1924 Minutes '" COUNTYI:JFFICIALS .., ,-,,":""', , ,...:'"::'" p;!inca;:i C 'Ross, ,Esq., '(dun tyHtidge Jas. H. Coyne, Esq.,. Registrar Ian Cameron, Es-q~" O;'.lgnty Court Clerk ,A. McCrimmol1,'Esq., -Clerk of ' the Peace 'arid County Crown AttOQ1CY ""; "" ;""F!,S. D, Har,ding; Esq.,Sj{'edff , ,'" ," ~.:: F-.' M,~,xw~'lI, 'E~q., Go. Polic~"M.agistra~te .; W., y. Lutdn,:~'Sq'i Ga6f~r J" .1;.. Tay.\or, B.A,.',,'and J, c. ,~mith, 'B~J).., Public' S~hoot: InspeCtbrs K.. W. McKay, Esq.. Co.unty Clerk ~~ B.,Gl~ahaln. Esq., :,<=()un'ty TreasJ1rer. jam~sA. Bell, ~.C.S.,c. E~,C?UntY:E.:l~gil~e.er . G"'1 F.\ Pitl~.Q, Cou'nty, Rp;a~L Superintetulent ' , C. St. 'Clair' Le,itch,,, CO'unty-Solicitor ' Frank Hgnh;E,sq."Ppli~e "Ma"gistrate Robt.Kain$, Esq., M:n.,'Gao'lSurgeon bouglas L.:,E~ift" M.:b.,,,Phys-iciail;, Hou'se" df,Industry D. I-t. Gooding, Keeperl House of Industry R~ M. 'Hohncs; 'c;aretak€r~' Court Hous~ J ohnI-Io]),kftH_,'- l-~igh, ,Constable All of 51. Thomas P. O. A. Turner, Esq" Inspe_ctor House of IndristrYl' Shedden R.:R. 1'- County Auditors : Walker' C. Caughel1; St! Thomas; W. A. Galbra,jth , lona Station Administration, 'Of " Justice Auditors,: D. C. Ross, County Judge Ma.y,or Skggett, St. Thomas ;0, McKclUiCY, Aylmer PROCEEDINGS. OF; THE Elgin" County Council" o FIRST SESSION-FIRST DAY Tuesday, 'the 2Znd of January, 1.924 The members elect bf the Elgin County Couucilinet this'JaY'at, the C)lirt ~-Iouse, 5t; Thomas, atZ p.tU; " The 'C1erkiJ" thech~ir; The followiI-ig filedccrtfficat,esal1d, took their 'seab. at Board: MUNICIPAL CLERKS,<'AND TREASURERS Municipality '~'ti~k, . Treasurer 'Aldboi'ough...mm.j., A. McRae," Rodn'eY'un~..;A. ,Carmichael;" West Larne DtU1Wich.mnn....um:D~ A. McNa'bb; D~tt(;ll1' ..,...,:Murray"McNeil" Dutton Southwold......uum.J.c. 'McI.:.,ennan;Fingal"mn.m;...D.' A. Cattanach, , 92 Moore'Street,.St.-'fh01naS Yal'mouth.........mW. C Caugh~Jl",St. 'ThomaLuRMcLachliri,St.<Tboroas Ma}ahiden.....u....'mJ ohn M;' Hale;" Aylme'r umn.mnn:] ohn M~" Hale Aylmer Bayhamu,mm....m,..,:,Benj. Brian, Straffordvillcm,Wm. Grant, StraffordviHe K Dorchester.umM.' S.Charlton, R.R. 1,Springfield~G,:Winder, Lyo,us Town of AylmeLm.......mn:n.mD. t. Davis.....um.nnu...,.... H. -K Armstrong Village of ,Springfield 'um..:mG.W. Collins... 'm.'nn;...mm.~......D.,G. Gillie,!.; V-il1ag~ oLVienna nn.'......mnmJ. P; Coombs um.,m...'nm.m'....J.P. Coombs Vi11q.ge of Port Stanley un....I-I. A Cromwell ...mu....mmo.H. A.Crom'w,el1 Village ,of,Dutton ..mu~.....mm.m.J; .D.. Blue unm:...mnm..u..~;mu "D. Campbell /,Vi1lam~' of.:West Larue.",.m.n..].' S. ..Robertson :.u~:n.......mh....,.~:w,;:..a Hole.". Viu'agc of Rodney .m.;......un..~n J. D. Shaw .......nm...u_..i;:r:,,~T:_i",c.)Campbell D. K'.. Ai1d'rews, Reeve" Aldborough. D. Lindsay, :Del)uty~Reeve"Aldborough, A~ McLachllll, Reeve,D'unw'ich. i'1..McPherson; D~PutY"R;cev.ei Dunwich. N. K Burton,,, Reeve, S0':1th~o11. D. CrossOli,'D(~put'y,.R~eve,' 5outhwold. 1V.:M:Ari<;lersori, -Re~ve, YaJanouth. D. J.McTn'tyte,:lst De'pufy,.Reeve, Yarmouth. 'b. R. Cur:tis,2nd Deputy-Reeve, Yarm9uth~ R..,B, 1;fcKenney, Reeve, Malahide. H; B. vVcstbver,Deputy~R,e'eve,..Ma]ahide, 6 Elgin . County Council D;Strahon",Reeve,. Bayham. /I~I.L.. Godwin, Deputy-Reeve: Bayham~ , i' J. A; Mbore, Reeve, South Dqrch'ester. O. MtKenl1eY.'.R~eve" .,Aylmer. G. F~WiIliams, "Reeve, yienna., A."Earril1s, Reeve, Spring.field. , G.'F. Jackson, Reeve, Port Stanley. J.\ R. ,Gow"Reev;e, Dutton. J. A, Fuller, Reeve, West Lorne. ! 'I" ~ ' 'E.iG,'L~sty,Ree"e, Rodney; 'Theelectioll:of.Wardf~nwas proceeded wi~h and on ,the first vote, A. Barogs, .'Reeve, of Springfield, 'h~ving received a niajorityof the -whole . <J':ouncil,. ~'as deClared. dulYi elec~ed. The '.Warden: elect- made statUtory. declaration of .county Falice Magistrate Ma~~eIl. 't'oak. his seat alJ-d COl,Ulcil as follows :, ' '~,Gelillerrien,:....,;:... office before addfessec;1 the Ihavcto thank you: tor the honor., con'ferr:ed .in ,selecting' me to preside over your. deliberation during theyear~:,T1feLlast represen ta~ tive of Springfield tobccupy"the c'halr was the late ,Dr. J. B. MillS", who was Warden ,during .1882, a memorable year, in which County Engin,e,er BelLand Clerk Mc,Kay.y.rerc'apyointed. I "have to iwelcomethe returil of Mr. John R. G0W,~, Reeve of Dutton; ,"." . . ". . ;. ,,\ '.' whp }v'as deptity~reeveof.DUtlwich in 18'$01, one ofth'e,most strenuous yearsintlie anllatsofthis CounciL I hope 'that Mr. Gowwill enj6y the , . . '.' ~." '. , . "" ",:. " ". .:. '.' ".: ". ". ..' . .' ..."" ' . :. .:i"... 's~ssions and.be able' to explain ,s01~eof the economies'of,'th~pa,sjt to his brother mem,bers,.as the Coun'~y rates in 1881 were,'Only $42,697, including Cat,'ada, Southern Railway bonus.payhtent of $16,068. . , iElg~ll County Cdun"dl There is'in some.quq~rtersa, fe,eIing,.th~t ':d~rCountYi,rate's 'ai~e.t?() high, 'and while 'the ' me~bers .of-this" CO~~lc'ii kIiO~ they sho'uJd not be; held, respollsibIc for thelargc: in~rease i?_, recent :years; an effort sh~u'l(i' be made tpas,certain .ifthe bas'is"6f I ta~atio~l 'is . su~~as'to",'''proped~'::,' equalize the.. public . expenditures.,: '1\, refere,nce to the~ill~nce"R2~ort ' on County Rates for 1923wiU s'howthat, '~iththe:exce'Pti'oliOfJ~';,~tlts toschools and for other purposes, the Coullcil'has"little or' h6<lctt1~I control. This applies .:io the County . Ifi$'hway .' expetlditures, .,which cal1notbe't:educed ,without, neglecting the,wads~, ()ur. ~OUl1ty" ,'ro~'d J" system"isa creditto_, the Superintendeht, al~d'this. Coundl; ,a '~od~l ,bqth as toadminis'tra'ticm andexp'Cnditure. I ,/ It is ju~t ,Possiblethat inrece'l1f years the- demal1d.for:County r-Oads hasb~en ',encouraged by_fhe lack of businc$S like" 6rgani:zatiol~ o~. th~ part of l()caJmul1cipalities ,for road maintenance; 'The" c~st I,Of~ex'p'ensiv:'_:';' fl,rovincial Highways acc?unts for ab~,ut'oneR'third of theCoU1~tYRMe Tax for 1923. . In adopting, "The pay","as~you-go'~. plan,~at?e;" thal~' i~suc, debentures, thi,s ,Council' a~sumed 'the ~espons'ibiiitYf6r:a' l1igh' rate; which is dnly temporary~. . ','I' The County Road - COmlllitteeshoUldcohs'ide'ra"BY~Lawto':regUlaJe ' " .'. ., . , h~avy'traffic,. when the roadsal'c,spft. 'r'he 'appointmellt'bf ..a' 'High~()~lst,a:,bl'~ ,is.' a' m'atter ,thatwi1t~~ah~ Come before you. If you :d6, not ta'ke' action" the duties' dev~lve 'on. the' ~heriff. . '.., '. .,'.' : ...", I ',Vilr'expect'the,various,Cornmittees tobe active in business' of the Coun~cilrefetred 'to them. MovedbyO. McKenney. Secon'4ed' by G. 'F., WilJiams., That theReevesoLth'e differellt m~nicip~lities be,'a '.Committ.ee stri~e;thc';St(lnding,Co,rhtr).ittees, with Mr.Crosson's'#ame adde,d 'place'o('Mr.:Burt~n,,'who' is a'bsent; \ Moved by vy.: Anderson. Sec~nded bYD; ,M:cIntyre. . Th~t this: Council ,adjourntiU -tO~tno'rrow at 10 o'clock. A. 8 Elg:rri: 'County CbUildl Elgin County Council ',9""< . FlRg SESSiOI'!~SECOND' DA,Y Frmu,Capadial1 National Institut!,: '-':'Referred to Finance Comm)ttee. for the Blizld. requps,t ,. . W€;dilcsqaYii the '23rdday..oEJanua;rh1924 ,-I ',' , '1'>The EIgiri ,'COlwty' CounciL met this day 'at the' Court Honse, ',in a)cord3;l1Cew,it? adjournment. From Secretary,.. Provincial 'Trustee's -Association, redeJegates Anllual,M8eti!m,~Rderred to Education Committee..: ,>' From Sick red 'to ..,Finance Children's Hospital; Toronto, CommiVee. request for grant""'"7Refer~ the chair. :,', All fhcInembers p~eselit, except Mr. BUl'tori. Proceeditigs of the previous:.d~y wererea,dan'd 'confirmed. From DepartmeBt of Highways, withOrder-in-Coullcil, approving B'y:--hw: No. 1023; re .Sp/illgfield Roads."-:-Referred, to COlll'lty Roads Committee: I '( folio'willg COfIll11uni,cations "w~re read;: From(:ountyCo,uncil, Wel1and, in refereI\ee, to' cast ,af Provincial Hi.whways:-'-'Referred t9 'P-etitions'and LegjslatiollCommitt'ee~ \ From :Boatd of RajlwaYC-ommi.~siouer.s",in'tderence to:' width of railway crossihgS,--:".Rpferred to':County Road Committee; , , F,rom F.,Hunt,: Polic~ Magistrate, wit~ A,nn~al Rcport.~Refen~,ed t(J,;Filtarlc'E; Co'mJ,riittec. ". '. .'. . . ". -', .... " l1rom~; J:.-.. Squire,peputy, 1<4inis}er: of'!Iigh,\Vays, wit,h statern,ent pf Pr'ov~ncial Highway ,Expell'ditlfre, 1923.-,-:-Referred .to Finance -,Com~ in'itt'ec'. 1"-".' From, Adyisory 'Fuel Committee 'OfC,i.liada, fer'~ed ~o.Petif.ions and'Legislation Committee. " FromOritario' Good Roads Associa'tioll, re Annual. Meeting.-'-'RefcI'_ t6PubIic Iniprovemellts Committee. ,Fro'm:Solidtor,HiS'hways Department, ,ill reference,' to. traffic by..:. l.a:ws.....:.....Referred to County Roads. Committee. . "., '.' \:. ,', red From'CoitntyClerk, County of Ont~d~; withresolutioi'i'sr~',H(Y1ro:' Ekc,tric System, and ,matl'itenance of,_Pr~vincialI:Iighw,ay_-'-Referrcd to: 'Petitions and L~gislatioll Committee: I ',I , , '.' -' . ., From' ,Secretary, Departmcllct (),f Hig'tiway.E!, renlee~illK\ofCounty ,'and Township Superintcndents.-Referred to County ,;Road' C;ommittee. From R B. Giahaiu, County'.Treasurer; withreport;";"'Referrcd" Finance Committee. ',<Fro'Ifi "WhiteCompatiy in i-efcrence to Jegislation trucks;~Refefred to Cbunty Road: Committee_ !! a~ to weight Ilro"in'Salvatioit Army Rescue Home, request for grant..,-Referred t(),~'inall:ce Committee. Froin Co.untyAuditors, with mittee: , r~port..,-Referred ito , " ElgillCO,urity . Council . EIgiil County 'Council , Fr()p1CouqtyEnginc'~r Bell,: with,report.~Refer~ed 'toPuoiC__ Im~ ,,'proye,met;ts:'Cbmmittee:, ,.' Mr.Lu~ty,' fpr _Agri~ultural 'Societies. Fronl.K" W.: McKay,J:;ounty.C1erk,'re ~pfdceedil1gs of, Spec,ial {So'mmittee appointed t()l,confer'with the st. Thomas Hospjtal Trust. \~'Fi1ed. Mr; Moore forWonicn's Institutes. From K. W.McKay,:with report oll,license}iilfon:e....:.,...Filed; M-r:Ful1er' for Public Libraries. The 'report ofthe"Special.',Committee r.e' ,HosPital" Mcmbdal, presented. ,'The, J'ep6~t' .-(If ,the "~Clm111itt~eappoi'l)..ted t~ ,strike ,the Standing c;om(mittees"was: presented,and adopted on 'lli9tiol1 of J.; A. I Fuller, '$ccondeq by W.M.Anderson. ,J\4..oved byD~;Stratton. Seconded 'by G." H~ oJ ackson. wIr>, Wil1i~ms gave,1;lot~~e th~t,d,ep:utati.oiLl'e .road wtiu{d<l:ddrc,ss'the Coundlon Thursday at :2;30'p~m. out, of, Vienna That Colonel .p~m: Thursday. 'Ger.r<l;rd" be requested t9 'address the~ CountH ' , M,Q<~ed ;by..}.,;":. Fuller., Second~d'by, D. R. 'Curtis. Moved by oW. Anders()p_~ "'--Carrie,d. Seconde<)'by A, . 1{cL, achIin. /-, .- That tbe Chairmen of the variollSCommitteesbe aPPointed a Special' -Committee: to consider all 'County busillessas they may deem 'advisable and re~cirt 01;1 all matters ,referred to it. ", That a.,McKenney, be Auditqr ',,\COU1~'tS f~r the year'1924. !, 1'" of Administra,tiol1: 0LJustice Ac.. lvtoved by J. A. lvtoore. Sefonded, l~YD.' SttaU;on. .o:.;..Carried. 140ved by __ 0., McKc11l1ey., 'I:haftl1is CQunciladjour,l1 to meet at2 p.rti. ,---Carried. Seconded' ,by, I. A.. 'Moore. , The' Councilresu:med. T~at,ldhn 'Hopkins' be appointed ,year.at t,he,same,"salal.'y__as lasttyear. High ConstablefOl' the ellsu,iug" , ~ < , I, __ " ' , "~:The folloW,il1g notic'esof'gl'ants were given J?y: , 12 Elgin Co'u-nty C6tmcif Elgin County" Council 13 Moved~y O.McKenriey; Seconded by G; F~;'\-~ilIiams. ~; '.'~~~I That this'Councirdo,\\~}w adjourri' untit" tOa.m, Committees to me~L:~'.'\' \ adopted 011 lpotioll-of]. A Moore, seconded by D, Stratton to-tn6rrow to Thcl:eport ,(;)L the :Petitions,and. ,Legislation Committee sented" and ,adopted ,<m motion of A. McLachlill, Strattoh. ---'Carried. Moved by,G, F, .WiHiam~.; ., A. BARONS, Warcle!l ~ec'ondei;l:byH. L.Go,dwin; \ FIRST SESSION-THIRD DAY Tha:t:\a;depu~ation from Vierina a,nd Kirkland Road b_ehea~d 'at 2.30 p.:m. -- to";qay. Thursday, the 24th of January,'1924 "'-Carried. T'h~ Elg:n County Council Il1etthisday in accotdanccwith adjour'n- ment. \ ~fovedbY-J.A Fuller. The Warde'nin the chair. Ses,onded::by D. K. Andrews.' Allt~,;memhel's vresetit ex~ept Mr. Burton. , , Proceed)ngs of the previous day were, read 'and, CO,nfirmed. That'th'Cll,Sualgral;\t to,thc'Puj;Jlic Libraries be' the same as last year: T;werity'..,fiyc Dollars td each_of the' following: Rodney,W'esf Lor,je, Dutton, Port Staniey, Aylmer,Vielll!a,Sparta, Springfield, Bay, hamand Shedden,-'and'Twe1ve - Dollars'and',Fj.fty, Cents,to BelmOnt 'a~1.d WardsviIle. ' , . - _ I Communicatioris frorh_County'Clcrk Of :Hastings, re-'timen'dmcnt to MU11idpal Act was reada~.d referred to Petition and Legislation COrn~ t:riittee. Mr. McKenney gave notice that he, wOuld move - to have the County assull{c the cost of :railway crossing gates. Moved-,by: E. G: LUsty~' SecQnded by - D. Crosson. 'therepo~~, of the'Public ImVrovements 'Committee 'Was and-adopted ~n motion of J. A. Fuller, seconded _byH; That grants to Agricultural Societies iil: the C~oullty be the sam'e year,- fifty per cent.: of Government 'Grant. The,' report of the County Road' Committee was presented and -Carrkd" I Elgi11 County Council Seconded, by H,"B. W'estover. 1hat the Warden; Treasurer andW; M,Anderson bea C01nmittee to make arrangements for 'borro'wing money tobe:use.d fOf- County purposes' at' a lower raIc: of 'interest. " -Carrie:g,: Moved by ,D. K. A\1(!n~\;V5; Secorlded by D. Lindsay; 'Th-at,'thcmenthcr~ of t&e,'Adv,lsory Agricultural Coun"cil, whose terrn,s' expire, be; rc"appointed f.or aterm, of 'two, years~ ' ...,..Carried. Seconded' by D. K. '1\.ndr~ws. ThaX t11is"'C~un,cJl 'adjourn t~t11,e'ct;af2p.m~. .,,-Carried. ,1'he Couhd1 resumed. The deputation f'e dcsignati611' of coni1ectinglink 'of,Vienna'road ~vas",then ,received a11d,the 'Council:wllsaddressed'in r~ference ,tQ,the tna,tter: hyMessrs. C1utton -an9IIa2:en, after which the Warden referred the' ftlatt~l' ,to the Road 'Committee. Co10't1et Gett"ar,l then addr_esscd the Council iilrefcrence to Memo. dalfeatures in' C0l111cction"vvith ,the",.S.t.'Thdri1as' Memorial' 'I-l:ospita1., after whic,4 it' waS moved byD.Stratton, and,seco1].ded by .G.' H, 'Jackson ,that report or the Special Hospital Me'morial Committee be adopted, I ,.Carried. op the fol1owhlg' division:- . , \ Elgin County CO,uncil Yeas Nay.s D. K. :.Andrews D.Lindsay A.. M'cLachlin ].R qow R ,G. Lusty O. 'McKenhey I-:L,L. 'Godw}n J-LB,.' WestOvel,' R. B;MGKcpo:ey' ]. A. Fuller G. Y Williams b: Stratton ,D. Curtis D. r 'Meln,lyre W; M. Anderson G~, H'- Jacl"son A.13a1:011S D. "C1'08s'011 ., , J. A.' Moore 10 9 Therepon Of t.he: Gaol Committee' was 'Ptes,-ehte:d a11'd mqtion'of: .}L L, 'Godwin, seconded tiy 'D. . Curtis. ' " .'-.1' Moved byiJ,A; Moore. Seconded' byE. Godwin. Th~t the,W?men'S Institutes_Jor districts of East arid bigraut~d .the ~um .ofTwentY~fJveDol1a1'seac~. M6:;edby'D. Stra ttolL. Sec?nded,byH; L Godwin. 'l~hat this'Council adiourn until' IIJ ,i1.11. tQ..t:ll()rrow, tD allow, COll1'" , ,," ",' ,"", ',' , ,";, ' ',,', tnittees to meet. , A .BARONS, W afd~l1 16 Elgin. County Council Elgin FIRST 5ESSIOI'r~FOt.rRTll DAY Moved by D.C;:rOsson. Friday,) the 25th' of. Jat.1uai-y,, 1924 , Scqondedby D.R' .Curtis. The Elgin COU1ity CounCil met thisday'inaccordance with adjourn- " . ", /.J ment..' . , , That ,tbisc:oUi1Cil rcconsidcl' :the HOSiptilreport'bf yootet-day 'and g:0, intO' Committee of the Whole.to..discUs5,the ,same. The' Warclcll jil the ,chair. ofa:ccount for ;Highway Expenditure were:.laid before the -Carried. The' Council .theil' went into COffil11ittee. of the whole 011' the re'port ?fthe Special Hospital Committee, with Mr, Anderson in the' .chair. Aft,er<fiscussin~ the report clause by clause; it was decided to Jay it until the June. Session, after which the ,Committee'arose: and Chair~anrcported accordingly. , All th'e ~nembers present except Mr. Btlrton. Proce~djngsofthe. previous day wer'e read' and cop firmed. A,d.ep_utatipn fr0111Hl;e,,Elgin' Law'Library Associaticin,:consisting Mr. McCri~mon" judge Ross land Barrister Ingram, then. the 'Council, requ~sting gra,nt for the Lihrary. Moved,bY.'D. Crosson. Secoilded; hy E. G. Lusty. Messrs. Taylor ~11dWright ,then: requested grant for the County Trustees ASSQci8:tiol1; That the Clerk be'instructed,to inq'uireas to correctness' for work at. Dodd's Bridse, OlJ Provinci~l HighwaYiit. SouthV!-.'oJd,. as work charged for Was n~t.' undertaken: , ~ , The report :of' the FinaltceCommhn~~','\V'~s:' pf'cse'nted:-aridadoPt~d on' i ,.'........ ..'..... . .....\;.. :.-,.............'..,...,.'.,... ..... . . ..... '., ,motioi\..of-,W: ,wL,AndcrSOil'i seccmd&d:'by;'I{,. B. 'McKenney. / .., The report of the'E~4catron' Commitfe_e',waspr,esell~ed ~l1:d,:ad()i)teCh motion of J.<,..B.McKenuey"seconded:b-y"E.,G;Lu. sty; . ,. \ Moved byO. .McKenney. Seconded by G. F. WilHams. 'The report~f ,the' Petition. and-Legislation,..c()IllIUit~ee 'was presented and:adopt'ed on motion 'of A McLachlin, seconded' ~y D,. Stratton. That]., G. Heiter'''he re'-appointed High School'Trllstee for Towt1 bf Aylmer for next, three years,al'd Geo. Turrell be appoin'ted Tj.uste,c for 'Vienna High School. ,The'repo'rt.of, the Special Committee. -appointed to. confer,,'withthe bank was,pres_p1ted and adopted on fiotionof "V~-M. Anderson, second- eclby'D.;.McIntyre. \ .......Carried. Elgin COU!ltyCOUllCiI' E!gin CountY-Council J. A. McPherson \,1 j. A. Moore Movgd by J; R. 'Gqw. R.,S,'M'cKenne! H. B. Westover D.]. 'M;CIntyr~ ,~econded by J. A. McPherson: D. ,R. Curtis . , ' :That William Hollingshead be ap'pointed, Trustee of Dutton Hi'gh for three'years. 0, McKenney 'G. F. ,VyiIliams W. M. Anderson --:;-Carried. G. ]. ]a'ckson , I' Moved, by, A ~cLachlin. }. R. Gow A;' f3arons' i Secoh-cle'd-b-yJ. ,A. MtPhersoit~ 1- A. Fuller ,.; E.'G.' Lusty That the usual 'grant of $120.00 be given to Dunwich fc'.~ Miss vVal1ace: 11 9 ~Ca:rried. M'Oved, byR."R. McKenney. ~ 1:VlovE;d/by 0; McIZe'hriey. Seconded9Y W;'M. Anderson. ,., S'etoflded by J.Fuller. (-': i \ Thatagra'ri.'to'f One Huni1redD61Iars:, be p3:id to the Elghi,'Trustees Associati611. !, . , ,That this COUllcilwill, ass1tm(~'allcosts ,ilTlposed on the VaXi?U81llUni- tipalitj'eg'in the County by the Do'minion 'Railway Board in operating ~nd m'a'intain~nk all therC).i1way crossing gates in the differel1t munici~ patities in the COU1~ty of Elgin ~1l:dpass a By-law conHrming the same; '::, ,iftb'e DQminioIJ. Railway Board will ,allow them to do so. Carried.oll'the . "f.,i?l1()w~ng divisIon:- -;Carrieq; L Mo,:edbyo., M~'Kenl1ey. 'Yea$ Nays ,b. K. An~lrews. D., C'rossoll II Linds?-y D; Stratton A. M'cLach1ill H, L. Gddwin . , Seconded by G.F. ,WiIliam~.' That a gtant Libraiy~ of One ,Hundred ,D~-ilar;' 'be made' to Jhe"Ehiili Law In Amendment: 19 ',' , Elgin Cou.nty Coti:ncif $ecqnded by J.A. McPherson; 'That William Hollingshead be appointed'Trustee of DuttO'n ,Hi'gh $choo! for three years.. ~Carrie(t , Moved by A. M:.cLachlin. ' .bLl~A-.-~ McI.>herson. th~t.isua1. gra1'1t :of$120.00 be -given to Dunwich for Miss --'-Carried. Moved /fjy O. McKe'btiey, Sec,orided by J, Fuller. , , this Coul1cil,willasst1'n~,e,~n costs imposed on tne',val'lous mUlli-' County by the Ddminion"Railway Board in operating all th,crailway crossing gates in the different municj~ , of Elgin:a11d pass a By;..law confi'rming the same, Board will ,allow them to do so. Carried. ori ,the Yeas Nays ,D. K. An~lrews. D.: Crosson b: Lincls?y, D. Stratton A., M'cLa'ch1ill H" L Go'dwin . El,gin Coun ty Co~nci1 J.A. McPherson J. A. Moo~e R. B.' M'cKellner H~-B.W estove'r D.,R Curtis D. J.M;CIntyr~ O. M-c:f5:enney 'G. F. Williams W.'M'.Aridersoll G. J. Jacks'on ,. " I' J. R, Gow A." Barons' 'J. . A: Fuller . E.' G: Lusty . II 9 Mov~d: byR',B. McKenney. Seconded 9YW;'M. Anderson.' "-'- , Thatagrah.'t' afOne Hun{lre'd.D611ars, be paid to the Elgin 'Trustees Assotia:t'i6n.':'~ '. '. "., .. '.', '"7Carr~eq. " . Moved by,o., Mc'r<:e1Uley, . } Secolldedbjr G. F., WiIliams,. ' Thatagrallt'.a(Ol1eHuildred D~'ilar~be made tt? the"Elghi 'I Amendm,ent: Elgin County Council Elgin, County C0111l,eil 21 Mov:edby D. K. Andrew. Moved, by;W:M.Ariderson~ Sceolided by D.]. McI:iltyre. S.ccolldedby D. Linds,ay;. That t!h~ graritto the'Law Library be the same9-s lastyeaf;,~50. , Main motion lost., Amendment carried. 1:hatBy-IawNO..1034-,'bereada -second time;' :-,-Carried. Mo\'ecl, by J. A: Fuller, '. sc.conded~~. Lindsay:, M'o'v~t(:bY'H.' B.West'over. , :Ihatthe \tv'arden be requ.~sted to rep()1-ton,emQIoymcnf of County _:Stell~graDher ,at the June Session., ,Se:conded 'by W.M. Anderson..'~ That"By~Law ,No. '1034 ,be read athitdtime 'and'fibalIy:,passed. -Carried. M()vccl by J. A. Moore, Moved' by'G.F. WiIIiams; Seconded by D., R. Curtis: SecOllded by D. Stratton. . ,,' That ,the Watden al1d (:lerk' be authorized to sign.and'submitt6 ,thc:'Minister of Public Wo+k;s and Highways of ' the Province of Ontario the ,petition of the ,Cor.poration,-of t'heCounty~f Elgin"showil1g tJ1at during the period, '1st- Ja,nu'ary" 1923, to 31stDeecmb~t:,',1923, there has been 'cxpenc1e~:l upon the County. Highway System .thc'sumof $171561.02, requesting'the, statutorygralltson -that amount as prOvided 'in The Act ,'tC;'A'id in the Improvement6f Public H'ighways. ' That BY-L:aw N'q.; i:cad a. first time. 1-035, to a,PPQil'it BOfl,rd of Audit', be received I ..,....Carried. IV1-ov,ed by'G~ .-F.WiIIiams, Secoi1d~d by'D..SU;atton: , Moved by D., R. Cur~i9,' That .By..taW Nd:1035 be. read a seco.nd .time. SecO'nded ,byW. M. Al1dersoll: That By~Iaw,No.'1034, to authorize the Wardeti al'i,d"freasurer to', borrow $250,000 !)creceived 'and read a. first time: .....,..Car'ried. Moved by D. Stratto,n, SeC~'nded' byC;. F. WiUiams; 22 Elgin.;;_-.Couilty.: Council -. That>By~La~ No. ,1035 be read a third time aIidfinallypass-ed: ~ . .' , .:..,....Carried~ Moved by AI M~La'chlin, Seconded byD.;Lin4say : That' By-Law No; 1036' to appoi1lta 'Count:v Advisory Agricultural C,on-'neil be read a first time. ' , , , . I -:.Carried: ' , MQved by D. K. Andrew.. Sc<,;orided, by ,J,A: Fuller: That By.La'w'No. l036.ber,ead a,second time. .' -, -Carried. Moved by J. A. McPherson, Set:oo'ded by /D. Lindsay: Thit By..Law No; ' 1036 be read a third time and Jinally passed: , .\ -Carried. i""";- Moved by J. R. G0W, '. Secol1ded by J. A' McPherson, , . " ., ' . That By...Law No.1037to aPIwinta High; Constable be received and . read,:a fh.st, time. . , , " Elgin "CoUnty Cop.ncil Move<lbY E.G. Lusty, Secon~e4,:by: D., CrossOn'; " "':'-"'" ',' -.j';; That ~y-Law No. 103~ be read a seco,u"d tlnie. .....;..Carried. M~vcd ,by A. McLa.chlin, Se;condedby]. A.Voller: J ';v' ~~at By-LaWI No..~037 be;read a' third. time -and fillallypa$s<(d. I Moved-',by-J. A.Moore, S'ec~ndedbyH.,L Godwit} 'That By~'La;wi:No; 1038 to'apPO'int,High SdlOOl Trustees and read:a, first tiIl1.c. Ma,ved by' H. L. Godwin: "Secolldect'by J.',A. Moore: ,.- I :Th<ltBy~L~w- No::'1038;be,t:e~d a ,second ,time. r :~Carried" ,'..I M'oved'by J. A Maote, Seconded ,by H. L~Godwin: . '., .. That BY~Law.'No" }'Q38.'be re~d a, third tHne 'an'd" Hnally'<passed. ,.,.....- . . ;' ,';11 ,'J-," \\ ''',', " .,...., ~Ca:Fried. Elgin County COllnCil EIgili Cdi'iuty Council The'_ Warden app'ointedth,e "following 'deputations: , To Meeting qntaria 9oodRoads- Association: ',The-Warde,n- addressed theCounci1. " ,J(:I "'Gen,tlemei1::..l.. ',J Messrs... McLachli,n, McPherso'li, Cros'son, McKenney,;Strattoll, Moore ,and Ful1er~ Andersoll, " R'. B. I!'l tori1~ellting the :'mpst itilportant session pf the year, J, have:;,' c'6ngratulate you, for the 'day __sc.!'ecteet as' the 'late, seas6n' has most, cOl?veni,<(p,t for, ~1I who J{f: eqg~_geft, ,i,l.1,ag,Hcul~V,r:~:, "l.. tori d i tl'6hs: gen c:rally ti'i~Q~~ho'M t'lic' Can'tit'; :~l:e' 'f~{r.':~lthbug~':l;rfc~~ '<', r", ",,': ' ,':, ;";n.' C' .-, ", ';,"" ,,"',' ", ",,':, ,,',' ,<:> 1',":'" .-',;:,11:.\':,:'- ~, :,'\':;', . ' ", ,," or,},?,riculhtfalprcductsa:e p0t.-,as' high;'a,s,;:,dpring, th~, ":Wetl'.", , I MeetingProvincial:.Trustees Association: 'Mes.srs.McIntyre, -Godwill, Williams anll Gow'.u Mqvecl, by Vj. Anderson; ',by 'I-I. ,B.We:itover: Council'adjourn to'meet all',the ,17th' of:June,19-24. - ; < ~Carded. ,.,/" A. BARONS, Warden. , ('f- \ SECOND SESSION-FIRST, DAY , ,'-;,,1 TtJesday, 17th da,y of]une,)924 The Elgin :CountyCouncil met this day ill accorchl.,nce with adj9unl~ luent. "'TheWardcll in the chair. '.t\llthe,,-Il~ei~b~rs p'~esel.lt inCluding vi R.Gunning,.0ho toqk his seat as Reeve o(Sot,tthwold, inplace.oLN. E.' B4rt'0!1, deceased. 26 Elgin County Council wilL leave the Council' free to take such' action as they may deem ',~dvisable; The,Memorial Hospitfll. ,is,.,nearin~ ',~oTI:1Pletioh ,and should, be inspe,cteq. during the session. The. official opening will probably 'take Iplace,',jn August. D,?dd's Bridge ,,' .....,'.' , When:: ~he' High'ways DepartmcJ.ltAccount for, expenditures on p'rovincial,Highwayswas pres'cnt,cd ,in'January, the Cletk'w'as ,instructed' t~enquire as to. ex~enditureson Dodd's_Brid~e ,over" ~he west, bt'fll1ch of 'Kettle ,Creek. It'seems there:_are'twobl'idges on Provincial lIighway oyer 'this :cre~1c The one ol1jwhichthe 'Work ,was d'o~'e" nearthe Middle- sex' C~unty . Line.., will in' future, be known as Kettlc' Creek Bridge North; addthc(bridge near the Gity"as Kettle Cr~'ek' Bridge South, " , , ,. \ ' , .' Cr.os~,ing ProteCli()n, The .Council at:'thei~ closing January' Ses'sion passed. a res~lution' fo "assunl,e, cost of cro,ssillKprotecti()l1 as Hxed by The Dominion RaiIway Commis,sion,in different parts 9f the' CqUIlty-, Tile 'matter" was referred by ,the 'Cle,rkto theCOJJnty So'lcitor,whose ,opinion will be laid :beJore yo~, No furth'er:acti?l1 ha,s bee'n taken in the -matter,~1though the tow\ls,~ip o{Malahideappliedtotrhe Commission to bere~ieved qf costs 'Qf'gates:in 'Aylmer, nothing ba's been done. It appears thatthc' County COU1'1ciLhasnq; ju~j"sdiciio,n,in thc1h1attcl\ ' Historical MOliuin~nts A federal authoi-ity is arranging, t() erect 'merp-orial tablets at P~{rt, Stanley,a'nd Port,Talbot" re,ferring .to the histor,icai featu~es of e~ch. Thc 'Elgin}Iistorical ,Society has under conside'ration,the _e~ectio~ '.of tab'lets :marking',hislorical ;spPtsinthe Copnty" This' yC<j.r, .tabl~ts will be: crccted:at the site of ~iddlesex Registry'Offj~e, 'which' was locate~in of Dunwich previous to 1849, andat the Frome Congregational South wold, establishedove,r<'1oo yea,rs' ago. ' In St. Thomas,similar t<lbl~tswi11 bc erected.on site of -First Medi~ Sq~~Ol'ill.Can<l:da and at the St. 'Thomasf\nglican Church, er~cted '100 years ago., .The,Council)s not;, being'a,skeq.' {or a;,gralit',iu' this con~ nectiol1,,,hut would: _dQ",well to, appoint a Committee,; to..' repl'e_s'en,t:, them when the ,ceremonies, take p)ace~ ,. i ElgIn County Council 27 Ontario Good< Roads As.sociation' The Couhcil and local m'unicip-aliti'es 'were well represented in the AnnUlI Convention 01 the Good Roads Assoc;ation held in Toronto the ;'?s,t week in February', ,'The general attendance was ve'~~. 1a.rg'e' and provi.ncc-;"ide, The programme was instruCtive a,nd the interchange 01 oPinions' on, variolls' pha'ses'of the road question most valuable to all COllcerne~1. ' \ Good Roads Commia~iorn A Legislative Committee authorized'at'last session of legislature have been meeting'll! various p'a'rtscif the Province to give municipal 'aurhori;. .. .... '" ,,, ". .... ',.. .. '. ....1 Ucs and other,s an oPpoctupityol express'ing an opimon il!relerenceto, pres~l~thigh waypolieies_ and f~r receiving s ugges ti Ons'; forim'provemel1t!;. 'The meeting lor this district was'held in London on Saturday last At my requesf,the Coqnty Roads Committec and CIerk attended on behalf 01 'this, Count", If there are any matters the Council can, snggest lor improvements-of present system, or the re-Iocation of. roads to il11prove, ,it, res'olutioilsshould_be'~assed'at this s~s'sion: .. Legislati()n The MuniCipal'leg;slation of this year 'is not of special interest. to Cou1itie, except an amendment to the B;ighway laws, providing) f.or prov'il1cialsubsidies of4.0per.cent.'for 'expen,diture-s on:CquntyBridges ,that are.'not'loca,te?' on Cdunty.Roads. A lormat hy-Iaw must be passed ass timing 'bddgcs over which the County has imisdiction;for the approval ol.the Minister of Highw~ys, unde\' provisions: of Highway Improvement Act. T'hesebridges will then b~ under the charge__of th,e County Roads Committee and SupefM intendellt. ' , Th-e Highway Traffic Act has been improved and greater restrictions heavy lQags provided.) In'rural' dist~icts,' 5:0 .per cent. of'cost, of il~,stalIjng 't-railsmissioll lines .and cables .-wql ,be .provided'by Provil1'c!' c:ommimity Halls Act now provides lor' their establi,hlnent by Sections 91' mllll'icipalitics ~ith'\?r. withollt athletic fields. Elkin County., Council Elgil~ , County Council The granting of boiulses by localrriunkipalities js ,restricted to fiied assessments and the~ocal Improv:ements Act will, in fu.tme, applytolclect1:icalpower an'd, lighting in townships. 'This:' will :be of 'Ii articular interest 'in, suburbs, of towns ,and~ities. FromC. St. C.,'Leitch,' CquntySolicitor,re' Cou~ty, assttming liability fa: r,ailway crossing protection.-Fifed. From J. ':A,T<Jylor, Xlillpector Beluca tion: Comrhi ttee. of Pub.lic Schools.'-:-'-Refert.ed to Th~ ,care of neglected cemeteries is' noW a-'matter of municip'alcon,- cern and County Councils may appoint inspectors to ldok after 'enforce,'" mentof Act. From J,:A. Bell, 'County Engineer, with Jmptovernents Committe,e. , report..:......Re1c~re~ to ,Public Redistributioh in Elgin The ,Committee in charge of the redistribu~ionof ,Province' into ,electonil'div~sjons fo'r elections to ,Ho,usel of ,ton'1mons,b~ve 'repoi"ted . in ' favor of, adding Yarmouth' a-nd So~th Dorchester to'West Elgin' and 'Malahide, Bayham and Aylmer to form ',a 4ivision inc1uding~he ,County of Norfolk. ,It\is to'be regrettedthat the Criuntyisto bc'dividedin ~his way. The present ridings are s'mal1" and the populatio,nnot sufficien'tto. watrallt their continuance. I ~ould suggest, that the Council' discuss theadvisability~f making represent;ltionsto 'Ottawa to have the County ,as a whole comprise one electoral district,' M,.oved '-by D. K. !\ndrewSi Secondcd'by',D. Lindsay. ' for C'-""" '" ,'.' __ ''-', " ,'-', ." ThaLMr.A. E. Holmes representing the Canadian NationaI.Instittit'e the Bl'ind'l;ie allowed to address ,'t1-ie C~unciI. . --! / F the 1'ast day of the previous s~ssion _were read and 1,fr.Hqlmes then ,'addressee}. the Council in reference Cai1adiaii:NatiQl1al Institute for the Blind. 'The Ward,en applica,tiqn' to' the. Financ'eCommittee. to grant for referred the The 'f611owing communic;tiol1S were read: 'Mr. Anderson gave notice ofdelegatiol1 re Elghl_Boys' Calf Club/ to'wait upon. the Council Wednesday afternoon. al1,d Girls;' FromHighWays'D.epa~1:ment.'Toronto, re--Dodd's Bddge,-:--Referred Finance: Committee. Moved: by O. McKenney, . Seco"nded by,G,p'. Williams ,: Fron1 Highways Department re ap'plication for 'Provincial Highway Ma:tahide.~Referred ,to County Road Committee.' -- \ That tl1is C~uncil --do now allow --Comlilittees__to ineet.. adjourn until'IO.30a.m. ta..mon-oW to From <Provincial 111~pector of Charitable Institutio115 re, grant to H-ouseof Refug'e.---'-Referred to Finance Committee. From' Depa:rtr~en'tof Agti~ulture xe uhlto' Agricultural Sociity.""-:" Refet1~ed .toFinanceCo:rp.mitt,ee. . :',Elgin C0Ui1ty . Couilcil Elgin 'County . Courtcil SECOND SESSH)N"":SECOND DAY the tepoh.. This was secondcdbyD.R"Curtisi.uid -'carried; on followillg division: Wednesday; 18th of June,J924 The Elgin C0U11ty' Cou~~ci1 m~C this day ill accordancG ,with. adj6urn- meht. ' ' " Xeas. Nay~-,. n: K.'.Andrews ]. A. Fuller The Wardell in the c'hair. W.R GUI11ling.,> ,D. Lindsay A'U ,the :ine'mber~ pre~ent. D.Crosson A. 'McLachIin Proceedings of, the previous day weretead and corifirme&. G.F.Williams J. 'A.I M:cPhers'on Mr. Stratton gave notice 9f applkation'f6rgrant; of -$100 'for Port , Bun-vell"loc;l{C'up, . . , D.' Stratto.n ]. R. G?W ]'A~' Moore E: G., Lusty ;. 'Mr,~ 'Anc1rews gave notice of application foirgrant oE30 pel' ceilf of cost 'of' repairing Kent County Line at .Pattersoh Culvert. ;n.R. Curtis 0.: McKenney. . 'D~\J.McIntyre; Mr; 'Williams' gavc-h'otic~: of 'depubtion re' COU1lt'YRoad in Viell'ila; to addrcs'~ the Coutlcll Friday moriiiilg'. ' , W.,M.Andersol1 Dr. Jackson Moved.o, Curtis,' A._ Batons , Seconded by D. Crosson: 11 ,1,1 10 , That ,theColtucil.g6 into'Comm'itteeof ,the ,whole to consider'report of Special Hospital Com111ittcc laid over from the Janua~y Sessio-n. ,.......,Car~ied, Litldsay, The Council wcnt into Committee of the' whole~withMr. Moore in ~e,' chair. After considering th~ re,port dause,by clause', th.e' Committee arose and the'chairmall l;cp-orted and moved the: adoption of. Clause.s ,l.,artd 2-of That the Chairmen of th'e various Committees mittee to report on W al~'den'sAddre.!is. he a Special COI1;~ '~Carried. Elgin: County Council / Elgili 1vloved' by 0; McK;cnncy, , '.' ...." ~ec<?ncled by D. Stratton: cOl1sidcl'ing the fe'port cl~lU'sebyclause, the Committee report was adopted without amendment sec.onded h:v H~ B..West~ver. Moved,'byR.. R McKenney, Se-col1dedhy H. B. vy eS,tover :, Mo'Vedl~yV\r, ~nderson; r That m0rrow. the,' COunty Council visit the'MemodaI..HosPltal, "Sec01idccl,by ,D.., 'Mc'Intyre: , ..... J That. the d~ptitation of the Elgin BOY:5 an,d Girls CaH Cl~b he 'heard. "':"';':Carried. , :.M-oved,hy H. R\iyestover, ~~,~on;ded by D. Curtis: Thatthis Council adjounitoniect to'-'mo-l-rO'\vat 10 6'C't'ocktoaHow C6mmiUees to meet, \ " j 'Me$srs.Minor, Teeple and Cator then made application for gr(l.nt or .$100, for:'Boys',<J.nd Girls' Cdlf Club. This wasreferi-ed b.y the Warden , tothe,:'Finance Conlmittee, \ , 1.;to,ved'b~' G, "J., Jackson, 'f:. A. BARONS,' Wardell . SecondedbyW. :Ander,son: SECOND SESSIOl'''~THIRD DAY. " '.',' " That 'Mr; B~een 'an:dMr: Woods be per'mitted to a'ddress, the Council 1,~':cbncrete work 'Ol'i,ioa':d,"'constructiol1. " -Carded. Thursday, 19th 'of Juue, , " The Elgin :COitntYC6uncil 'met'this day in accordance with lnenL Mr. Woods then addresse,d the,Coul1c,il;i11favol',of concrete:road cQl1structipn; The report of the Special Committee '011 Warden's' address\was' Jiresel1ted~nd adop'tcd on motion of Dr; Jackson, second~d by J. A. },{06re., ' ' The report of the Edqcation,Cotnmit{ce,was presented and :referred to Co~mitteeof the Whole with Mr. Andrews in -the chair. After rhe:Wardeu'in the ,chait'. All the memb'ers present. Procee,dit~gs~f thepr~yjotts clay- '\i\\er1 read andconIirmcd, , 1'he report of the County Roads Committee ' was' prcSc"ted a!ld to Committee of the Whole;, with Mr.. Gunning-in the chair, 34 Elgip.:-' County Council Elgin- County' "'Co'dllcil '3'5 considering the rCpol;t, the Committee 'arose was laid over for further consideration. and all motion to SECOND SESSfON---POURTH PAy Moved by D; Stratton, The EJginCountyCouncil mef this. day in aCtordailce with fl;djourn.. 111ent. , Frid.ay, 20th day of J unc, 1924 Seconded by H. L. Gqdwili: That .this Council grant the sum repairing the Port:Bmwell lock-ur. 9f One Hundred Dollars towards ;THe .Warded in the.cha,ir; i'" -Canied~ All\ t'h~",~embers'"presellt. . ;Moved ))yD.K. Andrews, Proc:e:edings of the previous _ day ,'were read alid confirmed'. Seconded 'by' D.Linc1say : 'l'hat thiS Councilgr@ll;L:the; Townsf-dp of Aldporough 50.ver-,'cent. of,lth~ir share of cost of the repair and improvcment:o-fl,the bridgea.nd tl,11:of the Patterson,Hill on the "K:ent':E'lgin towri~1ii1('.. Letter .from the Secretary 01 the Springfield School Board in j(eler, . e!,lce to balance dne Co~tinuation Schoo,1 for 1923, was read and referred tt), the Edutation Com'mittee. I , Mr. Lnsty gave Hotice 01 ~pp1icatiol1 I~r grant of $100 for, Rodney 10,(:k-l'1p al.1d Mr:R. ,R McKel111CY- gave 'notice for rebate of illterestdue on Stalter Bridge accoUnt. -Carried. The 'report, ofthe-SpecialCotrimitteeapPohlt~d to arrange matters, ". ..... ,/. .'., ._....-.'..,'. ,""'. - . , 'withtheBa:nk Was presented and adopted 011 'motion of W. M. Ander..: ,$'O~l, seconded bY' O. McKeilney. . Mo,:,cd hy:t-LL.Godwin, Seconded byW. M. Anderson; NfQved by J. A. Fuller; " this Council adjouFtl td meet to-morrow at'to o'clock. Secoilded 'by D. Lin:dsajr ; , -Carril'tI. l'hq,t,this'Coul1cil adjoufl1_ to meet at2 p.m. A: BARONS, Warden ; the Council i~eshll1ed. -"-Cal'ried. Moved, by G.}!. Wflliams..' , Seconded by Q. McKenney.; That the Vie~ll1a deputation' now. be heard. -Carriecl: :16 EJgin . Cqun ~~. .' - C(;H~.H~il ','", 1fbvecl, by ~K,-h:.'.McKe11il'c:YI' . . . \ I'. ,Seconded by -R.: B. ,Westover: ,That ,Malahide'sport.ion ,of- the interest., on account to th~-amount Of $500.00 be cancelled. ' Salter-- ,Gully Bridge ";L6st. Moved by' n. K. Andr'ew~; Secoi1dccl by W. M. Atlderson~ That a statement of' cost of Stalter 13ddge aud, il1ter"c;t paya'ble by ,Malahidc to County-be prepared for pres~nt~tion__atNovcm_b~.r_S~ssioll. -Carried, Moved by E. G. Lusty, Seconded by D. Linds,ay: That this Counc.ilgra.nt $100 for repairs to theJock..uVill the -Village of Rodney. E:lg:n Comlty CJun'dJ Moved'by'}, A. Moore, , . Seconded by H. L. Godwin: I:.i , , . '.' - ""'--',.-.-. .:. . """ ',I . .' . . .,. ThatSheriff:Harding "be allowed to address the Council.' "'-~Cal'ried. I SheriffcHarding, then addressed' the Council in reference Salaries" alid thc,jmatter >~was'referre'd to ;theGaol Committee/, r:' :,1'.1' to Gao) I Moved by J. A. Moore, Se~onded by D. ]. McIntyre: . , That, resolution ,passed ~t January Session' it; reference to ,assuming CQst of protection gates, at railways crossill9;s, ber~sc!nqed~, -Carried. Th~ report of the County Road Committee was presented ~(ropteClon~ mot,ion of I. A. Moore" seconded by R. B. McKenney. Moved ',by:'R.,H; 'McKenney; Secondr::d byH. RWestover: . '"'' "",: """" '"-''' ' That'ih'e :a:mo'unt"duc;:i3elm~ht 'andSpringfie'ld Conflr111'aNon Schools for 1923 ',beadjusted by th~ Clerk-a:nd.J)aIances" dbc paid"by'the, Trea:sur~r o'w;hi$,~eertificate. ',-" \ , , ,-Carried. fiJ;'st, report of the Finance'C6inniitte'e was motiol! of ~rn" A1).qerson, seconded by O. presclHed' 'alid McKe~lney. second reporto(the Finance Committee'was .pres'ellted 'and on mol-ioJ-l of Wm;' Anderson;, se'conded,by D. J. McIri.tyrc, 37 aild , :(r:.~<<it\~'\Coun:~y' Council '\EJ~iiV:CQ,unty 'COU,IIdl 39 after ,motion ,t.o -refer the report to, a Committee_'ofthew;hole had been voted, down. < \ M0ved by f.R: Gow, \ The report of the Public rinprovements "Committee was' pr~'sented and adopted on ID9tipn, ,~trA.'t Fppet;, ,~;econ~_e~ py:~E, G,L\1,sty. SecoIIdedby r A,McPherson: Thai)Y~'I,.aw~l9,,'1039, be read as,econd time, ";:';'MDvedby 0, McKemicy, ~Ca~"ded. -Carried. Moved' by A; \McLachlin, Sec.onred by]. A: FuUet: '.\ That' By~Law No. '1039be(~ad a third Jime and finally, passed.' _ Seconded by l); J. 'MclntY're: .-That .the'House"of Industry Committee he" November ,Sess,ion on advisability of reducing with the, House, of .Industry. -iiIsh'ucted -to' r.eport 'at, size of farm cOllnetted ,}, Moved 'byW; l{. GUllp:i~lg>:),. Seconded; by 'D. ' Cr()sson',,: i , '-Car'l'i,e-;l. That the equalization, of the Assessment Rolls be the same year. I: as last Moved by', D. Stratton; \ Seco:uded' by, J. A Moore : -,-Carried~ lO~p tOl':esci~d BY,~~aw N:o~ 981 be' r,~<:eive(" Moved by A. McLac:hlin, .... ,-Carded: Seconded by 'J.A; McPherson: Moved by j. A; Moorej " T4atD41l,Cal1McN.~,hbaild :S.. S.._Me,DennaIJd"'.be:re.appontedtrlem. hers of.the Mqth~r's-Allowanc,e,'13.oard. " ," -, -I" \" ,-;Carried; SecoiIded by D,. Stratton: \": \ !hat'"BY~LayvNo.1049:b~/~~~9 <;1',Of;e<:;on4,time. Moved by A. McLachlin, ~Ca:,rrid-L Seco,\<\ed by J.A. McPher~.on: ThatBy-L~'w No. 1039 to assl~me rea~ a first ,tilf1~; . . ' County Bridges 'be received,' and 'Se~oiidedby' H: B.Westover: ,;11 , ,I . ThatBy~Law No. 1040 be read a'third time and finally passed. ',p , , ,", , I,' . I,', -Carried. \ I ElgIii'- 'Cdont-j/::' Cotmcll MC!ved by' E. G...Lusty, ,Seconded by W. ,R.Gunning: That By-Law Nd,: 1041 to"Collfirni Eqtra:iization of As's{!'sJ'~ent' ,g.9:ll~:,/~~~".rec~ive"d ~nd r,cad a: first time; -Carried. Moved, E; G. Lusty, Seconded byW, R. Gunning: :.tr By-Law Nd. 1041 be read a second time. -Carried. ;' .,',', Moved by W. 'It Gunning, S~cOl1d-ed by R,. 'G;. Lusty: ;(:~ .fhl{ii;~~~~'No:' 104'{te r~ad-a 'third ti~e and tin'a~lypas$ed. P;",-:i'n, '). -:Carried. Moved :byW. M.Anderson, Seconded by 'D~, J. "'McIntyre: That By~Law NO:'~:m4~fr~-':f~i's~~ A:~bu'nts for r,e'c'eiv~,!IL,..andread' a first time. " i ~ County ^ Rates, be ~Catriedi ' '.1',- Moved by D. J. ,McIntyre, ";,<.-" Seconded T)yW. M. Anderson: ,';; .T~~t By-LawNa. 1042 -be read a second t1111e. ......,Carded. _-Elgili ,CGltn~y"Coun~il 41 ~",~,~,~,' '~-,,---,"~- ,,!-"::Mo~~d--'~by-}'Y. M. Afield.s'Oh', ,,<,,' Seconded ~y n: McIlltyre: , , That B.y~'La:W;No.'1042 be';r~~d' athird lime" ahd fillah~ pas/sed. o """1' ,~Cal'ricd. :':'-" Moved, by 'D. Litldsay, "-' " Seconded by J. A.:F'ulie~:\~ -, ,"," """'-'" That By~Law Na.1043 to make rec:el{'&d: a'n'd, re,ad a 'fitst time. Grants 'fa - Villages and town be -CaITicd. Moved by- D. 1(; AtidreWj SecQt{ded,_ by' i/ -:tip.dsay: , 1'h'at'By-Ll'::,iw No. l04:3'bc"re'ad' a s'ecodc(time. :::':"Car'ded: 'Moved" by l k Fu1f~r, Seconded. by D. Lindsay: 'Tbat By-Law, No. 1043 be r~ad ~ ,th'il"d time and finally passed; ,::-,CanictL ' Elgin- Comify "Council The following deputation was appointed' by, the meeting of' the Ontario Municipal Ass~dation: D; K:Andrews, D. Lindsay,':H;'B. Westover, D. R. Curtis, O. McKenney', E. G. Lusty,I>. J Mdn:tyr,e, J. R: Gow:. I . . - " ' Warden to.,attend lvr~\ied by. Wi- M; Andersor)., ,. Seconded ,by G. H. Jackson '; 'That this Coundl adjourn i' , ' , to meel on the. 25th of November; , -Carr.icd. , A BAR9NS., \Varden THIRD SESSION ; FIRST DAY , Tuesday, ,,?5t~' .November, .1924 The Elgin CountY-C:?tmciLth~t thJ;s'day accordirigto ,~qjournenjenC The Warden in the chair. All the m~mbe:rs 'prescl~t. The .War:den addressed the Cou,neil.' as' follo;\:V,s: " , To the Elgin County Couneil: It ,does not'appear that there' will be more than 'ness, to cng<ige your att~ntion at the present S'~SSiOl;. routine bus i- ETg'ir:l,Cotlnty COli:ildl' , '43, , Memorial Hospital Tlle$t., Thollla~Metri()dal 'B:ospitalhas'bcel~ completed 'and 'opened \vithappropriaiecerem'on'ies. It. is most complete in.everyresp'ed, and will be" open' for:i'nspection pf the County_Council d.uring. thc'. Scssi()!~. The County Grant of~lO,OOO'should now -be'paid. ' Warden's" Meeting During" O~tober, the "C'lerkand 111ys'elf at:tel1.ded a 111ee't'ing oJ Wardens cOlwoned by the Minister of:(iighways to discuss matters thathad"beeu' brought fo the_attentiO'1~.of the:'J\dviso~"Y Com,rrlitteeof the_ Highway!> depart~ents"at illeetings h'eld throughout' th'e 'Provinc.e. ,. '" Ther~v'vas '.~' gi)Qdattendance, and ..,al~", int'erestin? ' dis_cussion, on ~lallYSubjects:.thecQnc1usions "arrived at that will be ...I)'endicial., These will bepublishedbefoi-e the January'5es,s)Q11. " , The:';.Prcmier entertail1edth-e delegates a:( Lttnche611 ~nd'expl'essed tis inte'lition to. consult with the Muqicipal repres,el1tatiyes from time to titn~ as:-ilYlporta~'ltlegis'lationaffeCtingtheir jntere'sts' in,ay be neceS- sary: House of IncJust,ry There has been,a very decided. decrease inilumber ofhlll1ates. in the House pf Refuge, This suggests the advisability of considering som~ re-:-organizationwitha' view' to. redu'cingove-rh~ad" expense... The sale of: the, far~ has alreadybe"en, suggested;. ,but' this.' may ,.l~ot ,be desirable untillal~dis in greater demand than atpresent._Itispossible thata;conferenc~_ with the CitYauth6/riti~s'might- resul~ in ~n,alTan:ge~ rylent'for the,care, for such inmates as they ~ight desire to se,n~l there. The Maintenance ofParents:A.ct, has; no doubt, had some influence '1n re'ducil~g 'the'11umber ofap'plicationsf~r'admission; , It is'deSirablethat.the. business..of tI1e'_se,ssion shduldbe completed by Friday ,noon;" a, little Co-operation on the, part of COI111l1itteet:hair_ man'wm enable us ,to do this without much effort. Proceedings of; thc,last 'day of the JUl1cSes'sion Elgiil> County'. Council Elgin, 'County\, Council Thefollowi~i~ cpmmunications were ,read: THIRD SES'SION-.-SECOND ' DAY Fr'om County Engineer with report.......:.Rcferrcd to :public hrtprQve:- mentC6mmittec. ' . WedpesdaY,Novem:her 26th'., 1924 . , r{l~Elgjn COllrityCol1nci1 met 'this dayiil,accordallce, with'adjourn.;; lllCllt. ' From, Physician, Ho'use of,Indttstry.-Referred to the House' Industry, Committee. ' FrOl)l 'COu~ltyperk.Report oLLicen~c:s in for-ce.-----'Filed., The Warden,in the Cha~r. ~om':E.W:"Baker, App1icano~ for position a5"sal~ried County Constabl,e.""'-Referred; t~ Finarice Committee. All themetnbers present. Er6mCoU11tY,COUilCil of,'Lincolu; regrarits to U.rban and' E.ural. Sc:hools~-Refel're(l to,"~ducation' Committ~e. I The~ proceedirlgs:of the pr~'Yiousday were read alldc0ilfinped.. rom1Yiuriications 'fr'om theAylmer,. Fair aJ:1d the' St.'ThornasPo,tt1try As:socia'ti()l1swere read 'and referr:ed to" the Finance Committee; . .j\{r<D.']:, Mdlltyre"presented' p~,tition', for silent P9licemal1' County Const'ableat Sparta. ' ""," ,F'r91;l1 Chief' Officer of' t-Iealth,'for,Ont,ario~ yYith ~eport o,f.lnspec~ ."tor of Ho~se of Refuge:-'-Referr~d to House 9f.Indust'ry,~'omrnittee~ :.' . ,~rom c6'unt~rreasurer, ,wi~,h: report.~l)'ef,erred' to Finance Com~ tnittee. ' , Mr. Anc1ersongave l10tice ora deputation from South, Yarmouth re appointment' of County COl1sta'ble 'bn' Wednesday' afternoon'. Moye(C~y' p. 'McKel1iley; Se~on:ded:by! D. Stratton: Moved by W. M. 'Anderson, and seconded by, H; R We,stov'er', that this Council :adjo'urn, to meet'to"'marraw at 10 'o'clock. I Th,~tthe ,Fin~11ce Commi~te~,:,~e request~d to al~owance for conveyance of inmates ta House report, on. ra.i~ingthe 'of Ii~~ustry; , ~Carfi~'d. '"7"Cahied: A. BARONS, Warden" Moved' b'y' W. ,M. Anderson, , , SecondedbyR. B. McKenney: Th:itthe :Warden make arrangeme1rits with,' the Meinoria-l f-tosphal Board, for' members of the (:ouhci} to.,vi'sit the 'institution to~morrow at four ~'clock. -Car;ried. -Elgin' Coqr).ty Coullcil Mo~ed by D.R. Curtis; 'Scc~ri'ded by b.j. McIntyre: That this ,Council adjourn to meet at 2 o'clock to allow commit- tees to meet. -'~Carric:d. The Councilresulllec1. Moved by W.M;'^Alldersonj' Secon'de;;d b~,_[). R.CuHis: That the geputation r'epresentirig InstittftiQn - be now heard. , the South, Y armouth-W 011,1e11'3 ~Carried. M~sdames',Haight, bwe-l,h Waitc_and Bailey:,then addres'sed; ,the Council in reference to .'the appointment oJ, tr'affico.fficer 'oll'Highway, the,Lonct'6n and Port'StatileyRoad.,'throughUl1ion. The Warden referredtheirapp1i~ation to: the Finance €ommittce-. ML ,E. Lusty gave notice that he/ would ,apply ,for s4Ppleme1ltary grant {or West Lome',and Rodney Conti~l1;1atiari Sch6bl!?~ MLf,R. GQi;V>ga've ,notice of, similar applicationfo.r grant for Dutton High School. - The Report of the Public Improvements Committee was presented. aud' ac1opted'On the; fiotionof J.--{\.. ,Fuller, seconded by D. R.C;::urtis; . Moved' by 'Q.McKenney, Seconded 'by G~ Wqliams: That, this Coun~il ,~dj6~m commit,tees ti? meet now.. u11til10 o'clock to-morrow to allow' -Carded. A. BARONS, Warden. Elgin, ,County-C01jllCil, THiRD ,SESSION-THIRD DAY Thursda'y~ November ,the 27th.; '1924 , Tpe. ~l~in Count'y 'Council met t'~is: c1a,y according 't~, a~lj~6f:i~I~lcnf; TheW arden 'in the Chair, All the .members Were present. Proceedihgs of the -previOllsday :were 'read'all'dconfirine-d. _ The Conununitation from the L,ondon .alid POI.t Stanley. re gravel from Hathaway Pit w'a,s read,aJld -referred to_the Roa~s CO'mrqittE'C. ' The'Rep6tt~f the Gaol-Committee 'was presented and the'lllotion ofR. L Godwin"seconded.by:H.R Westover,' , , I T.he report oJ.. the -Hou~e,()f In?u,StrY"J:o~1n~ittee, was read' and adopted on the motion, of O.McKeilllCY" seconded '-by D. ].McIntyre; Mav'ed bY'D.LindsaY,se~6"1~ded by W,.JM. Anderson, that this ,C9prl(Wadjo,~n~ ", tQ -.me:t:.at2A~!~: ,\. The Council re'sulIiecl. ii' Moved by J. R Gow, , i".-"J; Se'c6nded by'E; G.Lusty,: That, t!H(ust1aI '.grailt,of2Sper cent. be ,made 10, the S~d.et~. Elgin County:-'Couri~il Elgiil "County-Council -~'cconded,.-bY,). ',~. Fuller: The . Report of the:,F~nance.,Committee,' wa,s "presente,d, and adopted an the motion of W. M. Alld~rson; secondedbyE. G. Lusty: Mo~ecl by W. 'M. i\.llderson, "S~co'nded by' J." A, F'uU'er: Tha,t tl1e cont~nuation Scnools oLRod~ey and West 'tome' and , th'e High- SdlO01"of D~tton, be_~l1owed a supplementary grant, of Five Hmidr'ed ,Dallal'S each. ' LLost. That the thanks.of. this Council be t~ndered to the Wardell, that the us~al'grantof One Hundred D'ollars' be paid 'to him. Moved byW.M. Anderson; , Secoild'ed by H, B. Westover: MQved by-- O.--McKenney, S~cond'e'd :byW.,R. 'Gunning,;, That;this (8uncil,do;n6w adjoUr11 to 'ltleet,to-m~rrow'at,lOojc1o'ck.l to 'alIo~the Council tq visit the MemQ1"ial ~-IospitaL ~Carrie.d; That the uSllal,gran,! of$15.00 he paid - to ,the 'Ti~l1e:S~ J PUnlalrcporter "fo:t'his'services in reporting the proceedirigs of this Council during the PMt Year. "<, / ' __ " ' ..:-C'arde'd. A. BARONS, ~W arden. ,THIRD SESSION-FOURTH DAY , , I ' Frida'y, Nove~'l1ber, the 28th., 1924: Moved by,D. K. Andr.ews, Secohd.edby J~ A.: McPherson : That'asuInrilati report giving tota~" a.tnO~l1t'6f m01':le:y:,:spcl1't' on County Roads; also a'mountspel1t 'on each Toad be published. in the Times;] 6urnal. . The Elgin County .c:oundlmet 'this day' iq - accofclancewith "adjohrn~' me,I)1f:., The 'Warden ,in the Chair: Proceedings of the previous 'day were readal1d'confirm~d. 'Mov-ed by n. I(-~A'riare~s; Seconded' by 'D. Lindsay: . ' -, I . That' thiS Council ,adjo1.lrn;, Alfthe members preseJ1t. The Report of the-Education 'Committee was presented and -adopted o11lhe,: motion ofK B,,'McK~111'1eYJ' sec'ondedby- D. - Lindsay. The Report of :County Roads-Committee.was presentedalld adoPF~d o'n'01oti<m of J. A. M09Te, ,~econd"ed by D,: StrattO.n. "':"Carried. A. BARONS, ,0 :Elgin county 'Comicil STAND,ING' COMMITTEES' COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE J.: A.Moore, Chairman Andrews, Alexander McLachlin, W._R. ,Gunning, W. M. Anderson, R.B. McKenney, D. Stratton. GAOL COMMITTEE H,'L, Godwin, Chairman . D. R. Curtis E. B. Westover PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS' COMMITTEE; J ..A:, Fuller, Chairman Linclsay',,}. A,McPherson, D.Crosson, D~R'.Curtis. H. B. 'Wcstover,~ H..L. Godwin,Dr. Jackson, E. G. Lusty: IIOUSEOF INDUSTRY COMMITTE'E O. "McKenney, Chairman' D; Crosson Do J. McIntyre FINANCE COMMITTEE Wm. Al1d'erson, Chairman b. 1{, A~1~trewstA; McLachlil1,' W. R; Gunning, R. B. McKenney,' D"Stratt()i1, J. A. Moore, O~llGISenpey;G;.F.- Williams,. A.Barons,,'Dr. Jacks'Ol1, J. 'R.Gow\ J';- AI,<vller E G, Lu,\y EDUCATION COMMITTEE R.B. McKenney, .Cl:1a'irman D. Lindsay, J. A. McPherson, D. J. IVJ;clntyre,H.L;Godwin. lA, 'Moore, G.F.Willia,rtl5, J. R. Gow, lA.,Fuller', E. G.,Lusty PEnTlONS AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE A.,McLachlin, ,Chairmah D,Stratton; D;, Jackson, J: R. Gow LEGAL COMMItTEE ~r. oJ ackson, Chairman ;0. K, Andrew~"W,R. Gurining, Wm. M. Anderson Elgin County "CQmitil REPORT OF PUBLIC SCHOOL INSPECTOR TAYLOR J~ne Se~sion To' the Warden and Mem~crs of the Mt1l1itipal Corpor&tion of Elgin,: Gelitlerhen :-'- , / I have the honour to present the fOllowing report on the:public schools under my charge during 1?23. ' L- The total number of pupilsenroIlecl was 4351 ;oftnp.se 2233 were' i,oys and 2118 were girls, The ,average attenda',ce wa, 3340, The'total expense of educating these pupils was $200-548. This is a sum of:' money and a large amount of it has been spent 'without getth~gal;Y adequate,r,eturl1 for it as will he see'n from' th'e fact that the, average pel\centageof attendance reckoned from the total possible attendance' was' 87. WJ1i1eadmitting thatintural pai.tsmallyfactotscoritr,ibute to irregular atteridance'such, as home ,rcquirem~nts, storm an'd wet weather, distance from school, impassable roads, etc" yet considering thata11 the- mui1icipalities' had ,regularly appqintec1attendallce offjcel's thepercellt-age- should have been higher. The disagreeabk deduction from,thisis th-at $16712 was lost to-this Inspectorate. Illiteracy 'is 'expensive; so is its first COtiSili, irregularity, ' New Schools -my last report one new school has been completed' arId for ,schoof purposes, _ The old two-roomed 'school aCWal1ace~' has been 4ismalltled' and an up~to-date structure, cbmplete hi its has been erected all a new site and a more centralloca~ The, attendance in this schoo1' has been gradually dimilli-s,hillg' now there are scarcely enough pupils to engage the- services <oJ -teacher 'not to mention :two. For this reason 'a one~ro0111ed bUilding Its acco'mmodations are'amplel cOiilplete and modern. bui.lding is -another addition to the gro'wing list of 'distinctly scho-ols' that have been constructed within. the Pa.;;t, lfew three piohecr 'schcio1.s_sur~.ive .ill the Ilisp_ectora te a'lld. tlwse soonb'e replaced by modern structures that will more' fitt- indic,ate educational 'progress, al~d be a living expression of the maturity -owes to immaturity. \rVhatan ideat spot Wallacetqwn have beel1,for a Consolidated: School! Located as it is on the 'sun'ollllded' by,a: prcigressiveandintelli-?^cnt c011l1iltinity,; with 51 ~2 Elgin County Council excellent roads radiating in every direction, central to School Sections 1" 2,3,,4,eachwithal'). attendance"of less .than 20- it furnishes -otic 'of the best spots for 'school conso.liC1atio~, available. ,i.T11C ever increasing number of.newschoolsshows how far_ off is the time when in this inspectorate 'at lc'ast 'consoEd~tedsshools will beco~e general. Improved Accommodations '3. Theschool'accommodatioqs while by no means ideal are grad;' U'ally improving. New;ventilating ,systems w~re irista!1ed in S. S. 14, (North) Dtmwich, S. S. 14, (South) Dunwich, 'So S;, 1, DUliwicH. Wire f~'rices were added to S~ S. 6, Dunwich ,;;'5. -5., .5" Dunwich, S.'S.4~ Aldhoro'.. In'5.S. 13, Dtlllwich,the Kaustinc,systeITl of sanitation wag~ Dunwichinstalh~da new furnace A new well was sunkinSi S. 14, i"nstallcd.' fiew single desks' were' placed in S. S.'16, ,bu~,wichi S. 's' 1;' I J\ldboro~!w'hiIe cement walks, were added to U;, S. S.,.4, ,Dunwich. The ,gi:'eatest,dcfects,in' the school accomp1odations inthi~ inspectorate ~re absence of wall, decoration, water supply and ,some substitute for the filthy outdoor, closet. Re-dccoration and'a few good pictureswil1relieve thC'tnOl1o:tciny \of bare walls aJldpurewater can be tanked into,school wells, but'the ri.egl~cted odoriferous fly breeding'arid',cgerm laden auk dOOl~t1oset' remaillswith..allits.repulsivel~ess.anintegral 'part of nearly evel'y, school's accommodat~ons; ,',. ~-)he ,Ka\lsti,nesystem ,should' be installed where water is not availaBle. As noted iri: my report of last year the highest law and first consideratioriis the health,c1eanliness, refhwment,"COnv.cfLience, cOITllo'rt, moral habits' alid" physical, well, being dfthe children., The hgalth, happiness' and cOlp.fort of thepup'ils- and t:heprogress made _bea.r,adircctratioto the char'acterof thE; accommo~ ~lati'9ns. F,iftti Classes 4. There are..an ever decreasing number IiI this: inspectorate. 't~me was, and 't'hatnotso long ago, whelliri nearly- everyschoot, 'wa'sathriv.ing' Fifth Class. The ttutomobi1~, the good roads, the small attendance hav:cdes'troycd -t'he,se classes and congested the Continuation and ~igh School. In only fiv'eschoals----;-lO Al,dbo,ro; U. S.), Aldboro; S.2, Alc1bol'o; SoL A1dboro, and.s. 14, DUl1wich-,--were Fifth, classes ill o'pet:ationin~Q2r' There wel'e in attendance ,a1)out 20 af the, b.rightest pupils in,the ,inspectorate. The, work accomplished was excellent. No o'l'le""would say that these 'classes under illexlierienced second~c1ass teach'ers would do as' extensive i:1--ndefficiel~t. work as' they would 'under Elginl, (:ountYCouricil four. or five Universit'y graduates i6 a Continuation orHigh School. Nevertheless. the.factremaiils .tha:t these..c1asses doexceHellt 'work,and are deserviilg of bur SYll1pathy al1dsupport. Entrance candidates pass at a much ear:1ie~. age than formerly aud among the entrants, are many children far too :v?ung to leave home. 011eofthe strongestargi.lnic_nts for ConsolidatiOn,is the 'smal1att~ndan,ce of many 'n1ral, schoo.ls with insufficient work to"keepateacherbusy. The NOrlYlal,Schools are now turning .out.mall.Y.first_c1ass certified .teachers .wh?. are . adm~rably qualified. to handle,. schools. w'ith Fifth. Classes. These schools 'cannot betoo.gerierousiy supported. County Trq:ste~ AssoCiation 5. This associatio!r held a two days~~sion.at the. Court.House, St. Thomas;: concur'rent with the. meeting of . the CourIty Coul1ciL' The 'attenda~ice whil~ large wassmalIerthai1 on'prevlOUs ye~rs:.The'.papers discussed' were of praCtical. and. educational' value. This asso.ciation \ ' al,though organized some tenor fwelve ye'arS'ago,-'stillfu11ctions vyit11'its ,carly vigor and'shows 110 signs. pf decadence. It has been of great value in. improving scpools and accommotlations, raising..the st<indatd of- education .promoting 'school reform a!ldeducating pu'blic sentiment.. It,is thc:.County 'c1e~.i~ing house .foraIf educational. reforms; ideas and inno~' vatiol1s. Wri,ttell_Homewol'k, of written h0rnework is, one that i~ giving . ,more and.oneupon whi,c'h.:there is,Iittl~ unanimity of opinion'. object most vigorously to any homework 'being given o.bfect just as 'strenuously, if nOlle ,is given. Few arc t?e would adv'ocate\itstotal abolition. Freq~ently' young, , 2',energeticteacJ-i.crs err'in thei'r desii.c\o adva~ce their pupils'by givin" large assignments o/written work to be clone during for rGcreation. ,Frequently too parents judge the of their ,'children 'andthe'c'ompetency of the teacher by the ofhomewo'rk giv.en. Theseare the .days Of the "ru<;>vie";:l"ltral daily newspapers and public libraries., Th~estrcet corner never edu'cator:andthemoviesareexpeiisive and destroy t'hc best of family and home life. The- pro~lelll of-written 11omework :ociated with the home. Where the home apProaches the parel~'ts spend their evening~ at home, ,with t~ejrchildren reading, 'the radiophone andphol1ograph, homework 'is 53' 54 Elgin . County Council an irivasioll oft-he childrGu's fr~cdom, Educators are pr~tty well..agreed th~t written' hamel-york ~houlcl- n;ot, b.c"gi{r,en t? classes -helow the Jllnibr' Third. Thel'e can 'be no valid reason against assignii1g reading, writing' al1d,memorizi:1gof literary gems. AllY written, hdmcworkis valueless I uri1e,ss carefully supervised next day hy the teacher. In this insP,cctorate teachers are asked to lend every en~ouragcmerit to pupils ,to read news- ,j)apei"S and books. Pupils ate asked to bring books from theirpub1ic librarie's to read at school during'apcriod assigned for, that purpose:' V{hCl1 that good time comes when parents' will spend' -their evenings al'oul1d .thei~<J.)iVllfHesidepr-eferring; the companionship 'of their children to ,playing "bridge" 01~' attending Club nieetings"when children will forsake, the "Movics"and ahandon the' streets, when p~I'en:ts ,and chi'lclrchwill togetherwhile away,the eve'ning hpursin,reacling, drs'cus~- iug curi'c1lt evel1tsfor 'in listening, 'to ,music 'from the piano, tile radio-- i)holi(i, or, the victrola; then homewo~k can" be completely reniove'clfrom the ,.Public, S((J;lOol 'Timc Table. School Faits 7. ,School 'fairs were held, at Radn,cy, West L~rne, Dutton, ,Wal.. hlcetown and S. 11, Aldboro. IT-he;' educahonal value of t!lese fairs is ~lifficu:lt tocxaggerate. T,heyal~e,an'itnPo.rta.1lt adjunct qf'scho?l life.' It is greatly to be regretted that a few school sections still n:mainun..; ici'cll,tified with any schndlfair districL,'Thepupifs,ofsuch schools a~e p'enalizccl 'by, being'cl~ni~c1,the imp'etus,t'~atcomes ,from ,healthy compe'- tition "wi'thother children, and from the joy of achievement a'nd success. ~ These fiLiI'S are'operat:c.tbythe joiI1t actio'n of the d!strict. representative arlct' the Schoo't Ins~ector. The pupils enter illtO ~h~,va,riouscone~fs with ?:cal,'energy and 'cnthu~iasn:. It is notcl~iming top much, for, thc,se 'fairs'tb say that tlley are de,stined to, outgrow ,and' absorb the ,Townsh'ip fairs. Prizes are, given for oratory,writi~lg" a~ti, composition" physical exercises as well ,as for the best 'exhibits of .Manual Training, Hqqse- hold Science, fruits, poultry, etc. "EducatiQnal ad.dresses are given ,by . the school ilispectol'; Agric:ulture Rcpreselitativc', the judges and others. Viewed,in the light of auxiliaries 'to school work,' ofpop\1la.rizing .lif.e \ 011, ,{he farm and school activities, of in'troducing' new .varieties of agrir::ulturc products and ,pro~1otil1g . a healthy: rivalry al~d friendlly competition among schools, they, 'are of great ~d4cati6nal yaluc. :ElgipCo~1.nty 'Coul}cil S5 , Continua,ti.on and l;Iigh ,Schools 8. In accol;dance' with the resolutio'1:Ipassed at. the 'Decel1lbci. Se,sion requesting the inspecto", to submit detailed statements of. the recei'pts, Cind expenditures' of the Continua'tion, ',High. ,Schools, and C~I~ legia!e.sin their inspectorates, the fOllowing offiei~I itemized stat~m'cnts ,are submitted .with a few brief-comments on the service these schools arc' giving..tI"County,for the fihanclaI assistancerel1dercd them by it. On-account of the Adolescent Act; the ilidustrial',;lepr~ssi~'n, / general thirst for education as a by:"product of the war, the love for khowledge jJroduced by the location alid the ready acccss to them. by the auto,these schools have an attendance'greate-r far' than' their atcomtnodationswartant. 'All 'are ,',confl'ont'ed . with t~~ nece'ssity of enlargement. They are face to face with a condition, not a theory. Rodl1ey alone' 'has. one VIl.Cal1t r00111;: If. this"is used ,Rodney may.. becQme · High School. II West Laine addi alJothcr wilJg, and it is difficuit to see how jJresent conditions can conti.nne without doing this, then it, too, may become a High'SchooL Jndging from the nnmber .ofentrants ,see-Jdng admiss'io~l the attendance next yearJn these schools' ! will 'b"e inCreased.' Thennmber .of entrance candidates this ycar it 432, distrib, uted as follows: .Rodncy 39, West Lorne 46, Duhon 66,St. Thomas and.,' Port Stanley 281. ' If 80 per cel~t. of these arc sticc'essfu] it means big additions to already congested schools. Tcaching'large class Wh:ile.con~trolling a'largeronc,'taxes the skill 'and.resources'of a tqachcl! to theutmcist.Tl1e only'visible' way ofTeducingthc' attcndance is,cithei- by (1)ciltablishingUloreCol1tinuationSch60'ls or (2) multiplyi!,g Fifth . Classes.' As Dutton, ROdncYr West Lorne are ccntrally located there is nd place exeept Oak vrove (10 Aldoboro) that could command. a sufficient a!tench!}ce for a' Continuation School. Port StanleY~~U1rr. but pupiIs'fromit attend'St. Thomas, C. I. at ,street' car rates. What ca'l'! ~nd perhaps. will reduce the High SchQ.Qlatt~\ndance is the establishing of Fifth Classes. Encouragcmentisgiye!~ these hy the Vovernnlent allowing then} to take't'he first two-years 01 High School work. These 'c1asses wo.uld not. only popularize the Public Schools but would. also iilcrease their aHendance~~a "con.sumrnation devout~;v.to,be w.ishec\ in most cases. The.:C6,llegiatc, Bigh .SchooIs and Continuation Schools':are 'glVll1g WonderfuJ .value for the money received. From them alone,call. C01,1l1t.y' ~lld 'Urb'an pupils receive seconclary education. Out Public Schools' arc lnanned 'byth'eir,graduates. Efficient High and Continuation Schoo1.~ ,meaiLefficient' Pt1b1icSchobls~thePbor Man;s Univltrsit:r. Theil' Elgin County Council to the C6'unty is showl1 'in the llumber . of candidates for certificates,' At Rodri.ey (here. are 22, West I.orne 21, ,Dutton 143. At Dutton ?,3 is exchlsive of those ~vritingthe examinations, At Dutt~n '23 candidates are ~'ritingfor or partiaJ' First ,Class,Certifitates or Honour Matriculation I the same examinitions at,St. Thomas 76 are writing; r!'heir for 1922 wa's as follows, Rod~ey'104. West Lorne 89, Dut- fa'net St.' Thomas 7?7. ~'odl1ey'sattendanceoJ 104 ,wa~ .made up of 45 fro'm Rodney, 49 from Aldbaro and 10. from Kent. ,At West Lorne '60 attended from the ,:yillage,27 from Aldboro,and 2, from. other pla~es. At Duttdn, 43.attended from the vi,l1ag:e, 156 from Dunwic~, In from Southwold, and 13 from Aldborq, while in St. 'Thomas, '156 attended fro~ Yarmouth, 69 from ,SCt,uthwold, 6 from D~tnwich, ind '565 from the ,city. While directing att~l1tiont() their' l)ttblicp,<!-tronage and high stan'danis ,of efficiency it is worthllt':)"::\,1~i.heirlowoperati9g expenses. The average cost per ,pupil in ,Con.tilluation SchoolS {enroned a:ttendance)as per Minister~s report for, 1921' was $81. The ,average cost .for Rodney was dhly$5l,andfor "West Lorn,e $54. The average"cost per-_ enrolled attendance -for :fIigh Sc4oo1'a\1cl Collegiates was $105. For Dutton for the same yearit-wflS '0'nly$55, and for St. Thomas $74. Thesesthoolscan and no Qoubt wi.11 i'lcre;;lsl; still furt~er;thcir,.usefulness ~y adding to their staff. 'teac'hers. qll.alifiecL togi,~,e, instn.1ctio~l in SCientific - ,Agriculture and pomestic :Science. St. Thorpashas 'b\~en 'd6ingthis,for a number, of 'years. ,from the aho~eit is seen hbw g~eat is the partthese schools play in thcieducational1ife _of their cOllstttuencies,anclhow ess~ntiaJ is ,theii' continued effisjency to the maintenanc.e-,of'ahigh standard of, eclucationancLto well manned and 'efficeri.tPublic Schools. Teach~rts Institutes 9: The last two yeal~s the teachers of this ilispectorate instead of holding their lnstit"t,tte 'mccti\lgS' locall~e as they -Were wont to,do in other '\years visited other Institutes~ They una:n'imously .agree 'that ITlore, . i)enef~t is derived from a, visit to other city insp~ctorates, noting the equipment arid accommodations, comparing the coudesofstudy, obser- ving,the,methods ahd tc'achiilg and judging the progress artdstanding ofthe c1ass,e'stban by listening' to local addresses, however excellent and professional these ,a:'ddresses 'may be. After holding a haH day session at St. Thomas and sp~ding the evening a't Niagara Falls; visitiri.g Council \ , historic s'ites, :and s~e-nes :,of..,natural beauty, .t~e teachers. visitj:)d , the," ~chools of Buffaio.Hereaf,ter spending a pleasurable and profit,a,bIc day they retutncd ~ericouraged, inspiredl .cuid strengthened for thei'r . I . , work. The: A~&lescl!!nt Act , 10:' ,1 think most pccl])le are pretty weU:agreed, that', thel'cpeal'of' th: Adolescent Act,as far,as it applies to rural'schools ,wa:s anun'for, tunate'error':Sur~ly.the,rural' boy has Just as legitimate' a 'Claim for' a , broad Iiberal,edudtion as his urban cousin. Toe!eny_this is to:djsc'ount~' hisfutllre ane! pl'a'~-c a handicap in favour of the, city boy. Thcage',at wh\ch rural entrance cal)dida!es wdtenow is abont 13 years,. .ryd is becomIng lower each year. From 13 toI6 years are the ri?hest,yer:l'S ,lll'aboy'slife. Bis character is in proeess' of formatio'n, his,reasoriing fac~l~ies ~re' j,ust beginning: to ,develDp. Theessclltial Jclui!Cla{ion :fo,r intelligent citizenship is Ibeing la'icl and decilliohs fo,r ,:future vocation:'s, are being discuss'ed. W~at a ca~amity to both himself and the,stat~ that he should be a,bsent at this tii-nefrom thevcry institutions appointed andsopported J)'y the State t-o p:f"nmotecitizenship, ,dev.elop, ch;fractet. ~l1(t'fbst"~r: ideals. T ea~h~ws 1.1.' TheNormalS~hools are doing peal creditable' worle' ,al1l1ual- S#pp!y of teachers who come from th('s'c' jllstitutiol1s' se~ms; bettel~ eac,hYe~r.' These, yo_ung~inexperiellced teachers bringabillldallce of enthusiasm, euergy, vill1 andave,'age abiiity. Not a 'fe\v giveevideu,e o'fsuperiorpower, marJ(ed' individuality and consider'~ble ins'piration:al power.. ThosewhD fail Jack ability to secure properdiscipliile,orto impart instruction, intelligently,.Few should be the failures 'in dis_ciplinc' in rural school!, as the pupils are not 'only sinaHalld y()ung, but g~n'eral1y {ewin number. What these young-teachers teqU1r:e,is cOunsel,ditection and guidance. My' polky clstovisit them early .in' Septembel",and. to repeat that visit 'as far as possibie in " month Or .six weeks. Sugg,stiolls. can then be made and_ counseL'given thatwil1pl'e.vent agrcat'an1O'U11t Sitbsequen thouble....The;trek t"othe' 'cityallclthedesire' fOI;,dl~plgc' pursue t.he professiOI1.'Althongh .the rural sala:riesa:re .,good,l'al1g~ from $14'00 to$lOOO,-only two, t~achers receiviul;less<than $WOOalid 'niriemoremore than $1000 :yetiit th,e whole ,inspectorate oJ. .108 ,l.lofe:wer than 30 changeclschools. The teachers were'; all professionally,. eight ,holding fjrst~c1as"s certificate:;. alld ,ioo Elgiri County, Council second \c!ass. The inspectorate now 'has' 14 male and 94 female teachers~ Oratorical Contests 12. It is delightfuL to have the privilege of recording'one's appte~ cia~ib!1 of the'generosity ot Mi. J.'B.-McGugan, of Toronto, who .gen- ei'ously dOll-ftted the Sl1m of $50 al111uany' for five years for corripet,ition i!),publicspeakitlg, T~e cOtllpetitionwhich was open to pupils fro'm' Continuation'Rltd Publk Schools,'of 'AId-bora, was he.ld'at'Rodt'1ey ,oll May.2J: Keen interQst was shown lit the' c'ohtest.The speeches were unustlallygo().d alld,il1dieated great care'!inpre~arat'ion.' The art' of Public Speaking:has rccei~edgrcat att~ll'tion during the: past few"years in myii1spectorate through competitions at th~,CornShow t,he _school f'airs arid M,cGugan Contests. Revised Curri~uluro 13. If '~rlJ the teachyrs);vere,experienced and' effiden~, the,turri~ulum as ,drafted at present could he quite thoroughly, cov~red asis' done' iti nlbst., urban_centres. The young and inexperienced teachers however, fresh from the Norn:-a1 ScllOOl and lackin!? c*pe~jence in detennin'g the more,impor,tantand esscntittI paj:'ts o"f the Course of Study. is more 'or ;leSs'-aptilY her zealand' enthusiasm' -to co\rer thepre,scribed work at the exp~hse: oJ thoroughness. Considering the envi~onment and experience of.tl1G ruraI'chifd the time' has c9me~ for a differcritiatedCourse of . ;'-Study with, a cotres~onding set' of Readers for Rural Schools. A s,i;;nplified ,programme, of-wo'ri{ with_ more correlation andsdbst~ntial Fcdu'ctio!1 i'i1history would remove much of th( objectiori 'now urged a:gainstth'eoverburdened curriculum." On the rttral' Course of" SWdy Civics, Mat1ita:J Tra'ini1m, Hou.sehold Science,'lvIllSic and Agriculture ~ho111cll,hav: a prominent place. ltinerant instruc,tors "in Agriculture, ManuaL traI1111;g, Household ,Scicnce,ancl even Music might be ,added t~ the staffs oLRodl~eyand West Lome Continuation Schools, and Dutton High' SchooL These teachers could visit' certain' public schools in each 1\)Wl1Ship designated by :theinspector and give lectures to adolescent and .other pupils. Such a course ,would bedeserv,edly popular al1d full ()f benefit. Thci salariesinduding expenses could be paid by the Board, the Townshib, the Cout'1tYiamF the Department. ,Elgin > Co~mtYCouncil 59 Edl1cation~1 ,,' ~r~gre8S I made 227half dapisits tothnehoolj of my in sped orate 4uri!1lt 1923, ,Soineschools 1 visited fOUL times,a'nd o,thers three, C;cn,erally speakinglfollrid t~e'ciisci pljnego~d, the sthool~ c1ean~, t4esurr~undings sal1itary, the c~il,drefl.industrious and happyil1their' ,industry, and obedient and happy i" their obedieuce. T'he character of the accommo_ dations'<:1nd the ,multiplication of schoo,ls arealivingadver,tisement: of the energy of the 'Millinistrative bodies appointed to look after the educational interests of the community; hut fine schools and up-to-date accommodations_are'onlysD,undin~bras'sand tinkIingcymbals WhC11 compaced t~ the living, inspiring and cansde'ntious teacher. The teache~' is the soul of, the school. The end of school work is. the huilding of character, the prepara,tion . for. citizenship, the inculcating of tt;e lofty ideals of honour, truth and morality, and the making of honour-and industry, not only a:herit~ge,but .a'commonpossession. :r,. A. TAYLOR. REPOlnOF'. !'UBLlC. SCHOOL ,INS!'ECTOR J. C. SMITH , November Session Members of the'Elgin COmIty C?uncil: ha ve' ,the.hollOUr, to: submit ". herewith. my. Annual Report' ,on the Schools: of: E<1,st Elgin fb( the school year '1922-3 with the :statis~ tics for the year 1923.: Schools' and Teachers the sbhool year of 1922'3; there Was a' ;taff' of 107 teachers, of were rnenand 96 were women. The number of male teachers was'15< There .were10fjrst-:,class certificates"95 arid 2kindergad:en certificates.Thekinder~ te,ficherswere employed in AyIiner Public School which ,is: 'the School.in this -inspectorate which maintains.a_Killdergarten ,De- - This. is thl:;- first year' since' my appointment for which I h~v-e able. torepol:t a. 'complete s,taff .of legally qualified teachers.: Only were employed .in the Urban schools ,of Aylm~r"Springfield 60 Elgin "'County':':' Coun'ci1 :f.., 'and Vienna. The: remaining '92':w~re'emp16yed in the rural- schoo1s: , I~r.~!.:ent years. there has,-Pe.en_a"slight)pcreasein tl1e number' of t~achei-s,as will be seen 'from' th'e 'follO;wil1g.tab~e:' . '. i ~i~=~~.. ::,~;:~~::~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~::~;,~::'~.~.~:::~~~'~~~~::~~:::~.. -.1 ~~-.l;~~t~:~. '.',' FINANC.!AL STATEMENT' (a) RE~EIFTS. ...,.._,_..$100878 47 51540 00 28614 36 2395 20 104203 12 13770 53 .$309401 68 B,'~.i~nc~-ft(Hn; 1922 _j.,'":.,"..,......m'.'...~.."'m...;'...........u To\yps'hip _:Gl'ants 4c,gisIativeGran ts ....~....,...;____.nm;'_'.._..;'::....~~i."};m.._~u._u ,'.m" 90Ulitf":" Gral'i 1.s ..__.n.'''.'.........,.......,...__.....__ m.....'.........__.__........ Local)ev)' and Debentures Other'Sotirccs Teachers' Salaries nh.m............._. Sites, BuHdi11'gs" 'etc. ' , Librarim;, 'Apparatus, etc~ ".,.,;.,....:..,........__, ..:m..m..... ..... De'benture.s ;...m..,...m.............~...:.;, ..............mm.._... Repa,ir~" Fuel, Cardaking a!ld Sundries ~,a~anc,e c,arried to, _~lex.t 'ye,ui: .:..:...;,,,...'.~..,..~'^'....,.;.-'.......- $309401 68 School Sta'tistics , . . ,There was very :l.ittle'. changein tl)e salaries. A compads(;:m the highests-alat'ies 't)aid teachers' il1 the rural schools ',is as ,follows : , 1921 . 1922 1923. male female' male female male . female' . $1200 $1100 $1300 $1100 $1300 $\100 1200 1200 1150 1200 1100 '1000 1300 1000 1300 1125 1100 1200 1000 . 1350 1300 14{)0 1300 1300 . 1350.. Bayham .......~.............. S, ,D6rt'hester,....:;.'... M,alahide '..;................. Southw~ld ..m......~.... Yarmouth ,."....,.:~'..m 1100 1400 ,~I Elgil1,"'.;C~ounty "::CQtlPGi1 61 The, D,epartment..ofEducatimr ,pays,~vety: libei~l: grants on s~laries o'f t~ache'rs 'in the ru'ral schools and hi the small :urban,'orvillage ,-scho"o~s. The payment, ~f tl1esegrants will 'hecOlJ"tinued, ~hd, will'mater'ialyassist I," , Boards'in lll:eeti,ng their'"o'bligations" The 'Total Number 6f Pupils Enrolled ~i;'T: ...:....;................:....:........:.::..i~~~ . Total....................:..:......:................ .......... .3957 Average ....,:,....~~..:....,.,. ....m........ ........... ,2633 :Kindergarten .,;'....,...~.,;~".,........ ................. :;u....... .............. 28 Kindergarten:"prima:,r-y 43 Primer' ".:......-. :.'.:.............. ............. .......1.:':..................... .............., '6/'15 " First-' Book "..';.-.................,..'..,',.:,:.:"..',':.'.......',.-:.."...........:.;;"......,....", 432 Second 'Book ...,.;.....;...................~...........~',.........~...,....;:..::..,...... 764 Third. Book ..,...................,..................mm..............;...............'. 914 Fourth Book ..........................;.....~....,..........,:......................:...1046 Fifth Book ..................;...................m...........................m.m.... 55 T otal ......................................,:.......;...';.....,.L.......:.....,...:.c...:...3957 The average numbe'r'of d~ysdui"ingwhich schools were'- ke1;lLOpen, ~asl~ ' , Agriculture, and' HouselllOld... Science, 'These' spec-iai stlbjeds" appear"to be growihg steadilyjn popularity. ' '~" -". , ." .,: l . . . '., '. '" ", The .work is veryelelnentarY',alldi& i~tend!,ed t,c),.,cr~ate an interest in' practic~lwo~k.,.. Successful. teaching : In:thes_e, cYepl;ii.ttl1ents cannot' fail to jmpr.ove,the ,work in thepure1y.academi~'subj~cts.. ' Thef611O:wing table shows the growth of the work. A.g~icuit1Jlre . In, 19~5-13 schools' In 1916--18 SFhools In 1917-,-22. schools 'In J918~5 schools In 19i9-59 'schools , In 1920~5 seho'ots In 1921-68.s<hools ,In19?2~68"sthooli! In 1~23~,69~cl}bol~ Household Science 1n 1918~ 2 schools In 1919~7 s<hools In..19~O"""-.,6 schools' In1921~ 9 schools In 192?~,' 8 schools In 1923-11 schools L) \ Elgin:Coi.1tJ.ty CounCil Inconl1'ec~ion with the former',' theSchooLFairs are v~ry important a)id withpnlytwo, eX'ccptiops;cvcry' rural school is included in 'aSch~ol Fair DistricL ' The School Fairs arehcld in ten cC!1tres, and the Arieul'" turalFairs have recogniz'cd the .possibilities 'of this.work and have h~clud,ed, a Sch()olFair Deparhpent in their programme of' activitIes. The.work il1Household Sciehceiti. connectioh.withthe Hot Lunch is being slowlyintrodu~ed illtci the ,schools. It isne'c~ssary that only one hot' dish be served daily in order to comply> with the regulat,ions governing tIle Hot Lunch. . The 'stipervision and orgallizatiol1 of" this i' workrequir'es ~onsiderable effo'rt on the 'partof the teacher who receives a'specialgrantwhiIe the ,Board receives a refund of thei~ expenses. But the work can of; cours~ be taken only in the schools where the, t~acher ,reil1ain~in'th~ school during the noon hour,;' The,.ch,i!dr_en who have the adval1tage of the hot l]ll1ch have 'been fou~ld;asarule; to do better, work and to form habitsofco-operaticinand self-control. N~w School Activities I Speci;disfs in,Education who devote their time to'the st'1)dy of pro- ble1l1sinthe trainin,~ of the YOUl~g are strivihgto "iIl1Pro~e conditions in the, schools 'so that every child may have the opportunity; sin,ce he has theinhercnt right" to develop men tally; morally, physically andso.cial(y. To this end the workin,sul;',ppr<\ctical- subjects <l:s Agriculture, Household Sciel1ce and:~anual ',Train'ing. isca~ried on, 'and in the'large graded schools i;s, in,t~e',hands' of , trained specialists." In, this ,~onnection; "it ma)r,be:poiut_cc' (lut :that t~e, h~alth of the,~hildren is receiving' an in~ c'n';asing amount of attention and in ll1any'municipaliti.es-medical;dental :': , ',' ,',' ",' ,'.- ' " '-", ,- ~ ' _:,,', , ",:"',' ", ' , ',:.." and 'nurse .inspectibnare, in force. But,even where these have' not ',been ibtroduceda n,ew- organization know!'l as thG Junior, Red Cross has been a'dopted by ~any'teachers as an ,aid in the teaching of Hygiene. This work',is,liilked with the, R~d Cross Work"thro,ughout .the .WQrld aqd the children carry on their, activities as an .organized society in such a way' that they ,receive not 'only valuahle les,sons in' health rules, but also 'valuable lessons hI civics. The clement of 'play 'should ,.have a place in the development and eclucatioil 'of the ypu'ng 'a:n~ this work re'ceives much. atten'tion at the summer ,schools... Sup~rviscd play on the school ,playgrounds is vitally necessary and especially during ~he noon intermission~ Some, energetic teachers have bought playground equipment -from the proceeds of ,Elgin. .... County ''Coun'cil 63 schp'olconcertso and they' h:ave. heen ':assisted .by ,generous cOl{hibU'tiO,llS" 'Jro'ni ':schoof boards _,'and' local' satieties: Inaprevioi1s report" (s(tated that gat?eSPrDp.eflys~petvised ~railiOthepupils Hi tei:tm~play" a,nd~l:e,{)lle of the best means of developing a sturdy self~relian'ce. The' effecto'lI the 'general ~hea:Jtl';and character of the pupils is, of l.rIestimable, value and thepup-ils' anclteacher ~re brought tog~th#rin cf ;wat_ which will ':result. in b~tter discipline and i1lcreased interest" in Bchoolwork., Parent.s ,a'renow offered a means-of becomingbe,tteracquaiilt,e'd with theteachersin the. f.ormalion ofMqthel's' Clubs andHom~:,~ncl Schaols Associatio11s. T'he_ exte'nsion o'ftheHyd'm Electric, System -Will enable:board~, to, wire. the' schaal bui1dh~,gs for .~lectric.,lig~f sO: thatcontmunitymeetings in the school will 'be more popular 'and Jl1or.e satisfa.ctary. Theuseof mavea-ble seating in many"schools" enables 'the' s{:hooI''autharities to use theschoolpla:nt in:manyways.' The,Wom~l1's Institute:s arealsoi-nt~restil1~,themselves ifl theimp.ort\lntwork,of ill1,- provi,ng school groqnds and providing facilities to promote Cleanliness .ampl;'g'thepupils. M-.1-1Sic has been a featUi"e bftheschoolprogrammc".'but",'~he,.ne"y c()l1rse-of st_~dy ,\yil1~ml?hasize this "inipprtantsubject... It is rare',to find a school whi'ch hasn:ot an, instnil~ent of' some ;kind and a,very large numberof'the schools ,have a"grafanolaor victrola. "The "minin1Um" course_:requil~ed 'Of all teac-hers, will, be simply rote singing,,, and" this ,will easily be' within the" pOWers" of, practically' all 'the teachers:' Music" findsi .""""" ,'- ' ':" ' ",'--.- --', ',' '", "," ',I :'l" p1a:ce",in the public '0Iorship, ,and" inthe home, _and,it shaultl,l~6t':b~ d~~ied a'placein', the school." ""Its inf1-uel~Ce'?Ii 'the YO,ungmilldis "i11cal... cl1lable.Itrefineso ~nd :p~rifies. Itc1evafes and ennobles. ,T.heEllgI,-i",h language"has~' hentage afspng which shO~ld bemade,avail~hlefq~ every child, andwhh:;h will inspire the' children :.toloveofco'untry ~ml -home: School Aecomtriodation Thisy'ear'sawthe completion of t4,e sp'lendid bitildillgere-cted Sp,ringfieldto. hol1sc_,:the growing:P~~lic'and Continuation SCh'6QIs., .The schooUs 'bt7iit of r'ed brick and is a' distinct asset- to the' village:. It ",' , ' , , "'--', , 'was" opened after the Eastervacatipn,alld "a" ,Ial'ge "mimber "of nitepay.'" ers and others' were present tOinspectthe"builcling an the opei-dl~1;{ night The Class rObms ,are lat-geand airy ; and', \ well light~d. "The ))uilcling is ,lighted throughout by- electric}ty and,a pressur<.': 64 -Elgin County CO'uncil syste~; supp1i~s"water for:the toile~s,;the scien<;e laporatory,.and .the 'pubbler, drinking "fo1.,1utai11s. -One of ,th~ most c()mmendabl~ ,features ,is th~ _prpyisiOlJ.' ~lT the' plaq.of. the ':,buqdi'llg.:of_,a large a1.1ditorium. It has' b~e~1S'ltg'gested",that-theBoard 'll1<tk,e this room a_ reaI7ommU1J,ityhall a;n-d,-,provicle,a":kitchen sp th~t i.t' p1'a~be' \1sed for'so~iall gathedq.gs.: , ,Por't Bu~well is. also erectiog"anew building',.which. will be cotn~ ',' . ". '. ~ ':' . . . .' :" . ,.' plded next year. -It,is a handsome and modern structure, and will be I'elerr~,q to more in det-ail in a later' f-eport. ~~te'in H~"e,year,the 'school h?,use, in S"S. NQ. lO',~_BaYham,: was der.froyed, by tire. The loss' was ql1iteheavy, since, the Board' did, not carryrrlUch jnsurance;A.Jr,ang~ments y,r,ere made immedi'atl';?Y, to build a,n:e.w$chool an4amor~'extended reference will be,m'ade 111 the next repQrt. c, ,The,incre'a,'ie 'in the', suburbaJl pop,ulation,'in, D., S. S. ,No..Z5, ,Yar~ '1n9~th, 'and 24;~Sot1th.wol~, rrlad7 'a; re~adjustment'of'school acc.ommoda- tion imperativy,and the result ,wa$ that 'a handsome and commodio,l1s, tvvo:-,room'red ,brick structure was built in,the South wold portion of t?e,:union' s,cctiol1-;tor,eplaee thc_,old, fr~tl1e one-roomscho~L It is a fine e){amp~e,of, amo~ern rura~ s'chool,,'~n'd the heating" ventilation ,and 'lighiin'g are'all.,that could 'be desired. ILis' to be regretted that indoor toilets whe'not il~stallcd. ' , C.""~.11diti6ns' al. ebe.' coming i'ntblerablein South '. y.' armouth, ~i1.d' s. ome:"" :"", ,'" , ":",,. ",,,', "',""",," ",', ',: "" ,,', " ", ,,' "'-, ,tl1,jn~ mustsoo~lbe' done to, improve t~e ac~onlin?d9-tion provided for th~s~~oot i)b'pulati()11: , If th.crate,payers and ,boards d,o l~o,LsoO~l t,<lk~ ~o,rn'~"'B:'ctioll to' i~prove ,conditions,_ it would' appear, that, theprovb,l~ c,ial, a\lthorities, will' take, the '~atterip"h8:nd. ',The'School_at'Uni?~ "is ,very 'bId _a_;ld ,the: attel1dance is large. . The . ,scho'~l; sOl.lth,o( UniOl1.:'is . also. 'very old. and the atte'ndal~cc"is large." Th~ building' inS. S: No. .8, :Yq:rinouth,' east ot Union, is good, although .it has been built for .s'~me ,time; hut,the attend'ance, ta~es the capacity of the present structure Sparta is faced- with the'nec~~si'ty of buildinga'new school to house the Con,tinua,tion;;chool whi~h was, organized thisyear, and which" is at prese~lt in~empo.raryguartel:s. There st;ems tobeq.l1 exc,elleut9pp.?rt::- unity I, t'o,:build,_.-one ,or two. con,soJidated "scho?ls in . this.. . rjch. district, w,hich .,'iVould,pr?~idc.:for th.e imb1ic .and high:~chooL"tr!:\'i~ini,<?~tl:1e children.U1ct-relieve them' of.. the: !1ecess:ity'of' }'eavhlg"ho1!l~, to.:s,~,cury High ,School Wor,kin St. Th.9iWas., :Further ref~rence~.}Q this- may be n1ade at ..a, future date. )n.. th~ 'meantilne,I m~y~ay tha~.lJ,h9,p,e tl1,at Elgiii 'Co'unty Coruncil 65 there will. b~' 110 'hasty, adiollwith'regatd' to/the .eredi611'of. new'one~' ! ',' """, ,,' ',' ""! ",:'-",",','":",,.-,'. :r<;,om or t'~0~r9,Otn schools~ ThiswOlild appear to',J:JC a':S:ala.rp~ty. I,f,a <;!eputatio'\;'.of ratepaye.rsallcl trustees. were sent to observe,the .1;vot'l~i-11g of cons'olida:tioll in Ontario'"or in ,SOIne of the neigh,bo1'ing:states,;'th~ OPposition to' consolidation wotilddisapt:l_ear." The' finallcin'g of suth a: trip would not "be' iilsurmOUllta'blc if-the se'ttioiIs affect'ed could ' , operate. The' "Teachei's' Institute A:hrief ses'sion,of :the East Elgin'Tea'chers', Institut was, held' in. 'Aylmer tqconducrthe gencral't.msiness of the yeal: and 'to'hearreport~ :and addresses. ,~yery'tea.cher, ,in. the ins'pectoi'atc re~ponded~ to :th~ . rotl~call. A special'trairi took the teachlers' to Windsor, where, in con~', Junction \withthe teachers .ofOxford'Cotlnty al1d West,Kent, theyhl~ .spected .the Rotary Schools of Windsor, as the gue~tsd?f the Windsor Board of Education; The visitwas,edu~ationa]in the highest degree and the ..teachers received muchinstructiOil. The work of 'the"sc1i~6rs was"a: reveJatibn and,the varie-dad'ivities .cartied. bil..W:1th.perfe,;:t;,free';' ?O,ril . atl9 smoothness,'\yon thea4111irati0l1 of 'all; The work.'in the regular. cla~ses.' anct,in','the13pecial departments SUC~l as "Geography, Hi~to~y, Manual Training, Household Sc'ience and Nat,ure \S~udy, s,howeclthe ,sttccessfuluse Of'ITlOclern .lllcthods; whiletheaudit01'ium' activities, s.nch" as. Dra-matizat-ion,'DialogueS,-Plays:,Pci'geants, ,(hor... uses, Folk Song~ and Dances,Deb-ates,Civi~siSafelY'Firstand Health Work, . Public Speakin.g,-. 'Reading:" al;d '-Travalogues;: shdwed" the' possi- bilitiesof t~elargerui1inn educational effort. .Th~' wOl~kof the schools ' 111 teaching Music and, .the "Use of the Library room'~for, SUljp'!ementary reaclingunder the,'~upervis'iOll:of.:the,tcachel' wer,e ve~y excel{cnt- fea~ turesof the -.training. of 'th,e .ch,ilciren in the ,very imp'ottant subjects of M:usic and Literat~.'t:"~,~ ., T'heRotary System was adtipted;to: pr'Ovide aCcOtn1l1odatioh-'f'Orthe rapidlyincreasing school population of the frro,,:ing'. city of Windsor. :T~e,s}rs~em,:j$ .l1ot.J1e'cessary 'and perhapsnot..dcslrable'il} .the. s,maller grad~d'schook .But,it sho~ed the possibilities whic;h lie in theorgan~ lzati'oh 'of the graded and con~olidated school. The improvement. of Co Elgin, County.. Council acconpilO~lations. more pa.tticularly in heating, lighting,Ve~1tilatiotl. a-ncl \ sal~~tation; the.use of the 5ch'aol for public gath'erings;theplaygroulld , equipment and superviscct' play, the advantages of a large administ'ra- tiveunit,.the,problcm of-the sub-normal 'child, and the, provisioh ~f' ,speci~l ,training for the adolesccl1tand the'promotion o'fregul:iritym attendance ,oJ Jhc- primary,children, are still problems whose ,sol~tio.ll~ it:wouldseem, depends upon'a revolution In o'ur present system of school ',otgal1iz~tiOi1-. ' I have the honour to he, Sirs, Your obedie'nt ,scrvant~ J; C. .SMrrH, LP.S. REPORT EDUCATION ~OMMITTEE 'January, Session To the EIgip County Council ~I Thc'Edticati()l1 Committee r~ports:-'- 1. THATaccqunt oLTiUsonburgH!gh S:cho"ql.Boardfor main- tenance Co:unty' Pupils, 1911, for $248.12, be' paid. THAT the: following Contiliuation Scho'ol accounts he paid:..c:... Bothwell' .......................,................."..............$ 28 20 Melbollrne',.......;..~mn...... ....nm.................... 325.11 Sl)al'l~ ...............,......,........ ......,....,.....,........... 245 61 3. THATth.e following accounts be paid : .Inspector' Taylor, travelliilg e~penSeSn mn ..:....$ Il1sp'ecto~' Smith, travelling. exp~nses .. Municipal WO,rld, printing 37 25 174.23 577 ,All of which is 'rcspectfully\ submitted. R. B. McKENNEY, Chairm;l!l- I Elgin Cciunty, Council 07 Ju~e Session To the Elghi County Council: Gentlemen ;_ The Education ,Committee .repor,ts:_ 1. Tpat they have -considered, matt,ers pert-ainiilg to 'grants to Schools and 'would recommend that, in the future, 'they be the same as' provided by 'Statute. ' , Z. 'That:lnspector Taylor's re,port be received and, printed in 'the ,Mil},utes." , 3. That t4efol1owing accounts be paid :_ J. A." Taylor, LP.S:, expenses ;...,..........._.,.1......,.$ . Municipa\ ~ orld,supplies 'for ins.pectors and examl1lahons' ............,......... J. C. Smith, LP,S.; expenses R McLachlin, supplies J. c. Smith AU' cifwhich is respec.tfully submitted. 151 90 150 55 325 38 620 R. B. McKENNEY; Chairman N ()veniber Session County~ Cooncil: The' Education Committee reports: 1.. That weco-operate with theCoul1ty ot' Lincoln in urging the of supplemeiltary grants in t~achers~ salaries in mban and. 'also government grants Of 'salaries In rural schools. , That ,.the report of J. C. Smi,th, 'Inspector, he received and in. themiiiutes. All That'the foHowing accounts be 'paid: >Itispector Smith, expenses .U....:h..h.;'..~....'..n........4363.09 Inspector' Taylor, e~pel1ses ''':~...n..m......,.._.......~u.... 1489'0 MU11icipalWorId, printing' for Inspectol:s __......._ 31 55 of ,which . is r~spedfully submitted. 1924. . R. B. MtKENNEY, Chairman 68 Elgin (ontity . Co'uncil COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT January . Se,ssion \ TO' theW ardcll and Council:- Gentlemen :....:.c... , I have th~, 'h,O'l1ou1' to briefly submit the following suggestions, and t.o congratulate you on the enviable financial- position of the County, whi2h the Auc1itof$'rcpott that is now in yourharids;shows. ThesmaU cleficit i~ (lucto the' increase in the cost of Cotinty High School" pupils. L As a,l1 effort. at. somcstibstantial reduction in our present, oppressi-\rc taxation, would it not" be worth while to seek the co....opera... tiOl1 of the' othcrinteresfed 'Counties iii'urging the Government to heai" the cl1tire pfovincial Highway expenditure ? Last year, the County's share was' neady one....thir.d of the C:OU1.1ty [,ate; 2. Th9-t. interest account h_as grown to he an important one, I would advise th'c Council to appoint a Committee t~ deal 'with this a~ccoun,t. 3. The PGtCl' Crovier Estate is still a liability.' It woul,d he ,a-dvis... , able tb appoilit a Committee ,to realize on this claim at once. I 4. It 'will ,be necessary to pass a By~Law authorizing' the Warden anet'Treasurer to borrow $259,000, to meet current expenses. All of: which js respectfully submitted. B. B.'GRAHAM, Co,unty Treasurer, E!gin County j Council June Session To the Warden and Coutity Council: Gentlemen :...,.... I beg leave tQ stlbi.nit a statement of the Reccipts and":'Expe'nditures of the preseiIt. y_e'ar from Jan. Istlto May 31st. I. RECEIPTS 1st, 1924.......... ..,.....:........$ 38001 37 1279 50 10000 00 338 80 11333 00 393 83 1440 42 68 60 568 22 94094 54 363 01 --c-~$157881 29 Cashion' hand, Jan. Adm: of Justice .Bills payable- Interest County ,Rate Public" Schools House of Industry County Lines Arrears of Taxes County Roads Miscellaneous EXPENDITURES 'Adm. of Justice '..m................ .........._..... :-..........$ Public' Schools ',~ ......... ........... House of ,IhdustQ1" ....~:.h...n_.._,....._........._.....h... 'Regist:t:yOffiCe' ...m...,..; ..h................ County Lii1es h.._.....h_...'.. ..h............h.......n... High', Schools moo ' Members' Wages Officers' . Salarie's Printingal1d Stationery Care.. of BUildings .h...h....U...._......~...._...........__.. Water, Light, Heat County Roads MisceHaneous 7545 96 7682 31 4888.57 423 41 10 50, 9938 II 823' 20 '1400 00 581 26 427 30 61838 3803 II 88360 51 ----~$15546639 o? 70 ElginCo;tll1ty.~ Council ~. A fair. estimate of the amount rcquir'ed to meet th~ various ex.. penditl)res of the County would ,be as follows: Amd. of Justice .L............... ..uu.__...... n.__.....:;.~$ COUl).ty, Lilies and Br:idges Hoqs,e of'Indus,try High Schools Public Schools Officers" Salaries ..n....C__.......;.,. .m............... Members' Wages Court House .Commission Debenture By-:Law 859 Interest m...~uu..... .....m______. .....n...m............, Registry Office County Roads Gran-ts 'to.Urban Municipalities Provincial 'Highway ..............nmm........ n...._.... ':MiscelIal1eous Hospital Grailt 7000 00 4000 00 9000 00 30000 00 1700000 5000 00 4000 00 2000 00 1592 00 8000 00 300 00 75000.00 9000 00 ,55047 00 . 18000 00. 5000 00 , $249939 00 All of wh}ch is respectfully suomitted. B,' B. GRAHAM, County 'Tr~asurer N ovem.ber Session To the Warden" and Council: I'have the honour, to su.bm,it thefollowi'ng report for your inform,a~ tiol1: There s'hould he 4 small surplus this year, owing t~ the reduction_of $2500.00 i~1 the Interest' account and $3500.00 in County Lines', if ther~ arena, unexpected,demands' on expei1diture'for the' balance of the year; as,indticated by this summarystaiem'ent: , Bills payable, Oct, 31st ....,.,..,............,...........,.....................$ 1260'00 00 Interest .__m..____,:____.......:,..............,..',.....m..____m.....__..........__........ 4000 00 Administration' of Justicc1 estimated ....................:....... 2500 00 , of Industry, estim'ated <';ounty.Lines, Registry Office High Schools PublicSchobls Officer's ,Salaries 1fenrrbers"VVages ',Ar;ea,rs of Taxes 'Hospi~al Gr~nt County Roads G;ants to Urban Muilieipalities ; ProviilCial I~ighway' MiScellaneous County Rate Prav. ,County Roads' . Cit!' ot ,St. T,hornas , Adrn. pf Justice Mii;cellfU1eous Su_~plus 2000 00 400,09 200 00 30000 00 27000 00 1250 00 80000 1700 00 1000000 44000 00 9700 OD , 5500U 00 7500 00 248000 0.0 70000 00. 4100 00 250000 1200 ,00 355000 """""""---'::"--.::.:_- All of ,which 'is, resp~,-ctfully subl11i~ted. $325600,00 $325600 00' , B. B, GRAHAM, County ,', ,11re'a~urer ~[gin County Counc.iT Elgin County Council REPORT FINANCE COMMITTEE January SesEion The Elgin. 'Sun far prilltingproccedings ElliOtt Fisher Company, relJain; Registry officctypewri ter '..m;. 39 00 252 00 County. Council ~ Childien-'s Aid Society, County Children~."_.. '213 50 .for maintenance of' T.he 'FinanceCdmrilftfee repoTts:- lvfunicipal ',World fat Stationery,: Registry Office Cler~{ and Treasurer 12 54 14 50 L l~'hat the report of Police Ma~i5trate Hunt be r'eceived arid pri'nte'cl in 'the Mil1utes. R McLa'c:h1in, .stationciry~ Clerk Treasurer Registry, Office 1175 10 3 90 2. That no adion be taken'in re.ferellce to applic;atiol1.for grant .' received fr.omthc Canadian National Institutcfo~ the 'Blind. 3: That 'no..action bctaken,:i}1,.referencc'.f6>applicatioL1 for grant I:eceivcd from ,the:Ho~pFtalfor S:i~k'Children, TOl"onto. County Clerk for postage Cityo,'f St. Thomas, electric light, Reg. Office All of whichisret.pc-etbIly -submitted. 12 00 8 03 4. ~rhat the sum of $250,00 begrat1ted 'to the Salvation Army,in/ aid of the Rescue Bomes andMaten~ity I.{ospitals.. ' W, M, ANDERSON, :'5. that Messrs'. Andrews and Fuller and the Trear,urer be appointed a Committee with power to sell the Grovierp~operty in West Lotne. No, i-June Session County ComiciL 6.' That a By~Law be passed authorixingtheWarden'aud,Trcas- urer, ta' l?01T?W $250,000.00. 7. That the Auditors' Report be received atld printed. 8~, That the, following accounts be paid : 'The Fina'l1ce Committee :repo.rts:- 1. Thqt the Auditoys' report be adopted. 2. -. That the sUm of One Hi.melred Dollars be granted to the di~11 National Institute f~r the Blind. \ " T,hat the application for grant to Thoroughbred Calf 'Club to the,County B'Oard'of Trade, Vil1age of'Pt:. Stanley, maintenance 'of patient insanitariu-m .......... .....n..... .............. .................$.273. 75 Town of Ayltner,for' ex~enscsCOllnectecl with sending indigent lunatic -toasy1tlm . ........ . 22 00 ,[ 73 , .' Elgin County "Courdl 4: Th,at IIl<;fustry. no action ,be takcn re Government Grarit to ,House .5. 'That the following accounts be paia: ,. '. , Children's Aid Society,. St. _Thomas ...00 ..m....n .....,$616 50 Children's Aiel So'c}cty; County of. Nb'rfolk..... ...364 00 Londo1.lHcalth Assn.,acc6unt paid by Twp. DUn- wich. .00 .........:00 .......0000....... ............,. ..h....................n 44...25 Prov'indalTreasurer, conveyance of prisoners '167 00 V'ict6ria. Industrial School ........'. 00..00 .......... ..00...__..... 30'50 RMcLachlin'forCounty Judge ...............00 ............00 2 5Q For County Clerk ;.. ........... .......m ........00 ....m........ ,.3 50 Fo'r Registry Office.' ....................... ....00.....:....... 1 95 S. R. Hart & Co., forms f6'r Aylmer Division C6u'r.tJ ........00 ....00....'.00....... ........ ' ",!-tewsome\& Gi1be~t,paperfor'County Judge .... H>Vernon-&'Son, City Directory....... ......'...m.......n Municipal World for Registry Office For Aylmer :Division Court For County Treasurer County'Clei"k, pos'tage .................. ............. Rodgey . .Me'rcury, printing :name' ,cards Elliott Fisher, -ribbons for' ,Registry, Office '''.''00 'rotheWarden and Council of the County of Elgin: Gentlemen: ' The i,Committee on Finance beg leave to'report that, having exam~ into,the financ'cs of theCoimtyand the estimates prepared by the CO~111ty' Treasure~i .they herewith submit as-tatementof thecxpel~di';'" t~re.required for thelawful purpO'ses o('the County durin& 1924, s'how": illg ,the amou~lt'requi1"cd to be raised for the uoder-mentjoned' purposes; 10 00 11 50 5 00 77 60 27 83 51 90' 12 00 10 00 1195 'All qf which is respectfully submit.ted.' w. ANDERSON, Chairman No. 2 June .Session of Elgin. County COt1nci,l , Administration of Justice ....................:.......$ CountyLinesahd Bridges ....00...00..00............. House of Industry High Schools P~blic. S.chools Officers' Salaries .;.........___1.........,.00..,... Me'mbers' 'W;ages h......h..................... Court House Commission. ....._........ . , DebenlUres-By_law 859 Interest ..:.........._.....00... .....'......h................. ........ Registry Office Mis(:ellapeous Coun'ty. . Road-s Deficit, 1923. .................,..,.,...........,.................. Gr<l:nt Urban M,l1uicipa1ities Provincial Highway.............,........ 75 7000 00 5000 00 9000 00 30000 00 13000 00 5000 00 4000 00 2000 00 1592 00 7500 00 300 00 17000 00 75000 00 7608 00 9000 00 55000 00 $24800000 Y~ur Committee would recommend that the sum,'of Twb']-Iulldred and,Forty-Eight Thousand Dollars, be rais'ed' o~ all the rateable. pro..; pertY-'in the several Municipalities of the County of Elgin during the year 1924 for County,purposes, aridt'hat a rate of 8 mills on the' dollar" be levied on ratea'bleprbperty hl the several Municipalitie.s in the ~oun:tyto :aise said amounts; All of ,which is respectfuIlysubmitted. November Session W.M, ANDERSON, Cp~tirll1an Elgin" County 'Council : The "frirlance 'Committee-,Repor~s: to- the Elgin Poultry' Associa'tion, St. Thomas be be taken re petitiol1 for appointment Of. ConM J;; 76 Elgin County~ounci1 3..That 110 action betaken iil reference to al)plication ofE. W. Baker for appointment as salaried policeoffiter.~ I 4., That in reference to : application from South Yarmouth 'Wom'- cn's Institutc,we recommend the council for next year to"consider the advisability of apP0'inting an officer to enforce the traffic law on the road from St. Thomas~to PortStanlcy. . ' 5. rrhatthe Warden issue his order for payment of. the Memorial Hospital Grant for $10,000.00. 6. That accounts rendered forsupplic's f-orDivis'ion Court; offtcers, bepaicl whell' certified by the Inspector of Division Courts. . '7. That no change be made in By-law providing for cost of cphveyancc' Of inmates t6House ofIl1dustry. 8.' ,That theChildrefi's Aid Society be ,granted thesUlh of Four Hundred ($400.00) Dolla;s for 1924., 9. That the folloWing accQunts be paid: Victoria I~dustdal Schoo'J' .................,.............,........$: 15' 50 '.Newsome and 'Gilbert- ..............~................................... 52 35 United Typewriter Company....,............................... 1 00 Village of West Lorue, ,conveyance of lunatic...'..... 4100 . Township of Malahide,' conveyance to House- of Industry ..'..m............................................................. 4 00 Childrens' Aid Society,- maintenance..,...................57700 Township of Southwold, .c~nveyancc of lunatic 15 00 County' Solicitor:'s Services ......m....................,...., 184) qo Hart and Co., Treasurer's Ch,ecks ..............:......... ,153 43 Municipal World: For Clerk and Treas. ......................................... For Registry OfIice ............."...,.....:..."............... Dutton Advancp .......'.................................,................. R. McLachlin: Registry Off.ice .h....'~......m,u..............,.,..........~.... Law Lib'rary ........... .....'.......... .............................. County, Clerk . 28 93 12 75 38 50 4 20 75 , 5 25 All' of which is respectfully submitted. W. M. ANDERSON ,q~a~rma.tl Elgin County Council' REPORT COUNTY ENGINEER January Session To t~e Warden and' Council of the County 6fElgin: Gentlemen :- '- , , Since Y9urNovember 192YSession, the following repairs made 'to ,'Coup:ty Bridges. have been 1. Bripge over branch of Ket.tle Creekon Town- ; line between North and South Dorchester. Widening and.' grading approaches. Elgin's sha:re ,-'...m.:.............n.'."oooo...m....moo.:oo...'..."n.oo....,...'00...:$' Dodd. Bridge, gravelling.'approaches "..''-..~.'.hn..... Bridge < on Town";line be~ween Malahide' and South -' Dorchester.Widenil1g and 'grading 'appro-aches: -' and"rePctiring' guard rails........oo:. 4.' Ph.i11more brid~e, ,gravelling approaches............ 2" 3. 19 06 22 75 30 70 3835 . , ' ., This year it wilfbe necessary)o lay 'new-floors' on several County ", " " I Bridges, especially on, theRobbin~Bridge, and on the bridge over Cat.. fish_yre;ek, between the Townships of MaJahide and SQuth Dorchester. We recom~ehd that creosoted9locic' floors be placed on these bridges as the steel super-structures are.. not strong, enough'to carry concrete flo.ors. -' .' , ~.Allof..-whicb is respectfully .submitted. ,F. A. BELL, Assistant County Ehgine'cr June Session. andCbuilcil9f the County of Elgin,: your January Session; Iqilly minor repairs have been made to, Bridges. The railipg oli the Phillmo,re Br{dgclwas repai1:.ed the west approach to . the Gillett Bridge was filled in and grg.vclled. .- %' 77 7R Elgin' County Council > Elgin. County Council' 79 011' May 14th and 26th;your :Public,Improvetpent Co~mittee'madc tO'urs ,and examined bridges in ,both East and West Elgin. W e fou~nd that little'd,amage was done by the ,spring freshets. present" alldafter ,a careful ,inspection .of, the proposeClconnectit'lg ,liilks to the County Roads- leading ,to ,th~ 'Village the fOllowing:resoJutiol1 Was passed : w~ ,r,ecomme,l~d that it newcreos,oted blockflo'or be placed on County Bri,dge No. 40 over, the branch of "the GatfishCreel< on the Town1jue 'between Malahide'and South" Dorchester. We alsO' recom~' mend'that -new railings be constructed on the appr-oaches to' Bridge No.40, 'the Orwell Bridge and the Gillett Bridge. ""M:oved,byDr. ]acksol}.," seconded bY:E.,>G, Lusty, that,this ,mi'ftee daes notde'em' it' advisable to'designate any new road ~onnecting link in the Village of Viel.1~la. Repairs are ,being mad'c to' the bridge over' the Catfish Creek be- tween the Townships of Malahide and Dereham. That this CorpWittee, approves of the reporf 'suhrnitted',',' by County: RoadComrriiHee ,at the :JuneSessi'onas,:far ,as_,it relates 'to PI'oposed ,new 'road in Vi,enria. ' , We e'xped I that the work .-of' straightening the 'creek at " Bridge No. ,40', wil1b~ con1pleted ,'this year. Proceedings hav~been taken by the TOWl1ships', to. have the work doile ul1derthe Municipal'Drainage Act. We recommend that the Road ,~l1perintendel1t" make 'improYe~ mehts to Road44,p.C., in'the Village of-Vielma, f.rom, TeaL HiII south. ", ," ", ',' ,', ,,"';,' <','J .:The expenditure to" ,be rnade 'thereon' not to exceed $1,000.00, and ~hat thi~, year's estimate fpr expendittire",ol1 ,Comity R.oads be illcrectsed fo. dO" tl;1.iswork." You,r:Public' Improvement'Committee ex~mined the Bothwell bridge. The'Jloof' of this'briage i.s of 3 inch'oaJ.;:,' pl~nk 18 ,feet 'lo~g. The stringers arc of steel. Athough the present floor is strong enough ta carry the traffic, wefiQ.d that the, rapidity 9f. automobiles: passing over the bridgec'ause.S'the plank 'tomoye off thestee~stringers, tperesulting jar is very injurious to the who)e. structure. The, no or has iayerJf rough , surfac'c;'andnothing can, be' dtH1C t,o improve it except tolaY-a' rie\v plankfloQ~ or: ,one of cr.,eoso,ted: .block;" We 'would recommend that the matter betaken up with the Counties, ,of Kent -and Middt'esex as to theadvis'abilityof construding a neW floor of creosotedhlock:The cost ofd6ing the work~iU' 'be 9-bout $3,,sOO.OO,'of Which Elgin would pay 27~per cent. AIl,of .which is re~pectfully sulim'itted. (S!tl1'd.) J, A, FULLEg, ]AS. A, BELL, County Enginee"r Sitl,ce YOur June Session, the following, bridges have been' repaired: 1.., A !Jew creosoted blotkfloor was plaCed OIl CO-~llty,:Bric!geNo; 40, known a's the'King Bridge Oyer the brandi oUhe Catfish, Creckon the .ownline between Malahide and South Dorchester, ""d,a 1)ew creosoted, railing Was placed on the bridge and approach'es:,Te11dcrs werecaJled for supplying the mat,erialahd that submitted by the :Jenh,i.. SOn Wright CO:i Toledo,:w~s at::cepted, '~s it was thelo'Yest The 'wq-rk ""as. don'e by day . labor:. under' our supervision. The total tost' of work was$99Q.86. , November Session To the :W arclen a~la Coul1~il of the Cqunty.of Elgin. Gentlemen :- In accordance with your res'olution,' pas'sed' :;:tt your ]u'neScssion, you!' "."public ,Improvement Committee",held a,' special rne,eting, at Vienna' on JUl1e 27th., 1924. 'All'tl~e mem,bers of the Committee were 2. T:herailingSlcading to the OrWell Bridge were rebuilt at a cost of $39.75. 3.. '.A washout occurred at, the,IIOl'th abutrncl1t of the ,Cook-Bridge!- Townshipof :Baiham. Thisw:as'filled inan'd the railings were repaired. , 8Q, Elg:i~.'~~::C6Uilt:y Council 'The total cost of the wOl:k"was ~50.75. (4) A truck' broke through the flpor -of the Warren Sti-eet Bridge Illbr:th of PQrtStanley.A concrete patch was placed on. the floor.TJ:w 'whole:floorhas be_cn weakened by the: heavy traffic 'and we reco~mend that anew cOltcrete floor, 'be i:placed on the' bridge next' year., The' co~t pf th~ repairs this' year was' $2225. 5. Anew_"voeelen floor-was plated on the bridg'e on the Townline 'between MaJahideand"Bayham ,over-the Catfish Creek a:ndother im- prov'ements were made. The work was dbne under thes~p:ervision oi the"Road' Foreman'9f Dereham. ' 6. We issued ,.a cettificat'e for $44'.48; beingZ7! per cent. .ofthe cost of repairit;g' the 'fldol' of the Bothwell bridge, This work was cto'neuhder ,thesupe'rvision> of. the Engineer of the County_of Kent sometime ago, "but the accounLwas not 'rendered u~ti1this ,year. 7.i, Gra:vd was cost,,'beirlg- $1125: placed at the 'approaches, of the Gillett Bridge. The , ' .../ 8.. The' approaches of the Port- Stanley Bridge were gravelled' at a cost of $18.00. 9,. 'We havewrittel1 to the Engineers of ,the Counties of Middle.c s'ex al'i.d~ent regarding'-the, proposed new creosotedblockfloo/for the Bothwell Bridge and asked them to'bringthe matter to, the attention 'of their Councils at ,their ,present sessions; All of ;whichis respectful!y'subtp:itted. JAS, A. BELL, Thomas, No'vember 21st, 1924, County ,Erigineer Elgin" -County:, Co_uilcH, 81 REPORTS' PUBLIC !J\lJPROVEMENTCOMMITTEE ,January . Session To,the'Warden alld Council of the County,or,'Elt:fin: Gel1tleme)I-:'"'- , \ Your Public Improvement,Ccitnmittee ,beg:' to,.,report,a~ fo'lIows:'"-- f 1. They have considered the matter's cOiltaincd ill the repcii'For the Assista'nt County Engipeer al1~ would ,recomm~nd its ado.pti?n: i ',' " ""'" ',' 2" That the Chairman of the CDmmitteeand.thei,c:o,t1Il(v ~ngjileeli h,av'e' pOwer to call the -Committee together before the June Session, so'. that ah inspectioll caube made of the bridges'm~lltiolie'~L'in 'the Rngj.., necr'sreport' andOf:anyotherbridges t~qughtadvisable.by them::, 3, That the Ch:iirmanofthis ,Committee" and the Engj"neer'h~ve: poWel" tD deal with minor repairs to County Bridges 'during tlIe:year :alldthat the 'Com'l11Jtteewi'l1 orilybc 'Called~ together,'on'the' authority,! of th,c, Chairman and 'the Engineer.' , 4. In refer,ellc,c .to ,the comuiunication of'the Otltatio, Good Roci'cls .Associatio'n: Your' Committe~ rec0mmends' that theWarcie'li beauth- orized'to appoint. a delegati'an to attend the' aUllualmeeting and' that themefubel's'hip fee of':$lS;OO he paid. All of w~ich is, respectfuI1y submitted. J, A. FULLER, " , Chainnal1 'To the, Warden and Ju,ne Session Council' of the COlllity of Elgin~' Your Public Ilnprovemcnt Committee' has met and considered the niattersreco,~mellded in., the report of the County Rug-ineei-. Elgin CO'Ul1ty- Council 1. ,Re"Bddge::No.AO'oii th~Tow'n1ine'behveenMalahide and South Dorchester. , YO~l1' C01l1mittee ,wo~i'd cdn'c'itr in the 'recommendation that a new creosot'ed block flo-Qr ,b,e. placed on the bridge and that new railings .'be c()nstructed on: the appl'oaches~ I ' 2., That neW railings -be constructed to the Orwell, ane]. Gillette Bridges; 'J:The Township of South Borth ester has taken actionul1der 'the Drainage 'Act to extend the B.roo.ke Drain in that' Township to Bridge No. 40. 4. Last year it was' agreed'upon by, this Council that the' County wc::'re' willing to'assume one-half the cost of straightening,the creek justabov'e Bridge'No:'~O. ~~ In regard to, the Bothwell Bridge as recommendeclby the ;' El'lgineer. This Committeew-ould i'ecommend that:the County of Kent and Countr ,()f Middlesex should have their attention called-to the ,state of this, bridge and to the n'ecessity,oL improving ,the floor, and t4at arr,angements be made this year so that the work recom~ men.decl should be done :}:a~ly. next year. All -of which is respectfully,su'bmittecL J. A. FULLER, Chairman November', '/SessioD the Warden ancl',Council,of the Counfyof Elgin~, Your Pu~lic In~p,roverl}ent Comml.itt.ee' beg to teport"as,Jollows:- 1. They have considered the matters contained in the report of the County El1gi11eer and recommend its adoption. \ ' , . 2. ,They'recommend that; i~future,all,b:)Unty Litle,' Bridges,. which were not designed I to. carry concrete flo6rsbe reflooredw-ith cre-osated block floors; when necessary.- ,All of which is respectfully submitted; J. A. FUl1LER, Chairman , Elgin County ':Council REPORTS COUN'fYROAD COMMITTEE January Session TotheWanren~,t11d' Council,' ,of the>Co'u'nty of Elgin: Gentlemeh,:-'- The. County Rpad CO'mm'itte'e'reports: L That the stun o{"one hu:n'dred, a'lid seventy-two thousalid, o'ne hundred ahd two ";dollal's"and:sixty;.seven cents, ($172,102.67) was exp'ended ~n EIgi11'c:ount; Highway System, during the yeal:, 1923, the percentage payable .by the Province, Middlesex County Lines, St. T?.orhas,S~bu~ha.nArea, and 'the township ,of Maldhide, under agree:~ I rnent for construction of Stalter Gully ,bridge, will be about fifty' per cent. of this, amount.'Divided as follo'ws::....;., 2. PROVINCIAL COUNTY ROADS: RO!;ld '., Constructibri,...~.~.......:..__....,~_......... ....,.$ Maintenan,ce a>ndRepair, .~."""'''on'''m.. .Mairit~nai1ce on".Suburban Roads.. ,...~...".... 1284 17 11301 42 3363 36 3. COpNTY ROADS: Road' ConstructiOli Bi"'1dge Construction Maintenance and. Repair ,................. ";...nm ,~ons'truGtion on Sub~rbalt Area Roads .... 4. GENERAL EXPENSE: Grants to Urban Municipalities' "..,........... Viennaunderagn;'cme~t 'withMinistero'f Highwa.ys .......... ................. ....-'n:......... :rmproyenients and'ltiterest on Hathaway Far,m. ,~ .Machinery and Tools;.;, ....,.;...,.................. Gravel 'Pit,' Deyelopment ..,.....__....... "'''''n....''" Material. :jqstock<.........:. Workmen's Compensation ,Board Trucks _....'......._...... .,.............. ............;.: , M-iscellaneOus 22867 82 38114 47 56191 46 404 74 10847 58 168981 . Less Receipts 1048 89 3427 13 6416.11 402 21 25108 805977 3501 14 ---'-$172102 67. 3990 69 , -;------'> $168101 98 84 Elgin-' County Council 5.. MACHINERY & TOOLS, AVAILABLE FOR YEAR 1924 40' slushscrap'crs;18 junior graders;JOplows; 1 mower; Z fertilizer, drills-; 9 hammers; 12 shovels ~ 6 . sledges ; 14 crowbars; 8.fanterns'; IH~htj 1 heavy and 2 light road scarifiers; 2 semi-portable gravel bin and elevators;. 2-10 ;horsc _ powe~gas engines; 1 ,centrifugaL pump; 1 forc-cpump; 1 diaphragm pump; -6 dump. wagons j, 3, ,5~ton- dump trucks; 7' heavy' graders; 1 - cement mixer j. '1 e1ec,tric 'battery; 6'picks. . . . . I 6. MATER"lALIN STOCK AT HATHAWAY IMPLEMENT SHED: 75"00' fc~t oLc:hestnut and pine' plank. 20'0'0' feet of '-White oak plank. 20' pine piles 20' feetlong~ 22b~rrels of p~ving pitch. 10'00 feet of second- hari'd 5,.8 wire cables, 7; We estimate the-sum of seventy-five thousand dollars, should be raIsed for c.x:pendit\1rq on County Roads for the year '1924. Divided as follows: ConstruCtion on 'Roads..,.....'........,.................$ J7000, 00 Maintenance on Roads' m.....'.....U......,'....... 44000 00 Bridges ,and Culverts, .....n...................m......... 7900 00 lyIachinery .and'Tool;s '.. ............n.....m.m...,... 500000 Grav~lPit Develo1pment ....,.........._........_m... 200000 . $ 75000 00 s., That RoadSuperintendent of Elgin County bedelygated to attend Conference on RoadCoI1stntctionheldin Torqnto, beginning Monday, the 25th day "of. F ~.bruary. 9. This: Committee recpmnlend that' County Clerk prepare regulating heavy traffic on County Roads to be submitted to Council at the June Session. , AU of which iso, respect.fttllysuh111'itt'c'd. Chairman EIgi.-\l County Coui1cil 85 June Session TotheWardeiI and Coui1cllof ,the County of Elgin: Gentlemen:~ Your County Road Commhtee beg leave to report that your. Com- m.ittee have mad'e a four.,.day inspection trip over the County Roads beg!nning May,-ZOth,endingFriday, May 23rd. .We s'um'l'nadze the year's work as follows: 2. Road'Co'nstruction . G,rading and gravelling-g mil~s of County. Road, C0l1stnicthlg,6 culve;ts a,nd placing a' number of irOtI pipes at many different a cresoteBJock floor for the Goodfell.ow Bri~ge" North 'bridge ,in the Village 'of Vienna' Road 'No; 44 P. c.~' cr~scitedblock,floor. New24~fo.ot span ,'c'ement bridge mlR6ad No. 51:' New 24~foot Span cement bridge 011 road No.5. Maintenance 6fStolte and Gravel RO;'lds: " ' "", I We advise.'~hat,theheaviertravel1ed gravel aild stone County Roads be r'e<surfaced this year. trucks'-'pavebeeu, overhauledancl al'cengag r.eporf of season's work will be i!6' Elgin County Council Elgin COUllty, CburieD 6. That this COHnc'i1 request,the HighwayDcpartment to 'approve of Road No. 39, as a Provincial COHnty Highway and eOlinecting witb Mid,dles,e~ CountyRoad between Lots 12 and 13 intheTo.'N'nship of North Dorchester; t11(~l1ce nprth to, the' Hami1ton,R,oad., Middles'ex is requested,to co~opcrate. REPORT OFCOUNTYIl.O:ADSCOl\'ll\'llrhm November "'SessiOI1l S7 7. 'That no action be taken re-com:mHnication frO'mDepartrrtent pfH,ighways'in conl\ectibn with podd',s' 'Bridge. To'the RIgill'County Council: ,!'/t. Thomas, N o~: 25th., 1924 "Gel1tlemC11 ;_ 8. We l"ecommcnd that' the Reeves ofdiffer~l1tTawnShil)S s.hoi.t!d al?point,cd to enfore~)he. IQad~d,Vehicres Act. The"C6UlltyRoad.Committee teportsthat expenditure on Elgin County Big-hway System, from January. 1st, 1924, up to and including October 31st, 'has,~een, a, t0tal,~f$101,061A4... This am'dunt, wiH"b,eip" 'Creased by work .already-inprogress.' '. Expenditure a~ :Foll~'ws: COristnrctio,n on County Roads ......m.......m................. .:.$ 21245 '10 Majlltellal~c'ednCounty Roads .....' ....... ......,............'.... 5771343 Con~tructiohonSubtlrban Area n,o<ids .........m..:....... 2642,51 .Maintenallccon Suburban AreaR-oads .....;m..n....... 138024 Village 'Grants-. ..... :.h~.~.,'.h..............~.~.............. ...........~.......... 28,'60 Trucks, 'Gas, Oil and, Re"pairs '.....~.~~.......;...h..... ......... .... 4953,50 Gi:'ivel' Pit Development ............ n...... ......... .............. 6324 '29" Machinery, Tools :and Repa,irs ,1132 8~ Implement 'Shed '77-89 Material in -Stod:.,.. ',' ", ......,--......,..... 'h.... ....... ......,... '358'75 Int. On Mortgage Hatha.way .Farm 330 no' Workmen's Compensatio.n Board' .m....... ',.. .....,..... ..,.,' 413,37 ' Miscellalie0Us. -..-... " 2460 89 -----'--$101061 44 9. The, C?unty now ~wns9:r.+ acres of:-gravelpit lalld, , being a l)ortion of the south half of Lot 'No. 26, in the 6th ~oli.ce'ssi(H1, o'f the Towllsh,ip of, Dere~ani; ,in ~~e'~o~nt~ ofqxford. , vVehav~ secured bJi,ti,on~0,lease',-for99 years., tIie balanteofthepit;<n?WOW11~d,bY Edward Corbett, .aclleining their' O,W:I} property. Containing by ad': measurementlOi- acres for the sum of $2,000.00, We recommend' that' the" te'rms 'of the option be fulfilled. 10. , That 110 action betakenre~extensionofCotlntyRoad No. 53 .~c'onnecting lillk in tlie Vil1age ofVienlla~' with Road' No'. 44 P.C. n." ::rpat, COUrnty <'Grants- td-Vi11agea11d TOWl1sfor',expenditure 'un:dc't' the_ H'i~hwayAct,f~r thisye'~r,,-q,e, equal to, t'heamoupt,tha'tis' paid bY-them, p1us,..twynty--pt:;rc:.ent. io;' County. Roadpurp'~sesi except~ ( inff th'e Villf\.ge -o~, Springfield, '.W'here the-- County assumed_ a la~'ge pOl~tionofthe 'Village mileage. Therefore ',We r:ecommen<1 the, Grant to' Spri1:igfie1d, ,be equal ,to one~fifth of the, amount actually paid itj for C01uity'Road purposes. t) '2. bi'illltrhctiori , Total,miles' {ft t9ad constt~cted ~hi~ :ye~r R 6,milesoi'grayelrb~'d:and 2 miles of 'stone madtdan( Bridges....:...C~.eos'6t~d b.1~,ck fIQoion the Go.odfcllow bridge, 42"near Aylmer: Creosbted, Wood J3lbCk ilo{~/i:~n' 'the' lltl:rth 'bridge, VilIag-e'ofVienlla, \ :, '.-, , 12. 'We r'ecommenclthat 'no action he takentn exte'ud tBe ,Ro~d 'System this ses:don.' . , , Cou,l1tyRoad" 88 Elgin ,County Council , , " 20 foot ,spall cement, bridge, Road'No. 5,.Townshipof Aldborotigh; 30 footcollc'rete cement bridge Road number 53, Township of Bayham_ 4 Cement culverts. 30 Iron Pipes. 6700'feet'of tile, ranging from 5 tolOinches in diati1eter~ usedentire~ fpr roadclrain:age. 3. Maintenance \ The usci:;:tl resurfacing of all the main roads, with brClkcn stoneOT gravel has been done this year., excepting in a few cases where work is already {n', progres,s-. ' Machinery New for the Year ,1924 10, road Boss graders., 1 new Ig'ravel e1evatoi' and buckets. 1 second, hand tank :wagoh. l':w:heel s,craper, 28 Slu9h 'scrapers. ,1 ,new plough. 9.1anterns. 3 l~gallon" cans. 35 feeLof chain. , Gravel. P,it DeveIopmen! Walker Pit ill. the Township of Aldborough Numb.erof .cords.of 'gravel hauleCj.706.2~3. Cost of .stripping;:etc., '$311.63. lrvine.Pit :in'the Township of Southwo1d. Cords of gravel hauled 351. Cost of strippil1g, etc;, $340.92. Hathaw~y'Pitin'the Township of Yarmouth. Cords _of gravel hauled; 1546' 1-3. Cost o"f screening, loading, ,stripping, etc.; $1645.14. LUlln Pit in the Township oLDunwich. Balaps:e 011 contra'ct to;_JohnMiller, Dutton, $166.80. RolosonPitin,the Township of Dereham. Cords of' gravel hau1ed,2067 5-6. Cbs.to.f loading, stripping" et~.,',$2208AO. . Elgl1i County COUllCil 89' Receipts forgravclsold, $1,157.49. ;Locker Pit in the Township of Hought'bn, C0rds of gravel hauled 288. Cost of labour O,n pit, $53.0;), 6. Truck Operation :Daily recm"dhas been kept Of the mileage alld'ql-1al1tity, of gcavel hauled, by the three counfytr'tl<;ks in operatio1i<hom May 19th to October 31st,. 1924; as. follows: Truck No. 1 ,Truck No: 2 Truck No.'3 HQurs Worked 1290 1220 1290 Cords'of Grewel' Hauled <548 600 652 Miles Travellecl 8993 8190 9086 3800 26,278 1900 \.Avereige'rnile~geper day,"69. . Average cords, of graye1hauled pet day, S. -Averagecqst .expense per 'day, $16.62:; Average depreciation ,per day, $20.00. Totalc6sf per day,$36~62; :Total'cost" hauling l' cOrd_ of .gr'av,el,Ol1:e ~ile, $1.06. 7. Sum~,ary of Truck Operation for Years 1920, to '1924 ! 'Tr1~k'sN:urnb:er land 2, have worked a total of lZ91idays. Original'co-stprice of 'trucks 1 and 2,$16,605.00. Allowing,depredatiohat $20 per day for the aboveuumber of days amount to~25,830.00.",. ,,' to::) Truck N'UIl1hel'"3,"or Packard; work~~l'year 1921 to \ 1924, a total 618 days. Depr,eoiation charged against it at $20.00 per day, ,amount $12,360,00: Cost peice of truck No.3, $9,085.00. 'Total depreciatjol'i charged against trucks 1,,' 2 and 3, ror years 1920 lo 1924, amount, to~38,190.00. J?urcha:sc--_ririceof Trucks, 1,2 al1d 3,$25,990.00. 90: Elgin', ":.Co.unty, .CounciI Amount set as.ide f~r depreciation'. allowed on. three truck's, $12,206.00.: Avenige'cost for hauling 1 cord of graVel one mile by the three trUcks, years 1920, to 1924. $1.,13 per cord mile.. , 8; Tha~ the salary of bookkecper'iu superintendent's office besi::dy' tl,oIlars'pcr month'. ,9.', . That 110 action he taken re,petition-from Sparta in refen;llce Traffic si,glls.' ,Alloe,whi,ch is"l;espect.fully subniitted~ J. A.MOORE, Chairmafl of COUlity Roa~ .Cqrnmittee HOUSE OF INDUSTRY. COMMITTEE November Session, , ~o'uncil~. The House of J.nelU'stry- C9IT!-mittee.reports} . . L That,tho'yhave award~d cont~ac..t . fori?rc"ad,W: the Norris B'rothers at S~ CC11tsp'er- 'pound, -beingi!' ten:ts perpoi.tndhigher than last year. The supply dfm.eat in 'colds tor age is. sufficient for present requirements; " " , 1 2'1 That the reports ot' the physichn and'inspectorbe adopted ~nd printed" i'n themil1tites~ 3; 'I'h'at we have inquiries 'in reference to the sale oJ a ',portion olthe farn1'l;lllddo notbelievy it isad~isable ta take any'actiCllL at this ti~easther'e is,110 present demand, fpI' vacan~ l~nd. 4, That noactibn be ,taken in refetence to 'report of .disttic_L offi": ,eel' . of 'health regarding 'toilets and heating at the institution. All,of,'which'is respectfully submitted. 1924. O. McKENNEY; Chairrnan EIgin'Coulity, Coun,cil 91 REPORT INSPECTOR HOUSE OF, INDUSTRY No~eniber . Session and Council of the County of Elgin :_ Th~ f()llowing is my repql.t on the for.the year endi.ng .Octoher 31st, 1924. , . L Number of inmates at last report 2. Numb~r admitted dhringthe, year 3. _Numher dfe deaths """'~~''''''...n'''''''''''''''''''...n..........................,....... 4. Number _ discharged . .' S:Num bel" absco.nded ......................;....................mn......... 6., Number 110'W .iri -House, ....................'..,................ ..... .................. 7. .N~mber of intr,lates sent from the several municipalities County during . t~e year: House ~f Industry ancl Rc'fuge ..................\.....~.. 26 10 6 5 3 22 in. the Aldborqugh ....................................... Southwo,ld y arlllouth ..........~.......h...:.~........;.,.......... ....... Malahide ..... .........,........................................... . ~~;:;habb)i~~;;~;..:.:::::::::::::::':::::.::::::::::::u. Ay lmer .~........ ...._..........."....."........:...........:......................,............................ \iVest Lorn e '.., ..h.."..... no....n ...;.... .'...... ..n..... ..." ...... ....;.... ..... .n. ...... ....... h.... Rodney" ..':................... ..............h................n................................................ Dutton .: ..;................... ..............,..............."... .................I..........,..................n Springfield: "h':'"~_:,,, Vi'enna \........!............. ................... 13: irths c........ .'.., .... ....c........ ....::... ........ .,: ......... .~: .,.... ..... ......... ..... ..........n......... o ,0 1 1 1. o 2 3. 1 o 1 o o .,.........;............... .....'.m........u ........1..... ............................. ...........,............. caUses of paup,erisrn. 'of inmates the year, may be "clas,sedas f011ows:~ Cripple ,.....................h..................;', ................. Sickness' .n........................ Destitute Old Age 10 admitt"ed to the ..........'....... ........"........................... 92 Elgin County . . Council Oth'er. Causes ..,.'....;:.,.;:....h.....';..,;.'.........n...m...........;........n.....;........................:.; 1 9. Average. number 'O'f 'inmates' during. t~e year' ............:................ 25 )0., Average tiumber, with keeper's: family and hired help>........, 31.5 1'1.", Number of weeks'board of inmates........m.....................:... ...'.... 1302 12. Number of weeks, with keepers' family............,.........;....;:... 1639.7 13. Tofal ,expen'diture during the ,year.........,..............,.........-.. $11521.8g 14. Receipts 240 73 647 07 413 69 3049 110060 $ 243258 $ 2136 94 $ 1,5'. Lea,.ving anlount actually ,expended for sup':' port.. of inmates ,................m.............................. '$ 6952.37 16-. Average ,expense per Week for each ,person $ 424 17. Average expenses per day for 'each 'person 6.05 1'8. Averageexp'ense per year for eachpersotl 220'4& 19. Amount expended for house al1d farm during the year, may he Clividedas follows:- ~~~: ~~r;:~t~t~.~"i:~.:::::~:::::::::::::::::,:::::::::::: :::::~::::::::$ FrO'm PrO'duce sold...,)...............:.........m .............. From Sundries .....'..;...,...................;m...'................ From. ProvinciaJ Treas. ..............!....................:. Permanent, lrp.provements Farm Expense Hired 'la bor ....................................,..............'....;.....$ 1m plements .........~...................................................... S t6ck ~....... ................... .;.......n...........,.."... ..............i....... I F eed ......................h...n.........i'.:......'~.n..."........u........ Miscellaneous ...,....;..~................,..............+.........;.....'"~. Seed' .......,....................c............................................... House E-xpense Hired labour ........................................................,.$ :Bread' ..n..........................................................n........... M.c'a't '...........................m'.............................m................ Gl'oceties: . ....,.........................,..............................;"..... 218 21 7125 128'90 635.46 201 50 117 90 .$ 870 00 367 63 491 44 304 13 Elgin County Council 93 Dry 'Goods ...........n.......~..,..............,...... "'h.........n...... Boots and Shoes .............. Furniture and Hardwar'e Drugs .................. Coal and Wood ............... ..m......................,. Miscellaneous ...........................,......................... 290 01 175 05 260 ,51 95 33 212921 12723 $ 572075 ' GeneJ:'al Expense Conveyance of Inmates ...........'....;...........m.......,.$ R ep airs "'.'" ..;.. .................~.. ..... ........ ... ..... ...;......;... ........ Permanent 'Improvements i...'..................'.......h..... Incidental ....n...........m........'..~.,........................... 36 05 297 94 213694 176 99 '$ 264792 Salaries Keeper '. .........n........................................... ...............$ '1rJatron, ..,..... ................. ............................................... Physic'ian.. . ....'....~h...n...h..,;........>.......:..............::............. Insp~ctoi:' ................... ................................................ 800 00. 48000 300 00 200 00 $ 1780 00 Tot~l,Expenditures ...'..hm.............,.......'..... ..........,. $ 11521 89 , 20. The. folIOwiilg'produce\w:as, riise,d on. the fanp .duringthe year:; 700}ushelsoi oats and barley at 60c. ......h$ 455 00 130 bushels of wheat ......................h.....h........... 175 50 38 lo~ds Hay at $1O.00.......h................,............' 380 00 10 atre~'ensiIage,corn. ..m...............:~.................. 200: 00 367 bushels 'potatoes.! ..~.....m.....:.....;................... 18400 41 bushels sugar:.beets ....'.....m...~...n.:................ 10 od 30. bushels field carrots at AD :.~............;.,...... 12 00 5' bushels be'ans'.....,....:...,.,..,~'......,.........;............. 12 50 i load.:pumpkins ...........................,.......,.,............. 4. ,00 48 hushels, turnips .....h........................,.............. 29 00 , $ 146200 94 Elg,in Comity Couiicil mnn$ 3 00 2 00 39 00 8 00 9 00 40 00 IO 00 .1 00 19 20 3,00 10 00 3 Oil 20 00 15 00 14 00 1200 15 00 ' 255 50 ,50 00 1388 70 1059 34 21.INl1mher of-articles of bedcfil1g,and clothing made up during the year ,by Mati'ol~ and inmates, 200; 22.< Nl1mbcr,ofvi'sits m'ade: by illspcctor,50. Garden Produce 5 bushels beets 4 bushels 'carrots ........n.......__............................. 26 J~1Js~els,' onions '4 bushels salsify 6'bllshels parsnips 800 head cabbage i'acre ,gardenpeas moo nmnmm mm.....m................ ~ bb1. cucumbers ........,..... > 48 bushels table turnips Quantity squash, .'".".."..,~"..~u.u ........ .mm.n...m.__:_____ Cruahtity -Celery........:..,.,..:.......:...... m" mm"m..,... Qtialltity peppers .....m........_.._ ....n uno' unmn'.'_.. 40' ,bushels tcinlatoes Quantity sweetc"ofri, !' ac're 6' dozen ca'uliflowers I.......n..m................. ...n......... Quantity kttuce, parsley, asparagus...... ...m..n Quantity-plums "and grapes 10 quarts milk per day ,.~.~.......... 40 barrels apples 'A lar.ge quallti(y ofvt;;getablcs andfiuit ii,as used'duririg thestimrrter; of which no accoun't' 'was kept ~ ho~~',l~ilIed -dtiriI1gthe','year Fruit_cai1l1edinthc house '2DD dozen eggs consulned 5- ducks used .... ' 37 chicJ{cns used ..................... Cr'ealTI" sold . ............................................ 35 hpgs sold 2;'cowssold Eggs, and sUl1driessold .... 2'\ieal'~'alves' sold P'otatoes ............h....l....................... ............~....'.n.... \ . 75 00 65 00 '105 00 60 00 5 DO 37 00 $ 289 27 .513 82 '7000 135 84 4 00 , 4641 $ "'''''m.,..... ,$ 7298 95 11912 10 687 61 390 06 879 43 3192 45 1180 50 504369 1737 77 132 03 92060 40 DO ..1445 99 85 85 1979 00 3733,$2 827 66. 293'62 65499 pumps 'n" ......,....... 213694 . , . ~-M445N25 . I . ,- , , . 23. F,arm Stock'_ 3 horses. n,cows. 32 hogs. 2 yearlings, . 2 calves," 1 boar. 3 brood sows. 160 chickens. 6 ducks. '24. Thetotal amount. eXpended by the'Col1ntY,onHouseof . e'tc.,is, as follows : - .' Farm, ; 100, acres', cost Hou'se of, <Industry Laundry........ F'ire escap'es R.oot cella:r, henn-e'ry; etc. Cottages, etc. ' Brick ice house Ba:rnS,etc, Tile'drains TilE:'" drain, outlet Hot air pump, tank, connections Refrigel:ator Fencing Orchaid, ....~.~.,. Heating ,Apparatus Boi,ler'roo~ al1d-soft coal boiJer Deep well '. ... . '.., Silo .' Hog,nen. Electric ihsral1ation and .-n,.........n.' ................. Rece'ived hom. Government on accOt1ntof expenditures for Jal;dan'd 'h~ildil~g .;.'... Leaving amOUnt actually expended -,hy C'ounty .......hnm...........................h.. All of Vl\hichis 1'espectfully suori1itted. 1st, 1924. A.'D., 40QO 00 Elgin. County Council Elg.in ,COUl1ty Coullcil REPORT PHYSiIO,AN HqUSE OF INDU;3TRY' NQvember Session To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County COJ,Jncil: , REPORTS PE'tJTIONS AND LEGISLATIONCO:MMITTEE No. I-January Sess;on To til'eE:gin County Cquncil ~ T' have the honour: of presentin~th/e forty'-ninth annuatMedical r~i)ort of tbe~ Elgin House of Industryup \ to October 31s.t, 1924. and submit the, following ,for your considcr'ation ~ ! the health ,of theinlTI,ates h~s Y'OUl'PetitiDlTS' and ,Legislation ..Committee l'econimend'S Except. fOf 'the' irLfirtnities of aId age, been, good. Imade fifty;,.three visits _to the House of Industry, andv'isited the inroa,te who was 'in the Hospital as'often as his tonditiondemanded. , Durihg the .year, one inmate. was treated at the hospitaJ, yiz: Peter Fothergill _.............,.............. Aug. 28th to Sept. 10th~ ; 'That the Council co-op eta fe with" t.heCot'IlHy Couricil of the County 'of Hastings in aSking '-f()ramendmenf t() Section 460, Consolidated' Municipal Act, it;!. reference to prGtecti9nofmUl:Iicipality from 'damages dl..l: to accidents on the ,highway. ' All of, which is respectfu.t1y'submitt-ed. There were .no'births during the year; , There:_wer:c6 deaths during the year, all males, as ALEX.. McIrACHLIN, follows: Date Name Age Cause," of Death 1: ...... ...... '. "... ':' Feh..... ,11 1924" Stephen Stephebson........79..;....,.,......cCere,bral.Softening Mar; '25,'1924: j Ohly.G6och: ...:...u>............~;..._..m...n~,Apoplexy. ' May 10.1924 Lewis' Bain _.........'n.._...m...89:,.._...n...n~.Heart Disease: Juile 8 1924, Chas.. Skelding ....m......n....,88.......n..m.nChronic.Myocarditis Aug. 1,4J924 Ch.s. Mundy .........:........:89......m....mApoplexy. Sept. 131924' Peter Fo-thergill ..............89.............,..Shock\ following frac"; 'tured hip. No. ll-Janual!y Session .rbthe'E:Ig;.in- Col;tnty. C0uncil~ The (~.e"tjtions ..:uld Legislatiolt -Co,mmittee. r~'potts~"..., . Your obedient" servant, , DOUGLAS L. EWIN, Physician l.T;hat "we co"'ope:rate,with 'the CoUrtty' Councils ,of Wenand,~ild Ontario:il1' .reque;s:ting the ',Provhlci:al authorities to p~yfltI1 tost ,of :maintena(lCe'and cOll'$tructitm bf PrDviilciai Hi~hways, anA wClul~l sUg'gest ..that'the Minister of 'Higpwaysbe requekted to appoilit Committee toconsld~r' the~hole' question of equalizing the 'd,i{ltt'ihu,>> lion of, cost in--propo:rtio~l, to .b~'~lefit. I have the- honour to he, Elgin County Council EIgi~ County Counc,i} 99 Thatno:actiol'i be taken in reference to resolution'fro~ C()Unty re Hydro. Electric condition. , That no further acdOllbe' taken in reference toAlberta Coal as federciland" provincial a4t'horities ,are ende'avoring' to 'make the arrallgemcntsso that the 'co~l may be sold in this Province. ~EPORTS GAOL COMMITTEE January Session y.'o,tneEIgin 'County Council: Gen tIemen :_ is respectfully submitted. ALEX, McLACHLlN, Chair~an. The Gaol Committee ,reports': LAdditional rol1er shelving is required ;intheRegistry Office, and we.:recorrimerid that We be authorized t'o, award contract for ' . I, ~nsta1lirig Same. AU of. w,hich.. is re.spectfully su'bmitted. B. L. GODWIN, Ch~dr1l1an NoveDlber Session I To 'the.Elgin Cotuity' Council: Gellt1emen :-:- Th~Gaol Cc;.>-mmittee reports:~ That' theyhavc"awardedcomract for ;'U',delivered at the.COUtity 'Gaol. Jor the. year ),~: to 1foodY&C1ark,and,: th"atcontract:.f;or ':Norris.Broth'c;sat $.~,centsper 'pound. ( meat without, bonc; :to ':,be i925 at 10 cents pel' pound bread, was awarded ,to, the '; .'i', <i> : That, the L~w:,Ubrary A:ssociation .has,'applied 'shelving.. required, _and" 'we 'would recommend that' the ~\veIve ,secticin,al cases ci,n top 'of the present shelving. .sttfficient. to .-1lleet present' demands, and can be added. to ':<;:Jitnc, as: ma'y. be required. I for additional c1e~k "install This will be'. from.time to Allot, whicq", is-respeCtfulIy' submifted. 1924. ~ H. L. GODWIN, Chairmali. 100 EIg.in County Council Elgin County Cou~cil 101 'June Session SPECIAL COMMITTEE RE BANK AMOUNT January Session To ~he Elgin County Council: Gentlemen :_ REPORT SPECIAL COMMITTE ON WARDEN'S,ADDRESS To' the' Elgin 'County Council: Gentlemen: That the 'Cound! inspect the'Memorial Hospital, St;Thomas, the present sdsiotl', Your,SpeciaIcommitteei,lterviewed the 'Manager. of the Me'tsons' Bank,'and he agreed to submit the proposition of a 5t per. cent. 'rate tothe,Hea"d Office, with recommendation, and a reply will be forth..' coming in a few days. AU df which' is respectfully submitted. The' Sp'ecial' Commitee appoitlted to consider the Warden's, Ad':' dr'ess rCGomrnend:- 2.:rhat the Wardeullame a Committee to represent this Council whel1 historical memorial tablets 'areere:ded in the County. W. M. ANDERSON, 3. Thatrepresentat"ion be made t,o. the:_'Federal 'autho.rities favor.,. ing the Jormation, of t~e County of Elgill, aS,one electoral district, for election af m1emh,ers, 'to' the Hause, of, Commons. Chairman. ,4. That a By-Iawbe,passe'd.. formally ,assuming County Bridges that, are not on County Roads, and that the By";law be subtniitte~ to' the Minister of Highways for approval ill accordance-with the terms of recent amendments to' the Highway Improvement Act. Bridges in the futtire win th:el~form- part o:f the Caunty Raad System; . June Seslllion 'To the Warden and County'Coundi1:_ Gentlemen': AU of which is respectfully submitted. Your/Committee ,beg's leave to'report that they waited> an ,. the Iocal,manager of-the M'o.lsQl1sBank and pressed their demand f.or. a ~5. per Cent. Interest Rate on the current loans to the County of Elgin. The application was forwarded to 'the 'Head Office,but was refused; After considerable. inquiry we Were convinced of tbe futility of' approaching other Banks andwovld recommend the aCCount -be left \vith th~' MoIscins' Bank. AU-ofwhich' is respectfuUy submitted. . 5..That the Special Legislative Highway Committee he requested to" cansider the advisability of providing for .more equitable'distribu..; tion of the cost of Provincial and I?rovincial County.Highways, sa 'that t'he property along and adj<!-cent ,to ,tllesehighwayswill cont~ibute tow<;\rds'the Cast at -a rate higher thanpraperty, that is not conti,. gll;aus thereto. GEO. k JACKSON. W,' M. ANDERSON, , Chairml'!-Il ,102 Elgin County !Cotlncil ElginCoullty CouotH 10.1' REPORT 'SPECIAL MEMORIAL HOSPITAL COM1I,1ITTEE' Jlll1uary Session R1'PPRT POLlCE;MACISTRATE HUNT County . Council : January 'Session 'To':lhe ,.Elgin C6\llity' COl!l1ci1: The Special Committee appointed at ',the: November 'Session to cpufet"'-with the "MemorHal'-Hds'pital. Trust, -recommends:':""" Gentemen:':- 1. That By-Law No. 981, granting $5000 towards the -construction ofa Hospital at Aylmer, be repealed. , I beg t6 report to you' the business office 'for the past 'year. 'as folIows:~ done in connection with'my, 2.. ,That the Sum of Five Thousand Dollars be, gran~ed to, . the, 'Memor~al Hospital Trust in additiontoal;l1ount already granted by your Committee. L' Amount of -fil1es' imp9sed .............,...cuh..,......... 3, ,\Tha't duplicates, of the' six:hronze name: tablets be, provided' by' t~e County for municipaliJies desiring to erect'local m'emor'.ials', the 'cost not to exceed $l000',per set. 2. Amount of Fines Yarmotith Sou:thwold County of Elgin Provincial Treasurer License ,Irispector' 4. That rolonel :Gerrard, Chairman of,the Memorial Committee, b~ request,ed to add;essthe Council andexplain_~he Memorial features of" the Hospital 'befo're th~ adopt~on of this report is cons-idered. Fipe not ,co'lIected paid and munic1ipalities--to whom paid ': ........... ................... ..'...m""'''''''''.:.m$ 9 00 . , 1 00 65 00 540 00 780 00 4 .....$ ....,.................. All of which is respectfully' submitted. ' $ Chairm,an 3~ ,:Nuniber:<?fconvicfions and nature,'of ch,'arge: Neglect to ,pro:Vide' l1ecessaries for wife and children.,.. . Viol'atiQnGameand Fisheries Act ......................;......................... VioJa tiOll: M uhkipal, ,By-L.a w '(....,..........,....;.......,.......' Thef.t ~ of ',Motor, C'ar, .....,.,h......~.,.,.;...........~'__..........,.......................,...,...... Common Assault .,............,...:....'...........!.............................'........~...'.\...... Violation of 'the Ado'lescent Ac-t,',..........,.......{....~..'.:.......:'..:............. Violation Motor 'VehiCles Act ,..........................;:............................ Violation OI1tario\Temperanc,e Act .......................n......n........... ' D. StRATTDN, Presented 23rd January, 1924. Adopted 24t.h of, January; 1924, r,econsidered ?-nd laid Qver 25th. of January. ,~ Clauses 1 and 2' adopted 18th of June, 1924."" , 104 Elgin. ,County Council Elgin C~unty Council 4. In addition 'to the above I tried the following' cases: Assault- .....;..:......................'...................:..."................................;;.....,........... Arson ...... ..._..;~......_......... ....... ....... .~..... ....'n..... ;.... ........... n.... ....... .......n. ..n.... 111decel1t Assault .."..u....u...~....u....n.;.....;....._.....m...n....--................--... Receiving' Stolen 'Goods ............................;;.......m...............n........u. Violatipn "Provirtci~l (Highwa>, Act, ,..............................................- Neglect to provide ne,cessaries_forwife ~ndchi1dren ............ Ontario Chil,dren's' Protection 'Act ...............................................; 1 7 1 1 1 3 5 LICENSES IN FORCE, NOVEMBER 25th., 1924 Aucii'oneers Neil. McLachlin ,M; A. . McAlpine Wilson.. P0U11d Daniel Black . H. 'n; McNaughton J. A. Forsith John 'Hay G~orge Flagg Duncan A. 'Brown Robert L~ur J. D. Locke Glenn" Clark A. J. Branton ,J .D. iBaIdwiri L. L. McTaggart Andrew.' McWilliam 19 I paid' to the Treasurer'$184;bO, Magisfrate'sFees collected by me. I have, the, l;1onor to 'be, your obedient servant T. Merritt Moore Fran'k Fulkerson, R. H. Lindsay FRANCIS HUNT, police.'Magistrate Pedlars. Henry: Dark J aines'-~''Ogarty r: W, Shipley E. P. Ball Stewart Brothers C. A. Walsh \ Ed,wa\d:'F. :'.Oatman A1l111 L;Grawburg A. E. Lnce 'W. E. Herman Junk 'H:'Fisherman,' Dutton. Dealer.: I BalanceJ on hand,. }alluai'Ylst, 1923 .........,..................;$ 862339 Administra~ti()n:of Justice' --...h..nh..u..~..:...mh..........._...h.h 11233 69 BiIls Payable. ......,.....,...............,.....,..............................,...... 239000 00 III teres' t ".. ....~'.h'...~............h.." '''u '".,''' _.;. .............c....;.n.u.. .......;...... 532. 38 . Public. Scboo1s ...................................................................... 36102 78 House or Industry. ...:h_.....'....;.......h....n...h....__.....nh:_...~._h. 2144 92 Ar:r-ears-, of Taxes ..............h.....;;....;..;....................uh..,..:..... 2136 '71 ,County" 'Lines:'-, h.:..;..:.'..h....'hh.__,.....................h........'.....h~........ 923' 21 Registry. Office' ......'.....'......1..............:................,...".-'.......... 34392 COUljt~ Rates '.......1......1...'..,...................-'.....,...___.................... 2(j7670 od COunty Roads ........-'.:......1..'..........................____.................... 75073 10 I.Jj c ens es' ", Uh.h..... ...... ........... ..... ......... ......n....n......................;... ........ '348 . 00 . Miscellaneous ----,------"------.------, ' 367 25 $644,499 35 ElginCourity ,Counc-il AUDITOR>S' REPORT January Se5sio~, the Warden of th.e County of Elgin: , ;We'"the und.et:signedAuditors of the Coun,ty of ,Elgin, for the )923,r{(speclfully submlit the following report:_ W.eha:vec~refully comp~red: the ~everaf accounts with:the vouchers and orders authorizing th~ various expenditures, and find correcL' "VVe"filld the Rec~i\)ts,~xcee4 the 'Expenditures by . Thirty..eight T,ho'usalld and One-'Dollarand-Fi,f'teen Cents ($38,001.15),' the balance cin,hand'beingmadcup 'as folloW's: . Cash in Molsdns Bank __.___ ___________ ..__.._______ ______________" ---$ 61,830 68 Cash in' "t"reasurer's'"Office ..h..... .m..h....___ m................," .316.27 ChecksOutstandillg $ 62,146 95 24,145 77 ..____.$ 38,00118 Bcl.la'llce Thefdllowillgstatetnents are submitted: :A'bstrad 'of Receipts and Ex.penditures, Assets and Liabiirities, andDet~iled Statement' of Re~ 'ceipts,~l.11d;Expel1ditures. I , As '~'equeste-d,we_have made aquatte+ly':audit ca; the Treasurer's accounts alid,fciry,;a'rdeda statement of each qUi,trter.,to the Warden Chai'rman of the Fina.nce Committee. The ,Bonds given' -by the Treasurer for Ten .'Thousand .Dollars" and deposited by order of the ,Council wlith: ,the MalHlger 'of the Molsons St.~Thomas,were r'enewed on January ,1st,: 1923. We ha,ve the returns made by the severat-Tr:e~surers to ,the Co'Unty during the year 1923, and compared them ~iththe COU{1ty book's and, find them correctly ,entered. which, is respectfully submitted. Elgin County CbunciJ 107 ABSTR.ACT STATEMENT RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES of the County of Elgin, for the Year Ending December ' .. 0 / 31st, 1923. . RECEIPTS ; . .. DISBURSEMENTS -- ',.Bills Payable ----""'--'--":"'----'''--'--------'''----''--'--'--'''--'--:------,"__$2?2(){)0 00 "CJ.nterest ...--.------..--...----..--.--'..--------__......__________.____.________.,.__________ 8929' 11 A.dministration oJ JUstice --.--.--.1.--.:__________.__.__.__.".__.__.______ 1.8509 90 Public Schools --".--..--,-- .m--__'____'__'''____m..__.__.__.__...__.__.__.__.____ 51653' 57 J.rouse oJ Industry --'--'----"--"~----"--'--""--__'______m____.__..._____ 10285 35 tounty'.: Lines .n....................................,.........,......,.......'............... 5082; 26 J(egistry Office__,____",",,,,______",______,,______"____,,.__..__.______,,________.. 67795 ,i\rrears of,. Taxes. ......'..:.h..n.........'.....:........,.,....,....,.:............ 2272 67 iHigb Scpools --...1.--.------...--'----.-----______.--______,,,________..______________ 3110083 ~,ernber~'. Wages' ..h..............'.n.....:..,....."..:.'.....n................. 3789 75 ~g~Ct::;;,~~:;~~~, --~i~:.:.:::."::::~::::.:::::::::::::::::: ~g~~ ~g T~r.e' qf . County. B9-i1dings ..;..,........L...,;..".......'......h.n..... 2017 17 . ~\er,Lighta?d Fuel ..-----.-->--.-----__.____..______,.__:.,___________ 345647 W. A-. GALBRAITH; W. C. CAtJGH-ELL; Auditors. 17th, 1924. \. ,I , )" ,1:: Elgin County 'Cdunci{ Itlgill County 'C6i11lc.il 109 ~~:6~W.n~J:sds......:..:..:.:....,.....:..::..::......:..::..:'.....:.:.:::...:.'.:..'.:.::..:.:....:::::: I;~~;~' ~~ DebentUi"es and Coupons, ............"........:...,....:.~....'n..:n...:..'59202 BY-LAWS ....................................................,...... $606498 20 38()0I1S .$644,499 3,5 ~o:-- Rahmce BY-LAW No. 1034 R'especttuHy submitted, To Authoriz:e the Warden and Treasurer,t<:i\Borrowthe Sum of '. Two . Hu~dred and' Fifty Thousand Dollars W. C CAUGHELL, W. A GfdLBRAITH, The Elgin County. Council,epacts: , That the Warden and Treasurer be and are hereby authorized to borrow'the sum of Two {iundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, as it may, be"r.equiredto,meet expenditures of the Corporation of E'lgin dpring '1924,andgive"assecurity therefor,notes 'ofOne Thousand or T~n' Thaus'and' Dollars. each. { Sounty Council Cha:rnb~s, St. . Thomas, January: 25th,:1924~ W. McKAY, -C;::ounty' Clerk. A BARONS, " BY,.LAW. No. 1035 'to,Appoi~t'a Board of Aut;lit. in the Couoly of EI"iri for the, rear '924 COUIICil ui, the Municipal Corporation',of of the_County' Cour,t and, Oscar. McKenney members of- th~Board of Audit, to. perform of'them by R. S.Q.,Chapter 96, Section 21. ' - That the members of thesaid,Boardbe paid the sum of FiveDol~ per .dayJor.theirservices,. and fiye.cent.s per, mile going "to and from Chambers', St; Thomas, 25fh January,' 1924~' ,Cotin~y.: Clerk Elgin ICounty Council BY.LAW No. 1036 To Appoint b"Gounty Advisory'AgriculturalCouncil Whereas the Honorable, the Minister ofAgricult,ur~ bas invited thIs Cotii1cil to appoitlt an Advisory Agl'icultural Courtcil to c6~opel-ate with the Agricultural Representative: : Alld Whereas the Council have approveclof the suggestionand:the al:tPointmerlt of ,the'members of the County Board 'of Trade to compose said ,Council:- The - Elgin County, Council enacts: 1. That the following be appointed members of the County 'AQvisory Council: F()r' Two Years 1'. A. Kerr, Aldborough. ,w. A. Ga:lbraith,Dunwich~ R.~A. Penhale" Yar~9uth. Geo:Laid,law, Malahide. Louis Johnson,Straffor;dvi11e. 2; ,Th<;l-t members of said Advisory Council be paid the same _ as members of this Councilfor attendance at the two meetings' required to be held annually in February andNovember,and,that they receive the'ir travelFng and other~xpenses,for attendance at special or emergency meetings called by the Chairman. -' Cortnty CouncilChatnbers, St; Thoma_s,.2Sth'January,1924.- W' McKAY,' County -- Clerk. A. -BARONS. Elgin-- ,,Coun(y "Counc,il llY.LAW No. 1n37 Tn'App;oin,f a Hig.J:t"Constahle ,for the County ofEJgin for the Year. 1924 The Elgin, County , Cottncil'ell:acts~. ]11 ThatJo"h:n Hop.kins be appohitedRigh 'CI1l11st;able for'th'e' year 1924~ :ata. 'salary 'Qf Two Hundr-cd:and Fo.rtyDolla,rs per annl'lm. COUl~tYCOunci1 Chambers, St. Thomas, 25th January, 1924. 1K. - W. McKAY, A. BARONS. CoUilty 0Je,rk llY-LAW No. 1038 ..' To Appoint High'S<;.hool Trustee The Elgin CounlyCOU11Cil ,ehacts: Th~t Geo, Tyrrelbe ,al)poil1ted Trustee fOfthe Vie111la High Sc.ho6i for threey'eats. . .. . I That ]. G:. Heit'er be appoirit~d Trustee ,Of'the Aylmet HighSc'hool lor three:ye-ar:s. , 'Tfi~tW.'Hollitfgshead School.. f.or three- :Years. be aP'Poillted. Trustee bf the ,Dutton Coun'ty .Co:uncil Charnbers" St.' Thomas, 25th'Ja'li'uary, .1924. K W. McKAY, County Clerk, A. BARONS, \V.a'rd(;'~, }Ii"gh ,112 EIgHt ,County", Council 'El~ih Cou'~ty Council 1'13 IlY.LAW No., 1039 IlY.LAWNo. 1040 To Assume County Bridges To,'." Res~i~d:,B:v.La.~i N6. '981 rheJtlgi~lCOtlhty, Council enac'ts:_ . . ' l'hat13~~Law No. 981,gianting the sum of $5000 to the East. Elgill M,emorialHosPital,b~;\~nd. is hereby, repeaJ~d. ' J' ",'\ 'Co~nty; COUllt'11 Cham'ber, St. Thomas, June 20th; 19~4~ "'TheM'ul1icipal, Corporation of the-County of ,".Elgin enacts : \ 'That the fqllowing bridges be,l arid. are hereby, assumeq as County Bridges, over which thiS::Counc~1 will-have: exc1us,ive jurisdiction:- ' Walker Bridge; over' River Thames. Lings Bridge, 011 County Lfne qetween Westniinster and Southwald. I W. M:cR:A Y, COu11tY',Clerk. A. BARONS, ;3. .'dUer Creek, north of. Acacia, o'il Townlil1:ehetween Bayham and ,Middleton. ~. Little Otter, on Towline' between Bayh~mland Houghton. nY.LAW No. 1041 T()C()nti~h1 the ' Equalization "f,theA8se~9ment Rolls oE the 'Count)', of ,Elgin The Elgill Cdunty,: Cotln~iI enacts :__ 1. Thatthe"fol1o\-ying"be, the equalization of ' the of the County of Elgin. for 1924. 4. OtterCreek,'near,Eden, on Townlin.ebetween 'Bayham. and " Hough'tou. , . . 6., . Lynhurst,' between St.' Thomas.. andY armouth, 7. . Branch" of Kettle 'Creek, between North and Sout'~ :Dorchester, ,'County Cl,erlc WardelL :NaUle 'oE 'Municipality Amount ,., , Aldborotigh, ''''nn. 3,$87,759 4,349,052 5,157,514 5,31?,162 3,75J,283 2,426,864 2,406,201 1,259,216. "'..h..nhn..n...... 495,509. S;;i~;5:;X~:-.,::::::::,.:'::..,:.::.::::::::.'.,,':::.:::::::;::,': '::::;i~ 'R, ,Fleming Creek, Bri~ge on' Towl1Jinc"'1?etwecn Aldborbugh', and adoI'd. \., '9: Culv,ert orrL &P. S. Road"Jn'PortStanley. (Sec'V,-"Ewd. 7, Chapt. 46). . Co'unty>'Council Chamher, St. Th9maS, June '20th, .1924. K. W.McKAY, .A. IlARONS, 114 Efgin"CQonty CqunciI Elgiii COUlity Couiicil Vienna " R,odncy' ......... W~~t"(Ohlh, t71,755 362,931 , 349,197 3,751,2&3 2;426,&64 2,406,201 i,2S9,216 495;509 &26,353 246,57& 171,755 362,931 349,i97 $31,000,374 'Malahide B.ityham' S. ,Dorthest~t Ayiill'ei . Dtittol1 P6rtStanley SPtj1lg~elt1 Vienna Rodney West'Lorne $31,000,374 2.'. That..,this:C:Ounciiis.w111ing to have the.fil1'al'eq,uali~atioll oFthe: as,sessmeut,.,iu, case of' appeal, made 'by the County judge;, I ' COUl1t:yCOU~lCi1 Chaulbcr; St.Thomas,june 20th,-1924~ W. McKAY, County Clerk. A. BARONS, Warden~ BY.LAW No. I04Z Ther~fbre'the CQunCil of ~he M:tinicipa:l Elgil~" en~'cts; CorporatiOllof'the' CouIlty To 'R~ise 'Am<u.tnt& fOk7. Co~ty' Rates ~rillg' the Year~~24 Whefe~s an,cstimate'"has ,been, 1,l1ade sho",irig that. the-, SUU1,<)f ,!wq Hundred and Fort:y-eight TnouS'and "Dollars is required. to be raised in the: several Municipalities for the'lawful purposes ofth~ CountYd.uring the year 1924. ' ' ",- '-,,: ,',' ,'., ,,- ',',,' '-:-,: thata rate,o! E,ghl Mil!s Oi1the Dollar he levied on ~11 rateabic iniHesever~l fndniCipalit-h~s in t~eC~UlltY.ofI!:j~jn, as above fqr,they-ear 1924; to tais~ the -fol1owirig il'niotmts: . - , ,- ' , : - " '" ,', " ' , , , , - ,':; -, ", ' " -. -, ~ ThaL.the,sb:iti~{ Two. Huhdrea ailcl F.ortY~eig.hLThousand.Dol~ raisedalld,Ievieciintbe, seve~al m~nicipali~ies,.ill' :the Copnty,' tot~t~,'fol1owhig "Scl-i~d~le;, ahd ,that"the aniounts as e11t~red be paid -tothe,to-l111ty TreasLlrer,as by la~ required; : ' " And \Alhereas, by the: Assessmel1fAct, this Co~ncil is required to direct what portion of the sum to -bc1evieclJor County purposes' shan be, levied: iit 'each ':MunicipaHty- in the County: ,And. Whe{~ea-s the: rates 'a'ie-requi'red-'fo"oeapportioned cm,the basis of the asscssmcnt'of'property'as'eqtiaHzed':ih the'-ptccedirigyear: ,SCHEDULE. , Mun'icipality Aldborough ........... Dunwic'h S8:uthwold Yarmoufh Malahide Baynam ........... .....'............ 's. D-ot-chester Aylmer DuHori ~...:.. Port Stanley And Whereas the assessment of property'ofthe 'County, as'a:scer- t,ail1cdal1d: equalizcd'il1' th~, year 1923 is, as,}dUows: Total u.$ 31102 :)4720 41261) 42553 30010 i9415 192511 10074 3965 6616 Mu~idpality Total Equalized'Valtie. . mU umu",u$, 3,887,759 4,340,052 5,157,514 5,319,162 Aldboro:ugh I DUlHyich Southw.old' '.............'...................... ............'....,....;.. Y armout h' ,..~"..............h'...'.~'......'.,......,..........,.......~,./ ..............,..,'......."..... ..............,... ...........'.. 115 -----...-..... , :]~]gin, ':Cd,~t1.ty ',Couq:c;iJ 'Elgin: County Council "" 117. S pr:ii1g-fi: el d"i ~ ":.'''~;'L''~'.m:'' ,'.'..::::n_ ;,;. ;..;;_~_~__;....;:!;'~:L,; ..:_~ V i'enna ~~';;.:l :-;'.'~;,}"_..:;:I_:._.!,.:;':_~:~':_".:'L ..............;::..L'. -.: .:....'. W:;~cI;;;~~' --- n,,__,_,,__n___ n_;;;_-.--'--"'n- 1963. ; 1:l75 _4903 .2794 5, A'gnl'nt oi--$IOI6ishereby made.to 'fl1eVil~C\ge of'Wcs'tLorrie for' impro~em'entOf Graham' RO'adSouth. . , >.:'-', '-"'''''-''- -,' ,', ',.'.... ':''''',--'\' 6. Agra11tof'-$10S2"is:hereby, mad/, to' the:'Vi-1.lage ofE.odllCY fbi- the' impro'vemel1 fot Queen Street,. from 'Ffora St~eetWest, .,b,eiIig cOJ;1tinuationofRoad:No...4, P.e. ;,j';'.I'!, ,', """" , ,.,"" - " I -The 'said, GrantsshaUbeexpellded so~~ly" UP9n the Highway portion ,tl1ereof~~tein,:~:~siglJ<!.ted. $- 248000 Co'Unty,Council \ Chamber, St. Thomas;' June- 20th,: 1924;', , K, W_ McKAY; C:~~!L'ty. Clerti. A. BARONS. ,- ,,",''','',' 'VYar{:t'e~. The workon', which thesaid,,~tants shall.he expel1ded'~ha)1 b~: perF Jp,rm:ed,in accordance'with the last revi$edregUlatipnsrespectilJg'high~. ways'of the Department, i)f PU,b.lic' Bighways"'ofOnduio': BY .LA vi No_ 1043 Reada third tin:e'a'l1d r<issed ,this 20t~ d<ly'of, June, 1924. To 'Make'GrantS toVilIages and Town' _,",' "'" \' '. I Wli:ercas in TheAct to' Aid in the Improvement of,PubHeliighw_ays it, is ,provided 'that a .countY,Councili,may, froIr! ,time to < time", make g.'r. a.'n:t5,to, villages and ,towns' notseparated'from the' COl,mty,for. the ,"''''1' .'," ',' ", '"',, ", ,",' "", ',',\, , , -- ,', purpose'of impr,~vipg highways' in ~_uch: villages and' towns, as mayb,~ , de'sigllatecl in "suchby~law and which are extensions of, or form' con- , ; nections hctyvcen 'different"por~ionsof c'ounfY"r~acls; "Al1d'Wher~asthe'CounciJ' of the County.of Elgin ~ deems it ,expe4~ ient'tomake'grants to the -incorporated_vi1l~gcsand,town'of theCou;lty, .,for the ye'ar 1924, in accordance,yJith the t~rms ,of the said- Act; Be it, therefore cli.acted by the Council olf the Muni~ipa:I Corporatioil of the C0U11ty :ckElgin as follow5': w. McKAY,. C;ounty ,ge;}<:~ ,A, ;-, L A gra1lt ,of $3654 is hereby:madc to the Towil'of Aylmer. 2. A grant of $144 is 4erebymade to the Villag€; of Springfield to he expended on 'Y\Telli-ngto11. Stree,t.' , 3. , A gr.ant of $2402 is hereby made 'tothc Yillagc;of',Port for .the improvemel1t of cOl1tinuatioii' cif Road N,o. 24'. 4; A grant of $1440 is her~by:macle toth,e Village .of 'the;mprovementofthe' new Cur~i~ Road. ,. INDEX ~O-:....~_ i'" BY,LAWS-, No. 1034 To authoriz"eWardeh"and,Tre<J.suref~o !Jorrow $250,OO{WO' No. 1.035 To appoint Board' of AUdlf."....,.u..............nn....,.....um21; 109 No. 1036 ,To appoil'it a County Advisory .t).:gricUlfu:'at, Council ........"...........; ...........22, 110. NO,--1037 To appoint a High 'C011stable No.~' 1:0.38 ;;tppoint I::I)gh S.chool Trllste,e:s ....,..........,. ..............23,,111 'No. )D39 To assun),e"County 'Bridges. ....m. ..... .....,.. ....n .,...,.....,_~,80;'1l2 No, 1040''ro rescilld ByeLaw No. 981 .....,........ ...m......" ...... .",,39,112 No. 1.041 To _confirm- EquaHz<)..t'io_ll_,.oi ,Asse~smen,tl{olls,.~...nA:Q,,113 No. 1042 "To raIse' AmOunts f.o,r, COlilitY,Ra~te$ m..n..,.._.n~.m....,_AO., 11 N,o. i.o4J' To make Grants t.o Villages ,and,'Tow_ns..,._,.,...,.,.~.,....w4Ji: 11 AND COMMITtEES_' \ 'Colnmitteeto Strike Standing CO~1nittees Go:od . Ro:a,ds -As$otlation M,eJ1),oriaI :,Ho.spitaI M u:llic'1pal.., .Aas.o.ciatiOh ~...--...--...w..."._',"._...."u..",.,..,,,.,,.,,,..,;......~..:,...._...,........,....... Police' ....in,yarmou.th ..'...'......,....,..._..."....,'_.....,..,.."....;,""''''.'''.'''.'''. ..,..-.".,.,..M,..45, 1'r,us.t.e,.G.s' . :A"s.s.o.da.tio 0.... '_.,..,.::.,..;;.."."....":;....,.,;,~_,._."._,~:".,,~,..",.,_...... ....:""..._.__.}6, :1.9; :VJe.hna . :R.oa;ds' .".........-."...."'.,...,:""....."...."..,.,..._.".....:,.......;'-'"...;....,.;,,:,1..$,. :)'11:',: ',,39, 29 '120 Elg,i"u' CourtlY, 'COUlli,;.i'l tElg'ill',',CQun.ty" Cotr,o,C:l1 '121 ,RRANTS~' ,,'('J: SO;cleties 13 Dodd's Bridge .................. , ~' .............-.,. "<r 76 Equa.l,izatiOli i-,',. ~id Society P'oulfi-':v -'Shows' ',':""1' 75 Esrimates flortkulHiral 'Societies- :...u,n~~ KelltCo, Line,' Patterson"Culvert .:.:.:.\-,.'.:;.L; .m'_:.:.:~:' 47 Good Road.$ Co.mmission ..30, 34 High Cons~table _. Law Library 1"/ ". ; ~u:; .;'.: .~~,.;; ~_1{), .......:......... 19 High -School- Trustees .---,..... ...............nn ...'....30, 34, 35; 36 18 ....:......30, 34 Historica'j" MOlluments "'''','' ';.'\""f", .;.::,t?, 18' I Lo~k-Ups " [.., Miss Wallace p(jr't' ?ur.wellLock..Up pttbiic.Lihraries .om Rodney 'Lock-Up 1:rous~ :of Industry 26 .................'.,m....__.."...'....'~'...i;.i...;";...:.";... 13 36 'Legislation .,........38, 43 j";:,i': ................... ................... 27 Sch,O;lS, ?.,.:;....H...............u.... Tiinc~"J ~'ur~lal' '.R~'port~r. Ttustees:., As_sodation ....,...37, Licenses I Memorial )josp(tal .f...."_ .....11, 14, 17, 25,. 30,' 33, 43, ".,.:, ";"',,,:,:1,'..;.,,,.,, Vif ~rdel1 ;.....:...'m....~..m...........':;. W Q'mcn!s. ,Institutes, m..;................ 19 49 15 MothefS'-AlIowance" Commission' MISCELLAi-mous~ Advisory -Agricult:ttral Council Auditor' Admiliisttation of' Justice Accoul1'ts .M: u,ni~ipal Officers Railway '_:Ct~ssing ." Gate1s .........:..;. ..12, 18, 26, '" 14 Rie.distrihuti'on East'. Elgiil ,1" .....'.;..;. 10 47 Stand.iug:. C:ommjtt'ee~ Comrhilnications COuilty~'COuilCil 8" ;z8"..44,_1~~ ....-......... ..~.... .....,_...,,'..7,- Wai:dei1'sAddress -.....'......................... .J..... County 'Rates .nd...""..."......"...... .:..........6, 25, 43 / ................ ..................:....L...,................ 6 County Stenographer , ..,. ...;.:;'. ;".:,~ .~.:..(. ........--,........ 43 EIght Coliitty. Ci:Jtiilciil BRIDGES- Expenditure, 1923 Hi*hWaY:,Expen;dityrei3', Shiite,r'B~idie , Viem1.a a6dPort 'Burwe;I Rpad~ OF COMMITTEES AIm OFFICIALS~' 'Com111ittee,.s Co'~,i1ty ';)ing'j lieer 106 50 ....c............................................................ 77 33, 48, 83 68 .....16, 37, 49, 72 c:~u~i~:yRoad Committee , ~Q,l1nty}'rcasure'r :Finance. 'Committee Ed,ciili:tirinoommi1:tee 'Gh.~l' Corimi"lttJe .,;..'n....:.. House of iudustry'Committ~e Ins p<::c tor, :a~us eoE Iud Us try 'PeHHol1's"ciiid Leglshitloii C6iiifuiHee, , '~olice, ,Mag;strate Hunt Phys'ician ,House of.Indu,str:y Public Irriprovemen ts C011.11uittee .............,.... .16, 32, 48, 66. ........ ...................15, 47, 99 '''''.. ........5, 47, 90 91 ..........13, 16, . 97 103 9j} " .....12, 38, 46, 81 51 59 ...,........."..,... PUbli~,_S'Chb'olTnsp'~~tOl. Tay'ttw Public School/II~spectoi' Smith \Speci~l ,Mern'orial,Hospital ,;Committee .....~. ..... .......... R:e :BaI11{, ACC?UI1t ......:..'..m..........,........... ..11, 14, 17, .102 :14, 16, 35, 101 100 , Spedal Warden's Address~ Special 107 20 36 35