1929 Minutes ~ r PROCEEDINGS OF THE Elgin County Council During the Sessions held in the COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS ill the months of r January, June and November 1929 I JOHN LEITCH, Wan' I";, W, McKAY, county Clerk COUNTY OFFICIALS Duncan C.Ross, Esq,,_ County Judge ] as. H. Coyne, ~ Esq:, Registrar Ian Cameron, Esq", County Court Clerk A. McCrimmon, Esq., Clerk of t'hePeace and County Crown Attorney P. S. D. I-larding, Esq., Sheriff C. F. Maxwell, County Police Magistrate Major p, E. Ermatinger, Gaoler J. A. Taylor, 13; A" and J, c. Smith, E. A., Public School Inspectors K. W. McKay, Esq., County Clerk D. B. Graham, Esq., County Treasurer. F. A. Bell, CE., County Engineer G. F. Pineo, County I-{oad Superintendent C. St. Clair Leitch, County S.olicitor Douglas L. E\'.dn, M, Do, Physician, House of Industry and Gaol Fred Ihgrain, Keeper, I-louse of Industry R.M. Holmes, Caretaker, Court House Hugh Ostrander, High Constable J ohl1 Allan Corn - Borer Inspector All of St. Thomas P,O. A. Turner, EsCJ:, Inspc'ctor, House of Industry, Shcddcn, R. R. 1 C;ounty Auditors: vValkcr C. Caughell, St. Thomas: \Tv. .\.Galbraith, Iona Station Administration of Justicc Auditors: D. C. Hos;s, County Judgc , Mayor Stokcs'St. 'Dha-mas ;0. 1tfcKenncy, Aylmer PROCEEDINGS OF THE Elgin County Council FIRST SESSION-FIRST DAY Tue.sday, the 22nd day Of January, 1929 The mcmbers of the Elgin, County Council mct this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, at 2 p.m. The Clerk in the chair. The follo\ving mClnbers filed certificates and took their seats at the Council Board. D. Ie Andrew. Reeve, Aldborough Neil A. Iv1cColl, Dc.puty-H.ecve, Alclborough MUNICIPAL CLERKS AND TREASURERS Municipality Clel:'k Treasurer Aldborough.... .J. A. 1vlcHac, l~odl1cy. ..A. Carmichael, \-Vcst Lomc Dunwich ..... .D. A. McNabh, Dutton Murray McNeil, Dutton Southwold ]. C. McLennan, Fing-at. D, A. Cattanach, 2551 Balaclava Street, St. Thomar, Yarmouth. ..W. C. Caughell St. Thomas. Ralph L. Marlatt, Union Mala:bide.....,. .John M. I-Iale, Aylmer....... .John M. Hale, Aylmer l1ayham ',. .Bellj. Brian, Stafforclville. . .Wm. Grant, Staffordvillc ~;: DO'rdlestcr.'.. M. S. Charlton, RH.. 1., Springfield G. \Vinder. Lyons Town of Aylmer, ..D. C. Davis............H. E. Armstrong V,illagc of Springfield...,.,. ... .G. W. Collins.... H.oy Clunas Villp.ge of Vienna, ....J. P. Coombs. ..J. P. Coombs Village of Port Stanley......,. H. A. Cromwc-ll....... .E. A. CromweP Village of Dutton... ...... r D. Blue............... .D. Campbell Village of \Vest Lome J. S. Robertson..... .Miss Tena McLennan Village of Rodney............., J. D. Shaw.........,..... J. D. Shaw 9 John J~eitcll, Reeve, Dunwkh 1vL A. McAlpine, Deputy-Reeve, Dunwich Charles C. Minor, Reeve Southwold Frank Coutts, Deputy-Reeve, Soufhwold Fred It Taylor, Reeve; Yarmouth \\I'm. A. Butler, First Deputy-H.eevc, Yarmouth Samuel J'- Smith, Second Dcputy-l~ecvc, Yarmouth. Edwin E. Drysdale, 'Reeve, Malahide 4 .Elgin .County ,Council Spencer D. MoConnell, Deputy-Reeve, Malahide Robe,r.t M,aLean, Reeve, 'BaY'h':lm Charles D. Coyle, Deputy-Reeve, Bayham H. G. Taylor, Reeve, South Dorchester. Os'car ,M.eKenney, Reeve, Ayt.il1cr James Mc:Allist'er;H:eevc; Vienna Andrew S. :Newe11. 'Reeve, 'Spriilgfield Nathan S. Cornell, l~eeve, Port Stanley Stuart C. Kirkland, Reeve, Dutton Duncan M. Leitch, H.eeve, West Lorne. William Tolmie, Reeve, Rbdhey The election of 'ward'en -was proceeded with, and 011 the first vote, John Leitch, Reeve of Dmiwich, ihaving received; a majority of the whole Cound1, was declared duly.. elected; The _Warden elect:madc'the Statutory,; Dedaration- of, Office, took his seat and a'dressed the Council. The Heeves of the va-rious municipalities were ap_poiated a com- mittee to strike Standiu!r:,C.ommittees; and'. "the Gouncil adjourned until 10 a.m. Wednesday morning. John Leitch,Wardcn Elgill County Council 5 FIRST SESSI()N-SECOND DAY ,Wednesday, the 231'd da,y of January, 1929 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House" St. Thomas,in accordance w,ith -adjournment. The Warden in the chair. All the members present. The Warden addressed the Council as foJow~: Warden's Address To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: I have to again thank you for t1he honor conferred in electing me to preside over your deliberatioi1S during the coming year. I know that you will give your best consideration to all matter's trought before you, and I 'hope a spirit of hannonious co-oper.ation will prevail and that at the end of the yea,r we may present a record that will satisfy both ourselves and the ratepayers genera'lly. M. C. Ry. Bridge At the November S~ssion, the Council appointed a special COi11- mittce-to-enqwre_into the changes proposed ill the foundation piers of the Michigan Central Railway Bridge, where it crosses Talbot Street near Finga'l bridge on thE; boundary bet\veen the City and Couniy. The matter is still under consideration and a meeting of the various author- ities Interested ha~ been called by bhe City Council to considc,r the matter. The safety of the travelling public is a first consideration. A proposal that will obstruct either traffic or vision on one of the most important highways leading into the City should be obJected to and referred to the Federal Railway Commission. 11 1 II II 'I I ii :1 I II 6 Elgin County Council Western Entrance to St. Thomas With the comp1etion of the paving of Provincial Highway NUllI- ber Three, the consideration of changes necesary to provide a suitable western entrance to the city is of great importance. .The international and ot.her traffic 011 this highway, the most direct between .Detroit and Buffalo, win, it is expected, be very large. The City authorities have ba.d plans under consideration, ill some of which the County would have a financial interest. This Council should, appoint a committee to. co- operate in the matter as may be deemed advisable. ,Provincial Highway Costs An account has been received showing that Elgin's share of Provincial Highway costs for work done during 1928 is. $144,251.82, an <.\1110Ull't that will require a County Rate of near1ly. five mills. At the November session, Wa.rden Kiddie directed attention to the large account that might be expected this year and suggested that arran'gements should. be 111adefo~' deferred paymerits by debentures pt' otherwise. This is a matter tihat should re'ceive the ca'rcful considera- tion of the Finance Committee. Ii 'I !i 11 !: il " Ii ,! I: II House of Industry The improvements at House of Industry have be,en completed, and are, I believe, g.iving the best of satisfaction. The introduction ofsal1l- tary conveniences and. water sup.ply under pressure, together with other changes has had the effect of mode1'11izing the institution. This will be bericficialtoboth the managelllent and inmates under th~ll' care. The we~lther at this "time of year is not suitable for a thorough inspection oi the InMitution. The Council should, however, arrange to visit same at the earliest opportunity. The proceedings of the previous day' were read and confirmed. The report of the coml11itt~e appointed to strike Standing C0111...; ndttces was presented and adopted on motion of F. R. Tavlor. seconded by R. McLean, . . The following communications were read : From Ontario Good Roads Association, re annual meeting'-Rc" " Elgin County Council 7 ferred to County R-oad Committee, From Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, 're grant.-Referred to ,Finance Committee From County Council of Hastings, re illdigents for whom County i:; liable ,fOr ~ho$lpital fnaintellance.--Referred to Petitions 'and Legis!a- tion Committee. From County Council of Bruce, re accounts for indigents at hos- pitals,-Referred to Petitions and L,7gis]ation Committee. From Association of Managers of Homes for Aged and Infirm, re annual meeting.-Referred to House of Industry Committee. From Cal1adian National ITi'Stitute for the Blind.1'e grant,-Re- ferred to Finance Committee. From City of St. Thomas, re meeting in reference to Michigan Central Bridge plan.-Referred to County Road Committee. From City of Chatham, re maintenance -of prisoners' families.- Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. From County ,Council: of Siincoe; reappointment of Township Road Superintendcnts.-Refel'red to Petit-i-ons and Legislation Com- mittee. From Sa'lvation Army, re grant.-Referred to Finance 'Committee. From Ontario School Trustees' Association, ,1'C appointment of rural trustces.-Referred to Education-Committee, From Ontario Municipal Association, re mcmbership-Referred to Finance Committee. From City o,f Oshawa, re cost of '111aintena11'c,e ofprisoners.-Re- ferred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. From City Engineer, St. Thomas, re w,estern "entrance for No, 3 8 Elgin' County Council Hig'hway.-Refened to County Road Committee. From County Treasurer, with report.-'-'-Referred to_ Finance Com- mittee. , From Earl S. .Marr, Shedden, thanking County Council for ap- pointment' of County pupiL From County Auditors, with repo-rt.-Referred to_.Finance Com- mittee. Moved, by Q,McKenney, Seconded by,' J. ,McAllister: That \tVm. To'imie's namcbe added to the Good Roads Committee. -Lost Moved by F. R Taylor, Seconded by \Nm. Butler: 'Dl1'atthis Council do now adjol1rn to meet at 2 p.m. -Carried. The Council resumed. MI', Tolmic gave notice of application for grant towards pave- ment' in -Rodney. Moved by S. C. Kirkland, Seconded by N. S. Cornell: That Professor Freeman, of the University of \tVestern Ontario be allowed to adress thcCounciJ'. -Carried . EIginCoQnty Council 9 Moved by F. R. Taylor, Seconded by Wm~ Butler: That the Big Game Hunters' Deputation be now heard. -Carried Messrs Todd, Taylor and Miller then' addressed the Council and presented resolutions with which they wish the Council to CO-opcl:ate. Moved by Wm. Butler: ~ Secollded by F. R. Taylor: .That the resolutions as presented by the Big Game Hunters' .dep- utation be accepted and referred to the Petitions and Legislation Com- mittee. -Carried Moved by M. A. McAlpine, Seconded by N.. S. Cornell: That Reeve Leitch of vVest Lorne, be added to the CGunty Road Corill11ittee. Lost on' the following division: Yeas Andrew McColl Leitch McAlpine Kirkland Tolmie McAllister McKenney N eweH Cornell Nays Minol' Coutts McLean Coyle Taylor Smith Butler Taylor McConnell Drysdale Le.itch 11 10 10 Elgin' County Council Moved by S. C. Kirkland, Seconded by M. A. McAlpine: That Sidney Howell be a member of the Dutton High Schoo! Board for a term of three years. Moved by E. Drysdale, Seconded by S. McConnell: -Carried That this Counei'! do now adjourn to meet to-morrow at 10 o'clock to allow committees to il1eet. Carried John Leitch, Warden . Elgin County COuncil II FIRST SESSION-THIRD DAY Thursday, the 24th day of January, 1929. The Elgin County Council met, this day in accordance with ad- journment. The Warden in the chair. All the members present. The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. The High Constahle's allllualreport was presented and ref.erred tc t:he Finance Committee. Moved by R. McLean, S(~conded by O. McKenney: That this Council adjourn until 2 p.m. today. -Carried The Council rcs-umed. Tihe repor{ of the County Road Committee was presented. Moved by F. R. Taylor, Seconded by C. C. Minor: That the report be adopted, In Amendment M6vedby S. C. Kirkland, Seconded by D. Leitch: 12 Elgin County Council Elgin CO,uuty. 'CO_t,1:11.cil 13 That the report be referred 'to a Committee of the Whole. Moved by D. K. Andrew, Main mati.on carried on the following.division: Yeas Andrew Minor Coutts McLean Coyle H. Taylor Smith Butler F. Taylor McConnell Drysdale Leitch 12 Seconded by D. Leitch: Nays McColl Leitch McAlpine. Kirkland Tolmie McAllister McKenney Newell Cornell That the matter_of gr'ant wRodney be left overtilltO,.rtlorrow, lll~d \Vcget the Solicitor's advice '011 the matter. -Carried Moved byD.K Andrew, Seconded by]. McAllister: lIbat- the Wapl\il1j anq M~~~r~. 11. R~'])I.YJ9r, ~~rkland, and Tolmfe get the opinion of the County Solicitor on the Rodney grant. -Carried. 9 Moved py O. M~Kt;nll~r, , Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded by R McLean: Seconded by C. D. Coyle: That the following grants be made to the Women's Institutes in the County: iate That Dr. F.H. Miller be.apointed trustee for the Aylmer Institute for rhe ensuing. three' years,. Colleg- -Carried. East Elgin Institute ....",......... West Elgin Institute Each branch of the \Vome11's Institute , ,,$ 25,00 .. ...... ,$ 25,00 .., .. .. ,$ 10,00 Moved by J. McAllister, Seconded by C. D. Coyle: -Carried That En.vin Sinith be rc~appointed to the Vienna High 'School Board fox a term of three ye~rs. Moved by E. Drysdale, -'-Carried. Seconded by S. McConnell: .Moved by S.McConnell, . Seconded byF. R. Taylor: That O. McKenney be appointed Auditor of Administration of Justice Accounts. -Cf,trriea That grants to Agricultural Societies in ,the County '.be- the- same a~ l'tst year, one :hundred.per cent. of the ,government grant. ) ;."Carried. 14 :.Elgin'County Council Elgin CountyCountil 15 Moved by C. C. Minor, J. A. King, Aldborough Seconded by F.Coutts: ]. A.McCaUum, Dunwich' That this Council do lWW adjourn t'o meet to-morro,,, at 10 a.m. W. F.Smith; Yarmouth ~Carriea. R. B. McConnell, Malahide John Leitch, Warden Ernest E. Lutton, Southwold be a.ppointed members of the Advisory Agricultural Council. -Carried FIRST SESSION-FOURTH DAY Moved by S. C. Kirkland;. Friday, the 25th day of January, 1929 SeC'0i1ded'qy M. A. McAlpine: lIhe Elgin County Council met this day at the Court. House, 3t. Thomas in accordance with adjournment. Tihe Warden in the chair. That the same grants be made to Public Libraries in the "County as in 1928; i.e., $50.00 each to Rodney, West Lorne, Dutton, Port Stan~ ley, Aylmer, Vienna, Sparta, Springfield, Baylham and Shedden; and $25.00 each to Belmont and Wardsville. All the members present. --,Carried. The proceedings of the previous day, were read and confirmed. Moved by M. A. M,cA,lpine, Moved by S. C. Kirkland, Seconded by D. M. Leitch: Seconded by M.A McAlpine: That the grants to- Horticultural Societies be tihe same' as last year, 25. per cent of the governl11~11't grants. That the usual grant of Fifty Dollars be made to the Elgin Law Library. .......JCarriecl Moved by C. .c. Minor, -Carried. Seconded by F. Coutts: Mov~d by- H. G. Taylor, That this Council do no\v adjourn to meet at 2 p.m" Seconded ,byA~ S. Newell: Carried That David Nohle, South Dorchester The Council'resumed. 10 ; E'lg,ill-CQunty. 'C0u'ncil The County Solicitor's OpJlllon: in' n:dtl'c,nce', to matte'ts pertaining to application for grant to Rodney pavement was read. The report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of D. K. Andrew, seconded by R. McLean. , The report of the House bf IndtlstryCom:ni.ittee was presented' 8nd adopted on motion of F. Coutts" seconded by O. McKenney. Tihe report of the Education Committee was presented and on motion of c.. C. Mino!'-; seponded by' F. Coutts, was r~ferr!::d.. to a Com- mittee of the Whole, with Mr. Minor in the chair. After a discussion the Committee rose and the report, as amended, was adopted -on motion of C. C. Minor, seconded by F. R. Taylor, The report of the Petitions flnd Legislation Com111itte~ was pre- sented and adopted on 1110tionof S, J. Smith, seconded by W. Butler. Moved. by . R. McLean, Seconded .by C. p. Coyle: That we give the Elgin Trustees' Association the usual grant ot one hundred dollars. --'Carried Moved by N. S. Cornell, Secpnded.by',j. McAllister: That the report of the County Roads Committee be reconsiderea in Committee of t!h~ Whole. -Carried Moved by'S. C. Kirkland; Seconded by M. A.McAlpine: That we adjoLJrn to 10 a.m. to-morrow. -Carried. John Leitch,Warden I I I I I I I I i I I , I I I , , I I I I l 1 Elgin COpTI;ty:Cou'~,c,i1 17 " FIRST SESSION-FIJ1;'li1;\ D~Y Saturday, the 26th d~V,"of. ~Cln1;1a.ry, 1929 The Elgin c.ounty Council met this day at the Court House, .St. Thomas, in accordance with adjollrnlne~t. The \Varden' in the chair, All the members present. The proceedings of tthe previous day were. r'ead and confirmed. TheCounciJ went into a Committee of the Whole to consider the report of the County Road Committee with F. R. Taylor 1n the ohair. After amending it, the report W3.S adopted on motion of F. R. Taylor, 1lt"conded by It McLean. Moved by S.. C. Kirkland, Seconded by Wm. Tolmie: That Reeve McAllister of, Vienna be added to the Good Roads COll1mitt<~c. Lost on the folO\ving division: Yeas Leitch Kirkland Tolmic Coutts McAllister MeKen\ley Newell Cornell Nays An.clrew McColl McAlpine Minor McLean Coyle Taylor Smith Butler Taylor McCoi11lelr Drysdale LeitCh 13 8 18 Elgin' County Council Moved by D. K, Andrew, Seconded by M.A McAlpine: for our share of -Carried .That the payment of amount due government pl'ovil1c-ialhighway be left until June session. Moved by 1),l(. Andrew, Seconded by F. R. Taylor: That the Treasurer be authorized to dispose of the Teller farm unclel' the mortgage. Moved by D. M. Leitch, Seconded by N. A. McColl: -Carried That this Council do now adjourn until 2 o'clock this afternoon. -Los! Moved by .\\1111. Toln1ic, Seconded by S. C. Kirkland: That this Coullcilco-operate with the Heeve of Rodney -in apph- cectiori',for subsidy on cost o~ paving on Furnival street. Moved by O. McKenny, Seconded by }.McAl1ister: -,-Carried That the County Road Committee notify Reeves or Clerks of Vilagcs when they will make. inspection of Village streets, --":'Cap'ied Elgin ,County_ Council 19 Moved by D, K. Anetre\v, Seconded by N, A. McColl: That By-Law No., 1116 to authorize the Warden and TreasUl-er to borrow the sum'- Q.f Three Hundred Thou~a'nd Dollars be r.eceived and read a first time, -Carried, Moved by N. A. McColl, Seconded by D. K Andrew: That By-La\v No, 1116 be read a second time. . -Carried, .Moved by D. K. Andre\-v, Seconded by N, A. McColl: That By-La'w No. 1116 he read a third timQ and finaHy passed. -Carried, 1.1oved by M,. A. McAlpine, Sec6iHteclby D. M, Leitch: That By-Law No, 1117 to apoint a High Constable for the County of Elgin for the year 1929 be received <J.nd read a first time, --":'Carried, Moved by 9, 11,11. Leitch, Seconded by M. A. McAlpine: That By-Law' No, 1117 be read a second time, Carried. " 20 Elgirt' < Cou'll'ty Coitndl Moved by S. C. Kirkl~nd. Seconded by N. A. McColl: TiiatB}'-Liw No. 1117 be read a thii'd time aild finally passed. Carried. Moved Py c. C. Minor,' Seconded by Frank Coutt-s: That By~Law No. 1118 to apoint a Board of Audit in the COlinty be received and ,re~'(l a fIl<st thn'e. ' Carried. Moved by Wm. Tolmie, Seconded by C. C. Minor: That'Ey-Lftw No; If1S'be read a second time. Carricc!. Moved by C. C.Minor, Seconded by Frank Contts: That By-Law No'. 1118 be read-a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by W. A. Butler, Seconded by F. H_. Taylor: That By-.Law No. 1119 to appoint High School Trustees be re- ceived and read a first' time. -,-,Carried. I r I i I I I . Elgin County Council 21 Moved by S. J, Smith, Seconded by W. A. Butler: That By-Law No. 1119 be read a secoud time. -lCarried. Moved by 'W. A. Butler, Seconded by S. J. Smith: That By-Law No. 1119 be lead a third time and finally passed.. ---lCarriect. Movedh,Y C. D. Coyle, Seconded by R. McLean: That By-Law No. 1120 to appoint a County Advisory Agricultural Council be received and read a first time. ~Carried. IvIovedby 'R. McLean, Seconded by C. D. Coyle: That By-Law Ko.' 1120 be read a second time. -Carriecl Moved by C. D. Coyle, Seconded by R. McLean: That By-Law No. 1120 be read a third time and finaly passed. -Carriea. 22 Elgin County, Council Moved by ~. Drysda-le, Seconded hy S. D. McConnell: 1'hat By-Law No. 1121 to extent' time for-Tax $ale be received and read a first time. Moved by S. D. McCol~nell, Seconded by E. Drysdale: Trhat By-Law No. 1121 be read a second time. Moved" by F. R. Taylor, Seconded by W. A. Butler; That By-;Law 'No. 1121 be read a third tilne and finally passed. Carried Carried ---:Oarried. The Warden appointed the following deputations ands.pecial com- mittees'in accordance with instructions of the Council: Good Roads Association Andrew Minor McLean F. Taylor D~rysdale D. Leitch McConnell Coyle M<:Alpine Smith Trustees' Association Tolmie Kirkland McColl McKenney Municipal Ass,ociation Coutts Butler Newell McAllister H. Taytor Cornell Elgin Comity Council 23 M. C. Ry. Bridge Special F.R. Taylor Minor Western Entrance Special F. R. Taylor Moved by S. D. McConnell, Seconded by E. Drysdale: That this Council do now adjourn to meet first Tuesday in June at '2 p.m; . Carried SECOND SESSION-FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 4th day of June, 1929 The Elgin COul1tyCouncil met this day in accordance with, ad"'- journmcnt. The Warden in'the chair. All the members ,present. The Warden addressed the Council as follows: To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: In opening the most important session of the year, I desire to say tnat no business of importance has come up since our lastmeetillg. We have had rather an unusual season which, q,asbecn ahandi- cap to our agricultural opera~ions. ,Whether this will scriously affect 24 Elgin County Council crops results remains to. he .seen. Old Age Pensions The Legislatj..tre .has seen :fit ,to pass an Act in reference to Old Age pensions. Those who areeligiblethel'efor are British subjects seventy years of age, who have resided in Canada for twenty years, and in Ontario for five years. and who are not.in receipt of an income over $365 a yeai-, A maximum amount of pension is $240 yearly, to be reduce by the amount of income of the pensioner in excess of $125 a year. The Federal Act determines the above and the 'Provincial Act brings the Federal Act into operation in the province. The pensions are to be paid one half by the Dominion; thirty per cent. by the Province and twenty per cent. by the county, city or sep- arated town in which the pensioner resides. It is expected that the Act will come into force about the 1st of November. It will be your duty at this Session to determine the IQ,cal auth- ority to take charge of the administration of _the Act. This may be the Council of the county, city or town, or a board or' commission ap- pointed for the l?urposes of the Act by the Council. Applications for pensions are to be made to '{he local authority and their decision will be subject to appeal to a Provincial Commission appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council. Regulations for the guidance of the local authority and ProvincialColllll1ission will be available. It would be impractical for this Council to consider pen- sion applications. The central authority suggests that a board of five \ members be appointed by the Council. Their duties will be somewhat siinilar to the Mothers' Allowance Board although more ,'applications will no doubt be considered during the first year. The Council should give the appointment of this commission their very best consideration with a view to having all matters pertainillg to Old Ag'? Pensions conducted in a prompt and businesslike manner. School Grants You have all :been furnished with 'statements showing what the" eRect would be if the,'alternative system is adopted whereby the, county pr.ys' one 'half ,the cost of se~ol\darv education and, the local munil;ipality Elgin -County 'Council . 25 i:j which thepupiIs reside pays' the other half. Under the system in vogue, the cost of. maintenance of pupils resident in High School dis- tricts and Continuation School sections is paid by the district or sec- tion. The alternative system pro:vides for uniformity and better dis- tribution' of the cost of higher education. Road. Finandng The payment of the aCCOU:lt from the Province for the County's share of Provin.cial highway work last year will have muchtb do with the probable increase in the rate of county taxation this year. The Finance Committee should consider the advisability of arranging with .the Pro-vince to enable, them to carry onehaIf the account over' until next year. New Legislation The general municipal legislation ado.pted by the Legislature this' year proyides among other things, that County Councils may issue^ thirty-year debentures fOr maintenance of hospitals. ,Prospectiv,e candidates for election to municipal councils arc not eligible to have their n(l,mes placed on the ballot pap,erunless' _they "furnish a certificate that there are 110 municipal taxeS or rates due on any lands in the mUliicipality of vvhichthe caildidateis owner or tE:nant. Local "municipalities are authorized to acquire land for airports v...jthin the municipality, Or in an adjacent or adjoining municipality. The section of the act, relating to transient tracler's ha's been en- larged so that persons commencing business who have not resided con- t~nuously' in the municipality for three 'months are required to takeout a license, the fee ,for which shall not bcless than $100, nor more than $500 in to\-vns and $300' in townships. and villages. The license fee to be credited to the person paying it on account of taxes payable by him if he remains in the municipality. The prOVISIOns of SectiOa 469 t'elating to notice to corpora- t:on in. action' for damages due to defective highways will in future apply to action for damage occasioned by the presence of any nuisance on .. the highway. 210 ElginCoullty Council Assessment Act The ;prOVISions of the Act 'relating to the assessment of income make it dear that the income to be assessed is that received during the year ending 32st December before the assessment is made. Courts of Revision are authorized to consider appeals for the ,cancellation or lcductioll of taxes. The School. Law In the School Law, prOVlSlon has been made for the transporta- tion of pupils to and from Continuation, High or Vocational Schools. A change in respect to County grants to C6ntinuatioil Schools p.rovides that where a school is in an incorporated village or in a consolidated school distdct, it will in future receive, in addition to us- ual grant,a refund of the amount contributed in the County rate for Continuation Schools. Transportation of Fo'\vl In aIr effort to curtail stealing of fowl an act has' been passed requiring that persons who- b-ansport fowl on any highway hold a per- mit, .for that purpose, siglied by the warden an(t countersigned by the clerk, and bearing the corporate !'eal of t~e county in which,the person , resides or carries 011 business. The warden may - issue the permit with- out the authority of a by-law and may revoke any permit granted, Or_ he may refuse the permit. This places the whole responsibility on the Warden, who, no doubt in most cases, will delegates his duties to the Clerk Constables Act The Council will be 1110reinterested in the act respecting con- stables, which among other things, provides that in any County where there is no ,High Constable, or where a vacancy occurs in that office, the Lieutenant-Governor in council, may appoint an officer who will be vested with all the powers and perform all the duties of a High Constable. An officer so appointed will be paid by the province and salaries'may be determined by the Lieutenant-Governor. ' M. C. - R. Bridge The special comri1ittee having in charge matters pertallllllg to the roadway uncler the railway bridge at the west end of St. Thomas Elgin: "Cou~1tyConncil 27 have to report that they were represented before _ the Railway ,Board with the r'esult that the roadway will be considerably improved from the foot of the hill to the Fingal Bridge. The roadway to be 40 feet wide and the view unobstructed. ing. I hope to have the pleasure of seeing you all on Thursday even- The proceeclings of the last day of the January Session were tead and confirmed. The following communications were read: From Hydro Electric Conllilission, re lighting Court House, etc. --Referred to Gaol Committee. From J; ,,A. Wilkinson, Morriston, re transfer patients from the Ontario Hospital to House of Refuge.-Referred' to ,House of Industry Committeo. From Deputy Minister of Education, re equipment ancl accom- modation grant.-Referred to Education Committee. From J. A. Ellis, Director Bureau of Municipal. Affairs, re Old Age Pensions Commission.~Referred to Finance' Committee. From Tm.ynship of Yarmouth, requesting confirmation of by-law .re closing Park Avenue.-Referred to Petitions atld Legislation Com- mittee.. From Agricultural RepreSentative, re County pupil ,to Agricultural College...,-.Referred 'to Finance Committee. From Clerk of the Court, with Presentment of Grand Jury, March Session.-Referred to Gaol and House of Industry Committee. From Westminster H6spital, London. re burial expenses, A. Bol~ ton.-Referred to Finance -Committee. Froi11 Principal V ocatjanal School, inviting Council to visit same 23 Elgin County 'Council : during June Session. From County of Peter borough, re truck traffic.-Referred to Petitions and. Legislation Committee.' From -Members of Advisory Agricultural Council,re increase in salary of Agricultural representative.-Referred to Finance COlTItuittee. From Secretary, Mother's Allowances Board, re appointments to the local board.-Referredto Finance Committee. From Sec.retary,Belmont Public Library, with letter of thanks for grant. Frroll1 Elgin Humane Society, fC grant.-Referred to Finance Committee. From Dutton High School Board, with invitation to visit the: High School while in Dutton. Moved' by W. A. Butler, Seconded by F. R. Taylor: That a deputation from the Young Women's Christian Associa- tion be now heard. -,-,Carried. Mesdames. Lamont. 'Garside, Gardner and Miss GUl1n then ad- dressed the Council requesting grant for the construction of building. The Warden referred the matter to the Finance Committee. Moved by C. C. Minor, Seconded by Wm. Tolmie: That this Council do now adjourn to meet tOhmorrow at 10 o'clock, to allow committees to meet. -,-'Carried. J ohnLeitch, Warden E}gfu.y; County: Council Zg SECOND SESSION-SECOND' DAY Wedn'esd'ay;:..the;' 5th', day", of': June;. 1929' The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. 'J:homa-s; in;accol'dall.ce;with" adjomU1menL, The Warden in the ,chair All the members present The proceedings of the previous day were read and conflnried. Messrs. McKenney and McLean gave notice of ,app.1ica'fions ;f'6r- grants:,.for the Aylmer and Port Burwell lockups respectively. The report of the Committee on Petitions and Legislation was' presented and adopted on motion of S. J. Smith, seconded by W. A. Butler. Moved by C G.Minor; Seconded by.W~ A'; Bti-tl'er ~ That wherea.s: this''':'beil1g', the' forty,,:seventh anniversary' of the appointment of James A. Be-lI, as County Engineer, the Counerr desires to express thei-r appreciation of his past services and their regrets that his health will not admit of his twking::an', active.. P~l't,; in the duties of his office, and that Messrs McKenney, Tolrilie, Cornell and the Wardcn bea committee to visit M,~. HelL'and' 'pl'esent~l.thi:g!'re:snlutiori' andcongratulatc him .on ha,ving attaili.ed his 78th birthday. ---'..Oarried. Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded by J. McAllister: That this Council adjourn to meet at three o'clock to' allow committees to'meet.. -Carried. 30 Elgin County 'Council The Council' resumed. Mr., Andrew inquked re 1)roperty and maintenance of persons inHouse of Industry. The report of the House of Industry Committee was presented and adopted on motion of F. iCoutts, seconded by O. McKenney. Moved by R; M.eLean, Seconded by C D. Coyle: That we adjourn to meet at 10- a.m. to-morrow to allow com- , ' nuttees to meet. ----:.Oarried. John Leitch, Warden SECOND SESS10N-THI1{D DAY Thursday, the 6th day of' June, 1929 The Elgin County Council met this day in accordance with ad:'" journment. The Warden 'in the Chair. All the members present~ The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. Moved by E. Drysdale, Seconded by F. 'R. Taylor: That this Council do now adjourn to meet at 2 p.m. -'~rried. Elgin County Council 31 The Council resumed. Mr. Butler gave notice thatMr.A. Ingram would address the Council ,on Friday at 11.15 in reference to Portl Stanley road. The report of the County Road Committee was present,ed and referred to a committee of the whole with M'r; Andrew in the chair. After a discus'sion the committee rose to report progress and asked leave to sh again. The report of the Gaol Committee was presented and adopted' or. motion of W. A. Butler, seconded by S. p. McConnell. Moved by R. McLean, Seconded by H. G. Taylor: ""1; That a grant of One Hundred Dollars be made to assist in re- pairing lockup at Port Burwell. -Carried. Moved by C. C.Minor, Seconded by F;Coutts: That this Council do now adjourn to meet to-morrow at 10.30 a.m. --,Carried. John Leitch,Warden "? J.. Elgin COU\1lty' Council SECOND SESSION-FOURTH DAY Frida.y,; . the" 7th:". day', of "June, 1929' The Elgin County Council met this day in accO'fdance with ad- j0ulfnmenf.~ TI1'c"W'arclen in ,the chair. All the members present. The proceedihgof the previous day were read ai1d 'confirmed,' The report of Public School Inspector Taylor was' presented and refe-rrecl to' the Education Committee. A letter was received from Mrs. James A. Bell with thanks for congl'atul.atory, resol1i:tion~. pi7€sented::to.;M't;. HelJl: The report of the Finance Committee was presented and on mo- t1011 of S. C. Kirkland, seconded by Wm.Tohriie, referred to a com- mittee of the whole. with Mr. Drysdale in tJi:e"chair.' Aftc'l' c011sidering . the report claus.e by clause and amending same, the report was adopt- ed on motion of E. Drysdale, seconded by,: R:, McL.ean. Moved' by: "A.' S:, Newell; Seconded by C. D. Coyle: That we adjourn to meet at 2 p,m. ~Carriea. The Council resumed. Mr. A. A. Ingram addressed the COlludIon behalf of the residents along County Road No. 23 to Port Stanley, with complaint in refer- el~ce to calciun1 dust nuisance. Moved by F. R. Taylor, Elg.in 'County ,C0t'1'n~dl JJ Seconded by S. ]. Smith,: That this Council is in favor of the'd'esignation of :i"bad to POrt Stanley as a Provincial Highway and that the City of St. Thomas and Suburban Area Commission be i'cquested to :Co'"oiperate .in an ,'a,pp1ica- tiOll,t6the Minister of Highways. --Carried. The report of the Education Committee wa,s presented and on motion of N. S. Cornell, seconded by M. A.'McAlp'ine,ref.erred to com~ mittee of the whole with Mr. McLean in the chair. After amending the r~port it was adopted ,on motion of R. M'cLea.11,s'c'conded by N. S. Cor- nell. The Council went into, a committee of the whole to consider the report'oi,the County Roads Committee with, Mr. Andrew in the chair. After considering the report clause by clause, it was adopted without amendment on motion ofl? K. Andrew, seconded by F. R. Taylor. ,The second report of -the ,FinanceCommitteewaspreseli.ted and adopted'onmotion' of D. ,K: Andrew, seconded by F. R., Taylor. Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded by E. Drysdale: That a grant of one hundred dollars be paid to the Town of Aylmer to assist in repairing the lockup in Aylmer, the work to be Q.K."d by High Constable Hugh Ostrander~ -Carried. Moved by C. D. Coyle, Seconded by H. G. Taylor: That- By-Law No. -1122 to authorize the Warden to sign agree- ment be received and read a first time. -Carried. 34 Elgin County. V oundl Moved by C. D, Coyle, Seconded by H. G. Taylor That. By-Law No. 1122 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by C. D. Coyle, Secouded by H. G. Taylor; That By-Law No. 1122 be r,ead a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by D. Leitch, Seconded by N. A. McColl: T'hat By-Law No. 1123 to confirm By-Law No. 1117 of the Council of the Township of Yarmouth:tostop up a part of Park Avenue, as shown on Registered Plan No. 80 be received and read a first time. -Carried. Moved by M. A. McAlpine, Seconded by'S. C. Kirkland: That By-Law No. 1123 be read <.t second time. -Carried. Moved by S. C. Kirkland, Seconded by M. A. McAlpine: That By-Law No. 1123 be read a third time and finally passed. ----Carried. Elgin County Council 3S Moved by Wm. Tolmie, Seconded by C. C. Minor: That By-Law No. 1124 to appoint an Old Age Pensions Commis- sion be received and read a first time. ~Carried. Moved by C. C. Minor, Seconded by Wm. -Tolmie: That By-Law No. 1124 be read a second time. -,Carried. Moved by Wm. Tolmie, -,';' Seconded by C. C. Minor: That BywLaw No. 1124 be lead a third time andfillally passed. ---<Carried. Moved by J. McAllister, Seconded by O. M'cKenney: That ,By-Law No. 1125 to rais,e amounts for County Rates dur- ing the year 1929 be received and read a first time. -Carried. Moved by ]. McAllister, Sec'olided by O. McKenney: That By-Law ,No. 1125 be -read a second time. -.Carried. I :36 Elga1n .CotUltyCoun,cil Elgin C{)l1~lty Council 37 Moved by R. McLean, THIRD SESSION-FIRST DAY Seconded by F. Coutts: Tuesday, the 26th dew of November 1929 That By..Law.No,[125 be nada't'hirdtime and finally;passed, The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court H:ouse, St. Thomas at 2 p,m. -Carried. The Warden in the chair. Moved by F. R. Taylor, All the members -present. Seconded by W. A. Butler: The Warden addres's,ed the Council as follows: That By-Law' No. 1126 to establi-sha through street be . received and. read a first time. Warden's Address -Ca'rried. To the Elgin County Council: Moved by E. Drysdale, Gentlemen~ Seconded by S. D. McConnell: That By-Law No. 1126 be read a second time. In commencing the closing seiSsion of the year, I desire 'fo bring a few matters to your attention. -Carried. County Engineer Moved by F. R. Taylor, -Carried. ISince, our June Ses'sion, we lost by the hand of death, the dean of the County Officials, James A. Bell, County Engineer, who had held office since June session 1882, He was a most capable and painstaking official and ev,idence of his engineering ability is to be ! found throughout the County and Wes'tern Ontario in permanent bridges and other s1ructures of his design. It must be gratifying to the Council to know that their resolutioll of the June Se:ssion in.refer- ence to his past services wa.s very much appreciated by both Mr. Bell and family. It. will be necessary f01' the Council at ,this ses'sion to -consider matters perta'ining to the continuance of this office. Seconded by W. A. Butler: Tbat ,By..Law.No. 1126 be read a third time ,and finally passed. Moved by R. McLean, Seconded by H. G. Taylor: John Leitch, Warden London and Port Stanley Road It will be gratifying .to the Council to know that the Honorable the Minister of Highways has expressed hi's intention of taking over the London and Port Stanley road, Number 23, as a provincial hjg,h~ That we adjourn to meet on Tuesday, November 26th, -Carried. 31) Elgin County CounCil way. Thi,s is the heaviest travelled road in the 'County and its further improvement will be appreciated not only by residents of the County but the whole of Southern Ontario. Western Entrance to St. Thomas The Michigan Ccntrarl Railway Bridge across_ Kettle Creek in St. Thomas is nearing completion. It is a magnificent structure. The provision made for vehicular traffic under the bridge was in every way worthy of the efforts put forth on behalf of this Council before the ,Railway Commis'sion. The entrance to the City from the we:st can 'now be improved. The Pr'Ovincial authorities have widened the bridges on highway north of the City and when the work now under way on the hills in the Gty is completed, there will be ample pro- vision for the heavy through traffic Number Three Highway is de- signed to carry. Old Age Pensions The Old Age Pensions .Commission appointed at your last session bas been attentive to the duties required of them. They will report at this ses~sion. The Act requiring their appointment makes no pro- vision for expenses of admini'stration which 'must be paid by the County. The only expense to be provided f'or-is for postage, s'tationery and the apointment and remuneration OT a permanent Secretary. The proceedings of the last day of the June Session were read and confirmed. The following communica ti01l-s were read: From Government House, Ottawa re Victorian Order of Nurses. ---Refencd to Finance Committee, 'From County Auditors, with report to 30th of September.-,-Rc-:- f{'rred to Finance Committee. From John Allan, County Corn Borer Inspector, with re-port.- Heferred to Finance Committce, From D. L. Ewin, M. D., Physician, House of Lndustry, with report.-Referred to House of Industry Committee. Elgin County .council 39 From W. Cavan Brown, relative to damages to Mr. A. Pilkey, by location of road.-Referred to-County Road Committee. From Mrs. B. B. Graham, Secretary Mother's Allowances Board, with report.-Referred to Finance Committee. From R. C. Muir, Highway.s Department, re order-in-council, <~'pproving By-La-w No. 1109.-Referred to County Roads Committee. From Old Age Pensions Commission, with reporL-Referred to Finance Committee. From St. Thomas Chamber of. Commerce, r,c deputation for per- mission to plal;t nut tree-s on Highways.-Filed. From Secretary,Chilclren's Aid Society, re annual meeting.-Filed. Moved. by -t;;-~_ C. Mino!'; Seconded by F. Coutts: That deputation re planting nut trees 011 County Roads be heard at 3 p.m. Thursday. ~Ca1Tied. Moved by D. K. Andrew, Seconded by N. A. McColl: That tltc Council attend meeting of Children's Aid Society this evening in a body. -Carried. Moved by S, D. Mc(i;:qnnell, Seconded byE. E. Drysdale: That this Council do now adjourn to meet Wednesday, the 27th of November at 10 o'clock. ..........Carried. John Leitch, Wai'den 40 Elgin County Councii Elgin County. Council 41 THIRD SESSION-SECOND DAY THIRD SESSION-THIRD DAY Wednesday, the. 27th day of November, 192tf Thursday, the 28th, day, 'of November, 1929 The Elgin County Council met this day in accordance with ad- journment. 'The Elgin County Cotincil-l11et this day at the Court House, St. Thomas in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the chair. The Warden in the chait.. All the members present. All 'member,s" pres'cnt. The proceedings of the previous day were 'read and ,confirmed. Th,e proceedings of the previous day Were read and confirmed. Communication ftom County Treasurer with finai1cial state men:' was read and referred to the Final1ce Committee. Moved 'by 'D. K.Andr:'cw, Seconded byN, A, McColl: Mr. Leitch gave notice that he would apply for grant for .lock-up in the Community HaIl, West Lorne. That CouncH adjourn to visit House of Industry, to meet at 2. p.m~ Moved by O. McKenney, -Cai'ded. Seconded by R. McLean: The Council resumed. That this Council adjourn until 2 p.m. to allowc0111mittecs to meet. -Carried. A deputation Jromthe Nut Growers A.ssociation consisting of Dr, Curtis, Dr. Lumley and R. Do Ferguson. then addressed the Council in reference to planting' nut tr.ees along,the highways of the County. Committees met and Councii resumed. . Moved by O. McKenney, Moved by O. McKeney, Seconded ,byR. McLean: Seconded by R. McLean: That this 'County Council co-operate with the Chamber of Com- . merc~ of the City of S1. Thomas and the Nut Tr,eeAssociation, and lend all the ,assistance possible, That this 'Council adjourn to meet to';morrow at '10 a.m. and visit the House of Industry at 11 a.m. , ---,-Carrie'd'. -Carried. The following communications . were.. read: John Leitch; vVarden From ]. C. Smith, 1. P. S."with repol't.-Referred'to Education 42 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 43 Committee. Moved by N, A, McColl, From Inspector of House of Industry, with report.-Referred to House of Industry Committee. Seconded 'by vVm. Tolmie; Mr, To\mie gave notice of application for grant for repair.s to .the Rodney lock-up. That this ,Council request the Dominion Goverl11uent to place a duty of two cents per pound 011 beans imported into Canada and that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Minister of Customs and M.Hepburn, M.P. The report of the Gaol Comnlittee was presel1ted and adopted on motion of W. A. Butler, seconded by M. A. McAlpine. .'--iCa.rr~ed. Moved by S. C. Kirkland, The report of th~ Education Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Wm. To\mie, seconded by C. D. Coyle. Seconded by D. Leitch: The report of the Finance ,Committee was presented and adopted Oll motion of ,D. K. Andrew, seconded by,<H.G. Taylor. That in the opinion of this council, incorporated Villages ,should receive the same .subsidies, in the matter of roads and streets as are now received l5y'''Townships and that the Provincial Government be rcqueste,d to enact legislation along that line. That a copy oJ this resolution be forwarded the CountyCounci'l bf Middlesex asking that council to take :similar action, and pass on to other counties. The report of. the County .Roads Committee was presented and adopted on motion of F. R. Taylor, seconded by E. Drysdale. Moved by R. McLean, -Carded. Seconded hy A. S. Newell: ,Moved by C. C. Minor, That committee re townline between North and South DorcL.ester consist of the Warden, F.. R. Taylor, I-I. G. ~aylor and A. Newell, Seconded by \Vm. Tolmie: That this Council db now adjourn to meet tOMmorrow at 10 a.m, ,L-Can-.iecl, ,......<Carr.'ied. Mpved by D. Leitch, John Leitch, Warcleli Seconded by N, A. McColl: Thjt a grant of $400 be Ipac1e the West Lome Memorial (0111- !J11ttllity hall for lock-up purposes. .........JCa,rriecl. " 44 Elgin County Council THIRD SESSION-FOURTH DAY Friday, the 29th day of November, 1929 The Elgin County Council met, this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The .W:arrlen in the chair. All .the members present. The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. The pre,sentment of the "Grand Jury was read and ordered to be filed, Moved by 0; McKenney, .seconded by N. S. Cornell: That C. St. Clair Leitch, County Solicitor, be paid the sum of three hundrecl'dollar.s 0'11 account past services re Stalter Bridge. ....,...Ca:rried. Moved by Wm: Tolmie, Seconded by, S. C. Kirkland: That a grailt of fifty dollars be made the Village of Rodney to repairlo~~up. ' -Carried Moved' by 'W. A. Butler, Seconded by F. R. Taylor: T'hat this Council. grant L. B. Birdsall of the Times- J oumal $25 'Elgin County 'Council 45 for recording proceedings for 1929. -Carried Moved by Wm. Tolmie, Seconded by S. C. Kirkland: That the report of Inspector J. C. Smith be received and printed in the minutes. -Carried Moved by O. McKenney, Seconded by F. Coutts: That the thanks of this Council be tendered to Messrs, Fred Taylor, Chas. -"Minor, E. Drysdale and County Clerk McKay for' the efficient manner they arranged all details' in connection with the Warden's Banquet. -Carried Moved by D. Leitch, Seconded by M. A. McAlpine: That By-Law No. 1127 to authorize; issue of Debentures to pro- vide for cost of ProvinciaL Highways be received and read a first thne. ,-Carried Moved by M. A. McAlpine, Seconded' by D. Leitch: That By-Law No. 1127 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by n;. Leitch, 46 Elgin' 'County Council Seconded by M, A. McAlpine: That By-iLaw No. 1127 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by J. McAllister, Seconded by F. Coutts': That By-Law ~o. 11~8 to appoint a County Engineer be received mtd read a first time. -Carried. Moved' by F. Coutts, Seconded' by C. C. Minor: That By-Law No. 1128 be read a.second time. -Carried. Moved by C. C. Minor, Seconded by ,F. Coutts: That By-Law No. 1128 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved byW; ,A. Butler, Seconded' by F. Taylor: That By-Law No. 1129 to appoint Secretary Old Age Pensions Commission be received and read a first time. -Carried Elgin Council ,Council 47 Moved by F. Taylor, Seconded by W. A. Butler: Tihat By-Law No. 1129 be read a second time. -Carried Moved by S.']. Smith, Seconded by A. S. Newell: That By-Law No. 1129 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried Moved by F. Taylor, '..,;. Seconded' by. W. A. Butler: That. the usual grant of one hundred dollars be paid to Warden Leitch. -Carried Moved by S. D. McConnell, Seconded by E. Drysdale: That the thanks of thi;s Council be tendered Warden Leitch for the efficient manner in' which he 'has filled the chair during 1929. -Carried Moved by C. C. Minor, Secqnded _ by F. Coutts: That this Council do now adjourn. -Carried K, W. McKAY, County Clerk JOHN LEITCH, Warden '48 (~lgin ::CouiI1ty-.'CounCil REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ANl;I';OFFICERS' STANDING COMMITTEES 1929 ,COUNTY )WAD Andrew Leitch F. Taylor, Chairman Minor Drysdale }.4<;,Lqan GAOL Wm. Butler, Chairman 'McAlpine McConnell HOUSE OF INDUSTRY Frank Coutts, Chairman McColl McKenney FINANCE, :L~(:\-l~cplr I Minor McKenney D. K,' Andrew, Chairman F. Taylor Drysdale McLean McAllister Newell Cornell D. Leitch Tohnie EDUCATION H, G,. Taylor H. G. Taylor Kirkland Will. Tolmie, Chairman McCo,ll MqAlpine CO;cttts Smit;h McConnell Coy:le E. Go' Taylor McAllister Newell Kirkland D. Leitch PETITIONS & LEGISLATION S. J. 'Smith, Chaii'man Butler Coyle Cornell Kirkland LEGAL James McAllister, Chairman Cornell Kirkland Tolmie Elgin County Council 49 REPORTS OF PUBLIC SCHOOL INSPECTORS J. A. Taylor, 1.P.S.~ West ~lgin St. Thomas, Ont., J unc. 3rd, 1929 To the Warden and Members of the County of Elgin: I have the honor to present for your consideration my report on the Public Schools of the West Elgin Inspectorate for 1928. ' Financial Statements Balance from 1927 Municipal grants ............ Government grants ........... Schaal Taxes ........... Other. s6tlrces Total Receipts Payments Teachers' Salaries Purchase of Sites, etc Libraries, etc. ........... Janitors' Salaries, etc. Total Expenditure Balance on haild .........$ 32139,26 132609,13 14450,19 17I88,08 29907,29 $ 226293.95 .. ,$ 119836,54 15221. 97 1301.60 57147,19 $ 193507,80 $ 32786,15 Expenditure by lYIunicipalities Aldborough- ..,.... Dunwich Dutton .......,............ 'Port Stanley ............ Rodney ..,....... . . . . . . . \V est. Lome St. Thomas For AU Purposes ,$ 21810,33 21840,50 8197,23 6963 ,69 4390,57 5113,13 193507,80 Salaries- of No. of Cost per Teachers Rooms,' Room $ 13865,79 15 $ 1454,20 14466,85 16 1365,00 4110,30 4 2049,30 4737,80 4 1740.9~ 3119,03 3 1463,52 4030,,50 ,4 1278,28 119836,54 57 3395,00 50 Elgin County' Council :Elght :County. 'Counell 51 Attendance Seventy-nine held second. Almo,>tone - third of the teachers held. First Class Certificates. This is. a very ,desirable and healthy.sign. Number No. of No. of Average , Enrolled Hoy's Girls Attendance Aldborough ................ 405 215 190 250 Dunwich . ~ . . . .", . . . . . . . . . . 359 185 174 253 Dutton ........,............ 128 62 66 107 Port Stanley........... ...... 151 77 74 110 Rodney ................ 136 67 69 100 ,West .Lome,..... .... ..'..... 164 86 78 128 St. Thomas..........."" ._,., ,2763 1400 1363 2035 - - - - 4106 2092 2014 2983 Progress- :in Methods --of Teaching ..Ther:e has been no. departure from the methods- given in the Not- mal schools. The new manuals are found in most .of, the' schools. and in addition each teacher is expected to' possess a set. ,At. Inspectoral visits these manuals and methods are fr,eci'uently,discussed. Classification "bf Pupils Number' iti '.Primary Class Number in First Class Numbe"r in ,Second Class Kumber in Third Class :Number in Fourth Class. 1\;t1mber in Fifth Class Proficiency - of., Pupils The, progress of the pupils during the year, while not differing materially from that of "previous year-s, has. been. rel<ttively thorough and substantial. 842 466 64J 956 , ,1146 55 Added equipment: and increased faci1ities~ ,impr,oved. sanitary '"Con- ditions and- mor,~,,_regular attendance, higher attainments o.f the teach- ,-t;:rsand better and more.-modern method-s.-make for better ,progress, Judging from the tone of the,&chools, the ,promotion' from form to form and the ,success at the Entrance Examinations, the. progress h!as not been less than that-of previous years. '.'-.' Highest ,Salaries Paid in This': Inspectorate The Highest Salary paid a,maleteacher in 51. Thomas was The 'highest. salary paid a mare teacher in the Villages was. The. highest sala','y.lJaid. amuJe teacher in the Townships wa.s.. The' highest salary paid a female teacher in St.Thomas was.. The, highest salary paid a female, teacher in the-Villages was. The' highest salary:paid a female teacher in the T'ownships was .. ,$ 2100,00 1650 00 1100,00 1550,00 1050,00 1150 00 -School Buildings and, Bea1'1tification'-Of- Grounds There has .been no building construction during the> past 'year. Although new :=;chools are 'desir,able -to replace. two or three of the (lId ones, )10 pressure or suggestion wa-s -made to Trustee Boards pending legislation. re the Township -Board Bill. Repairing and 1'e- c'tecor_atingillvolVing the ,expeilditure of c'(ntsiiJe1'aNe <tlnount.s' of nloney ~vere.'spent in manT(>chools; The>sch,Qol grounds in some cases were woefully neglected. This was more noticeable 'in schoolsi'~mote' from highways where appa,rently. a different'standard of ,beautification O~);. tains. Subje.cts" and Number Taught" in Eiich Subject Writit\g., Arithmetic Art ..... ,Geography .. ,'3946 3958 3877 3290 M-usic ......... Literature .. Composition , Grammar 3752 3412 3344 1236 Eng. History '1516 'Can, History '.. 1646 Hygiene .. . .', .. 3605 Physical Culture-3807 ,School Equi.pment Gen'erally speaking the equipment not only meets .the require- 'l',lents of the' Depat'tment, but" alSO- the 'needs of the school. Addf- tion5 frOth time to timeDf fift-hClass equipment to that already in ..he, school, '.fu'rnish the teacher with the necessary material to teach thoroughly, cleady' and, make ,il1terestingpoints" u'ndt1" discl1ssion an(( Teachers There~ were' employed during the- year 103 teachers, 17' male and 86 female. Twenty..four:of theteaehers held First Class Gertificatc3: and 52 Elgin County Council cOl1sideration. Increasing attention is given to playground equipment. Proficiency,.in ,sports, school fair contests in physical exercise'S, inter.; school competitions in games, t'he supervision of the .grounds by the teacher, the desire to make the child's school life attractive and the training in games given the teacher while in attendance at the Nor- mal artdSecondary schools are the sources of inspired effort to de- velop sports and add playground equipment. School Boards are not averse to providing teeters,. swings, croquet sets as well as footban, baseball and' other playground equipment. Fortunate is the rural' school and happy the children where thepup'ils in attendance both in size and numbers are sufficient to have well organized game-so In such schools absence is reduced to a minimum, discipline is exemplary, local interest in: the school is increased, a healthy school tone is In evidence and the' academic progres's is more marked. Supplementary Literature This phase of school work receives important attention, in thIs InSPectorate. In many schools arinuai additions to the value of $W ar'e l1iadewhile in several greater amounts than this are expended ili suitable ,books. Many books now found in the rural libraries are 'of little use. They were added several years ago as books suitabie :1:01' fifth cla,sses. Whatever value they may hav{'. had then, they serve little or no 'pur.pose now, as: the present pupils are much smaller and younger than were those in attendapce then. Moreover, many of these' hooks are more valuable as works of reference than as supple- mentary reading books. It can ,scarcely be claimed that the rural school libraries either serve or rileet the needs of' the community or the school district. Books recently added are morc'SiJitabJe to tne junior pupils than for aduhs, consequently-the library does not offer reading matter to adults out,side of the school attendance. The rurat libraries could be made very useful to the' whole sectdon, were the Board required to add annually to a certain minimum. books to the valpe of $10. The'teacher could act as librarian, and the librarie$ could be enclos,ed in proper cupboards and the adult part of the sec- tion would be provided with suitable r.eacting material. Supply and Certiflcati.'on of Teachers The sur.plus of available qualified teachers this year is 110t so pronoul1ccdas a year ago. Only a' few wer.e unsuccessful in securing schools. Boards are more than ever desirous of 'securing teachers Wiel EIgi~ County 'Cgunqil 53 high qualifications al:1d spme ~:x:perjence.. No teach~r )Vitl1 qualifi\:::Clr tion~ lower t4al1 se,cond class has b~~n in e:hi:trge of a s,c4o()1~n thIs In~pectorate clllring the last tep YC9-rs. ~r~fer,en,~~ isg~yen t.o t~~~hers with fir'st class certifit;:ates. Twenty s~vel1 of.thes;e ar~ te~~hing ill'th,Is Inspectorate. Fiftl1 Cl,ass",s As the, mpst remot.e rural school in my ins..pec;torat.e is l1ptdist- ant mprethan. tiveor six Juiles fro,ma c:ollti~l11ation or a High Sch()o~, Fifth da.sses are not nUQ1;eTPl1S. My ,two. TO\Ylls.hips <j,r~ ,a)il}Qst'bi-: secte,d by two :rCl-Hways which link the Continuation and High ~t;:h901 <;:enfres, a,n4 thi::; c'ol1ditiop, mal<:eS ac~es~tq. the,seC9Uda,ry S(;llOOls .easier. Notwithstanding this condition, howover; there w,er,e three r:ur,al schools th(1t gave wprkb~yondthe fourth class,. an9.quaJifi.e~ for th~ government ,grant. The work .of these schools wa'sql1ft~ efficient. '..'; Art, Suhstantial progress has beenniadc in the teaching of thisim- portant subj'ect. In' Dutton, and West Lorne, and in six of the schools ofSC Thomas, the art \Vork is in charge of teachers holding Elementar:y Art certificates~ The art work sqows a dis,tinct iinprovement. In oreler to unify and preventover1apping and repeating, the work for the year is outlined.for each grade. In St. Thomas, the WOllleil's Art Assoc- iation donated a shield for competition in the different city' schools, while in the county, prizes are given at each rural school' fair, for the best art exhibits. A county competition open t,o all the rural and village schools is held later. At this competition, pupils who w~m distinction and prizes at the school fairs are eligiblel to compete. Vocal Music In v.ocal music there has been little attention and no advance- ment. This is almost wholly due to the scardty of teachers holding El~1l1entary ~ertificates 5n vo~almusic. Of t~he 104 teachers in this Iilspectorate. only 1\\'0 have the above ,certifica1:es. Very little progress may be expected while so few t~C).chers take the summer course in singing. In St.Th.OITIas .schools, t,ea,chers witv.oU't~he Q,epartmcnta} Musical qualificationsybut able to sing, are placed i1i charge ~f.the 54 Elgin CountyCoul1cil vocal music in these schools. For this work they are allowed half (Jf. the department.al .grant. This half-way measure is not very satis- fatal'Y. The St. Thoni.a,s board were una-bIe, last summer, to secure teachers with the Elementary Music Certificates. Agriculture The, teaching of this important subject is quite satisfactory in my urb.an and rural graded schools, ,since in these, the teachers hold the Elementary Certificate iil Agriculture. The- same difficulty is experienoed in this subject as in Music, viz the absence of teachers holding the above certificate. Since the ~ department removed the bonus for attendance at the sUlnmer g.ession at Guelph therehavl:J been ,fewer teachers taking the course. Consequently, fewer schools manned with teachers holding the Elementary Certificate. Occasionally a few teachers talee the lower and middle school agriculture and thus qualify for th~e elementary certificate. They ar.e a negligible number however. There can be little progress expected where a large number of the teachers in rural schools have been born and educated in urban centres. with 'no :opp,ortunity to~tudy. agriculture. In these, parents and trustt;:esgenerally lack confidence. They frequently _ meet criticism, prejudice and opposition which the teacher with the elementary cer- tificate does not. It seems to me that al! normal school students should be required while in attendance to s~cure an dementary certificate in one of art, music or agriculture. Until ri1'any more teachers holding these oertificates are available. improved work above the ordinary need not be looked for. Teachers' Institute There is little criticism of the working of the Teachers' Ii1stitute in this Inspectorate. It maintairis its interest, and sustains the prestige pretty well. The policy adopted locally and which meets with gen- eral favour with the members is to hold a local session this year, and visit some urban centre next year. This plan relieves any monotony, provides 'freshness, and works admirably. Detroit,' Buffalo"Windsor, London and Toronto are some of the places already visited. Ottawa is the objective next fall. TheNCirmal Masters sent to us from time to time, have been very acceptable and their mess-ages~ helpful. Some- ti;l1es, however,- the lectures are too theoretkal and general and not Elgin, CountyCouncH 5.1 sufficiently practi.cal For the benefit of young teachers, experienced teachers should teach model lessons. Normal Masters, in lieu of giv~ ing two lectures might be asked to teach two model lessons with It class. The most valuable and acceptable part of our programme is the teaching by an ex.peri-enced teacher of a class in literature O!' geography or any other subject. To observe other teachers in " classroom is one of the strong reasons why our institutions pr,efers visiting other urban centres. The success or failure of the institute depends on, the executive and the members. Teachers are sometimes grouped according to the grade they teach. Separate conferences 01 r'ural and urban t.eachers might occasion~lly be arranged. Inspectora} talks, model teaching lessons, exhibits of art, writing and nature study and manual training, mal<:e the r:neetings profitable and inspirat,ional. Before the programme is drafted, teachers are frequently consuItea regarding their difficulties, subjcts they would like discuSsed and :dii':i- culties in which they would like help.. Township School Boards The objection once~'strongly urged against township school' boards is gradually disappearing. In only two of my rural ,schools were resolu- tions passed at the annual meeti~1g against Township bill as a satts~ factory substitute for the prese'nt system. Education is graduaIIy breaking down prejudice, opposition and tradition. The introdUCing of the subject annually in Parliament is a very wise 'proc~dttre. As tar as one can gather from conversations, the bill is e-xpected to become law at no distant date. It seems tome a great deal of the'surface opposition would disappear if the bill provided for the payment of the present school buildings or at least of the hoards' equity in them. i~he Township bill is unquestionably gaining support. The contemplated action in Alberta of grouping the rura.l 'sections to seCure a flat rate 01: assessed valuadons, thus equalizing. the mill rate will certainly dis- arm some opposition. More education, discussion and progaganda are necessary to secnre the approval, co-.operationand support of the rural .boards. One is absolutely saf.e in saying, however, that the op- position to the measure .is decreasing, and that the bill is gradually meeting wit11 more favour and acceptance. Respectfully submitted J, A. T,ylor, L p, S, 56 Elgin Coilnty Council J. e. Smith, ,I.P.S.,East Elgin St. Thomas, November 26th, 1929 To the Warden and MCt11bers of the Elgin CourityCouncil: Gentle'men: . I have the 'honour tosubrilit 'herewith the annual report on the Public Schools of East Elgin lor .the school year of 1927-28, with the statistics for the year 1928. The Teaching Staff During the y,ear 1927-28 the teaching staff consisted of 108 tea,chers in charge of 108 r00111S. Twenty-one held first class certifi- cates, an increase oJ one over the previous year, eighty-five held second class certificates, and two were special Kindergarten teachers in charge of a '5pecial, Kindergarten and Kindergarten Primary Class, the DIlly one in the Inspectorate. Of these thirteen were men and ninety-'five were women. Of the fanner two wer.e marri'edand of the latter', ten were married. There was an increase of one in the number of men. Almostone-fif,th of the teachers held first class certificates. The changes were not as numerous as iothe. previous year, there being 11 beginner~,17 teachers from. other inspectorates,' and 3 teachers who changed schools. a total of 31 changes. The urban schools had malc ,principals and with ,a few ex- ceptions all the large rural gi"add schools had male principals. There were fiveContinuatiol1 schools, each with a staff of two teachers, an(t in four of thes.e the principal was a male teacher. 'The steady increase in the number of 6rst class teachers is an indication of the rise in the profession and academia qualifications of the Ontario teachers a;1d the Normal schools show an increasing number of students and graduates with firs.t classstancling. A .large number of the second .class tcachers have completed part -of the couri;~ required for the first class and by summer courses and private stu<y)' are gradually preparing themsdves for. the full first class certificate~. The supply of qualified teachers is adequate and sincel92Z trustee boards in this Inspectorate have had no difficulty in seCUrIng fully qualified teachers. Elgin C:)unty Council Financial Statement, 1928 (a} Receipts- Balance from 1927 "Township Grants ......... County Grants ............. Legislative Grants ....... _... Local Levy and Debentures ..... Other Source.s Total... ..... ... (b) Payments Tcachers' Salaries Sites, Buildings, etc Libraries, A'pparatus, etc. Debentmes and Loans Repairs, FueJ; Carettaldngj e~c ,.. ...$ Total Balance Public School Statistics Bayhal11-'- Highest salary paid male teacher Highest' .salary paid (cmale teacher Dorchester S.- Highest salary paid male teacher Highest salary paid female teacher Mahihide- Highest salary paid male teacher Highest salary paid female teacher , ,,$ 111765,16 52200,00 845,76 27884.49 70534,97 11651.18 108061.12 8675,00 3261.39 15079,54 26557,33 57 $ 274881.56 $ 161634,38 $ 113247,IR $ 274881.56 ",$ 1300 liOn 1100 1200 1000 1300 58 Elgin Co1,tnty Council Southwo.1d- Highest salary paid male teacher . . . . . . . . Highest salary paid female teacher ......\.. YarnlOuth- Highest salary paid male teacher Highest salary paid female teaC',her ,-<.... Eayham Dorchester S. Malahide Southwolcl Yarmouth Aylmer .... ".. .... Spring1fie1c1 Vienna .....,... Number No. of No. of Enrolled Boys Girls 673 323 3,50 305 170 135 569 303 266 , <\89 372 317 813 414 399 452 242 210 96 52 44 57 28 29 - -- - 3654 1904 1750 Total N'umber Number Number Numhc:r Number Number Number Numb.er in Kindergarten (Aylmer) ..... in Kindergaten-Primar:" (Aylmer) in Primer in First Book ... , . ...... . in Second Book ,. . . . . ." in Third Book in Fourth Book in Fifth Book ...... Enrolment of Subjects Average Attendance 1000 1150 ,130U 1200 436 200 379 480 577 339 71 36 2518 32 48 658 409 589 809 1075 34 Reading .."..' . . . . . '. .. . . Writing ............... Arithmetic . ..... ... Art Geography .......... Music Literature ..... 3622 3617 3593 3611 2950 3583 3617 c'an, History Hygiene Nature Study Physical Culture ' ........ Aritl-,'metic, V'" class Algebra; V class ..... Geometry, V clas;; ......,2409 3583 2092 3583 ~ 28 t, Elgin Counfy Council 59 Composition Grammar Eng. History 3617 1856 2401 Latin, V class .............. b French, V class ............ 12 ElemtentaryScience, V class 20 Number of Pupils admitted.for first time.,..... .'. ............ .'. 41a Number of boys left to attend other public schools ............. 232 NU111b'er of girls left to att,end other public schools.... ............. 213 Number of boys left _ to attend secondary schools ... . .. . . ....... 12:1 Number of girls left to attend'i:-econelary schools ............... 132 .r-;umber of boys left fifth class to attend secondary school ..... 1 Number of girls left fifth class to attend secondary school..... 9 Numher of pupils removed by death ,or disability ........,...... 9 In Household Science, sixteen schools qualified for grants and in Agriculture sixty-nine schools qualified for grants. There 'INe~~'ie thirteen Fifth Clases but only two qualified for grants. Elitrarice Examinations were held at 'Aylmer, Belmont, Fingal, Port Burwell, Spa,rta, Spl~ingfield, Vieuna and YaJ:'111outh Heights. A total of 335 candidates wrote and 273 were succ'essfitl. Accommodations There is a general tendenc}' to improve the appearance of the school buildings, the classrooms, and the school grourids. It woulo appear that the discussion provoked by consolidation a~ld the town- srip board has drawn the attention of trustees and ratepayers to their school plants. New hardwood floors, electric wiring, where the hydro is available, new furnaces, decoration of the interiors at;- cording to thc suggestions of the Depa:rtment in the revised reguIaw tio11S new outdoor toilets" well built, iildoor chemical toilets, and improved school ground are the result. One boar-d had the Dist- rict Representative al1d his assistant plan their school grounds lor them according to the specifications recommended by the OntarIO Agricultural College; 60 Elgin County. Council c.orrespondence: Courses To. enable children who are prev.ented from attending school by some physical disability to secure the" benefits of supcnvised school work, the Department of Education has organi~ed corres- pondence courses in the public schools. The success of these COUfl;l;1:< is very encouraging and the opportunity thus offered will be used. Several teachers in t.his Ins'pec1-orate will enroll pupils" in thest' courses. Music in the - Schools The value of this work is being re,cognized and the annual contests at the School Fairs have increased interest in the work. Ten classrooms have regular lessons from. an outside teacher and {Clttr of the regular teachers 'have the full Departmental qualifications'; School ,Libraries Successful attempts have been made to increase: interest in Supplementary, reading. More attention is being given to the pro- visian of suitable books for the junior pupils. Sixty~eight schooJs (jualified for the special grant .for scho()l libraries. This grant is ~n anllual one and is paid as a perce:ltagc on the amount spent for books in the previous year. Every facility is given to the tea'chers to enable them to select suitable books. H.ecords are kept and the choice of booke and the pupils' reading are supervised by the teacher;;. School Work The work was not interrupted to any great extent during thE year. There was the usual changing of teachers in many schools which is inevi,table but there were very few resignations during the year. Anyoutbrea.ks of: sickness were confined to local schools or districts. The junior work of the schools is very impqrtant and recag- nizing'this, departmental courses are arranged every summer. Many teachers have taken advantage. of this to qualify themselves for the Kindergarten-Primary certificate and thus improve their standing for junior wark. The work of the Entrance candidates was- goo.dand a Elgin., CountY",'CQuuci-1 (\1 high percentage entered.the High.SchQols:'and ContinuatiQl,1 .SchooJs. The teachers, were active. in. the support of the School Fairs, the I?ublic-Speaking 'Contests., and, the, MusJc. .~'FestJvaL T.he. ,earnest teacher. is an asset to any,CoIl1munity ,and,her, valu~ in,mqt!lding th~ lives. and characters of her pupils is inestimable. J. c. Smith, l.P.S, REPORT' EDUCATION, COMMITTEE Januar)' Session To t~eEl~dn County Council: Gentlemcn~ The Education Commi'tt-ee'reports; 1. That the following accounts 'be paid: J. A; Taylor,Inspector,e'xpenses ......... ...$ J. C.Smith. Inspector, expenses MUnidp'al World, stationery for Inspectlor Taylor Ayln1'er Express, printing for Inspector. Smith 79,85 139,09 1.03 7.47 2. That the Clerk be inst.ructed. -to 'prepare necesasry by-law to bring into force the provisions .of Section '34 of the High 'Schools Act, so t~at Fifty per cent of the cost of pupils attending High aild Con- tinuation Schools will be borne by the County and Fifty per' cent. of stIch cost ,by the municipaNty inwhich-the parents 'or guardians .of 'the pupils reside. . All of which is respectfully. subil1ittcd. Wm. \Tolmie, Chairman 25th January', 1929 In committee of the ,whole ,paragraph 20f repol'twas stru,ck 6Z Elgin County .Council out and the following substituted: "That the Clerk submit to council at the June Session a state- ment showing cost of schools to each municipality under Alternative Scheme," June Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlcmen- The Education Committee 1 eports: 1. That the following accounts be paid: The Municipal World, stationery JOJ'Inspectors Taylor and Smith .......,. . ........ .$ J. C. Smith, Inspector's expenses......... J. A.Taylor. Inspector's expenses 18,20 275,80 175,07 2: That Inspector' Taylor's annual report be reed-ted.and printed. 3. That 'Rodney Cal1til1uation SchoQl receive the sum of $1525;23 for dmintenance of County pupils during 1928. 4" That the Alternative System of "determining the amount pue for maintenance of County pupils attending Continuation and High Schools be adopted and a by~law passed accordingly. All of which ,is respectfully submitted. Wl~l. '; Tolni.ie, Chairman St.Thomas, Ont., 7th J Unc; 1929. Clause 4 struck..out in Committee of'the Whole. Elgin County COj.1nciI N overil.b.er Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemcn- The Education Committee reborts: 1. That the folowing acounts be paid: J. c. Smith, LP.S., postage, telephone, express and t>ravelling expenses .................$ J. A. Taylor, postage, telephone, express and trci.veling expenses Municipal WorId, for sup lies and printing for school inspectors ................. McLachlin's Book Store. supplies, J. C. Smith All of whidii-is respectfully submitetd. 63 412,78 159,47 221.60 7,60 St. Thomas, Ont., November. 27, 1929. iW., 'Tolmie, Chairman REPORT OF COUNTY TREASURER January Session To the Elgin" County Council: ,Gentlemen- I beg leave to submit a statement ~f /Receipts and Expenditures up to December 31st, 1928, also a statement of Assets and Liabilities. '614 Elgin Counly" C6Uhdl _....,.L" Reif~ipts Cash on hand ........................ Adm. of' Ju~tice ............. Bills Payable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'C,Qunty Rate .. ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . H.,egistry Office . . . . . . . . . Public Schools . . . . , . . . . . . . . House of Industry Arrears of Taxes .. " . . County, Roads MiscelJaneolis' ... ....,...... Expenditures I,' , Adm. of. Justice Bills Paya.ble Interest ... Public Schools House of Industry Registry Office"' High Scbools Arrears of Taxes County Lines Members Wages Officers Salaries Pr,inting and stationery Care of Buildings Water, light. heat ..."....... County Roads M,iscellaneous Balance ".. ,$ ....$ 23819,74 18129,62 210000,00 314446,00 520,29, 328:12.77 1510,38 15121.1>3' 90938,47 2676,92 22631. 95 190000,00 5763 81 50446,80 15955,19 428,25 41159 '13 1518023 821 44 4718 00 500000 732 91 1878 66 2726 50 182147,79 137751. 68 $ 677342,34 Elgin ,County COltn'cil :Assets Cash on hand . ... . . . . . Government Aid Co., 'Roads Suburban Area ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adm. of Justice .....".......,........... Registry Office .. ._.......... House of Ind. Estates Government Corn Borer Act..... County Boundaries .....,.... .................. ....$ Deficit '.',' $ 710376,08 , Liabilities In'terest Bills Payable Public Schools High Schools ......, Adm. of Justice ......... Hous'e of Industry ... Arrears of taxes......... Village Grants ......... Miscellaneous ....... ......$ 65 33033,22 91000,00 3574,82 6000,00 460,00 4400,00 642.00 150,00 $ 139260,04 $ 11632.51 $ 150892,55 1515,00 90000,00 10000,00 25000,00 3500,00 640.00 177,00 4300,00 10000,00 $ 150892,55 'It, will' be necessary to pass a by-law authorizing the Warden and the TreasUl~r to borrow the sum of $300,000 to meet the current ~expel1ses of the present year, The number of lots c1egible for sale for arrears of taxes is not lai'ge, so I would recommend that the sale be deferred for another .year. $ 33033,74 $ 710376,08 The above deficit is due to the enforced expendltttre on improve- ments to House o'f Industry Buildings. 66 Elgin County Council AU of which is respectfully submitted, Elgin County Council Public Schools ......................... ,'.....,. HoU'se of Industry ....................... R.egistry Office ................................ High Schools Members' Wage.s ............ ....... Officers' Salaries.. Printing and Stationery. .. ... ... . . ............ Care of Buildings ..................... Water, Light and Heat ..... County Roads 'Miscellaneous ... .'.... ,.... ........ .... . B. B. Graham', County Treasurer. St. Thomas, Jan. 22nd, 1929. June Session: To the Warden.,and Council: Gentlemen~ I beg leave to submit th~ following report : Receipts Receipts and Expenditures to May 31st, 1929 Cash on hand January 1st ....... Administration o'f J ustic,e ... Bills Payable............. Interest ...... ............... ........ Registry Fees Public Schools House of Industry . . . . . . . . , Arrears of Taxe's County . Roads Mis'cellaneous . .'. "'!'" Expenditures Administration of Justice . Bills Payable .. ~'. . Interest ....,.... , ..$ 33033.74 3398.55 15000000 337,33 591.97 648,67 550,15 1181.87 94791.88 2296,16 ,$ 10366,27 70000,00 2478,64 '~";-Estimates for the Present Year Admini-stratioriof "Justice ...............,...$ County Lines ..................... . . . . . . . . . . House of Industry....... -. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . High Schools .............. .,......... PuNk School.s ,Officers' Salaries Members' Wages ....,.... Court House.. Commission Interest r<egistry Office County Roads '" Provincial Highway Miscelhineous ...-,.... $ 286830,32 67 12135,68 9102.55 399 :90 26269,63 1571.50 1400,00 312,06 627,88 895,05 53082.91 8045,65 $ 1966.87,72 10000,00 1000.00 14000,00 45000,00 19000,00 5000,00 6000,00 2000,00 6000,00 2000, 00 83000,00 ' 45000,00 25000,00 $ 263000,00 The numbe-r of lots eligible for sale fOr Arrears qf Taxes Is not lat"ge, therefore I VI~ould recommend that the Tax S'ale he ,.de~ ierred for anot~er year. A c6mmiHee should be appointed to look after soine claims- In the Indigent Accounts that are now in <!,rrears. 63 EIg,j.n County Council All of. 'which -.is r.esp.ectiully submitted. Elgin ,'County.,Council House of -Industry ... Registry Office ..... . . . . . . County Lines ..................... M embers' Wages . Officers' Salaries Printing and Stationery Care of Buildings ......,.. Water, Light, Heat ..... County Roads......... Miscellaneous B.B. Graham, County 'Treasurer Trea'sure'r's' 'Office, June '5th, 1929~ November Session To the -Warden and Council"; Genit'lemen: Balance I beg leave to submit the following report 011 the Finances, of the County fOr your consideration: 'Receip'ts to 'October3lst, 1929 Cash on harid ht January ... Adm. of Justice ................. Bills Payable ................. Interest ... . . .. . . . . . RegSstry Office . . . . . . . . . . . . Public' Schools ...... ~ , . . . . . . . House of Industry ..... Arrears of Taxes ,.............. '" . , . . . . . . County Roads . Misc'ellaneous ....,.........$ 33033,74 4634,71 210000.00 557,63 591.97 35971.74 948.03 2393, 18 96149,52 63564,75 .......,... ....,..... ",.."........." ..$ Expenditul1es to October 31st, 1929 Adm;"of Justice Bills Payable .., Inter.est PubHcSchools High Schools .. 19328,66' 140000.00 4231. 79 24597,88 26269,63 ',';- Estimates for _ Balance of Year Expenditures $ 387845 2, Bills Payable Interest '........ Adm. .of Justice Public Schools .. High Schools ......, House of Industry......,.,.... Arrears of Taxes ..,....., Members' Wages ,...,..........,. Officers' Salaries ,.....,.. Care of Buildings County Roads Prov.Highway Miscellaneous Sur.plus .,. ,'. ..$ 14158,06 1564,08 10,50 3413,93 3625,00 599,50 2232,79 2328,83 121346,79 18452.94 160000,00 3000.00 4000,00 42000,00 45000,00 1600,00 2393.18 1600,00 1125 ,00 500,00 35000,00 56768,00 10000,00 69 i$ 382160,38 ,$5684.89 $ 387845,27 $ 362986,00 6611.00 $ 36959700 70 EIgiu County Council Elgin ,County Council 71 Receipts Abstract of Receipts and Expenditures. County Rate Gov. Aid to Co. Roads ....... ,'. . ......... . City, Sub. Area ...... City, Adm. of J:ustice Government Adm. of Justice ...., Misce1taneous . .$ 279003.00 78000.00 300000 5494.00 3500.00 600.00 Assets and" Liabi.1ities._. Detailed Statement of Receipts and Expenditures. $ 369597.00 As requested, we have made a quarterly audit of the Treasurer's accounts and forwarded a statement of each quarter to the Warden and 'Chairman of the Finance Committee. Owing to a -defect in our title to the Teller property which has not yet been removed, we were unable to dispose of it. The bonds given by the Treasurer for ten thousand dollars and deposited by order of the Council with the Manager of the Bank of Montreal, at St. Thomas, were renewed on January 1st, 1929. -A!11 of which is respectfully submitted. B. B. Graham, County Treasurer. We have examined -the returns made by the -several treasurer'S to the County Treasurer during the year 1928 and find them correctly entered. , '~',. Treasurer"s Office, November 26th, 1929. All of which is respectfully submitted W. C. CAUGHELL, W. A. GALBRAITH, AUDITORS' REPORT p"uditors To the Warden of the Couilty of Elgin: Dat~d at St. Thomas, January 22nd, 1929. We, the undersigned auditors of the CO)..lIlty of Elgin for -the year 1928, res,pectfuUy submit the follow-ing report: The statements submitted were printed separately. We have carefully compar-ed the several accounts with the vouchers produced and orders authoi'izing t.he various expenditures and find them correct. We find the receipts exceed (he expenditures by thrity-three thousand and thirty-three dollars and twenty-two cents. $33,033.22). The following statement's are submitted: 72 Elgin County Council REPORTS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE January Session To th~ E,lg,in' .CountyOouncil : Gentlelrten- The Finance COll1111ittee 'reports: 1. That the following grants be made: ...$ 100.00 350.00 200.00 Sick Children's Hosp.ital, Toronto Salvation Army ................... Canadian Institute for the Blind ..... 2. -That 110 action be taken re application for incr,ease in ,s~Jary from High Constable. 3. That a by-law be passed authorizing the Warden and Treas- urer to'borrow,the. sum of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars. 4. T.hat a by-law be. passed to defer Tax Sale for one year. s. That the Warden, Chairman and Clerk be a committee witH power to renew Indemnity poJicyas.'may be l;1eemed advisable. 6. That the Auditors' Report 'be received and printed. 7. That the following aCOUl1ts be paid: Ont'ario Municipal Association, membership fee . . .. . ,$ l~ay Gilbert, conveyance of prisoner, to- hospjtal, Woodstoclc, C. St. Clair Leitch, Solicitor, one year ,I W, K. Cameron Estate, legal advice ..... Twp. of Aldborough, _cCJllveyance of inmate to House of Industry Provincial Treasurer, conveyance of prisoners ..,... McLachlin',s Book Store, stationery 25.00 15.00 175.00 6.53 5.00 27.84 3.00 Elgin County Council Aylmer Express, printing minutes Dutton Advane, printing ............. Childr-en's Aid Society, maintenance .. .,...... Municipal World, stationery and pdntiIlg, ,Clerk and Treasurer Municipal World, Registry Office Globe Indemnity Co., balance of premium .......... ,........ 8. That the following hospHal accounts be 'paid : SL Joseph's Hospital..... Parkwood Hospital..,......................." London Health Association Sanatorium Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas South Dorcl1ester, maintenance of .patient at Parkwood Ho'sp. Y:l Village of Rodney, maintenance of -patient at Sanatorium, Y:l 73 224.00 7.00 278.00 30.10 96.95 349.31 ...$ 175.00 31325 366.00 252.00 161.00 88.50 9. That the Treasurer charge the following municipalities with their share of HO'N~ital- accounts: Aldboro'ugh Bayham ... Port Stanley Aylmer ...... Malahide Dunwich .... ..$ 87.50 80.50 183.00 18.37 7.00 52.50 All of which is respectfully submitted. D. K; Andre~, Cha.irlrtan . 25th January, 1929. No. l--;-Jun~ Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen- The Finance Committee reports: 1. That we haveconsiderec1 matters pertaining to Old Age 74 Elgin County Council Pensions and would recommend the appointment of the following to compose the local board or commission for the County: W. S. Stalker, AId-borough Dugald Blue, Dunwich W. H. Mills, Yarmouth Dr. C. Sinclair, Aylmer W. W. Kiddie, S, Dorchester. and, that by-law be passed making the appointments and fixing the remuneration. 2. That no action be taken in reference to application for grant presented by the Y. W, C. A authorities of St. Thomas. 3. That we have had before us a communication from the Canada Law Belak Company offering to sell one copy of Pike's Municipal Manual" and "Manning on As'sessment and Ratingl' for $22.00 and would recommend that the books be purchased. 4. That we recommend the <,-ppointment ofa County pupil to attend the Agricultural College lmd the payment of the fifty' dollar grant, the Warden aGel the Agricultural representative to make the appoilltmcnt. 5. That Messrs. McNabb and McDermand be continued on the ,Mothers' Allowance Board. '6. That no action be taken in reference to application fOf grant received from the Elgin Humane Society. 7. That we havecol1sidered communication from the Advisor)' 'Agricultural Council in reference to retaining the services of Mr. F, S. Thomas, Agricultural representative, and would recommend that the sum of $500.00 be placed to the credit of the Council for ,the.rpur- pose of indeasing Mr. Thomas" salary as they may deem advisable. 8. That the sum of $15.00 be paid to the Last Post of Lpndon district, towa.r~ds; the buriel cxpcllsesof A. Bolton. Fund This Elgin County Council payment being in accordance with the Hospitals Act, 'Se,ction 21, sub- section 2. 9. That the folowing accounts be paid: The Advance, Dutton, auditors' reports .......,................$ K. W. McKay, ex.press .....,.......................,. County Clerk, postage .........,......................... Children's Aid Society, maintenance .,.............., London & \ Middlesex ,Children's Aid Society, Rose Marie Robei"ts .................... McLac'hlin's Book St.ore, station cry for Clerk'sQUice M ui1ic1pal WorId, books, etc. Registry Office ......... M uni6pa1 World, supplies' House of Industry M,unicipal vVorId, County'Treasurer ....... ,...., Municipal Vvorld, County" Auditors Municipal World, County Council Town of Aylmer, y:; acct. conveying inmates to House of Industry '~"':... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . City of St. Thomas, for sprinkling Stanley Street, elm,ing 1928 Industrial Refuge, maintenance Dorothy Williams Alexandra Industrial School, maintenance Victoria, Industrial, School, maintenance ..... 10. That the following hospita:I accounts be paid: Twp. of Dunwich, ~ account maintenance of Margaret McKay Victoria Hospital ............... ....,......... .. ..$ Township Aldborough, % maintenance of John Thornicroft Victoria Hospital'. .......... . .......... . V;cj:ori'l Hospital, maintenance of Rose Marie Roberts, ward of Children's Aid Society, 24 days . . ... . . . ....... S1. Joseph's Hospital, London, maintenance of Peter Carswell Y; to be charged to Dun wich ........,...... 35.00 Parkwood Hospital, London, maintenance' of Beatrke Neff..... o to be charged to Bayham ..............,... 78.75 Queen Alexandra Sanatorium, maintenance of Zellas children and Rudolph Long ... . ..... .. . ... . .. .. ...... Y2 to be charged to Port Stanley .............. 360 00 Soldiers' Memorial 'Hospital, Tillsonburg, for 36 public ward patients, residents of Elgin County for 450 days at .50 John Ryerdon, maintenance ......... % to be charged to Malahide 75 182.00 .45 10.00 607.25 50.00 4.55 67.50 13..75 10.03 10.00 1.20 4.50 19.81 55.00 107.50 63.0U 133.87 88 38 42.00 70.00 157.50 720.00 225 00 7 00 3.50 76 Elgin County Council anq. that no action be taken in reference to accounts rendered for maintenance of patients from the County of Elgin, no preliminary notice having been received by the Clerk in reference thereto. Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas~ Maintenance of ]. S.McIntyre, inmate of House of Industry. ",....,... ........ .'... Mrs. Edward Travers .....,......... Southwald to be ,e'harged with. Robert Bannister ..............",.....,'. Aylmer to be charged with ................. Ruth Caldwell ... '" . . . . , . . . Yarmouth to be charged with Charles Rudland .... ............. Dunwich to be charged with ,........ Henry Doxtater ....... Yarmouth to be charged For 241 County patients ?115 clays at .50 All of which is respectfully submitted. 20.25 60.75 23.63 49.50 19.25 139.5.0 54.25 29.25 J1.38 81,.00 with ................ 31.50 treated in public ward for 1057.5U D. K. ..Andrew, Chairman .St. Thomas, Ont., 6th June, 1929.- A,s amended in Committee of the Whole. No.2-June Session To the 'Warden and Council of the County of Elgin: Gentlemen- The -Committee 011 Finance beg leave to report that, having Elgindounty Council 77 inquired into the finances of the :CoUnty, they recommend: 1. That Debentures be issude 56 that the amount due for con- struction of Provincial Highway, $139,003.63, may be repayable in three instalments and that .by-laws -be passed at the November Session.' 2. They have considered the estimates prepared by the County Treasurer, and herewith submit a statement of the expenditure re- quired for the lawful purposes of the County during 1929, 'showing the amout required to be raised for the under mentioned purposes. Acl1ninistration of Justice .....,........ County Lines and Bridges House of Industry ..... High Schools Public Schools .......,........... . . . . .. . . . . . . Officers' Salaries, '_' . . . Me111~bers' Wages ':'.... Court I-louse Commission ... Interest .....,.... ......... Registry Office Miscellaneous County Roads Provincial Highways ...._ ...... .$ 10,000 1,0.0.0 14,.0.00 45,000 19,0.00 5,000 6,00.0 2,.000 6,000 2,000 29,235 83,000 56,768 $ 279,003 Your Committee would rel;omment that the sunl of Two Hund~ red and Seventy-Nil1c Thousand and Three Dollars be raised on all r-ateable property in the several Municipalities of the County of Elgin during the year 1929 for County purpose's,' and that a 'rate of 9 mills on the dollar be levied on rateable property in the several Municipalities in the County to raise said amounts. All of which is respectfully submitted. D. K. Andrew, Chairman, Adopted June 8th, 1929. 78 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 79 November Session 9. That the following accounts be paid: To the Elgin County Council: Kent Children's Aid Society, accountre Bas'sett children, Elgin Children's Aid Society, maintenance ,'..'.......' Annual grant ... . ' , . . ' , . . . , .'. , , . . . , .'. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , , Provincial Secretary, for conveyance of prisoners Victoria Industrial School, maintenance of ward' ..... Municipal ';Yorld, supplies, Registry Office"............, Queen Alexandra Sanatarium, grant in lieu of Christmas 'seals K. W. McKay, postage and phones ,..."..,'............' Municipal W orId, supplies Clerk and Treasurer .,....... 10. That the following hospital aCcOunts be paid: Alexandra Hospital, Ingersoll ";'" ..............., Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, TilIsonburg ....'.' Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas Queen Alexandra Sanatorium ,................. Parkwood Hospital, London ....... Twp. of South, ,Dorchester, paid Parkvwod Hosp,ital for Ly!e '" ...$ 49.59 517.50 400.00 63.68 15.50 208.00 25.00 25.50 10.94 Gentlemen- The Final1ce Committee- Reports: 1. That a committee consisting of Messrs. McKenney, Drys- dale, the Warden, Chairman and Treasurer be appointed to inter- view the Solicitor ill reference'to mortgage Strong ,to Teller which was assigned to the County when Teller became an inmate of the House of Refuge. The Committee to have power to aCt. 2. That application from Lady Willington for grant to Vic.. torian Order of Nurses be laid over until the next session, ..$ 35.00 22.75 270.00 888.00 374.50 Ada 266.00 3, That the report from the Mothers' Allowances Board ,be received and printed in the minutes. 4. That K.W. McKay be appointed Secretary of the Old_ Age Pensions Commission to be paid Seven Dollars per day for" meet- ings of the Commission, and fifty cents per application received since meeting of the Commission 011 the 19th of November, and that ar- rangements with Secretary pro tem as reported be approved. 11. That 111t1nicipalities be charged with their share of Hospital accounts as follows: 5. That report of John Allen. Corn Borer Inspector, be re- ceivedand printed in the minutes. BayhalTI ................. ........~.. ,$ Aylmer ............,.... Southwold ,........ Yarmouth Aldborough Port, Stanley ....'....,.,....... 189.62 23.62 56.87 31.50 5.25 444.00 6. That ,grants to Aylmer and S1. Thomas Poultry Sho-ws be the same as last year, $100 each. 12. That the Treasurer's report be received and printed in thq minutes. 7. That F. A.Bell, C.E., be appointed County Engineer with- out salary, he to ha ve free use of the office 11O'W occupied until it is otherwise required. 13. That the County Solicitor's a'ccount to date, General Ser- vices $260 and 'services re M. C. R. Bridge $100 be paid. All of which is respectfuJIy ,submitted. 8. That settlement of account re John McNicol be. left in the hands of the Treasurer with power to act, and tha~ the Warden be authorized to sign quitclaim deed when the, matter is settled. D. K. An~rew,Chairman St. Thomas, Ont., 27th November, 1929. 80 Elg,in County. Council Elgin Cmmty COl.HV;Il 8) REPORTS .COl)NTY ROAD COMMITTEE 4.'Ma,chinery, tool$, i'!-va,ilabl~ tOfyeqf 19.?9: January Session 1 'Wehr grader; 3 5-ton dump trucJ~s; 1 ppwer l;llaintaiJ.wr; 7 heavy gmders; 1 semi-portable -gravel bin;. 3 to-horse ,power' gas engines; 1 centrifugal pump;l force pump; 1 new Evenrucle pump; l' diaphragn pump; 1 cement mixer; 43 junior grader.s; 1 wheel scraper; 24' slush scrapers; 6 dump'~ wagons; one water tank and wagon; 2 mowers; 11 plows.; 27 drags; 5 steel drags; 1 electric battery; 1 hot shot battery; 8 s'hove1s; 6 hammer,s; 9 crow bars; 14 sledges; 13" picks; 7 lanterns; 5 shovels;, 1 extension ladder. j 5 sythes; 1 axe. To the Elgin County Council: Gentlcmcll- ' The County Road Committee reports: 1. That the sum of Ont Hundred and Eighty Two thousand and twelve dollars and seventy seven cen/;,s, ($182,012.77) was expended on Elgin County Highways System, duripg the year 1928. The per- centagepayable by the Province, Middlesex and St. Thomas Sub- urhan Area, will be- about 53 per cent. of the above ,amount. 5. Material in 'stock- 1000 feet of one-half inch and inch iron water pipe; 6000 feet of used plank. 2. ,County Roads- 6. Estimate for exp~nditure on Roads and Bridges year 1929-- Maintenance on County Roads Bridge Construction on County l<oads Construction on County Roads ...,......... Maintenance on Suburban Area Roads Construction on S.ubul"ban Area Roa'ds ..... Count'y Bridges ......_ .$ 85450.54 9254.60 42316.13 8832 67 1052.45 693 31 We estimate the sum Eighty Thousand, Seven Hundred and Fifty D,ollars ($80,750.00). 8213 01 3300 99 14161.51 5058 29 660. 00 385 00 423.50 2210 77 Construction on -roads Maintenance on roads ..... Culverts .,.. ... Construction and Mai'ntenance on Suburban Area Roads County Bridges (not including Gillett Bridge) .,. General expense, machinery, tools and repairs ... .$ 16000.00 47000.00 2000.00 3. _ General expenses- Grants to Urban Municipalities Superintendence Machinery ..,....".,.. Gravel Pit Development Interest on Mortgage Hathaway Farm Improvement on Hathaway Farm ,.... . ,.., Insurance on Implement Shed and Contents Workmen's Compensation Board,., 4250.00 1500.00 10000.00 $ 80750:00 Less Receipts "".." $ 182012.7, $ 4036.84 7. That Cml11ty Road Superintl;':ndent be delegated to attend Road Conference held in Toronto during the latter part of February year 1929. All of which is respectfully submitted. ,Fred R. Taylo,r, Cha.irmanRoad Committee. In Committee of the Whole, .paragrap'b ,six was amended by re- ducing estimate of exp,enditurefro.m $80,7:5@ to $75,750, $ 177975.95 82 Elgin County Cotii1ciI Elgin 'County Council 83 No. Z-January Session A statement of expendituresonSub~trban Area Roads from the 1st day of January 1928, to the 31st day of December 1928, inclusive, \vas read by the chairman, s-howing that $14,300.30 ha'sbecl1 expended on Suburban ATea roads during the year 1928, of this amount the City will pay to the Oaunty 25 per' cent., or $3575,.07. To the Elgin County Council : Gentlemen--'- . The County Road Committee reports: That the Warden be authorized to appoint: (1). Committee to confer with committee Council and other authorities in reference to Central Bridge improvements. Ordered 1. of the City the Michigan 1. That the City of _ St, Thomas be notified that this Commission estimate the sum of Fou~ Thousand, Two Hundr:ed and Fifty DoIters ($4,250,.00) for expenditure on Suburban Roads during the year 1929. (2) Committee to co-operate othe'r authorities in reference St. Thomas. with, the City Council and to the western entrance to 2., That the County 'Of Elgin be notified that this Commissi'On~s..: tJmate the Slll1iofFour Thousand, Two Hundred and Fifty DollaI's ($4,250.00) for expenditure on designated' r'Oads during the year 1929. (3) Committee t'O attend meeting of the Ontario Good Roads Association. 3. The statement of ,account submitted ,at this meeting at e:x:- penditures for the year 1928, on Suburban Area Roads, amounting to $3575 _07 (Three Thousand, Five Hundred and, Seventy" Five Dollars and Seven ,Cents) being 25 per cent. of total expend~ture, the, City of St. Thomas' portion payable under the Highways Act, be ,paid and the Treasurer of the City of S1. Thoma's is hereby authorized to forward cheque for the above amount to the Treasurer of the Elgin County Highway System. 2. That Fifteen DoBars for membership in the Good Roads Assocaition be paid. All of which is respectfully submitted. Fred R. Taylor, Chairman 4. That snow roads on Suburban Area be kept open for auto~ niobilc traffic during the winter 111onths. Report Suburban Area Commission 5. Moved by Alex. Anderson,' St. Thoma-s, January 18th, 1929 Seconded by J. T. Webster: Meeting .of 51. Thomas Suburban Area Commission. Present: Chairman Dr. F. O. Lawrence, J. T. Webster. Alex. A.nc1erson, "G. F.Pinneo, County Road S'upt.' That Dr. F. O. Lawrence be re-appointed chairman of Com.. mission. F. O~ Lawrence,' Chairman of Subur.ban Area Comm. 84 Elgin County Council June Session St. Thomas, June 4th, 1929 To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen-, YOU1' Rqad' Committee beg leave to report: 1. That We have made our customary annual inspection over 'the County Roads indudil'Jg the County Bridges that have been recently taken over under the Highway Act. The latter are all in good con- clition excepting what is known as the Gillette ,Bridge, east of Sparta. This bridge is hadly Qutoi repair and a l1cwbridge should be con- structed at thisp'Oint in the near future. We found the County Roads generally in fair condition, some new construction \vork -on County Road No.3, in the Village of Rodney; also on Road No.1, in" the Village of Wes.t Larue being completed; On Colbornestreet itl 'the Village of Part Stanley, wc recammend w'hatisknawn as 'a Mulch Treatment 'Of tar on Caunty RaadNo. 23. This wark is in pro- gr:e,ss <\tprescnt, ,and will be c'Ompleted as saon as possible. The ex- tensiOi1 af'the Culvert and widening 'Of the raad at Union Pand will make a' decided improvement and much safer for mator traffic. 2. We estimate that the sum 'Of Eighty-three Thausand Dallal'S ($83,000.00) be raised far Construction, Maintenance of raads and bridges this year. 3. We summarize the years' wark as follav'ls: Construction 4. Grading and 111ctallirig five miles of road. Bridges and Culverts 5.0nel'l'eW "IiJr:idge an Road Na. 18,vVest of Lawrence Sta- Elgin Caunty Council 85 tion. The Canstructian and widening, 'Of nine cement culverts. AJbaut the usual amaunt 'Of il~on pipe and tile drains will be required. ' Maintenance 6. !Expen,<Hture Jar this class 'Of work ,this' year w.i11 be heavy f'Or reasan 'Of the ever increas-ing traffic, and demands 'Of the travelling public for bettcr roads. ' Resurfacing ",,;ith Crushed Stane and Gravel aver the entire length of the more travelled roads shauld 'be dane this year. 7. We advise the use of Calcium Chlarickon Raad No. 23 S.A. as a dust layer. The latter cast being 'paid far as pravided under the Highway Act. Other roads where dust layer is asked far, pra,p~ erty owners"adjaining ta pay 50 per cent. 'Of the cast thereaf. 8. That yaur cammittee has bad under cansideratian a re- quest from the residents 'Of Belmont far road improvement and have discussed tlfe matter with the County of Middlesex autharities and v;ould recommend that an agreement be prepared as autharized by Section 453 of the Municipal Act. (1) Ta provide far the payment 'Of construction and main,- tenunce wark on the tawnline betweeri Dorchester and Westminster by the Caunty 'Of Middlesex, being a portionafCol1"llty Raad Na. 25: For theconstructian and :uaintenance work an the Westminster Yarmouth townline by theCaunty 'Of Elgin being County Raad Na.34. . (2) That the bridge over Kettle Creek in the Village of Bel- mant be v\'idened, each County ta paY' hali. (3) That th~ cast 'Of' constructian work on bridges and foot approaches an the Westminster-Yarmouth tawnline be paid half by each County. The 11ccessitY',cfar c'anstructran work ta be termined by the Road S~pts. ancl High"vay Department Engineet'. 100 'One de- (4) That the County of Middlesex construct and maintain a 86 Elgin CQunty Council Elgin County CouIld1 87 9. We recommend that road No. 23 S.A., or what is know as the London':' Port Stanley Road from St. Thomas, to Port Stanley be made a through Highway, and By-law passed for the same at this session. Interest, on Mortgage ..... Hathaway Farm expenses W'orkmen'sCompensation ....,..,.. Miscellaneous ................... Material in stock ..... ........,.. 330.00 59.76 1318.72 2826.98 58.68 concrete pavement 20 feet wide on the Wesminster-South Dorchester townline. $ 137177.06 Fred R Taylor, 2. Construction on County Roads and connecting links within 'Chairman of the County Road Committee Construction the Villages ..$ 7856.92 St. Thomas, Ont., Nov., 1929 Total miles of road .graded Total miles of road gravelled ..... Total miles of road stoned........ . 5 2 3 November Session "". To the Elgin County' Council: .1. Bridges Gentlemen- One concrete heiull bridge on road No. 18, Southwold. The Elgin County Road Committee report that expenditureo{ Elgin County Highway System, from January 1st, 1929, up to and iricluding November 15th, total $137,177.06. This amount will be in- creased by work already in progress. 4. County Bridges Under BYNLaw 1091 The Meek Bridge in the Township of Southwold, new cement and strengthened with 'steel joist. floors, Expenditure as Follows Construction on County Roads ....... Maintenance on County Roads ......... Construction on Suburban..Area Roads ........ Maintenance 011 Suburban Area Roads.. County Bridges under BY,ilaw 1091 ......... Village Grants Trucks, expenses, gas and oil Labor, e)Opense in County Owm:d Gravel Pits.., Machinery, repcdrs and tools ..$ 27147.39 61692.29 7787.67 5325.35 4969.29 662527 7578.94 3349. 56 8107. )6 The Kains Hill Bridge,. in the Township of Southwold, new cement floor, ne,,-.' steel joist and und~rpiningon the west abutment. 5. Culverts lOnew cement culverts and 22 iron pipes. 5584 Lineal feet of five and six inch tile have been laid County Roads this ye~T and used only for Road Drainag~ on the 88 Elgin 'CoUltfy (ounen 6. Maintenance 140 miles of County road has been resurfaced with crushed stone or graveL Also numerous grades and culverts have been - ex.- tended or widened. 7. Machinery and TO(JIs Purchased This Year One Dominion Road Machine.ry Grader, Power Maintainer, 5 four-wheel;cl Junior Graders, 2 tile Spades, 4 shovels, 3 hammers, 3 cistern pumps, 8 sythes, 2 dry cell batterys, 1 .post hole digger, 5 pair or pliers, 1 pick axe, 2 handsaws, 4 slus11 scrapers, 2 plows,- 1 water tank ftnd 'Wa.gon, 8 lal1ternf', A mattocks. 8. Material, Hauled and Sold from County Owned Gravel Pits from November 1st, 1928 to November 1st, 1929 ROLQSON PIT-In the Township of Dercham: Expenses for stripping, labor and COl1stru~tiol1 of old 90 foot steel bridge remev- eel ham Port Talbot, 'Courity Road No.8, including abutments, $2124.44. Credits for gravel received to date from private individuals $1804.60 plus 580 cords hauled 'on County' Roads at $1.25 per cord $625.60 Total 2429.60. Your committee have"let by contract tender, w.ith the approval of the Department of Highways, to Bates and Prowse, of Ingersoll, theCOli.tract for hoisthi.g ant of the water, upwards of eight to ten thousand yards of gravel, with drag line, sand sucker, or other po\,,'cr unit approved of. depositing the same on the top of the bank in a cone shaped pile or piles, subject to l the appt'oval of the County Road Superintendent, at the price of 16 cents per yard. HATHAWAY PIT-In the cordsea.rth stone hauled 2552. screening $9400.37. Township Cost 'of of Yarmouth, number 0\ stripping, elevating and Elgin County Council 89 LOCKER PIT-In the Township of Houghton. Number of cords of gravel 'hauled 111, Cost of stripping 23.00 Number of cords of gravel hauled from Private owned pits 1173. Number of cords of gravel hauled from County owned pits 4438. For reason of reduction in prices of crushe'dstone, considerable more amount of this material will be used this year than in former years. Up to October 31st, the County has used 252 car.1oads. This amount will be increased to considerabl,e extent for orders give,n since November 1st, 1929. . 9. Truc;k Operation (Jan. Ist to Nov. 1st, 1929 Truck No. 1 Truck No. 2 Truck No. 3 ""-- Hours Worked .. .1440 ......... ..1315 ........... ..1461 4216 Average mileage per day Average cords of gravel hauled Average "cost expense per day Deprecia tion allowed each truck per day,. Cost of . each truck per day ,.. Cost of hauling 1 cord of gravel 1 mile Miles Travelled 10483 9420 10387 30290 Cords of Gravel Hauled 867 684 920 2471 72. 5.86 21:61 10.00 .................... .$31.61 ............... 87c. 10. Wehr Power Grader Miles travelled Gas: used Oil Used ..... Days worked '.1' .... 3856 2593' Gallon, 164 quarts 199 90 Elgin County Council Expenses: Wages ................. . . . . . . , . . . . . . Repairs, Gas, Oil ......,.................. Depreciation allowed $2.00 per day, 200 days ....... Cost of dragging Of scarifying 1 mile of road 11. Power Maintainer No.1 ..$ 79S 50 882.01 398.00 $ 2075.51 .... 54c Miles travelled .."............. Gas used Oil Used ................. Days worked Expenses: Wages Repairs, Gas, Oil Depreciation $2.00. per day for 159 days ....... .............. 3237 ......... 1508 Gallons 142 Quarts .................. 159 ................................$ 704.00 1875.60 318.00 Cost of dragging Or scarifying 1 mile of road 12. Power Maintainer No. 2 Miles travelled Gas used Oil Used.. .....".... Days Worked Expenses :VV ages ... Repairs, Gas, Oil ..,.. Depreciation at $2.00 per day for 114 cla.ys Cost of dragging or scarifying 1 mile of road '.""" $ 2'193.60 6le 279D 1886 Gallon::. 73 Quarts 1.14 ..~ 669.75 855 34 288 00 '$ 1813.09 ... ". 64c 13. A,pproval of By-law ~umber 1109 by the Department of Highways has been received designating as County Road No.5. The Townlinebetwecn the T'ownship o[ Dunwich and Aldborough froni the River Thames, Southerly to Road No. 10. This road is about s'ix miles in length at'1d very badly out of repair. Elgin County 'Council 91 14. Your committee report that complaint has been made .on behalf Of Arthur F. P~lkey, claiming damages by reason of thecon~ struction of the Highway assumed in the Township of Bayham crossing the Little Otter Creek, east of the Village of Port Burwell, alleging that he is deprived of an entrance to and from his property through the grading Of the Highway. The Committee inspected fhe road and without admitting liahilityoffered to purchase a small portion of Mr. Pilkey's land' for. the purpose of straightening the' Little Otter Creek to better protect the Bridge on the Highway, but were unable to reach any agreement with' him. The County Road CommIttee still have this matter under advisement. 15. That, this County Council name a :deputation to confer with Middlesex County, re designation of Townline between North and South Dorchester, as County Road beginning at the intersections of Middlesex County Road No. 60 and Elgin County Road No. 47, or the road between Lots 3 and 4, South Dorchester at the Village of Avon, fhence easterly 1.9" the Oxford TownJil1e. All of which is respectfully submitted. Fred R.Taylor, Chairman. REPORT OF PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE January'.Session To the Elgin Cotmty Council: Gentlcmen- The Petitions and Legislation Coimnittee reports: L That no action be taken in reference to suggestion from Sec;:retary of Ontario Trustee's Association to make appointment of a County Trustee for each High School from without the district. 2. That no action be takell in reference to communication from the City of Oshawa suggesting that the Province should pay 50 .per cent. of the cost of the upkeep of County and City Gaols. 92 Elgin County, Council Elgin. COLJnty. .(:Ol,tll.9i1 93 4. That no action be taken in reference to communication from City of Chatham that the Province should make adequate provision lor the care of families of prisoners serving terms in gaols and penitentiaries.. 7. That we co-operate with the C;lUuty Council of Simcoe in request f.or analliendment to the Highway Improvement Act to provide that a by-law ,a"p,pointing a Township Road Superintendent may be repealed or amended on- the unanimous vote of the Town'. ship 'Council, without the necessity qf t'he qmsent of the Minister of Public Highways. 3. That no action be taken inrefercnce to commu1llcation from County Council of Bruce fhat ingident ,patients shall be sent to County hospitals, and then only with the knowledge and approval- of the mlinicipaI ~uthorities. All of which is respectfully submitted. Samuel J. Smith, -Chairman 5. That \ve approve of resolution submitted by the Elgin Big Game Hunters' Association: 24th January, 19,29 1. That the bounty Gn \-volves be increased. 2. That the license fee 'farnan-residents be substantially increased. '.'; June Session To the Elgin .county Counci]: i 3. That the Department of Game and Fisheries be re- quested to take a cen~us of the hunters on the question of hunting with dogs - and hunting without 'dogs when the 1929 licenses are issued, and that all Sheriffs and Deputy Sher.iffs of the several _counties of the Province, all Licensed Guides, Road Supervisors, Deputy Land Surveyors, Forest ltangers, Foremen of Lumber Campz, ,Officers and Members of the Provincial Police' Force, Members of Game Protective Associations shall be ex- officio Deputy Game Wardens under the Ontario Act, and that other Counties be requested to co-opera,te in the matters referred to. Gentlemen- The Petitions and Legislation Committee reports: 1. That a by-law to confirm By.,.L<tw No. 1117 _of the Township oJ Yarmouth closing a portion of Park Avenue, near the eastern limit of St. Thomas be prepared and introduced. 2. That in reference to dlc' communication from the County of Peterborough, we would rec.ommcnd that the Warden be appointed to attend the provincial deputation to w'ait upon the Minister ot Highways in referel'lce to further restricting n:1O.tor tr~ffic ,during the time the frost is coming out of fhe ground. Ii II :'! i) 6. That we co-operate ",'ith the County Council of Hastings in requesfing legislation to defii1e the-terIIl "indigent" within the meaning of the Hospitals and Charitable Insthutions Act, al1d to re-' quire the Councils of the local municipalities to make an effort -to collect accounts from the indigent patients or from relatives, who in other ci.r,cumstances would be- liable for their maintenance. All of which is respectfully submitted. s. .J~ Smith, Chairman St. Thomas, Ont., 5th June, 1929. 96 Elgin County .council June Session To the Elgin County Council : GCl1'tlemen- The House of Industry Committee reports: 1. That the Supervisor of Releases IromProvincial Hospitals be notified that William Burns and H. R. Ackford may be transferred to House of Industry 2. That we have purchased and installed in the Institution six large and eighteen small fire extinguishers and two five-bucket tanks which, with the water supply available will be ample to en,... able the Keeper to control incipient fires. Total cost $157;40. 3. That contract for coal has been awarded to William Logg at $12.65 per ton delivered at the Institution. All of which is respectfully submitted. Frank Coutts, Chairman St. Thomas, 5th June, 1929, November. Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen- The I-louse of Industry Committee reports: 1. That contract for bread for 1930 be awarded to the (anada Bread Company at the rate of 4 1-9 cents per pound. Elgin County Council 97 2~ That the. Physician and Inspector's reports be received and printed in the minutes. 3. That we re,ceived a commuriication in reference to the ad- mission of inmates from the City bf SL Thotilasto the Housebf Industry and have conferred with a ,committee of 'the Council in tcfereric.e thereto. ,We believe it, would. he in ~he best'interests of both municipalities if a satisfactory <l:rrangementcO\Ulcl be arrived at, and would suggest that yOUr committee be authorized to submit the basis of an agreement in reference thereto at the Januar:y Session. All' of which is respectfully submitted. F. Coutts; Chairman St. Thorhas; Opt.. 28th Novcmbei' 1929. Report of PhY,sician, House of Industry St. Sho'lllas, .Ont., N:ov. 22nd, i~29. To the \:Vard:eil and 1;Icmbers> of the Elgin 'County Council: Gcntlcmen- I have the honour of presenting the, fifty:-fourth annual Medical report- of the Elgin House of Industry up to October 31st; 1929, and submit the following for your consideration: Except for ailments due 10 advanced age, the health of the inmates has been 'good. T made fifty-three visits to the House of Industry, and attende(1 four inmates in the Memorial Hospital during their stay there. On Novetilber29th, 1928; E. F. Beecroft was admitted to th~ Hospital, whe're he remailled until December 26th, 1928. 98 Elgin County Ccmncil On January 29th, 1929, 1. McIntyre was admitted to the Hos- pital where he died February 7tb, 1929. On July' 23rd, 1929, N. Graves was admitted to the Hospital, w'here he died on July 29th, 1929. On: April 27th, 1928, E.Hoffman was admitted to the Hospital where he still remains. There were no births du'dng the year. There were nine deaths during the year, three females and SIX males, as follows; Date Name Oct. 28,- 1928 Sylvia J. Haskell Dec. 28, 1928 Mary Carey Feib. 7, 1929 Isaac McIn,tyre Mar. 24, 1929 John Williams Apr. 20, 19?9 William Ros,s June 22, 1929 Richard Trigger June 24, 1929 Tom ~ Stevens July 29, 1929 Nelson Graves 'Sept. 29, 1929 Matilda Clark I have the honour to be, Your Obedient Servant, Dpuglas L. Ewin, Age Cause of Death 97 Old Age 78 Old Age 73 Locomotor Ataxia 85 Old Age 57 Cellulitis 84 Old Age 80 Cerebral J;Iaemor- rhage. 80 .Fractured Hip. 84 Old Age Physician, Elgin House of Industry Elgin County Council 99 Report of Inspector of House of Industry November Session To the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin; Gentlemen- The following is my report on the House Refuge for the year, eliding October 31st, 1929. 1. Number of inmates at last report 2. Number admitted during the year 3. Number of deaths 4', Number discharged ....... 5. Number absconded ......... 6. N'umber now in house 7. Number of inmates sent from. the several in the County during the year; of Industry and 40 .20 9 10 3 38 municipalities ,," Aldborough .., ., . ,. . ,. ,. . ,. . ., ,. . .,. 2 Southwold .."........,........... 0 South 'Dorchester . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0 Ayhner ........ .'...,........ . . ... .. ... 5 Malahide ....................... ... 3 Bayham . '." .. .. .... . .. .. . .. ",' ... 1 Dutton ... ............ ........ .... 0 Dunwich . '. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ','. . . .. 2 -Yarmouth .... ....,. ...... l' Spril~gfield . . . . . . . . . . , . , , . . . . .. 1 Provincial Hospitals .........;..,. 5 20 8. The various causes of pauperism of inmates admitted to the House during the year may he' classified as follows; Sickness Destitute Old Ag~ -Vveak Mind 6 4 4 . .....,. 6 . 20 . , Average number of inm~\'tes during the year .,.'....!.' Average- number with Keeper's family and hired oheld 38 43 9. )0. ". 100 RIgGi Co'hiity Co'Hhcii 11. Numb~f8f *;eeks H8itfd 3rHiili:~tb 12. Number of. weeks' board with Keeper's family 13. Total expenditure <im'HigHi~ ye1l.f 14. R~c'etpi:s F:rom farm stock and produce sold $ Froth suHHf'ies ...:.. .......... 1993 2254 .....$ 21465.01 1283 . 34 2.47 Permanent ImproveXllents ..... '0'" , 15; Leaving amount actmillyexpeliderl for support of , ~n111ates ..............,.... ...,>...... .... '$ 16: Average expense per week for each person 17. Average expenses per day of eachpersort 18". Averageexpens.cs, p,er year for ea~h person 19. Aniotmt expended for ho'\!se and farm eluring the year may be divided, as follows: Hired Labor .,.....,...... Implements "......',....,... Stock ......... Fee\:l :::.....,............ Seed ..... ,....... Lun1ber, Ice ...,..... Miscellaneous .."...",." ,.... ...$ House E:lC.pense Bread . , ., , , , . , . . . Meat Groceries .,."..,...,.,..",..,. Provisions Dry Goods ,." '. . Bo()ts and Shoe$ Furnittwe, Hardware Drugs Coal, Wood ,.".."", <Ice Miscclaneous ... .$ 423.50 183.71 178.81 715.28 100.27 105 36 750.41 508.91 1124.71 596.29 478.57 309.37 162,20 518.88 86.15 1892.98 52,50 468.67 1285.81 9607.74 1057146 '4.69 .67 243.88 ,$ 2457.34 $ 619923 Elgin, County Council General" Expense ,Conveyance of inmates .",. Repairs .. .'. Permanent Improvements "",...., Incidental Insurance Salaries .......".,.. Salanes Keeper and Physician Inspector Matron ......... .$ '.') Total Expenditures ,'" .. ..$ 9.50 46.58 9607.74 577.60 307.02 2260,00 101 $, 12808.44 w '2260.00 1760.00 300.00 200.00 20, The' fciIlowing produce was raised on :the~arm during the $21465.01 year: 725 bushels oats and barley .:,.". ,.$ 125.bushels of wheat ,.... 50 loads oihay .. .,..".' 7 acres ensilage corn 100 bushels of potatoes 35 bushels carrots ......... 10 bushels turnips .,...",. 30 loads of straw. Pumpkin and squash Garden Produc~ 15 bushels table carrots ,. 543.00 162.50 500.00 135.00 130.00 12.50 8.00 120.00 500 . .$ $ 1616.00 5.00 102 Elgin County Council 12 . bushels beets 25 bushels onions 16 bushels parsnips 400 heads cabbage 1 bb1. cucumbers ' . .... ...... Garden peas . .. ' ,-.... .... 25 bushels tomatoes.... 7f acre quantity sweet 'cori1 Quantity lettuce, parsley, asparagus Quantity plums, grapes 15 quarts milk per day 100 bushels apples A large quantity of - vegetables and fruit was used, ~luring - the summer of which no account was kept 1 hog killed- during year .. . . . . . . . 400 quarts fruits canned in the house 365 dozen eggs consumed ...... , . 1.460 pounds butter Cream sold .. , . . ..... ... . ..$ Hogs sold . .. ''-'" ,'. . Cows sold ..,........... Eggs, sundries and chickens sold 2 calves sold (young) Horse' sold 20 bushels wheat sold 6.00 37.50 24.00 20.00 6.00 4.00 18.75 15.00 20.00 12 00 275.00 750U 75.00 25.00 100 00 109.50 584.00 $ 1411.75 178.47 364'.88 262 50 60 91 3 50 175 00 30.00 21. Number of articles of bedding and clothing made up during the year by matron and inmates, 22. Number of visits made by Inspector 23, Farm. Stock- 4 hor.ses 9 caws 15 hogs 4 yearling $ 107526 260 50 " Elgin COU~lty Council 103 24. The total amount expended by the County on Hous.eof Industry, etc. is as follows: . Farm, 100 acres, cost ........,...,. $$ House of Industry Laundry .......,. Fire Escapes Root Cellar, henery, etc, .,....... Cottages, etc ....; Bnick Ice House Barns,. etc Tile Drains ..... Tile Drain Outlet ..""....,.. ... r:i:ot air. pump, tank, connections Refrigerator Fencing Or.chard ... Heating. Apparatus ......... Boiler room and soft coal boiler Deep well ..,."....,. Silo. ..,...... 2 brood sows 7 ducks 100 chickens Hog Pen ... Electric installation and pumps 7298.95 12476.58 687.61 390.06 879.43 3192.45 1180.50 5213.39 1755.79 132.03 920.60 40.00 1812.32 8585 1979.00 3733.52 827.66 293.62 654.99 2136 94 $ 45691.29 The follovviilg is cost of permanent improvements completed during the year. Septic tank and drain Mason work Plastering ......... Tile Plumbing Carpenter work Electrical work .... ..$ 1146.75 475.00 880. 70 693 . 28 2960.36 1242.00 177.50 Ii 104 . Elgil1 County Counc:il Metalwork and heaters..... Painting Architect .................,. Advertising 545.00 1070.80 412.35 4.00 $ 9607.74 Total.. . $ 55299.03 25. Received' froIH Government on account of expendi- tures for land and building .........,..............,.......$ AOOO 00 Leaving amount actually experided by County .............$ 51299.03 All of which is respectfully submitted. Angus Turner, Inspector, November 1929. . REPORT OF HIGH CONSTABLE January Session To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: Gentlemcn- r have the honor of submitting the folloWling report afm)' work as High' Constable for the Past twelve months, beginning the first day of J enuary and ending the thirty-first day of Deccl11ber, One Thousand, Nine Hundr,ed and Twenty-Eight. Number of cases'prosecufed under warant. 78 Number of dismissals ... . . ...... . .. 6 Number of Convictions ...,...,.....,. .... 72 W.ithdrawals .. .. . . .... . . ., . 0 ,', Elgin County" Council Number of arrests as follows: Charge- Theft Assault Drunkeness Reckless Driving False Pretenses. ......... .. ,.... Driving car intoxicated ,...,..... N on support Carnal Knowledge ... Vagrants .............."..,.,... Causing grievous bodily harm Creating disturbance Bigamy.... . Sed\lftion \V~If~i Arson ....,."........... Charge-'- Penitentiary ......". Reformatory Common Jail ..,..... Suspended Sentence Fined ... ........... Payment of Costs Disluis'sed ... ,., ........ ....".... .,.,.,. Sent for trial,..",..... Number of cases prosecut~dunder .5U01hlO11S Chargc-'- Wilful Neglect Damage to property Common assault .......; BreakiI1$" and entering Theft ..... 105 21 8 ......... 15 5 4 4 4 I 2 2 2 I I 2 4 8 6 25 12 10 6 7 ,..... 24 I 10 8 .2 3 106 Elgin County Council Charge- 2 4 6 6 .......... 6 owner.. $400 4 4 3 2 4 Dism'issed Fined .,.............. ......... Suspended Sentence . . , . . .. . . ' Allowed out on payment of costs Made restitution Value of stolen goods returned to Stolen autos returned to owners Arrests effected fOr other forces ... Commitments to Ontario Hospital ....".... Brought to jail on' warrant of commitment lnquests -att-cnded .... Assisted Bailiff< on 4 occasions Summons served for other forces ..... 12 Chicken thefts report,> ................. ... 8 Search Warrants executed ........'. ..... 12 Assisted Constahles at their request.... ."., 20 Cases prosecuted under Highway Traffic Act ...... ............................ 42 Fines Imposed .......,.......... ..... $425 Cases Dismissed ............. . . . . . . . .. 2' Crses prosecuted under L. C. A. ...... .. 15 Fines Imposed .... . ... . . ... .... .... .$310 Di!'missed ......... ...... .. .. ........3 Total fines collectcd .,............,...... .$735 The above Statement shows the great amount of work invol- ved in the course or my employmc11t and the importance of my work and I beg to submit ,that an increase in salary would be com- mensurate with the services rendered. I have the honor to be yonr obedient servant, Hugh C. Ostrander, High Constable, Elgio" County. Elgin County Council 107 REPORT MOTHERS' ALLOWANCES COMMISSION November Session The local Board of Mother's Allowances for ,the County of El- gin held it annual meet'ing in the Court House, St. Thomas, on Sat,,: mday, September 26th, when the election 01 officers for the coming . year took place, The following officers werere-elected: Chairman~Mr. R. A.Penhale, St. Thomas, R. R,,8. Vice Chairman-Mrs. C. L. Bridgeman, Aylmer Secretary-Mrs. R B. Graham, Rodney. The Lakevicw, other members of th~ Board are, al1d .~:tr. D. A. McNabb, Dutton. Mr. S. S. McDermand, A report of the year's activities, prepared by, the Secretary fol- lows and ;howsin part the work of the local board. At the present time there arc twenty:-six beneficiaries in the County, receiving $765 00 for the support of eighty-one children under the age of sixteen years. Of this number receiving allowances, eighteen are widows, one a foster mother and seven are wives of incapacitated husbands. During t1)e year two of these husbands have died. Nine \V0111en were dropped.' from the list during the year, five no longer hav,ing two children under sixteen years, one came into possession of property, one remarried, one died qnd the husband 01 another was declared fit for work. . Tv..'O widows came into 'the County, from other places in On- tario. Two moved onto 011e going to Saskatchewan. Eleven applications were receiveJ dur.ing -the year, five -of which were granted, 'one is still pending and five were declared ineligible, three with too much property and - two with husbands not totally and permanently incapacitated. One ariplicant was granted an allowance ( for -a few months .while her husband was confined in an asylum. 108. EIgitt Courtty Coul1cil In . the caSe' of the widow who died rec'ently, - the' Board is en- deavoring to secure a foster mother for the famify so that the children who are very deserving nia~l continue to receive ass:istance. The work amon'g the widows has been comparatively easy but hi the case:s of ,incapacitation, the local board; has' had considerable traub-Ie,; doubts ha'v.ing been expressed a,s to the total and permanent il1capacitat,ion of s0'meof the 'ZaseS. The Board f.eels that up to a. certain .point they are responsible for the beneficiaries but beyond that they have to rely solely 011 the certificate received from the County doctors, in whorn they have every confidence; Alltogether the local board has reason to feel satis::lied with the work being accomplished unde'r the Mother's Allowances Act, as in mos,t cases improvement is plainly discernible in the, hom:es affe,cted and the children are enabled to enjoy -the advantages of church and school and proper food to develop healthy bodies and minds. Mxs. B. B. Graham, Secretary. November 1929 . Elgin County \ Council II)? REPORT OLD AGE PENSIONS COMMISSION November Session To the Elgin County Council; Gentlel11-en- The Old,:Age Pensions Commission reports: L' That pursuant to apoiniment,. your commissioners met on the' 24th of June and organized by apPo.1nting W. H. Mills as Chair- man and K. W. McKay, secretary pro tem, at the same remunera-,,; tion as your commiss'ioners nceive. 2. That up to the 19th Noveinber we held fifteen meetings at which Thre~, Hundred and Nineteen applications were cons,idered and disposed of ~a-s follows-: Grallted Refused l)ied Pending .(............. 283 8 5 23 3; The pensions granted will amount to $ 65286.71 annuaHy ot which the share payable by the County will be $U057,34. 4. We \-vere advised by the Pl'ovincial COll1miss,ion that the County ,vas expected to pay all expenses in connection with the ad- ministration of the Old Age Pcmipns Act. The only expenses we :have incurr,ed' ,WCI-C for the services of a Secl:etary until your No~ vember Session \-vhen we will ,be pleased to haVe yo,u approve of the action taken and make such arrangemE:nts for appointment Ot a per- manent _Secretary as may he deemed advisable. 5. Thcr:eare thirteen inmates of Jhe House of Industry who we think are eligible for Old Age Pensions. Theil; applications have been prepared and your Cominission propose-s to hold their ,next meet- ingat ,the Institution' Jar the purpose of further cOllsidel"-ing their 110 Elgill County Council Elgin County Council 111 application, and determining what pension should be paid to the County. The Provincial Entomologist submitted the following figures in.. reference to . the prevalence of the Corn Borer in the County; W. IH. Mills, Cha;irman; In 1927 there was In 1928 there was In 1929 there was 37.1 per cent infestation. 24. per cent infestation. 20.9 per cent infestation. All of which is respectfullysubmifted. St. Thomas, 0I1t.,22nd November, 1929. BY.LAWS REPORT CORN BORER INSPECTOR BY-LAW No. JIl6 November Session To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow St. Thomas, Ont., Nov., 25th, 1929 .;. the Sum of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars. To the \Varden and County Councillors of Elgin: The Elgin County' -Council enacts: Gentlemen- I beg to submit my report as County Corn Borer Inspector as follows: That the. Warden and Treasurer be and are her,eby authorized to borrow the sum of Thre'e Hundred Thousand Dollars from the Bank of Montreal, as it may be required to me,et the expenditures of the Corporation of Elgin during 1929, and give as security therefore, Assistant Township Inspectors were appointed and paid as fol- lows :-Rate $6.00 per day. notes 01 one thousand or ten thous;;tnd dollars each. Read a third time and passed .at County Council Chambers, '(, Aldhorough, A. McIntyre"""""" ,$ Dunwich, J. C. Campbell Southwold, D, McGibbon Malahide, R. B. McKenney "... Dorchester, D. Weir Bayham, 0. Bartlett ..... County- Inspector, J,: Allen 135.00 105.00 138.00 177.00 159.00 88.50 3<)5.50 St. Thomas,. 26th January, 1929. K W. McKAY, Clerk JOHN LEITCH, Warden $ 1198.00 Respectfully submitted. John Allen. County Inspector 112 Elgin Cauri t'y" Council Elgin County:' Council 113 BY-LAW Nodl17 Dollars per day for their g,ervices, and [lve cents. per mile, going to ahcl from such audit. To Appoint a High Constabl,e for the County of EIghi, for-the -Year 1929 Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 26th January, 1929. The Elgin County Council enacts: K. W. McKAY, 'Clerk JOHNLElTCH, Warden 1. That Hugh C. Ostrander be appointed High Constable for the year 1929 and that he.be paid the sum of One Hundred Dollars per month, which shall include his travelling and otherex,penses. 2. That John Hopkins be appointed Assistant Constable to the High 'Consta'blcfor 1929, as' a salary 'Of Twenty Dollars per month. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 26th January, 1929. BY-LAW No. 1119 '+'1'0 Appoint High School Trustees K. W. McKAY, Clerk JOHN LEITCH, Vvarden The Elgin County Council 'enacts: That Erwin Smith be appointed Trustee for the Vienna' High School for, three, years. That Dr. F. If. Miller be appointed T.rustee of the Aylmer High S'choQ1 for three years. BY-LAW No. illS To Appoint a Board of Audit in the County That Sidney Howe.1I be appointed Trustee of the Dutton High School for three years. of Elgin for the Year 1929 B-eac1 a third time and l)assed at County CouncilC\{amhers, St. Thomas, 26th January, 1929 Be in cnacted by the 'Coullcil of the Municipal Corporation of Elgin: That thc Judge of the County Court, and Oscar McKenney are hereby appointed members of the Board of Audit, to perform the duties required of them by R. S. 0., Chapter 126, Section 22~ K. W. McKAY, Clerk JOHN LEITCH, Warden That the members of the said Boarel be paid the sum of Seven 114 Elgin County Council BY-LAW No. 1120 To Appoint a County Advisory Agricultural Council The Elgin County Council enacts: 1. That the following be appointed members of County Advisory Agricultural -Council: For Two Years J. A King, Aldborough. Ernest E. Luton, Southwold. R. B. McConnell, Malahid~. David Noblc, South Dorchester. W. F. Smith, Yarmouth. J. A. McCal1ul11, Dunwich. 2. That members of said Adv.isory Council be paid t.he same; as members or this Council fOr. attendance at the two meetings re- quired to be heM annually, in February and November, and that they receive their travelling and other expenses f<;:lf attendanc at special or emergency meetings cr.lled by the chairman. County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 26th January, 1929. K. W. McKAY,. .(Jerk JOHN LEITCH, Warden Elgin . Co~nty Council 115 BY-LAW N~. 1121 To Extend Time for Tax Sale. The Elgin County Council enacts: That the time for the enforced collection by sale of land in arrears for taxes in the County of Elgin be and is ,hereby extended for one year. County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 26th January, 1929. K. W. McKAY, Clerk, JOHN LEITCH, Warden BY. LAW No. 1122 To Authorize theW~rdel1' to Sign Agreement. Whereas the Corporation of the County of Elgin and the County of Middlesex have agreed to enter .into an agreement under the provisions of Section 453 of the Municipal Act to provide for: I (I) The payment of construction and maintenance work on the townline between Dorchester and, Westmillster by the County of Middlesex, being' a.portion of County Road No. 25. For the construction' al}d maintenance work on the \i\Testminster-Yarmouth town line by the County of Elgin being County Road N\). 34. (2) The widening of the bridge ove'r Kettle Creek in the Village of Belmont; each County to pay half. (3) That the cost of constructioll work on bddges and, 100 foot approaches 011 the Westminster-Yarmouth townline be paid 116 Elgin County Conncil .:Elgin ;COlil1ty:C0'U'l1dl ,V19 " one' half by each C9unty. work to be determined by Department Engineer. The rfecessity for construction the. Road Supts, and Highway township in 'unorgailjzed territory, shall not have any "force unless and ,until approved by a judge oJ the distddCou'rtoL1hedistrict in which the township is situated, and ill other cases 'unless and until C'lDnfirin:ed, by!.a by~:1aw 'of.t:hc'cor:mcil of ,the 'county "in : which Township is 'situate passed at the ordinary tneeting bfthecouncil held'llOt sooner than :three months Dr later than one year after thepassi11g ,01 the by-Jaw'of the Council of the Township," And (4) That the COUilty oJ ,Middlesex construct and' maintain a concrete pavement 26 feet wid'e on the vVestminster-South Dorc'hester townlinc. 1(. W. McKAY, Clerk JOHN LEITCH, Warden WHEREAS the said Town:shipof Yarmouth is-situate ill the County of Elgin and the-Mid Council of the said Tc)'wtishiphave applied to this Council to 'pass a 'By-Law Confirming tbe' said By-Law No. 1117 at the current ordinary and 'regular sittin'gof ,this COUllCil commencing on the '4th day of June, 1929, the same bei.nghetd nbt sooner thail three months nor later than 'one year after the paSSil'1g ot said By-Law No. 1117 of the said- Council of the Township of Ya-i'- mouth and it appears proper that' the said By-Law should be con- firmcd. The Elgin County Council .enac::s: 1. That the Warden be and is hereby authorized to sign such agreement. County C;Hll1Cil Chambers, St. Thomas, 7th June, 1929. Therefore be in enacted by the Council of the Corporafioil at the County of Elgin: 1. That By-Law No. 1117 of the Cou'ncil of the Township of Yarmouth by \vhich it is provided: BY. LAW No. 1123 To 'Confirm By-Law No. 1117 of the Council of the 1'o~nship of "1. That that part of Park Avenne, 'a Highway, in tni" Township of Yarmouth described as -follows: Yarmouth to stop up a part of Park Avenue as shown on Registered. Plan No. 80 WAll and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and prem- ises, situate, lying and being in the Township of Yarmouth ill tIle County of Elgin, and being composed of, all that part of the road allowance conimonlykno-wn as Park Avenue as shown on Registered Plan Number Eighty (80) being a part of Farm Lot Number (7) ill the Eighth (Sth) Concession of said Township of Yarmouth, a~ Jies between the northerly and southerly limits of thc Canada South- ern Railway Company's right:':'of-way and which part may be more particularly described as follows: WH:EREAS.The Council of the Township of Yarmouth did on the 23rd day of February, A.D. 1929, finally pass their B.y-Law No. 1117 to stop up and close that part of Park Avenue in the said Town...... ship as is hereinafter described. And WHEREAS by Subsection 6 of. Section 483 of, the Municipal Act it is enacted as follows: "(6) A by-law of the Council of a township, passed under the authority conferred by clause (c) of subseytion 1,_ ili the case of a '{Beginning at the intersection of the easterly limit of Park Avenue with the northerly limit of Warehouse Street; thencc wester- ly across -Park Avenue measured along the northerly limitO'f vVare- 118 Elgin County Council El,gin - County Coullcil 119 houseStl'eet produced westerly sixty-six (66) feet 1110re or less. to t.he intersection with the westerly limit of Park Avenue, Thence north- erly- along the westerly limit of Park Avenue two hundred and ninety- five (295) feet more or less to a point One hundred and ninety-six (196) feet measured southerly along the said westerly limit of Park Avenue from its intersection wi'ththe southerly limit of Talbot Road: Thence easterly across Park Avenue sixty-six (66) feet more or less to a point in 'the easterly limit ,)f Park Avenue which is one hundred and ninety~eight, and five-tenths (198.5) feet measured southerly along the said easterly limit of Park Avenue from its intersection with the said southerly limit of Talbot Road:Thence southerly measured along the. said easterly 'limit of Park Avenue two hundred and ninety-five (295) feet.. more. Or less to the point of beginning, containing by admeasurement forty-five one hundredths (.45) ac~es more or less as shown enclosed by yellow lines on the plan hereto attached." BY-LAW No. 1124 To Appoint an Old Age Pensions Commission The Elgin' County Council enacts: That- W. S. Stalker, of Aldbofough, R. R. 1, Rodney.. Dugald Blue, of- Dunwich, Dutton; Wilson H. Mills, of Yarmouth,Sparta. Dr. C. Sinclair, of 'Aylmer '~be and the same is hereby stopped up and closed." be and the same is hereby,approved and confirmed. W, W. Kiddie, ofS" Dorchester, R. R,t,Belmont. 2, This By-Law shall take effect forthwith UPOll the passing thereof. be and are hereby apointed the local authority Or Commission to administer- the Old Age Pensiolls Act in the County of Elgin Read a First, Second and Third time and finally pa.ssed :this 7th day of June A. 'D. 1929.' That the said Commissioners be paid ,the sum of Seven Dollar-s per day for attending meetings of the Commission and five cents fler mile to 'audfrom such, attendance. K. W. McKAY. Clerk JOHN LEITCH, Warden County Council Cham:bers, St. Thomas, 7th June, 1929: K W. McKAY, Clerk JOHN L\lITCH, Warden ,,20 Elgin <:COU1~ty.. Council EIginCounty'EoUllcil 121 By,LAW No:. 1125 THERiEFORE the Council 'of the M\lfn:icipal Corporation of the C~unty of Elgin enacts; To Raise Amounts for County - Rates During' the Year 1929 1. - That:a rate of 9 mills on the Dollar be' levied on all rate- ahle property in the several M unic:ipalities -in _ the County of Elgih, as above set forth, for the years 1929, to raise the following amounts : ,2. That the sum of Two Hundr-ed'and'Seventy-Nine Thousand, and Three Dollars.. be raised '-and levied in t:heseveral 11lui1icipalitles of the County, acc..ording to the following Schedule, and that the amounts, as entered therein be paid tathe County Treasurer, as by law required; WHEH,EAS an estimate has been made showing that the sum of Two Hundred and Seventy-Nine Thousand and Three Dollars is required to he raised in the several Municipalities for the lawful ,pur- poses of -the County, during 'the ye,ar 19~9. AND WHERJEAS by fhe Assessment Act, this Council. is re- quired to direct what portion of the sum to be levied for County'pur- poses shaH be' leviedir; each Muniei,pality in'the COUilty. Schedule . .$3,887,759 4,340,052 5,157,514 5,319,162 . . .......... 3,751,283 2,477,531 ......... 2,406,201 1,259,216 . . . . . . . . . 495,509 826,353 . . . . .. . ... 246,578 121,088 362,931 349,197 Municipality Aldborough Dunwlch Southwold Yanl10uth 'M:alahide Bayham South Dorchester ............ Aylmer Dutton " ,.. Port Stanley Springfield Vienna Rodl1ey .. \Vest Laroe ......... Total .....] 34,990 39,060 46,418 47,872 33,761 22,298 21,656 11,333 4,460 7,437 2,219 1,090 3,266 3,143 AND WllEREAS the rates are required to be apportioned on the basis of <!-sSes.Sl1lCll't of property as equalized .in the preceding year: ANDWIIEREAS the assessment of property of the County as ascertaincd and equalized in 1928, is as follows: ' Municipality Aldborough DUllWich Southwold Yarmouth 'Malahidc .", Bayham South Dorchester Aylmer .. .... Duttotl ..... Port Stanley Springfieltl Vienna ...,. Rodney . , . . West Lorne Total Equalized Value $$279,003 County Council Chamber, St. Thomas, June 8th, 1929. K W. McKAY, Cle'rk' JOHN LEITCH, ,Wahlen .., $31,000,374 122 Elgin County rounCiI' Elgin COunty Council 123 BY .LA W No. 1126 for 1928 was $146,069;77 which with. six months' interest. added amounts to $149,112.87. To Designate a Through Street That County Road Number Twenty-Three, being a St. Thomas Suburban. Area Road from St. Thomas to Port Stanley be and is hereby designated as a "Through Highway" in accordance with 'the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act. AND WHEREAS the Council is ,!uthorized to issue debentures for said expenditure in any manner provided by the M unicipa.l Act without the assent. of the electors or the observance of other formali- ties prescdbed by -the said Act, The Elgin County Council enacts: AND WHEREAS the sum of $56,768 for Provincial Highway Expenditure was included in estimat'es of the present year,leaving balance to be provided for $92,344.87. That this By-Law 'shall come into force and take effect when approved by the Department and marked to comply with the regula:- tions of the Department. - AND WHEREAS it is proposed to issue debentures payable in two years for this amount: County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 7th June, 1929 The County Council of Elgin Enacts: K. W. McKAY, Clerk JOHN LEITCH, Warden 1. For the purposes mentioned in the preamble there shall be borrowed on the credit of the County .the Sl1111 of $92,344.87 and de- bentures shall be issued therefur. 2, The debentures which shall bear the same date shall 'be payahle v.'ithin two years from the 1st January, 1930 and shall bear interest a-t the rate of Six per centum pet. annum payable yearly in annual instalmems and the respective amounts payable in each of such years shall'be as follows : BY.LAW No. 1127 To Authorize the Issue of Debentures to Provide 1 2 Year 1931 1932 Principal $ 44827.60 47517.27 Idterest $ 5540. 69 2851.02 Total $ 50368.29 50368.29 f~r Cost- of Provincial Highways \tVHER,EAS the Highway Improvement Act provides that the propoftion . of cost of Provincial H,ighways payable by the County shall be a debt due the Province:to be paid within six months fror!'l date of notification, 3 The debentures _which shall be payable at 'the office' of the County Treasurer shall be signed and issued by -the Warden al1dshall be signed also by the Treasurc.f and shall be sealed with, the seal of the Corporation. AND WHEREAS the County of Elgin was notified about 1st February, 1929 that their share of Provincial Highway expenditure 4. During the currency of the Debentures there shall be raised j~l each year, the amount,. of the Instalment of principal 'and intereSt as set 'forth in Section 2. 124 Elgin; ,Qoullty',Council I I I 'I j I I I R~~d,j:l.;.third ,tim.eand ,pas;sed a.t:County Thomas, the 27ithday of November, .1929. .Coun.cil Ghamhers, ,'St. K. W, N[ol);A'Y, Clerk JOHN,LElTCH, Warden BY-LAW N.o. .Jl28 To Appoint a County Engineer Th~ Elgin: County Council enacts : That Frederick A. Bell,- c.E., be and 15 hereby appointed County Engineer without 'salary and that he hav.e free use 'of the office now occupied in, the Court House, during the pleasure of this Council. Read ,a third time and passed a.t C~Ul1ty Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 27th No;yember, 1929. K. W. McKAY, qC,rk JOHN LEITCH. Ward_en BY -LA W No. 1129 To Appoint a Se~retary for Old Age Pensions Commission. The,ElgilY' County Council enacts: Tha,t Kenneth Vv', McKay be and is hereby appointed. .Secretary to the Old Age Pensions Commission. That he be paid -Seven Dollars for each meeting of the Com- mission and 'fifty ccnts pCr application commencing with 320. I.tead a third November, 1929. time and passed at County Council Chambers, 27th K,W. Mcl);AY, Clerk JOHN LEITCH: Warden Elgin County' Council 125 INDEX BY-LAWS- No: 1.116 To Borrow $-300,000:.mmoo.n.n ....00.00 mnm... ._,. .m.. "000' HI, ILl No. 1'111 To Appoil1t High Con&table~. ...... ....moo. .....m. "'_'000 ]\), 1 J2 No. 1118 To- Appoint Bo,ardbf AudiL....noo. .m...... m.... ~_.m... 2G, 112 No. 1119 To Appoint High School Trustees'mm,....n'oo.....n.... 20, H3 No. 1120 To Appoint Advisory Agricultural COullciL..... m 21, 114 No. 1'12-1 To Extend Time for' Tax SaVeoonn....oo.n....moo.......n .. 22, 115 No. 1122 To AuthQrizeWarden to. Sign Agrecmcnt.m........ 33, U5 No. 1123 To Confirm By-Law 1117, Township ofYar- mouth ..........oo.mm__....moo.muu..oo.m..nu...moo.m:.oo....34, 116 No. 1124 To Appoint Old Age Pensions Commiss-iO'l1....m.... 3il, llfJ No.. 1'125 To Raise'County Rate,s..n......................n..........m........ 35, 120 No. 1126 To Es-tablish a Through Street.oo.n.....moo.......ummm 36, 122 No. 1127 To Authbr1ze Issue' of Debentures fo-r Provincial. Highway Cos1..n...n oo.nm........n..m...oo..oooon..n ....'.~. 45, 122 No. 1128 To Appoint a County Engineer...m.....mm.,......m.....46, 124 No. 1129 T'o Appo'illt Secretary Old Age Pensions COln- mission ....0000........00. ...nmum 46, 124 GRANTS _ Advisory Agricultunil Council..nnn......... ....mm..n....mm............nnoooo Agricultural Sodeties 100'% Govcrnmel1t GranLm..,........ Ay lmer Lockupnnu."..oonnoonn..n'oo.nnnoo....uu.......'n....oon.....n...n..........20, Burial A. B cilton.wmm..m........m....uoo................noom.......oo.....oo....oo.....27, Canadian. National Institute .for BlincLm""h..mmm...nm....n..C..nmno Children'sl Aid Society.......cu..n.moo......m...nnoooo.mnnu......h...nnnoo...m.... Horticultural.SO'cieties- 25% Government GrariL..m..............m..nn Law Library oo........,...nnn.'oonn.......-noo.....-h...oo._..nn..n'm.n.oo.n....n....oooo...~..~~.. Port B urweU Lo,ckupm.nnn.....n..oo..n.m..mm..m....moonnnnoo......oo..nn29', Poultry Shows'.n'n.noo.,.nn......_.noo..u.noo..'n......-..'.....,oo.oo............n..~.'noo...,.n....... Public Libraries'.....moooo.m..... ..u..oo....'.nm.hnn......n.nmoonu......_........mn.. '15 Rodney Lockup.mn.n.......nnn...m..m.nm....:nnnnu.m..m;........m.noo.m42, Salvation. Army.mnnn;..moom....mn:m.....'.....n....:.........;m.......mm.......-mn 72 SanatoriUl1l oo.oo...,n....noo'oo.n.___.'oooo ...u'.n..... ..00.00.00..00....00..'...........000000....'...... 7,1 S'id<: Children's Hospital..hh......n..".nn...m....~.......n.mmmu..n......m.....'00 72 Times- J ournalRepO'rter nn'..oo'n........'n......mn..n....m..._n....:.......'oonnm.'....'. 44 Trustees' Association.......;..n....nnoo..nm............nh...n.n...m...m..:..:00....._ 16 Warden 00.0000.'...00.....::.:_..'.00..-..'...'...00........00.. ......n......'.noo..n..........u.........n'....noo' 47 Wesl Lorue Community Hatt LOCkttpm.mn..........n..........mm...n40, 42 ,W om'en' s' Ins titutes.u.....n~..-...ooun..oo....n..'.-..'.....,..h.._.....n. .'.............'..,......... 12 74 13 33 74 72 . 79 15 14 31 78 44 ~ 125 Elgin' CoulltyCouncil MISCELLANEOUS - Advisory Agricultural Council.._........ om.._ ......0...........0___._______14, 15, Auditor, Ad'ministration of Justice Accountsl.._..________....".... Bc'alls,. Duty ou....____......___ ..'...~.__.__,..______.. "On ......, ."....n~__u____.~__.._____...._u._n Big. Game Hunters' Deputation...._______ ......___ ...______..~nw......_...____ ~~ ~~n~~l;~~: t~~ :~~ ~:~~~': :~~: :~~~~::::::: ::::::~::'_:::::::::: ::::::::~::::::::::~-'.._ ~~~_..~_~-'.__~~: C.OUl1ty COullcil.""...__....______......____ ....n______".._n__..on______.._nn.~..n____.__.._..___".__ ~~.~:~'~~ ~~~~=~s~:::~:..::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::~~:_ 32, County Rates,..C__'...n....nnn......nnn..un..nnnnnn........nnnn..n .....nnnn........' Coun ty ~ Roads.n..n...nnn...nn""h..nn...n...u.n....n.....n......'nuun.".nn.....nuu...n Coun ty So l'ici to r ......nnn..u..m...nn....u.m'._..n........~'nnnn.m....nnnnn0044, County Studcntm.n. .....m....m.....uuu__... u......m..m..n..mn.n.m.n_n....m. Debentures Deputations Equalization GiJ,lctt B ridgen......un. m.........nnn.......nn..n....nnnu....n...umnnnn..... High Co Ilistab le..nn...........u.....h.,._u.n....n..um."n..n..umm........m.'..m. 11, H ig h Schoot TruSltcesnnn.m..nnn.........mm......m..n.m.......nmn..n...,..10, Hous'e of .Industry...........n_... .....n...mnnn.m......nm" "..n....~..m'_"m' .u...n Lcgis.Iation Michigflu Central Railway Bridgennn........._._..nm.....nnn..un....S, .23, Mothers' Al1lowances CommiS'S~Ol1.......m.n... Municipal Officers'.....nm.'. ..n....n.nnu........mm....'nm..n..........u..u_..n.....u. Old Age Pensio-ns......nnn..n......nnnnn..n.mnm.n......n.mm.....nnn'.00."24, Port Stanley Road.n.... u...n........m.....umn..unm~ ...,.'..._m,n__31, 32, 33, Provincial I-l'ighways'."..n..nnn......nnnn....u..nn.....n._m....mnnnnn....nn6, ~~~~e~in;:;~~~~.l~~::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::_:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::~:n~;:..~~:, School Finallcing.mn.....,.mn....n..m...nn........_.....nn....nn.n........,un Standing Committees,n..n.._.u.....::....n............n........nn....um,_6, 8, 9, 17, Tcllel' Farm Mortgage..._nn..__u,_...._....m.,..... ..n......n......nun.u ,,,,'00 Town Line North and South Dorchester........,',n._......m.... Transfer Provincial Hospital Patients......nn....n.m._,...hn ......._u......__ Trees Oonl I-lighways.mn..n..nmn.......n.....m..uum.."n.. m......_n ..m_"n"'U~_ University of Western Ontado..._....,."..m...u,..___......m.n....m Vocational Schooln...mnn.._..........___....___.._.........nn.... .n"n.".m"_' Warden' s' Address......._...n....._>..n.___....n...:.....n_..."..._.........n_ 00......_.,5, 2:3, Warden's Electio'1L....mn..nn........m.......nun..unn._n.___...... ...'._h.....n...'" Western E ntran Ce..n....'n'.n"_u.fu_....u.,.._...~_.m....n.m....................__6, 8,23, Young Women's- Christian Association.___........n.....____n......un.nm.." , I , I I I 74 I 12 43 9 44 110 3 37 2 121 18 79 8 122 22 120 84 26 13 5 25 25 39 2 38 37 18 25 18 24 48 18 42 27 39 8 27 37 4 38 28 Elgin County Council 127 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES AND OFFICIALS- Au di tors .00...0000.. '0000"___"0000" ...... .00"0000. n '00'" .00_ n_.. .n_'n .... n ""00 _'n .00'" _ ,00_..8 i 70 . Cnlnmittees nuu..'unu....n..nU....._n.n..'"_.n......,..........n........n.. ...n..n.un__n..'un.. 48 Corn Borer Inspcttorm...._m..mn.n.._.....n___unnuuu,_nu.,..""n........_.mmn 110 County Road COlumittee_;mnnmmn......m""".ull, 16', 17, 31, 33, 42, 80 County Trcasurcr._nu..n.........,C....nn_h...n_.u...n...'"".nnu".."m_""""",,'..u..8, 63 Education Committeem....m_nmnnu..u.........mu,n.n._,.........._..16, 33, 42, 61 Financc Committee.n...._:.n._............._nu........mmu....um...m_'16, 33, 42, 72 Gaol Committee'.nnu.'._..mn"'u.m.u~.n...............n..u.~.......n,..........,...31, 42, 94 High. Constable...n__nn_.......u......_m,nnnnn..._n......n.._m.........____;nnnnu_.l1, 10'4 House'of Industry Committeeu..nnu..nnunnnnuu_.m......m__..n.16, 30, 95 Inspector House of ,Indti'strYm_..._._...mm__..nnu.... .um....nh.n......._n_.uu gg Mothen3l' Allowances .Boardun... ....nm.'u.........'m..... ...n'..........un .,...'_39',' 107 Old Age Pensions Board.n,....._"..n.n..u,....m......._m,..._.m..m.nn...,...._.u.u.3D, 10'9 Petitions- and Legishtion Committee....n__..._.....___m.._....m...n16, 29, 91 Physician House orf Industry.__.u.m.n...uuc_unu..nnunnnnu....nunn..._.. 97 Public School Inspectors.... ...nnn ...n....'mm...",m.......".m......32, 45, 49, 56 Sububan Area Commis1sion..n_........__..._...._.n.m.nn...mm........._.n__..n..__ 82