1925 Minutes
County Council
During the SPSSiOllH HE;l]d in the
in thenionths of
. Count~'CleI'IL
Duncan- c.' Ross, Esq., :CourltYJttdge
";as. H. Coyne, Esq., Regis'trar
Ian Carilctoll, Esq;-" Gouhty Court Clerk
A. McCrimmon, Esq., Clerk of the Peace aild COU}ltyCrqwn
P. S. _ D.Harding, Esq" _ Sheriff
C..F. Maxwell,' Esq., Co. Police Magistrate \lV. E, Luton, Esq;, Gaoler
J.. A.. Taylo'r, 'B. A., and,'J, C.Smith; B,'A.,P11blic ,Schoollnspectors
.K. W, McKay, Esq., County Cle'rk
B. B., Graham, Esq.; County .Treasur~l,
James A. Bcll,.:M. C. S., 'r. E:, County Eng~neer
G. E. Pinco,County RO,ad Superintendent
c.. St. Clair Lc'itch, County' SoliCitor
Franl~_ Hunt,Esq., Police -Magistrate
Robt. Rains:, Esq,,-1LD., _Gaol Surgeon
DouglasL. Evvin,_ 11,'1. D., Physician, H01.1SC of Industry'
D. H. Gooding,. Keeper, House of Industry
R.M. Holmes, Caretaker, Court I-louse
Jolm Hopkins,_High'CO'llstable
All 'of SL Thomas P. O.
A. Turner, Esq., Inspector House-> of 'Industry, Shedden, R.R. 1,
County Auditors:' \Valke'r C. Caughell" St. Thomas'; W. A. Galbraith,
lCina StatiOl!
Administration of Justic~ Auditors: D. C.Ross, County Judge;
Mayor Sloggett, S1. Thomas; O. Me_Kenney, Aylmer;
B. B. Gi'aham, County Treasurer
MUIi.tcipany Clel,"k:: ' Treasurer
AldboI'Ough~m...."._-1. A. McRae~ R',o(h1~Y.m: n.:~.A;- Carrniehael,\Vcst 'Lorn.e
DUI1Wichm. .__D,A.McNahb", Dt1tton"~_,_'.,:nMt1rraY',McNeil, Dutton
SouthwolcLn.nnn.n..J. C. McLeni1<l.n,FingaL':~r~'" .....D. 'A. Cattana~h,
'92- Moore Street, 51., Thomas
Yarmouth .........\V.c. Caughel1, St. Thotnas"__".,;I\alph1Iarlatt, UniOli
Malahide.. . noon ...John M: Hale,:Ayln~erno::..mnJ aim Ivf. Hale,
BayhanLn..nu. ...,Bcnj.. Brian, Straffordvillc;.....Wm. Grant, StraffordvilJe
S,porch~~tetnnnM. S. Charlton,!<. R. '1, Sprin~field.u.G; Winder, Lyons
Town of Aylmer.'n...'mmo-.m.m:D. C. Davis.nu...nnnm......I-!' E. Armstrong
Village of Springfieldn 00....'._ nG. ""T. Collins.. m__o ...,., ...n.mom.,.Roy CJunas
Village of Vicnna__ ..n mm m.)'. P. Coombenn,n.n mmn" ...J. P. Coombe
Village of Port~Stal1leY..mmH. A. Cromwell..... nnnmmn'H.. A. Croni\vc1l
Village of Dutton... m.m .mmJ. D, Blue...... nmn ...mn'm m..D; Campbell
Villagc 'of West'-L6i-no.:m';:,n};>S:, Robertson:o ............ noon .',.....VV: H.Bole
Village i(jf ',RodneY_"__..n ..m.1\1rs. 1L J. Bisllct::....T. C. 'Ca~nphcll
Elgin County Council
T~e-si:laYI~thc 21th of January, 1925
The members-elect 'o.f the Elgin County Council mct this day at the
Housc; St.' Thomas; at 2 p.tiT. . ..
fo.liowing filed certificates and took their' seat,s, at the" COU}1~i1
. p. K. Andrews" Reeve, Aldborotigh~
D. Lindsay, Depllty-Reevc,Aldborollgh.
A. McLaehlin, Reeve;'Dtln~vich;
D. J. McKillop, Depllty~Reeve, DU1l\vieh.
D. .Crosson,' Reeve, 'So'uthwold.
C. n. _Minor, Deputy-Reeve, Sbuthwold.
VV. lL Anclersoll, Recve, Yarmouth.
D. J. JvIcTntyrc, First bcputy~Reeye, Yarmouth.
D. R Curtis; Second Deputy-Rccve, Yarmouth.
R. 13. McKcnney, Reeve, .Malahidc.
H, D. \Vcstovcr, Deputy~R.eeve, Malahi(le',/
Robert 'McLea-n,: Deputy-'-Reeve, Bayham.
~v..l. '\V~ Kiddie, Reeve" South Dorchester,
Elg~n' County' Ooun.ei1
The election of \Varden\.~as' proce~de-d with, and oil the thirteenth
vote, .William M. Aridersol1,IReeve of Yarwouth, l}aving received a
tnajority of _~he whole coullc{l; was declared, duly elected.
, .
O. McKenney, Reeve, Aylmer.
J~mes McAllister, Reeve, Vienna.
Kenneth'Sinclair, Reeve, 'Springfi~ld;
G;. F. Jarykson, Reeve,' F.'ort'Stanley,
],/R."Gow,--Reeve, Dutton.
J.A. Fuller, Reeve, \Vest Lorue.
E-, G. Lusty,Reeve, - RO,dney,
The Warden-elect made statutory'declaration of offitehcforeCounty
Police 'Magistrate HUilt, took his 'seat and- addressed. the COL111Cil.
Moved by,O. McKenney,
Seconded by J; -McAllister:
That _ the Reeves of the difIe"r~l1t tt;lunkipalitiesb,e-a committee to
sti'ike the Standing Committees, ,,;ith Mr.NkLean'snameadded in place
of Mr. Godwin, who ,is absent.
Moved by D. K. Andr'ews,
Seconded by p~ Lindsay: \
That this Council adjourn titi to-,morfo}'\;, at 10 ,o'clock:
'--,. Carded.
Elgin County .Conncil
'Wednesday, 28th day of January" 1925
The Elgin County Council met this day at theCoui-t House, in
'accordance with adjoUrllment.
The Warden il; the chair.
,All the members present except Mr. Godwin.
The VVardQll acli::h'esscd the, Council as follows:
"To the Elgin Cotfnty,CounCil:
'~I ,have t.o again thank you for the hnnot' conferred ill selecting' me
to preside onr yo"i1r cleliheratiolls dill:'ing'the yea'r.
"At present it'does not appear that there vv'ill be more than routine
b,usincss to engage your atte.nlion.
County Constable
"The question of appointing a salaried county 'constable, laid over
from the N ovcmbcl' session,. sh.ould not be overlooked:, In some counties
the matter .has received a good deal of consideration. The adjoining
County of Middlesex re-organized 'last year. If,you deem it advisable
to take up the matter, flcommittee should,beappointed to make inquiries
\lnd report at' the' J une session~'
"Under The Constables Act of 1922" prOVISIon 'is made f.or the
anuual appojn~~lent of a high. constable by. the County Council,'and
glgin County Couneil
where'no action is t.akcl1,.the Sheriff becoriles High Coilstable by
of his offie'e.
"This Coul1ciLhas 'continued theappointinent ~fMr.
has beeJl :an, efficient High COllstable;for- many years.
House of Industry
"'.The ever-decreasing number of- inmates at the House of
directs attention to, the ,nc~cssity, for car.eful' l~lanagem.ent:of ,that
"The sale. of a padion of. the~ farm was recommended last yeal;,
I believe that the mal1agemcritconlmittee should be required to
fully ill' reference to the best means of reducing" t:o some. exteilt,
present overheadexpcllse. Atmcetillg of the managers ,of
institutions in the Province-last year, a redtictiol1. in farm area
operatic)lls was recommended IIi favor 9~ a large garden and the'
of milk and buttcr as required.
County Bridges
";Although formal application waslmi.dc fOt-, approval of
bHdge by-law last year,~ no word ha's been received from the
Department in refcr-cllcc thereto:. It would DC well for the County
Committee to make inquirics \~;itha' view to -securing approval
\ve become liable for further bridge eXl)enditure. '
Provincial Highway Expenditure
"The account fat provincial highway expenditure- during HJ2,4;,
the estimates for .1 025, are considerably reduced. This is evidence
the \~oTkln the CO,unty is nearing COilll)letion and thecoullty;rp.tes
thi,s l)qi~pCise'may be redu,cecl.
lmgin Conn'ty Conndl
MuniCipal Laws
Statute RevisiO-il- Commission has the various pro'vincia1-hl\vs
If there are allY amendments that appear to be
they should be brought to the. attention of the Petitions'and
COnlmittee for"presentation to; the Council".
of the previotts day' \vere read~and ~on'firmed,
of the committee appointed to strike theStan~ting' Com':"
preseilted and adopted on the motibn of D. 'K. 'Ari'drcw-,
by R. B; McKenney.
following comniUllicatlons were read:
County Engineer, with report. -----,.:. Referred to Public .Improvc-
Gi-and J llr.'/,. ',vith .pl'escntmcnt.. - Filed.
with account forHJ24. - Refe'rrecl to
Clerk, County of OMado, re co-operation for,-unendment ,to
Act. ;-~,B-cfcrj-cd to Petitions and Legislation Committee.
Department of Hc,-ihh, rc careofcemetel'ies.'-- Referred to
As.<;;'ociation, re membership. "-- Referred. to
for Sick Children,re grant. - Rc'fcfrcd t,o Finance
Elgin County pouncil
'Elgin Connty Council
Moved: by O. McKenney,
From National Institute Jot thcBlind. ---,Referredto Finan'ce Com-
That thisCoUl1cil a~ljotln~, to meet at the
allbw all committees to organize.
call of theW arden~ at 2
From' COtU~ty clerk, 'WeU~wd,re Shee~
to Petitions and LegislatiOl~ Committee,.
, .
Protc,;tibn Act. ---;-Referred
Froin l?epUt}rMinister .~:>f'I-iighways,' reconfer~l1ce:,_Ee.ferred to
C,??l1ty,R.oad Committee.
The Council resumed:
, From. Man'ager RoyalB,ank, ,re . County ACCOUllt._~ Referred -to
Finance Coml11itt,ce:
Thc-renort of the County Trcas"1.1rCr was presented .and' referred to
Filfancc Committee.
From Salvatibl1 Army, re grant. ,-Referre'd to Finance Committee.
From T> E. RQbertso~,"Lolidoll,re Wes'tertI Ontario Winter Fair.
.:...-.:oReferred'tQ Finance Committee.
FromE.,vV. Baker; applicatio-n for position of salaried
Gonstable. --.,-._Referred to':Fina~lc-e,'Committee.
R McLean 'be all'ov\'ed to att on' all- committees to which Mr.
Reeve of Bayham, is. appointed at this sess)on.
- Carried.
'From County Auditors, with report."'- Referred' to Finance Com~.
Moved by R B.McKenney,
From F. Hunt" County Polke" Magistrate, ,with 'report.--.,-. Referred
t6Financc Committee.
Seconded by D. R. Curtis:
From Deputy Minister of H~gl1\vays, with estimate :of provincial
highway expe,nditure for H125. :..- Referred to Fiila'nce Committee.
a deputation of the Elgin Plowmen's Association be given a
Thursday" January the.. 20th, at 2 p. m.
Moved by]. R. Gmv,
Mr. Fuller,. gavcnotice ofapplicati,on for grant for \Vest Lome
S~conded by D. J.' McKillop:
l1;lgin COUl~ty 'C6-uneil
.lBlgin County COllncil
All the members present except Mr. Godwin.
Wm. Kiddie. be added to Pl1bliclmprovcmcnts'Comlllittee.
The proceedings of the previous day vvere read and con firmed.
Communication .from the- Goo~lRpadsAssociatio'n, re annual meet-
ing, was_read and refcrccI to County Road-Committee.
Moved' by :0. r McIntyre,
SeCOlldcdby D. R. Curtis:
The'report of the Public Improvements _C6r'nmittec was presented
and acloptedon niotioll of J; A; Fullet, seconded by H. B. Vvestoyc,r.
That yeprcscntativcs of the- Bank of Moi~treal 'be 110W hearel.
Moved byR. B. McKenney,
Secomlcd' ])y K~ Silfclair-:
Mcs~rs. Young, Lee, andCameroll addrcsse,d the COUilCil ii1
'cHee to keeping the County. account wi'th the Bank of Montreal.
\^larden'rcferred thc"matter'to the Finance Committee.
That the \i\lomen's. Institutes for districts of 'East andvVest Elgin
h'e'granted the sum of. twenty-five dollars cach.. '.
.Moyed by J. A Fuller,
Moved by J as. Fuller...
Secorlded, by A., McLathlin:
Seconded by D. K. Andrew':
that we adjourn until 2 p. m.
Thata grcfnt of ol1chundr"cd dollars bc given to \V cst Lorue lock-up.
Moved byR;. B. McKenney,
Ingram, and Shaw presented' claim of Law Liyrary Associ-
Application; "vas referred to Finance Committee.
Scco',nded .by H. B. Westover':
,Mo_ved by A. McLachlin,
~ That Mr. K, -M.. __Sinclair be added to the Education<tl !;Ibl11mittee;
Seconded by J.-A.Fuller:
---: Carded.
........:... Carded.
EJgin,CO.llptj'< Council
Elgin County Connoil
That R. K. Panter' be "appointed Trustee-for Dutton
for three years.
Association' be
- Carried.
Moved by Jas.McAllister,
Carr, Anderson, Mayor Sloggett, T. D. Webster, and R. M.
the Councilrequest'ing grant for Pl'ovincial Plow-,
0:- Referred to Finance COllllnitfee for cOl1sidet'atiol1.
Seconded by O. McKcl1uey:
That >Mr. Edvvard Scruton be appoiritcd Trustee for the, Viellna
.Hign School for 'three y~ars.-
by E. G. LustYi
~, Carried.
Moved by E.G. Lusty,
committee from' the 'Elgin E~tucationa1 AssoGiation Lenow
Sec0nded b,Y D. C1:088011:
, '
Th<itwe adjOtlrn, to meet at 10 a. m:,Thlll'sday; fo allo\.v\ committees
to r:i1eet.
and Kerr addressed ,the Council, reCjuesting gl'ant
- Carried.
, \\1 arden;
Mr. L.usty gave notice ,of application. for grants to agricultural
and Mr. McLachlin gave notice for grant for ,Kate 'Wallace.
The report of Cpunty Road Comulittee was presented and adopted
of R.,B. I'v[cK,elllwy, seconded by A. McLachlin.
Moved by R. McLean,
Thursday,29th day of January,
Seconded by Vi. Kiddie:
The Elgin (orillty Council, met-this day, in ,accordallce
That we -giv'e the Elgin County TrusteeCoiwcntion the allllual
of one hundred dollars.
The Warden in the chair.
Elgin COlll1ty Conned]
Elgi'n' COl1nty Conncil
Moved by G. I-I. Jackson,
Seconded'hy, R,B. McK~enney:
Friday, 3.oth day 'of ']antlary, 1925
. ,
\Vhereas ,the proposed diversion of the water of Lake
contrary 'to the treaty tfetween _,Canada and ,the United States,
Chi~'ago 'dl',lioage canal' proposition of the City of Chicago,
judiciallyaf.f~ct the 'lake level of Lake Erie al1~f therefore
. menace the trade 'of the' LOl1dol1 and :port Stanley Rai,lway
Stanley harbor;
Council met this day in accor"dance with
in the chair.
l)resent except Mr. Godwin.
And whereas the FedcraJGovernment and the _Can<J.JIian
\^1aterways Association have protested against the said divcqiol1,
theSuprc'me..Court of the' United,Stateshas ruled against it;' ,
.proceedings af the 'previalls day were read and cl?l1firme<L
Be it resolved that theElginCaunty Council express it's
disapproval af thcpropo~ed diversion for the Chiciga drainage canal
the waters of Lake ,Michigal{; contrary to' 'the treaty, betweeri
aildthe Unite'a States, and that the Fede'raJ Gavernmbl1tb"e
to' mO'st stroligly object to' and pratestagainst the said diversian
an'Q that 'cO'pies gf this resolution be sent to' the I-Ion., W~ L.
King; 1?rernier of th~ D0111ii1ionof Canada, and.to Mr: JO'hn L.
M,P, fC!1" East Elgin, ul1crrVlr. Hugh C. McKillop;M.P, f()r
of the, FinanceConnllittee was presented, and adopted.
G, F. J~ickson, secO'nded byR, B,McKenney,
repO'rt of the EducatiollCommittec was presented-, and adapted,
of E. G. Lusty,sec'Oi1ded by D, R. Curtis. \,
, .
by R. 'IL M'cK~nncy,
by I-~, B: Westaver:
'Maved by D. ]. McIrl.tyre,
the v\TardeI1_ and Clerk be. autha'rizcd to sign and submit" to the
af Public v\! OI"leS and Higlnvdys of thePro'vince a.f Ontario, the
the CG1'~)O'ratian af the Coilnty, of Elgin, shawing that duri"ng
]anu'ary to 31st December, 1.024, there has been expended
,county hig'l{way .system the sum of $151,462;19, and requcsti,ng
grants on that,amountas 'provided by the Act to' aid in the
'of- public highways.
Secanded by D. R. Curtis:
That the Coul1c'iladjoqrn till vl'icla:y' morning at 10 o"c1~~k, to
committees to' meet.
- Carried~
E: G. Lusty,
l-!JIgin County- Council
That grants tG agricultural societies ill the- County be
last year, fifty per cent.. of Govcrnmcl1t grant.'
.Seconded by D. Crosson:,
. Moved by D. R. Curtis,
Seconded by H. B.- \iVcstover:
EIgill County -Conncil
'by W, W, Kiddie:
That-By-Law No,1044-be read. a'third tinie, and 'finally passed.
""- Carried.
G. H. Jackson,
,byR.E. ;McKenney":'
That- B. B. Grabaul be -appointed Administt'ation.of 'JusticcAuditor..
By-La\\i No. 1045, to ,appoint High School Tru&tees, 'bc,recC1v-
read a first time.
Movcclhy \-\T. VI; Kjddie,
Seconded hy D:, Curtis':
~-' Carried.
R. B.McKenhcy,
G. H. Jackson:
That By-Law No. 1045 he read a sCj:ond time.
That By-Law No. 1044, to' appoint a High Constable-, ,be received
and l~ead, a first time.,
Moved by D. Curtis,
Seconded by D,. J. McIntyf'y';
',That By-La'\-\' No. 1044 be'.rea.d a second time:
Moved by D. J.McIntyre,
- Carried.
- Carried.
B. Westover,'
.Scconde,.d by R. D. Mc-Kcllliey:
That By-Law No. 104-5 be read a .third 'tiine,and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by' C.D. Minor,
by D. Grossoll;
Elgil} County 'Collneij
lDlgin County Conncil
That By-Law No. 1046, to appoint a BQard,of'.Audit,
and read a first time.
That By-Law Nb.1047 be read a'second time.
- Carried.
- Carried.'
Moved by D. Crosson,
1-Ioved by Jas. ~cAllister,
Seconded by E. G.Lusty:
Seconded' by R. McLean:
That By-Law No. 1046 be read a second- time.-
That By-Law No. 1047 be read a third time;. and ,finally passcd,~-
- C~rrjed.
~.1'oved by E. G. Lusty,
Seconded by D. Crosson:
Moved - byD. K. Atidrew,
That By-Law No. 1046 be read a third time; and 'finaIIypassed.
Seconded by D. Lindsay:
- CaTried.
. That By-Law No. '1048, to appohlt Advisory Agricultural. COllnc.il,
ul1dread ~l' first time. ..,
Moved by R. McLean,
- Carried.
Seconded by O. McKenney:
Moved by D. Lindsa~.,
That By-Law No. \10'47, to' n.uth01:izeMlanlcn and Treasurer to
UOfTOW twO' htilidred thoUSaJld dollars, he receivecl and read a first time.
Secon,dccI'by D. K. Andrew:
That By:La\vNo. 1048 be read (1 second time.
- Carried.
- Carried.
MO'ved by O. McKe'-nney,
. ,Moved bJ: J. A. Fuller,
Seconded J)y R. McLean:
Elgin- County CpunciJ
Elgi'llO<H1nty Council
That By-Law No; 104Sbe read,atliird timc,.andfillallypasseo..
That the usual graIlt of OIle hundred and twenty dollars be paicl to
'the Tmvl1ship of DUl1wichfor maintenance of Kate ,Wallace.
...;.... Carrie'ct.
Moved by D. Lindsay;
. Moved by D. J. McItl'tyrc,
Seco.n'dcd by J. A. Fuller:
Seconded by D. R. Curtis:
That the usual grant oftwcl1ty-five pey cent. of Governniei1t gral1t
be made"t~ the horticultural societies.
That the Council adjourn, to ,nieet the second Tuesday in June;' at
...:-. Carried.
May,eel by H, B,J.Vestover,
Seconded by O. McKenney:
That we,grarlt the sum of twenty-five. dollars to-_.each of the follow.:.
ingtib'raries: Rodney, West ,Lorue, Dutton, Pt. Stal1ley;'Aylmer,Lutol1,
Vienna, ,Sparta, Spril1g~eld, Bayt1am,and Shedden; andt,welve, dollars
and fifty cents to Bc1montand Wardsville.
, '" '
Tuesc~aYJthe 9th clay -of June,f92lJ
County, Cctlncil'mct this cl'{IY in accordance with adjoUf!1-
Moved by O. McKenney,
Th~' \Vardenin the chair.
Secorided ,by Jas.' McAllister:
All the l11cmb~rSpresel1t.
That'D.C"onllOI' be, appointed Tr:l.1stee -for the Aylll1'er C~l1egi~de
Institute for thre<:. years.
The V\.Tarclcn' C!.ddrcssed the Cotlll,cil as follows :
Moyecl by A. McLachlin,
';The June session is generally the most importalit, and this year
wi1lbe no exception. You will be called upon to determine several ,very'
matters which \\,ill have a bearing on the ,future,. welfare of
Seconded by J. R. Gov.':
Elgin County COU11qil
Elgin Connty Council
County _ Roads
h~Y 'are entitled to a ,refund of fifty per cent., and in the case of villages,
"'~venty~fivC"per cent. of their proportion of the gelieral county road levy;
heamo!lllLto be expended in the mailitcnance ,of connecting lil1ks or
tensions 0'1' on,othe~r streets, with the approval 'of the Miliister of
ighways. .
/fLast year'the Legislat.ure, appointed a special cotn.mittee
to the Minister of Highway,s. Meetings "'lith municipal authoritieswere
held throughout t~e Province; I have not bee_n favored with a copy of
the report of ,this', committee, b'!Jt.. as a result of the-ir ,deliberation
effort is being made to re-arrange the county road systeil1s ofthePro~
vince on ,a logical ba~is, in which -tjJe wads will be classified as township
roads, county and provincial;. the tOvvllship roads to include many that
handle local traffic only, which are now included ill'the county
"This new PI:oposal does--n.o"t apply toagreemcnt ,ah:cady entered
towi.th the Town of Aylmer.
"In Elgin, it is proposed'to reduce the county r0'adsfrom ~04to>'210
miles: Special attention has been paid_to connections '''lith the road
systems of adjoil~ihg counties and the traffic conditions onench road,
".The county does. not now receive any subsidy for expenditures on
bridges not- on c.ounty roads, The new prop.osal provides fo-r
percent. of repla,cing bridges of fifty~foot span o'nCoul)tylines; .oC
hundred foot span in villages when on a main highway, an~ any
within a local -m1111icipality \vhichhas been dedared t.o be a
bridge. I
"The suggested reduction in this COUl:ity ,will am.ourit t~
per cent. of the present mileage when' pr.oposed additions from
to\Vn, to Port -Talbot al1d, Bur"vell's, Corners and the Lake Road
Port 'B'!JrwelI are considered.
We arc t.o benefit by the new legislation this year, action should
at this session- so- that proclamation bringing it into force 1h~'Y
at' earliest possihle elate.
".This re-arrangement ,is deemed equitable and to en'courage
co-op'erati<?n .of the counties:
"vortny of'favorablc consideration by-this Council.
I _ _ ,
"The subsidy payable on all roads \vill be increased to
for construction alJ.c1 mC\intena'nce,
"Local roads ill t.ownships' can generally be cared for more
icalIy by the township authorities, and with :improved ,or'ganization
increase in township subsidies from 'twenty to thil'ty per c~nt. should
encourage the impr.ovement of an roads in accordance with
"The High,;vay Improvement Actor this year will lJe brought
force in counties approving cif re":arrangemellt of road mileage.
new legislation requires county counCils to i,uclude
1inks and cxtcllsiol) in the county ::;ystem for construction
iuen,t to a width o,f twenty feet. ~i\,Then a greater width is required,
whole cost is' payable by the' Jo.cal municipality. Wherea.town
already, -compietJclthe construction of"extensions or cqnnecting
"The cost. to the county of high, continuation, <.tnd public schools
now -reached - the sum of fifty thousand, doIiars, as shown by state-
prepared by. the County, CI!-"rk for your inf.ormation.
"Recellt legislation gives county -c.ollllcils authority to change. the
and provide for payment of cost of high and cOlitil1uation
fol.1ows: - .
"Resident pupils, fifty per cent. .of cost by county. Resident pupils,
pe-r cent. of cost ,by'high,school district.
Elgin COUllty Council
Elgin County Council
"County pupils, fifty per cent. of cost by county.
fifty per ce,nt.of,costby ll1unicipalitiesin ,which parents
the Ptipils resjd~.
11 since the January session. In addition to matters referred to, there
'II bC.thc usual routine _business of eqtializ~tiol1; county rates rep'orts.
"consideration of business arising during theses-sioli.
"The County 110''\' has representation Oil the boards' of county high
'. schOols, and according toprescnt legislation wearee'ntitled to three'
represcntativeson the St. Thomas board; The effect of appointments'
'to this board Vi'0111d 'be to make the,St. Tho111as Collegiate Institute
- comity high school' and the "paymcntof one' hUlldredper cent. of' the
of niainte'ilance, of the schools.
"OnThur.sday evening I hope tOo have you all with meat Yarmouth
where we- will have an opportunity to forget our Ollerous duties
few hours of social intercourse."
of the last clay of the January session' were 'read
, ,
"A county council desiring to bring into f~rce the eqtializil1g
del1cies of the proposed new basis of contribution, to high and'
schools \ l11tlst pass a l)y-la:w hefore the 1st J uly'in jlln' -year. -
Thc following communications wcre read:
,_ New Legislation
FrornHighways Department, re reV1S'lOn of county road system.,.........
to County Roads' Committee:
"Newlcgislatiol1of interest to county councils incIuct'cs' authority to
riass ..by-luws requiring horse-ctra\vn vehicles to carryon left-hand side
ofthc'vehicIe one lighted Jampor reflectnr approved by County En-
From Education Depcartment, re equipment and .accommodation
- Rcferred to Echiq.tion Committee.
'~Thcre has been s0111e doubt as to the, autlwrity to. control the
running at. large bf animals on ,county roads. An aniendment'to The
Munic;ipal Act pr:ovides that by-laws of the iocal municipaIlties-are to
fl.pply to county highways situated therein.
Canadian Good Roads As'sociation, rc annual mcetin.g.---:-
to Financc Committee.
Pr'om Association of Mallagers/'of Homes for Aged and Infirm.-
to Housc of Industry Committce"
"Th'e vexed question of removal of poles, etc., where necessarY for
improvement- of; a higI1way, has bcen determined by rrovidingfoi.
apportiOliing the cost cf!u,<tlly heh\'cen the mutlicipality'alld the company.
From Mother,:;; Allo-wa'nces C01l1l11issioll/........., Referred to Finai-i'ce
"The Public Motor V chicle Act provides, that all imblie carriers
othel.than 'local taxicabs ,shall ol?tain a provincia.11icense.
Engineer, with report. -'Referred to Pul?lic 11i1provc-
"There has hec~1 littlecoullty business re,quiring my speciaLattel1~
From County Treasurer, \vith report. - Referred to Finance Com-
l~lgin County Council
lD1gin County Council'
The report of the special committee ~'appointed to 'consider
re-organization of County police presented their 'rcport,which
adopted on motion of G. F. Jackson, seconded by A McLachlin.
McIntyre, seconded by o~ McK'enlley.
_by D. ]. 'McIntyre,
Moved by O. McKenney,
by:, D. R. Curtis:
Seconded by H. L,' Godwin:
the Council, adjourn till 2 p. m., to allow committees, to meet.
That this COUI1Cil ailj,ourn, tn meet to-morrow at 10 a. 'In.
-,'- Carried.
by R.; B. _McK~t'lticy:
Wednesday, the 10th clay of June,
Col. W. ]. Brown, Secretary Q{ W_csternUniversity, be 110W
to' address the Council.
. '
- Carried.
The Elgin'-Coun.ty COl1l1cilmct this day in ~ic'coi'dalitcwith
The. vVardelf in the chair.
W. J. Bl'own then ~ddressed the Council in reference to the
the University to South~vVeste'rn Ontario.
AU the members 'presenCexccpt Mr. J. A. Fullcr.
Proceedings of thc\previous -day were read alid'confirmed.
by H. B, Westover:
The j'eport ,received 'from Public School Inspector
sented'andreferred to ,Education .Committec.
By:-Law No, lO-35be amended to react that Oscar McKenney's
added to Board of Auelit fOl' year, 1925.
The report of the House of 'Industry Co'mmittee was
- 'Carded,
lBlgin County ,ConrlcH
Elgin County, 'Collncil
TI1C report of the Education Committee wasprdcnted 'and
to Corp.mitte of the Whole Council" with O. McKenney.in the
After some discussion the report was laid over ,for further cOl1sideratioil.
Committee., D. Crosson in the chair. Ail the
were approved with the exceptionb.f three, eight,
twenty-one, twentY-5i?" and twenty-nine, which were laid avei'
considered at a speCial meeting of the Council.
The report of 'the County Roads Committee wa~presel1ted and re~
ferred to Committe,e,of, the.Whole.
Movce} by; O. McK~riney,
Moved by E. G. Lusty,
Seconded byf.t L., Godwin:
Sccolldc~rby D., Cl'~sson:
!hat this Council adjourn, ,to meet at 2 p. 1l1\
That this Cbuncil adjot1rn., to meet to-l11orrO\vat10
The (ouncil resumed.
CommunicationhomSheriff Harding re conditions in'gaat was read
referred to Gaol ,Committee.
. ,
Moved by Dr. G. F. Ja~kson,
Thursday, the 11th day of June, ]925
Second'ccl.byWilli,am Vl. Kiddie:
The Elgin County' Council met this day in accorda,nce with adjourn-
That report ,of Edu~ation Committee be, laid over till to-inorrow
-:;-- Carried.
. The Wardcn in the chair.
All the members present except Mr. J. A. Fuller.
The report of ,the' Public
adopted Oil motion of '1-/..,
Improvemerits Committee viras presented,
W. Kiddie, seconded by D,' Lindsay, .
Theproceeding:s of the previous day were read and confirmed.
M~ved by O.McKe,l~ney,
The Council ""relltinto Committee of the 'Nhole to consider
Seconded, by James' McAllister:
l:i.:lgin Count,): Council
That this Council adjourn until to'~mortow, at 10 a.
Finailce Coinmitteeto meet now.
Elgin CbuntyConncil
"Jhe Education Committee, with O. McKenrley in the chair. After
~:~a'mel1clil1g the report, the Committee arose and it Was adopted as amend.:.
cel,on motion ofO. :tvrcKcllney, se'condedby William ~W: Kiddie.
'Warden. '
Moved by.WilliamV\T.'Kiddie,
Seconded by R. McLean:
the <;hanges in COUilty road plan proposed by t~e _different
he left to Good Roads Committee'.-
Friday, - the 12th. day of J.une, 1925
- Carri~d.
The-Elgin County Coul1cilmet this day, in -accor.datice with acljourn~
The Wardell in the chair.
All the members prescntexceptJ'l'fr.-J. A. Fuller.
Moved by J. R., Gow,.
Secojldecl by E. G~ LtlSty:
That~y-Lav...No._ 10'49, to'prov'ide for -expenses of sending inmates
Houscof Imh.lstrv, be received and read afil~st time.
~. . - Carried.
The proceedings of the previous day were read alid confirmed.
Moved byA. 1{cLachlin,
The report of''thcFinanccCommittee,vas presented, and adopteCl
on motion of Dr.G.F. J acksoll,- seconded by D. Crosson.
Seconded by D, McKillop:
Thcrep01't of the I-louse of Industry Committee was_presented ~nd
referred to Committee of the Whoie, ,vithD~ K. ,An(rrews in the chair.
After amending the - report, theCoD1lliiUeeal-osc',a11d ,,the report as
amended was adopted on inotion. of D. K. Andrews, seconded by D,
Lindsay. '
That By-Law- No.104!J he read a second time,
Moved by D. Lindsay,
The t'eport of the G~ol Committee was presel)ted, and' adopted on
motion of 'D. R Curtis, ,seconded by Robert 'McLeaI1.
Seconded by D. K. Andre\vs:
The.~ouncil then rest~ned Committee of the. "Whole on 'the, i'eport of
That By.:.Lav\' No. 1049 be read a third time, and finally passed-.
I _ Carried.
Elgin Connty 'Council,
Moved. by' Janies McAllister,
Seconded byO. McKenney':
by D. K. Andrews:
That By~Law No. 1050" toconfirmcqualization, be rece.ived
rC,ad a first time.
this. Counciladjourt1:; to l11cetat2 p.rn; 01i:2Gth Junc.
~- Carried.
Movect by D. Cl-osson,
Seconded 'by Chas. -D. Minol";
That By--Law No.'1050,be read aseconcltime.
Fi'iday, 'the 26th day of Jun'c, 1925
IMovedby I-I. L, Godwjn,
Council 111et this clay at the Court House,. SL
with adjournment. .
Seconded by R. McLean:
in the chair.
That By-Law No. 1050 be read a'third time, andfinaUy passed.
the niembcrs present.
Moved by E. G. Lusty,'
of the previous day 'were read and confirmed. ~
Se'conueuby J. R. Gow:
following communicatioris were read:
That this County Council send a protest ,to the Dominion
Board against the withurawalof traills,No. 2 und3 011 the Pere
quette Raihvay rU11l1irig between S1. Thomas'and Walkcr:vilIe.
th~ Tourists' Association of Ontario,' re membership. - .Re-
to Finance Committee.
0.. S. Scheifele, re erosion. - Refct:rcd to Connty Roads Com-
, Elgin COl1rity,CouneiI
Elgin COl1ntyConllcil
do now adjourn,_to allow the' Educational 'Com""
Council resumed.
report of the Educational 'Committee was 1)1'esCl1ted and re-
toCommitte.,e of the \i\Tholc, with A; McLachlinil1 the chair, The
cb'ntail1cd in the report were' not approved, and the
arose andihe,.chairman reported accordingly.
The, Council was thet; addressed by i1essrs.W. H. -Mills, Hal'old
Bar11ltl11, M. McKnight, M. P. P., J; T.'\i\Tcbster, W, F" Smith, VI!.
<::aughell,alld Hi". Lawrence, in favor of Spa~ta'road beil'lg
a cotinty~'o'ad. Thc\i\Tarden referred Ithe'nlatt~r to-the: County
, Committee.
Moved by, D~ J. McIntyre;
Seconded by D."Curtis:
report of the Finance Committee w.aspl'eselited and laid over,
by Dr. G. .F. J acksol1,
by R~, B. McKenney:
no\'>I adj6t1rn, to meet at 10 o'clock to-morrow
- LarrjecL
l?c'requested by,this Council to interview the, Minister of Highways
aview:to having the Sparta road retained as a county road in lien of
fourth concession,
That' the deputation frot~South Yarmouth' bcno-w heard.
M6\.ed"bYI? J.McIntyre;
Seconded by O. McKemley:
That ,Mr-.M. McKriight, Legislative RepresC1ltativc'for
The t'cport of the Count;' Roads Ccip1mittee was-then presented
referred to' Committce6f, .'the ,Whole,.with-Dr. G. F. Jackson
'chair. After amenditlg the report, it was adopted as amended all
of Dr; G~ 'F, Jackson, seconded by E. G. 'Lusty.
Moved by O,McKelltiey,
Seconde'~t by H. LGod\\'iil:
Saturday, the 27th day of June, .1.925'
Council met this clay ill aCCoi"c1anceviith adjoUl'n-
the chair.
Elgin Connty Council
Elgin Gonnty Council
All the, members present exceptMr. J. A. Fuller:
read a first time,
- Carried.
Proceeclii1gs of. the previotlsday were read and confirmed.
by Kenneth Sinclair,
Moved 'by A.1{cL.achlin,
by W. W. Kiddie:
Seconded byD.,K..Andrews:
No. 1051 be read a second time,'
That.ilOaction be taken rc communication from the Tourists'
dation, rc inembership fees;
- Carded.
by J .R.Gow,
In amCll'dment-
by D. J. McKillo1J;
Moved by O. McKenney,
:No-. lOGl be read a third time, and finally passed.
~ Carried;
Seconded by -G. H. Jackson:
That this Coullcil gi"a.llt ".twcllty-fived6.J1ars to the Tourist
- Amcl1dmcntcarricd, original
No. J052, to/amend By-Law No. lODO,and allsubse-
by-Ia\vs de.signating countxroads, be received and, read
The" second repoxfof the Finance Committee -\vas presented,
adoptedon,motion.ofDr. .G. F:' Jackson, secondedb)': H. L.Goelwin.
- Carri'e'd.
, Moved, by E. G. Lusty,
D. MilloI',
Seconded' by D. Crosson:
by_ D. Crosson:
That By-Law No. 1051,- to make grant's for villages a.nct towns;
By-Law No. 1052 be read a second, timc.
- Cardcd.
Elgin County Council
Elgi.n Oounty Cobncil
Moved by Jas. McAllister,
by R R McKenney:
Seconded by O. McKenney:
Cattl1cH now adjour'l1, to meet at 2 p. m,. Tuesday, ,the 24th
Th8;.t By-LawN o. 10'52 be read a third tinlC_ and finally passed.
Moved by R. McLean,
Seconded by H.,i'. God\vin:
That'By-LawNo. 10'53, to raise
---a fii~st time.
Tuesday, the '24th clay of November, 1925
Councilmct this day, according to adjournment.
,Moved byD. Curtis,
il1 the c\hair.
Seconded by D; J. McIntyre:
members present.
That By:'Law No. 10'53 be read a second time.
addressed the Council, as 'follows:
Moved by R. B. McKenney,
year isc1rawing toa close and ,'the work at the Gounty
for J 925 \vill soon be a mattcJ' of record.
Sccorided by'H.B. Westover:
That By-La\'v No. 1053 be read a third time, and-finally passc;cL
year has been uneventful ,as far as the County Council is con~
most important matter disposed o.f being the revision of the
mileage. This' is, complete with 'the exc'cption of roadhu111-
Port Burw~l1.
Moved by G. H. Jackson,
To,:vnshipof Bayhamhaslaid-out a new road connecting with
Street east and filed'by-Iaw andplah with the Coul1tyCI~rk.
l~]gip County,~Councih
The Council should a,t this session redesignate, thisroaclinchtdil1g streets
in th.e village.
".The paving of the provincial highway from Talbotvillc.to Shedderi .
has bcei1- completed, and I am advised that it will be extended to
Wallacetowil-ncxt year. This, together with the completion of the roa.d
from St. Thomas to Aylmer should be found .advantagco.usto the busi~
ness of the 'COUl~tY.
"It is desirable that the business of the session be completed by
Friday. The chairmen of the .various committees will 'please have their
reports available in .tiulc,"
The proceedings of the last', day of the J unc 'session '..verc read and
confirmed. . '
The following. COril1TIUnications were read:
From Ontario Motor League, re- by-law requiring all vehicles to:
cai-ry lights at night. - Referred to PetitiOns and Legislation ,Comn'1ittee;
From Highways Department,-' with. :orders.OfLieutenant..,Go,vernor
in' Council re HighwayL.aws Amcndrilcnt Act, HJ25, and B~~LawNo,
1052. ----, Referred to County Roads-C0111111itfee.
From Physician, House 'of hldtistry, -with -'report. =----: Referrcdto
House of- Industry Committee,
-FrofnCoUlity Engineer, \v1th report. -,-RefcITed- to Pltbliclmprove~
mcnts 'GonJ.mittee.
Frotn Township of: Bayham, By-LrJ.\v --No,_ 888,-with plair establishing
road cast' of Port Bitt':wc1L -,-Referrcd to COl;nty R,oads"Col11111it,tee,
County, Treasurer, with report. ---c:Ref~rr~d to FinanceCol11-
Mc~enney'-gave notice that ,he ,,'ould move ,a' resolution .for
re:quiring allvehicIes tocat;ry 'lights between sunset and sunrise.
Seconded by H. B. \Ve'stover:
That this CounCil (]on~w' 'adjourn; to, meet to-lllorrow at ,10 a. m.
-' '~: Carried.
\i\T ednesday, the 25th day of November, 1925
Elgin--County Coullcil met this day, ill accordance with adjourll~
The Warden in thccl1air.
AU the 'members ,present.
prQcee;dings of ;t!1C_previous day were read and' confirmed.
Commul1icatioll,s were read from the Village of. )Vest Lprnean,d the
of Aldborol1gh, re change,in county roadtoelimillate~'danger-
of ' the village. I
Elgin'COuilts~, Council
Elgin County- Conncil'
the deputation from the Mothers' Allowanc',e Board be now
-:-- Carried.
RA. Penhalc, S. McDermal1d, Duncan McNabb, and
GI'aham and Bridgeman th'en address'cd the Council, request~
for attcl1i:lance -at monthly- meetings. The Warden
the matter to the Finance Committee.
report of the Petitions al1dLegislatiol1 Committee was pre-
auel referred to Committee of .the 'vVhole, with E.G.Lusty iii, the
After arn,ending- the report by strikil1'g Qutrecomlhe'nclation. for
vehicles', the, committee arose and the report as amended was
That. fi'hi-iaw' he- 'prepared' for' consideration at this ~essiori to
the Gusiri6ss of purchasing fowl in t'he county as authorized by
mcntsto'The ,MtlnicipalAct passed this year.
Moved by -D. J. McIntyre,
Seconded by H.B. Vvestover:
That a grant of two hundred dollars be given to the Elgin
Moved by D.K, A11(h'e"vs,
.Se~ond~d by J. Fuller:
Moved by 0: NIcKenlley,
Seconded hy"H. Godwin:
,That this CounCil adjoiHn, to ,meet at 1: 30 p. m., to allow
tees to meet 110W.
The Council resumed.
Communication fromChildrcn's Aid Society, i'livitillg
attend a1111ual meeting ,was react
Moved by O. McKcnney,
}...foved -by O. MdZenncy,
by E. G. Lusty:
all vehicles ill this County be compelled to carry a light when
l'>ttblic r9~ld or highway aftcl' dark, and the Clerk be instructed to
a by-law accordingly, to take effect-on March Ist,HJ26.
the fol1O\ving division:
~J. A. Fuller, E. G: Lusty, O. McKcnney, Kenncth Sinclail',
G. F. Ja:Ck~Ol1i W. .M. Anderson.
Nays~ D.K. Andrews, D. Lindsay, R. B. McKenney, A. McLach-
D. J. McKillop, -D. Crosson, C. D. Minor,: D. J. McIntyrc" D. R.
B.Wcstover;,"H. L. Godwin" Rohc.rt McLcan"Vv.W..K:iddic,
McAlli:)tcr,:,.]. R. (Jow.
Elgin' CO'lltity 'Conl1cil
That this Coun~il now arljo.urn, to meeJ. Thursday, at. 10 a. m.,
allow' committees 'to 'meet:'
Moved. byb. 'J. McIntyre,
Sec6nd'e~d' hy It, It. C1U'tiS:
,Thursday, the2Gth day of"Novembc[.
The Elgin County Council J11,ct this day" according to 'adjottrll1nent:
The Warden in the chair.
All the irierhbers'p-resclit.
Proceedjngs of the previous day were read' and collfirmed.~
The following communidtions werere,ad:
From the County Council 'of I-Jalton, in refercn'cc. to lights _on
Ftdril the Lake' Erie Coal Company -ofW,alkerville
cancellation of .coal rate agreement betwc"ctl "fete
Elgin 'County -Gonnoil
aild -Port Slau'ley Railway and Canadian National Railway al1d Canadian
Pacific Raihvay.
Moved by H.L. Godwin,
'Seconded by \lV. 'W.- Kiddie:
That'this Council do naw adjourn, to. meet ,at two. o'clack.
- Cal'rie~1.
The ,~Council resumed.
The ,repartaf Inspectar af House af 'Industry we presented and
referred to. Hause af IndustryCammittee.
A letter fram William Backhouse :rc county taadeast af Part Bur-
well v.'as j'eadandreferred to. the County Roads Committee.
o.fthe Public Impravements Comll1i~tee was pr~sented
niation af J. t\. Ful1er)sec'anded by D. R. Curtis,'
,The report af the Educ~ltion Committee was presented, and adapted
on h1otioll of E: G. Lusty, seconded by Robert McLean.
ltfave:d by O. ltfcTZenney,
Seconded 'byE. G.Lusty:
That -this Council petitian the Hanorable the Minister of Highways
tQinttorluce:at ,the coming sessiall,of the 'Legislature an Act requiring
'all vehicles to. carry front and rear lights 0.1' rdlectors while Oi1 t~cpublic
Elgin Cotll1ty Cau_Deil
Elgin COUl~t.Y Connoil
. highw'ays- in 'th.~organizcdc6t1llties betweell suridoWll and sunrise.
Carried O'il the following., division:
Friday, the 27th _day of November, 1.925
" ....-
Yeas - A. McLachlin, J. A.Fuller, E.. G. Lusty, James -McAllist,e
Q: McKenney ,KenllcthSindair, D> R: Curti\s,D. J. McIntyre, R
Wcstovcr,R. B. M.cKenney, Dr. G.F. Jackson, W.M. Andcrs()ll.
-County Council met'this day, according to adjournment.
Nays-D. K, Andn~'ws, D. Lin:dsay,D.
.I-L L.Godwin,; Robcrt_McLc',an, ]. R. Gow.
mcn1bers present.
Moved by GeQ. H.. - J aCkS01Y,
report of the 'Finance Committee was presented; and adopted
of Dr. G.F. J acksol1, seconded byE. G; Lusty.
Seconded by Oscar, McKenney:
That the Clerk notify the Boarclof RCJ.ilway C0n11uissioners that 1
t!ic'opjnici-n of this Council the hituminou_s coal rate agrecmcilt bctwcci
.thePere Marquette and t,he LOl!clol1 andPoTt Stan1e,Y Railways andt~';
Canadian NatiQllal Railwayancl ~alladian Pacific' Railway has .bee
beneficial in the 'past al1d, is necessary for the, future proteCtiOl~of lo:c
,interests al1dthe very considerable investment of :the ,two railwa:
'<!-ffectecl. .. The crOss-lake boat service has been clevelope{lduriilgi
'termbf years. The railways have' gradually increased their
and'the users of coal their i,\ldustries and 'requirements'. A
of the pre,senC:'ate agrcclneilt isadvisahle.
report of the ,County Roads Committee was presented and
On motion of R. B. M eKenney, secondecl by D. K. Andrews.
of the Hotlse of Industr.y C0l111l1ittee' was ,presented,al1d
motion fjf D. J. McIntyre, seconded by O. McKenney.
re'port of the Gaol-Committee was presented, and adopted 011
of D. R. Curtis, seconded by'H. B.Westover.
D. Lindsay,
Moved by E. G. Lusty,
\Scconded hy D.(rossoll:
D., K. Alldrc\-vs:
That \ve now adjourn, to meet at 10 a. lTI. to~morrow,
mittees to meet.
By-La\-v,'No: 1054, to license the business.of purcJ1<lsingfo:w1,
and read a fircst,timc.
D, Crosson,
Elgin':C6UDt,y Council
EI~i1) ,CQunty ,Council
Seconded boy Chas. :D, Mine'r:
by D, R.Curtis:
T:hatE3'..:.'Law NO'. 10054 'be read a second time.
this: Council adjourll sine die.
-' Carded.
Moved by W; \V. Kiddie,
Seconded by K. Sili.c1air:
That'By-LawNo. 1054 be react a third time, and finally
Moved by H. L, GOQWill,
Seconded by Jas. 1{cAllis'ter:
That the 'usu.:tt grant of fifteen :dollars be paid' to' the Tim~s-joi.t_({
repO'rter for' his services in reporting the p'rocedeings,' of
4ur~pg th~ pa$tyear,
MovedhyO. 1[cKcllllCY,
Seconded by',D. Crosson:
That the thanks of this 'Council be tendered to \Varden
for'the efficient mal111crill which he has filled the' chair this
that the l1snalgrarit of Qne 11l111ch'cd dollars be paid to hiui.
Moved by D, J, McIl~e,
Elgin. County CounciJ
G. H.. J ackso.l1, Chail'man
D. K. Andrew, Alexander McLaughlin, David Crosson, 0;
H. L. Godwin; William \"/. Kiddie; R.I B\ M.cKepl1cy, Jas.
KenncthSillclair, J..R. Gciw,]. A. Fuller, E. G. Lusty
E. G. Lusty,Chairmall
Dugald Lindsay, D. J. McKillop; D. J. McIntyre, R. B. McKcnilcy,
. Robert McLean; \V. Vl. Kiddie, Jas. McAllister, JOhl,l'R. GO\\';
. J amcsA. Fuller" K. Sinclair ' -"
D. K.
R. B. McKcl1uey;Chairman
Andrew, Alexander McLachlillf Davi~t
H. L. Dod~in, \Villi,am "vV. Kiddie
D.. R. 'Curtis,
I-Tarry B. WeStover
Robert McLean
James A. Fuller, Chairman,
Dugald Lindsay, D. J. McKillop, C. D. Minor, D. R. Curtis,'
Wcstovcr,"RobertMcLean, James-1IcAllister,K.Sinclair,
G. H. Jackson, E: G.Lusty, W. W. Kiddie
Duncan J. McIntyre; Chairman
C. D. M.inor O. McKenney
J ol1tJ R. 'Gow, Chairm<j-Il
Alexandcr McLachlin, Kenneth Siric1air, George H. J<:!d:::SOll
D. K. Andrew, Chairman
J as. 1.J cAllister, .G. H. Jackson, E. G, Lusty
ElginC0l1nty Council
J. C. SMITH, B. A.
June Session
the \Varden' and Members of the Elgin Couuty Cpunci1:
I have the honor to submit herevirith the annual report on the public
of East Elgill for the school year. of 1P23-24 with-the statistics
Theschool year ope-ned with, a staff of 107 teachers, of whom ten
menal1d ilincty-sevcn. women. III the previous year the number
inenwas eleven,- and in the'year before that the number was fifteen.
much,to he,regret~d that there,areso few men among the teachers,
iris a tilatter of congratulation that there arc male pril1cipalsin 'the"
schoo'ls, namely,' Aylmer, Springfield, Belmont, Port Burwell,
Yarmouth l--leights, -There were nin{;: first-dass certificcttes; ninety-
class certificates, and two kil1dcrgartctl ccrtificates. The
in the !lumber ofsecoiid~class certificates,is to be. explained
the fact that many first-class teachers pl'efcr to teach, in the continltJ!
schools, arid also by the fact that many boards, who are obliged
inexperienced teachers, especially in th'e prim~ry w01;"k, engage.
teachers. The latter arc itsually more successful as begin-
public school -\vdrk, but it n}ay:bc rC111,arked that, after the 'first-
teacher has had a little cxperience, in teaching the pttblic school
she hecomes ,as a rule, the better teacher' of the two, because
received <l\vider preliminary education and. th~refore has a wider
There is a slow but gradual increase in the number of tcachers in'
inspectorate, and in Septc'11iber, 1924, the total was 10-8, an increase
five~ in eight ~rears. The increase is confined .solely to the rural
The total number of rural teachenr was niltety-two-. The
in th~ urban' schools of 1}ylmcr, Spril1gfi~ld, alid Vicnna llum-
fifteen. . A v~ry gratifying feature is the fact that ill tbis year, as
in the previous year of' Hl22-28,all the teachers were legally
Elgill COllllty 'COUnt:il
From the i)ointof view of. the school boards,' a vf;ry
clition ptevailsin CQt111cction withthcteachet:supply. ,The
teachers available is quite sl1f-fic;icl1t. to sefve all the schools, and 110
should have trouble in securing a fully qualiBcd teacher: Many
enccd teachers are also available. It should be-the policy ot"
to ask for personal applications, or tosend.a:~le:putation_from 'th_c
tointerview.<\-Pl}liql11ts. In the matter of experience, they should
the teacher who. has l1ad a very long expcl"iencc. The frequent
o~ t~ac:hers which 'is so, c01l1mon - in many of the rural sect.i~llS ,. is, as
beep frequenqy poi11tedout, one of the most barieful hindrances.
P'r'Ogress, and'an unnecessary change in teachers .always means a
, loss to the ratepayers and an intellectual 'loss 'to the children.
It is freely admitted in many quartcrs that the academic
fessioiuL1 status of pu1.)lic school teachers will be raised ~in the
(uture, and that' the first-dass ,certificate \\,ill be l1lae:fe the
This -changc'\;vou1d ,result in the raising of the standard for the
ation schoO'ls. The -Department of Education has for many years
conducting 'summer schools for the benefit o'f teachers wh~wish
iluprove their standing" aiHlmany 'have takellatlvantage of thcsefatili::
ties every year ill, increasing l11tmb)"_~s.
Financial'Statement, 1924
(a) R?ceipts
Ba1ancc,frO'm prcvIOlls year.._..n ....m..m
Township grants.. .............
Legislative grants._.
l..ocallevy and debentures~.
Other 'sources. 'm" .....m.
._$1l7295 42
5'220-0' 00
1765 07
2U95? 34
]0,1.,;301 46
HiflO6 68
(b) ~aymeHts
Teachers" ,salaries....__.
Sites; bt1ilding~,
Libraries, apparatus,
Debentures and loans.. ,..
m..$IJ,2H34' 94
33000 '43
2033\l DB-
Elgin C01:1nty Council
fuel, caretaking", etc.,m_.......n.............
30-330 77
,carried to next year
$200689 04
118735 ,93
.$319424 97
School Statistics, 1924
There was vety little 'change"ill the salaries of teachers. Most of
city .and. town schools in Ontario have a regular scale ofsalal;ies
provides .for an annual incrcase'until.the lnaximumis rea<;hed.
owing to the frequcntchanging o-f teachers iil the rural schools,
few,: ifailY, rural school boards have a fixed scale. of salar\ies.
is no Provincial standard fi}Ced by the Departm~llt of 'E~luca_tion,
bn 'account, of thc liberal grants paid on salaries, the usual salary has
that 'is,. for a section whose equalized assessment is between
and $300,000 the special grant has.bcen '$200'. But of' coUrse:
matter of the. salaries' is entirely in the. hanclsof the boa I'd.
The highest salary'paid in a rural school, -Was $1,350. This may be
cxceptionalbccallse the attendance is Very large>. Thcnext
was$l,3GO. Leaving, out ()f ac'col1llt the 1argegn~de(L r'ural
the highest .sa1ariespaid ill the rural schools wei'c asf61l9wS:
Bayham .mm......_ ..m m... ..."..'........... _H..m .. _.... .$llOO
Dorchcster, South on "~mm ....... .... .....m '.m..m. 1200
Malahide ...un ........... ......h.... ....n.. ....00 ...m... 1300
SOllth\volcl ."___.._m. .un ....m ..m... ................... 1350
Yannouth ...... m....... 1200
Thetottd llumber of pupils enrolled:
A veq_ge
Primcr .m.
I'irst Book
Elgin County_ Council
Second Book
Third. Book..h.~
F'ourth Book
Fifth Book
Elgin County Council
, I>
'I~l.addition to ,these the Fifth Class _pupils received instruction 'in
thmetic, Algebta, Geometry, Latin, French, Eqtany, Zoology, and
.)~Tl1e>Fiftb Classes al;'e an uncertain quantity. Many of thc"pupils
:Clld for a few 1110ilths and withdrawpermal1ently from school. Very
i,....-:_ . -'. ' .. / . . /
:ofthe _ schools - are properly equipped for carying 011 the work and
not qualify for the liberal county and . legislative grants because the
hers have not 'a permanent ycrtificate. There is' also to 'be, con-
xed the reluctance of many tea,chets to' take a school which involves
addi"tiorial work' and responsibility of, a Fifth Class, especially since
}board many not consider the payment,of an increased salary and the
"~h~r of such school may" be forced t~ take the same salary,- that is
'gpaid in schools where there is. 110' Fifth Class. . '
The average number of days during which the:schools were
open was :1.94.
From the teach'ers' annujll reports has' been gleaned also the
irlg jnfodnation which shows the constant fluctuation in
in the schools. Thi's factor has an effect upon the
organization of the schools.
Number of pupils admitted for thef1rst time....,....
Number of boys left to attend other publjc schools.....
N umber of girls' left to attend other public
Number of boys left to attend high "or cOlltinuaticin'schooU....:::
Number of girls left to attend high. or continuation.schodL........;
Ntlmber of boys left Fifth Class' to attel1d continuatioh schooL.-
Nui1~ber of girls left Fifth 'Class to attendcol1tinuation' schooL
N umber -of pupils removcd :by .death. or disability....,..,. ........-:....
Enrollment in the suhjects of the' curriculum;
English ~-fistory
Canadian IIi story
Nature ,Study
"Physical Culture
Agriculture _
Household S.cienc,c
'By a curious anomaly, most' of the Fifth Cla:ss,es are fonnd ill the
5~~lship'of Bayham. The Township of Bayham, with the exception
!lhePortBurweIl school section(S. S. No. 2,Bayham), c011stitutes
High School Qistrict of Vienna High. School. It is at present
ds'sible 'to establish a' continuation school iil a high 'school distri'ct,
.>:the Fifth Classes are servillg'in a way the -pupils who have passed
Entrance exami1J'atioJi. aild cail not attend the continuation school at
rt-Burwell, the high, school at Vie1l11a, the, high school at Ay-Imer, or
,ehigh. school ~it Tillsonhurg.
schools lack means of securing an adequate Stf~)ply ofdrink-'
The' Provincial Board of Health has takenllP the question
the sanitary conditiol1s of. ,the rural schools, aneln-wny
Elgin County. Council
Elgin COUnty Council
school bO<J.rds are lending th,e~r earnest-, co~operation,
seell in the improvement and b'eautiftcati~n of school grounds, the
vision and rneans of, securing pure drin:king water, a,nd the renovation
the out-door toilets;
oftheiF programmc, and jilthis way/some three or' four School
are added."- Attel1dance at,the SchooL Fairs makes asevelte ; drain
but) find -the worlcvery.prcifitable, when the 'teachers take
and enthu'siastic interest in .the work. l'heteacher must
leader in aiiy school ,activity, and this' work has- ul1told possibili-
It develops initiative and co-operation among_q-lC pupils, en cour- ,
habits' of ,sc1f-reliailce, cultivates the growtli' of true sportsmanship
competition: for thepl'izes, and-Jxovides a sO'cial.l11ccting plalfe
teachcrs,'pupils, 'parerits; and trustees. '
One Of the best 11lcansof adorning the school ,grounds is the
garden, a,nd since the cost of a,'St11nll1,er vacation caretaker is ,borne
the,Department aild may be included in the legi~imate expenses
Agriculture, to a minimum,of $lO.nO"thcre would appear to bc no
reason against such a 'desirable additiontci the schoo'J plant.
Agriculture' and HquseholdScieitce I
The new cun'iculum hascomb-ined.the subjects of Nature Study
Agriculture. The work is of an elementary nature a~ld'lncludes
prinCiples ofe1enicntary ?otany, such as the .structure ofplailts
plant', lifc. A wide latitude is given to th~ tcacher in the"
topics" and visits to. creameries, poultry farms, live.,.stock farms,
arranged where possible, Tl:c study of forestry and the' :;;tiJdy
flowers, ',and vegeta1Sles~ arc ~ncourag-ed. Ways <1\1(:1 111cal1s
batting insect pests ar~_noted, --anc~ speciafstndies are, made
[>ests,s\.1chas the corn-borer. The Provincial and. Fec19.ral
of. Agl;icl1lturefcnder every ~lssistancc possible aild the
reference books 'in many of the schools are available for use by
dents' of the school.sections.
School' ~Ctivities
Some' of themostencouragillg features in the rUl'al schools are the
. aftenUon given to health proble111~, largely owing to: the
'of the JUI)ior :Red Cross'Societies, ,the development of
and supervised play, and the establishmentcifHom'es'and School
Over thirty requests fi"om East' Elgiil were forwarded to the'Re'd
headquarters for inforniationrelativc, to the orgaiiizatioll of school
These clubs are mal1aged'by the pupi1s thenlselv'csil1' accordance
cOllstitutiOll or set of r'ules, and, thetr'aining iilcivH go-vemmcnt
carqring 011 work as part of an organized whole for the goocl', of1:he
school is of t1;1e highest vahle. . Many'seriotls results: from' acci-
on theschoolgroullcls have'- been prevented l;y the first aid treat-
\\'hich is p2.rt of fhcir work, and as a practical mcans of teaching
it- call not be excelled,
A few of thc-schools,arc giving a vcry elementary"toUf,se iil
holclScientt with the serving of the hot luilch. This ,feature is' tiota-s
p01)t11a1' as thc AgricultiJre because it involves more \vork 'and .s'tlpei_~
vislol) on thc l:>art of the,teacher ,and makes it complilsciryforth~ teac~e.r
to ren~ain in the school during the, n~on hour. The Department of'
Ifducation gives . annual sumri1er toi1r~es' in. thesc subjects, 'and,liber(tl
grants a1'el~ai,d to the boar:1!> to assist,them-.in maintaining',lhe .\\,ork
The ,school 'V"hich, has not some "form of athletic activity is becoming
The larger schools boast of basket-ball and. soft-balL teatns,
arc becoming quite commOll, The devclopmentof
gamcs is astonishing, as is also the. increase in .the number
teams, As a meatls of-creating a healthy' school rivalry and a'
spirit, school athletics ',can not be ,excclled. It is in 'this resp'e'd
the.small school is at a great-clisac!vantage in competitiQn with it',o;
The- annual School Fairs arc strengthening the co-ordillati~ll ofth.e:"
academic anclmallual activities of the schools 'and arc, encouraging ;tile'
study of' elementary. Agrlcullure.and its al1icdindustries ,anlong the boy'
and gids. :There"are ten School Fairs in East,Elgin; aildtheattenclanc
at t-hesebirs,is good. Thc.to\vnship"fairs are 110\V ntakil1g an cx:hibi.l
(}[,school \vork, bcith acadcmic- ancl"agricultural and manual,. a ,distinC"
Horne and School Associations afc ,an attempt to- link the home
school. Many of them havc regttlar meetii)gs \vith ,extensive
and I s-ce no reasoll\\,hy thes'eorganizatiolls should 110t
ElginConnty Council
.Elgin County Council
,arrange with the unlverslt1es for soni.e'cxtf'nsion lectures on subject's',
provincial, national, or 'impedal interest:
I.1Sto react, by . reading. Hencc . i't is nccessar;y that the child have
ainple supply oJ material for reading. Many of the" hoards realize
and apply for the library grants regularly, But on the other 'hand;
.ny"can not be persuaded 'that a supply of books for supplementary
~dingis necessary", In this way.. the, work of the teacher is hahdi-
ppedanclthe'progress of the child is retarde~1. Reading is 'the gate-
,;:Ay,ofknQwledge, and inability to' read' well, that is, intdligently and
'.""(elligibly, is responsible for the failure of .many pupils to .acquire
ormation. from. h'ooks.and a good'working knowledge of their mother'
Public ."Spe'aking andM \isic
These ,are ,(wo of the newer subjects of -the curriculum and: '?:
receiving ali cver;-incrcasing amount_ of attention. The latter,is'rid
made a distinct suh~~tt of the revised Public. SchoolCqrricuhlm; an(t,.',i
the rural schools the pupils must have regular "rote "singing," T"
l;~og~ammeinc1udes '-thc National Anthem, patriotic sillg~, folksoli~
hymns suitable, for the opening and - closing exercises of the sch09I:
songs appropriate to)h,e time of t!te year, and other' Songs selccted'.hj
the teachei', suitable to the age arid attainments(}f th-e pupils. Most ^'
the school~ have an instrument or,a grafanola,and the. assemblY',~
dismissal of thei)upils and the ,physical exercises are tarHed out tootH,
accompaniment of music.! No subject,of study demands a greater,degr~
of study alld concelltratiol1, than rnusic, and the child who is trained:'J:
concentrate his attention and energies has gone a '_,longwa}f,to-tll,.
, attainment of self-mastery and' the highest rewards-of the educate:'
mind ?I:cI ,viIL,
The Curriculum
The _Public School Curriculum will n0' doubt receive its permanent
~is.~d form in 1.$;25. ,The subjects are ,Qeing grouped or combined
'ere l;ossible,in' order to 'allow the teacher and, pupils more time foi.
"stering the essentials'. The teacher must always be the int~rpreter
t11ecdrriculum to~the pupil. The tea'chers are now receiving a.more
i'o-ughtrainirig than in the old days, owing to the wonde~ft.il facilities
;videcI by' the' modern methods of the N onnal ,Schools- with their
ff:sof trained specialists: . But theyoung-Normal student is frequently
~\~icappecl by a, weak grounding in the essentials and the extensive
'pgrammc of the Normal School curriculum sometimes dissipates her
_~,rgy. Si1;ce this i"s an age ofspecialiiation, it would appear 'that such
'bj-eets as Maml.alTrainillgalld H~usehold Scicllce nlight' be left for
'i~'clellts>who desire to' sp2cialize -in these subjects and -that 'the Normal
h'9ol-stbdents; the great majority of whom areclestinecl'to teach fOl"
e time in the rural schools, receive some 'furthertrainillg iil,History,
crature,~nd 1\1athematics. It could be ,arranged that thi,$ work
guld COU1'lt as credits for their university ,work if they 'desire,d to
'~~rea,highcr status., In,any event it 'seems to me that the tra:iniqg
'thcteather shoullcl111c1u~tc English Literatur~, Economics, Modern
. ropeanHistory, Canadian IlistorYi CommerCial Geography, Public
:lth'and I-IYfdene-, T3iology, and Public Speaking.
A most gratifying element 9f educational progrcs'sis the devel?p
,ment of the art of public speaking. This forms part of the School F~:i
progra111111es;.and the \V-omen's.Institutes are-furthering the nlo"eri~,'
by annual competitions. 'The value ,pf the v'lOl'k is self-evident. 011
of the principles ofdcmocracy is the art of free speech and aft1ll,t'fra'1
Hndfaii" discussion of all public questions'is desired,bJ; allpatrio,tj
citizens. . I would strongly. urge that the .County 'Council.or. the eounI
'Frustees As'sociation arrC!-l1ge for township contests in-Public SpeakhH
and a final contest for th~,'vinners to decide the ,ehahlpiOliShipoft6
county or the inspectorate, as, the caseinay be, at sqme' central poi~
Stich aschemc vvo1.llcl, it seems to' me, bring out th::, VC1:Y b2stforcjl~;
<111doratorical ability in thecountJf.
, .
Supplementary Reading
Patriotism in the Schools
The authorizediReaders arc nbtsllpposed to contain, the,only
matter \-vhich the child ,,,,ill read thtlo9ghout the year: The Primer
is -not a begiI1Ifcr"S book but, in the worcls of the 'preface, ,is
re;:i.c1illg b6bk. The child is supposed to be able. to rcacl
attcmpts the, Primer Reader. The ,child learns to do by doing,
school se'ctioll gave many of its bcst citizens to the ca,uscof
the Great War. In every school se<;tio11 are many who
ailcl are held in high hOllor. In many of the- schools are
which rccord the names of fo'rmei' pnpils of the old scl1oo1
K!gill 'Connty .Couneil
Elgin: ,County Coul1Qil
who volunteered and .of those :whodie-d, on 'the field of honor. _ Bufilr
111an~~of those _schools there is l1oflag-polefromwhich:may befl.owILp{
anni'versarydays the flag for which they fought ancldied. \iVhat m'6ri
fitting tribute to these men cCl'llld, the board offer-than the erection ph,
stately flag-pole around :which the _ pU,pits may gather to - raise ,theJlag-o"
days' of ,memory .througl1out'the year when the lessons of sacrifice,s~r
vice, al1lddevcitiol1 to,duty are vividly r~called?
:gEPOlns oF' J.;:DlJCATIONCOiVliVl1TTjj:E
J"nu"ry Session
Secondary Education
The erection of the vocatio'nal high '?chool in St. Tho111as,'and'th~
establishmentbf the school as a county high school, if advantage :i{
taken'of the present leg'i'slatiOll ,in that beh~1f, will mark anepbch illt
,history _of educatiol,lin Elgin COUlity. The new,-sdjool will prcrvL
opportunities" for ,academic, and technical' work for. theapolesccnt, pop ,;
'lation of St. Thomas, and .the ,adjacent rural ,sections. vVhen the, publ,!?:
cO,~lscience ,is awakened, similar, butperlpps slnaJler, schoolswiil'b~:
,established in othercen:tres. Secondary education 'is ayailable intna~~,
cent,resin the t()wnships,~ndtherecentestablishl1i.ent of .the Spart~.
continuation school in South Yarmouth is' an indicat'ion 'of _the treridi,il
that'direction. -Bl~t,the great majorityof,the young-people will',noth~
!' " ", " ',' ,,' ,>
,ahle to,ayail themselves of these:opportunitiesonaccount- o'f distall'cg';
since the cost of the technic81 schools<willmake it lmpdssible.tocreE
. ' " ' " , " ;-,' \- " '< ".
.'One in ever-y~ small, centre, Hence, if democracy,' means equal oppor
tunity, f01' ,all"s9me means,must ,be fou;ld whcreby the aclolescer:itsi'n ~th.
,outlying and ret~llo'te sections may receive the benefit of the special~7.e;'
training in the mechanical anclagric:uLural professions and alEedpursll'
\vl)ich these modern schools offer. .
I' ,"" - ' ,',' -:':
Great questions, such as consolidation, graded, schools, transrort~
ti(illOf p,uj)iL';" tmNI1shipbo;ards, an,d classes for tJ1e sub-ilOrmal:J\ll~1
backward pupils, aswcll as medical and dental i,nspcc:tian,are before th~
p,eople andmL1st ;besolvedby Jhe people, Ontario has achieved wonder's:'
The Province is' situated in theil1iddle cif Canada a-mUs800 n1it'esfr6rl1:
tide water, She has no natm,al resources 'of coal, ami ahnost n'egligihJ~:
quantities of gas"and oil. Yet shc.has developed into a 'grcatnuim{:.:
fact.ut'ing ccntre. Canada controls the'dcstinies of half a continent,_a,;l,d
Ontario will sooner or latcr realize her opportunity. Educatiollwiil
point the way,
Th.e. ~dl1cation -Committee reports:
That the followillg accounts be paid;
M'unicipal World, for stationery for Inspectors $ , 13 50'
]. C. "Smith, expenses.................,............_.....,.............. ,136 12
J. A, Taylor, expenses....,.....,........~. ....... ......:......... 46 13
of which is respectfully submitted.
June Sessiqn
,0 tqe' Elg'il: COllntyCollncil:
The Edl1cation,Committee reports:
T'hata by~law bc'passcd to provide for the cost of education of
at high and' continl1ationschools in the County by coloperation
boards o-f. trustees on the followillg basis:
Fifty per cent. of cost of education of resident and county pupils to
horne by the County.
Fifty percent. of the cost .of ,e,ducationof resident pupils to be borne
the high school district or by the section or sections in which a
school is established within the County.
Yours respectfully,
St. Thomas,]une ~lth,1925.
IGlgin County Council
IBlgin County Council
Fifty percent. of cost 'of county pupils to be borne by the
patities in which the parents or guardians. of t~e pupils r~side~
C. Smith, expenses.....,....,.......___......___.........".___.___
Express, printing -for Iilspe.ctor Smith
Mu-nicipal World, printing for inspectors...
of\vhich is respectfully submitted.
2; That trustee representatives be appointed -to. ~he St. Thoma
Collegiate Institute Board.
3. That report of Inspector Smith he received and printed
4. That the following accounts be passed:
June loth, 1025.
Clauses 2; B,and 4aclopted 12th Jupe.
considered oll_thc'26th June, when it was
November: Session
To the Elgin Colinty Coullcil-:
(~entlemell. -
The Equcation 'Committee rep?rts:
That the following accounts be paid:
313 64
18 00
144 45
January Session
317 53
37 30
and Council:
Inspector J; A.Taylor, expenses..c_...'mnm.., .....:....$
Inspector J. C. Smith,expensesm'.,__
Aylmcl- Express, printing for, Inspector Smith
'Municipal :VVorld, prillting for Inspectors..,..,.-:~ .
All of, which is r'espectfully st1bnlittcd.
the honor to suhmit the, follo\ving rcport:
Available, Assets
Cash on hand Dec.31'st, 1024.m"
Prav .Governmcnt aid to roads...m.
Suburhan 'Area
Registry Officc fces.m.
Adm. - of 'J usticc.......m.
Rents of farms......
House of Industry..
Provo Highway
Bills Payable
High Schools
'Public Schools
Arrears of Taxes.m.
Adm. of J usticic
J. A: Taylor, travellil1g and other expenses.,....$ 154-70
$ ;30118 86
2000 00
3000 00
450 00
2'00' 00
~~$lOG118 86
55047 1.\)
100'00 00
15000 00
:COOOO ,00
7507 85
2500 00
Elgin,County Council
1500 00
3500 00
In some of the accounts the foregoing statement is6nly an
but is 'appl~'oximate1y correct. '
House -of Industry.,...,
Unpaid Accounts
It~wilI be ne<::essary to pass ahy~law authorizing the ,\Vardcil
Treasurer to 'bo.rrow twO hundred thousand dollars to ineet'
__cxpcn:diture, and owing to the absorption of tJ-ie MolsonS.Bank by
Bank of Mon'treal;itwiPbc'ucccssary-to detert1.iinc the bank.
All of'\vhich is respectfully submitted.
St. Thomas, Ont.,lan. 27th. 1925.
June Session
To the \Varden ancLCoullcil:
Gentlemen. -
B, E.
I beg leave to - submit the - follo,~'ing report for your.
Receipts from Jan. 1st to May 31st
Cash all hand Jan. lsL_
Adm. of] Hstice.____
Bilfs Pay'able
Registry Ofrl'ce
Public Schools
House of Iildustry..u__
Arrears of Taxes,... ._......nn..
$ 30116 75
10'/1 39
80000 00
13'75 08
602 22
560 '49
1291 92
]~Igin Co~mty Co!,pci) .
~~131 8~
"35'3' 04
$186645 45
~:x:pe":diture froIn Jan. 1st, t~ May 3lst
$ 6890 77
3000'0. ,on
1359, .5'5
8210 63
3855 58
12G 00
623 M
7827 05
1.032 )3
1400 00
Adm. of J usticenunnu_
Bills P,ayable
. RublicS<:hoo1s
He~;>.~ of 'IndustrY'nn'unm
Registry Office
CO(111ty Lines
High Schools
Arrears 'of Taxes ......mm..............................
Members' Wage's
Officers' Salaries
Printing, etc.
Cal'e Qf Buildingsn ._n.........._.......
\-Vater, Light, ,HeaL
COUli ty Roads ..
789 45
554 62
34503 25
599G,(" 82
Arcasonabk estimate to .meet the cxpendit,ure for 19~i) would be as
Adm. of J ustice'.._
House of Industry m'.
~ounty Lines
High Schools
Public. Schools
Officers' Salaries
1ferilb~rs' Vlagc:s
Court House (:0111....
I _ '.
DC:bent1.ire By-La"",
Registry _ Office
County l~oads
700n .00
8000 Oa-
30000' 00
19006 00
5000 00'
4000- 00
200-0 q~
1592 on
3cin on
1700'0' 00
75000 O()
I~]gjn Connty Council
9000 00
B. B.
. County
Elgin . County ". Council
Interest,. e'stimatcd baL of year.m____,......
County Lines, estimated bal. of year
County Roads, estimated bal. of year..
Provo Higl1way
Miscellaneotls, estimafed bal.. of year.,
The,nUll1ber bf hitsl eligibl.e to be sold for arrear's of taxes
la.rge,arld I '"vauld recoD1111cnd that a by-Ia\\' be passed to
till 1924.
Bills Payable Oct. 31st mm ....n 0............$115000 00
Adm. of Justice, estimated hat of year 30.00 00
I-lonse of Industry,est. bal. of year.. 150.0 00_
l7ighSchools, estimated bal. of ycar.c 30000 00
Public Schools, estimated'ba1.of year 46090 00
Officers' Salaries" estimated,' bal." of, yr. 140'0-.00
Members' vVag'es, estimated baL.of yr., 1000 00
Atrears of Taxes,-esL hril .of year.. 3000' - 00
County -Rates
Goverment Aid; estimated' :ba1. of year
Adm. of Justime, cs'timated' bal. of yr.
Registry Office, estimated ba1.of year.
City of St. Th'omas"est. bal.'of yea!"....
Miscellaneous, estimated bat of ycaL
450'0' DO"
100'0' DO'
25000~ 00,
320'0'0" DO'
70'On 00
$20'40'0'2 DO'
65000, '00'
3000 00
500 00
4100 00
600 00
$27040'0'0'0' $27780'20'0'
7402 DO'
is respe:cthtlly suhmitted.
$27780'2 DO' $27780'20'0'
Unt., Nov. 24th, 1025.
I commend your wise and safe handling .of the _ Cou'nty affairs
the present year. Y ot! have apparently kept within the estimates,
following statement shows:
Grant Urban M unic.ipalities'.____
Provo Highway
All ot whith is respectfully submitted.
st'. Thomas, c:j;1t., June nth, 1925.
N ov;ember 'Session
To the Warden andCotlllcil:
I b'eg, leave to report:
COllnty Treasurer.
Receipts and Expenditures to 31st October, 19'25 .
Cash on h~lnd Jan. lst......
Administration of Justice..n...___.
Bills Payable
Regist~~- Office
Public Seh'ools
House of lndustry.____
Arrears of Taxes___.
$ $
7,1 74
10'00'0' DO'
171 10
,132 54
llG 43
30llo '(;5
562,3 74
1.35000 00
1546 18
602 22
371.88 63
1931 56
2761 73
~~lgjA. QOtl.l)ty. Coupei)
County "-Ronds
Administration oi J l1stice...
Bills payable
Public Schools
House 'of Indus_try__
Registry Offic'c-.'.-.____ -.
COt1pty I,.it1~$ .
Debeqt;uf,e, apd Coupons....
An:car~ of 1~axes..
M,cmbers' ""yages
Offi~er~' Salaries
Printing and Stationery.-..
Care of Builcljng.m..m~n. m '
'W'ater;"Light, and HeaL
County 'Roads
Bank balance
Casq'in office..
Chcqp~s out
All of which is respectfully su'bmitted.
Elgin County Council
$ 10806 81
.._$ ~64? 55 $
Finance_ Committee reports :
15_0 OQ
1~87 59,
43 83'
445 00
That reports -"from Highways Department, as to cost,1924, and.
of provincial highwayexpe'nditure, '1925/ be received and filed~
159 fiO
HOD 00
1'7 QO
68 G7
10061 4-1
2397 00
That Jahn; Hapkins be appainted High Constable far 1925, and
Jacksol~~ McLachlin, and Clel'k be appointed ,a com-
at "June Sessian as to-: a be(tsr orgal'iizatial1 af the
Thatna aCtian be taken to' :ippoint '~el~gates to attend meeting
establishment of \'-Vinter Fair for Weste,rn Ontario at London.
, .
$ 19182 9()'
the report of Police M_agistrate Hunt be j-cceived and filed.
the Auditors' report be received and printed.
4B65 71
3(H 13.
Cotl1ity bank account be with' the Bank of M0'11treal, and
passed ta authorize Warden and-l'reasurer to borrow
thO~tSalicl dollar,s ($200,090), for cnrrent expenses duri1ig
$ 4729 84
212:7 M,
$ .2002 78
That fee of twenty-five dollars ($25) for membership in ,Ontario
Associatiol'i: be paid, and that the \Varden appoint delegates
annual meeting.
Elgin Connty Council
Elgin Connty .Conncil
var.jolts municipalities, alid that the matter be de-alt
100' 00
100 00
is respectfully submitted.
8., That,th~-following grants be made:
Hospital for .sickthi1cir~n, Toronto____ ......,------..$
Canadian Natjollal histitute for Blind.
Salvation Army,.'far Rescue Homeom__n__._.___......
9. That- the following accounts be-paid:
Children's ,Aid S()ciety__ .'..m .._m..n_m__._...__...____ ...$
. Victoria Industr'ial School_________~ ....,......-.---.....,-;..
Provincial Treasurer, conveyance' ~f _ prisoners
Town cif Ay.lmer, COllVeyai1c'eto Housei:lLh{~
Tovi,rnship of Bayham, conveyance to House
of _ Industry'
Mi.1rdock S'ta;tionery Co., for Regi,stry Office.:__
Aylmer Exr1ress, pril1tilig minutes.____ u__
Port - Staul~y Sanitarium..__
Port Stan)ey, conveyance to Asylum......
R. McLach1in-
For Clerk
,For Engineer
For Registrar
Municipal World, for stationery-
Clcrkand Treasurcr..:. _.___mm..'___"
For Registrar
June Session - No.. 1
COttl1ty Council:
9 '00
1.83 00
274 50
40 00
Finance Committee 'reports:'
2 25
That-the following accOllnts be paid:
54 40
Province' of Oi1tatio, conveyall'ce of prisoners .$
Alexandria Industrial School ......:':::....-...........
Children's Aid Societ\',maintcnance, of children
Mrs. . E. H. Caughell: c011v'eyanCe to' Industrial
School ..n .....n....n. . n..........n'..... .._"~..:....,.....un.
DuttC)11 Advance, printiiig audits.n ...mnm mm..n
Village of 'Rodney, sanitarium,'accoul1t Myrtle
Bell . u muumm.U',. mmumuuu m.',um.u,um,mm,u
Municipal V.lorld" Registry Office............n.. .....'..
Municipal Wadd" clerk 'and treasurerm..
. Municipal World, Engineer............n..........___.
Village of Springfield, conveyance of ininatcs
. to House of Industry.. ._m ....m'...___... 0000.._.........
Township of So.uthwol(l, conveyancc of D.
Marr to' House of Industry on...
. Town of Aylmer, c:)I1veyallce of --..:..... to asylum
1.0. That the sum ofi1fty dollars_ be granted-to Elgin Law
11. That the, application for grant for Provincial Plowmen's
be not entertained.
12. That we have considered the question'of care of
recommend that the ,members of the Council report at June
32 72
32 50
687 00
1:8 65
220' 4,0
138 75
135 30
59 75
24 00
5 00
14 -00
Elgin -County Council-
JBlgin County .Council
2. Thaf S~ S. McDerinand and Duticari ,MtNabb:be
members- of 'Mothers~ Allowances Board for - year 1 D25-192fi.
Public_, Schools
Officers' Salaries
Mel'nbers' Wages
Court House ComrnissiO'1L
Registry Office
Comity, Roads
Gran,t U rhan M unicipalities....,nom.
Provincial Highway
20000 00
5000 00
50'00 00
30'0' no'
15554 00
60'000 on
7748 00'
35000 0'0
$204602 00
3. That no action he takeB~ rc,c6mmunications
Good'Roads AssociatHm:
4~' That 'Auditors' repol'f he adopted.
5~ That equalization be the same as last-year.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Com111!th~e 'would recommend that'the sumaf' two hun.slred
thousand, six hundred _ and two dollars be ralsed . o'ilalI. the rate-
ifl the several municipalities of the County of Elgin' during
19~5 for County purposes, <t1id that a rate of 6%0 mills on the
bC.lcvied.-on rateablc property.iil the ,several municipalities in the
to raise. said amounts..
Junc 1'lth,'192!'i'~
'of which is respec'tfully' submitted.
June Session - No.2
Junc2Gth, 1\12:'),
To the\i\Tarden al1d C6uncil-of thc County of Elgip:
November Session
GC11tlem.en. -
The Committee 'on Finance beg leave to report, that, having
cd into the fi'nances of the County 'and' the estiri1ates prepared
Cuunty -Treasurer, they herewith subnlita statcl11ent of the
required for. the lawfulpurposes of the County du'riilg 1925,
ambunt required to 'be' r.aised"f6r the under.,ni.entionedpurposes
Administration of 'Jus~ice.___..m_...m.'.m_..m:$ 7000- ,00
County Lines' and Bridges.... .."on um'.mm. 500.0 00
House of hidustry.___ ..m moo .... m..' ..... . 8000 (fa
High Schools .m...m. ............m 3000n 00
Finance C.ommittee reports:
That the following grants- be made:
To th.eC.hildren~s Ai.d Society for',lQ25m;...,,~..,,$. 400 00
To the County Board, of Tradc.cmum_u____..u.......500 bO
Elgin County Council
2. Thai the members of the Mothers' Allowai1ce, Board be paid
sunj of fivedolh\.rs periIay for attendance atmeetillgs of the ,Board.'
new floors be placed on the followh;g bridges,
3. That the following. accounts be pai(1":
Robbins Bridge (Township of' Southwold)
Vilhlge of R'odney,half sanitoriumaccoullL..._$_
Tp. QfiAldborough, haJf sanitoriumaccounL..'n
Village of West Lorne, expenses of. indigent
lunatic .n.'.....;..nn..__n__.__. ....:._..n........_..n ....n_n.........
Township of Malahide, expenses of indigent'
lunatic ....'. .....n.......".....n__.___..__.......n.
Alexandria Industrial SchooL...____."
Prov-inc.e of Ol1tario,collveyanCe of prisoners
, Town of. Aylmer; half -conveyance to H. oLL.
. R. McLac41in, sundry accounts__ .....m.'...'...m..'
Mun'icipal World, registry office...., _....'_....'__n......
Municipal World, Clerk -arid Treasurer....__
Children's Aid Society..
K. Vl, McKay, postage..
6f which is respectfully submitted.
31 00
present wooden floor, on this" bridge 18110t in good enough CG-ll-
carry the traffic for another year, .and I recommend that it be
by a creosot~d block flooi'.
33 15
78 50
31 20
41 81
Selbourne Bridge (North of Port Stanley)
This bridge requires a' new coric-retefloor. r:'The present concrete
has been on 'the br-,dge for over twenty-five years, and it has be..,'
badly, cracked by the-very heavy traffic dudng the last few years.
trucks broke holes: through the floo.rill1!J23 and 1924,
were made hut the whole floor has been, considerably weakened.
spall"of the bridge is 1,45 feet
Bothwell Bridge
Novemt)er, 1 fl?:'),
January Session
committee recommended at your]une, 1.924, session that a
creosot~d block floor be placcd Oll, this bridge. It is mainti:d,l1ed' by
Counties of Elgin;' Kent, al1dMiddlesex, Elgin's share bei11g twenty.;.
...' ~
per cent. I brought the matter to the atte'ntion of the other
and umlerstal1d th'at they ,gave their Engincers power to deal
the matter. A meeting of theEllgilleers will take ,place at the
in thesp-ring, and Irecommeiidthat I be givcn power'to
the matter.
Gentlcmen. -
The Beaver Creek Bridge
To the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin:
~il1CC your November session only millor repairs have been
to C9,'4nty,hridges,
wh'i~h i~ situated near the old Turville Mill on the roact' connecting
Union' Road,: Southwold, to the road between concessions 2 and ,3,
is in a popr state of repair. 'It is'an oIdwobden trestle
-Elgin County Cotlncil
Elgin 'Co'untyCouncil
built at the site of 'an old dam. It __should- be replaced bya
culvert and' fille'd in with - earth. .
Repair of 'the \-vcst abutment of the' Dodd bridge.
I would like your Public Improvement Committee to inspect the~~_
bridges as SOOI1 as spring opens, and that~n inspection be_also-made,~r
the Gillett bridge. This old ,structure has.been 'erected over thirty yea~.~;i
It consists of three spans 6fseventy-fivc' feet each. It is not safe exce
. for very light traffic, and \villhave ,to be replaced by a permanent
tUfe soon,
Place a -riew concrete floor and two lines of new steelsttingers on
Selbournc bridge.
miuOl:. repairs to the Lynhurst bridge.
the following bridges: Zavitz, Jamestown, Philhnore, Cook,'
St. Thomas,Ollt."January 23i-d,1925.'
June Ses,sion
A 'careful' il'lSpection 'was made by your Committee of the Beaver
reek bridge~ It \vas found that the present structure will have fo be;
placed by a concrete culv~rt and, earth fill ill the very near future, and
eywish. to ha\'c the,' 111att"er consid<;red at this session of the Council.
also wish to have you consider the advisability of placing a 'IteW;
floor on the Robbins hridge this year_
To the 'Warden and Council of the COU11ty 9f~lgin:
Your Public Improve!l1_ciltComniittee mcton Monchiy,
192:'), and inspected the CO~l11ty line bridges in\i\Test Elg'.in.
. . .
-were prescnton the two inspection toUl'S:
Representatives from, the Counties of Middlesex:.. and' Kent
present-when the Bothwell bridge_was inspected, "aild it }Iias
repair ,the ,present woode;n, float by laying ne\v'tvw~inch-,plallk
wise'oll the bridgc. This,l:cpaii work will be done this. year.
\Varden And_erson,Dugald-Lindsay, D.~J, McKillop, C. D, Minor,
Curtis" E., B. \Vestover, Robert McLean, James McAllister, K.
E.,G. Lllsty, \\T. \-V. Kiddi_c.
It wasalsofouiid nccessary to place Ilew guard -rails' at the
the Walker bridge, and widen aild grade the north approach.
complance with the lnstructioilS from your Public Iinprovement
the repair.\vork on the Dodd bridge has been completed and
oj placing a new floor'on the Sclbourne bridgc;,is now"being
On TuesdaY'iApl~il 28th, your committee inspected
East Elgin.
have been made to p'aint the bridge mentioned above;,.
will commence work as soon as the paint arriveS.
Instructions were given to your Engineer to have the
\'lorks (lonc:
the work is being done by day labor under our supervision.
Elgin County Council
Elgin 'County Council
Since your last' sessiol1,a washout occurred-at the west
the Gillett 'bridge. The repairs necessitated driving new piles
rebuilding the abutment., New guard rails were' also placed' at
ends of ~lle bridge, the tot,aJ 'cost of the work being about $512.0.0.
Beaver. Creek ,Bridge
accordance with your instructions passed at your June session,
timber trestle pas b^een rcmorved and it llCWCOl1Crete culvert has
at this point. The Iwork was let by contract to E. P.
of St. Thomas, the contract pdce being- $3,058.0'0-,
. Small repairs were also 11lacle'-to th'ebridge over the Ottei;
north of Acacia, Elgin's share being $20.75, and to tile Cook
cost being $3.00.
\vork of filling in ,over the culvert is ,nearlycompletecl. This
b~ing done by day labO'I~; and will cost approximately $1,500.00-.
All of which, is respectfully sUhil1ittecl.
Robbins. Bridge
St. Thomas, Ontario,- Junc, 8th, 1925.
floor of this bridge has been repaireclal1d some ncw plalik and
added, at a' cost'of ab~)1it$200.00. A new floor will have to be
in one or two years.
Zavitz Briqge
November Session
Ne".,.' ste,el expansion plates wel;eplaced at the ends of the floor and
concrete floor repaired. 'The bridge was also painted. The wo'rk-
To the Wai"del1 andCouncil.ofthe, County of Elgiit:
Gentlemen. -
The Jamestown, Phillmore, and, Cook bridges were painted,at
of. $98.65, ,~122.2o-, aild$:1 05.71, respc,ctively.
Since your June session the follo'\ving ,york has been dQne
. county line bridges:
repairs were made to the Gillett bridge, Orwell bridge,
bridge, at a total cost of $47.:1.5.
-Selbourne Bridge
is respectfully submitted.
Two new lines of stee! strillgers and ~~ new" concrete Ifloor have
placedo-n this bridge. The work, was done byday-Iahor under
supervisi,on, at"a cost of $1,210.00.
Assistant .County, Engineer.
The bridge "vas. given two coats of paint, ata "cost" of $159.00.
Oi1tario, N ovcmher2Brcl, HI2:').
Elgin :Cnimty- C<;,uncil
Elgin County Council
June Session
To theWardcn and Council of ,the County of Elgin:
Couiicil of the County of Elgin:
Gentlemen. -'--
Public Improvemeilts Committee beg' leave to -report as
Your Puhlic Improven'lents Committee beg leave to
fol1ovVs: ~
vVe have considered the report submitted by the County
a-nd would recommend its adoption.
1. We have considered the matters reported
El1gil1ccf and"vJould recoihmend as follows:
That the'floOf of t'he,Rohbins bridge be repaired, and that anew
be not COilstructed uutil, next year.
2. Regardilig the Robbin-sbridge, your Committee would
rcc,ol11mcndillg that a crcosotcd block floor be placed _ on this'
That the prescnt Beaver Creek bridge be replaced by a ncw
culvcrt and .carth filL
3. That the' Selbourne Gri,dge "be inspecteci' by the' whole
with, a view of placing a concrete flo,oi.th.ercon.
That Dr. Jackson and the County Engineer bea committee to
'arrangements with the-13urmingham Construction Co.
the old piling and concrete f1'o111:the Port Stanley bridge.
4. The' Bbthwellbridge. That the :\",hole Committee
scutatives of Kent and 1fiddlesexat the-'site of the bridge and
the cOl1c1usiClilS they arrive at as to the placingt11ereon ofa
block floo'r. '
, An of which is respectfully submitted.
5. . The Beaver Creek' bridge. That the
'Committee be' given ar"ter the site, is insljec:ted.
Acting Chairman:
G. That the Public Improyemcnts COinmittee, with the
make an inspection of the bridges east of St. Thomas arId West
Thonias to the County boundary~ This inspection to 'be as e,arIy
seaSOllas the :state' of the roads will pennit,"so that the report
findings GIn be preseilte~ to your Cpl1l1cd at the June session.
\ All' of -which! is respectfully silbmitted.
Thomas, Ont.; Junc 11th, 102:'5.
St.. Thomas, ..OntaFlo, J ann<lI'Y 2\)t11,' If!2ri.
Elgin County Council'
To the 'Varden and Council of the. County of-Elgin :
Gent,lenicn. - ,
Your Public Improvements Committee beg . leave to reporl
1. We have considered the, report sllbrnitted hy the
Engineer and recommend its adoption.
, .
2. Your c'o111mittee concurs in the agreement made by Dr. Jacksoll
and -Engineer Bell \vith A. R~uikin as auth<?r.izedat your Junc session,
to pay the Cotnpany the sum of$20.o.0n for pulling the old piling ,alld
concrete from under the Port Stailley bridge. Nearly all the piling has
been, removed, but the concrete has 110-t been taken out as yet.
3. That the Eilgineer iss'ues a, certificatcfor. Elgin's share_
,p<.tiring the Bothwell bridge. The floor of this brjdge was
under the supervision of - the County Engineer of Middlesex,
,mended to your Council at'your June sessi011.
All of which is rcspectfillly submitted.
; Chairman,
St. Thomas, Ont., NONcmber '2:3th, HJ2S_
Elgin County Council
Jannary, Session
St. Thomas" January 27th, 1.925
tbe Elgin County Council:
The County Road Committee reports:
1. That the sum of one hundi-ed and fifty~one thousand, four hundred
sixty-two dollars and ninete,en cents ($15.1,462.H}) was expended on
highway'systetll during the year 1924. The percentage
by' the Province, Middlesex County line, 51. Thomas suburban
willbe a:bout'forty-five per cent. of this amount.
Summary; of Expenditure for: Year 1924
2_ . Provincial County -Roads-
Road constrl1ction
Maintenancc and, repair..n.
. Bridge construction
Maintenance oli'subui-ban
Construction on suburban
ri88'7 98
14833 46
3258 52
area- roads...
area roads..
- B. County, Roads-
Road COl}struction
Bridge construction
Maintenaiice and repair.-.
M'aintenan'ce on suburban area roads....
Construction Oll suburban area roads...u
24178 28
7259' 68
55930 44
2231 no
2694 26
]j~lgin County Council
ElgIn Connty'CollllCil
'1. General Expenses-.
9518 69
ivr~i\1tenaliceNi foadsun._.n__..un._.~u.
Bridge" andculverts..,:_:....un...:n u.-.n...... .n..u
General expenses, machinery and tools,
11000 00
$ 75000 '00
45'000" 00
Grants to urbanmunicipalitiesm....m,mmn
Improvement and interest on Hathaway
Machinery, tools, and repairs.'m..
Gravel' pit development.. .m. m~..nm
Workmens' Compel1sation Boardm__m..,
Material in stock.__"-
846 55
3588 46
7193 27
413 37
375 53
3'033 ,31
That County Roa-d Superintendent be delegated to attend road
held in'Toronto the last week 'of February this year.
9. Would recommend that application from Mr~ J. E. Ricl;ards,
of London and Port Stanleyelectrit road,for further gravel
at'Hathaway gl:ave1 fartll,-be leffwith Road Co,riiinittee, to report
of C~l1nty Council thi:,\ y;ear. '
Less receipts......
;'S. Machinery,Tools, Availablefcir Year )925.
That the \iVardenbeallthorized to appoint deputati?l1 to attentf
Roads Association at Toronto, and that the lis~1ai il1embershipfee,
be~paid. .
Three 5-ton dump trucks; 7 heavy graders; 1,heavy and 2 light
scarifiers; 2 semi-portable gi'avcl l~ins and devators;2 1{}-hor
g'as engines; 2 fertilizer drills; 1 centrifugal pump; 1-force
diaphragm pump; 1 cement mixer; 28 -junior graders; 1. wheel
59 slush scrapers; 6 dump wagons; 1 water tankaitd wagoi1;'l
11 ploughs; 1 elcctricbattery; 10 shovels;' 7 hammers'; 8 lalltcnis;
crow bars; () sledges; 8 picks,
of which is respectfully submitted.
Chairman of County Road Committee.
u. Material'in Stock;
lO-,OQO feet of old bridgepla"nk.
2,00'0 feet of white oak plank.
2,000 feet ,of one-im:h_pine, inatched,
1,000 lil1eal feet of half-inch add inch ir(.lI1' waler pipe.
June Session - No.1
and Council of tile .County of Elgin:
7. \V~ esthnatG the sum of seventy-five thousand dollars
should he raised' for expenditure 011 county ~oads for the year
Divided as follows :
. . ,
Couilty Road Committee rei}ort that they1havemacle a, fo111'-'
trip over the: <"Oilllty roads, heginning' May 19th, and
May 22nd.
Construction 011 roads,,"
...,$ 15000 00
Elgin' County Council
Elgin County Conncil
1. We were also advised by the. Department of Highways
proposed reduction of approximatel?, thirty per cent. in our 'county
mileage, as designated under By-Laws NO'. 1000' and' 1001, passed in
year 1922. The proposed roads to be discontinued 'as'county roads
as follows: -
Road No,. 12. 1:}le road between lots 6 and 7,TQwnshipof
conce,ssions 3, 4,. the Goteand 5 north of A.
Road No.7. The road l~etwecn lots 18 and 19, Township of.
concessions 8 to 11.
2. Road No. 1. Graham Road in the Township o.f
from'Lake Erie, c0l1cessi6'tlS 13 and 14,- behveen lots '18 '~nd
provincial highway.
10. Road No. 1~. The old Currie 'Road, iil the Township of DUI1-
comme'ncing at lot 11, in concessio'n 5 north of A., thencewesterl3-;
northerly through, said concession, the Gore and, concession 4, to
toad at north-ea'st corner lot 10.
H. Road No.3. In the Township of i\ldborough,known
FUrllivaLRoad" from Lake Ede, between lots G and.71'concessiollS
and 14, to theproviilcial highway.
11. Road No. 14. The tow11 Ii'ne between the T'owilships of Dun-
and South wold, commencing at the road known as the Talbo't
east (Burwell's Corllers)alld, 'running north to the pj'ovincial
thc Village of Old lana.
4: The road' knO\\'11 as Road No.5; _To-i.vnshjp of
,between concessions G 'and--ci east from._ the Fumival Road
between lots lG'allcl17, thellce south to the road hehv_ee!l
and 4, thence east, lots 17 to 24, or to the town line between
and Aldhorough.
Road No.-JS'. The road between concessions 2 ailcl 3 in the
of Southwoldfrol11 the Dunwich,town-line-to the ro'ad between
and :18.
5. R,oadNo. 8~ Commencing on the' road ])chveefl
and 10 and hetween lots 8 and Il, the Lake ,Road easterly and
thl"ough lots f) and 10, thence northerly to the centre of lot 12 in
concession,'or ,to the road' known as the Old Talbot ;Road in the
ship of Dunwich.-
13. R.oa.d No.. 21. Commencing at the north limjt of the Lak,e
in the Township of Sbuthwold, between lots G, and 7, an(l running
northerly 'direction to road along the south limit of the lots on the
of Talbot Road,thenc~ iuan easterlydirectioll alo'ng said
the Yarmouth town line, a;1d in the 'Township 'of Yarmouth to
Kains bridge on the boundary of the City ofSt',Thot'i.las.
(). Road No. ,9. The town line between- the Towriships
.borough and Dumvich; frOll1 Road No. ti between- conce.ssions 3
AldbOt'ough, and. northerly to the road bct\veen cOllcessions. 2 and
the Tbwnshipof Dunwich,thence east to the road bet\vcen 16ts 6
in the Townshij)of DUll\vich.
R,oad.No: 2~. The roacl between concessions 4/ and 5in -the
of Yarmouth ,from the London and Port Stanley Railway
to the road number 23 P,_C.S, A:, the London and rort Stanley
7. Road. No..l!;
To\vnship" of DUl1wich,
Soutlnvold to\\'n line.
The road between the Gore
froUl the road between lots
15;, Road NO'. , 27. Commencing "at the Loncloll and Port Staqley
in the Village of Union, the road bet\-veell concessions 3 and 4, ill
of Yarmouth, lots,4 to 21, inclusive.
Elgin County'Council
E],~'in (Jounty qonncil
16~ Road'No.'28. Comhienci;lg at the- Talbot
shiV of Yarmouth'; the ro'ad between lots In and-11, in cOl1ce~sid,
and 7,and the road between the '6th and 7th concessions, lots
<;lndthe road 'between lots Hand 15,in concession 6.
of South Dorchester, between' con'"
17, Road No. 29. The road bet\veen'lots a andH, in the 2n~;
3nl,concessiollsof TOWll,shipof Ya'rmouth.
, The ro~d in the Township of Sputh'Dorchester';
and 8, lotsI3 to 24, and the road between lots 18
.concessions 8, 9, and 10:
18, 'Road No.. 31. Commencing in the ro'aq in
Yarmouth, between_ the range squth and first range' north of tlie~!
ware Road, lots 9, 10, ll,and 12, the road between: lots 12 arid 1~ ,i(i
first a/ld se_cond ranges llorth' of the Edgeware Road, the 10th at~~';_'
~oncessions,theroad between lots 12 and 13, in the ral,lge south:,?t
;Eclgeware Road and its continuation south betwecn.1ots14and 15, in
9th cOlicession.
The road in the To-w;nship of South Dorchester,
9 and' 1 O,lot$ '13' to', 24, to-the Yarmouth town ,line.
53-. The road in the Township of Bayham, begin-
line of the Village of Vienna, Jot number 16, and
through lots 17, '18, 19, and 2n to road between
east to ~he',Norfolk -Comity line.
HJ. Road No. ,32. Commencil1g at the South wold town lide""
i'oadin the Township of Yarmouth; between cOI~cessioi1,',
the town I,ine bctwcen Yormouth and South Dorchester:
New Designation Proposed
~O. Road No. 37. The road in the Tpwnship of Yarmou.th~'.
tween lots 'I aild 8, in concessions 5, 6, and 7, and concession 8to:'V
IingtOll Street, and ,\,Vellington Street \vcst to' the City of St. Thaln'a
of Road No. ,16. The old Talbot Rand front Burwell's
_~+s,or the to\Vll line between Southwold and DUllwich.. begiul1ingat
,"i~.known asth'e Talbot Road' east, thenc::e in soiith~wester1y, direc-
~,GY"--'W'ay of Port Talbot, in cotlcessiolls 8, 9, 10,' andu,in th'e TOWl1-
('or, l)ull\\,jch,and conne'ctingup with Road No.8, or thc Currie
(daboutthe centre of lot number 12 in <;ol1cessioll 8.
, "--..-,,
21. Road No. 40. C0111111cncin'g at the s0utherlYboundarY6f:,:
Village of Springfield; th~ road' in the Township of Malahide"r,ulli1
southerly,between lots 20. and 21, ilL concessions 8 and 9, and:r'tii:'
southerly atlq westerly through lots 20' to 13 iil the 7th concessi011 t
easterly boundary of the Town of Aylmer.
, - .'
'ji'he.Road East of Port BurweU. which would be a CO'iltinuation of
'dNo. 45 in tl;eTowl1ship of Bayham, concession ,1; beginning at lot
lIst east of Port Burwell, and through or about the middle of COI1-
iQlll,to 10f.28, in the Township ot Bayham or the HoughtOl1 town
':011 the,hst survey made by J as. A. Bell & Son. The right.,.of-way
,Ugh private property must])e obtaincd by the Township of. Bayham
':ietl1c. road, will. be assumed.
22. Road No. ~1. The road in the Township of Malahide,
lots 20 and 21) 1n cOllcessiOlls 2; B, 4, G,aild 6, of Malahi(k
28: Road No. 43. The road iil the To\'vnship of
the 3rd mid 4th ~onccssiollS,' lots 21 to 30, road betw,cen
lClgip' County Council I
lBlgill CO'Ullty Conncil
The ,Continuation of RbadNo. 39 in the Township
beginning at the Lake' Road;' concessicnl'-l,lot 5, south ol1\Vater
through' the ul1il1corpo~ated village of Port' Bruce to Lake Erie.
June Session,.".. No.2
St. Thom~s, June 26th, 1925,
29. Provided the above chal).gesonroads are approved
County Council at this session, we estimate the expenditure'for this
at $50,0'00.0:0.
C1,iJd Council of the County-of Elgin:
30. We recommend thesalc of five. (5)acresof-gravel' ft:om
Hathaway farm-to the Loiidbn and Port Stanley radial:road forthc.
of $4,125.00, giving the co'mpany seventeen ycarsfrOl}1 this date to
move all gravel ,under this. agreem~nt and the agreement 111ade in
1 H20. The. County to have.. use of.. the land the gravel is now 011
it is required by the raili-oad.
follo\yed out the. reeommehdation of-the Council, and act~
advic~ have taken up with the- Department of Highways the
of re-considering .their approval of the clesignation as county
1. .,'. :' . . .'
of- some df the roads that were not' approved of in our former
1Ve have reason to believe tllat approval will 'be made by the
O'f Highl,vays o'(thefo'llowillg roads, aildwe are submitting
as a supplcmelltary, report to the aile already passed by the County
at the -last session, with the following a111endn~ents:
All of whichis:respcctftilly:subnlittecL
L R.oadNo. 3. Kno\Vll as th,e Fttrnival Road from Lake Erie
lots 6 Qlld 7, he left as assumed under By-J.;aws'lOOnaqd 1.001;
~lth June, 1925.
. .
That Road, No. 12, in' the Township of DunwiGh, known ,as the
road, between lots Ii ,and 7, co111111encing at the, road betwe(':n
A. "and 5 north of A.i running northedy to the County
line, the middle of the lnain channel of the River Thames, be
designated in By-Luv.'s Np. 160'0 and '1001.
Adopted with exception of sections 3, 8, 15, 21~ 26; which \vere
over for consideration at special sess-ion.
That the ciesignation of the road ,known as-the Sparta Ro~d,
conces'sions 3 alid 4, inthe Township of Yarmouth, lots 4 to'2l,
he as at present.
Road' No. 40, be changed to read, commencing .at the southerly
of the Village of. SpringfIeld, the road 'In the Township of
southerly between lots" 20 and'21"through concessions
and-9, aildpart of the Gth, connecting up with the proviilcia1 high-;
between lots 20 and 21.
.l~]gin County Council
5. Road No. 51,in the Ti.:nvnshipof SOtlth1)orchester,
cessions ,9 a6.d 10, 'lots 13 to 24, be approved of as ass'llmed
Laws 'No. 10'00 and 1001. .
6. That the construction m improvement of 20 feet in
street in villages designated in By-Law~ No. nOl, as ,extensions
~lecting links between different portions of county roads be
the county road system; and that the Lieutenant-Governor in
requested. to' issue proclamation llringing secticin3,ofThe
Impi'ovement Act, as enacted in 1925, into force in, this COll.nty,
1st day of January, 1.926, and that gral1tsto villages and town
saJile- b,~sisaslast year. .
That thc I.<ieutenant~Governor be TC,Questcd to
bringing The Highway Laws Amendnient Act!i925, with
of sections 2 and 3, into force in County of Elgiri;
Vve estimate the sum of $60,OOo.OOshoTl.ld be raised in
of Elgillfor expenditure 011 roads -this year.
All 0[' "vhich is respectfully submitted.
R. B.
Chairman of COlmty Road
November Session
Elgin COl1niyCouncil
Expenditures~s Fa,Ilaws:
$ 19550' 07
46124 49
4308 58
1257 00
4012 51
~043 77
188 00
31 23
136'2 30
29'10 22
!l2328 19
Construction oncoullty roads.,__mm...____
Maintenance on -county. roads.____ ....__.__.....
Construction on subUl'ban area roads....,
Maintenance on suburban area roads.....
Village grants
'Trucks, repairs, oil, gas_m......
Gravel pit development.. ....m_ .m.. ".m
Machi11ery, tools, and repairs.... __Mum
Material in stock .......____m_'.____.'n.... .nm______'..
I'ntercAt on mortgage, Hatha-\.vay fan:iL__
Hathaway farm expenses m__'....._,...__..
VV' orkmcn's Compensation' Board.:
miles of road have been constructed this year.
cement culverts.
feet of tile drain used entirely for road drainage.
To, the Elgil1 COUilty Council:
Road sll.rfacingmaterial used in c()nstructioll and maintenance:
crushed stone arid 7otlo cords of gravel.
Gentlcmen. -
The- County 'Road Committee reports that expenditures' Oil
Count}:' highway system, from ' January 1st, 192tl;up to and
Octobera:lst" has been a total of$92,328.19~ This afl10uilt
increased by work already 'in progress.
as follows:
Walker Pit, in the TO'\vllship of Aldborougb.
Nilmber of cords of gravel hauled, 405.
Elgin County COUi1Cil-
Elgin County Council
Gravel hail led frorn private owned
Gravel ha..uled from cotlnty p'its.____
pits .__,..... ....n.......'........ 5673 cords
un'...m......____.................".. 3358* cords
m................................ 9031,
5.' Machinery, new, 1925.
1 vVehr power grader.
6~,Road Bossgraders~
Cords of gravel hauled, 1666.
Co'st ofstrippillg, screening, loading, $] ,D31.84', or-$l.lGpcr cord.
20 slush scrapers.
,Lunn Pit, in the Township of Dunwich.
Cqrd;s of gravel hauled, 874.
Truck Operation
Cost of stripping, etc., $201,97.
Irvine Pit,in'the TOWllShipof Southwald.
Cords' of gravel hauled, 317.
Cost of stripping, $408.55.
Hathaway Pit, ir} the Township of Yarmouth;
Rolos.on Pit, in the Township of Del'cham.
Cost of screening, loading, erectioll of bin and material, $96?,79.
Truck No.
Truck No. 2____......
Truck No.
C9rds of gravel hauled on comity roads, 409;J:
COI'ds of gravel sold other municipalities, 662}.
Cost of stripping; etc" $8BG.!J1,
Average mileage per day, "(-;8.5~
Average cords of gravel hatlled per: day, 4,1.
/ Average cost exp~l1se pel' day, $21.89.
Credits for gravel sold Nov.,1924,to Nov., 1925,$l,lBG,91.
Depreciation allowed each truck per day; $10.00,
Cost each truck per day, $81:89.
Cost hauling 1. coreLof gravel 1. mile,94c...
gravel hauled
_ CosL of stripping has been charged to separate roads that
the grayel.
The vVehr pO'Vt;r gmder purchased hy Committee this year has
very satisfactory. Being equipped with scarifier anc( cutting
Amount yet duc,$223.22.
Locker Pit, in.the Towllship of Houghton.
Cords of gravel hauled, 187.
Elgin County. Conncil
Elgin CQunty Council
edge,. the c01llbinationis used more asaplancr rather than
It"will do the work. of three Ol' fOUf- tea'illS of horses in
ruts arid-cup' holes ina hard gravel road.
Record as to cost, depreciation, etc., as follows:
Cost price, $1,651.50-.
'-Miles travelled, 1674,
Gas used, HGG gallons.
Oil t1se'cl, 271 gallons.
Days worked,.SG1.
Expenses, $8\n,GG.
That. this Council: apprQve" of desig~,ation of County Road
45,<1S cited undeYCounty By':'Law No. 10~2 passed at the June
this year, when th~ .To;,,:ns~~por Bayha!~ have pr'ocured all rights
for the proposed' new road.
o~ which is respectfully submitted.
Chairman of County Road.Committee.
Dcprcciatioil allowed, $2;00 per day for 8G~ clay,S - $173.00:
Total expense,',$1,OG4.fi5;
Expense per day, $12.30.
Cost of planing or-scarifying 1 mile of-road,Gfi1c.
8. We recommend that John Ivlarlatt, of UIllon,
Hathaway farm for the. year 1926, and', lea.se be given
of fonner lease ;vith taxes of farm added thereto.
y. vVe approve of agreement for, lease ,of ,gravel
don and Port Stanley Railroad, from the Hatha,way
for the sum of $4,2:)0.00.
10. That your Committee be authOrized to confer withthc Ne,,"
York Central and Pere Marquette Railway' Companies,. the Village'
\Vest Lorne, Tmvllshipof Aldborough, amI otheri)arties interesteq, f
the elimiil'atioll _ aT dangerous raihvay crOssings' east of V\r est Lome
Road Nt\niber 2, aller report at January session.
}l~]gin County, Couneil
January Session
Elgin Count/, Council
o-t. the Cit'yof St. Thomas,
account ,'lith
Elgin County Highway System,
At amccting of the 'Commission heldin'Januai'y, 1925; a
of expenditures .troll1 the 1st day of]anuary to the 31st day
ber, 192:'1, was 'prepared, sho,;i,ring that $13,373.91 had, bet;fl expended
roads ,'lithin the area,ancl it was ordered:
J. That the eityof St. Thomas be 110tifi.~d,thatthis
estimate the, sum of four . thousand five hundred dollars
expendit6re on suburban ai-ea roads during the year 1925.
cxpellditurcson suburban roads tllHl'er the supervision of Frank
County Road Superintendent, subject, to the direction Of the
- Area Commission.
'Roads wflCre city is entitled to pay;' under The Highway Act,
of the total expenditure. Divided as follows:
2: That the County of Elgin he i1dtified that this Commission
mate the SUlll of four thousand five hundred dollars ($+,500.00)
expenditure on desigriated roads during:the-year 1925;
\tVeed, cutting
Snow roads' ______
3_ That, statemclltof accounts submitted' at, this meeting" of
diturefor the year- J 924' on suburban area roads, amountiligto
'(three ti-ioUSa!lCl five hunc1rec1and forty":'two dollars and ninety-one
being, the' City of St;, Thomas' portion payable under The, Highway
be 'paid', and the treasurer of the City of- StTholilas ,is hereby
ized to forward cheque for the above amoui'it to the Trcasui'cr
E.lgil1'C0t111~y highway s)-'stem.
v\i"c recO!lll11Cnd snow roads 0_11 suburban are.a' he kept
automobile traffic during. the ,vinter 1110nths when ~weather
\'lillt;cl:mit. '
City's portion; 3,0.0/0, $234.29.
. January, lll25.
Chairhlarl of Suburban Area'
VI[ ced cutting
St. Thomas, ]alltJary21st,
City's portion, 80%,$42.J5.
15 60
24 11,
l~l 35
236 60
314 97
/80 98
1,40 III /
EI~in' GonB'tyGouneil
County Road No. 25-
Weed cutting
Snow roads
City'sportio,H, 30%; $133.37.
~ounty Ro-ad No. 30~
W c'ed cutting
Snow roads
City's portion, 30%, $.l'1!)~34'
County RO'a'd No. 37-
vVecd "cutting
Snow roads, Om
City's portion, 30%., $i50A1
Cou'!ty Road No. 23, P. C. S. A
Weed, cutting n__.:..._'_.n....'._...__..._,."~.'"hn._...."_$
22 40
32 10
113 85
395 05
34 40 .
11 92
'12 50
41 50
328 00
49 60
44 05
6' 75
46 09
9 00
22 35
ElginConuty 'CauTloil
Labor culverts
Calcium 'chloride
Snow roads
City's i)'oi-tlailS, 20'%, $735.47
Road No. 16S. A.-
Material tile drain .."...--..........~m.............m. .$
City's portion, 30%, $4.20
Material on culve'rts.......... ...............~..m.......$
City's portion, 30%, $12.60
Road No. 30 S. A.-
Grading ......m......... .....,....,...__:.....__................$
Material, culverts
Labor, culverts
C. , '. N $ I
Ity sportlou, 30'"/0, . 791.48.
Road No. 23 P. C. S. A.-
Labor 011 tile. clrain.~".''''n.......
City's 'llortioll, 200/0, $1.'6.14.
314 95
251 ~o
64 40
2544 30
175 35
277 25
4 3677 35
42 00
1902 44
350 57
385 25
$ 2638 26
80 71
Elgin -County Conneil
Grq.vel Hauled by' Trucks onSuburbart Area Roads
, Road No. 23 P. C. S. A.-
Cords of gravel hauled; 231.
,A v~ragc haul 21 mile,s, per trip.
Actual' cost .per cord 111il<;:, less driver's
wages, 3Ge., or $12.36 p,et day,
Total miles, 731, at 36e.. . ___"_ u"u... ....$
Use of trucks 7 days gl'ading, $12.36 pet
Use of trucks 7~ days distributing cal-
cium chloride, at$12.3G per day::....
02 70
City's portion, 20%, $88.48.
Road No.. .16 S. A. -,
Cords ~f gravel haUled; 260.
,Average haul,7~ miles. '
'1'ota1 n'lile5 travelled, HH>O', ~lt 3ue
7"02 00
City's portion, 300/0, _$210.60.
Road No., 21, S. A.-
Cords of gravel hauled, 112.
Average haul, i~ miles.
Tofalmiles tr.avellcd, 51!), at,3Ge _.'nn .....$ '2217G
City's portion, 30%, $66.53-.
Road No. 25 S. A.-
Cords of gravel hauled, 112.
Average haul, 6~'miles.,
Total miles tra~elled-, 728, at 36c_. .__00.. ,..$ 262 08
Citys' portion, 30%,$78.62,
Elgin County Co'uncil
Cords of gravel hauled, 200.
Average_haul, 6-?< miles.
Total 111ilcs travelled;' 1300,. at SGe.. ...__..$ 468 00
City's portion," 30%, $140.40.
8G 52
Cords, of gravel hauled, 164.
Average haul, 5 miles.,
Total'miles travelled; 820, at 36c... __.... ...$ 2fH5 20,
City's p'or:tion, 30%, $88.5G.
Cost of -Gravel, Stripping, Loadin.g, etc.) $21.13 per Cord
23:1 cords at $2.13 pel~ coreL
2GO cords at $2:13per coi'd.
]] 2 cords at $2.13 per cord.
L12 cords at $2.13 per cord..
200 cords at-$2.13 percord.
104 cords,at $2.13 per. corel.
20% city's portion, $
30% city's' portion;
3(}% city's po'ttion,
3'0% city's' portion,
30% city's portion,
80% city's portion,
98 40
166 14
71 57
71 57
'127 80
104 7Q
$ G4G-2'i
Summary of Expend,itlire
On Rotids No. Hi, 2l-25-30and 37.' Expenditure of main-
.tenance and construCtion, $4926.16. 30% of totaL....$ 1477 84
On Road No. 23 P. C. So. A. l<:xl)cl1c1iture of mail1tcn~
ullccand Construct-ion, $B}'G8.CG. 20C!(} 'of totaL. ........ 751 G1
On . Roads' No: ](), 21-25-:1O and 3'7, $HI40.0'1. HO% of
On R~ad No. 2:1 P. C. S. A.; ~;H2.a8.' 20o/r.' o.f$442.:-J8..."
:384 71
88 48
Elgin County Council'
Elgin County Council
, Gravel.
On Roads No. 16-21-25-30 arid '37, $1806.24; 30'% of
On Road'No. 23 P. C. S," A., $_492.06, 20'% of $4112:06m.:.
June Session ~ No.1
Amount due Elgin County"....
o thcElgin County Council:
Certified correct:
'G, F. I'INEO,
County Road Sliperintcnclcnt.
The I-louse of )ndusti'y COl::ru~jttee reports:
Thatthc Warden, Keeper,and theClcrk be appoilited delegates
the_annual meeting of' A'ssociation of Managers of H~mes for
Infirm, andthat~~mbershipfeeof ten dollars ($lO',OO) be paid.
All'of which is Tcspc,ctfully submitted.
10th, .1925.,
June Session- No..2
the Elgin C<;lUllty Council:
L The' House of Industry Committee rcconimends 'that -aby~la\;v
passed. to amend By-Law No. 821, pt'oviding that..the conveyance of
to the Houscof Industry shall be paid in the first ,instance. by
municipality frOll1 which the inmatc is -scnt, onc-half to be reftlnded
of account to the County Council.
That By-Law No. 1017 be. rcpcalcd,..:lndthat certificate in rcfcr-
]~Igin'- County .Co\lncil
cnce to the mental 'and - physical condition of proposed inmates in
be signed by. thephysicial1 of- the House 6f'Industry', or by
physician designated byhim~
All of which is respectfully wbmittccl.
JUllt 12th, J92::>,
Clause No. 1 adopted. N O~ 2 was s'truck Ollt in
November Ses~ion
To the Elgin CmInty Council:
Gcn'tlcmcn. ~
The House of Industry Committee reports:
That' they have awarded contract fo)" bread to be
192G to the Neal Baking Compaliy at the i"ate of five cent!' per
No contract was a\'\'an1ed for meat, \'vhich cotild be purchased
:\iVarden or Inspedor as Tcqu;red. .
t ,',
-1'113.( the Inspector's report be i'cceived and printed.
All of which is respectfully'submitted.
D, J.
Novcmbcr, 1925.
Elgi.n County Council
November Session
and Council of the -County of Elgin:
following is my r~port on'the House of Industry and Refuge
year endi.l1g0ctober 31st, 1925,
NUl1iber of inmates-at last reporL..._
,Number admit.ted duting the year
Number of deaths....
NUt11ber discharged
N"'umbe~. absconded
N llll1ber how in house..
n~..n.''''n. 22
Number of inlliates sent from tbe sever;ilmunicipalities in the
during. the year:
South wold
South Dorchester
-W'est Lorne
Elgin Coun,tyCouilCil
8. The .var:ious causes of pauperisl1l;, of 111mates
House duril1gthe year may he classed,asfollows:
'/ .
Old 'age
Average number ofinpla,tes during the"y~;u-
Average 11ltmher with keeper's family and
Number of weeks' board of 'inmates~.-
Nutnbcr'of weeks, with kee'rier's family..
Total expenditure during the yeaLc
Fr,Om ilimates
1'i.o111 farm.stock..
From produce; sold.....
From sundries
Fronl Pt'oviilcial: Tr~asurcr
Permalient improvements
Leaving amoUnt, actually expcllded for
s.upport qf., il~mate,s"":::,,
Average eXPense per week for each person
Average expenses, per day for each PC~SOll
Average expenses 'per yeAr for each person
Amount. eXPQl1q~d for ~o!1se a\ld farm during
. Hired labor
351 08
29 54
485 60'
the year
Klgin County COlll1cil
House Expense
Hired labor . ....___~..m.__....nnn__..nn.nn__n.o'.o......$
Dry goods
Boots and shoes...n.......,..mo _.................
Fu'rniture and hardware............
Coal and wood.... m......unn... ....."... _.....m....
General Expense
Conveyance of ininates___..._..."
.fermanerit improvenients
TotaJ Expcriditurcs...._.
730 00
333 36
244 32
495 1G
339' 43 '
140, 96
474 25
94 42
1420 70
141 46
$ 90' 75
226 0'8
176 72
317 72
800" 00
480' 00
300 00
200 00
. 4880 94
875 77
,1780 00
The follmving produce was raised on thc-'Jarm duririg the year:
$ 9106 40
10 00
744 50
173 6D
bushels of oats and barley_.. ..___...._.. ,.:$
bushels of wheaL...m.........m
loads of hay__.............. ..00..
acres ensilage' carll..
bushels ,potatoes..
3,62 50
217 75
~ EIgiIi County Council
15 bushels sugarheets__.,..
12 bushels flcldcarrotsmm
5 bushels heal1s"..__..m~:.
4 loads pumpt.::ins.__ ___no. uno
15 bushels turl1ips..
19 loads of straw,,__
Garden Produce
bushels beets __".
bushels carrots
bushels onions
bUS!le1S parsnips
heads cabbage
acre garden peas ......m.,''''''
bb1. cucumbers
Qt1~l;tity squash
Quantity peppers
50.bushels tornatoes
Quantity 'sweet corn, ! acre......______
l~ doz.cllcauliflo'V\'crs
Quantity lettuce.; parsley-, asparagus..
Quantity plums and" grapes.___..'.
15 quarts milk per.day,"
75 barrels apples
A large quantity of veget_ablesa;1C1
fruit was used during the summer,
of which 110 account was kerb:___
3 hogs killcdduringthe,year
Fruit canned in the house:.
'dozen eggs consumed..
ducks used
chicken's used
veal calf killed.._
lhs. butter
mnnnmm.. .$
. I
Cream sold
35 hogs sold
1 cow,sold
5 20'
10 00
10' 00'
11' 25
76 00
o 00
5 00
.~ 3'0 00
12 00
3~ 00:
- 10 0'0-
G 00
G 00
3 90
25 00
15 DO
12 00
10 00
275 DO
75 DO
7G 00
91 00
34 no
12 00
684 00
175 55
884 '70
3000 "
Elgin. ,County Council
Eggs,sundries,' and, chickens sold..,.;.
6 veal' calves sold....:'...........,..... ...................
1 cow killed
160' 03
51 80,
21 DO'
$ 1415 08
N un1.ber of articles of, bedding and clothing made 111) during th,e
matrOn and inmates, 195.
matIe' by In?pector, 50',
Farm stock:
3 horses.
16' cows.
,20 ho-gs.
3 yearlings.
1 hoar.
2 brood sows.
150 chickens.
] 6 ducks.
The total amount .expended by the County 011 House of 111-
etc., is' as follo\v.'?:
.Farm, 100 acres, Cost.....
House of Industry.....,..,
Fir~ escapes
Root cellar, henery, etc... mum
Cottages, etc.
Brick ice hpuse...
Bayns, etc.
Tile drains
Tile drain outlet ..._,m.__..m............
Hot airpum'p, tank,collnections.....
7298 95
11012 10
687 61
39D- 06.
~79, 43
LI80 50 '
5043 69
1737 77
132 03
020 Oil
40 00
Elgin County Co'uneil
Heating apparatus
Boiler room and soft coal boiler
Deep well
Hog pen
Electric installation and pUmpS.m..
25. Received from Government on account of
expenditures for land and building__ ...
. Le~tving amount actually expcllddl'.by
All of which .is respectfully submitted.
November 1st, 1925.,
Elgin County Council
;14'45 99
85 85
197.9 00
3733 52
827 6G
293 62
213694 -,
November Session'
vVarden'and.,'1{embersof the Elgin Gounty:Council:
',I 'have 'the honoro'fpresenting the fiftieth. annual medical report of
e Elgin House of Industry up to October 31st, 1925, and submit the
!lq\vil1g for :y()~lrc(msideration:
Except for ailments duc.to/advanced age, the"health of thc ;inmates',
S been good.
Lmade ,fifty-three visits' to 'the House' of In'dustry, and attended one
ifl thc'Memorial Hospjt:.d daily during his stay there.
On January 3rd,\Vellinglon Matthews was -(wmmitted from 'Port
urweI(andremoved at 'once to the hospital. He remained there until
';cbruury 9th ~- 37 days -when he returned to Port BUi'well.
Ther,e were no births during the year.
'There were four. deaths during the,year, two females and t",;o: l11ales,
~ee,:2'1, I9N
pril 3, 192:3
ept.2G, 1925
et.lR, 192;')
Robert BelL...
Anne BennCtL
Jobi1 Baekhotlse.....
.Rhoda Ordish....
Cause of Death
..m88.mm.... m.....Old Age
......,...R5......__..... ......Heart Disease
..,...___80...___.... .........Heart Disease
I have the honor to be,
Your ,obedient servant,
,Physician, Elgin Housc -of Industry;
November 23rd,1925.
Elgin County Co~uncil
JElgin County Council
June Session
Gentlemen, -
The Committee.on Petitions. and 'Legislation reports;
Gaol Committee reports:
That they have considered commul1iCation from the.
League and St. Thomas' Chamber of Commerce in re"ference
horse-drawn vcbicles, and would rCCOmIT:lClld that a hy_-law
That vire have considered communication from Sheriff and In;..
of-Prisons, andrecoinn'lend:-
And that adjoining counties be notified. ,"
All of whic,? is respectfully sub.mitted~
25th Noyemher, H125.
floor in tipper west co.nidar.
Fot. reqUlrll1g every vehicle drawn by a horse or other
whenever .011 a highwaY after dusk" and before..-dawn, to "carry
left-hand sid.c oJ thev'ehicle,one lighted. .1'ampor
the County Engineer, and so affixed that it shall' be
the:'ffont'-al1dl'ear:'ofthe vehicle.
November Session
To the Elgin County Council:.,
and springs, and chair.Jor Tllrnkey'sroom.
water cans ,and chemical, fire ',extinguisher.
for bath tub,
of which is respectfully submitted.
The Committee's recommendation was. struck out in
the Whole.
Elgin County Council.
November Session
To the Elgin County Council:
Th"e "Gaol Committee reports:
Elgin County Council
OF <::()Vi'/TY l'OLr<::E
June Session
TIlat they received tenders: for brcad:and meat required
arid 'awarded cori.tract for bread to the Neal' Baking; ,
cents pb'r pound, and f6r m,eat t? Moody & Clark at ten ,cents per
All of: whichisres.pcctfully submitted.
D: R.
Noyemher. 1925..
County Council:
':",';' The special conpuitteeappointed
'Wllty police reports as follows:
to consider reorganiz'fj.tiol1 bf /
P:_..1., _Thatt'mder the:provisionsof The H}ghvv_ay:Traffic 1\ctalI fines
p~ose,?for exceeding, the speed limit and otl~.er, ',violati6nsof the, Act
payable to the treasurer, of the local muilicipality 'in ~hi~h the offence
_~Ql11mitted. We therefore suggest that coullCils ptthe bcalmunici:
iti,es should appoint trafficofficerswherencce,ssary,
2. ThaCv.'e petitioll for an ,amendment to The Traffic; Act so that
here countycou-ncils appoint traffic officers, the fines, imposed , for
:_c'llces 011 county roads shall be payable to the County Treasurer,and
atthe..cost,of maintaining tra,ffic,offic:crs, appointed by. cQunty' ~ouncils
(th-the approval of the Ministe'r; ()fHig~ways, should be included in
~te11lC"lt ofc:xp,endituref6r highway,improvement on which 'provincial
:Ibsidy :isbil:~ed.
3. ,That ,further consideration of the reorganization of the county
.Jj~e Qe,Iajd,oyeruntil appointment of a successor to the present High
"pstablc is h~ingconsidercd.
All of :which 'is respectfully submitted.
of May;1D25:
Klgin County Conncil
Elgin County Council,
January Sessi?h
County of Elgin:
~To the Elgin COUlity -Coullcil:
.the undersigned Auditors of the County of Elgirifor the year,
respectfully submit the fo'11owingrc,port:
have carefully compared the several accounts with the' vouchers
~ndorders authorizing the various expenditures, and fii1d -them
yCl1tlemen, - ,
I beg to report to you the business done in connection with my
for the past year as follows:
Receipts exceed the Expei1ditures by Thirty Thousand
and Eighteen Dollars and Eighty-SixCcnts ($3"n,118.86J.
Amount of fines - imposccLm.
Amount of fitleS paid:
Tb the County of Elgin..,..
- To the Provirice of Ontario;..~.
Cash in Molsans Bank~_..
Casll in Treasurer's office..
..$ 41,763 90
244 60
$ 20'00
287 .00
$ '12,00'8 50
11,889 54
Less cheques o~tstanding..
Magistrate's fees collected, $72.50, and p~ia tOCOUl1ty:
fQllowillgstatemc~lts 'are submitted: Abstract of Receipts and
Assets and' Liabilities, and Detailed Statement of- Receipts
requested, \.ve have made a quarterly audit of the Treasurer's
and'forwanied a.statement of.~ach quarter to the Warden and
of the Finance Committee. '
Bonds- gh/en by the Treasurer for Ten Thousarid Dollars; and
by ord~r of the Council with the- Manager of the Molsons
51. Thomas, were renewed 011 January 1st, 1924. We h~ve
:tne retur11s'--made by the several Treasurers to the COltnty
during the year 1924-, and compared them: -With the 'County
bo?k-s, and find them correctlycntered.
which is respectful1y's'uhmitted.
Number of ,convictions, nature of-charge:
Violatiol1 Highw;:tys Traffic ACLnn
ViolatiollGame,a~d Fisheries AcL
I have the honor - to be,
J amlary 23rd, 19~5.
W. A. GALBRAITH Atiditors
of Assets and Liabilities, Receipts and Expenditures, is
separate form.
Elgin County Council
Elgjn Connty Council
l!;Y+AW N<<,W46
BY-LAW No. 1044
+(), A\pppiIlt}.I)~()a~d; of '.:AucI!t,',in', th~ 9ounty'iofEJgin
To Appoint a High Constable .for th~ Coun..W of Elgitl
for the Year '1925
fpr..the,"Ye,a,-:, 1925
it, en":Gted by the Council of the Munieipal,Corpovation 'of the
of Elgin:
The Elgin County Cotll1cilcnacts: '
the,Juq~e:ofth~ ,:,CountY",Court,and-R 'B. Graham ,a~ehereh:y
inembers of the :j3oard6f Audit,' to perform, the' duties required
R. S. 0., Chapter 96, Section ,21.
membe~s of the said, Board;be~'.pa:id "the -sum. of ELve .'Dollars
their services, andfiveccllts per mile going to and frqm'
'1'hat' J Oh11' Hopkins be appointed High' Constable for the year
?-t,~ salary of Two Hundred and Forty Dqllars per:alll1um.
County CouncilChanihers,St. Thomas, ,30th J an,uaxy, 1-92,5.
K. W. McKAY,
County ClerIc
C(}unciIChambers, St. Thoinas,. 30th January" 1925.
BY"LAW No. 1045
To Appoint. High,. School Trus.tees
BY-LAW No. 1047
Tohe '" Elgin, COttntyCouncilenacts:
Au::horize the Warden an.d,Treasurer to Borrow the Sum of
Two' Hundred' .Thousand;Dollars
.That Edward ,Scruton be,appoillted.Trllstee.,for the- Vienna
School for three years.
'Bhat',D. Gonnor be. appointed Tr,ustee of the Aylmer High School'
forthre,e years. (
\Vardel1' and Treasurer "he anda1"e:hereby 'authorized to \'
Two Hundred'Th6usal1d D~nars'froIi). 'th'e: Barik6f
be requiredj"tO"'meet cxpcl1'ditures.of'the 'Cd~poratiori
and'- give as~setui.itythel'efor" ndtes' of One: Tho:us-
ThouSfllid DoIIars each. . ,
That R. K. Panter be appo!nted Trustee of the Dutton
for three years.
'COUl1tyCounciIChambers. St. Thomas, '30th January, 1925~
30th -J ai1Uar~v, 1.925.
County Clerk.
'AT arden. '
"" . ,Warden.
Elgin County Couneil
Elgin' County Council
BY-LAW No. 104~
BY-LAW No; 1049
. To Appoint a County Advisory Agricultural Council
To Provide for Expensescif Sending Persons. to
the House of Industry and Refuge
Whereas the Heriorable the Minister of Agriculture
Council to appoint an Advisory Agricultural Council to
t.he .Agricultural, Representative;
'County Council enacts:
And vvhereas the Council have appr~ved ofthe.suggestioll
appointmelltof the members of the" County Board of Trade to
said ,Council;
That theexp~nseS o'fsending all persoris-to the House of Industry
paid in the first 'iiistance by the municipality from ,whiCh the
is sent.. One~ha1f tn, be refunded on presel1tatiol1 ofaccduntsto
The Elgin County Council enacts:
That all other By~ Laws be and are hercby amended accordingly.
a third time and passcd this 12th day of June, 1925.
1\ That the following be .appointed
Agricultural Council:
COllllty Clerk.,
For Two Years
J. A. King, Aldboro'Ugh
BY-LAW No. 1050
Ernest E. Luton, Southwold
To Confirm. the Eq-qaliiation of the As,sessment Rolls of
;. the County of Elgin
Dt111Can Campbel1,.South Dorchester
V\'. F.,_Sm-ith,Yarmouth
COlfllcil enacts:
J: A.McCallum, Dunwich
That the followiilg be the equalization of the asscss111cntrolls of
of EIgiri far '1925: '
2. That_memb.ers of said Advisory-Council be, paid the
mcmb(;r,sof. tbis,Counc"i.rforat~cndanceat the two me:~tings
be-helcl :alll1uaIIy,. ill February, amI Naveniber;andthat they
tbeir,travelling and other expenses for atteildallce at special or
meetings caIIeel by, the chairman,
, Bayh<j.lll
South. Dorchester
__.........____..____....__$ 3,881,759
, 1,259,21.6
County Cauncil Chal11hcrs,~t.,Thamas,30t,h.Jal1uary, 1925.'
, K. W. McKAY;
County Clerk. '
W. M.
'Elgin ..Coill1tS "Co.une.il
Elgin County Co.u.ncil
Port Stanley
West Lome
246,578 '
362,931 -
A grant of $1,922 is h~X.e:by made to the Village of Port Stanley,
improvement of continuation of Road No. 24.
grant of $1,152 is hereby Inade to' the Village of Dutton, for
of Shackle toil Street "and old Currie Road.
2. l'hat ,.this"CQUll_cil' is
ass'eSSl'nent., in ,Gase
A grant of $813 is hereby made to the Village of West Lome
of Graham Road and' Main Street.
Read a third time and, passed, 12th June, 1925.
A grant of $842 is- hereby made to the Village of Rodney for the
of Furnivql Rnad, being continuation of Road No.3.
.W,. McKAY,
said grants shall be expended solely upon the highway. or' por-
herein desi,gnated.
BY-LAW No, 1051
work on which the said grants shall be expended shall be per-
;,in accordancc with the last revised regulations respecting high-
of the Department of Public Highways of Ontario.
.To Make Grants.t~ Villages and Town
y,rhereas-inThe Ad toAidin the lt~prov~meni:~f Public
itis' provil:ldl"that -a:' Qounty,' Council- may'; from: time ',to time;
tQ.,~il1ages and towns. not separatedJrom-the_<=ounty,. for -the
improving highways in such villages and towns as'may be
such. by-la:waild whidt', arc extensions of, or form connections
differe~lt' portions of 'county roads,;
Read a third time and passed this 27th day of June, 1925.
County Clerk.
V\T arcIc11.
And 'whereas the Cotl11Cil~f th~'Cou.nty o(Elgil~- -deems it
make grants. to the incorporated villages and town' of the
ye~'r 1925. in' acc~H'dai1ce with the terms Of. the 'said Act;
, BY-LAW No, 1052'
I3C itthe.refor.e 'cnacted;'by the C0,uncil'6f the,Muriicip.a1
of the CountY,of Elgin as follows ;
1. A grant.of,lj;2,923 is 'hereby inacie to the Tov..'!l ,of Ayh~.eL
o Amend :a:YRLaw No. 1,000 and all Subsequent By-Laws Pertaining
to the County Road System of the County of Elgin
2: Agr<i.l1l!Qf $96 is_hereby. made to the,yjllageoLSpringfield,
be_ expelided>on :i,bin. Street. C
to i"e'pe-at all previous' By-Laws or portions of previous By-Laws
may be found to be inconsistent with the provisions of this By-
Elgin CountyCoul-lOil
Elgin County Council
Law or of The Highway Improvement Act.
vVhereas for the. purpose of. atta.ining greater cfficieilcy and
ii, county road expenditures and of 'assuring more. adequate
of the various highways comprising the county' road system, it has
deemed expedient to make certain alterations in the system
ana(~just111ent of mileage of roads iI, eluded therein.
County' Roads Assumed
following roads are assumed as county roads under the provi~
The Highway Improvement Act and, The Ontario Highways
amendments thcreto.
'Now thercforethe Council of the Municipal Corporation
County of Elgin enacts as follnws:
No. 1. . The Graham Road, in the Township of Aldborough;
at the proyincial highway, the road between lots 18 and 19,
twelfthco!lc'ess'iol1, ,and its contitiuation, running northerly to the
boundary, the middle of the main channel of the River Thames,
and except th:: portion within the Village of West Lome.
L That -By-Law No. 100'0 and all am_ending By-Laws
the designated- mileage of county roads in the County of
ar,c herehy amended to inelude in the county road system oJ the
of Elgin the roads as set forth iri red on the attached map, and
described in the.acc011l_panying schedule.
Commencing at the road in the Township of Ald~
beti;veen lots, f) .and 7, the road between, concessions 8 arid 9
easterly to'the town line between the Townships of Aldborough
thence northerl)' in said town line to the' road betwecn
A. and concc'ssiOll 5 liorth of A. in Dunwich, save and except
within the Village of West Lorne.
2. 'I'hat theexis.tillg county i'oads not il'tc1uded in the county
system by this by~law be reverted to the loe(l.lmunicipalities ill
they are situated and as. further described in the. accompanying
I 3. That this By'~Law sha11 not hecome operative until approved
the Lieutenalit-Governor in CounciL under tbeprovisiOlis of The
ways, Improvement Act.
No.3. The, FurnivalRoad, in the Township of Aldborollgh,
at Lake Eric, the road bct'ween lots Gand 7 in the thirtecnth
and its continuation northerly to the Gore Concession, and
northerly between lots 8 and n to the road between conces~
and 3, thence easterly on said road to the road betv.'ecl1 lots 14
iJl concession 2, thence northerly Oll said road to the county
thcmiddle of the main channel of the River Thames, sav-e and
the portion of the Furnival- Road wit?ill the Village of Rodney.
4. That two certilled copies of this By-La,w shaH be submitted
the Millistcrof Puhlic Highways within tcn days of the passing
Read a third time and finally passed the 27th day of June, 1HZ;).
R.oad No.' 4; Commencing at the Kent County boundary,line at the
of the road between concessions 4 and 5 of the Townshii) of
the county boundary line south to in!ers'ection of road b_ctween
7 and 8, Township of Aldborough. The road between said
1 and 8, Township of Aldborough, from the westerly bound~
of the township to the Furnlva1 Road between lots 6 and 7, save and
the portion~vithin the Village of Rodney.
K. W. McKAY,
W. M.
Elgin Count.y Council
Road No-. 6. The road- between concessions 2 and 3, TOvVl1Ship
Aldborough, commencing at the Furnival Road between lots 8
running westerly to the Kent County. line and south along. said
line to the Kent County Road No.4 C.
Road No; 8,. Commcnc1l1gatBttrwell's Corners, Road No.
Southwald and Dunwich town line, the old Talbot Road in
Dunwich through concessions 9, 10, 11, to road known as the
Road" in concession 8, thcncenorth-casterly on said road to the
Road between lots 12 and lB in the 8th concession, thence
along said road to the road at the' north of concession 1, thcn.ce
aToi1g s<:Lid road to the road between lots 13 and 14, thence
the comity boundary, the middle of the main chal1nel of the
Thames, save and except the portion \vithin the Vinage of Dutton.
Road No. 10. The road be1'\'i'cen concessions A.cand 5,north of
Township Of DUllwich, commencing at the Aldborough. towl1 line,
easterly to the old Curric Road on lot 11, thcnce south-easterly 6n
Currie Road to the boundary of the Village of Dutton.
Road No. 12; ,The road in the. Township of Dunwich between
G. and 7 commencing at the road between concessions A. aild 5 l10rth
A, running northerly to the county boundary,the middle of the
channel of the River ThamcS'.
Road No. 13.. Thc roacIbctwcen concessions A. and 5 south of Aj
in the Township of DU11wich, from the boundary of -the Vinage ofni.lt~
ton easterly to the SouthwolcI tOW11 line.
Road No. 14. The tOW11 line between the Townships of
<IndSouthwold, commencing at the provincial highway (old Iona)
funning northerly to the county boundary, the middle of the
channel of the River Thames.
Road No. 16. Talbot Road, in the Township of Southword,
the Dutlwich town line,-to the Cit:y o[St. Thomas.
Elgin Connty Council
Road No. 19. - The' Middlesex County boundary liile from road be-
the first and second concessions, Township of Delaware, west to
road in the Township of Southwold between lots l'alld 18, thence
,utherly through concessions 2,. 3, and 4, aild betwecn lots 25 and 26
j.lj)~th"of the_Talbot Road North to the Back Street, or provincial high-
~'a:yNo. 90.
Road No. 20. Commencing at the right of way of the Michigan
:entral Railway'in the ViUage of Shedden, the road between lots 15 and
north of Talbot Road North, in the Township of Southwold, runni1lg
putherly through the Village of Fingal, anct thG'Unlon Road 'to the
:illage limits -of Port St~nley and along the boundary line betwe~n Port
~~nley and South wold to Carlow Road, and Carlow Street 111 said
ilJage to Bridge Street.
~o.ad. No. 23,. 1:\.11 of- the London and Port Stanley road situated in
.r,Township oLYarrnouth and the portion of said road situated in the-
~f\wnship of Southwold behveen Yarmouth town line and the boundary
,.J,the Village' of Port Stanley.
R.oad No. Z4. Cl,mmcllclng on lot 2 ill concession 2, Township of
rmouth, -at the top of the hill on the London and Port Stanley Road,
old road through lots land 2 to whcre the corporation boundary of
~rtStat1ley crosses said road, and road between concessions land 2,
~terly tci road bet~'een lots 2land 22, No. 36.
No. 25. Commenc;ing at the Middlcsex County line, the road
the Townships of Yarmouth and 'Southwold to the roar! 1n the
il in Yarmouth, thence on'St. George Street easterly
through lots 1 and 2 in said concession to boundary ,of
S1. Thomas.
No. 27. Commcncing at the London and Port Stanley'Road
of.Union, the road between conccssions a alld4 in Town-
Yarmouth, lots 4 to 21, inclusive.
Elgin Copnty Couneil
- IDJgin Connty Council
Road No. ao~ Commencing at the north bounqary of the City of
Thomas, Balaclava Street, in Township_ of Yarmouth,' lot 5;
I', the road in rear of the 9th concession, lots 5, 6,. 7, 8, 9, up to
Including the road betwecn lots 8 and 9 in the range south and' first
second ranges. north o,f the Edgeware Road, the' .1oth. and. 11th
oad No. 39. Commencing at the northerly boundary of Dorches-
crith; the rQad between'lots .12 and 13 of said Townshit) and its
:nuation between lots 10 and 11 of the Township of Malahide to the
Between concessions 1 and ,2 (Copenhagen) and south to the road
~l1ns westerly through lots 6, 7, 8,D, and lO'"thence south along the
,:through lot 5 to. the Lake Road - then west through lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
,'to'the Yarmouth town line andillcluding Water Street through
hilicorpQrated Village of Port Bruce to Lake Erie, save and except
l,orticlll \vithin the Town of Aylmer.
Road No. 33. The road in tbe Township of Yarmouth between
8 and D, in concessions .12 and -13. The road' between conces'siol1s
.inet 14, lots 9 to .12. The road between lots 12 and 13, concession -14,
c,duntybounetary line and easterly along said boundary connecting
wad numbered ,34, and also the road between concessions. 13 and 14,
8" to Middlescx County line.
N9'.40.. Commencing at the New York Centl--al Railway right
the Village of- Springfield, so-nth on East Street and the road
Township of Malahide running south~r1y in concessions 9, 8, 7,
','between lots' 20 ,and 21 to the provincial hig'hway.
R.oad No. 34. 'The Micldl~sex Coupty line in rear of the 15th con-
cession, Township of Yarmouth"from the Dorchester town line, lots
an(~ l()', and' part of 15, to connect with the Middlesex County rpacl.
oadNo; 42. The road in the Township of Malahide betwccn
~l1d 2, lots 11 to :35.
COI1- ,
Roa,d No. 35,: Commencing at Ne\',' Sarurn: on Talbot Road, in.
TovV'nship of Yatmol1th, lot 21, the road rUllning northerly- through con-
ecssion 9, R. S. E. R, first and s-econd, ranges N. E. R.; concession
and concession :11, to the town line between Yarmouth and- South Dor'-
chester, thence northcrly along said to\','n line to the county boundary
line hetween the Townships of North and South Dorchester.
bad No. 4.4. III the Police Village of Port Bun-veil, in the Towli-
f,Bayham, from the illtersection of vVellington and Et'ius Stl:eets
~\vn in Registered Plan No. 112, EriusStl'eet in northerly and east-
Jre<jtion to the' northern boundary of the said village where it
tswiththe old plank road running northerly and north-easterly
bsaid TO\;\.'nship to the town line bctween Bayham and Mii:1dle-
:~cacia) including the portion 'within the Village of Vienna'.
Road No. 36. Commc'11cing at the Malahide town fine, the Lake
Road in Township of Yarmouth,lots 28 to 22, the road between lots 21
to' 22 in concessions 2, 3, 4,_ Or ,6,. and its continuation nort1wrly _and
westerly through concession 7, lots. 2n to 21, to the road between, con-
cessions,7 and 8, lots 10 and 20, to and along road hehveen lots 18 anti
19 ill c0I1Ces-s.iol1 8.
oadNc. 45, The road in Township oJ Bayham between the- 1st
"iHI'colIcessions from thc Malahide town line, easterly and southerly
atham Street in the unincorporated Village of Port Burwell as
on Rcgistered Ph,lll No. _112, thence along Chatham Street to
.~Street to Robinson Street, -to Wellington Street and easterly
'proposed new road'through conccssion of1e, Township of Bayham,
stcrly to Norf01k County linc.
Road No. 38. Talbot Road in the TowllSJlip of Malahide and Bay-
ham, hom the provincial high\-vay ill Malahide to the easterly boundary
of the Township of Bayhan1.
.cad No. 46. The road in Township of Bayham between lots 5 and
Oxford County line south through concessions 10, P, ancl 8
highway No. 11.
Elgin County Couneil
Road No. 47. Commencing at the town line bet\v:een
South Dorchcste~-, the road in the Township of South Dorchester
tween lots 3 and 4, concessions 7, 8, 9,. and 10'.
Road No.' 48. The' road in the Township of South Dorchester
tween concessions :1 a and 11, lots ('j to A. and the county' line
Oxford County Road No. 19.
R.oadNo. 49. The road in the Township of South
between lots 6 and 7; concessions nand 12, to the
, of the Village of Sprillgfie1d; and south 011 Welling.l11
Village to north limit of lot numbered bile.
R.oadNo. 51.. The xoad in the Township of South
between c6nccssiollS 9 and 10, 10t513 to 24, the Yarmouth
Road No~ 52', The town line between the Townships of
and South, Dorchester,frol11 the road between lots 10 and 11,
!l, Malahide, and Main Street in the Village of Sprnigfic1d to
Roads that Revert to Townships
The follo"ving roads designated in By-Law No. 1000 aloe
the 'various. townships in which they arc situated~ VI%..:
Roads numbered 1 (the. Graham Roa~ from Lake Erie to
l1ighway),'5-1-'g (commencing in the road bet\veen the 9th and
concessions of the 'Township of Dlll1wich at line between lots 8
the Lake Road easterly and sOllthedy through' lots. 9 and 10
northerly the road between 10 and 11 to the Giyen or Old TaJ~ot
in concession 9), 9-11-15-18-21-22-28-2D-31-B2-37-'lQ (the portion from
E. eOYBer lot 20, cpn.7-"Malahide, westerly and southerly to
Aylmer), 41-43-'18 (lots 12 to' 6 inclusive),50'..,53_
Elgin County Council
an Order-in-Council ApPr'ovedby His Honor the Lie'utenant~
Governor, Dated .the' 9th day of September, A. p; 192:5
consideration of. the report of the Honorable the Minister of
\Norks and Highways, dated August 31st,1925, the Committee
advise that. In accordance with sections 12 and 23 of The
Improvement Act, R. S. O. Hl14, chapter 40, Your HOllOr may
to approve of By-Law N.o. 1052 of the County of Elgin,
the Council of the said County proposes toamenct the existing
of comity roads, as approved by Order-in-:-Coullcil, by the. ac1di-
to the system and the, delction of roads from the system;
that pending further investigation approvaJ b~ with-
the following roads, viz.:
"That part of 'County Road N:o. 20, extending south-easterly
Michigan Central Railway to the provincial, highway, with.in
Shedden." "
"That part of Connty Road No. 4:i withi nthe unincorporated
pf Port Burwell.
oran Order-in.-Council Approved by His Honor the. Lieutenant-
Governor" dated the 17th day of November, A. D.1925
hirther consideratjon .of By-Law No. 1052 of the County of Elgin,
in part by Order~ill-Collncil dated the 9th 'c1ayof September,
and upon the rCCOll'l111Clldation of the Honorable the Minister
\;Yorks aiJd Highways, the Committee of Council advise that
be further extended to that part of Co"unty Road N.o. 45 within
Village of Port I3ttrwelljdescribed as Road No. 45
a.nncxe(~ to ancl foi'niing part of the said by-law, ,as follows:
No. .:45. The road in Township of' Bayham between the' lst
concessions from the Malahide town line easterly and southerly
Street in the unil1corpor~ted Village of' Port Burwell as
in Registered Plan No. 112, thence along ChathanJStrect to
Street, to Robinson Street, to Wellington Street, ancl easterly
new.road through. concession I, TO'WllShip of Bayham,
to Norfolk County line.
Iclgin County Council
Whereas an estii11ate has been made showing' that the sum of T,vo,
Hundred and Four Thousand, Six Hundred and Two Dollars is reqriin;d
to he raised in-the several municipalities for thelavdul purposes of the
County during the year 1925;
BY-LAW No. 1053
To Raise Amounts for County Rates During the Year' 1925
1044 Tn Appnint High Constable ......m ....._.......m ....n..._..... 120
No. 1045 To Appoint High School Trustees....... ........... ....m.... :120
No. lO4G To Appoint Board of AudiL....... ....n.n.........m ............. 121
And whereas, by The Assessment Act, this Council is req'uired
direct what portion of the sum, to be levied ,for county purposes shall
levied in ea~h municipality .in the .County; .
\ And whereas the rates arc required to ,be apportion~d 011 the
of'thc assessment of property as equalizcd in the preceding year;
And whereas theasses'Smcnt of property of the County, as
tained and equalized in H124, is as follows:
Total Equalized Value
Soilth ,Dorchester
Port Stanley
vVest Lome
J ,2Q'9,216
Therefore the Council of the ,Muflleipal Corporatloli cif the
of-RighI cn-acts:
on all
That-a rate of Six and Six-Tenths Mills 011 the Dollal~ be
r.ateable property in the seve-ral municipalities in the County
No. 1047 To Authorize\Varden and Treasurer to" Bor.row.
$2'00,000 .., mmm .....n""".......""""" um _m...."""."""............m.. 121
No. l04n
No. 1048 To Appoint Advisory Agricultural Council..
No. 1050
No. 1051
No, 1052
No. 1053
No. 1054
To Provide for Expense of Sending Persons to'
H~)t1se of IiHlustry... """....m """'.__.m""....
To Confirm Equalization,.._
To Make Grants to Villages and Town.
To Determine Couhty Road System..
To Raise Amounts for County Rates..._.."".""....
T6 License Business of Purchasing FowL...
Agricultural Sooieties."._..........
....."..,......""""...1.3, 16
Oanadian- .National', Institutc.for Blind.,
Ghild~en's-Aid Society,.....
Gom.,and -Poultry: Shows.,.......""
138 '
Elgin County Council
County Board of Trade..__._
Horticultural Societies______
m'mm.. 20
Law Library__
mn ...11, 70
Miss - Wallacc.c....
___13, 21
Public Libraries.,
Salvation ArmY..m
___unu__......... .70
Sick ChiMrcn's HospitaL...
__n_...__. n..._......______..
Ti111es~J ournal Reporter
Trustees' Association..
___._n_O.._.."__O....______n__ 13
West LorneLock-Up..
. on un.. ____ un.... '_'_'''0 .....n__. __n_. __ _._n___ ....8, "10
1J..Tomen's lnstitt{tes.m.
__....On______...o__.'. 10
Advisory "Agricultllral CounciL__.:......
Auditor Administratiol1of Justice Accounts....
16, 27
Bank of MontreaL....
11, 69
Chicago Canal.
Children's Aid' Society .......nnnn..___onn.........h......____,...........m................. 42
Elgin County Council 13D
COl11l11t'lnicatiollS ......................... ..........................'7.1.0,25, 33, 40; 41, 44
County rBrid-ges.....
County Council..
County ;Roads..........__...
"Elgin Plowman's Association..................
........!l, lB, 70
Fowl, to Regulate ,Purchase of....,......
.....42, 135
..5, 6,9, 120
12, 20
Freight Ratcs.........
High Constable.....
High. School 'Trustees.
House of Industry..
Lights on Ve'hicles:....
...................41, 43; 44,
Mothers' Allowance Commissioll..............,...................n..........-'!3, 72" 74
Municipal Laws.,..,......
Mun.icipal Officers......
.. ~. .... .....
Municipal Asso'ciatio-ll...............
Provincial Highways__
Railway Trains, Pere,Marquette..
Elgin Cotll1ty.Conl1cil
Sheriff 'Hard:iti,g::re
, TouristS:' Association.....,,~~.
W arden\;,. Address.;......_....'.
.comrilittecs m.....
: County ", EngineeL~~.
'County. Road Committee.....:......m
G6unty ~ Treasurer;.................
Fin<!-nce, Coin'mittec..._..
Gaol Conlniittee......~....m.......u,m_n'n
~-Iol1seoflndustry ,Committee;..
Inspector House of
Petitio'lls'and Legislatioli Committe.
Police Magist\'ate "Hl1nL...___n:_-'.."',~_:",
PhysIcian House cif Industry:_........m.
Publi"c' I'tn:pr6vement's" Con.lmittee.,...
P:ublic School' InspectorSmith'.:_..
Specia'l re, Police.
SubilrlJan.. Area.
..,.13, 28~34;' 47,:
..__.15,' 28, 29'; 31; 3~i,A5;
1O;29,~ 45;