1931 Minutes t\ , -.(J PROCEEDINGS -OF THE- Elgin County Council During It-he Sessions held 111 the COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS in the 0)11011th,5 of January, June and November 1931 1(. V'l. McKAY, Coul1Ity Oer,k H. G, TAYLOR. \,Varden COUNTY OFFICIALS Duncan C. Ross, E'sq.,County Jud~ J as. H. Coyne, Esq. Regisitrar Lan Cameron, Esq.) COU11ity .CoU'rt IO,era.:: A. Mc'Crimmon, Esq., Clerk of the Peace and COU11iy Crown Atto1'n:ey P. S. D, f-hHung, Esq., Sheriff C. F. Maxwell, (OUIlty Poliloe M'agistr:a.te Maj-or P. E. En11latinger, Goa,ler ]. A.; Taylor, B.A., and ]. C. Smi,th, B.A"P'UNk Sd1001 Inspe'Ct()"6 K. W. M'oKay, Counity Oerk B. B. Gra'ham, County Trea's'llrer F. A. B,ell, C.E., Cotlnrt:y Engineer G. F. Pine-o, COt1l1Jty",Road S'upe.ninter:.clent C. St. C. [leitch, K.c., County Soheitor Douglas L. EWiin,'M.D., 'Physician House of Indust,ry and Goal Fred Ingr<tl111, Keeper I-J,ause of, Industry R. M. HoLmcr's, Caretaker Court House Hugh IQsbmnder, HighCo11Sbable John Allan,' COl:n Borer 111Ispecto,r All of St. Thomas ,P.O, A, Tur,ner, Es,q., Inspeotor House of In.dusbrv, Shedden, R. R. 1 County Auditors: \Valkel~ C. Ca.ughell, St. Th6;nas; VV.A. Galbraith, lona Station Adrninis'katio'11 of Justice Auditors': D, C. Ross, County Jt'ldge M'ayor Jagoe, St. Thoma's; O. McKenney,. Aylmer MUNICIP,AL CLERKS AND TREASURERS Municipality Clerk Treasure~ Aldbotough '''"....J, A. Mc'R'a.e, Rodney .......W. S.StaJker, R.H. 1, Rodney Dunwich..... _ ...D. A. M,cNabb, Dutton Mut'ray McNeil; DUt:tOli SOUlthi,;yold...... J. C.McLennan, Finga!...,.,__..........D. A. Cattana'ch, 25% Bala,clava Str;eet, St. Thoma:. Yarmollth ........ W. C 'Ga,ughell, St. T:homa.s....... Ralplh~ L. M,arlatt; Cni6n . Malahide ...."" ,...John M. Hale, Aylmer..... ..........Jo11n M~ Hale, Aylmer Bayhail11.... .......Benj, 'Brla11, St'affordville... .......-vVrn. Grant, Staffordvillc S. DOlr'chester... ......M, S. CharHol1, R.R. 1, Sp:rl'ng;fi'elc1.., M. S. Charlton Town, of ,Aylmer.. .,....... ..D. C. Davis. ........... ......H. E. Annstroll;--; Village of Spri'ngficJ.cI......... ....M1';s, G. \V. Collins. ... Roy CJ.una~ VillCltge of Vionna......... ............... .J. P. Coombs ...................... ......J, P. ,Cooml)~ Village of PaN Stanley..". ....W..A.Hawkim;.. ..............W. A. }Ja,wkins Village of Dut.ton D. Blue... ......D.CampbelJ Village o-f WeS/tlJorne...""..... r S. Robcrtson:..".~__ ...Miss Tena MlcLennan Village of ,Rodney". .....], D. Shaw.. .......... ....----.....J, D, Sha\v PROCEEDINGS -OF THE- Elgin County' Council FIRST SESSION-FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 27th day of January, 1931 The Elgin County ICouncil Thomas at 2pJm. met this day ,at the Court House, St, ,:>. The ,Clel1k;in the ,chair. . The,mc,mbe-rsfil'ed certificates and took -their seats 'at rt,he COU11- ci!' ho.aJrd as .-follows: N. A. McColl, Reeve, Aldbo.rough F. T0l. Schmelz, Deputy Reeve, Aldborough M.A. McAlpine, R:eeve, Dunwich Robert Camf)hell,. Deputy Reeve, Dunw-ich Fl'ank Coutts, Reeve, South-wold Stcw,art A. Browll, Deputy Reeve, Southwold W. A. Butler, Reeve, Yarmouth H. L. La'w'toll1 ht Deputy Reeve, Yarmouth M. VV. Paddon, 2nd Doputy Reeve, Yarmouth S.S, McDer.mand, Reeve, Ma.lahide Gord,ol1 Newell, Deputy Reeve, Malahicle Chas. D.'Coylc, ,Roe'eve, Ba.yham. .4 Elgin ,County,Co'uncil 'WIn>}!; Bradfield, Dl:1putyR'eeve, Bayham H,' .-G,' Taylor; Re,eve, Sout'h Dot'ches'ter OscClIr _,MrcKenI1,ey,' Reev.e, -,\yiln1er Chas, S, Bridge.man, DeP'ttty Heeve,.' Aylm:er Leo 1001111?r" He,eve, -Vienna A. S, N~well" ,Reeve, Sprdn-gfield N, S. Cor'l1el~, Recvie, Port ,Stantey ,W, ,T'. Bell, De.puty: Reeve,.Porf Statl1ey S, C. Kit'lkl,and, Reeye, ,DUitrt'011 . ,6 M, LekQh"R~'eV'e; We!srt Lo.r'11e W:illjaI111Toll~lie, ,Reevy" Rq-dney ;"'Dhe 'eleatioil ,of'<warden wla's 'then ,proceeded VYlith', and'on the._ third.vot,e ,Mr:' Herhe.rt Gadielet Taylor, ,ReeV'c of'.sout~ DOl:chcst-er, haYing 'received lamajOI1ity 'Of -the whole Cou.ncil,' was, ,declar,ed' dUlY,. elected Warden for 1931. I Thk'W~l1:den~,elect ,made thclsta:tutory-decla:ration of office, took the cha-ir, alld--addressed the CouITcil. , Moved Ib:y '0.. McKenney, Se'conde.d by CD.Coyle: T,ha,t 'fihc' Reeves ,of the different ,municipalities be a committee to ,strike' ,standing com'miHees', ~Ca,riried, Moved ibyN,S. 'Gomc1I, S.ec(}nc1edby' 'S, S. M,cDcH1Ial1d: T1hC\Jt, '-thecounci 1 to--nlorrow at 10 a,111,' db now ~djourn to 'appoint 'committees, to meet. ..........;Ca'r.ried H,'G. Taylor;' Warden , . Elginl Goi11l ty Council 5 First Session-Second Day' Wednesday, the 28th day of January, 1931 The Elgin COUintyCouncil 1111:et -this. ,day oM 1!he COUil'lt Ho-us'e at 10 'aml. The Warden in ,tJhe chali,r. All the members .p,resent. The Wa.r,den -addrreSlsed the COllln;cil as' f.ol,lo~s.: Warden's Address-January Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentleme~ : I have to again thank you 'for the _honour,e-onferr-edin e1e1c'tdllg nle to preside over your deliberations during the year. This, counCH \n the past, haB b-een very fOlr'tunate in.itschoice .of 'Wia<rdens, a.nd my hope is -that we maybe able .to transact our bus~nes.s Idu<rLing the yeart. III such a manner as will reflect credit on Phe County We l'ep:r,esem, Western Entrance There was' consider,able discussion la;st y,ear in rdcl',ence to Icutt- lllg down ithe Fingal Hill lin connection wit,h the -conuplertion of the wes-tern entranCe to the City. This work which wil.l, no do~bt, he undertaken this ,coming yea.t, will he financed Iby .t1he Gov.ernment, City and County, and will be .in charge of the Suhurban Area Com- mIssion. Village Roads Therc will bc laid before "ycb a communjCalt,iol1 from ..nhe Dc,p-art- 111ent 'of Higlnvays requesting -that c1eSiignation of -cxtensions in con,. 6 Elgin County COl1ndl nectii1g .links of County Roads in villages be extended. This will n'0't be :an ,expentS.i'v,e p.roIpO'si,tioll -in'view of .Bylaw No. 1139- p.asiS;ed '.1aist year, and it is not 'proposed to -assume the paved portiol1!s 'of roads inhusi- neSSCClltres of the village, Economy This County, IPlfoyince and the" 'world' ,in g;eneral, 'lS Ipassing through .a,pc'r.iod of financial cIepres'sion, one of Itthe Iresults 'Of the Great War. Prices of ,all commodities ,are lower than they ,have been for .uLany yeard. During t'his'periodof .a,dj,ustment the ICotmoil.should curtail ex,penclitures ;in every way, consistent with good business. Even under l,he Lp,resent 'conditions a,t ,is doubtful if publi,c opinion would justify any glfeat ,reduotion in ,county road e:x;pen'Clitures. Tooglr,ea! economy in this reg.ard will 'have the effect of increa,s:irlig' verymaJter~ ia]Jy, the r,equi:r,emenbs in flltu:re y.ears. The ProvinlCial authorities' 11l~~ht be requested ,t'o i-nerea.se the road ex.pend1t-uT'c suhsidi-e's to all daslses of 111unici-pa!1,ties, as the best way ita relieve thc bur,dcn oJ taxation. Audit., The County Audito'r,s' l:;:'eport will be laid b.efore yOll. This shows that the finai11cial ,Position of the County -is an ,enviable, one. The' ,balance of as,s'ets over'cunent liahilit-ies is $3,858,00; The onIy (,utstan:dingl,i'aibility is 'one-third of It-he amount of acco.unt rcndere(1 in 1929 ,forPl'oviilcitil highway 'l"xpenditure,w;hid1 will have ito be pro- vided fOr thi.~ year. Constitution of County Councils The .res,olution -passed at the Nov,cmberSe.ssiOl'i requesting co- ope,pation ,in ,petition to have the legisl,Miol1of 1930 r'epealed has heet] .s'ent _-t~ :a,ll County Councils. TheJre :does notap:pca.r to he lany very grea't lintcr,cst in connection with tihis matlter, as only.a few of the localmuni6p,alities 'Of Ithe Pr ovince will he affect eel. Ther,e are, per~ 11<1,ps, 'lHor-ceffcdive ways of rduc:ing the memhers'hip of ,County Coun- cils, one of which ~YOJuld be todiscourag~ the jncorpo:ration 'Of viHages lJY i,mproving .the organizalttoll of .police villages, ,pla.cing it 011 a par with ,that of the ,ordina,ry ,schoolsectioll. The !relationship bCitvvecn I'epresent:ation Mid t.ax ,paying lia]Jifit};is also worthy of some COll- siclerMion 111 this_ connection. Elgin County Council 7 \ ! ! , I I 'l , I The.,procecdings of Ithe previa-us elay ",,-ere read and COUfll'lBCd. , The report of- t,he con1tmittee to strike s.tanding committees wa:.:.. pres,entcd and refeI"red to C01Hn1JiUee of the whole with M'r. Coutts in the cha;ir. Af,ter- ,a,nl'en~eling repmt, the cO'l11mitte,e rose,a-nd 1',cpo-rt as amended, wa.s adopted on ol11,otion of F: CO.utltS, seconded hy W~n. T61mie. The following communi,cations were read: From Department of PubHc 'Higbrways, Ire,questing amendment to By-Law No. 1144 w.ith referencc to deletion in des,c:r:iption 'OJ Couolty Hoad No: l{), ,and':with Iref,er'enc~ to By-La,w No. 1.139r,equesiting <-Im'Condiment revising .eles:ori-ptions of roads- 5'0 that County Road !through urba,n ,municipalities 'will be 3Js,sumed by the ,Gounty.-Rderre,d to Ca-unty Road Committee. F,pol11 Dr. Da~k M.P.P., re Mothe,r's Allowanoe pay'able ,to Mr's. Gertrude John::;'on,-Rcferred to Finance Committee. From - Canadian National Institute for .the Blind, Q'cquesting granlt.-Refer'fled to Finance Committee. From County Council of York, Ir,equesting cO~'Orper,atioll in, 'SlecUi- mg amendment 'to Mother's -Allowances Act to hidude a mother 'With one ,child.--Referr-e,d to Pet,itions & Legislation ,.Comlmittec. From Ontario MUl1j.cip,al Association, Je memher.ship......,..Refen.ea to Finance Commi.ttee. From Mayor Jagoe, .re Finga:J Hill emranc.e to ,Ci'by,-.,Refene{\ j 0 County Roa'd Committee. i. From Hospital for Sick Ghildreri, r,equesting grant.--Ref'er1red to Finance Committee. From Salvation Army, with rcquest for .grant.~Rleferrcd to Fhlance Committec. 8 Elgin County. Co~uncil' From Univer&ity of Western Ont'ario, wU'hl finauIOia1 gitat1e,rll'ent. --Referr,ed ,to Finance Committee. ' From County' Council df ,Rrontenac; ,requesting 'co-operation 1n re's'Olution .to Plremier BeollcN to a's's;ume the -,'\\"hole ,reslponsihiJ~ty O't Old AgePensions,----:Refer,red 10 Pet'itioiisand LegdslationCO'iu111'itrtee. FI'om Ontariq 50ho01 Trustees' ,and Ratepaye,rs' ASMoiatiol1,' rc clelegatcB ita ,a'!ll1ual 111leeting,----.Referrcd to EducalNon Committee. grom "Association-of ,Manager:s of .Homes for Aged and IniHril1J, re annual .meetting.-.-:..RcJfernid .to House of ,Indusllry Committe'c. Front .DepwN:ment 'of' Public Highways, re 'atten~aniceof Road Superintendent at annual mcetil1g.-Referred to iCouiTty Roa.d Com- mittee. From IChief Engineer 'of Municipal Roads, with order~il1-counci1 app,rovin.g of By~Law No. 1l36.-'Refenecl to Co.ttntyRoad Committee. gram Depamtment of, Pl1iJilic, High\iVays, with'notioe that Col- horne S'treet-in the Village of Port Sta.nley has: been ,as's-l11med -from the northerly limit of the Village south to the northerly J.im~'t o-f Bridge Str'eet.-':Referred to County Road Committee. From County Engin'eer--of Huron, with resolu.tian ,'Of. the Countv Councilin-,refei'e'nc~ t'o -increase 'in County Road Sl1:bsldies.-Refcrr'e~1 to Petitions'.and Leg)sla.tiol1 Committee. From ]a.mesHilI, Mitohell, Oll,t., re care of steel 'bri(Jges.-Re- fqr-red toO CO'ul1Ity Road Committee. " From Coun:ty Treasurer Gra'ha-m, with financialstatement.-Rc_ fcn'ed to Finance Committce: From Southern Ontario Gas Company, with request for fran.. chisc 011 County Roads No.1 and 5...,-.-.Refcrred to County Road C0111~ mittee. \ I I I ! , ! \ i , i I Elg'ln Gdunty' Co,un'eil 9 . \ From Ohtario ,Good Roads As's'ociatio'n, re tnIeetin~,~'Rde.!\red to CO'UiyiYRoa'~ CPJlTIimHte:~: From, Cou'nty Audi,t'On;,with. repOTot'.-R,eferr,ed to Fih:ance "Oom- deleg;ate:s '~o -,:mnuaI , " j' mittee. M,r. Leitchinqui-red' in refer,ence . 't<;l" cosl bi,f, ,rai:Lway 'c,rosls1ng . 'protection 'ahdsuhsidyihere:on",'if paid~y ,the Counity. Mr. ,Gordon Newell.gave notice :that he would-move for a:p;pbint- . ment to :hear Mr. F.-S. Thonlas" Agr-ictdtura.l,Re-presentlH',tive. , Mov'ed- :by .M. A.-McAlpin~" Secondedhy D. M.LeiJdi: I That,'this COU11cildol1ow ,arlJoUTil)tom,'eet at.2 'p"in-: -Can,ied The Cottnci1. ,reslimed;' Mr. "CSt'. _Clair> {Ldtc1Lther/ 'addr~'ss,~-cl 'Ithe Cou!}cil. in't1'Odudl1g Miss, Lewis,.',V-ho"a.\so' s;p~keon. be~a1f. of. tl1e liisitorJeal Society;.re- questing the' ,coundl topurchas-e the Second VoJu.rn'e'of the. 'Talbot, Regime. TheWarden:,refeued1Jhe D:iat-ter tOo 'the Firi'aJnce Co,j~,Diitte,e. , 'On motion of ,Mr. Hutler,- ~r.Ct1ml11'ing of Ithe :Glob-e Indemnrty. ~ornpany_.then add~-essed: t-he.'C?un:cil in....i:'efere,n~e...17o County 'polrey. The Warden referl:cd the -matter 'to the. F.'~nanceComltnittee" Moved ,by O.Mc:rsenney-~ Sec6ndedby S. $; McDermal1Cl: That Mr. Gordoll Nev/ell's name be added, to 'the:Peti,tiOllS an.d Legislation Contmittee. ;" , --'-Carried ]u Elgin -oOUil1'ty Councn Elgi.n ..Oournh Council 11 Moved by N. S. Cornell, First Session-Third Day Seconded by S. S. McDermand: t Thursday, the 29th day of January, 1931 That ,the seaitil1g 'of mel111hers be :cha,liged by moving all one seat to the roight, The Elgin COunty Council !met tlhis day at the CourtHouse, St. Thomas. -Carried. M.oved' ,by Wm. Tolmie, The Warden in ,the eha-ir; Seconded by S. iC. Kir,kland: All .the 11lom'be:rs ,present. 1lhat whenas .the Michigiari Central Railway Company -has nuide a change in .the Iti-me of Eastbo.und 'lUornillgtrlitin and Westbound ;af~ te'rHoon It,mi,n, whereby .gnoalt inconvenience' hws ,been -caused to pupils aHendillg v,ari'Ol1lS sch:ools, as well ,as the 'tray,elling puhLic, unless the COl1wal1Y se-e' fit to return these .trains to thek former1tJ,me M :onoe,' the County Solioitor is ,instructed ,to t<lJke ne:cessary 'steps >to hring ,the ma'Her Ibefo-rc the Dominion Railw'-ay Board. The ,proce,edings of ibhe previous day were read and oonfirmed. The report of t,he House oi Industry - Committee wa's pr,e-sentect and adopted .on motion .of S. Brown, secpncled by D. M. Leitch. Moved by H. L. L,<.l;wton, , ~Carrier.'_ Seconded by M. \lI,T. Paddon: Moved ,by D, M~ ,Lei-tch, That ;this Council adjourn to meet a:t 2 pJ111. to -allow Icommrit1ees S,econcled by M. A. McAlpine: to meet. -Carrier!' That thiseouneil acljournuntil Thursclayto meet :a-t, 10 o'clock. The Council resumed. -Carrier! The 'report of the Fiilance COl11'mi ttee was presented and adopt~ H. G. Taylor,\Varden ed on motion of -F. Cout-ts,seconded by Wm. Tolmie. The report of 'the,C-oullty Rioad Oommittee was Ipn,slenltecl <l-il'd referred to committee of the v,rholew,ith Mr'. But1er in' the ,charir. After "amending r~port it was aclopted 'on' 11l0tliOiJ1'OfW. A.- HUnef, seconded by D. M. Leitch. Moved by C. S. Bridgeman" Seconde"d hyO~ 1l/IcKenney: 12 Elgin County COUlICil That'D. H. Connor be: .re-a.ppbinted High '5c-hool Trus't.ee for the Aylmer High School i fOT the next three years. I -Carrier], Move'd byF. Coutts, Seconded b:i 'N:m. Tolmie; ThatO. McKenney be appointe'd .,a.uditor of Administra{ion of Justice aqcotints for the 'year 1931. ~Carde(r. Moved by. L. C6~lnor, Seconded' by, S:A. Brown: ,. 'ftha,t EeL Scruton be a .me'll]b~r of the- Vienna HighSchoot Board fora_term of three, years. --'-Cartiee Moved by M. - A. McAlpine, Secoride:d by -5. c.'. Kirkland: ThatR.K. Panter ,be a member of. Dl1tton...}-lig1h. School Board for .,three years. -Carriee. Moved by M...A: McAlpine, Seconded by' N.' A. McColl; That the \'Varden and Clerk be authorized to submit to the Milldsl1:,er of Public Works and :Highways of the Province'of QlltaTto the petition of the Cor.porati~n of the Coulilty of Elgin, s.howing .that 'during' the ,p,eriod lst Ja'ntiary 1930 to 31st Decc.!i:Jrber 1930, the,r,e ,rIa'S heeh eX'Penq.ed up'on the County Highways Syslt-e1l1 th~ sum oJ ~174,~ Elg'i.n 'OoUJnty Cqupdl 13 120.06, fUn.d ,requeHing Ithe stat,utory: grants 'on that amo:unt,as proyd.ded by,the Highway Lmiprovement Act. -,-,:Oarried Moved by M.A.'McAlpine, Seconded by D.. .M.Le.iteh: Thatlthis Counldl do 'now adjourn -1t'O n1:eelt to-morro"" 'at Wa.m. -Carried H. G. T~ylor, Warden "'i. 14 Efgin -GaulI1ty Coun,eil, First Session-Fourth Day Friday, the 30th day of January, 1931 The Elg'in County ICoU!l1cilmet this day at the .Court I-louse, at 10 a.m. The Wa.r,den in the cha,iI". All the members prese~lt. The Ipfoceedingsof ,the pr,cvious clay were read andconfirmcd, Moved 'by W. A. Hutler, Se,concled by 5.S, ~LcDe'rmand: 1~hat ;Dhe memhers,of tlhe St. Thomas Memorial Hospital Board be allowed to :addl'csS the Council. -Cardcc( I Mess'1's. Couher I<und !-lor>fon; .member,s of the Hospital Board, then a,ddressecl the Council rin refer'cnee to 'cost -of public ward patients. Moved ,by W. A. Hutler, ,Seconded by S. S. McDermalld: T'hat ,the W,arden alppoillt a cOl11mJttee to confer with Nfemorial J-IoSrpi,tal Boa,r{] and ,report ,at the June Session. --Ca nrj cd Moved ,by 'D.,M~ L'"e~lid1, Seconde,dbyM. A. McAlpine: That this .council 'petition the' Legislature {nr. an amencbnent to the Hospitals Act to ,provide bhat when a pa'tien,t occupying a hed I i i I I I 1 i I , , 1 i I I I I i ,I Elgin "Oo'Ul1l:ty Coundl b in- a p-ubHcward -is a,bIe, he he required 10 .pay acbualcost D,f his 0'1' her l-luiintenance' as dete,rmnl1ed by the las.t annual report ,showing averag;ecoM :per day. _Canied The report' of the Education Committe'e \\fas pre,s-ented by the chai.rr:man, Mr. Tolmie, Jarid adopted. The report 'Of ,C0J111l111uttee 0111 Petitions'and Legisl,ation was pre- sente,d a-n-d refe-rr'ed to a COll1rl11~ttee of the w,hole ,with Mil-. Leitch in the chair. After a,mend,j.'ngrepor't it wa's adopted .on mOlt~o.n oJ D. M. Leitch, seconded by S. S. Mc,Dermand. By ,reques1t, Mr. F. S. Thomas, Agriaultura'l R,epre,s,entative, then ,addr,es'sed the Couillcil in 'referen1ce to .clean s,ecd "and other matters iP011N,dnin'g to ;his Departme'nt and 1ihe 'Work of Ithe Advi,sory AgriculturalCoul1'GH. ." M-oved by M. A M'cAlpine, Seconded by Robert Carl1JpbelI: 'That t'he Advis,ory Agricultural Council be continued and the lnembe,riS- w'holS'e Iberm, expires be- rc-appoinlted. -Carried Moved ,by S. C Kirkland, Seconded by VVI111. T01mie; That no grant he made. to the Advisory Ag:ric.ultural .Coundl this yea.r; -Carried. Moyed,by M. A. McAlpine, Seconded by Robert 'Campbell : I 16 Elg'ill.Dounty Council Elgin Oounty COUJ1.c,il Ii That "the Admiilistratiol1 of Justice authorities of the ,County, the ] uclgc, t,he Police MagistrMe, COl1lsltables -and other,s ,be J:eqU'~sitled to endeavor to reduce ,CX;Penses in every way possible during the pr'cscnt perl'oel of depression. ' Mr. McPhaiil .then spoke to ,the Council s'tating thaJt Ithe Corunty Trustees'. Ass-ociation did not ,require a grant this yea:t. Moved by M. A. McAlpine, -Carried M',oved .by S. C. Kirkland, Seconded by D. M. .Leitdh: Seoonded' by Wnt Tolmie-: T~hat By-Law No. 1145 to appoint an Old Age P,ensiollis Com- mission be ;receivecl and read a firslt ,time. ~Cal'ried 1'hM Ibhe EJ,gin Law _Library be granted Fifty Dollars "for 1931. Moved by D. M. Leitch, -Carrier' . Seconded by M. A. McAlpine: .Moved ,by S. .c. I<i.l'idancl, That By-Law No. 1145 be read a second time. , Secoll!ded by.. \iVinl. Tiolmie: ---.;Carried M:oved by F. Schmelz, That grants .to Public Libraries throughout the County be 'the same as last year. Seconded ,by N. A. McColl: ~Carrie(l That By-Law No. 1145 be react a third'time and finally passe-d Moved by M. W. Paddoll, -Canried Seconded by C. D. Coyle: 1Jovecl by Robert Campbell, That the Women's Institute grall~~ be ,the same as la&t year., Seconded by S. C. Kirkland: ~Carrjecl That By-La\v No. 1146 to confirm the ,equalizat,ion ,of {he A,sscss- mcnt Rolls ofbhe Gounty of Elgi.n: be received andrea,d a fi'l'st t1m',e. Moved by Wm; To1l1lie, Seconded by S. C. Kirkland:, ' --..Carrrie,d T'hat M:r. (Hug;']1 McPhail be allowed to 'addr,css ,the Council. . , . Moved by S. C. Kirkland, -:Car!1'ied Se.oonded by Robert Campbell: \ 18 Elgil1 County Council T'hat By~,Law No. 1146 be 'r-cad a second time. -Carried Moved by Wm. Tolmic, Seco!l1ded by M. A. McAlpine: That By~La,~ No. 1146 be read a third ,time and fj.nally (pass,ed. _Carried Moved by F'<ljCOllHs, Seconded by S. A. Brown: That By-J....aw; No. 1147 to appoint a Board of Audit in the County of Elgin fo; the yea'f 1931 ,be received and read a first tinte. -~Carrieci Moved by L. Conner, ~econded hy S. A. Brown: Tha,t By,.-L,aw No. 1147 be read a secol1d time. -Carried Moved by S. A. Brown," Seconded by F. Coutts: That By-Law No. 1147 be read a third timeand fil1'aHy pa,scsd. -,-Carried N,f'OVicct by L.Conllor, Elgin -oottmty Council 19 Secolldod by S. A. B:rown: That By-Law No. 1148 to autho:t1ize the War.den and T,r.cas-urer to borrow the sum of 'Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dol1ars be received and read a first time. -Carr~ed Moved by F. Coutts, Seconded by' L. Connor: That By~Law No. 1148 hc read a second ,time. -G.rr,ied Ivloved by L. Connor, Seconded. by F. Coutts:" That By-Law No. 1148 be read a third tj,mc and fi~l:a1Jy p,as,s'c-d. -Carried Moved. by C S. }3ridgoman, SecOl1ded by O. McKenney: That 'By-Law No. 1149 to appoint High, Sohool Trustee,s j)e received arid read a first time. -Caniec1 Moved by C. D. Coyle, Seconded Iby W. H. Bradfield: That By:...La\v No. 1149 be read a second time. -Carried 20 Elgiu' 'C'OU'l1:t-y 'Coulldl E~gin County Cou.ncil 2,1 Moved by C. S. Bridgeman, Moved by C. .D". CoyTe; Seconded by W. H. Bradfield; Seconded 'by O. .'McKenney; That By-Law No. 1149 be read a secoricl time. -Carried That Uy:..Law No. 1151 to:authonze the Warden Ito sign agree-:- incl1't be rec,eived'and read ,a fi'fst tihIe. ""'::'Carded :Moved by C. S. Bridgeman, MoveiclbyC p. Coyl.~; Seconded by O. McKenney: Seconded by ,'W.. A Butler; 1~ha-t By-Law No. 1149' he read' a.. third time and finally ,passed That By-Lam No. 115,1 be 'read"a s,e'conel -time. -Carried -Ca,rl.'ied Moved. by W. H. Bradfield, Moved byiC. D. 'Coyle, Seconded by C. ,D. Coyle: SeOOil!dJett by\vV. A 'Bu,tJe-r; That B,y:..Law No.U50 to a-ppoirit a County Advisory Ag.ricultural Council ,be received-and read a first till1e. T,ba-t By-Law No. 1151 he :read a ,th~rd ItinJ;c and :Iil'1aHy pa,slsed. , ;-Carried -Carried M'ov'ciclby W. H. 'Bradfield, Moved Iby W. I-I. Bradfield, Sccollde-d'by'C. D. Co'yle-: Sc-conded .by C. D. Coyle: Tha,tBy~La,w No, 1150 be read a second time. Th'at By-Law, No. J152 'to designate lIe '['Ieceiv,ed ,and Dead ,3, fir-sit t}me; , GOiUI11ty R'Oa<1s in ~!illages , -"Ca~lt'ied -Carried Moved by A. S. Newell, Moved' by .C D. 'Coyle, Sec,ol1,ded .by C. D. IGoyle: Seconded ,byW,. H."B'radfor,d; That By-L'aw No. USO be mad a third time and finally passed. -Carried That By~Law N.c. 1152 be read -a s\eco:nd time. -Ca'rir1e~1 " 22 Elgin Oounty iCou.ndl, Elgin OOIU!l1lty 'Council M,oved ,by W. H. Bradford, and read a first iime. Seoonded by C. D: Coyk: Moved "by W. A. Buqer, ThatBy~Law No. 1152 be -read a third time and ,finally ,passed. Sec'otl1dedbj H. L La'Wlton: .....,..Carried . 'Dhat By-Law No. 1154 be read a second time. Moved by H. _L. Lav\,tol1, \ 0V0 Seconded by M. "V. Pa,ddon: Moved byH. ,L. Lawton, 1~hat By-La'w No. 1153.to revert portions of COUltty Roads ,to Iocal municipaHtiesbe re:ceived 'and read a first time. Seconded 'by' W. A. Butler: That By:-Law No. 1154 he read a <third mmeauc:l finally passed. -,-Calil'ied. -Carried 11'ovedby A. S. Newell, -,', SeC'ond~d by H. L. Lawton: Moved by S. S. McDermand, That By~Law No. 1153 'be read a second time. Seconded by Gordon . NewelL: " 23 ...;....Carried ...;....Cat~ried -Carried That By-Law No.' 1155 to con<finn By-Law No. 1092 of the Township of Dunwichhe received and read a first time. Moved by H. L. Lawton, Secpnded by.M.'.y"l. Paddon: Mov'ed -by Got'ldon Newell, That By-Lav,' No. 1153 be read a third time ,and finally passed. Secol1dedbyS. S. McDermancl: -Carried That By-Law No. 1155 he read a sec'Ol'td time. Moved by W. A. Butler" Seconded by H. L. Lawton: Moved by .S. S.McDer-mal1d, That By-La\\' No. 1154 to amend By-LawNQ. 1109 he received Seconded by Gordon Newel~: ---"::Carr'ied -Carried 24 Elgin County Council That By-La\\' No. 1155 'be ,read ,a third tiilte and finally ,passed.' -Canried The Warden lnade ,the foHowing app:ointments': To 'confere with, Me.monialHospita'\ 'BO'ard----,---M'es'Srs. M1oAlpine, McDermand, Butl,er aild Br,idgeman. To ,atte~d Gilt-ar,io MuniCipal Assodati6nmeeting--':Me,s,srs. A. S. Newell, Bell, B,ridgel;]a,n, Kil'ldand,. G. NeweH,O: McKelllney. ,. M.oved by C D. Coyle, Seconded, byVV. H. \ Bradfield.,: That we'" ;a'djourn to, meet s'ccond Tue,selay in lime. -CaHiec1, H. G. Taylor, Warden Elgin Counity Cou-ncil 25. SECOND SESSION-FIRST DAY Tuesday, ,the 9th day of June, 193] The Elgin, County Council met this day 'at the Cour.t House, SL Thomas in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the chair.' '^0 All fhemembers present. The Warden addressed the Council as follows: Warden's Address-Second Se~sion To the ~Igin County Council, Gentlemen: "i' ,Ia11l~:pleased to meet 'you all again; andhope'tlhat our delibera- tions Df this, 'the most im~)o:rltant s'es's.ion of the y.ea,r, wiII beharw 1110nious and in the best i~terests "of the County. The London -& Port Stanley Road The paving of this Provincial Highway "was. ,com111enc'e,d a,t the City boundary 'and continued to a line heh\'ecn the.flollrlth and fifth concessions, 'where the plant of t,he'paving company is located. The contracta\v~l.rded does 110t include'the compJetionof ,t'hie roaclto Po-rt Sta.nley, and I understand- that toass;ure th~ coil1JpLe1tionof the road this year some action on the Ipart of .this Council -is de;;i>PCicL Last 'year: the CountyCoullcil requested the Provincial 3'uthollities t'0 take ('Vel' the rO~l.C1 as. a Provincial Highway, a~l-d ama.nged for the ,com- pletion of the paving for, the seas-on'sU'affic. 'f'helic ,are -ahout 't.wo miles that are not. ill-elueled in the_present cont,raco1. 'Dhe pnic,e is much lower than for similar'roads cons'tr,ucted in farmer yealrs. The County's' >inte1r:est is_to the ext,ent'.of t'\O\te.nty p,er cent. of the cost, and as the contractor is on the ground, it would wppeart,o Iheinthe 26 Elgin County Cauari I Elgoin OOU<\1ItyC6uncil 27 ~est interests of all conce.rned 1~,ohayehi11lcOllllplete the work, and the Council should .pass a res.olution -a,ppfovlng ,t'h~'S. much legislation of 'particula.r ,inte1;est toCounty~oun;crils, The Act of 1930 with reference to CO,i1.stitution of Gounlty COtl'Il- County Road Committee ,Shortly,aiter the ,dosle .of the lan-na'fY ses,sion, I mecei'y;ed a letter from the H0110u,r,a,ble Mr. H:ell'ry, Pre.mier of the P,wvince, in which he,t1denc,dito Itth:e Road IOomluittee ,a,ppoin1ted ,as not ihe.illig in accordance .with the Statute, 'My -reply was that his leJtte:r would be laid before the County' Council at the. June Session, when i,t would; no doubt, .r,eceiV'e faJvoumhle :_collSiider3Jtion. My Iheslt inf.o.l'Im1a;tion is Ithat Elgin .vas the only county that ,did not comply with Ithe, request of ,the Department to' <1Ippoint acoril.mittee in accondal1lce Mth the provisions of the Hjghway Improvement Act. He ,also sta.t,ed t\h.at L,aw Officers of the Crown had VeTY grave doubts, a's It-O whether- he had po'wer to pay a subsidy to IR county who,s,e Road Commitlt-cewas ,not in acol"dal1ce'with the Statute. \iVhe1Jher' for this reason or not, ,the subsidy on 1930 expenditures has not been received, and 1l:he Treas- tu:er has been requested to selid halanceof deferrede-payment w~th r>e- s-pect to '1928 expendi'tures on Provincial 'Highways. oils, which goes into -effect next -yeaJ~, was not chan;g:ed; _ 'Dhis re'. duces the Township ,of Yarmo.Uith's'f'epresenba60n to one deputy- reeve and Igiy,es the ireev:e an 'additional vote. 'Dhe _muli,jcipal franchis,e has been extended to farmers' da-ugh~ ter.s, the. 'same as (0 fanners' s'ons. Am10ng thewme,ridments ,to ithe AsSeS-S!lnelllt A,ct is .one 'l'Alich iProVlidesthat ,il1'col.me ass'eSSlmellit ds not to :be irlcluded in County EquaiLizalti'Ol1: Nothing d.s said ,abou.t ,busill,e,ss ,assesl&n1:enlt, which i.s; no doubt,--.to -qeincluded' w.i,tih 'the land va:lue. -By-laws aut'h'6rizing t,he Cle:d<, Tre.asurer or Collector to mail tax ll'otke'sare provided for. The 'communications and reports to .be lJ.aid-bdore you will show what has been done in ,r.eietenceto yourdil'ecti-olK r,e cross- ing protection costs, the a<ppointment of a county ,stenogni..pher,a-nd conrfel'en.ce in refe:renC'e to Mem'or1al Hospital Grant. The Highway,. .Improv",ment Act prov,i,Jes that th,e P,rovinCial authority is to be known as the "Depal)tment Qf Hi,ghM;aY's." A communication (rom the St. Thomas Board of Educa.tion \n r!=fererice to County grahtfor CoUegiatc,' Institute 'and VOtca,tional Schaol, will be laid before you. T'he Board does -nota'ppear Ito be satisfied with the statement '-prepared hy,the County Clerk on which ,payments \veremade. The differ'0nce being with,resipect toO the aiP" plication of special legisla'tive grants which have fONnedy_ ,been de,. ducted. T'he Education_Committee will have to give ,t1hJs matter their careful consideration, and be advised by the sDlicitor~n l'e.f,erence ther,eto. A 'new sub-,s,edion'eilllip'ow;crs' Caullity Go'Un,oiJ,s t,o ,mwke 'f,egul:a- ti01l5 a,s to:-,ig~ls,sign hpard-; and gasol,ine pumps 'with r'esp-cic't to C"oun:tY'fll1d s.ub-urban roads, hut Itheby-:iaw .:passe,d ,in this c'Onne'Ct-ion lhusf be approved by the Minister of Highways, Towns-hip,Coundls 'may now obta'll1i gra,nt of fOl"lty ,per cent. of cost of sidew.alks authorized ,hythel, Dep'a:rtment 'on 'a I\jing;s Hilgh.. \'.'ay or c()un~y roa.d. , Amelldments were ,inade to the Munic'~pal Drainage AC't,1'he Ditches and Watercourses Act, and the Tile Drainage A'cL Legislation The ProvinCial Lcgis,Jature had a busy session,:but d,id11Ot pass An anwndmcnt to the Line Fences Act dlispO's'es ,of 'a contentious :.. , 28 Elgin County Council que,sltion hy' .providing it'halt when, there j';' an unopened .road all'OW- al"J,ce belt:ween occupied lcuncls and not enolosedlby a lawfu1 ieilce, the fenlee 'viewer may becaUed upon :to divide the Ifoad allowa11lce equally Ibet,we,en the 'Ownen, and ,to requi,r,e thm lbo ike,ep u.p a just 11'J:1o;p,or,tioniOf the division fence. This does not in ,amy ,way in'bedere wH.h Itihe riwhts of the mu.nic~pality. Thealme,ndlllel1t toO the Anatomy Act ,limits, the ,ex,pen'8:e in cOli'llectiori wl,th the burial of ,an inmate of a: Hlousle of Refuge to thirty dollars. There wa1s consider,able int'ereslt ,in ,a bill to amend the Cemetery Act which provides for Ithe appointment of a commissoion to be kn'own as the Cemetery C0I11'mission, the chairman 'to he Ia'PPuinrted by the Lieutenant Governor inCoullcil, 'and two otnenlher.s :by the County Coul1'cil. ~rhe COlp,mission to have gen,eral 's.uperViis'ioo<?f cemeteries or burying grounds i.n the County. This ,does not COllie into force' until some future, date to :be nalm-ed hy proclamation of the Lieutenant Governor. A n~w Hospitals Act was ,passed, but there is no ,radical change in the liability 'of the County for hospital maintenance of indi'g}ents. If a ,patient dies in a :hosp-ital, Ithe expense of !burial has '. heen i.n~ e:reas,e,d from fifteen to thirty dona.rs. if :am-unicipaHty a.Uows an incurable ,person ,to remain in :a ,hospital' ,afte-r \Uoticeto remove, the munidpaHty is liwble to a ocl:targe of .t.wenty-five cents per ...d,ay -ill addition to other charges. Special' Municipal Committees At the last session"~f the Lc'gis.Jature a special C01l11111Ueewa<; a.ppointed to consider all m<lJtters p'ertai'ning to MUll:icipalGovern. meat. A :revision of 'the Municipal Act is' con:temifllaited, and lam informed that cOl1s,i<J.eration ,woilld probably be .givento the ,oon. g,titution of municipal governing bodies,'alldth8.(t.the liml'tadollOf their ,power \0 is'sue debentures withollt the approval o-f the c2ntral autho.nvty ,a:pperared It-o ,be necessary. The desir.e ,of <the ,co01lmiltte,c is , to rmn'ove, ,if ,p-os,sible, 's'ome of rthe causes of high;1l1iunidpal! t.axaHon. Elgli.tlOO'1.llnlty Council, 29 The OtitarioMunio1pal As'slaciation is' Cb-op~r,at~ng with Ithis GOlm- mitjtee, land a1ny s'uggesltio1lis you <Uta,y hav,eto '0ffelr~ 'if\tnade by- res,'o~ lution o,r r,epO'l't, wiiI receive carefu.l 'altt,enltion. A special 'COlml11rlS- sion is, I 'believe, to he' a-ppointed to consider 'all m:a'tIVer's, pe,rtai:nil1lg to ,raising .of Imumci.p.al taxaition . The _proceedings of the las',t day of the previous ,session were ,d read and. 'confi'fmccl.' The following cOHlmunica-tiollS were ,nclad: From County 'Counaj;) of Peel, ,r.e 111lai11ltlenanC'e of indige'll.t hos- pital paticnts.-Referr,edto P.etitions and Legish:utiorl^{;0'11l'l'rtirttele. ~rom County GounciJ ,of Nor,vhumherlaind and Durham, r,e i111larin- tenance of indigent .hoSrpit.al,IPatients.-Rder_recl t,o P:etiltionsalld Leg- islation Committee. From County Counciloi SiITIC'0;.e, re s\uburbMl 'road a,ss<e,S,sment and ooul1tyroad subsidies.----IRefer'1'1ed to Pe,tiHons and Legi,slMion Committee. -Fr-om County -Council of Vidori.a, re lillWreas.e in ga'soHne li:ax.- Heferred to "Petitions and Legis:latioll C0I11,mi1Itee. From Wal" M,emorial Children"s Hos'pital, Dandon, r,equeslt4ttg gra-nL~Heferred to Finance Gomrriittee~ From County Council of Lennox and Addi,ng-ton, re ga,solinc tax;~Refer-red toP,et,i,tions and Legislaltion CO:mmiHee. Fr.om County :Gouncilof Norfolk, 'rle gasoHne tax and DOll11~l1- ion SUbsidy for roaclhuilding .pi111"rposes-.-R0f.er,1"'cd Itlo Pe1tit-ions Q'l1d Legislation Cominittee. 30 Elgin ClQuntyColll1lcil F.ro111,Goulllty Council -of. Limcoln, re'subs1cLy ~onWeed In5'pectQTs' salar,ies.'-Refcued to Petitions and Legisla"tionCommiH,ee: From County Council ,of LincoLn, r,e Highway Lmprovemel1t Aot 1930, in refer.euce t01delegatio.n iof .powers <of ,counc11 [;0 a ,com- miHee1oomposed 'of ,other than _memhelf.s .()If coundl.----,Re.f.err'ed"to ~P,e'titions and LegislM,i.on Comni:i.tte'e. from County ,Council of Lennox amI Addington, .re ins!pection of i::h',ivers' ,perm~t.s and li,cel1's'eg.,-Ref0r:red to Pebilt1.onlS :and Lcgisl1alt,io'l1 Commh,ke. Fronl Mothen' Allowances COll1'mis,sion, re a,pointn1ieJ1lt Off mem," {,lers "of Boar,d.-Rderr,ed to Fi,nanceCommittee. From - D~paJ-hnent -of Education, re"grant to ,he Iraisecl for equipnlJent.-Refer,red -to Education. Committe,e. Fi"om Ontario' M'unilClpal As,socia'tion, ,r,e legislative c-ommitt.ee dealing with revision of the Municipal Act.-Refe.r.r,ed ,to Petitions ,-\'l1,d Legislation COll1lmi~te,e. From F. S. Thomas, re .grantt for 'GOUl1'ty 'pupil_,atH,ending On~ t.a:rio Ag)l:i.cultural College."'---Referred -to .Fin-anc.e GOl1nm~tte.e. F.l'(l1l11_ The Honollmhle, tlhe P,remier_ 'of .the Province, re ap- pointment of .county Road Committee.-...;Ref0n"ed tro ,Fi'llanc.e Com~ 111.'it,tee. From SecrCltary, St. Thomas Board of Edur:altion, r,e Conhty gr-anL---'-H.d.erred to Eclucartion Committee. Flrom Association. ;of ManagE;r,s ,of Homes fOor tlhe Age.d, 'and Infirm, wit.h program:~-Refe-r:r,ed to House of Indust,ry CommiUe'e. , Elgin Gounty Council 31 I F,wm County Solic~tor, re cosrts eros,sing IPflOlbectrion.-----iReferred to Finance Committee. From Kent County Uve Stock Iml11-oy.ement As,soda<tion, l",e ,reduotion in h,eight Irat~s' 'on cattle for ,fattening .punpos'es,..,....,Refencd 10 petitions- and,_Legis,lation Commilbtee. F,',rom Old Age Pe'Hsions Commiss,ion with r,eport.-Referwd :to Finance .Conimittee. F.roril K "0.'. McKay, ,re By-:Laiw n52-Re~er<ned t:o County Road Committee: From ,County Treasurer,_ with ,r,epoT,t.-Ref.e,nred toO Finance Coriunibtee. Moved by S. .S.McDer'll1'and, Seconded by G. Newell: That a c-opy of expenditures for construction wnd m:iill't'Cjnance of Provincial Highways in the county for the ye,a,r 1930 be made' for the reeves. ' -Car,ded ;~10ved by M.A. McAlpine, Seconded by D. M. Leitch: That!the\V:1t'Clen appoint a committee ,to deal with, .con11lect- ~ing liuks in villages. -Carld.ed The Warden Itamed the 'reeves of 'Bowng;h~ps al1,d village,s. 3:~ Elg>jn'Gollnty Counc.il Move~ hy I),M.~~itoh, Seconded by M: A McAlpine: That 'this CounciL adjourn until\^lednesday at 10 ,O'clock to allowcolpmittees to' ,mee~ -CaDded I-I. G, TayIo!', W,a,rden Elgin' Oouuty Coundl 33 Second Session""';Second ',Day Wednesday, the 10th day of June, 1931 The" Elglin COUl1ityCounoi;l Ime't ,this' day in; a'odot,da:nce _with adjournmerit, T~he Warden in the -chair. All the members-present. The pr9ce.edings 01 Ithe ,previous da,y were .r,ead an.d .confirmed. Moved by M. W. Paddon, Seconded ly V'l. A Butler: That a deputation representing the Elgin Daky Br<eede,r,s be now heard. .' ~CaLffie.d Messrs. Martin, Silcox and McVicar then 'made application for grant ;to the Thoroughbred Cattle Show at Aylmer; which was il"e.,. fcrred to the Finance Committee. Moved by F._Coutts, 'Secomledby S. S. McDermand: That A. R. Smith, Weed Inspector~or Ontario, he '1'l'OW heard, -CaJrrie,d Mr. A. R. 'Smith th~6 addressed ,the Co'uncil in ,reference to weeds detrimental to a.griculture. The following communications 'were ,r,ead: 3'.2 EIgin'Gounty Council Moye~tby I),I )v.L Leitch, Seconded by M. A. McAlpine: That this Council adjourn until Vlednesday at 10 ,o'clock to allow committees ,to ,m'eeJt -Car.Tied H. G. Taylor,W,a,rdcn ,E1ginOottnty Council 33 Second Session.......Second '.Day Wednesday, the 10th day of June, 1931 The Elgrjl1 County,Coimoi;l Ime't this day in. a'oClordance wit'h adjournment. T~he "Varden in the 'chair. All the me.lubers present. Thepr9c,eedings ,bf 'the Iprev10us ,da,y were rr,ead and ,confir,mec1. M.oved]}y M. W. Paddon, Secori,ded by W. A. Butler: That a deputation representing the Elgin DaJ,ry Br,eedc,rlS be now heard. .' -Ca<rrie.d Messrs. Martin, Silcox and McVicar then made application for grant ,to the Thoroughbred Ca,ttle Show at Aylmer, which was rre,. felTcdtothe Finance Committee. M.ovedby F~ COllt'tS, 'S-ecolnded by S. S. McDerma'nd: 'l'hat A. R.Smith, Weed Inspector for Ontarib,be nOw heard, -Canied Mr. A. R. Smith t,hel1 addressed ,the Council inr:eference to vleeds de:trimenta,l toa-griculture. The following communications were :r,ca,ct: 34 EIghl County ICo:(ll1cil From" Departilncmt ofthc_Attorneyc.Gene,ral, with order-in-couh- cil, a,ppoin!ting, Mrs. Vera C1a~'k as Coullty Stenographer. Rr'onlSt. Thomas Bo.ar,d of Education, re, -,amount --,payable by Gou-nty.-Referr.ed'\1oEducMion Coml1~ittee. The fir'st.r~porlt - of the COUIlity' Road~ommit,tee wa,s,' pr.esented and ,adopteclc>,n motiol1of M~ A. McAlpine, 'secql~ded,:.byN. S. CO'f,nell. Th~ repo.rt-.of the -Sp.cCia!. Has-pita.! C~m111ittee was'pr.t~:sente,d and 'adopted'on ,111otion ,of V{.'A. But.ler,s.ewn,dedby M. A. McALpi.ne. ;..fovcd .by O~ McKenney, Seconded ',bye. ,5, Biidgemari: Tha't ,this 'Council do now adjourn to aHow ,the Finance Co.111-;- li.\1btee'lta Ulcet. ~Ca.rrieci The- Coullcil",re,.sumcd. IVlovcd 'Ly S. C. Kirklandi Setoildcdby WI11. Toln'iie: That' tihis Council adjourn 10 meet at 10 o'c-lockto'-m01TO\Vto 'c'omm~1rt'eesto mee,t. -Ca'rric<J B.G. Taylor, vVarden , EIg1ll County, Council 35 Second Session':"- Third Day Thursda:y, the: nth' day of June, 1931 ~l'he Elgin Coun;ty" Countil met this day it~<'acoordance with ad- journmeut: ThcvV:ard.en in ,the chair. All tl1e.,memhers 'I:11'e.sent The, Iprooeedings ,of the previo1,ls day wer'c, re'ad, and con,fin.nieu. A 'co111:mun-i,ca.ti:on fro~n C.St. Clair 'Leitch, Solidtor, rechanges in M. C R.,t'ime:"tahle v.nas--,reaJd. The;r~p01.t of the FiJna:nce Committee was ,p:r'esel1lt.e4 a"nd'adop.t~ ,t(l': on motion of F~'.foutts', se'corided !byW. A. Butler. The - <repor,f, of 'the - Pelti,tions __ .;:i'nd LegislationCo~nn1i-tlteewas pr'e- senlted and ,ad-opted . Ion motion' of S;' S. - McDe:1imand, se.aonded by N. S.Gornel1. Moved ;hy S: A. B.rowh, Secolided hyF. 'CduH,S: That the Coun'ty Counc-il of Elgin ;County requeSit th,e Minister '01 Hi.gt(ways'to' disc?rl1inue building c,ementhighways i,n Elgin GOttnJt), unless approved"of by vote oJ. COU'll'ty G~Uinci1. -Cairied M,ove-dby \Vm.To,111l1ie, Seconded 'by S. C. Kirkland: That gr.al1;t'of$400.00 be 'made, to _ Rodney., ,for "theloCi!cup in ,the Me.morial ',Con1i111uility Hall. ~Carried c/' 36 Elgin County Couricil Elgi,n OOii1'1~ty Council' 3.7, Resolutions Were ,.presented fordes:ignation ,of the following 'l'oads as 'Count~. Roads: The, 'I'eportof tllC_E(jt~;cationCql:J.lll1l,Ht~~ w~slpr.esel1te4 an'! adopted onm-ot-ion of Wm, Tolmie, s~econded ,by G~ Newell. Eram King. Lake Station to County Road No, 44 Therepo,rt of the Goal~om111ittee was Ipresen1ted 'and adopt.ed on ;motion of R ,Cam.pbell, seconded by W. Bra,dfield. From No.3 Highway";toWeUingtonStreet. Graham Road, from Eagle to the Lake. Mr. McAlpine rose to question ,of ,privilege ,audio inquire as to source of artide ,in .the London Adve,r'tiser in' t1efereqce'to ~I":ed,u>c~ ti(m in members' wages. nrl,oved by S. A, Brown, Seconded - by F. G);utits ,Moved byS.. C. Kirkland, That TCISJol'llltionlS' 'a'skingfor roads to be taken over' hy County' be ,referred to Roads Committee. Seconded by Wm. T61mie: ,-----,Carried That the Council ,adjourn Ita 11 o'dook toO il1'Sipect HoU'sle of Ind,ustr'y at 10 a;m."~,tomoHow. ---4Ganie,r1. Moved by R. C<tmpbell, Seconded by S. C.Kirkland: 'H. G. T1a)l1Iqr, W1arden That ,this Council adjourn to meet at 2 o'clock.' ~Carried The Council resttliled. /' , The Clerk pre,sented repol'ton, licens,es in force. The second re,por-t ,of the County H.oa-d Committee on new ap- pointment was presented and refer,red ,to coml11itteeof .the whole with 111'. O. McKenney in the chair. Aftel' a .dis,cuss,ion the Committee rOse, and the report wa~ adopted without amendment, Olll'notion of O. McKenney! seconded by D. M. l-"eitch. The report of the House of Industry GOlllimittee was~ ,present~ ed and .adopted on; motion of S. A. Hrown, 'seconded by H. L. Lawtoll. I, 38 Elgin Oounty 'Coundl Elg~nOOiU'l1!ty Council 39 , Second Session.........,Fourth Day Seconded by D. M. Leitck:. R1 Friday, the .12th day o{ June,-l931 That By-law No. 1156 be read a second time: The Elgin C~:)Unty Council met "ithis day -in accordance with adjournment. --,,-Canicd Moved by F. _ W. Schmelz, The vVarden ill Jhe 'chair. Seconded byN.' A. McColl: All the men~bers present. ThatBy-La\~' No. 1156 ,be ,read a third time and finally pass'cd. The proceedings of the ,pi-evious day w,er.e. read anc1confirmed. -Ca<rried The third report of the Gounty Road Commi~\te-e WIaS :pres,clited and adopted 'on motion of l\1. A. McAllpine, seoonded hy F. Goutts. Move-d. -by S. C.Kirklancl, The s'ecori,d reporlt ofthc Finance CommiUe-ewa's presen:kd and adopted on motion ofF. Coutts, secanded by' S. S. McDenmand. Seconded hyW.m. T,olmie: Moved by G. Newell, That By-TJ<l!w No. 1157' to a1ppoi'111t a Oount.y Road' ConNuiubee be ,received and t'c'ad'a firs't !till1e. Seconded by F. VV. Sohmelz: -Grried Th~lt wages of the members of the County Oouncil, the salaries . of the officials of Jthe COUlllty, and the wage-sof all lenllp:l'Oyiee,s oj ,the County of Elgin be reduced 20 ,per cellt., suoh reduction, to tlake ,eff,ect at once,. Moved ])y Rob-t. CCtltnppen, .........,Los,t Seconded by M. A. :rvlcAlpine: That Ry-Law No. 1157 be 'f,ead a second time. Moved by Wl11. Tolmie, -Ca1-riccl Seconded by S." C. Kirkland: Moved by D. 1L Leitch, That By-Law No. 1156 to designate a througth highway bere- cdved and read a first time. Seconded l)y M. A. McAlpine: -Carried -That By-La\-v No. 1157 be read a third time and finally ,pas,s,ed. IV[oved by M. A. McAlpine, ---<Ganied 1,-.; 40 Elgtin County\Co,u,l1dl Moved !Jjy C. S. Bridgeman, Seconded by O. .McKenney: ElgttlJ Oorulllrty Colihdl 41 Moved by C. D. Coyle, Tha't By.,.LawN6. 1158 to'aut~orize anagr'e~1Uent-;betw,een !!:Jhe C?rporation of the County ,of Elginancl the Southern Ontario Ga's Company, Lhnited, he received'~nd read' a first time. Seconded by yV. H. Bradfield That By-Law No. 1159 be read a third 'time a9ct finallY-passed. Mqvedhy L.'Connor, SeOOlided by S. A. Brown': That By-Law No. ,1158 be read a second time. l\1..oved by ,F. CouHs, Seconded by~. A. Brown: -Carned ~Canied -That By-Law No. 1158 be read a third Nmealid 'finally pa,ss,e.d. -Carried Moved by S. A. Br:OW11, Seconded by L,. C01l11Qr: That By_LawJNo. 1159 to grant certa'in ,privileges to Southern Otl,tal'io Gas Company, Limit-ed,' be received ,and ,r,cad' a fi..rs't! time. )\1.oved b):': O. McKenney, Seconded by C. 8.. Bridgeniail: , That By-Law No. 1159 he read a second tiine. ,;........,Ganieid -Carded ---.:Carried Moved by N. S:, Cornell, Seconded by Vi. T. Bell: . That By-l.aw No.)160 to raise.a111~untsfor County Rat'e dur~ ing,the year-1931 be received and read a first time. t ~CJarried 1-1.oved by V'"T.A.Hlltler, Seconded by H. L Lawton: That By-Law No. 1160 be read a- second tin1c. """':Carded Sv1-ovedby A,. S. Newell, Seconded bj',M. VV. Paddon: 'That)3y-Law No. 1'160 he read,a,thirdtimc and fi:n-allypass'ecl., ~Carried by ,,0. 1tfcKenney, by C. S. Bi'idgel11an: That. thiS Council do no\\' adjourn to l'ileet' Tuesday, the -24th ---.;Carried H. G.Taylor, Vvar,den- 42 IWi' Elgli.n' Gaunty .coul1dl THIRD SES.SION-FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 24th day of November, 1931 The Elgin County 'GoilHlcil met i-his day at the Court House, St. ThOilnas in acoc!1Ga,nce with adjournment. T~he Wal'den il1 Ithe chair. All the mem:bers Ip.resent. The \iVardcll addressed ,tbe Council as follows: Warden's Address---, Third Session Gen.tlemen : To the Elgin County Council In Olperiing the 'closing .sess.ioll of the year, I have to report that no husine:s's of .,importa'll'ce has -been. brought to my wttention since the Juueses'sion. The <cropsrhave !Jcen bount,iful thw4ghout the' County but prices ha'Ve Ibccn ,far frot11$a'tli~.;fact.o:-y. T.he upward tendency of the price of \vheat is, I Ithink, a s't1re indication that we may '5'0011 expe,cit to see the silver 'lining ,of the dark cloud ,of -depression. It is too earIy to exp0ct resll]lts ,from the actioll:of the British Governmel}'t in plac" l:n.g ea,nada in a ,preferred_ 'po,sit-ion with regard Itoexpol-tS. The On- ta'i'io GoV'ernmc,l1t'is endeavoring to impl'Ovemarketingiacilities for hc'tt,er c1as,s Iproducts, and is co-operating, with the agr-icu1tU'ralists. in t'his ,connection, Ev,e,rycffort is, I believe, 'being made to improv(', concUtion.s, What ,the future 'holds for us depends large,lyon the peoiple the.mselve>s', The cement Province ancI city, Port Stanley Road road to Port Stanley has 'been 'completed by Ole A vel'Y small 'por;tion het\'\'een the ;bl'idges 'opposite ElgJi,ll Gounty Coundl. 43 the Court House remains to be 'paved; This w'ill he inducted in COll- tract for widening ,thehridg.es -next season. '. Port "Stanley Bridge An effort is ,being- ,made to seCUf-e government as'sistan~e for irilprOVemel1t 'of the Port S,tanley Bridge' ,toprqvide cm,pJoymel1t. There are ,a number of matte.r.s to he ,considered in this' counecHon" the ,character 0,( 'the bridge, and its relation ,to the La-ndon a'nel Port Stanley RaJilw;ay ,which 'ctos::;e.s the west appr-oa;ch. If a swing bridge is ,c\e:sirc-d thcstatuso-fthe 'stream must ,be change-dvo tha't of naV1- ga.b!e \-vater~ This ,will1call !foran order-in-<council. Som,e year,s .ag't:t the Council offered $20,000 'to ,the Federal Government ,to take- Ithe bridge off our ,hands ,and ins'tall a' lift or swing ibl'idge. One mcetl11g of represent:ative('of ,municipaHties_intereste-d wa's !held, and the matlter \Ya's_referrecl to, Otta\i,;a, If .a favourable dedsion i!s received in time: a propositiun 111aycome ,be.fore the Council at this' -session. Highway Improvement Notwithst'alldiog the l13os111011 taken :by, .this ,Council to l'estrict ,paving, -an effort i:s being made to have the TiUsDniburg amid Port Bur\vell ra:ad impf'oved to 'some extent this year .to provide ,e-111- This isa matter 'outside the control of the Council,al-. ,though you ma-y he request'cel to appi'ove of the idea. Old Age Pensions Pensions Cdfllll1ission is'operating ,effkicl1Itly, The distributed to pensioner:s > ,during the year has done much 'to distress in many cases .thalt would otherwise have b.een cared the House of Ind:us:try. The 20 'per cent. paid by the COUl11lty of 'pensions amounted 1:0 $24,245. Tihis will he v.ery mU!ch when the recent Jegislationincrea:sillg a'lilou-nt paya'ble'by Government becOmes eff.ective. Cemetery Commission At the last session ;of the Legislature ,an ,act was passed pro~ for the appointment of a 'cemetery C'ommi;ss-iolllto c'onsiS't .of 44 Elgn,n 'OoIUll'ty Council W' ~l ','1 One-<11liCIillJbclr a'p,pointed -bY1t:he Licute'ri.a;nt Governor in Co:un:ci:l, the other two InlCl11rbers, 'to he a'Ppointed annually by tl]c CountyCourtdJ at its fiilst meet-ing. ThemCimiher appointed by the LieUltenant Gov- ernor 'is to hC'lchainnah of the c0111mi,ss,ion. 'Dhe Commas.sian shall he ,charged ,w'itll-.tae 'ge,nera1 supervision: of cemeteries and burying grounds in the 'County ~or Distrdct. This Act was 'to (jome in force by ,proclamClition by the J..Aeutcna.nt Govetnbr. This proolamation WitJ issued on' the '3rd af November. Appointltlcntsare 'to be rmade al' the firSlt l111,eetingin J.anuary, The Comlniss-lon is ,to be p,aid5'uch fees as may ,be fixed froOm time tn tinlc 'b(' order-in-caun'cil, -tpayable by the County or District Tr'ea,s'ur'er UI[.lon ,certificate ,of 'the Ghairmau of the COl1unj'ssion. The -dUltie,s of the Commission 'a're set rf'ort'h 111 th,e Cemete.riesAct. The',proceedil1gs 0.1' the', last day'of the previous session Were read and- confirmed. The fQl1owi~lg ,communications \verer-ead: FrOHI County Council of Lanark, rc Public School inspectors and T~dUicational Conference.:-Beferred 't~ Petition's and Legislation Committee. FrQIl1CSounty Cle.rk of Kent, recast of -moving telephone and hycJir6 poles."':'.:..Referr1ed to County Road ,Go'l1lmitfee~ '" From Londor! ,and Port Stanley' Rairway, re drainage in p'ort Stanley.-Referred to _,Gounty Road Committee. From County Council of Le'11l1oxan-d Addingt-on,re Normal Seho'ol ter,l11,'s..-Referre,d,to PeJit:ions and Legislatioil Com1111Hee. From COU11'tyCou-llcil 'of Stormont, Dundas and Gleng~H.ry, re j"eguhtions ,in' c;hRi,ters for buses and trucks.-Rderrecl t-oPet,itilo,n'S d.lld Legislation. Committee. I ~l Elwin Oo.rurnky Coundl 45 Frotit Florence M'cFee, inmate 'OJ the House of .lndus'try.-Re..; ferred to the House of Indu.stry -Commit/tee. . From Ue-pa-rtmcnt of Highway.s, ,re :propos-e1d Cournlty R:oadr at Both"'"ell.~ReJerred to County Road aomm~t,tee. From County Council 'of York;.necost of Iprovindallhi'gh-way~s. -~Rcferred :to . Petitions and Legislation 'Committee. F120111 Dr. Ewin;Physkian, House of. InduS'try, wIth a1nnl1al re~ port.--Referred to House of Industry Committee. From County iyuditor,s, I\vith r~pof't to 31ist ,SeptiemLcr..,.....Re,. ferred to Finance Committee. From President, Children's Aid Society, with 'invitafl.'Ol) to anlJ1ual meeting and supper. From. County Treasurer, \-\,lth report.--R,-eJerred ,to Finance C0111- mittc'c. F1'01H COUllty Engineer, ,with report of Port Stanley Brid~'e. ~-Filed. From C. St. 'Clair Le'itch, County Solicitor, re -croslsing protec- tion on Cot1llty Roads.-Referred to COllntS' Road Committ!e,e. :Mr. Kirkland inquired rc county roads in vil1agc1>. Ivir. Gordon N,ewell inquired re cost o.f Por,t Stanley rroad. M.r. Kifikland ,also inqu,ired '111 refereuce to Coul1ty,St-el!ographe,r. 46 Elgin County 'Council Move.d by D. M. Leitch, Seconded by N. S. Cornell: . T:hatMes'S'11S. Tolmic, Kirlkland, M1cAlpine and the Warden -be a cornmittec to intel'vieVi -our representative, ,rvr.r; Raven,and get j'll, (;OlTlil11Ullicatiol1 with Highway DellJa.r;tment, TOIron11o, and find out reason for .delay in approving of By-Law No: 1152 for halanlce or conneoting link,s in VliUa,ges and get reply "if poss1blewhile thi,s COHn. ,eit is in' 'session. -Carried Moved by S. A. Brcnvl1, Seconded by D. M. Leitch: That1we, the Elgin ,County' COUl1cilnowin se.s:sion, do strong!y Iptot.ers:t the 'I".emoval olf the maH ,car iOn Trains No. 2 a'ud 3 on the Michigan Ce.ntral "",est of s.t. ThCiflla,s, and \vould ,ask :that ,tne he re;. stored, as Jt'will cause greaJt i-nconveniec~ andlosiS to this west,e.rn cOI11I11unityif Ipresent 'system is carried on, and that copy of thfs resolution be ,forwarded' to Ithe Postmaster General. --'-Car~-ied On l11otionof D. M. Leitch,secondecl by M;'A. M,eAlpine, .the CounCil adjourned to meet art lOa.1l1. vVed-nes-daYn1or,ning. -Ca,rried H. G. Taylor,Wat'den " . . Elg~Jl' OorUi11lty Council 47 Third Session'-Second Day Wednesday, the 25th day of November, 1931 The. Elgin County Council Imet' this day in a-c,corda:noce 'WIitrh adjournment. The , Warden in the ,chair. All the .members present. The proceedings of It.llt>C' previous {lay were rea,d and confirmed. The report of ]. Allan, Corn Borer InSlpector, wa's presenlt.:ed and referred to Finance Committee. The report of the Inspecto-r of the House bf I,ndustry was pre- sented and referred to the House of, Industry Committee. 'Mr. McColl gave notice ,that Mes,srls. Ker-r and - Ma.cdia,rmid address the Council 011 Thursday. Several ,n19tiol1s wer"e :presented ,and ,dis,cussed 'a.ker which it" byN. A. McColl and s,econded byE. W;, Schmelz that adjourn ~o 'mee1:"at 2:30 p.m. -Ca,rri ed The Council resumed. The'" r,eport of the Old Age Peilsions Commission was presented 'to the p'illal~cc Commit,tee. by \711. A. Butler, by D. 1L Leitch: Coun6l ,appoint ,a co.mmittee of Ithr,ee,to m~ert . the . 48 Elgiin Cbun~y 'Council officiaLs and ,employees oJ the r,edtlC:tiol1 in Itheirsa.Ja.l'ies and ].a'l1lualry 15.bh, 1932, so that the tion they deem 'neces,gary. Co_unty, ,and endeavor to arrange a file a wr.itten report il1iOt lat,er than incoming council may.. Itacke whart: ac- In Amendment; Mo'Ved by G. Newe.l!, Seconded .by :F.' W. Schme,]ZI: That the 'wages 'oft'he members of tile County ,Council, the sal- aries 'of the offida.J,s (of 'the County and the Wages of all emp-Ioyees ,of Ithe county he re.duce.dtwenty per centum. Main motion' ,carried AmClidmcnt Iost Moved by M, A. McAJ,pine, Seconded iby D. M. 'Leitch: That'Messtls. Kirkland, McDennand and the War'~lenbe the oomm1.Hee !to ,go li'l1ito It]TC question of reduction of salaries and 'wages, to l'eport in January. -Carried The re!port of Ithe gducatJ.oll Committee \vas vre:"ented and. a'dopte,d 0,11 'n~otiol1 'Of Wm. To11llie, :s0conded 'by. R Campbel1. M,ov.ed hly 11,'1. A. McAlpine, Se,condedby N.A. McColl: That this COll,ncirp.la'ce 'on record their regret~lit the ,death Qi John J., iStaLker, .Esq.;,Ex-.Re,eve -of the ,TOVY'llS;h~p'ofAldbof,Ql1gh, and ,Wa.rd,en oft'he COU11'ty 'during the ,year' 1890'. He ,vas a capable ,exec;. 'utive ~'l1Id, ,a genial friend who l'et.ained his j'l1Jte1'est ,in County' affairris a,nd was ,al,ways welcoll1!ed -at OUir annual~s,ocial gatherings for,lhis' sage advice a:ndenter,t.ainme-n:t. Andw.hi'le w'e expreslS bur :,"o1',ro.,:..' 'at the , . Elghl OOiUll1ity Council los,SQf. a worthy citi~ell,. 'w'e reriJ:embe1" those grelater, an-dthalt ,a CQPY Of this resolution. be bers_'of .his family. Moved by O.McKenney, Seconded iby C. 'D. Coyle: 49. whose ,J'o\Ss is ,so 'much flQfwa'rded ',to the mC'111'- "''''(a,rried, That ,this Council do ncwwadjourn to mc,e,t ,at 10 a,m.1t.o:-;1TIor-row. I ----Carrried E, G.Taylor, W'arden . 50 ElginOounty Council Elgin 'Oounty Council 51 Third Session-Third_- Day by. W. H. Brad'field, Thursday, the 26th day of November, 1931 by C. D. Coyle: The Elgin County 'Council met this day in a-ccardance with adjoiU't:nme.J1Jt. and Tha.t bhisCouncil- .r,equest \the Department of Hi,ghway1s to. prow with ,all ar any work exoept ;paving .on Highway No. 19, and that tat'he ,grea,t11>urnber IQf unenltplayed, the unemployed of Elgin have the - ,preference 'Qve-r all athem. Such 'Wo.rk t,o be manual to begin at once and not Ita 'exceed ,$5000.00 The W,ar,den, :ill the cha;ir. All fhemeulher.s present. In Amendl1}eiit The pr'O'c,ecdiings olf the previous day wlerre read' and Icon,finned. T1he r.eport af bbe County Road Committee \v:as -p.re,sente,d. and C. Kirkland, adopt,ed anmOltion of M. A. M'cAlpine, seconded, by N.A.' M~CoU.- by 'YVm; Tolmie: an"d The r'epont of the House aL Industry Oommi!l:rte-e was lp~.ese-nted adopted 'cinl11'ot-ionof S. A.Brown, seconded:byH. L~ -Lawton. That 'this ma.tter herefen'e,d to Road Committe1c fOor .a report. The 'r,t:Jport of the 'Gual C0111-111ittee W3!S on -motion of. R.C<lJl1wbell, s,econcledby F. 'YV. pres,ented and Schmelz: Main motion loB-t. Amendment 'carr.jed, 'vV. A. Butler, Move,d IbyS. A. Bt'own, Seconded ;by F. Cout,ts: , Thait Iwe-mow 'adjourn Ito meet at two o'clock. this Council atlthorize the \Varclen to sign approval of of St.Thoma" Part Lot 7, ConcCisBion 9, Yarw -Carried The Council ,res,ulllcd. T,he ':report of Ithe Finance GO'llllll:it(ee w-as ,presenfed all ilnat-ion ,of F. IGoutt's, S'e1conded hy V,r.A. Butler" W. T. Bell: ~.rhe ,repOl't -of the Petitions sehted atl:d .adopted on motion Newell, and Legislation -Committ-ee- wa,s pre~ 'Of S. S. lVf.cDer.mand, seconded by thisCOUll'cil approve of the improvement of the Port Stan- 'the Federal Government, the County to contri'hute to ,the liability Jproviding they are Irelieved of future 111ajn~ -Calrrie'd " 52 Elgin' County Council , Moved Iby N. A. McColl, ~e'canded .by F.W. Schmelz; ThatM:e:s's'ris>' ~enrand Mlacdiarmid be allowed to adc1~ess the COtUlc;j.l" 'with' referel1ce 'to roard ;gravel. -,-C;inied MeSS1"1S. ,Kerr ,and 'Matdhrntid then addressed the 'oouncil in ,rde-fen-c'c Ita Iroa,d, 'l1lJwking 'tnater,i'a'ls available art the lake near New Glasgow. Mwed .by S. CKi:r-kland, Secoll"dedhy R. Can1ipbell: 'llhat the queSitioll of gmvel iOl.nd cr:ushe.d stol1,e h~ referreclto Road COlIlm.ilt.'tee. ~Carrre.d Ex-Warde:l1's Gutton (11885) ,and Jaolils1on (W02),who-'were,seaterl on. ,t,he', Idia,s "willh theW,a'rden, were ca,lled upon .for a few reinarks which were very 'lllULoh apipreciated. M'ove,d-by R. Ca'mpbell, Seco.nde~t :by s. C. Kiioklaml: That this Council a,djourn to meet to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. ~-Ca,rr:ie'(i' E. G. Taylor, W'airden Elgin County Council 53 Third Sessitm~Fourth Day' Friday. the 27th' day ot November, 1931 The Elgin County Councill11JCit this day at the Court Hous,e, Thomas, ina.'ocordarfce Wli.uh ad;our!?:ment. the members present. The proceeclings'of ,the ipreviotls day were, re:a,d and confirmed. A communication from the Fire 'Chi~f IQf itl;'e City-of St. Th6ma'.s fire ,protect-i-on of the Court Eou'se wa.s ',read <alnJdre-, the Goal Comrilitt'ee,.. s.econd ,report of ,bhe,County Road Cotl,1ImM,tee wa's Ipreis'ent- referred .to:a committee I)flthewhole Iwith. M'r. Leitch i.n Ithe After ';;unending ,repprt ,t'h,e committee IrOl5'e', and :report rus .wa:s _ :adopted -onlnOitipn 'of D.' M. Leitch, Is'ccond'ed by ,M. W..A._ Butler, ,by' H. L. Lawton: thisCO'Ul1'cil appoint a,eonlmiHee of thr,eelto lopkinto- fhe iexpenses - Ion Highway, No: 3 ,and 4 in ~J,gin and feqJlort :s'tatement not la'ter"tlhan }a:nua-ry 15th, 1932. --'Canied s: _ Bridgeman, by C.D. Coyle: 'Dhat theCOn1'111#t.ee . re weed ,cutting be com-po-se'd of M,es,srs. Newell,Butler :a.h,d .the Warden, 54 Elgin County Council In Amendment Moved 'byS. C Kirkland, Seconded by R. Campbell: ThaJt mat'ter of .getting figures on ,cost -,of maintel1.ance No. 3 Hig.hiway be left wii'h Ithe Clerk, 'and that .'he ItaIce ;steiPS ,t,o gd the flgur,es re weed cutting immediately, on - .sectio,n ,cast of A:lyme-r "in Elgin. M'oved hy WIffi, Tohnie, S~,collded bY'S. C. Kirkland: That 'a grant of -fifty dolla,rs ,be made to help Ipay ,for {he '111emorial Itahl~t now.in Moved ~by N. A. McColl" Seconded by F. W. ,Schmelz: M,ain Imotion lost. Amendment ,carried. to', rthe Village of Rodney the _hall at Rodney. -Cardell 1161 to designate County Roads be ,received, -E:arrie-d Thait By..;Law No. and read a finst 'tj,me. Moved hy C S. Bridgeman, Se'oondecl by O. .McKenney: ThatBy~lJaw No. 1161 be read a second time. -Carried Elgin County Council 55 Moy-ed Iby S. :S: MoDerm.a.nd, Sc<conded by G. Newell: Tj-lat By-Law No. 1161 be read a .thir,cJ .time _and finally 'pas:se.d. ~Carried Moved by S. C. Kirkland Seconded by' WIl1l-. Tolmie: That those muni1oipa:lities which 'would receive' a Hf.und ftonl Jwnu:ary 1931 for :maintenance of .gat'c:s o:nCounty Roads, had the By- ~L~w IpaSls.,edin }une 1931 been approved by the Higli1.ways Depart~ l11-cnt,bepaid grants equivalen't thereto. -Carried Moved ,by O. McKenney, Se,eondedby C.S.-Br'idg01Twn; Thait t-he us.ua! gra,nt. of Twenty-five doIlar:s. be paid Mr. L. B. Birdsall for the dIiaientm'anner in whiC:h the J}l'oce,edi.ngs of t.his Council have been reported this,year. -C~rtiecl Maved :by R. Campbell, by M. A.McAlpine: ithe thanks. ,of ,this Council be tendered Wardell Taylor for ,mam1C'r in '\vhichhe, has 'filled the chair during 1931, alid usual gran.t of One Hundred 'Dollars be paid ,him. -Car:ried 56 E,lgin County Coun/Cil Moved Iby. R. Campbell, ,Secoi1.ded by \Vlm. Tol:mie: That this COQll:cil .adjou'nl s.bo..e die. H. G.,Taylorj W~.:rden " -'-Ca.r:flied '" Elgin Cpunty CO-uncil 57 REPORTS OF CQMMITTEES Coyle Standing Committees-1931 County Road M. A. McAlpillc,Chai'rma.n Butler Contts Tolmie McDermlaud McColl Goal Robert Camp hell, Chairma"-l Schmelz Bradfield House .ofIndustry Stewa,rt A. Brown, Chairman Lawton Leitch ,'..;. Finance Frank 'Coutts, .Chairman McColl McAlpine Butler C()yle McDenna:nd Taylor McKenney Connor A. Newell ICornell'. Ki.rkland Leitch Tolmie Education \tVi11iam ToInlie, Schmelz Cam]jbell Lavttol1 Bridgeman COllllor Kirkland Chai,mnan G. Nelwell A. S. Newell Leitch Bradfield Bell Petition$ and LegisJation Bridgeman s. 'So McDerm~md, Chairman Connor A. S. Newell Cornell G, Newell Tolmie Legal \Villiam Totmie, Chaibllftll Paddon Connor Kil'kland 58 Elgin County,Council REPORT OF EDUCATION COMMITTEE January Session To ,the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: Tlhe Education Committe,e reports: That -the \Va,rden be 'aluthoriZie,d to 'aplpoint deleg.ates tQ attend Ithe ,mmual meethilg ,of, the Q'ntario School, Trustees'" and Ra1bepaye,r,,' ASlsodatio.n. All .of whidlis respectf,ullys1uhmitted, W;l1l. Tollnie, Ghairi111.au; St. Thomas, Ont., January 29th, 1931, , June Session To the Elgin Count}' Council, Gentlemen: The Education CommiHee 'repopts': 1. 'rr4.a1t the e,quipmcnt .gm'l1't $1241.42 for ,the rural schools be inducted in ithe estimates as re.quired by .the Educat,ion Depar'tment. 2. That in refere11lce fa claim from 'fhe St. Thoma,s Collegiate Institute fOr .a~1,diti6I1al gr,ant no action ,be Itaken. 3. That' fhe followin:f5a'cc.ount :be .paid: Municipal \A,T1orld, for ex.amiriation s'l1lp,plies, -printingfo,r' Schad Ins:rH~ctor<s $89.'86. I Elgin County Council 59 All of ,whi,ch is, re,s'pecitf.ulty .su.hn1iit-ted. Wni Tolmie, Qhairman. St. Thomc~s, Ont., J.~tne 11th, 1931. November Session To ,the Elgin .county Gouncil, Gentlem'Cl1 : Thc EducaHoh Committee r-~po'rts: of Schp'Ol Seoti01NNumlber 10, TOWllS'hip of SOUltlh DOf1ches,ter, in Il:'c,fer- of School ,Section Nutnber, '7, Town,S;hkpof 50mh Dcirlchelstelr, .in re,{e;r'- ence to making provision ,for attendance of Gou.nty p.upils M fh.e Harrietsvil1e Fifth Cla,s.s School,' ,a.nd have to ~',ecoml1lend: sion l'ha<t the Miinisfer of Education be r.equested to ~l1ake ,provi- for COUl1:ty grants 'ta Fifth Class 'Schools in an. a.dJjoinihg county. All.of which j,s respectf.ully snbmittcJc1. \Vm. Tol.1uie, Ohairm.an. St. T-hom'as,Ont.! Nov0111.b.er 25t.h, 1931. 60 'Elgin GOU'l1ty Council . REPORTS OF FINANCE COMMITTEE January SessioJl Tathe Elgin County_CouBcil; ",Gentlemen: The F1i,nance Committee report-s: 1. Thaf ,t-he tOktAge Pens4ol1 Co'mmis,sione.rs be re-appointed lor 1931. 2. Tha't Iby-law he IPa.ssed to authorize :the Wa'r,clel1 and Tt'e:as';;' Ui"Cl" 'to'lborrow the sum of Two Hunc1r.ed and Fifty' Thousand Dol1a'r~ for-County 'PUfll)os:e's during 1931. , 3. lIha.t t!he equa'Jization 'of the mllnicj~'mlities of the Cotll1tybe the s,ame -:as -last yea:r. 4~ T.ha( no" .action 'be ,taken on applicatiol'l frbm 11:'is-s Lc\vi5 in .reference to purchase ,of Second VoIUtlneof ,the Talbot Regime. 5. That no ad,ion be Itaken in refereri,ce - to communication ",f,riOm Dr. Dayisre Mothe:r',s Al10warlce over_pa,jd _Mr:s. ,Gertrude Johnson,. 6.T';hat the Auditors' Report he received' al1,d,pdnted. 7. That ithe Ifollo,ving gra.ntsbe 'l11a,cle: Clli:a,diall,Nation;a1 lnsthu,te for the B,lii'l1d Salvation Anny Hospi,tal ,for Siok Childre,n, Toro,nto 8. 'T'hat tihe Public Li.abilitypaHcyof .the" Londol1 and Lancashire Guarantee 'and Accident C1ol11/P'an.y b,e aoce.pted'withendor~semeqt fOf double ,liaibili,ty""""pt:eli1iul11 $599.18.' , Elgin CountyConncil 61 9. That, fe,e of Twenty-five DollaJ.'s for memhershlP ,in the 0,11- ta,rio Munieip.al As,s'aciation .be ,paid and ,the Warden a,uthor-izedt'o appoil1lt delegates to 'annru,al 'm0etin.g~ 10. That.a COlllll11ittee consisting of the Warden, Mr. Kicld,amd, 'freas-mer and Glc,tlk be appointed ,vit.h tpOiwer 1:0 oons,ideJr the8!dvi,s'- ahilityof -ap,pointing ,a Oounty StenogNbpher ,a'S l~equir-ed by the Go.tU1ty Judges" Act. 11. T'hat _t:he ,following a'oc.ounts he paid": Kent Children's Aid Society, 'lliainte'nance four B,assett children to, N avelUber 30 Maintenance to 26th Janua-ry Elgjn Ghildren"s1\isl Soddy, maint,enance of war.d-s 600 clays.., County Grant fOir '1930 Dutton Advance, .printing ,proceedings Ra,inhow & Son, Stationery, Registrar }~ainbow & Son,S:tationery, Clerk E.aiHbow &- Son, Sta'tionery, Treas'urer Municipal War,ld, :s.tationery .and printing, Regis\tra;r 11 unicipa.J World, -sta<tionery and p6n:tingj TreasUl:er MUllIcipalWDrld,\stationeryand printing, Co. Cle,tIc 12. That the following .hoslpit.al accounts he lpaicl: Hospibal for Sick Chi.1dre,n, Tononto :Mc.morial Hospital; St. London Health Association Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, TiUsonburg Gener.al H05'pital, To.ronto P,arkw'ood Hos,pi1tal, London Victoria -}:T:ospital, London 552 00 168 00 450 00 40000 210 00 5 80 8 85 1 60 9 75 90 50 5 10 161 00 180 25 301 50 17 50 29 75 42875 15 95 That the municipalities in ,vbichthe patients whose main1:eri,ance 62 Elgin County ~Gounci1 resided I at ,the Ithue iof admis,sioll, be i.s ,charged ,in the aJboveal{jWUl1rt's, c.hat'iged with one-half ,the ICOSt. All. of ,which lis. 'respecHully 's'uhmitted. Frank Coutts, Ch~tirm.an St. :rhIOima',s', Gnt., Jalnuary 29th, 1931. Elgin Oounty Council 63 June Session-First Report To the Elgin Cou.nty Council, , Gentlemen: The Ri;nance Committ~'e reports: 1. Tlhat the Audito~s' Reportibe adopted. 2. That aocount ipresel1ited for-maintenance of t.he Neil McI}:,illop chikh-,en ,in Shelter, ,amount $682.50 .be pai,d, and 'referred ,to the Solicitor for col1~ai&n 'fwmilhe 'officialgua.rdiall. 3. That the SU<ll1 of Fifity .Dolla,r:sihe grla'nted itlO Iprov,ide .scholar- shilP fOl' Gounty ,pupil attending the o'nltar1o Ag,ricultumI CoHe.ge, UP rE;quested by Ithe"-":Agrilc-ultural. Rcprese,ntative. 4. That the sum of On~ Hundred, Dollars be ,gra,nted the War lvIclll-orial Children'ls Hos'pi,tal, London. 5. That'w'e approve of the re-a,p.p:ointme11lt 10E Mes,srs. M'cDer- inand and ,M<cNalhhas memibers of t'he ,'MOfh{;.t's' Allowances Go'11i~ mission. 6. Tlhat the S.olicito'lr:having rep6rte.cl fha't the 'Eoan} of l~ail- way Conllluissioner.s ,are favouralblc to making an or/del"' -apportioning thecOSit of croSlsi'ng :pr-OItection in ,the County of Elgin, as provided by resoluti'on ,pass;eda.tthcO]a'Imary Se:s'sion, ol1rec0~ptl()f for-mer Orders pas.sed in Icoi111eCtl-on with c:ro.s,sing 'prote:ctioll in the' 'County, that \\'e wequC'st the 'local l11'uuidpaJ.itiesin!:e,rcsted, to send cO/pies 'of thesl(} - Ol'ders to ,the Solicitor at 'an early date. \Ve -alslo recOll11'lncnd,tha't -where a looal muni,ctpal-ity ,applies for crossing 'protelction ,anra C10tlnty Road, theSolicit,or '11Je 'l"e-que'Slt'cd Ito'co.i1s'erit t'Oan Order against the County. 64 Elgi;l D0'Utl1ty Council 7. That the .5'Ulil loughibll',ed CClJ.ttle IShow Government Grant. oif One Hundre,d Dollars )be g11ante-d .the ThDf- i,n Aylme,r, ,the .g'aime being 'e'quivalent to 1:lhe 8. ThM !the f.ollowing accounts be paid: Counby 'Cler,k, for postage ChUdrdl',s Aid Society, for mail1t,cnanCe The Advance, Dutton,. Iprinting Tow1tslh~p of Bayha;m, conveyance of inmates to House of In- .dus'h:y Boys' Training School, Bow.nmnville, for .maintenance J aseph McCor.mic.k """"'"';)'_''' Kylit Chi.1drel'1'S Alid Society, ,maintenance Bassett -children... Rainbow & Son,'stationery, Treasur,er HainbiOw & Son, stationery, Clerk Raibow. & S'OI1, ~statio.nery, Registrar P.l~ovince of Ontario, Iconveyance of criminals.....,... M unidpa;l Wadd, Siup;plies, Registry Office MUl1!icip,al World" Gaunt I-Ious:cand Clerk's Office M1uniJci,pa,1 World, County Trealsurer 9. That the ,following Ihos'pital accounts he paid: , London Hea:l1th Association, Ze1las, Long and Croft .......... ............$ St. M.ilchad',s HOSipital, Toronto, Se\J1lmel ,Cameron P,apkwood Hosp.ital, J---:ondo.n; Beatrice Neff, Enos Huffman Hosipital ,f'or Siok Chi.Jdren, T'0ro.nto, Harold Willis,on Age,d People'.s Home, London, Hannah Urql1har;t Victoria Hos,p.ital, IV[:aintcnance M e'l11oria.l Hoslpital, Sot. ThomaB, main tenance 11e1l1orial Hos'pital, grant SOc per day for indigent County patients 1000 777 25 6 75 6 00 176 25 75 00 1 50 9 75 400 90 EO 93.25 36 28 45 8\ 594 00 1\0 25 S2S 00 \59 2S 210 00 768 2S 740 25 329 00 10. That Hanna,h Urquhart .he rcmoved from the Aged People's Home_ ill London ,toI-:lousc of Industry and I~efuge. ElginCo'lllltyGouncil , 65 11.- That' County Road,.C6.nuuiHee be requested new rC011ll11i'Nee in racoorcla,nee with 'p:r-Dwsion:s of\ the \ ,'0 provemel1tAct. . All of \\rhich is respeoHlJllysuhmiJtt.ed. ~o l'ec0IUlHeno Highway. Im- , St. T,homas, Ont., June 10th, 1931. Frank Coutts, Chaii',ma.n '~~, , 66 Elgin <;ounty Council June Sessi(in~Second Report <:J To ,the Elgin County Council, n Gentle.n1:cn: TheFlinallce GOlllJmit1Jee. ,reports: The Gommit-te,e iOn Finance Ibeg leave to report that having i'l1: quked into the finances of ,the Gounty, >a'ndestirnates prepa,red by the County, Treasurer, fhey her,ew~th .s'u'hmit a 'sta:temc-ntof' the ex- Ipenditur.e requi'red for the 1awful .punposes' of -the Oaunt)' duri-ng 1931, s'howing ,the armol1nt requirc.d to he mis.ed for the :under mentioned pu.rposes : Administration of Justice Caunty Lines ,amI B.ridges House o.f Industry High Schools Puhlic Schools Officer,s' Sa1ades 'Membet-s' Wages Court, He'use CbnHllissiol1 Interes't H_cg1stry Office l1isce11aneous County Roads Provincial Highway Provincial. Highway DebentUl.:e Old Age Pensions 9,000 200 7,000 45,000 15,000, 5,101) 4,700 2,000 6,000 1,000 11,722 50,000 18,263 47,017 26,000 $ 248,002 Your C0111111ittee would .re,commend that ,t-he S'UI11 cif TwoHUll.d,~ reel and Forty~Ejght Thou&and and 11\\>"0 Dollars :be r.ais'cd on all the ra,teable property in the several M,un-icipa1ities of .the Gounty cif Elgin duriilg Ithe year 1931 for' County pur-poses, and that a rate 'Of 8 1hms on -the dollar be levied on Tatea,ble 'property in theseveralMuni~ Elgin County Council 67 cipalities in the County to raise said amounts. Gei1tlemen: All of which is respClctfully submitted. Frank Coutts,. Chairman Adqpted Junc' Hth, 1931. November: Session To itJie Elgin County Council, , The F,inance Committee .reports: 1. That the f:ollm.vin-g hos,pitala,ccountshe Ipaid: Victoria Hospital, London Health A:ss;ocia<tion People's Home, London M,emoria1 Hospital, Tillso.nburg M,emorial Hospital, Grant; 104 days ,at SOc Ijoslpital, London HOis'pital, St. T!homa:s Hoslpital, Gra'nt, 781 ,day.s at 50c Hoslpit'al, v.,roodstock H6spita.l, Ingersoll 679 75 286 50 30 00 37 70 52 00 322 00 1335 50 390 50 19 50 19 25. MUllidpa.Jities ill which patients resided to;be cha'rge,d with Qnc- of their ,a,CCOlll1ts. .2, That r'eport of ,the Olel Age Pell'sions Oomniiss-ion hereoeiV'ed printed. 68 Elgin County Council Elgi)lGortllity'Council 3. Tha t report of Corn ;Borer In.spector be H'ceived and prin1ted REPORTS OF COUNTY TREASURER 4. Thait -f'eJpo:rt of County Tr,e,asU'rer he :r:e.ceived artd printed. 5. "That the foHOIwing 'account,s be 'llaid,: The Advance, Dutton, Ipr,illt1ng Children',s Aid :S9ciety, for maintenanoe and annual ,gr,ant County 'Clcl"'k;for lPosJ,ag{e M unicip:al Wodd, for RegiS'trar Mtinidpal World, Sohoollns':P'ectof,s W,e;ndell I-liolmes, Ltd., stationery for T,re,aSiu.rer Munidpal World, ,~taitio.ne.ry for County:LCt.erk Chas.RJainbow & San, stationery Jor 'Regis.t,rar Chas. Rai;nbow & Son, :s.uatiolllcry f'o.r -Cler_k Municipal W orId, 'Sita,tione.ry I~tnd printi11ig for Tr.ea:SU1'er C. St. Clair Leitch, CounJy Solicitor, 13th.Dec. 1930 :to Nov. 26~h, 1931 P. R.Wil1ialtl1,s&Son, funeralrof' Henry 'Mills All ,of which ,fs reis.peoHully sU!hmi:tted. Frank Coutts, Chair.man St. Thomas,- Onta,rio, N,OV'ell1ber.. 26th, 1931. To ,the ]{lgi.n COtll1tyCouncil, January Session Gcntlerllcn: 23 25 1350 75 16 00 75 46 69 68 15 ,22 60 210 3 60 5860 69 I beg lea've Ito ,submit a statem~ent lof the Receii)it.s ,a'nd ,Ex'Ilendi- "ttlres for the past year, l~tlSO a ,s't.atean:ent of the 'Ass'et.s land' Lia:biilties for December 31st, 1930. Cash ~on ;hand;,_.] am:tary 1st Adri1. of Justice Bills Pa;yahle ' Interest County Rate l{,egist,ry Office Public Schools l-Iohse of Illdust,ry Aneal's of Taxes County. Roads M,iscellal1eous . 327 00 58 75 .l~dm. of Justice BiHsRiyahle Interest Public Schools Hou:;.e of .Industi~y ~ec:eipts Expenditures 12906. 20 1595833 230000 00 501 19 310003 00 44 56 38729 03 6695 62 8157 89 89668 82 3759 19 $716423 83 25620 74 220000 00 . 655886 62319 62 10925 68 70 Regi,gtry Office Cotlillf:y Lilies High Schools M,ember,s' W,ages Offitc'l's' ,Sah'r.ics Arr,e',lJts of T:axes -Printing and Sta,tianery Ca're of Building,s V\lat'cr,Light :and 'Heat County Roads M-isccllancous P"a:la.ncc . Ca,sh, 0111ha'lld Prav, ,'rc County Roads Subur,han Area H,egistry Office Provo Cornborer HO:u.s,e of Industry Estates A'chn.' of Justice MisicelIancolls Bills Paya'hlc Interes.t . ' High Sc'hools Public Schools [<21gin County Council Assets Liabilities 2015 78 109 77 46934 95 4555 10 460000 8301 49 804 39 2260 65 2607 19 179317 71 114944 37 $691876 30 24547 53 $716423 83 . 24547 53 90000 00 1100 00 337 97 525 05 600 00 4000 00 400 00 $121510 55 .. ......... .... .... $ 70000 00 1000. 00 25000 00 ........ .. ..c. c. ...................... ...10000...00 Elgin County Council 71 Adm; of J us:tice 1-1 btisc of Industry Cnpaid Accounts 3600 00 2000 00 6000 00 Surplus $11760000 3910 55 $121510 55 It will, be. necessary to pa,ss a 'by~Jaw authodzing the War>den and Treasurer to ,borrow $250,000 from the Ban'k of Montr,eaI to mc'et Current ,expenditure far 1931. All of which ':isrespeoHully sttbm~tted. B. B. Graham, C0<U11ty Tr'eas'ure,r January, 1931 . 72 Elgin County Council June Session To the ,Wa<ndcl! and 'County Council, Gentlemen: l'he.g ,leave to .subl11~.t ,th~ following rCiporlt o.f the Rec-eipts: and Expenditures to~ May 31st, 1931. Receipts , . Ca,slb ,Io,n hand Adminis,tra tion of ] ustioe Hills Payable. Initere,st Public,Schools Hous'e of Indl,lstry Re-gis-tTY" ,Office AiT'c'a:rs "o.f Taxes County Roa,ds M,iscellaneo:us 2454701 3946 81 140000 00 41 00 '901 88. 1694 33 415 85 4357 29 1727 53 1130 93 $178762 63 Expenditures May 31st ,,'l..dl11inistration o,f Ju.stice Hills' P<l.yable ; Il1teres't Pu.blic School Brouse of Industry Registry Office County Lines Hig1h Schools Al're,a,ts of Taxes Melmber,s Wages Off~oers Salaries Printing and Stationery Care of Buildit1gs '\Vwter, Light,' H ea t 9755 92 70000 00 1557 30 8518 90 2803 77 113 53 25 00 24150 00 242 74 1432.30 1375 00 378 05 555 51. 874 01 ----,-- -mI Elgin County Council 73 County Roads 1-Tiscellaneous Balance 40709 58 13983 66 2286 61 $178762 65 The folbwilig estimates for the cur,r,ent ye.ar ."-admi,t ,of. no re- cIncti'0n, bilt by the ,exercise 'Of rigid ,economy may ,suffioe. A cImini-strati-on of Justice County Line,s I-louse 'of Indus'try High Schools P'ublic Schools Off,jeers Sa'larics 'Members Wage~, Court House, Co,;\'. Il1ter.e&t I{egistry Office COunty Roads Pr"o,iincial Highway Provo H'ighway Debenture Ukl Age Pensions Miscellaneous 9000 00 200 00 7000 00 45000 00 15000 00 ,5100 00 4700 00 2000 00 6000 00 1000 00 50000 00 18263 62 47017 19 26000 00 14000 00 $250280 81 This estimate taget:her 'with last years surplus will enable the Council to r,ecluce t.he tax ,r-ate ,to e'jght 1n-i'1lS. All of !Which .i;s rers,pe'ctful1y s,u:hmilttNI. B. B. Graham, County Treas'nre-r St. Thomas, Ont., June 9th, 1931. 74 Elgin County Council November . Session \ TO' Ithe Elgin Gounty Go~t11cil, Centlciluen: I beg 1!leavc :tb,suhm!it the ,following report: Receipts from January 1'st to October 31st Cals'h .O'n ha:nd, J,a'lluary l:$lt Administration of Justice BillsP,ayia:hle Inte'f.(~Is:t P'ublic Schools Hous'c of Industry HegiSltry Office An,ear,s ,of Taxes County Roads I\1'i,scel1alleous ....... ..... .. ...... ..... .....$.. 24547 01 6503 45 190000 00 137 15 21772 60 3723 06 415 85 639509 49799 30 2665 03 $305958 54 Expenditures Admil1'isfration of. Justice Hills 'Payable Interest Public Schools House of Industry Regi,s'try Office Cauility Linc.s High Sdhools Anca't1s of Taxes Jd emhers Wa'ges Officer,s Salaries Printing and Stationery Care, of Buildings' Water, 'Lig]1t, Flcat CQunty Roads 21528 71 70000 00 15.69.40 32247 22 7553 72 414 73 188 92 24150 75 242 74 3671 20 3675 00 535 94 1613 99 3025 07 9.1986' 38 " Elgin County Council 75 Miscellaneous 34774 26 Balance $2991,78 03 6780 51 $305958 54 Estimates for Balance of' Year Receipts County Rate .. .:. .:;."..,..... ......... ........"....................L City, Administration of JUS1tice Government, Administration of J u.stice Gov:ernmen:t, Aid of County - Roads. Suburban Area , Miscellaneous .. ....... m... m.. ......... $248002 00 5494 00 3000 00 50000 00 4500 00 2000 00 .$31299600 "',. Expenditures BiU5I Payable Illterest P.ublic_ SdhoQls Hi,gh . Schools Adrt11inistration of ,Justice Haus,e of Indug,t-ry. Memihers W ages ,,~,., Officers' Salaries C;reof.. Buildings Arrears' ,of Taxes Provincial Highways COU11Ity_ . Roa,ds Mi-s'oella,neous .. ..... ......m ....... m. .......... ..... m...... ....mm.... .....c...... ... ..$190000 00 5000 00 15000 00 45000 00 5000 00 1000 00 1030 00 1225 00 500 00 10251 26 1~427 62 6000 00 1400000 Sur,plu,s $312433 88 562 12 $312996 00 All of which i,srespectf.ully suhmitted. B. B. Grahaill, ,County Treasure-I' /'6 Elgin County Council REPORT OF COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE January Session To Ithe Elgin County Council, Ge.ntlen1len : 1. The Elgin 'County Road ,Gommitte,e [lepo,rt ,tl1at .the sum of One Htund;roo and 'Seve.ll>tY-'l1i,neThollisa.nd, Thme Hundned and Se~~ entee:n- Dona,r,sa'nd ,SevenrtY-1o.ne Cents ($179;3,17..71) JWaiS expended on :the Elgin County Highway. System, -during -tihe yea'r .1930. The per ,e,enltaJge ,pay.whIe by Ithe P'llovi11lce, Middlesex ,and St. Thomas 'Suhurban Area, wj.J,J he ,allto:wt '50 per cent of Ithe ,ab-ove; 2. County Roads M,aintena,nce ,on County Roads Br'1dge Cons:truct-ion on County Roads Gonstrucdon on County Roads M,a,inbena,\1Jce on .suhurJhan Area Roads' 'ConstD[lucfion on Suhurtban ,Area Roads 63538 36 7480 43 43236 96 2605 59 766 59 Cou.rity B,ddges under By-Law 1091 .County Bridges Gillett Bridge M.aintcJ1.t\l1JCe o,n CO!1is'truCition of 942 02 24543 05 3. General Expense Gr,ants toUJ:'ban M1J11icipalities Supe,r-iut.e'ridenee,Office Sup_plies, etc. Ge:neml Expense, Ma'chinery, T,ools, Etc. G'rav.elPh Develqpment Mortgage ,and Interest 011, HM-haway Farm Im,provements on Hathaway Farm V\'orkmen's COlIlJpensation Board 3730 01 3292 81 12183 63 4234 01 11660 00 247 80 856 45 Less Receipts $179317 71 5197 65 $174120 06 --. ,,_.~ Elgin County Council 77 4. vVe recol1l111enda substantial reduction ~'11 the ,road <expelldi- tur,e for the year 1931" being a third .less than ,the expenditure of 1930 aSi}oll'Ows: 11aintenance 011 County' Roa(t~ Coi1Jstnuction <on County Roads M,ainte.nance and Construction General Expe,j1se, Machinery, Development County Bridges under on SubUl,ban Area Roads.. 1'O'ols, Rapair-s" Gravel 'Pit 25000 00 15500 00 6500 00 1091 12000 00 1000 00 $$ 60000 00 5. Approval Iha.s ,been receive.d from .the Department of H,igh~ ways under By-La:w 1136 ,designating the ,County Line :betwe,en N9rth and South Dor,chester f.rom the Oxford County Line w-es-teyly to noad 39. "-'; ,6. The Department of Public Hig.hvI'ays have assumed control of road Ntt:mher23, i.n the Village or Port Stanley, 911 rthe 21s1 day 0.1 JanuaTY, 1931, :being Colborne Street,' from the Northerly limit of ,the Villa,ge, Southerly, to the Nort.herly limit of Bridge Street. 7. That By-Law 1139 be amended 'tor-e,ad as follows, COUnty assitming an 'ccinl~,ectil1g, links of County Roads within t:h.e Villages, but will not assume a,ny ,debenture ,debt or any other lllljpaid account in connection wit Ii the .roads mentioned. Village of Rodney Furnival Stred .iromMain St.-r'eet to Albert Street. Queen Street fr01l1 Flora, Sheet to. Fur,llival Stlreet. Village of West Loroe Ivlain Sheet County I{,oad Numher 2, fl~om Morden Streetea.st- erly to Lot 99. Graha,m St.ree-tfr-om Chestnut Street '1'0 Fr,ecteric.k Str;eet. 78 Elgin County Council VilIageof Dutton Main Street from, County Road Numbe.r 10 at John -Street s,oU'therly t,o Annie Street. ShciJokJe:to.t1 St:f1ed f11om, County RoaclNumber 13 Ito, Main: Street. John Street :f.ram 'County Road NUl~lber 8 to ,M,ain -Street. Village of Port Stanley County Road Number 24 0'1' East Str,eet s,outhe'r,ly, ,to ] ose;p'/I Street, Ithen !westerly ion J;6S~1)'h Stre,et to Southerly limi'i 'of LOot 1, between .Col;borne Stre,elta,nd Joseph Street. From' 'the County. ,1;ri.dge ,appr:oach on Bridge Stre,et, .YV:,est'erly to GeolI'ige ,str,ed, 'thence Vl,esltedyand Sou:therly to the lop of the hill, known a,s Invel1erie' Henghts, Lot Number 1. . Village of Springfiel~ On East Sbreet, on County road Number 40, northet-.Iy from the !'ihohigan Centfoal Ri,g'htc.of,..way, to Main Street. Ma,ill Street, fram Ea,s,t Street westerly throng)l tIle Village, conneotil1lg",wit.h Count.v Road Number 52. Wellingtoll Street, from - Main Street Stl'eot, conne'c.tilig with County Road Number on' W,ellingtoll Notth 49. 8. That By-Law 1109, 'Clesigna.ting County Road Numher 5 be amended 'ta read, from road Number 2l}etw,ecl1 'Concessions ,8 and 9, TOIwns!hip,of Aldhorough;- thence north to the middle of t.he 'rhames J~iver, betw:een tlhe AJ.dborongh ,and Dunwich Town Line. 9. That By-Law 1144 deleting that portion ofCoull'ty Rodld 0:unl'he:r 10 be ,a-mclHlc,d to -read a,s follpws: (1) Road Number 10 T:own:shi.p -arDUlnviC:h, Elgin County Gouncil .79 THAT :portion of'the.f'()ad a-!lO,vwtnc.e 11J.etw,een Con- cessions A and 5 North of A in the TownS'hip of Dunwich whic'h may bcmore particularly, descrihe-d' ,as follows: COMMENCING .at .a point ill the 'NQIf~thedy 'limit ,of said road aJlowance. distant Three Hundred.. ,~-nc1 Thirty'- eight feet (338' .0") 'l11easur'~d Easterly .thereon .ii-o.m tht, Easterly limit of the To,wn Lene between the Township of Dunwich and Aldborongh; thence - \iVesterly aI6.ng 'the Northerly limit' of 'said roadalbwance. 'DhreeHun:dr;ed a.ud Thi'tty~eight (338' :0") 'to the Eastedy limit of' the _' Town Line; thence Southerly. along the, Easterly limit of, said Town Line, Sixty-six feet (66' ..0") to ,the Southerly limit of ,said, roadbet'ween C6nceSis.ions A and 5 north of A Township of" Dunwich; ,thence Easterly-a/.ong the 'Southef.Jy lililit of said road allowance, Two Hundred and Eighty":ninc. feet (289'.0") Thenre North East'erIy in' a straight 'li'ne" to the place ofbegi.nniog. (2) Road Number 2 r to\{rns'hip of Aldborough THA~r .portlOll of the roac1:a.J1owa,nce ~bc:t:we(;,n~Con- cessions 8- and 9, TO'\'.rJ1Ship of Aldborough, ,w:hic,h may 'he more. part'i:cula:rly ,descrihed, ,as follows,: COMMENCING at ,the ,jlitersection of 'i'h'e SoutherIylimit of the said road allowance and ,t'he:\tVest :1imi,t -of .the TO\\'ll' Line between the Townships oLAldborqugh ,and I?ul1wich,; thel~ce- Northerly along the \Vesterlyliillit :of ,said Towi1 line Sixty-two fe:etand Five inches. (62' .5") thence South \veMtrlv in ,a straight'line to a point in the Southerly Htilit of the" saidroacl .allo\vance which is di'stant One I-liundrccf aIld Eighty-seven Feet"' and Three inches (187' .3") l1leas.- ui.edvVesterlY.thereon from the Westerly limit of the ,said Town Line; thence Easterly along 'the Southerly ,limit of the said road q.llowarl'ce, One Hundi<'ed ,and Eighty-seven feet and T-hreeinches (187' ..3':) to the ,place of beginning. In accorcbnce ",.jth blne print here attached-deletions within the p~d lines, 80 Elg,in COllnty Council 10. That ,the County Road Su;peril1tendent ,bedeleg.ated. to -, at~ tend Rnad Confe,rence to. :hc held in Tm'onto during the .Jhtber part of Fehruary 1931. 11. T.hM Fifteen Dollars~ fnr memhers'hirP in t.he Good Roads Ass-ocia'tion b.e paj,d" ,and that the \iVarden,nam_e deputation to attend -annual -me6ting. 12. That By-Law be passed at this .s-ess,ion -of the County Coun~ ~.il ,granting certain ,privilege,s to Southe;rn Ontario Gas Company L-i:luit,eo, tola:y,ga!s line pipes .over road Number 1, Tcrvmship of Ald- borough, ~ls'o ,on Gl~a:bam bridge lOver the Tha,mesRiv-er, and Gounty Hoad Numb-e,r 5, the Town Line between AMborough and Dunwich' O'n the Wa,lker Bridge ov:er -the T-h,amesRiver. 1ihe County Solicitor to draw -up the a,gre.e:1l1ent between the par,ties,interested, .and the By-Law .tIO :becomeeffect.iy;e w:hen,signed'_9Y ithe Wlar.den and Gounty Clerk. 13. Re cos,t of p.rotectiono,f J<,aihvay Crossings, word .has heell r,ee,eived ,from the Miliiiodei' of Highways a,s follows: In PCiP:ly toO your faVlO,r of t.he 8th instai1t, asking >the amount. or aid that would he granted to a .County undeptakil1g, ltl1de,r 'orders of the' Dominion IGl'ilwayCommiss:ion, railway ,cros's,ing pir()h~lction. let me s'ay ,the Dcpar,tment would pay 50 per cent of. ,t,he Co-unlty's Shu're of the ,cost. All 'Of which is respe,ctfully submitted. M. A. McA'lpinc, Chairman Amended in Committee of the Whole Se,etio-n 4-That toted road expenditures for 1931 he Ji.mi,ted to $SO,OOO.OO. Section 12~~To read as follo\vs: That this Council grrant fran- chise It-a Sotl't.h.er.ll Ontario Gas Company to' .lay pipes on ro<a:(lls num~ I Elgin County. Council 81 beredone and five and the Graham Road and Walker Bridge and that ,a By-Law be pas'sed to autlhorize \Va,rden to sign agreement when prepared by the County Solicitor and a'pproved by :this Committ,ee. Seotian 13-Tha't \ve are of opinion that ,pfqpor'tion of c:o-Slt of maintenance of 'mi.Jwa:y gabcs an:dw'atch111'C'l1 ,on County 'roads now 'borne by loca'1 municipalitiessho.uld be paid by fhe County, and that the County Solicitor be i-nstruot,ed to ta,ke s'teps .to hay-e t'he Do'minion .Rai1way Boa,rel iss'ue the neces,sa'ry order. Report Suburban Area Commission St. Thomas, January 20, 1931 Meeting of the St. Thomas Suburban Area C01111111SS1011 at the Court House, t'his _~Js.t day of January, 1931. Prcsent-- Chairman, Dr. F. O. Lawrence J. T. vVebster Alex Anderson G. F. Pinneo, County _Road Supt. A statement of 'expenditure lOll Subunban Are,a Roads from the J.s.t day of January 1930 to the 31st Decemher 1930 ,inclusive, was read by the Chair.man, showing that $4,666.88 ,had been expended On Sub- urban Area H.oads during ,the yea'r 1930 and of this amoun,t the City ,vill 'pay to the County 25 ,per cent $1,166.72. Ordered M'ovcd by ]. T. \Vehstel', Seconded hy Alex Anders-0n: 1. That the City ,of St. Thomas be 1l0tifie:dlthat this COIlUlliss,ioll the ,su:m of Six Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars ($6,S-OO.{)0) estimate 82 Elgin County Goulleil fO'l" Mail1'tea'l1oe and Construction of dcsig;nated Su:bu.tba'll Roads for the year 1931. This .cstima:te includes the City',s portion of widening str.aighteningaml reducing the gr.ade of the Fingal Hil~, and ,the con~ 1:ruClt-ion of a ,nt)W ibr,ictge over Kettle Cr.cek, r'Dad 16 S. A. 2. That the Goul1'ty:of Elgin be notified Itha;t this G01nmdssion csHnliatc ,the s'l1JU1of :SixTlhou1sand, Five Hu.ndred Dollar,s ($6,500.00) for Maintc,ncl'll:oe and Cons'tmction on _desig1nated roads during the yeWr 1931. This Icstima,t:e i.nc1udes the County',s Ipofition of widening straightening M1d -reducing the grade of the Fingal Bin, 'and the con- struction of a :new bridge over Kettle Creek, ;1"oa-d 1i6 S. A. 3. Tha't Dr. F. .0. Lawrence be re-appoirttedch<i1'rmq-n of the Su'burban Ar,ea Commission. 4. Thatfhe Trea:5:urerof the Gty of St, Thomas be notified of the amount -due $1,166.72, .a'net is hereby aU'thorizedto fo,rward cheque fO'r the above al11110unt to the Treas\ur,er of EIgin County Highways. F. O. La;wfence, Chainna.n of Suhu!1ha'n Commission Elgin County Council 83 June Session-First Report St. Thomas, June 9, 1931 To ,the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: Your Road Committee reports: 1. That we have made our usual annual in.speoHon trip on Cou.nty Roads this year, Ita,king ,four days in all, bekiJ1;uing M10nclay 1vtay 18th. A large percent,age ,of gravel land sltone roads .should be resur faced this year. \Ve recommend that ,all con.str,uction work be [,educed, excepting \vork alrea,dy in progr,e.s's, the 1110s't important in ,cos't item will be the Fingal Hill, 'on ro'a:d 16 S. A. This work has ,progressed favouralJlY and we exped completion on ,or.about July 1.st. 2. Vie recom'lnend the C$50,OOO.OQ)shoulclbe raised by sum .of Fifty fhe County this Thousand DoUars ye,ar tor roads. 3. That thc County provide for one-half of Ithc COSlt of dust la}'e,r where required on County Roads. 4. That ,a By-Law Ihepa,ssed at this ,session o.f the Co'unfy Council designating County H.oa.d Numb-e'r 39 a -through Highw,ay, w:here it intersects wrth County H.oad Number 42, ,at 'Lot Nun1iber 11, betwecn Concessions 1 .a'llcl 2, ,in the Township of Malahide. 5. That By-Law 1152 desig11latingas County Ro.ads 'all conne.ct.. illg links through the Villages pass,ed at the j,anuary sCission is hereby approvecL 6. This County Cnuncil recommc-nd t6 the Department of Pub. lic Highw,ays ,the,cx.tension of the pavemen.t thi,s year on w'hat 1-5 k110vm as the" Lonclon Port Stanley Gravel Roa,d (fomn,erly the SL 84 Elgin County Council , ThomJas Su:burba,n Ar'e'a Road 23 S. A.) fr,om ,the se,cond concessio::1 of y.armo1tt'h to Ithe Village of Port Stanley. All ,of which li.s respecf{,ully submitted. M. A. McAlpine, IChairman 'of Road CommiUee Second Report St. Thomas,' Ontario, June 11, '1931 To the Elgin County Council, Gent1e;tuen : Your County Road Commit,tcere-cOllli1l1end: / - Tha'i a -lp,eril1a'u.ent road cOlTL1l1ittee ,s'hould he 3.ippoii1ted at this ses,g,iu,n :of _ _ the County Council 'as provided ,under the Highway A<:t, ml'1l1e1y the Reeves ioi the five largest equalized -.municipalities as follow.s: . Wm. Butler, Reeve of Yarmouth, Five Yea:rs: Frank Coutts, Reeve of South-v.wId, Four Y ca'rs M. A. M'cA'lpine, Re,eye of Dunwich, Three Years. Neil McColl, Reeve of Alclhorougili, TIVv'IO Year,s. S. S. McDel'ma-nd, Reeve of .Ma.1ahide, One Ycaj"'. 1931 : To aIternate' as na,med ,above prqvidtd hy 'the Highway Act. The fc;lIowing' are na,med as aclyis,ory to committee for the year Chas. Coyle, Reeve of Bayham VVIll. Tol.mic, Reeve' of Rodney All oJ which is respectfully 'submitted. 1-1. A. McAlpine, Chairman of Road Cotl1mittee t. Elgin County -Council 85. Third Report /' St. Thomas, June 12, 1931 To the Elgin ,County Council, Gentlemen: Your COlInty -Road Comn1ittee Irecoll1imends that a By-Law he .prepa,re,d ,at this. s,e,ss,ion ,of the . County Council IboOUppr:ove of Ithe agreement between the CorporM1on of the County of ELgin and the Southorn Ontario Gas Con1ipany, /Limited, and a By-Law gmntilJg th'e COiTJ:pariy to lay pi:pes on 'the _Graham Road ,Bridge 'llindCounlty' RO<l!dN-un'lher 1 .in"tJh~ 'Downs:hip of Aldbor,ough and ,theWnlke'r Bridge over the Ri'ver Thames and County Road Number 5, the Town1ine hehveen Dunwich ,-and Aldbdrough. The s-aid ~'gTeement having been pre-pared and ap,proved by the County Solicitor. All of \vhich is respectfully subnlittecl. M. A. McAlpine Chairman of Road Oommittee November Session-Fh'st ,Rep!=lrt 51. T.homa,s, On~tario, November 24th, 1931 To the Elgin' ,County Council, CentJClllen: The Elg.in County Roa'd Comniittee reports that the 'eXipel1iditure of Elgin County Highvvay S)-~stem, from Janua'ry 1st, 1931, up to and 86 Elgin County CQuncil Elgin County Co-uncil 87 5. including NO'femhel" ilSth, 1931 $95',643.72. as p.rOivided for' Cou:n:ty and Suhurban Area of the Cou.nty Counoil Willll0t ;excecledi. The estiti1iate of $50,,000.00. Roads at >t!he June Session L Expenditure as Follows Maintenance 100 'miles IOfCounty Road has been -resurfaced wit.hstone or gr'aveJ. Four ,eemenrt: culverts have !been 'Under,pinned Iwnd widened. 8 iron p~pe. and 7 rv1trifl'eclpiJp,e culverts Ihave heen extended 'and Ithe grade of the road ,wi,clened to c:onform. Ma,inteancc 011 County Roads Construotion pn County Roads Ivf.aintenal1Jce ,on Sttburha'l1 Area Roads Consbructionon Suburban Area Roads \Vof,kmen's C0111.pens'a'tion ViUag'e Gra-11 ts .......m......m.....$ 45401 64 8440 22 1380 03 16621 01 1429 29 3655 74 6. New Machinery and Tools Purchased, Year, 1931 Illibetna'tiollia1 truck; 2 Sawyer-Mas's,ey Grader,s;. 1 hack G,aw frame; 1 'post hoIe spoon; 6'Doledo Ton2,hes;3 hr'o'oms; 2 padlocks; l' Hot ,shot b,wttery; 1 ti']e ,slpade; -2 .oil cans'; J ,5lcy>t'he;. 10 gravel screens; 7 gravel ,shovels; ,5 lanternS'; .1 ,dry cellhaHery; '1 l11l!alttoc'k; 1 ,ploS't ,augelr; 1 ,SIted" iha.nel rak'e;' 1 axe; "2 'slus'h s,rra.PerIS'; 2 plows; 1 '''wagon. 11:aintena'l1ce and ConsitruC'tion- on County Bridges (under By-CIW 1091 La'bor in County Owned Gravel-' Pits Imp.rovement ,to Hathaway Farm T'ruck Ex'pense, gas, oil and Machin-e,rYi Repairs;, and Tools,' etc. 2. Construction Consltructiol1 Total Tota1 Total 011 County Roads as follows : ,miles of road graded.. ......................1% ,miles ;of road gravelled miles of concrete_. % 3. Culverts One ne,v cement culvcntail-d :six iron pipe culverts. 4. Drainagej 7000 lineal fect of clay tilc,five to ten inchesindiamcter. feet .of 'vi.trHied Ipipe kom s.ix to fifteen in,~hes III diameter, malterial was used for roac1dra-inage only. 3044 35 963 28 198 59 4211 62 10297 95 7. Gravel Pit Development from November 15th, 1930 V;_ until NO,vemhcr 15th, 1931 R61o.soll Gravel Pit-Ill the Towns/hip 'oJ ,Derehami: Ex;p,ens'es f'or striplping, labor for ye,ar 1931, allllount$374.12. Gr'edilts' for g,t;a'Vel 301d-M,unidpaIitie,s and pi'i-va'te i'ndividuals, hmount 'received',t'o date $110.42 plus 497 Icords ha'uled o.n County Roads 37, 39, 47, 48 :a11ld 51. $ 95643 72 H,athav...'ay Gravel Pi:t~In ,the Towns'h~p ofYM'111:outh: Number of ,oo-rds 'O,f grave-! 835 2..,3. Cost. ofelev:ating and ,scree'l1ing, S'b'iQ)p- ing$505.76. Locker Gravel Pit--In the bf cords Jofgravel 'hwuled 195. against raa'ds 44 and 38. To,,,,'-nship of Houghton: Num:ber T:heco,s.t 'of 'str:i,pJping is charged Vvalke,r,Gr,avel Pi,t--'ll) the Towns:hip ,of A'idbo.wugth: Number of cords ofgravef ,hauled 1161-3. Cost of 'strip/ping $83.40. Total number of : cords of .gravel haul'eel ~fro111 'Gounty Owned Pits, 1644; 1000 This ToIt.aJ nuntber of cor.ds of gravel hauled from Private Owned Pit;s 463. 88 ElginC'Ounty Council: $ 1344 46 Cos{ 'of dnlligging 'or ,s',ca,rifying 1 mile of road . ..."..,..... .......... ...... ........... ..........,....A5c 9. Power Maintai,uer'No. 1. Miles tmvelled Gas used Oil U.se.d D.ay;s worked Wages Repairs, ,Gas :and Oil Depred,a'tiol1, rallowed $2.00 per day . Cos't 'of dramging 'or ,scarifying 1 mile of road 10. Power Maint-a:iner No'. 2. Miles travelled Gas 'us,ed on used Days wOIf'kec1 Wages Repairs, Gas :a'l1d Oil Depreciation ,a,Hawed $2.00 !per Clay 8. Grader Operation Wehr' Gr,ader : Miles 'travelled Ga.s used Oil use-p. Days, wor,ked Repairs, gas ;and' oil \Va.ge.s Depredation ,allowed $2.00 per !day 2967 2028 gallans 115 qua,rts 144 552 46 504 00 288 00 4040 1486 gallons 120 quart,s 177 708 00 436 15 35400 $ '1498 2005 gallon:> 140 quarb 151 606 00 807 40 302 00 Cost of dra,ggillg or :s'carifying 1 mile of road $ 1715 40 .c. ..............;.......431:. Hoars 11. Truck Operation; April ,22nd to November 1st, 1931 Truck No. 970 Miles Ya'r:ds of Gravel and . Earth Ha'uled ,4340 8163 EJgin 'County .council 89 Truck No.3...................... ..1355 Truck No.4............... ....,.......................1424 7760 7326 9774 . 9669 3749 19426 27606 A ver.age mileage ,per day Aver,age yards of ,earth and gravel hauled Average ,cost ,expense -per day Depreciation allowed on TDuck Number 4' Cost of hauling 1 yard of ,e:allt'h ,or ,gravel 1 mile 52 73 16 61 600 00 .... ........................................."'130c 12. That' oommunication from 'Kent COU11Jty ars 'tolthe Co.st for renlioval, of telephone or Ihydl'O poles on County Roads, Ihe ;pI.a1ced o,'n file for further. referent.e" .and {halt the County of Kent he 1110tified that the County-of Elgin is .aoting' under s;ec,tions 2 and 3, Ohapfer 56, ,the "Pttlbli'c S'~rvi:ce Works. on Highways Act." ror ,remov'aI .of .pole.s'. 13. That .a Iby-law he pass,ed c1es'Lgl~latlng ,as ,a County Road .tlhe ,roa,d on the Toii1mline between the County of -Kent and Elgin:, from the road known asCoul1'ty ~oa,d Number 6,' be1tw'een ;oo11lcessi'Q11,s 2 and 3 in ,the T'owns'hilp, 'Of AldborDligh, ,nodh to ,the Bothw,ell Bridge over the 'Ri'ver' Thames, By-law ,to becorne effective when c.on:s'el1't .of the Department of Hi,ghway.s,Middles'ex ,and Kerllt has 'been received. 14. That no action ,be takep r'e commtl;nicMion ,ftrom London r'opt Stanley Railway in connettion '1,vith drainage in the Village of Pod Stanley 15. That the County Solicitor he co.n~uHed 'as ,to liaibHity 'Of the County re order .of the E.ailwayBoa.r,d p,er;tainin'g !to th,e .111ain't'en- a'nce -g.ates ,and "vatohmen on ,the County 'Roads, and ,to give opini'On in writin.g to ,the County Road Supt., as to therebi"'nactive Ha,bility' of the 'county. 16. That "By-law be passed at this sessi'Ol1 .of ,the County Coun- cil that Road Number 39, Township 'of Malahic1e,'bet,w,ccn ,Jots 10 and 11, be extended from the .mo.~t northel:1y limits of Ithe Cor,par;a1;.ib:n of the Town of Aylmer 'on ]ohnStr,eet, ,Isoutih ,to FOl-'cs,t" St.r,e'elt within the Town. All of which is respectfully submitted. :rvr. A. l\{cAlpine Chairman of Road OOl11m:ittec 90 Elg-in County Council November Session.-;..Second Report St. Thomas, Ontario, Novemher 27th, 1931 To the Elgin ,County Council, Gent\.em.cn: 'fihe EIgil1CoU'nty Road Committee reports ,pert,aining 'to matt.~rs referred; 1. In, OOI1ll1iccltion with: d,Qp.u.tatioH No\v,epl!ber 27th, nou.glas, Ma.cdiar:mid and other.s of the .Township 'of Aldborough re ;gravel on conce,ssi'O.u 14, lot 3; he ,ldt with 'the .incotp.-ingroadi ,committee )Ilea'f 11932"and Goul1Ity Roa.d Supt. 2. l1hat no action Ibe ta,ken by this oommittee re r.elief work a,s ,Pl4opos,ed :by resolution Isu<b.mi.tIt-ed to :theCounty Council' in con:- nec,tion wi,th 'Wlork on Ithe Provincial Highway or Imprav.ement, which ,w.a's .for,'mer.ly Ik-hiown ,as County Road N umher 44, from the ViUage of POftt Burwell to' A'cClIcia, 'H1 the Tawnship of B:ayha'l1l. All af which :is 'res~ectful1y submitted. M.'A. :NkAlpine, Chair,man -of Road GOllll1nittee Ame,nded in Cdmmittee ,of the vVhole -by striking out -Sectian 2, suhstiitutin!?: Itrherdor' ,the' following: That we :request the bept., of Highways to 'proc'eed wit.h all or any wonk ,except paving -on Highway No. J9,and that owing to the ~rea't number, ,of unemp,loycd, the unelnployed of Elgin County have the preference over all others. Such work to' be"111anual labor, to' hegin a l' once, and not to exceed $5000.00. Elgin County Cauncil 91 REPORTS OF, PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE January Session 1"0' the El,giil 'Caunty Cauncil, Gentlemen: T,heCommitJteeon P:etitions and .Leg~s'i:a.'tion ,r'eports.: 1. Tha;twe OO-{J:pu.ate with .the Caunty Coun.cil ;of It he Cau.nty af York in ,reques1ting the l\lttorney-Ge.ne,ra1 to' so ,aotp:cnldlthe M,otherls' Allowance" ,Ad t'halt mothers with -one child may .beeHgible ,f,or 'as- sistal1ic,e under. the Act. 2. Tha.i w.e ,co~op'c,ratc with -.the County Cooud,l IOlf the County O'f Hur,on in petitiqn to. ithe Minist.er of Pu;bl~.c Highw.ays 11'-0 disreganl app1ic,altions fr,oll1oities ;and. ,other urlb,a,n munkiiPaI.ities rfor a' share of the monies :de.rvJcdfrom aritomorbile lioel1is'es and IgRS tax,and to give l~eLiious canside'ration 'to' the matter lof incJ:'leasing c01,.tnty road stthsidies. . 3, That' \.ve C'o-9Pc'ra!te \vith 'the County Council of the County of Frontcnac ion r,equcsltiilgitheHonar.ablc R. B. Benn:ett, Pri-meMin- istet 'Of Canada, to ',;u,ss,ume fullr,es.p,on9irbility for ,the ex.-pen:se in con- l:c-ction with the -administl+ationby ;he Provin.cial' Gove,J:'IOment of the Old Age Pensions Act 'as p'romis,ed -in his pre-,election ca.mpaign. 4. That the 'Honorable, It-he Minister of Agdculture ,for On.j;airo be -reque.sted ,to .c-onsfder amendments to the Noxious W,eecls Act sa t'ha:t~ (1) In cas,es where it .becomes nece'ssary to destroy a Ma'l1ding c,rap in order,to Ifulfill ,the ,requirements of It'he Act, that the OIvner of the field crap will he entitled to such cOl1l;pCnsa-tiol1 as 1'11r. Legislature 'l;nay debewmine. (2) In cases \~ihe.rc a field ,crop is ,summer ,fallowed u11l1er the direot supervisibi1 o.f the vVced Insp,ec'for, .that the awner of -the Selda!" his tenant will he allowed .a 92 Elgin COUll ty Gouncil rehate ,in his taxes for the y,c:u, for thatpa,rtic:ula,r ,por~ 'tion ',of lwnd as'sessecl. ,/ All of which i:s 1"'espe,ctfully submitted. S. ~. McDcNlland, Ghair:1l1an January 29th, 1931. Amended in C011l111ittee 01 the whole by- s.tdking out Clause 4. June Session To the Elgin 'County Council, Gentlemen: have have T.he :Comlllittee .on Peti!tions and Legis,lation ,re,p.onts that they oonsider,ed'lthe :numerous communications referred to them and .to _r,ec.on1:nend t,hat ,the rCouncil concur 1n the ,foll:owilig: L P,etitio'n to ,the Provil'lcial Governmel1t requesting operation ',in wee,d destruation ,to the extent of paying fiHy of W1e'ed Inspectors' 'salaries. ,thei:i' C(:I- .per cent. . 2.1'hat ithe M~nisi1:'er :of Hi.g,hway.she 110tified Ithat we a1",e O'IJ~ po.se,dto ,the ,princLple laid dow,ni'll the I-Hghw-,ay Act Amendmcn,t: whe,r,eby the IpOiwers ,of the Council arc delegwted to .a County Cont mittee,the personnel of whiO'h may !bccompos'ed of othe,r' than mem- bers -of ,the COUl1'ty Council. 3. T~hat we conem- with request :of the Carttle B.r,e,eders' Ass'O~ ciation of ,the County.of Kent_'in petitioning bot.h the Federal and Provin'cial M.ini-st.ers of Agriculture for as'si.s<tance in securing a n;- duction in freight ra:t,e 'all cattle far f.aHcni.ng purr-os,cs, hroug,ht fr0'111 thc W'e.stC1'11 Provincels tovari.ous Ipoints in -Ontario. :Elg.ill CouhtyCottncil 93 I , .' 4. That we co-qp,eratewith the'Leg.islative Committee-and the Ontario ..:rvlunk~pal 'Association 'by taking'i.nto .'cons~d'er,akiQ.n -all. ques- itt.OU'S :rditing _to!desur,eel ,cha,nges in 'l1J'uni,6pa::l, gciv,erning bodies, ana, their',r,ight: toincurind~btedness, tobe paid by t1he' iss'ue 'o.fderbentw'oel:i: wi'bhout Is,ome. :SUlpervision.T1he desire'heing',to..as'cef\ta,in and r,e,move as, 'nluch as pas'sibk, 'the /Ipr,es~'nt high 'cost of municipal Ita:x;a~ion; That ,sug;ges:tions be forwarded to the Gourity ~Cletkj who i,s i:nstrude~ to ,place them' before ,the ,prop,e'r authorities. All:of. which j,s .r'esIPCictf.ully' suhmi:tted. S. S. MoDermanq, Ohairman Sf. Thomas, .ont., June 1Ot.h,1931. '.;' " N overnber Session To the Elgin County Council, Geritlemcri : . , The Gom,11littee on Petitions aild I....e'gisatiol1 r'epOl"t.s a's follo-yV&; "I. That we co-'o,perate with the of Stormon.t, Dundas .and Glengar'1-y l~tUthoritics~ United ': CountIes the. Pi",ovindaI Council of the, in iPetitioning (1) That ,the spe;ed limi.t ',eqfofceclagainst aurto- mabile:,driv:ers:.s'ho4~d ,also be stri1tly"e-nfors,~d 'against bus oa-l'ldfreight t,rafficand' -that their. time'soheduJ,es ,should be' subm~tteC1 to t.he D~par't'hent for ~,pIp.rQ.val and should' nolt. he pC'rmitt.eqto exc,eed. the s.fatutory limh; '(2) 'That there should ,be a l1l0,fe,carClful 'super- vision. 'over' ail-d sorlie il~egulaJHon of the 'Clri,v,crs ,eJ111P10y'ed on such, !busand frdght 1.ine&. 94 " Elgin County Council 2. T!hat -we .co-opor,ate \;vith the Council 'of 'the County' D'f Len:- BOX ,and; Addington lin suggesting to the Education D~eiPartment that this Council j'B Orp.po~ed ,toO' Ithe two y,ea, 'term alt N olomal S.chool a-H.d that a pupil att.~n~ding a Nor.mal School and, ,passing examinationsl in good s,tanding bCgjiven a p,erman:ept centificatc"1-ft.er rtc,aching ,two years. J. That w,e a'pp:roveof ,t'he resolution pOa's'!>,ed !by- the Gounlty Council of YOlik lin petitioning the Provincial Le:giislatttric to "equalize <'imOllg a,j(municipalities :thM 'Porton .of the King's Hlig.hway,ancl COl\1nty H;oa,ds - t~xa<t.ion now home by dties, 's6par~ted~Oiwns and - counties. Gentlomen: All af whic'h is r'cs!pectfuiIy suhmitted. S. S. McDenmand, Ohairman St. Thomas" NO'0e.mher 26th, 1931. REPORTS OF GOAL COMMITTEE June Ses;;ion To the Elgin County Council. The Goal CO;l11mittee reports: 1. That we have opened ten'ders far, -the for the lensuing year,alJ;d have a:wal'ded 'the Ma,nus. f.or: st1lp,ply of -coal :r,equired , , 'contl'a,N ItO H. J. ,M'C- 1 'cadoad Coke... 2 'carloads GI'ate CoaL: 8.75.pel' .ton lZ:54_p'Ctf :ton delivered a!t the ,Collnty Goal Elgil1 County Council , 95 20- tons .StoveCoke ..... ....... ....",,,,,.....,,. 8.7,5 ,per Ij;.on de1ive.red ;at Regis,try Office All ,coal ,and coke Ita :he weighe.d on :h-e GtyScales. For. thhi an ,additional cha,rge of T,on Cents ,per load will he allowed. All'.of whic'h is r.C-S(pectfl1l1y su-b.mitt,ed. Robt. Call1lpbdl, 'Cha.it'\lnan St. Thomas, Ont., June 1:.1lth, 1931. --,;- November Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The (Goal G0l1111111ioHee rep~rts: 1. Thatt'he former Police Ma@isltra',te'.s ofHce he us'ed by the County Stenogra;pher. 2. T~hat a linoleum -be placed, -on the Stenogmpb.er',s 11'001011. 3. That a.ty:pewriter ;and des1k he purchased ;f,or 'Us.e o.'f "tl1e Stenographer. All of '\vhich is respectfully suhmitted. Robt. Cam,pbeH, ,Chairman St. Thoinas; Ont., Nove-mb'er 26th, 1931. 96 'Elgin County C~:lUncil REPOR'fSOF HOUSE OF INDUSTRY COMMITTEE January Session To -the -Elgin .County' Council, Gentlemen: The House ,of Industry ConlmiHee reports: 1. That in ,reference to communication from t;he Associa.ltio'l1 of Ma'l1(l1gers of Homes' for ,the Aged and Infir,m, we xc-commend t)Ylt 'the memlbcrship lee 'of Ten Dollars be paid. That 'no r,epres'entMives he' :ap,po:inted to aN,end' meeting in Cornwall. ABO'f which ;i,s ~esp.eotf.ully suhm~t.ted. S. A. Brown, Chairman St. Thomas, Ont., Janua.ry 28th, 1931. June Sess'ion 1',0 the Elgin County Council, Gentlel1ne.n: The House of Industry Committee r,eports: 'j 1. That wehav,e opened tendens for .the 'sup,ply of tea') ;1:e.: qtmed f.or the ensuing year, and have awarded contract to' H. J. McManus Ifor~ carload Grat'e CoaL ,~a.r1~a{i Chestnut coal 12.54 per10n 12.84 per ton ,de1iv.ered at the House of Industry ,I Elgin ComIty Cou.ncil 97 ,All coal rto :be weghed on .the City scales. FoQr .this an addi,th:m;it charge .of Ten Cents per load will he allowed. All .of iwhich is r,cSlp.ectfully suhmittec1. Stewart A. Brown, Chairman St; Thomas, Ont., June 11th, 1931. November Session To 'the Elgin ~County Council, GentlelJ11.cn : The House.of Industr:v Committee 'repor1ts: 1. Tha't r-epor,ts of Inspector and P'hysician be t'eceived and printed in the minutes. 2. Tha't communica1tlion from Harcnce McFee he filed. All of '\vhich is res;p.cctfl1lly suhmitt,ed. Stewart A. Bmwn, Ohairm'an St. Thomas, Ont., Navcm:ber 26th, 1931. REPORT OF PHYSICIAN OF HOUSE OF INDUSTRY . Novem:ber 20tih, 1931. To the \Varden and Members ofi:he Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: . 98 Elgin Couttty CoultCiI EIg:ilt C'Ounty Couhcil 99 I have the honour bf ,pr-escllIting -'thefifty..six.th ari'OualMedical repO'!'Jt 'Of Ithe Elgin House of'Indush'y -up to Octoh:e-r 31st, -193'1,- a:lid submH the following .for YOYf consideration. REPORT OF INSPECTOR OF HOUSE OF INDUSTRY To 'the Wa1rde.n andCouncilbif the County of Elgin, Exc~p't .for aiLments (111e to advanced agled !the health ,'Of ,the inmates-has'. heen good. Gen tl'01n,en : I :made {.onty-eiglllt vi'sits toO the 'House of Industry, .and atfclld- e,d one ,inma<te in the Memoria,l Hospital during his stay <there. ~Dhefol1owi11.g j,s my :report on the I-louse of -lndus'tt'yand Refuge for. the year .ending Octdber 31st, 1931: 'There we'rcno Ib'i.rths .during the year. 1.. Number of inma't'e's at last -repan 2. Number admi,t'ted. during ,the yea.r 3. NUl1l1be,r of deaths ~ 4. Number dis,charged 5. Number aJhsC'oncled 6. N um:ber now ,in house 7. NUli1iber 'of iinmates sent :from the s,everal dlwing the year : 36 II 3 4 3 37 municipalitIes On June 30th, 1931, John W,ools,tein was admitted ,to the Hos'piifal whe.re he r,emai'ned until September 5th, 1931. Ther,e weLre Ithree dea,ths dUlling ,the year, one Ifeqlale. and two males, ,a,s follows: DaJt'e Nov. 25, 1930' July 13, 1931 hug. '20, 193'1 Name Samuel P,olVv',ell Mary Govier Georg-eMilks Age 84 51 89 Cause o:f Death OhronicMyocarditis ICe'r:ebi'al Ha,emor,rhage A'Poplexy Southwold Dunwich Port Sta'l11e~ Bayham .Pl'~vincjal Hospitals I 1 2 6 1 J,.ihave the honour ,to ibe, II Yours. truly, Doug1J.as 1.. Ewinj 8. 'fhe various causc,s of pauperism of lnma'tes 'admitted t() the I-Iouse'dllring the' ye:a,r .lTI1ay be clla;ssHioed as foll6ws: Physician, Elgiin House of Industry Sickness Destitute . \Veak Mind 4 5 2 II 9. Avcrage llum-ber O'f 'inmatesduring the yea't ........,,,....:..,,....,,..... 35.6 10. Avemge' number DiKeeper's ,fa'mily .a.'nd !hired .help ,..,...."...., 40 11. Number of weeks' Boa-rd of inmates' 1858 12. Number orf weeks' Board V\~ith _ Keeper's famly..... ....... ....".. 2118 13. Total eXlpenditur'edur.i.ng the yea,f ....."...,....,..........".....,.........$ 837624 . 100 Elgin County Cou.n6il 14. Fr6.mfarl1ll .s~toak and 'produce sold P.el1l11a'nent iU1:proventen:t:s 15. Leaving alnau:nt. acuaHy inma'tes 16. Average expenses Iper 17. Average ,ex,pensespe1r 18. Average cXJpcnsc,s .per 19. Amount extP:ende,d for be ~cljvided as follows: Receipts exp.ended {Oor .sU,PPOf't 'Of day of ea-dh ,person... week of ,ea.ch person yea; of cad1 pe,r:son,... house and farm during Hired Labor .am. ...,.,$ Stock Feed Seed Gasaild oil Miscellaneous Implements Bread Jy.[eat Groceries Provisions Dry Goods Boots and Shoes F1.;1rniture, hanlware D.rugs CQal, \~lood Ice Miscellaneous Conveyance of inmates Repairs Perlman-c,nt Iilll;proveinents House Expense General Expense 835 16 496 .37 7044 71 ........ 477fc 3 3" 172 64 the year may 340 00 26500 144 2Z 97Z8 151 41 405 62 110 57 $ 1514 10 376 80 576 38 386 94 173 33 272 08 85 02 20631 41 73 1164 66 75 30 336 76 $ 3695 31 6 00 227 14 496 37 Elgin O:mnrt:y Coundl Incideriita,l Salaries Keeper andM.atron fhy.s-ician ................. ..........., I'll'speotor ,Total i Expenditure . 101 17732 $ 906 83 176000 300 00 200 00 $ 2260 00 y.ea,r ; 20, The.following '!produce ';vas rali'sed o.n>t:he faif:1hd<ur,iln~rthe 8376 24 1006 Ibus,hel~ .oMs and 125 bushel WheM 60 loads, 'of hay -; .am'es ,ensilage co,rn 200 hushel potatoes 2ljhushels 'car.rots 10 'bushels .turnips 40 loads of str'a w Pumpkin. .and 'Isquash Bar'ley Ga~denProduce 15 bushels table carrots 8 'bushels" ,beets 20 ,bushels ,onions 15 hushels,parsnips 200 hea'ds 'cab ba-ge t Ib-br. :cucumbers Gar.den P,e-as 75 :bushels tomatoes 7facf'cquant1ty .sweet ,corn Qua,l1tity lettuoe, ,panley, aspar.agus (,Juandty- pl'ums,gra'p~s JS'quaI1ts mUk p'er' d~y 100 IOll-shels a'pples ...................................................$ 250 00 111 00" 300 OU 75 00 50.00 10.00 500 80'00 5 00. $ 886 00 500 400 15 00 1000 10 00' 6 00 400 3750 1000 15 00 1200 275 00 15 00 . 102 ElgIn County Conneil A large qual1ti,ty of vegetables and fruit was used ,summer of whkh no a'ccount wasik,cpt 500 ,quar1ts fTuit canned in 'house 730 dozen eggs 'consumed 1460 pQ'unds. butter : Cream sold Hogs IsoM Go\~s.sold Eggs, 'sundries ,a,nd chickens sold 4 calves 'sold (young) Old hors.e saId Apples !SoLd during, ,the 50 00 125 00 109 ;0 365 00 $ 1,128 00 209 42 409 28 90 00 71 99 7 DO , 3 00 50 00 $ 840 69 21. N.umber of a:rtides .of hedding and clothing made -up during the y.c;a'r by ma,tron and inma'tes .....;........,........,.....,............... ;............,...... 29tl 22. NUl11:be.r of Vli's,j,ts made by Iilspector 23. Farm .s.tock-,- 4 horses 9 'cows 20 hogs 2 yea,rling\'> 2 b.rood s'ow.s 100 'chide ens 24., The total amount expepded by the County on 'House o.f Indns'bry, etc., is as foHows; Farm, 100 aer,cs, cost HIOIus'c ''of Indust'ry Laundry; Fire,e.scapes Root cella'!', henery, de Cott.a'lges, crt-c. 7298 95 13524 81 687 61 390 Q6 879 43 6631 87 48 Etgiri ,Oounity ,Council , ~lOil Brick ice house Ba,rns, etc Tile dradns Tile ,drain outlet Hot ,air ,plll11Jp, tank, conne.at.ions Rd,rigerwt'Or Fencing Ordhar,d Heati.ng a.pparatus BoiIe,r .room and,soft Icoal boiler Deep weH Silo Hog pen Ele'ctric I.nst.alla'tion and pUll1jpS P,lumhing Sept1c ,tank and Sundries 1180 50 5213 39 3685 7D 13203 920 60 40 00 1911 32 85 85 1979 00 3733 52 82/ 00 293 62 654 99 2314 44 2960.36 1146 75 . 416 35 25. Received frOlm Government ,penditul'csfor la'nd and,! 'building $ 56908 Bl on' ace-ount of 'ex~' 4000 00 Leaving amount actually cX'pended by -County 52908 81 " 26. The -receipts for Old Age-,Pensions $3518.28 f.or in:ma-tes of .the Hause orf I'ndus'try "yere notconside.rcd in ,deN,:,nmining ob'sot ot maintenance: All of ""hidl j:s -rcsp,ectfully submi-t.ted. A. T,urner, Inspec;tor St. Thoma's, -Dnt;, NoveiTlber 21:Sit,193.l., '. 1(!4 Elgin. County Council REPORT OF OLD AGE PENSIONS COMMISSION June Session ToO the Elgin CountyCoun61, GeutIemen : " The Commi,ssion a,ppoint'ed to a,dminislter -the LOld',Age Pensions Act~eg'13 lea,ve to rep'ont: Tot.al appJ.icationsreceivedsince 1st July, 1929 Deaths Pending Retused Transfers -to other counitie,s Ca!l1'oelled' Pi~nsion's ,i'n force 89 6 18 II 35 533 2. The ,following statement -shows vadationill amounts .of \pen,. -sians in .force: UQ) to $50 $50 .'to $100 $100" to $1'50 $150 "0 $200 '$200 10. $240 Z 5 27 50 449 533 I 3, Total anl1u<lJl amount of _pensions in force was .011 tbe 31st of May.... ................................... ..................... .......................... ......................$101428 []I! Amounit :pafd Iby'County during ,the year 23289 0'} 4. The cost of ,adminis,t~r,ation was: For Commis,sioners, 20 meetings For Secretary 1030 6? 4000<J $ 14306() {)y~ 692 E;l~~p PpUlHy, CO'l.Jllcil 105 5. Estimate of amount required 10 be raised du.ring ell- suing year: For ~or For .......................... ... ..........$. 24342 00 658 DO 1100 00 ipensiol1Js .gran/ted new 'applica'tions administration eXJlense $ 2610000. , 6. The amount ,paid Trealsure.r .in ,respect of eigihite,en inmates oJ Ithe 'House of Indus,t'ry was $3558.28, 7. The Parents' M,aintena.nc-e Act has not been enfd-rced. Al- though we l1lade recommendations suggesting it in connection with a number ,of applications, the Provincial Commission took no action. Vie a'ccordi;ngly ca,n,celled, all pens,ions whicl1 we thougllt", shOuld be consider-ed for this rea,soOli ul1'tH pensioners obtained' 1:Iagistr.ate's cet- tifica,te IVha1 fa:ri1ily 1could ,not support' them. 8. Ain Ins:pecot:ar {,rom ehe P,r.ovincial Department has visitea aU pel1StOnlel!S. As a result, e1ev~n pensions WCire ,cancelled, ~wenty- One 'reduced ;and 'one, increased." , All of which is r'espectfully suhtn~'tted. W. H. Mills', Chairman I St. Thomas, Ont., June 5th, 1931. 106 ,Elgin County Cou.ncil November Session To the Elgin County 'Council, Gentlemen: The Old Age PCl1'Sl,OllSC0111mission reports as follovis; o T'otal an1iOiUnt IP.aid p'ensiO'nel~s by ,Province during ,the year ,,,.$111225 00 Amount paid' iby the County, 20 ipN cent. 24245 00 Average Pension $19400. l~here \\.tte fiftecnmeetfng ,during the yca,r, Administra1tion e~-pens'es were: For Secretary For COilumis!s,ioners 505 00 672 40 $ 1177 40 mg 'Null1Jber ,of .ctipplicMions ;ht Noveulher,1931 rc'ceive,d {luring the IPc'llsion year, end- 1I9 Since the appoil1ltment ofy,our CommisBion we 'have receiv~d 752 app!icwti01lS'. T:h:c!&e wer.e ,disposed of ,a!s ,follows: Reftls'cd Cancelled Pending Transfer,red to other counties Deaths Pensions in ,force There are fifteen ,pensioners in the ments t.o the County Treasurer on this amoul1'ted Ita 18 29~- 5 15 114 571 752 House of Industry. Pay- aocount during the y,eal' 351828 All of which is, respectfully submiHe.d. W.H. Mills, Chairman St. Thoma-s, -November 21st, 1931 Elgin Coun.ty' Council 107 SPECIAL HOSPITAL COMMITTEE June Session To the Elgin County 'Coun61, Gentlemen: The Special' Commirbtee apointed to consider matters ,pertaining to grant to, Memol~j.al Hospital recommend: 1. Tha't no g)r.ant ibe made fall' 'Public ward patients -from thl: County. 2. That loreou-nty ,iildigent patients'lnaintained -in the St. Thomas and Tillsonhur.g Hospri,tals, a grant Oil Fifty Cent's pe,r day be continued. 'f~'V date as from lS1t December 1930. 3. That this County cOl1>trihutc one-haH the ()os;t of pamphlet announcing parliculars a's to Hospit"al equipment, Icosts, etc., ,for fn- torma'tiol1 of the- .public in ,general. All of which is respectfully ,submi-tted. W. A. Butler, Cha,irman St. 'J'homas, Ont., June 10th, 193L ) Novembel" Session To the Elgin County 'Council, Gentlemen: The Special ,Hospital C011111iittee reports: 1. That -they subm'it;herewithdraft for pamphlet authoriz-ed n~ 1'08 Elgin. eCounty Council last s,cssion w~th Irespeot ,to hospital service in the'County. 2. Tha't a.s the 'pa,mphletwiH, no doubt ,have the .effecto-t in- fluencing Ipublic 'OIpinion with rdercnoe to 'hos,pit.a! maintenance, WI 'distribution, ,should he geneira>l through-olut the County. To fadlitat'2 'Us, ve rccol11111end that t.he Reeves of <the 11lunici:palitieshe requested to' supply a marked Voters' List, showing persons !to whom palnppl~t should be ,mariled, aifc-r which your committee (will determillcnumber .hJ he printed. All of which ,is respeotfully .submiHed. W. A. B'u:tle,r, Cha,ir111an 'St. Thoma,s, Ont., Novembc;r 2,'5th, 193'L V,, .. Elgin County' Cou.neil 109 HOSPITAL SERVICE qty of St~, Thomas' and County of ,Elgin Al,though in a'ncienrt .times there may, 'have be'en p.late'S for tlhle r,ec,epti6n of, S'br,a:ngers and traveller.s, it :seems at lea,s,t doubtful it there was anything9f the nature' ofaeharitahle 'ins!tltu'tion, Jar fl:he l"0ce.pti'on of the sick" .such as ,ex.~sted '.after ,the introduction Ot Chrj.S'tian~ty. The 'origin of om Ipres'eut 'hosp.it'a1.s is found .in tl1'(~ monalstic arrangcmentsf6r the care of ,the, sick and _,ii}digents. The fitsit, hos!pitai on teeor,d- ,,,v.as,, :buih, in, England ;in, ,1080; Great Limp-r.ovc- me,nt in, hospitallbuilding ,took place in ,the Eighteenth' Cenltury, and and has .s.ince Iheen Icontinuous. 'Thegen-el-alobject for wih-ich' 'hospit.als hav.eheene:sltalbI.ished \\,~t:s the gratu'ito'lls l1l~edical"and "s:urgical treatment of ' It he indigent sick. Many abuses have, however, crept in, ,and lairge numbers o~ persons yeady,,-receive medical" treatment gratuitously who ,a'Te qU1t.C able ,to 'pay for ,i,t. Ther.eisa large. c1a;ss above the very poor who are hut ill able ,to afford the mos;t skilled ,attendance and nurs,ing a,t ,~ ' , their '0\vnh6mes, ,which inmost cases don-ot s'up.ply the aooolUmo.da- lion necessa.ry I for .s,ickne-ss; r,t is not desirable, nor -is it always the1r own wi.sh, ,that thes'c IpersDns should be object~of chal~ity, and, tne etablis.111uelJJt' ,of bosp.i-tals, .and dispens,arics at. ,;whiCh they may 'contri- bu.t something tov/ard.~,the expense of their tr,ea'tment and ,attendance meds the -difficulty to some I I'/Iemori.aJ HO.[lp;hJ, St. Thomas Tl1e Memorial H.os,pitci.l in St. Thomas isa development .frorn ;tile Amasa \iVood H-os'p.ital'whioh'was presented to ithe City in 1891. AI.. tel' the clos,eof the. Great W2Jr, an addit.ion 'to ithe HoOs'pntal as.n .memorial 'was advoca.te-cl, and in 1924 'building was ,commenced. 'l':his "\\"orlk'was flna'1J(~ed by priv,atesuhsq-iption $ll-O,.oqO;city de:bentures $100,000: and, Cot111'tyaf i-Elghl $10,000. The 1l1~nagel11ent of,.the r-:fosrp,ital is in.the hands-of a BO.a'I'd aJGovernors consisting ?f the MayoroOf the City and: thr,ec" others v\',hoare elected for ,th,'eeyearseach, ,one' l'etiriJi:g' each YCM. . vVhile ,the :territory ,s'ervcd by the .Hospita1.. is ,the County of EIg,i.n, <l;ny per- 1\, 110 Elgin Coul)ty Council son and who from siokness, dis~as'e.'or injury or othenvise -applies farihos,pihl treatrrlcnt, must he received. .is in need of '1lii fl'F III' J,l 1,li' "'1;11 III'I f j. 'i,l [j'lf I!~.III Ill;! IL\ Equipment The ,Hospital J,urnishes C\Jccolmnodation fni"W7 pat,iel1ts as f'(jl.. lows: 30 b'c,ds in 'pr.jv.ate tooms; 18 in se1l1i~,priva<te ,rooms; 33 'in aduH Ipublic war,ds .and 8 jn children',s wards, and 18 bas's,inets ,for new- hor,n <babies. I h has three Qpe;ra'ti~,g rooms, .one' major, one minor and on-toO for eye, ear, .nose and ,throat, all. fully ,equipped. It has and X~.,Ray and Diabher,my De.pa'rtmcnt,uncle.r a full ti'me Roentg.enolog.ist;, The.re is ,a :oomplete ,!.ab:oratory which :prov,idc,s for all ''tY1pesof work oCher .than ,exwminartion of tiss,ueand Wa,siserma-ntes't's. This" lis, in chM'ge of 'apa~holog:-'ist, who is .on :f,ull ,titl1:e 's,ervice whennecessa,ry. .commod- ious 'Slun rooms la:re ,ahoa,v,aila!ble. . . Th,ere are tf.our ,diet !kitchens .under the cap.able management ot a die{ician. Aneloct.dc laundn,,;' in 'a sepa'rate .building, is in charge of Ia Icornpe;tent ,g,taff. The ihoSlp,ita,l 'has' its own .Cadillac amihulalflce service, donated !by ,Mrs. Carrie, \.\>hich is available for 'every IpaI\t ,oJ the County. Operating Staff The operating ,staff consists of a -Su.pe.r,intendent, Assi.stall'tSup'" erintel1ldent, instr.uctress of Nurs,es, Night Supervisor, 2 Day StipeLrvis- ors, Operating Room Supervisor, 40 nt~rses,' ,1 <Clay andl night orderly, 2 Ico-oks :and 10 maids and other emplo'yees. Coat of Operation I The cost 'per day ;perinmate ',far 'year ending 30th SClptembe't, 1931 wa's $3.99, the .dietary ,cost ,alone being 79.3c. The average cost !J'er day in ,the \ thir,ty-one hospi;tals of the,Prov.ince with fmm 50 to 100 bed'capacity during the year 1930 was $4.08. Hospital Charges The Pl:ovinc,ialla\v respcoti1'lg ,hospitals .p.i'ovides ,t.hat the eharge El.gin:Coun,ty CQuncil 111 for ,indigent patients and for ,p~tients occupying public wa:r.ds is .11m <to eXjceed $1.75 pe.r day, ,this to inolude ,maintenance, medicine, extr.a$ and servkes .of attending Iphyskian on ,duty while they a'r'e in the hospital. They have no choice in this respect.. For mail1tenanc-e in othertha-n public wards the charge per. day is-for private" rooms,$3.50i ,$4.00,$4.50; for semi-:private r.ooms-$2.00, $2.50 and ,f.ora semi-.puhlic,bed, $1.80jall ex'bra,s such a.s operating roo~ fees, XJRay.s, dtessitlgs .and medicines being ,cha.rged for. F'Or mate1'il1ity cases there at"e fixed cha:r,ge,s of ;two doUar:s pier day for a semi-p,rivate wa1"d,fifty centiS per dayf.or the halbies, aa(t $5.50 for extras. J Cost-How Provided The Ladies' Hospital Aid provides some .linen andrbeddi-ug and svrgical equipment as" desired -by -the Superintendent, ,the Junior 'Hos,- pital Aid supplying ,part of the .nuresy ,equipment. Donations reccived fOr ,endowmcnt of. the HO!lpitalamount to $36,000. Th-e,nlaj'O'r palrt at the, cost is pr-ovided from pa'tients"fees" 'and the g10vernment grant' of 6De pcr day for indigentp.atients and patient.s occupying .pubrrc wards who do not .pay mo~e than $1.75 ,peT -clay. The cliffer'enoe 1,11 cost hetween this fixed rMe .and the ,adual cost is mardeil;p';by: the Gty of ,St. Thomas which Iby ap'nualgralllt of $12,000 p,rovides 'f-ar all deficits. \ The,Medic2.1~taff The 1.J:edica.1 Staff consists .of experienced phy,skians and s<ur.g.. eons living in the -City of 'St. Thomas who ,rotate in gra:nu,itous s,ervicc' necessary for a.ttendanee On indigent anq ,public ward ,patients of.rom both Gty a-nd :Country. These .arc as fallbws: Physicians and Surgeons~-Dr. Buck, Dr.' 'Ca:mpbelI, Dr. Carrl:e, Dr. Curtis, Dr. E'win, Dr. E. C. Gliddon, Dr.' R, W. GHddon, O:r. L~v~ l'enc,C, Dr; Lipsey, Dr. Loftus; Dr. McPhcl'soi1, Dr. C. J. MdGllop, Dr, 1vfcKenzie, Dr. Porter, Dr. Post, Dr; Potts Dr. Snell. Eve, ,Ear, Nas,e and Throat Spe.cialists-Dr. Elliott, Dr. King, Dr. F. \i\l. S.mith~ ' 112 E-lgill County' Couucil Deficits Defidt~ in Icost ~f management ,a,re almos,t wholly due;toipubHc war,d ;patients, who :take advantage of the,ir dght to ,spebfyaccom- modation ',desi'red, ir,respective of th6f .abilitYlto pay for :private o~ sen,1i-priva't'e fOOlms. ,Many .patients' who have received treatment m these wards were of the ,opinion that they were ,paying tlle whoIe cost for maintenance; and se;fvices rendei"ed, anda,re ,sutlprised that thi:> is ,not the ,case, and that in addition ,to :the gratuitous iS6fv,ices of the attending .physicia'll ,special grants from the City are neces:sary 1:0 reitnburse the l-Iospital Board for expenses incurred. Patients, gen- e'rally would p-refer to pay ithe whole coM ,of the .m'aintenanc,eif they wrc ahle ''to do so. I ,The ,Ideal Plan The ide.al,plan for hospital maintenance is one in which-the municipalities pay ,the :s-tat1itory tate for indige!1lts. Pa;tients occupy- ing private or semi..;private wa'rds,pay their \vay ,and deficit in con- nection 'with the maint-ena~'ce of ,indigent and-,pu;hlic,ward patients are provided by the govenuilent grant, -munieipal@rarit,.and volunta,ry contributions fro!U resi,dents of ,the district.served hy the ihospital. Cost of, Indigent a:itd Public Ward Paf:ient~ During t:he Hospit:al y.ear ending 30thSeiPt,emher 1931, County in- diment patients, wer,emaintc1:ined in the'Memoria,l Ho,spital for 873 days, ,anq C;otmty public ward .patients for 1782 days. Gty indigent patients were lllaintained for 11.18 days and City pttblic ward patien.ts for 3480' days. C01mtyof ,Elgin The total cost of ,maintenance. of indigent and.public ward patients from County of Elgin far ,this period was $10,593.45. For this ~ervice, ;the receipts of the Hospital werefro11l: The County, for indigents The County; for grant The Public Ward 'patients The Provincial Governillcnt The City ,of. Sf. Thomas, for deficit 1527 75 329 00 3118 50 1593 00 4025 20 ~~-~-$ 10593 45 III ---""i2~:ot,jL4i'.z~~ , l Elgin iOOU-n:ty COil1,l1rCil 113 City of St. Thotnas' The tota,) cost of indigent and puhlic ward Ipatie'nts City of St. Thomas f.or th'e \ame 'p.eriod w~'s $18,505.62. fr-Orn the For ,this lS'ervicethe receipts of the Hospital were: The Gty" .for ill/di-gents. The Pl,tblic \Var-d Patie,n;ts The P,rovincial Government The City for de'ficit 202650 609000 2782 80. 7606 32 $ 18505 "', ,County Grants In 1927 Ithe County Council o.f Elgin decided to grant ,tihe StUn of fj,fty ,cents ',per ,day to- the S1. Thomas and 'ljllsonllurg Ho:s:pitat~' to reduc,e the,."deJiCits payahle ;by fhem with rcsped to ;County illdr- gents and p.ublic )Nard 'Patiens. For year' ending, J1.1,11-e 1930, this grant amollllit.ed t,o $1429.50 ,for Memorial H'os'pi-tal, >St. Thomas, and $1.71.50 f.orTillsonhurg HOSip.ital. In November 1930,' the COU11'tyCouncil dis- coutii1u.ed,this grant arid 'expres.sed~ the opinion "That ,ratepaye.rs 01 'the County \'1'0110 r,ecelve treatment in a ,public W,al~d and are ablelt-o P,lY J'h~ iull cost of maintenance should '9'e required' It-Odd S-D;,a.nCl that legislation to that effect should ,be ehacted." At the Juuc:Session 1931 the Council decided gralH of G:hy cents per ,day ~vith ma111t",:nc<1 intl1e St. Thomas and to c,ontiue ,the respect to indigent fla,tients"OlIIy Tillson'bur&:, hos:pitals. The ,voluntary conlributions from residents, of 'the CitYI other than through the Hospital Aid Associations ,rdl.y'i1j' Gounty aner a,r-e praotk,. Admisr:;ion to Hospital Inc1igents.--Ac1l11ission'to ifcm-o.rial ,Hospital of ,patients ftOl11 l\nnpnth .and Sout,lnvald must have ,the approvalaf ithe Me-dica'l OfficcnJ of -Health of these townships; Patients f.rom the City ai:l'er other rmmicipalities s.hould have' ,the approval, of the Medical Olfker of Hea!th or other municipal authority 114 Elgin 'County Council Public' Ward Patients-Pei'sons expecting public war,cl service ;d ,$1.50 ,per day ;should be required to 'Produce Icertificate satis'factory tq Ithe' I-Ioshital Authodty ,thalt they .are -ll11ahle to 'pay' m.ore. " Extracts from Public 'Hospitals Act 1931 . , 12. Exoept as may be otherwise provided in this Act, no ho's~ pital ,other than a hos.pital , for "incurabl'es, receiving iProvi11'c1..al ailt ;'sha.ll refuse ,to admit "as a pa,tient any person, who from sickness, (11:-:;- 'ease Ol~ in}bry ,or otheswis,c isjn nc-edo.f tr'ea,tmen:t: 13. Except as may otherwise be p.rovid.ed in this Act Or in :the ,agree.1'ncnt, no ,hospital with which a 'municipality has enterea int.o an ag1recmcnit under <this Act shall refus'c Ita admit as a pa~tiel1t ,any indigent ,person ,or dependant ,of an indigent pen,on a :resident in :s:uch munici,pality, who ham sioknes's, diseas,e, or injury or other- wise 1S juneed of treatment. 14. Nothing in ithis Actcon:tai'ned ,shall require that any 1105- 'pital, other :than~al1 isolation hospita,l, admit or retain as a patient a'l1Y persousuffeiring from.a',oomo111I,micable dis~.as;e which 'l1nderThe~. Pub- lic 'Health Ad PI' .'regulations 'made. the.reunde-r' req'ui-re,s qu.arantine anet p\.a,earding. 15. NOol'hing:' in this Act contained shall, unlesshy refus'aIot- admission, life \vouldtl1erebyhe endangered, require that any hos.,.. pi tal admit as a patient any ;person who iSllot ares,id-eM or a clepend- , a11'to,f ,<l' resident ofOntari,o. 18. (1) Sul)ject .a;s in' this Act may otherwise .be> prOvide-d,wilcn any pat,ient'in ,a :hospital is an 'indigent,'person or' a delpemjan't ',of an indigent ,person, khat irimnicipality in which suchper:son \vas a resident at the time of admission 'shall ,be ,Jiable to the 'hospital for "paymenu of the ',cha:rgc's for treatmentoi such ,patient" 'at a rate no/t; exceeding $J/5 per day. . , 2(1) "Residc11't" shall.,mean a 'person w,ha has actually in a 11luni'cipality -for the period of Ithree. month? within the fiv,e )1-cxt Ipri01~ toadmis'sioll to' a 'hospitn], .r,esided months . ~~,...,,~,.:E:;~7, """"'_~._ Elgin iOOUl1,tr COrUn.cil 115 . , , 19. vVith ,the .apprdva,l of the Min,ister, a municipality may cnter into an annuaL agreement with ,a hospital respeotihg the ,admission and ,treatment of all indigent 'persons a'nddependants of indige'l~,r persons resident ,in,s,uch municipality, and in s,uchcas'e the ,Ji,ability of the .mtll1icJ,pality Ito such, hos.pital 'shalrl Ibe deterllll1.nedaooor.ding to such:agreement in lieu of under ithis Aot. 20. A l1wnitipaJ.ity may pay to ,a hospital the charges for treat- Ill'ent of a pa.tient notwithstanding tha't such ,pa"tient was not a reSit.. dent in sllch.municip.ality a:t the time ,o.f adnlis'sion to' :su6l1' hispitaI.i 21. (1) In the ,event" af the ,dea'thin a :hos,pitaJ ref any ,':patiem who 115 an indigent person or aldependa'nt ,of an indigent a)erSOll, that 'municipality in which 'such indige~Ht-je'rSon!was a 'resrident at the time of 'adl11islsionshall! pay to'the hosp:ital any expens'es''0f:bur.ial which it may incur. but not exceeding, $30. . \ 22: Upan adl11iss,ion 0'1' after adn1i'S,siau to a hospital of an) patient who is oris rcpres'el1te-cl to be or he-comes an indigent Per- son or the dependant of an indi.gent person, thes<UrpCf.i11ltendent 'slnaIt 'by ,rCigi:':,~C'red'letternQl~jfy the clerk of the liltlllicipality iiI \':hich such indignt ,pcrs-on'js, oris re:pu'es~n,ted to be 'a r'esident, '-of such'a,dmi,ssi'Olljl givi.l1'g.su-ch particularly a,s, may he asc,ertai'l1ahle ,to e,nabJ.e'the clerk to idqn:tify 'the 'indigent person. 23. JJnJess the clerk of a Illt111iei,p.ality within twenty day,s af- ter the date 'of mailing ,any such notice ,to him, shall .by If'egistered letter notify ,the snpcrintenclent froU1whOl11 's,ueh notice was re<;reivcd t]Jat the patient refeneclto /Jtherein was not a resident in rihe muiir- cipality at thc timc ,ofadmissicin q.s a 'patient or is not anindigel1t person or a dependant of an, indigent pe,rs-Dn, such'municip,alitY''ShaIl he liable for the cbrg,cs fo, treatment of s'uch patient as' provided for in this Act. 24, Tk~ c:er"k of a murd-cipali,t\y W,he!I' J1,ot~fying' a ,s-u:peril1ltend:' ent that a ,p.ntient j's not a, resident in ,t.he municipality 'or is '11:ot an indigent pC'rsanor a .de.pendant oT an ,indigent perso'l1! ",shall furnish such illf~rl1lajiol1 a,s he m1ay .have -as'certained 'with .respeot ,toSUCl1 patient, liD EIgiil Comity Council 26. (1) Whe-re the- c:o'ripor,a.tiOll of ,a county has not made ail. agi'eemcnt .under- the provisions of' section 19, it .shall ihave the -right to ,feC'Oyer not exceding one~half ,of the charges paid by it in 'res,peC,t to 'treatment in a,hos,pih"il -of allY pa,tient forwhkh it is liable' ur\.d.cr this Act it'oiri the corlp-ora;tiori - of the',township, to",vri - ,or viIla,ge form- il'"g.,apa.rt of -the county in which stlch"patient \\,as ,a "re,gident',at the time of admission. (2)":Exccpt in cases of cmcl'g'el1cy,as to which the, suP\erintena'~ cnt of ' the hos;pitalshall ;1Je,thc'501e judge, 110 indigent pcr.son orcte,- ,pendant of an indigcll:t person resident in. a .township bordering on '<I d'ty' orsepa~'ated ctpwn shall headmitted~s a patient in a hos,pi,tq.l in Isuch city or separated town without an order in writing Isigned'IJY the 'medical officer' of health ofs,uoh t,ownship, and where in 'cas,e{l,f 'omergency an indigent .person or a 'dependant of an indigenltpe,f,sOli is admitted.as a 'patient without .such an .oHl~r Hahili,ty ,fot' charges f.O'f tr,eatment of ,such.patiel1't shall not continue heyond a periodot ,:seven days from th~ aclmiss,ion unle'.ss the ofde~ is ',obt.ained iby the hOSipital. I 27. A dependant of an indigent person s,hallf.ortpe, purposi... of this hct bee deenied to be a resident in .tha't municipality in "vhien Juch il1'digent :pers'on iSl"csid:l1t. ' 2$. When a pClrson in a 11Os.p:i.tall other Ithan ,a hospi-tal for incurables for ,the charges ,for whose treatment a ,munic.ipa,lity is liable :under this 'Act, is certifiect",ll1 ~accordance ::liith the re.g,ula~-ions tol~e an i!,lcur:a;ble per'son the ,hospital may require of the'munici,palrity liable that ,siich pa-tie'nt be removed from ,the' hospital within ,seven 'days ,after notice ha,~, Ibeel1 ,given Iby -registered lebt~r 'to the clerk thereof, and -faUing 'which remov,a1 !the ,hosl')ihtl'shall' be entitled ,to charge the !11,unicipality J.iab1e,25 'ce'llts per day itl' addition to any other charges, provided to be ,paid under ,{hi~, Act ,,,hile 'such patient r,enHii.ns in the hospital. 29, VI-hen a bahy i,s horn in a ,hospit.al it ,shall lor the,purpose,:-o of this Act be dt:'cmccl' Itobe a ,patient and if -the baby of an indigent pers,oil' 'shaH he ,deemcd.tO be a .resident in that' municipa.Jityin "\Tillic!l snch indigent per'son is a resident ; ,and the municipality-shal1 be liable' for the treatment ofa br!.'hy 3S the dcp'endant ,of' an 'indigent ,f,ler:,QIl / ElginiOounty .- (orUllOil .lR,7 at a rate o.f 90 cents per ,day for a period not ,cx,eeeding" fo.urteendays atter -the ,birth of such 'baby. * * )* * * 0 This pamphle!t is pubJi.s'hed by .the .county Council ,and Memoria! Bo'Spiltai Hoard f.or ,the PUlirPos'eof 'presenting to the relsidentsof ,the L'Ounty :and Gity the ,actual! bctswith re~peot tocos,tSf Hos-pital maintenance, ,t,o encourage greater liben;tlity .on ,the part of chizens generally, and the, use of private, ,semi..,priva'te wa~ds arid' sorni-publk bed:s :by those requ.j.ring'treatment who are able .toO .pay the full cost. REPORT OF CORN BORER INSPECTOR. , \ j St.-Thomas; November 25, 1931 To the VVa.i-den and County Council o-f Elgin: I beg to submit a ;s-tat:ement ,ot cost 'ofCo-rn BOfe~r Inspection 111 Elgin County for 1931. Alc1borough, Alex McIntyre' DUtlwich, John Campbell\ \Southwbld, Charles Minor Y2SlHouth,john 1\.llan Malahicle! IL B,'- McKenney Bayham, Orion Battlett South Dor;chester, Dave Weir" 12000 100 00 . H4 00 20650 16200 . 99 00 . 13500, fatal, 936 50 , All oJ which is respectfully submitted. John Allan, Coqnty Corn Borer Inspector 118 Gentlemen; , I Elgin County Council REPORT OF COUNTY CLERK To 'the Elgh1 CouutyCound, l' have to report ,\he following ,licenses 111 ,force: Auctioneer Glenn Clerk IMer;ritt Moore A. J. ,Branton L. L;- jM.aTaglga;rt Jas. A. Forsythe Wilson Pound Rroo,Hamian . J. B. .Judson M. A. MoArlpine Thomas ...,..Aylmer ..... ...Rodney .....:.Appin . u....Wal1alce~ow.n ..Kings:mill .......Aylmer ....Vienna . ...,..CamphelLton .......7..... Poultry John Bray M'orrjs Karitnick ROIbe'rt W:alts,on Hugh. Shaw \" C. E. P,apg1bor'l1 Solomon Bren( M;@1',ris Lutchen Samuel LU'tCl1eon D. Wingold E. 1M. Haynes, Clarerice .Yeo ' J as. C. Campbell ..........Kingsmill .......;London .. .....,....,!London ..uVie:nn~' ......Rodney . .... .....Londorl ,..Windsor .... ...Toronto ........ . ...lona - Stn. There aTe no j.tmk"',c1ealeror pedlar Hcell'sc's in force. All of which 1S respectfully ,submitted. K. \V.McKay, County Clc'rJ.:: SL Thomas, Orit., November; 1931. \ , Elgi:n Ooun.ty Co,ullcil 119 REPORT COUNTY ENGINEER RE PORT STANLEY B~IDGE November Session To the Wardena.nd Co~ncil of the County 'of Elgin \ Re" Port Stanley Br~dge. Geiltlemen: I . , SiUl;:eyour June .ses'sion I found it necessary to have some :temw porary ;rc:pair:smade Ito the .concrete floor-of this rhridge. Due tq the very heavy Itruck tl'affic laJst ,summer the ,Hoo,r, lPartially g.ave way in tWQ places, ~ . \ The ,concret'e floor w:a's laid oOn the bridge ,about 30' y.ears ago. It wa,~ ,laid ,on 'steel huckey.et,roughing which has he'Oome ,rusted and the/whole floor"'shouI,d:be :re.newednext yea'r. I'had signs placed on the bridge stating that the loOad limit for the bri,dge ,is 4 tons. ' , , The< cost of making ,the temporary.repair,s .to the floor and for minor repairs tOo ,the ra'iling andapproach'es was $163.92. All of which ,is respieot'fu1Jy submrhted. Fred A. Bell, County Engine'cr. St. Thoma:s, ,Onta-rio, November 24th, 1931. I 120' .Elgin County ,Council BY'LAW No. 1145 To Appoint an Old,Age P~mions Commission / ' The Elgin County Council enacts: Tha.t-;-- W. S~ St.a,lker, ,of Aldbof'0ugh, R. R. 1, Rodney Dugald Blue,{}f Dunwich, Dutton. Wilson H. Mills" of Yarmouth; Sparta Dr. C. Sinclair, 'of Aylmel~ W. ''vV. Kiddie, of S. Dorchester, R. R. 1; Belmont be ".and ,are herebya;ppoin'ted .t,he local authority or Commis:sion tQ a,dminiiste:t the Old Age Pensions Act in the' 'County 'of Blgin. I Th'a't the said Commissioner,s :be paid thes11Jm iOf Sev,cn Dollan. per day for attending :meetings of the Commis'sioll and five cents pel' :nile t.o _and f.roin such' attendance, County .coundlOhau1:hers, St. Thom'as, 29th January, 1931 j{.. W. MoKA Y Cl.e;rk H. G.. TAYLOR j Vil arden BY-LAW No, 1146 To Cdlllfirin the Equalization ?f the_, Assessment Rolls o~ the_ Comity of Elgin T,he Elgin' County Coullicil enacts:. 1. T'ha.t the follo\ving :be A:he roUs of the Count.y ,of Elgin -for 1931. yqualization -of the as,seSSllW1lt Alclborough Duri.wich Southwold Yarmouth 3,887,759 4,340,052 5,157,514 5,319,162 E1.gin-10JUllity' Council Je1 Malahide Bayham South DorcheSiter Aylmer Dutton Port Stanley Springfield Vienila Rodney West Lorne / 3,751,283 2,477,531 2,406,201 1,259,216 495,509 826,353 246,578 121,088 362,931 349,197 $ 31,000,374 2. That thisCoullcil is willing to have the final equalization of ,the asses'sment," in case of. appeal, made by 't'heCounty Judge. React a third, time and pa'ssed at County Council Chambers, Sf. ThQn1<I~, 30t.h January, 1931. K W. McKAY' Clerk H. G. T'A YLOI~ Warden BY -LAW No.' 1147 To Appoint a Board of Audit in the County of Elgin for the Year 1931 Be it ena.cted by ,the Council of the Municipal Coriporation of Blgin: Tha.t the Judge ,of ,the County Cou;nt and '0sca.r McKeni1'y arc her,cJby apopinted :mclnbers of ' the Boal'd 'of, Audit, 'bo ,pedorm nIe duties required of them by R. S. D.,'Cha-pter 126, Se,ctio-n 22. That t.he me.mbcrsof >the said 'Board be paid the sum of Sevc~i n:olla.rs ,per day' for their services, and five cents per mIle, going to and Jrom S'l1ch audit. R.ead a thirdltime and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 30th Janua:ry, 1931. K. W. McKAY Clerk H. G. TAYLOJ{ vVaden 122 Elgin County Council Elgin ;CbUlllty - COrUncil leG BY,LAW No. 1148 BY -LAW No. 1150 To A1,lthorize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow the S~m of To Appoint a County Advisory Agricultural Council Two Jhtndred and' Fifty Thousarid Dollars The Elg~'11 ',Gounty Councile-nact's: The E;lgin County Council enacts: That' the Wa,r,den. and Tl'eas:urer he and .ar,e :hereby a'utho.rized to borrow the SUq1. of Two Hundred and Fif,ty Thousand Dollars from the Bank of Montreal, ,aiS .it Inay ,be require,d Ito meet t'he ,e:x:penditure of the COl'!poration of .the Gaunty 'of Elgil1'.dudng 1931, and giv.e as sec'uri:ty the.r.efornotes 'of one thousa:nd 0[' ten HlO,llsmld dollars each, 1. That _ the following he appointe.d members of County iAd~ vi~ory Agricultural Council: For Two Years 1(. W. McKAY Clerk H. G. TAYLOl{ \i\far~en J. A. King, Aldborough Ernest E. Luton, Southwold R. .E. McConnell, Mala'hide David Noble, South Dorchester W. F.. Smith, Yarmouth J. A McCallum, DUl1wich 2. That nlembers of said Advis.ory Council he paid the same a!l members of this COlll1cil for attendance at the trvvO meetings required to be held ,annually in Fehruaryand November, ,and :tha't they relceive their travelling and -other expenses. for aUendance a<t sipedal ,or emer~'- ency meeting caHed by the Chairman. Read .a third Itime ;and passed at CouMy Council Chambers, St.. Thoma's, 30th January, 1931. BY -LAW No. 1149 To Appoint High School Trustees County Council Cha.mbers, 30th January, 1931. The Elgin County Council enact's: 1(. W. McKAY Clerk H. G. TAYLOR vVarden 1~hat Edwa;r,d Scruton ,be appoiilted Trustee. for the Vienna High School for ,three years. That D. H. Connor 'be appointed Trustee of the Aylmer H,igh School for -three years. BY-LAW No. 1151 That R. K.. Panter be appointed Trustee of the Dl1'ttoll Hig.h School for three years. To Authorize the Warden to Sign Agreement K. W. McKAY Clerk H. G. TAYLOR' \Var.den vVher:cas the Southern Onta'doGas CotHpany ha's applied for a franchise to Jay pi,pes on County Roads llmnbere,d ,one and .five,and on the ,Gr.a'ham Road .and W,alker Br.idge;s over the -river T.hames, And,\'hereas it is 'des.Jr.a:ble to grailt said applic.a'tion, Read a third rti1l1e and T'homas, 30th January, 1931. passed at County GoUt-lcil Chambers, St. 124 Elgin County Council The Elgin -County Council cn.acts: Thata franchise he gratite,d to the Southern Ontari,(j Gas C-om:1'- any to lay pLpe.s on IGounty 1~:o:a-ds numbe:red one and five and on the Graham Road and Walker Bric1ges'Qv.er ~tlte ,river ThM11ieS"provided .an agreement is entered into by the said Company with ,the Watdel1, setting &OI1"t11 the terms of 'said franchise. Said agreement to be pre- pared -by the County Solicito.r and approved Ihy. the County Road Commii'tee. Read a third time ,and passed at County-Council Chambers, 30th January, 1931. ~ K W. MoKAY Clenk H.' G. TAYLOR Warden BY.LAW No. 1152 To Designate County Roads in Villages The Elgin 'County Council e.i1acts: Thait Ithefollo'wing 'f'oads be laud are herebydleJs:ignateod and a:,;~ su:med ,<,ts 'Cou.nty Road,s under :the provi;sions of .t.hel-lighway l.m- pr.ovemeill't Act: Village of. Rodney Furnival Street from 'Main Street to A~bert Streclt. Queen Street If,r0111 Flora Stree't to Flirniya:t Street. Village of West Loroe Main Street 'County Road Number 2, from Morden S~'reet ea,st- erly to Lot 99. Gra.\iam Street from Chestnut Street -to Frederkk Street. Elgin DOH-nity Council 125 Village of Dutton Main Street fr'O.111 COUlllty Road Number 1:0. at f,olbn. Street southc,rly' to 'Annie iStnet. . , Shackle-ton, Street from County j .Road NUlube'r '13' ;to ,Ma'in Street, Jothn Str,eet from County Road Number 8 'to M,ain ;Stree~. .' .. I' .. , Yill~ge of Port Stanley, County Road Numher 24, Or East :Street 'southerly to Joseph Street, then westerly on Josep:h Street ,to Southerly limit lor Lot I 'between cOJborne -Street. :and Jose;p-h' Stree't. L , F'fom :the Couli,tYlhri.dge appr,oach ,on Bridge Str,eet, we:ste,rly to 'George Street, thence wes,tel'ly: and southerly 10 t'he top of the, hifI known,a:s' lnvererie ,Heights, Lot" Numbe.r 1. I Village of Springfield On Ealst 'Street, on County Roaq.' Numbe.r 40; M'ichig.a;ri 'Cen.tral Right-,of-way to Mail'l Street. Main Street, fr'om East Str'eet westerly through the ViHage. CO/ll:iecting w'it<hCounty Road Number 52. . I llOl'.therly from the W,ellingtoll .street, IrOUl Main Street North on \VelIington Stre,ct,,: c~)Jlnecting with 'County H.-oad Number 49, Jhat By-,Law NO'. 1139 ,heretofore pas,~';ed in ;th~s behci1f\bc' and is hererby -repealed. Coun.ty' Council ChambeJrs, J,ap.uary"3D, 1931. 'iI' Ie W.. McKAY Clerk II. G., TAYLOR Warden BY.LAW No. 1153, To Revert Portions..of County Roads t~ .Local Municipalities The Elg,inCountyCouncil eilach: T.hat the foll<:)\ving p:ortioll'5 of County ,Roa'ds, owing to change,~ in ali:gnmel1t. and.,con'stTuctio'l1 of,alternativ:e1'bads, . have ceased "rto be of 'sufficient ",importante ,1:0 he 'constructed a;l;d..'maill'tained as' c,oun,ty, 1.26 , p:l.gin County Council toads, ,and t.hat they' ,be reverted to the og.:t1por,a:ltions of 1hcnuunki- ,paliti,e.s in iwhich the same ,are sihlate: (1) Road Number 10 Tl'ia;t. por!tion. ,of the 'f-oad 5 Norith 'Of 'A in the Township ,ticularly de;>crilbed a's follow.s: TOWl1Ship of OUliWich allowance between ,Conces'sions A and if Dunwich, which mayibe more par- ,. Commencing alt a point in the Northerly limit o,f 'said 1"oad all- lo\\;an,ce ',clis1a'ut Thr,ce Hundr,ed .and Thirty-eight f.eet (338' :0") mea':'5' 'ured - Easterly ther.eo'11 ,fr,om the Easterlylimj,t of the Townlinel>e~ It ween the To\vns'hip:s,'of DUI1Wich and Aldborough; t.hence Westeny along t.he Northerly 'Jim1t, of said ,ro<l!d allowance <three hundred ana thirty-eight feet (338', JY')t:o :the Ea,stcrly limit of ,the Tow-n Line thence Southerly .along the Easterly limit 'Of said ,T'Own Line; SiXity. six feelt (66" Jr') to the SO'u:thedy limit -of ,said r'oad betwe,en Con- cess'ioll's "A and 5 Nortih ,of A,' Township :of Dunrwich; thence Eastc'r!y a,Iong t'heSouthe,rly, .limit of said road 'allowance, Two Hundr,ed anC:. Eighty-nin~ feet (289' .0") Thence North Easterly, in a 'strai'ght line t,o :t:he pl<iJce, 'of heginning. (2) R.oad Number 2 Township, of Aldborough That poNion 'Of the Iroad allowanc,c hetvveen Cances'sians 8 an,d 9, Township .ofl Al(~horough, ,vhi~'hmay be more "pal1ticulat:1y cIes~ crihecl as .follows: rommencing at the- intersection. of the Sotlthdly limit. of the said road allowance and the Wesot limit of the Tow.nilne befw,een the Township's of IA~,dhor'ough and, Dunwich; thence Northerly along the Vlesterly li:m1t O'f said Tow-nEne Sixty-two 'feet and Five inches (62" ,.5") thence .south we&tcrly i.n a straight line to,a point hi the Southerly linn't of the "s,wid' ,road allo\-vance which is distant One Hundre-d and ,Eighty~seven Feet -and Three inches (187' .3,,,)'mea.stwed \^,TestetTy thereon from ItheWc'sterly'lhni<t o{ the said Town Line ;thenc,e Easte erly alo-n-g the SoutllC'rly limit of tbe said' roa'd,".a.Jlowan'ce, One Hp.,nd- ,red, ,and Eighty-seven fect an,d Three ,inches (1<8.7' .3") {'o the 'place- o,r ,beginning. red , In acordan-ce wi,th bl'ue ,pril1t here attac'hed deletions lines. v..;ithinUlc , \\ Elgin iCJoul1,ty Council 187 (3) Road Number 1 T ownshij;).. of Aldborough ThM :portion' of It he ,r,oad ibetwe~ Lots' 18 ,and 19 in .the 7th Concession of - the Tow,nshilp 'Of AldboroughWhich may he ,more ,:pm. 't.ic'ulaflly -descTitbed as ',ropows : Commencing .at a point i-l'l the easterly limilt of sa-id Lot 18, Concessi0'n 7, id;iMalh,~our chains and, Fourteen Jinks (4.14)measur"ed n-or-therly the,r-eon from -the ISrOutheast angle of said Lolt 18; then,ce s,outhe,rly along the sa,id easterly li:rpit Four chainsl,and Fourteen links (4.14) t,o the ;said s'out:h,easterlyangl'e; then-c,ecastedy along the I sPUitherly limit 'Of said 05nc:e,ssion 7, Eighty~'five ,links (0,85); ,t'henc<:: n,orth westerly ina straight ,Hne -to' ,the place of beginning. (4) Road Number 1 Township oJ Aldborough 'Dhat P:Ol~tj.Oll -of-the road be.tw.een .Lots ;18 <and ':19 :in the 8th Concessi-on of the Towns'hip of Aldborough, which may be ,lnore pa~r. ticularly dc'scribed as foHo-ws: Comnlc::,:::;il;[:' at a point in the 1l'0lit,q easterly ,angle 'of ,said Lor 18, Conccssiori 8; thel1c;;southerly along {.he easterly Ii'mit of said Lot 8,' one chain and 'eighitc.fi.ve lili.ks (1:85) rbhente,soU'th ,easberly in a s'tr;,i,ght line toa point in 'the weSit,erlJ,' limit;o.flJot 19, COllec;slslOl1 S. dis,tant fiyec'hains alid fifty 1il1ks, (5.5.0) measur-ed1southe:r1y thereon from the norith VI'est angle of said lot 19,' thencenort-hedy' along the ,,~:esterly limi!t of sa.id Lot 19,fiv'c C'hains alldfifty links (5.50) :tattle 5c!icl -no'r.th weM 'angle; thence- westerly one chain (1) to .the ,place Olf', beginning. (5) Road Number' 4lJ That portion of the ,road Concession of the Towns'hip 'Of t:cularly descr,ihed as f.ollows: Township of Malahide between 1.;ot$ 20 and 21 111 ,the 9th Malahide, which 'l,nay be more, :pal ~ 'C0'mmencing at the south ,east angle of s-aid 9; thencenorthel;IyaJong 't-heeastterly' li1l1i-~of said Lot 20, Lot 20, COllc'es,sinn five' chaiils ,'\ ,1 128 Elgin' Coul1Ity COrtHlC,j[ (5.'DO); thence',n'O'rth.easlterlyin a -straight line ,to' apoint)n the west- l;:rlyHmit 'of said Lot' 21,Conce-ssion 9, ,distant ten chain's (lO.OO)mea.s'- U'red fiOl~thedy ther,eOl1' from the 'south westerly' :angle of said LoT 21; thence '~outherly along the westerly ,limit of Isaid Lot .21, ten chains (W.OO) Ito the said ,south west angle ; thence westerly one chain (l.Ob) to ,'the place of ,beginning. pOl;tionof the road' allowance Ibetween north of the wester,lytwo chains (2.00) .ConceSSlotlP of Lot 2l Al'So ,that 8 anq 9, lyin:g Con;cesision 8. Tha,t H:y-Law 1144 'be' "and is hereby repeaIed. ! Read a third Itime and pas'sed at'. County Council Chambers, St. Thomas:, 30'th J an-uary 1931. K. W. McKAY Clerk H: G. TAYLOR Warden , BY-LAW No. 1154 To'.Amend'By~Law.No. 1109 The Elgin GonntyConn'CiI enacts: That By-Law No. n09 be ,amended to' rea'das ,foHows: of Dunwichand southerly ItO' Road 'of AldJbl"{rough,be That the Townline, be.tween the Townships Aldborough Jrom the 'middle of the River' Thames, Numbc'r 2, hetween Concessions IS ,and 9, Township <llnd is !hetO-ebydesignated as a ,Copnty Road, GountYiCouncil Chainbers, 30th January, 1931. K W. .McKAY Clel1k H. G. TAYLOR Wardert Elgi,n 'OoUll,ty .Coti'.ncil 129 BY.LA,W No..J!55 To ,Confirm By-Law, No. 1092 of ,the Township of Dunwich Whereas ,the Gouncil- ,of the"Corrpor.aJtion of"the Township Of Dun-wich ~has, Ibya ce.rtain By-Law numbered 1092 of It he slaid Tawil" IS hip, -stopiped .up and sold a certain Highway in Ithe Tow:11's'hip of n.un~ - wic.h 'having fi.r,st cpmplied. with all .the r'equirements and 'conditions ir, the premiseso Andwhel'eas .it i-5 -admitted <proper and oompetenlt that -the ,said By-Law beconfirnied. 'by the Council of the-Corporation of the Coumy of Elgin: The Council of ,the Corporation -at' the' County of Elgin the,reM fore enaclts' as IfoHows: 1, 'Ihg,;Lthe'said By-Law ofrthe s:tid Corporation of. the towu,. shi~ of Dunwich numJbe-re-d 1092 is 'hereby confi.tmedand- approved. County Council Chambers, St, Tho1l1"i~', ;-j()th Jan~ary, 1931. K. W.McKA Y Clerk H. G. i'AYLOR Wan':lell BY-LAW No. 1156 To Dcs~gnutc ~ Through Highway The Elgill .county Council enact's: Tha[: CO~l-n'ty J~oad Nluiloer39 at the in'ter-secti-on 'of H_,oad Num- ber' 42 'ar Lot 'Eleven (Co,penhagell),.Town.ship or 'Malaihide';be de'sig- Ba,ted as a through high.\\'ay, in accordanccwith pr,ovis',i,ons of !the Highway Traffic Aet. ' , That this By-Law shall cOli1c into fo'rte and hl.,k'e ~ffect' VI--h~n approved by -the Department arid when l'oad is mar,ked to ,eoi1ipIy with- -the regulations of the Department. I~cad; a third tiinc and passed At County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 12th of June, 1931 K. W. McKAY Clerk H. G. TAYLOR V/ardcn 130 Elgin' County Council BY-LAW No. 1157 To Appoint a County Road Committee The Elgin County tDuncil en<!;cts as required 'by the Highway J mptovemen:t Ad: That the following five members of this Council constitute tt Gommibtc.efor the jpurpose of directing the\vork to be done an the County Road Sy.stem: W. A. Butler for term of Five Years Erank Couus for ,term -of Four Years M. A. McAlpine f.or ,term of Three l' can, Neil A. .McColl {Ol', Ite1'1n of Two Years. S. S, M,cDerma'l1d If.or term of One Year. Read a third itime .and pas-sed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas., 12th of June J931. 1<. W.. MoKAY Cle.r,k H. G. TAYLOR Warden BY-LAW No. 11511 A By~Law to Authorize an Agreement Between 'the Corporation of the County of Elgin and Southern Ontario Gas Coinpany Limited Wherea's the Co.r.pora6on of the County of Elgin has joint jurl- ,dioti~on with the Corporatibn of t'he County of Middlesex over the bridg,es, approaches 'Mid highways thereon aoros,s .tihe Thames River connnanly called and ,known a,s the Graham Road Bridge and '\Valk'er's Bridge. Andwhenas-Southern Oontario Gas Company Limited here~ ina&ter rdened toO ,as the Company, has ,applied to. the said' Gorpbra- tian for the franchi-'se, 'right or pdvilegeafusin-g and ,occupying the s.aid bridges for_ the ;purpos-es land 'suhjedto the terms .and conditions set forth in the agreement' hereinaftet mentioned. Elgin Oonn,ty Cool1cil 131 And' whercClis ,the CQuneil af the Corpor.ation of the County qf E.lgin deems H ,advisable to' gmnt said request and tto. eut'er' into. said , agreement. Be it .therefore. ,enacted and it is hereby enacted ,by:the Counell of :the Corpora.ti-oll -of ,the County of Elgin in pur,suance of theprem- is'es- and of the powel'S in said COUli,cil veslted and' sa far only as such powers exten~ and not otherwise: 1. That the Warden R-n-d Clerk are hereby authoQrized and in- structed on hehalf -of the Cor-por,ation to en'ter into, execute, seal w1;t,h the Cor;PQl1'ate !Seal ,and .deliyer .tlhe Ag.reemeJ1t's:ert .for;th in Sched- ule 'A" hereto :between Ithe Company and ,the Corpo-r:ation of thf\ County 'Of EIgin, which Agreement is heTCby ..inoorporated 'in and f-onms ,part of this By-Law. Passed the twelfth ,day of June 1931. Oeil'ik H. ,G. TAYWR Warue-n This is Schedule ",..\" Referred to in BYM'La~ No. 1158 of the County of Elgin, an~ Incorporated Therein and ThereWith , THIS AGREEMENT made in triplicate this 12th day of June, 1931. THE CORPORATION OF'THE COUNTY OF ELGIN, here- inafter called the 'Corporation _of the Fi.r,st Part; and SOUTHERN ONTARIO GAS COMPANY, LIMITED, here- inafter :called the Company of it'he Second Pa,rt. \rVHEREASthe, bridges over the River Thames commonly caUed :ll'ld \.::now11 as the Graham R-oa-d Bridge and WaJ,ker's Bridge and the highv.lays :,thcreon are- under ,the joint juris-diction of the CoqJoratio\1!s of the County orf Elgin and the County of Middlesex. AND \VHEREASthe Company pur,poses to construct, maintan' and operate a gastransniissioll line, work or system to 'transport gall from ari;:<}s Horth of ;the said River 'southerly acr,O.ss the s~id bridge:s to a jUllctiol1; with the Company's transmission lines carrying gas eaSt- 132 Elgin',' COtHHi COli.'i1c:il erly.tothe. City ,'of Ha:miltol1.attd dsewhere and, for the :purp'ose ot al'i.d 'as ,part...of ,'swid 'proposed ',line, wotk;or :,systeimha.s ap'plied-to !th'e Corporat.ion fo-r _the right to us;e and -occupy the sa,jd hridge-s;' and hjg,hway ther~on. AND .WHER>.EASby ;By-:Laws duly ,passed by the Municipal Council-"ofthesai-d ,Corporation the,,-Clerk and War,den of each. 01 the sa.id Cor.pora..tions ,have been 'authodz:.ed ; and directe4 ii'(:) execute, ,seal,an,d de1iverths Agreemcri.t '()l1behaH 01 the Corporation. 1. NOW .THEREFORE THIS AG.REEMENT WITNESSETH Ithat 'Ithe :saidCor:p0rationcloth to the <extent of its;powers DIlly he,reny .gl'q.-ut to ItheColll:pany, its Successors and Assigns, the right to -U1>~ and' occupy the saidbddges, ,the apP'l"Oadle,s, thereto and !5'0 '111u\=h af the highways thereon as is .under :it'S jurisdidiorl. ,and upOn ,e.a,ch of s-aid hr~dges and3lpiP'wac'he,s t~ construct, maintain and operate d main pipe line of .such weight _and diailleter as ,may be ,approved by ,ql,~ "Ro,ad Superinlt-endent'" 'OJ: ,theCor.poration fDr the transmis,sion o:f ,15-<1'S' and toO'transmit ,gas therein upon th.e terifns at1.cl' c.ohdi:ti6ns following: 2. The Company shall for the p,ufpose,s aforesaid us,eand, em- .ploy ,p,ipe and ,equipm:elllt of the best desiglland .ma:tc..ria,ls and sharI at all time,S 'ke'cp'and maintain the same in praperand sufficient 1'cpair. 3. Before ,cons,tnloting the pipeline:'> herehy authorized- ,tIle Company, sha,]1 file wit.h the Clerkoi sai.d Corporation :aplan ,dra",vl1 to sc-a.le and a.p.proved Iby i-ts Engineer .showing the;pr:oposed location of said ,pipe line:s on said hridges an-clapp-roaches and in laying awT ,consrtruoti,ng ,said pipe 1i.n~s shall 'act under/_the dir'ecHon and tot-he 'satisfa.ction of such;"per,k'bhi or' persons' as shall be' 'ap:pointe.d by said' COl:p-oration tQ supedntend,such work, the reasonable remuneraHOll of such 'person or 'pers-ons, so appointed ,to be _paid by the Compal1Y on ,receipt of a'n a,cc-ounttherefore duly centi,fied by the Clenk 'of sara COlipbra.tion. 4. The Company shallcons1truct, maintain and operate said pipe line in such ,manncr as, !lot to iritedere with :or preven't or make mo-re ,difficult o~ dangerou:; ,the" use for all lawful .p.nrposecs o,f' the said 'hridges,.and:appr'oa'c'hes, 'ai1'd higln\iays the-reoll. the 5. Thc.colllpallY 'sha,II 'from period for which the rights Itimescluring ,granlted_are time and to time .and at all privileges_ herehy Elgin 'Coun,ty Council 133 continued 'save harmless and kecpindemni'fied the said Corpora- tiO'1l _from and against ,all a.ctions or suits, loss, costs (as bctween solicitor and dien\t) charges, damages'and 'expen,ses w,h:ich lIU~y be brought against-or. .occasioned to the said 'Cor,porwtion ,or' any person lawfuHy 'using said .bridges \vhether or not iby rea's'on of any :neglect, default or' misconduct 'of the Company,_ i,ts 'servants or agents or other- "vise ,in construoting,maintaining nr 9pemting t~e s,aid ,pipe line. 6. Should the Corporation at any time during the life of rthlS f\greement determine to repair, alter or'replace said hridges or either of .them the Company, upon the vl'lritten ~equeslt of the Corporation, its 'road .superintendent '0,1' engineer will, at ,its own .ex,p,cnse,notwith- st.anding the provisions ,o-f R. S: O. ,1927, Chapter 56, :remove and r~- loca'te its said pip~ lines s-o as Itopermit ,of such repair, alterati,on or rtplacement. If after 'reasona!ble notice in" wri'ting If'rom the Road Superintendent or Engineer of the 'Cor,poration so to.do the Company 'shall {:ail -to ,remove or reliocate its said pipe or ,to el'a:, a:nYl()'ther wod{ required of it ,urider said By-Law or.this agreement and ;specifie-d In such notice the' Corpora.tion may do the work specified in the noUce ,i'nd the cost thereof shall be fOl1thwith payable by ,the Compan,y to the Corporation -and ifaf!ter written 110t'ice requiring the Company .to remove or re!c<~a'te its pipe 'or to do any other work requircd of it under said By-:Law ,or' ;this ,agreement and -,specified in such wri.tten notice by'the Corporation to ,the Company, which ndt.ice .shall he given by sending the ,same' ,by registered mail addrcss'e-dto the'Company, 518Ja'ckson Building, 220 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, New Y.orlc,t:he Company fails lor 'a- reasonable period alld not exceoding thi.rtyday~ in any event after the ,rllailillg of 'such ;registered notice, to remOVe or relocate the pipesp,ecified in tbc noticecrto t~o the war-Ie requiT,ed ot it unde!" 'said By-Law or this agreement and 's,pecified in the potice, then alid ill that event the Corpor,ation may, by .resolult'i,oncancel the franchise hereby ,granted. 7. The Company llloty at an)' time and 'UpOn the ,terl11Jnatio-n of this Agr,eemcnt'shall re.moycits property 'from ,tbe s:aid bridges 'o.t l':i1:he-r oJ Ithemin 'whch instance it s'hal! restore 'said bridges :to as good condition as the 'same \vere in before such removal wi,thol1t 'c'OSt tc the Corporation. 8. lOr the TIle Franchise, right or jJ\"ivilcge hereby granted term of 'tell (10) years from and after ,the pa,ssing of shall IJC said By- 134 ~lgi~l COUl1ty Council l-aw, p,rovide.d that if 'at lea:st 'six -months prior to the expiration of the said term of 'ten years, the Company shall notify 'the CorporatIon in wriJ'ing that it desires a renewal thereof for a further Ipe'dad of. tt'll yc'ars, the same may at ,the option of the Corpora1tionbe renewed accor.dingly. 9. The said By-Law and 1his Agreement is 'suhjeot to all stat- utes, ,ordCl:s Of rules :made or to be made -by lawfully constituted auth- ol,j.ty hav,ing jurisdiction in the1premis.e's. l~O. The rfranchis'c, r~ghts and ,privileges hC'l'eby granted and liabiHtic'sand ,obliga.t'ions hereby. imposed shall extend -,to benefit" and bind the Company,_ its ,S'lloces'sO'r>S and assigns. I Iii !II. f.; I 11. Thi.s agreement g-hall ,come into .force f;r.om and a;fter ele fmal pass,ing of said By-:Law !and -execution and delivery Df ,thi,s -Agrel;':- ment. 12. The Franchise, ri.ghts and privileges- hereby .granted a-re n'O'~ to be -deemed or,lcoll's-trued a's exclusive in .favor ,of the COl~pariY. Iii 'I' I 1:1 Iii 11;\ 'I: IN W,ITNESS WHEREOF the Company has her'cunto; affixed ilts oorporate seal under the hands of its ,proper ,officers in that behalf and .the Corporation ha1s hereto affixed its cOflporate seat under the ha,nds of i'ts War.den and Clerk. Signe,d, Sealed and Delivered in -the presence of War-den Clerk Southenl On-tario Gas Compauy, Limited Vice-P,resident Secretary ElginCoun.ty Council 135 BY.LAW No. 1159 Granting Certain Privileges to Southern Ontario Gas Company, Limited WHEREAS, .southern Ontado Gas Company, Limited, ,herdn- .after called the ".Company" is a company duly iIi'oorporatedunder The Ontario Companies Act and other Aots 'relating thereto,fo1" -the 1JUr,pos,e ,amongst other things 'of -construclting, maintaining ,and -Oper- ating wor:ks for ,the .production,. sale and dis,tributionof .gas ,for the -purpose -olf ,light, !heat .and power, __ with all -the rights ,.and privileges in ,them vested ,a'n-d suibject ,to ,all liabiliHes, ,conditions and .regulations upon them itnpos,ed by the Chapter of Incorporation or legislati:ve authority ,in that behalf. AND WHEREAS ,itapepars that the highway iher-eina,fter men- tioned is ves,ted in the Corporation of the 'County of Elgj,n as a County road Or :highway and ,the COrmpany have applied to the s,aid CorporatIOn for the right -to C011Jstruct and malintain a system of pipes for convey- i:'g anddis't-ributiilg gas .over, along ,or upon such road 0'1' 'highway a<; hereinafter provided, subject 'to the ,terms, .conditions, agreementsa.rid rcguJatlions set out in Schedule "A" hereto annex-ed and, incorporatea herewith and made ,part of this by-law. NOW THEREF,oRE THE COUNCIL ,,oF THE C,oRPORA- TION OF- THE OOUNTY OF ELGIN,duly constituted ,amd as'sembled in pursuance of the premis,<::s and of the powers in them vesited and so far as suc;h powers 'extend only and ,not otherwise herebye11'act a~ follO\\'s: 1. That this -Council hereby grant, ,confer and 'assure unto Southern Ontario Gas Company, Liillited; its su-cces'sors and as'signs, full right, power, author-ity, ipermi,ssion and conse11Jt to' pass on and along said highway for the purpose ,of continuing a gas's transmi'ssion line, ,vorl: or systelll, 'intended to be operated in and Ifof the beneht of 'another municLp'aHty and mot ,used or operated in this municipality for any other purpose '~x,cept that' of supplying .gas to Ipersons whose land abut-son the highway along '0.1' acros's, whiC'h Jhe same is carried or conveyed, or to -persons whose land lies within .such limits as the 136 Elgin ,Coonty Counc.il.. Elgin . County Council 137 Goune,it :by by-law passed from uime to 6mc determines should be Sl1V- plied with gas ,and for the ;pur:poses .af.oresaid to use and ,occupy .the highway know'll a's Graham' Road from Simpsons Bridge to the Com- ,pa'ny'.s main transmi'ssionline running along the road between Gon- ,cessions seven and 'elight in"'the Township of Aldborou.gh, a:ncl <to lay, construct, maintain and .operate thereon a main pipe-'line with all con- :nectiol1s and a:tta1chmcnts necessary or incidental thereto for con.. veying amI distributing ;gas. Subject alw,ays to .the terms, conditions, ,regulations and ,sHpulations set out and contained in Schedule "A" hereto' ,annexed. in the saidhy"law, along or a,eross highvl"ay within the jur,isdietion 01' the County of Elgin {rom time to time, the Company shalt, wherevel' practicable'us,efor that purpose -the part' of'the highwaysadJae,ent"to the fence !inesor auter .boundary thereof, and the Company shall bUTY thes<\1me and restore the highway to first dass conditions'a1isfactory to 'the Superintendenl\: ,of Roads of the ,said County ,or other persml appointed by'the Council of ,said County -and the said pipes 'shaH be s'o buried and the highways ,so restored unless where the.said jsuperin~ tendent or other ',per-son afof'esaid in wdting direds 'othenvis-e. 4. The '\vord "Highway" in this By-Law shall indude as;tr'eet and a bridge w~thi'n and under the jurisdiction of the Council of, th..: Oorpora'tion for.mi11lg, pa'rtof rthe highwaY's, u.pon,on,' over or a'cross "vhidh the Mghway pa-ss'es. 2. In Itheconstruction, mainltenance and repak' of ,the sakI system, the --Company shall use ,due care and diligence so that traffic shall not be impeded orintc.ricred with any more than 'is tlCiCessat'y for the construction or repa.ir -of the said ,SYSrtem, a'nd so ,that afjte,r the 'said 'pipe Jines havelbeen laid ,and completed, there shall rbe nQ obstruction to or interference with all lawful1raffic and us'e-r ,on, over, upon and along ,the highways or to ,the ,ditches or drains,thereon, now' 01' h.(::reaJter ,cons,tructed, improved and maintained. And where auy 'i:1rCtills or _ ditches are considered or made necessary 'by reason of any WD-r1~ doneoy or omitted to !be d"D-nc by. the Company, the same shaH be ~ol1si'ructed, repaired and main1ai11cd in good oi'der ,by <the sa1'(.[ CompaJ;1X 'to_ the ~aitisfactj.ol1 -ofsa"id Superintendent Or -other person authorized in that behalf by the Council during the continuance of this franchise. 2\ 11hat the Warden and Clerk alee hereby authorized amI dit'- bcted to execute .this By-Law a-ncl a-grecmcnt to rbc p,rcparedi'n .pur- sua,nce hereof, and to Mta,ch the Seal -of the Gor;poration 1her'eto. 3. Tihis By"Law is ,subject to:allSttatute,s, 'Orders and r-u1les'made or to I)e nJ:ade by ,lawfully ,c-ons,tituted outhori-tyhaving j'u6s.diotion In thepr,emises. Clerk '11. G. TAYLOR \-Varden 3. The said - Com,pany shall be liable for any' loss -or' dnjuty that any ,persOonor pers.onsmay sustain by reas,onorf the eXCl1C'is,eby the Cblll.pany of any pmvers or rights under said by-law whethel' arising thrOugh any carelc'ssnes,s, neglect, defa'uH or 1l1is,condti,ctof its agents, 'servan ts or em,ployees in 'the manageni,ent" ,construction, 111aI1'l:- tenance, repair, laying or use of its pipe lines 'Q.r Mherwis,e, and-, tne ,f,aid COn1,pany shall indemnify, ,save and keep the ,said Co:r,por.atioi1l of the County of Elgillh>ann1es-s, from a'nd against ,any damage, claim or demand th:1t may be claimed ,by' property holders or Ibyany pers'oil or persons on account of the laying of its pipe .lines incidental thereto or -the use thereof, and shall save, indemnify ,and keep, 'harmless tIle <:aid-Corporation ,against all loss, costs, damages and exp'cnscs tne Corporation may ,pay, incur o.r' be put unto by reason of any daims, damage -or injury resulting from oroc,casioncd by, or in consequence of the constrllctioll, laying, maintenance, rep_air, condition or opera,tion of said pi1)e li-nes or other works lncident:al -theretb. . Passed in Council the hvelfth day ,of June 1931. SCHEDULE CIA" '\nne"ed To and Incorporated With and Forming Part of By-Law Number 1159 of the COl'piration of the County of Elgin, Referred to in the Said By-Law Terms and Conditions 1. In 1<.lJ'ing Qr cOl1s.tr-uctingthe pipe line system, referred tv 138 Elgin COUlltyCOUI1Cil 4. The ,rights conferredupoll the said Company iby the s.aid By-Law land the Agreement to be executed in pursua.nce ,ther-eo,f' shall be subje.et to th,e rights.of the free 'use of the :said highways .byall per-sons' entitled thereto, and subject to ,the rights 'of the 'owners of pr-apert-ic's adjoining Ithe said 'high,;vays of full .ae,cess to iand from suc;-I1 highways, and of ,constructing crossings and approaches from thc"}r properties thereto, and shall ,be subject also Ito 'the 'rights and p-r,ivi'leges which the 'said Corpol'ationmay grant to any ~other c-om:panies Dr persons .:to _ lay :pipes, erect-Ipoles, string lany kirid of '\vi,l'cS for any purp,ose, or construct railways on sa.jd highways, all' of which Tights are expressly ,reserve,d; and .theCompany shaH low,er'Or ni.ove their pip,es or eredions whencver and 'wherever thc Cou.nty,m,ay hereafter deem it necessary for ,any .such'purpose. I 1\ I, 5. All work done iJ)y '01' on he'half 'of the Company i'n.. pursu- a11roe of the ,said By-Laws.hall:be su'bject to the app.roval, sanation and directiOin 'Of the said Superintcl1clentO'fR'oads Ifortime heing of the said Corp'0'l'iatio.n 'Or other pers'on a,p;pointe-d by ,the Coun-cil of s,~id County, who shaH have .full powe'r and authority to i.givc 'Such dir,ecti.ons an.d or,de-r,s to ,the, Company"as Ita Ioeation upon the highways of the said pipe-lines and ,the manner of laying the -same, or where ,such liue.s shal!! -be Iburied or ,otherwis'c -hbwsoever, as in his judgment shall be cO'11side.red ,best in the interests of the said 'Corporation, and the said Compahy ,sha},! be obliged to f.ollow such ,dir.ection:sor others as may :be ,given, ,as aforesaid, and the remuneration and exp,ense'S ofAhe slaid Superinten.dentor other per'son s'o appointed during the time !he :maybe so ,employed at the ,rate of $10.00 per dRY, shall be defrayed by the said'Con~pany and pavable_ on, dema'nd,' and before . . commencing such work .a ,pl,an or sketch showing ithe highways in- tended to he tm vers,ed and the proposed cour,se 'of 'any pipe line shall he depos-ited ,Iby the ,Company with the Clel"k of ,the sa'id County and apP'1'Oved of hy the G0l1ncl.1 thereof and Ithe dire<etions a's to the iocation of thi:.~ pipe line !by the Superintendent or an)' ,such other penon ,sihall he in writing. 6. Within thi.rty ,days .aher ,the passing of said By-La\-\ia forniat a~reC'mcn.t indupli-calte shallibe ,prepared in ptlr,suance hereof between the said Company and the said County Corp-oration, and shall be' ex,. ccu'tedin due form by both parties ther~to,whereby -the said Com. pany .shall bi,nd it:sdf, its success'ors andassi.gns, duly to carry out, Elgin ,Oounty Counc'i1 13~) observe iand ,perform ithe ,conditions herein contained, and the saia Corporation 'shall agree ,011 .its ,part Ito observe and perfrm the pro~ visions of .said By-Law ,and the sa.id conditions s'of-a'!' las t.h-ey .retat; to ,t.hem, and one of 'such ,dupHcate agreements dulyexecu:ted as a'forc- said -shall !be 'dClposited with the Clerk of the County, and theothe'1 s-hall he .given to t.he 's'aid Company, and from that time this By-Law and tthe said Agr-eement ;harll be Ihin<cling upon the 'saidCompany amt the said Corporation. ' 7. The Com,pany ,shall use all 'prac-tical,andpr,oper, means M an til1les ,to 'prevent the eSoc'ape and leakage of ga's kom its mains .and pipes ,a'ndthe ,eau:sdng of ,any damage o.r injury :thereby ,to any person -or .pr'ope,rty and -the Gompa-ny.shall make .good to the Corporatron and ,alii ;persions aff,eoted; all damagE;.. which they may he caUSoe by the wor,ks -or operation of the Company or by rea,sonof any leaikag,e fl\"'Ol1) the pi,pes. 8. The 6o_~11pal1Y is hereby ,authorized to cha,r,ge ,and colIeee fol' gas meters, ,regulatops and connections supplied to its custonlen; under .said -by-Ja'\\' and the ,agreement shall be ,the same ra,tcs ,and no <Other tbat.~)hall from time to time be charged and, collected by this CO;1llpany.ill other parts of tlteCo14l1ty of Elgin .and ,the Comp- any shall, ,s,o long as it shall be piping ,gas for ,enml11ieN)ialpur'Pose'.~ along or across 'said highways, fur,nish and supp,ly ,to all p-c,r,sons con.,. templated 'Or ,embraced w.i;thin the terms ofsaidhy-law o;r .agr,ee.. me1'1t, gas, meters, ,regulators and necessary connections at the rate3 in this 'paragraph referred to. 9; \Vhere "By-Law is referred to herei'n 01' in -th't. Agreement to be entered into pursuant thereof, it ~ shall include mid embrace these 'terms and. conditions" 10. T:hc Company sball ,pay to the Cor,pofatioll aU costs and charges incidental to .the ;preparation, ,revision by coun.sel a.nd execu- tioa Of s'aidBy:':C,aw anc1 'of ,the Agr'ecment herein :mentioned ,and fm' al!~'pecial1Hcetings of tbe Council ,caHed in respeCit thereof and of aU 1 ea~,onable ,costs of ins,pe-oUon 'Or supervision oJ the work of IaYl1lg Ol'~'1'e-la}'ing s-:>.ic1 pipe lincs -by tlhe said Superintendent 'Or '0ther .per- smi aforesaid. ~140 Elgin Connty Council 11. The f,ranchis'e herehy ;gtt"ant'ed 'sha,n Ibe .for the' Ite-tom ,of ten years from"and after the final passio:g of Ithe hy-law. Provicled.t'hat if' at ,any time 'Prior to the .expimtion ,of 'said te-rill 'of ten years .or anYirenewal t}lereof, .the 'COmpany shall :notify the Gorpora.tion in writing that Ft ,des'ires:a rel1ewalltheTeof for a further perio:ct of t,en years; the Conncil may in its' dis,cretion renew the s'atlJ.leifrom time to time f.or further peri-o'd liot,'e);:ceeding .tel1 years at' al'lY 'One -time and not ,exceecHng' a maximum, ~o,ft'hirty years in' all. 12~ Upon the t,e,nminatioll of the contract -entered into with the Compa-nyplws'uafit t()-'the~' By-Law 'or ,up'O'n ,the termination .of any rene'welrthe-redffor ,any- cause-whatever, the 'C3,'mpany 'Sh~dl r,cmovi.: i'ts lilaim., -pipes ,plantand'work,s from the said streets amI highway~ and restore such stre,ets 'and highways ,to the condition in which liht': same wer,e previous to ,such removal to the satida,ction -of the Council -ot::its Ap,pointee.', 13. The said By-Law and the agreement erite-red into pu,rsuant the-fie-to is isubject to allsta'tutes, orders ,or rules ,O'r r,egulations ma-d~ or to-be made by lawf-uHy ,constitutedauthori-ty having jurisdiction m the -premises. 14. 1ihe obligations of the Company un-de-r 's'aid 'By-Law and Ag,reement 'shall ,extend rtO' arid be binding on its successors and assi.gns; 15. In case;either the ,Corporation or the Company .deems it necessary or advisable -to obtain ratification ,of the said by-fctw'-and of the 'saidagrecmcntby the legislat,ure of theProV'inceof Ontaf10, the other -party wiH concur and 'assist in obtaining such ratificatiol1 at the cost ,al1dcXlpe-ns,eof thcp-a'fty.desiring such rartification: Dated this day of 1931. Clerk Warde\l I \ i 1 ~ i Elgin rOounty ,Council BY ,LAW No. 1160 141 To Raise Amounts for, County Rates During the Year 19.31 Wlherea.s an eS'timat'e has been made ISihowing Ithat :the Isum of Two Hundtled,:and. For.ty;..,'eight 'f,housa-nd and Two Dollars is required to he ,mis'ed "in the .s-eVieml 'MunidpaHties for the lawful purpose of the County during- ,the 'yea't" '1931 .. And Whereas ,by the hs's_e':s!sm~nt Ad, this Council is requir:ed., to dir,e-ct wha,tpor-tion 'of .the .sum Ito 'be levied Jar Cou:p,ty purp-os,es sha,ll 'he levied 'in 'e-achMunicipality in the County. ha,sis And w:.hepeas (the rates .are required to be of the --a,s,~~s'sment ,of property -a's equaliz'e-d. And W,hereas the. a's.s'essme11lt 'Of ip'r:opeflty ascert'ained ;and equaliZie'dis _as If-allows: Munic~pa:lity ,-fl'Ppqf,ti,q,n,ed on the of ,'the County M T otal Eq~al.~ed . Value Aldhor,oJ.l;gh DU'll'wich ,South wold Yar-lllouth " M,wla:hide Bayha1lU Soutrh Dorclwster AyLmer Uutton ,PQlt,1t 'Stanley Spri'ngfield Vienna Rodney West Lorne 3,887,759 4,340,052 .5,157,514 5;319;162 3.751,283 2,477,531 2,406,2!J1 1,259,216 495,509 826,353 246,578 121,088 362,931 349,197 $ 31,000,374 142 Elgin ,county Coullcil Therefof,e the Council of: ,the Municipal Corpora'tion .of the COUl1Jty {)If Elgin enacts: 1. That a rate of g mills 'On the Dollar the Jevied .on all rate- able property j.n the s.e'y~r,al Municipaliti'Bs in the County -of Elgin. as ,a:bave set fot1th; for the year 1931, .to 'rais.e the following amounts': 2. That the 'sum of Tw.o , Hundred and Fot1ty-dgrht, Thbusauu and Two DoJhirs he Iraised and: levied in the seve,ral Munidpa~ities"or the County, according bo the following Schedule, a-uel that ,the amount's, a's ,en'bered therein !be ,paid 'tD the County Treasurer, .as .by law re.. quired: Schedule Municipality 'Ald,bo"ough .. ............. .. ............. .... ...... .... ...,..$ Dunwkh Southwold Y1armouth Malahide B.ayham South Dorchester A)'llmer Dutton Port Stanley Springfield Vienna Rodney West Loroe Total 31..100 34,720 41,260 42,553 50,010 19,820 19,250 10,074 3,964 6,611 1,973 968 2,903 2794 $ 248,002 County Council Chamlbers,St, Thomas, June 12th,193t. K.. W. MoKAY Clel1k H. G. TAYLOR Warden I " I 1 ~ I , , Elgi.n Caun,ty Council 143 BY -LAW No. 1161 To Designate County Roads The Elgin Cau.nty Council enacts: That ,the following roads be and' are hereby designated and as~ sumed' as County Roa,ds under;provisions of the Highway. Imprbve~ ment Act: 1. Road Number 39, Tow,ns:hip .of M-alahide, hetween Lots 10 and II, to Ibe extended from the most northerly. limits .of the Corpora. otion 'of Ithe Tow,n .of Aylmer on J.o.hn Street South to For,est Slh',e'et ill . s-aid .t.own~ 2. The County li.ne .between the Counties of Kent and-ElgIn If.rom .County Road Number 6 between Concessions 2 and 3 in tht: T,owns1htp ,of Ai<iborough, north to Ithe centre of the River Thames at the Bothwell Bridge. Read a third Itime :and passed at County Council Chambers, 51. Thoma's 26th. Novemher, 1931. K. W. McKAY Clonk H. G. TAYLOR Warden t INDEX. BY'l,AWS..,-. No" 1145 To N6;1146 To App()int, 'an Old Ag~ ,l;>en'sions:;'.comlUi~,siolL..._17, .120 -Con'~rm, the, .Equalization-of..thc",Assessmcnt'. Rolls of" the" County of EIgi.n.:;:..;.'m..'.."...:.......'.'....17." 120 No. 1147 To 'App,oint a, Board of AudiLin:'theCoul1ty"of:' Elgin . for, ' theYear193L..,.;....'..m.~_'_~...........;;;..;._18;; 121 'Nci; 1148 To Authorize" the Warden 'and Treasurer toBor~;; row Two HU114redand . Fifty:rhollSa'nd\ Doll a 1'5 ~ _.-.n ';"_," ..,;......,_,._. ".._'hh.'.....,_..~,.', ,;"",_",...',". ....19 ; 122 T o_'Apppint High.: School; Trustees.-..;..';....:.::.-,.:;.....19", 122 To 'App'oint a County" Adv. Agr..counciI,;~_;.._;_....20i' 123 To Authorize' \Narqen to Sign,AgteemenL..,.;;~,~.;21t:'123 . To Designat~, County.<Roa:ds:.in' Villages.;.i:,'.....~.~;22, ,124' To Revert Portions of County, Roads.,-"otQ '>LocaI M l1nidpalities" '.~'.1...._;,....,..,.......................~.....:.,.,..~;;..22; 125 TClAmend, )3y~LawNo~ .l-l09..........,.~.,......~........,.,..:.:23" '128 To: Co~firmBy-L.awNo.,,1092. Tp. of Dunwich.~;.23,. 12D To De.::;ignate a Through, H.ighway,-,;~~;..,....~,...~..;;..381 129 To ,Apppint a,CountY',Road:C0ri1mittee:..~;~,:,.,..~...:..39" 130 To Authorize 'an Agree.ment' Between"the "County' of Elgin." ;lnd SOtl,thern 9nta'rio~:'Gas:;'Com""i' ',,', ,'pany,,_Li~ited..............;.................,..;....,..~..~~.........~.40. 130 N 0:",1159 To Grant Ce.rtainPrivileges,:to:'Southetn-;:,Qntari-o , . Gas., Company;" Limited.;;:.;...............;~......~...:.......40, 135" No:::1160 To Raise, Amounts for County ,Ratcls~\During;,the- Year, 1931.,.,......... .~~~~..-:. ..._............ ..;...~.. ~.,..'.~..;. ......,..41, 141 ',No."-116~ To Designa.tc. County Roads.....,..';...,...u..,.m.........~,.~.54, ,143 N 6." '1149 N 6:'1150 N 0:1151 No.:U52 No..1l53 N 0'.:1154 N 6~::-:iI55 N 6.' '1156 No." 1157 N 0.'''1158, GRANTS~ ~~r~~;~~it\l;,?~~;~'.-.~:~~.~~~.~:'~:~~':::::~~~:::=:::::::~:::'::::::::::::::::::'::::~::::::::::::' ~: . Canadian ,National"Institute'fol"'.the"B-JitrcL:.,:~................................ GO Childr,en' sAid Society..:.........,.'.~.......~...........'....m:......;......,......,.~.~:_.~...... 68 Children's Hospital~ ..London.'m.m.m....:~"..........,.,..........._....,...,......... 63 Hospital for. Sicb,Childr'en..,...;................._,..,~....~.'.........,.,............,..~..~.. 60, Memoti~l. ~ospi.tal,. St.. Th omas.'~...;i-..............in......,..;,:,....m..~.......:64, ;,,",6,7 t~l:fi~f:i~~~~~:~:~:::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'::::::::~ '. ,i~ Public ,'Libraries................................................n.........'..'.....................,..... ,.16 R ?drie~ . L()~~':' U p .:.:.,.,.,..,.,..~...,.... :~.........:~.~;'m.;..:......~..~.....~...;...,...,...,.... \ ,35 ~~l~~:~~~ Ajci~~.~~;~.~,~.~~:~~::~:;:::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::~:~:::::::::::::::::::: ,'~a w arden'.-"..,................;...................,.........................,..................'....'1:.......;........ ' 55 Woill~n"-s." Insfitiit<7s..m.........~......mn.......:.......;,........~.;~,..............,,;......;...' " 10 MISCELLANEOUS"- Advisory:Agricultural. CbunciL~..........u.....,~....u.......;.........;:.........;...~ 15 Atj.ditdrs.~Adfninistrati()n,of,..Justice, Acounts.:,:'......,...;.,.:......~.,......_ 12 Cemeter.y, _.Commission~.'..;..;...._.......'.....~...,.,......~.~..m............m......,~........;43 County." C,ouncil.....................,....,...,........,......,.......;.,~..'..';......,...'............'....... ' 3 " '/ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ gal ~i~j s_:.~. ~~~_i_~~~.~~.~.~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::: Coun ty Roads....n_.......n.._u......h.....n........._n..........n,...___..h....n_'.........._._ Coun ty Road Su bsidy .".....mm'........nu.........___n'.....n.n..........-...____.....,h... COli 11 ty- S t en b grap h er ........,.........____.__...__..........._________........____....34. 61, C0111tllitt~e~ yVeed - Cutting Expenses.mn__.....___ ......m....______....__....,... 5 ~~~~ti~ ~1~ ~1 ~ b_~ ~~_~.n ::::~:::::::::::::::::-::: :::::::::::: ::::,::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:__==:.~.~~: , J?eputation, Elgiri Dairy Breeders'~_'_____.___..'n.n__n_....____n;__""h______'" Econ QIny n............n..............n........nnn......................................_.....6, 16, Esthnates . ............ ..................................................................................n i~~~I~wSa~l OI~~l~~~~setl~"l~~.t::::~:::::~::~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: i:; ~ ~ ~ 1 ~;. ~.~.~.~.~~ ~.:~::::::::::::::::: ::~:::::~'::::: ::::::::: ::::::::.::::::~::~::::::::::::::::::::::::9: London and Port Stanley RailwaY.m.._~.........................................25, M etubers' W ages....................~.-.~........_,~.~:::.~__....~....m.......mm...,.._37; . 38 Mothers' .Allowances Commission;......m~.:.......m...m..........n.......m... lVI. C. .R._ Time~~rablc.......m...m.m...m...............,.:.........m.......,.......m10, Not ice s ...... ,............ ........... .n....... ........... ..........n .;~~'. h"~~ .... '''.__'",,'..n. .... 9, .' 15; Old Age Pensions................__........_.;'.............~..... . ....'.:..m.....m.............. Petition, re Hospital Maintenance............"mm....h.........................-.m Provincia~ Highway Expenditl1re......m.cn.._............................m...31, ,Port'StanleyB ridge."....m................~.......m.......L....._.........m..__'.......43, Public Liabili ty Policy ....c_.....m..__...........m......'.........................~........ 9. . Railway 'Crossing Protection._,......,......_.,....:...m..................m..9,. 55; Resolution of Condolence,}, }. Stalker...........",..,............................... Standing Committces..m...............:...........~;......................h.......:4, 7. 9; St. Thomas Board of Edueation..................m,m........n.........m............ S t; Th otnas Annexa tibrim.............."..........................m...m...__'~.....m...... St. Thomas Memorial Hospital BoarcL..mu.........................14. 24, Village Roads......m..mn..........m.m........m....:...................m.m.......5, 31. Ward en' s Address..m.....................m...m......m.......h.hn........~.:.....5,' 25, Warden's Electi onm..m..........~..........'..'m........m.....'m,..m.u.......m.......h'_ Weed I tispeetor, Pr-ovi llciat.............................,............................_...... W es tern En tran ce....................n............n..................h...................'.......... REPORTS OF COMMITTEES AND OFFICIALS- . Corn Borer Ins.pector...~...m...m....;...m.....;......._..m.........m....__._.....,.:47, Cbun ty Engin eer ......_...._....m.............mm.........m..~~_..........._........._..;:45, County Roads .Committee,...........m.........m.....!I. '26,-34, 36,' 38,53. Co u n t y 1~ r'e as u r er .. ..n... """~,." ,~.............. ..................... .......... .......... .......... Connty Clerk,. on Liccnsesm...m........c.:.................;;.,........................m ~i(~~~act~oco;~::;n~~~~.~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~:::::-:::~~::::~:::~~11;..3'5:n~~; '. ~g: Gaol . Cotnlni ttee.......................,...;......................h..................,'......3 7. .. 50, House. of. Industry Committee.........m...........'.~...m..u.~.m.n, 36, 50. Inspector, House of Industry.........mu.m........m......mm...m..........,47, Old Age Pensions Commissioum..........................m.........mmmm.47, Petitions and Legislation Committee...m.......-.........15.26; 35. 50; Physician,., House of Industry.........,;..,..'...~;m..m..mm......~.m..........m Special Hospital Committee..m..'.....h.........~;..'...m........;.................-34, Special Municipal Committee,ori Legislation..........,...................... Su burban, .Area Commission......................n.......n.......................m.m... 6 2 36 12 95 53 53 52 33 35 73 12 43 109 45 42 48 63 46 47 43 14 51 51 60 63 48 57 34 51 34 46 42 4 33 5 117 119 76 69 118 58 60 94 96 99 104 91 97 97 28 81