1932 Minutes I I " 1 :, 1 PROCEEDINGS -OF THE- Elgin County Council During the Sessions held in the COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS I Ii I ~1 I' I [1 I 'fe- i in the months of January, June and November 1932 , l il"'~f 1\" k ~ ~I 1,. ~. :!{, W. McKA'Y, County Clerk STEWART A, BROWN, Warden r. \,j, COUNTY OFFICIALS Duncan C. Ross, Esq., County Judge Jas. H. Coyne, Esq., Registrar Ian Cameron, Esq., County Court Clerk A. ~cCrimmon, Esq" Clerk of the Peace and County Crown Attorney P; S. D.?arding, Esq., Sheriff C. F. Ma'xwell, County Police Magistrate J. A, Taylor, B.A., and J. C. Smith, B.A., Public S~hool Inspectors K. W. McKay, County Clerk B. B. Graham, County Treasurer F. A. Ben, C.E., County Engineer G. F. Pineo, County aoad,Superintendent C. St. C. Leitch, K.C., County Solicitor Douglas L. Ewin, 'M.D., Physician House of Industry and Goal Fred Ingram, Keeper House of Industry R. M.Holmes, Caretaker Court House K. W. McKay, Inspector House of Industry All of St. Thomas P.O. .F. R. Taylor, Belmont, Corn Borer Inspector County Auditors:W1alker C. CaugheIl, St. Thomas; Wo A. Galbraith, lona Station Administration of J.ustice Auditors: D. C. Ross, County Judge Mayor Jagoe, St. Thomas; E. S, Livermore, Aylmer PROCEEDINGS -OF THE- Elgin County Council -0- FIRST SESSION-FffiST DAY tI'uesday, the 26th day of January 1932: 'l~he Council elect of the County Of Elgin met this day at the Court House, st. Thomas, at 2 p.m. The Clc1"k in the chair. -0-- The following members having filed certlficates took their seats at the Council Board: Municipality Clerk Treasurer J. F. McGregor, Reeve, Aldborough F. W. Schmelz, Deputy Reeve, Ald'barough MUNICIPAL CLERKS AND TREASURERS Aldborough_m....uJ. A. McRae, Rodney_nm__W. S. Stalker, R.R. 1, Rodney Dunwich._mmnm_..D, A. McNabb, Dutton__m__.___.____Murray McNeil, Dutton .southwold___h__nnn__mJ' C. McLennan, FingaL___m_____._mD, A. Cattanch, 25l,1: Balaclava street, St. Thomas Yarmouth__mmW. C. Caughell, st, Thoma~m.m.H.alph L, Marlatt, Union 'Malahide..unmnnmJohn M. Hale, Aylmer__m__h_mmJohn M. Hale, Aylmer ,Bayham__..___.m_Benj. Brian, Straffordville..,._mWm. Grant, Straffordville S. Dorchester____n__M. S. Charlton, R.R. 1, Springfield_____mM. S. Charlton Town of Aylmer..mnnnn_m__.____D. C. Davism..mnm_m____mH. E. Armstrong Village of Springfield___mm......mnJohn Hodgson:~_n__m_____..mJ, I. Thomson Village of Vienna..u_nnm._nnn__._,...J. P. Coombs___m___m.m__________J. P. Cdombs ViIlage ,of Port Stanley.._nnnnu_W. A Hawkinsnm_______m_uW. A. Hawkin.s Village of Dutton__m_m______.m.n....___n___J. D. Blue.._.___________.,______nnmJ. D. Blue___. Village of West Lorne__mnmJ. S. Robertson__mn_:_Miss Tena McLennan Village' of Rodneym....u____hn_______Chas. Mistelem.mhnmm____mChas. Mistele A N. McWilliam) Reeve, Dunwich Edward Clarke, Deputy Reeve, Dunwich Stewart A. Brown, Reeve, Southwold Daniel McGugan, Deputy Reeve, Southwald H. 'L. Lawton, Reeve, Yarmouth, George Cross) Deputy Reeve, Yal'mouth Gordon Newell) Reeve) Malahide Stanley Snelgrove, Deputy Reeve, Malahide Chas. D. Coyle, neeve, Bayham W. H. Bradiield, beputy Reeve, Bayham 6 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 7 H, G. Taylor, Reeve, South Dorchester FIRS;r SESSION-SECOND DAY E. 'S. Livermore, Reeve, Aylmer Wednesday, the 27th' day of January 1932 . C. S. -Bridgman, Deputy Reeve, Aylmer The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. Leo. Connor, Reeve, Vienna . A. S. 'Newell, Reeve, Springfield Ezra Fahner, Reeve, Port Stanley The Warden in the chair. Alex. Taylor, Deputy Reeve, Port Stanley All the members present. Archibald 'McCallum, Reeve, Dutton The Warden addressed the Council as follows: Duncan 'M. Leitch, Reeve, West Larue William T.olmie, Reeve, Rodney To th~ Elgin County Council, The election of warden was then proceeded with and on the third vote, stewart A. Brown, Reeve of Southwold having received a major- ity of the whole Council, was declared duly elected Warden for 1932. Gentlemen: The Warden elect made the statutory declaration of office before His Honor, Judge Ross, took the chair and thanked the Council for the honor conferred. The prevailing "~conomic conditions while not conducive to opti- mism are not as bad as we are sometimes led to believe. The lessons to ,be learned while overcoming present difficulties will be of great value to present and future generations. Seconded by A. S. Newell: While riding on the wave of prosperity which accompanied the progress of the Great. War, taxation increased and liabilities were incurred which are now fixed expenditures necessary to the well- being of the community. A large number of Ontario municipalities have not been meeting the emergency in their financial affairs with a sufficient degree of foresight and good management, and having been lax in the past are slow to arouse themselves to the demands of the j)resent time. Moved ;by H. G. Taylor, That the reeves of the 'municipalities be a committee to strike standing, 'committees. -Carried Depression May be 'Bllon Moved by J. F. McGregor, If those in control look ,beneath the surface to the need for ,fundamentaJ re-organization ,of administration, and efficient methods of carrying on public business, th,e current depression may in the long run prove to be a real boon to municipal government. Seconded by F. W. Schmelz: That the council adjourn until 10 o'clock Wednesday morning to allow committee appointed to strike standing committees to meet. -Carried If we were able to abolish municipal taxes entirely for a few years there would be little or no improvement, as the cause for the present depression must be sought for elsewhere. 8 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 9 How Taxes Have Jumped The proceedings of the last day of the previous session having been printed, were taken as read. In 1914 the county rate was $55,892, or one and eight-tenth mills on our present equalization. The increase was due to patriotic and other war grants, the Provincial War Tax, the adoption of the county road system, followed by the adoption of a provincial highway -mileage at request of the council, the gradual increase of requirements for public and high schools, Mothers' Allowances, and Old Age Pensions. The report of the committee appointed to strike standing com- mittees was presented, and referred to a committee. of the whole with Mr. McGregor, Reeve of Aldborough, in the chair. After considering the report clause by clause, and amending same, the committee rose and report as amended, was adopted on motion of J. F. McGregor, seconded by F. W. Schmelz. I In 193-0 the county estimates called .for $310,000, or 10 mills, being an incl'case of 8 3/5 mills in 15 years. It will be the duty of the counon to carefully consider all matters pertaining to county expendi- tures and admInistration, and with due regard for the public interests reduce estimates wherever possible. The following communications were read: Cemetery Commission A new duty of the council will be the selection of two cemetery commisr-;ione:rs to act with Chairman to be appointed by the Lieuten~ ant~Governor in Council. Members of this counc:'U are not eligible for these appointments which are to be made annually. The influence of the CommiSsion will be far-reaching, and in the interests of the' well- being of every c'ommunity. The ,best men available should be selected. From Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, with ap.plication for grant. Referred to Finance Committee. From John Allan, with resignation as County Corn Borer Inspec- tor.-Referred to Finance Committee. From Honourable J. M. Robb, 'Minister of Health, re Cemetery Commission.-Referred to Finance Committee. AboU.tio.n of County Councils The County Council has recently been referred to as an unneces~ tary institution. 'I'he Honourable the Ministers of Agriculture and Highways are evidently of a different mind, as they are inviting County Council representatives to advise with them in reference to matters pertaining to agriCUlture, taxation, highway expenditures and financial condition of counties generally. This is complimentary to the Councils and should l'esult in a better understanding in reference to matters of municipal interest. From Deputy Minister of Education, re adjoining County Fifth Class grants.-Referred to Education Committee. From Peter borough farmers with resolution.-Referred to Finance Committee. From City Treasurer, St. Thomas, re subu:r<ban area estimates for 1932.-Referred to County Road Committee. From Canaq.ian National Institute for the Blind, re grant.-Re~ ferred to Finance Committee. Village Road ny-Law The Minister of Highways has not forwarded approval of Village B.oad By-Law No. 1152, although our representative, C. E. Raven, M.P.P., has endeavoured to secure it. Until this is received no pay~ ments for crossing protection costs can be considered. From University of Western Ontario with ,financial statement.- Referred to Finance Committee. From Ontario Training School for Boys.-Referred to Finance, Committee. 10 Elgin County Council :ElgIn County Council 11 From G. E. Harp, application for appointment as Cemetery Carow missioner,-Referred' to Finance Committee. From Association of Managers of Homes for Aged and Infirm, re .mcmtership and annual meeting.--Referred to House of Industry" Committee. From County of Lennox and Addingtonj ra school grants and Old Age Pensions,-Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. From County of H\non~ 1'e Nurses' Training and Provincial High- Way Expenditures.~Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. From University of Western Ontario, 1'e appointment of Senator. -Referred to Education Committee. From B. B, Graham, County Treasurer, with report.-Referred to Finance Committee. From Simcoe County Council, 1'8 Farm Loans.-R.eferred to Peti'" tions and Legislation Committee. From Canada Vitrified Products Lbnited, re invitation to 'Visit plant. From Ontario Municipal Association, re membership."--Referred to Finance Committee. From The Honourable, the Ministet of Agriculturel calling con~ ference of two agricultural representatives fom each county in the Province, to discuss matters pertaining to rural taxation, and the' formation of an Agricultural. Committee to be advisory to his Depart'" ment,~Referrea~;to Agricultural Committee. From St. Thomas Chamber of Commerce, 1'e member for E~ecutive ElgIn Music Festival.-:Referred to F'i11ance Comn1ittee. From 'Salvation Army, re grant.-Refe1'red to Finance Committee; Mov-ed by E. Clarke, From Minister of Highways, 1'e attendance of Superintendent at Annual Conference.-Referredto County Road Committee. Seconded by F. W, Schmelz~ From Ontario Good Roads Association! 1'e annual meeting.- Referred to County' Road Committee. That Council visit works of Canada Vit~ified Products Limited, during present session, and that the Warden arrange time. '-Carried From ;B()~l'd of R.ailway Commissioners, re crossing protMtion order.-Referred to County ROad COfi:l.rr1ittee. Petitio'n frobi Ml'. J. H. 'Teall and others} in. :referenco to asses's" :menl in the Vienna High School District and Port Burwell School Section, was presented by Mr. Coyle, and referred by the Warden to the Education Committee. From Minister of Etlghways, re confel'e~ce (jf County COUncil l'epresentatives.-Referred to County Road Committee, ,Mr, H. '0. T.a:ylor gave hOtIce of motion to h~ar the ,following at -2.30 p,m.:~Mr. F. S. Thomas, Plowmen's Associationt Advisory Coun~ cil and AgricultUral Societies, :B"rom Florence McFee, of House' df tndustrYr-Referl'ed to HOUM of Ihdustry Cotrt1Uittee. From United Farmers of Ontarid, with reference to deputation ta provincial Government.~Referred to Finance Committee. Moved by n, M. L-eitch; Seconded by Wm. Tolmie; 12 Elgin County Council That this Council adjourn to meet at 2 o'clock this afternoon to allow committees to meet. -Carried The Council resumed. [Moved .by H. G. Taylor, Seconded -by A. S. Newell: That the deputations present be now heard. -Carried 'Messrs. Thomas, Hemstreet and Galbraith, then addressed the Council in reference to grants to Agricultural Societies overlooked in 1931. Moved ,by J. F. McGregor, Seconded 'byF. W. Schmelz: That the deferred county grant of 1931 to Fall Fairs and Horti- cultural Societies be paid on 1930 basis, -Carried IMoved by G. Newell, Seconded by S. Snelgrove: That the usual grants be given to the Fall Fairs and Horticul- tural Societies of Elgin County for the year 1932. -Carried Mr. Carr then a!idressed the Council in reference to grants to Plowmen's Association. It was refel'l'ed by the Warden to the Finance Committee. , I I , I I I , I I .1 I Elgin County Council 13 Messrs. Ll!tidlawand King then addressed the Council in reference to Advisory AgrIcultural Council with application for grant. The Warden referred the matter to the FinahC& Commit~ee, Ml';' W. A Galbraith. then addressed' the Council in reference to l3eef Show at West Elgin Fair. After considerable discussion it was referred to the Finance Committee. Mr. H. 0.. TayloI' presented report of Special C6mmittee appointed :at the November Session, re salaxies which was laid over for cQnsld.. eration Thursday :morning. Moved by D. M. Leitch" Seconded h$ E'. W. Schrnelz~ That the Deputy-Reeve of Southwold be placed on Education and Petition~ and ';(j:egislation Committees; his name having been omitted. -Carried :Moved by A. McWilliam, Seconded by. E. Clarke: Whereas a resolutio"t'l Was pa~se,d by the C6U'ncn or the CoUhty '0:1: Elgin; in June 1930, recommending to the Department of Highways that the towllline between Aldborough aIld Dunwich 'Was a logioal road to be tak.en over as a Provincial Highway, we, the Council of the County of Elgin do now rescl.nd said reSOIUUon, and place ourselves on record as being opposed to any further connecting links through the County of Elgin; and that a. copy -of this resolution be forwarded. to the Department of Highways) Toronto. ln AMendment: :Mbved by b. M. Leitch, Seconded by F. W. Schmelz: 14 Elgin County Council That the resolution passed in June 19&0, asking that Aldboroughw Dunwich townline be taken over and approved as a connecting link between No.2 and No.3 Highways be rescinded, and no permanent pavements .be constructed on Provincial Highways in this County this year. That a: copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Minister of Highways, -Main 'inotion lost -Amendment carried Moved by H. L. Lawton, Seconded by G. Cross: That the deputation from Memorial Hospital Board be now heard. -Carried Messrs. Bristow, Horton. and Coulter then addressed the Council in reference to grant to cover hospital deficit. Moved by Wm. T.olmie, Seconded by H. G. Taylor: That a committee, composed of the Warden, Messrs. Lawton and Livermore, ,be appointed to confer with Memorial Hospital Board in reference to grant, and report at the June Session. -Carried iMoved by D. M. Leitch, Seconded by J. F. McGregor: That this Council adjourn to meet Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. ----,Carried stewart A. Brown, Warden Elgin County Council '15 FIRST SESSION-TffiRD DAY Tbm'sday, the 28th day of January 1932 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the chair. All the mem,bers present. The proceedings of the first and second days of the session were read and confirmed. An, Order-in-Council, approving of By-Laws Nos. 1152 and 1153, in reference to County Roads, was re;,id and referred t9 County Road Committee. Moved by C. D. Coyle, Seconded by W. H. 'Bradfield: That Mr.- J. A. Wilkinson, of the Department of Health, be no". heard. ~Carried 'Mr. Wilkinson then addressed t:p.e Council in reference to the House of Industry, he being Inspector- of these institutions. !Moved by G. Newell, Seconded .by S. Snelgrove: That Mr. Ingram, Keeper of the House of Industry, be now heard. """:'Carried 16 Elgin County Council Mr. Ingram then addressed the Council in reference to reduction of salary, and suggested that the reduction shotlld not apply to the amount he has to pay for cook at the rnstitution. :Mr. H,G.Taylor gave notice that he would appl'Y for grant for a memorial tablet in park at Springfield. The report of the Special Committee re salaries laid over fronl. Wednesday was then considered, and some, changes made. Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by W1l1, 'Tohnie: That the report o-f the Special Cdlnmittee appointed at November Session, 1931, to inquire into question of salaries be approved, and the necessary ,by-laws prepared. -Carried Moved by H. G. Taylor, SeCduded by E. Fahner: That this Council adjourn to g p.m. -Carried The Council resumed. Copy or l~tter .froM the Minister of Highways, that the Prqvince wOUld assist in payirtg 50% of the cost of repairs to Port Stanley' Bridge Was read, and referred to County Road Committee. Moved ,by Ii. L. La.wton, Seconded 'h)r G. Newell; Elgin County Council 17 That a statement of the cost of Provincial Highway expenditure for cOnstruction and' maintenance be furnished each, Reeve. -Carried iMoved by C. D. Coyle, Seconded ,by W. H: Bnldfield: That the deputation from Port Burwell be now heard. -Carried 'Mr. Teall then addressed the Council in l-eference to school taxes for, Continuation School, in Port Burwell. M{)ved Iby A. S. Newell. l3econded by H. G. Taylor: That grant of Fift'Y Dollars .be made to the Village of Springfield to help payfol' the memorial tablet now in the p'ark at Springfield. -Carried !Moved by D. M;. l..eitC:h, . :=?ecQnded by ;F. W. Schmelz: That this Council do now adjourn until Friday morning at 10 o'clock. -Carried Stewart A. Brown, Warden 18 Elgin County Councll FIRST SESSroN-FOURTH DAY lrriday, tho 2~th day of January 1932" t'he liJIglrt Oounty Cduncil met this 9ay at the Coutt. H:ouse, St. '1'homasj in aCCdrdahce with- adjournruent. The Wa,rden in the chair. AU the members .present except Mr. McQuga:t1, I The proceedings of the previous day' were read and ~o11-fir'med. Mr, H. G, Taylor hiquired 1'e reduction in Old Age Pensi,?us.' The report of the Hoilse of Xndustry Committee ,Was presented and ad-opted, on motion of D. M. Leitch, second€!d by A. S. Newell, The first report' of' the Fluartce Comntittee was presented and adopted on motion of C. b. Coyle, seconded by 11, L. Lawton. ffhe report of the :E::ducatkm Committee was presented - and adopted on motion of Wrn:. Tolmie, seconded .by W. H. BrftduEHd. The report of the Gaol Committee was presented an,a adopted on motioh of W, E. Bradfieldl seconded hy F. W. Schmelz. The report of the Agricultural Committee was presented and adopted on motion of n. G. Taylorl seconded by H, L, Lawton. Moved by n. M. Leitch.. Seconded by Wtrt., 'l'ol.tr1iS': That as it has .been found necessary in the interests of edOtlom:y to tnake a change in the offIce of Inspector (jf the House of tndustry Elgin Colinty bouncli 1~ and - Refuge, and dispense 'With the services of AngUS Turner) ESll.) who has filled that position' in an acceptable manner for the past 'twenty-five years, this Council 'ueslre 'to p)ace 'Upon record their appreciation of Mr. 'rurner's services as a membet, Ex":Warden ,and 'Official of \:he County Councll., and e'xpr~ss the hope that he ntay long be spar!:lcl to enjby his e.nviable reputation for integrity and efficiency. ......:carried Moved by E. s.t..lverr.nore., Seconded by a. S. BrM_gman: That Harold iM. Hambidge be appb:L:llted. to lhe- Aylmer 'High School ;Beard, .......carried ';Moved by A.. McCailurtl.) Sec6i1:de'd:by A, N, McwillIam: That Sioney Howell be appointed HIgh SchOo~ 'l"rusle'e for 'thlil Dutton Hrgll School -for the year.g ,1932, '33, '34-. ........carried. Moved by b. M.. t..eH:ch, :Seco-nded by F, W. Schmeli.~ That a gY'ant of Fifty Dollars be 'made, the Village at We$t Lome 'to assIst i.1'1 p'ayroent of .memo,rial tablet i.n .honour of -fallen.heroes. <=Ca,rtied Mbve,d h"yL. Connol", Seconded by Wm. TolmJe, 20 Elgin County Council 1I:igl'n. County. Connen 2:1. That Erwin Smith' .be a member of the Vienna High School Board for three years. That the delegates of the Trustees' Association -be now heard. -Carried -Carried !Moved by s: Snelgrove, Mes"Sr-g". Sweet and. Tay16r~ of thi:! Trustees' 'Msoo1aUon, the'n Bid... 'dressed the Council requesting ,grant. Seconded -by. G. Newell: Moved by C. __t>o Coyle) That E. S. 'Livermore be appointed auditor of Administration of Justice accounts. -Carried Seconded by E. S. Liver'n\ore: That a g.rant of $75 be made the Elgin County Trustees) AssCl'- dation. ,Moved by H. L. Lawton, 1-Ca~tied ,!Seconded by C. D. Coyle: -Moved 'byE. Fahner, That the Warden and Clerk .be authorized to submit to the Minister of Public Works and Highways of the Province of Ontario, the peti- tion of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, showing that during the period, 1st January 1931, to 31st December 1931, there has been !3xpended upon. the County Highways System the sum of $105,310.67, and requesting the statutory gr;:lnts on that amount as provided by the Highway Improvement 'Act. Seconded bY- A. Taylor': That Mr. J. ;Dowler be -now hceafd rEl.Po.rt Stanley :Sri-dge. '--Carried -Carried Ml\ bowler then addressed the Council in ,reference to what he ,had <done with respect .to Port Stanley ,bridge, Moved by W. H. Bradfield, Movea ~ .E. ,Fahnerj 'Seconded by C. D. Coyle: Seconded by A, Taylor.: That we now adjourn to meet at 2 o'clock. -Carried 'That Messrs, Coyie, TolmH~, H. d.l!'a'ylbr ahd the Wa:rden, he a 'Committee to 'Work with other coinmittees and Federal Gov'ernnlEmt 1'e Port Stanley Bridge. The Council resumed. -Cal'l'ied Moved by G. Cross, The repo'rt of the. CoUnty RO'ad Committee waS presented adopted on motion of H. L\ Lawton, seconded by Wm. Tolmie. and Seconded by A. S. Newell: 22 Elgin County Council Elgin. County Council 23 The second report of tiie Finance Committee was presented adopted on motion of C. D. Coyle, seconded ,by E. Fahner. and That this Council" disapprove of the movement on foot in some parts of this Province favoring the abolition cfeounty Councils, for the following reasons: Seconded by Wm. Tolmie: 1. The County Council, as it is now constituted, is a time~ honoured institution of the Province, and no attempt should be :m~de to stampede the people into agreeing to its abolition for the purpos~i'of a supposed reduction in -taxation during this temporary financial depression, which depression will ,probably Ibe passed even before legislation a,bolishing said Councils could, come intq fo;r:ce. M~ved. by L. Connor, That grants to Public Li,braries throughout the County be the same as last year. -Carried 2. ,Much of ,the work:, now done-by the County' Council, viz: the management of the Court House. Jail,Registry Office and House of IIldustry would have to be taken over by the Provincial Government, thereby centralizing in Toronto, to a greater extent than ever, the work ,originally delegated to the municipalities. Moved by H. G. Taylor. ,Seconded by A. S. Newell: -Carried 3. The roads now contro-lledby the Qounty w()uld have to revert either to the Local Municipalities, which would be a step backward as these municipalities cpul,d~otas effectively keep a connected system of roads as is done 'under the present system: or they would have to be assllmed by the Province, which again means more centralization and greater taxation in some form. ',',. That the grants to Woiuen's Institutes be the same as la~t year. The report of the Petitions and Legislation Committee was presented and adopted on motion of G. Newell, seconded by C. D. Coyle. Moved by G. Newell, 4. The abolition of County Counc'ils would remove one of existing means for training for public service, as it is conceded the that ,seconded by H. L. Lawton: the experience as a County Counci11pr,' and the. training that many of them receive as Warden, or Chairman of some important committees, fi~s th~1l13or higher positions in the public life of the Province. That the Warden and Chairman of the County Road Committee interview the -Minister of Highways and arrange for 1931 Provincial Highway' account to be paid one-half in 1932, and one-half in 1933. That a copy of this resolution ,be sent to each County in the Province, the Prime Minister, and also the locaI' representatives. -Carried -Carried :Moved .by H. G. Taylor. Moved by J. F. McGregor. Seconded by D. M.'Leitch: 'Seconded'by F. W. Schmelz: 24 li::Ight County. Council Elgin County Council 25 That this Council appreciate the work of the committee appointed; re decrease in the administration costs of this county, and take this opportunity of expressing their gratitude and sincere thanks to Messrs. H. G. Taylor, Kirkland and McDermand; in bringing in a . satisfactory report to this Council. Moved by D. M. Leitch, Seconded by E. Clarke: .-...-Carried That By-Law No. 1163 be read a second time. -Carried Moved by J. P. Mcdregol'j Moved' by D. M. Leitch, Seconded by F, W. Schmelz: Seconded by E. Clarke: That By-Law No; 1162, to appoint County Auditors he received and read. a first time. That By-Law No. 1163 be read a third time and finally passed. ........Cal'ried -Carried Moved by J.. ~; McGl'egdrl Moved by E. ,S~. Livermore, Seconded by F.. W. Schmelz: Seconded by C. S. Bridgman: That By:-Law No, 1162 .be read asMolid time.. -Car:rietl That By-Law No. '1164 to appoint High School Trustees be received and read a first time. -Carried :Moved by J. 1f\. Mc(;}reg6r,. .:Moved by C. S. Bridgman, Seconded by F. W. Schmelz: Seconded ,by E. S.'Livermore: That By-Law No, 1162 be read a third titrte and fituHIY passed. That By-Law No. 1164 be read a second time. ........Carried .......Carried M:6ved by 'D, M, LiSitc'h,. Seconded by E. Clarke; Moved by C. S. Bridgman, Seconded by E. S. Livermore: That By-Law No. 1163 to appoint an oid Age Pensions Commission .be reGeived and read a fl-rst time. That By-Law No. 1164 be read a third time and finally passed. ~arried ~Carried 26 .mIght COUnty. dourtcit l!fIgln County Council 27 Moved by W. Tolmie, Moved by W. Tolmie, Seconded b;sr L, Cot1.nor: 'Seconded 'by t.. Conft6N That By-Law No, 1165 to fix1.1'embElrsl,Wag6s be received and read a first time. That By-Law No. 1.166 ;be read :a thh'd time and flnaUy passed. ~CarI'ied .........carried Moved ,by W. '1'olmiel 'Moved. by E. ,~. t..lverh'lote) Secohd~d by t... C(jtlnol'~ Second.ed by: c.. S. Bridgman: That By-Law No. 1165 be r~ad a Mc6nd tiMe, That By-Law No. 1167 to fix salary" 'Of the County ''r'i'easUt'er be Yec'eived and read a -first time. ="-Cari''ied ""-Carded Mov.d by W.. 'l'ollrll., ::Moved by m. s. taver-more., SeMlld(\d ht t" C6nnor'~ Seconded by C. ,So Bridgman: 'l'nat By,;.Law No. 1165 be r~ad athit'd thne- and finally pilssed. That By...Law No, 1167 be teac'ia. S'ecortd. time. -=--Carr-Ied -....-e,arded Mov.d by L.. ConliOr, Moved by C. b- Coyl~, ~econd'ed .by. ,m. s.. LIvermore': S'ecohded by W, Tolmie.~ T:}1atBy-Law No-. 1167 be read a 'tht'td tiille -and. ,ri'ftally pass'cd. That By.Law No. 1166 to fix salaty 6f th~Cl..i. of the. CoUnty' C0unel1 be received and lIead a flvst tim-e. .......carried ""'-Carried 'MOved by C. b. c.oyl~, Movod by W. 'l'olfule, Secoilaed :by L. Connor: Seconded by W. HI Bradfield: =Carfied That By-Law No'. 1168 to fiX. salary of the Keeper and Matron 'Of the House of Industry and Refuge be received and read a first' time. "'-Car-ried "That'By.;:Law No, 116S'be i'ead a s'ec@nct -tilii~, J 28 Elgin County Council li:lgti'l Count,y Counun 29 Mayed by C. D. Coyle, Moved by A. S. Newell. 'Seconded by W. H. Bradfield: Seconded by H. G. Taylbr~ -That By,...Law No. 1168 be read, a second time. That By..Law NQ, 1170to .f.ix-salary of .the PhysicianQf the ;House bf Industry be received and tead a first time. -Carried .......Carl'ied ;Moved'by W. H. Bradfield, Mbved by A. So N\;lwel'1~ 'Seconded by C. D. Coyle: :Seconded bY' H. Go Taylor: That By-Law No. 1168 be read a third time and finally passed. That By~Law No. 3.J.70 b-e rea'd a sei::ond tlme.. -Carried ....:C"r~led Moved :by W. H. Bradfield, Moved by A. s.N~:wel1't Seconded by C. D. Coyle: :Seconded by H. G. Taylor: That By-Law No. 1169 to fix salary of the Secretary of the Old Age Pensions Commission be received 'and read a first time. T.hat By-Law No.. 1110 be read a third time and f.lnal1~ PMsecl. -Carried ~artled Moved by C. D. Coyle, :Moved by R L. Lawton, Seconded by W. H. Bradfield: Seconded ,by G. Cross: That By-Law No. 1169 be read a second time. That ,By-Law No. 1171 to ,fix .salary of the Gaol Surgeon be tece'ived and read a flr.st fime. -Carried .;.;......(Jarried Moved by C. D. Coyle, :Mowd by G. OrM., Seconded by W. H. Bradfield: Seconded by H. L. Lawton: ^ That By-Law No. 1169 be read a third time and finally passed. Tha't By-Law No. 1171 he read. a 13econdtime-. -Carried '-Carried v 30 Elgin County Council 'Elgin ,County Council 31 .Moved by H. L. Lawton" Moved by S. 'Snelgrove, Seconded by G. Cross: Seconded by G. Newell: That By-Law. No. 1171 be read a third time and finally passed. That By-Law No. 1173 ,be read a second time. -Carried -Carried Moved, by S. Snelgrove, Moved by S~ Snelgrove, Seconded by G. Newell: Seconded by G. Newell: That By-Law No. 1172 to appoint an Inspector of the House of Industry and Refuge be received and read a first time. That By-Law No. 1173 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried -Carried Moved ;by E. Fahner, Moved by S. Snelgrove, Seconded by A. Taylor: Seconded by G. Newell: That By-Law No. 1172 be read a second time. That By-Law No. 1174 to authorize the Warden and Treasurer to bot:.row the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Do}.lars 'be received and read a first time. --Carried -'Carried Moved by S. Snelgrove, Moved by E. Fahner, Seconded ,by G. Newell: Seconded ,by A. Taylor: That By-Law No. 1172'be read a third time and finally passed. 'That By-Law No. 1174 rbe read a second time. -'Carried -Carried Moved by G. Newell: Moved by E. Fahner, Seconded, by S. Snelgrove: '8econded ,by A. Taylor: That By-Law No. 1173 to fix salary of County Road Superinten- dent be received and. read a first time. -'Carried ,That By-Law No. ,11-74 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried 32 ElgIn County Couilcll Elgin. CountyCquncil 33 Moved by C. S. Bridgman, . Moved by A. McCallum, Seconded by E. S. Livermore: 'Seconded byE. Clarke: That By-Law No. 1175 toconfiMn the equali2iation o.f,t'he" assess" ment rolls of the County of Elgin be received and read a first time, That By-Law No.,J176 :be read a third time and finally passed. ~arl"ied -Carried Moved by C. S. Bridgman, !Moved ,by E. 'S. Livermore, Seconded by E. ~. Livermore: Seconded by C. D. Coyle: ......carried 'That By-Law No. 1177 to appoint members of Cemetery Commis- sion .be received and read a first time. That By-Law No. 1175 be: rsad a seco.n.d titne. -oarried Moved by' C. S. BridgMan! 'Moved by'-E. S. Livermore, Seconded hy E. S. LiverlU()re ~ Seconded by C. D. Coyle: That Sy...Caw No. 1175 be read. a third time'and ,finally passed. That By-Law No. 1177 be read a secondtlme. --Carried M'Ovedby C. D. Coyle, -Carried M()v~d by A. McCallum, Seconded ,by A. N. McWilliam: Seconded by E. S. Livermore: Tl1~t By-La.w Nd. 1176 to apP€lint a County R6ad G0tnmittee be :rSceived and read a' first, time;' That By-Law No. 1177 be read a third time and finally passed. --oarried ~Oarried t:M:'oved ,by A. Taylor, Moved by A. McCallum, Seconded by E. Clarke~ Seconded by E. Fahner: ~rried That By-Law No. 1178 to appoint Advisory Agricultural Council be r~ceiyedand, read a .first time. That By-Law N.(). 1176 b:e.r(lac:i a'sli:eon4 timel. -Oarried 34 Elgin County Coul1011 EiglnCo'uilty (joUl'lCli M --... Moved by A. Taylor 1 Moved byF, W. Schmelz, SeCOiided by El, F:a1ineV': < Seconded h)T J. ,li\ MoQregoi.': . That 13y"Law No, 117S ,bs t.ead a. MMffd time, 'That By-Law No. '1180 to appoi'nt Inspector 1i.hder the Corn :S,arer -Act be receiv:ed and read a fi.tst time. ........Carried .........Oatried. 'Moved by A. Taylor, , J,,1oveu :by ll\ W.gchm:elz., Seconded by E. F-ahnef: Seconded ,by J. ,F\ McGregiir: That By~'Law No.. 1178 be rood it thtrd, t~tde and fi11l'tl1y paElsed. That By-Law :No.. 'i180 be .read'a s'ec<)ndUme.. -={)anied =Oai'ti~d Moved liy H, L. Lawt611, '~~. :Moved by }r, 'W., ~chmelz., Seconded by G. Cross;. :Second~d -by J. li\ MbGrego't~ That' By..Law NO~:117gJcj:1PJj6trtta,Boafd of Atidit In the County of Elgin tor the year 1932 be reeeived and r'6ad a. nrst tinte. That Syo.I.iaw No. l1~O be teada thlrd thtl.~ and fiD.any }Jassed.. "",,-Carried ..........Oarried Moved by Go dr('lM', IJ'hat By...:t.awNo. 1179 he Fea4, a) se06:fia- time, fJ'he Wa'rde'n apPolnted the foll6wh'1g to attend. nl'eetiilg '6fbntai'io Cood Roads Association: Messrs. Fahner,A. Taylor, Lawton" Cross; ,E. G. Tayloi', Bradfield, Coyle, McGregor, Totmie, Clarkej McWmiarrt~ Leitch, McG'ugan. :3chn'ielz, Connor, Snelgrove.. Seconded by' H.. L. LawtdI1.: .-=.=C'atrted Moved bYE-. -F'Ahhel) 'Moved ,by go L. -Lawf6h, Seconded by A S. Neweh: Seconded by G. CrOSSi That this Couticii do now adjoui'll' to meet the seco'hd, Tuesday hi June. That By-Law No, 1179 be read: ai. thitd,tbh'e" and flna.1lyjiB;ssetl, """-Cari'ie'd ~earriect 36 Elgin County Council l1JlgiuColinty Council 37 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. St. Some changes in the law respecting security to be given by municipal officers appeal'" to have rect':livetl considerable attention. The new law provides that the bonds of officials are to be examin'ed each year on or before February 15th, and are then to .be filed With the Clerk of the Peace, who reports on them to the Commissioner. of 'Municipal Affairs, and the head of the municipality. The security suggeste.d is aboud of a guarantee company. unless the council by resolution authori'ze-s that the security be given by the ,bohd of a personal surety Or sureties.. All bonds ate' to ,be deposited with the Clerk of' the Peace whose duty it is to keep the same in a place or safe custOdy. The premiums in respect to any guarantee bonds are to be paid by the municipal corporation out of its general funds. The Provincial Commissioner of Municipal Afi'airs is to advise the council Hhe does not think the security is satisfactory. SECOND SESSION-FillST DAY Tuesday, the 14th day of June 1932 The Warden in the chair. All the members present. The Warden addressed the Council as follows; To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: Further ihsb'uctiOhS ar'~ given to :m.unicipaliti~s in reference 'to the preparat'ion of estimates which are to include all sums required during the '~y'ear, including those to ,be, provided by the council for s'chool' pu:r.poses. .such estimates should set forth particulars in 'detail and in accordance with such fQrhl. as the Ontario Municipal Btlard may from time to time prescribe. In preparing the estimates, provi.. sionis t'o ,be mad~ for the cost of collection, abatement and, discount on taxes, and urtcollectable taxes. The' present will be one of the most important meetings we have held for years. We are passing through a perio9- that 'is testing the ability of those who are controlling QUI' municipal governments. Some have already fallen by the wayside, and their financial affairs are under the control of a committee of supervisors appointed with the approval of the Municipal Board. Councils generally should have the courage to maintain their roads and .Qther public works at their present. standard. Additional expenditures are not advisable. l..oans--The action of some of the banks in requiring lliunicipaIl.. ties to balance the budget andbtherwise conduct their financial affairs in a proper. way, is the reason for a new section referring to current 'borrowings which are not to exceed 70% of the total amount of the :t.'evenue of the corpOration for the preceding year. . The council may by ,by-law and agreement, charge, any revenue .of the CO:fpbratio'n 'with repayment of money ,borrowed, and -the lender to have a lien on the revenue so bhal'g'ed 'Until the moneY-is paid. There has been very little important county business brought to my attention since your . last meeting. The special committees ap- pointed to arrange a settlement of Administration of Justice expenses with the City, and to confer with the Hospital Board, have performed their duties and w1I1 report at this ,session. Municipal Legislation The Legislature enacted some new munici.pal legislation. One of these provides that a member who has an additional vote in council may have an additional vote in committees. This only applies to Reeve Lawton, of Yarmouth, who will, I am sure,' exercise his prero- gative.. in the ,best interests of the. County. Villages now have authority to pass hy-laws licenSing hawlrers and peddlers. 'I'he limit 'Of pay for councillors fa fixed at $5 per day in 'town.. ships and $3 per day in vlUa13es. $8 Elgin County Council Elgin Count;yCouncil 3.9 Local ImpI'ovements-The construction of local improvements in sub-divisions in anticipation of considerable population is one of the causes of financial difficulties of municipalities In the neighborhood of Windsor. Provision is now made for some superivision by the :M:uni- ,!,ipal. Board, and advertisement previous to undertaking the work; FrOm Department of Highways, re Port Stanley Bridge.-Referr- ed to County Roads Committee. From- F. S. Thomas, Department of Agriculture, re Co~nty Student.--Referred to Agricultural Committee. Amendments to the School Act while quite numerous, are not all applicable to conditions in this County. Provision is made for trans- portation of pupils to and from Continuation, High or Vocational 'Schools, and trustees may include the cost in current estimates. Agreements 'between teachers and trustees are to be executed before the teacher enters upon, his duties. Township councils are not now required to levy a rate for townshi.p grant towards the salary of more than one principal and two assistant teachers in any Continuation 'School. A County Council may now be represented on a Continuation ,school Board, From County Council of Lincoln, re amendment to Act respecting 'School Age.-Referred to Education Committee. From Association of 'Managers of Homes for the Aged and Infirm, re annual meeting.':-Referred to House of Ind'ustry Committee. From ,M,others' Allowances Commission, re appointment of County representative.-Referred to Finance Committee. From Minister of Public Welfare, re changes respecting Old Age' Pensions.-Referred to Finance Committee. '~" The County is interested in the estimates of Continuation and High Schools, towards which they contributed in proportion of County population. ' It is desirable that the trustees' of these boards should reduce expenses as far as possible by considering the reduction of teachers' salaries. The construction of permanent improvements should ,be' deferred as much as possible. From County Treasurer, with report.-Referred to Finance Com- mittee. Mr. Newell inquired re approval of by-law designating road in Aylmer, and was informed that no notice of appr.oval had been re- ceived. The proceedings of the last day of the previous session were read' and confirmed. 'Mr. McGregor gave notice of application for grant of' Fifty Dollars for tablet in Memorial Park at New Glasgow. The following communications were read: Mr. McCallum gave notice of similar application for memorial tablet in Dutton Community Hall. From Norfolk Chamber of COIDn:J.erce, re re-adjustment of rural taxation.-Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. The report of the Special Committee appointed to arrange settle- ment of Administration Of Justice expenses payable ,by the City of st. Thomas, was presented and adopted on motion of E. S. Livermore, seconded by H. L. Lawton. From Grand Jury, with ,presentment.-Referred to House of Industry Committee. From 'County of Kent, re salary reductions.-Referred .to Petitions and Legislation Committee. Moved. by H. L. Lawton, Seconded by George Cross,: 40 Elgin County Council Elgin County' Council 41 'That this Council inspect the Memorial Hospital at 1;30 o'clock 'Wednesday afternoon. SECOND SESSION-SECOND DAY ........carried Wednesday, the 15th day of June 1932 Moved by QordonN ~wel1; Seconded by H. L. Lawton: The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St, Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. That this Council,adjourn to'meet Wednesday ttldt'hing at 10 a.m. The Warden in the chair. ..-..Carried AU the members present. 'The .proce~dings of the previous day w'ereread and confirmed. -Stewart A. Brown, Wiarden Mr. H. G. Taylor gave notice that he would apply for grant of Fifty Doll,~!,s for Scholarship for County student' attending Ontario Agricultur~i ,College. The first report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted. on motion of C. D. Coyle, seconded by E; Fahner. The report of the Goal Committee was presented and, referred to Committee of the whole with Mr. Gordon Newell in the chair. After considering the report and amending sarne, the committee rose and report as . amended was adopted on motion of G. Newell, seconded by W. H. Bradfield. There was a general discussion 'in reference to payment ofcross1ng protection costs from JanuaI"Y 1931. ,Moved by G. Newell, 'Seconded by C. S. Bridgman: That the Prime 'Minister, the Honourable iMr. HEmry, - be 'requested to notify the Clerk why By-Law No. 1161 has not ,been approved by the Department of Highways. -Carried 42 Blgh1 County Counc:U .Elgln County Couhcil '43 Moved ,by G. Newell, SECOND SESStoN-THIM DAY Seconded by :EJ. Fahner: 'l'hUl'sday; tbe 16th dilLy of :Juhe 1932 That we adjourn to meet at g p.m. .-.carried The :E'lg'ih County Cbuncil met this day at the Court House, in accordance with' adjournment. The CouticH resunied. The Warden in the chait. Letter from Sheriff Hardil1gJ 1'e iinpi'Civefii.ent!i in goal was- read ahd referred to Gacil Committee, All the mem.berspresent. The proceedhtgs o.f the previous day Wet.e :read and confirmed. :'Report of the County Road Comtnittee was presented- and adopted on motion of H. L. Lawton, secortded by c. D. Coyle. A telegram fro.m 1.. Caesar, Provihcial ,Entomologist, 1'6 Corn 130rer Inspector, was read and referred to Agricultural Committee. Report. of. the Special Hospital Committee was pl"esented and adopted on motion of E.. .8, Livermore, seconded by E(o' L.. Lawton. -Moved by"]::, S. Livethtorel Report. of the Bouse Of Industry Committee was presented and adopted on, motion of D. -M.. Leitch, seconded by George Cross.. Seconded. by c. S. Bridgman ~ Moved by- !), M. Leitchl That the -Couhcil of the County of Elgin t'ecommend: Seconded .by A, N. .McWil1fan1~ (1) 'I'hat Crown. Attorneys' remuneration be placed upon a. salary basis. That the Courtci1 visit the HdUSei d:f :J:ndustry Thursday ilftel'"ndort-t leaving the Court House at 4 p.m. (2) That insofar as ,practicable the fee system in the adniinistra.. tioD of jUstice he abolished. .......-carried (3) That the institlltioh of the GraildJury ba wbolished. Moved by (j. N t'!we11t Secotlded by .E::,r Fahnel'; (4) That consideration be given to the question of combining the positions of Sheriff and GOvernor of the gaol. That we adjourn ,to meet Thu,rsday:at 16. a.:ftf,. -'-Cari1~d (5) That a co::py of this resolution be forwarded to Charles Raven, Esq., Dr. H. J. Davis, and the Hon. W. H. Pricei Attorney General. .gtewart A. Bi'ow!l, Warden -----Carried 44 Elgin County Council lr:lg1n COUnty daunon ~6 Moved by A. N. McWilliam, ':Moved by J, F. Mc'GregOl'j , Seconded by D. McGugan: Seconded by g. v.i, Schmelz: That each member of Counell .be furnished a statem~nt showing Provincial Highway costs within the County for the year 1931; also a statement from the County Road Superintendent showing the amounts expended in each municipality on County Roads in 1932, both as to construction and maintenance. That FHty Dollars be granted the Aldborough Old Bo.ys~ A~si)cia" lion for a tablet at the Memorial Park. at :New Glasgow. '-Lost -Carried 'Moved by A. McCalluYiij (Moved by A Taylor, \Seconded .hy Wm, Tohnie: Seconded by G. Newell: That we adjourn to meet at 1.30. That this, Couhty Cbunc11 g-rafit1i'ifty "Donars to t'he Village bf b'uttOh to af3'sist in paying for a tablet to be erected in memory of the men of Dutton -and vicinity who gave their lives tn the Great War. ' -Carried The Council resumed. '-Lost A communication from the Moth.ers' Allowances Board with report was read and referred to the Finance Committee. Moved by W. n.13racifieid; Seconded. ,by C. b. Coyle': The report of the Petitions and Legislation Committee was prew serrted and ad.opted on motion of G: Ne'Vl(elI, seconded by E. Fahner. ~hat we grant Fi.ft,v Dolla:rs to "the Me"tnol'ia~ Pa-l'kat P1. 13Ui"wM1. '----Lost 'The second report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of, C. D. Coyle, seconded by H. L. Lawton. The second report of the Gaol Committee was presented and adopted on motion of W. H. Bradfield, seconded by F~ W. Schmelz. Moved by A. 'l'aylo~, Seconded by S, S:nelgrove: The report of the Education Committee was presented. and referred to a committee of the wh~le with IM'r. Lawton in the chair. After considering the report it was adopted without amendment on motion of H. L'. Lawton, seconded by E. Fahner. That By-Law No. 1181- to exte:nd time for lax saie be received '~:i'nd :read a first time. -Carried ---.carried. 46 'Elgin County Council ,Elgin County Council 47 iMovedby H.L. Lawton, SECOND SESSION-FOURTH DAY Seconded by G. Cross: Friday, the 17th day of June 1932 That By-Law No. 1181 be read a second time. -Carried The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House in accordance with adjournment. Moved by G. Cross, The Warden in the chair. Seconded by H, L.Lawton: All t.he members present. That By-Law No. 1181 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. Moved by - E. Fahner, Moved by A. Taylor, '~" -Carried Seconded by G. Newell: Seconded by G. Newell: That this Council now adjourn to meet at 1.30 p.m. That this Council do now adjourn till 10 a.m. Friday. ---,Carried The Council resumed. -Carried Moved by H. L; Lawton, Stewart A. Brown, Warden Seconded by Wm. Tolmie: That this Council now hear W. R. Coulter re Hospital costs. -Carried Mr. Coulter then addressed the Council in reference to hospital ,costs and grant. The third report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of C. D. Coyle, seconded 'by A. S. Newell. , 48 Elgin County Couhcil Elgin County Council 49 The second rEiport of the Education Committee 'Was presented and referred to a committee of the whole with Mr. Livermore in th~ chair. After amending the report it Was adopted on motioh or E. Sf Livermorej Mconded by H. L. Lawton:., Moved by A. N. McWilliam, Seconded ,by D. M. Leitch: That By-Law No. 1182 be read a second time. The third report. of the qaoI Committee waS presented and. adopte-d on motion of W. H. B~adfield. seconded by F. W. Sdurtelz,. -Carried iMovedby Wm. Tolmie, The report of the Agricultural Cominittee was pre'sen:ted. and referred to a conttnittee 6f the' whole with -Mr. Coyle in the chair.. After amending the report it was adopted on inotion ot C.D. Coyle{ seconded .by H~ L_ Lawton. Seconded by J. F. -McGregor:' That By-:-Law No. 1182 be read a third time and finally passed. , -Carried The fourth r~port of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted. Moved: by Ii.__ Connor, Moved hy D. M~ Leitch, ~econded hy C. S. Br'idgman: Seconded by' George Cross~ That By-Law No. 1183 to raise amounts for County Rates during the year 1932 be received and, read a first time. -Carried That Mr" and Mrs. IngraM be Mnt as delegates wlthMr,'M'cKay;.. to annual convention of Mailaget's of Homes for the Aged and Infirm. at St. Catharines this month. !Moved by E. S. Llverrnore, .:........Carried', Seconded by C. S. Bridgman: Moved by F. W. Schmelz, That By-Law No. 1183 be read a second time. -Carried Secdnde:d by D. M. Leitch:' MOved by H. L. Lawton, That By-Law No. 1182' to aathoriz'e ,the Wa:N:Ieri'- to sign agreerri'ent re Administration of Justice expenses payable by the City of St. Thomas, be received and read a first time., Seconded by S. -Snelgrove: That By-Law No. 1183 be - read a third time and finally pa.ssed. -'-Carriec{. -Carried 50 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 51 Moved by E. S. Livermore, ~HlRD SESSION-F1RST DAY Seconded by D. McGugan: 1-Uesday; the 22nd day o:i' Nove.mber 1932 That By~Law No. 1184 to authorize the Warden to sign agreements with Hospitals .be received and read a first time. . ~Lost The :HJlgih 'COUhty Cotincil met this day at the Court Housel St. Thomas, in accoruah,ce with adjournment. Moved hy H. G. Taylorl The 'Ward~:i1 Ih the chair. Seconded by D.~. Leitch: All "the members prese'ht Elxcept Mr. Leitch. That we pay the Memorial :Hospital, St, Thom.as, and 'I"il1sonbutg Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, Seventy Cents per day for all indigent patients committed by the County of EIgin~ The Warden add:ressed the Council as follows: 'To the Elgin County Council, ~carried Gentlemen.: '--" Moved by H. L. L:awto:t1, Seconded ,by G. Newell: In coffihlehclng the closIng sessloh of theyeat it is advlsable 'thttt ;You should have as much information as obtaina'ble in reference to matters of interest in the affairs of the County. That thIS Council do t1oW' adjoUr'n - to itl,eet the 4th 'I'uesday in November at 2 p.rn..- ;S~hool Ac~unts.-.City Of St. Thomas ----Carried UndeI' the .I:Iigh - and Continuatioh Schools _ Acts _ a county is liable ;for fl. proportiona~e _ cost Of the education or county pUpils attending such -Schools. . By "county pupils" _ iSh1ea-nt ,pupils who live 'in the county but do -hot reside _ hi a contlnuatiOl.1 sch~l)l s~ction or high :school district" or who~ although residi1~g in i1district, find that some bther school is more accessible, or who .desire a course of instruction that is hot avaHable In school Of their section or district. ,Stewart A. 13rown, Warden One-fifth 'of the pUpils who attend the st. Tho:nta@ SchoolS: Are 'County pupils. Accoimt_s for their 1paintei'1'a~c~ ~re ~eGeived :frohl School authotities, checked by the -- County-Clerk, and certified for :paY~ent. With th~ .e:x.ception of acco~'nts fOr the p:::.st t'Yo years, settlements have been satisfactory to the City authorities. Payments by the Count~ inclyde one-fift~ of 80% of expendit~res fpr per~a'" 52 Elgin County Council Jillgln County Council 5a nent improvements to the Collegiate Institute and Vocational 80]:1001, and also one-fifth of amounts paid -by the City in connection with the construction of said schools. In the 1930 account this amounted to $3127. A similar amount has been paid since the construction .of the Vocational School" and previous to that, the annual payment towards debentures issued for the construction of the Collegiate Institute were about $800 per year. In the construction' of the Vocational School the City issued debentures amounting to $290,000 and the Pro- vince agreed to pay about 30% of the debenture pwyments as they became due. Said payments are made" annually to the City authori- ties thereby reducing the debenture levy and the cost of educatian in the schoals. Tawn af Aylmer and thB Vienna High School District which i'ncludes the Township of Bayham; and. seven cantinUatian schab} sections, Radney, West Larne, Fingal, Belmont, Sparta, Springfield, and Patt Burwell. The fnclusian bf the, ward l'nearest" ih the Committeeis ,repart caused same c6nfusian although the clerk in writing the schO'als said. that the intentian af the repart was that Inare attention shauld be paid to' the definition of "county pUpil.)' 'I"he va:rious schaals have been prO' curing statements from pupils with a view to' determin.. -lng the liability or the Caunty. The Baard af Educatian is now abjecting to' the deductian af the payment by the Pravince, the result of which would be that the Caunty would have to' pay one-fifth af 80% af said amaunt, It is to determine whether the Pravincial grant is ,praperl'y deducted from the cost af educatian and debenture ,payments that praceedings have been taken, the matter is in the' hands af the Caunty Salicitar. There daes nat appear to' be any authority enabling the Baard af Educatian to' abra- gate the right af cauntypupils to' attend City schaals after that right has been granted. T~ei"e is a qUestian as to what pUpils resident in the "rbwnship of Bayham attending the Tlllsoliburg- High Schaal shau)d be cansidered caunty puplis. The Clerk is bdnging this matter to' the attentian of the COUncil with a view to' having same referred to the Education Cammittee. In the Caunty af Essex which is served by the Windsar and Wal- kerville Vacation Schaal, the annual legislative grant far building, $35,808, is always deducted. In Middlesex $11,124 was deducted from a :similar accaunt rendered Iby the City autharities to' the Caunty far 1931, the annual settIementsbeing an exactly the same 'basis that has always been found satifactary in the County af Elgin. OId'Ag,," Penslo"" and Itous. of tndustry 1uu1llllei< Sectian 16 af the Old Age Pensians Act 'Pravides that nO' pensian shan be subject to' alienatian or transfer by. the pensianer far seizure 0'1' satisfactiano(any claim agaihst him. Section 8 of the ;Pravinci'al Act states that pensians 'are nat to' be sUbject to garnishment, 'attachment bY' seizure. 'There are faurteen pensioners in the House of Industry w-has'e pensions of $20 per manth are assigned to' the Caunty Treasurer. The total cast 'per inmate per week for theye'ar 'ending the 1st af November 1932 was $3.11. If we add to' this overhead based on 5% of the tatal amount the Caunty has invested in the in- -stitution, it WOuld increase the cast ,per 'week. to' $4.30. QuMtibhs that thIs Cl111nl::ii shOUld. determ.in~ . ate: Education Committee's Report at June Session In accardance with instructians the Clerk farwarded capy af the repart to' Cantinuatian and High Schaals which Elgin pupils attend. In drafting the' report the Cammittee O'verlaaked the fact that caunty 'pupils cauld not bE! campelled to' attend the nearest schaol unless they resided in a Continuatian Schaal sectian 0'1' a High Schaal district; In Elgin there are three high schaal districts, the Village of Dutton, th~ '(1) the amount thatiiluch inmates should b'e charged. for maihten" ahM (2) to' what extent the. Caunty shauld assume burial expense (3) the dis.positi~n of any balance that may remain .in 'the account to' their legal representatives, =""~ 54 EIgbi County Council ElgIn Colinty Council 55 For years it has been customary to enter into arrangements witli the inmates who had money, to safeguard sufficient for, burial and maintenance expenses, any 'balance to .go to their legal representa- tives. The House of .Industry Committee should be required to report to the Council with a view to having these matters determined for the information of County authorities; Plan for the. Future Thete a:re other matters outside of municipal spheres that the public mind should consider. The first is whether goverrimEmt by political parties is advisable under present conditions. Would it not be better to have a unit;m government for a ,few y~ars? It might bring about-.(l) reduction in the members of the Legislature; (2) a corresponding reduction in Cabinet positions; (3), reduction in County Do'Li.ricil membership, one for each municipality; (4) the rev'ersion of small villages to police villages; (5) the re':arrallgement -of our edu.:. cational' facilities with a view to curtailing secondary education expenditures; (6) -the limitation of the Highways Dep~rtment to the maintenance of provincial highways alread'y cOllstructed, municipali- ties to be relieved of the charge for which they are now liable; no com'ltruction to be undertaken without the approval of the councils of the counties iri which the roads are situated. Although we hear some optimistic reports suggesting the end of the depression, there is not much evidence of it in an agricultural community. In opening the January session I directed the attention of the Council to the various causes of high taxation, for which. the present Council is not responsible. We are called upon to assume responsibility for fixed expenditures approved by past councils. Our duty in connection with the economic situation is to endeavor to keep municipal expenditures within bounds so that .taxation may be reduced to a minimum. Relief With reference to relief for the unemployed, the co-operation of the federal and provincial governments with the municipalities would appear to be satisfactory where properly adininistered. The basis of a Dominion or Provincial tax to provide funds for this purpose may be worthy of consideration.' Some statistics recently published show that during the past eighteen years municipal governments have spent $124 for every $100 of income, and during the same year Provincial governments spent $152 for every $100. of income; III 1913 the cost of government was 50% of the value of field crops at the farm; In 1931 it was 216% of the crops value in that year. County Finances These are matters beyond the coritrol of this Council, as are marketing conditions for agricultural prOducts. Every representative man should give attention to the possibilities of the re~organization of municipal administration in his own community. There is no doubt that in many places arrears of ta'lles are constantly increasing, a clear ~ndication that the tax burden is ,becoming greater than many of the taxpa'yers can bear. There is only one way to reduce taxation, and that is to cut down expenditures by the introduction of saner economy. The Treasurer has prepared a statement showing as nearly as possible the position the Courity will be in at the end of the year. Expenditures have been kept pretty well within the estimates, although necessary repairs to one of the large river bridges threat- ened to materially overdraw the county road appropriation; Never ,in Elgin The reducing of expenditures should not be made in a haphazard maimer, but on(y after .it careful appraisal of the situation; The maIn thing is that expenditures must be r'educed to income figures. One cause of governmental extravagance and mismanagement is the personal inter~st of the people's representatives, which at times is very much in evidence. In municipal circles care should be taken to distinguish between candidates who want to do something for the municipality, arid those who want the municipality to do something for them or their friends. 56 ElgIn County Council Elgin County Council 57 The proceedings of the last day of the previol:ls session were read. and confirmed. From Fred R. Taylor, Corn Borer Inspector, with report.-Re- ferred to Finance Committee. 'The fOllowing cothhtunications We-re read: Letters were received from seven counties that agree with the resolution passed by the Elgin Council in opposition to the' abolition of County Councils. li'rom PhysiC:ian, House of Industry, with annual rep6rtr"-Refei'red to House of Industry Comm:.ittee. From J, J. Morrison; 1"e farll'l.era' mass Meeting to be' held in: Toronto on December lat.-Referred to Agr.icultural Committee. From. Secretary, Old Age Peuf:!ions Commission, with report.-'Rew ferred to Finance Committee. From Superintendent; Children's Aid Society, re annual meeting. Fo:tn tnspectorj HOUse of Industry, with annual report.~Referreci to House Of Industry CQrnmittee. From County Treasurer, with l'eport.~Referred to Finance Com- mittee. F'roh'i County Clerk with report oh license'S. in forcer-Referred ta Finance Committee. Moved by C. D. Cay Ie, Seconded by W. H. Bradfield: From County Council of Middlesex, 1'e secondary education.""""" Referred to Education Committee. That a deputation from Port Burwell be heard to-morrow at 2 0' clock. Fro1nCounty Clerk, ra June report.--Referred to lilducatiort. Committee.. -Carried Front Counties of' stot'il'iont, bundas and Glengar,ry, re hospital. expense.-Referred to Finance Committee. Moved by E. Fahner, Seconded by G. Newell: From. 1=>1.'11100 l!Jdward COU:tltp Board. of Trade, ra maintenahce ot' LmemplO'yed..-Referred to Agricultural Committee. That we adjourn to meet at 10 a.m. to-morrow. From COUnty CoullcH 6f Halton, ra cost of secohdary educati6it.. "-Referred to EduGation Comniittee. -Carried From Undertakers of St. Thomasl te COSt dfburials.----"Refevred to' Finance Comtnittee-. Stewart. A. Brown, Warden From, Ontario AgrIcultural ColIege,. aekil6wledgiri.g receipt at cheque fot' COit.i1ty' student, 58 Elgin COUhty COlincil Wig-in .C,jo'!ihty' Council 59 THIRD SESSION-SECOND DAY The Wardeli appbihted MesSrs.. LIvermore and H. G.Taylor. 'Wednesday, the 23),'4 day Of Noveh1be:r 19'32 'Movt'ld by A. TayloI\ 'Seconded by G. Newell: The Elgin. COUhty Council met this day at the Court Bouse, st, 't'hqm~s, in accordance with ~djournment. That 'w~ do now adjOUrn to meet at .2 p.m. -Carded ~I'he Warden In the chair. The CbUheii resmtiect, All the members present. '1'he proceedings of the prevIous day' ,were read and cdn:f'ir:h1~d, The Wa:rdeh then called on members of the deputatlo:n from the Township bf Bayhuhl:. Mess.r.s. Coombs, Peebles and Meyers addressed the Council requesting them to authorize some expenditure on Num~ bel' 19 Highway for -relief purposes, The Cle:rk presented statement of secondary education costs as requested at the June Session. This waS ireferred to the Education Committee. Moved hy C'.~';b. Cbyl~l T4e rep~l't of the A~1'icultu1'al Re:present~tive on the work of his departmeh.t was presented by Mr. 'l'hbmas,. and referred to .the Agricu-l-' tual Cotl'llnittee. Seconded by W. H. Bradfield: 'Mr, It. G. "I"aylor fnqui1'ed 1'e colIection 6f the ~ccoUnt froM the' Children's Aid SOclety paid in 1931 fOr the maintenance of tne Me:, Killop children, amount $682.50, and was informed that the matter waS: in the hands of the Solicitor, That this Council request the Ml:nl.stel' Of Hl.ghwaY.!3 to spend . the sum of Ten Thousand"Dollars On Number 19 Highway in the CountY of Elgin for reli'ef purposes during 1932. -Lost The report of the County Road Cb:mmit'te~ 'Was presented and adopted on motion of H. L. Lawton, seconded <by C. D. Coyle. Moved by H~ G, '~~y16rf .Moved by G. New~ll, Se:condecf bY' A. ,S, Newei1~ Seconded hy E. Fahner: That f:i Mfntnitfe:e ,b6 appointea td ititerviE'S'W ,Mr.. Leitch with regal'd to' cdllection: of $68"2.50. now held in trust 'by offioiai gua:.rdianl which ah10uht. was paid ChildrehJ~ Shelter lii Jtine 1M1 for ke"e'p Ot Neil McKillQP Ghildren, The Cotl:lm-ittee to report at Jat1uat'y Session 1933, That High ,Schobl Boards, the J36ards of Eetrication, al'l.d the trustees Of Co'nUnnation Sohools of the COunty of Elgin be requested 10 consider a re..adjustment of the salari'es of the secondary teachers to conform with present day conditions) and that a copy of this reso.. Jution he .sent to the several boards. ~arried. '-Carried 60 Elgin County Council Elgin. County Cotmail 61 Moved by H. ,L. Lawton, THIRD SESSION-THIRD DAY Seconded :by George Cross: Thursday, ~he 24th day of NdvembeJ;' 1932. That this Council adjourn to meet to~morrow at 10 a.m. -Carried The Eighi County b6lincil met thIs day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment, The Warden in the chair.. Stewart A. Brown, Warden All the mei.nb'ers ptesent. ,Mo;ved by G. Newell, Second'ed .by J.. F. McGregor: That w'e adjourn to meet at 2 p.bh "-Carried The Cb'uhcll resU,hteet , The proceedings of the prevIoUs day were read and confirmed. Mr. Bradfield gave notice that he would bring up a discussion in :reference to work on Number 19 Highway on Friday, The report of the Ho'use Of Industry Committee was presented, and referred to a committee of the whole with Mr. Tolmie in the chair. After consideration it was adopted on motion of MI.';. Tolmie, seconded byD. -M. Leitch. The report of the Finance Committee was presented and' adopled on motion of C. D. Coyle, seconded, by E. Fahner. The report of the Gaol Committee waS: presented a;hd adopted - on. motion of W. H. Bradfield, seconded by L. Connor. 62 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 63 The report of. the Agricultural COmmittee was presented and adopted on motion of H. -G. Taylor, seconded by J. F. McGregor. Moved by C. D. Coyle, The report of the Education Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Wm. Tolinie. seconded by E. Clarke. Seconded by W. H. Bradfield: That By-Law No. 1185 be read a second time. Moved 'by 'Wim. Tolmie, -Carried ,Seconded Iby D, McGugan: Moved by L. Connor, That By-Law No. 1184 to amend By-:Law No. 827 be received and read a first time. Seconded by C. S. Bridgman: ~arried That By-Law No. 1185 be read a third time and finally passed. Moved by A. N. McWilliam, -Carried 'Seconded by E. Clarke: Moved 'bY.,g. Newell, That By-Law No. 1184 .be read a second time. Seconded by R., G., Taylo.r: -Carried That this County Council favors the appointment of a member to. the St, Thomas Board of Education for the year 19~3. lJ.\I[oved by F. W. Schmelz, Seco.nded by J. F. McGregor: -Carried That By-Law No.. 1184 be read a third time and finally passed. Moved by H. L. Lawton, Seco.nded by Geo.rge Cross: -Carried That this Council adjourn to meet to-morrow at 10 a.m. Moved byE. S. Livermore, -Carried ',S~~o.nded by C. ,S. Bridgman: That By-Law No. 1185 to fix the salary of the Goal Surgeon be 1;'~ceive~ and read a first time. Stewart A. Brown,Warden -Carried 64 Elgin County -CoUncil Elgin County _ Cotincil 65 THIRD SESSION-FOURTH DAY !Moved 'by G. Newell, Fl'idaY, the 25th day of November 193~ Seconded by E. FahJler: The EIght County Council met this day in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the chair. That the usual grant of Twenty-five Dollars be paid :Mr. L. B. Birdsall for the efficient maImer in which the proceedings of this Council have been rep?rted this year. -Carried All the members present. Moved by E Fahner, The proceedings of the previous day were read and .confirmed.. Seconded by Alex. Taylor: Moved by W. H, Bradfield! That this Council adjourn sine die. Seconded by C. D. Coyle: V,;, -Carried . That we ask the Depart:lnent of Bighways to cantin.ue wO,rk _ _ oli Highway Number 19, for the relief of the uneMployed, such work to be confined to unemployed of Elgin County and start at once. _Lost Moved hy D. M. Leitch,. Seconded by A. McCallum: That the Clerk J)l'epare the necessary by-law to bring thra County' of Elgin within what is known as the alter:M.tive schelhi!i for fitianciIig High and 9ontinuationSchools. ........Lost Moved by E. Fahnerf Seconded 'by G. Newel!: That 'the' thahKsof, this Council be tendered Warde-n Brown for' the efficient manner in which he has filled the chair du:ring 1932; and that the usual g.rant of One Hundrel DQUars :be paid to him. -'-""Carried 66 1l::1gtt1 County C6Ui1<.111 lt11gin CoUnty CoUncil 67 REPORTS OF COMNUTTEES PETITIONS ANb t.Ed1SLATI0N McGregor Gol'don Ni::lwell, Chairman McWilliam Coyle-' Fahnet McGugan Bridgman Standing C..ommittees i932 OOUNTY 1t6Ab McGregor H, L, La wton~ Chairman McWilliam Coyle iI. G. Taylor GA6L W. H. Bradfield, Chai'rman Schmelz ConuOl: Clarke LEGAL :EJ. S. Livermore; ChairMan 'Lawton Snelgrove Tol"'l. iIousm OF INDUSTRY AGRtotJLTlJRAL n. 'G. Taylor, Chairman v~_MeGregor McWilliam L~wton G. Newell Coyle D. M. Leitch, Chairman Cross A. S. Newell FlNANcm O. D. Coyle, Chairmatt McGregor' McWtilliam Lawton G. Newell !t. d-. Tay10r Livermore Connor Fahnel' A; S, Newell McCallum Leitch Tolmie , EbtfCATION Schmelz Olarke A. Taylol!- William Tolmie, Chaitmafi SrtelgrQve' Btlad{ie1d McCallum McGugan iI. G, Tay161' Brldgfilati 68 Elgin" Comity .Council -MJIgin Cotifity C6uhhll M ~,.." ,.~~,."..,~~"." ,-'"....., ~ ' , _.~.~..- .',., .-_.~ " COUNTY TREASURER REPORTS January, Session High" Schools '."_"'~."""'.~_"'__-'''''_'._''___'..,..''''__'-m'.'"'___..."..,-_._"_...n.......__",..".......L.;..,; 48'150,,75 Arrears of Taxes ---..--.--n......---...___._.....___.........__.....__n.....___n......___.____..n._. 13926 95 Members; Wages __.....hm.....___........__......._n....___.___.........._....__........____.....__. 4601 50 Off-jeers' Salaries '.,....-.'_>.".....__"_......'."__",,..1...._'-....>.....,,..,....................'....c._'-,.'-......."n....." ' 4751>:' 00 Printing and, Stationery --m-..-..h__.___.....__......._n_....._......____....h_.......____ 693 08 tJai'e 61' Buildings ..----..-...---.--___...___..._...__..........._._...__.____......_............_....__. 1799 99 Water, Light, Beat .._.___h........____......~__.....___.....___._..._.._...._.__.................. 3059 71 !~~~:e~~a~oot~s :~:::~::~:=~:::~:::~:~:~:::::~:~::~~::::::,:::::~::::::::::::::::::::~:':::,:::::~:=:~~:~:=~ ,1~::,~~ ~~ To the Warden and Council, Gentlemen: I have the honor to submit the following' statement for your infor~atiRn. Balance ~..<_.__>..~ _.._...>..n ~. , ,$531681'42 .. m ... ...---.--...-.....-..-..m...............m_...m._m__..m 38415 90 Receipts and E~penditures December 31st, 1931 '..,' .'.' $570QSJ.32 ~ece~pts Cash on hand -;;".;"-;-.-............._,,:,,.;~~"-.~.7..-'..n..---.........,..._"____..:..........___$ 24547 01 Administration of Justice ........__m.._____....nm_n........m.._.._..._..........n. 11997 40 Bills Payable ...________.....;/___,__~~......___..._.__________.;.__:~;___;____.._______________.......~ 190000 00 Interest ........---____......___.___......._____....________.._...._______..___..__________.___________...___.____.. 137 15 County Rate ....__ .____n........__n__m...___....__m__..___....___.___._____...._..___00___.....___.... 248002 00 Registry Office -----........._____........_._______._...._________.....____.___.....________....__ 415 85 Public . Schools ....___.._...._.__.___....._...._.____..______...._________._.....____._._........._______ 21832 60 House of Industry --_......_.____.00........._._.0000_.__..._00___._..___.....00__.._.._.........._... 4407 23 Arrears of Taxes _______.......nn_.._.............._nm_._........._..___......__m__....___m____. 13929 39 'County Roads ........----........______._____........_______.__.....__.____......._.._............__.___. '51068 37 Miscellaneous .....---....--......___.___..._._......______.....___.........___.........._____...___._..... 3760 32 '4138131:8 and ilabilitie~" b~~e'~b~~ 31st, 1931 AsSetS Cash on hand ....,--..-........"...._.m....._.__m..m..__......................._.....~_....._$38U5 M Provo Treasurer Co. ROads m..--.---....._...._.._........,...._____......._'._'_n...-' 50542 50 Subu:i'bah Afea ..----...-----..00_....'1..._,___>___'-...<___..._.>___,._.1.__.,.""_.......__.,.._"...,,~,...'I. .4721 00 .AdhlifiisttatlO"Il Of mstlce .....--....'1......-._.......__......._.......__....___.__.......__...._.. 2500 00 .R'egistry . Office ---.-.-----..-----h-...._.._.,......._.1..n~___...nC..._.....__.,__.'..._1..__..__'-._....." 808 '00 .Pi-ov. Treas'Urer, C6r-hbbrel" Act m--__._...__..._c........______.'._._....,_........._c.. '468 ,25 Miscellaneous ,._,...".1..__,.___,.....1.._........._..........._......,..."...,--.......,........"...,.._..'1.___1..........'- 1654 73 $570097 32 . ~10ll1l0 38 Expenditures Administration of Justice .._....._...______m_....._._.___.........._____......._..__.....$ 23387 13 Bills Payable ...hm__..........__nnn...__..._...__.________.__n..__..._..____........ .......... 210000 00 Interest -------..-......-------____....._.__._........_..__.__......._..____........._.............__.....___..... 5921 21 Public Schools .-..----....____.__.___._._.__........_.______.......______.._.._________......___.......... 39513 45 House of Industry .._.___m___........_______.._.._____......n__.___....._.._____.._............. 8298 77 Regist~y 'Office --..--.......-...--.._......___________.........___.___________.___....._........___.____... 617 89 County Lines ---.._........_..___........____.......__.._..__...._____.n...._...___.__....___......_... 219 07 LiabiHtlM :Bills Payable ._...__...__.l....,___l......__>__.>._...__..._....._..............<.....,..,............,..............,....$ 56000 '00 Jnterest --~--.-------_..___._...-._c.___..._c___..._.___c__..___,.._..,,_.._.:.__..__......_........_.____.._....___,.,. 1500 00 Public .schoOls .--.-..,---"--..1.___......_...___......._.......___..__..__..__._.,..__,___..._".,.__......__..'. soOo '00 Schb6ls --.,--,..__'.__.~.._,___1......___.._..___..___.....___,.._.._...._.__.......""'..._.._..,___.__.,..,.. ,25000 00 ,House of tnclusti.'y ._,c'.__-..__L.l.._'--n.'C__'._n.___...._..___......___......__.,....._..,,___....,___,....___.. 8()Q 00 Old Age Peihston's --...---.---....-.--.......--...__.._,_..'''__.,....:..,...."....._...._.,..'_._.___..__... '6000 QO 'Mothers' Allowanc'e ...------...------....________....._.....__...______..c'..___....___..c..._........ 700 00 of Taxes '...".._..___1......._,..._,,___,__.,.._........__......._.....'...-......_..._..\;;........,.,.1..'1. 40 .84 70 Elgin. County Counon Elgin County Council 71 Miscellaneous ..._._..._._...._.._........_..._._................,...__._._.............__..._.......... 1400 00 June Session Surplus .............__...__..._.___ $ 96140 34 ____..._._...._..._______.______.____....._..._........_____.___....._ 3970 04 To the Elgin County Council, $100110 38 Gentlemen: It will be necessaTY to appoint a Committee to meet the City Council in order that an Agreement may ,be prepared regarding the Administration of Justice Expenditure for the next fi1ve years. Receipts and Expenditures to May 31st, 1932 Receipts It w111 benecessa:~y to pass a 'By-Law authorizing the Warden and Treasurer to borrow $250,000 from the Bank of ,Montreal. Cash on hand January 1st ________....._______________....______.___...__.___.................$ 38415 90 ::So B. GRAHAM, County Treasurer Administration of Justice ._____.___.._._..........m_........___...._._.___.......___........__. Bills Payable _.,__.__.......____.__...____________......_............._________..__._._._______..........._... Interest ....................__..........____......._.._...._...._______..._.__.........____...___....____........ ,Registry Office .........................._..._____________._._._...._.......__.....__.........._........... Public Scl;,1Qols _______.______._....__..,._......_....._...............--------....,-.__.....,____...___... House of Industry ___...___.________________................___..__._........_______._________...___. Arrears of Taxes ....._................______......_......._......._________.__._.......__...__........... County' Roads. ..._.._-.--.,--l..____.__....._._.___....._......__..._.....----___.____.__......___........". Miscellaneous ............__._.___.._.___._____........_......_____.._."........__.....______....________.... 3421 22 92000 00 19 05 808 11 918 58 1888 88 4614 '85 56132 19 1188 30 All of which is ,respectfully submitted. $198906 67 Expenditures Administration of Justice ._____"...._..___________h__________________h..h_..___.......___.$ '9994 78 Bills .Payable ___.._______...._...______...................._______..__.................____...._..__..__. 92000 OD Intere'st ____..__~..__..____......_...._..____..._......_.._.._,..________...______......_......._..... 2886 33 Public Schools ___..__......__._______.___.___.____~......_..__,____.______.__c_______________..._______. 7507 38 House of Indus:try ___n__n_.____n______n_____.._h__n__n______h______________m_...____mn 2442 67 Regist~y Office ______n_..._________._..__________n._.___......_.__........._......______n... 99 17 High ,Schools .._.._...,_................__......_....;...,.......______._......_______...._.........__.. 21782 76 Members' Wages _____._.._..______.._n__....___________.......___.____________________________.. 1355 50 Officers' Salaries _..n_~._h_h_n..n__....._............h_..____.......h...__n....___________ 1328 33 Printing and Stationery ______..______n__...___.........,...__...____,.......___....____.. 530 29 Care of Buildings ____..____n............______m_m______....._.______....___________............ 924 76 Water, Light, Heat ____...._________.......________..................n_.....h_......",U.....m. 17239 County. Roads .._.................................____....._.___________.......................________.. 29233 70 72 Elgin County CdutjcH EIginCo.untyCortrtcil - _ N'N__,"~ ,Miscellaneous ---'.--.....---.....______....."'''......".;....'''.......,___.~.:...".___....,,__....__.,........ 18575 411 N ov~mber Ses'sion $188833 46 Balance- .......".......-.............__.....,....,,___,...,___..._.~~".....-......;.._.,'~"'.,..___J___"'.n.~~~_".... 16073 21 73 $198906 67 RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES UP TO OCTOBER 31st, 1982 Esti_te.i fli... i9SZ Jij"~ertditure Receipts Admlillsttatlon Of Justice ....................""................................................$ h600 od Rouse of Industry .---.._....__.__.......___.._n__;.....__n....___.._____..._n_.....__......_._. '5000 00 Elih ScHools. .--...._"...~.._..__...__'_u_~...'.."_~~"_-J......;".,,_._,,.z.~JJ,__.___,...;___._,;,.J___''',...:i;;;..., 45000 00 Public .Schools ..._...'''........,..._....'......__..-..........._....1......."........;...;.."-.;.......'..:........ 150.0.0.' 0.0. Officers' Salaries- ..................'.....'...J..........'........................J....1.....'....1....1........-'.....;.".<.... 470.0. -00: Members' Wages .........................~................_........................I.......~........._._,._, 40.0.0'_: 0.0. Court. House Commission. ..-..................-...........'...'...-......-".._.....<0...........'.'.......'......_... 20.0.0. -0.0 ,!nteTe.st. ...............'..............'..................................0..'.........'....'............................."...........' 60.00. 0.0 County- RQads .c............'........'............................_...............'.....'...........'............,........1.....1.... 0.0 Provincial- Highway . (lh debt) _.'..'.....'........-.'........................................__... 2550.0. '00. Old' 'Age Pensions .........'..;......................;..........'.....'....'J..'......;....;............'................... 00' Miseellane€ll:1s ~............_.........--......'...............'.....'...'..........'.'.......................................'...'__'... 1780.0 .00 Cash on 'hand .....................................................................$ Adm. of Justice .....m.....................:.....:............................. Bills Payable .................................................................... Interest ............__....................................._.........._.._.......... Countly Rate ............................__........................................ Registry Office ....................___......................................m Public Schools ......................................................._......... House of Industry........................................................... Arrears. of T.a,xes ......._.................................................... County Roads ......................................:........................... Miscellaneous .................................................................... $186000 OrY The' hum:befi' of lofs etigib1efoF sale- for ArrE:far.s of Taxes this year fs not large so 1- would recommend that Tax. Sa-Ie 'be- de-fe-rl1ed fot anothe:F year, Expenditures Adm. of Justice ....................-................-..............c..........$ Bills' Payable ......._......................................................._.. Interest ..................................,...................._.........._..,...... PUlblic .Schools .n........................................_..................... House of ,: Industry........................................................ RegiBtry Office ...".................~........__.......~....:............._..... County, Lines ........_....._.............._........................_.......'.. High ",Schoo.ls _,...........................~.,................._.........._...... Arrears of Taxes .............-............................................. :Members' . Wages .......................n.._.........._................. Officers' -Salaries ................................_................._....... Printing and Stationery ........._.................................. Care of Buildings ..........................._........................... Water,' Light,' Fuel i;:.....:....;;;;....;;~.................;_............. AU Of' which is r-espeGt:t:ullY's-u.:tllnit-tect, B~ B..GRAHAMf.CQunty ':ryeaau:zlelf - st Thomas" OiltJ; June 10thI' 1932 - 2086 99 20000 00 36 92 356 47 184 66 22 58 428 58 $ 28116 20 4989 79 1 25 21751 72 2579 05 188 85 181 60 1050 00 30 10 367 92 1712 76 $ 38415 90 14840 32 135000 00 55 97 808,~1 21671 94 3211 96 599214 56889 08 32910 62 $279686 04 $ 20879 90 92000 00 2891 03 30660 20 6950 99 806 38 21782 76 1200 00 2420 20 3548 88 1026 77 1773 75 1986 21 74 .mIght ,<JoUnty C6utlcil lClgln bounty COUhCU 75 County Roads Miscellaneous 5522 24 4046 27 58634 71 32910 28 FINANCE C01liMITTEE :REPORTS Balance ........................ " $ 278471 46 . ... ...,.......,..~.............._.........._......... 1214 58 Jammi'Y S'essit.n-Fil'stRepo'rt $ 42811 55 $279686 04 'l"o th~lrJlgin' County Councilt l:stiblates f()i' Balattce (jf Year CentIeh1elH :Expenditures 13111$ Payable ................_.....,.......~...............,.......~.......,...._............_..........$ 93000 00 lnterest ...___............,.____~......,.,.........__........_,.____...._______....___.__.............'..,........ 4000 00 Achninlstration (it J'dstiCEl' .__.............._...............,.......__.......__.__......._..'.__.'.. 3000 00 Pt.:t.blic Schools ....__..........___.............___.___.___._______.__...__.............._................... 14'500 00 Hig.h SchOOls ___.._.........._..,__.,.._.._.,___.........._..__,__..._.._......._...._.___......__.___._...., 45000' DO' House of IIidustry ....___,___,.._.....___..._....,.__.._.....___..._.,....__...._.........___..."._._, 800 00 Arrears of Taxes _n._n._n.___..___.___.__..n_.......___,.__,.__.._.._n..n_.__..__.'-___".".......... 4792 14 U\iembers' Wages '''h__'___'___''___''__''__'''''''_'n.'___'__,'.__'___'__'.....___..______.......,_"'" 800 00 Officers' Sala.rie~ ___.___.___..__.____........___.....,___....._....__.........____.....___.........___... 1175 00 Care of BUildings .__......_..___..___.__,___....,___.___.___....__,.__,....___.___.....__.__.....,.... 500 0'0 C'ounty Roads ______..__..._._._..___.__..___.___.._........__.____....___.............___.___.._.._..._.. 22000 00 ProviuGlial Bighways _.__._...._..___.___.______..______"._.____.___.____._____.._.............__ 26758 68 Miscellaneous ...,.......,_.......__.__.......__.._..___,___.__.........,__.."..__,_..............._.._.. 12000 00 The Flhafice Coh'l.h1ittM repiYtts: t,. T.hat thetbllowing' gl'ants b~ mad~: , ,Hospital f6r Sick Children, Toronto_._......"........_._.._.,,____........$ 100 on ,salvatIon Arfuy. B.escueHomel London.......~...h__.___.._._ 350 00 National Institute for the Blind.__................._n._n.__..___.._.. 200 00 2. That J. P. C6ohlbe, of Vienna) a:rtd Johtl Leitch, Of button, be appointed Cemetery Commissioners under the new Act. SurplUs ...,...~.m....... , $228325 82 .. ....... ~."..._...",,~..,.. ............".....~.."...m....".............. 974 18 :So That Gordbrt' N8wtlll be appointed County representative of Exec'll.- tive Elgih ,Music ,Festival. $229300 00 -4. That Me!3srs. l..€lltch, Live.rhlbr~,-1-I. G. 1'a'ylor, Coyle and the Wal'~ de'n be the Special Committee to arrange settlement of Administra'" tioh of Justice accounts 'With ,the City. ofSt; Thoh1as. ~celpls tOIl Balance M 'yea> CoUl1ty R.t. .."..............."..................................,.."........"...."...............,...$186000 00 'Government Aid __..___,___.._...._,...........,...._............_..._.._..,.........,___........__.___.... 40000 00 Administratiofi of Justi'ce ...........,...............h.....__...,.........._.,___.....-.._,_..~." 3000 00- Jidiscellaneous- .._._...._...__.___.._..._.,,__..........._._,_..._..,__.._...'-"................"'_..._........., 300 00 0. That i:l. :By:"Law.b~ paEfMd authorizing the Wll.l'den andlJ:'l'easUl'er to borrow the sUm Of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand. Dollars,to meet current expenditures during the year. $229300 00 6. That the sUm of II'wehty-fiveDolIal'sbe 'Paid the Ontario Muni- cipal Assbciatio:n being mem1berShip" fe'efOr the year"1932. All of which isr~spElctfu:.J1y subh1itted. E. E, (}RAHAM, County Tr,easurer '7~ That no action be taken in reference to communication from the United Farmers of Ontario,' and" from' the fatmers of Peter- borqugh. 76 Elgin County Council Elgl:n County Council 7'1 2. That the .present equalization be adopted for the year 1932. 8. That the Public Liability. Insurance be renewed in the London and Lancashire Company at the reduced premium of $456, being a reduction of $143 in that paid in 1931. 9. That the following accounts be paid: Children's Aid Society, for maintenance__m_m___mm______$ The ,sun, printing proceedings _nnnnnn__n__................__..____ Coi.mty Clerk, for postage ______m____________.______..__........._._____ 10. That the following hospital accounts be paid: London Health Association ________________........________....___________$ T,oronto General ______......___........_________.......__......__n____________...... Parkwood Hos~pital, "Loridon _nnn___...~--._..--m------m------.... Ontario Hospital, Woodstock _____...________.._......_.___m_____nnn Victoria Hospital, London ._.._____.___________"___________________.._._. Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas________.___________,___...._____.__________ Grant, 258 days at .50 _nn___.__.._____m_n.._..._.__._....____....___. Soldiers' Memorial Hosp., Tillsonburg____....._m______.____.__. Grant, 44 days at .50...............0000000000______.........______..__.____00 That municipalities in which patients resided be charged with one~half their accounts. 11. That the Auditors', Report be received and printed. All of which is respectfully submitted. C. D. COYLE, Chairman St. Thomas, Jan. 28th, 1932. Second Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports: 1. That the Old Age Pension Commission be re-appointed. ":a. That 11'. :R,. 1'aylor .be appbinted Corn Borer Inspector. 600 00 260 75 40 00 4. That question of grants, applied for by the Plowmen's Association, Beef Show and Agricultural Council be 'referred to the new AgricUltural Council. .0. That the 'following llC'Cbunts be paid~ 183 00 2075 318 50 97 50 337 75 442 15 129 00 69 35 22 00 Municipal 'W'brIo. Li:mit~d, -Registry OfflM___..__.._.........<...$ Municipal World" Limited, Courtly Clerk_n.........___._n..n. 416 29 \J3 All ofwhic:h is respectfully suh:mitted. C. b. OOYLm, Chairm.an St. Thomas) Ont.~ -29th January 1932. $ 1620 00 J"une Session-First Report -To the lDlgi:n Cou:nty Council) iGentle.men: The Finance Cdmh'l.iUee repol'ts~ 1.. That the followIng hospital ,accounts have :been presented.: 'London' Health A.ssbCiation._.___..___.___._.....____....___._.._._.__~......;$ Parkwood Hospital, London ___._...._.......__.__..__.,.__......._.____..,. Victoria Hospital, London 00_..........__......__.....................____.. Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, Tillsonburg__............_....... Ontario :Hospital, Woodstock .__.'"__.___.__.,.....__'"_______.__.'._._'"...~ '.M:emoriaIHospital, St. Thomas .__-.___-..___'.___.___-..._-.......~.__..._.~ Grant, 50c per day------':964 days ......_._______'..."_.....__,;___.___......."_ Soldiers' Memorial Hos,pital, 42 days.___...nnn_______._..____.__. 541 50 640 50 862 75 73 50 149 50 1685 85 482 00 2100 Total $ .4456 60 78 Elgin County Council imgin County Council We recommend that the above accounts be paid- and the various municipalities be charged with one-half, being their share of main- tenance of patients. 4. That the following accounts be paid: Township of Southwold, expenses re Mrs. Newsome, indigent lunatic ___,_______________...__._________________.._______h___....___.$ Provincial Treasurer, conveyance of insane.________...._._ County Clerk, f.or postage ___n__.....___._______.____.___..._,_________.... F. W. Judd, stationery for Treasurer__...____nm...__n........_.. Wendell Holmes, Ltd., stationery for 'freas.._____________ ,Municipal World, .books and stationery, Registry Office _______________.....___________......__.___.___.....__-.---.-------.--...--.--.---.... Municipal World, stationery and sundries for CClurt House and Clerk's Office ..__.._m_n__n__.___n___.._n__n__..... Rainbow & Son, stationery for Clerk's office.._.__n._.m.. Municipal W,orld, stationery for County stenog-rapher. United 'Typewriter Co., County Stenog. ___m_......._......___ Municipal Worlq., Stationery, Co. Treas..__.n..._.._......_nn Advance, Dutton, printing d_.nnn_.n...........____nnnnnnnn....... RodJ.ley Mercury, printing Auditors' Repts._nnnnn__..... Rainbow & ,son, stationery, Registry Office __.......00._00_ 2~ That account from the Children's Aid Society for maintenance of children, amounting to $729.75 be paid. 3. That account for maintenance of Clifford Montgomery at the Bowmanville Boys' School, amounting to $435.00, he paid. All of which is respectfully submitted. C. D. COYLE, Chairman St. Thomas, 14th June 1932. Second lteport To the Elgin County Council, All of which is respectfully submitted. Gentlemen: C. D~ COYLE, Chairman St. Thomas. Ont., 16th June 1932 The Finance Committee reports: TWrd Report 1, That in reference to insurance on County buildings which is to be renewed on the 23rdinstant, Messrs. G. Newell. H. G. Taylor, D. ~. Leitch~nd tp.e W~rdenbe a committee to consider same and report at this Sessio,n. To the Elgin County Council, Gentlem.en: The Financ-"l Committee reports; 2. That 'balance of account of Jane Mc:Millan with respect to Old Age Pension received while an inmate of the House of Industry be paid to the executors of her estate, amount $107.51. 79 23 00 4 80 45 00 30 1 90 113 08 65 88 12 70 494 4 75 3 59 27 25 180 25 6 00 That the amount of Insurance on the House of Industry and the Cou;r~ House be considered satisfactory, and that it be divided amongst the following agents: 3. That Messrs. S. S. McDermand and D. McNabb be recommended for appointment to the Mothers' Allowance Board. J. A, McLean_c_..._.___h__..__h_..................Rodney C< ,Liddell n__m.m___m__.__.m..__.nn....._.... w~st Lorne A.' E. Cantelon ...._.m..h_.__.___...___...___. Dutton 80 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 81 G. .McKellar .........n._nn_......___..........._... Dutton W. A. Hawkins .....mn..___n...._...........Port Stanley R. B. McKenney .--..-------.....__.___....._n.Springtield George Stewart ---.---.---.---.---.----_-_..____.Springfield J. Allison ........---.---..................__.....___...Springfield H.. E. Armstrong ....._..._n._......___.___n.Aylmer B, Mille"r ,_______....._______....._._:___.___.___~....... Aylmer D. H. Connor m.___.________m.....___n__m.... Aylmer L. Grant .nhn._n.___.___.___.............__..........Straffordvill€I C. H. Smith -n.....___..__.__......____...._n._n_...St. Thomas 001. Gerrard _.._m_C__n...._._.__.....___.._..__", St. Thomas A. B. Brown ___....h___......_........hn.___.._.. St. Thomas Members' Wages ________.___.___.___..__.___.._...._.....____._..____......................______...... Court HoUse Commission ___________.___________________________________.__________.._..______. In terest ___________________.___.___.___________________.........__......_...........______.__.__..__..__________ Miscellaneous __.________________________________..._..._..__..__..______..--_.___....___....____....... County Roads ._..____________.._____________________.___.___._______.___..._._____...........__________.. Provincial Highway ________________________....____________.._______________.___.___..........__. Old Age Pensions __..____............____.._____________________________.__........_.__......._...... 4,000 2,000 6,000 17,802 40,000 25,500 10,000 $ 186,002 C. D, COyr.E:Jj ChairIrtatl Your Committee would recommend that the sum of One Hundred and Eight'y-Six Thousand and Two Dollars be raised on all the rateable property in the several Municipalities of the County of Elgin during the year 1932 for County Purposes, and that a rate of 6 mills on the dollar be levied on rateable property in the several Municipalities in the County to raise said amounts. All of" which is respectfully submitted. st. l'homas, Ont., 17th June 1932. '.', All of which is respectfully submitted. Fourth :Report C. D. COYLE, Chairman County Rates, County of ElgIn Adopted June 17th, 1932. To the Warden and Council of the county of Elgin: Gentlemen: TheCotnhlittef! On 'B'irtance beg le"a.ve to r-epOl't that havirtg inquired into the finances of the County, and estimates. prepared by the County Treasurer, they herewith submit a statement of the expenditure required for the lawful purposes of the County' during 1932, showiug the amount required to be raised for the undermentioned purposes. Ad,mihlstratiort Of' Justice ....-.-.--..--..-...........---.---.-._.__..._..._.__.__,.--'-----r-- House of, Iud ustry .__._._.____._...~..........._._..__.____........n________..___..nnn__.____..._.. l:Iigh SchOOlS .__.___......__......._.___..'....___..___.___.___.___.....__.____._____._.....___._.._..______.,__ PU:blic Schools '__.,._~...."..-___..._.____.__....___..__.____._._____,....-.._..___..._..._......__._._._...__...~.__... 'Offi eel'S' Salari es ........._.~_.~.~......__.,__.___..._......_..__.___~.__.____.........-_........".__,,___._... $l1,Ood 5,000 45,000 15,000 4,700 gZ -l1l1gin County Council November Session To the Elgin County Council! Gentlemen: The Fi:ri.anc~.. ComfilHlee reports ~ Elgin County Council 33 Guelph G~heral . Hospital ___.___.......,.___.___._._.m...'................. Wbodstock General Hos,pital __m___............._.___________.......... Btanti'ord General Hospital .__.___._n.___.....__..H..........___....... Ontario Hospital, 'Woodstock ........._....._____________..______,__._. C. A. Towers &: SOIl, funeral expensesl hospital indigent .__..__..___....._...........___..__.___.__.......__..__"_.____""."'__""___'.. 3 50 1 75 33 00 136 50 30 00 MUhlcipaliHes 111 which patients resided to be charged with one" half bf the abov~ accoUnts. 1. That r~ports from the Old Age Pefisiott Cotnmission, County Treasurer, Corn Borer Inspector and County Clerk in reference to licenses ill force bs rec~ived and printed il:1 the minutes. 2. That the fol1owihg accounts be paid: TOW:hship d{ Malahidej % cost conv6yartCe'to House of rnd l1stry ___________________"_______.....____.._.._______._n____________________$ COUfity Clerk, for postage ..._m.______......n..___.__..___.__......__..__". Dutton Advance, printing ______n__m____".n___'_.h____m~_m___.m____ Wei1dell Balmes, Ltd., for Treasurer_n.____.."____.______m__________. Children's Aid, So,qiety, trtaihtetlartce and gra11L...... Municipal WOi'ld, fot' Tr6asUt"ernnnnn____mnnnnnnnn__.___. Munici,pal World, ror PUblic School rtisp~Ctor___n__. B.ainbClw & Selnl Io,r COUhty Clerk___.__...__.___._______..__..__.____ B.aitlbow & SOh, for Registrar______m______h__.___.n_.___.____._nn. Municipal World, for County Clerk___'''_.___'___'___'___'...m._ Munic!ipal World far R~gistrarnn......o"___.o.__n,.o_'___'_m___. C. Sf. Clair Leitch, County" Solicitor___.'n...__'___.'__'_n..n'._ 3. That the fo1Iawing' H6spital accounts be paid: Me1ndtia1 Hos,pitat, st. T:hotnas___.___..___.___._ohn._._"_n_____._.."____$ Memorial Hospital, Grai1t-451 days at 70c; '56 days at 5()c .... ....._.,_______.___.___.._.00__..__.____.__."___"___.___....______....._,._.....__.._.. Ql1Mfi- Alexandra Sanatoriutrt _n.___.___..m'___.___.___,___._______.'...,___" ParkwGoa H:6:spitaf, LoftdoI1. .__._______..___._____m-___._~__.-___'n'n__' Soldiers' Memorial. Bospital ....__mnnnnnnnnnnn__m.__..._.___.- Soldiersl Memorial Bospital, 01'ant-1S6 days ~t 7dc Victorla Hospital, London ___n___________________.n._mn__...m__._.... St. Joseph's Hospital, London ____.___~___'___._m-.__........,"______. An of which IS respectfully sUbhlitted. c. :0. COYLln, Chalrm.lI St. Thomas, Ont., November 24th, 1932. 300 17 00 11 00 85 1350 35 1 60 850 325 15 101 21 68 11 364 OJ '~'i' 7S Sri 343 70 936 00 427 00 325 50 130 20 104g 25 75 25 84 Elgin County Council 11l1g1n <:Jaunty Council 85 ,_.. .'",,- January Session '4. We recoinhlend that the -sum of .FORTY THOUSAND, DOLLARS ($40,000.00) be i'aised for County Roads and Bridges for year 1932, Ihcltidlng ~I'ahts to Yhlages and Towns. Mai:rltenance tin COUnty RbadrL.'m_m.__..___..__......."'...."..___$ 30,000 00 Construction oh County :Roads .___.___.__........._..__........."...".... 2000 00 County Btidges (under By~Law 1091.) ...h..._n....'___._-'-...__.. ;1.000 00 General Expense (machine:t:'y. tools, repairsl ,gravel pit development) .__."..._.....h............................................... 7000 00 COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: 1. The Elgin County Road Committee report that the sum of ONE HUNDRED AND FIVE THOUSAND, THREE HUNDRED AND TEN. DOLLARS ,and SIXTY-SEVEN CENTS ($105,310,67) was ) ex.pended on the ' Elgin' County Highway System, during the year 1931. The percentage payable by the Province, Middlesex and St. Thomas Surburban Area, will be about 50 per cent; of the above'. $ 40000 00 K 'rh"-t th~ Co\lnty l'lbad S\lp~rint.hdent be d.l.gated to attend Road Conference to be held in Toronto during the latter part of Feb... rua,ry '1932. County Roads Maintenance on County Roads;________.__________...h___________....___.$ 50173 39 Bridge Construction on County Roads___________________.....____ 1433 10 Construction on County Roads_______.._____________......____________..__ 8560 02 Maintenance on Suburban Area Roads_______________________.____ 1559 44 Construction on Suburban Area Roads___.....__..____.__.._______ 17678 20 County 'Bridges under By-Law 1091 ____._......_________.__________ 3377,77 (Maintenance on County Bridges) ~. That :B.6ad Committee and the Cbuhty fioad Su:pt.) b~ a COmmittee tb t.e~~,e the Hathaway Gravel Pit Farm. '7. That the 'Wal'deha'ntl Chllirman. of RM,c'I. committee be authorized to represent the County at Toronto Road Coliference caned by the 'Mini'ster -Of HighWays\ :s.. That Fifteen bbllars ,r6f membership 1ft the 'Good Rbads AsMcla'" tio'n b'e paid) and that the Warden name deputation to attend annual m~eting, 3. General Expense Grants to Urban :Municipalities___m_____....__.__________......._...___$ Superintendence, Office 'Expense, Postage._........_.__________ ,Machinery, Tools, Repairs, Etc......_.___m__.___.._____m_______.... Gravel Pit Development _...____________..h____________.._______________.____ Improvement on Hathaway Farm ________...h_m_m__........._.__ Workmen's Compensation Board ........________m____......._.__.. All 0f which -is respectfully sUbmitted. 3655 74 3364 81 12686 18 1190 89 201 84 1429 29 ;H, h. .LA WTON, chairlnan Less Receipts ---...--......------.-------..,---....--..--..----....---.........---.....---. $105310 67 4225 68 $101084 99 86 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 87 SUBURBAN AREA COMMISSION Janua.ry 3. WE recommend that an extension be made of Suburban Area Roads of about four and one-half miles, making a total of fifteen and one-quarter miles iil all, as rollows: . The meeting of the St. Thomas Suburban Area Commission held at the Court. House, this 25th day of January, 1932. Present: Chairman, Dr. F. O. Lawrence was THAT Road 16' S. A. the Talbot Road, in the Township of South- wold from the, road between Lots 23 and 24 westerly a distance of One oole and a qUaI'ter to the Village of Fingal. J. T. Webster 'THAT Road 25 S. A., the Townline between Southwold and Yar- mouth be extended from Concession 10 Yarmouth north to the Middle- sex County Line, a distance of Two and one-half miles. Alex Anderson G. F. Pineo, County Road Supt. THAT Road 30 S.A. the road between Lots 8 and 9 in the Townw ship of Yarmouth ,be extended from the road between R. "1" N.E.R. and R.,s'.mR. North between Lots 8 and 9 to concession 10 in the Township of Yarmouth, a distance of Seven~eighths of a mile. F. A. Bell" County Engineer A statement of expenditure on Suburban Area Roads from the 1st day of January 1931 to the 31st day of December 1931 inclusive, was read by the chairman, .showing: that $22,366.54 has been expended on Suburban Area, Roads during the year 1931, and of this amount the City will pay to the County 25% 01'$5,591.64.' 4. TH.A-1' Dr. F. O. Lawrence be chairman of Suburban Area Commission for" the year 1932. All of which is respectfully submitted. (sgd) F. O. LAWRENCE, Ordered Chairman of S. A. Commission Moved -by J. T. Webster, St. Thomas, January 22nd, 1932 Seconded by Alex. Anderson: 1. THAT the City .of St. Thomas be notified that the sum of FOUR THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($4,500.00) will be required for Maintenance and ConstructioIl; on designated Suburban Area Roads for the year 1932. 2. THAT the County of Elgin be notified that the sum of FOUR THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS (~4,500.00) will be re- ,quired for Maintenance and Construction on designated Suburban Area Roads for the year 1932. Poi' ekpehcUture On Subuvban Area .'Rdadsj under the Stipervfs1611 Of Frank Pineo, County' Road Superintendent, subject to the direotion of the Suburban Area Commission. 88 .EJ1g1if Cdlillty ColiMll The Corporation of the City of St. Thomas, In account wIth the , ELGIN COUNTY HIGHWAYS SYSTltM: Maintenance Road 16 S. A, W Eled~ ".J'___,.u...u,....__,..........._.._._..._.__...__.___..._...,_.,._,.$'. bitching. _",___,___.'___'....,.._._...___.'__..__...___'.___.._.._._.......__..... Grading ._..___.___..__.__..___.___.___._...____.___.....___..___._.._....__. bragging "_"_""___"_"'___'___'__""""___'___"'_'''~_''._''..h_...___...., Labor Re~surfacing ________.__._.._.__..._.___.....___....... Snow Roads .__......"__..._"_._.,...'-..,~....._._._.___.'...,__-'......,._' Road. 23 S. A, Weeds -."..."..........~....___.......".o<....__..____....."..........~ Grading ..______.___......______..._....____.____....________________...__. Labor Re-surfacing '....,__......___......._.__...............___ Rolid 25 S. A, W eeds. ".,.._.-'-,,_.___.....___.__..~..........._..___......___.___......___._...$ Gl1ading __.,.___.._..._____..__.._.__.._.___.____.....,....-......_."___.._...__..,.., Labor Re-surfacing ___.___._______.___..-____._______._._______.. Snow Road.s .__..___"...-........_._.............._.__.......,___.._....~.._._. Road 30S. A, Weeds -..,.....-...",........0<......"........'....'...................___$ Gra:ding: _._"......_......'___.~_,J__.........J___..._.~..,,__.......'__-'_-.._".. Dl1agging; ___....__....,,__.___........_.__._....__.____'__.._....-'__,........._._. Labor Repair to' Ciflverts ....._._..........'m"._....___, Lab6r,' Re-surfacing. ___.___.____.._.-___..__..._____.___.__.... S:tt6w 'Reads ____'-"'.,t'..h'.~'-.___.___......___-_..u,......_..-......._______ Elgin County Council 89 Construction Road 16 S. A. Engineering ___.___________.__..________........,.....__..._._._._...$ Ditching' ______..__..__..__~.._______......__........___.____......_...__.. ,Gra~il1~ _____.~--..------..--..---.---.---..........--.--------...-._.... Labor Tile Draining n____..n__.__h__m__........_..h.__ Material Tile Draining _nnnm.nnm.h__m_n_____ Material Repair to Culverts ...._______n__.....____ La'bor Road. Surface (pavement) _...___......... Material Road Surface .......m_.n_.________............ 486 55 427 73 9427 34 1660 79 188 66 69 00 2350 00 2714 53 $ 17324 60 353 60 $ 353 60 62 2~ 46,50 220 70 9075 120 80 116 85 $ Road 23 S. A Grading _____m____._......___.____.__...____._......._..$ $ 19237 64 657 8~ G)'avel' Hawed' by 'Trucks on Stihlirban' Area Roads 9 60 18 72 13 85 $ 42 17 County RoadIG S. 'A. Cords of gravel hauled 176, Average haul 7 miles, Operation cost less drivers' wages $11.10 per day, Total miles: travelled 1232. at -400 per cord mile___........_____.__.$ 492 80 3360 63 85 27 45 186 00 $ 310 9fi Connty Road 23 S. A. Cords of gravel hauled 15. Average haul 4 miles. Operation cost .less drivers' wages $11.10 per ,day. Total miles travelled 60 at 40c ,per cord mile___.............__.... 24 00 55 20 34 65 194 95 2750 115 50 120 72 $ 548 52' Connty Road 25 S. A. COrds of gravel hauled 29. Average haUl 6% niiles. Operation: cost less drivers' wages $11.10 pel' day.' Total miles travelled 188, at 40c per cord mile.._..._......_.... 7520 90 Elgin County Council jjjjglll CoUlIt\' pollj\pi! 9~ County Road 30 S. A. Cords of gravel hauled 25. Average haul 6% miles. Operation cost less drivers' wages $11.10 per day. Total miles travelled 162J at 40c per cord mile__..._.............. 64 gO 2. 'rho Iota! Ol1jlelldilure Ie dale oll CoUnty Roads is $33,481.00. 3. We ~~oo""nehd thaI the sU", 0, ltORTY 'rHOUSAND boL> LARS; ($40,000.00) be raised for County Road ,purposes this year. Cost of Gravel, Stripping, Loading and Screening 245 cords of gravel at $2.66 per cord.._.__....__.__.............___.__.... 651 70 4. AU COhhtl'CUng links bf Ctluhty l"tbads. with.lh 'th~ sepl:trate vn... lages; under BY"'law 1152, approv~d of by the bepattJrtent of H:i~hways In Jahuat"y last; are now under the control and supervision Qf'the County\ as Cbuhly RQad~ under th'e ltiYhwa$ Act, Use of County TI'ucks Cost expense, of three cOUiity trucks less drivers' Wages working On the Fingal Hill'"'--1164 hours or 164 days at $11.10 per day ..........__.n..n..n........,........n.'..............__...n..0000. lS20 40 5, Port Stanley Bridge-'I'4is bridge 'Was a~s\1med as 1:\ Qollnty Bridge---ward having been received of approval from. the Department of Highways in letter date(1 May isth, advising us of ,their wiUi-ngnesa to ,~ 6b% bf the eost 6f Malhtenanee,' . 'rota] $ 22366 54 City's Portion 2'5% .~........'..n.'.n'm....~...............,..............~..n..................0000$ 5591 64 NQ work to be d()ne without firs~ ge~t~f1g: t4'e <?()hSeil~,:of ~,~~ ,pe", p;lrttnei\t of ,~~ighw8.iYs~ Toronto,. Certified Correct, 6, That COUhty provicI'e .f6r one-half M t~e: d.Usl: 'ht\yer ,'whef~ i'equired 'On County Roads. Q.. F. P1NmOj County Road Supt. .st. Thomas, ontario; Jurie 1932 7. Ap,pr'oV"al has hot been l'ece1v.e'd-frofi1 the ne,l)al'bn'ent. 'M High.. wa'ys' Of By"'law 1-161 d:esignating: "The Road Nutl1'ber 39, in the Town.. l;;hip of MalahM.e 'b'etwee-n lots to,attci 11~ to be extended :fl'om the ,;most northerly limits of the Corporation' of the To-wn of AyUrter, on' John ,Street south tiJ Forest S"ti'eet ih theaaid T~wft-art-d the ObUhty li"-ebe.:. t'w-een th'e COufitiesof Kent a1'1dElttih from County Road.Number 6, between ConC'essH)ns -2 a,nd 3 in th~ Township of AId,borough, north 't(1l the centre of 'the Rl-ver Thames at the ;Bothwell Bridge." June Ses:sion To the Elgin County Council! Centlemen: Your Road C01r1ntittee l'epdrts~ L Wem-ade our usual inspection trip over Couhty ttoads during' the week -beginriihg Mondwy; May 23rd; covering a large portion of the mileage requiring four clays. We f(lurid that the roads came through the,winter- and sprih-g Of 1932 in a better condition than was expected, excepting in fi few caS-eS only. We found the Maintenance on the roads good. Several of the steel bridges should herepainted this Year. The \V,ork of Maintenance on Roads and Bridges should be kept up ,to what the present standard, now is. All efwhich is respectfully subfi'litted. H,L-.I..AWroN) Chairmah 92 Elgin County Council Elgin {;ou'fity, C6ttYlcll ~3 November Session BridgeS St. Thomas, Ontario, Nove'mber "1932 Th~. uh,de-t'pl.hhlng 01' the ~o\1th abubn:ent of the Mctntosh l3rl.dge 'On Oounty Road. Number 14, over the River Thanies. has ibeen delayed to some extent for reasoh tlf' the :rIsing .water caused by the heavY' :rains during,the_lasthlonth, hut in any c~se 'the ,a.butment is how 'Watt .protected by steel sheet pilihg afoolihdthe enUre abutment, alSO~ wood .'pilil'!-g ,has been diive.ua~ve th-e btidge, provitllng fol', any ,furlhe'r 'erosion~ To the Elgin County C01t<lllcil, Gentlemen: The Elgin County Road Committee reports that the expenditure of Elgin County Highwa'Y, System, f,rom January 1932, up to and i~cludingNovember 15th, 1932, '$66,093.65. 1. Expenditure as Follows: :Drainage 4250 li'neal feet of blay Hlel five to. ten \ri.chM i'n diah'leter.Thi$ material was used for road drainage only. .2000 feet' of vitrified .p~pe 'was used fo.ri'oad drainage a~d ovetfl(1jwculvetts~ Maintenance on County Roads________............_...._..__._______......__.............$ 42343 23 Construction on Cou'ilty ROads._..___..................________________,________........ 2688 43- Maintenance on Suburban Area Roads__.______;__.......;.....;......_______.__ 1488 76 Construction on 'Suburban Area Roads ._..___......_..._______m_....._...... 12 70 Workmen's Compensation Board ____________.__.....______.......__.:__.___.....,__. 670 97 Village Grants ____.____.........._.____......._..._.......__.___._..________.___....._...____........,_ 2030 96 Construction of Bridges on County Roads.....______.________._......__..___. 3216 03 Maintenance and Construction on County ,Bridges (under By-law 1091) .........................___...._......,._.___.,__._______...;..._.....__.....,. Labor ,in County 'Owned Gravel Pits.___....._.........._.___"____....._...__.__. lmprovement on Hathaway Farm. .___.._._........__.___._.______..___._......h._,.. 'fruckExpense, Gas, Oil. and Repairs. ......_m.h.......__,..---.--.....----m_ Machinery, .1';tElpaJrs, Tools, etc. ...h,-..---------.-......-.-.....--_............___.... 3. lItallll;.;"ance S.2 mUM ~:t,C-O'tlht'Y:R;l;)ad haveb'Mnresutfaued Wit.h stbn~ 6r: ,gt'avet 4. MaAih.lni\~ ~n:d Tools l'urchalled. Yeat 1932 1141 39 1354 61 56 98 3693 11 7396 48 8 paint b');'Ushes, !'. axtls. 1 rak~, 1 hoe, 2 long handl-ed shovels, '2 rsteelbrushes, 3 scythes, 1 set of blocks, 1 new Dominion Road Mach- :inery Gradel) .1-new Sawyer-Massey Grade'i) l' new Cwn:a:da ,[:h.got Jro:il1 'Grade1\ 2 new-mowers; :.(hnew slush 'SCl'apers. 5. Grad.., I}pe_on. $ 66093.65 Wehr thauet Miies ~traVelled .....'"'..".'h"........~,...,...,.......................'..h...."...".........~O,~ 'Gas used. ~______......_.__"...,~'..J.._._..._......._.';.....___._.........."..__..._..'..........,.....c...~...:2:L 10 bit Usea -._.___..___.___.___l._.:.___;~__.___.....___....;............,......"......."...._.....~.._"....._._. .165 :Days worked ._....___._....._.__............,....__.....,.._.............__..............._............. 166 Repairs; .Gas and 011 ................._..___..._..".._._._.._._..__..__..__.._..__..__......__......$ Wages ,.,........,....._._.._........____..._........._.......__..............._...._.......__....._._............... DepreciaUo}l $2.00 per day ......._w...,....,._,.........."............_'_.."'.-.._....,_..._.-...<.. (galld!>S) (quarts) 2. Construction Culverts 861 66 498 Oil 332 00 Eight iron pipe .culverts. One concrete culvert, and concrete retaining wall. Grading and filling gully on County Road, No.5, the TownUne between Aldborough and Dunwich, opposite Lot 1, Concession lOA" Dunwich. $ 1691 66 lbost of dreggJ:ng and 'scarHyl.ng. 1 'iilile '6f ,road._..............,...,.,.:.~.J..-... 55t: 94 Elgin County ~C6tii1cn Power Maintainer No. 1 Miles travelled _nn___._............._________."..___.____m..._._....._____.mm......n" 4150 'Gas ' Used ___._.......__________........________.___....__.._."....~____.._._..___~......c.,..._._.~.. 1834 Oil Used ..n.mm..........nnnn...nnm..C..m.m.....m_m__C.._m..m_C.C..._,_Cn_m 128 , Days Worked ._......_______________.m_.~._.___..._....___________:__...c'.......______.___.....; i85 'Repairs, Gas and Oil _____.....:__..._..._,_..~._______.___.,~________.,_.___,...;___......_.....$ W ages .................______.____............_______;.___...____..____.....:.;.'.~~~___.~____;.c.;;_....___.___.___.;..... Depreciation $2.00- per day .._....h__.____._....._..h.::____....~......;...._______........'. Cost of dragging and scarifying 1 mile of road............................ Power Maintainer No.2 :Miles Travelled .................................................................................. 4300 Gas Used ........................__......................................._.._.._................... 1922 Oil Used ...........................................................; ..............._.......__...... 140 ,Dwys W orked ...;...........;....................................._...._....................... 163 Repairs, Gas and Oil ....................................__..........................................$ w ages ..............................................._............................................................_.. Depreciation $2.00 per day.................................................................. $ Cost tif dragging and scarifying 1 mile. of road;..;.......~..,..:....,..'...~ Average cost per mile has beeri increased to some extent, three graders had to be equipped with new tires this year. 6. Truck Oper~i:.ion, :March ~rd to OctQlber 8th, 1932 Hours Miles Truck No; 3 ..."..........;...... Truck No.4 ...........__c...,.... 818 1681 6975 21020 2499 27995 1471 6973 Average Mileage pet Day.................:...;...__.;"'~ 112 Average Yards of Gravel Hauled ........._..... 28 Average Cost Expense per Day....................$ 19 33 Depredation Allowed on Truck No.4........ 600 00 Co'st .of haUling 1 yard 'of ,StOlle 0.1' Gravei lmile.... Elgin' County C6url'C'n M 7. Gravel&8tone UsedOll'County Roads for,Maintenance (.gallons) (quarts) Roloson Gravel Pit-In the TOwilship of Dereham: Expenses for stripping, and labor for year 1932, amount $365.79. Credits for gravel sold Municipalities and private individuals. Amount rec'eived to.. date .$60.76 plus 2,325 yards hauled on County Roads 37, 39, 47, 48 and 51. -i351 30 -640 80 370 .00 Hathaway Gravel Pit-In the Township of Yarmouth: Number of yards of gravel 8,080. Cost of elevating' and screening, . str'ipping $784.09. $ 2362 10 56c 'LockerG.tavel Pit-In the 'Township ,of Houghton: Number of yards of gravel haUled 375. The cost of stripping -is charged against Roads 44 and 38. W~~r Gravel Pit--In the ,Township of'Aldborough: 'Number of yards of gravel hauled 750'. Cost of stripping $204.73~ Tot-al number of yards of gravel hauled from County Owned Pits, 11,530. Total number or yards of gravel hauled from Private Pits 2,510. Crushed Stone for re-surfacing,'103"carI6ads. (gallons) (quarts) 1416 52 5,70 50 . 326 00 2313 02 53c for. all 8. By-law 1161 designating the extension of . County Road Number 39. within the Town of Aylmer, from, the most northerly limits, south on John Street to Forest Street, wa's approved of by 'an 'Order-in~ Council, dated the 2nd day of August 1932. Cords 388 1083 9. 'This Committee recommend that all accounts re: Railway Pro- tection Crossings be paid in accordance with the order of the Railway Boards on County Roads. cords yards 10;. . That 'By-law with the gouthern Ontario Ga.s Company 'becomes effective when agreemeltt is signed ,by the County Clerk :andWarden. All of which is respectfuUy, submitted. H. L. LAWTON, '9%c Chaii-rnan'ofRoad' €OJtHhittee 96 Elgfl1 COUtity Coutiofl Elgin County Council 97 EDUOATION 001\L'lfiT'J:EE REPOR'J:$ Clause 2 added in .Committeeof' the' 'Whole: JanuaI'Y Session 2. That the Clerk be instructed to prepare the' necessary By-law to bring the County o~ Elgin within what is known as the Alterllative Scheme for financing High and Continuation Schools, and ~'.sta,te'Q:l,.e.:q.t showing effect of the application of the system be considered 'at .the November Session. To. the' lUlg{fi C6urtty' C6\l--rtcilj GentIetnen: The Ed <<cation C()nl1nitte~ Nfpdrts'~ Second Report To the Elgin County -Council, 1. That in reference to petition frOM the rawp~YE!l"S' of Port Burwell, ,School Section, no aetion be ,take'Of and that, tht5y b~. advise'd. to bring the m;atter to the attention of theMirtiste~, of- Edl1i::atiotl. Gentlemen: 2. That no actio'!t he taken ii1reterence td pa.yment-af aC:Gdtirit rS'ceived fl'Ofiithe simcoe, lI~,g:h Sctw6i fidard" The Education Committee reports: ~M. TOLMfE,GhIDrma~ 1. ?hat this Counc~t reqtie~t the nep~rtment of Education at Toronto, to'; abolish the fee system. in connection with entrance and other examinations;, -as' it, is. very costly to' the' counties. Also if "such examinations are necessary they should be provided for in salaries paid. We also object to the incre3:Se in fees for Normal Entrance subjects. All 011 Which is'respeetfuUy' submitted. st. Thomas, Out., January 29th, 193Z, June, ,Sessi()n~Fjrst Bepo:rt 'r6 the InlgbtdQ-'unty Qau-tt<lil, Gentlemen: The Education, G(jm-nritte&!'epdrts.~ 2. That pupils attending Continuation or High Schools apart from their nearest school ,be required to pay all costs now levied against tbe County, and that all High, Vocational, Collegiate and any other boards be notified that this County Council will not be re.s.pon~ sible for, costs incurred by, any:such pupils. Subject to Clause 85 in Education Act. L That w~ cQ.operaie wIth the County c6utiefi elf LiMolif lif peU" tion to have the Schools Act amended, to make the school age stx: yellrs/,l:hat'eadOfftve. Also, that ths'AdoIesceilt Aet ,be amende"d to" read fo'urteen yOOl'S insterad of sixteen. years. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. TOL'MIE, Chairman St. Thomas, Ont., 17th June 1932. All ot which is: FospeatfulI<y S1lbMitted, Clause 3 added in Committee of the WhOIG: w, ')JOt-UfE, chairman. 3. 'That a copy of this report be sent to the members of the r...egls~ tature of this County, and other County Councils. St. Thomas" Ont., 16th. ,Julie 1932', 9$ E!glll C6l:(lltjf C<5jjllcfl Elgin County Council 99 -' __<__. ,"," ....0. _c'm."."~""~',"._.,~"'"~ ....-..--"--.-......-.. NdV:e1nb'e'f" . Session (2) That hos~ and nozzles of proper size replace those Qn l;light s'tandpipe13. in"thain'1ain ,building, To tfie 1nlgfrt Cou.:hty Council; GentlemeI1l~ (3) That eight cheblicalexUnguishers be procured, '(me for the main floors east and west, and tWQ between the Court House and Gaol. 'l'h& Edttcaf:.io'tl C'6fi1-ftf.iHee: :fep6rf-s~ All of which is .tesp~ctfullysubmitted~ 1.. That; W~ C(j..()p(jrat~ with the' douffty 6f :&t"iddfe:S'e'Je: Iff. petHf(jffi t'estricting att(h'ldan0~ at- s~condar.y s:cl1dois to. srn- years{ 'W, H. BRADFIELD, Chairman t. That fiO' acti6fi ,he taken in l'Metetice' t6' G6FnmU:nfqat~of1 frq~. the douD;ty of! galnon',. June :ses.lon 3,~ That 1ft refe'reffce tdh1affer ref~rt;~a to' the Co,1!1ficil by the' Clerk" We te'cotninend that &11 pupils residitig in tlie Vi€ll1Ua ,Hight- S9hoo1, DIstrict wIshing td attetid 'T1flMfibttrg ~ig& Scho6I be: ,cQ~~' pelled to pay tu.!lliotr fee's theinselV'es,. sUbjEl'Ct, to the: pi"dvi'si6ns. o~ tli~ .statutes. June'Session-First Report Tb the l:il1g1I'l. County Cou-nciI_ ld-ehtleh1en~ At1 of which is Fespe'ctlti.lty stilbfrt:itt'ed-, The GaOl Cbh1h'l.iU:ee r~pol'ts~ w~ ",r'ot.,MtE:,. 04afrnmit That: th~y have had a conference WIth Dr. lawln, Gaol Surgeoh, lI'1. i"eference to the enforc'e:ttJ.ent by Provincial Authorities' of regulations :resp~cti})g h'ledit::al ~xaM.lhation$ of an prisoners.. the Pi"Ovl'tld.al Secretary and his deputy having vJsited the Gaol recently in reference 'to the .matter, 'This invblvtls the J)urchase of equipment for the doctor at a cbst Of abbut $25.00; a.nd based on th~ last t.wt) years about 175 to 200 e'X.ab1inatlolis, more particular in character than required by railway Or ihsUrance COh1pahi~s. 'The necess-ity :for such examina- 'tion appeal's to be that hO man shoUld ,be committed to ,gaOl and ~ompelled to,:assbciata with Oth'er prisoners w-ho h'lay have contagious diseaSes. St.... 'thom:aS'~ '():it6.o"NdveMbet 24th, 1.9"3Z, GAOL (J6M:li1f1ffEEft:l<;p(Ht'J1'$: 3a:nuaiy sessio'n The, G1>oi c."mtiitee It:ep6riS'1 1. 1~:6:at tb:ey h'ave inq1'11red jnto the' matter (ill fire ptO'te'ctlofi a;{;; the Court B01llse, refellretl to them at -the, N(}vemb~r Sessfon, 'and::atter' diseussing the subj4fut with\ Fire: G:6:4ef MiteveUa;. re"Corilmend.:. U1 Tn:at:, al fire escape' be' pl'ac&i on tlie ease: E!nd o't the Coort Hci'us~ .:f.rqin' the.' cehtre "of th~ caF~tt+k:er's: ,fesi..... dence to, 1ill~ fOP df the' e'E!.'st pOliOh.. We i~commenil that f8r th~enforcer.neht tlf t.hase regulations the docttlr, .receives ,TwO Dollars ($.2.00) for each ptisoner examined. An <>1': which is l"espectfully sUbmitted. W. H. ,BRADFIELDl Chairman St. Thomas, Ont... 14th. June 1932, 100 Elgin County Council :l'illgln' Couhty' COUntln 101 In Committee of the Whole it was decided that report of Gaol Committee .be .laid over until November Session, and that the Com- mittee have power to act until then. November. Session ':rb the -Elgin County Council. Second Report Gentlemen: To the Elgin County Council, The Gaol COlrtmiHee report~: Gentlemen: The Gaol Committee reports: That they 'have considered matters referred to in communication from the .sheriff, and would recommend that the Gaol windows therein referred to ;be screened, and that door at entrance to the men's yard be changed to swing inside. 1. That contract for bread required to be d.elivered at 'the -Couhty Caol during the year 1933, he awarded to Ai3kew;s Bakery, st. Thomas, :for _three cents (Sc) per pound, All of which is respectfully submitted. .2. That cbhtract fo).' 'for~~quarter beefl without hObe,tequired to be delivered at the County Gaol during 1933, be awarded. tll Durnan & .spry, .st, :T.homas, at 12lhc .per pound, W. H. BRADFIELD, Chairman 3. That heavy 5cireen ,guards hAV(l 'been ):Jlaced on sbt .of the gaol windows ~t-a cost of ~113.07. That fire escape from the caretaker',s -apartments at the east end of t-he Court House has :been completed at a cost of $150.QO. St. Thomas, Ont., 16th June 1932. Third Report The Gaol Committee reports: 4. tt'hat tn vIew bt the re\1Uirehlehts of the Caol Regulations and the Provincial Secretary's Department~ _ the 'salary of the Gaol .surgeolil be fhed at Two Hundred Dollars ($200) per annum for the first two hund.red .prisoners, and Fifty Cents (500) _ per prisoner over that number. To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: That they have received tenders for coal and recommend that - the contract be awarded to H. J. McMmlus, prices ,being For Grate Coal ______________,_....,__......__..__..________.......$11.75 per ton For Coke ............._..._......__........,.._..._____..._______._..___. 8.95 per ton Delivered at the County Gaol Coke for Registry Office - ______..___.______.._.__.__.____ 8.95 per .ton All coal to be weighed on the City 'scales at a 'cost of 10c per load. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. H. BRADFIELD, Chairman 5. T,hat w~ ~ecelveci 'a communil':at.ion frohl the Sell - 'J'elepho:rle Company in -reference to long distance calls, and as a result we ordered three additional telephones, one to be placed in the office 6f Mr. Cameron, Clerk of the G'ounty Court; one in the Sheriff's Office; and 'One in the County Treasurer's Office at ah additional cOst or' $6.80 per month, The public ',phone oPPQs,ite the main entrance to the Court .H;oUsehas beeh removed and a pay ~phot1l3instaned in its place, the Comity. to :tel?:iHve 1~% 'coYnmisSion :frOm pr6ce'ed's. All Gf which is respectfully submitted. St. Thomas, Ont., 17th June 1932. W. H. BRADFIELD. Chah'm'an St. Thomas, Ont.., N 0vember 24th., 1932, 102 Elgin County Council .Elgin 'County Councii 103 HOUSE OF INDUSTRY COMMITTEE REPORTS January Session .2. That 'we purchased a spraying apparatus for the HOUSE of :Industry ata cost of $114~51, and, theorchard is receiving every atten- tion. The apparatus is also found useful, -in spraying, the stables. To the Elgin County Council, 3. That no action be taken- in 'co~nection wIth the attendance of Keeper, Matron or Co.mmittee ~t an'nual ~eetin:g of' Association of Managers of Homes for the Aged and Infirm. All of which is respectfully submitted. Gentlemen: The House ot Industry Committee reports: , 1. 'That the. fee for membership in the Managers' Association, amounting to Ten Dollars, .be :paid, and that the question of delegates to St. Catharines meeting be considered at the Jnne Session. D. 'M. LEITCH, Chairman ,st. Thomas; Ont., 15th JUne1932~ 2. We regret that the Council has found it necessary to make a change in the office of Inspector, and that a suitable resolution be passed with reference to the long service of Mr. Angus Turner. November Session To the Elgin County Council, ',,-', All of which is respectfully submitted. Gentlemen: D. M. LEITCH, Chairman T~e House of Industry Committee reports: 'St. Thomas, Ont., January 28th, 1932. June Session 1. That they have. opened ten,dera for 'bread and have awarded same to Askews, St. :r'homas, at three cents (3c) per pound. 1'0 the Elgin County Council" Gentlemen: The House of Industry Committee reports: 2. That inmates of the Institution who receive Old Age Pensions be charged Three Dollars and Eighty~five Cents ($3.85) per week for their maintenance. That in case of death the sum of Fifty Dollars be advanced for,buriafexpenses;' 1. That we have received tenders for coal. required' at the Institu- tion during the eruming 'Year, and recommend that the ,contract be awarded to H. J. McManus, for delivery by the '31st day of August, prices being- For Grate Coal ._..._._________............______._._........_$11.75 per ton For Chestnut Coal ___..__._________._.._..___.____.......... 12.00 per ton All coal to be weighed on City scales at a cost of 10c per load. 3. That reports of the Inspector and Physician :be adopted ,and !printed In . the proceedings. 4. That By-Law No. 827 be am.ended soth-at the !nspector will only be required to inspect the Institution once in each month. 5. Thatiil.. Our opl.nion the Chairman of the House of Industry Committee should: visit the Institution at least once a month in order 104 1iHgfrt. County C6uncfJ to become better acquainted',with the detailso.fmanagem(l-nt. AIl' ol ~hiGh,< isrespe'ctf411~' sjjbinitt~d. ElgitiCounty-Couiicil 105 REPORT OF INSPECTOR HOUSE OF INDUSTRY: November session ]j, M, LEITCH, OHairman St.'1'homaS; -OtiL; Nove1nber 24th! 19'32 HEPOR'E OF pHYSICIAN HOUSE .OF iNDUSTRY' Gentlemen: To' 'the-Warden--and::Coullcil of the Courity of Elgin, November Session 'The following is my report on the 'House' of li1dustryand 'Refuge for the 'year ending October 31st, 1932: 1. Number of inmates at ,last. report._..~"..."__..__.,...._....m"_____.___ 37 2, Number 'admitted during year__..................__..........._____...___..." '16 3. Num1ber of deaths ___....~:.__.;:._______..______________._._..__.__h____."._______..__.. S 4. Number discharged ___.___________________.__________________._________________________ 7 5. Number absco'n'ded ___'.'_______________________.__.____.....___...._._._._._......"..'_~_...._ 4 6; Number now' in ,House ________,~___._._.'u__ n____________.__~.._______.....______u 39 7. ''''Number of inmates sent from the several municipalities during the year: N6veh1ber l&tlt$ HiS:;!: f1'6 the W'ardell, and. .Members of the Elgin County Council; Gentlemen: I have the hohotlt' ,0(- p~rese.ittil1g the fifty'-seventh annual med16a1, report of the Elgin House of Industry up to October 31st; 1932, and. submit the following for your cQnside~atiori,. Except for ailments due to advanped age; the health (jf the inmat~ has' been good. ' I have made Fifty,,-three -visits to the House 6f Industry,i and attended four inmates in the Memorial Hospital, as ,follows:- "John. ;Carey, Dec. !Jth, HJ31,' to ,J'an; 2nd, 1~3:;l. Mrs. Pearc'ci Dec. 16thj 1931, to Dec/19th; 1931. Cha3. Williams, Jan. 12thf 1932, to Fe,b. 19th, 1932. Jos., Hawes, Apr,iI 27th, 1932, t.o May 9th, 1932. Therewer,e no: births. 'l'here were three deatl1S, two females andr one ,rnale,',as,foI1d_ws~ Date Name Age Cause of Death Jan. 5_ 1932 ,._.J...,_...~Jan,e<M0Millan.--.....-h-..;-77 -Ai::'terioMsclerosis Feb. 10 1932 ___.____.....Harriet Drake:.......,,__..~ 85 Cere'bra1. HaemorrhagG Oct. 25 1932 ___.______..Walter Leverington_ 47 Chronic' Myocar.ditis: Dunw-ich _~_.___...~h__h_.h__h__'_.._;;____ 2 Bayham ___.m________.__..____....._______._.. 3 Yarmouth ___"__hC'h__..'_',..__.,___..-....;;..~. 4 Malahide _______________________.._........._.. 2 Aldborough :______________.'___;.'__.___....; l' Springfield ______m...__....__h__._____.___._. 1 ,Dutton ....___..co..........__..__._..._________. 1 Aylmer ___._______.__..___.______.._............ 2 16 8. The various causes of. pauperism of inmates admitted to the House during the year'may be classified as follows: I have the' honour, to be,. Yours trulYj DOUGLAS L< EWIN, Physician, Elgin. House of ..Ind.-ustry' Sickness ........__..___..__..__.....__...... 9 Destitute .__.._...__.___.___..__............. 6 Weak Mind '_"."'__.'._.'___h_"n-o___, 1 16 106 ElgIn County CaUticn g, Average number. of. inmates: during tHe yeaI'___~___~...,__.. 31%: 10. Average number with Keeper's faniily and hired help 42Ih 11. Number of weeksl board. <5f i:l1:Mates___~_,.._..__..._......_..._..__.. Ig61 12, Number OE weeks' board. with Keeper's family".....__.....222-1 14, 13, Total ""P.l1ditu~e dUring tlIe 'Y."'r...,_.,___,___,...,.__~.__,...-$ 8113$1 necelpts FroM farm stdCk. and -pr6duc~ sold ........___.___.....___.____$ Pern1ahe'nt Itn:pt'Ove:tnen:ts ....._4.....................__.#_.......... 938 74 244 33 15. Leavihg' amoUnt aetuany-' ex:pended tor sU:ppdrt of I'ltnates ...._.._....._................................-.....,...........,__.__......-__$ 6939 74 11.- Avefageex:pense'S pet' we'ek ot each person......___-... 16.. A vEtl'age expenses per' day of eacl1 pE!rSon._......__...... .44 % 3.11% IS, Av~rage expenses:(jer yea1'6( eAch p~rsdiL_,_..._...$ 161 98 "the receipts front 11 ifi.tnates fer Old Age Pt'!hsiong w6t"e $3346.28~ This reduces net cost 'per inmate per day to 231::; pet' week to $1.61, pel" year to $S3:t~,. with o'Ver:head a::ddljd, $145.60 p~r yeat', I Hi. Atrtollnt ex.pendoo for 'hous~ and. farfil during thtr year hlay' be divided as follows: wear: m.ed La60. .......................~.......~..........................$ 289 15 Stock .._.___J___.___.___.___.___..___,___..__.___........_.'-_.'.J_"__'..._._..J.. Feed ...-...............<...,...~...,...-...........,...,...,.....,...<...... 425 38 Seed ...<.-.....~...-..............^..^...'........M...' ........,.,., 49 65 Gas and Oil .........,.-..........,........................,........., 143 9~ Miscellaneous __.._______.____...............h___.__._____________. 341 33 Implements ..__.___..___.'-__.....h..U...-...................__u.__.___........- 170 81 -~$ 1426 31 Elgin Comity COUhcn NO-use ~xpense Bread ....___.___.___,.._. ___.....__..___.__..........___.___...___...._.~.~$ Meat ______........_.....___.___..____.__.__..___.___.___.___.____._."....._. Groceries .__..._......._....._.........................._.....__.__.... .Provisions .__......__.._...___...__,,_...__..___._..___'-__.....____.... bry Goods _._..._.__________...__....._...___.__......___..__...___.~. Boots and Shoes ___..__._;..........___,....___,,__...___.....~; li'urnihlr9, Hardware .....__......__..._._................. brugs ___.___.___.___._____....__._.__._._......--...--.-,...-._.b........." Coal, Wood ___..._.._......__.____.___.___..__.___..__....__.....___. :rce ____.____._._______.___.___.....___.____....__..___....""'_"'_';"'_____, Mi:;>cellaueous .........._.........._._....._._....,...._............. General ~xpense nepalI'S . .__......._.....__.____.___......__....._.._.._......._,....._.._..$ -Permanent. Improvetnents .______.___,_._____'-___...._.. Incidental ............._...........___.___._._..__.__..._,...___..n..... 1M 307 23 511 55 395 61 18421 282 86 9740. 192 43 4495 1239 01 76 80 391 3ll $ 3123 0$ 148 29 96 04 751 96 $ 996 29 Salaries Keep~r and Matron _......__...__._...___,___._._......__.$ 1642. 6~ Physician ___.___.___.___..__.....___......_._______________u_.__...__. 280 00 Inspectot. ._...__.___.....___.___......................_...._....._.._.... 50' 00 .$ 1972 66 Total' Expenditure ........_._,.__.___.___..._.._.,....___........._._.................$ 8112 81 20. The following produce was raised. on the farm. during the 585 bushels Oats and Barley 185 bushels Wheat 60 Ioa,d,$9f :a::ay 7 acres Ensliage Corn 85 bushels Potatoes 20 hushels Carrots 15 bushels Turnips 25 loads of StraW Quantity of pumpkin atld SqUash 108 Elgin Count'Y .Coun~i1 Garden Produce 25 bushels Ta'ble Carrots 8 bushels Beets 20 bushels Onions 15 bushels Parsnips 300 heaq.s . Cab b~ge 1 bb1. Cucumbers 50 bushels r.roinatoes ~4 acre quantity _ Sw~et Corn Quantity Lettuce,. Parsley Asparagus Quantity Plums, Grapes 15 quarts Milk per day 150 bushels Apples 500 quarts Fruit canned in lio_use 7;39 dO,zen Eggs consumeil 1460 pounds Butter Cr,e.~m ,'Sold _______________....___.__......____._________..........__.______,_____.....__.....$ . . HOgs Sold ___........____________._____________..._......._._____.__.___.____.____________.._._. 2 . Cows Sold __________________..........____....____________......._____'_"_._______._._.____._____ Eggs, Sundries and Chickens __________..._______________________________.. 7 Calves Sold (young) .___________....._..____..______.__.____._...____......__._..... 1 Old Harse 'Sold ._______......~..~..___h________....___..._h______.__..,_.________.....___. Apples Sold ________.__..__.___.________._______.___...._________...______.--._...__________. Hay Sold ........_______________.___..._.___.____.._..______.,______._.__.~.~__.._______...______ . . . , . Elgin C~)'Uilty Council 22. Farm Stbck- ~ Horse~ 12 Cows 10 Hogs 2 .Yearling~, .2 Brood Sows 100 Chickens 109 . , ~3. The 'total amount e:xp~nded .by th~ County {in House of' .Ind ustr:;, etc., is as follows: 240 6~ 308 90 52 50 79 35 67.5 25 00 150 on 75 55 Fath1, 100 acres, c9st .,.__.___.__......___..__._._...__....,___......__..._._._.____$ House ()f lndustr:y _______.___.___.___..__,.._.___.....___._...___.___,...._.._____ Laundry ._...._..__.___..._.....___.___.___..__.___.___..._.___._______....._...___......._... Fire' .iGscllpes' ___.___.~__.___.___..__..__......._..__.....__..._..___.__..._.._.___'.__'_' ..-1:loot Cellar, Henery, etc..______......._..____._______________...___._.___.__ Cottages, etc. .__.__...__._______...__>.....~_'~~___........___.._..._~.__.,;.__.___.__.;,;... Brick Ice House ___._n.._".__.___.___..___.__....._______..._._.___..._.___.__.___ Barns,. Etc. .__'.__.._..___.___.___.___..__.___.___.___......__._...._..._...__..____.____ Tile Drains ........_._.___.___.___._..._______......_...__..__..__.._._______.___.....___. Tile Drain' Outlet .._.___..__..__.._......___.__~______.____._._._..._._.......___. lIot Air Pump) Tank) Connections____.______.__...__..__..__..._. Refrigeratar ___.___......__.__..___.__..__..__..___.___.___.__....____.__.___'__"___'___. Fencing ___.___.....___..__.__...__._...___..__.___.______.__..____........_..__........_... Orchard___.___.____._____..,__..__..__..___....______.____.___.___.___..__________..._._..... Heating AppaI'atus .._._.......___._____._____.___..._.___..__._______.___..__.._.. Boiler Rooh1 and Soft Coal Boiler ____.__._.......___.....___..... beep 'VV;ell __......>___.___.___.....__..___.___.___...__.___.___._______.__..._..__......_._... Silo _______.___.___......__.___._._..._.___..__..._..____._.....___,_...._...._.__.._.___..__.___. lIog Pen ___.___.___.___.___.__..___.___..___._..___________.___..__.....___.___._._._._..._. Electric.lnstalIat1an and Pumps___.__........_.....___.___..._.____ Plumbing ....___.__..___..__.___________..._________..__..___._..._..___....._.___...~.___" Septic Tank and Drain _______..__________________._______..........._..__,.. Sundries .__.___.___......__.___..__.._..___.__..___.___.___..___._.,..___.___..._.....____.. A 'large quantity of vegetables and fruit was used during the sum- mer .of which no account was kept. 21. Number of articles of bedding and cloth~ng made up during the year by matron and, inmates ___________.___._.__.__......_..________________m_.____......._ 261 $ 938 74 7298 95 13524 81 687.61 390 06 879 43 6631 81 1180 50 5213 39 3781 74 132 03 920 60 4009 1911 32 85 85 1979 00 3733 52 827 66 293 62 654 99 2314 44 2960 36 1146 75 416 35 $ 57005 25 110 Elgin County Council Elgin. County Council III 24. Received from Government on account of expen- ditures for land and building .._.___..____n.__......__..__.___........h__.____.......____ 4000 00 PETITlOl\'S Al\'b LEGISLATION CO:M:l\lfTTEEi REPORTS Leaving amount actually expended by CClunt.y__.____........_________....$ 53,005 25 January Session 25. The average cost of maintenance of inmates is the lowest since 1919. The buildings of. the Institution are in good repair, except To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The management is satisfactory. The Committee on Petitions and Legislation reports: 1. That";'e co-operate with the County Councll of' Lennox and Addington in tefe::fEinM to Schad Gr'a!its and Old Age p'ensioris. 2. That no action be taken in reference to communication from the Cou~ty of Simcoe re farm loans. ,the main ,building which should he painted next year. All of which is respectfully submitted. K. W. ,M'cKA Y, Inspector 3, ,That rtc;aetioI1 he' taken in reference to' communication ftom the County of Huron re training of nurses and Highwayexpetlditure's. St. - Thomas, Ont., November 14, 1932. All of which is respectfully submitted.. '.~, GORDON NEWELL, Chairman St. Thomas, Ont., 29th January, 1932. June Session To'the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Committee on Petitions and Legfsfation "reports: 1. ''rhat we 'co.,;6}Yera:te with: the' NOrfolk C:&aitihlh" of dolrimerce to p,t'6cute leg-Isfatlon SO" that tlr~ age filmit of compui's6ry 'attend:a:nce' in' aJI districts, rural and urban, be made fourteen years instead 'of sixteen, and that the minimum age, f.ov admission to any school which does not operate a kindergarten!" 'but is supported by public fundsl be six years instead of five years. All of which is respectfully submitted. GORDON- NEWELL, Chairman :st. Thomas, Ont., June 16th, 1932 112 )tIght' Cd-cinfy Cou1iclI Elgin ''Coynty Cquncil 113 AGRICU~TUltAL COM:MITTEE REPORTS "'u_n~ Session January Session To the Elgin County Council, To the li:'lg'in COUhty Council, Gentlemen: G-enW~men: The Agricultural CO:fr11?ittee l'eI!or1:'s: 1. That the Advisory Council as atpres'ent constituted be dis",:, continued. The Agricultur~1 Con:Ul.lj~tee ,~~ports: 2. That the new council coMposed or one representative from each towtls1iipand three members of this Council, constitut@ the A<i-- visory BoardfOl,' this year, 1. That in our opinion a Local Corn Borer Inspector- should- 'be appointed in each township, and the Reeve consulted as to appoint- merit. The following are recommended: David Carro1l J.A. King Louis Johnston D. Noble R. A. Penhale E, :8, Luton Harry Kent J. F. McGreg'o.t Gordon Newell H. G. Taylor g, 'L'hat a grant.QfFive Hundred Dollars be placed at the dIsposal M this Committee, and that all Agriculturaigrantsbe, made by' tha Committee. 4. That Warden Brawn and ,Chairman g. G~ 'raylot', represent the Caunty at Conferehce called by the HonoraJble, the Minister afAgricuI", ture in Taranto next week. All of which is respectfully submitted. 2. That the Advisary Agri~uJtu_~<tl. Counc,il" a~d tJ;le Agricultural Representative be requested" to furnish the County Council at its November'Session with a detailed report af its yearly program, finan- cial~tatetnent arid outlhie' of poUcies alvailable for the benefit of farmers. 3. That the letter from Mr. F. S. Thomas re student at Ontario. Agricultural Cullege, be referred to the Advisory Agricultural Council far consideratian and decision. All af which is respectfully submitted. H. G. TAYLOR, Chairman St. Thomas, Ont., 17th June, 1932. Clause 4 added in Committee of the Whole: H. G. TAYLORj Chairman 4. That the interest of the farmers in marketing af live hogs be placed on an optianal basis :instead of a compulsory grading basis as at present. That a copy of this Clause he presented to. the Minister of Agriculture and the Advisory Committee. st. ThomaS, Ont., J'afiUat'y 29th, 1932 114 l!:lgin County C()uncil E1ghl County Counell 115 :November Session REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON SALARIES To the Elgin' County Council" Gentlemen: ..'January Session The Agricultural Committee reports: To. th~Elgin COUnty Council. 1. That no action be taken in reference to cOn1rt1unications from J, J. ,Mo:rrisoll, of the United Farm'ers of Ontario, and the Prince lCdwRlId, CO'\1nty 130arg 9f TraQe. Gentlellien: 2. That r~port from the Agricultural :Etepresentative be received and filed. The COhlmittee appointed at the NbveMbi:lr 19St S~sslon of the Elgin County Council to investigate the :matter of salaries and allow~ anees, 'beg to t'epott as folInws:-- H, G, T,AYLQB.J Gh@.~~maJ.1. We have gone ca1"efuHyinto the matter, of sn.laries and allowances to Elgin Co\1ntyol.'ficials, and we are strongly of the opinion that there should' be a downward revision of same in keeping with .changed conditions. 'W~ do not b~lieve, however, that a straight percentage cut would be th~ prop'et solUtion of the salary difficulty, and we venM ture to submit what we deem would be a propel' art'd equitable scale of salaries and wages. All of which is respectfU)Iy' subm~tted. St. Thomasj Ont., November 24th, 1932 We recommend the f()I10wihg~ .1. That members of the Elgin County Councn ,be paid $5 per day while council is in session) and mileage at the rate of 10 cents pel' mile ~:me way. one day. 2. That committees of the ElgIn County Couricill operating within the County be paid $5 per day while actually engaged on com..; mittee work, and mileage at the rate of 10 cents per mile one way to the Court House, 'St. Thomas) and actual transportation costs only thereafter.' 3. That COhlhlittees of the; Elgin County Council operating outside the County be paid $5 per day while actually engaged on committee work, and mileage one way, 'at the rate of 10 cents per mile, to Court House,' St. Thomas, and, thereafter their actual cost of tramiporta..; tion 'only; 116 Elgin County Council 1t:lgii'l COUnty CotmcH 117 4. That delegates from the Elgin County Council to outside con- ventions be 'required to make a report to the Council and that such delegates be paid $5 per da'y and their actual costs of transportation only. :required to perform the duties formerly performed by the Inspector of the House of Industry, and also to act as secretary of the Old Age Penlans Board, in addition to performing the ordinary duties of Clerk. 5. That members of the Old Age Pension Board be paid $5 per day and mileage one way at the rate of 10 cents per mile, and that members of the Mothers' Allowances Board be paid as at present, $5 per day. 14. We are stronglY of the opinion that the 'cost of administration of justice in the. <Jaunty is excessive, due to unnecessary adjourn.. anent and other' catIses, and we would respectfully urge upon those :responsible, the advisability of practising a stricter economy in the tnterestM the ratepayers of the County. 6. 'That the salaries of County Auditors be $240 a, year, each. AU of which is respectfully submitted. 7. 'That the following salaries be reduced 10%, namely, those of the Keeper and Matron of the House of Industry, the Physician of the House of Indust'ry, the caretaker of the County Court House, the Jail Surgeon, the County and Township Corn Borer Inspectors, and the County Road 'Superintendent. And that County Road Superintendent be reque'sted to revise wages paid to employees under his control. (sgd.) STUART C, 'KtR'KLANb, Chairlnal'l S. S. McDERMAND H, G. TAYLOR, Warden 8. That members of the Advisory Agricultural Board be paid $'5 per day for not more than two meetings a year. 9. That the salary of the County short-hand reporter remain as at present, $75 per month. 10. That the salary of the County Treasurer - be fixed at $2000 a year. 11. That, the services of the Inspector of the House of Industry be 'dispensed with, and the duties formerly performed by him, be in the -future, performed by the County Clerk. 12. That the salaries of .Jailer and Turnkeys remain as at present, but that in future no fees payable to them by the County, be paid to. them, but be applied upon their salaries. 13. That the salavy of the County Clerk be $2200 a year, and that he receive no additional fees from the County, :but receive his neces- sary travelling expenses while engaged on County work. That he be 118 Elgin County Council Elgin County Cou'ncil 119 REPORT SPECIAL C01llMITTEE RE ST. THOMAS REPORT SPECIAL HOSPITAL COMMlTTIJIiV ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE EXPENSES J1ine Session June. Session .,' To the. Elgin" County Council, /'tl' ~.". Ill! To the Elgin County Qauncil, .. ..;:. Gentlemen: Gentlemen: The ,special Hospital Committee reports: The-Special Committee appointed to arrange settlement of Admin- istration of Justice expenses payable by the City of St. Thomas report: That they have had a conference' with members of the Memoria;} Hospital Board, and all matters pertaining to hospital costs aUld.. grant to the City, either a lump sum or per day for indigent and public ward patients, were discussed. That they have had a meeting with the City Committee and re- commend that the share of the City of St. Thomas of the Administra- tion of Justice accounts. for the next five years 'be Seven Thousand Dollars ($7000.00), payable annually, 1st of June of each year. This was the unanimous opinion of the joint committees. All of which is respectfully submitted. The Committee recommend that an agreement be entered into with the ~~morial Hospital Board providing for a grant by the County of forty cents per day for the maintenance of indigent and public ward patients from the County of Elgin, and that the same apply to. the -Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, Tillsonburg. E. S. LIVERMORE, Chairman All of which is respectfully submitted. St. Thomas, 14th June, 1932 s. A. ,BROWN, Chairman St. Thomas, 14th June, 1932 Note-The abov~ report WEt~ adopted, but. By-Law to authoriz~ agreement was not pass~d. On 17th June Council passed r~sol~tion tQ pay Seventy Ce!lt~ pe~ day ad~i~ioJ:lal :for maintenance of ~Ildigent patients only. / 120 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 121 REPORT OJl' MOTHERS' ALLOWAN"CE BOARD REPORT OLD AGE PEN"SJON"S BOARD January Session November Session '1'0 the Wal'dlln- fi~ Council of Elgin .county: The Local Board of Mothers' Allowances for the County submit the following report of their work for the past year, for your approval, . To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: At the present time, 30 beneficiaries and 92 children are receiving' $825.00 monthly for theirmaihtenance, half of which is paid by Elgin County'. Of t.hese thirty, The Old Age Pensions Commission reports as follows: 19 are widoW's 1 a deserted wife 4 have husbands 1n Ontario Hospital Total amount paid pensioners by Province during year ending 1st October, 1932___________________..______________...$116520 88 Total amount paid by the. County___......-..__................_..__..... 12291 99 4 have husbands Sick at home Ther~ werei-twelve meetings during the yea:r. 2 have husbands in By:ronSanatorium. Administration expenses were- During the y~a1' 011e widow moved out of the County, and one l:rtoved in. Two pensions were cancelled, one where the mother no longer had two children under 16 years, and the other where the husbahd had been granted a Soldier's Pension. For Secretary _______________._______.____________________....___.._._$ 400 00 For Commissioners ___..m__.._____________....__.____"_.._"_... 450 40 $ 850 40 Six applications had been accepted and allowat1cEls granted, one is in abeyance and numerous others when investigated proved ineligible, cMes - of desertion where ho tnai'I'iage existed, wh~re husband is in jail, where app1icant was found to ,be in. receipt of other pension, where - parties were married and fatl1ily born in tJrtitad States, and others with too much equity. Since the a.ppointment of your Commission we have received 854 applications. These were disposed of as follows: R. A. PENHALE; President Deaths _______.._..._._........._____.___.___.______..___._____ 176 Transferred ______________..__..________......_._..._...____ 29 Cancelle'd ___.___."_______.._.___._______.___0________._____.__. 33 Pending ___.__....._.._..___.__................_..__.________ 5 Refused ____._..._..__.________.____._..._.._._._______._______. 25 Pensions in Force____________________......____________ 586 MRS. :S. :130 GRAHAM; Secretary' January, 1932. 854 . ,22 J'nlgin .,County, Council Elgin Count'y Council 123 The number of new applications is gradually decreasing, the number received e~ch year since Act caine into force being as follows: REPORT CORN :BORER INSPEC'l'OR During year ending 1st Octoher .1929._____..._______....__________...____... 3W During year ending 1st octo her 1930.__........_...__..........____....._.. 314 During year ending 1st October 1931..__........___.___..................... 119 During year ending 1st Octoher' 1932__,________......__..".._______......... 102 November Session :Belmont, November 21, 1932 854 To the Warden and County 06UYlCU of Elgin: Pension payments to County TreasUrer :tor' inmates of the House of Industry amounted to $3,346.28, All of which. is respectfuUy submitted. 1 beg to submit a statement of cost of Corn Borel' Inspection in Elgin County for 1932: K; W..-McKAYj Secretary' Aldborough ..................................$ 76 50. 7200 st. Thomas, Ont., 22nd November 1932. bUllWich ___..__.___......_..._..___.___.___..__. Southwold ...'..O>___'___'___'___'___h__'.__. 76 68 'yar:rnouth _______.___.....__..___..__.___..._.... 126 00 Q\[alahide .__.........___......__..__.___h__... 112 14 Eayham __..___'_______........__._._._..__.._._ 73 71 South Dorchester ___.._..............._ 75.60 $ 612 63 All of which is respectfully 'submitted. :FREiD E. TAYLOR. County Corn Borer Inspector Note-Cost of Inspection in 1931 was . $936,00, . t l ' ~ i 124 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 125 r REPORT COUNTY LICENSES BY.LAW No. 1162 I~ l~" November Session T.n App{}int COunty Auditors To the EIgHt County Council, Gentlemen: The Council of the Gorporation or the CDuhty of Elgin enacts:; I have to report the following licenses in force: Auctioneer 1. That William A. Calbraith and Walker C. CaugheIl .be and are hereby appointed Auditors)' to hold office during the pleasure of the Council. '~ I", James R. Serson____________________.._._.___________.___________Morpeth Dun'can A. Brown._..._..___......___.._.________........________Shedden Wilson Pound ....____........._________________......__.___________AyLmer Elmer .Misener .___._______._____________..._._...________...____Welland Merritt Moore .._.___.___.___________.__________._._.._....__________Aylmer Fred Haggan ___________._______.__.....__________._____..;___________.Aylmer Pedlar 2. That it shall :be, the duty 6f the said Auditors to examine and audit all accounts affecting the Corporation or relating to any matter under its control or within its jurisdiction, quarterly, during each calendar year, and ;report at the Jan'uary ,Session in each year on the accounts of the Corporation for the preceding year, and also transmit to the Warden, the Chairman of the Finance Committeel and the County Clerk, an abstract statement of Receipts and Expenditures as completed for each quarter, together with a report in reference to any irregulari~y or other matter that in the opinion of the .said Aud!... tors should be brought to their attention. Philip Martin .---_..........__._..........____........__....___St. Thomas Poultry R. Pangborn Solomon Brand Transportation of Fowl 3. That the said AUditors ,be paid an annual salary of Two :Hun- dred and Forty Dollars each, said salary to be paid quarterlYl on the order of theWat'den. E. O. Wright for 1932 4 That all other by-laws heretofore passed in this behalf be and :are hereby repealed. There are no junk dealer licenses in force. All of which is respectfully submitted. Read a third time and passed at County Coui'J.cll Chambers, St. '1'homas, J a.nuaI'Y' 29th, 1932. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk :K. W. McKAY, STEWAR'I'A. BROWN, St. Thomas, Ont" 22nd November, 1932 ' Clerk Warden 126 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 127 BY-LAW No. 1163 3. That Sidney Howell be appointed Trustee of the Dutton High School for thr.ee years. To Appoint' an Old Age Pensions Commission The Elgin CO'unty Council enacts: That'- Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, 29th January 1932. W. S Stalker, of Aklbor.ough, R.R, 1, Rodney Dugald Elue, of Dunwich, Dutton Willson H. Mills, of Yarmouth, Sparta Dr. C. 'Sinclair, of Aylmer W. W. Kiddie, of S. Dorchester, R.R. 1, Belmont K. W. !McKAY, ~ Clerk STEWART A. BROWN, Warden be and are hereby appointed the local authority or Commission to administer the Old Age Pensions Act in the County of Elgin. BY-LAW No. 1165 That the said Commissioners be paid the sum of Fiv:e Dollars per day for attending meetings of the Commission and five cents per mile to and from such attendance. To Fix Membel's' \yages The Elgin County Council enacts: County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, January 29th, 1932. K. W. [McKAY, Clerk HTEWART A. BROWN, 1. That the sum of Five Dollars per day be paid to the members of this Council for their attendance in Council and Committees within the County, and five cents per mile to and from such attendance. Warden BY-LAW No. 1164 2. That the sum of Five Dollars per day and travelling expenses be paid to the members of this Council for attending on Committees and conventions outside the County. To Appoint High School Trustees 3. That members of Council attending' conventions outside the County be required to report to the .Council at first session thereafter, The Elgin County Council enacts: 4.' That By-Law No. 1100 and all other by-laws in this behalf be a:q.d are hereby repealed. 1. That Erwin Smith be appointed Trustee for the Vienna High School for thr.ee years. Country Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 29th January, 1932. 2. That Harold M. Hambidge be appointed Trustee of the Aylmer High School for" three years. K. W~ IM,cKAY, Clerk STEWART A. BROWN, Warden 128 ElginCounty Counell ElgIn County Council 129 BY-LAW No. 1166 BY-LAW No. 1168 To Fix Salary of the Clerk of the County CauDell To Fix Salary of the Keeper and Matron of the House of Industry and Refuge The :BJlgin County Council enacts: That the salary of the County Clerk be fixed at Eighteen Hundred Dollars per annum, payable quarterly. The Elgin County Council enacts: That By~Laws No, 1013, 959, 863 and 368 and all other hy~laws here.. tofore passed in this behalf be and the same are hereby repealed. That the salary of the Keeper and Matron of the House bf Indus- try and Refuge ,be and is hereby fixed at Fifteen Hundred and Eighty-fou"r Dollars, per.. annum,. pa:)rable . quarterly, commencing 1st February, 1932, County Coui1cil Chambers, St. Thomas, 29th Janual"Y~ 1932. That all by-laws hereto:f:1ore passed in this behalf be and the same are hereby ammended accordingly. K. W.McKAY, Clerk STEWART A. BROWN. Warden County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 29th January, 1932. K. W. McKAY, Clerk STEWART A. BROWN, Warden BY-LAW No. 1167 BY-LAW No. 1169 T6 Fix Salal'y of the County Treas1irE!r To Fix Salary of the Secretary of the Old Age Pensions Commission 'The Elgin County COUncll enacts: That the salary of the County Treasurer be Two Thousand Dollar::f per annum, commencing 1st February 1932. The Elgin County Council enacts: That the salary of the' 'Secretary of the Old Age Pensions Com~ mission be and is hereby fixed at li'our Hundred Dollars per annum payable quarterly. That all other bywlaws heretofore passed in this behalf be and the same are hereby amended accordingly. County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 29th January; 1932. That By-Law No. 1142 be and is hereby amended accordingly. County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 29th January, 1932. k. W. MoKAY; Clerk STEWART A. BROWN, Warden K. W. Mc,KAY, Clerk STEWART A. BROWN, Warden .130 Elgin County Council Elgi'n County Councll 131 BY-LAW No. 1170 BY.LAW No. 1172 '1'0 Fix Salary of the Physician of the House of Industry TO Al>point art. '1nspec,tor . of the !louse of Industry and Refuge The Elgin County Council enacts: The lillgih County Con-noil ,enacts: That the salary of the' Physician of - the House of Industry and Refuge be and is hereby fixed at Two Hundred and Seventy Dollars peratinum, commencing the Ist"of February, 1932. That K. W. ,McKay -be ahd is hereby appointed lnspector of the HoUse of Industry and - Reiuge, without salarYl to perform such duties .as may be required of hi-ill and as set forth'in By-Law No.'.827 of this Council. His traveJli:ng expenses in con:nectloh therewith lobe paid. All hy-Iaws heretofore passed in this behalf are hereby amended accordingly. County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 29th January, 1932. That all other by-laws h€lretoftlre passed in this behalf be and the same are hereby repealed. . K. W. McKAY, Clerk STEWART A. BROWN, Warden County Council Chambers, St. Thomas) 29th January, 1932. K W. McKAY, Clerk STEWART A. BROWN, Warden BL-LAW No, 1171 !J'() Fix Salary of the Gaol Surgeon, BY-LAW N~. il~:l 't'he li:1gin County Council enacts: ~l'o :Fix Salary of County Road Supel'intendent That the salary of the 'Gaol Surgeon be and is hereby fixed at One Hundred and Thirty-five Dollars per annum, payable quai'terl'y', commencing 1st February, 1-932. The :Elgin County Council enacts: That the salary of the County Road Superintendent be Oite Thousand, Eight Hundred Dollars, payable montMy from theflrst day of February, 1932. That By..Law No. 1083 be _ and is hereby amended accordingly~ That B~Law No. 1073 be and is hereby at.nendedaccordingly. County Council Chambers;, st. Thomas, 29th Janliary,-1932. County Council Chambers) St. Thomas, 29th January, 1-932. K. W. McKAY, Cle1'k STEWART A. BROWN, Warden :Ie W. McKAY, Clerk STEWART A, BROWN, 'Ward'en. 132 Elgin County CQunciI ElgIn County 'Coundl 133 BY"LAW No. 1174 South Dorchester _.d.:________...____..______"".______..___ .Aylmer ___________......_..___.________.._________________.__..__..___n_ -Dutton '.__.._..__..._.;....___.______.__..__..__..._.h__.___".."......_ Port ~tanley ___.___.___.".".___.........h.__.___..___.___.........._ Springfield _"_.___.____._...__.....___.............___..__..__.....____ Vienna ',_.___.,.____'_,.__""-_.____.__..__.____._._.,______..__________._. ;R,odney ......._._____.___________________.___.___...__.....__.....m..... West Lorrie _n.___.___._______.....___.___..,..__..___.___.___..._._.. 2,406,201 1,259,216 495,509 826,353 246,578 121,088 362,931 349,197 To Authorize the Warden. and Tl'easurer to Borrow the Sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars The Elgin County Council enacts: That the Warden a;n'd Treasurer be and are-hereby authorized to .borrow' the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars from the Bank of 'Montreal, as it may be required to meet the exp~nditure of the Corporation of the County of Elgin during 1932, and give as .~security therefor, not.es of- one tho~sand or ten thousand dollars each. $ 31,000,374 2. That this CoUncil i"s wilIingto have the final equalization of the :asse::;sment, in case of a.ppeal, made by the County Judge. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 29th January, 1932. Read a third thne and passed at County Council Chambers, St. 'Thomas, 29th January, 1932. K. W. McKAY, Clerk STEWART A. BROWN, Warden 1{:. oW, McK~Y, Clerk STEWART A. BROWN, Warden BY-LAW No; 1175 nY,LAW No, 1176 To Confirm the - Equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the County of Elgin '1'0 Appoint a C01.mty Road Committee The Elgin County Council enacts: 'rhe ':Elgin Couhty Couhcil enacts as required by the Highway Improvehlent Act: 1. That the -following be the equalization of the assessment rolls ,of the County of Elgin for 1932: 1 That the- following five r,nembers of this Council constitute a Committee for the purpose of directing the work to be done on the County Road &ystem: Aldborough ._...........m__.____"""._~_._~._""".._._."""......;~$ Dunwich .___..___...._......___.._._.____.___._.........._._____.___.__ So'uthwold - ...._..___.___"__.___.....____._._......_______._.___._..... Y armouth .____.___._._._..._.........._.....__.___._____.....__..... Malahide .._.__.___._____...._..............._________._._._.......__._ Bayham ____________..____.__.__................_____._._____........... 3,887,759 4,340,052 5,157,514 5,319,162 3,751,283. 2,417,531 J. F.. Mcd-regor~for term of Five Years A. N. McWilliam-for term of Four Years H. L. Lawton-for term of Three Years Chas. D. Coyle-for term of Two Years H. G. Taylor.:.......for term of One Year I 134 Elgin County Council 2. That By-Law No. 1157 be repealed. Read a.third time and.passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 29th January, 1932. K. W. McKAY, Clerk STEWART A. BROWN, Warden BY-LAW No. 1177 To Appoint Members 'of Cemetery Commission The Elgin County Council enacts: 'That the following be appointed to the Cemetery Commission for the ;\tear' 1932, as required by th~ Cemetery Act of 1931: J. P. Coombe, of Vienna John Leitch, of the Township of Dunwich Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, 29th January, 1932, K. W. McKAY, Clerk STEWART A. BROWN, Warden BY-LAW No. 1178 To Appoint Advisory Agricultlll'al Council The Elgin, County Council enacts: 1. That the Advisory Agricultural Council be composed of one representative from each Township and thr,ee members of this Council. Elgin County Council a35 'That the following 'be appointed: J. A. I<:ing---.---...._______________..........______..m...Aldborough David CarroIl .----------.-------.......----......__.m____Dunwich E. E. Luton _-".n-----..---o.o..________mm._________._,Southwold R. A. Penhale._...___.oo...._____..,o.m._..o_..._......yarmouth Harry KenL..._..___.oo.____...__.___.___._.o,m._____....,Malahide Louis Johnston ________._________.,.____m________mo___.Bayham D. Noble .-.---......._______________._o_________...___S. Dorchester ])[embel'S of Council: J. F. McGregor Gordon Newell H. G. Taylor 2. That members of said Advisory Council be paid ,the same as members of this Council for attendance at the two meetings required to be held annually in February and November, and that they receive their travelling and other expenses for attendance at special or emergency meetings called by the Chairman. 3. That By-Law No. 1150 be repealed. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 29th January, 1932. K. W. McKAY, Clerk STEWART A. BROWN, Warden BY-LAW No. 1179 To Apoint a Board of Audit in the County of Elgiri. for the- Year 1932 The Elgin County Council enacts: That the Judge of the County Court and E. S. Livermore are i , 136: Elgin. County Council hereby appointed members of the Board of Audit, to perform the duties required of thel\l by R. .s. O. Chaptel' 126, Section 22. That the memb€lrsOf the said Bdard of Audit be paid - the sum of Five Dollars per da;y foi' their - s-erviceSj - and five cents per - mile, going to I'.tnd from each audit. Read a third tim,e and passed at County Council Chambers, 29th January, 1932. K. W. McKAY, Clerk STEWART A. BROWN, WaX'den BY-LAW No. 11M , ~o Appoiut Inspect,ol' Under th~ COl'n Borel' Act Th~ 11:l1gifi COUnty Council enacts: That Fred n, Taylor', of the Township or Yarmouth, be and is hereby appointed Inspector to perform the duties reqUired of hint under tlhe provisions of The Corn. Borer Act. That while engaged in the performance of his duties under the Act, the said Inspector shall, be paid the suth of Six Dollars and Thirty Cents per day, to include travelling and other expenses:. Rea'd a third tihl,e and pass€id at County Coundl Chambers; st. Thomas, 20th January, 1932, K. W. McKAY, Clet.:k. STEWART A. .lROWN, Wax:den ElgIn County' Council 137 BY-LAW No. 1181 The Elgin County, Council enacts: To Extend Time fQl' Tax Sale That the time for the enforced 'collection by sale of land in arrears for taxes in the County of Elgin, 'be' and is hereby 'extended for one year. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, June 17th, 1932. K. W. McKAY, Clerk STEWART Ai BROWN, Warden BY-LAW No. 1182 To Authorize the 'Warden to Sign Agreement Be Administration of Justice Expenses Payable bY' City, of St; Thomas The Elgin' County Council enacts: That the Warden be and is hereby authorized to sign, an agree~ ment ,with t~e City of .s~. Tholnas, for the payment by the City of Seven Thousand Dollars as their share of Administration of Justice expenses duri;ng Jive years, commencing Nineteen Hundred and Thirty-two. Read a., third_, .tim,e ..and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 17th JU_ne, 1932. K. W. McKAY,'- -Clerk STEWART A. BROWN, Warden 13g .E::lgirt Oounty Caunell l:1:l1g1n County Couhcll / 139 r nY-LAw. NO, 1183 Therefore the CouneH of the Municipal Carpo-ration of th~ County of Elgin enacts: "1'0 lfuise Amolmts fO:r COlU1ty' RateS DUl'lug the Year 1932 L T.hat a rate of "6 :millf:l bn the Donat be levied on all rate8!hle :pl'operty in the several- Municipalities in the County of Elgin, as above :set forth, for the year 1932, 'to raise the fellowirig amountS: WhereaS" afl: esti1nate has been made showing that the Sum of One Itundred ahd lnighty-siX:: Thousand arid Two Dollars is required .to be raised in the several Municipalities for the lawful purposeS of the County during the yeav 1932, .2. That thesuh1 of One - Hu:ridred and Eighty-six Thousand and Two Dollars he taise,u ahtIlevi~d in the 'several Murticipaliti'e's of the County, according to the following Schedule and that the amounts a-s -entered t.herein he .paid to the County Treasurer, as by law required~ And Whereas by the Asses'stnent Act, thIs Courlcil is required to direct what portion of the sum to be ISvied for County purpOses shan be IlWied in each MUnicipality hi the County. Municipality 'l'6tal )!}q).ia1ized, value ilCnEnlJLE .l\Itmicipatlty lJ'()ta~ AIdborough ___.___.___.___..__._,..__".___.___.___.___.___..__.....__.____.......:....$ 23,321 bunwlch '__'___'___'"_._,__.,....___,.__.___.___.___,_,__,___....-......__...___._....__..__. 26,040 Southwold ___'___'_._'.__o___.___h__'__-,"h.'-__"___'.__'___~ ...._..,___~___'_. 30,945 y armouth ___..._,._"___'____.__'-_______,___..__....,___.___.___.__......___.___.._.. 31,915 .Maiahide ___..__'__.___.-_._____.___,_____.'_...___._..______,___._______.______.__.___.__.__ 22,508 Ba'yham .______.___..__.___,___.___,___,__.-____,___.___.___..___._.___.'._~____"'.'"._.. 14,865 .South Dorchester _______.__,.___,.__,______......___.____________...____.___'.. 14,431 Aylmer .__..______.__...____._....0___.__..._..___.___________...__.-._...._......'_____.... 1,555 .Dutton --..,."_____.___.___~___,._.,.__,__,.-______,_,__,___.__.._._._.__.._...___'"___.....'" 2)973 Port Stan.}ey ._,_____________._.._._....._____________,__________..____._..__.____0 4,958 Springfield ___.___......._...__,.~_.,.-__'._._____.___...'"...,__....__,,____.._._...___... 1,479 -Vienna ..__-..___'"_._._._,_._,__.,___..__._______.___.____.._.___.___..__.....______.__.__.. 727 ROdney _______.________.__.___.____..,.-___.__.,,_~___.,__.___,.__'._..._...___.___~,.__.. 2,178 West Lorne __.,___,___.___->__.___'____..__,._.,___,.__.,.__.___'"____..___._____... 2,095 And Whereas the- rates' al'e required to be apportioned dn the basiS of the assessment of property as equalized: ANn WHliJR1i:AS the asseSi:lment of property of the County as asc::ertained arid equalized is as followS: Aldborough ...,.__~...,...,...".."..,...,...,.......,---"--'---......__,___.$3,8g7, 759 Dunwich __...__.,__.____.....__.___J__..___.___.___.___.___.___J.._J___J_______,___. 4,340,052 South wold ._........_..__.n_.n_.___.___.___.___.______..___,___.._____..__.___.__ 5,157,514 y armouth ....___..__,___..._......__..__..__.___J___.___.___..__._____._.___"'___. 5.319,162 Malahide .__..__.___.___.....-._._.__,-....__..___.___.___..__.._...___._______._.___. 3.751,283 Bayham ______._._..____.__.________....._______....-___.-___..______...____.._....._. 2,477,531- South borchestel', ___..__.__......_..J_..J....___.__...................._.__ 2,406,201 Aylmer .._.____.__..__.._~..__..._J___J....___.__~.........._..._..__....___....... '11259,216 Dutton ___._______..___.___._______nn.._.___<___.___.___..._..__..'._....__..._.___. 495,509 Port Stanley .....__.___..__......__..__.___.___.___.___..___.___._..___.__.._____ 826,353 ,Springfield ___....._...._...__.____.__.___.___.___.___.-.._J___._._._____.__..___. 246,57S Vienna .__..,..._,.___.___.___.___.___..______________.___...._.__..__._._____._____.; 121,088 HOdne'y ___..__..__..___.____._.___.___._"_._._.__...___._______.__.____.__._.._.___:. 362,931 West LOl7rie ...,,__.___..__.___u_..___.___.___.__..___.-n_.........__.__.________ 349,191 $ 1$6,002 'County Councll C'hamher's, st. Thoh'las, June 17th, 1932. IK~ W. McKAY, Cler.k STEWART A. BROWN, We.rden $.31,000,374 140 lplgin County Council IN D EX K. W. -McKAY, Clerk STEWART A. BROWN, Warden No. 1183 No. 1184 N 0.1184 No. 1185 GRANTS- Agricultural College Student ._..._..__.~_.___.__..__................._......__......__._..____ Agricultural ,Societies _______.____.._________...____..._______________________.._.._._....."._____.... Canadian National Institute fol' the Blind.........__.___________m__............ Childl'en's Aid -Society ___________________________.....____._.______________________..~__............ Community Hall, Dutton ___________________._..._...._________..____..______........._...___39, Eospital for Sick Chlldren....______.......__.._______........__......._________n..__.....,._.... Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas___...""__.....__........_...m___.........14; 40, 47, sgow :MentOrial Park..___________m...... rdsall ............__..._...___....__..................... 's Association ..m.m_m___................ 'Well Memorial Park ....._m_m........ 'braries ..__.___.__......__...__.__......___._........... Army ..__....__..........__....._....__...___.._..... !d Mei.norial'I'ablet m____m........~... Association ......_.._...___........._....__.._ ..............m...__....;..........~........................... rne Memorial Tablet ___________________. Institutes __..................._..__..__..____....__ . MISCELLANEOUS- \ Agricultural RepresentaUve m.........m......................~..............._m..'........ 57 Advisory Agricultural Counen .------m.......__.:...........~.....___.................13, 77 BY-LAWS~ No. 1162 To Appoint County Auditors .......~.....................__....m..24, 125 No. 1163 To Appoint Old Age Pensions Commission...:..__....24, 126 No. 1164 To Appoint High 'S-ehO'ol Trustesa....m:.,.....__..........~24, 126 No. 1165 To Fix Members' Wages.m.............,..............................26, 127 No. 1166 To Fix Salal"Y of County Clerk............................~.......26, 128 No. 1167 To Fix Salary of County Treasurer....____.....__......__.....27, 128 No. 1'168 To _Fix Salary of Keeper and Matron of the House of Industry ....___.........__......__............__.......__.............27, 129 To Fix Salary of SecrHary 0 ,A.P. Com.................28, 129 To Fix 'Salary of - Physician H. of I....__~......._m"..."......29, 130 To Fix Sn1ary of the Gaol Su:rgeon......................__....29, 130 To Appoint Inspector of Honse of Industl'y..........80, 131 To Fix Salary of County Road Supt...........................30, 131 To Authorize - Borrowing of $250,000..........................31, 132 To Confirm Equalization .......................__..............__..__...32, 132 To Appoint County Road Committee ......................82, 133 To appOint Cemetery Commission ..............................33, 134 To appoint Advisory Agr. Council ............................33, 134 To Appoint Board of AudiL............................................34, 185 To Appoint Corn Borer Inspector ..............".............35, 136 To Extend Time for Tax. Sale ._..................................45, 137 To Authorize Warden to Sign Agreement 'with City of St. Thomas ....._..........._..............."..........................48, 137 To Raise Amounts for County Rntes ......................48, 138 Re House of' Industry Inspector ................................62, 140 Re Hospital Agreements-not Passed........................50 To Fix Salary of Gaol Surgeon ..................................62, 140 No. 1169 No. 117.0 No. 1171 No. 1172 No. 1173 No. 1174 No. 1175 No. 1176 No. 1177 No. 1178 No. '1179 No., 1180 No. '1181 No. 1182 BY-LAW No. 1184 To Amend By-Law.No. 827 The Elgin County Council enacts: That Ey..Law Number 827 be and is hereby amended to require the It1,spl<lctor tovi13itthe Institution once each month instead of four times as at present. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, this 24th day of November, 1932. K. W. McKAY, Clerk STEWART A. BROWN, Warden BY-LAW No. 1185 41 12 75 82 45 10~ 50 45 65 77 45 22 75 17 21 64 19 22 To Fix Salary of the Gaol Surgeon The :Hllgin county Cortncil enacts~ I That the salary of the Gaol Surgeon be and is hereby fixed at Two Hundred DoHars per annum for the first two hundred prisoners, and Fifty Cents per prisoner over that number, payable quarterly. That By-Law No. 1171 be and is hereby repealed. Read a third time and finally passed at Count-y Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 24th day of November, 1932. ( Ald'borough-Dullwich ':row~lin~ ""~:__,,,,_,_,,,__,,__,.__"'_"_"'m"'_'___'_'___"_.,---" Cemetery Com-mission'" ____'::.:~___~___:____,~_.,',___j,________.___.._.________..---------.----....-.- qounty Council .._____.___.__..._____....__.........___.....___.........._.........___.,.....c....__,:___.... Couhty,q():un<:~l Abolition' .__.m..__..__.____..,.....___.c___.__.__...__._______.___......__"---- ,.County Officiats ..,.__...__..__..__.m.___.__...__.__.~___..__."_._~_;J;_._.....----.'--..--.---'"...----,-,- County Road Subsidy __.......______....__...__."_.Uh______......__....hn.___..__.__0.._,.___0___ "Gornmunications ___.___,__..._..___.....___..__.....___.___.___..._....._._.___.___._.___.___.____9, 38, Deputation .__.________________.__~_____________...___..___.___.___.__-.-...---..--.---.-,..---.---.-.-.-----.-.....-. beputat1OI1, Pi. BUl'w<3l1'F.lighway .__.___.___.__..oo_.__.'~_.___,_.:.:'.___.__,._._.57,. 59, High Schoo'} Trustee~ _______________.____.__._._..___m._'..__.____.___.....___.~__._.____________19. E:ighway X:tnprovement ,Expenditures ___.....___.______...___.___.___.___.20, 22. ,McKillop Children Account ___..__ _____________._h__._______..__._______.~__.__________._______ Mothers' Allowances Co111mission .__..__.___.__..___.___.___.___.___.___._._.....___._.44, ,Municipal. Legislation _____c_____________..___--___ __.______________________._________..__._______"____ Old Age Pensions and House of Industry Inmates;__.____._..__..__________ Petition, 're Vienna ,High School. Tax 00_____._______._____.____.._____.___._._.___.11. Plan for Future _________._______.__.__...__.__......__._____._.___._..-....--.--.----..---.-..---..--.---.---- Provincial Highway EJxpShditul'e .__.___.___..__.m._._____.___.___._._..___._.____,___.____ ::Port Stanley Bridge ._______oom_~_____.___._._.oo.___________.______...______._._____.___,___.___.16. ~:~~;~, ~~:t~~t;:U~e:t~tj~sti-~~-~~~~:~~::::~:::::::::::::~:~:~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::: Resolution to Angus Turner .."___,___..__..__.__.____.._____.____.___.,__"__..______:._____.__ Secondary Education costs __,.....__..___"__..___.___.....___.___.___..__'.__..._._.."..____59. Standing Committees _____.______._.____..___.______.___;___._______.___.___.___._______.6, 9, 13, 'St. Thomas Board .of EducatioI1 ___.___..-..--..---.---.---..-..---.--...--.-------..-.---5, Taxes ___.___.___.___.......___,..___._____._____._______~___...---.-.---...---..--..---.-...--.---.--.--~--.---..--.---- Village Roads ___......__"___.___.___.___._..__..___....___..__.___..--..------.---.---~....------..----------.- Warden's Address ___.__.._..__..,..___...___".___._.___...___._<___".___._._..__.__...______.__..7, 36, Warden's Election ___.....___<.__...____._..___..__..._._...___.___..___.._..--..-.<.--.---,---'"---.--...-- . REPORTS OF COMtMITTEES AND OFFIclALS- Auditors .__.___._...__._____...___.._____..___...____._...__,.__"__"__'___"_"___"__'___'___"__."_'__."_____'__' 7tl Agricultural Cottlintttee ___,___,___,_,~,___,,__,__,_"'___J'_"'____._'_______'______n1g,4$, 62. 112 Corn -Borer, Inspector ._...__.___.___..__..__...._....___.__~.._..____.__....__.__.._m~----__n_._57. 123 County Road Committee ___.___..__..........__.___..__.____._....."___.___..___~HJ 41.84. 95 County 'Treasurer _________...,...._._,..____._.___....._______...___..._....__.___..__.___..___51, 68. 74 County Clerk on Licenses ---.---....----'---.---.-------.--.-----.---,---.----------------.-----c-- 124 Education COhttnitiee ___..___".__,___.___.___.___._______.____._..18,44j 4S. 52, 62, 96, 98 Finance Committee .._......._____".._.___..__.__.....___..18" 22, 41, 44. 47, 61, 75. 83 Caol Committee ______________m__.__r.._.....___.___........__.____18. 41. 44j 48. 61/ 9Sj 101 Bouse of tndustry CotYiillitiee .....__.___.___.___.__.....__._._.____18, 42, 61, 102, 103 Ins'pector, Hou~e of Industry -_._____..._.___.___.___..____m_______.._.___________..___..~_.._.. 105 Mothers' Allowance's :S,Oard __.,.....______.___._._..._.-...____..__....._._.-_~_._._.;'..n___..___ 120 Old Age Pensions Commission .__________________.___.....____________...__._______________.57, 121 Petitions and Legislation Co:trttrdttee.__.___.___.__.____.___._.___..__..__._...22, 44, 111 Physician House of lnd ustry ___.__n__.-.....___..__~______.___..._____..._._._.._____._______c__ 104 Special HO$;pital Committee "__'___"__'___'___'___'___~__"_,_"__'___'m...______-_...____42, 119 Surburban Area CommIssion .....__.___.__..__..._._.._..____._.__.__.___._.___._______.___.____ 86 Standing Committees ________...________________......_____.__.__.__..__..____,________6; 9, 13, 66 Special re 'Salaries..._______...__.....___.________..____.___.___________.nn____.____13, 16, 24, 115 Special re Administration of Justice_______.__..__.____.___-......___......._~.-<-----..39, 118 13 g 5 23 4 20 56 35 64 20 44 58 120 36 53 17 54 17 21 41 43 18 64 66 63 8 8 51 6 ./ l\lI