1934 Minutes J PROCEEDINGS -OF THE- Elgin County Council During the S.essions held in the COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS m the months of January, March, June and November 1934 I .dl& ~~f -/-~-(~J:;k'>, i;~}~to~~;:: bJ.-lt.l<.....'''~.. '\"!'/J' wlll,,~.i< ~.~ Iii 1 \ '. ;"U If_, ~'~\!~YI) '\:'<?\:'h \1\9: ""',:-='-~ K. W,McKAY, E. S. LIVERMORE, County Clerk. Warden. i COUNTY OFFICIALS Duncan C. Ross, Esq" Oounty Judge Jas. H. C'oyne, Esq., Registrar Ian Cromeron, Esq., Cnunty Court Olerk E. W. Haines, Esq., Olerk o.f the (Peace 'and OOunty Crown Attorney P. S. D. Harding, Esq" Sheriff MaJor C. p, 'Ennatinger, GMler E. S. Livermo["'8, Oounty Polie,e Magistrate G. A. Pearson, B.A., Cha.tham, and J. O. Smith, !B.A., Public _School Inspectors. ;g:. W. MoKay. County Clerk B. B. Graham, Oounty Treasurer F. A. Bell, C.E., county Engineer G, F. Pineo, County Road Superintendent C. st. C, Leitch, K.C., County ISolicitor Douglas L. E'win, M.n., Physician House of Industry and Gaol Fred Ingram, Keeper House 'Of Industry R. M. Holmes, Caretaker Court House K. W. McKay, Inspector HQus-e of Industry AU .of St. Thomas P.O. F. R. Taylor, Belmont, Corn Borer Inspector County Auditors: Duncan Leitch, West Lome; W. A. Galbraith, Iona Station Administration of Jus-tiC'e Aud'ltors: D. :C. 'Ross, County Judge; Mayor Johnson, St. 'l;'homas; !E. IF'ahner, /Port Sta.nley. PROCEEDINGS -OF THE- Elgin County Council FIRST SESSlON-FIThST DAY Tuesday, the 23rd day of January, 1934. The members elect of the- Oounty 'Coun,eil of ,the County of Elgin met this day at :the 'CiOUl'1t .House, St. Thomas, at 2 p.m. and took theIT seat~ at the iOounoil Board a.s follows: MUNICIPAL OLERKS AND TREASURERS Municipality Clerk Treasurer Aldborough ....Vera Oarpenter, Rodney ....W. 'So stalker, R.R.I, Rodney Dunwich ..."....., A. N. MdWilliam, Dutton... ........Murray McNeil, Dutton Southwold .... ......J. G, MelLe-nnan, Fing.al ...........D. A. Cattanach, 251h Balaclava Street, St. Thomas Yarmouth ........R. L. 'Lawton, St. Thomas. . ....Ralph L. !Marlatt, Union 'Malahid>e .. ....." ,Jehn M. Ha;le, Aylmer John M. Hale, Aylmer Bayham ,. ... ,Benj. Brian, ISt:r:affordville ..,....:Benj. Brian. Straffordville S. Dorchester ... M. 8. OharHou, R..iR. 1, Springtfield ... M. S. Oharlton Town :of Aylmer . ....................!D. :C. iDavis ....................... H. E, Armstrong Village of Springfield . ................John Hodgson ..................W. H. OatheTs Villa.geof Vienna . . .............. J, P. C.oombe -1. p, Coombe Village .of Port S'tanley ................W, A. Hawkins ................W. A. Hawkins Village .of Dutton ...J. D, Blue ......... ................... J, iD. !Blue VUlag'le .ofWe8't Lorue ......... J, 'S. Robertson .... .... Mrs. Tena McGreg.or Village of Rodney.............. .........'Cha.s. 'Mis,tele .............. ..Ghas, Mistele F. W. Schmelz, Reeve, Aldborough William Downie, Deputy Reeve, Aldborough Edward OLarke, Reeve, Dunwich John D. Thomson, Deputy Reeve, Dunwioh Daniel McGug.an" Reeve, Southwold Richard Kimble, Deputy Reeve, 'Southwold George Cross, Rieeve, Yarmouth William Locke, :Deputy 'Reeve, Yarmouth Gordon Newell, Reeve, Malahide Stanley Snelgrove, De.puty Reeve, :Mal,ahide William H. Bradfield, Reeve, Bayham Grant M. Mitchell, 'Deputy 'Reeve, IBayham H. G. Ta~~, Reeve, S. Dmchre~ E. S. Livermore, Reeve, Aylmer C, S. Bridgman, Deputy Reeve, Aylmer 4 E'LGIN COUN.TY ,COUNOIL Leo Connor, Reeve, Vienna Lisgar Kayle, Reeve, Spring~field Ezra Fahne~, Rieeve,. iPor:b ,Stanley Joseph H. Burk'e, Deputy--Reeve, Port iStanley Al',ohtbald MClCallum, Reeve, Dutton Axthur PeDherick, -Reeve, Wiest Lorne John :G. Gillies, Reeve, 'Rodney The election .of Warden was then proceeded with, and 1Mr. E. S. Livermore, Reeve of, Aylmer, having received a majority of the vow on the first banot,. was declared duly elected Warden for 1934. The 'Warden-ele.ct made 'the sta.tutory declaration of office, 'took the chair and thanked the Gouncil f.or 'the honor confe'lTcd. Mov€d 'by H, G. Taylor, Seconded by, L. Connor: That this, Council do now adjourn to 10 a,m. to,;,morr:owto allow the reews to meet'to strike standing commUtees: for 1934. ---..,Oarried. E. S. LlVERil\l.IORJE, Warden. \- \' 'l!lLO~N COUNTY OOIUN'QrL 5 FIRST SESSION-<SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 24th da.y of January, 1934. The Elgin County Ooun'Cil met this day in accordance with adjournment. All thememhers present. The War-oon address-ed the Council as follows: M-embers ,of the Elgin County OOUilCil, Gentlemen: May I again ibe .permitted to express to you my sincere~ratttude fG:"'the honor whic):l you yesterday hestowed upon me and upon ;the Town. 'Df Aylmer . With the sincere good wishes land the genuine co~ operation of all cf y;ou, I shall endeavor to make myself wOl'\thy .of my predecessors in office. Elgin County can look back upon ,the year- 1933 wtth some degree of pride. The IOounty iRate has 'been paid by :bhe municipalities of the CDunty with unusual promptness and our~neral financial. con- di.tion remains as excellent as usual. We have a comforta:ble margin of . .current ass'ets orver current liabiliti€lS, and while an increasing number of municipaJi-ties are in default, iElg.in continue.s in vhe happy position of having no indebtedness upon which she can default. There will be several impor-tant questions come befare you Jor solution probably at this .session. First in iinportanceis the Oounty's liability .far the. 100% maintenance Of Ooutllty pupils at City secondary schools. You will be called' upon to solve this in such a way as to continue -the very pleasant relations existing lbetween the County ,of Elgin and the C1~y -of St. Thomas, and at the same time protect the interests of the County. The Gouncil will also haiVeto determine whether the present policy. toward County roads is to continue, or whether an increased o lE\t.~GTIN ,COUNTY COUNOIL EILGIN COUNTY COU!NC[L 7 'budge:t will be necessary to protect OUT large investment 'in our, Oounty highways. The proceed'iugs -of the previous day, wer€ rea,.d' and confirmed. A new c-ommit,tee, the Children's Shelter Oommittee, has been added toO the list of standing committees .of the County Council. This committe'€! is reqtiir.ed by the OOl1stitution (J.f the Ohild:ren'.s Aid So;ciety, and is composed nf two members afthe Council ,and the Warden. The recent inves,tigation at 'Windsor, whaliBver the 'Outoome, has made the public realiz.e that a real duty is owing to the ward.s 'Of ''bhe Shelter, and the members .of this new committee should regard thet.r duties 'in a serlous oon&e. The following ,communicattons were read: From London Board of Education, re deputation.-..Referred to Educ'ati.on Oommittee. From G. F. RJog.e'rs; Depa:>:tment of Education, re resolution :for repeal of 1933 legislation.---ffireferred to Education Oommittee. The Oounty has been led -to realize within the last. bwelve months th8Jt they 'are vitally interested in -the finances of the secondary schools of :St. Thomas. I 8Ugg>BSt- that the Gouncil con.sidert:he a;d- visabilit,y .of appointing .twro able -citiZiens of the iOounty to represent the -County on -the Board of Education of St,. Thomas. Pr,om Ontario Townships Associ-ation, re membership and co-o.per- ation.-R€ferred t.o P>et.iUons and Legislation Committee. From Mayor ,of Chatham, re amendment 'to t:he' Natural Gas Con- serv'ati-on Act.-Ref-ened to Petitions ~and Legislation Committee. 'The question of -County Equalization for 1935 County iRate will haV'€ to he consid-ere<f. Last yeat ,the decision of the Council w~ disturbed by an appeal d-e:termined by an Equalization Court, appoint- ed 'by the 'Lic'l1-tenant-Governoa.- in CounciL ~he decision of the C'our-t d.oes not appear to' have been satisfactc.ry in muniC'ipalities whose proportionate shal'e of ,the animal Gounty Rate was increasoo, and I hope that as a re.suU 'n! yc.ur deluheratic-ns a. satlsfaobory basis .of equalization will lbe arriw"I' at. There-are two courses .open-you may appoint a committ.ee of 'the- Council to make :a report, or you may appoint valuators. A thorough discussi,on l\'f the question should be, held in order ;t,hat the aggrIeved municipalil;ies may have an oppor- tunity to pl'a'0e their position before you. Fr.omF. ,So Thomas, Agricultural Repr.3'sentative,re deputation. ----\Refened to Agricultural. Committee. Fr,om L. Caesar, Provincial Entomologist, re Corn Boreit'" Inspect- o!s.--Referred to Ag,ricultural Oommittee. LFrom Secretary, Associated Oounty Oouncils, re co-oper.ation.- Referred to Petitions and L,egislation Oommittee. From Minister o-f Highways, re 'Road Superintendents' Oonfer- ence and Ontario -Good Roads Association.---\.~feT1'ed .to County. Road Committee. Ra..iilway Crossitng Protection Railway orossing protectton, which was determined by ,the Board of Railway 'Commissi'oners last year, has been 'brought very f.orcIbly to our attention by the .lamentableacC'ide-nt at:Rodney, when fem bright young people lost ,thedr liVes. The application to the Railway Board 'Was for thereduCJtiono,f expense. I do .not think this should be a ,first consideration, and -would y,eques,t the Council to express an opinion in refer,ence, to the -situati.on in this Gounty. From I. D. Camer,on, Oounty Oourt Olp.rk, re V'ault accomm.o'~ dation.---Ref,erred to Gaol Committee. Ft-ol1\ Department of Highways, re additional expenditure on County Roads. Referred to Oounty Road Commi-ttee. !Fro-m Department -of. Game and Fishe;'ies, TIe County Council resolution.~eferred to P.etitions and Legislation Committe-e. 8 ELGiIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL ElLrnN COUiNTY aOUNC!lL 9 F.rom !Secretary, Ontario Good Roads Association, ire annual meeting,---lReferred to County Road Committee. From Association .of M.anagers of Homes for -the Aged and Infirm, re annual me'eting and appointment of delegates~---Rieferred to House of Industry iCommitt.ee. From Oounty Olerk of !Wellington, re definite and permanent date forabservance of Thanksgiving.---R.eferred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. Fr,om Oouuty Cunn'Cil of Wentworth, re amendents to school laws. ---<Referred to EdneaMon Committee. From Untversity of Western Ontario, re appointment of County representative on the Senate.-Referred ;to Education Committee. From Salvation Army Rescue Home, re grant.-Refexred to Fin.. anee Committee. From County Gouncilof Welland, requesting eo-operation in peti~ .tioning ;the Onta.rio Government ,for .construction of sidewalks on Provincial Highways.--Refer-red -to. :AgriculturflJ Committee. Fkom Hospital !for SickOhildren, Toronto, -re g'1rant.~erred ,to Finance Committee. From Ontario -School Trustees' and Ra.tepayers' Association, re County Oouncil' ,represe:ntati-on.-lRefe:m:ed. to Education -Committee. Frlom Board 'Of Railway ODmmissioners, .enelosing oopies of judg..... ments,re crossing protection at Rodney, West. LDrneand DuttDn, -Filed. From Secretary, Ontario. Agricultural Co-unen. re appointment of Elgin representa.tive.---<Referred to. Agricultural Commlttee. From Clerk of Middlesex County Oouncil, re co~operation request- ing removal of .tax .on sugar. Referred to Petitions and Legislation Oonunittee. From Bell Telephone Company, :as'king fur permissIon to rebuIld lines on Oounty roads III MaJahide and South Dorchester.-Referred to. .COunty Road Ocmmitt;ee. From Oounty Auditors, with report,--Refel'red to Finanoe Committee. From;OleTk of Middlesex, re attendance af CountiY pupils ,at Tech... nieal and ViDeational 'Schoo.ls,--->Refer,red to Education 'Committee. From J., A. TaylDr, Pu'bHc 'School Inspector, re plan far entrance examinations in District No. 2.----4Referredto Education -Committee. From Clerk..of Middleoox, 1'00 protection f.or fDunde:.tion of McIn- tosh Bridge.-Red:err-ed .to County Road Committee. From East Elgin Women's Institute, re g'rants.-Refel'J.'ed .to. Fin- ance OOOlmittee. .From secretary, Ontario. Municipal Association, re membership,- Referred to Finance Committee. From Peters, lVLorrisDn & Brown, Toronto, re applioation foOl' position as County Audttors..,..-Referred. to Finance Committee. iFrom Oounty CDuncil .of Essex, re amendment to. the Municipal and Local Improvement Aets........;.,Referred ,to Petitions and Legislation Committee. Mr. Taylor inquired re collection .of account paid for maintenance of McKillop. children in Shelter. From Canadian iNational Institute for .the Blind, re grant.-Re~ ferred to. Finance Committee, Mr. Newell inquired as to position of agitation for crossing pro_ tection in West Elgin. 10 a.rnN COUINIrY COUINOIL The repo~t.' of the <Commitbee to strike standing committees was preoon1ted and ref-erred to ,a committee of the whole, wlbh M'r. Petherick in the. chair'. Af.ter amending the report. the committee r.ooeand the report, ,as amended" was adopted. Moved 'by J. G. Gillies. Se(londed by A. Petherick.: 'That in view of the terrible tragedy that took place in the Village of ROdney,the Elgin Oounty CouncilpeUtion 'the Railway Boaxd !for a reconsideration of, their decision :regarding ~he removal of the pro- tective gate system at the -New York Oeutral and Pere !Marquette Railways. And would further ask fOT oontinuous F,€rvice at the said crossing-sat iRodney, West Lome and IDutt,on in order to prevent any further ;acctden:ts. and tha:t the Warden have pow~r to appoint a committee to confer on the matter, with power. -Carried. Moved by J. H. Burke, Seconded by G. Newell: That this Oouncil adjourn to meet at 2 p.m. The Oouncil :resumed. M"""d by ,E. Fahne<. seconded by J. H. Burke: That deputation from ,the Advisory Agricultural Council 'be now hea.rd. ---40arri.ep.. 'Messrs. :Noble, Carron and 'Luton then addressed the Oouncil, -In ElJGIN ICOUIN,TY aOUiN'C[L 11 reference to grant. The' Warden referred the matter -to Ithe AgrlcUI~ tural 'COmmittee. Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded byWm. Locke: That By-\L:aw No. 1202 to regulate speed and weight .of traffic an COunty bridges 'be received and read a first time. ~Oarried. Moved >by ,E., Clarke, seconded by J. ThOInson: That. By-'Law <Mo. 1202 be read a second time. -JCarrieJ.. Moved by S. Snelgrove, seconded by G. Newell: That !By-law No. J.202 he read a third time 'and finally pa.ssed. .....Oarrled. The County ISolicitor then addressed. theOOuncil' in reference to crossing protection, }X>sition of TU1sonburg -School matter, MctKillop children account, changes ,necessary .to enable proper agreement to' be entered into between the .county, Yarmouth and ,the St. Thomas Board of Education, which matter 'Was Teferred t.o ,the lEducaffiion Comniittee. Messrs. Carroll and, Miller, then addressed the Council in reference to continuing grant to the Wallacetown (Beef Show. The matter Was referred to the Agric1i.ltural Committee. 12 ELGIN GOUNTY COUN'CliL UKHN OOU'NTYGO,UNCiI!L 13 Moved, by O. Newell, FIRST SESSION-TmRD IlAY Seconded by J. G, Gillies: Thursday, the 25th da.y of January, 1934. Tha.t ',this Council make .applica.tion to the Dominion Railway Board 1101'. a further he~ring re removal of crossing g,ate.s ,at ROdney. West Lorneand Dutton. The Elgin -County' 'Council met ,this day at the OOur,t House, St. Thomas, in accordance, with adjournment. -Carried. The Warden in, the ohair. Movedb~ H. G. 'I1aylor, All the members present. Seconded by P. W. .schmelz: The proceedings 'Of the previousl da,ywere read and ,COIllfirmed. Tbat the treasurer of the County be requested to co-opera.te with this 'Conncil by sending, in ,full; all taxes ooUec{;ed by him every three months to the various municipalities. The County Treasurer's ;report was presented and referred to the Finance Committee. 'Mr. Bridgman ga;ve notice that he would apply for a grant of $85 'for repairs to Aylmer luck-up. -Ca.rried. Moved by H. G. Taylol', The first report of the Finance Comml,ttiee was presented and adopted on mo.tion of E. iFahner, seconded by Go Cross. Seconded by G. M. Mitchell: ResoluMons relating to tax sales, and the payment over of .arreaa-s of taxes collected quarterly, were referred by the Warden 'to' ,the Finanoo Committee. That Inspector 'Smith he requested to mee't the I!:ducation Com- mittee to-morrow a.t 9.45 a,m. . Moved by G. Cross, ---Oarried: Seconded /by W. H. Bradfield: Moved ,by G. Ol'oss, That this Council adjourn to meet at 3 p.m. Seconded by Wm. Looke: -Carried. That this Oouncil adjourn to meet Thursday at 10 a.m. The CbunciI resumed. -carried. E. S. LIVERMORE, waa:den. 'rhe report of the.. Oounty Road Committee wa:s Presented and adopted. on motion of E. Clarke, seconded by D. McGugan. 14 ELGIN OOUiN,TY COUNCilL ELGIN IOOUlNlI1Y COUNKJIL 15 The report of -the Agricultural Oommittee was presented and adopted .on mo.tion of F,_ W. Schmelz, seconded byG. Cross. Moved by C. -5. Br-idgman, Seconded by L. Connor; The -report of 'Oommitte€ on Petitions and Legislation I was pre- sented and - adopted .on motion -or A. MoCallum, s(?,condedby J. G. Gillies. "Dhat Mr. D. H. Oonnor be oo~appointed member of the Aylmer High School Board. Moved by J. D. Thomso1l1. -Carried; seconded by A. McCallum: Moved by L. Connor, That Ezra iFarner be appointed a - member of the Board of A,udit for Administration .of Justi~- accounts. seconded by O. '8. Bridgman: -Carried. . That Mr.. Ed. Scruton bere,.appointed member of the Vienna High S'chool Board. Moved by E, Olarke, -Carried, Seconded by F. W. ,Schmelz: Moved -by A. MdOallum, That the Warden ,and Clerk ,be authoriz€d to submit to the Minister rOf Highways of the Provinc€ of Ontario the petition of 'the Oor.poration of the C:ountyof Elgin, showing tha,t cturing ,the period 1st January, 1933, to 31st December, 193'3, there hp"S been expended upo.n ,the Oomity Highway system the sum 04'$08,297.75, arid request- ing the s..ta.tutory @rant on that amount, ,as provided by The Highway lmprovement Act. Seconded by E. Clarke: That Mr. R. K. Pante;r he re~appo1nted member .of the Dutton High School Boa.rd. -Carried -Carri€d Moved by E. Clarke, Moved by L. Koyle, Seconded <by J~ Thomson: seconded hy E. G. Taylor: ' Tha.t Mr. Alex. Anderson Ibe re-appointed member of :the St. Thomas <Suburban Area Commission foOr five years. That the Wal1den name a committee to arrange for a reunion picnio at "aendon," and that ex-memfb.ers of the County Oouncil, Cou~ty offWials and ,their families ;00 invited as guests of ,this, CouncH. -'Car:ried. -Carried The Warden appointed the following committees: I I !! 16 EIiOIiN--:COUNTY COUNOIL EJLGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 17 i TrO co-opera:te with the .county 'Solicttor in ,applicatIon for railway cross'ing gates :-JMessrs. GillIes, P.etherick and MeCa.Hum FIRST SES,sION-FOU&TH DAY '110 attend meeting of Associat€d ClountYCouncils:-Mr. Gordon New~ll. Friday, the 26th day of January. 1934. i ,I To take 'charge of County Picnic:......;Mes3rs. Downie, Burke and Cross. The Elgin COunty Oouncil met ,this day in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the-chair. Moved by E. Fahner, All the me-mbers present. Seconded by J. H. Burke: ~l}at_ we adjourn to meet-at 10 a.m. Friday. The - proceedings .of the 'Previous day _ were read ,and corufirmed. -Can:ied. The Douncil, having 'been eng,aged 'in committee work till aftor twelve o'dack, it was. E. S. LIVERMORE, Warden. Moved bY 'L. Kayle, Seconded by W. H. Bradfield: ~hat 'we now adjourn to meet at 2 o'clock. -Carried. The Council resumed. The report of the House of IndllSitry Committee 'was presented and adopted on motion of J. D, Thomson, seconded by. Wm. Downie. The report of the Gaol 'Committee was presented and adopted on motion of A. Petherick, &econded 'by J; G. Gillies. The repor,t of the Eduoa.tion Oommitt;ee was presented and adopted on motion of H, G. Taylor, seconded by L. Kayle. The secmid report ,of the Finance Committee WM presented and adopted .on motion Of E, Fahner, seconded by D. McGugan. 18 ~LGITNCOUN~Y COIU!NQ[L IillDIN COUINITY COUNOIL 19 The third :l'eport 'of .the.Finance- Gommit,tee'Qu Equalization was pl'esen:bed and referred to a Oommittee IOf the Whole with the Warden in the chair. After oonsiderahle dIscussion the 'report, as pre.sented, was adopted without amendment. Moved by J. Thomson,. seconded by A. Petherick: Moved by G. Newell, That By-Law No. 1204 to ap.pCJlint a Board of Audit .tu_theCounty of Elgin for the year 1934 'be received ,and read a first time. See'onded by H, G. Taylor: -Carried. That, :in the opinion of this -oounci1, fio cons,truction work should !be started .on Provincial Highways in Elgin County this year. M-ov,ed' by A. Petberick; S:econdedby J. '".Chomson: ---<Oarri€d. That By-Law No. 1204 be read a second time. Moved 'by Fl,W. Schmelz, -Oarried Seoonded by Wm. Downie: Moved. "by . J. Thomson, Tha:t By-Law No. 1203 to -appoint Advisory Agricultural Oaunen be received and read a first -time. Seoonded by- A. Petherick: -----Carried. That By-[ja;w No. 1-204 be read a third time and finally passed. 'Moved by F. W. ISohmelz, -----Carried. Seconded by Wm. Downie: Moved "by E. Clarke, That By--Law No. 1203 be I,ead a second time. Seconded by. A. McGal1um: -Carried. That By-Law No. 1205 ,toauthorioo the ;Wardnn and Treasurer rto borrow -the sum of 'Ilwo Hundred and F1fty Thousand Doll-ars .be received and read a first time. Mov.ed .by F. W. -Schmelz, Seconded byWm. - Downie: -Oarried. Tbat By-Law iNo. 1203 be read a third time and finally passed. Mov€<l by. E. Olarke, -Garrl.ed. Seconded. by A. MoGallum: 2a !E[JG[NCOu:NTY COrnlOIL ElLGIN GOU!N'I'Y COUNlYI~ 21 That By-Law No. 1205 be read a second time. Moved by D. MciGugan, -Carried. Seconded by R. Ktmble: Moved by E. 'OI_e, That By-Law No. 1207 to :authorize the W'ard€ll ,to sign agJ."ooment with the London Board iOf Education be receiv,ed a.lld read a first time. Seconded. hy A. IMiciCallum: -Carrie<<. That BY-ILaw No. 1205 :be -read a .third t.ime and finally passed. Moved by D. McGugan, -Oarried. Seconded by R. K'imble: Moved by J. G. GUUes, That By-Law No. 1207 be read a second tjme. Seoonded byR. Kimble: -Carried. That By-Law 1206 :00 :authorize the Wal:dell to signagroomeat with the St. Thomas Boardo! Education he receiv.ed and read a firs!; time. Moved by D. McGug~, Seconded by R. Kimble: -Carried. That By-Law No. 1207 he read ,9, third time and finaJly passed, Move,d by J. G. Gillies, -Carried. 6ecOillded by R. Kimble: Moved--hy L. Oonnor, Tha.t 'By-Law No. 1206 100 read a second time. Seconded by C. S. Bridgman: -Garried. That By-Law No. 1208 to appoint County Road ClOnllI1ittee be Moved hy J. G. Gillies, -received and' read a first time. -OaITled. seconded by R. K'imble: Moved by C. S. Bridgman, That By-Law No. 11206 be read a third time and finally passed. Seconded hy L. connor: -Carried. That By-LaJW No. 1208 be read a second -time. --GarrJed. 22 ELGlN COUNTY aOUNmL Moved by L. Connor, Seconded byW. H. Bradfield: That. By4aw No. 11208 be !'ead 'a third ~ime and. finally passed. -Carried. ' Moved by W. H.Bn1.dfield, Seconded by H.' G. TayJ..or: That By~La:w No. 1209 .to appoint a member to the St. Thomas Suburban Area 'Commission he recetved and read .a. first time. -Carried Mov,ed by G. 1M. Mitchell, Seconded by W. H. Bradfield: 'I That By~Law [No. 1209 be read a second time. ~ -Carried. Moved by W. H. Bradfield, Seconded Iby G. M, Mitchell: "llhat By-Law .No. m09. be read a third time ~nd finally pa.ss..sed. -Carried. Moved 'by H. G. Taylor, Seconded 'by G. M, Mitchell: That lBy-ILaw No. 1210 to "appoint a 'member of the6enate of the ELGIN COUNTY COUiNC!liL 23 Universi,ty of Western Ontario .be receLved and 1'.ead' a first time. -Carried. Moved .by L., ~oyle. seconded by H. G. Taylor: That By--tLaw No. '1210 be read a second,time. -Carried. Moved by L. I<:oyJe. 6ectmded by H. G. Taylor: That By-Law No. 1210 be read a 1>hixd Mme and finally pa.ssed. -Ca:rrled. Moved by Wm. Looke. seconded by L. KoyJe: That By-Law No. 1211 to appoint High School Trustees ,be received and read a first time. -<larrled. Moved by L. Koyle, Seconded by Wm. Locke: That By-Law No. 1.211 be read a' second time. -<larrled. 24 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL Moved byWim. Lo'eke, S,econded . by L. Koyle-: That /By-Law !No. 1'21,1 he Tead a third time and, finally pa.ssed. -Oarried. Moved by Qeo. '01"058, Seconded 'by 'Wm. Locke: That By-L.aw No. 12112"to appoint members of tpe cemetery Com- mission .be received and read a :first time, -Oarried. Moved' by' Goo. Cross, Seoonded . by Wm. Locke: That By~'Law No. 1;2.12 he read a sooond time. -Carried. Moyed, by . Wm. Locke, Seoonded by Ow. CTOSS: That By-[,a,w No 1212 be read a third time and ,finally passed. --'-'Oarried: Moved by G. Newell, Seconded by S. Snelgrove: . That By-Law No. 1213 .to -appoint Inspector under ,the CQrn Borer ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL , 25 Act be received and read a first time. ..........Oarried. Moved by J. iH. Burke, o Seconded by G, Newell: That By-Law No. 1213 100 read a Booond Ume. ---'Oarried. Moved IbyG. Newell, seconded by G. Oross: '0,'.-. That By-Law No. 1213 -ibe r,eada third time and- finally passed. \ ......Carried Moved by E. Fahner, Seconded by J. H. Burke: That By-Law No. 1214 to appOint an Old Ag,e Pensions Comm,is- sion 'be received and read' a first time. ----Qa.rded. Moved by J. H. Burke: seconded by E. lFaihner: That By-Law No. 1,214 be read a second ~i1ne. -Oarried. 26 ElLGIN COUNTY COUNOIL EfuGIN COUNTY COUNKJ[L' 27 Moved by J. tH. Burke, rolls of the County of Elgin if;or the year 1934 be received and :read a. first. time; Seconded 'by E. Fahner: ---Oarried. That By-;Law No. 12114 be read a third time and finally passed. Moved by H. G. Taylor, -Carried Seconded by G, M, Mitchell: Moved by C. S. Bridgman, That By-Law No. 1216 be read a second time. 'Seoond€d by L. CoOnnor: '-Oarried. That By~Law No. 12i15 -to regulate speed and weight of traffic .on Port'Stanl-ey Bridge be received and read a first time. Moved by D. [MoGugan, seconded by R. Kimble: -Carried. Moved by L. Gonno!', That By~'Lww No. 1216 be read a third .time ,and finally pa.sood. -Oarried. Seconded by O. S. Bridgman: That By-Law No. 1215 herea.d .a second time. Moved by G. Newell, Seconded by Goo, Or,oss: -=Carried. Moved by.,o. S. Bridgman, That the Advisory Committee of the Oounty lRioad C'om.mittee be .paid five 'dollars per day and mileage .at ten rents per mile, one way, said COmmittee to' oonsi&t oOf Messrs. Snelgrove, Gonnor 'aiIld TaylrOT. Seconded by iL. Connor: That By-Law No. 12'1'5 'be re,ad a ,third time and finally passed. -Carried, -Carried. :Moved by H. G. Taylor, Moved by '0, Newell, Seconded by G. Newell: Seconded by S. Snelgr,ove: That we grant the Elgin Trustees' land Ratepayers' ,Association. the sum of <Fifty Dollars for ,the year 1934. ThatBy~:Lww No. 121600 confirm the equalization 'Of assessment ........Carried. . 29 ElLGIN COUNTY COUNmL Moved byWm. LoC'ke, "seconded by Geo. Or.oss: That the Treasurer's Bond beappro'V'ed as satisfactory ,for 1934. -Oarried. The Warden appointed the following special deputa.ttons: To attend meeting ,of Good Roads Ass{)cia.tion: Messrs, Bradfield, Mitchell, 01'0&5, Locke, McGug,an. Clarke, Thomson, Downie, Connor. To .attend meeting .of IMunicipal Association: ,Messrs, Bridgman, ~ivermore, 'Snelgrove, Schmelz, Fa;hner, Petherick, 'McCallum. To attend meeting of Edu'cational Association: Messrs. Newell, Kayle. Taylor, KLmbl-a, Burke, Gillies" To attend meeting with the Bt. Thomas 'Board ,of Education: 'Messrs. Newell, <Cross, 'Taylor, MoGugan, 'Livermore, Fahuer. Moved. by E. Fahner, secOnded hy G. Newell: That this Oouncil do now ;adjoum to meet the second Tuesday in June. ...:.....Oarrif'd. 'EZRlA F1AHNER, Warden Pro Tem ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 29 SPECIAL SESSION Friday, the second day of March, 1934. The Elgin County Oouncil met this day jn special sesston at the of theWarden~ The Warden in .the chair. All, the members present. The Warden addressed the Ccuncila.s follows: the . Elgin County Oouncil, I have called you together oo..day to oonsider the ,ad,visability of a grant to a.ssis~ in an endeavor to eradica.te the "Wiaa1bJe' which is a inenace to the Uvest'ock industry in the O:ounty. It is only recently Ithat .the 1i&e h1.s:tory of this fly and means of it .have been. ascer:taind. It has long boon known as ~he fly, but its effect on the oonctttion of cattle, the milk yield, the ;and hides, is. now mQiWn to be :thecause .of a gre'at loss to the .of the Oounty. Many .of you who were present ,a.t the of the County Municipal Association, when the plans inaug.. u~~ted . by Ml'. Thomas, Agricultural. Representative, ['-Of des.truotion of: the fly -throughout the Oounty .weire expl>ained, expressed 'YQiUr M.animous approvaJ.' of wha.t was being 'done. gmntis requi.red to pUTcha.sethe destruotive powder and ar.. its distribution. The Local O1'ganiza.tions being formed in flection will provide for the application of . the powder. at. proper times. My suggestion is that any grant made be -toO the Agrioultural OouTI-cH,and that they be allowed pay for meetings, If necessary, to consid€ir 'andappr-ove of propoo,ed pls.ms expenses connected oherew.ith. Equalization ELGIN COiU'NTY COUlNOIL 31 30 ElIJG1N COUNTY COUNCIlL 1:.9 plans far eradication of the Warble . Fly. A;fter consider~ it was The notice calling the meeting dotes nOlt limit the 'busine~s that may he c.onsidered to-day. :Since :the January Hession appoo.ls have lbefen :received frOlU Aylmerr and Port Stanley against ,the Gou11lty equalimtion. Proceed- ings 0[[ this char,ac'ter, always expensive, do. not determine the basis of equalizati.on f,or more than one year. If V1alua.tors are appainted their repor,t., subject .toappeal, would stand for five years. The by- la:w pass,ed' in J'a.nua:ry could ;be repealed .and valuators appointed, j,f y.ou '&0 determine. of "rwo Thousand naHars be granted to the Cauncil to be expended in .plans,f-or the e1',a,dt~ Fly ,and ,to. approve .of same, and that the. Council ,to' hold two meetings wtth pay. for this purpose~. -Oarried. Entrance Examinations ':Dhe question of entrance examina:tion oontres in West Elgin will be hrought to y,our attention in a communication' from In.$lpec.tor 'I\ayl.or of West EIg.in. byJ. ~. Gillies: A c'ommittee appointed to confer with, the Entrance Boards wit~, no doubt, be ,albIe' to r,epor,t ln reference there'co. If additional.centres arB COnsidered advisable, East Elgin should not be overLooked. should be :three centres .foOr entrance examin~tions in Rodney, Dutton and Fingal. -Carried. Pensi'OllS Accounts The ISolicitor's .opinion in ref.erence t-o monies to' credit of pen- sioners, inmates of 'the House of Industry, is ,that balances remaining to ,credit lolf House of Indus,trry inmat€:s at dJea.th shall be tranS'rerred to persona..l representatives ,through executors .or admi.n.istr,arors, and that when amount is small, the 'County might' take a bond ,and pay out ,the money. There ~s no statuto.ry ,provision foOr' this course. be s~ enrtr'ance exa..mination centres in East 'E[gin, Port eta.nley", Yarmouth Heights, Vienna, Belmont The foOllowing .oommunica:tion was read: ~Oarried. From. J. A, Taylor, Sch.onl Inspectar, in reference . to . Enrtance Examination Centres-, by J. H. Burke: 'The Warden then called upon Mr. F. S. Thomas, Representative, and Dr. 1M. stevenson to add,ress: the Co'uncil this .'Council '.' giY- onreoord as. favoring ,a; jack~knlf.e ,bridge 32 EiLGIN OOUNTY <JOIUNO['L over Kettle Greek at.port Stanley Hapoor, ,the cost of same .to be assumed Iby the Dominion Government, and that letters 'be .sent to the Hem. Hugh A. stewar.t, Mi11i.sber of Pu:blic 'Works .and to Mr. Mitchell F. Hepburn, Federal member for this l'iding, mging .that, this bridge be included in Federal works to he under:ta!ken this spring. -Carried. MOVEd by H. O. Taylor, seconded by W. E. Looke: That By-Law No. 1017 to fix entrance examination centres be received and read a first time. -Carriej. Moved ,by D. McGug1an, seoonded by R. Kimble: That By-Law No. 1217 'be l"€.ad' a second time. -Carried. Moved by F. W.Schmelz, Seconded hy Wm~ :Downie: That By~iLaw No. 1217 'be read a -third time and finally ,passed: -Canied Moved by E. Fahuer, Seconded by J. H. Burke.: That we adjourn sine dte. -Carried. EZ'RlA tnAHNER, Warden Rro Tern, E[JGIN OOUNTY CQUNimL 33 SEOOND SESSION-FlltST DAY Tuesday, the 12th day of June, 1934 The ,Elgin OountyOouncil met this. day .f~tthe Court House, st. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. Owing to the temporary 'absence 'of the Wardell, :bhe members were called to~therby the Clerk, when Mr. Fanner,. reeve of Port Stanley, -was appoiilted 'chairman pro tern, The prDc;e.edings 'Df ,the last day ,of 'the January session, and of the Spedal ,session were read and conrfirmed. The following communications were read: From sympatl,1y. Mrs. C. S. !Bridgman, acknowledgmg expression of Fr-om Ti11scmburg High 'School, re adrnif:sion ,of County pupils. -1Ref'erred to Education Oommittee. From Municipality of Bouthwold, requesting the Oouncil ,to assume the F'uloton iBridge.---Rrefenedto County Ro,ad Oornmittee. Fmm County Oouncil orf Perth, re rural continuation sch-ool districts.---Referred to Education lQommittee. From Board ,o;f .Railw.ay Oommissionen.'tw.ith ,orders re crossing protection in West Elgin.---IReferredto Oounty Road OOilnmittee. From R. C. 'Mutr, Department of Highways, re account 1933 €xpenditures.---IRefe!l'ed -to County Road Gonu.nittee-. From OntarioSch-ool ''r.rustees' and Ratepa;:~lIers' Association, 1"€ convention.---'Referred :00 Educa,tion CommlH.ee. From Depaxtment .of Publio We~,fare, re e...ppointment of Mothers' Allowances Oommission.---<Referred to Finance COmmittee. . 3~ ELGIN iGOlJ'N7rY CQiUNC[L lllLGIN COUNTYCOUNOIL 3' . " From Oourrty 'GouncH of .Welland, resta.rling menace..........Re[erred to Agricultural Committee. From -SecT-etary Associateq. 00unty 'Councils, re annual meettng. -Filed. From County Council of Lincoln, re starling menaoe.--<Referred t{} Agricul'tur-alCommittee. FJ'iQ.lU -Ontario -Municipal Asoocia.tion, -reannual meeting.-Filed. From Gounty.council of Dufferin, re licensing pedlars.-Referl'ecl to Petitionsa.nd -Legislation Committee. From PaUoe IOfficer Town of 'm11l;onburg, re Frank Fleming, -Ref,erred ,to Finance -Committee. From C:ounty 01erk 'Of Middlesex, re by,~ law \regulating ,traffic on bridges.-Re,fer-red - 'to County Road Gommit'bee. 'From Department of Highways, re extension of WeHingJOOn St. in Yarmouth 'as Provincial Hig:hway.........,Referred to 'County Road Committee. ,From County Gouneil .of Welland" reTha.nksgiJving Da.y,.........Ref,erred to Petitions and I..regislation Committee, Flrom 10. _St. Clair Leitch, Oounty SOlicitor,re interpretation of s.tatute respecting county grant .to high and continuation schools.-- Referroo toO Education' Committ€c. Fmm Minis,tel' ,of PUblic Works, re Port Stanley Brictge..........Referred to County-Road 'Oommittee. 'Mr. Newell made ,inquiry in'reference to assumption of iProvincla.l Highway 'in Yarmouth, ,and ;Mr. Otoss repU€d. Flrom Q. St. Clair Leibch, County Solicitor, re County equalization. -.Referred to -Finance Oommititee. Mr. Taylor inquired re account for MoK111op ch'ildren, ,and was informed ,that the matter w,as being attended to by the Solicitor. From O. St. Clair Leitch, re Houses of Refuge Act.-lRe[erred to House .of Industry Committee. Moved by O. Newell, From W. A. Tanner, pupils' attendance at Committee. Secretary, London School Board, re OoUll~y London sc:hooLs.---4Referred to Education Seconded by 'S.'Snelgrove: That the name of .Dhades Br:ooks be placed_ on -the various com. mittees on which thellMlle -of Charles Bridgman appeared. .'i From 'W. 'B. Robeir.ts, Sparta, re examination centres.---ffi,eferred to Educ'ationCommtttee. -Carried. From County IOouncilof Perth, :re legislation,M to cost of milk.-.,-- Referred 'to Petitions .and . Legis1ation .:Comm'ittee. The Warden then entered tile OouncU ahambers, took the chair and presented hi.sadctres.s ,as follows: From Opunty Auditors, withreport.-'-Refen'ed :to Finance Committee. To 'the -Elgin County :Council: Gentlemen: From F. R. Barnum, Aylmer, a-e oa.rter.-R.eferred.w Legal COmmi,ttee. We are meeting to-day to oonsider mt\itters of the greatest . 36 ELGIN OaUNTY COiUNCtlL importance to the COunty. Since our last sesS'i,on nothing olf imme- diate int€rest has developed. Woe regret the loss -by death of Deputy Reeve Oha.]:loo S. Bridgman, of Aylmer, and welcome Mr. Brooks as a worthy successor. Owing ~o the dry weather,agricu1tul"al- oonditione in the Douney are not as promising' as I had hoped they ,vauId be. While \Vie aye daily expecting rain, it is doubtful if the Cl'OIpS will devel'op properly. House of Industry Wa.ter Supply An important matter for the Oounc'il to consider at :this session will be the waber supply at the House of Industry. A well 312 feet deep, put down in 1906, which has since provided an ,abundant supply of good water, f.ailed about the middel '01' May. That it was not the fault of the w.ell. 0.1' the pumping machine is evidenced hy the fact that a slig1htly d>eep,er 'well on an adjoining f,arm has also f,ailed, There is storage capacity for about three months' supply, but ov;ing to la.ck o-f rain there is very little water in the ,tan-ks, The Oommittee will, no. daubt, report fully foil' your oonS'idera.ti'on. Port stanley Bridge A few years ago, before the last l'Bpa'irs were made to. ,this ;bridge, the question of rebuilding it was a live subject foor discussion in thk Oouncil At ,that time an eff'o,rt was made to have the' Federal Gov,ernment take 'it ever, the iOonnty to. a,Ssist bya gl'antequal,tothe eost 'Of the new highway bridge. The Minister ,of Public Works, hoW- 08V1er, info:fimed a deputation presenting the matt.er at Ottawa, tha~ the Federal Government had nothing to d-o with highway bridges, and t,he matter dropped. Since y;our last meeting, ,the Mayor of London, aoting 'on 'behalf of the London & Port Stanely Railway Commi:.ssion, again hrought up '.the ques'tion of the necessity fol' a new lilt .or swing bridge. Several me'etings weTe held, by represent- ati'Vies of the cities of London and st. Thomas and .the -Oounty. A deput.ation watted upon the MiniS'ter '0[' Public Works, but did not secure much satisfactian. ! believe, hawever, that :the matter is under ,considerat,ion and that f:ur.ther representations will he'. made when it !<l:,GIN COUNTY OOlUNmL 37 is known how much themunicipalitie.s interested in a li:f:t .or swing bridge :at this point win contribute. ]I the hridge is constructed a laa-ge ex-pendiiturewill beneoMSary bef,ore. the . limited space a:bove the bridge would he available fior harbo-r purposes. A Oounty Highway Bridge at Port Stanl,ey, appr.ovoo 'by the Highways Department, WIn cost albout $37,000. New Legisilartion The Legislature has been :act:Lv'e as in former years in amending municipal laws. Most of the ,changes apply .only to local munici- palities. By-laws may now be passed by all urban municipalities regulating the size and strength of frame an~ wooden walls: and foundations of buildings to be erected, altered Dr repaired in defined areas. Municipalities" now have authocity :to regulate and control the location .of junk yards and second-nand shaps. An interesting ,amend.ment authorizes ,township and villages: to pass by-laws t.o license ha;wkexs and pedlars, and when passed, the county' hy':'law to the sameefi'ect will not be in [..01',00 in :the same municipality. The Assessment Act In The Assessment iAct.the definition of a ,telephone. company has been MIlended so :that a municipal oorporatiQlll is not included: Woodlands are exempt which. 'have Ibeen set apart. bytheownell'" with the abject .to footer the growth of ,trees' therein, which ,are not used for grazing liNe stock. !Farm lands .of not less than, ten ,ac:re.s in a town 'Or viUage, which are nMbenefited by the .construction of pave- ments, ,are entitled to claim exemption ,f.rom taxation1f;or such expenditures as well as for -other expenditures mentioned in 'Section 43: ISpecial. provision is made ~or ,the.more pr,ompt coHeotion of1;ncome taxes. and the penalty of ten per cent, added to aJ:rears o.f taxes Oil May 1st of each year: 'is no longer to he oompounded. Where a muni~ 38 EiLGIN GOU!NTY COUNCIiL iIill..QrIN GOUNrvY .COUNC[L' 39 Miscellaneous Amendments Board ;is ,authorized to :validate debentures, but before gIVIng a certl~ ficate the Board is required tlO maAre a thorough hlquiry as to the power sought' to be exercised, as to the necessity or! expediency of the undertaking, the financial .position vi' the municipality, and the burden of taxation upon the ratepayers. The Board may ,also direct ,that t11'" assent of the e1-ectors may he dispensed with, In such' case :the -Board must hold' a pubHe hearing to inquire into the merits of the question and .to hear any olbj'eot1ons which may '!be made. Wlhere- a muni~ cip;;tltty_ is ahout ,to default ,on payment of principal of debentures only, the Board, instead .of appoi1~ting a commitltee of 8upeI1visors, may appoint an inspector to have jurisdiotion and oontrol over ,too affairs of the municipality. If the municipality fails to meet any '9'f its other obligations the Board may ,appO'int supervisors and dispense with the inspector. A oommittee ,of supervisors hasoontr.ol, not only o.ver the affairs at a municipality, 'but also over those .of ;any local board with the municipality. c'ipality is having a tax sale, the council may .pass a by-law directing .thwt ,anly such lands are to. ,be included in the wan'ant ,for the sale as belong to. any classification mentioned in the by-law. For example, the hy-1ruwmay provide :that only vacant lands be sold. An important amendment pr,ovides that tax sales" are not to be invalidated due to. the f.aDure of the municipality or its officers to levy by distress taxes which are ;a Hen on the land. 'Where the Government has contributed towards the :building of a community' hall or es:tablishment of an athletic field, the property is not to be saId or disposed of' within ten years without the consent of ,the Minister of Agriculture. A drain may now tbeconstructed under The Ditches and Water- courses Act at a cost 'Of $2,500, instead .of $1,500, as .formerly. A .reduction of.,.township grants .towards rteacl1ers' salaries is to be C10ntinmed for 1935. Or,ants are to be 75% of the amounts made under Seotion. 109 of The IPublic.schools' Act The r.ate for maintenanCJe of indigent patients in a can'Via:lesoent hospital is no,t t~ ex.oe'€d 90 cents per d.a.y. High school examination oentres established by the county . council are :tobe wttached ,by an inspectar to one of ,the high s{::hool centres within the Cuunty. No. applicatton_ f,ocra loan -under The Tile Drainage Act is ,to be g,l"anted by the council until the Treasurer .of Ontario has approved of -the pUl'chas'e' of d€lbentm8 to be issu€d. The Unemployment Relief Act now provides that work may he undert8Jkenibeyond the limits ,of the municipality. Pr'Ovision is also nw.de [or the recov'ery hy a municipality uf the money spent un relief .of persons who have removed to such municipality. An important ,change in present Qil';ganizatioll is su~sted in amendments to The Public Health Act, to permit the ,f'Ormation of health units. Inste,ad - ,o!f having ;a ,Board 01' Health ,for each munici- pality, several municipalities' C may enter .into an agreement !for the estalblishment ofa health unit under one board and one' M>ed'ical Officer 'Of Health. Oounty oouncils aTe ,aut):lori.zed to :pMS a Iby~law establishing the whole county, asa health unit, eXJpenses of 'the untt to. be appo-rti.ond as may be agre,ed ,.on. Under The Weed Control Act a county council may pMS :by-laws declaring plants othel' than those mentinned in ,the regulations ,to be noxious weeds within the county, by-l'aw to 00 aJpproved by the Minister of Agxiculture. A law relating to ,the 'inspect!on of dairies,cheese factariel5, creameries ,and slaugh,tel' houses, e'tc., has been l'e-enacted to widen the scope af control over such premises for the protection ofheatth. The. ,powers of the iMunicipal Boftlrd ha'Ve been extended to authorize inquiries into any or all the affairs of a municipality at any time rfor ,the pm'Vase of avoiding default by any munioipality. The Municipal oounC'ils are authorized by The Seed Gr,adn SUbsidy Act 40 ELGm COUNTY COUNOIL ELG1N lJOtmTY OOUINCITL 41 to pass' -by~laws to guarantee payment by farmers of debts contracted in ,the purchase of seed grain. SECOND S,ESS'ION-S'EOOND DAY Hospital Accounts Wednesda.y, 'the 13th day of June, 1934 During the 'past year the 'cootaf maintenance of indigent patients in hospitals has reached the large sum of over -$18,000, neM'ly half of which will Ibe passed' at this session. This may 'be accounted for by the fact -that many people who, under ordinary cn:cumstances a~ able to 'pay their doctor bills and other expenses, now find that ,the~r are unwble to do so, and have to enter a hospital when they require medical attention. The Elgin County Council met .this day in accordanoo with adjournment. The Warden in the chair. All the members present. It :is not expected that in view of 'a number of uneXlpOOted a;old necessary items of ex'penditure thaJt the County rate will ,be reduced as much 'as V(e had anticipated. 'JIhe proceedings of the previous day were a-ead a.nd confirmed. The County Treasurer's financial statement and estimates' were 'presented and referred to the Finance Committee. Moved by Goo. IQrOSS, '~'i Seconded by Wm. Woke: The Finance COmmittee presented its first :r:eport, which . was adopted op. motion .of E. F1ahn.er, seconded by H. G. Taylar. That this 'Oouncil ad;journ to, moot .on Wednesday ,at 10 a.m. Moved by F. W. 'BOOmelz, -Carried. Seconded by A. Petherlok: E. S. LIVERMORE, Warden. That ,a deputation from Ald'barough be heard this af.OOrnoon. -Oarried, Moved by J. lit Burlre, Seconded by G, Newell: That a copy .of the Pr.ovin.cial Highway repor.t for 1933 on the cost of maintenanoeand oon.struction .be furnished each reeve. -Oarried, 42 JDLGlNGOUNTY GOUNOIL ElliGlIN COUiN'DYCOiUNOIL 43 rot~ved by E. Fahner. Moved by G. Gross, ;Seoonded by G. Newell: \0- -/ seoonded by G. Newell: ThatlOounty Constables receive _$3.75 per da.y for their -a,ttendance atC'Ourt. Tha.t ',theWa.rden appoinrt ,aoommittee with power -to ,ac,t regarding request froom West Lorne 'for oo-operatiOill in (t'egard8 to designating certain- r:oads as Provincial Highways. -Carried. -CfI,Tried.. Moved by E. 'Fahner, Moved by A; Pe'the-rick, seconded iby J. H. Burke: seconded by R. Kimble: -Carried That ,the County Council ~ecommend ,to Ithe Attorney-Gener,aI's Department that- Clifford- Anderson and J'ohn C. iOarnegle be 8uitalbly rewarded for ,the parts.they rend€1'€d i:n the capture .of Flrank Ma,c.. Temple. '~';" That we adrjourn to meet at 2.30 p,m. -Oarrien. Thll OouDJcil resumed. Moved by E. Fahuer. The report of the Gool Committee was presented and ,adopted on motion of A. Petherick, seconded ,by J. G, Gillies, 5econdedhy G. Newell: Moved by G. Newell, TbQJtMr. Thomas, Ag;ricultural ,Representat,ve, do now address the Oouncil, Seconded by E. Fabner: -Canied. That By...J!..iQlw iNo. 12118, to fix pay of C01liStabl~ for :9..,ttendance at the -Assi2leSOT Sessions, be received;and read- a first rtime. ,Mr. ThOltna.s then addressed !the ,Oouncil, explaining what had been done for the, er,adication of ,the Warble F-ly:, and the expenditrn.'e of the Oounty Grant. -Carried. Moved byE. Fahner, A -deplitationfl'lOm the ''l1own.shtp of' Aldborough "then addresser! theOOUncil, re:questingcn-operation 'in urging -theoon&tructionof Provincial Highwiay [Tom W-est Lome nQr.th to W-oodga-een' on No. 2 Hillhway. Seconded by G. Newell: ThQJt; By-Law No. HUB be' read a second time, ...:-C,arrlcd. <14 ,ELGIN COUNIIlY COIUNOIL Moved by G, Newell, Seconded by ,E~ :Fahner: Thwt iBy-ILaw No, 1218 be read a third timle and fllUlll1y pMsed, -Ca.-rlod. ' Moved by G. Cross, ,Seoonded by G. Newell: That this Council adjourn to meet 'Iihursday Rit 10 a..m. -C.....ied. E. S. I,IVERMORE. W...den. l ELGIN COUN,TY COlmCIUL 45 SEOOND SESSION-THIIID D~Y Thursda.y, the 14tih day of June, 1934. The Elgin County Council met ;this day 81t the Oourt Hou.se, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Waxden in the chair. All the members present. The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. Moved. byGeo, Cross, Seoondedby H. G,--,Taylor: That Mr. Arnold, District Weed Inspector for Lamlbton, Essex, Kent and Elgin counties, be now heard. ?--OarrIed. 'MT. Arnold then addressed -the Counre'H in ooferenceto necessity for the el1adication of the sow~,thistle and dodder, The report of the House of IndusWy Oommittee ,was presenood and_referred to Oommi'ttee of Ithe Whole .with 'Mr. Newell in the .ohair. Afiteramending the repotlt, ~t was 'adopted las .amended, on motion Of G.Newell, seconded .by G. Mitchell. Moved by Goo. Cross, Seconded by G. Newell: That .this Council visit the House of Industry a.t - L30 p.m. ---Carried,. ~6 ElJ(HiN COUNTY COUNC[L Mloved by E. Fahner, Seconded by G. Newell: That By.../Law No. 1218 be amended to make oonstables' pay $3.00 for each day's attendance at ,the Assizes or sessions, also at COunty Judge's Criminal Court. '-Oarrled Moved by F. W. 8ch~elZ, seconded by A. Petherick: 'Jlhat .the Elgin County Council request the Pere 'Marquette Rail. way to instal wig-wag signals on Oounty Road. No. 2, eas-tof West Lorne; on CouIlJty 'Road No.4, west of Rodney, and on the Town- line between Elgin and Kent. That a copy of ',this resolution :be for- warded toG. W. Trout, Manageg;r of ,the Signal Department, Detroit. Mioh. ---Carried. Moved by H. G. Taylor. seconded by W. H. Bradfield: That this Coune'il reoommendl1;!hat ,the Assessment Act, Section 43, be amended by providing that, in police vH1ages, ta.rm lands -of over -ten acres be entitled to exemption from public improvements, That this recommendation 'be taken up at :the ne~t Municipal Asso- ciation meeting at Toronto. ......Oanied. Moved !by Goo. rOmss, 8eoonded by Wm. Locke: ELGIN COUNTY COUiNCIL .47 That this Council ~adjourn to meet at 3 p.m. -CalTif~d The Council resumed. Mr; Roberts, .of the Gordon Roberts '00" Ltd., Brantford, then addressed . the Oouncil in ,,"eferenoe to the water supply at the Houso of Industry, and ofie.':ed to submit estimates :Dot .the in~ormation of ,the Committee. The report o:f the Agricultul"al Committee was presented and adopted on motion of F. W. Schmelz, seconded by D. McGugan. The report of the County Roaid 'Committee was ,presented and referred to Oommi'btee ot' the Whole, with Mr. Cross 'in the chair. A'fter considering"the repor.t clause by clause .it was adopted ,wtthout amendment on motion ofG. Gross, seconded by D. MClGug-an. Moved by E; Fahner, seconded by J. Burke: That Mr. Veitch, Oity iEngineer of London, be now heard1ie swing bridge for Port Srlial)ley. f I I I I .......carried Mr. Vetoh, accompanied-hy Alderman McGowan, then addressed the Counoil. in 'l'efer,ence to use of ,a used 'bridg1e !from W€Il1and Canal at Port Stanley. Moved by -Eo Fahner, Seconded by G. Ne,weU: That IBy~'Law No. 1;2119', to fix pa.y of c-oustables for attendance at 48 ELGIN COUNIT'Y COUlNlJrr.. the.AlssiZleS, Sessions end County Judge's Crimina.l Ooul!t, :00. received and read a !first ,time. .......carried. Moved hy G. Newell, Seconded by E. Fahner: That By-La.w No. 12119 be read a second tLme. ----fOarried. Moved by E. Fanner, seconded by G. Newell; That By~Law No. 12119 be read a third ,time and finally passed. -Qarrled. Moved .by ,so Snelg,rove, seconded !by Goo. Cross: That this Council adjourn ;to meet Friday at 10 a.m. -'-Carried. IE. S. LIVERMORE, Warden. ,ElDCHN GQOOTY COUNOIL 49 SECOND .sESS.ION-FOURTH DAY Friday, the 15th day of .June, 1934 The Elgin Oounty Council met this day iIi. accordance with adjournment. The Warden .in the ohair. All the members present. The pr,oC€edings of the previOUS day were read and colllfirmed. The presentment of ;the Grand Jury was read and .referred to the House 'of Industry and Gaol Committees, ryIoved by J. D. ThQwson, Seoonded by Edward ClM"k-e : Tha.t the delega.tion f,rom Dunwich be allow€d ,to address th€ CounciL -'Carried Messrs. IMoAlpine and Ma.cViooT ,then addT€ssed ,th€ COUI).tCll, reN questing g,rant 'fnr Wa.lla.cetowh hol's€ show purposes. Moved by F. W. iSc.hmelz, Seconded by Wm. Downie: 'I1hat requests ,for grants ;toa.ssist in horse exhtbits at Rodney and WallacetOwn Fairs be referred to the Advisory Agricultural Board. .....Carried. 'l1he report of the Petitions and Legislation Committee was pre_ ,,;-, >it, 50' EL'Q[N;- COUNTY- GOUNCiL ELGIN a01J1NTY COU~WmL 51. sented, and adoptied, on- motion -of A, MCi0al1um)se~onded byJ. D. Thomson. estimat.es as to the cost of replacing ~the present' bridge ,at P:or:L Stanley with a swing bridge now over the Wel1and Ganal at s-t. Catharines, and report at the November Session. of ;this Oounci!. 'llhe' ,Spectal Committee appointed to confer with ,the St. Thomas Board ,of Eduoa,tion, p!Ie.Sell,ted its report,. wh10h was adopted o.ll !tn:otion of G. Newell, seconded by G. Cross. --"Carried. The 'report of .the Education Committee was ,presented and ;adopted on motion of H. G. Taylor, seconded by L. KoyJ.e. The Warden appointed Messrs. Tay!or and CLarke. Moved' by W. H. Bradfield, The report .of the Oounty Picnic .oommtttee was presented and adopted on motion. of G. rOross, seconded by Wm. Downie. Seconded. by G. M. Mitchell: The Warden appointed ~MessTs. O1'oss, McGug,an and Olarke ,to be a special committee to c'Ouside,r mattern pertaining to- application for Pl1Ovinc.i-al Highway north of West Lbi'ne, That:. this, Council grant Port BU1'<well' the sum of $125 ,for the pu,pose .of: Tedecoratihg and repair:ing .the Police Hall. Moved by G. Or,elSs, -'Oarried. Seconded hy .W. Locke: The third' .report ,of ,the Finance Oommtttee was presented and adopted ,on motion .of ,E. Fahner, seconded by G. Cross. ThaJ\; we adjourn to moot at 2 p.m. -Carried. Moved- by E. Fahner, The Oouncn. resumed. seconded :by J. H. Burke: The S€cond report:. of:' the: Finance Commttkoo_ was; preoonted' and reterred .to 'Committee of .the Whole, with Mr. Fahner in .t:he chair. After oonsidering the report, clauS€ by clause;. it was. ,amended and adopted, That By-Law No. 1220, to appoint officiaLs. of the, House of. Indus'" try and Refuge- be received, and read a firrst time. ----carried. The report of ;the Legal Commibtee was presented and adopted on motion, 'of J. G" Gillies, seconded hy R. KimbLe. Moved by S. Snelg,rove, Moved by J. H. Burke, seconded, by Geo. Cross: seconded' hy E. Fahner: That By,-Law, No.' 1220 Ijje. readr a S€cond: time. That ,a,. special oommittoo. be appointed. by the, WM'den :to, obtain -OM'rled. 52 EiLGIN COUNTY COUNC[L ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 53 Moved by Goo. Cro.s.s, Moved by A. Petherlok; seconded by Wm. Locke: Seconded-. by J. D. Thomson: That By-Law No. 1220 be read a third time and finally passed. 'Dhat By-ff.1aw No. 1222, to €Xlrend .time for tax sale" be a-eceived " and read a first time. -carried. -CM'ried Moved by J. D. Thomson, NLov-edby- J. D. Thomson, seconded by E. Clarke: Seconded by A. Petherick: 'I1ha.t -By-Law No. '1221, to dcfirie the duties _ of the Standing Com- mittee o.f Management. Inspootor,Keeper, Matron and Physician, -for the superintendence, oare and management orf the House of Industry and Rerfuge orf ,the County of ELgin, and to ,prescribe rules and reg:ulations for. the government-thereof, be received am.d read ,a first time. That By-La.w No. 1.222 be read a second time. -OMrled. Moved by A.Petherick, ..."....Carried. Seconded by J. D. 'JIhomson: The Oounc'il went into Committee of the Whole to consider By- Law No. 1221, iMr.Taylor in the chair. After going aver the by-Io,v,: clause by clause. it. was adopted without amendment. That By-:-Law No. 1222 be read a. third time arid finally passed. ....:..:.;Oarried. Mov,ed by E. Olarke, Moved by G. Newell, seconded byJ. D. Thomson: Seconded byS. . Snelgtove: 'llha.t By~La.w No. 1221 be ,read a second time. ---<Ga:rried; That- By-Law No. -1223, .to authori~ the Wauden .to sign agiroo~ mentwith the_ St. Thomas Board of Eduoation for mamtenance .of County pupils, be received- and read a first ,time. ,Moved by J. D. 'Thomson, Seconded by E. Clarke: ---<Oarried. Th3lt By-Law No. 12m be read a third. tiJrne.. ,and finally pa.sS-L-'d. Moved. by, g. Snelg1rove, " ---<Carried. f?oooTI4e9., by G. Newell: 54 EILGINCOUNTY 'CO~mG1IlL ElJGIN OOUINIl1Y COrcJ1N'C!IlL 55 'Dhat By-Law No. 122,3 he read a second time. Moved .by E. F1ahner, --0aa'rie<l. seconded by J,Burke: Moved by G. Newell, 'Dhi'ilt ',we,adIj.oul'n to meet the 4th Monday of November, -1934, ,at 2 p.m.. Sieconded. byO. Snelgrove: '"'"'"'"1carrlcd. That By-Law No, 1223 be read a thiEd time 'and finally passed. E. S.LlVERMORE, Warden. -Oarried, Moved "by, W. H. Bradfield, .seconded by .ohas. Brooks: '...x That By-Law No. ffi24, to raise amounts for Oounty' RaVes dru.l"Jng the year 1934, be received and read a first time. -Caa:ried. Moved by L. Oonnor. Seconded by W. H. Bradfield: Tbat By-\La:w No. 1224 be read a second time. --'Dairtied. .Moved by W. H. Bradfield, . 'seconded by Chas. A. Brooks: >that By-;Lruw No. 1224 be read a "hird time and finally pa.ssed. -'Carried. '_orr 56 . ELGINCQiUNTY COUN'C!lL THIRD SESSION-FIRST DAY Monday, the 26th day of November~ 1934 Th.e ,Elgin _ <county CoUncil met 'this day at the CoUl'It Rouse; st. Thomas, 'in accordance with :ad'j-ournment. The Warden in ,the chair. All -the members. present. The. Warden addressed ,the Council as follows: To the Elgin 'County Council, Gentlemen: In opening the closing session of - :this year I have to say that since ,our 1a&t meeting .there has been no important IOounrty business brought .to my attention. A Pr-ovincillil .election resulted in a ,complete change, ,and the subsequent forma;Uo'll 6f a municipal de.pal~tment will, I hope, result in _ mor,e attention being paid to- legislation in the interests of muni- cipal gOViernment. Old Age Pensions It has' 'been armouncedthr-ough .the - - press that the radminist.rlartion o.f Old Age PensLons will be centralized, ,to a greater extent than at pr.esent by Ithe ,abolition of the County 'Commissions. A number of municipalities appear .to be, objecting to this 'change. No, communi- cations have heen received in reference to the matter, and uniJ.e.<;s s,ome member .of the 'Council introduces the question I would suggest that noaCition be taken .until we have more complete iruformation in reference 'tOo ,the intentions of the Government. Relief The iOounty Roads 'OOmmittJe:e has been co~opeoo.ting' t(} some ELGIN CQ,UNTYCOUNC[L ,'I -e~tent with the P;rovin~ial authoo:i,ti'es in works :providing relief for unemployment The ;r,elie'f'que-s-tic:n is still an importa.nt one, and aLthough economic conditions 'are impr,oving slowly, the ,comIng winter wHI, no d-oubt, 1Jax Ithe resources o.f many municipalities, e.speci,ally urban centres, Municipalities in Elgin havebe'ell most fiortunate sa tar as reliet expenditures ,are concerned. Thereis,oow€Jv€'r, - a - growing increase in -- hospital and Children's Aid -Society accounts. Those ,pres-ented fiOir consideration at ;this &ess~cn will,am.Dunt to .ahDut $10,000. I had expeclied .that present ,conditions _ would result in more _ committals to the House of Re-fuge, bu,t the number {)If inmates has not mcrea.s-ed. This is no doubt due ItO Old A:ge PensiolIlSand .the' payment 'by the Pmvince of a -latgJep.ercentage ,nf lI'elie:f costs. St. Thomas Board of 'Educa.tion The 'agreement nec€>Ss'al'Y to 'Pro'Vide ~'or 'the maintenance of. Count'y pupllsa..ttending the st, 'Dhomas Collegiate In.slti!tube and Vocational School has not -been comple:lied. The -particuLar question is the percentage ,of costs ;to he -paid !by the Oounty,and whHe! .th!s has been ,agreed upon, 'the signing {)if' :the ag.r-eemellJ.'t is ,being held up, owing to :the desire of the St. Thomas Bo-a'rd ,to - have 'Other matOO1"\S included therein, whioh, it is doubtful, if .the Oounty isaut;horim-d under the _Act .to ,consider. I am pleased D:) lea.rn that the iDounty Roa.ds Committee:' has come .to a deci:.si'on in the- Pnrt ,stanLey Bridgel question, oV.er 'Wlhi-t::h it has heen 'a.scer:bained the F'ederal authorities :baV'e no control. Some neg1obatioT.ls we-re~',entJered into with 'a view ,t<o finding out the extent to which ather municipalities would ',be intel'ested, if the O(}unty decided Ito .proc-eed with the ereotiollof a swing or lift hrtdge. N!o offers in this regard were ,received, and repairs are now being pro- ceeded wi,th. The Police IOOUr.t system of .the Province has under:gone ,a ~,adical eha.nge,and afiter some weeks' experience as one ,af ,the magistrates I believe that the extension of the territory to be served by eaoh :magis- trate will workout satis,f;actm('Jly. 58 'E[GIN COUNTY. COUN1OIL There are .a number of matters which I may properly bring _' to. your a-ttention, :aJlthougrh possibly they are of interrest -to' ,the 1935 Oouncil, rather rthan of immediate interest to you during the pre-senu session. The Roads Oommittee ought ,to oonsider seriously whether the road estimates have recently ibeen decreased 000 much. There is a growing feeling among some 'who are well qualified to express an opinion that during the past two y-learl'3 not t'ufThciel1Jt has 1J!een expended on the maintenance ,of Oounty'Roads. The Oounty has a larige investment in iOoUI1lty tRoads which are unsurpassed in quality irithe Province and ,the Oommibtee should consider whether this investment is heing impaired by r,ec-ent ecsmomies in maintenance. As Y(Ju will observe, ,the <Donnell Chamber haS been redeOoTated and through the kindne.'3s of the 'County _'Olerk, Mr. McKay, a number of ,pictures 'nf Oounty Go-uncUs 'o!f past y.eaTS ado,rn the walls. The jail oomm~ttee might oonsidera systematic. rem-ovation of :the Court Hous.e by laying out an annual program ,of repairs in order that the upke.ep .of the Gour,t House may be kept spread over a rperLod of y,e,ars and not be oppressive in anyone year. The -coot of jury .tt.ials to the Oountycontinues high. - All muni. cipalities llJter'e.s<ted in -I.owex administration of justice 'costs might well join -earnestly in the mo:vement to abolish jury trials' in all civil actLons. The rapid increase in 'public ward and indigent patients in .our hospitals, both .of ,thB laity 'Of 1St Thomas and in adjoining muni- ci;paUties, ,ought to ca.use some concern to those ill oharge O'f mUnicipal affairs. :".pr the present rate ,of increase continues, some new method of financing the mainwnance .of ,these patients will have to be devised. The burden has become almost too onerous in the case of some 0[ t.he less fmtuna;te Tur,al municipalities, and ,aC ,the same time ,an uiljust burden is placed upon those urban municipalities which provide hos- .pita.! facilities, owing to ,the faot ;tha;t ,they ha;ve to provide an:r deficit that may lbe incur,red in the care of indig.ent ,and public ward 'patients.'I1his matter should -engag.e ,the attention of those who are in-teres,ted. in pr:oper hospitalization f.aci:liities. EwrIN .CQUNTrY COUNCIOC.c 59 ~he prooeedings of last day qf previous session were read and confirmed. The f,ol1()IWing communications were read; F1rom Dounty Judge with reportonequaliro.tion :a;ppeal.-Referred to Finance Committee. FWJ'ffi ,D. L. Emu, IM.D.. with medical report on House of Indust:ry.-Referroo ,to the House of Industry Oommittee. From 'County -Douncil ,o.f Ha.!dimand, re condition of dairy industry.----Referred .to. A~ricultural Oommittee. From 'County Council of Ontari'o, asking the Cn-unci! ;to consider resolution tie taxa.tion of chain stores.--Referred 'to Petitions and Legislation Committee. Fr:cmOntari'O AgricuLturaJ. Council, requestingga-,ant.----IWferred :t.o Agricultur,al Committee. From District Road Engineer, re .by~law to provide foroverdl'af,t in County Road appropriaWm.-Referred to County Road Commi:btee. 'From I. D. Cameron with presentment of the Grand Jury.---'Re- ferred 100 Gaol Committee. From Inspector., !House -of Industry, with report.---.JRef'er<red to_ Home 'Of Industry Committee. F1"Om secretary Old Age Pensions Oommission, with report.-- Refer.red to ,Finance OQlUlmittee. Fr-om County Clerk with. repo1'lt ,on licenses.----iReferred .to Financf' Qommittee. Fr-om -County Tl'\easurer, with report.-Referroo ,to Finance Com- mittee. 60 ELon; COUINIrY COUNCIL IEILOiIN COUNTY COUNCilL 61 .From 'County 'Oorn Borer Inspector, with repOlrt.---JReferred to Agricultur,al Oommiltlt€e. lrillRD SESSION-S'EClOND Dc4.V From County iOlerk of Per:th, .fe hospitals.----lRieferred :to Finance Dommittee. Tuesday, the 27th da:y of No:rember, 1934. Mr;'Ta;y;lor inquir,ed re account for maintenance of MoKillop ohildren, ;and re June resolution [or change in taxation of :f'al1Irui in police villag>es. The Elgin Gounty Gauncil me.t this day at the C:our:t Hous.e in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the ,chair. Moved by E. Fahner, All, the members present. seco~nded by J. Burke: The' proceedings of !the previous day were read and confirmed. -Carried. Acommunicmtion froOm the Oounty lOouncU otf Lincoln, in refer- ence to .opposing ,the proposed Change in ,the administration of the Old Age :Pensions Act, was referred ,to the Finance Oommittee, That we adjourn ,t.o meet Tuesday, [November 27th, aIt 10 a,m. K S. LIVERMORE, Warden. The .report .of the ,S;peCial Oommitte ,appointed to designaite. pro.. vincial highway :north of WestLOi'ne was presented and rofen'€ri to Oommilttee of the Whole with 'M,y. !H.G. ~aylor in the chair. After considering the reporlt the oommibtee rose and ,report. was adopted on motion or! H. G. Taylor, S€conded by G. Mitchell. Moved by G: Newell, Seconded ;by J. G. Gillies: That the Honorable ,the Minister of Highw:ays 'be ,requested to designate as Provincial Highways 'the roads conneoting with Highway Number 3' from Rodney to New Glasgow, West iLorneto EagJe, Dut/ton to W.a.Ilacetown, Lyons and ISpringfield' ,to Aylmer. -Carried. Moved by G, Oross, seconded by E. C!larke: That, we,the 'County OouncilofElgin, wish to memorialize the . 62 \ELGIN COUNTY COiUNOIIL OntM'io IGoviernment, asking ,thaot pressure be brought :00 bear on the Bankers' A.s.socia!tion wh.ereby aU municipalities may it',eceive cheaper inter€st rates on our current' expenditures, and that a copy of thi~ ,resolution be sent to ,a:ther lOounty Oouncils asking them to co~operate. -Carried. Moved by J, H. Burke, Seconded by E. Fahner: That we adjourn to m€€ta~ 2 p.m. -:.ca~rle;:l. The Council resumed. A deputation, consisMng of ,Messrs. LumLey, Silcox and ,McCallum, and other !'3!tepaY'ers fromSouthwoldand Dunwich, ,made application f'or granc towards. rep>airs .00 old cemetery at Iona. This was referred to the Finance' 'Oommittee. Mess-rs. IMcLean and Garside, ,of the Township 0[ Yarmouth, made application ,to the Gouncil in Te.fer~moe to financing .the abtend- ance ,of pupils at ,the tOol1egiaote Institute who have ,attended for up- wards of six yeM'lS. The 'W1arden I'eferredthe m,attel.' to the Edu.. cation Oommirttee. The first report of the Fmail10e Oommit~ was presented and adopted on moti:on of E. Fahner, seconded by G. CrOSs. The report of the Agrioultural 'Oommtttee was presented a.nd adopted an motion of 'F. W. ISchmelz, seconded by E. CI'arke. Moved by A. MdOaHum, Seconded by A. Pe:therick: 'That Mr. !$mith, SChool Inspector, be .a.sked :to moot the,Educa.- ELGIN COUNTY COUNC!l:L 63 tion COmmittee ,at 9.30 on Wednesday morning. --Carl'ied. MOVied by H. q. -Tayloi', Seoondedby E. Clarke: That this Council-- reoom.mends that the, Highway-- Improvement, Act be amended so 'that it will not he compulsory for Oounty Counni]s to :appointan 'Engineer as -Oounty Road Superintendent and :that a copy of this resolution be sent !DO the Prime !Minister, Department of <Highways and all iCounty Councils. -Carried. Moved by F. W. SC?~elz, second-ed by A; F€ltherick: That owing to the dangerous condi,tion of the ,three railwA.Y crossings in Adlhorough, where bh.roe :heavily travel:1ed roads 01'085 the Michigan Oentral rRailway and the Pere Marquette Ra.i.lway, and the Michigan -Dentr,aj ;Railway have wig-wag-sand -the Pere Mai-quet"~(1 Railway ha\re none, .that .this lOanncil petition the Domlnion. Railway Boal1d to ask the P€-r.e ,M'arquette 'Railway to h'3IVe wig-wags placed at ,the crossings half a mile ea.st .of West Lome, and two and a. quartei' miles west of 'Rodney, and on t;he townline between EJgin Mid Kent Counties. -Oa.rriea. Moved by L. KDyle, Seoond€d 'by G. New-ell: Tha,t tlhis Council ,grant $100 for necessary repairs ,and: equipment to the Springfield lock~up. -Carried. 6<l ElLGIN COUNTY COUNOI,L Moved by Goo, Cross, Seconded by Wm. Locke: Th9lt we adjourn to meet at 10 a.m. on Wednesday. R S. LIVERMORE, Warden. -,-'Oarried. BLGIN aoUN~ 'CO'UNC[L 65 TIDRD SESSION-THIRD DAY 'Wednesday, the 28th day of November, 1934. The Elgin ICounty Gouncil met this day at the Oourt House in accordance with adjournment. The. Warden tn the 'chair. All the members present ,except Mr. Petherick. The prooeedingsof the previous day were read and oonfumed. The repOTt of the .Petitions ,and Legislati,on ,Committee was pre;. rented and actoptedon motion. of A. McOallum,sooonded Iby J. G. Gillies. T'.ne report of the -, Educaltion Oommlttee was ,presented and ,adopte.d on motion of H. G. Taylor, seconded by (L. Koyle. Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by L. Kayle: That we adjourn to meet at 2 p.m. ----Carried. The lOanncU resumed. The. report of the OouIlJty :Ro'ad Committee was presented and ,refel'lred Ita Gommtttee of -the Whole with Mr. Gross in the chair. After considering the report clause by clause it was adopted without amendment on motion of G. 'Ol'OSS, seconded by D. McGugMl'. Moved' by G. Cross, Seconded by W. Locke: 66 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOI;[j That Mr, Leitch, County SOlicitor, he now..heard. -Oarried. The 100unty Solic~tor ,then addressed t,he Council in reference to Hi~h 'Scho,o1s Act and agreement wtth St. Thomas. The report. ,of the House -of InduSi~llY OOOlmi,ttee was presented and 'adopted .on mot.~on of J. D. Thomoon, seconded by Wm. Downie. The report of the Gaol Committee was. presented and adopted on motion of J. G. Gillies, seoonded by C. A. Brooks. The report of ,the 'Special !Education Committee was presented and adopted o.n motion of G.Newell, seconded by G. Gross. Moved by G. 'Newell, Seconded by E. F1ahner: That. we adjourn until 10 a.m. Thursday morning. ---Carried. E. S. LI'VE'RMORE, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 67 THfRJ) SESSION-FOURTH nAY Thursday, the 29th day of November. 1934, 'Dhe Elgin County Council met this day in. accordance with' 'adjournment. The Ward:en in ,the chair. All the m€mbers present. The proceedings 'of the previous day wer€ re-ad. and oonfirmed. Mr. Fwhner made inquiries in reference- to procedure in COl1nec~ tion . with the Port Stanley Bridge. Mr, Burke also ni-kde inquiri€s in refere-nce to same bridge, Moved by E. Fahner, Seconded- by G. Newell: That Fred, A. Bell, County Engineer, be requested to appear before the Oounc'il at 1.30 :p.m. -Oarried. Moved -by G, Cross, Seconded by Wm.. 'Downie: That inasmuch ,as We are of .the opinion that in many cast-\') indigent patients are permitted tore-main in hoopitals longer than actually required,. we recommend to the Ministe:l." of Health that slteps be taken to prevent 'a' continua-tion of this practice, ~Carried, 68 ELGIN COUNTY COUNC[L Moved by J. H. Burke. Seoonded by E. Fa.~ner: That we adjourn to meet at 1.30 .p.m. ~C.arried. TIw Council resumed. Oounty Engineer Bell then appeared .before the Council to answer questLons in. reference to ,the estima.OOs for the Port IStanley Bridg'~. There was considerable discussion in 'I'eference to resolution pwssed . by the-Road. Committee. Moved by ,E. Fahner, Seconded by J. H. Burke: That Road Committee motion of oc'tober '5th, 1934;reg.arding approval of .plans for stationary bridge at Port .stanley, be carried -~ut. In amendment: iMoved by G. Dross, Seconded by G. Newell: ~hat the matter of the Port Stanley Bridge be laid 'Over until 1935. Amendment carried~ Main motion lost. The second report of ,the Finance Commi,tree was presented and adopted on m.otion of E. Fahner, seconded by G. Cr-oss. EllJGIN .COUNTY OOiONOIIl 69 Moved by G. Groos, seconded by W.Locke: That Mr. L. B. Birdsall be given the usual grant of $-25.00. -(larxled. ~-OVed by ,E. Fahner, Seconded by G. Newell: Th~t the Warden be given \he usual grant of $100.00. -(larxled. Moved by E. Fahn,~.f' seconded by G. Newell: That this OOunoil adjourn sine die. ~Carrled. K. W. _Y, County Olerk. 7Q Schmelz C13.>rke Sohmelz Kimble ElliGIN GOUN!I'Y OO~OilL REI>OR/J'S OF ,COMMITTEES Standing 'Committees 1934 OOUNTY ROAD ",..,;" Edward Clarke, Chai:rman McGuga.n Clross AGRIOlJL'I1URiAL F. W. Schmelz, Chairman Mc'Gug,an Cross Bradfield Newell .....,. GAOL A. iPetheric:k, Chairman (Bridgman) Brooks anues BlOUSE ,OF ,INDUSTRY J. D. ~homson, Ohairman Downie Mitchell FI1NlAllWE Clarke Bradfield Ezra Fahner, Ohairman Newell iOross Kc-yle Taylor C'onnor -MdOallum Petherick Gillies ElDUOAmlJON H.G. Ta~~.Ohawman' Locke Koyle IMltchelI McCallum (IBrIdgman) IBrooks Burke Gillies Bradfield Taylor MoGugan ,Oonnor Schmelz Downie EDGIN OOUINIl'Y OOUN1G!IiL PEJ'I)I'I1LON!S ,MID lJEGillSLATION A. !McOallum, IOhairman Thomson Kimble IMitchell Kayle Burke Snelgrove Petherick LEGAIL J. G. Gillies, Ohairman Newell ~Btrad[leld Fahner GBlIJIJDRElN1S AID Locke Livermore McCaJlum '",; 71 Loclc.e Pethel'ick I~ 'L I II Iii " n II: i~i 111 ~f 1':,1 ill Ii 72 E[D[N COUNTY COU'NOllL COUNTY TRIMJSUR>ER'S OOPORTS January SesSiw To the Warden and Gentlemen of the County Council: 'I' ,beg to submit the following report: ReceiptS cash an' hand Administr'ation .of Justice Bills paYalble Interest County Rate Registry Olllce PubHc ;Schools House .of Industry Ar:rears .of Taxes County ROads Miscellaneous E;xpenditures Administration 'Of Justice Bills Pay,able Interest Publk Schools House .of Industry Registry Olllce 23,753.48 13,654.15 J 00,000.00 805.55 198,138.00 823,40 15,863.97 3,782.81 28,003.53 15,189.31 8j680.54 ...$ 19,688.25 120,000.00 3,934.66 35116821 7,313.80 429.74 $407,694.74 ELGIN aOUlNTY 'COUiNOfL County Lines High ISchools Arrears .of Taxes Members' 'Wages Officers' ISalaries Printing and Stationery Oare of Buildings Water, Light, Heat Oounty Roads Miscellaneous Balance '''',' Bank Balance Cash in .office 29,131.87 505.72 Oheques out $ 29,637.59 4,564.38 $ 25,073.aJ Assets County Rate Cash au hand Provincial Treasurer, re CQunty Roads. Suburban Area A.dmmistra:tion of Justice Re Registry Olllce 'Provincial Treasurer, re Corn Borer Hospital Accounts 25.03 45,013.59 27,464.37 3,408.57 4,680.00 817.80 1,990.48 2,420.71 58;197.70 42,066.62 3,441.00 25,073.21 27,500.00 700.00 3,'500.00 569.70 376.45 1,548.71 73 $382;621.53 25,073.31 $407,69474 1$ 62,709.07 '14' iElLGIN OOUN'l'Y COUNOlL Liabilities Interest Unpaid Accounts 1'6 roads Bills Payable" Public, Schools High ISchoolS Adminis,tration of Justice House -of Industry ArreM's of" ~axes Unpaid .A:coounts Old":AJge-:Pensions M,oithers' Allowance House' of Industry, O~d Age Pensi.ons.., Pr<wiriciai Hi~hway Women's Institute Balance AsBets over Li'abilities 85.00 1,900.00 10,000.00 8.000.00 25,000.00 3;000.00 800.00' 784.92 1,000.00 3,000.00 1,710.00 1,410.00 4,247.29. 310.00 $ 61,247.21 1,461.86 $ 62,709.07 It will be necessfl.,fY: to pa.ss a money by-lam ",autb,9riziitlg_ ,the Warden and the Tr~a:.surer to borrow $250,00000 meet cUrrent expense~ of 1934. B. B, G.RlAHAM, County Treasurer. June Session To the Warden and Council .of Elgin County: Gentlemen: ' I beg" 'leave to submit the foll.owing statement ;of -:a.ooeiPf.s '-'and Expenditures' up to May 3'lst, and ,also estimates '.fiQr ,hie cmeri:t :year', Receipts. C~h on hand 25,073.21 Administra.tion of Justice Bills Payable Interest County Rate. Public SChools House of _Industry Arrears of, Taxes County Roads Miscellaneous Administrati.on of Justice :sHi" Payable Interes.t PUblic SchOOLs House 6f Industry ,Registry Office Hig-h SChools Arrears .of Taxes Members' - Wages Ofiicens' :Salaries Printing and Sta.tionery Care ,of Buildings Water, Light, Heat Cownty Roads Miscellaneous iElLGIN" COUINTY COUNCIL Expenditures Bal,ance 75 1,&12.28 40,000.00 119..~~ . 3,MLOO . 369.50 1,06.4,80 9,W8,~2 2,~~~ ,3~ ~ 4,5<11.711 $ 87,65~.9~ 6,634.39 10,000.00 213.72 6,669.42 3,406.30 129.13 11,81M1 4,494.87 1,416.30 1,290.00 276.04 1,555.02 130.43 15,319.05 16,817.36 , $ 80,170.24 7,482.70 $ 87,052.~4 ELGIN COUNTY COIONCIL 77 iE[;GIN COUNII'Y COUNCIL 76 Bills Payable Interest Oounty Ra.te Public Schools House of Industry l\rrea:rs of. Taxes County Roads Miscellaneous 100,000.00 144.54 3,441.00 402.50 2,543.84 16,263.46 33,019.24 8;933.90 Estima.tes 9,000.00 '5,000.00 41\,000.110 14,000.00 4,000.00 4nOO.OO 4,000.00 1,500.00 4,000.00 11,076.00 12,000.00 30,000.00 18,000.00 Administra.tion of Justice, House of' Industry High Schools Public Schools Members' 'Wages Officers' salaries Intere.s.t Registry Office Oourt COmmission Provincial Highway Old Age Pensions Oounty ,Roads Miscellaneous $200,178.53 Expenditures Administration of Justice Bills Payable Interest Public Schools House of Industry Registry -Office High Schools Arrears of Taxes Members' wages Officers' ISalaries Brinting and Stationery Care of - Buildings, Water, Light, Heat County Roads Miscellaneous ...................... ................... ..,....$16,020.23 10,000.00 231.54 7,435.67 8,771,45 513.89 19,392.64 15,523.04 2,846.70 3;630.00 718.03 2,920.64 1,997.68 51,682.54 55,254.96 $162,276.00 It will he necessary, to defer the Tax ,Bale reranother year on account of the .incomple'te returns :from the local municipalities. All of. which. is ,respectfully submitted. B. B. GRAHAM, .county Treasurer. November Session To the Warden and County council: Gentlemen: $196,938.96 3,23957 Balance I 'beg leave to submit the following statement of Receipts and Expenditures to October 31s;t, and Estimates for the balance of the ,year. $200,178.53 Receipts .....$ 25,073.m 10,3'56.84 Cash on hand .Administration of Justice 78 ElLGIN. COUiNTY COUNCIl'L ESTIMATES FOR BALANOE OF YEAR .. Receipts County Rate Governmen'tAid, Oounty Roads AdminiStraUon of Justice Bills Payable lute,rest Administration of Justice Public Sc;hools High ISchools House-oflndustry Arrears -of Taxes Members' ,Wages officers' ISalaries Old' Age Pensions.. Mothers' Allowances Care of Buildings County Roads Miscellaneous SurplUS Expenditures .$159,444.00 30,000.00 3,oOO.UO $192,944.00 ......$100,000.00 3,500.00 3,000.00 12,500.00 45,000.00 1,300.00 2,140.00 800.00 1,170.00 3,000.00 1,350.00 400.UO 8,000.00 9,000.00 $191,160.00 1,784.00 $192,944.00 All of which is respectfully submitted. B. B. GRAHAM, County Treasurer. :mUGIN COUNTY COUNlCIl'L 79 FINANCE CQMMITTEE _PORTS First Report-JauUM'y "Session To the Elg.in COtmty Council: Gentlemen: The Finance Oommittee presents its first repor,t as follows : 1. That - in reply to request from Women's Tnstitutes the grants for 1934" be ,umited to $25 ,to' the East and West Elgin Br,anches. 2. That n.o ac,tion be takeniln reference to r-equest !fIl'OIU the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, .for grant. '~,. 3. That the Canadian National InS'titute for the Blind. receive a gram of $190.00. 4. That membership fee in the Ontario Mtmiclpal Association be paid, amount $25.00. 5. That no 'aotion' be ,taken 'in reference ,to -communication f,rom Peters, Morrison & Brown, Toronto, re iCounty audi-t. 6. That the SalvaUon Army Rescue Home, iLD'.l1don, ,be g;ranted $350.00. 7. That matters pertaining '00 account of Mrs. Perry, a 'pensione~', who died in the House' of Industry, be referred ,to ,the County - Solicitor. 8. That noaCition .be taken with reference to 'amount in Mrs. Hall's 'account, ,as her unpaid hospital -bill is lal'g,er than the balance. 9. That Claude WilHams, a patient ,ftit,;theQueen Ale:mndra Sanatorium, be requested ,-to sign power of a.tborney. so thEtit ,the furni.,; 80 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL ture in hils house may -be sold and the. house rented for ,the benefit .of his account, Public Lta:bility policy 'in the !Jondon & Accident Company be renewed, 10. '])h~t the shire 'GuarMlitee .premium -$549,25. 11. That' ,the following a.coounts be paid: RainbOW & Son, for Registry Office... .....$ Rainbow & ISOn, 'f'or 'County Ole-rk..-, K. W. MoKay, postage Children's Aid SOciety" maintenance... Munoipal World, !for Registry Office.... Municipal World, [or Tr,easurer alUd Clerk... D. Muru:o, Under,taker. .Shedden, far burial of 'Mrs. Peer Aylmer Express, printing Victoria Industrial' ,School Treasurer .of Ontar1o, conveyance .of lunatics Treasurer of Ontario, convey.ance of .criminals All of which is respectfully submitted, E:ml.A F1AHNiER, Ohairman. and Lance. '" amount .of 6.35 6.00 14.00 516.00 5.04 52.35 45.00 12.72 91:50 7.92 56,32 E[J(HN COUNTY OOUNmL 81 Second Report-January Sess.i~il '. To -the ,Elgin Oounty CoOuncil: Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports: 1. That the Auditors' ,Report be, received and pr'inted,and that a -classified statement of road expenditures' be- substituted ,for the pay lists. as, in audit of 1932. 2.-That by-law be pas.sedto authorize the Warden and Treasurer to borrow the- sum' -of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. 3. That the ~qllowing be appointed members of ,the Old ..\ge Penslons commissi';n-: C. O.Luton ............... S. I).oo-ohes-ter C. D. Coyle ............... ....... Bayham W. H. Mills .. ....... ..,..........Yarmouth Dugald Blue- ....... ..................Dunwlch W. S. Stalker ...................Aldborough 4; Thata' by-law -JJe -Passed ,re-appointing the Oemetery Coinnl.is~ sloners, Messrs. John Leitch and J. P. Ooombe, w.i:th instruotioOn.:! -that there, is to, be no activity 'of .the Commissioners this y-ear. 5. ~hat no 'action be- taken. in refe-rence _to account for main~ tenahce of Kerry' Coutts at the iH05pUa;1 -for ,Siok, Ohilcken, Tor-ont{!. 6. T-hattheTown .of Aylmer :be gu'anted -the sum of -$85.00 for repairs .to lock-up: . 7. That a grmt of $50.00 be made-to t~e- Elgin Law Library. 8. That the following hospitalaooounts be paid' 82 ElLG1N COUNTY COUNOIL Memorial Hospital, st. Thomas: !Maintenance Grant, 160 days @ Victoria Hospital, London Parkwood Hospit~..l; London Queen Alexandra Sanatorium Soldiers' Memorial Hospital: -Maintenance :Grant, 1,62 days @ Ontario nospital. 'Woodstoc'k 268.50 112.00 222.25 274.50 992.00 289.50 113.40 45,50 9. That as requested by the ,superintendent of the Queen Alex- andra Sanatorium, we approve of the expenditure of $14.50 lor dentures for A. J. Coates, Southwold, -to be charged with .one-half. 10. 'Dhat ,account for 'Otto Scihliehauf, passed at ,the November Session, b~ charged to the Township of A1dborough. 11. That account from W. E. "VI/ardell, for .transferring patient to the ISanatorium, ,be pa~d, amount $7 .00. 12. That the Gcmnty Solicitor beiustructed towritJe George Simpson, of Aylmer, 'in reference to payment of account f.or hospital maintenanooof Philip Dietrich. 13. That . the following be the library ,grants :fiar 1934: Rodney Wes,t Lorne Dutton port Stanley Aylmer Wards'ville Vienna Springfield Belmolllit ISpa.r:ta Bayham IShedden ....A50.00 50.00 50.00 '50.00 50.00 '" 25.00 50.00 50.00 25.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 IELGIN OOUNTY COUiN"IQ['L B3 14. That the i'ollowing A~icu1tural SOcieties equivalent to ,ohe Government Grant for 1934: be granted an Aldiborough Aylmer Shedden Dorchester West 'Elgin Yarmouth 15. . That the f.ollowing HorticuLtural SOcieties be granted 25 per ,cent. of the Government (tl',ant for 1934: AyMner Dutton ISpringUield Rodney Belmont. . ............l2% per ,cent. All of which is respectfully submitted. EZRiA FARNER, Ohall'man St. Thomas, Ontario, 26th January, 1934. 84 EDGIN COU1NTY COUNOIL Third ,Report--January Session Tobhe Elgin Oounty COuncil: Gentlemen: 'I1he 'Finance Gommilttee reports: That they have. discussed matters pertaining to th-eEqualization of Assessments 'Of the Gountyof Elgin, and ha.ve to r,econunend that the present - basis' of' equalization', as determined: by the 'Court in 1933 be adopted for ,the year 1935. All of which is respectfully submitted. EZR~ liiArHNER, Chairman, ,St. Thomas, OntariO', 26th January, 1934. Maintenance ........... ............................. .......".....$1639.81 Grant, 957 days @ .70.... 669.90 ,$ 2'309.71 9.12.75 736.50 1:~'5 23,50 29.75 24.50 3193.00 'ELGIN COUNTY COIUNmL First Report-June Session To the Elgin .county Council: Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports: 1. That the following hospital accounts be paid: Memoria:l Hospital, St. Thomas: Victoria Hospital, London Parkwood'.- Hospital, London 'JIornnto General HospLtal Ontari.o Hospttal, Woodstock St.. Joseph's Hospital, Chatham Brautf,ord General Hospital Queen Alexandra Sanatorium SOldiers' Memorial iHospita:l: Maintenance Grant, 280 days @ .70... 475.00 196.00 Walter Wardell, conveyance to 'Voictoria Hospital... K.W. McKay, ccmveyan.ce 'Of Mrs. Ooutts. 85 671.1>0 7.00 3.110 That the v.arious munic~palities be ch,al'ged wi,th one~ha1{ of hospital 'accounts. 2. That the following general accounts be paid: Ohi~dren's Aid 'SOciety, maintenance COunty Olerk, f,or. postage Old Gardens, wreath ......... . ..............$ 1506.55 13.00 15.0n 86 ElliGiLN . COUNTY 'OOUNmL Boys' Training School, BOWlUMlv1l1e, maintenance of Cecil Johns Victoria Industrial' Schnol, maintenance.. Provincial 'secretary, conveyance :to Refonnatory:. Mercury-Sun. printing proceedings and cards.. Ontario School Trustees' and Ratepayers' Association; membership 'f.ees Children's Aid Society, Simcoe, re Isabel Mack.-.. D. Munro, undertaker, Shedden, burial of Chas. Brandow. Old Age Pensione,r G. Ross Shaw, undertaker, burial of Robt. A:nger, Old Age Pens-Loner AU of which is respectfully submitted. 4.50 226.50 29.9~ 279.00 EZRA FAHNER. eh.alrman. st. Thomas, Ontario, 13th June, 1934, E[JGIN OOUNTY COUN01L 8'[: Second Report-June Session County Rates, County of Elgin '1:\0 the Warden and Gouncil of the .county of EJ,gin: 6.00 49.2'i Gentlemen: 50.GO The Gomml:ttee on Finance begs leave to repOTt that, having inquired into 'the finances .of the County" and estimates .plle,pa.red b;y .the Oounty Treasurer, they herewi.th submit a statement of the expendittu'e required for the lawful purposes .;)f the -County during 1934, ,showing the amount requi'red to" be rais€ct foOr the unde]'~ mentioned purposes. 50.00 Adopted June 15th, 1934. Adminis,tl'lati;o!1l ,nf JUiStioe House of Industry High Schools Public Behnols Officers' Salaries Members' Wages Court House COmm.i&sion Interest Miscellaneous County Roads Provincial Highway Old Age Pensions Registry Office .........$ 9,000 5,000 45,000 14;oo~ 4,700 4,000 4,000 4.000 '5,168 30,000 11,076 12,000 1,500 $159,444 Your Committee would recommend that the sum of One Hundred and Fif:ty;.nine Thousand, Flour Hundred :~nd Forty~Four Dollars to be raised on all the ratea.ble property in ,the seve.ral Munidpalit;ies of the COunty of Elgin during the year 1934 for <Oonnty Pw:pOISe.s, and that a ra:te of 5%. mills on the dollM' be levied on il'wooab1e property in thelS€vera1 Municipalities 'in ,the County to raise ~ald amounts. All of which is respectfully submitted. EZR/A :F'AHNiER, ChaIrman. 88 -EiUGIN COUNTY COilJlNlC[L Third Report-June Session To .the Elgin Oounty Council: Gentlemeal. : The !<'inMloo Committee reports: 1. That the following accounts be paid: Municipal World, printing and stationery f,or Treasurer Municipal World, supplies for County Clerk.. Municipal World, :for" Registrar Bram. Saywell, ty.pewriter for -County Court 'C}erk's office Wendell Holmes, Limibed, for Treasurer K, W,McKay, 10 visits to House of Industry.. Town of Aylmer, 'expense .of ,conveyance to House of Industry Township of Yar.mouth, exwrnination and cr>nveyance of V. EImer to Ontario Hospital 2. That the Auditors' Report be adopted 3. That a by-law be pasiSed deferring tax sale for one year. All of which is rel:ipectfully submitted. Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas ............ ........,.....................$, 1818.75 Grant, 1,059 days @ .70.. 741.30 (In ,addition, an account for .$29.75. -is being held aver for further consideration,) Queen Alexandra iSanatorium Soldiers' Memorial Hoo:pital GTant, 556 days @ (In addftion, acQOunt.s:for 1$36.75 are being held over for fur.ther, consideraltion.) Victoria Hospital, London Parkwood Hospital, 'London ~orOll'to General Hospital St. -Joseph's. Hospital, London Ohildren's Aid Society; St. Thomas, mainreuanoo and and, grant. ELGIN COUNTY COUNC[i; First Report-Novembp.r Session To the Elgin Couruty Oanne'il: Gentlemen: The Finance Oommittee reports: 1. 'That hospital accounts' have been passed as follows: 28.59 26:87 73.81 129.50 '1.25 20.00 1.40 17.00 . AU' of Which is respectfully subm-itted. 89 2728.60 886.75 389.20 222.20 994,50 29.75 24.50 2698.00 EZRA ,PAJi'NlER, ChaIrman.. EZRA F'AHNER, Chairman. June 15th, 1934. 90' ELGIN - COUNrr"Y COUNC!HJ S(X.lond JWp,ort;.-.-June Session To the Elgin County OounCII: Gentlemen: The Finance committee reports: 1. That in reference ,to resolution - from the County of Ll11C'Oll1, opposing the proposed change in - the administration -of the Old Age Pensions Act, we recommend that the Preserl,t system of -administering the' Act be continued, provided that members of Oouncils .M'€' not appotntedmembers .of: the commission, and ~l1at the Minister of Public 'Welfare and other County COuncils be requested to co-'opel'att.. in ',:referenoe thereto, 2; That in reference to oommunication from - the Oounty Council of Perth" we recommend that admission to a hospital should be subject to the .appro<val ,of ,the Medical Officer of Hea.lth of the muni- cipality, -the same as is .now the case .in municipalities adjoining the muniCipality in whioh the hospital iIS .situated. That a ,copy of this resolution be -forwarded :to' ,the Minister 'Of Health. and that other Oounty Oouncils be requested to co-operate. 3. That in reference to aocount from ~St. Joseph's Hospital, Sudbury, we reoomnumd payment of the ,account, provided that the Government regulat10ns in regard to reformaitories do not make the Province liable there.f,or. 4. That the report of the County Judge on Equalimtion of Assessment Riolls ,be recei:ved .and printed. 5. That n.o action be taken in reference to application re mai:n~ tenanee of Old lona Cemetery. 6. ~hat the f:ollowing ,accounts be paid: Rainbow & Son, stationery -for :Registry Office..... ........$ 1.40 RainbOW & Son, stationery .for <County Olerk.... 6.40 EDGIN OOUNTY CClIlmCIL D. Munro, .'Shedden,burial of 'Fannie Mt>.'3secar, a pensi'oner D. Munro, Shedden, buri,a,l.of Lottie Ross, a .pensioner W. MenniU, for framing and re1l:tti.Jng COUllt.y piotures Sc{)tt's Studio, photo of [jol'd Elgin W. E. Wardell, oonv-eyingJ, ISoott,'1 lunatic, 00 Ontar1o Hospital Dr. D. Smith, certificate re J. IScott... Dr. John -Curtis, cert-ificate re J. Scott.. K. W. 'McKay, 'County postag'e... 'MercurY-Sun, printiillg -forms.. Offioo Specialty 00" cabinet f'Or Poloice Magistrate's records Victoria Industrial ,School; ma.inOOnanoe vi wards.. Munic-ipal World; books and stationery for Registry 'Office. Municipal World, printing 31nd S'ta;tione;ry for Oounty Clerk .......... Municipal '~~World) printing 'and stationerr- for Oounty Treasurer C. St. Clair Lettch, County Solicitor, serrvices, one year to date AU of which is respectfully submitted. 91 50,00 50,00 32,50 1.50 8,15 5.00 5,00 22,00 45,00 48.139 60.50 83;75 59,63 183U 352,00 st. Thomas, Ontmrio, November 29. 1934. .EZRA FAHNER, Chalr.inar~. 92 ELGIN GOUNII'Y aOUNlJIIL COUNTY ROAD COMMlTTE'E REPORTS January Session ,st. Thomas, J:anuary, 1934. ToO the Fagin County CiOliil1C'it: Gentlemen: 1. The EJgin iOounty Rioad Committee repo:::tthat the sum . of FJ1FTY-EEGHT THOUSAND, 'I'WO HUNDRlED AND NiINm:'Y-SEVEN DOlJLAIRJS AND SEVENTY-FEW CIElN111S ($58.297.75) wa.s expend.d on. the Elgin Oounty'Highway System during the y€-ar 1933. 2. ICounty Roa~- . ............,$39,890.29 2.269.79 1,710.56 1,928.57 48.28 272.57 Maintenance on County Roads Bridge .construction on Oounty Roads... Construction on Oounty Roads Maintenanoe on ISuburban Area 'Roads.. Construction on Suburr:ban Area Roads 90unty Bridges under By;;[,aw 1091 (ll\IIaintenancei.. 3, General Expense- Grants to Urban Municipalities Superintendenoo, OtIice Expense, Machinery, (R;epa:irs, Tools, etc... Gravel Pit Development Improvement ,to Hathaway Flarm Workmen's. Compensation .Board etc.... 1,004.77 3,064.06 5il07.66 1,286.60 151.58 1,143.02 Total Less Receipts .........$58,297.75 2,950.4" '$55,347.30 ElLGIN COUNTY COUiNC[L 93 4. We recommehd that the sum of 'DWENTY~,SEVEN THlOU8'- AN[), FIVE HUNIIlIRUID DOLLARS ($27,500.00) 00 r.",<Xl for COn- struction' and Maintenance on County Roads ",I.d Oounty Bridges, under BY-law 109'1,f'Ol'the year 1934, as follows: Maintenance on -County Roa~s Oons-truction on -Oounty Ro'a:ds.. County Bridges (under By-law 1091) Gene::al Expense ............... .$21,500.00 2,000.00 1,00Q.00 3,000.00 '$27,500.00 5. That ,the Oounty Road Superintendent be delegated to attend Road Oonf,erence, to be held' in Toronto during the latter .part of February, 1934. 6. That F'if'te.en Dollars f.or membership in the Good Roads' Arssocia:ti-on be paId. 7. That the Warden be auth-orired to nam:e dele-wates to att.end the Ontario Good Roads' AssociaUon, to be held in TO!'OilltO, f'or the year 1934. 8. That the' County provide dust layer on 'County Roads where residents benefited will pay one-half .of the 003t. 9. That communication has been received frQm the Bell Tele.. phone Company, asking for permission to rebuild their long dhs,tance lines in certain localities, namely, between loOts 1C and 111, in the Townshi.p of Malahide, north of Aylmer, Oounty Road No. 39. Aloso the townline between Scmth Dorchester and Malah'ide Town,s,hips, Oounty Road No. 52. We recommend the posit1on of the said. poles along the 110ad'" side sha.1l. be appmved of .by the County Road Snpel'intendent and that.he oommunicate with the Bell T€lephone Oumpaony to that effect 10. That by-law be passed at this session of the .county Council limiting the gross weight of load-ed vehicles pa.ssing ov.er <the PO'H 94 ELGllN COUNTY COUNOlL Stanley Bridge, County Rtoad No. 20, acmss ,the K€ttle Creek. W~ight of vehicle and lnad Dot to exceed 7 tons 'Or speed 10 miles an hour. All of which is r€spect,fully submitt'ed. iIDDWAiRD QLAiRIKE, Ohairman <if Road Committee. Suburban Area Commission ;st. Thomas, January, 1934. The meeting of the st. ThOJP.as SuburbanA:rea Commission w.as held 'at the <Dourt House this 19th day of January, 1934. Present:--Chairman, Dr. ,F. O. Lawr-ence J. T,Wehg.ter Alex. Anderson Frank Pinneo, County Road Supt. A detailed statement of accounts waos submnted to the Com~ miSsion showing an expenditure 'on ,Suburban Area Roads, amormting to $3,306.77. Of this amount the City WIOuldbe liable .for ,25% thereof. or '$826.69. The folLowing r,esolutions were passed. On motion ofJ. T. Weooter, seconded by AlJex.And€1'son: That this account be presented .to the O~ty .council flOr .payment. Moved by J, T, Webster, seconded hyAlex. Anderson: That -Dr. F. O. Lawrence be re-,appoInted Chairman .of st T.homas Suburbaill Area Road Commission. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY OOUNC!!IL 95 Ordered by 'ConutlJission 1. That the County .of Elgin be notified that the sum. 'Of $1,500 will be required fer construction :and maintenance on County 'SUbUl'b- an. iRoads foOl' the year 1934. 2. That the Olty of St. Thomas be notified that the sum of $1500 will be required for 'consiruction and maintenance on designated Suburban Area Roads, :foOl' the year 1934. 3. That the foll-owing members of the Suhurban Area Oom- mission are entitled to he paid ,for their services far the year 1933, ,as: appears opposite their respectWe names, as f'ollaws: Dr. F. O. Lawrence (Chairman) services ........ ....... ... .. ......................1$ '00.00 J. T. W1ebsool', services ............... .............. ................. . ... ...........$ 50.00 Expenses at,tending Road COnvention, Toronto, Feb.. ruary, 1933, on- invitation ;Qf the 'Minister of Highways 25.00 Alex.' Anderson, services 75.00 50.00 $ 175,,0~ Maved hy J. T. WebstJer, Seconded by Alex. Anoonson: Thllit committee ,adjourn.. F. 0, lJArWIRJENOE, Chairman of Suburban Area iOommisson. 96 ELGIN .COUNTY COUNOlL st. Thomas, January, 1934, Maintenance Road 16 S. A. Weeds Dj,rohing Grading Dragging Repair to Bridge (painting) Labor Resurfacing Material Resurfacing Oil SnoW Rnads The- .corporation'.of the -GUy of St. Thomas, In account with the Elgin -County Highway System FUr expenditure on Suburban Area Roads, under the supervision 'Of Frank Pinneo, County Road Supt., subject 'to the' direction of the Suburban Area Commission. Road 23 S. A. Laioor, 'H.e:surfac1ng Snow Roads' Road 25 S. A. Weeds Illtching Or-acting Labor, Resurfaoing Mater.ial, Resurfacing ..$ 105.00 31.60 298.05 107.55 137.90 52.85 67.00 4.50 30.60 $ 835.05 ~.25 17.90 $ $ 7.50 25.50 157.37 81.00 67.00 24.15 m.OIN COUNTY COUNOLL Snow Hi,oads <Crossing Gate Protection Rood 30 S. A. Weeds Grading Dragging LabOT, Repair ,CuLvert Laibor Resurfacing Snow Roads Construction !toad 16 S. A. LaboT, SUb-stnI.cture Material, Sub-structure Engineering Rood 30 S. A. 97 23.40 394.56 $ 756.33 9.IO 64.49 140.80 18.80 72.85 7.00 ~$ 313.04 530.IO 204.43 55.00 -$ '189.53 Material, Repair Qulvert ....................................................$ 48.28 '$ 48.28 Road 16 S. A. Gravel Hauled on Suburban Area Roads Yards of gravel hauled, 207. Average haul,7 mtles. Operation cost, less d-r,iver's wages, $15.2'1 per day. Total miles travelled, 1,449 @ 9*0 per 'y:ard mile.... Road 23 S. A. Yards of gravel hauled, 34. Average haul, 4 miles; ..............$ 134.03 98 ElLQ[N COUNIT'Y CO=[[, Operation 'cost, less driver's wages, $15.21 per day. T.ota;l miles tra.vel1ed, 136 @ 9%.c per yard mile:......... ........$ 12,58 R<>ad 25 S. A. Ya.rdsof gil"avel hauled, 188. Average haul, 8 miles. Operation cost. less d:river's wages, $15.21 per day. 'rotal miles traveLled, 1;504 @ 91,4cper y.ard mile... Itoad 30 S. A. Yards .of gravel hauled, 136. Av-erage haul, 7 miles. operation cost, less drivc;lr's wages, $15.21 per day. Total miles travell€d, 9,52 @ 9140 per yard mile..... Gravel, S.tripping" Loading and Screening yards -or 119 cords @ $1.40 per cqrd.. oost of 565 Oity's portion, 25% -certified Correct. ...$ 139.12 ....$ 88.06 ....$ 166.60 $3.306.77 826.69 P. O. LAWR'E~OE, ,Ohairman of Oommtss'ion. O. P. PINNEO, County Road Supt. ElLOIN COUNTY COUNCIL 99 JUne Session 1St. Thomas, Ontario, June, 1934. T:o the ,Elgin County. ,Council: Gentlemen: Y.our Road Oommittee Repor'ts: 1. That we have made_ouran~ua.l iThSpection :trip on County RJOads this year, taking ,four days in all. The fi'l'St day Iheing Monday, May t,he 21st, aJo-ug with a jumt committee from 'Middlresex, looking over "bridges on the iRiver Thames. Several 'Of which. the Bridge En~ gineer fl'o-m the Department 01 Hig1hwlaYs considered should have imn;iediate, Elittell'tion, namely,'"the Mcrntool1 or Middlemiss Brld,ge 01. County RJoacl N~; 14,aJSiO, Ithe Graham Road Bri-dge an Oounty ROad No.1, and the Wardsville Bridge .on Oounty Road NO.3. Inspe'ctlon was ordered by both Oommittees,f:OT the 1a;tter bridge. Later Mr, Fred A. Bell; -' O'oimrty Eng,ii1eer', triade an inspect-ion and reported tha-u the, J:l;r,idge was in a danger,ous eonct.i,tion, A sub-oommittee from bort~l counties met at the Wardsville Bridge and ani,ered Mr. Bell to take immediate steps to ,P't:ovi,defoJ; safety" whiClh is in progress a.t the present time. The Port Stanley Bridge, is, also' 'in a 'poor -conditiori. A,ccording to aurthor-irties who hav;e ex'amined 'thestl'uoture as 'to the strength, repor:t tha.t a four-ton load should ibe "the Jiimit. 2. This added expenditure will increase the amount of our pre~ viousestimate by a total of $30,000, 3. On Mar,ch 28th your -committee made ~ppliC:ation tor the 'sum ;Qf $30,000 to be expended under Unemployment Relief on wha;t is known as ,the Roloson Hill. This amount has been 'approv€dof by letter- from the Department of Highways', 'dated May 18th, 1934, 4. Tha.t committee inspec,t the Fu'1ton ,Bridge in- ordm- ,00 deter. 100 ELGIN COUNTY GOUltilOlL a 'County Bridge and report Council, mine the ad visaJbLl'ity oif assuming lIt as art; the No:vember S€ssion 'Of the ICounty All of whioh is respeotfully submitted. EDW.A!RlD c[iARJKlE, Chairman. of.. Road .committee November Session st. Thomas, Ont., Nov. 24th, 1934. To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: The Elgin County Road Committee :reports that the expenditure orf Elgin County Hil5'hway System, from J'arlua:r:y, 1934; up to a.nd includ'ing November 15th, 1934, volakl $61.003.34. Expenditure as Follows,: 1. Maintenance on .county roads.... Oonstruction on coun-ty roads Maintenance on I~uburban Area Ro,ads Expenditur,e on county roads within the luccy-por- ated VilJiages and Town.... W,olrkmen's Compensation Board Oounty Bridges, ,maintenanG,€ Labor in county gravel pits... 'Truck expenses, gas, oil and repairs.... Machinery, repairs, tools, eto... 2. Reeeipts for Year 1934 Oity's share of ,Suburban Mea, 193-2 and 33 Receipts from the County ,of Elgin .....$ 20,241.H1 21.942.59 1,762.49 , 7.879.28 200.90 13.12 712.H9 1.928.65 6,321.61 $ 61.003,34 ..$ 1,9.16.84 4,123.79 $ 6,940.63 ELum COUN'l1Y COUNC[L 101 3. Construction Ro:loson HiU, 'in the Township of ,BaY1h;am,_, on County :Road No. 38, one of the heaviest expendi1tures for the Oounty this year, IS almost completed, Bit a 'cost of $U,ifiOO;37 to date, withoutstanding accounts estimated at $4,000.00, namely, $3,000.00 on oontraot; $1,000.00 for material and labor. WardsviUe Bridge, f.ull details ()If constructing the Wardsville Bridge are given by OGuuty Engineer. 4. Maintenance - Nc) continual work of maintenance in regard t;o g~avel' hauling na;:; been: dlOne this y'E'lar on county l"oads, €xcepting fining ,in a few hO'les in the roads. In the early part of the spring oOrisidera;ble crushed stone was used in the villages',' amounting to '24 oars, in Oorder to get the road prepared for oiling; ReCOI'd' of amount 'Of -gravel used fOol' .t!his wOork to daite: RolosQn Gravel Pi-t---.In the Township of Dereham, 51'5- ya,rds. Port BrueeGravel Pi-t---.In ,the Township Qlf Ma:lahide; 300 yaTd3: C'oate.s Gravel Pit-In the Townsh-ipof Dunwioh, 500 Yiards. Walker Gravel Piit;-.In the Township of. Alci!bo.rough, 187 Yards. Locker Gravel Pit-In ,the Townsh:Lp ,Q(f Bayham, no reoora. Hathaway Gravel Pit-In 'the TOWIlSihip of ~M'mouth, nUil11ber of yards of gravel hauled, 2,'007. 5. Truck Operation HQurs- worked 1,753 Miles bravelled ........................ ........................ 19.377 Yards of earth and gravel hauled ........... 4,02'9 Repairs, gas, oil and wages Depreci-a,tion allowed flQl' 1934 2.551.55 600.00 $ 3,151.&5 W2 ELGIN CCUNlI'Y COUNlC[[, Average .mileage per Avera:ge yards per day Average cost 'expense per day... Ooot of hauling 1 yard of stone OT gravel 1 mile... 6. Miles traveJJed Ga.s used Days worked Repairs, gas and oil Wages Wehr power Grader 3,089 3,412 174 Cost of dragging and soarHying 1 mile .of road 7. power Grader No.1. . 3,967 2,250 171 Miles tr,a vel1ed... . Gas used Days worked iR,epai'ns. gas ,and oil Wages Depreciatiion, $12.00 per day... Coo.t'''of dr,agging and scaro1fying 1 mile of road 8. Mi,les travelled Gas used Days worked Repairs, gas and oil Depreciation allowed, Power Grader No. 2 $2.00 per day... cost of dragging ,and sc'arifying 1 mUe of road.... 110 23 .......$ 18.00 . 91-3c (gallons) $ 931.94 450.25 $1,382.19 440 (gallons) $ 807.48 M5.10 342.00. $1.664.58 41c 3,690 2,190 162 (gallons) $ 813.28 324.00 $1,624.18 440. ELGnNCOUiNTY COUNUlL 103 9. M.a.c-hinery, Tools" Etc. 1 grader, 5 slush scrapers. 10. This OOlnmittee recommends that no ,action be taken hy the County, assuming as provided under section 446 of the Muni.6ipal Act. what is known as the PUlwn Bridge over Kebt:1e Creek in the Town~ 'shtp of Southwold. AU of whioh is respectfuUysubmitted. EDWlA!RID 1000000E. Ohairman of Road Oommit~ To the Chairman and Mlembexs of the Eagin County' Roads Oomm1ttee. Re'pori- of Engineer, WardsviUe Bridge Gentlemen: I beg to rep<Ol"'t ,thwt the repairs to the Wardsville Bridge hav~ . been ,oompleted. 'lUlis work consisted - of supporting the two steel spaIliS. removing the old stone pier and oonstructing a new ,concTetR pier. 'Dhe old flOOr' was also remov:ed and a new ooncrete floor .pla;ced on the South span a,nd a ,timber floor was la:id on the N?rth span. T.he -floor on the North span is treated with asphalt with a sand cushion placed on the wood,en floor. Two ,lines of 8Rinch sewer pipe were laid, one iOn ,each side of the road at the South end. This bank is filled with springs and we ,contemplated -the new drains will keep the bank dry and help prevent ,the South 'abutment slipping. The total cost of the work was as ,follows: Sheet Piling 'Ora vel Sand Cement Labor and and freight on same. .......... ........ .................$ 1.449,79 1.025.60 107.37 2,110.16 Trucking on Gravel, Sand and 104 EiLGilN COUNTY COUiNIJ[L cement 949.15 _--'$ 4,192.28 2,882.77 948.47 173.07 446.13 75.26 45.8S 84.45 75.00 236.15 4,724 4~ 770.00 Lumber Hardware .coal Rentals on Hammer, Derrick, Hoist,.etc.. Tarv,~a Pipe cutting Pipe, Gas. Oil. ISand, at road" -Incidentals Lighting Lanterns Trucking, except Sa~dJ Gravel ,and Cement.. Bayrolls, George powles, foreman..... Engineering, '5% $16,103.74 Less Credits: Lumber sold to farmers Cement sacks returned ....'$ 187.00 600.00 787.00 -- $15,3,16.74 Of this, sum the County. 'of Elgin :wiH- pay 25%-$3,829.19. ,Some of the lumber purchased' for the' work .was sold' to neigh- bor,ling .farmers, the -rema.i:nderbe1ng -tak€lll to- the-Oountyof.,Elgin Yards, except some of whioh was ,taken by the Gounty .of Midcpesex. '8eventy;..seven piles are .piled near -the South end of ,the' bridge and may be used in futUre work. It isfi,kiely they 'will be used at ,the McIntosh, Bridge. I ha.ve prices the prepa;l'€id value ,to a. list of a.ll ,the sa:lvage and find the 'COunties is.. that at used .:.$ 1,597.77 So 'bhat 'the total' cost of the work is All 'of which is respec.tfUlly submitted. FlRDID A. BELL, Civil Engineer. -ELGIN (JOUiNII'Y COUNlC[L 105 Port Sl<tnley Bridge Report To the Ohairman .and Members of the Elgin 'County Road COmmittee. G€IlJtlemen: In acoordance ,with your instructions, I ibeg to r€port that !, 'haw made an examination of .the Port iStanley Bridge with 'bhe Viev;-' of est~matingthe cost of re-!flooringthe struoture so that the bridg1e wi11 be oapaJble of carry.ing heavier loads than it oan safely oar-ry at. present. The bridge was built in 1894 and was designed to car.ry a wooden t100rand a live load abou.t equal tlO a ooncentrated live load of 10 to-ns. In 1904 the wooden ftDor and, wooden stringers were removed and 4 lines of steel stringers and aoinder concrete floor, laid on steel 'buck-eye troughing ''Was placed onth~ bridge. The, conere'te 'in the floor was not reinforced, the ,}oad,s being 'Cwri€d by the steel troughing. The edges of the S'beel troughi'l1grest on a 3-i:o:ch bracket on the s:ides -nf t.he outside stringers.l find that the troughing h~ rusted to su.ch an extent that it has, - in pLaces, hardly any bearing on the brackets, and the floor, in Us present condition, is nOlt strong enough - ,to carry any h-eaJvy traffic. In order ,Ibo strengthen the fl,oor for ,th€ time, being w-e are placing 2 lines 0If 2"xl0" chestuut plank under eaoh stde of .the buck- eye;troughing, about 1 foot from the outside edges. This wl11 strengthen.the ti'oor' to some extent and should prevent the sudd,en coHa,pse of 'the floor -under a heavy wheel. load. It will riot, how- ever,.strengthen.the floor so as to make it sa;fe for loads over _4 tons. If ,the concrete floor is removed and a timber floor placed on the bridge "bhe carl'ying ,capacity of the !bridge WIilI be f'vbout doubled. That. is, the hridge can be made safe to cany moving loads Of about 8 tons. .! have prepared an estimate for doing this work, which will in- clude-the following: 1._ Removing old conorete fl'Dor. 106 WG}NCOUNTY aOUNC[[, 2. SupplYling and laying 4 lines of new steel st.ringers ,and u('w steel expa.n.sion ends. 3. Supplying and laying 3 l'in'es of new creoS'oted lumJbe.r naili.ng , stringers. 4. .supplying and laying 4-,inch creosoted .:Jla11k on the bridge and .a covering of 1 -inch ,af asphalt plank wearing sur1face. 5. ISupplYling and laying new creosoted lumber cui'bs. I estimate the cost to be as follows: 1. RemOving .old floor ...$ 360.00 2. New steel IStrirn:ge.rs, 24,860' @ 5c New Expansion Ends, 860' @ Be.... 1,311.00 3, New Oreosoted Pine Wooden stringers. 1872' @ ~80. 150.0ll 4. N8IW Oreosoted Pine wooden Floor, 13.950' @ $80. 1.116.00 Asphalt Plank Laid, 3,.480 sq. ft. 750.00 5. New Oreosoted Pine Cu.ribs, 870' @ 100. 87.00 6. Remodelling Mud Walls 50.00 7. Laying Floor 150.00 8. Engineering and Incidentals, say 10%... 396.00 -_$ 4,J70.00 The hridge lis composed of 2 \SIpans;116 feet and 110 feet C. to C. Theya.re supp-orted in the centre ,at! . the creek by a stone pier built on wooden piles. When 'the pier !Was \built the piles were driven a.bout 3 feet below low water and two laJers of oak planks were laid on rtJoporf the piles and on these pl,a.nkthe stone pier was 'built. Since 1894 ,the water' 'in Lake Erie has lowered considerably and now about 1 foot .of the piles and the .oak plank axe eXiposed to the -air. Unless something 'is done immediately to proteot 'this timber f:rQm. the adr, and so prevent it from decaying, rbhe stone pter wiU settle and en~ danger ,the whole sbructure. The cost ,()If bwHding a new. pier will be about $4,500.00 The eost of. constructing 'a coffer dam around the pier a;nd iI!lIJGIN COUNTY lOOl!JN:C![IU 107 pouring about 2 feet of 'concrete around the 'bottom Of the pier so as to protect the timber from the air will be Ribout $1,200.00. If a new pier :is built it .will be. nooe.ssary to move the bridge to .one side so lit can be used ,foOr light It:r:afIlc or 'it must be SiUpported hy timJber bents while the work is in proga"€ss. 'I1he pier can he de- signed so it will accommodate a new stationary bridge. ]f a mov8!ble bridge ts built it will have to be removed. AU of which is respec.tfully submitted. F1RIEID. A. BEI;L, County Engineer. st. Thomas, Ontario, November 2'2nd, t934. '~', 108 ELGIN COUlNTY :COUNOIL EHUCATION COMMITTEE REPORTS January Session To the Elgin Cnnnty Ooun.cil: Gentlemen: The Educa.tion CommiUee reports: 1. That acoount from the Municipal ,World, Ltd" for examin- atiOil1 supplies for Inspeotor Taylor be paid, amount $42.40. 2. That, as ,instructed by .the County Solicitor, a new bYRlaw bt' prepared to provide for the payment of eighty ,per cent. orf ,the cost of Yarmouth pupUs attending the St. Thomas Oollegiate Institute 01 Vocational School, and that the Township of Yarmouth be requested to pass a by~.law authoTizing an ag,reementfor the ,payment of ten pel' -cent. of the oost of y,armouth pupils a.btending such s_chools. 3. That we co-operate with the ,Oounty Council of Middlesex in their' effort to. obtain legisla,tiDn g.iving residents of rural municl- palities. ,the right to attend Technioal 011' V ocationa.l ,gchoo~ on the paym-ent of eighty per 'cent. of the cost of tuition in such sohools. Such cost to be paid by the Oounty, municipality in whioh the pupil resides, or [by the pupils themselves. 4. That no a,ction be taken in reference -to oommunioation from the Gaunt,y Gouncil of Wentworth 'requesting co-operation f.m.- amendment to the l.alw providing that tlhe oost IQIf :education under the High Schools Act, ,the Oontinuation Schools Act and the Voca.... tional Education Aot, he pay;ahle by the 100aJ municipalities from whlch the pupils attend. 5. Tha.t the Warden ,be ,appointed' member of' the Senate of the University of Western Ontario. 6. That the Warden appoint represell1tatdves to ,a.ttend meeting of the Ontario School Trus,tees' and Ra.tepayers' Assoclation. 'ELGIN COUNTY GOUNOllll 109 7. That your Committee does notapprorve orf the _pilart ad'opted by the Eas't land West Elgin Entrance BoardflQr entrance ex'amination.::;, and would r{~c'Ommend ,that 'they make provision ['Or promoUon of 100 per - cent, as 'Per :resolution passed at the: November Session, 1933. 8. That Messrs. Burke, Mc:Oallum, 'I1a.ylorand Bridgman be a.ppointed to mee.t the East and West Elgin Entrance Boards re entl'anGe examinations, theOlerk to arrange date of meeting. 9. That wepl'otest :to bhe 'Borurd of Eduoartion of the 'City oif St. Thomas a.g.ainst inclUding in 'the OO8't ,of eduoation ,that portion of teaohel's's'a.larie.s ,Which is ,Te.funded for relief or other purposes. All of which is respectfully submitted. H. G.'DAYI..lOR, <Ohatrrrlan. ~, 110 EILG~N COUiNll'Y COUNC[L June Session T,o the Elgin Oounty Oouncil: Gentlemen: The' Educalti-oll' committee reports: 1. That in reference to communication if,rom tihe Tillsonburg High Sohool, submItting speoial form to be signed by pupils and county authority bef.ore pupils enter school, ,that the Reeve of the' mUIDci- pa:ltty in which pupils reside Ibe authoriZioo (to sign Siame on -behalf of the Oounty ,cOUThOn. 2. That, we co-operate w.ith the County of Perth in petitioning foOr an amendment to the- Schoo~s Act so ,that rural 80hool sectiOl.1S maybe entitl<ed to form continuation school districts, and be, as such, eligible fm' the same privileges regarding rebates as urban continu~ ation s.chool distriots. 3. That we accept the proposition received from the London Board elf Education to pay 90% of the cost of Elgin pupils attending the London schools. 4. That in r.eferenece to commuuica!tion 1'e Sparta as an exam~ ination centre, we recommend that no action be taken, 'and that the writer be advised that owing to. present arrangements very few pupils will have to write examinations. for printing for Inspector 5. That Muntcipal World aceount Taylor, amounting to '$3.18, 'be paid. It&t 0If 1933 Oounty pupils who 6. That we a.ppftOrve for payment attended Tillsol1Jburg High School. All of which is respectfulLy submi,tted. H. G. TAYLOR, Ohalrman. st. Thomas, ontario, "June 13th, 1934. ELGIN 'COUN'DY C:QIUN'OIIL 111 Special June Session Tn' the Elgin County OouiUcil: Gentlemen: The ,special C'ommi,ttee appointed to c'onfer with the Board of Education .of the ICity Olf St. Thomas repor,ts: 1. That '- they :recommend that the W1axden ;be authorized to sign agreement betw€-e-u the C'ounty of ELgin and the St. Thomas Board of, Education, providing rfOT the, payment of C{loSt of education of County pupi,ls attending the COllegiate Institmte and Vocational Schoul; the County to pay 90% ,of 'the cost of maintenanoe, and 80% of.thecost of perma:n-ent improvements,- or de'l>enture paymentsthel'€~ fo~., account to he paid -by the County before the 31st of January, or when Auditors' RePOl'lt or other inifmmation l'€quired, is mr:aU'l-able. '~,; 2. That County pupils be required to sign statements, giving name.Oif parento:J: guardian, y.esidence, and reasons .f'Or desiring to atDend the SCllUO[s, and tha.t 'the ,ReeV1eSof ithe va.rious munic:Lpal:iMes co-operate with the Principals -ma.pproving oJ admission of Gounty pupi'Is. All of which is res.pec,tful1y submItted. ooa:tDON NEWELL, Chairman. St. Thoma.s,_Ontario, June 15th, 1934. Befor.e Singing the Agreement, in accordance with paragraph 2 elf the wbO've report, it was asoertained that }egislation would be 1'e>- quired t-o transfer respons-1bility f'oradmission of iOounty pupils from the PrincipaJsO>f the sCJhools to some municipal officiaJ. The Chairman' Ibrought the matter to the attention of the Deputy of Education, who .promised action in the matteil'. At the Session Mr. Newell's T'eport Wa.s' received, and it was that the Council would do aU in its .powe'r~o procure the amendments t,o the High Schools. Act. 1,1,2 EifJG1N -COUNTY COIUiN,'OIL November Session To the Elgin County Coun'Cil: Gentlemen : The Education Committee reports: 1. That no ac'tion be tak.-en in refe'renceoo pupils attending secondary schools af'wr six years' attend'Ml.ce. 2. That IMessrs. Bosman and Thornyorof,t be asked to submit an ~ itemized statement of their ,account ,for their 'W(}rk in connect.ion with the Entrance Board in 1934; All (}f which, is respec;tfuILy submitted. K G. ~AYilJO:a" Ohairman. st. Thoma:s, Ontario, November 28, 1934. EILGIN OOUNTY OOUNCiL 113 GAOL aOMMI1"I1EE R,EPOR,~S January Session To the Elgin County Oouncil: Gentlemen: The Gaol COmmittee reports: That we have examined into the request from. Mr. Oameron, Clerk of the Gouniy Court, for additionaJ filing accommodation, and would reconunendthat your Oommittee ,be authorized to procure , estimates of the cost, with 'Power to act. All of whkh is res.pectfullysubmitted. '~1;. A. PE/I1IlER]OK, Chairman. st. Thoma.s, Ontario, JanuM"Y 26th, 1934. 114 ELGW COUN'l'Y COUNOIL June. Session To the ,Elgin. CountyOoullcil: Gentlemen: The .Ga.ol Committee reports: 1. That we have opened tenders for fuel and recommend that the follawing lorwest tender from W. H. Swift & Go. Ibe a:ccepted: For County Gaol 1 % Oarloads Grate Coal @ $11.30 ,per ton. 1 Carload Egg Ooke @ '$9.70 per ton. For Re'gistry Office 15 'Tons' Stove Coke @ $9.70 per to:1}, All C'oa! to be weighed on CiLty, scale-So 2. We :recommend thart we be ,authorized to prooure suitable \Shelving, to be placed in the basement, to which old files f'rom the Olerk's and 'TreasW'er'soffices may :be removed. All of which is respectfulLy submitted. A. PE'I1HEIRlClK, CI1amnan. St. Thomas, Ontario, June 13th, '1934. EDGIN COlJNTY -COUNOIL 115 November Session To the Elgin County Douneil: Gentlemen: The Gaol Committee reports: 1. That the ,tender of .0. C. Askew !for bread to bedeUve.red B.t the Gaol during the year 19~5 be accepted. IPir-ice, three and ,a qu.al'bet cents .per pound. 2. That the tender of Durnan & Spry for meat to be deIiv:ered at the - Cbunty Gaol, dlU'-ing the year 193'5, .be accepted, .price sev:en _ .and three~qu-arOOl'cen.ts _ per pound. All of which is respectfully submitted. ',,);- J. G. GIDLIES, Cbairman. 116 ELGIN COUiNrrY COiUNlC[L HOUSE OF INDUSTRY COM1\DTTEE REPORTS J anua1'Y Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: The Hous€ of Industry Oommittee reports: 1. ,That the Keeper and Matron 'be appointed to attend meeti.ng of Managers {}f Homes fOT ,the Aged and ,Infirm, to be held in Toronto in June. 2, That the members of your iC'om.m.ittee rotate 'in inspection .01 the House of Indus,try monthly, to enable them to be:comebetter aClquainted wi,th the management Qrf the Institution. A:11 QIf whioh is respectfully submitted. J. D. THOMSON, Chairman. June Session To the Elgin County Oouncil: Gentlemen: The House of Industry Committee repor,t.s; 1. That 'the deep well supplying the requirements of the House of Industry gave out on the 18th of May. This wel'l is 3'12f'eet deep. and was constructed in 1906. 'TIle water level usually swod within 65 feet of the surface. TbJe pump was 200 feet deep, and the supplW appeared to be inexhaustible. Mr. Schneider, who put down the IWeI.I,. was consulted - &nd pulled the pump four times, 91180 tested ELGIN COUNTY COUNIOIL 117 with a sand pump-all with no results. The pump was lowered4C feet, .and at pre,s'ent the supply is sufficient fo,r ahout lY.? hours' pump- ing. The deep well en the adjoining farm is in the same condition. The water supply for the Institution is /being supplemented .by dr.aw~ iu'g water from the City .of St. Thomas. During the last few days the supply 'in 'bhe deep well.s,eems to have increased, and j,f we had rain to fill the large storag'e tanks !We would haV'e sufficient watA"'l' foor prub-ably thr.ee mont.hs 0.1' mme. We r-eccmmend that, in cas'e orf necessity, a new well be put, down. 2. 'That we have had a meeting with the 'repl'esentative -of the Hydr-O Electric Power Commission in l'ef,erenc:e to heating water by e,leotIioity. The 'DOlSt of the change would be approximately $45.00, and the expe'oted saving would be ,abou.t $5.00 per month in ,the !utur'€', We recommen~'i- 'that we be authorized to make the change. 3. That we ha\"e had an application. 'from Alber,t. William Thomas, a widorwer 74 ye,ars {Jlf age, a native {)If Wales, who has 'been an inmate orf the House of Industry, and wishes to he sent to England, where he has fri,ends. and will he well cared lor. He has been ,a l"esi~, dent of this countr,y for some y,ears, and automatically be'came, a. oi,tizen, and cannot now be deported. The -expense of returning. him to Eng.land would be ahout .$100. W,e rec.ommend -that a ticke't !be purchased to enahle him to return to the Old ~Countr.y. 4. That -i,t is over 20 years since by-law was passed to provide fo'r ,the superintendence, caTe and manwgement of ,the House of Industry, and pl"int,ed ,oapies are not now available. We have ha.d prepared two by-Taws, one pl"ov-iding ,~or 1fue appointment of officials, and the ot-her defining their ,outites, and rules and r'eg1ulations for the government of .the Institution. We reoammend that these by-la:ws be considered at this seSS10n, and that copies b-e prin,ted for distribution to members of the OmmeH for their information. l'18 ElLGINCOiUNrrY ,COiUNlC[L 5. That "no _action be taken at this session pI'lOviding for bathing aocommodation 'for women at the tnmttution, hut that same -be erected nex1tyear. 6. ''I1hat \ we have .opened tenders' for coal and, recommend that the 'foRowing lowest tender .of W, H. ,SWi;f,t & 00. 'be acoopted: 1 Carload Chestnut Coal @ $11:60 per ton. 1 Carload Grate Ooal @ '$11.35 .per ton. All of ,which is respectfully submitted. J, D. 'J1HOMSON, Chairman. st. Thomas, Ontario, J,tine 13,th, 1934. Nov.ember Sf'...ssion To the E:lginOounty :CIorunctl: Gentlemen: The 'House of Industry Gommi:ttee rep~rt.s: 1. 'That the report of the Physician be aooeipwd ,and ,printed., 2. 'I1hat ,the repoJ:'lt of the Inspeotor be a'Cooptedand printed. 3. That tende:r of C. ie. Askew fDr bread _to be deltvered at the House of Industry during the ~ear 1935 (be accepted. PJ:'ice, threea.nd a. quar.ter cents (31,4c.) per pound. A:ll of which is respectfuH.y submitted. J. D. THOMSON, Ohairm~n. st. 'Dhoma;s, Ontario, November 28, 1934. IDLGIN COUN'l'Y COUNCrrL 119 Gentlemen: To ,the Elgin County ICbuncil: RE'PORT INSPECTOR HOUSE OF INDUSTRY for The folloiWing is my 'repor,t on the the year ending Ootober 3:1s,t, 1934: House of IndUS1tryand Re1'UoO'A 1. Number 2. Number 3. Number 4. Number 5. Number 6. Number of inmates at last repcir,t admitted during year of deaths discharged abs~onded now in House 40 14 g 11 I 33 7. Number of inmates sentfl'Om the \3erver.al mun:tcipaUties during the year: -"". Dunwioh Yarmouth Bay'ham S. Dorchester Aylmer Malahide Ontario Hospital 1 2 3 1 5 1 1 14 8. 'Dhe various ~,auses of pauperism of inmates House during the year may beolassified as follows': 9. Average 10. Average Mlmitted to the Destitute Orippled 13 1 14 number number of inmates during tlhe year... with Keeper's family and ,hired .help 39 44 12~ \ELGIN COUtNrDY COUN:oIL 11. Number of weeks' 12. Number .of we,eks' 13. Total expendi,ture board of inma.tes... 2,011 board with Keeper's family... 2,271 during the year... . .... $ 8:983.87 14. Receipts . Flrom farm stuck, From inmates From Old Age Pensions Permaoont iInprovements Pension :funera.ls 'and refunds 15. Leaving amount actually expended for support of mates , 16. AV€(I:age expenses per day of each -.peTson.. 17 . Average eX-peThS€S per week of each person 18. :Average expenses per year of eaGh person 19. Amount expended flo_r house and fann during the year may be divided as f,oHows: Fann Expense 893.42 10.58 2,351.61 2~ 1.15 466.35 $ 3.923.11 m- 5,060.76 31 6-7 2.23 115.96 Hired labor Implements Stock Seed Feed Gas and oil Miscellaneous $ 3~~.~~ 128.29 M~ 146.22 449.7J 144.4~ 27l\.l2 $ 1,453.83 House Expense Bread Meat Groceries 343.3" 468.80 363110 ELG'IN 'COUNTY COUNC~L Provisions Dry Goods Boots and Shoes Furni'ture, Hardiware Dru-gs Coal and Wood Ioo Miscellaneous General. Expense Oonvey;ance of Inmates Repai,rs Permanent Improvements Incidental '-'..; Salaries Keeper' and Matron Physici~n Total < 'Expenditure 121 2-79.42 325.15 94.85 113.42 58.43 1,574.19 87.0~ 3'15.35 -$ 4.~23.07 23.4~ 366.17 20U5 1,01l2p5 -$ 1.652.97 1,584.0~ 270.~~ -$ 1,854.00 $ 8,983.87 20, The fol1owing produoe was raised on the faJ.~m during the yeatr: 500 Bushels Oats and Barley 25~ iBushels of 'Whe"t 18 Loads of H~y 8 Acres Ensilage Corn 300 Bushels Of Potatoes 10 Bushels of Oarrot.s: 10 Bushels of Turnips 122 'ELGINCOUN'l'Y CQUNIC1L 28 Loads o(f Istrarw Quantity of Pumpkin and Squash Garden Produce 10 Bushels Table Carrots 20 Bushels Beets 2() Bl1.SIhe'ls Onions 1000 Bushels Sugar Beets 400 Heads of Cabbage 60. Bushels Tomatoes 1 Acre Sweet Corn J Quantity iLettuce, Parsley, Qua.ntity Plums, Grapes 15 .,Quarts Milk per dl1Y 25 Bushels Apples 600 Quar,ts FLruit oanned in 750 Dozen Eg1g8 consumed 1460 'Pounds Butter 1 Heifer kiJ1ed Asparagus House A large quantity of veg,etaJbles and summer, of which no acoount w.a.s kept. :frui,t was used during the Oream sold Hogs sold Eggs, Sundries ,and ChiClkens 4 Cal-ves sold Hay sold Oorn Stallcs sold 21. Number of ,artiCiles 0If bedding the year by matron and inmates... 193.29 ~59.92 69.90 3.00 100.00 25.00 '$ 851.11 and clotlhing made up during .... 27U 22. ,Farm Stock 3 Horses 9 Cows 8 Hogs ELGIN OOUNII'Y COwrCilL 3 Ye'a.r:lings 2 Brood Sows 100 Ohickens 3 Calves 123 23. . The totaJ amount expended .by the County on the House of Industry is':as follows': ... . ............ ............ . .........................,$ 7,1298.95 13,891.26 687.nl 390.D6 879.43 6.631.87 1,180.50 5,461.39 3.988.83 132.63 920.60 40.00 1,911.82 85.85 2,lll9.00 3,'133.5.2 988.81 293.62 654.99 2,314.44 2,960.36 1,140.75 416.35 Farm, 100 acres, cos't House of Industry Laundry Fire Escapes Root Cellar, Henery, Oottages, etc. Brick . Ice 'House Barns, etc. Tile Drai,ns Tile Dr,fj.in Outlet Hlot. Air Pump, 'Fank, Oonneoti<ms , Refrigerator Fencing Orchard Heating' Aipparwtus Boiler Room and Soft Ooal Boi,1er Deep Wen Silo Hog Pen Eleotric InstallatJon amd Pumps Plumbing Septio' Tank and Drain Sundries ,$58.027.97 24. Reoeiv€d from Government on account of expenditure for land and hUildlng .!l: 4,000.00 Leaving amount actuaHy expended by Oounty.. 25. The oostper inmate is slightly hirghelt'tham.. last year, due b 54.027.97 124 !NJGlN COUNTY OOlmC[L repairs, farm implements ,and eX!penses in connection with SCM'city of water. The Ibuildings of the IllB'titution are in good repair, agem.ent 'is sa.tisfactm-.y. A'll of whicihis respe0tifuHy submitted. and the man~ K. W. McKAY. Ins_tor. St. Thomas, Ontario, November 2'4th, 1934. ELGIN COiUiNTY COUiN()[L ,125 REPowr PHYSICIAN HOV\SIlOF INDUSTRY November 2i2nd, 1934. 'I10 the Warden MId Members of the EOCgin iOounty Dounell: Gentlemen: I have 'the honor of presenting the Fif-ty-ninth Annual Medical Report of ,the Elgin House otf Industry up to Ootoiber 31st, 1934, and submit the following for your considera.tion. I made fifty-two 'visits to the House of Industry, and attended six inmates in the Memorial Hospital, as follorws: Robert Anger, Nov. 7, 1933 to Dec. 27, 1933 E. MCtMiUen, Nov. 19, 1933 to 'Nov. 23., 1933 Charlotte Sutton, Nov. 00, 1933 to Nov. 25, 1933 OhaS:~ WiOI~~~ Ap;ri'l 4, 1934 to July 31, 1934 Robert Debus, iMwy 4. 1934 to May 31. 1934 Fanny Mess'acre, ,June 27, 1934 to June 30, 1934 There were no bir'ths. There were nine deaths, six. females and three males, as follows: Date Name Age Oause of Death Nov. 25, 1933 OhaiTlotte ISutlton 78 Oarcinoma . of Stomach 'Dec. I, 1933 Ellen Peer 87 Oh:r:onic . Myocarditis Dec. H, 1933 Della. Perry 83 Oh:ronic Myb,carditis Dec. 14. 1933, Martha Feilghtner 44 Spe<:ific Arthritis Ja.n. 28, 1934 Joseph Hawes 74 IChTonic Myocarditis J;1eb. Ill, 1934 Roberb Anger 67 iQhro~c Myocarditis Mar. 6. 1934 'Dharles Br;andow 77 Al'teTio Sclerosis Gangrene. June 30, 1934 Fanny Messaere 77 rOhronic Myo.carditis Oct. 5, 1934 Lottie Ross 72 ,Arterio S'clerosis I have the honor to be, Yours ,truly, DOUlGLAS' L. EWm', . Ph~ician, House otf Industr~'. 121i ELGIN COUNil'Y COUNffiL PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE BEPORTS January Session To the Elg.in County .ctJ.uncil: Gen-tleplen: 'T.he ,oommittee- - on Petitions ,and LegiSlation repocts: 1. Th~t no aotion be -taken in reference to oommunication from the County of Middlesex re .tax on sug,at, ill' T.esolution !from the OoullIty Ooundlof Welling;ton 're fixing d9!te for Th-anksgiv1ng Da,y. .2. 'Dha.t, wit,h reference to communtcatiO':]. ;f.rom the Assocta;ted Oounty Co,uncils, we Tooommend tha.t the Warden appoint a repre- s:entattive to a,ttend the annual me.eting 00 the Associatiou, . to be held in Toronto. 3. That no a.ctie'll be tak,en in reference to communiciation fa.'om the Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities. 4. That no aiOti.ou fbe taken in reference to communication from the County ,Oouncil of Essex re the use of .public credit in financing private real eState ventures. 5. 'That we approve ,M c-ommunication froOm the Mayor .of Ohatham, Chail"ma.n orfthe Oommi.ttee from the Natural Gas oounties, in petUion, to the Ontario Government to amend the Nat~ ural Gas Conservation Aot, enabling any Municipality or Mun1cI- paUties to appeal any decision made Iby the Gas Referee to the Ontario Municipal' Board, which decision shaH be final. If 'an audit is demanded by the Referee .or the Ontario ;Municipal Board of the books of the companies interested the cost 'Of such audit be Iborne equaay by the Municipality or the MunicipaUties a.nd the company. No offici9:1 before whoa he,aring is held or who has any -authority ELGIN GOUiNlI'Y COUNCIL 127 regarding the price, distribution Q;L control of Natural Gas shall be connected. in any way or interested in any gas company or companies. All of whioh is respectfully submitted. ARlCH. McCV\..LLUM, Ohalrman. . st. Thomas, OntariQ, J,anuary 25th, 1934. June Session To the Elgin Oounty 'Douncil: Gentlemen: The -Committee on ,Legislation' and Petitions reports: 1. That we -co-operate in C'ommunication from the County (If W~l1and, request-iug petLtionthat Thanksgiving Da;y 1.all on Sunday. 2. That no action be taken in retfer€'l100 to communication from the Oounty 100uncl of Per,th, oPpoSing 'any amendment to the la.w res,pecting milk producers. 3. That weoo-operwte wLth ,t/he Oountyof Dufferinin petition~ lng the Ontario Legislature for legi.":ilation giving munioipa1itles the right to pass 'by-lwws to ,govern and license ag>ents or - pedlars selling or offering for sale goods from door to door. All 'of whioh is respeotfuHy submitted. ARlClH. MoOALLUIM, Ohairman. st. Thoma.s, Ontario. June 10th, 1934. ~28 ,ELGIN. COiUNmY CQUNOIL November Session To the Elgin Oounty Council: Gentlemen: ':Dhe Committee on Legislation and Petition.') reports: That we co-ope-ralte wibh the 'County IDonneil of Ontario in refer- ence ,to taxation of large .chain and departmental stores. All of which is respectfully submitted. ARJOH. McOALLUM, Oh.airman. st. Thoma.s, Cuia,rio, Novemter. 28, 1934. I EUJIlN COUN= COUNCIDL I: ~ ! i, 129 AGRICULTURALC~TTEE REPOR~S January Session To the EIgtn County Council: Gentlemen: I The Agrioultural Committee reports: 1. That a grant of Five Hundred Dollars. be made for ,the pur'" poses of. the Adrvisory AgTicultural Council. 2. That Mr. Frank:M:cGregor,of Aldborougm, J:)e a.ppointed mem~ bel' _ of the Advisory Agricultural Council in p~aoe Of MI'. J. A. King. who decliiles t-o aot, and ,tha.t the other members <be ,continued.. ''eli- 3. That Mr. 'Fred R. Taylor, of Ya.rmout:h, be re-a.ppoinood -Corn Borer Inspeotor for the County of Elg.in. 4. Tha.t no -action be taken in reference tocommunic3Ition ,from the County of We-Hand in. re:fer,ence to stdewa.lks on Ptrovincial Highways. 5. Tha,t Mr. H. G. 'TIaylor, Roove- of South Dorohester, be.re- appointed ;representative- fil'"Olll Elgin to the Ontario Aigricu1turaI Oouncil. All of which is respectfully submitted. 'F'. W. SOHIMELZ, Ohairman. 130 ELGIN COUNTY C'OiUiN"OIL June Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: The Ag.ricultural Committee reports: 1. That stauement PTesented .by! Agricu:J.itm'al ~ep1'€sentati"'\e Thomas, in erferenoo to Wal'1ble Fly Oampaign, :00 received .ana: fil,ed. 2. That no' aotion be taken by th'hs Oouncil in reference 00 com~ mUlltcat'ioos from the Counties -orf Welland and Lincoln re starling menace. All -of which is res.peotful'ly' submitted. F. W. SOHMELZ, ahalrman. St. ThomM, Ontario, June 14th, 1934. ~ovember Session To the EIg,fn County, Council: Gentlemen: The Ag.ricultural Oommittee reports: 1. That we concur in resolution .from ,the County of Haldi1!land in reference .to whole milk question and marketing of cheese, but,tf::,r and other dairy produots. 2. That in l1erf'el'ene'B' ,to 'requBs:j;. fc:r grant to the Ontario Agr-i- ElLGilN' _ COUlNlI'l" COUlNlOIL 1a1 cultu:r:al Council 'We i'€commend the .payment of. ex,penses ofoux delegate to the annual meeting of the Council. 3. That ex,penses in oonneotitOn with Corn Borer Inspection. br paid. 4. That the thanks elf this Oommittee and the rural members of tl18 Council be ex'oonded to the members from the towns and. vil,Lage j for their co~oper,ation in assisting in the finanoe.s required in the Wfl/l'Ible Fly Oampaign,and ,to Mr. F. S. Thomas. ,for his leadexship anu untiring .efIo1"ts .in ,that conn.e.otion. All .of which is respecbful'ly submitted; mE[) W. SOH!Iv.IiELZ, IOhairman. st. '11homas, ,ontario, November 27, 193'4. '~';.. LEGAL C~nTE'E RElPOwr June Session To the Elgin.. Oounty Council: Qentlemen: The Legal .Qommirttee repo:fits: 1. That no action be taken in reference to oommunication from Fred -R. ,Barnum,' Barrister, of A:ylmer, Ire iOa.rter claim f.or dam8ges in injury to his credit, and lost oPpol'ltunity to sell his land as a re- sult ,of including same 'in tax sa.1e advertisement. All of Wlhioh is .respootJf'ul'ly submitted, J. G. GIiLLms, Ohairman. st Thomas, Ontario, June l'5th, 1-934. 132 Jill:JGllN GOUINII'Y 09lJlNGrL RiIDPORT COUNTY COUNOIL PIONIC To the Elgin qounty 'OOuncil: Gentlemen: The OOmmittee on County Council Picnic repoots: 1. Tha"t picnic be held at Selldon on 'the af.temoon of lllriday, th6 13'th of July. 2. That F. Bond be the caterer, rbhe s'ame as last year. 3. 'I1haA; 'invitations include eX-lOounty COuncillors, Oounty OOUIl- ciUors, County Offi.cia.1s:, Members {)If Parliament, .the Press 'and tJhelt ladies. All of which is respectfully submitted. GiEO. H. OROlSS, Ohairman. st. Thomas, ,OntM'io, June l&th, 1934. ElLGm COiUNTY COlJlNOlL 133 REPORT OLD AGE PENSIONS COMMISSION To the Elgin County Oouneil: Gentlemen: The Old Age Pensions Oommission' r:epor;ts as foUows: Total amount, paid pensioners by Province during the e~ding 31st October, 1-934 Total amount paid by theOounty There were 'twelve meetings during the ~ear. ye..,. .. '$121,441.6. 11.766.61 Administratio~ expenses were: For Secretar,y Flar OommissiQ!lers 400.00 ~10.20 ~ --$ 810.20 ,since the appointment of ymN lOOmmi.ssion we ,have r,ooewed 1.082 applications. These were disposed of as fiollows: Deaths ... ~.... ........ ...~..~ 307 Cancelled ... ....... 44 ,iTransffer.red ....,.. 81 -Refused .... ............52 Pending 33 Pensions in force 1st November, 1934... 565 1002 Pensions inforoe "1st November, .1933:... .. '55:5 Pension paynumts. to County Treasur'er"lfor ip.mates of the House of Ind\Wtry omounted .to $2,351,81. All of which is rC8peo1JJ!UlIy swbmi11ted. K. W. McKAYy Sem'eta,ry. st. Thorn,as, Ontario, November 24, 1934. 134 ELG[N' COUNrY 'OOUNCTL ELGIN OOUNmY 'COUiN;OrL 135 REPORT ON LlCENS,ES REPOwr SPECIAL PROVINC!MLROAD OOMM1TTEE To the Elgin County .COuncil: Noveil1!ber Session Gentlemen: To the Elgin Dounty, Go-unci!: I have to repm-t the r'()llowihg licenses in force: GentleIf!.en: Auctioneer The Special Committee a,ppoi-ntedat the June Session of the Oounty Council to consider request {'ur desIgnanon of Grwham Road fTOOO We.':;t Lome to No. 2 Highlway in Middlesex as 'Provincial ffig:h- way heg leave to report that they met on the 20tJh of July, James E. Shaw.... M. A. iMioAlpine Glenn' Clark M.G. Dean A. J. Branton David Hoag Duncan A. Brown M-erritt Moor,e Wilson Pound Frank Fulkerson . ... .... ........... Port Burwell, R. R. '1 ......................... ......... ..... ....... ..Dutton .. st. Thomas .. .. . '.........Tillsonburg .................., ... .... ... ....................... Rodney Bresent: '!Messrs. Mo.Gugan, Olark and ,oross. ........................... ....... ...... .._'Shedden ..Aylmer . .......... . .. ........A,ylmer, R. R. 6 ....TilIsonburg, R. ~. 1 The road was inspected and :the C:omml:'ttoo decided :that no ac:tion be taken - at .present, but when conditLons- improve we recommend th!a:t the road from Rodney'tif"New Glasgow, .and W'estLorne to Ea~le,Dut- ton '00 Walla.cetown, he ;taken over as -Provincia.l H1gn,way. Pedlar Thos. Nisbet & Sons ........................ .............Wardsville All of - which is respectful1y submitted. H. G. T.A:YiLOR,Ohair,man; Junk Dealer Neu:ben She:phard ...... ... .....................St. Thomas 'Tra.nsporiatlon of Fowl, 1934 Charles Pangborn .......................... .................Talhotville Wilton o:r:aw .................. .......................Aylmer, R. R. 2 Thomas H. 'Pangbl1rn ............. .......... ...... ........Roclney Nelson 1M. Wiley................................. ................ .Dutton HUllh Ga.1braiith .................... .........Rodney All of which is respeotfully sUlbmitted~ K. W. MoKAY, COunty Clerk. St. Thomas. ontario, November 19.th, 1934. 136 ;ELG[[N COUNTY COUNC[L ELGIN 'COUN.TY ICOU~CIL 137 EQUALIZATION RJDl'OBT OOunty. of' Elgin. Decision Of County Judge on AppealS Da.t€d at St. Thomas, Ontario, this 16th day of November, 1934. rN THE MATTER OF THE ASSESSMENT AlOT. DUiNlOAN C. RiOSS, Jlldge .of,' the Gounty Oourt; AND IN THIE MATTIDR OF an appeal ,by the Town .of Aylmer and the Vi11ag.e .(Jif .port 'Sta.nley f'rom .the Equ.alized Assessment Of thif.' County of Elgin, as estab1ished !by By--Law 'Number 1216, passed .on the 26th d~ o{ January, 1934. 'Whe~eas !by ,the above By-Law the, Judge of the .county was duly constituted, a ..court f,or the hearing O'i thea:bove mentioned appea~, and having heard' evioonoe adduced by the appeUants and others-, and having made suoh inspections .orf properties in such municipalities in the Oounty as were deemed necessllir.y, I adjudge 'that the assessmeuts set out in ,the said By-L3lVi, and nOfW set .forlt'h in column '1 hereunder, be amended, by substituting therefor the amounts set for.th in column 2 hereunder, namely: REPORT CORiN BORJDR INS'PECTOR Belmont, November 2,2, 1934, To the 'Warden and Member's of Elgin Oounty Gou?cil: Gentlemen: Municipality Oolumn'l . COlumn 2 Aldborough ........... . .., $3,68~,900 .. $ 3,706,658 iDunw1ch 4,024)910 4i,048,205 Southwold ...'.......... 5,074;951 5,104,2'16 y,armouth '51283';958 ~,313,1}53 Malahide ..... 3,~19,'8~1 3,440,976 Bayham .-.."..... ............. Q:,4I13,215 2,4125,735 South Dorchester 2.143,174 2,155.584 Aylmer .. ..... 1,66,0,002 l.OO5.082 Dutton 512;1653 512.653 POil't :Stanel;y 1,017,889 9412,889 Springfield 184.874 184.874 Vienna ........ '121,ll44 lJ2il,044 Rodney >Il21.450 42:1,450 West Lorne . ............ 400,366 408,366 $30.370,345 $30,370,345 I beg to submit the following report on cost of corn boreil' inspec- tion for 1934: A1dborough, D. K. Andr,ew,We.s.t Lorne .............:$ Bayham, Elmus Nevill, Str,affordville, R. !R,. 1 DIlllWich, E. J. Hrutton, Ion,a Station, R. R. 1.. Malahjde, Ohas. Oheesman, Aylmer Yarmouth, Fred R. Taylor, Belmont S. DorCJhester, 1<1:red R. Taylor South-wold, F.rank Coutts, .soutJhwold Station County supervision ,and 'inspections 61.15 00.50 113.00 135.25 144.00 72.20 67.60 112.40 ~ Total..., ,..$ '198.00 Your obedLent ser:vant, MEn R. TAYILOR And I ()I!'der that the costs of the Equaliza.tion be borne by the ' 138 ELGIN. COUN= COUNOliL BY .LA WS BY-LAW NO. 1202 ToO Regulate Speed a.nd Weight of Traffic on County' Bridges The E~gin Goputy Council enacts under authority ot The Highrwa.y 'fialllo Aot: That the speed and gross weight of vehicl€s and loads passing over the bridg,oo herein mentioned be limited as follows: 1. McIntosh Bridge, Oounty ,Road Number FQUl'teen, 'aoross the Rii:ve!r Thames: Speed-ten miles pel' hour. GroiSs .-weig1ht of vehicle and load-seven tons. 2. Gl'aham Road Bridge, County Road Number One, acroos the River Thames': Speed-ten miles .per hour'. Gross: weight -of v,elhicle. and load--seven tons. 3. Wal'dsville Bridge, County !Road Number ThJ:>ee, ,a.cross:the River Tham€s. Speed-ten miles per hour. Gross weig1ht of vel.hic1e and .load---..seven tons. That this By..[J8.IW be in, f.orce andtalre effect when approved by the Depar,tment of Highways, and when prope'l' notices, as to spood and weight are pOSIbed up in a lCIonspicuous pl00e at each end of said hridg,es. ELGIN CDUNTY COUN(J[L 139 Read a third time and ;passed at 'County OoUncil Chambers, st. 'Dhomas, ~thiS 24th day ,of January, 1934. K. W. McKAY, E. S. LIVEIlJM()RJE, IOJ.erk. Warden. BY-LAW NO. 1203 To Appoint Advisory Agricultural C:ouncil The Elgin Gounty COuncil enacts: That the Advisol"Y Agrioultural Oouncil . be oomposed of one IDember. from each> tOWIlSlhip and eight honorary members, the foHOiWing to be appointed: Members Fr,ank McGregor ...............Aldborough David OM'roll ................................Dull1wich E. E. Luton ............ .................iSouthwold R. A. Penhale ............................Yarmouth Harry Kent ...... .................... ........Malahide Louis Johnston ......." ....................Bay[}.am D. Noble ....................'8. iDorcheswr Honorary Members' The members of ,the Agricultural Oommittee of this Council. That members of said Ad'Viso~ AgricUltur:al (Oouncil be paid the sHime as members or! this GauncH Jor .attlendance,.at the t.wo meetings required to .be held alillual,ly 'in F1ebrn-ar.y -ahd Novl8nlber, and that they recei'Ve their travelling and other ex<pense~ for attendance at special ill' emergency meetings called -by the Chairman. 14ll ELGIN COUNrrY COUNlJ[L That Hy-;LamNo. 1192 be repealed. Read a third time ,and :pas.sedat 'Ilhomas, 26th G9IY of January, 1934. County oouncil Chambers, St.. K. W. MoI\1AY. E. S. LIVERJlV]ORJE. Warden. Olerk. . BY-LAW NO. 1204 To. Appoint a. Board o.f Auilit in the Co.unty- of Elgin for the y'ear 1934 The Elgiu_,pounty 'Ooullcil ,enacts: Gour,t M1d :MT. Em-a. F\a;hner Board '00 Audit, to pel'lfonn Chapter 126,' 'section 22. That the Judge of the county herebY ,appointed members ,olf ,the duties requiT€d .of them iby R1S.0. That ,the members ill ,the said Board of Audttbe .paid the sum of Five Dol.IM'S per day for their services, ,and five cenrts ;per mile, going to and from reach audit. Read a third time and passed at 'l1hOlnas, 26th dary orfJanua.r.y, 1934. County 'OmlUeil Chambers, St. K. W. McKAY, Olerk. E. S. LIVEroJlIORE, Warden. are the EOCJGffiN COiUlN"rrY' COUNOIiL 141 BY-LAW NO. 1205 To. Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to Borro:\v the Sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars The. Elgin Oounty' Oounell enacts: That ,the Warden and Treasurer be and are hereby 'authorlZ€d to borrow ,the sum of 'llwo Hundred .and Fifty Thousand Dollars Ironl the Bank of Montreal, as it may be required to melet the expenditures of the Corporation ouf the County of ,Elgin during 1934, and glv,e at security thel'efoT nODes of' one thou.sand or tlen thousand dollars each Read a third time and pass-ed at Oounty Oouneil Ohambers, St.. 'Dhomas, 26th day of Janua,l'Y, 1934. K. W. MoKAY, ,Clerk>'; E. S. LIVERJMORJE, Warden. BY-LAW NO. 1206 T0 Authorize the Warden to Sign Agreement with St. Thoma.gl Boaro of Education The Elgin G:muty Oouncil -enacts: That the Warden be, and is l1ter-e:by aiUthorized, to signagreemel1t with the St. Thomas Board Oif Education, providing, for the payment .of eighty per centum of the cost ,oif education ,of .pupils from the' Town- ship .of Yarmouth attending the St. Thomas OoIlIegiate Institube a.nu Vocau.onaJ School from the 1st 'January to 30th June, 1934. Read a third time and passed at Oounty Council Chambers, St. '.I1homas, 26th day of January, 1934. K. W. McKAY. Olerk. E. S. LIVERMORE, Wa.rden. 142 EILG]N COUNTY COraNOIL BY-LAW NO. 1207 '.ro Authorize the "'Varden to Sign Agreement with the London Boaru of Education The Elgin Oounty _Oouncil -enacts: That the W,arden be and is hereby ,authorized to sign agreement with the London Board of Education, providing ,for the payment ot eighty per, ,centum .of the cost of educaition .of .pupi1s !from the Town- ship of Yarmouth ,and :the 'I1orwn .of Aylmer attending the IOoUegiate Institute .or Vocati'onal School in the Oity Of- ,London, from- 1st Janu- ary to 30th June, 1934. Read a third time and pas'sed at, oounty Council Chambers, :~t, 'Dhomas, 26th day of Januarlf' 1934. K. W. 'McKAY, Clerk. E. S. LIVElRMlORJE, Warden. BY-LAW NO. 1208 To Appoint County Road ,Committee The Elgin Oounty Oourwil enaots, as requir....<>d' by the Highway Im- prowment bDt: That the following five membe~s of this !Counoil constitute a Oom-' mittee for the pUJ:1pose of directing the work to ,be done on 'the Oounty Road ISys-tem: Daniel IMcGugan... Edward Olarke F. W. Schmelz .....For Term of Five Years ....For Term {)If Fbur Yearl!o For Term of 'l'hree Yea.rs E[JCHN COUINTY COUN!O![, 143 George H. Gross . ......For 'Ilerm 'Of Two Years W. H. Bradrfield .............'For Term of One Year That lBy-iLaw No. 1:189 be and is hereby repealed. Read a third time and passed at 'Dhomas, 26'~h d9JY{)!f January, 1934. Oounty Oouncil Ohambers, SL. K, W. McKAY, Clerk. E. S. Ll'VElRMlORE, Warden- "';' BY-LAW NO. 1209 To Appoint a Member to' the 1St. Thomas Suburba.n Area. --Commission! The Elgin ,Oounty Oouncil enacts: 'I1hat Alexander' Anders-on be and is heOOby re~-appointed to -line St. Thomas :Suburban Area Gomll11ssiQin for five years, and untiJ: a bUt:- cessnr is appointed. Read a third time and passed at County Gouncil Ohambers, St.. 'I1homas, 26th d9JY of January, 1934. K. W. McKAY, OlerI.:.:. E. ,S. LIVlD'RMORiE, Ward€u. 144 ELGIN COUNTY .COUNC[L ELGIN COUNTY COUN'OlL 145 BY-LA.W NO. 1210 BY-LAW NO. 1212 'ro Appoint a Member of the Sena.te of. the University of Western ontariO' TO' Appoint Members Of Cemetery. Commissi'on The Elgin County <Dauneil enacts: The Elgin County Gouncil enacts: That the foUowing be appointed to' the Oemetery Oommission .for the yea,r 1934, as jf,equired by the cemetel"Y Act df 1931: That Ernest S, Lirrermore be and is hereby appO'int.ed to the sena-t:e of the University of Western OntariO'. LRead a third time and paEsed at County Council Chambers, St. 'Dhomas;26th day {)rf Janua,ry, 1934. J. P. -Ooombe of Vienna; John Leitch o.f the Town.ship of DUll'wich. K. W. McKAY, .clerk. E. S. LIVElRMORiE, Warden. Read a third time and pas.s.ed, at County Oouncil Chambers, St. 'Dhomas. this 26th day of January, 1934. K. W. McKAY. Olerk. E. S LIVERMORE, Warden. BY-LA.W NO. 1211 To Appoint High School Trustees The ,Elgin County Gouncil enacts: BY-LAW NO. 1213 1. That D. H. Gonnor be appointed Trustee of the A<ylmer High School for three years. To Appoint Inspector Under the Corn Borer Act The Elgin County Oouncil enacts: 2. That R: K. Panter be appointed Trustee of .the Dutton High Sahool for three y,ears, and Ha.rold HoC'kin f:or one y.ear, That Fred R. Taylor, of the Torwnship of Yarmouth, he and is hereby appointed Inspector to per!fo:rm the. duties required, of him under the provisions -of The Corn Borer Act. 3. That Robert Scruton be appointed Trustee of the, Vienna High School fol' three ,years, That while engaged in the peI'iformance 0If his duties under the Act, the said Inspector shall !be .paid the sum of ISix Dollars per day, to include travelling and other expenses. Read a third time' and 'passed at County Oouncil. Chambers, St,. 'Tlhomas, '26th day olf January, 1934. K. W. McKAY, I01erk. E. S. LIVEiRMORiE, Warden. That the said Inspector ,appoint sub-:inspectors 'for each township, said appointments to be approved by the TOIwnshi.p Councils. 146 ElLGIN dK:>iUNTY cO<Jirmrt. Tha.t all by-la,ws llIeretof,o:re passed in ,this behalf be and are here- bY ,repealed. Riead a third ttme and passed at 'I1h-omas, 26th day of Janua.r.y, 1934. County Oouncil Chambers, st. K. W. M<lKAY. Clerk. E. S. LIV'E~MORE, Warden, BY-LAW NO. 1214 To ~ ApPl.)int an Old Age !Pensions commission The Elgin County Oouncil -enacts: That: W, :8. Stalker, orf Aldtbororugh, R. R. 1, Rodney DugaJ.d Blue, of Dunwich, Dutton Wilson H.Mtl1s, of. Yarmouth, Sparta C. O. Coyle, ,or! Bay:haffi, stratr,ordvil1le C. O. ,Luton,of '8. - Dorchester, Belmont local 'authority or Gommi.s.sion to in the Oounty of Elgin. be and are her,ebY a.ppointed the administer bhe Old Age Pensions Act That the said Oommissioners ,be .paid the sum per day .!,o:r attending meetings of the 'Commission per mile to and fTom such meetings. of Five Dollat's and Five -,Gents Read a third .tim,e and passed at Oounty Thomas, this 26th day of January, 1934. Council Chambers,. St. K. W. McKAY, Olerk. E. S. LIVERiMORE, Warden. ELGli1N ClOurNTYOODN.a1.L 147 BY-LAW NO. 1~15 To Regulate Speed and Weight of Tra.ffi.c on Po.rt Stanley Bridge The Elgin County Oouncil enacts: That the speed and weight of vehicles and 'loads pass-ing Over the Port Stanley Bridge (Special) :at southern end of Provincial Highway Number J:i10W", across Kettle Creek, beil'egulated as follows: ,speed-ten miles per hour. Grioos wei.glh,t of ve:hioleand load-s.even. tons. That this By-[ja,w..be in force and ,take effect when approved oy the Department <Jf Highways, and when proper notioes as to speed and weight are pooued up in 'a conspicuous pl,ace at each end of said bridge. '..,'; .Read a- third time ,and passed at Oounty Oouncil Chambers, St. Thomas, this 26th day of January, 1934. K; W. MoK1AY, Clerk. E. S. LIVE~MIORE, Warden. BY-'LAW NO. 1216 'To Confirm the Equalizatio.n of the Assessment Rolls o.f thel COuilty of Elgin for the Year 1934 The Elgin County Oouncil enacts: Th'at the fallowing be the equaliza:tion of the Assessment Rolls of the County of ,Elgin for the yea;!' 1934: 148 ELGIN COUNTY COi(J1NcrI\L 149 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCiL Aldborough DunwLch ,southwold Yarmouth 'Malahide BaY'ham SoUth Dorchester Aylmer Dutton Pm:t StanlJey .springUi,eld Vienna Rodney West Lorne ..,.$ 3.683.908 4,0~4.910 5,074,951 5,2-83,958 3,419,871 2.413,215 2.143.174 1,660,032 512,653 1.017,889 184,874 mll,044 4m,450 408,366 the County as were deemed necessary, I adjudge 'tha:t -the asse.s.smeuts set out in the said By-Lrow, and now set ,forlth in column 1 hereunder, be amended by subs,tituting therefor the- amounts set for,th in oolumn 2 hereunder, namely: Municipality Aldborough Dunwich Southwold Yarmouth Malahide Bayham South Dorches'ter Aylmer Dutton Port Stan-ely Springfield Vienna ..... ..... .:,." Rodney West Lorne Column 1 Column 2 $ 3,705,658 4,048.205 5,104,276 ~,3'13;553 3,440,976 2;4!25,735 2,155.584 1,585.032 512,653 9<12,889 184.874 1Cl1,044 421,450 408,366 $ 3,683.908 4,024)910 5,074;951 5,1283,958 M191871 12,.4113,2115 ~,143,174 1.6ll0,082 512,653 1,017,389 11141874 '1'21,044 4121,450 408,366 '$30,370,345 That this OaUineil is -willing to have the final equalization of assessment, in case of appeal, mad'e hy the County Judge. Read a third time and passed ,at Oounty OouncilChambers, St. Thomas, this 26th day ad' January, 1934. $30,370.3~5 $30,370,345 K. W. McKAY, Clerk. E. S. LIVERMORE, Warden. And I order that the costs of the Equalization be borne hy the County o,f Elgin. Decision of County Judge on Appeals Dated at St. ''I1homa.s, Ontario, -this 16th day of November, 1934. IN THE MATI'ElR OF 'I1HE ~SSESSMENT AlCT. DUNGAN C. ROSS, JUdge of the Oounty Court. AND IN THE MAT'I1ElR OF an appeal by the Town of Ay1me1'" and the Village of ,por~ Stanley f'rom ,the' Equalized Assessment of thf..' Oounty {)If Elgin, as established 'by By-Law Number 1216, passed on the 26th day of January, 1934. Whereas by the above . By-Law "the Judge of <the .county was duly consUtuted a Courtf'or the hea.ring orf the .a;bove mentioned appea~, and having heard evidence adduced by the appellants and .others, and having made such 'inspections of properties in s'uch municipalities in ~'~'~--""--' -,-,-".,,-."".".' 15~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL .BY-LAW NO. 1217 To Fh Entrance Examination Centres The Elgin County ,aouncil enaets: That Rodney, Dutton, Fin-gal, Aylmer, Port Stanley, y,armQuth Heights, Vienna, Belmont and ISpringfield ,be designated as e:ntr~ne€ examinat.i'OO1 centres, and all by':law8 or other dtesignati'ons in this regard be and a~ e hereby tepealed or rescinded. Read a third tim-e ,and passed at Oounty Thomas, this 2nd day of March, 1934. council Ohambers, st, K. W. MoKJAY. Olerk. E. ,so LIViEl~MORE, Warden. BY -LAW NO. 1218 To Fix Pay - of Consrtla.bl:es -for Atrendan:ce. a.t the Assizes or SessionS! The Elgin Dounty Oouncil- enacts: That every cons,ta:ble attending the Assizes or sessions s:b.,all be paid for each day's atDBudan.ce the sum of Three Dollars and 8eventy- five Gents. And Iwhere a sittings of said Oourts is continued a;t:rer eight o'olock in the .eVlenmg, an additional allowance, not exceeding one day's pay, may he made to any such officer upon the certificate of the pres-iding Judgle. This ~-lLalW to include paym€ll1t of oonstables ',attending the June sessions, 1934. County iOounc-il Ohambers, ,st. Thomas, 13th day of ,June, 1934, K. .W. M0K!AY, OleTk. E. S. LIVERMORE, Warden. LELG[N ICOUiNTY CQUNCTL 151 BY-LAW NO. 1219 To Fix Pay of Consta.bles for Attendance a.t the Asssizes, Sess,ions and County Judge's :Criminal Cour.,t The County Oouneil of the Oounty of '~lgin enacts: That every, oonstable attending .the AssiZleS, lsessions or County Judge's Or.iminal ICOUl't shall he paid f,or €ach day's attendance the sum of Three Dolla,rs. And -- where a sittings of said - OOUI'its is rontiimed aJfter eight o~clock in the evening, an additional allowance,not - exooeding' olle day's pay, may be made to any such oftlicer- upon the oortificate, of the pr-esiding J~udge. Th1s By-Law to include pruyment of oonstables attending 'We June iSessions, 1934. 'Dhat lBy-L~w No. 1:2.18 be repealed. County C'ouncil <Chambers, St. Tho1l1as, 13th day of Jutre, 1934. K. W. M~K;A Y, Clerk. E. S. L]VERMORE. Wardell. BY -'LAW NO. 1220 To Appoint Officers of the House of Industry and'ltefuge The County Douneil of the County of Elgin enaots'; 1. That Frederic'k Illg'tl'anl be and is hereby appointed Keeper, and his wife, Ethel Ingr~m, _ ~ and is hereby EtJPpointed Matron oJ 152 ElLGIN COUNTY COUNC[L the House of Industry of the Council. and Refuge to hold office dutlng the pleasure 2. That the combined salaries O[ the Keeper and MMr,on be are her.eJby -fixed at Fifteen' (Hundred -and Eighty~four Dollars, annum, payable quarterly. 3. Tha;t the said Keeper and Matron, be ,a.ndare hereby to provide at. their own expens'e such hired, help as may 'be in the 'institution, sub)ect to the approval of the Inspector. anJ per r,equired r€jquir€d 4. That. Doug.1as L. 'Ewiu, M.D. !be !and is hereby appointed Physician of the House of Industry and Refuge at a salary ,of Two Hundred ahd Seventy Dollars per annum, 'pay.able ,quarterly. 5. That K. 'W. 'McKay be and: is here'by appointed Inspector of the House Q1f Industry ,and fWfuge without salary, his travelling ex- penses in connection therewith to be paid. 6, 'That a committee of three members (j>f the Counoil, 'to be called the Standing' OommLttee of 'the'Management of the' House of Ind:U5tr.y, Ibe a,ppoinrbedannuaJlY at the ;first session in each year. 7. That By-Laws Nos. 870, 914, 949, 966, 975, 1017, 1049, 1074, 1095, 1!168, 1170, 1172, and 1184 'be and the same ,are hereby repealed. and ,passed at Oount;y Oouncil Chambers, St. of June, 1934. H.ead a third time Thomas, this 15,th day K. W. MoKcil.Y, CleTk. E. S. L1VERMORE. Warden. lIDLO[N' 'COUNr.I'Y COUNIOIL 153 BY-Lcil.W NO. 1221 To Define the Duties o,f the Standing Committee of Management. In~ spector, Keeper. Ma,tron and Physician; for the Superintend~ enee, Care and M~agementQf the Houst:) of Industry and -Refuge of the 'County of Elgin, and to Pre~ scribe Rules and Regulations for the Government Thereof. The c.ounty Council of the Countyaf Elgin enacts: STANDING COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT 1. That it shall be the duty of ,the Standing Committee .to oversee bhe management and exaanine into the state' of 'all matters and things relating to the support and employment of ,the pauper inmates; to audit all acoounts quarterly and report yearly to the Gau'nty Council at its regular meetfIl'g in November; and shall a.lso, at the- June ISeS~ sinn in €lctch year, p:;esent an estimate of the prolbruble .amount requir~ ed for the ensuing year for the support and mainbenam:eof the poor. n shall Ihe the duty of the said Oommiltitee to -appojnt one orf their number to visit ahd ins:p8'ct the Instftu.tkm and ,f'arm monthly and repc-rt. BILLS AND CLAIMS That all bills and claims against the OorpOration :for 'suppl'ies furnished to the House O!f Industry, ,and Industr.i.al Farm shall be duly certified as heing correct by, the Ixwpec'tor or Keeper 'before being presented for audit, and on the same !being exa.mined and passed by said Committee, the Ohairman shall be authori:7..ed to grant his order on the County Tl'€aSurer ,fDrthe several -amounts allowed to be paid by said Treasurer . ADMISSION OF PAUPERS A - reeve or - deputy~reeve Of ,any municipa1ity in the County, O~ In~ spector or County C1erk may, /by writingundier their hands ;and se'a18" oommit to - the said House of Industry or {)If Refuge to :00 employed >54 EILGIN COUNTY COUNCIL and governed according to tme Rules and Regula tioOns and orders If! the HOllse. All poor and indigent persons, who are. not insane-or. a.fflicted with a contagious disease, who are incapable of supporting uhemsel<ves and who' Ibelong to the Oounty of Elgin, ,and the' Kreperof the said House .of Industry, shan and is hereby authorized toO receive such per- soOns and nootllers. The commitment to the said House o-f Industry shall Ibe in &orm set forth in Schedule "A". The cert1.rfi.rDate thereon in retf'erelllce to the mental and'tphysi:cal condition ()f -proposed inmates to 'be signed by the medical offi,oor .of hea~th of ille Municipality from which commitment is made, .or ,by the physician 01' the House of 111- dusbrY, .or by some other physici,an, designated by him. When persons desiring toO 'he admitted to the House'o1 Industry are owners ,cof real or 'personal proJ)e'rlty or money, it \Shall be ,the duty of the ,official to whom a:pplication is made to withhold the commit~ ment until the proper~y [belonging to the .proposed inmate has 'been transferred or ;placed in the -custod;y of the CouIlIty Treasurer, f.or the purpooe elf: paying the ccst od: tlheir maintenance while in the House of Industry, and funeral eXlJ}eUSes ilf they die while mmates in . the House, that in lieu of the transfer ort: tIDe' property tlo, the .oounty Treasurer, a 'baud CIf a good and sufficient surety may be filed in his offiw to 'OOlcure the rpayment of all c:harrges for maintenance and fun- er,al expenoos. That Old Age Pensioners -admitted to the House of Industry bb required to assign bheir pensions to the county Treasurer, who will keep an account of same and charge $3.85 per week for their main- tenance, and $1.75 per day when they are being maintained in a hospital. '" \ ) EXPENSES OF SENDING INMATES 'ro HOUSE The expenses of sendlng all persons to the House of Industry shall be determined lbiY the parties committin.g them, and sl1,all in no case tmCeed twenty cents :per mile, with 'a minimum charge of $1;50., That lthe €'Xlpenses olf: sending all ;persons to. the House of Industry shall be paid in the f1.rnt instance by the municipaUty from which ELGIN COUNTY COiU!NOIL 155 , the inmate is sent, one-'hal:f to 'be retfunded' on presentation of ac- counts to the County Council. CHILDREN All children between rthe ages of two and slXteen yea,.rs, commit~ ted to or horn in the slaid House of Industry, shall be transferred, in aC'Oordance wibh the provisiorus of The Children's ProtelO'tion Act of Ontario, to the sheliter of the OhildTcn's Aid Soci-eity of the City of St. Thomas and County of Elgin. DEATHS 'rhat inmates who may die in the Institution, whose bodies 'are hot claimed by friends ['.or burial, be disposed 0If under the provlsions o,f The Ontario Analtorny Act. That al'irangements 'be made for the purilal of Old Age Penstoners who may die in the Inst'itution a.t a oost not to exceed 1irfty dollars. In case rOf t.h.e' death of any inma,te; for the disposttinu of whose body no prOVision was made at the -time of ,Ciommi'trneut, or whose body is notclaiined by friends, tJhwt the Kooper be required, to report the deatQl ,to the Reeve of ,the municipaUty f.rom Wlhi:ch the inmate was-committed, wi,th a view of ha.ving the body claimed far burial instead of being s.ent to 'the Inspector of Anatomy as required by. The Anatomy Act. That the Keeper he reqUired tJo keep a regIster Showing name. age, sex, birth place, religious denomination and . other mlfmmatian as in Death Regis:ter Form, ,schedule "B", and when an Old Age Pen- sioner or inmate dies, and the bOdy is ulahn,ed for burl-aI, that he be requiretl to girve the person to whom ;bOdy 'is de1iv-ered a copy of the entJries in the Death Register. OFFIOERiS' UUTIEIS Inspector' It shaJl' be the duty of the Inspector to see that the rules ,and regul'atiorus hereinarfter prO'Vided are duly enlforced; he shall visit 'the House at least once each month, hear any, complaints that may be made and report the same to the Stand'ing C:ommi1tltee I:)n House of ~, .- -.. --.-- 156 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL =--_. - Industry and Refug.e at 'its me.etings. He shall aloo, under instruc- tion from the said Oommittee or the Gounty Oouncil, authorize the Keeper to 'procure.. .all ne'oessary help and supplies ;f0'r the H~use and. Farm, and oertiJfy all Ibil1s and claims for the same .to the Board of Audit, the arfmesaid Standing Committee of Management. The Inspector shall. in a bouk to ~e provided at the cost of this Corporation, keep, 'a. register ,olf the nMlles ,olf aU pauperii, vagrants, etc., a\lJmitted into the House. The InSlpe-etar shall allSo mal(€J a year1y report to the County Council .for the year ending the 31st ,0& october in each and even' year, in the f,orm \p1'1crvided in .schedule "B" of this By-Law, with an additional report 'lJ.port any -other mattJer or thing that he may con- S'ider of sufficient 'lmportanlOO to bring ,to the notice of the .council. He shaU als.o, on or Ibefore the 31st of OCit.cher in every year. check an iuv-entory of ,personal property belOnging to the Insti-tution. Duties of l(eeper It shall be the duty of the Keeper to und,erta.ke the general superintendence of the flouse of Indrustry and Refuge and the Indus~ trial Farm 'attached thereto .g,nd, when not otl1~l1wise eng;aged, shan devote his time to tilling and cultivating said farm, securing and har~ v-esting the <crops, or at .ather manual }aJbor, according Ita the require- ments 'Of the several sea$nn.s of the year. and'in urder ,to, work such f,a;rffi in a skilful and h~Sbandlik.e manne'r. He shall give' his. atten':' Uon and time fur ~ the beriefit O1f the InstituUon, and shall carry intO effect a1l the ,Rules and 'Regulations adOipbed fNm time 'to time by the said IOounty Gauncil for the government and management of said House. He shall not absent hilll5'el1f ,fr.om ,the Institution at any tima with10ut the consent of the Inspector. Jit shall :be his duty to see that the prOVISIOns furni3!hed to the inmates are of gnod quaUty and such as the committee Dr InspeOtor may appr,ove of, and he shan not ,alloW any waste thereof, and shall not permit the use of intoxicating drinks by r..nyof, the inmat€5, ELGllN COVNT'Y OOUNC[L 157 and all work done on the 'pren1.ises llio be done as directed by the In- spector. -or Committee of Manag-ement. The keeper shall take. cha.rger of . all ralw material f.or manufacture 'and 'working oools provided by the Inspector for the full employment of suc'hof the inmates as are able to work and direct and superintend their work and labor under direction of the Inspector. Ii 'i.'I. ,iI '<I :,!I' :11 ;11 ill il ill t 'ili 'I ,q 'i! 1 r! He shall also koopf'air and regular accounts in writing of ,all materials, provisions, fuel, dothing and! other necessaries provided. :for the us'~o[ the Institution, and of all expenses a~'ld charges attending the maintenance and support o[the poor, and of all monies received by him from ~he sale o'f the pr,oduccts of th'2ir lahar or otherwise .on the premises, and shall sublnitthe said lists and accounts to the In, spector and ,Standing Oommittee on House ,nf Industry and Refuge aJt the' meetings of said Oo:mmittee. He shall also keep a oorrect and particular Qlccount of each and every article of wearing apparel issued ,to the inmates, ,and shall keep a complete inventory of .all Ipel'sonal property in and albout the place, and assist the Inspector in checking the same fO'r -the purposes of the anual report, and also assist in the valuing of provisions, pro-' duce, etc.. on hand. He shall alSio k€ep a V:isitnr's Book, in Whi:oh parties visiting Institution shall enlt.er their na.mes, with any remarks they may fit to make of a proper nature. !;he see He shall also eXMnine all paupers on thdradmi.ssibninto the house, note such f'R'Cts in regard! 'DO them as ,are important to be pre..;. S€l1ved, ,shall cause them to be thoroughly cleansedahd suitaib\)T locat~ ed, haVing reference to their a:ge, sex ,and genttal character, shall bl!. especially caJl'e'fuI that -the infirm inmates and children are treated with considerate c.are and kindness, 'and shall see thati;>rQpeT a.tten.. tion is gi,ven 'to the sick. He shall also .see that levery department. and all furniture and utensils 'are kept neat, <:lean and in 'Order, and that all provisions, fuel and every other article oonsumed in and about the premises, are used with' the striotest economy. "I ] ii :;1 Ii, :i!1 11 .'.I'.il! ,.I' :;, 158 ElLGIN aOUN'DY aOUNcrL ELGIN COUNTY COUN'C[L 159 He and the matron, or their assistants detailed for the purpose, shall a180 visit each and -every oocupie'd room Rlfter the ringing of the retiring 'bell, and shall see that the inmates have ,all retired, ex~ oeptingthose on duty Dr who are caring f(Jv the sick. He shall ,also,. in a hook to be furnished Do him for that .purpose, note all Ica.ses treated by him, fmd in 'case of death to certify therein the cause; and shall also repor,t in such hook all the 'births in said House; He may .aloo, !for viola.tion .oJf any of the rule& for disobedience or bad conduct by any ,olf the in1i1at.es, inflict suitable punishment at his discreti:on (burt employ no improper means) hy c.onfiinement or 01lher- wis€; but 'in case -of solitary confinement not for a longer period ,than twenty.,(four hours, unless lby the direction afohe Inspector. He shall a-ls,o, when c-aUedupon Ihy the Keeper, eXaJmine ,any of the pauper inmates. feigning illness, or otherwise as to their ability to ~ork. He shall visit th€ House at lea.stonee a '\\leek. RULES FOR THE INMATES Duties of the Matron 1. At the ringing .of the morning 'bell every inmate in the House (,the sick and those in confinement excepted), must rise, dress, wash and be in readiness to proceed to work. i!! It shall be the duty of the MatrO'n to' take ch8!rge and. oversigh" of all the in-door operations; to see that all the f.emale inmates are provided IfnT IDCcording to their respectLve wants; that cleanliness, bOlth in tJheir persons and apartments, and that good order and de- corum :00 olbs€rved at all times. I I, Ii I'; II I~ I I'i She, shall be care:ful of all the g,oods, property and furnHure oommitt-e'd to her cba.rge, th9Jt the same he not lost or em- bezzled; she shall dierct the dletailing of the women under her charge toO :suchbra.nches of lahar as in her judgment they are- best fitted to perform. 2. The bell will Iring ten minutes. beriore -each meal, when all will . leave their -work and. he in readiness, with. clean hands and .fWCleS, fOl" the ringing of the second bell, !When they will repair to. the dining ,rooms .and take suoh seats.at the taJqle. as are 8}3sig,n~q. ~o them by ,those in charge, where they mus.t ,oIbserve sHence, decency and good order. !\,I 3. A,t the ringing of the slow bell, a.ft'e.T meals, every inmaw shall immediately repair to work. She shall at prep-e'r and s;tated times have all the clothing of the inmates .and the bed-clothes ohanged and replaced with clean ap- parel; and shall be vigilant over every part of the house in regarg. to cleanliness, and shall see that the female inmateso:bserve .all tl1.r. rules that may ,be prescribed 1'0>1' abluti,on. 4. No. inmates shall be allowed to loiter about ,the kitcben, nor shall any provisions ,or ,food (ex1cept at regular meaJs) be oM'ried to any part of the house wIthout the c'Ousent or{ the Keeper; nor shaH any cooking he done except in the kitchien. 5. At nine o'clook bell, the inmates must in the €lV'ening, at the ringing of the retiring retire to bed in their re.spentive 'apartments. Duties of the Physician, It shall 'be the dut'Y of the physic'ian to under,tal~e' ;Dhe sanitary supervision of the Institution, to attend professionally an all the in- mates, and 'have th(;!l g.eneo:al care Oif their hea:lt1h. [He shall also at- tend .all [t'esident officers' and &ervanrts and :3uch members of their families as are bonafide residents on .the .premises. 6. No inmate shall be a.llowed ,to trade or exehang,e clothing 01' any other thing, 'with any person who:rns:ower, or 'beg of those who visit there; nor shall they receive any money or other ~,r-ticle .fr,om anyone, wUhout the consent -of the Keerper. 7. All persons . shall dilig.ently and 1faithtfully perform the- duty ,or 16~ ELG[N COUNlrY COUN'OlL task 'allotted to them Iby the Ke.eper, unless otherwise excused. 8. Any person guilty of drunkenness, disobedience, immorality, obscenity, disorderly conduct, prmanoC or 'indecorous langua:ge, theft, waste, Of who shall albsent hirnse]f or herself from the premises with- out the 'Permission -of ,the Keeper, or who shall be guilty of injuring Of d~acing any Ipart alf the hUllS'8 'Of fur~iture th-erein, or who shall commit ,waste of any kind, shall Ibe punished a.s the oase may Seem to demand. 9. In Oa8'eIS {)If so1it.ary -confinement, the prisoners shall be de- barred from seeing or conversing with any pBfson except the In- spec,tor, ,the Keeper,or '~he person employ,ed to supply their wanu. and the-f.ood of such prisoners shall 'consist solely of !bread and wat- er, unless othel'lwise ordered ;by the Inspeotor or Physician. 10. Any person who shall have -communication, either directly or indirectly, with anyone thus confined, without permission, shall 100 subject to rpunishment by a likre .corufinement. 11. That no person be allowed to leave the I1.'l5tiiDution without the permission of the Inspector, and that where necessary he will be requil'ed to IconsuLt wi.th the Council, of the municipality ;from wh~ch he ,or she was committed, m' tho:,:, municipality of whioh he or she may bec{Jll11€ a resident. 11. (a) No ,one shall 'go (bew.ondthe Umits of the Industrial Farm unless by ,the permission of the Keeper, nor remain out b€lyond the time specified 'by the Keeper. 12. The Silibath Day shall be strictly 'dbserved, and no irreligious diversion .or unnecessary labor be indulged in. At the ringing oft~e ibe:ll f,or the purposenf assembling if,or r,eligi.ous instruotion and wor- ship, every peJl'SO'll (unless excused by the Keeper) shall appear dr,ess- ed in clean ,apparel in the instructing. roorm, a.nd shall behave with decency and sobriety. No noise or disturbance shall be made in any pal\t of the house durill1g suoh ex-ercises. 13. All .persons wHfully aibsenting themselves from the place of ELGIN COUNTY C!OUN:CiIL 161 meeting, or violating the 'SailJbath Day, shall be subject ,to prompt and severe punishment. 14. EvelW :person previOUS to admission as an inma,t;e of the House, shall be sulbjected to examination and ooarch .by t.he KeePf'!' or one Olf his assistants. ) 15. ,No !person shall have ad'mission to ohe House ,on t.he ,Sabbath without the written 'Permission of ,the Inspector, ,oc by ,the cons€nt of the Keeper upon good Ol3JUS€ shown. 16. All persons a:ggrieved may refer their complaintEi'uo th~ In- spector when he is visiting the House. Offences Against This. By-Law THAT any ;personor .persons who shall commit any infringemen.t or breach of any 'One of the pr.ovisi'ons, requirements, ena'Otment.s, sections Dr c1a:uses of this By-'La:w, or any offence against this By- Law, or any suoh person. or 'Persons :neg1e'eting or refusing to .obey and perform any of the reasonalble orders of Inspector, Keeper or Physician, given in the execution of the duties of their respective of- fices aforesaid, he, she 61' they, shall he lia:ble to a fine not e:ooeeding Five Dollars, exclusive ,ad.' costs; and not less than fifty cents, ex- clustV'e of costs" a.nd in case of nOll-payment ill sUlCih flne to be inflicted for any such breach or offence and trere ,being. no distress found. out of WhIch such fine can be levied, such person or persons so offending as aforesaid 'against this 'By-Law shall be im- .prisoned, with or without hard lalbor, in the jail of the County Of El- gin fog;' any period: not exceeding twenty dwys and tha;t the provisions of The Summary Oonvictions A'Ct shan apply thereto. 162 ELQIlN COUNTY COUNCiL '" e."" d ~ ~,-., C1> \j l:::l l:::l ~ \...J ~ g; p.. ~~~ Q 0 " " Q '" ., :'ii s ". ~~~ ct> ~ rJ ~ ~. gj 9~ ~ a "~!" ~,;:j'O "~~ d~. Cl t:l ,,~.I, d Z ., Po ~ ~ ~. ~ o rJ -:I l:::l 0 (J ~ r:::I cT 0 "... ~tIClt:t rrS::<! ,.,.., 0"< ~"' o .....eD '..\:l .... ~. c+ en pl ''1.00 as- c+t;t- <!oOI:S ~ ~ '" 'i..... Q (f.l W p" pl <:;FI>l;!pl ~ nro-;:ll H, >-ii 0;' <:+ H..... ..Po ;::".. l!l 138. 8' g, ~t%i SLl ;:3 W f;t.,C1>~ ~ ~ ?f5 0 Q ~O R. C ~ giS. o,s, !=t; 8 S Ef~ ~ f""f" '"" o..~ p I ~ pl ~ r-:J (l)...... '< <:+ > .-;. f"""f' b- ~g c+ ~ ~ o' ~ ;::ro 0 o 'd g' r~ ,~. l:::l HO " .:: o~ Ul . (\i 1F.l ,.,. ~ ~.1ii' g- '8::t - r----' ~. =:t:: :r C' g~ H pl Itl ~......"" (ll (00 Ii l-j <:"~ .... \101' g 'eta cb "i IT t) ;::l 8 os " ~ '" "...::c ~ e~s' S. ~ ~t p. G) ~ R. ~ 0 C1> ::: 0 ('p (I) ",..::(ll l'/l G ~..... l:::l <:+ ~.;::I ~ !Il ::: I:il 0 8>..... :;r 0 ~ """ c'~"" ~ >-1 ,,~>-j (tl .., 00 00 ~a~ ~ ~ '<1 g ~ .-;. en (D S ~ (ll...... (fQ ...... ~ ". " ~ ~ ~'::l.~ SLl S a1 ~ ~ 0 ~ 00..(1: c+ n Po t'o-o 1'-t") I;l s "'~ p. d" 0 '" 0" ~ C] c d ~. ft't> ~ ::t...... $ '<l 0 C -+", 1--\ t:'" <1''"1(0 ctl p:I s:: A,;:: Q l.'Jj E ~~ o:a 1:;' c+ ;::s ~ - C1> "'~ FI:I' (\) ..... <:+ l........ IooooW > ::r....'" .......:;1 '-'!.... . ;:: ,e. S' '< i'l, <> <> '" = "'~~ erg c 00 ~. [:t ~. g ~ "'to,:3 f""f" l:l. t;r(!l ct ct s:: 8 t'r1 ~ '"1 ~ l:l~ g g t;. <6 -;! ~ g.~ '<l D ~. ~ itiil' ~ ~g,'A, (:1 ~ = 00' 0 P; H .., 0 ;;::~ W f-ti l;tj Ii:! C 0. <Il n .......1-" "-+, ~2. 0 ~ ~ 'S. ~ .....- "'g; ....... '& p.. .. ~ ~ ~ i'}(\) 0 I-l 0"1 '4 ~ CD 00 Rl ~ ~ t:f ~ 8.tl P. <:T 0 ~ C"') c: P.S- ;: 0 <:T p.. 0 ere. o':;l. ~ '-l M ~ :0 .';l 111 8' ~. "CD <ll ~ (;) $' m, ...... ~:o t-- ll:I ~r p ~ 0 . ~ !" t:f <t <:T aq ........ o tj Po 0 <tl (""') S ,~S'''' ~ '" "tl ;. ..... m. <tl .g ~ ;:: 0 (';I co P 1:1> 'd ;:::s 0 ~ (1I:j e 0 <:+ !;':I .... c'o .....,"1 po ..... - o ...... <:+ (b - ") Old elothes, Tnmks, Valises, etc., the property of persons com- mi,tted should not be brought to the Institution. All inmartes wiilI, on their arrival, be admitted only at entrance to Bath lWom in rear of building. By Order. ELGIN COUNTY OOUNO:m. 163 No Extract from the Ontario Anatomy Act as to the Disposal of Bodies of Inmates Dying in House of Indus,try. CORiMITMENT OF The Superintendent {)If every publio institution shall, upon the d>ea-th of Ian inmate .of the in8'titu~ tion, give notice within twenty~ f,our hours .of such death to the Inspector of Anatomy .foOr the 10- cali-ty. Extract from By-Law No. 1221 In case of the dea:th Gf any in- mate, for the disposttion of whose' Ibody no provision was made at the time of oommitment, or whose bodlY is, not claimed ,by friends, tha.t the Keeper be required to re- port the death to the Reeve of the municipality from whioh the inmate 'Was commttted, with a view of having the Ibod.yclaimed !for burial instead ,of being sent to the Inspector of Anatomy as l'e- quired by The Anatomy Act. NOTICE The Keeper will please notify the undersigned of the deaJth of the inmate hereby commttted, should it occur while... Sent from Age ............. ........ ;rears. Born in Cause of Pauperism.. Received 'into HIouoo.. 19 Filed this .....................................day of 19 an inmate in the Institution, and the body will !he claimed for burial. Name P. O. Keeper Telegr;aph Office This is to Certify that.. is not insane or a:fficted with a contagious diseaS€. Dated ...... ..................19 ........................................M.D To be signed by medinal officer of health of municipality from which the inmate was oommitted, or by the physician of thE' House of Industry. H14 ELGIN COUNTY' CQiUNC[[,. ELGllN COUNTY COUNCiIL 165 ELGIN HOUSE OF INDUSTRY DEATH' RECORD ELGIN HOUSE OF INDUSTRY D'EATII RECORD SCHEDULE B. SCHEDULE C No....... No.... Name Name Age Age Sex Sex Where Born Where Born Date of Birth Date of Birth OCCup~tion Oc.oupation Religious Denomination Father's Name Religious Denomination Father's Name Birth Place Birth PI,ace Mother's Maiden Name Mother's Maiden Name Birth Place Bir.th Place . Date of Death Date of Death Dis.posUion of Body Disposition ()if Body ........Keeper. ................. ...................... ....... ..... ..Keeper. Date of . Burial (When an inmate dies the Keeper will fill out duplicate and give same to undertaker or Inspector .of Anatomy.) Place of Buri'al Name of Officiating Clerg'yman Undertaker (Tolle attached to acoount for burial, w11lh receipt for cost of diggIng grnve.) ,1166 JELG[N 'COUiNTY.COiUNOIL ELG[N .COUNTY COUNOlL 167 1. Number of Inmates' 'tn the House at last report 2, Number admi,tted during the year. F1emales., 3, Number of deaths 4. Number discharged Males." 9, Average number of inmates during '!the ,_year., 10. Average, with kooper's !family <and hired help.. 11. Number oX weeksboardJof inmates Irts,pector's Report 12, .Average, with keeper1s 'faanlly, etc., added.. 13. Total expenditure during the year, 5. Number aJbsconded ~. Numlber now in House. Males.,.. ...... Females 7. NumbBr inmates sent from the s€veral Municipalities in the Courity during the year: 14. Pwmanent improvements Receipts: Aldbor.pugh Dunwilch Southwold Yarmouth Mal,ahide Bay-ham South 'DOTchestel' Aylmler ' Dutton 'West Lorne Rodney Springifield "'Vien:n'a Port Stanley From inmates From inmaJtes pension accounts From [farm 'produce ........."".." From farm stock From sundries 15. Le~liVing amount actually expended for support of inmates mates 16. Average e~nse per week for each person 17. Average ex-pense per day for eaclh person .........,..""............".... IS: Average expense per year for eam person .............", "". 19. Amount expended [:01' House 'and FaJ.'Im, during,the year is divided. as !folloWs: 8. The various cases of pauperism of inmates 'ad'mitted to the House during ,the year may be classed as [:oUoovs: FatimiEJopeJlS<l : ISilQkness,.,,,,,,, ..""""....,, Destitution "Old Age Blind Insane, Idiotic, etc. All other c'as€s Hired! help Implements CF'eed Stock MiScellaneous 168 E[]G-1N GOUN,TY GOIUNG[IL House Expense: Hired labor.. ....... ................... ......... Bread Meat Groceries Provisions Dl'y Good. Boots and Shoes Furniture and Hardware:.. Drugs Coal and Wood Miscellaneous General ExpensE: Repa:irs Permanent Imrprove'ment Salaries, Keeper and Matron. Physician Inspector Oommittee Incidental Insuranoo, 20. The following produoe was roamed' on the :farm during the year~ 211. Number of articles of bedding and clothing made up during the yeaJr by the matron and the inmates: 22; ,Number:ofvi:&it.s by the Inspec'tor: 23. Farm stock: 24. The total amount €&pended by County House of Industry, etc. is as !follows: 25. Re,ceived from Government, -on oocount €':k.pend:itures for lands and buildings Leavin.g MUount actually expended by COunty Read 'a ,third time ~,ndp~ at County Oouncil Chambers, St. Thomas. this 15th day of June, 1934. K. W. McKAY, Oounty Olerk. E. S. LlVERMOR.E, Warden . , 'I ELG-IN GOUNTY COUNillr., 169 BY-LAW NO. 1222 To Extend Time for Tax Sale The COunty Council 'Of the IOounty 0If Elgin enacts; Tha.t 'the ,til11le for the enforoed collection hy sa1e Olf land in arrears for ta.x€S in the Oounty otf Elgin 00 .and is her.eby exttended for one year. Read a ,third time and passed at Oounty ,Council Ohalmbers, f?t,. Thomas, this 15th day {)If June, 193,4. K. W. M~Y, Clerk. E. S. LlVERiMORE, Warden. 'BY-LAW NO. 1223 To Authorize the Warden to Sign Agreem:ent with the S~ Thomas Board of Education for Mai:nJtenance of Oounty Pupils The OOunty Oouncil of the 'County 'Of 'Elgin enacts: That the Wa.rden be and is hereby ~authori:red to sign agreement between the County ,of Elgin ,and the St. Thomas Board 'Of Edrucat~on, providing for payment{; of the cost of educwtiol1 of pupils: from, the County of Elgin attJending 'the Oo11egia.te Insrtituteand Vocational School. The Colinty to pay: 90% of the cost of maintenance. 80% .of the cost of Permanent Lmprovements or dehenture paymentsthere'for. 170 ELGIN OOUNTY :COUNG\I[, E!LGllN COUiN'DY COUNCIL 171 ,Rea4 a third time and . passed at COunty Oouncil Ohambers, St. Thomss, this 1'5th day .of June, 1934. K. W. McKtAY, 'Clerk. E. S. I"Ivm:RJMORE. Warden. Springfield Vienna Rodney Wes't Lorue 184,874 tz,1.044 421,450 408,366 $(10,370.345 BY-LAW NO. 1224 THEREFORE the Cour...cH -of the ,Municipal Oorporation of the County of Elgin enacts: 1. That a rate of 514 mUIs -on the Dollar be levied on all rate':' able property in the several Municipalities in the County of Elgin, a.<:: above set forth, Jor .the year 1934, to ~ai.se the foHowing amounts: 2. That the sum of One Hundred ,and Fifty-Nine Thousand, Four 'Hundred and Forty-'F-our Donars 00 raised and levied iIi the several Municipalities of the Oounty, according to the following Schedule, ~nd that the ,amounts as entered therein be paid ,to the Oounty Treasurer as by lruw required': To Raise Amounts for County Bates During the Year 1934 WHERElAS an estimate haS' !been made show,ing thatbhe sum of One Hundred and Fifty-Nine Thousand, Fool' Hundred and Forty- Four Dollars is required to be raised in the several Municipalities for and lawful purpooes of the Oounty during :the year 1934. SCHEDULE AN1D W1HERiEAS,:by the Assessment Act, this OOlineil is required to direct what ptJ.rtion of the sum to be le'vied for County .purposes shall ,he levied in eac'h ,Municipality in the-County. Equa.lized Value $3,.68-3;908 4;024,910 5.074.951 5,283,958 3.419.871 2,413,215 2.143,174 1,660,082 512,653 1,017.889 Municipality AldborQugh Dunwlch Southwold Yarmouth Malahide Bayham _ -South Dorchester Aylmer Dutton Port Stanley Springfield Vienna Radney West Lorne Total $ 19,339 21,131 26,643 27,741 17,954 12,669 11,252 8.716 2,691 5.344 972 635 2.213 2,144 ANID WiHE-RlEAS -the rates are require-d to ;be apportioned. on the basis of the assessment of pmper-ty as equalized.. AND WIHEREAlS the assessment of property of the- .county, as ascertained and equalize-d, is as follows: Municipality Total Ald>borough Dunwich Sout.hwold Yarmouth llVla1ahlde Bayham South DOl'cheste,l' Ay1mer Dutlxm Por,t Stanley $159,444 County Council iOlmmbers, St. Thomas, June 15th, 1934. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. E. '8. LLVERJMORE, Warden 172 E'LGJIN COUNTY- COUN'CITL . E!LIGIN COUNTY 'COUNOI'L 173 BY -'LAWS- No. 1202 No. 1203 No. 1204 No. 1205 No. 1206 No, 1207 No. 1208 No. 1209 No. 1210 No. 1m! NO,12W No, 1213 No. 1214 No. 1215 No. 1216 No. 1217 No. 12'18 No. 1219 No. 1220 No. 1221 No. 1222 No. 1223 No. 1224 INDEX To Regulate ,spe,ed and Weight of Traffic on County Bridg,es To Appoint Advisory AgrricuUural CounciL 'I1o Appoint 'a Board of Audit for 19~H.. 'J10 Authorize the Warden 'am.d Treasurer to Borrow $2'50,000 ToO Authnriize Warden to Sign Agreement 'St. Thomas Boa.rd of Education To Authorize Warden to Sign Agreement London Board of iEduc~tj,on,. ToO Appoin:t C'aunty 'Road Committee To Appoint M-ember to Suburban Area Com- mission To ApPDint a Member of the: Senate of the Univer- sHy o.f 'W-estern Ontario 22, 'I'o Appo,jnt High School Trustees. 23, To Appoint Members .of Oemeter.y CommLssi:on 24, To Appoint lnspector Under the Corn Borer Act 24, ':I'o . Appuint an Old Age Pensions Co.mmission25, To ,Regulate Speed and Wedght of Traffic on Port .stanley Bridge 1'I'0 iOOOJlfir.ffi Equalization To Fix Ent.ranc-e :Examination Centres.. To Fix Pay .of COllS'ta;bles for Attendance at the Assizes or Sessions 43, To IFix Pay oif Oonstaibles for Attendance at Assizes, Se.ssionsand County Judge's. Oriminal Court 'I10 Appoint Officers .of the H.ouse 'Jf Industr,y,. To Define the Duties {J.f the standing Com- m.iJttee of Management, Inspector, Keeper, IMa:tron and Physician, for the Superintend- ence, Care and Managl€'ment of the House of 'Refuge ;To Extend Time fOT 'Tax Sale.. 'To Authol"i2'ie Warden to 'SIgn Agret.O>ffient with St. Thomas Board .of Educ-aU.ou To 'Rawe Amounts for County Rates. 11, 138 18, 139 19, 140 GRAlN'I1S- Aylmer Lock-up Agricultural Societies .L. B. Birdsall 'Canadian Naitional Institute for the Blind,. Honse Show .Law Library p.ort BU1'iWell L:ock':up Public L'ibraries Salvation Army Trustees" AssoCiation Wal'b'le Fly Warden Women's Institutes 13 83 69 79 49 81 51 8.2 79 27 ........... .......3'1, 42 6ll 79 19, 141 with 20. with 2.1. 21, I'll 142 142 22, 14:1 M]SCliJLL&NEOUS- Advisory 'County Road Committee Arr€'ars .of Taxes Assessment of Fa:mns BOard'ofAudit Cemeitery Oommtssion iCounty Council -County Officials County Picnic County. 'Solioitor Communications Deputations Entrance Examinations Highway Improvement High School' Trustees Hospital Accounts House of McKJUlop .Muncipal :Municipal Municipal Old, Age Port 'Stanley Brip.ge Provlincial Highway ProvinCiial . Hig:hway Railway' Crossing Protection .. .........................12, 144 144 145 145 146 26. 26. 32, 147 147 150 150 47, 151 51. 151 52, 153 53, 169 53, Itm 54. 170 174 lDLG'IN OOUN,'!1Y OOUNCmL ReItef ISpeciat Committees St. Thomas Board of Education ISubU1~ban Area Commisslon Tillsonfburg High lS'chool Treasurer's. Bond Warden's Address Warden's Election 56 16. 61 . . ..... ...........11, 50, 57 15 11 28 .........5. 29, 35, 56 4 BJElROR/JJS OF CroJJMIII"I1EES ANiD OmmALS-- Agricultural GommiMee Corn !Borer IIlSJpector Oounty IRoad iCommtttee 'County TrealSurer County Olerk on l.doenses Educatton Oommittee Equal'iza:tion Finance IOommittee Gaol Oommittee House. of lndus,try IOOtl11mitJtee IllSpector, House 'Of I!:ndusUry Physioian, House o!f Industry... Legal Committee Old Age Pensions lOommission Petitions and Legislation Committee ..... .. . ...... ........ ........-49, SpeCial Provincial Road Committee Standing Committee .............. ..,.. . , ..... .............. ... ... .................10. 27, ~ ...........14; 47, 62, 129 137 47, 65, 92 41, 72 134 . .....17,50, 65, 66. 108 ..... .......................30, 136 17, 18. 41, 50. 62. 79 43. 66, li3 ......17, 45, 66, 116 ... ..... ..............d7, 119 125 ..... ... ..................50, 131 133 65, 126 135 70