1920 Minutes PR OC EED.INGS .''', , '. -..-' <!I 1"- ~ E.lginCollnty Council Duria!! theSessjClDsheld iu the Coqrt Hou~,$t. ThomaS ia the mClDtbs Clf Jan.uary, . June and November 19.2 0 'J{.W.McKay; .' . (Clunt)' Clerk. . W.B.MilIs. Wardell . COUNTY OFFICIALS "~ .1 T " ......,1 . ., ""''' . ). ,7" C. W. t101te~';' ES(!, CaUllt';,/hdge G. 0, '~rmarlnge'r, -Ju'~-iJr Judge J as. H. Coyne, Esq., Registrar D. McLaws, Esq.,'County~Court Clerk A. McCrimmon, Esq., Clerk of the Peace and County Crown Attorney W. fI. Elli<>tt, Esq., Sheriff .. . ...-~ C. F.Maxw~l1" Esq., Master_il:!:, Chancery" ,W,.: F., Ltitb~,lsq., Gaoler J. A. Taylbf1 B.A." and J, C::5mith-, B A,,_~ublic' Sc'h()of:l~lspeotors j Ie W. McK~y,' Esq., County' Clet}:: ' B. B. Graham, Esq., County Treasurer JathesA. B,~V, M.C.S.,C.E., Co~&tY Engineer G. F. Pil1JO, "C~t1nty. R,o<J.d ,?,~~rii\lte,ndent c. S~. c., Lei"\ch,Cou!ltY),201i.~itor Frank-'Hunt, E~q;, Pdlice"-'Magistrate Robt. Kains, Esq.,M. D., Gaol Surgeon Douglas L" ;E'Yl~"M:D",,~h'ysi~ian Hou~e 9f Industry D. H. G\)ddi:rt.g:'.E:sq,.,;>RI6\$~t, H01.1se:ofJThdustry A. Turner~ E~q., Inspector House of Industry: ',(a:,-,:~)3. rioIFes!i6f~.re~;l_\~er ,CQ~:rt" Hou.S<t",,,,"., '~76l1'ii> Hopklns,"-rIig"h €bllstable, 'Sf.. Thohla\ All of St. Thomas P. O. County Auditors: Walker1f1. ~dafighel1V(!]gHrIThomas. W. A. Galbraith, , IOlia Sta tlon. Admil1ist'jW~k~,th2JJfs)l!i~e A,~1ihorii:r.FJ'W .CpJ~~~.fiili!tlt;ty. Judge Mayo{1'3nnkman, ,i:k Thomas; Oscar M~Ieenney, Aylmer 1) 'C" Municipal d~rt<sin<l. Treasurers Municipality Clerk Treasurer Aldborough.m.mJ. A. McRae, Rodney........A. Carmichael, West Lome Dunwichm........m..D. A. McNabb, Dutton.......n...J. A. Campbell, Dutton $outhwold............J. C. McLennan(~ti-h',gaL......,m.D. A. Cattanach, Fingal Yarmouth....nnW. C. Caughell. '~.a:lt.Qp1as.".R. McLachlin, St. Thomas Malahide..............nJohl1 ~. Ha~$f;~yJE1,~r._.......nn...Johti M. Hale, Aylmer Bayham............Benj. Brian, Sf;~.;affo:rd:v-ille.:m...Wm. Grant Straffordville S. Dorchester....M. S. Char1toir~'it R. 1, Springfield..nG. Winder, 'LYOllS Town of Aylmer.............m........:D",,,C, Davis................n......H. E. Armstrong Village of Vi.enna......nnn....Willrn~in:"jjNeilson..............n..,.Wil1iam Neilson Village of Springfield ........................J. R Lucas...n..............~J. A.Chambers Village of Port Stanley.....n.....J. S. Robertson................J. S. Robertson Village of Dutton..n................n......J. D. Blue.......:.u..~...nn.......n..D. Campbell V~llage of, We~)R~?:P~~: ....... ..............}, S. Roberts~111..n~,..@11:i~,~,..,'..,u~::7 ~,~pne .- Vl1lage of 'i(odney......... ..w',. m..}. D. Shaw............,.........:..~n......m.M. Barnes 'i~'f,:-}]'1lG, ',:;~ i ,iJl'''[,\t,,'.v . , <~i;;'! , ',;Of" ",:<'i- PDOGEEDINGSo .' ,'U: ,jj 'i;":: ,.,rr ,:" ,I.' ",' ~'o <::r t.,..n.... .:I~,..,r ," . ",_','" ""'OH.lL.,,1 () F' ...."T.HI;E"-1d'", ,,' '.," ",,(., '.'i' i';c:::,::!\,if '-'i,n;" ,cr ',;;;1:1 Elgin Coumt:yCouncil '-2 ~'~ j"; . .);:{ ",,:),<'i;')6,"'I";; r:,tJ', m"~d": e~;J! .":rHi::;: J)!Ij!iJ:'g~:lbq( ,<:li' "'}, .y~" ",t2 t'l'ol:"j' (~,< ' <n~fn(,'" FIRST SESSIONCFIRST I>A\\"'''' . ,J, C)'l, j ;-)o![~)J:; ;"i{ ,,~~ j,!',,,!.ri,' C' ,.::rVes4il,Y,,27th Januar)>, 192~ 1')./" ,':]I I'",'}.,'_ ,.:1"(.,,,,,...1., ." , 'The' CG':t:dl'Cilr:nle'tA dl~!:s tr:tll",~o'," ",> ;,0'" ). d~'Ol't "h~ C0U'l'l11<1lile;'St: lrljdmas,."at 2 'H)::rCt,l:'Y 1:0 ,5"{~),} ,a,1H..;1 ,~!(0'\::":: 'd' ,-';' . ~ lih Ju .-L; g,':,,</', ,[jo!.ii.li: ';i:"'~~'::; ~HC'Jl oirh W. \.; .{:<'ltlg;,h~\l,'~stit\gSl~:rk h~ (h~_ 9h'i!:~t.,.. ',",', "tii. ~',"D'o..n' ',' ",;c 1":,'- ",_H..,;G'i., "'.; ,_I' '{1v",J 'f,_il!: .i', " ,n :Ir..." ul:,'___J~ :;;:j';-:L'-:' L ,,', :'j,;',;; ;'.:,~;i. eh~ :~f)O;; ,~{",,:i;'-:;:'" ~,;~,':)!I!'\_ ':-;:(f;' " The following memb'er:s filed certIficates a~,4 .t~)(?lk th"eir se~t.s :o\~ 'I'C '1 B' d ;{').r:~J:;;;:'L' .'../J. ,0 ',-{. 1 A ~ I'C ounCl, ....ar. ' ,"5% . . 'WillhmStiflie;!,' Ar,1i\brougll:'o'fH': ,~'''I''';j>:l_OJl1l,F. McGregor, Aldborough:'" J ol::.n A. McCallum, Dunwich. Harry Dromgole, Dunwich. '. ~h.~. \~{I1ia:Hi'~lf/ Gunri'ihg, c..~01i1I1~fa. ',' ~),E (~I) )\Ihert J. McIntyre, SQuthwold. "<) ~: 'it';~... '" $o:~] r.IW'1;5ld" ';:, '. ':J'ITh :):~;:'::1'i:, : ~1>Jt'? :.: ~ * illlJ'n!lnu: '6 , Elgt,n]Ci?:untylGo.'u.i\.~il pening on Roads and Bd:dges', Jorthe:'constructidh and maintenance of which the Corporation is liable. ,(fS,QL .;J!'~'~ CFjf.;fiW.tf '{nk "'I, County 'Roads The County Roads n~t~r~ment"h~/:g~~el~l}e~FtargeYyr::~iilce the Highway system was desigilated in 1917. It is necessary for t1~. t9,...COn- t f.1'" :,'~J,"Hll <>15'{'~3 fH ,',r~; tinue to be progressive and far:"sighted 'in "all mitte'rs^ pertaIning to l<.p.~9ijmRrjlvei'mr!: j\:mcmlll \oj1equee,iqry.t,Qi'\ shou14, q"sprp~<!ered tl:jl!Ule~rj .!!rp,J,il,wti~~ nlqr.,\lilinlb~ge!!i'" 11, "bRl!'8W.e 91.. ~) lj,o,\~~j &lwei Crusher and-improvement of gravel pit equipment. The freight 'charges \o't:'::'g;rav"et' froth. th~"tounty Pit are too high. At the last session; a;I~81isla~::.c~1?m}i~~Je;di'frl'~'f)~g~Fintil%h~ib,,?ri~~rthis matter to the attention of the'Railway Commission but no action was laken. !bH~:O') 'i:Jm;' ,dT C.I",['" ,^",hdl',lhY;03butlit>l' 'j@lr"Mjyl.wl!ltHl~opetlf.qltiPIh""'''t~''l\ar''dVe' a la;~,e ql4<tnfi.i:ty ~of gra."VeJl.1,i: ]';'~(!)i'!11d";peal!jmmetHfJa1'lf;lap1'Pi'cation ;t&fl,tlb{i G'i1lmtfiils si'oClaf,(!jif ' bettl,d.-} f:tre:i~gh't~}r.a 1:es']am:d~lnf.\ ctj,[fs ~nec&ss ar-y t6'I h'aitj,;(!l~,e the-,outpntw:l>d "l~/'~t ,;;;:0:) j,ti: 1'1' 11(J.'( j:.m;ITtl W'(, ':];. ~:'n_; q;-i: ,>:nod.:'1~,1di:,>I: lit; I,d ,) "d'.'/ j.';'( -J ;,(i Me:n.orial Hospital .'. .......".d "The question of joining, with. ti~'~~ City of St. Thomas in the et~cti'on "of"a:' Me;mol:hJl Hospitaf_wiLll\~'o~~~tH~1:Ont(!yt)u, al~ thi~ s'es'si6n, Wl;'deputation havidg ;n;t.rangeu; t:oc; l1t:e:s€t.tt\[1!hr~lil!ltJ.h!\j:tdU;(jff-' ~r]-fYinl<l:l:ij!l:9' af,tenlo'dti"aJi tour ::o-I,ti1'6ck~r)' ./) 10 '{~jJ1;.qm(}:',1 ") ')~uo;Y:~",lltI j:;~::!;hh:J:)A , " I' ~~,,' <'::' w{r; ','" ',Old Jon: ?of j:Jt!:..1[,':'J:";; tJ1H} '(rue ;)j :b:Jl~'q? A j-ointcommi~te.e, fwm 'Ci~y ,o"l1d .C?untv_ n:oort,~d., 0]1 the.nClt1~$.'.-) . '," .:'",,~H).,---, ;:" "...iL :!i'iI':J. fll.1J:llJ <''iUI, ,,,\~,, D'11,t:-(r)\J"1,-",'~' ~t?:fll~s:t J'~ar:.'_~'~(\\,~:S?:rY of t,~~ir 0,~,r.?qh~,~I:}~:m'~-H~11 t~-~ 5locA.~910~:~b ip "the <:::~,unt:r. (,.., ',' "",." " """"',0'" " ... ',,' I" ., :, . ,- '.',", , "."r .,(, '''d,l. L', ' \,)' ",,,<::;I...J Wlllj,,,',::JI',,, ~iR"" ~,!rJ "OJ. u"lll'lllh:.r,,~ '. ^ "A.,:HdS'pital::::tih'at '\~'il1 exte,hU ;;slp.'~ctii111p(1\ti~l'ftMes tei: v'~'t@Nlttt'1lrro$' the war ilP:irh'e jhita'li:s !l1foJ:Cofl1:e~'an.ri!)) at'.fJiK<sa'm:e tiMe~\p(rovitlFt;h\~~'I'co.tli~i~d<l!> . tion necess-aTY ~lmJ;iden:t's of,ff{(/'CQ'Jn:ty.r1sr+f.1e::1Ye'irf't-'()l!tff:fb~)~1l~.ffi.B--i rial to- erect In cdmnu~:rnoratiort"'o'f "j:he>:~ai'lS,ie~eht~,1i.h1f rtl}iiJE!i~;v'\[t1t4)~,F:;f ;lEJgJ1'H'XO;'1:mty' Council 'J Uj 'I ,I I !I II II! '! .1 Ii I, I: ~Ye7:,<<+n4i)!ih~i1~<.\5fi-,~~e.rRf!"sp,,;r~W,?,~_I?:,?~,I~ ,:~o:ys:... :) 1Cl:: 'i;bi,et:' .~,."" :\hrHr:lD~) .\i:1 Consolidated Schools ';'fh!~>I~;~ ~ ~sg6n .",,~f ;i~lf~~!r;hirig"_~'WJ~6ii~~ tjJd~,l~l~,hb~I:{ ,"is'''''bJ-1W~';~e 11 recei~ed indiffer~nt pa;ifgrrRJ~6'~1l1t:/~ThfsdI-?6dl' 'S'~'kfi6(,r{'~~ith I iis' ~F~;qol hO.1:!.~h-As"'one.,,of.the'9N_~,s,,~ .'\II~:A'.,~?~:t %5~qgitaH~i,:?[t?,:~r},Qc!~} in- stituti.on's. Its supporters in many places. are inifavor of the new idea. '!'}'Y~;"l1,:i1O':::r ~:)lHW ',1 <"j.'J The scarcity of compe-teht teachers, the benefits to be derived from at- ten:dreqiO& a.trjgra;ded; rather, thallI. 9,n,~_J.o9m€fd-,~~qhQ9:llta.lTd,:)thfu'1 most progressive ide-as .from an economic' an4:~q;uga'tjon)llL.'f-H),inJ,..,oL ~yJ,,~:\:V all combine in favor of the Consolidated School. -~>n(/The'~e.l(iimty' TrusteesA:"ssiYcia~M011:Jwlvi't11- u'\ffHjl{b[W .nl '~s\S"i~}'i'.i.has brought aspeci'al officer frollill!j!lie:-Edit~lA~i0~M([)e'part:h;kilPttP:d~"s'€'hs"s the"matter with thepl. , " ;.~.I-" ' 70,; t,10J.)1'~:;; ':lW ;:h.Glfi,l>:) )0 ~m;: :r~tV~~~], n,loll'>K "The Council which has been most lib~al in '-Cl~j}hhftg;'whb<F-iJft~h Clas,s and continuation schools iri the,pa~t will have an'op()rtuni~y of ~--.~ '" , '. ",....,..tJ1...0indJ,l..! :_, ",,' '-~t.~ !{ue.~J ;['J:tI1:>iLWQI.. N'!ffJUC:' '11UJh'e'~ f encourag1llg 'He new movem~~l, ,r...e. uenep ,s or wIlle l' WI, a!. . Jj'''" . , ."'t'''",, .' "(,nUllo'lf oj ,... ..,,). . reaching and do mud'} (6--1mpro-v'e- "tne educa1tidna: system: 111 t'lfe tt 1'a:1 ~jp~rAy.;s:';~j2~t.i::,. J!1Q ,~!1.J~'1' x;;; ..i:bbnJ: ;:0 .;;[",.~[) vjmJio:)~WO"1';J[ The proceed,i.ngs of the previous day. were read and coPl.~H-Hed/'nl, -(WIT'!i:$(}7.e;PQlSt'imfJtnre ~ommimtee' aRll1o.irited~ f([)", shtikn"!iI>h~O liR,Hflj1ing Co mini tte es was ',p-J; ~B:eT1nited ari!d;{afclottb:e.dd:ih rmot:iOlU) bfi].1i.cJ~tlbIl:l:5'"j t~~" conded by Thomson. ;J.s'J";!;;ji !'L ~"jj dwiJ:,.1,,' ,Z" IVf: "',J _:~\I.fO~J :9 .'I9' mt:>1',:u .1.0 ["I}}_e,JfJUpc;,~i~S.lJ~qr1Jl)P~~\9~.t~9.,q8t w~;T;l~~\~; xsT :coO \h!~N:[Wv,\)Jl\.1mJ~ From County Auditors with report. Referred' t6w':FlH:~r;e:J~',1:ltbtlh1;_i.. mittee. .[1o'iJ.tS1H3q'J'".n rw.,:: From County Council' of rt1;".\\d-'p,ry\\\eHt. '6'ti',,6lflff:/ Legislati@n Committee. ',U:E;ij >FR,~H 'efE),'lh[idJ mood Pidth re legislation, limiting eivil liabiJ- eailh'cJlI6r!P.!1\Ziem',ced" .Ii' 'P&ijtili~,'iand ':;;~Ui.iL\W:1Q:Y rW1j,s:JJuiiJ:-.L I,)j h::.vnll$b:JI.......iVI;; -'-.~Erom:',a:o~un ty~ :llrl.til~rj,:'i1 ,@IIroD\!Brerin; Xei Je'gi-&l,a:tiOll'll ~t,(!,}-(~ncrre;~f"pro- g Efgin 'Co_unty;~.courici1 vincial subs,idy for County Roads.:-:Ref1'r:t1kd t;o~Petit:ions, anl'Lcgis,':' lation Committee.. Fr~mi"Coun~y,Co1fncil, o,fOn}<}~ior~,fl:ighwa,y Improvemel~t p.9Iicy in Ont~r~o:;:-~~fefre~, to- ruh}i,s, ,Impr~yen;1ents"Commit~ee.., ,F~om';:H9spital,fdr Sick Children,applica'don for 'granL~Referred to Financ{Committee~ Frorrl,C.-W.Buchanan., Aricultural Representative,wit~ report.,---'- Referred'to"Finance Committee. iF:rom.G',s. Henry, Sec;, re,auqual ,rp.eeting Good ,Roads Assn.- ReJerred::'1:Qr\1bHc Improvements;. C0111mitt~e. From Navy League of Canada with application for grant.-Re- ferred to-Finance ,Cointnittee'. :;1 ~ ( ,-/' Fronl_S=,ounty Counc.~l.of Kent, re Civil Liability L~gislation.- R~ferr~:~) 19 ~5_~i~i~ns and Legis1a tion c.ommittee. From County Clerk of Middlesex re grant on Dorchester Cbttn1:y Line..:..-Fil~4~:')'~ From De-partmetit of Highways, re meeting of County Road 'Sup- erint,endents..."....;Referred :to,Co,unty, Roads: Committee;' c:';,--'::::~ :.\,):~'_~'<' "i'_" , From W. P, 'Coyle, County Clerk of Essex, Petitiol1s re Highway Improvement, Dog Tax a~d'Sheep' PrOteCtion A2fatl(f~diesi~rta'ti;dn of, Prov},ncial H~ghwf\Y.' From Childrens' Hospital Committee, -London, ,re deputation. From,Secret~ry,Provincialr~uste~_s Assoc~atioi1, re annua~,meet-- ing.:7-Reterred to'Education Committee. Fr'om-Ins-p'ector-,:'Hospital ,and, ,Asylums, re,H()use" of Industry,.:......'. Elgin, CountyCot~ncil ,I I!' II 9 Referred to Hot;seof Ind~stry Committee. From Francis Hunt, County ferred to' Finance Committee. i'l ,I ,llr I Police Magistrate, with report.-.:..Re~ From John Gra~t, Turnkey, Referred to Gaol Committee. application for increase of salary.- From Canadian Club extending invit~tion to. Luncheon W~dnes- day evening. Mr. McKillop gave ;notice that he grants to P.p.blic Libraries. Mr. McCallum gave notice of application dred-Dollars, for :Miss Wallace, of Dutton. would apply foe the usual for grant of One HUIr ilm Moved by Comert, 'Iii! Seconded by Mcl):.enney: . That this Council receive a deputation 'from County re Good Roads, Thursd.ay at'2 p.m. the .'Iil Ii II ,I all parts of -Carried. The Council then went into a Committee of the Wholetlf cons'ider . the question of sums paid officials. Mr. McKillop in the chair. After discussing the question at some length the Committee arose ,and the Chairman reported. The following increases: Clerk, Three Hundred Dollars. - ".('reasurer, Three Hundred Dollars. Council Members to Five Dollars pel' day and mileage. '10 Elgin County Cbuncil Jurors, Four Dollars per day andmjleage. was adopted on :notion of McKillop,', seconded by Tl1is repg'rt McGregor. Moved by Stalker, Seconded by McKillop: That this Council do nOW adjourn to allow the elect chairman and resume to-morrow at 10.30 a.m. Committees to "';:"'Carried, K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. W. H. MILLS, , Warden. Elgin COtlnty' Coul).cil 11 FIRST SESSION-THIRD DAY Thursday 29th, January,,' 1920. The Elgin County .Council met "this day according to adjournment. The Warden. in the chair. All the m'embers presenL The proceedings 'of the previous day wer.-.; -re3d and conf!i:'tnecL ".The following {;ommunications were read: From F Hurt. ( 01.111ty Police Magistrate, .at)['lication for increase -in salary. From County Treasurer Graham, with report, both- of which were referred by. the Warden to the Finance Committee. illlli 1IIIi 1, JI. Dromgole gave notice that he would apply for increase in gra~t'~' to the Agricultural Societies. Mr. McIntyre gave notice of application for grants to 'Women's and Agricultural Insti'tutes., I11II' ! II ~ I', 1111/1 II: I,. The report of the County Roads Committee was presented and re- ferred to a Committ'ce"of the Whole with Mr, Bq..rOllS in the chair. After a considerable discussion theCo'mniittee arose and-the report as presented was aQ.opted yvithout' amendli1ent on, motion of Barons, sec?nded QY Gunning. Moved by McTaggart, Seconded by Asl::tol1: That this Council adjourn till 2 p.m' this afternoon; -Carried., Iii Iii 12 Elgin -C~,unty 'CO,uncil The Conrtc.if'Re'sumed A deputa~ion re establishment of a Childrens' Hospital in London being presellt, and were requested to address the Council. Mrs. Smith and Mi'ss Gardner then present~d the claim of the Childrens' Hospital for a grant from this County and the Warden re- ferred the matter to the Finance Committee. Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded by Cook:. Tl-::at deputation from different Municipalities re Good Roads be now heard' . -Carried. Messrs. Ferguson of West LOl"ne, Mayor Wagner, of Aylmer. Hollingshead of Dutton, Black of Springfield, then addressed the Council in reference to grants to Villages for Highway'Improvemerlt . , purposes. Moved by A. Barons, Seconded by Cornell: That the Count'W Road By-Law be so amended that County Roafs will be continued through all villages except Dutton at the same width that they are on entering a village and that they' be part and parcel of the Good Road System. In amendment: Moved by Stalker, Seconded by McGregor: That the matter re village streets be referred to the County Elgin County Council 13 1;1 Roads Committee and Reeves Patton and McKenney to confer with the Highways Department to report at the June Session. Main motion tost.-Amendment carried. A deputation frOth the Township of Bayham in' refcrl1ce to road improvement consisting of Messrs. Backhouse, Humphrey and Brian, then addressed the Council in reference to the improyement of Road No. 44 and the connecting -link through the Village of Vienna. The Warden referred their application to" rheCounty Roads Committee. III ,! J. A TaylOt:, Public School Inspector, then, addressed ,the Coun- cil on behalf of the County Trustees Association requesting grant. Moved by McGregor, Seconded by H. C. McKillop: That we grant the County Trustees Association the sum orTwo Hundred Doflars a"s requested by Mr. Taylor. -Carried. A d-eputation interested' in the erection of a MemdrialHospi':' tal in St. :Thomas being present, were invited by the Warden to ad. dress the Council. The speakers were: Mayor Brinkman and Drs. Curtis and Law- rence, Mrs. Horton and tI-:.e Rev. Dr. King and R.-R. Elgood'. The ap- plication was referred by the Warden to the'Financ"e Committee. Moved by A. Barons, Seconded by Farrow: That this Council do now adjourn to meet ,to-morrow at ten o'clock. , -Carried. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. W. H. MILLS, Warden. 14 . Elgin - COHn ty Council FIRST SESSION_FOURTH DAY Friday, January 30t\::1, 1920 . The Elgin County Council met this day a,ccording to adjourn' ment. .i The Warden in' the' Chair. All, the members present. The proceedings of the previous day were read and'corifirmed. "Ex.-Warden Scratch of Essex, addressed the Council in refer- ence to joint' 'County Deputation to interview ,tJ:te Minister of Highways'in reference to location of the road. Moved by Q. McKenney, Secoridecl by Cornell: Tha't this Council co-operate with the Counties of Essex, Kent' and Middle~ex, _and send the Good Roads Committe~~:,a~d);::lerk of Elgin CountY)lS deleg'ates, t9 ipterview, the 'Governme;l,t: rc 'Pro~ vi"ncialHighway. -Carried. 111.' A deputa~ion from the',.law library associ~tjo'n composed of JuclgeErmatinger, Barrist~rs Ingram and .shaw addressed, the Council req.uesting grant for Library. Moved by A Barons, Seconded 'byW.'M. Andets'on: Th~t the usual grant of Fifty Dollars to t1:e Elgin Law Library he p,aid. -Carried. Iflgiri County Council' 15 , Mr. Patton gave notice of applicati.o.n cultur'al Societiesintp-~e CCHlllty. for-gr,ant-:"f:br ,the, JIorti- (',;."" The report oLthe 'Gaol Committee was present~t'~~tra! "adopted on motion of McKenney>.seconded by Mcr.Q.llum, -,',c The report ot.th.ePt1b1i~ It:l1provement Committee .was ,presented '-'-";'1," _'-", ' ,-," ..,,"'..f and adopted on motion o'f McKillop. seconded by: Anderson. . \ '. Moved by Dr6'mgole;': "i Seconded by JyI<:Callu.tP-: H' That the grants t6 Agricultural SOGieties in .1,:\ creased from Twenfyt'o Forty per cent. of the 'C the "Cou'nty be in- "_'."_'"" n Government Grant. 'I.' , -Cartied. Moved by A. Barons, Seconded by N. S. Cornell: j", - ".z t:'!~""i 1" 'That the County Road By-Law be so amended th;:).t the' County : :,I),!.';.,' ':': il' :..rk':,'>~' Road be continued thro1.tgh the Village ofVierllla the" same width as it.. enter?: the Village and nbe" made p<:trt,}:l:nd,par~el .oL the"f.!,: Good Road System. '.. ":,,;J':;;/: ~" -8;Ij(' Ii. J ,:Te,):c'I ,,.\ {-" '....'I 16 Elgin County Council, The yeas and nays being called. for were taken dowl;1 as follows : YEAS NAYS McKillop Stal1'er Patton McGregor Thomson McCallum Clutton Dromgole McKenney Gunning ~evil1 McIntyre Cook Farrow Baron Anderson Cornell . Teeple Ashton 9 McTaggart 11 Moved by McTaggart, Seconded by 'Ashton: . That Mr. McKenney be County Auditor of Administration of Jus~ t.ice accounts for the year 1920. _Carried. Moved by A. Barons, Seconded by Anderson: That- this Council do now adjourn to meet at 2 dc1ock. ----,-Carried- The 'Council Resumed The report of the Legal Committee 'Yas presented and adopted on motion of McKillop, seconded by Farrow' Elgin County tounci1 17 II '.1' ;'" 'I " Tr.e report of the Education Committe"e was presented and .ad~opted ~n mtltion t>f Patton, sec'onded by Barous. The l'cport of the House of Industry Committee was'pr:e-sented :a:no ref:eired tw a CGmml,ttee .of th,e Wh:ole ,t(J) meet :at ~n a.m. tQ/" 'Jl1t>rroW. Moved by Wm. Patton; Seconded' by R. Dromgole ~ That D~; Cam'erl;;lll be .appointed Tnrst-e'e for Dutton Higb School lor thr'ee yea:t's. i; ~CarJ:ied:. Moved by fl. C. McK)1lDp, Seconded by McGregor '; That this Council grant t11e sum Df Twenty-:five Dollars to each of the rollowing :Public Libraries, Rodney, West Lorne, Dutton, Port Stanley, Aylmer, Vienna-, Shedden, Sparta, Springfield, Bayham,. and Twelve Dollars and Fifty Cents to BelmGmtand Ward.sviHe. I I ~"II ",--,-Carried. Moved by S. S. eluttonl Seco~ded by A. Nevnt: That Erwin Smythe be appo~ntedfor thl't Vienna. 'HIgh School a~ 1;rustee, ror a term of three yeau. . " . , ; .'-Carried\ Moved by McTaggart, Seconded by Cornell. Th.at the Warden and Clerk be authorized to Sigfi and submit tt) the Minister ,of Publie'Works and Highways Mthe Province of On.;. 18 Elgin County Council tario the petition of the Corporation of the County of Elgin;' showing tl:-at during the pedcid,lst. Janul:try' 1919; to 31st December 1919, there has been expencled upon the CouptyI-lighway System the sum afOne" Hundred and Eighty Thousand, Six Hundred and T"wenty One Dol- lars and Seventy-Nine Cents and requesting the statutory grant' on that amount as provided by the Act to aid in the improvement of Public Highways. -Carried. Moved by McTaggart, Seconded by Ashton: That grants to "Ladies' Institutes in the County be the same as last year- _Carried. The report of tr..e Finance Committee was presented and referred to a Committee of the Whole with Mr. Thomson in the chair. ;' After considering the report c1auseby,clause' the Committee arose and asked leave to' sit again. Moved 'by Dromgole, Seconded by Wm. Patton: That the usual grant of Twenty-Five Dollars be paid to the Board of Agriculture of East, and West Elgin. -Carried. Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded by Alfred Nevill: That Dr. F. H. Miller be re-appointe'd Trustee for th'e "Aylmer Collegiate Institute for the ensuing three years and W. W. Ruther. Elgin County Counci1~, 19 ford be appointed Trustee to filtt1:eunexpired time of the late A H. Backus. -Carried. Moved -by Farrow, Seconded by A.. Barons: That this Council do now adjourn, to meet ;t 9 ,o'clock. -Carried. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk W. H. MILLS, , Warden. 2lY Elgin County' Council FIRST SESSION-FIFTH DAY' Saturday, the 31st day of January, 1920 The Elg'in -County Counci1 met this d!tY ac~ording to adjournment- The Wardcn in the chair. All tl:e members present. The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed- Mr. Nevill inquired re price of Gravel from County Pit. Mr. J. A. Taylor, Inspector of Public Scho'ols, addressed the Coun- cil in reference to Horticultural matters. \ Moved by Wm- Patton, Seconded by H. C McKillop- That the County CounCil grant 25 per cent. of the Government Grant to all Horticultural Societies in the County. -Carried, Tr.'e Council resumed the Committee of the Whole on report of Finance Committee. After amending the report the Committee arose :lud it was adopted as ameuded, on motion of Stalker, seconded by Thomson. The Council went into the Committee of the Whole on the report of the House of Industry Committee. Mr, McTaggart, in the chair. After amending the report the Committee arose and the report as amended was adopted 011 motion of Teeple, seconded by Anderson. As authorized by the report, th'e Warden appointed Messrs. McCa.l1um, McKenney and County Engineer Bell to act with Stand- ing Committee in the investigation of matters referred to by the Pro~ vinci,al Inspector. Elgin County Council 21 Moved by McTaggart, Seconded by Cornell: That By-Law No. 951 to fix fees payable to Jurors be received and read a first tiine- -Carried. Moved ,by McTaggart, Seconded by Ashton: JII That By~LawNo. 951 be read a second time. -C:;;,rr;el Moved by W.'H. Ashton, "Seconded by E. E. McTagga~t: ,ThatBy-Law No. 951 be read a third,time and finally passed/ -Carried. (' Moved by A Barons, Seconded by H. S. Cook: That' By-Law No. 952 to appointtt" Board of Audit be 'received 'and read a first time. -Carried. Moved by H. S. Cook, Seconded byABarons: II :111, II II1II II " Tha,t By-Law No. 952 be read a second time. ~Carrhd. Moved by A Barons. Seconded by H. S. Coole. That By-Law No. 952 be read a third time and finally passed. --Ca,rle::l.. 22 Elgin, COl;trity Council Moved by H. S. Cook, Seconded by T. R. Farrow: That, By-Law No. ',953 to 'fix the salary of the County Magistrate bereceivcd and read a first time. Police --'-Car:ied. Moved by H. S. Cook, Seconded by T. R. Farrow: That By-Law No. 953 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved H. S. Cook, Seconded by'T, R. Farrow :>r~ .That By~Law No. 953 be ,read a third time ,.and fiu<J.Hy passed. -Carried; Moved by WIn. Patton, Seconded by Stalker: That.By-Law Np. 954 t9 appoint HJglJ. Sc;hool:Truste'es perec.eived, and read a first time. -Carried. , M-oved by Dromgole, Seconded by Wm. Patton: That By-Law No; 954be ~e<!-4 _a, s~con4_ time. , ' "-Carried. Moved by McCallum, Seconded by Dromgole: T'l~a,t By-L~w No:' 954 ,be: re;ac1,.a third., time, and, fii)any_-'p~ssed.' -Carried. Elg.inCounty, Council 23 Moved by W. R. Gunning, Seconded by H. W. Thomson: That By-);..aw No. 955 tQ fix Turnkey's Salary he received and read the first time: -Carried. MovedbyW.R Gunning, Seconded' by H;W- Thomson, That By-Law No. 955 be read a se,cond time. -Carried. Moved by W. R. Gunning, Seconded by H. W. Thomson: That By-Law-No,955 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. . Moved by W. R. Gqnning) Seconded by S. S. Clutton: . , That By,.LawNo:. 956 to fix salary of County Road Superintendent be received and read a first time. -Carried. Moved b:yO. McKenney) Seconded by Alfred Nevill: , Th~t By-Law N,o.956; be'read a second.' time, -Carriecl. Moved by H. S. C60kl Seconded by Q. McKenney: That:B~-;':aw: N<;>. i95~ be read a third ti1,11e and finallY passed. -Ca rried. 24 Elgin County Council Moved by S. S. elutton, Seconded by Alfred Nevill, That By~Law No. 957 to -fix members' wage.sbe received and read a first time. -Carried. M~oved hy Alfred Nevill, Seconded by S. S. 'Clutton: That By-.Law No. 957 be read a,second time- _Carried. Moved by S. S, Cluttol1, Seconded' by, Alfred Nevill: That By~Law No. 957 be read a third time and finally pa:ssed. _Carried. Moved by J. R..Teeple, Seconded byW. 1-I.. Ashton: That By-Law No- 958to fi~ the i;alary of the CountY Treasurer be received and read a first time. ____Carded. Mov'ed by W: M. At1dersOu, Seconded by J. R. Teeple: That By-Law No. 958 be, read a second time. _Carried. MOved by J. R, Teeple, Seconded by W. M. Anderson:. that By-Law No. 958 be read a third tip1e and finally passed. _Carried. "Elgin County ,Council 25 Moved by'AlfredNevill, Sec,onded by,S. S.,Clut~Q,n: Tha,t B:y:Law No. 959 to fix tie salary of the .-Co,unty Clerk and am,cpd ,B.J;::-Law NQ. ,~3 be r:eceived and. read .a first time. -Carried. Moved by Alfred Nevill, Seconded by S. S,Cluttou: That By-Law No.: 959 be read -a_second time; -Carried; ;Moved by Alfred Nevill, SecGll1ded by S- S. Cluttcm ~ That By-Law Nb. 959 be-rea'd a thir,d tinie and finally, passed. -Carried. Moved by McKil1op, Seconded by McG.egpr: That By-L':l-w No. ,960 to authorlze Warden and Treasnr,er .to bor- row ,the :ium of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars be received and read ::t first time. -Carried~ Moved by McKlIlop, Seconded by McGregor,~ That By' Law No. 960 be read a second time. -Carried, Moved by McGregot, 'Seconded by McKillop. That By-Law No. 960 be-read a third time and -fillal1y l)assed; ~Catried. 26 Elgin County Council The Warden apP9inted the following deputation to attend thean~ nual .meeting of the Ontario Good Roads Assoclation on March 3rd, 4th and ,5th: Reeves of Townships, Dragole, Cook,Bell and McKay. To attend tre annual meeting of the Provincial 'Trustees Asso- ciation ~n April 6th, 7th and 8th, Patton, McGregor, McIntyre, Barons, elutton and Teeple. To attend Provincial Highway J oint County Deputation Meeting. The County Roads Committee and McKay. A special Committee to arrange administration of Justice ,settle- nient with eth City of St, Thomasj Stalker. McKenney, Cornell and McTaggart. investigate conditions at the House of, with McKenney and McCallum a-nd A Special Committee to Industry; Standing Committee County Engineer Bell. Moved by Stalker, Seconded by McGregor: That this Council dO,now adjourn to meet June 15th, 1920. W. H. MILLS, K. W. McKAY, County Clel'k. Warden. / Elgin Comity 'Council SECOND SESSION-FIRST DAY Tuesday the lSth of June, 1920 The Elgin County Council met this daya~cording to adjournment. The Warden in the Chair, All the members-pre'sent. The Warden addressed the Cotf~cil as follows: Gentlemen of' the County Council; The general agricultural outlook throughout the County, is fair considering the dry season. The prospects fqr an abundant fruit crop is good- While labor cOll'ditions are unsatisfactory the favorable season for work has enabled everyone to put in a large acreage and all are now,looking for improved conditions in the Fall. There.is a movement for concerted 'action on the part of South Western Ontario authorities to secure suitable immigration: to im- prove tl:'E:-Iabor supply and you will be asked to consider the appoint~ ment of representatives to look after the interests of the County. In this connection the County Board of Trade would be useful if re-organized. The~e is a large number of vacant houses in the County that should be occupied, a census of particulars in reference to each would no doubt attract many desirable residents from the cities and towns, where rents are soaring and the cost of building prohibitive. The County Roads work is progressing favorably. The five ton tr~ck is being, utilized at Springer Hill which will not be completed 'for some weeks. This is a large undertaking for the County andI have to recom- mend that you adjoitrnearIy this afternoon and inspect the work. Arrangements have been made to have supper in the Brown 'House, Aylmer. 27 , 28 Elgin County, Cot~nci} Tr..eproceedings of the last day of the January Session were read and confirmed. Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded by S. S. Clutton: That Mr.;Marslt'all be allowed to- adress. the Council in reference to Government Aid for Township Roads. "~Carried~ Mr. MarshalL Engineer for the Provincial Highwaxs' Department explained the provisions of new legislation in reference to Township Aid. Moved by McTaggart. ~econded 'by, Ashton: That thi's Council do now adjourn until 10 o'clock to-morrow, for the purpose 'of inspecting th~ work at "Springer Hil1." '----Carried. K. W. McKAY, W. H. MILLS, Warden. County Clerk ~lgin County Council 29 SECOND SESSION-SECOND DAY Wednesday the l6th of J une,,_J920 The Elgin County Council met this' day according toadjourn~ ment~ ("The Warden iri tI-:.e chair. All the members present. The proceedings of the previo1.ts day were read and confirmed. Mr. 'Thomson introduced the question of Insurance 011' County buildings. Moved ,by O. McKenney, Seconded by Cornell: That a Committee composed of Messrs. Thomson, McGregor, Cook" - Barons, Treasurer and Warden be appointed to consider additiQnal insurance on all the' County Buildings. -Carried. Moved by Cornell, Seconded by E. McTaggart:, That this Council do now adjqurn until 2 p,m.to give Commit- tees time to meet. -Carried. The Council Resumed The follo_wing communications were read: From the Holstdn Pure Bred Breeders' Association of grant.-Referred to Finance Committee. From the Clerk of the Peace with presentation of Grand Jury. for renewal. From James. A. Bell, County Engineer with reporL---Referred to Public Improvements Committee. 30 Elgin County Council From pepartment of Public Higl:ways, re estimate:s.---:,Referred to County Roads Committee. From Navy League, application for grant.-Referr:ed to Finance Committee. From County Council of Oxford, re width of Sleighs.~Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. From County Council of Lennox and Addington, re expense of re- moval ofpris.oners.-Refcrred to Petitions and Legislation 'Commit- tee. From County Council of Victoria, rc payment of fines.~Referred to Finance Committee. From Ontario MUllcip"al Association. re annual meeti~g.,....:--Referred to Finance Committee. From G. W. V. A. St. Thomas" re grant.-Re'ferred to Finance Committee. From Chamber of Commerce, C)1ath'il,ffi,'re construction 9L Pro- vincial ,Higl".ways.-Referred to public Improvements Committee. From Western Ontario Immigration Committee:, re .Elgin. repre'" sentati-ves.-Referred to Finance Committee. Fr'om Queen Alexandra Sanitarium" r,c' cost of Maintenance.- Referred to Finance Committee. From Soldiers' Aid Commission, re application for', granU-Re- fcrred to Finance Committee. From Alma Luton, Gaol Matron, re application for increase in salaty,.;-Referred'to Gaol. Committee. From Childrens"AidSodety, re grant..."..-Referred to Finance Com- mittee. EJginCo~nty Council 31 Moved by McGregor) Seconded by Stalker: That this Council do now adjourn to meet at 10 a..ro. to-morrow' ~Cat/.;ied. ,->'i';('l '"'' K. W. McKAY. County Clerk. W. H.ih'LLS.. Warden, 32 Elgin County Council SECOND SESSION-THIRD DAY Thursday, th.e 17th day of June ,1920 The Elgin County Council met this: day at the Court House, St. Thomas, according to adjournment. The- Warden it} thecr_air. All the members present. The proceedings of the previousday were read and confi'rmed. The following communications were read: From the Workmen's Compensation Board re Assessment for-1919 _Referred to the Finance Committee. From the Education Department re increase in grants to Contin- ua~ion Schools.-Referred to the Education Committee. The report of the House of Industry' Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Teeple, secoridedby Stalker. Mr. elution gave notice of application for special grant to Vieuna High School. Mr.H. C. McKillop gave -notice of grant to poultry Associations of Aylmer, West Lorne and St. Thomas. Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded by Barons: That this Council do now adjourtl nntil2 p.m. to-day. __Carried. Elgin County ,Council 33 The, Council Resumed C.._J' The report of ~he special committee on Insurance was presented and laid over for further consideration. Moved by O. ~cKenneYi Seconded by H. C. McKillop: That this Council adjourn until 10 a.m. to.,rnorrow t~ allow Council to visit Sparta. -Carried. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk, W. H, MILLS, Warden. .34 Elgin County Council SECOND SESSION-FOURTH DAY Friday the1Sth day of June, 1920. The' Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas in accordance with adjournment. The Wardei1 in the Chair. All the members :present~ The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. The County Treasurer's Report was read and referred to the Fin~ al1ce Committee; The Report of the Education Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Patton, seconded by Thomson. The Report of the Special Insurance Committee was pres'~nt.ed and adopted on motion of Thomson, seconded by Cornell. Moved by McGregor: Seconded by McKillop: That this Council do now.-adjourn to meet at 2,30 p.m' '-Carried. The Council Resumed. The Report of the Publi;c Improvements Committee was pre- sented and adopted on motion of McKenney,seconded by McGregor. The Report of the County Roads Committee wa,s presented and adopted on motion of McTaggart, seconded b:y Corn_ell. The' Report of the Gaol Committee was presented and adopted 011 motion of McKenney, seconded by, McCallum. TEe Report of J;he House of Industry Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Teeple, s~yonded by Ashton. Elgin County Council ~~i,i Ii III ill..' !I !( 35 The first Report of-the Finance Committee was , adopted on moti6nof Sta.lker, seconded by Gunning. presented ~nd Moved A Barons, Seconded by'S, 5. Clutton: amended so that the roads be thrdugh villages the same That the County Road By-Law be designated an.d constructed into and through townships. as In Amendment: Moved by McGregor, Seconded by' M. Anderson: , That a.' By-Law be passed granting to the Town of ,Aylmer and the Villages of the County,.an amount e-quivalent to their c~ntribu. tion towards the amount to be included in the estimates for County Road expenditure this year. To be expended in accordance will-) 'the provisions of the Highway Improvement Act. Main motion lost, amendment Carried. Moved by H. C. McKillop, Seconded by Stalker: That the grant to the Aylmer, St. Thomas Poultry Shows be the same as last yea'r. and West Elgin "'::'Carried. 36 Elgin 'County Council The secoad Report of tile FinanceConimitte~- was presentcdan~ adopted on motion of Stalker, seconded by Gunning, Moved by McCalluin, Seconded by Dromgole: T.hat the last year. equalization of the Assessment Rolls be the same as I"} ":":"':'Carried. Moved by McTagga-rt, Seconded by Cornell: That this Council do now adjourn until lO a.m.to-morrqw. -Carded. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. W. H. MILLS" Warden. ,;), )V.."" "'Ti,f,. 1:,11 ! Elgin County Council ! I II, I 37 SECOND. SESSION FIFTH DAY Saturd~ythe 19th day of ]tine, 1920 The Elgin County COUJIcil met this day accordiilg to adjourn.,. ment. The Warden in the chair. \'1;' All the members present, cti The proceedings 'otthe previous day were .reacland conf1n-red. The.report of the Special Committee re village streets was pre- sented and adopted 'on motion ,of McTaggart, seconded ,by Gunning. Moved by S. S. Clutton. Seconded 'by, O.McKe1\~ey: That an additional grantof Two Hundred Dollars be made to the Vienna High School. -Carried. Moved by McKillop, Seconded by ,McCallun;: That By-Law No. 961 to confirm equalization 'of the Ass'essment Rolls of the County of Elgin bereceivrd and read" a first time. --:-Carried. ill 'I I' Moved by McCallum, Seconded by McKillop: ,II " !i I That By-Law No. 961 be read a second time. Moved' by McKillop, -Carried. Seconded by McCallum: ,tlIlt1,flJ By-Law No. 961 be read 'a third time and finally passed. -Carried 38 Elgin Coul)ty Council Movedby.W.- R. Gunning, Se.conded by _ Mcintyre: Th?:t By-Law No. 962 to grant additional aid to ceived and rea.d- a first time. schoO'ls be re- _Carrier!. Moved by W. R. Gunning, Seconded by Mclntyre: That By-Law No. 962 be read a second time. _Cartied. Moved - by 'W. R. Gunning, Seconded by McIntyre: That By-Law No. 962 be-read a third time and finally passed. ..........Carried. MC?ved by Alfred Nevill, Seconded by H. S. Cook: That By-Law No. 963 to make grant' to' the Association be ,received and read a first,.time. Great War Veterans _Carried; 'Moved H. S. Cook, Seconded by Alfred Nevill: That By~Law No. 963 be read a second time. _Carried; Moved - by Alfred Nevill. Seconded by H. S. Cook: That By-Law No. 963 be read a third time_ and finally pass~d. -Carried. Elgin County Council 39 Moved by A. Barons, Seconded by T. RFarrow: Tl::at By-Law No. 964 to extend time for Tax Sale be received and read a first time. il I 1\ II :1 -Carrie{~ Moved T.'R. Farrow, Secon'dfld by A. Barons: That By-Law No. %4be read 2' second time. -Carried. Moved by A. ;I?arons, . Seconded by T- R. Farrow: That 'By-' Law No. .964~e: read a third time and finally pas~e? -'--:Carried. Moved by W. M. Anderson, Seconded by A. 'Barons: That By-Law No. 965 to authorize Warden and Treasurer to bor~ " . '. row Two Hundred Thousand Dollars be received and read a first. time. -Carried. Moved by A. Barons, Seconded by W. M. Anderson: ThatBy-Law No. 965 be read a second.time. -Carried. Moved by W. M. Anderson, Seconded by A. Ba,rons: Th'at By-Law No: 9.65 be r'ea:d a third time and finally passed. -Carried. if--~~ -;1,1-,', ',:'1 40 Elgin -County Council Moved by J. _R Teeple, Seconded by W. M. Anderson: That By.-Law No. 966 to.fixsalaries of Keeper, Assi$tant Matron nnd Inspector of the House of Industry be received and read a first tirrt~. _Carried. Moved by W. Anderson, Seconaed by J. R. Teeple: That By-Law No. 966. be read a second time. _Carried. Moved by J. R. Teeple, Seconded by W. H. Ashton: That By-Law No. 966 be read a third time and finally passed. _Carried. Moved by McTaggart, Seconded by W.H. Ashton: That BYMLaw No. 967 to -fix. salary of County Road Superin- tendent be received aue! read a first" time. _Carrie'~. Moved by W. H. Ashton, Seconded by, McTaggart: That By-Law No. 967 be read a second time. ....:..-Carried. Moved by McTaggart, Seconded'by N. S. Cornell: That By-Law No. 967 be read a ,third time ~nd finally pass~d. _Carried. Elgin County Counc"il 41 'Movea by W. Pattoll. Second~d by Dromgole: ThiFBy-Law No. 968 to fix salary of the County received and read a first time. Treasurer be -,-Carried. Moved byW.Patton. Seconded by Dromgole: That By-Law'No: 968 be read a seoond time. -Carried. Moved by Dromgole, Seconded by W. Patton: That By-Law No. 968 be read a third time and finally -passed. -Catrie~. Moved by CorneH. Seconded by McTaggart: That By-Law No. ,969tb make a grant with respect to the Port Stanley Bridge be received and read a first time. -Carried. M,oved by Cornell, St;conded by McTaggart: That By-Law No. 969 ,be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by McTaggart, Seconded, by Cornell: That By-Law No. 969 be read a third time and finally passed'. -Carried~ 42 Elgin County Coundl Moved by Stalker, Seconde~ by McGregor: That By~Law No, 970 to raise ceived and read a first time- amounts for County Rates be r-e- _Carried. Md.ved by Stalker, \ Seconded by McGregor ~ That By-Law No. 970 be read a secorid time- _CarrH,:'rt. MClVe'_d by Stalker. , Seconded by McGregor: That By-Law No. 970 be read a t1:.ird tim~ and finally pa'ss-ecl;-' _~arrled. Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded by S. S. Clutton: That By-Law No. 971 to authorize Warden to received and read a first time. sign agreement be _Carr~,e'(L Moved by S. S. Clutton. Seconded by- O. McKenney: That By-Law No. 971 be read a second time. ':-:Carricd~ Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded' by Mcintyre: That By-Law No. 971 be read a third time and finally.passed. ~Ca:rried. Elgin Cou~ty G:ouncil 43 Moved'by Ander-son, Seconded by J.R. Teeple: That By-Law No. 972 to make special grants ~o villages and town... for improvem.ent of. Highways be received and read a first time. -Carried. Moved by J. R. T.eeple, Seconded by Anderson: That By-Law No. 972 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved 'by W~H. Ashton. Secol1dI~d by J. R. Teeple: ThqJ:' By-Law No. 972' be read a' third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by McTaggart. Seconded by W. H. Ashton: That By-Law-No. 973 to confirm agreemtnt for sale of gravel to'; the London and Port Stanley Railway Company be received and read a first time. -Carried. Moved -by Cornell, Seconded by McTaggart: Tr..at By'::Law No- 973 be read a second time. -Carried. 4.4 Ergin County Council Moved by McTaggart. Seconded by Cornell: That By' Law No. 973 be read a'third time and fin.aIly..passed . -Carried. The Warden appointed a deputation to the Ontario Municipal Association as follows: Messrs. Thomson, McKillop, Anderson, Ash- ton, McKenney, McCallum, Cornell and McKay. Moved by McKillop, Seconded by Stalker; That this Council do Tuesday in November. now adjourn to meet again on the fourth -tarried. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. W. H. MILLS, Warden. ( Elgin County Council 45 THIRD SESSION, FIRST DAY Tuesd-ay, the 23rdNovember, 1920 The Elgin County Council met this day according to adjourn~ ment at 2 p.m. The Warden in- the- chair. Ail the members present, except Mr. Cornell: The Warden addressed the Council as follows: Wardvn's Address To the Members of tn~ Elgin County Council: Gentlemen :-In opening ~he, closing session of the year, I think may say that as an Agricultural County,-we have had a good year ~nd that with the exception of wheat hi some' districts the crops have b~enabove the average and that the County as a whole is in a pros- perous condition. A County -Dog 8,nd Sheep ProtectionFu~d .t\:tthe"Iast session of ~he Legislaturel County Councils were auth- orized to pass By-Laws requiring ,all dog taxes and license fees col- lect~d in the local municipal,ities to be pa'id to the_ County Treasurer, . ',' " , . . to form a Dog Tax and Sheep Protection fund'outof which all claims for compensation, for sheep killed or injured shall be paid, Counties passing sU'ch By-Laws are autl10rized to appoin't 'Sheep Valuers 'for ,each local tllul;1icipality. As :matters stand a't present, dogs from the towns and villages ',", , "'-,:,,', : ",': " ,," '- wher~,tlOsheep ar~ kept are often the cause of considerable' damage to flocks in th~ surrounding country. The idea of the new legislation i~ to equaHze the liability for ~heep killed by dogs, and I would sug- gi,st that yOU appoint a Special Committee to report on the advisa- bility of passing a 'By-:-~aw to fund the dog tax in this 'County. 46 Elgin County Council County Roads . -:,'.(.,",.:!,:-"!,-' The provinciat autho';ities', have taken over control of the pro- vincial highways b the County. The great,er l?al:"t of this mileag~~NVas included in the CO_1l1ty Road System. It has been Suggested that$t.eps should be taken to increa~;e the County System by designating addi- tional roads, to take the' place of the Provincial Highways. The County road idea is popular throughout the Co.unty. The use of trud:s and mechanical loaders has proved to be both business-like and economic~1. With addition:al equipment, the re- surfacing of the County t"oads can be handled-mos't expeditiously. The Council should consider the whole question an'd if they decid,e to designate additibnalroads, an effort should be made to exten,d" ,-the connecting features of the present system and itrdude the roads,;over "vhich the greatest amount of travel passeS. Moth-ers' A~lOWl:\,nces The new legislation of this year- includes the Mother:s,'Alto..wa1},ces' Act under which widows or wives whose husbands are in an asylut11 or permanently disabled or incapable of contributing to the support of their families~ will receive compensation~if they havet':':"o or more depend.ent c~iidr.elhunder ,fourt,een,yea.r.s of ag: living: withthem' and they have not adequate means to care'~rope:ly for them. The compensation is payable by the Province in the'firstinstan-ce', on:'e half of which is to be repai~ by the County'. The administratiol1 of the Act is ,in the ha-nds'; of'a provinciar Commission and the regulations provide for th-e appointment of a local board of five members for each County, to receive applications from those to whom c6mpelisation may be paid and conduct inquir-' ies alid investigations. At the request of the Provincial Commisston~ I nominated ex-Warden W. H. Turner, of South wold and ex:..ReeveW.t T.1-Ial-e of' Malahide, as the County representative; on the local board, the 'balance to be appointed 'by the Provincial ;CommissiOl1, which has already named Mrs. B. B. Graham~ of Rodney, a11dR. A. / Elgin County. Council 47 Penhale~ of Yarmouth. The fifth member of the bbarc1~ a lady in East Elgin, has been recommended for appointment to complete 'th~board. . The local board has already organized with W. H. Turner ~s Chair- man and Mrs. Graham, as Secreta qt. The Council should confirm my nomination of Messrs. Turner and Hare'as members of the board: Portt Stanley Bridge The Public Works Department at Ottawa has not yet. signified its intention of taking over the Port Stanley Bridge ,or of accepting the Comity gra-nt of $20,000. The matter has been under discussion and while the officials of the Department are favorable, some opposi- tion to approved plans has been, offered by the London anct'. Port Stanley Railway, and the matter is now pellding in art aplpicatioll to the Railway Commission. I Theproceedings of the last day of the June Session were read and confirmed. The following communi,cations were read: From D. ,L., Ewin, Physician, House of Industry.-Refe~~ec1 to House of Industry Committee. From J. A. Bell, County Engineer with lie Improvements Committee. report.-Referred to Pub- From Navy League of Canada, application for grant. F'/;.'fe"j'red to F:nance Committee. From Department of Pltbii~J Highways, approving of agreement with Aylmer re expenditure of Couiity road grants.-Referred to County Roads Committee. From Mrs. E. H. Caughell~ resigning position as County Atten_dance Officer.-Referred to Education Committee. School 4J E}gi~ County Cotmcii From Inspector of Hospitals and ckiirities, re House of Indbstry. --:ReferJred to the Hous"e of industry Committee. From Great War Veterans' Association, thanking Council for grant. Mr. McKenney gave notice of application for grapt or sixty dol- lars for improvement in Aylrn.erlock-up. }.ioved by E..E. Mc'raggart, Seconded by W. H. Ashton: That the appointment by t~e Warden ex-Reeve Hare, as County representatives allces Board be approved: of ex'-Warden Turner and on the Mothers' Allow- . ~Carried. Moved by O~ M,cKenny, Seconded by A. Barons: That this Council do now adjourn until ten a.m. to-morrow. --:-Carried. rc W. McKAY, County Clerk, W. H. MILLS, Warden. .~ Elgin Coun ty ,Council 49 THIRD SESSION, SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 24th November, 1920 The Elgin County Council met this day according to adjourn- ment. The Warden in the chair. All the members present. The proceedi.ngs of the previous day were read and confirmed'. Mr. Cornell gave notice of resolution to designate County Roads in and through villages; asking for the extension. Moved bJT ~. 'McGregor, Seconded by H. Dromgole: That the Reeves of the various townships of the County, with Mr. Cornell, bea committee to consider designation of additional County roads, to report at this session. -Carried. Moved by H. C. McKillop, Seconded by F; McGregor: That this Council do now adjourn to meet at 2 p.m. -Carried. ~ sa Elgin County Council Council -Resumed: The Council resumed, ) was presented and referred The report ..of the County 'Treasurer to the Finance Com~ittee~ The report of the Public Improvements Committee was presented and adop~ed on motion of H. C. McKillop, seconded by A. Nevill. Moved by H. W. Thomson, Secon ded 'by H. Dromgole: That this CO,uncil do now "adjourn until 10 a.m. Thursday. _Carried. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. W~H. MILLS; Warden. Elgin County' Council ~;I , I Ii ,I 11 ,I 1.,1 , I I I 51 THIRD SESSION, THIRD DAY Thursday, the 25th November, 1920 The Elgin County Council met this day in accordance with ad- journment. The Warden ill' the chair. I' I': I I 'j All the members present. . The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. Reports from Public School Inspectors Taylor and Smith were read and referred. to the Education Committee. Mr. Farrow requested hearing for deputation from the Council of - ,South Dorchester in reference to CouhtyRoads and was told that they would be received at 2 p.m. on Friday. 'The repo.rt of the Legal COl;nmittee was presented and adopted on motion of H. C. McKillop, seconded byW. Anderson. ;Moved by O. McKenny, 'Seconded byN. S; Cornell. That a grant of Sixty Dollars be paid' to the Treasurer of the Town of Aylmer to assist in paying for new locks and1other'repairs necessary for lock-up house. -Carried. Moved by N. S. Cornell, ..Seconded by I). McKenny: That in consideration of the conspicuous bravery displayed in preventing the escape of Chapelle and Roberts from the County gaol, that this Council acknowledges that act of bravery by a gt;,int ('II Fifty Dollars each to the Gaoler'and the Turnkey. '-:":Carried. 52 Elgin ~ottnty Council M(}ved byJ R. Teeple, Secondeclby W.. Anderson: That the 'County Road Committee be instructed to arrange t~e,'(:onstruction of a subway at St. G~ Str.eetcrossing of \..;<. r. R County Road No. 25. "":""Lost. Moved by J. R. Teeplej Seconded by, W.Ashton: 'That -the Gaol Committee be instructed to have tne gaol pfO- perlylighted at once. , -Carried. Moved by E. McTaggart, Seconded by W. Ashton: That this Coundl adjourn till 2 p.m. to-day. -Carried. The Council Resumed: Moved by O. McKenny, Seconded by S. S. Clutton: That the deputation from Aylmer, re Hospital be now heard. -Carried. Messrs. Mayor Wagner,. Ex.-Mayor Wrisht and Mr. Thayer then made application for grant to. the East Elgin'Memorial Hospit~l and the Warden 'referred the matter to the Finance Committee. Elgin County Council 53 The following communications were read: for the From. John Stewart, County Clerk,' Lonclon,re County Roads.-'-- Referred to Special Committee. From Secretary Ontario Boards of Trade.-Referrecl to Finance Committee. From Inspector, House,of Industry with Annual Report.---,Refer- red to House of Inditstry Committee. ~t[r, Thomson i'nquired as to progress being made in connection with tne Elgin Memorial Hospital and was inform~d that application in connection therewith would come beforej the Co.uncil at the next session~ The report of-the House of Industry Committee was presented and adopted on motion of J. R. Teeple, seconded by A. McIntyre. Moved by O. .McKenny, Se'conded by H. S. Cook: That this Council adjourn until 10 a.m. to-morrow. -Carried. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk W. H. MILLS, Warden. 54 Elgin County Council THIRD SESSION, FOURTH DAY Friday, the 26th of November, 1920 The Elgin: County. Council met this da~ according to adjourn- ment. The Warden in the chctir. All the m~mbers present. The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. Moved by E. 'McTaggart, Seconded hy N. ~~ Cornel!:. That this Council adjourn till 2 p.m. this afternoon. -Carried. The Council Resumed: Moved by T. Farrow, Seconded by A: Barons: That the now he,ard. deputation from South Dorchester, re County Roads be -Carried. Messrs. Grimstead, Brooks, et aI, then addressed the Council in reference to their claim for additional County road designation and the Warden referred the matter to Special Committee. Mr. Teeple inquired re removal of hedges causing accumulation of snow 01'1 Coun,ty. Roads in Yarmouth. Mr.. Anderson inquired re sale of old bridges on County roads. Elgin County Council 55 Mr. Dromgole inquired re sale of Springer Hill bridge to Mala~ hide. The report of the Education Committee was presented and adopt~ ed on motiDn of W. Patton, seconded by H. Thomson. The report of the County Roads Committee was pxesented and adopted on motion of E. McTaggart, seconded by W. R. Gunning. the report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of W. Stalker, seconded by ,A. Barons. The report of the Gaol Committee was presented and adopted on motion of O. McKenny, seconded by J. R Teeple. Moved. by N. S. Cornell, Seconded by A. Barons: That a Ex-Law be passed to enable the designation of County Roads to pass through or enter a village with the same class of road that"leads upta it, when so desired' by any village. -Lost. The Yeas and Nays being called for were taken down as follows: Yeas-N;- SO' Cornell, A. Barons, S; S. Clutton, H. W. Thomson, .. .Wm. Patton, H. C. McKiIlop-6. Nays-W. S. Stalker, ]. F. McGregor, ]. A. McCallum, H. Drom. gale, W. R. Gunning, A. J. McIntyre, W. H. Mills, J. R. Teeple, W. Anderson, E. E. McTaggart, W. H. Ashton, A. Nevill, H. S. Cook, "f. R. Farrow, O. McKenny:-15. 56 Elgin County Co~nci1 Moved by H. Dromgole, Seconded by E. McTaggart: That the designation of Road 44, P.e. be amended to include the portion within -the Village of Vienna, to be improved when argeemenL i!> arranged with the Highways Department for grant of. Two ,Dollars, per acre as provided in Section 19, Ontario Highways Act of 1915. _Carried una:nimousiy. Moved by H. C. McKillop, Seconded by J. F. McGregor: That this COll11cil now adjourn to meet at 10 a.m., to-morrow -'-Carried. K. W. McKAY, County Cle.rk. W. H. MILLS, Warden. :/ Elgj_,~, (fpt1!) t~i (~511m~i~[ 57, 11il ii' , , 'I' I!d IIII II! 11.1 il,l illl 11'1 'Il I,; ~, IP~ !ilil Iii IIi II I :q :;;, TlJIRi>SEs,s\9J'1,,flFTlcI.i>,.I;Y ( 1)1 Saturday, 27th November, 1920' The Elgi1l joarnment. County Council, met this ~ax: in, ,ac,cord,anc,e.. with. "ad- The Warden ,in the chair. or."j~I';n2 '1,1:T r".(' ".- - "i.';'i/-~ ~HL~ _ ' "i,' " Jf"'lf?-l}, 1hJ.;~_'iPWm;bhI'{>i;1?s~~e,~:~ ,T~'~~,~J ,E. Moved by N. S. Cornell, .1>':1 :'j'll~:)-- Secon4ed by W. H. Ashton: (" " Dn)lngole, ",;r>;.I' b.:nfjfl' II "::,) ,.i ",,(;;,i ,,'cO,;:,"j, 'I;': ",( '(' '('I, That this Council do now adjourn to ~eet at 1 p.m. to:-day. : .1~J'<! E,;r; . it yi ~Ga+i'led. .;JUiij:'c'i.M:h"cif :R:~iiht.U~)d;;\: .bfJ:l"jJ;:).- The report of the ~pecial County Road Committee -was presented and o'n motion to go into committee of the'iW_lihle'? The/repbt1.bwas':re- ferred back' to the committee for furth_er ~,ol1~.id~r3:tion. The report : ":lO:::;:;;'l'_):I_UI "; .\ "I': I.'":''\;!O',~:.~ was again presented and ad?ptedon motion of E. McTaggartl secon- ed' by ,Mfii!~"i (;{tt~t1ip.[!,i-flr, 9Ui;,~ b"lidJ J,bi:"n _:lit; ',\' _u ',I'~, T" - ~;'!_i; .1.\')'rh~Jre"port of the Special Administration of Justice Committee was presented and adopted on motion of N. S. Corne1l1 seconded ,by O. M-cKenny. <~j;q::u T (: Moved by J.,F. McGregorl : flO':rki\ .l~ .'VI '(cf]; "') ;"S'~Olj.ge.d b~ l;:I. C. McKillop: . '^' ,nIJol.1. nrgliI 9!JJ 10 flhUI2'r.:1c.l 'i0 'CI.GL~" ;"~Ir 0:' c;\(~ .oi~ '/!i;,J,-'{H .ir.dT That t~he Elgin County{iBp~rqlj-1:6A' f:tP~ap~'rJ);ehl}~Q>JgJl}1iA~4>'1r:h~t:;R,'i' Ah:TIQfJl.@Je., W. A. Galbraith" J ,A. King, George Laidlaw and the War-. 58 Elgiti CountyC'otmcil. den be appointed to represent the County and that each municipal, ity be requested to appoint, a representative. -Carried. Moved by W. S. Stalkel', Seconded by J. F. McGregor: That By-Law No, 97~ to authorize the Warden.and Treas.ure~ to harrow One Hundred Thousand Dollars, be received." and "read' a first tiine. _Carried. Moved by' J. F, McGregor, Seconded by W. S. Stalker: That By-Law No. 974.be read a second time. --,-Carried. Moved by W. S. Stalker, Seconded by J. F. McGregor: That By....LawNo. 974 be read a third time. and finally passed. -Carriell. Moved J. R. Teeple, Seconded by W. H. Ashton: That By~Law No. 975 to fix salary of Physician of the Elii~'fi~'~se of Indlistry' be received and re"ad a first dine. ~Ca-r,fi'e(l Elgin Coun ty Coui1cil 59 Moved by W. H! Ashton, 'Seconded, by J. R. Teeple: "That,'By-Law No. 97S,be rea'd a second time. -Carried. ,M.Dved by J. R. Teeple, _ Seconded by W. M. Anderson: That By-Law No. 975 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. , Moved by H. S, Cook, Seconded by A. Nevill: That By;"Law No. 976 to designate County Road in the Vienna De received and read a first time. village of -'-Carried. Moved by H. S. Cook, Seconded by A. Nevill : That By-Law No. 976 be read a second -time. -Carried. Mov~d H. S. Cook, Seconded by S. S. Clutton: That By-Law No, 976 be read a third time and finally ,passed. -Carried. ._,'-"---'------'- ,~~-~,.,-- (" U\; I J.~Igm'JC(Juht~f ~CbtnllcU . f~OJ ::/\ .Ji . ' ;-)",'(:- Moved by A. J. McIntyre, Seconded by W. R. Gunning; : ~!T):)T .,>I IJ:);t That the County .~?~,p~'s:()J}Br;ntt~r~:;~e~):f)f!~i~J:,e,d~.~,~:sa..Pg.~ a;~rce- ment ;with Highways Department' for grant for Improvement _iJli .Ot>lTIl;J- County 'road in, Vi.euna. .'):C::L:'-j' .>_i ;j~a,i::rie-d. Moved by H. S. Co"k, . r .,,,, ,'1\ -<J ~e'9B~t1ieq.I!~;v.:5\i.MF~J~PW.:dJ ;; L.;:;-, o-;'~ 'J;;,;-' (, j;;. J<r 'IT'1:ia.t..the reperter for the Times- J QurrraI be paid Fifteen Dollars -fo'r tIle able way he has revorted, the pro-ceedings of this Council dur- ing the past yeav. ,:{oo'j .r;, 1'1 'C: ;,J'({'-;,', : :r'i:)~:< I -c-\ 'i:::!)~~FFie(t Moved by H. C. McKiHop, 10 8;.,\I;:t;V ~dj [Ii ]);::0)1 .()rwo'J ~!I;rrgiE.)b cd ,):::: .0:.>7 J' ;fi' Seconded ?y J. A. Mc9J.H~fTl1i'lil j; ,hl;;-' hrir; :)'_i"J;:;:lXl ;;;::';: / .h:):11j'h~Lthc thanks of thilS Council be tendered- to the Warden an,t that the usual grant of One Hundrecl Dollars be paid ,to. him. ;" 'J ',,-","f'. -' '~arried. MoV'ed by ;: F. McGregor, !E'f)'/: .I-, "/J h:;' ^"o,:".,;' Seconded by H. C:'JMiqllj)~9?,J~ ,',; 1~/,;')'1 :):,] 0:~ .o/~ ';-;; ,T-" C That this Council do now adio.urn sine'die. .b~i"J:1.G')- _Carried. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. ,;100:):2.H'b,no,}': W: H. MILLS, : Hol11;1:) ,2:2 'cd h~lh.i)MBf:~e:l. .h:'.lF.cl;q '{JIRfl:1 hrw .')ff:tU Iniri-l s bl;~:n ~d (f\'~ .0:/1 'lfs.l.."[U js,dT ,b~i':l'ISJ-- f.i!!{bIUDC;8\\\\t~C;R\\R~il slF 'I 'II' ~"~ I" I,' III' ,II :!j, iln 1~ I~ I~'I ,ill; ~ II~ ill 'ii[' ]1' , ,~I i~ j~lh ],,,, :~j~ I~I 1111' I ill 'I' ~J [111[' ,~ IIIII1 II' id li'i' ~ . I I I 1'1 11 1,,1 III 1'1" II II Ii 1 11,1 !II', 1'1 !,i I ;:; ,f,n"F1019AA?l~l~,~,f2~WTJ~E~", n"" I....' -." , ~'f'fCIN.'tOUNT.t'djtfNclt:' G U;l_, ","I.n 2;TR0'13Jl 'enOT:)ac:lt~on::H~ :)i.,JJ:n;q GOAL COMMITTEE tli'Sl~';!MCTK.ellmiy,ICH:w:irman) .'l. -Messrs. McCallum, Cook. PUBLICr.oi'!i'!lRQ,,^EM]j)i'iT COM- MITTEE '(';WiO:,) :)dJ 10 H:.)Hu<Hbg:hH<10:M1i:Eli1lopr.'i€hairhial\~:':;ll~', ',"j,'/ c',: Messrs- McGregor, McCallum, McIn- _.: ni;:i~:l :to tyre, And,erson, Nevill, Farrow, elutton, Patton ,and Ashton _: w/[L'~);;;J'i,;:J '. '" , ):J:OYSE OF INPUSTRY COMMIT-' io ;)oorb2 :JLC: )"1 :)[,JrlO j-jcr:~:>tEE:"IfO]jo1 ,):jJ :tn~)<;~'!c: Qj ]. R. Teeple, ChaWillanP3'{ ~HI.;' ,01 n',',:' ,1 j, ,..' Messrs. McIntyre, Ashton, .Jhovr ad) 8;-QI ni I;:s:!!~~1~0B~;(iJ{)iMMllTTlEEB.'.ndj:JO ~lb :L<(Ji? '-;:ob tlrlJ oj '2HiWO b~JWi:Lr>S\dSh!,llf~l,n~.h;tiX!Jill3moodn .')[!:; 10 '(fli::ll 10 ~IXIBL; 11), 0:1 h9!i~~s~HbRffJl"2-g;.?ilS1':)iP.RJ1fitm~b.Mq1a~;'boil.n allt 10 ::_;flt '''w zloorb, !WJ~I-i!'l~fiH! ,'if<jIJoollY1E M,fhSWWeY,'OfdJ; ,nojn',nl ! ", Q' _ elutton/ Barons/, .Cornell" Patto-lll L. <;'1'.,- U;::,- lQ! m 1ud rt:U5..c'.u:;nll1 !I;:L-i'g.'):t c.., lO'.')~,):::"l:Yvt:; fU, 'lot bn.o):) . lYlcKil up, Tf..omson. - ,~~lllic ~~.sd znoi1ibno:J tfc~fH1N.G~QO~EllfTit~:n G~)d 2,;r!'~;lj;;'IJV',:':; -1qjC at alood:n Sd:tE}6~'J;llHMno"'~.l ~:i /iJl\IV DriB L~,G'rro{lot h,W-IH1:n ,'i/V _ .t'atton, cr.alrman ~~:n I ,~'WHJ1":JrljM~Jsr1J.;q~J(Yteidf~i:t51-VnrgHieFdHir~ Oil ,C,:)] .:" ' "~ '{T)V ow;! jrlgi~rlt0n; JEU6;j1g::lI(J)j\t.rtrell,Df!lhtHh50n:fL;i!j '!',toq~)"! 0; j~)Tg ,or :6Vf _2 .210 tP'w'frbooVl -In:'.E~~21ea;jM ,2't0ri:).'3.~.d ',~~;n'Jo'{.'gni"jfflo'lq -'"q .biovirlwo2P,:Bl1:l;HON.$: h;\.;t,lUI'l:1.;EG1:S);;f,\0I'.!QNJ,\ IHIJ' .>fw,,'(.ciI CO~Wl;r,lP;:o 'JIlflinh~~C: .9di ni '{J?VfE, h:J:f: Arthur Barons, Chairman '. Messrs. Gunnin~, Anderson, Cook JOIl bib cIoorb? :lIft Md:l" 2e~n:F-Hd:tWsbl1.101 nC;_',R~n rf:))1!;J d .9'f')flT bUB JnJuo Dei) :tE eooNn'ffR1bjfi:ys)mMM1rt'EE~vr ~:djL'aO"l1: -1~IlfJ;: -:)fi ~d:tbn,G .'y)s.')q loEafJ:ID:aMcffiWgga;rit.', XBWa.i~tf1:::.iwd OJ 1;O(.1>:)"j, 9VZrI- 9\'-1 -in!;) ~lorn .9VO-i(~~t'is;~'re{oo}Jt1\Jk~tJ 21i!~v.)gi'P!tSjJ4~.nl)A~lto lWHndei[qmo:) 9,f:t 10 ~nujIJl ~rlT _boi-,bE(]Aqiv1J@MlMI'iU-J:'@Er~, ~Vi~?'~jT~~,C(tq' hur; :l'i"!9i':) tnorfJiw bn.. rI:luo'{~JilJug,b. kOiMcl)JiHojlLlG.lnii.rmanl:H!:'Jb rl1lI:;:JWHOfftfJIO:J OJfli a$:ts"[Gfl~'2.~b y...;l!l~ffflf~JaWwoff.&d1'B-rr8~5:)J~:):,,1'lHJ "r,ln:ni'tc)'! 8rI:J The warden is -ex-officio ,a member of c. .' J.' . . .'{:)J;'DO(iOll all StandmgCotr'tUlttees 62 Elgin County Council REPORTS OF COMMITTEES AND OFFICIALS PUBLIC SCHOOL INSPECTORS' REPORTS J.e. Smith, I.P. 5;, East Elgin November Session To the Warden and of Elgin:- Members' of 'the County Council of the County Gentlem'en :- I beg to present the following Report on the 'Public Schools of East Elgin for th'e y~ar 1919. Since the outbreak of the epidemic of influenza in 1918 the work of many of the schools has been seriously affected owing to the clos- ing of the schools on account of sickness which prevailed to an alarm- ing extent among teachers and pupils. In 1918-19 the schools were closed for an average of 25 ,teaching days each but in 1919-20 the average' has been reduced to 19 teaching days. Conditions have since returned to nor,mal and with the re-openinK of the s.choolsin Sept- ember, 1920. no sel-ions_ interruption is anticipated in the:futnre. I ~e- gret to report that,whgn the epidemic was at .its ,height two very promising young teachers, Miss Leila M,Woodworth of S. S. No. 10, Bayham, and Miss Doris NottiI1;gham of S, S, No. lS,_Southwold, pas-- sed away in the begininng of the year; There is much reason for thankfulness that the schools did not suffer from the war to theextentwhich;,'Yi,\'~_.'fe~"red at the outset and we have reason to believe that .with, tIfe'coming of peace an~ the aC-: complishment of projected'<refo:rms the schools'will prove more effi.., dent and progressive than"aLany previous'period-; The future of the commonwealth depends'upon, the-education 'of. the youth and without the refining infll1ellces of- ednc'ation. Democracy degenerates into Mobocracy. Elgin C;ountyCouncil 63 STATISTICS (a) Rural' Schools Total Receipts including To:al Payments Balance for next year Balances ...,'.,.......... "~ \. 1918 152443 05 93447 31 58995 74 1919' $ 171943 80. 100839 40 71104 40 (b) Urban Schools Tota.1 Receipts inc1udingBalances m'm'm'", $ Total Payments n_nn.............. ..."...m....................... R,alance for ,next year 1918 15627 28 $ 13551 47 2075 81' 1919' 16880 20 15726 86 1153 34 (c) ,"Enrollment ICindergarteri .;..., ........................ .h...:'...n;.-:......'..h......~....... 00..............'.., Kindergarten-Primary Primer First' Book S~'cond" Book Third _ _Book '...~......'hn.....nnn....n.....m............nn.........m.....m.,................ Fourth Book F'if th Boo k'-- .........................00...... moo.......................... 21 33. 35 .18 729 723 395 450 717 672 885 . 877': 869 938 33. 15 -- . Total ......................................~.::.:....,............................................... 3684 Eie?~25a;t~::,~~i,t~1;I:J~;~:;:.::;::....::.:.::::.::::..':::::.:::':::..:.'.:::.:'::~;~ Elementary ~anual Tra1l11!1g ...........................................:......nh.. 783 Ele'fuentary Househo1d Science .. ............m. mmnm..... ....nnm... 271 299 In 1918, 45 schools qualified for grants in Agriculture andiri 1919. 59 ,,schopIs :quaVfie_d.c Il~;_l?U}, ,2 schools qualified for grants in House... h~id ,Scie~ce and'-1919; 7 s'cho;)lsqpaUfred. The progress in' the teach~ , (", - ';.. _>, ' _,', T ,'. 1, ,':,~: ,; ~' . ,:', '::', ,,",:,,' '.'- ,'" ,; '; . il.l,,?:,of,;A.:.gricnlttir:_j}~_~~:o~tt11.ark~d;~~';Vi1l be seen fr-om the following table:: - 3746 1984 1762 '1597 . 547 ',,' 6k' Eli;t'tt't6u'h'fji'Ccltliic1I' .' '\21(:[ 03 (~I,.QJ.\[ m.Qf;gr;()[ In 19.15-13' scHogll2n'!\T~ In 1916-18 ,.~c).1,9Rl;~. (;; :rl~;I (;;) In 1917-22 schools. ?~ [Dl In 1Y18-45 schools. 11~ C(tk}{9r~_S9"s.c"ho>ols.. (;~)',w,:r~fI If, '\1.PJ! ..T.eacher.s...... '! :,~ ') ',. ,.l F\,'),l.'\(, In 1918 tbe total numb'!!6tM!;'!cr.mis,;ya'\d92, of wbom 5 were male teac~filtand 97 t'\WI'le. In 1919. the lotal number increased to 103, of wcJl?UI;%tw~!er!E'~I'Di\eac~er~.a~d 91,}~~f,l?f f~r,,;9,29,.. th,e ,t~tal.. n~m- 1>5' 1I"~1. [be 10~,.1!h~sf figures do not include tlletontinuation ~nd I-ti~I:;:'iiboOl t~~C~~;s. Of 'thetot;:fiiui11be;15we~een~a~~di~ihe'ir- ba;1 \~~hools of"Aylmer, sr;du'gfi"ei<CilncC\tienna:l'T'lle 'rJriiai:n'def were engaged in the rural schoolstrSinEfiYth'd cqnclusion of the war a num- h~f; of t:~tl1rl1.~"~L~Q.hH.~.r.~.n?:r..e. ..r.~".~.~~~~i.~~...~?~...~~~.~.~!.~~ ..~rqtg'~'r~;Q.\1:'j ~r:~/i tl'!:tee eziLthe m?:h~:J~.~s:4~r.~..~~)~.~~..~.~r.~.r.~~~.~.':1~~'.1?l~~h'1'; c, :!:,'. :,,:' L:',:\ 12~,:\ C?i\ (~(.)~, "Acco"inmodiiti"ou" ...,."-...... ..--.. :.1(:(\'< i':'; (,,;~a~'l'Y\ Boards have made improvements in their .buiLdiu$"S,! class. ~., '. ..__............. ....... ............-..................................._...........h. );("\0"'- ,..lcn~:"',~ r~~~s, ~;1;1d gE?\~~.~~:......T~.~.J~?~.:.~.~~~.~...?~...~~.~.~~.~~.:..?~.:,=~b)?8'r~~ sR~f\rT i ~::1;{~illg,;f~CO~.':1:~.::.~~..~~~~..~~~..~..~.~~~.~.:.,?~..~~~.<:.?~~..~~_~~.~~.?~.~1 ;11~J0 ~frf,~.~',; bpllrds '4ave been provided. The interior of many class rOoms hq.s ~lso,; ,. t,., ....................,............................................................................. ,:.lOCJ<.l. 1\ ,'I~" bgg.ll. iW.1V;:pved for it is admitted that beautiful and home~li~e sur- r,w~&iWg~rln .~~.~.~~::~~.?!..:.~~.~..~?':~~:~,.f...~r:!.'!!..::..~~.~,.~~.~~.~~~.~.~..?~. t~.~l E~pils i1f,ph~ e. ~,~.nn3:~5.~.~..~.~..~!::~.:.~~~~~~.~~.~.J~.. .~~:~ ..~"~.~~~.~p.~.~~:...~.~.,.~ l~i(~.: Tfor t~\9\iche~t A.~9.!~~.:..~~p.~.~.~~~~,~~.!.~..~.~.~!..~.:.~??~.:..~?i.c.~~..~.i.l~ Pll~Fpte t ~"I re~1~11 all~c.lllUfllctullf..t.h" l'upil~i.su.the a4p..1\li?,~;\j! Iosi!}~),'i ,~g\,~.. [ A;! tt. um ))ef 0~__.~.?~.:.~~..~.:.~...~~.~~~.~~:.~?~~...~h~1nIgrf,~ttin~r rZhJh~~0;.l [lg~lg~J q:~,(il.l11s. rlu many cases the new seats prov:i~e'5i ~re, wholly or in pad. ." ".... ......................................._..____.. ,)',I~,'L ,'(.. ,;i()""):~\.;o:,, '-"'!'~:t"":"I,'1 ajl,~'!>\t'l}118\", "llIllll,~hgA (Ii "'lln'log -'0) bo0i1J:l'p ,Io~dn l.t. ,31~I n~. . ''''t'IH J\ieWi,"l'bf''l.) J\i'J;;~'~h:bJitqg;'s; S.Ng.! 1'8; Y':dlliii!lih,'i;;C'" Yh~ ".rbt-t>9.,t :)[!.1 ni 2f'~n~J.o'ICl '>.dT .b9flitr.HD dOI/d'n \f\Q~QT. bur; '3:.I~i.';;.l;.'hi~;,.lj nor ',hel.n part 0 th"e sechon, and the' erec lOn 0 a w1ng at tne SC 06.. .:'.I,,"1i'UO!!OI :)dt f~;{y,l 0:'>.'>-"\<')(1 l!hl <,.J; h'Jh;;w 'j,Wb';I',?t ~yJ,P:HI'9.'9";:d'_.lO Ii"wi 111 t e western part at t e same seCtion were egun 1ll .1 'anCl te work was completed in 1920. These new buildings will provide iiliggJ Elgin County Council 65 ~ zlditional class rooms and solve thc:pt:'oblem of increased accommo- dation which has been a:'source of much dissatisfaction in the Yar- mouth Heights' and Locke's districts of thissectiol1. The school which serves'S.' S. No. 25, -Yarmouth, north of St. Thomas, is rapidlybecoining congested and provision wi.ll.have to be made in the near future for iricreasing the accommo.dation. The over-crowding of rural schools which adjoin cities and large towns 'is a very acute problem in many parts of the province. The burden of thestlpport of thes,e s'chools falls on the rural communities but tlie surroundings of the schools are practically urban. There is at. the. present time no legislation to cover such cases and the Depa'rtrrient 11'as the matter under aav"isement and will'weicome suggestions for the ainelioration of such conditions where they eXIst. In several sections new buildings are urgently needed and the matter is in abeyance until the question of consolidation is settled. Continuation. Schools III this Inspectorate there are four Continuation Schools situat- eclat Belmont, Fingal, Port Burwell, 'and Springfield, and the two High Sohools, situated at Aylmer and Vienna. These schools have been uniformly successful during the year and a large number of students have taken ad-avantage of the secondaryeducatioh therein provided. Of the Continuatio'n Schools, Belmont is the largest and the attet1~ . d'artl:e is increasing. If the rate of increase continues the Board will have to face the prohlem of increased accommodation for the school and it is very likely that in the near future work. beyond the present courses will be taken up and students will be .prepared for. .Faculty Entrance and Honour Matriculation. In connection with these schools are large Public School departments in charge of three teachers except ,in the case of. Fingal wh~re only two Public School teachers are employed. Very important legislation was announced this year in connection with the Continuation Schools. The Legislative Grants have beeri 66 Elgin County Council increased ab.out 50 pcr cent., and as ~ result" the County Grants will be .similarly increased'. Counties must pay the .total c~st of mainte.n~ anee of pupils from,the County attending the Continuation Schools as has heretofore been done in case of pupils at'ccnding . H'igh Sciiool~. Adjacent counties must pay 65 per cent. of" the cost of mail:Jtenace of pupils from these counties that attend Con~inuation Schools in. other counties. Physical Training In some quarters' there exists a prejudice against ~hysicat'Tr'rain- ing because it iSCol1fusecl with Mi)itaryTr.aining.At th'cpresent time th,e schools have the al1thorized,Stratchona Excl:"'.<:ises which arep"art Of the regular school curriculum and the excellen.ce anti value of, this work has been shown frequently at the pubHe demonstrations at the School Fairs. No one can have noticed the beneficial effect which pliy- sica! training has had upon the 'members of the Canadian Expedi- tionary Force without being willing to testify to the improvement in health, strength, bearing and self-respect which has attetfdecl it. In tr.e Cadet Corps which have been established in many: of. the schools of the p~ovince the boys receive Physical T:r:aini!lg' an..(~ M;li~ tary Ddll. Such training shows the value of co-oper,ation and' tearn play and teaches prompt. and cheerful obedience. A cadet _is not a s'oldier' Beis simply disciplined through wholesome exercises, some of which have had a military origin, and some have not. There is only one Cadet Corps in this district-It is in the Aylnier , Public' SchooL As conditions exist nOW, the small rural schools cannot undertake such work but excellent Cadet Corps could easily be main- tained in the larger rural and village schools and in the Continuation Schools if there were a number of qualifiecl-instructorsto train th:em. Fifth Classes Only two 'schools !lad candidates for the Junior Graduation Examination and there were no candidates this year. The fact that the Inspectorate is we,ll supplied with Continuation Schools and High Elgin County Courtcil 67 Schools and tl~at local conditions prevel1t many boYs and girls from , attencliilg_school after they pass the Entrance,_,ma:y account for this small-nuinber. The operation of the Adolescent Act will doubtless increase the number of Fifth Classes. " Trustee Associations .' I11cl'easing interest is manifest in this ,movement and a vigorous propaganda is being carried 0'11 throughout the province under the ausp'ices of the Trustees' Section of the Ontario Educational Asso~ ciation.The County of; Elgin has ihcreased'the grant for the local Association.. The Trustees of Malahidehave formed a';Township,Asso- ciation. At a ,recent meeting they. decided to make the teachers' mini- mum salary $1000 where possible. Trustee, Boards Recent legislation'has made it possible for women, to 'be elected to School Boards; There -are ;no Vl(ometltrustees in this Inspectorate. The presenCe .of women -on the Boards will 'no : doubt tend to secure ,bettersahitation and surroundings, for the pupils, since women: are vitally interested in allquestioris which affect the family and the . hom_e, while rl.1en are often engrossed with business'cares. 'Medical and .dental insp'ection o'f the schools -Which have been so heartily en- dorsed by the Womens' Institutes _would be supported by women trusJees. Responsibility of Teachers In .their work throughout the year teachers have often to con- tend with and overcome the evil effects of neglect,. disease and lack of ia:erest which are 'often, only too evicJent in the condition of. their pupils. They are responsible for the training ,of their pupils' in the subJects of the curriculum, but also for the safe-guarding of. their health and monds while in their care. Besides this, it is their duty and highCprivlege to foster the best traditions of the British Empire in their work and' always to be a living example of discipline and conduct. 68 EIg;ill County Council Sc,h~ol Attendance The County School Atten'duhce'Officer has rendered very efficient service. 'Teachers report a marked increased attend'ance. There is practically no actual truancy and irregularity' caused by wilful neglect has been promptly checked. Much of the irregular attendance which interferes so much with the successful prosecution of the teacher's work at .the'prescnt time is :due to the urgent needqf help and the AttendatlCe Officer has shown tact and judgment In s\lch cases, Recommendations I would recommend to the cOl1.sideration of Boards the following S11.ggestions: 1. The office of secretary should be more permanent than it is in many Boards at the present time. 2., More schoolsshould,take advantage of the Rural Library Grants and replenish their libraries very' often.; 3.. .T~e urb,an schools,which do not participate in t~ese gra~lts mig4t make some arrang~ments with th.e loca.l_Jibrarics supply.1ihe Department and the In,spec-to-rswill furnish lists, 4. Pr'ovision for playground equipment is vc:ry inadequate. . 5. Is it.possible t.o send the teacher ortrt1s~ee as a delegate from the Board to, the Ontario Educationa.1 Ass~ciation at Toronto at Easter? 6. ,Increased interc_st in History, Civics; alid Ptibj~c ';vcaKll1g may be encDttl'aged by the Board. ,<;;. J. C. SMITH, I. P. S. rural fo~ a . ,~\, I. El?"in,,<;opllty Council 69 J. A TAYLOR, I. P. S., WEST ELGIN Nuvember, Session The Warden and Members of ElgjnCounty Cou:ndl:'Y Gentlemen: I have the honor of submitting annual rep'orf on. 'the standitig of Ule schools in my .Inspecto.rate during 1919. Yours very truly', J. A.:rAYLOR. Qualification tif, Tl!a~h~l"'''':i J. There were 106 Teachers employed inn1Y it~&,pe~tQrate ~uring 1'919. Their qualifications werea.s follows :-=-9 First' Class; ''88 Secoiia: 'Class; 1 Third; 4 Ki-nder,garten,; 1 }v.[anual TF:ain111g;2 Household Science; 1 Physical lnstructor. Financial Statem~nt ..........$ 17348 63 . 84325 56 3782 55 34551 17 9031 45 Balanc.e 'from 1918 ,_, M uriicipal . Grants Government Grants LO,Qal Levy Other Sources Total _ ..$149039.36 Expenditures Teachers" Salaries Sites Building, etc. Libraries, Apparatus, etc. ?-ent, Fuel, Debentures, etc. .......$ 94449 27 5287 68 1026 77 29827 76 . Total..:;.... Balance on .........$130591 48 ..$ 18447 88 hand ....no; $149039 36 70 Elgin' Camity Council Pupil$' The .number of pl1piIs registered was 4274. b~oys: 2163; girls 2111. The average attendance was 3336. Number in Kindergarten Primary 379. Number in Primer 869,. Number in First Book 436, Number in Second Book 734. Number in Third Book 930. Number in Fourth'Book 909. NU11lber in Fifth Book 57'. ll(regular Attendance Despite the efforts of a most efficient County Truant Office1" as. .gi~te,4 ,by local appointees, and the con'stant vigilance_ of e~rnest 'Teacher.s the 1~ural attendance is more irregu)ar and unsat.isfactofY than it should be. The cause of irregular attendance is l10tdtie to' tyuancy. The scarcity of labor 110 doubt accounts for 'much 'of the abc.' sence of children 13 years and older, but other causes must be dis-; covered for 'younger c~i~dren's absence. Is ,not a lot of it due tapar- ental indifference, to poor accommodations in the schools, to the absel1ce of suitable playgrounds and poor playground equipment, to the small numbers attending school making organIzed plays imposs~ ihle and removing healthy competition in the classes. SchoQl~.with, high enrolment have relatively less irregularity 'than those withs~all', attendance. Cadet Corps It'is rather U11fortunate that Cadet Corps are not established in connection with the' Public Schools at Port Stanley, 'RCidney,Dutton and \Nest Larue as Cadet Training produces a fine esprit de corps,. a ratiOll<d patriotism, a high sense of personal honor, and a deep' Elgin _CountyCbuncil 71 respect for lav" and, order, The, manner in which _Cadet;; acquitted . themselves in.- the,'late, war, their ready respol1se to ~he Country's (:2.11, the high positions, :of t,r1,st and responsibility which they,occu- p'icd, -not only."in Civil ,b\lt 3n,Military life, are everlasting tributes ,to the value,oLCadet ,training, To,retp.~ve it from our schools would, not only be a misfortune:}o the il1dividuat.9ut ,would be disastrous to th,e State. Contir.tiation and' High.' Schools Th~, Con~int1ation Schools at Rodney :llld"West Lorne /tnd"the I--l~ghSchool at Dutton c'ontinue d()ing admirable work and merit' the st',pportgiven them by this CoullciLAlmost centrally lbcated in their Townships t~ey offer facilities for acquir'ing higher education. 'They were very ~'uccessful at the Department~'l EXa~lillations 'las-t sum- mer, a large percentage passing. The new Regulations efte'ctive th,is year make the conditions governing the maintenance of Co6tinu- alion :5<:.hools practica:Ily th:e same as Hig:h Schools. The gr.antsare increasedilbout '50 per cent. and Cauntie,s r~1t1st pay the total cost ?f County p).1pils atten.ding a Continuation School while adja,cent COltll- ties must pay 65 per cent. of cost of maintenance of pupils h-om their , cO~'.nties~. This will.facilitate the financing of these Instituti.ons and'will increaS"e'their County grants. Confinuation. Schools will hereafter command the, services of Teachers as highly trained and with equal academic qualifications as High Schbo~s. Educational Wasta In- no .other, public utility is here such great' financial waste as there-is in -Puhlic School edUcation. It is due to ; (a) Irregular "attenaan~e". w.hether through sickness. truancy, pa.re~1(al.indifference p,r phX$ical disabilty. As, the expens,e of'main- U__".__ ...__". ,......,. '. ...... ... ..;......, " t~~Hi~g the ~taff~l~d heatiog ~}1e'schools has to be met wheth.~r th~ <'llUeu.~a~1ce is'1arge ,o~ small i~.can r,.;dily be seen what waste of money ,there ishom this alone. 72 Elgin 'CO'utityC6ul1Cil ,. ,',' .' (b) . PoorVentilation~The 'biggest foe bfgood discipline is im- pure' a.lrwhile tile greatest enemy of. good progress is poor discipline.. Conseq~'ently good progtes's 'is .impossible where there is not a c'on~ thl0~S stlpply of fresh ai'r.; It 'is', littie less than criminal to compel children'to sit all'day in a vitiatedalinosphere while, to admit 'air .by the witidow is to'imperil health. (c) Unsuitable seats produce restlessness,'indiffercnccl inatten- tion and lack of concentrati~nl;When to this i~ added physical discom- fort one can readily see w~at poorprogre~,~~upils;makeco~pared'to' what they ,would were. the, sea'ts single, modern and adju'stable. (d) Children with)n1palred hearing, defective VISiOn: and. carious / teeth are the vi'ctims of c~~stanf headaches. 'Th-~'se defects n6tonlY . . . . ' hinder 'them from 'learning white at school but pr6dtite irregular attendance. (e) Where the 'attendance is tob smail to give inspiratiot'l to the Teacher oi' afford competition tbthe pupils. Theremed.y is Consoli- dation drtransport~Hon to a, :neighborirtg section. Cf) Frequent change of Teachers. A large part 'of the School year is overbefote tht, new Teachei' knows_ the local conditions: academic standing of the pupils, inspires 'confidence iri the Section and meets and knows the parents. (g) Inadequate salaries, 'Good Teachets cannot be attracted to Or kept iit Sections that pay small salaries. Poor Teachers. are dear at any price while good teachers are cheap at the very highest salaries. Women' on Rural. Sch~olBoards At the last sessiot1 of 'the Ontal:io Legislature legislation wa'g pass- ed making the \vives a11d daughters of farmers ass.essed as owners and occupants of farms eligible for school trustees. The1r entry Oil School Boards should revolutionize school accommo.dations for it is o Elgin County Council 73 i:lcredible to believe that they will be indifferent to the claims 'of the children 'fot proper ventilation, suitable sea-ting, sal1itary clos'ets, cle.!lnly school ,rooms and proper play grounds equipment. Fifth Classes There are only two Schools in this In~pectorate doing Fifth Class Work. Where there is a demand for it the Regulations compel boards to make provision for higher class,es. The small numbers attending school, the relatively few who continue school after, passing the en- trance and th'e proximity of Continuation Schools account.for the small n~mbe:r of schools doing adv~nce'dwork. The coming into effect of- the' Adolescent Act next September when every child between 14 and 16 years old will have tv attend scho-ol will greatly increase the attendance and multiply Fifth Classes. Consolidated Schools Consolidated Schools have been discussf';d for i,he past 6 or 7 years, around every fireside, ,at Trustee Meetings, at Teachers' In- stitutes and at County_ Trustee Associaions. Other than as a means of Education,the academic discussion has not borne ,fruit. An oppbl't- unity was offered S. Sections 14,12 and 9 Aldboro to consolidate but when the-qt;lestion was submitted to a vote it-was defeated notwith.., standing the fact that it would have obviated the necessity-of S. S. 12 building-a school of its own as well as a-ffordingrelief to some 12 Or 14 pup-ikin' S. '5. No. 9 who are nOw distant four and a half miles from any- st:'hool. Section' 'extinction, the' uncertainity of- the' fi"nancial- obIt.., gadons i,nvolved and the cost of-transportation are said,to have con.. tributed to its-defeat: CO~1;lty Trqstee Association -The-Couilty Trustee ,Association is a flourishing Institution. 'this County Council presidedat-its birth and rocked its cradle until it developed .into. maturity. Many Counties' have this 'year followed El- gin's example and organized County Associations; The allnualmeet- . 74 Elgin ~ounty. Council ings are very eciucative: In the last analysis the utility ?f these Asso- ciations will be measured by the tape-line of improv€d accommoda.- , tions, better ,sanitary conditiqns, larger interest in educational mat- l\~rs; _higher salaries to efficient teachers, beautified playgrounds, and a more refined classroom erivirollment. The printed annual reports of the School Inspecors'should b.e distributed- at these meetings and should be dis'cussed hy the~rus'tee'~._ Recommendations " As n~ted in my-library inspecti~n report I would rec,otnt11end:, 1. ,That tl:1t' County Counci1g~,ant $10 over and aboveit~ ,regular- g'rant of$25,,for increasj~g juve"nile. literature for the Village Schpots, such grants being conditional on eqjJal amounts :g,r~r~~d by Village Library Board and ViUage' School Board. 2., That the Inspectors' Annual Reports b'e printed and distrib- uted at the County Trustees Association. . Our Responsibility In the great work of reconstruction into which we have ',~n,tered. o~!r children will Aot only have to perfect a civilization redde~,e9. wi~h blood <l:~ld moi~tened with tears, but will have to ,gi,:~, s-pntinuity:.and enduring character to its institutions. If our Co-un try iS,to be safe ,for democracy,ifour institutions are to continue based on the intelligence' fl~eedom and ~;~)V1rei~11 will of ,the people; jf t~e ~aintenanceof'law and order and' th,e safetyprogres,~ and welfar~ of th.e State' are to ,be: presel:ved then assuredly,~good elementary educ,,!-tionmust Jle the common heritage, of the ma513es as well as of the classes. May we who are.charged with the responsibility of Educating our Country's most precious heritage ,have that broadest vision, that keenest intelli- gence, th,at resolute application, ,that _truthfulness of aim, and stead- 'fastness of purp?s~ so necessary to the,~alvation of de,n;lOcra~y in those' critical times through t)l,e,woper tl'aining, of our childn:n",the trustees of, civilization. Elgin COtiilty 'Council i I I I '! i I I I i I 75 REPORT ON SCHOOL LIBRARIES"-J. A. TAyLOR., I. P. 5.. November Session To the W~rden and Members ofElginCoun'ty CottlTcil: Gentlemen :- 1 haye- ;:u;pected the Publ;~; LIbraries at Port Stanley, Dutton. .H:'01ney, and '\est'Lorne, The liSr3.rians werefound"earnest. eft~rip',;t !' , , . atlcl'cnth115i8stic. They are very 'i:r{uch, un'derpi':-d arid hav(' accer l'cJ 'library work fo'r corrimul1ity serviC:e~: The commuhities served w'ere not found/as vitally interested- in their libraries as'they should be, The three t~stsof a libray's efficiency are circulation. membership and suitability of reading material. Fiction predominates-a lament- able fact common to all libraries. Of juvenile liter'ature th<:l"e is a fa'r amount. Circulation is the barometer that indicates <j.library's useft'11- l1e,ss to a community, The membership indicates the degree of public patronage. The circulation, ranges from 2000-3000 and the member~ ship from 80-200. The libraries are all crippled financially in their desire for expansion. In only one is there provided that most essent- ial.adjunct of a good library, a reading room. Were this, provided there_ would be fewer street walkers. , ,I: Grants from the Government, Township, County and Village and the membership fees make up their revenue. Aldboro sh(:n~s a com- mendable -example in giving 'l-nil'ualIy $25 to each of Rodney, West Lorne and Wardsville libraries. One_of the greatest functions ofa libray is to provide books suffi~ cient in quantity and suitable in quality for school children. It should also provide a reading room, well lighted, well heated and well venti- lated, in which would be found the best and most l~ecent illustrated periodicals and magazines. Those ats'chool to-day become the reading constituency of to-morrow and unless they have the reading habit instilled into them now, libraries will automatically c'ease to exist in a few years. Since these libraries by reason of their limited resources I' :1 II ;1; 'II 76 , Elgin County Council are unable to provide reading rooms'or adequate juvenile literature it ,is hereby recommended that the County Council grant $10 annually to each Village library to be expended in-books suitable for children; , these b,ook5 to be placed' in the Village Schoo1s and this grant to be contingent upon an equal amount given by each Village School Board arid each Village Library Board. 1 bespeak for these librari~s whiCh are the Universities of:the adult and the adoles"ent your continued liberality and generosity in order that they may continue the distributors of intelligence al1dcul- ture and_the auxiliaries to efficiency and complete citizenship. Yours sincerely; J. A. TAYLOR. i ~ Elgin County Council 77 EDUCATION COMMITTEE January' Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: ' The Education Committee reports: 1. That the Warden appoint a deputation from this Council to attend meeting. of the Provincial Trustees Association; 2. That the'foIlowing accounts 'be paid: J., A. Taylor, I.P. S., expen.ses 000000.........00 J, C. Smith, 1. P. S.,elCpenscs ~unicipal World, printingI. p. S. Smith Belmont Enterprise, printing 1.P. S. Smith RMcLachlin, Stationery, I. p. S. Smith ~rs. C~_ughel1, County School Attendance Officer m........nnnnnnnn..mm$ 64 02 114 06 5 75 13 00 803 24 00 All of which is respectfu.'y submitted. W. M. PATTON,Chain:nan 30th January, 1920. June Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: The Educ,ation. Committee, b'egs leave to report. 1. That the accoupts received ,from the Ingersoll Collegiate InH stitute, the TiIlsonburg High School and the Wardsville Higb: Scllo-o! were referred to the County Clerk to prepare certificates for payment. 2. That the following accounts be paid: / 78 E'lgin County' Council J. C. ;;mith, Inspector's Ex.p~nses .uum__nnn...._....m.~.m..mm.......m.n.$ ]. A. Taylor" Inspector's Expenses ..Cm.mm.nm.........m__nnnm..n....._ Mrs. R H. Caughell, School Attendance Officer, Salary, Ex... . Municipal \Vorld account, :priItting for Inspectors .m'.........__..... The Ay'lnier Express, 'printing for Inspectors n...._.....m___n____m.. .. .R.McLachliu, St,atio'nerYI Insp. Smith _m.n..............m___...m..__:.,~;;".; 3~5 92 130 J7 311 ...~o 49 'JS 11 25 I 90 3. That the supplementary grants to Continuation Scho-Ql~:' Z1lld High Schools be the same q,s last year. All of which is l'espectful1y, submitted. W. PATTON, Chairman November Session -,:.'r', to the Elgin ~ounty Council: Gentlemen :-;-- The Education Committee'.re"tlOrts: 1. That the reports or Inspectors and printed in the minutes. Smith and Taylor be received 2. That 200 copies of the_ir r>~,rort,sin separate form be _suppCed for distribution at the County Trustees Association meeting. 3. That the County Council grant to village and town schools the sum of- ten dollars 'each, to be supplemented by the School and Library Boards by equal amount, for the purpOSe of establishing a Juvenile Library fof the said schools,' and th'at grants be paid by the County TrEiasur_er on certificate of Public School Inspe<;:tors. " ".,r, 4. That the resignatiort -of Mrs; -Caughell, as' :Courity Truant Qffic.er,' be accepted, to take 'effect at ,the Ja-nuary"Sessi'on, and that" she be paid four dollars per day for ;her seryiC'es until that-time. Elgin, .C:ounty Council 79 5. That the fpllowing. a;~counts be paid: Mrs, Caughell, services 'and expenses School Attendance Officer ..............................................."...."".."......""............."....."........".$ '11350. Mr, J. c;., Smith, expenses 1. P. S. ....nmm.....m......_..............m........m. 33045 Mr: l.A. Taylor, ex~enses 1. P. S~ ....mm_...m....._'....._.....m......_......._. 121 52 Municipal Weirld. account for Examinations _..m._.............m...._... 35-668 All of which is respectfully submitted. WILLIAM PATTON, Crrait1l1all. 25~h of November 1920. i t. ,;iJ ill':; '1, ;;'_J' .H ','j:j!",',]-, )f 80 Elgin: County Council COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT June Session St. Thomas, June 16th, 192.0 To the Elgin County' Council: Gentlemen: 1. I enclose herewith statement showing Receipts and Expendi- tures of County frqm 1st. of January to 31st of-May and also esti- mates showing the amounts required to be raised for County purpos." es for 1920. .. 2. N?tes of the Warden and Tre~sl1rer amounting td$lS0,OOO.OO have been issued under authority of by-law passed at the. January Session', $96;000.00, ,of which were to meet notes due April 6th. We have since received the Government Grant amounting to ; $84,799.57, with which we have retired $63,000.00 of notes' leaving balance in Bank to meet June Expenditure, It will therefore be necessary to pass a by...; la'Y autho~'izing the borrowing of $200,000.00 to meet currentexpeo'- diture during the balance of the year. 3. The l1:umber, of lots eligible to be sold for _arrears of taxes this' year i~ not large and I would recommend that a by-law be passed to defer sale for one year. All of which is respectfully sujJmitted. B. B. GRAHAM, County Treasurer E,l.~~n C,ou!!-ty Cp~9cH' Receipts and Expenditures to 3lstMay 1920 RECEIPTS May ........$ Administration of Justice ...........nm......... Bills payable House of Industry............................................................ J\.rrears 'of Tax~s.... .-......n............................m................. Coun ty 'Roads M is.cellan eous ...................................................................... . Interest 4000 00 140 11 pI 62 00 81 Total $ 3339 91 150000 00 119 85 388 85 1110 73 513 39 75 20 EXPENDITURES $ 4210 62. $15554793 Deficit: fr9m 1919 Adl11intstration of Jl!~tj~~ ~ ill ~ P a Y<:t _b ~ ~ ':-'::;'~:~": :~~.;:.~.~:~.:.,.~::..~~.::.~ ::':",'::" ............. .... Interest Public Schools House' of Industry;...".,.........."....;..;.................. High Scr..ools R~gistry Office County Lines Arrears of- Taxes Members'Wages Officers Salaries Printing and Stationery Care of Buildings Water, Light arid Heat Coun ty Roads Miscellaneous ............................. ..n..................... 181 80 124 99 760 50 139 50 133 10 30 25 103 76 6432 22 125 00. $ 920 11 5905 30 96000.00 1588 65 917 41 6146 53 '7323 61 981 25 374 61 372 13 1632 35 ] 000 00 438 30 457 92 2676 48 18992 86 9399 53 Balance $ 8031 12 $155127 04 $ 420 89 $155547 93 82 .. "Elgin County. Council St. Thomas, June 17th, 1920 To the Warden and Conncil: Gentlemen: 1. h!tve t4e honor to s'tlh~,lif for your co"nsiclera'tioll theestiniafes fo.r th:e' presenr~ear. " Amin.istration of Justice ..._ . '.m....:u...~:...u:n:...___........m........m......$ County Lines ..........n.... ........ .........n..............__..........__..................___ House of'. Il~4 ustry n~......___n....u..n.._'nn...._.nm....._...n......._...._m....m...n" :l-Iigh . School's ..............._m___.._..___....._"'..._.__.._...--.-..,........-..................._m. Public Schools ..._._.._..m;...un__....:m....:.~'_~..__.'.~.;~mn.....__n......m.......__n....____ o ffi c e r 5 Sa 1 a ri e 5 ... _".___;;.;;~_.;.;.;;;.;__...h;.._;;.;....__.....;;__;..;...;;;_;...~;. :~~..._..;..-. Members' Wages ..;'.:;;:;;.:.....;;.:......;u;;;;;;;_;;._;;;;.;.__;;.:;.....u;....;.....~~~._;m; Court' "House' Commis/ion. ,._;_;.;;;..;;;;;;~;;..;;;_;.;;u;;.;.;.......;;;....u;.......:u..... 50l'0 00 5000 (b 12500 00 1200') 00 18000 00 4200.00 5000 00 1500'00 By-Law 769 '1264 By-La", 819 1192 .."..."".-".,,,.....,,..,,,-....-.........n.'_'...'--........ In t ere s t .. ......._....... ...... ....___,..,....--",.'u,.~._..-.,. ....,.,....,.,-,..,......;,-.,.....;..,.........-.....-....,u.,"...--' - l{eg. . Office .........u.._.uu._.....,_"'.,...'u,..".."'.""..."...u.-""..,-"'..."."....u....._.... Ivf;:iscellaneou:; <............,......_.._m.....,u-,u........-,-;....-.'.....m..'.----..,......."....-..,.,...".'....... County Roads ....................._.........u_.."'....._....u............_.............u....,.....~;;. Deficit ,.....cu......,..;.:..........-,-...'......m,.'...-"m'..""".....,.".,.."........'.'_m..........;.... Grant to Villages ..........-...:,-::,..~",..--"...."-.....,.".....,.......",,....,....;.-......., 2856 60 ]000 00 1000 00 13158 00 9000000 12000 00 8521 00 $197,735 O~ Rat~ 8i mills" 2. .These estimates do not provide for Grants made this Session. All"of which is respectfully submitted. B. B. GRAHAM, County Treasurer ;Elgin County Coul1cil ) "J" 83 November Session To the Warden and Council: Gentlemell:--;- I have the honor tosubniifthef611owing re'po'ftlor your'Ynfohna- ' tion. 1. The estimates of $186,106.00, will not be sufficient to'meet the currente:.'o.pel1ditul'es for this year as the accompanying statement sho'ws, owing to the riseiil cost of Roa'd Construction al1dacctimu::' lat~d village grartts; I,,;:, E~p(niditure for 1920,' to date Notes in Molsons ~ank __........_..........._.;.............n......_.m.. ___....$ 236,000.00 :i II I i ;I ;! "I Estimated expenditure for balance of year: Cci~:nty Lines mm ....._.m.. nnm ..mm...nm..............._..........m....n.... ....:.$ House of Industry High Schools PubEcSchools 1200 00 2000 00 12000 bo 22100 00 1500 00 6000 00 1264 00 700 00 12000 00 12000 00 1000 00 'II! I ,I Members' wages and officers' sahi.ries Interest Deb. Coupons Court House Com. Grants to Villages County Roads Miscel:aneous 84 ,Elgin County totil~cil Elgill Coitnty CO:Jhcil Receipts FINANCE COMMITTEE County Rates m.......n.. Provo Aid to Roads. Deficit ....___....___....______$ 186106 00 , 90000 00 31658 00 (As Amended in Committee of the Wl:o!e) January Session $ 307764 00 $307764 0" TO'the Elgin County Council: 2, The qeficit would be greatly reduced if the Provincial Treas- urer would forward the County' share of Reg. Office fees for the years 1918-1919 and 1920 'in due time, and also the province's share of Adm. of Justice accounts fronl June quarter 1918, amounting in all to about ~j3000.00. Gen tlemen : The FinanteCorp.mittee reports: 1. That a by-:law",be ,passed authorizing Warden and Treas-llrer _ ,to borrow $200,000. , "") Tb~t the Warden name a committee to confer with Council. of St.,;~ni-.:s re adjustmentbf administration; of Justice Atcoql1tS. 3; It will be ,necessary for the Council to pass a by-law authoriz- ing the Warden and Treasurer to borrow $100,000.00 to enable the County to carry: the Province's share of roa,d expenditure and deficit: All of which is respectfully submitted, B. -B. GRAHAM, Coutity Treas'urer. 3. That Floyd Wilkins in charge of the Childrens' Aid Spciety-be s,;nt to the Byron Sanitai-ium. 4; I That the County Auditors report be received and printed. 5; That report of Agricultural Representative be .teceiveel and filed. 6. That applica-tion for grapt to 'Childrens' Hospital,London, be laid over until the June Session. '1. That the Sick Childrens'Hospital, Toronto be granted $100. 8. -That the Memorial Hospital proposition be laid' Over until the Jiuie Session. 9. Thatt~,e- salary of the County Police :ry.fagis~Fate be ihcreas~ eel to One H~nd~ed Dollars. 10. Tnat "the County' Road Superintendent's Salary be increased to $1500.00. B5 Ii il Ii I 'I 1 ~: Ii I ~ ij III 1[, I, I IIII II ~ ~ J1 :, 'I , II '11 ~I ~ II' IIII II, ~ ~Ij Ij ~~ 86 ~lg.in County CO'.l!1cil 11. That the sum "of-TwC) ,Hundred Dollars: be granted to Amasa Wood Hospital for 1919 and 1920 and that the Hospital authorities be .juested to submit an allt1l1al-'sta'temertt showing cost of Mainten~ ance of all ind~g~l1t patients fro~_the ,Cbullty of Elginovei' ahd above the County gl.'a'nt and amounts 'payabt"e by the 'local '~unicipalities. 12. That no action be taken in application from Navy League for grant. 13. That the sum of One Hundre~ Do~lars be, gr~nted TO,ytJIship of Dunwich'to assist in maiiltenance of Miss ,Wallace. 14. Th'at'~he Co~nty Poli'ce Magistrate's Rep6rfbe' received and printed in the minutes. t5. That a Fi"ee Pedlar's'-License be granted to Thomas David.. son, :i' cripple" of Ridout Street,Lobdon. 16. "That the f6110wing accoUnt's be paid. c. S. Leitch, County Solicitor: Costs 'Mo'rr'ick vs. Elgin ...... .......-:.........n.......m..........'...um....~..n...m$ C,asts, S~,y.d,.,e:f ",vs... Elgin, n...:n.....nm.._.;:'n....nn......n........nn........::.;.nn:. Huges and Agar Judgment and Costs Snyder vs. Elgin Vi1l~ge"'bT,Port,Sfahley Sahitariu:m accohnt .....00..................00..... Village of Dutton, Sanitarium Account Victod~ Home for Incljrables re John Nichol ....:..:.,:...m.~.....__n Village "pf Dutton, cori'~efance Mrs. Loop to itouse of Indus try ....h.............'m..................n...m......--...................--......: ~~~'~;.~.~;." Township Aldborougr.. Conveyance J. Robinson .,"'00 " -, Vi'llage of Spririgp,eld,_. CO!lveyance Mrs. Lancaster Township of Ba~ham Expenses Nevills, Lunatic .--.....,......,.... ., Victoria Industrial School Alexandria, Industrial School ................m........................."...........,;..... I 826 53 554 95 5492 00 61 00 '3050 65 OJ Elgi't\.. Coullt'yCourtdl 87 S. R. Hart & "Co., .for Dutton D.'W~ Ct. ...............nn. ...,.,......... J os. 'DOllst for Aylmer, D. W: Ct .........nnm___............. .m.nm......... The Elgin Sun, printing proceedings ........................., ,.. ............. R.McSachlin for Law Library ___.....mm...'.',-,.'...'__............-.n........ ........;.-' R:'MCLachlin, for Co. Clerk's Office / iR. McLachlin, for Co. Treasurer ......nnnn'm.....................nnnnnm~:; ,_/' Municipal World for. Co. Clerk ..n....n.................__........~:.~..hn......~ Municipal W orId for Co. 'Treas:ure:r .nnnn:...................nm..mun.~ 777 9 12 243 00 ,4 70 j 2.1 95 2 10 43 00 Aflof which 'is respectfully s(;b~'i'hed. 30th January 1920. :WM: S., STALKER, Chairman !"!r 'r; ," J:;~ :,:,J:; Y"D\}.~: 600 10 00 11 90 66.95 68 08 3404 .:}(j, OO!-.:,~:!;: -;;::");'2. h ,'. 88 EI~il}"CQunty ~o~ndl. Elgin . County Council FiRST REPO\tT 10. ThatCoul1ty Auditor's Report be adopted. June Session To the Elgin County COL1ncil: 11. That the foHowing aCcounts be paid: , Workmens'Compensation Board Assessment for 1919..._____....$ Town of Aylmer- for convey'ance of James Sk~.lding to Gentlems:q: <l? The Finance Com"tl1ittee repqrts: 1. That t.he Council grant 20 per cent. of the Goyerumem Grant H' all Pure Breeders, Sale Ass"ociations of the County. 2. That no actioli be taken in 'reference to appl~c8:tion for gr~nt to Navy LC3:gue. That the Queen Alexandra Sanitarium be authorized to chaI:ge $1.25 per day for patients from the County and that the County pay fifty per cerit. of the amount paid by the local municipalities. '4. That the usual grant of $200 be made to G. W. V. A, of St. Thomas. 5. That the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars be granted to the Childrens' Aid Society for 1929. House of Industry mm...nnm......nn.....:m.n........n............n..nn._.h..nn Township.of Yarmouth conveyance of.Bolt faimly to House of Indus try ..u.mn..h...m...hnm.........~m..mn.....m.n~....u....n.....n...::'.'... Grants to Horticultural Societies: Aylmer Rodney Dutton C SL C. Leitd::, Coun~y Solicitor, General Services since Nov. ember 1918 ................................................ .......................................... 6. That no.action be taken te application from Municipal and Joint Fat'mers' Clubs Immigration Committee. 7. That annual membership fee ofTen Dollars to Ontario Muni- cipal Association be paid and that the Wa'rden appoint a delegation to attend- annual meeting. 8. That the County Treasurer's Salary beinc.reased to $1800 per Henry Vernon & Son, City Directory M. J. Baker, Motor bus for Grand Jury to House of Industry K. W. McKay, County Clerk, Postage & Telephone ......h....m. Elliott Fisher limited, supplies for Registry Office m' The Mercury, Rodney for Auditors Report The Adva11ce, Dutton~ printing for Division Court m' n......... Printing Constable' Accounts G. W..Smiley, Bailiff serving witnesses. Snyd.er vs. Elgin Village oJ Dutton account, Maintenance at Sanitarium House for Incurables, London, Maintenance John McNichol Childrens' Aid Society, Maintenance and Expenses Queen Alexan,dra Sanitarium, Maintenance~ Floyd Wilkins to 31st of May R. McLachlin, Stationery J. A. Bell County Clerk County Treasurer annum. 9. That to $1700 pcr the County RoadsSuperintendent'g salary be increa',ecl annum. 89 630 3 00 6 00 44 50 18 75 28 00 210' oq 4 00 12 00 15 15 5 85 108 011 1 75 1050 16 65 73 50 6.~ 00 287 011 7625 5 30 13 75 4 25 90 Elgin County-Council Elgin County Council 91 Law .Library 2 90 1.245 SECOND REPORT: Registrar The Municipal World,:qm}tedh.t;?rinting,. and binding Cou~.t~. Tre~surer' ._ _/' ,30AQ ~~~'st~yC1 ~f~;~-::::::::::::n.::::::::;:::~::::':-:::: 1~~' ~~ The. Pr~yinc~. ?~,..Q.~t.8:~-jo.1or..~onv~y'a.nce ,.~f _prisoriers..m... 83 20 12. T!f~L.By-:-Laws,b.f: passed to' auLh.orize Warde!). and., Tr~asurcr to borrow the sum of. Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ,and-to' extend the time for holding a tax sale for one year. " '. .,',', .., 13. That the ,sum of Three Hundred Dollars be paid to tl:e SoIl!:- },<:trs', Aid Commission. ,. ......, .......,....-. June Session To the Warden and Council O'f the CountyCifElgin': Gentlemen: The Committee'on Finance beg leave to report that having exam- ined into the finances of the County and the estimates prepared by the' County Treasurer, they r..'erewith submit a stateme~t of the ex- penditure required far the lawful ,purposes of the County during 1920, showing the amount required to be raised for the underment- ioned purposes: All a(~hich is respectfully submitted. y WM. S. STALKER, Chairman Administration of Justice Cbun ty Lines and Bridges .un............... House of Industry um...nn............m............ Hi~h Schools Public Schools Officers'Sala-ries . um.......,.nnn,n.......,..........nnn Members' Wages ........m........n ...n"'n";~m".n...., Court House Commission, $ 50pO. 5000 12500 112000~ , 18000 ..,470D 5000 1500 18tb of J.une 1920- Debentures- ,~ By-Law 769 By-Law 859 1264 1592' 2856 7000 1000 12450 80000 12000 7101 Interest Registry Office Miscellaneous COUlity Roads Deficit -1919 Grant Urban Municipalities $186,106 '<Your C.ommittee would rec(Humend' that the sum 'of One Hundred and' Eighty-_six, Thousand, one I-Iundred and Six Dollar's be his-ed' on 92 Elgin County Council all the rateable property in the sever,aI- Municipalities of the County of Elgin ,during the year 1920 for County purposes, and that a rate of (3 mill 5 on the dollar be levied on rateable property in the several Municipalities in theConuty to raise said amounts. All of which ,is respectfully submitt'ed~ WM. STALKER;'Chairmall Adopted June 18th, 1290. No~ember Session -To the EIginConnty Conn,cit: Gentlemen :-,- The Finance Committee tellOrts: 1. That no action be taken in refereI1ce to grarit to.Navy Leag'Jc. 2. That By-law be passed authorizing Warden and Treasurer to borrow One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00). 3. That application for grantta Aylmer Hospital he laid over until the Ja'l1uary Session. 4. That the Warden, R. A -Penh ale andW. A. Galbraith be ap~ pointed to represent the County at meeting of V\Testern Ontario Boards of Trade, at Chatham, on 2nd. December. 5. That request of'Red Cross War Relief Fund for grant be laid over until the January Session. 6. That the following ~ccounts be paid: Township of Southwold. conveyance of Inmates to-House of Industry and Expenses te lunatic nnnmn.mn.......nm...;m$ Hubert A. Cut1is. Ambulance for Floyd Wilkins 55 30 3 00 Elgin County CO\-lncil 93 Queen Alexandra Sanitar.ium Assn. for Floyd Wilkins........- Village of Dutton, maintenance of patients in Sanitarium Village of Pt. Sta:nley, maintenance of patients in Sani- tarium S. R. Hart & Co., Cheque Books for County TreaSUreLm... Province of Ontari~,! for ConveyatiCe of prisoners mm" Victoria Industrial School, Maintenance of boys Elliott Fisher Co., Type writer ribbons for the Registry Office Public?ospital, Chatham, re Wise child Children's AidSociety, Kent re Wise child Children's Aid Society, St. Thomas Maintenance and Expenses ..... .m.nnm..nn..m..... ....\.....nn m.m..mum........ u,,',"m...n Village- of Springfield, Conveyance to House of IndustrY.m The Municipal W.orld fOi" County Treasurer's Office.h.mnm For COtlnty Clerk's Office For County Engineer's Office For RegistryOffice 38 75' 80 00 354 75 179 60 '28 64 38 50 24 60 90 00 45 M 2J3 25 10 00 8 00 81 19 2 30 150 40 All of which is respectfully, submiJted, W. S. STALKER, Chairman November 26th, 1920. ,F" 94 Elgin -C,ourity" CoUtletl COUNTY ENGINEER June Se'ssion To the Warden -and Co'Uncil 'oft.he County 01 Elgin : , Gentlemen: The only serious damage that was caused by the spring freshet to the CQUnty 'Bridges was the' destroying of one -of the piers' of the Gillette Bridge by the action 'ot the'ic~ coming agairist it: Tr.e reSult wa's that the pier was to~ally ki1ocked~'to pi,~ces'andthe end-of tw,~ spans of-the wooden bridge dropped into the'c'r'eekbed.I"have, the , ..',', ' material on the ground for the repair', irithewayofdl'iving a- new pile pier and als'o s~cureda piledriver an-d have it o.nthe ground but have, fOUll'd 'itiinpcissible to get a man,to do 'the work, however I hope that I will have the\ivork done very shottly/" , This is -a very old bridge.-The--piling--underneath ir has~ been re- newed so often' that it is difficult to drive piles there on account of the 'old piles being in '.the ro-ad.,'The bridge can be repaired and woulJ probably la_st a couple. of years. There is very little traffic over it. I have made provlslOn to put a Tarvia.f1oor on the Port Bruce Bridge. The material is 011 the ground and I hope to 'have the work done within 30 days. The other brid~es in the County are in a fairly good state of repair and I would estimate that tl:e expenditure 011 them 'this yearwiH not exceed $5,000. All of whkh is respectfully subimtted. J. A. BELL. 19th of June, 1920. , Elg,inCounty Council 95 , N ovemberSession . T9 theW~rden and Council of_the Coun!y of Elgin: Gentlemen: I beg,'tosubmit, the following- report. Port Bruce Bridge This bri.dge is covered with chestnut plank. Thjs makes a good floor plank with the exception that horse traffic splinters it up badly. It{'o.id~; to~~;reventll-i_i~; 'Ih;ad'the bridge covered with selected 1<l.ke';9.E'-W~~: ~9und -with Tarvia. This has the effect of prevent,ing the plank slivering and also preserves. the plank from decay, but the main benefit is that it makes a perfectly smooth surface, and therefore, pre- vents the jar that would, of necessity come on the btidge by reason of hea vy loads on an uneven wood floor. The Couri.ty Road System are now' hauling Lake Gravel over this, bridge. The weight of the truck and the load being ttbout 14 tons. This would be impossible with a bare plank floor. In order to carry loads ,of 'the above weight, I 'had the floor beam strengthened by putting an additional ,stirrup at each pannel point. The cost of new floor and strengthening amounted to $363.95. Gillett Bridge ',This bridge is now open for traffic,but there is considerable work, yet to be done to complete it. I find it very difficult to get men to do this work.- The amount expended on this work to date is $785.21, and there yet remains work to be done an~ '3.ccounts to be paid that will ' amount to 'about $1000.00. ~~: \y bi ~: ~; I::: Hi Ii, i~j ~:::: 1~!J Iii' 'i' ~ ',: I;,', j,i; liit I'll .-:1 l'i ~6 Elgin County Council 97 Elgill County Council In regard to this bridge, therE;. is absolutely no-certainty that the bridge as now repaired will withstand the spring freshets. The cur- rent in the creek at this point is very rapid. Last spring there were l)locks of ice a-bout 2 feet in thickness and about 8 fe;:t square piled against the piers. The bridge was erected 26 years ,ago and there is such a mass of old piling in the piers that it is almost impossible to make repairs. The bridge consists of 3 spans of 75 feet each and 2 ap'" proaches of 16 fect. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE January Session To the Warden and Council of the County .of Elgin: Gcn tlemen : You'r Public Improvement --Commitfeebe'gs i~ave to submit the follovlirlg report. Small repairs were made to various oth~rCounty Line Bridges. 1. ~n reference,~q the communication of the OntatioGbod Roads' .Association your com~ittee recommends that the Warden name a .delega~ion including __ the: C:ou~ty Engineer- to" attendc.the: AilmiaLme"et" ' illg and that tl:e annual,feeof ,$15.00 be paid, All of which is respectfully submitted~ J AS. A.BELL, County Engi"neer 2. That the account of Jas;- A- Bell for $14.00 for taking County Councillors to Stalter Gully be paid. 3. That the Chairman of this Committee and Engineer have full authority to make all minor repairs to Cou'nty Bridge's during the year flnd that the Committee only be called together when the Chail'. .man thinks the work is of sufficient importance to require theh. aid and advice. All of which is respectfully submitted. I , , I r " il I " " 1 I I I 1 I I I I ! .11,. '. I' ;I , :! H. c.' McKILLOP, Chairman 1 anuary30th., 1920. . June Session n-~ To the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin: Gentlemen: , T,he Public Improvement Committee reports: , Elgin County, Council 99 98 Elgin County Council November Session 1. Sometinie ago at a m.eeting of this 'Committee with the Engi- neers of the Government it was agreed that they would pay the Gov- ernment the sum of $20,000 for the building of the necessary new con- crete work and making the Port Stai1ley Bridge a Swing: Bridge or Lift Bridge, _the Government to assume the bridge. The intention was that the Government wa,s- to accept this offer and. assume this bridg.e by the first day of August. It would 'almost seem by the correspond- ence received since that time that the Government is not willing to elHer into the';~.~reeni'iht,h6weyer,in' order to carry out the promise made at that meedng ,#e recommend that the offer of $20,000 be made. to the Government for this work bera~ifiedby this Council and that ,Mr. Corne11' be authorized to go to Ottawa re this Bridge and Harbor Work when he thinks necessary. To the Warden and_Council oCthe County of Elgin: Gen tlemen:~ Your Public fmprovement Committe beg leave to report that they have 'had a meeting and that the Engineer's r7Port, which was all the business presented, was considered by them. 'Your Committeewoul~l '1'Ccommend the adoption of the report. All of which is respectfully submitted, H:"\"C. McKILLOP, Chairman. 2. III regard to the comumnication from the Chairman_of Boan' of Commerce, Chatham, regal-ding good toads. we recommend ~hal it be filed. 3. We have examined the matters contained in theC~:)Unty En- gineer's report and in order to understand the matter referred to about the Gillette Bridge, your Committee y~sterday inspected the site and beg to recomm~l1d ,as follows: " That the Engineer be instructed to raise and repair this bridge and make it safe for public travel. All of which is respectfully submitted. H. C. McKILLOP, Chairman. St. Thomas, Ontario, June 18th, 1920. 100 Elgin County Council PETITION AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE January Sessiol) To the Elgiti County Council: Gentlemen,; The Petitions and Legislation C,ommittee (eports; . 1. That this Council co. operate with the County of Kent, application 'f~r ,a change in the 18;w respecting civil liability. in a"rt . 2,That we co-operate with the County Councir of Dufferil1, in petition for illrccase in provincial subsidy for- County Road improve- ment. 3. That we co.operate in 'petitions submitted by the County of Essex. (1) For further provincial aid to County Roads. (2) For amendment to Dog Tax and Sheep Protection Act l)y making County Councils liable for sheep ki1~ed by dogs. (3) For the designation of a Provincial Highway through the Western portion of tr..e County. 4. That no action be taken in reference to resolution from the County of Perth for amendment to law respecting Accidents on Highways. All of which is respectfully submitted. A BARONS"Chairman 30th of January, 1920. -Elgin County, Council 101 GAOL COMMITTEE January Session To the Elgin Counly Council: Gentlemen: The Gaol Committee reports: 1. That in reference to application of "John Grant, Turnkey" for increase of salary, we recommend that he be paid Twelve Hundred Dollars ($1200.00) per annum, from the lst. of january 1920. 2. ,Teat the clerk be requested '-to apply to the proper authori~ ties for three (3) captured German Guns to be located in the Court House Grounds. All of which is respectfully submitted. O. McKENNEY, Chairmal1 June Session. To 'the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: The Gaol Committee reports:- . 1. That no action be taken in reference to application of Gaoler and Matron for increase of Salary. 2. That the Warden and Clerk be empowered to make best ar~ rangements possible for ,an early delivery of supply of fuel required at County Buildings. All of whi'ch is respectfully submitted. Q. M'cKENNEY, Chairman. 18th of June, 1920. 102 Elgin Coullty Council November 'Session To the Warden and Council of the County Of Elgin: Gentlemen: The Gaol Committee reports: 1. We have examined the lighting in gaol and have ordered high power lights' in the halls 'opposite each corridor door. All of which is respectfully submitted, O. McKENNEY, Chairmail November 26th, 1920. e Elgin County Council 103 + HOUSE",15'F INDUSTRY COMMITTEE ,'. :,~ ."....; January Session (as amended in Committee of the Whole) To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: The House. of Industry Committee Reports : That tl:ey have considered the report from 'the Provincial Inspect- or in reference to conditions at the House of Industry 'and would recommend that the Warden 'be authorized -to appoint the County Engineer and two members of this Council to act with the Standing Committee in investigating report of Provincial Inspector and that this Special Committee have authority to expend $2000 in remedying defects complaine!i of, to report at June Session or at a special sess- ion if deemed necessary. All of whiCh is respectfully submitted. ].- RTEEPLE, Chairman 29th of January, 1920. June Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: The House of Industry Committee reports: 1. That the salary of the Keeper be increased to Eight Hundred Dollars per annum. 104 Elgin County Co~nci1 2. Th,at the salary 'Of the Assistant M'atron be increased to Forty Dollars per mo'nth, 3. Tha,t the salary of the Inspector be increased to Two Hundred Dollars per annum. 4. That the Warden, Clerk and Iuspecto,rbe empowered to make best ari'angements possible fOf- <j. nearly delivery of supply of fuel re- quired at Institution. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. R. TEEPLE, Chairman 18th of Jnlie 1920. ';,,-!j i l,1 L; 'pf' "~l:i.;r:':n,' .,r .lj"; 'I.!';' ,r 'I;.fi.)' Elgin 'County Connen W5 COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE January Sessi'on St. Thomas, Ont.,]an- 24th, 1920 T.n- f11e Elgin County Council: Cen tlemen: The County RGlau Cornrriitte't reports- C) That the sum of One Hundred and Eig.h'ty Tl:.ousarld, Four Ih:ridredand Ninety: Four Dollars arid Fifty-Six Cents ($180,494.56) was expended on E,lgin County Highway System <luting the year" of 1919, the percentage payable by the Proviuce will be about EO per cent. of this-amount, (2) That the sum of One Hur~dred Thousand dollars shGuldbe l'ahed for expenditure on County Roads fGr the year 1920, divided as follows:.:....:.... Construction of Roads .......m'.--....nn""."nm.h~n....'........""".....n."h.$ Maintena~ce of Roa,ds Bridges and Culverts Hathaway Gravel Pit Machincry 30,000.00 30,000.00 20,000.00 5,000.00 15,000.00 Total .................................................. .............................. ..........$ 100,000.00 (3) That we purch~sc .Steam' Road Roller. (4) Gasoline Motor Gravel Truck. (5) Gasolii1e Motor Road Oiling Truck (6) Horse Power Road Sweeper. (7) Portable telescope gravel bin: and elev,atOl" (8) Expenditures on Hathaway Gravel Pit and Fal'm for ,yeal' 1-919' .were as. follows :-.,., 106 Elgin County Council For Freight on 189 cars of gravel approximately (1600 cords .,0.0.0.""",.,,,,,.,,,,,0.0."'''0.'''''''0.... ....0............ .........0.0..0.........0.$ Labor {or loading gravel and resurhlcing Machinery Tools Material Labor for erecting bin County Engineer's Service 9,883-90 2,741.94 736.44 195.56 787.100 275.00 52.15 Total .........$ 14,671-98 . .__ '0" ........,_,""....n..r....-' "-.- ... .. --- Allowing ,$1.00 ,per cord for gravel at the pit plus t.he labor for loading and the average freight rale delivered to the d~fferent 5,hip- piu.g points in .the County would ,co:;t approximately $9.00 per C\?Xd, which seems prohibitive. on Hathaway Farm for the year 1919, 'for buildillgS Improvement and fences- Material Labor ...$12635 46.03 Total ....................0.0.....0.................0....... .0.0.''''' 0.0.......$172.38 (9) That estimate of TEirty Thousand Dollars for Subu~ban ijrea Commission be approved. E. E. McTAGGART, Cha;rmari June Session St. Thomas, Ont., June 16th, 1920 To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: 1. The County Road Committee reports that since your last meeting in Ja,nuary the Province of Ontario have designated approx-:, Ii [",,' 11' ,. Elgin County Council 107 if Ii ::j: jii .'1 III. I!i ,I' Hi ~ ~, Ii' 1,,( l'ii' 'I'll ~. i~j '~' ,I'!I 'I:il I" I Il: !I' I':: j! ",: " imately70 1l)iles of. Elgin County Road- as Provincial Highway., The Liability of these designated r~ads has not been assumed by the province and your 'Committee have been instructed by ,the Depart- I ment of Highways to proceed with all necessary work or construct" ion and maintenance until furtl:.ernotice from the department. .2. Road 46P. C. Springer Hill Your Committee havecluployed 'the Steam Shovelow.ned by E. A. Po'~isford fOYthe excavation work on this road the price agreed on ~:O~ per jrard,' for loading earth Ofl wagotls.ThcCounty to' furnish fucl and watera:lso to pay freight on'Steam' Shovel one way from ,St. Thomas ,to Corinth. The' work Of this excavation and grading has beeil progressing to the satisfaction of the Committee since the Stem'll Shovel has been employed there. They were also favorably impress- ed w.ith the demonstration given by their new 5 Ton White Truck at thf'.irlast visit to this work. \i I:, I,: I,' I , 3: They ,havi also inves,tigilfed the advisability of procuring Gravel along th-eshqre of Lake Erie for use on County Roads andfi,nd thatgra.vel of good .quality can -be. take~l uptl:.e Lake Bank' and piled on toP of-hill ata reasonable figure. t !i: :f i~1 il' !:I 'ill: il':: Jii 'II!! I,ll If I! I'I, ,I ~ 'Ii: I' I !i! Ii: Ii! II II II Iii "! Ii " !,fI1 Construction -4 Construction work On County r'oads this year will be the build- ing of 2, twelve foot span Bridges on road No. 14 and.. the ,constrltc- tionof a 35 foot ,span b.n the north end of the McIntosh'13ridgeover Thames River road No. 14. 7 Cement Culverts. 10ssthan IO"foot span ,approximately 75 Iron Culverts of various sizes providing material call be obtained. Five miles of Stone Macadam Road will. be constructed this year. 5. We recommend that a by-law be passed authorizing the War: den to sign. agreement with Aylmer under the provisions of Amend- mentsjo ,the ,Highways Improvement. A\-~. 109 Efgin County, Counca Maintenance 6:"- Approximately'ISO miles, of County Road will, Ere resurfaced this year -with gravel and broken _stone. Machinery _7. Trye,ColJ~1ty.atpresent oW!.ls:J~O Road Drags, 3breaki~g plows-, 7 Gra,dersI21Fres,~1,o Scraper~, 22 Sl~~h Scrapers, onefive. t~,~~motot'" Truck, one (:"entrifugal Pump; ~ ~l~ctric ~attery, 1 C~m~nt ~ix~r" 25 Sl).ovets and 5 ,~~1TtS~ It will be necessary to copstruc~ this year an irp.;-. plement House for the protection of the above mentioned machin'ery and tools. Hathaway Farm and Gravel Pit Development 8.- Your Committee decided to remove Gravel Bin and Elevator . a:t H~thaway Farm to another location and will~not bC/in'a position to ship grav~l by r'ail this year. The elevator.and S::'reen have beeWp-llt in good working condition by the finn who supplied it ahd has ,been paid for by the County. Improvement on Hathaway Farm 9. _Consists of the construction, of 200 rods of wire fence anc~ erecting 6 new farm gates andone;:walk gate and gravellit}g th,e.la1;1e. We 'alSo ,recommend, the, acceptance of :the sum ,of Sixteen"Hundred and Fifty Dollar.s ($'1650.00). whicl: has been offered by th,eLondq1! and Port Stanley Railway for the Gravel on Hathaway -Farm. .the amount being a fraction less than two acres. All of which is respectfully submitted. E- Eo McTAGGART, Chairman . --Elgin County Council Noverpber Session To the Elgin County Council: 'i' Gentlemen :~ 109 The County Road Committee reports that expenditures on Elgin County HighwaySystetnfrom January 1st, 1920, up to and including Novemb~r 14th' have been a total of $182,887.98. Divided as follows: Construction on Surburban Area 'Maintenance Constrnction on County Ro,ads Maintenance on County Roads Machitiery, tools, etc. Material in stock llatha:way Farm Hathaway Grayel Pit Mistelhl.l1eous m...m,$ Total This includes $17703.34 expended on Comity Line Roads 1, 14 and 34, of which Middlesex pays fifty per cent. 310 21 7605 07. 72734 46 . 69130 81 23861 65 3500 00 707 23 1690 52 334S 03 ..m...$182,887 98 numbered 2. Expenditure cla.ssed as construction includes the labor and ma~eriaI to' Construct 4 miles of stone M<;lcadam road, the. grading a:!ld tiling of 5 miles of narrow roads, the 'building of 2 Concrete Bridges on "road No. '41. 'One St~~l Bridge' with' cres~te,. block floor, over t~e river Thames, Road No. 14, Middlesex County Line. 5 Reinforced Concrete Culverts. ~75 Iron Culverts. 110 Elgin County Council -------- 3 lVIaintenanc'e, on County Roads Approximately ISO miles of County Road ,has been resurfaced with - broken st.one and pit gravel, numerous small culverts have been lengthened by iron pipes or tile. 4 Machh1.er)'_newfor the year 1920 6 small'road graders; 2.light and -one heavy scarifiers; 1 semi- portable Bin and Elevator; 1-10' Horse power Fairbank Morse Coal Oil-bu.rner Engine; 11 slush scrapers; 1 Force Pump; 2 plows; 11 shovels; 2 picks; 2 5-ton dump trucks. 5 Machinery old purchased previous to the year 1921)' lOG -Road Drags; 3 Plows; 7 Graders; 30 Slu'shScrapers; 6 Dump Wagol1$; 1 Cement Mixer; 20 Shovels; 1 Electric Battery; 2 Pumps;-1 Tents. 6 Hathaway Gravel Pit . 900 .cords of gravel has been hauled by trucks'frorri the Hathaway Gravel Pit and placed on different roads in the County System,' with- iii a'radiUs of 12 miles. 300 cords of gravel has been hauled from, the Hathaway Fa,rm by teams and placed on roads No. 23 P..c. 24 and 27. The expense for- loading has been charged to the. different roads where the gravel has been drawn. Trucks Daily record has been kept of the mileage and quantity of gravd drawn by the 2 County Trucks and we find that ,th'e' 2 h\lCks have travelled a distance of 13,924 miles from July 2nd: up to and including Oct. 23rd, making a total of 98 days- for each truck, in actual opera- tion, hauling 900 cords of gravel on County Roads and makingvar- ious t~jps to different parts in the County; hauling lumber and cement. 'previous to this truck No.1, removed 1088 yards of earth in the ex- cavation wotk at Spt-inger Hill Road No. '46 P. C. c Elgin County C01.Hlcil 111 Drivers wages, gasolilie, oil and repairs total $4,239.05_ 8 Sum,mary of TruckOperation Average, mileage per day 7S. Average cord of gravel per day, 5. Average cost of" expenses per day $23.55_ Average depreciation per day$20.00.! Average total cost per day ,$43.55. Ave,rage cost of delivery of lcard, SmUes...:mm..m.mnm........ $871 Average cost loading per cord n;...;.... .........................nm........ .om $129 10tal cost'for truck hauling and delivering gravel 8 miles .m........ $1000 Comparison of trucks, against teams for hauling gravel Average co~t for team hauling and'ddiverillg 1 cord of gravel 8 miles $20.00 9 Implement Warehouse An implement Warehouse at the Hathaway Farm is under con- struction for the protection of tools and machinery belonging to the County. 10.., Your committee have seen the advantage of trucks over teams'in hauling material for County Road work; and have secured a number of options on GuvelPitsin view of putting itl Mechanical Loaders: and more trucks for hauling, gravel and' that the following options be accepted by the County Council. James, Clark, Township of Dunwich, Wesley Irvine; Towns,hip of Sout.hwold. John T.'Locker, Township of Houghton, County of Norfolk. J'ame.s T. Murphy. Township of Houghton, County of Norfolk. 11. We approve of the agreement between Aylmer and Elgin C,o;linty_ whe'reby- Aylmer shall be paid bac.k the amounts that ,have ISeei-l paid in to' Elgin County Highway System~ All of which is respectfully submitted, i6~h of \November 1920. E. E. McTAGGART;Chairl'nan. 112 Elgin County Council --------- LEGAL COMMITTEE Janqary Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: . The Legal Committee reports': 1. That.they have examined the Indemnity' Policy takell'out to protect the County- All notice the Company. of claims for damages will in future be forwarded to ^'.' It will be the duty of YOllf Committee to co-operate with t1:e-com- panics officers in settling or defending claims.. All of which is rescpectfutlysubmitted. H- C. McKILLOP, Chairman Npvember Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen :~ ThcLegal Committee reports: 1. That six claims for damages covered by the idemnity,-pl)licy were received during the' year. The aggregate amount claimed. bchlg Three Hundred and Thirty,-Three DaHal's a;1d Forty Cel1ts. 2. That one cl.aim for $3000 not covere'd by the policy was re- ceived, in this case an auto travelling at a high' rate of speed ran into one of the gravel trucks. No action was brought against the COU~lty, Elgin' County Council 113 the time limit of three months has expired. 3. That account of J. A. Bell & Son fo'r survey, amounting to Twenty-Three Dollars be paid. etc. of accident site, 4. That the idemnity .policy Company herenewe'd.' in the General Accident Assuranc'e 5. That a new policy he taken out protecting tl1e County. fram damage to. or ,?y the, ~no.tor. trucks. All of which is respectfully submitted. H. C. McKILLOP, Chairman. 25th- Noveinber, 1920. 114 Elgin County Counell REPORT, OF SPECIAL COlVllVlIT'rEE RE DESIGNATION OF COUNTY ROADS To the. Warden and Elgin Connty Council: Gentlemen ;--'- Your special committee app'oil1tecl to consider' the advisability of extending the Elgin County Highway System, reports -in favor of the designation of additional mileage on the basis of equalization,. as follows: 1. That the mileage of South Dorchester be increased to 26 -miles and that the basis for apportionment to the rest of the Townships be taken as if South Dorchester had 23 mi.les. 2. Begininng with the Township of Atdborough, we recommend (1). The road between lots 6 and 7 from the road between concessions 12 and 13 south to the' lake. (2) The road ,between lots 18 and 19 from the road between concesSIOns 12 and 13 to the lake. (3), The road between lots 12 and 13 through concessions 3, 4 and 5 connecting up with County Roa'd No. S. (4). Alternate the road between concessions 2 and 3.'from the road between lots 8 and 9 to the Kent Town line. Dunwich 3. (1) The road between concessions 2 and 3 beginning at the town line between Dunwich and Aldborough~from lot 1 to the. road between lots 12 and 13, connecting up with Co~nty Road Num'ber 8. (2) ,The town line between Aldborough and Dunwich .from the road between concessions 2 and 3 in the 'township of Dunwich to the road between concessions 3 and 4 in-the Town Elgin County Council 115 . ship of Aldborough. (3) 'The road between lots 10 and Hfrom the road between cOncessions Jand 4 to the road between concessions 2 and 3. (4) The road between lots 18 and 19 fr'om the road between: concessions 1 and 2 to the road between the Gore and the Fourth. (5) The roadbetweell lots 6 and concession A. and 5 north Df A. to sions 5 and 6. 7 from the road between the road betweeu conces- , South wold 4. (1) The cOntinuation of the road thence south .through lot 16 to No, 20 from lots 10 to 16 th~ village of Port Stanley. (2) The road between lots 15 and 16 from the M..C.,R. right of way north to concession 5 thence east On concession 5, through 10ts'16 to the road between lots.6 and 7 then north to the toad between concessions 2 and 3. (3) The road between concessions 1 and 2 on. the County tOWn line between Delaware and Southwold thence east 011 the County t'own line to connect up with road No. 22, the London and Pt. Stanley road. (4) The road between the C~unty toWn line between Middle- sex ,and Elgin south through'the township ~f Southwold between lots 23 and 24 to the' road north of th'e north Talbot Road, then westerly to the road between lots 23 and 24) then . south to the north Talbot road. ~5) The road from .county Road No. 21 between lots 6 and 7 known as the Scotch road east to the Village at Pt. Stal1h:y limits. 116 . (1) Elgin CO'J.nty Council Elgin COU!lty,Council 117 Yarmouth Bayham The road. between lots 21 and 22 'from concession 2, south to the road known as the lake road, thence east through lots 22 to 28 to the Malahide town line. (2) 'The road between concessions 4 and 5 from South\\ToId town line to lot No. '7, connecting up with road -No:Z3; P. C. (3) The road between 'lots 7 and 8 from the road between concessions 3 andA to'the ~oadbetween concessions 4 and 5.. 7 (1) The road between lots Sand 6 from Dereham tOwn line through cOflcessions 10 and 11 connecting with Provo Highway in concession 8. (2) The road beginning at the village limits of Vienna lot No. 16 running north-eas'cerly through 19t5 17, 18, 19 and 20, to the road between concessions 3 and 4 thence east to the Houghton to..wnline. between lots 59 and -60 between road between R.I.N .E.R. to concession 8 the road oe- (3) The road between concessions 2 and 3 from the Malahide town line lots 1 to 14, to 'the limits of, village of Vienna al- ternate or the road between Concessioris 8- and 9 from the P. Highway ol110t No. 117 between concessipilS 8 and 9 connect- ing up with road 44 P. C. at Edell. (4) The road and 9, north to the tween R. S.E. R. (5) The road between lots 4 and 5 from the ,road ,between R. S. E. R. and the 9th concession to the County town line between Middlesex and Elgin.., (6) The County towD:line from the road between concessions 13 and 14 opposite lot 8. ' . South Dorchester' 8 (1) The roa'd b'etween lots 6 and 7fr0111 the road between con- cessions 10 and 11, north to the roadbeuween c~H1cession s7 al)d 8. (2) The road between lots 18 and 19, south from the road between con'cessions 10 and 11 soutli to the Malahide towa line. 6. (1) Malahide The roads between lots 10 and 11 from the road between concessions 1 and 2, south to the road that runs westerly through lots 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10, thence south along the road through lot 5 to the Lake Road, then west through lots 1, 2, 3, 4 & -5 to the Yarmouth town line. (2) The road between concessi.ons 8 and 9 from th_~ r,oad be- o I.... '.. ..,' tween lots 20 and 21 east to the -Bayham. towri line. 2~th November 1920. 9 That Road Committee and Reeve of each Municipality where extensions are proposed be a Committee to investigate theadvisa- bility of proj;wsedextensions and report at the January Sessioll of the County": Council. . All of which is respectfully submitted, . E. E. McTAGGART, Chairman. (3) The road between lots 90 and 94 from th~ concessions 7 and 6 north to road No. 40. road ,between ~. ".' 118 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 119 SPECIAL COMMITTEE RE GRANTS TO VILLAGES AND TOWN FOR HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT (8) The agreement, ent~red into between a county council and a' town or village, 'under the next preceding sub-section, rnay~ provide for the p,ayment of 'a fixed annual grantto the village during the period for whichd-ebentures have been issued by the town or village, such period to be det.ermined by the estimated life o'f the work; 2. That a committee be appointed to confer with the Villages de- siring to improve the extensions or connecting links of County Roads and presentagj'eements for approval at the next Session. All of which is respectfully submitted, To the Elgin County Council:^ Gentlemen: 1. The Special Committee appointed at the last Session fer with the Minister of Highways in reference.to Village , to con- Streets reports that they had a meeting and an interview with the Minister and as a result the,foI1owing legislation authorizing agreements be- tweeh a County and Towns and Villages in reference to'improvement of Streets was enacted. E. E. McTAGGART, Chairman 19th of J nne, 1920 Agreement Between' County and"Town or Village re Improvement of Street 9. Section 5 of The Highway Improvement Act as amended i:r further amended, byaddin? thereto the following sub-section 7 : , (7) A town or v'illage may by by-law provide for the construct ion Qr improvement ofa street or streets as in this section defined and may enter into agreement with the council of the county' with respect thereto the work to be carried out under the inspect- ion of the county road superintendent, in accordance with such regu:- lations of the department as may be applicable thereto, and when the by-law and ,agreement have been approved by the Minister, expend.i- ture thereunder or spch portion thereof as tIre Minister may deter- mine, shall be d~emed to form part of the expenditure in carrying out a plan of highway improvem~nt within the county for the pur- pose of ascertaining the amount of aid which may be granted to the county 'l1nder this Act, the amount payable under this section to he repayable to the town or village by the county, in accordance witl: the terms of the said agreement in that regard. 120 Elgin County Council El,gin COUl1tr C~~1l1cil HOUSE OF INDUSTRY REPORTS COMMITTEE . , 3. That .the salary !?f the Inspector -be increased to'Two Hundred Dollars per annum. January Session (as - amendad in' Committee of the Whole) 4. That the Warden, Clerk and Inspector be empowered to make best arrangements possible for an early ,q,eJivery of suPP1:r of ft~~l ,,}-'.;" r.,- .,", required at Insti~utioll. To the Elgin Connty Council: Gentlemen-:- -, ",~."I All of which is respectfully submitted, The House of Industry Committee Reports : 'n ,'(', 'I"~ J. R. rfE:EPLE, Chairman. That they.have considered the report from the Provincial In~ spector in reference. to conditions at the House of Industry and would. recommend .that the Warden be authorized to appoint the County Engineer and two members of the Council to act with the Standing Committee in investigating report of Provincial Inspecto'r and that this special Committee have authority to expend $2000 in remedying defects complained of, to report at the June Session or at a special session if deemed necessary. 18th J Ul1e. 1920. HI' , ~"" . ',j H, ,i: ~s '" '.\" "j. "'i''' t ;~j;' ..01' i~" (-; All of which is respectfuU'y submitted, J. R. TEEPLE,Chairman. , .~- ....~ t',., [, " ';, 29th of January, 1920. "1/ ',.",.,',. j ~ ';", .' "'1 'A~ June Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen :- ,;t",;,,;, lq:'~d The House of Indus~ry Committee Reports: 1. That the s~lary of the Keeper .be insreased to Eight Hundred Dollars per annum. '.,'"~.:;.''' ;' ;:.<:,1 CII'H/ 2. That the salary of the Assistant Matron be increased to Forty Dol1ar,s'per month. "'j 121 ii! Ii Ii! '","".'1 'I , 1,"1 " iil ':!, ii:11 !I 'j!. 'Iii, I' I 1:1 j,: ::ii! ,_,,,I ,'II '1111 illi! !i) 1",,11 :':,1 WI ,[i! iii! II i'l i! ,'ill:1 ,,,I i:il,1 ill "" Till' 'II II ':,1: ;,.-::i 11,\1 !il!l! 'Hd ,il,l ,!"I, ',-;rl ~:;'II U'~ ';'1' !'I:.I i.~I: i'~I! II!:"I!! I"i Ii,,',,' I'" ill !ilii d'l' Il,ili, "!L' 122. Elgin County CouneH , - SPECIAL HOUSE OF INDUSTRY REPORT June Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: The Special Committee- appointed to inquire into the matters at Honse of Industry referred to in report by the Provincial Inspector beg leave to report. 1. That they visited the Institution and inspected every Depart- ment and made inquiries in reference to the matters complained of. Conditions in the ,Womens' Department were not good when the -In- spector was there, but the cause of the unfavorable condition was removed when two insane women were transferred to the Provin- cial Hospital for tl:e Insane. 2. We-ordered ne,cessary r.epairs, plastering and painting and a metallic ceiling for,the clothes room, cement tops were ordered to be placed on the walls and a new pipe laid to the source of supply. 3. The Institution is now in good condition and a most ~avorable report was made by the Grand Jury after their inspection last week. All of which is respectfully submitted, J. R TEEPLE. Chairman November Session To the Elgin County-Council:' Gentlemen :-:- The House of Industry Committee Reports: Elgin County Council 123 1. That the report of the Physician be adopted and printed in the minutes. 2. That the minutes. the Report of the Inspector be adopte.q and printed in . '3. That the salary of the Physician be Hundred Dollars'per,annum. increased to Three '4. That the Proviricial Inspector's January Session. report be laid' over imtil the .All of which is respect.fully submitted, J. R. TEEPLE,Chairman. 25th Noveml;er, 1920. j 124 .' Elgin County Conllcil Elgin County Council 1'25 Geo. Pretty 80 Hannah Anderson 74' Martin Donahue 7S. Wm. M'cGregor 45 Jas~ J ene"reamt 85 Thos. Mitchell 86 . Old Age. Cerebral Hemorrhage. Bright's Disease. Cerebral Helporrhage, Old Age, Heart'Di'sease. I;" Dec. 31 1919 Jan..7 1920 Jan. 12 1920 June 27 1920 July 29 1920 Aug. 12 1920 REPORT PHYSICIAN HOUSE OF INDUSTRY To the Warden an~r Memb'er's"':of' the Elgin County Council or: )' Gentle'men :...,...... ,'-"lI:]! I have the honour of presenting the Forty-fifth Annual Medical Report of the Elgin Hpuse,of Iw11.1stry up to. Oct.. 31st, W20, and sub- mit the _following fOr yoltr consideration;- I have the honour to be, Your obedierit servaiH, Conslderir{g their ag~', the healttl <;if the inmates has been good. DOUGLAS, L. EWlN November 1920. Thei~e were no I epidenlics. -n' I made fifty'-two visits to the 'House of Industry and daily visits ." to patients while under treatment at the Amasa, Wood Hospital. During the year I attended four patients at the Hospital as. fol- lows:- Fanny Tyrell, Feb. 2nd. to Mar. 16th, 1920. Wm. McGregor, June 24th to June 27th, 1920. Thos. Mitchell, July 1st to Aug. 12th, 1920. Wm. Bolt, July 2nd. to July 22nd. 1920. There were no births. Nl1mber dlccL during the year 9,(males 6; females 3), -as follows: Date Name Age Cause of Death Nov. 1 1919 J as. Cbalk 83 Apoplexy', Nov. 15 1919 Saxah Loop 45 Cancer. Nov. 17 1919 Alice .Ingles 104 Old Age. 126 Elgin County Council REPORT INSPECTOR HOUSE OF INDUSTRY To the W'arden and Council of theCouuty of Elgin: Gentlemen :- The follo.wing is my report on the House of Industry and Refuge for the y~ar'ending 31st October, 1920. . Number oLinmates at last report Number admitted during ,year Number of Deaths ....................................__n....__n........_ ......n.mn..__........ Number dicharged Number a~sconded Number now in House. Number of inmates sent from the several Municipalities in the County during the year: Aldbotough Dunwich South wold Yarmouth Malahide Bayham South Dorchester Aylmer West Larue Rodney ..n......'__ ..........___.m.........m......nn........umm..........n..........mn....'noon............... D UttOll .....m.n.....nn.........._._n.......__.._....._...nn.......n .n.__....mn....._...m__m...___.nnn..... Springfield I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The various causes of pauperism of inmates admitted to House dtiringthe year may -be classed as follows: . Cripple .__....n._..._...__mm........__m....._._m._.........nmn.........__nm..n..._.__nn ........m.n.... Sickn ess .m""" .................mm.........m........_._...__....._n._..nn.hh..._m__...........000000......... Des ti tute _.m._......_._.....n._.....__......m__.....___nm.......n__m.........__..n_n._.......__n........_._nm Elgin County Council 127 Old Age _ __________,______._____.__ ___""'._.__________________________________________________________.___________..,______ 8 Blind _...nn.__..m.... m_nnnmnn..m.n..._.........nm..__......._......................................_._..... 1 .9 Average 11umber of inmates during. the .year 38. 10 Average number with Keeper's family and hired help 44.4. 11 Number of weeks board of inmates 1984. 12 Numbe1" of weeks' with Keeper's family 2322. 13 Total Expenditures during the year $15756.19. 45 16 9 10 6 36, Receipt. From Inmates ....__......hn__n~_m..............m.._ ....__...........__00__......_.........00 ....$ From Produce Sold m..mmm..__............. .mm..m....:..'mm..i,.;.:..;._;....:. From Farm Stock.....n....._...............m_'_.......__..... m__m......._...,__.n.~.;.."..... From Sundries Permanent Improvements I o 2 5 2 o 2 I o o 2 I , 371 75 164 66 118603 10 00 2006 29 $ 3738 73 15 Leaving amount actually expended for s;twport of. inmates ---_____________________.. _________________".__________________________________".______$ 12017 46 16 Average expense per week for each perSOn 0000_._"'" 5 17 17 Average expense per'day for each 'person ........h....m... 74 18 Average expense per year for each person __........00.... 26884 19 Amount expended for house and farm during the year is divided as follows: I Farm .Expense 16 Hired Labor Implements Stock Feed Miscellaneous Seed --------------------------------------------___________.'__..__..__..____.;....,,____..______$ 317 00 2 80 273 25 1732 67 367 56 . 330 30 the I 4 2 $ 3023 58 128 ~lgin COU11ty Counc;il EIghl' County Council 1'29 Hired Labor, n.................... .Bre~,d ',m__ Meat no..... Groceries n'," Provisions ... un . . Dry Goods Boots and Shoes Furniture and Hardware Drugs Coal and Wood .......$ 530 50 82.5 42 80R 47 506 04 1023 41 430 45 .303 00 342-91 101- 09 2573 21 40 87 20 The following produce was raised on the farm duriilg the year: House Expense Keeper ..:..nnm...............un.m.... Matron Physician Inspector ............$ 666 66 360 00 200 00 166 66 '85 bushels of wheat. 33 tons' of hay. 933 bushels of oa ts~ . 120 bushels of!har:1ey, .' 35 bushels of turnips. 125 bushels of potatoes. 10 bushels of beans. 8 bushels of table beets. 60 bushels of s-ugar beets. 18 bushels of onions. 250 jars of fruit, S bushels of salsify. 1 acre of sweet corn. 29 hogs sold. I beef cow sold. 10 bushels of peas. 8 bush-els of carrots. 7 bu.shels of table carrots-. 47 loads of straw. 2 loads of. pumpkil1S. I-load of melons. ~ 1000 heads of cabbage. 6 hogs (blled). 1 beef (killed). 2 veal calves (killed); 10 acres .Ensi.Jage Corn. 60 bushels field carrots. '6 bushels' parsnips. -2500 Ibs. butter. ? barrels of soft soap. Miscellaneous $ 76R5 37 General Expense ~onveyance cif Inmates l~epairs Permanent Improvement IUcidental . Hospital 159 90 1083 96 2006 29 264 52. 139 25 $ 3653 92 Salaries Total' Expenditures ............................................. .....h.......m..... $ 1393 32 ...$ 15756.19 '.,". . In ad'di:tion to' the above, a large number of vegetables, etc., were Elgin County Council 130 raised and consumed during the year,.of which no account was kept. 21 Number of articles of hedding and clothing made up during ,the year by the-M,atron and inmates 300. 22 Number' of visits made by Inspector,50. 23 farm Stock:- 3 horses. 13 cows. 1 beef cow. 1 caH. 3 hogs. 4 young cattle. 16 shoats. 100 chickens, 5 ducks. 24 The total amount expended by the County on House of In- 'dustry, etc., is as follows:- ..............................$ 7298 95 11884 75 687 61 , 390 06 879 43 3104 77 1180 50 4732 62 14.1563 132 03 920 60 40 00 1430 99 85 85 1979 00 3733 52 . Fann 100 acres, cOst ................................. House of Industry Laundry Fire ,Escapes Root Cellar, Hennery, etc. Cottages, 'etc. ......... ........................................ Brick Ice House Barns, etc. .................. .................................,...... ................................. ....... Tile Drains ............................. ....,............."..................,..........-,.......... ....... Tile 'Drain, Outlet ,.m..........................................-- m................................. Hot air pump, tanks a'nd connections Ref rigera tor ..................................................... ................................ ! . Fencmg Orcha rd .............................................................. .......................................'... Hea ting Apparatus Boiler room and soft coal boiler ....n...........~.;.........,.............'...;:.m.. Elgin County-Council De ep well ...............,...........;..,....,.,........,...............,;..'............,.......,............. Silo .................................................................................................................. Hog 'Pen ................. ...........................................h.............................n.......... 827 66 293 62 654 99 131 I $ .41692 58 25 Received from' Government 'on account of expendi- tures for land and building ............................................,.$ 4000 00 Leaving amount 'actually expended by the ~ounty..;, 37692 58 All of whic.h is r.espectfully_ submitted, A. D. TURNER, Insp"?IOr 4th November, 1920. I I !I IIIII Iii: II n 11!!1 iil i~:!! '1" !~ ~1':, iJ III J" 11(111 i'l r,-, Ii ::1 I,) I ill 'I~I I II ~1:. I" .,\11 ih! 11 I'l', "fJ,l' 1"11 ,\,1 "'1 liE '1,:1,,11 il~:, Ii J'" ;I,.,11l "I:lj"]" li!,i! 'I'll! ;, ~I !:i I'~' II' 11'1 iWI JI'"I; '!i:I': I ~I iil I ll' ,:1 'Iillll, : IIi Ii :l:j 1'1 'I IIi'!: ~ Iii "1'11 iq\!ii "l,I'1 ~:lll if!:;:: ,~j!HI __ IJZ Elgin County Council 133 Elgin-County -Cantleil REPORT OF COUNTY POLICE MAGISTRATE Grossly illsulti.ng language Offen.S1ve Wea_pons Unlawfully. discharging fir_e ,arms V~iolation ,Lor.ds. Day Act 1 1 1 1. June Session To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council : Gentlemen: .' 40 I beg to repor.t to you the business done in connection with my office for the_past 'year as follows: Theft Neglected Children Violation Ontario !emperance Act Violation 'Public Act Va$Tancy Receiving Stol~n Goods Wilful Injury to pi'operty Forgery Trepassing on Railway Property Obstructing Railway Train Assisting Deserter Entering, Bonded Car Indecent' Assault 20 27 19 1 1 2 4 1 2 1 1 1 2 Municipalities To ,Whom Fines were Pa.id Ya~mouth We sf Lorne Humane Socie~y Treasurer, Port Stanley Walter R~ss, License Inspector Crown Attorney Southwold E. Axford W.Rill Not collected "",$ 75 06 5 00 5 00 142 00 630 00 130 00 15 00, 5 00 10 00 50 00 J 122 $1067 06 Number of Convictions Q'ffences J'ried Nature of Charge Unlawful wounding Abduction Commqn Assault Assault,causing bodily harm Cruelty to Animals Violation Motor Vehicles Act Violation Municipal By-Law . Deserted wife's Act Violation Ontario Temperance Act Theft Receiving Stolen Property Violation Municipal By-Law Common Assault Wilful Injury to Property Violation Motor Vehicles Act Cruelty to Animals Indecent Assault Abduction of child under 14 20 6 !\ 11 -i 1 13 2 1 1 1 1 8 3 2 12 7 2 II~ [11111 .:':',1 iill'l 111"1' 1,lil,1 '!:"'[I ;'11. II' :1!:1!!1 'I" I' , i'I" (Ii'! IIII,!III I'" ,Ii'll' [',,"1 ,ill'l ""1 I,r:-, 'Ii!i:!' 'I" ;':i':',i 1II',il;' .li",i!i 'iil 'F I' "'1'1 hi ,1"1'1' I,il ,I'i" I'I~II ,'ilill ['I :I!!! "I' 1"1'" I' I'if i')l"! I'" "'1 i:!i; ,1)1 ,'",1 "[1'1 H 11!'i I,' ",1,1 "'I' 'if' Iliirl I'!} ,III il:!!r, 1[1'1 ii':!!' 1[11 "I'll 1111',' I,ll ",I -1!iHI- 11'1' 1MI ,IPI, 11""'1 -~~__~_~I 134 Elgin Cbunty Council Elgin County -Council Unlawfully entering ,bonded car .....u.................;___..'.....nn............__m........ Bodily'injury by driving an auto nnnn......u..umm.......uo.'''-m..C..........nnnnn.. Giving false signals on railway m...mnn.'m..........n__.__..._._;:~...m.__m.m...._..._ Unlawfully carrying offensive weapons. ......____00....:...............___00..........1.: Viola tion . Public . Act. ..u.......,...............uu.......................................................... Unlawfully discharging firearms an public street m...............,.................. 1 I 1 1 1 1 REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO MEET ST THOMAS Re. ADM1N1STRA1'ION OF JUSTICE To. the Elgin County Ccuncil: Gentlemen :- 66 The.SpecialCQmm}ttee appainted ,to. arrange, settlement ministraticn cf ]ustic,e.expenses with St. ThamM, reparts: of Ad- I have the hanor to. be your abedient servant, That no. meeting hasbeeh held with the. City. FRANCIS HUNT, 2 That the accounts with the Province are 11at as complete as is necessary to enable the Treasur~r to. prepare an accaunt for the five years ending 31st December, 1919. Police Magistrate for the County af "Elgin f I J All of wh,ich is respectfully submitt~d, June, 1920. 3 .,That yourCammiHee be authorizedto,meet an,d report at the January Se,ssian, if the necessa,ry iriforinaticn 'is available befare that , time. 27th Navember, 1920. N. S. CORNELL, Chairman. 135 1'36 Elgin County Council SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON INSURANCE June Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: The Special Committee on Insurance on County Buildilll?;S reports- 1. That the Insurance in the Court Hous'e be increased from Forty Five Thousand Dollars ($45,000.00) to Ninety. Thousand Dollars . ($90,000.00.) 2. That the Insurance on the cOrl;tents of the Court House be in- creased from Seven Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($7200) to Four- teen Tl:ol1sand; Four Hundred Dollars ($14,400.00). 3. That the Insurance on the main building of the House of In.- d'..1stry be increased irom Thirteen Thousand, Three Hundred Dollars ($13.300) to Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.) 4. That.the Clerk and Treasurer be -instructed to place this addi- tional Insurance in the Companies now carrying the risks, Ali of which is respectfully submitted" H. W. THOMSON, Cbairman I I l :\ Elgin County Council 137 BY""LAWS BY-LAW NO. 951 To Fix the Fees Payable to Jurors in the County of Elgin The Elgin Coun ty Council enacts: That the per diem allowance payable to Jurors attending siitings ,of the High Cellirt or- County Courts be increased to the .sum of Thre,e pOllarsper day ,as provided in the Jurors Act, Section 90, Sub-section (6). I I County Council Chambers, St Thomas, June 19, 1920. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk W. H. MILLS, Warden. BY-LAW NO. 952. To Appoint a Board of Audit _in the County of Elgin for the Year 1920 Passed 31st ]anuary,1920 Be it, enacted by the ,Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County of - Elgin: That the]udge of the County Court and OscarM<;l{euney he and are hereby appointed members of the Board of Audit to perform the duties required of them by R S. 0 Chapter 96~ Section 21. Thatthe members of the said Board be paidthe,sum of Five Dol- lars per day for their services and five cents per mile going to and from sucl:' audit. County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 31st January, 1920. K. W. Mcl):AY, Courity Clerk. W. H. MILLS, - Warden. . 138 , Elgin CQunty Council I I, Elgin Coun ty. CounCil 139 BY-LAW NO. 953 BY-LAW. 955 l~o Fix. Salary of the County Police Magistrate Passed 31st January, 1920 . To .fix Turnl(ey's Salary Passed 31st January, 1920 The County Council of .t!:e County of Elgin enacts: Tlpt the salary of the Turnkey of the- County Gaol be and is' here~ hy fixed at the sum of Twelve Hundred Dollars per annum com~nell.- cing with the 1st of J anuarY1 1920- That all BrLawsheretofore 'passed in 'this.behalf be and the same - are hereby repealed. County Council 'Chambers, St. Thomas, 31st January, 192-0. . Tbe Elgin County Council enacts: That the salary of Francis Hunt, County Police Magistrate be and is hereby fixed at the sum of Seven Hundred Dollars per annum, pay- able quarterly from the 1st of January 1920.. That the Police Magistrat.e be paid the sum of One Hundred and Twenty-Five Dollars for'Postage, telephones and travelling expenses. Tha,t all By-Laws in this respect heretofore,..passed be and are hereby repeale'd. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. W. H. MILLS, Warden. County C0undl Chambers, St. Thomas, 31st January, 1920. K. W. McKAY. County Clerk. W. H. MILLS, W arden.~ 11 . BY-LAW NO. 956. ,To Fix Salary of the County Road Superintendent and Arpend By~Law No. 899 and 916. BY.LA.W NO 954 To Appoint High School Trustees Passed 31st January,1920 Passed 30th, J anuary,.1920 The Elgin County Council enacts: That Erwin' Smythe be appointed Trustee for the Vienna ~igh School for three years. That Dr. F. H. Miller be appointed Trustee of the AylmerC6Ue- giate Institute for three years and W. W. Rutherford for two _ years. That Dr. D. A. Cameron be fl.ppointecrTrustee of the Dutton High School for three years. C6unty Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 31st January, 1920.- The Elgin County Council enacts: 1. That t.he salary of George Frank Pineo, S~perintenderit 6( COLlnty l~o;:lds be and is hereby fixed at the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars per annum, payable monthly from the 1st of January, 1920. 2, That By-Law No. 8Q9 and 916 be and is h~reby amended. ac- cordingly. County Council Chambers, 'St. Thol-11as, 30th, January, 1920. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. W. H. MILLS, Warden. K. W. McKAY, Cou~ty Clerk. W. H. MILLS; Wardeh. '11111 1,11 1'1 il I 140 Elgin County CouhciI ~!gin County' Council 141 BY-LAW NO. 957. That the salar~ of th-eCounty Clerk be raised from Nine Hundred "to Twelve Huu'dre.d Dollars per annum commencing the 1st of Jan- uary, 1920, and that By~Law No. 863 be and is hereby amended accord- ingly. ~ County Council Chambers~ St. Thomas, 30tl: January, 1920. 1'0 Fix Members' W:ages and Amend By-Law No. 893 Passed 30th, January, 1920 The Elgin County ~ottnci1' enacts: That the members of this Council be paid the sum of Five Dol- lars per day for their attendance in Coun,eil and Committees and Five (cnts per mile to and from for such attendance and tl:at clause on~ of By-Law No._893 be and is hereby amended accordingly. County Council Chambers, St. 'Thomas, 30th January, 1920. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. W. I-I. MILLS, Warden. BY-LAW NO. 969 K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. W. H. MILLS, Warde!). To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow the Sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. Passed 31st January, 1920 BY-LAW NO. 958. The Elgin County Council enacts: To Fix the Salry of the <;:ounty Treasurer and amend By~Law No. 927 Pass-ed 30th January, 1920 The Elgin County Council eilacts: That the salary of the County Treasurer be raised from Twelve Hundred to'Fifteen Hundred Dollars per annum commencing the 1st of January~ 1920. And that By-Law No. 927 be and is hereby amended accordingly. County- Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 30tl:- January, 1920. That the W~rden and Treasurer be and are hereby authorized to borrow the stirn of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, as' it mayb~ required to. meet expenditures of the Corporation of Elgin during 1920 and 'give as security.therefor notes for One Thousand Dollars each. Connty Council Chambers, St. Thoma,S, 31st January, 1920. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. W. H. MILLS, Warden. BY-LAW NO. 98!. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. W. H. MILLS, W.n::den. To Confirm the Equalization of the Assessmerit Rolls ol the County of Elgin. BY-LAW NO. 959. To Fix the Salary of the County Clerk and Amend By-Law No'" 863 Passed 30th, January,1920 Passed 19th" June, 1920. I; I il! Iii Ii The Elgin County Council enacts: The Elgin County Council enacts: 1. That the following be the equalization of the assessment rolls of the County of Elgin for 1920. , ;-,. \ I 142 Elgin Coun ty Counci~ Elgii1 County COllncil ~ Aldborough Dunwich Southwold Yarmouth Malahide Bayham South Dorchester . Aylmer Dutton Port Stanley Springfield Vienna Rodney West Lorne ..........m.............:.$2.977,254 3,198,254. 3,840,267 4,641,657 2,839.810 1,884.513 1,678,552 973,819 330,524 218,893 144,660 99,707 218,772 216,633 To Make a Grant Ito tlhe Great War Veterans' Association of St. Thomas Branch 2. That" the St,Thomas Collegiate Insti'tute be granted 'an amount equivalent t? twenty per cent. of'the cost of maintenance of County pupils. 3. That the :gr,ants to Continuation and Fifth Class Schoo~s be ~ade on the basis of two dollars and fifty cents to eachdolh~r grant- ed by the Government. County Council Chambers,St. Thomas, June 19, 1920. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. , W. H. MILLS,. Warden. BY-LAW NO. 963. $23.263.315 i. That this Council is willin~ to have tl:.e final" equalization of the assessment, i~, case of appeal, made by the County Judge. COlaUy Cou:ncil Chambers, St. Thomas, June 19th, 1920. Passed '19tl:', June 1920 The Elgin County Council ena~ts: That the County. Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the rent of room <;tt,pr,esent qccupied by th'e St. Thomas Branch of the- Great War Veterans'Associatian, far the period of one year. The .totalnatto ex;ceed Two Hundred Dollars. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk, W. H. MILLS, Warden. BY.LAW NO. 962. County Council Chambers, St. Thom,as, June:' 19th, 1920. To Grant Additional Aid to Schools Passed 19th June, 1920. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. W. J{. MILLS, Warden. . The Elgin. County Council el1acts: 1. That the sum of One Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty"Five Dollars be granted to the following schools for 1920. ., llY.LAW NO. 984. To Extend Time .fQIi ~ax Sale Passed 19th; june, 1920 Aylmer Collegiate Institute Dutton High School Vienna -High School ...$ 650.00 650.00 525.00. The Elgin Cou!).ty Council enacts: That the time for the enforced collection by sale of land in ar- 143 ,:: " Ii! !I 'i I: " , i,:: h :1 ~i i I': : 'II .I!'I "~I i'j' .;,1 Ii I,,' I!!i! !ill )1'[' : 11'1 ,I 11[1 I:II! i':I' 11, :itll WI' )44 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 145 reRrs for taxes in the County of Elgin be and is hereby extended for one year. Elgin Gounty Council Chambers, St. Thomas', June .19th, 1920. W. R MILLS, Warden. 2.~ That the salary of the Assistant Matron be and is ed at the sum of Forty Dollars per month. J hereby ,fix- 3. That the-salary of the Inspector be and is hereby fixed at the sum of Two Hundred Dollars p€r annum. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. BY.LAW NO. 905. That this By-Law take effect on theIst day of,Jime and that By~ Laws numbered 827 and 914 be and are hereby amended accordingly. To Authorize the Warden and TreaSUll"er to Borrow the Hundred Thousand Dollars Passed 19th Jl1~e, 1920. Sum of Tw~ Elgin County Council Chambers, ,St. Thomas, June 10th, 1920. K W. McKAY, County Clerk. W. H. MILLS, Warden. The Elgin County Council enacts; That the Warden and Treasurer be and are hereby authorized to borrow the .sum of Two Hundred TI:ousand Dollars, as may be re- quired to meet the current expenditures of the Corporation of the County of Elgin- during 1920 and give as security therefor notes of One Thousand Dollars each. County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 19th June, 1920. BY-LAW NO. 967. To Fix Salary of County Road Superintendent The Elgin County Council enacts: K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. . W. H. MILLS, "Varden. That the salary of the County Road Superinte11dent be and is hereby fixed at the sum of Seventeen Hundre1 Dollars per annum payable monthly from theIst. of June, 1920 and that By-Law No. 956 be and is hereby a'meIided accor.dingly. ElginCQunty Council Chambers, St. Thomas,]q.ne 19th, 1920. BY-LAW NO. 966. K W. McKAY, County Clerk.' W. H. MILLS, Warden. To Fix Salaries ,of Keeper, Inspector and Assistant Matron of House of Industry and Refuge. BY.LAW NO. 968. The Elgin CO,unty Council enacts: 1. That the salary of the Keeper of the House of Industry and Refuge be and is hereby fixed at the ,sum of Eight..Hundred Dollars per ~rt,.nJ.l.m. To fix the Salary of the County Treasurer and amend By~L,aw No.'9S8 The Elgin Comity Council enacts: TI:at - the salary of the County Treasurer be raised to Eighte{'tl 146 Efgln County CmnTcll Hundr-ed DoHan poer annttrrl commencing tf1C' 1st of Jellne aI1Jd tha'ft By-Law NIll. 958 be at'ln is; henby amerrdc'cf accordingly. Elgin CO'1.'m'ty Co.undl Chambet'S-~ St. Thoma.s, Jooe 19, 1920: K W. McKAY, Co un ty 'ClerIc W. IL MILLs., Warden. BY.LAW NO. 96!J. TGtnake: grant wit& re&pect ta the Port Stanley Bridge Wher€as this Council has made aVl1Iication to' the Minist~r D'$' P1J.blic WO'rks of Can'adla for improvement of the Port Stahley Bar- b'or, and wh~reaS said 'improvemenbwill render necessary a change till Bridge across said Hal'bof by making it a lif.t or swing Br-idge. The Elgin County Councifenacts:: . "fhat the gum of Twenty T1:.ausand Dollars bt and is hereby granted towards tbe said improvements provided the said Public Works Departme11t enters into an agreement with the County to as- {fume all liability for future maintenancc.' of' said bridge on Ot; before the finst day of 1\ugt1st next Or such 'ater date as may b~ approwd by the Warden, and to complete the ch.'anges necessary to make it a swing or lift bridge suitable for the requirements of the Harbor when improved above the said Bridge. E1gin County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, June 19th, 1920:' K W. McKAY, County Clerk. W. H. MILLS, Warden. Elg'in 'County Council 147 BY.LAW NO. ~70 To ltaiae Anraunts for COiUnty Rates During the Year 1920 Whereas ,an estimate l1as b:eenmade 'sh(l)wing that tlle .sum of One Hundred and Eighty-six Thousand, One Hunurred and Six Dollars, is lrequired to be raised in tl~eseveral Municipa~iGes lIDf the Jawful pUJ:''' [lGSeS of the County during tJle year 192m. . And Wl1~reas, by the Assessment, Act, this :O::>uncil hrequired to .airect wllat pnrtion of tee S1'l.'m t9 be l~vied for C(i)unty ,ptll'PQsesshaJ.! Ibe.levied ineaeh Munk:'ipality 'in the CGunty; And Whereas the rates are required to lYe appoI'tioned on the bas.,; Ui of the assessment 'Of property as equali:zed in the prec<eding ,yean And W~ereas the assessment .'Of property till th'e County, as as~ 1C'Il!lftaiJt.ed fmrd_requalizedil1l.11'919'is.as [ollows: Municipality 'T'()tal,Equalized Value. Aldborough .n.n.n......n.............n..............................n.. $2,977,254 Dun wich ......................n.....n.....n.................................. 3,198,254 Soutbwold .n..........n...........'.n......n............................".n 3,840,267 Y armou th .....n..........n.........n................"m..."......"......n".. 4,641,657 Malabide .................n......n............................................... 2,839,810 Bayham .n....n....................n......n........nm...n...___......".... 1,884,513 South Dorchester m-.~..~-."......_'nn..'m.....h.'''....."..~." 1,678,552 Aylmer .........nn.n.....................................................n....... 973,819 Dutton n.....................n.n........................m...............!m.... 330,524 Port Stailley n.....hmm_......"h......~."..."..........."............ 218,893 Springfield ..........n......n........................................n.."... 144,660 V-ienna ....."........................--...........................m'.........",.... 99,707 Rodney ........................nn..........................n...........,..".... 218,772 West .Lorne hn.............m..............."h.....m.h...............". 216,633 " [' $23,263315 ' 14H Elgin County COllncil Elgin County Council Therefore t1~e Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts: 1. That a rate of Eight Mills 011 the Dollar be levied on all rate- able property' in ,the several Municipalities in the County of Elgin. as above set forth, for the year 1920, to raise the following amounts: BY-LAW NO. 9n To Authorize the Warden to, S~gn Agreement Whereas under the provisions of the Highway Improvement Act, the Comity 'Council during the years-J918 and 1919, made grants to the Town of Aylmer, a balance of Five Thousand and Twenty Nine Dol- lars and Sixty Three Cents of which has not .been paid over. 2. That the sum of One Hundred and Eighty-six Thousand, One Hundred and Six Dollars be raised and levied in the several Munici- palities in the County accordingto.tce following Schedule, and that the amounts, as entered therein, be paid to the' County Treasurer as by law required: And Whereas the Town of Aylmer has improved the Streets whi'ch form the connecting links with County Roads through the Town. SCHEDULE: And Whereas the said Town issued debentures to pay the cost of improving said Streets and is desirous of entering into. an Agreement .with the County mider tpe provisions of the Said Act with respect to -the appl!cation of said grants and for annual grants from said Coun' cil during the period for which Debentures have been issued to he applied towards the mainteriance of said roads and the paymcn '. of said Debentures. Municipality Aldborough Dunwich Total $23,818 25 586 30,722 37,133 22.718 15,076 13,428 .00.00000000000000;000000."....0000...0000. 7,790 ..00000000.00000000000000';'" 2,644 1,751 1,157 799 1,751 .1,733 Southwold Yarmouth Malahide Bayham South Dorchester Aylmer .......m........................... Dutton ..................... ............................... Port Stanley Springfield And Where<;Ls an agreement between the said Town and County for the purposes aforesaid h8:s been entered into which agreement is subject to the approval of the Minister of Highways. ~ The Elgin County Council enacts: Vienna Rodney West Lorne That the Warden be and is hereby authorized to sign said agree~ meht in such form as' it may be approved by tl:e Minister of Highways and that the same shall be attached to and form part of this By...Law. $186,106 County Council Chamber, St. Thomas, June 19th;'1920. Elgin County Council Chambers, St'. Thomas, June 19th, 1920. K W. McKAY, County Clerk. W. R MILLS, Warden. K. W. McKAY. County Clerk. vVai'den. W. H. MILLS, 149 . 'II I' ( :; [' II I 1'1 [I I, 'i II I; ! ~ i ~ , 1 j ~I I, 'II II: ~ I u! 'I i, I' ~ j' , I :111 II' V ~ i , ~ ~ ,Ii 1 ~i 150 E:iglll County Cot:nd! SchedUle: "A!' referred. to in. the annexed Agreement Elgin County C01!mcil 151 116 45 962 40 892 30 1040 73 871 82 18939 739 90 4932 c AND WHEREAS .the said County ,has by by-law under THE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT of Ontario gr;tnted to tbe said fawn of Aylmer eel'tain sums of mone.y for the purp'ose of improve- ment of certain of the streets mentioned and refered- to in c'ertain. ,of said by:-laws and there now remains to. the credit of the said Town the sum of $5029.63 being the amount granted by the County .to the said Town for the purposes aforesaid. Al1nual Payment Town'" Town's: Share Share 1l1"-Law Date YearS" to I{q;11l 78, 1911 1920-31. 793 1912 1920-32 813 1913 1920-33 814: 1913 192@-33 824 1913 1920-33 851 1914 1920-34 852 1914 1920'34 856 1914 1920-34 1452 00 12000 00 10235 00 11935 05 9998 76 2172 00 8485 00 565 78 Total ___'__"m_._m__ ..___m___...__.... $56843 59 AND WHEREAS it has been and is hereby agreed, subject to the terms, conditions and provisions herein contained by and between the said' County ,and the said Town asfollows;- $ :4862 31 1. The sai,d County sh?lI yearly and every year. during the, period for which debentures have been issued under said. by-laws as shown by Schedule A attached hereto,grant and apportion to the said Town under the provisions of the Highway Improvement Act, an amount equal to the proportionpayaole by the said Town ,as a Cor.. poration towards the improvement of County Highways under the said Act to be arriveu at and determined by the said County UpOn the express understanding and agree-ment that the said Town shall out of the sum or sums so granted complete any work not completed on sa-id roads and shall maintain and keep in proper and sufficient repair all said roads mentioned in said by-laws and whatever balance may re- main of said yearly grant by the County to said .Town may be applied upon the portion required to be paid by the said Town as a Corpora- tion of the debentttres maturing from time to time under the provis- ions of the said By-laws herein-before referred to and the said Town inay also in'like manner and forI like purposes only as aforesaid apply the balance of the grant or grants already made by the said COUllty to the said Town, but which have not as yet been paid over to the said Town. 'I'fllS Ac;:REEMENT made' tbe TWELFTH day of October A. D., 1920 BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN Hereinafter called the "COUNTY" of the First Part AND THE COPORATlON OF THE TOWN OF AYLMER Hereinafter called. the "TOWN" of the Second Part WHEREAS pursuant to By<<Laws Numbers 781, 793~ 813, 814, 824, 851,.852 and856'.the said Town has improved in a permanent manner certain gtre~tll. within the Corpo'ration limits of the said Town, which form connecting links betwee'n certain roads designated as County Roads by the said County and have issued debentures- pursuant to said, by.:.lawsto provide for the cost of the wQ,rk so utidertakenand performed by the said Town. "II Iii 111111,1, 2. The said Town doth hereby covenant and agree to and with the said; County to' fully and completely do, execute and , l:lgln Coun ty Coundl 153 152 EIgh1 County CJuncil ,.ByeLAW NO. ~72, perform all and every of the conditions, provisoes and agreements herein contained, fA By~'Lawfol"~the 'Purpose 'Of Making Special Gran'b'lo 'theVm~ge_ .. una 1"1oWn In the CountY of "Elgin;'. for' the Improvement of , Cerl:aln Highways Within 'the Said Villages and Townl 3. All said\vork to be done, executed or performed and all material used in conn'ection therewith is to be carried out under the inspection of the County Road Superintendent of the said County and in accordance with such regulations of the Highways Department of thePrqvince of Ontario as may be applicable thereto. 4. Thls agreement and any by-law in connection therewith sIialll10t take effect until the same has be<:;n approved of bY the Mini- ster of said Department as provided in the Highway Improvement Act or amendments thereto. VJbereas, under. the .. Act tn Aid' irt the lmprovemenl. or Pttbfic 1-ligl:ways. R. S. 0., 1914, Olal)ter 40, a County Coundl' may, from time to time, while carrying :011t a plan of highway 'imp"rb\iement uhder the 'Said Act, by by:'law make grants to 'vlliageSaiid;towns not :s,'e~,at~f~~ 'from the County; for the purpose Df .improving such. highway's 61' por~ ~ions of highways In such villages Or ,towns as may be designated iI'1 lStlch by'hiw an'l1 whicb areex'tensi"ons" o'f,Ulr fl!l~m c,bit'ecfi!b'fJs heM'een different portions of Coun'tYTt)ads; SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED In the presence of I r I I And VVhereas -a grant made in atcordance ,with th"est-J,ld Act to a village orf6w'u havjng: a 'p6pulation' of more tba'n 1,500'inu;t be '~xpended'solelY UpOn roads and streets or portIons ther~"Of ~hkh He upposite to lands on nl~e :sid'c >Gr the'@ther thereofli.sed' f6r' agticu1~ 'tural purposes; IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Corporations, have here- l111toaffixed their respective Corporate Seals and signed by theWar:;- den and Clerk of the said County and the Mayor and Clerk of the 'said Town. And Whereas theCoundl6f" theCountYOt 'EIghi 'deems. if 'e'x": pedient to "inake gra:~ts,to the incorporated v'illages and town.' c)f' the County in accordance with the terms 1)f' the said Act; W. H. MILLS, waeden 1(. W. McKAY, Cleek F. L: WAGNER, Mayoe D. C. DAVIS, Cleek. APPROVED And W'hereas the' population-of the" s'tdd villages Alld t-GW'Ii"actol'd.; iug to the 1<:1st (1911) revised 'census is as"folloVi's': F. C. BIGGS, Aylmer, town.. .....-.,_..;,..."..........,....,'..,.......'"....,...'"....,.,~'...<"""'_'''. Port... Stanley, vil1a.ge ........-.....",;.........,'''..."..0...'......."".. S pringfi eld, village n.............:."'...,......."'.,,.............'..n....' Vieuna, village .:..'nn.......'.....n...'.._~........,....>.....u...,........, Qutton.. village .......,...........................,.,....."............,.......... . ..Rodn ey, vi"lla:ge ...........................................................,....,... "V es t Larue, village ........,................,.,............................... 2102 391 4$4 332 836 6~6 7'40 The foreg?ing agreement is hereby approved. Dated the 19th day of October, A. p., 1920. Minister of Public Works" 'j'tnd Highways 'I' I, ~l I,'! II I ,'il 'II f;1 Ii,! ,'1: 1'1' \ 154 Elgin County Council 13li Elgin County Ctll>lnci~ the Be it therefore enacted .by th€ Municipal Co(po.rat,i.ou. of 'COUllty,Of. Elg.in as follo,ws.: 1. A 'gl'al1t of $3,139.00 is hereby' made to the Town of Aylmer. ',' , i1lghighways, o'f, the; .Dep,aa.-tment .of Public Highways 'Of OntariQ. Read a third {im~ :a.ndpassed thi-SilPth clay of Jun-e, 1920. K w. McKAY, County Cleitk. W.E, MILLS; W aJ..d,ero.~ 2. A grant of $321.00 is hereby made to the Village of Vienna far the improvement of County Road No. 44 p. c.; on Teal Hill, ap.d frotH the No.rth limit 'South. '. BY-LAW NO. 973. 3. A grant .of $467.00}s her:eby made to the ViIIage..of Spring.." field fOI' the improvement of Road No. 40 being main street west .of ~~perior- To Ctmfirm Agreelnent For Sale ,of Gra'Vello the London andP'Or.t Stanley Railway Company. 4. A grant of $705.00 is hereby,made to the ViIfage of Port Stan- ley for the impravement of, Caunty Raad No. 23 P. C. beginning at' the narth limit af village, thence south, I Where.as the 'Camity Road 'q~mm1ttee has 'cntered intO' actual :agreemcn tw.ith. the London :and Port Stanley Railway Company faf' the sal"e (}f gravel''O.,_(l'a'.1yortion -of the Hathaway farm being in all :aballt Two_acres"foT' the sum-,QI One Thousand, Six H".l~ndJ.'ed and. Fifty'Dollars. 5. A grant of $1,065.00 is l:ereby made to the Village of Dutton for the impravement af Caunty Road NO'. 13 P. c., commencing at cor- ner af McArthur and, Shackleton Streets, west to' Currie Street. The Eagin (:()u11 ty Cauncil tm:rcts ~ Thatwh'en said agreeme~lt is reduced to' writing'specitying loca.:" fi'on ofgrav-el ~nd terms''Of payment and sign'cd by the said 'Company that tlfe Warden b-e authQrized to Sig)l it On behalf of the Caunty and t11at tl:.e same shall be attached to and form part ~f this By-Law.. Elgin County Council Chambers~ 51. Th-Qmas, Jun'e H); 19ZQ. 6. That a grantaf $699.00 is'hereby.made to the Village af West Lorne for"the improvement of Caun'ty'Road No;: 1 beginningat.sollth- erlybollridary of village and work narth. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk- W. H. MILLS, Warden., 7. A grant of $705.00 is h,ereby made to the Village of Rcidney for the ilnpravement of Furnival Street. oppasite lots 5 a-nd 6, 'Block, C and" oppasite lots 1 to 8; Black E, plan 67. l f f BY -LAW NO. 974 To Authorize the Warden alid Treasurer to Borrbw th$ Sum tiE One Hundred Thb\lS:and Donarl The said grants shall be expended salely upan tl1e ,highway 0'1' .'> ."t portian thereof herein designated: 'The Elgin Caunty Council enacts: 8. The work on which the said grants shall be expe.nded. shall be performed in accordance with the last revised regul~tians _ respect- That the W~rden and Treasurer be1lnd areher~by authQtized to borrow the sum of One Hundred' ThQusand Dollars, as may be tee.. . I" ~ Ie ~": I ~ ISol E'iglDx' County-G:i.'turdT Elgin County Coullcil 157. {!uired, to meet. the Cllt:"rCllt expenditures, of the Corporation of the: County' b( ElgJn" d'uring 1920 an.d give as. security therdm: notes of.' ~}ne Thousand Dollars each. County-CQun.cil Chambers" St. Thomas., 27th-Ncwember, 1920. INDEX K. W. McKAY. CQl1l1ty Clet:'k~ W. IL MILLS; Warden~ 'f 'I.! BY,LAWS-. ::- I."' ,_'",:,--" ','. _' ' . I No. 951 To 'Fix the Fe_~s payable to Jurors in the County of .EIgin ...m.."mmmm...mm.....h.. . ...m..:mm,..m"hh"" 21, 137 No. 95'2 To, API?~i~1t 'a' Board of.Attdit"in the Cour;'h of Elgi~l , ,lor th'e ~ea_~: 1920 :. ..,.... .._...~.. .-....... nommm ~..m.. ~h 137 N.o. 9~~ To Fix Salary of the County Police, Magistrate 22; 138 No.-'954 To Appoint' .High ,School Tn~stees no ....nm.. 22, 138 tJ,o. '?5~ To ,Fi){ Turn~ey's Salary .'n......~..::.:m.mnm...~mu::.u. 22, 139 N'o. -956 To Fix'Saiary of the County Road Superintendent and Amend By-laws No. 899 and 916 ................m. 23, 139 No"957.. To .Fix Members' Wages ,and Amend By-law No. .893 ..mm..mm................m.....mm...m'..............hm.......:.."..24, 140 No. 958. To F.ix..the_Salaryof the County Treasurer and .Amend' By..,.law"No. 927 ..........nn..m....................... 24, 140 .No.,959 To Fix. the Salary of the County Clerk and Amend . By,law No. 863 m........,...m.....m............h................... 25, .140 No. 960 .To Authori(':e the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow the Sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ....25, 141 No. .961 To Confirm .the Equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the County. of Elginm.....................nm...........' 37, 141 No...9,62 To Grant Ad.ditional Aid to Schools ....00.................. 38, 142 No..9.63 ..ToMake a Gr_ant .to the Great ,War Veter~ns'Asso- ciation -of St. Thomas Branch' .mnnm.............:. 3~, 143 No. 964, To Extefld Time for Tax Sale m;m........:..................n.. '3'9,143 No. 965 To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow the Sum of Two Hundred Thousand 'Dollars 39, 144 No; 966 To Fix Salar:ies of Keeper, Inspector and Assistant M'atron of- House of Industry and Refuge ...... 40, 144 No. 967 To Fix Salary' of County Road Superinteildent........ 40, 145 No. 968 To Fix,Salary of the County Treasurer and Amend By-law No. 958 m..m........mm.....h..............h.'...~m'....m 4f, 145 N-o~--969 To Make Grant with Respect to the' Port Stanley Bridge .....m..m....h ..m....... ............h.. m..:...................... 41, 146 No. 970 To Raise Amounts for C~':\l1nty Rates during the year BY,LAW NO, 975' TO': Fix- SaI~i".yofPhysiciaii,HoU5e of Indu~;tyy ',' r, .:\ ! ~ [ t [ r ( The ELgin CountyC~uncil 'enacts: That the salary of Do'uglag; L. Ewin, M. D., Physician< of the Bco:use Qf Imlustry-a.nd Refuge be and is hereby fixed at Three Hun- clred Dollars ver annum:, to commence 1&( Nov-embef,1920. and that By-Law ,No. 949-be and is here-by amended accordingly. CountyCG}unciL.Chambfi':rs" St. Thomas, 27th November, 1920, jO W. H. MILLS. K. W. McKAY, . CQ.unty Clerk. Warden. BY.LAW NO. 976 .T6 O'esignafe County Road in Village of Vienna. '1'he"E:lgin County Council <enacts, : 1. That the designation of Road Number Forty-four, as set forth fn By-Law No. 909, be amfi':nded,to include.the portion within thrViI-. lage of. Vienna. ' 2. That this By-Law take eftect,"1-nd come'into for.cewhen agree- ment is entered into with the Lieutenant Governor in Cot1nci~., as provided in Ontario Highways Act, 1915, Section 19. ~. ,That By-Law No: 909. be amended accordingly. County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 27th November, 1920. 1(, W. McKAY, County Clerk. W. H. MILLS, Warden. 158 \. Elgin County CoUtlcil Elgin County Council 159 NO..973 1920 .................................................................................. 42, 147 To Authorize the Warden to Sign Agreement .... 42, 149 A By-law for the' Purpose fo Making Special G:rants to the Villages and ,Town in the County of Elgin for the improvement of Certain Highways within the Said Villages and Town.__................u............ 43; 153 To Confirm Agreement for Sale of Gravel to the London and Port Stanley Railway Company 43, 155 To Authorize .the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow the Sum of One Hundred ThousandDollar~.... 58, 155 To FIx Salary of Physician, Ho~se ,of Industry.... 58, 156 To Designate County Roa,d in Village of Vienna, 59. 156 Horticultural Societies Laides Institutes Law Library Association Miss Wallace. Na vy League Poultry Shows Public Libraries Red Cross Sick Children's Hospital Times Reporter ...... Vienna High School Warden 20 18 14 9, 86 86 35 17 92 '85 60 32, 37 60 No. 971 No. 972 No. 974 No. 975 No. 976 DEPUTATIONS AND COMMITTEES- Children's Hospital, .London ...................00......'......................................... 12 Good Roads, Villages" ...............m.............h....h..._............................ .9; 12 Bayham ....h................. .................... .....................................................00.. 13 Dorchester ........nm.............................,..............,.........n..................... 51, 54 Law Library AssoCiation ..........................;.......0000................................00 ,14 Location of. Highways ..m..mm........h............;...............,....................... 14, 26 Me,moria}",l!osp'ital, St. Thomas ...................~.........m............. 13, 53, 85 East Elgin ........00................. .............................. 52, 92 Ontario Board of Trade n....h.."''' ...................00 .m......._.......................". 92 Ontario Good Roads. .Association ..... ...................................................m .26 Ontario Municipal AssoCiation ........ ........ ...........................m............ 44 Provincial Trustees Association ............m..............n.............................. 26 M1SCELLANEOUS- Auditor- Administration of Justice. ..........;;...mn...'................................ 16 Ayhner Road Agreement .... ..................................................h............... 150 Board of Trade ...... ............... ..n.....................n...nm.......................... ....... 57 Commun"icafions . 7, 11, 29, 32 Holstein Purebred Breeders' AssoCiation ..........,............................. , ' 11, 15 11, 18 86 43, 51 13 51 88 29 Consolidated Schools Dog and Sheep Protection Fund E"qualization Floyd Wilkins Gaol Lighting Indemnity Bond Memorial Hospital Mothers' Allowances Port Stanley Bridge Queen Alexandra Sanitarium Salaries of Officials School Attendance. Officer ...m...'................n....nnm.......................;........ S<;hoof Libraries Thoma's" "Davidson Trustees High Schools Warden's Address .....................6, 7 45 46 85 52 112 85 48 47 88 9 47 75 86 17, 18 27, 45 5, 53j 46, GRANTS- Agricultural Societies Agricultural Institutes Amasa W oO,d Hospital Aylmer Lock-up County Tru$tees AssoCiation Gaoler and Turnkey G. W. V. A. 00....................................5, !' 160 EIghl County Council ROADS AND BRlDGES- Agreement with Aylmer County Roads ..nn............. C6unty. Ro'ad~i', 'Additional Deputation fi'olh Villages peputatiol1 ,,~tom Bayham Des-ig'riaticHi,'roads ill ,Villages Grants to'T()\vn and Villages Port Sfanley-Bridge Roa:d- Expenditure '1919 St. -"George Street Sub-way Tbwtfship" R'oadsanu Govermnellt Village Streets Special Report Aid _n'" n...._ _... _......_nn;;:n 150 46, 49, 55 49, 57 12 13 12, 55 35 47 17 52 28 118 ....__..,....__................................6. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES AND OFFICIALS-- Attminist'i"atio'l1 of' Justic'e 'Special'- ..m....m.__ ......n................ 26,"'.57'0, .135 A udi tors ........n...................__.n..............um...nm...m......n............m.......,.........7, 89 County Roads Committee _......__n_..._nn. nn._nnn Ii,34, 55,105, 106 109 c;()t1~lty Engineer ..~::::.:mn:...n....mm....m..:nm....'n...nmn...m 29, 47" 94,. 95 C<?uniy Treasurer ,m.....m..n.m...nn...nm..nm....'nn...,~m... 11, 34, 50; 80, 83 ~: ~:;~;~o~O~~it.t_e~:.::::::.::::::::::::::::::::....I~:...30~'_~~:.?_~ ~~ Finan,ce Commitfee .un....mnnn'.......m..nnn.......n......n...m.... 29',,47, 94; '.95 Gaol 'Co'nlniittee.....mn...m...mm.....m... ..m" uu" m':..n..n 15', 34, 55, 101, 102 Ho'iise'aT 11ldti'stry"Ccnumittee ..:. '17; 20,32, 34; 53, 103, 120,: 121, 122 Hc)tlse"'of' 111du'stTy' Physici~lri mn.mnn..m.,.mum..... u....mn......nn 47, 124 HO\lSe'"'of lndushy' Iii'sped6'r umn....m.....m.......nn. uum..mn u ',53, 126 l1Ysur;aric'e Comniittee ...::...:...':..::nnm..::.:....m.m.....nm..~.nh.:.-.29,33, "~4, ' ,136 ~~'gal.'Committee' ..........':,.....................................:...........:.:.......... 16, 51, ~12 P~tidons and Legisl'il'tiori'-C0111miftee .~.mn..nn.. .n....nmm.nun.~..... 100 Pi{blic Irriprovem:etits' Corrii-riitt"e'e m.' ...mu..m........ '15, "',34,,50, '97, 99 Public Sch'ool" Iilspe'c"fo't:s ...m"" unm ...m..:m......'51,"62, 69 PoliCe'" M~'-gistri te" "~.~:'m...mm....:nm..unn.....m...~mm....m.......mu.....,m..9.;' 132~ School' Library Report m..n m'. m.m ....m.... moo'. mm'. mm.....m.......m. 75 Sfat'1di'ng' COriimihfe's m.u..m.......mu: mm' mn.....m.n.. um'.' .'nm~: 4,-'7, 61 Village'Stre'ets','Speciit- __ _______..nu.................m......unn....~m.....n 37, 118