1935 Minutes I PROCEEDINGS ~OF THE~ Elg,in County Council During the Sessions held in the COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS in the r.nonths of January, June and November 1935 K. W, McKAY, County Clerk. J. D. THOMSON, Warden. { / OFFICIALS 1935 D. C. Ross, County Judge J. H. Ci}yn~, Registrar I; D. Cameron, County Court Clerk, Sheriff E.. W. I-raines, Clerk of the Peace an'd County Crown Attorney Major P.E. Ermatinger, Gaoler Public School Inspecto'l'S: A,-B. 'Lucas, Cha.tham-Ald1borough, Rodney and West Larue J. C. ',Srriith---JSt. Thomas-Dunwich, Southwold, Yarmouth, , Dutton, Port Stanley I. -w:: Hagan, Ingersoll-Malahide, Aylmer, _ Springfield D.' G. Smith, 111 Thornton - Ave., - London.,..-South Dorchester H. C. Cook, Simcoe'----IBayham, Vienna K. W. McKay, County Clerk - and Inspector House of Industry Benjamin B. Graham, COlmty'Treasurer F. A. <Bell, C.'E., County Engineer G. F. Pinneo, County ,Road. .superinterident C. St. C. Leitch, County Solicitor Do'uglas. L. Ewin, M.'D., Physician, House of Industry and Jail Fre'd Ingram, Keeper House of Industry E. 'So Livermore, Aylmer., County Police Magistrate .st.' Thomas P.IQ., except otherwise spe,cified, , -!~!- MUNICIPAL Munlci})Jllity AJdborough __"h......Miss Vera Carpent~r, CLER,n:S AND TREASURERS Clerk. Treasurer ROdneY,mm.W. ,So Stalker, R. R. 1, Rodney Dunwich............A. N. MoWilliam, Duttbn.".mmuMurray McNeil, Dutton ,Southwold................John C. MdLennan, FingaLumm.....D. Cattanach" 25% Balaclava St. ,St. Thomas Yarmouth..;..,.m..iH.L. Lawton, St. ThomasmumN.Ralph L. Marlatt, Union Malahide....,"""hmJohn M. Hale, Ay1mern"",.mn..mJohn" M. Hale,' Aylmer Bayham....h_m__....B. Brian, Straffordville__n.mM. 'Stratton, Sti'affordville South Dorchester....M. IS. Charlton, 'E. I,Springfieldn..M. S. Charlton, , . .. R. I, Springfield Town of. AYllmer._....m_mm.c..___m..D. C. D'avis__,________.__________;_H. E. Armstrong Vlllage of Vienna...;...mm__.....J. P. Coombe.___um_____________.._..___m.J. P. Coombe Village of :SpringfieId'_'h...John 'Ho.dgson.._m___mmu_m______.Wm. H. Cathers Vlllage of Dutton.._mm_.._.....mmW. A, Smith,._m_________.m.m...mm.miW. A. Smith VllIage of Port StanleY._.._...m.W. A. Hawkins__________mmm_-..W. A. Hawkins Village of 'RodneY...,._mmm...__.;c.Charles Mistele__mm.m______nCharles Mistele VUlage of West Lorue..._._;.J. .s. Robel'tsbn, St. Thomas"'..m Mrs. Tena McGregor tL I I i , i ) 'i ! i i,;.t ! ' [ I . i I I , ( I ) i PROCEEDINGS -OF THE- Elgin County Council o FIRST SESSION-FI~STDAY Tuesday, the 22nd day of January, 1935 The members elect of the County Council of the County of Elgin met this day at the Court House,ISt. 'l'homas, and 'took their seats at the Councilboal'>d as follows: F. W. Schmelz,,~"?eeve, AMborough W. B. Lancaster, Deputy Reeve, Aldbol'ough J. D., Thomson,. Reeve,. Dunwich ,:fohn H. 'Sloan, Deputy Reeve, Dunwich D;anieIMcGuga:n; Reeve; 'Southwold ~ichard Kimble, Deputy 'Reeve; Southwold George H. Cross, Reeve, Yarmouth William E..Locke,' Deputy Reeve~ Yarmouth stanley Snelgrove, Reeve, Mala:hide Clark Liddle, Deputy Reeve, Malahide Wm. H. Bradfield, Reeve, Bayham Grant M. Mitchell, Deputy Reeve, Bayham i '! 4 ,,ELGIN, COUN'I'Y COUNCIL 'no G. Taylor, Reeve" South ,Dorchester E. E. Atkinson, R,e.~ve" Ay~mer Wm. A, Peckham, Deputy, Reeve, Aylmer Jas. McAllister, Reeve, Vienna \.. Lisgar,' Koyle" Reeve, Springfle.ld Joseph H.B,urke, Reev~, Port 'Stanley I, ''A. MCCallu~J Reeve, Dutton BruceR. Sheeler, Reeve, West Lorne Erriest Lashbrook, Reeve,Rod:t;ley 'The electiono.rWarden was then proceeded with, and ;M:r. John D. Thoms'on, ~eeve -of Dunwich, having rec,eived' a majority of the vote on the fourth ":lallat,was ,declared duly, eI,ected, Warden for 19'35. The Warde'n elect made ,the statutorydeolara,tion of office, took the chair arid thanked theCounciI for the honour 'conferred. Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconde'd by S. Snelgro'Ve: That this Council. d~ now -adjourn to 10 a,m: to,.morrow to allow' the Reeves to meet to str'ike standing committees for 1935. -'-Carried. J10HN D. THpM.SON, Warden. I I I \ , I ,I I I' , I I I I I I i , I I I \ f I I ELGINCOUN'I'Y COUNCIL 5 FIRS'I"SESSION-SECOND DAY Wednesday, the 231'<1 day of, January, 1935 The Elgin CountyCou,ncil met this day in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the chair. All the members present. The Warden addressed,the Coupcil as follows: To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: I have to again thank you for the honour conferred in electing me as Warden of the banner County of Elgin for the coming year. I know it will':>e a' pleasure to preside over YOUr deliberations,'and,that the best interests of the County will at all- ti~es be considered. Financial Position ['he County 'Rates for the year 19;H have all, been ~aid 'with the exception of one small village, payment' of whtch is expected, in the neal'future.~he countycontinu~s' to' occupy the enviable position of being without ,bonded indebtedness as the Audito'ra" rep_ort will show. Most of the expenditures, during 1934 were within the estimates. InSurance A couple of years ago the insurance on ,the Court House and House,' of Industry' was revised ,and' apportioned. The buildings, on the Gravel Pit Farm, 'trucks and other equiprnent" are also insured, and I -Would recommend that a 9ommittee~e appointe:d to' revise these poliCies and 'arrange that all come due 'on the same date. 6 ELGIN' COUNTY COUNnL HighW~Y .lnf.provement '. We' are in receipt 'of a' $43,000 account for ; maintenance arid con- struction on Provincial, Highways. This is larger than was expected. Considerable work was '<lone on' the new PrQ.vincial Highway in Bayham previous to the election, and an effort was made to fill the q.itches along the highways, in addition to the ordinary maintenance work; While we may think that these expenditures are larger than they should have been, we 'have the satisfaction of Preplier Hepburn's intimation that the County will not he called upon for further expen- ditures on Provincial Highways. In other ,respects, the policy of the Province, in reference to construction- and maintenance of county and I township roads has~ot been finally' determined. This County' must, however, continue a policy that will protect our investment in County Roads apd Bridges. It Is expected that the McIntosh Bridge over the River Thames on the townline between ISouhwold and Dunwich, will have to he rebuilt. 'This is one of the:larger bridges on, the riv.er, and while the site ~snot, as satisfactory as it might be, if some, attention is given to the'~'Pproaches on both sides of t'he river it can be 'very much imp'roved. Old Age Pensions Act ii' The" new regUlations respecting Old Age Pens'io'nscame into effect on the 1st of -Tanuary. Appl,ications are now to be made out by t'he :clerks of' the muniqipalities and forwarded'to the County Clerk who will, as formerly, forward applicatIOns to the Provincial Com- :rhiss'ion in' 'Torpnto, receive and answer all correspori~ence, file appll-. cations for reference, and continue the general register and alpha':' betical ind~x. I! II Federal' Policies Since the opening of the Session of the Federal Parliament at Ottawa, ,policies calculat~d to be' fo'r the, general benefit and concern of the b,est interests o'f the ,people 'have been introduced by the Prem'iel', and" as some of these have been approved by the Opposition Leader, -we may expf;lct some very' important social legislation befo-re the Session is concluded. II i , I I \ i I , I I I I I i , I I I i I I J I I I I I i ELGIN COUNTY COUNCLL 7 The following communications were read: From Ontario Municipal Ass0'ciation, re membel'ship.-Refel'l'ed to Finance Committee, From County' Council of Norf'olk,re cost of Children's Aid Society Wards.----<Referred to Petitions' and Legis'lation Committee. From Minister of \Highways, acknowledging request for designaw tion ol a'dditional highways. From County Council of Victol'ia, 1'e Division Court costs, entrance examination costs, and maintenance of indigent patients in hospitals, requesting that all b.e assumed by the Province.-Referred to Petitions and Legislatio~ Committee. From Minister of Highways, acknowledging receipt of letter re, appointment of Road Superintendent. , From ,Salvation A.\'r:riy, requesting grant,---..;ReJ:el'red Committee. Finance to From County 'Council of Perth, requesting cowopel'ation in petition for a more equItable and' efficient system of tax.ation for the collec- tion' of Prqvincial and Domiuion revenues.--'-:Referred to Petinons an'j Legislation Committee. From County Council of Perth, re width of snow cleaning on Prow vlncial Highway.----;;,Referred to_Petitions and Legislation Committee. B'rom County Council of IEssex, requesting co-operation in refer- ence to.. qualifications of candidates for municipaloffice,-Referred to Petitions and Legslation Committee. From Ontario Go'od Hoads Association, re Referred to. County Road Committee. annua'! meeting."'-- Frol,ll 'G. B. Thorhicroft, Rodney, and J. A. Bosman, Dutton, with €ntranceexamination accounts.~Referred to Education Committee. I'" I! !, 8, ELGIN COUNTYOOUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 9 Froxn H. M. Sniith, Deputy Minister of Highways,re' expenditure by-law' for County 'Roads.-.Referred to County, Road, Committee. The Council resumed. From Secretary, Association o,f Managers of Homes far and Infirm, l'e annual meeting.-Referred to House of Committee; Move'd by F. W. Schmelz, the Aged Industry ,Seconded hy;,W~ Lancaster: From Secretary, ,ontario Agricultural Council, re annual meet., ing.-tReferred' to Agricultural Committee. That the' 1\dvisory Agricultural, Council now ":'Ie heard; -Carried. , From '4t. M. ,smith, Deputy Mintsterof Highways, 1'e conference of 'County and Township Road: Supel'intendents.~Referredto County Road Committee. A deputation from the Advisory Agricult'urah Council consisting of Messrs. Thomas. Carroll, McGregor and Kent then addressed the Council making application for a grant of $1500 to continue the warble fly destruction, and a grant of $500 for apportionment by the commit- tee f~r other purposes. The matter was referred to' the Agl'icultural -Committee. ' From. Canadian. National Institute for the ~Blilld, re grant.-'-'- R~ferred,. to Finance Committee. From .secretary-Treasurer, Hospital for. Sick Children, TQronto, requesting grant.-Referred to Finance Committee; Move'd by, Geo;Cross. From Board, of Railway Commissioners, re accident. at Belmont.- Referred to County Road Committee. Seconded by H. G. Taylor: From Department o.f Highways, with account for construction and maintenance expenditures for the y~ar ending 31st'December 1934.- Referred to F]inance Committee. That. Mr. Gordon Newell and Dr; Miller, Of Aylmer,be re Hydro. now heard, , -':'Carried. Mr. Taylor made inquiry re McKfllop children. account; Mr. Newell and Dr. Miller then addressed the Council in reference to the necessity for a, Hydro survey to encourage the use bf surplus ~ower. On,motion of Mr. TaY'lor,\,secondedby Mr. Locke, it was referred to the Petitions and Leg~slation Committee. 'The report of the committe€) appointed to . strike standing CO'ffi-:- mittees was. pre~ented and referred to cOmmittee of the whole. ..oj\.fter amending the report it was ad-opted on motion of F. W. Schmelz, seconded by D,..McGugan. Moved by B. Sheeler, Mo,ved by .T. H. !Burke, I . Seconded by'S. Snelgrove: That' W~ adjourn to meet at 2 p.m. Seconded by J. H: Sloan: That representative of the Canadian National Institu:te for the Blind be now heard. -C,arried. -Carried. 10 IDLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN 'COUNTY COUNCIL 11 .Mr. ,Heul'ythen addressed the Council making application usual grant which was. refel~red to the Finance Committee. , for the i FIRST SESSION - THIRD DAY ,The following communications were read: Thursday, the 24th day day of Januar:y, 1935 'From County Auditors, with annual repott.-Referred to Finance Comniittee. The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with .adjournment. From, County Treasurer, -with statement.-Referred Committee, to Finance The Warden in the chair. " MoVed by Geo. Cross, All the members present. Seconded by H. G. Taylo.r: The proceedings of the previous two days were read and firme"d. con- That the n'ames of William 'Bradfield and E.ll..ashbrook be ,added as advisory to the Road Committee, receiving the same pay per diem and mileage as is allowe'd to members of Road Committee. The following communications were read: '7-Cal'l'ie:d. From Women's Institute, 1'e grant.-;--"Referred to Finance Com- mittee, Moved by F. W, Schmelz, 'From Board of Railway Commissioners, re Belmont' crossing.--'- Referred. to 'County. Road Committee. Seconded by W, Lanca~ter: That the Warden and Clerk be authorized' to, slt":)mit to the Mini'ster of Highwa,y's Of the Province of Ontario, the: petition Of the Corpora- tion of 'the County of -EIgins~owing that from the 1st of January, lD34!,-to the '31st December, 1934, there has been expended upon the County Highways System the sum of $66,451.90., 'From United Counties Of Precott .and Russell, re government loans to counties.---JReferred to Petitions andiLegislation Committee. Moved by James McAllister, '7-Ca~l\ied. Seconded by D; McGugan: Moved -by Geo. Cross, 'That Edward ISmyth be appo,inted to the'Vienna Board, of Education. Seconded by Wm., Locke: That this Councila'djourn to meet Thursday at 10 a.m. -Carried. '7-Carried. Moved by' E. E. Atkinson, JOHN P. 'I'BiOM,SON, Warden. Seconded by W; A. . Peckham; ,12 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. ELGIN COUN1'Y COUNCIL 13 That Dr. H. G. -McLay he re--apPointed trustee Of the Aylm,erHigh School Board. ' Moved by H. G. TaY'lor, Seconded by L. Kayle: -':'-Carr'ied. That the Warden name a committee to'arrange for a:. re,..union picnic at \Selldon, and that ex-members and their families ao'd county officials be invited as guests of this Council. Move~ by J.' H. Burke, S'econded by H. G. .,Taylor: That the Clerk he asked - to furnish this Council with the' number of' certified electors in each 'municipality for the year 1934, and that the County Solicitor be aske'd Jo advise this Council wh'at s,teps may':le taken to ascertain if assessors and clerks are makng the proper del:lignations' of' electors for county representation. -Carried. The Warden named the following committee: Messrs. Liddle and Lashbrook. Locke, , ~Carried. Moved by J. Burke, Moved by F.. W. Scl?melz, Seconded. by S. Sn.~lgrove: , Seconded 'by W: ~. Lancaster: That Mr. Gordon Newell be named as rep.resentative on the City :Cqard of Education. That we adjourn to meet at 1.30 p.m. The matter was rei~rred to the Education Committee. Moved by Geo",Cross, -Carried. Seconded ~:JY Win. Locke: The Council l'(Jsumed. That this Council adjourn to meet b)-morrow at 10 'a.m. Moved by H. G. Taylor, --.carried. Seconded by' W~ H. Brad'field: JOHN D. THOMSoN; Warden. That this CouJ?cil recommen'ds that the Highway Impr.ovement Act be 'amended so that it will be opbonalfor County Councils to appoint an Engineer or' ,otherwise as County Road Superntendent. That a copy of this resolution be sent to the, Prime Minister, Minister of I;:Iighways, and all ,county councils. -Carried. 14 ECLGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL. ELGIN' COUNTY COUNCIL 15 FIRST SESSION -FOURTH DAY That the usual grant of Fifty Dollars to the. Elgin Trustees and Ratepayers' A'ssociation be, mad.e. Friday, the 25th day of Janua.ry,. 1935 -Carried, 'The ElgIn County. Council met this day in' accordance ~ith adjournment. The Warderi if! the chair. On motion of H. G. Taylor, seconded by J;H. Bu,rke, the question of confirming the equalization of assessment rollsfol' the year 1935, was referred to the Finance Committee. All the members present. Moved by H. G~ Taylor; Tqe proceedings of the previous 'day, were read and confirmed. Seconded by G. Mitchell: A communication from the Ontario Association of Rural Muni- cipalities was read' and filed. "Thaf the County Solicitor i be requested to appear before the Council this. afternoon. Moved ,by. E. E. .Atkinson. ..........Carried. Seconded. by W. A. Peckham: 'The report of the. County Road Committee was. prese'nte'd and adopted on motion 'of Gen. Cross, seconded by . D. McGugan. 'That the resolution appointing Dr.. MclLay to ,the High School Board of Aylmer be rescinded. -Carried. The report of the Agric:ulturaICommittee. was presented and adopted on motion of F.W. Schmelz, seconded by' H. G.. Taylor. I Moved by Geo; Cross, Moved by E. E.Atkinsoli. , .' , Seconde'd ~'Jy F. W. Schmelz: Se~onded by W. A.. Peckham: That H.M,. Hambidge be rc:-uppointed trustee of the Aylmer High School Board for three years. That a by-law .be passed at this sessioI). as required by the High- way Improvement Act appointing the following membere to constiw tute' Committee for the purpose of directing the work to be done on the, County Road System: I -C:trried. Stanley"Snelgrov8----<For term of Five Years. Moved bY' W. H. Bradfield, Da~iel ~cGugan"-For term of Four Years., Seconded by. G. M.. Mitchell: F. 'W. Schmelz"""":"For term of Three Years. 16 ELGIN COUNTY COilNCIL GeorgeCross-'For term of Two Years. H. G, Taylor-c-'Fol' termofiOne Year. Moved by ,H. G. Taylor, Seconded by G. Cross: -CarrIed. That the .Act governing the,_ Surrogate Court' offices should be amended to al~ow the County sufficient remuneration to cover the costs of supplies, and that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Prime Minister, the Dept. of Administration of Justice and all other- courity comicils, Moved by A..McCallum, S~condedbY J. H. Sloan: -Carried. That Harold Hockin be appointed trustee of the Dutton High School for -the ensuing three years.' !. Moved by W. H. Bradfield, Seconded. by..G. M.Mitchell: -Carried. That the usual grant,of $50.00 be made to the ';Elgin Law Library. Moved 'by H. G. Taylor, Seconded "::.y' L. Koyle: -Carried. EDGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 17 That the following be the library grants fOor 19:M: -'.'$50.00 each to Rodney, West (Lorne, Dutton, Port Stanley, Aylmer, Vienna" Spring'" field, Sparta, Bayham and Shedden; $25.00 each to Wardsville and Belmont. Moved by H. G. :Taylor, Seconded ~by G. M. Mitchell: -Carried. That grants be' made to Agricultural and Horticultural Soc~~ties as follows: AgriculturallSocieties,.-.-equivalent to the Government grant for 193~Aldborough, Aylmer, Shedden, Dorchester,' West 'Elgin, Yarmouth. . Horticultural Societies-25% of the Government grant for 193&,- Ay'lmer, Dutton, Spri,ngfield, ,Rodney and Belmont........-.12Y.l %. Moved by F. W. S~hmelz, Seconded by W. Lancaster: That t~is Council do no~ adjourn tQmeet at 1.30 'p',m. The Council resumed. Moved bY' Geo;Cros~, Seconded, by' J. 'H. Burke: ' -Carried. -Carried. 18 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 'ELGIN. OOUNTY COWNCIL 19 That Mr. Leitch, County Solicitor, give to"this Council information \ " ". regarding the countirig of'voters for Aeputy reevepurpos13s~ Seconded "by "So .snelgrove: -----,Carried. ' That the Warden appofnt a committee to regulate, the' insurance on the ,Hathaway Fa'rm/gravel'trucks and graders. I , M;r.Leitch th,en answered questions in reference to thefollowin,g matters: Certific'ates ,of local,. clerks as, to number Of electors; railway protection; ,agreements for cost of education of pupils from Elgin county, I -Carried. , . The Warden appointed MeSSrs. ,Gross, Burke and Superintendent. the Road Moved by Geo. H. Cross, There was considerable discussion in reference to account re. ceived from the Department, of 'Highways for,' work onProvin~hU Highways in the County during 1934, after whi~h it was- Seconded by H. G.' Taylor_: ThatW. H. 'Bradfield be ~ppoirited a member of the, !Board of Audit of Admin'istration of Justice accounts for the year -1935.. , Moved by ,Geo. Cross, / Seconded by- F. W. Schmelz: -,-Carried, The"report Of the, Petitions sented an,d adopted on-'motion 'Loc~e. and Legislation Committee of J. H., Burke,' seconded was pre~ by; Wm. That the Warden name a committee to work with a similar 'com~ mittee from the City-of 1St. Thomas to investigate' the' account, of the Highways 'Department for, construction carried out on the Provincial Highways and ISurburban Area, in Elgin County', during 1934, with a view to making representa'tions to the Government foil" a reduction in the share of' the, costs to be 'borne b~ Elgin Cou,nty and the City of St. Thpma's. l. The repo,rtof the 'Gaol Committee was presented and a'd'opted on moHonof E. E. Atkinson", seconded "JY W. Lan'caster. . The Report of .the Education Committee, was presented and adopted on motion of H. G. Taylor,'seconded by L.,Koyle. -Carried. The report of the House of Industry 'Committee' was presented and ad,opted on motion o'f G. Mitchell,seconded .by J. Sloan. ' The Warden named the following: Messrs.' Cross, Taylor, Pinneo a,ndthe Warden. The first and second reports of the Finanpe-Committee were preM, sente"j and adopted on motion of, W. H. Bradfield, seconded, by B. Sheeler. Moved by S. Snelgrove. Seconded by Geo. Cross: Moved by Gap. Oross, That the delegates to tl~e -Road ConventIon be, a cqmmlttee to interview the Highways Department in regard to a be.tt~r adjustment, 20 ELGIN COUNTY: COUNCIL of Highways account ~or$43,OOO' while attending: the Good Roads Convention. ~arried. Moved by H. G; Taylor, , Seconded ~::lY J. H. Burke: That the Treasurer .pe asked to furnish each member of the Council a cOP;'! of' account from the HighWaY~' Department. -Garried. 'Moved by J. H. Burke, Seconded by" S. Snelgrove: "That our regret be expressed to Mr. McKay that we have been depri>;ed ofl his presence as Clerk at this, last session, and our sincere hope that he may be able to return to his desk in.a few days. --'-Carried. Moved 'by F. W. ,Schmelz, Seconded by W. Lancastet;: That BY-lLaw No. 1225 to authorize the Warden and Treasurer: to borrow .the -sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars be received and read, ,a first, time. -Carried. Moved by F. W. Schmelz, Seconded by W. (Lancaster: Th~t By4Law No. 1225 be read a second time. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 21 Moved by B. Sheeler, Seconded by, W. Lancaster: That By-"Law No. ,1225 be rea'd a thh'd time and finall~ passed. -Carried; -Moved-,)y J. H. Sloan, Seconded by B. f;heeler: \ That By:-<Law No. 1226 to appoint Advisory AgrlculturaJCouncilJ?e received and read a first time. ~Carried. Moved by B. Sheeler, Seconded by J; E. Sloan: That By"'Law No. 1226'-be read a second time. , -Carried. . Moved by W. Lancaster, S13coll'?edby B. ISheeler: That By...Law No. 1226 be read a fhird time and 'finally passed. -Carried. ~oved_ by J. H. Burke, Seconded by G. Liddle; 22 ELGlN COUNTY COUNClL 23 'IDl'<HN COUNTY OOUNClL ,That 13y-<Law'No. 1227 to appoint High School 'Trustees' be recei;ved and 'read a' first. time. Moved by J. McAllister, Seconded by n;' McG4gan: -Carried, That By..,Law ~b. 1228 he read a third time and finally passed. Move'dby' C. Liddle, '-"-Carried. Secon<Ied by J. Burke: That By-Law No. l227 be read a sec~nd time. Moved by. H. G. Taylor, ~Carried. Seconded by L. Koyle: That 13y....Law No. 1229 to provide for the total expendit~l'e O~1 the system of cc;mntyroads' in the County of !Elgin, ,as ,a'pproved, ;by. Order- in~ounci1 'during the yeat1935 ,be rec,e~ved and read a flrst time. Moved'S. Snelgrove, Seconded by. C. Liddle: '~,. -Carried. iThat ,By.'taw No. 1227 be read a third time and finally paseed. Moved by G. Mitchell, ..,....:..carried. Moved by- R. Kim":)le, Seconded by'W.H. Bradfield: , , Seconde~ by D: McGugan: i That By-(Law No. 1229 be- read a second time. ~ari'ied. That 1By..{Law No. 1228 to appoint County Road Cominittee, be' received and read a first time. Moved ':)y'W. H; Bradfield, -Carried. Seconded by' G. Mitchell: Moved by'D. McGugan, That By...Law No-. 1229 be read a third time and finally ,passed. , Second~d by R. Kimble:' -Carrieo., That 'l3y--<Law No. 122'8 be read a '.second time. Moved .by,E., Lashbrook, -Ca.rriedi ~.cQnd.d by A. McCallu1U: 24 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 'That By...Lav.: No. 1'230 to confirm tlie equalization of the assess- ment,rolls of the County of Elgin for the year 1935 be recei~ed and, read a first time. ----"Carried. Moved by A., M'cCall~m. Seconded by E., Lashbrook: That By.1Law No. 1230 ,be .read a second time. ----.:Carried. Moved by ~t Lashbr~ok. Seconded by A. McCallum: That By':"Law No. 1230 be read a third time and finally passed. --Carried. Moved by W. A. Peckham, 'Seconded by ~. E. Atkinson: i , I ! That ':By..,Law No. 12'31 to appoint members of Cemetery ,00mooi5" sion ':)e received and read a first time; -Ca~ried. Moved by W. A. Peckham, Secou'ded, by W.' H. Bradfield: That BYRLaw No." 1231 be read a second tiri1e~ .'~Carried, i. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 25 Moved by E.E. Atkinson, ,.. Seconded by W.A. Peckham: That By-Law No. 123~ be read a third ,time and finally, passed. -'-Carried. Moved by GeO'. Cross, Seconded by' Wm. Locke: That a BY..JLaw No. 1232 to appoint' a Board of Audit iri the County of ,Elgin for the year 1935 be received, and read a first time. -Carded. '~', M'oved by Wm.Locke, Seconded. by Geo; Cr'oss: That, By...Law No. 1232 be read ',a 'second time; -Carried. Moved by Ceo. Cross, Seconded by Wm., Locke: ~hat' By.JLaw No. 123'2 be read a third time and finally 'passed. -Carried~ The Warden appointed the following deputations: To Good Roads Convention: Me,ssr,s, Cross, 'I.i9Gke, Bradftgld, ;MJtc:;heIl, Schmelz, _LanG~stet'. 26 ,ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Sloan, Liddle,: Atkinson, Peckham, Burke, Mc'Gugan, Lashbrook. Thomson. To Education Convention: H.:Kimble. '1'0 Ml,inicipal Association Convention: Moved by Geo.Cross, Messrs. 'Snelgl'ove, 'Sheeler, (McCallum, McAllister, Koyle, Taylor. Seconded, by Wm. Locke: ','That this Council adjourn to meet the second Tuesday,of June at 2 p.m:. -Carl'led. J. D. 'l'HOMSON~ Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 27 SECOND SESSION-FIRST DAY ~ 'Tuesday, the 11th' day of June, 1935 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, Sf. Thqmas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the cha'ir. All the mem"b'~rs present, ex;cept Mr. Mitchell. The Warden addressed the Council, as follows: Tathe EIgi,n County Council, Gentlemen :---'" '~~i' In opening the June session of the County Council I desire to first refer to the improvement in the agriculturaloutloo,k as cotn~ pared with the last few years. The County-has been blessed with an abundance of rain and the crops generally are looking .their best. This; accompanied with better prices' for stock and agricultural '"products, should be encouraging to all, ofllS, ' Highway Improvement The extent to which highway improvement will be developed in this rprovince has' not )een fin~lly q.eterI,nined. The' Honourable the Minfs.ter of Highways, at the Good Roads Convention referred to the report of the Commission appointed in 1914, which went trito the quest~on:and outlined the pqIicy which h~ssince 'been carried : (jut. 'He also referred to the necessity for the appointment of a :simiIar com~ mission to report on ,progress 'made andsuggesta:policy to be 'adopted' in the futUre. The Highways, Department 'lsnow the ,'.1argest spehding department' of the Pr6vince,and in municipalities, "generally highway improvem.ent i;:1 the wosti,mpor~a;nt ,account tot:' wJ;1icb.they'h~v.e'tQ -prQvitle.- ' 28 ELGIN COUNTY' COUNCIL Old Age Pensions Act The Provincial regulations under the Old Age Pensions Act have been changed so that all applications for pension are to be made to the clerk of the municipality' in which the applicant resides, and forwarded to the county clerk who is required to 'inspect all applica...: tions and see that they are completed before forwarding them to the Provincial Commission' at Toronto. These regulations "do not determine remuneration of the officers concerned. The Council should consider this during the presen:'t session. Reforestation At the last session we had an address by Mr.F. S. Thomas in refere~ce to refOrestation. Considerable -interest in ,this s~bject has been created and I would suggest that a committee be appointed. to consider the a'dvisability of this Ccmncil taking action in reference to the matter arid report at the November Session. Court House Offices The consolidation of the offices of Sheriff and Clerk of, the Court has rendered vacant the office .formerly occupied by the. Sheriff. There has been some talk Of placing an office at the disposal of the Provincial 'Police, and th,e County Treasurer has ,expressed a desire [or larger quarters. The Gaol Committee should report on this matter during the present session.' Child'l1"en's Aid Societies The 'Department of Public Welfare has passed new regulations in reference .to Children's. Aid Societies. Under these, Shelters are only recognized as clearing houses 'where children are passed through into foster homes. No change, is necessary in the Shelter in St. Thomas, but fn the scientific grading of the 'various societies the excellence of the, Shelter is not of much assistance. In the appointment of officers recognition is required to be given to perSOn$ who have l;locial science training, under 45 ye~rs of age, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 29 Q In th,e appointment of matron, preference should -Je given to a person trained -in the knowledge' of 'dietary and' child guidance, with some nursing experience and capable of training and teaching children in ha.bit formation. All' children in ISheIters, are to be covered with lia'bility insurance. A more complete system of records is required, also the supervision of childJ'eri placed in foster homes until they reach the age ,of 21 years.' It is suggested that the 'business office be removed from the Shelter and that an office assistant be provided. It is expected that a compli- ance with the 'different regulations will materially increase the c~st of . management of soCieties, The County Society has a, ~'D" rating which 'carries with it a grant of $500 from the Province, the same as at present, to be applied' on salary. of the sUR~J:intendent. 'Societies with "A" rating receive .$2000 per year. I understand that each society has four years in which to make the. necessary changes. New.Legislation of Interest to.MWlicipal Councils The first meeting of the Nineteenth Legislature did not result in as many, changes in municipal laws as is usually the case following a change of government. This maY' be due to 'someextent to the formation of. a Department 'of Municipal Affairs to take the place, of the Bureau-and.Commissioner.of Municipal Affairs. The new Departw ~ent takes over all matters pertaining to municipal accounts, statis- tics and provincial audits and the 'special authority heretofore con- ferred over defaulting municipalities. No debenture by-law may now "be passed by any municipality under any general or specialactuntiI the approval of the Boai'd has first been obtained. This will safeguard the interestSJ of municipalities generally, as -upon. an application for approval the - Board will make such inquiry into the nature of the powers sought to be exercised or undertaking which is proposed, the ne'cessity or expediency of the same,. the financial position I and o.:)ligations of the municip~lity, the . burden, of. taxation upon. the .ratepa:y'ers, and into all other matters as in the opinion of the Board may' appearfo. be necessary or expedient. \ 30 31 ' E'LGIN' COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The property qualifications of candidates for municipal office have been changed. Clauses '(r) and (8) of ISection 53 have been repealed and the ~ollowing substituted: 1932 -authorize payments heretofore made to members of councIls for services ~nan:'yi utility commission, and also authorize future payments at the rates mentioned in the section. (1') An"owner or tenant against the land in respect of which he qualifies there are at the time of the nomination any taxesofa preceding year 'or years overdue and unpaid. Councils of all municipalities may pass by-laws for permitting the owners of land to'. maintain new' signs or other' adve,rtising devices which project a,ver th,e 'sidewalks. (8) A tenant- who at the time .of the naminatian awes in.ore than three manths rent upan the praperty in respect .of 'fhich he qualif~es. Th~ Assessment Act This Act pravides for the eJ!:emptian 'of buildings .or other strucR tureserected'for the purpase .of carrying an a caldstarage plant. This exemptian shalInat apply ta the land upon which the buildings '.or st~uctures are erected except as the same: may be exempted' under the pro'visians .of The, Municipal' Act. (u) A person whose taxes in respect .of ari, assessment fo.r ,income or business at the time of" the nomination are overdue and' unpaid. It is impartant ta note that n.on-paym,ent .of land tax for the year in which the nominatian is held is not naw a disqualificatian. When large 'amaunts,are invalvedand municipalities are not satisfied, with the. judge's. decisianan an assessment appeal, the council may .order an appeal an behalf of the carporation. 'When Sectian ,248 (a) was enacted in J932 it' provide'd that security was: required ta 'be given by' municipal .officers by' guarantee bond unless the cauncil by resalutian autharized a band cif a persanal surety .or sureties; The amendment .of this year pra:vides, that all. securities shflll be given 'by the bond; palicy or guarantee cantr,act of a guarantee company. This daes away with the right .of, the cauncil ' to accept p~rsorial, sur~ties. :Surety,bonds; as farmerly, ,are 'required tabe 'depasited with the Clerk .of the Peace fer the caul1tyor district. Under'Section 111: of the Act cauncils have authority to pass by,.. laws impasing penalty up ta fi~e per cent. far non-payment .of rates fixed in by-law. This has been reduce'd and cauncils maY' now only impose a penalty' of four percent. The rate .of discaunt that' may be alIawed for payment of taxes in advance .of the date that may be1ixed by by-law far, the payment .of any instalment .of taxes is,now fixed at six percent.' instead, of five as formerly.' Fixed assessments for cald 'starage plants' which have i'Jeen assisted bY' the:, Gavernment may now.be granted praviding three,;. quarters .of the council and tw.a'-thirds .of the electors who vate an the by":law apprave Oof same. Where special income tax rolls are used, and where the tax rate has ')eenstruck:befare the campletian of the special raIl, such rate is tOo apply to'incame tax assessment althaughtheymay have ta he estimated. Counties may aid ,any saciety, .or arganizatian in the coun~y having for its object the pramotian or pratection .of agriculture, ~ducatian .or sacialwelfare where na such autharity is granted ,in 'lny statute. The Uniit in any .one ,year is five thausand dallal's. The most impartant 'change cancels. all penaltleS' that have here- tafarebeen ad'd~d, tci arrears of taxes except. the penalty impased by the pmnicipal by-law farnan-payment ,an the date mentianed in the by-law. This penalty,as before referred to, wilt be limited to four The provisions of Section 433 of The Municipal Act as enacted in , 32 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL EJC..GIN COUN>J:YCOUNCIL 33 per cent. In municipalities when taxes' are not paid by the 1st of January, irrespecti:ve of penalties imposed hy by-law, of the council, the tax collector from the 31st December in the year,.in which such taxes are levied,' is required to collect the rate Of one-haJf of one per cen't.per calendar month until such taxes are paid. 'Tr~w:mrers h;:tving arrears of taxes on their books ~re required to cancel all penalties added except the penalty levied by 'by-law Of council,. and recalculate same at the rate of six: per cent. per annum commencing 'with the 31st December in which the taxes returned to him were levied. The interest is not, to be compounded. Ths sh-Ould have a, tendency to reduce' the, penalties on unpaid taxs., The effect of this amendment will be" to increase the work of treasurers. tOW\lS the Department may agree:to,pay tor: fifty percent. of thec~st o~the work up to a wi"dth of thirty feet. Questi~>ns of ' this kind 'are determined by agreement before the work, is undertaken. Burial'~f' War Veterans Provision' is' made for the burial of war: veterans bymilkiIig each municipality liable to the extent of fifte'en dollars for the budaI, of every, indigent war veteran who w;asresident of the", municipality whether he die's in the, hospital or elsewhere if the 'Jurial ,is provided and paid for by the Last 'Post Fund 'and payment is m:ade, by 'a' pro;' perlY'accredited officer of the Fund~ The Highway Improvement Act The ,Weed Control Act This Act is amended 'jy earmarking for the Highway Iinprove- ment Fund the sum equal to all revenues collected under any' Act adm:inistered by the Department or under regulations passed under such Acts. Formerly,this applied only to The Gasoline Tax Act. The' WeedCo:ptrol Act is 'rep'ealedand ,a new Actpass~d. ,The Mi:n:ister of Ag~i~'UltUremay discharge an incompetent hlspector; and. neither a member 'of the council nor a township roa'dsuperintendent may be appointed as a weed'in'spector. Before destrpyin~any crOp' an' inspector' must,' obt~in the consent.- of the district inspector, or the Director of Crops', Seeds ;1nd Weeds Branch of the Department of Agr~culture. If a m~nicip:ality neglect.sto destroy weeds after due notice from the district inspector, the. latter may do so and the expense incurred may be ,:recovered from municipality. Provision' is made ;forentering expenses on the collector's i'oll .tn'cities and towns,,' a~dalso in a~jacent townships. Threshing machines must Ibe elea:ned hy the removal of' all seeds and othercr~prefuse before :bein.g nloved from one farm t~ another!, and must' not ,be placed near a line ,fence )n such a: ml,mner. that weeds are likely to 'blow ove~ on a neig~bo~ing farm. Threshing machines must be registered with the 'Department of Agriculture,. County ;Road Superntendents are to be 'graduates in civil engfn- eering and their appointments bY' county cou.ncils are subject to the approval of, the CM:inister. When- so approved the by-,Jaw appointing him shall not be repealed or'amende'd without the consnt in writing of the' Minister. The prOvISIOns of the Act relating to allowances to, towns and villages appear to have been changed to apply to' repairs on roads that are 'not part of a county system only in such proportion as may be provided by an agreement entered 'into and approved by the Minister. The section requiring counties to pay twenty per cent. of the cost of King's Highways has, been repealect. 'The Public :Scbools Act In the case of connecting links, for King'!:! Highways through towns and villages, with a population of less than 2,500 the Depart- ment ,may' agree to pay the full cost of the. link of the, existing 'width where it .approaches such town' or village. In the case of larger , The ~ublic .sch09ls Act respecting, disqualfying~ru'ste~s' fOr ,non~ payment of taxes has been slightly changed and a resident ratepayer may qualify as a trustee when'his taxes for school purposes are neith~r ov'erdue nor unpaid. The hus')aJ.?'d, wife, son or daughter of t.he person a,ssessed as owne'r may disqualify if resident on the farm 34 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 35 with the assessed owner provides that all taxes for school purposes payable with respect to such farm are neither overdue nor unpaid. In this case; "farm" ,means not: less 'than twenty acres. 'Provisions of The /Mothers' Allowances Act will now apply tQa ~idow with, one -child and to a married woman who has not heard from her husband for thr~e years.. An iIX.1portant amendment was made to 'Section 109- which provides that township councils are not to make grants towards teachers' salaries' unless the salary of the teacher for the year in each easels at least" five hundre~ dollars. The proceedings of the last day' of -the previous session were' rea~ and confirmed. The following communications were read: , ,ConsolidatioIiof Tax Arrears li'rom County Council of Wentworth, re fire insurance where :the Ontario Development Board are the mortgagess.--'Referred to ;PeU~ ,tions and Legislation Committee. A new Act provides for the consolidation of tax arrears owing by" owners of land in a municipality. Under this a council may by bY....law declare that the provisions of the Act shall apply, and file a copy of the by-law with the 'Department of Municipal Affairs and, pub1ishit once a week for three weeks in the municipality and once in The Ontario Gazette. An owner may apply no.t later than the first of October 193'5 to the treasurer for. the c.onsolidationof his tax arrears. If the application is granted he may enter into an agreement' with the municipality for the payment of arrears and future taXes. When the scheme proposed by. the municipality has been approved in ,writing by the Minister of Municipal Affairs the. Act becomes effective. From County of Hal'dimand, re cost of diagnosis arid ,treatment of tubercuiosis.-Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. v., From Onta~io Agricultural Council, re live stock- selling charges. .........Referred to' Agricultural Committee. ,From ISheriff Cameron with.Provincial'Inspector's report.on Elgin Gaol.~eferred to Gaol Committee. Relief Act TtnderThe Unemployment Relief Acta municipality may repair dwelling houses as a relief measure and. charge the whole or an;y portion of the cost upon the lands - upon which the. buildings are erected, iLands which have been grante"d' a fixed I ~ssessm:ent are ~.o longer entitled to exemption from rates for-. relief purposes but such rates are to be levied upon the full rateable value of such lands. 'From Council of Lennox and Addington, te payment of clerks under Old Age Pensions Act.-----Referred to Finance Committee. From R.. 'R, McIntyre, re Hydro rates......:....Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. , . , . ~From' ~atepayers of Dunwich with appeal against the refusal of the 'Dunwich Council to change the boundaries of School Section Number 16;----Referred to !Education Committee. The clerk of every munjcipality is now ex-officio commissioner for the-county distriCt, or union of counties in which suchmunicipaJity is located. ,From Department of Highways re purchase ofmachinery.""--lRe- ferred to County Road Committee. The ,statute Labor Act has .)een. amended authorizing increase' in poll, tax up to ten dollars. From County Council of IWeIland, re qualifications Of tenants tor municipal office.------'Referred to Petitions and 'Lesgislation Committee. .6, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL' 37 , , From, County Council of Lincoln', 1'e truck charged municipalities for loans.....:.:...R.eferred to Han Committee. licenses and rates Petitions an,d 'Legisla- That we, the members of the Elgin County' CoUncil express ou,r sympathy to ane of our members in the person 'of Mr. 'Grant Mitchell' in the death of his fathet.. '\ -Carried; j . From Tillsonburg High ISchoOl'Board, re Countypupils.-Referred to Education .Committe.e.' Moved hy H. G.' Taylor, From Grand Jury wth presentment.....:..ffi.eferred to House Of Indus- try Committee. Seconded by L. Koyle: From County Council of Norf9lk, re labour relief in tobacco dis- t:i'icts...:-Re'fened to Petitions and Legislation Committee. That this Council l'ec.tuest the Clet;k, to check over and, present any and all past due accounts due County to th~ ,Finance Committee. -Carri~d. From'J.' A.' 'McKenzie, re account.~eferredto Gaol Committee. Moved .by B. R. Sheeler, From'L'. Caesar, Provincial Entomologist, re appointment o( Corn , Borer Insp'e9tor.----"~eferred ,to Agricultural Committee. Seconded' byW. B:'iLanca,ster: ,F}'om Department of Highwaysadvisin'g, that the Minister of Highways -approves of total expenditure of '$70,000 in EIgin.-----:Referr'ed to qounty Road 'Committee. That West Lorne Horticultural Society ',ein,cluded with grants, thE! same as to other societie.s, in Elgin. -Carried. From A. B. 1;...ucas, Public School Inspector, re entr~nce examina~ tIon ,centres in West Elgin.~eferred to Erlucatlon ,Committee. Moved by 'E. 'Lashbrook, Seconded by H. G. Taylor: That this County Council express our sympathy with'IMr. B; B. Graham, County, Treasurer, in the loss of a kind and loving wife. "\rYe, as aCounty'Council,feel keenly the loss of Mrs. Graham as a member ot the Mothers', Allowances Board. From CountY'ISolicitor, re McKillop account.~Referred to Finance Committee. \ , From Ontario Municipal Association, re resolutions.-Referred to Petiti~:ms, and Legislation Committee. -Carried. Mr,Taylor made inquiry re 'accounts due ,County, Moved by H. G'. Taylor, Moved by J. H. Burke, Seconded bY'S. Snelgrove: That we adjourn to meet at nIne a.m. to-morrow. From County Treasurer with report and estimates,---:Referred to FInance Committee. -Carried. SeconeJ,edby W. B.' BraMleltt: JORN I). TEOM>SON, Ward"". 38 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SECOND SESSION - SECOND DAY Wednesday, the l~th day of June, 19.35 The Elgin County Council met this day in accordance with adjour- ment; The Warden in the chair; All the members present excepCMr~ Mftchell. The proceedings of the previous day' were read and confirmed. , ,. The report of the Agricultural Committee was presented and adopted on motion of F. W. Schmelz, seconded by D. McGugan. The First report' of the Finance Committee was, presented and adopted /O'n ~btion of W. H. 'Brad:fl.eld, seconded "1y Gee. Cross. Moved .by Gee. Cross, Seconded, by Clark Liddle: That ths Councii adjourn to' meet to~orrow at '10 a.m. c. -Carried. J10HND. THOMJSON, Warden , ELGIN, COUNTY COUNCIL 39 SECOND '-SESSION - THIRD DAY Thursday, "~he 13th day of J.un~ 1935. The Elgin Courty ,Council met this day in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the chair. All, the members present~ The proceedings of the previous day were' read ,and confirmed. ,Moved by Geo. Cross, Seconded by J;,H. Btirke: That Mr. Thoni'as, Agricultural Representative, be now heal:d o'n reforestati6n. -Carried. The report of the Committee on Petitions and ,'Legislation was presented and referred to a committee of the whole with Mr. Burke in the chair.' After considering the report clause by clause it, was adopted on motion of J.E. Burke, seconded by F. W. ISchmelz. MovedbY,F. W. Schmelz, Seco':1d~d by W. B.. Lancaster: 'That this Council do now~djourn to meet at 1.30' p.m. -Carried. The Council,'resume,d. . TheJeport of ,the County Road Qcimmittee was presented and 40 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ,referred to a committee of the whole w1thMr. ,Schmelz "in the chair. After considering the rep()1.tclause by clause and amending it with reference to stop' sh'eetin Port Stanley,'the committee rose az'td report was adopted on motion of F.W. Schmelz, seconded \ by D; McGugan., The report, of ti'le Gaol Committee' was presented and, adopted on moti~n' of 'E. Atkinson;' seconded by A. McCallum. Moved by J. H. Burke, Seconded by H. G. Taylor: That thi,s Council co-operate with-the Council of the ,village of Port',Stanley in an effort to have the De,partment of Highways extend No,' 4 ~tghway through the V1llage of lPortStanley to- the end of William 'St. and that a coPy'of this resolution be' forwarded to the Prime !Minister, the Minister of Highways and the ; Deputy Minister of Highways. ' Moved byF.' W. Schmelz, Second,ed ":Jy'W. B. Lancaster: -Carried. That this Council, 'do now adjourn to meet' ,Friday, morning at ten o'clock. -Carried. JOHN D. TB!OMlSON, Warden , ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 41 SECOND SESSION-FOURTH DAY ,Friday ,the 14th day of June 1935 The Elgin County Council, met this day in accordance with adjournment. , The Warden in the chair. All the members present. The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. Com,munications were rea'd from the County'of Hu,ron in reference to abolition' of Provincial Legislatures and' fe'e system; and the tendency of Provincial Legislatures to arrogate to the Legislature and its' officers auth~rity which has hel'etofore rested with municipal' bodies such as ,county' councils.---'-Referred to !Petitions and Legislation Committee~ Moved by 'W.H. Bradfield, Sec'ondedby, J.McAllister: That Port Bur\Vell and Vienna be re-esUtblished as entrance, exam~ ination centres, and that a cO'Pyof thisresdlution be sent to the Inspector at' Simcoe to-day. -Carried. Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by, W. H.Bradrfleld: That this Council' recommend that the Asses.sm~ht' Act, Section 43, be-amended 'by providing thatin'poUce villages farm,lands of over, ten acres be eli-titled to exemption from -public 'improvements. That thi~ r~QQmmen;9c~ti,onp~ t~ken ,up ~t th~, next' 'M;\-lu.icipal .Associ~t1Qn 42 ELGIN COUNTY ~ CObNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 43 meeting at Toronto.. and a copy of this resolution -be sent to the Prime Mi:q.istel", Honorable David Croll, Minister of Municipal Affairs, Mr. Cummings, Deputy Minister of Mu.nicipal Affairs, and all other county couneiIsof Ontarin. . The Warden appointed Messrs. Schmelz, McGugan, Snelgrove, Cross, Brad'field and Taylor. Moved by F. W: Schmelz, -Carried. Moved JY H. G. Taylor, Seconded, by B. R. Sheeler: Seconded by W. H. Bradfield: That this, Council adjourn to' meet at, 2 p.m. -Carried-. 'That. this Council recommends that the Highway Improvement Act be amended so 'that it will pe optional for county. councils to appoint an engineer -as cauntyroad superintemient, and that a copy of . this resolution be se.ut to the Prime Minister, Minister of Highways and all . county councils. The Council resumed. -Carried. \ The second report o'f the Finance Committee was presente'd and adopted on motiot;"-of. w~ H. Bradfield, seconded bY' Geo. Cross, Moved "by H. G. ~aylor, The third report Of the Finance Committee was pres~nted and adopted on motion of 'W. H. Brad'field, seconded by L~ Koyle. Seconded by J, H. Burke: The report o'fthe House of Industry Committee'was presented,and . adopted on motion of G; . Mitchell, secohdedby J. H" Sloan. That this Council recommends to the Hydro Electric Power Com- mission at 'Toronto that all Hydro users who pump water and have no pressur~ system to be given the same amount of rebate as is now allowed where there is a pressure system 1n use. The second report of the Petitions and Legislation Conimittee was ,presented and ad~ptedon moti~ of J, H. Burke, seconded "'JY Grant Mitchell. -Carried-. Movcd by. H. G.. Taylor, Moved by F, W. Schmelz, Seconded by E, Lashbrook: Seconded by' W. B, Lancaster: That this CounGil reqllest the Department of Highways Of Ontariq to designate. the connecting links of HigQ,way NO,.4 on Road "No, 23 .S.A. as a provinc"ialhighway, That a copy of this resolution be sent to the Pri~e Minister, the Minister and -DeputY' Minister of Highways. .That, the Warden apPOint a special committee to gather informa- tion on reforestation and report at the November Session. -Carri~. -0arrled. 44 ELGIN CPUNTY COUNCIL Moved by,W.H. Bra~fleld, Seconded 'by W. A. Peckham: That By-Law No. 1233 to raise amounts for county rates during the year 1935 be received and read a first time. -Carried. Moved by D. ,McGugan, Seconded by-,J. McAllister: That BY-Law, No. 1233 be read a second time. """"""'"Carl"ed, " Moved by B. -R. Sheeler, Secinided by J. !E:I. Sloan: That By-Law No. 1233 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by. W. B. Lancaster, Seconded by F. W.Schm~lz: :That, By-Law No. 1234 to designate through hjghwaysbe received and read a first time. ,l., -:....'Carried, ELGIN 'COUNTY COUNCIL , Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded ")y G. M. Mitchell: That -By-'Law No. 1234" be read a second time. Moved by 1Wm, E. 'Locke, Seconded by Geo. :C1'05s: 45 -Carried. '.,.'; Tha.t By-'Law (No; 123'4 be read a thIrd' time: and finally' passed. ""-CarrIed. Moved_ by Clark 'Liddle, Seconded_by' Geo. Cross: That By-'Law No. 1235 to de.sIgnateCounty Roads be received and read a first time. , Moved byJ. H. Burke, Seconded ":>y S. Snelgrove: That By.JLawNo. 1235 be read a;,secondtime. -Carried. -Carried. . 46 ElWIN COUNTY OOUNCIL Moved by E.' E. Atkinson, SecQudedby }V~ A. Peckham: ThatU3Y~LawNo. 123'5 be J::ead a third ,time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by ,A. McCallum, Seconded"by 'E.. Lashbrook: Tha't By""Law No, 1236 to provide for payment of' municipal offi- cers and County Clerk for services in connection with administration , of the Old Age !Pensions Act be received and read a first time. Moved '1y lL: Kayle, Seconded -by H. G. Taylor: That By...Law 'No. 1236 be read' a second time. Moved by .R.Kimble, Secon'delf byD. McGugan: -Carried. -Carried. That iBy~aw No. 123'6 be read a third time and finally passed. ..-Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 47 The report of the Committee 'on County 'Picnic was presented and adopted on mo\tion of W; E. Locke, second'cd. bY' Clark Liddle. The flrstand second reports of the Education: Co.r;nmittee were presented and adopted on motion of H. G. Taylor, seconded by L. Koyle. Moved by Geo. Cros!3, Seconded by J. H. Burke: That the Warden appoint a conimittee w'ith power 'to ~ct in regard .'to ex:tens'ion of Highway No.4 and the designation of 'provincial high- way links in the County and report at' the November Session. '.'; -Carried. The Warden appointed 'Messrs. Taylor,.Cross, Burke, Thomson and Lashbrook. !Moved by Geo. Cross, Seconded, by W. E~ Locke: That ,this Council adjourn to meet the last Monday)n November at 2 p~m. -Carried. .rOHN n:, THOMISON., Warden, 48 ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 49 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL THIRD SESSION-FffiST DAY poor standard of living in {heir. municipalities. In. former years relief was provided by municipal taxation, and it is doubtful if the present system of Provincial and 'Federal grants is the proper one. It has had the' effect of disturbing the independence of municipal governments, and encourages extravagant administra'tion. It would be better if,the' Government grants had never been utilized, thereby compelling municipal autho'ritiesto be economical to the same extenLas many. of their citizens are, compelled to be. Monday, the 25thdiay of 'November, 19S5 The Elgin Co,unty Council met this day at the Court 'House,St., 'Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the chair. County Roads All the members present. There has been a reasonable expenditure on County Roads this year, most of which have heen resurfaced. There is still some work to I be done, and the condition of the McIntosh Bridge is such tha't the Cou'nty may be forced into considerable expense for renewal at any time. The Wardenad,dressed' the Council as follows: To the ElgIn County Council: Gentlemen: , . . , Since our last .session there l,1as been no County business of special importance. The new cold storage plant just completed in St. Thomas will be of wonderful encouragement to better fruit culture in the County. As you kn'aw, the 'barn at the House of Industry was destroyed by fIre on the 14th day of October. The County'received $3000 Insurance and the Committee of Management are,' having ,a new barn erected for a litte Dover $3000. This is' about cpmpleted and should be inspected thls session. 'The proceedings of the last day of the previous session were read and confirmed. The following communications were read: A new deep' well was, put down, a plentiful' supply of excellen,t water being obtained at a depth of 'three hundred and sixteen feet. From -Provincial Committee on costs of Education.-Referredto Education Committee. The effects of the depression" have been. felt throughout the Gounty as elsewhere. In former years similar' circumstances were evidencedb'y, an increase in committals to' the House of Industry as many as 80 inmates being cared for at one time; The introduction of .Government assistance in relief measures has, no doubt been respon- sible f~'rfewer committals. At pre'sent there are only so inmates. The accommodation at the Institution is modern and the management 'is economical. Members of the Council should consider sending applicants for relief to the Institution rather than encouraging a :From County Council of Lincoln, re equalization and fixed assess- menis, and cost of education.-Referred to Petitions and Legislation and Education Committees. ' From Natural Gas Commissioner, re importance of logs or records of water well drillers in the Province.-----'Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. From 1. D. Cameron, Clerk of the, Court, with presentment .Qf the Grand Jury.-lReferred to Gaol Committee. 50 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From 'County Council of Norfolk, re cutting"weeds.-Referred tb Petitions and Legislation Committee. From County Council of Essex, re abolition of County Councils.- Referred to Petitions andtLegislatio'll Committee. 'From Mothers' Allowances Commission re appointment of members,--.-.JReferl'ed to Finance Cominittee~ F.1'om County 'Coun"cilof Kent, re Municipal Board fees for appro- val of' debentures.--Heferred' to Petitions arid L~gislation Committee. \ From' Minister 'of Highways, 1'e June resolutions.recelved.---,Filed. From County bf Carlton, re co-operatioilin resolution for reduc-: lion in doal of' Surrogate Court offices.-Filed. LFr'om 'Minister of, Education, 'acknowledgIng, receipt of County Council, reportre school inspectors' salaries.-Filed. From Department of Insurance acknowl'edging resolution in reference po, insurance Agricultural Development Board.-Filed. Fl.'om County Council of Peterb,orough,ackno!Wledging resolution re Surrogate "Court offices in which theyconcur.~Filed. FrO:m 'Counly of IT...ennox and 'Addingtion, acknowledging resolution for exemption 0(' farm lands in villages in which they concur....:....JFiled. 'From Hydro Commission, re cr~ticism of rates by Ross ,R. Mclntyre.~Filed. From Department of Highways, re assumption' of streets in Port Btirwell.-Referred to County Road Committee. From, H. Frank Cook, re entrance examination centre.~Referred to Education-Committee. , ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 51. From Secretary" Board Of IRaJlway OommissionerswithleUer from County Clerk of Kent' that' action in proposed in:'sta.llaUon of wig- wags be deferred.-Relerr'ed ,to County Road -Committee. From Dr. D. L, Ewin, with report as:Physician House iOf~ Industry. .--'ReferrE;ld .to House of Industry Comm'ittee. 'From County Council of Dufferin, re payment of, reBef.-Referred fo Petitio'ns and Legislation ,Committee. 'From iPrime, Minister Hepburn, re resolution as to appointm.ent' of Road iSuperintendent.....:....Filed. From !F. '8: Thomas, Agricul~uraltRepresentative, wUh 'invitation from the' Elgin Fruit Growers' Association to visIt new cold storage plant.-Filed. From W. JyI. Anderson with application- for appointment to Suburban Area Comm~ssion.-Referred to Co.urity Road Committee. From Board of RailwayCommis,sioners, re protection of, crossings Provincial Highway No.4 on Grayel Road, St. Thomas.-Referred Committee. "From Inspector, H(lu~e of Industry, with report.---'Referred to of Industry Committee. From County Clerk wlth report on licenses in. force.-Referred to Committee. IFrom County Clerk with report on Old' Age Pensions,.-.Referred to Committee. by Wm. Loc'ke, by Geo. Cro'ss: That we, the Elgin County Council, accept the, invitation to visit / I 52 mLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ) 53 tp.e' cold storage plant in :St. Thomas, and that we inspect same thiG afternO'Dll. THIRD SESSION-SECOND DAY Tuesday, the 26th ditty of No:vember,i 1935 -Carr~ed. Moved by Geo. Cross, The Elgin County Council met this day at the Goud House, St. Thomas, in acoorda,nce with adjournment. Seconded byWm. Locke: The Warden 'in the chair. That' this Council adjourn to meet to-morrow at 10 a,m. All the 'members present. --,-,Carried. The proceedings. of the previous day were read and confirmed; JOHN D. THOMSON, Warden. The report of Corn, Borer Inspector Taylor was received and referred to 'the Agricultural Committee ',,~. The report of 'the 'Special 'Reforestation Committee was present6.d and refer;r.ed to the, Agr~cultural Committee. The report of the Children's Aid Committee was pres~pt'ed and_ adopted on motion of'W. IE. Locke, seconded by. A. McCallum. Moved -by -W. B. Lancast~r, Seconded by G. Mitchell: That the County Council inspect the new barn at the House of Ind~stry Wednesday afternoon. -Carried. Moved bY. F. W. Schmelz, Seconded by W. B. Lancaster: ~hat thi~ Council do now adjourn to meet at 1.30. -Carried. 54 ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY. COUNCIL ( I , 55 The Cauudl resumed. TI.IIRD SElSSION - THIRD DAY The report of the County Road Committee was , presented and adopted on motion of George Cross, seconded by S. Snelgrove. 'Wednesday, t.he" 27th 'da,y of November, 1935 Moved by W. E. Locke; The Elgin County Council 'met this day in accordance with ad- iou~nment. Seconded byA. McCal~um: The Ward.en in the chair. That ,we adjourn to attend annual mee,ting of the Children's A,id Society'andmeet again to"-morrow morning 'at, lO-o'clock. All the members present. The proceedings of the prevlous day were read and conflrined. -Carried. The County Treasurer's report 'was 'presented' and referred to the F'inance Committee. JOHN Do' -THOMSON, Warden. The report ''Of the-House of' Industry Committee, was presented and laid over. Tp.e report of the Ecl,ucatipn Committee was presented and adopted .on motion of H. G. Taylor, secon~ed 'by E. ~Lashbrook. The report of the Gaol' Committee, w~s p,resented and ~dopted on motion of E. E. Atkinson, seconded by J. McAllister.' Moved by-F. W; Schmelz, Seconded by ~. McGugan: That, F. 8. Thomas be heard this afternoon on reforestation; -;-Carried. Moved by J. H: 'Burke, Seconded by'S. Snelgro've: That thi.$ Council now adjourn to meet ~t 2 o'clock this afte,ruoon." ~C:arr;~d, 56. ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The Council resumed. The report of the 'Special Road Committee . in reference to designation of Pro'V'incial Highways was p'resented and adopted on motion of Geo. Cross, seconded by E. Lashbrook. The second report ,of the Education Committee was presented and ad_opted on motion of H. G. Taylor, seconded by L. Kayle. 'The report of the ISpecial Committee appointed to arrange for payment of Pr:ovincial Highway account was presented and Cadopted on motion of H. G. Taylor, seconded by Geo. Cross. Mr, F. 'S. 'Thomas then addressed -the Council in reference to reforestation. Moved - by W. H. Bradfield, Seconded by .G. Mitchell: That we as a - Council endorse the idea of reforesting in Elgin County either as separate township units' or asa County unit, and recommend that -a small committee be named out of the 1936 Council to go furthe~' into the plan. \-Carried. Moved by Geo; Cross, Seconded by D. McGugan: That the Warden and Clerk be authorized to execute a quit claim deed, (and affix the c9rporate seal) to the Dominion NaturaL Gas Co. in the Village of Port Stanley for certain rights in lands which are no" longer of value to the County of Elgin. .......iCarried. Moved by Geo. ;Cross, Seconded by J. H. Burke: That this Council adjourn to meet tORmorrowat 11 a.m. -Carried. ,JOHN D. THOMiSON, Warden, ELGIN. COUNTY COUNCIL 57 THIRD SESSION -FOURTH DAY Thursday, the 28th day of November, 1935 The Elgin County Council met this day in accordance 'with ad- journment. The Warden in the chair. All" the members present. , The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. Moved 'by W. E. "Locke, Seconded by Geo. Cross: That we adjour;';\o meet at 3 p.m. -Carried. , The Council resumed. I The report of the Petitions and Legislation Committee was presented and referred to,.committee of the 'whole with Mr. Snelgrove in the ch,air. After amen'ding the rC'pol't the committee rose and report as amended was adopted on, motion of J. H. Burke, seconded by B. Sheeler. The report of We Finance Committee was -present.ed and adopted on motion of W.H. Bradfield, seconded by _IL. Kayle. The report 'of the House of Industry Committee was presented and ado'pted on motion of G. Mitchell, seconded by R.' Kimble. by J. H. Sloan, byG. Mitchell: That the :HighwaY Traffic Act I?b0\-11iJ pe fimen{led to provide th'at 58 ELGIN COUNTY, COUNCIL ELGIN " COUNTY COUNCIL 69 all persons owning motor vehicles be required to obtain a :policy of insurance against public liability and propel~ty damage b'efore they can obtain ,a license to' operate same; and that a copy of thr~ resolu- Uo'n be forwarded to the Minister of Highway's, -Premier Hepburn and all county councils. Moved by D. McGugan, Seconded by R.Kimble: That By-Law No. 1237 be l'eada third Umeand finally passed. -Carried. --'-'Carried. Moved by H. G. Taylor, Morved by Geo. Cross, Seconded by William Locke: , Seconded by ,Wm. Locke: That the members of ~he 'Elgin County Cbuncil do strongly object to theA~t passed '~y the ;Federal Government permitting the tax now colIecta'ble by; the Canadian Performing Rights 'Society, as this, Act is detrimental to the social and financial welfare Of aU municipalities in Elgin County, and that a copy of this resolution be sent to, the Attorney-'Gener~J's Department, provincial Government; Minister of Justice" 'Federal Government; Mr. W. H~MilIs, M.P., arid all County Councils. That By--Law No. 1238 to provide for additional expenditure on the system of county roads in the County of ,Elgin be received and read a first time. -'-Carried. Moved by Will. Peckham, -Carried. Seconded by E. Atkinson: Moved by J. H. BU,rke,j That By-Law No. 1238 be read' a second time: -Carried. Seconded byS. Snelgrove: Moved by A. McCallum, That By-Law No. 1237 to 'designate County Road be received and read a first time. Seconded by 3. H. Sloan: / -Carried. That,!By-Law No. '1238 be read a third '-time and finally passed. --Carried. Moved by ,3. H. Sloan, MO,ved by Wm. Locke, Seconded by B. Sheeler: That By-'Law No. 1237 be read a 'second time, Seconded 1:lY Geo. Cross,: That ,Mr. L. B., Birdsall be given the usuai' grant of $25.00 for. reporting. :-,Q~rried. -'-Carrl.". \ 60 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by R. Kimble, Seconded by G. Mitchell: That. the Warden be given the usual grant of $100.00. Moved by D. McGugan, Secnuded byR. Kimble: That the Council adjourn sine die. ...,....Carried. . -Carried. Atkinson Peckham ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 61 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES STANDING. COMMITTEES. 1935 COUNTY ROAD Geo. H. Cross, Chairman McGugan Snelgrove Taylor AGRICULTURAL F. W. Schmelz, Chairman Cross Snelgrove Brad-field Taylor GAOL '~}y. E. E. Atkinson, Chairman Lancaster McAllister HOUSE OF INDUSTRY Grant M. Mitcl:\eIl, Chairman Sloan Kimble FINANCE W. H, Bradfield, Chairman Mc'Gu:gan McAllister ,Cross Koyle ,snelgrove Taylor Burke McCallum ISheeler / Lashbrook EDUCATlON H. G. Tay.Lor,. Chairman :Sloan Kimble Lac'ke Liddle Mitchell , Koyle Burke !McCallum Lashbrook McAllister Sheeler 62 Schmelz Mitchell Kimble IDLGIN COUNTY COUN'CIL PETITIONS AND LIpGI1SLATION J. H. Burke, Chairman Sloan Kimble Locke Kayle McCallum CHIIJD!R'EfN"S AID J. D. Thomson, Chairman Locke McCallum LEGAL W.H. iPeckham, Chairman 'Liddle !Burke ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 63 COUNTY TREASURER'S RE.PORTS Liddle Januaa-y Session Sheeler Ge,ntlemen of the Elgin County Council: I beg leave to submit the following report: Receipts and Expenditures to December 31, 1934 Receipts Bradfield Cash on hand,Jan. 1, 1934.____:____........_._____.__..........___.___.__$. 25073 21 Adm. of Justice __.:::".____.___....m..mm._...___.._....__.........m___.... 14471 78 Dills Payable' _______......___nnnm..._.___.___.__....__nmn._____.___....___.... 110000 00 Interest .._.__.__nnn.....h....___........m.."._.__.........__'.__.__n........____..,.____ 144 54 County Rate ______.m_:__________.....__......_____nnn..____c__m__.....n..,........ 1519~6 00 r~egistry Office ___..__.___.____.___..__._________..___..___.________...----...-..--,- Public Schools .._..______________._..._...___..___.__..______________.~-.-........-.,. House of Industry ____n_____.....________________._______.._.._____...._.~...--.... Arrears of Taxes ____..__m.___.___.___._._._______________....._._...._...----,:~-- County ,Roads _____......__._._____.______..._...__..__..__..........-...-----......... MIscellaneous_............__..______.__..,........______-.....-..---.....---..----.--.. 471 95 2943 sf 20857 99 35340. 23 15975 44 $377234'98 Expenditures Adm. ",of Justice c=_____.______...'...__._....n_____.___.____________n..........____'$ ,,1903'8' 52 Bills Payable .__________.__;.___......n_.__.________.__.___.______________.,___........__ 1'10000 00 In te rest .---.......-.-~--,---.-~-.----.........--.....i.--.---._.._____.......___.._....___.._... 2697 10 pUblic Schools ___.___________.n....__.__.____._______.___.......:......__...__..___._.. 14077 33 Hous~ of Industry ________.._.._..._...._._____...._......._____........___.____..__ 9505 04 Registry Office ___.___._._..._.........__._________.___..'_.........._,.__.._..__.__.... 627 29 High Schools ___..,___________.....___.._._____....._..._..__......_.____.....__,,___.... 39392..64 64 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Arre'ars 'of Taxes unmnn_______._.__.___ .,.,.____________........____n___n___ Members' Wages Officers' Salaries Printing, IStationery _____________m____...__________._.__________________..._____ Care of Buildings _____muumuu_____________'"_______"_..__.._________________ W~te~" Light, Heat ......__________________'___.nnnm_________,.__..______nnn County Roads ____.__.___."__.___........._"___...___.___.____._____..____.___.___...__. Miscellaneous ___.___.___..___.__._______._______.___...,_____.______...____...____.__. 15523 0.; 3724 70 4680 00 871 45 3352 17 2141 51 66451 90 71949 15 $364031 84 --------------------___ --____________.___________________________.__.____.__.___________._____ 13203 14 Balance Assets Cash on Hand ____mL.h______m_________.._____..._.h____...nm_____________$ County Rate _______.nnn_._____.___________.___.____.__.__.nn___h....___________. provincial Government ____________________n_________n_n,mm.____________ st. Thomas Sub-Area County of Middlesex ._.._...__..."n..nn___.........._.nn__m__._n__.____n Administration of 'Justice ...W.hn_______n...____.__nm________n___ Pr,ov, G.ovt. Corn Borer .n.__.....h...___.........n________.'..n....n.... Hqspital Accounts ....__mn___.m_______m___.n___nnnnm...___nnnnn Registry' Office .nn.nn_...___nnnnn.__.____..Cnmun.hn.n____..___...u_ Liabilities Bills Payable ....__......_....._.__...._...00._..._..._...,...._..........._.....,......_.$ In teres t ....._.,'.......'__..,_...._..'_._.._..__.__....._......._._0._......__..__.._....._. :J;l'ublie ISchools _".h._nnnnnnn_.___n.m__n.nnnn_.___nnnnn_____.n..... High Schobls .........___....._00._00._..._............__....__...........__."""__" Administration. of Justice ___mn__mnn________mmm__.._______nm House of Iud ustrY,nn_____nnnm___mnmnnnnnm___mn..n.......m Ar'rears of Taxes .....00.............._..._..,............_00._.............00....... Old' Age"Pensions nnnnn_nnnnn_.n_,___"nn___nnn_..__.....___n"nnn Mothers' Allowance ._.........._______...__.___._......_.__._______........__.... House of Industry Inmates........._..._..n___.__.............mn....___. $377234 98 13203 14 10929 00 34342 94 559 00 100 00 2000 00 399 00 1165 22 170 91 $ 62869 21 10000 00 5000 7500 00 25000 00 2500 00 700 00 \ 6486 56 3000 00 2000 00 1119 69 ELGIN OOUNTY, COUNCIL 65\ Unpaid Accounts .._......~;.....,..'...,.:..,......,..,c........-...-...-h-........_... 1900' 00 Miscellaneous .........c.h...._..___......._._.~......c..T'....._.....~_...c..___...:._ ,500 00 $ 60756 25 \ , Surplus. _........_..;_...;.......'.h_..._.n_n.._..._.n-...nn..h'~.._..._.__.'nnn_._n....,....-'...... '2112 .96 $ 6286921 !twill be necessar?, topassaBy-Law authorizing the Warden. and Treasurer,. to' borrow $250,000 .to .meet the expenses"of the coming year; All. of which' is respectfully, subm'itted. lB. B. GiRAHAM, County Treasurer" JUne Session '~" To the Warden :'and Council ~f Elgin County: Gentlemen: I beg leave to supmU the ,fol1owingstatewEmt of Receipts and Expendjtur~sup, to May 31st and also Estimates 'for the current year; Receipts Cash 0.11. Hand. ..;...................-.............,..,-.-...-.....,.....-....~~............$ 13203 '14 , Administration of Justice .......h~;....C....___'......................,.... 2065 59 Bitt-s' Payable .;~;........._...,.....:.........__.._...m.m_____n..............._..... 50000.00 In terest ._...........__'..__~...~......_..._..._,........c......................._.___......... 84 07 County 'Rate '._.......n.._..._.."_..~...................._...~..._~,....._._...,;..... 10929 00 Public 'Scho.oll;! __.___.........._......._...__.._...~..._....__................._..._.. 4'53"81 House of Industry n~._'....________-'...____mnn..mm...'.~.....;;......~.~.. 944 69 Arrears of' Taxes. _________m.......c.._._........_..'____m...._........._._....... 8211 15 County Roads _.__....;...__._.:,'"..___..__....'____...~....:'......-;'.........c...._.'.. ~0~7'O '.'09 Miscellaneous n~___mnnm......____~'.m._..__...m_.mnm____....m........... 2771 '05 .$ 99032 65 . 11508 92 1000000 174 28 5358 28 2553 11 510 98 1783~ 01 10531 07 1204 95 1290 00 491 10 472 24 903 14 15362 70 16218 92 $ 94411 70 , 4620 95 66 mI;..GIN COUNTY COUNCIL Expenditures AdminstraUonM Justice ....."...____.___________".________..______________.$ BlllsPuyable - --.-------------.-,.------------....---..--..,--.--..----........._-_.-.--. In terest ..__............ ____ ....._......_______.n..___.....__._........_...........__.___..... Public ISchools _______.....___..__............___.____.___.___........._.~...-___....-._- House. of Industry nnn____________;."..____......nnmn.._____.____.___..... Registry Office nmn....__..nm....___.hn.m.nnn...___,..___.....m...___. I-ligh '8c'hools _..h._.._______..._________._._,."..__......_________._.___.__........___. , Arrears of Taxes ---n..h__n_n.m.______________.._......__n.~.....nnnnnn. Members' ,Wages nu.nnnnnn.........ununn.n..nnn:__.n.unnnm. Officer~' .Salaries .mnmnnn.mh.mmm.m..mn.hnmm..n....mm. Printing and Stationery n".,"'un....nmu....nnm...m'mnnm Care of' Buildings ..ummn.m....'_.hoo.mmnm..nnnnm..n..nunn Wa,ter, Light, Heat h'umnnnm.....mhm...numnmmnmnnnnn County Roads ........m..nnnnnn.unun...nnnn...... u.noon.n"..n..n M isc e ] laneous .nnnn..n.unu 00.. .......h.____unu .n.nnnnn"n.nu...nn Balance Estimates Administration Of Justice ..m.m.mmnn.....nnnmm.............$ 9000 00 House of Industry ......m.mm..hnn....h.hnn...mmunu....m'..':.. 5000 00 High. Schools .'.hnnnnm....mmm...C.m,h.m~n........mnn..n.u.nnnn 45000 00 Public' >Schools n..C'mm.........mm....:mnnnnmu.m.......hn.m.m. 14000 00 Officers' 'Salaries ......mm.....m"..n...nn.....m...mh..._oo.....moo. 4680 00 Members' . Wages ..'nmm.....n......mm....m....m.....nnnnn....m..4000 00 Court House Com. ..mm..............mm...h.m..'..........nn.m.... 4000 00 Interest mnmCm...........hmm.m.n..nm.......nn.......m.........."u....:..::..m 2500 00 County 'RO'ads m....n.m..m'nm.............'n.......mm.'.......m..;..m. 35000 00 Provincial Highways n.u..n..m..__.m~.m.......nmnnn..h.m....'.. 14444 00 Old Ag-ePensions .m.......mmmmmm..m.h.m.mmm.........n.... 12000 00 Mothers' AIlowances '..~'~mm.m_.m..n..m.m'..m..n......mmm. 6000 00 '$ 99032 65 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 67 . Registry. Office. .'u.nn.u..n...:....................,......,..........n........... 1000 00 Miscellaneous /.............m.mm.m..........................,.................... 12000 00 __ . . $168624 00 1934 'Surplus' .,'...............__............................,...........................n......h... 2000 .00 $166624 00 This will necessitate an increase of a quarter of a mill 'niaking the rate 5'72 mills for 193'5. ' AIlo! which is respectfully submitted. ~. B. GRAHAM, CountyTreasui'~v. '~,;. 68 lJlLGIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL . ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 69 County. .Roads ___...._nmnmm____n___...___>__.-:-___________.________...m...__ 54623 54 Miscellaneous __..._.1.,__.___....:.___..__.___....__..____.."'.........__................... 276'67 01 $17246376 Balance .__....__...___.__:......___...............__,__._____........_____...........,_______.....___.___.___. i 7426. 87 To' the Warden and Council of Elgin County: St. Thomas, Ont., Nove'rtlher25th, 1935 Gentlemen: I ,beg leave to' submit the following statement of Receipts and Expenditures and Assets and Liabilities to' October 31, 1935. , Receipts Estimates for Balance, Year Notes in ,Bank .___._____...______.~m....___.___m....._______..__nn'_.;___"n...I,$ 90000 00 Administration of Justice o_______.mum___o_______..'.m______.....___. 3000 00 House of Industry. ...;m.....__.....___,~.._____...______..;oo_....__.___.___.... 1800 00 ;public. -Schools' .___..___m__.............m....__.._____.___..:_:..........___________ 15000 00 . 45000 00 Cash on, Hand ......,.............._.......,.......___._..___...__...........___._..$. 13203 '14 Adm. of .Justice ....._....._____.._.......__.........m__m.................._...m 9076..,.09 B:l,lsPayable ._...___.___:___oo.......___....___...m._'~m____.._..........m__..._. 9.o0.o0.o~ - Interest ..__........._........_....._.........._........._...........................___..c__. -118 02 Coufity Rate .___________,__.__~..._____......_..m.m.________.__m......__.......___ 1.0929.00 Registry Ott:ice" ....___.._.___..~,__.__.___.oo._________.___...........h.____...___.... 24 0.0 Public Schools ..c.........~__oo"__m.m...'__........._.__...._.___m__________m 461 87 House of Industry m______m'__.___.....________.__oo_.___,oo....._________.____3243 65' Arrears of Taxes .______................____00______.00_______________'.________.00. 17891 64 County .Roads .........'_..__..oooo_____.______oo..____....._.,.__.__mm...._______.__ 3842.0 .0.0 'Miscellaneous ....__.......___.__..______________h_______....._..._......__....___.oo.. 6523 22 .$189890 63 Expenditures Adm. of Justice ...h...........'oooo.__h______..'..._............__......__.____......$ Bills / Payable _.........:..._..........._,....._......__........__..__""_""'_'","'.. Interest......_.............._..__...'.................,..........._........._........_........... Public !Schools ___..___.__________oo....______.___..........___.h....h_....__....___. House of Industry ___..:_,........._____..._.m.........._........____...._______.. llegistry. Office ....._....________.__.___m___-'....C..__..__......_____....___r..______... 'High 'Schools __oo...___.___.oo_.oon._______.oo______...___._.....___.....__.....__.__..:_ Arrears of Taxes _.__..........__....._......._...__..............__..._............. Members' : Wages .___..___oo___,._________.l_..,____._.___.___,...._..._......_.___..." Officers' Salaries .:_____.oom;._......_____..m..__.______oom................_.... Printing and Stationery ....._.........._______..__________..___......._...__. Care of Buildings ._____.._..._._.,._______.._____________________m___oo______.... Water, Light and HeaL...........___.....______...____.___..:_.._.___._.__..__ Cash ori Hand .____,._.-______..__________,____..____...__m.'._____-'..._____...__________._.______....---.:.. 172.0.0 90 County Rate ,;____..._______..;__..___...._______.___....m.________.........,.__.._..._____.._____............. 167.03.0 00 Gov. Aid to. Roads ___...______._________.00_.._________.._______...._..___.___'___00.._'0000.___..___... Administration of Ju'stice'.m__..____.___..m:_......___.___.___.'"..~_______........_.__.m" 3.0.00 0.0 MisceUaneous ._____._..____________....m.._.______....oo___m.....m..______._____m..__......___..... 2.00' 00' $22243000 2113 00' 19747 93 10000 00 176 53 6292 94 9259 22 887 66 17832 01 14568 38 2771 01 3630 00 662 96 2068 64 2275 93 Deficit .............-'......-........-.,..-.-..,...'.................. All of which is respectfully submitted: ;So ,B., GRAHAM, Coup.ty Treas1Jr~r! $189890 63 $22454300 70 ELGIN COUNTY eOUNCIL REPORTS OF FINANCE (lOIlf!MITTEE First Beport -January' Session, To the Elgin Coqnty Council, Gentlemen: ,The Finance Committee reports: 1. That the following grant be ,m'ade: Salvation Army Rescue Home, LOJ?don____......_,___.._"..___.....;__~.$ 350 00 2. That the same. grants be made to the Women's ,Institutes as formerly, $10 to each branch and $25 to the District. 3. That the 'Public Liability l,Policyin the London and Lancashire Guarantee and AccidenLCompany be renew~d, amountorpremium $411.94, 4. That a by-law he ,passed authorizing to borrow the sum of $250.000. , the Warden and Treasurer 5. That niembershipfee in the Ontario Municipal Associ~tion be paid, amount $25.00. 6. That the, Auditors' Report be received and printed. 7. That the following. hospital accounts be paid: Memo~ial Hospital, St. Thomas: , 'Ma-in tenlance .--.--...----._...00..00...00___...._.___...._____.__..._,.$, Grant ,159 days at.70 _____oom.......__...oom..oom_.___.oo' 2!l'825 11130 -'--$ Queen Alexandra 'Sanatorium ..'.!'1:l1l:.:;,m''','m,.-----___.__...__.mnoo. 389 .55 985 5<\ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 'Soldiers' Memorial Hospital: Maintenance. ___.._..___.___.___.___.~...____....________._.__.___._--.--$ Grant 386 days at ',70 mm_w..._.~.______u,:m__uoo."n_ 675 50 270 20 Parkwood Hospital, London ____u__un.._oooom_____._.......__m__.__.______... 'Victoria Hospital, -London ____..___oouoo.oo um_m__....n.:_m___m_".....,_.., Toronto General Hospital ____.._________.unuu._._.m'oom___uu___oo..oo..___. 8, That the follwing accounts be paid: Dr, Potter, Shedden, re John Willoughby, lunatiC._m___.._... Dr. Smith, :Fingal, re J. Wil~oughbYuoou__.m_oo____.~',......_.____oo__._.. Children's Aid Society m____..m'oomm_____......umoooooo___::oo__:__...___oooouoo Victoria IndustriaJ. School, maintenance .._:00__............._____.,,_... Ontario Training School for Boys,_..._~u___uuu_._____......____________. Provincial Treasurer, conveyance of criminals____.....m_______. The Dutton Advance, printingproceedingsm__...;____..._...noo__n \Municipal Wo~l,?-, for Clerk and..Cou~t,HouSe---......-m..oo--- ~unicipaIWorla, for Reg. Office and Treas'uoo.m.m_,,____" S. IR. Hart & Co., (Police IMagistrate's Monthly Return forms .___n__u__moo.._.___.._,.________.__............___....__u__._.__.._.._oou__.____......oo. K,'W,,'McKay, County Postage .__.____...__....________....__........_........____ K. W.McKay, 13 visits to House of 'Industry, June to December, '1934 _....:m_~..___..._.._...__.oon..._...._..__..........___......._..._.." W. Mennill, framing picture m.m.._._m..........mnoo.___.....mmun.__.. 9. That Memorial Hospital account for Alvin Tribe, $16.62, charged to Aylmer at the November iSession 1934, be charged to Malahide. r 71' 945 70 523 50 109 .25 54 25 1500, 500, 905 00 34 00 39 00 36 96 300 00 14 92 38 20 5 30 1000 26 00 1 35 10. That the County 'Treasurer's 'Bonds be approved as sastisfactory ;for 1935. " :.All ,of which is respectfully submitted. W. H. :s:RADFI'ELD, Chairman. 72 ELGIN COUNTY 'COUNCIL Second Report - January Session To the 'Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The' ;Finance' Commi ttee reports: I 1. That the equalizatiO'rl be the same as last year as determined by the County Judge on' appeaL 2. . That John Leitch and, .1. J. Coombe be re-appointed to the Ceme.;. tery Commission, and that no action be taken. 3. That a grant of,$'50 each be'allowed the Vllages of :Rodney, West Larue 'and Dutton, and $25 for Aylmer for upkeep and re~decoratif!.g the lock...ups. All of which is respectfully submitted. W.H. B'RADFLEIJD, Chairman. st.' Thomas, OntariQ,. January 25, 19:35. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL J!ll1e Session - First Report To the' Elgin,' County Council, Gentlemen: The 'Finance Qommittee""reports: 1. That the 'followIng hospital_ acco~nts be paid: Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas: Maintenance ___.___.___.___,._._._...__.;_..,__.....____........____.._;.$ Grant,. 771 day"S at,' .70 ._________..'h__h........__........._) 1302 75 539 70 $ Soldiers', Memorial Hospital: Maintenahce ____._.___...._..______.___.___._........_._____..,.'._-..-.$ Grant, 142 days at .70, .___.m.__________h__.__.............,. 235 85 99 40 $ Victoria. Hospital,., Lortdon.__._______:.__..._.......______.__._____..;h__..._____....__. Toronto' General' Hospital __"......__.....___._____...h...,'...___..._______.________ Queen Alexandra !Sanatorium. _____._..._n______________h_~h....__n________,-.. Parky.rood Hospital; London __________....__.________,____..._...___.........__~,_... St. Joseph's Hospital, Chatham______.__~~________;___.........nn.._________.,.. I ,73 1842 45 335 25 519 75 357 00 2593 50 1098 00 77 00 Carruthdr's 'Funeral H?me, London, ambulance service for Wm. Cascadden 'from Vi,ctoria,lHospit~l, London, to. [Memorial.. Hospital" St. Thomas-one.,ha:.lf to be charged to,Bayham ..________,___________..._______________.______________......_._ 7 .00 , The various municipalities to be charged with, one-half of hospital accounts. ' ~. 'That we have considered tettel' frolJl' the. County ,Solicit~r reposi.,.. tion of .'the . Lyman Claude Willia:.msproperty in \Frngal which is held as security for his maintenance in the 'Que~n :Alexandra Sanatorium. It,isa matter 'wholly between the Township of South- wold and the County,and Jie recommend that it be referred to t~e 'Reeve 'pf' 'Southwold td take suoh action as he may deem necessary, 74 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 3. That we have had 'before us account from the Kent Children's Aid 'Scicie~y for maintenance of the [Hoffman children, and recommend thatlt "be referred' to the COUnty 'SCiUcitor fo'rhis opinion as to payment. <;t. That in reference to' the new regulations calculated to improve theadmii1istration of the varioUs 'Children's Aid Societies at some' extra expense to the County, we suggest that the Children's IShelter Committee repol't fully either at this or the November ISession, so that this Council may take such action as they deem advisable. 5. That the following accounts be paid: Children',s Aid Society ____."_.....__.'....___,'_____.___.___........______.___.$ Ontario Training School for BoySon_________....__..."..______.....___ Mercury ISun, printing auditors' reports_______~"'h_______;___ County Clerk for postage ___.."_..._._'...__.___.,__________._____________,-- Treasurer of 'Oritario for conveyance of, prisoners___. All of which is' respectfully submitted. W. H. BRADFIELD, Chairman. St; Thomas, Ontario, 11th June, 1935. 1574 25 152 25 138 25 21 00 20.40 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL June Session-'Second"Report Ta the Elgin Caunty Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reparts: 75 1. That insurance an the County Buildings be renewed with the same' agents, by,wham the present policies were ' issued. 2. That report ,.of the County Auditars for the year 1934 be adopted. 3. That the Clerks .of the local municipalities be p'aid the' sum .of Twa Dollars and.'~ileage one way for each Old Age Pensian appli- catian forwarded ta the County' Clerk. 4. That, the Caunty. Clerk be pa'id the sum of 'Four Hundred Dollars annually far services' rendered in cannection with 'the Old' Age Pensions -f\ct. . 5. That the fallowing accounts, be paid: ) Township of Yarmouth, canveyance .of 'three inmates to the House a,f Industry n_____________~_______.____..____m________'$ Muncipal Warld, 'Registry Officesupplies__,,__~~,----------..- Rainbaw & San, stationery for Cler~Ln__"'''h__'______________ Municipal Warld, supplies far Clerk'sOffice____:__________. Municipal Warld, supplies for Treasurer's Office____ Murdack Stationery, far Registry Office___...______________ All .of which is respectfully submitted. W. H. BI\NO'FIELD, Chairman. ~t.ThQmas, Qntari~, ;run~ Hth, 1~3(j, 550 37 46 225 14 69 .26 91 2400 " 76 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY RATES. COUNTY OF 'J1lLGIN FINANCE REPORT Third Report Totlie Warden and Council of the County of Elgin: Gentlemen: The Committee on li'inance beg leave to report that having Inquired into the finances of the'. County, and estimates 'prepared llY the Treasurer, they herewith' submit a statement, of the expenditure required for the lawful purposes of the cou~ty for 1935, showing the amount, required to be raised for under-mentioned purposes. :Administration of Justice _____...._...___._________..$ ,House 'of Industry .;______'n________....._______________...__ High Schools _........___...________._.m...........___,....c..__.. ;Public- -Schools ......_._____...."...........__..._______;_______.__ Officers' ,Salaries .._____.....__.......__________.,__.______.... Members' Wages __.____.._____........__._......-.:____.___...__ Court. House Commissian ......___________._.__.______ In, te res t ..___.______ __________,___....._..______...._______....___...__...__ Miscedlaneous __.___.___...._.____.___.____._._._.___....___......;., County Raads, __..__..._________,.:__.__..,....____._.._.__...__.._. Pravincial Highway ________............._._____.._____._..... Old Age Pensians .___~______......__.._________._...__.__.... 'Registry Office ___..___...._._____._._.___.._.____________._._.__ Mathers! Allawances ______,____._._____.___.___ 9000 00 5000 00 ~5000 00 . 14600 00 4680 00 4000 00 4000'00 2500 00 10406 00 35000 00 14444 00 12000 00 1000 00 6000 00 $167030 00 Yaur Committee would recommend that the sum/of and !Sixty-Seven Thausand "andThirty, Dallars be raised an all the rateable property in the several municipalities .of the Caunty .of Elgin duri.ng the year 1935 for COUlityPurp.oses, and that a rate .of 5% mills' ari the dallar be levied, on rateable property in ,the several Municipali- ties in -the County to l'aise said amounts. All of whi,ch is l\espectf'uIly submitted. W. FI: BRAVFIJ;l!iP, GMirm~n, :Adopted June 14th, 1935. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL November ,'Ses'sion Elgin County Council, The Finance Cammittee reports: That. the County ,Treas,urer's report.- 'be received. and fHEtd. 1"1: 77 'T1hatIS, 'S-,'MClDermand ~nd D. A. McNabb be recommended (or re~ appointme~tto the Mathers' AllawancesCammissiorl'. That the'Clerk be instructed ta have t:p.e insurancepalicies an the ~ause .of Industry buildings praperly endarsed ta include new barn. That naactian be: taken in reference ta pratection .of crassing I where .pere <Marquette Railway crosses Number 4 Highway. That the fallawing hospital accaunts 'be paid:, Memo,rial Haspital. 1St. Thamas...,..- , , Maintenance ___________.________.._.____.___._____....______~___,.$ 2709.62 Grant, 1661 days at .70..,......,_"__....____....___... 1162 70 . $. 'Queen Alexandra' Sanatarium ...'.____.__"_.;.__..______________..._..__., S.oldiers', Memarial Hospital- Maintenance .._................________________......__.__...,..$ 628 4'5 Grant, 364 days at .70......_..._.._____.____________._____.___ 25'4 80 $ Victaria Hospital,. 'Landan ____._,:.._____,____~...----------------..-...---- Taronta General !Hospital._.,__...____...._____._.................,....... Parkwocid '. Hospital, Lcindqn _____.;_'_________._.________....__:_______.... St. Joseph'"" !Hospital, Lqndan ..:.___.._.........._,_____._._........___. 'Brantford General H.ospital ._____._....._._._....._____.___...._......_____ Conveyance .of A. Johnsan ta Home for Incurahles / '4.P 3872 32/ tJ ,); 9/)9 219900 ~q 9 9, (f'I) 883 25 1086 75 136 50 729 00 70 00 59 50 700 ff! ft't'll) , ~ P I/S-O I (,.S' 7 S. Total ..............................................,......................................,........$ 9043 32 78 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL That the various municipalities be. charged with one'-half of hospital accounts" , 6. That the following accounts he ,pai~; D. Munro,Shedden, burial of ehas. Nickersou.___......$ K. W. MoKay,postage,telephone and express,charges K. W. McKay, 22 visits to !House of Inp.ustry as inspector-1st Jan. to-Nov. 8, 1935....__..........____________ Wendell Holmes Ltd., Stationery for 'County Treas- Ul'er .__________;:._;....____.___,__.___._...___.______..___________..........__...______...._. Municipal World, Limited, stationery for, County Treasurer ___.....___.___.________.______.____.._..___.___.___...._____.....__....__.... Municipal . World, Limited; boo'ks, stationery for Registry Office ___.____....._..._________..,...___.____....._______..._._.______ Municipal World Limited, for County Clerk and Court House ____.__________________._:------------....-...-.---.--.__________...___.___.___. Rainb'ow& .son, stationery for Law Library.___,..h_______ Rainbow & 'son, stationery for' Registry. Office._m_._ Rainbow & !Son, stationery for Courity Clerk's' pffice City of;'St, Thomas", dust . laying for years 1931-3~4:-5, Stanley St. f'rontage ____.c_._______...____m_____..h_____.__....____.... Dr. 'Smith; Fingal, ~xamination or' merttal patient~__. Children's Aid ISociety, account to October 31,'1935; and grant ___________.___...._....__________......___...._.._____.....___...__._..__._ Ontario Training. :School fOr -Boys _._..____________..h____.__...... Province' of Ontario, conveyance to HospitaL___...___.... Munson iSupply Go., typewriter attachment County Clerk's "Office. _____h_________._.........h_.___________......____...____........ Dutton Advance,. printing __.._..h.-____m...._.h_'_____h__.__.h____...___ C. ,St. Clair Leitch, K,C.;. Solicitor's Hill of Costs, . Nov.. 1934, to Nov, 1935 ........__.h___.........___.....__'..h..___._. All orwhich is respectfully submitted, W. H. BRJADFIEuD, Chairman. st. ,Thomas, Ontario, 28th November, 1935. ,5000 2327 44 00 11 07 46 12 13 01 3 75 3 10 8 25. 21 67 500 1710 65 6750 536 550 1850 325 00 1 35 ELGIN' COUNTY COUNCIL 79 REPORTS OF COU~TY ROAD COMMITTEE January Session St. Thomas, Jan. 19th, 1935 " To the Elgin County Council: , Gentlemen: 1. The Elgin CountyiRoad Committee report that-the sum of SIXTY- ISIX'I1HOUS:AND, FOUR HUNDRJElD AND FIFTY-OINE DOL- 'LARS, AND ,NINETY 'OENTS. ('$66,451.90) was expended ou the .Elgin County Highways 'during the year-1934; 2. <;lounty Roads- Maintenan'c'~ on ,county roads .......;...._.________$ 27908 85 Bridge construction on county roads____.. 9126 97 Construction on county roads___.._.....h________h. 16625 15 Mainten-ance'on Suburban Area ,Roads_.__ 1849 42 County Bridges under, By-Law No. 1091 (Maint.) ____...._,.~.______..__.__________._....______............._. 13 '12 3. General Expense,:--'- Grants to Urban Municipalities ,___.___.,..._.__$ Superintendence, . O~fice expenses, etc.__..__ Machinery repl:\.irs, toO'ls, .etc.___....._._~.--._--..- Gravel Pit. Develqpment _________.....h______.._..___. Improvement on. !Hathaway Farm ___....... Workmen's Compensation Board _~_.__....._ Constables'Fees .__m_m__.____.__._...____.___....__________.. 1009 90 3154 50 5322 72 813 79 33 30 200 90 393 28 ~ 66451 90 5531 07 !Less IReceipts ------------..-..---------------..-.-----"----....-..-......-.....---.--...... Total !Expenditure for 19~4-."-..-..-..-.--.....-.----...-__----.-..---..$ 60920 83 4. We recommend;, that the sum of THIRTY..FrVE DOLLA/R'S, ($35,000.00) be l'a~sed for Construction THOUSAND and Mainten- 80 IDLG~N COUNTY CQUN:"CIL auce on county. roads and county bridges under By"'Law . No. 1091 for the year 1935 as follows- 'Maitenance on county roads._______________.b..'____$ 20000 00 Construction 'of McIntosh Bridge over River Thames and Hill cutting, Elgin's .portion ...____.___.___.____.___.________J....____....__.....o...,........ C~:mnty !Bridges under By::':Law No. 109L General 'F;ixpense _________m___._._.___._............._'__'..... 10000 00 2000 60 3000 00 .$ 35000 00 5. 'That: the County Road Superintendent bede~egated to attend Road Conference, to be held in Toronto d~ring the latter. part of February 193,5. 6. Tha.tfifteen doUars for membership in the Good Roads Associa- tion :be paid. 7. That. the 'Warden be authorized to name delegates. to attend the Ontario Good Hoads Associ.ation to be held in Toronto, for. the year 1935. 8. That'the County provide dust layer on County' Roads where resi:- dents benefitted ,;ill pay one-half of the fost, on a Cl;ishba.sis. 9. During 1934 advantage was taken of the.. Government r~1ief' pro- pos'itions in the expenditure of $14,755.47 .as a result, the County , will receivt:;. subsidy. amounting to about $'8,000.0'0. 10. The Elgin County ~oi:mcil requ~st -the iPere Marquette Railway to provide more protecUa-n at the, following crossings in the 'l;',ownship of Aldborough. ' 1st. At the crossing about %, of a mile East of the, Village of West Lnrne, on Co'linty 'Road number 2, and between lots 2Q and 21, between concessions 8 and 9. 2nd.' On Comity Road number 4, between lots D and I, and, ,between concession 7 and 8 about 2 miles West of Rqdney. ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 81 3r1i. The cros'sing, on the T-ownlinebetweenKentandElgin, at Lot A" in concession 7 of the ,Township of Ald'bor01.~gh. These crossings to be' protected by wlw~wag,. bellflashI1ght, or any 'mechanical device that would be approved of by the Rail- way Board. (~ of which is respectfully submitted. GEO. H.OROSS, Chairman. of R-oad Committee ',,', 82 IDLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL -,ELGIN COUNTy COUNCIL 83 SUBURBAN AREA COMMISSION ACCOUNT St. Thomas, January 9th, 1935 Road 30S. A.- For expenditure-"on ;SuburbanArea Hoads, under the supervi~ion of Frank Pinneo, c~unty Road ISupt., subject to the direction of the Suburban Area Commission. I Hoad 16 S. A.'- Weeds ........____'..00___._____________..___..__...,...,..___.........____$ 46 54 Di tchiug .___!..m_________m_~.m.__..___n__m....___u.n____.~.... 53 05 ,Grading ____________________._____...____.._,...___......____________..", 126 5'4 Dragging ____00__"__________________,'__________________________________ 82 25 Labor Resurfacing _____m_n__m.m'_.._____________.___._. 69 15 ,Snow Roads __n__m_m___________.__.__________n....__.______..~ 39 95 $ The Cb~oration of the City of St. Thomas, In account with the' Maitenance Road 23 S. A.- Grading __n__nn_____________.._..____.._..........~.__..._.__.....__.$ Resurfacing labor ......__.........___._..._.................... Resurfacing material ..______...___________.___..__........ Administration of Sub. Area. Com.___....... Road 25 S. A.- Weeds .....__________..........._..__.__..___...__.._._._..___..._.---.-.-..$ Grading -c::----..-....-........c.----....................--.....~.......... CUlverts .._.__...."..............__....,.............................-.. Bridge 'repairs _____.___.m__.........._______......______:.....;.. Resurfacing la:bor._.,,_.,.._____.j___.._______....._...~__...... Snow roads. .____.__________.........____.__......_______.....________. Railway Cros'sing. Gates ......m,_____.,....m______.,__ Weeds ..__m.u_________.____.m___.__.___m._._._._...._.$ Ditching .........___..,.:....................._............,.............. Gr~ding .....,...._.._._..,...............__.._........_,............. Dragging ......._..,.............__......._.......:..................'.. Culve.rts ...._........_..".......__.___..............................c".' Resurfacing, labor .....,...___........_........................ Snow Roads ..__.................._.............-.___.................. 3666 100 3920 114 10 2 40 ,42 15 14 10 $ 249 61 Road 16 S. A.- Gravel hauled on Subu.rban Area RQ'ads. Yal'ds of gravel hauled, 1541h. Average haul, 7. miles. Operation,,; ,cost, less driver's, wages, $18.00 per day. Total. miles travelled 1155 <<f ~ 1-3G per yard' mile....$ \ 10'1 8t;J Road 23 S.. A.- 4174l! Yards of gravel hauled, 571h. Average haul, 4 mi1es~ Operation cost less driver's wages, $18.00 per day. Total miles travelled 2,56 @ ~ 1-3c per yard ml1e....$ 23 89 39 59 20 32 150 39 175 00 Road 25 S. A.- $ 385 30 Yards of gravel hauled, 1751h. Average haulS miles. Operation cost loess driver's wages, $18.00 per day. Total miles ,travelled 1404@9 1-3c.per yard oo11e..$ 13104 2859, 78 82 15 05 1 80 60 80' 23.55 588 42 -$ 797 03 Road 30 S. A.- YardS9f gravel hauled 10. Average haul, 7 mUes. Operation cost less driver's wages, $18.00 per day. Total mile's traveIleq 70 @ 9 1-30 peryardmile........$ 6 53 84 mLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Cost of gravel stripping, loading and screening. 397* yards 01' 83.8c'ords @ $1:40 per cord___________'__m$ 117 32 City's portion 25% G. p, PINNEO, County Road Supt. $ 2236 00 .---.---.....---......---.....---...................___.___....... 559.00 Certified correCt. F. O. LAWRENCE, Chairman, of Comm1ssion ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 85 SUBURBAN AREA COI\fiMISSION REPORT st. Thomas, January 18th, 1935 The meeting of the St. Thomas, 'Suburban Area Commission was J held at the Court' House, st. Thomas, this 18th day a,f January, 1935. Present: Chairman-[)r. F. O. Lawrence, ;.LT~ Webster, Alex.~nderson, Frank Pinneo, County RO,ad Supt. A detailed statement of accounts was submitted to t)1e "ComDlis- s'.qn, showing an expenditure on Suburban Area 'Roads, amounting ,to $2236.00. Of thisAtmOunt the City would be liable 'for -25% thereof, or $559.00. ' Ordered. by .Co~sion 1. That this account be 'presented to the City of St. :!,homascouncil for payment. 2. That the County of Elgin be' notified that the sum of$1500.00Wm be Irequired f,or ,construction and maintenance on County Subur?an Area R,oads for the year 1935; 3. T-hat the City of St. 'Thomas 'be notified that the sum of $1500.00, will' be required for, construction.. 'and maintenance o~ designated;' Suburban Area Roads for the y'ear' '19S5. 4. That. the following members of the.' 'Suburban Area Commission are entitled to be paid for their services' for the year 1934, as '; appears opposite th~ir respective names, as foHows: Dr.F. ',0. Lawreqce,. Chairman................$ 5000 J. T. Webster,IServices.....m..u---.......n.....---.. 50 O~ A.l~]\, 'And.,epiour Services..............................-- 50 00 '$ 15Q oq 86 IDLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 5. That Dr. 'F. 9. Lawrence be re::'appointed chairman of St. Thomas Suburban Aread - Road Commissl,on. 6. That committee adjourn. -..JCarried. F. O. !lAWRENCE, Ch~irman of 'Suburban Coin. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 87 COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE Jnne Session To the Elgin CountyCounci1: Gentlemen: Your Road Committee recoinmend after their inspection trip on county roads that almost the entire system un4er the 'county will, need resurfacing this year. Lo'cal gravel- to be' used where the quality of materials warrants, 1. We estimate the sum of $3'5,000.00 will be required for mainten- ance' and construction this year. 2. ~hat ,~Bridge\-Street in the Village of Port 'Stanley at the intex- section of County Road Num'ber 20 be designated ~s a through highway. ' That J:<>seph ,Street in th'e Village of. Port Stanley at the inter-:. section of East Street; C,ounty Road Number 24, be designated as a through highw'ay, , 3. That the ',road in the Township of South Dorchester between, concessions 10 and 11 from lot 12, East to the Oxfol'd Townline, thence :south on the townline connecting with county road number 48, and,Oxford County road No. 19, be designated a county road, a distance of about 514 miles. .' j 4. That the county townline between the Townships ,of Delaware anp.Southwold at the interections ,Middlesex county road No. 17 and Elgin county road No. 19 be designated as a county road on the said townl'ine in an easterly direction. to Provincial Highway No.4, a distance of about 5 miles. All. of whic~ is respectfully submitted. GEO. He CROSS, Cl1airman of Road Committee- .."-...."...- ..,. " ....,_..,. .. 88 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL November SeSsion To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: The Elgin ,County 'Road Committee reports that tQe expenp.itures of Elgin! County Highw!'lYs System, from January 1935 to Nov. 1st, 1935, total $54,623.54. 1. Expenditure J\S follows: Mantemi.nce on County, Roads.__.____m.............______.m._...$ 32153 93 Construction on County IRoads .___._......_'._._h.______....._..__ 1717586 MaIntenance on ,Suburban Area .'Roads'- .____._......,.......__ 1575 23 Construction on !Suburban Area iRoads._cm_~.___...,......__ 364 80 County Bridge-sunder J3y..LawNo. 1091....___......_______ 10086 Expenditure on' County Roads within the incor~or- ated Villages and" Towns ..._.....________.._.:.......___._..,.. Workmen's ',Compensation Board ________..................._____ Labor hi Gravel \Pits .........___.________.__...._.___....___......___.__.... Truck 'Expebses, Gas,'.:on and Repairs_.___.__....;_..__.___._ Constable's' 'fees _.__........___._._............._____.......____.___._.._._.._____.. Legal Fees ___._....._____._._..._._,____...............__.__...._.__..____...__....._.__ Machinery Tools and Re'pairs .._......___._.......~..___.........._._ 5027 77 286 24 136492 17~1 53 474 85 400 4413 55 .$ 54623 54 2. To~al,. expenditure to' date ....__.....____________._...$ 70699 23 Unpaid Accounts .-~;.......--------.----.....__.__.....h__..._.......h 9000 00 $ 79699 23. Less. receipts .h..__..._..........__.___.__..'....___........_...__.._.......;..__..__......._.__._ 5200 '00 'Deficit, from . the County .....________._......___._.._........._.$ Deficit from the Highways Dept. ..............no_..___. 3. Truck Opera.tion Hours worked ___......_..."...,,~.;.___......____...,.... 1878 .Mj~e.s. travelled .........'''1,;m'"m...-.......-.----._._.20,345 $ 74499 23 2000 00 2000 00 $ {QQQQQ ...= ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Yards 'o'f earth & gravel, hauled__..__.... '3524 89 1731 53 600 OIl $ 2988 83 Average mileage per'day _______.___.._.____________.,.....----....-..------..--.......----___....-...... 108 ~::~::: ~::~s~:pe:~::~~~.-d;;..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=,:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..$1~~~~ Cost of hauling 1 yard of stone or gravel 1 mile___..__.......__..___._,,:..,... 8:1hc Repairs, . gas, oila~d wages ,.._...___._____....:....;_.:____.___:____...__$ Deprecia:tionallowed for 1935 ...._..._______.___......__.____._____.. 4. Wehr Power Grader Miles, travelled': .___..._.___,._.__________....._......_m___.___...._________..___._.___..'_._._._ 3'494 Gas used ____.._____.____....._..._.._____.____.._...._...____________.....___._..._.,____.......____ 2257, Days worked .__......___..._..._____._____._,._.;_.:_____:_....._..._._...._.__________......._2.__ 173 Repairs, gas and oil -._.____________.._......_____._____._,.._______.....___.....$ 1198 97 Wages ____.._.___.__._.:::~--.---.-.-.-_-.----.------........-_...___...__._....__.._......__ 496 00$' Cost of dragging and scarifying 1 mile of road.._..._._______..__......__'. '5. Power Grader No. 1 Miles travelled ________._.__._.________,______.....________....__..._......._.._______.___,._.. _ 3761 Gas used _._.:~~.._....._____..__________......_..._._._________..___......_.___.___.__..........___. 2127 Days' worked ._____.____________.__........._.____._.__.._._..._.___.____.___.______....._._.__ 169 772 83 496 80 338 00 ;$ Cost of dragging and scarifying 1, mile, of road___.............___..... ,Repairs, gas arid oil_____._...___._,_,------......-...-.-.-.---..---__-------.--$ Wages ....._...._..____,--------.--...-.......--------,-------.-..___.___.______.______..___.,-, Depreciation, '$,2.00 per .day.,,~-..---"'---......~.--------....---___------ 6. Power Grader No.2 Mi1~s travelled __...___._.___.___________.._...___.._______.._____._._.___.__..._c...__......__ 35'6'5 Gas used _._.____.__.____........___.____.___....___._____._._._._._._.__:.__________......____.._._. 2100 Days worked ........_______._____...____...______.._..______..,.__.._________...._...__..._._. 157 Repairs, .gas and oil _______._____........_____......_.___.________.__.___________$ 747 20 Wages _.___.______.________..._..._.___._.__m....,--.-----.---...,....m--.-.__-__..___.____,. 470 .70 Depreciation, '$2.00 per day .._____.______.._._:....._.......__...______.. 314 00 $ Q9~t of dr!l~~inq' ~~g i?Q~rifyin~ 1, mile: Qf rot\q.~m""""'.."......... gallons 1694 97 48b 1607. 63 ~3c gaUoIis 1531' 90 ~{c 90 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 7. Machinery, Tools 1 new hoist; 1 Canada Ingot Iron Grader; 7 sloping back scrapers; 1100 feet of lh inch cable; 4 Ted lanterns; 4 scythes; 4 brooms; 1 pick; 5 shovels: 1 special emery wheel. 8. Ma~teMnce Record ~f ~he amount o.f gravel used on County R.oads to this date. Roloson Hravel Pit-'-In the Township of Dereham, 1385 cords. -:W-alli:er Gravelpj:t--:.ln the Township of Dunwich, 326 cords. LoclJ;er . Gravel Pi~In the Town.ship6f Houghton, 200 cords. Hathaway Gravel Pit-'-In the Township of Yarmouth, 759 cords. Bruce Gravel Pit-'-In the Township of lMalahide, 154 cords. Private owned gravel pits, 2167. cords. 52 cars of crushed stone being used on the County roads and Village streets during the year. 200 miles o,f roads have been resurfaced with broken stone or gravel. 9. Construction 1 new bridge. 2 cement culverts. Constructio:p. in the 'Village of Port ,stanley, Carlow Road' No. 20. Construction 'on the approach of the Filllmore Creek iBridge in the , . Township of' Bayham, under By-law No. 1091. 10; That the road in the Township of 'Malahide between lots 20 and 21 from !:,oad No. 40 beginning at Talbot Road, Provincial H"ighway, in ,the Township of Malahirde, thence in a southerly direction to- concession 1, connecting,' with County Road No. 42, be designated as a county road. 11. The County Road Committee have experimentixi this year with about one mile of stabilized, calcium chloride road, costing, resurfacing and calcium chloride $1,25~.OO. All of which is respectfully submitted. GEO. H. CltosS, Chairman of RoaQ. CQmmitt~~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 91 REPORTS OF EDUCA:TlON COMMITTEE January Session To the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: The IEduca,tion Committee ,reports: 1. 'That no action' be' taken re appointment of representative 'on the City Board of Education. \ 2. 'That the Education' Act, re Entrance e~minations be amended to compel all school boards to provide when cpntracting with teachers that the duties of presiding at examination' centres and marking papersbeincluded"Tn their salaries"and that fees now allowed under the Act be struck off., That the Prime Minister, Minister of 'Education, and other county councils be sent copies of this resolution, and that they, beas'ked to co-operate. > 3. That the fee of Orie Dollar per subject now paid "by parents of candidates for Departmental examinations be abolished. That the Prime Minister, 'M;inister of Education, and other county councils be serit copies of this resolution, requesting theirco~operation. All of which is respectfully submitted. H. G. 'TAY1LOR, Chairman. St. Thomas, Ontario, ,J.anua,ry 25th, 1935. 92 ELGJ:N COUNTY COUNCIL June' 'Session - First Bewrt ,T,o the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: The Education Committee reports: 1, That this Council approve the action of- the' Warden, and Chair- man of the Education' Committee in establishing 'Entrance Examination Centres as West Lorne an'd Sparta, and that if possible ,all previous centres be again'set up for this' year. ? That this Committee recommend to. the, Department of EdU'': cation that all school 'inspectors' salariesand:expenses are not ,to exceed t'he sum of $3500 p~r annum, arid that the inspectorate of Elgin be establIshed as formerly, ' '3. That the request 'of School ,Section' No. 16, Dunwich, for ia BoaI'd of Arbitrators to settle the matter' of section boundaries be ftledfor ,future consideration. All of which is . respectfUlly 'submitted. H. G. TAYLOR, Chairman; St'. Thomas, Oritario, June 14, 1935. ELGIN OOUNTY COUNC~L 93 June Session - Second Rep~lrt' the Elgin County Council, The 'Education Committee repor.ts: ~ 1. That the ,Warden and Messrs. Taylor, Locke, Mitchell, and iBurke be appointed ita interview' the Provincial Com- to' investigate the whole' educational system af their in London and lay the following recommendations 'before (a) That -Section 3'7 of The High School Act as a~ended in 1933 be further amended so as to, ,reduce the liability imposed :on townships .and towns. \ That the problem existing in ~he Vienna High School DistrIct be considered with a view to having CQuntiesre.;. lievep. ,of payment of the present unreasonable refunds to high school districts now made, necessary, by large rural areas being included in certain. districts. _ (b) (e) That tp.e lHigh; Schools Act, be amended to provide that county p:UPils attending' Vocational. Schools be required to , pay at 'least,fifty' per centum of tuition- costs now chargeable to t'heCounty. All of which is respectfully submitted. H. G. TAY1LOR, Chairman. 'Ontario, June 14th, 1935. '94 IDLmN COUNTY COUNCIL N ovenllber Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Committee on 'Education reports: 1. That the mattei' of continu'ing the Vienna High School which has been under discussion by theCauncil at p~evious session~ be laid overuutil January, and that the Councils of Vienna and Bayham be requested to take action iri, the matter. 2. That we, concur in resolution~ received from the County Council of Lincoln for legislation to extend a source of revenue' for educational purposes to the suburban areas adjacent to cities and larger towns. 3, That the Muni,cipal World account for supplies for entrance examinations amounting to $28.45 be paid. \ All of whibh is respectfUlly submitted. H. G. TAY'!JOR, 'Chairman; st. - Thomas. Ontario; 26th November,1935. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL , 95 'Second Report.......November Session To the Elgin County. Council, Gentlemen: The ,Education . Committee reports: 1. That the attention of the Department of Ed'ucation be again to the 'following report adopted at out June 'Sess'ion. "That the High Schools Act be amended to provide that county pupils. attending Vocational.:Sch()ols be required topa'y at least fifty per cent;. of tuition c'osts now chargeable to the' County." 2. That a copy of this report to be forwarded' to other County Councils. All of which Ls respectfully submitted. H~, G. TAY'DOR, Chairman. st. Thomas, Ontario, '27th November, 1935~ 96 E'LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL REPORT OF GAOL. COMMITTEE January Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The .Gaol Committee ,reports: 1. That 'the Chairman of the Gaol Committee 'and the Courity, Clerk be a committee to purchase a typewriter for the' Crown Attor- ney'soffice. 2. That the following accounts be paid: A. H. Goddard, work in Court House and Regi'stry 'Office ___.____..__._______....__..___..___.....___$ Chas. Rainbow .& 'Son,' for County Clerk F. W. .;ru~d, for County Treasurer__.._..... 22 03 3 35 . 35 3. '. That the Chairman': and the County Clerk be a committee to purchase new gas stove for the gaol. All of which i,s respectfully' submitted. St. Thomas, Ontario, J'anuary25, 1935. IE.. E. ATKINSON, 'Chairman. JlU1e Session To the Elgin County Council.. Pl'm~lemen: The 'Gaol Committee reports: ELGIN COUNTY' COUNCI!L 97 1; That we have awarded contract for coal and coke :..to J. G. Palmer & Co., as follows: Coke to be delivered at the Registry Office and Court House at _...._.._________,_,.__.___..._.....$ 8.63 per ton Grate Coal for' Court House a;L..~::... $10.82, per ton I 2: That the office formerly occupied by the ISheriff be placed at the' disposal of the County, Treasurer, and that changes be made in tfie vault as may be necessary. Allot which is respectfully, submitted. iE. E. ATKINSON, Chairman. .~';, st. 'Thomas, _Ontario, June 13th, 1935. November Session , To the ,Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Gaol Committee reports: 1. That no action 'be taken in reference to Grand Jury Present. ment l'ecommending electric light's in each cell, or employment ot prisoners on the ,!House of Industry farm. 2. That contract for meat to be 'delivered at the County Gaol during the year 19-36 b'e awarded'.to Durnan & ISpry-prlc,e 7%;0 per pound. , 98 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 3.. Thatcontl'act .for bread to be delivered. at the County Gaol during the year 1936 be awarded to .Askew Bros., 1St. Thomas-price 3 2-3cper pound. 4. We recommend that paper drinking cups be supplied for dl'lnking fountain in entrance hall of the Courf HOUise. All of which is respectfully submitted. E. E. ATKINSON, Chairman. st. Thomas, Ontario, 27th November, 1935~ ELGIN OOUNTY. COlJNOl'L 99 REPORT ,OF HOUSE OF INDUSTRY COlll!MITTEE January Session To the Elgin County' Council, Gentlemen: 'The House of Industry Comm~:ttee reports: 1. 'That we recommend that . the . Inspector of the House of Industry. together with the Keeper': and Matron attend the Aimual Convention of {he Association of /Managers: .of Homes for the. ,Aged' and Infirm to' be held. the latter part of June. 2. That an account from" A. H. Goddard for plastering, amount $9.48, be paid. ','; All of which is respectfully, submitted. ' G. M.'MiITOHELL, Chairman. St. Thomas, Ontario, ,January 25th, 1935. June- "Session To the EIgit;t County Council, Gentlemen: The House of' Industry Co'mmlttee reports: 1. That a corn cultivator, hay rake and washing machine be purchased for the use of the Institution. 100 ELGIN COUNTY COUNQIL '2..Tha~ the p;resent refrigerator be changed or transformed into an electric' pne. 3., That a new "deep well be drilled. 4. That we have awarded contract for Chestnut CoaltoJ. G; Palmer & Co., at $11.98 per ton, and for Grate' Coal at $10.80 per ton. 5. That we recommend tha-t a delegation composed of the Com- m'ittee, Keeper and Illspector attend meeting of the Association of Managers of Homes fo'r, the Aged and Infirm. 6.' That the work of dividing the bathroom, together with the placing of .new treads on the stairways, has been ~ompleted at a cost, o,f,$143.79. All of whIch is respectfully submitted. G. M. MITOHEL~i, Qhairman. St. ,Thomas, Ontario~ ~une 14th, 1935., Novembel" Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The House of ' Industry' Committee repnrts: 1. Thai the installation of the electric refrigerator cost $590., the old refrigerator being cut down to s~it the new location. 2. The new deep well basqeen completed at a cost. of .,$1366.75- Depth-316 feet. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 101 water from ,rock, without any sediment, raised within ,62 feet of the top. ' ' , Depth from top to' pump cylinder-164 feet. 20 ft. of'l1h 'inch pipe connected belowcylinder. Size of new- pump 2% inches. Size 'Of old pump 2 iriches. CapacitY-of well at 130 f~et-l50 gallons per hour. Capacity of well at 150 feet-200 gallons pei;' hour. Capacity of well at 180 fe'et-about 400 gallons per hour. Well put down by Stanley,'Ren.'nlck, Bright, 'Ontario; The old PJlmp was so'ld for $75.00. 3. The ma'in barn was bUrned, on the 14th of, October caused by lightning. It was totally destroyed' with the exception, ?f' the contents of the silo, 700; bushels of grain were suitable for hog feed and were afterwa~ds salvaged. Owing to'~the lateness of the season your Committee proce~ded' at once to a'rrange for a:. new barn. I I~suranc'e was settled at $3018.aO. Contract for new barn 36x70 was awarded to N, ,,a, Hipet' Company,< Ltd., Preston, for ,-$3000,~OO, the County supplying the <?ement-200Ibarrels-$310, an!d 25 cords of gravel $P2.63., We expect the barn to be cOlnpleted about the first week in December. 4. That the repo'rts presented by the Physician and -Ins'pector be adopted. 5, ThaLcontract for bread to be del'iveredatthe during the year 1936 be awardedtci A~ke-w[8rothers at pound. Institution 3 2-3c per All of which is respectfully submitted, G. M. MiIT,OHELL, Chairman, , . St. Tholn{3,.s, Qnt~r!Ql~7th November," 1930, 102 EUHN COUNTY COUNCIL ItEPORT INSPECTOR HOUSE OF. INDUSTRY November Session To the Elgin County' Council, Gentlemen: I The following is my report on the House of Industry and Refuge for the yearendi~g October 31s~, ,1935: 1. Number in inmates at last report____..........._..........h....._.__'~.n_m__-- 33 2. Number admitted during" yeal1__________.:.....:.................._________.___..____ 14 3. Num'ber .of deaths.....___.....__.___.______.___....:...................'"_.____._,...........___.._..~ 2; 4. Number discharged. __________.___.___.....'....h.______.__.,......~...__....__.h_______.__;_.__ 11 5. 'Number abscQ1Ilded .__________.._~__..___.._...__m............._....___.._h__.....__..__..__ 4 6. Number now .in House____._..___........h._.__....__...h_________________.__~..._m...... 30 , . 7. Number of inmates sent from the several municipalities during the year: Sout'hwold . ..mn:"".....h....................... 2 Yarmouth .;.h,.'\hm......hm...n.......m. 3 'Dunwich ........nnh.nn.......m.m....'..... 3) Malahide ....................,..................... 3 West ,Lorne ...............n...""................ 1 Springfield .m~...h..""........................ 1 Ontario Hospital m....................... 1 'J. 14 8. The various causes of- pauperism of inm,ates House during -the year may be classified' as follows: Blind ................h............h..............._. 1 Weak mind' ..........m...h.....:.........._ 2 Destitute ...m..:..:..............m......m.... 4 Cripple ...n.............._......::.................. 1 Ill-heal'th .........'.......n..,~,._~..,.,.,~...n... 6 ..a<lmltted to. the ~:"-' 14 ELGIN' COUNTY COUNCIL 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Average number l)f in~ates during the year.......nn..m Average number with Keeper'sfamiIy and hired help Number of weeks' board of inmates~~...n...m.m...n..m. Number of weeks'board with 'Keeper's .,familY..mm Total expenditure 'during the year..m..................,.......'.nu$ 14. Deductions From. farm stock, etc., sold mnnnm...onun..m.n...~..onnnnm$ From Old. Age PensionS. ...nnnn.............mon..n.........'...m.m.' 'Permanent Improve'ments .nmum.m.....onnnm.........'.......>..'n Pension funerals ..........m...u.m..m....nm.............mn..u.....,\..!. 103 34% 39% 1800 2060 10416 22 1201 2i 1740 00 2221 13 100 00 $ 5262 34 15. Leaving amount actually expended 'for support of inmates .......h.......m...mnn....m......m.h.............'...nn:.~um....on 5153 88 16. Average expenses per day of' ef\.ch persorimm....u......n .3575 17 . Average expenses per week of each person.....~..n...m 2 . 50 18. Average expenses per year of t;lach personm..........unm 130 .13 19. Amount expended for house and farm during the year maybe divided as follows: Farm Expense Hired. ~ iLabor ................,.........................................$ Tmplemen ts ...................,...................................... 'Stock ....n.....................n..n.....'................................., 'Seed .................................."...................................... Feed ....................... ....................................-........... Gas and oil ....n....n........'............n...................,.. Miscellaneous ...........................i...........'............... House Expense Bread ..........,....................................'......................$ Mefl-t .,.,.,..".".,....,.........................."......',...............,;'. 300 00 176 78 Ml7 00 91 60 268 81 126 77 285 10 $ 290 84 ~~O 3~ 1686 06 104 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL GrocerIes _______.._........_____..._...___...._____..".".......__........ Provisions ._____._.........___.....__.__._._........__.._....._.____..". Dry Goods :._._________~_._............._..._.___..._.___.._..__,___.. Boots and J3hoes ,..--.-.....----......'....h.--._h.______.__._.. ; Furniture and Hardware _________..................... Drugs ...__;........__......___.__...__......__........____...___.___.....___ Coal and Wood ....m.___.___...____...........__.__._......... Ice .._.__..........__________..._..,___.__~."__.._.............................. "Miscellaneous _...........___......._..................__........... 358 46 216 02 255 74 90 90 249 91 53 45 1056 29 16 80 371 25 $ General. Expense Conveyance of Inmates ...__..........._.............___$' Repairs ...........................~'............................."........... !Permanent Improvements .......................__...' Incidental .............................................................. Insurance .....__...,................................................... 550 243 05 2221 13 669 55 336 91 $ 3400 02 3476 14 TOTAL EX'BENrnmE ......................._________..,.+............$ 10416 22 1854 00 212 bushels Barley 835 bushels Oats 140 'bushels wheat 75 loads of. Hay 9 acres Ensilage Corn 125 bushels Potatoe" 10 'bushels. Carrots 10 bushels Turnips ~() load's 'Straw Quantity Q!' :pu,~...pkin and squash, 20. The following produce was raised on the farm during the year: Salaries Keeper' arid Matron ....~..........."""__.........,.______~__$ Physician ........................................."..........._....... 1584 00 270 00 .$ . ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Garden Produce 105 10 bushels Table . Carrots 10 busqe1s Beets 15 bushels Onions 400 bushels Sugar [Beets 400 heads of 'Cabbage . 60 bushels of Tomatoes 1 acre Sweet Corn Quantity Lettuce, P.arsley, '.Asparagus Quantity'PlulThS, Grapes 15 quarts Milk per -day 100 b~hels Apples' 600 quarls Fruit canned in House 750 dozen' Eggs consumed. 1460 pounds Butter; A large quantity. of vegetables and fruit was used during the sum- mer of which no account was kept: Creamisold ______________.....,..m~.______..;.___......,..__......;..$ 'Hogs sold ....n......~.~...."............__.........................__.... ,Eggs; chickens and sundries..."""........___.___.____ 9 Calves 'sold' ............._.__......................"........."".__.. Cows' sold __.______..__..,."..."____..__"____..__.__...___..__....____.. 355 55 526 15 132 01 900 178 50 $ 120121 21. Numb.er, of articles o{' bedding and cldth'ing made up dur-ing the year "by Matron and inmates, 278. 22. Fann Stock 3 Horses 10 Cows 9 Hogs 3 Yearlings 3 Brood ISowa IDO Chickens 2 Qalve5 106 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 23. The total amount expended by the County on, the House of Refuge is as follows: Farm, 100 acres, cost ...._______________________...__.____.$ House of Industry ___..._..._.~_m__.____"""..m_......"".._.. Laundry ,_......____.__.__.__n.__..____.__.__.....__________.____.__._., Fire E.scapes; ....n....__________,___._______,_____________..______ Root Cellar, Henery, etc. .___________._____,_________ Cottages, etc. ____n._;.m.___~_n_m______._m___n_________n__ Brick Ice ,House __n....____________________.,"______________. " Barns, etc. __n_________...."."-.________.___________.____,__._________ Tile Drains ....._____n.....___...._.n___nm_~_._______________.__!_ Tile, Drain Outlet _._____n____.___...____n...___.'_____.______ Hot Air Pump, Tank, .Connections" ._______ Refrigerator _____________.____m_____._____..______________!_________ Fencing _______.___.________________._______.__________.___...._._._____.. Orchard ___.____.._..._._.__.__.____.____________._______________.______ Heating ApI>aratus ___________________.__,___________________ Bo'iler . Room and' Soft Coal; BQ'iIer ....___. Deep Wel~ ____.....__..........__.__._____._____________.___;__._____.. Silo .....__.....__._.........._.___..____..._______..__.___.__._._..___._._.__ Hog Pen. ___..,..____....___.__:._________________,__..____.___.________. Electric Installation and. Pumps ________________ PlUinbing ___________________________.____._._.______..._..__.____....___ Septic Tank and Draln ___________......_.._____...,_____ .sundries _n..__._______.____._._.....________......_.....__________._.... il I I Ii J' 24. Received' from 'Government on account of expend i- ditures for land. and building ___.______;________..__________________________________..___ 729895 13891 26 687 61 390 06 879 43 663187 '1180 50 546139 4072 83 132 03 920 60 590 00 1979 07 85 85 2019 00 3733 52 2436 40 293, 62 654 99 2!l14 44 3032 15 '1146 75 416 35 $ 60248 67 4000 00 Leaving amount actually expended by County___._______.$ 56248 67 'The cost per day O'f inm8;tes .has'increased this ye'ar due to the falling off in receipts of Old Age Pensions. The management pas been satisfactory. All of which is' respectfully submitted. i I I I !1 j St, . Thomas, On.tario, K. w. l'4cKA,Y, November 25th, 1935, , ~nspect<Jr~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 107 REPORT PHYSICIAN HOUSE OF'INDUSTRY November 20th, ,1935. To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Cou'ncil, Gentlemen; I have the 'honour of presenting the Sixtieth' .Annual Medical l'epntt of the ElginfIouse, of Industry up to October 31st, 1935, and submit the following' :1:01' your, consideration. ' I made 'Fifty-one visits to-the [House of Industry, and attended three inmates in the Memorial Hospital as ~ollows: Ann Martin, Apri1"'$Oth, 1935, tb the present '.time. Application has been made for her a'dmittanoe to' Parkwood Hospital. ,Wm., -Matthews, Sept. 26th, 1935, to Oot. 6, 1935. c.~8:5' Nickerson, Oct. 22; 1935, to present time. There were no bjr.ths. There were two deaths, both males as foHows: Date Name Age Cause of Death Mar. 11, 1935 Sidney Mitts 67 C:Q.ronic' Myocarditis Oct. 6, 1935 William Matthews___. 53 Chron'ic !Brights Disease I have the honour to- be, Yburs truly, DQU"X,,Ai'lJ,. Jj;WIN, Phl'siCiaJ!, lj:/fin :S:<>use <>f !Qdu.try 108 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL REPORTS OF PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE January Session To the -Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Committee on pet'lUons and Legislation reports as follows: I.. ,.' ,', 1. That no action be taken in reference. to communication'froni the United Counties of :Prescott and. 'Russell re Go'vernment loans to Coun.,. 'ties. 2. That no action be taken 'in reference ,to communication from the County of Essex requesting co~operation in regard to qualificati.ons of candidates for.' munici'pal .' office', I 3. That no action 'be taken by.' this Council in reference.' to- com- munication from the County of Perth re width of.' snow cleaning on Provincial HighWays..', ' 4.' That we concur in resolution frO'm the County of Perth request- ing co-opel'ationin petition for a more equitable andeffi.;ient system of taxation for, the collection o~ Provincial 'and Dominion revenues. 5. 'That no action be taken 'in reference to communication from the 'County of Norfolk re cost 9f' Children"s' Aid Society wards. 6: That no acHon, be taken in reference to resolutions, of the County of Victoria re Divtsion Court costs and cost of lndi~ent patients in, hospita~s. 7. 'That the Honourable M. iF. Hepburn and 'Stewart Lyons, Ch~lrmanof the Hydro 'Electric Commission, be petitioned for 'a substantial reduction in cost of Hydro i~ general, and more especially for rural co~sumers which we, consider as, excessive when' compared with urban CQnS\UtH~rs. That ,Qthe~' ~Quntr cQ}lnQiI::}' 1?~' requesteg \9 / ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL . 109 co-operate. All of which ~,s r~spectfully subniitted. J. iH. BURKE, Cha.Jrm~n. St. Thomas, J an uary 25th, 1935. JlUle Session - First Report' , ':fa the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Committee 'On Petitions, and LegislaUon reports: L That no a,ctio'n, be taken in reference ,to oomiminication froni the County of Norfolk re recipients of relief in cities who are resi~ dents ofl tobaccn growing districts on the 1st of September. 2; That no actiQn be taken in reference 'tocomtmunicaUon from the County of Lincoln re licensing trucks after September ~st. 3. That ,we concur "in communication from the County or'Lincoln re better rates for municipal'loans frQm bart'ks. 4. That no action 'be taken in! reference to communication from the, 'County of Weiland re property qualification for mUnicipal .office. I 5. That no. action be. taken on communication from R.oSS R. McIntyre s~ggesting reduction in ruraL Hydro rates. 6. That n.o action be taken in reference to communicati.on froin the County.of 'Lennox and Add1ngton re pro.per'schedule of reniunera-, tion f.or services rendered by clerks in connection with application for' Old Age Pension,S. 110 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 7. That no action be taken in connection with resolution of the County of Haldimand suggesting that. the ,Provine!,! ,assume the full cost of care and maintenance of tubercular patients, 8. That we, concur, in resolution from the County of Wentworth in reference to insurance on farm properties where the Ontario De- velopment Board is the mortgagee. All of which is respectfully submitted. i 1 I !. J. H. BURKlE, Chairman. 'St. Thomas, .ontario, June 12th, 1935. JUne Session - Second Report To the Elgin, County Council, Gentlemen: The 'Committee on- Petitions and Legislation reports: That communication received from the'CountyCoundl of Huron In reference to abolish'lug Provincial Legislatures and fee system; arid the tendency' of the Provincial Legislatures to arrogate to the Province powers and authority which have from time immemorial rested with pounty'councils, be laid over until the November 'Session. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. H. BURiKlE, Chairman. St. Thomas, OntariO', June 14th,1935. , " " --~-------~-'--~-----~--- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 111 November Session To ,the Elgin County, COUllcll, Gentlemen: "' The Committee on Petitions and Legislation reports: 1. That no action be taken in reference, ,to communication" from the County of Norf'olk' for legislation to require owners to 'cut weeds in front of their property'. ! 2. That we, concur in re,solution from the County of Essex and give noUce that this Council w'ill oppOS13 any' move to abolish Town~ ship 'or Coun~y Councils; 3. That ,we concur in resolution from the' County of Kent that municipalities should not,. be required to pay stamp tax fee for appro- val of debenture by-Iaws~ 4. That we approve of resolution from the County Council of Dufferin and express our' d'isapproval of the dOminant spirn of the Government regarding the relief question, ordering a municipality to pay relief without its consent. We strongly recommend that the ,questionof when -to grant reHef be left to the judgment of themuni- cipality. :rye also agree that the Government shouldd'iscourage as far as possible the complaints of' refused applicants who write direct to the Department. 5. That we concur in resolution' from the County Council of Lincoln re fixed as,sessments and equal'ization. 6. That the members of th'is counon notify 'the Clerk of names ,and addresses of drillers of water wells who should supply logs or records of wells drilled. All' of' which is respectfully subhlUted. J. H. BURKlE, Chairman. St. ,Thomas, Ontario; 27th November, 19,35. 112 ElLGiIN COUNTY COUNCIL REPOR1)S OF AGRICULTURAL OOMMITTEE January Session To the Elgin' County Council, Gentlemen: Thfil Agricultur~l, Committee reports: 1. 'That a grant of $1500 be made to the Advisory Agricultural Council .to, continue, thedestruct'ion of 'the Warble Fly. AlsO', the usual grant of $500 to be apportioned by the Committee for other purposes. 2. That Corn Borer Inspection 'in the County of_Elgin be discon- tinued; 3. ,That 'the members of the Advisory Agricultural Council be re-apPointed for the year 1935. ' 4. That this Council endnrse the reforestation scheme recom- mened by Mr. F. S. Thomas, Agricultural Reflrese~tative. 5. Tha~Mr. H. G. Taylor, Reeve of South Dorchester, be. ,re~ appoinb..:id repr'esent~tive from Elgin' to the On'tario ,Agricultural Council. 6. That an account for $15.00 for experimental starling traps be paid, All of which is respectfully submitted. F'R'ED W. 'SCHMIDLZ;Chairman. St. Thomas, Ont., January 24th, 1935. . ELGIN OOUNTY. COUNCIL 113 June,S~sion To the, Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Agrlcul'tural Committ,ee reports: 1; "That Mr. Thomas, AgricuIturalRepresentative,. be ,requested to attend meeting of Council to-morrow ~(Thursday) and -give'intor.;. , mation' onreforesta.tion and particulars as' to cost l'e Warble Fly extermination. this year; 2. That a grant of, Fifty Dollars be made to the Ontario- Agric:ul.., turaIC6unciI.. All of, ,which .i's..respectfully submitted. ,mRED W. 'SCHMELZ; Chairman. St. Thomas, Ontario,.. June 12th. 193ft 114 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL' COUNTY PICNIC REPORT /Jlme .Session To the Elgin Coun,ty Council, Gentlemen: The Comniittee on the County J?icnicreport: 1. That the picnic to be held at !Selldon on Friday; the 19th of July, 1935, wh'~n they exp,ect !Premier Hepburn will give.. his atten- dance. 2. That invitations be 'sent a~ USli:a1. to the County Officials, members -and ex-members of the County Council a:h~ their Jadies. All of which is respectfully submitted. WM. E. LOOK'K St. Thomas, 'OntariO', June 14th, 1935. ELqIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 115 GEmtlemen: To ,the Elgin County C~uncil. OLD AGE PENSIONS REPORT I present herewith report in connection with; the' administrB:Uon of the' Old Age Pensions Act in .the County of Elgin. ISince the passing of the Act, 11'92 a:~plications have been received, the present dispositiOn of which is as follows: Deaths. ---...-----_.__________._____.__...._____..._______....~..___......_____....__. 371 Refused . ..-----.-....---_...._..________..._..__..____...._....___.........__....__ 48 Cap.celled ------..----__._.__..__......__._.......__....___.____...___.____...._ 46 Transferred ...-----_....__________.___..._.....____.....___.._......_......... 83 Pending ..------.-------....___.___.__.~._____.._........,.______...____.......... 25 Pensions in force 1st Nov. 193'5....___.....__'___........... 619 1192 Pensions in force 1st Nov.~934,_m_........__.....___.... 565 :Since the first 'of January 1935, 79 applications have been\ received from the municipal clerks.' In add'ition, 8 applications, 'have been received in cases 'where application had previously been made and refused. During this same' period 24 perisions ,have :been increased, 4 de- creased, 2 cancelled and 3 re-instated. Total. amount pl\Lid'.lElgin .pensioners by Province: duririg the year ending 31st Oc'tober__.....h._.......______$126407 91 Amount payable by rElgin County....____.:...._.__...______......... 12231 23 Payments to municipal Clerks for 'Old Age ,perision applications January 1st to September 30th are M follows: 'Miss Vera Carpenter, 6 applications_.__.....$ 12 00 .\ 116 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL A. N. M~illiam, 13 -applications....__;,.;__.. J. C. McLennan, 2 -applications __.h...___n___ H. L. ,Lawton, 1'8 applications' ."n...._.__..______ J~ M. Hale; 3 applications _....m__u___...........," .BEmj.J3ri'an, 5 applic~tions._____m_.._______.__.__. M,18. Charlton, 2 applications.__.__________.__....... D, C. !Davis, 9 applications --..---------------.-~;. J. p;' Coombe, 1 application'''''''__''-'hm....,. John Hodgson,; 4 applications __..n'.______...". W. A. Hawkins, 1 application _____,...._._.m... J. S. ?-obertson, 1 application.__.........._______ W. A,Smith, 6 applications ____._m,m_.,nnh... Secretary _."._n_____...__.___._.___ 27 90 400 3800 6 00 1110 540 18 00 2 0,0 800 2 00 2 00 12 00 $ TOTAL $ All of which is resp~ctfully submitted. 148 40 400 00 548 40 K. W. Mc'roAY, County Clerk. ~t, Thomas, ,Ontario, 25th November, 1935. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 117 REPORT ON LICENSES To the Elgin County. Council, Gentlemen: I have to report the following licenses, in force: Auctio,neer Fred Haggan ..__uuu_.m.m.,___._u.,uu_.....................___...Aylmer A. G" McAlpine ....m..:......~......m..._.~....m.................Dutton , James A.Forsythe ,__.........,...._.......................~allacetown 'L. L. McTaggart ....m.....m......................mAppin, R.R. 2 , A. J: 'Brantoh m.............mm..................m...:...........JRodney W. II. Taylor,. Jr.........m._........;.h..h.....u................Corinth Wilson Pound _...................m....._......,.u.....................Aylmer Transportation. of Fowl Nelson 'M. w'ney ...............................L.........~_;._..._..Dti.ttqn . WHton ,Tate ..............~.................:....................h......oAylmer, 9harles Pangborn ......................~....................Talbotville E. .0. Wight ........_....u....,................__...u.....u.;..u....JRodney John. S, -Pearce '.........cn._.........h................:._:.Walhicetown Howard .. Galbraith, ........;...........:...........................Hodney Thomas H. Pangborn .......,............................._;.,....Rodney JUIik Dealer R. Johnson ..........:.....n_.............._............;..._n.........London Pedlar Thos. Nesbitt & Son ................._...................Wardsville Clifton. Davis .........................................__.........Wardsville All of which is respectfully submitted. K. W.McK'AY, County Clerk. St, Thomas, Ontario, 22nd November, 1935. 118 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL REPORT CHILDREN'S ~ID COMMI'l'TEE N ovemberSesslon To the Elgin 'County Council, Gentlemen: As representatives of the County Council on the Board of D!rectors of the. ChildrEin's Aid ISociety we wish to present the following report for your' cons'ideration. In December 1934, the -Department of Public Welfare passed by Qrder- iu-:-Council certain regulations governingj minimum requirements for local Childr'en's Aid Societies, and it 'is on the observance of these regula- tions that 'socie,ties are rated A. B. C. D. and E. A Society with an A~ rating to receive a grant of <$2000 from' the 'Department; B.$1500; C. $1000; D. $500 an" !E. $100. Our local society, With ,the majority. of others received a D. grading, and in order to improve the grading several suggestions were made. (1) To reduce institutional programme by a more active 'policy of child placing. ,nithertoour policy ha.s been to keep children in the Shelter until suitable free :p.omes can ,be found in which to place them.. The poHcy advocated 'by the Department is to place children as quickly as possible in either free or boarding homes, the latter being preferable to' keep'ing,children in the ,Shelter for any'length of time. , Your committe is opposed to the idea of boavding children out unless it is in a home where there is a, prospeot of adoption later on. There is ample ~oom in our'shelter and'the children ,receive the best of care. We are fortunate in "having a matron who strives to make the shelter areal home to all who come under her care. Another recommendation from the Department whereby the grading of the society. may. be improved is that the office be removed from the shelter and ap office 'assistant be apPointed., Respec,tfully submitted. J. D. THOMSON. W. !E.LOCK!E, 'A. r.[q<;ALLUM. ELGIN COUNTY COUNGrL 119 REPORT SPECIAL PROVINCIAL ROAD COMMITTEE November Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The'Special Committee apj)o'inted in regard to the, extensipn of Highway No. 4 and the designation ofProviricial Highway i links reports: 1. That we requested the designation of the fO'llow'ing as, Pro- vincial Highway.s: The roads cQ,'l}necting Highway 1N0. 3 from 'Radney, to New Glas- gow; from West Lorne to Eagle; from Dutton to Wallacetown; and from Lyons ,and Springfield to Aylmer. 2. We also/ took, up the matter of the immediate assumpti~n <l,f the connecting links of Highway No. 4 between the bridges we'st of St. Thoma-s,-and the extension of ,No. 4 High....yay in the Vi~lage of Port Stanley to the London & Port Stanley Pavilion. , 'The Premier assured the Committee that the County Road por- tionof Highway'No. 4 at st. 'Thomas and-tJhe extension ,in the Village of Port !Stanley to the London & Port Stanley 'Pavilion would be a.;>sumed by the Department,. and that progress would he reported on the othe,r portions' ofou'r request. 3. That a copy ot' this. report be forWarded to the Minister of Highways. All of which is respectfully submitted. G1EO; H. CROSS, Cha'l'rman. St. Thomas/Ontario, 2'7th November, 1935. 'c 120 , , ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL REPORT SPECIAL ,PROVINCIAL IDGHWAY DEBT COi\IiMITTEE N oV'ember 'Session To th~'Elgin' County Cou,Deil, Gentl~mfm: ' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL REPORT CORN BORER IN1SPEOTOR November Session 121 B~lrhont;, Nov. 25th, 1935 I To the Warden' and 'Members of -Elgin ,County Council: I beg to submit the' following report f9r Co.rn Borer I Inspection fOT 193,5: i, The ISpecial iRoad Committee' appointed tu consider matters con,.. nected with the payment of 'account for work o:u Provincial High~ ways in Elgin during 1934 repol't: 1. That ,we had an interview with the' Prime Minister and the D~puty 'M~nister of Highways and were Msured'- that' the Dep;artment would assume the cost inconnectlon with the Highways in Yarmouth Height$'; and that the', County Highway account of 1934 amounting to $431000 woUld" be divided in three annual payments at a low interest charge. All of which' is respectfully subniitted. J. D.THOMSON, Chairman. St. Thomas. Ontario'i,27th N9Y9wper, 1~35, Aldborough,D~ K.' Aridl'ew,Wes't Lorne"..'$ ,Bayham,' Elmus Neville,'.ISlraffdrdvillem. 'Dum~ich, 'K J. Hatton, Iona'Station'nn. J\ialahide, Chas. Cheesman, 'Aylmer....m. N. Yarmouth, Fred' R.Taylor, lBelmoriLn 'S. Yarmouth, Wm.Sniith~"Sparta;.mm._nn R Dorchestej:, Fred R.Taylor; lB~lmonL.. ISouthwold, Frank Coutts, Southwold Stn. County supervision, advertising and in- spection~' ,."..._...mm.....______________.,..........O....m...:.__ I remain, Your obedient serv'ant, 67 25 83 00 ,128,50 , 137 50 7800 100 00 7800 96 50 114 00 $ FRED R. TAYLOR 882 75 & . 122 ELGI!:, COUNTY COUNCIL REF'ORES':fATION COMMITTEE' To' the.EIgin County Council, Gentlemen: The 'Special Committee appointed at the last session to consider reforestation in the. -County had, a meeting _ with members of the Advisory Board, the Deputy Minister of Forestry, and .the Superinten'- dent of Forestry Station, Ht.Williams, and as a result report: , \ . I 1. That the County of Elgin enter into a reforestation scheme either under the existing Provincial policy or under a separate County Scheme, either 9f which would ha,:e the co-operation of the De'partment of 'Forestry. 2. ,That the 'Reeve of each municipality be requested to find out fromhls Council, and report to- the County Council what land, if any, is available for reforestation. All of which is respectfl}l1Y'fsubmitted. F. S. THOM.AJS, Secretary. " . ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 123 BY-LAWS BY-LAW No, 1225 To Authorize'the Warden'and Treasurer to Borrow the , Sum, of Tn:'o Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars The' Elgin Count,yCouncil enact;s: That the Ward'en and Treasurer be 'and are he;reby authorized to borrow the sum of Two Hundred and FiftY-Thousand Dolla:rsfrom the 'J?ank of' Montreal as it may' be required to meet the expenditures of the Corporation of'the County of iElgin during 1935; and give as security therefonnote1> of one t'housand 01' ten tho,usand dollars each. Read a' third time and passed at County Council Chambers" St. Thomas, this 25th day of January, 1935, K. W. Mc~AY, JlOHN D. THOMSON, Clerk. Warden. BY-<LAWNo. . 1226 To Appo~nt Advisory Agricultural Council The Elgin Co-y.ntyGouncH enacts: That the Advisory Agricultural Council be composed of one mem- ber from each towns!;l'ip and eight honorary members, the.' following to be aPPQh1teq; , , , I I: II "i!\ Ii r II ,Ii , Ii 124 ELGIN COlJ]'ifTY COUNCIL Members: Frank McGregor .,..___......_______........___.____mmAldbOl'ough David' Carroll' m____n_m_un_n_._.omm_nmmmnnn____Dunwich E. E. Luton ___.__m___"__________n.____.m.....___.:~_".._.__n:sbuthwold R.. A. Penhale __m___m..___.m______m_'.___;__~__.".__,______.yarmouth Harry Kent \,00..______._...___,.________________________..--------..Mall;l.hide ,Louis Johnston .......m...m___......._nnn_m_nn_mn.'..Bayham D. N.obIe _._,mo.___...mmmoo....__.__._________________.,8. Dorchester Honorary Members The rnembers/9J the Agricultural Committee of this' Council. TJ;lat members 'of ,said Advisory Agricultural Council be paid the same' as._ members _of' this Council for attendance at the two m'ee~ings required "to be held' annually in February and November, and that they ,receive their travelling 'anq other expen.ses for attendance at special' oremel'gency meetings called by the Ch.airmarl. . That 'By~'Law NO.. 1203 be repealed. Read a', third, time an'd passed at County Council" Chambers, St.{ Thomas, this 25th -.:dayof Janual.'y,' 1935, K. W. 'McKAY, Clerk. JOHN D. THOMISON, Warden. ;RY-LAW No. 12.27 ~o Appoint High School' Trustees I The Elgin, County Council enacts: 1. That Harold, M. Hambidge be appoi~ted Trustee of the Aylmer High' School for three years; , 2. That Edward Smy'UJ. p~ appoin~eQ. trustee of thE! Vi~!1.!1_~i!i9b, , School for, t.l;1ree years. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 125 3. Tha~ -Harold Hockin be appotnted Trustee of th~ Dutton High School for three' year..s. Head a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 25th day of January, 1935, K. W. 'McKAY, JOHN D. THOMISON, Clerk. Warden. BY-LAW No. 1228 To Appoint County, Road CommJ,ttee The Elgin County Council enacts"as required' by' the HIghway Im~ 'provement Act: That the, following five members o,f, this Council constitute ,a Committee for the purpose of directing the work to be done on the County Road Sys~em: Daniel McGugan'_.'__.h_..,.____For Term of Four Years Stanley, Snelgrove....."nm.miFo'r Term of Five years Fred ,W. Schmelz"dn...__nJFor Term"of Three Years George H. Cross.,.....on.~......iFor Term o~ Two Years H. G.Taylor~.m,..mm.._.....m.;_._.'For 'rerm of One Year That By-Law No. ~208 be' and is hereby repealed. 'Read a third time ~nd pas-sed at County Council Chambers, ,St. Thomas, this 25th, day of January, '1935~ K. W. McKAY, Clerk. JOHN D. THOMSON. Warden. 126 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY-LAW No. 1229 To Provide for the. Total Expenditt~re on the System of COlmty Roads in the County of' Elgin. as Approved by" Orde:r-in~C'ounci1. ,during the Year 1985 WlHEtRJEAtS the regulations of the Department of "Highways of Ontario re'quire that the total expenditure on county rooos and bridges under the Highway Improvement Act, Ohaper 54, R.S.O.,1927, shall be provided, for annually by county -by-law. ,TH1E'REFOiRJE the council of the municial corporation of the-said County of Elgin enacts as follows: , I (1) The sum of $20,000 is hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy, debentures and government. subsidy, -for expenditure upon ,construction on t};l.e said system during the year 1935; ! ! (2) The sum M $50,000, is ,hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy and government subsidy for expenditure upon maintenance and repair of the roads in the'said system during the y~ar 1935 . I (3) The said monies shall be expended under the direction of the duly appointed county road superintendent and on work performed in a'ccordance with' the last revised' reg.ulatioris . respecting county roads issued by the Department of Highways of Ontario. (4) The Clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the Deputy 'Minister, Department of Highways .of Ontario, for' approval on or before the 31st day of January of the present year. Pa.ssed at St., Thomas, this 2'5th day: of January, A.D. 1935. K. W. McKAY, Clerk. JOHN D. THOMISON; Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY-LAW No. 1230 127 ToCo-nfirm the.' Equalization of the' Assessment Rolls of the COlptty of Elgin for the . Year 1935 The Elgin County Council 'enacts: That ~he following -be. the equalization of the Assessment RoUs of the 'County of Elgin ,for, the year 1935: Aldborough ..:.;_........'.._.............._______..._._..__..__.....$ 'Dunwich ___.___..___.__________.____....___....._____....____.____.... 'Southwold Yarmouth ..__..____..__..._"..~,.___________..__.____~;.__.__..._._.. Malahicle --~----..---.-----.~--..----.........--......--..---.-..----.- Bayham ______._,._..__.....~-.-.-..--.-..--.--.--,-----____.._,_________. ISouth Dorchester _______......._..,..._..______0000;__...___ Aylmer .___.__..---.-~--.--..--..-..,-......--------.-----...__.....__.... .Dutton _______________.___.___.___..______________________.___.;___.______.. Port Stanley ____m.m.nn.___.__nm......_...._m.___nnn Spririgfield ____........-........._..___......_...______._______._.__.. Vienna.._.._......_.,..._..___________.._.________.__._..___....._...... Rodney ..,...{;.___..;.~.__..___....___________._.__..___.___.._.__.__..__ West Lorne 00000000.._..0000_..__.00__00____.__._00.__0000000000._. 3,705,658 4,048,205 5,104,276 5.313,553 3,440,976 2,425,735 2,155,584 1,585,082 512,653 942,889 184,874 121,OH 421,450 408,366 $ 30,370,345 That this Council is willing to have the final equalization of assess- ment', in case bf appeal, made by the County Judge. 'Itead a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 25th day of January, 1930. K. W. McKAY, Clerk~ JOHN I). THOMSON, Warden. 128 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY-LAW No. 1231 I To. :APP9int l\;lembers of Cemetery Commisslon The 'Elgin County CQ.~1icil enacts: That the following be appointed to. the, Cemetery- Commission for the year ~935, as required by the Cemetery Act -of 1931: J. P. 'Coombe, of Vienna. John Leitch of the Township of Dunwich. 'Read a t'hlrdtime and. passed at County Council, Chambers, St. Thomas, this 25th day of January, 1935. K. W. McKAY, Clerk. .JOHN D. T<lOMiSON, Warden. BY"))AW No. 1232 I ,! To Appoint a BoRlrd!\of AudIt in the County ofEIgin for the Year 1935 The ,Elgin County Council ,enacts : That th'e Judge of the County Court and Mr; Wmiam H. Bradfleld be and, are hereby appointed members of the Board ,of Audit, toper- form,the dutie~ required of them by R..s~Q. 1927, Chapter 126, ,section 22. 1<, , , , That the members of the said Board of Audit be paid the sum of Five ,Dollars, per day fpr their services, ~nd five cents per, mile, going ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 129 to and from each audit. 'Read ,a third time and passed" at County Thomas, this 25th day of January, 1935. Council Chambers, St. K. W. MoKAY, Clerk. :FOHN D. THOMSON, Warden. BV-LAW No. 1233' To Raise' Amounts for' COWlty' Rates DurIng the' Y,ear 1935 WHEREAS an estimate has 'been made showing that 'the ,sum' of One Hundred and Sixty-seven ,Thousand and Thirty' I Dollars Is required to be raised,:in the several,municipalities'fo,r the lawful,pur- poses of the County during the year 1935." AND WHER'EAlS by the Assessment, Act, this, Council is' required to direct what portion of the sum to be levied for' County purposes shall -be levied in each municipality in the County, AND WHEREAS the rates are required to be apportioned on the basis of the assessplent of property (ts equalized, AND WHIDREA:S the assessment of property of the County was ascertained and equalized is as follows: . Municipality Total Equalized Value Aldborough .__________..,_.................._...._......,_._._......$ 'Dunwich ___.__..___._.....___..______._..._...,.._..____....____.._,.. Sout'hwold ._...._.___.___.____........._........_...._.__..._______. Yarmouth ._...................,...____________....__....____._._._.. Malahide .._.._..._..._______.__.____...._.__........_______.._._.______ Bayham ________._..._....._.....____...._..........._........____. 3,705,658 4,048,205 . 5,104,276 5,313,553 3,440,976 2,425,735 130 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Municipality Total Equalized Value South "Dorchester ._..nmm._..__.......__...__........_m .Aylmer ._..___________.___.___.,_.________."_...__"_~__"___.__.__._u..__ Dutton .__..____...________________________;_________________..._______n Port Stanley ___'__m_unm_..____ _."nn__'"".__________..___. :Springfield nn.._m___nnmnnnn.n.___h_m_____n._m._... Vienna __......___.._..............___.___.____.__.___________......n_.. (R.odney .__________________"__..__n__.____________ ________________..__ West Larue 2,155,584 1,585,082 ' 512,653 94~,889 184;874 121,044 421,450 408,366 $ 30,370,345 THIDREFORJE the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgiri enacts: 1. That a rate of 5% mills on the Dollar be levied on all rateable property in the several municipalities in' the County of Eight, as above set forth, for the year 1935, to raise thl:: following amounts:, 2.' That the.'sum of One'Hundred and.lSixty-'SElyen.Thousand and Thirty Dollars be raised and levied in the several muniqipalities of the County, a,ccording to the foHowing !Sc'hedule and that the amounts as. en~ered therein. be paid to the. County Treasurer .as by law required.: SOHEDULE: Municipality Aldbprough ................___.....................$ Dunwich .00.00..00..........'..__0000__.00000000:...__. Southwold .....n..nn___.e....m___nnn___.mm .Yarmouth ....._......__..............._............__ Malahide __.............__._........_..._._............ Bayham ............_......,-..__........._.._....._,_... South Dorchester nmnnn___.......______. Aylmer .......;._'.,.._...__...;.........n.....n......._. Dutton ____._..................._.__.__00__.____..00...... Port 'Stanley Springfield ....mm.~...nm_mmm.mnnm. Total 20,381 22,265 . 28,073 29,225 18,92'5 13,341 11,855 8,717 2,819 5,.85 1,016 ELGIN COUNTY COUNC]L Municipality Vienna',' .._nnnnnnn.............___.__n..__....____ Rodney... ..__nn.nnnnnn....__.nn__n....____.. West 'Lorne _.mm........________..........___m 131 Total 665 ?,317 2,246 $ 167,030 K. W., McKAY, Clerk. J;OHN D, County Coq:p.cil Chambers, st. Thomas, 14th June, 1935. BY-LAW' No. 1234 To Designate Through Highways The Elgin County Council enacts: , THOMSON, Warden: That Bridge :Street in the V:illage of Port 'Stanley at the intersection of County Road Number 20 be-designated" as a through highway. That Josep'h Street in the Village-' of:' Port'Stanley at the inter- section of East Street, County Road Number 24 ,be designated as a throl}gh highway. Read a third' time and passed at County Council Chambel's, St. Thomas, 14th of June 1935. x. W, Mo;KAY, Clerk. JOHN D, THOMSON, Warden, 132' E:LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY-LAW No. 1235 To' Designate County Roads The Elgin County Council enacts: 'That the following roads be and are hereby 'designated -as County' Roads: 1. 'The ;road ,in the Township 01; ,South Dorchester- between con,;, cessIons 10 and 11, from lot 12 'east to. the Oxfo,rd townline, thence south on the, townHne connecting with County 'Road -Nuw-ber 48, and Oxford County 'Road No. /l9-a, distance' of about five and a quarter mil~s. 2. .Th'eCoup.ty torwnline between the Townsl:1ips' of Delaware and' Southwold at the intersecUonof Middle::lex. County Road No. 17 'and Elgin' County Road No. 19, in an easterly direction to Provincial Highway No. 4~a distance of about- five miles. Read, a third t'i,me and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 14th of June 1935. K. W. McKAY, Clerk. JOHN D. THOMISON, Warden. BY-LAlV: No. 1236 To Provide for Payment 61 Municipal Officers and County Clerk for Services in Connectian with Administration af Old Age Pensions Act The Elgin yauntr Cauncil enacts: That. the Clerks of the'local rllunicipaHtie$ I'g th~ QOlJntrbe;' paid. E:LGIN. .OOUNTY COm<C~ 133 the sum'of Two' Dollars ' for each applic'ation for an Old Age Pension, I and in addition the..sum of ten cents (Cine way) for each mile necess- arily traveIled in connection therewith. , .,,' That the' County Clerk be paid the sum of Four Hundred Dollars annually for his services in connection with the, administration of, the Old Age Pensions Act., That iBy-Law'No. 1169 be' arid is hereby repealed. That the payment.s u~der this by-law be made quarterly anddat~ frem the 1st of January 1935. Read a third time and passed at Cuunty ICouncil'Chambers, St. Thomas, 14th of June, 1935. ' 'K. W. McKAY, Clerk. JOHN D. THOMSON, Warden. BY-LAW No. 1237 To Designate COWlty Road The Elgin COlinty Council enact's: That the road in the Township'ofMala:hide, between Lots 20 and 21 beginning at' 'Talbot RoadProvinci'8.1 Highway in -the Township of Malahide, thence in a southerly directiol)l to Concession 1, connecti'ng with County Road Number '42, be designated as a Cou'nty Road. Read a third time and passed at County 'Council Chambers; St; Thomas, this' 28th day of"November 1-93,5. E. W. McKAY. . Clerk. JOHN D. mOMJSON: Warden. ,. 134 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY-LAW No. 1238 To Provide f,or AddUional Expeil(liture Ion the System of County Roads- in the County. of Elgin "WHERIDAS, 'By~Law No. 1229 was pasi:led on the 25th of January to provide for a total expenditure of $70,000 approved by Order-in- Council, AND WHEREAS it has been' founa necessary to expend an addi- tional sum of Four Thousand Dollars to complete the work of - main~ tenance and repair u:l)del'taken this yea!': 'l'HE ELGIN .COUNTY COUNCIL ENACTS': THAT the sum of 'FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS is hel'eby'ap- propriated from monies to be raised by levy arid government subsidy to,I'be e4pende:d on the County' Road System during 1935 under the direction of the Cbunty Road Superintendent and in accordance with last, revised regulations respecting County Roads. THAT a copy of this by-law be transmitted to the Deputy Minister of Highwa.ys for approval. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St, Thomas, this 28th day of November 1935. K. W, McKAY, ,Clerk. JOHN D. THOMSON, WlLl;den. BY-LAWS- 'No. 1225 No, 1226 No. 1227 No. 1228 No. 1229 No. 1230 No. 1231 No. 1232 No. 1233 No. 1234 N o~ 1235 No. 1236 No. 1237 No. :1238 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL INDEX To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to 'B'orrow $250,000 ."._nn__:;___'.____'nnnm..__un.._n.nmnn......... 20, To Appoint Advisory Agricultural CounciLu,-nm.. 21, To Appoint High Sch{Jol Trustees_u.__mmmmu.._nu___ 22, To Appoint County Road Committee __,nnnn.__m__.__n 22, To Provide for Expenditure on County Roads_... 23, To Confirm Equalization mmmunm.......;m_mmn.m_m 24, To Appoint Members of Cemeter;y COffiq1issionn 24, To Appoint Board of Audit _mm____mmnm_____.mmmm 25, To Raise CountY,lRates ._..nmmm.nnmm_nm___._._.._m'__ 44, To Designate Through Highways '_nnn___mmm__"um 44, To-Desig~ate County !Roads n......nmnmm.m_u..._m..__. 45, T9 Prorvide fOr Payment of Municipal Clerks for ,Old Age 'Pension services .....'.nnnnnn____.m_umm_.n.. 46, To Designate County Road _'____~.m..m_m.m_nn_'-,-mnn.. 58, To -Provide "for Additional Expen'diture on County Roads 135 / ~23 123 124 1~5 126 127 128 128 , 129 131 132 132 133 58, 134 GRANTS_ Advisory Agricultural Council __..._m__.m.nmnnnm_..._......mh...m.._.m_._._ 112 Agricultural and Horticultural 'Societies nm._m_nnnnn_unnmm':._;_ 1,7, 37 L,. B. Birdsall ____._._,__.____._,...___._,.____.,;;___._.,'----.--.-__....,....____._..._____.__.___'."....... 59 Canadian National Institute for the Blind num_....___.._......nn...._m.... 9 La W ~ibl'ary ______..______00_____..:;'___.___.,_,_;_____;___.__,......~u_.____.__;_....._._.__.,---.....-.....: 16 . , Lock~ups _uu_'.n_n...n'_.._'__. ._._m___n....nnnm.m.nn..nn..n__._..n.._nnnn_unm...._.. ,72 Municipal A13sociation .._._00......___00_."..____.._______________._____..__.............____________ 70 Public Libraries ..'_.._n'mun"_nmmnm..______........__m.__nnn..;_____...,.....__.._.....n' 17 Salvation Army .___._________00___.___.___.___.__.._._.___.___.__:,-,-__'....___.._.._....__.____.__.______,__ 70 Trustees' A~sociation um._.___..m_....munm___m_....nn...uu__:Ln................n._ 15 Warble Fly ___.____.__________.___.___.,__.__.___.___.___._._.__,:._.___..,--.00..-'-.,-.,.-,--.---.-....,..-....--. 112 Warden _:_._.__00.._,._.____._.___._._..:.;._._._.00_._...__..__.____._....._._....._.___._._._.._________......._._. 60 Women's. InsUtutes .~u"'-nm'--nnn-m-m-m-m-------nm--..nnm--m-..___.nnnn 11, 70 , ' 136 E'LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL M[SCIDLLANEOUS- Advisory County 'Road Commit,tee ___n___...._.__....__......__..____....____.__.____.... Assessment of ,Farms in Police ViUages mmm.n."..____......m__~m____m__. Board of -Audit .....nn_..nn.......hnn...nn_._.m.___nn.........._nn.....nnn_...._._......... 10 41 ,18 58 CanadianPel'forming' 'Right;s- So'Ciety . ._nnnnm......_.....'mmn.____n....____ Cemetery' Conimission __.____.....__..........._..,___.......____.____.___....______,_.__.....__.____. Ohildren's. ~id Society _nnnmm...._mnn__._..h............._m....____.........nnm 28, , ~:~dntt~6:~:c:I~:.~._:::::::::::::::::::~:::::':::::::::::::~::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::. 3, Coun ty Oft'iciaJs' .......nnnnmnn_nnu....__......_.....n...._.........._.......nm00....00..... County PicnIc" .~...___m............,.---..'......nm......m..........nn..n.....n...m...m 13, County Road Superintendent ..._........mnm....m......m........n.........._____.. CommunicaUops .............m.................,:.........'..n.....7; 10, 35, 41; 49, 53 Deputations _.n..n...__n.........__.........'.n....;..n......___.__nmn..____...................,--.,.9, .25 Dominion Natural Gas Co. nm___'n...____.__....nnnnn_____n__.................___....____ 56 41 128 54 52 5 2 114 12 Hjghway' ,Improvement 'Expenditures ................................._.__...... 6, 27 High ISchool Trustees .nm............_mm...m..,.........m........'__. 11, 12 .14, 16 Highway ,Traffic Act ....;_.mnm.....nm.......m......m............;__n.................... ,5'8 ,House of Industry Water Supply _____nm.m..__......m.__...........'..........m__n 100 Hydro Rates Rebate, .____n,.'.;-..-................m......--..n..'.....--.--.n----...n....._.__ 42 Insurance ............00..00. __'.mn....n:..______.........'--.n____...........,.......____.__..,.__......: 4, 19 MunIcipal Clerks and Treasurers '.__....................__..............,........__........ 2 Municipal Legisla;tlon .__.................____..............______......,....................m......._ 29 MunicIpal Legislation 'Requested n__m.............nnn____................nn.'__n.. 16 Old Age, .Pension1s .nnn,n'----...,...........m..___.mn'.'.--...........nnn.-'---.,.....--:___..m '6 Provincial iHig-hway Expenditure m......n'....__.m...........__nnn. 19, 40, 43 Refore~tation ............,.___':.....,.......:...____.........___.... 28, '39, 42, 55, 5~, 122 ,R'elief '.......,f._.....,...,......;................,..................__..____....................................... 48 Treasurer's Bond' .....................nn.nn.______.u.....__...............n.__.....................00. 71 'Warde~'s Address .........n.__.__'n..__..........._........n__n...'....__.......n..___. 4, 27; 48 Watden's. Election .........___.....:~..__n.......__..........__...mm.~.........'m...m_~......... 5 I I ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 137 REPORTS OF COMMIT~E'E:S AND OmFICrALS- Agricultural- Committee Auditors .___'.....nm..........,.... 15, 38, 112 10 Children's Aid 'Society- ._..nnm...___.....m--m--.+..'....nnn~~....---....--n----............ 118 Corn Borer Inspector _____n____..___'....___........n__nnm............m.,.--.....---.....m 121 County Road Comm~;ttee .....____m.____.........n.....nn....m 10, 15, 40', 54, 79 County Treasurer .....,--...___"..m..____mn.........._......n...nnnnm........__..l0, '55, 63 County Clerk on Licenses ...m~__n.n....___mnnmnn....._.__....n__m..'m........;'"" 117 Education Committee .......m..'..mnn......m.................. 18, 47, 55, 56,' 91 Equalization ...__...........____,......--.......__.__....__.__.........................~..__..__.........__..__ 15 Finance Committee __mnmm........_...mmm...m._m.___... 18, 38, 43, 57, 70 ..Qaol Committe~ ..mn".m_............mnm....__..................n"....... 18, 40, 55, 96 House of Industry Committee ....c~......mm,...........n 1'8, 43, ,55, 57, 99 Inspector, House of Industry ....m....mm......__.m...n__.nnm.n................... 102 Physician, House of Industry ....,.....m...m__nmn...._....mm...........m.___.... 107 Old Age Pensions ........m___ mm_m...nn.....nm__........nn__mnnm..........m....... 115 Petitions and Legislation Committeem.m__..__... 18, 39,43, 57" 108 Special Provincial Road Committee.__.........mm............m..........n. 56, 119 Special Provincial Highway Debt. COni.nmm.....~m__.m...........mm.... ;L20 Suburban. Area Commission........;"..._____....m.m"..__..,..nnm.m......m............. 82 Standing Committee .'~~~m.m__n__..n.........n.............nn.....nm......n....m............. 61 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL REiPORTS OfF OOl\!lMITCIlEES AND OF1FIOIALS- Agricultural Committee __m_unnnnn_nnnnnm.,_.___.___.m"_nmnm_ 15, 38, Auditors_____n_.nnn___n____.___________u___u__u__nn_..__._______.___________u_._..................__.__ Children's Aid 'Society __________..__________n____________._._._________n______.___n________________ Corn Borer. Inspector County. Road Committee ___m____.hm__m______________h_______ 10, 15, 40, 54, County Treasurer __._______________________________.._m.___________________...______________10, 55, County Clerk. on Licenses .Ohn..mnnnn___nm_____h.____mmnmm_n__,...n___nm Education Committee ___m...___________....____________,_..._______ 18, '47, 55, 56, Equalization,~._m___.___.___.,...---..............._..___.....__..._.;..................._.___...._.'.......... Finance Committee _.m_mmnnnm___nn._.h_.mm~_m____'. 18, 38, 43, 57, .QaoI Committee .m._m_mn.mm,m._..mmnmnnn__n._____mnm__." 18, 40, 55, HO,useof Industry Committee n_______m......~..mmnn. 18, 43; 55, 57, Inspector, House o~ Industry _________....'.....h____nnm________. m___m___...h_m_.. Physician,. House ,of ..Industry hnn;nm._...___..hnunmn....._.mm.__..__......m Old .Age Pensions ;___.n.._..._..___..._.......__._..._______._......._....n._....._..._.............__.. Petitions and. Legislation Committe~m__hnn.._._ -18, 39, 43, 57, Special Provincial Road Co'mmitteemmu.....m___ nmnnnhnnnm._.. 56, Special Provincial Highway Debt.Com..n...___.mn.__..__...mnnm...m___ Suburban Area Commission.c..m..._...__..n._..._..._...___.m.....___.mm....h........... Standing Committee "u....m.......m.m........._..._....._............m............m......u.... 137 112 10 118 121 79 63 117 91 15 70 ,96 99 102 107 115 108 119 120 82 61