1921 Minutes PROCEEDINGS of the Elgin County Council During the Sessions held in the \ Court House, St.Thom~s in the mqnths' of January, March, April, June and November t~"r 1921 K W.. McKAY, County Clerk, H. C. McKILLOP, Warden - COUNTY OFFICIALS C. O. Ermatiu'ger, Esq., County J1,1dge J as. H~ Coyne,E'sq., Reg1istra!f D. McLaws, Esq., County Court Olerk A. McOrimmon, Esq., Clerk 'of the Peace and Caunlty Crown A'btoTn1ey W. H. EUiott, Esq., Sheriff C. F. Maxwell, Esq" M_aster inChan'c,cry W. F. Luton, Esq., Gaoler J. A. Taylo'f, B. A., and J. C. Smith, R A.. Public School Inspecto'rs K. W. M.cKay,-Esq., COl1utyClerk B. B. Graham" Esq., COUllity TnasU're:r James A. Bell, M. C. S., C. E., COUhty En'gineer G. F.P'iu'eo, County Road Superintendent C. St. C. Leitch, County Solie-ito): Frank HUll't, Esq., Police Magistra1te Rabt. Kains, Esq., M; D.,' Gaol Surgeon DoughS L. Ewin, M. D., Physician, Hotls'e of Iu'dustry D. H. Goodinlg, Esq., Keeper, House of Industry R. B. Holmes, Ca'retake'r, Court House J o:1m Hopl(ji'llis, High Cons'table, St. Thomas An of St. Thomas P. O. . A. Turner, Esq" Inspector, House of lndust'ry Shedden, R. R. 1 County Auditors: Walket C. Caughell, St. Thomas,; W. A. Galbraith; lona Statinn 'Admi'lli"stration af Justice AudriltO'rs:' ,CO O. Ermatinger, County Judge Mayor Brinkman, St. .Thamas; "'vV. H. Mms, Aylme'r Municipal Cierks and Treasurers Municipality Clerk Treasurer Ald;horough.m......J. A. McRae, Radneym.,....A. Carmichael, West La'me Dullwichm__mm.....D. A.' McNabb, Du-ttonnn..nnnMurray McNeil, Duttan Southwo-lc1.m........J. C. McLennan, FingaL..n........m.D. A. Catta,nach, 92 Monre St., St. Thoma's Yarmauth....',....,W. C. Caughell, St. Thamasm.,R. McLac'hlin, St. Thamas Mala:hide...........m..J a'11n, M. Ha.Ie, Aylmerm.,...m..n..,J a'hn M. Hale, Aylmer Bayiham.:..n......Benj. Bria'l1, Sta-rffordville.n.n..Wm. Grant, Sb'affardrville S. Dorchesterm.,M. S. Gha'rltol1, R"R, 1; S'Pril1gfield'-mG. \iVindelr,Lyo~ To.wn of AylmC'L.....___,...n........D. C. Davis,...n....'n....m..m.H. E. 'Annstrarlg VHl'a.:ge af Vien-na.m........___..W'illiam N eHsan...mnm.....n,.,William N eilsan Village '0'1' Springfield....n....nJ. B. Lucas...m.mnm.............).A. eh,ambers Villag,e of PortSt:al1l'eY.nj. S. Rahertsan___m......n...m.m,.-J; 'S. Robertson Village of DuHon,....n.....n___mm]. D. Blue.m,.m.....___.m.m.....m,..D. Campbell. Village 'of West Larne.....-J. S. Rabertsonnn.........mn___.....n.....mnFi Stane Villa'ge: o'f Rodney....n.......m....,J. D. Shaw...............___m........n:mn...M. Barntes / PROCEEDINGS of the Elgin County Council. FIRST SESSION - FIRST 'PA Y Tue~day, January 25th, 1921 '. The council..elect of the Countyo{ EIgiti met this day at the Court Honse; St:. Thoma's, at 2 p.m. K. VV. McKay; County Clerk, in ,the chair. i The fallowing members filed certificates and taok ,their seats at the cound,l bo'ard: William S. . Stalker, Reeve, Alc1boraugh., J o'hh F. McGregor, De'puty Reeve, AldbO'rough; Harty Dromgale, Reeve, Dunwich. Archie Crawiard, Deputy Reeve, Dunwich. Wm, R. Gunning, Reeve, Southwald". Albert J.McIntyre, Deputy :Reeve, Sauthwoltl.. w. II r I ~ ii' II: (I , t r I Ii' il I~ I . ~ 4 Elgin County Council Elgin 'Comity CQuncil 5 , :i \tViIson H. Mills, Reeve,' Ya'rmouth. J. R. Teeple, l~t DeputyReeve,_Y~:nnouth. \tVm. M. Anderson,'2nd' Depu:ty" Reeve, Yarmouth. Emerson E. McTaggart, R~ev.e, Malahide. \iVm. H. As'hton, Deputy Reeve, Mala'hide. AHred Nevi'll, Reeve, ~ay'ham. HarTY L. Godwin, DeptHy Reeve, Bayham. Thbnfas R. Farrow, Reeve, South Dorchester. vVilliam MiIls, Reeve, Aylm,cx. Samuel S. Clutton,' Reeve, Vienna. Arthur Barou's, Reeve, Springfield. Dr. Geo. H. Jackson, Reeve, Pt. Stanley. William Patton, Reeve, Dutton. H. C. McKillop, Reeve, West Lome. B.V'i. Thompson, Reeve, Rod'u,cy. FIRST SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday', Janua'ry 2-6th, Hl21 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. "Thornas,in ace-ordance \vith adjournment. The vVa.rden in the chair. All the members present. The vVarden addressed the Council as follows: 'To the <Elgin County Council: Gentlemen,~ I have again to thank you fO'l' .the honor conferred in electing me 16 p'r'esid~ over your ddiberati0'l1'sdnring the year; T'he election 'of Warden wa,s proceeded with, and 'on the second' vote Hugh C. McKmop, Reeve 'of Wes1t Lome, 'received a majority vote of the whole COUllCil and! was declared elected; The Warden-elect made statutory decla'ra1tion of office before His Hono'r Judge Colter, took his seat and addlresse~ theCoul1cil. Moved by J. F. McGregor, Seconded 'by W. S. Stalker: The country is pa,s'sing throug'h a 'pc'riodo.f industrial ,depression. , 'The -readjustment of condition's produced.by_t'he war will, of neces-' :sity, be gradual It is the duty ofeve;rY'fcp,resentative body to exe'rcise mOl-e than usual care at ,this time <in the (Jrischa'rgc of their .du,ties, so that the burden of taxation will he aslig'ht as possible. Board of ~rade That the Reeves of the municipaIi,tics be a committee to strike standing c'ommittees, a-nd that the Council adjourn until 10 o'clock to-morrow mo'rning. The Boa"t.d of Trade has been 'reo'rganized, and should 'be most in advancing the best il1'terscts of the County. They have considered many impolotant matters. - Garti-ed. They dO' not appy-ove of afTIliation with the Vveste1'l1 Ontaxio of Trade for the formation of an Agricultural Ii11l'nigra:tion but are in favor of the active co-operation, wi'th the authorities, with a view to' filling th"e many vacant houses county with immigrants 'o.r families no'w r.es,iding in urban where unemployment is making living difficult. H. C. McKILLOP, Wa'rden. I- I I Ii I I: L it . , I r ~ I , I:. I:: L [, I.' i I :\:. "! Ilf I': 1,1 ',I II: ',I I lij II' I I Iii 11.~'i l ;!I 'I' r Li 1,1 ~j I!! III' ! ~ :! I' i' ,. I,' '1' !II ,Ii : I: 'I ill. ~: I, 'I' , , '.I i,1 'I " " 6 EIg:in County, CoundI The Board is in. faVO'l" of the centraJizat10n of. CO'rn and poultry- shows, and pure-'bred stock sales in the Coomty, and of mo're con-- sideratioll' being. extended' to, ,agricultural exhihitions and schc'oI fai'rs.. The que'stioH of l~cationof the AgrtcuTtural Rep'rese~tative has. bee111 considcTcd, and owing: to the length of ,the County, the Boa-rd decided to apply fo'r the appointment of a. second reptesentative, to. be 'located at Aylmer. An effo'rt will.be made to co-operate in secu.ring attendance of Elgin representatives in the inter-county stack judg.in'g Cantes'ts_ a t Guelph. County Roads The Caunty Road Cammittee will, no. .d!ouht, 'repart on the d,esigti-ation aJ a,dditia'nal cau11lty 'road mi,leage, as ord'ered at last ses'sia'l1. It i's advisable that only 'roads of whic'h llIadce was given shauld ,'be considered at this sess,ian, if, it is dcemed! advisable to'" desigltate additi'on-a.l mileage. In the eastern part 'af the Frovin'ce, an appeal has been entered._ by a. caunty again'st the"a_ccaunt ren.dered ,by the Pro'vin'c'e far: sha're' af cost af -the pravindal highway. This sugges1ts that caUti1tks, and,. not ,t>hel'acal mU11'ic,ipaHtks, will he liable far a ca'11'sidet-able ca,n'tri.... buttan fa,!" this class of 'roads"and that a la'rge d'csiglmtian of additian:al' mileage might well 'be lef.t in a:beyan'Ce until t'he extent of the liabilhy- af the Caunty in this cannectian 1S ascertained. Port Stanley Bridge The Federal Public Wa.rks Depa'rtmen't ,has nat come to' ad-'ecisiO'n in reference to' the Pa'rt Stan-ley bridge. The GOtll1'ty Engine'er will" repart aga,inst 'atlowi,ng it to' cantinue in its present. conditian. The Countygrall't af $20,0.00 s'hautd- bewithd1rawn if it is faun'd neceossa-rr to' expend a la'rge amount for repairs. The Public Improvements Committee shauld consider the matter fully and make recQmmeri-d'ations, fa'r the consideration. of. the CounciL , I ' I Elg,in, Caunty Cauncil 7 Administration of Justice Settlement with St. Thomas Jot will be necessary to' a'ppain't a special commit'tee to' enter intO' :an agreement with ,the City. T'he matter was d1efe't"l"cdl last yea'r as :accaun1:s with th'eP-rovincial ,Gavern'ment were not closed. House of Industry The Inspector's orepa'rt in 'reference to' the Honse of Industry was 'laid ave-runtil this session. TheCammi-t,tee shauld give this, as well ;as the ~-ecell'tU'nsatisfactO'ry ,develapments at the Institution, their .mas,t ca'reful cansideratian. Au.associa't.ion composed largely of the authO'ritie's coU'n.eC'ted with the management 'af these institutian's tli:roughaut the Pravin'ce will meet h-ere iti July. It will be the duty af the Cannty to' make s'ame :provision far their entertaJnment. P.roc~ed::ings af the pr,evions sessiO'n were read and C'al1lfi:rmed. The~.fallowing cammunications were read: From County Eip:gincer, w,ith orepQort. -'- Referred to' Public 'ImprO'vements. Cammittee. From. Secreta'ry OntariO' Gaod' Raads Assaciation; re dlelegates to' :annual meeti~g.'- Refer'red :to' Public Imprav'ements CO'mmittee. Fram Deputy Minister of Highways, 're attendance 'Of COUll1ty .officials at meeting ofCaunty Road Superinten'dents. - Refe'l'red to' 'County Roads Committee. Fram Western OntariO' 'Un1itedBaard's of T'rade, 're farma,tian af Immigrati'an Assacia'tion. - Refel"re,dI to' Fin:an'ce Ca111- From the Navy League af Canada, applicatian far g-t"ant.- -.:Referred tOo Firiance Comm1t'tee. ( ! I i I I I ~~ I i I, I: Ii" !! i I I I I I 8 Elgin County Council From }ohn Stewa'rt, Coun'ty Clerk" of Middlesex, l'e ..designation of COU11'ty Toads. - Refcned to CouMy Roads Committee. From. Provincial Trustees' Association, ore 'delega'tes to annual' meeting. - Refet'red to Educ,ation Committee. From Hon. F. C. Biggs, re amendment to civil liability sections- of The Municipal Act. - Referred to Petitions and Legislation, Committee. ,_Prom County Coull'cil, Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry, r,e- amendment oJ Highway Impr'ovement Act. - Referred to Coun1ty Roads CommiNee. From Sick Chi1drcn~s Hospital, Tornlllto,re application ferr grant. -Rcferred to Financc Committee. From B. B. Gra'ham, County Treasur,c'r, with report. '----- Refel"red. to Finance Committee. Iii H 'I' I! ! ~ From Elgin Methorial Hospital Boa'rd, application fnf grant.- Refer'rcd to Finance Committcc. FromF. Hll11't, County Police Magistrate, \vith Tepor,t, -Referred to Finance Committee. From County Auditors, with report. - Ref.erred to Fina;1cc Comm,iHee. ' F'rom She,lter Committce ,.of Children's Aid Society, inviting' Council to visit Shelter. Moved by J. F. McGrego-r, Secondcd by W. Ande-rsol1: That invitation from Shelter Committee of Children's' Aid' Society be accepted, for Thursday evening, at 7:30. -',Carried~ Elgin County COUllC-il 9 The following notices were given: By Mr. Patton, of application forgralllt fo'r public libraries in the COU.11'ty. By M'r. Gunning, of deputation hom Tn-dhn 'reservc, re road 'imp'rovemen:t, at 2,' p.m. Thursday. ByM'r. McGregM, of a-pplication for grant to ;agdcultural fa1irs. By Mr. Dromgole, of grant to Miss \Vallace~' By Mr. Thomson, of application for grant to horticulwral societies. Moved by W. H. Mills, Seconded by J. R. Teeple: That this Coull,cildo now adjourn, to mect at 2 p.m, - Carried. The Council Resumed Moved by W. 'H. Mills, S'econdedby J. R. Teeple: 'That deputation re Memorial Hospital be now.hea'rd: - Carried. Jud<ge Coher, Dr. Curtis, Alde-rman F. R. Lemon, MTs. Enrioll, Lhtle then add1res'sedthe Council, making applicaotion for of by-la,w to provide for grant of one hundred thousand fo-rthe purposes of"thc' Elgin' Memorial Ho'spital Trus.t.. 10 Elgin County Council Moved by J. R. Teeple, Seconded by W. Anderson: T'hat R. A. Pen'hale, Pr<::sident oJ the Elgin Boa1rd of Trade, be- .now hea'rd. ----c- Carried, Mr. PCllhale then acldores'sed the Coundl on. behaH of the Boa'relof Trad'e, all''d made application fOT gr~wt of five hund'red do'11a'fs. A co"mmul1ication from .the Highways' Department 're Stalter' bridge was then read and referred to the.. Public Improvements COlU-- mitrte, afte'f which it was Moved' by E. McT<.tggart, Seconded by W. Ashton: That a discussion of the advisability oJ the County oJ Elgin' ~aldng over that po'rtion of the road on ,t!he first concession-of the' Township of Malahide cOll'sist'ingot one anuone-quarte-f mil-es, on which it is proposed .to build a new brid'ge across the Stalter Gully,. take place to~mo'frow at 2,:30 p.m. - Carried.. Moved by H. Dromgole, Secon'd.ed by A. era wf6rd: That Archie Kerr, l'epreseriting the Deleo Lighting System, be' allowed to address this Council at 3 :30 p.m. on Thursday. -Carried~ ElginCo'1.inty Council 11 Moved by A. Barons, Seconded by T. 'Fa-trow: That this 'Council do how adjourn, to 'meet to-m'ol'r6w, at ,10 .o'clock. - Carried. H. C. McKILLOP, Warden. I i I I I I I I i ri I, I, I 1: Ii Ii I [: I I II I! 13 Elgin County Council FIRST SESSION - THIRD DAY .Thursday, January.27'h,~ 192'1 The Elgin. County ,Coundl.,me.tthis day at t'he Court Ho.use, 'St. Thoma's, 'in accorc1.ancewith adJo,urnment. The War.den in, the chair. All ,dlC members present. Proceedings of the previous .day were 'read and con-finned. A communication fronl Murphy & Gunn, r.e John McNicol, read and 'fcfei"rec1 to the County Treasurer. Mr. Mills, of Aylmer, gave notice of- deputation 're East Elgin Memo,rial Hospital, at 11 a.m. on Friday. I Moved by W. Patton, . Secondeel by \7'\!, StaJker:: 'l'hat this Council g.rant the sum of t\veu,ty-five dollaTS to each of the {ollo\\iing public libra'ries: Rodney,\lI,T est ,Lorue, Dutton, Par,t Stanley, Aylmc'f, Vienna, Shedden, Sparta, Springfield, Bayham; and: twelve donal's and fifty cents to Belmont and \iVal'dsville. - Carried.. 'Moved by J. F. McGregor, Secon'ded by W. Sta,lker: ''Dhat the chairmen of the standing committees be a special com-- mittee' to consider matters 'referreel to in the ';V"arden's address. - Carried.. was. Elgin GOLlrtty. Council 13 :Moved :byvV... H. Ashton, Seconded by G~ H. Jackson: That W. H., Mi-IIs be auditor of Administration of Justice accounts for the yea'r 1921. - Carried. Moved by J.F. McGregor, Seconded by VV. Stalker: T'hat this Council do now adjourn, to me'et at 2 p.m. - Carried. The Council Resumed Mr. H. Barnum, solicito'r for the Township -of IVfulahide, then', addressed the Conncil in 'reference to the Stalter Gidley hridge, sub:" miHing agreement in case the County decid,cs to designate the road. Messrs. Kerr and McNair, the'n_address,ed the Council in 'rcferen'ce to the installation of a Deleo Lighting System in the House of Industry. The matter was, referred to' 't'lle House 'of Inrdtlstry Committee. Moved'~y "V. Stal1wl", Seconded by J. McGregor: That Mr. Peters'on, -representing the Navy League of Canada, be allowed to address the Council. - Carried. 1v1r. Peterson then add-res,sed the Council,explaining their appli- for gralllt, which -had previously b'een refened to the Frnance 14 EIginCourttyCoundl Chief W. K, Co'rne'lius, of Ollleida Indians, then ai:Mressed th.e poundl~ requesting ,grant on ,t'he Southwold county Hne between the Rive'r Thames and South wold Station. Thecommurdca,tioti from' the Ho"lstein Pu-re-Bored Stock Associ- ation, in 'reference to their ,grant, was read and nferredto the Finance Commit,tee. / The report of the County Roads Committee was presented and adoptedl, on motion of W. Stalker, seconded by E. McTaggart, The >repO'rt of the 'special committee on, 'tlbeWat"d'en',s address was pres,ented and adopted, on m'o,t-iOn ofH, Thomson, _seconded by A. J; McIntyre. The repo'rt of the Pet.ition,s and Legislation, Committee was pre- sented and adlopted" -'on motion of VV. -And'ers-ou', s,econded by H; W. Thoms'on. Moved by W. S. Stalker, Seconded by W.H. Mills: That, the Warden and Cle'rk be authO'rized to sign and submit to the Min'is,ter of Publ'ic W,otks and Highways of theP.rovince of Ontario, the 'petition of the co,rpO'ration oft'he County -of Elgin,show- ing that during the period 1st January. 19'20', to' 31st December, 1920, there 'has been efpended upon the county highway system the sum of $205,888,7~/, reque'sting the statutory grants on ,that amounlt,as P,fO- vided by The Act to Aid' in the Imp'l'Ovement 'of Public Hig-hways. -Carried. Moved by ], F, McGregor, Seconded by H, DromgOole: That t;heOouncil visit the Stalter Gulley Friday afte'moon, to leave the Gmnd Central Hotel at 2 'p.m. -Carried. Elgin County Council 15 Moved by H. W.'Dhomson, Second'ed by H. Dromgole: T'hat the County Couillcil 'grant 'twen1ty-fivepc'r cent. ,of the Gov':' ernmen<t grant to all horticultural sO'cieti;s, in the County. - Carried. Moved by E. McTaggart, Seconded oy H. Dromgole: Tha~ the usual gramt oJ twenty-five doIla'rs be paid to the Board of Agriculture of East and West Elgin. - Carried,. Moved by J. F. McGregor, Seconcloed by H. Dromgole: That this County Council grant fifty per cent. of the Government granrt to agl,icuhuml societies in the County. - Carried. Moved by E. McTaggart, Second-ed .by G. H. Jackson: That the grants ,to the Ladies' Institutes for East and West Elgin be the sam'e as last year. - Carried, Moved by r F. McGl"ego'r, Seconded by H. Dromgole: 'Dhat t'his County Council (leplons the fact that many pers'ons while driving autos on the highway, especially wheh 'ile.aring city limits; have been f.requently cha'l'ged for speed!ing, when, from all appearances, they were within tt'he speed'limit. In the opinion of the 16 Elgin CountyCoundl Coull'cil, great-ell' discretion shbuld be exercised by officials in laying complaints for ovc'1:8peeding. - Carried. i i I, I I I I I I I PoEce Magisha'tc Hunt addlt'cssed the Council in reference to acco.uuu9datiol1' fo'r lunatics. Moved by W. H. Mills, Seconded 'by J. R. Teeple: That we ask our representative intheLegislatU're to have the Act referring to gu'o"!s so amended that in each county, lock-up provision be: made t'o' accommodate li.1natics committed by the Magistrate until they can be 'lccmoved to the asylum. - Carried. Moved by T. ,Fa'1:row, Seconded by H. L. Godwin': That this Council now adjourn, to meet at 1n o'clock to~monow. - Carried~ H. C. McKILLOP, Warden. Elgin County,Counc'il 17 FIRST SESSION - FOURTH DAY " Friday, January 28th, 1921 The Elgin County Council melt this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in acC'ordance with adjournment. The Warden in the chair. All the members present. P.roceedings of the previous day were -read and confirmed. Moved by A. Nevill, Seconded by Wm. Mills: That the deputation h:om Aylmer,re East Elgin MemO'l"ial' Hospital, be now heard. - Ca,rried. Dr. Sinclair and Mr. Tha'yer then mad'e. application for grant of five thousand dollars for East Elgin Memoda'l Hospital. A Comnlunicat.i'on from AlfredE. Aldred, Glencoe, 're 'road <).nd Walker hridge, was read and referred to Puhlic Improvements Com. mittee. Moved by A. Nevill, Seconded by Wm. Mills: That James Heiter be 'fe-appointed trustee for the AylmerC'o1- legiat~ Institute for the ensuin:g three yea-rs, and that Edward E. Miller, of Aylmer, 'be a'ppointed to fill the un.expired time 'Of W. W; who has left the County. - Carried. 18 Elgin County Council Elgin County ~'Counci1 19 M.ove.d'by Wm. Patton, \ Seconded by A. Crawford: FIRST SESSION - FIFTH DAY Saturd'ay, January 29th, '1921 That Mr. Ho11inshead be appointed, trustee fo'r Dutton High School fur three years. The. Elgin County Council-met this day at the Court Hottse, St. Thomas, iri acco'rdance with--adjournment. - Carried. M'oved by 'Wm., PaUol1, The Wa'rden in the C'hair. Seconded by A. Crawford: A1l1he membeTspresent. That W111. Kendall be appointed trustee for Dutton High School for two yca'fs, in place of Dr. Cameron, \V'lta has left the County. Prbceedi:r1gs of t'he previous day we'fC read and confi'rmed. - Carried. Therepor.t ;of the Public Improvements Commit-tee was 'pres-ented andado'Pted; on mo'tion of J. McGregor, seconded by Dr; J)'ackson. ~. .., . Moved by S. Clutton, Seconded by Wm. Mills: The repott .of the Gaol Committee was presen:ted and adopted, on motion orWm.Patton, second~d ,by A., J.McIntyre. T'ha1t William Kirk be re-apointed trustee of Vienna High School for three years. The 'report -of the Educat'ion Comlhittee wa's presented and 'adopt- ed, on motion of H. W. Thomson, seconded by A~ Barons. :......... Carried. Moved by E. McTaggart, Seconded byW. H. Ashton: The report of the House of Industry Committee was rpt~escn:ted and ado'pted,on motion 'of A. J.McIntyre, seconded by J. R. Teeple. ~ Carried. The report Of the Finance Committee \-vas presented andrderre,d t.o a committee of the whole. M!1". Gunn1ng iri the chair. Af,toe'r cons,ideringtihe report clause by clause, the committee rose and the report was ad-opted without amendment, on motion of V\r. R. . GUl1l1'ing, seconded by A. J. McIntyre. That the usual grant of fifty dolla'rs to the Elgin Law Lihrary be paid. Moved by H. Dromgole, se.cG-nded by J. G. McGregor: Moved by J. F. McGregOl', Tha't this Council ,do now adjourn, to meet at 10 a.m. on Saturday, so thalt ,the members oJ the Council may visit Stalter Gulley, and sta'nding committees .meet. Seconded by W. S. Stalker: ---':Carried. That this Council co-operate wi-th the Counties of Stormont, Dun- and Glenga'rry in pdition for 'payment of progress estiniates by Highways Department durin-gthe year. H. C. McKILLOP, Wa.rden. -,- Carried. 20 Elgin -County ,Council Moved by I-I. Dromgole, Seconded by,A. Crawford: That' the County Boa'rd Q;f Trade .be asked to intercede with the Hydr.o COlnmission to have hydro ~ower distributed to the rural clistrictsof Elgin as soon as. possible. - Ca.Tried. Moved by W. H: Mills, Seconded by VV111. Stalker: That this Council petthon the LegislatU're fO'f the repeal of the 1920. al~e1H'mel1t tn secti'Q;n, 7 of The Highway. rinprovementAct, 're appoin'tlncnt of civi,l engineers only as county 'road superinten,det1lts, and that other counties be req1.;1cstccl to co-operate. - Ca,tried. Movedhy E. E. McTaggart, Seconded by W. S. Stalker: Bdievhlg 'hydro~electric pOWC'1' development to be of outstanding and vital,inter,est ,to the wholepcO'ple of the Province of Ontario, being eas,ily the greatest of all public utili-ti,es, affecting! as it does, the commercial, industrial; and social life of both u-rban and rural 'com- muni'tries, the Council of thc County of Elgin ventures to expre'ssits cordia,l approval of thc pruden;t and st'ates-man11,ik,c conrs'e of the Government of the Province in having the whole situation investigated by a cOrlnpetent Commission, so' as to' he ina 'position -to ,J'etermine a future policy in the Province .that will best s'erve all classes and l'otalities. W'hateverpolicy with 'respect to hyd'ro power'may be promulgated and ad'Opted, it is hoped that ,the large and evcT-increas- in-g agricultuj'a1 interests in t'he Province may 'receive fa'il' and equit- ahle co'ns,ideration. That the clerk -be instructed to send a copy of this resolution to the Premier of On-taTio, and also t'he representatives fo'r East and yVest Elgin. - Carried. , , , Elgin County Council Moved by E. E. McTa,ggart, .Seconded by'W. H. Ashton: 21 That the offer of th'e Township' of Malahide and: the Depa'~.tment of Pl'ovi~lcial HighvJays to coi:l'tribute300/0 and 40%, re,s,pectiveiy, to the 'constructio'll of a hridgeatthe Stalter Gulley 'be accepted, and 'that thcpo-rtion of road atthis point, cOl1'sist,irig of one and one- qua'rter miles, be taken into the county 'road system. Moved by T. Farrow, Setonde,~ byH. L. Godwin: -Lost. Tlhat By-Law N-o.977, to appoint high school trustees, be received and 'read a fi'rst time. Moved by H. L. Farrow, Sec'onded byH. L. Godwin: That By:'Law No. 97'7 be read a secoild time. Moved by J-L L. Godwin, - Catded. - Carrie-d. Seconded by T. F'arrow: That By...,Law No. 977 be 'f,ead a third time, and finally passed. Moved by YV. H., Ashton, Seconded by W. H. Mil'Is: - Carried. That By-Law -No. 978, to al1trhorizc the Wa'rdell and Treasurer to borrow the sum of two-hundred' thousan,d dollars, be receive.d and ,read a first time. ~ Carried. I , I I 22, Elgin ,Col1ntyCouncil Moved by W. H. Mills, SeeD'oded by:.,vV. H. Ashton: T,ha't By-LawN 0,978 'be read 'a ses-ond time. -,Carried. Moved by W. H. Mills, Second'cd by E. E. McTagga.rt: That By-Law.w o.9'78be -read a third time and 'finally passed. - C~rried. ! Moved by WID. Patton, Seconded by A. Crawford: That' By~Law No. 979, to ?-ppoint a Board of Al1dit,berecdved and read a first time. - Carried. Moved by A. Crawford, Seconded by Wml PaUon: That By-Law No. 979 be read a second time. - CaJrried. Moved by A. Crawford, Seconded.by \rVm. Patton: That. By-Law No. 979 be read a third time, and finally passed. - Ca'fried. Elgin County Council 23 M'oved by W. Anderson, Seconded by A. Barons: That By-Law No. 980" to fj.x Auditors' salariesancl amend By~Law No. 93-6, be 'received and read a first time. - Ca~rried. )vloved by.A.' Barons, Second.ed. by W. Anderson: 'Dhat By-Law No. 980 be read a second time. - Ca'l"'ried. Moved by A. Ba'1"ons, Seconded by V.,r. Anderson: That By:..Law N 0.980 be 'read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved 1;>y Wm2 Mi11~, Seconded by S. S. elutton: That By-Law No, 981, to grant $5,000 to East Elgin Memorial, Hospital, 'be received and read a first time. - Ca'l"'ried. Moved by S. S. CluHon, -Secon.ded by A. Nevill: That B'y~Law No. 981 be read a sccon-d time. - Cat"'ried. 2.!: Elgin Comity Council Moved by A. Nevill, Seconded by vVm. Mills: That By-Law No. 081 be read a third time and finally passed. - Ca'rried. The Yeas and Nays bein,g called fOf, we're taken down as follows; Yeas Nays Stalker Jackson McTa:ggart Ashton McGregor Dromgole Crawford Mills Teeple Patton Thomson McIntyre Anderson Barons Fan-o\v Gunning Godwin 8 Nevi'll Mills Clutton 1'2- Moved by W. S. St",lker, Seconded by J. F~ McGrego'r: That By-Law No. 982, to authorize the purchase of gravel pits, be -received and read a fi'fst time. - CaTried. Elgin County Council -25 Moved by YV. S. Stalker, Seconded by W"Ander'soll: That By.,.Law'No. 982 be read a second t,ime. - Ca'l"ried. Moved by Vi. .S. Sta.Jker, Seconded by J, R. Teeple: That By-Law No. 982 be read a third time and finally passed. -'Car'riecI. MovedbY,H. W; Thomson, Seconded by A. J. McIntyre: Thait By-Law No. 983, to fix'reniuncTation of School Attendance Officer,. b.-e received and nad a first time. - Ca'rried. Moved by H. W. T1hol11son, . Seconde,d by A. J. McIntyre: That BX-Law No. 983 be 'read a' second. time. ---'- CaTl'ied. Movedby H.W. Thomson, Seconded by A. J. McIntyre: ThMBy-Law No. 983 be read a third time and finally passed. -'::Canied. The Warden then appointed ,the following committees to attend-- In ,1 Ii! 1.1': .11 :1 I. : I , i i 26 Elgin County Council Good Roads Association meeting: MesS'rs. Stalker, Drorngole, Gunning, W. H.Mins, McTagga'L"t, Nevill, Fa'rrow, andPa1tton. Ontario Trustees' Associ:a.iion meeting: Mes'srs. Tee'pIe Thom- son, McGregor, Crawtord, Wm. -MiH3, Clutton, Ba'fons, a~d Jackson. Special committee' to s;etde Administration of J usfke accounts with St. Thomas: Messrs. Stalke-r, Dromgole, Mills, and McTaggatt. Moved hy A. Ba'rons, Seconded by T; FaL'fow: That this Council do now adjourn, to meet on JUll'e 14th. - Ca:rried. H. C. McKILLOP, Warden. Elgin County Council 27 SPECIAL SESSION -FIRST DAY Thursday, March 24th 1921 The Elgin County Council ,met this day in the Court House, at 3 p.m. Allt'he members present. TheWa'rden explained his 'rea'son fo:r calliulg tJhc meeting, and the business to be braughtbcfare the Council, in the follawing add'ress: To" the Elgin Cou-n>ty Council:' Gentlemen, - I have called yau together to-day in special sessian to' corfsider several maHers af importance: 1. The passing of by-law to designa'te tou11Ity 'roads, as reported at the January sessian. There was no trime fat" thcprepa'ration of the by':law: after the 'repart was' presented. 2. T'he repa:irs Ita the Po-rt S,tanl'ey brid:ge. Corres'Pqndencehe.,; tween the- Depa'l'tment 'of Public Wo'rks and the L. & P. S. raHway will be la,jd befo're you, I understand that .substanrtial repairs should be made to this hr,idige, and as matters stand, the situation is one that will require 'the most ta'fe,ful con- sideration. 3. Since t4e January session, an effa-rt has been ma,de top-rQcure a special grant, from the Pro-vin'ce ta assi-st in theconst.ructioI;1 of the bridge at the Staher GuHey. The Clerk has been advised by onrrepresentative that no, grant will be fa.rt'hcoming. 4. We 'have been ,advised that an agreemen:t will be ente'redinta praviding f'Or special gra'nt to the Vmag'e aJ Vienna, as 'rcquir-:- ed by By-Law No. 976, providing fo'r the designation of raad No. 44 thro-ugh the village. 28 Elgin Connty Council If there arc any othernrgent matters that 'require attcultion',. you waIbe at libc1rty to bring them befo're theCoundlinthe 1.lsual' way. Thefollo'wing communications were read: From M'ot'hers' Allowance Commiss,ion, with -account. c:.- Refc'rred to Finance CommiHee. From Molsons Bal1k,re in:crease in interest 'rates for county account. ---; Referred to Finance Committee. From -London and Ft. Sta'uley Railway Commission, in :reference to Port Stanley bridge. -- Referred to Public. Improvements Com- l~ittee. :From S. S. Macd,c'i"mand, M. P., in referen'ce to war -relics and gUllS for Conrt House grounds. Fro111 M. MacVica-r, 11:. P. P., in reference ItQ grant re county road, Vienna,; and Stalter GuIlybridge. Movedhy W. M, Anderson, Seconded by \!If. S, Stalker: That Joll1i Farrell, Immi,gration Inspector, be allowed to address the Council. - Ca:rried. Mr. Farrell then a(ldres~ed ,the Council. Mov,edby H.W, Thomson, Seconded by A. J. McInty,re: That we now adjoutnto meet again at 5 p,m. - Ca'rried. Elgin County Council 29 The Coundl Resumed Moved by H, "V. 1''10111s-on, Seconded by Wm. Paition: ,J Tha,t this Council 'recommend the C01.tnIty Roads Coin'mittee to purchase Cawadian-mademachinery when,' after investigation,' they decide that the manufacturers are responsible and in a position to furn1"sh the service,necessa'TY, - Ca:rried. The report of the Finance Committee \vas presented and a'dopted on motion of. E. McTaggart seconded by 'YV, S. Stalker. Moved by J. F. McGr:egolt, Seconded- by H. Dromgole: That this Council do now adfou'rn, to -meet at 10 a,.m.to-1119rrow. - -Ca~rt'ied. H. C. McKILLOP, Warden. 30 Elgin County Council SPECIAL SESSION-SECOND DAY Friday, Ma:rch'Z5th, 1921 The Elgin COUll,ty Counc;il met this day, in accO'rdal1'Ce with adjournment; The Wa-rdefi in the chair. All the members pre'sent. Proced-ings of the previous day were T'ca'd and confirmed. The repo.rt cj.f the Public Improvements COmmittee was presented and' adopted', on motion of J. F. McGregor, seconded by A. J. McIntyre. Moved by Wm. PaHon, 'I ! I, Seconded by A. Crawfo'rd: 'Dhat the Warden be autho-rized-to make appl1ication fnf the parole Of release of Crawford, the cripple, now in gaol for violation of The Onta'ri6 Temperance Act. _ Ca'fried. Moved by W. S. 8talkel', Seconded by J. F. McGregor: Tha't By-Law No. 984; to amend By-Law No. 897, be 'received and read a first time. _ Canied. Moved by E. E; McTagga'rt, Seconded by W. ,H. Ashton: That By~Law No. 984 be read a second time. _ Carried. J Elgin County Council 31 Moved by Vi!. R. Gunl1'img, Seconded by S. S. Clutton: That By-Law No. 984 be "!'ead a ,fhtrd time and firially passed. ---.:. Carded. Mov~d by J. F. McGregor, Second~ed byH. Dromgole: , That this Council do now adjourn. - Carried. H. C. McKILLOP, Wa'l'den; \rr= 1\": t..' II :'i , i! ii, :\ "11':1' ,: Ir' " ; ,;: ~ it , :1 ji II Ii " Iii !\ II -- 32 Elgin County Council SPECIAL SESSION :1 " !.i , Ii TUe's.day, April 12t,lr;1921 :j ~ 'I i' I \1 , II Ii \ 1.\ ~! II I' II 'l II I iil ,'II 'I" 'I' !I: ~~ illl 1.\,[ I, " I il l,l !I III I I,. II I 11 III ',I L The Elgin County Council met this day in special session: The vVa'rden ih the chair. All the membct's lHesent. The Wa'rden addressed t,he Council as follows: Having been advised ,by Dr. Jackson that the London and port Stanley Railway C'ompany 'hadlg1iven up the id'ea of a high'-level crossing OvN" the tracks at' the port Stau1ley'bridge,' and that all opposition to the idea nf a lift hridlge h:a,d' been 'removed, I deemed it advisa'ble to call you ,together to-day to again consider the question of grant to the Public Wo'rks Departmen:t to induce them to' a'ssumc the bridge and make the change. T'he by-law, No,. 969, passed at the Jun,e session last yea'r, pro- vided f'or a grant .of $2'0,0'0'00. Duringt'he subsequent negotiations it was suggested '1ha1 thi's might ,be in'creasedto $25,0'0"0'. The payment of the ,gl-an't ,was left, -to the approval of the War'den, after the 1st Augus't. Under the circumstan'ccs, I dlid 11'0t feel justified in taking action until further adv~sed. The Council should issue Dehentures for $2.0,0'0'0", if the grant is made. Any amount ,ovet. this sum would ,have to be inc1ud;ed in the rates fO'r t'his ye.ay, as the amottnt of debentures that may be issued, , in a'ny yea'r wifhout the assent of -the e1'ecto'rs is lhnited to $'zO',ooo'. The Coundl has not been in favor of deben.tU'l"e issues inthe pa'st., but. in this carse, when we are..unloading a liability fo'r .all t,ime, I think the County Council shou1'd' cons-ider ,the matter. This special ses'sion was to consider matters pe-rtaining to the Port Stanley hridge only. Since the. meet'img was called, the question of a substantial.ProvinCial gra'11't toO the W'estern 'Univc'rsity has been held up, and the University autho,rities desire an exp'l:ession of o'pinion Elgin County Council 33 from 't11e Council in reference thereia-: The University is'the lOi?:ical completion of the educational t'llachin>C1'y, necessary to mee't' 'the, requirements of the lal'gepopul'a'bionin SOUith.;V\T:estern 011't'ario. Over five hundred stuelentsa're n'ow -ina;t'ten,dance. If the grants a,s a't first proposed a:renot made, it wil'I seriously handicap, the ,develop- menlt of t'h.e institution to the ex,ten'tnecessary to- me'et the d'cman'ds for high'er education. 'fhi's Council should>, co~operate to the fullest exten't in securing the gl"ant for the University. Dr. Jackson presented resolut.iol1'pas.s:ed by tlfe Port Stanley 'Village' Council, in reference to matters pertaining to Por!t Stan'l'ey Bridge, also copy of letter from Adam 'Beck, bhai.rman of L. & p, s. Raqway Commission, ill' refC'r~'l~ce, t'0 w~'t'h(h,awal of t'hei'l-".appI1cati'on fof viaduct over their tracks at we'st end of the -brid.ge, and a letler from The' Nukdl Co" and othe;r5, intte"rested in the settl'ement of ma:tters that "",;ere to be c1dennined by the Rai.Jway Commission, Moved by J. F; McGrego'r, Seconded by H, Dromgole: That thi's Conncil renew the Port Stanley bl~idge, provided a swing or lift hridge of'said ]H'idge. grant of $~W,OOO with respect to the the Public \i\Tork'S Department con- and assumes all liability fnr future - Ca'rried. by H.'W, Thomson, by S.' S. Clutton: Council approve of substantial P'1"oviu'cial ,grants in aid of the vVestcrn University, which is the logical of the edncational machinery to meet the requircments of population in South~vVesltern Ontario. representatives in the Legislature be 'fcquested grants, and 'that the vVct'l'den be autho-r-ized action in the matter as he may deem advisable, to srup- to take - Can",ied. 34 Elgin County Council Movc<Lby..T. F.McGrego'r, Seconded by H. Diomgole: T'hat the \Varden n:ame a delegation to go to Ottawa to neg,otiate '."l,t'h the Governmentre the taking over of the Port Stanley bridge. _Can.ied. ize C0l111nunica'tion from' the Treasurer. requesting by~1aw to aut'ho,r- the 'bor,rowing of money for current expenditures, was read. Moved by E. E. McTag<gart, Seconded by W. H. Ashton: That By-Law No. 985, to atttho'f-ize the Wa'rden and Treasurer to bO'rrow the sum of one hunched thousandd'ollars, be rece'ived,an'd read a first time. :..- Ca'rried. !!' 'Moved by E. E. McTaggart, Seconded by VV. S. Stalker: /ThatBy-Law No. 98i5 be read a second time. _Carttied. Movcd' by Vl. H. Mills, Seconded by E. E. lvlcTa-gga'rt: That By-La'w No. 985 be read a third time and finally passed. _ Carried. 'I III Moved by G. H. Jackson, Seconded by E,. E. Mc'Tagga'rt: That this Council do now adjOl1l'n. - Canied. H. C. McKILLOP, WaTClen. Elgin County Conncil 35 SECOND SESSION - FIRST DAY, Tuesday, June, 14th, 1921 "The"Elgin;County COJ,l11cilmet this day, acco'rding toadjollrl1menrt. The \;Y"arden in the chair. All the mcmherspreserit. The \;Ya'1"c!oen a,ddressed the,Cottllcil as follows: To the EIgiii. County Council: Gentlemen, - In cOplmencing the most important se~-slion of the year, there are several matters to which I desire to di'l',ect your att'ention, New Legislation The Legislature, as usual, considered a great number of matte'rs of mhnicipal interest. The Municipal Act provides, amongst. other t'hillgS, for the sepa'1"'a- of farm lands from villages' and towns, on an orde'1' of the Boa'rd; for municipalgl'ants for construction and ma,inten- of hospitals, f.or exempting memorial homes, club 'houses, eltc., taxation, fOT r,esiden:ce',districts in urban communities and town- abuttil1gon an urban municipality, fo'r restricting ,the use of for purposes fo-1' which they are str"ticturafIy ltn'suited', fO'l" township and' COttl1tycoll11'cillors to $8.0'0' per day, for limi,ting forn1otice of claim fO'1" damages due to accicte:n:t ori highway in or town'ship to ten days, fOJ" formation of police villages in by the :Municipal Board.. Assessment Act clears up the wording of section 5, sub- 20, in 'I"eferenlce to assessment of investment .income, and fOJ" business assessment of distillers, retail coal and wood , :' The Factory, Shop, and Office Building Act authorizes the pas's' ing of by-hl\vs, on application, fO'f the closing of shops for one afternoon a "v;cek during period named in application. 36 ' Elgin County Council in control of dealers, for Tctnrns by executors, trustees, and agents income fO'r 0'1' on bdnH of a resident of Ontario. The Marriage Act provides for the ap'pointment of the clerks of urban munidpaEties as issnc'l"s of marriage licen'ses,and also ,the clerks of Itowns'hips w,hC're the Lieutenant-Governor in Council deems it expedient. 'I' " Ii The Dog Tax and Sheep Protection Act <tnthoi+izes the 'entry of dogs on assessment roll by clerk when tag applied fO'f after roll returned, provided it 'has not been entered by H1C assessor. Ad Respecting Voters' Lists in Cities provides that Part Three must be prepared each year; but not prin'tc,d unless ordered by the Chief Election Officer of the Province, _The use of sepaTate 0'1' sup.. I)lementary as,sessment ro-11s fnr Legi'sla'tive 'Franchis'e vooters is' ,tpprovcd, The Public Health Act p-rovid'es for paymcnot of members of lncal boards to four dollars per day, and traveH-ing expenses, In to"vn,. s'hips, wilt'h approval of Provincial Bo~t'rd, morc than one 11,'1. O. H, may be ~l'PPointcd, ~ Provincial aid {"O ch,tinage in special casc's is provided for. , i II , 'rhe Local Improvement Act provides fo,r rcsnrfacinga paviement befor'c 1-ifetime has cxpired, fOT assuming special assesments in certain cases, for initiation: of work by resolution, and fo'r appo\,tionmen't of cost O'fsidewalksin towns'hips when built on one sid,e of road' only. The Provincial Highway Act pl'o:vides fO\l.us,e.of original road a'1l'owances, and makes it cleaT that the COlltlty, and Onot the local municipalities, is liable fOT percentage of cost; that counties in -default mayoh'avc amount payable deduoted from subsidy.dine them 'under Highway Improvement Act. County council,s may issue -debent.ures Elgin County Council 37 for share ofco-st of provin'cial highway without as'sent of electors, and connecfiilg lh{ics through dtics, town's, and villages may be const'rllctcd and debe'nhlres issued t'he-rcfor with assent of electors; whc're desir- able, s\lc:h 'work may be undertaken as a lo'ca,] imp-rovemen.t. The Highway Improvement Act provides, fo:rspecial assessment on islan.cl ,township propcl'ty, a'nd Tcpeals su'b-scction's 3 and 4 of section 27, w'hich reqnired pnhlica-tion of annnal statemcnts of county highway" expenditure: The Community Halls Act provides fo-r am'angements with school bo<t:rcls, and fo'r their establ'is'hmen1t in unorganized terri,tory. The Act' to Amend the School Laws make,s provision fo'r dis- solving schoolsectiolls in a' townshipcont:iguolls to a city 0-1' town, and for agreements with the sl2hool boar,ds tflCircof for Mtcndance of pupils from the township, In ullo:rganized townships, sc;hool boards .may bring a'(;tion in any Court for recovC'ry of school 'rates; The annual school meetings -in towns'hip section1sare to be held on the last vVe~'l1esday-iil Decembe'l', ait 10. a.m., 0'1" at 1 or 8 p,m, County coun- requi'red to pay to\vanls debentures issned for ,pe-rmanent to contilluatioil sd1O'0ls an.d high scho'Ols; Thc 'dght cOunty and resident pupils c\ttend'ing cOll-tinllatibn schools is abolished. A union seho'o! section may become a consolidated scho'ol section, The Division Courts Act provides for increased payments to and ba,i1iffs receiving less tha'n $1,0.00. peT annum, and for in jury fees. The Line Fences Act autho'rizes townships to make Act applicable uiloccupiecl lanel, by-law to"Qe filed with Bureau of 'Municipal 'legislation is prov'ided fo'r development of suburban m'ea Maintenance Act provides fo,r compul'sory malll'ten-, unde-r order fi'om Police lvlag,istrate. 38 Elgin County Council, Port Stanley Bridge As dlilrected, a deputation from the CountyCouhicil wai,ted on the 'M'I11ister of Puhlic vVnrks at Ottawa, with a view to having the Co'tmty 'relieved of (he maintenan.ce of the Port Stanley bridge. The matter was thor'Oughlychscussed. ,T,he Minister stated that he did no't know what 'fight his Depa'1+tment had to build highway bridges. That .permissionshould have ,been 'r,eceivea before the hridg'e was erected ac'1'ossthe ha'rhor. The est1imate1s, as finally p'0'ssed" do l}'Ot include any amount for taking over this bridge. It is just possihle tha't the County'sposi'tion in the past has' -been misuuder'stood" and that some1..imein t)1e future they may be -reqtiest:ed to 'remove the hridgc or provide for open~ng the sam'e so- that hoats may utilize the uppe-r ha-r'bo-i"; The Public Improvements Committee should take the whole matte',r into their ea01est consid'e'ratlolland l-epo,rt as to wha;t 'they thinkshou1dbedone under, the drcu111-sta~lces, Lawsuits There are two actions at pt'esent pending aga,in~st the County- one entered by t'he Tov','1lship of A1dbo:rough, with a view to collecting from the County anlou11,t5 payable 'by .the Township in conn'ection with d'ebentures is.sued for the ,d'ralnage of township road's which have since become county roads. The .other 'relates to thc acddent that "happened on the Port Stanley Gravel Road" when an automobile driven by Ohar}ies J. Clal'k ran into one of the gravelt'rucks. The amount claimed is $10,000. The Legal Committee of last year were of the op:iriion that- the County was 11'0t liable. County 'Roads Although by-hn.v designating .additional county roads -wasfilcd with th,c Highway Depa-r-tment authorities early in' April, it has not been "approved. The agreement wi,th the P.rovince, in reference to grant for roads in Vienna, has n'ot been received, although the DepaTt- mentof-ficia,ls say they have it under consideration. Estimates It will be your duty to scrut1tllze c1o:sdy every proposed estimate for controlla'ble eX1H,:n,diture. Th_c:re is a very general ;financial Elgin" County' Council 39 stringency throughout the country, and although the frop prospects fo'r the present year are good, the low prevailing prices suggest that \-ve may be approaching a seaso~ ofwhalt i'slm'0\-V''U as 'hard times. In view of this, economy in eVCTY department of County affairs should he the watchwo"rd. The grants to continuation and, high schools should receive spec"ial consideration, in view of "the new legislalion" in 'reference thcfeto. The Cotmly i,s now liahle fo'r conld"biltion to pe'r111anent impeovements as.well as towardrs the ann,ual' maintenance; T'11e 1iberal~grail;ts ,to these Sd1001s in the past sh-ould be Tean-anged in acco'rdance with the provisions of ,the new legislation. Supplemeti'tary grants may be necessa-ry for some of the schoo.Js. The Education COl11mittee should lay the fulle"st information before the Council in suppo'rt of any extra grants required for these schools thisyea'r. on I hope to have the pleasure of enterta11l11lg Thursday evening, at Pinafore Park 'pavilion. allo.f you to I dinner The (ollowing communications wel-e 'read: From Thomas" \-Y. Dykes .and others, <fppealing _from the award: of arbitrators, re csta'blishmemt O'f new union sd1O'01 'section No" 4, Aldbol;oug11 and,Dl1nwich.-- Refe'rred to Education Committee. ' From Connty Solicitor, re Clark vs. Elgin. - Referred to Legal Committee~ ' From SeC'retary Association of lvla-nagers of Homes and "Infirm, re annual meeting, ,requcstin.g appointment of - Rderre_d to Honse of Industry Committee, for Aged delegate;;. " Front Superintendent Queen Alexanclra Sanatorium, torium rates.....,... Referred to Finance Committee. From Thomas Davidson, London, requesting free pedhir's license. Referred to 'Pinance Committee. re sana- From S. S. Macdermand, re war trophies. - H.eferred to Gaol COllltnittee. 11 " t.: :j 'I Ii II :~, , 40 Elgin County Council From Ontitrio :Munlicipal Association, re mcnlbe,rship arid dele':.. gates.- Referred ,to Finance Committee. B\om Onta-rio. As-sodated BO<l'rds of Trade, 'reO lady assistant fO'f Agricultl1ral Rcpr.eseiltativc.~- Refer'red to Pet;itio-ns and Legislation Committee. F'r0111 Great \iVar Veterans, regrant.-Refened -to Financ'e Committee. From James A. Bell, Comity Engineer, with -repo.rt. - Referred t,o Pu'blic Improvements. Committee. :Nloved' by H. \V. 1'1101115on, Se~onded h'y A. J. 11:cIntyrc: That this Council receive a Lome \^lomen's Institute on at 2 p.m. d'cpntation from the ladies of "Vest \iVedn'csday afternoon, June 15th, _ CaT'ricd, 1vloved 'by \tVm. Pattonl Seconded by A. Crawfonl': That the Council receive a deputation fram Dutton 're grant for \\lest Elgin 1\l1ema-ria1 Athletic Park and Cammunity Hall, at 3 o'clock on\Neclnesday, JUile 1;3th. ..,.- Ca'rried. Iv[aved by J. F. IvlcGregar, Seconded by '\V. S. Stalker: That this Council dO' nO'\\I adjaurn, to' meet at 10 a'~lock ta-marraw. ..,.- Carried. H. C.McKILLOP,' Warden. Elgin County Council 41 SECOND SESSION - SECOND DAY Wedn.esday, June 15th, Hl,'n . T'he Elgin Connty Council met this day, accarding to' adjourn~ m'ent. The \,Varden in the cha'ir. ,All the members p.resent. Praceeding~. of the previous day were read and canfirmed. The repart of the County Tri.;asurer was read and reterrec1 to the Finance Cimmittee. 1fovcd by E. E. McTaggart, Second.ed by VV. H. Ashtan: the T'llat V'l" H. :Nlills, Reeve of y,vrmonth, be apointed' a 1l1-ember of East Elgin Hospital Board. -- Ca'rriecl. :Maved byH. Dromgole, Secande'd by Vv'. S. Stalker: That this Caune-il danaw adjourti., to' meet a:t 2 p,m. - Ca1"'1~ied. The Council "Resumed }"Iaved by \,V. S. Stalkel". Seconded by J. F. IvIcGrcgor: That the \\-'e5t Lorue deputation be now heard. - Ca:rried. ]" I' 42 Elgin Coullty Council ---~------------------~'---_.- Mesdames Jones, Man Less, and McKil'lop made application for grant in connection with proposed community hal'l and park.- Mo\ned by H. Dromgole, Seconded by A. Crawford: 1'ha,t the deputation fro,m Dutton, re community hall, be no-.,... heard. ~ Carried. Messrs. Kirkland, Roberts, Dow, ai1d :Nfc'Cal1u111 then' ma'de appli- cation fOT grant for Dutton community, hall and park. Moved by H.' VI. Thomson, Secol}cl.'ed by J, F, l.{cGrego-r: 1'h,\'t the House of Industry Comi11ittee be requestedcto make a. full investiga1tiol1 ,of .the expenses of operating the fa'1'l11, and report at the November session. ~'CaHied, Moved by J. F. 1;lcGregor, Seconded by I-L Dromgole: That this Council do now adjourn, to meet at 10 a.m. tomorrow. ----'- Carried. H. C. McKILLOP, \^larden. Elgin County Coun'cil 43 SECOND SESSION --THIRD DAY Thursday, June 16th, 1921 The Elgin County Council met this clay, according to adjournment. The \,Varden in the chair. All the members present. Proce'eclings of thepreviotfs (by were read and connr111ccL Mr: ~l"'homson gave notice of application for grant of $1,:')00 fM memOTial monument at Rodney, Mr. 1tfills gave notice pf appEcation for grant for Aylmer Poultry' Show. Mr. Barons gave notice of application for designation of county roads in Springfield: Mr, Dromgole gave llotice. of ,application for grant ,fot' oommunity hall in Dunwic'h. Moved by \V111. Patton, Seconded by A. CraYI,fo'rd: 1'hat.a de'piltatioll' from Aylmer and Dl1'Hot1l'e high school grants be heard Friday, at 10 o'clock - Ca'lTied. Moved by H, \i'v'. Thomson, Secolided by A. J. M:cIntyre: That we do now adJourn nntil 2 p.m. - Carried. 44 Elgin Connty Conncil The Council Resumed The report of the County Roads Committee was presented and adopted, on illotion of W. S. Stalker, secon'Ch~d by E. E. McTaggart. The rep0'rtof the LegalCommiUee was presented and ,'tdoptec1, on motion of T. R. Farrow, seconded by J. R.Tceple. The report of the Petitio1}s and Legislation Committee "vas pre- sented and adopted, on motion of \,Vm. M. AndeJ'son, :secondedby H. \N.Thomson. Moved by A. Barons, Seconded byE. VV. Thomson: That this COl1l1Gil appoint a committee to take over the roads in the outlying districts of the villages, on the connecting linksO'f the good 'road system. -Lost. Moved by Wm. Mills, Seconded by A. Nevill: That this Coullcil do now adj.ourn, to meet again at 10 o'Clock to-morrow, - Cal'ried. H. C. McKILLOP, \Va'rden. Elgin.,County Council 45 SECOND SESSION - FOURTH DAY Friday, June 17'th, ,H121 The Elgin Counfy Council met this day, according to adjourn- ment. The "Varden in the chair. All -the members present. Proceedings of the previous (-lay were read and COnfinlJed. Moved by H. Dr'omgole, Seconded by A. Crawfo'rd: That the deputat'ions from Dutton and Aylmer, '1"e grants to high / schools, be now hea-r-d. -Carried. Mes'srs. Hollinshead, of Dutton, and Wr-ong, of Aylmer, then addressed the Council in 'reference to high school grants. Moved by,V\T. H. Mills, Seconded hy J" R, Teeple: That this Council visit th'e House of J ndnstry farm in a body this afternoon, at 5 p,m, -Ca'f'ried., Moved by H. Vii. Thomson, Seconded by A, J. lvlcIntyre,: That 'we do now adjourn, to meet at 2 p.m, -- Carried. Elgin County Council 46 The Council Resumed A copy of the presentment of the Grand Jury was 'fead. The first report of the Fimwce Committee was presented and adopted, on motion of E. E. McTaggart, seconded by W. f!. Mills. The repc)'rt of the Pu'hlic Improvements Committee was presented and adopted, on mo:tion of J. F, 'McGregor, second'ed by V'.,T. :M. Anderson. The repol~t of the Gaol Committee was presented and adopted,. all motion of 'Wm.' Patton, seconded by H. Godwin. Moved by E. E. McTagga'l"t; Seconded by IN. H. Ashton: That the Highway Department, having consented to the desig- nation as a.county road of that portion .of the road from the Chute side road extending_ ,east across the Stal,ter Gully to conncct county road No. 42, a'nd, to pay 40% of same, that this Council ad'opt the resolution passed on November 23rd, 1017, and that the Township of Ivfa'lahide agree tei pay one-half of the county's share of the construe- tionof the bridge. In amendment: lvIoved by' W. H, 11:ills, Seconded by J. F. McGregor: That this Council is in sympathy \vit'h the incol1venience \vhich the residents ofSout1h Malahide ar~ being.put. to; but owing .to .the condition,s at t:he present time, we deem it wise to take no actioll this year re Stalter Gully, hridge. Main motion lost and amendment carded, .011 the ,following division: .! Elgin County Coundl 47 Yeas Nay"S W.Mills VV. H. Ashton K K McTagga'rt 3 W, S. 'Stalker J. F. McGregor H. Dromgole A. Crawford \11/. R. Gunning A. J. McIntyre W. H. Mills J. R. Teeple , VV. :WI. Anderson A. Nevill H. L God:win 1'. R. Farr.ow S. S. Clutton A. Barons Dr. Jackson vVni. Patton H. \N. Thomson 17 Moved by vVm. Patton, Seconded by H.VV. 1'hol)lson: That this CouriCiI adjourn, to meet at 9 a,,111. Sa'turday. - Carried. B. C. McKILLOP, Warden. 48 Elgin County Council ? SECOND SESSION - FIFTH DAY Sattirday, June 18th, 1921 The Elgin Counly Council met this day, in accordance ...."ith adjonrn1l1cn.t. The "Varden in the chair. All the members present. ProccccHngs of the previous day \vere 'read and confirmed. The repo1't of the Eclucat,ion Co'mmittee was presented and adopted, on motion of H. W. Thomson, seconded. by A.Barons. The second repo'rt of the Finance Committee was presented and adupted, on motion of E. E. McTaggart, seconded by !-1" 'vV. Thomson. i1 Ii 1,lf The report of the House of Industry Committee \-vas presented and adopteel, 011 m.otion o,f E. E. McTaggatit, 5,cconded by J. R. Teeple. The third report. of the Finance COh1mittcewas presented arid aclo'ptcd, on motion ofE. E.. McTaggart, seconded by H. YV. Thomson.. lill I .,1 I) 'I I i1 Moved by VV. H. Mills, Seconded by J. R. Teeple: That the assessment rolls be equalized at same amounts as last yea'r. - Canied. lvlovec1 by J. R'. Teeple, Seconded by YV. H. Ashton: That Messrs. \'V. H. Mills, Godwin, Barons, and Dromgole be added to committee appointed to entertain delegates to meeting, Managers of Homes for Indigent and Infirm. - Carried. Elgin County Conncil 49 l'vf.oved by G. H. Jackson, Second'ed by E. E. McTaggart: That By-L8.\v No; 98il, to confirm the equalization of the assess-- ment rolls of the County of- Elgin, be received and 'read a first time. .;..l..., Carried. Moved by G. H. Jackson, Seconded by E. E. McTaggart: T'hatBy~Lavv No. 9R6 be read a second time. - Ca-r'l'ied. Mov1ed by G. H. Jackson, Seco.nded by YV. H. Ashton: Tha'tBy-Law No. 9R6 be read a third time and final1y passecl. -,Cat"ried. Moved by J. R. Teeple, . Seconded by W. M. Anderson: That By-Law No. 987, to make g,rants to schools, be recewed and read a first time. - Ca-rded. Moved - by VV. M. Anderson, Seconded by J. R. Teeple: That By-Law No. 98,7' he read a second time. ---Carried. Moved by J. R. Te'eple, Seconded by W. M. And-c,rson: That By-Law Nu. 987 be read a third time and fin'ally passed. - Ca"rried. . 50 Elgin Coun ty Council :Moved by H. L. God\vin, Seconded .by A. Nevill: Tha.t By-Law No. 988, to authorize the Wa'rd~n and Treasurer to borrow the sum of one h,undred thousand dolll'vfs, be received and- read a fi-rst time. ----, Carried. M:cyvcd byH. L. Godwin, Second;ed by A. Nevill: That By-Law No. 988 be 'read a second. time. - Canied. Mov.ed 9y'H. L. Godwin, Second'cd by A. Nevin: That By~Law N,o. 988 bereacl a third time and finally passed: - Carried. Moved by S, S. Glutton, Seconded by \11/; R Gunning: T'hat By-Law No. 989, to extend time for tax sale, be Tcceive,d and read a first time. ..,- Carried. M.oved by S. S. Glutton, Seconded 'by y'il. R. Gunning: That By-Law No. 989 be read a second time. ----, Carried. Moved by W. R. Gunning, Seconded by S. S. elut.ton: That By~Law No. 989 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. ElginCol1nty Council 51 Moved by J. F: McGregor, Se,coneleel by VV. S. Stalker: Tha't,~By-LawNo. !HlO" to make s'pecial grants to the villages. and town in the County of Elgin, for the improven:ient of certain, high- ways within th~ said villages and town, be received and read a first time. - Carried. Moved by VV. S. 'Stalker, Sec~nded by J. j<. McGregor: That By~Law No. 990 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by J. F. McGregor, Second'ed 'by V'/. S. StalkeT: That By-Law'No. 990 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carr.ied. Moved by Wm. Patton, Seconded l)y A. Crawford: That By-Law No. 991, to raise amounts for county rates during the year 1921, be received and read a first time. - Carried. Moved by A. era wford, Seconded by vVm. Patton: That By-Law No. 991 be read a second time. -Carried. 52 Elgin Comity Council Move.d by Wm. Patton, Seconded by A. era wford: That By.oLaw No. 991 be read a third -time and finally passed. - Carried. lvf'oved by H. L, Godwin, Second,cd by T. R. Ii'an'ow: That this Council adjOttrll, to meet on November 29th, 1921.. - Carried. H. C. McKILLOP, / Warden. Elv,in County Council 53 THIRD SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, November 2Dt:h, 1921 The Elgin CountyCoul1cil met this -day, according to adjoUrll111cnt The vVa'rden in the chair. All the members present except Mr. Thomson. The vVanlen addn:ssed the Council as follows: To the Elgin CO,unty Council: " Geqtlcmen, - In opening the Closing session of the yeuT, I have very fc\v matters to bring to your att'cntion. Mothers' Allowance Board The reg).11ations providie for fhe aP1}ointmcnt of two 111cmhe-l"s oJ' the County Board on a recommendation from thc County COl1ndl. The countyt'nemhers of the"- 'present board, ex~WaTclen Turner and ex-Reeve 'Hare, have taken Kl:eat interest in thcwork during the year, and if satisfacto-ry to you, I will recommcnd them for re-appo,intment. Memorial Hospital- After cOl!lsiderable d-clay, the authorities "of the Cityof St. Thomas havc granted the 'SU111 of $12;'5,000 fO'r mcmorial hospita'l purposes~ The present' proposal will be undc'r the jUT-isdictionof the City Hos- pitaIBoa-rd" rather than the board as constituted by special Act of last session, which docs not apply in any way, aHhough the memorial features therein referred to will be carried out, I undc'rstandthat YOll will he asked' at this session far asubstan-- tial grant towards the .project. A debenture issue approved by the electors of th'c County would be the best way to p.rovide for this. In1provedhosp'italacco111l11odation is necessary, and combined with a soldiers' memorial; a County contribution should mcetwith- gcncrid approval. 54 Elgin ,County Council County Road By-Laws The 'by-Ia w pass,ed la:;t MaTch for designating additional county mileage has not been approved by thc\:Provincial autho'fities. It is expected that notice of approval 'will be 'l"eceived by the fi,rst of the yea'1-. The spee,ial agreement O\n reference to roads in Vienna has been completed alld By-La,,, No. 976 approved. The proceedings of the last day 'of the June session were read ai'ld confirmed. The follo\v,ing COmmUll'lca-tions weTe'rcad: ,I: From the. County Engitl'cer, with repo'rt. - Refer.reci to Public Improvements Committee. !I /From Inspector, House of Industry, with (eport. ------'- RefeTred to House of Industry Committee. From Phys.ician, House 0.[ Industry, with annual report. _ Re- fen:ed ,to House of Indlistry Committee. Fi;om Provincial SecretaTY, re extension of .municipal franchise, wives and daughters of o\\'ners. - Referred to Petitions and Legisla- tio,n Committee. l':"r'o111 County' Council ofI{enfre\-v, _~re standard oJ county provin- cial roads. - Refe-rred to Counly Roads Committee. From County Council of OXfOl:d, l'e central place for execlttionof death penalties. - Referred t~ Petitions, and Legislat;ion Committee. From" Bo,ud of Education, Chatham, 'Tepay~o-r Elgin (ounty puPiJs attendin'g high school. - Refer-red to Education Committee. 'Ij IIII II i I ill i i i , , I ! Moved by W. H.Mills; , . Secon:dcd 'by. J..R. Teeple; That this Council do no\-" adjourn, to meet to-mO'l:r:oW morning at 10 a,m. '- Carried. . H. C. /' McKILL0P, Wa:i~'d-thl. Elgin County Council 55 THIRD SESSION - SECOND DAY \iVednesday; November BO-t'h, 1921 The Elgin Coun~ty Council met this day, according to adjournment. The 'Warden in the chair. All the 'members present except Mr. Thomson. l?roceedings of the pr,ev-lous day were read and confirmed. The, f.ollowing communications were read : From City Engineer, St. Thomas, re, use of streets by county . gravel trucks. - Referred to County Roads Committee. Fi-om County T'reaSll1-er, \"lith rcp'ort on finances. -' H.eferred to Finance Committee. From C. A.Cromwell, Pt. Sta!;lley, re public liability and property insurance. - Referred to Legal, COl11mittee. .Moved by'vV. Anderson, Seconded by A. Barons: That this Council do now adjourn, to' 1neet at 2 o'dock. - Carried. The Council Resumed lvIr.Bergstrom,on behalf of the St. Thomas ,Packing Co., invited lTIcmbersof Conncilto visit-their plant. 56 E1l?in County Council lv[oved by \,V. S. Stalker, Secondecl by E. E. Me,Taggart: That this Council visit the gravel pit this afternoon, and accept invitation to visit Packing Company's: pJ.anton their 'way, back. - Carried. Mr. Nevill gave notice of 'grant for $10-U for improvement On Norfolk county line. The report of the Public Improvements Committee was presented and adopted, on motioll of J.F. IVlcGregor, seconded by 'y\!. S. Stalker. :Nloved by J. F. McGl-eg,O'r, Seconded by VV; S. Stalker: That this Council do now adjo11'rn, to meet to-morro,,\', at 10 a.m. - Carried_ H. C. McKILLOP. vVarden. E!gin County Council 57 THIRD SESSION - THIRD DAY Thursclay,/December 1st, 1921 The Elgin County Council met this day a.t the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The ',vVa'rden in the chair. All the members present. Proce'edings of the previous day were read' and coil:fir~ed. Police Magistl"a"te Hunt addressed the CouncF in nfeirence to cost oJ administration of Moto-r Ve'll'ide's Act, after which c,o'mmuni"'- cationr!::' 'erecHort of 11"emol-ial Hospital ill--St. Tho;nas was 'read; Moved, by W.S. Stalker, Seconded by J. F. McGregor: I'hat the deputation from the City of St. .Thomas re Memorial Hospital"beno\v hea,n!. - Cani~'d. E. A. HOTton and James Hristow, of the Hospital Board, together with Aldt:rmen Curtis, Butler, and McI1Hyre, then made a'pplj(:atio-n Jor. grant towards erection of Memorial Hospital, \vhithwasrcferred hy the vVa;rden to the Finance Committee. 1-.1:r. Pattol1 gave notice of application for balance of g'rall't to villages. The -report of the County Road Committe,e was present'ed and ado-pted, on motion of W. S.. Sta.1ker, se\=onded'hy E. E. McTaggart. MovedbyVI/. M. An'derson, Seconded by \1\T. .S.'StalkN.: 58 Elgin County Council T'hat the thanks of theCoundl be extended to management of St, Thomas Packing Company fO'l"'c.oiutesies during visit to plant yesterday. ' - Carried. Moved by H. ,Dram-gale, Seconded b'y VV. S.' Stalker: . That this Council dlo now adjourn, to meet' at 2 p.m. '- Carried. The Council Resumed Moved' by H; Dromgole, Seconded by A. Crawford: T'hat M'T: W.,A, Galhraith, representing a deputation fO'r grant to junbr judges taking part in competition at Guelph, be now hea'rd. - Carried. Mr. Galbraith then addressee!' the Council, and the matter was rdencd to the Finance Committee. The statistical report of CWo Buchanan, Agric~11tt1ralRepre- scn.tativc, was then presented. Moved by H. \!I/. Thomson, Seconded by A. J. McIntyre,: ~f'l1at therepo'rt of l'vl:r. Buchanan be printed in 'the minutes. - Car-riea. Mpved by A. J. McIntyre, Seconded by H, W. Thoms,on: That this Council adjourn; to meet Friday morning, at 10 a.tn. -Carried-. H. C. McKILLOP, vVarden. Elgin County Council 59 THIRD SESSION-FOURTH 'DAY Flriday, D,ecember 2nd, 1921 The Elgin County Council met this day at the 'Court House, St. Thol~1as, in accordance \vith adjournment. The \Varden in the chair. All the members present. Proceedings of the previous da,y were 'read and confirmed. The 'report of the .House of IndushyColmitiHe'e was pt~s:ented and adopted, on motion of E. E. McTagga-rt, seconded by J. R. Tee'ple. The "report ,of the Legal Committee was presented and adopt'cd, on motion of T. KFa-rrow, seconded by J. R.Teeple. The repo-rtof the Finance Committee was presented -and_adopt.ed, on mo'tlion - of E. .E. McTaggart, seconded by T. R. Fa'l"'row. The ,report of the Ednc'ation Committee was presented and 're- fer-red to committee pf the whole, M,l'. Drom-gole in the chair. After strikilllg out Clause 1., the report, as amended, wasadO'pted, on motion of H. Dromgo,le, seconded by T. -H_. Fa'How. The report of the Committee 011 Peti,t;ions and Legislation was presented and adopted; ~n motion of VV. M. And-c-rson, see,onded by H.Vl. Thomson. The second 'report o,f the County Roads Committee was presented and adopted, on motion' of W. S. Stalker, seco-nded hy H.Dromgole. Moved by A. Nevill, Second'ed by, H. L. Godwin: That this Council re-grantthe sum of one 'hundred dollars granted 60 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 61 for improvement of Norfolk county line: in June, 1914, the 'Nork having been done by the County of Nadon::: this, ye'ar~ Reports of Committees and Officials - Carried, Moved by T. BaTons, 1921 STANDING COMMITTEES, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Seconded by T. R. Farrow: Gaol Committee VV m. Patton, Chai'rman lvIessrs. Crawford and Godwin That the repor,ter for the Timcs-Journa;J be paid fifteen 'd'olla'fs fO'r the <1:ble manner,in \vhich~he hasreportecl the p'roceedings of the County Council meeting's d,ming the yea'f. - Carried. Public Improvements Committee J. F. McGrego'f, Chairman Messrs. McIntyre, Andel-son, Ashton, Nevill, Farrow, elutton, and Jackson Moved by W. H. Mills, Seco.ud'ed by A. Barons: House of Industry Committee A. J. NIcInty.re, Chairman Mess'l's. Teeple and Ashton That the thanks oJ this Council be t'endered to the vVarden and t'he tlsnal grant of one hundred dollars be paid to him. - Carded. Finance Committee E. K' McTaggwrt, Chairman :'Messrs. Sta,lkcf, Dromgole, Gunning, \lv. H. Mills, Nevill, Fa'lTow, Mi-1ls, Clutton, Ba1fons, Jackson, Patton, and Thomson Moved by E. E. McTagg;a'rt, Seconded by VV. H. Ashton: - Carried. Education Committee' H, \lv. Tho'msen, Chainnan Messrs. McGrego'f, Crawfonl, Far'fow, Wm. Mills, Clutton, ,BaTon's, Ja,ckson, and"Patton That this Council adjourn sine die. H. C. McKILLOP, vVarden. Petitions and Legislation Committee 1I\T, Ariderson, Chairman Mess'i's. Gun.ning, God\vin, Ba'rons, and Thomson County Roads Committee . vVrn. S. Stalker, Chiinnan Mess'rs. Dromogle, W, H.Mills, and McTagga'ri Legal Committee T. H, Farrow, Chairman IvIessrs. Teeple and Thomson 62 Et'gin County Council EDUCATION COMMITTEE J annary Session To the Elgii1 County Council: Gentlemen, - The Ednc:ati'Ol1 Committee repnrts: ~I \1 III II I, " 1. That Mrs. Caughell, County l'-ruanl Office'f, has withd'rawnl1e'f -resignation. V\T e 1"'ccommend, that B:y..Law No. 93-5, appointing, her, be amended to increase her 'remuneration from-three to four dollars a day and expenses while engaged in the perfo'rmance of her duties. 2. That the ,Wanten name a' deputation to represent this Coundl at meeting- of Ontario Schad T.rustees' Association, to be. held in T'O'l"onto,Ma,rch 2~thto 31st. /" -, 3. T'hatthe following accounts he paid: Mrs; E. H,Caughc11, sala'l"yand travelHo:g exp'cnsesu__$ J, A. Taylor,Public School InspectO'r, expenses............. J, c. Smith, Public School I.nspedor, expens,es Municipal Wo,rrd,prinHng for InspectoTS mnu..'..."""......__ 143 10 31 97 169 96 20 92 4. That accounts from high schools be 'paid as received; by the Coull'ty Treasurer, on certificate oft'h,c Courity Clerk. A1l of whic'h is repectfl111y sl1bll1itted, January 2Sth, '1921 H. W. THOMSON, Chairman. June Session To Othe Elgin County Council: Gennemen, - The Education Committee'repo,rts: 1. T1mt we recommend no action in reference to appeal again,'st Elgin County Council 63 arbit~ato'fS' awa:rd, fo'rmin'g' U~ion School Sedidno NO.4, Ald:bo.rough and Dunwich. 2; That" the Treasurer heauthodzed 'to pay accounts 'of continu- ation, fift'hdas's, and high schools, on certificate of the C}erk. 3. That the fonowing accbuntsbe paid: Municipal World, supplies fO'r lnspet;::tors...................".....$ R. McLachEn.........__.....__.........n.__.__.,..........__..............__......'..__...... J. 'C. Smith, 'eXpcnSeS.c__"..__.....~..__'..........,n.............__....__....h...... J.. A. TaylO'r, expenses..................".............,......__......__.....__....h... M'rs, E. H~ Cal1ghell, Sc'hool Attendance Office,r............ Aylmer Express, supplies..................,....,...'........m..........,.....;.. Horticultural Soc-iety, envelopes....,.__...,............'............,........ 2119 31 6 15 450. 64 163 2'7 378 4~ 5 36 3 16 4, That the supplementary grants to 'hi'gh schools be: Fur Dl1tt01)., $1,06B; Aylmer,$1,049; St., 'Dhomas, $1",150.; Vienna; $600. 5. That grants to continuation and fifth chss schools be same as last 'year. All of \vhich is repectfully submitted', June 18th; 1921 H. W. THOMSON, Chairman. November Session TR the Wa'nlen and Council o,f'the County of Elgin: Gentlemen, - The Education Committee 'fepnrts: 1. That we app'rove of ,the 'legislat-iO'n of the Provincial Gove'r;n- ment; permitit)g county 'councils to disc<:mtinue all highsc.lwo:r dist'ricts and to form a county district, and that this County Council recommends the' G9vern1ncnt to pass legislation' the comin.g g,ession permittingcoul1ty COJtncils to discontinue ,all high and continuation school ,d1istricts, and to establish instead one, common hig-h schon,l and continuati'onschool,district composed of the ..;"hore county. 64 Elgin County Council 2. That the following accounts be: ,paid: Chatham Collegiate 'Institute, maintenance County pupils ......m.......'m................."....mm"...........,....................m,.$ J. C,' Smit.h, ac'cotmt . expenses,. 1.' V. S.___.,....,.....____._.,.,....... -Mrs.' E.H. 'Caug:helh,School Attendance Officer, salary and expenses .n....'.............___n........_..';;..............__..'un.h..........h.... J. A. Tay,l'o'l", acc6untsexpenS'es, L P.S_...~.:..___.....___..,...._. Municipal W.O'rld, account printing for Inspectors.n"h' 25 97 398 02 3,56 .60 136 31 93 69 ! Elgin ConntyCollncil 65 COUNTY TREASURER'.S REPORT January Session To the Elg'in' C6'llnty Council: Gentlemen._ The follo\\ring is a statement of ' Assets and Liabilities on)anuary 1st, 1921: ill .! All of which is repectfully submitted, /"\\... H. W. THOMSON, Oha~rman. :1 j!1 II St. Thomas, December 1st, 1921. Jan. 1 Assets Cash on hand;.. ....... ...... ........., ........................$ Coun:ty Ratc's........ ......... ..........u....................... County of MideJ.lesex... ......m.......................... Registry Officc. ...._......___. ...... .........m............ Administration of Justice, estimated..._m Campbell -Estate:. .........m;..___. ........................ G. A. Disbro\ve...............c...................c... Rent, McNichol Farm.............. ..............,........ Government' Aid to County Roads:. tl n24 Hl 9920 00 1294 8;:3 3948 94 900G 00 17500 1150 00 lliO 00 ~OOOOOO $1~1962 ~6 16228.27 (Amended of report.) in Committee~ of the W'hole by st1riking out Clause-I. II II Balance of Liabilities over Assets..-~.~.i;;...., $138191' ~,1 Liabilities J an.. 1- Cheques OUt......... ..........................,...... .............$ 6098 OS BiN.s p~yablc, notes Mol-sons Bank....m.....108000 00 Debenture and. Coupon..................m"....... H'i91 97 High Schools.. ............."...................,................ 1:21598 59 Public Schools...,.......,............m.......................... 181l.00 Admin(str.ation of Justice............................... :2,50-0- -00 Agricultiual Representative.......................... t;OO 00 House of Industry..............,.........................;.. 15157 59 Village Grants.m...:.................................... ......... 2680 00 Miscellaneous_. .......n. 854 00 .$13S191 23 2. This deficit is: due to the inci'easeiil Admil1'istration of Jtt'stice Accounts; ~lnd - also to increa-se.in -good.roa.ds expciHliture. I! illl il! : , ii! ii " , II Ii" Ii' I!I , " 66 Elgiil COU'lty Council 3. It will 'be necessarytb'p'assa'by~lawauth6rizing the: Wacrden and Treasurer to borrow $200,00'0.00" to' tn,ed CUHen:t ,expenditure for the year 1921. ' 4, It will be necessary for this Counei-1 to pass a resolution at this session autho.I..jzing the' Wan'den and Clerk to sign and submit to the Minister of Ptlblic \Vorks 'an:d Highways, the petition of the COJl11ty of EIgiri showing that during the year of H)20therehasbeen expended on ihc'countyhi'ghwav system -t'he sum of $2-0-5-,888.77, and Tequesting the statutory grants. on that amount. as provided by the Act to aid in th'c improvement of 'pub)jc highways. All of which is' respedfully submitted. B. B. GRAHAM, County ,'Treasurer. April Session To the \Varden and Council: Gentle'tnen, - O....",ing to the delay of the P'rovindal Gove'rument ,in Jorwarding their chequc'forthcir portion of the 1020 road expenditure, it will be necessct:ry to pass a by-law authorizing the.'Warden and Treasurer to borrow $10'0,000.00- to meet the current expenditures. All of which,is res1pectfullY'sl\,bmiited. B. B. GRAHAM, c County Trea'snrer. June Session To the Vv'ar'den and Connty Council: Gentlemen, - I krio.....v you afC anxiolls to lo.ver the tax rate of the CciuutyfO'f the year 1921, in view of the farmers! diniinishedincomes, but owing to ad'ditionalohligatiolls imposc'd '011 the 'County by recentlegishtioI1', and a.lso :the pledged ex'penditui"eS, it will not be possible to do so this year, as the. following estimates sho-w: Elgin Count.y Coull'cil 67 Adminj.st;f'~1.tion- of Just-ice:.........,nn County Lines and B-I'id.ges.....h.n_ House of Indti'stry.m_............ ....mm'_n_h' High Schoolsh..._.nn.. '.m....'. Pub licschoo-lsn""""""''-_h''O'' ..."...'.......... Officers' .Salaries.........__n...... .......... ........_....... Members" V\Ta.ges ..... ....mn'n___"........... Court House Commission .........00 ....00. '.....-".., Debentures.: By-Law No, 8';')9_,_ lntc'r,est Registry Office.... Miscellaneous County Roads..n..... ........ Deficit 1920. ............. ........_ 000... Grant D.rban 'lvIunicipalitics_ '''~''_'''...m'..'''' .........,.....$ GOOO '00 BOOO DO 1-100'0 '00 1:')5(}-0 0'0 .18000 00 4100 00 50''00' 00 moo 00 1592 00 80-00 00 . 100'0 00 HOOO 00 ....'_..h'....'. 85'0:00 00 1B2~OO '00 800.0 00 .$HH5792 00 This \~'oulcl take a rate of S'~1(1 mills. .2. The expenditure from January 1st to May Blst is, as' follows: Receipts Cash on hand Jan. lst....,......_...._...m .n..___._~n$ Administration of Justice..... ......,00..._... Bills Payablcn..n .._h__....___.........n........'m...... Inte-rest County Rates Public Schools. ....~.___'.___n.___nnO___..___n'........ HO(lS'e of Industry_,n_..nn,..n,.......n.......m....,n,.. Registry Office......____n ___..._....O___n__..... Arrea'rs of 'J'axes... ......'n____...m'......_ .......___'nn Coun ty Roadshnn ...'_...n....m.......n... lvfisce11<incous 12~-W OR 4~Z,2;~Z 31 19':,)000 01) 1:17 80 99i'iS 2,8 2,1147 4.89 76 2';)49 81 29'712, gH2H6 OB :147 no .$307:)85 66 Expenditures of Justiccn......hnn...._...n'n....$ 8.'276 1)8 ...._nnn_____........n........ ..108000 00 . Adlninistration Bills Payable___.. Interest ~W05 :~7 !I! I' i I , I , 68 Elgin County Coundl' I ,I !\ Public s.c1~ o.olsm.'....."..nm...m....mmm._........m. House of IndustrYnn .,.......un.nm.n.n,"umn..n Registry . Offi CCnn'........nn_.u..'......nn....m...nnn:. County .Lines:nnn..;.nm .nn_...mn....,u..._n.'n._" High Schools....._.m.n ...mnhn.n'n..un..nm.....m. Arre,aTs of Taxes..n.. .....nn...mnn_.._n.m.m..'.... Members' 'vVages._....mm.mn......,....,n.m.......m.- Ofliccrs '. Sala'rics.._u......n.mmo..........m._m....nn 'Fdnting and Stationery..._n....,..m.,..nnnm...n €:a-re of. " Buildings..nnnunn..u,nn.... ......00,00..._. Water, Light, and Heat.m'nm ............-......... Co un ty 'Roads......m.,n... m.uum'.". ..mn"'m.'.,.... Miscellaneo,us :1 II i I Balance 2131 96 3164 2'7 ~76 17 147 82 14459 2{] 7 15 2114 95 112'5 00 792; 48 .1:")66 '87 908 96 .69016 88 2'546 46 $306490 02 t095 64 $307585 66 :3. The number of lots eligible to be sold for arrears of taxe,s this year i'snot large, and I would recommerid that a by-law be passed to dcfersales for one yea:r. 4,. It will be necessary to pass a by-law authorizing the Ward,en and TTeasurcr to' borrow $100,000.00 to meet current expenditures fo'r balance of "the year. All of-\\'~hich is respectfully' submitted. November Session To the \iVarden and Council.: B. B. GRAHAM, 'County Treasurer. Gentlem'cn, - I have the honO'r to submit .the following oreport for your in- formation: 1. The anlOl.mt' raisecl by th,e county Tate of $M3,555.00- appears Elgin Connty Council 59' to be sufficient to meet the expenditures fO'l" the present year, as the following statement sl10\VS: Notes in Molso.ns Bank, Gct. 31.."''''00,..$211000 00 Estimated expenditure bal of yea-r- Administration of Just,ice...mm...m....... Coun ty- Lines....'.........m_u_...n._.'m.m..m_..... House of IndustrYm...m.,.-.m._..m.m'..m...n High, Schools .nnn..mm....u.........h..'.....'..,._ Public SchooIs....nn..'...mmm_...u..n.... .0000' Officers' Salaries......................,...,.: ltlembers' Wages....,..m.~u..nn........u.,.m.... C?urt HOllse Commiss101L..,.....m.'....m. Interest County Roads..m...nm.... ..'.......00..........000'.. Aylmer Hospital Gr,ant.-. Miscellane'olls Cou:oty Rates..m .......m.'...nm......... ..m.n ,Government Aidm.unn...nmou.. Adl~1in:istration of Justice~m "h"n RegIstry Fees.m_. Hou.se of Industry ,Surplus 3000 00 20:0 00 2000 00 L75{]{) 00 160.0'0'00 120'0 00 800 00 200 00 600.0' 00 BOOOO 00 15000' 00 8000,' 00 $2i03'1555 ,00 87000 00 4'000 00 2000 00 400- 00 s;"):") 00 $296~'Gi), 00:' $2'969515 00 2. The lease of .the John _M:cNicol farn't bas neve'i;'. been 'executed. T'be farm is now in the possession -of N onnan McNicol,: IHJthc has signed no lease. It \voitld be wel1 to <l'ppoint a committee to la-ok after this matter. The receipts and expenditures to Oct.ober 31st arc as follows: Receipts and Expenditures t.o' 31st October; 1921 Receipts Cash on hand January 1st.mnm...m"""'hm.$ 12:W 08 Administration of Justice.."" .........n....h...... 110:31;)4 Bills Payabl.e..m"h..nn..nnnmu.um.,...m......nn.. 30100,0 0.0 '70 Elgin Coun'ty Coundl Interest County 'Rates u............,............. un.."''''' .... Public Schools...... ...,.u....u....'" .....m..'''''' House of Industry............. .......... ..!......,.: ..'-- Rcgistry Fees;.........,............ u."""" ...'.'''' ...... Arrears of Taxes...,.....m,,""..m''''''. Conn ty Roads ...................u..... Mi"scellaneous Expenditures 27H 62 9958 28 27179 14 11'7699 2;'549 81 ()66 SB ......... 99878 14 637 20 .$4:33597 63 Elgin County Council .'n FINA.NCE COMMITTEE January Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen, - The Finance Committee Reports: 1. That the Clerk, Treasurer, and County Road'Superintendent be aut'ho:rized ,to 'attend -meeting of County Road Superintendents in Toronto, as 'requested'])y the HighwaysepDai.tment. Administration of J ustice......m. 'Bills Payable.mo..om..-. Interest Publi.c Schools........ ........... .....u.......u,..\.u___..~.. House ,of Industry- u,_...."............................... Rcg-istry Office......... '..n..'un........,...................... Debentnres and COl1,pOns.....,nr..m..... County Lines. .....................................,....... High Schools..m... ...." ...m.' ................ ,"'.".''''' A'rrea-rs of Taxes.. ....m'............'.... Members'. vV'ages................n... ..n..... Offic.:-ers' Sa,laries"'m.'..m... ..'n"'''' mm P.rinting and Stationery... Care of Building .........'........ ................ vVater, Light, and Heat County Road:;,..... .n.u................... ~liscenaneous ............$ 16378 13 198000 00 2097, 37 30426 44 9780 53 2054 51 1592 03 326 85 144'59 20 S 15 3546 2:3 30025 00 994 31 2618~~9 2991 '18 154609 20 7600' 15 $4G0507 59 B090 04 Balance All' of which is respectfully submitted. St. Thomas, November2~)th. 1921.. $453597 63 B. B. GRABA.M, County Tre.asurer. 2, That 110' ..action he taken in refe-ren'cc toapplicationfo-r graM to Navy League. 3. , That the the Auditqrs' :rE;pO'rt be received and p-rinted. 4. That the salary of t-he Audi-tors be increased to $300 each, an'd that By-taw, No. 936 be amended accO'1rdingly. 5. That'a -g,rant of $100 be made to the Sl'ck-Cbilclrells' Hospital, Taranto. 6. That tbe County Police Magistrate's Report be received and printed in the' milintes. I 7. Tha-t we grant t.hi-rty dollars to ea,ch of the Holstein an'd Shorthorn Breeders' Sale Associations in the COtl11ty for 19~~,1. 8. That a by-law be passed to authorize the vVa,rden and Treas~ tq,;bqTrow two hundred thousand doHa;rs for curren-t expenses; 9. That no actiO'n be takell in reference to aftiIiation 'with vVestern Boa'1'cls of Trade fo-r fO'\"ll1wtion of an Agricultural Immigra- tion Association. . 10. That the sum oJ five hundred dollars be granted to the Elgin of Trade a11d Publicity Association. II '7,~ Elgin Connty ~ouncil 11, That the sum of five thousand dollars be granted for the pur- poses of the East Elgin MemOrial Hospital to beesta'blished 'at Aylmer. 12. Tha't one hundred do,Ma'rs be granted to Amasa \Nood Hos- pital fnr H12,1. lB. That the gum of onehul1ctndand t,venty dollars be granted to th,e Towns'hip of Dl1l1with, to assist in maintenance of Miss vVallace. i'4. That the application- -of the Elgin 1fernoria-l Hospital Trust for submission of a by-lay" t(:l provide for a grant of otl.e hundred thousand dollars for hospital purposes he laid over 1111)1:il the June session, al' unti,l it has been voted 00 in the City of St. Thomas. 15. Thait the foHowing accmmtsbe paid: C. St. Clair- Ldtch, County Solicitor for 19'20....,.... 00....-$ Landon Health Assaciatian...~......,.....').............. .......,....--.... Victoria Hame fO'r Incurables..................-. Victol+ia Industrial Schaa,l.. m..n....+.......................n The Advance, .Duttan....... .__h.....'.................................. ViHage of Duttan..;;......... .......,............... ........0....... Municipal \tVO'del, Clerk's affice...-...................... ......... ."-'. Municipal Vla,rId, registry affice...... Caunty Cleek, pastagc....._n.......-n....................................m- Ta,"vnship af. Malahidc..... .....................~.....m.......__~........._.. Chi ld-ren' s A iet Sa ciety .........-dm.......'........m.'..................,.,,,.. All of which ,is resP,ectfully submitted. 2,75 ,00 76 25 138 00- 61 00 6 00 32 00 ,3 49 14 2'9 12 00 3600 109 50 Elgin County Cduneil 73 1. paid. T'hat -the account af the Mothers' Pensian Commission be z. That lJessrs. 1'J1115, IvJeTagga'l"t, and the mi.ttee to'. inquire into the matter af the County pa,ver to' act V.la-rclen be a com~ bank accO'unt, with All of which is respectfully submitted. March 24th, 19n. E. E. McTAGGART, Chakman. June Session -No.1 TO' the Elgip Caunty Cauncil: Gentlemen, ~ The . Finance Committee RepO'rts: L That we 'have cansidered !app};ica;tial1s made by deputatian Irani Duttan and vVest Lame far grants for memO' rial halls, and recammend tha't nO' grants be made in cO'nnection with mema'rial hall, arch, or monument th-is yea'r. 2. That the Queen Alexandra Sanatorium be authO'rized to' clla'l"ge $1.50 per day for patients fi'am the County, up to 1st of July, H)~~';3, ans! that the Ca(lIlty pay fiftypcl' cent. af amaunt paid by the laca! municipalities. E. E. McTAGGART, Jannary 2'9t'11, 1921. Chairman. M'arch Session TO' the Elgin Caunty Cauncil: Gentlemen, ..,...... The Finance Cammittee Reperts: 3. That .the annual membership fee af $10, ~to Onta'ria Municipal AssaciatiO'~l be paid, and that the vVarden appO'int" delegation to' attend annual meeting. 4. That th~ sum of $800 be granted to' Children's Aid Saciety far 1921. 5, That ThO'mas. Davidson, Landan, be' granted a free hawker's pedlar~s license for one year. I [ II :1 II 74 Elgin County Council G. That the usual grant be made ,to 'poultry and corn sho.ws, as follows: \Nest Larue. .$200; St. Thomas,$10n.; and Aylmer, $150. 7. That the following accounts be paid: .......$ N eWSQme '& Gilbertm R. McLachlinn__.....mn Elliott-Fis'her, Limi'ted K. W. McKay...... ............ ............. Chilchen's Aid Society.......n..---....---..,. .m',_' ...n_m".____ London Health Association________'____.._ um.' on_...u........._..______ Victoria' Home for Incurables.,____ ...._u ....munmm.___.___u..n Victoria Industrial SchooL..,._..______ ..m _n__n'.n""'___"'____"''''''__ Villa,ge of Port Stanley.__.-_________...__ .... m_....__.___________..._________ Villag'e -of Dutton.___n_........ ....un..__.___ .._.n...n._...__...._____....____.. Township of Malahidcm..mn._____:. ..m_.__m'.. ..n.n__n.mn_.'...~.. Municipal, World (Registry Office)n....m.. ..n__mn.__..._..m. Municipal W o'rld....__.on_...m......m~ ..'..m....m.n. .__on......mm...m. A.yllner Ex'press..n .._00,,,,,,,,,,,.'.00,,."00.."" 00....00..00..___..00............. To'\vnship of Alclboroughm.,..mn.on.... .....m....nn... _nm,._.mn" II Iii 1:1 I' I L'5 55 15 40 104 00 76 2'fi 2033 00 61 00 76 2'5 41 51) 2'2 50 185 81 28 79 20 15 8 00 All o,f which is respectfully submitted,. E. E. McTAGGART, Chairman. June 17th, ,Hl~n. June Session - No.2 To the Elgin County. Council: Gentlemen, - The Finance Committee Reports: 1. That a by-law be passed to authorize the vVa-rden llrer to borrow one hundred thousand dollars. That the holding of the tax sale he/deferred ony year. and Treas- 2. 5 00 3 75 Elgin County Council 75 3. That no action be taken on 'request of G.W. V. A. for grant. All of which is respectfully submitted. June 18th, 1921. E. E. McTAGGART, Chairman. June Session - No. 3 ;To the 'Warden and Council of the County of Elgin: Gentlemen, _. The Committee on Finance beg leave to. rcpo'rt ~ tha,t, 'having examined into the finances of the.County a'nd the estimates prepa'r'ed by the County Treasurer, they herewith submit ,a staltemen't of the expenditure, required for the lawful purposes of tlfe County during 1921; sho\ving the amount requir~d to: be -raised fO'r' theunderl11ention- ed purposes: Administration of Jl1sti~e.. '_.-'m... '........m.$ COl1~ty Lines and Brid:ges House o,f Industry. High Schools.... Public Schools.. H_ __....moo Officers' Salaries 1-Iem1i.ers' \Va,ges Court House Commission Debentures - By-Law 8:19............__... Inter'est .__m.mn..... "__..00... Registry Office ___mm...... Miscellaneous County Roads....... ....m.n..nm... Deficit, 1920....m... ,m_mmmm Grant Urhan:..1:unicipalities...... Aylmer Hospital Grant. ....m_.'...m.. 600'0- O,P aooo 00 1'1000 00 1't5{)0 00 18000 00 4lQ!0 00 5'00.0- 00 1WO 00 15920'0 soon 00 1.000 00 15663 ();O 85,000 00 13200 00 800,0 00 50-0'0 0,0 .$20'3555 00 Your Committee wouldrecom111end that the sum of two hund'red three' thousand, five hundred and fifty-five dollars be raised O'n. all i l 76 Elgin County Council the ratea'ble pi"OpCl'ty in the several municipalities of the County of Elgin during the year 19~H, for County. purposes, and that a 'rate of Si1 mills on the dollar he levied on rateable p'foperty in the sev,cral municipalities in the County to raise said amount$. All of which is respectfully submitted. E. E. McTAGGART, Chairmal~. Adopted June 18th, 1921. November Session To the vVanlen and'Council of the CQuU\ty of Elgin: Gentlemen, - The Finance Committee Reports: 1. That th'e application for grant to :Mcmorial Hospital he laid Dver until q1C Janua,ry session. ;3; That Police Magistrate Hunt be allowed to retain fifty per cent. of fees {or violation of Motor V chicles Act on provincial high- way durillgH)~n, and that he be requ'ested to apply to Department of Higl1\vays at Toronto for -remuneration for services in this conu'ection next yea'r. 8. That the sum of fifty doUars($50) be gt'aulted to pay expenses of county'juvenile stock judging class .to, Guelph 'Stock Show. 4. That Messrs. Stalker and Dmrl1golc be a c.ommittee to arrange fo'r execution of lease of -rvlcN-icol farm. 5. That the following accounts be paid: Victoria Industrial School... .........__.__......._""...._____.___..__....._____$ 31 00 Treasurer of Onta'rio......_ .......m....."".'.''''''''" .m..." on'"..__"". 31 04 Children's Aid Society......m.....--.--.............--. ...........'.......m'..n 370 00 Elgin County Council .7'1 Victoria Home for Incurables...... .....__..,. .m......m.,......'........ London, Health Association.mn. ..'............ .....,......'......_......__.. Village of POTt 'Stanley.....____.......__ ......... ..m............,..........__ Township of .Bayham__..........,....... ....-, ...,......__.............. Township of l\1a:Iahide,,,,,,'....m ............. ......................__...n__ Col1n ty of 11iddl esex.,.........m........'............,.....i,..,....;~.....,..."...., The ,Municipctl World........................__..,......,....__......,.............__.. TI~e Municipal World (R~gjstry Office)...__"....,..,................ ,R. McI,.,achlin____ .....____ ............. .......__..'......__..'..__......,..__......____.... The'Municipal 'AlorId (County Treasurer)__,.,"_....~,;____,..... The Municipal "Vodel (County, Clerk)"'~.....:....._~m...~....'..' S. R. Hart & Co.......................................m... .......................... C. St. C. ,Leitch, gene'ra-l services....,.........__.........m......... All of which is respectfully submitted. 136 50 91 150 20V 18 6 00 ;31 00- 10 00 3,200 15'00,05 3 50 1 03 2,3 1a 8 09 2,85 00 .Dec;:ember 1st, lV21. E. E. McTAGGART Chai'rlllan. 7:8 Elgin County Council COUNTY ENGINEER January Session To the \Narden and Council of the County of Elgin: Gelltlemcn, - I be'g;to submit the following report: Gillette .Bridge The repairs to this state fO'r public travel. $1,822.l:1. bridge are ilO\V completed and it is in good' The total cost of the 'repairs amounts to Port Stanley Brid.ge 1. would call your attention to ,the nrgent neccssity of having something done towards having this bridge p(1t in a proper state of repalL It \vas thought last year that \ve had secured an arrangement with the Federal Govemment to 'take over control of this vI'O'rk, but some hite'!l seems to have occurred in negotiations, and nothing 'has. been done. 1. hope the matter .wiJl be taken up by your Council and some decision arrived at at the earliest possible moment. All of which is respectfully submitted. JAS. A. BELL, Comity Engi11cer. June Session To the \Va'r,den and Council of the COUilty of Elgin: Gentlemcn, ~ I beg to' submit the following report: The spring freshets ,have left the bridges throug11Out the County Elgin County Council 79 in good con,dition, and I have nO' recommendatian to make for, any hrge expenditure, except in the matter of the Por-tStanley bridge. Regarding t-his matter, I ",,'ohld like yoUl~ COll1tlliHee to go down and see the bi-idge with m~ this ,veek. You would -thenb,e ,in,a better position to judge of the matter. I would also- like to arrange it so that Icotlld be away on Thursday~ All of which is respectfully submittecl. St. Thomas., On'iario, ]un-e 14th, 1921. JAS. A. BELL, County Engineer. November Session . To thevVard'en a-ud Council of the County of Elgin: Gehtlemen,- I beg >to repart a,s fallo,'vs 011 the expellditure on the bridges under the 'County's control since y~urlast meetinJg: Gillette Bridge A freshet in July washed out the earth work af the west approach. This has beeil repaired, at a cost of $10:3.30. , , Kingsmill Bridge - 'on the town line between Malahi(h~ and Yarmouth has a new floor, put on at a cos:t of $116.20~ Robbins .Bridge - between Southwold and Yarmouth, has been repaired on th~ flqar, at a cost -of'$1~9,82. ' Beaver Creek Bridge --'-'-between Southwo,lc1 and Yai.mouth, has been repaired, at 11 cost af $158.19. All of which is respectfully submi'tted. St. Thomas, Ontario, Navcmber, 29th, 1921. JAS. A. BELL, Ca~mty Engineer. 80 ElgjnCounty Council ~-~-'-"-"'- PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE January Session To the "Varden and Council of the County of Elg'in: Gentlemen, - Yonr Public Improvements Com111fttee begs leave to submit the following report.: 1st. In 'refercncc to the comn1unicationfrom the Good Roads Association, asking tha..t delegates be appointed t9 attend the annual meeting <to bc 'held in Toronto on the 2nd" 3'rd., and 4th of March, yonI' _Committee 'recommends that the Wanien name delegates to attend, and that the annual men-ibership fee of $l5.0'0' be paid. Re Stalter Gully :3n:(1. 1'h,e communication from "V. A. McLean, Deputy Minister of Highways, ".'as considered, and it w;;\s decided t'hat the Committee visit and ins'pect the site ,before 1l1aki'ug a :rec011lmcndation, Your Committee went to the Stalter Gully and inspected the site of the proposed bridge, and ....vonicl recommend that this Council as a whole deal with' the tuatter of the erection ,of a bridge at this place. Re Port Stanley Bridge 3rd, Your Committee, had Mr. N. S. COTllell (late Reeve ,ofPo,rt I Stanley) present at their meeting, who explained fully what had taken place la'St year in regard to the proposed improvements to be mad'e to this bridge, and vl'Ould recommend that the Clerk and Sohcitor write to the Government, stating ,that this County is willing to carry out the conditions ag-reed upon by both parties last year, and to,pay over to the Government the sum then agreed upon, and that an itllmcdi,ate..reply be ,'I'equested. In regard to communication of Alfred E, Aldred, re v\Talker over H.i.ve'f Thames, your C6inmittee would recommend no. 4th. IHidge action. Elgin County Council 81 5th. That the., r~quesr of Chief CO'rnelius of Oneida Reserve for- a grant of $20-0.'00 towards the improvement of. the town line between the Oneida Reserve and Elgin County be granted, the money to be spent und'er ,the direction of ex- vVa'rclen' Turner., All of which is respe.ctfully submitted. J. F. McGREGOR, Chainnan. Match Session To the 'tVa-rden and COulleil of the County of Elgi!n: Gentlemen, '---- Your fallows: -Public' Improvements Committee hegsleave ta report as 1. Th.at the conside-ra-tion of matters. 'in connection \vith Port Stanley bridge h~ laid over until the June se'ssian. 2, side red That the qllestion of at the June session. rebuilding the Stalter bridge be con"" All of which is respectfully submitted.... J. .F. McGREGOR, Chairman. lvlaTCk 25th, 1921. June Session To the\~rarden and Council of the Coun ty of Elgin: Gentlemen, - Re Port Stanley Bridge Y 01lrCol11mittee visited and inspected the bridge. to-day, Mr. S. S, McDermid, ~vI. P., being present 011 invitatian. MT. McDermid 8:3 Elgin Count~ Council stated that he' was very much impressed with .the necessity of some- thing be'ingdone immediately to solve this question, and that he \vould make every effort to get the l,finister. of Public vVorks' to make an eaTly visit and inspection. Until this is done, yottr Cotnmittee would recommend that no action be taken in the matter. All of which is respectfully sl1bil1ittec1. J. F. McGREGOR, Chairman. St, Thomas, Ontario, June.l7th; 1921. November Session \ To the 'VVar'den and Council of the 'County of Elgin: \ Gentlemen, ..,...... Your Public Improvements Committee begs to report as follows: That they ,have consid'ered the matters eontainedin- the report pf the County Engineer, and would recommend its adoption. Mr. James A. Hell, County Engineer, has applied_ to your Com- mittee fo,r a leave of absence for the \vinter months, and would recommend that his son, :Frc(1. A. Bell, be appointed as Engineer without salary during his' absence. -'We would recommend that the County accede to his request. All of \vhich is respectfully submitted. J. F. filcGREGOR, Chairman. S1. Thomas, Ontario, November Both, 1921. .'11" Elgin County Council 83 COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE To the Elgin County Council: Getitlemen, - The County Roads Committee 'reports: 1. That the sum of two hundred and five thousand, cighthundl'ed 'and eight-eight dollars and seventy-seven cents ($20-t.,,888.77)' was 'expended on Elgin Coiillty highway system dturing the yea-I' 19,20. The percentage payable by the Province will be about forty-five per cent. of this amount. Divided as follows: 2. Expenditures on Provincial-County Roads l~oad construction....um Bridge, cOll'struction____ 1faintena'nce a,nel repair Suburl~an Area.m .....,..$ 11669 77 1190 155 18182 115 B67!l 70 3. County Roads Road construction___ Bridge construction.n Maintenance and repair....m Road construction all Suburban Area Maintenance on Stlburban Area.m.... , 44127 08 19:Z97 6,.1: ;j87<J9 72 :31021 '.1:0''71. <J:Z 4. General Expense Gran ts to villages m'...mn..nm .....00 ..___.n __.....$ Interest on gravel pit fanTI.mn Machinery and tools 1-{ateria]' in stock m'.. .'m. ...... ...mnn....m.m Hathaway fa'rm,.....n.n._ ...'.' '...no. .....mn..m..m Hathaway gravel. pit..._.n.nmnmmm ...........m Implemen,t warehouse at -Hathaway farm Miscellaneous 8:)0'(' 63 GnQ 00 23861 6:') 3:')00 0,0 904 82 1690 :')2 :2211 91 34~27 i50 $2H58-88 77 84 Elgin County Council , 5. VV' e estimate that the sum of. one' hundred thousand dollars should be raised for expenditure on county roads for the year 1921, dividec1as follovvs; Constntction on roads......... .....moo._."....._.:$ Maintenance oil 'roads......_m. Machin'cry Gi-avel pit d'cvelopmenL..__ Culverts and bridg:s.omu_ /Gravel Pit ,Develop,ment 6. Your Committee advises the purchase of the follo'wing gravel pits at this session of the Coullty Council: (1) \-Vesley Irvine, gravel pit, in the Township of Southv'lold, in concessionS, lot No. Hi, price $1,000.00 per ac're for 3- acres. TO,tal, $3,00-0.00. D. \Valker, gravel pit, 'in the Township of Alrl'borough, lot (, in the ,7th concession, price $1,000.00 pcr aertfar ~ acres. Total, $2,0'0'0''-0'0'. James I-I. 1-ilurphy. gravel pit, in the To\vnship of Houghton, 'County of No-rfolk, lot No, 13'7, N. T. R., price' $550,0'0 per aCI'e, for 2 acres. Total, $1,10'0',0'0'" John T. Locker, g'ravel,pit, in the Township of Houghton, N. T, R., part lot 137, 2 ,a,c-res at $:')0'0'.0'0' per ac.re. Total. $1,000.00. (2) (3) (4) Trucks 7. From the 2>iSth of October to Decel'nber 31st" the two cO,unty trucks travelled HI days, a distance of 4,588, miles, haitling gravel. Drivers' wages, gasoline, oil, and repairs for the above tjme being: Total, $1,40-7.32. Summary of TruckOper;ltion $" Average mileage per claY;moom...mmn._.... Average cords of gravel per day... ...moo__ uoooo... 74 4 Elgin County Council Sf! Average cost expenses Average dep,rtciation $:22 '10 20'0'0' Avemge total cosLun ......mnnn..............noom Average cost of delivery of 1 cord 10' miles. Average cos't loading, per coreLm...m Total cost for truck haulill'gancl delivering 1- cord of gravel 10' mi1es.~m. $42 70 $10 70 1 50' $12 20 9.. vVe have received report of proceedings of meeting of Thomas Suburban Are'a' Commission, which we submit herew'ith. St. vVc recornmendthatthe proposed extension of roads in the A'rea and estima,te' of $2,5,0'0'0' for 1921" be\\pproved. 10: That \ve sent-a deputation to interview the Minister of High- ways in 'reference to By-Law No. 976, assuming road in Vienna, but have not yet received his decision in reference to special, grant. As a special committee appointed. at the November session, and after an" inspection of the different Toads proposed for designation, we 'recommend that we extend the-county higll\vay system by giving the To\vnship of South Dorchester five additional miles, and the. other to\vnships pro-ratio accO'rding to their equalized vale, as follows: (;ommencing in the Township of. Aldborough 1'. The road between lots 6 and 7, from the road between conces- sions 12 and 13, south to the lake. 2. The road between lots 18 and 19, from the roacl between con- c-essions 12 and- 13, to the lake. 3. The 'road between concessions 2 and 3, fr01l1t'he'roa.cl between lots 8 and' 9, to the Kent town line. 4. The road between concessions 3 and 4, from the road between lots 18 and 19, to the Dl1nwich and Aldborongh town !'inc. ;). The connty town !'il1c between Kent and Elgin, horn the, road 86 Elgin County Council between concessio.ns 2 and 8, in the Township, of Aldborough, to the- Ke1lt county road No.4 P. C. 'Dunwich. 1. The 'road between concessions ~~ and:-I, beginning at the town line behveen Dunwich and Aldbol:ough, from lot No.1 to the road between lots 12 and 13, connecting up with county road No.8. 2. The to\vn line between Aldborol1gh and Dunwich, from the lroad between concessions 2 and 3, in,the TowllShip of Dunwich, to the road between concessions 3 and 4, in the township of Aldborc)Ugh. I 3. T'he road between lots' 10 and 11, from the road between con- cessions 8 and 4-, to the roa,d between concessl-ons 2 and 3. 4, The road between lots IS and 19, from the road between con- cessions 1 and 2, to the road between the Gore and the Fourth. :'). The road betw.een lots 18 and 19, commencing at the fLake H.oad, in COIl cession 11, running nO'rth~wester1y through concessions !l anellO, connecting up with county road No.8, lot 12, in concession 8. Southwold 1. The continuation of the road No. ~w, ham lots 10 to 16. thence south through lot 16 to the village limits of Port Stanley. ~2.. The road between lots 15 and 16, from the M. C. R. right-of- ,vay north to concession 5, thence east on concession 5, through lot 16 to the road between lots 6 anel 7, north to the road between con~ cessions 2 and 3. 8. The roa,d between concessions 1. and 2, on the county town line between Delaware and Southwold, thence east Oli the c,ounty town, line to connect up with road No. 2'2, the 'LOll cIon a-ild Port Stanley -road. 4. The road between lots 2,3 and 24, in the To,vnship of S9uth:" vvold, beginning on the county town. line between Middlesex all'd Elgin, "thence south to the N mth Talbot ](oacJ;. Elgin County Council 87 Yarmouth 1. The road between lots 21 and 22, from concession 2 south to the road known as, the Lake Road, thence east through hits 2'2 to 28 to the Mala hide town line. 2. 1'hcroacl between concessions 4 and G, from Southi,yold town line, connecting up \\'ith road No. :2:-3 P.e. . 3. The road between -lots 7 and 8, from the road betwecn con- cessions i:l and 4 to the road between concessions 4and :'), 4. The 'concessions, E.R. road between lots 59 and 60, between the ,8th and Dth 110'rth to the road betweenR. 1. N. E. R. a'l1d the R. S. 5. The l;oad. behveen lots 4 alid 5, {roni the road between R. S. E: R. and the 9th concession, north to, the cO{ll1tytown line between Middlesex am,d Elgin. 6. The road behveen concessions 1 and .Z, from the r'oad between lots 21 and ~Z2, west, connecting up with road No. N between lots 2 and 3~ 7. The county to\Vll line opposite lot No.8, from th.e road between concessions 13 and 14, Malahide 1. The road bchvccn lots 10 and 11, fr-om the road behvcen con- cessions. 1 and 2, south to the rdu'cl that runs westerly lh'rou~dl lots 6, 7, 8, 9, ahdlO, thence south along the road through lot:) to the Lake Ro'ad, then wcst through lots 1, .'2', 3, 4, and :),10 the Yarmouth to\,vn.1ine. 2. The.road 'betweell concessions S'and 9, from -the road betweel1 lots 20 and .'2.1; e~tst to the Bayha111 tOWI1 line. 3. The road from the to,vn Dorchester, through lot No.2 in line between Malahide and South the To\,'nship of Malal~ide to' the 88 Elgin County Council road :between concessions 8 and 9, thence east to the Toad between lots 10 and 11. Bayham 1. The road betvvecn lots 5 and () in the To,vnship of Bayham, from the Dcreham town line through concessiorl's 10 and 111, conne,ct- ing with provincial highway in concession 8. 2. The roa.d beginning at the village limits of Vienn_a', in the Township 'Of Bayham, lot No. 16, r~nt1'ing north-easterly 1hrottg'h lots 17,18,19,20, to the road between concessions Hand 4, thence eastta the Houghton town line. .:-1. The town line bct,vecn Bayh~lmand Malahide, beginning at the road ,between - concessions 8 and 9 in the Township of Malahide, -to the road between-concessions 8 and'9 in the Township of Bayham. 4. The road between concessions 8 and 9,from the i:oadbetween lots 11:-) and 114, west to ,the :Mala:h~de and Bayham town line. South Dorchester 1. The road 'between lots 18 an,d 19, from the town line betweei-i South DOf(~hester ,and Mahhide, north through concessions 11 and 12, connecting up with road No. '50. 2. The road bet,ween lots 18 and 19, in the Township of South Dorchester, from the county town line between North and South Do'rchester, south through concession 7' to the ,road between con- cessions 7 and 8. B. The Toad between lots G and '7, from the road- betw-een con":' cessions 7 and 8 south to the road 'b,etween con,cessions 10 and 11. Port Stanley 1. Mill Street, or the town line road between South wold and Port Stanley, to' Carlow Raad, in the Village of Port Stan1c::y. All of which is re,specttully submitted. WM. S. STALKER, Chairman of 'County Road Committee. Elgin County Cou\1lcil sn St. Thomas Suburban Road _ Commission 24th January, 1921 'Meeting of $t. Thamas Subul+ban Road Cammissian, Chairman. Dr.F:O. Lnvrence; J. T. vVcbster, Alcxa1?-der K. \iV. M_cKay, G. F~ Pineo. P'l'esent: Anderson, A statement of expenditures on subur:ban 'roads from the 1st day of January, 19'20, to the 31st ,day of pe'cemh'er, 192,0;' inc-1usive was read by-the chairman, s'1lOwing that $J,2,617.93 had been ex'p,c::nded' on suburb-an 'roads du'ring the y.ear 19'20. Of this amoun:t the City will pay to the Connty $3,417.80. Ordered '1. That in view af the P.rovince having taken over five miles of road -in the Area, namely, road No. 26 P. C.S.A., 2'~ miles, and 'road NO'. 22, P. C. S. A., 2'~' miles, we extend ,the ,desi.gnati'on of suburban area-'roads as follows: Road number 23 P.e. S. A" in the Town'sIl1p O'f Yarmonth, from the road between concessions ;') and 6, to' the ,'road-_ between cancessions 3 and 4, in the Village of Unian, a distance of' 1\ya miles. Talhot Road east, No. Hi, in the Tawnship -of Sauthwold; from 1,fiddlemarch, to the road between lots 23 and 24. 2. That the Co,nnty of Elgin be notified that this Comlnission estimates the sum of twenty-five thousand ,dollaTS will be required for expenditure an desjgnated raads during the year 192'1. 3. That statement of accaunt submitted to this meeting, of expenditures for the yea'r 19,20 on Subt11'h~n area roadls, he app'roved, and tha-t :three t'hOt'-sand four 'hundir:ed and seventeen dolIa'I's and 'ei,ghty c.ents ($3,4l.7.80) is thc City of St. Thomas' po'rtian ,pfl-ya'hl'e under the Highway Act. The TreasuTcr of the, :City of. St. Thamas ,is 'herehy authO'rized to forwa.rd cheque far the ab-ove amount to the Treasurer oft-he Elgin COilnty highway system. 4. vVe 'recommend that if a'rrangements can be made with the DO Elgin County CounCil City of SL Thomas for loan of machinery, we advise construction of bitumin-ous top 'foaclfrom the city limits to, thcroad between the 6th a~ld 7th concessions of the Township of -Yarmouth, ouroad No. 23 P. C. S. A. Chairman of F. o. LAWRENCE, 'Suburban Road Commission. / June Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen, - The work on follows: 1. the county ro<t,ds' this year" is summa'rized .as Construction of Roads road will be graded al).d gravelled 0'1" sur- T'i;vcnty, (20) l11i1esof face:dwith hroken stone,. 2. Construction of Bridges Committee is constructing one (1) concrete widt'h of span, 16 feet; height, 12 feet. bridge, 124- Y.our feet long; The site 'oJ this new bridge ison road N Q. 4~~, con-cession 1, oppo- site lo.tl~i, in, the Township of lvlalahide, hetter known as Silver Creek, hridge. 3. Culverts One cement culvert will be constructed this'year, leaving only one wooden culvert ,on the Elgin cOllnty 'roads. A large number of new iron culveHs have 'already \becn phced on ';different roads. 4. (1) Bridges. hetween Dunwich and 'jo~sts. Maintenance 'of, Bridgel The bridge sauthaf aId lana, qn the and SautlnvaM, raad NO. 14, ,\rill heed ta;,.vn line new floor Elgin County Council 91 (2) TY1'Canne1 bridge, an road, No.8, T'owh'Ship of Dunwic'h, will alsO' require new floor and jaists. (in Htidgeon Taad No. Ij over the Rive'r Thames, known as the . Gra'ham Road bridge, will \bc 're-floored this year. Y.onr Committee has considered tenders for this work. 5. . Maintenance of Roads Approximatel);' one hundred miles of old gl~avel roa{1's \-"ill be resurfaced this year with broken stone or gravel. 6. Tools and Machinery in Stock Purchased previous to the year 1.92'1: WO, road drags, a breaking plows, 12 slush scrapers, 2 f)-ton motOT trucks, t heavy and 2 ,light scaTifiers, 7 heavy Toad graders, 5 light graders, 1. road hone,!.. centrifuga.JpulUP, 1 Atlas f'Orcepump,: 1 electric haHe'ry, 1 cement m'ixer,.6 dump wa'gons, 2' lO:...hors,e gas engines, 2, gravel loading plants, a quantity of lW1f and inch iron pipe, 20 fresno scrapers. 7. New Machinery and Equipment Purchased this Year O:ne;5~ton motor truck, 3 s-hovels, 2' picks, 1 cement stampe'r, daubl'e iron block with pulleys and 'fo'pe, 1 new ten't, 1. new plow, 1 / small road grader, 1 eliaphraogm pump with engine, complete, s: Gravel Pit Developmep.t Your CQmmittee has completed the purchase of the following gravel pits; 0_ (1) John T. Locker pit, two acres a,nel a fraction, in the, 1'own- ship of Houghton, for $1,008..50. Expenditures on Locker pit, fO'l" strippin.g, $262.50. (2) \Vesley Irvine gravel pit, in the Towllshi'p of Sauth\vold) three' acres, "fal"'$3,oOO.OO. Expenses up to May ;ZSth, for stripping, $88.~a5. Number of cot-ds of gravel hauled, 57. 02 Elgin County Council (3) vValker 'pit, in the' Township of Aldborough, two at.res, fOf $2,0'00.00, Nuniher of cords'hauled, upto May 28th, 133 1-3. Operating expenses, $49.7'5. (4) Hathaway gravel pit, 50Q,co-rds of ,-'gravel has been hauled horn the Hathaway 'vit during the yea'fo 192,l; Su'rfacing and stl'ipping costs in this case have not been taken 'care of. 9. Your Committee 'has let by contract to Clevdand,and Miller, of Dutton, the work of hoisting 10.,000 yar,ds of gravel from the lake bank to the top of rhc hill, 'in concession 12, lot 18, To,wns'hip of Dun- , wich; price f.Of hois,tiri-g gm,ve1, 4ac.pc,r ya,rd. Price paid M.r. Lunl1, owner of the pit, fO'f material, 5Q.C'" per co'rd. 10. Truck Operation from May 2nd' up to and Including May 31st The three l::onnty trucks have 'hauled and placed on the county 'roads Bti4 'cords of gravel in the month of May. Truck No.1 travelled a distance of 1,511 miles, hauling 116 cords 'of gl"avel, and 80 miles; hauling oth-N. material, making a total of 1,591 llliles. Truck'No. 2.travelled a distance of l.til9 miles, hauling 112 cords of gravel" and 80 mi-les, hauling other material on coun-try road's, or a tbtal of 1,599 miles. Truck No.3 travelled a distance of 1,52'5 miles, hauling 126 cords of gravel, and 83 miles, haul'ing other material on county 'roads, 0'1' a total distance of 1,6'08 miles. 11. Summary of Truck Operation Average Illiles per.daY......n.........n... ....n...........'. Average cords of gravel per'day..m...,.....,.-n.,.,-- A ve,rage cost expense...n.... ..'n. ............,............__n Average depreciation 63 4: $/3 $17 54 20 00 Elgin, COllnty COltnrcil 93 Average tota.l cost..,........n_...'m.......m. .............n........ "Average cost of delivery of 1 cord .10 miles.,.. Avc-rage cost o.f graveI<material and loadin,g, per cO'rd Tout! cost for_truck hauling anddel'ivering 1 cord 10, miles..___.... .....mnm_.....'...m $37 54 $11 90 11)6 $13 46 Expenditures on county foad,s for the yea'r 1921; up to andincIud:... ing June ,10 has heen $82,813.08. WM. S. STALKER, County'. Roa'd Commission. November Sess;,;m - No, 1 Chairman To the Elgin County Counail: / Gentlemen, - 1. The County Road Committee iepbtts that expcl1d1:tuf.es on Elgin 'County :highway syste'm, from Janua-ry 1st, 192:1, up to a11,d including Octoher 31st, have been a total of $154,609.2'0, divided as follows: Construction on suburban area..... .......,..,....$ Main,tenance on suhurban area. on._.... ..u. Constructron on county to,ads...... Maintcl1ance .on county madsm.,um..,n........ Grant to'villages paid for. th'e year 1921 Ma.chinery, tools, etc..._.. .~mn ....m....m. Repairs. Material in stacie. ......._..n..m..~m_......nm.'.m.. Remodeling bin, new niachinery, etc., at Hathaway g'1'avelpit.m.m..on.....m_.. mum.,. Intel.est on mortgage and improvement o'n Ha thaway farm Labo'r and.matcl-ial on iry,lplement shed..., Gravel pit development..mmu,"_mu Miscellaneous :3997 98 5814 !'i1 26637 06 8427:') 21 1283 97 1572,3 71 78943 810 00 917 70 Ii <II ,! 42,7. 7:') 22::1727 8643 45 :W'51 16 $154609 20 tl4 Elgin--Cot:mty Council The ahove iucludeq $5,785.03 expended on Middlesex county lines, rO'ads No, 1, '3,14, and 34, \'./hich are under Elgin 'County highway supervision,anc1 $2,816.7'4 on roads No" la, 7<1., and 12, expended urickI' the supervision of t'he eonniy of Mid'd}esex. 2. Expenditure, classed as 'constructioninc1udes the lahor and material to grade and gravel three un miles Of road on suburban area, eiight (8) mil-es of provincial county road, one (1) concrete bridge on Toad No. 4:~,cre6sote block floor on Gra'ham briclge,road No.1, over Rive;r Thames; three (H) reinforced concrete culverts, and sixty (fiO) iron pipes. B. Maintenance on County Roads Approximately 'one hunched' miles of comity roads has been 're- su.rfaced with hroken-stone 0'1' pit gravel. -Th-e _bridge, roacl No.8, at Tyrconnell .has been re_plan.kecland strengthened with new joists, also hdc1ge on road No. 14 r.e-planked and new joists. A number of small culverts have been widen'cd by :r_einforG,ed' concrete, iron pipes, or vitrified tile. 4. Machinery and Tools New for the Year19Z1 One :')-ton dump truck, 3 junior graders, 1 diaphragm >pump, 5 slus:h scrapers, 1 tent, 1 gravel screen, 1 double iron block with 'rope, 3 lantern.s, 2 crowba-rs, 6 wrenches, 2 hammers, 7 s'llOvels, 3 -plows. G. Machinery Purchased Previous .to the Year _1921 Six small road graders, 1 heavy and 2 light scarifiers, 1 semi- portable bin and elevato'r, :2 :')-lOti dump trucks, 7 heavy grad-ers, 2. 10 horse power ga's engines, 17 slush scrapers, 1 centrHugal pump, 1 force pump, 1 gas pump, :') plows, 20 shovels, 90. road drags, 6 dump ",ragons, 1 cement mixer, 1 electric batte'ry. B. Miller and Cleveland have completed t'heircontract hoisting 1,044 yards O'f gr<~vcLO'n lot No. 1.8, concession 12.; in the Township of Duo.\vich. Wi.' have also secured an option on a grave1,pit owned by 1fr. G. Elgin County Comicil 95 Roloson, -in ~he TO'wnship oJ Dere-ham, and are awaiting-develO'pment's ther.efrom. i ,II I I .1 .1 ! I> 11'1 II !I 7. Elgin County Gravel Pit Development NO'. of cords of gravel hauled dtiringthe year 1921, expens.es, etc" exclus'ive of gravel purchas(~d from private parties: \iVal.ker pit, 335 cords, Irvine pif, ;'544 cords, cost for stripping '''hhmnm. ."""'______...m....$ 2~~7 95 cost for stripping___....___.___..........:___.......___..., 618 4.5 Tot'a1 " 879 - cads $ 846 40 Average cost for stripping,-97C. pcr co-rd-. Lo'cker pit, 114G cords, for stripping, screening, Bruce pit, 605 .cords;, for stripping, screening, Hatha\,,ray pit,- 469 cords; for stripping, screening, loading.___n$2050 99 loading.___n 896 3:') loading;...n 531 83 Total. 2220 cords Amount, $3479 17 Average cost for stripping, scrcen~ng, and loading, $.1.57 per co.reI. Truck Operation Dai1y record has been kept of th.e mileage arid quantity of gravel drawn by the three (3) county trucks in operation, as foHows: Houn M.iJes Cords \,Vorked Travelled Hauled 1387 9045 685 1410 94'2'4 7131 1490 102m3 804 8. Truck No~ Truck No. 2_____ __".m Ttuck No. .8m 4287 287131 22:30 l?rivers' - wages, gas, oil, an d repairs total $8,Ogg.a,:'). 9. Summary of Truck Operation' Average miJcage per..day...__.___......... Average cords of gravel per day... moo Average cost ex.pense.___..._n {is 51/5 $18 92 ";. "ii', ['[>1 1:,+ 'I: Iii I ,II, Iii; ;i'i i',i, ::.1 I", f :;j I I:i',' Ii I' i II:i11 , ",! I i" I'il "'I '['"i Iqi I, I.li 'I' .'[11 111 : ~I il!1 !'I' I' !:'I ," [l'[ ,!I II: ill :",1ij ri,ll ,L ~ " f iii' 1\ Ii I ' r t . r I I 98 Elgin County -Council A vera:g"ccJ..'ep'retiatibn n.'__'.'" ,.....- ...............-.......--. 20 00 $3S 92 'r 0 Va,} co S L__n__..______..".____ .._.._'..un__. ___n.n_..>. Averag.e .cost, of)1allling 1 cord of g.ravl;21 1 mile $ 1 14 warehouse at Hathaway farm has been 10. The implcl'nent completed. All of which is respcctfnlly submitted. WM. S. STALKER, Chairman. November Session-.No. 2 To the Elgin Cout'l.ty Council: Gent1ernetl; - 1; Y o\uCountyRoad Committee beg leave torepO'l"t tha.t they 'have"taketl up the com1TIuil.i6ution relative to complaint from the City of St. Thomas, in reference to overloaditlg COUl1ty- trucks which have to pass over some of the city streets arid bridges iri cird'er to place gravel on wad,s adjacent to the dty, and 'have decid'ed that they will have an interview with city officials "respecting this complaint, and see if ;m'rangement can be made whereby the mutualhenefit of both can be obtained. 2'. That 11'0 action be taken re 'resolntion Renfrew ,respecting either pro~incial county highways. from _ the County of roads 0'1' proviilcial WM. STALKER, Chairman. II I, pi r:ii, III 1]1, Elgin County Council 97 HOUSE OF INDUSTRY COMMITTEE January Session To the Elgin County. Council: Gentle,men, - The; House of Industry Committee reports: 1. Deleo That n'o action be taken in refcrentc Li.ghting System at Honse of Industry. to installation cif the 2. That we :havecon,fclTed with the. local hydi"o':'electricautho-ri_ "tie,s, stilet are advised, that power is available for a line between St., ThomasandFingaI-,and t'hat some effort nnt-he part of ;the $outhwold and 'County authorities sho.uldresult in the constructioll of this line "vithin a yea-r. \Ve wOlddreco-mmend that the \iV~trden be al1thorized to take action i'Il the matter' with a view to having hyd'ro installed 'in the institlttion _ at as ea'rly a date as possible. , , 3. vVe 'have iriquired into the circumstances surrounding' the recent repo'rts of mismanag'ement at the institution, and a're of the opini'oil that they a're the outcome of a difficult situation which is ever present in insti,tutionsof this kind. S-i1nilal' occutren'ccs ha:ve been reported in the past,and have given those' in charge, and former Comrnittees, a great deal of concern. The present situation was aggravated by misconduct on the part of a man employed Oil the farm, E.o'l" ,who:je arrest a \varrant has he-en issued. , The last Provincial Inspector's report .refers t'O the management and cHscipline at the institution as -being quite safisfae'to'ry. The Inspector's recommendations includ'e dle installing of electric light al1'd ins'ide bathrooms 'and ,toilets; This would involve 'a considerahle expendihlre under present condition.s; when hycloro is available, we believe the matter should be considered by the Coun~i-l. All of which is respectfully sll'bmitteck ALBERT J. MciNTYRE, Cllairmau. , gS Elgin' COUllty Comicil June Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen, - The House of lndustry Committee -reports: 1. 'fhat inrcferelice to resolution to 'report '0'11 expenses i,n con;..9 llection with the farm, your Committee will' be pleased to' presen,t the info'rmation ait the next session, andif't'he mem'bers of the Council desire' ,jnformationin ref.eren'ce, to 'any other matter in connection 'with -the-institution, we will beplea~e(l to 'have them preseO't their reqtlcsf in \yriting at an early dat.e, so tha.t repo'rt maybe' complelte. 2. That we 'contitmc OUT membership in the Association,of Man- <-llgcrs and Di'rectors of Horites for Ageeland In,fi:rm,and that the Keeper and Inspector he the Coun.ty delegates. All of which is respectfully submitted. June ,1Hth, Ifl21. ALBERT J. MciNTYRE, Cha'innan. November, Session To the V\Tarden and Council of the County of Elgirt: Gen,tlemen,'- The,Honse of Industry Committee -reports: 1. That, \\"e :kwca\var,ded c()ntractfor bread to he delivered. at the i,~:stitution dU:rillg, 192.2 to James. Beattie, of St. Thomas, ,at.41c. per pound. This' is t\VO and one-half cents lower. than co-ntract of last yea,r. 2. ' Th:a.t \\ie' pUl"cha,scd six head of cattle and had them delivered at the' St.' Thomas Packing Company fOT cold storagej';at., $367~35; Elgin 'Coiltity \ Couricil H9 These. wel:ekilled :atacos(: of' $.(:jo'e<tch,':<tbd-pro(itice(t"'~.h/jo 1b5. of mea,t. Hides ,,\-yere sold for $:?1.2;~. ChaTge~ for cold sto-ragewill amount to }C. per lb. per month;.acc'onling t,o quantity remaining' in storage. 3. That "ve have inquired into the operation of the farm for the yea,t elwlin-g 31st Oc.to.bc,", 192'0, and find that af.tergivillig_;credit for amount of produce, stock,etc., consumed by- the inm<ltes. that there wO,uId be al)alance.to th:~Fecliltoftl.ie farnl of $1,42'0.7:~" 4. That the House of Industry By-Law be am elided to require that all commitmeo'ts to' the insdtution be sign,.ecl py the County Physigion" to -prevent admission of. pers.ons insane or sl1ff~ring from contagious' -diseases. 5. That the Inspector's attention be directed to provisions of the by-law requiring .an inventor')' of persoll;:d'property tbbe che'cked annually', This should be on file with the County. Treasurer, \dlO is cus,tQdian of insurance nolicies. All of -which is respectfully sllbmitted. St. Thomas; December 1st, 1921. A. J. McINTY1U:, Chairman. Ilf Ii ]00 Elgin County Council REPORT INSPECTOR HOUSE OF INDUSTRY , .. . , November Ses~ion To the vVa,rden and CounciL of the County of Elgin: Gentlemen, - I:j 'II Thefo:llowing,is my report on the Hous'c of Industry' and Refuge for the'year ending 81st October, 1921: !Ii 1. 2. ::;. 4. 37 1.5 6 7 5 ....................... 34 5. NU111'bc.f of inmates at la'st report.__m...n.n:;...___....___n.. Number admitted dUl:ing year.....,..........................--,---........---..... Number of deaths...__. .......m....___m....___......m....n..n.m...........___.___.. Number d,ischarged NU111be-r absconded II " 'I. several- municipalities 6. Number now in House'......_____.._ Number of inmates sent fromth'e in the Connty during the year: Aldborongh' Dun wit'h South wold Yannol1th Mala'hic1c Bayham South Dorchester Aylmer West Lorne Rodney Dutton Spril1fi'gelrl Birth 0 )-5; 1 16. 3 3 - 17. 2 ;,. ~\ 3 18. 0 -, H)'; Il 1 0 0 1 1 I"' 15 8, The various causes of pauperism of inmates admitted to the House during the year may be classed as fbllo\vs: C-ripple .h._.n....n...___'...h.._..n__.n.....n_... ..n.nn'.._.............n_'...__.,......_..n_._ _. Si c kn e s s _,00. n'_...._ ...h..n._ ...........00... "0000' .. "00000000 ..... ..... n'''''._. "._00'_" _..... Desti Ul te _nn.n........i_nn~_......_...n.nn.___....__h_..h..n.....___.._......... Old age .....................,.. .,................................................. Other causes Elgin County, Council 101 o 5 1 { 5 Average ntunber of inmate's during the yea'r_h...___n_____......____ 35.2 Average number, with Keeper's family ,and hit'cd hCl}Ln'ho41.2 Number ot' weeks' board of inmates.......n,_m....nm..n,.;.,._.......1842 NUll1'berof weeks, with Keeper's family........................_........2154 Tota-l expenditures during the year.___n.............n........n.m$II,O'2_5.2I$ Receipts ............ ........................$ 9. 10. 11. 12. HI. From inmates From produce sold Ftom farm stock FrQ111 sundries P'ermallen't improvements Leaving amount ac.tually expc,ucled fo'r s'tl'pport of inmates___._.._.n.......... ...___..___..___ Average expens-c per week fO'r each person A verage expenSe per day for each person Ave-rage expense pe'r year for each person Amount expen-d'ed for house and farm dUf}'ng the, year is d;ivided as follows: Farm Expense Hh-ed lahar ___..____,_.______. Implements Stock Feed' Miscellaneous Seed .....$ 392 :30 406 .80 279 70 15B 09 $ 1232 09 860 00 5B5 00 6 60 151 no ~2S7 14 ~250 71 87 ;W $ ~W92 09 B933 19 41<1 59 iH5 :?8 $ 1318 2" ~ 102 ElginCollll'tyCouncil House -Expense Hired labor Brccid 1tcat Groceries ProV'isiol~S Dry goods Boots arld shoes F'Ufniture and hardware Drugs Coal and wood nm._,_...._h.. MiscellHI1COllS ...nnn...... General Expense Conv,cyance of inmatesm.........___ Rep'airs Pcrnlanent improvement Incidental Hospital Salaries Keeper Matron Physician Inspector Total Expenditllres 20. The following produce was raised 011 the ~/ear: ~ 100 bushels of \vheat. :Z'7 tons of-hay. 47;j bushels of oats. 40 busehls of baTley. 8;) bushels of turnips. . 100 bushels husked corn. )jOB 85 74980 618,54' 192 BO 980 60 58;) 83 6150 95 ....$ 9580 1'4769 712 31 675 12 153 50 $ 178~~:r 800 00, 480 00 :116IHi ~WO' 00 $ 1696 66 $ 11025 28 the farm during ,ElgiriCounty Council 10:-: 200 bushels potatoes. 4 bushels of bean's." 4 bushels Qf table beets. 1BO bushels of sugar beets. 13 bushels o'f onions. 250 jars of frui~. 5 bushels of salsify. 14 hogsso1d. 5 bus'he.ls of peas. 55 bushels of carrots. 5 bushels of "table carrots. 28 loads of straw. 2 loads of pumpkins. 1 load of melons. 500 heads of cahbage. 6 hogs (killed). 2 b~ef (killed). 1 veal calf (killed). 10; acres ensilage corn. 14 bushels of parsnips. 2'92Q 1bs. ,butter. "- Cl~e'a111, $17'2.06~ S'(Juash. 8:3 banels of apples, and $V4 sold. 1 J)a'rrel cncumbers. 45 chickens. lnaddition to the above"a lal'ge numbeT oLvegetabies, .etc., were raised and consumed during the year,> of which no accouM was kept. 21. Number of <t'l"ticles of bedding and clothing macIe np during the year by matron and inmates, .2'50. 22, Nllmberof visi,ts made by Inspector, ;30. 23. Farm stock- )3 hors'es. 15 cows. 6 h.ogs. 4 young cattle. ~.' I I;: ,kl~ tr~ iiil.l l'JI ~ iill lij' Ill, ~, 1~1 '~111 ["1 , [., II ~ I'I~ . I~ II~" " 'I III I J . 104 Elg-in County Coubeil 24. 'The total amount expended by,the County on House of Industry, etc., is as follows: . r ~ ~~ I I' ~!; ~. II I l II I ,[ ! ~ I II II 'I' i I II,', I,ll,. ". H l III t II I ., . I'i I .! I I:' I , Iii I 'I ' I, I , I ~ ! 0 I ! I ! , I r Hj shoats. 80 _chickens. H ducks. ......$ Farm, 100 acres, costnh..m.u...__m House of Industry......___.. .mmnnO...> Laund-ry' l:"'irc escapes Root cellar, heonery, etc........... Cottages, etc. Brick ice house.. ................--......---.--.............--.-- Barns, cite. ,!'ile drains....___ ......._....n...'.......__n...........n.n...__nn. Tile drain ,outlCiL___..___.om.u...................____n..... Hot air pump, tanks, and connections._.___ Refrigerator Fencing Orchard Heating ap1?a'ratus.mm__....m__ Boiler room and soft coal boiler.. .....--...... Deep' well........__..n .....__.'n.__.n.n...___.__..... __n,nn".. Silo H'og pell.nnnn..__.___ .__..'_..___..__n..._n.. .....----.---.----- /' 25. Received from .Governmen,t on a:CCOllll't of expenditures for land and building.... Leaving amount actually expended by , County All of which is respectfully submitted. November- 1st, 1921. 7'208 9'1:1 1188475 687'61 390' 0'6 879 43 31:0'4 77' 1180' 50' 4n:2J 62 1435 63 132' 0'3 920' 60' 4'() DO 1430' 99 85 85 1979 0'0 3733 52 82'7 66 2-93 62- 654 99 .$ 41692 58 40'0'0' _ 00' $ B769~3 58 A. TURNER, Inspector. f~lgin Coun ty" Coull,cil 105 PHYSICIAN, HOUSE OF INDUSTRY November Session To the \Varden and It[embers of the Elgin County CounCil: Gentlemen, '------ I have the hOllor of preseniting. the fo,rty-sixth annual medical report of the Elgin HOllse of Industry up to OcL :l1st, 19n, and submit the following for your consideration: 1. The health of the inma,tes -has been good. :3: There w,ere no epidemics. 3. I made fifty-three VISitS to the Housc of lnclt:lstryand the necessar'y visits to patients -while uncler tr,catmen:t at the Amasa 'y)food Hospital. 'During the year T attended five patients at the hospital, as follows: \,Villian:l H.ice - December J2nd to January 14th - Diahetic Gall- . grene. Died. .',' Henry Meney - February 21st to April Hth - Rhcumatism. H..ecovered and -returned to House of Industry. Dai~y Penny - May 1:2,tll to Nla,y lath, ancl May :2:~nd to JUllC 6th - COI),fincmc.nt. Recovered and returned to HOl1seof .Iudustry. Bahy Penny - Born prematurely. Died in :H hours. May Tagg----:-July :3Othto July aOth- Confinement. Recovered aorr returned to House of Industry, with 'bahy. John Noble- \-\'a5 removed to the Hospital on Oc.tO'bC'f a1st, suffering from cancer of the face and eye. He has since -returned to the House of Industrv. , - 10() .Elgin County Coundl 5. 'There'wCi'e two births: Td Daisy PenilY, ori :May 22nd, a girl. To M'ay Tagg, on July 20th, a girl. 6. 'Number died during the yea'r. seven; (males, 3; females, 4). Date Jan. 14, Hl'21 Fcb. 1., 1921 Ma'r. 30, 1921 1hy 14, 1.921 M.ay 2a, 1921 Aug. :31, 1921 Oct. 19,1921 Name " Age Cause of Death vViHiam Rice;. ..n..uumh.7:L.. .unn......Diabetic' .Gangrene. M,-N'k Ha in cs ...u..n....nnn;'l:).mn....uon_nAppoplexy. Jessi'e Mic'hael .un..nm_..86n~n_..nu.m..Old Age. William ""Brasher ...mu..nS'5.......m.'.......Old -!\ge. Daisy -'Penny, Ir...nu..24 hrs.umn....up.rcmature Harriet Kitchenmm......n76.u.m.....mmOld Age. Louisa Hohbs.m.....nm..,S8nnn.m.un.:,.Old Age. I have the honor to be, YOUI' obedient servant, DOUGLAS LEWIN, Physician. Elgin County Council GAOL COMMtTTEE January Session To the Elgin County.CounCiI: Gentlemen, - The Gaol Committee repol'ts: 1. That electric light be installed in the Gaoler's residence~ 2. That protection be placed overs1110ke pipe at gaol residence furnace, and oveTsoft coal furnace ilr gaol. 3. That the Clerk be authorized to procnre a typewriter for his office. -' , 4. . 'fIlM your Committee be authorized to put in additional s-helving and filing cases required at the Registry Office. and to plake such improvements as they deem Ilccessaryin the interior of the office. All of which is rcspe~tfl1'l-Iy subnlitted. Janna'ry 29th, 19:n. WM. PATTON; Chairman. June Session , To the' 'Elgin 'Courdy Council: Gentl,emen,.- The 'GaolCommittee rcpOl'tS: Tha'tthe machine gnn anclotheI' war trophies be placed in the historical room untilrcqtiired; and that when the1arge gun which, the Coun.ty is to receive, arriyes, that the Cilerk be auth'orized to ,have it prope'rl)rmollnted 011 a cement foundation a,t the intersection of the cement walks on the cast side of the CourtHouse. -All of \vhich is respectfully su\bmHtcd. June 17th, l!l21. WM. PATTON, Chairman. 107 lOS Elgin County Council LEGAL COMMITTEE June Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen, - The Legal Committee beg'to repo-rt as foHows: 1. Re Clark versus. Elgin The County Solicitor attended the - Committee, and Dr. la<ckso'tl, who was an eyc~v,:itness of the accident, m'ade a statement of his view of the facts. After 'hearing wha{ was stated, it wasd'ecided to adjourn furthe'r consideration of the ma.tter until another meeting of the Conuriittee. ~~. Re Aldborough versus Elgin This' action was considered, 'and after discussion it w'as <j.ec-idc-d to defen:d the same, and the County Solicitor was so instructed. The Committee considered the bills sent in by Mr. V\T. K.. Cam- eron, re Lounsberry vs. Elgin and M'oore vs. EAgin, $245;. London and \iVestern Trust Company, executors Dr. H. A. McCallum, deceased, as witness 're Snyder vs. Elgin, $.1000; and the County Solicito'r"s bill, 're Lounsberry vs. Elgin, $~3-83; and -recommend that said bills be 'paid. All of \vhich is respectfully submitted. June loth, 1\121. THOS. R. FARROW, Chairman. Elgin County Council II'!I lill, II Ii IIII Illli 109 November Session To ,the Elgin CountyCoul1cil: Gentlemen, ~ The Legal Committee rep.orts: 1. Th;:it "ve have consulted with the explained the status, Clark. versus Elgin, satisfactory. COtTlTty' Solicitor, \~rho which appcaredto he 2. The Solicit,or repo-rted the s~ttlC111cnt case, Elgin verstlS Aldborongh. of the Morden Drain Appeal 3. That the Clerk be il1'stru,cted to renew Public Property InStlrance in connection-\vith county roa'ds. Liability an.d All ()f" which is respectfully submitted. December 1st, 1921. T. R. FARROW, Chairman. <7 11:1; 110 . Elgin, County, CouriCil PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE January Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen, - The Petitions and Legislation Committee repo1'ts: 1. That no actioll' be taken in reference to communication from the, Counties Council of Sto'rmollt. Dundas, and' Glengarry, requesting the co~operation in petition to rcstri'ct the representation of villages in'County Coullcil. 2. Tlla..t we approve of the proposed amendment to section 464 O'f The A~ltlnicipRl Act. as submitted from Hon, M'I". Biggs, lvlinister of Higlnvays. This\\,j.lI relieve' municipalities of a large portion of their civil li;.fbility for damages due to acciden.ts on high\vays. All of which is respectfu.llysubmitted. 'l' II II ~ :f1" , :1 ~ i ~ r f The Petitions and Legislation Committee reports: i That they have considered the coml11tmicatioll from the Associ- ated Boards of Trade in reference to la-dyassistant for office of Agricultural Hepresentativc, and v>'Culd recommend that no action be taken. January ~~nhi 1 H~~l. w. ANDERSON, Chairman. June Session To the Elgin County Council: ... Gentlemen, - All of ~\hich is respe-ctfully submitted. W. M. ANDERSON, June Hith, 1.921: Chai'f,m'an~ Elgin County Cot1ll'cil 111 November Session To the vVarden and COL1tlcilof the County of Elgin: Gentlemen, - The Petitions and 'Legislation Comr11iUee reports: 1. That in reference to communication from Proviricial Sec-re~ tary re change in 1l1t1tlicipal franchise, that "we would recommend that n;' action be taken. .'~. That we endorse rc.~o]lItion passed by the Oxford County Council regarding the establish11lentof a centra;lplace forexecl1tion, of d~ath penalties in the Province, and tHat notice to this cffcctbe fo:nvardcd to ,:prp,vip ciC}l: ,au thor,i ties. All of which is respectfally submitted. St. .Tho,mas,' December 1'st, 1921. W. ANDERSON, Chaij'mau. !;,' '.,1 ;,-,'.' ",p"i, ,,' " 112 Elgin County~ Council SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON WARDEN'S ADDRESS , Jurte Ses,sion To theElgi.n County Council: gentlemen, - The special committee appointed to consider matters referrcd to in thc Wardcn's address, reports as foHows: 1.. That we approve of the action of the County Board of Trade ,inel "\vould recommend the Council not to co~operate in fo-rmation of an Agricultural Immigration Association for South-\Vestern Ont,lrio. We recommend the active co-ope,ration of this' Council \vith the Provincial Immigration Authorities with a v.iew to 'fillinK v~cant houses in the ,County. :~. 1'hat no action be taken by this Counci,l jowards ccntralizi'ng corn and poultry sh'ows and pure-bH~d stock sales. < :l. That we approve of the Board's decision to apply for the appointment of an Agricultlind ,Representative fo'r E'a'st Elgin, to be located at Aylmer. 4. That we approve of the idea, of encouraging the attendance of EIgin reprcscntatives at the il1'te'r-county stock Judging contest at Guelph. ;), That the Vvul'd'cn's suggestion that it is: not advisable to d'csig- nate a large additional road mileage un'i:il the exten,t ()f the liability o.f the COUll'ty in connection with the provincial highway is ascertain'ed,. be approved. 6. Vlc woul'd recommend that the \Va'rdcn mime a committee with powe'l' to arrange scttlement of the Administration of Justice accounts with the c;ity of St. Thomas. " Elgih County COUlicil 113 7. That with reference to meeting of Association of Managers of Homes for Aged and I11I11'm,to be held here in July next, we recommend that the \iVarden, Clerk, and House of Industry' Com- mittee arrange for their entertainnient on behalf of the Coulloiy. All of \yhich is respectfully submitted. January 27th, 1921. H. W. THOMSON, Chairman. ~ ~~,j , -.'. 'I' t;1 Ijl Ii rill I: , Elgin COl1!lty, Council 112 SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON WARDEN'S ADDRESS H ~I i II r1 , June Session To the Elgin County Council: ~el1tlemen, - 'I i I 11 The special cornmittee appointed to consider matters referred to in the Warden's address, rcpO'rts as follows: 1. That we approve of the action of the County Board of Trade dild would recommend the Council 110t to co~operate in fO'rmatiQll of an Agricultural Immigration Association for Sot;th-"Vestern Qritario. \l'le recommend the acti:ve co~operatibn of tliis Coun.cil with the Provincial Immigration, Authorities w1th a v,ie\v to 'filling v~C'ant houses in the .County. :~. Th~tt 110 ac,tian be taken by this (oulldl towards ccntraliziilg corn and. poultry shows and pure-bred stock sales. ;l, That we approve of the, Baard's decision to' apply for the appointment of an Agdcu1ttind Representative fur Ea'st 'Elgin, to' be located at Aylmer. 4. That we apprave of the idea, of encouraging the attendance of Elgin representatives at the il1'tc'r-caunty stack, judging contest at Guelph. ;). That the V\Tard'cu's suggestian that it is qat advisable to' d'esig- mltc a large adt1itionalroad mileage un<til thccxtcn,t- of the liability a,f the Comhy in connection with the provincial highw~y is ascertain/ed, he approved. 6. VVc \vout'd recommcnd' that the vVa'rden-'namc a committee with pO\\'C'1' to arrange settlement of the Administration of Justice accounts with the S:ity of St. Thomas. ," Elgin County Council 113 1. That with reference ,to' meeting of Association 'of Managers af Homes for Aged anld Infirm,-to be held here in July next, we. recommend that the vVardcn,Clcrk, and' House of Industry' Cam- mittee arrange for their entertainnicnt an behalf of theCotmty. All of \\'hich is respectfully submitted. January 27th, 19.21. H. W. THOMSON, Chah-man. ~~~~ ), . ,J..' 114 Elgin COllnty Council REPORT OF COUNTY POLICE MAGISTRATE janu'aI:Y Session Gentlemcn,- I beg to report to you the business done in connection \\'ith my ,office for th~ past year, as follows: $ ;i7:-l5 00 Amount' of fines imposed....... Amonnt of fines paid: r,{unicipalities to wbom paid- Yarmouth South wold Crown Attorney Treasurer COUllty of F/lgin. Treasurer Port Stanley Treasurer Ha)'ham Treasure.f Dnttol1 [nspcdor Ross Receiver, General 'Nest Lornc- L. & P. S................... ........................................ H:umane Society ..............................---...--...-.... l' ot:;t 1 ...........'...hd.._............................,...........-. 19 00 10 00 BS:) no 467 00 781 00 1;) 00- :") 00 40:W QO 10 00 10 00 101> 1:} 00 $ 573500 Number of Convictipnll Nature of charge: Volatiotl Ontado 1;emperance AcL__m_...n...__.. iHi 1''hc'ft .................n.......................................................... 2, Violation Municipal B).~Law....m......................... 12- C(HuntOn Assault ..,..........................,......:'............... 1 \tVilful Injury to Propcrty.."...........~,..m.~.....n...... .' 2 Dai,ry Industries AcL...... .......,... ...m.................... 1 Violation Motor Vehicles AeL............................ 83 Cruelty to. Anin1als..........................~....................... 4 LTnlawfuHy Causing a Disturb-a-neem......m........ 1 N cgleet to ProV'ide N eeessaries for \i\,'ife........ 1 1\11imal Contagious Disease AcL.......... ............. 1 Elgin County Coul1'eiJ AssClult\tausing Bodily Harm ..mm'm..... Unlawfully vVoun,d'ing \VilfuI N egIigence Violation Fisheries' Act ............. .............'.............. Offell'Ccs Tried: l)nla,\'fuHy \'\founding 'Abduction Common Assault Assault Causing Bodily Harm......... .................. Cruelty to Animals........;...:.............._.. .....m......... Violation ?I'Iotor Vehicle~ Act.m........ ....... ....... Violation .Nl~11lidpal By.:.Law............ .......... ........ 'Deserted \i\life and Children's Act .... ..... ........ Violation Animal CQnhtgiot1s Disease AcL.. Insane and Dangerous.... vVilful Negligence 'liol~tion Fisheries Act....... Affray- Capsing a Disturbance......... Seduction ............................... .....h..h...........,....., Atteinpt to Commit Ra'pe.;:....................m.... Dail~y Products. .Act.....;.............. ................ 1'heft ....h................h..................... .................... Neglected' Childr'el1 ... ....... ....... ......... ...... Violation Temperance Act............ Vagrancy Re,ceiving StoJen Go,ods........... \Vilful Injury ,to PropertYL.:.i:. ....... ..'.::'...~: __"'n Trespassing on Haihvay Prope1'ty~. ...i.:. Truancy Act ..........................._~;...;;;..;... .Ontario Creamerie's A-ct............. ..'__........." .......... Assaulting Police .OfficeL..,..., ........n......... , Teta1 . 1 have theho1101' to be, Your obedient servant, FRANCJ$ HUNT, Magistrate ('Or the Comity Police 115 6 2 ] 1 l!i3 1 1 :l L) 6 87 21 1 1 :3 1 4 2, 1 1" 1 1 11 I') ;)';3 1 .1, F 1 :J 1 1 237 of J<:Jgin. 116 Elgin County Council REPORT OF THE ELGIN BRANCH, '.DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE For the Fiscal Year ending October 31st, 1921 1. A summary of the office work is given below: (a) Number of letters received....................... (b) Number of letters writte11..___.......'nm.m.m.mmn (c) Number of circular letten'mai.lccL..__ (d) Nt1111ber or in:coming telephone calls.......... (e) Number of visitors ...n..nm..- un""' mon m...uon ([) Nltll1ber of meetings 'held in office (executive). ___m" (og) Number of 'Blll1etins and Heports S,ent cuL....mm.._... (h) Nl1mbe'r of miles travelled with ca'r 2,500 2,000 2,50{) 3,000 1,9!l() 30 500 10,ROO 2. During the year the fol1o\\;illg organizations, have used the office for executive meetings: Board of Agriculture......... Ag'l"icultural Society, 'West Elgin.nnn f.lorticultural Society, Duttnn.....n......,..n....,....... Pure~hred Breeders' Ass0'ciation......mn.n.... Junior Farmers' Live Stock Judging Club 4 meetings 7. meetings G'lncetings 8 meetings ......m 6 meetings H. During the year T attended and spoke at nindy-seven meet- ings, composed of \"linter Fairs, Sl,lOrt Courses, Egg Circles. Com- munity Hall Ivleetings, Ag'ricultU'ra,l Societies, HorticulturallSocieties, Horse Breeders' Association" Boards of Trade, Bo<t'rd's of Agriculture, Live Stock Clubs', Farmers', Clubs, School Fairs, 'Calf Clubs, Corn Borer Investigations, and various othel' O'rganizations, .."ith a total attendan,ce of, .afternoon, 575, and evening, 1,889. 4, The School Fairs were held as foHows: Name of Fair Rodney 'AT est Lo'm e 'Wallacetown Fingal No. of S'chools 1'0' 10 10 10 No. of Pupils 315 340 180 280 Frome Yarmouth Heights Seminary School 1tlt. Salem Vienna Corinth Glenco1in Orwell Belmont No.6f District Plots \-Vest Aldborough 216 East Aldborough 244 Souoth Dunwich.m. 181 South Southwoldn 169 N o-rt'h Sonth ..void.. 184 North Yannouth.. 2-80 South Yar:mouth.. 239 South .Mah.hide... 16~' South BayhauL'.... 194 North Bayham..m~ I:H North Mala'hide.. 1Hi OrwelLl n.......,. ......... 117 South \ -Dorchester 144 2384 Elgin Cotlnt'y Council 7 S 10 9 10 (; 5 5 6 117 240 325 300 230 250 190 140 200 Doz. No.of 106 Schoo.ls 3:nO Pupils 2:ZO Eggs Breed ' .Entries 32 Bred-to~lay 40'8 29 B'Cl.l"r'ed Rocks 385 .19 318 21 3flO 3~? :163 30 4'44 2;) '.~ 40(1 :~8 396 23 .8:28' 28 441 2ll 30;') 37 419 3~{ :{8~ - - 363 5144 Attendance Children Adults 31G 500 340 400 180 ;375 ;Z80 280 24\) 40'0 3:2:') 4CO 300 3% ~230 300 250 275 190 :100 140 250 20"0 BOO ;3:W 400 ana 445;') The eggs for the School Fairs arc obtained from the Poultry Breeding stations, and this year they gave a '62,% hatch. 5. A course in Agricultmc Lome, with 'an attendance of .ten. 6. I received applications applications were referred was held for one month at \iVest Farm Help for about twenty-five men. Most of these to Mr. Peacock, of the Labar Office, St. , 118 Elgin:: ;(611\1 ty, ",Council Thomas, or 111":. Farrell, of London, an:d from these two SOlirces 1110St o.f the help was received. 7. Drainage.Work Thirty~fi~c dr<Jjinage, jobs, for ....vhich fO-fty profiles, were made, comprising seventy-one _thollsand, eight hundred feet. 8. Wool' M~rketing Farn~~rs, st!'pplie~, ~7~, No. of. Sacks, l1!:i. No. of Flecc\s,_ :3,:325. 9... Boy( ~114 Girls' Live Stock Club No. of :Stoc:k Given;, . Br.ee.d Age :'1;, ~3, Bolste-in. Heifers , 7 Holstein Calves :3 Shorthorn Heifers :l 5hoTtl1orn Calves ':-2 . Jersey Heifers .1 Herefo-rd CO;w ',1 Angus Cow 1,1 .:.;t::, Yorkshire s weeks Berkshire 8 weeks 10 Chester \i\lhite 9 weeks ,.s.:::.... Ii'" 31~ 1'0', Soldier Settlement 'Wark The fol'kl\\;ill'.@; is a hs'f..of tIfe s'oldicrs,\vho have made a'pplication th\'oi'lgh the Soldier Settlement Boa'rd to purchase .farms in the County. Number reports, U, il)t'ervi~\\'ed,. ~S, Confidential F~~~'m loan reports, 16. reports, :ll. f.'re'limitlary 11. Poultry Breeding" Stations Number of Stations, 6. Hens, :324. eggs, B64 doz, Other eggs, 198 'd'ai; Pullets, 295'. School Fair Assistance. was also given to Boards of Agriculture, Boards of ,-; ElgiJ1 " COllnty COllll'cil 119 Tradc,and cOMopel'ativc o'rgall'izati:011s, act.iye,in the County,also assist- anc~ in organizing EggCirc]es~ Seed .vas given fO'l'1101lle gardenco\l'tests.:aild foj; dClUl?llstrations potato growing in ~cvend' places'\il'thc 'C6t;n'{)i'.' This is a brief report .of,t'~e'wqrk, carri,ccLOI1; by, t',h;~:Elgin Brall'Ch of the Department.of,Agriculture. Expenditure of Agricultural Representative's Office Date of Repo,rting, Nov. 14th, 19,'H Nav;':!:, i920,"'tb:":6ct ai~','192:i-' Ag-ricultural Rcp-1"~seri:tativ~'s Assistant's salary S'tenographer~s. salary ~.a.I,a~"Y"--...m$ :~OO;j 49. '116 O(} Rcntdf 'Heating, 72 6 :W --$ office.... :L....'.:.~'m. ..!L__._:::!:__:..,<L..,~;$ 1R'O:' (JO, 1.1' !,.-""'I .-', ',,' :r;" . Igltlng, water, c canl.ng..___.__......' 43 '17 " Travelling expenses ,(railway f,ire,'t'n'ealsV ho,tel) .............,......,.........,;....,.....i..........::.....:.$. Livery and cartage.__._......h....._..h....:'~..hh._..... Au tomohile ~~~::rs:::::::::,..:,:;:.,,:.:;..::::::~:::,::. .Gasolin,e . ..._h..__..........,....._........_.. Oil ..an~Lgrea!><r;'w'-"~"-~1""'~-''''P'.1~''' ~to~.a~e,c:>r re.nt. ()f.'g7Il-a-g,e~.___..: E.XPf:SS, f reigh t, ;hi:~.~,~TC...;"~.~1.-'...~.. ;00___........$ .1 e1e-phone, telegr~ph ..._.m__'...,...........__.......... P os ta ge ';;'__"h .'__'.';. 'h;'''~_~~ ,;;; '...._ .,1:.':.'. ;:;);_,.1.' .-~::. 00,' ~ ~'. News.pap.er~, ,.magi)zine,s,.__ .."._. _...00_.___...__':...., Office, supplie~,; 'statioh,ery A.dvet'tisin:g~ p'xinJing, ."'"'._m~',em; '_c".:...; ..~'.._{.'.:f SGhool Fairs, scei:b.;,ugg;.;,cli; .....-......-,-"'" ~~84'( 85 2,;~3"7'7 i".'I, 4'5::1 'SO sa 00 178 41 12,) 80 ~J~:7 19 22 65 16 50 .Ii' 1l()5 ifs 76 84 09 07 8'8:'02, Li 25 . ,40....80 '17 00 :~017;'64 1'a4 . 2~~. 120 Elgin ,County Council A'l1 other expenditures paid from Agricul- tural 'Representative's appropriation.---.. E'l.gin.:, County. .,Coull'cil 121 15 94 May 16, 1921 $ 4634 7.7 .' : ""'\; ,. ." June 6, 1921 217 M -. j'Uly 7; 1921 Sept. 13, 1921 Oct. 7, -1921 Total cost of office.....,n.---n.... mm____..... Total expenditi.l'res paid from County grant 00...............,..00.."".."'" ......00..... ..._ .....J, '(Nov. 1, 1920 - Oct. :n, 1921) Ac'counts' charged to Fruit Branch, Insti- tutes Brauc,h, Co-Operation and Ma'r~ kets Branch, L~ve Stock Branch, etc___. Grand Total $ 4852 32 Financial Statement, County Grant Fisc<d Y,ea'ri ending October 31, 1921. Date of l'cpo'rting, N ovem- hc'r 9, 19'2~, Counlt.y of Elgin. RECEIPTS 'Nqv. 1, 1920 Bank halance on hand (as per bank book audit Oct. .Hl, 192<O).___........___.....n..n'....m......,...:$ County, g'l"ant Bank interest . Bank interest 14:12 63 500 00 Feb. Dec. Jun;e :U3, ,19n 31, 1920 BO, _1921 .............................$21 ll'2 24 85 1'ota-l Receipts ..___...n:.:.m.:.....h...n'...._~.......$ 1978 50 Total accounts paid frbtn, COlli1t:y granL...... 217 55 ~ '.' Balance of,~~l1not.y' grant-'~m :hand -October, 31, 1921 ....................................................................$ 1760 9.'> ~ '" EXPENDITURES Nov. 2ii, '19:W II: ::; I!){'! Dec. 8, 19:30 ]Ian. ~~2" 19:H C. 'vV. Buchanan, prizes HOlue Garde-rt.._conw te$t ....:.,.....................................,...............,...........$ O. A. .G. Poultry DepL,'cocke-rcls for Breed- ing ,Station's. ........n.......;,.................:.:..... .-.............. O. A. C. Co-Operative Supply Dept., Guelph, "The Dairy Farm Book" 1'. \lv,. Sims. \Vest La-roe, Short Cotl'rse pro- gramn1 es ;;.;.,....."...;...:..n.,..................u....,........ C.W. Buchanan, instl'rance, office furniture :VVood's Mfg. Co.,. Ottawa,_val,ise, tel1lt.___......_, Eilfred J O'h11'SOI1, potat~.es ,re Calf Club n1 e~hers .........................,...........'......n........._n...... Chas.' E. Goad Engineering Co., battc'ry ,and,. ca.trying case ....00................"..................,............. 69 9'5 6 00 13 50 11 00 6 00 Total Expenditures' '......m...."... ...___.........$ Certified corret. 2'17 55 c.. W. BUCHANAN, ,AgdcultllraI.Repf'esentiltive. ! 4;') 87 10 00 99 no :? 10 122. El~iti:lt.(ji1titynC6uricil . HI ;""1111> .:C.':-'!'. j .",,-, '.../ BY-LAWS lo:! v' ::1 Iii ;',jJ,'I:l ,';Ie "'I BY _L'AW' Me>. 977 tll)' To' Apiioint','High' School'Trustees' '-',.". <.:( .,v :. ::1\'.:,.":(:-".:,, .:;....... Passed 29th January, 19,21 ill :)Ii' ;'Ii I"~, The Elgin County Ccnmcil'cti::it't.g:: .Tha{ \Villiam Kirk he:fapp\Hiited -"rrustee for the Vie'nna High Scho'ol for three years. ,.I."'"' ::',',',,-' Th~\,f'Jcim'e'siHeitlhi;he ap'pointed Trustee of the Aylmer CoUcgiate J;n~sHtt1te for three years, and Edward' E. MiUer f6r tw'o years, in place of W. \IV. Rutherford, who has ldt the CoullIty. That "Villiam Hollinshead he appoih,ted' T:rustce of the Dut'ton High School for three yea'fS, and William Kendall for twO yea'rs, in 1)lace 01 Dr. Cameron, who has left the COl1n,ty. County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 29th janua,ry, 1921. I I I' i I I I ,II 'Ill ,I I, I' I ",I K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. H. C. McKILLOP, "Varden. BY-LAW Ne>. 978 To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow the sum of Two Hundred Thousand 'Dollars Passed 29th )anuary, 1921 I ,~ il. 1 ~ II II I ~fihe Elgin \ounty Council enacts: 1~hat ,the \Va'rden and Treasurer' be and are hereby authorized'to bo,r'row the sum of Two Bund'red Thousand Do1'lai"S, as it may be required, to meet expenditures of the CorpO'ration of Elgin d\uring ",'" Elg:,in -'(builty, 'Cbtnicil 1'23 1921; 'and give as Thousand Dollars secutityi,theref'o'l',' . each, tl',otes' of:0Ji{ 1JholI'S;iiic! br':1~e:n ',"'11'1 "Ii Cottii,'{y (ouodl Chamo(:+s;: St. Thoiiici~,il2:0'th' JaiiiHlli'Y, "1921'. KW. McI<:AY; 'CbUl1'ty Clerk. H. C,McKILLOP, 1','111. Warden. ',"', ;',":' 0:, ",:, " .BY:LAW No. 979 To Ai>poi~'t BdaVd-:?f'Ali(i~t i'ti t~~: '.: fo'r"th~: 'Year' '19~'1 c~imtY' 'of Elkin "',> Be'it; ena,cted by the Council of the Municipa.I CorpO'ration of the County, of Eilgin: I.i," ,,;, 1 ~, , ~ : i I ; That'the ]ud'ge of- thciC:6un;.ty,Odul"t',~rn:d'WHsoIFH,':Mills be 'and ,ar,ehereby a'p~6it1'ted hiClhliet's df t'lfe 'B6a-rd r bf: Audit> td 1 jpctfo:rhr'the duties tc.quir,ed of them by R. S. 0., 'c~Ji.~:p,ier ~i6, 's'e~~i'011'12'1.llr ':: ii,' '" ;,' ",',\ ',I';' I',' /,"I,::f' ,',:i :'-",-,':' ',11 ',,;", , , Tha,t the members o~ H~'~.,,~qi,4~B;oal;~';H~.~,)?~Iij ,Hie ~:tWlo?t:,~~'~!e Dolla:rs "per,d.ay ,for, tb,eiTI' serv~qe:?li 'a.nd;fiv~ rce~,t~,: p.~'rl :ll~;ik ~ g()iqK,ItQ and,from stich audit. .11"1 ill,lj!! Counity Council Cllambers';, ,St. Th'omcl:sJ' 2,9th J antt-<lll'y, 'H);~L K. W. McKAY, "County' Clerk. I-I. C. McKILLOP,.; , : L I' ,'\tV a.rden. BY<CAwNo;980 To Fix' Audii;of~"SaHiries"atid 'AtneriCl"B9.:LaiN: No. 936 The' Elgiil Cou'nty.';Coullcil enacts: That the :Salar:vofltl~e Cbiit'l.'fY;A'u'd'itofs be"a'nd is'hei<ebyllfi:x.ed at 124 Elgin County Council Three Hundre.d Dollars pC'f annum, an.d tha-t By~Law No. 936 be amend'cd accot;dingly. COUlllty Coundl Chambers; St. Thomas,:29th Janua'ry, 1921. K W. MclZA Y, COUI1:ty Clerk. H. C. McKILLOP, vVarden. BY-LAW No. 981 To Grant the sum of Five Thousand Dollars to the East Elgin Memorial Hospital Passed 29th, January, 1921 . The Elgin County Council enacts: Theit the sum of Fivc:Jhousand Dollars be granted to fhe East ~'lgil1~emO'rial Hospit!~l Board, to assist in estwbHshing a Public Hospital in the Town of Aylmet., 1''11a:t the gran1t be paid when the. Provincial In'specto'l' of Hospitals certifies' that the Ho~pital~s satisfactory for the purpcis'cs for which it wasestaiblished, arid thatProv.incial 'regulations,_ if <l'ny, have been comp,lied with. County Council, Chambers, 'St. Thomas, 29th Janua1ry, 1921. K. W. McKAY, County Cle:rk. H. C. McKILLOP, Wa:rdreh. BY-LAW No. 982 To Authorize the Purchase of' Gi:'avd Pits Pa'ssed 2'9th, Jan1.1arYI" 1921 T'heConnty Council of the County of Elgin 'enacts: E'lgi'n County Council II III Iii 1[1 1'1 1111 .i!ii ill II II, 1,1"' 11'11 III ,I III, III, ii, III, ill:;,1 ,III '1'1 Iii 1111: ,1111 '111, I,! II11I I'hl 1,1 Iii, 12,,) That the Corpora,don lowing gravel pits: of the County of Elgin purchase the fol~ 1. Pa'rt- of lot number 1:') in concession 50f the TOWll'S'hip of South wold; contain1ing three_ acres, at arId for the sum of Three Thousand Dolla-rs. 2. Par,t of lot' C. Aldhorough, containing and' DoBars. in the nh concession of the Township of two acres, at' and for' the stun of Two Thous~ 3. Fa-1rt of lo,t 137, North Talbot Road, Houghton, COIl taillillg two acres, at and for Hundred Dollars. in the Township of the sum of Eleven 4. Part of lot 131, N oi"th Tal,bot Road, in the Township of Houg:hton, contain-ing two acres, at and' for the sum of One Thousand Dollars,- 5. That the Treasurer be autIwrized to pay for the' said g'ravel pits 011 the order of the Wa'rden, when :deeds, approved by the County Solicitor, have been deposited wi,th him. County Council Chambers, -St. Thomas,29th ]aJ.1-uct'ry, 1921. K. W. Mc"KAY, County Clerk. H. C. McKILLOP, VI/arden. BY-LA W No. 983 To Amend By-Law N 0.,935 and Fix Remuneration of School Attendance Officer Th~ Elgin County Council enacts: Tha~ M,ts. E. H. Cang-hell; t,he SchooI Attendance Officer for the County of. Elgin, be paid the sum of Four Dollars pcr clay and 'expenses , 125 Elgin County Council and-:thatBy-L::l\'" No. whilce.ngaged in the 'performance of her duties, 93:.i'bc an-d is hereby amc~51ed acco1'dingly. County Coul1cil C.hall1l~ers"SL Thomas, :Z9th Janlw:ry,..19,:H. K. '0/, NIcKA y, COUll'ty, Clerk. H. C M,KILLOP, \'Varden. BY-LAW No. 984 To Amend. By~Law No. 897 vVhcreas it is deemed, :advisable :to designate_ additional, Cop,nty Roads to take the place of the County Roads assumcdby the' Province un(h~r the provisions of The Provincial Highways Ad, 1'he Elgin -'.courity'COtl11Cil enacts: T'hat By-Law No. 897, as amended by By-Laws numbered 902, 90'0, 91:'), and 947, be and is hereby- furthc'l" am'cnded by changing the dcs.jgna'tion of 'roads ntlmbered 1, :t5,' 6, 7, 9,Hi, 17, 19, 20, ~~2, 24,2'6, ':iI, ~-l:\, a6; :17, :-l9, 40, ;H5, 49, :')0, ii:-l, to read as follows: Road No, 1. The Graham Road, in the Town;hip of Aldborough, conlInendnlg at Lake Erie, the road 'between, lots i8a-nel 19, in the thh;tecnth concession, and its continua'tion, ,running nO'rtherly to fhe Conll1ty boundary; the mid.dJe of the ma;in channel of the River Tlmmcs, save and except the po.rtion withill the Village of VV cs.t LOTIlC. Road No.3... T'he Furnivcd H.oad, in the Township bf Aldborou'gh, c01111ncll'cing'at l.elke Eric, the road bet\\'"Cen/lots.6an,dj. in t11e th-ir~ tecnth concession, ~\nel its continuation .northedy rothe-Gore Conccs.; sian, and 'continuing northcl'ly between lots 8 and !l to the road between concessions.'~ and :-1, thence easterly on -saic1road tathe Toad between lots 14 and 1:') in concession ~~, thence north-erly on said road to the County boundary, the middle of the main, channel of t'heRiver 'rhames, save and ex~~ept the portion of the Furnival Road' _within the Village of RocIney. p Elgin "County,. ,Coun:'Cil 127 Road No."S. Comniencingat- the Flfrn1vaJ Road, in:the-']:o_wnship of Aldborough,' bctweeil,lots 8 and 9, the 'road I between concessiQns5 and 6". lots 9 to' i.'), ,thence;;outh,alohg t:heroad betw<:en lots Itl_and 17 to the road betw~en the third 'andfollrth concessiol,lS east, Aldbo'rollg:h, thence easter-ly along said road,,'lots}7 to21,to the Dunwich: and AJdborough town line. " , Road No.6. The road between cOllces:sions 2 and 3, 'Town-ship of Aldborough, con~l11encing at the Furniv,!:-:l,_Road between' lots 8 and g',and rU11ning westerly to the' Kent county .Unean-d- ~'outh along said county line toth,eKellltCoUl!ty Road NUm'be'r4,C. ' Road_No.7. The road in the Township of Dun-:wich 'bet:ween lots 1.-8- an,d 19 in ,concessions:8,:9,:a:ndw, to: the Lake Road in concess'i-on. 11,then'ce,n'orth~westerly'throt1g'h concessions 9 and 1{) to Road Num- ber 8, lot 12,col)cession' 8. Road No.9. The town line between the Townships of AId- - borollghand,))llnwich, from, I~oadNumber'5 betweeri C'oneessiol1'S 3 and 4, Ald'borollghjand northeTlyto the road 'between concessions 2 and ;3 in the Township of Dlll1wich,then,ce easterly,ioRoad No.8,: between lots 12 and 13: Road ,No. 15. The/old ,Cllrrie:R.o,ad,in the Towns\l'ip of DUl1wich, col~lmen~in'gat lot 11 in.concessiqn. 5 north ,of 'A, then'ce westerly 'and no'rtherly throug'h said co.ll'ce~sion, the Gore and concessions 4 and 3 to 'road ,No.9 Ibetween concessions' 2a11'd3. Road No. 17. The Toa.d between lots 2:-J and 24 in,concessionS, Township of Sauthwold, commencing on the Middlesex c.ounty Line Road Number .19" thence .south and ,westerly to ,road between ,lots 33 and 34, thence :southerly to the North Talbotl\.'oad (.Provillda'lHig11~, wayNo.o. 90), Road No. 19; The :\Jiddlcsex COllntybOl1'ndary 'linehom the . London .and p.t. Stanley Road,Pl'ovincial Higlhvay'N o. 10,west to the road in 'the Township of Southw:old' between lats 1 and, 18, thence 'sautherly throu'ghcollc'es.:'ion.s' :~;B, amI 4', and.bet\vecn li::)'tS<~~,5"<l1id :>.6 .11orthof the Talbat Road N'ort'lctothe Back SU'eeL 128 EIg,in COUfilty C.ouncil , Ro'ad'No.20. Commencing at the road between concessions 2 and 3, Southwold, lots Gaud 7, Road No. 18, thence southerly 'through <:oncessions 3, 4, and 5, and ,westerly aI'oug the concession line to the, road between lots 1:') and 16 north of Talbot Road NO'f'th,in the Ttnvn- s'hip of South wold, running southerly th'rough the ViHa:gc of Fingal, and the Union Road to,the village limits of port Stanley and al'Ong- the boundary Hn.c between Pt. Stanley and 50nt'11wo1d to Carlow Road ii1 said Village. Road tJo. 22. The :road between concessions 4' a.nd 5; in the Towns,hip of Yarmouth, from the Sonthw1old toi,vn line easte'fly to Road No. 213 P. Co The London and Port Stanley Road. Road No; 24. Commencing on lot 2 in COl1cc'ssion 2; Township of YariuO\lth, at the top of t11ehiUon the London and Pt. Stanley Road, the old road through lots 1 and 2, to where the corporation boundary of Port Stal1;ley crosses said road, an!1 road between concessions 1 and, 2', easterly to road between lots 21 and 2~~, No. :16. Road No. 26. In Township of Yarmouth, the road between lots 4 and iJ in range south of the' EdgevI'are Road, norther1y to,the county line ~etwcen Middlesex and 'Elgin. Road No. 31. Commencing in the road, in the Township of Y!a'r- mouth, between the'range south and first range nOl'th of the Edgeware Hoad, lots 9, 10, 11, and 12, the road between lots ,12 and 1:3 in the' fiTst and second 'ranges north of t'he Edgeware Road, the 10th and 11th eoncessions,' the road between lots 12 -and 13 in' the 'range south of the Edgeware Road and its continuation south between lots 14 and 15 in ,the 9th concession. Road No. 33. The_road in the Township of Yarmouth bet'.veen lots 8 and 9"in concessions 12 an'd lB. The road 'between conc'ession,g 1} and 14, lot's 9 to 12. The road between lots 12 and 13, concession 14, to County b.oundary line and easterly along said boundary. con- necting -with road numbered 34, and also the road between concessions IB and 14, lot 8, to Middlesex county line. Road No.36. COlUmenc'ing at the Malahiclc tOWil line, the Lake Hoad in Township of Yarmouth, lots 28 to' 2:~, the road' between tots EIgin County Couil:cil 129 21and 2,2 in concessions 2,,3, 4, 5,u,"andits continuation nottherly and westerly tht'6ugh concession 7, lots 20 alrd 21, to the road between co'ncessions 7 a(ld 8, lot's HI and 20, to and alotlg road bet-wee'n lots 18 and 19 in concession 8," Road No. 37. The -road in the Towns'hip of Yarmouth betw'een lots 7 and.8 in conccssions 4, :'), 6, and 'l,and concession 8 to Welling- ton Street and, \rVelliugton Street west to the City of St. Thomas. Road N_o. 39. Commencing at thenoTtherly boundary of Dor- chester South,_the road between lots 12 and 13 of said Township and its continuation between lots 10 and 11 of the Township or M-alahide to the road between 'c:oncessi6nsland 2 (Copenhagen) a'i1Ct s'outh to the Toad t'hat Tuns westerly thi'ough lots 6,7, 8, 9, atld 10, ,thence south a-Iong thc'l~oad through lot 5 to the Lake Road, then west 't'hroqgh lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 to the Yarmouth town linc, save and-except tha,t portion within the Town of Aylmer. Road No. 40. Cominencingat the. southerly boundia:ry of the Village ofSpriiigfield, the .road in the Tovvns'hip of" Ma18:hidJe l:Uli.ll'ing- southerly bet...veenlots2'0 and 2,1, iil concessi'ofls 9: and 8, and rUlll1iillg southerly and westerly through lots 20 to 13 in t'he 7th concession 'to ithe easterly boundal'y of the Town of Aylmer. Also road hetween concession's -8 and 9, lot 21, east to Bay-ham town line and south along, the town line to road between concessions 8 'and 9, Township of Bay- ha'~l, al1deast to road between lots 113 and 114. Rb;ad No; 46. The road in Township and 6, fpom tl}e Oxford county line south and 8, to Provincial Hig-hwayNo. 11. of Bay'ham be-tween lots 5 through concession's 10,,9, Road No. 49. The .'road in the Township bet\,veen lots 6 and 7, concessions, 8, 9, 10, boundary of the Village of Springfield. of South,. Dorchester, 11, and 12, to the n-or-therly Road No; 59. The road in the Town'ship-of South Dorc'hester, between lots 18 and 19, concessions 7, 8,' 9,10, 11, and 12, and lot 2, conce&sion 9, ?vIalahide, to road between concessions 9 and 8 and cast to road 'between lots 10 and 11 (No. 39). ~ 130. Elgin Coun,ty Council Road No. 53. The road in the TOWll-Ship of- Bayham beginning at the boundary line of the Village of Vienna, lot number 16, and running nO'fth-easterly through lots 17; 18, ,19, 20, to road between concess,ions 3 an,d 4, thence east to the Norfolk county line. County CouncilChambe-rs, St. Thomas, 25th clay -oJ 1faTC-h, 1921. K. W. McfcA Y,. H. C. McKILLOP, County Clerk. vVarden. ' BY-LAW No. 985 To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to B6~roW' the sum of. One Hundred Thousand Dollars The Elgin County Council enacts: That the \Varden and Treasurer be and are hereby authorized to borrow the sum of One J-Itind.red Thousand Dollars,as maybe required, to meet the current expenditures of the Corporation of the County 'Of Elgin during 1921, and 'give as security therefor, notes of Ten Thousand Dollars or One Thousand Dollars each. County Council Chambers, St. Thornas, 12t,h April, 19:'31. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. H. C. McKILLOP, vVard.en. BY-LAW No. 986 To Confirm the Equalization of the Assessment 'Rolls of the County of Elgin The Elgin County Council enacts: 1. That the following be the equalization of the assessment 'falls of the County of Elgin for 1921: Elgin. .County.. Council 131 AId-borough, n,......u.,..u.h........n......n__....u_n.... Dunwic)~ Southwold Yarmouth Malahide Bayham ____,_" South Dorchester Aylmer Dutton 'Po-rt Stanley Springfield Vienna Rodney vVest L.Q,rl{l.e n"'_..._,~",.,.,._._:..,.."..;__u.~.._'"'_.'_.n"'_.;._,. $2,977,2':34 3,198,2'5,4 3,840,2:67 4,04'1,657 2;839,810 1,884,513 1,678,552 973,819 330,524 218;893' 144,660 99,707 218,772 216,633 2. That this Council is wi1ling to have the final equalization of the assessment, in ca'se of appeal,made by the County JudWe. County Council Chambers, St. 'Thomas, June 18th, 1921. K W. McKAY,' COjJnty tIei-I<. H. C. McKILLOP, Warden. BY-LAW No. 987 To Make Grants to Schools The Elgin Coimly Council enacts; 1. That tbe High Schools at Aylmer, Dutton, an.dSt. Thoma's be paid One Hundred Pc,r Cent. of the co'st of maintenance of County pupils attending said schools, and the foUowing grants in lieu of any add'ition'alsums_~t'heymay be entitled to by law: Aylmer Dutton S1. Thomas $1,049 1,063 ~,150 2. That in addition to all other amounts to which it may be entitled by law, the Vienna High School be -granted the sun1- of Six Httndre-d Dollars: 132 Elg'inCounty Council 3. 'fhat grailts to Continuation and Fifth Class School's of the County be made on the basis of Two Do1.1a'rs and Fifty Cents for each dollar granted by t'heGovernment, said g-rants tobe in lieu of all amounts to w'hicl1 said schools may be entitled by law. Cbunty C0l1nc'i1 Chambers, St. Thomas, June 18th, 1921. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. H. C. McKILLOP, Warden. BY-LAW No. 988 To Authorize,the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow,the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars The Elgin COlwty,COl1llcilena,cts: . That the Warden and Treasurer be and a're 'hereby authorized to bor'Tow the sum of One Hund!rcd Thousand DollaJ:s, 3:S may be required; tb meet the current expend1itures of t'he Corpo'ration of the County of Elgin dudng H121, lalnd give as security therefor, note's of Ten 0'1' One -Thousand Dollars each. County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, June 18th, 1921. K. W. McKAY, Coun,ty Clerk. H. c.. McKILLOP, VI/arden. BY-LAW No. 989 To Extend Time for Tax Sale T'he Elgin County qQJ1I!-~jI 'en~cts: That the time for the enJo'rced collection by sale' of land ina-r,rears for taxes in the County -of Elgin he and is hereby"extended for one year. County Council Charnbers, St. Thomas, June 18th; 1921. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. H. c.. McIGLLOP, Warden. Elgin CO\lnty Coundl r'!IIIII' 1'1 I ill: li,1 '.1. III Ii ..11' '.1 111.1111 1"1'11'.1" II' il 133 BY-LAW No. 990 A By-Law for the Purpose of Making' Special Grants to the Villages and Town in the County of Elgin, for the Improvement of Certain Highways Within the said Villages and Town \r\Thereas, under The Act to Aid in the Improvement of Pu'blic Hirg'hways, R. S.O. 1914, c'bapte'r 40, a cOl1nty council may, from time to thl1e, while canying out a planaf :highway improvement ullcl'er th'~ said Act, by by-law make grants to villages and towns not separated from t'he county, for the 'purpose of improving sue,h highwa.ys or portions ofhigh\,,"ays in such v,illages and towns as may be' diesignated in sticl~'by-law, alHt I",hich are extension,s of, or form COBnections between, different pO'rtions of county roads; And whereas agr<tl1t made in ac-co'rdance with the said' Act ;t'O, a vilbge or town having a populat,ion of more than 1,500 ll1U'g.t be expended solely upon road.s and streets or portions thereof which lie opposite t:o lands on- one side o'rthe other there'of used fo,r agricul.. tu'ralpurposes; And whe'reas the Council of the County of Elgin ,deems it expedient to make grants to the -incorporated villages and town of the County, in accordance with the te'nus.of the.saidA.ct; And whereas the population of the said villages and 'town, accord- ing to the last (1911) revised census is as follows: Aylmer, town Port Stanley, village Spririgfidd, village Vienna, village Dutton, 'village Rodney, village West Lome, village 2:lQi,Z 891 454 332 836 6'76 740 Be it therefore enacted by the lvfuriicipal Corp6'ration of the County of Elgin as follows: 1.- A g-rant of $3,535 ish,ere'by ma,de :to -the T'own of Aylmer. 1.34 Elgin County COUlicil 2,. A gl1ant of $362 is" here,by made to the Village of Vienna, for the improvement of County Road No. 44 P. C., on Teal Hill, and from the 11O'rth limit, south. iL A grant of $:526 is hereby made to the Village of Springfield, f6r the ,imp'rovemcllt of H.'oad No. '10, being Main Street west of Superior. 4. A grant of $7915 isherc'by made .to the Village of Port Stanley, for the improvement of County. Road 'No. 23 p, c., heginningat the )lOrth limit of village, thence south. '5. A grant of $1,200 is hereby made to the Village of Dutton, fOl- the improvement of County Road No. IS P. c., commencing at corner of McArthur -and Shackleton Streets" west to Currie Street. ~ 6. That a grant of $'1'87 is 'hereby made to the Village of 'Vest Lorne, for the improv'ement of County Road No.1, beginning at southerly houndary of village and ,york north. 7. A grant of $795 is hereby made to the Village 0'1' Rodney, 'for the improvyment of Furnival Sheet, opposite lots 5 and 6, Block c., and opposite lots 1 to 8, Block E:, pla,n 67. 'r'he said g'rants shall be expended ,solely upon the hig-hw'WY, or pO'rtion thereof herein designated. 8. T'he wO'l;k on which the said grants shaH be expended s'hall , be performed in accordance- with the last revised regulations 're'spectin'~ highways of the Department of Public Highways of Ontario. Read a third time and passed this 18th ,d'ay of June, 1921. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. lL C. McKILLOP, V\Tarden. BY-LAW No. 991 To Raise Amounts for County Rates During the Year 1921 WheTeas an'estimate has been 111ade showing that the sum of-Twci Elgill County Council i1l', ," 11'1 !ill! Il! I'll iil ~ III I)JII 135 Hundred" and Three Thousand, Five HunMe-d an,d Fifty-Five Dollars is 'required to be 'raised in the severalmunic'ipalitiC's for the l'awful purposes of the County during the year 192,1; And whercas,hy The Assessment Act, this "Council is required to direct what po'rtion of the sum to' be levied for County purposes shall be levied in each municipality in the County; And whereas the rates are required to be apportioned-on the basis of the as'sessmentof 1?'"operty as ,equa,lized in the preceding, year; And ,vhereas the assessment of property of the, County, as ascer- tained a'nd-equalized in 1920, is as follows: Municipality Aldbor-ough DUl1\vich South wold Yarmouth Malahide Bayhum South Dorchester Aylmer Ihltton Port Stanley Springfield Vienna Rodney vVest L.orne Total Equalized VaJue $2',977,.254 3,198,2'54 3,840,267 4,641,657 2',839,810 1,884,513 1,678,:')52 973,819 330,52'4 218,893 144,660 99,70,7 .218,77'.2 216,633 $23,263,315 Therefore the Council of the Mllllrcipa,l Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts; 1. That a rate ,of Eight and Three-Quarters Mills ori'the Dollar be levied ana)! rateable property in the several-iuunicipalities in the County 'of Elgin, as above set forth, for the year 1921, to raise the following amounts: )36 Elgin County Council 2. That the sum of Two Hundred and Three ThotlSal1d, Five: Hunch-ed and Fifty'-Five DoHars be raised and levied in the several municipallties in the County, a.cc0rding to dlC following schedule, and that, the amounts, as entered therein, be paid to the County Treasurer, as :hy law reqttired: Municipality Aldborough DUl1widl Sotlt'hwold Yarmouth 1rhlahide Bayham Soi.1.th Dorchester AylmN' Dutton Port Stanley Springfield Vienna Rodney West Lorue Total $2'6,0'51 27,985 33,602 40,615 24,849 16,490- 14,687 8,521 2,892 1,915 1,266 872 ',1,914 1,896 $203,555 CountyCol1ncil Chambers, St. Thomas, June 18th; 1921. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. H. C. McKILLOP, Warden. BY-LAWS- No. 977. To No. 978, To No. 979.' To N Q. 980. To No. 981, To No. 982. TO' NO'. 983. TO' NO'. 984. TO' NO'. 985. TO' No. 986. To NO'. 9-87. ''1'0' ,Na.' 988. TO' NO'. 989. TO' NO'. 990. ~ TO' NO'. 991. To Elgin Caunty Cauncil )37 INDEX Appoint High Selmol Trustees......m.....n ....... m.m 122 Borrow $200,0'00.m........... >nm.'.. ,..........00 .................... 122 Appoint Baa.rel oJ AudiL.m......m ................ Fix: Auditors' Sa-lari'cs.. ........00........ ____...m...n ...00... 123 Grant $;'),000 to East Elgin Memorial Hospital.... 12'1 Authorize Purchaseo.f Gravel Pits.,- Fix Remuneratian of School Attendance Officer 12;'5 Amend By-Law 897 'for Designation af County Raads BOrl"o-W $100,'000. ....nm....m Confirm Equalizatioll..___. Make Grants to Schools. .....mn ..............m..." . Borrow $100',000............ ..00.. m...n... .....m.m Extend Tirilc for Tax Sale.......m..,.. ....00 .............. 13~~ Make Grants to Villages and Town...n~;. ...n........ 133 Raise County Rates........____...m.. .m............m........ ..... 134 123 124 126 lao no m.1.31 132 DEPUTATIONS AND COMMITTEES- Adminis tration of J llsticcm.'_.m....m'm'.'.............h.......n..~m.................. 26 Bank .Accoun tn._n..'..nn...n..........n.....n.'...n.nn.....nnn.n..nn.'....n..'..nn"'h'.. 73 Good Roads As!ociation...h...m.....hm.........._.....nm...nh..mn..nm..m.m.. 26 Managers' HotlJ;es for Aged and Inflrmn..n....n.....mm ..000000......48, lla Memo,rial Hospital, East ElgilL. ...m...m,................. ............ .mn.... 17 1vIc.Nicol Farnl ....... ....'...n.... _00.00 .00000000 "0000.....00........00'00'" .... ............ 76 Port Stanley Bridge _...."".. moo m....... .mh...mm...m........... .....m ........ 34 Southwold County Line ....m .....m ...m.........n..'....__......m..... m...mu14, ' 81 Trustees' Associa>tionOn,ta-ria._........n.,..,......u..m_......n....:..n ","'00:3'6; 6~2 West Elgin Memorial Pa'rk, Dutton~....~.......m.. ............h... .40, 42, n '\-Vest Lorue \i\Tomens' Institute....,...m......n....:;. nn ....m...._._ AD, 4:3" 73 138 Elgin County Council GRANTS- "."",_..."".""00..9, Agricultural Societies..- Amasa 'VVood I-Iospita1. Aylmer Foultry Shmy. BoanlB .of Agriculturem Board of . Children's Aicl Society.... Corn and Poultry Show S.m. ......... High Schools.... ........ HO'l"ticultnra'l Societies. JuniO'r Judges Live Stock.... Ladies' Institutesn Law Library.......... M,cmorial Hospital, ~~ast Elgin. lvliclidlesex County Line. Navy . Norfolk.Oounty Line..... Public Libraries..- ...............00.. Pure-Bred, Stock Associations R'epO'rter,. Times-J ournal....nn ...00... Schools Sick Children's HospitaL_ ..............'. Villages and Towns, f01" 'Roadson.... Vvallace. 1ifiss.n.. 'VVardcn 72 ......,."13, 74 71. 73 '74 ...43, 45, 49 ""00..8, ..._00........9, ......._.58, ....17, 2:1, ........14, 43, 45, ;j9, "."""00'-" 71 :')1 MISCELLANEOUS - _.._....;):, 12. H, 27,. ;'53; 112 Address of \\Tanlcl1.. Auditors Administration of Justice... Auditors, County.. Auto Speeding.. Board of Trade..... u..'. ......._...m. ..........-.... Chi'ldn~n's Aid' Society............. .................. Communications................ .'.......m.................nn?" 12, 28. ......13, 22 23 15 ....5, 10. n ........S; 73 39. 41, 54. 55 , .56. ...9, ..14, ...9, 15 15 15 70 15 18 72 81 13 59 12 71 69 63 72 60 Elgin C0111}tyConllocil 'I r I ,Ii: f II' .111. r l 'I~ II j I 'II ill l I' \ 'I '.'1 I I I I' lil'II' il.l 139 County. Engineer Pro, Tem County Ra-tes...no.............. Deleo Lighting System Equalization Estimates 82 51 10 40 38 G. W. V. A. Grant "...__...m.. m.. High School Trustees.___.. I-Iouse of Industry.____ Hospital, Me1UOTial.,."", Hospital, East Elgiu.. Hydro Power..___ LcgisIa.tion, Litigation Loans 7~,) ....____.................___17, 18, 2,1 ...__......_..00.......__..........__.....'0000'7. 4,5 .........009, 53. t)7, 72, 76 _...1.Z. 17. 2B, 41 20 115 88 134, 50, Lunatic, Accommodation Molson Ba'uk Acconnt... ".'........ .......m ............_...__ Mpt'hers' AHowancc Commission........ ...._nn .'m.......... Gnta,rio Municipal Association......n.. ...........__.........__.... ..........'.......... 73 Pedlar's' License. Thomas Davidson........... ................. m.... ....__.. 72 Police 1'I'Iagistrate.... _..........m '_...m ".... ....m__...oo ........... m....m'... ..57, 76 Queen Alexandra SamHorill111+... moo ....00 ..''''''''.00''' __.____...._.......... 73 Rodney Memoria1 Moriumcn,t..____._......u.. .................._....... ,.._____........ 1.3 School Attendance Officer.. un ......'.... 'on. .__...m.__..___........__ .....____.2'5. 62 Schoul Gralits..........nn'. _..n__ ...... n.,. ..00 ....... ......... .....hnn.'......n. "'___."_' :19 St. 1'ho111aS Paclfing Company._____. ........00 ..n... ...n.....m,. ..... ....__5,5. 'I'ax Sale...__~.n.....~n____....n__..... '.00.00 .n_. n.nn ......... ..u....n. "'__""."00.....50, Wa'r llelicSnn""'hn........n.. ..u.. '....00.. ....... ........ .....n... .n..... ,...... ..____.00.. .vVesteru,University... .... n...__. .........___........ ....---.........................___..32. 1(; - --...._ __ 2'8 .........28. 53 58 '('4 28 33 ROADS AND BRIDGES- III ,I PI II County Road's___.........,...... County Roads- Reports Eriginee'f as Superintendent. Expenditures .m........__..____....... h...._G, 14, 27', 30'. 38. 44,' 54. 85 m..".........n.~14, 44'. 57; 59, 83 .....,....................................... 20 ....0._____....__..."...00....____'00.1'1, 93. " 14'0 Elgin' County Council A, 84,_ 91, Village Streets... Walker Bridge... ...n 44 ................... 80 ,REPORTS 0 F COMMITTEES AND OFFlCIALS- Agr'icu1turalRepresentativc.-m. ....._. . .....m ...... ......___..58, 116 Co,unty Road's Committee ...... ........._ ......-... ....m .14" 44, 57, 59, 8a County Engineer..m. .....___. ...___ .......'m ...m..""___" ....___...7, 40, 78 County Treasurer......... _ m ....mm.._ m...""""'___'" ....n ......___.'..___... 65 Education Committee.... .......... ..m... ...___.\: ___..... m.. ..19, 48, 59, 62 Equalization ....... ........... ......___.... ..._.. ___um. ...______. ..______._.....A8, 49 FinanceComl11ittee~...... .... ....m. ......".. ..m.... . .....19, 29,47, 48. 59, 71 Gaol Co-mmittcr___ ......______ .....m_ ....._. ....m .....___.._________... ....... _19, 47, 107 Honse of Ill'dLlstry Committee... ...... ..__..... ..___m ___.19, 42, 48, 59, 97-+ H.ouseof Industry Inspector.. .......... __."""" .....___.. ..___......___..n.. 100 Honse of lndustu Physician. ....._m.. ....._m.m.......___. ..______..._m.. 10'5 ,Legal Commit,tee.....___.....______.._____ ..._________.. ....,.'...... ......m ......44, 59, 108 Petitions and Legislation Committee___.......... ....... ......14, 44, 59, no ,Police -Magistrate...........- ....m...___...... ___......__..___...........,......................... 114 Pnblic Improvements COl1l1nittec. ....._n .............___...19, 30, 47, 56, 80 Sta neling Com mittec s.......................___.___...._____......................h...___._m..'. 61 Suburhan AreaCommissioll....,....... .......m..............___...__..___.................. 89 Warden's Address Committec...................---..;........------.........12, 14, 112 95 '1IIilll iJ .:1':'1 :)il:1 :"11:11 ill.]', ii'il iUl! I'ii li-,: !ii:I!; "'j' ,,'1':1 ill'lll ill' 1111:1 IIII!I 1111, Ilill:!!1 I! I" 1111' 11111 li'l ,,, lilJ 'I' I~ :1' "i :h II'~ :,~ III :'i.! illl 1I1, ,1:1 ill Ilil 1,111 Ii :1'i: ,r, i'l ::11"1: I!'i!i III Ii, 11:1 !Il:r '1"1 If;i rill", I'l" I:: ,I", 1,1. L " 54