should contribute sixty per cent. and the County forty per cet).'t: 114 Elgin County' Council' 3. 'That tvlenty year 'debentures' should be issued therefor, vihich at five and onechalf per cent., would caW for an annual levy of sixteen thousand' seven hundred and thirty-five dollars' on present ~ssessrnent values. ; Annual County levy, 28%000 mil1s.$6,694. .Annual City levy; 81%000, rotUs, $10,041. 4: That the following estimate of annual maintenance cost is based on'the reports of' ~J~her hospi,tals in theProyhlce 'for 1917. A select~d1ist of twen:ty.,.on~ hos-pitalswastaken from" the' las,t Provincial re'port,these contain 1,79Zb_cd's, averagingabou:ft:he ,same in number as is proposed for the Memo.rial Hospital. The s.iatistics show: (1) (2) 13.2 14.8 203 200 15.3 ,13.5 19 4410 (3) Average' number of patients per bed p,er year__";..~~--.:---. Amas,a Wood ,Ho'spital. m_________n.__.__________....____.....__L.....--.. Ave,rage, number cif days per bed per yea~'_n.._....._______._.___ Amasa ,Wood ,Hospital .__._,._.________...____~__.,_. .m......--.......--..--. Average days per ,patient in hos'pital , ArnasaVl ood Hospitlll Provin cialavcrage ; --..-.----.....-----,---.-----.------------- Av-e,ragc cost per hed' paid by n'lu'tlicipalities. ...-_..;------$ For 127 beds, $5,610. Ctties an:d Towns, $35'.88; Counties; $8.22~ Amas~ Wood ,Hospital ..__.__.__....__.____...._____________,......______.,....$ 47QO Average of suhscriptions, 'per bed ....'.n.___--....n--~.-.--.....~.~-$ 37'00 For 127 beds, $4,699. Average amoun-treceived from pay patients, l'erbed$ 2350-0 Fo,r 127 beds, $29,845. " . AmasaWood:Hospital __.__.___...__._..._._..__.......__.___..:......._.._.__$ 2'57 '00 ;Average cost of ma-lntenance, per patient, per day Am;~a ~;:,oov~~ c~~;;;;;::i-'::~:::::'_-.-_::_::::::::'::'.::-._::-_:::-.::::--_::.:-::j (4) (5) (6) 5. That,'the, Memorial features of the Hospital ,should include:. (1) An appropriate name. 2 02 l' 8,4 Elgin CourttyCoun,c.i1 115 (2) A reception' room to c'on1ta:in suitable design to conta:in' the Honor palities co.mp'rising~ the County. (3)' That provfsion be made for e'xten.ding special privileges' to veterans of thewa'T, wh.owere' resideMs,of Elgin ,previous ,~o enHst-:- ment _ and' who, mayrequi're, hospital treatment in the, years to. co'me. (4)' That' contributions be,rec,eived from individuals" familie's' 'and comm~ni-ties,in theCOunfy and City, fo'r the cost, endo~menf, o'r furnishi'ngs, offhe var.iol1'sro'Oms in the Ho'spital, to, bear the' names suggested by the dO'tiOrs, in commemoration o,f the great events' of the war arid the sacrifice .of so' ~any n'Oble~ hays. memorial ,tablets in' 'bronze ot 'Roll .f'or the City'and rilunici~ (5) That one, or ,mOTe duplicates of the bronze. tablets ,con~aining the Hon'orRoU for_ each municipaHtybesuppliedfor,thepu:rpo,se "(Jf' l~cal memo-rials bo- he erecte.d'in differentpa'f,ts of ,the'Count,Y.' Altof whic'his respectfully 'submitted. E. A. HORTON, Ohairman., St,_Thomas, Jun,e 4th, 1919. 116 Elgin ,County Council REPORT CQUNTY ,POLICE MAGISTRATE To theWardena11'dMembers of the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen,----"I \leg to report to- YOU the business done,' in connection wit;hmy office fO'r the past year as follows: \ $ 1147 00 Amount ofunes imposed Amount of fines pai9-: Municipalities to whom fill,es, paid: ~::O~:r~~-'-'::'_:::::::::::'_:':::::::::::::::_::::-::::..::::::::-:.::"-::..$ Dutton, ......n...__...n...,........,........,.--......--.--....--.--..___.n.__........ "South' Dorc'hester .--..-......--..,..----.----,....----.-----............---- Springfi eld .--.....--.-.--.--.-----.---..-.-----.----,,----.--..-----:--.---.------ Bayham .. .....u.u.u.................--...--..n...--......-----...---..--...._.-n___ Secretary' Dairymen's' Association '.n.._.___..O..--------.-. 'Sparta 'Chee'se Factory .__."_._.......--.----.."..d...--.-..-~.-.--d- l:luinane Society ..n....'....__.......----..-----.-------...:--.......----- Treasurer port. Stanley _'__0_____"'__"""------"'-------'----'--"-' WalterR'oss: ..__..._._.__..___,..._._.__.._'.... .....n....__.___..__....__.__._ Crown ,'Attorn ey .,.,.......-.._..,....--...--.......--..~.......,..-----..-..,.. Registrar College! of Pharmacy ...--...----.---...--...........'. TteasurerCou'nty of Elgin .,..'"......................---...--...~._. Offences ,Tried N atureof Charge- Illicit connection ...............i.__....__...._.... ............--....--.......--...-----.--..'..'..--- ,poisoning wa~erin a well __._....__.__...._______.__.__,..______..__.__.___._______.m.__.. IZil1ing fish by explosives ,.---..--.......--.--...--.--.--.--..,---.....-.----.'..--.-----.-"--...--. Brealdng into a bdndec1 car' ....__.____.____.~.'...___.......__.__.__....__.."m.____.m.__.__._... As saul't, comlnon .......__.".._....__..,;._____...__...._______.';.:..i'__'.-....-----....--.--..----.----..-.--.~: Assault, causing actual bodily harm ..,---....-.--..----....---...--'--.----;--..----..--. C aU sing a di s tur ban ce '; .~~._~. ...__..________.______..'________.._._.___. _____....i...,.....__. --.--~--.... ~~i~:;o:o ~:;:a\t ~hi;i~-.A~;---:::::::::..:::::::::::::::::'::::::::::::::::::::::::::<.:::;:::: Viola,t:ion Municipal ,BY-: La w ...__...__.__.~.,',-...,.....--.......-.--....--"..'.'--..--..._...--...i.."' Not:"pr'oviding, nece'ssaries for wife ......--.-...--......-----.-----...----.--...---...'.... Theft, breaking, and entering ....__.__.__.......__.__......o--.--.--....--.----.--..--------u... 1 3 4 1 5 9 5 4 4 S 2 2 Elgin County Council 117 Theft ---....-----...___.._______-----__h_____....____h...______ Neglected __:__..._..:___.......i_.....:.\.___....----.--... Violation Ontario Temperance A~t Vio.}a:tion Dairy Indu'striesAct Via la ti'O.ll ,Public' ,A ct __..__.._.....____.___....-....__,.___.._.,.....;,.,.__._.........__........ Vagrancy ....i._..i,____..__......~.,____.......:__.._...__ R~ceiving' stolen, goods ........___..__.....___........___...... Violation Medical Act ____....m Wi1fu1.injury to' property _____..,--.---.---. Prosti tution .'______.__.__'.______.....__.__.,...__.__...__....____.__..__..__,__..__..'.'.......__.,..........__,...... Fraudulently obtaining boa:td ..___..__...___.....________,...._______.,.....______.__.._ Keeping a ,-disO'rderly ,house ...ih.;'____.h..........._........___.:._..._____._m__...___.."...m Frequenting 'a-disorde'r1y ',house ....------.._...____._..hh-.....__.___........i...h.....L__~ F 0 rg,e ry, ~::~. '.__....__..__._....n._. ...._____.'..____,-,--..--.--. ',__ ...__.~....--:: ._._. ..____......__. ........... .__. Attempt to commit rape___.;.____......---....------..._..______..:.._____._..____......____. .__.___. Trespassing, on rail,vayproperty, ___.__,______.._..____..,......_____.,..__ ..... Obstructing, ,railway train ..__..__......._________....___._.....___._____. Attempt t'O' commit murder .._______.'__ I -._.._h___..h._____.._h.--h-.__...._...... .27 ______..~...__....__....____.i.'............._.'.. 8 ___.___..._.______----h..__ 26 1 1 2 1 1 7 1 1 1 11 1 1 13 1 1 Numb~r of ,Convictions.l, 153 Nature of Charge- Violation Ontario,Temperance Act',..__...__...___:.,______.__.. Th eft .-.,--..-...----..--.---------------.._____..h_____...____...____.__.___________.______.__.____..__ _'hh'_'_"__' ~I~~~Ir ~:;,:i:~~i::_~;.::~~:_..--:-:::::::_:::.~::::::::::::::::::::::-::::::::::::::--...-.- Obstruction rai,lway '. train, ___......__~m.....___..___..~... , Wilful injury to pl-opetty...,.~u.-- Vlohtiot:L Dairy:]n'Clu-st~ies' Act ..:.,...--..__.___........... Violation,',Motor V ehicles' A~ct .______.......u."...___.~..___....___....__...._....___..__. ,C'ru el ty', 'to,', ,ani'mals ,--.....'--....--.-....'.--..i--.____.....____._..,____..__.~_......_.......h._..___....__. Prosti'tution ...._____..__.i~.2.........__________..m"... Keeping, ,commo-ngam b ling hous e ,...'-..----.......--.....___..m.._____..m....__.__. Found in a disorderly hquse ..___.____..______....__........._______..........._...__....._____ Unlawfully' causing "a disttl'l'bance ............----....--..........._.....,..i.___....__......, Br~aking a,nd, ,en-tering hous'e .--...---.'..-........-...i..i.....---....__....._...___....__...h... Neglect to 'pt;"ovide necessaries. for wife ___._____....___..._____.__....____..__...... "Violation Animal Contagious 'Act ..__.........n.n......___...m...__......-:...~__......... A',ssault;" causing bodily ha,rm __.. ___..... ......_.....__....___.__. ....___................._.... Contravention Medical" Act 25 9' 13" 7 3 1 6 1 4 4 1 l' 11 4 2 1 1 2 1 _ElginCourity Counc~l Unlawfully found in 'bonded car Violation Medical Act :......-..----..~..-....-... ..~--....._............-.......--.._....... ...................... .......--- -1 have the honor to' be; ,your ,obedient servant; FRANCIS HUNT, police Magistrate, County 6f Elgin. 1 1. 99 Elgin County Coundt , 119 REPORT LEGAL COMMITTEE .:N' ovember ,Session I To.the Elgin', Co:unty Council: Geh,tIe:me~,--'-The"Legal. Committee reports: '1. Th'at the cas'e' df Morrick .vs.:Elgin< was con's'idered,b,y ,the' Court 'of',Appealand the decision of:the'Trial'.Judge confirrn,ed. he C,Ol1ll'ty. 2. The cRs'e ofSnydervs. Elgin for $lI},O!O;Q damagessltstained by pas-senge,rsin th~ 'M,o'trick ;aut.omobi'le will come' before ,the 'High Court-nextweek. ' , judgment \vas $1,300 aqd costs, $762.50, payab1e, ,by "the , 3. The case 'of Mdore vs~ El~it~,Yi7',hichi~ now before the Court" wilIbe concIuded on Saturday,the6Jh December. '4~W e 'have, settled the following cases:. ' Loullshe,rryvs. ,Elgin,,' damages sust,ained at time 'ofthe Mo'Ore accrdenLon Road No, 22. .$750.00. ' 5; ZoIlervs..Elgi~,for' damages sustaine,d to alt't.O at a'oar,1'OW place on Road No, 17 westofShedden,$55o..00. . I 6. Claim by -Norman McIntyre for damage to aut'o:,onroacl underreP<tir between Rodney and 'West Lo'rne, '$'32.50'. 7. Numerous 'other ,claims were pres~llte-d, all,d inv.e'stiga'ted, ,but' no furthe'r'ac'tion wa's,necessary. . \ All of which is respectfJl1y submit.ted. M. McVICAR, Chairman. 28tl~ November, 1919. rphe ahov:er'eport wasrderred toa' Committee of. the 'whole Couhcil, a,:p-d ~the JoHowingdause <l;d'dedth.ereto: ' R Thatthe~egal Committee be_authorized to a<;cept resig~a.; :Lion of the CountySoIicHor and employ such ,other legal assistance: as, may_be -necessary and' repcir.t at 'the ,January Session. no . Elgin County Council --'- ....---.---'--',-" REPORT COUNTY ROAD-S COMMITTEE . )anuarySessiOn 1'6 the Elgin County COU11.cil: Gen,t1enien,~ The COUllly Roads Committee reports: -1. That the expenditures in connection with County Roads during 1918 .we-re as'follows: General expense .____.__u....-.n.-L':.-~u.n-----.-.-....n'.-.-,..--u.-.:$ > 6896 23 Maintenance Co. Road!s ..__y..,..---.--....--........----........... 2614060 Construction Co; Roads.....:.--......-.,....,.......--.........---..-- 410'33 50' Maintenance Provincial Co. Roads ____n___n...__...__...__ 8851 54 Constr,rictiO'u Provincial Co. Roads------------.....----... 14-87.7 62 $ 97798 89 In .addition to above, ,accounts ,amounting to $6,860'.36 have been passed for payment 'dming the present month, and there is a balance due the Town of Aylmer and the Villages on account of. grants of $3,255.57, so, that theaccouuts for 1918 will show a total expenditure of, $107,914.SZ, The amount due from the Province in approxima,te1y $4),375. This will make the net expenditure about $66,539, or $4.607 les's than amounts appropriited, which were as follows: County Ro'ads, estimate ._____........--;--.....--......---......--.$ Grants to 'Villages .n_._.._..____...__.__......___.....__;,".......oo.... . T'otal .oo.'....._oon...oo.n....oooon....'oo......--oon_..........':oo...oo.. 64<;JQ;a 00 6153 00 _$ 71146 00 ~" Gravel, Pit Work has been commenced on the development oCthe Hathaway gravel vito The' expe"d;t~re' to date Deing $431.67, made up as follows: 'Posts and timber for bin 00'...'..........00..---...-...,..,.......--....$ 'l."eami.ng, tim her ,.._......,.....,;c.'.._...._..'.......oo.oo...._..'....'....".-. ~e.:7Jvfi;: f:~~f:~o:t:rt:__:.~_:"~__:._~.c.::.::~::::.:.:.:..:=::::-:.:.:::: Teamitlg thnber 19 Cr'eekHridge .........__.....;...........,.. Elgitl,COUrtty Council 121 During the year 26'6~ cords, of gfavelf 'wqrtno'l1,e doll~r pet cord, were: takel1 from the pit f6rCo'Unty Road"[.11.lrp6se:s. Estimate, 1919 We :havecorisidered the recoll1,men-dation of the 'County Roa,d Supedllltendent, and submit ,th~ following estimate of expenditures fori919: . Generalm,aintenance and eonstruction Dfroads.... B ri4ges ..'.oooooo.'oo..noooon.n...oo..n...oo.__.....oo.._....'.,oo....._nnn..nn.... Culyerts,cemcnt '___.......nn,._........n.mm. n.n..._............n Culverts" iron '-, .~n'_..._n....n.n.n..C..n.."..__n.'......n.n.."_':.,,:.., Ma,chinery-,-- Dra,gs n';.'m_oo..m.m Grader Stone crusher Miscellaneous' ,___________________,_____________________$ Gravel Pit- Machine'ry orde'red m....nnoom'..C.moom.......;.n7.'m.'..$ Tools and,' tool house ._.m.m_...m.m..:.:....m..nm.._. Grav~l. ',bin ._.,:.':....mm....... umm__n,.mmmnn:n 'operating expense rota1 $ 70000 00 10'000 00 6500 00 5000 00 son- 00. 550 00 400'0 00" 1000 00 6350 00 14S6 00 25000 250 00 250'0: 00 4486 00 $102336 00 2<;' 87 25 00 115 80 2000' 600 .$ - Suburban Area The Order-:-in-Counci'l _,constituting, a, s~lburban areaaromid', the City:. 'Of -St. Thomas was ,issued in June last, and Alexander Ander.$on appointed 'to act o~ b~half of the County:. At t'he-N o'vember sessi6n notice was re~eived from the ,City that John T. Web~ter: had been appoi~teda.s_theirri1emb'er_ of 'the Commfssio;n. UP ,to date we have Superintendent's Office Asauthorii:ed at lastsessio,n,~e have, located an office for the Supel'inte'ndent al).d installed'-a'telephone." We would recommen'd that the sum of six hundred- dollars be appropriated to pay, for 'clerical expens.e in connection with his-office. 431 67 122 Elgin,County,-Council' notii1e-d of their appointment of thc,third ,member.of the Commission: We' would -reeommend' that app1ic<dionbe mad.e,to haye, the Lieutenant Gove,rnor in Council appoint the ~hirdmem\>er. 'All,o.f which is 'respecHul1y' suhmitted. WM. TOLMlE, Chairman. ]une"Session' AP.the .Elgin County' ,Council: Gentlernert;-your County, Roads'Committeere~:)orts as f.ollows': 1. That we'recommeu,d that designa,tionof COull,ty-Roa,J,No. 14, townline between Southwold and Dunwich, ,be extended t6'meet M;iddlese:x:Co~nty' highway- at McIntosh bridge. 2. That we recommend the purchase of gasollne'ffio'tor gravel tr1,1ck ,arid ,One pressure oil tank. 3., Br~dgesand -Culverts "Number ofcrilverts to be con:struoted this year, 13~' Number or' 'hdd"ges to be, constructed this year,,3. ,The ,contract for constructingbri9-geonRo<,\-d No.B8 has been let by tender to J. ,W.Chivers for the sum of twO thousa,ndnine hundred dollars ($2,900); also he received ,the contract by tender ,for .culvert on Road No. 38 for the sum of nine hundred and fifty dollars ($950). ' 4. Plans for the improv~ment of Springer Hill have been 1"a~e by Jas. A. Bell & Son, County Engineers, and approved by eng'ineers of' the Highway Department. Your Committee decided to adve~ise' ,fo!' tenders for this work, and tendersreceive-d w.i11~e opened at: the Court\ H0\1se,)une '14th. The ,SubtirbanR6ad Commission met February 26th,'-and'the EIginCbuntyCoimdl. 123 fo.1lowing portions :of c.ounty roads were designated as subui'batl roads, towards ,the: cOllstru'ctiQh and mainten,an'ce ,of Fhich the City 'of St. ;Thomas s-ball contribute: (1)' County Road No. 16-:cTheFingaLroad, from the boundary of St. Thomas, to Middlema:'rc'h,:at the inter'section of road betvycenlots 34 and 35. (2) County Ro'ad No. 21-Kains Hill road, from Q'oundary -of' St. Thoma's westerly a: -distance of three mnes. ' , ,', "" '.", , ,I, (3) COtl11ty Road "Np.-30-VVO'od>yorth,Ave. road, fmtrl" boundary" of St. Th:omas, to nortfl~'Yest,corner ofI.ot 9, ,south.of Ed&eware:R.oad.' (4): County Roacl No. 37~From boundary 0[51. ThOmas at inter':", se'<.:ti6n of First Avenue ,and, Elm Street, ->easterly ,and sO,utherly between, lots 7 and, 8 to road between: concessions. 5 and 6., (5) County R6adNo.25--':"'St. GebrgeStreet, from bound~ry of St. Thomas along 51.' GeorgeStreet and town: line'bC'twel):n' 'Yarmouth and :South wold- to rpad between second range north, of ,Edgewa're Road and, tenth concession iri Yarmouth. In aU ahou,t fifteen ,mil'es. It was-decided, at a l;.-tte1r meeting. to' consider, the designation of additional mileage The estih1ate for suburban, road 'ex:pend,iture for, 1919 is $:W,OOO, 'This will be provided as fpllows: City, of St. Thomas,:thirtyper cent;; County of Elgin, :thirty per cent.; Pl~ovince of Ontari-o, fONy per cent. 6. Machinery 'Since your last meeting in January, purcha,sed,-.,- , , 56 roa'ddrags, at a cost of _____mn______ 1 road 'hone _~n____n_____n._,n___._______.. 1 he.avy breakin\g' plow _"h_~_,n__.'''_.___..n your Commh,tee have ..................................$ -----------..---------------..------ S68 00 60 00 76 00 124 Elgin:County Council ..____n.o__...___.....__..______ Sll 25 10S 00 550 00 75 00 7 s-lush scrapers .m" 3 Fre'sno' s~rape'rs ..-~_.-.."--.-...--.-- 1 'heavy grader ._m'.._.._.___.__n__..__.___.___..____.,.__._h___.~...-r....-... 1 -heavy pick plow' ..-.--..----....:.,...---...-.--.---...:.--.-----;~--..--..... making 'a ti~tal'0'f machinery on County roads"as follows: 17 slus'n scrapers. 120 road drags. 3 br'CJaldng pl~ws. 7 gr,aders. ,Hathav,.ray' Gr~vel_ Pit The maehinery for screening grave1atl the Hathaway been 'installed and the County is prepared to shipgrav~J. 7. farm ,has Co,sfof way farm: development of gravel' pit' a'nd, improvement on HatlJ.,a- '. .--.......--:..........,.--....--......--..--.--.--.....--....:--.....:.$ .....n..__.n.._..........__.........-.. ._,n_ ~20'8 22 290 6,2 .3S 99 41 40 .$ 2580 23 Machinery L'abqr' ,.n..;..'._....".".__._.'.'__.__ To,ols '", ....n...__................-..,---.--'....-- Improve-men-ts 'on -.farm .-----................-.--.......-...--..--..... Total ..__..n.........--.---......----.....---- There has been 229~ cords of grave1d.rawn from piton Road- No. 23P. C.;sillce YOU1~' 'last' meeting;. 8. Your Road Committee have un,der consideration theadvisa;.. bility of procuHng storage y.ard-s for grave1atdifferent points in- the County of, El,gin; -..-.,....--..--.- pit 9, The amount expended on County roads and_Hathawaygra,vel deve1o'pment'from January 1st, 1919, to June 1st, 1919_$24,978.5'3; of onehundre,d th'ousand dollars' should be on County roads, for the year 1919, divided 10. That 'the sum "raised' for.' expe-ri,diture as follows: Ma,cl1inery .__..n"_____..__,._____...____..__._.,_~..___,.__..n_._,_'_.,.__.._,_____.$ Brid;g'es and culverts .,~.--._---.-..--.-...---.---...--..---.-..--...-_.-- Con'struction of roads .--.....-...-.-....--.........-...-.. 700-0-00 35000, 00- 20000 00 Elgin" County 'Council M.aintenance of roads .....om.._..___._.______..,.....__............__.. Hathaway gravel pit' ______....._'____,.__........,.__._........._.__..,.",.... Total, ........___.........__...__..______.._....._....___........_____..,......' 33000 00 5000 00' ,$100000 00 All of which is r'esp'ectfully submitted; JAS. TODD, Chairman. St. Thomas" Juite 12th, 1919. July Session To the Elgin Co,tJ,n-ty, Council:" Gentlemen,-The Co-tmty Roads Committee reports: 1.' That they ,have,confetre'd' :with the ,a1,.J.t'ho'rities, of Middlesex and Kent and arranged, for 'the designation olr,?ads necessary to' conn'ect the three County systems at the County boun,di\lry line. 2. ThMthe following ~mendrnen,ts to Byo:oLaW N~. g97'are recommended: In ~he designation _of: (a) ',Roads Nos. 1;3,8, 12",The wo'rds "th:e County houndary, the middle of the, main channel' of the" s40uld be, inserted immediately before the wo'rds "River Thames." , (b) 'In the designation of Roa,J'Number 14 the wo,rd~ lithe' road' hetwe'enthe Gore andeoncession'4 in Dunwkh" should, be struck ~ut and'the ro.J1owing words stlsbstituted: lito 'the Comity boundary the middl~ of thc,maii1 channel of the River 'Thames." (c) In ,the designation of Road Number 19-';-;'.C:hange'to re_ad as foll~ws: "The Middlesex County boundary Hue from roa,d, bet~ee:n the' first,and second concessions,of the 'Township of Delaware west,t'o Sout'h~old Station road :between' lots 1 and 18, thence south th:r:o~gh 2,3, and 4',and" between lots25'and~6 north of the Talbot 'to 'the Back Street/' the designation of Ro'adNo.35-All the word'S af:te'r the' 125 126 Elgin. County 'C9unci1 word "County" should be struck out and tbe fol1owing words substi, tuted' ,therefor: "Boundwry line between th; Tow~ships of North and South Dorchester/' (e) 'Road No.4 P. ,G.c-"That the designation of this ,road be chang'edto read as follo";5: Commencing on the County boundary liue at the intersection of the rOad between concessions four and five of, the Town'ship 'Of Orford,. 'The County boundary liue north to the intersection of road bet",een 'concessions 7 and 8, Township of Aldborough. ,The road, between said concessions, etc., as in By-Law. 3. The following changes Suggest~<l by the St. Thomas Suburban :Roa,ci: Commi'ssion a'r'e recomrnend'ed: Ro~d No. 30-That the designation of this road be changed to 't.ead ''as follows: Com.mencing at the north bounda,ry of the Ci'ty 9f St. Thornas, Balaclava Street, in the Township of Yarmouth, lot five" co.n,cession 9, the road in rearof ninth concession, \ots5,6, etc., as fnBy,Law: Road No. ;37"'---That the designation of this road be c'hange,d'to re,a,das follow's: . The road in T'ownship of Yarmouth between lots 1 and 8 in concessions 5, 6, 7,andconce~sion S to Wellin,gton Street andWe\ling~ 'ton.Streetwest tothe'bound,ary of the City of St. Thomas. ) N ovembe-r Session St. Thomas, Ont~, Nov. 24th,-1919. Toth~Elgin CQunty Council: Gentlemen,-The County Road ,Committee' repo,rts . that the 'expend,itures up to the 14th day of November have 'been $152,619.39, divided as foHows: ' , General expens'e __,.~,_~__._.,:..,.__.n_.,___,;..__.._~______,.;,_;__.__._.___.$ 1687 06 Maintenance .__...__...__....._._...._...~___.u._.n._-.......u........._..--. 6324'.0 '3:5 Con~trri.C:tion .._,.._.:.,...._....._m....n.-'....n.......n....-.---~.n.n.-. 67'774 6'01 . $138701 91 Elgin' Co~mtyCoundl 127 Theworkon _County roa-ds this year has 'coiisisteq,of:' 1. The building of eight cement' culverts-- and 'tw?'bridge',s that haveheen completed. The work of ereotingthe arch' hrIdge, at Springer Hill, 46 P. c." is ' neayh,: complete an,d your Committe'~ expects to see thi's arch bridgedon.e .this fall. The' gradeleadi,ngt? this a.rch, is. -abotl,t one,..thir9.finished~ ,or" completed~ 'As'" fa,r as the unfitjis'hedstructure of the arc'h bridge at th'e bottom'of. '.the 'hiB w<)uld' alIowand no 'work' has been dlOn,e on the grad'e' for :the past two weeks nor will the gr-a-debe: completed this, year.The~ost;(),f this work up to Nov. 15th ha'sheen: FO'r bri-dg-e, inc1uding.labo'ran'.a material, :/)16,910.00; t'hegrading ,has cost $,6,280.00'. T:heconstrut'tioti work in other parts of the County jncluded the grading of approxi':' matel'y fifty nIiles of toad an.dplacing fif:ty-nine iron culvert's. 2. Under'Maintenance approximately onehun-dred', miles of, fda/d. has been resurf,ac,ed; , 3. M'achinery, Your Committee,has purchased this,'iyear56 road drags, 1 'road hone, 21 Fresno scrapers,' 16 slush scra'pers, 3 plows, 6 dump wagons; 1 centrifugal pump"1 electric battery, 1 ce1l1e'nf'mixe'r, 10 shovels, and 5 ten'ts. , _ ,4. Suburb~ni Area. The expendi:tu/es on the' s~bur~a~area '{or maintenance up ,-to No\\'". 14th ha,s be~en $'5,425;33, ,and will, be increas'e-d to, quite an extent ,by wdrkinpr6gtess: 5. Hathaway Gravel Pit. Expe'n-dhtiresotJ, Hathaway machinery"tools,'ma,terial, freight, labor, improvement on farm,)ahor a:nd material areas foHows: M 'a chin ery 'h_.'. "___'.'_"'.nn,'u;_.._~:.~:.. .."...... ...,__~';_,_,.... .________..$ Too 1s uh_....________...h_____...___.__...h______..........______.,..__.._,_...n.... 'Ma'terial, _,__.n.'~....,____~,......,------'-,.---n'.......---.__...,.-..--..---......__ , Freight (176) cars of gravel.........._,__._............."______...__, Labo,r for loading gravel andresurfaci11lg~..._____...~ for erecting gravel biJ _______....._.___..___.h..'.'-..--... H~,tha.way fa-rm- grav'el pit, Hathaway 73'6': 44 190 06 7S7 12 9,27020 2470 73 270 00 126 30 46 03 $ -..-...----,,---...-......--...-...,..-----......-- ..--,--,..........--.........-..........-.-..-.-..... 1391748 128 Elgin County Council El/>;n County Council 129 , 6. Elevator. artdScreen at Hathaway gravel pit has not wOrked in a satisfactory manner and payment has beeu-withheld frornthe firm wM supplied it. , "I. The estimates' for 1919~t'ilay. be exceeded 'by work in progress. T'he percentagepayabl'e by Province will beat least fifty, per ,ce'nt.,' as a great deal of the wO'1:khas been, done on the Provincial County roads. ' 'JAS. TODD, Chairm"n. BY.LAWS .BY-LAW No. 928 To Appoint Auditors for the 'Year 1-918 Passed 31st ' January, 1919. Whereas, under', :the authority of J'h'e MutiicipalAct, ev'ery Municipal Council IS required' t.o appoint, at its:first' meeting every year; two ,auditors: Be it, therefon;:~nactedby th~ Council of the Municipal Co'rpo,:" rado'n of,the"County'of EIgin,un-der,rth,e authority aforesaid: That Walker C. Catig'heU and- W. A., Galhraith he ,and are hereby appointed Audit'ors, to examine -anclrepo'rt upon aU the acc.ounts aff~cting theCo'rporation of EIgin,9T relating to. any_matter-,u?:der its .c.ontrolor, within its juris<1kti..on, ,as' requir.ed by Statute .or' Order- in-CounCil, and als.o all accounts,_ of school w-oneys ,received.or - p,aid by the County, T'reasurer, for the, yea'tending 31st nece~her,1918, ~ndthat the.said Al1diioTS be ,paid th~.sum of on~ hunQ-'red .dollars each for their se.rvices. CoUnty"CounciJ ChaIT;lo.ers; St. Tboma,s, 3tst );:tnu,a,ry, 1919, \, K. W. McKAY, CmJ'Uty',Ckdc W. H. TURNER, Warden. BY-LAW No. 929 'ro Appoint, a Board of Audit Passed 31st' January, 19i9. The EIgi,h County CounGilenacts: That :t'he Judge, of the- _County Court and, Oscat-" McKenney ,be and are her-eby appointed, mernhers of the Board of 4udit, -tope;rform the,duties 'required of them by, R. S, 0" chapter :9~, s~ctjon21. 130 Elgin County Council That ,the members of the said Hoa'rd be paid the sumgffour dollars' 'per: day for ,their services, and five cents per mile go/iog to . and,homsuch audit; , County Council C,hamhers, St. Thomas, 31St January, 1919~ W. McKAY, CQunty Clerk" W. H. TURNER, Warden. BY-LAW No. 930 To. Appoint High ,School Trustees Passed 31st January,','1919. 'The Elgin 'County ,Council enacts: ,-That James, McAllister be appointed' Trustee for the Vienna High 'School-for, three yea'rs; That A.H. Backus be appoill:t'ed T'rustee of the Aylmer Colleg:-' ,iate Institute fbrthree years., j T'hat B, K"IPant~'r' ,be appointed Trustee of the ,'Dutton 'High School f01" three years. COllnty CouncilChari1be-rs,'St. Thomas, gist January, 1919. W. McKAY, County Cledc. W. H. TURNER, Warden. BY-LAW No. 931 ,'To Authorize 'the Warden and TreasurE:r to Borrow, the Sum of. One' Hundred, al1d Fifty.Thousand Dollars Passed 31st .Janu,ary,'1919. , . j The Elgin County Council enacts: ~lgin"Countx Coullc,il 131 ", ,That the_Wa,rden ,ahdTreasurerbe 'and ate llereby-atitlH)rized to borroy.r the, sumo' of,one" hundred art-d, fifty thousand, doUm"s',asm,ay' bi!required, tOT:eetthe curretlt exp:end~ture's of {he,Cor:poratiou- ~f the County of Elgin during-i'he ,year 1919, and give, as security therefor notes of on,e: thousand dollars, ,each. ' , ,-,,' , County'Council Chambers, St.,Tqomas, 31st Janmiry, 1919. , K. .W. McKAY; County Clerk. W. H. nIRt'rER, Warde'n. By-tAW No. 932 \ "', (, " To Appoint: a"Coutity Road Committee Passed ,31stJanuary,,19Ht The Elgin Coun;tyCduncil enacts:, ,That Messrs.:vy., Stall(er,L.KendaJl;K 'E.M'~ragg~i'.t",). 'B:; 1"odd, and the, Warden ,bel and are hereby appointed as'aqounty RO'a:d,Committee, to' co'..op.erate ,with and, direct,. the County Road" Superintend-ent in the maintenance' of. County 'to'.a~s. ' ihatthesftid t~inmitteebe' authori'zed to appro.yeand, pass all accouo'ts ,for work on, the. '~aid roads, and to issue 'or;ders ,on.' the . County'Treasure,r for 'payment of same. County' CouilcilChambers, St. Thomas, 31st January,'19Hi. K. w.' McKAY, Co~nfy Cle-tk' W. H. TUIJcNER, War,den. BY-LAW No; 933 To Fix the Sala~y of' the Gaoler Pas,sed,31!?t January, 1919. , The Elgin 'ComHy Coun~l' enacts: ,That the salary of the Gaolerhe.arid is hereby fixeda-'t the,sum l~;t Elgin County Coundl pne thosuand dQllars per annum, payable. 'quarterly, d~tin.g from first of January,'1919. That By...Law No. 900 be atid is hereby amended accordingly. CountyC{)t!nciLOhambers,- SL Thomas~31st January, 1919. of the ,1(. W. )y!cKA Y, County Clerk. W. H. TURNER, Warden. BY-LAW No.93~ To, Make Grant to the Salvat~on Army Passed 31st January,1919. "The Elgin County Councit enacts: That thesuni of ten thousand dollars he g,rante:d t6the Salvation Army for work in ~onnec'tioh with the demobilization of the army. Said amount to be paid by the Tr,easurer ont'he order of the Wa-rden. County Council' Chambe-rs, St. Thomas, 31st JanuarYl 1919. , 1(. W. McI"AY, County Cle,rk. W. H. TURNER, Warden. BY-LAW No. 935 To,,~ppoint a'County, Truant Officer Passed gISt 'Jatwary, 1919. The ElginCoun-ty Council enacts: . That Mrs. K H. Ca-ug'h-ell; oJ'the City of-St. 'rhoma:S,be and is . hereby, appointed Truant ,Officer for the County of Elgin,to pedo-rffi the'dtities required of her by The Truancy Act, unde'rthe d.irection of the Public School Inspectors. Th~it,the said Truapt Officer he-r;eby appointed be paid ,the' sum Elgil1"" County Council 133, of three, dollars per day and experi'se's -while",engaged,in the perform':' a'nc~ 'of her: duties, all ,accounts for services to be approved by the said Inspectoq. ., County c:ouncil Chambers, S't.Thomas, 31st January, 1919. 1(. W. McKAY, C61luty"Clerk. W. H. TURNER, Warden. BY-LAW 'No. 93~ To Appoint' County Auditors' Pa5sed 14th <June, )919'.' The' _Council of the Corporation of the County of,Elgin, enacts: , -Lo,st. 1. ThatWiUiam A. Galbraith and Walker C. Caughell 'be, ,and are hereby appoint'ed Auditof;>. to..,h~ld office during the pleasurebf the Council. 2. That -it shall be the: duty Of 'the said Audito'rs to ex,a:mine an:daudit aU accounts- affecting the Corporation or l~~lating t.Qany matteLun,der its control or within itsjurisdiction,_ qua'rterly,during each: calendar year, an-d report ',aot -the Jan.ua'i'y Session in 'each' yeat. on the accounts, of ,the Corporation for the, preceding ye,ar" a'nd also transmit, ,to ,the'- Warden the ,Chairman of the Finance Committee, and the County Clerk, an abstract statement of Receipts and ;Expen~ ditures as completed for each quarter, ,together with a nport in reference to any irregularity or other matter that in the opini,?11' of the said Auditors should he ,brought to,the,ir attention. 3. That the said Auditors 'be paid an ,annual sal~ri of two hundreddolla-rs each, said sa:latyto 'be paid quarte-rly,onthe order of thevVar,den: ' County Council Chambers,St.Thomasl June 14th, 1919. 1(. W.McKA Y, County Clerk. W. H. TURNER, Warden. ..' ",..=- i34 Elgin, ,County Council BY-LAW No. 937 , To Authorize APPi:'9va1 of Construction of Sidewalks , '~n County Roads Passed 14th June, 1919. The ,'Council of the 1 Corporatiol'i. of the County- of 'Elgin enacts: 1: That the County, Road Sup'erinteu,dent-; appoirited by the Council 'under the provisions of The Highway Improvement Act,be and' ishe.reby authorized to 'approve of applications and plan:Sfor the construttionof sidewalks onCourity roads ',by't'heCouncils,of thelocalmunicipa1itles in the County. 2. 'Tha<t it shall be the dutyo( saidSupe:rintenden~ to give his COl1sentin writing and impose such' r,equir;ements"regulation,snr conditions' as he may deem 'necessary in connection with the con- struction of sidewalks. 3: That said Stipedritendent sha1l keep all,aPI?1ica1:iops) and copies of all correspondence in connection therewith on file in his ,office. ' , ,County Council Chambers"S;t.., Thomas,Jui1e 14th, 1919. W. McKAY, c.ountyClerk W. H. TURNER, Warden. BY-LAW No. 938 Tb, 'Authorize' the ,Closi~g of the,Regist~y, Office ,at One ()'ClbCk in the, Afternoo,n,on Saturdays Passed l~:,th June; '1919. .TheCouncilof the Corporation of the :County oLElgine~acts: The'dosing of th,e Registry Office, for theRegi~try Division, of the County'of Elgi:I), on Saturdaysatoneo:c1ockin fHe afternoon is hereby, authorized. Elgin CountyCoullcil 135 2. Thi:s By-Law 'shall take -effect on,from and a,Her' the' Flrst day of July, 1919. County ~ouncil Cha'mbe'rs, St. Thomas, Jun,e 14th,19:).9. K.W. McKAY, County C~erk. W. H. TURNER, W~rden. 'BY-LAW No. 939 To Ex;tend 'Tim~ .for ,Tax Sale Pa-sse'd 14th June, 1919, The County Council of the. County of 'Elgin enacts': That the time for the enforced collection by ..sale of"lands',in arrears for, taxes in the County of Elgin be and.is' herchy ,extelld',~d, fo-r one' year. County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, June' 14th, 1919. K. ,W. McKAY, County_Clerk. W. H.. TURNER, Warden, f3Y-LAW 1:<0.940 To-'Regulate the ProceedingsoLthe Council ()f the,'County of:Elgin and, the" Officers and_Cqrmnittees 'There'of Passed 14th June, 1919;' (Printed in separate form.) BY-LAW.No.941 To Confirm the' Equaliza:tiort of the Ass,e$sment Rolls of the 'C()unty of_Elg~n 'Passed 14tll' June, 19'19. The Elgin Coun,ty Council ena'cts: That the following be the equ~1izati6n of the asSessment 'rolls' Coun~y' of Elgin for 1919: ' , )36 Elgin COUllty coup-en 2,977,2.S4 3,lfJS,254 3,840',267 4,641,657' '2',,839,810 1,884;513 1,678,552 973,S19 33,0,524 218,893 144,660- 99,707 2,)8, 7~2 211),6'33 $23,263,3)5 '2. That thisCotmcil is willing to have the final equalization of .the asses'sment; in case of appeal, ma,d,c by the County Judge. Aldborpugb. -.---.--..-..--....---..----..---------.--..----,..$ D'unwich ".--.....".---..--..----.--....----.".-....---.----.-.--- Southwold n......__.'..._________....,..--_,..--.....,..__..-- Y arIT).OU t'p. .,.'.._,.."n_n.__"_.,__....___..'".'._",_.._,;~_.:_...,n_~ Mal,a'hide ,....__...n...___'......,___.'..'.__........_______..'..'____ Bayhanl ,".._n.....__...__......__.__........__....___..___.'..._ South' Dorchester m........__........,.---.....,-.-----. .k.y lmer- ..-----.......----.--------.,..--..........----.".--..----..-- ,Du tton' ____'..n.'..._'._."~_~.._._..,.__..._n...__...._,+.______,--. Port Stanley .---..--..,.~--..,.--..'.----.........-_..---_...- $p ringfi e 1 d ".,._ .,n",___'.'- n...""., ,_~n.. .':..n':n.'" n"'_' .' Vienna '...:n..nn...__,...n...n'....nn.__....n.....n....__.. Rpdn,ey ..nn'..._.".;.n..____.."__.____...,..__..__......'...__ West "Lorne n....__.....n...__....__....n....__.....__... Cpqnty Council Chambers, St. Thomas, June 14th, 19Ht K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. P,Y-LAW No. 942 To Grant A:dditional Aid to' Scho'ols The Elgin County Courrcilen-acts: W. H. TURNER" Warden. Pa,ssed '}4th June; 1919. 1. That the sum of ,one' thousand six 'hundred and twenty.:.five dollars be grAnted, to the following schools for 1919: Aylmel,' Collegiate Institute .......___..___.....$ :Qutton High Sch~pl ......m'.m:.......m_-'.~..... Vienna High School, __....m...___'......,----...... 650,00. 6S0 00 325,00 Elgiti COtltitj" 'CdtlfiCH .i:,H, .>----_.~.~ 2~ That the St., Thomas Collegiate Institute he 'granted an amoun,t equivalent to twehty" per cent. of, t'he cost of maintenance of ;Coun:ty pupils. 3. That the' gra,nts '{oCnntlnuation and, Fifth Class Schools ~e, made on the ,basis of two dollars and ,fifty cents to eaC'hdQlla~ 'granted by the Government. C'ountyCouricil Chambers, St. -Thomas; June 14th, 1919. K. 'W. McKAY, County,.Clerk. W. H. TURNER;. War~en. P,Y~LAW No.-943 A By-Law for the Purpoise of'Making Special Grants to the Villages and To'w'n in the County of Elgin, fo,r :the-Impro,vement of Certain Highways Within the 'Said' Villages ,and Town Whereas, un.de'r The Act to Aid in' the. Improvement ofPubHc Highway's, R. S. O. 1914,~,ch9-pter 40, a County Cou,ncil may, fr'om time to time, while carrying out a plano.f h~ghway impl:6vemen't under the said Act, by by-:-Iaw ma'kc grants to" villages and', ,t~W11'S not,se'pa'rated from _the :County,fo,rthe,pu.rpose of improving such highways or portions ,of highways ,in,such villages or towns as'may be :designatcdin sl1ch ,py~law and whic'h are extensions of, o'r' forill c:onnections'between differerit po~tions,of County ,roads; And whel;eas a grant made-in aC,cordance, with the said-'Act to a village or town having a popuJation of more than 1,.50,0 must he expended .solely upon roads:and'sti"ee-tsO'r portions thereof which lie opposite to lands' on one side or the other, thereof use'd for, a,gricultural purpo~e~; .And whereas ,the Co'undl of the County of Elgin deems it expedient -to make grants to the incorp'orated. ,villages and town of the County in ~ccordance,with th~ terms of the said Act; 'And whereas the population of the said villages: and ,town acco.rding- to the /last (1-911) ,revised cenSUs is as fbllows: Elgin County Council Aylme.r, ,town __....._________...________......0..__:.,..____ Po-rt ,Stanlyy, village ------......---------".. Springfield" villag'e ....'..---------...---.-----------... Vienna, 'village '" ....._...........____..__.'.__.______.....___ Pv.tton, 'village." ,..,.....______.....'...______.......,.....,___ Rodney, v,illage ,__........__..............____._."..__.... vyestLbrne, village ..;o..'......,_____............u_ 2102 891 454 332 836 676 740 Be it t'he'refore enacted by the Municipal Corporation of the' County 'of Elgin/as foHows; , ' 1. ,A grant of$3;139.00 is hereby, ma:de to the Town of Aylmer foe.the improvement of John Str'ee't on Road No. 26 P. c., beginning at t'hei,sotithern limit, thence north to cement road. Also beginning a'twest'e-rl'y'limit 6ftowri on Road No. 26 ,~.c., to cement road, a distance of6't5 feet. 2. A g,ra'nt of $321.00 is hp'eby made to the 'Village of Vienna I' for the inlpl~ov((ment_of County Road No. 44 P. e., on top of Teal ",Hill, thence-nol'-thuntil' {County grant ,is" expended. 3. A g.rant of $467.0,0 is,,herebymade't.o the Village of Springfield ,fot' 'the> im'proyetnerit of East,Street., on County Road No. 4-0,-, beginnirigat the, southerly, limit, thencen:orth u;ntil County gran.t of 1919 isexp,ended. 4: A grant of $705.00 is hereby,ma',de to the Village ,of ,Port St.anley for:'tl1eimprovement of County Road No. 2'3 P.e., 'beginnirig at the north limit of village, thence south until County granf of1919 isexpC'nded. 5. A grant of $1,065;00 ishere'bymade-tothe Village of ptttton" for the improven"!-entof County Roa,d N 0.13 ~~- e., p-omrhencing,at corner of McArthur and"Shackleton Streets, west to ,'Currie :Street. 6. ,That <i.' grant' of ,$699.00 is he,reby made to'the,-Vm'age of West Lorne for; 'the improvement of County Road No.1,heginning at northerly boundary "ofvillage"thcnce_ south to _~; ,C. R. ,rftllwa-y. 7. A grant of ,$70'5 is 'hereby ,rha',de to 'th,e Village oL Ro'dney for improvement of Furnival Street, opposite lots'6, and 7. Elgin .county Council 139 The said grants sh,;dl be expended solely upon'the highway 01' portion ther~of herein' designated. 8. ,'The work on,which :the saidgrants;:;hall.be expeti,d'ed ,shall beperformed inaccO'rdance with!he last revisecl1"egttlatio'11srespect.., ing hig'hway,sof the.,Depa,rtment ,of Public' Highways of Q~tario. ' Read a third ti'me and passed ~his 14t:hday oJ Jun,e1'1919; K. W. McKAY" County Clerk WM.H: TURNER, Warde~; BY-LAW No. 944 , , To Raise' Amounts' fotCounty Rates During ,the'Vear 1919 , Passed: 14th J!1ne, 1919. Whereas an 'estimate has, beel~ luadeshowing 'that the. sum 'of one hundred ,and eighty-six thousand one' ,hundred- and six dollars is r,equired to be raised iri the, several lnu~'icipa.lities fO'rthelawf~l, pu,~poses of the County during 'the yea-r 1919; And 'wherep,s, 'by'"T4'e: Assessment Act,' this Couri<;ii: is direclwha:tportion of ~hesu111'tobe'levieJI for County 'shall be levied in each municipality in the CO,U'11'ty; An~r~Nlrereas: "t'h~ rates a're' required to be apportion'ed, on,; the basis of the, assessment o:fpropcrty as equalized in the, pr~ceding year,; And whereas the assessme!}t of prO'pet'ty of the County, as aster:" tained and equalizedin.l918, is ,~s f6'llows: Total Equalized Value ..______.__$ 2,977,254 3;19'8,254 . 3,840,267 4,641,657 , 2,839,810 MuniCipality Aldbor~i.1gh" ................._...___.___.......... Dunwich' South wold. ._......,_.....o...._.'...,.............;.......n... Ya:'rmou,t!h ....___'..c..,........................n...__.......n'.. Malahide, .......uu.....................................',....... ~';l' ' ~ y"''''''m~ ", - - l,ii::,r;~;I'~" ' ';~"i:'!il!!; 140 Elgin County Council 'Bayhanl' ..'.nn_..'.,..,..,_____.____..____.___'..'_________...____ South Dorchester .m'n.______.....___.__......__...... Du tton ....--.n.....__..---...---..--....".--....--...--..,..:..,__ Po'rt' Stanley ..._n..____..___..__.....____._,___..,........__ Springfi eld: ".,___.________....,____.__.___.._____..___._..__..',_._ Vien;na .____...____.._ ....n.......___..,...______.____..___........ Ro,dney ..----..----.---....----,.---,------.---.-----..----...---- West Lorne 'Aylme,r _n_______________._______.___.__...__..:______.___.__.;__ 1,~84,513 1;678,552 330,524 2,lS,893 144,660 99,707 :h8,772 216,G33' 973,819 $23,263,315 , .T'herefor,e the Council of the MU'nicipal Corporation of the County of El,gin enacts: .' 1. That a' rate of eight mills on the dollar be levied on ,all ,rate.,. able pl"O'perty in the s'eve~fl inunidpalitiesin, the CountyofElg~,rt, as a'bove set forth, for the,y'ear ,1919, to raise the followil1gamounts: 2. That the sum of one hund'redand- eighty-six thousand one hunch"e,d and six dollars he .raised and levied, ,in the several munici~ palities in the Couh-iy,' according to the following schedule;, and that t'he amounts, as entered'therein, be paid to t1~eCounty\ Treasurer, as by law required.. Schedule Municipality Aldborough u...-m...u..um.u.u _.u'_...umu.m_.4 Dunwic'h South wold Y a'rmou th .--.--.------.....--...--.....----....---.--------.-.- M'alahide __..___.__.....,..______.,..____...,..__..____.....__....__. Bay ham', .----.-..--.,--.~...--..-------..--...----~...-----.----..... South Dorchester .,----....----......---.--........,... Dutton ....__....,.___....__..______________._..__.__..____..'.__....- Port Stanley , Sp i'ingfield ..__.__.....__....m...mm...:,.m...'...'......__', Vienna .' .____..__...__.,..._____.._'__.____.____.._..____.__..____...__ Rodney West Lorne .__,._.....__.,;..__..________________....________ A yltner" .,....__.__.____.....____...____...'.___.......____.....,____.__ Total 231818 , 25,586 30,722 37,133 22,718 15,n76 13,428 2,644 1,751 1,1'57 799 1,751 1,733 7,790 $ 186,106 Elgin County Conn<;il 14,1 ...~._.-...~.._._~~' County Council Chamhers, St. Thomas,: June ,14th, 1919. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. W. H. TURNER, ,.,Wa.rdetL . BY-LAW No. 945 To: Make a ,Grant to ,the Great War Veterans' Association, St. Thomas Branch 'Pa.ssed 14th June, ,1919, ,\ The County Coundl,of the Coun.ty,of Elgin 'enacts: That the County: Trea'sUrei' he and 'is herehy 'authorized, to pay the rent bf,room at present occupied qy the- St. Thomas BranC'h :of the Great Vvar Veterans' Association, for the p:eriod of one year. The total amount not to exceed two hundred "dollars. , ~9~nty Council Chambers" St. Thomas, June 14th,_ 1919. . K. W; McKAY, County Clerk. W. H. TURNER, Warden. BY-LAW N<l. 946 To Authorize -the Warden and Treasurer, to Borr'Ow the, sum of Twenty-Five Thousal1-d':Dollars Pa,ssed 14th June, 1919'.' The Elgin Cou'nty Council enacts: That,the Wardenand Treasurer he and are hereby authorized to borrow the sum'of, twenty-five, thousand dollars, as 'maybe, l'equire'dl to meet t'h'e current' expenditures ofth.e Corpora-tion of th~, County of Elgin during 1919, and give assecmity therefor notes of on'e ..thousand dollars each. ' ' c.ounty,CounciLChambers, St. Thomas,:June14'th, 1919. W. McKAY, County Clerk. W H. TUI,NER, Warden. 142 Elgin County Counei} ..,__,'. ,_,_._""_-C--'_" BY-LAW No. 947 T'o, Amend By":Law No; 897 P.assed30th July; 1919.' Whereas it.. is deemed advisable to 'p'rovide for the" connection o'f CO,untY'foadsin the' 'County of Elgin with CountYI roads in the Counties of Middles'ex' and ,Kent; I ,'And whereas the St.Thomas- Suburban Road Commission has r~comme:ndedcha-nges irithe -designation of roads numbered 30 and . 37" with a;" view to securing a better' entranctito the streets o,{",'the . City; ,of: S~.:Thomas; Th'eEfgiri 'counLty Counoil enacts: That Ey~Law,'Numbered 897, as -a~ended by'By-Laws Numbered 90,2,909, and 915, be and is hereby fufther amended, by changing the deS'ignatioh of roads numbered 1, ,3, 4; 8, 12, 14, 19, 3'0i, 3'5; 37, to read '~s'fol1ows: >, '~o:ad No~:,1.~The Graham Roa-d-,i~ Tow'nship of Aldborough. 'Co111,illcndng" a,t the' road ,between concess~ons, 12 and t3,theroad\ betweell10ts 18 and 19'an'd, itsco'ntinuation running northerly tqthe .County boundary, 'the middle of the main channel 'of ,the' River :,T:bam:'es, save and except the portion within the Vi11,ag~ of. West L'drne. ' No.' 3...:........The, Fumival Roa,d, in, T6'wnship,of AId-borough.' at the ,to'ac1 between' concession 12" and 13, the" road 6 ,and 7 .'to the;Got~, and continuingno,r,therly between 10tsS and,9 to' the road between concessions Zand 3,the~ce easte:dy 011 said road 'to the road between, lots 14 and ,15 il1co~.c:ession ,2; ',thence northerly,on said road, ,to the County boundary, the middle of the .main, ,channel of't'he River ,Thames, save alldexcept the' portion bf t'freFurnival, Road ,within the Village of Rodn~y. 'Road.No.4.-Co1J,1rrlencing'atthe Kent County boundary lin,e at intC'r.sectionof the road -'between concessions <1 and 5 of the ,< Elgin" County Council 143 Township ,of 0:d6rd, the County bound'a'ry Hne, south to intersection of road bet~eeri ,conce'ss-ions 7 and' 8;, TO'W11Ship ofAldborongh. The road"betwee,n said conc-essions,7 and 8',ToWllship;,of Aldhorough, from the westernbqundai"Y of the T,~wns'hip' to the, Furnival:Road', hetween lots 6 and "7, sa:ve and except the portion within the Village, of Rodn,ey, Road No.,8._Commencing in the road between the, 9th'~n;d' 'iOth concesslonsof the Township of Diinwich, at title 'between -1ots,:8 and 9, the Lake Road easferlyand ,southerlyth-rough lots 9 and 10, th-~nce northerly the road b~tween 16ts10 and 11 tot'he given 'r<.)oad ,i~ concession 9, thence north-eastet)y' on sa'id road to the Ctirrie' Road' between .lots' 12 and- 13iri the 8th concession; tli~nce nQ,rthcrlya1ong . said road" to the foadat t-henotth' of,' cOQce,ssi9n r/ thenceeastc'rly along-said, road to the .roa:d 'be,tween lots 13,and 14, thence ,northerly to the 'County boundary; the middle of ,the main channel :of "the River Thames-, save and except 'the portionwith-in the \ Village ' of'Dutton. ' ' Road'No. 12:-The road, in ,the Township of DUllWi'c'h, hetw'een. lots 6 and 7,' commendngat the road bC'tweencon,cessionsA and 5 north of ,A, runnilig northerly ,to the CoUnty boundary, the c'entte of the main channel 'of the River Thames.' ' Road N6. 14.~The to'Yhline ,between the''!1ownship.o( D,uhwic'~ and ,S6tithwold, comm,encing, 'at ,the' road, kno:w;n'ag,' the Talbot ,Road (Burwell's Corners)ahd'runnii1g nort'herlyto the' County boundary" the middle '9'f the main channel of the' Riv-er Thames, ,excepting ,th~ following': From the Talbot Road north (No; 17) northetly to north limit of Road No; 13. ' " '\ Road No. 19...:........The Middlesex 'County , bOUltda'ry ,line 'from road betwee'nJhe first -and sec?hdcoricessions! Township of ,Delaware, west 10 t'he 'road, in the To'wn'ship' of _Southwdld betwe~n: Jots, i,,'a'nd 18, thence southerly through concessions 2, 3, a'11'dA;al1d hetwe€m lots 25'and26" north of the Talbot Road; north to the 'Back'Str,eet. ", " '" 'I, R()'adNo.,,30.-Comrpencing at the north boul1dal'y,o-{ the City of St. Tho~as,Balac1ava 'Street,_iri the Township~f Yarmouth,. lot 5, concession 9, ,the roa,d .in_ the rear of the ninth concession, lots ~, 6, 7,S, 9, up to. and iIJ-c1udingthe road bet:ween Jots s. 'and 9inth'e l tA !ltgli) County Council ..--'"-----'"~--~- range south and fi,t'st and setdrt,d rang'es: north of the E'dg,eware Road, 'the tenth' and, eleventh' concessions. Road No; 35-Commencing ,a,t New 5arum on . Talbot 'Road in Tow-nship of Yarniouth" lo"t21, the road: running northert'y through concession 9, 'R"S.E. R., 1st and 2nd ranges N. ,E. R.,'concess.ion 10 and 'con.cessionI1, to th.e _ townline between Yarmouth 'and South Dorchester" thence nOl'thedy, along _said townline 'to, t'he'Coun-ty boundal~ylin,ebetween the To,w11Sh~ps of N o'rth and Sout'hDqrcheste'r. Road No. 37;-The road in the ,Towns'hip' of Yarmouth between 1~ts7 'and8in 'concessions, 5, 6; and' 7: and concession ,8, toV\T el1ington Stt"eet and vVellington Str~et west to the City of St. Tho'mas. ' County Coun,cil Chambers, St. Thomas, 30thJuly, 1919. W.. M,KAY, County Clerk. W. H. TURN;ER, Warden. BY-LAW No. 948 To Authorize the Warden and ,', Treasurer to Borrow the sum of One Hundred Tho~sand Dollars Passed 29th' No;yeniber, 1919.' The Elgin County Council enacts: 'That the Warden and Treasurer be and :arehereby authorized to bOffO'w the,sUtu of onc hundred thousand dollars,' as maybe req~ired, to meet the cllnent expenditures.of the Co'rporatibn of the (ounty of Elgin during 1919, and givcas security therefor nates' of one thousand d611a,rs each. ' County ,Council Cha'mbers,,< St Thomas, 2J)th Novcrilber, 1919. 1(; W. McKAY, County Cle,rk. W. H. TURNER, Wardep. Eigtti County Cou'ricH BY.LAW No. 949 To Appoint a Physician for the. Hous,e of Industry The ElginCoun'tyCouncil ~nacts: Passed 2;9th Noveni.ber; 1919. 1. That, Douglas L Ewen, M" D., be and is hereby appointed Physidan,of the, House of .Industry and Refuge, at an annualsalal"Y of two hundre~, dolla,rspe'l: annum, and that By-Law No. 827 be, and is, h~reby'amendedia'ccordingly. I . County Coun,cil Chamhe'ts,St. Thomas, 29th November" 1919.' K. W.. McKAY, County Clerk. W. H. TURNER, Warden. BY.LAWNo. 950 To ,Grant Aid for Improvement of MiddleSex "County Line Betwe-enNorth and <,South Dorchester P.assed 2'9t'h Nov.embc'r, 1919. The Elgin" County Council enacts : That thesuin'of 'five hund'fed dollars be grallted,to b~cxpended on the,Dorchestel' County Line from lot 12 to lot 24;,pr'ovid,ed the Councils of the County of Middlesex arid' the,Towns-hipso.f Nodh. a:n~d 'South Dbrchestergrant 'equ~{ amounts .and that the,Canadian Milk Products Company grants the sutQ.of $1,000.00 for ,the 'same p:ur.pose. 'The expenditure. of the money to be' in charge of the Reeves of North and, SOI.1th Dorchester. County Council Chambers, St.Thomas; 2,9th: N overn:ber, 1919. K. W. McKAY, C~unty Clerk. W. H. TURNER, Warden. I US 'I' , ~ '1';;"1; I ~:!(;:;:l ~~,jl:i':'i ~~''>!;:;'' t"I':' ~';Y,!i:~ ,,,,,,h.., ;;"I,;:,'!'I !ilfiHi ~l!~; I:'!: lli'Ti':! t:"'I:' J~::t;:i{J, ' 146 Elgin County Counc.u '.~--'-"_. COUNTY ROADS Roads designated to be assumed for iWprovement under 'the provisions 01 1'he Highway Improveinent, Act f"rming part of and annexed,to By-Law No. 89'1, of the County of Elgin, as amended by' By-Laws No. 902,,909,.915, and' 947. , ' And approved by orders of the Lieutenant' Governor 'of Ontario in, CbunciL ' '(The letters P. C. followhiga, Road Number sh,!wthai it has beeri designated as a Proyillcia~County Road, towards the constructIOn' and, maintenance of which thePwvil1ce contributes sixty'per cerlt, of the cost.) ,1., The Graham Roa,d:;in Township of Aldlb,o,rough. Commencing,'attheroad'behveen concessiollS-12 'and 13, the road 'between' lot,q'f8 and 19 and it$continuati'on runnin,g northerly to the'tounty'hbundary,,'the mid,dleof the mainchaulle1 of the River Thame.s,- sa;ye ancl'e~cept the portion with,inthe Village of\'VestLorne. 2. P. C. ,Commencing at the road in Township of Aidborough 'between lots" 6 and 7, the :road between concessions 8 and 9,running easterly' to the 'town line between the 'rowns,hips of Aldborough and, Dunwich;,thence .northerly in said town line, to the road between concession A andcortces~ion 5 north of A in ,Dunwich, save and except the portion wi~hin the Village of West Lorne. 3. The,Furniv<}1 ROad, in Tovmship of Aldborough; Co:mmcncing at the road between conces'sions' 12 and 13; th,c 'rciad ',between lots nand 7 to'the Gore and corttinuing northerly bet'ween' 10tsS' and 9 to the road between cO~lcessions 2 and 3, therce easterly,'ou' said road to the road. betwe'cn lots 14 and -15 in conce-ssibl1 2, the,nce north,erly'onsaid road to the County ,boundary, the midd'l~ of:~he main channel of the River Thames, save and except, the portion 'of-the Furnival,Road wi'thin,the Vi-llage of Rodney. ' 4.P. C.. Comme'ndng at the Kent County boundary line at the i1J.tersection6f,the road between' concessions four and f1ve of the Elgin' County CounCil Township. of Orford, the Couilty-boundary' 'line" south, to,irttersection of road :between' concessions., 7, an~ 8,' Township, of Aldbotough. ,', The road between said concessions, 7 'and ,,8',' Township of Ald~orough, from ,the"w~stern' boundary of the Towriship, to the Furnival'Road betweeillots Gand 7, save and except' theportion'withi~ the Village of Rodney. 5. 'Ccimmencing,atthe,Furnival Ro,ad, in the T.ownshipqf AId-borough, between lots 8 an-d9, the road between concessions 5 and 6, lots 9to ,15,.th~ncel-south a~ong the road ,between lots 15 an~17 'to the road b~tweenthe third' andfou~th 'concessio'ns east Aldboroughi 'theri~,eeaste~lyaTong said road,l,ots 1-7 to 21, to the, Gra'ham Road. 6. Th~ AI'9'borough, hetween concessions 12 'and to, 18, 'inclusive. ' road 10'ts'5 7. , _ The~~oa:d in': the Townshi-p,Df, Duriwichbetween l~ts 18'and 19'in concessions 8; 9,and 10, and to the Lake Road in concession 11. 8. Com~encing in-, the ,', road ,betw~enthe 9't~ and ,'lOthconces- 'sions of the, Townshipof'Dunwich at line, b~tween lots 8 and' 9, ,the Lake Road ,easteTly,and sOl1~her1ythrough lots ..9' and 10,t~ell'ce nottherly,' the road betWeen lots 10 and- 11 to, the given road in conGessioh9, thencel1orth-:easterly on said road to the Currie Road' b~twee'n lots 12 ai1l13 inthe 8th concession, ,the'nce northerly'along said rO,ad,to 'the road at the north of concession' 1, thence easterly a.loi1g~aid road to' the road betw.eenlo,ts 13 anc114, thence, northerly' to, th,e County boundary, the,~niddle of the main channe16f the, Riv~t Thames" save~rid,excePt th'epbrtionwithin, the' Vi11a~e of Dutton. 9. The:r6ad between concessions 7 and 8, Township',of Du:nwich, commencing ,at the :'road betwe~n lots 6an,d 7. anp,tunnin:g, easterly to the Southwold town, Hne. 1p.' P. C. The road"qetween,concession A and 5.' ~orth 6f:A, 'Township 9JDu~wich,'commencii1g at, the Aldbor6ugh town line,. theilceeasterlyto the old Currie Road on .lot 11; thence south-easterly on said Currie Roadto'the bouilda'ry of the,Village of Dutton. H. The r,?ad betwee'n the Gore and' concession 4, 147 14S Elgin County Cdunci1 qf puwkh, town ,line. from the road, between lots 12 and 13, to the Southwold 12. The road in' the Township of Dunwich betweel'l lots 6 and" 'commencing at the: road between concessions A arid 5 north of A, r'unning northerly to, the Count y'bonnda'ry, the middIe of the main channel of the River Tha,mes. 13. P. C. The road ,between concessions A and,5 south ofA;in, the Township of Dunwich, from the boundary of the Village of' Dutton easterly to' the Southwo~d town line. . ,14. The,'town line between the Townships of Dunwich ,and Southwold; commencing at the roa,d known as the Talbot' Road (Burwell's Corners) and running northerly to the County boundary, the middle df the main channel of the-River Thames, excepting the foLlowing,: 14.' P.' C: From the Talbot Road north (No. 17) northerly to north limit of Road No. 13. . 15; The old Currie ,Road, in the Township of DunwiCh, comm'ei.H:ing at lot 11 in concession 5 north of A, thence westerly and northerly thro'tlg'h said 'concession, the Gore and concession' 4, to road at nprth-eastcorner lot 10. Southwold, "from' the 16 .Talbot, Road, int1~e Township of 'Dunwic-h ,town .'line to the City'of St. Thom<j.s. 17.,P. C. Back ,Street. The road known 'as the nOl,'th'Talbot Road, in, th~ Township o,f Southwold; comm.'e1,lcing a_t the DunwichtownJine and running easterly to the road known as the London ahd Port Stanley Road at' the Village pf Talbotville. \ 2 and 3, tn the Township of to, the road between lots 1 18. The road between concessions SOlltl1wold, h'o-m the Dunwich town H~le and 18. 19, 1.'he Middlesex County bounda-ry lin,efrom road between the Elgrn County Council 149 first 'and second concessions, Township of Delaware; west to the road in the Township of Sottthwold,between lOots 1 andIS, thence southerly through concessions 2,3, and 4, and between lots 2:5 and 26 north of the Talbot Road north to the Back Street; " 20. Commencing at the right-o,f-way of. the Michigan ,Central: Railway in the, Village of Shedden, the road between lots 15 and '16 north of Talbot Road north, in the Township of Southwold, running southerly through the Vilhige of Fingal,to the'ro~c1 between 'lots 10 an'd '11 on the Union Road. ' 21. Commencing at th,c north limit of the Lake Road;iri,the Township of South wold; between lots 6 and 7, and running in a northerly dil1cction to road along' the SOllth limit of the lots on thy, south 'si~eof Talbot Road; thcn'ce in an easterly direction along,saicl ro.ad to the Yarmouth town line and in the To'wnshipof Yai-mouth totheKains B.ridge on the, boundary of the ,City ofSL Thomas. 22. P. C. The Lond'onand'Port.StanleyRoad,in the Township of Sbuthwold, from the -Middlesex County line to the boundar:y: of the City of St.' Thomas. 23.P. C. All of the London and ,Port Stanley road situated'irt th'e Township "of Yarmouth and the portion'pfsaid road situa.ted hi the ,Township 'of So'i1thwold between Yarmouth town line and'the boundary of the Village of Port Stanley. 24. Commencing on lot, 2 in concession 2, Township of Yar~ mouth, at the'top of the hill on the London and Port Stanley Road; the,old rpadthrough lots 1 and 2, to wherc1thecorporatioh boundary of Port Stanley, cros'ses sa:i~ -road. 25. Com111~ncing a,t the Middlesex County line, the road between the' Townships of Yarm6u't'h 'and Southwold to the road i~ the rear of concession 9 in Yar-1nQuth, thence on St. G~orge Street ,eastedy and southerly through lots 1 and 2 in said concession to bounal'Y of, City of St. Thomas. '26,.' P. C.Thei Talbot Road in Townships of Yarmouth' and Malahid~ from the easterly;boundary of St. Thomas to the' westerly" boundary of the Town of Aylmer. 150 Elgin County C.oundl 27. Commen'cing, at the LondQn and Part Stanley. Road in the Vi11age\of :Union" t-he'road between concessions 3 and 4 i1;l Township : of Yarmouth, lots 4 to 21,' inclusive. 28; C~nimencing at the Talbot Roa,d' in Township .of Yarmouth, the' rO,a:d,befweenlotslO and 11 in concessions 8 and 1'1, and the road between 'the sixth and seventh' concessians,"lats, 11 to 14, an'd "the ,roadhet\v:eet1lots 14 and 15 in concession 6. 29. The road, between lots 14 and 15 in the second and third conc'ess,i6:nsof' To~n:ship, of Yarmauth. ' 30; Commencing at the north boun-daTY of the City of St. ,'::Thomas, Ba:Iadava, Street, in Township .of Yarmauth, lot 5, concession '9; the 'road ill rear '~f the ninth cancessio'n,lots 5, 6, 7,8~ 9; up to. and I including. the 'r~a.d between lots' 8and,9 in the range s~Pth and firsJ and s'ccond" ranges north of the Edgeware Road,t:h~tenth and eieven th'cance,ssions. 31. Commendngin the 'roa,d,' ,in the ,Township o.f Ya'rmouth, betwecnthe range'sotithan,d first range north of the Edgeware Roa,d',- dats,9, io, 11, and'12, the ,road between -lots 12 and, 1'3 in the first a'rid second ranges north o'f the Edgeware Road, the 10th and 11th concessions. ,32. ,Commencing at the Southwold' town line, the road in the Township of Yarmouth, between" concessions 11 and 12 to the town line: between Yarmouth ,an-dSouth Dor~hester. 33,. The road, -in the Township of Yarmo'\1th between rots 8 and 9, in concessions 12 and 13. The road between, concessions 13 and 14,' lots ~ to 1'2. The road between lots.12 and 13,' co~cession- 14, tq'_,CountY,bou~daryline, and ea,sterlyalong 'said boundary connecting with r6ad numbere-d34.- ' "'34. Th.e' Middlesex County line in rear of :the fifteenth concession. Township of Yarmouth, 'from the Dorchester town' ,line, lots 17 and 16;al?-d pal.t of~5, to connect with the: ,M~ddleisexCounty roa-d. 35.Com~rtericing at New Sarum 'on Talbot RO(id, in Township ;of Yarmout)1,lot 21, the road run!\ingnortherly through 'concession Elgin COlm ty Council iin 9, R. S.B. R, Ist"and 2nd ranges N.E~ R., concession' 10 and concessioil 11, to the town line between Yarmouth and South Dorchester, thence- nO'1"thetly along said town line to the COUlltY. boundary line' between theTow~ships ~ North and Soutl~,Darchestel'~ 36. Co~nmencing at road'behveen concessio~s_ 1 and 2, TO:~l1ship of-Yarmouth, the road between lots 21 _and 2'2 incollc,essions2, 3,4, 5,6 ,and its co-ntinua-tionnortherly and westerly through c'onCeSSiQll 7, lots 20 arid ,21, to the road between concessions 7 and S, lots: 19 and '20, to and along road bet\veen)ots J.8and 19 in concession.8, 37. Theroa,d'in the TOWnship, of Yarmouth 'between 8 in coilcessions 5, 6, and 7, ancl concession 8 to Wellington WelIingt~n' Street West to the City of, S1. Thomas. lots' 7'ancl Street ,and 38. Talbot Road, in the from the Forge Road No. '46 ship of Bayham. To\-vnships of Malahide to 'the ,easterly boundary and, Ba,yham, of the Town., 38. P. C; The roa,dkhown as the Talbot Road from thee:asterly boundary. of the Town' of :Aylmer" to the junction' with the Forge Road No. 46. 39. C0111men~ing at the northerly boundary of,Dol:chestel' Soutl~.' the. road oetween lots 12 and 13 of said Township and its c011,tinu-a,tion between lots 10 and 11 of the TO':'l1shi-p 'of Ma:lahi-de to the'l:o~d between' conces'sions 1 and 2 (Copenhagen) save and except that ,portion within the Town of Aylm,er. , 40: 'Colllmencingat the ,southerly boundary of ,the Village $pril;1gfield, the road in the Township' of Malahiderunning sot1therly ,between lots 20 and ~21, inconcessio'ns 9 anc! Sand running.: southerly and westerly through Jots ,20 to 13 'in the seventh concess1on to ,the' easterly boundary ,of ,the, 1'0'\1\'11 of Aylmer. 41. The road in the To\-vnship of Malahide. between lot", 20 and 21 in concessions 2, 3,4; 5, and 6 of :Mal~hid,e. 42. The road in the Towns.hipof,~i(alahide between concessions 1 and 2,10t5" 11 to 25. Roadbet:w-een Jots 25 and. 26 in second concession. Road between: concessions 2 anc! 3, lot's 26 to 30. Road. tt~ Elg'ih Courtty Council -~~---~ between lots 30 ~ ~nd 31 in second concession. G'Oncessions1 and 2, lots 31, to 35. Road between of Malahide between the third Raad between lats 3D and 31 43. The road in the Township and fourth concessions ,lats 21 to3O'. in qoncessio1i 3. 44. P. C. In .the Police Village of port Burwell, in -the Township o,fBayham, from the intersecti'On 'Of WellingtOn and Erius StreetS' as ~hown in Regis;ered PlanN o. 112, Erius Street in northerly and easterly directian ta the northern boundary 'Of the said Village where it'connects with the' old plank r'O~d running northerly and n'Orth- 'easterly ,through said Township' to the town line between Bayham and :Middletan (Acacia), save ,and except the portion within the Vill;ige' Of Vienna. I 45. Th'e toad in Township of Bay-ham between the first and set.oi1.d concessions fromth~ :rvr.alahide town line easterlYa1i-dsouther..: ly, to >Chatha11l Street in, thennincorporated Village of J?ort Burwell aq shown in Registered Flan No. 112-, thence alongCh-athatn' Street to Bridge Street to Robi'nson- Street to We1Hngton Street to Erius Stre-,et" ,con:necti'ng 'with- road number 44. 46. P. C. The J;i'orge Road fram the Taibot Road in the ToWn..: ship of :Mala hide and running, north..:easterly through lots 34 and 35 . arid i~ the Township 'Of Bayham, through (:onces~ions 7,8; 9, 10, 11. ta the'town line between the Townships of Bayham and:M.iddleton. 47. Commencing at the town line between Nor:th and South DOl-chester, the road in the Township of South Dorchester behveen lots 3 and 4, concessions 7, 8; 9,lO'~ 48. The road 'in the Township of South Dorchester between concessions 10' and 11, lots A to 12 (Lyons). 49. The road in the Township of South Dorchester; betwee_n lots 6 and 7, concessio'ns 11 and 12', to ,the northerly boundary, of the Village of Spr!llgfie1d. 50'. The road in the Township of South Do'rc'hester, between lots 18 and, 19,' concessions 8, 9; and 10'. Elgin County 'Council ~5. 51. The road in co'ncessions 9 and 10, the Township of .south, Dorchester; between lots 13'to 24, the 'Yarmouth town line. I 52. . The towp. lincbetween the Townships of Malahide South 'Dorchester, from the westerly boundary of theVilla,ge Springfield to -the road between,' lots 10' and 11, concession Malahide. and of 9, G: F. PINEO, County Road'.Superintenc1ent, Court House, St.' Thomas. Detember,1919. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN AREA ROADS The undersigned me,mbers' of the St. Thomas Subiii'ban Roads Commission do hereby complete the selection of roads in the St. Thomas Suburban Area towar'ds the constructi~n and ,maintenan,ce of which the City of St. Thomas shall contribute; by the designation of thefqllowing roads- (which include ,those previously'designate,dj, together with the changes in C.ounty Roads No. 30 and 37 approved byOrder~in.,.Coupcil, and the ac1diti011s of parts of the Co\.tnty;Roa-ds ,Nos; 22 P. C., 2BP. C:, and 26'P. C:)' containing ,in ~11 about' twenty~ 'two miles. ' N b. 1-2.85, ~iles County Road No~ 16. The Fingal Road; from the -houn.dary,o'f St. Thomas to Middlemarch, at the intersection of the road betwe,en lots 34 and 35. County St. Thomas No. ,'2~3 Miles Road No. 21. The Kains -Hill l}.oad, ,westerly a distanc.e of ,three miles. from, boundary of No. 30'-5 Miles County Road No. 22 P. C. and 23' P. C. The London and Port Stanley Ro,ad~i,nthe Townships of Southwold and Yarmouth, f~otri the in'tersection of Road 'No. 17 'at Talbotville, in Southwold',' southerly'to road between coneessionsfive ~nd six, in Yarmouth. 154 Elgin County Cauncil ...'--~,~-,-- No.,,4-2.21 Miles County-Road No,. 2;;;. St. Gearge Street, fra'm baundary of 'St. Thomas ,along 'St. George Street and town' line between Yarmouth al1dSouthwcild to, roadbetweensecon,d range ri6rth of Edgeware Road ~ndt,enth concession in Yarmouth. ' No. 5,:.....2.68 Miles County Road No; 26 P. C The Talbot Road, in Town-ship of < Yarm~uth" from the easterly boundary, of St. Thomas to in:tersection o'froad betw~en lots fourt~en an'dfifteen at Yarmouth Centre. N? 6-2.53.Miles ,,"Sounty,RoadNo.BO. Balac1avaStreet, fram the north boundary of the City of St. Thomas 'through lot five, conces'sion 9, Yarmotith, the"l'oaci in, rear; 'of the ninth concession, lots 5, 6; -7, 8, the road ,':,pet.ween lots 8 and 9to \ north-west corner lot 9, south of the E'dg~ware ,road. / No. 7-3.25 Miles ConntyRoaq. N 0., 37,-fr?m, the e~stern bound,ary of the c:ity -of Sf. Thdmas, _W,elling:tonStreet~ to the road between lots seven and eight and, south to road between: concessions five and six. Dated a't St. :Thomas this 17th, day of December, 1919. F.O. LAWRENCE, Chairma~, J. T. WEBSTER, ALEX. AND,ERSON, Commissianers. " Elgin County Council 15u' .COUNTY BRIDGES County Road No; Where Located County's Sh~re Name ()f Bridge 1 Bothwell 2 Wardsvi.lle 3 Graham Road 4 Walker 5 Tait 61 vVilleys McIntosh - N~', 3 Government Drain No; 2 GovernmentDrain No.1 Government Drain Lings Kettle Creek W. .Belmont .Belmont Kettle Creek E. .Belmont Catfish' Creek Otter Creek N. of Acacia' Otter Creek l1ear Ed~ri Otter Creek Little Otter King 21 Queens 22 St. Ge,o,tge Street 23 Finga-l 24 Ka:ins 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Rivet. Thames , . 3 River Thames 1 River' Thames RiveT Thames 12 'River Thames 8 ;River Thames 1.4 River Thames Delaware and: Sotit~wold Delaware and' Southwo1'd Westminster and S'outhwold vVestminster and S0uth~9ld 34 Westminster and, So1itllwold, 35 Westri1inster'& S. DorchC:ster" , N, and :So Dorchester , Malahide and-I?ereham Bayhamand :[\!iddJeton Ba'yham and Houghton Bayham and 'Middletan Bayh,am and 'Haughton 23 St.Thomas and So.uthwoM 23 St. 'Thomas 'and Soutl1wold 2'5 S1. Thomas an.dYarmouth 16 ' St. Thomas, and SouthWbld 21 St. Thotp'asand Southwold \ 23 St. Thomas 'and Yarmouth 'St. J:'homas'and'Yarmouth N.'andS.DOrchester AldlboroughandOrford' .Bayham , Bayham Vienna 7 S 9 fo 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 l'S 19 20 '277r~' 50%' 50% 50% ' 50,(;10 50% 50% 50% 50% ,00% 50%' 00% 5q% 50% ,~o% ' 'tOro 5{}%: , , 50% 50% 50% '500/0 50'% t!O% 50%'" 50'C;:o 5.0% 50% 1000/0 100% .100% ,.Brew~ry L)rnhurst Btanoh Kettle F'leming Creek Fillmore Otter Creek Cook's Otter Creek Upper Otter Creek 150 Elgiil County Council _-----'".'.-"-'-'-c:.~------......-.,'., .,-"-,......,...---~.- ,-_.~,,-_.'.... Co~nty Road No. Where Located Vienna "'Port Burwell Yannouth Yarmouth Yarmouth' and M-alahide 2',2'P.e. Yarmo-uth and Southwold Yarmouth. and, SouthwoM Southwold Port Stanley Po:rt' Stanley Malahtdeand S:Dorchester Malahide and Ya,rmouth Malahide Sotithwold 14 South wold and Dunwich Pori Stanley 35 Yarmouth 'N ame of Bridge 32 Lower Otter Creek 33 pottBurwell Otter Creek 45 34 Gillet's Ca-tfish ,Creek 3D Jamestown Catfish Creek Orwell Catfish Cree'k Dodds- Kettle Creek ,Beavel' 'Creek Zavitz,-'Kettle Creek Sh~lhourneKet~le Creck Port Stanley Kettle Creek Catfish,Creek KingsmillCatfish Creek Port Bruce'CatfiS'h Creek Rob;Pin~, Kettle Creek "];albot C,eek 4"1 Culvert L. & P. S. Road ,48 Mapleton Catfish Creek County'S Share 100%, 1000/0 100% 100,0/0 1000/0 1000/0 1000/0 1000/0 100% 1000/0 1000/0 ,100% 100% 1000/d 100% 100% 100% The brid.ges iti. above list were und.er the control of .the Council prior to the d~signation of:County Roads- under the provisions -of The Highway Improvement Act. Elgin County Cbuncil 157 INDEX BY-LAWS- 92'8 To Appoint Auc1itO'rsmm.......m..mm....'.m._......mm.............n.....' 129 929 To.,Appoint J3,oard of Audit .'....m.,....m........mm..........'..:..m.... 1,29 930 To Appoint :High School Trustees ...m..,m...'n...........n.m.... 130 931 'To Authorize Warden ,~nd-Treasurer to' Bo,rro'W $'tSl),OOO 13'0 93'2 To Appoint a' Comity Road Com~ittee ........m..~...'n'.......m~'.131 933 To 'Fix Sa.1ary' of Ga()ler .m..m...............m_....m..n.'n:~mmnn... 131 934 TO' .Make Gr}lnt to Salvation Army .___~n.........m_....m.......:... 132 935 To Appoint County Truant Officer ....n....'...m..n..n~__.~...m..... 13,2 , ," . 936 _To Appoint County'Auc1itors ,..n'.....'..............n..m......___.mnn.' 13'3 937 To Authorize ApprbvpJ .of Sidewalk "Constructian' on County Roads ............m....mn.n.m...n.............mmm'.....'n..'~..' 134 938 ,To Authorize Closing.of Registry OffiteatOne OlClo,tk on' Sa turd a ys, .... n..n.. ..'n ~,:,~..... 'nn.".'..n..'..'... .__.... ".'. .'nnn'n......._ ,,134 939 To Extend Tilue fo-r Tax, Sale ....;n............m_mmm............,..,., 13'5 940 To Regulate C~unty Council Proceedings m....m.............. 135 941 To Confirm Equalization .....m~n....mm'..mnn~nn...........:.....,..:.. 13'5 94'2 To Grant Additional Aid to Schools n"",,,'.~..._...m..m....n,.; 136 943 To Make Special Grants to Villages .m..mmmm._m.m...,..m. 1~7 944 To Raise County Rates .'m.m.mm.m..mmn...........',.;...........".',.., 139 945 . To MakeG-rant to_ G. W. V;A. .m..n.....__.'.n'_.___'n.mn....m..'_ 141 9~6 To' Authorize B01Towing $2'5,0.00 ."h..""h~"''''.'.''''''h.';'.'''.~'~' 141 947, To i,\men-d By-Law 897 ~_..'..n:...nnn .mm...,.......__._.m......;..m....'. 142 948 1'Q Authorize Borrowitig, $100,000mn'n~mn.....m..........~<......m 144 949 To, Appoint :physician House .of Industry..,..,.............,..,... 145 '~50 To Grant Aid, to Impr?ye Ml:ddlesex County Line......... 145 DEPUTATIONS AND COMMITTEES~, ,,--Ca'nadian Milk ,Products" Co., m\......m._:.'.nn_"'.n..n....m...m'n'm..,..6:2, 64 E;;tst '....Elgin Fait .n......,..-.....':'nn..n;..i__.:..__........'..n...........,.........~n....,._..38, ,40 Educational Ass,ociation Ontario' m_..m...m..................'_.....l.............. 24 F,ederal ,Aid' ...".n.....n'......~..;'............__'......'...............n......n'nn.......n"..~'n...___ '20' G'ood Ro'ads Association .n......_..nn...".......".....,........."........".n.....n... 24 G.W. V. A., East Elgin ,...,...,,,,,,,,,,,,...,,,,,.,,.,,,,.,,".,,..,..,,,,,....,,....,..7, .9 158 Elgin County Counc.i1 G. W. V. A., St. Thomas --.....-----....-----.--..----........-------....---.--..----.---... . Ho'lst'ein 'B-reeders' Associa.tion ___.._.__.___..:..___.'___.....__.._...._____~~...I.-n39, L'aw, Library Ass'ociation '....,,__........____......n'.___.._______....__:____..'....____..."'.. Melno rial :H'ospita.J ___'.__:~__._.....____h_.__.__.n...,.__u'__.'-.._.n.-..-.._.;,--~.---...-----.. Municipal Association Ontario" ------__.._.__."..__.._____.___----.---.:---..--....,--~--- Navy_ Le'ague' ,_.__........___......,..'........_____.'......n..........__.h.--.____,....,.._____..,.,..--41, P-oi:t Stanley ,Bridge and Harbo'r .__________....___..........--,...--.-----.--.---.29, Salvation Army _.__._..__.__..____.....____.n.n__._.__...._______...."_~..':.__..,_.,-....'---,-...----- Scl}'ocil'Inspectors' Salary --..-.-----.--..--...-....--,.-...--..-~--,....-.----....---.._---._' Trtis tees' Association ___,..:._______....___....___.___.___....._......____...,....___...___...9', Y.. M. C. A'. ......__..--............-----.--..-----....-----........----....--.---.--....-----.,..________ GRANTS- Bo~rds, 'of Agricu~ture .-..---..,.,..-----....-----...---------...'~---,--,:------..~\ ['~~;~r:~:' ',_~_~_~~_~~_~ .-.~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~:~~~~:~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~ . N;otices _,"--..---~----...,----....."..------__-...-....:--.:L----..,--...----_._"__,___.9, 13, 38, _62, Salva ti6n ~nny' __.._____.______..___.________......_____.._;~~'---..';...--.-m-..--....'-...______..8, Schoo Is ..__..__..__'____...,____...,..:___....._____...__..__....__.__...,......---...----..-..,.--------.-..---'., Solcliers' Aid 'Commission,.' East Elgin .~....------....---:,.,...---,----...-------- " Ti~n es~J ~,nlrnal, ,Repo rter ,..hm...;_____'___..__.,____.......______.._____~_,;_._______..._____ Wallace, re Miss" __,---.--.--.--...-..------..----...-..--..--.--.----.,:.---c.....,----.....--,,---:. Ward ens __...___....,.____...___..______..,__....._...__._____.,___'.'___..__'------..---.----.....------.,..,. .WonJens' Ins titutfls -....-.---..,..------.....---....:-..--..--.,.--.,---.---..---..--.....-----..--.. MISCELLANEODS- . A.uditors _..____.___..........__.,"_..._.____..~------..----....'- ..__..._____,.._______._____,__..16, 19;" Children's,' Aiti Society' Representative .._____.:....::..__.....,..--:--,------...62, ~~;:~~:::~n ..~~.r.~.0~~..i~...~I=i~.,:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Communications ..___..__.___...,...___...:__._:.,....__.__.,,___.___:..7, J2, 18,,35. 4,2; Coun ty Co'Un cil -----,....--.--------,...------...--..--.,.....:-......---........-......-----.......--,-- Coun ty,,, pfficials .-,--..--.-_,__.'__:.___i.._____...,.,___:_...__...._.:..__.,'_...,:.-.--.--.,..----,-,--.-- Court' F(,o'use Insurance' ....__..._.~.__....._____'.'.m.___..:___.__.._.m____...,...__...,..._.. County ',Road; Committee, to Disp'ense Wit'h, ....,___:_....___:.___..__,..__: 40. 41 10 24 53 51 32 12 24 13 39 25 44 17 , 64 12 44 45 67 16 70 25 31 67 45 70 61 .3: 2 11 13 Elgin County Council County 1~ruan to fficer ':....__.____......_.._______________..._____.___..._________...____..;.... County Treasurer's Ap~ointment' --.....---..____,.___.__.___...__......~__::_..,26, Federal Aid, --..~-..~-......-------.----.-..,-.___..___~._.........___......_.._.____.....m..__.__....... M emo"rial H'o:spital ____..,._.,.-..------.,......-------...-,---...---,----..._.......___.,"____...~19, Patriotic Assbcia tion ___.._____.....___.____......_...._,--..........,,______...;....._______..60. R~ceptioi1 to General .currie and Soldiers ---~....._____.__,----.......---57, Warden;s Address ----.....______...___._________.......________......4,28, 33,55, '57,' ROADS AND BRIDGES- Actions for Damages ....-----..-......______.______..._______,......,-..--c--.................-,.--__. 68' Committee Appointment, ,1919. ---.---..--._...._.____..,_..........,__:_10,l~! 13, 14 Comniittee'Re'por,ts ...------..._.....____..__.....,'______:.._17" 55,,64, 65, 120 to 128 Coun ty B ridges' -,-.--....__,.________....".____......,..--,--,..--..--.-...-.--..,...,....,__,'..,.....__ 155 County Roa,ds '---._....~_..___..______________...___.____:___..__._.___.........______....__146 'to 153 County Road Committee,t'oDispenseWith .,....________,__..,..~._____,__,. 13 County Road 'Connections m'_,____.._._,._.:__..___.____,---.------....---~.....-....-~---_, 46 Fl:eight Rates on Gravel .--c,......,-----.___...._____,_.___....___.____.......______......~--.. 67 Gni'11ts to ,Towns arid'Villages ....,-----_.__..'...._._.______._________,......--.-....45, '66 Gravel, 'Pi t' '.---------....-.--..-'-,.__..__.._______._______........_____,......._____.....,________.....____._... 55',.., Report 1918 Committee,--,-..-......--....-.--_____.....,_,_,___.......____,_.....__..__...._:9, 120 St., Thomas Suburban Area Roads ---.....----...h...-..~---.--..--------'......------153 Sidewalks ,on"County Roads ___:__....__._0.,__....__._____.__....____...___..__..____..:. Stalter", GuHy "'..-----....-..---..__.....__.____......._____.,.._..______......_.__..__,.._.____40" ,43, Vienna ,Streets .--.-.;__.'__._______'..__..__'_'_____.__..______.'.....____........_____...0._..,,,---,...... ViHage, ,Str'eets' Committee ...".....___.____...'..__..........__,__.......-----....----::____.. ,- " REPORTS OF COMMITTEES AND OFFICIALS- , County Engineer ...---,---.---'~....-----,-..-....-----._________..m..____.......__55, 85 to 89 County Eng:ineer, Special Report on Tile. :Flo'o-rs .....c___........~;.. County Police ",Magistrate _~________~_____h.'h_____.'__..___.___.,------......,-----;..:..__ C<?un'ty" R,oadsCommi ttee ---------__....._____......___.._..0._____,..._...___....120 "to County- Treasu't'er '-...----------_.......___,__.....__.___......._____........____..41, 74 to Court H'ouse COlll,mission ----....-~'.._____.....______..__....___._________L;__..______.:;'__.' Education Committee____.._...._____,..._..._..__,......_.______...,._.__18. '41, 63. ,72, Fipance Committee -------....------_.....___.___..,.__..____hUI, 43;46, 65,79 "to 159 luP El$iu COU))!y. ,Cou))cil Ga,61-' Committee, .___..._____......______..__.___..........___...__.....,..;.18, 41, 65,',94:, 95, F!puse: of Industry Committ~e ;........___..___.u......__..:.HI, 411 6-5, ~6 t9 98 House 'of Industry Inspector __,.,..______._____....__.,___.............___...__....__."...99, Flouse of Industry, Physidan ....___,......_______.__;..;.m..'...,....'_____.__.___.,__,__ .104 L,egal, 'Committee .____...._..___,....____'.....,_____....____...__.u.,....__...______'..._....,...,;64:; 119 Memoria'} Hospital C01)1mittee,:___._.._....~__...____".....42, l1'2,1~2"to '115 p.etitionsap::d Legislation Cb~mittee __..,....___....~_..,_;..___."...-m..--12. 93 Fort Stanley ,Bridge and, Har'bo'f .n.'..__........,..-----..-----......----.----.-.----- 108 Public' Improvements Committee____m_.___..~,,19,411, 55,64, 90 to 92 Rules ,ari-d Reg;ulatiol1s' Committee ___.~.._____;.;...___._..______...__......-....~.. 3e Special Report on Warden's Address ...____,00..____._____..,..._..._________..'_.' UO . .