1923 Minutes
Elgin. County Council,
JanUary, June and November
, Warden,.
Duncan C. Ross, Esq., County Judge
J as. H. Coyne, Esq., Registrar
D. McLaws, Esq., County Court Clerk
A. McCdmmon, Esq., Clerk of the Peace 'and .County Crown A~torney
P. S. D. Harding, ,Esq., Sheriff
C. F. Maxwell, Esq., Co. Police Magistrate W. F. Luton, Esq., Gaoler
J. A. Taylor, B. A., and J. c. Smith, B. A., Public School Inspectors
K. V\T. McKay,Esq., County Clerk
B.B. Graham, Esq., County Treasurer
Jame~ A. Bell, M. C. S., C. E., County Engineer'
G. F. Pineo, County Road Superintendent
C. St. C. Leith, County Solicitor
Frank Hunt, Esq., Police Magistrate
Robt. Kains, Esq., M. D., Gaol Surgeon
Douglas L. Ewin, M. D., Physician, House of Industry
D. H. Gooding, Keeper, Honse of Industry
R. M. .Holmes, Caretaker, Court House
John Hopkins, High Constable
All of St. Thomas P. O.
A. Turner, Esq., Inspector House of, Industry, Shedden, R. R. 1
County Auditors: Vvalker c. Caughell, St. Thomas;W. -A. Galbraith,
lona Station
Admillistration of~Justice Auditors: Do C. Ross, County Judge
Mayor Raven, St. Thomas; O. McKinney, Aylmer
Municipality Clerk Treasurer
Alclborough..n...mJ. A. McRae, Rodnc.Y...m..A. Carmichael, West Lor~e
Dunwich.u.mm.....D. A. McNabb, Dutton.mmw..Murray McNeil, Dutton
Southwold...."....,.J. C. McLennan, Fingal...mm.....--;-D. A .Cattanach,
92 Moore Street, St. Thomas
Yarmouth .......IN. C. Caughell,.St. Thomas....R. MC,Lachlin, St. Thomas.
Malahiden ..........mJohtiM. Hale, Aylmer.m.........mJoh~l M. Hale, Aylmer
I Bayham............Benj. Brian, Straffordville._...mWm.Grant', Strafforclville.
S. Dorchcster....M. S~ Charlton, R. R. 1,Springfieldm.G. Winder, Lyons
Town of Aylmer.m....m..m..m....D; C. Davis;m..m....m.m..l-I. E. Armstrong
Village of Springfield.mnmn..G.W. Collins. .....m..m. .""" .mD, G. Gillies
'Village of Vienna..n..n...."j'"n....Vlilliam Neilson....................William Neilson
Village of Port, Stanley......m]. S. Robertson..m........m....,.}. S. Robertson
Village of Duttonn..........m.........]. D. Bluem.............__..n..m.....D. Campbell
Village of West Lome..........]. .S: Robertson......m..........m-....u.W. H. Bole
Village of Rodney.......m..........nJ. D. Shaw..n ...m......m......:r.c. Camphell
Elgin County Council
Tuesday, J anuarx .23rcl, ID23
The Coul1,ciI-elect of the County of E-Igin met this day at the Court
Hquse, St. Thomas, at 2 p;m.,
K. W. McKay, County Clerk in the'chair
The following members filed certificates and took their seats at th~
CoulH;:il Board:
J. F.McGregor, Reeve, Aldborough
D. K. Andrew, 'Deputy Reeve, Aldborough
Harry Dromgole, Reeve, Dunwich
Archie Crawford, Deputy Reeve, Dunwich
A. J. McIntyre, Reeve, Southwold
N. E.Burtol1, Deputy Reeve, Southwold
John R. Teeple, ,Reeve, ' Yarmouth ,
W.' M. Anderson, First Deputy Reeve, Yarmouth
Frederick Carr, Second Deputy Reeve, Yarmouth
W m, Ashton, Reeve, Malahide
R B. McKenney, peputy Reeve, MalaJ:lide
David Stratton, Reeve, Bayham
H. L Godwin, Deputy Reeve, Bayham
Elgin County Council
J. A. Moore,' Reeve, South Dorchester
Oscar MdGl1ney, Reeve, Aylmer
Geo: F. Williams, Reeve, Vienna
Arthur Barons, Reeve, Springfield
.Dr. -Jackson, Reeve, Port Stanley
Wm. Patton, Reeve, Dutton
J a,s. ,A. Fuller, 'Reeve, Vif est Lorue
J. A. McLean, Reevi' Rodney
The election of W'ardcn was proceeded with, and on' the twelfth
vote Harry Dromgole-, Reeve of Dunwich, receiyed a majority vote of
the whole Council and, was declared duly elected.
The Vva'relcn-elect made statutory declaration of office before His
Honor Police Magistrate.H unt, took his seat and ad-dressed the Council.
Moved by]. R. Teeple,
Seconded by V\T~ M.AilclerSOl1:
That the Reeves of the differei1t municipalities be a committee to
select Standing Committees.
- Carried:
Moved by O. McKinney,
~econded by A; J. McIntyre:
Thftt this Council do now_ adjourn, to allow the Reeves to strike
the Sta1\ding Committees, the Council to l1~eet at 10 a.m. to-m'orrow.
- Carried.
Elgin COUl1ty Coul1cil
Wednesday; Janlia!"y 24th, lB23
The Elgin County.Council ,met this day at the Court J-Iouse, St.
Thomas, in accordance with. adjournment. '
The Warden in the Chair.
All the members present.
TheWarderi addressed the Council as follows:
~'To'the Elgin County Council:
"Gentlemen, -
"I' have~ to again' thank you for the honor conferred in electillg me
as your chairman forthe ensuing year, and I am sure that with your
co~operaticin, the business of the County will be carried 011 in the be.oft
interests of all concerned. .
"I desire to remind the members who may be appointed chairmen
of the various committees that they will be held, responsible for the
prompt transaction of the business of the Council. Arrange with the
Clerk' for hour of,' meet.1ng, ai1d proceed with the business if' ollly a
quorum of the nleri1bers of the comniittee are present.
"The present high rate of taxation is being felt in many -sections of
County, and I would suggest that you consider carefully all applica-
for. grants and other proposed expenditures during the year,
"I do not think that the taxes are higher than is necessary, but it
perhaps be advisable to"gointo Comll1ittee of the Whole when
estimates are presented In June, so 'that there may be a discus'sion
to each item. The Council will then be fully informed and
to explain matters to their constituel1'ts.
Elgin, County Council
Northern. Ontario. Fire- Reliet
"An application from the Provincial Committee appointed to
administer relief in the fire-swept are,a in Northern Ontario W<lS before
.the Council 'in November and laid over until this session. One thousand
seven huildre'd and forty-four families were rendered homeless, and it
has been the 'duty of the Committe~ to secure contributions c:"nG funds
necessary for their re-establishment and maintenance untill1cxt S'lmmer,
when.they should be ill a position to c~rry nn.
"The contributions in kind were very - numerous and taxed the
capacity of the <Red Cross and other organizations to ascertain what the
cars and 'boxes contained. It is unnecessary to say that the need for
, money to pay for lumber and the necessaries of life has been very great,
'arid while the Solicitor has advised that The MU{licipal Act does not
provide for grants for this purpose, it has often been done iri the inter-
ests of humanity. The Council should take the matter into their
set'ious consideration and request the Legis1ature to pass legislation
authorizing payment of any grant that may be decided on.
"It is expected that road expenditures will this year be somewhat
larger than usual, owing to the amount of work done on the proviricial
"The St. Thomas Suburban Area Connnission has a serious problem
on its hands in the maintenance of the road to Port Stanley, on which
the-traffic concentrated by the cement highway to the north wilt" now
be larger than formerly. The construction of a permanent pavement
to Union is desirable, but ,to finance this within the limits of the
appropriation payable by the city, a debenture issue would be necessar.y.
The' Coullcilshould decide on a future policy in this matter. It hardly
seems right, that the ratepayers of this year should pay the whole of
the amount required for penl1anent improvements on provincial high-
way. Other counties are not doing it. A careful consideration of the
estimates, as_suggested, will lead to but one conclusion: ,that the best
plan will be to issue debentures to pay for all permanentiniprovements,
the, same" as the County, has done ir:i the past.
Elgill County Council
County Treasurer's Salary
"While we must be careful in supervising the administratio,n of the
County's business, we must also deal reasonably with the officials who
do the work. For some years past th,e business in the County Treas-
urer'soffice has been gradually jncreasing, ,as the following statistics
experidit,l1re___ ......___._.__......
....-------.....---..---... $112,125
__...mh'____hm.___ 455,401
----.......... '_m.. 65!l,369
"Previous to, adopting the system of paying all good road orders. by
cheque, the number of" bank cheques issued annually did not exceed
1,200. Last year the. number was abollt 8,000. I am directing your
attention to these large increases so that you may have in mind ,the
necessary adjustlnen! of salary a1'1d assistance to maintain efficie'ncy
.in the office.
.W orkmen's Compensation
."The law relating to workmen's. compensation makes employers
,,,-'hO are not contributors liable for wages to employees injured l,vhile at
'work, and, for pensions to widows and family when employees .are
killed. The County is now a' large employer of labor on county roads
and other works, The County Road Committee has, in the past, been
accounts for injured workmen, as ordered by the Board. The
is insured in~so-far as accidents by travellers on the highways is
and I would'suggest that the Finance Committee consider
advisability of th,e County beco:ming a contributor, the same as
employeb; of labor.
condusion"I hope that any. member of the Council desiring
or explanation in reference to any department of the County
will feel free to' ask questions until. they obtain the. information
so that at the end of the year we will have a clear under-
of all'matters .brought before U$,"
'Minutes of the previous day were read. and cOl1firmed.
report of the committee appointed to strike the Standing Com-
was presented alld referred -to Committee of the Whole, Mr.
in the chair. After amending the report, the Committee
. Elgin County Cou-nei!
arose and the" report,. as amended, was adopted, on motion of J. F.
McGregor, seconded by Wm. Anderson. '
The following communicatiqllswerc read:"
From County l~ngineer, with report. - Referred to Public Improve-
,mcnts Committee,
From County Auditors,with report. - Referred to Finance Com-
From County Solicitor, reo Aldborough v, Elgin. - Refeqed to
Finance Committee. '
From County .!=oul1cil,s, Lambton and Stormoi1t, Dundas; and;
Glengarry, re gaol regulations. -, Referred to Petitions and Legislation
, Committee'. . .
From Erownsvil1e Continuation, School, - Referred to Education
From Canadian National Institute:' for the Blind, rc grant. - Re-
fcrrcci to :Fil1al1Ce Committee.
From Ontario Trustees' Association, re annual meeting. - Referred
to $c1ucation Committee.
From St. Thomas Chamber of Commcrce. and London Chamber of
Commerce, reo Port Stanley harbor. - Referred to Finance Committee.
From Ontario Municipal Association, re memhership. - Referred
to Finance C01lunittce.
From Departmcnt of Public Highways, re annual meeting of road -
superintendents. - Referred to County Road Committee.
From Association, Managers Homes forAged and Infirm.-
Referred to I-I~use of Industry Comrn.ittee,
From B. Brian, Clerk of Bayham, with' result of vote .ml_Vienna.
High School District By.,.Law.
Elgin 'CollntyCoUlicil
From Royal Agricultural Winter Fair; re grants. -""- Referred to'
Finance Committee.
Fr9111]. A. Tayl~r,Public School Inspector; with annual report.-
Referred to .Education Committee.
From J. A, Taylor, 1. P. S., re statistics, high .and continuation
schools. - Referred to Education Committee.
From Ontario Good Roads Association, re annual ineeting.-'-
Referred to County Road Committee.
From 'Children's Aid Society. - Referred to Finance Committee.
From County Treasurer; with report. - Referred to
Moved by -N.E. Burton-,
Seconded by J. A. McLean:
That this ,Council adjourn, to meet at 2 p.m.
The COl.~ncil Resumed
Mr. McKinney inquired re salary' of County
Mr. Barons gave notice of
Springfield; and Mr. :patto!i gave
for Dutton.
application for grant for lock-up in
notice of application for similar g)'ant
Moved by N. E. Burton,
Seconded by D. K. Andrew:
That a detaili::dstatement be prepared showing all1uoneys spent on
each. county road and the names of the parties receiving same, also the
moneys spent and to \vhom paid for work or purchase on each gravel
pit owned or operated by the county,or for any gravel from any other
source procured by or got for county purposes, during the' year 1923,
.and that the Treasurerbe paid $50.00 for the statement.
- Carried.
Elgin County Council
Moved by J. F: McGregor,
Seconded by D. K. And.rew:
That the chairmen of the various committees be appointed' a special
committee t6 report on'matters referred to in the'Warden's address.
- Carried.
Moved by W. M. Anderson,
Seconded by R. B.. McKenney:
That this Council adjottrll to visit the Childrcll's She1tcr, and' meet
at 10 o'clock to-morrow,
_ Carried.
Thursday, January 25th, 1923
'The Elgin COU1~ty Council met this day at the Court House, in
accordance with adjournment
The Warden in the chair.
All the members present.
Proceectirlgs of the previous day were read and confirmed.
, Communication from Canadian Good Roads Association, re mcm"
bership, was read and referred to Road Committee.
Moved by Gea. H. Jackson,
Seconded by O. McKinn:cy:
That G. H. Jackson be permitted to withdraw from the Education
Committee and the name of J. McLean be substituted.
- Carried~
Moved by. O. McKinney,
Seconded by D.', Stratton:.
That tl1is Council adjourn t~l1til 2 p.m., to allow committees ta'meet.
- Carried.
Elgin County' Council
The Council Resumed
Mr. McLean gave notice of application 'far grants to Agricultural
Societies, and Mr. Patton gave notice of similar application for grmits
t'o Public' Libraries and Miss Wallace.
The report qf the Public Improvem~nts Committee \V,as presented,
and adopted on 1notion of Wm. Anderson, seconded by H. L. Godwin.
Movce) by W m. 'Patton,
Seconded by A. Crawford:
That Wm. Kendall be appointed Trustee of the Dutton High School
for term of three years.
Mo'vcd by O. ~cKiriney,
Seconded by G.F. Vvi11iam~:
Th~t the Warden, Clerk, and Dr. Jackson be a committee to visit
LOlldon to-morra,,, afternoon re Per't Stanley harbor.
---'- Carried.
. Moved by'.G.F, Williams,
Seconded by O. McKinney:
Thfl-t E. Smyth be appointed Trustee of'Vienna High School fo"r
years, andWm. Chute he appointed Trustee in place of Wm,' Kirk,
who is not attending meetings.
- Carr'ied.
Moved by J. A. Moore,
Seconded by H. L. God,vin:
this Council do now adjourn, tO'meet to-morrow at 10 o'clock.
- Carried.
Elgin' County Council
Friday, Janual-Y 26th, 192t.
The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, in
acc,ordancc with adjournment.
ThevVardcn in the chair.
All the members present except Messrs. Barons and Fuller.
Proceedings of the previous day were 1-cad and confirmed.
The report of the County. Road Committee' was presented, and
adopted on motion of J. F. McGregor, seconded by D. Stratton.
The report of the specialcom111itte~ to consider matters' referred
to in the Warde1,l'S address was presented, and adopted on motion of
j. F, McGregor, seconded by O. McKinney.
Mav,cel by J. A. M~Leal1,
Seconded byN. E. Burton:
That grants to Agrkultural Societies in the County be same as last
'year, i. e., fifty pcr cent; of Government grant.
- Carried.
Moved by A. Crawford,
Seconded by J. A. Fuller:
That the usual grant of $120 be given Miss WaI1ace.
, ,- Carried.
Moved byO. McKinney,
Seconded by D. Stratton:
That this Council recommend that the County Solicitor assist the
Elgin County, Council
High Constable when required, in trying to make convictions against
the hawkers and peddlars doing business without a license.
- Carried.
M9ved by J. R. Teeple,
Secon,ded byR. E. McKenney:
That the Finance Committee be requested
bility of appointing a High Constable.
to consider the' advisa-
- Carried.
Mdved by J. F. 11cGregor,
Seconded by D. K. Andrew:
That the Warden and Clerk ,be authorized to sign and submit. to
the Minister. of Public Highways of the, Province of Onta~;o, the
petition of the_ corporation; Of the County of Elgin, showing that du1'ing
the period ist January, 1922, to 31st December, 1922, there has been
expended upon the county highway system the sum oi $160,529.26,
. requesting the statlltor)'"" grants on that amount, as provided by The
Ac~ to' Aid in the Improvement of Public Highways.
- Carried.
Moved' by O. :McKinney,
Seconded by G. F. vVilliams:
That Dr. F.-H. Miller be re-appointed Trustee for the Aylmer rligh
Moved by Vl. Patton"
'Secorided by A. J. McIntyre:
T'hat we grant the sum of $25.00 to, each of the' followin'g Bublic
Libraries: Rodney, West, Lorn~, Dutton, Port Stanley, Aylmer, Vienna,
_Sparta, Springfield, Bayham, and Shedden; and $12.50 .to Belmont and
,- Carried.
Elgin County Council
/ ,
Moved by 0: McKinney,
Seconded by H. L. Godwin:
Th~t this Council adjourn until 10 a.m. to-morrow, to allow cOln-
mittee to visit LOlldo'n re Port Stanley harbor, ,and for other committees
to meet.
- Carried.
Saturday, January 27th, 1923
The Elgin County Council met this day at the 'Court House, St.
Thomas, in accordance with, 9.djournment.
The Warden in the chair.
All the members present.
Proceedings of the i)revious day were, read and confirmed.
The report of the Finance Committee was presented, arid adopted
on 1).1otion of J. A. McLean,'seconrled by _D. Stratton. '
The report of the Education COJ.nmittee was presented, and adapted
on motion of Wm. Patton, secanded by A. Barons;
The report .of the Petitions and Legislation Committee was 'present-
ed, and adopted on moti,an of O. McKinney, secanded byW. Ashton.
The report of the deputation re Port Stanley harbar was presented,
and adopted on motion of Dr. Jackson, ,seconded by W.Ashton.
The report of the House of Industry Committee was presented, and'
adopted on motion of N. E. Burton, seconded byF; Carr. '
Elgin County Council
Moved by O. -McKinney,
Seconded by A. ]. McIntyre:
That the grant to the Law Library be the same as last yeari fifty
- Carried.
Moved, by A. Barons,
Seconded by O. McKinney:
That this Cauncil grant, one
lock-up in Village of Springfield.
Moved by \tV.Patto!),
Secol1(!Gd byA Crawford.
hundred dollars for repair of the
--.: Carried.'
That. a grant of $400.00 be given to Dl1tton, to assist in building a
. coullty lock-up house.
In amendment,...-
Moved by J. R. Teeple,
Seconded byW. Aliderson:
That the Village of Dutton be granted the sum of $100 ,towards the
expenses of a lock-up.
Main motion carried and amendment lost.
Maved by D. K." Andrew,
. Seconded, by R. B.. McKenney;
Th.at this Council go into a Cammittee of the Whole to reconsider
the :repo~t of-"the Good Roads Committee.
- Carried.
Eighl COUilty: Council
TheCoUllcil went into Committee of the Whole, with Mr. Patton
in ~he chair. After considering the matter, the-committee arose without
amending' the report. .
Moved by 'G. H. Jackson,
Se,conded by J. A. McLean:
That the members of the County COll11cilappoilltec1 by the \Varden
asa delegation to the Good Roads Convel1tio~l at Toronto be a committee
authorized to arrange a conference at that time with the Minister to
urge the adoption of this County's resolution to permit villages to use
county: grants for niaiiltenance. on connecting links through villages.
~ Carried.
Moved by J ..A. .Moore,
Seconded by A. Barons:
That the Treasurer's salary be raised to $2,100 per alinum, to include
prepa-ratiol1 of special road account statement.
_ Carried.
Moved by Wm. Ashton,
Seconded by R. B. McKenney:
That O. McKinney be appointed
justiceaccotints for the year 1923.
auditor of administrati(i:m of
- Carried.
Moved by A. Barons,
Seconded by J. F. 11.cGregor:
That this County Council memorialize the "present Government
that where th~y fiqd it advisable to build conCl-ete paved roads, that the
counties be relieved of the twel1typer cent. of the cost of said paved
- Carried;
,Elgin County Council
Moved by D. Stratton,
Seconded by O. McKinney:
That By-Law No. 1.014, to appoitlt high's'chool
and read a first time.
trust~es, be reccivcd
...:..:.. Carricd.
Moved by H. Godwin,
Seconded by G. F. Williams:
That By~Law No. 1014 be read a second time.,
".- Carried.
Moved by G. F. Williams,
$ecollded by D. Stratton:
That By~Law No;'1014 be re~d a- third 'time, and -finally passed.
Moved by J. R. Teeple,
- Carried.
Seconded by R. B.McKenney:
That By-Law No. 1015, to appoint a County Advisory
Council, be received and read a fir~t tin.1e.
- Carried.
Moved by W./ M.Anderson,.
Seconded by J. R. Teeple:
That By-Law No. '1015 be read a second time.
Moved by 1. R. Teeple,
Seconded by Fred Carr;.
That, By-L~w No. 10115 be read a third time, and finally passed.
- Carried.
Elgin County , Council
Moved by J. F. McGregor,
Seconded by D. K. Andrew:
.That By~Law No. 1016, to authodze t_he Warden and Treas-urer to
bOrfOW the sum of two hundred thousand dollars, be received and read
a first time.
......... Carried.
Moved by J. F. McGregor,
Seconded- by D. K.' Andrew:
That By-Law N Q. 1016" be read a se~ond time.
- Carried.
Moved by J. F: McGregor,
Seconded by D: K. Andrew:
That By~Law No .1016 be read a lhird time, and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by N. E. Burton,
Seconded by J. A. McLean:
That By~Law No. 1.D17, to amend By-Law No.
read a first time. '
827, be received and
Mov~dby. N: E. Burton,
Seconded by F. Carr:
That By-Law No. +017 be read a second time.
- CaHied.
M,oved by N, E. Burton,
Seconded by J. F. McGregor:
ThaJ By~Law No. 1.01-7 be read a third time, aud finally passed.
- Carried.
Elgin County Council
Moved by A. Crawford,
Seconded by V.,r. Patton:
That By-Law No. 1018, to ,appoint a High Constable for 1923,. be
received and read a first time.
Moved by 1I\T. Patton,
Seconded by A. Craw:ford:
That By-Law NO.,1018 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by]. A. Fuller,
Se~onded by D. K.Andrew;
That By-:-LawNo. 1018' be read a thtrd time, and finally passed.
Moved ,by]. A. Fuller,
- Carried.
Seconded byD. K.. Andrew:.
That By-Law NO','1019, to fix County Treasurer's salary, be received
and read a first time.
-:- Carded,
Moved by'D..K. Andre\v,
Seconded by]. F. 'McGregor:
That BY,-La,w N9; 1019b~ read a second time.
----:- Carried.
Moved by r A. Moore,
Seconded. by A.,Barons:
That By-Law No. 1019 be read a third time, and finally passed.
- Carried.
Elgin County Council
Moved by W. H. 'AShtO!"l,
Seconded by Dr. Jackson:
That By-Law No;
andreacl a first time.
1020, to appoint a Board of Audit, be received
- Carried.
Moved by R. B. ,McKenney,
Seconded by W. H. Ashton:
That By-Law No. 1020 beread a second til1ie.
_ Carried.
Moved - by VV. H. Ashton,
Seconded by G. F. Williams:
That By-Law No. 1020 be read a third tim'e, and finally passed.
- Carried.
The Warden ,appointed the'following deputations:
\ .
To: On'tario Gool Roads Association annual convention-J. F.
McGregor, H. Dromgole, A. J. McIntyre, J. R. Teeple, Wm. Ashton, D.
Stratton, J. A. Moore, A. Crawford, A. Barons, J.,A. McLean, Wm.
Anderson, K. W. McKay, and Dr. Jackson.
To Ontario Trustees' Association annual convention - Wm. Patton,
N. E. Burtol)"F..Carr, G.,F. Williams, R.-B. McKenney"andJ. A. Fuller._
To Ontario Municipal Association
E. Godwip, and ,D. K: Andrew.
annual meeting---,'O. McKinney,
Moved by J. F. McGregor,
Seconded by J. A. Fuller:
this ,Council 'do now adjourn, to meet the first Tuesday in
Elgin County Council
Tuesday, June 5th, 1923
The Elgin County Council met this' day, in accordance with
The .W~rdenin the chair.
All the' members present.
" The W,aroell addressed'the Conncilas follows:
"To the Elgin County Council:
"Gentlemen, ----,
"Illcol11mcncing the most important session of the year, I desire to
agahl draw your, attjntioll to a recomm~ndation made at the January
Highway Expenditures
"That you should c.onsider the advisability of issuing debentures for
pr6vincialhighway expenditures if "an account therefO!: is rendered,_ by
the Province. No intimation has been received as to amount 'of
account payable this year, although the Highways Departmcnt has been
requested'to send.the infornlatiolll so that the estimates may be cOll1pleted':
at this session. The question of the Province paying the whole/cost.is
very. much in' evidence in the, present election campaign, but th~t docs
not relieve the county from ,its liability under the la,w. The proper
equalization of road expendit1,1res sho'l.1ld receive the fullest considel'ation. ,
The appointment of a commissioli to consider _the whole questiqn,
approved at the last two sessions of the Ontario Good Roads Association,!
'would appear to be the best way to ,bring the matter to the attention of
thepublic and the Legislaure.
, Estimates
"Another matter that should not be overlooked is a better uncler-
Elgin _County Council
standing of the' estimates, The Finance Committee should bring these
bcforcthe Council as early' as possible, So that ample time 'may. be
available for their consideration in a Committee of the \Vhole. The
members of the Council should be able to explain to their constituents
the cletails of taxation for county purposes.
"The COU~lCi1 will have to appoint at this session a representative on
the SL Thoma$: Suburban Area Commission,for a five-year term. Two
appointments,.~i'i11 ,have to be made to the Mothers' Allowance Commis-
sion; The' retiring m~mbers on both commissions are recommended
f.or re-appointment. P
lIThe recent session of the Legislature did not produce as much new
legislation as in former years, This was no doubt largely que to the
hurded prorogation. The Public S.chools Act, with mal1y important
amendments, was abandoned fot want of time to consider it.
'!Th~ following synopsis of legislation passed will be of interest:
New Municipal Legislation
"The Municipal. Act authorizes county councils to pass by-laws
fixing the date of the first meeting 'Of the council to the Monday next
preceding the fourth Tuesday in January. I Retiring. allowances for
municipal officers have been extended,and grants may now be made by
councils,to hospitals in any municipality. Provision is also'- made for.
the licensing of food shops.
I'The Assessillent Act providcs for adjustmcntof business a'ssess-
ment in case of a man:ufacturer who is also a retailer. Townshipcouncils
in future'may have assessment made between May 1st and Septem-
'IThc Municipal Franchise Act provides that in ,all CItICS, the namig
'of persons who are municipal electors under 'The Municipal Franchise
Act, 1~22, may be entered in a separate or supplementary roll.
"The Local Improvemeilt Act is amended to all-ow for e-stimatcs 'of
Elgin County COl.mcil
23 '
cost of unfinished work and unsettled claims in .respect, to land affected
by work undertaken under the provisions of this Act, and also gives
cOUl1cils authority.to amend by-laws, to complete only part of a work
outlined in an original by-law.
"The Municipal Arbitrations Act provides that proceedings' begun
under this Act shall !lot be discontinued by rcason of the death of the
Official Arbitrator, but that award shall be made, by his successor; aild
provision is made for the appointment of a Deputy Official Arbitrator
alld his duties defii1ed.
HThe Coinmunity Halls Act enacts that where a community hall,
ora hall and ath.letic field, have'been established for a school sej:,tion, a
township council may vest the' propcrty in the board of school trustees.
"The Public. Health Act gives the ProvinCial Board of Health
fuller control over the inspection of public water supplies in the
Province, and provision is made for the- abatement of nuisances, in
respect of same,. upj:m recommendation of the Provincial Boarel.
CommeQcing 'March 1st, 1924, 'the Provincial Board may make such
regulatioris as may be deemed necessary in connection with the manU-
facture of beverage.s.
"A periuit is to be obtained from the M. O. H. and the local board
of health before 'any ,person' engages in the ';mallufacture, for sale, of.
~arbol1ated waters, etc., or any dry substances in concentrated form, for
the manufacture of anynon7intoxicati,ng e1rin:ks.
"The Rural' Hydt:O~Electric Distribution Act specifics certain
to a municipality which is'a distributor of electrical power.
"The Adolescent School Attendance Act relieves rural adolescents,
under certain conditions,. from attending, school.
"The Tile Drainage Act increases the borrowing power of councils
initiated under this Act, and slight amendments are made in
Act, whereby a registrar shall provide certain to'wnship
with a list of conveyances of the next preccding year, at a fee
cents for each instrument in the lis.t.
'The Highway Traffic Act, 1923, is a con'soliclation of: (1) The
Elgin Caunty Council
Mator Vehicles Act, (2) The Load af Vehicles Act, (3) The Highv,'ay
. Travel Act, and (4) The Traction Engine Act, and comes into. force
on Decelubet 31st, 1923."
Praceedings af the last day'af the January sessian were read and
The fallowing cammunications were read:
Fram Tillsonburg ',High
to. Education Cammittee.
School, with acco-qnt for 1922. - Referred
Fram ElgiliHistat'ical and. Scientific Institute, republicatian Qf
"Talbot Regime." --"- Referred to. Finance Committee.
From Mrs. T. G. Winder, re grant to. Women's Institute. - Referred
to. Finance Cammittee.
Fram J. H. Bates, Secretary Assaciatian af Managers, Homes for
Aged and Infirm" with pragramme annual meeting.
Fram Deputy Minister o.fEducation, natice re equipment and
.aceomm6datian grant. - Referred to.' Educatian Cammittee.
Fram Bathwell Cantinuatian Schaal, with account. - Referred to
Educatian Committee.
Fram Mathei'S' Allawance Commissian, re members af Elgin Board.
'I From Londan Baard of Educatian, re collegiate institut~ and
technical school open to. caunty. pupils. - Referred to Educatio.n
FraHl Ingersoll Collegiate Institute, with 1922 accaltnt. - Referreq.
to. Education Committee.
Fram J. A. .Taylar, with repart an continuation and high schaols.-
Referred, to. Education Committee. '
Elgin Caunty Comicil
Fram County Clerk, Stratford, re amendment
Referred to. Petitians and Legislation Cammittee.
to. School' Act. -
From Pellin,sula~' W:interFair,.Chatl:ulm, re appointment of'directo'rs.
......,... -Referred to. Finance Cammittee.
FrOm Caunty Clerk, ~tratford, re intraductio.n of hydro in, villages.
~ Referre~, to 'Petitions and Legislatio.n Committee.
roads and
Deputy Minister, of Highways, re _designatian
expenditures far maintenance in villages.
Fram Workmen's Compensation Baard, re Co.unty transfer to.
Schedule 2.,..,------- Referred to. Finance Cammittee.
From CauntyClerk, Whitby, re amendment Public Schools Act;-
Referred to.' Petitians and Legisladoll Committee.
Moved by -G. F. \iVilliams,
~ecol1ded- byO.. McKinney:'
That a deputation from Vienna be heard. at :3 p.m. Thursday next,
re gaod roacW on the third can cession of Bayham to Vienna.
- Carried.
Moved by D. Stratton,
Secanded by H. L. Gadwin:
That delegfltion from Port
Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'dock.
Burwell, re county roads, be heard
..:-., Carried.
Moved by J. F. McGregor,
Seconded h}: D. K.' Andrew:
That deputation fratn Peninsular \iVinter Fair be heard at 2: 3Q
- Carried.
Elgin County 'Council
Moved by O. McKinney,
Seconded by, G. Williams:
That the COllncil adjourn, to meet to~morrowat;10 a.m.
- Carried.
Wednesday, June 6th, 1923
The Elgin County Council met this day, according to adjournment.
All the members present.
Procc~dings of the previous day were read and confirmed.
The following communications were read:
From J. C. Smith, Inspector, re cost of continuation and high
schools. - Referred to Education Committee.
From Jas. A. Bell, County Engineer, with report. ~'Referred to
Public Improvements Committee.
O. McKir:ine~! Reeve, inquired re Stalter Bridge work.
Moved by'Wm. M. Anderson,
Seconded by J. R. Teeple:
That the County Council visit the Robins and Gilett's Bridges this'
afternoon"leC).ving Grand Central at 1 o'clock.
- Carried.
.Moved by \\.rm. Patton,
Seconded by A. .Crawford:
That a deputation re Dutt9n High School be heard Thursday, at
3:30 p.m.
::.-... Carried.
Elgin County Counci1
M~ved by A. Barons,
Seconded by J. A. Moore:
That a by-law, be passed to amend By-Law No. 1008, designating
county roads in Springfield, by striking out- clause four in reference to
grant under section 19, Ontario Highways -Act, 1915.
- Carried.
Moved .by J.A. Moore,
Seconded by H. L. Godwin:
That this Council do now adjourn, to meet at 10 a.m. to-morrow,
to allow committees to meet.
- Carried.
Thursday, June 7th, 1923
The Elgin County Coul1'cil met this day, accordjl1~, to adjournment.
The Warden in the chair.
All,the m~mbers present except MT. McLean.
Proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed.
Mr. McGregor presented the report of the County' Roads Commit-
It was, on motion, referred to Committee of the\Vholc, with Mr.
in the chair. After considering the report, clattse by clause,
Committee arose and the I report was adopted without amendment,
motion of Mr. Fuller, seconded by Mr:' McGregor.
Elgin County Council
Moved by V\'. Anderson,
Seconded by F. Carr:
That -this Council adjourn, to meet at 2 o'clock.
-:. Carried.
The Coun<;i1 Resumed
A deputatiol1COllsisting of Messrs. Attridge, Reek, Brown, and.
B'llchanal1 then addressed the Council, making application for grant for
Peninsular Winter Fair, to be held inChath"am.' The application was
referq::d by the Warden to the Finance Committee.
A deputation consisting of Messrs. Backus, VanOrder, Poustie; and
Prong then addressed the Council, requesting the designation of a,
county road east of Port -Burwell. They WCt'C followed by a depu-
tation from Vicnna, consisting. of Messrs. Clutton, Marshall, Hazen,
Neilson, McLung, and Hetherington, requesting that no' change be
made in present designation of county road, east of Vienna.
Moved by N. E. Burton,
Seconded By O. McKillney:
That "the designation of the county good road, in the Township 9f
Bayham, east of Port Burwell and Vicnna, be left with the Good Roads
COl'11111ittee and the County Commissioner, Mr. G. Pineo, with power
to act.
- Carried.
Mov;ed by O. McKinney,
Secol1dcd by' Dr. G. .H. Jackson:
That all tenders, specifications! contracts and agreements, pay
sheets and communications, 'and legal advice, re the Stalter Bridge, he
. submitted to this Council to-morrow at 10: 30 a.m., and Engineer Bell
and G. F. Pineo be asked to attend.
- Carried.
ElginCoul1ty . C01H1cil
Moved by J. F.McGtegor,
Seconded by J. A. Fuller:
That this Council do ilOW adjouhl, to meet at 10 a.m. to-niorrow.
- Carried.
Friday, Junc 8th, 1923.
The Elgin County Council met 'this day at the Court House"
according to adjournment.
The 'vVarden in the chair.
.All the _ memb,ers present.
The proceedings of the previous day were read <!-nd confirmed;
Messrs. I Hollingshead and Mitton, representing the' Dutton High
School Board, made application for consideration on grant of expendi-
tures for permanent improvement during 1922. The Warden referred
the matter to the Education Committee.
Messrs; Coyne, Murch; ,and Andrews. then addressed the Conncil
to publication of the his.toricaJmanuscript prep~red by the
Ermatinger. The Warden referred the application to the
E. A. Horton ac1dr'essed the Council in reference to the
Hospital being erected in St. Thomas, making applicatio'n for
towards .the construction of the building or its memorial features.
Warden referred the matter to the Finance Committee.
Elgin County Council
Moved by, O. McKinney,
Seconded. by D. Stratton:
That this Council do now adjourn, to meet at2 p.m. to~day.
The Council Resumed
Mr. Bell gave explanation in reference to Stalter Bridge work.
I '
The r~l)ort of the Public "Improvements Committee was presented
anclrcfcrrcd toaCommittee of'- the Whole,. with Mr. ,Williams in the
chair. After taking up the report clause by clause, it was adopted
. witl~out amendment, on motion of Williams, seconded - by Anderson.
. The report of the Fil1anct'; Committee was presented, ai)d adopted
Oil fnotion of O. McKinney, seconded by A. J. McIntyre.
The report of the Gaol Committee was presented, and adopted 011
motion of Godwin, seconded by Anderson.
The rCf>ort of the Education Committee was presented and referred
to a Committee of the \\Thole, .with Mr.Burton in the chair. After
amending the report, the Committee arose, and it was adopted as
Moved by J. R. Teeple,
Seconded by R. B. McKenney:
That Alexander Anderson be re-appointed a member of the St.
Thomas Suburban Area' Com~ission.
- Carried.
Moved by Jas. A. Fuller,
Seconded by, D. K. Andrew:
That a by-law, be passed at this session of,the c.ounty Council for
a grant of five thousand dbllars ($5,000.00) to the Village or West.
Elgin County Council
Lome, the money to be -expended on connecting links of Elgin county
roads under the provisions of The Highway Improvenlent Act and in
conformity with an agreement betw.een the County of Elgin and th~
Village,of'West Lome relating,to same.
In amendment"'--
Moved by W. Anderson,
Seconded by R. B. McKenney:
That the request afMr. Fuller re five thousand' dollar ($5,000.00)
grant be referred to the Good Road Committee, to report at this
Main 111otion lost, amendment 'car.riecI.
Mov.ed by D. Stratton,
Secpnded by H. Godwin:
That S. S. Macdermand and D. A. McNabb be re-appointed mem-
bers of the Mothers' Allowances Commission.
- Carried.
Mov"ed.by J. R.Teeple,
Seconded by R. B. McKenney:
That the' \Varden, Clerk, and Chairman of thp Roads Committee be
delegat~s to Canadian Good, Roads Association which meets in Hamil-
ton next week.
- Carried.
Mr. Patton gave notice of, applicatiollfor grant to Horticultural
Societies in the County.
Moved, by H;.L. Godwin,
Seconded by J. A. Moore:
That this Council adjourn, to meet to-morrow, at nine o'clock.
- Carried.
~lgin COll1~ty Council
Saturday, June 9Jh, lD23
The Elgin. County Council met this day, in accordanc~ with
The ,Wftrden in the chaiL
All the rilcmbers' present.
Proceedings of the previous day were 'read and confirmed.
ML Burton inquir'ed re appointment of Engineer as, Road Superin-
tendent, and was informed that if a new appointment was made, the
Act required an engineer.
Moved by O. McKinney,
Seconded by G. F. Williams:
That the. county equalization for lD23 be the same as last year.
In amendment--
Moved by J. A. Moore,
Seconded by D. Stratton:
That theeql1alization of the Township of South Dorchester be
reduced to amount reported by the County Valuators, $2,367,377, being
a reduction of $38,82'1 from amount fixed last year.
Main motion carried, amendment lost.
The Finan.ce Committee presented their second report, v;,hich was
referred to:Coml11ittee of the Whole, with Mr. Barons in the chair. After
,'amell:din'g the report, the Cdmmittee arose and it was adopted as
~mended on motion of A. Barons, sec~nded by J. R. Teeple.
Elgin County. Council
The report of the Petitions
sented, and adopted on motion
G. Jackson.
and Legislation Committee was
of O. MG:Kinney, seconded by
The r:eport of the Education Committee Was preSented, and adopted
on motion ofW. 'Patton, seconded by J. F. McGregor.
Moved by W. H. Ashton,
Seconded by R. B. McKenney: .
That this Council do now adjourn, to m,eet at 2 o'clock this
---'- Carried.
The Council Resumed
A communication from Northern Fire, Relicf Committee was read.
J'he third report of the Finance Committee was presented and
referred to Committee of the \iVhole, with O. McKinney in the' chair.
After considering the'report clause by clause, the Committee arose and
the report was adopted without amendment.
Moved by Dr. G. Jackson,
Seconded by O. McKinney-:
That cqmmunications
mittee be filed.
from Northern Ontario Fire Relief CO:U1-
Moved by J. A. McLean,
Seconded - by VV. Patton:
That the ).1sual grant of twenty-five per cent. of Government grant
made to _ the Horticultural Societies of the County.
- Carried.
Elgin County Council
Moved by W. H. Ashton,
Seconded by O. McKinney:
That the cost' of the Stalter Gulley Bridge; towards which the
Township of Malahiclc is requested to contribute, be, and is hereby,
fixed at $42,177, itl view of the difficulties and increased cost connected
with the cOl:upletion of the work.
The second report of the CO,unty Roads Committee was presented
arid referred to Committee of the Whole, with Mr. Teeple in the chair.
After considering the report clause by clause, and amending it, the
Committee arose 'and the report, as amended, was adopted, on motion
of J. R. Teeple, seconded by Dl'. G. H. Jackson.
Moved by J. A. McLean,
Seconded by J. A. Fuller:
That a grant of two hundred dollars be appropriated to encourage
the inter~cot1nty competition in annual tug-of-war, mid that the reeves
of the various, inunicipalities be a committee to direct the competition.
-,- Carried.
Moved by W. 'E. Ashton,
Seconded by R. 'B. M'cKenney:
That. By-Law No 1021, to appoint an Assistant County Engineer,
be received and read a first time. '
-,- Carried.
Moved by R. B. McKenney,
Seconded by J. R. 'I,eepIe:
That -By-Law .No. 1021 be read a second time.
.......,... Carried.
Moved by G. H. Jackson,
Seconded by \V. H. Ashton:
That By-Law No. 1021 be read a third time, and fin~l1y passed.
- Carried.
Elgin County, Council
Moved by A. ]. McIntyre,
Seconded by N. E. Burton:
That By-L~ No. 1022, to authorize the Warden
borrow $250,000, be received and read a first time.
and Treasurer to
Moved by A. ]. McIntyre,
- Carried.
Seconded by J. A. lvIcLeal1:
That By-Law No. 1022 be read a second time;
Moved by A. J. McIntyre,
- Carried.
Seconded by G. ,F. ,Williams:
That By-Law No. 1022 be read a third time, and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by G. H. ] ackson,
Seconded byW. H. Ashton:
That By-Law No. 1023, to make grants to villages and town, be
teceived and read a first time.
Moved by W. ,H. Ashton,
- Carried.
Seconded by G. H. ] a'ckson:
That By-Law No. 1023 be read a second time.
Moved by R. B.McKenney,
- Carried. ,
Seconded by Vi. H. Ashton:
That By-Law No. 1023 be read a third time, 'and finally passed.
- Carried.
Elgin County Council'
Moved.. by D. Stratton,
Seconded hy H. Godwin:
That By-La,v No. 1024, to give County Road Superintendent
authority under "Th.e Highway -Obstructions Removal Act, 1920," be
received and read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved- by D. Stratton,
Seconded by G. F. Vlilliams:
That By-Law No. 1024 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by H. Godwin,
Seconded by D. Stratton:
That By-Law No. 1024 be read a third time, and. finally- passed.
- Carried.
Moved by A. Barons,
Secollded by J. A. Moore:
That By-Law No. 1025, to designate county roads in Springfield,
be received-and read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by J. A. Moore,
Seconded by A. BarOl1S:
That By::'Law No. 1025 be read, a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by A. Barons,
Seconded by J., A. Moore:
ThaFBy-Law No. 1025 be read. a third time, and finally 'passed.
- Carried.
ElginCoullty Council
Moved by]. A. Fuller,
Seconded by A. Crawford:
That By-Law No. 1026, to assess Township of Malahide for thirty
per cent. of cost of Stalter BrIdge, be received and read a first time.
Moved by A. Crawford,
- Carried:
Seconded by' J. A. F'uller':
That By-La,v No. 1026 be l:cad a second time.
Moved by J. A. Fuller,
---'- Carried.
Seconded by A.Crawford:
That By-Law No. 1026 be read a third time, and finally passed.
The yeas and. nays being called for, were taken dowllas follows:
Yeas--:-J. F. McGregor, D. K. 'Andrew, Jas. A. Fuller, A. Craw-
ford, A.]. McIntyre, J. A. McLean, H. L. Godwin, J. A. Moore, F.
Carr,Wm. M. Allderson, J. R. Teeple, G. H. ]ackson-12.
Nays - Wm. H. Ashton, O. McKiimey, R. B. McKenney, A.
Barons, D. Stratton - 5.
Moved by]. R. Teeple,
Seconded by F. Carr:
That By-Law No. 1027, to appoint a member of the St. Thomas
Area COl11mission, be re'ceived and read a first time.
- Carried.
Elgin County Council
Moved by F. Carr,
Seconded by J. R. Teeple:
That By-Law No. 1027 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by J. R. Teeple,
Seconded by, F. Carr:
That By-Law No. 1027 be read a third time, and finally passed;
- Carried.
Moved by A.' Crawford,
Seconded 'by W. Patton:
That ByLaw No. 1028, to raise amounts for county rates, be
received and read a fii"st time.
- Carried.
Moved by A. Crawford,
Seconded by W. Patton:
That By-Law No. 1028 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by J. A. Fuller,
Seconded' by A. Crawford:
That By-Law No. 1928 be read a third time, and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by D. K. Andrew,
Seconded by J. A. Fuller:
That' By-Law No. 1029, to confirm equalization o( assessment rolls,
be received and read a first time.
- Carried.
Elgin County Council
Moved by D. K. Andrew,
Seconded by Wm. Patton:
That By..:Law"No. 1029 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by D. K, Andrew,
Seconded by A. Crawford:
That By-Law No. 1029 be read a third time, and' finally passed.
- Carried.
.Moved by J. R. Teeple,
Seconded by R. B. MoKenney:
That this Council do now adjourn, to meet Tuesday, November
27th, 1923.
- Carried.
Tuesday, November 27th, 1923.
The Elgin County Council - met this ,day at the Court House, St.
in accordance with adjournment.
The 'Varden in the chair.
All theniembers prel'jent.
The Warden addressed the Council as follows:
Elgin County Council
"To the Elgin County Council:
"Gentlemen, -
"In commencing the closing session for the year, I desire to say
that the business of the Council is in a very satisfactory condition. All
works of impjortancc' have heen completed, including the Stalter Gully
Bridge, the total cost of v.,rhich was $54,552.37. In addition to this there
is a disputed account of the Dominion Bridge Company arnounting to
$21500.00 whkh we referred. to the Solicitor, who advises that the
COt111ty is not liable.
"The work 011 county roads is well advanced, the cxperiditures being
within the estimates.
House/of Industry
"The House of Industry. is 110t as popular as it has' been in former
years, the number of inmates, twenty-six, being less than at any time
,since the institution was opened. Only seven inmates were admitted
dtning the year. The number of deaths, sixteen, during the year, was
the largest on record, old age in most cases being the cause. If this
condition' of affairs continues, it may be advisable for the County to
ascertain if arrangemellts could not be made for the care of some of the'
poor for which the City of St. Thotnas is now responsible.
"The County has received value for'their insurance againsbpayment
of damages caused by accidents on county roads. During the year
five claims, aggregating several thousand clollars, have been referred to
the insllrance company, one of the largest being sllccessfully disputed
in London Courts last week.
~~The Workmen's Compensation Board, which prott':cts the Colt1ity
from all liability for injuries to the large, number of men emplClyed in
county road and gravel pit work, has settled all claims promptly. Vfhile
these were not large,it is a source of satisfaction to know that the
County does not have to provide for damages due to serious accidents
which sometimes occur, which, under the present law, would be large
if an employee were killed or permanently disabled.
Elgin County Council
World Conditions
"The state of unrest of the world generally is evidenced in the
negotiations for the settlement - of rpattersin Europe and elsewhere.,
The result of elections now being held in England will be epoch mark-
ing. The large number of people out of employment in that country,
who are being maintained by the State, would appear to require a
change in the free_ trade policy which has been popular fo.r so
many years.
"Canada is ptobably as well, if hot better, situated than any other
country. The economical administration of public affairs for a few
years wi1I remove. all condition,s due to the war. In Ontario, the
change of Government will be beneficial if it has no other result than
to direct attention to the large expendituces for highway improvement
which should have been spread over a term of years. This expense,
added to the cost ,of education generally, is ,the present cause of mllch
high taxat.ion, which. is burdensome o"\ving to price conditions in
agricultural districts. We can, however, congratulate ourselves on
conditions. generally throughout the County, and express the hope that
the present hard tihles will but be. an incentive. to greater effort and
production. This, -with an increase in immigration farm labor, will
assist in bril1gil1g about a change to normal conditions in Canada and
the world.
"The St. Thomas Memorial Hospital is under construction, and
there ,is every evidence, that the people of the City are behind the
project. The people. of the County will derive material benefit by
having an up-te-date hospital in their midst, and should contribute, if
~ot to the hospital, to its memorial features, which will ,be applicable to
the County an'd City alike. The movement for building a hospital in
Aylmer was not successful, and I woulq recommend that the grant of
for that purpose be rescinded and transferred to the St. Thomas
institution, together with sllch additional amOllnt as the Council ;nay
decide 011."
Proceedings of the last day of the June session were read and
The following communications were read:
Elgin County Council
From Grand Jury, with presentment. - Filed;
From D~part111ent of ,Agriculture, Chatham, re Peninsular Winter
Fair Association. - Referred to Finance Committee.
From Order'-in-Coul1cil, re Springfield roads. - Referred to Co.unty
Road 'Committee.
From County Clerk, Chatham, re railway crossings. - Referred to
Petitio.ns and, Legislation Committee.
From Western University, London,. re election of Senate. - Re-
ferred to Education Committee.
From Physician, House of Industry, with ann.uat report. - Referred
to House of Industry Committee. .
From Department of Highways,. with detail of provinc.ial highway
account, 1922. - Referred to Finance Committee.
From J. C. Smith, Inspector of Public Schools, with annual report.
- Referred to Education Committee.
From J. A. Bell, County Engineer, with report. - Referred to
Publice Improvements Committee.
Moved by D. K. Andrew,
Seconded by J. F. McGregor:
That this Council do now adjourn, to meet at 10 a.m. to-morrow.
- Carried.
Elgin County Council
Wednesday, N ovemb'er 28th, 1923.
The Elgill County Council met this day, in accordance with
The Wardell' in the chair.
All' the members pl-esent.
'Proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed.
The COUllty Treasurer's report was presented and referred to the
Finance Committee.
Mr. Burton. inquired in reference to special statement of road
expenditure and' rate of wages paid for work on county roads.
Dr. Jackson inql.1ired if it was the intention of the Committee to
keep ~oad No. 23 clear of snow.
Moved by D. K. Andrew,
~econded by' J. F. McGregor:
That this Co'Uncil do now adjourn, to meet at 2 o'clock.
- Carried.
The C(;'luncH resumed at a late hour, owing to meeting of Committee.
Moved by A.. J. McIntyre,
Secollded by N. E .Burton:
That this' Council do now adjourn, to 'meet at 10 a.m~ Thursday.
-, Carried.
Elgin County Council
Thursday, November 29th, 1923.
The Elgin County Council met this day, in accordance with
The Warden in the chair.
All the members present.
Proceedings of the previous day ,vcre read and confirmed.
'The l:eport of the Inspector of the House of Industry was pre-
sented and l"efcrred to the House of 11ldustryCommittee.
The report of the Public Improvements Committee was presented
and adopted on 111otio11 of W. M. Anderson, seconded by R. B.
Moved by G. F~ Williams,
Se~onded by O. McKinney:
That the County Roads Committee beil1structed to determine what
street in the Village of Vienna should be designated for improvement
as extension or connecting link of County Road No. 53.
.- Carried.
Moved by J. F. McGregor,
Seconded by J. A. Fuller:
That the grants to the poultry and corn shows be the same as last
year:' Elgin Coni Show, Rodney, $200; St. Thomas, $100; Aylmer,
- Carried,
Elgin County Council
Moved by J. R. T.eeple,
Seconded by R. R McKenney:
That this 'Council do now adjourn until to-morrow, 'at 10 a.m.
- Carried.
Friday, November 30th, 1923
The Elgin County Council met this day, in accordance with
The Warden in the chaii'.
All the members present.
Proceedings of th; previous day were read and confirmed.
Messrs. Stutchburg and McIntyre addressed the Council in refer-
ence to sale of Alberta coal in Ontario.
The report ot" the County Road's Committee was presented, and
ad~Pted on motion of J. F. McGregor, seconciedby J. A. Moore.
The report of the Special Hospital Gralit Committee was presented
to Committee of the Whole, the '\tVarden retaining the chair.
consideration, the Committee arose. The motion to adopt the
'yas defeated on the following division;
Yeas -:---- Dr. Jackson, J. R. Teeple, \y. M. Anderson, F. Carr, D.
G.F. Williams, A. J. McIntyre, N. E. Burton, J. A. McLean,
Dromg61e - 10.
Nays - J. F. McGregor, D. K. 'Andrew, J. A. Fuller, A. Crawford,
Elgin County Council
W; Patton, O. 'McKinney, H, Godwin, J. A. Moore, A. Barons, iR.
M'cI<:cllney - 10.
Moved by. J. F. McGregor,
Seconded by J. A. Fuller:
That this Council petition the Premiers of Canada and the Province
to use their best cndeavol::s to obtain freight rates and other concessions
that will enable the coal operators of the Province of Alberta to sell
their product in Ontario in competition with anthracite coal from mines
situated in the United.: States. '
- Carrieu.
Moved byW. Anderson,
Seconded by F. Carr:
That this Council do now adjourn till 2, o1clock this afternoon.
- Carried,
The Council Resumed
The report of the Gaol Committee was presented, and adopted on
motion Of H. Godwin, seconded by R. B. McKenney.,
The report of the House of Industry Committee was presented,.and
adopted on motion of N. E. Burton, seconded by J. A. McLean.
The report of the Educatiori 'Committee was presented and referred
to Committee of the \Nhole, with Mr. McGregor in the chair. After
consideration, the Committee arose an:dthe report was referred back ,to
the Committee.
Moved by' O. McKinney,
Seconded by J. A. Fuller:
That we petition' the Provincial Legislature to repeal all legislation
and 'decisions of the Referee or Gas Board, so that the l~rices chargeable
Elgi}l County Council
will be those determined, by agreements 'originally entered into by the
gas companies and municipalities.
- Carried.
Moved by 'A. Barons,
Seconded by H. L. Godwin:
That this County COl1ncilmemorialize the present Government,
asking, them to assume the twenty per cent. cost of the provincial
highway now paid by the counties.
- Carded.
Hoved by D. M. Andrew,
Secondedhy' J. f. McGregor:
That the -Treasurer' be instructed to have two hundred copies of
detailed report of expenditure on roads printed.
Moved, by .f:.,. C;rawford,
Seconded 'by J. A. Fuller:
That we do now adjouni till 10 a.m. to-morrow.
- Carried.
Satttrclay, December 1st, '1923.
The Elgin County Council met this day. in accordance with
adjournment. .
The 'Warden in the €hair. .~
All, the members present.
Elgin County CQuncil
Proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed.
Mr. Burton inquired re county road wages, and Mr. Pineo gave
the necessary.information.
The report of the Finance 'Committee was presented, and adopted
on motion of J. A. McLean, seconded by J. A. Moore.
The report of the Education Committee was presented, and adopted
.on motion of Wm. Patton, seconded by J.F. McGregor.
Moved by R. B. McKenney,
Seconded by A. Barons:
That a by-law be passed to aSSlt1nC Water Street, in the u~lincorpo-
rated 'village of Port Bruce, as a county road.
Moved by G. F. Williams,
. Seconded by D.Stratton:
That the Minister of Highways be requcstedto designate the
. county road through the Village of Vienna as ,a -provincial-county road, .
being a connecting ~link in Road No. 44,which is now so designated.
~ Carried.
Moved by O. McKinney,
Seconded by G. H. Jackson:
That we co-operate with the County of Kent in petitioning the
Dominion ,Railway _ Board to amend - its regul~tions with regard to rail~
way crossings, so that the planking between rails and _ the approaches
on each side of railways crossing county highways, county-provincial,
and provinCial highways, shall be required to be twenty-four feet wide
instead of sixteen feet.
- Carried
Elgin County Council
Moved ,by J, R Teeple,
_ Seconded by A. J. M.cIntyre:
ThaC the Warden and Messrs. McLean and Stratton be a special
committee to confer with the St. Thomas Memorial Hospital Board in
reference to County tablets and other memorial features to be included
, therein, said committee to have power to act alid expeXld an amount: not
exceeding $5,000.00.
Carried, the Yeas and Nays being as follows:
Yeas-A.]. McIntyre, G., F. Williams, A. Barons, F. Carr,' W.
Anderson, ]. R Teeple, G. Jackson, H. Dromgole, D. Stratton, N.
Burt011, ].A.M00re--1I.
Nays-J.'F. McGregor, D. K. Alldre\v, J. A. Fuller, A. Crawford,
W. Patton, RE. McKenney, H. Godwin, O. McKinney, J. A. McLean
M9ved byW .Anderson,
Seconded by: F. Carr:
That By-Law No. 1030, to defer tax sale, he received and read a
Moved by F. Carr,
Seconded byW.- Anderson:
That By-Law No. 1030,be read a second time,
- Carried.
Moved by W. Anderson,
Se~onded by F.Carr:
That By-Law No. 1030 be rea..~ a third time, and finally passed.
- Carried.
Elgin County Council
Moved by. A. J. McIntyre,
Seconded by N. E. Burton,:
1031, to amend By-Law No. 1023, be received,
That By-Law No.
and read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved b~ A. J. McIntyre,
Seconded by N. E. Burton:
That By-Law No. 10Bl 'be read a -second time.
- Carried.
Moved by A. J. McIntyre,
Seconded by N. E. ,Burton:
That By-Law No. 1031 be read a third time, and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by W m. Patton,
Secol;J.ded by A. Crawford:
That By-Law No.
read'. a first time.
1032, to make grants to schools, be received and
- Carried.
Moved by J. F. McGregor,
Secopded by D. K. Andrew:
That By-Law No. 1032 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by J. A Fulle!',
Seconded by A. Crawford:
1~hat By-Law No. 1032 be read a third time, and finally passed.
- Carried.
Elgin County Council
Moved by R.B. McKenney,
Seconded by J. R. Teeple:
That By-Law No. 1033, to assume 'Vater Street, in Port Bruce, be
received and read a first time.
- Carried.
Movea by R. B. McKenney,
Seconded by G. H. Jackson:
That By-Law No. 1033 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by-'R. B. McKenney,.
Seconded by VI. Anderson ~
That By-Law No. 1033 be read a third time, and finally passed.
Moved by A. Barons,
- Carried.
Seconded by J._ A. Moore:
That the Cou-uty Clerk's name be added to the Memorial Hospital
Moved by A. Barons,
..,-- Carried.
Seconded' by J., A:"'McLeall:
That the Times-Journal repbrtcr be paid the usual grant of $15.00
the efficient way he has reported the proceedings of this Council
past year.'
- Carried.
Elgin County Council
Elgin County Council
Moved by J., A. Fuller,
Seconded by J. F. McGregor:
That the thanks of this Council be tendered to the Warden, and
tpat the usual grant of one hundred dollars be paid to him.
Gaol Committee
Harry L. Godwin, Chairman
Messrs. R. B. McKenney andW. M. Anderson
Public Improvements Committee
Wm. Anderson, Chairman
Messrs. D. K~ Andrew, A. Crawford, N. E. Burton, R. B. McKenney,
H. L. Godwin, A. Barons, G. J acksoll, and ]. A. Fuller
House of Industry Committee
N. E. Burton, Chairman
Messrs. F. Carr and J. A. McI,.ean
Finance Committee
Jas. A.McLean, Chairman
,Messrs. J. F. McGregor., A. J. McIntyre, J. R. Teeple, W. Ashton,
D. Stratton,]. A. Moore, O. McKinney, G. F. Williams, A. Barons,
G. Jackson, .W. Patton, and J. A. Fuller
Education Committee
Vlm. Patton, Chairman
M-essrs. N. E. Burton, F. Carr, R. B., McKenney, H. L. Godwin,
G. F. \Villiams, A. Barons, J. A. McLean, J. A. Fuller;
and J. F. McGregor
Pet~tions and Legislation Committee
0:- McKinvey, Chairman
Messrs. G. Jackson, W., Ashton, and W. Patton
County' Roads Committee
J. F. McGregor, Chairman
Messrs.A. J. McIntyre, J. R. Teeple, W. Ashton, D. Stratton,
and J. A. Moore
Legal Committee
A~ J. McIntyre, Chairman
Messrs. J. R. Teeple, J. A. -Moore, and G. Jackson
Warden is, ex officio, a member of all Standing Committees)
- Carried.
Moved by J. F. McGregor,
Seconded by D. K. Andrew.:
That this Council do now adjourn, sine die.
- Carried.
Elgin County Council
January Session
To the \;\/arden and Members of the Municipal Corporation of Elgin:
Gentlemen, -
I have the honour of presenting the following report on the . public
schools under my charge during :1.922:
In these schools and departments 110 teachers were employed, and -
in them 110 fewer. than 4,488 pupils were accomniodated, the average
attendance' being 3,352. From the statistics submitted you will see that
it cost to educate these children, no less an' amoU11t than $269,227. This
is, a large stun of money. No objection can or will be raised to the
expenditure of money for "legitimate educational purposes provided
adequate value is received. Education is expensive, but illiteracy is ten
times more -expensive. To prevent the latter' and give every child a
nccessary amount of the former, the' School Attendance Acts were
placed on the statute books. Despite these laws, despite the handicap
that comes froin adult illiteracy, despite cvery effort of officials charged
with the responsibility of enforcing school attendance, despite the
inalienable right of every' child to an education, despite thc faGt that
.education iS,the torch-bearer of civilization, yet.out of an enrollment of
4,488 the average attendance was only 3,352. This means no less a
sum than $67,306 was worse than wasted, and yet complaints are daily
made of ' school expenditure by parents who, without cause, consciously
or unconsciously stand in the way of the progress of not only their own
children, but also that of their n.eighbors. When will intelligent pare.nts
realize that in the hollow of their hands lies the efficiency or inefficiency
of the best and most highly organized schools in their community? In
too many sections the school plant does not function to more than
sevcnty per cent. of its capacity.
Financial Statement
Balance from 1921...____..__________......____._.___.____$ 30186 79
Municipal grants......__..........__..n..______........,--.. 175051 02
Legislative grants.____.........____......____..__.......... 18361 26
Local Levy___..,......___.........'___.......__.........___...... 35013 26
Other sources..__................__...___...m,....--..---.... ,,,41095 09
$299707 42
Elgin. County Council
Teachers' salaries......_________.......__.__....._______._.$174205 47
;:lites, buildings, etc.....__..........___,..____.........___
Libraries .______.... ._____...'.'"!:.____............,.........____.....
Balance: on hand.._____...._________...______.....
The totalllumber of pupils enrolled was
2,202. The average attendance was 3,352.
Rodney Continuation School
.Balance on hand, for HI21.......____.........___.___.$
Government 'granL......__..___....___....................
County' granL___...____n............__....__.....___.
Trustee levy.______.......__.............__...__..u............_
Debent.ures. .
Ex. fees.. .........___.....__..__..~
Teachers' salaries.......__....___.___......______......__...$
Rent, fu.rnaces, etc........__...m...................m__
Caretaker ..
"-Fuel expenses.____.......____.._.....____.........
West Lorne Continuation School
Banace on ~and, 1921.._._____............_...._..._____$
Government grant, 1922..__........._____....._.......
County granL.........m.......______....___..._............_
Trustee levy.:......__..__ .......__.._........__....._...______
E~an1. fees.._______.,...___..._..______..___ ...________......_..
Teachers'. salaries~.....__..__........h..__......._____..._$
Repairs u____....,..,..__...__.............__'__.,;.....____.._......._.
27660 69
10'450 33
11503 53
45407 58
30479 82
$299707 42
4,488: boys,' 2,286; girls,
615 26
899 10
2247 75
1000 00
460 00
118 13
3080 00
880' 35
460 00
120 00
597 75
202 14
531:0 24
5340 24
851 25
2219 82
1131 18
:1.05 28
3150 00
157 00
4307 53
Elgin County Coullcil
Library, maps, etcn..mm..........nnmmnnn....
Sundry expenses......n......mmnn:~:m;_.,..
278 38
125 00
597 15
$ 4307 53
New Schools
,Since my last, report, two new schools have been conlpleted and
occupied for schoo~ purposes. Union School Section No.4, recently
formed from,s. S. 9, Aldborough, and U. S. S. 3,Aldborough and Dun-
wich, opened its new school on January 3, 1922: Itis admirably adapted
for the purposes for which 'it was constructed. The school is an
up-to-date building, equipped with the necessary accommodations and
sufficiently. spacious for thc needs of the present section. In heating,
ventilation, lighting, seating, and blackboard provision it is all that can
be desired. It is greatly to be regretted that the Kranstine system was
not established while the school was undergoing construction, to sup:-
plant the outdoor closet.
The ratepayers of School Section No. 16, Dunwich, showed com-
mendable judgment in replacing their old building, wuich was threatened
with collapse, with a new white brick structure. It is equipped with
Moulthrop movable desks, slate blackboards, te,acher's room, cap-rooms,
but lacks a modern system of ventilation. This could' and should have
been installed before the building was .completed. Like the school
described above, the Kranstine system should have becn installed. Tl:1is
could have bee ndonc relatively cheap, as a new closet had to be built.
In extent the site is considerably smaller than what the Regula;fions
prescribe. The gl'ounds should be enlarged by at least an acre. Such
enlargemelit is imperative if suitable drinking water is to be provided.
The present well water is useless, being made acidic and tasty by the
roots of adjacent spruce trees. W'ith enlargement, attention, and care,
the school yard with its school will become an ornament and credit to
the section. One views with mingled feelings of pleasure and regret
the multiplication of new schools - p.leasure at the improved accommo-
dations 'and added facilities for acquiring an education, and, regret that
every new school postpones decisively and indefinitely the general
adoption of consolidated schools.
advances and the standards
As civilization
of ,human, comfort are
Elgin County Council
raised, some of the accommodations provided seem' to belong to a
remote past. Here and there a few old desks still survive, relics of <:1
bygone civilization. They would more fittingly grace a place in the
cabinets of the curious or,in a museum of antiquities than in a mOdC1]l
classroom. Frequently neglected are many of the closets. Perhaps of
aU of the a'ccommodations, the least improvement is noticeable in these
uninviting and strangely neglected places. Few are the. janitors whose
clutiesinclude ,the care and supervision of these buildings. The only
satisfactory substitutes so far developed are the septic tanks and the
Kranstine system. These work adniirablywherever installed. The
difficulty experienced in many sections of securing a suitable and
adequ,ate supply of drinking water makes' septic tanks impossible. To
the scarcity of water is added, in winter, the danger of the tanks and
closet bowls freezing. No such objections apply to the Kranstine system.
The cost, w'hich is not prohibitive, should 110t be a bar to its installation,
The health, cleanliness, refinement, convenience, moral influence, habits,
comfort,-'and physical ,,,.,'ell-being of the children is the highest law.
Supplementary Reading
In few schools, u'rban or rural, is there provided an adequate supply
of reading matetial. In rural one-teacher schools particularly, the study
periods are numerQusandthe class periods infrequent and short. Con-
sequently a greatarnount of profitable time is' lost where suitable library
,books are not at-the,disposa1 of all the pupils. One of the paramount
duties of the school is to beget in the mind of the child a desire for,
reading good': cha.ste books. Of greater moment is what a child does
in its lejsur.e m'oments than what it 'does 1'n its occupied ones; Broad-
ened views, widened sympathies, and deepened insights arc the prodttcts
of reading.' A good supply of reading mattcr is a complement. and a
supplement to ,any school, and furnishes the means of education for a
child when its school days are over.
Public Uses of Schools
Primary and ..\3econdary educational facilities are the most expensive
utilities we have. An enormou~ amount 'of capital is invested in
educational buildings. It is a healthy sign when thesebttildings
are used for extra educational purposes. The only additiollalcost of
maintenance is the janitor service and lighting. The meetings held are
for charitable and philanthropic purposes. The school is rapidly
a social centre for literary societies, debating clubs, and
Elgin ,County Council
Elgin County Council
miscellaneous entertain111,ents. These meetings popularize the schools,
decrease the opposition to their maintcllal'lCC, develop a communal and
phlianthropic spirit, and create a love for reading and higher education
tluJt makes for complete citizenship.
'result. The play ground is the theatre of democracy. There are taught
the great lessons which every 'boy 111USt learn if he is to be a success in
life - team play,co-operation, respect for rules,recogl1'ition of leader-
ship, the preferring of honest defeat to dishonest victory, skill through
practice, perseverance, and the' ideals of true sportsmanship.
Hot Lunch at Noon
Traditions die' hard and innovations are plants of slow growth. The
hot lunch problem has been discussed in the home, -by the fireside, at
trustee meetings, and at county co'nventions, btlt the cold lunch stilI
forms the noon~day meal for most rural school children. The cold, dry
lunch is a survival' of pioneer conditions; but pioneer conditions belong
to the past; and modern;1chools should reflect the present. The' func-
tion of the school is the development of strong, intelligent,l~oral citi-
zens, and a cold .noon lunch does not make for the physical development
of a growing child. Mental alertness and physical control are more
easily secured through hot meals than throughl unsatisfying, cold, dry
ones. A wcll~nourished child, other things being: equal, makes rapid
progress, and responds to seld-discipline. The c~oking one hot dish
for the noon-day lunch would be excellent practice for the older girls.
The ,cost of equipment would be negligible.
County School Boards
In my last report I discussed a few of the advantages that would.
come from substituting township boards for the many local school
boards of, three trustees. The advantages that would result from the
township as the administrative unit would apply with, equal, if lIot
greater force where the county is the unit. Permissive kgislation is
already on the statute book to form a county high school district. The
advantages' of a county board are many and obviotls~ There would be
uniform school tax levied over the county. The schools would be
staffed with teachers possessing high academic and professional attain-
ments.. Th'e equipment, accommodations, and sanitary conditions would
be greatly improved, thus equalizing educational opportunity. Consoli-
dated schools' would become a reality, while now their discussion is
0Illy academic. Educational effort would be unified. Length ,of
service and efficiency would determine the promotion of teachers to the
best schools. Improvements, where necessary, would be made rapidly.
All schools of the county would receive immediate attention. Truancy
and irregular at,tendance would be removed from local influence, and
'would be- treated accordingly. The equipment and supplies would be
purchased, not for one school, but for all,' al1d thus there would be a
great financial saving~ Moreover, equipment for the higher classes
would 'be transferred from one school to another as necessity would
Play Grqunds and Play Equipment
One of the products of the -war is the increased attention given to
physical education through spacious play grounds, suitable plays, alid
adequate equipment. The survival of nations, their industrial and
commcrcial efficiency, and thdr progress educationally, depend on their
physical fitnes's. Proper ventilation, dental and medical il1spect"i(m, hot
lunch at noon, cadet training, hygiene teaching, and physical exercises
aim at developing a strong physique. These are, however, all secondary
and at the most supplementary to the natural dcvelopment of a strong,
robust constitution through play. What the rural schools in niy
in$pectoratc lack is not so much, suitable playgrounds as sufficient play
equipmeilt. .The urban schools, on the other hand, with the exception
of'Rodney and "Vest Lome, aloe handicapped fOl"want of suffi,cientplay
ground. Many trustee boards are slow at providing play equipme'nt.
It is as much their duty to provide this as' it is to -provide wood -for
heating the school. Football, baseball, basketball, teeters,- and swings
should be provided whenever necessary. Were this done, pupils would
be healthicr, school discipline, would be improved, truancy would be
1essened, school life would be more attractive, and better progress- would
The Problem of the Sub-Normal Child
A great amount of attention is being given at the present time to
problem of sub-normal children. Many marc sub~norma1s arc
in urban ceniresthan in rural districts, by re,ason of their greater
of population and having a larger foreign element. A variable
is, however, found in rural schools. The question of what is
for :these pupils periJ}exes both teachers and trustee hoards. ' The
academic course is beyond them. They hinder the progress
school and 'consume the teacher's time. From time to time some
in classes with a chronological age of fourteen or older who
Elgin County Council
have a ,mental age or six or seven. Their intelligence quotient would
not exceed. shty. Many urban boards of education establish auxiliary
classes for these unfortunates, where a minimum amount of academic
study alternates with abundance of manual and industrial activities.
The classes are small, composed of not more than fifteen in number, and
are in charge of a specially trained teacher, who makes a careful study
of each pupil, his aptitudes and teildencies, and who selects his academic
work according to his maximum ll1cntal age and his probable adult
el11ploymcl1t. Liberal grants are ,given by the Department for the
mai11tenallce of such classes. The time is not far distant when in every
inspectorate there,will be "found, One or more of these classes supported
by the township, the county, and the Government. It is needless to
add that the consolidated school solves the problem for the housing,
training, and transportation of sub-normal children.
Consolidated SchQols
There has been no change in either sentiment or action regarding
consolidated schools during the year. To. any person who has seen
these schools in operation, this quiescent attitude ,is difficult to under-
stand. Doubtless the explanation lies in the fact that there are n9 such
schools in -Western Ontario, and trustee boards have not had an
opportunity to view them at close range or see them in operation. The
DeparJment of Education strongly recommends consolidation as the
solution of many of the difficulties of 1"11ral schools. Education costs
money. The expense of operating a school is becoming increasingly
heavy, and where the attendance numbers only twelve or fifteen- pupils,
there is a great strain on local and Government. finances. Perhaps it
might not be amiss to repeat what I said last year anent these schools.
Although Elgin County was the first county'in the Province to discuss
consolidated schools, and although their merits and demerits have be'en
advanced at Trustee Associations, Women's. Institutes, and teachers'
conventions for the past ten or twelve years, other than as a means of
education the academic discussion has not -issued in any action' despite
the fact that an excellent opportunity to consolidate three sections. was
afforded. The . uncertainty of the cost alid maintenance, the apparent
loss in scrapping the old schools, the unwillingness ,todisp'ense with the
three trustee system, and the distrust in the feasibility of transportation,
seem the il1supellable objections. The advantages of consolidation, as '
compared with the expensive,- inefficient one-teacher school, need not be
enumerated here. To see is to believe. Once trustees see these schools
in operation, the apparent objections will disappear; Nothing can stop
Elgin County Council
theil' general adoption. The present educational unrest, the Adolescent_
Act, the good roads, the auto bus, the extension. of hydro to rural
districts, and thirst for a higher and more varied education than the
present public school gives, proclaim in stentorian tones the gospel of
cohsolidation. It is safe to say that no other itlspectoratc offers more
ideal conditions for ideal consolidated school than does \Vest Elgin.
Rodney, West Larue, and Dutton are centrally located. The winters
are reiative1y mild, and the roads are good. The van routes would hot
be long. M USlc, agriculture, household science, manual training, and
advanced educational work would ,be furnished. Adolescents would be
given suitable education, Primary children. would be more regular in
attendance ill' winter than they are nowl in summer. The Cost would
be less, the efficiency many times greater, and equal educcitional' oppor-
tunity \vould be a reality. Legislatio"n could be enacted permitting
COUilCils to subsidize consolidated schools as they now do continuation
Musical Instruments and Sing:ing in the Schools
In only hineteen of my schools is there. found anything bearing the
semblance of a musical instrument. Of the nineteen musical instru~
:lllents, only~:very few belong to 'the schools; the greater number are
the property of Sttllday School organizations,. In a few cases enter-
prisingenthusiastic and living teachers purchased organs or pianos for
thei~ schools b}; means of concerts and entertainments. Some three or
four weJ:"e bought by -the board. Few are children that are not inspired
to nobler living and loftier effort by music. Many are the homes in
which musical instruments find no place. Few should be the schools
'in my inspectorate denied the inspiration that comes from the noblest
of arts ;'lnd the, most universally admired. To quote from my last
report re vocal music: Every subject on the curriculum has a strong
educational value, and perhaps 110 subject gets as little attention gener-
ally as ,doesvodl mttsic. It is as necessary in the public schools as
in the Sunday. School. Vocal music is not only pleasurable tochildreh
a counter-irritant to truancy, but it has great value physi'caIly,
spiritually, and intellectually. As an aid to securing ,good
and ,mental concentration, it is invaluable. It refines and
purifies and ennobles, increases the sanctity of the morning
and gives life and tone to the physical exercises. It teaches
life and ideals, and furnishes pleasurable occupation for
hours. The hours for labor are decreasing, while those for
are 'increasing. The leisure hours of the adolescent are most
Elgin County Council
Elgin . County ColtilCiI
important. As a teacher of patriotism, vocal music is not inferior to
history or literature. As' a strengthener of family ties and as an intensi-
fier of the love of home, it has no equal.
To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council:
Yours very sincerely,
Gentlemen, ~
I have the honor to submit. herewith my annual report on the public
schools of East Elgin for the school year of 1921;-,22, with the statistics
for the years 1921. and 1922.
Schools and Teachers
In'the school year of 1921-22 there were lOG teachers employed, of
whom 15 were male and Dl female teachers. There were eleven first-
class certificates, . ninety second-class certificates, one third-class certifi-
cate, two temporary certificates, and two kindergarten certificates. Of
the temporary teachers, onc was Normal trained and the other had
Normal Entrance ,standing.
The numbcr. of teachers has been gradually increasing, as will be
seen from the fqllQwing table:'
................... ...................................
..... n ...... ...... "..n...w.. __"'..n... .... '......,
regara to the numherof regular teachers iri charge of rooms,
and West Elg~l1 are now equal. East Elgin, however, is pre:"
eminently a rural inspectorate, since there are only fifteen urball
teachers employed -in the urban schools of Aylmer, Springfield, and
The entollment vades, as in all rural schools, from the very s~l1all
to the very large, and next year additional teachers will be engaged in
S. S. No. 14, Bayham, and S. S. NO.8, Yarmouth.
Financial Statehient
. (a) Receipts
from previous yearn..m......m......',.......m.......$' 91746 56
grants.......~.....mn...m..................__...m...,...... 51400 00
$103476 12
51360 00
Elgin County Council
County grants............____...___..... ...mnn....___".____..____
Legislative grants___.....__.~___.nu__ "._________....._______. ..n"__'__
Local levy, debentures, and other sources..______
2087 45
22601 13
101654 43
D09 65
100808 26
$269489 57 $284745 33
(b) Payments
m....mm$100871 76
12359 28
2558 06
50214 35
103476 12
Teachers' salat'ies____..__
Sites, building,s, etc___...._.___..
Libraries, apparatus, etc"'..m.. __________
Debentures, fuel, and sundries.___
Balance carried to next year
$108822 06
14804 02
2432 28
49815 .50
108871 47
'$269489 57 $284745 33
School Statistics
The salaries in' some cases were increased, but in most of the
schools they were practically the same. A comparison of the highest
salary. paid male and female teachers in the rural schools. is as follows:
Bayham __
Dorchester, S.
1.fale Female
m..$1200 00 $1100 00
1100 00
1125 00
1300 00
1000 00
1100 00
1400 00
Malc Female
$1300 00 $1100 00
1200, 00
1300 00
1200 00
1300 00
1100 00
1400 00
The Departmcnt of Education paid very liberal grants on salaries of
teachers in the rural schools and the small urban schools, mid the
boards took advantage of these grants and increased thc salaries of
their teachers. But these grants ii1Volve a huge drain on the finances
of the Province and there may be a curtailment in the amounts paid to
all the sections or to the larger sections.
The aV'erage number of days during which the schools 'were kept
opcn was HJ4 in 1921 and 1922,
Elgin County Council
The total number of pupils enrolled were:
1921 1922
Boys .--...'. ......--n..--............__............n...... 2132 2134
Girls .... ............................__.n..__................__ 1905 1927
Total - -'--'. --.... .__'n ...... ."". __0... .__'00 ..... .__. 4037 4061
A vcr'age ..--.. ...--. ''''__''__n ..__.. ...... ...... '__... 2704 2737
Kinderg'arten' --........n......__m.__....n..n..... 3sl 24
Kindergarten-primary ...__m......__..__..... 42 36
Prillier --nu--........__........__..__......__n__...__.... 809 686
First Book ..........:.........__,.......__..........__. 450 479
Second Book m.....--....__................n....__ 673 . 724
Third Book ...:..--...............--........mn...__ 940 928
Fourth, Book .______..... ...--m......__....__.__..c 1039 1108
Fifth Book m.;. 49 76
- -
4037 4061
Ag~~culture and' .Household Science
The cost of this work is borne entirely by the Department of Educa-
The .progress of the ,vork may be seen 'from the folIowiilg table
the schools \,'hich qualified for Depal:tmental grants in these
In 1915 -13 Schools
1916 -18 Schools
1017 - 22 Schools
1918 - 45 Schools
1919 -,59 Schools
1920 - 65 Schools
1921--:...:. 68 Schools
1922 - 68 Schools
Household Science
In 1918 -- 2 Schools
1019_ 7 Schools
1920 - 6 Schools
1921_ 9 Schools
1922......;. S Schools
regret that the school gardens are not popular. The chief reason
to be that duf'ing the summer vacation the gardens may be
and on the -re-openingofschool the pupils will see their
Overrun with weeds. This co'uld be remedied if boards v.'ould
the cost of providing a caretaker for the summer may be
Elvin County Council:
chaf!~:e.(i- to ,.t'he expense account and will be refunded. If a teacher
holds a certificate in Agriculture, the board may spend $30 for expenses
for Agriculture, which will be refunded.
The hot lunch in the. schools is gradually becoming 'more I)-opular
since parents, trustees, and teachers are- beginning to realize that child-
ren, as wen-~s- adults, ,can do more satisfactory work in the afternoon' if
they ~have a hot IUl1ch at noon, Several teachers introduced the hot
lunch into their schools, but since they did not teach Elementary House-
hold Science, the schools could not qualify for th~ regular grants.
Supervis~q, Play
Newspaper articles arid' public' discussio'n of playas an, element in
th~ edutatibn of the young have drawn attention to the necessity of
supervision of play'in all schools. This "fealure of school work receives
recognition at the summer courses af Guelph and Toronto, and some
splendid demonstrations were-given at-the 'School Fairs. Some ener'-
getic teachers have 'b61.tght playground equipment from the proceeds of
school concerts and their efforts' have beert seconded -by gen,erous
contributions from boards, and local societies. The Women's Instittttes
are encouraging this work. Games properly supervised train the pupils
in team-play and co-operation, and are one of the best means of develop~
rng a sturdy self-reliance and intelligent citizenship. The effect'on the
gei1eral health of the pupils is of inestimable value arid the: pupils 'an_rl
tea'cher are brought together 'in a way which will result it)_ petter"
discipline' and increased interest in school ~ork.
School Activities
The public school plant should be in 'operation throughubt the week.
'This is an ideal which can not be attained by many schools as at present
constituted. The Home and .school Associa'tJons and other organiza-
tions are making increased use of the school buildings. The extension
of the hydro lighting service will render many school buildings, available
for evening gatherings, and the Home and- School Associatioll~s al1d~
Mothers' Clubs arc designed to bring the teachers ftnd parents into
closer association and co-operation.
In many schools the teachers have introduced into the school. work
s-uchactivities as IU,nior Red Cross and Safety,First. These are rendev
h1g -invaluable :aid in promoting health, checking carelessness,. and
developing citizenship.
EIgilt County Council
Music in Schools
No more important sitbject-m.an Music is on the school pr6gramme.
In the rural schools there are at present no meails_'of providing tr~inil1g
through a qualified supervisor, but several teachers who love music have
taken the summer Course at Toronto. Other energetic teachers, with
the aid of the boards or local societies, have provided instruments, which
'are 'used throughout the day with'adn1irable results. The cultural' effect
of music" on the live~ of children can be easily appreciated," and" music
alidsillgillg can be correlated to rea'ding, literature, and the memoriza-
tion of selecipassages.' This work should commend itself tO,all parents
and trustees.
Study of English and the English Bible
The study of English is especially stressed in many of the schools
in the large cities on account of the large foreign population. Hut,
although we have no foreign population in our r.ural sections, the
importance of English may be judged from the fact that of the twelve
subjects on the .school cur;riculum, six refer to the study of English,
namely: Reading, vVriting, Spelling, Literature, Composition, and
Grammar, One" of the best meanS, of cultivating a knowledge df,
English is the daily and systematic reading of the English Bible; In
East Elgin: the memorization of selected- passages forms part of. the
memory Work prescribed for the promotion examinations, Itwoi.tld
that.the SChool should itnpart, re1igiou~ and well as secular
No ~ysterr:i hasyet".been evolved, and if would be unwise
to allow the idiscrimillate teaching of the Scriptures, owing to the
different religiou~ beliefs of-parents an:d teachers. But boards could
respcinsive- reading ofsele:cted portions' of the Scriptures
l1aturally comes" under manners andmoral'!3 of" the school
valuable means of stimulating interest in Ellglishis
reading in the schools. Every rural, school'ina:y spend
for this-purpose and a gellCt;OuS" refund is l'laicL A
nurpt)er of-schools take advantage cif thisarillually, mid teachers
culti~ate a d'esit'e for readil-igwhicft the -ptipils':wiI1 take with 'them
they le-ave sch~61.
School Sanitation:
One of the crying needs of the schools is'4 l1ad~quat~ s,1JPP.lYQf P'1,l.re'
Elgin County Council
drinking water available on the school premises. The dil~pidatcd pump,
the uncleaned well, the broken well-top, the open water pail and drinking
cup are "all too commOll features of many schools. Health is the first
consideration and the teacher's best efforts will" not attain the most
effective results if the childrcli are. suffering from any discomforts.
The outside toilets are a source of much. dissatisfaction. The best
,resultsxanbe obtained from a fiush V'later system, but of CQllrs.c this is
at present impossible under existing conditions. The alternative would
appear to be "a chcmicalsystem such as the "Kaustine," which has been
installed in several schools in the County.
The local and Pro;incial hoards of health and the Department of
Education 'have taken these matters into serious consideration, and it is
hoped that more thought ,.y.m be experided' on these phases of school.,
Fifth Classes and Secondary Schools
During the year the number of Fifth Classes was increased owing
to some extent to the operation of The Adolescent School Attendance
Act. The total number was fourteen. All the p}.lpils took advantage
of the revised high school course of' study and qualified for the Lower
School Examination, which gave -them exemption at high school in the
subjects in which they obtained fifty per cent. There was a marked
increase in the attendance at all the secondary schools, and the total
enrollment in 1922 was as follows: .
Aylmer, 186; Vienna, 27; Be11llont, 86; Fingal, 43; Port Burwell, 43;
Springfield, 41.
School Fairs
The School' Fairs, which are supported and controlled by the
Department of Agriculture, are closly connected with the life of the'
public schools and receive every encouragement from the Department
of Educatiol1. There are a total of ten School Fairs in East Elgin.
They have conle to be a feature of community life, and'in some parts
of the Province ,they rival the township fairs. Tn East Elgin they, are
a'vaulable adjunct of the township fairs, in which a space is set aside
for school exhibits. They bring together the parents, 'trustees, teachers,
and pupils of adjoining secti6ns, and they stimulate a healthy rivalry
Elgin ,County Council
and c<;:nnpetition in athletics, schoo.} work, and exhibit's of field produce,
live stock, household science, and manual training. The open judging
of the live stockis one of the most educative features of the Fairs, and
one of the most important exercises' is the contest in public sbeaking.
This latter can be made of real value if the teachers will insist on having
the pupils pay more attention to grammar, distil1ct enunciation, and
oratory, rather thgn the mere memorization of a set speech.
" The Curriculum and ,the Pupil
The work of the rural school as 'at present constituted is largely
academic, Tpe curriculum is about to be revised. It does not appear
that the rural teacher can be a specialist in manual and ar.tistic branches
as well as a teacher of the three R's, and the revision of the c'urriculum
will no doubt make provision for the more intensive study of the marc
vital subjects which will affect the pupils all through their lives.
If a child enters school 'at six and one-half years of age, he should
be able to leave the public school at thirteen and one-half yeai's of age. "-
That is, the aV,erage,child should be sevcn years in the public school.
Too often we fiild children of advanced years in the junior grades.
This' retardatiohis not necessarily caused by lack of ability, Iri llJ.OSt
cases 'it is caus~d by the frequeilt changes of teachers or by the frequent
of abode, of" the parents. This, is one of the causes of the
expense of educating our people, but not to attempt to put education
with.in the rcach of all would in the end be more expensive, because it
would imperil the maintenance of our civilization, since an -intelligent
citizenship is the prop of democracy,
Yours very tyuly,
Thomas, November 24th, 1923.
]. C. SMITH, J.P. S.
Elgin County Council
January Session
To the Elgin County Council:
The Education Committee reports:
L That communication from Clerk of Bayham, re vote 011 Vienna
High School District, be filed.
2. That report of Inspector Taylor be received and printed in the
3; That notice from Brownsville Continuation School and Inger-solI
High S,chool be received. .
4. That the County pay eighty per cent. ()fCCist of maintenance of
county pupils attending high andcontinuatioll 'schools ili adjoining
counties, and that the Clcl'k notify all schools iriterested.-
5. That the Public Scho~l Inspectors. be granted an extension of
time in which t6 present 1-eport on high and continuation school
6. That account from Lobo Continuation School be referred to
the Clerk, to be paid on his order.
7. That the following accoUli.ts be paid:
Municipal World, 1">rinting.__...__...............,.......m.........m...m.:$ .
J. A. Taylor, 1. P. S., expenses__........................................__
J. C. Smith, 1. P. S., expenses::~'~__......m.........__..........':..._m.:,.
16 23
55 87
8. That'the Warden be authorized to appoint delegation to attend
annual meeting of the Provincial Trustees' Association.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
January 27th, 1923.
Elgin County CounCil
First Report - June Session
To the Elgin County Council:
Gentlemen, ---:-'
The Education 'Committee reports:
1. That the equivalent of the GOVCl"llz,nellt grant, for equipment and
accommodation be included in the P. S. estimates.
Th,at th~f()llo"ving accounts be pidi::I:
J. A TaYlor.m.m.m.m.m..u.m..m.mu...m.uuu.m..u..u.m..uuuu..$ 152 06
J. C. Smith.m.mumm..mm..uumuu...u.......mum.m..uu.mu..uu.u 34973
Aylmer', Express...._~........__.........m..,.......__......n...__. .00.............. 22, 75
R. McLachlinh.._....,.:.:....n...............m.................m. ....__............ '5 38
Municipal' World........m..m....___ .......m........n.. ....00............ 290 39/
3. That the,-~accounts ,received from:
- Tillsonblii.g .
be referred to .the County Clerk for settlement.
.$1001 54
336 92
27 07
4. That the high and continuation schools be paid one hftndred per
cent.cif cost of 'county pupils, and fifty per cent. of cost of resident.
Considered in Committee of the Whole, when clause four was laid
over until Novemb'er session, further information tb"be obtained.
. Second Report June Session
the j Elgin Cqunty Council:
The Education' Committee reports:
That a supple~1entary grant of $301,66' be tpade.to Dutton High
Elght COuilty Council
School, being County's share of permailcllt improvement charge for
seats placed in the school1ast year.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
June9th, 1923.
November Session
To the Elgin County Council:
Gentlemen, -:-
The Education Committee reports:
1. That the following accounts be paid:
Municipal World, printing for inspectorsm.,.........mumm$ 155 30
J. C.Smith, 1. P. S., trave1lingexpenseSn~m.......m.___......~. 375 37
J. A. Taylor, 1. P. S" travelling expense~.m...______.......n____ 144 86
2. That the account of Brownsvi11e Continuation School be referred
to t"e County Clerk for adjustment.
3. That the communication from the Western University be
rc'ceived, and that T\::, W. McKay be appointed County representative
on the University Senate.
,4. That the annual reports of Inspectors Smith and Taylor be
received and printed in the minutes.
5. That the supplementary, grants for continuation and high and
fifth class schools be the same as last year,with the following except-
tioll of Port Burwell Continuation School to be reduced $300 and
Vienna_ High School increased $300.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
St. Thomas, N overnber. 29th, 1923,
Elgin County Council
January Session
To the Elgin County Council:
Gentlenlen, _
A committee- should be appointed to look into the Peter. Grovier
and if advisable, to take the necessary proceedings to realize
2. It will be necessary to pass a by-law authorizing the Warden
and Treasurer to borrow $200,000.00,to meet current expenses.
All of which is respectfuIIy submitted.
St. Th<;>mas, JailUarY24th, 1923.
County Treasurer.
June Session
To the Warden arid County Council:
Gentlemen, _
I beg leave to' submit, a statement of the
of the County from January 1st. to May 31st.
1. T~e estimates for 1923 are considerably less than last year,
owing to the expenditure on provincial highways being held in abeyance,
as the following statement shows:
receipts and expenditures
Administration of justice..._.....___________........$
, Coutltylines and bridges_____..__...__-'..m.._...__
.Hou'se of industry._._.______..___....,..___..__...._..__.
~t:f ~~. s ~~~~~~~:~~_~~~::::~:~'::::~::::~:: ::~:::::::::::::::'::::
Officers' sa!aries..._._.._...._m___m_...._........__m__
Memhers" wages__.........___........__..._.,..___.____...._.
7000 00
5000 00
8000 00
28000 00'
16000 00
,5000 00
5000 00
Elgin County Council
Court house commissiolL..n.mu...._....________
Debenture by~law. 859......._____.......______......___
111 terest .. ....____00__ .,..______.. _.._.u n.... ..u_ n ........__.__ n_
Registry office..._..:___n ________.n.m.____....mn.__...
County roads..___ ......_.______.._.m_____..._________.___..
Grailts to urban municipalities_____..____..._...
2000 00
1592 00
9000 00
500 00
18000 00
~)OOO 00
7000 00
~$196092 00
2. !twill be necessary to pass a by-law authorizing the.
and Treasurer to borrow $200,000.00 to meet current expenses.
All of which is respectfully submitted,
County Treasurer.
June 6th, ID23.
Receipts and Expenditures to 318t May, 1923
Cash. on hand January 1st... ...--.- .____.........$
Administration of justice.m.. ..m..m'"''''''''
.~ ~~l:re~ :~~~.l.~.~..~~~~~~~:.....~~~..;.~~~~~..~~~.._.
Public -schools......m'...........................
~~;l~:y 0 fli:::~~~.~ ~.1~~...~... -._. ~....;.........................~~..~~........~......~ ........
Arrears of taxes. ..........................................
County roads.m ..... .......................'........
Administration of justice................ ...........$
House cif industry.........m..............................
Registry office....................................,...........
8010 01
5 35
3123 55
3866 11
258 12
Elgin'County Council
Coun ty .'lines.:......,..............:.,.........................
Arrears of t~xes.......m....:..................._.........
High schools.:.:.....:,.........,..................,........:..,
Members' wages....._..;....___........__:................
o ffleers' salaiies........,..............................'m
Printing and statiol1ery..__.........................,.
Care of building.............___......._...........,.........
Water ,light, and ,heaLm.................
County roads-_...m....__.....___ .................
Bank balance....,.............___..,.___,.....................$
Cash in office.................:..........................
CheQ..ues .ouL..
Gentlemen, -
To the Warden and County Council:
November ,Session
2832 30
68 08
6959 14
1175 75
626 43
495 82
1519 78
57405 91
5580 29
$ 93326 64
1111 50
1233 44
608 30
94438 14
1921 74
810 24
$ ~111 50
I have the honor to ;ubmit the following report for your informa-
tion, which shows "the estimates for current expenditure for 1923 may
leave a' smal.l surplus.
1. Notes in Molsons Ballk...............,....___.,..$,169000 '00
Adm. 'Justice estitpate baL year......__.:..
Interest estimate bal. year .m..................
Public schools estimate bal. year..........
High schools estimate bat 'year.............
House of Industry estimate bal. year..
Reg. office estimate bal. year................
County lines estimate bal. year............
Arrears taxes estimate bal. year............
2500 00
6000 00
30000 00
27000 00
2000 00
200 00
400 00
1500 00
Elgin County Council
Members' wages estimatebaL year....
Officers' salaries estimate bal. yeaLm~
. Printing estimate bal. year............__.__...
Care of buildings estimate bal. year____
Aylmer Hospital estimate baL year_____.
County roads estimate bal. year___,.,._____
Grants to villages esthnatebal. year,.
Provo highways estimate bal. year~___".
Miscellaneous estimate bal. year.__........
Cash 011 hancL_____ .....mh"'.'.. __,".m__m..__.
County rates___. ".,..h' m........________.m__........
Gov. aid to roads........._____............______.___..
Suburban .area.mnm...__n___________.____nnn...... _
Township Malahidcn__________...m"".h..mn.m
Reg. office......______.___........_____________________.
Adm. J usficc.......n m.n__n___.m.......______
1100 00
1250 00
600 .00
500' 00
5000' 00
29000 00
9000 00
83571 60
5000 00
'3129 40
$ 5DDS 00
279003 00
($7200 00
3600 00
1000 00
2500 00
450 00
$376751 00 $376751. 00
2. The number of lots eligible to be sold for taxes is not large,
and I would recommend that .a by..:law be passed to defer the sale
till 1924.
All of \~hich is' respectfully submitted.
St.' Thon.1as, November 2R,1923.
County Treasurer.
. ElgiI~ County Council
January Session
To the Elgin County Council:
Gentlemen; -
The Finance Committee reports:
1., That. the following accounts be paid:
C. St.. C. .:.-Leitch, County Solicitor, re Aldborough
v. E 19iil --__ ..._,. __ __._ __ ______.. ______ .___ __ __.. ______.. ___. __n.. __".__ ____.. n__ __ ._....$
Children's Aid' Society, maintenance county children....
Dutton Advance, printing minutes.,___.__..._______...._.._....__........
S. R Hart & Co., County Treasurer's cheques..___.____....
Provincial Treasurer, conveyance of prisoners___.___.........
Victoria. Industrial School, maint,enance county boys..._
J. Doust, stationery, Aylmer Division Court__________.....___
Tovinship of Aldborough, conveyance H. of I. inmate
Village of' Port Stanley, Byron Sanitarium account.___._
Rodney Mercury, printing by-law___.........____......_____.__.___.._...
NIUllicipal World, for:
County registry office____......________..____.____...._______...._____m....__
County Clerk's office____...___...___...:.._____.__._____.._.__..____."....____..
County Treasurer's office_ ....___...___'__........n.......___......,_.___...
Aylmer Express,. for Division Court ofuce..._____................
K. W. McKay, County Clerk's postage______..__....__......____..__
22'1 60
2($8 57
329 50
164 22
61 44
61 00
3 15
10 00
45 75
5 00
8 14.
23 23
1 69
16 50
10 00'
2. That the County printing be distributed as formerly, minutes
Audhors' re~orts to cost $1.75 per page.
3. That the' W arden ~appoint a committee to co-operate with the
Treasurer re Peter Grovier estate.
4. That a by,-law be passed authorizing the Warden and Treasurer
to.' borrow $200,000,
5, That no action be taken in reference to communication from
RoyalAgricultural V\Tinter Fair Association,
Elgin County . Council
6. That the Warden. be authorized to appoint delegateS to attend
aUl1ualmeeting Ontario Municipal Association, and the annual member-
ship fee of $25~OO be paid.
7. That no action be taken on application from Canadian National
Institute' for' the Blind.
8. That the Auditors' report be received and printed for
9. That John Hopkins be re-appointed High Constable for 1923.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
January 27th, 1923.
First Report, J u,:,e Session
To the'Elgin County Council:
Th'e Finance Committee reports:
1. That the Women's Institutes for districts of East and \Vest
Elgin be granted the sum of, twenty.,.five dollars each. ,
2. That Amasa Wood Hospital; Sb Thomas, be granted the sum
of two hundred dollars, being in accordaw;:e with agreement for years
That the following amounts be paid:
Workmen's Compensation Board, assessment___-.""..___..$
Children's Aid Society.........___..............m .......m'h..............._.
S. R. Hart & Co.., for Division' Court Clerk, Dutton"'h'
Victoria Industrial. School, for maintenance...........m..m.
Adams & Scott, supplie's for registry. office..m;.......,m...... '
Pl..y1mer Express.;, p'ril1ting .audits..;.m...............m.........hm.....
478 13
755 42
14 63
15 00
11 20
13? 00.
Elgin County Council
] os; Doust, for Aylmer Div. Court 'Clerk.... "h.m.. "h'h.
The Advance, Dutton, printing......................m.....
R. ,McLaughlin, stationery:
C1 er k' s offi Ce.nh.. ..'..'.Cn.... .... ...... ......h.... '.0. '0.. 00.... '0.00' 00'. "'..
T reasur er: s, office.. """ h'.. ...00.;..... '. '''0.. "~."h',,, __"""00" ........
Engineer's ." office.......,.......h.h..................,...h...............
Registryoffi ce.....................................mm...........m....
The Municipal World:
T'reasurer' s officeh......,..m......m.......................m:.......... '..
Registry offi ce......n"''''''''........nh...h...hn''''......h''.....h''.....nu
T01vnship Ma1ahide, conveyance. inmatem.......m.n..........__
Newsome & Gilbert, stationery for 1st Division Court
A'ylnier Express, for, 1st Division Court..... ........h....mhn.
All of which is respectfully submitted~
8 30
5 00,
9 25
1 15
o 10
44 34
170 ~2
31 G5
25 00
Chairman Pro Tem..
Second Report, June Session
To the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin:
Gentlemen, -,-.--
The Committee on Finance ,beg leave to report that, having eXal.11hl~
ed into the finances of the County and the estimates prepared by the
;Coun.tY'Treasurer, they herewith submit a statement of the expenditure
required for ,the lawful purposes of the County during 1923, showing,the
amount r~quired to be raised ,for the under-mentioned purposes:
AdIilillistration of'] ustlcc........ "".0...... ......$
County Lines and Bridges..... ....m....h ......
"House of IndustrY......h"""""n....h..............
High. Schoo1s........m........... un.....h........ "'....
Public Schoo1s..........n... ..............h....h..........
)Officers' Sa1ariesn............. ""'."".""".h"hn..
Melnbers' W ages"."~'.__...m,u:""''''''''''..''.h''
Court House Commission..................n......
Debentures - B'y-Law 859.....m....h..........
7000 00
500G 00
8000 00
28000 00
1.6000 00
5000 00
5000 00
2000 00
15.92 00
. 9000 00
Elgin County Council
Registry Office.mn....
County Roads________ ...__00_____...___........
Deficit, 1922"_""0___' ...n.nn_. ....n__....__..h....____
Grant, Urban Municipalitie.s__....__n___.__n.m
Provincial . Highway .__...n________....____.__.__.......
500 00
18000 00
75000 00
6911 00
9000 00
84000 00
$279003 00
Your Committee vmuld recommend that the. sum of two hundred
and seventy-nine thousand and three dollars be raised on all therateablc
property -in the scvera1111unicipalities of the 'County of Elgin during the
year 1923 for Connty purposes, and that a rate of nine mills on the
dbllar be levied on rateable prpperty in the several municipalities in' the
County to raise said amounts.
All of which is respectfully subri.litted.
Ado~ted June ,9th, 1923.
Tbird Report, June Session
To th'e Elgin County Council:
Gentlemen, -
The 'Finance Committee presents a third reports as follows:
1. That a by-law be passed authorizing the Warden and Treasttrer
to borrow $250,000.00.
2. That debentures be issued for provincial highway expenditure,
and that a rate of seven mills be levied for County purposes during 1923.
3. ,1i'hat application of Peninsular Winter Fair for grant be laid
over until November session.
4. That no grant be. made to St. Thomas Memorial H~spital this
session, but that a committee composed of the Warden, Clerk, and
Messrs. McLean McKenney, and Dr. Jackson report on the matter at
November session.
Elgin County Council
5. That this Council co-operate with the Historica:1 Society by
taking 500 copies of proposed publication ,of the late Judge Ermatil1ger',s
manuscript, at a, cost not to exceed $2.00 each, to be distributed to the
schools and libraries of the County. '
6. ' That a by-law be
being thirty per cel1t. of
Stalter Bridge.
illtrodnced,to assess
excess of $17,809,'00
MaIahide for $5,342.70,
in estimate of cost ~ of
All of which is respectfuIIy submitted.
June 9th, HI23..
November Session
To 'the Elgin' CountyCoullci1:
Gell tIemen, _
The Finance' Committee reports;
That the following accounts be paid:
C. St. C. Leitch......n.....n_.........n.... """n. ...n....n.....
Province of Ontario.. .....'.... ........... .....
Children's Aid SocietY,n..................n........................
The Advance, Dutton.m........................
M. S. Smith, Div. Court Clerk....__................m...............
ViIIage of Rodney........:.......m..................
Township Southwold........'.....m...................m'........ "___m..
R. McLachlin.mm...............h..m.m...... .......m..
United, Typewriter CO.......'..'.m"'...............~.m'.....,.
Victor'ia Industrial Schaol..m,.........................__.......
,ElIiatt Fisher, Limited ...m......h--....__.h.....___....___.......'m.
M unicip'al W drld......---.mh.................__m.__.....h.h...__.__.........m.
R McLachlill, per County Registrar..............h......__..........
Judd, Fraser & CO...h............h........h.....................................
.......$ 474 00
2 75
550 75
6 00
8 96
6 00
22 05
5 25
297 00
15 50
. 1 35
207 59
6 60
1 00
Elgin County Council
Elgill County Council
grant"of $400 be made to the Children's Aid
2. That the ,usual
That a ,by-law be passed to defer tax sale for one year.
January Session
To the Warden and Co'uncil of the County of Elgin:
All <kwhich is respectfully s.ubmitted.
Gentlenien, _
J. A..
There has becn nothing done since your last session, except finish-
ing up the -work on the Port Stanley Bridge. This bridge was opened'
for traffic 011 the 19th of December, all being ,completed, except the
portion of .the floor gf the bridge and sidewalk which was destroyed .,in
order to do" the wbr:k. This part of the work has been temporarily
replaced with wood, until the warm wea,ther comes, when it will again
be replaced by concrete. The amount paid out t~ do all this work is
$15,274.39. This includes the work put in last spring to support the
bridge. There is yet to be paid about $1,100.00 to the Dominion Bddi;e'
Company,-a6d a]so the cost of removing the ,viles driven in the creek.
This work we hope to do by working on the ice.
All of which is respectfully sub~itted.
Thomas, November 30; H123.
Clausc_ two was ,ordered struck out by a Committee of the vVhble.
,?t. Thomas,'Ont:, January 23rd, 1923.
County Engineer.
June Session
the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin:
The spring freshets 'did 'less damage than usual. There is not a
reported of' dan~ages to' the County 'bridges.
The Gillett Bridge
This bridge is over Catfish Creek, ab0ut one mile east of Sparta,
a woodeh bridge ,with a twelve-foot roadway, built" about thirty
Part of it 'was washed away by the-floods some years ago
brought back and re-erected., It- consists of three sp~ns' of
feet each; and two approaches of sixteen feet each. The"
"and -north 'span are not in good shape,' and ,must have con~
.!. 'i~.
~ '
-Elgin County Council
siclerable repairs this year. I would like your Public Improvement
Committee to visit this bridge.
The Robbins Bridge
This bridge is Qver Kettle Creek, on the road used in 'lieu of the
fown line between - Yarmouth and Southwolcl. It is a steel bridge of
120-foot span, with a wooden floor. The approach to the south end of
the bridge' could be much improved by the addition to the width of the
rbadway. The present road turns abruptly to the east along the bank
of the creek, and the bank of the creek has been washed away to such
an extent that the railing has fallen down. The travelled roadway is
not more than eighteeil feet wide in some places. Although this road
is not travelled much, this road should be widened' so that a proper
railing could be put up to prevent accident.
All of Which is respectfully submitted.
County Engineer.
St. Thomas, 01'1t., Junc 5th, 1923.
November Session
To the Warden and Members of thc ~ounty Council:
Gentlemen, -
1 beg Ita report as follows:
1. Gillett Bridge over Catfish Cre'ek, east of Sparta, has been
repaired. New piles have been driven in'both abutments. The west
. approach is practically new, and all the floor beams that showed any
signs of decay ha~e been renewed, and the bridge is now in fairly goo'd"
shape. The cost of 'this work was $846.73.
2. The bridge on the town line between Bayham and Mi,ddleton,
over the Otter Creek, has been repainted and the new floor and joist~
ings put in. The cost of this work is $317.613, to be paid by ElgiIl
and Norfolk.
3. The bridge on the town line between Malahide and' Dereham.
Elgin County Council
over the Catfish Creek, has had the abutments re-'pointed, the floor
repaired- and the railing and approaches of the bridge repaired. This
bridge was looked aftet' by the foreman of the "Township of DerehalJ;!
and we haven't yet got the cost, which ',ViII be divided between the
County of, Oxford and the County of Elgin.
4. The south approach leading to the Robbins Bridge over Kettle
Creek has been widened and gravelled. This work has been done by
the Township of Southwold. The County will be responsible for one
hundred feet. It was a much-needed .improven1cnt and, makes the
approach to the bridge much safer than formerly. The floor in this
bridge has been repaired, but next year this floor' should be relaid with
creosoted blocks: This bridge was ;ilso painted. The total cost of'
this work waS $168.99.
5.' Port Stanley Bridge. A new railing has been built to ,the west
end, the floor repaired and the bl'idge repainted, at a cost of $569.52. ?
6. WarrcilStreet Bridge, Port Stanley. In
this ,bridge by the" cOt]ntytrucks, the f1o'or gave
repaired! at a cost of $144.85.
drawing gravel over
way and had to be
All of which is respe'ctfuI1y submitted.
Thomas, Ont., November 26th, 1923.
County Engineer.
Elgin Comity Council
January. Session
To the Warden and Council of'the County of Elgin:
Gentlemen, -
The County Enginc_cr has suggested to your Committee the advisa-
'bility of puttil1g 011 creosotcd block - floors, on those bridges requiring
new floors and ,;\'11ich arc not heavy enough to carry a concrete floor.
Your Conunittee would recommend where bridges requircllcw floors;
each case be submitted with a recommendation from the County
Engineer before,action is taken.
Your Committee has considered the report of the Engineer
Port Stanley Bridge, and would recommend its adoption.
on the
All of which is respectfully submitted.
St. Thomas, Ont., January 25th, 1923.
June Session
To the Wardel{ and Council of the County of Elgin:
Gentlemen, -
Your Public Improvement Committee begs to present the followJng
report: They have considered the Engineer's report, and as the
Council and Committee examined the localities of both bridges yester-
day, theJ are in a position to authoritatively understand" the matter.
1. Gillett Bridge
Your Committee think it would be in the best interest of the Coqnty'
to have repairs made to this bridge by the County Engineer, who states
that it can be repaired at a probable cost of $1,500.00. Your Committee
would recommend that this be done, and that the Engineer act with
the Chairman of the Committee in this.111atter.
Elgili County Council
Robbins . Bridge "
Your Committee, after inspecting the site and approach to the
bridge, are of the opinioil that something sho~Id be done to make a
better approachto'the bridge in the way of widening the roadway. This
would affect the Township of Southw6ld, as weIl as the County,' and
YOUr Committee would:recommend that the Chairman, Dr. Jackson, ailCI
"the Couilty Engineer meet thecouneil of South wold and.. try" and
' arrange' to widen the south approach to the top of the hiU, the county to
be responsible for their share of theimprovemcnt, which would be one
- hundred (100) feet next to the bridge.
(3) That ",t~e Chairman and Engineer' have authority to paint such
county bridges as they think are in need of it.
(4) The El1gineer has asked the Public Improvement Committee
to visit and see somyof the bridges in the eastern part of the County.
The sites -of these bridges are little known to the County Council; and,
your Committee .vould recom,mend that this request be granted.
(5) Tqe County Engineer asks that an assistan't be appoii1ted, so
that in c"ase of his absence someone would be legally in charge, and your
Com~ittee would .recommend that Fred. A. Bell, Civil Engineer, be
appointed Assistant. Engineer without salary.
All of which is,_ respectfully submitted.
St. Thomas, Ont., June 7th, 1923.
November Session
To the Warden and Members of the County Council:
The Public Improvement Committee has met and considered the
brought before this Council by- tile County El1gineer, and would
the. adoption of his report.
AU of which is respectfully submitted.
Thomas, Ont., November 28th, 1923.
Elgin County Council
January Session
To the Elgin County Council:
.The County Roa~l Committee reports:
1. That the sum of one hundred and sixty' thousand', five hun&ed
ai1d twe.nty-nine dollars and .twenty-six cents ($160,529.26) was expend-
ed on Elgin County highway system during the year 1922, the per:cent-
age payable by the Province, Middlesex County liries, St. Tj10mas
Suburban Area, and the Township of - Malahide under agreement for
constructioJ1 of Stalter Gully Bridge, will be about fifty p'er cent. of this
amount, divided as follows: '
Provincial County Roads
Maintenance and repair n_m.mnnn...._n.~_m.
Maintenance on Suburban Area roads..__
County Roads
Road construction..m.---........---.....---.............
Stalter' Gully Bridgeconstruction.---
Graham Road Bridge construction, one-
half payable by Middlesex County..----
Maintenance 'and repair......_____..........------m
Construction on Suburban Area roads.._.
Maintenance on Suburban Area roads.___
General Expense
Gl"ants to urban municipalities...... .____mm
Vienna, under. agreement with Minister
~ Improvement and interest on Hathaway
Gravel pit
tools, and repairs.mm.
3195 34
8824 14
2152 93
16952 57
22551 21
2209 12
66702 99
205 21
4141 '5G
6863 54
1204 38
897 70
776 67
10213 51
Elgin County Council
Implement shed at -Hathaway farm___.....
Material in stock.___.........___....'......m............
Workmen's Compel1sation Board...
173 60
87 50
9470 19
3421 40
l160529 .26
8374 34
Less. ,receipts...m...___....
$152154 92
.Machinery and Tools, New, for the Year 1922
Twcnty!Two slush scrapers, 1 plow, 1. road drag, 1 stone boat, 11
shovels, 4 lanterns, 2 rakes, 1 hammer, 1. cold chisel.
6~ Machinery and Tools Purchased Previous to the Year 1922
Six junior graders! 1 diaphragm pump, 5 slush scrapers, 1 double
iron block with rope;. 3 lanterns, 12 crow bars, 12 wrenches, 6 hammers,
6 small .road graders, 1. heavy, and 2 light road scarifiers, 2 senii':"portab1e
bins and elevators, 2 lO-horse power gas engines, 1 centrifugal pump,
1. force pUmp, 1. ,gas pump, 8 plows, 12 shovels, 70 roact drags,: 6 duinp
wagons, 3 5~ton dump trucks, 7 heavy graders,. 1 Cement 'mixer, 1
electric ,battery.
7. We' estimate the sum of seventy-five thousand dollars should be
raised forexpen~iture on county roads for. the ,year 1923, divided
as follows:
Construction on roads.....m...........___..........$ 200'00 00
Mail1tetla.nce on roads.m...............,...___...... 38000 00
Machi'nery m........m............................m.......... 5000 00
Gravel pit. development.m "m...___ __m........ 2000 00
Culverts anq bridges.......m.......___..........___... 10000 00
.$ 75009 00
That Road Superintendent of Elgin County be. delegflted ,to
conference on road construction held in Toronto, 26th and ,27th
of. February. '\
9. ThattheWardcn name the delegates from the County of Elgin
Elgin. County Council
who are to attend the Good Roads AssocifJ.tion held in Toronto, Febru-
ary 28th, March 1st and 211(1,. and' that. we' forward to the Secretary-
Treasurer of the Ontari'o' Good,-Roads A~sociation the annual member-
ship fee for H.l23.
That _ no action be taken
re communication from the Canadian
Go'atl Roads
J. F. McGREGOlt,
Chairman of County Road Committee.
November Session
To the-Elgin County Council:
Gcnt'lcmel1. -
1. The County Road Committee reports ,that expe6ditures 011 Elgil~
County highway system, - f.rom J anttary; 1st, 1923, up to and including:
October 31st, have 'been' a total-of $132,037.13. This amount 'will be
increased by work ali-eady in progress. Estimate for cxpellditur~ on
roads will not be exceeded this year. j
Expenditure as Follows
COilstruction on suburban area roads...___$ 404 54
Maitltcn:il1c,e oii. suburban area roads....__ 2715 26
Construction on county roads'___""'h"___" 54552 50'
Maintenance on county toads....__.___........ 52089 90
Machinery, tools, and repairs..______......___... 3072 23
Gravel pit development........------.....-------.~.. 2511 86
Hathaway gravel pit..______ ....___..._______....._.... 2709 46
Improvement on Hathaway farm~___......__ 21109
Gas, oil; and repairs to trucks~,m____...______ 669833
Vienna ......._______..__________......_______...... _.._____...... 1631 20
1922 grant, Village of D_utton, p9-id 1923 954 25
Interest on Hathaway farm__...._______.,....... 330 00
Workmen's Compensation Board._,......... 1218 90
Material in stoele..._____....______......__.___...._ .... 314 78
Miscellaneous' __............__._____..._______.....____...,___ 2622 85
$132037 13
Elgin County Council
2. The above includes $1,329.55, 'expel1ded 011
lines and _ bridges, Roads' Nos. 1" 3; 25, 33, under
Elgin COUllty.
Middlesex County
the supervision of
Grading al1d gravelling a total of8~ miles on roads Nos. 1., 3, 4, '15,
20,- 21, 33, 36, 39, and 44.
Stone Roads. H miles of ston,e roads, Nos. 45 and 51.
Bridges. 'The completion of the Stalter 'Gul1ey Bridge, Road .No.
42, ata cost of $54,552.37. 24-ft. sp.an bridge, Road No.9. Creosoted
wood block floor on Port. Bruce Bridge, Road No. 39. Creosotec1 block
Hooron Luton Br'idge, Road No. 35. 4 cement culvert. 54 iron pipes.
12,860 feet of tile drains, ranging from 5 to 1.2 inches in diameter, used
ell~irely, for road draii1agc.
110 miles of county road has been resuifaced"with broken stone or
pit gravel. A 1111l11ber of narrow fills and culverts have been widened.
The Committee has also used calcium chloride on the London and Port
Stanley r:oadthis year. This m~terial as a dust layer, costing $500.00
'pe~ mile, F~ O. B. St.-Thomas. Oil was u,sed on a portion of the road
at a cost of $434.54 perllliIe, F. O. B. Port Stanley.
5. Machinery and Tools, New, for the Year 1923
21 ,new drags, 12 junior graders, '2 new and 1 second-hand plow, 1
secolld-handmower, 2 fertilizer drills, 3,hal11mers, 2 shovels" G sledges,
tent, 5 1al1ter-ns,2 crowbars.
Gravel Pit Development
"Walker 'Pit, in th~ Township ~f 'Aldborough.
Nuri1ber pf cords of gravel hauled, 427iL
Cost of stripping, etc., $2~8.'54.
Receipts for gravel soId,$31.27.
Irvine' Pit; in t"he Township of Southwold.
EIght County Council
- Cords of gravel, hauled, 257.
Cost of strippin.\5 has been, charged up to
Receipts for gravel sold" $4.00.
Hathaway Pit, in the Township of Yarmouth.
the 'different roads.
Cords of gravel hauleq, 2,634~.
Construction of neW road, stripping, loading, etc;, $2,70~.46.
Receipts for gravel sold, $216.80.
Roloson Pit, in the Tmvnship of Dereham.
Cords of gravel hauled, 3,078%.
Cost of stripping, '$1,306'.29.
Balance due on shanty from 1922, $220.99.
Balance due on bridge from 1922, $60,95.
Drain material, $20~.43.
Drain labor, $204.00.
Receipts for gravel sold, $1,585.62.
Hepb1..lrn Pit. Cost $13,50.
Mullett Pit, The purchase of the Lucy S. C. M,ullett gravel pit, in
Township of Ekfrid, one-quarter acre, lot 14, '4th range' south of
Longwoods Road, for $160,00.
7. That appro,val by Minister of Highways of By-Law No~ 10.08,
whereby County has assumed a largt: portion of road in the ViJlage of
Springfield. We recommend that By-Law No. 1023 be amended,
t reducing grant to the: Village of Springfield to one..:fifth of the amount
set forth in the said by-:-law. ' \
Truck Operation
Daily record has beefl ke'pt of the mileage and quantity of gravel
Elgin COUtlty Council
drawn by the three county trucks in operation from May 8th to October
31st, 1923, as follows: ,
Hours Miles Cords
VVorked Travelled Hauled
Truck No.' L.....m.. 1426 8777 867
Truck No. 2"...,:-.m 1477 9356 786
Truck No. fLu....... 1845 10244 856
-- -- -
4888 28377 2509
Summary of' Truck Operation
Average, mileage per day, 64.64.
,/Average cords of gravel hauled per day, 5,71.
Average cost expense per day, $19.14.
Average depreciation per day, $20.00,
Aye;rage. total cost per day, $39.14,
. Average cost of hauling 1 cord ,of gravel 1 mile; $1.21.
9. Summary of Truck Operation for Y ears 1920~21-23
Trucks. nun;ber 1 and 2 have worked a total of 1,140~ days.
Original cost price, $16,605:00. Allowing depreciation $20.00 pcr day
for the above number of days, total, $22,810.00'.
Tr,uck. No, '3, or 'Packard, worked 489 days. Depreciation charged
.against NO.3',. $9!780.00. Cost price, $9,385,00.
Total depreciation charged against trucks 1, 2, 3, years i920-21~22-23,
Average cost per cord per mile, allowing, for depreciation, $1.14,
In the above, noctedit has been given the trucks for hauling plank
to. the different bridges throughout the Countr,
Elgin County CotHicil
10. Comparison of Hauling by Trucks or Teams for Year 1923
Team hauling gravel, maximum__n $2.00 per cord mile
minimum.~.__ 1.35 PGr cord mile
average____.... 1,60 per cord mile
All of which is respectfully submitted.
J. F. M'cGREC;.oR,
Chairman of Count; Road Committee.
Report of County Engineer to County Roads Committee
re Stalter Gulley Bridge
January Session
To the Chairman and Members of County -Road Committee :".
We beg to submit the following facts regarding the Stalter Gulley
The fourth ,cylinder has been placed in poslhon, alidlast night at
eight O'clock it' was filled up with concrete two feet above the bottom
of the cylinder. All 0 f the cylinders-now have concrete placed it)' them
..veIl up in the cylinders, and work of filling them, together, with putting
in the anchor bolts, will, be gone on with at once. In driving these
cylind~rs through that depth of sand we unfortunately had some. lTIis-
'haps, 'in the way of what the contractors term a: blowout; that is, the
air pressure might for some cause or other be shut off. This generally'
caused the sand on the outside of the cylinder to be pressed'down and
some ,inat the bottom and fill up the cylinder toa certain extent, leaving
a vacancy on the outside, which caused the cylinder to move itg positiol1.
The sand afterwards had all to be removed, but in placing .the two west
cylinders" which 'are "thedeepes:t".those -blow ,outs caused the cylinders
to get a little out of line. The north-west cylinder is nine inches out of
line, at the top, beilJg too far south. The south-west-cylinder is -one foot
"~ut of line, being, too far south and too fat west. We are rectifying
this by loosening the first joint down from the top, straightelling up
Elgill_Coun ty -~'ouncil
the cylinder in'that way, and strongly reinforcing the johit. We do.
not anticipate any danger ill the future inconsequence of those cylindcl's
l1'ot being exactly plumb. If in future the creek bed should deepen,
exposing mare o( the -cylinders above the ground, then if necessary,
concrete beams can be placed across both north and south, and cast, and
w~st, joining all cylinders at a lower level. We do not think that this
'Yillbe necessary" as we think \Ve can retain the creek about in its
present bed, but we only mention this s.o that we can ,assure you that
we do not think there is any danger of these foundations in the future.
None of the foundations are less:thati five feet in the day.
There ,were holes left ,in the bridge ,seats of the abutments Jor the
purpose ofputtil~g in anchor balts. The contrilctor' was ordered to fill
those ho.1es ,with clay, tci keep the water ,out: This was n~glectcd, only
a plank being placed over the holes. The result is that tho'se hQles filled
\'{iih water and thefrostc;aused t.he concrete to crack aroul},d the,holes.
thi~ will be rectified by ~utting out and replaCing the, injured part:
We un'derst'and from the letters receiv,ed fram the'Dominion Bridge
Company, the con.tractors 'f~r the superstructure, t1~at they: ,arc' going
right .on wit~ the wade andwiIl have the steel placed in position right
away. Al1<?f,t~e material and equipment for thi~ work is an the ground.
All of which is .respectfully submitted.
Ont., January 24t4, 1923.
EligilleerS in Chatge:
Report St. Thomas Suburban Commission
January Session
St. Tho!nas,Dllt., Jan~tary ~211d,,,1923
The St. Thomas Sttbur~an Area Road Commission met this day ill
Court House.
!=hairman Dr. F. O. Lawrence, J., T.' Vlebster, Alex;
Elgin County Council
Anderson" K. "V.' McKay, County Clerk, .and G. F. Pineo, County Road
A statement of expenditure on suburban roads from the 1st day of
January, 1922, to the 31st day of December, 1922, inclusive, was read
by the Chairman, showing $14,118.95 had been expended on suburban
roads during the year 1922. Of this amount the City will pay to the
County $3,886.19.
1. That statement of account submitted to this meeting of expendi-
ture for the year 1922 on suburban area roads,. amounting to three
thous~nd, eight hundred and eighty~six dollars ancl ninetecll ccnts
($3',886.19), being the City of St. Thomas' portion 'payable under The
Highway Act, be paid, and the .Treasurer of the City of St. Thomas is
hereby authorized to forwardcheq~e for the above- amount to the
Treasurer of the Elgin County highway system.
2. That owing to the steadily increasing traffic and high cost of
maintenance on road 23' P. C. S, A. (the St. Thomas and Port Stanley
gravel road), some more ,permanent type of road shouldbeconstruted,
and that the,County of Elgin be notified that the sum of $14,000.00 will be
required for construction and maintenance of roads on St. Thomas
suburban area for the year 1923, divided as fQllows. $8,000.00 to con-
struct bituminous top road, beginning at the intersection of Wilson Ave~ .
and road 23 P. C. S. A., thence south approximately two miles; and
$G,ooo.oo, maintenance on roads Nos. 21"'"16-25-30 and 37-23.
- Carried.
Chairman of Suburban Area Commissjon.
Suburban Area Roads
In the year 1.91.9 the - Suburbali Area Commission of St. 'Thomas
dcsignatedh'.,'enty-two miles of road where the City ,of St. Thomas,
under The Highways Act, contributed twenty per cent. of the expendi-
ture on provincial county roads and thirty per cent. on county roads.'
During the past four years the City has paid to the -County, for roads,
$14,090,79, _ for maintenance, construction, and gravel.
Elgin C.OUl1ty Council
In the year 1920 th'e Province assumed three miles of county
suburban area', on Talbot Street, east of the City to Yarmouth Centre,
being threeniiles 011 Road No. 26 P. C. and 'Road No. 22; on the road
from St. Thomas'to TalbotviIle, a distance of two and one-half miles, as
provincial highway.
Increasedmikage'f~i this amount of road was des.ignat,ed by C01'I1-
on Road N 0:"::1_6 (or Talbot Street west of City) froni. Middle-
march to the road, between lots 23 and 24, a distance of threc li1iles; and
Road No. 23 provinCia] county (or Port Stanley gravel ,road) from the
road betweelf con:cessions 4 clnd5 in Yarmouth to the Village of Union,
a distance of .,two and one-half miles/completing the St, Thomas
suburbansy~temof ~ounty roads.
Sumzu;aljro/'of expeiiditure on St. Thomas suburban area roads for
maintenance' aild construction, years 1919 to 1922, inclusive, under The
Highway Act:
'The greater perc,entage of work being dO)lC by county trucks hauI-
gravel, etc., therefore reducing the cost below team work,the City
their, share "of depreciation on trucks, based on an average of
per cord mil~, less drivers' wages, as follows:
Maintenance; Yeat 1919
'Road No. 16.,_____... ..__.___....____
Roa.d N.o. 21::....____............____...
RoadN o. 25.......--...__.....__..........__..............
Road No. 3L..m""n"n"mnmmnmmnn"nnm"
Road No. 37.......__...00.................. .....__..___.......
106 04
3108 34
2017 70
gS50 5,8
523 65
$ 8606 31
'CitY'SPbrtioll, 30% thereoL.__..... ...--......__....0....__..........__. .......$
Maintenance for Year 1920
Road No. 16n""nn""%nnnnnm"m"n nnnnn n$
Road N o. 21m'''.''''.__"oo,__,,,,,,,,,.__',..oo'.....n..;0~
Road N 0.'25... 0000__...... .nnl__.....___..__.........__....
Road No; 30....0.....0..............__........."..
Road No. 37.........
2581 90
13~3 94
308 89
702 11,
694 06
1012 92
$ .4071 92
Elgin County Council
.City's portion, 30% of amounL.:nmm....nmnm....nn "'_'''0.......$
Gravel, $523.00, city's portion, 300/0 thereat___......__.
Trucks hauling, $4,037.10, city's portion, 30% thereoLm.
1221 .57
Construction, Year 1920
Road No. 21.........__..................__...____.__...........$
Road No. 37 n......__..______.___....__......._._________....__
65 00
245 21
310 21
City's portion, 30% thereoL....c____m.....___..___..
93. 06
Maintenance, Year 1920
Road No. 22......__.......____....__...__................______$
Road No. 23.___..______.._.....__.__.....____........._____.__.
Road No. 26_____.._____........____.__.........____.............
719 85
718 10
2237 75
$ 3675 70
City's portion, 30% thereof____......___.___....________..... ".__m..""__________
Total expenditure on suburban area roads for 1920,'
735 14
City's portion.mn....
3417 80
Maintenance"Year 1921
Road No. 16....................................................$
Road No. 21...........__...____.__....______.......______.......
Road N Q. 25 ....h.______n..nn____....n.__....___..n...___
Road No, 30,..00___.....______._....____.,._________..._____....
Road No. 37 .......n.n.___...__"".___........_____...
262 23
449 93
375 80
1538 37
$ 3449 04
City's portion, 30% thereof.___n.m.,.n__n.___.m......u.....u..-"..__...n.___$
Gravel, $556.00, city's ,portion, 30%' thereof-____.n.___...._________.
Trucks hauling, $3;772.59, city portion, 300/0 thereaf.___......
Construction, Year, 1921
Road N Q. _16..._____._______.........___......________.......___$ 4086 57
Road No. 21._____.....______..._....___......___._........___.. 18 50
1034 n.
f66 80
1116 77
$ 4115 07
City's portion, 30% thereof._____....
Elgin County Council
Maintenance, Year 192i
Road No: 23...............................:....................$ 2904.18
City's portion, 20% thereof.n........___.....__...__...........__..................
. Gravel, $46.00, city'spartian, 20,% thereaf............................
Trucks hauling, $310.37, city'S portian, 20% thereof..........
Total expended 0'11 suburban. area roads for 1921,
580 83
9 20
62 07
City's partion....................................
4204 90
Maintenance, Year 1922
Road No. 16...:................................................$
Road..N o. 21...........................
Road No. 25....................................................
Road No. 30........................................
Road. No. 37............,...............................
692 05
155 53
274 46
2099 40
920 12
$'" 4141 56
City's portion, 30% thereof........................................................$
Gravel, $886.00, city's portion, 30% thereof.~........................
Tru~ks hauling, $5,391.25, city's portion; 30% thereaL....
Construction, Year 1922'
Road No. 16.... ................................... ...........$
Road No. 25.... ...................................
Rqad No. 30.... ......................
Road. No. .37...............
1242 47
265 80
1617 38
115 ~92
75 24
5 00
9 05
$ 205 21
City's porti~n, 30% thereof ..........................................
61 56
Maintenance, Year 1922'
Road No. 23....................................................$ 2152 93
City's portion, 2.0% thereof..................~.....................................
. Gravel, $810;00, city's portion, 20% thereaL........................
Trucks hauling, $532.00; city's portion, 20% thereoL........
430 58
162 00
106 40
Elgin County. Copnci,!
Total expended 011 suburban area roads for 1922,
$14,118.95. ' . '
City's portion.......... ......................
Total amount paid b'y C;::ity to
......__.____.__........__.......__..........$ 3886 19
County, for' four y~_ars, $14,090.79.
Chairman of County. Road COlnmittee.
June Session
St. Thotnas, Ont., June 4th, 1923.
To the Elgin County Council:
Gentlemen, -
1. Your County Road Committee ,begs leave to report that we have
made inspection trip of county roads recently, apd find that nearly all of
the added mileage of roads in year 1922, under By-Laws Nos. 1000 and
1001, are in bad condition. Many of the main ~ounty higl1ways or
roads. designated previous to the yea,r19~2 show theresttlts of the ever-
increq.sing . traffic, ari4 recommend thate~tensive I resllrfa<;:ing be con-
tinued on all the older county roads this year, We summarize the
year's work as f?)lows:
2. Construction
Grading and gravelling ten miles of road, building two bridges,
three cement culverts, and' plaCing a number of iron pipe culverts.,
3. Stalter Gulley Bridge
Foundations and steel work on this structure have been coinpleted~
,vVe expect the contractor to have the cement floor finished by July 15th
and the bridge opcned for -traffic.
Expenditure During the Years 1922-1923
Contract ........................m'................,.,~.,........$ 19759 75
Extras on fot1.np.ation........,.....~,......n".,...,~;.... 279l. -46
Elgin C01jnty Coyncjl
Con tract_ .. ..... ...... n.... ............ ...... h.... ."0.. ...~.. ....
Extras on foundatiolL. .....h...........n......:.....
7794 59
13072 33
Amount due Dominion Bridge Co., on superstructure......
AmQunt due J. S. \iVhitcombConstruction Co., on con-
tract untinishedn........un........um....................................m........
43418 13
4160 00
3504 15
Total estimate to date on Stalter Gulley Bridge.cuu.......m..$ 51082 28
Majn-tenan!:e Of Roads
We recommend that 150 miles of road should' be r~sJ.1rfaced with
arid' broke.n _stone this' year.
Maintenance of Bridges
rhe ul14erpinning of c,ement bridge on Road No. 33, between
cQnce~si6l1s 8 <!-m} 9, opposite lot 6, Yi;lrmouth; new abutment for bridge;
Road. No. 3Q, ,collc,essiQn opposite lqt17, yarmouth;~reosote' bloc)c
bridge,;Road No. 39, c0l1cession 1, between lots 5 and 6,
. '.
Calcium Chloride
Will be used on the road from St. Thomas to Port Stanley, known
as Road No. 23, P. c..S. A. Order for this material has heen given,
.9siQg one pound p~t $quare Y;:l.r<f- for iqitial appliG;ltio~l, followed in six
we:ek~ with a se~_o11d ilPplic.ation of ~ Ib,persqttare yard, making
total of 11 Ibs. per. square yard. Cost of material, 2~ cents per pound,
O. B. St. T.1jomas.
Estimates of Exp'enditure, 1923-
That the sum of $75,000.00 will' be required from the Cotlntyof
for constructi'on and maintenallce of roads. this year. J
That by-law be passed at this session of County Coullcil giving
to Road Superintendent under sectJon4 of The Ohstl'uction on
Removal Act, 1920.
All of which isr"espectfully submitted.
Chairman of Road Committee;
EIgiil County Coul1ci~
Second Report, June Session
Tothc Warden arid Elgin County Council:
Gentlemcn, -
The County Road Committee begs leave to report:
Elgin County Council
November Session
To the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin:
-- -~~-
The following is my report on the House of Industry and R~fuge
for the' year ending 31st October, ,1923:
1. That no action be taken rc application of Village of West Lorne
for a grant' under The Highway Act, and that in the opinion of this
Committec, villagcs desiring any further grants should proceed under
section 5 of The,:Highway Improvement Act, sub'-section 7, as enacted
in Hi20; the limit Qf couqty grant to be the estimated cost of 'construc..:
tionof the county road through the village.
2. That this County Council grant to the different villages in the
County of Elgin an amount equal to what they pay in for county:road
purposes, plus twenty per cent., excepting the Village of Springfield,
where we recommend that owing to the County assuming the larger
portion of their designated ro~ds, thaL the grant be one-half of the
amount paid in, plus twenty pcr cent.
3. The Village of Vie,nna to receive no grant for road construction.
4; That no action be taken at this session or: the County COUllcil h?
change designation of 'county roads in Bayham.
All of which is respectfully sub111itted.
1. Number of inmates at last report;.___m.__....n.___..
2. Number admitted during :reaL... ---.u._n.n.n.
3. Number cif deaths....___ """___';"
, .
4. N umber disch~rged
5. Number absconded
6. Number now in House.n... un....n.........___._........___...................._
7, Numbef -of inmates sent from the several l11unicipalities
County during the year:
South DOl'chester
West. Lorue.n.n'n".._..n..n..n..
in the
Elgiii- Couilty Cotihcil
8. The various causes of pauperism of inmates admitted to the
House during the year may be classed as follows:
'T!,;:'liL'.:i:'iJ 17.
Old age.;____.________
Other caUses___....... m._
n.. ________n n...h...n............ ......00:1..__........
Average titinibel' of il1lliateS during "the year....m................... 28.5
Average rilhriber, with Keeper's faulily and hired help__c.."no 34
Ntihlbei' of ;'\leekS' board of iimiiltes......._____m___..........n.nm.n.1188.S.
Ni.uuhe:r of weeks, with Keeper's family__.__....________n...un_______l~b1.6
Total expenditures during the yeat......___..._mn.......----...-----$9,712.69
Fl"Om ihnlates .......________..........._..._ ..,.____...........$,
From farm. stock...........___.m ..__.__......n__..______...
Fi'om pi'l':idhce sold...~..........____.m...m__.......m...
From sundries .......m..__......m......__.__m.m..:=.....
From Provincial Treasurer .mm.............
926 46
644 37
463 43
252 00
108 30
$ 2394 56
452 64
Permanent improvements......______............__...,
2847 .20
Lea~ing amount actually expended for
support of inmates..________..__.m .______....nm.____
Average expense per week for each
Average expense per day for each
person ......______......__..__.____.......____.__..........
686.5 49
3 81
E1gin COlPlty Council
A v~rage e:x:pense per year for each
person ..__..n..______....__...__. ...........__.__.....__.........
Amo'un't expended for house and farm
during the year. is divided as follows:
Farm Expense
Hired labor....
feed, .
198 12
...........................................$ 818 00
85 22
121 10
...............--...,--......--..........----... R76 Q9
169 39
HQuse Expense
;E-lired labor..__.____...____..__...... ........__.......".__...,$
Dry goocls....~...__. ..----..........____..........__.....m....
Boots and shoes........__....____......____......______....
Furniture and hardware.......m......__..........__
Drugs .__....____.__..__.____...____.____.....__.____......______...
Coal and wood____..........__..__.__.....__.__m..........
lvIiscellaneotls ..__...m.....______.....____.................
General Expense
Conveyance of inmates__....__..:.~__. .......__......$
Permanent improvements__........__....__.........
Jticiden tal ......m.__..____....__....__.......................__
!:Iospital __..__________........______......________....
J:<'eeper ...__.,.--.......,............,.....-:...........__:......____....$
M""tron __............"...",.,....__.....,................,
1773 15
530 00
407 82
316 74
590 27
354 71,
203 88
320 14
84 23
1213 62
265 71
4440 21.
15 00
143 46
452 64
577 73
530 50
1719 33
.800 00
480 00
Elgin County Council
300 00
200 00
$ 9712 69
1780 00
Total. Expenditures......____.___._...............___
The following produce was raised 011 the farm during the year:
802 'bus. oats and barley; at 60cnnnn___n.....$
78 bus. wheat, at $1.00.______......_____"............
22 loads of hay, at $10.00_________.........._____....
10 acres of ensilage cornn...._.m..___~~___.___m
450 bus. potatoes, at $1..00 per bag......._____
40 bus. husked corn, at 50c.___.m
15 bus. sugar beets, at 25cn____m._..._____m~:
17' bus. field carrots, at 40C..______'m.nh..nm
3 bus. beans" at $3.00.....____...____......_.______n
2 loads pumpkins.________ ....nn....______...___._____
Garden Produce
7 bus. beets -0___ ....______..._........,..____.._________....$
5 bus. carrots
5 bus. oniolls
G bt15. salsify
10 bus. parsnips
700 heads cabbage
1 load melons
;1; acre garden peaSm...___m.m.........m...mm.
1- barrel cucumbers
5 bus. table turnips..... .___nnnon_' 000000..000000
Quantity squash
Qualltity celery
Quantity peppers
20 bus. tomatoes
Quantity sweet corn,%; acre.mum.......
4 cloz: cauliflowers
Quantity lettuce, parsley, asparagus
Quantity plums, grape Sm.. ...m.mn..n..
Quantity peaches
15 qts milk per .daym...':mnm.n.......mn........
481 20
78 00
200 00
300 00
20 00
3 75
6 80
9 00
10 00
$ 1328 75
4 00
3' 00
10 00
12 00
15 00
35 00
20 00
10 00
3 00
2 50
5 00
3 00
10 00
20 00
6 00
lO' 00
2 00
2 00
~lgin County - Council
50 b~rrels apples'
A 'large quantity of vegetables and
fruit was used duriilg the summer, of
which no account was kept.....m......___.
4 hogs killed during the year.mm.........n
Fruit canned in the House___.n.mn...m
1850 Ibs.. butter made duriilg the year.m..n
200 do~eneggs, consumed.....m..
11 ducks used
20 chickens used
Cream sold ____....nn.......mu..............m.n..$
21 hogs sold
4 cows sold
Eggs and sundries soldm.......m.nn..nn
5 veal calves sold..n......unn ..mun...._____...
J 3 yearlings sold
65 00
75 00
72 00
100. 00
740 00
11 00
20 00
$ 1147 25
310 19
461 02
340 00
25 00
60 20
$ 1271 41
21. Number of articles of bedding and clothing made up during
ye<l;r by Matron and inmates, 200.
22. N umber of visits made by Inspector, 50.
23. Farm stock.-
3 horses.
13 cows.
16 hogs.
2 yearlings.
3 calves.
3 brood ,sows.
175 chickens.
5 ducks.
24, 'The total "amount expended by' the County 011 House ,of
etc., is. as follows:
Farm, 100 acres, costnn......n_.mmu..n..m.__..$ 7298 95
House of Industry.mn.mmmm...n._.mn.......... 11912 10
Elgin County Council
Fire escapes
Root 'cellar, hennery, etC._mn...______,.__________
Cqttages, etc. .
-STick ice house
Barns, etc.
Tile drains
Tile drain outlet.__ ..____n_______________.______
Hot air pump, tai1ks, and connections____
Heating apparatus
Boiler room and soft coal' boiler.
Deep' well
Hog pen
Received from Government on. aCC0lt11t of
expenditures, for lanel and building.__
Leaving amount actually expended by
All of which is respectfully submitted.
November 1st, 1923.
687 61
390 06
879 43
3192 45
1180 50
5043 69
1737 77'
132 03
920 60
40 00
1445 99
85- 85
1979 00
827 66
293 62
654 99
.$ 42456 29
Elgin County Council
To the Warden and Members of the EIgili Courity COUllei1:
GentlemCI1, -
I have the honor -of presenting the forty-eighth annual medical
report of the, .:Elgin House of Industry_up to October 31st, H123, and
submit the following' for your consideration:
Except for the infirmities of old age ,the health 'of the inmates has
been good.
I made fifty:.,t\Io;'o VISItS to the House of Industry and visiteCl the
inmates-\v-ho were in the hospital as often as their condition demanded.
During the year three' inmates were treated at the hospital, viz.:
4000 00
Chas. SI((~ldiI1g- Dec; 27th to Feb. 27th; heart disease and dropsy.
Improved and was l'eturned to House of Industry. .
$ 38456 29
'John Noble-Jan. 23rd to May 7th; cancer of face. Died.
Byron Trask-June 15th to Aug. 10th; gangrene of leg. Died.
There were 110 births during the year.
. ~
Number of deaths during the year, sixteen (males 13, females 3)
3, 1.922
8, 1922
15, 1923
Feb. 6,1923
18, 1923
'Mar. 5, 1923~
5, 1923
Name Age Cause of Death
\tVm. Hib barL..nn:'mnnn.:77 ..........um... Cerebral softening.
David Berdan.m....hu.......85mm..nnm...Old age.
Julia BI00l11nu.:nnunnunu.75......n..nnnuOld. age.
Wilson Pew m.........unnnn72nn...n.umh.Heart disease.
Yeves.. Nicholas .mnnu......,6..6.......nnnn.uApoplexy.
Thos. . Holland nuu..hn,mu-mmnuu......Apoplexy.
J qhn McM urraynn...m..u.~71m.n....um...Arterio-sclcrosis.
Duncan Leitchnnu....nhn,..81cmnm.u..n..Chr. nephritis.
Daniel Campbell nnunuu..75"""hnmmnHeart disease..
Jane Lynchm...m.u.......m100...:nm:........Old age.
Elgin COUl1tyCoullciI
May 7,1923
July 17,1923
Aug. 10, HJ23
Aug. 11, 1923
Oct. 17,1923
J oha No bleuo.u.n....n.........87 .__....m.'_____. Cancer.
John Al1al1nm..mmmnmm.8Lm..........nOld age.
Byron Trask....n__n.....m...65..h...h.......n Gangrene,
Margaret Leitch___.....n.nn84......,.:.______..Old age.
Alex. McDolwld........______.78__n__.unn____..Cerebral softening.
Beecher' Smithnn...m..m...42..............nn Epilepsy.
I have the honor to be,
Your obedient servant,
St. Thomas, Nov. 23rd, 1923.
Elgin, County CounCil
January Session
To'the Elgin'County Council:
Gentlemen, --
The House of Industry Committee reports:
1. That m reference to communication from Association of
Managers of' -Homes for the Aged and Infirm, we recommend that
membership fee be paid.
2. That By-Law No~ '827 be amended' in clause referring to admis- i
si~n of paupers by addil1g the following after the words HSchedule A ":
"The certilicate thereon in reference to the mental and physical
condition of proposed inmates to be signed by the medical officer of
health of the'nninicipality fro111 which commitment is made, or by the
House of In&ustry physician, or by some other physician designated
by hin:."
. I
And that tge form of commitment be changed accordingly.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
January 27th, 1923.
November Session
'To t1:J.e Elgin County Council:
The House of Industry Committee reports:
L That they have awarded the contract for bread for the year
1924, to Norris' Bros., at the rate of. 4~c. per PQu~d.
Elgin County Council
Elgin County Council
2. That beef will be purchased and placed in cold storage as in
former years.
3. That the reports of the Inspector and Physician of the House
of Industry be adopted and printed in the minutes.
January Session
the Elgin. County Coundl:
4. That under the legislation of H122, the County will receive froni
the Province t4e sum of $1,100..00, being Provincial grant of ten cents
per day foriu111ates maintained in the institution for. the year ending
'30th September, HI;Z3.
The Petitions and Legislation Committee reports:
That they have c'onsidered communicatiQn from County Councils of
Dundas and Glengarry, and recommend the 'Council to
by petition for chan'ges in gaol regulations, so 'that salaries
officials and other matters will remain under <;ontrol of COlt1Ity
5. That the hydro-electric power line has been c0111pleteq past the
House of Industry, and we awarded contract for wiring the buildings
"to Roberts Electi'ic C<,J1l:1pany, of .St. Thomas, for $1,150, a,nd arranged
with the Commission to instal tlw pole line from highway to main build-
ing. The cost will he about $150. '
,An of which is respectfully submitted.
All of which is respectfulIy submitted.
St. Thomas, Nov. 30tl1, H123.
June. Session
the Elgin County Council:
The Petitions and Legislation Committee reports:
1. That we 'concur in memorial submitted by the County COUllCil'
Perth for, payment of fifty per cen.t. of cost of transmitting hydro
to villages and hamlets.
AIl. of. which. is respectfully submiUed.
~ II
Elgin County Council
June Session
To the Elgin County Council:
Gentlemen, -
The Gaol Committee reports:
1.. That the Clerk be instructed to procure a typewriter and desk
for the County Treasurer;s office. and the Sheriff's office.
received for coal for Comity
2, That we have considered tenders
of Elgin, and would recommend that:
(1) One carload ofPocohalltus egg, 'at $12.50, be ,ordered from
H. J. Mc~anus.
(2) Two carloads of anthracite egg, at $16:50, be mdered from
Utter & Co.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
November Session
To the Elgin Connty Council:
Ge\ltlcmen, -
The Gaol Committee reports:
1. That we have awarded the contract for meat for the year 19134
to Durnan& Spry, at the rate of lOco per lb_., without bone.
2. That the contract for bread has been aWttl'ded to Norris Bros.
for 4k. per lb.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
H, L
St. Thomas, November 30th, 1923.
January Session
To the Warden and Council. of the County of Elgin:
Gentlemen, _
The special committee appointed to consider matters refen-ed to in
vVarden's address reports as follows:
1. We agree with the Warden's l-emarks iil reference to economy
would recommend that in view of the present high rate of taxation,.
every,effort should be made to reduce expenditures in the different
of the County's business. .
2. That ill. view of contributions already made for .relief of fire
s~fferers by local. municipalities in the County, that no action be taken
in reference to request forgr:ant.
3. That with reference topaytnent of permanent improvements by
issues; we recommend the members of the Council to cOl1SidE;r
matter and be .prepared to discuss the question when the estimates
presented in June.
Thatthe County Treasurer's Salary remain as at present.
That we h~ve considered the question in reference to workmen's
and would recommend that the County become a COl1-
so that when workmen or employees are injured they will be
care of by the Board.
All of which is respectfulIy submitted.
, f~1
Elgin County Council
To -the Elgin County Council:
Gentlemen, -
The deputation appointed to attend meeting in London re Port
. Stanley harbor improvement reports:
That the meeting was well attended, representatives being present
from the Councils and Boards of Commerce of the Cities of London
and St. Thomas, and from the tOUl~ty of Middlesex.
The nlatter was fully discussed and plans laid before the meeting.
It was unanimously decided that the desirable, improvement ,vas the
widening of the harbor entrance,... by constructing a new east pier.
This will provide for the" entrance of the largest lake boats and prevent
tqe harbor from filling up.
It was decided to scnd a joint deputation down to Ottawa to inter-
view the, Minister of Public Works, with a view to having the improve~
ments completed at an early date, and-
We recommend that the Warden be authorized'to appoint deputa~
tion'to represent the County.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
J anu~lxy. 2nh, HJ23.
Elgin County Council
November .Session
To the Elgin County Council:
Gentlemen,' ~
The Special Hospital Grant Committee reports:
L That 'By':'LawNo. 981, granting $5,000 towards
tion of hospital in Aylmer, be repealed, and that
made to the, St Thomas Memorial Hospital.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
the construc_
a grant of $5;000 ,be
]. A. McLEAN,
Thomas;' November 29th,
. (Report not _adopted.)
Elgin County COU,n<;il
To the Warden of the County of Elgin:
We, the undersigned Auditors of the COUilty of Elgin for the year
1922,respectfully submit the following report:
We have~carefully compared the several accounts with' the -'vouchers
produced and orders authorizing' the various expenditures, and find
them cOITcct.
We find the receipts exceed tbe expenditures by eight thousand,
six hundred and twenty-three dolla'rs and -thirty-nine cents ($8,623.39)
as follows:
Cash in' Molsons Bankm_n.munnn..n.;________$ 31439 57
Cash in Treasurer's office__m........___...___.... 154 04
$ 31593 61
'22970 22
I,-ess cheques outstanding__
$ 8623 39
The following statements are submitted: Abstract' of Receipts and
Exp,cnditures, Assets and Liabilities, and Detailep. Statemellt of Receipts
and Expenditures.
As required, we have made a quarterly audit' of the Treasurer's,
accounts and forwarded a statement of each quarter to the Warden and
Chairman of the Finance Committee.
The Bonds given by the Treasurer for ten. thsmsand dollars, and
deposited by order of the Council with the Manager of the Molsons
Bank in St. Thomas, \~ere I-enewed on January 1st" 1922. We have
examined the returns made by the several Treasurers to the County
Treasurer during the year 1922, and compared them with the County
Treasurer's books and find them correctly entered.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
St. Thomas, January 18th, 1923.
Elgin County Council
For Quarter ending. September 30th,
Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1923..._...._
Administration of.] usticc......._........
Bills payable
Public schools
House of Industry.
Arrears of. taxes
County lines
-B-egistry office
County roads.......... ""'_'" """,,,,,,..._..
..........$ 8623 39
5593 38
179000 00
335 29
35947 48
1497 56
1355 75
701 11
343 92
74419 55
263 00
186 32
Bills payable u..
. Interest
Administration of. Justice..
Public schools
House of ,Industry..........n................
Registry office
County lines
Arrears .of taxes......
High schools
Members' wages .......... ..........
Officers' salaries
Pr:inting, .postage, etc.....m............'......
Care of county buildingsm~
Water, -light, and fueL.n
County roads
.$113 000 00
3678 80
12655 92
18931 88
6707 08
454 53
3850 11
68 08
9466 51
.....n....................2541 60
2650 00
950 94
970 23
2762 10
115651 93
Elgin County Council
EIgili County Council
Miscellaneous om....................................
Debentures and coupons____________________________
10980 91
1592 02
$306912 64
1354 11
BatatlCe __..n___......h..........._._._..~____
Respectfully submitted,
BYeLAW No. 1014
To Appoint Hign School Trustees
The Elgin County Council enacts;
That E,Smytn b,eappointcd Trustee for' the Vieuna HighSchooI
for three years, and William Chute for. one year,. in place of William
That Dr. F. H. Miller be appoilited Ti"ustee of the Aylmer
CoIIegiate Institute for three years.
~hatW. Kendall be appointed Trustee of the D'ltttOll High SChdoI
for 'three years;
County Council Chambers, Sf: Thoirlas, 27Ui ]ariUili-y, 1923.
County Cler~;
BV-LAW No. 1015
To Appoint' a County Advisory AgriCUltural Council
Whereas t'he. Honorable the Minister of Agriculturehas invited this
to appoint'an Advisory Agricultural CouncH to co-operate with
Agricultural Rellresehtative; <
And whereas. the Council have 'approved of the' sUggestion and the
of the members of the County Board of'Trade to compose
The ,Elgin County COUildl enacts:
I ~
. I
I ul
Elgin County Council
1. That the following be appointed '-members of the County
Advisory Agricultural Council:
For Two Years
J. A. King, 'AldbQrough
Neil Burton, Southwold
R. B. McConnell, Malahide
Duncan Conipbell, S. Dorchester
W. F. Smith, Yannouth
J. A. Mt::Callunl, DUllwich
2. That members of said Advisory Council be paid the same as
niembers of this CounCil for attendance at the two meetings require.d'to
be held annually, in February and November, and that they receive
their travelling an'd other expenses for attendance at special or emer-
gency meeting-scalled by-the Chairman.
County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 27th January, 1923.
K. W. McKAY,
County Clerk,
BY.LAW No. 1016
To Authorize the Warden and-Treasurer to Borrow
the Sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars
The Elgin County.Council.enacts:
That the Warden and Treasurer be. and arc hereby authorized to
borrow the sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars', as it may be
required, to meet expenditures of the .Corporation,of. Elgin during 1923,
Elgin County Coui1cil
and give as secu'rity therefor, notes of One Thousand or Ten Thousand
Dollars each.
Couilty Council Chatlibers, St, Thomas, 27th January, 1923.
K. W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
BY-LAW No. 1017
To Amend By-Law No. 827
The Elgin County Council enacts:
That By-Law No, 827 be amended in clause referring to admission
of paupers by adding the following after the words "Schedule A.":
"7'he c~rtificate thereon in reference to the mental and
physical condition of proposed inmates to 'be signed by- 'the
Medical Officer of Health of the municipali~y from which
commitment is made, or by the physician of the House of
Industry" or by 'some other physician designated by him, and
that the 'Fo~m of Commitment be changed ac~ordingly,"
County Council Chambers, St.iThomas, 27th January, 1923,
County Clerk..
BY-LAW No. 1018
To Appoint a High Constable for the County of. Elgin
for the Year 1923
The Elgin County C01.-lncil enacts:
Elgin County C011l1cil
That John Hopkins be appoint~d IIighConstable for the year 1923,
at a salary of Two Hundred ~l1d Forty Dollars per annum._
County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 27th January, 1923.
K. W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
BY-LAW No. 1019
To Fix Salary of County'Treasurer and Amend By-Law No. 968
'The Elgin. C6unty'Council enacts:
That th~' salary of the County Treasurer be raised to Two Thous-
and, One Hundred Dollars per annum, commencing 1st of January, and
that By-Laws heretofore passed; in this behalf bcamcnded accordi'ngly.
COUilty Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 27th January, 1923.
K. W: McKAY,
Cougty Clerk.
Vif a,rclen.
!lY-LAW No. 1020
'rQ 4ppQint a Board of Audit in the County of Elghl
for the Year 1923
;' Be it enacted by the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the:
County of Elgin:
That the Judge of the County Court and Oscar McKinney are
hereby app()i!ltedmembers of the Board pf Audjt, to perform the duties,
required of them by R. S. 0., Chapter 96, Section 21.
That the members of the said 'Board be paid the. sum of Five
Elgin County COl-Ulcil
Dollars per da,y for their serv~ces, and five cents per mile going to and....
from such audit.
County Comlcil_Chambers, St.' Thomas, 27th Jal1tlarYi 1923.
K. W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
BY-LAW No. 1021
To Appoint, an Assistant County Engineer
The Elgin, .county Council enacts:
'That Fred: A. Bell 'be and is hereby appointed Assistant County
Engineer, without salary, to act for the,County Engineer, James A. Bell,
during his absence from the County.
County Council Chamber, St. Thomas, Ont., June 9th, 1923.
1(, W McKAY,
. County Clerk,
BY-LAW No. 1022
To Aut,horizethe Warden anli Treasurer to Borrow the Sum of
Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars
The Elgin' County - Coun~il ~l1acts:
That the Warciell and Treasurer be and are hereby authorized to
1:!;Ol'l'oW the surp.' of'Two Hl1nclred ancl Fifty Thousand Dollars, as it
may herequired,to meet - exp~nditures of the Corporatioq of Elgin
' during 1923, and give as security therefor, notes of one' thousand or ten
thousand dollars each.
CoulltyCouncil Ch~mb~r, St. Thomas, Ont., J~ll1e 9th,1923.
K. W. McKAY,
COUlity Clerk.
Elgin County Council
,BY-LAW No. 1023
To Make Grants to Villages and -Town
Whereas in The Act to Aid in the Improvement of Public High:'"
ways it i~ 'provided that a county council may, from time to time, make
grants to villages and towns not separated from the county, for the
purpose of improving highways,' in such villages and towns as may be
designated in such by-law and which are extensioils of, or form con-
nections between, different portions of county roads;
And whcreas the Council of the County of Elgin deems it expedicilt
to make grants to the incorporated villages and town of the County,
for the year 1923, in accordance with the terms of the said Act:
Be is therefore enacted by the Council of the Municipal Corporation
of the County of Elgin as. follows:
1. A grant of $3,654 is' hereby made to the Town of Aylmer.
2: A grant of $720 is hereby made to the Village of Springfield, to
be expended on connecting links and extensions of county roads.
3. A grant of $2,402 is hercbymade to the Village of Port Stanley,
for the hnprovement of School House Hill, being .conJinuation of
Road No. 24.
4. A grant of $1,440 is hereby made to the Village of Dutton,for
the improvement of roads commencing at'north side of village on Main
street," a distance of 26 chains, being connecting link between County
Roads Nos. io and 13 P. c., and also Connecting link 'of the old <=:urrie
Road south to Mary Street, a distance of 36 chains.
'5. A grant of $1.016 is hereby made to the Village of West Lorne
for improvement 'of Graham.Street,betweensouth limit of'right of way,
P., M. Railway; alldsot:ith liri1it(~f Main Street, being connecting link
of Road No.!.
6'.', ',Ag'rallt of $1,052 is hereby made to the' Village. of Rodney for
Elgin County Council
the improvement of QU,een Street, from Furnival Road west to Flora
'Street, being continuation of Road No.4 P. C.
The said grants shall be expended solely upon the highway or
portion thereof herein designated.
Thew'ork on which the said grants shall be expended shall be
performed in accordance with the 'last revised regulations respecting
of the Department of Public Highways of 'Ontario. '
Read a third tiliie and-, passed this 9th day o,f June, 1923.
K. W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
BY-LAW No. 1024
To Authorize the County Road Superintendent to. Represent
the' Council in all Matters Referred to in "The Highway
Obstructions Removal Act of 1920
The .Elgin County Council enacts:
1. That the County Road .superintend~nt may enter into an agree- '
with the/owner of any lands adjacent, to a highway under the
jurisdiction of the coundl, for -the removal of any tree, shrub, brush,
hedge, fence, 'signboard, building, or other Qbject growing or standing
the highway or on lands adjoining the highway, and whi(:h may cause
the drifting at accumulation of snow or may hljuriously affect the high-
way or ohstruct' the vision of drivers of vehicles 01" pedestrians upon
the highway. -
2. That the said Superintende may, with the approval of the coun-
cil,having jurisdiction over, the highway, enter into, an agreement with
the owner of the lands as to the amount of compensation to be,paid to
for damages caused to him by reason of such removal.
3. That when the said Superintendent is of ,the opinion that the
Elgin County Council
rei110val of allY. tree, shrub, brltshl hedge, fence, signboard, buildilig, or
other object growing or standing upon a highway, or on lands adjacent
to the highway, will cause the drifting oracculllulation of snow or is
injurious to the road-bed 'ot is a dangerous obstructin to the vision of
drivers f vehicles or pedestrians on the highway, and he is unable to
agree with the owner of such lands for the removal of the same, or as to
the amount of compensation to be paid therefor, the Road Superin-
tenden:t may,with the approval of the couucil having jurisdiction over
the ,hi,ghway, apply to the- Judge of the County Court of the County in
which the lands affected are situated, and upon such notice to the
owner of the lands affected as the Judge may ,direct, for an ordergnint-
ing authority to the Road Superintendent- to enter upon the la'tl:ds
affected .and to remove any object with respect to which the application
is 111ade, and the 'Judge; upon such application, may make such order.
and may fix the amount of compensation to he paid to the owner and
give such, directions as to costs as in his opinion may be equitable.
County Council Chamber, St. Thomas, Gnt., June 9th, 19'23. -
K. W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
BY-LAW No. l025
To Designate County Roads - in the Village of Springfield
'The Cqunty Council qf the: - County_ of Elgin 'enacts:
1. That / COUllty ,Road No. 52 be extended into the Village of
Springfield from the 'westerly boundary of the Village, east on Mail'i
Stree.t to McIntosh - Street.
2. That County Road No. 40 be exterided into the said Village
from thesouther1y limits ,thereof, north on East Street to the Michigan
Central right-of-way:
3. That Coullty Road No. 49 be extencl'ed hito the said Village
from the northerly limits of said Village, south on Wellington Street to
the-north limit of Lot No; '1.
Elgin---_ County Council
That By-Law No. 1008 be and is hereby repealed.
County Council Chamber, St. Thomas, Ont., June 9th, 1923.
K. W. McKAY,
Couilty Clerk
BY'LAW No. 1026
.To Assess the Township of Malahide for Thirty Per - Cent. :of
the Cost of the' Stalter Gulley Bridge
Whereas the Council of the Township of Malahide, by by-law,
applied under the provisions of The Highway Improvement Act for the
designation as a county road of the original allowance for road between
the first and _second concessions of said Township, extending_ from the
side road between lots 25. an.d 26 to the side road between lots 30. and 31;
And whereas said road does not serve all the 'townships equal'ly;
Ar:idwhereas the said Township Council, in their said application,
requested the County Council of Elgin to levy a special rate 011 said
Township. sufficient to pay thirty per cent. of the cost of constructing a
bridge over the ravine biown as the Stalter Gulley, on said road;
And whereas this Council has by by-law designated the said road
as County Road, No. 42;
And wher,cas the application of the said Township and the said
by-law designating the said road have been approved in accordance with
provisions of The Highway Improvement Act;
And whereas the cost of the said btidge has been ascertained to be
$51,082.28, being $17,809.00 in excess of the estimated cost, $33,273.00,
stated in By-Law No. 1006, being a by-law to assess the Township of
Malahide for thirty per cent. of the cost of said bridge; and'whereas it
is desirable to assess the said Township for thirty per cent. of the
-aniottl~t of cost in -excess of the estimated cost:
Elgin COt111ty Couucil
The County Council of the County of Elgin enacts:
.That the sum of $5,342.10 b~ and is hereby levied as a special rate
upon the Township of Malahide, for paying thirty per cent. of the cost
of constructing the said Stalter Gulley Bridge, said amount to. be -levied
andcotlected in like manner and at the same time as the county rates
for the current year are levied and collected;
And that the same he paid to the County Treasurer at the same
time, in the same manner, and subject to the same penalties for non-
payment as applies in respect to the nbn-payment - of cbuntyrates.
County Council Chamber, St. Thomas, Ont., June 9th, 1923.
K. W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
BY-LAW No. 1027
To Appoint a Member of the St. Thomas Suburban Area Commission
The Elgin County Council enacts:
That Alexander Anderson, of the Township of cYarmouth,beand
is hereby appointed a member of the St. Thomas Suburban Area 'Com-
mission, to hold office for five years and until his successor is appoii~tcd.
County Council Chamber, St. Thomas, Ont., June 9th, H123.
K. W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
BY-LAW No. 1028
To Raise Amounts for County Rates During the Year 1923
Whereas an estimate has. been made showing that the sum
Two Hundred and Seve'nty-Nine Thousand and Three Dollars
Elgin County Council
Therefore the
Elgin. enac.t.":'
Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County
That a rate of Nine Mills on the Dollar be levied 011 all rateable
in the several municipalities in the County of Elgin, as above
for the year 1923,' to raise the"followingamoul1ts:
2. That the sum of Two Hundred and Seventy~Nine Thousand
Three Dollars' be raised - and levied in the several municipalities in
Elgi~l Coun~y Council
fhe County, accdrding to the following schedule, and' that the amounts,
as entered therein; be paid to thCCOUllty Treasurer, as by law required:
Aldborough ....,..................................:............$
DUllWich .......___n.......__.......______.........___ ___do-.n
South wold
Yarmouth __.........__..._.._____......u........h.......______.
Malahide ........................................................
Bayham ....------i..-----...........
South Dorchester .-----....--.----.....--.--.--.....-..-.
Aylmer' .___n.........___....______.................._
Dutton _______.....______.........___.........__'___....._.______.....
Port Stanley ....______...._.__......._____.__.........______..
Rodney ....__n......____.......______........______......__, ..n"
West Lorne ..._._.m......____.....___nnmm__nm.m.
County Council 'Chamber, St. Thomas, Ont., June 9th, 1923.
K. W. .McKAY,
County Clerk.
BY.LAW No. 10~9
Confirm the Equalization of the Assessment Rolls
of. the County of Elgin
The Elgin County Council enacts:
of the
That the following be the
County of Elgin fot 1923:
equalization of the assessl1ientrolls
Elgin County Council
Name of Municipality
Aldborough ..................................................,$ 3,887,759
Dunwich h-h.--h..h..........h......h..n.....h..h.....n. 4,340,052
Southwold .--.n...__.........h........m.__.__............... 5,157,514
Yarmouth --....h.....-......__..__h.~h__..__.....__h....... 5,319;162
. Malahide. ---.n......n..n..........n'........h........m..... 3,75:1,283
BayhaUl ...h..h.......................h..__.......__.....n.... 2,426j864
S. . Dorchester. ......n....m...........,.............h__n.. 2,406,201
Aylmer .........0.............__................................__ 1,259,216
Dutton .--.nnh................................n.h...__.__..... 495,509
Port Stanley .........h.n...........h..............."........ 826,353
Springfield ......h....n.....__.h........_.h...h......__..... 246,578
Vienna ..h..h..h....n.m..........nh__h...h.."....n..__n 171,755
Rodney --..n.h......h..h....__.......n.__............h....... 362,931
West Lorne m.m.....m.___......_...mh.....h......... 349,197
2. That this Council is willing to have the' final" equalization of the '-'
as~essmentJ in case. of appeal; made by the County Judge.
Coill1ty Council Chamber, St. Thomas,'~Ont., June 9th, 19.23.
C0U11ty Clerk.
BY.LAW No. 1030
To Extend the Time for Tax Sale
The Elgin County Council enacts:
That the time for the enforced collection by sale of land in arr~ars
for taxes in the County of Elgin be andds hereby extended for one yeaI'.
County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, December lIst, 1923.
County Clerk.
, Warden.
Elgin County Council
BY-LAW No. 1031
To Amend By-Law No. 1023
Whereas By.;.Law No-. 1023, designating county roads in the Village
of Spril1gfie'ld, has been approved by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council;
And whereas in By~Law No. 1023. the sum of $720 w-~s granted to
said Village for' improvement of extensions and connecting links of
county roads;
And whereas it is desirable to reduce the grailt proportionate to the
mileage for which - the Village is responsible:
The Elgin County' Council enacts:
That By-Law No. 1023 be
Village of Springfield to $144.
amended by reducing grant to the
Coul1tyCouncil Chambers, St. Thomas, December 1st, 1923.
K. W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
BY-LAW No. 1032
To Make 'Grants to Schools
The Elgin County' Council enacts:
1. That the High Schools at Aylmer, Dutton, and St. Thomas -be.
paid one hundred per cerit. of the' cost of maintenance of County' pupils
attending said schools,~nd the followirig grants in lieu of any additional
sums they may be entitled to by law:
Ayhner .........h....'n...h..'".
St. Thomas
.......................$1049 00
1063 00
1150 00.
Elgin County Council
2. That in addition to all other amounts to which jt may be
entitled to by law,. ihe Vienna High School be granted the SUm of Nine'
Hundred Dollars.
3. That,with the exception of Port Burwell Continuation School,
grants toContihuation and Fifth Class Schools of the COunty 'be made
on the basis of Two Dollars and Fifty Cents for 'each Dollar granted
by- the Government, and that the grant to Continuation School at Port
Burwell be same as above, with $300 deducted therefrom.
4. That said grants to Continuation and Fifth Class Schools he in
lieu of amounts, to whicr said schools may be entitled by law.
5.' That theabove~mentioned grants be not paid until a complete
statenlent of r~ceipts and expenditures and attendance for 1923 be
furnished io the satisfaction of the County Clerk.
County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, December 1st, 1923.
K. W. .McKAY,
County Clerk.
. BY-LAW No. 1033
To Assume Water Street, in Port Bruce
The Elgin COt11~ty Council enacts:
That Water Street, in the unincorporated Village of Port Bruce, in
the - Township of Malahide, from Road No. 39 to Lake Erie, be assumed
a County Road, under the provisions of The Highway Improvement
Act.' \
County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, December 1st, 1923.
K. W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
No. 1014.
No. 1015.
No. 1016.
No. 1017.
No. 1018.
No. 1019.
No. 1020.
No. 1021.
No. 1022.
No. 1023.
. No. 1024.
No. 1025.
No. 1026.
No. 1027.
Elgin County Council
To Appoint High School Trustees.mm...uhmh...____17, 121
To Appoint County Advisory Agricultural
Council ..-- ......--.....';.00....---.---......____........__..__...........__.17, 122
To Borrow $200,000-----......__.__.___.__...__..__..__.__.......__..__...18, 122
To Amend By-Law 827. re Admission of Inmates
to House of IndustrY---.__......__...__.____......n.h...n..__18, 123
To Appoint Hight- C0l1stabIem..__..__..m.n...._..n.mhu19, 123
To Fix, County Treasurer's SalarY...n..n..___.___..n_m19, 124
To Appoint Board of AudiL__.....hU.....n..nn......n.__.20., 124
To Appoint Assistant County Engineer.m.___......__34, 125
To Borrow $250,000..--..;-..___.___.___.__.......__.___...._..__......__35, 125
To Make Grants to Villages' and .Town._____.._..__.___.35, 126
To Give Road Superintendent Authority under
Highway Obstructions Removal Act..__...__..__.30, 124
To Designate County Roads in Sprillgfield__..__....36, 128
To Assess '1.falahide for Stalter Bridge__........_.___.__37, 129
To Appoint Member St. Thomas Stlburban Area
Commission ---.---...-.--'-..---.----....---..,_..._..._..__..._..______37, 130
No. 1028. To Raise County Rhtes--......._..___......______.......___.__..___._38, 130
No. 1029. Tci Confirm Equalization of Assessment RoHs._..38, 132
No. 1030. To Defer Tax: Sate-.---..--..___..._...__......___.__n....._....____...49, 133
No. 1031. To Amend By-Law 1023 as to Spdngfield Grallt..50, 134
No. 1032. To' Make Grants toSchools.__..........__..___......._..........50, 134
No. 1033. To Assume Water Street, Port Bruce__.h...m......._.51, 133
Alberta CoaL.':._...__n___......._____..,___..__..._.____.'h..___..__........__.._....._.___..._...__45, 46
Canadian -Good Roads Associati~)11..--...._..___..___..__.._..h______..__........_..... 31
Committee to Strike Standing Committees___h""'__.'__."',.___.,__.4, 7, 10
Committee re Port Stanley Bridge__...........__.......___..,............_____......... 11
Du.tton' High School__...__h._...___.__..__..__......_____._..___.'___.___m_.......___...-...26, 29
Elgin County Cbuncil
Elgin Historical Society...,.....m...................-......................................... 29
Good Roads Association........d..,............................................................ 20
Memorial I-IospitaL........o.n.....................m..................................29, 49, 51
Municipal Associa tion...........__....m..............m......................m............m_ 20
Peni11sular Winter Fair......m.......n..._..m.......................m.................25, 28
Special re Village Maintenance Grants.........................m......m......... 16
Trustees' AssociatiolL..._.........................m...m............n......................... 20
Vienna and Port Burwell Roads.......m..m......oo......................m..m.25. 28
Agricultural Societies......................................................m................11.
Alnasa . VV ood HospitaL.........___........o.............m..-....m.......................m..
Childrei1' s' Aid Society .......,..........'..m.....................m..........................m
Corn. and' Poultry Sho\vs.__..........n........................................m...m........
Historical Society ....................m......................................m...---.....m.......
Horticultural Societies..............................m.........m...........................31.
I...a\v Library ....................................- ...,.0..................................................
Lock-tt ps .............................................................................-.................... 9,
Miss W allacc..............................u......."........................................................
Public Libraries....._...oo....................................._.........................................
Tin1es- Journal Reporter m......~...........m.....'._d........n.. ...m...'''_''....'''''''_
Tugwof-,War..... .......m.........m..........
Women's Institutes..........m..........,...m..n.
.......~.........,.........._. ......~u""
. .~.. .......... .... .... ..............
Alberta CoaL............. .....m.......................oo......m...........................m...45, 46
Auditor Administration of Justice Accounts.....m...---......m............: 16
Children's Shelter..m.................~.n....m.......m.............m.... .................-.... 10
Commuriications ..........................d...m...........m.............................8. 24, 41
Cost of Provincial Highways....m.....m..."........'"'' m...'.''''''''''''''''.'''''. 47
Courity CottriciL..............................-............................... .......................... 3
County Solicitor to Assist High Constable___..oom... ........................ 12
County Treasurer's Salary ..m.........m.................................................7, 16
Debentures' .................................................................................................,... 6
Elgin COUllty Council
High Constable........ ...................
High School Tnistees.... ................... ...............................................11,
House of Industry......
Memorial Hospital ............."...........___...
Mothers' Allowallces Commissioll... .................................. ..........
Municipal Officers............................_........ ..........
Natural Gas Rates,. ...u...___.m................
Northern.- Ontario 'Fire Relief...........................u..u. ....00.................. .6,
Petition re . Cost Ccment Highways..................................u....
Senator University of Vlestern Ontario..............................
Stal1dillg Committees:......;, ........00..........................................___
Warden's Address..............u......hu..u...............-;-.................. .......5, 21,
'w ard~n' s Election..':...........................................u......................:......
Woikmen's Compensation........u.............. '.""00'""""",
W orId ConditioilS............___...
................... "''''.......--..
.... .... .............
Cou'ncil to Visit.. B ridges.... .......................u.m..---.m.........................2G.
Expenditure, 1922 "''''''''' ...................................00.....................00............
Highway Expenditures........................ ................................................
Provinc'jal. County Road. Vienna.............................................
Springfield. :Roads.........;......u..........uu..............................
Stalter Bridge....uu..........u............................................u........2!). 34, 37,
Statenlent of Expcnditures....................u........u........................'.........9,
Suburban' Area COnimission..,._....___............................u..
Vienna Connecting Link.....................~.............................
Vienna and. Port Burwell Roads.....m..................
Water Street, Port Bruce.___u...........................~.................... .....
West Lorne Road..oo........................................................................00........
Width of Railway Crossings..........................m.......m...............m
Elgin County Council
Auditors ..n.............n.............................................oo..oo.................. ............ 109
COlnmittees ....oooo..........................oo............'......oo...................n........n...noo. 53
c:ounty Engi.neeL......oo....oo..n...........mm.n......mmm..........m..8, 26, 42, 83
County Road Committeem.........mnn..........mnoo....12, 15, 27, 34, '45, 88
County, ,Treasut:er n..oo...moooon..........n,nn..n'.....mm......n..........oo.m..n..43, 73
Finance' Committeem...........oomm.mm....m._...m.m.14, '3D, 32, 33, 48, 72
'Education Committee,......moo.m.................m.m.....14, 30, 33, 46,,48, 70
Gaol Commit~ee..noom..m.......m..noo.mn..............m.noo..........oonm..m....30, 114
House of Industry Committee......n.................n.............mm......,...46, 111
Inspector House of Industry...mm".m......"m,....,oo.......m.......mnoo44, 103
Petitions and Legislation Committee...........mmnm............oo14, 33, 113
Physician House of Industry.n....mm..........!nmm....n..........h..oomA6. 111
Public Improvements COllullittee..oom...............n.mnmm..11, 30, 44, 86
Public Si;;hool Inspector Taylor ...h..m.mm...........n..noo.....__.....mm..... 54
Public School Inspector Smith..m...oon.n.oo......n...mnn.............moo,...". 63
Special Memorial Hospital Committee............hmm.........hm...m45, 117
Special re Port Stanley HarboLm.m...m......m.m...mnm.............n11. 116
Warden's Address, 'SpeciaLn...................m..............mh....m.ml1, 12. 115