1922 Minutes PROCEEDINGS OF THE Elgin County Council DURING THE SESSIONS HELD IN THE COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS DURING THE MONTHS OF Jenuary,Fe6ruary, March, April,' June, October and November 1922 K W. McKAY, County Clerk. E. E. McTAGGART, Wilrden. COUNTY OFFICIALS Duncan C. Ross, Esq., County Judge Jas. H. Coyne" Esq., Regis,tra'f D. McLaws, Esq;, County Court Clerk A. McCrimmon, Esq., Clerk of the Peace and County C1'o"vo Attorney W. H. EliIiott, Esq., Sheriff C.,F. Maxwell, Esq., Ma'ster in Chancery W. F. Luton, Esq., Gaoler J. ,A. Taylert", B. A., and. J. C. Smith, B. A., Public School Inspecto'1"s K. VV. McK'ay, Esq., County Ckrk B. B. Gra1ham, Esq., CountyTr.easU'rer James A. Bell, M. C. S., C. E., County Engineer G. F. Pin.eo, County Road Superiu,tendent C. St. C. Leitch, County Solicitor C. F. Maxwell, County Pol1ce Magistrate Frank Hunt, Esq.. Police Magistrate Ro'bt. Kains, Esq., M. D., Gaol Surgeon Douglas L.Ewin,M. D., Physician, House of Industry D. H. Gooding, 'Keeper House cif Industry R. M. Holmes, Careltak,er, Court House ] ohn Hopkins, HilghConstahle All of St. Thomas P. O. A. Turner, Esq., Inspector House of 'Industry, Shedden, R. R. 1 County Auditors: W'alker C. Caughell, Sot. Thomas; W. A. Galbraith, Iona Station Administration of Justice Auditor,s: D. C. Ross, County Judge Mayor Raven, St. Thomas; O. McKenney, Aylmer MUNICIPAL CLERKS AND TREASURERS Municipality Clerk Treasurer Aldibo'foU'g'h...........]. A. McRae, RodneYuu....A. Cannic'hael, \i\Test. Lorn,e Dunwich................D. A. McNabb, Du.tt:on.......u,..,Murray McNeil, Dutton Sout'hwOI(Lum...''']~ C. McLennan, Fingal....n.........m..D. A.Cattanach, 92 Moo'rc Street, St. Thomas Yarmouth.........,:vV. c. Caughel'l, St. T:homas....R. McLac'hlin, St. Thomas Malahide....nmm....] ohn M. Hale, Aylmer....u'......m.] olm M. Ha!le, Aylmelr Bayham.............Benj. Brian, Straffordvillemun~Wm. Grant, StraffO'fdvil'le S. DO'1'chester....M. S. Charlton, R. R. 1, Springfield....G. Winder, Lyons Town of Ayhner......um_...nuu.."D. C. Davism_u....n.........unI-l. E. Armstrong Village of Vienna..num.....nnWiIHam IN eilsonnun.m..u....,William N eHson Village nf Springfield....nm....G. :VV.' CoTtins..............n,..........]. A. Chamber's VHla'ge of Port Stanley....J. S. Robertsonu................,......n]. S. Robertson Village of Duttonm.......n...,....J. D. B<lue........n..n......._...n..~......D. Campbell Village o.f West Lome......]. S. Rt;)bertson.........u,m.nnm....."....m...nF. Stone Village of Rodney............n....u]. D. Shaw................................Chas. Markle PROCEEDINGS OF THE Elgin County Cou~cil FIRST SESSION - FIRS1: DAY Tuesday, ,~4th ]anua'ry, 192;Z The C~uncil-dect of the County of Elgin met this day <tIt the COl1wt House, St. Thoma's, at 2 p.m. K. W. McKay, County Clerk, in the challi'" "- The foHowi11'g members fil'ed' cert'ifica,tcs and took thei'r S'eats at the Council Boa'f'd: . -J. E. McGregor, Reeve, Aoldho'rough D. K. Andrew, ,Delputy Rec.ve, A:J.dbo'fo'U.gh Hany Dl'omgole, Reeve, Dunwich Archie I Crawford., Deputy Reeve, Dunwich A. J.lvIcIntYl'e, Reeve,Sout'hwold N'ei'l E. Burton, Deputy Reev,e, Southwollcl J0'hn R. Teep}e,Reeve, YaTmouth Wm. M. Anderson., First Deputy Reeve, Yalrmouth Frederick Carr, Secoll.d Deputy Reeve, Ya'rmouth E. E. McTag.ga'l't, Reeve, Ma.Jahide Wm. H. Ashton, Deputy Reeve, Malahidc AHred-Nevi1l~ Reeve, Bayham Harry L. Godwin, Deputy Reeve, Bayham ]. Art'hur Moor.e, Reeve, South Dorchester 4 Elgin County Council Osca<f McKeu'ney, Reeve, Aylmer Chas. M, Hazen, Reeve, Vienna Arthur Ba1fons, Reeve, Sprin'gfield Dr. GCIQ, Jad<:son, Reeve, Pt. Stal11ey Wm. Patton, Ree've, Dutton Art'hU'r .Pethc'rick, Reeve, West' Lo'rtl'c Dan. Campbell, Reeve, Rodney The election 'of Wa:rdcn was. pro-c<eeded with, and on the.third vote Emerson E. McTa,gga:rt, -Reev,e ',of Mahihide, received a majority vote of tihe whole Coundl, and was deda.red diuly" e'lectc'd. . The Warden-el'ce:t made statutory'd'ec.1wra'tion Honol', Police 1vIagi'sb'a.teHu11't, t'Ook'''his seat Coundl. o,foffice before His and' addr.essed the Moved by J. R. Teeple, SecO'ncled by W. M.Anderson-: 'Dhat the Reeves O'f the dliffe'1~enit munich)alities be a Committee to sltrike the Standing Committees. - Ca'rri-ed. Moved by J. F. McGregor, Seconded by D. K. An,drew: Tha,t this Council do now a-djourn, to meet a,t 10 a,m. to-monow. - Canie-d.; E. E. McTAGGART, Wa'rden. Elgin County Council FIRST SESSION - SECOND DAY vVed1nesd:ay, January 25th, 1922 The Elgin County Coundl met this day at the Conrt House, St. Thomas, .in acco-rdance wi,t'h adjournm-ent. The \iVarden in the .chair. All the members p-resent. The \iVa'rden addl:essed the Council as follow's: "To the Elgin County Counci'I: "Gentle~en, - "I have to again thank )"ou fO'r the h-onlQl1" conferred in electing me to preside civer your -deliberationsdurin:g 1'he y-ea,r. , "There .wi,!l be considerahle business bl-ought befo.re you during the present sess,ion, to all of whieh I wO'uld ask you -to- give yonf' mo.st carefll'IMtention, A gre'atdea,} de'Pends 'On the way in which the chairmen -of ItJhe va'riotls commitotee;s attendt:o matters 'referred to them,and tnepromptnes's with which thei'r 'reports arep'res,ented fo-r considerat:ion-of the Council. Mothers' Allowances Board "I 'have ,to advise YOll tha:,tMr. VV. T. Hare, on:e of the members, ha~ removed horn the County. It will be ne:cess:a<ry fall' me to recommend someon'c to take his place, and I wioll be 'P,leas,ed to have your suggestions in reference thereto. Administration of Justice Accounts with St. Thomas UThe committee appoilllted to consider thi,s matter did not meet year. The Gov:ernment -returns and other accounts aire now avaihble and an effO'rt should be made to have a~reeme-11't c-omp.J.eted. 5 1,1 II ,II II ,III il ill I!' ~Ii I lill ,I ill 1II1 l'l , I II' ili 6 Elgin County Council County Roads "The county 'roads d'csignated in',By-Law No. 984' havcnot been approved by the P'rovincial authorities. This is an und~sira'ble con- dition of affai'l"s. We should _kn'owdefiulitely bef.O're the season opens whelt'he1" these roads are to be inc'ludcd in the county system or not, asa,t 'present they aTe a'pparent'ly "No Man's Land" so far as the towll's:hips are concerned. Hospital "The Memo'rial Hospital question was laid over for cOll'sideration a,t tlhis s'cssion. It is most desirahle that ,the maUer of coun.tygrant s'honld bcdcltenni11'cd definitely at an ca-r'lydtate, so that the ,oity authorities may p'roceed with their plans, for 'which .a substantial amount has already been appropriated. "A county memoria'l in hono'r oJ thosc who participated ,i'n the Greait \-Va;r is most desirah1c. The hospital id'ca appea-rs to he the most a'P'propdate. The Hospital Boa'rd wiJili, no' d,oubt, ,present a definite proposition for your consideration at this sess'ion, and I :hope eh<vt any decis,io'll arrived at wm hc creditable to the Counity, and a fitJting memorial cif -the many s'acriflces. made by our braves-otdiers and others during the wa'r. "Th,e Coun{y tax rate is gradually growing, and this is to some extent due to grants and other eX'p-end~i<tures enHrely within ,the control of the Council. I would suggest tha't a specia~ committee 'be appoint~ ed t'o C'n~qui're into all applications fo'l' ,g,rants dwring the year' and repo'rt whether they a're aueho'riezd by Sta,tute or 'not, .that .they are nccessaTY, and that am'ounts reconuncl1ded are not excessive." Prooeedin.gs of ,the previous session were read and confirmed. Tlhc report of the Special CommiUee to strike the Standing Comm-Lt,tees was pres'e11ted, and adopted on motion of VI/m. Patton, secondeel by H. Dromgole. The fonowing communications wC're read: From County 'Council of Ha'ltoll, 're tax .exemptions. ~ Refe-rred to Petitions and Legis1ati'on Committee. Elgin County Council 7 From Agricultural Depa'1'tment, 're appo:ill.tment of Advisory Agri1cultural CounciL - Referred ,tn Petitions and Legislation Com- m1tt.ee.' From Hespler To.wn Coundl, 're Ma:tlr.iculation examination standa~rd. -,- Referred', to Education Committee. From Ontario Mimicipa:] Associat'io'n,'re membership, 1922.--,- Refel"red ,t'0 Finance Commit.tee. From C'hild;ren's Memoria1 Hospita'l Committee of London. -re grant. - Referred to Finan'ce Committee. From Counties Council, Stormont, Dundas, ,and Glengarry, re administrafion oJ jl1s~tice expell'ses. --'- Refe'lTed to Petitions ,and' Legis- lation Committee. F'rom C'ounty C'ounei! of York, Refeued to Education Committee ref bible study in schools. ~ From COUllity Council of P'~rth, 're provincial highways. --'- Referred to Petitions and Legislartion Committee. From Sick Children's Hos'pita'l, app:llicaNon fO'r grant. _ Referred to Finance Committee. , 'I From National Sanitarium AS,'Nciation, .app1katio'11 fOT grant.- Referred to Finance Commi'ttce. From Salvation Annr,Rescue House, applica1tion for grant.- Refencd to Finance Cominitt-ee. , From \iVestern Fair Assoc.iation, London" a'p'plication 'faT gran.t to a'gricu1tll'ral competi,tions. - Referredl to Finance Committee. From County Police M,agistrate Hunt, with ann<uall~eport._ Referred to Finance Committee. From County Auditors, with l1epo<rt. - Referl',ed t-o Finan'c'e Committee. 8 Elgin County Council Fp0111 County Trea'snrer, with Toeport. - Rderrecl to Finance Committee. From OI1'taTio Good Roads AssodatiO'll, re annual meeting.- H,cfc'f;fCd to Public Imrpovemc'llIts Commit'tee. From J. C. Smith, Ins'pcCitnr Public Schooh, with repo'rt.- Referred .to Education Committee. From J. D. Curtis., Chainn<lll City Hospital Committee. - Referred to Finance Committee. Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded by H. Godwin: That the deputation from the City of St. Thomas,re -hospital, be now heard, J \ - CaTried. Mess'r-S. E. A. HO'r{on, Chairman Hos.pita1 Boa'rd, Mayor Raven, and Dr. Curtis then spoke to the Council on behalf of the dc'putation requesting grant for Memorial Hospital. N O'tices of motion were given- By 1vh', PaNon, fO'f Pubhc Libra'ry grants. By M-r. M'cGregor, .of re's'olution re criminal condition 'of connty and remedy therefor. B'y Mr. Dl;omgole,' for grant; Mi'ss Wa.l'.llace. By Mr. Campbell, for grant, Hor-tiniJaural Societie's. By Mr. McGregor, for grant, Agricultural Sodeties. M-oV'ed by A. Barons, Sc,eonded,b,y J. A. Moore: That this 'Council now adjourn, to 111eet <lit 2 p.m. - Catric,d. Elgin County Council 9 The Council ,Resumed Mr. Patofon gave notice of application for g-rant for Wes~t Elgin Memo:ria:l and deputation, in 'reference there,to on Thursday, at 11 a.m. Moved by O. McKenn,ey., Seconded by H. Godwin: That the vVarden name a special committee to,consicler a)lgrants asked, for and:'report 'to ,this Council. -Cat'ried. TheWa'rd'e''u appo,inted the Chairmen of the Standing, Committees, with M,t. Nevill, as committee. M'oved' by V\T. H. Ashton, Sc'conded by Vv.Anderson: That O. McK,e'nney be auditor o:f administr,ation of justice accounts for the.year 1922. - Carried. Moved 'by J. F. McGregor, Seconded by !-1." D-romgo1e: Whereas the Council of the County of Elgin views with aIa-rm the increase of crime throughout the Pro'vince during t:he last few months, and the appa'fCnt lack of co-O'rdinationamong the diff.erCl1.t police bodies to 'cope \vith the situation; and wher;eas the vio!1ation O'f the laws is' becomin1g a menace to the sa-fety of property, 'human life, and s'o'ciety in generaoi, therefore we would, ask tha:t imme,diate action betaken by local muni'cipaHties, county councils, and the Depa:rtment of Justice to co-ordinate all the police fore,es of ,the Provine'e, in 'O'rd:el. that we may more ~ffectively cope with the 'Pl"'es:ell't crime wave. - Ca~l"'rie'd. 10 Elgin County Coundl Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded by 'C;. M. Haze'll: 'Hlait this ConO'oil go in the Staltc!t Bridge qu~'stion. a Committee of ,the vVho1e to consider --'- CaTrie",d. 'Phe .Council went into Committee of the Whole, with M'L McGrego'l" 1'11 t1he chai,l'. After discussing the ma'tte'f a't some length, it was 'referred ta the Legal Committee. Moved by W. And'erson, . Seconded by A. Ba'fO'llS: That this Council do nowadjour'll, to meet to-morrow at lO..o'dock. E. E. McTAGGART, Wa'rden. Elgin County Council FIRST SESSION -THIRD DAY Thursday, 2'ot11, J al1lta'ry, 1922 The 'Elgin County Coun'C'ilinet,this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, .in accordance with adj'Oll'rmment. The \i\la'rden in .the chai.r. All the members p-rCSCllt. Procedingsof the p'revious day were read and confirmed. Moyed by \Vll1. Patton, Seconded by ,A. Crawfo'rd: That the deputation frohl Dutton, re Memorial grant, be now heaTd. - Ca'Tr:ied. M,ess-rs. C.St. C. Leitch,W. A. Ga'lbraith,a.,nd Chief Bnlce then made a'p-plication for grant for Memorial Pa,rk. M-r. Campbell inquired -re grants to sc'hO'ol li-bq.ries, a,nd wa's info'rmed tnat no gmn.ts wc-re made ,cl'uring the yea'f 1921. ~M'r. 'Pat'ton gave noticeo.f a'pp:lication for g,ran.t of twenty~five (ro11ars for County Constable. The' 'repoft of the Public Improvements Com-miNce was presented an,d adopted on moti'Ol1 of Dr. Jackson, seconded by vVm. Anderson. , The repo-rt of the Petitions and Legislation Committee was 'p'l:esentcd and 'refel"red: to ,a CO'mmittee of the W'ho1e,M'f. )3atons in the chair. After considerahl.e discus'sion, the Committee aro's-e and the report, as amended~ wa's adopted 0'n mo.ti'on 'OJ A. Ba'rQll's, seco.nded byjMm. Ashton. 11 , I 12 Elgin County Council Moved hy J. A~ Moore, Seconded .by O. McKenney: Tha t the Agl'icultural Board of ehi,s Coun:ty be allowed to add-ress this Counci( _ Ca~rried. M-essrs. R. A. Penha'le, C. VV. Buc!hana.n, and ex-Wa'rden Gua:rd- house, of Y O'rk, then adq.,resse.d the 'Council in referenCe to agricultt1'1'~l ma.ttc'rs, Moved by Dr. Jackson, Seconded by W. ,H. Ashton: ,~Dhat the delegation from the Elgin La,w Society be noW 'heard. _ Ca~rried.' Mess.rs. McCrimmon, Shaw, and Ingram made application- f.o-1". iner,eased grant 10 Law Libra:ry Assodatioll, and the matter was referred by the Ward'en to Special Committee. Moved by, H. L. Godwin, Seconded by, J. A. Moore: That ,this Coundl .do now -adjourn, to meet M 3 'p.m. _ Cat-de-d. The Council Resumed The report of the County Road,s Committee was presented, and adopted' on motion of H. Dromgnle, seconded by A. J. McIn.tyre. I Th.e ,report of the Finance Committee was presented, and ad'opt,ed on moti'onof J. F. M',cGregot., s.e-c,ond,ed by J. R. Teeple. The re,p-o'rt of the Education Commititee :was presented, and ado'p.ted on motion of A. Baron,s, seconded hy A. Petherick. Elgin County Council 13 Secretary McPherson and Inspector Taylor, of the Cotmty Tru-s- . tees' As;socia.tio,n, then add'ress'edl the CoU'ndl, -requesting grant. M'o,ved by A. Barons, Seconded by F. Ca'rr: That the Wa,rden be autJho'rized to appoint delegation to attend annual meeting of the 'Prov-ine-ial Tru.st,ee,s' 'Associa,tio,n. - Ca'rrie,d. Moved by W. Patton Seconded by A.Crawfo'rd: . That R. K. Fa'nter be appoinied Trustee; Dutton' term o,f th'ree years. High School, fo'r - Ca'rried. Moved by C. M. Hazen, Seconded by O. 'McKenney: That James' McAliste'r be appointt~l County T'rustee, Vienna High School, for term of three yeaTS. - Ca~rried. Moved'by O. McK,enney, Seconded by A. NeviH' T11at D. Go-nno'r be appointed Trustee for the Aylmer CoUegiate Institu.te for three years. - Ca~rrie.d. Move,d hy O. McKenn'cy, Seconded byV\T. As'hton: That S; S. McDi'annid be appoin.ted on the M'Others' Hoard in place of VV. T. Han, who -is leaving tihe County. AMowanc~s- - Carried. 14 Elgin County Council M'oved by J. F. McGregor, Seconded 'by D. K. And'l"ew: That this Council do now adjourn, to meet at 1'0 a.m. to-man"ow. - Ca:rrie,d. E. E. McTAGGART, Warden. Elgin County Council FIRST SESSION - FOURTH DAY Fr,iday, 27th January, 1922 The Elgin County Coancil met this day at the COUirt House, accord1ing to" adjournment. Th,e \tVarden ,in the chair. All the members preselit. Proceedings of previous day We're 'read and confirmed. Moved by H. Dromgo:le, Second;cd' by A. Crawfo'rd: T'ha't t'he Warden and Cled\: be a.utho'rized to sign and sithmit to t'he Min.istero.f Public' Wor1~s and Highways. of the Pr6vince of showing that during the IIperiod, 1st Janua'ry, 19'2~1, to 31st De'cemhe1t, 1921, the'r,e h~l:s been expended upon the cou111y'hig'hway sys1t.em the sum O'f $187,560.19, 'requesting the statutory 'gra.ntsO'l1 that amO'unt as provided by The Act to' Aid in the ImprO'vement of Pub'lic Highways. -Ca'l"ried. Maved by W. AndersO'n, Seconc!'ed by A. Bar'on's: That t'llis CO'.lll1dl dO' nO'w ,adjO'urnimtil 2 p.m. ----- CaTried. The CO'uncil Resumed 'Dq.e report of the Legal CO'mmittee Was presented and, referred toa Committee O'f the \iVhO'le,wit'h M'r. DrO'mgO'le in the chair. Afte'r discussion, the CO'mmittee arO'se and therep.O'rt, as amended, was adopted an motiO'n O'f H. Dromga1le, seconded by J. R. Teeple. The~ {eport of the Special Grant CO'mmittee wa's presented and 15 I I j ~ 11 I I , j j ~ :11 ~.II f ~ I ~ .I~ ! , 16 Elgin County Council referred to a Committee of .the \Vhoile, Mr. McKenney in the chai'T. After discussion, the Committee arose and the report was adopted wit'hout amendment on 1l1'otbn of a.McKenney, seconded. by J. R. Teeple, on the foHowing division: Y cas - Petherkk, Dromgole, 'Crawfo'rd, Patton, Burton" McIntyre, Hazen., M'cKenney, 1\'1001'e, Barons, Ca'rr, Ander&on, Teepl,e, Jac{cson-l4. Nays - McGregor, Andrew, CampbeH, Nevill, Godwin, Ashton . -6. Cotnrmunication from t'he Deputy Minister of Agriculture, 're attendance of County Road Sup0rintenclent at C'onv,en'tion at Toronto, was 'read. Mo'vecl by J. F. McGregor, Seconded by H. -Dromgole: . That the County Road Superintendent he instructed .to attend the ROMI Superi11ltendents' Convent,ion in Toranta an February 27th and 2'8t'h. , - Carried. Marvcd by A. Ba'rons, Second'ed by J. A. M'oore: That a by-law ,be 'pas-s,ed to designate as caunty road,s, the exten- siaO's and connecting links of' county road,s in Springfield and Port Stari:tey. -Lost. Marved by N. E. Burton, Seconded by A. J. McInty~e: That 'the Reeves o-f all 'tawll'S'hipsbe a cammittee to interview Minister of I-:Ijghways, if necessary, in reference to the approval of roads designated in By-Law No. 984, passed in Ma,rch 1as,t. - Canied. Elgin County Council 17 I ~\ lil~ 111'1',il II, , ' )f ~, ~ The Warden appainted the following deputfJ,tions and cot-p.miHees: Good Roads Associatian - Reeves of the to,wnship'S, and Mess'rs. Patton ati.a/ Jackson. Munici'pa'l Association dcputati'on - Messrs. McKenney, CampbeU, Ashton, Crawfa-rd, Burton, And-,erson, and Cain. ' Provincial Trustees' Association deputation,- Messrs. Andrew, Petherick, Barans, Hazen,Godlwi~. ' illllil li'l'ij il'I:II,rl II II ~" , I II ~II' II, '!llil Admini,stration af Justice Committee - Messrs. Dromgal"e, Mc- Gregor, McKenney, Jackson. Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded by A. Barons: That this Council adjourn, to' meet to-111arrow at 10 a.m. - Carried. E. E. McTAGGART, Warden. Imil "I ~ 11;1 !I ",:,,:11 'I' 1III ill ,III "'I 1IIIIi 1'1':' it"l illll: 1!,i,II".I,I: i'l, il! 18 Elgin County Conncil FIRST SESSION-FIFTH DAY Saturday, 28th J.anuary, 1922 , The Elgin, County Council met this day at the Court HOllse, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the chair. All the members prCSCl1't. Proceedings of the previous day were rea~ and confinned. M'oved ,by H. Dromgcrle, Second.ed hy ]. R. Teeple: That no action be taken in regard;:; to increased grants to villages, at this ses'sioH', and that the Good Roads Committee be 'a committee to visit ,aM viHag'cs having in view the taking over of certain portion's of connecting links by the County and Tcport to this Council at the June s~s'sion. ' - CarriecI. lI4civ,ed byWm. Patton, Se'conded by A, Petiherick: Thait this Council 'recommend that The .N atural Gas Conservatioli Act, '1921, be amended sa as to' p-revent'interfe'rcll'ce with 0'1' variatiO'n af any exis6ng can'tract 0'1' by-law. afallY municipality with any gas company, and that the members of the OntariO' Legis'lature far East and vV,est Elgin and the Minister of Mines be advIsed accO"rdin-gly. Moved by J. F. McGregar, SecO'nded byD. K. And,!"'ew:. -Carried. That By-Law NO': 992, to' appaint Baa-rd ,af Au.dit, be received and read a fi'rst time. - Carried. Elgin CountyCO'until 19 MO'ved by J. F. McGregar, Secanded by D. K. Andrew: That By-La-.,v NO'. 892 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved' by D. K. Andrew, Seconded QY J. F. McGregor: That By-Law No. 992 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Maved by A. Crawford, Secandedby H. Dromgale: Tha.t By-Law No~ 993, to received and :read a first time. authorize purchase of gravel pit, be ~Carried. .Moved by H: Dr6mgale, Secanded by A. Crawfard: That By-Law NO'. 993 be re'ad a second time. -Carried. Moved by A. Crawford, Secan:ded by H. Dromgole: That By-Law NO': 993 be read a tlhird time a~d fina'lly.passed. ---:Carried. Maved by A. J. McIntyre, Se'cO'nde:d by N. E. Burton: That By-Law NO'. 994, toautho.rize the vVarden borrow $200,000; be received and read afi-i'st time. and Treasurer to' - Carried. :W Elgin County Council .Moved by A. J. McIntyre, . Seconded by N. E. Burton: That By~Law No. 994. be read a second time. Moved by A. J. McIntyre; - Carried. , Second!ed by N. E. Burton:, That By-Law No. 994 be 'read a third time and finally passed. -Carried; Moved by A. Nevill, Seconded by H. L. Godwin: Tl1<\Jt By-Law No. 995, to appoint High School Trustees, be received and read a first time. - Carried. Moved by H.' L. 'Godwin, Seconded by A. N ev.il!: 'l'hat By~Law No. 995 be 'read a second' time. -Carried. Moved by A. Nevill, Seconded by H. L. Godwin: That Ey~Law No. 995 be read athird time and finally passed, - Carried. Moved by F. Can, Seconded by W. Anderson: .J That By-Law No. 996, to appo:inlt q. County Advisory Agricultural Council. be received and read a first time. - Carried. Elgin County Coundl 21 Moved by W.Anrlerson, Seconded by F. Carr: Tihat By-Law No. 996 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by W. Anderson, Seconded by F. Carr: That By-Law No. 996 bere,ad a third time and final!ly passed. - Carried. Moved by H. Dromgole, Seconded by A. Petherick: That Dr. Jackson, M,r. Teeple, and M,l'. McIntyre repr:t::senlt this Oouncil on committee-to prepare Hos-pitaIBy-Law. - Carried; Moved by W. Anderson, Seconded by .T. R. Teeple: That this Council adjourn, to meet on the 13th day of June, at 2 p.m. - Carried. E. E. McTAGGART, Warden. 2,2 Elgin County Council SPECIAL FEBRUARY SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, 21st February, 1~22 The Elgin County Council met this day- in special ses'sion, to con'- side,r matters pe1rtaining to Hospi,tal Grant By-La\v, Stalter Gulley Bridge, and gencral business. All the membeTs. present. The"Wa-rden ex'plaii1ed the object of the mceting. The follo'wing communicatio.lls were read: From City Clerk, HamiHon, requesting co-operation in petition respecting the payment of fines to munkipalities. From Unite'ct Counties, Prescott and RusseU, requesting co-opera- tion in petition forc'hangcs in The Mothers' Al.lowances' Act, so tha,t tihe PrO'vindal Board' will deal direct with each rnunicipal cOltnCil, instead of through the County Board. Moved by J. F. McGregor, Seconded by W. M. Anderson: That we co~operate with the City of HatTI.ilton in paymen<t of fines to municipalities. petition re -Carried. Moved by W. M. Anderson, Second'ed by A: Ba'fons: Tlhat no action be taken on communication ham Prescott and Russell in -refe"i.cllce to change in M'others' Allowance's Act. - Carried. Elgin County Council 23 The report of the Puhlic Improvemcl1Its Committee, 'recommend- ing the construction of Stalter Bridge, was presented, and adopted on motion of Dr. Jackson, seconded' by O. McKeml'ey. 1.10vcd byJ. R. Teeple, Seconded by Dr. Jackson: That the Council adjourn f.or half an hour, to mee.t at 4 :30 p.m.. - Ca'f'ried. . The Council Resumed The -report of the s,pecial committee appointed to confer 011 prepa'ra-tion of Hospital By:-Law was pr~'sented, and on motion ,of J. R. Te.eple, seconded by W. M. Anderson, was laid over nuti'l Wednes- day morning. Moved by J. R. Te.eple, Seconded by F. Carr: 'Dhat the Re,eves of the different tnunicipa1ljties be an Equa-lizing Commi-ttee, to meet an'd repo'ft at this session. - Carried. Moved by D. Camp'bell, Seconded by N. E. Burton: That this Council adjourn, to meet to-morrow at 10 o'clock. - Carded. E. E. McTAGGART, Warden. 24 Elgin Coun ty Council SPECIAL SESSION ~ SECOND DAY Wednesday, :Z2nd February, 1922 The EJgin County. Councilme't this day, according to adjournment. The vVarden in the e'hair. All the me111bers present. Proeeep-iri'gs of the previous day "V ere rcad and confirmed. The re'pbtt of the Special Equalization Committee '.vas presented, and adovted on motion of A. }. McIntyre, secO'nded by O. McKenney. The report of the Special Hospital Committee was presented, and adoptcd on motion of J. R. Teeple, seconded by Dr. Jackson. Dr. Ja'ck,son introduced resolution for first reading of BY-Law No. D9~/, to make a grant to aid in the erection of MemoriaJ. Hos'pital. The Council went intoC6mmittee of the vVhole to consider the by~ law, with Mr. Patton in the chair. After takin.g up the by-law, clanse by'clause, and amending it ,in several particulars, the ,Committee arose and it was: lvIo'Ved' by Dr. Jackson, Secondedi by A. J. Mclntyre: That By~Law No. D97, to make a grant to aid in the erection ofa Memorial Hospital and Nurses' Home in the City of St. Thomas, be received and read a; fi'r~'t tim'e, and su'bmitted to' vote of the electors on 6th of June. In amendment, Moved by D. CampbeI.1, Secon'decl by A. Nevill: That By-Law. No. 997 be 'placed on file and not 'read a first time. Elgin County Council 25 The O'riginal motion was canied, amendment being lost on the following division: Yea,s -'D. K. Andrew, J. F. McGregor, '\Vm. Patton, A. Petherick, D. Campbell,'C. M. Hazen, A. Nevill, H. L. Godwin"'-S. Nays - Dr. Jackson, W. H. Ashton, J.R. Teeple, 'VV. M. Anderson, F. Can, A. Ba'rons~ J. A. Moore, O. M'cKe'l1ney, A. J. McIntyre, N. E. Burton, H. Drom-golle, A. Crawford -12. Moved -by ';Vm. Patton, Second'cod by D. Campbell: That a by-law be prepared for consideration at the June session, to provide for licensing hawkers and pedlars ,in the County of Elgin. - Car'ried. Nloved by Dr. Jackson, Seconded by VV. H. Ashton: That of bridge By-Law No. 008, to authorize agreements for .construction over Stalter Gulley, he received. and I.cad a -6'1'st time. - Carried; Moved by J. A. Moore, Seconded by A. Barons: 1~hat By~Law No. 098 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded by A. J. McIntyre: That By-Law No. 008 be read a third time and finally pass'ed. - Carried. 26 Elgin County Council Moved 'by Dr, J Rckson. Seconded bX VV. H. Ashton: That By:...La.w N q. D99, to pTovide for taking the votes -of the elec- tors on proposed Hos'pita:} Grant By-Law, be received and read a firritim~ . - Carried. Moved by H. Dromgo1e, Seconded by A. Crawfo'fcl.;" That By;-Law No. 999 be read a second time. - carried. Moved by J. R. Teeple, Seconded by" A. Ba'rans: That By-Law No. 999 be read a fh'ird -time and finc\lly passed. '- Carried. . Moved -by N; E. Btl'rt~n, Seconded by Wm. Patton: That Council, do tWW adjourn. I - Carried. E. E. McTAGGART, Ward-en. Elgin County CounciL 27 SPECIAL MARCH SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, Ma'fch 2'1st, 1912>2 T'he Elgin County Council rnet this clay at t!le Court House, St. Tholl1as, at the call of the \Varden. All the members present except MessTs. Carr and BaTons,' The vVarden add'res'sed the ,Council, explaining that the meeting was called to' cal1sider amendment af By-Law NO'. 984, and the repnrt of the Caunty n.aad Cammittee in 'feference to' desi.gnMion af village streets. The report af the Caunty Raad CommiUee was then presented and oreJerred to' a C,ommittee of the vVhole, with M'r. Teeple, in the chair. After considering the report, clause by clause, the Committee arose and the report \vas adapted without amendmen:t, on mntion of J. R. Teep.Je, seconded by\^!. ~L Anderson. Moved by 0, McK.cnney, Seconded by A. Nevill: That this Council adjourn until to~marr:ow, at 10 a.nl, - Carried. E. E. McTAGGART, Warden. 28 E1gin County Counci.! Elgin 'County Council 29 ;11 !I Ii , 'III !.'I i ,~ J II t "II I,' 'I' Ii I ~ III ~ 'I! ~ , SPECIAL MARCH SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, MU1fCh 22nd, 1922 Mr. Bll'rto'l1 inquired, re (1) application -of dty for construction of cement 'road on provincial highway to Ta:lbotville; (2) re -rcfusa'} of city to pay suburban area road accounts; (3) re a'P'peal of city to Rtiilwayand Municipal Board against claim of these costs. The' Elgin County Council met this day at the Court' House, in acco-rdallce with adjournment. Moved 'by J. F. McGregor, The' Warden in the chair. Seconded by H. Dromgole: All the members present except Messrs. CaTr and Barons. That this Council do now adjourn. - Carded. M'Qoyed by, W.H. Ashton, Seconded by G. .H. Jackson: E. E. McTAGGART, Warden. T'ha,t By-Law No. 100'0'1, to designate roads fO'f improvement-under the p'foviS'iollS of The Highway Improvement Act, and repeal By-Laws Nos. 897, 9'0'.2, 90"9, 91:'), 94'7, 976, ,a'ncl984, 'be "received and -read a first time. - Carried. Move.d bye. M. Hazen, SecQnded by W, Anderson: That By-Law No. _woo be reada second time. - Carried. Moved by H. Dromgolc, Seconded by D. K. Andrew: That By-Law No. lOaD be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by O. McKenney, Se~ol1ded by J. F. McGregor: That By-Law No. 10'0'0' be printed and distributed to membc'fs of the Council. - Carried. 30 Elgin County Council SPECIAL APRIL SESSION - FIRST DAY Monday, 17th Ap'fil, 1922 The Elgin County Council met this day in special session, at 2 . p.m., to cOllsidcrmatters pertainin:.g to a-greement with To\vnship of Mala:hide re Stalter, Bridge. The vVarden in the dlair. All the mcmbeTs present except Mr. Hazen. The' \iVarden addressed the Council in reference to what had been done since the last l1).eeting Tcga'rding agr'ccment with Malahide fo-r the building o.f Stalter Gulley Bridge. The Clerk presented a by-law pass,ed by the Township Council of Malahide, making a;pplication for special levy under the provisions of scctio.n 26 of The Highway Imp'rovement Act, and. opinion of the County Solicitor in reference to t'he whole question. :Moved by'0l. H. Ashton, Second,ed by G. H, Jackson: That By-Law 1001, to amend By-Law No, 100'0 and provide for the erection of the Stalter Gulley Bridge, be TC'ceived and read a first time. - Carried. Moved by A. Nevill, Seconded by ,H. L. Godwin: Jhat By-Law No. 1001 be read a second time. - Carried. Elgin County. Council Moved by A. J. McIntyre, Seconded by N. E. Burton: That By-Law No, 1001 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved hy H. Dromg01e, Se.conded by A. Crawford: That the County. Roads Committee have phns and specifications prepared for construction of the Stalter Gidley Rridge and procur.e tenders -to be opened 'at the June session. - Carried. Moved by J, F. McGregor, Se'conded ,by D, K,Aridrew: That this Council adjourn, - CarTiecl. E. E. McTAGGART, Warden. 31 u "2 EIgiJ1 County Council SECOND SESSION~FIRST DAY Tuesday, June 13th, 1922 The Elgin County Council met this day at the .Court Honse, St. Thomas, ill accordance "\vith adjournment. The Warden in the chair. All the members present. The "Varden addressed the Council as follows: Warden's Address, June Session "To the Elgin County Council: "Gentlemen, - "The June sess'ion is usually the most important, a's the estimates and taxation for the year are then considered. The agricultural outlook throughout the County is good. An a:bundal1t harvest will do much ,to s.tabilize conditions and make the people prosperous a11d ,contented. Hospital By-Law "The vole on tihe Memorial HO'spital ,By-Law shows that the people who vote,d were opposed to the grant by a large majarhy. The number of vote's poned, twenty-eight per cen't. of the to' tal, indicated a genera'} lack o.f interest in the maHer. County, Roads "Notic,e has been received that the Coul1'ty Roads By-Law, with some deductians, will be appraved, alsO' the by-hw and a:greement with ,Malahide in 'reference to the Sta.lte-r, Gulley raad and hridge. Tenders far this work will be available dnr-ing the present sessian, as the amount lias to be included in this year's estimates. Legislation "The session of the Provincial Legislature was langer this YtC\.l EIg.in' County Council 33 than usua:1. A great deal af-municipal law ha's' heen under callsid'era- . tiOll. Tlhis; howeve'r, will nat beavaila:ble until after proro'g;ation of the House, w'hichtakes 'place ta-day. "The Natural Ga,s Act which-ha:dithe effect o.f cancelling agree'~ ments 'between companies and municipaHties, has been amended and the Tights oft-he .municipalities un-der, the _,agreements .restored. Provincial Highway "The Highways Departl11e't1t has'i'endered ~:ccount for County's share of pravincial highway"expenditu-re during 1921. 'The amount payable is $30',875.92. The' CauncilshouId canside't t'he ad'visa.bility of adtoptin-g,a definit~ policy in, reference to these" amounts. This yeartll'e provincial.expenditures in'the'caunty will be "increa'sed; The constrli,dion woi~k 'beingdon'eis of a'mos'i 'permanent c"ha'ractei". The issue af de'bentures spreading ,these payments ove-i' a te'rm' ;o'f years is recQmmended." Praceedings aJ the last day aJ the January sessian and-of the special sessians were 'fea'd and confirme,d. The fQlllawin'g communications wer,e 'tead: II , I I', I II II III III ii, II ,I III Ii, il From W. A. McLean, De'Puty Minister -of Hi'lihways, with' accaunt fO'r provindalhighways. - Refer-r,ed to Finance" Commktee. From, :f\frs. CaughelI, res'igningposition of CauntY,Truant Officer. - Referred to' Educatian Committee. From Education Department, re Legislative grant, equipment and. accommodation. - Referred to' EducationC'ammit,tee. From W. A. 'McLean, Deputy- Mini-stet of Hiighways, T'e' a:pptoval oJ By-Laws 1000 and 10'01.......,. Referred to Caunty Roads Committee. ~rom C~~mnty So'Iicitor, 're hawkers an-d pedlarshy-Iaw. - Refe'rred to Fi'nance Committee. From Minister of Education, re caunty 'rep-resentative to confer- ence on secanda'ry educatian. - Refe'rred to Education Commi,ttee. 34 Elgin.. County Council From County. Clerk,Oxford, re appointment of County; Roa.-d Supedntenden'ts.,....,.,.. Refe'rred fa Petitions and. Legislation Committee. From Ya-rmouth Council, 're co,st of munidpaI truck licenses.- Referred to County Roads Committee.' From Engineer' M:a'fstoll; of No'rfoilk,: retakingvar,t in Road' Make'rs' gducationaI Tour. '- Referred to County Roads Committee. F'fom County, Council ,of Wate-do'G, 're-p~yment by Frovince of full cost o,fprovindal highways...,.- Refe'r'red to' Petitions and Legis- lation' Committee. .,,' , From Farmers' CIuibs and J. A.King, of Aldb,o.roug11, re _prOtest against rounty 'roa.d expenditure and request for appointment fO'T deputation to address the .council. From T. W. Shipley, Dutton, 're truck license for p'eddling grocerie's. M'T. Pethe-rick gave notice of resO'1ution re pavement work in West Lo'rn'e, to be p'res~ntedon Wed:nesdCi-y,at2 p.m. M'oved by H. Dromgole, Second;ed by A. Crawford: 'That 'a deputation from Elgin" Middlesex, and' La'mbton, re desi,gnation of Dunwich and Aldboroug"h town line 'as a provincial- coqo-t'y 'road, be heard by this Counci1lon 'Iihursday, at 2 p.m. - Carried. Moved by J. F. McGregor, Sec'onded' by D. K. Andrew: i' jl ,I 1 II I 'rl ~I t, Ji, f' That ,the delegation fro:m Aldborough -an:d other municipalities 're adjustment o'f scale of wages, he heard on Friday, at 2 p.rn:' - Carried. 'Elgin'County Council' 35 Moved byW~ Anderso-n, , I I I, II I II II I ,I I Seconded-byF. Carr: That this Council adjourn" to' meet to-motrow at 10 a.m. - Card-ed. E. E.' McTAGGART, Warden. II I 36 Elgin County Coun9il SECOND SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, June 14th, 1922 The Elgin County Council met this day, according to adjournment. The Warden in the c'ha,ir. All the members present., Proceedings o.f the previous day were read and confirmed'. The following communications were read: From management Queen Alexandria Sanitarium, inviting the Council to inspect the institution on Saturday, June 17th. From County Clerk, with report on vote, Memorial Hospital By-Law. J Ii 1111 l' 1(1 ;"1.' ~i From County Engineer, with repO'rt. - Referred to Public Imp,rovements Committee. Mr. Teeple presented petition for oiliilg St. George Street-road in 'suburban area. "\il , Mr. Campbell gave notice of applicaHon fO'r grant to be expen-ded on connecting links of county 'roads passing through villages. Moved by W. P.a-ttou, ~econded by D. Campbell: That a deputation re High School, Dutton, be heard Thursday at 3 o'clock. Elgin County Council 37 Moved by: A. Barons, Seconded' by H. L. Godwin: That- this Ootl'nty. Council designate and assume the. following roaciJsin the .Village, of Sprin'glleld under the provisions of Tihe High- way Imp-fo'vement Act: (1) Beginning at the weste'rly limits bf the vi,uage, oh RQad No. 52, thence ea,st on Main Street to, McIMos'h . Street. County . (2) Beginning ,at the :southerly limits of the village;" on County Road-'N o. 42, thence nO'fth on Eas't Street to M; C. R. ,right-of.,.way. (3) Beginning at the north limit of viHa-ge, on County Road No. 49, thence south on Wellington Stieet tothe n'o'rthlimit of' Lot No.1 , on WeHington Street. In amendment: Moved hy H:Dromgole, Seconded by J. F. McGregor: That the matter of streets of Springfield be 'referred to Good Roads Committee, to report at this session. Main motion lost and amendmentcarrie'd. Moved by 0.. McKenney, Seconded by .A. BaTons: That this Council do now adjourn, to meet at ~ p.~. to-day. - Carried. Elgin County Council 38 Elgin Caunty Cauncil The Council .Resumed SECOND SESSION~THIRD DAY Moved by O. McKenney, Thursday, June 15tl.l; 1922 The Elgin County Council met this' day, according to a:rjaurnment. Second,ed by'C. M. Hazen: That A. Ba'rons, Wm. Andersan, the Clerk, D.Camphell; and N. E. Burtan be a c,ammittee to' report as to the advisability of buUdingaplace to park cars on the Court House grau,nds~ torepo'rt at t-his se-ssian. The Warden in the chair. All, the membe-rs present. - Carried. P.raceedings of the previous day were read and eonfirmed. Moved ,by C. M. Hazen, The foUowing' communicatianswere,read: Se,conded by O. McKenney: F'rom Stewart Breeders' sale._ A Brown, reques.t for' grant to~yards Shorthorn That this Council do now adjourn, to meet at.l0 a.m. to-morrow, to allow committees to meet. - Carried. From County Treasurer, with financial statement and estimate, Both 'communications were referred to the Finance' Committee. E. E. McTAGGART. Wa'rden. Moved by A. Barons, SecO'nded ,by J; A. Madre: That this Council adjourn, to meet at 2 p.m. - Carried. The Council Resumed Mov'ed 'by-H. Dromgole, Se,donded by D. K. Agnew: . That th-e deputation from Elgin, 'Middlesex, and Lambton, 'fe designation o.f Aldb,orough-Dun.wic'h t()wn lin~ as a provincial-county road, be nrow hea'rd. - Car'ried. 39 40 Elgin County Council The fcHawing d:eput.ationwas then introduced by Peter Cameron, ,M. P. P.~ West Elgin: Messrs. A'ldred, of Glencne; Reeve Lindsay, of Brock; Reeve :Reyfet, ,of Alvinston; Reeve Reycraft, of Mosa; Reeve Me'Plhers-on, oJ Glencoe; M'l'. McAlpine; Mr. Oak, M. P. P., of Lamb- tOl1;arid Mr. Lethbridge, M. P.P., of Middlesex. T'he Wardenrefened the 'request oJ the deputation to the County Rnad Committee.' The report of the Education Committee ,was; presented, and adopte,d on motion of A. Barons, seconded by F. Carr. The 'report of rhe Public Improvement Committee was pre'sented, and adopted on motion of Dr. Jackso,n au,d Wm. Ashton. Moved by O. McKenney, Second~d by C. M. Hazen: That Dr. Ma'rlatt be allowed to address this Council re the Humane Society, - Carried, Dr. Marlatt and InspectO'r Mattice then addressed the Council in reference to grant for Humane So,ciety work. The Wa'rden 'refe-rred the matter to the Finance Committee. Moved by A. J. McIntyre, Seconded by D. Campbell: That this Council do now adjourn, t6 meet at 10 ?--,m.Friday. ~.Carried. E. E. McTAGGART, Warden. , ~! \', %;!! 1:1 \, ~~, r , lih !%; L... 'f, ~lgi\l County Ccwncil 41 SECOND SESSION - FOURTH .DAY , .Friday, June 113th, 1922 The Elgin, County Council met this day, at the Court House, according to adjou-rnment. The Warden in the chair. All the members present, Proceedings of the previous day-~were read and confirmed. The p-resentment of the Grand Jury, was read and referred to the House of Industry Committee. Moved by N. E. Burton, Seconded by A. J. McIntyre: That this Coundl protest to the Pro~in~ial Government th'e manner in which t;he provil1cial highway is being graded at Talhot- v.iIle, whereby the sidewalks which were constructed by the 'residents have been -destroyed, deep ditches made in front of their 'residence, thereby., to a certain extent, inte'rferingwith access ,to andh-om the san1e. -Lost. Moved by J, A. Moore, Sccon~ed by H. L., Godwin: That this Council adjourn, unti:l 2p,m, - Carried. The Council Resumed Mr. McKe.nney gave notice of application f.or grants to Corn ahd Poultry Shows, same as last year, 42 Elgin County- Coi.tnd1 Moved 'by D.K. And-rew, Seconded by, A. Crawford: That a committee cOlupose,d 'of Mess'fs. Patton, Nevill, M'cGrego'r', Burton, and Moore be appointed to -prepare a resolution regarding a more. s'(lItisfactory repo'r't of all wo'rk and money'expe'nded.'on county -roads. Move~ 'by J. F. McGrego'r. Sec.ondedhy C. M. Hazen: That delegation from AldLboroug1l1 and other l11unicipaHties re expenditure on county roads be now heard. ....... Carried. Mess'fs. King, Campbell,}, PU'rcell, and Linden then a,d'dressed the Council, and the Warden referred the who1e matter to the County Roads Committee, the c-ha'rges made against foremen to' be filed in. wrjting. The 'report of -thePe'titions and Legislation -Committee was pre- sented, and ado'pted on motion of O. McKenn'ey, ~econd'ed by F. Carr. The report o,f the Finance Committee Was presented ,and 'refe-rred to a Committee of the Who.}e, with Dr. Jackson in -the chair. . After amending_ t'he 'report, the <:ommittee a,rose and the repo'rt, as amend'ed, was adopted on,motion of Dr. Jackson, second,ed byr F. McGrego'r. Moved by D. K.' Andrew; Seconded by H. Dromgole: That the matter of grants to villages be referred to Road Committee. ~ Carried. Elgin County Council ~ III [II I II I'. I II. " !I: II' I Ii :i ii' 43 Moved by W.' Anderson, Seconded:, by F~ Carr: That this Council adjourn, to meet to-morrow a't 10 a.m. - Carried. E. .E. McTAGGART, Warden. ;.1.'\ ~I il ,II Iii ~l III.~I ~i, I.rll II 'I' lillil< ~'I .~II I'~ Illl V'.l< .. I III 11 ~~ ~, '/,),J ,,-,:"..'; 'j;;') "~; 44 Elgin 'County Council SECOND SESSION-FIFTH DAY Saturday, ]u'ne 17.fh, 1922 The Elgin County Council met this day, according to adjournment. The Warden in the chair. All the memhe'fs p'resent. Proceedings of the, previous day were read and confirmed. T'he Olerk presented sta-tement showiu,g auctiollee-rs' and pedlars' licenses in/ force. . M'oved by W.H. Ashton, Seconded by J. R. Teeple: That this Council .do l1'QW adjourn, to meeta't 1 :3.0 'P.m. _ Carried. The Council Resumed Mr. Ashton inquired ,as to location upon which Stalter Bridge was ,to be constructed. The second report of the Public Improvements Committee was presented, and adopted on motion of Dr.' Jackson, seconded by O. McKenney. The -report of the special committee -re pa-rking space on Court Honse grounds was presentedl' and adopted on motion of N. E. Burton, seconded by A. J. McIntyre. The report of the County Road Committee was presented and refened to Committee of the Whole, with Mr. Hazen in the chair. Elgin Corthty Courtci-l 4,5. After amending the repo'rtl .it, wasa:d'op'ted, asamended',oh motion of C. M. Hazenl second'ed, by A. J. McIntyre. The County Road Commi'ttee, presented its secondreportl which was adopted on motion ofH. Dromgole, seconded by Dr.' Jacks'on~ Moved by a.McKenney, Sec'ond:ed by A: J.McIntyre: Tha.t ,a des,k fe.lep-hone be placed in the Caunty Judrge1s office. -'-Ca;rried. 'I I Movedi'by J. F. M,cGrego1rl Seconded by 'D. K. And'rew: That this Council adjourn fo'r'thirty -ininutes, to.'alilaw t1he Fihance and Educatian' Committees tame-et. , - Carried. The Council Resumed 'Dhe report of the Finance Committ~e was -presented, and adopted an mQ1tion of J. R. Teeple, seconded by H. Dromgo,le. The report of the Education 'Committee w,aspresented;'and referred to' .CommiHeeof the Whole. It' was decided that ,the'repo:rt be 'laid over for consideration at the November session, and the Cbmrriittee"arose. MQved by A. J. McIntyre, ~econ.'ded by D. Campbell: That this Council recommend B. B. Graham, County Treasurer, fot -the 'Gas Tribunal at Toronto. ",,1 Moved by N. E. Burtan, Seconded by, C. M. Hazen: That this Council t.ake 'no action re appaintment of GasCam- 111issioner. 46 Elgin County. Council Main motion, caniGd, amendment lost. Moved by Will. Ashton, Seconded. by O~ M-cKenney: T.hat the Sta.l,ter Bridge be placed on the old site, cras nea'f as possible to .it, as recommended by the original motion as to where the said 'bridge should be placed. -Lost. Moved by Q. McKenney, Seconded by A. Pet'herick l '. That the ,grants to the Corn and Poultry:Sh()ws be the same as last year- West Lorue, $20'0; St. Thomas, $100; Aylmer. $150, - Ca'rried. Moved by H. Dromgole, Secon&ed by A. Crawford: Th.at By...Law' No. '10'02, for i'icensihig; --regulating, an:d' governing hawke'rs lln.d,pe'dlrurs,be l'eteivedan:d'''rcad a first time. - CarJ;~ed; Moved by A. era wfO'rd, Seconded by H. Dromgole: That By-Law No. 100'2 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by H. Dr.omgole, Seconded by A. Crawfo't,d: ThM By-Law No. 1002 be 'read a third' time and finally passed. -:-,'Ca.rr:ied. Elgin County" Council 47 Moved by D. Campbell, Seconded by W. Patton: 'Dhat :By-Law No. 1003, to extend time fo'r tax sale; be 'received and read a first. time. - Carried. .Moved 'by VV'. Patton, I I I I I I II. I' II l,i ~I I' ~ 'I ~I ~ ~I ilill ~i .III~ '1.1'llrl '1,1 II!I~ 111.\11' III ~.III ~ll IIil11ll .11,1.111., 'il ".1 '.'1 'II,!II ..'I.III.I~. '111111 II~ 'l'i!11 I~ Seconded by D. Campbel1: That By-Law No.W03 be "read'a seco'nd time. Moved' by A. Crawford, - Carried. Seconded byR. Dromgo'le: That By-LaW' "No. 100i3'be read a third time and finally/passed. - Carried. '~oy.ed ,by A. ]. McIntyre, Seconded by D. Campbell: That" By-Law No. W04, to' autho'rize the Wa'rden and Treasurer to. borrow $200,000, be -received. and 'read a fi1"slt time. , Moved by A. ]. McIntyre, Seconded b,y D. Campbdl: .;...;..... Carried. That By-Law N,o. 1004 be read a second time. Moved ,by A. ]. MCIntyre, Seconded by A.Crawford: -Carried. That By-Law No. 100.4 be 'read ~..thirdtim~. and finally passed. - Carried. 48 E]g~nCQtlnty Cou~cil Moved-by Dr. Jackson, Seconded by J. R. Teeple: That 'By~Law NO.,lOG5, to raise amou'nts fQ'f county rates for the ~ yea'f 192e, be -received and read a first time. -Carried. Moved by oW. H: As'htoH, Seconded by Dr. Jackson: That By-Law No. 100:5 be read a second. time. - Carried. Moved by J. R. Teeple, Seconded by W. Anderson: That By-LawN,o,' 1005 be '-read' a third time' ~nd finally passed. --Carried. Moved by O. McKenney, Sec,onded by H. Godwin: T,hat By-Law No. thi.rtyper cent. o.fthe ..and 'fead a fi;rst time. 10'06, to assess the Township of Malahide fo~ cost of the StaHer Gulley Hridg-e, be received -,-Carried. Moved. by A. N evi11, . Seconded .by C. ~azen: That By-Law No. 1006 be 'read a second time. - Carried. Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded by A. N eviH: That By-Law No. '1006 be read a third Hme' and finally passed.. - Carried. Elgin ..COttl1ty Co.uncil 49 .Moved by J. A. .Moore, Seconded by H. L. Godwin: Tha't By-Law No. 1007, to 'received and :read a firs1t time. make grants to villages and towrt, be Moved by -;.A. Moore, - Cal'ded. Second'edby:H. L. Godwin: ThM ByeLaw No. -lOn7 be read a second time. Mo~ed by H. L. Godwin, 'Seconded by J. A. Moore: - Ca'tried. That By-Law No. 100'7 be read a third time and'finally passed. 'Moved by W. Anderson, Sec,onded by F. Carr: - Carried. 'II! That By-Law No. 10:0'8 be read a second time. Moved by W. Anderson, Seconded by F. Carr: - Carrie9,. That By-Law No. 100-8 be read a third ti~e and finally passed. - Carried. gj 50 Elgin County. Catincil Maved by A. Petherick, Seconded by Do' K. Andrew: ..Thaf a ,by-law and agreement by the Gaad Raads Cammittee be pre'pared and submhted ta the- next speciall; o'rregula't meeting of t1his Cauncil, to. autha'rize an agreement to be entered intO' by this County with the ViHage nf West La'rn,e fO'rthe supervision nf the canst'ruc- tian of a cement pavement an Graham,ahdMain -Streets'in the Village of West Larne, being cannectin,g links af caunty road system, and the payment aver to the-Vil'lage of any subsidy 're.ceived by the Caun,ty from the Gavernment fa't said- wark under clause 5, Highways Aet, asamended. _ Ca'Hied. Maved 'by O. McKenney, Secande,d' by _ C. M. Hazen: That this Council adjaurn, ta meet an Navember 2'Sth1 1922. _ Ca.rried. E. E. McTAGGART, Wa.rden . Elgiil Caunty Caun,cD 51 SPECIAL SESSION -FIRS'!' DAY Thtt:.rs,day, l~th O'cfaher; 1922 Th.e Elgin COlinty Cauncilmet this' day "at the CaU'rt 'Hause; St. Thom~s,:in special session'toccinsider-:re'~~rt af Va1luatian Cammittee. The Wa-rden in ,the chair. All the member,'? p'resent. -;:< J. A. ~ ~cLean filed certiiJcate as Reeve 'a~ Rodney, in pl~_~,~ ,of D. Campbell, 'fesigned, and took his seat at ,the Council b0'a'rd. ", '" The '''lard en explained the o-bject af the meeting. i' The repart of theV,aluatian Cam.mittee was p-res'ented. Moved by J. R. Teeple, Secanded by J. F'. McGregor: That the 'repart' af the Valuatian' Cammittee be ada'pted. In amendment: Moved by H. Dramgole1 . Seconded 'by V\T. Patt~n: T.hat ,the varluers' 'report be referred back forreco'nsidemtiall" ta be presented again to-:marraw. Main motian last, amendment ca'rried. Cqunty Po1ice Magistra'te Maxwell then add-ressed the Council in ta a'ppointment af M:agistrates, office accommodation, supplies. .52 Elgin County Council Moved by O. McKenney, Se,con,ded 'by]. R. Teeple: 'Dhat t'he office f.onperly occupied by Judge a't th.e disposal of PoliJeM~gistrate Maxwell " '" , Er~atinger'be placed _ Ca'rried. addressed putting the 'Council in reference down foundation piers County .Enginee'r Bell difficulties encountered in Stalter Bridge. Moved by A. PetheriCk, Seconded by H. Dromgole: That this Council do noW adjourn, to mee,t to-morrow at 11 a.m. - Ca'rried. E. E. McTAGGART, Warden. to. for Elghi County Council 53 SPECIAL SESSION - SECOND DAy Friday, Octo?cr 13th, 19,212 The Elgin, County (ouhci'lmet this day, in accetdan,ce with adjournment. Proceedings of previous day were 'read and confirmed. Police Magistrate Hunt ad'dressed the'Council in reference to his position in view of appointment of Police Magist'raie Maxwe;}1. The County Valuers' 'report was ,again prseen-1:ed and 'refened tn a Committee o.f the vVho:Je, with M'r. Hazen in the c'hai'r. ~oved'lby J. A. Moore, Seconded by H. Godwin: That the Council adjourn, to meet at 1.30. - Canied. The Council Resumed The Council 'resumed and went into CommH,tee of the' Who'le on Valuers' fe'pert, M'r. Hazen in the chair. After amending the 're'pO'rt, the committee rose and report, as amend'ed, was adopted on motion of C. M. Hazen, seconded by O. McKenney. Moved by G. H;Jackson, Seconded by W. H. Ashton: ThM By'-Law No. W09, to confirm the equalization of the assess- ment rolls, be received and read a fi'rs't time. II "'Moved by']. A. Mooore, Seconded by A. BaTons:_ That By-Law No. 1009 be 'read a second time. - Ca'rrie-d. - Ca'rfied. 54: Elgin County Council Moved by C. M. Ha,zen, Seconded,?y O. McKenney: \ That By-Law No. 1009 be read a third time and finally passed. _ Carried. then peesented resignation at next session. of County Clerk K. W. The Wa'rden M"cKay, t,o bf< co....~S'idered Moved :by, A., Barons, Second'edb:Y W. Anderson: That this Council '&0 now adjourn. _ Ca'rried. E. E. McTAGGART, Warden. Elgin (oun,ty Council 55 THIRD SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, 218t'h day of November, 1922 The Elgin County Council met this .qay a;t the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordan'ce wilth a,djourmnemt. The Warden in the c'hair. All the members present except :NIr.Godwin. The Warden addressed the Coundl as foHows: . WARDEN'S ADDRESS 'ITa the ~lgin Counlty Coundl: IIGell'tlemen, _ <l1n opening what I think will be the most impo'rtant session Of the yea,r, I 'desi're, to refe't to a few maHen Hlat may he of in:te'test. Agricultural Conditions "The general a'g'lricultural conJ.itions !through'Out the County ar~ good. The prices for fa'rm products, howev,e'r, are not as high as they fo'rmerly "v~re, hut hy p,rov,id:ing for greater production, the annua'l re'venues can he g-radually increas'ed. Port Stanley Bridge "The work on the Por.tStanley bridge is p'rog"ressin:g favorably. fo:undMion of .the abutment is completed arhove the water in a substantia,J manner; .Stalter Gulley Bridge "Since our June session, the wo'rk on the foundations far the Gulley bridge has been prO'gres.sing, and difficulties that were 56 Elgin County Council \ \ not anticipat.ed when the estimates WC'f,e prepa'red, have been encoun- tered. The Engineerl:dc1,red to these informally at -the special October session. The second abutment has been completed and the 'wOirk -on the thi'rd is now under way. The Provincial autho'rities have been cO't1sulted duriu'g the- progress of the wo;rk, in view of securiulg their ad,vice in 'reference to the best way to overcome the problems ,involved, with the -result that the O'riginal plans <t're being adhere.d to. The Road Committee will no doubt repO'rt fully in refc'rence to the maHer', European' Conditions llT:he unsetded state of affairs in Euro'pe, ac~ompanied as they arc 'by wars and l'Umor.g of wa'rs, have a disturbing effect on the people both in the United States and Canada. No. one ,is able to judige wha,t effect the 'p'resent conie'rence at Lausanne will have ,toward's settling the many questions involved. The attitude of the Turks 'has been most aggressive, and Great B<ritain's splend-id is'oht-iO'tl in rrcfer'ence to it h'as evoke,d admiration' throughout the Empire; though d-eserted by her fO'rmcr aHies, she as,sumed full respotlsib-il'ity of defending her rights as de':te-rmin,ed hy thc Tl-eaty 'O-f Versailles. County Roads "The County, Road Depa1rtment has been aotive throughout the yea'r, al1d a great deal of gravel 'has-heen placed on the 'roadls. Fo,r so-me time past the t'fucks 'have been working in Sout'hwo1d and Dunwich, and, the improvement of a verry large mHeage ,viE be repo'ried by th'e Com1n1t!tee. Clarke vs. Elgin "This claim, which was there'sult of a colrlision between 'One of the county trucks and a moto'r calr on the Porrt Stanley 'road" nea'f the gravel pii, came up for trial in London in. September. There was some diffe,rellce of opinion as to. t'he 'position. of the truck when t:he coHisio-n took 'pIrace, and as this had an ~mporttall't bea,rillrgQon the claim fo'l' $10,000 damages, the Solicitor advised sd'tlement fo'1- $1,500, without cO's<ts, and this was canied out, with the apprb,val of the' Legal C,01D111,ittee an-d myself. Elgih County Council 57 Valuation Appeal "Appeal-shave'. becnentere-d against the valua'Hon by To.wnships of Southwold and Dunwich, an'd ViHage of DuUon. The matte'! has_ b"eel} , before His HOlto-r Judrge Ro'ss; 'who will heal' a-rgumelI:~s o,f s'olicitors on Thursday, after which he_will, nb doubt, he in apos,itioIl to give hisdecis,ion. There has been ll'oc'rhicism of the value'1's' work;, nai'has thei-r in<tergrity 0'1' - faiir triJndedne:s's in the matter been questioned. 1 believe that theacrtof the County Council ihusiilg their valuation as a basis 'o,fequalriza-tion was 'a prOpe-rOII'e, at"ld that the Judge win mak;e very liftle change, if any, ,in the appoLrtionment set forth:in the county by-law. Provincial Grant for House of Industry '''tIndleI' Order-in.-Council issued on the 2.9t'h August, county houses of industry and 'refuge. will,-ih the futti're, 'receiVe hom ,the Provincial treasury' 'a grant of ten cents per day fb'r each day's Stay ,of inmates in the insti,tution. For the h'Ous'e ofindlU'strr-y yeareildinlg' 1st of N-ovembe't, the number of days' 'stay 'o.f iamat'C's was 12',1r18, and' the e:u.roUmell't was smaller than it ha'sheen fo'r many years. In the future- the Coun!fy may look ftH' at least $10Or a month from the Pro- vince. T'his is but a just return to the municip'aiI1ity, as the P'1.ovic'n:e lreyies a 'prov-incial tax on the 'l'Ci.ilways, hom which is, deducted ,tlpe grea1te;t 'parrt' oJ the expenfies oJ the Ontario Railway. and MUllicipal Bea'rd,and a ,smaN c'harge fo'r inmates from t1he municipality connn'ed in hos'pit'als for the i1l'sa'ne. This 'reduces tli'ea'PpO'l'tionment of 'rail- way tax received hy the local munidpa,lities. J'1he new pet diem grant will, to. ,so,me extent, equalize the distribution 'Of this rtax. Legislation "At the -recent session of the . Legislature the usual quota of alnendments and ext;ensions to 'the municipal laws we're considered. Some of the Acts passed do not go into- force until t'he, l'st day of Janua:ry next, among these being The 'Voters' Lists Act, The As'Sess- mel1!t Act, 'and Art Act to Extend the Ri;ght to, Vo,ie at. Municipal Elections, under which husbao,ds and wivesa're given the :rig.h t to vote when either 6fthemis an ewn'er, tenant, or assessed for in'come. "The Municipal Amendrtiell't Ad, whkh conrtains twen:ty-two sections, provides for changing ,the date of nomination and, election of ! ~ ',i ~ 58 Elgin County Council members ,of councils, scho'ol board,s, ~tc., and. fO'f dee'tion-s on the last 'Monday ,in. Nove'lllbe1r, the p~Hit1g to' take place 'on .the fi'f-s't M,onday iu.Decembc'f. The council in, any Inca.! munkipaHty may bring this law int'O'J01:ce by passiulg a by~law not.late~r than,t4e 1st 'c,f November. Provision is ma-de fO'~exten,ding the hours of 'polling, and fO'l" the d.es'truetiau af baUa't papers after six weeks, and when date of election is chang'ep., for a meeting of council on the 15'th day of November instead of in December a,s at pl'es'cut. A. slight change is niad-c ill' the d'ecla1ration 'of dection officc-rs: Cities a're authorized to cont1fol waste pa,per boxes' 'on the streets, and th~ expro'priation -of land.!? f.or 'pros- pective, ,treet impravement is pravid'ed. far,. The <lefinitian af the word 'bonus' hi changed; and debentures fOol' soldic1"'s' monuments may noW be issued w~thout the vo'te 'of the electors. Grants may be rnad.e to the Onta;rio Safety L.ea'~ue, and the ,erection, of sign's and poster-s within de'fined areas may be .prohibited-. Therilght to Hceu,g.e hawkers and pedlaJfs has been extended to townships in unorganized territories. Additianal pawer is -giv.en far the sale and starage af h;esh. meats and fi~h,and the section p'rahibiting the drawing of gravel during the wintc.f mon:ths was repealed. "T'he Obsltruction on Hig,hw.a,ysRemoval Act provide,s fo;! the a'1;teration of telephone poles and whes. A Juro'rs'Act amendment p'rov.ides fo,r .,ummaning jurors in 'rural municipalities by ,mail. The Natural Gas Act p.rov:ides Jnr a bo'a:r.d of 'reference fo'! ,thepu'rposesof the Act 'Of 19'211, and c.ontains some instruct-io-ns fall' theh.guidance. 'Dhe, Acts 'respecting suburban area d,eve1O'pment, railway emplayees voting, tel'e'phanes,.,and distric:thouses o-f 'refuge, a,re improved. The OntariO' I-Hghways Act pravides for the 'exprapriatian afg'ravel, and The Hig'hway ImpravementAct limitsa,countydehenture issue ita five peT cent. 'af 'equalized value, and 'pravides for theC'apitaHzation 'of pravin~ cial 'receipts fa'r Taad impravement and fa'r ca~'aperatian" between urban numicipa;t.ities and pali'ce villages with- caunties. The 'pracedure for ex:prap'riatian,'af land by caunlty autha'l"ities far raa-d' impravemen.t l'urp'O'ses is to' be. the same as is p'ravid'edfor und,er The OntariO' Fublic Wa.rks Act. , "provis:i'an, isma-dc fo-1' limiting the num'ber 'C)f" s~pa:rate schaal tr.ttote.es, and fa.r relieving towusbip fram liability fqr da.rp~ges eansed by dmin hlocked- by snawo'r ic,e. .The Act 'respecting licenses far billiard and paal'roams is improved. p.ravindal1icen'ses wiU n'o,t nmv be issued unless the ap'plicant is the halder of a license ham the municipal' 'coLrpo'ratian. Elgin Cou'nty Council 59 "The PubEc Health Act provides for the appointment of iiurses and physicians, and The CommunLi,ty Halls Act -fo'l' acqui'r:inglalld 'in anot'her municipality. "The Local Impravement Act provides fo-r the cal1'5t'ruction of p'rivate drains, and fo'r waterwarks and fi're p'rofe'ctian in tawnships. N arthern OntariO' Fire Relief "I have 'received a tdegram from the Nortfhern Onta'ria Fire Relief Cammi.ttecrequesting county grant tawards fund to aid the fi'rc sufferers. The caH. is an u'rgent ane, and should 'Tcceive yaur liberal cansideratian. The Clerk is a membe'r of a Pravincial com- mittee appainted by the Lieutenant-Govern'o.rin Caundl; which 'is in fu1.l cha'rge af the distribut'klU af 'fclief. He cail- adiyis'e yau fu:Ilyin reference to' the work being canied 0'11_, and the necessity far a large fund. to', carry several thousandaf OUT feHow citizenst'hrough the rigol's aJ a D'arthe'rn win1-e'r an<d a'ssist them in n-establis'hing themselves. Caunty Clerk "A-most impartant/: maHe'f will he the consideration af the resig- natian t-endered by Coun'ty Clerk McKay. He has been a valued officia.} iri Va'1'i9US capacities ,during the Ias-t fa'rty years. The a.ttitud'c of the Coun.dI -an the,saht:ry que'stion many yea'rs agO' made is neces- sary for M'1'.McKay to take up athe'r wa'rk, which now appears ,to reqtii'f{~:'his 'wh?l'e time. The inJo'rmatian that 'he ga.ined' through his connectian with 'The Municipal Wo,rId' during t'he past thi'r,ty year,s has always been at ,the dispos'Rl af the Council, and his advice has at all times been of the g'r'eateslt assistan'ce in the p'f'ognssive develop~ ment of municipal institutians in the County. His specia,l services on numeraus Gavernment cammissians, and ,during the war, are an evidence, afhis' reco'gnized ability and',inte'fest in. pubIi<; affaks. I d'O notknaw that M'r. McKay can be induced .t'O reca'll'sid'e'l" his decisian, but I recammend that a specia'l cammiftt-ee be appainted to' cansider that matter, and' if neccssa'ry, recommend a new appaillltment. Obituary "In dosing, I desire to' expr'ess my TeJg'1rets at the d'eath af twO' ex~Wardens af this Caunty-D. F. Moalre, South: Do-rc"hes'tel", af Ithe present Re'eve, who was Wa.rden in the yea'r 19'010', and 60 . Elgin County Council Mr. W. H. Turl1C'f, f.ormer' Reeve of South wold', who. wa's Warden in 1919. Both of these gentlel~en took mOTe 'than au., ordinary in-terest in mUll,idpal affaj'fs, and theh advice was at all times most valuable to the Council and their succeSSO'1"S in office. They will be ve'ry much miss:e.d., not ol1.1y in the sphere of their :local activities, but by the County a's a whole." P,roceedill'gs o,f the last day's of the June ses'sion an.d of th'e special October session wer,e Had and confirmed; The followiri'g communications, were 'read: From Dr. Ewin, Physician', House of IndlUstry, with annual repa'ft. _ Referred, to House of Industry Committee. From 5'vecia.1 Legislative Comm~ttee f'e l\'totO'f V chides Act and other 'Acts 'relating to' highway t,ravel. - Referred' to' Petitians and Legisl'a ti-a,n CammiHee. Fram W. H. Alderson, Northern Ontari-o 'Fire Relief, app1ication forgra11't. - Refel'red to Fil1'~:nce Cammittee. Frarn VV. J.Blewett,app1'ica:tiol1' fur positiol1"af County Clerk. From W. A. Sudwa'l.th, Secret'a.'fy-Treasur~'r B,oa>rd a,f Educatian, Ingersoll, re admissian of c'aunty pupils to' sc'haol- Referred to' EducatiO'n CO'mmittee. F'l"o1l1 County Clerk, rc ped\la'rs' and auc.ti9neers" lis:.en,ses. Mil". McGl'egO'r inquired 'r,e enforcement Of..pedla,rs'by-law. Mr. Ba,rons in-qui.red Te approva'l of designated roads in Sp'~'ingfieM. Mr. Nevill 'gave notice o.f mO"t1O'n ,to' detach Tawnship from Vienn:a, High School Dist'rict. ;~1'r. Hazen .gave notice O'f -deputation ore Vienna Hig<h School Distdct. ' Elgin.County Council I i I I I ~ II., . , ! ~ ~ , q ~ 1 lit 1 1,1 ~ ['l.I' "~ ~ . II'.' . 1'111 ~I . II~ J ~ ~, I . 'IJ 1.\.1'11 I~ ~' ~IJ tJ rl~.I...: '~ 1111..'.ill ~ ~ ':..1.'.111 ~I: Ilil'l H ~~ tl~1 J~ 61 Moved by O. McKen.ney, Seconded by:" C 1'1. Hazen: , Tha't Messrs. McGregor, Teeple, and McLean be, a cO'rnmiUee ,to inte'rvi-ew M'T. McI(ay re -his resi>gn'a:ti,on as -CO'unty Clerk, and 'report to this Council to-mon'O'w. Mave-dby Wm. Patton, -Ca'1"ried. Seconded 'by A. Crawfo'rd: That a d~putation from -twoo~clO'ck to-morrow., Dutton Hilgh Seho'Ol Boa'rd, be -heard at Moved by]. .R. Teeple, - Ca'lTied. SecoThded by' W. A,n-d'erson: Tha't>the'High CO'nstable be 'requi'recl' tos.e,e.rhat .the 'Ihawkers" and pedlars' by-law is enforced. Moved -by A. Barons, - Oa'1"ried. Seconded'by ]. A. Moore: That this Counci-I adjourn, to' meet t'O-rnO'now at 10 'o'do-clc .,,; - Ca'rried. E. E. McTAGGART, Wa'rden. 62 - Elgin County Council THIRD SESSION - SECON:0 DAY , \ Wednesday, 20th November, 1922 The"'Eh~h{Counlty Couneil met this day at the Court House. in accordance ~lth"adjo'tlrnme11JL ' The Warden, :in the chair. All the members presenlt. Prooeedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. The County Treasurer's report was presentedaud referred to the Finance Committee. The 'report 'of the commiHee in reference to the resignation' of the COUll'ty Clerk was present,ed. The Council wentin10 Cpmmittee o,f the Whol'e to cO'll'sid'e'r the same, _a~d d'ecided t,o 'offer Mr. McKay an additional sum of, $60'0 per annum. This. 'rc-po'rt ,was adopted. on tn0tion of J. A. McLean, seconded by J. F. McGr~go~.' :M:o\red by W.. H. Ashton, Seconded by J. R. Teeple: That this Counei.! do noW adjourn, to'meet this afternoon at 2 o'clock. _ Ca'r-ried. , The Council Resumed , Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded by C. M. Hazen: Elgin County Council 63 M'essrs. Connor and Price, then addressed the' Council in 'refe'rence to suppl,emeri'ta'ry gr'ant to High School, and the Warden -referred the matter tel; the- Education Committee. The re-pOl.t of the Legal Committee was presented, on nio,tio'll of]. R. Teeple, seeonded ,by H. Dr:omgole. ar-d adopted Moved ,by J. A. Moore, Se-conded by]. A.McLean: That this Coundl House of lridust'ry. adjourn M10 o'clock to-monow,to visit the -Lost. Moved 'by H. Drom&"o.le, Seconded by A. Petherick: That 'owing to the large amoun1 of busin'ess to be clone at this session, th'is Coundl finds it impossible ,to accep.t the invitation of residents ~.J.ong the Aldborough-Dunwich town. line to make the p-ro- p'Osed trip overt'he road during this session. . -Canied. Moved by H. Dromgo-le, SecondJed by W. Patton' That Duncan McNa-hb, of Dunwich, be appointed a member of Mo'thers' AI-lowances Board, in plac,e of W. H. Turner; deceased. - Ca'rried. Moved by D. K. Andrew, Second'ed by A Pethe:rick: That -this Coull'cil do now adjot1'rn, to meet a!t 10 a.m. to-mo'l"T-oW. That the committee from Aylmer, re High School, be noW heard..-. -Carried. E. E. -McTAGGART, Warde'h. 64 Elgin County....Council THIRD SESSION - THIRD DAY Thursday, 30th November, 1922 " The Elgin 'Coi.l1Hy Council , accordance with adjournment. met this day at the. Court House, in The W'a,rden in the chair. All the members present. Proceeu'iiulgs Q<f.the previous day were read and confirmed. 1....he Council t'hen adjourned; to' meet at 2 p.m. The Council Resumed Moved by Wm. Pa'Hon, Seconded by J. A.Me,Lean: That d~putation from Dutton, 're Dutton High Schoo1, be noW heud. . _ Carried. Mr. Hollingshead, accompanied by 'M'L' Hockin. then addressed the Ccuodl, making application for sllpplementaTY grant to Dutton High Sc'hee!, . Moved bY-A. Nevill, Seconded by, H. L. Godwin: That deputation horn Bayham, 're Vienna High-School" be noW hea'rd. _Carried. Messrs. Scott and Ford then addressed the Coun,eil in ~reference to wH'hMawal of Bayharu Township from the Vienna High School Dist'ric,t. f EIginC6unty Council 65 Moved 'by a.McKenney, Seconded by C. M. Hazen: That ,this Council now hear and Bayham High School. the Vienna .deputation 're the Vienna - Canied. Messrs. Williams, ad1dr.e.ssed the Council the District. Curtis, Lester, McAllister, and in opposit'inn to withdrawal of McLean then Bayham f~'olTI Moved by A. Petherick, 'Seconded by D. K.,Andrew: That this Council adjourn, to meet at 10 a.m. to-morrow. - Carried. E. E. McTAGGART,. Warden. 'j,:.' 66 Elgin County Coundl 67 Elgin County Cciulldl THIRD SESSION - FOURTH DAY The repol't of the County Road. Committee was pr,csented, and adopted on motion of H. Dromgole, seconded -by]. F. McGregor. F'riday, 1st of DecembeT, 1922 The Elgin County Council met this day at the CourtHouse, in accordau'ce with' adjournmeniL The re-poLrt of the Education Committee was presented, and ioefel'redito Committee of the Whole, with 1ttr. Au,denon in the chait" Af.teT consideration, the Committee a'rose and the repo:rt, as amended, was adopt,ed on motion D,f W. M. Anders'on, seconded by J.R. T'e'epIe, on the f.onowing division: ~he Warden in the chair. All the memherspresent. VCRS -]. F. l'.kGregor, D. K. Andrrew, A. 'Pet'herick, H: Drom~ gale,W. Patton, J. A. McLean, A. J. McIntyre, C. M. Hazen, O. McKenney, A. Barons, F. Ca:rr,yy. H. As11t'on., Dr. Jackson .....,....13. Nays-A. Crawford, J. R. Teeple, W. M. Andlelrsa'll, A. Nevill, H. L. Gadwin, J. A. ,Maare-6. Praceedings of the previaus d1ay were read and canfirmed, The fallawill'g cammun.iCatians we're read: F'rO'm County 'Engineer, with '1'epQlrt, - Referred to' Public Impra.y,ement's Cammittee. The 'rep'a>rt of the Hause af Industry Committee was pnsented, . and adapted on mation af J. A. MoaLr-e,-second1ed by J. A.McL'ean. From InspectO'r Hause of In-dustry;., with report. - Referred to' Hause of Industry Committee. 'Jihe ''report of ,tihe Petitians and Legislation Cammittee was pre- seuLted and 'referred to' Cammittee of the Whole, to' be cansid.er,ed lo-molflraw. IMav~d hy Dr. J a(',kson, The .repO'rt- af tbe Public Imp'roveinents Cammitteewas presented, and adapted an motion af Dr. Jackson, secand'ed by W. M. And-e'rson. Secanded by J. R. Teeple: At i-he request O'f the Council, J. A. Taylo'r, 1. P. S" addressed the Coun.til in refenJ;l'ce to' educational matters. The 1'eport o.f the s'peda'l cammi.ttee appa,inted to c'anside'r Ca1.11lIty Clerk's resignatian was ther- presented, and adopted an mation aJ J:F. McGregor, secand'ed by W. H. Ashton. Tha.t..this Council ad)aurn, to' meet at 3 p.m. The Council Resumed The follawing petitions we're p.resented: Maved by J. R. Teeple, By Mr. Hazen, in appasltlOll to' withdrawalo.f Bayhamfram Vienna High .Schonl Dist'rict. Secanded by W. Andersan: That this Cauncil dO' nO'w adjourn, to me'et at 10 a.m. to-manow. By. M'f. Nev:il1, wirh res.olutian' f'ram Bayham Council, praying for by~law to' withd:raw Bayhamf.ram Vienna High Scho'ol District. - Ca-rried. Both petitions wC're .refe'rred to' the Educ'a,don Commitltee. E. E. McTAGGART, Wa'rden. 68 EIgin Cotmty Counc'il THIRD SESSION -FIFTH DAY Saturday, 2nd December, 192.2 . The EIgin COU1i.ty Council met this day a't t'he Court Ho.use, in accord1alllce wi1th a,djonrn'illIen1t. The Wa'rden in the '~hair. All the members present. P;roced1ings of the 'previ'ous day"'we;re Iread 'and confl'rmed. r ' 'Dhe repo'l.t 0.f the spedal committe'e to' a'r,range' AdlJ:riin~straHon of J uS'tice Accoun,t' with St. Th'omas was presented, and a.dorpted on mdtion of 0., JYItKenn'ey, s.econ~'e::aby H. Dromgole. The rep'o~r,t o.fthe County Road. Account Gommittee was pre'senrt:- ed. and ad'O'pted on motion o,f Wril. -Pat,ton, seconded 'by J. A. M'o'o1'le. The Council, then ~~nt into Committee of the Whole ,on 'repo'rt .of Petit-ions and LegislaHon CommHtee, M'r; An-d'rew in the chaii'r. After conside~a1:i-on, the Commhte'e, aoto'se, and -the Ire'part, ~s amen-ded, was adopted on motiooO of D. K. Andrew, secon-ded hy J. R. Teeple. The 'repo'r,t of t'he Finance Committee wa,spres.ented, andadopte,d on moti-on of J. F. McGrego,r, sec'onded by H. Dromgol'e. . Moved 'by J. R, 'Teeple, Seconded by F. Ca~r: T1hat the Sc-h'ool Ill1specto'I"s beaske,d to make a 'report oJ the finances and other matters pertaining to High and Continualtion Seho'O'ls at the Ja-uU'a'ry session. - Ca'rried. Moved by J. R. Teeple, S'ec'On.ded 'by W. Ande'rson: ElgiIiCounty Council 69 That By-Law No. 1010, to authorize the Warden and Treasurer to b9rrow one hundred thousand -doUa'rs, be "received and read a first time. -eanied. Moved by W. H. Ashton, Second-ed by G. H. Jackson: Tha't By-Law No. 1010 be read"a second time. - Carried. M'Oved by Dr.,Jackson, Sec'onded by VV. H. Ashton: That By-Law No. .10]0 be 'read a third time and finally passed. Moved. by o. McKenney, - Ca'rried. , , III I' ! ~ III 'II I 1 II' , Iii ~ ['I , J WII t'l II !'j 11111' :~,I li~\ ,1,:1, ~, ~I' ~ I~ ~~ II~ ~ 1'1"1 Iii!! Secondeg by A. Nevill: That By...Law No. 1011, to authori.-;e the WaJ'den to mentwit'h St. Thomas, be received-and rea,da first tinie. sign agree- :- Carried. M'oved by H. Godwin, Seconded by ~A. J. McIntyre: Tha.t By-Law No. 10'11 be read a second time. Moved by C. M. Hazen, -Carried; Secon-d'ed by,'O; McKenney: That By-Law No; 1011 be-read a third time and fiu'ailTy pas'sed. - Ca'1"ried. 70 Elgin County Council Mayed by W. Patton, Seconded by H.Dromgole: That By-l.aw No. 1012, to make grants to schools,' be received and read ,a first time. - Carried. Moved by H. Dromgole, Seconded by A. Crawford ': That By-Law N'o. 10'12 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by W. Patton, Seconded by A. era wford: Thalt By-Law N Q. 101~ be read 'a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by J. 'F. McGrego'f, Seconded. by W. Patton: That !3y-Law No. 1013, to amend By~Law No. 959, be received and- 'read a first time. - Carried. Mov~d by J. R. Teeple, Se,conded by J. F. McGregor: That By-Law No. 1013 be 'fe'ad: a second time. _ Carried. Moved. by J. R. Teeple, Seconded by W. Anderson: That By-Law No: 1013 be read a third time and finally passed. - Ca:rried. Elgin County Council Moved by a.McKenney, SeC'o~-d.edby, H. Dron~,~oJ.e: That the "Times-Journal" reporter be paid the usual grant of fifteen doHa'rs fo-r the efficient way in' whicl,l he 'has 'reported the pro- ceedings of Ithis COl1ncil'during the past year. - Carded. Moved by A. Barons, Seconded by F. Ca,rr: 'That the thanks of this C'Ouncil be ten.dered to theWa'rden, and thM the usua,l gl-ant of 'one 'hund,red dollars be paid to him. - C~:~rie,d. Moved. hy A. BarD-US, Seconded by J. A.Moon: Th9,t this Council do now adjourn. I -Carried. 'E. E. McTAGGART, Wa'rd'en. 71 . I I . I , I II I I ~ I I III I '" , \ Iii I ii' f I~ Jl , II!I! j[' .~ 1~.,l, 'Ii ~ lil~ AI~~ tJ,',ii l~ 11\ ~~ il~ ,.\, i'~ m~ 72 Elgin County Council Reports of Committees and Officials 1922 STANDING COMMITTEES, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Gaol Committee \i\fm. M. Andcnoll; Chairman M,ess,rs. Archie CrawfO'rdand H. L. Godwi'n Public Improvements Committee Dr. Jacks'on, C'hai'rman Messrs. D. K. Andrew, A. Crawfnrd, N: E. Burton, \iVm. M. Andenon, Wm. H.'Ashton, A. Nevill, J. A'l~tht1'r Moore, and vVm. Patton House of Industry Committee J; A'rt'hur Mo-Qlre; Chairman Messrs. Neil E. Burton and Dan. Campbell (J. A. McLean) Finance Committee J. F. M'cGrego'f, C'hairman M'essrs. H. Dromgole, A. J., McIntyre, J. R. Teeple, A. Nevill, J. A. Moore, O. McKenney, Chas. M. Hazen, A. BaTons, Dr. Jackson, Wm. faUon, A. Petherick, Dan Campbell 0. A. McLean) Education Committee Arthur Ba:rons, Chairman. Mess'fs. D. K. Andirew, Frederick Carr, C. M. Hazen"Dr. Jackson, Wm. Pattan, A Pet-he-rick, D. Ca"mpbel1' (J. A.McLean) Petitions and Legislation Committee Osca'r Mc.Kenney, Challrman " Messrs. Frederick Carr, Wm. H. Ashtan, and H. L. Gadwin County Roads Committee I-I. Dramgale,Chakman Mess'rs. J. F. McGrego'r, A. J. McIntyre, and j, R. Teepl'e Legal Committee J ahn R. Teeple, Chairman Mess>rs. Hany Dromgale 'alnd Alf"redNevill (The W~rden is, ex 'officio,a mem'heJ -afaB Standin'g Committees) . Elgin County C6n'n'cil 73 REPORT OF J. C. SM.ITH, 1. P. S.,. EAST ELGIN , January Session To. the "Wa'rden and "members af the Elgin Caunty Council:, Gentlemen, - I have the ha'hor to submit he'rewith my annual 'report an the public schools oJ East Elgin, with the g.t,atisticsfal" the year 1920. Yours very -truly, J. C. SMITH. St. Tholl1as, Ont., ]anua:ry24, 1922. Schoels and Teachers The Inspecorate of East El'gin camprises 76 '1'11ra,1 schoals and 3 urban schools, with a 'to-tal af 107 teachers; 4 contiriu'a-tian schools, vdth a to'tal of 8 -teachers;' an.d 2 high sch0''0ls, with a total af7 teachers. In t'he whole County there an W5 'rur~l 5cho01s, with a tatal of 123 teac'hers. Of these rural schoals, 76 a're situated in the Inspectarate af East Elgin, a-nd ih these'schoo.ls there <l're 9-2. teac'pers. Consequell1tly my wark is p'1'actically entirely rmat In the school year of 1920-:-21 there were 10'7 teachers employed, of whom 11 'were male and 96 -female teachers. There we're 7 first- class certificates, 97 second~c1ass certifica'tes, 1 third\...c1ass certificat.e, and 2 kin:dergarten certificates. The only schaal in thelnsp~ctorate wliic'hh"as a kinderga'rten, department is ,the Ay,lmer Pu'blic Schoo.l, which has twa Idnde1'garten, teachers, a, direct0'1" and an assistant. The number of teachers ha-s heen graduaNyincreasing, and, awing to the crowded conditions of S. S. No;.s 14; Bayham; 8 and"'Z5, Yar:" mauth, it is very 'prahable that the staff oJ teachers in the InspeC'to;rat,e will in the-very near future be still furthe'rincreas,ed. 74 Elgin County Coun~il Financial Statement (a) Receipts Balance from .1919"___.___..,:_..__..______m.'.....~__n$ County Gran:ts.........................____........______...... Township Gran:ts..___...______..m______....________,...___ Government Grants____......______...._____......___.__ Local School Taxes_____.m._____~.__.."..n__nm... Debentures and Other Sources..__...________. 72340 25 915 77 51000: 00 13460 17 67879 73 39424 43 $245020 35 (h) Payments Teachers' Salarics___..__......________.......______....>n__$ 84'20'5 12 Sites, Buildings, etc___.,.........________m....____.... 12,2483 78 Libra-ries, -Apparatus, etc......___...___......_______ 2175 54 Debentures, Fue.}, and Suud'riesm___.___.... 443'59 35 . $1.53223 79 Balance ca~ried over to,_, 1921....,.___....._______ 9179'6 56 $245012!0 3'5 Schoo,l Statistics .The numbc'r of legal teaching days in 192'0 was 196. The average number of legal teaching days ,d-~tring which the schools were kept open was 190. Higlbest Salary Paid Male Teacher $lWO 00 Highest Salary.Paid Female Teacher $100'0 00 1200 00 1100 00 1100 0'0 1200 00 . Bayham .__ Dorchester, South Malahide .___.'__........ Southwold .._________. Yannout'll h.....______ 1100 00 145'0 00 The Department paid very liberal grants on salaries of rural school teac'hers in 1920 and 1921, and many Boards tonk advantage of these grants and increased th'e salaries' oftheit teache'rs ve-ry material- ly. But tlhese grants involved a huge drain on the finances of the' Departmen,t of Education, and it does not appear that they can be cou:tinued jndefinitely. BO'a'rds should be prepared to finance their schools in the nea'r future without dependill1g on the special sala'fY grants of the past two O'r three years. In acco'rdancewit'll recent, legislation, ,small urban, sc'hools will , Elgin County Council 75 hencdort~h be considered rural schooh for the purposes' of the general grants on. salaries, accommodations, and equipment, and the special grants on salaries, if these be 'c0'l1'tinued. This legislation affects Springfield and Vienna public schooLS in East 'Elgin, and they we're included in the distribution of the' aforesaid grants in 1921. The total numbe'r of - pupils enrolled we're 3,949 - boys, 2,053; girlS, 1,896. The average attendance wa's 2','178. The pupils were enrolled as follows: Kinde-f1garten Kindergartcn-PrimaTY Primer First Book Sec'Ond Book Third Book Fourth Book Fifth Book 2,5 40 787 463 645 947 1032 10 3949 The low average is due to prevailing sickness in many of the ,sections throughout the winter; Agriculture and Household Science During the year 1,494 pupils receivedinshuction in E,lcmenta:ry Agriculture, and ,311 in Household Science. The cost of this work. wasbo'tne entirely by the Department of Education. The progress of the 'work ,may be seen -fro'llit-he following ta,ble showing the schoo1s whi<;:h qualified for the Departmental Gran'ts to Teachers o'r Boa'rd's: . Agriculture In 1915 - 13 Schools In 1916 - 18 In 1917-22 In 1918-45 <l In 1919 - 59 In 192'0-65 H In 1921- 6-8 Household Science In 1918- 2 In 1919-7 In 1920-6 In 1921-9 Schools " School Fairs The School .Fairs, which a're stt'pportec1 and controlled by the 76, Elgin County Council Department of Agriculture and heartily. en.dorsed QY, the Depa:rtment of Education, are closely connected with the -d'evelopment of the teaching of Agriculture in the schoQls. The enthusiasm for School Fairs ha's spread rapid~ly over East Elgin,and~ ther-e were in 1921 ten Sc'hool Fairs throughout the Inspectorate. Only six 'rural sC1hools and two urban scho'oIs ,do nO't belong to a Sch-ool Fair Association: The ScholO' Fairs are a very_ valua-hle. feature of community life. They hring together the 'parents, trustees, teac'hers, and pupils of adjoining sections, and they stimulate a heahhy 'rivahy a'ud competition in athletics, school work, and,:exhihits offield -ptodu.ce, live stock, and manual wo-rk. The O'pen judging of the live stock is one oJ the most e,duc.a'tive featur~sof the Fairs, and one of the most impO'rtant exer- cises is t'he contest in public speaking. This latter- can be improved' if the teacher,s 'will insist on havi11'g the pupils Ipay more attention to grammar, .distinct enunciation, and oratory, 'rathe'f than to mere illemO'rizing of a set sp,eech. In shO'1't, the School Fairs ar,e one' of the best means ~f instilling, into the minds o,f the younlg a feeling of p6de in their own sc'hoolan,d'community and in the achiev,emcnts of themselves and' their neig'hJjors. Medical and Dental Inspection Owing to c011lti'nued pressure f'rom va'dous quarters, the D~part. mell,t of Education finally decided to make a, medical and dental su-rvey of t'he Province. The Wcimen',s Institutes were very active in this work throughout the P:rovince. In the summer of, 1919 the District Meetinlg of the EaS't Elgin \-Vomen's Institutes took official adion in the matter and- the Departm,eut appointed a medical officer of their ~ staff to make a survey in East Elgin. Owing to the nu.mb,C'r o-f requests for inspection, and the sca-rcity of available doctors, -the work was not, undertaken until 1921, when it wasdecide-dl to- make a survey of t'he whole County,including St. Thomas. Dr. Baniette Cockburn a,nd Nurse B. Lun'n, of the Dep-a-rtrnent of Education, were appointed to make the'survey, and -thei'r'-report of the medical and dental survey of East Elgin shows that the physical condition of the child-ren amply justifi,ed the taking oJ the survey. During the course of the survey, Dr. Cockburn adct-ressed a number of mothers' meetings, in the schools, and with Dr. J. T. Phair, the Chief School Medical Officer of the Depa'rtmenit of Education, addressed the Elgin County T'rustees' Assodation. Due notice was given of the intended visit of Dr. Cock-huql to eal;:h section, and only one Board refused to' allow her to examine the pupils. The report of Dr. Cockburn and Nurse ,Lunn is as fonows: Elgin' County Council 77 <;l ;J>>-J '1 ::n'< Q ~. ~ s:?t p.., O"(tl...... . " ~ ~~i n- (tl '0: ~ :::t >'t : i F~'; ; : I I ~' ~ ;:lIe ~ ml fI>. tii ~ ~ "' ><cn.~OI;d ~ g e:. ~'~ 8_ So ~ g. g" g/~ 0.: ~ 8 s: ...... (tl ;;- ; p., - ~'1 i rl ~ fI>. fI>. f-' Ql 0"> Ql W->J:>. I-"" f-' W 0 <:D l;P, No, of Pupils Examined '" ~ Co "' 0 ~ ~ '" ~ " .,. , . '" ~ ~ .., ~ ~ ~ 00 ~ '" ~ 0 .'" ~ "' "' '" 00 ~ -, '" 00 ~ .., '" '" '" 01"' , ~ ~ ~I~ ~ ~ Sf oo.ttri Defective'Vision Defective Hearing Eye Disease Ear Disease ~ '" WW~>J:>. 00 I W ~ W I-' wl~ I-' "' ~ ~ Defective Na~a-l Breathing ~ If>. 00 <:D W 0 ~ O">W<:;>WQl Co 1-'1-'1-' I-' Abnormal Tonsils 0, '-0 W W >J:>. Ql .., OOfl>.wwO "' S:~ool ~ Anaemic Appearance 0, '" ~ '" "' "' '" '" Defec,tive Teeth ;;1 ~ I-"" <::> <:D f-' .w <:;> 0 0 I-' ""'" Skin Disease :;;lo">Ql fI>. I-' Orthopoe'dic Defects ,... Pulmonary Disease w Cardiac' Disease ..... N e-rvous Disorders' 0">1,... f-& W ~I", '" ~ '" "' '" ~ ~ "' '" '" '" ~ " .. 0, 00 .., 00 "' '" ~ '0 ~ ~ '" '" ~ "' ~ 0, "' ~ i;J ~ "' 00 ~ ~. :::: Ql w' 5 Defective Speech 0} fI>. W I-' Ql Not Vaccinated W <::> '-O,>J:>. 0 OOfl>.<6000 ~ I-"" I-' W ~l Mentality Referred fI>. >J:>. fI:>. W Ql N o'rroal Pupils ~ Q, Q 0"> 00 1-'1-',... ,... Mothers' Meetings 00 fI>. t.Il ~ Ql 78 E!gin CO,untyCotirtcil FolIo-wing up the survey, the-Department sent Qne of the Demonstration Nurses, Miss E. D. Hun.t, to visit the schools and do the foHow-up work, and to supervise the health of the pupils. In this Way it was 'intended' to clemonstra'te whatco~ld 'be done by a per- manent se'hool nUl"Se. In the course of her work Nurse Hunt macl'e 101 5cho01 vishs, 3,448 examinations of c'hild1ren, and 427 home visits. Dr. Cocl{iburn attended! many of the School Fairs and addressed the parenits and trustees. Seventeen public meetings were held th'rough~ out the Iitspectora.te, including two very la'rge meetin'gs at Aylmer and Fingal. At the former meeting, Dr. Phair, Chief School Medical Office-f, and Miss Ella Jamieson, Supervisa-r of Nur..ses, were present and gave addresses. At ,the Aylmer meeting a cammittee was appainted to' setl,.1l"e informatian as to' the number of schoals which would agree to' farm a unit far a schaal nurse. It was desired to have 35 0'1' 4'0 'faoms in a unit, under rhe supervision of a perlnan'en't schaal 'nurse whose duty it wauld be to visit the schaals 'regularly, to cansu:h with pal'ell'ts and teachers, and to assist in the cantral af cammunicable diseases. Many of the children examined W.ere faund to' have ane 0'1' mare sc'riaus defects. Out of thetatal af2,719 children examined, anly 2,65 were adjudged v,erfect 'O'r na'l"mally healthy. The 'remainder had ma1"C or less seriaus defects, mast ,af whic'h could be -remedied if they were given medical ar ,dental attentian, . The cammittee an nurse inspectian failed to' get the required l1umbel' of schao,ls to'. make a unit, and 0'0' further acfion has been take'u in 'the matte'r, TO' date 13 'rural schaaJ nurses have been appointed in 3 Il1S!pectnrates. The system has been adopted but is nat yet in actual .operation': The Adolescent School Attendance' Act If has been. generally admitted that a child :was not adequately educated for citiezuship at faurteen yea'fS of age; and under the aId condlitions most affhe' pupils,\Vit'hdrew fram S'chaal at tha'tage because they were nat abliged to' alttend after the faurteenth year. At the present time in the '1"ll'ra,1 cammunities the only pravi~ian' fa'r the acIalesc,ents is the Fifth Class, which is only an advaneed Fa'rm IV; NO' ,doubt in time a form of sc'hool will .be evalved suitaJble far such 'pupils, where they may get excellent t'raining iil Agriculture, Elgin Coun:ty Cauncil 79 Manual Wark, ar Business,. History and Civic,s, and Eng,li,sh. But the DePartment 'has made it 'passible "far those w'ha aTe attendinlg the Fifth Classes to' specia1ize in a few subjects each year, which will be given them as credits if they wish later in thei'r ca'reer to', 'enter a seconcIa'l"ysc'haal T'he periad of adalescence is very v'ital .in the' life af'a bay or girl, and the Sta,te and the il1'dividua,J. cammunities must :provid'e the means whereby layal and law-abiding citizens may be 'trained. The Sc'h0al Attendance Act and The Adalescent Schaal Attend. ance Act have in~proved the regularity and. punduaHty .of the pupils, and the efficient an'd tactful Caunty Schaal AUendanceOfficer has mad'e the working of the Act very smaath. In many af the schaols it i's no uncamman thing to' find a complete attendance day afteT day. Schaal Accammadation A madern ane-'raam schoal was begun in S. S. NO'. 1, Southwald, andapened at the beginning .af 1922. A ,new schaal-building which will house bath the public andcantinuatian schoals ha's been authar- ized_ for Springfield. One hesitates to' suggest, muc'h less- recammend, ne\y buildings, but same of the schaals are becoming taa crO'wded and others a're very old and are gradually wea'ringout. It was thaught that the consolidated s'choal wauld 'replace these, hut awing to' active opposition in same quaNers" and general apa,t'hy in athers, there seems to be nO' dispasitian to adopt the new scheme. 'Hawever, since 110 educatian is possible without disciplinre, and' since' disciplin'e is impossible with aut comfortable accammodati'on far teacher and pupils; gaad heatng, and proper ventilatian, it willL readily be seen what enarmaus educational waste there is, strivin;g to itrain 'yaung children in unsuitable surraundings. The schaal a:nd the home an partners, and the schaol should be as hame-like and beautiful as the hame. The Outlaakof the Schools Since the candusian of the Great War, much criticism has 'been made af the Sc'haol, the Harne, and the Church. Speaking only af Schaal as 'ane 'Of the fundamental in,s,t,i.tutians of the State, "1 shauld like tapoil1't aut t:hat Canada, is a yauOlg,c'aun'tty and ,tihesc'ha'ol has to' meet situations and canditians which are nat to' be faund in the older cauntries. The schoO'.} curriculum, is :an attempt to' train the c1hildren 80 Elgin County Council Elgin -County Coundl 81 to become efficient members of society. The courseo"f -stud'Y !)'re- scribed in the regula~ions re:ptesent the tY1?ica1experiences of the race that a:f'e worthy of transmission in the elemen'taTY schoolsiu.fhe 'prepa'ration of the pupil to-become an efficient membel'of society. But it would appear that the school is.being loaded with a respoll'si- bitity which is making it increasingly .difficult fOf it th 'per'fo,rm its fun~tio'fils properly ,and which' should be sha-red at least equally by t'heHome and the Church. RE1'ORT OF J. A. TAYLOR, 1.1'.S., WEST ELGIN To the vVardenandMembers of El,gin COlmty Coundl: Gentlemen,- I have the hono'1' to submit my annual report on the standing of . the schools in my Inspecto'ra:te during 1920. According to the reports'of th; as'ses's'o'rs of the different muni- cipalities, the school PO'Pttlationof aU classes and creeds between the ages of, 5 and 21 years amaunte.dta 7,4.77, af wham 1,431 helanged to' ru1"~I.ml1ll<i'cipa-1itie.s and 6,046 to', urban. The numher el1'relled' in 'rural schaels, was 855, with an average atten:da'nce ef 5405, 'o-r 64 pe'r cel1't., while 3.545 were enralled in the urba.n, with an av.erage attenrl'all'ce af 2,681, ar73 per cent. TO' accammadate these .pupils, W6 class-Taanls were 'required, and to educate them' cost nO' less a .sum than $'152,416. The tQ,tal receipts andexpenditu-res in bath rural and ut"ban s'choals were as Jonows: Receipts .$ i9746 00 12'6299 00 669:5 00 30:012:3 0:0 16177 24 $198940 2< Balan-c.e fram 1919_ ....___...............___.........,.. Municipa,l Grants Legislative grants Lacal Levy, ._____..._.._____...______________ ......__........ O,ther Saurces ____...______.____.____...___....__.__........_. Expenditures Teachers' Salaries .________..____._..___....,_______.___$10u314 48 Sites, Buildings, etc...._......__________\._......n..__,.. 8445 72 Lib-rarles, etc. .___..___..___..________.___...._.._____...... 6677 23 Debentures ________.....___...___._____..______....__.......... 7258 9,5 Fuel" etc. _.__'..,._',___,_ ...__..............______.....____.._.__. 2,3473 47 $152416 14 Balance on Hand ..___.___.........._______.__.........._. 46'52'4, 10 Legislative Grants 'these grants a're especially generous and' are made to 'encourage 82 . Elgin County Council and assist Boards in paying such salaries a-s will command the servi'ces of efficient teachers. Considering t,he high assc'ssmcn:tsof the sections in this Inspectorate a.nd the large g'rants available, there is ll'opoS's'ihle justification fOT any Bo,a'rdenOgaging a "teach'e'r holding lo,wer than second-class qualifications. Commen:dable legislation las1t year -extend;cd these grants to village schools, which shouldhereaftc'f have la'rger equipments, better a'ccommodations, and competent staffs. A Large Unit of Administration The consensU's of opinion. faVOl'S now a la'rger unit than the TUfa.! see,Han 'pre-sided' over by thre'e trustees. These sections we'1"e sat1s~> facto'ry in pioneer days and under pioneer condiitians. Traditian dies ha'rd, and thi~ system has been ',cantinued lang enough to' became a tradition. NO' adequate defence can be ma,de fo'r its continuance. It is one of the greatest abstacles to school cansolidation. If the town- ship were made the unit, ,it wauldbe large enaU'gh to' furnish equality of educatian,al appartunity, equaliz,e the cast' af main.taining the sc'hoals, secure efficient. teachers with experience and equal pro,fes- sianal ,attainments, transfer the equipment fram one schaal to. anather as the attendance and necessity might wana'nt, designate the schaols which shauld take ma're advanced work, cony.ey the pupa.s from one schaal to' another where the attendance is small, aud offer a la'rg'er cons,tituency to select men willing to devate their energies and time to' ,tl~e advancement af educatian. Fifth Classes The'se classes, hitherto few, have, by reason O'f the Ado.lescent Act, increased greatly: in number. Con'sid'ering the accessibility O'f the Cantinuatian Sd100ls O'f Radney and West Larne and the High Schaal at Duttan, there wO'uld nat be the demand for .these classes were it not that parents a're averse to' sen:ding their children 13 yeal's and yaunger away fram hime. As many of these Fifth Class pupils will -not attend 'higher institutions af learning, it was thai.1ightadvisable far ,this year at least to follaw the cours,e. oJ study outlined in the Regulations af 1915, rather than take advantage af the new Regulatians an:d suhs,titute the Lower Schaal caurse af-study of the High Schoals. County Trustee Association This As,sociation main,tains 'its pnpula'rity; It enjoys p:ravincial Elgin Caunty Council 83 distinction. Unlike other CciU:nty Trustee 'Associations, which have flaurished far a time,' it grows in strength and enthusiasm. The attendance laM meeting was about 2'50. 'Sanita.tion, consolidated schools, accammo-datians, 'deultal inspection, a'g:dcultural teaching, manual training, hausehold science, and'kindred topics form the sub- jects fo'r discussiO'n. These meetings aTe of great value in mainta.i-n- in:g an: interest in _educatian, securing a high stan-daTd af ac,cammoda.- tions, manning the schoals with ,efficient and -well-paid teacher-s, and educating the cammunitieil regarding changes in the curriculum, new educatiohal TCquirements, arid advancededucation.al ideas. Consolidated Schools Althaugh Elgin County was the first county in the Province to d1scus~ 'conso1id~:ted schools, and although their merits and demerits have been advanced at Trustee Associ~tions, 'Namen's Imstitutes, and . Tea'chers' Canventians for the 'past ten 0'1' twelve years, other than as a, means of education the academic discussian has nat issued in a'llY a~tiandeS'pite the fact that an excellent 'qppartun:ity to cansalidate three sections was affo'rded. The uncerta,in'ty of the cost and ma,in- tenanee, the a'pp'aren,J loss in scrapping the aId schaals, the un'willil~g- ness to dispense with the three trustee system, and 'the' distrust in the feasibiHty of transportatian, seem the insuperable objectians. The advantages af consolidation, as compar,ed with the expensive, inefficient anc,..teacher schaal, need. not 'be enumerated he're.' To see is to' believe. Once- trustees see t'hese schooh in aperation, the apparent objections will disappear. Nothirig can stop the-iT ,general ad'option. The present educatiana.l unrest, the Ad'o.JescentAct, the gaod 'foads, the autO' bus, the ,exte-nsi'an af 'hydTO to' rural dis,tricts, and thirst fn!" a h'i'g'her and more vaTi,ed educatian thail the .present public school gives, prodaim in stentorian tones the .gospel afconso.J-idation. It is safe to' ,say ,that' no Qther Iu.S'pectorate offers mO'l'e ideal conditions for idea-I Consalidated Sch:aols than ,d-O'es West Elgin. Rodney, West Lorue, '~nd Dutton 'are centrally located. The winters are 'relatively .rrtildahd the raadsa're-good.. The van ;ro-u'tes W'ould nat be long. Music, Agriculture, HausehaldScience,Manual Training, and advari.ced educatiQnal ,"vade would be furnj'she,d: Adalestel1'ts would, be giv,en suitable' educatia'n. 'Prini.a:ry children would' he more 'regular :"in attendance inwint,erthan t'hey are naw in s-umme'r. rthe cast would he -less, the efficiency many times greater, and equal eclucational oppO'rtunity would be a reality. Leg.isla'ti~n could he eriacted . 84 Elgin County Council Conso1id'ated Schools'as they now do permitting ,councils to, subsidize Continuation Schools. .. The Adolescent Act COl1'tra'ry to expectation, t'llere ,was little 'Or no opposition to -the enforcement of the Ad10lescent Act, The Seho'oJ AHeu.dan:ce Act had paved the way for its introduction. It is generally admitted that a child is not adequately educated at 1'ourteen yea-rs, au.d to remove him horn the joint control of home and schoo,l to the freed'om of a wage earneT is to imperil. a character which is on.ly in process of formation. This Act finds its' justification in the fact t'ha't children of" fou-rteen years aTe physically immature. Their intellects are untrained and the1ir (fha'racters arc unformed>. Adolescence ,is the period when m'iminal ca'reers are begun. The time seems opportune fo:,r the estahlishinlg in villag,e and rural public sc'hools of a two years' tOU'rse beyO'nd t'he Entrance in which Household Scien'ce, Agriculture, Civics, Histo'ry, and the duties of citizenship would be emphasized. The peril to democra'cy lies in the uneducated citizen. He is a victim fur t'he agi,tator and the demagogue, and is t1he cause of much ,oJ the prevailing unrest. Not ollly ,is it to the ,adrvan1:ag'e of the child, but also t'o Can.ada, that the period of enforced attenraanoe of boys an,d gi'rIs at sc'hool should be prolonged. Music in the Schools Every subject o'n the curri,culum 'has a strong educational value, and perhaps no subject gets ,as little attention gener.allyas does Vocal Music. It is as necessa'ry in the public schools as in the Sunday School. Vocal music is n-ot only pleasurable to cMld1ren and: a'counter irritant to truanc.y, but it has great value p'hysically, mentally, spirit;.. ually, and intellectually. As an a,id to secll,ring good' discipline and mental concen:tration, it is invaluable. It refines and elevate,s, purifies and eim.obles, ,increases the sanctity of the 1UO'rning devotions, and gives life and tone to the physical exercise'S. It teac'hes commuhity life and iclJea.Js, and furnishes pleasU"rabl~ occupation for leisure hours. The hours for labor aTe decreasing,while those fur leisure are inoreas- ing., The leisure hours of the adolescent are most impo't.tant. As a te'acher of patriotism, vocal mus'ic is not inferior to History (lr Litera.,. ture. As a strengthener 'of family ties and as an inltens,ifier of the love of home it h.as no: equal. Elgin Coun,ty Council 85 Cadet Work in Schools The DisarmamentConfe-ren'ce aCvVas'hinrgton has been the cause of directing considerable attention to the military side of cad,et wO'rk, and there is a desire iin SOfie quarte'rs to 'remove the so-caHed 'milita.ry spirit from cadet trainring'. It is'tegretta'hle that cad'et work should be c'onfusedr whh militarism. The two a're as wid'e asun-der as the poles. Cadet training .aims at developing boys physically, in improv- ing thei'r health, physique, stature, and strength; in causing them to respond p;'Qmptly, cheerfully, and in:telligent,ly ,to commands, and in developimg.a spirit of genuine patriotism and 'respect for law and con'stituted authority. It develops a: conscious personal dignity t'hroug'h directing attention bo neatn'ess and clean lines's, wi:th the polish of good manners and the charm of good speech. The wonder- ful way the, cad-ets acquitted ,themselves in- the latc wa'r, their 1'ea.J'y response to the Country's call, the high positions of trust and Tes'P'onsi- bility they occupied not ,Only in civil hut in mi.lita'ry life, a'fe immortal tri'butes t'o t'he value of cadet tra'ining, To 'remove it from 00'1' schobls would not cnoly be a misfortune to the individual, but dlisa,strous. to the State. Religious Instruction'in Public School In t'hes.e days of universal upheaval and un'rest, ofdisres'Pect fo'r law, and Juvenile c,rime, if civ'ilizat'ion is to' survive and if t'he main- tenance of law and order and the safety, prog'ress, a-nd' w'Clfan 'of the State is to b.epreserved, the opinion is gaining ground that the school mU$'t assume more than ever the duty of i111'pa'rting'religious instruc- tion. In many homes the family alta'r 'is absent; manya're the children who do not attend any Sund'ay School; the fO'reign dement is ine-reas- ing; vast numbers of immigran'tsare seeking Canadian citizenship who have no d:efinite religious or mO'ral convictions. The Schoo.} Regu- latio"ns prescribe the daily and systema'ticreading of portion.s' of the Scriptures without comment. As almost every denomin!atiO'n is repre- sented in the class-room, and as the teachers, >t'oo" hoM differ'ent 'religious beliefs, it woul-d he unwise and would he the somce of 'great trollhle were fhe Bible used as a tex't book O'f' its- passages commented on by the teacher. Since in many homes the Bi:ble is seldom 'read, what t'he Boa'rds could 'do, and in my judgment 'Should clio, is to encourage responsive reading of selected poNions o.f the Scriptures by teacher ,and pupils, the 'repeating of the Ten Commandmen.ts once a week, and the memorization' of passages selected 'by the Principal. 86 Elgin. County, Council . J unvenile Crime The alarming iriC'reascin juvenile C'rimeraisesthc question whether the sehno\. is 'givi,ll'g the iel~gious and moral training'it should. 'V"Thal- cverhe the cause _ whether it he a by~product oft'he wait,the influence o( the "movies/' thedecad~nceof morality d'ui-ing the war, the laxity of home discipline, or the apathy and. lethargy of the p{fhlic to matters mora:l- the inuca'sc is sue'has to give ser-iotis reflection. The Home, the Churt'll, the Sc'1lOo1, and Sunday School arc the four great ins1'i- Itutions of civilization chargeable with the €ustody of children during ,their youth and ans:werah1c for their moral training. While -there is -a cry 'for 'rdigious teaching in the 5c'hooI5, the churches 'have not taken tu11 advan<ta,ge of the school priviteges accorded them. The lesson taught hy this increase in juvenile crime emphasizes the necessity of teathin.g ohediencc to aud reverence. andrcspect for the Cotmtry's lav.rs~ In these days of crime, Bolshevis,m, lawlessness, highway rohhery and muder, {he Press, the School, the Church, and the Judiciary must proclaim more than ever 'hefore the sanctity of our Nationa'l laws and the condemnation due their violation. Reverence fnr the law, as Ahraham Lincoln once said, s'hould be taught in sc'h601s, seminaries, and colleges, written in primers, spelliug hooks, and almanacs, p'reac'hed fratn'the pulpits, proclaimed in the legislative halls, enforced in Courts of Justice, and made ,the political 'religion of the natian. Yours <truly, . J. A, TAYLOR. St. T'hamas, January 21, 1922. Elgin County Cauncil 87 REPORT OF EDUCATION TO' i'he: $lgin County Council: Gentlemen, - COMM,ITTEE 'Dhe Education Committee repQ!rts: 1. That accaunts have been. Hceived from the Lobo and Ailsa Craig Continuat'ian Sc'hools, and wOll1drecommend that they be paid by the County Treasurer an-certificat.e of the Couniy Clerk. 2. That C'ommlln:icwt'ian from. ,the County Cauncil of Yade, re bible study, he filed'. 3. That communication , standard, be filed. from Tawn of Hes'ple'r, 're mat'riculation 4. That the repDrts of and printed in the minutes. Inspectors Smith and Taylor be rec'eiv'ed 5. ThM the following accounts be 'paid: Mrs. CaugheIl, Sc'ho'0l Attendance Officer....,........ ..........$ 56 g5 J. C. Smi,t'h, 1. P. S.,expenses.....................................,........... 21g 42 J. A. Taylo'r, .'1. P. S., Expenses..................................,........ 36 75 Aylmer Express, printing fOl' Inspect'ar,...............,.......... 15 75 MunicipalWo'rld; printing for Inspector........ ............... 24 50 All of which is resp'ectfully - submitted. A. BARONS, January 26, 1922. Chai'rma'n. 88 Elgin County Council .-.---- .---'----..--..---..- June Se,ssion To the EIlgill County Council: Gentlemen, - The Educat'ion Committee f'cports: 1. That the resignation of M'rs. Caughell, 5ehoo1. Attendan.ce Officer, he accepted, and that in. the future the School Atteu.dance Officers be app,O'in1:ed by urban school boa,rds and townsllip coun,cils, .as p1'ovided in -the Act. .. ' 2. That the County Clerk be. appointed as delegate to \ attend con.ferdtce called by the M'LuistC1f of Education to consider~ mat'ters pertaining ,to secon&a'ry education in the Province. 3. Tha't theequ:ivalen.t .,to Govc'rnment grant for equipment and accommod'ation 'DC included in public school estimates. 4. That this Goul1'cilp~tition' the Legislature to repeal The Adol,escent Sclwol Attendance Act. 5. That the foHowing accoull1ts be paid: lVks.Caughdl, School Attendance Officer, expens'es and salary .._.__............._____.......___..........,__.__.._..__.________...____........$ .445 65 J. C. Smith, expenses, Puhlic Scho01 Inspecto'r.m..---n.-- 428 12 J. A. Taylor, ex'penses, Fublic 'Sc'hool Inspector....---..--- 133 80 Municipal World, account printing, etc., fO'f.Inspedon 162 85 That aCCOUll ts Irece'ived from Tillson-burg, Chatham, and Ridge- town High Schools be referred to the COUll.ty Clerk, to be p:a,id by the County rf,reaSlH"er on his certHicate. AH o.f which is l'C'spectful1y submitted,. A. BARONS, Chairman. St. Thomas, June 15t'h, 1922. Elgin Co~nty Council 89 November. Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen, - The -Education Committee repo'rts: 1, T'hat the {(mowing accounts be paid: J. A. Taylor, exp,enses__.....__........___,... ......__...___......... J. C~ Smith, expenses____,.___.....___......___. .......'.....h_____.____ ___.... Municipal World .______.__:___....__..___... ...___......_____.___....... Ajdmer Express, accounL__....n ...m...'.........___.._____... ..$ 14H :W ~83 ol 19D 32 fino Aylmer Expr,css, Dutton Advance R. McLacM1in, accounL......___,....,._____...._____. account___..___........___... 13 25 .....___.__....h__.. 1 .'50 6 83 2. That we acknowled'ge 'receipt of letter kom W, H, Sudwo-rth. of Co'llegiate Ins,titute, Ingerson, re oo'st of Elgin pupils, ',and that the matter be Jef.t in the hands of the Counlty Cle'rk, with in's'tructions to notify :the Ingersoll authorities that Elgin wiH not pay one hun'd1red per cent.o.f the cost of said pup.ils. 3. That the supplementa'ry gran'ts to High Schools he the sam~ as las't year. 4. That the gran.ts 'the same las last yea:r. to Continuation and Fifth Class Schoo1s be 5. We 'fecommend reference.. to applica don Scho;o1 Dish,ict. tha t no action. be taken a,t this session in of Bayha~ to withdraw {'fom Vienna High An of. vvhic'h .is respectfully submit.ted. Decemper. 1st, 192,2. A. BARONS, Chai'rman. 90 Elgin County Council COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT January Session To t'he Elgin Courtty Coun-eil: Gentuemen, - The foHawing is. a 1st, 192'2: stateme'nt of Assets. and Liabilities on January . Available Assets Cas'h on handn___...___.....___".nmm...__..__..________$ 92'18 68 County of Mi~dlesex..m_n...m_.'--.---..--..,..m. 2750 00 Registry Office__..,......___._____......___.m............--- 2505 00 Administratio,t1of Justice (estimalte)--,. 6500 00 (Estates) Re House o{ Industry,......._.._.... 450:00 Rent, McNichol Fa'fm___......_____......_______...___ 150 00 Government Subsidy (estimate).--------... 9000,0,00 . City of St. Thoma's, Suburban Ar.e.a.....__ '3'50{} 00 Rent, Hathaway -Fa'rm___.....________,u___...m... 310 00' City o,f St. Thomas, 're -.A,dtn. Justice._____ 332'5 on $1,18708 68 2616 82 Balance Liabilities over Assets..m. $121132'5 50 Current Liabilities Interest on Bills Paya,ble...........................$ Bills Payable, Molsons Bank...........,.......... Debentn1'es an.d Coupons....,............_......... Big 11 Schools...................,.............................. Public Schools.................n....._..................... Adm;nistration of J ustice....,.........-........,...- Agricultural Rcpresenb tive..........,............ H ous e ,0 fInd nstry .....m.........,..........L........... Grant, Aylmer Hos,pitaL........................n.. Arrears' of Taxes..................--........"''''''''''''' Mothers' Allowance, Dec,emb~r...,..,..:...,.. Miscellaneous Grants Unpaid Accounts, County Road,s............ 1600 09 92009 00' 1591 97 6873 ,55 M,70 49 200009 500 00 1400 00 frO,OO 00< 262 99 300. 00 870 00 3651 no .$12,1320 00 Elgin County Council , 91 2. This deficit is accounted fO'r by the excess of Higq. School expenditure over es1imates: 3. It will be necessary to pass a by-law authorizing the vVa'l'den and Treasurer to borrow Two -Hundred Thousand Dollm's to me,et cu'nent expenditure. ; 4. A committee should' be appointed to meet with 'representatives of the City of ,St. Thomas ,to make a new ag'l'eemen't regarding Administration of Justice accounts. A committee was appointed two years ago, but held no meetings. All of which is respectfully submitted. B. .B. GRAHAM, January 24, 1922. County' Treasurer. June Session To the, Elgin County .Council: Gent-Iemen, - 1. Herewith find stateme-ntshowing receipts and expenditures of the O:n1l1'ty from Janua'ry 1st to May 31st, 192'2. 2. I regret to 'report that the presen,t yea'!" offers no hope for loweril;l<g the county rate, as the enclosed estima,tes show, owing to the sum of ,$30;875.00 'being cha!rged to the Counlty tor last year's v-wvindal. highway exp,enditure. ~f' 3. On Jun.e 7th we -'TCceived from the P.rovincial Treasure'r $77,729.29 Government gramt, leaving a ba'lalll'ceorf some $5,000.00' ye1t due'th-e Counlty. We re-t'Lred' $60,,0,00.00' oi-the $16'O',Oo.O~Oo. of notes, ,and left bal'a.nc-e to onr credit to meet the June expenrd~tll're. It, wil1 there- fore be necC'ssa'ry to pass a -by-law aut'horiziu!g theWa'rd'en and T'reasll're'r .to borrow $2'00,000.00 to meet current expenditure fO'1' the presenlt yea:r. The number of lots eligible to be sold fOir taxes this yea,r is not 92 Elgin County Council laJrg.e, a11d I would 'recommend thCLt a by-law he passed to defer sale fo'r one yea'!. AN 'Of which 'is 'fespectfully submitted. B. B. GRAHAM, Coun1:y Treasu'rer. JUll.e 14, 1922. Receipts 'and EJ:Cpenditures to 31st May, RECEIPTS Cash on harid Jan. lst._____..m___.....___...m..h,$ 9218 68 Administra,tion of Justice........---..---......--.. 2S01 50 BHls Paya'ble __.___..__,un..m...'...m'__m___...~.n.____ 16000000 In.terest' un._.___n..______.....__....___________.._____.._____.__ 111 85 Public Schools ._____....__m...._____...n.....__..______. 278 00 House of Indtlstry.m___....__.._.___._____.~..___.,__.__. 949 2.5 Registry Office..m__.____...._______________._____......__ 1944 69 AneaTS of Taxes..___...._____.___.___..__..._.___......._ 564 17 County Road,s _____.,.___.__..___...._____....'.............--- 477 76 Miscellall~~us ....._.......___....____......u...__._____m.. 312 DO' $176657 90 ...........$ 62.00 04 9'2'0"00 0'0 .....___...___0..,___ 1918 15 6573 88 3855 75 128 44 455 17 6873 55 1989 91 1175 0'0 361 84 531 78 747 2'3 County Roads ...................___.,..___......_...mn..._ 47399 65 Miscellaneous ___..........___......___................---.....- 50'32' 82 $175243 2'1 1414 69 EXPEND~TURES Administration' of Justice.m.... ...d' Bills Payable Interest .............................uu..... Pl1'blic Schools House O'f Industry...........---..,...... ..---'.........- Regis:bry Office ......---......------.......................... County' Lines .............___...._____.___u.m'.....___....u High Scho.ols ---.......-----.......,---.----...---.....-...... M'emhers' V/ages ---...---.......--.---...---............ Office'rs' Sala'ries ...................---.'....--...---........ Friultil1'g and Stationery .......---.---.............' Caire af Buildings.___................._.___...........___... Water, Li>ght, and HeaL....---...---....---....---.. Balance .m....___......___.......;........ 1922 $176657 90 Elgin County Council 93 Estimates for '1922. A.dmin:is'bl:a.tion af Justice.....h........__..........$ ,County Lines and Bridrges.m..........h......;.. House af Industry................h......................... High Schoals ..0...................................,..,.......... Public Sc'hoals Officers' Sala'ries '.....___............___..0...,..,;....... 1f.elnhers' vVages .._______.'......'.....,______............. CO'Ul't House Commission............._.....c______, Debenture - By~Law 859 .......;..'........__.... Interest ......................h..,..............h....................., Registry, Office .......__......................,......,.......... MisceHaneous ___.______.___........,.......................... County Road'S,' ..........__......___....___.......,..........., Deficit, 1-921 '...................'.__".,..,...,..................... GraM, Urhan Municipa!iti-es___...___..,..,,':..... Provincial Highway .............___.......0........... PO'rt "Stanley Bridgem................___............;... Stalter GulIey, .............................m........m.m 7000 00 1000 00 11000 00 2100000 170''00' 000' 4WO 0"0' 5000 00 210',0'0', 00' 15920'0' 90''00: DO' 50''0' 0.0" 15584 00 75000' 00, 3000 00 8000 06' 30-875 00: 11000 00, 9982 00 .$232633 00 B, B. GRAHAM, CouMy T'reasU'ret. . November Session TO' the Warden,and Council: Gel1ltleme-n, _ .J" !have, the hono'r to' submit the faIlo,wing report for your infa'rma-tion: . 1. 1"he' caunty. ralte af$232,63.3,O'0. appea'rs to' be. sufficien't to' meet the current .expen.ditures of this yea'r and leave a small su,rp.Jll's if ll'othi'l1Ig uuJia.reseen occurs to distu.rbe 'r.easonahl'e estimate fair the b~-1'a.nce of the yea'r, as the statement herewh'h shows: 94 Elgin County Coundl . Estimated Expenditure. for Balance of. Year Nntes, MO'l'5O'u's Bank.______n...___.__'..______...$146000 nO' Administ<rationo{ Justice....,..__....__,....___ 250"0' 00' Cauillty Lines __..____..,'.___.__.m..___.__"._____.__m~ 40'0'0,00' House of Industry___..h.._____.____..___,.____.....___ 30'0'0' 0'0' High Scho'o'ls ___m..._..___._......_____...___._........ 190'00' 00' Puhlic Schools ____'n__.._..__~...._.___."'_....____.._ 39892 aD Officers' SalaTies ..________..._..___.....______....... 10'2'5 00' Membe,rs' Wages ______._"_____.___._____,,.._________ 70'0' on Arrea-rs', of Tax,es....,________.________...._____...__.___ 1260' 0"0' CoU'r't House Commissio:n m.'._.____.,..'.. 2'00 G'G Interest n.....____.......____........__..........,........:_____ 650'0' 00' Misc'cllau.eous m.......___.._..___.,......__.___...___... 30''0'0 '0'0 Grants t6 Vil'La.ges._____......__..,...m____....___. 84'0''00'0 Provincial Highway ______.....___..,__.___.___.... 3'0875 0'0 ---County Road.s _________._____.__......___.'.. 5'0''000 '0'0 Assets - County Rates Cas'h ort hand._____.__..___..,.. ------... Admini,gtration of Justice____......____ Government Aid to Roads...___n.... Regis,try Office __....___...,..___.__......___... Rent of Farms___...___.. ......---....------... Surplus __________.n.___...__....___ 2'099 '0'0' $232633 0,0 4468 00 10'500, 0,0, 70,0,0,0, 00 1'0'0''0' '0'0 45'0.'0'0 $3190,51 0,0, $3190,51 0,0 2. It will be necessary to pass a by-law all'tholtizing the \tVa'rcl'en and Trea-snrer to borrow $1'0'0','0'0'0 to cal"'ry ove'r ,the Government aid to ootm~y ro:ads andot'he'r -lingedng a,ssets. All of which is 'respectfully submitted. St. Thomasj Nov. 27th, 1922. B. B. GRAHAM, Counity 'T'reasurer. . Receipts and Expenditures to 31st October,-1922 RECEIPTS Cash on Hand Jan, 1s-t......__....._____._____...m$ 9218 68 Adminis'tration of Justice~_____..____.___...__... 760<4 211 Elgin County Council 95 Bills Payable ................................................ 20,6000, 00 Inlterest ..--..---.---......--.__.__.........___..__...___._......... 194 44 Public Schools ..--'...-........-..___.__........_.............. 35677 81 House of'Industry___..___..__.......__.............__.... 16'00 90 Registry Office .----..---'_____..__..___...__.___..___.._.._ 3'0'53 5'0' '1\'I"rea;rs of Taxes.___.__.......__......__.......__..___..... 1'079 78 County H.oads '--.......-......__..__..'__....,.__......__.,..__.. 85684 20" Miscellaneous .-----..--.......___.._....__..._......___....._.. '585 '0'0 $350'698 52 EXPENDITURES Administration of Justice___..___..,....__....__..,..$ 14,90'684 'Bills Payahle ....-..........___....__...__..__.........____...,_ 152.0'00' 0'0 ItHerest .--....-..........--____..........,____........_...______.__ 25'05 2'0 Public Schooh .___......n...___'..........._...___.___..... 228421 19 House of Indl1;>trY,n.m"...m.___n....:.-.......__.m". 7116 64 Registry Offi'ce .---.---.---n.......__.h.______.....mn..... 245 43 c:ounty Lines ...---'...---.........._.,,___.....,..............__. 779;8 98 High Schools ''''"''___'_____.n..__.......,..,....,..__...._.... '(1873 55 Debentl1'r.es and Coupon-s.......__.....__..__...... 1.592 '02 ~emhers' Wages ;---..--....;............___..,...__.,....._ 3399 86' ,.Officers' SalaTies ---....--..."..._.......___......___....__.. 3'07.5 0'0 Pt:,inting :and Station'ery__._n..__,....n.___.......__ 745 83 Ca're of Buildings._,..___....__._...___.___...___.....___ 1166 24 Water, 'Lig:htj and HeaL..........,__....__.__.....". 12,78.18 CO\.lrutj Roa,ds -........---..---.,---..__..._..m...__....... W6642 97 Miscellaneous ......--.........'......._..____................, 13'041,0'2 . . $34622'9 95 4468 57 'Bal~'-nlce ...__..... .............................--..... Bank Balance .--....--......__.....__..__..$ C'ash in, Office___...........___............ $350,698 52 5,9.44 55 2.0'6 15 Cheques Out ...........'.....nn.......n.. $ 6150,70, 1682 1.3 "' $ 4468 57 96 Elgin. County' Conncil REPORT OF FINANCE COMMITTEE January Session To :t'he Elgi~ County Council: ':1 Gentlemen, - The Finance Committee nports: .. 1. Th,at report of County police Ma'gistrate be received and printed in the minutes. 2. That th~ annual mc-rober-ship fee of$Z'5.001 to On-ta-rio Municipal Assodat~onhe paid', and that the Ward:cn appoint delegation to attend annual meeting. ' 3. That aby-:lawhe'passed to authorize the Wa'rden and Treas- urer to bor,row $2'0.0.,0.0.0. fOf current expenses. 4. That the Wa'rden appoint commiHc'c to anange settlement of Administration of Justice accounts with City of St. Thomas. 5. T'hat the Aud1itors' repupt be rec,eived and printed. I," p. That all" a'Pplicatiol1'S' fO'f g'ral1tS -be -referred to Special Grant Commhtee. 7. T'hat the following accounts be paid: Municipal.' W'orld, for Clerk's office.:..,...____.___....__....__.__.__...$ , " Registry office' R. McLachlin, 'for TreasU'rer ...................--..........--................ II Law Library ........--....--.......--...............--. II Clerk's office ..n.........--............. ...--...--... London Health Association........--..........,.....--.--............".'''' Township of Bayham .--.......--.--.....--...---.--..-.,-.--...--...'....--....... Village of Pott .Stanl-ey__......__........._____...__........__._....'......__.__.m. Rodney. Mercury,proceedings.----..--...............--.........n........-- P'rovincy of 0 n tario~.n........d__............,..........__.__...._........,..--... TO'wn'ship, of S. Dorcheste'r----,...........--.----..--..........--n....--.....--.- County Clerk, postage, etc;......_..n.__.____.....__...........__.__ ......... All of w'hich isrespC'ctfully submitted. 4 09 98 50 3 75 3 65 7 5.0. 46 50 16 00 45 75 216 QO 34 40 8 75 12- 50 J. F. McGREGOR, Chairman. January:26, 1922. Elgin County Council 97 and June Session - No.1 Council of the County of Elgin: To the Ward'en Gentleme'n. - The Committee on 'Finance begs leave to rep0'rot that, having examined intO' the finances of the County and the es,timatesprep'Rf'ccl by the County Treasurer, they herewith submit a sta'temen't of the . expenditure required for the la\'Vful PtlTposes of the COUll'ty during 1922, s'howingthe amount -required tobe Taised fOT the undermenfioned purposes. Administ.ration of Justicem__....m.............,..$ 70'00 0.0 County Lines and. Bridges.........__,.......__..... 1000 00 House of Industry.....m......__m......"................ l1nOO Oo. High Schools ."_ ....__n....__... '_m.......__...........,__ 210,00. 00 Public Schools ........m ....____ .......................... 1700'0 00 Office.rs' Sala'l"i'es ..n... _.,..... .....m....'.... ......... 410'0 00 Members' vValges .........~......,......,.................. 50;0000 Cg.u.rt House Commiss-iol1........................... 2000, 00 Dehen:tures -.. By-Law 8:,)0....,....._............. 1592 O(} Interest ..._.... .............n......._.......n ...........'...... 900'01 00 Registty Office ,''''''''..'......n "m'. """"'..nn.... . 500 00 Miscellaneous '''''.. ".m...n..__..... ..........n.... 15171 0'0 County Roads ..~ ...n............~.... ............... 7'f5'0,oO 0'0' Deficit, .1921 ......n "....'...n...............,......,.......... 30010' 00. :Grant, Urban MuniCipalities............,........ 8413 OiO Po:rt Stahley Bridige~.n_.... ............'..........n.. 11Qio.O 00 StaHe'r Gulley Bridge......nn__..........,.nu"..n.. 9982 00 Provincia'l Highway ....,......'...........n............... 30'875 00 ,t232'633 00 y.our,Committee would recommend that the sum of Two Hundred and Thirty-Two Thousand, Six Hundl~ed and Thir-ty-Thrce DoHan be raised 'on all. the rateableprope'rty in the sevenil municipalities of the County 'of Elgin. .durillg the yea'r 1922 for coun:typurposes, and that a rate of. ten ri1'illson the dollar be levied on 'rateablepropel'ty in t'h:e severa'l mun.icipaliti,C's in the County to raise sa,id' an:lOunts. All of which is Tespectfully submitted. AdO'ptedJune 11th, 1922. J. F. McGREGOR, Chairman. 98 Elgin County Council June Session - No.2 To the. Elgin County Council: Gentlemen, .,- The Finance Committee reports: 1. 1'hat no action be taken in reference to application of Humane Society fo,r g'rant. .. 2. That application ft~om Sholrtho'rn Breeders' Association h'e 'referred t'o the ,Boa.rd of Tirade. B. We submit herewith hawkers' and pedla1fs' bY..Jlaw, and would recommend the following charges for licenses: (1) For persons who have been continuous residents fo"r Ol1.e year within the'County previous to 'appHcationfor license:" ,. (a) Forevery pet"son travelling on foot Five Dolta.rs. (b) For every person using a onlc-ho'rs'c vehicle 0'1' motor vehide with a car,rying ca.pacityof O'ue ton or less, Twenty-Five Dol1m's:- (c) For every peirson using a two-horse vehicle o!rmo:b?r vehicle with a carryinLg ca'paci!ty of over one ton, Fifty Dollar~. (d) For eve'ry person sailing 'or traveUing with any bo:alt, ves,sel,or other coraft, Fifty DoUa'rs. (2,) For non...resHents: (a) Fo'r eve'rypC'rson traveHing 0'n foot, Ten DoH-ars. (b) For every person using a one-horse vehicle at motor vehicle w~th a CiRryirig capacity of one ton or less, Fifty DoHa'rs. (c) For eve'ry pe'rson using a two-'h'O'rse vehicle, aT moto'r, v:ehide with a ca,rrying capacity of over on.e ton, One Hundred DoHmt'1s. Elgin County Coundl 99 Cd) FQr every pe-rS'on sailing or h:avelling vessel, or other craft, Fifty Dol1a!rs. with a,ny boat, . 4: That amount of account f0'r cost o,f provincial s'tructibn 'be included in t:he annua,j estimates. hig-hway con- 5. ThM the foHowing'accounts be paid': CHHdren's Aid SOciety....u..__.-m.m...'....n.....nm.........'u..n...m..$ 406 00 Expen'se,s submission By-Law No.. 997, re M'emo1rial Hospital Children's Aid Society, County of Ke,nLn"___"_'.....m... ',Vie-to'ria Home for Incurables, fo'!"'r McNeaL_ Victo'ria Industrial Schoolm..............___...,......,....un..."____..n.. Townsh.ip of Aldbo1rough, conveY-aJll'ce inmates H. of 1. . Town of Aylmer, conveyance of hma,tic...m.u...n.!....no... P.rovince of Onta,rio, conveyance 0'f 'P'riS'oners....on''''~m.. Municipal World, Reg.istry Office, $89.35; County , Clerk and Treasu'rer, $124.4,5nn.'......_......................__h..."._. 'Adams & Scott. supplies, Registry Office~. '-Rodney Mercury, printilllg Aud.it, etch",,, m......m.m..__h.. County. C-Jerk, postage....n,.._.._........._..~............. ....'..h.....n....h.... H. Verll'on & SalliS, City Directory.. .h....'. ..m..___..h....m.... All of which is respectfully submitted. 10'96 65 35 000 138 0'0 61 00 16 00 16 50 74 17 2'13 80 12' 15 116 00 221 q,o 5 00 June 16th, 1922. J. F. McGREGOR, Chairman. November Session To the E]'gin Coun.ty- Council: Gentlemen, _ The Finanee Committee 'reports: 1. T'ha.t grant of $40'0:00 be made to the Child'r-eh's Aid Society, County T'reasur-er's -rep-ort he rece'ived,and that to ant:horize the Wa'rden and TTeasU're'r tobO'rrow 2. T'hat the by"law be passed $100,000.00. Elgin Co-unty Council 3. T11at we h:avecoh:sidered the -request of lhe N olrthern Ontario RheRdicf Cominittee and the opinion: of the Solicitor that there is nlo sta1:u1t'O'l'Y pow-e'l' vested 'i'n a co'~nltycOUll'ci1 to: make a grauit fo'r this purpose. Vve would therd'0lre -recommend tha,t the appiHcationhe laid over until .the January session. 4. That the following accounts be 'paid': 100 ......$ 21 03 2,74 50' 4 5,5 26 68 23 06 L 2'5 24 0'0 5 20 32 45 153 0'0 98 98 79 10 192 65 240' 0'0 844 50' 228 00 2'1), 00' . El1iott- Fish er ___.....__.___........,.....___....,...;................. Victoria Home, fOf IncU'rables....___.....;___......~..m....__._... Hydro-Electric Commission S. R. Hart & Co.:...............................,................... Bdl Te'1ephone Co.......___.,....'.....,..___.._________......___;........ J; A. IngraIn......,. ......m______.'..m_......___.n._.,.OU....' Aylmer Exp,r-ess Joseph Doust R. McLachlin Victoria' In.dustrial SchooL..............___.........___..-......,..---....... 1"h e Muni'cipal W orld.:'m_....._____....___.......___......;...,...... The lvlull'idpal World, Registry,Office..,,__.___,..,...,______........ J; H. Coyne........,...................__n.n....__...........,.............,............... C. St. C. Le'itch........._,._,...n..........'U....,............,._........~.-............... Children's' Aid' Society;.....___.m..______.;....___.___....~..___...._...___.___." Village of Port Stanley.,....___.,.....".___n~.........._.. D:. C. Ross......,.......................................--,........ All of which is -respectfuHy suhmiHed. December 2nd, 1922. J. F. McGREGOR, Chai-1'1m,an. Elgin Coun ty Council '';>, 101 REPORT OF COU!'<TY ENGINEER June . Session To the Wa-rden and Coun.ty Coundlof the County of Elgin: G:entlemenl,.-:- t beg to submit the fOllowing 'rcpo'l"trelative to the hridges under your central: The spring freshets ,did n'ot do any mate'rialdamage to th'e coun.ty bridge,S. The p'ort 'Stanley Bridge The, :weg,t abutment of this bridge is gl--adua:J1y sinking and ~noving into'the creek. Your,Puhlic Improvement Comil1li:ttee, en my-request, niet at ,the hridge on May 12th and instructed me to make a't'l'angc- menlfos to SUpport .the steel- hridlge, S'0 tha't in 'ca-se of the abutme-n~ faNing_it would no,t. en-danger the 'bridge. This work is nnw done, and' the VIlest ,end of the west Span is su.ppo'rted by I-beams resting on piles,. 'The movemenrt Q.f this abutment still continues, ahd it l-S abso~ lutcly n'eoessary, fOor the safety ef the pitblic, that' the abutment should be 'rebuilt. In rebuilding thi1sa'butment, prov'ision should be made for a wid1er hridge. p.resent traffic conditions require mOTe, floor space and a 'heavier structure. -If you sho-uIid deddleto 're'build' tMs abutmell't, I woul'd Hke authority to make pro'vision at 'once fo,r the sinking of a caisson, so th':l:tthe wo'rk 'of excavai'ing could bep,ro'ceeded ''{ith, say the :fitstof Septemher, 'and completed befolre wint.er. 'T:he County Bridge on the -town line be1tween. Malahide and South Dore-hester, opp-osite lot 1:7, in the 12lth concession, South D'O're-heste'r, s'hould have the c'reek above the hr'id'gest'ra'i-g'hten'ecl. At pres'ent it ritns along the road fors11'O'rt distance, and' i's cut.ting away the .road and, endangering the east abutment 'Q.f the hl,idge. I think the town- ships adjoininlg. should pay one-haH the cost of this straightenin.g oJ the creek, au.d -the County onle-half. AN of which is respectfuHy su-bmitted. I I I' I I' ,i; Ii J. A. BELL, County Engin'cer. ,. EIS'in County Council 102 . November Session To the Wa'rden an,d Council of the County of Elgin: Gentlemen, - The following is my report 011 the work of the county bridg.es. since the June session: 1st. The Ling Bridge, on the .town liu'c between this cann'ty and Middlesex collapsed, in COl1iScqueo'ce of heavy truck loads, used iu_ building the highway to London. A new steel superstructure was 'put on the oM foundations at a cost of $900.00, one-haH to be paid by Middlesex. 2nd. The Bothwell Bridge has' been painted, at a cost to this County o.f$319.44. . 3.rel. Small repa'h-shaveheen made to some of the othC'f bridges. 4,th. The work at the PO'ft Stanley Bridge is progressing favor~ ably. The bu'lk of the concrete wo'rk, except some work in conpec- tion with tl1e f1o'or, w.ill be completed this week H wiH be ,necessary, to 'ren'ew the main bra,ces and' I.cbeams of the fi'rslt 'panel of the bridge. EveTything will be in 'readiness fo:r this purpose this week. The cos't of this work to d'ate is $9,646.00, In the new abutment, 114 wooden piles 'and 71 steel piles hay.~ beeudriven, and ,t'he a'butment is mad!eof sufficient size and strength for a,lift bridge or overhead, brrdge, if decid'ed upon in futu-re, and of sufficien1t wid,th to provid.e wid'euing the pr'esen1t bridge 'roadway to 24 feet, with 6-foo,t sidewa:Jks on each side. All of wh1ich is respectfully su'bmitted. JAS. A. BELL, County Engineer. 51. Thoma's, Ont., Nov. 30th, 1922. .. ~ I , ~ Ii 1.:1 ;;~,i :i IA W III I"il ~!II 1"1 11111 1"'1 ,..'111 0>111 \/1)1 ~:)iJ~ l'I'lil,' '<:ljl'l 'I" I'I'ri "1'1'1' ~; ", 'JI';:I.I' (',';,' i ~.I..I ,: 'I". I II~-I "I ,,11'1 litlil)1 11'1111.1 iMI~1 I'nl'i 1.ll,r.11 1\11', If\~) i:..I..IIIII!I.11 Vi, I, .'.,"'.'.'..1'11,.1"',"1,' ""'I' , 1'lli,111 ~:f,:j!~Li r 1'1:11/,1 i..i.n'.ili..IJ.I.il 1),,:1, I 1"1'lllil11 I..'I..'."!!III '11"1 I'ill!':11i ::i':rII!11 '1'1"1 1.',!U....i '..1' fili'li\!l! 1,'1..':.,1'1:11,.11' '.iI'II.!:1 \)'I,<'-jl!' I'~'..',I." II. il.' I ',i!il "01'11 liI1il!I'. 1"'11/ .'11' h........',!i.,il! .11("11/ !i../.:ll'I'IIIJ Yr' ~" I: !LM:1 ' Elgin County Council 103 ImpORT PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE January Session To the Elgin Coun.ty-Council: Gen'tlemen, _ , The Public Improvements Committee rep:a;rts: 1. 'That the \Varden be autf1O'rized to a'ppoint d-e.legation to attend meeting of Ontari,o Good' Roads Assoc-ia.tion and issue order fOT pay- ment of.: annual mbemrbers'hip fee. 2. T'hat owing to the state of repair of the Port Stanley bridge, that action be taken to se~u're approval of Federal autho'ri,ties before west ab:utment is rebuilt, Ail of which is respectfully submitted. January 25, 1922. GEO. H. JACKSON, Chainnan, February Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen, _ The Public Impl'oVemeMs Committee'l'cp'o'tts: 1. ThM as directed, your Committee visited the StaItc'l' GuBey yesterday, 2'Oth Fehrua-ry, and after looking ill/to the situation fully, recommend: (1) ''Ilhat a hrid:ge be built- over the Stalte't Gulley, on conditioll that the Lieu.ten:aM~GoV'ert1Jo'r' i:n, Coun:ciI a:P'P'PO'Ves of Ithe 'ch'ao'ge in the des:itgnM-i'on of Road' No, 42' to, Jrea,d as 'fo'Hows: '''T1he 'road in th'e TownS'~li'P of Mahhid1e' between c-onccessions 1 and 2, lots 11 to 3'5." 10-4 Elgin, County Council The roads l$c'cess:a'ry to' go a'round Stalter GuUey would then be eliminated from the C'Ol1lltysystem. (2) That the c,ost of b;-idge he paid f,or a-s foUows: 40% by the Province, 300/0 by the Township, and 30% by the County. (3) We recommend that as possihl-e at the old site. inlen'gth. the hrid<ge should' be located as nea,rly This would require a brid'ge 30,5 feet 'All of which is respectfully submitted. GEO. H. JACKSON, Chainuan. Febrtta'ry 21st, 192,2. June Session - No. 1 To the Warden and Council of the Counlty of Elgin: Gentlemen, .,- Yout P.ublic Improvements Committee beg leave to subril-,jt ',the f.ollowing report: 1. Regarding the Pt. S'tanley - B.ridge: Y onrCommittee would l'eco-mmend that the Domin'ion Govern- ment be notifie,d that this County pr,oposes at once to take action to repai,r the west a'butment of 'this hrid'ge it. being in a dangeroU's condition,andin doing this wO'rk the County is will'ing tb provide that it will be cXitens.ive enough for a lift bridrge w'hen 'required, and will aha be wide enough for a wider structure, when'rend'C'red neces- sary by traffic conditions. It ,would requi're a 'foadway of, say,f-rom twenty to twenty-four fect, with a s'ix~foot sidewalk on each side, and that the Government be asked to g,ive their immed.ia'te consent to this. 2. That the Engineer ,be instructed to prepa're plans and spe-cifi- cations ,for this' wO'rk, and .toadvertise for oontracts, and tha't this , Conimittee he at'lJthorized to l~t the cont'ract fo'r' this wO'rk. " .," Elgin County Coun'cil 105 3. That the improvement to the creek as h a,pproaches -the h-ridg-e OVCir the Catfish Cleek between SOUlt'h DO'rchester and Malahid'e,. men- tioned in ,the Engineer's rep'ort, be canied out, 'and that the Cciulllty pay one-haH t'he cost of the siame, -the balance to 'he paid by the two t.owIl's'll,ips, namely, 'South DO'fC'.hester and Malahide. All of Which is 'respectfully submited. GEO. H. JACKSoN, Chairman. June Session - No.2 To ,the Elgin County COlll1cil: Gentlemen, - rThe Public Improvements slC'condrepO'rt, as foHows: Committee beg leave to sub,mh a L That the \V,trden, Chairman of this Committee, and the County Clerk; he aspeciail committee to secure the approval of the GovernO'r- 1n C;:~}ttncil o.f the Port Stanley B-ridge and repa'ks to be made thereto. All of which is 'respectfully submitted. Ii , GEO. H. JACKSON, Chairman. St. Thomas, June 171th, 1922. November Session To the WaTden and Council of the Coun<ty, ,of Elgin: . i Gent'lem,en, - Your Public Imp.rovements Committee beg to'repo'rt as follows: 1. T'hat 'the Engineer's 'repart be adopted. ij H ') I! :1, .;1 106 Elgin County Council ;2. Thalt the stone, f!fom the oM abutme11lt of the Pa,rt Staml'ey Bridge, which is not 'placed in the new abutment, be used to -rip 'rap the bank ot .the creek from the end oQ.fthe north-west wing, of t'he new abutment to' th~ CQ'ncrete wall which was construclted by the London and PO'ft :Stanley RaHway, this WQlrl~ to be -cl'oue with the conscnto.f the Vil'lalge of p.ort Stanley and the Lou'clcm and Port Stau1ley Railway. 3. In ~regm':d to' ,the breaki1llg --dorwn Qlfthe Ling Br'idg1e 'by the COI1Jtracto'r:s' of the new provincial highway, we 'recommend that the matter ,oJ theirliaibiNty be enquired in_to by the Cauntl'y SoHdtO'f,an;d 1'h3.:t he be given .power to consult with the County of Middlesex, and if he thinks 'a-dvisa'ble, to insti.tuteproceedings to recover fhe cost of the new bridge from the contractor. All of whic'h is 'respectfully submitted. St. Thomas, Orit., Nov. 30, :1922. G. H. JACKSON, Chairman. . "~. ~~,!M<""~~~_ Elgin County Council' 107 REPORT OF COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE January Session To the "Elgin County Council: The County Road Committee rcpO'fts: 1. That the sum of one hundred and eighty~sevenfhousand, five .hundr,ed and sixty dollars, nineteen t,ents($187,560,.19), was expended on EIgin County highways during the yea'r oJ 192,1. The perce'll'tage payable by the Province will be ahout 50% oJ 'this amount, divided as follows: Provincial-County Roads Road construction' u....___m...u"'m........___m......$ 5838 46 Ma'intenance and repair Um.m". ......u"'.......... 1651.0 03 M'aintenance on Suburban Area..... 'h.'...un 2904 18 Co.unty Roads R'oaq conskuction Bridge construction Maintenance and 'repair Construction on Suburban Maillltenance 'on Suburban A'rea.._............ Area.moo 14582 71 12'680 66 71399 14 4115 07 3449 04 Genera} Expense .urban municipalities Grants to 1918-21 Vienna, unde'r agreemen1t with 'Minister of Highway.s Improvemenlts and int~'rest on Hathaway Farm .u...nu.u.h.'...oo.........n "'.nO"".oon. Machinery ,and tools...u......u.m,..oo Material in stock"oom......u Gravel pit de\TelopmenL..,...mmoooon. "hm..___. Imp1eme1lt shed at Hathaway' Farm__.m.... WO'rkmell~s Compensation Boardo...____..,"".. Mi'scellalleous from 12;8'2'4 50 4123 80 L~ss Receipts 773 75 18293 71 874 9'0 12636 27 2'969 84 670 97 300496 $18756'0 19 50'97 28 . Actual. ,expen'di,tll're f010 )l'ea'r 192iL..___,.,'00h.0 $182462 91 108 Elgin County l::oUlld1 750.0.0. aD necc.ssa'ry. Gravel :pit.Dev~lQpme:nt 3. Your Committee hav'e secnred an option to purcha.se 9~ ac'res of gravd land, being composed' of part of the south half of lot No. 2'6, concession 6, of the Towns'hip o.f D~reham, C'ouO'tyof. Oxf.o'rd for the sum of $3,0.0.0.'00, and would advis.e ~the ;pll'rcha~e of the same. Truck Operation 4. Da'ily record has been kept of\ the mileage and quantttyof gravel drawn by the th'fee (3)' county "t'rucks, in operation 'as fO'llows, fnf the year Hl2'1, from May 2nd up to and inchtding- December 18th, 1921. . sum of sevellity~five thousand dollars s'hould roads fOf the yea'r 192.2, divided 2. We estimate -the be raised fO'f expen,diture on county as follows: Construction on roadIS..m.___.'.......m.~...___,..____..$ 200'OO'()0' Maintenance of roads..~....___.n..mn____.....'.___d.... 35000. 00 ,Mach'inery ......___.,.........___n....._.n......n__..'.___..m.._ 5000 ,O() Gravel 'pit develO'pme11't____.......nn........um,n.___ ~ooo 0'0 Culverts anct l~,ridges..u..n.....------....m------..un.. 10000' O~ $ Wirh the view . of an increa'se at the June sessi'on', if considered Truck NO'. Hours worked 1,792 I' 1,813 1,885 Mires, traveUed 11,797 11,948 13,183 " Ln 2.... .. 3.... Cords hauled 847 <l 886 984 Tatal" 2,717 time, $9,490.2'5 Total NO'. haurs <l 5,490 Tatal I< 36;928 Drivers' wages, ga,s, oil, and' repairs for the above Summary of Trucks Operatian 5. Ave-rage mileage 'per -day..nu____...uu___.....______,_.... cords of' gravel pe'r daYm.n.u~u___,.____, cast expense 'per day___.n.___.___._....unm...______.___n___.$ depreciatian per ,day....u______.___.___.....___n___ total cast .u...nnn....n.n...........n.nn.....nnnn..'... total cost'of hauling 1 cord of gravel 1 mile All of whic'h is 'respectfully submitted. H. DROMGOLE, 'County RO<l.d Cammitte Chairman. " " January: 24th, 1'92,2. Elgin County Council 109 MarcjJ. Sessi!>n. St. Thontas, March 18, 1922 To the \i\1a'rden and_ Council;~ Your County Road ,Committee subm-hs"t'he folIowin~ report: 1. Since oU'r inte'rview with the Ministe'r of Highways, we 'have gc:m'e- aver By-Law No. 984, pas'Sed last year; and wauld 'recammend that be ,anlcnded to' 'r~~d as faHows: ' 2. R,aac:i NO'. 1. T'he Graham Raad, in It'he Tawnsh'ipaf Ald:- bara~'gh,c~mmencing a,tLake Erie, the :roadi 'he'tween lats 18 and 19 in the 13thconcessj.a~1 and its continuatian, 'runnin'g n.a,r'therIy to' the County hound-a;ry, the midLdlle afotbe mali'ti ch-a:tiluel of 'the Rive!r Thames, save auld excc'pt Ithe'po:rtion' w'H~illt'he ViI'lage af .We;S{ La'l"'ll'e. 67< 4,95 17 28 20 00 37 28 1 11 3. Road NO'. 3. The Fu,rn:iV'a!1 Rpadi, ilnl,ithe Tawnship af AI'd- boraugh,cammencin,g a!t Lake Erie, the road between' lots' 6 and 7 in the. 13,th concessi'On _and its cou't,inua;ti'O,o o'orN,e,rly to the. Go're. Concessian and Ca-ntinuin'g nOI-thei-'lybe-tween lats 8, and 9 to' 'the road b~tweencancessions 2 and 3, Ithence easterly on said:' roacJ-' to' the t'a,ad between 'lots 14 and 15 in call'cessi'on 2, ,th.ence nO':rt'heirIyan saidraad to" theCuunty baundlary, the midldle af It'he ma!im C'haull'eloJ t'he RiV'e'r Thames, ''Save and e:icept 'the padion af' the Fu,rMval Raa,d wi,thin the V}l1a'ge of Radiriey. ' 4 Road NO' 5. Cammencilllg M the FurnivaI Raad, in the Tawn~ ship oJ Ald-baralllgh, heihveeil lots' 8 and 9., ,the -roa:d 'be'tw'een call1ce's- sians 5 and'6, lots 9 to' 15, thence. sauth alang the 'raad between 'l'Olts 1-5 and 17 to" the 'raad- between the third and fourth ca'llCeS'Si0'll"S' 'easlt, Aldlborau:gh,then~e easterlya.I'an'gsaid 'road, lats 17 to' Z, to' the Du~'Wich and AId-borough tawn line. Raad NO'. ,6. Theraad: between concessians 2 an.d 3, Town~ Albarough, c:ommendn.g 'at the Furniva-l Road between lots 8 arid 9, 'running westerly,ta the Ken't caunty line and sauth a'langsa,id caumty line to the Kent County Raad NO'. 4 C. 6. Road NO' 7. The raad in the Tawns.hip af Dunwicll between lots 18 and 19 in concessions -8, 9, and 1'0, to' the Lake R.oad in contes_ 11, thene-e n'a'rth':'wes,terly_t'hrough canc-C'ssionS9and 10, 'Raad No. 12, 'c_ancessian 8; 110 Elgin County Council .7. Road No.9. The town1ine between the Township of Ald- bo.'rough and Dunwic'h, from ro-ad number 5, between concessions 3 and 4, AldbO'rDugh, and northerly to' the '[oad between co'llces'sions 2 and 3, in the Township of Dunwich, thence easte'rly to Road No.8, he,twe'en lots' 12 and- 13. . 8. Road No. 19. T~le M;iddlesex COlinty bounda;ry line, from the London and Port Sta,n:ley,Road, P,rovincial Highway No. 10, 'west to t'he road in the Township 'of Sonthwold between lots 1 and.IS, thence s-outhe'rly through concessiotllS 2, 3, and 4, and be'Uvleen -}ot525 'and 26, to t'he Talbot Road N'orth (or the Provincial- Highway Road No. 90.) 9. .Road No. 20. Commencing at the road between concessions 2 and 3, SouthwoM, lo'ts 6 and 7, Road. NO'. 18}!thence sautherly 't'hraugh concessions, 3, 4, and 5, and. westerly alang the can'cessian Hne to', the raad be:tweenlots 15 and. }l:. north af T'albat Raad.North" in the cf'awnship af Sauthwold., running sautherly thraugh theVHbge af Fingal. The- Unian Road, to' the v.i11age limits of Port Stanl'ey, and a'lO'ng the baundary lin,e hetween Port Stanley and' Sauthwald. . an Ca'r1aw Raad, and Carlow Street in the Vi'1'lage af Po'rt Stanley to' B-ridlge St'reeL 10. Raad No. 22.- The raad between can,ces5-ia11's 4 'and 5 in the Township of Yanuauth, fram the Sauthwol'd' town line easterly to' Raad No. 213 P. c., the Land'On and POIt Stanley Raad. lL 'Road No. 25. Commenc,ing on lot 2-, in concession 2, Town- ship of Yairmouth, at the top oJ the hill 0'11 the Londan, and Port Stanley Raad', the aId road thraughlots 1 and 2 to' where the corpaTa- dan hounda'ry af Port Stanley C'ro-sses sa,id 'ro!ad, and Toad between canceS'siions 1 an-d2, eastedy t'o' 'road between 'llolts 21 a'nd ZZ, No. 36. 12. Road No. 31. CO'mmencing in t'hel'aa-d' in .the Township O'f Yarmouth between the range south and fi'rst 'rang'e 11011'th of the Edge- ware Road, 10lts 9, 10, 11, and 12, the roa,J; beh'.reen lalts 12 and 13, in the 11th concession, ,the 'road between lots 12 andl13, in the range s'0uth of the Ec1Jg~wme Road, and its cont,inuation south between lots 14 and 15, in the 9th concession, 13. Road No. 36. Cammencing at the Mala1hid'e town Hne, the" Lake Road 1-11'the Tawnship of Ya'rmouth, lats 28 toO 22" ,the oroad 'hetwe,en lats '2'1 and ,2,2 ,in concessians' 2" 3-, 4, 5, 6, an'd. :its cO'ntinuation I 1, " Ij II ~il /1 ~i ,1,1 t1i; 'III' ',l" ill 1111 "1 "",'' ~Ji I! t't:l!,' 11111 J'III '-,hi \1'11\ :'ki .'11 K:,;, !;Jiil:~: i:'!':)r.ll .:I'f.l: ,1'111'1 :111' qA1) 'li.I,I, '."1'1 ill:,,') i'Nii':i!, illll; ~I;;:l11 '.'!I'I,II '\'1,,' i111:1 111111 ~III 111.1,1'.1, ""I '1'.1.1 '1)1:':1' '''I.'. 1,:1:; ('1'1'1' j],I;il!) 1 1 "'.111 1111:11 :\ill/;!,I ~'j':iH 1 I., .'1:,),:1,1 . ',il I II '1'1" "1'1 , (}'h:'I: 1"11' If.i,! \,,'!!It,1 Hh. ", I Elgin County -Council 111 nal'the-rIy and westerly thraug'h ccncession 7, la!ts 20 anq 211 to' the rQ'ad hetween concess,icns 7 and 8, '10,ts 19 and 20" to' and al'ong road between lats 1'8 'and 19 in concession 8. 14. Road NO'. 39. Com-mencing at ,the northerly baunda_f'Y of Dorchester 'Southj the road 'between lats 12 and, 13 af said town,ship and i:ts, ca'ntinuati'O'n beLtween- :lats 10 and' 11 of 'the TOWfils'hivo.f Mal'a- hide to the road between conces'sions 1 andl 2 (Cop-en:ha,gcn) and south to' Taadthalt 'runs westerly th't'oug'h lots 6; 7, 8, 9; and 10, 'then'ce sout'h alan'g:tLhe'raad through lat 5- to" the La'ke Raad\ then .west through 1O't! I, '2, 3, 4, and 5, to' the Yarmauth tcwn line, save and except that portjo,n within the Town, af Aylmer. 15.' Road NO'. 40~ Cammencing M the southerly bounda'ry of the ViHage of Sp'f-in-gfidd, ,the raad- in the Township af Ma'Jahid'e 'running south-erly between lots 20 and 21, in COf\ce,ssians 9 ahd '8, and runn'inrg southerly and west'e'rly t'hrough lats .2'0 an'd 13, in the 7th concessicn, tOlthe ea'ste,rly boun-dairy of t11e Town of Aylmer. Also 'raad between C9n-ces~i'Ons 8 and 9, lQit 21, east to' Bayham ;ta'W11'lill'C and south al-ong the toWlJ. line to' road be'tween collces,sions 8 and 9, Tawnship of Bay- ham; and east to' 'road hetween ,lots 113 and 114. 16,. Road NO'. 46. The raad in Tcwnship af Bay'ham between lots 5 and 6, from the Oxfard caun.ty line south through concess,io,nJs 10, 9, and, 8, to pirovincia'l Highway NO. 1.1. 17. Road Nq-.50. The 'faa,d' in the Township of South Do'rchester between concessions 7 and' 8, lo,ts 13 to' 24, and t'he Tcad between Ja'ts 18 and 19 in conees5'ians 8, 9, 10, 11, and 1.2'. 18. ~aadNo. 53. The 'road in the. To:w-nship af Bayham, beginn_ ing M the, houndalry line af the VillageQif Vienna, Jat No. 16, and running nO'rt'h-ea;sterly thrcugh lots 17, 18, 19,' a11'd20, ,to' road between cOl).cessiplls ~ and 4, thence east to theN c'rralk COUlllty 'lin:e. 19. Road No. 48. In the township of South Darc'hestc'r" 'be- ginning on the cO'unty line between the Townshipsaf Dereham \and South:DQiI'chester, .in concession 11, Tawnship cf -South Dorc-hestCT, fram OxfnI'd Caunty Raad No. 4,2, thence nQirth 'an tawll line to' the raad between tancessions 10 and '11. in the. Tcwns'hipa.f, Scuth Dcrcheste'r; lots ,A to 12 (Lyall'S). .t * Elgin County Council t12 20. That we have, in .accnrdancc with resolution passed by this. County C~'1.1ncil at the Janua'l-Y s.essibll, visi:ted the differe~t incolrpo- ra:ted viHages in .the Cou6ty where conn.etting links of au'! county highway system -pass through, and we have found these road'S, which f.orm the ,con-riectillg links, in good state of 'repaiT.We a..re furthe-f of the opinion ,that if Qur' present system of giving gran,ts to' villages and 'town's is continue-d, this Cbundl should memorial1ze the Highway Depattment to' anow sllbs,idy on Krants fa'f maintenance of roa,d,s which a:re connectinlg links of connty hi'ghways through viUag'es and towns. 21. Thai in the OplU10n of. your Commibtee the coti1l'ty 'roads should: not be extended into the villages ,except. as 'rcC'ommc-n-ded in this 'fe'port. That. villages desiring any fnrthergrants from the County Council should' proceed under section' 50f The Highway Irtt'P'rov,ement Act, sub-section 7; as enacted ,in- HI20"the limit 'O'f county gra'll't to be the estimated cost of construction of a county road th:rough ,the villa'ge. BARRY DROMGOLE, Chairman. June Session To ,tlhe.'Elghl County Council:' Gentlemen, - Your Cou.nty ROla'd Commit,tee begs leav.e to report cthalt W'o,rk on the cou-11Ity 'roa,dis this year may. be summa'dzeda:s foHoW's: 1. Construction of Roads not Inc1udingNewDesignations Under By-Law No. 1001 RO'ad No. 42, COn'cessi'o-n 1, Ma~ahid'e, 1.3;2-75 'yardso{ ea'rtl1 to excavate to reducegra.de to 7t ~}e'r cen't., kt by C'onltJra'Clt t,en-der- to J., H~ MiHe'! fO'r 41 cents 'pet ya'rd. 2. Culverts Four c,ement cu-l'V'e'r'ts win he CO'llSlt'ruCit-ed this yea,r, and a number of iron pi-pes 'have already ,been placed on d'iff.erenlt rroad1s. ~ >.t.1"''''''''''~'''''''_________'~ Elgin Cou'nts Council" 113 3. Maintenance. of Roads Approximately 150 miles of old -gravel ro'a,d. will be' resuHaced this ye.a'r with bl'oken stone or -glraveL 4. . Tools, Lumber, and Machinery in Stock, Purchased Previous to the Year 1922 Ninety road drags, 2 breakinrg plows, 4 light plows, 12 s'1u's'h sC'ra'pers, 3 five-ton moltor 't.rucks, 1 heavy and 2 l'ight s'ca'rificrrs, 7 'heavy road gral(}!e'rs, 6 light To'ad graders, 8,000 feet 'of plank a'nd lumher, 1 road hone, 1 ceu't'rifuga'l ptfmp" 1 Atlas pump, 1 deatric ha'1.t'C'l'Y, 1 cemenlt mixe:r, 6 dump wago.ns, 2 ten-horne gas'o,Ilirne.,engin,cs, 2, grave1 bins equipp'e'd wi1thelcva.to'rs and screens, 12 shovel's, 1 -d1i'aphTag111 pump with engine complete"6 1an1terns. 5. Tools Purchased this Yeilr 'road d'rag, 2 sc:ra'pers. Eleven s'hovds, 1 6. Gravel Pit - Development y our Comm~ttee has completed :the purchase of the Roloston Gravel, Pit, ill the Town.s'hip ,of De,reham, c01},cession 6, 1'0'1 '26, ,Co,n- taJi-ni'l1'g by ad~nea,sureme'l1lt 9i acres, fo'r Hle sum 'of $3,OQ'0,.00,il1lcIuding right-o.f-way to the :roal between concessd'Ons 6 :an,d 7, This :road'-way "vas 'through a swamp. It has been corduroyed and gravel' placed to a depth of 18 inches over li't, by 12 feet wici'e; a new bridge is .beinig CCJoll'S,tructed over the ueek at the enit'ra'nce 'to the 'road between concessions 6 and 7, and,t'h'i's gravel pit wi-It be 'reacl1y to opeta.te fro111 in a slhort time. 7. Trucks The three May. .Full bel' session. cOllMy trucks stal1ted to haul gravel on the 15th ,day o.f rep'ort for the season',s workwiH be given. int'he NovemN 8. By-Laws Nos. 1000 and 10C)! With Tefere'flIce to By-Law No.. 1001,-pass,ed by th'c County CouncH on the 18th day of Ma:rch, 192'2, addring 36:} lbiJ,e:s to our 'coul1Ity hirghway system has been approved of by the Highway De'pa'rtment, as' follows: ", 114 Elgin County Council Road No. 1. '!'<he Gralham Road, in the Town-ship of Aldiborough - no chang-e. 110 Road No.2 chang,e. P; C. The 'road ,i'n the TOWllS'h'ip of Aldhoro'l1gh- Road No.3. Th'e Furnival Road, illJ ,the TowUls'hip oJ AldJboTough -fiI0 change. , Road No.4 P. C. In Ithe TOWlllship of Aldboll'ough - n'0 change. Road No.5. Comme1lJciulga.t the FUfmival Road, in the Town- g'hi'P' of AldlbO':ro'Ugh, between lots 8 a,nd'9, .the 'foad between com:es- sians .5 and 6, 10lts 9 ,to 15, the.nces-outh al'0'ug the road 'betw'een 101tS 15 and 17 to t'he road between the third, and fou-rth con-cessions ca'st, Aldbo:rough, thelllce easle1r1y aldng said 'foad, lots 17 to 21 to the Gra'ham Road. Road No.6. In the T'OWllJship o.f AldbQlfough - n.o change. The road in the To",v'llship of Dunwich be.tweenlolts 8, 9, and 10, to ,t'he Lake Road in con- , Road No 7. 18 an.d 19; in concessions cession' 11. Road No.8. In the T'ownship of Dunwich'- no change. To,wnship of DunwiCh - not approved. Road No.9. .Road No. 10 P. C. Township of Dunwich '- no change. Road No. 11. Township of DUllf\\,ich - no change. In tIle Township of Dunwich - n'D c'h<J,uge. Road No. 12. Road No. 13 P. C. In the Township of Dunwich- no change. between Dunwich and Southwo-ld Road' ,No. 14. The town line _ no chan.ge. Road No. 14 P. C. In the Township of DunwiCh -:-1110 change. " Elgin ,County Coun'cil 115 Road No. 1'5. The old Currie Road, in ihe Town.shipof Dun~ wich - no c'ha-nlge. Road No.16. Talbot Road, 11'0: c'h<imge. in the Township of Southwo'ld- Road No. 18. Talbot Road, in the Townshi'p of Southwold- no change. Road No. 19. The Midd'lesex ,:COUOity houndal'Y line, from 'i'oad - betwe.en the 1st anld 2nd can'ces'si'ons, Towns:hip of Delawa,re, w,est to the road in ,the Town,ship of South wold between lots 1 and 18; thence s'oulthef:1y th'rough concessions 2, 3, and 4, and betwe'en 10lts 25 and 26 nO:l,th of the Talbot Road n'O'rth to- the Back St,ree.t o'r Provincial Highway No. 90. Road .No. 20. Comencing at ith,c right-of-w,ay of, the Michigan Cen.tra:} Railway in :the'Vill'alge of Shed'd'en, the 'road between lo.ts 15 a;nd 16 north of Talbot Road N o'rth" in. the To...vnship of SOThthwoI-d, run-ninK southerly through the Viilla:ge oJ F.ing.al and the Union Road to -the Village of Port Stan1ey ,flnd along ,tl,,:"C hounclary line be'tween Po'rt Stanl~y "and Southwi:Ad t'O Ca'dow Road', and Carlow St:ree'till 'said V'i'l'Iage to Bridge Street. Road No. 21. In the Township of Southvwld _ n'o change. I I I ~ I II II i I II 'I I Iii !11 "I II. !U Road No. 23. Th~ T10ad between conoess,ions 4' and {) in the Township of Yarmouth, from th-e London and Pt. Stanley Railway tott'o-ad No. 23 p~ C. Road, No. 23P.C. London a,n.d Pt.'Stan,ley Road-no C'lmnge. Road No. 24. In the Township of YarmoU'th -, no ch'ange. Road No. 25. Tihe 'mad betwe'en the Towll,shi'psof Yarmouth and Sout'hwold -no change. Road No. 27. 'In the Township of Yarmou,th-nLo change. Road No. 28. In the Township of Yarmouth -110 change. , 116 Elgin County Council Ro~d NO. 29. In the Township of Ya'rmoUith - nn change. Road No", 30.. In the Township of YannoUith-nochang.e. Ro~d .No. 31. In, the TOWll1ship of y.a;rmO't1<th ---'- no chang,e. Road N o. 3~. In -t'he Township of Ya;rmou:t'h - no- change. Road No. 33. In the Township of Yarmouth - 0'0 change. Road No. 34. County liu',e with Mid1dlers'cx - no change. Road N,Q. 35. In t'he Township of Ya'rmonth -nodmng.e. Road, No~ 36. t..ake 'Road, in the TOWll'ship of Yarmouth '- 0'0 change. Road No. 37. lnthe To"vnshipofYarmou'th - nochangc, Road No. 38. Talbot Road, in the Townshj,p of Malahljd'e - no dlanlge. Road No. 39. In the Township of Mala'hide _11'0 chang-e. Road No. 40.. Commencing. a:t the southe'rly bourt.da'1"Y of the VHla.ge of Springfield, the Toad -in the To'wn'ship af < ~1alahi:derunning sautherly between 10;ts20 an.d' 21, in concession,s g,and 8, au,d running sou't'hC'rlyand weS'terly th-rough lots 2,n'to 13, in the 71th concession, to the easterly boundary of the Town af Aylme:r. Road No. 41. In the Township af Mala'hide - nO' chal1lg'e. Road No. 42. With respect to' ,the change .in designla,t'ion. .of County Road' No. 42, in ol'der to' provirde fa,r the COlllStJruotion of Staillter GuUey bridge, this dmnge meets with the ap'P'roval Of t1he M,inisltC'r of Highways as fol'lows: All of the road from lot 11 to' lot" 33, ,inclusive, between concessions 1 and 2- in the Township af Ma}a'hid1e. Road No. 43. In t'he Tawn1ship of Ma.la:Mde-U'o change. '" ",dJ__""'""",,,,,,,,,;,,'<~_'~~" ,i' ............ Elg~,n C;;ou,-nty Cau~cjl 117 Road No. 45. The Toad;itl the Town'ship 'of Bayhalll_ no change. T'he 'foad in the Towns'hip of Bayham _ no .change. The Toad -in t'he To;wnship of South Do'rchester_ ROad No. 46. Road No. 47. no change, Road No. 48. n'o charuge. T'he road' in ,the Townshipaf South Dorchester_ Road No. 49. "The1"aard in the" Township bertweenlotS6 land ,7, conceSSIons 1'1 and 12:, to' of th:e Village af Sp'rilllgfidd. of ,South pa'rch'C's-te'r, the'no'rtherly baundary "Road No. 50. no change. The Taad in the Tawnship of South Dorcheste'r_ Road No. 51. no c;hange. The :road' in the Tawns'hip af-Sau.th Dorc'heste.r_ Road No.52. The tOWn line between the Town'shi'ps of'Malahid'e and S6Ujj~ D.olrches'ter ---:na c:hanlge. Raad No. .53. The roa'd in the Township of Bayham _ no c'hang'e. 9. These n'ew des~gnated 'roads ,are -ill genera-I badly aut 'of 're-pah. and wiU .need immediatea.ttenrt:ion, bot'h for maiu,t.enan'ce and. cans't'ruot.ia'll. 10. Construction A l'a't'ge number af new .iro1nclrlverts andi"twa b:ridg'es should he COl1;M'rucfed this . year, e'stimate for new cOUMy 'roads cIas-s'c-d ,a's con- stTucti'on for 192.2, $10,000.'0{} t'Obui;I'd COUll'ty's porlt-i'on af Stalter Gu'Iley hl1idge, making a total estimate fo'r the year HI2'2" $8'5,000.00. 11. The expenditure an. county ;raad;s up ;to June 10,th, 192'2, $51,225.25. 12. Hamilton Tenders Stalter Gulley - June 16th, 1922 Bridge Wo-rks - $'2,1,480.'00 fo'r s'tee;l, 11;0 sales t'ax. 118 Elgin County Council 'Canaild.ian Des Moin,es - $21,50tQ.OO for ste,e1, no sale-g'tax. McGrego,r & McIntyre, Ltd. - $23,2-30..0-0 for steel, no sales tax. Canadian Bridge Coo. - $'26,2,60.nO fo'r' sltee1, inc1udling tax. Dominion Bridge Co. - $21,397.:00 fOIl' g,tcel, indud1.ng tax. , LOon'don Bridge Vlo;rks - $26,40-5.00 -for steel, -including tax. SaJr11'ia Bridg'c- Co. - $25,9010.00 fo'r steel, no sales' tax. Bu:lk, Tend-ers- _ Ca:u'adia'u Des' MO.ill'CS - $31,nno.oo, sa,lestax not mentioned. NO'l"luan McLeocl- $40,900.00 Swrnia Bdd!g,~ Co. - $39,900.00, including sales tax. Concrete - C. O. La,jdlaw - $10,875.00. Thomas Johnston -. $10,295.00, 110.t accepted. A. L. Oa.tman - $9,900.00, mot accepted, We .recomnlcnd that the Domini'O'n Bridige Co. shall have the contract for the super'st'ructure for the price above mentioned- $21,397.00., The wqTkof sub-struC'tu1"'c be given to C. O. Laidlaw, of "Vindsor, fQl1" 'fhe. sum' of $10,875.00. JV[aki\ng a'total for complet.ion of the wo'rk, e:x:c,epting the fill for approac'h.e,s, $32,272.00. 13. We aTe of Optnl,On that the license on motor trucks, whe're o.....'..ncd by municipalities 'a'nd us'ed for road improvement onily, should be .'reduced to $1.00, per year, rega'rd'less of' capacity of .truck. 14. Refenin'g to communication frorh Se'cretary of' Committee oTgalllized alt Roadl Superintend'ell't's Con.ference held 1a>5't Ma,rch in TO'f'on:to, we 'reeommend that the Ward'en, Chairman of Road Com- mittee a;nd Counity RoadSupe'rill'tendenlt' be delegated to 'lO'ok'a.fter and en1tert'a1n vilsitor,s forming It'his pa:rty while they are in the COUll'ty of Elgin. """'--'"~"-,""~' '",=", ,,,:,;':;~-,~,~..-...-,,.~ Elgin County Council 119 I 15. That this County Council d'o memo'rialize the Milllister of Hilghways to.-approve of the designa'tion of Road' No,. 9 in' the Town- shiV of Dunwi'c'h, not confirmed by the HiglhwayDepartment under 'By-Law No. 1000" before othe1rdes,ignations under Bylaw- 1000 and 1001 ,a,re :a'pproved of by o'rder in coutllcil. !7. Springfield That' we assum,e -tlhe sheets requested and apply for a gran,t Highways Act, for the yeaT 1915. in the ViUage of Sp'l'ingfleld a,s under section 19 of The Ontario 1~~ That, we recommend that the incorporated villa,ges 'and, townlS in the Countys-hall' he -gran1te& an amount equal to what they-pay in for that 'purpose, plus ten per cenL, to be 'expendedl under The. Higlh~ way Impr'ovement Act. All bf which is respectfully submitted. HARRY DROMGOLE, Ohairman ,. Second Report, June Session To the Elgin County Coundl: Gen1tlemen,'_ The Coun-ty Road,s Committee reports: Re Deputation from Aldborough T'ha.t owing .to the modified fo'rm that the c-hal:f1ges "have been reduced to in writing, the Committee:recommellid that the matter be left' in' the hands, of t'he Coun<ty Road SuperiQ'ten.delllt. Ju~e 16th, 1922. HARRY DROMGOLE, Chairman Road Committee. 120 Elgin CountyCot1hcil November Session St. Thomas, NovcmbcT 28th, 192~ fa the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen, - :1. The County Road Committee reports that expenditu'reson ELgin COlmty 'highway system, from Janna,ry 1st, H122, up to and inc'll1'cHnlg Novembc'1" 2Mh, lJ-a.ye been a total of $12'5,2'31.20. This amount 'win he increas'ed by work :already in prOigresls, but estimat,e forex'P'encliitnre on 'foad's will riot be exce'edled this yea;r. ,Expenditure to da1t,e (als' 'foHows: Construction on Stlhurban Area.____ "',',0....$ Ma.intenance on Suburban Area Con,struetion on County Roa,d,s____________...... M:a:inlt'en'<tnce O'h County Roads.cn.m-'________.__. M~H:hiLn:C'1'Y, To.ols, Rep,aii'rsand: Rentals Rep<tirs, Ga's, Oil for Trucks Gmvd Pit ,Development Hathaway Gi'ave1 Pit, La!bo'f .and RepairL Ha'thaway Fann Implement Shed Miscellaneous Vie-una 167 21 612:2 37 32'412 04 61675 89 64983 9168 89 6558 09 :n88 20 510~69 173 60 3516 95 1087 44 $125,231.20 2. The above includes $1,3'34.56 -expended on Mid,dile'sex County lines" 'foa'd:s No. 1~12 and 34, nnd'e'r t!he supe'rvision of Elgin C01.l;ll't'y. 3. Expen1d:i:tuTe da'ssed as con'sHuct.io'1l1 i,nclude's the labo;r' a:nd malt'eria,l to grade and gr~ve'1olle mile a,n:d a half of 'road, induding the heavy ,hill cut on road number 42, at Silv-er'Creek. Stone Road Grading and surfacing one tmd: 'a haH mil'es ofston-e road. Tile Drains 15,899 feet of ,tiledirain ranging from 5 to 10 inch in d,iameter. -'-"'"7'= . f-flgil) Count:r Council 121 The'se dra,ins a-re lo-catedoll the m"ap of Coun:ty Roa4's and' used ,en~ tiJI"ely f.or dminage of the road. Number of concrete culverts, 4. Iron pipes, 31. 1. Stalter Gulley The work completed this of erecting t-he new b,ddlge 0'11 't'b,is:slite',wiH not be .ye'a,r. 5. Maintenance of County Roads Onte 'hund'fed -and fo'rty miles of Counlty roads have. be,en resurfaced with broke'n stone 0'1' ph gl'avd, 'ail's'O the entirel1e'ng-th of ro'a:d g,rade, as above has been trimmed o'r tr~red up w'i't:h Iheavy grader. A numher of narrow cuivertshave heen \ovid'en/cd by p"lacing new pipes at either end and fiUe-doveor with ea'rtn. Your .Comniittee have also experimented with calcium chloride as a dust llayer on the London and P'or!t Sta,nley roa,d with SMisf~'ctor'Y results, usil1'g one pound and one-half persquar,e yard. 6. Machinery a';1d Tools New for the Y ear 192~ T\venty-two s111's11 sc-rapers, 1 plow, 1 road drag, 1 s'tou-e boat, 11 shove:1s, 4 1~anterns, 2 :rakes, 1 hamme-f, 1 cold chisel. Machinery and TOols Purchased Pr~vious to the. Year 1922 Six junior grad'~rs, Id'iaphra-gm pump, 5 slu-s'h scr'apers-, 1 double iron blo,ck wi'th rop'e, 3 lanterns, 12 c:'row'halrs, 12, Wlrenches;6 ham- mers, 6smaH n:i-ad graders, 1 heavy and 2 l!ig'hit 'foadsca'f1ifie:f1s, 2 semi-po'rtablebin a,nd elevator, 2 ten-horsepower gas engine, 1 cen'td- fugal pump, 1 force pump, '1 'gas pump, 8 -ploW's, 1:2 shovels, 70, road dra'gs,- 6 dump wagons, 3 five'-ton dump ,trucks, 7 hea'vy'gradlelf's, 1 cemen:t mix'er, 1 eilectricbatety. 7. 8. Walker Pit in Gravel Pit Development AM-borough Township. Number of cords of :gravel ha,u}ed, ,4,59J'r . 122 Elgin County Council Cost of strippin<g, oversee'ii1g, etc., $2'3'5.4~, Reoeipts fo'r gravel sold, $51.83. Lunn Pit, in the Township of Dunwich. Co.rd's of gravCll hauled, 1075. This gravel wa;s hoislt'cd, from ,the lake lYaJ)1k by contract in the yea,r 1921 and hauled 'On the County Roads dlufiing the wi-nte-r of 1922, and t'here sltHl 'l'emains approximatdy 300 cords of gravel in the p'ile on t'b-e Lunn fa'rm fO'f future use. Irvine Pit, in the Township of Sout:hwoM.- CO'l"ds of g.ravel hankel, 940. C0-5t fOf st1'ipP,in'g, 1oadin:g; including erection cif shanty fdT men, mechan[c,a:lload,er, -etc., $1,352.64. Receipts fO'f gravel sold, $16.50. Leaving 200 co,ids st'rippc'd ready fo,t futU'fiC use. ' Hathaway Pit in t!lC !ownship of Ya,rmouth. C~'rds o.f gravel rhauled., 2745. COSlt of stdppin.g, loading, moving bin, re'pairs to machinery, etc., $3n88.95. Locker Pit, in the'Tow.nship of Houghte);n. COird's 'of grave'! hauled', 341. In 'the Locker Pit strippirtllg was d:one in the yea'r 1921. Roloson Pit, ,in t!he Townshi'p of Dereh!am. Cordsof gravel hau'led 794. OO's't of development i11'cludingpu.rchase price of pit, construction of 'road and btid'giC, erec,tin'g shanty far men a'nd shed for teams, $5,2B3.2<5. Rece1.'p1ts fo'!' grav:el, s'Oild, $60;95. '-""'-""""'''~''''''''-''"''';;:;''''''''''''''''''" Elgin County Council 12.$ 9. Truck Operation . Daily record has been kept of the mi'i'e,?-ge wnod quant'ity of g'ravd . drawn by the three county Jrucks in. operation from May 15th to Novemher llit'h, 1922, as follows: Tru~ck No. Truck No. Truck No. Hours Worked 1535 1510 1520 Cords Hauled 737 710 734 Miles T:raveNed W939 10630 11169 1................".......... 2..-'..................... 3n_nn Total 4!565 327'3'8 2181 Drivers' wages, gas oil an<l. repairs, total $11,08,2.42. 10. 'Aver1'age Summary' of Truck mi'l~ea-ge -p'er day, 7l~. c'o'rds of gravel hauled Operation A ve'rage per day; 4~, Average cost expense per day, $23.18. Average d1epreciartion pet d:ay, $20.00. A"verage total cost prer day, 43.18. Average cost of hauling one cord of gravel one mile; $1.20. The three CoullIty T:rucks were ovei'hauJred durin.g the begil1'il1lg of the yea-r 1922, Trucks 1 and 2 were'in-had condition, Summary of Truck Operation Years 1920, 1921 and .1922, Trucks number 1 and 2 have worked a tota'l of 860~ days. AN'owing d'epreciatton at $20.-00 per day for the ab6,ve number of days <torta'ls $17,20'0.00, that has becn cha;r-ged against trucks '11UIU- bc't"s 1 an'd 2. 11. N urn ber 3 Truck, Worked 3401 days, dep-reciatiOl1 charged against No.3, $6,81O,0(}, . Total d'ep:reeriation ch'a'z:ged against trucks 1, 2, and 3, years 1920, 1921 ' <\lad' 192~2,,$2~,010.no, Elgin County Council Coslt of trucks hauling gravel p-ed.cO'rd mHe,year 1920,$1.08 per 'co'rd mile. yea-! 192,1; ,$1,13 ..per (!O'td mile; ,1922, $L'2;Q per eord m~le. 'Averalge co'st fo':r the above three years $1.13' pe-reo'rd mile. .124 12, Teams Comparison of Hauling by Tr'ucks or ,Teams hauling gravd' maximum, $2.00 per C'oLf'd mHe. miniimum, $1.60, p.er cord mite avera'ge, $1.80 per cord mHe. All 9f which is respectfully submitted. Chainnan HARRY DROMGOLE, of County Road Commhtee. '0"" Elgin C6urltY Cb'iiricil 125 ENGINEERS' REPORT ON STAi:rER GULLEY BRIDGE AND EXPENDITURES November Session To the Cha:irman and Members of the - Good Roads CO'filtiJ.ittele: Gentlemen, _ " We beg to ',report -regall'dling -t'hep-rogn'ss and cost of .the Sta-lter Gulley HridLge up to: the present. About the ,BOlthof August in driviing the North-East cylind'cr it was.- found t'hat the clay bed did :irot tonlform <lit tha,t point with the teslt ho;les sunk and' the plans ,p'repa;red ,in a-ccQltd(~1:11'ce tl~ere,to. Ar- -rangements were made with fhe contractor' that'he was ,t'o put the cyiinder' do'w-nthe extra dept'h at a 'cost plus 15 percen't. schedu'le. Sin;ce i'halt time the conifrac't'O'rhas -been- doling the wo'rk on this basis.. The nortih'-westcylill'de-r was a very difficult one, as i:t struck th~ sideo.fa boulde.r o.f day while ,aliI 'the 'remai'll1inlg ,ana was san,d and it was a very difficult mMte-r to get. through. FinaUy it was com- pleted at a depth of 18 fe'eLt extra to whalt is shown 'on the ph'll. Th'e co:u'traet6-r is n'Ow a-t wo'rk on, the 'sout'h-wes't cyl'inde-r, I:!:n,d the work wasinspedted this morn'iug and ,h was foundfhat they had driven t-hiscylin-der three feelt y.este"I'd'ay. \iVe have't'he wnrk goi'1l1g along now in a satisfa'cto-ry mannler. The ai,I' chamber has heen ve'ry much imp'roved to wha,t was us'ed! in the l1'o'rth-we-st cyllin(h~-'r'. The men have .more chance to. work and, get out the materia'! from'insidle. This cyli'ud'er wiJ;l have to he sunk to a depth of tweMy-s1x fe'et be-bw what was conltem-plated, The, north-east cylindler will s'trike clay a-t eighteen feet. be1'ow what was cOU'tem-pla'ted. The amount' o-f ]. S.V\"hitcomb's'co_n.tract is $10,875.00, on which has beeTh 'plalid- $6.2'2,1.85 up t'O Nove~her 20th" and, $4,154.16 fo'rext'ra wo'rk, ,o-n whfich the, 1,5 per C'enlt. pro-fit has pot heen paid. Thecontracto-r.'s foreman sifates tha:t he -is of the op,inion tha't. the wo'rk wil}1f he comp'leted by Chri-s1tma.s, unil-ess something unforese'en :happenIS. . All ofw11'kh i-srespectfuHy su'bmiMed. JAS. A. BELL & SON, County En'gilll'eelrs St. 'Dhoma,s, Onltadol"November 30, 192'2. 126 Elgin County Council REPORT INSPECTOR .HOUSE OF INDUSTRY November Session To the W'anlen. and Council of the County of Elgin : Gentlemen, - .The f:cHawing is my repo'rt on the House the year en'dJn,g 31-5t OctobCT, H}2'~: of Industry and Refuge for 1. Number of inmates at las't Irepo.rLu..___..______u..nnm Numher admitted ,during yea'r..um,~_.,,_____'uu.___"n. unn.""__'____ 34 12 2. 3. Number 'of deathsm...._____ 6 4. 5. 6. Number clisc'hal'ge-d..m__. NumbcT abscond.e&___,...______ ..__m.. 2 4 _.__n'. .._..,__.n'__"__ .____0.._ ......................... 34 Number now in I-Ious.c___....___.m.._nh.....___"m..._____.. scn,t korn the s,cveralmunicipa1ities' in the 7. Number of inmates County dt~'ring the year: Aldborol1gh Dunwich Sout'h wa'ld Ya,rmol1th M,wla1hid1e __n".'._____...., n......__....__.,........,..____...___,..._..,.....__.....__...._......____.n Bay haul .._____.,..............__.........__...._..._......__......__....__....--..--....-.... Sauth Da'rch.este.r .-.....-........'. ...-............-.........----......----.....-- Ay'lnler .____......_...____.__....__.__..__n..__..__.............__....__.__.._________----- W est Larne__...________..~:.___,..___.____......___".._____..._..._____..,..---.,--...-.--.....--...... R'odn1e.y -....-..--........,.......---."..--.........-...-..'-..-..--..----.--.,..------..-...---....-------.. Dutton ..__...__...................~.......___..........._____...______.h..._____0._.._.__...___.____.. Spflingfie;ld __....._.....0....................__...._..._....._....__.._._. .._.._n._____....,_.__.____ Birth _._.______.___........_.._____.......____....._____..._.._0.....____._ 5 0 2 0 ~. 15. 1 2 'g~ 16. 2 0 J_ 17. 0 ..~ ... }i'.' L 18. 0 "v h 0 ,~ 19. 0 0 - 12 '<' ,..",~".."."..".."'.,..'''v_ Elgin County Cauncil 127 8. The variaus causes af paupel"ism af .inmates ad~miu,ed to. the House.dil'rihg the yea.t may be c1as'sed as follows: Oripple _. ...__..n...______.....______ "__."'___,,0....___._... ___.._.._.~._.. 1 Sickness- 3 Destitute ,.0.'__.. .....-----...._ .....____....____0.___....__..__.__ ..--........__....__.....____0._ 1 Old . ag-e.___........__._.....__...___._.__,._._______.._____.__.....___.___..____.._____..__,.__.___...... 6 Other causes.h__....,_ -.....---...... -...---.-- --...----.---..---..--_.... _____.___0. ....___. 1 9. Averag1e numher of i'nlnMes during the year,____. ..__..__...._, 33,2 10, Average number, whh Keeper's family and 'hired 'hdp..__ 38.7 11. Number of weeks' board af inma tes......----....--___...___________._____..1828 12'. Number, of we'eks, with Keeper's family....___.....__..,....,.....____.__2107 13. 'Tata1 expenditures dl~ri11<g the year.-------..---..--.__.._....____...$9,715.81 Receipts . Hrom. F'ro'm From F'rom innlalt:es.__"_...______..m__.~...._____...,.___.......__.__....$ fa'rIn. stock....._..__ .---...0........_______.___.......__ produce sc,ld_____ '..____.___._ '.___.....___.'..._______ sundri'cs...__.____.._______..___...._.___..____.._____...._.. 607 25 666 50 312 56 35 99 $ 1642 30 311 07 Permanent improvements.______...,___.....,.__.________ Leaving amount aCJtually expended for suppo:r't 'of' inmates.____...__,.._.......___...._......,....._ Average exp'en5'e per w'eek for eac'h person --..-....--.0..--._...............__,_____..___..... .._____...__ Average expensre per da.y fo'r eacih pe'fs'On ._________..__..__._________ .__._.........._________.____.,._ Averra,ge expen'se per yea'r for each person ..________~.h_..__.._.____. .___...__...___....._._.......___. Amount expen'ded for hnus'ean,d 'fa'rm dUJring the yeaT isd~vided as fo.Hows: $ 1953 37 776.244 3.683 ,526 191.51 Farm Expense Hired labor;.___... ...----..----.---...____.............._.....,..0.$ 544 50 128 Elgin County Council Implements' Stock Feed Miscellan.cous Se-ecl House Expense .$ Hired labO'r..mn.mu""..,..---."'--------"'--" Bread Meat Groceries Prov1isioms D'ry goods,'..__._. ..nu.___..__..,.._,__~_"_______..,.____.,__.."_._n Boo'ts a'nel shoes.mm...m.-_..,..---m _._nn_______.___..._ Fumhure and hardwa:rcm." nn'mu_n___.,..___.____ Drugs Ooa'l and wood,.___n____ Misc'C'11ancous ..----"--...--_...--._---.."------.~.--.---.-' General Expense inmates.______ ____m.'..n'_'..._____.. .$ Conveyance of Repairs ,m.m._.__ P erma,n entim provem N~t'S.___________ Inciden:tal Hospital Salaries Keeper .m Matron Physicia'll Inspecto'f .__.non'___'''_'''''''''''_ 20. Total ExpenditU'res_mn The fol'lowing p'roduce was rai'sed the yea'r: Farm Produce 612 bus. oats and barley, .at SOCn.........n..n_.$. 96 bus. wheat, at $1.1000",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,___.00_00....." 43 loads of hay, at $10.0:0n..n,...'...n~..m'..___. _ 30 load.s .of straw.___nm........n.............m.........n 191 12 152 25 4'75 35 206.92 76 27 $ 1646 41 434 90' 549 70 474-68 353 13 723 89 370' 27 231 3'5 324 49 91 34 1404 87- 287 38 $ 5241 00 2,2 00 102 "42 445 77 430 2.1 43 Oft .$ 1043 40 n"-$ 800 00 480 0-0 300 00 ZOO 00 $ 1780 00 $ 9715 81 on the fat'm d~lring 306 00 105 60 430 no Elgin, County., C01.mcH 129 8 acres of en,si'l'ag'ecO'rn___.,m..~....._mn"._.n,n 2'29 bus. potatoes, at$1.pO 'per bag........... 10 bus. husked coru, atSOcn.......__............... 40 bus. suga:r beets, ~.t 25c.per bus_m'........ 1\5 bus. field can-ots, at 40c....m...'.nm....___n 5 bus. be.ans, at $3.00~____..m_nn.......:"...n___n 2' load's pumpkins,:n,.;..n_.n.__:.___.n.:m___.,....nn 200 00 150 0'0 '500 10 00 6 00 1'5 00 10 00 Garden Produce 8 bus. beets '7' bus. ca:l"l'ots 15 bus. o.rl'i'ons 8 bus. sals~fy 12 ,bus. pa'l'sTIlips 750 'heads cabbage 1103d melons } acre ga'rden peas.m"m. ..___.n..n_m..........nn 1 ban'e'1 cucUlllbers 17 bus. ta'hle 'turn:ips n.......n.......m'....n...m Quan!tity squash Quan!t~ty ce:}rery Qua'nti:ty p~pp'ers 15 bus. tomato'es Quanfity sweet COfn, t :a:c:r'en";~.nn''''___", 2 dozen cauMflowel's Quatitity lettuce, pairs-ley, a'S'pa'fagus.. . Quall'tiotyplums, gl.a'pes Quan'tity peaches andi, apple's.."",....._...... 20 qua'tts milk per da.y....~...n._....'.n""".....n 15 ha:t'rels apples A large quan'ti,ty 'of vegetwbl:es an-d huit. was used during thesumme'r, of w'hich 11'0 ,a,ccoun,t was ker)lL...__m"..;,..n 6 hogs ki'ltl'ed dur:in)g ,the yeia:r....,....;.~m__. 1 beef kmed. during the year"m"n...._nu.", 2 vea.I ca.1ve;s ki1'led dUflilllg the yea'Lm. 250 quar'ts fruit canned in the Hous.e........ 2190 Its. butter made du'ring the yea'Ln...~. 200 dozen eggs, consumed.....;..m...___ 5 no: 5 00 2,200 16 on 18 0'0 40 0,0 20 00" 15 00' 50,0 8 50 101 00 8 00 3 00 7 50 "15 00' 6 00' S 00 10 00 3 00' .360 no 40 00 .100 00 945'0' 60 ON 2'S '00 12.50.b 766 50, 60 0'0 $ Cream sold ......m......m.......m....m........mn'..$ 2'87 79 3018-8 60 1&0 Elgin. County Coun1c.u 19 hog's sold 2 cows s'O'ld Eggs and sundries sold..nnon_ ..m""""__ 2 veal ca[vcs s'oM,._____..__...............____...___.___.__ 21.. NumbN" of attides of beddling andc1ot'hing the year by Malt'ron and inm<.t1tes, 255. 22. Number oJ visits madie by Inspector, 50. 23. Farm stock- 3 ho'rses. 13 cows. 17 hogs. 3 yca,r1'ings. 4 calves. 2 brood sows. 70 c'hickens. 17 ducks. 500' 42 137 40 50 78 2.5 62 $ 1011 01 made up during I 24. The total amount expended by the County on House of Industry, 'elte., i,s as {DHows: Fa'f'ill, '100 acres, cO's,t...___.'_~m_____..__m__.;.___ ---.$ I-louse of Indust'rY.___'m._~ ....-----..------.....--~..--..-- Laundry Fire escapes Root ceHa'f, hennery, etc__.m.......h......------..-.. Cottalge's,. etc., .n_...__.,___.__.__.........'.......... .............., Brick ice <house BaTns, etc, ......................,.......................u.n...... Tile drM.ns ...."..........,......".................,................ Tilic d.ra1'll ou{jIet...u......~..m.......m....m.....;~,,,~.--., HOita.ir pump, tanks, and cou\u'ections....."... Refdge'ra tQlr .....n....................m.......................... F'C'UCiiu'g ......................................n........._............ O'rchard ........... ................,.................................. Hetl'bing a'ppa-ratus Boiler rQlom and so:ttt coall bo,illef..._. Decp welt Silo 72,98, 95 11884. 75 687 61 3900 06 879 43 3104 77 1180' 50 5043 69 1435 63 1'3~ 03 920 60 40 00 143-0'.99 85 85 197:9 00 3733 52 8M 66 .293 62 Elgin County Council 131 Hog p.en "...n.. ..... . .".h ........ ...... ...... ~...... 654 99 $ 42003 6" 25. Received from Government on a'ccouu:t of expe.n-ditures for land and build-ing........ Leaving amount actua:Hy expended by County ....n...........~.".........,....._.....J............. 4000 00 $ 3800'3 65 All of which is respectfully submitted. +'Jovember 1st, H.l2.2. A. D. TURN"R, Ins'v.ectol'. 132 Elgin Caunty Cauncil REPORT.OF HOUSE OF. INDUSTRY COMMITTEE November Session TO' the E'l:gin Caunty Conncil: Gentleme!" - The HO'llS'cof Indusltry Cammittee 'repo'rts: 1. Tha,t the -report af the Physician .be app;raved and pf,inted in the minlU,te:s. 2. T'ha,t the'repoTt of the In,specto'r be approved and printed in trtte minu.tes. pai'u:ted, and 3. That we have had the ha!1'ms .and main bui:tdinlg the app'crance af the buildin!gs is ve'.ry much imp raved. 4. Tha,t we have purc'has,ed' 'S'even head af cattle fO'! $372. These a'rc to' beslaughterecl and pla'ced in' cold s'tnralge, fO'r use during the n.ext twelve m9n'ths. 5. Tha,t tend'ers far brea,d have been t"eceived and cont'f'act awaTded to' C. N, Nanis, olf St. Thomas, at 4! celtts pe'r paund, being 1'he same price as last yea'f,. An af whic'h is respectfully submited. December 1st, 192-2. J. A. MOORE, Cha.irman. Elgin Caunty Cauncil 133 REPORT OF PHYSICIAN, HOUSE" OF INDUSTRY November Session TO' ,the vVa1rden and Members af the Elgin COlllllty Council: Gentlemen, - I halve :the ha11O'r af presenting the forty-seventh annuall11edical re'pmt af the Elgin Hause af. Indust'ry up to October 31st, 1922, and submit the faHawingfor yall'r eansid'eratian: Considering their age, the health of theinmat>es has been gaod. ,In Ma'reh we had an 'Outhl'eak of j,n.fluenza at t1he i11's.tittitlan, fifteenpers'Ons bdn.g affected. NO' deaths. I ma.defifty-three visits to the House of Indust.ry, and dany Vlisits'tci the -Amasa V\'ood Haspital while _inmates were being _ treat1c,d the're. During 'the yeair ane inmate was.treatecl /a't the Haspital, viz., J a'hi1 Nahlie,fram Nav. 1st to' N6v, l'5th, 1921. Then we're nO' births. Number died during the year, 6 (males, 3; females; 3) as fo:J'la'Ws: Date Dec. 14, '21 Fe'b:2,5, '2'2 Mar, 23, '212 M~r, 31, '2,2, Aug. 16, '2',2 o ct. 2, ~2'2 Name Age CauseO'f Death Rasa Ca1r,roH ...n'_. ....34 ...m.Hea'\"it diseas'e aH'd dropsy. Kate N ee']y..:."._,...,........ 76____....0Cit"chrail s~,hen,ing. Danald CampbeH....,..85....,.n.Ol'd' aLge. Robl. Laicfilaw....,......n78..nm.'Bdght''S DisC'as'e. Peter Gra'Viel-....~n.____70.."...nEpiilep'sY and gen'cral d'ehility. MaTY Lanca's,ber..-.......80Lnm..,HeaT't- ,diseas;e. . , . I wali'ld like to take this opportunity af expressing mya:ppreda- tio.n af the 'exce1IenJt services being r.ende,red,by the SU'P'erintendent and Ma'bran of the In'st'itutoian, an'd of t'he,ir wiHli'l1lgness to' ca-o'per'alte at aim times in anything far the weHa:re of the. inma1tes. I have the hanor to' be, Your-obedient slervaM, Novemrbe'r, 19',2;2, .DOUGLAS L. EWIN. 134 Elgin County Council REPORT OF LEGAL COMMITTEE January Session To the Elgin CountyCoundl: Gentlemen, -:- The Legal Committee repa'rts: 1. Clarke vs. Elgin Thk action is for $10,OOH damages incurred by collision with coun.ty gravel truck on Lond1on'and Po'rt Stau,tey Road, and is entered fO'f trial and will probably :be proceeded with in London, unless, the v<\l1ue is changed. Y OUf Committee is giving ,every attention to obtaining all available evidence pc.rtaining to the accident. ~. Stalter 9"ulley We have considered ques'tion of the Stalter Gulley Bridge and have decided to 'refer the- matter to -the whole Council, with the Solicito'f in attendance, andrecommclld that the matter be referred to Public ImpTovemerits Committee to procure measurements. All of which is respec,tfully submitted. January 2<7th, 1922, J. R. TEEPLE, Chairman. November Session To the EI\gin Connlty Council: . Gentlemen,- The Legal CommiUee 'repolits: 1. Clarke vs.: Elgin 'This action came' QP fnr trial in London in s.e'pt~mbC'r. Y.our EIgiri, County Council CommiHee atten'ded ah.'the'tdal with the W-aTclJen, ;i'nd on the advice of -the So1kit'OT, decided 'to seet'le matite;r, p}a'intiff ,to receive $1,'500 without co-s:t.s. Colsts to ,the County were, for the Solici'toT, $30,O,On, and- witnes'ses $2'3,90', alllj of which 'has bee'l} paid. 2. Aldboro,ugh vs. 'Elgin This claim was for payment of dra,il1ra'ge tax under by-laws passed and work completed -before the connlty ruadis were a;ss1lln.ed. The a'ni'Oulllt involved is $461;41" and subs.equent paymel1't<sas ~rh:ey become due; A s'tated case was prepared and' aTguec!: before His Hona'r Judge R0SS, who s,tillhas t'he maHer under consid-era'tion. ','AIII af which is respectfully submi,tted. .. N~:Yembe-r '29th, 1922. J. R. TEEPLE. Cha1innan Legall Committee. 135 136 Elgin County Council 'I REPORT OF PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE January Session To .the Elgin Connty Council: Gentlemen; - The Petitions'and Legislation Committee reports: 1. That we concur in communication reque.sting petition io 'have Province pay high,way. from County oJ Pe'rth full cO'st of provincial . 2. That in reference to pe.tition from Counties of Stormont, Dund,<ts, and Glengarry, in reference ,to maintenance of' prisone~s admitted (to county gaols, for violation of Ol1'ta'1'i,o Temperance Act, we would recommend an amendment to The Administration of Justice Expenses Act. to make the Proviu'ce lia'hle fOf maintenance of slle'h prisoners. 3. That no adion be taken on request from County of Halton 're taxation of exempted 'property. 4. That we approve of suggestion roadie by the Minister of Agri- culture fm appointment of a COUtity Advisory Agricultural Council, and would 'fec;:ommend that the members of the County Board of Trad'e comprise the Advisory Cpuncil. All of which is respectfully submitted. St. Thomas, January 26th, 1822. O. McKENNEY, Chairman. June Session To the' Elgin' County Council: G.entlt"men, - The Petitions and Le'gislation Committee reports: 1. Thalt no aCiti'on be taken in refelrenoe to request from Coun-ty Elgin County CounCil 137 of .Wate,rloo for merno;ria'l asking Governtl}en1t to assume full cost of provincia.} highways. 2. That we co-operate with County Council of Oxford for the purpose of secUI"jug amendmelllt to The :Highway Improvemelllt Act, w'hich now compels county councils to engage graduates in civil engineering as County Road SupcTintend,ewts, a'tid.' to reSito'l~e the wO'fd- irig of the origina:l Act, w'hicha:Uo\V'ed coun\ty couU!ci,ls 'to, engage any competcnt pcrS'Q11 as Supefintendent, subj'eGt }to thea'pprova,'l of the Department. 3. Thwt the Provincial Govetnmen:t he petitioned to, provide for t!1e payment of Com"t Consrtahles at the same rate as is paid to 'juro'fs. All of whi;:h is 'respectfully submitted; OSCAR McKENNEY, St. Thomas, June 16th, 192,2'. Chairni'an. November Session To the,Elgin Coun,ty Council: Gentlemen, -"- The Petitions and Legis1a'tion Committe,e repoNs: 1. Thalt they have considered the qt10'stionalire (foHowing) received from. the Legis-latiV'e ,Committee 'alppo'in!ted in reference t'O The Mot01r Ve'hid'es Act a'n'd other Acts relating to highway travel, and would .re,commend: "1. That ,lights he required on aliI whee'led vehides.' (Stnlck out.) 2. T1hat the presenit' law in reference to speed a-l'lowed fall' the op,eration o.f motor v.ehic1es is sat'is-factO'ry. \ 3. That the pres'ent speed aHowed 'fo:r the operation of heavy trucks is sat'isfactO'ry~ 4. That the maximum weight a,lllowed on hi'ghways fo'r vehicles and lnaidshould be 11mited' to tC'n tons. 138 Elgin County Council 5. -That the', 'law in reference to limiting the :load ofve:hicles havinlg a canying ca'pacity excec'dil1Jg one ton, to one-'half tha<t amount during 'the months of March and Ap.ri;l, is n'ot enfotc'cd. 6. That we have ;0'0 .info'rma,tinn ..as -to the extent that farm trac,tO!rs have injured the roads; We think,however, :that' provision should he made for Ir~s,tdcting heavy traffic on ea'rth road1s in viUages a11d towU!s. (A;l'1 wQ.tda commencing with "Vye Vhink" struck out.) 7, We a;re of the opinion that the pres'cM 'law in :refcflcri'ce to the use of spo1tlig'h't's on motor ve'hic'les is s'Misfa1c-to,ry, and' that movable .Jig'hts shou1d llIOt' 'bea'Jilowed.,. 8. Thait no license should be required for' driviQg private cars; hut that aH drivers' 'dghts should hepro'hibited orsuspendied when they a,reconrvicted of an offcnrce under The Moto'r Velhiciles Act. (Stlru~k OlIt.) 9. NOH-resid'cu,t or tl'on-assessedi lumbermen s"ll'OU'ld be 'required to haV1e speda;r 'license for eac'h muni,cipa'Hty ove'r the roads of ,"vhich large load'S of :lumher or logs aire drawn. (Struck out.) An of which is 'fespecLtfuHy suhmiitted. N ovemher 30th, 192,2. o. McKEIj"NEY, ." Chakma'll. R0pOrlt -refe'rred to Committee of. the WJlOil'e .cound/l arid amended by s't,dkin'g out clause 1, and in daus,e 6, an W'of'ds commen.cinrg with "We think," and, ,the whoie, o,f dauses Sand 9. Elgin County Council 130 QUESTIONAIRE REFERRED TO IN REPORT OF PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE November Session The views of YOllr Council on thef611olwi'n'g subJeds w:hichrelate to the operation of moto'r vehicles and, the us'c of thc 'public highways wi:I:l be grea't:ly a'pp'l:'ecialted. ,1. Wouldyouf Council approve of an am~ndment to The. High- way Travel Act w'hich wonld1requirJe all vehicles, when 'on the 'highway between dusk and dawn, to display lights? 2. Would yourC6uncil.recommend flla't the present speed: aiJ:low- ed for t1he O'pcra1tion of motor ve'hides be increased 0'1' decreased' (see section 11 of the The M'oto'r Vehicks Act) - (1) In cities, town's, or villages? (2) In open count,ry? (3) At ;irttersections? 3. Would your CounciI recommend that the pres'ent sp-e-ed'aHow- ed for the operation oJ heavy trucks be inueased 0,1' decl'eas,ed (g'ee section 50f T'he Load :of Vehicles Act)? 4. At the pl'esent\ time the maximum.weight a:Howe,d' on the high- ways for a vehicle and load is twelve tons' (see sub,s'ec,tion 1 of secHo{1 3 of The Load of Vehicles Act). Would you!," Coun'dl -recommend that this weight be decreased? If so, to what extent? 5. Sub-s'ecti'on 40f secbton :3 'of The Load of V chides Act limits the load of a vehicle h:,wing a ca-r.rying ca'paciLty exceeding one tOon, t,o half rha't amoun1t during the rrio-n'ths of Marc'll and: Ap,ril Is this 'sec'tio'n dgidly ,enforced in'your connity? 6. To what extent ha.ve farm tractors injured the roads in your county? 7. What are the views of your Counci'l with nfepence to ,the use of a n'1ova'ble spotJ.ilght on motor ve'hicles (see s'ub-secHon ,3 of seclbi'O'll 9 of The MOLtor V chides Act)? S. Wou'ld yonI' Council recommend that aU ,d!five~rs of mot'or vehicles herequi-red top'1.'Ocurelic;enses;'such lIcenses to he suspended . or cancellled for certain offences aga,illst the: Act? 9, Further 'su~ges'tib'ns. I I! ~ i 'I i'l " "Ii 'I. ~ I 140 Elgin Coun:,ty Council REPORT OF SPECJAL GRANT COMMITTEE . January Session To ,the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen, - The Special Committee to pass on requests for grants reports as fcHows: 1. T'hat no action be taken in conn'cction with the foHowing applications: Sick Chi,ldren's Hospita1, London. N'ational Sanatorium Association. Grant to' Dutt'on constable: 2. That the following gran1ts 'be paid: Elgin Law 'Library Association..__mmh....unn"..___u.____.......$ Salvation Army Rescue Home, Londonnn..n.....no.........m Amasa Wood H,ospitaL__...mm___nu......______~:'..h___..______...'n.___h 50 00 200 00 100 00 Ho'rticultura'l Societies in the Coun;ty, 25% of Govern- ment Igrant. ;? Agl:icultural Societies in the County 500/0 of Govern- ment grant. Ladies' Institutes 'of EaS't and West Elgin, each__....mm Tow1l<ship of Dunwich, fO'r Miss Wallace.....mn........nn.__ 25 0'0 120 00 The sum of $25.00 to the foHowing Public Libraries: Rodney, West Lorne, DuH'on, Pt. Stanley, Aylme'r, Vienna" Sparta, Springfield, Bay'lmm; and $12.50 to Belril'ont and WardsviHe. ' Coun.ty Trustees' Associat'i'O'll'ncnm..__m.............__nnm.....hn 100 00 Ho's-pital- fo'r Sick Chi.ldren" To'ronton... m......___....'....m__m !-nO 00 3. That application from the W,es'tern ,Fair 're grantstowa'rds ,~".".,>,""~,, Elgin Coun'ty Council 141 Feeding Competitions and question oJ gra'nt to Purehred B-reeders' Associa'tionlbe referr-ed to ,the County Boa'rd "Of Trade. 1 I I [I II Ii II 'I Iii , II!, ili: Wi W' il.I;'1 I'i! II, illi'l. il!:1 i:}1 ikli I II!: I! i:d' Ili'li Ilili'! 'I'!!' !:,i1l 'I" !(:'I!I Ili!,,1 .llil,l)1 l'li' ')ill ,1,,[11'1 lill'H !I!!'I Ii...,.....'.'.. '1,'1" Ili',I!1 ".) I!'I/I ~ !il 1,.,\ 1 IH 1.1."'.."1' .1' I I':'. ili!!!I: ii'!;!11 11'!!111':' '1""1' l,)i:1r,l; 11.,.,i.di'!. :i,':IIJIII !'!li'IIII'11 :I:!': I~iil I Ii.,,: ~ , I,.,,!,I _.._. ,J!S'ii1li,'/1 ,~.;-,~.~;:""Mj,II,' 4. That the applications for West Elgin memo'fial grants be laid over until the June session. 5. That in reference to the Elgin Memo-ria,l Hospita-l, we recom- mend that the grant be $50,0'00, and t'hat a 'by-law to provide Jor the issue of ,debentures fo-r this amount, payable in twenty yeats at 6%, be submitted to theratep.ayers on, Tuesday, (Hh June, the, by-law to provid,e for maintenance of returned soldiers who may require hospital treatment in the'future. 6. That no .action be taken in ref,erence to grant for school libraries. Al'I of whiCh is res'pectfullys!Jbmitted. January 2-7>th, 192~. A. NEVILL, Chahman. 142 Elgin. County Council Elgin County Council 143 ,SPECIAL EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE REPORT OF SPECIAL VALUATION'COMMITTEE as adopted. at October Session February Session To the Elgin County Council: To the \i\larden and Members of the Elgi.n County COllndl: Gentl'eme'll, - Gentlemen, - The Equailization Comridttee recommends: The special committee appoin1ted at the Fehn,la:fY sess'ion to exami,ue into the vailue of plc'O'pe.rty in eia'c'h muriicipal!'iy 'repor'1:'5: 1. Thalt a committee he 'a'ppo,in{ed' to aot as valUNS a'ud report at the Novem'be'r g.ession O'r at suc~h earlier date as they may comple!t:e theh'd<utks. 1. That they foH.ow.ed the ruethodof valuing l'efernd. to in sedi'on 81, sub-sectioni 3, of The Assessment Act. 2. That the committ'ee consisrt of Mess-ro. J. R. Teepl,c,- J. F. M-cGreJgo:r, and A. N evi1'1, and the Reeve or each mun1.cipality, or his rep1reseniative, when the 'prope,r'ty in his mun,icipa'lity is being va:lued" ,2. We have in'spected and valued' flCom five to. eight per cent. nf the differen1 'parceIs of land' in difIiere'l1ltparts of eacn"munkipa'l'ity, and found, 'fhat om valuation differed ma,beri'a.uy from, the va:luation of the same ,lo,ts u'ponthe a'sse!ssment ,rollliS, an,cLhave ascel1tail1'ed the -total va:luationof ea,c:h municipality 'by ad'dinlg 'o,r ,deducting a CQlXlres~ ponding percenitage to or from the total ,assessmen.t, particulaT'8 or which 'an contain-ed' in :the following Sc:hediul:e. 3. That said commi'ttee 'receive remu.neration at the 'rate: of $5.00 per day and ,ex:pen'se's. An of which is respe-cHu11y submitted. 3. In 'inspectiu'g 'a'nd valui'tilg'prOpe!l~bies, we were acco-lTIpani'ed by the Reeve of each municipa:li'ty for ,the foHorwi'nlghtimb-er oJ d,ays:: Township of Dunwich, 8 days; Township 'of South wold, 9 days; Town,.. shi:p of Ma-la1hide, 6 days,; T'owl1'S'hip of SOll'th DO'rc'lfester,4 -days; Town of Aylmer, 3 days; ViHage oJ Vienna, 1 day; ViHarge of Sprxinlg- fire"Id, 1 day; Vi"llage of Port St'anley, 4 -days; Villa'ge of Du'Hon, 1 da,y;' Village of \Vest Lorn;e, 2 d1a;ys; ViNa'ge of Rodney, 1 day. T'ot~d, 40 days'. ALBEIn J. McINTYRE, Z2nd Feh'ruaTY, 1922. Chairman. 4. We 'were engaged for eighty days ,in the p-repamHo-n of this rep.o-rt, and our travel'liulg and other exp'el1's'es amounted 'tb $1,0'57.1'5. 5. A list oft-h'e 72'8 properties inspected, together whih 'pa'rrticula1x,s of: vatua't'lon and assessmen1t, a:re on file in the Clerk's Office. All of which is: re-s-p.ecHuUy submitted. J. R.. TEEPLE, C'hai-rman J. F. McGREGOR. ALFRED NEVILL St. Thomas, Octobe-rlst, 19'~2. e .~ - , ,.- .. Eg c..i::l Aldborough m.um__ $2-,977,254 Dunwich .________________ 3,198,2'54 Southwold '___n_n____~ 3,840.,2'67 Yarmoutih hn_n___m__ 4,641,657 Ma'laih'ide _____.n_mn-" 2,839,810 Bay'ham .___~..____'n______ 1,884,513 S. Dorchester __._n_. 1,678,5'52 Aylmer _._.._nnn__u__n 973,819 Dutton ..n_m..__________ 33;0,.524 Port Stanley n",m.m 2118,893 Springfield ______________ 144,660 Vienna hmum_m___.__ 99,707 Rodney _____n_m____'____ 218,772 West Lome h 216,633 $23,263,315 12.8'0 13.75 HL51 19..95 1?21 8.10 7.21 4.18 1.42 .95 .62 .43 .94 .93 . ~ 0- -0 ,- .0 ee- .~ ,.. 840 752 946 12'84 857 1092- 450 90.5 352 753 178 123 246 308 SCHEDULE . " . o~ ~~ 0." .g 0" z< ~ ~ -" ,1l~ 0" e-< . . o e~ 0.. .E 00 Z;. , . ~ ~ ;:l o .. . , . ;. " . o >_ .,_ 0_ 'CIlo:;) ~ ;.g ~ e e] ~ ~]~< 16.89 52.07 66.93 8.60 39.53 13.42 36.86 13.67 215042 30.85 61.22 39~72 *2.06 17.83- z ~ S :i!"'~g>~t:1:>>Y'to~><:Ult:1:>>~ (tlo(1l"" ::;'.'< ~~~Q,:::"""~ ~ g. 5 S' U1 g: B ~ '* ~ 9 ~;; 5: J$ (11 ~ crq <+ ..... (tl '-l ll:>::r' .... <: 0 s::::: t""' '< ::n.~..... >=j ("'> S "",0 ::i1 ..... 'i ~ q Ii> 2. ::r' ~ ~ 0 g.. 0 ..... '-l ....... (1l (1l (tl....?....... ~ n ::; 0... '< {Jj .... P. aq..o' (1l ;; ::r' e. " ~. ~ '" 64 $290,850 60 198,900' 77 266,50'0' 98 472,70'0 68 262.0'40 83 188,850 29 132,650 66. 106,2-75 .28 45,700 70 74,005 18 18,717 10 W,02-() 2:8 45,fSO 29 42,325 $339,985 302,470 444,870 513,360 365,l)25 214,185 181,-550 r20,800 57,315 97,125 30,175 14,000 44,2'50 49,870 $3,272,320 2,979,871 3,146,968 4,818,879 2',645,110 2,105,181 1,729,780 1,081,390 395,080 72:3,235 152,945 12'2,92B 370,565 296,357 $23,840,609 728 "'" w ~ " o o '" .., .. $3,825,015 4,531,490 5,253,233 5,2'33.30-2- 3,690-,72<2 2,387,696 2,367,377 1,259,216 495,509 826,353 246.578 171,75:5 362,931 349.197 , " e ~ - ~ ~"'g .IS lil-= e." o "'.~ ","0 t--.<C ~:...< $31,000,374 *I)eduction "'" 0:1 W f-& ~ 00 ..,.-C~~~w:_cn_>l'-~ > ~~~oj>o.~<a6,oro3l.....6:~g;S _ ..i' .:-'_en_en~<:.l'~<D? en..... <D --1 b --1 0 o ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ .~ ~ 00 ~ ....... ~~ '"Q ~ S --1)-l.OlOOcc6enp.~~g;~~~"'" ~ 'tj 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ '" ~ ~ <0 ~ .. .., ~ ~ ~ 0 ;......;...... .., ;0 '" ? ,... '" 0 0. 00 '" '" " c, 00 ~ ~ ~ 0 '" ('J w .., ~ 0 .., 0 co ~ ~ 0 ~ '" 0 .. ~ " '" ~ CT '" n o i":ii: g:g oCo " g 5' ~~ ~ Sl)-'l:l " 0 c... ~. tl" s::UCl " 0 ~ ~ ....Jll n "" "-"" ~ ~ o.~ <::(11 ::.;g -~ ~ ~ ~- g. o CT ~'" tl.., = 0 ;l: ~ g ~ ,,- 06' '- ~ c:: t:1 o I?;! o ~ .~ .. .. to '" 5. n o = " q n o = " .~ I?;! .0 c:: ;J> t-' ~ N :>> .., ~ o z ;J> rn to ,q 5. tl I?;! .., I?;! i<l is: ~ z I?;! tl n o = o Q" n o = o ~ to >< ('J o c:: z ~ ~ .. "' 146 Elgin County Council REPORT OF SPECIAL HOSPITAL BY-LAW COMMITTEE February Session To' 'the Elgin County. Council: Gentlemen, - The special\ committee appoinLted to confer in reference to Hospital Gran.t By-Law reports: 1. That we -submit herewHh by-'l:aws prepared by the Clerk and revised by the SolicitO'r, to PTov,ide for grant and for taking the votes of the electors 011 6th June, and notice to be publi's1hed - with by-law providing for,grant. 2. That the by-law Times-JoU'rn-a'l, and that inser:Hol1, in the Aylmer be 'puhlishc:d as re~uired by statU'te, in the a synopsis (')f the 'by-law be puhlis'hed, Oll,e "Express" and Dutton "Advance." AI'Iof which is respectfully submitted. Februa'ry- 215't, 1922. J. R TEEPLE; Chairman. -----~~~=--==.o"""".""'.~'_"_"'"'"'==.",._.._ ElginCciunty Council 147 REPORT OF COUNTY CLERK ON SUBMISSION OF HOSPITAL BY.LAW June Session To the vVa'rden and Memlbcrs of the Elgin Counil:y' Council: Gentlemen, - I have to -report that By-Law No."997, ,faT making-gran,t forerec- ti'O!1J of a Memorial Hospita.l inthe;City of St. Thomas, was submitted to ,t'heeilectoTS O'n the 6th June. The- foB-owing vote was 'polled:' Aldborough '"'.m.m". ....0000...0 10' For 255 Against Dunwich. . "'".~mnn ...,.... 28 " 229 "'.00'.' SotLt'h-wold '. .....nn, .hmm"'m.. 117 " 83 " .y annouth,.. ._.'..m_n.m......mm ... 2,75 " 105 ,., Mala'hide '..nm ".'...m '''..m ......n 1 " 276 " Bayham 9 " 364 ..n.". ...... ......n. _.h._.n..' S. Dorchester 0000_'''0000.. ...m"n. 3 " 2Cn " Ayl111er m......., ..._h..n....."....._. IS " 195 " Vienna 3 " 56 " "'.00'0000000._. '0000'."_'''00' .'..'.. Sprin-gfieJd hm...hm....'..m.'_ '_0000 6 " 48 Pt. Stanrley m""m_...m'.mn'........ 79 " 3 Dutton nn,.. '0'.0000"""'000000"".00._.. 10 " 90 " vVest Larue .m'nhn'..m_"'mn.... 18 " 59 Rodney n.mn ...nn..h.n__..n_........ 7 " 57 579' FO'r 2'0"21 Against, T:he cost of submissl'onof by-Jaw was as fo,Hows': Deputy Returning Officers..."...n_mn,n.m......$ 489 0'0' PorHi11'g places .".....n__.n_.'nnnn...non......mn'_....~_ 237 00 R~tu-rri,illg'Office'r's' expenses, etc'''''.__..._mn 18'1 35 Adlvert:isin-g ....nn.n_n__h'.n....n..."_.....n.n___..._....,_.___. 190' 80' Retur11lhlg hoxes ....'......,n.n'__m"...m'.....n_n.._.m_ 7 50 ,\.$ 11005 65 14th.J""'e, 19~2. K. W. McKAY, COull,tyClerk. 148 Elgin County Council' REPORT RE PARKING SPACE AT COURT HOUSE June Session To"the Elg,in Co-unty Council: Gentlem€lll,,- T:lle special committee appointed to consider the matter of pro- viding 'pa'rl<ing space for autos 011 the Court House grounds, l'cC'ommend that 110 ad-ion he takt:;_~ this yea'r. All o,f which is 'respectfully submitted. St. Thoma-s, June 17th, 1922. N. E. BURTON, Chairman. REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE RE COUNTY CLERK November Session To the E1Lg,in COUll1ty Council: Gentlemen, - Your special committ.ee appoint,cd to Cle,rk 1nreference to resignation, reports: 1. That w'hile ,it was ll'O~ MT. McKay's intet1!tion to withd'faw his resignation, 'he has, after considc-ring the attitude of the CouncH in reference t'hereto, decided to do so and accepJ the .$600.00 increase in his sa1.ary. confer with the County W'e, recommend that a by-law be passed to amend By-Law No. 959 acco.rdingly. AN of which is respectfully submitted. November 30th; 19,22. J. F. McGREGOR, Chainuan. Elgin County Council 149 REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO ARRANGE SETTLEMENT OF ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE . EXPENSES WITH ST. THOMAS N o,vember Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen, - The spC'cial commi,Hee appointed ,to sc'tde amoun t to he paid, by the City o-f St. Thoma,s for AdministrMion oJ Justice 'expenses, reports: "That they met with, the City authoTities anld C'o'fiisidere'd the stat1:ements prcpar'cd by the Coumty Tnasurell', :based 'O'n the expend1i- ture during the pacSlt five yeaTS. In' ,determining the basis of atppo'rt<ionment, as,s,essmen't valu.es and pop,uIation wereco'!1iside're,d. !twa's decided thM Ithe City ,sihouild pay ithe Counlty $4,-100 annuail,l).;" fO'f five y'cai'fS, commencing 1st Januar~, 192,2. We 'recommend tha't ,t'he Warden beautho'l'ized to sign agreement " confirming settlementt arrived at. All of which is-'fespectfU'lly su'bmitted. December 1st, 1922. O. McKENNEY, Chairman. REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON COUNTY ROAD ACCOUNTS To,the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen. _ The committee ore 'road a,ccounts repO'1'ts: That a ruet;liled statement of all money spent on each county road and nat'J.1.es' of the, pa1rty receiving same, be pr-epared,and ,tha;t th.e Treasurer receive the additional sa'lary of $50'.00J for same. AU of which is 'res'pectfulIy submit't-e,d. Decem'ber 2h'd, '1922. W. PATTON, Chairman. 150 Elgin County Council AUDITORS' REPqRT January SesslOn To the \Varden,_of the County of Elgin: We, the undersigned Aud'kors of the County of Elgin to,r the year 19.21, IrespectfuHy submit the foHowingrep'ot't: We -have 'carefully compared the s.everal accounts with fhe vouchers prodtlC'ed and orders autlwrizillig the' va'rious expend~tuf'e's, ::l.nd find them coneet. vVe fin-d the Rcceip<l:s exceed the Expcn'diturcshy Nine-Thousand Two Hundred' a-nd Eig'htteen Dollars and, Sixty-Eight Ccnts ($9,218.68), a's' foHows.: Cash in Mol's'ons Bankm.m....m..,....n,----...m.,......-- Cash in Treasuret"s office..... ..._m' mm.,.,.m_.'" ...$ 19947 34 364 75 $ 20312 09 11093 4"1 $ -Less cheques' outs,tand,hlig...m. ....m.......m.. , Balancen.,..........,...n......n.u......n.n ....00....'..00 9218 68 The following statements are submitted: AbstralOtof Receipts and Expenditures, Assets and Liabiliti,cs, and Deta,Hed Statement of Receip'\:s and ExpenJ.itU'res. As' requested, we have made a quarterly audit of the Treasurer's accounts and fo'rwu<rded 8; statement 'Of 'c-a'c'h qu.artel.' to the vVa'rden allld ChaLrman 'of the F'ina'uce Co-mm~1tee. 'Dhe BOllds given by th'e Treasu:re'r for Ten Thousand Dolla'rs, and deposited by order of the Council with.the'Manager of the Molson-s Bank in St, Thoma'S', were r.cn,ewed '011 Octobe'r 1st, 1921. Vife hav-e examined .the returns made by .the sever'all' T,reasurers to ,the COUll'ty T'reaS11r;C'r during the y-eaT 192'1 and- compa,red ,them with the ,Coun'ty Trea's-ure-r's bool~s an:\d find' themcorrcctly cnte'ped. AU 'of which is 'respectfully submit-ed. w. A. GA:LBRAITH} W. C. CAUGHELL Audita." St. Thomas, January 16th, 1922. (Statements and d'etails ,o,f R'ecd:pt,s anld Expenditure-saTe pUib- Mshed s'epata,tely.) ElgJn County Council 151 ANNUAL REPORT, COUNTY POLICE MAGISTRATE January Session To the Elgin County Council: I beg to report to' you the business done in connection with my office for the past year, as follo,-W's: Amoun't of fines imposed....,....... Amount of fines paid: Municipalities to whom paid Y ann au th ..n.........m........oon..._.........'....n....__...,$ Aylme-rnnm..~...... Crown Attorney Treasurer County: of E};gin~...n.m.,.m Treasurer port Stanley In'spcctor Ross 'm".'m'_'m.m. West Lo'rne ,'Dept. Public Highways.:.m... .'mm"""m'.n... Humane Society '.U".m Scarff Compensation Gentlemen, _ Amount of fines not collected..n...m..noo....n Tota,l Number of Conv'ictions Nature of Charge: Violation Oll'ta-rio Tempera-nce AcLm.. 00'___."." Breaking and Entering Dwellingn.m.___ .'nO'.'m'.. Th eft n..'.....u..._-....oo..'.n..._n....n.".noo.n....n......n Violation Municipal- By-Law... Common Assault m.n'..m....m.__m'mn.'......m..n.....'...n. Violation ,Motor Vehicles AcL....,nmOO'h'......mu... Cruelty to' All,imals.m.~.n....m."hmnm.nm..n___.,., Un-lawfully Causing a Distur.ban,ce..._....m...,u.m Animal Contagious Disease ACLn~_.n.mn"""h.n Truancy Act n..'..........._..n_...nn'....,......,..~.... $ 60'51 00 32 00 7 00 190 00 2',-\5 00 127 00 3429 00 101 00 '2'85 00 1900 8 000 $ ,., 4443 00 1608 00 $ 6051 00 53 2 5 12 2 10i2- 6 12' 1 2 152 Elgin County Council Disor,derly House Obstructing Peace Officer......n....... .....-.............. Se'ed' Act Dog and Sheep Act-.........,.......---,...... .....,......... n.___ Fraudulently Obtaining Food and Lodging.... Assaulting Peace Officer..........,...--- ...e.... ,Receiving Stolen Goo.ds._,.....m.....'n...... .....un...... Vagrancy Assault, Causing Bod'ily Harm..........____. Offences Tried: Unlawfully Possessing .Offensive Weapon... Seed Control AcL..............'n.............. .n'''' Commpn Assault Assauft, Causing Bocl'i.!y Hannm_ Cruelty to Animals._.....____.......n...... Violation Jvlotor Ve'hicles Act-.............. Violation Municipal By~Law...-........... Viola-Hon Animal Contagious Disease AcL.... Insal'le and Dangerous... --..-.... ............'.... Perjury .....m ..nm. ...m""" Carnally Kno\:\'ing an Imbecile.......- Causing a Disturbance...__.._..,nnnm ...___00 Stallion Act Dog and Sheep Act___.........n.__.."'. Theft Neglected Child'ren Violation Temperance AcLun.___..n........". ~ :'~~~~ ~~~ .s~-~.i ~;~-"Gl~d.~~~~~~:~:~~~. ... .-......-..... False Pretense Truancy Act Assaulting Police Officern........un.....n-.... ,Breakin,g al;d' Entering; Theft.........._...._.. n...m. .......---........,.-,.......... 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 10 216 1 2 2 15 4 106 17 1 1 1 1 12 1 1 23 12 56 2 1 1 3 2 13 278 Total ....'nun.................--. I have the honor to be, Y our'- obedient servant, FRANCIS HUNT, police Magistrate for the County Janua'ry 21st, 1922-. Elgin County Council 15,3 BY-LAWS BY-LAW No. 992 To Appoint a Board of Audit in the County of Elgin. for the Year 1922 Be i.t enacted by the Council oJ the Municipal OorpQlfa'tion 'Of the County of Elgin: That the Judge of the County Court and Oscar McKenn'ey are hereby a'ppoin1ted members of the Board of Audit, to perform the duties required of them by R. S. 0., chaprter 06, section 21. / That 'the members of the said Board be paid the. sum of F'ive Dollars per day for their services, and five cents pel' 1l1He going to and from such' audit. Cotmty Council Chambers, St. Thomas, ~~7th January, 1922, K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. E. E. McTAGGART, Wa'nl'en. BY-LAW No. 993 To Authorize the Purchase of Gravel Pit The County Council of .the Coul1.ty of Elgin enacts: That the Corpo'ra't-ion of the County of E'llgin purchase 1l'iile and three-quaTteracres o,f gravel land, being composedofpa'rt of the. sonth haH of Lot Number 2'6, in the Sixth Coucess-ion of the Township of Dereham, in the County of Oxford, at and fO'r' the sum 'O'f TIl'l'ce Thousand Dol1a,rs. That the Treasurer be- autho'rized to pay fO'f the said gravel pit on 'theO'rder of the Warden, when d'ceds; app:roved by the Coullty Solicit air, hav'e been deposited with him. of Elgin. CouMy Council Chambc'rs, St. Thomas, 2~7t'h- Janua'l'y, 1922. K. W. NkKA y, County Clerk. E. E. McTAGGART, Warden. 154 Elgin County Council BY-LAW No. 994 To-Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow the Sum' of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars The Elgin County Coundl enacts: T'hat the WaTd,en and Treasurer be and a'.1'e hereby autlhorized to bOll'l'owthe sum of( Tvm Hundred Thousand Dollars, as it may be reqtllired, :to meet 'expenditures of the CO'l-pO'rati'on of Elgin during 1922., and give as security therefor, notes of on,e thousand, 0'1' ten thousand-dollaTs each. Coumty Council Chambers, St. Tho-mas, 27th January, 1922. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. E. E. McTAGGART, Wa'f'de;n. BY-LAW No. 995 To Appoint High School Trustees The EIgin County Council enacts: That James McAllister be a'ppoin-ted Trustees for the Vienna High Sch'o'ol for th'ree y.ea'rs. Thao1 D. Connor be a,ppointed Trustee of the Aylmer Collegiate Institute for three YeaTS. be appointed Trustee of the Dubton High 1"hart: B. K. Parlter Scho'ol for three years. Coullity' Co'uncil Chambe'rs, St. Thomas, 27th JannaTY, 1922. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. E. E. McTAGGART, Wa'rd,en. "'---'-~~'~"~"'-~""'""_.'"-==>;'~'-"'""""'""'","'-'= Elgin County Council 1:35 BY-LAW No. 996 To Appoint a 'County Advisory Agricultural Council Whereas the Ho-nOi'ahle the M,ini-ster of Ag'riculture ha's invited this,Council to appoint an Advisory A,gricuhura-l Counc,i} to co-'Oper'alt'e wi,tll the Agricultura:J Representative; And whereas the Co'uD.'cil have approved,of 'the sUf;1gestion and the appo.iMme11rt of the member-sof the County Board of Trade to com- pose said Council; The Elgin County Council enacts: 1. That the fo-Ilowi-ng be appointed members of the County Advi's'O'ry Agri,cultunl Council- For One Year AId-borough South wold Mala'hid'e S. DOTc11este-r YarmoU'th Dunwich J. A. King Neil Burton R. B. McConnell Duncan- CampbeH VV. F, Smith J. A. McCallum For Two Years R. A. Ken A'i,db0'fOUgh 'AT. A. Galbraith Dttnwich R. A. Penhale Ya<rmouth Geo. La:icHaw :~.ila:hvh'ide Louis J O'hn son Strafford,vine 2. That members of said Advi-s'O'ry CoullIcil be paid the same as members 'Of this Counei-Ifor attendance a,t t'he tw.o meeting required to be hefdannually in Fe,bruary and N ovcmher, and t'hat they receive their travelling and other expenses fO'l" , a't'tendance at specia'] O'r emergency meetings called by the Chairman. Coun'ty Council Ch~mbers, St. Thomas, 2;7th January, 1\).,22. x W. McKAY, OountyClerk. E. E. McTAGGART, Wa'rden. 156 Elgin County Council- BY-LAW No. 997 To Make a Grant to Aid in the Erection of a Memorial Hospital and Nuhes' Home in the City of St. Thomas This by-la_w was not passed. "For :result 'of vote thereon, see page 147. To BY-LAW No. 998 Authorize Agreements for Construction of Bridge' Over Stalter Gulley The County Council of Elgin enacts: Tl1a't the Wa'rden and Clerk be and a're hereby authorized to en'ter into a.greement with the Township of Malahide to provide fnr con- stmction and futul"e ma,ill'tenance oJ the b_ddge to, be constructed over' the Staher Gulley, on road be.tween concessions, 1 and 2 in said Township. Connty ConncilChambers, Sot. Thomas, 2'2nd Februa'ry, 192,2. E. E. McTAGGART, Wa'rden. K W. McKAY, County Clerk. BY.LAW No. 999 'A By-Law to Provide for Taking the Votes of the Electors on a Proposed By-Law to Make a Grant to Aid in the Construction of a Memorial Hospital in St. Thomas As this 'by-law is ohsolete, it is not printed. BY.LAW No. 1000 In.corporatin.g Road' Desi'gnated by By-Law Ho. 1001 (As approved' by Orde-rs-in-Council -dated 121th July, 192,2) To Designate County Roads for Improvement Under the Provisions of The Highway Improvement Act, and Repeal By-Laws Nos. 897, 902; 909, 915, 947, and 976 Passed 22nd March, 1922 The Council of the CO'l-poration of the County of Elgin enacts as follows; 1. That t'he several roads and highways as desc'1'ibed and here- EIgin County Council 157 itia,fter, set fo'rth are hereby designated and assumed asCoun-ty Road's, to be hn'proved and maintained under the provisions of The Highway 11\1p'roveln~nt Act. Road No,. I. The Graham Road, in the Township of Aldborough, comrne-ncimg at Lake Erie, the road between lots 18. and 19, in the thi'rteenthconcession, and its continuation,running no'rthedy to fhe Coulllty boundary, the mid-dIe of the ma:in channel of the River Thames, Save andexc~pt the portion within the Village of Wes,t ,Lo'rne. R'oad No. 2,P.C. Commencing at'the road" in Township of Alqborough between lots 6' and 7, the road between concessions 1;1: and 9 'running easterly to the- town line between the Townships of Ald_ borough and Dunwich, thence northerly::in. said town line to the road between concessioll; A and concession_ 5, nort.h of A in Dunwich, save and ,except the portion within t'he Village of 'West -Lorne. Road No.3. The FurnivalRoad, in the Towns'hip of Aldborough, commendng at Lake Erie, the road be-tween lots 6 anq 7-1;1 the thir- teenth concession, and its continuation northerly to the Gore Conces- sion, ah~ continuing northe~l-y between lots 8 and 9 to the, '1.oad between concessions .'3 and 3, thenceeasteily on sa,id road to the 'i'oa9-. betweenlats 14 and 15 in concession 2, thence northerly on s'a.lid road' to the Coulltybound-ary, the middle of'them'ain channel of the l,{iver Thames, save and 'excep.t the portion of the Furnival Roadwithiil the Village,of Rodney. Road No.4, P. C. Commencing at the Kent 'Coun'tY"bounda:ry line' at' the intersection of 'the road between concessions 4 ,and 5"of the Townsqip of Orford, the CountY-boundary' line south to intersecti()n of road between concessions'" and 8, Township of AId,borough. The road, between said concessions 7 and 8, Township of Aldborough, from the we~terly" boundary" of the Township to the Furnival 'Road between lots 6 and, 7, save and except the portion within the Village of Rodney. " , 'Road ,No.5. Commendng at the Furnival Road, 'in the Township of Aldborough, between lots 8 an.d '9, the .road between .con'cessions 5 and 6, lots 9 to 15, thence south along the road betwe'en lots 15 and 17 to the 'road between the' third arid fou-rth contes'sions east, Aldbo'1'ough, thenc::e ~asterly aIon<g said roa,d; lots, 17 to 21" to the Dunwich and AldbO'wugh town Hne. 158 Elgin County Council Road No. G. The road between conces'sions 2 and 3, Township of Alc1bo'fough, commencing at the Furnival Road hetween lOts Sand 9 and running wcstedy to the Kent county line and southalong-s<J.id county line to the Kent County Road Number.4C. Road No.7. The road in the Township of Dun~icli between lots 18 and 19,jnconcessions8, 9, and 10, to the Lake Road in concession 11. Road No.8. Commencing in the Toad between the 9th and 10th concessions of-the T'OWllShip of Dunwich.-,at Hne between lots 8 and 9, the Lake Road easterly and southerly through lots 9 and 10, thence northerly the 'foad between lots 10 and 11 to the given toad ill concession 9, thence north-cas-terli 011 saidr,oad to the Currie Road between lots 12 and.13 in the" 8th concession" thence northerly along said road to the road ,at the nMth of concession. 1, thence easterly along said road to the rOfid between lots, 13' and 14, thence l1'0rth-erly to the County boundary, the,middle of the main channel of the River Tha-mes, save and except the portion within the, Village of Dutton. Rciad No.9. The town line between the Townships of Ald- borough and Dunwich, from Road Number 5 'between C'oncessions 3 and' 4,Aldborough; and northe'r,ly to the road between concessions 2 and 3in the Township of Dunwich, thence easte-rly to l~oad No.8, between lots 12 and 13. . Road, No. 10,P. C. The road between concessions A and 5 north of A, Township" of Dunwich, 'commencing at the Aldborough town line, thence _ easterly to the old Currie Road on lot l1,thence south- easterly on said Currie Road to the boundary of the Village of Dutton. Road, No.H. . The road between the Gore and concession 4, 'Township ,:oLDunwich, fro,m the road between lots 12 and' 13 _to the South wold town, line. Road No. 12. The road;n t4e Township of Dunwich~etw-~en lots 6 and 7 commenCing at the road between coilcessions A and 5 north of A,running north:e~ly to the" County, boundary, the middle of the main channel of the River Thames. Road :N o. 13, P.. C. , The road between -concessions A and ,5 sou,th of. A, in the'Townsl\,ipof Dunwich~ from the boundary of the Village of Dutton easterly to the ~outhwold town line. . Road No. 14. The, town line between' the Townships oLDunwiCh and Southwold, commencing at the road known a's the Talbot :Road Elgin ,County Council 159 (Burwell's Corners) and rpnning northerly _to the' County boundary, the niiddle of t'h'e main channel of the ,River Thames, excep'tingthe following: , Road No. 14,P. C. From the Talbot Road north (No. 17) northerly to north limit of Road No. 13. '. Road No. 15. The old Currie Road, in the Townshipof Dunwich, commencing at, lot 11 in concession 5 nO'rth oiA, thence westerly and no.rtherlythrougl~ said concession, the Gore atid concession 4, to road at ,'noHh-yRst corne-rlot,lO. Road No. 16. the Dunwich town Talbot Road, in, the -Township of Southwold, line to the' City, of 51. Thomas. from Road- No. 18. The Township of _Southwold" between 10tS'1 and 18. road. between concessions 2 and from th,e Dunwich town line to 3, in the the road Road No. -19. The Middlesex Coun_ty Boundary line from road betweenthefirs,t and second -eonces'sions, Township of. Delawa're; west to the Toad in the Township of .SouthwoJd,between lots 1 and 18, thence sOilt'her-ly through concessions, 2, 3, and 4,:and between lots 25 and 26 n.orth oJ the Talibot Road No-l,th to the Back Street~ O'r 'Pro,:,inclal Highway No. 90. Road .No. 20. Commen'~in'g M the right ,of way of the Michigan Central Railway in +he Village of Shedd'en, the toadbetw~en 10ts15 and 16 north of Talbot -Road- north, in the Township of Southwold, running souther'Iy Ithrough the Villa'geof Fingal; an'dthe Union Road to the villI~ge limit,s of PO'rt Stanley and a,Ion<g the boundary lin-e bebween POl't Stanley and Southwold to Ca'dow Road, and Carlow S~ree+in, said' viIlage'toBridg'e Stt'eet. ' . .' Road No. 21; ;Commencing at the north limit oCthe Lake Road, in the Township of Southwold, between lots, 6 and 7, and '):unning irta northerly dire,ction to 'road along the south limit of t,he lots on, the south side of Talbot. Road, thence in an easterly' dhe:ctiou',along' said toad.. to the Yarrrfouth towrt line -and in the Tow11'shipofYarmouth to the KainsBridgeonthe boun'da-ry of 'the Cify of St. Thomas-. Road No. 22. The 'road betwe,enconc,essions 4 and ,S;"in"the of. Yarmouth; from the London .and' Po~tSt.afilleYRai1w~y 160 Elgin' County CounCil easter'ly to Roa'd No. 23, P. 'CO S. A. The London and Port Stanley R~d. . Road No; '23, P. C. All of the London and Port Stanley road situated in the Township.. of Yarmouth, and the portion of said-road situated in the Township of Southwold between Yarmouth town' line and the boundary of the Village of Port'Stanley. l{oad No. 24. Commencing on lot 2 in concession 2, Towriship of Yai'mouth,at the top of the hill on the London and Port Stanley Road, the old road through lots 1 and 2 to where the corporation boundary of Port Stanley crosses said road, and road between con- cessions '1 and 2, easterly to road between lots 21 and '22, No.- 36. Road No. 25. Commencing at the Middlesex COUll'ty line, the road betwcetl' the Townships of Ya'rmouthand Southwold to the road in. the rear of con,cession 9 in Yarmouth, thence 011 St. George Street easterly and southerly through lots 1 and 2 in saidcohcessioll to boundary of City of St. Thomas. Road No. 27. Cominencin,g at the London and Port Stanley Road in the Vil1~ge of Union, the road between concessions 8 and 4 in Towns'hipof Yarmouth, lots 4 to '21, inclusive, Road' No. 28. Cornellcing at the Talbot Road in Township of Yarmonth, the road between lots 10 and 11 in concessions 8 and 7, and t'he road between the Mh'and 7th concessions, lots 11 to 14, and the road between. lots 14 and 15 in concession G. Road No. 29. The toad between lots 14 and 15 in the 2nd 'and 3ret concessions of Township of Yarmouth. Road No. 30. Commencing at the north boundary of the City of St. Thomas, Balada-va Street, in Towns'hip of Yarmouth, lot 5, con- cession 9, 'the road in rear of the ninth con.cess-ion,lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, up toanet including the road between lots' 8 and 9 intheran.ge south and first and second rallges no,rth of the Edgeware Road, the 10th arid 11th con/cessions. Road No.31. Commencing in the road in the, Township of Yar- mouth betw~en the range south and first range north of the Edgeware Ro,ad, lots fl, 10, 11, and 12, the road between lots 12 and 13 -ill the firSt and second' ranges n'o'rth of the Edgeware'Road,tlie 10th and Elgin COUllOty 'Coundl 161 ,1ltp concessions, the road between lots 12clnd 13 in the range south of the Edgewa-re Road and its continuatiol:! south between lots 14, and 15in the 9th concession, Road No. 32. Commencing at the Southwold town line, the road in the Township of Yarmouth between concessions 11 and 1.'3 to' the town line between Yarmouth and SQuth Dorchester. ~oad No. 33. The road in the Township of Yarmouth between lots 8 and 9, in concessions 12 and 13. The 'road between 'collceSs,iOl1s 13 and 14, 19t5 9 to 12. The road between lot.s 1~ an,d 13, concession 14, to County boundary line and easterly along, said boundary con- necting with road numbered 34, and also the road between conC'essions 13 and 14, lot 8, to Middlesex County line. Road No. 34. The Middlesex County linl.'; in rear of the 15th \=oncession, To\v!l'ship of Yarmouth" from the Dorchester town line, lots 17 and 16, and part of li5, to ,connect with 'the Midtesex County road. Road No. 35. Commencing at New Sarum on Talbot Road, in Township of Yarmouth, lot ?1, the road nmning northerly through concession 9, R. S. E. R., first and second rangesN.' E. R., conces~don 10 and cOll'cession 11, to the town line between Yarmouth and South Dorchester, thence northerly along said town line to the County boundary linebetweel'l th~ Townships of North and South Dorchester'. Road No. 36; Commencing at the Malahide town line, the Lake Road in Town,ship of Yarmoltth; lots 28 to 22; the roadbetwecn 10t~ 21 and 22 in concessions 2,3, 4, 5, 6, and its continuation northerly RlicI westerly through concession 7, lots 20 and 21, to the road between concessions 7 and 8, lots 19 and 20, to and along roadbetwe<;:n 19ts 18 and 19 in concession 8. ~oad No. ?7. The road in the Town-ship of Yarmouth between lots 7 aTld 8 in concessions 5, '6, arid 7, and\ conces'sian: 8 toW,elling- ton Street and Wellington Street west to the City aT St. Thomas, Road No. 38. Talbot Road in the Townships of 'Mi.lIahide and 13ayham; from the Fo'rge Road, No, 46, to the easte'rly bounda'rY of the Township of Bayham. . Road N o. 3~. Commencinrg at the northerly boundary of Dor- 16'2 Elgin CoullIty.. Council chester SNtth, the road between lets 12 and 13 of said Township and its continuation between lots 10 and 11. of the Township bfMatahide to the road between conces,;;ions 1 and 2 (Copenhagen) and south to the road that runs westerly through lots 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, thence south along the road through lot 5 to the Lake Road, then west through lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 to theYarmollth town line, save and except tha;t portion within the Town of Aylmer. Road No. 40. Commencing at the southerly bound,a,ry of the Village of Spring-field, the road in the Towns11ip of Mala'hidie runn1.ng southerly between lots 2,0 ind 21, in concessions 9, and 8, 'and running southerly and westerly through lots 20 to 13 in the 7th concession to the easterly boundaTY of the Town of Aylmer. Road No. 41. The road in the Townsi1ip of Malahide between lots 20 and 21 in concession.s 2; 3, 4, 5. and ,6 of Malahidc. Road No. 42. The road in the Township of Malahide between concession>s 1 and 2,.10ts 11. to 35. Road No. 43. The i'oad in the Township of Malahide between the 3rd and 4th concessions, lots :n to 30. Road between lots 30 and 31 in concession 3. Road No. 44, P. C. In the police Village of Port Burwell, in the 1'ownship 'of B-ayham, from the intersection of We1lingtonand Erius Streets as shown in Registered Plan No. 112, Erius Street in northerly' and 'easterly direction to the northern boundary of the said Village where it connects with the old plank road running northerly and north-easterly through said. Township to the town' line between Bayham and Middleton (Acacia), including the portion within the Village of Vienna. Road No. 45. The road 1n Township of Bayhambetween the 1st and 2nd concessions from the Malahiclc town line, easterly flnd souther- ly to Chatham Street in the unincorporated Village of Port Burwell as shown in Registered Plan No. 112, thence alon.g Chatham Street to Bridge Street, to Robinson Street, to Wellington Street, to Erius Street, connecting with Road No. 44. Road No. 46. The road in Township of Bayham between lots 5 and 6, ff'om the Oxford county line south through concessions 10, 9, and 8, to Provincial Highway No. 11. Road No. 47. Commencing at the town line between North and Eligin County Coundl 16:J South Dorchester, the road in the Township between lot,S Hand 4, concession,s 7, 8, 9, 10. of South Dorchester Road No. 48. The road in the 'Township of South Dorchester between concessions 10 and 11, lots 12 to A, ,the County line south to Oxfo'rd County Road No; 42. Road No. 49. The road in the Township of SOttt'h Dorchester, between 1:ots 6 and 7, concessions 11 and 12, to the ntortherly bOllnda'ry of the Village of Springfield. Road No. 50: The road in the Township of South Do-rchester, between concessions 7 and 8, lots 13 to 24, and the road between lots 18 and 19 in concessions 8, 9, 10. Road No. 51. The road in the Township of South Dorc~lester, between concessions 9 and 10, lots 13 to 24, the Ya.rmouth townJine. Road No. 52. The town line between the Townships of Malahide and South Dorchester, from the westerly boun.dary of the Village of Sp.i-ingfield to the road between lots 10 and 11, concession 9, Mal-ahide. Road No. 53: The road in the T'ownship of Bayham beginning c at the boundary line of. the Villalge of Vienna, lot number 16, and running no,rth-easterly through lots 17, 18, HI, 20, to -road between concess.ions 3 and .4, thence east to the Norfolk county line. 2. The said highways shall be constructed, improved, and main- tained in acco-rdance with all: provisions and regitlations prescribed by the said Highway Improvement Act. 3. The ,County Council may from time to time by By-Law make such grants as may be necessary and equitable fo'r the improvement at highways o.r,portions of highways in villages or towns, and which are extensions o.f OT form 'direct connection between different pOTtions of~ounty 'roads, but the total amount of such grants to any vHlage or town shall no,t exceed the sum of -the Provincial grant thereon arid the taxation paid by such urban nlunicipa-lities under this By-Law. 4'. The County Council shall have authority to ra.ise and expend On highway construction under this By-Law, and in pursuance of the terms of The Highway Improvement Act,sudl sums as may be neces- sary to complete the construction of the designated system of County 164 Elgin <=:oun'ty -Council ro~ds, in addition to such amounts as may be r~qqired fO'r repairs and maintenance, and fot, whic,h purposes suppleme'ntary By-Laws may from time to time be introduced and passed by the Coun,tyCouncil. 5. To meet the annual expenditure oti 'repair, maintenance, and c'Ol1st'ruction, un,der this By-Law, there shall be applied any Provincial subsidy or subsidies available under this Act,. and any further sum Of sums required may be 'raised by -general county rate, in accordance with the provisions of The MuniCipal Act and The Highway Improve~ ment Act, and as may be determined by supplemcnta'ry By~Laws: 6. All gran'ts from the Province un.der The Highway Improve- ment Act shall be expended solely upon the system qfroads regularly assumed and approved as County Roads under the said Act. 7. Should it be found, in canying out the plan for improve- ments herein provided for, that a greater expenditure is necessary in any township,or townships than should equitably be a charge upon the County as a whole, the Council of ' the County may, by supplementary By-Law, with the assent of the Council of such township or townships and approval of the Minister of Public vVorks of Ontad'o. cause a special rate- to be levied upon such township O'r townships to meet excess expenditure; but the cost of an'y bridge which is a County bridge un'4er the terms of The IvIunicipal Act, shall not be treated in t.his manner. . 8. that By-Laws Nos. 897, 902, 909, 915, 947, and 97'6 be and are- hereby i'epealed. 9. This By~La"v ,shaH come into force when approved by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council in accordance with sedion 12 of the said Highway Improvement A~1. County Council Chambers, S1. Thomas, 22nd March, 1922. County. Clerk. vVard~n; 1000 !\.\'ID \'10. 10<11 ORDERS-IN-COUNCIL BY-L!\.WS No. By-Law No. 1000 Copi,es oJ Order's-in-Council app'roved by His Honor the i:ieu- tenant-Governor, dat~d the 12:eh d'ay of July, A. D.- 192-2. Upon consideration of the report of the H-ono'ra'hle the Minister Elgin ,couwty Council 165 o.f PuMic Works and Highways, ,dated Br:dJu!y, .1922, the CommiUe'e oJ Council advise tha.t in accordance withsrection 12Cif The Highway Inip-rovement Act, R. S. O. lD14, cha:pter 4'0', Your Honor may be plea'sed to a'pprove of By-Law No. 1000' of the County of Elgin, where- in the Council of the said County proposes to amend the existing sys-tem of county 'roads as approved by Or,cJ.ter-in'-Counc;ill, by the addition of roads as extensions and connec,ting links, with the excep-- tion tha.t pending fu.rt'h'er investiga<tion, approval be 'withhe,ldfrom the f.ollowi11lg 'roads, viz;: . \ 1. ThaYpart of County Road No.7, ,extending froin the sOl1t'he'1'ly poiqto-f exis,tillg Counlty Road- No.7, in lot 19, cOlllcession 11, DUil'wich, and "rtllln,ing no,rth-westerly ,through conc.essions 11, 10, 9, and' a pa'1't 6-f 8, to whereilt in'tersects, wi,th CO'unty R'oad No.8. 2. T';ha.t p:a'rt oJ County Road N 0.- 19" of the cOUMy bounda-ry line ,between the Counties of Midd!lesex and EI'gin, extendin1g westcdy from the London a'nd Po.rt Sta'n-ley, RO,ad (ll'~w the Provincia:l Hi'ghway) to its intersection with County Road No. 17 of the CO'lJnlty oJ Mi.ddles-ex. 3. That pa'rt 6f CouIity Road No, 20, e:Xitrendi'ng northerly from the cross-ing o,f the M. C. Ry. at Shedden -in County Road No. 18. 4. That pa:l't of Coimty Road No. 22 extel1ding easterly from the town line, between Sout'hwold and Ya:rmouth to the crossiUlg of the Lon.don and Port Stanley Railroad in the vicinity of the County's gravel pit. 5. Th<;l.,t part of County Road No. 40' between concess,ions 8 and 9 of the Towns1hip of Ma'la'hide; extending ea'stedy f'rom the Toad between lo,ts 20 and 21,to the town line between the Townships of Mala-hide and Bay-ham, thence soU'thedy 0-n .the said 'town line. to the road b-etween concessions 8 and 9 of L"he Township of Bayham, thenc.e easterly alol1-g the said COll'C'essi'oll IlitlJe 'to its il1ltersec.t;ibn wi,th County .Road No. 46 (the road between 10t-s5 and 6 of the said To\vn'ship). 6. That part of Coun,ty Road No,. 49 in the Township of South Dorchest'er, extendi:ng s'Outhrerly horn the -road between concessions 7 and 8 of the said town's'hip, to COUrl'ty Road, No., 48 (being the road between concessio-ns 10 and 11 of the said towl1shi,p). 'i~, 'I. :1 " 166 Elgin CoullIty Cciundl ~/. Tha.tpart of County Road No. 50, extending sonther~y from the road between conc:ess,ions 10 and 11 to the southern boundaTY of the TOWll'S'hip o.f South Do'rches'ter. Certified, C. F. DULMER, Clerk, Executive Council. Order-in-Council- By~Law No. 1001 Upon consideration of the l'e'I)'011't of the Honorable the Minis't,e'r of Public Works an-d Highways, d,ait,ed 20th June, 192Z, the CommiHe'e of Council advise that in accordance wit'h sec'bions 1:2 and 23 of The Highway !mprovement Act, R. S. O. 1914, chalPter 40, Your Hon'OT may be 'pleased to approve of By~LawNo. 1001 o.f the County of Elgin, wherein the Councill of .the ,said Counlty p:rop0'ses to amend 1'he exis.ting system of cO).1nty'roads, a's a:ppl'oved by Order-inl-,:Council, by the add'iti'Ol1 O'f a r'o'ad as an extelllsion and: the de~etion 'of a 'road-; The road to he 'removed from sai"d 'by-la,w is not of sufficient impor,tance as to be 'reta:ined as a county road, anld is described as f'oHows: "That pa'rt of Toad, in the Township of Mail'ah-ide extending nro1'th- erly hetween 10't's 2,5 and 2,6 to the road between concessions 2 and 3, thence easterly a:long last mentioned road to .the 'road between lots 30 and 31, au,d thence sont-her1y 0'n s(l'id Toad ,to its illlters,ectionwi1h County Road' No. 42, between conce'ssions 1 and 2." Certified, C. F. DULMER, Clerk, Executive Council. BY-LAW No. 1001 To Amend By-Law No. 1000 and Provide for the Erection of the Stalter Gulley Bridge Passed .17th April, 19'22 WheT,ea's the Township Council of Mal-ahide ha's at different times reque8'ted this (<oundilto change the designation of County Road No~ 42' to include the road between the first an'd 5'e~co'nd concession's of sa'id Township, w:hkh cro's'ses the Stalt,er Gulley; And w'hereas the- Count.y Council of 'El,gi'n 'ha's a'pproved of sa1d EI:gin ,Coun<ty Cound1 i 167 ttpplication, provided the,said Township pays Th.i'rty Per cost of 'erecting a bridge over the said Stalter . Gulley; CeM. of Hle An'd '\-vhereas the Council of the Towll's'hrip 'of Malahide has by by-law made a.pplicatioll, as provided in The Highway Improvement Ac,t,for the levy of a special rate Upon the Towl1s:hi-p for an .amotllllt suffici.ent ,to pay Thit1ty Perl- Cent. of the cost of er'ecting the said Stalte'f Gulley Bridge: T'he County' Coundl of t'he County of Elgin en'a'cts: 1. That By-Law No. woo be amended by changing thedesigna_ tion oJ Road Numbered 4'2 to read as foHows: "The road in fhe Township one and .two, lots 11 to 35." of Mala'hide between concessions 2. -That -il;1 a,cco'fClal1'ce VI"ith <the a'pplication of Ithe Counci,! of the Township .of. Mala'hi-de, a speci-al rate be levied O'n sa,id To'wnship during the year 1922, to ntise thi,tty per cent. of the co.st ,of the bridge to he erected where said road, Nurnber 42, ctoss'es what is kn'own a,s the Stalter-Gulley. 3. -Tha't this by-law take effec.t and come inrto force_ (a) When the application of the Township of Malahide, and levy of a -specia-I 'rate in accordance therewith, is a'pproved by t11.e Minister, as provided 'in sectio.n 26; and (b) .vVhen approved by the Li-eutenant-Go-vernor'in Council, in accor,dance with section 120.f T'he Highway Improvemenrt Act. County Counci) Chambers, s.t. Th-oma-s, l'Uh A:p'ril, 19'22. K. W. McKAY, Oounty Clerk E. E. McTAGGART, Wa'tden. BY-LAW No. 1002 Licensing, Regulating, and Govemiti-g Hawkers, , Pedlars, Petty Chapmen, a~d Others The Cot\UJc'il o.f the Co,rpo'tation of the County of :S:lgin as fonows: For enacts " , EIg:in .couu1ty C:oundil 168 1. From and aftel!' the passing of thisby~law, it shall he nec'es~ sm-y for every hawker, ped-Jar, or peUy chapman, and ot'hc,r persons 'carrying on petty .trades or whO' go fr'om 'place ,t'ophce 0'1' to other men's 'hOllS'Cs. on. foot or ....vith any au;imal, vehici}e, boat, vessel, or 'other craf.t bearing o,r d1r'awing g'Qods, waT'es, Of me:rcha'ndise fnf sa-Ie, 0-1" who go from place to .place 0'1' tOo Q1ther men's houses to take O'rd1ers for coa'I oil 0'f D,ther oil,: which is to be delivered. afterwards horn a tank car moved on a railway HUle, 0'1' who, go from place to' place p'r to ~ pa'rticular place to make sales Of d-eliveries of coal oil aT o,ther oH ham sl1ch tank car, to procure and obtain a l1cens,c fOT transacting 0'1' ca~r'Yilllg on all such iraeVe; business, or caning within the Iimhs 'Of the COTpo'ration of the County of Elgin, and any pe'rsoo s'o lic.ensed s!h~tH he subject to the provis,ions 'Of this by~la'W, and any such license shall he issued under the corporate sea'l of the said County and is'sucd and s,igned by the T'rea'surerof th.e said County. 2. No such -license shal:l be required forhawki11'g, peddling, or se11in1g good'S, wa-res, 0'1' me'rcha:l'idi1se.to a retail dea,ler,O'1" for ha-wkirig, pedl'inlg, ors,eUing good.s, wares, 0.1' merchandise, .the growth, p'l'oduce, or manufacture O'f On.tario, not he:img liquors within the meauJin:g of The LiqtlO'r License Act, if the same ,a're 'haw'ked 0-1" peddl,ed by the manufa.cturer or producer of them, or by 'his bona fide servants or employees having wl'itten author,ilty S'O io do, a,old suc'h servant or employee shall exhibit his a.uthority when required so to do by any mun:icipa'l aT peace officer. 3. AiJl licen'ses i'ssued under .this by~law shall be' in force from one yealr f'rom the date. of li'ssue and 11'0 long-er, and eve-ry licell'$ee under this by-Jaw shall at all times; while can-ying on ,his bus1nes-s,. ,have his license with him, and s'ha,ll, upon demand, exhihit it to any rnunk-ipal or pea.ce 'Officer, and if he fails ,to do 5'0', shaH, tmless the same is accounted for 'sadsfa'C'tO'lii'ly, in.cur a penal-ty oJ nnt ,less than $1.010 or more than $5.00, and if amy p-ea.ceofficer demand's the pro- chlOtl-o.n. of a Ii'cense by any per$,on to whom the by-law applies and the demand'is n'O't complied with, it shall 'be the dut& of the 'peace officer and he s'hal'1 hav'e po'wer to- a,prest SUe'll person withnut a wwrrant and to 'take him befo're ,the neatest Jusltice of -the Peace, there to he deaH wiHl accO'rdillg -to law. 4. The foUowin:g fees $'hall be paid fO'l" an licenses issued und;er this, by-law to any person who ha's -resided con.tinuousl'Y within the County of Elgin fo.r at leas,t one 'year p::riOl" to the a'PpHca,ti'O'U fo'r such license: E1lgill' COUMy'Couad1 169 (a) (b) For every person traveUing on foot, For every person using a wi,tlh a cat:ryil1Jg c.arpadty DoHa::rs. , Five Dollars. o.ne~horse vehide o'r mo,tO'r vehicle of one .ton 'o'r -less" Twenrty-Fi'V'e (e) For every pers.ou using a two~'h'orse vehicle O'r motor vehicle with a carryinrg ca:pa.dty nf Over one ton, Fif.ty Dnlhws. ' For every person saWng 0.1' travelling wit'h any boat, vess'cI, or other craft, Fifty. Dollars. 5. l'he foUowing fCles s,haH he paid fOil' auy .Iicen'se issued It.nder this by-law to persons who ha.v,e nnt 'l"'esid1edl conti1ltt.ous1y within the Counlty 'nf Elgin for :at lea'slt owe year p'rior ,to. the appliCMioll' -for such license: (d) (a) For every pe.rson trave:J:1ingoll fO'bt, T'en DoUa1rs. (b) For every pe.rson using a one~'ho-rse ve:hide O'r ll1-b'tor vehic.Je with a carrying capadty not exc.eed1l1tg Dne ton, Fifty DoNats. (c) For every, pei~s'o'l} using a tw:o-horse vehicle 0'1' 1Uotor vehicl~ wit'll a carrying ca'pacity of OVer O'ne ton, On:eHund,red DoNaTs. For every person saiJin-gor or 'O.ther craft, ~'ifty Dollars. (d) traveUin1g with any boa,t, 'VC'ssel, 6. "Hawkers" in this by~law s'h,all i11.dttde algents ,fO'r pers-qns not res,idierit within the County, who sell 9'1' offer f'O'r sale, tea,' coffee, spiees, baking powder, dry g'Oods, wMches, p.laited" ware, si.lverWRII'e, fUrtliture, ca'rpe-ts-, uphoiJstery, miU'i-n'ery, 'c'oa!I. oil, tinW(l'l~e, ca'I'pet sweepers and elect'ri'cal wppliances-, 'Or jewe'lelry, spectatcIes, 0-1' eye- glasses, o'r who ca'l"ry and expO'se samples. or paltterlIis of any such arti:cle w'hic.h is to be afterwa'1"ds delivered within the County to a pe"rSon not beinlg a wholesa'le or retail deaJeT in such article. 7. Except a.s herein 'Otherwise p-rov-id'c-d, any person conltravCllin.g any of the provisions of this by-law shan, .forstlc'h offence, nn cO'llvic~ don befo-re onea-r more Justices of the Peace 'in and for the CouMy of Ej,gin, forfei.t and' pay a fine of nioi Iress t'han Five Doll'arsand' n'Ot m'ore. than Fifty Do!J,Jars, in the discretion of the Justice 0'1' Justices, exclusive Of costs, and:ifn01t paid forthwith, the 'sa:i;ne shalI be l'evi-~-d by distress and sale of the go'ods and chaHelsof' the 'offerider, and in 170 Elgin' Coun'ty Coundl ca'se of there being no distress ,out of which the penalty can be levied, the Justice, may commit the off.ender to the common gaol of the COttnlty of, Elgin fOT any period not exce,eding twel1'ty~one days un1less such fine and cos1ts, inc1udin'g the co,st of committal al1,d conveyance of t'he 'offender to the gaO'I, are sooner pa,id, and in aid of. theprovis'ion,s of this' 'by-law, it is hereby dec1a,red that" the provisions of The Onta-ri~ Summa'ry Convictions Act shan ap'P'ly ther.eto. 8. That By-Law Numbe-r 561 is he'reby f,epealed. Finally passed ,this 17th day of June, A. D. 1922, iK. W. McKAY. County Clerk. E. E. McTAGGAR.T. Vva'rd,en. BY-LAw No. 1003 To Extend Time for Tax Sale The Elgin County Coni1'cilenacts: That the tirne for the enforced coHedion by sale o;f land in a'f1"ea-rs fool' taxes in the Connty of Elgin be <~nd is here'by extended for ,one year. County Council Cha..1nbcl1"s, St. Thomas, June 17th, 192,2. K W. )\1:cKA Y, County ,Clerk. .E. E. McTAGGART, Wa-rd.cn. BY-LAW No. 1004 To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow the Sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars The Elgin Connty Council 'en:8Jcts: That ,the Wa,rd.en and Trea'soUrer be and are hereby authorized to borrow the sum of Two Hundred T,hons'and' Dollars, a's may be 're- quired, 'to meet the current expenditures of the COTpo:ratio'l1_ of the County of Elgin during 19Z:2, and give as security thereinr, notes of ten 0'1" one thousand dollars each: Coul1'tyCouncilChamhe1rs, St. Thomas, June 17th, 192'2. K. W. N(cl(A Y. Coun.ty Clerk. E. E. McTAGGART, Wa'rden. ....EIgin -(oulllty Cound1 171 BY-LAW No. 1005 TO' Raise Amounts for County Rates During the Year 1922 -VV'here:a;s an estimate 'has be'en made showi11!g that the sum of TwO' Hundred and Thirty-Two Thousand, Six Hund'red and T'hi1rty- Th-ree DoUars is r,equired to he raised -in the seve-rail municipalities for the lawful purposes of the County'du'ring the yeaT 1922; And whereas, by The Assessment Act, this Council is nquil'ed to direct what portion of 'the sum to' be levied for c-ounty pll'rp,oses shall be levied in each munic;i'pality in the COllnt~; And whereas the l'atcs are required ,to be apportioned 011 the.bas,is oJ the a's'seSS111ent of property as equalized in thepreoeding yea'!"; And whereas the a's'sessrnent of pro.perty of the County as ta.ttl'ed and equalized in 19.21 is as follows: ascer- Municipality Aldho'rough Dunwich SoU'thwold Yanl1011th Malahide .Bayham South D01'l;;heS'ter Aylmer Dutton p.(j'r.t Stanley Springfield Vienna Rodn.ey \Vest Lorne Total Equalized Valu'e '.............-..n ._...........$ 2,,977,2154 3,198".2'54 3,840,267 4,641,657 2,839,810 1,884,513 1,678,55'2 913,819 330,524 2.18,893 144,6130 99,707 213,772 216,1333 $23,263,315 T'hereforetheCouncil of the Munioi-pal Cnrpolration of the COUI1<ty of Elgin enacts: L That a rate of Ten Mills on the DolIa'r be levied on all rate- ahle: property in the several 1Tmnicipalities in 'the' COllti,ty of Elgin, a's above set forth, for the yea-r 1922, to tai'se the following amounts. 174 Elgin County councn sepa'rated hom the county, for the' purpose of improving such high- .ways or PO-rti0l1S0.f -highways in. such villages and towns as may he designated in such by-law, and which aTe extensions of, Of farm connec:tions between, dHfcrcmt pOl'tions nf county .roads; And whereas a grant made in accordance with the said Act 'to villag.c O'r town having a pO'pulatio'l1 of more than 1,500 must be ex.pended s'o'lely UpO'l1 roads and streets, 01' portion-s the-r,cof, which lie opposite to lands on one side or thcO'thc'f thereof used fO'f a:gdcultl1ral purposes; And whereas the Council of the Coun<ty of ,El~in deems it expedient to make grants to the incorpo'1'ated villages and town of the COU11'ty, fOT the yea'!" 192,2-, in accordance with the terms of the said Actj And whereas the poptllation of the said villages al~d town, acco'rd- ing to the last revis;ed census, is as f'o,Hows: Aylmer, .town Port Stanley, village Springfield, village Vienna, villa-gc Dutton, village Rodn'ey, village vVest Larue, village 2102 891 454 332 836' 575 740 Be it therdore enacted by the Munic.ipal Corporation o.f the COUl1'ty of Elgin as follows: i. A grant of $3,907 is hereby mad'e to the Town of Aylmer. 2. A grant of $580 is here~by made to the ViHa.geo.f Springfield, for the improvement of cOH,tinuation of Road No. 40, bdng Main Street, west of Superior. 3. A gramt of $888 J,g hereby made to' the Village of Port Stanley, for the improvement of continuation 'of Road No. 2,3 P. C. 4. A. grant oJ $1,32,9 is hCl.cby mad'c ,to' the Village of Dutton, for t'he 'improvement of co'n;tinuat1on of ,Ro.ad No. 13 P. C. at west Elgin County Coun'cil 175 end of ShackJ,eton north end of Main Street, and continuatioll of Road No. 15 P. C. at Street. 5. A grant of $869 i.s 'hereby made to the Village of West Lome, for the improvement of con'tinua.tiono.f Road NO.2 P. c., beginning M Graham Street, and westerly to vWage I,imits. 6. A grant of $879 is hcreby made tq the Vil'lage of R'odney, fo'r the imtno'Vemcl1't of connecting link, Roa'd No. B, being the Furnival Road, north of Queen to Centre Street. The .'said grants. shall be expended solely portion thereof herein designated. UPO'll the highway O'r 7. 'The work on whic'h the said grants shall be expen,ded sha'll be perfarmed in aeco:rdance with the laM revised r~gU'la-hans respect~ iog highways of the Departmen.t ofPuhlic Highways of OntariO'. Read a third .time and passed this 17th day oJ June, 192:2. K W. McKAY, County Cletk E. E. McTAGGART, Wa'rd'en. BY-LAW No. 1008 To Designate County Roads in the Village of Springfield The County CouncilaFthe COttnty of Elgin enacts': 1. That County Road Number 52 be extended of Springfield' from the westerly boundary of the Main Street to McIntosh Street. into the Village Village east on 2. Tha't County Road Number 42 be ,extended into the said Village from the souther1y limi,ts thereof n0'rth on Ea,st Street to ,the . Michigan Cel1tral right~of~way. 3~ That County Road Number 49 be exten'ded into the said from the nO'l"'thedy limits of sa:id Village south on WeHingtan Street to the n'Orth limit of Lot N~.1. That this by-law takc effect and come into fo.tee when agree- is entered into with the Lieutenant-Governor in Council,- as 1)1'0- vided in Ont~rio Highways Act, 1915, section 19. Ihl. '1.1\ , ~ I II Ill,:,: i ! I , ~ ! i:lli ',' 176 EIlgin -County Coundl 5. Tha,t By-Law No. woO' be fH11,en,ded accordinlgly. County Council Chambers, St, Thomas, June 17th, 1922. K. W. McKAY, E. E. McTAGGART, ConntyClerk. WaTd,en. BY-LAW No. 1009 To Confirm the Equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the County of' Elgin The E}gil1 (.::ottnty Council enads: 1. o"f the Tha t the following he the County of Elgin for 192,2. AldlboroUlgh Dun wic'h . SOl,thwold Ya'rmouth Ma'la'hid'c Bayham. . South Dordlester .Aylmer Dulton" P'O'rtStaU'ley Sp'1~in,gfield Vienna H.:odn.ey West LOlrTI'c equalization o-f the assessmen,t 1"ol1s 3;82:5,0'1'5 4,531,490' 5,2'53,233 5,233,302 3,690',722 2,387,696 2;367,377 1,259,216 495,50'9 826,353 246,578 171,75'5 362,931 349,197 $31,00'0,374 2,. That ,this CO'llnc-fl is wiUilllg to have the final cquaHzatian of the assessment, in case -0'[ appeal, made by the CoullIty Judge. Counlty Council Ch-ambers, St. Thomas, October 13th, 192,2. E. E. McTAGGART, Wa'rd'cn. K. W. M'cKA Y, Oounty Clerk. Amend.ed' a,ppea!l: by the following .dedsi'ollo.f the County Judge, on E1gin Coul1Ity Cound'l 177 DECISION OF COUNTY JUDGE, EQUALIZATION APPEAL In t'he matter of By-Law No. wo:g of .the Mun:icip.al Corporation of thc Coullity of EIlgin; and in the maNe!' of The Asses'smcl1It Act; a,nd in the matter of t4e ap'l}ca1by the Murikipal CO'Tporations of the Townships of Duriwic'h ;;tnd SOU<t'hwold, and. the Village 'of Dutton, ftom .the,decis.ion of the Conn,ty Council of EIlg,in in and with 'respect to the equa:liza.tion of. real pmperty within the said Coulllty: Pursual1lt to my appointment .in ,that beha1f in the appea:l of the Townships of Dunwich and S011Ithw'01d, and {'he Vi'llage of Du.tton, fro,m the decision o,f 'theCoun.ty COUlwil 'O'f rtJhe County of BIgJin equaliz,ing H1e -rea-l property of the d'ifferellit,nmnicipa;lities within the' County O'f Ellgin, I procee.ded to hear evidence a,d,duccd on, behalf of .the sa'id appellants 'on the 7th, 21st, 2'2nd" :a:n-d 30,th days of November an:d_~t'he ht'day of , Decem her, and having 'it-eard and~ considered. the evidence 5'0 a'dduced, "and upon hea'rin1g COUllISe1 as well far- the appeJ;]an.ts as fOT. the County of Elgin, and in pursuance of the CO'l1's.eiH of t'he Counsel afaresa-id, I find a>rid -report as follows: Tha.t the valuati'o11's. of the :rea,l p'roperty O'f [the va'Tious lllltll'lCl- palities in H1e Connty, as fixed and equalizc'd by the by-law of -the COUllty Council of Elgin, N.o. 1009, be changed to amounts entcred in the following schedule, and tha;t By-Law N'O, 1009 be amended in a'ccordance :therewith: Name :cif Municipality A.ldbo.rough ..------________.'u___..._ ...---.__..___u~._____-o.__,.___$ Dunwid1" Sout'hwoJd Yannouth Mala'hide ----________.._~.".__ .---'"--._______"..u__..~..___.___..,...___ Bayhan1 ---.._______._.__.__ .-----O--______....__.____h_..____..,_._____. S. Dorchester Aylmcr Dutton P'ortStanley .m'u.--.~___.u,..__u__".___...u'__n_.'__..__..__....._. 'Springfield .:;.--.-.u...----___..._.___.,_______.._n.____~_...__...__.__ Vienna Rodney ..__.'.___.:..._______.....___.......______._.______. ________..__.___._ \iVest Lome Amount 3,887,759 4,340,.052 5,157,514 5,319,162 3,751,2,83 2,426,864 .2'14-06,2011 1,2'59,216 495,50;9 826,353 246,578 171,75'5 3-62,9'31 3~9,197 $31,00'0,374 l78 Elgin County 'Counci!l 2,. I o'reler and direct that the fees O'f th,e Judge of the County Court of the County of Elgin' 'be bO'rne and paid by the County of Ellgin, and I make no further 0'1' other ord,er 0'1' direction as to the c'o'st.s in the prosecution 'or opposing said a,ppeal. Dated December 1s't, 19'2,2. DUNCAN C. ROSS, Judge. BY-LAW No. 1010 To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow the Sum of One Hundred Thousand' Dollars The Elgin Counlty Coundl enacts: That the Warden and Treasurer be and a/re her,eby authorized to bO'f;fo1w the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars, as it may be 'required, t'o meet ex'penditures of the Corporation of Elgin during :1,,922, a:nd give as security ItherefO'r, notes of one thousand or ten thousand dlolla-,rs each. County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 2nd Deceinber, 1922. K. W. MicKAY, County Clerk. E. E. McTAGGART, Wa'fd-en. BY-L,AW No. 1011 To Authorize the Warden to Sign Agreement ,with the City of St. Thomas ' , " W'he'rea's the :'lenns of an agreement with the Corporation 'of the City of St. Thomas, ,in 'reference to amou-llitpayaMe by the City fO'r t'heir share of Admirristra'tion '0'f Justioe, Re;gist,ry Office, Court House and Gaol expenses have been detenliined; And whereas amount payable annuaHy fO'r five years, commencing 0'11 1st January, 192:2, has heenfixed at $4,WO.OH; The Elgin Connty Council enacts: That the '\;Varclcn. be and is hereby au-tho'rized ~o sign agreement EIghll COlllllty Counlci! provid~n'g fO'r the payment by the City of St. ~nlOmas t'o the C6unlty of Elgin of the sum O'f $4,100.010 annually for Ad'1llili'istration oJ Justice and other expctlses, for a term oJ five yeaors, commencing 1st Jauua'ry, 192'2. ConIllty'Council Chanlbcrs, 5-1. Thomas, Decemher 2nd, 1922. K W. McKAY, County Clerk. E. E. McTAGGART, Wa'rden. BY-LAW No. 1012 To Make . Grants to Schools The Elgin. County -Council enacts: 1. That the High Schools at Aylmer, Dui'ton, and St. Thomas he p:alid on'e hundr'ed p,er _cent. of the. cost of maintenance of county pupil~ _aHending said schools, and the following ghats iri lieu of any additional sums they may be entiltled to hy law: Aylmer. .______mo. Dutton St. T.homas " u...muuuu.uu..uu$ 1049 00 1063 00 115Q; 00 2. "Tha'tin addition to all other amoun.ts to which it may be entitled by law, the Vienna Hilgh School he granted the sum of Six Hundred Dollars. 3. T;hat grants to. COllitinuatiO'n and Fifth Class Scho'Ols of the County be mad.e on the basis of two,"doHa'rs and fifty cents for each dollar granted by the Government, said g-rants to be in Heu of ail amounts -to which said schools may be eh'Htled by ,Jaw. ' County Council Chambers, 5-1. Thomas, Dece'lUiber 2nd, 1922. w. McKAY, County Clerk. ,I, E. E. McTAGGART, Wa'I'd'en. 1'79 18'0 ElKin County' Council BY-LAW No. 1013 To Amend By-Law No. 959 The Elgin County Council enacts: That the sa'lary of the County Clerk be' raised from Twelve HundlJ.'cd to Eighteen Hundred Do11Ja:rsper annum, commen'Ciri.g 1st Decembe'r, 192,2, and that By-Law No. 9.59 be and is her'cby amended accorrdilllgly'. County Council Chambers, SL Thomas, December 2nd, 192'2. K. W.MlcKA Y, G.'ounty Clerk. E. E. McTAGGART, Warden. El'gin. CounLtyCoundl 181 INDEX DEPUTATIONS AND COMMITTEES._ Alchhorough and Dun'w,ich Town Educational Conference Lin.e___.nn.nn.. 34 88 Go'od Roads Association___n n____...nOmm.. .......n_mn...mOd._...n"'''..m...... 17 Humane Society__....__.... "n'm .....m. ...n.mm...n...,......m.n..........m........... 40 Munidpa:J As,sociation . ....... ...............m.....................'nn........'.mnn...... 17 Road Expcn;ditures ..mm.... ...........n..mm..........___.........m..........n.m...... 42 .Trustees' Association 011'tar.ion.m..........n,.m...m.....m..n...........h.....13, 17 West Elgin .Memoria1 Pad{, Duttonu....n....nm...m.......................8, 11 GRANTS ~ Co'rn and Poultry ShO'ws..n....u....m.n..n........m...nn.h.............n.......A1, 46 Cdutity '-Trus'tees' Association.......m.d..............m....,..........n...m.m...... 13 'Hi'gh Schoolls.....m......n.........m.......'.........m...m.........'m...m...36, 61, 62, 64 Law" Library ......u......nu.n.......n..n........n....n.. .......n..n............. .n......... 12 Lihl'ary ,G.rants ....m.--....nm..mn......mm............nn......mn....'........m....... 11 M'cmo:rial, \Ves't. Elgin,...... ....u.n....m......u..nn. ...m.........n..............._.....8, 11 Reporter, Times-Journal ...........m.....nn..n...u.....n..n.........m..........m... 71 Sc'hooJ Grants m.....n..........m.......m.m.....u..m...'u...........u....'....m.....,..88, 89 Villages and Towns, .fO'f Roads....u....m,.........n..m..........n...m....u...... 42 Wa'rden h.... 71 MISCELLANEOUS Address -of Vla-rdeun ...m.mm.mu'u.....m...n....'unnm......m...mn....n......... Admin'istration of Justices Expens.cs, St. Thomas.............m .....5, Agricultural Conditions Auditors, AdminiS'tration of Justicem .mum.. ""..mo. n"'''''''''''....n.... Boad' of Agriculture.... '-"""''''...m''''m. .m"m. ....n .u.on.m.....n....m... Clark vs. Elgin..n......... ......n................nn.......nu.. ....".,.........u.........u.....n. Communications '..-''''". ..mn........ .mm......6, 7, 16, 22, 33,36, 39, 60, Committees CouoLty Olerk's Resignationn. CCH1ll'ty Council 5 68 55 9 12 56 u.............nhm._.h54, 59, 61, 62, 66 72 67 51 2 182 Elgin County Council Equa.1ization Grand Jury PI'eSent111enLn .___.._..'....mm ...f.mm....._. ....mnm"m...m_ ... 41 Gran.t Committee, SpeciaL..~ ..n..m....mm...'..m.....m' .....n.m.....mn....'.. 6 Euwpean Condit.ions .._.....nnm.'....mnm'...mm_mm..'...m.m._. ....00....'........ 56 G. W. V. A.. Grapt.....nnn._...nn ...............00..000000......_..00...00.... ,,,,00._..0000' 75 Hawken' and Pedla'rs' Licenses.......m......,..._ .mn.m.."..__ ..mmnm...... 2,5 High Schoo,l Trusteesn......m...n..m...mnm...n...- ...mm..'mmn......nm....... High Constahle to Enforce Pedlars By':'Law..nn....mmn.m..m....m House oJ In.dllstry, Pwv:incia1 GranL......nm........m........nnm..... n.. 57 Haspita'l Memorial ....nm..m..m..mm... ....m6, 8, 21, 23, 24, 32, 146, 147 Humane Society _____'__m___.m.m..m.._nm_..m.n ........... 40 Judge's Tdephone l~egislation, New ......nm.....nm.....m.m.mn...'.....mmmm. Me111oria.J West Elginn......_...m.,..mm......m.,n ....m..'n.mm.. Mo,thers' Allowance Commission....,..mn.m...mm.,..m_m.....5, 13, 2'2, 63 Ohitua'ry Natura'! Gas .... ...n....n..n.n..n.n..__n..n.._..nn...nnn......n..n.nnnnn. '00'."'00" 18 N o'l,thern 'Ontario Fire RelieLm... .....m.n.m....mm.m_..m Officials oJ Local MUll.icipal'iticsm. .m...........nmm.....m. PO,'licc Ma'gist-rate n....m.........mmm...... 'n_...,..mm,...nn"""_ ....0051, 52, 'School Attendance Officer..... ..... ..............n............ .......nmm.... .33, Scho'ol Finances, Inspectors to Report.mm.. Vaihtation Appeal Wanlen's Eted.-ion Vienna Hilgh.. Sc'hooL......... .....0000 "'0032, ...............8, 2 53 88 68 57 4 ..m_mn.n....'....m.'....._.65, 66, 89 ROADS AND BRIDGES ~ Aldborough and Dunwl-ch Town Linc.mnn..........m.m....m..34, 39, County H.,oaels .mn..m..nn.mmm.....mmn..m.n.....n.mmm.c.6, 16, 28, 32, County Road Accounts.. .........000 ..nm............_ n...,...'..'n.mm'.m....' "00" COU1Jty Road Reportsm .m....mn ....nm..mmn..........m....n'm_.'...'m...12, Expencl'i-tures Po-rt Stanley Briel'ge.... ......___......m.'...mn.......___..... Provincia.} Highway ,Road E'xpcnditures ....0000.....,....5,5, ........0000.......33, REPORTS OF COMMITTEES AND OB~F]C]ALS_ AucllitO'rs '000000_"'00' ......000000....00. .....00.........00......'..00......'...00........00.......00.......7, 15,0 COUll.ty Clerk's Report Hospital By-Law Vote,'oou.m.. ..on.....m..... 147 County Roads CommiHeec........m..u..,...n_..;m......,.....m1'2, 44, 4,5, 67, 1{}J7 COUll ty Road A ccoun tSm"n m..........._...m...m'.........oo.'.m..'.. m......m...4,2" 68 County Eng:in-eer ....00.... ... u......mm....mm..mm..........u......m.....n......n 36 , County Treasurer ...."--.n..m....um.m.......'......m:::'....m......n........8, 39,,6'2, 90 Educa>tion C9'mmiHee m.......':.....m....'.m..'.....m...mu....,..12, 40, 45, 67, 87 ~qualization .n..n...n;...........n.."n..n....n..nn..............,..........n...oo.....23, .24, 142 Finarice Commi,ttee. m....u..m....m__....m..___...m..'.m..'....mn12, 43, 4,5, 68, 96 Hotts'e (j.f. Industry CommiNeem.,...n.,..n.........m..,mn''''''''.''m''..,...m,67, 132 House of Industry lnspect,o,r.c......n'.m..' ........n...m....'..nm...nm.....n.... 12'6 House of Industry. Physicia,n.moo..m...m.......~...,...m.........m...,...m...... 133 Lega'l, Committee. .....m..m..oo.....m.....un..n__."'......_.......mn......___15,'63, 134 ..MemotJial Hospi,!al Vote.---n....cnnn.Hmm.......m.m_.nu..m.n...nn.mm...... 36 Pa-rking Space Committee.UH...m....u..n....'u.....mu..........u_m....n..._..n.A4, 148 Petitions and Legislation CommiNee..m.m.,...m........1'1, 42, 67, 68, 136 Police Ma;gi~tralte' m....m---.....m-m.u......,.......n,,,,u''''''''''''mmm___...n...7, 151' Public Improvements Oommitteen..,.m._...m......,..ll, 23, 4-0, 44, 67, 10'3 'Public SchoO'l Ill'spector..m.u..m.............n....n.......m..um.......mn"8, 73, 81 Speci'al Gran't Committee....mm....,.............,.m..,...___..........nm.....,9, 15, 140 Special Hospital By~Law CommittC'em~m....mu._m.......n...,~.21, 23, 24 Stanc\ing OO-111J?:ittees ........u.m,u...moo.mn....m..m.........m.m...mnm.4' 6, 72 ValuationCommittec . ....--..'mmm......n.......'.........u."mm....'..,......51, 53, 143 Special Committ'ee on Comity Clerk.oo..m..,...m............umm.....m_67, 148 Administra,tioll of Justiccu...m.........m...m...............n..~..m68, 14,9 14tJ 13 61 45 57 1<1 59 59 Eligin County Coundl 188 Stalter Bridge m... ..."m....m__........mm......,..10, .25, 30" 31, 46, 52, 5,5, 125 Village Str'eets and GrantS....m.....m....m.....m~.:..m..,..18, 27, 36, 37, 42 West La-l'ne A:greement............m............nm......m.m.m.m.u......,......""00" 50 To AppO'il1t Boa:rd 'of Audlit..n.............m....m............19, 158 993. To Autho'rize Purchase of Grave1 p.j.tm....m.m.....n19, 1'53 994. TO' Borroiw $2'00,-oOO'.~nn......n._...m..n..............___......u..n19, 1154 '995. To. Appo.int Hi:gh School Tnls;teeS..........'......m.......,2n. 1'54 184 - No. 996. No. 997. No. 998. No. ,999. No. 10-0'0. No. 100-1. N,C'. 100'2. No. 100'3, No. 109:4. Nci,l'O-O'o. No. lOnG. No. 10'07. No. 1008. N-D'. lQ'O,g. N'D. 1010, No. 10'11. No. 1012. No. 1013. Elgin Caunlty Conndl To Appohl't Advisory Agricultural CounciL.m"m2~. 155 To Make Granlt for1'Iemorial Hospi'taL.m___.25, 32; 156 To Author,ize Ag.reement for Stalter Hrid<ge..____..2'S. 156 To Take V o:te on HO'-spital By~L'arw___..___m.___m.___26. 156 To Designate COl1l1'ty Roads a:l1.d Repea,} Fo'rmer By-La:ws .___..___.,....______._________,..._____....,..______....______....__2'81 156 1"0 Amend By-La,w 'N o. WOO"___m___'___m_..muumum__30, 166 To Liccns'e Hawke.rs and Fed:1a'fL..'..m___m..___m____46, 167 TO' Ex>tcnd Time fo:r Tax Sale.___,..__..."".___'...mmm_..A7, 170 To Barra,V{ $2'OO,OOO',___;.___n'n.___.___n.___________,______.._________..4~i, 170 To Raise' Conllity Ra,tes______mm___..mm___m.__.___."u________48, 171 To Ass'css Matall1'id'c f.OT Stalter Hridg,c______m_"..___48, 172 To Mcrkc Gra11lts to Villages and: Town___m..~_.nou49, 173 To Desi'gnate County Roads in Springfidd.m...A9, .174 To Confirm EqnaEzation____._____.____,.___."~.._.__,_..____.___m___53" 175 To Borrow ..,.$lOO.,OOO-""".-.---------...----------~.,---.-...".------..-----...69; 178 To A'lt!thorhc \Varden to Sign Agreemen't wit.h City. ___ __ __.".'u."~______' __ ______.___.__"..___...__.____.__________ __.____..;::...6 9, 178 To Make Grants to SC'hoo.Js______.~_!,__.....___'m---------.----70, 179 To' Amend By-Law No. 959___________________ou_.m_._____L70, 180