1927 Minutes PROCEEDINGS OF THE Elgin County Council'. During the Sessions held in the COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS in the months of January, June, July, November and December 1927 K. W;McKAY. County Clerk. DAVID CROSSON. Warden; THE MERCURY, RODNEY , COUNTY OFFICIALS DUllcan C. Ross, Esq., County Judge J as, H. Coyne, Esq., Registrar Ian Cameron, Esq., County Court Clerk' A. McCrimmon, Esq., Clerk of the Peace and County C/own Attorney p, S. D. Harding, Esq., Sheriff C. F. Maxwell, Esq., Co. Police Magistrate VY. F. Luton, Esq" Gaoler ]. A. Taylor, B. A., and J. C. Smith, B. A., Public School Inspectors K. \V. McKay, Esq., County Clerk B. B. Graham, Esq., County Treasurer .J ames A. Bell, M. C. S., C. E., County Engineer G, F. Pineo, County Road. Superintendent C. St. Clair Leitch, 'County Solicitor Frank Hunt, Esq;, Police Magistrate Douglas L. Ewil1, M. D., Physiciall, House of Industry and Gaol Fred Ingram, Keeper, House of Industry R. 1L Holmes, Caretaker, Co_urt House Hugh Ostrander, High Constable All of St. Thomas P. O. A. Turner, Esq., Inspector, House of Industry, Shedden, R. R. 1 County Auditors: vValker C. Ca'ughell, St. Thomas; VV. A. Galbraith, lona Station Administration of Justice Auditors: D. C. Ross, County Judge Mayor Handford,_ St. Thomas; O. McKenney, Aylmer PROCEEDINGS OF THE ~1 '''1 Elgin CQunty Council FIRST SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 25th day of ]atiUary, 1927 The members of the Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, at 2p. m. The - Clerk in the _ chair. The folLJ.\villg members filed certificates and took their seats at the Council~oard. Dugald Lindsay, Reeve, Aldborough. J. A~ Wehlann, Deputy H,eeve, Aldborough. D. J. McKillop, Reeve, DUllwi,ch. MUNICIPAL CLERKS AND TREASURERS Municipality Clerk Treasurer Aldborough.__ ...m]. A. McRae, RodneY.......mA. Carmichael, West Lome . DUllwich ......... mn..D. A. McNabb, DuttOll.m..... ..Murray McNeil, Dutton Southwold ...... .m..J. C. McLennan, FingaL........ ..__D. A. Cattanach; 92 Moore Street, St. Thomas Yarmouth .....m ..W. C. Caughe'll, St. Thomas....Ralph L. Marlatt, Union Malahicle...... ...__John M. Hale, Aylmer.m......__.mJohnM. Hale, Aylmer Bayham.m....,.........Bellj'. Brian,Straffordvillem.Wm. Grant, Straffordville S. Dorchestcr......M. S. Charlton, R. R. 1, Springfield.mG. Winder,Lyons Tcivirn ,of Aylmer.m.........m........D. C. Davis....n.m.m......_...H. E. Armstro1l1g Village of SprillgfielcL.......m..G. \V. Collins. n.m"'''''' .....m......Roy Clunas Village of Vienna.............m.m__J. P. Coombs.m...m....m........mJ. P.Coombs Village of Port, StanleY.m..e.H. A. CromwelL. .....m_ ..no,.H. A. Cromwell Village of Dutton........n...........mJ. D. Bluc.... .........n ...n..... ....nD. Campbell Village 'cf West Lome m.. .-]. S. Robertson ..'u..m.. ....m..m. ..m\"lV. H. Bole Village of Rodney.m........",m....J. D. Shaw.. .m'm.___ m..uno... ._m.]. D. Shaw f J. Leitch, Deputy Reeve, DUllWich. David Crosson, Reeve, Southwold. Cha's.C. Mi'nor, Depttty Recve,Sou'thwold. Duncan J. McIntyre, Reeve, Yarmouth. Fred R. Taylor, First Deputy Reeve, Yarmouth. A. Archibald, Second Deputy Reeve, Yarmouth. H. B. Westover, Reeve, Malahide. Ed'\vin Drysdal~, Deputy Reeve, Malahide. Harry L. Godwin, Reeve, Bayham. Robert McLean, Deputy Reeve, Bayham. W. W. Kiddie, Reeve, SOuth Dorchester. Oscar McKenney, Reeve, Aylmer. <j Elgin Connty \Council Elgin County Coullcil 5 James McAllister,. Reeve, V\~nna. Kenneth M. Sinclair, Reeve, Springfield. Na'thanicl S. Cornell, Reeve, Port Stanley. Stuart C. Kirkland, Reeve, Dutton. John L. vVard, Reeve, We'st Lome. E. G. Lusty, Reeve, Rodney. FIRST SESSION - SECOND DAY Wedl1eS(~ay, the 2Gth day of January, 1027 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, according to adjournment. The \Varden in the chair. The election of Warden was proceeded 'with, and on tIle sixth vote, David Crosson, Reeve of Southwold, having received a majority of the whole Council, was ,declared duly elected, The \-Varden-elect made the Statutory Declaration of Office, took his seat and aclchessed the Council. All thcmcmbeis presciIt. The "Varden addressed the Council as follows: ~'To the Elgin COUllty Council: "'Gentlemcn,"'::-. Moved by N. S. Cornell, Seconded by H. B. Westover: That Messrs. Little and Richards, of the RaihVay, be allowed to address the Council. London and Port Stanley "In opening the busincss of the session I have to thank you for -electing me 'to preside over your deliberations. I appreciate the honer -and s'o1icit your support in a business-like administration of County .affairs dm-in!:; the coming year. - Carried. London and Port Stanley Road "The amount of traffic carried by county road No. 2:l t.o Port Stanley is increasing annually, The cost of maintenance is compara- tively 10\"1, due to the location of the gravel pit. Thetimc is not far .distant when additional material will be required. The Council' should "Consider the advisability of making an application to have this 1',04d taken over as -a provincial high-way, with a view to having a permancnt 1)avemcnt constructed --- this will conserve thc material ill the gravel pit, n large amount of \vhich is now used annually_ on this road. The permanent pavement could be constructed ata minimum 'Of cost by utilizing thc'gravel, which is suitable for the purpose. The road is now included in the St. Thomas suburban area; and cost to cou'nty would not he prohibitive. Messrs. Little and Richards addressed the COUllcil in reference to necessity for immediate repairs to creek bank, north of west approach to Port Stal1lcy bridge, and Warden refcrred thc matter to Public Improve- merIts and Cbunty Roads Committees. The Reeves 'of the various, municipalities were appointed a committee to strike Standing Committees, and COUl1cit' adjourned until 10'. a. m. W cdncsday morning. n CROSSON, vVarden. Western Entrance to- St; Tho'mas "The question d all entrance to St. Thomas for the provincial highway from London is one that should receive consideration. In 6 Elgin _County Council Elgin County Council 7 some of the plan>; proposed th,c County will have a financial interest. The Council, should consider the advisability 'Of appointing a speciat committee to confer with the council of the City of St. Thomas. and F. G. MacDiarmid, M. P. P., in reference to the matter. From County 'Of Essex, refixed assessments and equalization.- Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. From County Engineer, with report. - Referred to Public Im- provements Committee. Constables "The action taken by the Council in reV1Slon of list of county constables last month appears to have had the effect of settlihg ,public opinion and at the same time improving the organization under the High Constable. The Cauncil shauld at the session cansider such. matters as may be suggested far still further impravement. From Caunty Treasurer, with repart. - Referred to' Finance Com- mittee. From' OntariO' Municipal Assaciatian, re membership. - Referred 1:0' Finance Committee. House of Industry "The DC'''' Keeper and Matran have assumed cantral at the House' af Industry. It is same years sInce the Cauneil has visited thc institu- tian in a bady, and I wauld suggest that they cansider thc advisability- af daing so during the present session.-" , Fram Assaciatian af Managers af Hames f.or Aged and Infirm.- Rcferred,to Hause af Industry Cammittee. From Tillsanburg Memorial }Iaspital, re grant. - Rcferred to Finance Cammittee. Thcfallawillg c0111municatiolls were read: ".Fl',cl'n' Auditors, withrepart. - Referred to Finance Committee. Fram OntariO' Trustees' Assaciation, re aUllualmceting. - Referred to' Educatian Cammittec. The repart of the committee appainted to strike the Standing 'Cammittees was presented, and adapted on mati an of O. McKenney and secanded by J. A. Wehlanll. Fmm OntariO' Goad Roads Association, rc meeting. - Referrcd to- County Rmids Cammittee. Mr. Lilldsaygave notice of application far designation of narthern part af Kent County line to' Bathwell Bridge as a c-ottnty road. From Hospital for Sick Children, re g.rant. - Referred to Finance< Committee. Mr. McKenncy gave natice af application for grant of ane hundred .dollars for Aylmer lock-up. From Canadian Institute far the Blind, re grant. - Referred to- Finance Camnlittec. Mr. Godwin gave notice af applicatian for grant af one hunch-cd 'dallars for Port Burwell lack-up. From Highways Department, with pravincial high"way account.- Referred to' Finance Committee. Moved by N. S. Carnell, Secanded by H. B. Westover: From Salvation Army, re grant. ,-----Referred to' Finance Cammittee. That the matter 'of paving extension of County Road No. 23 in Port Stanley be brought 'befare the County Roads and Public Improve- mClltsCommittees far their consideration. From County of 'Grey, re Hospital legislatian, - Referred to Peti-- lions and LegislatiollCommiftE'p, - Carried. 8 Elgin County Coundl Moved by D. Lindsay, Seconded by J. A.-Wehlann: That the Council adjourn until 2 p. m. ,- Carried. The Council resumed. The report of the High Constable was read and referred' to Finance Committee. ' Mr. vVcstover made application for grants fOf Ladies' Institutes. Mr. Lusty gave notice 'of application for grants for Agricultural and Horticultural Societies. The report of County Roads Committee was presented and'referred' to Committee of the Whole', with Mr. Lindsay in the chair. After some discussioli. the committee arose and report .was adopted without amendment, all motion of D. Lindsay, seconded by D. J. McKillop. Moved by N. S. Cornell, Seconded by O. McKenney: That this Council visit Port. Stanley to-morrow to inspcctnccessary work at' bridge. - Carried~ Moved by S. C. Kirkland, Seconded by J. A. Leit.ch: That W. Hollingshead be re~appointed a .member of the Dutton High School Board. - Carried. 1fovcd by S. C. Kirkland, Seconded byE. G. Lusty: That we grant the SUiTl of fifty dollars to each of the following Libraries: Rodncy,West Lorne, Dutton, Port Stanley, Aylmer, Vienl1ao- Elgiil County Council 9 Sparta, Springfield, Bayham, and Shedden; and twenty-five dollars each to,' Belmont and Wardsville. - Carried. Moved by D. Lindsay, Seconded by J. A. Wehlann: That -the retiring members of the County Advisory Agricultural Council be re-appointed, viz.: J. A. King, E. E. Luton, D. Campbell, Vtl. F. Smith,' and J. A. McCallum. - Carried. M,oved by Jas. McAilister,. Seconded by C. C. Minor: That George Tyrrel be re~appointed to the Vienna High School Board for three years. - Carried. Moved by J. A. Leitch, Seconded by D. J. McKillop: That a.McKenney be appointed Auditor of Adm'inistration ,of Justice Accounts. 'I ---,Carried. Mr. Lusty gave notice of application for pavement in Rodne'y. Moved by'J. A. Wehlann, Seconded by J. L. Watd: That Council adjourn, tori1eet to-morrow at 2 ,po m; - Carried. D. CROSSON, Warden. "',I .!;'Ji';:.::) ~- , 10 Elgin. Comity Council 'PIRSTSESSION-THIRD'DAY Thursday, the 27th day of January, 1927 The Elgin County Council met this day at the CourtHouse, St~ Thomas, according to adjournmcll:t. The Warden.in the chair. All the members present. The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. The report of Police Magistrate Hunt was read. The report of 'EduC'atioll Committee was presented, al1dadopted on motion of E. G. Lusty, seconded by J. A. Leitch. The report of Petitions and Legislation .,Committee :was-presented and adopted 011 motion of O. McKenney, seconded by N. S. Cornell. The report of Public Improvements Committec\vas, presented, and adopted on motion of K. 'M.Sindair, sc"condedby'F.R. Taylor. Telegram from County Council of Middlesex re tile drains on high- ways was read. Moved by I-I. B. West-uver, Secon<;ledby K. M. Sinclair: That the usual .grants of twenty-five dollars each be made to the Central Womeil';s.;Institutes.Qf,East.and V\Test ,E.lgin; ~. Carried. MovedpY,D. Lindsay, $e'C'Ol1ded by D. J. McKillop: That the Kent County line from third concession in Aldborough north to Bothwell bridge be designated as a county road. - Carried. Elgin County Council '11 Moved by E. G. Lusty, Seconded by Chas. C. Minor: That grants to Agricultural Societies in the County be the same as last year, one hundred per cent. of the Government g.rant. ~ Carried. Moved by W. W. Kiddie, Seconded by K. M. Sinclair: That the Warden and Clerk be authorized to' sign and submit to the Minister of Public Works and Highways .of the Province of Ontario the petition of the Corporation of the County of Elgin showing that during the period 1st Jan'llary, 1926, to 31st December, 1926, there has been expended upon- the count.y highway system the sum of $127,673.24 and requesting the statutory grants on that amount as provided by The Highway Improvement Act. - Carried. Moved; by E. G. Lusty, Seconded by. J. L. Ward: That the request of the Village of Rodney for paving on Furnival Street from M. C. R. tracks to' Queen Street be referred to the County Roads 'Committee witI} instructions to investigate and report at this session. - Carried. Moved by J. A. Leitch, Seconded - by J. A. W ehlann: That grants to Horticultural Societies be the same_as last year. - Carried. Moved by 0,. McKenney, Seconded by H.L. Godwin: That Ray Lemon be appoirited Trustee of Aylmer High School for thr.eeyears,. - Carried. 12 : Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 13 Moved by S. C. Kirkland, Seconded by E. G. Lustr: That the Clerk be instructed to prepare the necessary by-law under S'chool.Law Amendment Act of.!92'5, section 17; sub-section 33, provid- ing for payment 'ofcost'ofeducatiol1 of pupils in continuation and high scho'61s in' the county as therein provided (the alternative system). The 'vVarden in the chair. All the members present: The proceedings of the previous day were read and' confirmed. The report of House of Industry Committee was presented, and In amendment: adopted on motion of R McLean, seconded by O. McKenney. Movcd by D. ]. McKillop, Seconded by D. Lindsay: The report of special Public Improvements and County Roads Committees was presented, and adopted on motion of J. A. \Vehlann, seconded byVv. W. Kiddie. That .the qttcstion of adopting the alternative system of financing high and continuation schools be laid over until the June session. Main motion lost, amendment carried, 011 the '. following divj;;jo.~: .. The report of Finance Committee was presented, and adopted on motion of - D. J. McKillop, se~onded by H. B. Westover. Yeas-N.S. Co-rllell, H. B. Westover, E; Drysdale, D. r McIntyrcp A. Archibald, W. W. Kiddie, H. L. Godwin, ]. McAllister, Chas. C. Minor, J. Leitch, D. J. McKillop, J. A. Wehlalln, D. Lindsay. '"'-'--, 13. M:essrs. McPhail and Taylor, from the County Trustees' Ass'oci- atiOll, addressed the council, requesting grant. Nays - Fred RTaylor, O.McKenney, K. M. Sin'dair, S~ C. Kirk- land, J. L.Ward, E. G. Lusty. - 6. Moved by R McLean, Seconded by W. W. Kiddie: Moved by A Archibald, That a grant of one hundred dollars be made to the Elgin Trustees' Association. Seconded by K. M. Sinclair: That the Council adjourn until 10' o'clock to~morrow, to allow comrnittees to meet. - Carried. Moved byO. McKenney, Seconded by H. L. Godwin: - Carried. D. CROSSON, Warden. That a grant 'of one hundred dollars be made to the Town of Aylmer for iron doors and necessary repairs to lock-up. FIRST SESSION - FOURT HDA Y Moved by H. L. Godwin, Seconded by W. W. Kiddie: - Carrie.d. . Friday, the 28th day of January, 1927 . The Elgin County Council met this day, in accordance with adjournment. That a grant of one hundred dollars be given for repairs to Port Burwell lock-up. - Carried. 14 Elgin Co~n~y Council Elgin, County Council 15 Moved by H. B. Westover, Seconded by D. J. McIntyre: Moved by J. L. Ward, Seconded by D.-].McKillop: That By-Law No. 1077 be read a third time al1clfillally passed. That Mr. Bain, of the Globe Indemnity Co., be allowed to address the Council. - Carried. - Carried. Moved byH. R Westover, Seconded by D. J. McIntyre: Moved by C Minor, Seconded by E. G. Lusty: That By-Law No. 1078, to' appoint High School Trustees, be received and read a first time. That public liability insurance for County be taken with the Globe Indemnity Company. - Ca'rried. - Carried. Moved by C. C. Minor, Seconded by E. G. Lusty: That By-Law No. 1078, to appoint High 'School Tl'ustees, be read a second time. Mov.ed by S. C. Kirkland, Seconded by J. Leitch: That usual grant ,of fifty dollars be made to' Elgin Law Library Associat1<;H1. ;~ Ca'rried, ~ Carried. Moved by E. G. Lusty, Seconded by C. C. Minor: That By-Law No. 1078 be read a third time and finally.passed. - Carried. Mrs. \tVinder then addressed the Council in reference tocri~ic,ism of grant to Central Wo"mell's Institutes. Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded by H. L. Godwin: Mdved. by H. L.' Godwin, Seconded by W. \tV. Kiddie: That By-Law No. 1079, to appoint ,County Advisory Agrict\1tural Council, be' received and read a first time. That thanks of Council be extended to Mrs. Winder for information in reference to Women's Institute work. - Carried. - Carried. Moved by D. J. McKillop, Second,ed by J. Leitch: That By-Law No. 1077, to appoint a Board of Audit, be received and read a first time. Moved by H. L. Godwin, Seconded-by W. W. Kiddie: That By-Law No. 1079 be read a second time. ,,~~ea'rTied. - Carried. Moved by W. W. Kiddie, Seconded by 'H.'L. Goo win : That By-Law No. 1079' be read a third time and finally passed. Moved by D. J. McKillop, Seconded by J. Leitch: That By-Law No. 1077 be read a second time. - Carried. ~rCarried. 16 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 17 Moved by A. Archibald, Seconded by F. R. Taylor: That By-Law No. 1082, to amend By-Law No. 1052, be received and read a first time. - Carried. That By-La"w No. 1080, to authorize the Warden and Treasurer to borrow the sum of two hundred thousand dollars, be received and read a first time. Mo:v'ed by J. A. Wehlaun, Seconded by D. Lindsay: - Carried. That By-LaVli No. 1082 be read a second time. Moved by F, R. Taylor, See-ended by A. Archibald: - Carried. , Moved by J. L. Ward, . Se~ol1ded by D. J. McKillop: That By-Law NO'. 1080 be read a second time. ----,. Carried. That By-La\v No. 1082 be -read a ttlinl time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved, by A. Archibald, Seconded by K. M. Sinclair: The Warden appointed the following special committees. That By-Law No. 1080 be read a third time and finally passed; ~ Carried. To attend Onta~io Good Roads Association annqal convention: The Reeves of townships, and Messrs. Sinclair, Taylor, McLean, Minor, Leitch, and Archibald. Moved by H. B. vVestover, Seconded 'by' E. Drysdale: To attend Provincial, Trustees' Association meeting: Messrs. E. G._Lusty, S. C. Kirkland, J. L. "Vard, a,nd ,J. McAllister. That By-Law No. l081,to appoint a High Constable, be r.cc,ejved and read a first time. ...:.....Carried. To attend meeting of Ontario Municipal Association: Wehlann,Drysdale, McKenney, and Cornell. Messrs.- Moved by Eo. prysdale, Seconded by H. B. Westover: ',I.:' 'Special Administration of Justice COlllmittee: Messrs; Lindsay, Cornell, McKenney, McIntyre, and. 'Godwitl-. That By-Law No. 1081 be read a secOlld time. ~,Carried. On motion of D. Lindsay, seconded bY J. A. W'ehlai111, the Council adjourned, to meet on Tuesday, the 7th of June. M-oved by D. ]. McIntyre, Seconded by N. S. Cornell: D. CRQSSQN. Warden" That By-Law No. 1081 be read a third time, and final1yp~sse~: - Carried. SECOND SESSION - FIRST DAY Moved by D. Lindsay, Seconded by J. A. Wehlann: Tuesday, the 7th day of June, 1027 The Elign County' Got1l1cil 'met this - day, ,accordiilg .,1:0 adjournment. ~lgin County CC;Wlldl 19 18 Elgin Comity Courieil ~he Warden' in the 'chair; repealed, or amended without appro\;al of the Minister.. Arrangemc11ts may now be made_for improvc,ment of roads on I11dian r,es,er,ves. 'the designation of provincial suburban roads may be app,caled tO'the Munici- pal Board except where expenditures made. , ~il ,'the' members present. The Warde'n addressed the Council as follows: "To the Elgin County Council: "Agreemcnts with resp,ect to construCtion pr.ovincial highway in urbal1 municipalities may "The location or 1:e~11aval of trees, fences, buildings, etc., adjacent to provincial highway is provided, and the distance within which b.uild- ings, etc., may be placed may be determilled by order-in-council. of be connecting links of enter-ed i.nto. "Gentlemen, - "I am glad to wclcome you to the most important. session of the year. "There.has 'becn ;very ,litHe 'County' business requiring my attelition since January. "Section 77, regulatillgtbe placing of signs within one-quarter of, a mile, and for regulating the placing 'of gasoline pumps and for licensing same, now applies to county highways. liThe Legislature has been busy, and amendments of municipal intcr- cst are as'ntinH~rous' 'as 'Usual. The Noxious Weeds 'Act makes the appointmcnt of inspectors compulsory in all municipalities, their special duties' to 'b'e defined by' the LietiterialH.:.Governor' in Council, Indigeilt patients from townships adjoinin'g a city or town, in y."hich 'a hospital :is situated arc only to be admitted thereto on order of the medical officer of health of the township. t "Road superintendents may in future sign petitio\lS and initiate proceedings under Ditches and Watercourses and Municipal Drail.lage Acts. The placing of excavated materials from drains on any highway, without permission, is prohibited. "The Highway iImprovementAct deprives county coullcil repre- sentatives of vote on by-law when municipality exempt on ac(:ount of relitotencss.M'ehibers 6f.. county -road 'committee '-hlay lio\\' act as directors only, not overseers .?f'Work tih COUiltYi6acls. Allmaintellalice and repair of county r,oads must be- in accordance with regulations. By..1aws" assumil}g bridges -on, boundary are now.subje'ctto approval of the Minister, after 'which subsidy "will be-paid ,on cost of replacihg:or improving same, to extent of thirty per cent. \Vhell span of bridges less than fifty ,feet, and f0.rty <percent. :for larger -bridges. "The Highway Traffic Act requires lights on all vehicles after 1st October next. Reflector,s may be p.ermitted if approyed by the, Depart- ment. The legal speed is increased to thirty-five miles per hour in townships. In urban municipalities the rate is same as formerly. , '/.lBy.Llaws ,apPQitltil1g rtowlrship to'a"d superirit.endents .canlit:\t'be "N 0 vehicles, other than pub-li'c vehicles, having weight in excess of six tons, shall in future operate at over twenty miles per hour. "The \\'eight of loads after 1st }anttary, 1928, is regulated, and special permits provided for. "The Boards of Education Act provides how board to be electeq.. "The Counties. R~fore,statiqn Act is now under the I}ep.artment of Lands and Forests. ' "The Milk a~d Cre.~:un Act prq.vide~ for regulating th~ production of milk and for inspection. "County councils may declare that bridges of twenty feet or less in span shalI'rev'ei't to the local municipalities. Where this is done, a fifty per',Ci~lit. subsidy will be paid in respect to' improving bridges over twenty-foot span. Counties must enter into agreement before under- taking work in a;J.0,6al "inurti'cipality. 'Spc'dal'ihstftiCtions for sllperin-- tendents, overseers, and patrol men are provided for. 20 Elgin County Council "The School Laws are amcl1dedin respect to voting re consolidated .schools, the payment of teachers' salaries, and providing for increase in inspectors' salaries. I'Grants of fifty per cent. in aid of distribution of hydro-electric- power in rural districts is provided for, and a newAct respecting public service works on highways provides for removal or change in location of poles and appliances on a fifty-fifty basis where highway impr-a.ve- 11lent work renders the same necessary, subject to appeal to the Municipal Board in special cases. "Orders in council have been received approving of by-laws passed last year changing the designation of county roads in DUl1wich and South Dorchester. "The roads and bridges fo.r which the county is responsible have been inspected and report of requirements for the year will be laid before you." Proceedings of the last clay of the ] amlary session were read' and confirmed. The following communications were read: From Jo,hn Allan, Corn Borer Inspec'tor, with report. _ Referred to Finance Committee. From Professor Caesar, Agricultural College, re Corn Borer 'In- spector. -'Referred to Finance Committee. From Deputy Minister of Educatioll,re amount to be raise~r for equipment and accommodation grant. - Referred to Education Com- mittee. From Board of Goverl1ors, Memorial Ho,spital Trust, St. Thomas, re mrdntenance of county patients. - Referred to Finance' Committee; , From Mothers' Allowances Board, reappointment of members of local board. - Referred to Finance Committf'('. Elgin County COl1ncil 21 . From Tillsonburg Memorial Hospital Trust, regralit.,-Ref'erred to Finance Committee. From County Engineer, with report. - Referred toPuhlic Improve- inents Committee. The report of the Special Scho'ol Grant Committee was presen'ted and referred to - Education Committee, on motion of E. G. Lusty, seco,nde'd by K. M. Sinclair. Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded by H. L. Godwii1: That this Council visit the Hous,e of Illdustry to-.1TIor,ro.w, at 2 p. m. - Carried. :&J:oved by D. McIntyre, Seconded by H.B. Westover': That Council adjourn till ten o'clock towmorrow morniilg, to allow committees to meet. 2- Carried. 'D. CROSSON, Waiden'. SECOND SESSION-SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 8th day of June, 1927 The Elgin County Council met this day,-according- to 'adjournment. The Warden in the chair. All the members present. The proceedings of the 'previ-o,us day were r'~ad and confirmed. The following communications wete read: ! ~n;; , 22 Elgin County. Council Elgil1 County Council 23 From County Clerk, with report on licenses in force. -Filed. No, 1 report of the FillallCe Committee was presented, and adopted on motion 'of D. J. McKillop, seconded by H. ,B. Westover. From School Inspector Taylo,r, with county report. - Referred to Education Committee. Moved, by E. ,G. Lusty, Seconded' by' Chas. C.Minor: Fr0111 County Treasurer, with report. - Referred to Finance. Com- mittee. Mr. McAllister gave notice {)f application for grant of hvo hundred dollars to assist in repair,ing Mill Bridge in Vienna. That we adjourn, to meet at ten a. 111. to~morrow, to allow com- mittees to meet. -'Carried, Mr. \Vestover gave notice of deputation from Malahide and Aylmer re grant for memorial. D. CROSSON, Warden. Mr. Taylor gave notice that a deputation from the Police Village of Belmont will appear before the Council on Thursday. SECOND SESSION-THIRD DAY Thursday, the 9th day of JU11e,1927 The report of theS'pecial Police Committee was presented, and adopted on motion of A. Archibald, seconded by J. A. Wehlann. The Elgin County Council met this ,d~y,according to ,adjournment; Moved by O.McKenney, Seconded by Jas. McAllister: The Warden in the chair. All the members present. That this Council do now adjourn till 3: 30 p. m., to, allow com- mittees to meet; Proceedings of the previous day were read and ,confirmed. - Carried. Mr. H. L. Godwin ,gave notice ofdeputatiQn from Women's Institute. The Council resumed. Moved by H. B. Westover, Seconded by D. J. McIntyre: Me K. M. Sinclair gave notice of deputation re school.finances. That the deputation re the East Elgin Memodal be now heard. The report 'Of the County Roads Committee was' presented, and adopted on motion of W., W. Kiddie, seconded by Dugald Lindsay. - Carried. The report.of the Hcmse 'of ,Industry.Committee was,presentd1",and adopte'(l on motioIH:5.f'R6bertMcLean, secon'ded'by Chas;C.Minor. Messrs. R. D~ Hamilton; Dr. Davis, and R. B. McKen,ney then addressed the Council, requesting grant toward Soldiers' Me~o,rial for East Elgin, t.o be erected in the Town of Aylmer. The Warden referred the request to the Finance Committee. The report of the Education Committee was presented,and ,adqpteCl qnilllot,iQn of E. G. Lusty, seconded by J. A. Wehlann. . 24 Elgin CountyCoullcil Elgin County Council 25 Moved by Oscar McKei111cy, Seconded by H.L. Godwin: Moved by E. G. Lusty, Seconded by S. C. Kirkland: That the Keeper, Inspector, and Chairman of House of Industry Committee be appointed a deputation to attend meeting of Association of Managers of Homes for Ageeland Infirm, to be held in WeIland. Thata by-law he passed t\lkilig over that.portion of the village street of Rodney, south of the gullcy to Back Street corneL - Carried. - Carried. Moved by Oscar McKenney, Seconded by H. L. Godwin: Moved by D. Lindsay, Seconded by J. A. Wchlann: That the grants to the various Agricultural Societies in the County be the same as last,year. That this Council adjourn, to meet at 2 p. m. - Carried: - Carried. The Council resumed. Moved by ,Chas:' C. Minor, Seconded by James McAllister: lvloved by F. R. Taylor, Seconded by D. J. McIntyre: That the deputation of Belmont Police Village be now heard. That a by-law be passed to' designate as a county road, the road between concessions two and three in: the Township of Southwold from Dunwich town line to Road No, 19 betweel1. lots 1 and 18, being old R'o,a:d No. l8, an exterision of Road No. 11 in Dunwich. - Careied. - Carried. Messrs. Ba1'Ons and H. \-Vallace thell addressed the Council in reference to paving 'county road in ,the Police Village of Belmont, and the Warden referred the matter to the County Roads Committee. Moved by James McAllister, Seconded by Chas. C. Minor: That this Council grant the Village of Vienna two to assist in repairs on abridge known as Mi,11 Bridge. hundred dollars - Carried. Moved byH. L. Godwin, Seconded by O. McKenney: That the deputation re grants to Women's Institutes be now heard. Moved by Chas, C. Minor, Seconded by James McAllister: That this Council request the Honourable the Minister ,Q,fHighways to approve of the following addition to Road No, 20, extending south- westerly from the Michigan Central Railway to 'the provindal highway in Shedden, said approval having been withheld pending further investi- gation when order-in-council approving of By-Law NO'. 1052 was passed in September; 1925, --'--" Carried. Mesdame,s Hammond, Blanchard, Firb}.', I-Iaight, King, and Robin- son then made applica'tion for grant to various branches of Women's Institutes in the County of Elgin. The V\Tarden referred the l11atter to the Finance Committee. ---'- Carried~ Moved by K. M. Sinclair, Seconded by. A. Archibald: 26 Elgin Caunty Council Elgin County CounCil 2'1 That delegations from Continuation and High Schaols be- now heard. Nays - O. McKenney, H.L. Godwin. ''-----c Carried; The report of the Gaol Committce was presented, and adapted on motion of A. Archibald, secanded by J. Lei,tch. Messr,s. Barons, I-Ipllingshead, and VanOrder then addressed the Council, requestiilg passing afby-law tointraduce. an. alternative system for maintenance -of ,High and Continuation Scheels. MO'ved by S. C. Kirkland, Thc report af the Public Improvements Committee was presented' and referred to Committee -of - the W:hale. After amending the report thecammittee arose ancL the report as amended was adopted an matian af H. L. Gadwin, secanded by K. M. Sinclair. Seconded by K. M. Sinclair: Moved by J. A. Wehlann, That by-law be prepared' for purposeaf giving effect iil the County of Elgin to' the method of financilig Continuatian and High Schaols, k"O'"vn as -the -alternative system. Seconded by]. L. Vvard: That this Caullcil,da 1l8W adjourn,'tameet ta-~orrow at 10 a.m. Lest Oil the following divisioll: - Carried, Yeas-J. L. Ward, S. C. l{irkland,KG. Lusty, Janles McAllister, O. McKenney, H: L. Godwin, R. McLean, K. M. Sinclaii', Fred R. Taylor. - 9. D. CROSSON, Warden. Nays~ D"gald Lindsay. J. A. Wehlann, D. J. McKillO'p, JO'hn Leitch, Chas. C. Mirio.r, VV. W. Kiddie" A. Archibald, D. ]. McIntyre, Edwin Drysdale, N. S. Cornell,H. B. Westaver. -11. SECOND SESSION - FOURTH DAY Friday, the 10th day af June, 1927 Maved by S. C Kirkland, Seconded by D. J. McKillop: The Elgin Caunty Council met this day, according to adjournment. The \i\t~ arden in the chair. That by-law be prepared - to authorize guaranteeing debentures for erection af new high scho-ol in the Village of Dutton, not to exceed $150,000. All the members present. The proceedings oJ the previous day were read and can firmed. Carried on the. following division: Yeas-Dugald Lindsay, J. A. Wehlann, D. J. McKillap, John Leitch, Chas. C. Minor, D. ]. McIntyre, Fred R Taylor, A. Archibald, H. B. vVestover, Edwin Drysdale, Rabert McLean, '-"/.'0/. Kiddie, James McAllister, K.M. Sinclair,N. S. Cornell, S. C. Kirkland, J. L. Ward, E. G. Lusty, D. Crosson.-19. No.2 report of the Finance Committee was presented, and referred to Committee of the 'iVhale. After amending the report it was adopted as amended, on motion of E. G. Lusty, seconded by J. Leitch. NO'. 3 report of the Finance 'Committee was presented, and adopted en motion of D. J. McKillap, seconded by ,H.B. Westover. 2b. Elgin County Co.uncil Elgin County Council 29 Moved by -Chas, C.Minor, Seconded by F. R. Taylor: Moved by S. C. Kirkland, Seconded by E. G. Lusty: That this Council having learned with regret that CharlesW. Buchanan, County Agricultural Representative dUl'ing the past sixteen years,has been transferred to another district, desire to place upon reoa,rd their appreciation of his effortf;"for the ii:nprovement of agricul- tural 'life in the - County, and extend their best wishes for his future sUccC.~f1. That -By-Law No. 10-84 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. - Carried. Moved, by O. McKenney, Seconded by James McAllister: Moved by Dugald Lindsay, Seconded by J. A. W ehlann: That By-Law No. 1085, to extend time of tax sale, be received and read a first time. That By-Law No. 1083, to appoint a Gaol Surgeon, be received and read a first time. - Carried. - Carried. Moved by H. L. Godwiil, Seconded by R. McLean: Moved by J. A. Wehlailn, SecOl:.ded by Dugald Lindsay: That By-Law No. 1085 be read a second time. That By-Law No. lOBa be read a second time. - Carried. - Carried. Moved by R. McLean, Seconded byH.L. Godwin: Moved byJ..L. Ward, Seconded by D. J. McKillop: That By-Law No,.W83be read a third time and finally passed. , - Carried. That By-Law No. 1085 be read a third time and, finally passed. Moved by D. J. McKillop, Seconded by J. Leitch: ...,..,..., Carried. Moved by W. VV. Kiddie, Seconded by K. M. Sinclair: That By-Law No. 10'84, to appoint officer to enforce provisions of The ~iquor c:ontrol Act in the COUllty ,of Elgin, he received and read a first time. . That By-La",' No. 1086, to amend By-Law No. 1052, be received and read a first time. - Carried. - Carried. Moved by J. Leitch, M-oved by K. M. Sinclair, Seconded by W. W. Kiddie: Seconded by D; J. McKillop: That By-Law No. 1084 be read a second time. That By-Law No. 1086 be read a second time. - ,Carried. - Carried. 30 Elgiil County Coundl , Elgin' County Council 31 Moved by A. Archibald,. Seconded by K. M, Sinclair: Moved by D. J. McIntyre, Seconded by F. R. Taylor: That By-La'v.' No.108()-b'e read a third time and finiUy'passcd. - Carried. That By-Law No. 1088 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried, Moved by F. R. Taylor, II/loved by E. G. Lusty, Seconded by D. J. McIntyre: Seconded by James McAllister: That 'B'y-La:w No. 10'87, to raise amounts the year 1927, be recehed and read a first time. for county rates durilig That By-Law No. 1089, to ameriel By-Law No. 1052, to designate and assume road in Village of Rodney, be received and read a first time. - Carried. Lost 011 the follo\ving division: Moved by D. J. McIntyre, Seconded by F. R. Taylor: Yeas-J. L. \Nard, S. C. Kirkland, E.G. Lusty, James McAllister, 0.. McKenney, K. lJ. Sinclair, N. S. CornelL -7. That By-Law No. 1087 be read a second time. - Carried. Nays - Dugald Lindsay, J. A. \Vehlaun, D: J. McKillop, J. Leitch, D. Crosson, Chas. C. Minor, ,D. J. McIntyre, F. R. Taylor, A. Archibald, H. B. \~Testover, Edwin Drysdale, Harry L. Godwin, Robert McLean, W. W. Kiddie. - 14-. Moved: by Edwin Drysdale, Seconded by 1-1. B. VV estover: That By-Law No. 1087 be read a ,third time and finally passed. Movcd by S. C. Kirkland, - Carried. Seconded by J. Leitch: Moved' by N. S. Cornell, That By-Law, No; 1090, t.o guarantee high school debcntures of the Village of Dutton, be receivcd and read a first time. Seconded by H. B. Westover: That By-Law No; 1088, to confirm equalization of the assessment rolls in the County of Elgin, be received ancl read a first time. Carried on the following division: - Carried. Yeas--.--.-,-Dugald Lindsay, J. A. Wehlann, D. J. McKillop, J. Leitch, D. Crosson, Chas. C. Minor, D. J. McIntyre" F. 'R. Taylor, A. Archibald, Robert McLean, VV. W. Kiddie, James McAllister, K. M. Sinclair, .Nathaniel S. Cornell, S. C. Kirkland, J. 1." Ward, E. G. Lusty. -17. Moved by H. B. vVestover, Secon~led by Edwin' Drysdale: - Carried.. . Nays-.O. McJ:enney"I-I. L. Godwin, E. Drysd9-le, H. B. \Vest- .Qver.-4. That By~Law No. toes be l'ead a second, time. 32 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 00 Moved by H. L. Godwin, Seconded by O. McKenney: The report of the special Police Committee was presented, and adopted on motion of A. Archibald, seconded by D. J. McKillop. - Carried. The report of the Sl)ccial Hospital Committee. was presented, and;' referred to the Finance Committee on motion of D. J. McKillop, seconded by O. McKenney. That By-Law No. 1090 be read a second time. Moved by A. Archibald, Seconded by K. M, Sinclair: Mr. Dugald Lindsay enquired re services oJ D. Gooding, assistant keeper of House of Industry. - Carried. Moved by W~ W. Kiddie, Seconded by H. B. Westover: II That By-La\v No.; 1090 be read a third time and finally passed. Moved by J. Leitch, That Fred A. Bell, Ontario Land Surveyor, be appointed Engineer of and for the County of Elgin, without salary, but that he be allowed to use and occupy the offices in the Court House heretofore usecland occupied by Jas. A. Bell & Son, Civil Engineers, free of rent or charge while such appointment continues, and that a by-law be passed at :this meeting making and confirming such appointment. Seconded by D. J. McKillop: That this Council adjourn, to meet on Novep1ber 29th. - Carried. -,-' Carried. Moved by Dugald Lindsay, Seconded by J. A. Wehlann: That the salary of the assistant keeper of the House of Industry be discontinued from the 1st July, 1927. -Lost.' II III ! D. CROSSON, W arden~ Friday, the 8th day of July, 1927 Moved by S. C. Kirklal~d, Seconded by E. G. Lusty: That by-law be prepared and passed authorizing the guaranteeing of. debentures of Village of Dutton for building new high school, up to $57,000, and that by-law passed at last session be repealed. SPECIAL SESSION ThQ Elgin County Council met this day at the call o'f the Vl,Tarden. at the Court House, St. Thomas, at 2 p. m. The Warden in the chair. - Carried. All the members present. Moved by D. Lindsay, Seconded .by J. A. Wehlann: The report -of the special committee appointed to consider county bridge legislation was presented, and adopted on'lTIotion of K. M. Sin- clair, seconded by John Leitch. That this Council adjourn for one,hour, to allow committees to meet. - Carried. :34 Elgin County Council Elgin Coudiy' Council 35 ,The Council resumed. Moved by D:J. McIntyre, ' The report of the Finance Committee was presented, and adopted 011 1110tiOll of D. J. McKillop, seconded by D., Lindsay. Seconded by E"Drysdale: Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded by H.L. Godwin: That this Council furnish our High Constable, Hugh Ostrander; a regimental suit of clothes to be used on public occasions. That By~Law No. 1092 be read! a third ~hne and finally passed. - Carried. .1' .1 II Moved by S. C. Kirkland, - Carried. Seconded by J, Leitch;. Moved by Chas. C. Minor, Seconded by E. G. Lusty: That By-Law No. 1093; to' guarantee debentures of the Corporation of the Village of Dutton, be received and read a first time. T-hat'By-Law No. 1'091, to assume certain bridges ascoUllty bri'dges, he rec'eIved and read.a.first'time. ----' Carried. - Carried. Moved by J. Leitch, Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded' by James McAllister: Secpnded_ by ~. G. Lusty: That By-Law No. W~J1 be read a second time. That By-Law No. 1093 be read a second time: - Carried. ----,Carried. M'Oved by H. L. Godwin: Seconded by R. McLean: Moved by E. G. Lusty, Seconde~ by S. C. Kirkla\ld: That By-Law No. 1091 be read a third time and fillallypassed. -,Carried. Moved by K. M. Sinclair, Seconded by W. W. Kiddie: That By-Law No. 1093 be read a th!rd time and finally l?assed. - Carried. Moved by Chas. C. Minoy, That By-Law No. W92, to determine length of county bridges, be received and read a :f1r.st time. Seconded by E. G. Lusty: - Carried. Moved by A. Archibald, Seconded'by F. R. Taylor: '.I;'hat this C(jUI;1cU do now <!diourn. ,...,Carried. - Carried. D. CROSSON, Warden. That 'By-Law No. 1092 be read a second' time. 36 Elgin' County Council Elgin -Cbunty Council 37 THIRD SESSION-FIRST DAY Provincial,' Highw.ays Tuesday"the-29th day of ' November, 1927 "The financing of the counties' share of the cost of provincial high- ways has been the. subject of considerable discussion 'hi some counties, and resolutions iil reference thereto will be brought 'before you at this session. The Elgin' County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. All the members present. "These highways designated bv a provincial authority are largely for international and jnter~county tr'a:ffic, and those living at'i consider- able distance from them claim that as they are notas favorably situated as those living along or nearer these main highways, they shoul(1 receive S::lme consideration in the tax levy therefor. The Warden in the chair. The Warden addressed the Council as follows: "To the members of the County Council: "The gasoline tax is one method of equalizing expenditures on high'ways. A slight increase in this would no doubt increase the provin- cial revenues and enable the Province to assume the whole of future highway expenditttres. "Gentlemen, - "There have been' no new developments in County business since our last session. The special committees appointed have completed their duties and will report to. yoU:. House of Industry "A resolution was passed at last session appointing Engineer. I am of opinion that the matter should be further before a by-law confirming the. new api)'Ointment is passed. a COUl}ty considered "The ne\;\' management appears to have been glVlllg satisfaction Quripg ,the ye,~r. Some ,improvem~nts have been made to buildings and to facilitate farming operations. The number of inmates is, increasing gradually, as the municipalities are insisting on Ho~se of Industry rather: than local maintenance of indigents. County' Engineer Hospital Maintenance "The duties of County Engineer are now inuch less important than jn former years. There does not appear to have been any necessity for a new appointment or for changing the by-law under which James A. Bell has acted as our efficient Engineer for the past f'Orty-five years. I would recommend the appoiritment of a special committee to consider the whole matter and report at this session. "The number of accounts for maintenancecif county ,inmates in hospitals and similar institutions' appears to he increasing under the present arrangement for payment of one-half by the county. "'1 do not think this is, due to any particuhir increase in the, number "Df persons assisted, but rather to the fact that accounts formerly present- ed to the local municipalities now come to the county for payment. "The cver~increasing importance of the county roads department may require s'ome consideration in the near' future. The se~vices of, an engineer are necessary in connection with the more important. work, bridges, etc; The advisability of connecting the engineer with that department should be considered by the special committee. "The Council should consider the advisability of petitioning f01'.a change in The Hospitals Act so that hospital notices will be sent to the clerks of local municipalities in which the patients resided previous to admissiOn, rather than 'to the county clerk, who has 110 means :of determining r'esidence. Accounts>vould,'then pe paid by the local municipalities and presented to County for refund. 38 Elgiii COll-nty COltllcil Elgin COUllty Coltlleil 39 'Fbe""As,sessment Act From Provincial Secreta:ry, re gaol salari'cE. -Referred to Gaol Committee. "A _draft oJ an AsSeSS1U91lt Act in the making was introducea at last session of the Legislature arid di,stribtited for consid~:ration by the local councils. FrOlilFcss'Oil Burners Company, rc he'ating Court House. ~ Rc- felTed to Gaol Comnjittee. "This Act will 110, doubt. be .'passed at the cO,ruing session" The-. Petitions and Legistatioll C0111l11iftee shQuld examine same in so far as it affects equilizatiolla'l1d tax sal.es, and make such suggestions as they may deem advisable.j, ., From F. Illgranl, Keepei- of Hauseaf Industry, re s~tlary.-Referi-cd to House-of Industry Committee. 171'0111 Physician, House of Industry, with annual report. - Referred to House of Industry Committee. From County Council, Northumberland and Durham, re amendmcnt Hospital Act. - Referred to Petitions ai1d Legislation COl11mittee. Proceedings 'of the last day of the June session and special July session were Tead, and confirmed. From John Allan, Corn Borer Inspector, with r~port. - Refel'l'cd to Fillance Committee. The following ,vomlnunicratiol\S were read:' From Norfolk County Council, with resolution, re cost Provipcial High\vay. - Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committec. , From:Departmel1't of High\vays, with Or'der in Council, approving of By-Law Nb. 1052/;'designating part of County Road No. 20'.'~ Referred to COUilty Roads Committee. From County Cou11cil" Prestottand Russell, re cost Provincial High"vay. - Referred to Petitions and LegislationC0111mittee. Fro111 Secretary, Elgin Municipal Associatioll, with resolution re- increasing membership. - Referred to ,Finance Committee. From J. C. Smith, 1. P. S., with report. - Refcri-ecl to Education Committee. From Clerk;, prescott a,nd: Russ,eU, re,paymellt of fun costof'provin- cial highways by Provinceal1<l' increase,d subsidy to. townships.- Referred to l?-eti.tioos<1-ud Legislat-ioll Com,mittee. 171'0111 Canadian National Institution for Blind, re grant. - Referred to Finance Committee. From Children's'Meniorial Hospital', London, 1'e grant. -Referred to Finance Committee. From County Treasurer, with report. - Referred to Finance Com- mittee. From Amusement Bra,uch,.,Provincial Treasurer's Department, re reduction in ,amu,sement, ta>;:. - Filed. Flom Deputy Provi'llcial'Secretary, requesting acltnission of Hazel Haley frelIl1 an Ontario hospital to House of Industry. - Referred to House of Industry 'Committee. From Highways Department, Toronto, advising that the Minister has ap_proved of By-Law No. lO9l, assuming and reverting certain bridges. ---,.Referred to County'RoadsCommittee. From Grand Jury, with presentment. - Referred to HOllseof In.:. dustry and Gaol Committees. From J. M. Hale, Clerk of Malahide, reconfirmation of by-law dosing streets. - Referred to Finance Committee. Elgin County Council 41 4~ Elgin County..Counc'il From Children's Aid Society,reannualmeeting. presented and adopted on motion of O. McKenney, seconded by N. S. Cornell. The report of the special Hospital Committee was presented, and adopted on motion of O. McKenney, seconded by, Harry L.Godwin. The report of the County Roads Comtnittee was presented, and adopted' on motion of W. W. Xiddie,secoli.ded by D. J. McIntyre. The report from the special Police Committee was presented, and adopted on motion of A. Archibald, seconded by O. McKenney. Moved by N. S. Cornell, Seconded by S. C. Kirkland: Moved by Dugald Lindsay, Seconded by J ~ A. Wehlann: That this Council grant the Village of Porf Stanley the sum of four hundred dollars for the purpose of a,ssi'sting in constructing lock-up in new Community.Hall. That the Warden appoint committee to consider matters pertaining to tbe County Engineer's office. - Carried. i I - Carried. Moved by F. R. Taylor, Moved by O. McKenney, S~co.nded byH. L. Godwill:, Seconded by D. J. McIntyre: That. this Council :do,]:o,:w,adjo~rn, to meet to-mQrt:oW,at 10 a. m. That this Council do now adjourn, to meet at 2:30 p.m. - Carried. - Carried. The Council resumed. D. CROSSON, Warden.- The request from residents of the Village of Belmont asking,Council to co-operate with Middlesex County Council in paving Main Street was read and ordered to be filed. . THIRD SESSION - SECOND DAY -Wednesday, the 30th day of November, 1927 The report of the Inspector of the House of Industry was read and referred to House of Industry Committee. The Elgin Co-unty Coun~il met. this day, in accordance with adjourn'-- ment. The report of the Gaol Committee was presented, and adopted on motion of A. Archibald, seconded by J. Leitch. The Warden in the chair. The report of the special Engineer's Committee was presented, and ""dopted on motion of H. E. Westover, seconded by J. L. Ward. An the members present. Proceedings of the previotls 'day were read and confirmed. The report of the House of Industry Committee was presented, and adopted 011 motion of R. McLean, seconded by O.McKenney. The report of the special Administration of Justice Committee was 42 Elgin County Council Elgin County C.o'Lm'cil 43 Moved by N. S. Cornell, Seconded by W. W. Kiddie: The report of the Education. Committee. was presented, and adopted on motion of E. G. Lusty, seconded by J. A.Wehlann. That the communication .from the Village of Belmont re paving Main Street, be- considered by this Council. The report of the Petitions - al1d Legislatio'l1 Committee was pre- sented, and adopted on motion of O. McKenney, seconded by N. S. CornelL -Lost. Moved by J. Leitch, Moved by Chas. C Minor, Seconded by D. J. McIntyre: Seconded by D. ]. McKillop: That Council adjourn, to meet to-morrow at 10 a. m. That the Elgin Poultry Association be given the same grant a,s last year, one hundred dollars. -Carried. - .Carried. Moved by N. S. Cornell, Seconded by H. B. Westover: D. CROSSON, Warden. That this Council do now adjourn until to-morrow at 10' a, m. - Carried. THIRD SESSION-THIRD DAY , Thursday, the 1st day of December, 1927 D. CROSSON, Warden. The Elgin County Council met this day, according to adjournment. THIRD SESSION - FOURTH DAY The Warden in the chair. Friday, the 2nd day of December, Hl27 All the members.prcsent. The Elgin Count}~ Council met' this day, according to adjournment. Proceedings of the previous day ,vere read and confirmed. The Warden in the chair. Moved by E. G. Lusty, Seconded by Chas. C. Minor: All the members present. The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. That we adjourn, to meet again at 2: 30 p. m. - Carded; M-oved by E.G. Lusty, Seconded by S. C. Kirkland: The Council resumed. The report of the H6use of Industry Committee was .presented, and adopted on motion of Robert McLean, seconded by O. McKenney. That we do now adjourn, to nieet at 2 p. m. - Carried. 44 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 45 The Council resumed. Moved by H. L. Godwin, Seconded by R. McLean: The report of the Finance Committee was presented, and adopted 011 motion of D. J. McKillop, seconded by J. L. Ward. Moved. by Dugald Lindsay, That By~Law No. 1095, to amend Ey-LawNo. 1074, be received and read a first time. - Carried. Seconded by J. A. Wehlaul1: Moved by R. McLean, Seconded by H. L. Godwin: That the usual grant of- fifteen dollars be paid the Times-Journal reporter fo.f his services in reporting the proceedings of this Council duriilg the year. That By-Law No. 10'95 be read a second time. - Carried. - Carried. Moved byW. 'W. Kiddie, Seconded by K. M. Siriclair: di :1 Moved. by A. Archibald, Seconded by W. W. Kiddie: That By-Law No. 1095 be read a third time and finally passed. That the usual grant of one hundred dollars be paid to the Warden. - Carried. - Carried. ' Moved by H. B. \Vestover, Seconded by Edwin Drysdale: M'oved by Chas. C. Minor, Seconded by E. G. Lusty: That By-Law No. 1096, to authorize the Warden to sign agreement with the City of St. Thomas, be received and read a first time. - Carried. I~ l!i - Carried. Moved by F. -R. Taylor, Seconded by D.]. McIntyre: ill That By-Law No. 1094, to appoint an Assistant Engineer, and repeal By-Law No. 10'21, be received and read a first time. Moved by James McAllister, "'I t' - Carried. Seconded by Chas. C. Minor: That By-Law No. 1096 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved 'by A. Archibald, Seconded by'D. J. McIntyre: That By-Law No. 10-94 be read a second time. Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded by R. McLean: That By-Law No. 1096 be read a third time an'd finally passed. ThatEy-Law No. 1094 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. - Carried. . Moved by Dugald Lindsay, Seconded by J. A. Wehlann: 11'1i 410' Elgin- C01Jnty Council Elgin County Council That By-Law No. 10~)7, to confirm By-Law No. 1117 of the Town- ship of Malahide, be received and read a first time. . Moved by cChas~ C;, Minor, Seconded b.y. E._ G. Lusty: ~Carried. Moved by J. A. Vvehlann, Seconded by Dugald Lindsay: That this Co_uncil do now adjourn sine die. That By-Law No; 10-97 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by J. L. Ward, Seconded by D. J. McKillop: That By-Law No. 1097 be read a third,timeand 'finally passed. -'-Carried. Moved by E. G. LustYl Seconded by Chas. C. Minor: 'That By-Law No. 1098, to provide for attendance at meetings of Elgin Municipal Association, be received 'and' read a first time. - Carried. Moved by S,c. Kirkland: Seconded 'by John Leitch: That By-Law No. 1098 he read a second time. --'- Carried, Moved by John Leitch, Seconded by S. C. Kirkland: That By-Law No. 1098 be read a third time and finally passed, -' Carried. Mo'ved by Dugald Lindsay, Seconded by J. A, Wehlann: That the thanks of this Council be tendered Warden Crosson for the vcry efficient manner in which he has filled the chair during 1!J27. .:'f'" ,.,-....,-Carried. 47 - Carried. D. CROSSON, Warden, 4S Elgin County. COUllCil Elgin COUllty Council 49 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES AND OFFICERS REPORT OF J. A. TAYLOR, 1. P. S., ELGIN WEST STANDING COMMITTEES, 1927. June Session COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE W. W. Kiddie; Chairman Dugald Lindsay, Daniel J. McKillop, D. J. McIntyre, H. B. \Vestover, Harry L. Godwin To the Warden and Members of .the Elgin County 'Council: Gentlemen, - GAOL COMMITTEE Albert Archibald, Chairman John Leitch, Edwin Drysdale I have the honor of presenting for your consideration my report on the public schools of the vVest Elgin Inspectorate for HJ26. J.A. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE K, M. Sinclair, Chairman Wehlal1l1, John Leitch, Chas. C. Minor, Fred R. Taylor, Edwin Drysdale, Robert McLean, W. W. Kiddie, James McAllister, N. S. Cornell, S. C. Kirkland, J. L. Ward,E. G. Lusty HOUSE OF INDUSTRY COMMITTEE Robert McLean, Chait:mant Chas. C. Minor, Oscar McKenney School Visits During the year 1926 I Inade two hundred and forty-three half-day visits to my one hundred and three class-rooms. In every room I spent two half-days. TwentY-aIle of these rooms I visited three times; four rooms I visited four times; while in one room I found it necessary to make five visits. Attached to and forming part of this report is a detailed statement of the visits made during the year. Teachers 1,1 'I 11'1 ~ :1 ![Ii f'~: 'Ii II iil , , il11 J. A. FINANCE COMMITTEE D. J. McKillop, Chairman Dugald Lindsay, David Crosson, D. J. Mclntyre, H. B. Westover, Harry L. Godwin, W. W. Kiddie, Oscar McKenney, James McAllister, J. L Ward,N. S. Cornell, S. C. Kirkland, K. M. Sinclair, E. G. Lusty EDUCATION COMMITTEE E. G. Lusty, Chairman Wehlann, John Leitch, Albert Archibald, Edwin Drysdale, Robert McLean, W. Vl. Kiddie, James McAllister, K. M. Sinclair, S. C. Kirkland, J. L. Ward There were employed during the year in the Inspectorate one hl1nd~ red and six teachers, of whom seventeen were male and yighty-ninc female. One held a University Degree, thirteen' had First Class certifi- cates, four had Kindergarten Primary, eighty~seven had Second Class certificates, and one had Household Science. . From the above it will be seen that no teachers were employed holding lower than Second Class certificates. Financial Statement :ir! :~: 'i' f ':IP :,1 1.:: f: V' PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Oscar McKenney, Chairman D. J. McKillop, Fred R. Taylor, K. M. Sin~lair, N. S. Cornell LEGAL COMMITTEE Fred R. Taylor, Chairman McAllister, N. ~. Cornell, Stuart Balance from 1925.. .m___mm...___...___........___.. ....m$ 31567 57 Municipal grants.......___..........................____............. 137077 26 Government grants..,...........................___..___m...... 14614 79 School taxes...______......___u...........uu.....~n..un_......._.. 22401 05 Oth'er sources....n.........................m....................... 9032 73 Total Receipts......................m..........u.....................$214'69,3 40 James C. Kirkland [J '1; ii' I 50 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 51 Payments Teachers' salaries.__ ........n__......____________ Purchase of sites, etc.'..__m...._m..'''''''''___ Libraries, etc______.......... ommnn_____......"....____.. Janitors, incidentals, etC'''.n .'mo...mm_,,_... Classification of Pupils .$11886869 4907 57 70'4 73 568'46 14 NU'lnber in-Pr'imary Class noon 910 N'(lI'nherill First Class~__ mmnn 427 Number in Second Class_ moon '661 Number ill Thitcl Class..........'9S5 Number in Fourth Class........l050 Number'in Fifth Class........... 31 Subjects and Number Taught 'in Each Total Expenditures.. Balance 011 hand,: $33,3G6.27. Exp~nditure by Municipalities $181327 13 Arithmetic Reading W'rititlg Art Geography 39'('8 -3978 3974 3807 3455 Music Literature' Composition Grammar E'ng. History Can. History 3646 1888 2245 1423 3183 30'18 ,Hygiene Nature Study Algebra Physical Culture Geometry 373S 1134 10 1311 4 For all For Teachers' No. of Average Cost Purposes Salaries Rooms Per Room Aldborough ''''0000'..$23631 $14646 15 $1575 Dunwich m..nmmn 22345 14978 16 1396 Dutton ...............m 71:i70 4058 4 1917 Port Stanley....... 7224' 4749 4 180.6 Rodney nnnunn...... 4761 2880- 3 1587 V\T est Lorne n'm..n 5226 40.90. 4 1306 St. Thomasm ....00..110'467 73464' 57 HI38 SChool Libraries Highest Salaries Paid in the Inspe<ttorate The highest salary paid a male teacher in the city waS.mm.. The highest salary paid a male teacher in the villages waS.m. The highest salary paid a male teacher in the' townships was. The highest salary paid a' female teacher in the city waS.mm The highest salary paid a female'teacher in the villages was. m.. The highest salary paid a female teacher in the townships was.. $2100.00 1650..0.0. 1'100-.0.0 1550.'.0.0. 1100..0.0 110.0..00 Quite extensive use is made of all the libraries, both rutal an'd urban. Lists of books to be found in the school or local library are posted in the classrooms and the pupils are encouraged, to read as many' as possible. A record of, -the books read by each pupil is kept. In this way the teacher both controls and directs to a large extent the character of each pupil's supplel11entary reading, In urban centres every effort is made to enroll the pupils as members of the library. This is'especially noticeable in St. Thomas, where over ninety per cent. of the pupils patronize the free library. To encourage the habit of reading, the Home ancl.School Association are this year giving a prize to the Senior Third room having the highest number of books read from a list selected by the librarians, The character of the rural attendance at school has greatly changed, in reccnt years. The pupils are smaller and younger. Only occasionally are scholars of fourteen or sixteen years of age found in the 'classroom. Many of the book's in the rural school libraries are obsolete, dry; and uninteresting, and not calculated to create or inspire a desire to read. In 'recent years an effort has been made to- correct this -defect by making additions of books moresu-itable for younger pupils. iii f! ,. !:: Attendance No, No.of No. of Average Enrolled Boys Girls Attendance Aldborough nnnm 410. 202 208 249 Dunwich 000000000000... 387 20.1 186 257 Dutton .....m.... ...nm 150 Sl 69 111 Port St<).l)ley un 'm... 167 95 72 118 Rodney ....00..... ..'00'00 129 13 54 92 West Lome.m moo '167 91 76 148 St:, Thomas....n um., 2667 1362 1.305, 207.:1: - -- ~ 40.7"7 2105 1970. 30.55 Character of the Attendance It is a pleasure to note a decided change in the way of improvement in the rural attendance. It is quite a common occurrence when inspect- i:ng pupils to find the most of t'he enrolled pupils present, This 'condi- tion is the direct result of many causes, such .as: the increased desire of patents to have - their children ,well educated; - .the, generalrecognitio-n of . nl i,'i ,I,; I" :) ill' [I li Elgin. County Council Elgin County Council 53 , I f I i I , 1.; !)2 the value of educatiol1; the active co-operation of teachers and attend'- ance officers; the educational ,effect of the Attendance Act; the, pleasant relations existing betwee_n pupils and teachers; and perhaps more than all, the organized games and better playground equipment found in most rural schools. In schools supplied with teeters, baseballs,- footballs~ soft balls, etc., and whose teachers are enthusiastic .in games and encour- age sport, not much absence 'is found. One of the great correctives of irregular attendance is well organized games, When v.isiting schools I urge teachers and pupils tohold,Christmas concerts, and with the Boards. the claims of the children for amusements and games are not forgotten. II'lspectorate during the past year. With the exception of two concrete and three frame buildings, allthe.schools are 'brick-most of them of the old rectangular type with windows on both sides - and fairly modern in some of the accommodations; or the three frame buildings, one at least should be replaced by an up-to-date brick building in the very near future. Teacher Supply Sanitary Conditions of the Schools There has becn little difficulty experienced at any' time in this Inspectorate in staffing the schools with teachcrs holding first .and second class certificates. As, the equalized assessments of my rural schools range from $156,366, the lowest, to $39'3,593, the highcst, it is readily seen that the sections are able to pay salaries that will command the services of teachers with high qualifications. As a rule the Boards are averse to releasing teachers who. are giving satisfactory service in order to effect a reduction and lower the tax rate. There are more teachers In this Inspectorate this year with first class certificates than in any previous years. Only in schools where there were changes- of tcachers have there been. reductions in salaries. Unquestionably one of the most objcctionable things in connection with. rural schools is the filthy, odoriferous outdoor closet, Strange as it may secn'l, the least noticeable improvement in the accommodations is frequently found in connection with the toilet facilities~ Where the Kaustille system is established it works admirably; but Boat'ds regard the initial expense as wel1~nigh prohibitive. Many of the schools are not well adapted for its installation. Now that the Medical Health Officers arc co":'operating with the Inspectors, important il11_provements in the sanitary conditions should be expected. Were grants on the above particular item of the accommodations greatly increased, and were the grants of one year paid ollly when those of the previous year were expended on improvements, Boards would be encouraged to install the Kaustine or other modern system. Grants on certain items of the accommodations, such asbujlcLing, cap rooms, water supply, and lighting might well be discontinued, as they result in no improvements and are only free gifts to the Boards. On the other hand, ,if very liberal grants were given on school grounds, closets, classrooms: teachers' rooms, desks, heating, and ventilation, or if their payment in any year were conditional on,the expenditure of the grant of the pi'evious year or on the accommodations having reached a high standard of excellence, then the loathsome conditions now complained ,of would be replaced by some modern system of sanitation and the other accommodations would be correspondingly improved. School Gl"Ounds II I ., Ii iil H One excellent result -of the multiplication of autos is the increased attention given to the beautification of school grounds and to :the improved appearance of. the schools, In this regard the auto has had a marked _educational effect. As these are the days of joy-riders and long-distance trips, schools and school yards are brought under the personal observation of trustees an-d teachers, with the result that where the schools suffer contrast, improvements are effected. Thecolldition of the yards and. schools is by no means ideal yet. Few are the yards that are not decked with some flower beds, Many schools hold concerts during the winter and with the proceeds buy bulbs, while "others pur- chase shrubs, etc., with ~he money received for agricultural grants. H "I ,! )j " i School Fairs i; New Schools The school fair is 'a strong auxiliary to the school. In ill1portance it ranks almost equal to the township fair, which it seems destined, judging by its popularity and attendance, to. absorb. The character of the agricultural, academic, and manual exhibits improves annually, The giving of prizes in art, penmanship; essays, physical exercises, and public :n ill '..1...: "I I " i.'1 {,' 'Iii 'ill '."1 'II l Except in 51. Thomas, where a new and beautiful vocational school "vas built and 'completed during HJ26, there have not been any new schools erected 'or extel1sions made to any -of the old ones in this 5'4 Elgin C0unty Co:unc:i1 Elgin C0U11tyCourlcil 55 speaking increases the competitiol1, directs the attention to their value, and secures for, them a large place 6n the time table. Teaching E'ffi.'ciency for law is the besetting sin of the age. The Press, the Schoo.}, the Church, and the JudiciarymusC'unite as never before in proclaiming obedience, to and reverence and respect fOl: the Gountry's laws. Rever- ence for the law, -as Abraham Lincolil 011cesaid, should be taught 'in schools; seminaries, and col1eges, written in primer, spelling boqks, and almanacs, preached from the pulpits, prodaimed'in the legislative halls, enforced in Courts of Justice, and made the political religion' of the ,nation, J. A. TAYLOR, Inspector, \Vest Elgii1. The Normal Schools continue doing excel1ent work. The teachers who graduate from them from time to time bring to the classroom abundance of enthusiasm, ulltiring.ener-gy, and a determination, to excel. Thei1;'_biggest handicap is inability to control. \Vith experience, however, this handicap -disappearsi\l most cases. Uilder counsel and dircc'tion they ra'pieOy improve in pr~ofidency. Rare indeed is the ca.;se of a teacher :being 'disl11:issed for inCompetence. This year'S co'rps bf teachers will 'compat.e most favorably \-vith that of any other previous year; YQurs truly", Broader Useo'f Scho.ol B'uildings REPORT OF J. C. SlVUTH, L J;'. S., ELGIN EAST Oile of .the 'healthiest signs of the times and one of far reaching interest is the using of public schools as asocial centre. There 'is no valid reason why they should liot be at the disposal of the commu'nity for holding literary societies, debate.s, concerts, etc., especially where the objects 'to be achieved are the developing of social Iife, encouraging culture and fostering general improvement. If education means the sa'fetyof the state, then everY-facility should be afforded adults for acquiring culture and'fitting themselves for complete and intelligent citizenship. In nearly all my rural schools weekly or bi~weekly meet.:. iugs are held. The stimulus to self-improvement arId wider reading ca'nih this way he scarcely over-estimated. The results will be loftier ideals, higher Citizenship, broader illteIligence,vJidcr information, and greater industrial e'ffidency. November Session To the <Ward{:n and Members of t'he Elgin County Council: Gentlemen, ---., 1. hav'e the honor to submit. herewith the annual -report on the public schools of Elgin East for the school year of 1925-2G with the statistics for the year 1926. The changing of 'teachers in a rurai iilspectorate each year makes'a serious problem in the org-anization and administration, but fortunately in this year' the changes were not as many as in the previo1;s year, although they amounted to almost twenty-five per cent. The,changes were as follows: Pro.gressof the Pupils Generally speaking, the progress 'of the pupils during the past year. while not spectacl11a'r, was continuous and satisfactory. There were no epidemics or changes of teachers tointerrl1pt the continuity of the work. There is more co-operation and less friction between the school and the hOh"ie. The, community is ,gradually learning that good teachers are always cheapest, and that a poor teacheriis dear at any, price. - Lofty -ideals, love of country and of, home, 'high standards 'of living, Christian ;ethics, and general intclIigenceconstitute the immortal legacy hequ'eath- ~e(rtivilization 'by the self--sacrifidng teachers' of the past. . Disrespect During the year of 1925-26 there were on the staff 108 teachers, of w'hom twelve had first class certificates, llinety-four second class certifi- cates" and -two kindergarten certificates. There were, ten, men and ilinety-eight women. Of the latter, thirteen were married. All the first c1asscertificates' Were held by women. At the end of the school year,'owing to changes on the staff, there were' eleven men and nine'ty- seven women. Of the latter, fifteen were married. CompC).red with the previous year, the number 'Of men at the beginning was the same, but there was an illcrease of three in the number of first' class certificates. --~-~,_._-- ".-~-'-'--"-~--- tiG Elgin County Council Elgin County. Council 57 Beginners ...................... ........... ....... ...............n...'.... nnn 12 From other Inspectorates...,.... ..............___.....m...... ..___.. 8 Changed schools in East Elgin.......___.,.......___...... ..___.. 6 Resumed teaching.........................,_....... ..m.n................. 1 ments in school accommodations effected by trustees, the use of music in the school eX,ercises, and the organized games of the school and the supervision of games on the playground by the teache,rs. Total 27 Many schools devote all or part of the proceeds of the annual CCln- ccrt to the purchase of equipment for games; and they are further aided by generous donations from the local Boards or local organizations. For the fourth successive year all the teachers were fully qualified. There is a gradual 'growth ill the,number of first class certificates, and Normal School 'students show an increasing desire to qualify for the higher certificate. The time is not far distant when fully one-half of the staff will have first class certificates. More men are required, but'it is gratifying to note that the ,largest' schools have each a male principal. The most notable cha.nge in the teach~ng staff is the number of teachers ",jth first' class certificates. In September, 1916, there were t\vo, and -in September, 1925, there were twelve. The improvemcnt of school grounds is apparent not only along the provincial and ccunty highways, but in the marc remote parts. The Women's Institutes are active in this work. There is also an increasing desire to make the school house a community centre, and many of the school buildings are wired fot, electricity so that advantage may be taken of the hydro system when the lines are extended. It is inevitable that the teachers who have had a successful rural school should graduate to the large rural and urban graded schools, and in the case of first class certificated teachers, to the continuation schools. But one contributing factor to this exodus is the fact that many teachers secure special certificates in various branches and they seek positions in which they may employ their special training. An ever~increasing number of teachers_ in the rural schools have certificates in Art, Music, etc., which enable them to render better service in school and com- munity life. The Department of Education conducts annually at various centres, summer schools for 'teachers w'ho wish to improve their profes- sional and academic status. The summer schools of the universities are attended by larg0 numbers- of teachers every year. This is a very encouraging sign, becau.se ,these teachers voluntarily and at their own expense spend five weeks or HlOre in study during the summer in order that they may improve themselves in craftsmanship and that they may ,equip theillscIves for better service in the community. Among the modern .tendencies in education which are affecting both urban and rural schools are health education, character education, and vocational guidance. The last mentioned tendency is most noticeable, perhaps, in the larger centres, but the other two are seen in the large number of Junior Red Cross Societies which are being established in the rural schools. These three tendencies also find expression-in the School Fairs. Every rural school in the Inspectorate is 110W connected with one of the School Fair Distdcts, and t'he two large urban schools are closely connected \"lith their local fairs. Ten School Fairs were held in the Insp,ectorate, and the variety of exhibits and contests is being iextended. .In this connection there might be noted the contests in the Public Speaking which are growing in popularity and, effectiveness. Financial Statement, 1926 (a) RECEIPTS The dfl.i1y attendance in the schools is, uniformly good. In ,many 'cases the full enrolled attendance is reported,. and in many cases the only absence is due to illness or the necessity ,of employment at home. These results are due to a general desir~ for elementary education as a preparation for the higher branches in secondary or vocational schools, 'the co~opel'ationof teachers, parents, and attendance officers, the success~ Jul attempts of teachers to make the school work attractive, the improve- Balance from previous year.......... _....................$108533 7G Township grants............... ..n................................ 52200 00' County grants......... ............ ...m............................ 942 98 Legislative grants................................................. 27633 25 Local levy 'and debentures........................;......... 89605'48 Other sour,C~s.............__ ..n....... ....m....... ............... 14038 29 $292953 76 G8 Elgin County COUlleil (1)) PAYMENTS Tea'~'ller~; si'lariesnmmn Sites, bu'ildings, etC~n.. Libraries, apparatus, etcmm DebcntUl'es and loans.. RC'p'airs, fttel, carefa'1dng, de...... Elgin County Council G9 $178194 96 114758 80 Number of 'pupils admitted for the fit-st time......._____n ....._. .... ___on nomm 401 Nu~:nber of boyslcft to attend other public schools..._.. "_" m..mm .....m. 217 N umber of girls left to attend other ptiblic schools...._........___... .............. 211 N umber of boys left to. attend secondary schooL______ ....._....... "O"om_____ 84 Number of girls left to 'attend secondary schooL..............._________......_____ 1.30 Number of boys left Fifth Class to attend secondary schooL........ moo 2 Number of girls left Fifth Class to attend ,secondary_ school ...m___ m__ 5 Number' of pupils removed by death or disability..........,m....................... G ......m..$lOS330 6S mnmmnnn 21G36' 54' . 2133 79 18679 79 27414' 16 Balance carried 'to next '-year Schoel S~atJs~ics. 192~ Total number of pupils enrolled: I Boys m. ..... ...'..l ............' .1865 Girls:"....m..__.. ..nm...n ....~~~''1.n2 'I(i 3637 Average ..............;.:.L. .....L-' :2512 Kindei.gater' (Ayh'her)...m.......m._ Kindergater-Pri111at:y (Aylmer)nn__ Pr"iil1er' First' Book......n... Secol1'c"lBook..._'. Third Book.. FOUI.th Book.... Fifth Book. '....-......,.,..-..-.-...'. Total EnrolhnenL $292953 '7G E'nrollmcnt in the subjects of the curriculum: 25 51 590 412 565 . S72 1079 43 V\'riting Arithmetic Act Geography 1vfu,sic Literature Composition Gra,n:nnar English History Canadian History Hygiellc ...:':n......,.. Physical 'Culture Nature Study Agriculture Household Science 3569 35G9 3612 3062 3594. 3561 3561 1122 2516 21559 3569 3569 3569 1853 336 In addition to the above the Fifth Class pupils received instruction as follows: Advanced Arithinetic, 12; Algebra, 36; Geometry, 6; ,Latin, 5; French, 6; Elementary Science (Botany and Zoology), 29. 3637 There were twelve Fifth Classes, and wrote on the .Lower ,School examinati.ons, NO.3, Southwold, qualified for a grant. in nine of them candidates Qnly one Fifth Class, S. S. The 'average number of days during which the schools 'were kept open was >193.. Front the 't'eacher.s':,annual reports has been gathered ,the following statisticswhith illustrate the-constant changes in the enrollment of-the rural schools: In Household Science twelve schools qu<,tlificcl fo~.' the refund expenses paid by the Department of Education, and in. Agriculture s-ixty-eight'schools mai'lltailicd classes alld:qualifi.ed for grants. ijO ~lgin'County Council No. of Male No. of Female Highest Salary Paid Teachers Teachers MaleTeacher FemaleTeacher Bayham un...nn.... B 17 $1200 $1200 Dorchester, ,Su.... 2 6 1100 1000 Malahide ......m.... 2 15 1000 1100 Southwold ,.m 2 20 1000 1100 Yarmouth ""n"'" - 26 nnnn 1200 Aylmer no unmnm 1 9 2000' 1000 Springfield ........_. 1 2 1150' 1000 Vienna un ..m.....__ 1 1 1000 900 Elgin County Council 61 COUl).ty Lines..____n__..______.................. Arrears of Taxes............................... County Roads.... ....h.............._____..____. .__n___m Miscellaneous 2:882 65 2788 95 71123 63 2391 85 .$556996 20 St. Thomas, November 28th,1927. J. ,c. SMITH, I. P. S. Expenditures Adm. of Justice.............___.m.....___....nn.mnm:$ 1687467 Bills Payable.m...u.n.__......___............__.... "...m 183000 00 Interest .....m_m.m..____ ..m........-___............. .....' 4794 32 Public Scho'ols.......___.....................___..........___ 50167 11 House of Industry.......___..... .........___........___ 10905 4!J Registry Office.......___........,___,___.. .................. 1416 34 County Lines..........,.....,...........___.... .............". 369l 2,6 High Schools.......... ..___u..... .___...... ............... 34839.25 Members' Wages............... ...... ..... .......___.... 4019 30. Officers' Salaries................ .............. ............ 4~75 00. Printing Stationery.. .........~..........';'..r.'...,........ 1174 21 Care of Building.......___..... ...___..................... 3437., I?,o Water, Light, and Heat ......___...... ............. 353184 County Roads.... ..............___ .......................... 127~70' 32 Miscellaneous ...................... ..___.........___........ 55349 95 The above, figures are for the schools 'as at DecemberS1st, 1926. Entrance Examitrations were held' at Aylmer, Belmont, Fingal, Port Bur,vell, Sparta, Springfield, Vienna, and Yarmouth Heights. A total of 3"11 candidates wrote and 215 were successful. The work of the pupils was equal to that of the previous year. The.. new Course of Study is proving successful. COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORTS $50.5946 66 51049 54 $556996 20. January Session To Balance............... To the Warden and' Council: Assets, December 31st, 1926 Gentlemen, ~ Cash on hand January Ist.___.... ...................$ Adm. of Justice......... Bills :Payable................n.......... ...........___........ Interest County Rate n........................ ..........___........... Public Schools................................................ House of Industry...................___..___...,.___...... 10'282 86 9368 76 '1730'00 GO 521 10. 247662 00 34302 86 2671 54 'cash on hand..................................................$ Gov. Aid to Couuty Roads........................ Suburban Area.. ....___.......... ....................___.___ Other Counties.............. ..........................______. Adm. of Justice.............. .............___......___...... Registry Miscellaneous 54649, 38 63aOn 00 3000 00 600. 00 3000 00 350 on 750' 00. $125349 38 Ibeg leave to report as follows: Receipts" December 31st, 1926 Liabilities" De'cember 3;lst Bills Payable.mu.....u..........m......mumm...mu$ 10000. 00 Provo Highway..............................___.............. 58755 no 62 Elgin Count'y Council Elgin Couniy. Council 'Public Schools...m..... 'Hjg~ Schools.,..........__... Achn. of Justice,...__m.,..... .m___. House of IndustrY.mo.__ ........ n......._______...... Arrears of Taxes___ ...mn.......__...-......._______m.. Cheques OuLnm. Unpaid Accounts........____.,.......__,.__.__.,. Registry Office fees....____.... nmm__un__m... Public Schools..______ ...__nnn__..__________..h....__.... House of Industry___ ..__nnnn..n.................... Arrears of 1)pces..... County. Roads. Miscellaneous 8600 00 150'00' 00 250'0, 00 :1.200' 00 2S00 00 3599 84 90'40, 00 Expenditures S.llJ.'ptus $111,4U4 84 13854 54 Administration of Justice.mn Bills Payable.. Interest Public Schools.. House of Industry..... Registry Office....m.... County Lines.... High Schools....__..... Arrears of Taxes...m.... ....__'.'m.. Members' Wages...... Officers' Salaries.mu... Printing and Stationery. ......... Care of Buildings..... Water; Light, HeaL.... County roads__.. Miscellaneous $125349 3~ A committee should he appointed to meet with the City repre- sentatives'to ct:eterminc the City's share of the Administration of Justice expcnc1iturefor the next five years. It will be necessary to pass a by-law authorizing the Warden and Treasurer to borr'ow $200,000(}, from the Bank of Montreal to meet cur-- rcnt exiJcnditure for Hl27. , All of which is respectfully submitted. B. B. GRAHAM, County Treasurer_ St. Thomas, Ont., January'25th, '1927. June Session Balance To the Warden and Council: Estimates for Current Year Gentlcmen,,---,- Administration of Justice.......m__....______ __...$ House of Industry.__ ..__......__..__.............. County Lines...m u.... mnm..m..__..... High Schools__.....__ .........__........~.. Public Schools..__.. Officers' Salariesu Members' Wages..,. ......m.m.. Court House" Com..__ .m._..___..___' on..__... Interest Registry Office.......__.....................m......__...... I beg leave to su.bmit the following report: Receipts from January 1st to May 31st Cash on hand Jan. lsL__......................__......$ 51049 54 AdministratiOll.' 'Qf lu.stice;.--.........,--,...--......__ 1206 10 Bills Payable.... m.......____m ........ ..m........__.... 11000.0. 00 Interes't ....m..___. ...__..__....__m__......__ ....m...__..... 467 51 County Rate.... .m'mm,,'__".__....m ...............__. 341 00 63 '352 12 277 52 ,495 7'.1: 439 89 62728 41 399, 60 $227757 43 $ 7750' 98 10000- 00 219 80 10148 85 4276 59 42 67 1517 20529 82 28'18 71 H08 75 1250 00 5G9 60 ,168 90 93 67 .12373 60 66406 18 $16S073 89 59683 54 $227757 43 7000 00 8000, 00 2000 00 40000 00 17000 00 5000 00 4000 00 2000 00 5000'00 1000 00 64 Elgin County' Council EIghI County Council 65 County Roads.. .m..m................ .._......... Village Grants....._..n.._.... pj"ovincial Highway unmn Miscellaneous 75000 00 '7000 00 21602 08 20000 00 $214602 OS Expenditures up to October 31St B. B. GRAHAM, CQunty Treasurer_ Administration of Justiceh..n...............m....$ 16780 86 Bills Payable.m..n____.......__m____..______......_____m 40000 00 Interest ....n..n__..._________...___..____...___..____...________. 577 75 Public Schools..... .u........_____.......................... 2213671 House of Industry__.........,.____.........__..........____ 10700 06 Registry Office..______.....___________________....____....... 364 28 County Lines.....>__ ....n...m................__........... 1122 96 High. Schools........__..____.._______...___...._.___..........__ 20555 72 Arrears of Taxes..m______...__...____.....______........ 2818 71 Members' .Wages....,.___...._____... ..................__. 3Q~3 36 Officers' Salaries..... .hh...........__.................... 3625 0'0 Printing and Stationery.m.......................... 633 55 Care of Bui1dings...._;.................. ........... ..... 10'87 67 Water, Light, and HeaL___..............__......... 1498 60 County Roads..... .................................... ...___' '1227.61 45 Miscellaneous ..__ .....__..__..........__.............. ...__ 70311 43 Rate 6.92 mills. The number of lots eligible for sale for arrears of taxes is not large enough to justify a tax sale this year so I would recommend that a by-law be passed deferring sale for another year. All of which is respectfully submitted. St. Thomas, June 7th, 192t. Balance $31S06S 11 6373. 20 *324441 :J1 I I I I I I November Session' To the Warden and Council: Gentlemen, - I. beg leave to submit a statement of the Receipts and Expenditures up to October 31st and also a staternent of the estimated Receipts and' Expenditures for thej)alance of the year. Estimates for Balance of Year Receipts up to October 31st Cash on hand January 1s1..__.........___..___.....$ Administration of J ustice.___........................ ~ills Payable__...............____ ........___....___...... Interest County Rate..__..__ .....__..__.....___ ......___.....___...... Registry F ees...............................................__ Public Schoo1s.....___.........................___..........__ House of Industry___.........__......__..__......__..__.. Arrears of Taxes................................... County Roads.................................... Miscellaneous 510'49 54 4540 57 170'000 00 703 45 341 0'0 352 12 3'1127 30 850' 54 1285 52 63577 17 614 10 $324441 3t Bills Payable............_.. Iilteiest .........._.... Public Schoofs..__..__m High Schools___....................... Adrni-nis'traticiit' of' :}tJstice.., Hbus'e -of 'hldllstty'..:.;.'~;.. o-ffic'e rs" 'Sa1 a tie's ....;. .....: ;:..... Members' Wages.............__.... Arrears of .Taxes..__........__.... Court Commission.,........,........ Coun:ty Roads.......... ........ Provo Highway.... Miscellaneous County Rate......... .................. Gov. Aid Co. Roads.______... Suburban Area....... Adm. of Justice.................. ....$140000 00 4200' 00 360nO' 00 40000' 00 2500- 00- 1500, 00' '112'5~' 00 900' 00 10'25 00 ,1500 00- 40000' 00 21602 00 11000 00 $217003 00 81000 00 ,200000. 2100 00 I I. I I I " I [I I , o I" I' !~ ,:(iP Elgin County Council Elgin: County:'C6uncil 67 City of St. J'homas.. Surplus 5494 00 the. City of St. Thomas- tb arrange new agreement as to amoul1t payable by the City to the County for AdministratiOll of Justice. 6245 00 $307597 Q9 "$307597 00 6. That a by-law be passed to authorize Warden and Treasurer to borrow $20,000. All okwhich is respectfully, submitted. B. B. GRAHAM, , County Treasurer.; 7. That no action be taken on application from- Tills{)pjJprg, Memorial Hospital for grant. Treasurer'.s qffi~e, N'ovember 29th, 1927. REPORTS OF FINANCE COMMITTE~. 8. That allnual membership in Ontario Municipal Association be paid, amount twenty,..five dollars,:ancl -that the Warden 'appoint delegates to attend the meeting. 1. That the High Constable's report be adopted and printed in the '. ' . '\ '. -.... . -."... m1l1utes. 3,0 ,50 January, $_es~ion 9. That the Auditors' report be received and printed. To the Elgin'Ccnmty CoJ.tl1cil: 10. That provinc:al highway expenditure account be paid as re- quired by.law, Gcntlemen,-'- I"~ ,,'; , 11. That the following accounts be paid: The ,Fina:l1te Committee reports: 2. That a by-law ,be 'p'<J,ssed to re-appoint H. Ostrander as High Constable for the year, ~ll(iing,lst February, lP28 " Children's Aid Society, maintcnan'ce.m.m$' Village of Rodney, ! sanatorium acctmu. Victoria ',Industrial School, maintenance.. Victoria Home 'of Incurabl.es-,maint~n- ance John McNicoL........n.. .......00.......... The Dutton Adyance,. p,rintingm"..,......,... The Municipal World, procedure 'books, Division Court, Aylmer...h..................... The M unicipalW prId, for Clerk al1d Treasurer ................................................. R: McLa~hiiil, stationery, Co. Clerk.. '297 73 'q'i; 276 GO 216,00; 3. That the chainll<l,lJ, of this C011111tittee, 'chairma~l of the Gaol Committee, the vVar.den.,Clerk, and High'Const~ble,hE;;,aspecial com- mittee to purchase such eq1.1ipment astheY:l1'lay r;leem':ngc'essary for the use of County Constables; 29 50. ~o 20 8 75 4. That the follow'i'ni(:grants be.made: All of 'Y:lJi<;h is respectfully subm,itted. To Hospita11ofSick Children. ......'mm~.~$ To CanadiaYi Bllnd: Instjtutjon...~. (:,tc;c;Sal~'~tion Army.....mh.h....mmu......u.... .' 100' 00 100 00' 300 00 D. J. McKILLOP, Chairman. .,. 5. ~.l\~t:::f:qi.warclen appoint'a COmtilitt~e'},o'n,.l~,e,~ a"clp:~mittee from .."\." ."'-" ,.,. .-- "..' ',. '.-- .',--,-,.'" A\ ") '.1' '(;: 68 EJgin County Council ~lginCounty COJ.mci1 69 No.1 McLachlin's Book Store, Clerk's office.. McLachlin's . Boole St6~~," l'reasurer's office Municipal World, stationery, perk's and Treasurer's offices.,.....___.... Municipal, World, for handcuffs_ nm.m..... County Clerk, postage..______.....___......" 40 June Session 55 To the Elgin County Council: 122 02 60 00 10 00 'Gentlemcl1,- The Finance Committee reports: All of which is respectfully submitted. I,'" D. 'J. McKILLOP, Chairman. 1. That the Warden, Clerk, and Chairman be a committee -to confer with St. Thomas Memorial Hospital Trust and also inquire into matters pcrtail~ing to the Tillsonburg Memorial Hospital. St. Thomas, Ont., JUlle Sth,.~WF:".,.,,:, 2, That a by-law be passed to defer tax sale for one year. June Session 3. That to\vnship corn borer inspectors be paid on order of the county inspector, Mr. Allan. ,No.2 To the Elgin County Council: , 4. That S. S. McDermand and Duncan McNabb be re-appointed mcm.bers of ,the Mothers' Allowances Board. 5. That the sum of $500 be placed to the credit 'of the County Agri- cultural Council and Board of Trade. The Finance Committee reports: Gentlemen, '---, 6. That the following accomlts be passed,: 1. That no action be takeb' hi referencc to request for grant towards' Soldiers' Memorial to be erected in East Elgin. Township of Bayham, for maintenance Home for Incurables and 'conveyance to the House 'of Industry and Asylum Children's Aid Society, maiiltenance children The Dutton Advance, printing.,_u..".. Province of Ontario, conveyance of prisoners Victoria. Industrial Municipal World, Office McLachlin's Book Store, stationery at Registry Officem_uun""....on.m..nnum.n...... 2. That a grant 'of ten dollars be' paid to :each branch of the Women's I,nstitute in the Couilty. School, maintenance supplies, Registry $ 137 50 1102 on 600 67 76 15 50 128 75 7 25 3. That a by~law be passed to incrcase membcrs' w~ges from five dollars to six dollars per day. 4. That the Village of Dutton be granted the sum of one hundred and twenty dollars for expenses re Kate Wallac,e on account overlooked last ycar. 5. That the Village of Rodney be~ranted :the,sllm 9f sixty-seven dollars and, fifty cents, being one-half anloullt .pflid for maintenance at Queen' Alexandria Sanatorium. 7.01 Elgiil County' CounCil Elgi11 Co~w,ty ~Qpqcil 6. That' the sum of ()11e"h"iuldredi:J.ollars granted at-last session for repairs to A:ylmer lock-up' He paid. All of YY,hic.h is,respectfullyisu1)l)l'itted. " St. Thomas,' June, 1927. 71 Your Committee would recommend that the sum of two hundred and ',-,','"" ,'_;; ,r'.:' seVenteen thousand and three dollars be raised on all the rateable property in the several municipalities of the County of Elgin during the year 1927 for County purposes, and that a rate of.~ie\\-~H\ mills";6'n fhe dolhir'h&' levied on rateable property in the several municipalities in the County to raise said amounts. D. J. Mc.E'ILLOP, Chairman. All of which is respectfully submitted~ ;; '~'h" ,:', ,',1 " ',_" ',. D..]. :}i,,' .Clause three struck out in Committee of the vVhole. Adopted June 10th, 1 \)27. June Session No.'.3 To the Wardell and COllncil of the County of Elgin: Gentlemen, - ;J ;".'. 'r, I;; July Session 'fo.'thcE:lgin County Council.:, ',-.";.' " Ge'ntlemell, - ,,'; h. , The Committee '011 Finance beg leave to report that, having e~atl,lil1-' ed into thefinallces of the County and -the estimates prepared' by the County Treasurer, they herewith sub~llit a ,stateJuent of the expenditure required for the lawful purposes of the County during 1927, showing the al11(jul1t,requin;d t,o h,e rcd,Spd. faT, the UllAermentioned ,purposes. Admillistrati'on of Justice.............___..___. ......$ Count:y..~illes ap(tBridges,~.,__?;....... House of Industryn........nn......,...",:.;.___. High Schools ........00. ....nmn.....n...n....... 6:~~~s ~ t~~~~ci~:': ..:::::::.:~::::~..~:':::::::::.::::..:::. Members' VI/ages___. .0000............00. Court House Commissionnn.. -"', '{',I,';! ,')rtjltb'res't'.......... ".."""h.'."R'rl1J't ..O'ffi'l egIS ry ce...... Miscellaneous County Roadsn ...nn .........nn.................. 'c'):> '1,1: iG"i'-i\.ttfUrban'Mul1iC'ipalltie's~~.,:::I..., .... moo '1',:) r; j! '.J.\ Ptovit-iti'al -: Highway .L...:.~,.'L,LI;.'~:n):..:.'::'~."":.' ,I: ; The 'Finance' -Comti1itlfee t'e'potts: l, That the following accounts be paid: !.'~, "ViCtoria Il1dustt:ial SchdoL.c moo..."....'" _:.$ Town of Avlmer.... ___mW._" .......n I,('j.: Township ~f Southwold......___...nmm... 70'.0.0 .0.0 20'.00 .00 8.0-0.0 .00', 0'.0 .170'.00 .00 50'.0.0 .00 50.0.0 aD 2.00'0 .0.0 5.00'0 00 100'0 00 21401 on 7500.0 00 70-0',0 0.0 2'1Ga2 0'0 .,J!:..:) $2'17003 Od M~KIl"LOP. Chairman. i,,' 15 00 G 00 1 92 2. That the Memorial Hospital be paid the sum of .sevcllty-five cents per day for maintenance of indigents and public ward pay patients .in ');iddition to statu.tory(,charg,~s' from ;and after t.he,lst Itl1y,'-)027. 'J,') ;c a, That accounts for maintenance 'Of indigents in hospital as 'rcpoNe(l'by,'Sp€ciaI. :Committe'e.,b.e'paicL .'-, Ii'. 1 .;"' ''All' of.\vhich":i's. l'espeetftilJy:sub:1n;hvedi.i .,.;';" ,,'. "}:,> , , ; ','." I,I~; Friday, 8th July, 1927. "l':":~,,~: h;]; ','1,'?;''-''', hi/'. ''''J.'!i ',':' , J' h{cKILLOP.' Chairman, Elgin' County Council 72 Elgin CounfyCoU'ncil Novemher5.essioh, E. C. Monteith, books and printing for Diyisioll Court office..............n.. Murdock Stationery Co., Registry Office United Typewriter' Co;, Registry Office.. The Municipal World, Limited, printing Constable's Guide, stationery, printing and binding for Clerk and Treasurer's offices Alexandria Industrial School, for main- tenance ....:.00. ....nun......n.......... ....nunn.. ViCtoria Industrial School, for mainten- ance Province' of Orrtario, conveyance of pris- orJ:ers to Institution....................nu...... Township of Dunwich, conveyance of inmates to' ,House of Industry... ...nm D. Lindsay,conveyance of inmates to House of Industry:.................m.n......n..n ]. A. Wehlann, conveyance of inmate t6 House of Industry ...nn ...nn...'.....m........ McLachlin's Book Stmc, stationery, Clerk's. office.:....m ....nnm ..nn..n........n.... McLachlin's Book Store; station:ery, Treasurer's officennunn..... .........nh.......... The Dutton Advance, for printing.......... K. W. McKay, expenses re iilcligenL.h. K; W. McKay, postagen ...um ............-...... AU of which is respectfully submitted. To the Elgin CountyC:ouncil: , Gentlemen, - The Finance Committee reports: 1, That a by-law bc.passed to confirm By-Law No. 1117, Township. of Malahide, closing streets in Port Bruce. 2. That the Canadian Institutc for the Blind be granted one hund- red dollars ($100.0n). 3. That the Clerk sign order for mairitenance of Frank Hackett il]; Byron ,Sa.nitorium. 4. That a by':'law be passed to provide for attcndance of Mayor,. Deputy Reeves, Collectors, -and Highway Superilltendents, for m:eeting of Elgin Municipal Association. 5. Th,H the report of John Allan, Corn Borer Inspect0r, be received and printed'in the minutes, f), That the County Treasurer's report be received and printed in the minutes, 7, That no action he takeil re "application fot' gran t for War Mcmorial Children's Hospital "of London. December 2nd" HJ27. 8. That hospital accounts presented, amounting to $2,0'37.50', be paid, $418:0'0' to be charged back to the local municipalities in accordance with provisions of, by-lawrequiri;ng: ,local municipality to 'pay one-half the ,eost of hospital maintenance accounts. fl. That thc followiilg accounlsbe paid: Children's Aid Society, for mailltellallceu$ Children's 'Aid Society, annual grant, '27 1438 00' 40'0' 00' 73 14 S4 24 0'0' 1 00 121 38 46 00 30 50 85 ,64 130'0 10 00 10. 00 5 aD 50 6 00 2100 '10' 0,0' D. J. McKILLOP, Chairman, 'EIgili' County Council ;~~gin, Co~nJyCouncil 75 rl'" REPORTS OF COUNTY EN.GINEER June Session January Session To the Vvarden and Counc:q of t~e County of Elgin: St. Thomas, Ontario, January 25th, 1927 To the Wal'deli and Cou-ncilbf the ,Count:y of Elgitl: Gentlemen, - Your Public Improvement Committee met on Wednesday,May 25th, and Thursday, May 26th, and inspected the county line bridges. Since your November: county line 'bripges. session lit,tle work has been dune on the We found that with the foll~\od;lg exceptions the bl:tdges, -were in good repair. Gentleillen, - The olily bridges damaged by the. heavy floods last autumn were the Gillette bridge and Tillsonburg Junction bridg.e. Temporary repairs were made last fall. Itvv'ill be necessary to'make permanent repairs to the Ti1!sol1burg bridge this year, and as the bridge is on the boundary between the Counties.'of Elgin and Norfolk, I suggest that your -com- mittee meet representatives of Norfolk at the site. 1. Gillett Bridge ~ This 'bridge, which isof timber: construction, was built about thirty- Dve years ago. It is in a very weakened condition and..is not safe for any except very light traffic. The bridge should be replaced with a lllodern structure. A creosoted block floor should be laid on the RObbins-bridge this year. The.' Kains bridge will have to be painted and the appr.oaches repaired. The approaches of the LYl1httrst bridge should also be widened and" ,;'a concrete ,curb' be c'dnstructed along the south-\vest approach to' prevent possible accidents; 2. Robbins Brid~e- The floor of this bridge s'h'ould be replaced, anq. I recommend that it be constructed of creosote.d timber and _creosoted blocks. 3. Tillsonburg Junction Bridge- The abutments of this bridge should be rebuilt. I believe that your committee should make a careful inspection of the' Gilleftbi-idge., This bridge, which is oonstructed of timber, was built <].boutJhirty-five years ago. It has three spans of seventy-five feet. The bridge at prescn t is not safe for anything except very light traffic, an,d at anytime may be so weakened by freshets that.it will collapse. I would also recoml11endthat your committee inspect the other county line bridges as sQon as the ,,,,eather is favorable. All of which is respectfully submitted. 4. New Guard Rails should be constructed at the ends of the Dodds bridges, Lynhurst bridge, and Kains bridge; Small repairs are also necessary to the. floor of the Kains bridge and to the bridge over the Otter Creek near,Eden. . I have made arrangements to have, the,I<;ains pl'.idge repainted this year. AU,of which is respecthtlly:,submitted. J AS. A. BELL. County Engineer. J AS. A. BELL. County., Engineer 1)':,111- . 76 EIgil1 County Council Elgin: Coi.mty Council 77 REPORTS OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE . January Session of 1921 atidreport. to this Coullcil. The special cOl1ui,littee to be com-' posed of the following members: K. Sinclair, D. Crosson, F. R. Taylor, W; W. Kiddie, J. Leitch, and J. A. Wehlanl1. Gentlerilel1, - 3. That the Engineer be empowered to consult with the Engineer of the County -of Norfolk and make arrangements to repair the Tillson- burg Junction bridge abutments. To the Elgin County Council.: 1. That the County Engineer's report be adopted. 4. That new guard rails be constructed at the ends of the Dodds, Lynhurst, and Kains bridges, and that the concrete floor of the Kains bridge be .repaired. The Public Improvements Conlmittee reports: 2. That the Wai'den name delegates to attend annual meeting~ Ontario Good Roads Association,. ,and that the annual membership fee of fifteen ,dollars be 'paid, All of which is respectfully submitted. K. M. SINCLAIR, Chairman. All of ",;hleh is respectfully submitted. S1. Thomas, J une9th, Hl27. K. M. SINCLAIR, Chairman. Clauses (a) and (b) ot section 2 were struck out in Committee of the Whole. , June Sessiori , July SessIon To the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin: To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen,- Gentlemen, - Your Public Improveme'l1tc CommIttee beg leav'e to report as follows: The special sub-committee of 'Public Improvements Committee reports: 1. We recommend that the 'Engineer's report be "adopted. 1. 'I'hat they have considered highway improvements legislation of 1927 with reference to bridges and have had the County Solicitor's opinion thereon. 2: (a) We reconlmend that the Gillett bridge be replaced' with a moden~ structure. (b) That the Robbins brIdge be re:floored with ctebso'ted plank and block. The'legisla'tion does not apply to 'bridges ori comity roads, which continue to be'!2:otlntj bridges fot purposes of construction and mainten- ance as provided in Highway Improvement Act. (c) That a'special committee be appointed to consider legislation 2. Under the new legislation: ~, .;';7S Elgin County Council eft) The county may assume b~idges on boundary ~ine roads ,or roads ,used in lieuthercoL 0)) The provincial subsidy 011 bridges so assumed is for: Bridges of 50-ft, span or over, forty per CTl1t. Briclge~ pfIess than '50-ft. span, thirty per cent. (c) If any 'of the bridges so assumed are of 2n~ft, span or less, a by-law may be passed to revert said bridges to the local municipalities; whe,n reversion by-law passed, the provincial subsidy 011 remaining brie!gcs will be ,-li:fty .per cent. 3. There are at present twenty-seven ,county bridges 011 boundary line roads; all of \vhichare over 20-ft. Spa!1, with the exception 6fthe following: Over Little Otter between Bayham and Houghton, 20 ft. Over Beaver Creck be1fwcen' Yarrnouth and Southwold, 14 ft. Over Turkey Crcek between Delaware and Southwold, 20 ft. 4. The following bridges not on boundary line roads would continue to, be county bridges, for which no subsidy would be paid. Thc Port Stanley bridge, under provisions of section 436 (1) (c) of The. MunkipaI,.Act, and fi culvertpll- Colborne Street, Port Stanley, maintained by ,Co,ulltyunder provisiorisof toll road agreement confirm- 'ed by Legislatu~.e in 1905, chaptcr 4G:- . 5. The boul1,dary line bridges wopld, when by-laws assuming and rCViel;"t.illg bridges are passedan~l app,rovcq, be under the jurisdiction of the County Roads Ct;l1nmittce!, ' 6, We recommend that by-'-laws ,pe, pas,sed ,to rever.t county.bridges EIgir'1 County Council' 79 KM. SINCLAIR, Chairman. of twenty feet' ,or under to the lo~al municipalities abd to assume all boundary line bridges \vith 'a span of over twenty fe~t. All of which is respectfully submitted. 8th of July, 1927. J anuaty Session REPORTS OF COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE St. Thomas, January 17th, 1927, To thc Elgin County Council: Gentlemen, - The County Road Committee reports: 1. That the sum. of 'one hundred and twenty-seven thousand, nine hundred and forty-five dollars and thirty-two cents ($127,945.32) was expended on Elgin County highway system during the year 192G. The perccntage payable by the Province, Middlesex cbunty lines, St. 11homas suburban area, will be about fifty~two per cent. of the above amount. 2. County Roads Maintenance on County, Roads___o...mn._"...$ Bridge construction on County Roadsmo Construction on County Roads:._ .....-...----- Maintenance on Suburb.an Area Roadsn Construction on Suburban Area Roads.. 3, General ExpenS'~ Grants to Urban MUl1icipalitie:s:m__m.oo___$ Superintellc:lenCe Machinery om______ ..,d____,oo,n." Gravel' 'PitDeve't{)pnient..~~.omnnn:::~ 66426 28 7833 95 21433 79 7472, 81 109 51 34.30 39 3133 48 9'176: 61 71S3' 72 80 Elgin County Council Interest on Mortgage, Hathaway Farm._ Workmen's Compensation Board.'..__n... Material in Stockm.....m........__........ 660 00 723 If) 361 59 Less Receipts.. $127,945 1934 32 98 $126,010 34 '.L Machinery, Tools Available for Year 1927 One Wehr grader, 3 5-tOll dump trucks, 7 heavy graders, 1 light scarifier, 2 semi-portable gravel bins and elevators, 2 10'-horse..;power gas engines, 1, centrifugal pump, 1 force pump, 1 diaphram pump, 1 cement mixer, 41 junior graders, 1 wheel scraper, 36 slu~h scrapers, 6 dump wagons, 1 water tank and wagon, 1 mower, '1'1 ploughs, '20 wooden drags, 8 steel drags, 1 electric battery, 21 shovels, 10 hammers, 12 laliterns, 12 crow bars, 6 sledges, 8 picks. 5. Material in Stock One iron pipe 30 ft. lang 12 in. in diameter, 1325 paunds graphite paint, 208 pounds red 'paint, 135 paunds white paint, E barrrllinseed ail, 200{) ft. 'Of i-inch and inch iron water pipe. 6. Estimate We estimate the 8qm of seventy-five thausand dallars ($75,000'.00) should be raised for expenditure ancaunty roads for the year J.927, divided as follaws: Canstructian an roads......... ....m........... ...-.$ Maintenance an raads.......... "''''''''''''''''' Culverts Suburban Area Roads........ ......................... General expense, machinery, tools, etcn.. 150'00 00 44000, 00 2500' 00 4000 no 9500' 00 $ 75000 00 7. That Caunty Raad Superiiltendent he delegated ta attend ,Raad Canference held in Taranto during fhe winter, year 1927. 8. That by-Jaw be passed at this sessian 'Of Caunty Council giving power ta Road.Superintendent under The Drainage Act.. ~ Elgin Caunty Council 81 9. That applicatian be made by County Council ta the Department 'Of High\vays thraugh Mr. F. G. MacDiarmid, Member far West Elgin, petitianing the Government ta assume Raad Na. 23 S. A. (London and PortStanley Gravel Road) as a pravincial highway. All 'Of ~vhich is respectfully submitted. W. W. KIDDIE, Chairman 'Of Road Cammittee. Special January Session Ta the Elgin Caunt-y Cauncil: Gentlemen, - The special joint cammitte, Public Impravements and County Roads, reparts: 1. That with reference to construction of retail ling wall in co- operation with. fhe London and Port Stanley Railway Company at the Port Stanley bridge, we recommen:d that an agreement be entered into with the Company, the County. td pay farty per cent. of expenditure up to$3,4(}O, the work to he approved by the County Engineer. The County to aftenvards maintain the partian fram bridge ta north bounclaryof raad allO\vance. 2. That na action be taken in reference to application for permanent improvement ofexten8ionof CauntyRaad N6.23 in Part Stanley. 3. That no action be taken in reference ta paving connecting link of county road in.Rodney. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. A. WEHLANN,_ Chairman. W;' S2' E.1gi.n C.OU;}ty Couiit;:il Elgin CQupJ-y Co\.!.ncil ,83 To" the Elgin County Council: We furt'her recomme:nd that the Wardet;; Ch'~i~man of R'oad" 'Com- mittee" and County- Road Superintendent be a committee emiwwered to negotiate proceedings'to pttrcnase th-e'satl'ie',:,:'ahd ar;:t in matters pertain- ing thereto. ' ':;-,.,,:": ". ' We sllrpmarize the year:.s wotk"~~ follows,:" June Session ",).. ,,\:,4., Six-t~,~~ths.,(.,60) _:acres vyill berequirect from ,]vIr. ..I}rthur W,h~lls _, flW~' ninety-se:ve!1~Dne.-ft.i.Vtdredt,11.s (.~n a~res frOll,l, ,Mr. ,Pfeffer. ' Gentlemen, - 1,;. . Y om~, County, Road Committee beg leave to report that they havelnad~'a f6m;-oay inspection trip over the county roads, beginning May 24th, -'endil'1g May 27th" and find many portions of the county roads in a poor condition, o,'ving to excessive rains during the late fall of 1926- and deep fr-ost of winter, 1927. 5. 6. Bridges. One new ninety-foot steel,:'1)ridge with reinf~rced cement abut- at Port Talbot. The, approval of the Department of Highways of County By-Laws 1070 and 1075, changing designations of Roads Numbers 12, 48, and 49 as assumed under By-Law No. 1052, will increase the county road, mile,~ age about five miles. These roads are also in bad condition. i , C;ons,trpc,tiqn ", ~"C\ Gradiii.g' ~nd metalling thrce:inile's'of cou'qty road. 2. We estimate" the sun'1 of $75,0-0-0;00 for county roads, plus.. $7,000.0.0: for village grants, a total of $82,0-00-.00. ments, 3. We recori.lmend that the County Coul1cilproceed i~ the manner provided by The Ontari9 Public Works Act, 1026, at this seasQn, to acquir,e the lands shown'on the plan and d~scription attached hereto; namely, t'O connect Road No. 1O' in bunwichwith Road No.2 in Ald- borough. 7. Culverts Vfidening and construct:'!ng eightceniellt culverts. A,ntintber of ncw"irbli.pipe-s:'bn differeiit'~oUliiy roacts. Fi~e miles of field tile used elltirely for ~oal'pyaillage. s. 9. This will require two and thirteen-one-hundredths acres on the north-west corner of .lot 1, conces,s~on A, Du,nwich, and fifteen-one- l~undredthson the south~east corner of .lot 2( 'concession 8, Aldborj:Htgh.. Maintenance o.fStot~.e and Gravel Roads 10. We recommend that. Ute g,11tire mileage of county roads be resurfaced with crushed -stone or gravel this year, and the calcium chloride on Roao, No~., 23 S; ,A should use of And after ,this road is construc,ted as, ,,on <!- plan attached herewith, that :the following roads shall revert back to, the Townships of Ald- borough and Dunwich, namely: that portion in the Township of Dun- wich, as shown on plan where cut-off is mad~, Road N:o. 10; also the town line between Aldborough arid "IJrmwiCli 'fr'om Road No.2 to Road No. 10. ,:1,::,:. . '",':il We also recommend that five small parcels of land be acquired in order to widen the east hill, County Road No.8, through the lands of C. A. Pfeffer and Arthur Whalls at Port Talbot. Plans and descriptions at these parcels are attached herewith. All of which is respectfully submitted. ! I ~ W. W. KIDDIE, Chairman of County Road 'Commlit'ec. November. Ses~ion To the Elgin County. Council: Gentlemen, - " The Elgin County Road <';ommitte.e reporLthat ,expenditurGi~,on S4 Elgin County Council Elgi!l County highway system from J ailuary lSf Hl27, up to and i'llclud- iug October 31st, total $121,.072.42. T'his amount will be il1creased by work already in progress. 1. Expenditure as Follorws: C911struction on county roadsnn........m.m.$ Maintenance on county roads__....__m.__..__... Constructiohdn suburban' area roads.mn Maintenance 011 suburban area roads..n.. County bridges Ul1der BY-Law NO'. 1091 passed 1927___......__________.. ....n..... ...on__........ Village grants_mn.......___................._______......m Trucks" repairs, gas, ,and oiL.._____m..________ Gravel pit developmenLnn......._____m....mn.. Machil1~ry, tools, and repairs..__.........___.... Interest on mortgage, Hathaway farm__.. Hathaway farm expense.............................. Implement .shed............. ............................. Insurance on Hathaway implement shed and contents Workmen's Compensation Soard............ Miscellaneous 2 Construction T'O!tal miles of road graded and surfaced, 6!. 24290 33 63928 30 1855 02 7391 94 670 91 7580' 15 4554 94 3368 09 30'44 53 330. 00' 64 65 415 52 282\ 0-0 520 27 2775 77 $121072 42 Bridges OIle 90-foot'steel warren truss bridge with concrete abutments at Port Talbot. Culverts Six cement culverts and 43 iron pipes. 28,882 feet of tile drain used entirely for road drainage. Road surfacing material used in construction and 266 car loads of 'ctushed. stone and 7566 cords of graveL maintenance, 'I II !; Elgin County Council 85 3. Maintenance '165' miles of county road has been resurfaced with broken stone or gravel, and numerous fills and' grades have been widened. I,r Machinery and Tools Purchase'd this Year Twenty"'"two slush SCrapers, 3 road dr'ags, 6 junior graders, 14 shovels, 3 plows, 2 wheelbarrows, 1 mower, 1 hacksaw, 2- scythes, 1 aug~r, 2 double block pulleys and rope, 10 wrenches. Mat.erial hauled and sold/from county-owned gravel '-pits from No- vember 1st, 1926,. to' Octo:per 31st, 1927:; Walker Pit, in the Township: of Aldborough, Number of cords of gravel hauled, 7431. Cost of stripping, $149.75. Irvine- Pit, in the Township cif Southwold. Cost of stripping, $44.50; Hathaway Pit, in the Township of Yarmouth. Number of cords' of earth and gravel hauled, 3844. Cost of stripping, $1706.58, Roleson Pit, in the Township of Dereham. Number of cords of gravel hauled on county roads, 582. Number of cords. of' gravel sold other municipalities, 1316\ Costo.f: stripping, $1374.84. Credits for grave.lsold, $1217.82. Locker Pit, in gravel hauled, 264. the Township of Houghton. Cost of stripping, $92.42. Number of cords ot Bruce Pit, in the Township of Malahide. Number of cords of gravel hauled, 397s. N umb,er of .cords. of gravel and earth 'hauled from county-owned pits, 5741. Number of <;ord:s of gravel hauled from priv,ate-o\Vlle;4 pits, 1825. '"., ~--~ ,.,..............-.............".- :Elgin COtHlty, Coull'.cil "Elgin', Cbun:ty: Cbiiildl 87 . ~6 , , 4. Truck Operation (JanuarY.)E;t'to October 31st) Truck No. 1... Truck No. 2.__.,. Truck No. ';L.........n..__n 1574 '1597 1639 ,"',: Miles Trav,~lled 11,641 ..-'C'''' .', 1.2,298 12,290 Cordsof:Ea~th and Gr~vel Haule4, 657 67S 704 Total expense'...n___:L"."l~:;'~,.~; .".'~:~,..',.n__m__m__ Cost of dragging or scarifying 1 mile 'of . road .................__...........____...nn__......':,,,._......1.. 2260 9S Hours ,Worked 'y..,,," 43 4810 j6,2~D 2039 gravel 2869. earth 6. Approval from' the. Department of Highways has .not. been re- ceived for the County to assume the road between concessions 2 and 3 in the ,Township of Southwold, ft;Qm ..the Durt-wiqh .town lin~ to. the road between lots 1 and 18, and the town li~e between Orford and Aldborough from the ro'ad between cOllce~sio.ns. 2 and 3 in the Township of. Ald- borough, north to the centre, oLt~e.' River Thames',. or the Bothwell bridge. ' '.,' "" ,. AIl of which is respectfully: submitted. 490S Average mileage per da:Y""".~m ,__.".."l;:,__..:.~m..__. '.75 Average cords' of gravel per daY.m..m__m__....n 10 Average cost expel1seper day~..;m____mm_h;_..._.$1.3'" 70 Depreciation aIlo\\'ed each t.ruck per day_,_..... 10; 00 Cost each truck per day....n___.......n.....,.....____... 23 70 W. W. KIDDIE, Chairman of County Road Committee. Cost of hauling one cord of gravel or earth one mile, 63c., or l3ic. per yard' nlile. REPORTS OF EDUCATION COMM~TTE.E January Session , Summary of Truck Operatipn From Year 19'20 to 1927 Cost price of trucksl, 2, and 3............_,:,..$,25990. 00 Allowing depreciatipl) at$20.q-0: per day on each truck for years '19'20., H.l21, 1922" 1923, and 1924, and $10.00' per day on each truck years 1925, Hl26" and 1927; total ----.....-~....-.:..-.,'..~-:m___h'..,-,.....-..---.........." 51670 00 Average cost per co.~(f mile 'for' the 7 yrs: 1 12 To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen, - The Education Committee reports: '1. That the following accounts be paid: 5. Wehr Power Grader J. A. Taylor, Inspector's expenses...._m__n$ r c. Smith, Inspector's expenseS.___..__n.. 41 80 121 71 Miles travelled_ ""00" .....h.---....,.......__u..___.__..n..u.. 5223 _ G~s used h___""~ m....m..__...___.... :.'. ..... (gal1~11s) "2484 Oil used__...._____...__..n...,__......__....____.....___.. (quarts) 182 Days worked. .......m.....:n.-...'..---.,..'-..n....__..._____..____ 195_ "Expenses: . Wages; "h..'........_:~:;.':._:;.n___:..____n.$j 824 25 Repairs, gas, and oiL..,....m.. 1046 13 Depreciation allowed, $2.0'0 per day, 195 days ..................____....._____..........__.....___.....__.__ 2. That the Warden appoint delegates to attend annual convention of Provincial Trustees' and Ratepayers' Association. ' I 3. That the Chairman, Warden, and Clerk be a committee to pass on High and Continuation School accounts for r>ayment. ' All of which is respectfully submitted. 390 00 E. G. LUSTY, Chairman. 88 Elgin Cou_nty Council ]1.Ine Session To the Elgih County. Council: .G-clltlell1en, - The Education Committee reports: Elgin County CouncH The Aylmer, Express, printing for In- spector Smith.__.......................__.__............... McLachlin's B00k Store, supplies for I nspectorSmith.___u_mnnnun.mnn..m All of which is respectfully submitted. 1. That the 'Co'unty Treasurer's estimate of $40,000 for high schools and $'17 ,000 for public schools he approved. 2. That the foHowing acpounts. be paid: ]. C.,Smith, I.P. S., expenses.....n....n.m....$ J. A. Taylor, I. P. S., expenseS..m.m.m_____ Aylmer Express, printing for J. C. Smith The MU!licipal World, ,printing and sta.,. tionery for inspectors_____...............________... All of which is respectfulIysubmitted~ St. Thomas, June 8th, 1927. November Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen,-:- The Education Committee' reports: December 1st, 1927. E.EPORT OF SPECIAL SCHOOL ACCOUNT COMMITTEE 314 09 136 06 8 00 To-the Elgin County Council: 'J'.j', 56 35 3SS 7 80 E. G. LUSTY, Chairman. Gentlemen, - The special committee 'a'pi)6i~ted to <~onsider amounts due High and Continuation Schools reports. E. G. L:USTY, Chairman. 1. That the following. amounts have been paid High Schools for maintenance of County pupils during 1926: Ti1lsonburg' ____________:.---:.------ ...____________..._._.___$ Wardsville Glencoe IngersoIt St.' 'Thomas ....__..__...__.__..__....___..____...._.......__..._ Dutton ________.....__..._......._.__...__n.............._........h Aylmer .........__..._....__...____.......h....h_.__.__..._______ Vienna.' ......',:......____......:.___....:;______.;;."..___.._c__..__ To tal _; ...~ ....it.. ._.,~. ;.~.:: .i___.. ........;,.. .u__.. .__. '" 1. That the report of Inspector]. C. Smith be adopted .agd printed in the' minutes. 2. That the following accounts be paid: Inspector J. C. Smith, expenses_.._____........$ Inspector J. A. Taylor, expenses.....h____C___ The Municipal W orId, supplies and print~ ing for. Inspecb?rs..._..____.....__.............._._.._.. 12'15 75 1009 20 629 51 2590 1893453 7383 84 8082 39 2929 ''50 $ 40210.,62 No account has been sent Ftom London. or Ridgetown. 342 05 155 45 2. That the following amounts have been paid Continuation Scho'ols: 176 63 . B rownsville ___.._....................._........................$ Melbourne Bothwell 352 23 268 92 52 92 89 . on ElgilbCOU1)tY,~ Go.ul\cil E'lgiii':County'C:ou'ndl 91! Belmon t ....;,.,..:...........""..i......'..nh,...:".;",._,..::..';",', Sparta ....n.................".n........".,.....",,,,,,:..:.....,,. F i ngal ...h: ;:.".. ...... ..ni~:r?"'" ".' n.~',>': ~... ,A,(,,..,:.;.~ ...". Springfield.. .........., ..............,...............'...nC'...... Rodney Pt. Burwell .... ..... ....;..l,>.,.::.n'r;FmJ.,;;:..,-r..:'~... West Lorne... ..n..........n..................m....m.n.. :Total u............ ...n......nnn.... ...n...h......... 1082 ..60 431 51 2106 95 . 220,1 59 1750' 13 .1118 40 1400 00 $ ''.;:r Novemher"Session" To the Elgin County Council:':: i"-:, 10765 25 The Committee on Petitions and Legislation report: Gentlemen, - " All of which is respectfully submitted. "i,i'( 1. That \ve co-operate \vith'the othet':,C'O"Unties' of\the - Province and' endeavor to secure payment of the full cost of provincial highways of the --Province. <llld ,.thl;: ilJ:Cr;eas'e:."Qf subsidy, now;, p~i4 towal1ds t/;J.e jmprove- mento-of tb'wnship 'toads to_dift:y per,cent.,.and.sugg~.st,_tha.t.Ahe additional cost to the Province be raised'lbyan increase in the gasoline tax., :'>,:>"i::':' ''',;''1'(,;-:'',;:'' E. G. LUSTY, Chiitnian. June, 1927. 'iL.' \j '1-"; REPORTS OF PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE To the Elgin County Council: ,", ",2 :'.;V:" _',~~' ::That-.w:e cQ-'_operate 'with :theU oited CoUnties ,of Northumberland and Durham in petitioning for an amendment to- The Hospitals A!,::t.. so that notices 'Of admission of inmates will be forwarded to the clerk of the local, municiRali~y,in.f:v,,~hich 'tpe,. p<-\tient resi.des'previo~s to ad'mi$.sioll, rather than to the County Clerk, who has;P9.\P1,Cans,of 4eterminillg :re~i~ dence. Accounts to be paid by the local mUnicipality and presentcd to county for refund in accordanc.T)JYjth ,the Act. ''1'",'';'" }an~a~,~ Ses~;~?~ '!':':'j,;;~"_' t;-entlemen, - J(' \"', < '! ~ The Pe.titions and Legislation Committee reports: . .h, r /~." ,. '. ",:- ,":',. '-3;,,'T-hat-we' have examined the draft Assessment Act and would rtitbinm:e'l'ld: r',:: C1:': _.. . 1. That ;>,-ve co-cperate in l)etition requested by th.eCounty Council of Grey for, legislation reCjuiring' hospital ,notices _ and",<tcc~unts to be forwarded ,t:~, ~nd paid by the local munic{palities btfor'c bei~l'g presentcd to the county,'~oullci1. . .. -"". " "That county equa1izatioii:-b~..,'b'~'~:edwh'ol1y on land values." 2. Tha;t'.Jw:actiO'ti, h.e taken on ,request from County.,Qf Essex for :legislation inrefer:ence to fixed assessment and coun,tyequalization. "That section 83 be amended by striking out all words after the word 'made' in the sixth line. The words struck out refer" t,oi hl,Clud:il1;g income and business assessment to' land values as equalized." ":':" I <'_' ~,_, .; All of which.is respectfullY,'8ubmitted. All ot yvhich is resl~ectf1,1lIy submitted. -, . "f.: ,',' ::; .' I,,' ,!: ~,;:; ,) \ Q.McKENNE;,Y, >1 Chairman, O. McKENNEY, 'J< '; ,', Chair~an. :1(':\,' St. Thomas, Ont., December 1st, 1927. ii"JlimlHI' IT ,;'}.... ~.'J' . :'fj 1';" {)9.. .",", Elgin County COlH1cil EIgilJ. County Council 93 REPORTS OF HQUSE OF INDUSTRY COMMITTEE November Session " ,-: ~ ; January Session No.1 To the Elgin County. Council: To the Elgin County Council : "<1 Gentlemen, - 'Qcntlemen, - The House 'of Industry Committee reports: The House of Industry Committee reports: '1;"'Tha:t fee of tend-ollars for memhership in Association of Man.. hgetsof I-ldmes for _the,Aged,and'lnfil,tn be: paid" and that delegates to annual In:eeting,he appOinted'at ,the' J unesession; 1. That no action be tak~l~ in,:refer~mc~ to r~commel19a,~ion con- tained in preselltmentof Grand Jury. 2. That the ',Co'uncilv:isit the 'Institution in a body during.'the June session. 2. That the report of Physician hr' 'received and printed in the mitiutes. '3. :Tha-t Inspector make' inventory, longing to the Holtse of Industry. of furnishings, to'ols, etc.i be..: \, 3. That the report of the Inspector be received and printed in the, min utes. All of which is respectfully wbnli'tted. 4. That. Hazel Haley be admitted to the Institution as requestc'd by the Provincial authorities. J1~ R. McLEAN, Chairman, 5. "'That the salary of Keeper and Matron be increased to ,sixteen hundred and eighty dollars, to ,indudeservices 'OfC00k. ')1,;.'.' Jlme Session .All of which- is respectfully ,submitted. Gentlemen, ---:.., The House of'Industry Committee reports ~ R. McLEAN, Chairman. 1''0' the, Elgin County Council: ',;; 1--,'iL November 30th,1.927. 'j', November Session That, ~hey l1ave received tenders for fuel and have awarded contract to Mdsrs. Mo'rton' '&McCance for one carload of Grate at $13.10 per ton,,'and;'one carlo-ad Egg coke for $9.50' per ton. NQ.2 To the Elgin County'Coun:c-il: All of which is respectfully submitted. R. McLEAN, Chairman. Centlemen, - St. Thomas, June 9th, 1927. The House of Industry' Committee report: December 1st, 1927. R. McLEAN, Chairrnalt~ Date Dec. 13, 1927 ~.Jan: 15, 1927 :June 30'; 1927 'N;a~lk . :)~ Peter Sarena Thos:' Shlith Wm,-'Johnson Age 70 73 70 '::c~d~~:~'{'in~ath~' I' Cerebral Hc;;morrhage. , Mytlcar'd~ms~ ,.Arteri6 :Scler6:fis, It '"'] 94'" EIgiiiCo1.inty. Council. Elgin County, C01,1ncil 1" 95 That the salary of the Keeper and, Matron be increased to seventeen hundred and sixty dollars per annum, to include services of cook. There .we.re three dea,ths during the year, allmale$, as fonows: . ,",. s: ~ ' , , i:)Jl ~}.:i r . All of which is respectfully submitted. I have the honor to be, Your obedient servant, 'RE:PCfRT OF"PHYSICIAN,'HOUSE OF INDUSTRY .p.OUGL1\S EWIN, -~,hysicial1-, Elgin House-of Iqdpstry. '," , ,,' ,', "", ~ ,', ,Noyember Ses~ion REPORT OF INSPECTOR OF HOUSE OF IND.USTRY ~;. I ~: St. Thomas, ant., November 25th, 1927' Tb"tl~~ Wki'd'e'n"~iid -M'e';ilb~:rs'of the":EIg'in CotintyCoUlicil: November Session To the \i\Tardenand Council of the County of Elgin: G~nt1emell, - 'Gentlemen, -----p" I have the honor of presenting the fifty-sec'o,lCl anl1u~l' melHcal rep.or.t;pf)heElgill.lf9use ofJlldustry up to .,qc,~~per 31st, 1927, and' submit the followiqg- fO,ryour. eonsider<1-tio'n.:' The fOllowing is my report on the House of Industry and Refuge for the,ye4f- ~'ndingOctober 31st, 1927: v , i',~ 1. Numbe-r of inmates, at last report.__mn.__i:'...,n:.mnm..... ......nn.... 29 ~),: \ ~-,2. N umber~ad,nlitted during the year .......___n_____..___.............___mn..... 15 . :::',3. Number of deaths__.. .n'.__...'........;...'__........--,\,;,;;x.--_._.,.___..'.....__........__........ 3 -4-..mNmuber discharged .....__.....___nm.......n..__..____....m........._.........___.__.... 7 ~:'l I~;I, '5. N unlber absonded_m..__......................___...____n.............__....mn............ 6. Number now in house........__.._._.....__nn.............._ ............................ 34 Except for ailments dueto',adva~l,c,edagg,ithe.hea,lthof the inmates, has ,b~en'-'goo'd. I made fifty-two visits inmates in the Memorial follows: to the House of Industry:,anq:,atten,ded two Hospital daily during their stay there,_ as.. _,r. .\./:! . ",' :, ",'c," j',' .'."_ " , ,',) .- :'1,', 7. Num:ber ,df inmates sent"from the ~,':" "f,\':' 'County d1'l'rltfglhe-yeat':' J >-:1 :. ',.:'n ,,' j, se<r\~ikl' h1utiicip'alities in the >' . "') "~', ~I',' Aldbor.ough ",";"..,,'.~_'. ..__;...___ ..m..n'____...~l;._........!,~.:.'__,.:,';'_...--~'.;,,';,_'..,.L.....3:.... South wold "_,~____.";..___'.--..--.:.--..:.--.',;......l.;.'.....___,__c;:L,,........._..h.....__;.~'...:.'_.n....... South Do-rchester __..n.............___n....__..n..............____.........__........._... . Aylm~r ).'_X~~~:.--_______...-_....::m;~m;:_:.:__.'m......................__.......~:m........;..--.... M alahide ____.. ............ ..._ n____.. ._____...... n........_..._ ___... .... .'.~__.':_;'~:..... ._._...... ."f ri~ ~:; n~~~~:~~~ :~~~:~ :~:~~~~: :::::~~~~~:: :::: :~::::::::::::::::::~::~:~l:~~'~::~,::::: :::.:;::::::: :.... n 3 2 1 3 4 1 1 Mrs. Simmons, January 26th to .:Aihil1'1th,1927. Enos Hoffman, July 26th to September':rOth;"192:7.:.' ..,., , There were 110 births during the year. :i""J" :,,:..j;ii l " :~ ;- 'l"; X' 'l, 15 96 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 8. The various Causes of pauperism of inmates admitted to the House during the year may be classified as. follows: Miscellaneous Seed Sickness ....---.......____..........___..__..........,_._.__.............,.....'__n............____....... 3: Destitu:te. ."....,....--.........__.........____.......:...........____........___....__.................. 10. Old age ... ........................................................... 2 House Expense 1& Hired lahor Bread Meat Groceries PrQvisions Dry goods Boots. and shoes______ n..m...............__........._........ Furniture and 'hardware.................................. Drugs Coal" wood, and ice.... __nmnn___....___________________ Miscellaneous Hydro-electric power mm...__.'....._.......___......... 9; Average number of inmates during the year.h............h.. 31.6 10: Average' number with Keeper's family and hired help.. 36.2 11. Number of weeks boarclof- inmates...m.....___.......h..m.h... 1650.0 12,. Nuinber of weeks: board with Keeper'sfamity............ 1888.5 13. Tota'l expenditure during the year..'............u.... ........... .....$11,488.14. 1.4. Receipts Kimber estate.... Hydro refund From farm stock............ From produce sold..... From sund.t:ies ......................$ Permanent improvements $ 239 13 56J-7 $. 295 30. 785 81 125 47 103 00 Conveyance, of inmates.;. .,..,...........................~$ Repairs " ..........n.........................h............h......... Permanent improvements Incidental General Expense 1014 2S. 727 50 $ 1741 78' Salaries 16. 17. 18. Leav,ing ,amount actually expended for support of inmates ................n...h.....n...h.......n........h.....,..h....... ..0...... Average exp~nse per week for eachperson........hm ..u.. Average exp,ens.es_ per day of, each person.., ........... .'..0.' . Average expells,es p,er year, for each person,... ..u.'...;.m 97463_6. 5 16. .737 266 32' Assistant Keeper Physician Inspector 15. Keeper and Matron. 19. Amount expended for house and farm during the, year may be. divided as follows: '. I-lited labo.r :.............................................,.........$ Implerilen ts .h...n............h.................................. S tock ..n..................n........,................'.......h........... Feed ..0...................................,............................... 384. 00 179 80 240 00 S1S 94 Total Expenditures................................. 97 532 25 . 163 S5 $ 2378 84 ......$ 245 00 427 30 439 27 382 54 5Q'7 86 539' 12 '193 65 426 26 57 24 1531 06 509 68 147 10' 5406 08 1158 28 2544 94 $ 114SS 14 20. The following produce was raised on the farm during the year: 1100 bushels of oats and barleY..m...............$ 550 00 7 50 220 7S 707 41 222 59 .....$ 1125 00' 120 00 799 94 300 00 200 00 1)8 Elgin County Council 100 bushels of wheaL.h.......___h...._____........h.. 27 loads of hay.......___..................m........hm.. 4 .acres ensilage corn.................................. 68. .bushels of potatoes...........................h..... 45 bushels table, carrots........................m.... 30' bushels turnips.......................................... 40 loads of straw.................... m.......h.......... Garden Produce 20 bushels beets;..............~~,::..~..:...,...............~$ 30 bushels onions......... ................................ 18 bushels parsnips.m....................hmm..... 500' heads .cabbage.........................................h 1 bbl. cucumbers................................_....... 50 bushels tomatoes...................,...... '~ acre quantity sweet corn.........._............. quantity lettuce, parsley, asparagus.... quantity plums, grapes......m.................. 15 quarts milk per day....,........,..............h... 10' barrels apples...... ..................................... A large quantity of vegetables and fruit was used during the summer, of which no account ,was. kept.......... 2 hogs killed during the year.........h....... Fruit canned in the house"'h."""___'___ 365 dozen eggs consumed............................ 1642 lbs. butter................................................. Cream .sold......_.....~.,...........n.,...................$ 20 hogs sold..............'.......................... 6 cows sold................................................... Eggs, sundries,..and_"ehid:ims sold,:..... 125 ,00 324 00 8nOO 85,00' 33,75 30' 00 200 00 $ '1427 75 Elgin County Council 99 23. Farm stock: 4 horses. 7 cows. 18 hogs. 2 yearlings, 1 brood sow. 60 chickens. 2 ducks. 24. The total amount expended by the Comify 'on 'House of Industry, etc., is as follows: Farm, 100 acres, cost ........ ........... .......m.. ...$ 7298 95 House of Industry................ .......... ................ 12289 90' Laundry............................ ...... .......... ..."........... 687' 61 Fire escapes..................u.....,....___...~.....;.............. 390 06 Root cellar, henery, dc ..................... mm__..... 879 43 . . Cottages, etc.. ....... m.................. ........ ............. 3192 45 Brick ice house... ................. ............................ 1'180' 50 Barns; etC....n.. ...n.. .h..._ m... .........n....n......__.... 5213, 39 Tile di.ains..............n.....:..:,;'....m'.........L....n....... 1746 78 Tile drain outleL..u....... ................ ......u........ 132 0'3 Hot air pump, tank, connections.................. 920 60 Refrigerator m.m .........m................................... 40' 00 Fencing ............ .._.........m......................__........om 1676 89 Orchard ...... ....... .... u._u................................,..... 85 85 Heating apparatus ..u....m..... ..........n............ 1979 no Boiler room and soft coal boi'1er.................... 3733 52 Deep well..................m....n..........,""..,..~........,...... 827 66 Sito .. .'..n..........n... ....... ....n......n....n............n...n~. 293 62 Hog pel1n..u....n..n............................................. 654 99 Electric itistallation .and ,:puinps;,.~.:..,'~.;.......... 2136 94 $ 45360.17 10' 00' 30 00 '27 00 20 00 8 00 50: 00 10 00 20 00 5 00 275 00 2'0 on 75 00 50',00 224 00 109,50 650 on 1588 50 47 7B 4401 79' 270 00 2475 7S3 27 25. Received from Governme,nt -on acc-ount of expenditures for land, and building.......... 21. Number of articles, o(he'dding and clothing made up during the year by Matron and inmates, 200. 22. Number of visits made by Inspector, 50,. 4000 00 Leaving amount actually expended by County $ 41360 17 All of which is respectfully submitted. ANGUS TURNER, Inspector. November, 1927. 100 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 101 January Session The Constable's Manual ordered by' a special committee last year and prepared by Police Magistrate Ma,xwell will include the procedure and pe;nlties prov;ided for u~lder The ~iquor Cont1'o1" Act of this year. REPORT OF POLICE MAGISTRATE HUNT To the;Wanlcn and 1t(cmbers of the Elgin County Council: This Mal1ualwill he ready in a 5ho'1't time for the use of the constables 9f the County, and phonId do 111uch to 'facilitate otganization and efficiency. Gentlemen, - All of which is respectfully submitted. I beg to report to you the business ,of ~n:r. .offiCe" durilW the" past ycal':as foHows: . A. ARCHIBALD, Chairman. June 8th! '1927. Number of convictiol1s----'-l1otice of charge: July Session Assault causing bodily harm.mum.unn..nu..___....... Violat1on Ont?:rio. Temperance Act...........m..........:C <:,::ruelty to animals~...n......::,.~.. ..n............................ 1 N eglt,'lcted ~hildren....~.~~............nnn........ .......n......nn 1 To the Elgin County Cauncil: Gentlemen, - I paid aliquar fine, $1.0.00', to Provincial Treasurer. The Special Police Committee. reparts: :1. That v..ie retaml11erid' "an organization meeting .of canstables throughaut the Camity, ta be held at-the Caurt Hause at an early date, ~nd that {his Cauncil pay canstables fbr their attendance at the rate .of $2.50 per day and tell centsper.rriile travelling ta attcnd-the meeting. I settled some family traubles satisfactarily, withaut bringing the parties ta Court. January 26, H)27. FRANK HUNT, Caunty PaliceMagistrate. 2. That the High Canstable fix date and furnish the Clerk 'with list .of canstables to' be natified to attend meeting. All .of which is respectfully subtnittcd. REPORTS OF SPECIAL POLICE COMMITTEE A. ARCHIBALD, Chairman. St. Thamas, July 8th, 11')27. June Session Ta the Elgin. Ca~111ty Cauncil: November Session Gentlemen, - Ta the Elgin Caunty Cauncil: The Special Pal ice Cammittee repart that they. held "one meeting and at. th~ requcstaf.the High Constable O'rdered six pairs .of handcuffs, which' ar~: naw available, casting sixty 'dallars. Gentlemen;- The Special Pal ice Committee reports: L That in accardance with recammendatian at last sessian, a mceting of the county constables was held in the Court -House on: \Vednesday, the 20th July, with High Constablc 'bstrander in the chair. Twenty-two constables were in attendauce. Number of cases prosecute,d...:.. N umber of dismissals.. N umber of convictions. \"Tithclrawals 51 6 45 o Elgin County Council 103 102 Elgin County' Council, February and' enditig the thirty-first day of: 'December, one thousand llinehundred and twenty-six: Address'es were delivered by Police Magistrate and County Attorl1ey McCrimmon. N m:i1ber of arrests as follows: <S Theft, Immoral C011duct, Non-support., lndecent assault, Rape, Fraud, Conimon assatilt, Wilftil arson, Creating an affray, 6..... .......__ ............ .........__ 6 Violation O. T. A., '10'.... ....... _ ..___m...n... ......... 10- Arrests effected for other 'force,s."..,,;. .,~___ .....__._ ...... __n".._...n... Prisoners broug11t back from other places to stand triaL......... Committment to asylum."."-___. ....nn.......___ ......."-__.....__ ..... .......'n ........ " . Stolen automobiles recovered and, returned to owners............. Prisoners brought tp gaol on warra\1t"of, committmenL... Search warrants executed._ ..m_...__ nm..... """"00'''__.''''..'' Assisted the Sheriff and Bailiff on 4 occasions.. N umber ,of summons served in Elgin__...n .....m..__ ...........nn .....__......."..n__ Number of summons served for other force~__ "...:__..n.......__~.m"............. Investigations tuade in cases of theft where there was no clue, mostly from garages and stuaHer thefts......n..................,.,n................. Other investigations, such as auto accidents, cattle on highway, dornestic troubles, and minor ,o'ffences ,with no prosecution._____ Assisted other cOrlstahles af their"rd(iriesi16h 20'occasibns. Assisted the Excise Officer in search for stills on 3 occasions. Searches of houses for liquor U1~~d~r' O. '1':. -A,...n'..... ......m..d.h 13 1 3 , Dismissals 1 1 2. A Constables' Association was organized. Charge Convictions, a. I Resolutions were passed by- the Association: (a) Thanking the Council fOJ paying expenses. 5 (b) That the County Council be' requested to supply constables with silver-plated badges and handcuffs (latest model). 1 2 4 1 2 1 (c) That a list of all county constables' names, addresses, and telephone, numbers be printed and distributed to',members.'- 3 4 1 (d) That the County Council be requested to establish a fund to be used for payme,nt of constables .when' se'rvices. are not covered- by, tariff; payments to be made on order of High Constable .and Board of Audit respectively. 5 2 18 All of which is submitted. 45 i , A. ARCHIBALD, Chairman. 8 November, 1927. 12 " hi'.l'}l .i-'.~ ',j'N REPORT OF I;!IGI;! CONSTABLE 20 January SeSsion 5 ": I, To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: The fines il11pO'sed,by the "11)gisJrate werc.as follows:, !' Gentlemen, - Violation of O. T; A......u'mm.....'.....ummn$ Assault" ....uun...u.'........u....u.nu..........n.:._nun 700 00 8000 I , I I have the hOllor of. submitting the following report of my work as High Constable for the past eleven months, beginning the first day of Elgin County Cauncil' 105 104 Elgin County Council Reckless driving............... Theft Creatillg an affray........... Tatal fines ................................ ............. 15 00 130 00 45 00 $ 073 00 1. That the average cost of maintaining a patient per day, accord;. ing to' the Gavernment repart, is $4.54 per day to' 31st December, H125, and $3.54 during last year. 2. The Hospitals Act limits .the charge to' municipalities far indi;. gent patients to' $1.50, the- Pravince ~ontributing fifty cents per day. Amount of costs collected in fees to date, $275.00'. 3. The provincial hospital regulations provide that pay patients in the public wards are to' be charged' $1.50 per day, the Province con- tributing fifty cents per day. Telephone calls, long distan<.;e and reverse charges from other constables, $25.55 . Number of miles travelled in the excrcise of my duties, 4,SO'0'. 4. That private ward patients are charged at a higher rate, accord- ing to accommodation furnished. The'Province does. not. contribute towards the maintenance of patients paying over $1.50' per day. Magistrate dispnsed of cases that came befare him as follows: Dismissed Fined Committed to reformatary....__............ Committed to county gaoL.............. Suspended sentence.. & 10 5 ~ 17 5. That since the opening of the hospital in November, HI2'1, to "31st Decernber, 1926: \............... Indigent Patients Twenty-nine indigelit patients were admitted for SOo. days, for which the county ar municipalities paid $1,iJ12.9n, and the Province $400', making total r<;ceipts$1,7,12.9p. ,There were special services supplied in connection with these indigent patients which cast the hospital $235.40'. The total cost, af the indigent, patients at the, average rate per day was -$3385. The municipalities and, Province paid $1712.90, leaving a deficit of $1672.10. Number committed to Kingston penitentiary, 2, an sentence by Judge Ross and Chief Justice Grant. I have the honor to be, Your _obedient servant, Pay Patients, in Public Wards ,(i' BUGH OSTRANDER, High Constable. From 24th N ovcmber, 1024, to 31.st De~e111ber, 1~26, 367 pay patients -from the County were maintained hi the public wards for 2\)80 days; extra services were. supplied for them at a cost af$260S.87, the total 'Cost of the pay patients beillg':'$12-,i81.26\. ,The patients andPr-0'villCe paid $5060, leaving a deficit of $6221.20-. The total deficit 011 account patients from County during twenty-six months ending 31st December was $7893;65, ,all average of $2.08 pcr -day. The deficit during HJ26 was $2950, an-average of $1.85 per day. R.EPORTS OF SPECIAL HOSPITALS COMMITTEE July Season To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen, - Your special committee l~eHaspitals report: We had a meeting with the mcm))ers of the Board of the Hospital, St. Thomas, and ascertained: Memorial 6. The financing oJ hospital services as suggested regulations would appear to' require substantial private :special' contributians from the cammunity_ served. by provincial bequests. and 106 Elgin County CounCil , I Elgin County Council 107 of Southwold and find that Mary Millerick ,was maintained in hospital for thirteen days in May, 1926. Account for same was not paid ($HI,;'W) 'and is included in above list. She was also in hospital during 1927, for which maintenance the township paid the sum of ten dollars"onc":half of which ,should be "refunded. The M'cmorial Hospital Endowment .Fund at present amounts to $17,500, the interest on which is used for hospital purposes. The last Government report issued duril1g'1926_ shows that average cost of each patient per day in the hospitals of t.he Province was $3.12; An account for $104.f,o'l'" rnaintcllancc. of Charles Swick, sent from the gaol aucLisolated ina private 1'00111, has not be'en considered, as he was a resident of the City of S1. Thomas when committed. reference to admission of indigent and accounts do not show l'esidence 7. We submit herewith statel11l;':nts sho\ving names of county patielits with particulars of maintenance 'cost. 8. We reoommend that the Council consider advisability of extend- ing some consideration to the Board in view of deficit due to the main~ tenance of patiClits fl'omCounty of Elgin. 11. The notice required in patients is sometimes overlooked of patient. Amount $13 50 3&,00 3400 52 00 21 00 15 DO, 12 00 13 50 28 50 16 50 19; 50 12. The attention of {he. Board has been directe,d -to recent legis~ 1ation requiring an order fronl the Medical Officers of Health of Yar- mouth and Southwold before indigent patients are admitted to the Memorial Hospital from said muni'cipalities. In cases of emergency the COUllty is not liable for more than s,even' days' maintenance ,unless said order is obtained. ' All of which is respectfully submitted. , 9. \iV.ehave made inquiries in reference to indigent patient acCounts. due and unpaid and recommend payment of the following: Name Agnes Johns Andrew Zoller Arthur Hawley Joseph Hawley Marjorie Baldwin Mrs, Peter Hooper Albert Baldwiil ThomaS' Bustin \tVilliam Minhinuick Bessie Doxtater Mary M.illerick M ullicipality Pt, Stanley Pt. Stanley; Yal'mouth Yarmouth Yarmouth Yarmouth Ma1il'hide Malahide Southwold Southwold Southwold D. J. McKILLOP, Chairman. November Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen, - ,!t" That the Treasurer cm.a'l;g€ ;tha::looaI municipalities with fifty per ceii1. of above accounts, crediting Southwold with one-half amount oJ ,$10 paid for Mary Millerick, al1d,:that the Clerk 1,~ail statement to each, The Special Hospitals COIDli1itte'ellelllorts: ,'il 1. That since your last session we have illspected the Tillsonburg Hospital and fo.und a modern institution with twenty-five beds. This hospital is available to a considerable district in Oxford and Norfolk and Township of Bay'ham, That account for 'l1lail1tenance of-Mrs, :Simmons at House 'of Industry, for $112.50-" be paid. 10. An. account of :$34.50' for l1la~ntenance.of a girl named- Carrol, of Southwold, was assumed by the Hospital Board in 192G, although notice was sent to this, Council an,d matter investigated _ but not report~ ed to Council. We have inquired into account presented by Township Since the opening, fifty~five p,atients from Elgin have been main- 108 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 109 tained in public wards, paying the rate of$1.50 per day, while the cost is very much higher. November Session We would recommend that this County pay the Tillsonburg Hos- pital the'sum of/fifty- cei1tsper day forthe:1i1aintenance of public ward and indigent-patientsfronl' County of Elgin' .fromand after 1st DCCel)1ber, Ul27, being in addition to the statutory charges of $1.50per day. To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen, - The Gaol Committee reports: 2: That ac;count presented from Tillsonburg. Hospital for fifteen days' '1i1ail1ten:ancc, June 9 to' June 24, fifteen days at $1.50, total $22.50, be paid. 1. That no action be taken in reference t.o communication from Deputy Provincial Secretary re increase in gaol salaries. All of which is respectfully submitted. 2. That no action be taken in reference to recommendation con- tained in the presentment of Grand Jury. November, lfl27. DANIEL J. McKILLOP, Chairman~ 3. That no action be taken in: reference to installation of oil burners for heating Court House. REPORTS OF GAOL COMMITTEE All of which is respectfully submitted. June Session A. ARCHIBALD, Chairlnan. To t'he Elgin County Council: November 30th, '1927. Gentlemen, - REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE RE COUNTY ENGINEER The Gaol Committee reports: 1. That they have avv"arded contract for fuel to Messrs. Morton & McCance. Coal $12.70 per ton, coke $9.20 per ton. November Session 'Gentlemen, - 2. That a by-law be passed to appoint Dr. Douglas Ewin as Gaol Surgeon. To the Elgin County Council: 3. That telephones be placed in the Gaoler's office and residence. The special committee appointed to consider matters pet.taining to "The County Engineer" reports: All of which is respectfully submitted. A. ARCHIBALD, Chairman. 1. That the resolution passed at the special July session be rescinded. June 9th, 1927. 2~- That By-Law No. 1021, apointing Fred A. Bell, Assistant County 110 Elgin County Council Engineer, be athended b}" striking out the words "during his absence from the County," ElginCdunty' Council 111 All of which is respectfully submiHed. AUDITORS' REPORT H. B. WESTOVER, Chairman. January Session November 30th, 1927. November Session To the Warden of the County of Elgin: We, the undersigned Auditors of the County -of Elgin. for. the year 1926, respectfully submit the following report: We have carefully compared the several accounts with the vouchers produced and endorsed authorizing the various expenditures and find them correct. We find the Receipts exceed the Expenditures by fifty-one thousand and forty-nine dollars and fifty.:.four cents ($51,049'.54), made Up. as follows: REPORT OF SPECIAL ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE EXPENSES COMMITTEE To the Elgin County Council: Gcntlemen,-..., The special committee appointed to -arrange settlement of Adminis- tration of Justice expenses payable by the Cityof St. Thomas reports: That they met with the City authorities andcol1sidered the state- ments prepared by the County Treasurer based on the average expendi- ture 'during the past five years. The basis of apportionmedt agreed to was population as determined by the last Dominion census. Cash ill Bank of MontreaLm__ mm____mm__$ 54277 38 Cash in Treasurer's office.__..._"__ mmm________ 372 00, Less cheques outstanding____...m......____... Balance_________ .....___._____________..__________.. $ 54649 3599 3S 84 $ 5lO'49 54 All ,of \vhich is resp~ctf1iUy.)..SU~Jll~t:te9. O. McKENNEY, Chairman. The following statements are submitted: Abstract of Receipts' and and Expellditures, Assets and Liabilities; and Detailed Statement of Receipts and Expenditures. As requested, we have made a quarterly audit of the Trea.surer's accounts and forwarded a statement of eac"h quarter to the Warden and Chairman of the Finance C.ommitJte';,. The bonds given by the Treasurer for ten thousand dollars and deposited by order of the it~dllH2i:t-wIth'the Manager of- the- Bank of Montreal at Sf. Thomas, were renewed on January 1st, 1927. We have examined the returns made by the several Treasurers to the County Treasurer during the year 1926 arld finct them correctly entered. It wasdccidcd that the City should pay the County five thousand four hundred and ilinety~four dollars annually 'for nve years, commenc- ing 1st January, 1927. We recommend that the Warden be authorized to sign agreement confirming settlement arrived'at:: . f::, ]\J,?vember, H127. All ,of which is respectfully submitted. W. C. CAUGHELL, W. A. GALBRAITH, Auditors. Dated St. Thomas, January 15th, 1927. 112 Elgin County Council Elgin County COUBcil 113 REPORTS OF CORN BORER INSPECTOR June Session Dating from December 15th, 1926, I have spent fifty days 011 the work. Complete reports from the Assistant Inspectors have not as yet becllreceived. To the Warden and Councillors of Elgin County: -Respectfully submitted, J. ALLAN, Corn Borer Inspector. Gentlemen, - June, 1927. I hereby submit my report as Corn Borer. Inspector for Elgin Coulltycovering the,periodofDeccmber l'5th, 192G, to June 4th, '1927. November' Session That the c1ean~ltp measures be more thorough and that the regula~ tioll:s of The Corn Borer Act be more definitely explained to the farmers, the Departmclit, thl"Ough Prof. L. Caesar, Provincial Entomologist, ['cco111l11cndcd that ,Assistant. Inspectors be appointed in the County. rhis recommcndation was carried out and at the suggestion of the Reeves of the, various townships, an Inspector was appointed, by the ~ouncil for each township as follows: T,o the \i\Tarden and Councillors of Elgin County: Geritlemen, - I hereby submit my rcport as Corn Borer Inspector for Elgin County covering the period from JuneAth to November 2mh, 1927. Aldborough ~ Mr. Alex McIntyre. DUllWich- Mr. Arch.Vlhitlock. S~uthwold - Mr. J. Campbell. Yarmouth-Mr. J. Archibald. Malahide- Mr. R. R McKenney. Bayham-Mr; O. Bartlett. S.-l?orchester-Mr. David Weir. The work was carried out 'under the direction of Professor Caesar, Provincial Entomologist, who advises me that The Corn Borer Act will be enforced during the coming year with the following amendment- the f.ollowing words to be added to section 5 of the Regulations uncleI' said Act, ,under date of July 20th, 1926: "If, however, any are dragged up, they shall be gathered and burned withili. ten days." .1 :1 I I I I The time limit for the final clean-up (May 20th) was extended by he Department for a period of ten days or more on account of the lackward season and the delay in the farm work. My time has been taken up in supervising the work, insti'ucting and ssisting the township InspeCtors. Since June 4th I have spent thirty days in the work, and the total amount paid Assistant Inspectors is $996.00'. Attached hereto is a report of the corn borer situation in Ontario as prepared by Professor Caesar. He states that in Elgil1 there' has been a reduction in the average infestation from 47.7% a year ago, to approximately 38% this year, a decrease of about 20%. .This has taken place in spite of a reduction of about 15% in the acreage of corn planted.- The thoroughl1essof the work done by the Assistant Inspectors and he support and co-operation given by the fanners has resulted in a ery thorough cl~all"up, Only a few farmers in the County have' not 0l11plied with the regulations; in these cases it may be necessary to llforce the Act. JOHN ALLAN, Inspector. Elgin County Council 115 114 Elgin County Council BY-LAW No. 10'19 BY -LA WS To Appoint a' County Advisory Agricultural Council The Elgin County Councir~rla'cts:' BY-LAW No. 1077 1. That the following be appointed members of County Advisory Agricultural Council: To Appoint a Board of Audit in the County' of Elgin for the Year 1927 For Two .years Be it enacted by the COllndl of the Mt111icipal County of Elgin: Corporation of the J. A. King, Aldborough Ernest E. Lut011, Sbutllwold R. B. McConnell, Mitlahide Duncan Campbell,. South Dorchester W; F. Smith,' Yarmouth J. A. McCalIum,'Dunwich That the Judge of the County Court and Oscar McKenney ate hcrebyappointed members. of .the Board of Audit, to perform the d'uties require,d of them by R. S. 0., chapter \J6, section 21, , County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 28th January, 192'1. 2. That members of said Advisory Council be paid the same as members of this Council for attendance at the two meetings required to be held annually, in 'February and November, and that -they receive their travelling and other expenses for attendance at special or emergency meetings called by the c'hairman. That thememhers of,the said Boardbe,paid the sum of five dollars per day for their services, and five cents per mile going to and from such audiL K W. McKAY, County Clerk. DAVID CROSSON, Warden. County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 28th January, 1927. K W. McKAY, County Clerk.. DAVID CROSSON, V.l arden. BY-LAW No. 1078 To Appoint High ,School Trustees 1~h~:'E;.~gin County Council enacts: That George Tyrrel he appointed Trustee for the Vienna High School for three years. That Ray Lemon be appointed Trustee of the "Aylnler High School for three years; That William Hollingshead High School for three years. BYCLAW .N6<."i080 To Authorize the Warden and Treasurei-' to Bortow the-' Sum of Two Hundred.Thousand Dollars The Elgin County Cou~lcilenacts: be appointed Trustee of the Dutton That the Warden and Treasurer be and are hereby authorized to borrow the sum of two hunclred thousand. dollars from the Bank of Montreal, as it m~y be required, to 'filed 'expel~diture:s of Hie 'Corpora- tion of Elgin durll1g 1927, and give as security therefor, notes of one thousand or ten thousand dollars each. County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 28th January, 1927-. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. DAVID CROSSON, Warden. 116 Elgin County Council County Council Chambers,St. Thomas, 28th January, 1927. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. DAVID CROSSON, W arden~ BY-LAW No. 1081 To Appoint a High-Constable 'for the County of _ Elgin for the Year 1927 The Elgin County Council enacts: 1. That Hugh C. Ostrander 'be appointed High Constable for the year 1927, and that he'be .paid -thesUlll of aile htllidreddoIlars per month, which shall inc1udehjs travelling and other expenses. That. John Hopkins be' appointed Assistant Constable 'to Constable for HJ27, at a salary of twenty dollars per month. Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 28th January, 1927. 2. High the K. W,McKAY,. County Clerk. DAVID CROSSON, Warden. BY-LAW No. lOS2 To Amend By.,.Law No. 1052' The Elgin Cau,nty (:OUI1Cil enacts: That By~La'w Nttinber 'JO;,)2be all)ended by designating as a county road the county boundary lincbetween the Counties of Elgin and Kent~ from the third concession line, County Road' Number Six, i11 Township of Aldborough, northerly to the county bouIldary, the centre of the- River Thames. County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 28th January, 1927. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. DAVID CROSSON, Warden. I. Elgin County Council '1'17 BY-LAW.No. 1083. To Appoint a Gaol Surgeon The Elgin County Council enacts: That pouglas L. E\vin, M. D:, 'be and is hereby appoii1ted Sui"geon of the Elgin County Gaol"at a salary of one hundred and fifty doHars per annum, payable quarterly. Passed in Council atSt. Tholl1as this 10th day of ,June, 1927~ K. W. McKAY, County' Clerk. DAVID CROSSON, Warden. BY-LAW No. 1084 To Appoin.t Officer tOl Enforce Provisions, of The Liquor Control Act in the County of Elgin The Elgin County Council enacts: That Hugh Ostrander, High Constable, be and is hereby appointed an officer to enfol'ce the provisions of The Liquor Control Act within the County of Elgin. Passed in Council at Sf. Thomas this 10th day of June, '1927. K. W. McKAY. C01)nty Clerk. DAVID CROSSON, Warden. BY_LaW No. 1085 To Extend Time for Tax Sale TheElgjr~.Coul1ty Council enacts:, That the time for the enf.orced colleCtion by sale of land in arrears for taxes in the County of Elgin be and is hereby extended for one year. County Council Chambers; St. Thomas, June Inth, 1927. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. DAVID CROSSON, Warden. 118 Elgili County Council BY-LAW No. lOSS To Amend By-Law. No. '1052 The County Council of Elgin enacts: Municipality Aldborough Dunwich South wold Yarmouth Malahide Bay ham South Dorchester Aylmer Dutton Port Stanley Springfield Vienna Rodney West Lorne That ,the following road (old No. 18) be and is hereby designated and assulil~d' as a county road: "The road between concessions two and three in Township of Southwoldfrom the Dunwich town line to the Road No. 19, between lots one' al1d eighteen." County Council Chambers, S1. Thomas, Junc 10th, 1027. K. W. McKAY. County Clerk. DA VID CROSSON, \Varden. BY-LAW No. 1087 To Raise Am.ounts for COJinty Rates During the Year 1927 _I::: 't,'. , Whereas an estimate has been made sho\ving that the S1-p11 of two hundred and seventeen thousand and three dollars is required" to be raised in the several municipalities for the la\vful purposes of the Coui1ty during the year 1927; Elgin (Sounty' .Coui1'cil 119 Total Equalized Value ...h.........,...''''.''. .............$ 3,S~7,759 4,340,0'52 5;157,514 nn. n__ __ "n... .......... __..".".. "".... 5,31 9,~? ~t' 3,751,'283 2,477,531 13',40'6,20'1' 1,259,216 495,509 826,353 246,578 121,088 362,931 349.;197 $31,000,374 Therefore the Council of fhe Municipal Corporation of the County of Elfpn enacts: (;,W1 ,-",,! 1. . That a rate of seven mills on the dollar be levied on all rateable , property in the several tl1unicipaliti,es in the County of Elgin, as ahove set forth, for the year 1927, to raise the following amounts: 2. That the sum of two hundred and seventeen thousand and three dollars be raised and levied in the several municipalities of the County, according to the following schedule, and that the amounts, as entered therein be paid to the Cbunty'Treasurer, as by law rcquit~t "" And whereas by The' Assessment Act, this Council is required to direct what, portion of the sum to be levied for county purposes shall be !,evied in ca.'c'h' municipality in the County; And whereas the rates are required. to be apportioned on the basis )f the assessment of property as equalized in the preceding year; Municipality Aldborough Dunwich Southwold Yarmouth Malahide Bay ham South Dorchester onm Aylmer Dutton Port Stanley Springfield And whereas the assessment of property of ,the County, as ascer- ained an.c1.,equalized in 1926, is as follows: ' .........u,...$ Total 27214 00 30380 00 3610,2 00 37234 00 2625'9 00' 17343 00 15843 00 8815 00 3469 .00 57S5 00 1726 00 20 Elgin County Council Vienna Rodney W cst Lorne Elgin County Council 121 848 00 2540. 00 2445 00 Read 'a third time and passed 'loth June, 1927. $217003 00 K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. DAVID CROSSON, Warden. County Council Chambets;!St. Thomas, June 10th, 1927. '. W. McKAY, County, Clerk. DAVID CROSSON, Warden. BY-LAW No. 10S9 (Not Passed) . BY-LAWN". 1088 To Ar:J.end By-Law No. 1052, to Designate and Assume Road in Village of Rod~ey , To Confirm the -Equalization of the Ass.essment Rolls of,' the County of Elgin The County Council of Elgin enacts: The Elgin CountyCoul1cil cnacts: That the i'oad hereinaher described iiiVillage of Rodney be and is hereby designated and assumed as a countYl"oad. 1. That the following be the equalization of the assessment rolls the County -of Elgiil for 1927: \ "Conimcllcing at line bet\veen concessions five and six, the road luuuber three behveen lots sixaild seven northerly in Village of Rodney, a distance of one thousand seven hundred and fifty fect." Aldhorough nm...n..... Dunwich Southwold Yarmouth Malahide Bay ham S. Dorchester Aylmer Dutton Port Stanley Springfield Vi~ni1a Rodney West Lome 00..$ 3,887,750 4,340,052 5,157,514 5,319,162 3,751,283 2,477,531 2,406,201 1,259,216 495,509 82G,353 246,578 121,0'88 362,931 340;197 County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, June 10th, 1927. BY-LAW No. .1080 (Repealed by By~Law 1093) To Guarantee :Higli: Schodl Debentures of the Village of Dutton $31,000,374 Whereas the Village of Dutton decided to build a new High Sch.ool, to pay for which they propose to issue debentures to the amount of fifty J4?usand dollgrs.' The Elgin County Council enacts: That this Cotll1cilguarantee paywent of debentures to be issued by the Village of Duttori for the .purpose of building a High School to/ the amount of fifty thousand dollars. 2. That this Council is willing to have the final equalization of the sessment, in case of appeal, made by the County ]ticlge. Passed in Council this 10th day of June, 1927. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. DAVID CROSSON, Warden. ~22 Elgin County Council BYCLAvt No. 1091 Elgin County' CO,uncil 123 To Assume ,C~rtain ~ridges as County Bridges BY-LAW:No. 10'93 The County Souncp ,()f the~<;)t1l1ty of E,lgin enacts:, That this Council assume jurisdiction ~~er all b~'idges over twenty 'eet in span on any bopndary line or allY' road or roads used in lieu hereof'which have nO,t been designated aild approved as county roads \nder dl'e' provisions of The )~_ighway, Improvement Act. . To Guarante'e Certain Debentures' of the Corporation of the Vi,1la,ge, of Dutton ,- -' , -,",,' That it'be and, is her_eby declared that all bridges,,of twenty, feef",d~ ess in span which have been assumed by the County on a boundary"ilne; )\- any road or roads used in lieu thereof which havenot'beendesignated ~l1d 'approved" as county road.'s uilder The Highway Imprhvement Act 'evert to the local l1itmicipalitics in which they 'are situate. Whereas the High School Board of the p~tt9n';High,S.choo~ has made application-to the Council of thcC;:oriwration of the: Villa~e, of Dutton to raise the sum of 'fifty-sevcn thousand doilarsfor permanent improvements d said High School by the issue of debentures repayable in thirty ye'ars, with interest. -, , "." AmI whereas the Council of the Corporation, of thy,., \Ti1la!;;"~ of DuttOIl, after consideration, has approved of'such application. Tllat' 'all by':'laws here~:Jfore p~lssed with reference to' bridges. on a wunda'ry:-lHi.ie or allY roa(lor,:roaci,~ u~ed in lieu thereof \vhich have, not )(~en deslgnated and apr;roved as county roads under The Highwa:y [mprovement Act be and the same are hereby repcaled. And whereas the Council of the said Village has n;9,ue_sted, the Council. of the Corporation of .the County of :p:lgin to g.1,1,Glrantee _said debentures and itisdeemecj expedierii so to do, ' ,. Passed this 8th day of July, A.D. .1927. Be it therefore enacted: :c. W. McKAY, . County Clerk. DAVID CROSSOI:'. Vi/arden'. 1. That thc Council of 'the Corporation of the County of Elgin guarantee due payment of the debentures of the Corporatiol1 of the Village of Dutton issued for the purpose of raising or borrowing the said sum of fifty-seven thousand dollars for permanent improvements of the said High School and interest thereon repayable within thirty years next after the issue -of said debe',itures. ,'fl, BY-LAw N6. 1692 >If ~o D~ter,m.in~;L~ngth ,of,County"B~i~ges, The BIg,iff:" County , Council 'cnacts'> That""the jurisdiction of tl;is Council shal1n~t-extend',to 131lidges 'of \vcnty feet in span or less"cro~sin~ ariver, stream, pond,or lake form- ng or crossing a boundary ,1irie between local municipalities other, than a :ity or separated 'town in the County_ Passed in Council this 8th day of July, HJ27. 2. That the Warden and Treasurer 'be and they are hereby author- ized an'd empowered to sign, execute and endorse all documents neces- sary or required to give full force, effect and virtue to' this by-law. 3. That By-~aw No. 1<190 be and'is hereby: repealed,. Passed in Council th'is 8th day of JulY".,A. D. 1927. :c. w. McKAY, . County Clerk DAVID CROSSON, Warden. K. W.. McKAY, County Clerk. DAVID CROSSON, Warden. 124 Elgin County Council BY-LAW No. 1Q94 To Appoint. an Assistant .Engineer .;'. nal)~.~,~I;?~a:l:By,.,~?,w; ~p~, )(}~:1 . The Elgin County Council enacts: That Fre.d A. Bell be and is hereby appointed Assistant County Engi'nGer, withoutsal~ry, and that By~Law No~'1021,berepealed. County Council 'Chambers, St. Thomas, 1st December, HJ27. K. W. McKAY, County, Clerk. DAVID CROSSON, V\T arden. BY-LAW No. 1095 To. Amend By-:Law Number 1074 The Elgin County Council enacts: That the salary of the Keeper and Matron of the House of Industry and Refuge be, and is hereby' fixed at seventeen hundred and sixty dollars ($1760.00),payab1equarterly after the '1st January, ~,928, and that By-Law Number 1074 bea11c1 is hereby amended accordingly. County Cou'ncil 'Chambers; 51:. Thomas, 2nd December, 1927, K. W. McKAY, CCiun,ty,Clerk. DAVID CROSSON, \~T arden~ BY-LAW No. 1096 '" , ":.' To Authorize the Warden: to Sign Agreement .with the City of.. St. Thomas Whereas the terms of an agreement with the Corporation of the City of St. Thomas, 'in reference to amount payable by the City.for their share' at Ad111illistration of Justice, Registry Office, Court'House and Gaol Expenses have been determined; , Elgin Coun ty Council' 125 And whereas amount payable annttally for five years, commencing on 1st January, 1927, has b.e,en fixed a~, $5,494.,00'; That the Warden be and is hereby authorized to sign agreement providing for the payment by the City of St. Thomas to the County of Elgin for the sum of $5,49'4.00 alUlually for Administratioilof)ustice arid other expenses, fo'r a term of fivG .years, commen<;:ingJst January" 192.17,. . ti [1 The Elgin County Council enacts: f ~ County Council Chambers,_ St. Thomas, December ?nd" ~!)27. K W. McKAY, County Clerk. DA V)D CROSSON, Wardcn; BY-LAW No.lOB7 To Confirm By-Law No. 1117.,of the Township of- Malahide Whereas By-Law No. 11'1.7 of the Township of. Malahide was passed, -on the 2nd day of August, 1927, for stopping al1d closing up arid con,. veying of allovv'.ances.for:roads known as Second Avenue,.ThirdAvenue, .and ,tha~' part of Fourth Avenue extending from the easterly, limit-of Davenport Road to the easterly limit of registered plan l1umber227, ]<nown as Davenport Heights, sub-division o"f lot number. .tlll:ee ill_.the first concession of the Township of Malahide; And whereas it is desired that said h);'-lawbe confii"mcd'jn :ance with the provisions of The Munic'ipal Act; The Elgin County Council enacts: That By-Law No. 1117 of the Township of' Malahide be hereby confirmed. County Council Chambers, St." Thomas, Deccmber 2nd, 1 ~ J K W. McKAY, County Clerk. DAVID CROSSON, Warden. 12'1 Elgin County Council BY-LAW No. 1094. To Appoint, an Assistant ~ngineer ,a-g.<;l. :R,~P~a.t ~y,.~,~w; l'-1~>: t9:21 . The Elgin County Council enacts: That Fred A. Bell be and' is hereby, appointed Assistant County Engi'n!3er, without ,salary, and that By-Law No~-1021, be repealed. County COl1ncilChambers; St. Thomas, 1st December; HI27'. K. W, McKAY, County', Clerk. DAVID CROSSON, Warden. IlY-LAW No. 1095 To Amend By-:LawNumber 1074 The Elgin County Council enacts: , That the, salary of the Keeper and Matron of the House of Industry and Refuge be and is here,by fixed at sevente'en hundred al,ld, sixty 4011ars ($1760.pO), ,payable quarterly after the )st January, ;t~28, and that By-Law Number 1074 be a11d is hereby,amended accordingly. County Cou'ncH Chambers; St. Thomas; 2nd December, 1927; K. W. McKAY, COUll~y ,Clerk. DAVID CROSSON, V\T arden~ BY-LAW No. 1006 To Authoriz~-theWir'den to 'Sign Agreement _,with the C!ty of..St. Thomas Whereas the terms of an agreement with - the Corporation of the City of St. Thomas, in reference to amount payable by the City.for their share' of Administration of Justice, Registry Office, Court House and Gaol Expenses have been determined; , Elgin' County Council' 125 And whereas amount payableanriually for five years, commencing -on 1st January, 1927, has be,e~l fixed at, $5,,494.,00; 'I cJ The Elgin County Council enacts': That the Warden be and is hereby authorized to sign agr~ement providing for thc payment byihe City of St. Thomas to the County of Elgin for the sum of $5,494.00 annually for Administration 'of,' Justice and other expenses, fdr a term of five ,year,s"coffimellt;:ing ,1st January, 1927. . County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, December 2nd,,1927. K W. McKAY, County Clerk. DAVID CROSSON. Warden. BY-LAW No. 1097 To Confirm By-Law No'. 1117,of the Towns:hipo,f'Malahide Whereas By-Law No. 1117 of the Township of Malahide was passed <on the 2nd day of August, 1021, for stopping a11d closing up and con- veying of allo\vances.forroads !.;:nown as Second Avenue, .Third A:venue, ,apd',that part of Fourth Avenue extending from the easterly limit of Davenport Road to the easterly limit of registered plan number 227, known as Davenport Heights, sub-division of lot numberdhrce in the first concession of the Township of Malahide; And whereas it is desired that said b~~law be confitmedin accord- ance with the provisions of The .Municipal Act; t (( The Elgin County Council enacts: That By-Law No. 1117 of the Township of'Malahide be and 1S hereby confirmcd. County Council Chambers, St." Thomas,Deccmber 2nd, 1927. K W. McKAY. County Clerk. DAVID CROSSON, Warden. 126 Elgin County Council BY-LAW No. 1098 To Provide for Attendance at Meetings of Elgin Municipal Assoc;Jatio'11 The Elgin County Council enacts: 1. That the County Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to ,pay the following officers of local municipalities who may attend the annual meetings of the Association, the sum of" two Qollars each and five cents, per mile travelled to and from such attendance: Mayor, Aylmer;, H.ecvcs, Deputy Reeves, Clerks, Treasur'ers, Assessors, Collectors, and Road Superintendents of the local municipalities of the ,County. 2, That By-Laws 741, 751, and 80Gbe and are hereby repealed. County Council Chambers, St. Thomas,' December 2nd, 1927. K W. McKAY, County Clerlc DAVID CROSSON, W arden~ INDEX 1 i1 BY-LAWS- No. 1071 To Appoint Board of AudiL.....___.___..___....___.______.___...14, 114 No. 1078 To Appoint High School 'Trustees.__.................___.___.15, 114 No. 1079 To Appoint County Advis'or.y: Agricultural Coun- cil __.... ..______... .______.__... .________n..... .______n.. .__. ..____.. ____",:. ...,.15, 115 No. 1080 To Borrow $200,000.......---...-------.......--......---...------..........,16, 1.15 No.1081. To Appoint -HighConstable.cc...,'.__.__....................__....__lG, 116 No.. 1082 To Amend By-Law No. 1052__............................".......17, 116 No. 1083 To Appoint Gaol Surgeon.__.............._________.....___....___...28, 117 No. 1084 To Appoint Officer, to, Enforce :Liqtlor Control Act ..__.____...____....__...__....."...__.,.~.....................H.................28, 117 No. 1085 To Extend Time for Tax Sale._____.............__....n.....___.29, '117 No. 1086 To Amend By-Law No. 10,52........................,.._____...__..29,. 118 No. '1087 To Raise County Rates...........'.'.'..-...........___..___...".c"."...30, 118 No. 1088 To Confirm Equalizatioll___........______.....__..___.................30" 120 No. 1089 To Assume ROed in Rodney (notpassed).........___..31, 121 No. 'l090 To Guarantee Dutton High School, Debelilul'es~__.31, 121 No.. 1091. .To Assume- Certain, Bridges as'County'Bridges...c34, 1.22 No. 1092 To..-Determine-Lengthof County Bridges..............34, 122 No. 1093 To Guarantee Debentures' of Village of Dutton....35, 123 No. 1094 To Appoint an :A.ssistantEligin:eer.:...:~......:_____';..__.__.4I!, 124 No. 1095 To Amend By~Law No. 1074...........___.........................45, 124 No. 1096 To Authorize Warden to Sign AgreemcnL______..;.__.45, 124 No. 1097 To Confirm By-Law No. 1117 of Township of Malahide ___.................__..__....______.____........___....,..............46, 1.25 No. 1098 To Provide ,f'M .Attendance at ,Meetings o.f Elgin Municipal,. Associatio.n:.,..,...........:,.,________....,....'-'...~.,46, 125 (1 1 - , GRANTS - Agricultural Societies..__........._____............__.....___.___......__.......___.m,...8, 11, Ayltner Lock- U p.........."'_..............__.....__.........c.....c..-..........'...........:___.:7 ;13; Canadian National Institute for Blind.___......................__....::..!.:;c.___..66, Children's Aid Society ___.........m.........__...................'..___.......___...... County Board of T'rade.............___......:...____.......m.'..................n............--... La \v. Library __...__.......__...m.....__.....__,.__..............__...___.........._..............00.....______.... Lock-,U ps ...__.......__....-...__.......__....__.................__.....__..__...................__.....____.13, . Miss W allace,____...........___...................n.....................-..........__...00.................... Port Burwell L'oclc ~ U p............................................................~.."'";,.:..... 7. Port Stanley Lock- U p..........m.................m...........................~.'................... Poultry Shows.........n........'m.......~.........................,..........'.............................. Public Libraries.................................................................................m....... ~ i~k a g~i1 d ~~~y }i~~-pi t~L~::~:~~::: ~::~:~~~~:'~::~~~::::::::~:::::::~:::::::::':::::::::::::::::::: Soldiers'M emorial, Aylmer .........__.....................m..._................,.............. Times.J ournal Reporter .....................m........................................m........ Trustees' Association........,......................................................................... Vienna, for Mill Bridge........n...._................"......................................22, W ardel1 .....................'................................,..........'........................................ ....... Women's Institutes....m.............................................8, 10, 14, 23, 25, MISCELLANEOUS - Administration of Justice, St.. Thomas................................................. 17 Advisory Agricultural COul1ciL.......................................'...................... 9 Agricultural Represen tative..........m.......................................m............ 28 Asses'sment Act...........n......................................,............................................. 38 Auditor Administration of Justice Accounts..................,.....m......... 9 24 70 72 72 68 14 41 69 13 41 43 S 66 66 22 44 13 24 44 69