1926 Minutes
Elgin County Council
During the Sessions held in the
in the months of
January, June, October, November
and December
K. W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
Duncan C. Ross, Esq., County Judge
J as. H. Coyne, Esq., Registrar
Ian Cameron, Esq., County Court Clerk
A. McCrimmon, Esq., Clerk of the Peace and County Crown Attorney
p, S. D, Harding, Esq., Sheriff
C. F. Max\vell, Esq., Co. Police Magistrate W. F. Luton, Esq., Gaoler
J. A. Taylor, E. A" and J. C. Smith, B. A., Public School Inspectors
K. VV. McKay, Esq., County Clerk
B. B. Graham, Esq., County Treasurer
James A. BGI1, M. C. S., C. E., County Engineer
G. F. Pineo, CountyRO'ad Superintendent
C. St.' Clair Leitch, County Solicitor
Frank Hunt, Esq., Po1ice Magistrate
Robt. Kains, Esq., M. D., Gaol Surgeon
Douglas L Kwin, M. D., Physiciani House of Industry
Fred Ingram, Keeper, House 01 Industry
R. M. Holmes, Caretaker, Court I-louse
Hugh Ostrander, High Constable
All of St. Thomas P. O.
A. Turner, Esq., Inspector, HQuse of Industry, Shedden, R. R. 1
County Auditors: Walker C. Caughell, St. Thomas; W. A. Galbraith,
lona Station
Administration 01 Justice Auditors,; D. C. Ross, County Judge
rdayor Handford, St. Thomas; O. McKenney, Aylmer
Elgin County Council
Tuesday the 26th January, HJ26.
The members-elect of the Elgin County Council met this day at the
Court House, St. Thomas, at 2 p. m.
The Clerk in the chair.
The following members filed certificates and took their scats at the
council board:
Dugald Lindsay, Reeve, Aldborough.
J. A. Wehlanl1, Deputy-Reeve, Aldborough.
Daniel J. McKillop, Reeve, Dunwich.
John Leitch, Deputy-Reeve, DU11\vich.
David Crosson, Reeve, Southwold.
Municipality Clerk Treasurer
Aldborough...oo ...J. A. McRae, RodllCYnn..,nnA. Carmichael, West Lorne
Dunwich....... ..00.. ...._D. A. McNabb, Duttonoon........Murray 1.fcNeil, Dutton
Southwold... .....h ..J. C. McLennan, FingaLoo..............D. A. Cattanach,
92 Moore Street, St. Thomas
Yarmouthnn' 'oo....vV. C. Caughell, St; Th01'nas.oo_Ralph L Marlatt, Union
Malahide... .....,m...,John M. Hale, Aylmer...._............John M. Hale, Aylmcr
Bayhal11.., ._'_ .....nBellj. Brian, Straffordville....Wm. Grant, StraffordvilIe
S.Dorchcstcr.......M. S. Charlton, R. R. 1, Springfield....,G. Winder, Lyons
Town of Aylmer..........,........ ......D. C. Davis..........,......nn....H. E. Armstrong
Village of Springfieldnh..,......,..G. W. Collillsn......n.n...._.oo..nnoo.n..Roy Clunas
Village of Vienna....,......n....,. ....]. P. Coombs....m..............n.........J. P. Coombs
Village of Port StanleYmnmH. A. Cromwell... ......'_u...'m n...H. A. Cromwell
Village o.f Dutton......nu..nu........J. D. Bluenn'nnu".m~n."'u"h_uh..D. Campbell
Village of West Lorue..n'''''.]; S. Robertsol1..........,.................uo....W. H. Bole
Village of Rodncy..n,.mn....Mrs. M. J. BisnetL.'''h..,......Mrs. M. J. Bisnett
Chas. C. Minor, Deputy Reeve, SouthwO'ld.
Duncan J. McIntyre, Reeve, Yarmouth.
Fred R. Taylor First Deputy-Reeve, Yarmouth.
Albert Archibald, Second Deputy~Reeve, Yarmouth.
R. B. McKenney., Reeve, Malahidc.
H: B. Westover, Deputy-Reeve, Malahide.
Harry L. Godwin, Reeve, Bayham.
Robert McLean, Deputy-Reeve, Bayham.
\Y". Vv~. Kiddie, Reeve, South'Dorchester.
Elgin County Council
Oscar McKenney, Reeve, Aylmer.
James McAllister, Reeve, .Vicl111a.
Kenneth M. Sinclair, Reeve, Springfield.
Nathaniel S. Cornell, Reeve, Port Stanley.
Stuart C. Kirkland, Reeve, Dutton.
J ames A. Fuller, Reeve,. West Lome.
E. G. Lusty, Reeve, Rodney.
The election of vVarelen was proceeded with, and on the ninth vote
R. B. McKenney, Reeve of Malahide, having received a majority of the
whole. Council, was declared duly elected.
The Warden-elect took his seat and addressed the CounciL
The Reeves of the various municipalities were appointed a committee
to strike Standing Committees and Council adjourned Uiltil 10 a. m.
Weelnesday morning.
Wednesday, the 27th Janual'Y, 1926
The Elgin County Council met this day in the Court House, St.
Thomas, according to' adjournment.
The Warden in the chair.
All the members present.
The Warden addresse'd the Council as follows:
~'Gentle111en of the Council,-
HI have to again thank you for the honor conferred in electing me to
preside over your deliberations during the coming year, the first in the
Elgin County Council
'secol1d quarter of the twentieth century and the seventy-fourth )-
'since the Co,unty was incorporated.
"A great many changes, have .taken place during that time; railw:
thc, telegraph, telephone, electric light and power" aeroplancs, ra
-motor cars and good roads, have been introduced, and I am glad to
this County has kcpt pace with the times. Thc growth of thc Count
"reflected in the values placed' on taxable property in the various mUll
palities by the county councils from year to year.
"In 1855 the county rate for all purposes amounted to 5,000 pound
'$20,000. In 1866 thc assessment rolls were equalized for the first t
at $4,512,336, with a county rate of $26,000'. Ten years later, 1876,
had increased to' $16,0'48,735, with a c'rjunty rate of $44,500, of wl
:$18,700 was for Canada Southern Railway bonus. There was very Ii
'change until 1902, whcn the equaliZation was 'fixed at $21,0'00',00'0 and
-county rate $36,60-0; in 1909, $26,0'0'0,00'0', withco'Unty rate $46,20'0.
1922 the equalization was increased to $31,000',nO'o as at present. Cou
rates have materially increased, due largely to the effect of the v
'The expenditure for good roads and education was last year -$145,oO'Q.
about three times the total county rate in 190'9, If the County of EI
was to take stock ter-day, it would be found that we have modern pu
buildings, f'o'dy-sevell county bridges, all but one of which 'are construe
'of steel or cement, and an excellent road system maintained by
townships, county, and province, which enables a prosperous people
-enjoy freedom in havelIing at all seasons of the year.
"We have accompfished much, and the Auditor's report showst
"notwithstanding our recent large expenditures the County is out of d~
To maintain this proud position you must be both progressive and can
:,in all your decisions,
County Trustees for St. Thomas Collegiate Institute
"In June last the Education Committee reported in favor of
appointment of trustees to represent the County on Board of Educati
as our annual contribution will in the future be largely increased clue
the erection of the'Vocational High School. The Education Commi1
:should report at this session making recommendations.
Mothers' Allowance Board
~'At the November session the council adopted report of Fina
Elgin County Council
Committee recommending an allowance
of the board for attendance at meetings.
this session.
of $5.0'0' per day for members
A by-law should be passed at
County Municipal Asspciation
"The County Municipal Association which is doing good work will
hold its annual meeting next week. The privilege of attendance should
be extended to' township road superintendents, and I would suggest that
by-law in reference to the Association be amended accordingly.
County' Road Committee
"The highway improvement legislation oJ last year limits the member'....
ship of county road committees to five. This was found necessary to
curtail the expenditure in some counties where the committees were very
large, in some cases con~isting of the whole council. There will be
considerable work for this committee during the coming year. Grants-
to urban municipalities are not now possible. The i:ounty is required to'
construct or improve twenty feet in width of roads that are extensions
of or connect different portions of roads included in the county system,
the work to be under the inspection of the County Superintendent.
When the roadway exceeds twenty feet in width, the cost of the excess
width is to be borne by the \rillage. Agreements with the county are
required before the VI'ork is undertaken in all villages, whether street
forms part of the county system or not. After roads are so constructed
a village will be entitled to seventy-five per cent. of contribution to'
county road estimatcs for maintcnance.
Cost of Education
"The Legislature in 1\J25 amended the school laws for the purpose of
eqtlalizing the cost of county pupils at continuation and high schools to
a greater cxtent than at present. The new system is optional. The
council 0'f last year considered it but took no action.
High Constable
"There does not appear to be any demand for. a changc in our county
constablc system. The county council is required to appoint a High
Constable; if they do not dO' so, the Shcriff is to assume the duties, for
which hc receives from the province a sum not to exceed $500.
Elgin County Council
"The present High. Constable
-paid twenty dollars pcr month.>.?
has held the office for years, anl
.The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmcd.
The report of committee appo.il1ted to strike Standing Commit!
was presented by Chainnal~ Cornell and referred to' a Committce of
Whole, with Mr. Cro'ssoll in thc chair. After considering the ,reI
clause by clause, the committee rose and report as amended was ad or
-on motion of D. Crosson, seconded by W. V'j. Kiddie.
The following communications were read.
From C. W. Buchanan, Agricultural Represcntative, with am
report. - Filed.
From B. B. Graham_, County Treasurer, with report. - Referrec
Financc Committee.
From Board of Education, St. Thomas, re cost permanent impr<
mel1ts. - Rcfcrrcd to Education Committee.
From Salvation Army, London, re grant for Rcscue Homc.-
ferred to Finance Committee.
From County Auditors, with rcport on 1025 accollnts. .-Refe
tol Finance Committee.
From County Police Magistrate Hunt, with report. - Referrec
Finance Committee.
From Jamcs A. Bell, County Engineer, with i'eport. - RefelTe(
Public Improvemcnts Committee.
From Advisory Agricultural Committee, re 'wecds. - Referrec
Petitions and Legislation Committee.
From Highways Department, with estimate of provincial highVl
-expenditure, 1926. - Referred to Financc Committee.
Elgin County Council
Elgin County Council
From Deputy Minister of Highways, re conference of highway
superintendents and engineers. - Referred to County Roads Committ~e_
From A. Va aden, .Pril1cipal St. Thomas CoUegiate Institute, re
industrial and household science. courses. -----' Referred to Education Com-
Mr. Williams, representing the Talbot Estates, Limited, then ad-
dressed the Council in reference to changes wanted in hills and bridge at
Talbot Creek.
Moved byD. Lindsay,
Seconded. by D, J. McKillop:
From Highways Department, with account provincial highway.
expenditure, 1925. - Referred to Finance Committee.
That Mr. Williams put his proposition in writing and that the matter
be referred to the County Rea-ds Committee.
Fram Canadian Natianal Institute far the Blind, re grant. _ Re-
fen-ed to' Finance Cammittee.
- Carried.
The fallawing cammunicatians were read:
From Haspital far Sick Children, TarantO', re grant. - Referred to>
Finance Cammittee.
Fram Western University, re appaintment of Senatar.
Fram OntariO' Gaad Roads Assaciatian, re annual meeting. _ Re-.
fen-ed to. County Raads Cammittee;
Fram J. R. Snell, re 10lss af caat. - R~ferred to' Gaol Cammittee.
Petitian in appasitian to' clasing raad in Vlcst Larne was presented
by Mr. Fuller and referred to' the Caunty Roads Cammittee.
From United Boards of Trade, re lights on vehicles. - Referred to'
Petitions and Legislation Cammittee.
Mr. \Vestover gave natice that deputatian fram Plowmen's Associ-
ation will address the council at 2 p.111. on Thursday.
Mavedby H_ L. Godwin,
Secanded by R. McLean:
Moved by O. McKenney,
That this Council dO' nav,' adjaurn until 10 a. 111. ta-marrow, to' allaw
<cammittees to' meet.
Secanded by H. Westover:
That the Council adjourn until twO' a' clock.
- Carried'~
The Council resumed.
Moved by O. McKellney,
Thursday the 28th January, 1926.
Secanded by H. L. Godwin:
The Elgin County Cauncil met this day, in accardance with adjournN
That Mr. Williams be allowed to address the cauncil.
- Carried..
Elgin County Coullcil
Elgin County Council
The Warden in the chair.
Moved by S. C. Kirkland,
All members present.
Sec0nded by ~. G. Lusty:
That W. F. Kendall be appointed to the Dutton High School Bo,ard
for three years.
- Carried.
Moved by D. Lindsay,
The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed.
The following communications were read:
From C. H. Ingram, re accident on county road. - Referred to
Finance Committee.
Seconded by J. A. Fuller:
From J, A. Taylor, annual report. - Referred to Education Com-
That- members of County Advisory Agricultural
term of office expired with 1925 be reappointed.
Council whose
Mr. McKillop gave notice of application for grant for' maintenance
of Kate Wallace.
R. A. Kerr
R. A. Penhale
George Laidlaw
Louis J ohnso11
The report of the Education Committee was presented, and adopted
on nlOtion of J. A. .Fuller, seconded by H. Westover.
The report of the Finance Committee was presented, and adopted
on motion. of H. L. God\vin, seconded by W; W. Kiddie.
'lv. A. Galbraith
- Carried.
Moved by E. Westover,
Moved by N. 'S. Cornell,
Seconded byD. J. McIntyre:
Seconded by H. Westover:
That K. W. McKay be appointed to Senate of University of Western
- Carried.
That By-Law No. 741 be amended to provide for attendance of
township road superintendents at meetings of Elgin Municipal Associ-
~ Carried.
Mr. Fuller inquired re application of highway' legislation of 1925 to
construction of extensions or connecting links of county roads in villages.
Moved by K. Sinclair;
Seconded by W. \V. Kiddie:
Moved by F. R. Taylor,
That O. McKenney be appointed Auditor of Administration of
Se~onded by D. J. McIntyre:
Justice Accounts.
- Carried.
That the Council adjourn, to meet at 2 p. m.
- Carried.
Elgin County Council
The. Council resumed.
Moved by H. Westover,
Seconded by D. ]. McIntyre:
That deputation from Elgin Plowmen's Association be now heard.
-----,. Carried..
Messrs. Thayer and Kayle then addressed the Council, requesting
grant tOhril1g provincial plowing match to Elgin. The Warden referred
request to Finance Committee.
McAllister made inquiry re opening county roads for traffic in
The Wardcll referred the mattcr to County Roads C011lmittee~
Moved by James McAllister,
Seconded by O. McKenney:
That Erwin Smyth be reappointed to the Vieuna High School for
three years.
Moved by O. McKenney,
- Carried~
Seconded by H. L. God",rin:
That Dr. F. I-I. Miller be reappointed trustee for the Aylmer Col-
legiate Institute for three years.
~ Carried_
Moved by C. C. Minor,
Seconded by D. Crosson:
That deputation from County Trustees' Association be now heard.
~ Carried~
Elgin County Council
Inspector Taylor and John Matheson then addressed the Council,
making application for grant.
Moved by R. McLean,
Seconded by VI[. W. Kiddie:
That we grant one hvndred dollars to County Trustees' Association.
- Carried.
.Mr. Lusty gave notice of Agricultural Socicty grants.
Mr. Kirkland gave notice for Public Library grants.
Moved by W. W. Kiddie,
Seconded by H. L. Godwin:
That this Council appoint a High Constable at this session.
First Amendment
Moved by S. C. Kirkland,
Seconded by J. Leitch:
That the matter of appointing a High Constablc be deferred to the
June session, and that the Warden confer with the County Judge with a
view to making some recommendation for organization of county police
Second Amendment
Moved by J. A. Fuller,
Seconded by D. J. McKillop:
That O. McKenney, H. Godwin, and E, G. Lusty be a committee to
'make inquiries in reference to a High Constable and report to-morrow'
Elgin County Coulle-il
Main motion carried, amendn1.ents lost.
Moved by D. Lindsay,
Seconded by J. A. Fuller;
That the Council adjourn until 10 a. m. to-morrow, to' allow com-
mittees to meet.
- Carried.
Friday the 30th January, 192(t
The Elgin County Councilmct this day in accordance with adjourn-
mellt, the Warden in the chair, and all the members present.
The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed.
The foIIowil1gcommUl1ications were read:
From the Tourist Association of Ontario, re membership fee.
From the County Clerk. Report on licenses.
The report of the Education Committee was presented, and adopted
on the motion of ]. A. Fuller, seconded by H. B. Westover.
The report of the Gaol Committee was presented, and
the motion of J oha Leitch, seconded by Albert Archibald.
adopted on
The report of the Public Improvements Committee was presented,
and adopted on the motion ,of E. G. Lusty, seconded by Kenneth M.
Elgin County Council
The report of the County Roads Committee was presented, and
a,dopted on the motion of David Crosson, seconded by W. W. Kiddie.
The report of the Finance Committee was presented and ado-pted on
the moti<?n .of H. L. Godwin, seconded by D. J. McIntyre.
The report of the Petitions and Legislation Committee was present-
ed, and adopted on the motion of N. S. Cornell, seconded by F. R.
Moved by D. Crosson,
SecOIlded by E. G. Lusty:
That the Warden and Cl'crk be authorized to sign and subni.it to' the
Minister of- Public Works and Highways of the Province of Ontario. the
petition of the Co-rporation of the County of Elgin showing' that during
the period 1st January, ID25, to 31st of December, 1925, there has been
expended upon the county highway system the sum of $128,526.75, and
requesting the statutory grants on that amount as provided by The Act
to Aid in the Improvement of Public Highways.
- Carried.
Moved by N. S. Co'rnell,
Seconded by J. A. Fuller:
That the deputation to the Ontario Good Roads" Association wait
upon the Minister of Highways re legislation of 1925.
- Carried.
Moved by Fred Taylor;
Seconded by D. Crosson:
That Hugh C;. Ostrander be appointed High Constable for the
County of Elgin for the year 1D26, at a salary of $1,200'.00, and that he
furnish his own conveyance and expenses, and that J 6hn Hopkins be
Assistant - High Constable at the same remuneration as he received last
- Carried.
16 Elgin County Council
Moved by, S. C. Kirkland:
Seconded by E. G. Lusty:
That we grant the sum of fifty dollars to each of the following
libraries: Rodney, West Lome, Dutton, Port Stanley, Aylmer, 'Vienna,
Sparta, Springfield, Bayhan1, and Shedden; and twenty-five dollar~ to
Belmont and WardsviIle.
- Carried.
Moved by S. C. Kirkland,
Seconded by J. A. Fuller:
That we grant the Elgin Law Library Assodatiol1 the sum of fifty
dollars ($50,00').
Moved by D. Lindsay,
- Carried.
Seconded by ]. A. Fuller:
That we grant the Tourist Association the sum of fifty dollars
($50'.00), membership fee, H.l26.
Moved by E. G. Lusty,
- Carried.
Seconded by D. Crosson:
That grants to Agricultural Societies in the County be the same as
last year - fifty per cent. af the Government. grant; and Horticultural
Societies be twenty-five per cent. of the Government grant.
Moved by D. ]. McIntyre,
- Carried.
Seconded by H. B. W estaver:
That a cammittee consisting of the Wardel~, Clerk, Mr. Kirkland,
and ] uclge Ross., be appointed a committee to define the duties af the
High Canstable.
- Carried.
Elgin County -Council
Moved' by D. Lindsay,
Seconded by J. A. Wehlann:
That the sum of twenty-five dollars
Institutes for East and West Elgin.
be granted to the Women's
- Carried.
Moved by S. C. Kirklarid,
Secanded by E. G. Lusty:
That Mr. Pellitt be naw heard on matter of insurance.
- 'Carried.
Mr. Pellitt, representative of the Glabe Indemnity Company, then
addressed the Council.
Moved by K. M. Sinclair,
Seconded by V.,r. vv. Kiddie:
That By-Law No. 1055, to confirm agreement for sale of gravel to'
London and Port Stanley Railway, be received and read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by W. VV. Kiddie,
SecO'nded by K. M. -Sinclair:
That By-Law No. 1055 be read a second time.
Moved by W. W. Kiddie,
Seconded by K. M. Sinclair:
That By-Law NO'. 1055 be read 'a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Elgin County Council
Moved by F. R. Taylor,
Seconded by A. Archibald:
That By-Law No. '10513 to provide for payment of Mothers' Allow":'
ances Board, be rec.eived and read a first time.
- Carried,.
Moved by A. Archibald,
Seconded by F. R. Taylor:
That By-Law No. 1056 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by F. R. Taylor,
Seconded by D. J. McIntyre:
That By-Law No. 10'5G be read a third time and finally passed.
Moved by H. B. vVestover,
Seconded by D, J. McIntyre:
That By,-Law No. 1057, to constitute the County Treasurer the
sub-treasurer of school monies, be received and read a first time.
--..: Carried..
Moved by D. J. McIntyre,
Seconded by H. B. Westover:
That By-Law No. 1057 be read.a second time;
- CClrried..
Moved by H. B. Westover,
Seconded by D. J. McIntyre:
That By-Law No. 1057 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried..
Elgin. County Council
Moved by H. L. Godwin,
Seconded by R. McLean:
That By-Law No. 1058, to appoint members of County Advisory
Agricultural Council, be received and read a first. time.
- Carried.
M.oved by H. L. Godwin,
Seconded. by R. McLean:
That By-Law No. 1058 be read a seco11d time.
..- Carried.
Moved by H. L. Godwin,
Seconded 'by. R. McLean:
That By-Law No. 1058 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by James McAllister,
Seconded by Chas. C. Minor:
That By-Law No. 10'59, to authorize Warden and -Treasurer to
borrow $200,000.00, be received and read a first time.
- Carried:
Moved by O. McKenney,
Seconded by James McAllister:
That By-Law No. 1059 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Chas. C. Minor,
Seconded by. James McAllister:
That By-Law No. 1059 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
20 ,
Elgin County Council
Elgin County Council
Moved by D. Crosson,
Moved by J. A. Fuller,
Seconded by Chas. C. Minor:
Seconded by D. r McKillop:
That By-Law NO'. 10'60', to appoint a member of the Board of Audit~
be received and read a first time.
That By-Law No. 1062, to appoint Trustees of High Schools, be
received and read a first time.
- Carried~
- Carried.
Moved by D. Crosson,
Moved by D. J. McKillop,
Seconded by Chas. C. Minor:
Seconded by r A. Fuller:
That By-Law No. 1060' be read a second time.
That By-Law No. 1062 be read a second time.
- Carried~
- Carried.
Moved by D. Crosson,
Moved by D. J. McKillop,
Seconded by Chas. C. Minor:
Seconded by J. A. Fuller:
That By-Law No. 1062 be read a third ,time and finally. passed.
That By-Law No. 1060 be read a third time and finally passed.
___ Carried~
- Carried.
Moved by D. Lindsay,
Moved by S. C. Kirkland,
Seconded by J. A. W ehlann:
Seconded by E. G. Lusty:
That By-Law No. 1061, to provide for attendance of Township Road
Superintendents at County Municipal Association, be received and read
a first time.
That By-Law No.lOBB, to' appoint a Senator to the University of
Western Ontario, .be received and read a first time.
- Carried.
- Carried~
Moved by J. A.' Wehlann,
Moved. by J. Leitch,
S'econded by J. Leitch:
Seconded by S. C. Kirkland:
That By-Law No. 106'1 be read a second time.
That By-Law No. 10-63 be read a second time.
- Carried.
- Carried.
Moved by J. Leitch,
Moved by E. G. Lusty,
Seconded by J.' Leitch:
Seconded by D. Lindsay:
That By-Law No. lOG! be read a third time and finally passed.
That By-Law No. 10'63 be read a third time and finally passed.
___ Carried.
- Carried.
Elgin County Council
Elgin County Council
Moved by Fred R. Taylor,
All the members present.
Seconded by K. M. Sinclair:
The Warden addressed the Council as follows:
That By-Law No. lOG4, to appoint a High Constable, be received
and read a first time.
"Gen'tlemen, -
- Carried.
"I am pleased td see you all together again and hope that y.ou have
been enjoying good health and are prepared to give the business of the
County your' tuidivided attention during the balance of the week
Moved by O. McKenney,
Seconded by Jag. McAllister:
ClSince the January session no business of particular importance has
been brought to my attention. .
That By-Law NO..lO'64 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by J. A. Fuller,
County Roads, and Bridges
That By-Law No. 1064 be read a third time and finally passed.
"The County Road Committee will repo'rt in reference to change in
road at Port Talbot. The situation there, different from any that has
been presented to the Council in the past, should receive your most
careful consideration.
Seconded by D. J. McKillop:
- Carried.
"The deputation appointed attended. meeting of the Ontario Good
Roads Association. The attendance was large and enthusiastic. All
were impressed with the important position occupied by- the road ques""
tion in the activities of the Government and municipalities of the p1'O-
vince. The Minister of Highways was, interviewed in reference to
legislation of last year. The law as it now stands entitles' villages to
seventy-five pe'r cent. ,of their contribution towards the county road levy
for expenditure 011 connecting links or extensions' of county and
the construction of these roads by the county when agreement entered
into with the council of a village. I understand that ne action has been
taken by any of the village councils in the matter.
Moved by J. A. Fuller,
Seconded by H. L. Godwin:
That this
Council now adjourn, to meet on the second Tuesday in
- Carried.
"The County Road and Public Improvements Committees have
inspected all county roads and bridges and will report on work to be
Tuesday the 8th day of June 1926
County Rates and Equalization
"The County Treasurer will report the amounts required to be
levied for county rates. You will n'O doubt find it necessary to raise
a larger_ amount than last year, as account for provincial highways is
$23,000.00 hIgher, and liability fot' high.. schools has increased about
The Elgin County Council met this day in accordance with adjourn-
The Warden in the chair.
Elgin County Council
Elgin County Council
$5',000.00. The Council has 110' control over these amounts. The
equalization of the municipal assessments of the County should also
receive your careful consideration.
of cases, have to' do with sending indigents to' a hospital. If they are
n6t financially responsible to some extent, they may not exercise a
careful supervision of applicants fo'r admission.
School Accounts
tiThe- Finance Committee should report in reference to contribution
by local municipalities.
"The chairman of the Education Committee and myself- went over
the accounts of high and continuation schools! for 1925 and the Clerk
has supplied you with a statement of amounts paid in respect to' each
school and also a statement showing what thetesult would have been
if County Council had passed by-law as authorized by leg~slation of
HJ25. The Education. Committee should give this statement their most
careful consideration in determining basis of payment of cost of educa-
tion of county pupils.
Trustee and Councillor
"An amendment to The Municipal Act, section 53, sub-section '1 (j),
removes the disqualification of school trustees in townships, all of whom
are now C1igible for election to the township council.
New Legislation
'''Some of the Acts passed by the Legislature this year are of par-
ticular interest.
Dog 'Tax and Sheep Protection Act
"This Act has been amended by requiring councils to pay damages
even if the owner of the sheep knows whose dog did the damage; he is
not required to give the information.
Hospitals, Act
"An owner having a claim for damages for sheep killed is .required
to file an affidavit that sheep we"e killed by a dog or dogs, but not by a
dog owned by him, and that the sheep were not running at large on a
highway or unenclosed land.
"As section 23 has, been amehded ..."ith respect to payment of
accounts for maintenance, by making counties liable for indigents sent
from the local municipalities therein, not separated therefrom, with- the
right to recover one-half the amount paid from the township, town, or
village in which the indigent person' resided, for the period of three
months within the five months next prior to the admission to the
"Provision is made for the issue ofsubpcenas by the Clerk ,on
instructions from- the head of the municipality, to such persons as it
may be deemed advisable to examine under O'ath to ascertain the owner
of the dog.
"County Clerks will, in future, be advised of the admission of indi-
gcnts, and it will bc their duty to- ascertain particulars of residcnce from
the officers of the local municipalities with a view to advising the
hospital authorities if, necessary.
"Although the owner of sheep killed is not required. to' make
ment in the first instance, he maybe subpcenaed with others.
a state-
"!tis often a question, in dealing with indigents, to decide whether
they should be cared for locally or be sent to the county house of refuge
or to a hospital. The widcr equalization of hospital co-sts provided for
in the new law will, nO' doubt, result in the extension of hospital and
sanitarium treatment in desirable cases. This is as it should be.
"Formerly 'the owner of the sheep killed had to proceed against
owner of dog if known, before presenting claim to council. Under the
present Act it is the duty of the council to proceed against owner of dog
that did the damage if they wish to collect amount paid;"
The proceedings
and confirmed.
of the last day of the January session were read
councils should not assume the whole Cost of hospital
The officers of local municipalities will, in the majorlty
The following communications were read:
Elgin County Council
From Fravincial 'EntonlOlogist, re appointment of Inspector under
Corn Borer Act. _ Referred to Finance Committee.
Fram Ontario Municipal Assaciation, re membership. - Referred
to' Finance Cammittee.
Fram Associatian o.f Managers of Hames for Aged and Infirm.-
Referred to Hause of Industry Committee.
From Mothers' Allowances Commissian, re appaintment of members
of Baard. _ Referred to Finance Committee.
Fram County Treasurer, report with estimates. - Referred to Fin-
ance Committee.
From J. C. Smith, 1. P. S., with report. - Regferred to' Ed,ucation
From J. A. Bell, Caunty Engineer, with report. - Referred to'
Public Impravements Cammittee.
From Educatian Department, re equipment and accomniodatian
grant. _ Referred to Educatian Committee.
From special cammittee re High Canstable's duties. - Laid aver.
Fram W. B. Daherty, City Clerk, re paving Wellingtan Street.-
Referred to Gaal Cammittee.
Mr. D. McKillop gave natice af death of Kate Wallace, of Dunwich.
The Warclen referred the notice to' Finance Cammittee,
Mr. McKenney gave natice that the deputation re Agricultural Fair
grants wauld, wait upon 'the Council at two o'claek on Thursday.
Moved by J. A. Wehlann,
Seconded by D, Lindsay:
That Professor Caesar be now allowed to address the Cauncil.
Elgin County Council
Professar Caesar then addressed the Cauncil in reference to' appoint-
ment af inspector under The Carn Borer Act.
Moved by N. S. Cornell,
Seconded byH. B. Vvestover:
That the Council do no-w adjaurn until ten o'clack to~morrow.
- Carried.
Wednesday the 9th day of June, 19.Z6,
The Elgin County Coul1cilmet this day in accardance with adjaurn-
The Warden in the chair.
All the members present.
The proceedings af the previaus day were read and 'caufirmed.
Moved by O. McKenney,
Seconded by N. S. Cornell:
That a by-law be passed requiring all vehicles using the roads in
the County of Elgin to' carry .lights or reflectars between sun~down and
Lost on the following division:
Yeas-James A, Fuller,
McAllister, O. McKenney, K.
Stuart C. Kirkland, E. G. Lusty,
M. Sinclair, N, S. Cornell, -7,
Elgin County Council
Nays- R. B. McKenney, D. Lindsay, J. A, Wehlann, D. J.
McKillop, John Leitch, David Crosson, C. C. Minor, D. J. McIntyre,
F. R. Taylor, Albert Archibald, H. B. Westover, H. L. Godwin, Robert
McLean, W. W. Kiddie.-14.
The report of the special committee on duties of High Constable
was, on motion of D. Lindsay, seconded by W. W. Kiddie, referred to
Committee of the Whole with H. L. Godwin in the chair. After con-
sidering the report clause by clause and adding thereto, the committee
arose and the report as amended was adopted on motion of H. L.
Godwin, seconded by D. Lindsay.
M.oved by James McAllister,
Seconded by N. S, Cornell:
,That J. A. Fuller be a member of Special Police Committee.
_ Carried.
Moved by H. B. Westover,
Seconded by N. S. Cornell:
That Duncan McIntyre he appointed on Special Police Committee.
_ Carried.
Moved by S, C. Kirkland,
Seconded by. J. Leitch:
That Reeve McKenney, of Aylmer, be one of the Special Police
_ Carried.
Moved by 0, McKenney"
Seconded by H, L. Godwin:
, That this Council adjourn until two p. m, to-day,
_ Carried.
Elgin County Council
The time of the Council during the afternoon was taken
the work of committees, and when Council resumed, it was
up with
Moved by \\1, W. Kiddie,
Seconded by R. McLean:
That this Council adjourn until ten o'clock to~morrow and allow
committees to meet.
- Carried~
Thursday the 10th day of June, 1926,
The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St,
Thomas, according to adjournment.
The Warden in the chair.
All the members present.
Proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed,
The followirig communications were read:
From the Village of Rodney, re construction of pavement, _ Re-
ferred to County Roads Committee.
From the Keeper of the House of Industry, tendering resignation,
- Referred to House of Industry C0111mittee
From the Tourists' Association of Ontario, re appointment of a
representative as a voting member in the Association,
The report of the Finance C0rJ.11111ittee was presented, and adopted
on motion of H. L, Godwin, seconded by D. J. McIntyre.
Elgin County Council
The report of the Public Improvements Committee was presented
and adopted on motion 0& E. G. Lusty, seconded by F. R. Taylor.
Moved by James McAllister,
Seconded by O. McKenney:
That this Council do now adjourn, to meet at 2 p. m.
_ Carded.
The Council resumed.
Moved by O. McKenney,
Seconded by H. Godwin:
That the deputation re grants to Agricultural Fairs be now heard.
- Carried.
cd Council,
Gow, Hemstreet, Morrison, Martin, and Galbraith address-
requesting increase in grant to Agricultural Fairs in the
Moved by O. McKenney,
Seconded by H. L. Godwin:
That the grants to all the Agricultural Fairs in this County be the
sanJ.c as the Government grant.
__ Carried.
The Council then adjourned for nne-half hour to attend Quarter
Sessions re appointment of Constables, and after several Committee
meetings it was
Moved by F. R. Taylor,
Seconded by Albert Archibald:
Elgin. County Council
Th,at this Council adjourn to meet to-morrow at ten o'clock.
- Carried.
Friday the 11th day of Junc, 1926.
The Elgin County Council met this day in accordance with adjourn-
The Warden in the chair.
All the members pres,cnt.
The 'proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed.
The rcport of the Gaol Committec was presented and referred to
Committee of the vVhole with Mr. K. -M. Sinclair in the chair. After
amel~ding the report the committee arose and the report as amended
was adopted.
The report of the Education Committee was presented and referred
to Committee O'f the Whole 'with Mr. W, W. Kiddie in the chair. After
'Consideration the committee arose and the report was adopted 'without
amendment, on motion of VvT. W. Kiddie, seconded by John Leitch,
Moved by Dugald Lindsay,
Seconded by J. A, Wehlann:
That this Council adjourn until 2 p. m.
The Council resumed.
The report of the County Road Committee was presented and
Elgin County Council
Elgin County Council
referred to Committee of the Whole with Dugald Lindsay in the chair ~
After considering the report clause by clause and amending same, the
committee arose and report as amended was adopted on motion of
Dugald Lindsay seconded by N, S. Cornell.
Saturclay, the 12th clay of Junc, 1926.
Moved by Fred R. Taylor,
Seconded by W. Vl. Kiddie:
The Elgin County Council met this day in accordance with adjourn-
The V\Tardcn in the chair,
That the County CounciL of Elgin approve of proposed sidc\valk
extension on the narro'W roadway of cement bridge south of Belmont.
County Road No, 35, opposite lot 24, concession_ 7, South Dorchester,
an'd that copy of this resolution be forwarded to Department of High-
ways and also County of Middlesex.
All the members present except Mr. J. A. Wehlalm.
The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed.
- Carried.
Moved by J. A. Fuller,
The report of the House of Industry Committee was presented and
adopted on motion or Chas. C. Minor, second-ed by Stuart C. Kirkland.
Seconded by D. J. McKillop:
Moved by E. G. Lusty,
Seconded by S. C. Kirkland:
That By-Law No. 1065, to fix pay of Constables for atfendance at
the Assizes or Sessions, be received and read a first time.
- Carried.
IvIoved by James A. Fuller,
< Seconded by Dugald Lindsay:
That the County Road Committee be instructed to' arrall~ge agree-
ment in accordance with application from the Village" of Rodney for
improvement of Main Street and report at next session.
That By-Law No. 1065 be read a second time.
- Carried.
- Carried.
Moved by Dugald Lindsay,
The second and third reports of the Finance Committee were pre-
sented, and adopted on motion of Harry L. Godwin, seconded by Daniel
]. McKillop.
Seconded by James A. Fuller:
That By-Law No. 1065 be read a third time' and finally passed.
Moved by]. A. Fuller,
Seconded by O. McKenney:
- Carried.
Moved by S. C. Kirkland,
That this Council do now adjourn to meet at 10' a. m. to-morrow.
Seconded by J. Leitch:
- Carried.
That By~Law No. 10M, t6 appoint Inspector under The Corn Borer
Act, be received and read a first time.
- Carried.
Elgin County Council
Elgin County Council
Moved by]. Leitch,
Moved by D. Crosson,
Seconded by S. C. Kirkland:
Seconded by E. G.Lusty:
That By~Law No.' 1066 be read a second time.
That By-Law No. 10'58 be read a second time.
- Carried_
- Carried.
Moved by D. J. McKillop,
Moved by E. G. Lusty,
Seconded by J am'es A. Fuller:
S'cconded by D. Crosson:
That By-Law No. 1066. be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carri'ed_
That By-Law No. 1068 be read a third time and finally passed
- Carried.
Moved. by Robert McLean,
Moved by James McAllister,
Seconded by Chas. C. Minor:
Se'conded by W. W. Kiddie:
That By-Law No. 1067, to extend time for tax sale, be received and:
read a first time.
That By-Law No. 1069, to raise amounts for county. rates, be
received and read a first time.
~ Carried.
- Carried..
Moved. by K. M. Sinclair;
Moved by O. McKenney,
Seconded by James McAllister:
Seconded by Albert Archibald:
That By-Law No. 10G7 be read a secoll~. time,
That By-Law NO'. 1069 be read a second time.
- Carried.
- Carried."
Mov-ed by H. L. Godwin,
Seconded by 0, McKenney:
Moved by A. Archibald,
That By-Law No, 1067 be read a third time and finally passed.
Seconded by H. B. \Vestover:
That By-Law No. lOG9 be read a third time and finally'--passed.
"Moved by C. C. Minor,
Seconded by J. McAllister:
- Carried..
- Carried.
Moved by Daniel J.. McKillop,
That By-Law No. lOGS, to confirm equalization of the assessment"
rolls of the County of Elgin, be rcceiveda"nd read a first time,
Seconded by J. Leitch:
That By-Law No. 1070, to amend By-Law No. 1052, be received
and read a first time.
- Carried..
- Carried.
Elgin County Council
Moved by J. Leitch,
Seconded by J. Fuller:
That By-Law No. 1070 be read a second time.
Moved by S. C. Kirkland,
- Carried.
Seconded by E. G. Lusty:
That By-Law No'. 1070' be read a third time and finally passed.
Moved by H. L. Godwin,
- Carried.
Seconded by O. McKenney:
That this Council do now adjourn, to meet on November 23rd, 1926.
- Carried.
\Vednesday the .6th day of October, Hl26.
The Elgin . County . Council met. this day at the request of the
Warden, in special session, at the Corurt Hotlse,St. Thomas, at 10 a. m.
The vVardcn in the chair.
All the members present.
The Waden addressed the Council as follows:
"To the Elgin County Council:
'Elgin County Council
"I have called you in special session to,-day to' consider;
"First - The passing of a by-law to appoint an officer to' enforce
the provisions of The Ontario Temperan'ce Act in the County of Elgin
as: recommended by report of special committee adopted by the Council
at the J tine session,
"Second - To pass a by-law authorizing purchase of gravel pit land
in the Township of Houghton, in the County of N odolk, as recommend-
ed'by report o,f COUtl~y Road Committee adopted at the June session.
"Thil-d - A communicatiori from the Solicitor rc disposal of the
Fothergill property in Sparta, will be laid before you. This has not
been considered by the House of Industry Committee,
"Fourth - Three applications for the positions of Keeper ahd
Matron of the House of Industry have been received. As these will be
filled at .the Novem\)er session, the Council should consider the advisa-
bility.of advertising for further applications,
"These are the only matters that I desire to bring to your attention
to~day. If the members desire to introduce resolutions in reference to
other business, they are at liberty to dO' so."
A communication from the County Solicitor re Fothergill property
in Sparta, was read.
Moved by D. McIntyre,
Seconded by F. Taylor:
That the disposal of Fothergill property in Sparta be referred to
the House of Industry Committee with povver, and that the vVarden be
authorized to' sign quit claim deed when approved by them.
- Carried.
Moved by H. B. Westover,
Seconded by N. S. Cornell:
That K. M. Sinclair, D. McIntyre, the Clerk, and Treasurer, be a
committee to arrange insurance on Court House,
- Carried.
Elgin County Council
Elgin County Council
Moved by Albert Archibald,
Moved by Chas. C. Minor,
Seconded by Fred R. Taylor:
Seconded by O. McKenney:
That By-Law No. 1071., being a by-law to appoint officer to enforce
provisions of Ontario Temperance Act in the County of Elgin, be
received and read a first time.
That an advertisement be inserted in county paper requesting appli-
..cations for positions of Keeper and Matron, House of Industry.
Moved by H. B. \Vestover,
- Carried.
- Carried.
Moved by Duncan Lindsay,
Seconded by N. S. Cornell:
Seconded by J. A. Wehlann:
That By-Law No. 1071 be read a second time.
That the Council do now adjourn.
- Carried,
Moved by D. J. McKillop,
- Carried.
Seconded by J. Leitch:
That By-Law No. 10'71 be read a third time and finally passed.
~ Carried.
Moved by H. L. Godwi"n,
Tuesday, 23rd day of November, 192fi
Seconded by R. McLean:
The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House; St..
Thomas, in accordance with adjournment
That By-Law No. 1072, to authorize the purchase oJ a gravel pit,
be received and read a first time.
Moved by W. W. Kiddie,
- Carried.
The Warden in the chair.
All the members prescnt.
Seconded by K. M. Sinclair:
The \Varden addressed the Cuncilas follows:
That By-Law No. ln72 be rcad a second time.
Moved by Chas. C. Minor,
~ Carried.
In opening the closing session of the year I wish to refer to a few
matters that may be of interest iil connection with questions that may
come before you.
Seconded by Jas. McAllister:
That By-Law No. 1072 be read a third time ancLfinally passed.
House of Industry
The appointment of a Keeper and Matron for the House of Industry
Elgin County Council
Elgin County Council
is 1110St important. The well-being of the inmates and the ecoilomical
management of'the institution depends very largely 011 the Matron,.
who should have some executive ability, which with experience will
enable her to carryon the affairs of the Instiutioll in the interests of the
COUll ty.
whos duty will be to. co-operate in the activities, of the society by taking
part in meetings of the executive The new shelter is rapidly nearing
completion, and wil b.c opened, it is expected, in about ten days. The
members of the council should arrange to attend in a. body and encourage
thos"c connected with the active management in the good work they arc
The Keeper should be a man of some education, '''lith a knowledge
of farming. His duties are most important and varied. The financial
results from fanhing operations, the general well-being of the institu...,
tion and movements of the inmates will depend largely on his ability
to appreciate the responsibilities of his new environment.
County. Police
The recent so-called riot in the Town of Aylmer is to be regretted
and may be attributed to a general dissatisfaction with the actions of
some county constables.
In considering applications the number of members of the family
or dependent parents or relatives should not be overlooked.
This Council h~lS no particular author.ity in the matter but the
should be careful in offering criticisms that may be attributed
Council as a whole without first presenting a resolution in the
The provisions of the present by-lm"l and other matters relating to-
the House of Industry should be carefully considered by the Com-
mittee and llecessary changes, if any arc desirable, brought to attention
of Council. Applicants are entitled to know the exact terms and
conditions connected with the positions before an appointment is made.
Proceec1ing';s of the last day of the June Session and Special October
were read and confirmed.
The following ,communications wyre react.
Childrens? Aid Society
The annual meeting of the society will be held at the Grand Central
I-Iotel Chamber of C0111111erce room this evening. The difficulties in
which the executive of the society found itself during the past year ill'
connection with financing the building of a new shelter was to some.
extent due to lack O'f interest on the part of members of this Council,
and the Council of the City of the City of St. Thomas, who have been-
for some years ex officiO' members of the Executive Committee, for the.
meetings of "vhich they are regularly notified.
J ohl1 Allan, Corn{" Borer Inspector, with report - Filed.
From County Engineer, with report.-Referred to Public Improve-
From Dr. D. L.Ewin, Physician House of Industry, ,'lith repo1"t.-:-
to House of Industry Committee.
Responsibility for the management of Children's Aid Societies de-
volves largely on- the charitably disposed citizens of a community to-
gether with a limit'ed municipal responsibility for the maintenance of
children committed from the county or city in addition and annual sup-
plemcntary grants, ate made by the city and county councils. \iVhilethe
rceves oJ the county arc members of the executive, they dO' not attend the
meetings and I would suggest that a special committee of three members
of this coullcil be appointed. as a Children's- Aid Society Committee,
From County Clcrk of Renfrew, re amendment to Public Health
to make payment for bedding, etc., destroyed after quarantine com-
Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee.
From County Council of Halton re paymei1t for maintenance of
patients in hospital. - Referred to Finance Committee.
From County Court Clerk Cameron enclosing presentment of Grand
-Referred to House of Industry Committee.
Elgin County Council,
Elgin County Council
The following applications for posItions of Keeper and Matron of
House of Industry were received and referred to House of Industry
Moved by F. R. Taylor,
Seconded by A. Archibald:
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. McPherson Fil1gaL
Mr. and Mrs. F. Ingram, Aylmer.
That this Council adjourn to meet at ten o'clock tomorrow to allow
Committees to meet.
Mr. and Mrs, Melyille Smith, Payne's Mills.
Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Ferguson, Dutton.
- Carried
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Campbell, Dutton.
Mr. and Mrs. K. RUl1chey, Killgsville.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley I-laines, Rodney.
Mr. and Mrs. David Britton, Aylmer.
\\7 edilcsday, 24th day of November, 1926
Mr. and Mrs. Neil McIntyre, St. Thomas.
Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Ecker, St. Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. George Cline, St. Thomas.
The Elgin County Council met this day in accordance withadjoul'll-
ment. \
Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Finch, Springfield.
The Warden in the chair.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Turncr, South wold Station.
Hr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore, Kingsm~f)l.
"All the members present except Mr. Lusty.
The proceedings of the previous day' were read and confinl1cd.
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Smith, Shedden.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dymock, West Lome.
The County Treasurer's report was presented and referred to Fi-
nance Committee.
Mr. O. McKenny enquired as to' the authority of the ,reeves as
ex officio magistrates to dispose of cases under The Highway Traffic
The report of the Gaol Committee \vas prescnted and adopted on
motion of JO'hn Leitch seconded by H. B. Westover..
Moved by H. L. Godwin,
The report of the special Finance Committee re grant to Children's
Aid Society was presented an'd adopted on motion of I-I. L. Godwin,
seconded by D. J. McIntyre.
Seconded by O. McKenney:
That the Women's Institute at Corinth be added to the list of East
Elgin Institutes to receive the usual grant this year.
Moved by N. S., Cornell,
Seconded by H. B. Westover:
Elgin County Council
Elgin County Council
That the County Roads Committee be instructed to arrange terms of
agreement with Village of Port Stanley for improvement of road from
county road No. 23 to Carlow Road.
- Carried
Thursday, 25th day of November, 1926
Moved by H. B. Westover,
The Elgin County Council met this day according to adjournment.
Seconded by D. ]. McIntyre:
The Warden in the chair.
That this CauneiIda now adjourn until two p.m. to allow Commit-
tees to meet.
All the mernbers present;
--, Carried
Proceedings of the previous day were read and coqfirmcd.
The Coullcil resumed.
The report of the Inspector of House of Industry and application
from Charles McCall for position of Keeper of House of Industry, were
read and referred to' the HOllse af Industry Cammittee.
Cammunicatian fram Caunty Po' lice Magistrate IvIaxweIl
1n reply to enquiry as to authority of members of Council as
Justices of the Peace.
was. read
ex officio
Mr. Sinclair gave notice of applicatian for grant of fifty dollars.
for Springfield lock-up,
The second report of the House of Industry Committee was pre-
sented and referred to Comm~ttee of the V\Thole, "vith Mr. David Cros-
son in the chair. After discussion the report was laid over for further
The report af the Housc'of Industry Comniittee ,vas presented and
referred to 'the Committee af the Whole ,vith Mr. McIntyre in the chair.
After cO'nsidering the report clause by clause it was adopted without
amendment on mati an of D. J. 11cIntyre, scconded by O. McKenny.
Moved by E. G. Lusty,
Seconded by D. Crosson:
The report of the Special Insurance Committee was presented and
adopted on motion of K. M. Sinclair,secanded by D. J. McIntyre.
That this Council adjaurn to meet at twO' p.m.
- Carried
1foved by A. Ai'chibald,
The Council resumed.
Seconded by K. M. Sinclair:
Mr N. S. Cornell enquired re disturbance at Aylmer
teenth, November, for which Reeve McKcnney replied.
on the thir-
That this Council adjourn to meet at ten o'clock t0111orrmv, and to
allow committees to meet. -
- Carried
The Council resumed Committee of the Whale with Mi.. D. Cros-
son in the chair. After amending the House of Industry Committee's
report the Committee arose and the report as amended was adopted on
motion of David Crosson, seconded by Robert McLean.
The report of The Public Inlprovements Committee was presented
and adopted on motion of E. G. Lusty, seconded by N.. S. Cornell.
Elgin County Council
ElgillCounty Council
The I-eport of the County Roads Committee was presented and
adopted on motion of David CrO'sson, seconded -by D. J. McKillop.
Moved by K. M. Sinclair,
Moved by O. McK,cl111Y,
Seconded by A. Archibald:
Seconded by H. L. Godwin:
That the Village of Springfield receive the sum of Fifty Do"11ars for
repairs on-lock-up.
~ Carried
That this Council adjourn for one hour to allow Committees to
Moved by J. A. Fuller,
- Carried
After Committee meetings the Council met and adjourned to meet
at ten a'dock Friday morning on motion of John Leitch, seconded by
James A. Fuller.
Seconded by N. S. Cornell:
That David Gooding be appointed assistant Keeper of the House
of Industry for one year at same salary as formerly.
- Carried
Moved by Dugald Lindsay,
Seconded by J. A. Wehlann:
Friday, 26th November, HJ26:
That the usual grant of Fifteen Dollars be paid to the Times-
J oumal reporter for his services in reporting the proceedings of this
Council during the year.
- Carried
The Elgin County Council met this day according to adjournment.
Moved by N. S. Cornell,
The Warden in the chair.
Seconded by H. B. Westover:
All the members prescnt.
That the Council do now adjourn until two o'clock.
- Carried
The procecdings of the previous day were read and confirmed.
The Council resumed.
The report of the Petitions,and Legislation Committee was presented'
and adopted on motion 'of N. S. Cornell seconded by F. R. Taylor.
The report of the Finance Committee was presented and 'adopted 011
motion of H. L. Godwin s~econded QY James McAllister.
The report of the Education Committee was presented and adopted
on motion of James A. Fuller, seconded by J. A Wehlann.
Moved by D. Crossan,
Seconded by E. G. Lusty:'
The report of the Gaol COlllmittee was presented and adopted OIl!
lllotion of John Leitch, seconded byE. G. Lusty.
That By-Law No. 1073 to fix salary of County Road Superintendent
be received and read a first time.
- Carried
Elgin. County Cotll1cil
Elgin. County Council
Moved by R. McLean
Seconded by H. L. Godwin:
That By-Law No. 1073 be read a second time.
Moved by Albert Archibald,
Seconded by Fred R. Taylor:
Moved by 0 McKenney,
Seconded by James McAllister:
That By-Law No. 1075 be read a second time.
- Carried.
....,... Carried
1rIoved by Dugald Lindsay,
Seconded. by James A. Fuller:
Moved by Charles C Minor,
That By-Law No. 1073 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried
- Carried
Moved by J. Leitch
Seconded by Stuart C. Kirkland:
That By-Law No. 1074 be read a second tiil1C.
Moved by Daniel J. McKillop,
Secolldedby James A. Fuller:
That By-Law No. 1075 be read a third time and finally passed;
Moved by H. L. Godwin,
Seconded by J., Leitch:
That By-Law No. 1074 to amend By~Law No. 8"27, and appoint
Keeper and Matron of House of Industry and Refuge be received and
read a iii"st time.
Seconded by James McAllister:
That the thanks of this Council be tendered to Warden McKenny
forthe efficient manilerin which he has filled the chair and that the usual
grant of One Hundred Dollars be paid to him.
- Carried
- Carried.
Moved by D. J.McIntyre,
Seconded by F. R. Taylor:
- Carried
That this Council adjourn sine die.
- Carried.
That By-Law No. 1074 be read a third time and finally passed.
Monday, 13th day of December,192G.
Seconded by D. J. McKillop:
That By~Law No, :1.075 to amend By-Lay No 1052 by changing the
designation of county roads Nos. 48 and 49 in the Township of South
Dorchester be received and read a first time.
Moved by .Tames A. Fuller,
The Elgin County Council met this day, at the call of the Warden
t6 arrange for attendance a.t opening of Children's Shelter on Monday
~vening and for attendance at Court of Quarter Sessions on Tuesday
to consider revision of list of County Constables and for gcnera1..busi-
- Carried
Elgin County Council
The Warden in the chair.
All the members present except 1,11'. David Crosson.
Moved by D. Lindsay,
Seconded by]. A. Wehlann:
That Police Magisrate Hunt be allowed to address the Council:
- Carried.
Police Magistrate Hunt then addressed the Council in recognition
of the long services of O. McKenney, Reeve of Aylmer, who was then
presented with a gold-headed cane in commemoration of his twenty-nine
years of scrviceas a .member of the Council.
The following communications were read:
From Ontario Plowman's Association re International Plowing
Match H)2~/. - Referred to Finance Committee.
From Highways Department approving extension suburban area to
Port Stanley and promising early attention re change of County roads
in South Dorchestcr.- Filed.
From the City Council of Hamilton re pefition for relief from Pro-
vincial suburban area costs.--Refcrred to Petitions and Legislation
From County Solicitor rc _Homes for Incurables and Hospitals
Act. - Referred to Finance COlrimittee.
From Township of Malahide with accounts for hospital mainten-
ance - _Referred to Finance Committee.
From Village of Rodney r.e Hospital accounts.-Referred tOI Finance
Mr. D, J. McIntyre gave notice of application for grant to Elgin,
Poultry Show.
Elgin CO\1nty Council
The County Const,abIes question \-vas then considered. After being
-discussed at length It was:
Moved by Robert McLean,
Seconded by C. McKenney:
That the Warden, D. J. McIntyre, H. L. Godwin, W. VV. Kiddie',
D. Crosso11, D. J. McKillop, D. Lindsay and S. C. Kirkland, be a com-
mitb;e to meet I-lis Honor Judge Ross re County Constables.
- Carried.
Moved by J. A. \Vehlann,
Seconded by D. Lindsay:
That this Council do UO\V adjourn to meet tomorrow.at ten a.m.
- Carried.
Tuesday 14th,day of December, 1926
The Elgin County Council met this' day according to adjournment.
The Warden in the chair.
All the membcrs present exCept Mr. David Crosson.
Proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed.
The report of the Petitions and Legislation Committee was pre-
'Sented and adopted ori motion of N. S. Cornell, seconded by Fred R.
Taylor. " \
. The report of the House of Industry Committee was presented
Elgin County Council
and adopted on motion of Charles C. Mino-r, seconded by Robert Me--
The report of the Gaol Commttee was presented and adopted on.
motion of John Leitch, seconded by H, B. Westover.
The report of the Finance Committee was presented and referred'.
to Committee of the Whole with Mr.' W. W. Kiddie in the chair. After"
considering the report- clause by clause the committee arose _ and the
report was adopted without amendment 011 motion of W. \V. Kiddie"
seconded by H. L. Godwin.
Moved by D. J. McIntyre,
Seconded by O. McKenney:
That this Council grant the Elgin Poultry Association the same as.
last year, $20(},
In amcndmcllt_
Moved by 0, McKenney, seconded by D. J. McIntyre:
That a grant of $100 be paid to the St. Thomas and Elgin Poultry
-Main m6tion lost. Amendment carried_
Moved by Albert Archibald,
Seconded by H. L. Godwin:
That in the opinIon of this Council the County Crown Attorney
should be paid a salary and it is recommended that in the future. he be
paid by salary instead of depending upon fees, and that copies of this
resolution be forwarded to the Provincial representatives for East and'
West Elgin.
Moved by K. M. Sinclair,
Seconded by. A. Archibald:
- Carried~
That this Council do now adjourn to meet at 2.30 o'clock.
~ Carried_
.Elgin County Council
The Council resumed.
Moved by E. L. Godwin,
Seconded by W. W. Kiddie:
That By-Law No. 1076 to. provide for payment of accounts
maintenance of indigents at Hospitals, Sanitoriums and Homes
Incurables be received and read a first time.
Moved by J. A. Wehlann,
- Carried.
Seconded by Dugald Lindsay:
That By-Law No. 1076 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved. by A. Archibald,
Seconded by K. M. Sinclair:
That By-Law No. 10'76 be read a third time and finally passecl.
- Carried.
Moved by J. A. Wehlalll1,
Seconded by D Lindsay:
That this Council adjourn sine die:
- Carried.
Elgin County COUlicil
David CroiSson, Chairman
McKillop, McIntyre, Godwil1,
John Leitch, Chairman
Archibald, Westover
E. G. Lusty, 'Chairman
Leitch, Minor, 'Ncstover, McLean, Kiddie, McAllister,.
Sinclair, Cornell, Kirkland, Fuller, Taylor
C. C. Minor, Chairman
McLean, 'McKenney
H. L. Godwin, Chairman
Lindsay, McKillop, Crosso11, Mc.Intyre; Kiddie, O. McKcnney,.
McAllister, Sinehdr, Cornell, -Kirkland, Fuller, Lusty
J anies A. Fuller, Chairhnn
\Vehlunn, Leitch, Archibald, vVestover, McLean, K'iddie,.
McAIlis~er, Sinclair, Kirkland, Lusty, Minor
N. S. Cornell, Chairman
McKillop, Taylor, McKenney, Sinclair
Ste\vart C. Kirkland, Chairman
Taylor, McAllister; Cornell
Elgin County Council
June Session
'fa the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council:
I have the honour to submit herewith the annual report on the
PuJ)lic Schools of East Elgin for the school year of 1024-25 with the
statistics for the - year 1925;
During the year of 1924-25 there were employed in the public
schools of the inspectorate 108 teachers, of whom 9 had first-class cer-
tificates, 97 second-class certificates, and 2 kindergarten certificates.
There were 10 male teachers and 9Sfemale teachers. Of the latter 12
were married women.
The changes in, the teachiilg staff in a rural inspectorate are vety
numerous each, year and these. constant changes constitute a serious
problem in thc administration of rural schools. There were not as many
changes in East Elgin as in some years but,. nevertheless, the number
was quite marked. Out of a total staff of 108 there were 39 changes,
or .36 per cent.,' made up as follows:
Fr0111_ otheri11spectorates'.n_.....n--..n--mm __~.n.___.l0
Changed schools in East Elgin__ .'....__n.n~___..m 9
Resumed teaching ________.mm.....____ 2
...m.....m 3D
There is an increase of one over the total of the whole staff for last
year. In the last nine years there has been an increase 'of 6 and the in-
crease has bcn confined to the rural schools. 'I'he numher of teachers
in the rural schools is 1W\\' 93. The largest schools in theinspectoratc,
namely, Aylmcr, Be1nlO'nt, Port Burwell, Sprlngfield, and Yarmouth
Heights, have male principals. It is gratifying tanote also that for the
third successive year' all the teachers were fully qualified,
School Boards should have no difficulty.in securing a legally qualified
teacher and grcatcare should be exercised in making a selection. It
Elgin Comity Council
is becoming quite common for trustees; to ask for persona~ applications
or to scnd a deputation from the Bo'ard to interview the applicants,
The frequent changing of teachers which is so common in many of the
rural sections is, as has becl1frequelltly pointed out, one of the most
baneful hindrances to progress and an unnecessary change in teac~ers
always means a fmanciaI loss to the ratepayers and an intellectual loss
to' the children in the school.
The academic and professional standing of the teachers is continu-
ally. rising and an increasing number of teachers in the rural schools
have certificates in Art, Music, ek., which cannot fail to enrich their
teaching and' enhance their value to' the section. The Department of
Education has for many years been conducting summer schools for the
benefit of teachers who wish to: improve their standing and large numbers
of ambitious teachers take advantage of these facilities. The summer
scho01s of the various universities in the province are attended by large
nunibers of teachers every year. This is a very encouraging sign,
because these teachers voluntarily and at their OWll expense spend five
or more weeks in study iil order that they may better equip themselves
for public service.
Financial Statement, 19,2:5
(a) Receipts
Balance from previous year""'nn"n.'''''_"_''''''''''....n
Township grailts
County grants
Legislative grants
Local levy and debentures mn..'___........
Other sources
....m.$118735 93
5220'0' 00'
879 37
29298 95
73762 '1.4
15456 70"
,$290333 09
(b) Payments
Teachers' salaries 00'_'........
Sites, buildings, etc.
Libraries, apparatus, etc.
Debentures and loans
Repairs, fuel, caretaking, etc.
....m$111538 97
12930' 26
23157 76
31029 72
Balance carried to next year
$181772 53
n"nn.n'nn'nn._____ 108560 56
$290333 09
School Statistics. 1925
Compared with the previous year, there was practically no change
the teachers' salaries. The usual salary for the average rural school
been $1000, and Aylmer has fixed $1000' as the maximum forr the
teachers. The department continued the liberal grants on
for the year
3 17 $1300
S m..m..m.mmmm.... 1 7 1100
2 20' 10'00
1 25 1200
1 0 2000'
1 2 1150
total number of pupils enrolled:
Boys 0000'0000'0000'''.'00''0000000000._._____''''00'00
Girls ..n..n..nn...nnn_.......nnonn
T otal.n.._n___.,__n,.nn...__ ...uu.....n_'.n.n......
Average ___
These figures represent a smaller enrolment f0'r the year but a larger
attendance than for the year previous.
First Book
Second Book
Third Book
Fourth Book
Fifth Bacik
Total Enrolment
The average number of days during which the schools were kept
was 190.
From the teachers"annual reportsl has been derived the
information which illustrates the constant fluctuatioll in the enrolment.
The movement of the school population has an effect upon the teaching
,and, organization of the schooIs.
Number of pupils admitted for the first tim.c.
Number of boys left to attend other public schools... u..omumn__ "_m
Number of girls left to attend other public schools
Number of boys left to attend high. or continuation schoolS.mn moo
Number of girls left to attend highar continuation schools __ nm.......
Number of boys left Fifth Class to attend continuation schools
-Number of girlsleh Fifth Class to attend continuation schools________
Number of. pupils removed by death or disabil-ity nm_n omo. .__.mmm_..m
Enrolment in the subjects of the curriculum:
Art .0..00
English History. mnm ..___.....mn ..___mmm... ...1S(j5
Canadian History
Hygiene ....._00 ...000000 nn ____moon ....__00 .__.__....m..3605
Nature Study. _.._mnnmmm ___m...n ....00 _umU165
Physical Culture mn_..m.n"m...O. .__m...mmn n3651
Agriculture . .___.. .m.'. ...um _'nmnm ........ ._........189Z
l-Iousehold Science ._mmm ___"__m___'nn u... 294
In addition to the abouve the Fifth Class pupils received instruction
as follows; Advanced Arithmetic 10, Algebra 38, Geometry 5, Latin 3,
French 3, Elementary, Science (Botany and Zoology) 21, Advanced
English 46, Canadian History 46, Art 10, Grammar 46, Geography.
The enrollllent in the Fifth Classes is very unsatisfactory. There
were only nine Fifth Classes and' in seven of them candidates "yere pre-
pared f6tthe Lower School examination. The attendance in each
case ,vas small and a number of pupils withdre\v before the term was.
Elgin County Council
completed. This unsatisfactory feature of the work entails a financial
ioss and a severe drain on the teacher's time since the Fift-h Class pupils
should get the full benefit of their year's wor!.::, Only one school, S.S.
No.3, Southwold, qualified for the Fifth Class.grant.
In Household Science ten schools qualified for the regular Depart-
mental grants for the refund of expenses and in Agriculture 71 classes
were maintained and qualified for the grants in accordance with the
Entrance examinations \,'ere held at Aylmer, Belmont,Fingal, Port
Burwell, Sparta, Springfield, Vienna, and Yarmouth Heights The
examination was based on the new course of study a1id was more
searching than that of the previouS" year. A total' of 318 candidates
attempted the examnation and 222 were sticcessful. A distinct improve-
ment on the whole was noticed in the English subjects and since two-
thirds of this work is based on the English language and literature, a
creditable advance has been made.
Yours resPGctfully,
St. Thomas June 8th, 1920.
January Session
No, 1
To the Elgin County Council:
The Education Committee reports:
1. That the Chairman and \Vardenbe a special committee to act
with the COUl1ty Clerk in passing High and Continuation School amounts
for payment.
2. That no action be taken in reference to appointing trustees to
.St Thomas Board of. Education,
Elgin County Council
3. That the Secretary of the St. Thomas Board of Education be
notified that the County's liability for expenditures during 1926 is
_sletermined by the Act of 1925 Chapter 78, section 18, and includes their
share of permanent improvement's, whether- paid for by cash or by
All of which is respectfully submitted,
January Session
St. Thomas Ont., January 27, 1926.
To the Elgin County Council:
The Education Committee recommends payment of the following
J. C. Smith Inspector, expenses..mm,m.m$81 40
]. A. Taylor, Inspector, expenses....m.___,,_ 57 75
R. McLa'chlin, 111spectoh, stationerY.m.m, 4 40
Municipal World, Inspector, printing._____ 18 60
All of which is respectfully submitted,
29th January, 1926.
June Session
To the Elgin County Council:
The Education Conimittee reports:
1. That the report of Inspctor Smith be received and printed in
the minutes.
Elgin County Council
2. That no action be taken in reference to request fot' passing of a
to provide for the payment of (me-half the cost of all pupils
high and continuaton schools by the county.
3. That the following accounts be paid:
J. A. Taylor, Iuspector (expense account)......n$138 52
J. C. Smith (expense account)nn,.___......__,..umnm_. 292 52
Municipal W orId, printing.........___onmn...n.n.......___ 15 00
Art of which is rcspesfully submitted,
Thomas, Ont., June 11, 1926.
November Session
the Elgin,County Council:
The Education Committee reports:
That the followllg accounts be paid:
Municipal World, stationery and printing for
I ns p e cta r n.un.'nn nn n.nn. nn'.__. "00,"" ..n '00' nnnn ..00.$
J. C. Smith, Inspector, expenses.___onm...______.....
]. A. Taylor, Inspector, expenses.n.....___..........___
97 85
274 51
132 12
All of 'which is respectfully submitted,
Thomas, November 25th, 1926.
Elgin County Council
County ,Council
Cash on hand, - Jan. - 1sL.mu.mnu
Adm. of J ustice.mm.,.m.n
Bills Payab1c.m___ .._.nnn_.'nnn_..n
Public Schools
House of Iridustry.mn
Arrears of Taxesn .'.m'nnn _.m._mm'm'_mm...
County Roads
...........$ 10282 86
2587 33
110000 00
204 DO
306 88
398 48
117D 27
63774 36
2073 85
$190807 93
Estimates for the, Current Year
Adm. of Justice . _.m.'__..'.m'.mnn'.m'..nm..._.'..$
House-of Industry
County Lines
High Schools
Officers' Salaries
Public Schoo,ls
Members' Wages
Court House Com.
Registry Office
County Roads
Grants to Villages
Provincial Highway
Agricultural Rep.
8.00,2 mills.
7000' 00'
8000 00
3000 00'
350-0-0 00
5000 DO'
19000 00
4000 00
2000 00'
,150-0 00
1000 00
75000 on
9000 00
58755 00'
500 00
170'00 00,
.$248755 00
June Session
To the Wardcn and Council:
Gentlemen,_ ~
I beg leave to subm,~ the following repo-rt:
Receipts\ from Jan. 1st to May 31st.
The number of 101s that could be sold for arrears of taxes this year
large ena-ugh to justify a sale therefor I wO'uld recommend that
be passed to defer Tax Sale till 1927.
Ad. _ of Justice
Bills Payable
Public Schools
House of Industry
Registry Office
County Lines
High Schools
Members' \i\T ages
Officers' Salaries
Printing and Stationery
Care of B"uildings
Water, Light and Heat
County Roads
6441 95
6000'0' DO-
920 20
8231 69
3776 78
538 39
495 18
14839 25
10'58 30
464 66
488 86
155 31
27705 67
39974 90
All of which is respectfully submitted,
County Treasurer
Thomas, J unc 8th, 1926.
November Session
the Warden and Council:
beg leave to submit a statement .of the receipts and expenditures
to October 31st, and also a statemcnt of the estimated receipts and
fo,r the balance of the year.
.$166491 14
24316 79
$190807 93
Receipts.to October 31st, 1926
Cash Oil hand January IsLn nOun..m..__..m .$ 1. 0-282 8G
Administration of Justice .m.mm....n.n_.___'. 5101 13
~ ~ I " I
I" I, "I
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Elgin County Council
Elgill (OUilty Council
Bil1s Payable Un.....,..____.,,____,....__
Public Schools
HOuse of Industry
Arrears of Taxes
County Roads
143000 00
521 10
34302 86
2553 80
2479 54
70963 20
2337 85
$27154.Z 34
County Lilies, estimated
Court.. House Committee, estimated
County Roads, estimated
Provincial Highway, estimated ....-....,....,..
County Rate
Government Aid to' Highways... ,....,.....,=.
. Administration of Justice
City of S1. Thomas
Expenditures to October 31st
Administration of Justice .m _..000...'..........$
Bills Payable
Public Schools
House of Industry
Registry Office
County Lines
High Schools>
Members' Wages
Officers' Salaries
Printing and Stationery
Care of Buildings
Water, light and heat
County Roads
14401 58
60'000- 00
931 45
10788 80
10180 89
1327 44
2544 11
'14839 25
2941 80
3750 00
719 67
2014 79
3459 64
95332 60
44387 55
All of which is respectfully submitted;
Treasurer's Office, Nov. 19, 1926;
January Session
To the Elgin Cciunty Council:
$267619 57
3922 77
$271542 34
The Finance Committee reports as follows:
500 00
2000 0-0
40000 00
58755 00
$2480'0'3 00 .
700'00 00
2500 00
4100 '00
'1,6000 DO'
59'98 0'0
$32460'3 00 $32460'3 00
County Treasurer
1. That a by-law be passed 'as provided in section 93 of the Public
Schools Act to constitute County Treasurer the sub-treasurer to pay
the Board of the Rural Public Schools within each township, the amount
of the Legislative grant apportioned to each school, and that a by-law
be: passed to amend By-Law No. 765 accordingly.
Estimates for B'aIa:nce' of Year
Bills Payable ........ .......'.m........ ......'....'m.'..$10300-0 00
Adm. of Justice estimated...."...,....,....,.m...... 2500 00
House of - Industry, estimated ....m.'........ 1500 00
High Schools, estimated ...,'".. ....'....,..._...... 3500-0' 00
Public Schools) estimated ..._..000............... 50000- 00
Officers' Salaries, estimated h..'...._.....,........ 1250 no
Members' Wages, estimated;....m .......'....,.. 1100; 00
Arrears of Tilxes, estimated""'........m ".. 2500 00
Interest) estimated .m'....m.'.......__ 4500 00
.2. That the Clerk and County Solicitor be authorized to approve
of. Public Liability policies.
3. That the following grants be made:
The Hospital'. for Sick Children....,............m.$l;OO~ 00
Elgin County Council
Bills Payable ___".m'm"o...'m_'..._____..
Public Schools
House of Industry
Arrears of Taxes
County Roads
143000 00
521 10
34302 86
2553 80
2479 54
70963 20'
2337 85
$271542 34
Expenditur'es' to October 31st
Administration of J ustice m..mmm~.m...m$
Bills Payable
Public Schools
House of Industry
R~gistry Office
County Lines
High Schoolsl
Members' Wages
Officers' Salaries
Printing and Stationery
Care of Buildings
Water, light and heat
County Roads
1440'1 58
60000' 00
931 '15
10788 80
10180' 89
2544 11
14839 25
2941. 80
3750' 00
719 67
2014 79
3459 64
95332 60
44387 55
Balan ce
$267619 57
3922 77
.$271542 34
Estimates for Balancel of Year
Bills Payable ....----......--,.........'m_-m......m'oon._.$1030,0'0' 00
Adm. of Justice estimated..._m.,m.,.m..m...... 2500'00
House of, Industry, estimated ""hn'..n"m 1500 00
High Schools, estimated __.".mn>......,.......... 35000 00
Public Schools, estimated m.'..nm.nmm..n 50000 00
Officers' Salaries, estimated .m.......-....n..n. 1250 00
Members' Wages, estimated m.mm.n.......,.. 1100 00
Arrears of T~xes, estimatedn...oomn_n...m 2500 00
Interest, estimated __h'....n...m.....m.............. 4500 00
Elgin Cou:nty Council
County Liries, estimated
Court, House Committee, estimated.
County Roads, estimated
Provincial Highway, estimated ...._.m'n..'.'
County Rate
Government Aid to' Highways.m.....,.m...,.
. Administration of Justice ..n..._.'.m.....'mnm
City of St. Thomas .....m'n..'...._.m.n......um~...
All of which is respectfully submitted,
Treasurer's Office, Nov. 19, 1926.
January Session
To the Elgin County Council:
The Finance Committee reports as follows:
500 0-0\
2000 00
40000 DO
58755' 00
$2480'0'3 00
70000 00
2500 00
4100 00
'1.60'00 00
5\Hl8 nO'
$32460'3 00 $324603 00
County Treasurer
1. That a by-law be passed 'as provided in section 93 of the Public
Schools Act to constitute County Treasurer the sub-treasurer to. pay
the Board of the Rural Public' Schools within each township, the amount
of the Legislative grant apportioned to each school, and that a by-law
be passed to amend By~Law No. 765 accordingly.
,2. That the Clerk and County Solicitor beauthorizcd to approve
of Public Liability policies.
3. That the following grants be Inadc:
The Hospital:. for Sick Children.m.......mn.....$lOO, 00
Elgin County Council
Elgiii County Council
Canadian National Institute foOl' the Blind.... 100 00
The Salvation Army Rescue. ~0l11enm.__.___' 300' DO'
4. That the report of County Police ~gistrate Hunt be received
and printed in the minutes. /
5. That a by-law be passed to authorize the Warden and Trea-
surer to borrow the sum of $20'0,00'0'.
Rodney Mercury, printing proceedings,
Aylmer Express, advertisirtg
Municipal World,f,O'r Registry Office
Muriicipal World, for Clerk and Treas.
Belmont Enterprise,arlvertising
All of ""hieh is respectfully submitted,
242 25
2'55 00
1 25
14 15
17 73
1 25
All of which is respectfully submitted.
January 28th, 1926.
St. ,Thomas, Ont, January 27, 1926.
January Session
June Session
To the Elgin County Council:
To the Elgin County Council:
The Finance Committee reports as foHows:
The' Finance 'Committee reports:
1. That this Council guarantee a grant of One Thousand Dollars
to Plowman's Association if Provincial Match is held- in .this County.
1. That a by-law be passed to defer holding of Tax Sale for one
2. That no action be taken in reference to the claim of Charles W.
Ingram for damages due to snow drift- on County Road, south of
2 That 110 action be taken under prOVISIons of _ the Hospital and
Charitable Institutions Act of 1926, towards providing for the payment
by local' municipalities of the portion of account for maintenance
.of indigent persons in haspital.
C. St. C. Leitch, Caunty Saliciar, ,
General Services, 1925,.........m'....'oo..........$
Elgin vs Wilber
Elgin vs Smith ....m~.m....m.'.m'.m..mm......
Village Pt. Stanley Sant., re Pickering
Tawnship af Yarmauth, Sanatarium,
re White
Children's Aid Society, maintenance
3. That the annual fee af twenty-five dallal's for membership~.", in
Ontario Municipal Associatian be paid. and that the Warden appoint a
deputatian to' attend the annual meetihg.
3. That the following accaunts be paid:
140. 00
253 52
273 75
4. That J ahn Allan of the Township of Yarmauth be appainted
'Carn-Barer Inspectar and that Messrs. Godwin, Lindsay and McIntyre
be a committee to' report an financial arrangements.
90 95
5. That S. S. McDennand and'D. A. McNabb be reappainted mem-
bers of the Mothers' Albwance Board.
Elgin County. Council
Elgin County Council
6. That grant for ,maintcliance of Kate Wallace as passed at the
] anuary Session be paid~
purposes, 'we recommend that a sub committee conslstmg 0f Chairman
McIntyre ,and the Warden ,be authorized to confer with the authori-
-ties of te society and the City of St. Thomas with power to act.
Expenditure not exceeding .two thousand dollars.
7. That the following a,CCOlll1ts be paid:
Township of Malahide, for account
mail1t'ncc Glen Price in Victoria Ho'sp.$
Village .of 'Rodney, forr account, main-
tenance Sanitorium paticl1ts'.m~....nu.___u
Aylmer Express, printing.m~m'nn'.___.mnn...
Children's Aid Society
Advance, Dutton, advertising.__
Enterprise, Port Burwell
Mercury, Rodney" nmnom.
Provincial Treasurer, conveyall:ce of
Alexandra Industrial School, mainten-
Victoria Industrial School, maintenance
County Clerk, postage
City Directory
Municipal World, for Registry Office..
City of St. Thomas, oiling Stanley St.
31 50
2. That K. W. McKay-he'appointed to represent the Council as a
voting member to the Tourists' Association of Ontario.
176 25
7 50
445 25
:I. 50
2 88
177 00
3. With reference to' -communication from the Queen Alexandra
Sanitorium re George Kew, that Dr. Ewin and Clerk arrange fo-r his
removal. to the -House of Industry.
128 36
4. That the equalization of the county be the same as last year
w.ith the exception of Vienna, which should be reduced to $121,088, and
that the same amoUnt be added to the Township of Bayham, making
t4eir equalization $2,477,531.
89 00
15 00
10 00
5 00
66 65
19 81
All of which is respectfully submitted,
. Sf. Thomas, Oilt., June 11th, 1926.
June Session
No. 3'
8, That C6urt Constables be paid at the rate of Four DolTars per
day for attending courts including the county court which commenceo':
on the eighth of June.
All of, which is respectfully submitted,
St. Thomas, Ont., June 9th, 1926.
June Session
To' the Elgin County Council:
Th_e Finance Committee reports:
To- the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin:
The Committee on Finance beg leave to-report that, having exam-
iiled into the finances of the County and the estimates prepared by the
COut~ty Tl'easurer, they herewith submit a stq.tement of the expenditure
required' for thelawfttl purpo-ses' of the County during 1926, showing
the amount required - to be raised for the under-mentioned purposes.
Administration of Justice m".m ......"........,..$
'County Liues and Bridges _m;..mm,"...'......
House of Industry
High Schools
700'0' 001
300'0- 00
800'0 00
1. With reference to grant tb Chilclren'sAiclSociety,'for:hi1ild-ing;
1. That the Clerks of the local municipalities be instructed by their
respective Coullcils to' supply information to County Clerk ill reference
to indigent patients in hospitals when requested to do so.
Elgin County Council
Elgin County Council
Public Schools ..:.'..._.m........'.....m~__.'....,......__
Officers' Salaries ........'....'..........._....,....,........
Members' W ages- ....n...~__........."'..'n..dln....~.
Court House Commission ..........___'....'.m~.__'
Registry Office
County Roads
Grant Urban Municipalities 'm'....,....""_'''_
Provincial Highway
November Session
1 9000 00
5000 00
4000 00
20'0'0' DO
450"0" 00
loon 00
18247 00
750'0'0' nO'
7500 00
58755 no
.$248003 OD
The Finance Committee report:
TO' the' Elgin County Council:
Your Committee would recommend that the sum of Two Hundred
and Forty-eight Thousand and Three Dollars be raised on all the rate-
able property in the several municipalities, of the County of Elgin dur'ing
the year 192G for County purposes, and that a rate of 8 mills on the
dollar be levied on rateable property in the several muniCipalities in the
County to raise said amounts.
2. That Children's Aid Society be granted for
3. That the following accounts be paid:
C. St. Clair Leitch, County Solicitor....$
Village qf Rodriey, Sanitorium, account
Mrs. Bell
Children's Aid Society, maintenance..._..
Treasurer, South Dorchester, convey-
ance to' Ho'tlse of Industry..._..._....,....,....
Alexandra Industrial School, mainten-
Victoria Industrial ,School, maintenance
Port Stanley, sanitorium account,main-
Municipal World, Ac. Clerk and Treas.
Aylmer Express, advertising .............__...
Times- J oumal, advertising
Town of Aylmer, conveyance, I-I. of I.
Municipal Wodd, for Registry Office....
McLachlin's Book Store, for Registry
McLachlin's Book Store, County Clerk's
K.W. McKay, Co. Clerk, postage........,.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Adopted June 11th, 192G.
November Session
To the Elgin County Council:
A special committee of Finance Committee appointed to confer
with the City in reference to grant to Children's Aid Society reports:
That as a result of a joint m~eting, grants of Two Thousand Dol-
lars each were made on behalf of the County and the City, for building
All of which is respectfully submitted.
1926, $400.
190' 00
229 50
597 80
5 00
92 DO
15 50
G4 50
117 95
10 50.
8 50
2 50
66 65
22 25
:I. 85
10 GO
4. That the report of the 'Co,unty Treasurer be adopted and printed
in the minutes.
St. Thomas,Ont.; November 23, 1926.
'Elgin County Council
ElginCaUll~y ,Cauncil
5 That Council halda SpeCial Session to ,attend opening Children's
January Session
All of which is respectfully submitted.
TO' the Warden and Cauncil of the County of Elgin:
St. Thomas,' November 26th, 1fJ26.
Special December Session
Since your November session little work has 'been done on County
Line bridges.
To the Elgin County Council:
Beaver' Creek Bridge-
The Finance Committee report:
The old wooden structure was replaced by a. concrete culvert and
earth fill. The work has now been completed except that the road way
will have to' be regravelled next spring and the guard rails reset. The
total ,cost of the work to date is $4,140.59. The amount expel1dedsince
your November session being $438.78.
1. With reference to communicatian fram OntariO' Plawmen'sAs-
saciatiol1 we recommend that it be laid aver until the January Session
to' enable the lacal Plowmen's Association to' prepare plans a,nd esti~
mates to' be laid befare the council, if they deem it advisable to' bring the
Internatianal Plowing Match for 1.927 to this County.
Robbins Bridge~
2. We have cansidered question of maintenance af indigents in Has-
pitals and would recammend that a by-law be passed requiring the local
municipalities af the County to pay fifty per cent. af the cost of main-
tenance af patients from each at Haspitals, Sanitoriums, and Hames fb1:"
Incurables, to' apply to' accounts hereinafter presented for maintenance
from the eighth day af April, 1926.
The floor of the bridge has been repaired at a cost of $202.13. A
new floor will have to' be placed on this bridgc shortly.
Turkey Creek Bridge--
The apprO' aches were repaired and gravelled at a tatal' cost of $26,
Elgin's share being $13.
3. That the fallowing accaunts be paid:
I recommend that thc apprO' aches af same of the County. Bridges
be widened and that stranger barricade fcnces be erected this year.
Victoria Industrial Scha'01 o...o__m......o......o$
Pravince of Ontario, con. of prisoners..
Tawnship of Malahide, Hospital.accts.
Tp. Yarmouth, Hospital accts,..............u
All of which is respectfully submitted,
'15 00
28 32
37 50
868 25
I suggest that your Public Improvement Committee make an
inspectianll of all the County Line Bridges as early in the spring as
All af which is rcspectfully submitted.
County Engineer
St. Thomas, December 13, 1926.
Elgin County Council
Elgin County Cci.uncil
June Session.
1. Walker Bridge-
This hridge was painted at a cost of $333.23, one-half of which will
be paid by the County of Middlesex.
To the\Varden, and Council of the Cou'nty Qf Elgin,:
Your Public Improvement Committee met 011 Tuesday, 'June lst~
an.d Wedriesday, June 2nd, and inspected the County Line Bridges in
the County.
In accord~nce with your instructions. plans were prepared for wid-
ening the aproaches and ,extending each of the wing walls 16 feet.
Tenders were called and the bid of F. W. Nichol for $900'.00 was ac-
'cepted. On account of the excessive wet weather the contractor could
not procure gravel in the vicinity and the work was not gone on' with.
The work will, however, be done next spring.
We found that the bridges were in a fairly good state of repair,
except the Gillett Bridge and the bridge over the Catfish Creek. on the
town line between Malahide and Dereham. Repairs are now being
made to the west abutment of the Gillett Bridge which was damaged
by the sp,ring freshets.
2. Bridge Over Catfish Creek (on Townline between the Townships of
Dereham and Malahide.)
Repairs will also be made to the abutments of the bridge over the
Catfish Creek on the North Town Line of Malahide in the near future.
The East abutment was repainted and repaired and the floor and
approach railings repaired at a cost of $114.10'. One-half of this amount
will be paid by the Township of Dereham.
3. Becketf Bridge (on the' Townline between Bayham and Houghton).
Since your last session the approa,ches of the Selbourne Bridge and
Zavitz Bridge were widened and new barricade fences constructed and
the approaches to the Beaver Creek Bridge were regravelled.
I inspected the vValker Bridge in company with Charles Talbot,
County Engineer of Middlesex. We are of the opinion that the ap.,..
proaches should be y.,idened, which will necessitate extending each of the
wing walls about 16' feet. The bridge should alsO' be repainted this
The West abutment was damaged by'the freshets'this fall, neces-
sitating temporary repairs coOs,ting $47.29. One-half was paid by the
County of N orfolle. I recommend that your Public Improvement Com~
mittee meet representatives from the C01.1ntyof Norfolk at the site of
this bridge next spring so as to decide what permanent repairs will be
All of which is respectfully submitted,
4. Gillett Bridge-
St. Thomas, Ont., June 7th, 1926.
County Engineer.
Considerable damage was done to the West abutment by the spring
freshets. The abutment was repaired at a cost of $687.71. The abut-
ments were also damaged hy the high water this fall and minor repairs
are being made. The bridge being closed to traffic at present.
November Session
5. Port Stanley Bridge-
To the Warden ad Council of the County of Elgin:
Since y.our June Session the fCi.Jlowing repair work. has been done
to the County Line Bridges.
The contract for removing the piles from under the bridge which
was let to the Frontenac Dredging Co. last year, was completed and
the company were paid $150.00, The approaches of the bridge were
regraveUed at a cost of $24.00.
Elgiri- County Council
Elgin County Council
6. The' Kingsmill Bridge--
,TheJloor of this bridge was repaired and the barricade Jences will
alsO' be repaired this fall.
1. We recommend the adoption of the Engineer's report.
All' of which is respectfully submitted,
St. ~11p111a~,: 011~., November 20, 19,26.
County. Engineer
All .ofwhich is respectfully submitted,
N ovemb-er 'Session
To the Warden and Members of the Council of the County of Elgin:
J anuary Se~sion
Your Public Improvements Committee beg to report that they
met this morning.
To the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin:
The 01i.ly matter_ presented to. your committee was' the County
Engineer's report. \Ve recammend that the repoirt be adopted.
Your Public Impravement Cammittee beg leave to' repart as fallows:
All of which is respectfully submitted,
The anly matter presented to' yaur Cammittee was the Caunty
Engineer's report.
There isane clause in the repart which your committee think the
Eilgineer s:hauld ,pay particular attentian to'" that is, the widening of
appraaches to' bridges where it will add to' the safety af the travelling
public, and the constructian af stranger barricades, and fences in all
places where there are fills in the wadway., I
J an uary Session
T~ the Elgin Caunty Council:
We recammendthe adoption of the report.
All of \vhich is respectfully submitted,
The Caunty Raad CO'rl1mittee reports:
1. That the, sum' of One' Hundred and Twenty"-Eight Thousand,
Fiv'e Hundred and Twenty-Six Dollars and Seventy-Five Cents ($128,-
526~75) was expended on Elgin County Highway' SystelTI,' during the
year,:1925.. The amaunt due the Couilty 0'11 the above expenditure-payable'
by the Province, Midlcsex County, St. Thoma-s Suhurban! Area will be
St. Thomas, Ont., January 29th, 1926.
June Session
Your Public Improvement Committee beg leave to' report as :fol-
Elghl County Council
Elgin County Council
2. ,Expenditure for Year 1925
Bridges an-d Culverts ........'.n_.___~m__m_______
Suburban Area .m'.m~"."'_."'''_.''___''mm_______.
General Expense, Machinery, Tools, -cte;
650'0' 0'0
4000 00
9500, 0'0
$75000 0.0
County Roads -
. Road Construction ________._____...____,.,_____.._______$
:'BtidgJe Construction
Maintenance and Repair _m'____mmmm.___nn
Construction on Suburban Area Roads
Maintenance on. Suburban Area Roads
General Expense-
Grants to Urban Municjpalities___~._____n$
Improvement, Interest and Taxes on
Hathaway Farm m.m.'_m.m__mm_m..mnm
Machinery, Tools and Repairs _____m_mm_
Gravel Pit Development .m'.._.___.._..'__"",_",
Workmen's Compensation Board___..u...._
M'aterial in Stock nn_m'nn'omn_ oonom'o......o..n'
Implement Warehouse
223~1 02
2513 59
65167 51
429 86
5532 27
6. That County Road Superintendent be delegated to attend road
'conference held in TorontO' last week of February this year.
8493 52
7. That the Warden be authorized to appoint deputation to attend
'Good Roads Association at TorontO', and that the usual membership
-fee of $15.0'0 be p.aid.
785 94
4328 04
4883 86
1362 30
8888 63
236 75
3511 01
2 '45
$128,526 75
8. That grants to villages and towns for Road Construction, year
1.926, be given in accordance with the Highway Laws Amendment Act,
"year 1925.
9. That your Committee be authorized to consider all matters
"pertaining to change ih road at West Lome and at Port Talbot and
:arrange agreement to' be reported to the Council.
All of which is respectfully submitted,
3. Machinery and Tools Available for Year 1926
Chairman of County Road Committee
One Wehr one-man grader,. 3 5~ton dump trucks, 7 heavy graders,
1. heavy and 2 light road scarifiers, 2 semi-portable gravel bins and ele-
vators, 2 10-horse power gas engines, 1 centrifugal pump, 1 force pump,
i diaphragm pump, 1 cement mixer, 33 junior graders, 1 wheel scraper,
55 slush scrapers, 6 dump wagons, 1 water tank and wagon, "1 mower,
10 ploughs, 40 wooden drags, 10 steel drags, 1 electric battery, 20
shovels, 10 hammers, 10 lanterns, 12 crow bars, 9 sledges, 12 picks."
Meeting of St. Thomas Suburban' Area Commission."
Present: Dr. F. O. .Lawrence, J. T. Webster, Alex~ Anderson, G.
F. Pineo.
4. Material in 'Stock
A statement of 'expenditure on Suburban Area RQad from the first
'day 'of January, 1925, to the 31st day of December, 1925, inclusive, was
read by the chairman showing that $9,608.69 had been expel'l.ded on
'Suburban Area roads duriilg the year' 1.925, Ot this amount the City
'willpay to the County 25 percent. or $2402.17.
Eight thousand feet of old bridge plank, 20:00 feet of white oak
plank,'2000 fe'et:6f,half.inch' and inch iron water pipe.
5. We estimate'the sum of Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars ($75,-
000'.00) 'should. be "r"aised" for expenditure on .courity roads for the year
1926. Divid'edas ,fdllows:
Ordered 0:
Construction on Roads _____mmm_~o___o......_$ 15000 00
Maintenance on Roads m____m_________M_'___... 40000 00
1. That the City of St. Thomas be notified that this Commission
'estimate the sum of -Four Thousand Dollars ($400'0'.00-) for- expenditure
<on Suburban Area Roads during the year 1926.
Elgin County Council
Elgin County Council
2. That the County of Elgin be notified that thisCommissiolt.
estimate the sum of Four Thousand Dollars ($4,00'0'.00) for expenditure
on designated roads d'urillg the year 192G',
5: Wideningthreec,crncnt' culvert~ and one bridge.
3. That statement of accounts submitted at this meeting of expen-
diture' fo~ the year 1925 on Suburban Ro,ads amounting to $2402.17
(Two Thousand '.Four Hundred and Two Dollars, -and Seventeen
Ccnts) being 25 per cent. of total expenditure, the City of St. Thomas
portion payable under the Highway Act, be' paid and the Treasurer
of the City of St. Thomas, is hereby authorized to forward cheque for
the above amount to the Treasurer of the Elgin Highway System.
6, Creosote block floor on bridge known as Glencolin bridge, road
number 40, between lots 20 and 21., between concessions 7 and 8, 'l'own-
ship of Malahide.
7. New abutment at the Wardsville bridge, road number 1, at
River. Thames.
8, A number of -'new iron pipes on different county roads.
4. W e recol11me~1C1 that snow roads on Suburban Area be kept open
for automobile traffic during the winter months.
Maintenance of Stone, and Gravel Roads
9. We advise that the he,avier travelled roads be resurfaced with
gravel and stone' this year.
5, "vVe recommend that the Suburban Area of the London and Port
Stanley gravel road, or road known as County Road No. 23 be,extended
from the Vii age of Union to' the Corporation- limits of the Village of
Port Stanley.
10. The surface treating with asphalt and chips two miles of
county road number 39, north of Aylmer.
Chairtnan of Suburban Area Cam~
11. The use of Calcium Chloride as a dust layer, road number 23,
S.A. (The London and Port Stanley Road).
June Session
To the ElgitiCoUllty Council:
'12. That no action be taken for road improvement or construction
of additional length of span for McIntosh Bridge across,River Thames,
Elgin: County road, No. 14, connecting with Middlesev County Road,
Number 16.
Your County 'Road' Committee beg leave to report that they have
made a four-day inspection trip over the County Roads beginning-
May 25th ending Friday 28th.
2. We estimate thes'um ,of $75,000.00 should be raised by the
County'for expenditure on County Roads~
13. We recommend the purchase for the sum of $2038.00' that por-
tion of land in the County of Norfolk being compos-cd of part of the
north-west quarter of lot 137, north Talbot Road, containing 48 'acres
more or less, for gravel rights. The County, now owning two acres of
said'lands. We further recommend these lands if acquired where gravel
ia. pot found should be re-forested.
Construction~Grading and metalling five miles of county road.
14. That grants to Villages and Towns for Road Improvement
on connecting, links of County R.oads be made in accordance with the
Act cited as the "Highway Improvement Short Titled Act, amended
year 1926".
3, We summarize the year's work as follows:
'4'. Constructiou'of a new 60-foot concrete girder beam bridge,.
road humber 45, concession 1,. opposite Jot- 13,Bayham:
:1,5 That By-Law- No. 1052 be amended to' designate as a County
Roaq.the road between concessions 2 and 3, in the -Township of Dun-
. . Elgin'County Council
Elgin COU!l~Y Coundl
wich, from Coqnty Road number 12 between lots 6 anel7 thence east
to :County Road number 8, between lots 12 and 13 and the road ,be-
'tween the Gore al1dthe fourth, froni county road number 8 between
lots 12 and 13, thence east to the town line between Southwold and
Dunwich, or County Road No. 14.
,grade of 6-1 per cent. and the east hill to a maximum grade of 6 per cent.
A l1cw bridge will be required over the Talbot Creek located about
100 feet north of the first bend south of the old roaq or about 740' feet
;59uth of the present bridge.
16. That 110' action be taken by the County for paving street in the
Village of Rodney this year.
The total length of the diverted road will be about 56U5 feet or
;about 1 1-10 miles.
17. That we recommend .the Council to' enter into an agreement
with the promoter of the Talbot Estate Improvement for change of
County Road No.8 throug.h the estate a1'ld the erection of a new bridge
across TalbO't Creek. The location of the road and bridge to' be as
shown in plan of estate filed with your committee. The road improve"'"
ment work to. be done without expense to' the County in accordance
with plans and spcci~cations prepared by the County. Engineer and
with the appro<val of your committee.
All of which is respectfully submitted,
Civil Engineers.
'St. Thomas, Ont., June 8th, 1D26.
November Session
The bri4ge' to be constructed by the County after the road is com-
'pleted to our satisfaction.
To the Elgin, Count)f Council:
All of which is respectf~lly submitted.
The County Road Committee reports that .expenditure on Elgin
County Highway System from January 1st, :1.926, up to and inc1uditl'g
'October 31st, has been a total of $D5,307.60. This amount will be in-
'creased by work already in progress. The estimate f.or roadexpendi-
ture this year will. not be expended, weather conditions not permitting
a.nd important work, both construction and maintenance, remains'
St. Thomas, Ont., June 1'1th, 1D26.
Tn the Chairman and Members of the Coun.ty Roads Committee:
In accordance with instructions as contained in your, resolution
passed on May 22nd, 1926, we beg to report that we have co-operated
with A. E. FflrllOOmbe, O.L.S., Engineer of the Port Talbot De-
v.e1()pment CO'. in surveying a new road througq the Talbot property.
We find that it will be possible to grade the we$t hill toa maximum
1. Expenditures as Follows:
Construction on County Roads .............m.....m............$22829 26
Maintenance on County Roads n'.'..........._....'.....'.m...m 4710'724
Construction on Suburban Area Roads nnomm..m.... 997 O"i:
Maintenance on Suburban Are'a Roads ..._....m..nnon. 5421 73
Village Grants ...nmn__d'n.............m.~nm....m_nnn'.m._nn..d.... 1842 21
Trucks, repairs, gas and oil nnnmm'....m.'n..........___.._.... 4+1() 19
Gr,ave1 Pit Development .n....m.__.....'.__......'m.nmmm..... 4723' 92
Machin~ry, tools and repairs mn'.........nm...'........m..". 3321 72
Material in stock .n....._ n.numun'..nom.......m....m....""'..._.n... 614 12
'Interest on rnortgage Hathaway Farm ...u..,____'.m...'.. 330> 00'
We beg to submit a plan showing the location of the proposed
course of the road, a pr.ofile showing the grades, cuts, etc., and ,a speci-
Elgin County Council
Elgin County Council
Hathaway Farm expenses
Workmen's Compensation Board__nm___
Safety Sigl1s
74 39
723 19
594 12
2618 47
$ 95307 60l
gravel hauled, 1826; number of cords of stone hauled, 102; Number 'of.
yards of earth hauled,Anderson fill, road 23 S.A., 3100; cost of st1'ip~
ping, screei1ing, loading, $2388.76.
2. Construction
Roleson Pit in the Township of Dereham, Number of cords of
gravel hauled on County roads, 487i; Number of cords of gravel sold
other municipalities, 726 2-3; Cost of stripping $1397,52; Credits for
gravel sold, $927.27.
Total miles of road under construction this year d graded.
Locker Pit in the T'ownship of Houghton. Number of cords of gra~
vel hauled 175; Cost of Stripping, $87.25; Gravel hauled from county
pits, 30'73; Gravel hauled from private-owned pit, 2727. Total 580'0.
Tw() miles surfaced with crushed stone, the remaining twO' and one-
quarter miles graded has not been surfaced with metal.
4 Truck Operation (November 1st, 19'2;5. to'. Oct. 31, 1926)
One 60~foot concrete beam bridge.
Truck NO'. 1.m_..on..,.....m 1526
Truck N o. 2....---~..lmm... 1489
Truck No. 3___.,......._........ 1.445
Cords of
gravel hauled
Creosote wood block floor on GlencoHn bridge.
Four cement culverts and 41 Iron pipes.
Average mileage per day, 77; average cords per day, 6.
9(a36 feet of tile drain used entirely for road drainage.
RO'ad surfacing material used in construction and maintenance. 144-
car loads crushed stone and 480'2 cords of gravel.
Average cost expense per day.___......,............$12 79
Depreciation allowed each truck per daym_ 10 0'0"
Cost each truck per daym_...m.....m,.u.....m..u..__22 79
3 Maintenance
Cost of hauling one cord ofgravcl one mile, 60' cents.
125 miles of county road has been resurfaced with broken stone
or gravel and a number of narrow fills have been widened. Materiat
hauled and sold from County owned gravel pits from November 1st,.
1925, to October 31st, 1926.
5. WehI Power Grader
Cost price, $1651.50; Miles travelled 30078; Gas used 2092 gallons;
Oil used, 158 quarts; Days worked, 147.
Walker Pit in the Township of Aldborough. Number of cords6f
gravel hauled, 310'; cost of stripping, $'183.72.
Expenses-Wages, $640.65; Repairs, $504,85; Gas, Oil, $633.16.
Total, $177R66:
Depreciation allowed, $2.0'0' per day for 147 days, $2D4. Total ex-
penses,$2072.66, Cost of planing or scarifying one mile of road, Me.
lnvine Pit, in the Township of Southwold. Number of cords of
gravel hauled, 275; cost of stripping, $105,90,.
Hathaway Pit, in the Township of Yarmouth. Number of cords of
6. That By-Law No. 1052 designating.. Oounty Road No, 48 in
Elgin County Council
Elgin County Council
the Township o.fSouth Dorchester, be amended to read: The road in
the Township of South Dorchester, between concessions 1'1 and 12,
lots 6 to A., thence north ,on the county town line between Oxford arfd
Elgin connecting up with Oxford: County Road No. 19, and the road
between lots. 3 and 4 ill concession 11, Township of South Dorchester,
and that By-Law NO'. 1052 desigllatilig. road number 49' in the Town""
ship of South' Dorchester be amended to read: The road in the Town-
ship of South Dorchester, between lots 6 and 7 in concession 12.
.3. That we have awarded tenders for fuel required to be delivered
to the House of Industry to .H. J. McManus. Prices for coke Ten Dol-
lars and Seventy-Five Cents per ton, and for coal, Fourteen Dollars
per ton.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
7. That the plans for road construction within the village limits of
the corporation of Port Stanley as submittcd by Reeve Cornell, of ,that
village, be left over until the January Session of the County Coui1cit of
St. Thomas, Ont., JUlle 11, 1926.
November Session - No.1
To the Elgin County Council:
8. 'That Road Superintendent's salary be increased from $1700.00'
to $20'00.0'0' per annull1with office and travelling expenses. The above
- amount to be paid monthly beginnin.g December 1st, HJ26.
Gentlemen, -
The House of Industry Committee reports:
All of which is respectfully submittcd,
1. That By..Law No. 827 be amended to provide that salary of
Keeper and Matron of the House of Industry be $1,500: They to
furnish hired help required in the 'Horuse subject to the approval of the
Chairman of County Road Committee
2. That the County furnish gas, for the Keeper's car.
June Session
3. That F. Ingram and wife be appointed Keeper and Matron.
To the Elgin County Council:
All of which is respectfully submitted.
The House of Industry Cmnmittee reports:
St. Thomas, November 24th, 1926.
1. That the Inspector, Chairman, Clerk, and Warden- be appointed'
deputation to attend annual meeting of Association of Managers of
Homes for Aged and .Infirm.
November Session - No.2
To the Elgin County 'Council:
2. That the resignation of the Keep'er of the Ho"ilse of Industry
be accepted, to take effect 011 the first of January and that the appoil1t-
ni.ent 'of the successor be co~isideredat the Noveniber 'session.~
The 'House of Industry Committee'reports:
Elgin County Council
Elgin CO-unty Council
'1. That David Gooding, Keeper of the Hou!3e of Industry ever,
since February, 1900, be granted a retiriilg allowance' of five hundred
1. Number of inmates' at. last xeporL__u...................__...nnn....______..
2. Number admitted' during the yeaLm........................nn___m.___m...
3. Number of deaths.n...n________.,...____ ...n................,____.....___.__....____....,......
4. N umber discharged..._n.m'u..._nm.'n..._nnnnn...................._nnm.__.___m"
5. Number absconded________..__n______....__..__.. .'n..._n...___.."..___'____.__.__...___,.....
6. Number no,,,, in house~____m....,._""".u.___'n.___m___'u.______n+.___.__....n........
7. Number of inmates sent from the several municipalities in
County during the year:
South Dorchester "~m__
2. That the report of the Inspector and Physician of the House of
Industry be adopted and printed in the minutes.
3. That the report of the Grand Jury with recommendation for
improvement of laundry be laid over until January Session.
All of which is respectfu1~y submitted.'
c. C. MINOR,
Clause 1 struck out in Committee of the Whole.
St. Thomas, November 25th, 1926.
8. The various causes of pauperism of inmates admitted tOo the
House during the year may be classed as follows:
Special December Session
To the Elgin County Council:
Sickness ..__,...l.,.....~..........__,......'u..__,......~.....on .........,..................... ......... 1
Destitute ..00....'............,..............,............... .... .........'..........'.................... 9
Old age 00000000000000......000000000000 ..00.......00000000 .0000.00..... 000000.........00.............. 3
Gentlemen, -
9. Average number of inmates during the year..........,........,......,.. 30.4
10. Average number with Keeper's family and hired help...."..... 35.6
1'1. Number of weeks' board of inmateSn............._.m..,......,.m..'" 1585.4
12. Number of weeks' with Keeper's family....,............,.............. 1859.3
13. Total expenditure duriilg the year...~n....,.m._,....m...m..... $10,10'3.0,9
The House of Industry Committee reports:
That they have awarded contract for bread for 19,27 to' J. T, Stephens
at 5c. pcr lb.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
c. C. MINOR;
14. Receipts
Fothergill estate
Clark estate
600 00
734 50
$ 1334 50
247 50
673 25
445 37
50 0'0
$ 1416 12
142 72
St. Thomas, December 13th, 1926.
From inmates -.h....... .....~. .........m...'......'mmm...$
From farm stock
Fronl produce sold ..........,.........___...__.........,....._
From sundries
November Session
To the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin:
Permanent improvements
The following is my report on the House of Industry and Refuge
fo'r the year ending October 31st) 1926.
$. 1558 84
.. .
.~lgin Couuty', Council
15. Leavii1g''''amount" actually expended for support of
16;'" 'Avetage"eX'pel1s~- per-week for each person..m mm moon
'17. - A vetagee:x:pcl1ses per day-for each person.___ un
18. Avetagc'exp:Cl1ses per' year for each person...__mum___n
Elgin County Council
8544 25
4 59
238 68
Total expenditures
19. AmountexpCl1ded for - hbuse and farm during the year - may be
divided as follows:
Hired labor
532 50.
13 85
8 95
349 80
247 92
101 28
House Expense
Hired labor
Dry goods
Boots and shoes
Furniture and hardwar'e.n
Coal and wood.___m
Ins. premium
543 75
517 41
438 14
392 0'3
567 90
447 44
222 49
455 37
113 67
1941 46
'13 00
307 02
150 50
General Expense
Conveyance'. of inmates___
Pcri11anent imptoven'lents
......$ 123 00
268 45
142 72
388 44
sno 00
4S0 00
300 00'
20'0 00'
1780 00
20. The followiJ1g produce was raised on the farm during the year:
$ 10103 09
1254 30
576 bushels of oats and barleY.n_..m_,._..._mn$
222 bushels of wheaLm.,...n_..m_,......hm._,...n__.
22 loads of haY..__.n.n.,....._n_......n_nn..,...n._.....,..
9 acres ensilage cornm_'...m~.'.h'."".'..m_'...n_
10o. bushels potatoes.c.m,..nn.........nn,nn..,____..,n_.
10'0 'bushels sugar beetsn..,.._n_nn__....___.....;.._n_
15 bushels field carrotSm.'""" .'.n'...m______'n._..
8 bushels beansnnu._....nn.n.m,..__n,_____.um,n....
2 load pumpk'insm.,..____.-n..,........nn_m__u...,..n.
7 bushels turnipsm.,...n_.......,n.n_"...__n....m_,nn
25 loads, of ,straw.m...m"._.h_.mn'...m".m_'...__.".n
6146 -18
Garden' Produce
4 bushels vegetable oysters.. .'.;.n-'-mn'......_.$
9 bushels beets..__n. ......n_nm.'...._.L.....'......'....n
8 bushels carrotS..n ..........____..... .....'.m__m.n_~_
16 bushels onions......n_...... m__ ......m___mn'_n__.
10' bushels parsnipsnn..n ....m_._ "'n"h'.....n.m__
500 heads cabbage.n_..nn _.h.._.....n.m..._..._m.......
i acre garden peaS.n ...0000.. "'''n__.m'''"'._'~m
1 bbl. cucumbers__._n.......n_..n ....mnmnn.n.__
Quantity squash.m.um_.n.n ..00.. m_.'n..mm__
Quantity peppers.........___._.__nn......nmmm_.
10' bushels tomato-es.n_....n..m........_nm.,n.n____.
i acre quantity sweet corn.n_m.n.-___.._.._..__
Quantity lettuce, parsley, asparagus..n,
Quantity plums, grapeS.m,.._m...__...n..h__n
15 quarts milk pct day mn.............____....___"...
50 barrels apples.....n.m...___..___..,...nh......,n..__nn
A large quantity i()f vegetables and fruit
was used- during the summer, ,of
, which.no' account Was kept..;:_________n.
4 hog's' killed 'during the.,yearn::....m....:-::._n
922 61
345 60
277 501
330' on
18() 001
150 00'
15 00
6 0-0
24 on
2 0'01
5 25
10'0. on
1435 35
8 00'
4 50'
4 0-0.
24 on
15 on
25 00
10 00
6 00'
5 00
3 00
5 00
15' dO'
10' 00
15 01)
100 00'
Elgin County Council
Fruit canned in the house.......mn...n.....
365 dozen eggs consumedm.......,n..n..m"'''hn..
7 ducks used.m'......__.n...nn'........nn..___...n......
45 chickens used..n,...mnn..,..nn,un..........nm..n,
J veal calf' kiIledm"'....n,...m,___n.,......un..,.....~..n
1460 lbs. butter ....'___m'......~..m'..m.........___...n..'......
Cream sold....,......'..m~....._....n'mnm.___.".m...$
16 hogs sold......n....___.....n'.m..'nn..........m..'...n.
5 cows sold.n_u.n...nn'..n.....n~.n.nn'..n.nn....nn
Eggs, sundries, and chickens sO'ld.m'.m
4 veal calves sold..n'mm'..m. .......n..mm....n..
-Apples sold___~u.nw....n___~n .............'....nnn..
Elgin County Council
100 00
105 on
7 on
45 DO'
13 00
584 00
$ 1503 50
184 48
397 25
247 50
164 23
21 50
5 50
$ 1048 21
Barns, 'etc. .n.'.nn.......n....n.....n..n.nn.....nn
Tile drains
Tile drain outleL...mn..nnu. "'..n..m.mo...m'..m_
Hot air pump, tank, connectionsm~mn.,...m,..
Heating apparatus...._ ......n.....m......,..___........m
Boiler room and soft coal boiler.m..nm.....o..
Deep well
Hog pen
Elcctric installation and pumps....,..____unn..
21. Number of articles of bedding and clothing made up' during the
year by matron and inmates, 280.
22. Number of visits made by Inspector, 50.
23. Farm stock:
3 horses.
12 cbws.
27 hogs.
3 yearlings.
1 boar.
2' brood sows.
125 chickcns.
8 ducks.
25. Receivcd from Government on account of
expenditures for land and building___.,.....
Leaving amount actually expended' by
County .n.......hnn......nn...~....h._...n_._.......nn
All of which is respectfully submitted.
November Ist,'1926.
5043 69
1737 77
1$2 0'3
920, 60
40 00
1472 99
8'5 85
1979 00
3733 52
827 66
293 62
654 99
21'36 94
$ 44652 76
4000 00
$ 40652 76
24. The total amount expended by the County on House of
Industry,e.tc., is as follows:
Novemoer Session
Farm, 100 acres, cost___.nn."'.................n..nnm.$
House of Industry....,............,.____ .m..............___
Fire escapes
Root cellar" h,enery, etc.m......,.....mm.....nmm
Cottages, etc, mmm.'.........'..'...m......nnnn..........
Brick ice house............,nm.....nn................,....n..
St, Thomas, Ont., Nov. 19th, 19213
7298 95
11965 In
687 01
39() 06
879' 43
3192 45
1180 50
To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council:
Gentlemen, -
I have the honor of presenting the fifty-first amiual medical report
of the Elgin House of Industry up to October 31st, 1926, and submtt the
following for your consideration:
E)ghl County CouncU
Elgin". Cplmty.. CQU1Wil
I made fifty..twovisjt$ to the lIouse of Industry, and attended daily
two inmates. of the Memorial Hospital duringthdr stay there:
1. That they have considered, resolution from, the Advisory Agri-
cultural: Council and would'TccomD1end that the increasing necessity for
-cutting weeds on roadsides and on private property be referr'ed to the
Toad superintendents and township councils of the County.
Except fQr ailments due to advancedagc, the health of the inmates
has been, good.
Enos Huffman, Jan. 11th ta', April Sth,---,fractured hip.
2. That the resolution from United Boards of Tracle rc lights on
-vehicles be considered by the whole Council.
L. Benner, April 17th to 27th - hemorrhoids.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Both patients recovered.
'29th Jan'lary, 1926.
There were no births during the year.
November Session
There were three dea,ths 9.uring the year, one female and two J1lales,
M follows:
To the Elgin County Council:
Date Name Age Cause of peath
AprH 17, :1926 Martha Evelaqd 71 Heart Disease
Aug. 27, 1926 David Marl' 78 Cerebral Hemorrhage
Oct. 27, 1926 Tim \Vindgardener 77 Heart Disease
<Gentlemen, -
The Petitions and Legislation Committee reports:
That no action be takerl in reference to resolutions received from the
ICounty of Renfrew and County of Halton.
r have thehono'f to be,
All of. which is respectfully submitted.
Your obedient servant,
Physician, House of Industry.
'.5tl- Thomas, November 25th, 1926.
Special December Session
January Session
To the Elgin County Council:
To the Elgin County Council:
'Gentlemen, -
Gentlemen, -
The Committee on Petitions and Legislation reports:
The Committee on Petitions and Legis.1atioll en<J.ct:
That no action be taken with reference to communication from the
Elgin County Council
Elgin Comity Council
City of Hamilton for petition requesting provincial authoritie's to assume
further payments toward the costaf constructing and maintait'fing
provincial suburban roads.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
2. That we have awarded tl:;uders for coal and coke required for
coui1ty buildings to Griffin & CoO., the .price for coke to be ten dollars
and sixty~fivc cents per ton, and for coal thirteen dollars and eighty
All of which - is respectfully submitted.
St. Thomas, December 14th, 1926.
St. Thomas, Ont., June 11th, 1926.
January Session
November Session- No.1
To the Elgin County Council:
To the Elgin County' Council:
Gentlemen, -
The Gaol- Committee repo<rts:
Gentlemen, -
That we have considered circumstances in connection with loss of
coat by juryman attending Co-qrt, and would recommend that facilities
he provided for checking coats and hats of jurymen and witnesses
attending Court.
The Gaol Committee reports, in reference to paving Wellington
The Sheriff to place Constable in charge of same.
1. That they had a meeting with the city authorities, and as a result
granted the city the sum ,of twO' thousand dollars towards paving Welling-
to/1 Street, in front of Court House, the same width as former.ly. This
is sl1fficient to provide for parking on both sides of the,street, leaving
sufficient 1'0'0'111 for ordinary traffic.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
28th January, 1926.
June Session
To the Elgin County Council:
St ThQl11as,Ontario, November 23rd, 1926.
November Ses.sion - No.2
Gentlemen, -
To t4e Elgin County Council:
The Gaol Committee reports:
1. That we be authorized to confer with city re paving, with
authority to expet'ld"up to two thousa:ild dollars.
Gentlemen, -
The Gaol Committee reports:
"f-;lgin . County Coun~il
'1. That some wee~s ago Qne of the heating- bO,ilers broke and a
iiew- one of lhe"samc size was ordered~ This boiler had beeil 'ill use .for
some 'twCl1"ty':'s'everi .years-and --also,thoniughly'repaircd this" summer. It
broke -'down a :f'ew weeks' after fires -had been started: The~ohtract 'for'
the new boiler \\'as awarded to Hamilton & Stott at a cost of nine hun'd~'
red and thirty dollars.
2. That.a lock. -be put on the clothing cupboard in gaol corridor,
with. keys for 111~tron', turnkey, and gaoler.
3. That new spring's be placed in turnkey's bed.
4. That the treasurer :be.instructed to pay accounts for water, light,
and telephone 01'1 the order of the clerk.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Special December Session
To the Elgin County -Council:
Gentlemen, -
The Gaol Committee reports:
That they have awarded contracts for bread and meat 10' be delivered
during :1:"927 as follows:
Bread - J. T. Stephens, at 5c. pcr lb.
Meat - C. F. Clark, at 15c. per lb.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
St. Thomas,-Dccember 13th, 1926.
~lgi_n,,'Co}1nty ,-Coll11cil
JailUary Session
To the Elgin County Council:
'Gentlemen, -
The following county licenses are in force at this date:
N. C. Stilwell- Eden
.E"P.Ball- St. Thomas
Junk Dealers,
Pat. Cornelius.,- Southwold
H. Fisherman- Dutton
Wilson Pound
D. M. Campbell
H., A. J.,fcAlpin
Warren Lockwood
A. J. Branton
J. W. Baldwin
Daniel B.1ack
'Harry Laur
-J. A. Forsyth
L. L. McTaggart
A. McWilliams
Glenn W. Clark
H. p.,M~N~ughto1t
A. S: f!:arc '
T. M. Moore
R H. Lindsay
A.M. Rutherford
F. Fulkerson
Poultry Dealers
D. G. "Ward-.,..Springfield
I:Ierbert ,R. Spurs ~ Pt. ,Stanley
,c-. E. Pangborn
All of which is respectfully submitted.
K. W, !,1cl<A Y,
. Cq.ul1tyClerk.
29th January, 1926.
Elgin County Council
Elgin ,County Coun~!l
6. That he shall be entitled to the fees aHa-wed by law for services
rendered by. him.
7. That he enforce the traffic law on county roads.
June Session
8. That he report to County Council annually as to work in ,his
To the Elgin County Council:
Gcntlemen, - '
9. That a committee of three of this Council be appointed to
advise and co-operate with High Constable.
A Special Committee on duties of High Constable reports as;
All of which is respectfully submitted;
That the High Constable's duties should include:
_St. Thomas; Ontario, June 8th, 1926.
1. The cnforcement of by-laws', including auctioneers, pedlars,.
junk dealers, and those purchasing poultry, by requiring them to take-
out licenses.
November Session
2. That High Constable should be appointed by by-law under the-
provisions of section 120 of 0, T. A., as officer to enforce that' Act in.
the County of Elgin.
To the Elgin County Couilcil:
A High Constable shall have the supervision of all the
constables in his county,and shall be charged with the
special duties of preserving the peace, preventing crime,
and apprehcnding offenders; and shall have generally
all the powers and privileges and be liable tn all the
duties and responsibilities which belong to constables.
'Gcntlemen, -
The Special Insurance Committee appointed at Special Sessiotl
1. That after considering communication, from Insurance Com-
panies they ordered application for policies on CourtHouse for $11,50'0
each in nine tariff companies and three policies of $1'10'0' each in non-
tariff companies covering the gaol -and addition. thereto.
It was necessary to separate the Court House from the addition in
order to procure a rate which the insurance formerly carried, and by
insuring the addition or the annex betwecn the Court House and Gaol
in non-tariff companies, the insurance has been re-arranged and tost
very little mo-re than formerly.
3. That he be required to conduct special investigations as t~
infractions of the law, as he may deem advisable, and whenever request--
ed by. County Attorney or Reeve of municipality.
4. That special attention should be paid to his statutory duties as;
set forth in R. S. 0" chapter 9.1, section 11:
All of which is respectfully submitfed.
5, That in' supervising constables of the County, he should arrange
fo-r their co:"operation with him, with view to- the efficient cnforcement
of the law.
St. Thomas, November 23rd, 1926.
. Elgin County -Council
Elgin County c:ouncil
NovembE;lr Session
BY-LAW No. 1055
St. Thomas, November 22nd. 1926.
To the Warden and Councillors of the County of Elgin:
To Confirm Agreement for Sale of Gravel to' the
London & Port Stanley Railway
I Gel1tl~mani _
Passed 29th January, 1926
I hereby SUbrilit my report as Corn Borer Inspector. for~ Elgin.
County to date.
Whereas an agreement has been entered into between the County
of Elgin and the London and Port Stanley Railway Company for the
sale of gravel on a portion of the Hathaway Farnl, being in all about
five acres, for the sum of $4250'.On.
This 'work was carried on under the instruction of Prof. L. Caesar..
Provincial Entomologist, and consisted principally of,~ducational ,.work
pU1~ dlq!ssod su nUt S!41 dn-uEdp E l'(.~nO.TOlU SE 2upnJds 01 fUd!^ U l'(l!M
to avoid extra work later on.
The Elgin County Council enacts:
I have found the farniers, - generally s-peaking, in sympathy with
the work, and -glad to know of the different control measures that are
advised by the Department. I have endeavored to divide my time 'as
equally as possible over the County, to gain in.formatioJl as. to the
extent of the infestation and the extent of the damage done to the crop.
That the \Varde.n be, and is hereby authorized to sign said agree-
ment which is attached to and forms part of this By-Law.
Elgin County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 29th 'January, 1926~
County Clerk..
From what I can gather, the infestation is about the same' in East
Elgin as in 1925, and considerably greater ,in \Vest Elgin this year than
BY-LAW No. 1056
I have worked 46 days with an average of 21 calls per ciay, .or a
tptalof ,96G calls.
To Provide for Payin.g Members, of the M.othen' Al~~wances,Bo-ard
Passed 29th Jal~uary, 1926
Respectfully submitted,
The Cciunty:Council of Elgin enacts:'
That the members of ~he Moth.ers' Allowances Board be paid the
sum of five dollars each for every meeting of the Board attended by
them, and the County Treasurer ,be and is hereby authorized to pay
the. same.
: lOwing to' the adverse weather conditions, corn harvestiilg has' beeh
"later ,than usual, and only,a small percentage or" pt'o-wiilg: has been: done.
'S6"far~ ' <. - . \
Corn Borer Inspcctor~
Council Chamber, St. Thomas, 29th day of January, 1926.
, r i q H: 'j !I~ ,'.. '
,;.', ,;:l-_:n~F~'"
K. W, McKAY,
County Clerk.
Elgin County Couhcil
BY-LAW No. 1057
To Constitute the Coti.ntyTreasurer the Sub-Treasurer
of School 'Monies
Passed 29th January, 1926
Whereas the Township Treasurers have in the past been sub:"
treasurers of school monies as provided" in' section 93 of The Public
Schools Act, and whereas it has been' deemed advisable to constitute
the County Treasurer the sub-treasurer for municipalities in the County.
The County Council of the County of Elgin enacts:
That the County Treasurer be and is hereby constituted the sub-
treasurer for municipalities 110t separated from the County, and that
By-Laws No. 298, 566, and 765 be and'are hereby repealed.
Council Chamber, St. Thomas, 29th January, 1926.
K. W, McKAY,
County Clerlc
BY-LAW No. 1058
To Appoint Members of County Advislo~ Agricultural Council
Passed 29th January, 1926
The Elgin County Council enacts:
'\ 1. That the following be appointed members of the County
Advisory Agricultural Council for a term of two years:
R. A. Kerr, Aldborough
W. A. Galbraith, Dunwich
R. A. Penh ale, Yarmouth
Geo. Laidlaw, Malahide
Louis Johnson, Straffordvil1e
Elgin County Council
2. That the members of the said Advisory Coundl be paid the
same as members of this Council at the two meetings required to be
held annually, and that they receive their travelling and other expenses
for attendance at special or emergency meetings, called by the Chairman.
Council Chamber; St, Thomas, 29th January, 1926.
K. W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
BY-LAW No. 1059
To Authorize the Warden and T'reasurer to. Borrow the Sum of
Two Hundred Thousand Dollars
The Elgin County Co'uncil enacts:
Passed 29th January, Hl26
That the Wardcu. and Treasurer be and are hereby authorized to
borrow the S11m of two hundred thousand dollars from the Bank of
Montreal, as it may be required, to 1l1eetexpenditures of the Corpora-
tion of Elgin during, 1926, and give as security therefor, notes of one
thousand or ten thousand dollars each.
County Council Chamber, St. Thomas, 29th January, 192'6.
K. W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
'BY-LAW No. 1060
To Appoint a Board of Audit in the' County of Elgin
for' the Year 1926
Passed 29th January, 19,26
Be it enacted by the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the
County of Elgin:
That the Judge pf the County Court and-Oscar McKenney are
Elgin County Council
ElgiitCO'lluty Council
perchy appointed members,of the B.oard. of Audit, to perform the, duties.
~t;quired of them by R.. S. 0., chapter 96, section 21.
That Dr. F. H.- Miller be' appointed Trustee of the Aylmer High
School- foit" three years.
That the members of the said Board be paid the sum of Five
Dollars per day for their services, and five cents per mile going to and
from such audit.
That W. Kendall'be appointed Trustee of the Dutton High School
for three years.
County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 29th ]al'lUary," 1926.
Co'uuty Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 29th January, 1926.
K. W, McKAY,
County Clerk.
K. W. McKAY,
County ClerIc
BY.LAW No. 10.61
BY.LAW No,. 1063
To.. Provide for 'Attendance of Township Road Superintendents at
To Appoint a Senator for' University of Weste'rn Ontario,
Meetings of Elgin Municipal Association, and Amend By-Law 741
Passed':29'th January, 1926
Passed 29th January, 1926
The' County Council of Elgin 61act's:
The County Council of Elgin e'nacts:
That Kenneth 'N. McKay be and is hereby appointed to the Senate
orthe University of Westel'n Ontario.
That By~Law No. 7'H be amended by adding the words "Township
Road Superintendents" after the we/refs "Reeves of Local MUllicipalities."
Council Chamber, St. Thomas, 29th January, 1926,
'Council Ch;mbers, St. Thomas, 29th January, 1926'.
K.~W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
K. W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
BY-LAW No. 1064
To Appo,int a- High Constable for the County Of 'Elgin
for the Year 1926
To Appoint High School Trustees,
Passed 29th January, 1926
The County Council enacts:
. Passed 29th 'January, 1926
The Elgin Comity Council enacts:
1. That' Hugh' C. "Ostrander be appointed High "C6nistable for the
.tear ~9?,~,~ndthat he.,:be paid the sum of one hundred dollars per month,
'\vhich shall il1c1ude his travelling and other expenses.
That, E. Smyth be rappoi-nted, Trustee for the Vicllna,l;[,igh.:S!-,hoo[
for three .years,
Elgin County Council
2. That John Hopkins be appointed assistant constable. to the
High Constable for '1926, at a salary of twenty dollars per month.
Elgin County Council
Council Chambers; St. Thomas, 29th January, 1926.
Whereas as provided by The Corn Borer Act, the County CO\1ucil
of the County of Elgin has been notified by the ,Pro-vineial Entomologist
to appoint an inspector for the pur:pose of eradicating the Corn borer;
K. W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
The County Council of the County of Elgin enacts:
ByeLAW No. 1065
That John Allan, of the Township of Yarmouth, be and is hereby
appointed. il1spectorto perform the duties required of him under the
provisions of The Co~n Borer: Act.
To Fix Pay of Constables for Attendance at the
Assizes or Sessions
That while engaged in the performance of his duties under. the Act
the said inspector shall be paid the suin of seven dollars per day, to
include travelling and other expenses.
Passed 12th)une, 1926
County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, June 12th, 1926.
The- County "Council of the County of Elgin enacts:
K. W, McKAY, .,
County Clerk.
That every constable attending the Assizes or Sessions shall be
paid for each day's attendance the sum of four dollars.
BY-LAW No. 1067
And where a sittings of said Courts is continued after eight o'clock
in the evening, an additional allowance not exceeding one day's pay
may be made to any such officer upon the certificate of the presiding
T'o Extend Time for Tax Sale'
The Elgin County Council enacts:
This By-Law to include payment of constables, attending the June
. Sessions, 19,26.
That the time for the enforced collection by sale of land in arrears
for taxes in the County of Elgin be and is hereby extended for one Year.
Council Chambers,. St. Thomas, 12th June, 1926.
County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, June 11th, 1926.
K. W, McKAY,
County Clerk.
County Clerk.
BY"LAW No. 1066
BY-LAW No. 1068
To Appoint Inspector Under The Corp. Borer Act
To Confi;m the Equali:zation of the Assessment Rolls of
the, County of Elgin
Passed 12th June, 1926
The Elgin COuilty Council enacts:
~lgjn Copnty Council
EJgin ,C~unty Council
'J..; ThCl,t the following be the equalization of the assessmel~trol1s
Q'f the c.o~nty 'Of Elgin for 1026:
And whereas the assessment of property' of the County, as ascer-
.tained arid equalized - in" 1'925', is as follows :
South wold
South Dorchester
Port Stanley
West Lome
$ 3,887,759
Bay ham
South Dorchester
Port Stanley
West Lorne
Total.Equalized ValuE'
$ 3,8~7,759
2. That this Council is willing to have the fmal equalization of the
assessment, in case of appeal, made by the County Judge,
Read a third time and passed 12th June, 1926.
,. Therefore the COllllcil of tlw Municipal Corporation of the County
'Of Elgin enacts:
K. W. McKAY,
County Clerk
1, That a rate of eight mills, on the dollar be levied on _ aU rateable
-property in the several municipalities in the County of Elgin, as. above
'set forth, for the year 1926 to. raise the following amounts:
BY-LAW No. 1069
2. That the sum of two'hundred and forty-eight thousand' and
three dollars b~ raised and levied in the several municipalities of the
'County, accnrding to the following schedule, and that the ainounts as
'~ntered therein be paid to the County Treq.surer, asby law required:
To Raisie AmQlLlnts for Co.unty Rates During the Year 1926
Whereas an estima~e has been made showing that the sum of twp
hundred anA 'forty-eight thousand and three dollar's is ,required -to b~
r:aise'd in' the several ml1nicipali~ies for the lawful purposes of the County
during the year 1926;
And whereas by The Assessment Act, this Council is required to
direct w~at po:r,ti_on ~,f _the 9umto, be levied for ,county purposes shall be
levied in' each ,muniCipality in}he County;.
And whereas the rates are required to be apportioned on the basis
of the assessment of property as eql1~liz~d"in thep~ecedingyeCJ.-r; -
South Dorchester
$ 31,102 00'
34,720 AD'
41,2GO' 00
42,553 00
30,0-10 0-0- ,
19,415 00'
19,250 00
Elgin 'County Council
Elgin County C6urtdl
BY-LAW No. 1071
Aylmer _.n..n_.'.'.n____n_....__.__nn'_.nn'.__nnn__'._.............
Port Stanley ....n..._'n..._n....'....__n.....'...mnm____nm
Vienna nn..n.'nnn'nnn__n__' ..n_n____.n.nnn~n.'n.n__..__...
West Lorne
10,074 00
3,964 00
6,611 on
1,973. 00
1,374 00
2,90-3 00
2,7fJ4 00
To Appoint Officer to Enforce Provisions of Ontario Temperance
Act in the County' of Elgin
The Elgin County Council enacts:
That Hugh Ostrander, High Gonstable; be and is hereby appoiilted
an officer to enforce the provisions of The Ontado Temperance Act
within, the County of Elgin,
$24S,003 00
CounJy Council Chamber, St. Thomas, June '11th, 1926,
Passed in Council at St. Thomas this 6th day of October, 1926.
K. W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
W arden~
K. W, McKAY"
County Clerk.
BY_LAW No. 1070
BY-LAW No. 1072
To Amend By-Law No. 1052
To Authorize the Purchase of a Gravel Pit
The Elgin County Council enacts:
The County Council of the County of Elgin enacts:
That By-Law N m 1052 be amended by .changing description of
Road Number 12 to read as follows:
The road between concessions. two- and three, lots twelve to' seven"
and northerly. on road between lots six and seven to county boundary"
the middle of the main channel of the River Thames,
That the Corporation of theCbunty of Elgin purchase the n.orth
forty-eight acres, more or less, of the west half of 10't number one
hundred and thirty-seven, north 'On Talbot Road, in the Township of
Houghton, in the County of Norfolk, for the sum of two thousand and
thirty-eight dollars.
That ro-ad in Township of Dunwich, concession four and the Gore,.
be assumed as a county road from Road Number Eight between lots.
twelve and thirteen easterly to- Road Number Fourteen, the town line
between Southwold and Dunwich.
That' the' Treasurer be authorized to pay' for the said property O'n
the order of the Warden, when deeds approved by the 'County Solicitor
have been deposited with him.
Passed in Council at St. Thomas, this 6th day oJ October, 1926.
County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, June 12th, 1926. <
County Clerk.
W arden~
K. W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
Elgin 'County Council
BY-LAW No. 1073
To Fix Salary of County Road Superintendent
The Elgin County Council enacts:
That the salary of the County Road Superintendent be and is hereby
fixed at the SU111 of $2,000 (two thousand dollars) per annum, payable
monthly, from the the First day of December, 1926, and that By-Law
No. 967 be and is hereby amended accordingly.
St Thomas, November 25th, 1926.
K. W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
BY-LAW No. 1074
To Appoint Keeper and Matron of House of Industry and Refuge
and Amend By-Law No. 827
The Elgin COUIlty Council enacts:
1. That Frederick Ingram be and is hereby appointed Keeper, and
his wife, Ethel Ingram, be and is hereby appointed Matron ofth-e House
of Industry and' Refuge. To hold office duriIlg the pleasure of the
Council, at a combined annual salary of fifteen hundred doBars, payable
quarterly, 'with board and lodging in the said House at the expense of
the Corporation.
2. That the-said Keeper and Matron be and are hereby required to
provide at their own expense hired help required in the institution, sub-
ject to the appro'Val of the Inspector.
3. 1;'hat David- Gooding be and is hereby appointed Assistant
Keeper of the House of Industry and Refuge for the year 1927 at a
salary of $800 per annum, payable monthly, with bo-ard and lodging in
the said ,House at the expen'se of the corporation.
4. That the provisions of By-Laws relating to the appointment of
the Assistant Matron be and are hereby repealed.
Elgin COUilty Council
5. That By-Law NO'. 8271s hereby amended accordingly.
6. That this By-Law take effcct on 3'lstDecember,1926.
St. Thomas, November, 26th, 1926.
County Clerk.
BY-LAW No. 1075
To Amend By-Law No. 10'52 by Changing the' Designation of County
Roads, Nos. 48 and 49', in the Township of South Dorchester
The Elgin Cotlllty Council -enacts:
That By-Law No. 10'52 he amended by changirig the designation of
County Roads Nos. !J8 and '_HJ in the Township of South Dorchester to
read a~ foHows:
48. The road in the Township of South Dorche(3ter, between concession
11 and 12, lots 6 to A, thence 110rthon the county town line between
Oxford and Elgin connecting up with Oxford County Road No. 19,
and the road betwecn lots 3 and 4 in concession 11, Township of
South Dorchester.
49. The Toad in the Township of South Dorchester, betwecn lots 6 and
7 in concession 12.
St. Thomas, November 25th, 1926.
K. W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
Elgin County Coundl
Elgin County Council
'BY-LAW No. 1076
To Provide for the Payment of the Accounts for the Maintenance of
Ind'igents at Hospitals~ Sanitoriums, and Homes for Incurables
K. W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
No. 1055 To Confirm Sale of Gravel to L. & P. S. RYnn,"".",.17, 103
No. 1056 To Pay Mothers' Allowance Board.....m.mn'".h....m18, 103
No. 10m To Constitute the County Treasurer Sub-Treasurer
of School Monies.mo.......m'.......um.__.___........uun._____18, 10'4
No. 1058 To Appoint Advisory Agricultural 'Council..........u19, 104
No. 1051) To Authorize 'Borrowil1g Mouey....,...m.mn..'".'hhm'.cJl9, 10'5
No. 1060 To Appoint Members Board of AudiLn...m.....u....20, 105
No. 1061 Tovmship Road Superintendents to Attend County
Municipal AsS'ociation....,.......m,.....,.n..n......o.n.......20, 10'6
No. 10'6p To Appoint Trustees of High Schools...........n..._...21, 10'6
No. 1063 To Appo.int Senator Western Universitym_.....o..____21, 107
No. 1064 To. J:\.ppoint High Constabk_m.....mm_,m__....._m__...o..22, 107
No. '~0(j5 T6 Fix :pay of CQurt Constablesnoo........mm..._........33, 10'8
No. 1066 T9' Appoint Inspector Under Corn Borer AcLm:33, 108
The Elgin County Council enacts:
1. That accounts for the maintenance. of indigent patients for
which the County is liable under the pro,visions of The Hospitals and
Charitablc' Institutions Act bf1926, and for the maintenance of indigents
at sanitoriums and homes for incurables, bc paid one-half by the County
andone,..halfby the municipality from which the patient was resident at
the time of admission as defined in the said Act.
2. That this By-Law apply to accounts hereafter presented for
maintenance from the eighth day of April, 1926.
3. Upon payment by the County, the patient or his executorS or
administrators shall be liable to it for the amount paid.
Passed in Council this '14th day of Dccember, .1926.
No. 1067, To .Ext<el1d Time for Tax Sale.._
..00__.......00___34" 109
No. 10'68 To. Confirm Equalization____._...nm,__h.............oom...n..____34i 1009
No. 10'69
No. 1070
To Raise County Rates.._.......o....,__noo..._
....35, 110
To Anlcnd By-Law 1052..n__m.____..nm..
.35, 113
No. 1073 To Appoint Officer to Enforce O. T. A.m........n...38, 113
No. 10-72 To. Purchase Gravel PiL..
........__....'...00_00.......38, 113
No. 1073 ,To Fix Salary County Road Superintendent.m 0004'7, 114
No. 1074 To Appoint Keeper and Matron, House of
Industry oo,__'._m...___'mmn"_.o..n..' ..___'0.00 ...m.....nn __..-__47, 114
No. 107.5 To Amend By-Law 1052 re Roads in South
Dorchester . ......00 ......no.__,,__........,__..__..._.....o...m........48, 115
No. 1076 To Provide forPa.yment of Hospital Accountsoo..53, 116
Elgin County Council
Agricultural Societies.mon........,....____.........___........________..... "',,0___....16, 26,
Canadian -Nati011alll1stitute for Blind....____ ......un ___m.... __.._m_..__..__
Children's Aid SCldetYnnu........'.nmm.'...h.....'U......... ..'nnn.... .....68, 7n,
Corn arid Patti try Showsn...n....n.........n__....nm.......nn....__...C'.__mnn. ;50,
Horticultural Societies..
Law LibrarY.._~n___..
Miss Wallace..
Public Libraries""'''hm
Salvation Army....".......,...
Sick Children's- 'Host>ital..
Springfield Loclc- U pm~......."
Times- J ournalReporter _m'.
,Tourist AssO'eiatiolLn___m....'.
Trustees' Association....un.......... nmn_...."_____
....__..__........______........____44, 47
Women's Institutes..
....nnn.n...........".................... 17
....\. ......'.
Advisory, Agricultural CounciL...................................
Auditor Administration of Justice Accounts.....
Belmont 'Bridge Sidewalk..."
Children's Aid Society.____
7, 9, 10, 1:4, 25, 29, 41, 45,
Cor,n.. Borer In.spector..___....... ............. .........,....,...... ......... .m..m......26, 27
County Police.... .........,.............. ........ .........................................,..0.......41, 51
Elgin County Council
County Council.......,.........
Estimates ,.............'."........ ..........,.........'.~...'..........',........'........... ................:;_:.... 69
Gravel Pit..............,......... ........................'......'...................................,0.........'.. 37
High Constable............. ........'...m........m....'......,..........6, 13, 15" '16, 28, 37
High School, Trustees ...n' ...............;.m............:.. ...........m............5, 11, 12
Hospitals Act......,.....,.u.. ...... ......'......'......u..".............'...u.......u.................. 2'4
House of IndustrY......m ...m....... ....m....".........................2!l, 37,39, 42, 47
County Rates...~,........m___, .................._................
mmnn.n'n.nnn. 23
County Roads.............._...........................uun.............. ............................'.. 23
Dog Tax and Sheep Protection.....m...m,...........m... ....m.............m... 25
Elgin Plowmen's Association............___........................~"'...................12, 50'
InsJ.1rancc ....,
............................17, 37, 44
Lights 011 Vehicles..... .................u..m.... ............'......................................
Mothers' Allowance Commission......, ...,......... ...................'................
Municipal Officers...... ..u......'........u'"u....m..........'. .m..... ........m...........,.
Municipal Association....um..m,.......... ................00...00...... ........,...........6,
Poct Stanley Road Agreement..._,"...
Rodney Road_,Agreement... ............
School Accounts..............
Special Police Committees..
Standing Committees............ ......... ....................m...................u...A, 7, 54
Talbot Estates, Limitedm.......... ....... m.............................,.......__............ \)
Tourists' Association............. ......................,.....................,.......... ............... 16
Warden's Address:...,.............................m...............................4, 23, 36, 39
Elgin County Council
Warden's Election..___......
Western University.~.......
Corn Borer Inspector
County Engineer .__r............
COl1nty Road Committee....,.........
.6, 15, 31, 46, 77
County Treasu~'er...................n.m... ...m................___..............___............43, 62
Education Committee...........m....... ....,.............................10', 14, 3~,- 46, 59
Finance Committee.................................,....10, '15, 29, 32, 43, "47,- 52, 65
Gaol Committee........................,..........,
House of Industry Committee...........
Inspector House of Industry.......,.......
..14, 31, 43, 46, 52, 96
.........m.......A4, 45, 51; 86
'.. ...............,.__.......44,
Petitions and Legislation Committecm.............................15, 16, 51, 94
Physician House of I11(lustry.........
Public Impr~vemcnts Com111ittee.m.......___m,...................~14! 30, -45, 76
Public School Inspector Smith.m'
Special re Insurancem....
.--...___..________....__.__.............__.44, 10'1
Special re Police Organizatio'll.....
Suburban Area. Commission..__.........._........-..m