1936 Minutes I :1 'I ,11 PROCEEDINGS -OF THE- Elgin County Council During the Sessions held in the COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS in the months of j ,1 i January, March, June and November 1936 K. W. 2I1cK,,\', Grant. 211. Mitchell. County Clerk. \Varden. OFFICIALS 1936 D. c.' Ross, County Judge J. H. Coyne, Registrar I. D, Oameron, .County Court Clerk, Sheriff E. W. Haines, Clerk of the Peace and- Coun'ty ,cr-own Attorney Major...c. P. Ermatinger, Goaler Pti1bli~ School' Inspectors; A. B. L'tlcas, Chatharn~\A(ldlborough, Dtinwi'ch, Southrwold Rodney, Dutton, West Lome ]. C. Smith, St. T'homas--,-YarmoU'th"Malahide, Bayham, Aylmer, Port- Stanley, Springfield, Vienna, St. Thdmas D. G. Smith, 1'515 Thornton Ave., London--iSouth Dorchester K. W. McKay, CouiltY" Clerk ailcl 'In's,pecto.r-~I-oouse of Industry Ben~a'mill B. Graham, County Treasurer F. A. Belt, C.E., County Engineer G. F. Pipueo, County'Ro-ad Superintendent C. St. C. Leitch, K,iC., County Solicitor Douglas L. Ewin) 11..,0",. Pqys.iGI.?-.t1, Hou~e. olf; Industry and Goal Fred H. Ingram, Keeper, House OIf Industry M. D. MCJCrimmon, County Police Magi,strate Frank C. Ke.lly, Provincial -H1.gh Constaib'le St. Thomas PJO., unle's5 otherwise s'peciHed MUNICIPAL CLERKS AND TREASURERS Municipality Clerk Alc\lborough..... ,Miss Vera Carpenter,Rodney.. Treasurer W. 'S.Stalker, R. R. I, Rodney Dunwich A. N. McWilliam, Dutton. Mur.ray McNeilj Dutton Southwo.1d ........... .... John C. M'cLennan,.Fingal.. n. Cattanach, 25~ BaIaclava St., St. Thomas Yar'mouth .... H. L. Lawton, SL T:1C!lll_as_ H. L. Lawton, St. Thomas Malahidc.. John M. Hale;.Ayfmer... John M. Hale, Aylmer Bayham....."""w.......B. Brian, Straffordv;ine,.. M. Stratton, Straffordvine South Dor-e,hester M. S. Charlton,R. 1, Springfield:M. S. Charlton, R. 1, Springfield Town oJ Aylmer, D. C. Davis .... H. E. Armstorong \:"i1!l'age o:f Vienna" ...J. P. Coomfl)e. ]. P. Coomlbe Village of SprinfieId .......,,].ohl1 Hodgson .... ............".Wm. H. Cathers Village OIfDutton ....... ...".."".."......W. A. Smith ......."".........w................._W. A.. Smith Village of Port Stml,!ey. ,W. A. Haw,kins ............".......W. A. Hawkins Village of Rodney ..... ,.. ...... Gco. L. Mistele .... Geo. L. Mistde Village of West Lome .....J.' S. Robertson, St. Thomas..' Mrs. TenaMcGregor PROCEEDINGS -OF THE- i I ,Elgin County Council FIRST SESSION - .FIRS')". DAY Wednesday, the 29th day of January; 193$ , The memlbers-elect of the County Councif cirt' the'; County of Elgin met this day at the Court Housej St. Thom.as; al 2..p,t1l...- The follofwing .took" their seats at the Council"Board: F. W. SCill11elz, Reeve, Aldrborough W. B. Lancaster, Deputy Reeve,Alhlborough J. D. Thomson, Reeve, DUlllWich J ohl1 H. ,Sloan, Deputy - Reeve, Dunwich Richard Kimble, Reeve, Southwold };'rcd H, Miller, De,puty Reeve, Southwold \iViIliam E. Laake, Recve,Yarmourh T~oy Tan~:ley, Deputy Reeve, Yarmouth Stanley Snelgrove, Reeve, Malahide Cark Liddell, Deputy Reeve; Malahic1e 4 Elgin County Council Elgin County Cou,ncil 5 Crau't M. MitcheLl, Reeve, Bayham WARDEN'S ADDRESS George Vallee, Deputy Reeve, Bayha'lll January Session, 1936 I-I. G. Taylor, Reeve, South Dorchester To the Elgin County Council, E. E. Afkinson, Reeve, Ayilmer Gentlemen: \Vm. A. Pec1cham, Deputy Reeve) Aylmer .We are meeting to-day under agrcat national shadow in the death of King George: It is a great loss to the Empire and the world. He was an idea.t constitutiOlml ruler, never seeking arbitrary power, but always available for wise counseL James McAHistcv, Reeve, Vienna Lisgar Koy,le, Reeve, Springfield J oSe'ph H. BU,rke, .Reeve, Port Stanley Although we never saw His ,MaJesty, we instinctively felt that in him the unity of the British Empire was_secure, and that he was not only a sagacious sovereign but a father of .his people. There is. uni- versal sorrmv at his 'Ja,mented death for which this County and the pation mourns. A MoCal1u111, Reeve, -Dutton BruceR. SheeLer, Reeve, West Lorne Er)1est Lashlbrook, Reeve, Rodney It wou,ld he appropriate to pass at this session a resolution ex- pressing our loyalty to his successor, King Edward the Eighth. The election of warden was then called for and. on the unanimous re,solution 0 f the me1111bers of the CouncH Mr. Grant M; Mitchell, Reeve OIf the Township 'of Bayham;': was declared duly elected War- den of the County of Elgin for 1936. House ,of Industry Barn and Insurance The Warden-ele,ct made the-.statutory,.declaration of office, took his seat and thanked the Council for the honor conferred. The barn at the House of Industry has been finaBy completed at a cost of Four thousand and twenty-foree doUars and sixty-two cents. Inre-arrang'ing the insurance on the i-Ious.e o!f Industry buildings ~ind contents we had them valued Iby 'a competent ad1uster at $49,380; to ,be- insured in fifteen companies, as formerly, at $39,7DO, an increase of $7,3-50 over total amount previously carried. The Warden addressed the Counci,) as follows: The finances of the County are in a satis\factory condition. With the exception of one village all -alf t':le County rates have been paid. 1'he Auditors' Re.port shows a de,ficit of over seven thousand doMars wh:ch is clue partly to highway expenditures for which a second es- timate was approved at the November Session after the county rates \-vere levied. rj Elgin. County Council I i County Road€! ,and Bridges The County Roads Committee should give particular attention to the Port Stan,ley andM.c.Intosh Bridges which, according to - reports by Provincial and County engineers, do not provide a margin of safe- ty justifying their continued use. I I I Every rprOY1SlOn should .be made for protecting our investment in County Roads by proper maintenance. Additional mileage is being aclded anlluaJ,ly-an llicreasc in the estimates for this purpose must naturally follow. W orkmen's Compensation , Notice has been received that the WOrktilCn's Compensation Board wil'l not in future carry the counties' liaibi,lity to workmen in- jured -on county roads. This protection has cost the County during the past four yean, an average of Five hundred and sixty-seven dol- larsannually. . I I I , I I' I There arc companies iSSUlllg policies giving simil>ar protection, or the. County may carry the risk, notifying the Board when accidents occurr and paying such- amounts as may.be determined by'theBoard. Reforestation The Council at the Nove'l11lber Session passed a resolution recom- mending the ap'pointment olf a SlPccial committee to go fur.tlher into the question Olf reforestation. It" is just possilbtle that a campaign of education may be the Ibest way of approaching ide subject with a Vlew to encouraging land o'vmers in the County to reforest part of their land. Under the present As,sessment Act, lands set apart for reforesta- t:OI1 are exmpt from municipal taxation. In some counties suitable acreage has been purchased and relforesJed with the' assistance _of governmental autillOrities. But it is doulbtiful if the County as a whole will ever derive very much benefit therefrom. The hetter idea would Elgin County " Gouncil 7 be to offer inducements to land owners h~nd. If anything a!pproaching one-tenth County were brought into a movement would, I think, be ideal. to reforest part of their O'f the acreage of the oif this kind, conditions Trees on Court House Grounds It ,has :been reported that the elm trees .planted around the Court House ,some thirty years ago are dying. This may be due to the disease that is threatening to exter1l11ina'ieelm trees in the Uni- ted States. The Goall Committee will ta.ke this matter into consider- ation and do what is neces'sary to preserve the beauty of the Court House grounds. A deputation from the Advisory Agricultural Coundl was then heard in re!ference to grant required for theJr war-k during the year. Messrs. Luton, LangqPll and Penhale S'poke on behalf of the Council. The fat/owing communications were read: From Department of Public Welfare, Toronto, re appointment of Mothers' AUowance Board-iFiled. From W. M. Anderson with application for vacancy ori Suburban Area COl11missiol1.~Filled. From Canadiall National Institute fo,r the Blind with application for gral1t.~Referred to Finance Committee. From Association df Managers O'f Homes for the Aged and In- firm,re annual meeting.-----jRe,ferred to House of, Industry Committee. F"om G. H. Cross, with application for vacancy on Sulburban Area COl11mission.....:..JFilep. From R Kemp Panter, resigning as member of flC Dutton Higb School Trustee Boar(L~RClferrcd to Education Committee. III ,I I' i I I' 'I 8 Elgin County (ounei! Elgin. Coun'ty ,Coundl 9 From County Gouncill section, Ontario Educational Association, re me.rnlbershilP and annual mceting.-.Rderred to Education Committee. ,From Department of' Highways, reverting portion Highway in Port Burwell to County.---'Referred to County mitfee. of King's Road C0111- From J. H. Coyne, Rc,gistrar, re additional files required at RegistryOffice.--iReJferred to Goal Committee. From -County Council oIf, Kent, for amendment to Farmers' Creditors' Arrangement Act.---'Rclferred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. From Board of Railway Commissioners, re New Sarurn crossing, Canadian National RaiIway.----1Firled. ,From Salvation Army, re grallt.----iRe.Jened to Finance Committee. 'From Ontario Municipal Association, re memibership.,.--Refened to Finance Committee. From Dominion Automatic Fire Alarms, re protection at House of Industry.-----<Rclfcrred to House of Industry Committee. From University of Western Ontar-io, re appointment to Senate. -Referred to Finance Committee. From Attorney General's Department, re resolution passed by the Council conccrriing the Canadia.n Pcnforming Rights Society.-'-- Filed, From Ontario Good Roads As:;ociation, re membership and ap~ po'intmellt of delegates.-Referred to County Road Committee. From Department of Highways, with ordcr-;l1-council approving of designation of Middlesex County line easterly from County Road No. 19 to Provincial Highway No. 4,"--"'<Relferred to the County Road Committee, From Ontario Traitiing School for Boys, re admissian of James Fi'ancis vVood.~Relferred to Finance Committee. From J, A. P. Marsha1l, - re County road ex;penditure by-law.-. Referred to County Road Committee, From Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities, re member- ~,hip. --Referred to Finance Committee. From several counties and the Attorney General's Department, ackllowh:dgin!"i; receipt of resolutions passed by the Elgin County Council rf'que.sting amendments to various laws.-<Reterred to Peti- tions and Legislation Committee. From J. A. P. Mar-shaH, Chief Engineer of Municipal Roads, re Stiperintendent's Conference.-l{eferrcd to County Road Committee. From County Auditors, with rcpol"t.-----.JRelferred to Finance Com- mittee. From Secretary, Ontario Agricultural Council, rc appointment and grant.-Rclferrcd to AgriculturalC01111l1ittee. 'Froril Department oJ -Highways, re designation and extension of Provincial Highrways.-Referrcd to County Road Committee. Ex-Warden Wilson MillIs, M.P., the Warden to address the CotllJcil. genera'! interest. being presen twas Mr. Mills s.poke on invited by matters of Moved by H. G. Taylor, From Towns-h~p of Dunwich, wit:1 resolution re amendment to Dog Tax Act.~Referred to Petitions and Lcgisllat:on Committee. Seconded by;. D. Thomson: 10 Elgin Coui11y :Council Elgin Connty Council 11 'Dhat ,this Council adjourn until 10 a.m. to-morrow and that th-e Reeves of the municipalities be a committe to strike standing com- mittees {or t'he yea.r 19.36. FIRST SESSION -SECOND DAY Thursday, the 30th daor of .January, 1936 ---'Carried. The E:gin County Coul1dl met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, ,in accordance with adjournment. GRAcNT M. M'1110HlELiL, Warden. The Warden in the ohair. AU the mem(bers present, The proceedings of the previous day were read and con;firmed. The County Treasurer's report was p'resented and rderred to the Finance Committee. A communication from the Department Oif Education re Vienna High School was read and Telferred to Education Committee. Ord~r-in-,Co,uncil approving of Paragraph 1 oJ By-iLaw No. 12'35 was received and referred to County Road Committee. The report 'of the Committee to strike standing committees was presented and adopted on motion O'f J. D. Thomson, secOl1.ded hy ]. H. Sloan. Moved by F. _ W. Schmelz, Seconded by S. Snelgrove: That names of H. G. Tayllor and E. Lash!b.rook be added .as ad~ visory:to the Road Committee receiving the same pay perdiem'and mileage as is: allowed -to memlbers of Road 'Committee. In Amendment. 12 Elgin County Council Moved by R. Kimlble, Seconded by J~ McAllister: That H. G. Taylor and E. E. Atkinson be appointed advisory mcmlbers to the County Road Committee. -Main motion lost,. amendment carried. Moved by W. E. Locke, Seconded by C. Liddle: That Mr. Burke be appointed a mem'ber of the Board of Audit alf Administration of Justice accounts for year 1936. ---<Carried. M Dved by S.. Snelgrove, Seconded by H. G. Taylor: That the usual grant of Fifty Dollars ,be paid to the Elgin Trus- tees and Ratepayers Association. ---<Carried. Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by L. Koylc: That grants he made to Agricultural and HorticuHural Societies a... follows: A.gricultural Societies. - equivalent to Government grant for 1936, A1chborough, Aylmer, Shedden, West Elgin, Yarmouth and Springfie,ld. Horticultuyal Societies - 25% of the Government grant for 1936, Ayhi1er, Dutton, Springfield, Hodncy, and West - Lome, and Belmont - 12?1!o/O. ......Carried. Elgin County Council 13 Moved by F. W. Schmelz, Seconded by W. B. Lancaster: That this Council do now adjourn to meet at 1.30 p.m. --Carried. The Council resumed. The report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted motion of H~ G. Taylor, seconded by F. W. Schmelz. Moved by E. E. Atkinson, See,onded by W. A. Peok,ham: That a bwentyioot strip of road on John Street being a connect- ing link of County Road No. 3,9' within the TO'v,;l1 of Aylmer be as- sumed under Section 28, sulbsection 1 of The Highway Improvement Act from Forest Street south on John Street to the southerly limit,3 of-the Town. 1.......1n Amendment. Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by;. H. Burke: That resdlutiotl Roa,d .Committee. to assume road in Aylmer be referred to County --11ain motion lost, Amendment carried. Mewed by J. D. 'Thomson, Seconded by A. MoCilhl111: That file Warden and Clerk be authorized to submit to the Min- ister of l:lighways of the Province of Ontario the petition of the Cor- porationof. the County of Elgin showing that from the 1st of J<l11- 14 Elgin County ,Counell uary, 193-5 to the 31st of December, 19.3i5, there has been expended t~tpon the County Highway System the sum of $7,5,'507.'5'5. ---oCarried. "'loved by ]. I-I. Burke, Seconded' by S. Snc'!grove: That the following grants for 1836 be made to the lilbraries witih~ in the County: $50 each to Rodney, West Lorne, Dutton, Aylmer, Port Stanley, Vienna, Springfield, Sparta, Bayham, Shedden j $25 each to WardsviHe and Bdmont. -'Carried. Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by J. D. Thomson: That the proposed income tax collectible, by the Provincial GOVM ernmcnt ibe pooled over aH the municipaHties of Ontario hased on each municipality's own assessment, and that a copy of this resolu- tion be sent to the Prime Minister and all County Councils. ---;Carried. Moved by S. Snelgrove, Seconded by W. Locke: That we as a County Council send a ,letter of condolence Lam011t in the loss of a loving w~fe and business partner. to Mr. -Carried. Moved by S. Snelgrove, \ i I I I \ I I , i i Elgin County Council 15 Seconded by J. H. Burke: That this Council do now adjourn to meet at 10 a.m. to-morrow. -Carried. GRAJNT M. M.Jl'CHELL, Wardell. . I \ 16 Elgin County Council FIRST SESSION - THIRD DAY Friday, the 3lstday of January, 1936 The Elgin County Council met this day in accordance with ad.; journmcnt. The Warden in the chair. All the members present. 'Dhe memJbers of the Council then took the Oath of A.llegiance to His' Majesty King Edward the Eighth. Moved by F. W. Schmelz, Seconded by W. B. Lancaster-: That this Council adjourn to meet at 1.30 p.m. --'Carried. The Council resumed. The proceedings of the previous cla'y were read and COil firmed. The report of the Gaol Committee was presented and adopted on motion of W. B. Lancaster, seconded by W. A. Peckham, The report of the County l~oacl 'Committee was presented and referred to committee of the whole with Mr. Snelgrove in the chair. After considering the report the committcc rose and, report as amcn- cied was adopted on motion of J. D. Thomson, seconded by E. Lash- brook. Moved by F. Miller, Seconded by W., Locke: Elgin County Council 17 That W. R. Coulter, Re,d Cross representative, be aUowed to ad- dress the Council. -----'Carried. Mr. Coulter slp-oke 011 behaLf of the St. Thomas Red Cross Soc- ietyrequesting grant. The matter was referred to the Finance (0111- ll1ittee, the report oJ the Education Committee was presented and re- ferred to a committee of the whole with Mr. Locke in the chair. After amending report the committee rose and it was adopted a<; amended on motion of W. Locke, seconded by J. Sloan on the fol- lowiI1g division: Yeas Sloan Kimble Locke Tans-ley Liddle MitcheU Vallee Peckham Mc:Ams~er McCallum ,Lashbrook Nl:lYs Schme,lz Lancaster Thomson Miller Sne'lgrove Taylor Koyle Burke Sheeler 11 Moved by J. D. ThomsOn, Seconded by C. Liddle: 9 That George Cross be appointed member of the Suburban Commission. Area I, -In Amendment. 18 Elgin County Council Moved by G. VaHee, Seconded by B. R. Sheeler: That William Bradfield .be appointed memlber of the Suburban ~ Area Commission -Main motion carried, amendment lost. M Dved by J. D Thomson, Secorided 'by J. H. Sloan: That Reeves Burke and Schmelz be added to the Petitions and Lcgisla tion Committee ~Carried. The Council then adjourned for thirty minutes. The' coundl resumed. Move,d by B. R. Sheeler, Seconded by Wm. Loclke: That the Elgin Law L~brary be granted the sum of Fifty Dollars. --<Carrie,d. The feJport of the Petitions ftnd Legislation Committee was pres- ented and adopted on motion of F. VV. Schmelz, Seconded by J. H. Burke. The report of the Agricultural Committee was presented and adopted on motion of J. D. Thomson,- seconded rby Wm. Locke. The re.port of the I-Louse of Industry Committee was pre:sented and adopted on motion of ]. H. S'loan, seconded by Clark Liddle. Elgin County Council 19 The second report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of H. G. Taylor, seconded by B. R. Sheeler. Moved by L Koyle, Seconded by VV~ B. Lancaster: That the Warden name a Committee to arrange for a re-ttnion Picnic at "Sel1don" a,nd that ex-me'lnJbers and their families and the County officials be invited as guests orE this Council. Moved by J. McAllis,ter, Seconded by VoJ. A. Peckham: -Carried. That By-'LawNo. 1239 to authorize the Warden and Treasurer to borrow the sum oif One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars be received and read a first time. Moved .by \V. A Peckham, Seconded 'by Jas. McAllister: -Carried. That By-Law No. }239 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by'R. Tansley, Sec?nded by Wm. Locke: By-Law No. 1239 be read a third time and finally passed. ---Carried. Moved by W. B. Lal)Castcr, 20 Elgin County :Council Seconded by B. Sheeler: That By-Lalw No. 1240 to appoint a Board of Audit in the County of Elgin for the year 1'936 be received and read a first time. -tCarried. Moved byF. Mnler, S~conded by R. Kim/ble: That By-Law No. 1.240 be read a second time. --,Carried. Moved by J. D. Thomson, Seconded by A. McCallum: That By-Law No. 1240 be read a third time and finally passed. --'Carried. Moved Wm. Locke: Seconded by R. Tansley: That By-,Law No. )241 to apPQint High School Trustees be re- ceived and read a first time. ........Carried. Moycdhy L. Kayle, Seconded by G. Vallee: That By~Law No. 1241 be read a second time. -Carried. Elg.in' €6unty: Council 21 by R. Tansley, hy W. Locke: That By-La'w No; 1241 b~ read a third time and finally passed. -Carried, . Mov.ed by J. H. Burke, Seconded- by S,Snelgrove': -. That By-Law No, 1:242 to appoint a member to the Senate of the University of Western ,Ontario be received and read a first time. -Cairiea. Moved by S. Snelgrove, Seconded ,by J. H. BUflke: That By-,L<llw No, 1242 be read a second time, -CalTied. Moved by C Liddle, Seconded byW. E. Locke: That By-,Law No. 1242 be read a third time and' firially passed. ~Carried. M9vedby R. Kimble, Sec:onded by ,F. Mi.lIer: That By-Law No, 1<243 to ap'point County Road .committee ibe'- re- 22 Elgin COl1nty Council ceived and read a first time. ~Carried. Moved by G. VaHee, Seconded by H. G. Taylor: That EywLaw No. 1243 be read a second time. , ---,Carded. Moved by L. Kayle, Seconded by G. Vallee: That By-Law No. 1243 ,be read a third time and finally passed. --Carried. Moved by W. A. Peckham, Seconded by J. McAllister: That By-Law No. 1244 to appoint Advisory Agricultural Council he received and read a first time. -Carried, Moved by G~ VaHee, Seconded by H. G. Taylor: That By~,Law No. 1244 be read a second time; :1 ---'Carried: ,rv "'I Moved by E. L1ashhrook, Elgin County Council 23 S~conded by. A MoCallum That By~La!w No. 1244 be read_ a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Movedlby F. Miller, Seconded by R Kimible: That By""Law No. 1245 to appoint inspector under the Corn Borer Act .be received and read a first time. -Carried. Moved by R. Kimhle, Seconded by F. MIner: That By-Law No. 1245 he read a second time. -Carried. Moved -by J. McAllister, Seconded by W. Peckham: That. By-Law No.' 1245 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved -by J. D. Thomson, by B. R. Sheeler: That BY-ILaw No. 1246 to provide for tl1'e total expenditure on the' systemofCourity Roads in the County of Elgin as approved by ~tk 2~ Elgin: County Council Order-in~iCauncil during the year 1936 be received and read a first" time. ----Carried. Moved by A. Me-Callum, Secanded by E. Lashbraak: That BY-ILaw NO'. 12146 be read a second time. -Carded; Moved. by J. Sloan, Secanded by J. D. ThamsO'n: That By-Law NO'... 1246 be read a third time and finally.pas.sed., -Canied. Moved by B. R. Sheeler, Seconded by J. H. Sloan: That By-Lalw NO'. ,1247 to' canfirm the Equalizatian. of the assess- ment rails af the County of Elgin for the year 1936 be received and read a first time. ., -Carried; Maved by W. B. Lancaster, Seconded by F. W. Sehmelz: That By~Law No. 1247 be read a second time. .......carried. Elgin County Cauncil 25 r...Ioved"by F,W. Schmelz, Secol1ded by W. B. Lancaster: That Uy-I..aw NO'. 1247 he read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. MO'ved by W, E. Locke, Seconded by R. A. Tansley: That By-Law NO'. 1248 to appoint amemlber to the St. ThO'mas Subu!"banArea Commission be received' and read a first time :.......Carriec1. Moved by W. A. Peck,ham, Secanded by Gea. Vallee: T~at By-Law NO'. 1248 be read a second time. --Carried. Moved .by W. A. Peckham, Secanded by F. Miller: That By-ILaw NO'. 1248 be read a third'time ancl fil1allypassed. .......Carried. The \Varden appainted' the fallO'wing deputations and committees: Gaod -.Raad Conventian: Messrs. Miller, Lash:brook; Lancaster; Schmelz, Burke, Locke, 26 Elgin County Council Elgin Counly Council 27 Tansley, Vallee, Peckham, Killl~ble, Thomson, Sloan, Atkinson, McAUister and McKay. "SPECIAL SESSION Municilp'al Association: Mes;srs. Liddle, Sheeler, Snelgrove, Koyle, McCallum, McKay. Thursdajy, the 5th day ,of March, 1936 Educational Association: Mr. McKay The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House; St. Thomas, at 2 p.m. at the request 0'f the Warden. The Warden addressed the Council as follows: County Picnic .Committee: Messrs. Burke, Mi.1ler and Tansley. To the Elgin County Council, Gent.lcmen ;- Moved by F. W. Schmelz, -Carried. Shortly llifter the January Session, notice was received from the County of Middlesex that they had made provision in their estil11ate~ ,for construction .,,qr rebuilding the McIntosh Bridge, a'nd that H this Council was unalble to agree that the work should be done applica- tion would be made to The Municipal Board to dCitermi.n'e thel11at- ter. In company with other l11eulJbers of the Council we had a cOn- ference with the Provincia,l Enginee.r who was of the olpinion that the bridge should be built. This special session was called to enable you to take such action as you maydeel11 advisalble. Seconded by J. D. 'Thomson: That this Council do now adjourn to meet the second Tue,sday in June at 2 p.m. GRhNT M. MUG-J.ELL, Warden. Road Expenditur~s At the Janu.ary Session a By-iLaw provided for highway expen- ditures oJ $32,000 without, rderence to the ex,penditure of a similar al,llount to be received through the Government subsidy. A new iby- law has been prepared to be,presented, at this session. Ontario Provincial Police Regulations "Every County in which there is a High ConstaJble or officer alJ~ )jointed under the Constables Act to perform the duties of a Higl1 Constable shall provide a suitable office for such High COl1staib!e, or officer which the pu,bHc may attend." 28 Elgin County Council Elgin County ,Council 29 "Under an Ordei--'~n-.council dated 1st May 1934, pursuant to the provisions of sUlb:-section 3 of Section 8 of The COllS'tables Act a~ cnacted by See 2 o.f The COllstrilbles Act 1929', Chap 39 oif The Ontario Statutes Jor 19-39, Provincial, Constable Harry Noakes, St. Thomas Detachment No. 2 District, shaH 1)e vested with all the powe.rs and p,erfonn all the duties Clf a High Constable under the provisions of The Constaiblc's Act in and for the County of Elgin." That Cons-ta1ble Hugh Sharpe be now heard as to half-load" limits on C01,lnty Roads. -Carried. Constable Sharpe then addressed the Council and answered the que:::.tions in reference to haH-,load limits on County Roads. The office formerly'occupi,ed ,by County Treasurer Gra-ha-m Is suitable for office of the High Constaible. The Council should pass a resolution in reference to the matter. Moved by W m. Locke, Seconded by E. E. Atkinson: AdvisorfJ Agricultural Council At the January Session the Advisory Agricultural Councilap~ pEed for a grant of $1,500 for war1ble fly destruction and other pUr~ poses, The Agricultural Committee did not report on the matter _ and it was overlooked. A resolution shouldibe passed at this session making the grant. That the office fo"rmerly occupied by the County Treasurer be placed at the dislposal of the High Constalhte of the County. -Carried. Moved 'l)y ]. D. THomson, Seconded by J. H. Sloan: * . * * A communication from the County Council of Middlesex in ref- erence to r~building th'e MoIntosh ~ridge was read. That the Elgin County Council grant the Agricultural Advisory Board the stirn 'Of Fifteen Hundred doUars for the year 1936. -Carried. Moved by H. G. Taylor, Moved by]. D. Thomson, Seconded by Wm. Locke: Seconded by R. Kimible: That this Council adjourn for thirty 11linutes to a.Bow the Roads Committee to meet. That Reeve Locke 'be appointed mem\ber Oif the Agricultural COI1l~ -Carried. mittee. The Council resumed. --Carried. Moved by J., H. Burke, Moved- by H. G. 'l'ayIor, Seconded by S. Snelgrove: Seconded by Geo. Vallee: 30 Elgin County Council' "Elgin' -Coun'ty' COUll(~i1 31 That this Council recommend to the Department of Highv/ays that the tonnage of large transport truoks and trailers be reduceda:s we feel it is a burden to the tax-payers to 'buj.]d and maintain roads to c'arry such unreasonalbte loads. Moved by J. D.. Tho,1)lS0n, Seconded by Wm. Locke: That a copy of this resolution be sellt to the Prime- Minister, Hot!. M. F. HeJpburn;The Department df Highways and all"County- Coun- cils. That the County Roads estitnate- fO'r the year 19'36 Thousand, Dollars, Oll!;" share of road expenditures. be Thirty-.five -...Carried. --Carded. Moved by R. Kimble, Moved by Geo. Vallee, Seconded by F. R.\ IMiller: Seconded by las. McAllister: That By~Law No. 1249 to provide for the total expenditure on the system of County Roads in the County of Elgin as approved. by Order-in-Council during the year 1936 be received and" read a first time. That we request this Council to pass a hy-law at this session gIving the Township of Bay.ham permission and authority to collect their own arrears O!f taxes, also to arrange for theirowll s~:les 6f 'lands for taxes. -----Carried. -..Cartied. Moved by J. H.. Sloan, Moved by W. A. Peckham.' Seconded by' J. D. Thomson: Seconded by H. G. Taylor: That By~Law No. 1249 be read a second time. That Mr. Bell, County Engineer, 'be asked to sit in and give an itemiied, estimate of the cost of relbuilding the McIntosh Bridge, and answer questions in referc'nce to' state of repair. -Carriecl, , ---,Carried. Moved by R. Tansley, Seconded by C. Liddle: Moved by Wm. Locke, Seconded by S. Snelgrove: That By:":Law Xo. 1249 be read a ,third time and finally passed. That this County co-operate with Middlesex in rebuilding the McIntosh Bridge and that the Road Committee have the necessary authprity. .-Carrie'd. Moved by .S. Snelgrove, --Carded. Sec'onded by L Kayle: ",=",c.<"""","",,"""'~~'''''''''''''''''''.wu-~, 32 Elgin 'County Council Elgin County Council 33 That Consta:hie Sharpe be engaged to, protect the County Roads ,from overloading of truoks, during March and April under the' dir- t'ction of the County Road Su\perintendent. SECOND SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 9th day of June, 1936 -.Carried. The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. Moved by Geo. Vallee, The Warden in the chair. Seconded by Wm. Peckham: All the members present except Mr. Peokham. That the Chairman of tl1'e Finance Committee and the County Treasurer he instructed to try and make arrangements with the Bank of Montreal, St. Thomas, to accept at par aH cheques from the municipalities in the County. The Warden addressed the Council as follows:- To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: ...::..Carried. I am pleased to we.Jcome you to the opening of the most impov,- tant session of the County Council for the year. Moved hy J. H. Burke, House of. Industry Seconded by S. Snelgrove: The Council at the January Session decided_ to visit the Hou3e oi Industry at this session. This maHer should not ibe overlooked, The number of inmates con'fined within the Institution is less than, in recent years whi,ch suggests that y,ou will not make full use of the Institution as long as a consider<llble portion of relief payments is a::::sumed ,by the"ProviI1ciaJ Governmenf I would be I;leased to have you discuss this question before the close af the session. We have now less than thirty inmates with 'accomodation for upwards. oJ .:1 hundred. In -this connection it might be \v_c-1'l to consider using part of the Institution for convalescents. . That we adjourn to meet the second Tuesday in June at 2 p.m. -Carried,. GThANT M. MITCHELL, Warden, Roads The Department of Highways has not yet asstlmed that part at Provincial Highway No.4 in the flats immediately west of the- Court House. The bridges are too narrOlw for the amount olf traffic 'they arereql1:red to carry, and the roadway between the bridges shoul:l be paved. We were assured last year that S-Dme action woulclbe taken. If the "Departmntdesires to' defer work on this piece of road 34 Elgin County Council which includes widening the hwo bridges, they should at least re- lieve the County from lialbility for maintenance. Nothing has been done to connect Rodney, West Lome, Dutton and Springt:li.eld with Highway No.3. This matter should not be overlooked. Municipal Legislation The amendments to municipal acts alppear to be more numerous than in recent years. under the Municipal Board Act a,pproval must be Olbtained be- iore a municipality can guarantee payment of bonds'ordehenture.. ot some other corporation. The municilpal incomctax payav,le by individuals has been abol- ished tn favor of a provincial income tax payable thr,ough the Federal Income Tax Department. Provision is made by extending the munI- cipal franchise to those who pay an income tax 0'[ not less than $15. They have to obtain a certi,ficate to vote from the' municipal clerk -Clerks are also re,quired to publish a notkein a newslp'aper having a g't'neral circulation in a municipality that such certificates are avail.; a'bIe. Polling hqurs for municipal electinns may now 'be any eight con- secutive hours from 9 a.m.. to 9 p.m. The first meeting of county councils will hereaJfter be held on the third Tuesday in January. There is 'nOw no pr,ovision for the :payment of municipal treas- nre~:; on the percentage basis. It is now' determined that collectors may be continued in- office .indefinitely at the pleasure of the council, the same as is the cu'stom with clerks and treasurers. An attempt has heen made to simp"lify the duties of- auditors by requiring them to prepare abstract statements in such form as the DtLpartment may direct, at the same time to report on aU accOunts atlcti,ted 'by them. Elgin County Council 3,5 Sinking fund debentures may now only be issued --with the ap- proval of the Board. Restrictions on animals running at large on the roads O-I township may now 'be limited to part of a municipality only. a A council may haw vote funds for the support of !bands of music after the consent of the rat~payers has been OIbtained. Claims f.or damages for" injury occasioned by the non-repair of a highway, ot.her than snow and ice cases, wiU not in future be barred by f.ai1ur~ to give the statut.ory ll'oticeof daiom. Under The Assessment Act the exemption of lands of seminaries, has obeen limited to fifty acres. School taxation of corporations is to be distributed on a new Ibasis according to';the per-centage Qlf shares held by Roman Cathcilic~ (lnd separate school supporters. A company is required to file notice with the clerIc oJ the mum cipality on or hefore the firs't cif March in any year as to its share- holders, and this continues in force until withdrawn. The new law comes into effect with the taxes of 193',7. Farm lands in police villages are now exempt to the same extent as farm lands in towns and villages with reference to exemption from taxation for water, light, side'walks, etc. In advertising tax sales in future, it will only be necessary to publish the list once in the Ontario Gazette. A corporation assessed for 'business is nOlw lialhle to municipal income tax on income derived from the .business. The extent to which munidpalities will receive a share Provincial Income Tax for 11936 has yet to be determined. q~jte in favor of this tax and its increase in the future, and t.hat in no other \vay can the tax on real property be reduced. of the I am believe 36 Elgin County Council Under the HighSciwols Act a section has been introduced with reference to the cost Qlf education of 'county pupils at high schools 1<,) come illia effect on the 1st of January. No part of the cost of of county pUiJ;l-ils is to be levie,cJ against a high school district. Fiftyperccnt. of the cost of county pupils is to be levied in munici- palities not .in a high school district, and fifty per cent. in municipal- ities in which pupils reside 011 the basis of douible ratio Gf equalized clssessment, 1l1ultipliedby the number of county PUlpils. The term "11tuu'ber of county pupils" would include all pupils whether the,ir at- tendance was for the whole or part of a term. At .present the days a' pupil attends schoOol is basis oJ division of costs. Provision of the cost ,o.f county pupils attending vocationa'l schools is to be made -by the county as in the case of county pUlpHs attending a high school. Under The Munidpal Drainage Act works undertaken to prevent highway erosion from waters of a drain are to be considerea a~ part of the work and the cost is to ,he as'sessed accordingly. Thc title of "Tohe Dog Tax and Sheep Protection Act" has !becn changed to "The Dog Tax and Live Stock Protection Act." Bene.fits are extended to cover cases of cattle as wdl as sheep. A council is r'equired to ap:[,ioint a stock valuer, the valuer to determine tht:e claim and report" within ten days to the clerk. The term "live stock" is a wide ont, and, until the courts decided otherwise, wil1 in- clude, sheci{J, cattlc, pigs and horses. The numlber of copies of voters' lists to' be sent out .by the muni~ cipal clerks is reduced to two copies in every case, inc1udipg judge5 ~,nd members of parliament. Derfcated candidates who apply bdore the 1st of 'July wiJ.1 he entitled to receive two copies. * * * . The proceedingsolf the last day of the January Session and the Special March Session were read and confirmed. The follo~ing COmllll111icatiollS were read: From County Count(il"Q,f Hastings, re property qualifications of municipal represcntatives.~Re1erred to Petitions and Legis.lation Elgin County Council 37 Committee. From E. M. Bennett, ,City Clerk, re seats on Court House grounds. -Referred to Gaol Committee. From Secretary, Association off Managers of Homes for the Aged and Infirm, re annual meeting.~Reicrred to House Off Industry 'Committee. From ,secretary, County Council Section, Ont,ado Educational Association, with copy of proceedings.---.-....Re,ferred to Education Com- mittee. From Township olf AlclJborough, re County roads.-Referred to County Roads Committee. From County Council (JIf Prince Edward, re private bondsmen for treasurers.-Referrcd to Petitions and Legis.lation Conimittec. From Ontario Municipal Association, re presenting resolutions.__ Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. From F. S. Thomas, Agriculturai Representative, with resolution re use of chemical weed kiUers.-Rerferred to Agricultural Committee. From Clerk, Cify oJ St. Thomas, re Provincial Plowing Match.- Rderred to Agricuhural Committee. From De,partmnt of Highways, re purchase O'f machinery._Re_ ferred to County Roads Committee. From Department O'f Highways, re Order-in-Council approving By~Law No. 1237.-Referred to County Roads Committee. From J. A. P. Marsha'U, Department o.f Highways, re sum111ariz~ ed statement of expenditures on County Roads.-Relferred' to Financ~ Committee. From Department of Highway, ackllowledgit1g receipt of n~port 38 Elgin County Council assuming twenty feet on John Street in the Town From County Counci.l of Norifolk, suggesting'tax grain cho~pers.-Rerferred to Agricultural Committee. From County Council o'{ Simcoe, re maintenance of imbecile ch.jldren.-Referred to Finance Committee. From Hospital for Sick Children, re grant.---'Referred to Committee. From St. Thomas Chamber olf Commerce, re Provincial Match,--:Rderred to Agricultural Committee. From County Council of Wellington, re automobile aaccidents. Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. From -County Treasurer, with report.-----Referred to Finance rnittee. Report of the County Roads Committee was presented and :laid over for further considera'tion. Moved by F. W. Schmelz, Seconded by W. B. Lancaster: That this Coundl do now adjourn to 10 a.m. Wednesday to allow Finance Committee to meet. GR"'NT M. MI110HELL, Warden. Elgin County Council 39 SESSION -SECOND DAY the 10th day of June, 1936 COuncil met this day at the Court House; St. with. adjournment. in the chair. present. of the previous day were read and conrfirrned. that the County Picnic would be held at of July, which date was approved by Coundl. B~rke, Snelgrove: adjourn to meet Thursday morning at 10' a.m. and inspect the House O'f Industry this afternoon. -Car-tied. GRANT M. MITOHELL, Warden. 40 Elgin County Council Elgin COilnty Council 41 SECOND SESSION - THIRD DAY The Counca resumed. Thurtday, the 11th day of June, 1936 The first report oi the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion oJH. G. Taylor, seconded by B.. R. Sheeler. The Elgin journment. County Council met this day in accordance with ad- The second report of the Finance Committee was presented and referred to a coml'nitltee .of the whole with M,r,' Locke in the chair. A~ter considering the report if was amended, and on motion the committee .rose and report a's an:iended was adopted on motion of W. Locke, seconded 'by]. McAllister. The W,arcten in the chair. All the members present. The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. Moved by.F. W. Schmelz, A communication from the Bank of terest was received and referred to the Montreal re reduction Finance Committee. in 111- Secon,ded . by B. R.Sheeler: The report O'f the Gaol Committee was on motion of W. E. Lancaster, seconded by presented and adopted W. A. Peckham. That the Memorial Hospita.] Board be notified that the notice~ received in r~ference to attendance on indigent patieilts are contrary to the intention of ,the Provincial Hospitals Act, and that if we have to provide medical attendance for indigent patients the County grant of seventy cents per day will -be wthdrawn and the Provincial Hospi- tal authorities notified~ The report of the House of Industry Committee was presentc(l and adopted on motion of J H. Sloan, seconded by C. Liddle. '--->Carried. Moved hy A. M-dCaUU11l, Moved byWm. Locke, Seconded by J. D. Thomson: Seconded by Clark Liddle: That Dr. M. G. Graham be appointed to the Dutton High Schaal Board to~ complete the unexpired term of the late S. C. Kirldand. -Carried. That we adjourn to meet Friday morning at 10 a.m. ---.Carried; GRANT M. MI'DCHEI~L, Warden. Moved by F. W. Schmelz, Seconded by B. R. Sheeler: That this. Council do n,ow adjourn to meet at 1.30 p.m. -Carried. 42 Elgin County Council SECOND SESSION - FOURTH. DAY Friday, the 12th day of June, 1936 The Elgin County Council met this day in accordance with ad-' jonrnment. The Warden in the chair; All the members present. The proceedings oJ the previous day were read and confirmed. The report of the Agricultural Committee was_presented and ad- opted on motion of J. D. Thoms-on, seconded hy W. E. Locke. The first report of the County Roads Committee was presented and adopted on lliotion olf R. Kimble, seconded by F. W. Schinelz. The second report of the County Roads Committee was presented and' adopted on motion o,f R. Kimhle, seconded by J. D. Thomson. The report of the Petitions and Legislation Committee was pres- ented and adopted on motion of F. VV. Schmelz, seconded by F. H. Miller. ldovedby 1-1 G. Taylor, Seconded by F. H. Miller: That this County Council request the Departmeilt of Education and the Provincial Government to pass legislation providing that where a council is of t\e opinion that a requisition from a hoard ot education or trustee 'boa.rd is excessive they may submit the requisi- tion to the Ontario Municipal Board for their investigation and rul- ing. That a copy of this resolution be sent to all county councils, the Department of Education and the Ontario Municipal -Ass'Ociation. ---.,Carr~~a. Elgin County Council Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by L. Kayle: That all to municipal 43 resolutions and reports passed at this session pretaining legislation he sent to the Ontario Municipal As,s6ciation. -The third re:p'Ort of the Finance Committee adopted on motion of H. G. Taylor, seconded by Moved by A. MoCaHum, Seconded by F. H. Miller: That By-Law No. 1250 to eived and read a fiht time. ---,Carried. was presented and W. E. Locke. appoint High School Tr ustee be - rec- 1\foved by W. B. Lancaster, Seconded by B. R. Sheeler: That By-,Law No. 1250 be read a second time. Moved by J. McAllister, Se~onded by E. E. Atkinson: --.Carried. --:-Carricd. That By-Law No. 1250 be read a third time and finally passed. ..-Carried. Moved by L. Koyle, Seconded by R. Tansley: 44 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council <15 That By-LalW No. 12-511 to raise amounts for county rates during the year 1936 be received and read a first time. Seconded by F. H.,...M-iller: -Carried. That By':'Law No. 12152.rbe' read a - third time and finally passed. ~Carried. Moved by Wm. Locke,. Moved by F. W. Schmelz, Seconded by R. Tansley: Seconded by B. R. Sheeler: That By-Law No. 1251 be read a second time. -Carried. That this Council do now adjourn to meet on the ,fourth Tuesday ill November. Moved by S. Snelgrove, -':':'Carried. Seconded by J. H. Burke: GRANT M. MITCHELL, Warden. That By~Law No. 125il be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by]. H. Sloan, Seconded by - R. Kimble, That By-Law No. 1252 to designate county road be received and read a first time. -Carried. Moved by W. E. Locke, Seconded by R. Tansley: That By-,Law No, 1252 be read a second time. .-Carried. Moved by], D. Thomson, 46 Elgin. County Council THIRD SESSION, - FIRST DAY Tuesday, theZ4th day 'Of November, 1936 The Elgin County Council mct this day in accordance with adjournment. The Wa'rden iri the chair. All thc, memlbers present. The Warden addressed the_ Council: To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The present session of the Council is usually one importance, the business of the year being wound up our successors whoever they may be. of consideraible for transfer to The Plowing Match The idea of having a Provincial plowing m,atch held in Elgin \Va.:> brought to our attention at last session and since considered by COl11~ mittees from the City and County Councils. A chance remark by Prem'ier HelP.burn that his farms we're suitalble for the purpose sug~ gested the matter. The Junior Farnwrs of Elgin organized and held a Oounty Match 011 tilC I-kp.burn farms in Octolber. This was most interest.\, ing and successful with a large attendance. I helieve the County matchc'3 should bc continued. The City-County committee ascertained that the Hep'burn farms were !lot11'OW ava,i1alb1e Ifor 'a Pwvincia1.Match and that as ,athe-r fan1ls sllitaU)11y Incated fox ,tlhe Ia-rgc,r occaswn wcre not in eVlidcnce it was de,cided that no further action 'be taken in this matter. Elgin County Council 47 Hospital Maintenance iLast yea'f the accounts for hoslpital maintenance passed iby the council amounted to $18,840.00, This year the agg.regate will be aJbout the same. The attention of the council has been directed to the advisa1bility oJ est3Jblishingconvalescent hOlnes to which patients could be transferred when furth,cr hoslpital treatment was not nec- .essa'ry. The council should consider estafblishing one of these homes at the I-I'Ouse of Industry. and therelby assist in reducing the cost of hospital maintenance. Costs in the Walker Case A committee of the council earlier in the year had this matter u'nder cOl1:side,ration and endeavoured to anange that the costs in- curred hy the County of M.idd1esex would be ,offset by the costs in- curred -by the CQ'1.mtyof Elgin in the Wenige case, the amounts ibeing about the same. Nothing definite was ascertained. I desire ts direct the attelition of the council to Section 19 - olf the Act res- 'ptcting Administration of Justice expenses which reads as follaws': 19 .-(1)Whe.re in the case of a prosecution for an ,indictable of- fence the venue is changed from the county in which such offence is alleged to have been committed to another county, the county in which the trial would have taken had the venue not been cbanged, shall repay to the county to whi,ch the venue is changed all additional ex- pense to which such last mentioned county is put by reason of the change olf venue. (3) Any amount' paY81b1e by one county to anotber or by a county to the Provin,ce under subsection. 1 or subsection 2 shall be a debt reco-veralble by the county, or the crown as the case may be, by action in any court of competem ju'ristlictioll, 1926, c. 35, s. 20. I The County Solicitor of Middlesex has notified the County Clerk of proceedings to collect costs, *1,383.19 incurred in connection w1th the \i\lalker criminal c,a~c for \vhich t::is county is liahle - The 48 Elgin County, Cot111cil County Treasurer having already pa~d ,$189.70 for witness fees. The costs incurred by this County in the ,civil action Wenige vs Judd amounted to $1,213.00. Secondary School Costs Legislation,..1936 -This leg>islation provides that no part Q,fthe cost of the educa- tionof countYiPupils is to be paid or leVied in any. municipality ,rhich is included in a High ,school district or Continuation Scho'o1 section. Thes.c costs will in the future he paid wholly by the parts of the townshi,ps which are not in Seconda1ry School District-sand the Village of Port Stanley. The amounts paYalble are divided into two parts. For the first part the costs a're based on the perce-ntage of equalisation remaining to the parts of the to'wns'hilp's and Port Stanley. For the second part this percentage is multiplied by the numlher of county pupils resident ineae'll township and in Part Stanley irres,pective of the num1b1 r of clays attendance. In the pa'st costs have been !based on the Jays attendance. In- one townshiiP with an attendance of 216 pupHs, 93 pupils attended 'from 10 to 100 days while 123 pupils attended from JOO to' 200 days, the average at- tendancc being 123" days. 93 'Pupils res'ident in High and Continua- tion School Dis,trict"s attcnded school outside their district the whole cost being- chargeable to parts of the tawns'hip and Port Stanley. t think the Education Committee should enquire into the 'effect of the new legislation with a view tomaiking representations to the De- pa-rtment if they find that it will work an injustice on -parts of the townships other t,han Bayham and P-ort Stanley. ,Forestation The question of Fores'tation will be one of the most imlportant su'bjec,ts to he 'Considered by the -County Council in the years to come. I, have "arranged thr,ough Ag,ricultm"al Representative Thoma3 to have the matter presented to the County Council on Thursday. I hope that the Council memlbers will take advan.tage of the occasion and ask questions concerning any mat'ter that they don't fully under- stand so that if necessary they can discuss the matter with ratepay- ers at the nomination meeting. Elgin County -Council 49 All of which" is respectfully sUlbmitted. * * * * The proceedings of the last day of the June Session were read and confirmed. The following cOlnmUllications were read: From Department of Highways approving Pr'ovincial Highrway from West Lome to Eagle and from Dutton to W allacetown.-----1Re~ ferred to County Roads Committet7.' From Provincial High ConsalbIe Kelly, request for Police badges for County Constalbles.----lRefened to Finance Committee. From Departme,nt at Municilpal Affairs, suggesting that County Treasurer's bond be increased from $10,000 to $20,OOO.---"Referrcd to Finance Committee. From Trustees School Section No.3, Alc\lbol"ough, re Ins,pee-tol'" A. B. Lucas.-Refeued to Education Committee. From County Council of- Bruce, re Farmers' Creditors' Arrange- ment Act.-RefeIITed to Petitions and Legislation Committee. From Department of Highways, re assumption of roads from New Glasgow to Rodney as Provincial Highways, and re addition to St. Thomas sulburoan system.-Referred to County Roads Committee. From Dejpartment of PUlblic WeHa're, re nominees to Mothers Allowance Boal'd.----...,Referred. to Finance Committee. From County of Huron, rcsoluton in 'respect to grants for scl100b.---.Referred to Education Committee. "From County Council of Lincoln, re statistics Canned Goods As- t.ociaticn.---JReferred to Petitions and Legislations Committee. GRANT M. MI'DCHiEluL,' Warden. Elgin County Council 51 50 Elgin County Council From County Clcrjk, vVelland, re county Finance ICommittee. ,SESSION - SECOND DAY From Boa'rel of H..ail'way Commissioners, re Rodney Filed. the 2~th daY'iDf November, 1936 Council met this day in accordance with From Bell Telephone Company, re construction of buried tdbuf,ing wire.--JReferred to County Roads Comillittee. the chair. From Ivey & Gillanders, Solicitors, rc costs of Walker trial. Referred to. Finance Committee. present. of the previous day were read and confirmed. From County Council of Perth, re Farmers' Creditors' mcnt Act and re purchase and sale of Anthracite coal.---<Referred Petitions and Legislation Committee. communications were read; Roads to be rcver,ted.-Rerf- From Dr. D. L. Elwin, with physician's report, House of --Referred to HOllse of Industry Committee. Treasurer with report.~Refel'red to Finance Carow ,From K. W. McKay, Inspector House of Inclilstry, with repor.t,-:::-; Hefcrred to House of Industry Committee. From County Clerk with report on licenses..---JRCiferred to Finance. Committee. of the Finance Committee was -read and a,dopted G. Taylor, seconded by E, Lashhrook. From County Clerk with re1port on Old Age Pensions,-------Referred to Finance Committee. Burke: Moved by J. H, Burke, asked to present to the Session this afternoon likely results o-f the new Educational Act. Seconded by Stanley Snelgrove: That we 110\\' adjourn to meet tomorrow at 10 a,m. "-Carried. . council. do now,adjourn to meet at 1.30 p,m. --'Carried. 52 Elgin County. Coun.cil Elg.inOounty C'Ouncil 53 The Council resumed., change of venae. The ;report of F. R. Taylor, Corn Borer Ins'pector, was presented and referred to the Agricultural Committee. ---lCarrried. ,Communication from Highway Department in reference to rever. ting certain roads was read and referred to the County Roads COtn- 111ittee. ,The County Cle.r:k then addressed the Council in reference to t~e Co~ts of Se-condary Schools and New Legislation in reference thereto. The repQrtof the County Roads Committee was read and adopt- ed on motion of R. Kimlble, seconded by H. G. Taylor. Moved by S. Snelgrove, Seconded by J. H. Burke, Moved by H. G, Taylor, That we dQ nQW adj<;mrn to mee,t tomorrow morning at 10 a.m. Secoridecl by J, H. Burke: -.:.;Ca:rrie,d. That this Council kl10wing and realizing that there have been six lives taken in the bwinkling of an eye by fast trains at Rodney ..within the past three years through what we consider inadequate protection., We therefore recommend to the Department of High.. ways (as this is no,w a Provincial Highway) and the Ontario Go\"- ,ernment that immediate necessary action be taken to have gates inc.talled with a twenty-,four hour service in effect. We also recom- IT,cnd the same service and installation be placed in West Lorne and Dutton. And that a COlpy be sent to the Department of Highways, the Premier, and the Dominion Railway Board, Ottawa. GRAiNT M. MI1'OHiEJLL, Warden. ',', .......,Ca'rned. Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by L. Kayle: That the Act respecting the costs of Administration of ,Justice should be amended so that when the venue is changed from. the county in which the case originated to another couilty, the county in which the trial would have ta'ken place had the venue not been changed, shall rClpay to the county to which the venue is changed all additional expenses in connection with both Civil and Criminal cases to which such last mentioned county is put bY reason of the 54 EIg.in C'Ounty Council THIRD SESSION THIRD DAY Thursday, the Z6th day of November, 1936 The Elgin County Council met this day in accor,dance with adjournment. The W.arden in the chair. All the mClubers present. The proceedings of the ,previous day were read and confirmed. Moved by J. H. Burke, Seconded by S. Snelgrove: That we now hear Mr. Thomas on the matter of reforestation. -lea'fried. W. H. Porter, Editor, Fanners Advocate and Agricultural Rep- resentative Thomas then addressed the council 111 reference to Re- ,forestation. Movd by J. H. Burke, Seconded by S; Snelgrove: That we adjourn to meet at 1.30 p.m. ...-.lea'fried. The Council resumed. 'the report of the' Goal. Committee was presented and adopted on motion ofW. B. -Lancaster, seconded by L. Kayle. The report of the House of Industry Committee was presented Elg.in County C'Ouncil 55 and adopted on 11101ion of John H. Sloan, seconded bY C Liddell. ,., The report of the Education Committee was presented and ref- erred to a committee 0& the whole_with Mr. Thomson in the chair. After consideration the committee rose and the report was adopted without amendment on motion of J. D. Thomson, secondedhy I-I. G. Taylor. The second report of the Fiiuncc_ Committee was presented and adopte,d on motion of H. G. Taylor, seconded by E. Las'hibroOlk. Moved by J. H. Burke, Seconded by H. G. Taylor: That the Department of Education be re'quested to further arbend Sulb-secti,on 2 of Section 37 Q!f the High Schools Ac,t as ameup ded by Section 14,. of the School Law Amendment Act 1936 to pro- vide that the cost" of county pupils from High ,School Districts or Continuation- School Sections attending Schools outs,jete' such Districts O~ Sections be charged in full to the High School District or Contill- uation School Section in which their parents or guardians re.side and copies of this resolution be sent to the Department of Education and other County Councils. ---'Carried. Moved by J. H. Burk,e, Seconded by W. E. Locke: That the Provincial Education authorities be requested to con- sider amendment to High School legislationpa,ssed at last session by providing that in dettrminiti.g proportion of High and Continuation School costs, second half - the, average number of ,pupils be used in- stead of the actual. numlbel' of pupils, and copics he sent to the Dc- lpartment and other County Councils'. -Car,riect. 58 EIg,in County Council Moved by R. A. Tansley, Seconded by W. E. Loake-: <he received and read a first time. That By-Law No. 1263 to provide for the erection of stop signs Moved 'by L. Koyle; Seconded by George Vallee, That By-iLaw No. 1253 be read a second time. Movecl by Geo. Vallee, Seconded. by L. Koyle: --ea-fried. --.Cauied. That By-Law No. 12'53 l;e read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by S. S11elgrove: Seconded by C. Liddle: That By-,Law No. 12154 to extend time for Tax Sale be received- an d read a first time. Moved by]. H. Burke, Seconded by 'S. Snelgrove: That By-La'\\' No. 1254 be read a second timC', -Canied. ~-lCarried. EIg.in County Council 59 M-oved by C. Liddle, Seconded by S. Snelgrove: That By-Lmw N.o. 1:254 be read a third time and finally passed. -iCanied. Moved by R. Tansley, Seconded by L. Koyle: That By-:Law No. 1255 to discontinue the Vienna High School District Ibe received and read a first time. ----Ca'rried. Moved by W. A,',; Peckham, Seconded by J. MctAllister: That By-Law No. 1255 be read a second time. -lCarried. Moved by F. H. Miller, Seconded by E. Lashbrook: That By-Law No, 12515 he read a third. time and finally ,passed. ---'Carried, Moved by E.La,sh!hrook, Seconded :by F. H. Miller-: That By-Law No. HZ;S6 to revert certain portions of County I<oads to the Local Municipali'ties be received and read a first time. --Carried. 60 Elgin County Council ]I.'loved by R. Kimble, Seconded by F. H.' Miller: That By-Law No. 12156 be read a 'second time. , ---<Carried. Moved by E. E. Atkins'O'n, Seconded by W. A. Peckham: That By-iLaw No. 125u be read a third time and finally passed. ---,Carried. ,Moved by~ W. B. Lancaster, Seconded by F. W; Schmelz: That By-Law No. 1257 to appoint a County Solicitor be received and read a fir.st time. -,Carried, Moved by]. D. Thomson, Seconded by B. R. Sheeler, That By-Law No. 1257 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by A. MoCallum, Seconded by J. H. Sloan: That By~Law No. 1257 be read a third time and finally passed. --Carried. Elgin County, Council 61 Moved by R. ,Kitnible: Seconded by J, McAllister: That 'By.:Law',No', 1258 to provide for additional expenditure on the system of County roads in the County of Elgin be received and read a first time. -Carried. Moved by E. Lashbrook, Seconded by F. H. Miller: That BY-ILaw No .125'8 be read a second time. -Carried. '"". Moved by J. D. Thomson, Seconded by ."]" H; Sloan: That By-,LaM' No. 1268 he read a third time and fil1ally passed. -Carried. Moved by W. E. Locke, Seconded by R. A. Tansley; That the usual grants be paid to the Warden,. $100.00 and L. B. Birdsap, of the Times-J oumal $25.00. -Carried. Moved by ). H. Burke, Seconded by S. Snelgrove: 62 Elg.i'l1 County Council 63 EIgin County Council That the council adjourn sine die. STANDING COMMITTEES 1936 GOUNTY ROAlD Richard Krimlble, Chairman Thomson Locke SneIgcrove ----.JCarried. GRAJNT M. MI1'CHELL, Warden. Schmelz Schmelz ]. Kimble AiGRIIGULTUAAL D. Thomson, Chairman Snelgrove Taylor Locke GOAJL W. B. Lancaster, Chairman Peckham Kayle HOUSE OF INDUISTRY ] 6hn H. Sloan, Chairman Liddle Vallee F1INvliNGE H,G. Taylor, Chairman Schemlz Thomson .Kimble Locke Koyle Snelgrove Atkinson McAllister Burke McCallum Sheeler Lashhroo:k EDUCATION ]. Lancaster Sloan Vallee Taylor Peckham H. Burke, Chairnlan Miller Sheeler M'c:CaIlum Tansley Liddle Me,Allister Koylc Lashbrook Miller PETITIONS AND LEmSLAT.ION F. W.. Schmelz, Chairman Vallee Tansley Burke 64 Miller Elgin County..Coundl GI-@LiDIREWS AliD A. McCallum, Chairman Tansley Mitchell IJElGAL W. A. Peckham, Chairman ILidc11e IMcAHister Burke EIg.hl.:County. 'Council REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 65 REPORTS OF COUNTY TREASURER To. the Warden and County Council, JANUARY SESSION on hand ,- ~f Justice Payable _Interest Rate Office Schools House of Industry Arrears of- Taxes County. Roads Adm. of Justice Bills Payahle J , Interest Public Schools House. of Industry Registry Off.ice High Schools Arrears of Taxes Members Wages leave to su:bmit a statement of the assets and liabilities for the year Receipts receipts 193'5 as 1G203, 14 ,'I04lIe 00 100000 00 U8012 1~5642 00 194 91 46187 6299 88 ~511'5 41 42582 97" 10126289 $392733 18 Expe,ndihiret< "" "'", $ 2!2801 74 80000 00 2294 63 12408 70' 1Z141 32' 1507 97 39832 m 40090 68 3680 01 60 Elgin County Council Officers Salaries Printing, Stationery Care o{ Ruildings Water, Light, Heat ,County Roads , Miscellaneous Balance. A~sets ,Cash 011 hand County Rate Treas. Ontario-Co; Roads Treas. Ontario-Ieorn Borer Act Suhul1ban Area County Middlesex I-l'Ospital Accounts Adm. of Justice Registry Office fees Miscellaneous Deficit Liabilities Bills Payalble Interest Adm. of Justice Unpaid Accounts, County Roads Public Schools High Schools I-louse of Industry Old Age Pensions Mothers Allowances 4680 00 . 776 24 2366 23 23'5'5 36 77376 27 70520 44 $372001 6C 19871 62 $392733 22 .. ...mmm..$ 198?1 62 eJ17 00 35000 00 452 00 ~50 00 566 00 !l00 00 4000 00 23'S 00 200 00 $ 64491 62 7461 38 $ 71953 00 30000 00 ZOO 00 zooo 00 2600 00 6000 00 25000 00 1900 00 2200 00, 910 00 EIg,in County Council 67 Provincial Police House of Indu'stry Pensi'On Estates Miscellaneous 243 00 700 00 200 00 $ 71953 00 .It will be necessary for the County Council to pass a Ey-,Law authorizjng the Warden and Treasurer to borrow $1150,000.00. All .ofwhich is respectfully suibmitted. B. R GR\AaA;M, County Treasurer. "'~.,. - 68 Elgiu'"Couhty' 'Gouhdl June Session TO' the Warden and County Council; Gentlemen: I beg leave to submit the fonowing report for your consideration. Receipts Cash on hand Adm. of Justice Bills Payable Interest County Rate Registry OffiGe 'House of Industry Arrears of Taxes County Roads Miscellaneous Expenditures Adm. of Justice Bills Payahle Interc.st Pu:blic Schools House of Industry Registry Office High Schools Arrea.rso"f T'axes Members Wages Officers Salaries Printing and Stationery Care of Buildings 19871 .60 4728 47 40000 00 '58 56 2.>17 00 23466 864'53 7016 81 35641 67 :l276 42 $114009 71 7067 03 30000 00 845 62 5129 72 3881 71 21719 8984 77 5000 22 89650 1egO 00 876 76 61699 Elg.in County Council 69 Water, Light, Heat County Roads -Miscellaneous .178 9il 27:126 18 ,19546 25 $112047 87 '1961 &l -4N4()1J9 71 Balance Estimates Adm. of Justice House of Industry High Schools Pulblic Schools Officers Salaries Members Wages '~'" ,Court House 'Commission Interest County Roads Provincial Highway Old Age Pensions Mothers Allowances Registry Office Miscellaneous 8000 00. 5000 00 45000 00 13-000 00 4680 00 4000 00 4000 00 2500 00 3'5000 00 20012 00 ,12000 00 "'1000 00 1000 00 13000 00 $179002 00 To raise this amount the mill rate would have to be raised to 5.9 mills on the dolla.<r. As the number of lots elig~ble for sale for arrears of Taxes thIs year is very small I would recommend that the sale he post.poneJ for another ye~r. All of which is respecHully submitted. B. B. GJRAlHiAM, County Treasurer. 70 EIg.in County Couilcil November Session To the Warden and County .council, Gentlemen: I beg leave to $ulbl11it the Receipts and Expenditure-s up to OcWber the balance of 1936. Receipts Cash Oll hand Adm. OIf Justice Bills Payalble Interest County Rate Registry Off,ice Public Schools House of Industry Arrears of Taxes County Roads Miscel1:aneous Expe.nditures. Adm. of Justice Bills Paymble Interest Public Schools House of Industry Registry Office High Schools Arrears 'Qlf Taxes MC1nlbers Wages 'Officers Salaries Printing and Stationery -Care of Buildings Water, Light, Heat following 31st, and statement ot estimates for 1.987,160 13869 71 140000 00 62 '56 2M7oo tl3466 3,70 '56 2270 J5 10604 02 37724 32 &1@ 11 $232653 79 1465,3 38 30000 00 859 22 5393 40 7632 27 7m 87 19H9 99 H 962 81 2167 70 ,3630 00 U5042 1199 91 ,1670 93 EIgin County Council ~1 ,County Roads Miscellaneous 64940 14 6036453 $2e5846 57 m ..., .mm...... .. $ 6007 22 Halance Estimated Expenditures for , the balance of the year Bills Payaible Administration of Justice HouseOlf Industry Public Schools High and Continua,Hon Schools Officers Salaries Memlbers Wages Old Age Pensions Mothers Allowances Interest An'ears of Taxes Miscel1~neous County Roact~ . .... 'mm ... m. . ........ m% .... .............m.$,140000OO 4000 on 1200 00 13000 00 43000 00' 1200 00 600 00 3600 00 3000 00 3000 00 ~5 00 900000 5000 00 $227045 00 Estiin.::.tcd Receipts for the balance of the year Cash on hand County Rate Administration of J l1stice Provincial Government (Aic( "mm. mm....... $ 3807 00 174629 no 3500 00 3>7000 00 to Roads) i2 Elgin County Council Miscellaneous 500 00 $219436 00 7(ff) 00 Deficit All of which is reslpectfully sulbmitte,d. B. B. GRAHAM, County Treasurer. Elg,in County. Council 73 REPORTS OF FINANCE COMMITTEE First Report - January Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee repnrts: - That the Treasurer's bond for $10,000 be aiPproved. That the Auditor's report Ibe received and printed. ThatPUlblic Liahility, Policy with the London and Lancashire Guarantee and Accident Co. be_ rene1wed, premimil $411.94. '_c, That the Canadian National Institute for the Blind be g;ranted the sum of $190 ommitted in 1936, and $190 for 1936. That grants to Worilen's Institutes be the same as last year. That By~,Law be passed to authorize the Warden and Treasurer to borrow the sum of $150,000. That no action be taken in reference to membership in the 'Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities. That the Salvati 011 Army be granted the sum of $350,00. 9. That memibership fee in the Ontario Municipal Association am- ounting to $25.00 be paid. 10. That MI'. ], C.Smith, LP,S, be appointed SCtlator of the- Uni~ versity of Western Ontario n. That account from Bowmanville .for maintenance of Jame~ - Francis Wood be not considered, as uncler the Industrial SchOOls Act amended in 193!5 he was not a resident of the County of 74 Elgin County Council Elgin, and that the Magistrate be requested to change the Order accor,dingly; 12. That the following hospital accounts be paid: Queen Alexandria Sanatorium Memorial Hospital, 51. Thomas Maintenance Grant, 393 days @ .70 . ..mm..$ 690 50 275 10 $ Victoria Hospital, London Soldiers' Memorial Hospital: Maintenance Grant, 83 days @ .7,0 .mm..$ 145 25 58 10 $ 43 /15 2625 274 ,50 St. Joseph's Hospital, Chatham Townto General Hospital Parkwooc1 Hosipital, London 846 00 965 60 343 00 203 3,5 That various municipalities be charged with one-haH of hos-pita-l accounts. 13. That no action he taken re account for maintenance of Angus Gillail in Victoria Hospital, amount $3;50. 14 Thal no action !be taken in reiference to account for maintcnan"ce of Mrs. Jean McDonald in Victoria Hospital. 15. That Aylmer be credited with one~half of amount received from the City af St. Thomas on account of John M. Wright in the Queen Alexandra Sana'toril1.n1. 16. That the fonowing aocouuts be paid: Dutton Advance, printing Ontario Training School for Boys Municipal World Ltd., for ,CourtHouse and Co. Clerk Municipal World Ltd.,. for Treasurer Municipal World Ltd., books and stationery 9 00 137 25 14 80 20 67 EIg,in County Council 75 for Registry Office Rainbow & 'Son, paper for Cledc's Office .Rainbow & Son, for Registry Office Children's Aid, Society,- maintenance Aylmer EXipress, printing proce,edings Province of Ontario, conveyance of criminals Dr. W. Doan, medical certificate re Kilgour Dr. C. W. Potter, Shedden, examination and conveya'nce, Mrs. Monteith Dr. ].F. Curtis, examination re Raynham Dr. G. K. Warton, examination r'e Lindholm Dr. A. S. Duncan, examination re Lindholm William Mennill, framing picture K W. McKay, postage 75 52 3 00 7 50 824 95 2:l9 3'5 4064 500 1200 5 00 500 500 1 25 15 00 All of which is respectfully sulbmitted. '.,'i. I-I. G. TAYLOR, Chairman. St. Thomas, Ontario, January 30, 1936. 76 Elgin' County Council Second Report - January Session Geri.tlemen: To {-he Elgin County Council, The Finance Committee repo.rts: Three in con- 1. That Tr,easurer Graham be authorized to ex-pend' up to I-Iunclred Dollars for assistance during 1936 in extra work necti-on with the Registers of Arrears of Taxes. 2. That the County -reduced $30,000. 3. That a g,rant of as Red Cross. Equalization for theVillag,e of Wes,t Lorue be One Huridredb-ollars be made 'to the St. Thom- That the Treasurer's report be received and printed. All O'f which is respectfully submitted. H. G. TAN,JjQR, Ohairman. 4. St. Thomas, Ontario, 3ht January, 1936. EIg,in Count:y- Council June Session- First Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen-;- The Finance Comlnittee report: L 77 That no action be taken in reference to grant to the Hosnital for Sick Children, Toronto. 2. That we agree with the County Council Off NOlifolk that serious consideration should be given to the sterilization of, moronic and imbecile childi'en, who may be found ih shelters and ot'herinsti~ tutions. That the Auditors' Report he- adopted~ That the following- accounts be paid: Ross Shaw, Sp.ringfield, burial ofPatric1c McKnight Munici.p~l 'World Ltd., books, stationery for Treasurer Municipal World Ltd., pooks, stationery for Registry Office Municipal Wodd Ltd., supplies for County Clerk ~! W. McKay, County postage Dr. C. W. Potter, Shedden, mental examination of F. Raynham of St. Thomas, oiling Stanley St., frontage Aid Society, maintenance Advance, .printing Auditors' Report Train\ng School for Boys, maintenance Rainlbow & Son, supplies follow:ng hospital accounts be paid: Hospital, St. Thomas, Maintenance Gran t, 797 days @ .70 ... ........m..$ 133610 55790 $ 50 00 190 86 85 94 38 87 25 00 12 00 4 20 946 80 129 50 269 25 9S 7H Elgin County Council Queen A.t~xandria Sanatorium Soldiers' Memorial Hospital Maintenance Grant, 279 days @ .70 Victoria Hospita.l, London St. Joseph's Hos,pital, London Parkwood Hospit<J.l, London Onta.rio Hospital, Woodstock Total Hospital Accounts The var.ious municipalities to be hospital aOC~lUnts. All of which is regpectfullysubmitted. St. Thomas, Ontario, June 11, 1936., $ 1894 00 2662 00 . 464 10 195 30 659 40 1037 95 162 75 684 00 41 ()() cha'rged with one-ha:lif or 7,141 10 H. G. TAYIJOR, Chairman. Elg,in County Council 79 Second Report To' the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee report: 1. That the estimates as submitted show tbat the requirements of the County for the ensuing year would be $1?6,OOO. 2. That the committee de.cided to fix -the rate at the same as' last year-five and a half mills. This, on the pre~ent ~qualization, .,will raise $1166,000, leaving a deficit of $110,000 to be provided for. 3. 'With this eXlplalla60n your Committee five and a half mills be levied to raise suing year. re;port that the rate or County Rates for the en- , All' of which is respectfully submitted. H. G. TAYLrOR, Chainnal1. St. Thomas, Ontario, June 11, 1936. Clause 3 amended in Committee o,C the Whole by fixing the rate at five and three-quarter miJ.1s; so Elg,).u: County Council COUNTY RA'FES" €OUN,TY OF ELGIN FINANCE REPORT Third Report T? the Warden and Couricil. of the County of Elgin, Gentlemen: The Committee on Finance beg leave to report 'that having en- quired- iiltothe finances of the -County, an-d estimates prepared by the County Treasurer, they herewith suhmit a statement of the e:x:~ pt'l1dit'ure required for tHe lawful purposes of the County during 1936,' showiilg' tne amount required' to be raised' fur th'c under-mentioned purposes, Administration of ]us,tice House of Industry lll1igh Schools Pulblic Schools ,officers Salaries M c.mbers' Vvages Court. House Commission Interest Miscellaneous . County Roads Provincial Highway OW Age Pensions Registry Office Mothers Allolwances Sooo 00 500000 43000 00 1300000 46S0 00 4000 00 4000, 00' 2500 00 11537 00 3>5000 00 2091200 12000 00 1000 00 10000 00 $1.74529 00 Your Committee would recommend that the SU111 of One Hundred and Seventy-four Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty-nine Dollars E$g;i11l1 {Coun<lry ,{Coumna:'l ",-,-,-' ~=~.=- SFI be raised on all the,!~~te:ahJ~:~;prot}ertYLin;,:th'eieV:'crar:municipalities ot the County OIf Elgin during the year 1936, for County Pu.rposes, and that a rate of 5% mi1Ts 'on the dollar be)'~0!~(\ 9nl:ft)t~aI9rl;~,,:p'rqP'ffty in the several l1lunicipalitic's in the Couthi to rais'c said an10unts. Al1 olf which is respectfully submitted. Adopted June 2nd, 1936. I-L G, TAYLOR, Chail')l1a"h' . -~ IT"!r;'" :~')': :1" "-or') )) Ii 0 _0,; : ,! IHJj: rt~: . (I '; 'I:~J[ ;': r: _,,,') .r; ".~/) I [:11;) '-', P',- .'~ " \) I)': l,i) pi ll'\ r.'\ Sctf 1'ln,V)!"fL"? 1:':',('- If'! :,': (\;; ;:,'1{ '.'i__ " .," ": ~~, "!. ," r,2(} 0;: $:Q .no !?!;'\ ','; I:) "t.': . h "J ",-),.-.jl, ,I) ,'f'. '['lL.:" L';, r,-:!) i 1'. '; . ',i ' ' ~', " .!;!, ,,'. 'l';' il.,'-' ',' _r r'c , -J)':I'r:t " : h" n '1'[ ..-,' '; '\0 '~'(1o(J ,f',">lllir[,' 'r!1:!l-t'1' .rrnfni!; ,j":O_~',!'l.T .r)' > ~, ':. ,~} :--. " , , ',: ' , .-, ' L '!' ~[,. f /, '".-, :G &2 Elgin County Council November Session - First Re~ort To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports: 1. That the' following hospital accounts have been passed and orde.red paid: Memorial Hospital Maintenance Grant, 65& days @ .70 Queen -Alexandra Sanatorium Victoria Hospital Soldiers' Memorial Hospital Maintetiance Grant; 437 days @ .70 Parkwood Hoslpital St. Joseph's Hospital Ontario Hospital, Woodstock 2. That the folloMTing accounts be paid: Children's Aid Society Expenses and Grant All of which is respectfully sulbmitted. 1093 60 460 60 ~--4 15M 20 2949 00 1152 75 7&1 00 305 90 $ 10&8 90 68& 50 155 75 92 50 " 7681 60 19&1 07 $ 9664 67 St Thomas, November 26, 1936. H. G. TAYLOR, -Chairman. EIg,in County Council 83 Second Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports: 1. That the 'County Treasurer's statement be received and' printed in the minutes. 2. That the County Clerk's report on Old Age Pensions and Lic- enses he received and printed in the minutes. 3. That the County Treasurer's ,bond be increased to $20,000 as re- quested by the Department of Municipal Affairs. 4: That Mssrs. S.'''''S. McDermand and Duncan MoNabb be Ilomln- ate.d as mernJbers of the Mothers' Allowance Board. 5, That twenty-five County Consthl)jles badges be purchased and placed in the hands of' tne Proviricial High Constarble. 6. We recommend that the By-Law appointing the County Solicitor 'be -re1pealed by a n0W By-Law appointing E. S. Livermo.tc County Solicito.r. 7. We recommend that tear gas bombs 'be supplied to the Pro,,- incial Police for use as required. 8. That all matters re Claude Williams insurance and sale of prop- erty be wferred to Reeve Kimble, Solicitor and Clerk. fJ. Tilat the following accounts be paid: Dr. J. R. Hristow, examination of luna-tic, re Briggs ,....$ Province of 'Ontario, conrvcyance b,t lunatic McMurtry Hardware Co., for Treasurer's o;f.fice G. K. vVharton, M.D., examination of lunatic, 10 00 427 ao 1~~- re Winkworth .. '''''it9~,~~,;~,.".L...jo;: i,;;;~..... A. S.Dul1can, M.D., examination of lunatic, rc Wink1worth Townsh~p of Malahidc, convey-al1ce t'o House olf Inch13try K. W. M,cKay, vis,its to House of Industry, as Inspector, Novemlbcr 8t?~.t9),,4~t~., I<:'r"iTt'::"(:;- ''';j"',' ':'0;-1", W,ende'bl Holmes IJtd" Stationery, Gounrty Tr'eas'll'rer Sc:ott ,Stucli"os,_ Photog:ra'uh _df Court House .........,.., ......,,,.. " ui1'ci:e-r\.toa:l,:) Elfid.rtf, Yls1.-t~t,;recL, .tepiih;; frc(\yp&v;~itkT for Registry Office ...,'.u; 'if II r;._ 45; 00 ._'j .M~;N~)p~~:c::<<?5~d,,, ?'t{l t\?;\:fri;;) alJ~~ ~~PP,,1i'T~:Jt!?r. ~p'~:rt F:kmse and Oounty, Clerk, ,....., " .......:.................':..... ..."......_' ...... ,........ Rainl\).o,\\,'s Book 'St6~rg;:.lst~Hbn'ery': 'C:ot'tl\rty "Cler,k ~'..~:'..~... Rllinbow'.s, ,Book Store, statiO!le-ry. fC}'r Regis1:t:yO'-I1fice "fD;':~'MllhI1GdJ, (s~h~(Whil~-;~"bhrr~l \=i:ti:.lletikeL;M,2Alpfili;;-';)'~ :.":! J ) K. W. 'M'cKay/'C6iint1'ip.o~tage>':.....:..::.:::'.:' .1-." ,',. Munj.o~pal_Wo.rld;, Books al1d Statione.ry_ ]~r. .. ro, [ftc;!Reg:ist'ty," Of:H'celi~.~::.(j!.~.~, ....I.:'."';,: u. .;_~.!.I..~.:.;.;:i..:.,~..:::' ):d . / J: :.'" Munidpal W0'Hd, StJa''tiiorie-ryfor"Co'l1nt-v.Treasurer'' Province o'I Ontario,- Maintena.nce of boys in Ii;) Bl0rw-wanviHre . :...T.l-"'Mfdng~ '':: StHoo'lJ '~;.....:,:.,'J..,.~ .)...!..... ;U. .L -'[. ,.:...~_.i: ; 246' 00 " Dr. D. Smith,_,medicat~examination and .Q.ertifioate .' of :111nacy, re Mrs. Briggs :'i C " I ':I.' ,i; 2.'; .,.:;' i'~':'~ ,,'(, AU',-'o,f",whi'i.:h .i~ re's'pe,tttlfti11l1y su\bmitted. :'lei. d.;;-: H. G. TAYLOR, Chairman. SL)'.!ll>m</e, QJ!tario\. ",<;yem!>e"'~Q",iI93,Q,I." "d bee ..',i..,) j, 8tH Bt@itn-Jr.CbUJ1ltrytJ<:Cbun~: ( " j) r" 'I ;:'., i'i ;",) ~ J ;, .~; ~ l .)'I,),J ,::; C'_' ,t fl'; .n,r,):;!,;,":', ,'J' : Di )::'..1';'; ) 'C \: ~~ i, -:;'I,:I;.I->fl;: ;:.:i'i' -rJ: \:; ')' li:,. ;).: ;:;'id ,.' ,_J ').:: ;) .c. ,)")X.o . ~!; : I; ': J: .,') It. " 500 .5, 00 " .' "'-~ . 40 00 1 30 00 ""i981 : ." 4Q. 1.95 '75 00 2500 . ,8& 5e " 13,50 ,"- ."" QOJ 1000 .J Elg,i'll Oountyi Council 85 REPORTS OF COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE January Session St. Thomas, ]anua>ry 21st', 1936 To . the Blgin County. Council, 'Gentlemen: T,he .Elgin -CountyR,oad Ciommi:ttee ,report that the sum of SEVENTY SEVEN l1HiOU:SAND THIRIEE RUNIDIR;ED ANiD SEVENTY SIX DOULARS AND TWENTY SEVEN CENTS ($77,:37-6.,27) was ex'pended 'on the Elgin 'County.' Righwaysduring the year: 193'5. '.,." ,County Roads, Maintenance' on countyro'ads; ........... ...... ................ ........ ............ .......... $ 47'501' 3,7 Maintenance in Viillages on county roa.ds 7667 43 Bridgeoonstructi'on 'au- county' .roads 3862 46 Construction on county, roads 3890 2-5 County B,ridges under By-:La'w No. 1091, maiil't~nance 166 03 Gener..al. . Expense', Grant to Urban Municipalities Superintenlence, office expense Machinery, .rCjpai-rs and tools Gravel Pit devdopment 1l1l'pl'Ovement on Hathaway Farm Workmen's Compensation Boa,rd Constalhle's ,fees Legal fees 'mmm.$ 1337 36 3089 W 651841 15-79 45 179 80 236 24 474 85 4 00 $ 77376 27 " .... .. .""."" ".""..,,$ 6150 91 --------$ 7122<5 36 Less Receipts 86 Elgin County Council 4. We reco111n~end tha~ the sum of FORTY THOUSAND DOI.:LA1RS ($40,000.00), b~ raised for construction and maintenance on county roads and county :bridges under By~La'wNo. 1091 f.or the year 1936 as foHows: Maintenance on Gounty Roads 19500.00 Constnic,tion on County Roads 3500 00 ,Bridges , McIntosh Bridge oQver River Thames to'.vnline; Middlcscxbeing responsi!ble :for onSouthwold and Dunwicl1. one-half of the cost. This Ibr,idge has heen condemned for 4 yean back by, both Elgin and Middlesex Engineers and a;150 the Bridge Engineer of the High- "yay Depaortment as ul1sa'fe for tnffic. Tota1 lengt'h olf the bridge is 290 feet, in four different spans, the main ~Ipa'n being 1156 feet ,long, c-onstructed of iron in 18.78. At that time there were 2 short. wooden sp'ans. on each end of the 1-55 fom s.pan. 111' 1890 they we-r.c condemned as unsa\.f.e and a 54 foot 'steel span was added on the north end and a 46 foot span on the SOU;Ul anothe.r 3'5 foot s'pan on the north end making the total length 290 feet. new bridge to the County of Elgin as.. estimated T.hc cost of a will be $10,000.00. The Engineer from the County of Middlesex is bringing this to' the attention of his Oiwn (-ounty .Council at this session. ,Const.mction df C'ounty B.ridges under ~ By~IL'aw No. 1091 Machinery, tools General '~pense $ 500 00 3500 00 5000 00 $ 32000 00 EIg.in County Council 87 5. The flOl1iOM'ing newly designated -roads -have heen approved of Iby Order-il'l,-ICoundl: T,he TownIine ibetlween Dda ware and South. wold from Elgin County Road No. 19 to Provincial Highway, a distance of aIbout 4%, miles. The road in the Township of South Dorchester between conees.- sions 10 and 11 from county road No. 39 at Lyons, to the East TOlWnline 'between Dereham and South Domhester" thence south connecting rwith cauty road No. 48 at concession 11. That the County Road Superintendent be de;legated to attend Road COIl'ference to 'be held in Toronto du.ring the latter parto.f Fehruary 1936. 7. That fifteen dollars for membership in t.he Good Roads Assoc. ia han be paid. 8. That the Warden be authorized' to name delegates to attend the Ontario Good Roads Ass-ociation to be held in Tor-onto for the year 1936. 9. That the County pravide dust layer On caunty roads where resl-, dents benelfitted will .pay one half of the cost 011 u cash baSis. 10. That this Council c.ontinue to su'bscrilbe to the Warkmen's Com- 1 pensation B-oa,rd for protection af workmen employed on work. connected with County Roads under provisions of the 'Highway Impravement Act. 11. That a 2-0 foot strip of road on John Street being a conne,cting ,link o,f County Road No. 39 within the Torwn of Aylmer be as- s,umed under Sectjon 28, sulb-section 1 of the Highway Imprave- ment A'ct f,rom Forest Street south an }ohn Street to the sau1he.r1y limits of the town. An 'af which is resiPecHully submitted. R. KIMHL'E:, Chairman. 88 Elg;ih" Count.y' C1ouhcjl~.' SUBURBIAN, AREA COMMISSION The meeting' of the;:St.:Thomas Subtlrlban Area Commission 'was held at the Court House this 16th day .a.fJanuary;1936. Preserit:' Chairmal1'--Dr.'F. O. Law-renee, J. T.Weibster, Frank Pinneo; Cou-ntyRoad Superintend.ent: '\ A detailed statet11Cnl ;'df -accounts wag 'submitted to 'the Commis- SIOn showing an (:xpenditure on Sulburiban Area Roads, amounting to $3,ll'6.56'O'f this amount the City 'would 'be liable for 215% thereof or $779.14. ORDERED BY. COMMISSION 1. That tris account be present-ed to the City Council for payment. 2. That the Count'y of Elgin be notified that the sum . ,of $1,500.00 3. That the City of St. Thomas 'be notified that the sum of $1500.00 'will 'be required- for_construction and maintenance on County ,suhudban Area Road's f.or the yea,r 19G6. 4. That the following memlbc'fS of the Suburban Area Commission are entitled to be pai,d for their se.rvices for the year 1935, as appears Oip'Posite their respective names as follows: DL 'F. O.Lawi'ence, Chairman services $ J, T.' Webster, services The Estate of- Alex. Ande1rson, deceased July 12, 1935' 5000 50 00 '5000 $ 150 00 5. That road No. 16 S. A. be extended from the Village orf FingaI on T. R. to the townHnehetrween Dunwich and Southwold EJgji11:County' Council 89 6. That Dr. F. O. Lawrence be re-appointed chairman of St. Thomas 'Suburlban Ar,ea CO'111miss,ion ~Carried. 7. That Committee adjourn. F. O. LA WRENiCE, Chairman. St. Thomas, January 9, 193~ 90 EIg.in Gounty counch In account with the The Corporation of the City of St. 'Thomas, Elgin County Highway System For expenditure on SUlbuflban Area Roads under the supervis,ion of Frank Pinrleo, County Road SUlperintendent, subject to the dir- ection of the SUlbuflban Area Commission. Road 16 S. A.- Weeds Di1tching Gr.<J,ding Dragging Culvert Material Resur1fa'cil1g Road 23 IS. A.- Dragging Weeds Grading Resur'fa;c'ing Administrat,ion Road 25 S. A.- Weeds Grading Mainte,nance ...$ 6799 46 30 &1 ()9 42 00 1 62 130 OJ $ 1 60 1,s0 4 90 492 of Sub. A,rea Comrilission 150 00 $ 30 00 10346 369 03 162 92 Elg,in County Council 91 Dragging Resurfacing Snow Roads Grossing gates 14 DO 13542 60 12 468 61 .$ 8ZO 55 Road 30 S. A.- Weeds Ditching Grading Dragging Culverts Resurfacing Snow Roads 67 15 5 95 15030 33 30 32 35 146 49 49 59 $ 479 13 v" 'Construction Road 16 S. A.- Dit.ching . Culverts 4720 54?50 -$ 594 70 Gravel Hauled IOn Suburban Area Roads Road 16 ,So A- YRrd,S oJ gravel hauled, 1300 Average haul, 7 miles Operati.ng cost les.s driver's wages, $15.90 iper day Total miles t1'avelled 913 @ 8.%'c per yard mile $ 7760 Road 23 S.A.- Yards of gravel hauled, 34% Average miles per haul, 4 92 Elg,in . County. Council Ope.rating cost less drivers wages, $15.90 per day Total mi,les travelled 138@ 8~c per yard mile $ .Road 30 S. A.- Yards of gravel hauled, 100 A'verage haul, 7 niiles Ope.rating cos,t less drivers wages, $15.90 per day Total. miles 'travdled 700 @ 8%c per yard mile $ Oost of gravel, striPIPing, loading and screening, 740 ya,rds of gravel or 156 cords@ $1.40- -cord $ City's Iportion 25% Cc'rtified corre'ct. F. O. LhWThENCE, FR;\'NK P.INNEO; County Road Supt. Chairman of Commis'sian 11 73 59 50 218 <W $ 3U6 56 779 14 Elgin County Council 93 COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE "June. Session -' First ,Report To the 'Elgin 'County -Council, Gent'lemen: 1. Your Road Committee made theh' annual ins.pection trip on ,County roads this year ,and report as folllQws: In general the county ro.ad system is in a fair shape this swring, the resur'facing for this sutnmer will be very limited fo~ reason of the extensive w,ork during the late summer and iaU of 193'5. 2. The,By-.Law submitted ,at the January session has been ,approv- ed ofhy. theD~partmentof Highways, Elgin . County to raise the sum of $35,600;00 the Government to 'raise an equal amou'll1: maki1J.ga total _of $70,000.00 for' the year 1936. 3. A joint meeting with Middlesex and Elgin County Road Com- ntittee will be held ,Monday:at 2;30 p;m.at the Middlesex County Buildings, to open tenders fo-r the construction ot the Mdntosll BrIdge -over River Thames. 4. That the County SoEd,tlor is here:by inst,ructedto discontinue exrpropriation proceedings with reSlpect :to the lands of A. K Buc.ke of the Towns-hip olf Yarmouth, and to prepare a convey- ance of tI-:esaid lands from the said A. -E. : Bu,cke to the ,Corpor- ation ,of the CQunty of Elgin. The consid~,ration to be $'550.00. 5. -Confirmation has ,been received from the' Department of High- l\-..'ays which authorizes the purchase of G.M..c. heavy duty truck. 6. That we assume that portion of the To\vnship road in tlle Township of' Aldlborough from County Road No.3, the 'Furnival road lot -6, concession 14; thence extending westerly and south~ erly tlo the -top of ,thehiH leading to Lake Erie a distance of approximately 800 feet. 94 Elgin. County" Council 7. That in event of approval hom the De\partment of Highways accepting that portion of FurnivalR10ad No. 3 from Rodney south to the Lake. Also that portion of Road No. 1 (Graham ,Road) south from W cst Lorue to Highway No.3. Also Currie ,Road No.8 south from'Dutton connecting Provincial Highway No 3 That a Committee be appointed to memorialize the Department ,of H,jghrwaY's to assume 'that portion of county road No. 39 from the no,rtherly boundary of South Dorchestc'f, road between lotr. 112 and 13, and its continuation between lots 10 and 11 of the Township ,of Malahide t<o 'Highway No.3, in the: Town .of Aylmer; hlso that the townHne tountyroad No. se betwecll Mahhide and South Dorchester from c,aunty road No. 39 east- errly c'onnediug.' 'v',Iith toad No. 40 in fhe; Village of S'pringfield. 8. "--~That the Warden, Mr. Locke, M,r. Sne,lgrove and chairman ot Road Committee 'be a committee to meet with a Committte from: the To'wn of AyLmer, toarrangc agreement fof-the improv- mcnt of John Stl'cetsouth, and that the Warden be authorizcc} to sign agreement when approved by the wholc-:Com111itteeanc! the Mini,ster. Township' iof Aldborough 9, We recommend that the foHowing:county _,rpacls-"l'cvert back to the Township where situated. Description of the portion of the Furnival .Road to revert to the Township of Aldiborough: Parcel_ No., 1, Qlpposite Concessioi1 7, Commencing at a point in the north easterly side" of the Fur- nival road (hct.\veen lots 6 and. 7 concession ,7) a dista,nce of 24.0 feet 111ea~tH'ccl south easterly thereon from t:1e weste,riy angle oJ said lot 7. Thence north westerly on -a cu:-ve to the left ,whose .radius .is 852. feetandwhi!=h_ is. tangent to the north wef,terly side of said road to its intersection wit:, the no.rth \vcstcrly limit of said concession 7, Thence north easterly along the north westerly limit of said concession to the ),.vesteyly angle of said lot 7, Thence _ south easterly along the north easterly liniit oJ said Fur;1ivaJ Road. '24Q-...feet, to the place of beginning. Parcel No. .2, Opposite Gore CO;1cession. Elgin County Council 95 [Commencing at a point in the south westerly side' of the Fur- nival Road (,between lots 6 and 7, 'Gore Concession) distance 540 feet measured north westerly thereon from the .easterly angle of said llot 6. Thence south easterly on a curve to" the left, 'whose ,radius is 8512 feet and which is tangent to the south westerly side of said road to its intersection with .the north easterly side of said road. Thence south easterly along the north easterly side of said road. to the slQuthe'i1y ~ngle of said lot" 7. Thence south weste,rly 66 feet 0 inches to of said lot 6. Thence north westerly. along limit of said Furnival Road 540, feet to- the the easterly ~U1g1f. the south westerly place of beginning. Township of Yarmouth 1{), Portion of th~ .road allowance between lot's 8 and' 9 in the 11th c-oncession of-'the Township of Yarmouth. A11 of said road allowance in said concession whici1 lies \vc~H of a st.rip df land 66 feet in 'width which is sho_wn :on the pIa n and description deposited in the Registry Office f'or the Registry Division of the County of Elgin on June 20th, 1935,. as clepositerl plan 56. Township of Bayham 11. Road No. 44 in the Police Village of Port Burwell, il1 the Township of Bayham from the intersection of Wellington and Erius Streets as, shown in Registered plan No. 112, Erius Street in northerly and easterly direction to the northern boundary of the said Village where it connects with the Old Plank Road or Kings Highway No. 19. The Plank Road across part lot 15, concession 11, in the Town- ship of Bayham southerly from its intersection with the south:.. erly limit of the Kings Highway diversion as sholwl1 on, deposit- ed plan D. 62- to its intersection with the north weste,rly limit of Kings Highway d~verslion as' sho:wn onde1Josited plan No. 460 and further shown on plan A. 7-11 deposited in the Registry QG Elgin.. COUl'lty' Counoil Office for the' Countyof:.Elgin. 12. Approval ha-s been' received from.' the Depa.rtment of Highways . assuming approximately 15 miles more county roads being por-' tions descrilbedas follows: Road in the Township -of South Dorchester between conces- sIons 10 and 1.1 kom lot 12 East to the Oxford Townline thence southon the Tov,rnlinec-onnecting with county ,r:oadNo. :48, and Oxford county road No. 19' a distance ofalhout S;w:. miles. 13, 'Roa-d in the "Township of Malahide between lots-20 an"d2lfrom road No. 40 beginning at-Tallbot Road, 'Provincial "Highway, in the Towl1ship of ;Malahide, thence ina sDutherly direction to concession 1 connecting with county road No. 42. 1-1. The County Townline 'hetween the Township afDelaware and Sauthwald at the inte.rresectian Middlesex Caunty raadNa. 17 and Elgin Caunty ma'd No.. 19 in an easterlydirectian to. Prav- incial Highway ,No.. .A a distance, af aho.ut 5 ,miles. An af which is res'pect-ful1y,su'bmitted.. R. KIMBLE, Chairman of Road Committee El.g,in County CaluuciIe 97 June Session ~ Second' Report To. the Elgin Caunty Council, Gentlemen: The CauntyRoad Committee reports: That the road, Towuline between Sauthwold and DUllwich from the intersection of County Road No.. 16 SUlbul1ban I A'rea and County Raad No.. 8 running nartherly to. Kings Highway No.. 3 a distance af aihout 27,:1: miles, be as'sumed as County Highway. All af which is respecHully su'bmitted. R. KIMBLE, Chairman af Road Committee 98 Elgin County Council November Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Elgin County Road Committee ,reports that the expenditure oJ Elgin County Highway System, from January 1936 to November 1st, 1936, total $64,94Q.l2. L Expenditure as follows: Maintenance on county roads \ .. Construction on county road!> Maintenance on SUlbul1ban Area Roads County Bridges unde,r By-Law 1091 Expenditure on county roads within the Incorporated Villages and Town Labor in gravel pits Truok Expenses Machinery, tools and rcpai,rs W'or,kmcn's Compensation Board ......... ... ........................ ..$ 29153 65 16077 77 2267 50 11 95 5411 37 1296 54 2347 06 8220 75 153 53 $ 64940 12 2. We recommend that a supplementary by-law Jbepassed at this sessiion of the County Council for the sum of $10,000. $5,000. to be raised .by the County of Elgin, $5,000. by the Depatr.111ent of Highways, to provide for unpaid accounts and wade in progress. The contracts f.or constructing the McIntosh .bridge over Thame:s River have heen completed. The ,contract for faib.ricating and~rect- iug the Supersh'ucture \vas let to the Hamilton Bridge Company for the sum of $115,449:00. The Contract for constructing the Sub- structure was let to W<rltham and Fuller ,of Strathroy for the sum of $8,690:00 and .45 cents per yard fO'f all earth placed in the approaches. EIg.in County Council 99 :Waltham and Fuller worked about one month 011 their contract and then assigned their contract 'to George Powles of 'St. Thomas who completed the worle. In addition to the work covend 'by the- contracts' the foHowing extr,a work was done: {I) Albout 40 old wooden piles in the river just below the bridge were pulled. These piles have been the cause of forming a sand har on the north side of the river, fO'rdng the water to the south pier. Their removal should do much to keep the current af the rive,r near the centre of the main span. (2) It was .thought advisable to place most of the stone from the north pier on the south bank so as to prevent, as much 'as pos- sible ,erosion on this side. (3) The approaches were gravelled and guard rails placed at both ends of the structure. The total COSlt of tne work Iwill !be about as foMows: Advertising for tenders Hamilton Bridge Company George 'powles, contract a,pproacnes, 1780 cu. yards @ 45c ext'ra contract, 3 cu. yds. stone removed south @ $4.00 Floor main sipan mad:c 70 ins. t;hick instead of 7 ins.-5.75 cu. yards @ $10.00 3 extra yards placed in s,o'Uth pie,r @ $10.90 1:5 extra yards pla'ced ,in bent..@ 10.00 7 extra yard placed in south abutment @ '$10.00 'Old stone wall removed under south ahutment Ce:ment, 904 'barrels @ $2.92 Less for sacles, aJbout 10 'bareels @ $2.S0 100 Elg,in County Council Extra work, removing piles, placing stone south hank, guard rail, gravelling approaches, etc., ahout $ 497 00 Extending drain, south side, 40 ft. 10 in. pi-pe' 22 00 Paid Thomas Higgs, Inspector 332 40 Paid" Canadian' Inspecting and Testing Company for for Mill and Shop inspection of steel 165 06 Paid, Phones 8 01 Engince,ring 138'5 00 $ 29550 17 To this, should be added the legal ex'penses which were paid by the County of Middlesex. 4. Operation of Old _ Truck Hours \vorked Miles travelled Yards of earth and gravel Repairs, gas, oil and wages Depreciation allowed for 1936 1408 19416 hauled .... .. 3123 2266 94 40000 $ 138 22 day .........$16.19 stone Of gravel 2666 94 Average mileage per day Average yards per day Average cost expense per ,Cost of hauling 1 yard of 1 mile 08 .5. Operation of N,ewG.M.C. Truck Hours worked Miles travelled Yards of earth and gravel hauled Repairs, gas, oil and wages Depreciation July 16th to Oct. 31st, 84 days' at $10.00 pcr day 840 141.57 2548 .....$ 737 62 840 00 .$ 1577 62 168 30 Av'crage mUeage per day Ayerage yards per day .;."'-....-=-="' ,,'",:".,,-= Elg,j.n County Coun~il 101 Average cost expense per day Cost OIf hauling 1 yard of stone or gravel 1 mile 6. Miles travelled Gas used Days _worked Repairs, gas, oil and wages Depreciation $2.00 per day f.or ......................$18.79 .10 Power Grader No. .1 3582 2040 164 1309 36 328 00 $ 1637 36 Cost of dragging and scarifying 1 mile of road 7. 45e Power Grader No. 12 3699 2138 gallon~ 163 . ................ .......................................$ 1348 86 326 00 $ 1674 86 tost of dragging and s'carifying 1 mile Of road Miles travelled ,Ga.s used Days worked Repairs, gas, oil and wages Depreciation $2.00 per day for 8. 163 days 45e Wehr Power Grader Miles travellyd Gas used Days worked gas, oil. and wages ."...$ Cost of dragging and scarifying 1 mile of road Repaits, 3074 2510 gallons 185 1348 96. 43.8e 102 Elgin .County Council 9. Mac:hinery (New) 1 Ford Coupe; 1 G.M.C. heavy duty dump truck. Tools~l 3Y;-gallon galvanized sprayer; 3 spades; 5 shovels; 1 sledge; 1 emery 4 scythes; 2 oil cans; wheel; 1 pair ,pliers. 10.. Maintenance Record of the amount of gravel used 011 the county roads to uate. Hathaw8)Y Gravel Pit-In the Township of Yarmouth, 3860 yards. Walker Gravel Pit-In the Township of Aldborough, 247 yards. 2i6 cars of crushed stone was used _011 county roads and Village streets during the year. 75 miles of roacts have bee!'l resur,faced with broken stone or gravel. 11. We recommend that t'hcCol1l1ty :Council that following intersections: By-Laws :be passed at stop signs should be this session of erected at the lst-Ilntersections of road 27 and 36, making 2-7 as a stol' road! on the 4th concession of the Township of Yarmouth. 2nd----.-Road numJber 43 east -of the Village of Lyons, TOWI1~ ship of South Dorchester !between concessions 10 and H, be made a stop road at the intersections of road num])er 39 and 43. Also the Townline rpad number 37 between s-outh and NO-rth Dorchester be made a stop road at the intersection of Middle~ex County road number 60 and Elgin County ,road numiber 47. 12. We recommend where telephone and hydro lines are laid underground aong side of the road for the -company.'s eon- Elg.t.n County Council venience, that the said with a plan the road. All of which is 103 company shall provide the county or blue print, showing location of said lines on res'pectfully submitted. Chairman '~" R. KLMB<LE. of R10ad Committee 104 Elg:in County Council REPORTS OF EDUCATION COMMITTEE January Session To the Elgin Co'Unty Council, Gentlemen: The Education Committee report: 1. That fee for membenhip in the County Council Section of the Ontario Educational Association amounting to Five Dollars be paid, and that the Chairman be appointed to represent this County at meetings' during 1936. 2. That the following High School Trustees be appointed: Aylmer Dr. Home.r McLay for 3 yea'rs H. L. Stratton for 2 years Vienn:;\ Mr. Ferris for 3 years Dutton W. Hollingshead for 3 years Stu'art Kirkland for 1 year High School District remain as at present Education takes action on same, or until 3. That the Vienna uritil the Department of the J line Session. All of whi'Ch. is respectfully submitted. ]. H. BURKE. Chairman. St., Th01l1as~ Ontario, January 3'1~ 1936, EIg,in' Goun ty,',Co'lllloil IOS November . Session To ,the Elgin County Council~,'. Gentlemen: The Education Committee reports: That communication from School Section; No. 3 Aldlho~ou.gh :ton- bining. appreciation olf Inspector A. B. Luc'as be filed. That' we co-operate..with the, Co.ullty"CounQil: of-'Huron:'fo~:."an amendment.to.-the.. School. LaJws-,'providing.--that .when a council deems arequisi-tion 'by the Boardbf Trus1tees excessive .that' the same may ibe suhmitted to the HoarddfMunici-pal A:'ffairs and the Education Department fOor their, decisiom That the account olf the Municipal World for exal!l1Iinalt'ion supplies amount of $35.'515 ,be paid. That ..we recommend- that. By-,Law No. 240 to estaib.Jish the Vienna High School District 'be repealed. All of which is respectfully suhmitted. J. H. BURKE~ Chairman, 'St. Thollmas~ Ontario, Novemlber, 26~ 1936. 106 Elgin County Council REPORTS OF GAOL COMMITTEE January Session To the 'Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Gaol Committee reports: ~ 1. That with reference to additional filing cases re.quired at tpe Registry Office we ,recommend that your Committee be authorized to purchase same, and that such additional lighting capacity as may be required in. the lfiling' vault' .be supplied. 2. That your Committee recommend qmt we be authorized to replace trees that are dying in the Court Housegrounds~ All of which is respectfully sulbmitted. W. B. LANC","STER, Chairman. St. Thomas, Ontario, January 311, W36. EIg,in County Council 107 June Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Gaol Committee 'report: 1. That they have received tenders for coal. and recommend the acceptance of tender of H. E. Johnson & Son, for 2 carloads Grate Coal @ $10.512 per ton for delivery at the Gaol w. H. Swift & Co., 20 tons Stove Coke @ $9.7.0 per ton for delivery at Registry Office 2. That in c011).pliance with request from the City of St. Thomas we recommend that- they the allowed to place seats ill: approved pos- itions on the western part of the Court House grounds to remain ,there as long as conditions are satis,factory. 3. That four ornamental iron posts !be placed in front or:f the -Court House to stop driving on cement pave:ment. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. B. LAJNlCAiSTE,R, Chairman. St. Thomas, Ontario, June IiI, 1936. . - lOS, Elgtn,.County ' ,Council Novemher,.Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: L during That contr.act for bread to be deliveredattheCounly .Gaol 193,7 be awarded to AsI<elw Bros., pirice .four cents a pound. 2. > That .contract for supply of forc-<quarter. beef to be delivered a~, the County Gaol during 1937 Ibe awa<rded to Mssrs. Durnan & Spry at eighial1d one-third (8 1-3). ,centspe.r ,pound. All oJ which is respectfully submit,ted. W;, B. -LAiN1CAtSTiEiR, Chairman. Court :House,' St. Thomas, ..Novern.ber::26i.;1936.: Elgiri County Council 109 /-' HOUSE OF INDUSTRY REPORTS Phy.~ician - November Session To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, Gentleme-n: I have the honor of presen ting the Sixty-,first annual Medical report of the Elg.111 House OJf Industry up to October J1st, 19136, and sUlbmit the f.ollowing for your consideration 1 made fifty visits to the House of Industry, and attended [ou;i' inmates in the Memorial Hos'pita1 as folloM's; Ann Martin, Nov. 1st, 19315-to Feh. 10th, 1936. 'Chas. Niokerson, Nov. 1st, 1935 to Nov. 17, 193-5. Geo; Van Sedar, Feb. 18th, 1936 to Apt. 21st, 1936. Almeda Hart, March 24th, 1936 to Apr. 8th, 1936. There were no births. '(here were e,even deat;l;', six fcmales and five maJes as followll Nov. 117, 1936 Chas. Nicke['son 80 Chronic Nephritis' Jan. 2, 1936 Kate Martin 64 Chronic Myocarditis F,6b. 9, 1936 Jas. McIntosh 73 Arteria Sclerosis Fob, 10, 1936 Ann Martitl 90 Chronic Myocarditis Fob, 22, 1936 Nancy Ki'nllber 90 Arteria Sclerosis Mar. 8, 1936 Catherltle Taylor 70 Chronic Myocarditis Apr. 21, 1936 George Van Sedar 62 Cancelr June 7, 1936 Patrick MoKnight 77 Cancelr July 20, 1936 LCiwis Stewart .....'......'0:... se Cerelbal Emlbolism Aug. 1, 1936 Almeda HaTt 60 Cancer Sept. 11, 1936 Catherine McAlpine 9J Chronic Myocarditis and Arthritis I have the honor fo be, Yours truly, D. 'L EWIN, Physician, Housc of Industry uo Elgin County Council Inspector - November Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The .following is my report on the House of Industry and Refuge for the year ending October 3ht, 1936: /, L Num!ber of .inmates at last report 30 2. Number admitted during year 12 j. Number of deaths 7 4. Num~ber discharged 5 5. Numlber albsconded ............ 6 6. Ntl1i~ber now in House 24 7. Nun~ber of inma1;es sent from the several municipalities dur- ing the year: Aldoborough South wold Yarmouth Malahide Bayham Aylmer 3 2 2 3 1 1 12 8. The various causes of pauperism o:f -inmates admitted to the H;ous'c during the year in<;LY he classified as follo.ws: Des<titut'e Cri1ppl,e lll-health Old Age Other Causes 1 ",.,1 1 1 3 12 9. Average number of inmates during year 27 1-3 10. Arverage l1nl1iber with Keeper's family and hired help 237f Elgin County Council U. Number of weeks' board of inmates 1~ 12. Number of weeks' ,board with' Keeper's family ,171311 13 Total expenditure during the yea,r .........................."....$10,871;74 14. Deductions From farm stook, etc., sold From Old Age Pensions, 8 Permanent, Improvements Barn and Sundries ....1..," Insurance^and Sundries '"'' , ""',,"""'" ,$ 3876 4il 24<9 2J -$ Pension funerals Inmates -----4 15. Leaving amount actually expended for support of inmat'es Avera,ge expense per day of each person Average expC11ses per week of each perSOn Average expenses per year of each perSOll Amount expended -for house and farm during the year may be divided as follows: 16. 17, 18- 19, F~~m Expense Hired Lalbor Implements Stock Seed Feed Gas and oil Miscellaneous HI 864 75 1328 39 144718 2~5 00 '56541 4480 73 6391 01 5,749 402 209 26 300 00 118 08 4 00 104 70 436 II 128 37 215 10 $ 1306 36 House Expenses Hread Meat 'Groceries Provisions 265 89 433 88 328 97 180 78 E1gin County Council Dry Goods Boots and Shoes Furniture and l-Iardlw-are Drugs Coal and Wood Miscellaneous 204 32 71 59 1'5619 42 ~2 699 2Z 424 00. $ 2807 36 General Expense .conveyance of Inmates Repairs Pcnnanent Improvements lncidental Barn 200 128 13 192 72 897 4S 3683 69 $ 4904 02 Salaries Kee'pcr and Matron Physician 158400 270 00 $ 1854 00 10871 74 Total Expenditure 20. The 'ollowing produce was raised on the farm during the 280 bushels Barley 650 bushels Oats 190 'bushels Wheat 45 loads Hay 5 acres Ensilage Corn 125 bushels potatoes 15 bushels Carrots 15 bushels Turnips 28 loads Straw quantity of pumpkin and squash garden produce 15 bushels Table Carrots 10 bushels Beets Elgin'.'County_ Council 113 12 bushels Onions 300 ,bushels Sugar Beets 150 heads Ca1>lbage 40 bushels Tomatoes 1 acre Sweet Corn quantity of Lettuce, Parsley, Aspa,ragus quantity Plums,_ Grapes 15 quarts Milk -per day 100 bushels Apples 500 quarts Fruit canned in House 750 dozen eggs consumed 1460 pounds Ibutter A large quantity of vegeta1bles and fruit was used during the summer of'wliich no account was kept: Cream sold Hogs so1dc~,--.. Eggs, Chickens and Sundries 7 Caives sold 397 87 309 24 150 ,64 7 00 -~ 864 75 21 NUrrilber6J articles of -bedding ~md clothing made up <luring the year by Matron and inmates, 24'5. 22. Farm Stock 3 Horses 12 Cows 11 Hogs 1 Yearling 2 Brood Sows 1'00 Chickens 4 Calves 23. The total amount expended Ibythe County on the HOllse of Refuge is as follows: Farm, 100 acres, cost 7298 95 '11'1. "I'i "I 114 Elgin. County Council House of Industry Laundry Fire Escapes Root Cellar, Henery, etc. Cottages, etc. . Briok Ice House Barns, Etc. Tile Drains Tile Drain Outlet Hot Air Pump Taulk, C011nections Refrigerator Fencing Oreha'rel Heating Apparatus Boiler Room and Soft Coal Boiler Deep Well Silo Hog Pen Electric Installation and Pumps Plumlbing Septic Tank and Drain Sundries 24. Received from Government on account of expenditures for land and building Leaving amount actually expended by County 13891 26 68761 390 06 879 40 66311 87 l!180 50 6908 57 4072 &3 13203 920' 60 59000 1979 07 85 85 2()19 00 3,733 '52 2436 40 29362 654 99 2314 44 3032 15 H4<i 75 41635 ~~$ 61695 85 4000 00 m...m.....$ 57695 85 The cost 'per day of inmates has increased this .year due to the falling off in recei.pts o',f Old Age Pensions and fewer inmates. The management has been satisfactory. All of which is res,pectfully submitted. K. W. McKAY, 'Inspector. St. Thomas, Ontario, Novemher 1936. ,1,1 i', "1' 'I 1,1 I." I! Elgin County Council 115 REPORTS OF HOUSE OF INDUSTRY COMMITTEE January. Session 1'6 the Elgin County Council. Gentlemen: The House of Industry Committee reports: 1. That we have considered communication from the Association of Managers of Homes for the Aged and Infirm and recommend that if the meeting is held in: London that your Committee and the Keep- er and Matron 'be appointed to attend. 2. That the new harn has Ibcen cD.111pleted at a cost of $3659.,72. It would be interesting to have the Council visit the Institution, but owing to the inclement weather we believe the matter should be pUt off until the June Session. 3. That we have revised the Schedule of insurance and would recommend that we 'be_ authorized to procure new policies, in the fifteen companies in which the 'buildings arc now insured, for $39,700, being an increase of $7,350. 4. That no action Ibe taken in reference to communication from the Dominion Automatic Fire Alarm C6. ~All of which is respectfully submitted. ].O:HiN H. SLOAN, Chairman. St.. Thomas, Ontario, 20th January, 1936. 116 Elgil'i County Council June ,Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The House of Industry Committee reports: 1. That they have received tenders for coal and recommend that contract be awarded to W. H. Swift & Co. f.or 40 tons Grate Coal @ $10.70 per tan 20 tons .Chestnut Coal @ $11.30 per ton All of which is respectfully su'bmitted. JOHN H. SLOAN, Chairman. St. Thomas, Ontario, June 11th, 19G6. November Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The I-louse of Industry Committee reports, 1. That the reports of the Physician and Inspector be received and adopted and printed in the minutes. 2. That contract for bread be awarded to Askew Brothers, price four cents per pound. 3. The orchard on the farm has been in an unsatisfactory con- Elgin County Coun'c-H J.17 dition for some time and dunin.g 1I"ecent years man,y trees died. We ordered, all ,stu.mps removed and orchard plowed and fertilized. We recommend that it !be replanted next spr,ing -and that we :be a:uthor- ized to purchase the necessary stock. All of which is ,respectfully submitted; JOHN H. SLOAiN, Chainman. St. Thomas, Ontario,' November 26, 1936. REPORTS OF PETITIONS ANDLEGISLATJON COMMITTEE '-, January Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Cominittee on Petitions and' Legislation report: 1. That we co-operate with the -Council of the 'County of Kent for amendment to the Farmers' Creditors Act so that taxes will not hf.: considered as an ordinary debt !but will remain as a first claim on property considered. 2. That no action :be taken in reference to communication froni tbe Township of Dunwich requiring payment of damages caused by dogs killing' poultry. All of which is respectfully submitted. FRED W. SCHMBLZ, Chairman. ~St. Thomas, Ontario, 3,lst January, 1936. 118 Elgin County Council June Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The -Committee on Petitions and Legislation report: 1. ' That we coo-operate with the .county Co.urlcil of Hastings in resolution for an amendment to The Munidpal Act so that only per- sons who are prope.rty owners can qualify for offices in; municipal councils' and school boards. 2. That we co-,o'per.ate with the County Council of Wentworth in petition to' the Legislature requesting them to investigate the alarming increase in the- numlber of automolbile accidents caused !by collision with trains at level erossings. In this connection we favor -the IaJw of the Province of Quehec which compels a motorist to come to 'a complete stop 'before cr9ssing a ranway traok. All of which is respectfully submitted. F1~B)D W. SCH1MBLZ, Chairman. St. Thomas, Ontario, June 12, 1936. Elgin County Council I I II 1.1 ! I , 119 November Session Tc.. the Elgin County Council, I I , I Gentlemen: The Committee on Petitions and Legislation report: 1. That we concur in resolution from the, County Council' of Perth re repeal or change in _, the Farmers' Creditors Arrange,jnem Act, and that Wilson H. Mills, M.P. be advised. 2. That no actiof" be taken in reference to communication from the County Council of Perth re coal "prices. 3. That no action be taken in reference to resolution of the 'County Council of Lincoln, re canned goods. All of which is -respectfully submitted. FRED W. SCHMELZ, Chairman. St. Thomas, Ontario, N-ovemlber 27, 1936. J..2& ~ Etg,i:l~ Cou:nd:yCo:tmciil REPORTS OF AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE January Session To the Elgin Cotinty Council, Gentlemen: ,\he A'gr.icuItnra1 Committec.rep'orts: 1. That a grant of Fifty Dollars be given t6 fhe Ontario Agri- cultural Council for 1936 and thatJ. D. Thomson and H. G. Taylor be appointed delegates to attend. annual meeting in Toronto on FeIb- ruary 17 and 1.8th 2. tion at That t11C Warden name a committee to report on reforesta- the June Session. 3. That the Advisory Agricultural Committee be re-appointed for 1936. 4. That Fred R. Taylor .ibe appointed Corn Boter Inspector under conditions specified in by-law passed in 1934. All of which is res.pectfully snbmitted. JOHN D. THOMSON, Chairman. S1. Thomas, Ontario, 31st January, 1.936. Elgin County Coundl June Session To the Elgin CountyCoundl, Gentlemen: The .Agricultura-l Committee reports,: 1. That we co-operate ,",,,ith the County Council. of Pr-ince Edward in fav'or of the continuance of the bonus on chessc, f.or the year 1.936. 2. That t!he Reeves of the Townships :be a committee to meet a committee froni the City of St. Thomas in referen'ce to Provincial PhJM'ing Match. All of which is respect'fully submitted. J. D. THlOMiSON, Chairman. St. Thomas, Ontario, June 1,2,' 1936. November Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentle'men: Tlhe A.g'ricultUfoaIJ Comlmittee repoTts: 1. That the report of the Corn Biorer Ins'pector Ibe a'ccepted. 2. That trees be ordered to IplantCounty Gravel pit in South~ wold, and tlhat A@'rkul>turaJRepres.entative Thomas. he requested to mal<:e survey of same and advise on kind o:f tr,ees to plant. 3. That those. des.irin.g 'trees .for rdorestation purposes. :be re- quested to appJ.y to Vhdr Township. Clerk. 4. That the Warden and ]. D. Tlhomson be a C0l111mittee to meet representatives from other counties to consider rettorestatiol1, if meeting caUed. 'AIl o'f whic:l is respect'fully submitted. J. D. THOM'SON, Chairman. St. Thomas, Ontario, November 2-7, 1936. II I, lilll I'm il i ~ II It', It Elgin County Council 121 ,CLERK'S REPORT ON LICENSES To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: I have to report the following 'licenses in force: Auctioneer Frank Fulkerson James R. Serson Merritt Moore 'G. H. Taylor Andrew McWilliam Duncan A. Brown L. L. McTaggar! ,. A. G. McAlpine ~,,- A. ]. Branton Clarence Wolfe - Tillsoniburg Morpeth Aylmer Cottam Wallacetorwll Shedden Appin Dutton Rodney Vieuna Transportation of Fowl Charles Paug1born Cecil Galbraith ]. H. Alderson Nelson M.Wiley Miller Page fohn S: Pearce H. C. Farley K 0, Wight E, Asseltine Tallbotville Rodney Rodney Dutton Wailacetown Wallacetorwn St. Thomas . Rodney Wallacetowl1 Junk Dealer H.Fisherman London Pedlar M. Gafer Toronto 122 Elgin County' Council Clifton Davis Thomas N eslbitt & Sons All of which is respectfully su'bmitted. Wardsville Wardsville K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. St. Thomas, Ontario, 2ht Nove111lbe,r, 1936. Elgin County, Council 123 OLD AGE PENSIONS REPORT To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: 1 present herewith report in connection with the administration of the Old Age Pensions Act in the County of Elgin, ,since the pass,jug of the Act 1300 applications havehecl1 received, the present disposition of which is as follows: Deaths Refused Cancelled Trau&ferred Pending Pensions in to'tce 1st Nov., 1936 434 43 52 84 42 645 Pensions in force 1st Nov., 1935 1300 619 ,Since the first of November, 193,5 to the thirty-first of October 1936, 117 applications have been received from the municipal clerks. In addition, 1:1 applications have been received in cases were, appli- cation had previously. been made and refused. During this .same period 22 pensions have been increased, 1 de- creased, 6 cancelled and 2 refused. Total amount paid Elgin pensioners by Proyince during the y6ar Nay. 193:5 '~'Q Oct. 1936 Amount payable by Elgin County $136324 94 13236 4e Payments to municipal clerks for Old Age Pension applications from 1st Octcxber 1.9315 to 31st Octdber 1936 are as follows: Miss Vera Carpenter, 6 applications ""........$ A. N. McWilliams, 8 applications 12 DO 16 00 I I 124 Elgin County Council '- \'J. C. McLennan, 7 applications H. L. Lawton, 22 applications ]. M. Hale, 19 applications Benj. Brian, 19 applications M., S. Charlton, 5 applications D. C. Davis, 15 applications Tohn Hodgson, 6 applications ]. S. H.olbertsol1, 2 applications W. A. Smith; 10 a'pplications Geo. L. Mis.tele, 3 applications Charles Mistele, 1 application ]. P. Coomlbe, 1 application W. A; Harwkins, 3 applications Secretary All of which is respectfully sulbmitted. 14 00 46 00 :re 00 39 30 10 00 3000 12 00 4 00 2000 600 200 2 00 600 -4 $ 259 30 400 '00 659 30 K. W. McKAY, County Clerk ."., Elgin County Council REPORT' CORN BORER, INSPECTOR Nov~mb~r' Session " 125 I!, I'," I I' iq' jl, ".'i'" 'I, i 'i 79 50 12450 1'4<5 30 1113 00 14450 9140 9000 8600 ':: 3' i: \1 II! 111 ~! JI I ~ .11 l 4 I' !I ~ , , (., Belmont, Ontario, Nbvemb(;t' 23, 1936. To th~ Warden and Members of the Elgin Coup.ty CQ};1~lCiI, I beg -to subiuif the following report for Corn borer, inspection for 1936. . . AldJDorough, D. McCallum, Rodney. ......"...:$ BaY:lam, Elmus Neville, Straffordville Dunwieh, E. J. Hatton, lona Station South wold, D. Smoke, St. Thomas R' R Malahide, C.".Cheesman" Aylmer R R.. N. Yarmouth,'F. R. Taylor, Belmont R R S. Yarmouth, Wm, F. .Smith, Sparta S. Dorchester, F. R. Taylor, Belmont ,R ,R County Supervisor, stationery, advertising and" inspections I remain, 150 12 $ 1023 32 Your obedient servant, FRED R. llA YLO R. 126 BIg-in County Council Elgin County Council 127 :t;ly ,. LAWS be and are hereby appointed members of the Board of Audit to per- f.orm the duties re1quired of them Iby R..S.iQ, 19217, Chapter 126, Sec- tion 22. B'Y-LAW No. 1239 That the members of the said Board of Audit be paid the sum of Five Dollars per day for their services and." five cents per mite, going to and from .each audit. To Authorize 'the Warden and iTreasurer to_ BorroW' the Sum of One Hundred and Fif~y Thousand Dollars Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 31st day of January, 1936. The Elgin County Couned enacts:- ,. That the Warden and Treasurer be and are hereiby authorized to borrow the sum of One Hundred ,and Fifty Thousand Dollars ham the Bank of Montre.a1 as' it may be required to meet the eX!pen,di- tures of the Corporation of the County of Elgin driringthe year 1936, and .give as secu.r'ity thererfor notes of one thous'alld or ten thousand dollars each. K. W. McKAY, G. M, Mi1'CHELL. Clerk. Warden. '~~,. Read a third time and passed. at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 3,lst day 0-f January, 1936. K. W. McKAY, G. M., Mi1'CHlEILL, FlY _LAW No. 1241 Clerk. To ,Appoint High School Trustees Warden. The E1gin County Council enacts: 1. That the following High School Trustees be appointed : .. Aylmer Dr. Honier McLay H. L. Stratton Frank Ferris W. Hollingshead Striart Kirkland for 3 years for 2 years for 3 years for 3 years for 1 year BY-LAW No. 1240 Vienna Dutton To Appoint a Board IOf Audit in ,the County IOf Elgin for the Year 1936 Read, a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, SL Thomas, this 31st day of January, 1936. The Elgin County Council enacts: That the Judge of the County Court and Mr. Joseph H. Burke K. W. McKAY, Clerk. G. M. MITCHELL, Warden. 128 Blgin- County Council BY-LAW No. 1242 To Appoint a MemberrOf the Senate (of the,U~iv:ersity ,of Western Ontario The,Elgin County Council enacts: That J. C. Smith, I.R...$:. be and is- herc1by appointed to the Senate of ,the University olf West~rn Ontario. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chamber'l, St.- Thomas, this 31st day of January, 1936. K. W. Mc\<AY, Clerk. G. M. MI1'CRELL, Warden. BY.LAW No. 1243 To (Appoint Coun$Y Road Committee The Elgin County Council. enacts as f<'i.quirec1 by the Highway Act: " That the following five members. of this, Council constitute a Committee for the purpose Oif directing the wo'rk to be clone on the County Road System: F, W. Schlnclz J; D. Thomson Richard Kitl1lble W 111. E. Locke S. Snelgrove For Term of 1 year For Term of 2 years For Term of 3 years For Term of 4 years For Term of 5 years That By-,La.w No. 1228 be and is herethy repealed. .Read a third time and Sf. Thomas, this 31st day passed at County Council Chambers, of January, 19,36, G. M. MIl1CH:EJlJL, Warden. K W. McKAY, Oerk. ElgJ,m. County ^Coun~c:il 129 BY-LAW No. 1244 To Appoint Advisory AgnculturaI '/Council The Elgin County Council enacts: That the Ad'Visory Agricultural Council be composed member from eac'h townshi,p and eight honorary membel's, lowing to be appointed: of one the f.ol- .Members , Frank McGregor, AldJborough David Carroll, Dunwich E. E. Luton, Southwold R. A. Penhale, Yarmouth B<.!._rry Kent, 'Malahide L;'~is Johnston, Bayham D N Dible, - S~ Dorchester Honorary Members The memibers of the Agricultural C0l11111itte.(~ of this Council. That memlbers of said Advisory Agricultural Council he paid the same as members of this Council for attendance at the two meetings required to be held annually in February and November, al1dthat they receive their travelling and other eJ:{pense.s for atten- -dance at special or emergency meetings called by the Chairman. That By-,Law No~ 1226 Ibe repealed. Read a third time and passed at St. Thomas, this Jht day of January, County 1S136. Council Cha1l11)ers, K W. McKAY, Clerk. G. M. MITCHEiLiL, Warden. 130 Elgin' County Council Elgin County ,Council 131 BY-LAW No. IUS BY -LAW No. 1247 To Appoin~ [nsp,edor under the Corn Blorer Act To Confirm the Equali!..!:ationo,f the Assessment Rolls of The Elgin County Council enacts: That Frecl R. Taylor of the Township of Yarmouth be and he r IS hereiby appointed Im1pector to l)crforin the duties required of' him under the 'provisions 'of The Corri Borer Act. the County of Elgin for the Year 1936 1i1C Elg1l1 County Council enacts: .lhat the follOwing 'be tile equal1zatlon of tne Assessment l'i..OUS 01 tne Gounty 01 .t..lgl11 ior the year 19:56; That while engaged in the performance 6f his duties under the Act, the said Ins'Pcctal' shall be paid the sum of Six -nollars pcr day to include travelling and other expenses. . m .... .... $3,705,658 4,.048;205 5,104,276 5,313,'553 .... ... . . ..... .. ..... .......3,44U,976 2,445,735 2,15M84 1,585,08L2 512,653 942,889 184,874 121,044 421,450 378,366 AlcIJool"'Ough Dunwich South wold Yarmouth Malahide '."Bayham South Dorchester Aylmer Dutton Port Stanley Springfield Vicnlla Rodney yVest Lome That thcsaid Inspector appoint suh-inspector for eaci1' townshj:p, said appointmctlts to he approved 1)y the Township Councils. That all BY~fLaws heretofore passed il1 this 'behalf be and are I ,,_ herelby repealed. Read a third timc and passed at COUBty Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 3ht day of January, 1936; K. W. MoKAY. Clerk. G. M. MITCHELL, Warden. $30.340,3"5 BY'LAW No. '1246 Th~tthis Council is willing to have a.',sessnle'nt rolls, in case of appcal, made the final equalization of by the, County J udgc~ To 'Provide for the Total Expenditure on "the System ~of Read a third time and passed at County Council Chamber5, SL Thomas, this 3ht clay of J auuary, 1936. County Roads in itheCounty ,of Elgin as approved by ,Order~in~Coundl during the ti'ear 1936 K. W. McKAY, Cleric G. M. MITCHE'uL, Warden. Repealed by By-La \0\, ,No. 1249. 132 . Btg.inC01Ul!ty Council BY-LAW 1\10. ,1248 To .Appoint a Member ,to:.the St. Thomas Suburban Area Commission The Elgin County Council enacts: That George H. Cross be and is herelby appointed to the St. ThomasSulbuflball Area Commission' for five years and until a suc- cessor is ap.pol11ted. I~ead a third time .and passed at St, Thomas, this ,31l,<;tday of January, County ,Council 1936. Cham1>ers, K. W. McKAY, Cle,k. G. M. MI'DCHEJ..L, Warden. BY-LAW No. 1249 A By-LawtolProvide for the total~xpenditure po the sjystem ,of counly roads (in the. 'CollotyoE Elgin as approved by Order-in-Council, during the year 1936 WHBREAS The Highway Im!provement Act, :Cha'pter 54, R.S.O. 1927, anclamcndmcn't's requires that the totalexpenditurce on ',COUnty roads and bridges be provided for annually by county by-lam, THE'RIEFORrE the Council of the Corporation o;f the said County of .Elgin enacts as: flollows,: (1) Thesul11 of $118.,000 is hereby appropriated froni monies rais- ed 'by levy, debentures and government subsidy, for expelI- Elgin County' ',Council 133 diture upon construction 'on the said ,system during the year 1936. (2) Thesul11 of $52;000 is herelby raised by levy and government Upon maintena.nce and repair of system during the year 1936. appropriated from ,monies sulJJsidy for ex.penditure the roads in the said (3) The said monies shall' be the duly appointed county perrformed in accordance respecting county r-oads Highways -of Orifario. expended under the direction of road superintendent and on work with the last revised regulations issued Iby the Department of (4) The Clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to. the :Deputy Minister, Department of Highways of Ont- ario, for approval on or 'before the 31st 'of January of the present "year. That By-'Law No. 1246 be and is hereby repealed PassedatSt Thomas, thIS 5th day of March,A.D.. 1936. K. W. McKAY, Clerk. G. M. MI'DCHELL, Warden. BY-LAW No. 1250 To Appoint High School Trustees The .Elgin County 'Council enacts: That Dr. M. G. Graham !be appoili.ted trustee of the Dutton High School Board to complete the unex'pired term of the late Stuart C. Kirkland. ]34 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 135 Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 12th day of June, 1936. Port Stanley Springfield Vienna Rodney West Lorue 942,009 ,184,874 112,1,044 421,~50 408,366 K. W. McKAY, (' Clerk. G. M. MITCHELL, Warden. $30,3,10,345 BY.LAW No. 1251 THEREFOkE the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts: To 'Raise Amounts_ for County Rates 1. 'lhat a rate of 5;)4 mills 011 t;le Dollar be levied on the rate-' able property 111 the sev,eral municipalities in the County of Elgin, as a:bave set forth, for the year 1936, to raj~c the following amounts: During the Year 1936 WIHEREAiS an estimate has been made showing that the sum Ol One I-Iunclred and Seventy-Four Thousand, Six Hundred <l....n...d Twenty-Niue Dollars is required to he raised. in the s,everal muni- cipalities for th,e l<\Jwful purpOses of the County during the year 1936, ~ . L:, That the sum of One Hundred and Sevcnty-four T,nousand Six Hundred and'l wenty"'"nllle lJollars be raised and levied in the several MUl1lclp~iities, according to the following schedule and that thc amounts as eilterccl therel11 be paid to tne County Treasurer, as llY law required: AND W'H!EIRIEAlS by the Assessment Act, this Council is requir,.. ed to direct what portion of the sum to he levied for County pUr- poses shall be levied in each Municipality in the COUnty, AND WHErR'BAS the rates are required to be apportioned on the basis o.f the assessment of property as equalized, SCHEDULE Municipality Ald'borough ,..........$ DUl1Jwich South wold Yarmouth Malahide Bayham South Dorchester Aylmer Dutton Port Stanley Springfield Vienna Rodney West Lorue Total 211,30B 23,27(/ 29,350 30,553 19,784 ]3,948 12,395 9,114 2,948 5,422 1,063 696 2,423 2,348 AIND WIHiEIRiEiAS the ass'css,mcnt o.f propcrlty of t11C County as ascertained and equalized in 1935 is as follows: Municipality 'fatal Equalized Value Al(bborough DUl1rwich Southwold Yarmouth Malahide Bayham South Dorchester Aylmer Dutton ...$3,705,1158 4,04Il,205 5,104,276 5,313,5'53 ......... m.... ..... mm.m 3,440,97(i 2,425,73'5 2,1'55,584 1,585,082 5'12,1153 $ .174,629 136 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 137 County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, :12th -June, 1936 . (1) Intersections of Roads 27 and 36, making 27 a stop road, on the 4th Concession of the Township of Yarmouth. K. W. McKAY, Clerk. G.M. MlTCHELL, Warden. (2) Road No. 43 cast of the Village of Lyons, Township of South Dorchester, between Concessions 10 ,and 11, at the intersections of Road Nos. 39 and 43. Also, Townline Road: No. 37 :between South and North Dorchester at the inter- s.ectionof Middles'ex .County Road No. 60 and Elgin County Road No. 47. , BY-LAW"No.1252 Read a third 'time and 'passed at iCounty Coundl Chambers, To 'Designate County' Road The ~Elg(n -County Council enacts; St. Thomas, this 27th day of November, 1936. -That the Torwnlil1eRoad betweenSouthwold and Dunwi.ch from the iritersectiol1 of 'County Road No. 16 Subur!ban Area and County Road 'No.8, .running 'northerly to King's 'Highway No.3, a distance ofa1bout bwoand a quarter miles he and is herehy designated as a CountY- ,Road. K. W. McKAY, Cle"k. G. M. MITCHELL, Warden. v, Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this ,12th day of June, 1936. K. W. McKAY, Clerk. G. M. MITCHELL, Warden. BY. LAW ~o. 1253 To Provide for tne ,Erection of Stop Signs The Elgin County Council enacts: 1. That stop signs be erected at the following intersections; 138 Elgin County Council' BY.LAW No. 1254 To Extend Time For Tax Sate The Elgin County, Council enacts : That the time for the enforced collection by sale of arrears for taxes in [the Co~nty of Elgin be and is hereJby for one year. Read a third time and passed at County St. Thomas, this 26th day oJ November, 1936. Council K W. McK;AY, Clerk. G. M. MI"DCHELL, \ Elgin County Council 139 BY-LAW No. 1255 To !Discontinue the Vienna High School District land in extended WHER'EA,S by By-Law No. 240 passed in 1873 High' School District Number One was established to be comprised of the Village of Vienna and the Township of Bayham. "I1HlE EDGIN GOUNTY COUNiC11L ENAJCTS: Chambers, THAT High School District Number One Village of Vienna and the Township oJ Bayham discontinued and By-Law No. 240 repealed. comprised of the 'be . and is hereby Warden. THiAT this BY-lLaw come into force and take effect when ap- proved -by the Lieutenant Governor, in Council. Read a third (4~le and passed at County Council Chamibers, St. Thomas, this 2.7th day of November, 1936. K. W. McKAY, Cle'rk G. M. MITCHELL, ,Warden. 140 Elgit1 County 'COlHl'cH Elgin County Council 141 BY.LAW No. 1256 westerly side of the road to its in'tersection with the north. easterly side of the road. Thence south easter1y~ along the north easterly side of the road to the southerly angle of said lot 7. Thence south < westerly 66 feet 0 inches to the easterly angle of said lot 6. Thence north westerly along the south westerly limit of said Furnival Road 540 feet to the place of beginning. To ,Revert ',Certain, 'Por:tions of 'County 'Roads To the Loca'. Municipalities The Elgin 'County Council enacts: That the folIow1ug COUll\! Roads be reverted to the Townships ill which they are situate: Township of Yarmouth Parcel No. 1 Township of Aldborough Opposite Concession 7 Portion of the road allowance between lots 8 and 9 in the 11th concession of the Township of Yarmouth. All of said road allowance in said concession which lies west of a strip of land 66 feet in width which is shown on the plan and description deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the'-\County of Elgin on June 20th, 193'5 as deposited plan 56. Commencing at a point in the north easterly side of the Fur- nival Road Cbetween lots 6 and 7, Concession]) a distance at 24Q feet measured south easterly thereon from the westerly angle of said lot 7. Thence north westerly 011. a curve to the left w1mse radius i~ 862 feet and which is tangent to the north westerly side of the said road to its intersection with the north westerly limit of said concession 7. Thence north easterly along the north westerly limit of said concession to the westerly angle of said lot 7. Thence south easterly along the north easterly limit o',f the said Furniv'al Road 2\4() feet to the pla'ce beginning. Township of Bayham 1. Road No. 44 in the Police Village of Port Burwell in the Township of Bayham from the intersection of W,el1ington and Erius Streets as shown in Registered Plan No. 112, Erius Street in north'erly and easterly direction to the north 'boundary of the said Village where it connects with the Old Plank Road or Kings Highway No. 19. Parcel No. 2 Opposite Gore Concession Commencing at a point in the south westerly side of the Furnival Road (Ibetwccn lots 6 and 7, Gore Concession) a dis- tance 540 feet measured north westerly thereon from the easterly angle of said lot 6. Thence southeasterly in a curve to the left, whose radius is 852 feet and which is tangent to the south 2. The Plank Road across part lot 15, concession 11, the Tow\l~ ship of Bayham, southerly from its intersection with the southw erly limit oJ the Kings Highway diversion . as shown on deposit-, cd plan D. 62 to its intersection with the north westerly limit of Kings Highway diversion as shown on deposited plan No. 460 142 Elgi.n County Council and further shown on plan A. 7-11 deposited in the Registry ,Office for the County of Elgin. St. Thomas, this 2,7th day of November, 1936. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, K. W. McRAY, Cle'rk G. M. c. MITCHELL, Warden. Elgin County Council 143 BY.LAW No. 1257 To Appoint a Countty Solicitor The Elgin County Council enacts : That E. S. Livermore of the Town of Aylmer, be and is hereby appointed Solicitor for the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin. That By..;[.aw No. 836 he and is her.elby repealed. Read, a third time and passed at County Council Chamlbers St. Thomas, this 2:7th day of November, 1936. K. W. McK;AY, Cleok. G. M. MI1'CFlJELL, Warden. 144 Elgin County Council BY.LA W No. 1258 To Provide for Additional Expenditure on. the "S1ystem of .ICounty Roads in the County of Elgin WIHElRIEASIBy~,Law No. 1249 was passed on the 5th day of March to provide for a total expenditure of $70,000 approved bY Ordcr~,in-iCouncil. 'u .kNiD WHIJ:<:iRiEiAS it has heen found necessary t~_, expend an additional sum of Tell Thousand DollarS to complete the work' of maintenance and repair undertaken this year. THE E,DGliN COUNTY COUNCIL ENACTS: 'fIHAT the sum of Ten TilOusand Dollars is here.by'appropriated from monies to be raised by levy and government subsidy to be ex...; pended on the County Road System during 1936 under the direction of the County Road Superintendent and in accordancq with last re- vised regulations res'pect,jng ICounty Roads. TH:Arr a COpy of this by-law be transmitted to the Deputy Minister oJ Highways for approval. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers; S1. Thomas, this 27th day of November, 1936. K W. McKAY, Clerk. G. M. MI1JCHEiLL, Warden. BY-LAWS- No. 1239. No. 1240 No. 1241 No. 124,2 No. 1243 No. 1244 No. 1245 No. 1246 Nb.1247 No. 1248 No. 1249 No. 1250 No.1251 No. 1252 No. 1253 No. 1254 No. 1255 No. 1256 N 0.1257 No. 1258 Elgin County Council l<Hi INDEX To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow $150,000 "..n..m.....Oo....nmmm... ..n...nnJ,........19, 126 To Appoint Board of Audit...mm..mm...m.......mm.m..20, 126 To Appoint High School Trustees.............mn....m...20, 127 To Appoint Member to the Senate of the University of Western Ontario..........mm......n.m21, 128 To Appoint County Road Committee..........mm..m.22, 128 To Appoint Advisory Agricultural CounciL..........22, 129 To Appoint CQrn Borer Insp'ectormm..m............m..23; 130 To Provide for County Road Ex'penditure....23, Repealed To Confirm Equalization..nm...m...nn..n..mm..n..m.m..24, 131 To Appoint Member of Suburban Ar,ea Commissi on.m.........mnmm.......m.mm......m...mm......25, 132 To Provide for County Road Expenditure.....m..__:.31, 132 To Airp-oint High School Trt1stees~""'."..mn:m.......A3, 133 To Raise County Rates.._mmm..m.......mm............m..;..44, 134 To Designate County Road....n...m..........n.m............,.44, 136 To Erect Stop Signs..........nmm..m.....mm...m.n..,m...n,58, 136 To Extend Time for Tax Sale..m.mmm.'Oo.mmm....m.58, 138 To Discontinue Vienna High School....mm.........m..59, 139 To Revert Portions of County Roads........n.,m...m..59, 140 To Appoint County Solicitor ........m.mm ....'.m........n60, 143 To Provide for Additional Expenditure on County Roads... ...n......mm..m.. ...n'm....mn..m.m....Gl, 144 GRANTS -. Advisory Agricultural' Counci!..........n.... ...nm...OoOom..m........Oomm.... 28 Agricultural, and Horticultural Societiesm......mm..m...........m........ 12 L. B.' BirdsaIL.......h...n.................n...n....n...........................n.................. '()1 Canadian NationaJ' Institute .for the Blindm.............mm............mm 73 Law Libr'ary'...n..,..........n.....n.................n............n............,........................ 18 Municipal Associatibn~m..n..mm..mm.........nm..m.......n....n.............m.n 73 Public Librades....m.nOomm..............m...n..m........nn..mm..........nm........ 14 Salvation Army .'mnm.............n..nmn......n..Oom..n.m...........mm............... 73 Trustees' 'Associationm........m.m.m.nm............m.m..............n..m.......... 12 Warden n........n.n..nn..........nn.....n......n....nn..nn..nn............nnnnn..n........ 61 W om en' s Institutesm.umn.......nnm..nmm...n......n..m.ou'................nnm" 73 '140 Elgin County Council MISCELLANEOUS - Administration of Justice Costs.....___...___......______.....___. ............___....... 52 Advisory County Road Committee......................___......~___.......:.,..___.. 12 Aylmer Road.... ................. .............................. ........................................ 13 Bank of MontreaL.........___..............___......___.. ......................___.........___32, 40 Board of AudiL.. ................................___....___.._________...... ..___.................... 12 Costs of Walker Tl'jaL...___........______............___.......___................A7, 52, 57 County Council.... ..................................................................... ....... County Officials........... ................ ............___...........................___............... 2 County Picnic .........-.............. ...............___........___........______............19, 31, 39 County Roads..,.........___......___........______.........___.. .......___........___ .....,...___.11, 12 Connty .Roads Con~mittcc......,--- ...........___............___.______....................... 34 ComlTIunications___. ........... .................___.........___............___ .............7, 36, 4Q Deputations and Committees................ ......___ ....... .....___....______,.......... 25 I-lighway Improvement Expenditures...___..............___......................... 13 High School Trustees______. ................ ..... ......... ........................ .......... 40 Hospital Maintenance.... .....------............___... .....___...______......................... .47 House of Industry.......................___.........___.....m.........___.........___....,......... an Memorial,I-IospitaI, St. Thomas.............................___........,.....,.......... 41 Municipal Clerks and Treasurers..___....___.......___.......___."........___........... 2 Municipal Legislation....................................___.. .................................... 34 McIntosh Bridge___...........................___.......______......___.........___Z7, 28, 30, 98 Ontario Municipal Association............______.............. ..............___.......... 48 PI oughing Match......................................................___............,.............___ 46 Police Office...... ........................................... "'...... ................,............27, 2:1 Railway Cr'ossing ProtectiolL.............___......______....... .......... ........___.... 52 Red Cross............. ................................... .........,......................................... 17 Reforestation...............___.........___ ......m. .....m..___ ............______.,........6, 48, 54 Secondary School Grants...___....___...:....,___........................,....m:........A8, 55 Subu'rban- Area Commission..........______......................___.....______...___......;; 17 Tr'easnrer' s BoncL______.............___........______....___................___...............___.... 83, Vieilna High SchooI.....,....,______.....,..................._.........._.....___........~........: 11 Warden's Address....................___............................___....___.___..5,. 27,33, 46 W a'rdell' s .Ele'ction___..............................___:.........______........___......___..........., 3 Workmei1's Compensation............___......___....___..___..,...... ....................___ 6 !. REP'ORTS OF COMMITTEES AND OFFICIALS- Agricultural Committee.................m......................___......."___.18, 42, 57, 120 Auditors......."' .......... .:............. ...................,..............................." .............. 9 " .> Elgin County Count-it 147 Corn Borer Inspector.....______...___.........___......................___...................52. 125 County Road Committee.................___......___................16, 38, 42, 52, 85 Coun ty Trcasurer___............m,.___.............___.....___.........___..___................11. 65 County Clerk -on Licenses.. ............___.........___....___.......................___...... 121 Education' Committee.............___............m....___..___.......................17. 55. 104 Finance Committee.___...._..,.............___.___..........14, 19, 41. 43. 51, 55, n Gaol Committee....___...___.......___....___........................___............1G, 40. 54. 106 Honse of Industry .Committee.....___..................................18. 40. 54. 115 Inspector, House of Industry..........___...___..............................___..___..... 110 Physician. House of Industry.______.........___.....___....___......".................m. 109 Old Age Pensions_.._______..___n.n..nn....___...n..n........___.....___.n..._....0000.._..... 123 Petitions and Legislation Committee___....____....____...___....___..._18. 42. 11.1 Suburban Area Commission....___......____"n.,_.___......._...n......................._.. 88 Standing Committec.......___..............m......n......m.............n....n._........11, 63