1933 Minutes PROCEEDINGS --OF THE f Elgin County Council Dunng the SCSSi'OIlS held in the III the months of COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS January, April, June and Novembel' 1933 I I K. W. McKAY. Coullty Clerk I-l. I.. LAWTON, GORDON NEWELL Wardens COUNTY OFFICIALS Duncan iC. Ross, Esq., County Judge , Jas. H. Coyne, Esq., Registrar Ian Cameron, Esq., ICounty Court Clerk E. W. Haines, Esq.; 'Clerk of the Peace and ,county Crown Attorney P. S. D. Harding, Esq., Sheriff Mador C. P. Ermat'lI1ger, Gaolin C. IF. 'Maxwell, County Police Magistrate J. A. Taylor, B.A., and J. c. Smith,B.A., Public Scho'ol Inspectors K. W. McKay, County Clerk B. B.,Graha.m, County Treasurer F. A. Bdl, C. E., County Eng,ineer G. F. 'Pineo, !County Road Supe.rintendent .c. .St. C. -Leitch, K.C, County Solicitor Douglas L. E;win, !M.D., Physician House of Industry and Goal Freel 111gram, Keeper House of lnclustry R. M. H'olmes, ICarctaker Court House K. W. McKay, 111spect.or House of Jndustry All 'Of 'St. Thomas, P ..0. Taylor, Belmont, ICorn Borer Inspcctor Helen ICanipbell, 6t. Thomas-; W. A. Galhraith lona Station Justice Auditors: D. C Ross, County Judge St. Thomas;E. S. Livermore, Aylmer F. R. Ci:mlHy Auditors: -0- MUNICIPAL CLERKS AND TREASURERS Clerk Treas,urel" J. A. Md{ae, Rodney "vV. S. Stalker, R.R. 1, Rodney A. N. McWilliams, DuHon Murrav McNeil, Dutton J. C McLennan, Finga'l D. A. iCattanch, . 250 Balaclava Street,., St. Thomas Yarmouth H. J.... Lawton, St. Thomas Ralph L. Marlatt, Unioil M-alahide John M. Hale, Aylmcr John H. Hale, Aylmcr Bayhal\11 IBcnj. Brian, StraHo,rdville Wm. Grant, StraHordv-ille S.Dorchestel. ...., M. S. Charlton, R.R. 1, Springfield M. S. C,har1ton 1'own of Aylmer D. C Davis H. E. Ar;nstrong Village alf Spr;ingficld John Hodgson W. H. Ca'ther!l Village of Vienna ]. P. Coombs ]. P. Coombs ViHa-gc of Port Stanley. W. A. Havddns W. A. Hawkins Village dfnutton J. D. Blue J. D. Blue ViU'age of West Larue J. S. Robertson Mrs. Tena McGregor ViHa.ge of R'OCtney 'Chas. 'Mistele Chas. Miste1e DUJlwith S'outhi,vokl ! '1 PROCEEDINGS --OF THE- Elgin County Council -0- FIRST SESSION-FIRST DAY Tue.sdaYi the 24t.h d'ay of January, 1933 Thc .Council clect of the 'CG'lUnty of Elgin met this day at H1C Court House, St. Thomas, at 2 p:m. The iClerk in the chair. Thcfol1owi'ng .mmn-b,ers having .filed certificates, took their seat~ at the Council -board: Fred Vi. Schmclz, Reeve, Aldborough 'VVillia.m Downie, Deputy Reeve, AIc1borough Edv.;'al'd Clarkc,H.eevc, DUl1wich. John .D. Thomson, De.puty Reeve, Dl1l1wich Ste\vart A. Ihown, Reeve, Sontl wold Daniel :rvrcGugal1, Deputy Reeve, South wold H. L. La\,to'll, Reeve, Yarmouth George Cross, Deputy Reeve, Yarmouth Gordon Newell, Reeve, Malahide Stailley Snelgrovc, Deputy Reeve, Mala.hide ehas. D. Coyle, Reeve, Bayham Wm. H. Bradfie'id, Deputy Reeve, Bayham H. G. Tayl'or,. Reeve, South Dorchester G EJ.gi.n County Council E. S. Livermore, ,Reeve, Aylmer C. S. Bridgman,De.puty Reeve, Aylmer Leo Connor, Reeve, Vienna A. S. Newell, Reeve, Springfield Ezr,a Fahocr, Reeve, Port Stanley Alex. Taylor, Dcp,~ty Reeve, Port Stanley Ar.chibald McCallum, Reeve, Dutton Arthur' Petherick, Reeve, West La-rne John G, Gillies, Reeve, Rodney Thec1cctiol1 of Warden was then proceeded with, 'and all the second vote Harvey L. Lawton, reeve of y.a'rmouth, received thc_un- animousvote of the Council, .and was decla1"ed duly elected \yarden lor 1933, The Warden elect .made the statutory declaratioll of office, and thcllikecl the Conncil for the h6nour conferred. Move'd by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by. A. 5, Newell: That this 'Council the reeves to meet to do now adjourn to 10 a.lll. to-morrow to allow str,ikc ,standing committees f'or 1933. -Carried H. L. LAWTON, Warden. Elgin County Council 7 FIRST SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday" the 25th day of January,' i933' The Elgin County Council met this day in accordal1ce' with adjournment. The Warden in the chair. All the members present. The Warden addressed the 'Council as follows: To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: , " ! I have to agaii'l."-thank you for the honour conferred in electing me as your chairman for the ensuing year. I hope that all anI' de- liberations during the year will be harmonious and in the best interests of economy and the County of Elgin as a whole. The necessity for economical maintenance of roads and public buildings must at all times be kept in mind. With one exception all Elgin County rates have been paid. One evidence of the depression is that arrears of taxes on the Connty Treasurer's books _are accumti.lating. New questions are con- stantly arising in connection with the collection of taxes, and in thi's the County has an intimate interest. Members of councils sh'ould do everything possible to build up a tradition of prompt and rigid en- forcement of tax collection laws. Do not by' word 'or action encourage ,ratepayers to think otherwise. The CQllector is a statutory officer with special duties to perform, and coul1cils have no authority to deviate therefrom. When people are poor, or when distress of their goods and chattels would cause great hardship, the Collector should l~e required to report to ,the. Council, who may cancel the taxes or instruct the Collector by resolution to return the'taxes "not collected':' By s6 doi~g, you extend the time by giving three years for payment, (, Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 7 E. S. ,Livermore, ,Reeve, Aylmer C. S. Bridgman, Deputy Reeve, Aylmer l...eo Connor, Reeve, Vienna FIRST SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday" the 25th day of January,'-1933' A. S. Newell, Reeve, Springfield Ezra Fahncr, Reeve, p.ort Stanley Alex. Taylor, Deputy Reeve, Port Stanley Archi'bald M,eCallu111, Reeve, Dutton Arthur Petherick, Reeve, West Lorne John G. Gillies, Reeve, Rodney The Elgin County Council met this day in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the chair. All the members present. The Warden addressed the Council as follows; The election of War,den was then pr'occcded with, 'and on the second vote Harvey L. -Lawton, reeve of y.armouth, received the 'un- animous vote O'f the Council, .and was decla'red duly elected ,,-arden for 1933. To' the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Warden elect .made thc statutory declaration of officc; and thMlked thc' Council for the h'6nour conferred. I hav'e"'-to again thank you for the honour conferred in electing me as your chairman for the ensuing year. I hope that all our de- liberations during the year will be harmonious and in the best interests of economy and the County of Elgin as - a whole. Move.dby H. G. Taylor, The necessity for economical ma'intenance of roads and public buildings must at all times be kept in mind. Seconded by_ A. S, Newell: That t:his 'Collllcil do now adjourn tolD a.m. to~morrow to allow the ree.ves to meet to str,ikestariding committees f'or 1933. With one exception all Elgin County rates have been paid. -Carried H. L. LAWTON, Warden. One evidence of the depression is that arrears of taxes on the County Tteasurer's books are accumulating. New questions are con- stantly arising in connection with the collection of taxes, and in thi-s the County has an intimate interest. Members of councils sh'ould do everything possihle to' build up a traditiqn of prompt and rigid en- forcement of tax. collection laws. Do not by'word'or action encourage ,ratepayers to think otherwise. The Collector is a statutory officer with special duties to perform, and councils have no authority to deviate therefrom. When people are poor, or when distress of their goods and chattels would cause great hardship, the Collector should he required -to report to the . Council, .who may cancel the taxes or instruct the Collector by resolution to return the taxes "not collected.:' By so doing, you extend the time by giving three years for payment. , 8 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council u The County Treasurer has authority to levy by distress for arrears of taxes on his books, and is required to do so if he has knowledge that there are goods and chattels liable to distress on any land in arrears. A little co-operation between the officers of a municipality and the treasurer will often result in the payment of taxes on many properties, especially in summer resorts. From Interim Teachers' Association, re second year Normal course. - Referred to Education Committee. From Ratepayers of Union School Section No. 11, South Dor- chester, re inspectors' salaries. - Referred to Education Committee. County Pupils - St. Thomas Schools From United Farmers of Ontario, re currency inflation, justice for debtors, and deflating of prices of farm products. - Referred to A:gricultural Committee. As a result of the report of the Education Committee at the June Session last year, there appeared to be some objection to the admission in the ordinary way of county pupils to the Collegiate Institute and Vocational School. This has resulted in a- better under- standing of the rights of county pupils to attend any high school aided. by the council of the county in which he or his parent 'or guardian resides. No communications have been received from the City Board in reference to the matter. From National Institute for the Blind, re grant. - Referred, to Finance Committee. Relief From County Council of Kent, with approval of Elgin's resolution in connec.tion with abolition of county councils, and requesting co-operation in petition to provide for moratorium on principal of tile drain loans, and adjustment of prices of natural gas. - Referred to Agricultudi:l Committee. The municipalities of Elgin appear to be most fortunately situ- ated insofar as the necessity for extensive relief is concerned. It might be expected'that in times such as these, indigent persons would be sent to the House of Industry. There is no evidence of such a movement, as the number of-inmates-is the sam~ as last year. From County Council of Middlesex, requesting co-operation oppos- ing advocacy of granting lic~nses to sell wine and beer in hbtels; and for an amendment to The Public Schools Act to reduce general township grants to school sections. - Referreef to Petitions and Legis- lation Committee. The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. From Ontario School Trustees and Ratepayers' Association, with resolution passed requesting delegation to attend annual meeting.- Referred to Education Committee. The report of the committee to strike standing comniittees was presented and adopted on motion of G. Newell, seconded by S. A. Brown. From Salvation Army, re grant. -Referred to Finance Committee. The following communications were read: From County Council of Wentworth, with resolution suggesting reduction in cost of telephone service. - Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. From Hospital for Sick Children, re grant. - Referred to Finance Committee. From County Council of Dufferin, approving present constitution .of county councils. - Referred to Petitions and Legislat)on Committee. From Secretary, Association of Managers of Homes for Aged and Infirm, re annual meeting. - Referred to House of Industry Committee., From County Council of Haldimand, with resolution re price of natural gas. - Referred to Agricultural Committee. Elgin County. Cot\ncil 11. 10 Elgin County Council (2) That insofar as practicable the fee system in.the administ,ration of justic,e be abolished. From Ontario Agricultural Council, -with request fot appointment of delegate to attend provinCial co,nference, ---.: Referred to Agricultural Committee. (3) That the institution of the Grand Jtrry be abolished. From County Council of Carl~,tQn, re high taxation. - Referred to Agricultural Committee. (4) That ,consideration be given to the question of combining the positions of Sheriff and Governor of. the Gaol. (5) That a copy of this resolution be fonvarded to Chas. Raven, Esq., Dr. H. J. Davis, and the Hon. W. H. Price, Attorney-General. From CounCil of the United C0lll1cils of Prescott and Russell, re- questing co-operation in petition for relief from ill taxation not con- trolled by county councils. - Referred to Agricultural Committee. - Carried From County Council of Hastings, re indigent hospital patients' accounts, and market for wood as fuel. - Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committss. Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by G. Newell: Fro~n Ontario Goo.d Roads Association and Minister of Highways, re Superintendents' Conference and annual meeting of Association.- Referred to County Road Committee. That the Warden appoint an Equalization Committee to investi- gate and report,at Friday's meeting of this council. - Carried Moved by H. G. Taylor, From County Auditors, with report. - Referred to Finance Com- mittece. Seconded by W. H. Bradfield; From County Treasurer, with report. - Referred to Finance Com- mittee. That the Clerk be Instructed to notify Inspector Smith to be pres- ent at the meeting o.f the Educational Committee, time of-meeting to be arranged by the Clerk. Moved by" H. G.Taylor, - Carried Seconded by G. Newell: Moved by E. .S. Livermore, That we, the Elgin County Council, appreciating the seriousness of the present situation, ask for the co-operation of the Administra- tion of Justice Officials as to reducing their allowances and thus assist us in reducing the burden of taxation during this period of depression. ,We .feel ~hat it is the duty of. each and every official to make some sacrific(), in common with reductions already made, and we recommend: Seconded by George Cross: That I3y,Law. No. U8G to give th~-Re~ve.-ofYarmQtith anaddi- tionaJ vote in committee to be received and dead a first time; - Carried (1) That Crown At~ornexs' .rem\tneratioll b~ placed upon a salary basis, ' 12 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 13 Moved by E. S. Livermore, The Warden referred the requests of the deputations to the Ag- ricultural Committee. Seconded by George Cross: Moved by E. Fahner, That By-Lay No. 1186 be read a second time. Seconded by G. Newell: - Carried Moved by E. S. Livermore, That the members of this Council be furnished a statement show- ing provincial highway costs within the county for the year H132, also a statement at the end of 1933 from the County Road Superintendent's office showing the amounts expended in each municipality on County. roads in 19~3 both as to construction and maintenance. Seconded by George Cross: That By-Law No. 1186 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried - Carried Moved by G. Newell, Moved, by E. Fahner, Seconded by A. Taylor: Seconded by A. Taylor: '-'i That we adjourn to meet at 2 p.m: That a committee of the county council be appointed by the War- den to make a survey and report on means and methods of reduction of taxes, the committee to report at this session. - Carried - Carried The council resumed. Moved by H.G. Taylor, Moved by F. W. Schmelz, Seconded by W. H.Bradfield: Seconded by H. G. Taylor: That .the usual grants to the Women's Institutes be passed, That t-he agricultural deputations present be now heard. -Carried - Carried Messrs. 'Sweet and Turnbull of the Trustees Association then addressed the council requesting a grant The following then addressed the council in reference to grant to Advisory Board, and Cattle Show, and special grant to assist in the elimination of starlings: Messrs. Thomas, McGregor, Luton, King, Carroll, Small, Rogers and Smith, Moved by E. S, Livermore, Seconded by C. D,Coyle: 14 Elgin ,County CQuncil Elgin County Council 15 That grant, of .Fifty Dollars be made to the Trustees' of Elgin County. FIRSTSESSWN"'- 'J)Hl~D 'DAY - Carried "ifl Thursday, the 2Gthday of January, 1933 The warden. appointed the following committees: Equalization: Messrs. Schmelz, Fahner,H, G. Taylor. The Elgin County Council met this day in accordanc!:. with adjournment. Taxati"on: Messrs. Coyle, Brown, Livermore, Clarke, G. Newell, and Fahner. The Warden in the chair. All the mcmberspresent. Moved by S. A. Brown, The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed; Seconcl'ed by L. Conllor: Mr. A. S. Newell made inquiry in reference to disposition of Isaac Kains, a former inmate of the House of Industry. That we adjourn till 10 o'clock tomorrow to allow 'committees to meet. - Carried The report of the House of Industry Committee was presented and adopted on motion of George Cross, seconded' by A. Newel!. H. L LAWTON, Warden. The report of the Equalization Committee was presented and adopted on motion of F. W. Schmelz, seconded by E. Fahner. Moved by S. Snelgrove, Seconded by G. Newell: That Mr. E. S. Livermore be appointed to audit the Administration of Justice accounts of the County of Elgin. - Carried Moved by G. Newell, Seconded by S. Snelgrove: ;.\'i That the Warden and Clerk be authorized to submit to the Minister of ,Public Works and Highways of the Province of Ontario the petition of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, showing that during the period 1st January, 1032, to 31st December, 19:32, there has 16 ElginCo'i.mty Council Elgin County Council 17 been expended upon the County Highway System the surnaf $76,754.19, and requesting the statutory grants 011 that amount as provided by the Highway Improvement Act. FIRST SESSION - FOURTH DAY - Carried Friday, the 27th day of January, 1933 Moved by G. Cross, The Elgin County Council met this day in accordance with adjournment. Seconded by G. Newell: That this Council adjourn to meet at 2 p.m. The Warden in the chair. The Council resumed. - Carried All the members present. The report of the County Road Committee was presented and adopted on motion of G. Newell, seconded by H. G. Taylor. The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. The following communications were read: The report of the Gaol Committee was presented and adopted on motion of W. H. Bradfield, seconded by C. S. Bridg~an. From County Council of Lambton, re stock yard expenses. _ Re- ferred to Agricultural Committee. The report of the Petitions and Legislation Committee was pre- sented and adopted on motion of A. Petherick, seconded by}. Thom- son. From County Council of WeIland, re qualification of municipal representatives. - Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. Moved by S. A. Brown, The report of the Education Committee was presented and adopted on motion of A. McCallum, seconded by J. G. Gillies. Seconded by D. McGugan: That we now adjourn t6 meet- at 10 o'clock tomorrow. The report of the Agricultural Committee was presented and referred to a ~ommittee of the whole with Mr. Livermore in the chair. After a discussion the report was referred back to the committee. - Carried Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by A. S. Newell: T4at we do now adjourn to meet at 2 p.m. H. L. LAWTON, Warden. The Council resumed. - Carried The report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of E. S. Livermore, seconded by E. Fahner. The report of the Agricultural Committee was presented and aclop,te'd, on motion of H. G. Taylor, seconded by C. D. Coyle. 18 Elgin County .Council Moved by A. Pethc1'i'ck;' Elgin County' Council 19 1\.' Seconded by J. D. ~rhomsoll; That we co-operate with the County Council of WeIland in petitioning for amendnient to the Municipal Act providing for a pro- perty Qualification of members of municipal councils. That the Department of Game and Fisheries be requested to amend the game laws so that no gun license fee will be required for shooting jack rabbits; and the fishing laws, so that there will be no protection for suckers or mullets, and that free permits be issued to residents of counties on request for above purposes. - Carried Moved by E, Fahncr, - Carried Seconded by A. Taylor: That grants to Public Libraries throughout the County be the same as last year. Moved 'by S. A. Brown, Seconded by D. McGugan: - Carried Moved by C. S. Bridgman, That the Warden anpoint one or more members to get informa- tion in regard to the necessity of appointing an Old Age Pensions Board. Seconded by E. S. Livermore:. - Carried That the usual grants be passed for Fall Fairs and Horticultural SO,cieties as for the year 1932. The Warden apP9inted Messrs. Brown and Coyle. - Carried Moved by H. G. Taylor, Moved by E. S. Livermore, Seconded by E. S. Livermore: Seconded by C. D. Coyle: That this Council strongly recommend the Redistribution Commit- tee of the House of Commons to make Elgin 'Co.unty one riding for Federal purposes, and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Prime Minister, M. F. Hepburn, M.P., and. W. H. Taylor, M.' P. That this Council recommend that no activity be entertained by the Cemetery Commission this year. -Carried - Carried Moved by F. W. Schmelz, Moved by W. 1-L Bradfield, Seconded by Wm. Downie: Seconded by H. G. T.ayl?r: That no construction or paving work be done on provincial high~ ways in Elgin County during' the year 1933. - Carri ed 20 Elgin County Council Moved by J. D. Thomson, Seconded by E. Clark: That.By-Law No. 1187 to confirm the equalization of the assess"'" ment be received and read a first time. - Carried Moved by E. Clark, Seconded by J. D. Thomson: That By-Law No. 1187 be read a second time. - Carried Moved by]. D. Thomson, Seconded by E. Clarke: That By-Law No, 1187 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried Moved by A. McCallum, I II,!; Seconded by E. Clarke: , ~ :. i~ I, i; II I, , II 'I 'I :i :1 " II II That By-Law No. 1188 to appoint a Board of Audit in the County of Elgin for the year 1933 be received and read a first time. - Carried ) . .._~? Elgin County Council 21 by D. McGugan, by J. D. Gillies: That By-Law No. 1188 be read a second time. - Carried by S. A. Brown, by 1.. Connor: That By-Law No. 1188 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried by F. W. Schmelz, by Wm. Downie: That By-Law No. 1189 to appoint a County Road Committee be and read a first time. ~ Carried by F. W. Schmelz, by Wm. Downie: That By-Law No. 1189 be read a second time. - Carried by F. W. Schmelz, by Wm. Downie: That By-Law No. 1189 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried 22 Elgin County Coutlcil - Elg.in O?,unty Counc-il 23 Moved by D. McGugan, sian be received and read a first time. Seconded by J. G. Gillies: -Carried That By-Law No. 1190 to authorize the Warden and'Treasurer to borrow the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars be received and read a first time. Moved by, S. A. 'Brovm, Seconded by L. Conl1or': "-'- Carried That By-La,,, No. 1191 he read a second time. -Carried Moved by D. McGugan, Moved hy L. l(onnor, Seconded by J. G. Gillies: Seconded by S. A. Brown: That By-Law No. 1190 be read a second time. That By-Law No. 11191 be read a third time and finally passed'. '-", - Carried -,-Carried Moved by D. McGugan, Moved by E. S: Livermore, Seconded by J. G. Gillies: Secaded by C. S. Brcrdgman: That By~Law No. 1190 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried That By-Law No. 1192 to appoint Advisory Agricultural Council be received and read a first time. 2.......Catried Moved by L. Connor, Moved by E. 5. Liverm'ore, Seconded by S. A. Brown: Seconded by C .5. Bridgman: That By-Law No. 1191 to appoint an Old Age Pensions Commis. That By.-Law "No. 1192 be r('ad a second time. -Carri~d 24 Elgin County Council Elgin 00-1111ty Council 2S Moved by ;E. S. Livermore, Moved by W. H. Bradfield, Secoil'dedby C. S. Bridgman: Seconded by R.. G. Taylor: That By-Law No. H92 be read a third time and finally passed. That By-Law N'o. 1194 be~ read a second ti,me. -Carried -Carried Mbved by H. G, :Taylor, Moved: by W. H.Bradfield, Se~ondcd by VV. ,E. Bradfield: Seconded by C. D. Coyle: That -By~Law No. H93 to amend By-Law No.1l80 app'ointing Corn Borer IniOpector be received a-nd read a first time. That By-Law No. U94 be read a third ~il11e and finally passe'd. _Carrie'] -Carrie.J ?If oved by Geo. Cross, M'ovcCl by C. D. 'Coyle, '-.';' :-;econded by A. S. Newell: See,onded by W. E. Bradfield That By-Law No. H93 be read a seoond time. .-Carried That By-.Law No. 1195 to a.ppoit members of the Cemetery Com- mission be received and read a first time. j ...Cm'ried Moved by W. H. Bra,dfield, 1Io\'d by A. S. Newell, Seconded by C. D. Coyle: Seconded byG. Cross: That By~'Law No. U93 be read a third time and finally passed. That By-Law No. H95 be read a second time. .,...Carried -Can-i ~d Moved by H. G. Taylor, ~,1 \)\'cd by G. Cross,' Sec9nded by W. H. Bradrfield: S,l'l'(,nded by A. S. Newell: That By~Law No. 1.194 to appoint High School Trustees be r~- ceived and read a first time. That By-Law No. H95 be read a third time and finally. passed. -Ca:trie~t -Carried 26 Elgin 'County Council Elg,il1" Gounty Council 27 Moved by S. Snelgrove, Moved by E. Fahncl-; Seconded by G. Newell: Seconded by A. Taylm: That BywLaw Ho. 1196 to appoint County Auditors be received ,met read a first, time. , ,That By.,.Law }i197Ahe read a 'th'ird time ,and finally pas,sec!. -Carrierl -Carried Moved by G. Newell, The Warden appointed the following deputations: Seconded by S. Snelgrove: That By-Law No. 1190 be read a second time. Ontario'Muniicipal Association --Carried ;,Messrs.,_Snclgrovc, A.. S, Newell, ,Liven111ore, Bridgman,McCallum, Pethericlc, Thomson and K. W, McKay. M'ovcc1 by S. Snelgrove, '~',. Seconded by G. Newell: , Good Roads Association That By':''l...aw No. 1.196 be read a third time..and finally passed. ~-Carricd Messrs. Fa"hner, A. Taylor, G. Newell, Gross, H. G. ''Taylor, Brad;" field,Coyle, Connor, Br,own, .M'cGuga'll\ Gillies, Qarke, Schmelz, Downie a'l"id K W. McKay. Moved by R Palmer, Moved by-G. Newell, Seconded by A. Taylor: Seconded by R Fahner: That By;~LaJw No. H97A granting certain privileges to the South- ern Qntario Gas Company Limited be received and -read a first time. That we <idjom!Y to meet" the second Tuesday in June. -~Carried -Carried Moved by A., Taylor, GORDON NEWEL,L, Warden. Seconded -by, E. Fahner: That By-Law No. 1197 A be read a second time. --":'Carried 28 Elgin.. County Council Elg'it}. County Coulldl 29 SPECIAL SESSION Moved. by L COllnor, Tuer.day, the 11th day of April, 1933 Seconded by S. A. Bro", n ; The Elgin CountyCoullcil met in special session to' appoint war- den ill ,place 'of H, L. Lawton, warden-elect of January who resigned. That James Todd,. Reeve of Yarmouth, be appointed to ~ all com- mittees of which the warden-elect, was a nwmber. The Clerkin the chair. """':"'Carried All the members present including James Todd who filed certifi- cate as reeve of YafilTIouth. A communication from the Ontario TTustees' Association request- ing appointment tlf County ,delegation was reacl. The election of warden was proceeded with and Gordon Newell, reeve of Malahide, who received votes of the majoTity of the council on first ballot, was declared duly elected warden f'or the halanc,e of the year 1933. Moved by H, G. Taylor, Seconded by VV, H, Bradfie,1cL: The warden-elect made the statutory deClaration of office, took the chair and addressed the Council. That the vVarden appoint deJe.gates to attend Ontario Ti"l1stees' at :(9ro11to. --'Carmed Moved by W. H. Bradfield, The \Varden appointed Messrs. Br'idgman and Gillies to attend himself. See,onded by C., D. Coyle: That deputation re Tillsonburg High School be now heard.' A Howell, trustee of the Dnttoll High School Board having re- it was-- ----,Carried by A McCallum, Barris,ter VV. C Brown 'of Tillsonburg then, addressed the council requesting increased grant for Tillsonburg ~High Seh'oolfor 1932. by E. Clarke': Moved by A. McCallum, That Harold Hoc-kin be appointed Trustee of the Dutton High Board in place of A. Howell. ' -Carried Secondc'd by J. G, Gillies: by H, G, Taylor, That matters pertaining to Til1sonburg High Shcaol be referred to Education Committee to report at June 5eSS1'011. by,W. H, Bradfield: -'-Carried That the County Road Committee meet immediately after the ad~ 30 E1gin 'County COUllCil journment, ---,Carried Moved by S. A. Bro\\'I1, Seconded by F. W. ,Schmelz: 1~hat this Council disapproy,e.s heartily of the proposal totalce part of Elgin County and add it to East Kent for electoral pur-pos'es, and is of the opinion that Elgin County should form one electoral division. That a copy o.f this resolution be fOrw.aTde'd by telegram to Dr. H. ). Davis and C E. Raven, to be placed he fore the Redistribution Com- mittee. --Carried Moved flY s~ A. Brown, Seconded_ by A. S. Newell: 'That. this Council adjourn to meet June 13th, 1933. --,-Carded GORDON NEWELL, Warden. El,gil1 County Coundl 31 SECOND SESSION-FIRST DAY Tuesday,. -the'.]3thday 'of, 'June~-1933: The Elgin -County Council met ,this clay at -the Court Hohsc, St~ Thomas, in aCc'ordance with adjournment. The \tVardel1 ,in the chair. All the mcmllers, ,present ,except Mr. Bradfield" The \tVanlCll addressed:thc_ Cot1l1ciLasfollows,: '1'0 the Elgin' County Council, Gentlemen: , ',,~,- 'vi/care now opening :what is to bc the n,lOst important session of the year, \\o'hen 111etl1bers <of this council determine' the mi1l.raterequir- ((\ to raise sufficient funds f'or County purpos'es during the year. A cardul analysis ,of th expenditures show.:that.very .little,.of the. total .lev} is 1m'clef :the direct _control oi this 'County CounciL A conscrva~ ,:vc G,stimatc_ of expenditures directly_ under our control w'Quld -be L\\Cnty, per centum. It is my belief, t0at -the' ElgilJ. COUlltyCoUIlCil has done everytEingposs:h1c to bring, about a reductiollof taxati'on. upon t;:.o:;c cOJ1'l-rollableexpenditurcs. In 1930, the amoll11texpellded upon county roads was $179,000. This year you will have under consj'dera... tion the advisahili-tyof spending $5'5,000. The' wages of the members of this council during that time hav,e -been red-ueed t.:w,enty-eight pel' centum; and if all expenditures beyond our control had been reduced pi'oportioilate1y, tHe subj'eet of municipal'taxation within the county \\"ouldno. 10i1g<:(r he' a controversial" andvexati'ous question. I would call. yOllr ,attention to the report of a, meeting o-f the councils of tendifferent:counties held in ,the ,City of Stratf'ord recently, at \\hich certain,- resoluti0l1s 'were passed, among: which is the fol1ow~' illg "Be it resolved that cqunty councils wish to positively state that they will 110 .longer s'et a tax rate to maintain our present high school system." Follo:-ving this meeting another conv,entiOll took place at the 32 ![;:lgin County Council City of Toronto which wasittended by representatives of twenty- one 'county c'ouncils, and it ,vas decided at that me.eting to fOrl11 a provincial association whose duties it 'would be to protect by all mean~ possible the ratepayers of thosc counties whom these delegates were l:cprescl1til1g. A,t the present time all COUllty councils of the Province ar,c invited to join. this association. I would respectfully 'draw your. attentIOn to the action taken by the St. Thomas Board of .Education in rega1;d to accepting, rebates hmn the teachers 'for the purpose of relief. This does not in any v.,ra)' reduce the cost o'f education towards \",hich the County contribute:>, .but does incre'ase the rdie1f funds necessary for the unemployetl of the City. A review of the marketing situation discloses-the fact that som~ of the products 'of the farm have incr-easeel materially in value, eSpel:- ially wheat, but the dairying industry and the beef and cattle industry have HOt as yet shown -any great signs of recovery. It is ther.efore ad- visable that we should proceed with extreme caution, keeping in mil1(1 the facts, that the imlllcn~e amount of-r111paid taxe~ ,that there arem the County to-day \1"i11, even ill the event of more favorable condition::,., bea serious handicap upon the financial situation in the various 111un1- cipalitics, L-et ltS then enter upon 'this the inost important sess;on 0, the year with the thought in ,mind that \ve should be willing to USl" every means w-ithiri 'our power not only to curt"i.il ~uch expenditures a's may be under our control, but to bring about a l'eduction' of ,,,hat arc now uncontrollahle expenditures, In April of this year the Lieutenant-Go'vcrnor of Ontario approv- ed by 'order-in-council 'of a reduction of twenty per centum in all fees prescribed under the Administration of J usJice Expen~es Act or order- in-c'ouncil previously passed. This affects Cro,wn Attorneys, Sheriffs a;1(1 all other ofiicials paid by fees, and was 110 doubt 1n response to t'equests from county coun~ils generally. This slrould reducc the !.l1ll0i1l1t rcquit'ed to be raised by the COUllty for Adininistration 'of Justice expenses next year, Elgin County Counc'il ~3 STATUTORY AMENDMENTS OF INTEREST TO COUNTIES The A.s:Jiessment Act There has been a general request for S0111e y,ears: that chain stores should pay a hig'her busiiless tax than ordinary stores, The Legis- laturehas now amended the act so that ,where there arc m'ore thall five retail stores belonging to one person or company 'the busines:> assessment is to be a sum equal to seventy-'five per centum of the assessed value of the land occupied by the stores as distribution pre111- ises 'or storage or \varehousefor goods; wares' and merchandise, or for an office in' connection witb said business. The 'former rate of bt1sincs~ assessmelH was twenty-five per centum, Assessors and other officers arc now required to report to tlre Clerk of the municipality omissions iri income 'or business assessment, which are to be forthwith entered on the asscss.ment andeollector's rolls. The collector,n'fhile the 1'011 is in his 'hands, has had authori~y to notify tenants to pay rent to him 'on account of taxes. The treasurer now has this authority after the 1'011 has been returned to him. When arrears of taxes are paid to the county treasurer he is re- quired to make otH the receipt in duplicate, and the copy which was formerly forwarded to the county clerk is now, to be forwarded to the clerk of the lo~al municipality in which the Ian cIs on which the tax is paid are situated. This will ena'ble local muniGipalities to keep a complete record of the amount on the treasurer's hooks due tbem iri 'res'pcc't to' arrears 'Of taxes. In selling for taxes any lot originally laid out according to regis-, tercd: plan, the treas-urer is now attthorized to. sell thewhold of tbe lot or part theteof in respect to which taxes arc In arrears, The amoum , received, over an'd abnve the taxes due, is to be paid to the owner. The law has been changed so that the treasurer is now required to give notice within sixty days after tax sale to registered owners or encum- brancers. Provision ,is also made for registering notice 'describing lands sold for, taxes in registery office, '34 Elgin County Council The, 'Municipal 'Act Munidpal franchise has been.extended- to farmers' sisters and the wives of farl11~rs' s~ons', the'legislation to come into effect on the 1st of January 1934. Where voters have been ~added onthe last revisedasses,sment ,fall" and, by -err'or.;been omi.ttedJrom '. the voter's' list, the deark is author- izedto issue a 'cer,tificate to, the returningoHicerorproper deputy re,. turning officer to enter' the names of:. suchpers'ons:oll: '.the .:voters' list thereby. entitling them.to, vote. There has s-Qmetimesbeen a misunderstanding when less than half the melhbers of a new council are elected. If less than 'O'lle-half of the members of the council are elected the clerk 1S authorized tq hold' a new election to fill the vacancies, and until such election is held and' ,the' C0'l1l1ci1l or 'suHicient ,merilbers to exceed 'one-hilf there'Ot when' ,coml;lete, are elected th'e council of the preee'ding year is to continue :in office. It.has been customary in townships and villages for ballot paper:; to contain the. names of all the, candidates" to be elected. The newla\'; pr'ovides that-if the council.passes a by-law not later- than the 1st or November, the ballot- p<!-per,s for reeve, deputy~reeveandcounCillor:> shalL be,'prepared" in separate: sets. Whore the reeve is ex officio a member of another board, COml1J.l~- sion or other body created bystatutc, as in cases of bo'ards of healtJl, thec'oullcil,may by by-law, with the approval of the mayor or reeve, appoint some other member of the council to act as member of any such board to ,the extent set forth ill the' by.-Jaw. This,provision doe~ not apply tc/ aboard of-conimiss-i'oner,s of police. The, coun:ci1's author.ity to. :borrO\v for 'current.' expenditures' ,until the taxes are, collected is limited to: seventy~per "Centum. of: the total amount set"for.th:' in:the estimates adopted J'or, the,"year;If ,the'coUlh cil desires to borrow a larger alllount they-must. have' the 'approval at" Elgin,.County Counc,il 35 the Ontario Munic.ipaI Board. The prOVlSlOns of the new act which takes the place of Section 334 of The Municipal Act sould be carefully c'onsidered by l1lul1iclp~ alities requiring to ,borrow money. Transient traclers' licenses are authorized in all municipalities. Nc\v legislation fixes tJle fees to .be paid at not less than, $100 in any murij- cipa1ity, and. not to exceed in a city or town $500 and in 'a to\\"nShlp or village $300. The fee to be paid 'for a transient trader's license for a farmer resident in Ontado who offers for sale only the produce of his own farm is not to exceed $5. The. Cemetery Act This Act has.~l>een amended so that members of county councils may :be members of the c'onunission to be appointcd annually. The c-are of war memorials is to receive the attention of councils, and every county is required to appo.lnt a con1.lll-ittee to b~ known as the Wat" M.emorial Committee to take charge of monn-ll:ients, tablets and other memor,ia1s established or erected within the county, unless suchnloml~ ments, etc., are being cared for by municipalities, chur,eh or other Or- ganizations. The eommittee'to be ,appointed is 1'0 be composed of five me,mbers, two of \\'hom shall be members of the cOltntyc,ouncil. The 1l1cnibers of the cOn'Imittee arc. to serve without remuneration. The Local Improveme.nt Act Under The Local Improvement Act no work in connect-ion with the opening, widcning, extending, -grading or paving of a larle shall be undertaken until approved by the Municipal Board, The Drainage- Act Under The Drainage Act provision is made for an appeal froin the report of the engineer to the referee when the owner is of the. opinion that the benefits to_.be derived are n'o"t commensurate with the ~ :I!II IIII I" '1':1 II i,i!! 36 Elgin Goullty Council Elgin County Connc,il 37 estimated cost. Any owner appealing is to give security in the sum 'of $100. St. Th'o11las -Collegiate Institute and Vocational School. The position of the township in reference to the county school levies is not cte~ termined. The County. Solicitor ha's been requested to advise- in refer- ence to th0' whole matter. j:,:! ~ ; i ii' , The' Old Age Pensions Act Persons ap.plying for pension now have to supply a description of any land owned ;by them or in vv'h.ich they have an interest. Notice of application may then be registered in the I{cgistry Office so. that the property cannot be tral1sferr'ccl. Re Comity Auditor Mr.D. M. Leitc.h who \..vas appointed County Auditor at the. Janu- ary 5€~jon, having found that he would he unable to subscribe to the statutory declaration of office this year, notified Warden Lawton in March "'Nho as" authoriz..ed by law appointed Miss Helen Campbell to {ill the 'office for balance of the year. i The Public Health Act Under" the Public Health Act the treasurer's authority to pay.' ac~ counts for serVIces performed tinder dire.ctions of the Board app:lies to p,aymen.t f.or cxpenditures incurred by the Local Board in supplying medical and derital inspecti'on of t.he pupils in any school. Kent County Line The Public Hospitals Act -The Public Hospitals Act has beenamendecl so that a municipal- it}/s' liahi\.ity for indigent. patients is limited to $1.75 per day and WhC1I a patient is an incurable person ,and in a .hospital for incurables the cha'rges for treatment arc not to exceecf $,1.50 per day. In November 1931 By-La\v No. 1161 was passed to designate as a County road t-h~'\"l1orthly portion of the County linebetwe,cn Elgin and Kent. Although the by-law of t.he Kent Council in reference to the same road has been appr'oved" by order-in-c,ouncil, no action has been taken in reference to t.he Elgin by-law. School Law Equalization Tn response to appeal entered by the, Township of, South Dorche~- ter against the Equalization By-Law, passed in January, the Provil1c~ ial auth~rities have, appointed a Court consisting of Judges Coughlin of Essex, R'Oss of Elgin and Sheriff Harding to equaliz:e the w'hole asses.S'ment of the County. The Court has until the }btDece,jllber to comp-lete its duties. In the interests of economy Section 1Q9 of The Public 5ch'ools Act has been amended so tbat during the years 1933alld 1934 the to\vnship grant s'hall, be only seventy-five per centum of ,the sums ment,ioned in the Act. A p.crSOll whose taxes for sch"ool purposes are overdue and n'Ot paid is not eligible to be elected trustee or to sit and vote as a member of tbe Board. Communications The 1110st important amendmcnt affects the Tov..mship. of Yar~ mouth. 'Pup,ils resident therein are not no\\' county ,pupils; Last year they c'omprised fifty per centulll of the county pupil attendance at The number of communicat.ions to be laid before you is larger than usual. T,heseare clue largely to the economical toodencies ot 'other county councils a,nd the desire for changes in legislation of inter- est to municipalities. T}~e committees to whom they may be referred should give all suggestions their careful attention and endeavor to make their recommendations worthy of consideration. ~ 3~ E!gin County Council And filially gentlemen; let. us used! a-vc:i~able means to bring about a reducti'on in the cost of education. In years past these costs have been steadily mounting until in 193il they compr.ised: twenty-five per centum of t1hc costs of the total County expenditures. T'heyrcmained exactly the same in 1.93,2 in -spite of the fact that other costs had been reduced $62;000. 'f,he day is not far away when those that profit dir- ectly fro'meducatiohal facilities must contribute morc largely to their upkeep. The professions are already avercroy'ded and it seems unfair to require the:- great body of ratepayers to sacrifice further. There arc. already1 to-d~lY in this County, according to. the Treasurer, about $90;- 000 'of uncollected taxes in his hands. This does not include taxes that aresti!l held by. t.he various municipalities. Let us therefore accept without hesitation sllch responsibility as may be ours. With this taught in mind let us therefore proceed with the husil1ess of 'the sc:;- sian. The. proc,cedings of the last day of the January Session and of the Spec.ial Session in April were react and c'onfirmed. The following communications \vere read From Mothers'Allowances Commission, re appointment or rep- resentatives.-Rcferrcd to Fina'nce Committee. ' From West Elgin\V.omcn's Institute, re county gral1t.-Referred, to Finance Committee. From County Council of Wentworth, re stabilization and apples. l{eierred to Agricultural Committee. From Department of Highways with County Hoad Statel.ucm 1932.--Rcfclcrc'.d to County Road Committee. Frqm Tills'Qnburg High School 'with account for balance due on account of tuition of: County pupils from Elgin for' 1932.~Rderred to Education Committee. Elgin County Counc,il 39 From County Council of V"ellington, re 'prohibiting truck traffic behveen November 1 and May I.-Referred 1'0 Petitions and Legjsla~ tion Committee. From London Board of Education, requesting conferencere 11lain~ kl1ance of Elgin pupils at London Schools.-Referred to :EducatlOI1 Committee. Fr'om County Council of Vventworth requesting co-operation in. the following resolutions (1) Relief (2) reduction in liccnse for farmers' market t.ruoks, (3) application of gasoline tax 011 highway imp,rove- ment (4) reduction in county, portion of highway constructiollt'O 10% (5) assumption of entire cost of maintenance and construction on King's Highways by the Province (6) reversion of county r'oads to supervision and control of l11unicipa'lities (7) increase in township road stibs'idy to 500/0,-Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. From County Conncil 'of Welland, re cost of education.-Rcferrcd to Education ,Committee. From County Council of Frontenae, re abolition of grand juries.- Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. Fr'om Department of the httorney General, res'llb-committee on legal bills and abolition of grand jmics..-----'.l(.cferred to Petitions and Leg.islation :Committee. From County Council of Frontenac, re exemption of normal class~ c-s of 1928 and 1929 from going 1'0 l1orma1 school in June 1933.~Re~ ferred to Education Committee. From Council of ,the Town of Lindsay, re reduction in county coun~i1 l1'lc;nbe.rship. -Referred to Petitions atid Legislation Commit- -tee. ,10 Elgin County Council EIg.in County CottnC'i1 41 'iFr'om Council of the Town of Lindsay, re use of unemployed men cutting wood top'rovide fuel for relief.-Referred to Petitions and Lcgisla tion Committee. From Bell Telephone Company, re rates.-Referrecl to Finance Committe. From County Council of Lennox and Addington, re s~erilizatioll.~ Referred to Petitions and Legislati'on Committee. From Department of Public Welfare with report 01) illlprovc~ ments necessary at. House of Itidustry.~Heferred to Hous'e of Indus~ tj:y Committee. From County Council of Lincoln, re cost of education and teach- ers salaries.-c-Referred to Education Committee. Mr. H. G. Taylor inquired re account ,for maintenance of, McKil- lop children at Shelter 'Vvhioh is in the hands of the Co.untySolicitor for collection. From County _Council of Simcoe, r~truck traffic fr'om November to Aprjl.-~Re,ferred to Petibions a'nd Legislation Committee. Mr. Clarke inquired rc charges for Administration of Justice and County Auditors. Fro;mVallcy City Seati'ng Compttny, re franle for CQunty Council pieturc.-~H.eferred to Financ-c COlllmittee. Moved by E.Fahner, Fr,0111 Department 'of Education, rc cost ofexaminations.-H_efcr- red to Education. Committee. Sconcled by A. Taylor: That. we adjourn to mect Wednesday at 10 a.m. Frol11 Department of Land ancl Forests, re placing settlers on lands in Old Ontario..----.-,Rcferrccl -to Agricultural Committee. ---iCarded CORDON NE'WI-<)I,.L, V\lardeo. From County Cou-nc,il of B-ran<t, re reduction in l11ulllcipal ex~ penditttre.~Rcferred tQ Finance Committee. From Managers 'Of Homes 'for the Aged and Infirm, re annual lllceting.-,-Referred to .H.onsc of Industry Committee. From County Council of Brucc, requesting co-operatic.;n in resol~ utions re county councillors' mileage, registration of plans and ex- pense ill c'onnect,ion with the) ural's Act.~~H.eferred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. 42 E!gin County Council SECOND SESSION-SECOND DAY Wednesday. the 14th~y of June 1933. The Elgin County Council met this clay at the Court House, St. Thomas. The 'Varden in the chair. All the members pre-sent. The proceedings of the previous clay were read and confirmed. The following com1l1unications wel"e read: From County Solicitor Leitch, rc amendments to High Sch'0015 AC,t.-Bcfcrred to Education Committee. From Warden Newell, re Prov.incial Counties AssociatLon.-Rc- fen"cd to Fil1ance Committee. The report of the COHnty Road Committee was presented and re- ferred .to cOlnmittcc of the whole 'with Mr. Todd in the chair-. After <lmcnc1in'g the report the committee rose and report was adopted on motIon of 11,111'. Todd, see'onded by M r. Coyle. Moved hy E, Fahner, Seconded by Jas. Todd: T.hat Mr. Leitch address ,the Cou1lcil at this time re crossing pro- tection .matters. -Carried Mr, Leitch aclclressed the Coullcil while report of County Roads Committec was under discussioll. Elgin Ctlunty Council 43 M'oved by W, H.:.Bmdfield, Seconded by A. S. Newell: That ,'\'c now adjourn to meet at 3 o',clock. -Carried The Council resumed. A cOl.nmunicatrion froUl the County Treasurer with financial state:- ment and estimate was read and referred to the Finance Committee, 'f11e report o:f t.he Education C011l1l1ittecwas p.resented and ad- opted 'all motion of A. McCallum, seconded by D. McGugan. The report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopt- ed on,inoti6n of C:1;.-S. Br'idgman, seconded by F. VI. Schmelz. The report of the Petitions and Legislation Committee was pres- ented and adopte.d on motion of A. Pet'herick" seconded by J. Thom- son. Mov~cl by E. Clarke! Seconded by J. Todd: That provls,ion should be made for appointing a deputy warden to take the place of warden in case of sickness or any other cause, and such deputy to be the one who takes t.he next highest vote to the war- den-elect. -Carried Moved by J, Todd, Seconded by S, Snelgrove: That we reccomend that the statutes be changed so the county, council co.uld meet at 10 a.'Ill, insted of 2 p.m, on the first day of the 44 E!gin Gounty Council ElgJn County Coullc,i! 4\ session, and tha't a copy of this resolution be sent to the proper au- thoribies, SECOND SESSION~THIRD DAY -Carried Thm'sdaYl the 15th day of June, 1933 Moved by FJ. G. Taylor, The Elgin County Cpullcil met t'his day at the Court House, St. Thomas. Seconded by George Cross: The Warden in the ch<lJir. T'hat the Belmont Borticultural Society be paid one-half the us- ual grants paid to such soc.ieties. All the members present. ~_Carried The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. :Nl'oved by J. Toeld, The second roport of the Finance Committee was presentd and adopted on 'll1ot~on of E. S. Liver1U'ore, seconded by E. Fahner. Seconded by A. Taylor That the question of grants be referred back to the Taxation Committee. The report of . the Agricultural Comnlittee was presented and ad- 'opted on motion or)l, Todd, seconded by J ,Gillies. -Lost The question of es.timates for the year was then discussed at c'Ollsidcrable length. IVloved by George Cross, Seconded by A. S. Newell: Moved hy E. Falmer, That this COllncil adjourn to meet Thursday ll10rning at 10 a,m. Seconded by A. Taylor: That 'vye adjourn to meet at 3 p.m. -------,Carried ---lCarried GOH.DON NEvVELL, \Varden. The Council inspected the llouse oi Inclustry in the afternoon and then resumed. The report of. the County Road Committee w,ith reference to Brown Culvert .in Dutton "vhich had been referred back to the Com- mittee was again presented and referred to co-mmittee of the whole with M.r. Gi1J.ies in the chair. After amending the decis,i~n of the Com-- mittee, the report was adopted on motion of J. Gillies, seconded by C. D. c:oyle. 46 Elgin COUi1ty Council E.lgin Gounty 'Council 47 Moved by Ge'O. Cross, SECOND SESSION-FOURTH DAY Seconded by A. S. N;ewell: Friday, the 16th day of 'June, 1933 That t,his, 'Council adjourn to meet Fr,iday at tcn o'clode. Thc Elgin' County Council met this day in accordance with' ad- jOllrnment. -----,Carried. The \lVardcn in tJhechair. OORJDON NEWEIJL, Warden. All the members present. The proceedings of the previous day \,;ere read ancl confirmed. A cOl11munication fr'Om the St. Thomas and Elgin Motor Club in reference to furnishing road signs was read and Dr. Lumley addressed the Council in reference thereto. Mr. Thol11so;t'inquired re High School Estimates. The report of the Economy Taxation Committee was presented and, referi'ed to committee 'of the whole wiNl Mr. Coyle in the chair. After amending the report the committee rose and the report was' ad- opted 011 motion of Mr. Coyle, seconded by M,l'. Fahnet. The revort of bhe Gaol Committee was presented and adopted 'on motion of W. n. Bradfield, seconded by A. Petherick. The report of t.he House of Industry 'Committee was preserited alld adopted on motion 'or Geo. Cross, seconded by E. Fahner. :Moved by A. Pethe'rick, Seconded by Wm. Downie: That the cOlllmittee appointed to confer '''lith London and St. Thotnas High School Boards to arrange. agreement for attendance of pupils from Yarmouth and Aylmer be increased by adding Mr. Liver~ J,'. 48 Elgin. County Council mor,c thereto and that tlhe committee have pmyer to act. --,Carried Moved by A. Petherick, Seconded hy E, S. Livermore: That thi:; Council recommend to the Pr'ovillcial Secretary's De- partment that provision he made at t'he Ontario Hospital, London,for a speeial department in mental diseases to which mag,istrates tould refer person dhargec1 with offences, for purposes 'of observation. -Carried Mirv,ed by F. W. Schmelz, Seconded by H. G. Taylor: That this Gouncil requ~st the Ontario H.vc1ro Commission to make a substantial reduction in the service charge to users of Hydr'O In Ontar,io, especia.lly to the rural districts where farmers can not in.., starll hydro on a,ccount of the excessive cost: That a copy of this resot~ ution be sent to adjoining c'ounties asking their co-operation, and thar a copy also he sent to the Ontar:ioHydro Commission. ~Carried Moved hy A. S. Newell, Seconded by Geo. Cross: That we adjourn to meet at 3 p.m. -Carried T'he Council resumed. A c'Ommullieation from the Queen Alexandra Sanitorium ,vas read J11gin Ootlllty ,Council 49 ,~ and no act.ion taken. The third report of the Finance Committee vvas presented and ad- opted on mobion of E. S.Liver11101'e, seconded by S'lA. Brov\!l1. The s~cond report of the Ga'ol COi11'luittcc was presented and ad- opted 011 motion of W H. Bradfield seconded by A. Petherick. Moved by E. S. Livermore, Seconded by S. A. Brown: 1'.hat t'he County Solicitor be instructed to take legal actIon at once tor-eeover the sum of $682.50 from the Neil McKi'llop Estat{:; for the ma.intcnance of the McKillop children in the Ghildren's Shel~ tel'. '-.';. -~Cal'riec1 ),{oved by Geo. Cross, Seconded by E. Fahncr: That the matter 'of installing asecondbat,hroom at the House of Industry be refcrred to the committee with pO\Ner to act. -'earned l\:loved by A. Pethcrick, Seeonde,d by J. Thomson: That By-Law No. 1197 to repeal by-law No. 1065 fixing amount payable to Court 'Constables be received and read a first time. .-----,..Carried 50 Elg'in County Council Moved by S. A. Brown, Seconded by L. Connor: 'Phat By-La~v No. 1197 be:; read a second time. ~Ca rried IVlovcd by 1<:: S. LivcrmorC', Seconded by C. S. Br.jdgman: T,hat By-Law No. 1.197 be read a third time and finally passed. --~Carried M.ovcd hy E. Fahner, Seconded by A. Taylor: That By-Law No. 11198 to raise amounts for County rates durinb~ the year 1933 be received and read a first time. --ICarried Move,d by A. S. Ne\\'cll, Seconded hy Geo. Cross: That 'By-Law No. 1198 be read a second time. ~Carriect Moved by D, McGugan, Seconded by]. G. Gillies: That By-La\\' No. 1198 be read a third time ari.d finally passed. ~Carried The \,Vardcn appointed as members of the Economy Taxation E,lgin Gaunty .Conllell 51 Committee Messrs. Todd, Petherick, S.chmelz and the Warden. Moved by E. Fahner, Sce'onded by A. Taylor: Tihat this Council do now adjourn to meet the fourth Tucsday in November at 2 p.m. -Carr<ied GORiDON N]~W!ELL, Warden. '~';. 52 Elgin County Council THIRD SESSION-FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 28th day of November, 1933 The Elgin County Coullcil met this day in accordance with ad- journment. The Warden in the chaIr. All the memhers prescnt. The Wardell addressed. the Council as follows: To the Eigin Connty COl1neil, Gentlemen: The past year has been uneventful as far as COllnty business IS concerned. The follo\";ing arc a few matters that I propose to refer to with a view to assisting you to cxph;in them to your constituents: Hospital Accounh ,one effect of ptesent conditions is the c'Ol1stalltly increasin.g Humber of indigent patients admitted to hospitals. The aCCounts fbI" maintenance during this year wrill aggregate about $'14,400, an in- crease off,orty 'per cent. over 19J2. In an effort to reduce hos1pital costs convalescent homes are under c'ons,ideration in many places. These homes \-\ould not re.. quire the elahorate equipment necessary 111- a hospital, hut \voule! re- d1..HJe the cost of carling for' patients recovering from operations or ,ill11e5Is until albl,e to return to t'he.ir hOllies. I would like to have Suc- etssion Duties and Income Taxes increased to provide more sUlbs,tan- ti~d aid f'or Hosp'i,ta'l!!. EJgin OOUllty Council 5.1 Children's Aid Society The Children's Aid Society is one of our 1110st important instit" utions and one that calls for a considerable e.x'penditur.e, the cost be. ing $3,364 th}s year., As reqltired by a depa.ptmental regulation, this society, in common y,ith other similar organizations of the Province, has heen inconporated, and a first board of oHi-cers and director-s is to be appoill:ted at annual meeting this afternoon. A new r,egulatioll calls for the <lippointment of the W'anlen as County representa'tivt: oe the Board. I believe this Gounoil should take a great.er interest in this Society, and would suggest that in future a standing co'ri-lmit- tee of two should be appointed to aHerid with the Warden at 111011'th- :" meetings of the Board. The by-lalws of the Socicty \'\'i11 be reviscd durll1g thc cOlllmg y('ar, alid suggestion from the Council as to County rClprescntation will be submitt,ed with other recommendations to the Minister Ol Public \A/'cltrare for 1t:plproval. Ti.venty-nine children are now in the care of the Society, seven- teen of whom are a charge on the County. St. Thomas Schools The legis,Jatian of 1933 \vhich provides that .pupils resident in the Township of Yarmouth and the Town of Aylmer arc not County pupHs oomes into effect on 1st January, unless an agreement is ente,"- ed into with the St. Thomas School Board. A committee of the Coun- cil has had the limtter under consideration 'Jntt have heen unalble to 'arrive at an agreemnt with the City Board. Unlss an agreemenr is. arrived at, Yarmouth and Ay.lmer pup:j,ls will on'ly be allo,wed' to' at- tend the City s,chools by the payment of fees which wdll 110t exceed the actual cost of maintenance of pupils. Last year the cost of main- tenance fit Collegiate Institut was $88, and at the Vocational Sohool $150, There is nO' statutory provision for agreement with the Boards of any of the County Schools for attendance of Yarmouth Dr Ayl~ 54 Elgin Cbunty Council me'r pupils as County PUlPils. The Township of Yarmouth Illay cnter into an agr'cemcl1t with the City Board for attendance of pupils resident tbere,jl1~ Since our last meeting the cities OIf London and SL Thomas hav~ served !1'otlee .that the.ir Scl~'OO':'s \vill l10tbe open to pupils resident in Elgin after the 30th June 1934. All agreemcn~ by the County or Townshi,p is required if Yar- 11lOl1th pupils are to attend the Londo!) or City Schools w,ithout the payment of fees from 1st January to 30th lurie, 1934,whc11 a further agreement will be necessary uClforc pupils from anymuilicipality may attend said schools as County pupils. The TiIIsonburg School At our Spcoial meeting in April an a,ppcal was presented to the COL1l1eil for all increased contrvbution to this school for maintenanct: of County pupils from Bayham clur-ing 1932. Bayhanl and Vicnna comprises the Vienna -:High School DistncL This is the only distr,ict in. the County composed of more than the munidpality in \vhi.eh a High School is situated, the otIler to,vllship:. havirig withdrawn from the. distr.icts in which they had be.en placed some years ago. County pupils for which the County is lia.hle are thosl" who cia not reside in a dis-trict, or for whom SO'1ll.e other schoo-l IS more accessible H1an that of the district. Unt.il some two years ago the tmin servJ.ce from Port Burwell made the Til1sonburg SchOOl more accessible to lllany Bayha11l pUljils than the Vienna School. The Tillsonlburg School provides a course of stllc1yfor- Senior Mat- riculation which is llot availarblc at the Viclllia School. This divides the :ptlpils eli.gible to attend the Til1sonbnrg School as County pupils. When the t.rain servin' was discontinued many Junior Matricula.. tion .pup:ils continued to attend he TillsonburgSc'hool,in many cas...: Elgin Gounty Council 55 cs taking aclvantage of tra11'Slpo1'tation for Sen,j'o1' Matriculation.' An- other feature of the matter is that for many pupils in.the northern parts of the Township, the Tillsonhurg School is nearer and thus more accessible than the Vienna School. In determining grallt to Tillsonburg for 1932 only Senior Mat- 1'icuhtiol1 pup-ils ancl those for 'whom 'the school was marc acecssiJJle were considered. The strict appl-ication of the law was due 1:'0 the decision of the ,County Council at its June Session last year. Sinct: yotir las,t ses,s.ion a "'ir,iI: was is~sued on Ihehalf of the Tills'onhmg School for payment for attendance of pu,pils f'Or which Elgin was not responsible under The High Schools Act. The ma Her will, no doubt, come up for consideration of the. Coune.il at this session. '~", Equalization The report of the Court a'ppointed by the Lieutel1ant Governor 111 Council to determine appeal against the County By~T"a\v fixing the efiualizMion of has.is for County rate payah1e Ihy the various munici- palities in the County during 1934 will be laid before you. Therc is n'o appeal from this report which fixes the equalization for 1934. Railway Cro!osing. Prot-ection Since our last session the a.pplication of the New York Central for change in cr.ossing pr'otcct,joll was considered bc-for,e the Domin- ion Railway COin-mission in St. Thomas. The County Solioitor attend- ed and the' mUl1ic-ipalit.ie,s inter-es,tecl ,,""ere represented. No dedsion has been received to date. The following communications were read: FrOli1 Old Age Pensi'ons Commission.. with rcport.~Rcferred tu .Finance Committee. 56 Elgin County Council F'f0111 J. S. Robertson~ Solicitor, enclosing By-Law No. 1189 at, the Township of Yarmouth for confirmation. Fr'om M,inister of Finance, Ottawa.-Rcferrecl_ to Agriicultural Committee. From Hydro Electr'ic Commissioll..--Refel'rccl to Petitions and Legislation Committee. From County Gouncil of DuHerin, re interest on" farm ll1ortga.ge~. -.-Ref,i.~rrcd ,to Agricultu-ral Oommittee. From F. S. Thomas, Agricultural Representative, rc County pupil, From Clerk of the Court, with Grand" J,ury Presentment. From Minister of High\vays, re unc1mploymcnt relicL-H.eferrccl to County Road Committee. From K.W. McKay, Inspector, I-louse of Industry, with report.- Referred to House of Industry Committee. From Dr. D. L. E\,,'en, Phys'ician, House of Industry, with a.nnual rcport.-iRe:ferred to House of Industry Committee. County Clerk with rep'ort on licenses in f6rcc.-Referred-toFin~ ,lJlCe Committe, 'From Corn Borer Inspector, with rcport.--Hcferred to 'Agric..ll- ttlral Committee, Elgin OOUl}tyCouncil 57 From Order-in-Counoil apiproving Clause 2, By-Law No. 1161. . Kent and Elgin County L,ine nor.th to Bothwell B~idge. From Mayor of Chatha,m, Fe natural gas meeting..-Referred t() Finance Committee. From Secretary, County Councils Association, \\lHh resolution~. -- -Re'ferred to Petitions and Legislation Committee, From Secretary, County Councils Assodat1on, with reso.\utiom.. gl'om Equalization Committee. Court, with report.~Rcferred Finance: to ,,~\, Moved by Geo. Cross, Seconded by A. S. Newell: That this Coullcil adjourn to meet Wednesday morning at 10 'a.m. -Carriect GORDON NEWELL, Warden. 58 Elgin County Council EJg.ill Oounty ICoUl1cil 59 THIRD SESSION~SECOND DAY After cons'ideratiol1, the committee rose and the report as amcndcd w.as adotped on motion of C. D. Coyle,- seconded byE. Clarke. Wed!nesday, the 29th day of November, 1933 The Elgin jOtlrnment. County Council met this clay in Clccordancc \\,itb an- A cOll"hmunicatiol1 from the St. Thomas Board of 'in reference to the admission 'of Cbunty pupils after 1st 1934 was read and laid over for .further consideration. Education Septemher The vVardcll in the chair. All the members present. Moved by W. H. Bradfield, The 'proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmea. A communication from the County Solicitor re f.inality of the Equarliza~ ti011 Court's rop'or't was read, and refeN'ed to the Finance Committee. Seconded by H. G. Taylor: That we no\v adjourn to meet Thursday morning at 10 o'clocic Mr. Todd made .inquiry re payment 'Of expenses of Jubilee pro- c{'eclings at Sell don. --':CalTiecr '-,"', Moved by E. Fahner, GORDON NiEWELL,Warclen. Seconded by A lex. Taylor: That we adjoul"ll to meet at 2 p.m. ~-Carricc1 Th(" Coul1ci.J resume(\' Tl]t; rep'ort oJ the County Treasurer was presented and referred to the Finance C0111'mittee. The rc<port of the Education Committee was presented and re- [erred to a committee of the whole with Mr. McCallum in the chalr. Alter consideration the committee rose and the report \vas 'adopted without amendment 'on motion of A. M cCallulll, s,cconded by D. Mc- Gugan. The report of the County Hoad Committee vv,as presented and leferred to a c'Ommittce of the whole with Mr. Coy,Je in the chair. GO Elgin County Council' Elgin Cbunty Council 61 THIRD SESSION-THIRD DAY That acammittee be appointed to confer with the Minister at Education w'ith reference to Bligh Scho'ol legislation o'f 1933 \vhich i~olates county pupils according to l1luni6pality in which they n:~ side, and that a copy of this r'esoluton be sent t6 other munojp~Hties. Thursday, the 30th day of Novenlber, 1933 The Elgin Gounty Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas) in accordance with adjournment. In Amendment-: The Warden ,in the chair. }oil oved by E.. S. Livermore, All the members present Seconded by S. A. Brown: The 'l}fOceedings of the previous day were r-e'ad and confirmec,. The 1'e1por,t of the Committee on Petitions and Legislation was pre- se'Hted and adopted on motion 'of A. Pcther.ick,. seconded by D. Mc., Gugan, That in the~ 'opinion of this Council the School Law Amendment of 1.933, being Section 26 of Chapter 5'8, sihouJdbe repealed, Ma,in motion lost. Amendment Carriect. r"Xoved by Geo. Cro~s, M aved by Geo. Cross, Seconded by A. S. Newell: SecQuded by Jas. Todd: That this Council adjourn to meet at 1.30 p:m. -Carricd That this Council adjourn to meet to-morrow at 10.30 a.m. The Council resumed. -Carried GOI;\DON NEWELL, Warden, The re,port of the F,inance Committee was presented and adopt- ed on m'otion of H. G. Taylor, seconded hy E. S. Livermore. The rCJport of the 1<:ducationCo111mittce was presented and refer- red to a committee of the whole with Mr. Fahuer in the c'hair. Aftel ame,ncting the report the committee rose and the report as amended was adopted on motion 'of E. Fahner, seconded ,by]. G. Gmies. Moved hy Geo. Cross, Seconded by Jas. Todd:- 62 Rlgin County Council THIRD SESSION-FOURTH DAY Friday, the 1st day of December, -1933 The Elgin County Council met this day in accordance with ad~ journmcnt. The WardeJl in the chair. A,ll the members present. The proceedings of the previo,us day were read and ,confirmed. The report of the Gaol Committee was presented and adopted on mo- tion of W~ H. Bradfrield, sccol1ded by C. S. Bridgman. The rcp'ort of the A.gricultural Committee was pres.entecl and adopted on motion of H. G. Taylor, seconded by J. G.Gillies" The report of the House of Industry Committee was presented and adopted all motion of Ceo. Cruss, seconded by E. Fahner. Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by S. A. Bro"vn: (1) That this C0l111oi.J recommend that all entrance pupils be elig.ible for ent.rance to High Sc-hool on recommenda'tion of their teachers all the basis of their years work .provided that all pup.iJs Hot so recommended may have the privilege of trying entrance eX~ aminations at two centres to be named by the Council. (2) That this COUll ci I rCOllll11end that entrance examinations for Elgin County be held III two centres, namely, Dutton "ilnd A}i'lmer" and that the by-'Iaw respecting entrance examinations be repealed. mgin Oouf1ty Counc,jl 63 (3) That a copy of this resolution be sent to each Insved,or. ,--,-,Carried .Moved by E. S. Livermore, Seconded by S. A. Bro'Wll: That this Councql favor the repeal of The High .sch'ool Act Am- enrument, 1933, Chwpter 58, Sedion 2'5, ins'ofa'r as Blgin County Coun- cil- is concerned. That a COiPY of this resolut.ion be forwarded to th~ Minister of Educati~n, and that t.he rC1solution of this Counc'i! pa,s,seod regal'ding this matter on the 30th November be a'11lCllcled accordingly. -Carried IVioved by Geo. Cr,pss, Seconded by A S. Newell: That this Counciladjoufll to meet at 2 p.m. ---...--Carried The Council r'esumed. The sc,cond' report of the Financial Committee was presented ancl adopted on motion of E. S. Livermore, seconded by H. G. Taylor. Moved by C. D. Coyle, Seconded by L. Connor: That this Council grant One Thousand Dollars morc to he spem on r~ads and bridges and that the Department of Highways be re~ quisitioned for a subsidy on same. --Carried 64 Elgin County Council Moved by H. G. Taylor, Secondedhy -A. Pctherick j Th~t the fee of $1.'50 per suhj.ect for Department Examinat,ioni:l ,be eliminatc-d as we feel that it is not justified and that the examin- ers are aplply paid thr''Ough their salar.ies. That a copy of this reso- lution be sent to aH COll11ties, also to the Department of EdU'cat~on. --,-Carried Moved by S. A. Brown, Seconded by D. 'McGugan: That we hear Mr. Hawes at this time. -Carried Mr,. Hawes the'll addressed the Council in reference to work on highways. Moved by VV. H. Bradf.ield, Seconded by C. D. Coyle: 'That we ask the Unc'l1lpl'oYlhcl1t H.elief .Board for an expenditure of $25,000 to be spent on County Roads for the relief of the U110111- .played. -,-Lost Movc"cJ <by E. Clarke, Seconded by W. H. Bradfield: That the Warden be authorized to attend meetings of the Dir- ectors of the Childrcll's Aid Society as County representative. ........Carried E'lgin OOUlity Council us Moved by W. H. Bradfield, Seconded _ by C. D. Coyle: That the De.par'tment of Game and Fisheries be aske,d to change the Act inrespect to the taking .of rabhits, to read that allY one hold- ing a gun li,cen'se may take ralblbits, by any means, and that aeopy be sent to othe.mounties,. -Carried Moved by - A McCallum, Seconded b>' J. D. Thomson: That By;,LawNo. 1199 to authorize the \;Yarde!l to sign Agrec~ ment with the St. Thomas Board of Ed,ucation be received and read a first time. '~" -Carried Moved by Alex. Taylor, Seconded by E. Fahner: That By~La\v No., 1199 -he rea(I-a second time. . -Carried Moved by Jas. Todd, Seconded by S., Snelgrove: That By-La,w No. 1199 be read a' third time and finally pass,ed. ....,..,Carried Nfoved by Jas. Todd, Seconded -by Geo. Cross: 66 Elgin County Council That By-Lalv No. 1,200 to confirm By-Law No. 1189 of the Coun- cil or the Township. of Yarmouth be received and read a first time. --Carried Moved .J.?y J. T'odd, Seconded by S. Sndgrovc: That By-Law No. 1200 he read a second time. ~Carrie:d lvfoved by Jas Tocld, Seconded. by ,GeQ"Cross : That By~L,nv No. 1200 be rea~1 a third time and finally passed. --Carried Movecr by H; G. Ta)"lo1', Seconded by C. D, Coyle-: That By-La.w No. 1201 'to fix entrance examinatioll centres he received and read a first tj,mc. -Carried Moved hy C. D. Coyle, Seconded hy I-J, G. Taylor: 'J'hat By-Law No. 1201 be' .re~d a second time, -Carried . Moved 'by C. D. Coyle, Seconded by H. G. Taylor: 1~,lgil1 Gaunty Council 67 That By-Law No. 1201 be read a third time and f.inally passed. ." -Carried Moved by S. A. Brown, Seconded ,by E. S. Livermor.e: That the Warden receive the usual .grant of One H.undred Dol- lars, and Mr. L. B. Birdsall the sum of Twenty-five Dollars. ---,Carried Moved 'by E. Fahner; Seconded by A. Taylor: '...,>. That this Council adjourn~ sine die. ---;-Carried GO~nON NEWffiLL, Wardell. 68 Elgin County Council REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Standing Committees 1933 COUNTY ROAD ClarIce C. D. Coyle, Chai'J.1l11an Brown Todd H. G, Taylor AGRICULTURAL H. G. Taylor, ChaIrman Schnlclz Clarke Browll Todd Coyle GAOL W. H. Bradfield, Chairman Bridgman Petherick I-lOUSE OF INDl;'sTRY Gcorg,e Cross, Chairman A. S. Newell Fahncr FINANCE E. S. Clarke Taylor Connor McCallum LivcP11lorc, Chairman Brown Schmelz H. G. Todd Ne,well Gillies Coyle Fahnrr A. S. P.etherick EDuc~nON A. McCallum! Chairman Downie Thomson MoGugan Cross Snelgrove Bradfield H. G. Taylor Bridgeman A. Taylor Gillies Ellg'in . Gounty'Council 69 HETInONiS ~ND LElGISLATION A. Petherkk, Chairman Downie Clark,c Thomson Livermor.c A. Taylor McGugan Gil.Jies LEGAL Snelgrove E. S, Livermore, Chairman Fahner Petheric'k Gillies '~,;. 7? E.lginCourityCouncil Interest High Schools P.ublicSchools }.l:ouse 'Of Industry Estates Adm. of Justice Hous'e O'f Industry Old Age Pensions Mothers' Allowance Arrears of Taxes Unpaid Accounts Sur,plus 300.00 25,000.00 12,500.00 1,300.00 3,000.00 800.00 1,000.00 450,00 570.64 2,000.00 $ 86,920.64 4,712.29 $ 91.632.93 It will be necessary to 1jass a by-law authorizing the \NilrclCll and Treasurer 1'0 borrow $2150,000 [rom the Bank aT Montreal to meet current e~pel1diture for, 1933. All or which is res,pectfully Su,bil1ittecl. B. B. GI{AHAi\I, County Treasurer. June Session To the Vo/arucn and Elgin County Council. C::ntJcmcn' I beg .leave to submit. thcfoll'owing report: Receipts to !Way 31st Cash on hand 23753.48 Adm. of Justice Bills Payable 1nterest County Rate, AlcLboro Registry Office . Public Scho'Ols House of Industry Arrears of Taxes COuilty Roads 1\lisoellaneous Adm. of Justice Bills Payable Inter-est Public Schools House of Industry Registry Of:fice County Lines _ J-H.gh Schools Me-mbers Wages Offi"~ers Salaries Printing and Stationery Care of buildings Water, Light, Heat . Oounty Roads Miscellaneous Balance glgin Chuilty Council ',~- Expenditures 73 3768.79 70000.00 74.86 13250.00 823.40 592.18 133,9.30 6464.59 3088.58 2410.13 .$125562.31 8631.77 30000.00 737.07 12073.98 2530.03 60.82 25.03 25015.59 993.22 1290.00 392.74 626.12 10117.83 15382.15 10819.93 $109596.28 ...... . $ 15966.03 $125562.31 '14 Adtn. of J ustke House of Industry Public Schools High Schools Officers Salaries Meuth-ers Wa,ges Court Commission Interest County Roads Provo Highway 01(1' Age . Pensions Miscellaneous Hegistry Office l':lgin County Council Estimates fOl" -1933 All 'ofwhkh is res.pectfully submitted. 9000.00 4000.00 . 14000.00 45000.00 . 4700.00 4000.00 ZOOO.OO 4500.00 . 27500.00 3~132.50 13000.00 18000.00 1000.00 $178832.50 B. B. GHA,HAM, County Treasurer. . E~gin;CountyCouncil 75 Gentlemen: To the \Varden and Council: November,' Session I have the honour to submit the following statement for your infonnatioll, STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OCT, 31, 1933 Cash 011 hand Asim. of Justice Bills Paya,hle Interest County Rate Registry Office Public' -Schools I-touse of Industry Aneai's of Taxes County, Roads Miscellaneous Adm. of, Justice BiHsPayable Interest 'Public'Schools House .of Industry Registry.OHice Receipts 20,753.48 3,8%.76 100,000.00 159.22 19,485.00 823.40 15;863.97 2,929.9>5 12,866.35 .14,1%,83 6,436.78 $200,231.'14 Expenditures 16,673.17 40,000.00 1,022.16 20;444.50 7,14$:15 38822 76 CourityLilles High Schools Arrears of Taxes M.enlihers Wages OWe,ers Salaries Printing and Stationery Care of B.u,udings ,Vater, Li-ght, Heat COUI1 ty Roads Miscellaneous Ba,lance Elgin County Council Estimates for Balance of Year County l~ate County Rate Aldborough ,County Roads A!dm.oJ ] ustioe Misceltaneous Bills Payable Lnterest Adm. of Justice Pu:blic Schools Hi.gh 5c11.o'015 House of Industry Receipts Expenditures 25.0.1 2'5,015.59 52.70 2,720.02 3,63'0.00 753.47 1,360.36 2,307.54 4{);598.22 . 29,803.92 $191,943.05 8,288.69 $200,231.74 $178,252.011 4,488.33 27,000.00 10,000.00 2,000.00 $221,740.33 100,000.00 3,500.00 3,000.00 24,000.00 45,000.00 1,000.00 Arrears of Taxes Officers Salaries Members Wages Care of Buildings County Roads Old Ag~ Pensions Miscellaneous Surplus EIg.in Oounty ,Council AH of \\"hieh is respectfully submitted. 77 1,2,866.35 1,170.00 800.00 250.00 1'5,500.00 3,000.00 11,000.011 $201,086.35 653.98 $221,740.:);; B;' B. GR.AJHA(M, County Treasurer. 78 Elgin County ,Council FINANCE COMMITTEIC REPClRTS January Session To the Elgin County Council, GenHemell : The Finance Committee, re,ports : 'fhat the Auditors' Report be-'received alid"print.ed. 2 That by-law be pass-cd authodzing the WTarden a'nd Tr,easurer tv horrow Two HUhdred and Fifty Thousand Dol'ars. 3, That grant of Three Hundred and Fifty, dollars ,he made to the Salvation Army. Rescue Home. 4. That grant of Cne Hundred and Ninety Dollars be made to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind; 5. That Pu;blic Lia,bility _pohcy he renewed in the Lonpon and Lall- caster Gtiarantee and Accident Company, premium $54925. o. That the 1llembcr$ of ,the Cemet<..:ry Commission, J. P. Coombe of Vienna and John Leitch of the '1'0""I1Ship of DUllwich he n.::- appointed. 7. That \iV. A. Galibraith aud D, ).f. Leitch be appointecl County Aud-- itors. H. That by-law r~,ported by the County Roa"ds COl11'mitteein NOVC'l11" bet ,gran'ting certain pr,ivileges to the Southern Ontario Ga~ Com1pany, having been approved by the County Solicitor, be pa~- sed. . Eilg:in Go-unity (outLci~ 9. That Old Age Pension Commissioner,s bc':re-aiPpointed. 79 10. That fee of T,wenty-five dol.lars for nlC'mbcrship' in the Ontario Municipal Association be paid. 11. That the following accounts- be paid: 'vV. E. Wardell, conveyance ,of H. Smith to' On- tano Hosp,ital Provincial Treas., for.' convcyanceOlf''PdslOn:er:s Chilldren's _Aid Society, maintenance a;cct, Ayll1}er EXipnss, printing proceedings County Clerk, for postage Municipal World, for County Treasurer Municipal World, sundries for Court House M',unidpal'~'vVor1d, printing for R,eg. "Offfee :C. Rainbow & Son, stationery, Regist'tyuMice C Rainlbow & Son, stationery for Cled.;: 12. That the foll'o\ving hos,phal acc.ounts be paid: Ontario ljospitaJ, Woodstock / Bra,lltford General Hos.pital Park-v'lOod Hospit~l, London St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, when a1ppr'oyecl by 'Reeve of Aldborough Queen Alexandl',ia Sanatorium, London Victoria Hoslpital, London Queen Victoria Memorial Hospital, North Bay Memorial Hospital,St. Thomas, maintenance Grant 367 days @ 70 Alexandra Hospital, Ingersoll All of whi'ch is respectfully submitted. Jannary 27,- 1933. 7.0D. &h6D 67920 263Al 1'0.00 .53 23.84 3.18 4.25 6.30 345.00 246.75 3il2.00 50.35 504.00 161.00 9525 642.25 256.90 36.75 E.S, LIVERMORE, Chairma:n. 80 Elgin_ County Council June SessiQo-Firsl Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports: That we have examined acounts rendered for ho-slpital l11ainten~ anee and reccomend_paymcnt as foNaws: Queen Alexandra - Sanitor,iu111 Parl{lwood Hospital, London Br,antford General Hospital Soldiers Mcmodal H,ospital Ontario Hoslpita'I, \^ioads-tack St. Joseph's Hospital, ,London Victonia '. Hasp,ital, London Memof'ial Hos'pi;ta.J, St. 1'ho'111135 Mcmor,ialH:os:pital grant, 604 days @ .70 Soldiers Memoria'l H'oslpital, Grant 46 ,days @.70 2. That account from VV. E. Wardell for conveyance of Sall,itorium and Ontario HlQsP'ita.J' $2'LOO 'be -pajad." . 2136.00 577.00 207.50 80.5U 136.50 38.50 1035.25 990.45 422.80 32.20 inmates to 3. T~hat muni,eipalities in which paticnts resided he charged fifty pCI' centum of hospital maintcnancc. 4. That the Committee dedided that the County is Hot liable 'f'Or account {,rom St. Jose'p'h's HOSipita:1 for maintenance of I-Ia,rvey Hill- dretb, s. That acount received, from St. J os,eph's Hospital, London, for maintenance 'of Mrs. Val1seeder \vhose residence has been questioned and oncrhing whkb aHidavits havc heen filed from both the Town- ship of Aldhorough and the Co"Untyo"f Ke'ntt, \ova's refeHed to Mr. Schinclz for further investigation. All of which is rcspectfully suhniitted. C. S. BRIDGMAN, Ohainnan Pro tem. 'SL T\hollJaS, Ontario, .Timc 14th, 1933. EJgin County Council Second Report To the E;lg~in County Council, GCllt,lemen! The Finance Committee reports: 1. That the a,uditors' report be adopted as presented. 81 2. That we join the p'r'oposed 0ll'ta'rioCou11'ties Associ,ation and re- commend that it affHiate, with the Ontario Municipal A's'sociati'on. 3. That Mess'rs. D. ted members of the A. M,cNahb and S. S. M:cDermand he re-appoin_ Mot,hetts' Allowance GO'1U111JSs,ion. 4. That no action be taken in reference to the County of Brant, Bell Tele1phone Conllpany Hlen's Inst.itute. communications fn~,nl and West E'lgin W 0- 5. That the, follow'ing a:ccounts be paid: P. R. WiIli~l1ns & Son, bur.ial of Mrs. Baili and ]. Taylor, Old Age Pensioners Children's Aid So.ciety, lllcLintenance of wards K.' W. McKay, express on print'illg Victott:ia" lndus:trial Sc.hool, maintenance Andersons Limjted, flag K. W. McKay, 'postage Municipal World, for .County Clerk - Municipal World, books all~l stationery for Regis- try Office Munkipal WorM, for' T.reas'urer Ohas. Rainbow and Son, stationery for county clerk $ WO.Ou 760.0;1 .90 91.50 21.75 12.00 4.50 75.52 52.97 5.00 82 Elgin County Counci-l Chas. Rahrbow and SOH. Re~,tiy OHice Dutton A'dvance, printin.g reports Ayhncr EX'press,. advertis~ng Ca,rn Borer Act Ontario School Trustees Association, m.embership fees K. W. McKay, conveyance to H. of 1. as inslpector R. M Ho'l'lnes; Caretaker Registry OHice Apdl and May All of which is r,cslpcctt6ully suhmitted. E. S. LIVERiMORE, Chairman. June 15, 1933. .65 182.00 1.51) 4.00 12.00 50.00 E4gin COUiJ.'1:ty C0uMcil :83 Third' ':Report County Rates, County of 'Elgin To the \Varden and Cou11ci] of the County of -Elg,il1, Gentlemen: The Committec_'0U Final1cc .beg leave to report that having" 111- quired into the finances 'Of the County, and estimates pnpared by the ,Gaunty Treasurer, they herewith-submit ,a statement of the .expendi- ture re.quired for the lawful p'll1.pOse of the CQunty during'1933;s:b;ow- -iag the amount required to be raised for thc undenncl1tioncd purpose. Administrat,ioll of Justice House of Industry High Schools Public Schools ....., ';-'.<.;. Officers' Salaries Members'> Wages Court I-louse Commission Interest 1Xisce'ilaneous County Roads Provincial High\vays Old Age Pens,iolls I~cgistry Office $ 9000 4000 45000 14000 4700 4000 2000 450U '17420 27500 32132 13000 1000 $178,252 Your Committee "would recommend that the sum of One Hnnd- i<ed and Seventy-Eight Thousand, Two Huildred and Fifty-Two D0'l- .larsbe'raiscd on 'all the rateable propertyii1 the severa'! Municipalit- ies of the County of EIg.in during the year 1933 for County Pur,poses, and that a rate: of 5}::imiBs on the doBar be leviedonrateahle"p.ro'p.. crty il1 the several Munici1palities in the County to raise said amouflts. . All 0'[ which is respectfui'ly submitted. E. S. LIVERMORE, Chairman. Adopted June 16th, 1933. 84 Elgin County Council November' Session-Firf.t Report To the Elgin County Counei,l, Gentlcmeil : The Finan:ce Committe-.c reports: Memorial Hoslp,ital, St. Thomas, Grant, 1094 days @ .70 'l1lnt 'the foUawing Hospital Accounts be paid: Maintenance .........$ 1737.65 765.80 $ 2503.45 Queen Alexandra Sanatoriu111 H:os!pita,] for Sick Children, Toronto Victor,ia Hospital, London Ontario Hos,pita'l, W'Ooclstock Pad{w:ood Hos:pitaI, London 11 uskoku H:Os,p,italrorCons.umptives St. Joseph's Hospital, London S'Oldie,rs' Memorial Hospital, TiHS'Onburg tenancc Grant, 139 clays (ii! .70 Main- 193.35 97.30 $ 2433.00 78.75 . 77.00 163.00 688.50 61.50 91.00 290.65 $6386.85 Municipalities half of the above in which patients resided tn be c;harged \",ith Olle- accouilts. All of which is respectfully sumhitted. E. S. LIVERMORE, Chairman. St. Thomas, Ontario, Novemher 3C, 1933. Elgin County Council 85 Second Report To the Elgin County Council, GE:lltJemen: The Finance Commi ttee reports; 1. That the matter o'f purchasing typewritc.rs for 'Off-ices in the Court House be 'left v./ith t.l1e Clerk 2, That a fi,ling case bc procured for County papers in the Solicitor's office. ,1. That no action be taken in reference to communication from the Mayor o'i Chatham re natural gas meeting, as we believe it is a mat- ter entirely wi~9in the purvieiw :of the local municipalities interested. 4. That -reports received as to licenses in force ancl Olel Age Pen- s,ions be received ami ,printed. 5. That the County Treasurer be insN'uctcc! to pay the caretaker of the H.egistry QMice at the rate of $25.00 per month, payments to be ll1dde mont,h!y. (J; That the Clerk hav-e County Council groups on hand Ira,met!, with names, and hung up in the Council Ghamber. 7~ That the 'following accounts be paid: Provinc.ial Treasurer, conveyaace to Hospitals Victoria IndHstricrl School, maintenance K. 'vV. McKay, Inspector House of Industry, conveyance 5 months Chas. Rainbow & Son, stationery for Registry Office Chas. Hain'b-o-w and SOll, stationery for Cler,k .\Irunicipal World, for Clerk Municipal World, .for Treas'urer Mu-nicipal WorM, lor Registry Off-ice 9.20 46.50 10.00 1.50 7.80 17.52 86.66 6.6J ,86 Elgin County i CONl1cil C. A. Towers & Son, fune:rL;;\;1,of1':L~r~( Vaughan Aylmer Ex-press, printing forms Townshilp of Bayham, conveyance to House of Industry Dr. Ri,pley, certificate .re mental condition ofW. Paris Dr. Webster, rc mental condition o'f W. Pa't".js W. M, Scott, photogra,phs 'of Jubilee Croup \fllm, MenniU, f.raming County Council p.jctures K W. McKay,' County postage Children's Aid Society', maintenance acc'ount C. St. Clair Leitbh, County Solicitor's Bill of Costs All of which is r.cs'pectfully submitted. 50.00 6.10 5.00 5.00 5.0U 2.00 8.00 23.00 1525.00 387.0U E. S. LIV8'RM'ORE, Chairman. St. Thomas, Ont~\rio, Deccmbe,r 1. 1933, Elwin 0011-nt-y iCoijpcil COUNTY ROA.D COl\'lMI'i"TEE REPORTS January- Session To the Elgin County Coun-cil, G('ntlemcn : 87 L The Elgin County Road Dommittce re_port tl,hZlt t!H~ SUIll 01' SEY;ElNrry SIX TI}~OUSAND, SEVEN HUNDRED AND FII"- 'i"Y-FOUR DOL,I,J\:RS AND NINETEEN CENTS (76,754.19) was expended on the Elgin COllntyI-lighway System during the yea,r 1932. 2. '~);. County Roads Maintenance on Gounty Roacls Bridge Constq.1ction 911 County Roads Construction .on County Roads Maintenance on Sllihurrban A'rea Roads .Construction on Suhurban Area Roads County Bridges wider By-law 1091, ma,intenance 3. General Expenses Grants to Ur,ban Municipalities Superintendence, Of-'Ece Exopense, etc: Machinery, Repairs, Tools, etc. Gravel Pit Develo'pl11ent Improvement on Hathaway Fal1l11 \i\'of"kmen's.'. Compensation Board Less Receipts .. ...... ...,.. "'. $49,329.01 4,262.52 2,974.29 2,474DI 12.70 1,148.39 2030.96 2,979.94 9,296.49 1,5jI4.7~ 59.2~ 670.97 $76,754.19 2,463.06 $74,291.J 3 88 Elgin County Council We recommend that the S'U1l1 of THIRTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLiL~RJS ($3-5, be raised for Construction, Maintenance and County Bridges under by-lcl.\v 1091, for the year 1933. $25,000.00 2,000.00 1 ;000.00 Maiilte.llance on County Roads Construction on County R'oads County Bridges (uuder By-Law 10.91) Genc1ra,1 EXlpense (maohinery, tools, re'pairs, development) g.ravel pit, 7.000.00 $36,000.00 S. That the County Hoad Road Conference to be ,of February 1933. Superintendent he delegated to attend held in Toronto during the latter pan 6. Oil the 2Znd day 'of January the grain Hathaway Fal"m owned by the County pa'rtment of Higlnvayswereco'l11pletely re,col11'rnend ,that the Road Committee and be a committee to act in reference thereto. and hay barns on the o,r Elgin and the De- destroyed by .fire. We the County Road Supt., 7. Tha.t tario 1933. vVardcn be authorized to namc delegatcs to attend the On-' Good Roads Association to beheld in Toronto, for the yectl S. That Fifteen DaNaI's for me.mbcrshi.p in the Good Roads Assoc. iation be ,pa,id. All of v,'hich is resopect'htlly s'ub1l1'itted. COH.DON Nli.:\rVELL, Chairman aT RoadCollllllittee. Blgin Oounty Council 89 REPORT SUBURBAN AREA COMMISSION The meeting of the St. Thomas Suburban Area Commission was held at the 'Court House, th~s 19th day 'Of lanuary 1933. . Present: Chairman Dr. F. '0. Lawrence ]. T. Webster Alex. Ande,rson Frank Pinneo, County Road Supt. \Varren c. Mi-l'kr, City Enginecr Fred A. Bell, County Engineer A deta,ilcd statement 'of accounts submitted to committee sho\ved an expenditure on Suburban Roads amounting to $4,36:0.'58 of this amount the city w'ould he liaible for 25% theredf Or $1"090.15. The fo1l0,w~ng resolutions were passed. On motion of J, T. Web- ster, Seconded by_ Alex Anders'on. That this accOunt- be presented to the City Council for payment. -Carried Ordered by Commission 1. That the County of Elgin he notified that the sum of $4,500.00 will be required for construction and ma,intenance on Couuty Suh~ urhan Roads, for year 1933. 2. That theCity.of S1. Thomas' be ll'otified that the sum oJ $4,500.00 wi],] be required for construction and . maintenance on designated SUIJ- urhan Ana Roads, for the year 1933. Moved hy J. T. \Veibster, Seeonded by Alex, Anderson: That committee adjourn. (Signed) F. O. LAVl'RENCE, Chairman of Snburban Commissioll. 88 Elgin County Council We recommend. that the s.um of THIRTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLiLARJS ($35,000.00) be raised for Construction, Maintenance and County Bridges under by-law 1091, for the year 1933. Maiiitenance all County Roads Construction on. County R'Oads :County Bridges (under By-Law 10(1) Gene1ra.j EXipense (maohincry, tools, repairs, g,ravelpit develoiPmcnt) , .$25,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.OU 7,000.00 $3'5,000.00 5. That the COl-lnty Haad Su,pcrlntenc1cnt he c1c'1egate,d to attend J{,oad C.Ol1fCl'ence to Ibe held in Toronto during the latter pan -of Fehruary 1933. 6, Oil the 2Znd day 'of January the grain and hay barns on the Hathaway Farm owned by the County of Elgin and the Dc- pa,,"tment of Highways were ,completely destroyed by .fire. We re,commend 'bhat the Road Committee and the County Road Supt., he a committec to act in reference thereto. 7. Thaot Warden be authorIzed' to namc delegates t6 attend the 01l~ tario Good Roads Association to he held in Toronto, for the ycai 1933. 8. That Fifteen Dol'lars for membership in the Good Roads Assoc. ia tion be ,pajd. All of which is respect'[ully s'ubmitted. GORDON NE\NJ~LL, Chairman of H.oadCommittee. Blg.in Gounty Council &9 REPORT SUBURBAN AREA COMMISSION The meeting of the S1. Thomas SUlburtban Area Commission "vas held at the 'Court House, this 19th day 'Of lanuary1933. . Present; Chairman Dr. F, '0. Lawrence J. T. Webster Alex. Anderson Frank Pinneo, County Road Supt. 'Warren C. Mi:1kr, City Engineer Fred A. Bell, County Engineer A detailed statement 'of accounts suhmitted to committee showed an expenditure on ,Su'burhanRoads amounting to $4,360;58 of this amount the city w'ould be liaible fo;r 250/0 theredf or $1,090,l5. The follo.w,ingreAolutiol1s were passed, On motion of]. T. Web~ ster, Seconded by_ Alex Anders'on. That this account be presented to the City Council for payment. -Carried Ordered by Commission 1. That the County of. Elgin he noti[iedthat the sum of $4,500.00 will .be required for construction and ma,jntenance Oll County Suh~ urban Roads, for year 1933. 2. That the City of S1. Thomas be l1'otified that the sum o'f $4,500.00 win be required for construction and malnte!lanCe on designate,d SUb- urban A,rea Roads, f.or the year 1933. }.J oved by J. T. vVebster, Seconded by Alex. Anderson: That committee adjourn. (,Signed) F. O. LA\V'RENCE, Chairman of Suburban C011l1nissiOlI, 90 Cou'11'ty CouliCiI The Cor;porat'jon o{ the City a'f St. Thomas, In a'ccount \vith the Elgin County Hig'hwlty -System FOol' expenditure on Suburiball,!\rea Roads, under the supervision oi F'rank Pinneo, County Road. S~'perintendent, subject to the diree,", tlO11 of the Suburban Area CClll1mlssion. Maiiitenance Road 16 S. A. .Weeds Ditch Grading Dragging -Lahar' -Resurfacirig Snow Roads LalbDr Repair Culverts 77.42 58.65 . 318.00 138.65 167..95 6!00 5.00 $ 771.6, Road 23 S. A. Re,pah to Bridges Labor Hcsurfacing $ 27.96 34.09 $ 62.05 Road 2S S. A. WeedS Ditch Grading La,bar Resurfacing Material Resurfa,cing Snow Roads Protection Gates .....m $ Q9.~0 19.95 54..60 80.52 75.00 20.40 780.00 $ 1,099.97 Road 30 S. A. Vvceds 64.42 Elg,il1 Gou'l1'ty Council 91 Grading Dragging Lrubor Resurfacing Material H.esurfaoing Suo'\" Roads 54,10 232.16 122.55 45,25 22.75 $ 541.22 Construction Road 16 S. A. Labor Rcpai'r to Culverts 12.70 $ 12.70 $ 2,487,61 Gravel H;'uled by Trucks on Suburban Area Roads County Road 16 - S. A. Yards of gravel hauled 1214. Average haul 7 miles Operation cO'st Iess ch'ivers' wages $1'5.33 pe'r day, Total milles travelled 8498 @ 7%c per yard mjIJe $ 637.35 County Road 23 S. A. Yards 'Of gravel 'hauled 138. Average haul- 4 miles. Operation cost less drivers' \vages $15.33 per day. Total miles -tr.avclled "5152 @. 7;hC per yard mile .... .............$ 41.40 Cou'nty Road 25 's. A. Yards of gravel hau'Jed 53-5. Ave,rage hanl 8 miles. Operation cost less drivers' wages $15,33 per day. Total miles travelled 4280 @ 7;.1c per ya.rd mile $ 321.00 ~2:''1"U.''''''-"<'''''-''''-- .~"_A"'_''''__"' ."..._..---.-""._;~-"""'" 'if 92 Elgin County Council County Road 30 S. A. Yards of gravel hauled 317. Av,er-a.ge haul 7 l11il,cs, Opemtion cost less dr,ivers' wa,ges $15.33 pcr day. Total miles travelled 22119 @ 7Y:!'c per .vanl mile $ 166.42 Cost of Gravel, Stripping, Loading, and screening 2204 yards or 465 cords of gravel @ $152 ,per cord 706.80 Total C;ty's Portion 25% $4,360.58 5 Certified Correct. (Signed) F. O. LA,WRENCE, Chair,man of Suhunban Commiss~on C. F. PINNEO, Conn ty Road Supt. Eil~in Gounty Council 93 June Se'ssion To t,he Elgin "County Counoi.l, Gentlemen: Your Hoad Committee r'cports: 1. Roads 16th. That we this yea'r, ha ve made our taking four days all11uaJillspection trip 011 County in all, :beg,i'nning 'fuesday, lvlay the If con-eli't-ions 'would allo\-v a ia,rge percentage of gravel ant! stonc roads should be resurfaced this yeaL The suh-slk.udure of the M'cIntos'h Bridge, ove'r the River Tha'mes, between Middlesex and Elgin has been COll11pleted aoconling to plan, except the woodpil. ill jetty to chang~"the current above the bridge. Y'Ollr Committee ad- vise thi'sportion of the' wo-rk he left over f.or this, year. We have aIs-o decide,d that 110 furfher consrl:ructioil work w.i11 be commenced this year, excepting one cement culvert at Dutton, over what is known as the Brown Drain "vi thin the Vjllage. 2. \iVe esbimatethe Coullty of Elgin shouid raise the 5'1.1111 of TWENTY"SEVEN THOUS1hND, FIVE HUNDRED DOLlARIS "0 ratea,ble property withill the County. This is a drastic reduction 111 comp.arison to former year'S, for instance the average amount 'rais- ed 'by the County for 1-0 yea,rs, beginning in 1922 $702',7.63.39 per year. The amount mis'ed this year for County Hoad pu-npo,<;es would 'be .1IP- proximately 1-3 of the amount 'raised per ye,a,r for the -formcr y.ear,';. 3. Parties requiring dust layer all the roads in front of their homes, w,j;l1 be required to pay 50l7r, of thc cOst. 4, App,roval-of By-Law M6l desigllating as a C0t111tyRoac1, the To\\nline from Cla'chan north, to the Bothwell B-ridgc has not: yet hUll 94 Elgin County Council received fr.om the Department of Highways, '5, 'l"l1C application 'of the Michigan Central Ra,ilroad tD the Ra,i.J- vvay Hoard f.or fhe removal of the gates and watchmen at the High- way crossing in the Villages of Rodney and \i\rest Lome was brought ;Ldore the Committee by the ('ounty S.olidtor and aftc;r some dis{;ll~ 'sian t'he Committee decided that the removal of the gates and wabCll~ men should be opposed before the Board hy the Solicitor for tile County and that he be instructed accordingly. T'hc cO'111mittee believt that the slthst,itutdon of wig-wags and hells fO'f gates and watchme.n would not p~ovide the protection and s.af.ety at these cross;ings that n'ow exists. The Commiftce aba, were of the opinion that the County should .take the same attitude with res.peet to Crossing protection ,ill the ~ilJage of Dutton, Town of Aylmer and St. George Street Cross- lng in the Towns:hilj) of Yarmouth. n. That no action be taken re sUlHma,rized statement of ex.pellcli. tun made 'on the C'ounty Roads for the year 1;932 s.uiblm:itted by tlle Depa,rtment oE I-Hg\h"..ays: All of which is respectfully sumhittcd. C. D. COYLE, Chairman of Road ConHuittcl.-' Elgin.County .counc'iJ November. Session To the Elgin County Coundl. (~entlen~'en ;- The Elgin County Road. Committee of Elgin County I-~ighway System fr'om c1udil.lg Nove-tuber 1'5th, W33,$S5,'S67.91. 95 reports that the expenditure January 1933, up to and jn~ 1. Expenditure: as Follows i\La.jtenance on CountyR,oads Lonsturctioll 011 Lonnty l~oa.ds Maintenance 011 SU!hul~bal1 Area Roads Construction on Sub-u-r,ba.n Area Roads \Vorkmen's Compe.l..1~.ation Village Grants Construction of County B,ticlges 1Laintenance .on County Br,idges (under by~law 10911) Labor in County Gravel Pits Truck Expense, Gas, Oil, r.ep'!.irs Machinery,Repaks, Tools ....... .... "... ........ ............. .......... ..........$37,518.40 l,4Oi1,?o 1,813.7, 1,085.08 1,143.U~ 1,624./7 1,08U5 272..5/ 1,263.30 2,015.01.:1' 6,348.U Less Receipts 2. Construction Su,b~structure of Mdntosh Hridg~, unfinished from the unde.rpinning of the Fingal Bridge, Road 16 S. A. 3. Maintenance $55,.567.91 614.90 $54,953.01 year.1932, and 103 miles of County Roads have been re-surfaced with stone or zravel. 96 Elgin County Council 4. Gravel and Stone used on County Roads for Maintenance Roloson Gravel Pit-In the Town'ship of Dereham: Expenses for strilpp'ing, and 1a9or f.or year 1933, amount $613.06. Numb,el," of ,yards or gravcl hauled 5695,. Hathawa'y GravelPit~In t'he Tow'nship ofYarm'Outh: Number of ya1'ds hauled 2593}~. Cost of eJ.evating and screenin.g, stripping $533.47. Locker Gravel Pit-In the Township of Houghton; Number o-f ya,r-ds of g,r'avel' ha-uled 400., The cost of strip!ping is cha'ligJe,d against roads 44 and 38. Port Bruce Pit-In the Township of MaJahide: Number of ya.rds of graV'e1ha,uled 690. ,Cost of banking $96.52. Walker Gravel Pit-Tn the .Towns:hi,p or AId-borough: Number of yards of ,graNd hauled 7'5'0. Cost of str,iPiping '$20.2'5. Total numlbe.r of ya,r,ds hauled from County Owned Pits 10,128%. Total Number 01 yards hauled from Private Owned Pits 5,445. Crushed S'rone f,or re-sur.f.acing 22 carloads. 5. Truck Operation for, year 1933 Hours 1752 Miles 21,568 Yards 01 gravel hauled 3864 Average mileage per day IOJ Elgin County Council 97 Ave-rage yards of gr,avel- hauled Average c'ostexpense per day Depre.ciati'on allowed on Truc'k Cost of hauling 1 ya1r-d of stone Mileag.e on other tr.ips 'or gravel 1 mile 22 $18.71 $600.00 .9"; 3568 6. Grader Ope~ation W'ehr Power Grader , Milest'rav,elle-d Gas used Oil used Days worked Repairs, Gas and \"'ages Cost. of dragging and scarifying I luBe of road Power grader No. 1. 1-iiles traveUed Gas used Oil used Days worked Repairs, Gas apd Oil Wages [)epreciation $2.00 per day Cost of dragging and scarifying 1 mile of road Powe.r Grader No.2. Miles tra veHed Gas usee!- Oil. used Days worked RC!p.airs, Gas and Oil Wages - "~..^^"'~-" ,~.. '^ . ~"^---' 98 Elgin., County COU11Ci1 D,epreciation $2.00 p'er day 300,00 ~ost of dragging and scar.ify,h1g 1 mile of road $1,758.39 .52 7. Machinery and Tools purchased year 1933 1 padlock",! stahle h1'oo111, ,10 -steel -brushes, 4 gravel'screens, 1 spade, 3 slush s'cra,pers, 1 sledge, 1 ho~-shot haHery, 2 wren.ches, 4 p~int hrushes, 2 small devices, 1 wire pincers. 8. By~law 1161 has been aJ2proved of by the Department of High- ways desrignat,ing the ,County Towniline between Orford and' Aldb'O'I- <?u?h, from 'Cla,chan, north, tot-he centre 'of the R,iver Thames. 9. That by-law be passed at this ses'sion of the County Council limiting the gr,oss- weight of loaded vehicles. passing over- the McIntosh Bddge, County Road No. 14, across the River .Thal11.es, conne,c:bing Middlesex and Elgin. vVeight or vehide and load not to exceed 7 ton's. w. That by-law he-passed at this session of the County Council limit,ing the gross weight of loaded vehi-cles passing over the Gra.;. ham 'Road Hr,idge, County Road No.1 across the River Thames con- necting Middlesex ;11d Elgin. Weight of vehicle and load not to ex- ceed 7 tons. 11. That by-law be .passed at this session of the County Counc,il limiting the ,gross \v'eightof, loaded vehicles passing over t.he\Vards- vine Bridge, . County Road No. 3, across the River Thames connecting Middle-sex and Elgin., Weight of vehicle and 10~cl not toexc.ee-d' 7 tons. Elgin -_ County - Council :99 1,2. That -by-law Ibe :.passe:cL 'making regulations limit,ingany vehiCle passing over the above said ,bridges, t'0 a speed not gr,eater than 1'0 miles an hour. The aboveby~J.aws to become effective, when similar by-laVl's have been pas,sed by the .County of Middlesex and ap,pr'0ved of, 'by thg Department 'of Highways. ,13, Tha.t by-law be Superintendent 1<0 m'c'ct giV'ing powei' to signs or symbols .passed caution the County R,o,ad 011 County Roads. 14. T,hat this committee re,co'mmend that the sum of $60,000.00 be asked for under Gov'er-i1:ment unemrployment relief, to be expended on E'lgin County Roads during the years 193'3 and '34. All of which z~~"resrpectfulJy sulbmitted. C. D. COYLE, Chairmal10f .Road Committee. CLause 14 struck out in Committee of the whole. 100 Elgin County CouneJJ EDUCATION COMMITTEE REPORTS January Session To the Elgin Couilty Council, Gentlemen: The Educat,ion Committee re:commends: 1. That we request the Minister of Education to prnvid-e for re- duotion in salaries of school Inspectors as we consider they arc out of pro:port1ion to the se,rvices rendered. 2. T'hat fees for Departmental examinatiolls he abolished. 3. Thatl fee of Eight Dollars per rDom for teaching Agriculture he abolished. 4. That entrance exa:I111nations he abolished. 5. That no action be taken in reference to sending delegate to 't.he PI'ov,incial Truste,es Association. 6. I'hat 11'0 action he taken inrefercnce to suggestions oC the Interim Tea,chers' Associat~on at' Ontar,io. All of whic'h isres,pedfully suhmitted. A. McCALLUM, Chairman. St. Thamas, Ontario., J annary 26, 1933. Elgin Caul1.ty .Council 101 June.. Session To. the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Education COl1l111'itt'ec repnrts: 1. That no actdon be taken in ref.erence to acc'ount pres<,:nted b::.- the Tillsonlburg. High Schoo1. 2. That we co-operate wit'h the, County Council of Lincoln to the extent 'of recommending that the salaries of. HighSchnol teachers throughout the P.rovin'ce should be reduced" and' that the Minister ,of Education !be notified. 3. That aco.unt from The Municipal World for printing eXClIUill" ation pa~)ersfo.r Inspector Taylor, amounting to $12.08, be pa-id. 4. That we have consdder.ed legislation of 1933 with reference to maintenance of pupils h.-om Yarmouth and Ay.lmer attending London and St. Thomas High Schools and opinion from Oounty SolicitOl Leitch in reference thereto, and reccomend that a sub-'committee con~ sistihg of the Warden, ML H. G. Taylor, J. Todd and Chakmall M.G- Calltlin ,be appointed to,conf'er with the Scho'ol Boards of :London and St. Thomas and arrange ag.r'cement re mail1tetian~e o.f pupils hO'm Township of Yarmouth and Town of Aylmer to 'report at the Nov- ember Session. 5. That in view of misunderstanding that exists in reference to cost of ,entrance examinations at Belmont that Messrs. Taylor and Ctoss be a. committec to interview Inspector Smith -re dis:tT,ihutibn of cost' between Elgin and Middl,escx for Entrance Examinations. All of which is respectfully submitted. Arch. MoCaJlum, ChRirmall. St. Thomas, OuL, June 1933. r::.:~:..~., MM' ,. -" 102 Et'gin Gdt1tltyCo'uridl November'S'~'s'jWon.:.;.;First Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Education Conuuittee l'Cp'6rts: "1. '1Ihat'''in yefer'euc:eto the "Behnont Entrance ExaUlinition ex- penses, the Inspector has ar,ranged n1Rtters so ,'that lhe -c(5unt:y or M,iddlesexpaidthcir sha're ofex.pens,cs for this year, and accounts "'v~ill Ihe 1."endered to them in future. 2. Tli.at ''11'0 action'be taken' in 'refe:ie'nce to'accou'nt-received f1'O'l11 the Sa,fllia High School for maintenance cif pupil"s 'from" this' (Duil:' ty for 1930.31, 3, 'l~h'a't th'e ifist ':of "Cdurity.pu:pils I--hgh s.chool !be" 8Jcc~pted as .correct. ' '5hlnnitted 'by -the Tillsonbtil'g 4; THat 'iib "-actidi1 ''he fa:ken iil .6~ferent.e'-to'sett1ement 'of hfi:t:g :C-fai1U':on 193,2 a-ccbUl'lt.,,:for which writ 'has been isssned. Tills'Off'- 5_, '1\li'at no c'a'c.tlon be "'ta:keil in'fdel"ellC-e to 'corhi11Uriicati'bn'ft6iil the Co'\ifitY (if It"ei1H:ew. 6. That we app,rove of El1tral1cc Examination by promotion, other pu,pils to wr'iteat a cel1tral place to be clesignated hy the -t-oun~ ty Council. , 7. ''Dhat -'account from the MUl1',i-cipal World Limited for- $44.79 for examhfatiol1supplies be p'a'id. - All 'of which is respectfully s,ubmitted. AR,CH. McCALLUM, Chalfman. St. Tholl,1aS, Ontario; Novcm:ber29th, 1933. ,ElghI" C!Jltnty' \ Coune,iL). Secbnd,'R-eport ",~ To the 'Elgin -County COU'iH;:i~~' Gentlemen: 103 The Education ',Committee .presents its second r-e.port as follows:. the L That we approve of the County Counci1's Asslociation' following resolutions pr,esente-cl hy (1) That should cease .the -liilibl1ity of county: counciJs~- for l.secollda,ry, educat,ion with the junior" matriculation. (2) ~Tha-t the section 1-iuliting liability 'of education beame'nci~d. -hy'stating how (3) That the deJbenture c-ost be 'reduc-eddrOll1 '.eighty t-o f'Orty, in s,eparate-d :,towns, and, ,cities.,. ' of county councils for costs cost is 1'0 'he -aetermined~ to'count-ies of high school education p,er, cent.. .in relation to high schooh; (4) That,;theMinister _of Education be requested to advisability of deducting township grant,' under section . tenniningcounty grant to continuation sch-001s. consider the 109', ih de- 2. That- we ,rcconllnend:thaLanagre~ment -be ,cnte-r,ed- into wi,th the' .City' of S1. Thomas_' to pay., .ilinetyp~e,r .cenL.',oL the! C'ost ,of cduca~ tion of Yarmouth pupils at t'he Collegiate Institute and Vocational Schools during the firsts~x months' of 1934. Providing the Towns,hip of Ya,r.m!ouf.h a-greE:sto r.eimhurse the County f9r the difrference be- tween 80 and 90% of cost of maintenance, of Ya,rmoU'th pUl)'ils. All oJ which.is respeGtfully sub'l11itted. Thomas, AJROH. Onta,rio, Nov'erniber 30,'1933:-; McCA'L'LUM, Chairman 11>4 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 105 REPORT OF GAOL COMMiTTEE June. Session,......:First Report January $ession To the Elgin County Council, To the Elg,in County Council, Gentlemen: Gentlemen: The Gaol Committee reports: Tlhe Gaol ,Commit:tee reports: That we have rC1ceived ;'-o;:nders for coal and recommend that tlhe following lowest tenelc'rs be. acc,epted : 1. That they have c'onsider'cd matteCrs pertaining to the equip- ment necessa'ry in the Goal to enable the Physician ,to comply with the requinm"lcnts of the Ga.ol Regulations and the Prov.incial Secr:c- tary':,; Department. For County Gaol 2 carloads grate coal @ $111.1.0 per ton, H. E. Johns-on, Union and St. Thomas. 1 cad'oad Egg Coke @ $8.60 per ton, J. G. Palmerr & Co., St. Thomas. '0le find that t,he.re is sufficient a.ccomll1odation in the turnkeys' 'sleeping room for thec\octor's requirements. '-.,- Same changes will have to be made in the electric lighting, and an elech;ic heater, wash basin with running wafer, zinc covered shelf, bunsoll 'burner and small gas .ring will be required: - In addition, a sub- stantia.!. table, s.et of scales and' 'facilities for k.eeping papers and sup- plies will be necessa-ry. -The floor o.f the room is to ht covered with 'linoleum. For Registry Office 20 tOilS stove Coke @ $8.60 per tbn, J. G. Palmer & Co., St. Thomas. All coal to be \ve-ighed on dty scales. All of which is resipectfully submitted. VV. H. BRAD.FIELD, Chairman. S1. Thomas, Ontarj.o 15th ,June, 1933. <, 2. T,hat the window .leading into the coal bin be put in such c'on- dition thatit willlbe impossibIe for a prisoner to c_scape. Second Report , 3.'Ihat gaol wall be tuck-pointed and repaired' where 'needell All of whkh isreS'p,ccH'Lllly submitted. To the Elgin County Coull'oil, Gcntlemen: 'vV. I-I. BRA'DFFET..D, Chairman. The Gaol Committee reports: St. Thomas, Ontario, J anua'ry 26, 1'933, 1. That we have considered a request from Judge Ross and rec- =,-"^.,.=="-=~ 106 '..( Elgi:n.g Gnun tY.ll Cauncil;: oJ:l1mend that his affice her,enaV'afe-d.dU'ring;1ang~ \"J.'cati'on. 2,. T;hat, a suitable la'dder be s'U.p'p1ied far vault to the Clerk of the Court's Office. All of wh~,Cih ,is respect;fully subniitted."':;'. W. H. ,BRi\'DFIBLD!<Chaitman:., St. Thomas, OntariO', 17th June, 1933. November Session TO' the Elgin,_Caunty"Coullcil, Gentlemen: The Gaal Cammittee rep'O-rts: That we have received tenders for t,he SUPlpty of bread 'f,equired to' be delivered at the GaoY-.doring the<.lyear -1934: awarded contrads as f'OU-ows: Bread, Mrs. A. 0-alloway at thre,c cents a pound. and meat and;' 'have Forequarter Beef withaut Bone, A. J. Ship at eights cents a paund. All af which is respecthllly submitted. H. \V,,',Bl~ADFr.E,L]),: Chairman-. $t. Tl1oll)as, ,Ol1tar:io,,' :Noven,lber'_:30, :1933,--,-',- Elgill Catinty'Ohl11Cil 107 fiOUSE OF INDUSTRY COMMITTEE January Session To the Elgin County Coullcil, Gentlemen: The flouse of Industry Committee rCp-ol'tS: That inmates ,in recdpt oJ Old Age Pensions who require haspt- tal tr'e-at'111ent be charged One Dollar and Seventy~five Cents per clay far cost af their maintenance in the h'ospital. That question of meeting af Superintendents at Stratford be left over till the Jun~, Session. All 'of whi,ch is respectlfully submitted. GEO. H. CH:OSS, Chairman. St. Thoma's, OntariO', January 26th',1-933. June Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The House 'of Industry Committee reports: 1. That we ;have received tenders for coal and recommend that the following lowest tender be acc'epte,d: """""'"'" -._- --'"-~." --- 108 Elgin County Council 1 carloa,d GrateC'oal @ 1 carl'oad Chestnut Coal @ . $11.10 per ton .......,$11.35 per ton H. E. Ja-hnson, Union and St. Thomas 2. That we rec'ommcnd {.hat the Keeper and Matron Chairman or the House of Industry ,be a'uthorized to attend meeting of -Mana- gers of Home's for the Aged and Infirm at Stratford on the 27th, 28th, aild29th of June. All of which is respectful1y submitted. GEO. H. CROSS, Chairman. St. Thomas, Ontario, l'5th June, 1933. November Session 1. That we have 'received tenders for brea,d for the yea,r 1934 and have awa'rded contracts to "/Irs. A. Galloway at Three Ceilts per ,pound. 2. That the re'ports of the Inspector and Physician be received and printed in the minutes. All of which is respco[ully submitted. St. Thomas, Ontario, November 30, 1933. GEO. H. CROSS, Chairman:: Elgin County Council 109 REPORT OF INSPECTOR HOUSE OF INDUSTRY November Session To the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin, Gentlemen: for The following is my report on the H'Ouse the year ending October 31st, 1933: during 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. the Number Number Number N ull']jber N.umber N u.mbe'r NUlll1ber yea-r: '-';- of inmates at last report admit.ted during year o-fdeaths dischar,ged absonded n'ow in House of inmates sent fronl the several municipalities DUl1.wich South wold Yarmouth Bayham S. Dorchester Aylmer Rodney Port Stanley Ontario Hos,pital of Industry and Refuge 39 17 6 ) 3 40 2 4 3 2 1 1 I 2 1 17 8. ,The various causes of pauperism 'of inmates admitte,c\ to 'the House dur,in.g the year may he classified as follows: Blind Sickness Destitute \;Yea,k Mind 1 2 13 I 1,7 110 Elgin County Council 9. Average number of inmates during the year 360 10. Average number wlth Keeper's family and hired help,..... 412-3 11. Number of weeks' board of inmates 1900 12. Number of w~,{;ks' 'q~Jard with ,I{eepers f~mjly 2170 13. Tatar cxpenditur'c during' the year ,..... ....................... $8203:97 Fr.ol1l farm stock and produce s'old Permanent Im.provements From Illll1a>tes' Pension accounts 1.5. ,Leaving amount actua1Jy expendecr for support of inmates Av.cragc expenses per day 'Of each person Averageex.penses pCf \veei< 'Of each person A vera.ge expenses PC-f year of each person Armaunt expended for house and farm during" the year may as follows: 14 Receipts 016.' 17. 18. 19. be divided Hired Lalbor Implements Stock Seed Feed Gas and Oil Mis'cellaneous $ 325.00 53.36 89.,,7 53.85 442.65 15.5.31 523.76 20. House Expense ~Bread Meat Gr'oceries Provisions 280.40 341l.O7 "3!1357 279.71 $ 703.63 . 821.57 2481.00 $4197.77 .27% 1.930 115.00 $ 1643.70 .veal' : Elgin. County ,'CounCil Dry Goods Boots' and Shoes Furniture, 'H,ar&vvare Drugs Coal and Wood Ice Mis'cellaneol1s Gener-al ,Epense 'Conveyance 'of Inmates Repairs Pe,rmanent Imp.rovements Incide'u!al -Salaries Keeper and Matron Physic.jan Total Expenditure 232.99 84.1'5 15.7.44 54.36 1169.56 81.60 360.50 3.00 51.76 821.S7 467.54 1584.00 270.00 HI $ 3362.40 $ 1343.87 $ 185'4.00 $ 8203.97 20. The following p:r'oduce'wa'sraised on, the farm during the 661 Bushels Oatsal1d Barley 308 Bushels of Wheat 50 ,Loads of Hay 9 An,es EnsHage Corn 1215 Bushels Potatoes 10, Bushels -Car,rots 10 Busheh Turnj,ps ~ , 112 ElgillCounty Council 40 Loads. of Straw Quanti,ty of Pumpkin and Squash Garden Produce 115 Bushels Table Canots 8 Bus'heJ.s Beds 1:5 Bushels Onions 100 Bushels Sugar Beets 200 Heads Cabhage 50 Bushels Tomatoes 7:1- Acre qua-ntity S,wcet Corn Quantity Lettuce, Parsley, Aseparagus Quantity Plums, Grapes 1$ Q_uCl'rts Milk, per day ZOO Husnels Apples 6'00 Quarts Fruit canned in house 750 Dozen Egg:; consumed 1460 ,Pouricls Butter 10 Hogs killed tor use 1n institution the A large quantity of vegetables and summer of whic:h no account was kept. fruit was used during Wheat sold Cream sold Hogs Sold 3 Cows s'old Eggs, Sundries and Chickens 4 ,calves s'old Apples sold 1 Bull sold Junk Sold $ 28.90 178.12 253.00 90.(}o 62.12 2.00 50.00 35.00 2.00 $701.14 21. Number of articles of bt.C\c1ing ing the yea-r by matro>>, and inmates and clothing made up dur- 289 Elgin County Council: 1'13 22. Farm. Stock .3 HlQrs'es 8 Cows 14 Ho.gs 2 Y carling'S' 2 Brood Sows 75 Chickens 3 ,Calves 23. The total amount expended by the County 'on House of Industry, etc., is as foHows; Farm, 100 a'cres, coM House .of Industry Laundry Fire Escapes Root Cellar, Henery, etc. Cottages, ete Erick Ice House Ba,rns, Etc., Tile Drains Tile DrainOut1et Hot Air Pump, Tank, Connections Refrigerator Fencing Orchard Heating Apparatus Boiler Room and Soft Coal Boiler Deep Well Silo Hog Pen Electric Installation and Pumps Plumbing Septic Tank and Drain Sundries $ 7298.95 13S~1.26 687.61 390.06 879.43 6631.87 1180.50 5461.39 3988.83 13,2.01 920.60 40.00 191L12 85.85 1979.00 3,733.52 827.66 293.62 654D9 2314.44 2960.36 \.146.75 416.,15 $ 57826.82 116 Elgin County Council Elgin County Couucil 117 PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION REPORTS June Session January Session To the Elgin County Council, To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen; Gentlemen: The Committee on Petiti'ons and Legislation reports: :-rhe 001Ulnittce on Petitions and Legislation rcpor'ts: . 1. That 110 action be taken ill reference toO resolution f.i"om the County of Wellington for fUft,her res'tri,C'ting truck t.raUic fr'om Nov- cmher to April as we belief the pr,cs,ent law is sufficient. 1. We recommend that Sedion 143, Subsection 2 at the As- ~cssmel1t Act be am,ended by changing the percentage ,to be added to arrears 'OJf taxes annually fr6111 ten to eight per cent. 2. That we co~op'Crate with the County of Wel,jington in approv- 111g of reduction in costs 'of telephone servlce. 2. That we oo-ape,rate with the C'Ounty Council 'Of Wentworth in petition to the Department of Highways requesting (1) that county share of construction of Kll1g's Highways be reduced to ten pc-r cell't- um (2) that they'assume the entire .cost of maintenance of said high- \'iays (3) that the Department subsidy on Township r'Oads bc in- creased to fifty per centum. 3. That no action be taken ill r'crerence to comn1Junication from the County 0:( M,iddlesex for re-eluCtion ,of amounts required for the general :public schooJrate. 3. That no action be taken re steril,ization. 4. 11hat n'o action be '~-takeuin ,connection w,ith the communication {.l'O~l the County of Middlesex requesting co-operatioll in OppOSillg any granting of licenses to sdl wine and becr in hotels and restaur- ants. 4. That we do not 'arpp'rov'e of thc plan sugges.tedby the COllllcil of the Town of Lindsay for reduction of County Oouncil membership, but recommend that pPOvision 'be 'Inade to have smaller villages revert to police villages wi,than improved const~tution. 5. That noacti'On be taken in reference to abolition of grant) )uJ;-les. All of which j" res,pectful1y submitted. A. PETHEIUCK, Chairman. 6. 'That we approve of the suggestion of the C'Ounty Council at Bruce that plans of sUlbdiv:ision lots for canliping grounds or summCr r'esorts sl1oul-d be registered Ibef'ore lots a're sold. Sl. Tbomas, Ontario, January 26th, 1933. All of which is res,pectf.ully submitted. A. PETHEH.I_CK, Chairman. St. Thoma:;, Ontario, June 14t-h;1933. U8 ELg:i'!1J C01iUlIllty C0u1:1cil N ov.ember S:ession To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Cominittee ani Petitricin,g and l...,egi,shrtiol1' reports': { That we c~O:ncUr ip r'es'alution s.ubmittedby the County ((')tineil of Renf.revi' su;ggesking. amen:cllnenhr to the Hos.pita;}Is; Ad wher,eby' no case' of indigent pa.6enti, -exeept where:' am a,eute condition_ -exists; shaH be admitted to any hospital without the consent of the head of the municip:alMy in which the .patient resides,> and that the costo,f indigent patients should be, reduced at least 1Jwenty,-fiv'e: per' eentum. All'O'f whi,ch is res.pectfull'Y'submitted. A. PETHERliOK, Chairman. St. Thomas, Ontario, November 30, 1933. Elgin, Cqunty Co~ncil , 1(9 AGRICULTURAL COMMITT~E January 'Session To the _Elgin County Council, Qrentle:mell: The Ag'ricuhural Committee reports: 1.lhat we appr'ove of the resolutiop ,s'llhlrtitted -by the County Council of Kent in regard t'oprice of natural gas, 2. That we take no action in reference to resolution subnl'ith:;,d by the ICounty Counail of "Kent that there be a 11l0ratlotiu'111 on pay- ment of principal of the tile drain loans. 3. That the \iVai'den of the County and Mr. Coyle be delegates tv the Agri-cultural Council Convention in Torontlo. 4. That the men1bers' of ,t.he Agricultural Adv'lsory Board be. J. A. King, of Aldboroug:h David Carroll, of Dunwich E.E. Lut,on, of South:\-v!old R A. Penhale, of Yarmouth Harry Kent of Malahide, rLouis Johnson, Straffordville D. Noble, of South Dorchester allcl that the members of the Agricultural Committee -'of this Council. together with Mr. J. F. McGregor of Aldbor-ough, be honorary mem.., bel'S of said A,dvisory Boa.rd. 5. That By-Law appointing Corn Borer Inspector be amended by directing him to appoint sub-inspectors for each township, such in.. spectors to be recommende,d hy the t'ownship councils. 6, T.hat \veeo-operate with the County Council of LamMon in 120 ElginCoul1Ity Council l<:lgin County Council 12,1 resolution requesting the Hon.'Fede'ral :Mini3ter of Agriculture to revlse. f.eed, bedding and charges at stock yards under his supervision, as we are of the opinion that these should be in keeping. wi,th present market Iprices. June Session To the Elgin' COllnty Council, 7. Tihat ins,tead oJ settle-rs being placed upon lands in Northern Outa'rio, p,rovision should ;J'~ made for them -upon unuse~ farmlands of Elgin and other Ontario c'ounties, ;:), -1 that a copy of this clause he sent to the -Quta,ri,o LegisJ.a1ure. Gentlemen; The Agri,eultural ComniHtee r,eports; 8. That '110 adion be taken in reference to resolution submitted by tbe County Council of Carleton. 1. That we co-'Operate with resolution from the County Council of Went warth in reference to having apples included in Agricultural Sta:bilization clause for export to British markets. H. G. TAYLOR, Chairmfln. 2. That home gJ'own fresh fruits and vegetahles should be includ- ed in list of art,iclesenume.rated for relief in municip.alities of Onfa;rio. 3, T'hat we . co-operate in petitioning. the De.partm.ent 'of highways to make substantial reduction in license ma-rkers, or .issue a special license covering trucks used only for transportation of farm products. All of which is r,es.pect1fully submitted. H, G. TAYLOR,Chalrl11an. 9. . T'hat grant to Advisory Ag;ricultural Cronneil be Three Hundred DoUa'l'S, to include money for traps for sta.r]ing,s All of which ,jg respectfully submitted. St. Thomas, Ontario, January 27, 1933. St. Thomas, Ontario, June 15; 1933. November Session To the ElgillCotltlty Council, Gentlemen: T'he Agricultural Committee reports: 1. That Vie approve. of resolution submitted by the County Coun- cil of Duffe'f.in r,e(1\l.esting the Legislature .to. lower the rate of inter- est 'on .fRrm mortgages t<o five per centum, and that the local mem,.. bers oJ the Legislature be a.dvised. a'ccordingly. 2. That we .examined the Corn Borer Inspector's Report and note that the' cost, for the year was $751.40. All of which is respectfully sUlhmitted. H. G. TAYLOR, Chairman. St'; Thomas,Ontario, November 30, 1933. J22 Elgl11 County Council Elgin County CouHcil 123 ECONOMY TAXATION COMMITTEE June Session the Pr'ovincial A<ssod_ation of Cou'nty :Councils in Ontario, in their efforts to reduce these costs. This comrllittee isfurth.er of the opinion that the Dcpar:tmcnt o:f Education oug1bt.to"consider the ne:ce~sity 'Or' a new basis for financing Secondary Schools, To the Elgin County Council, '" Gentlemen: 8. \Ve rec'o11lll1cnd that ins'tead of the Chairman of the House of -Industry visiting the House of Industry once a month" ,the}'t in~, spections be made only by the Committee as a whole quarterly. The Economy.,Taxa'tion ,Ooll1mlttce ,reports: 9. Incon'{::lusion this ,COll1Jmittee regrets to find that i,n the great majority" 'of cases the County Council has no control over the .expendi~ tures which the Council by statute, must necessarily pay. 1. Your 'committee' met '011 'two' 'occasions v<lith'all the 'members pres'ent. 2. The Committee interviewed His 1-Iol1or Judge Ross, County Judge; 'Mr. Maxwell, County 'P61icc'Magistrate; Mr. McCri.mmon, Coun'ty 'Cr'own Attorney .and 'M,r. I-larding, Sherif,f .of the County to get"their co-opel:ation in reduc-ing A,dmlnistrationOf Justice' costs. 'vVe also recommend thaLiL a similarcOmHlhtee is to .function another year, that all requests for ,grants ,;bes:ent to them .previous to action by the_Oounty Council. ' J' " ". 3. y.our ,Committee bad :lettcrs sellt to each of the Recves of the following municipalWes: Springfield, 'Bayham, 'Vienna, Ayhner,Yar- mouth, Southwold, Dutton, R'ocltWY and West Lome, requesting them to dis:cuss .'lith the local High and Continuation School Boards the desirability of reducing Education .,costs. 10. The Committee reco:Jl1mend that the Warden ap_point acotn- mittee of three memlbers ,to consider the question of thc salary r'c- VISIon of County OHicials a~1ct employees and, report at the ]anua'ry S"cssion ot the Council. ,'- S. A. IHtOVvN,' Paragraph 6 and 8 were l1"Ot adopted b,v the ,~:9ul)cil. 4. We recommend t-hat the salary of the Crown Attorney be set at $3'000 per annum with freF. 'office and stenogra,pher. EQUALlZA.TlON R.EPORT January' Session .'5. 'W'e "r'ecol1111lcnd.tl1at the ,fee :for ,court 'attendance of County . ConstaMes:be $2..s-0 per day and miteagc,jand that By-Law 'No. ,1065 he'r_c,pealed. 'ro the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Equalization Committee reports: 6. 'vVe recommend :that the Gaol Committee meet only during Sessions of. the County Council without extra remuneration. That in their opiilioil the equ'alization ,oJ ass'essments of the muni. cipalities of the County should be the same as .last. year, and that. any appeals entered should be determined l~y the County Judge. All. of whiC'h' is respectfully s'u'bmitted. FRED H. SCHMELZ, Chairman. S1. Th'omas, Ontario. January 25.; -''1933. 7. .This committec deplore.~ the excessive cost of secondary educa- tl'on and rcc,ol1lmends that the ;Elgin COt1lItyCotlllcill co~operatc with 124 Elgin Coullty Council REPORT OLD AGE PENSIONS COMMISSION November Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: Elgin County Council LICENSE REPORT, November Session To- the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: " 'Phe Old Age Pens,iolls Commission reports as {.oIJows: Total amount paid pensioner,s ,by PioFVirice during the. year end.ing 31st Oct, ],933 121,560-89 Total amount paid by the County There were twelve meetings during the year. A,dm~nistrati'on Expenses were: For Secretary For Commissioners 400,00 363,80 1215 H,781.82 I have to reploN the following licenses in force: $ 763-80 Since the appointment oi your Commission we have r~ceived 976 applicatIOlls. These were disp'osed oi as follows: Deaths 240 Cancd1ed 39 'f,ransferred 50 Rc,fused 41 Pending 51 Pensions in force 1st Nav. 1933 555 976 Pensians ill force 1st NO'v. 1932 586 Pensian payments to' CQunty Treasurer fal" inmates af the House af Indust,ry amO'unted to' $3,346.28; All of which is respe,ctfully stl,hmitted. K. VV. McKAY, Secretary. St. Tha1TJaS, Ont., NO'vember 21, 1933. Auctioneer H. Applegath M. A. McAlpine Daniel Bla'ck Ha,rvey Laur Wils'an Pou.nd Duncan A. Brawn F. Fulkers.an .".,. A. J. Brantan Rabert Laur L. L. M,eTagga'rt JO'hn B. Juds'an H. H. Belyea Jas. A. Forsythe Fred Haggan Pedlar Thamas Nisbit&Son Junk J. Schlafman Rodney Dutton Dutton St. T'homas Aylmer Shedden Tillsonhurg Rodney Belmont A,ppin Vienna Hamilton Wallacetown Ay,lmer Wardsville St. Thomas 126 T~lgiii{ Cduh'ty C6'u'nti:l Elgi,\l,County.<. Council' 127 T~;{n);p<Nt:ati~M: of Fo'WI REP.QR'1",.,',CQRN{BORERiZINSPECTOR Chas Pal1gibor.n Howard . G~lHfaUh K 0, Wight Thomas H. Panglborn Ge:Qrge W'Q!otton For t'he year 1933 November;.Session'.' To the Warden and members-.-ofICouJ1.ty:Council: All of which isres\pe-ctfully suhmitted. I, b~g to. submit;th.e" 'foIlowingr'epor-t for Oorn: Bo.ret,- Insp'ettibn for, 193~: K W. McICAY, County Clerk. A.l4iborough, D;,. :K.'A:ndr,ewsi~ West Lorn'e Bq..ypa'1ll;. - EllUa~, .NevjUe,.,., Straffordvil1e"RR. L Dunvykh, 'K.J.Hatton, lona Station, R.R.'L. Mal'ahide, Chas, Chee.scman,Aylmer Southw,olt1., -Frank'Co_utts,- Southwold S.:Dorchester,Fr'ecL,R.:Taykfr, ,-Belimont Y~rmouth,'Fred.,R.-Ta:ylor,.. Belmont" County super~{sion and-..inspections 47'00" 90:00 101'.00 140,00 74:00' 69.40 1-38.00 ' 92:00" St.Trhol1lla,s, Ontario, November 21,1933. Total ... ,,,,,,,. ...,." '..." ..:.$7,1,1.40 I beg t,o, repl.ain, Y our:Qlbedient, .,servant, FRED R.TAYLOR, Belm'Ont, R. R,.3. The Province.-pays- one halL cost o{lZorn Bor.er Ins.p'ecioh;' 12&_ Elgin Count-y Council REPORT EQUALIZATION COURT November Ses&ion In the maHCf of The Assessment Act. Elgin County 'Council 1,zv Dated at St. Thomas, Ontario, this 25th, day of November, A.D, 1933. (!Signed) DUNlCA;N C. ROS.S, Judge, Coullty COU1\ Elgin, Chairman (Signed) J. J. OOUGH!LIN, Judge, County Court, Esg-ex. (6igned P. S. D. HrARiDING, Sheriff, County of Elgin. And in the matter of an appea,l by the Township of South Dor- chester ,from the equalized Aissessment of the County oJ Elgin as' es- tablished by By-Law Num!ber 11S7 passed on the 27th of January, 1933. W'hereas .by Order of the LieutenalltGovernor in. Council made in pursuance of the A'sse:ssmcnt A1ct, the undersigned were duly made stituted a Court 'for the hearing of the ahove-mentionedappeal. BY.LAWS BY.LAW NO. lIB6 And having heard all parties interest,ed, <-indhaving made iilspec- hons 'Of assess.ed properties in all municipalities in the the.county, \ve adjudge that the assessments set out in sa~id By-Law, and now seL forth il1 Colu11ln1 hereunder, be amended by sub.stituting therefor the amounts set f'orth in Column Z hereunder, namely: Municipality Aldborough Dun wich South wold \'ar.l11.Quth 1['alahide Hayham South Dorchester Aylmer Dutton Port Stanley Spring1field Vienna I\.oc1ney West Lome <;h, 12.'54 14.00 16.64 17.16 12.10 8.00 7.76 4.06 1.60 267 .80 .87 1.17 1.13 Columll 1 $3,887,759 4,340,052 5,157,5014 5,319,162 3,751,283 2,477,531 2,406,201 1,259,2,16 495,509 826,3'53 246,578 121,'088 362;931 349,197 $.~1,000,374 % 12.14 13.22 1,6.72 17.40 11.27 7.95 7.06 5.47 1.66 336 .61 .40 1.39 1.35 To: Give Reeve of Yal"Inouth an A.dditional Vote in Committee The I Elgin County Council enacts: Column 2 $3,683,908 4,024,910 5,074,951 5,283,958 3,419,871 2,4,13,215 2,143,174 1,660,082 512,653 1,017,889 184,874 121,044 42'1,45D 408,366 That the Reeve of Yarmouth who has an additional vote in Council u: virtue or the provisions of Subsection 2 'Of Section 45 of The Muni- cipal Act, shall as a member in any committee have an additional vote the-rein, Read a third Thomas, t'his 27th tilue and passed at County Council Chambers, St. day of January, 1933. K. W. McKAY, Clerk. H. L. LAJWTON. Warden, BY.LAW NO. 1I87 ToConfil"m the Equalizai:ion of the Assessment Rolls of the County $.10,370,345 of Elgin The Elgin County Cotlll.cil enacts: And we 'o-rde;}' that' the costs of the equalization be borne by the County of Elgin. 1. That the following be theequalbati'on of the assessment rolls 130 Elgin CC~U11'ty Coullcil EIgi11',:\County;: Council 131 of the. County of Elgin for 1933: A:1diborough DUi1iwich'" ',::.. Southwo.ld Yat,mouth Mala'hide Ba:yl1a111" South Dorchester Aylme'r Dutton Port Stanley Springfield Vienna R'odncy West- Lorne BYcCLA W"NO,'i'1188'"o m m.. ... ..mmmm~3,S!l?,7S? 4,340;052 5,167,5114 5;3,19;162 3 ?Sll ,28~ 2,477,531 2,406,201 1,259,216 495,509 826,353 246,578 1Cl,088 362,93,1 349,.197 To Appoint a Board of Audit in the County of Elgin for the Year 1933 The Elgin County Council enacts: That the Judge of the County Cdli-rt; and 'E.>5. Livermore are'-hei"e.; by appointed mCI1llbeTS of the Board of Audit,to .perform the duties required:of-.thenl. by R. S. O. Chapter H2o, Secti'ol1 22. Thiifthe Inembcrs of the said Board of Audit be paid the sum of Five Dollars per day for their services, and five cents per mile, going to and from eaeh audit. $31,000.,374 Rea<l. a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, 27th day of January, 1933. 2, That this Council is willing to have the final equalization of the assessment; -inc,tse of appeal,made. <by the' County Judge. KW. McKAY, Clerk. H. L LAWTON, Wanlen. Read a thi,rd time and passed at County Council Chamhers, St. Thomas, 27th day of J anuaty, .1933 K W. MoKAY, deri~:" H. L: LAWTON, Warden. BY.LAW NO> 1189 . To' Appoint a County Rei.ad Committee The Elgiii County Council - enacts as rcquind h'y 'the 1-i.ig'h\\;ay 1111- provCill1ent Act: L Tlhat the following five memibers of this Council contitute >t Committee for the pur_pose of directing the work t'O -be done on the County Road Systcnl: ' Gordon N ewe.J1-----Jfor term. of five years. ehas. D. Coyle-:-Jor term of four yean. H. G. Taylor-f.or term 'of thre.c years. 132 Elgin County Council 'Elgin County Council 133 Stewa,rt A. Brown-for term of two years. Edward Clark-for 'ter:mof one year. BY .LA W NO. 1191 2. That -'By-Law No. 1176 he repealed. Tci Appoint an Old Age Pensions Commission Read a third time and. .pass-cd at County Council Chanubers, St. Thomas, 27th day af January, 1933. The Elgin County Council enacts: That: K. W. McK.AY, Clerk. H. L. L.AJW'DON, Wa.rdcn. W. S. Stalker, of AlcLborough, R. R. 1, I{odney Dugald Blue, of punwich, Dutton Wilson H. Mills, of Yannouth, Sparta Dr. C.Sinc1air, of Aylmer W. V'/. Kiddie. of S. Dorchestc1f, R R. 1, Belmont be and are hereby app'Ointed the local authority or Commission to ,ad- minister the Old Age PC-Hsions Act in the County of Elgin. BY.LAW NO. 1190 per .per That the saidCommis-sione,rs be paid the sum day f'or attencling""illeetings of the Commission mile .to. and from such attendance, of five DoHars and Eve cents To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow the Sum of Two IRead a third Tho.mas, 27th day time 'and-passed at County Council Chambers, St. oJ January, 1933. Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars K W. MoKAY, Clerk. H. L. LA!WTON, VI[ ardcn:. T.he Elgin County Council enacts; That ,the Wa,rdcn a.ud Treasurer he and ar,chere:by iluthiwlzcd to harrow the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars froll) the Bank of Montreal, as it lllay be required to meet the expenditures of the Oorporati-on of the County of E1gi,n during 1933, and give as security therefore notes 'of one thousand or ten thousand dol- lar.'; ea'eh. BY.LAW NO. !192 ' Read a third timean.cJ .pass'ed at County Council Chambers, 51. Thomas, 27th day of January, 1933. To Appoint Advisorr Agricultural Council The Elgin County Council enacts: K. W. MoKAY, Clerk. H. L. L'^'iWTON, VV ardcll, 1. That the Adv,isory Agricultural Council be composed of one member kom each townshi-p and eight honorary memihe,rs, the f'Ollow- 134 Elgin, Lounty_ ._CounciL' . iug to be appointed: Members J. A. King, Aldborough David Carm-1l, Dunwich E. E. LutO~l, Southwold R A. Pc:nhale, Yarmouth Harry Kent, Ma,lahide Louis Johnston;_ ,Bayham;',' D. Noble, S. Dorchester-' Honorary Meinbeu~ The mCl11uet:s, of the ,Agricultural- Committee of this,COUllCil;to", gcther with Mr.:]. F. McGregQf. 2.. ,. That.:mcmfuers, of ,:said Adv:isor,y.,,C:ouuciL..be, p~j_<i:: the ,same"a,s mcm'bers:,.o.f this. Council.. for-,attendance .at ,th(:. two_;:lpeeting~i,required>. to be held annually in Feb-rua,ry and, Nqvemlber; al1cl that,they, re,ceiv~ their travelling ami other expenses f'or attendance at special or em- ergency meeting;s"called, by. the ,Chairman. 3. That By-Law No. .1l78 he repealed. ReacL a third time and passed at County Council ,Chambers, St. Thomas, 27th day of January, 19,1.1. K. W. MoKAY, Clerk. H. 1.. l.AJWTON, Warden. Elgin .'. County ,Council 135 In' 'LAW NO..:lI93 ,To -Amend j3y~,Law 'Nio. ,1180 ~.ppointing. Cor-n,: Borer. :..Iuspect'or 'Fhe Elgin CountY-Council enactS: That By-Law No, gSG be am~nded by adding the following clause: That the said Inspect-or.-a'l}point: su,b:cinspe'ctdrs', f'OL' each tovmship, said appointments to be approved by the Township' Councils. Read a thir,d time and passed at County Cottllcij ;,-Chimbers,.St. Thomas, this 27th day of January, 1933. K. W. McKAY, Clerk H. 1.. LA,WTON, WMden. BY -l.A W NO. 1194 To Appoint High School Trustee& The E~gin County Co'imcil enacts: 1. That,pr., I-Iomer.:\1-cLay,hc appqinted Trustee 'of the Aylmer High School j'or thr,ee years. 2. That \iVilliam Hollings:head be appointed Trustee of the' Dut- ton High School for three years. 3. That Fr..anl~:Fcr.r.is Ipe .appointed.Trustee o,f 'the Vj~nha High ScI~ool for..thr~\" yeal;S. Read a third time ancl passed, at County Coullcil,'Chamhers,- SL Thomas. 27th]anuary, 1933. K.,W. .McKAY, Clerk. H. 1.. LAWtON, Viani.\! 136 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 137 BY .LA W NO. Jl95 other mattet: that in t'he opinion of the said A'uditors should !be brought to their attention. ' To Appoint Members of Cemetery Commi$sion 3. That the said Auditors be paid an annu.a.J salary of Two Hund- red and Forrty Dollars each, $aid salary to be paid quarterly, on' the order of the Warden. The Elgin County Council cuads: That the following be app.oi.uted to the Cemetc1ry Commission for the year 1933, as required by the Cemetery Act of 193,1: 4. That all other -by-ta,ws heretofore passed in this be'half be and are herebyrepcaled. J. P. ..Co'ombe, of Vienna John Leitch, of the Township of Dunwich Read a third Hme and passed at County" Council Chambers" St. Thomas, 27th January, 1933. Read a third- time and pass,cd at County Council -Chambers, St. Thomas, 27th January, 1933. K. W. McKAY, Clerk H. L. LAlW110N, W,a.rdcn. j<. W. Md<AY, ClerIc H. L. LAWTON, Warden. BY,LAW NO. 1196 To IAppoint County Auditors 'The Elgin County Council ~nads: .J.' 'f'hat Wmialli A. Galibraith and D. 1\11: Leitch be and are here- by appointe,d Auditors, to hold office during the pleasure of the Oouncil. 2. That it shall be the duty of the said Auditors to examine and audit a.\i accounts aHecting the Corporation or relating to any matter under its control or -within its j-ur-isdictioll, quarte.r1y, during ea-ch cal~ coda-I' yea-I', and report at the J an-uary Sess-iol1 in "each y.ear on the accounts 'of the preceding year, and also transmit to the Warden, the Chairman of the Finance Committee, and the County Clerk, an ab- stract statement of Receipts and Expenditures as completed for each quarter, together with a report in refe-rence to any irreg.ularity or us Elgin County Cauri.ci! Elgin County Council U9 BY.LAW NO. 1197 highway now or hereafter vested in or controlled 'by said County, and to lay, construct, maintain and 'operate thereon l11cdn pipe-lines with all connections or attachments nc,ccssary or incidenta1 thereto for conveying and djstdnltil1g gas. Subject to the conditions, regula~ tious and stipulati'OI1S set out and c'ontained in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. Granting Certain Privileges to Southern Ontario Gas Company, Limited WHEJREAiS, Southern Onta'rio Gas Company, Limited, hcreimufter called'" th'e .- ;lft:oti1pa'l1Y" is "a:colhpatiY dury: 'ii1torpotat~t1 uBeler i'The Ontario Companies Act and other Acts relating the'refo~' f'or"tHe put.;.' pose amongst other things of constn.;cting, maintaining' and operating works"for.-the production/sale- a'lld distributioti of,gas"{or the:'ipor.posc 'of light, heat and ,power with all the rights arid pt-ivileg.esin"them'-ves:': fed and subject to all liabilities, conditions and regulations upon them imposed ,'by ,the-Charter of Incorporation or legislative"authbrity ill' thatl:>ehaIf. for corveydng and distributing gas, Subject always to conditi'Ons, regula- or to -he made -by law'fuj,Jy cons,titl1ted authority ha.ving jurisdiction in the premise,s. 2. That the 'Varden and the Clerk are he.reby authorizcd and directed to exe'Cl1te this By-Lol\~' and the agreement to be pre-pared in pursuance hereof, and to aH<:\'Ch th'e Seal of the Cor,opration there~ to. AND W'HEiREAJS it appears that the highways hereinafter men~ tioned arc vest~d in thc Cor,poration o.f the County of Elgin as County roads or highways and the Campa'uy have applied tathe said -Corpor- ation for the right to construct <lndmaintain a system of pipes for convey-ing and distri'butil1,g gas over, along, upon such roads or 'high- ways as hereinafter providecl, subject to the, terms, conditions, agree- ments and regulations set out in Sche,clule "A" hereto annexed, 3. This By-Law is subject to all statutes, orders and rtlles made or to be made lawfully,_constittited authority having jurisdiction in the premises. 4. The word "-highway" in this B)<-Law shall include streets and bridges fOT-!ni,ng part of the highways, upon, Oli, over or aCl"OSS which the highway passes. NOW THEREBORE TI-U'; COUNCIL OF THE CORIPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN duly constituted and asscmbled in .pur~ suanc-e of the prcmises arid of the powers in them vestt'!cl ~ndso. far as such powc.rs extend hereby. eact as follo'wls: Passed in Council the 27th day 'Of Janttary" 1933. K. W. McKAY, Clerk. H. L. LAWTON, vVardcll. L That tbis Council hereby gr,ant, eonier and assure unto SOLtth- em Ontario Gas Gompany, Limited, its successors and assigns; full right, power, authority, permission and consent to pass through this municipality for the purp'os'e of continuir'lg a gas transmission line, work or sys,tem, intended to he operated in and for the :benefit of an~ othet mUliidpality and not used or operated in this municipality for any otheT purpose exee-pt that of supplying gas 1'0 persons \vhose lands abut on thc highways along -or a,crosswhich the same is carried or conveyed, or to personswbose land lies \vithin such' limits as the Council by by~law pass'cd from time to timc determine should be sup- plied .wi'th gas and for the purpose afores,aid to use and occupy any 140 IJ:Igin County Council SCHEDULE "A" To By-Law number 1197 of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, referred to in the said By-Law hereto annexed CONDITIONS 1. III laying or constructing tbe pipe line system, referred. to in the said anllexed hy-Iaw, along said county highways f,rom time to time, the -Company s1mll, wherever practicable, use for that purpose the part of the highways adjacent to the fence lines or 'outer bound;.. ary thereof, and the Company shall 'bury the same and restore the highv,'ays to fj,rst-class condition, and the said pipes shall be so buried and the highways so restored unless where the Supctintendent of Roads 'of the said County of Elgin or other person ap,pointed by the said County directs other,wise. 2. In the cOlu,truction, maintenance and repair of the said sys:- tem the Company shall use due care a,nd dilige-llGc s,o that traffic shaH not be impeded or interfered with any more than is neccss,a,ry for the construction or repair of the said system, and so that after - the said pipe lines have been laid and completed there shall be no obstruction to-Or interference :w,ith a'l1 lawlful'traffic and user on, over and along the highway or to the ditches ordrains there'oll \lOW or hercCj.fter construc- ted,' improved br maintained. And where any drains or dhchesaTe considered or made necessary by reason of any\\ork done by or om- itted to be done by the ,company, the same shall be cons1tructed and maintained in good order by the said Company to the s'a,Hs,factiion of said Superintendent or ather pe,rs'O-n a'ppoil1ted by the Council dur- ing- the catinuance of this franohise. 3. The said Company shall be liable for any 105501' injury that any person may sustain by reason of the exerclse by the Company _ o.f ally powers or rights under said by-law v'lhether arising through any carelessness. neglect, default of misconduct or otherwise of its agents, ~:('rvants, or employees in the management, construction, maintenance, ,laying 'or use of its pi-pe lines, and the said Company shall indemnify; 1<:l.gill County Council 141 save and keep harmless the said Corporation of the 'County of Elgin ',from any damage, claim or demand that may be c1airi1e-d Iby prope.rty holders or any person or persons on account of the laying of its pip~ lines incidental thereto or the us'e thereof; and shall indemnify the said Corporation against all 1'oss, costs, damages and expenses the Corpa-r- ation may pay, ,itrcur or be put to :by reas'on 'oJ any claims, da,111'age'S, orinjury-"resulting from or occasioned by, or in ,consequence of the cOH-sts-!'tletio, layinrg, condit-i'on or 'op,eration of said pipe lines or _indd- eta1 thereto p!'ov'ided however, that the County shall have reasonable r notice and an opport.unity to defend. 4. The rights conferred upon the said COlil:pallY -by the s,aid By- Law and the Agreement to be exe,cuted in pursuance thereof, shall ,1w subject to the right to the free use of the said highways by all per~ sons entitled thereto and subject to the rights of the owners of prop,- ertit;s adjoin1ng the said highways of fun access to and from stk:h high\'\'ays, and of constructing crossings and approaches from their properties thereto, and 's~hal1 be subject also to the rights and privi- leges whi,ch the said Corporation may .g.rant to any other companies or persons to lay pipes, er,eetljoles, stting any kind of wires Jor any .purpose; or construct railways on -said highways,all of which rights are expressly reserved; and the Company shall lower or move their pipes wherever the County may herea.fter deen: necessary for any ~uch purposes, but any sqch right hereafter granted sha1l be subject thereto, and to al1 rights owned by the Company prior to the passing of this By-Law. 5. All \'.ork done ii) pursuancc.of the said By-Law shall be Stlll- ject to the approval, sanction and direction of the said Superintendent of Roads f'Or the time. being of the said Corporation or other person ap.pointed by the Council of said County, who shall have full power and authority to give such directions and orders. to the Company a:; to location upon the highways 'Of the said pipe lines and the manner of laying the ,same, or whe,re such lines shall be huried or other'wise howsoever, as ill his judgement shall he considered best in the inter- ests of -the said corporatiorr; all such directions shall be in writing, and the said Company shall he obliged 1'0 follow such directions or orders as may be given as aforesaid, and the remuneration and ex- pc.n~esof the Superintendent or other person so appointed during the 142 Elgin County Counc,il Elgin County Council 143 6. Within sixty daYB after the passing of this By-Law a f'ormal agreement ill duplicate shall he prepared in pursuance hereof <between the said Company and the said County Corporation, and $.ha11 be exe- cuted in due forril by both parties thereto, whertby the said Company shall 'bind its-cH, its Sllocess'ors and. assigns, duly to -carry out; observe and perform the conditions herein' c'ontained, and the said Corporation shall agree on its part to observe and perform the 'said By-Law and the said conditions so far as' they relate to them, "andone of such duplicate agreemc11ts duly executed as aforesaid shall he 'le-posited with' the Clerk of the said -County, and the 'othe'r shall be given to the s'aid Company, and from that time this By-Law and the said Ag- reement shall he binding upon the said Company and the said Cjr. poration. mination. Except as a.foresaid it is -provided that for twb year;; from the date hereof and until 'other rates shall be so' fixed, The Com~ pany is hereby authorized to charge and collect for gas slupplied and for the rental of mekrs and regulators furnished and gas conn,ection~ made to its customers at the same price, upon the same terms and conditi'ons including discounts as the Company now has in effect in the Township of Yarmouth. time he may' be so employed and the expenses ,connected with this, by.- law and the said Agreem,ent, shall be de'f.raye.d .by the saidCompna.y and before commenc-ing any ,such work a pla-n or s'ketch there'of shat.1 ,be c1elpos\itec1 by t,he C()Impany with the Clerk of the said County. 9. The franchise heteby granted shall be lor the term of ten years from and after the final pa~sing of the 'by-law. Provided that if at at',y time prior to the expiration of .sa.id term of ten years or any renewal' thereof, the Company shan notify the Corporation in vvriting that it desires a renewal,thcr,eoI for a further period of ten years, the Council may in its discretion rqlev,,' the same from time to timc for a furthcr pcr'iod not exceeding ten years. at anyone time. 8. The rateS to be charged and collected for gas supplied hy the Company in any Local Municipality- from its gas system in tile County of Elgtn arid for the renta,l of gas l1lcte.rs and regulators supplied and ['or gas connecti'ons .made by the Company therein shall be the rates from time to time law'fully chargeable under the franchise, if any, of the Company in any such Local Municipality, in which such highway is located, or if there be no such franchise then such rates as may [rom' time to t.ime he agreed .uPOl1 or failing such agr,eement fixed by,the proper officer in that behalf having jurisdicti'on to fix rates under any statute or 1a"" then in force UpOn thc application of either p:lr(v on notice to the other,. \;Yhen any rate has been agree,d upon ox de~ termined as aforesaid, such rate shall remain in effect fora period 'or not less than two years from the date or such agreement or det-er- 10. Upon the ,.t,crlllination of this franchise Ior any canse whatever the Company shall remove its mains, pipes, plant and worksfr~:})n the said st,reets and highways and festore sllch streets and high\yays to the condition in which ,the same were previous to such removal and to the satisfaction of the County Councilor its appointee. Provided that if said malns; pipes, plant and wor'ks are not rcmoved by the Company within oue year alter the termination 0,[ said franchise all such mains, -pipes, plant and w'orks shall forthwith be forfeited to and become the absolute pr'operty of the Corporation, and dealt with and disposed of as the Corpor,ation may think proper, and for the sole use and benefit of the Corporation. 7. The Company shall use all practical 'and proper means at all times to prevent the escape ;:111(\ leakage of gas from its mains and pipes and the causing of any damage or injury thereby to a.1Y pers'on or property alid the Company shall make .good to the C )'(poration and all persons affected, all damage which they may be caused by the works or operaHons of the Company or hy reason of an_v kakp,ge from the pipes. n. Nothing l-lerein contained shall be construed as gIving or granting to the Comp2.ny an exclusive franchise for any or all the pltrpOses eUlihraced'hereiri. 12. This By-La\':and the Agreement entered 'into pmsnai1t there- to is subject to all statutes, orders or rules made or to be mack lry lawfully c'Ol1stituler1 authority having jurisdiction in the premises. 13. In case either the Corporation or the Company deems it nec- cSflary or advisable to obtain ratification of said By-Law and, of the 144 Elgiil 'County Council said Agreement by the legislature of the P.rovince of Ontario, the other .party will concur and assist in 'obtaining such ratifkataion. Dated this 27th day 0-( January, 1933. K. W, McKAY, ,Cleric H. L. LAWTON, Warden. T:I-llS AG'REEMENT made in duplicate tbis 27th day of ]anu- ary, 1933", BE'I'WEEN: SOUTlJilIRN ONTAiHIO GAS COMPANY J...JMITED, hereinaJ- tel' called the Co.mpany of the Fil'Sot Part; and THE CORP,OR<i\TION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN; ]mei11- after called the Corporation of the Second Part. WHEH.EAS the Corporation on the 27th day of January, 1933 passed By-l....aw No. 1197 COpy of whi,ch is hereto annexed, and did thereby give its consent so far as it had jurisdiction to the Company constructing, maintaining. and operating pipe lines for c6n'ducti11g gas along the highways mentioned in the said by-law subject to the terms and c'Onditions in the said By-Law contained and it was therein provided that a formal agreement in duplicate should he prepared in pursuance thereof bet\.veen the Company and the Corporation and should he exc,cuted in due form by both pa,rties thereto, whereby the Company should bind itself, its successors and aassigns" duly to carry_ 'Out, observe and perform the conditions in the said by-law c'Ontained and the Corporation should on its .part agree to observe and perform the provisions 0'[ the said by-law and the said conditions so far as they relate to them aIHI these presents are executed in pursuance of the said pr'oviso. NO\\! THIS AG,REENIENT \iVITNESSETU. that the Company\ 'I I I :r~lgl1l County Council 145 for itself, its successors and assigns, covenants and agrees with the Corporati'On, its success'ors and assigns, to carry out, observe and per- form t.he conditions in the said by-law contained and on the part of the Company to be perf.ormed, observed ahd complied with, and the Corporation on its part agrees with the Company, its sccessors and assigns, 1'0 ohserve and perform the p.rovisions of the said .by-law and the said conditions so far as fhe same relate to tlhe C'Orporation, IN \i\TITNESS WHEREOF the Company has hereunto affixed its c'Orporateseal under the hands of its proper 'Officers in that behaU and the Corp''Oration has hereunto affixed the Corporate seal of the County under the hands of the Warclen and the ClerIc '~';. SIGNED, SEALED "'ND DELIV- ERED in the pres~nce of Harry E. Merrill Southern Ontario Gas Company Limited By S. B. Severson, Vice-President By J. A. H.ichie, Secretary The Corporation of the County oJ Elgin H. L. Lawton, \Varden. K. W,c McKay, Clerk. 146 Elgin County Council IW.LAW NO. 1197A To Repeal By-Law No. 1065 Fixing Amount Payable to Court' Constables The Elgin County Council enacts: That By-Law Number 1065 fixing amount .payable to Court Con- stables be and is -hereby repealed. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 16th June, 1933. K. W. McKAY, Clerk. GORDON NEWI~LL, Warden. BY.LAW NO. 1198 To Raise Amounts for County Rates During the Year 1933 'vVH El{,Ti:A,S an estimate has been made showing that fhe sum of One I-Iullcl{cd and Scventy-l-':ight Th'ousand, Two Hundred and Fifty-Tr.o Dollars is rcquired to be raised in the several Municipal- ities for the layvful purposes 'of the County during the year 1933. AND V\liI"':SJE.'RIEAS by the Assessment Act,. this Council is required to direct what portion oj the sum to be levied for County purpose~ shall he levied in each Municipality ill the County. AND \A.!,'r:ni:II~l":ArS the rates are required to be apportioned on the basis of the assessment of property as equalized: And \vhereas the assessment of property of the County as (ascer- ~;lill('ll ilnd ('qualized is as follows : .cot~nty ,Council 1.47 Total Equalizecl y ~lue ,M~~icipality Aldbor'o'llgh Dm1\vich Southwolc1 Yannouth Malahide Bayham South Dorchester A'ylmer Dutton Port Stanley Springf,iefd Vienna Rodney \~rest Lome 3,887,750 4,340,052 5,157,'514 5,3,19,162 3,751,283 2,477,531 2,406,201 1,2:59,216 495,509 826,353 246,578 121,088 362,931 349,197 $31,000,374 '~';. 'IiHBREFORE the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County oJ Elgin enacts: 1. That a rate of 5:y,i mills on the Dollar be levied all all rateable pr'operty in the several Municipalities in the County of Elgin, as a.])ovc set forth, for the year 1933, to raise t.he following amounts: 2. That the sum of One Hundred and Seventy-Eight Thousand, 1'\v'o Hundre.d anc1gifty-T\vo Dollars and levied in the sEweral -Muni~ cipalities of the County, according to the f.ollowing Scheduleanel that the amounts asentereel therein be paid to the County Treas- urer, as by la \v required: !VI unJ~ipa~i.ty Alc1borough DU11Wich South wold Yarmouth Malahiele Bayha11l South Dorchester Total 22,354 24,955 29,656 30,585 21,570 14,246 13,836 148 Elgin County Council Elgin C0l1ntyCol111cil 149 Aylmer Dutton Port Stanley Sp,ringfield Vienna Rodney \^1-cstL0'rnc 7,240 2,849 4,752 1,418 696 2,087 2,008 BY-LAW NO. 1200 TO GONFIRM By-Latv No. H89 of the Council of the Township Ot Yarmouth to stop up that part 'of the Road laid out thr'Ough Town~ ship Lot No.3, in the 4th Concession of the Township of Yarm.outh in the yea,r 1834 across said Lot by the late John Boshvick who was then a surveyor of Highways for UpperCallada as hereinafter described. WHJEREA,S the Council of the Township of Yarmouth did on the 7th clay of August, A.D. 1933 finally pass their By-Law No. 1189 to stop up and close that part 'of the said Road in the said Township af:: hereinafter described, and $178,252 Count.\' COltllcilChamhers, St. Thomas, J.une 16th, 1933. K. W. McKAY, Clerk. GORDON NEWELL, vVarden. W'HERJEA!S by subsection 6 of Section 483 of 'the Municipal Act it is enacted as fol'lows: BY.LAW NO. 1199 A by-la"w of the council, of a township, passed uncler the authority confe~'red by clause "(c) o:f subsection 1, in the case Of it township in uHorganizeel' territory, shall not have any force unless and until approved by a judge of the district Court of the district in which such towl1S,llip is. situated, and in other cases unless and until confirmed by a By-Law of the council of the County in which the township is situate passed at an ordinary meeting of the c'ouncit held not sooner than three 1110nths or later than onc year after the passing of the By-law of the council of the to.wnship, and To A.uthorize the Warden to Sign Agreement 'with St. Thomas Board of Education The Elgin COllnty Council enacts: That the Warden be and is hereby authorized to sign agreement with the St. 'f.homas Board of Educat'on providing for the payment of ninety per centum of the cost 'OI education of pupils frOlll the Town- ship of Yarmouth attending the St. .TAlOmas Collegiate Institute and Vocational School from the -1st January to 30th June, 1934. Provided agreement is entered into by the Township of Yarmouth to pay toCountyollc-ninth of amount paid by Ce>unty to City Board of Eclucati'ol1 under agreement herehy authorized. Read a third ,time and passed at County Council Chambers, ~lst Decemlbe,r, 1933. vVhereas the said Township of Yarmouth is situate in the County of l':lgin -and the said Council 0: the said Township have applied to this Council to pass a By-Law confirming the said By":,"Law No. 1189 at the current, ordinary and regular sittings of this Council commen- cing on the 28th day of November, A. D. 1933 the same being held not sooner than three 111'0nths nor J.ater than one .year after the passing o[ said By-Law No. 111-89 of the said Council of the Township of Y.ar- mouth and it appears proper that t,he said By-.La\v shall he confirm-. eel. TH,EJR.EFiORE IT IS ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE COThP.oR.A nON OF THE COUNTY OF FlLGIN ;-- K. W. McKAY, Clerk. GORDON NEWE'LL, \Varc1ell. L That By-Law No. 1189 of the Council of the Township of Yarmouth hy wllietl it is pr'ovicled,- 150 Elgin County Council That that part of the road l'aid out in the year 1834 through Lot Three (3) in the fourth (4th) Concession of the Township of Yar- 111ott'th by the late J Oh11 Bostwick, a surveyer of Highways for Up- per Canada a;l<l des.crihcd as f'allows':- All that portion of -said Road from a point therein which is dis- tant four hundred and seventy (470) feet north from the North lim- it of.thc Road between the Third (3rd) and Fourth (4th) Concessions o[ the -Township 'of Yarmouth to apo.int which is NQtth from slaid' North limit of said Road between the Third (3rd) and Fourth (4th) Concession of the said Township a distance of One Thousand One Hundred and Twenty ('1,120) fect he stopped up and closed, he and the same is here'hy approved and confirmed, 2. This By~Law ghall take effect forthwith up'on the pasging thereof. REAn a First. Second and Third time and finally pagscd this first day 'bf Dc.ccmher,.A. D. 1933. K. W. McKAY, Clerk. GORDON NEWELL. "'Varden. BY-LAW NO. 1201 To Fix Entrance Examination Centres The Elgil} County Council cna-cts: That Aylmcr and Dutton .be designated as entrance examination tcnttcs and all by-laws or other designations in this regard be and arc herbs' repealed or rescinded. Re~t.d a third time and passed at County Coul1cil Chambers, 1st DeCClli'her. 1933. K.. W. McKAY, Clerk. GORDON NEWELL, \\Tarclen. Elgin 'County, Council 1:)1 t INDEX TIY-LAWS- No. 118G To Give Reeve of Yarmouth Additional Vote in Committee .........00.......... ................... ............. 11, 129 No. 1187 To Confirm ,Equalizationm..............m...................... 20, 129 No. 1188 To Appoint Board of AntliL..,.................................20, tal No. 1189 To Appoint County Roa'd Conimittee ..... ............ 21, 131 No. 1190 To Borrow the Sum of $250,000.....m.. ......00......... 22; 132 No. 1191 To Appoint Members of Old Age Pensions Board.... ....... ...00.......... .....00 ..........'....... .....00 ....... 22', 133 No. 1192 To Appoint Advisory Agricultural Council........ 23, Iau No. 1193 Re Corn Borer InspectoL......... ...........00.......... ....... 24, 13:') No. 1194 To Appoint High School Trustees.....m....,....;:....n 24-, la5 No. llfJ5 To Appoint Me111.bers of Cemetery COlllmissibn':~:), IB,j No. 119G To Appoint County Auditors.m ...........m.....n....... 2(j; IBli No. 1197a To Grant Certain Privileges to Southern On- tario Gas Companymu.........'...............................2I3, laS To Repeal By-Law No. 1065 re Payment of COUl.t Constables..............m............................... 49, 14G To Raise County Rates ..................... ................5.0, 14(j To Authorize the 'Warden to Sign Agrc.e~lI1cnL.(i:), 1<18 To Confirm By-La\v No. 1189, Township of Yarmouth ..... m....... m..m ....m ............._............. (ill, H\'l To Fix EnU'ance Examination Cetltres.....m......... ()(\, H;O No. 119'1 No, 1198 No. 1199 No. 1200 No. 1201 GRANTS- Agricultural Societie'1.. Children's Aid Society L. B. Birdsal1 Public Libraries Trustees' Association... Vif al'den Women's Institutes.._ ......12, 18, 44 sa G7 18 10< G7 1:-:1 ........8, lB; MISCELl.ANEOUS - Brown CulverLn Cemetery Commission. County CounciL........ ............... COullty Officials............. 45 1.9 , ., .11 \ \ ~ \ 152 Elgin County Council Communications... ..............................._______ u_______ .....______....8, 9, 38-42, Deputations__ .....n___ .....n.__. ...u...........______... .._______ ..__n_nn..n______.'__..____.""" 27 Entrance Examinations................ .._______ .....nn__ ...________................__...... 62 Higllway Improvement Expenditures_____....._______.....n....m...n13. 15, 63 High School. Trustees.m__...._____.__n_____...______________...............__.nn'___m_______ 29 McKillop Children Account..____________n__m...nn..m........______...____________.... 49 Municipal' Clerks and Tl'easurers..._______n.._______.________.u.......h........___... 4' :WI unici pal Legislati 011...__....................._________...______...________..................33, 63 Old Age Pensions and House of Industr.y Inmates ___..____ ..__m.... 19 . Provincial Highway Expenditure_____n ..___m....m........ m...... .....mm... 19 Railway. Crossing Protection....h........ Re 1 ief.nnn..nnn.n.n......n.__.'....... _.....n..... Standing .Committees..___ St. Thomas Board of Education 'fillsonburg High .SchooL.......___. Warden's Addressnn.._.... Wardcn's Election ....___ .............___.. 56 ........... '''.00.42, .............8, ,.B, ....___....8, 47, 53, ..0000.." ........... ...........-28, ....7, 81, .'''..''000; 55 G4 68 59 54 52 28 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES AND OFFIClALS- Ag~~icultural Conimittec ........ ...m.. ......___. ............. ...........17, 4:3, 02, 119 Corn Borer Inspector .....___ ........ .....___ .........___ ....... ....m.......___.. 127 C,ollnty Road Committcc.___. m.......m.......n... __._.......1(;, 42, 58, 87, 99 County Tr,eas,urcr.... .....___..... .......m ....._._..... .....m... ............58, 70~77 County t:lerk on: Liccnscs___. ......___ ....... .....m.......... m.. ....._..______ ....... 125 Equalization.......... .......... .............. .......... .....,.0011 ,14, 15, :37, 123, 129 Education Committee. ........ ....... ............. .... .....17, 43, 08, liO, .100-10:-) Finance Committee ....... ......nO ...___. ...........17, 43, 40, 49, GO, Ga, 78-8(\ Gaol Committee ....m ....___ .....m.... .... ....m .___....on .....m .._.IG, 47, 49, 104 House 'of Industry C0l11_111ittee.... ...on........___. _..______ .....0015, 47, 02, 107 Inspector I-:1ousc of IndustrY.'.h"... ..... .......... ........ .............___.....______ 100 Old Age Pensions Commission___...... .....___ ......... ....00......___... .....19, 124 Petiti.ons and :Legislation Committee...... ..... .....___00 ........16, 43, 116 Physician, HOllse of Industry___......... ......... ___...... ...... .....m ............ 115 Special, re Reduction of Taxes...........___ ...00... ..13, 14, 44, 47, 51, 122 Special, rc Administration of Justice ..,...... .....m...m........___.....___n.. 10