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',' ,..':':., ." ,,,,,' "" "'; J "" "", ' ',::.,:::" , ':' ..' ,,' " " " ',' " 1 ". ;', " "', .".' ' , ."', . .,f · ". ..:<":.. '?:..'., .... ;;'. ,: '; '.:;:~[~i ' ' "f """".,. ;," ' "'J' .,. ,:; ,", ''':''', ' ,",', , ' ,,' '......:.. "', ,,' ,', " ,,":, " ,"". " ".", , " " ' " ",:', ,':,:", ,'"',,,,, ,',' , """ ,'"" ,';':>,c C " ;::. i" . ":;: ':.':" . ,.,' . . .,"', ,..,( 'c,,'::: ":",, '..';',', PROCEEDINGS -OF THE-- Elgin County Council During the Sessi.ons held in the COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS in the months of January, June and November 1937 ~'t:' ~' ;t";!." '}.I '. 'If f(~)J K. W. McKAY, County CI,erk. WILLIAM E. LOCKE, Wa.rden. OFlFI,OIA'LS, 1937 D. C.' ROiSS, Oounty JUdge ,J. H. Ooyne. Regis.trar 1. D. Cameron. County OOUirt C[ffl'k. Sheriff E. W. Haines. Clerk of the Pieaoo 'and O()IUnt.y Drown. A:ttorney Major C. P. Ermatinger, Gai;)ler P:ublicScl'liQul Inspectors: A. B. Lucias. IChatham-Mdtbolrough, Dunwich, S'outhwold ROdnre,y, Dutton, Wes.t Lorne J. ,C. Smith, St. Thomas-......!Ya.rmouth. Malahide, Bay'ham Aylmer, Port iSltanl.ey, ISprlng1field, Vienna, 'St. Thomas D. G. Smitlh, 15'5 Thornt,on Ave., LondiOn--South DO!l'.ohester K. W. McKay, County, ,01erk and Insp.ectorHc,use of' Indusbry Benjamin B. GtJ;ahaJ)1, County Trel3.smer F; A. Bell, :C.E.. Oounty Ellgip.€-er G. F. Pinneo, 'County Roa'd Superintendent iE.. S. Livermore, County' Solicitoj~ n:ougLasL. Ewin, .M.iD., P~sician, House cJ IndllS'try and Gaol Fred H. Ingram, Keep-e:l', Blouse of Industry M. 'D. McCrimmon, County PoU.oo MflIgi&trate Frank C. Kelly. Pmvincia.l High Oonstahle St. Thomas P.O.. unl€J3<S otherwise specified: iOounty Audi.tors: D. M. Leitch. WestL1orne; W. A. Oalb['a.ith. lona 'Station PROCEEDINGS -OF THE-- Elgin County Council FIRST SESSION-FIRST I)c<\Y Tuesda.y, the 19th day of'January, 1937 The Elgin Oounty Gauncil. met this day ,as required by,. statute. The Clerk in the chair , The.tollowing fUed their cer'ufl.caltes and tOIQlk. tihelx seats at the OQ.uncil Boar;d: MUNICIPAL OLER&S AND TREc<\SDRERS W.. B. Lancaster, Reeve; Aldbor:ough Municipa.lity Aldho;~ough .....,.. ;Miss Clerk. Vera oa~r.pe~ter", Rodney Treas,urer .........W. S. Stalker, R.R. 1, IMdmy Dunwich ..., ,.... A. N. Me-William.. Dutton... ........Mm..r.a.y 'McNeil, Dutton SouthWiOld.. .J. 8. 'B. Annett, Ping,aI... O. E. J,31ckson. R. 2.\ Port Stanl{'y Yar:mouth ."....H. L.L,awton, ISkTheiq1aS' .......H. L. iLawtonj st. Themes Malahide ""......",JiQlhn .M. Hale, Aylmer.. .......,...K E. McTaggart, AylmCl" Bayha..m....,... ....B. Bllian, 'St~atfQlrdville.. ...........l\rL St.ratbon,Straflordvill"J S10uth Dordhester....M. S. Oha.rlton, H. 1, Springfl.eld....M. S. Oha.rlton, R. '1, .springfield To,wn of Aylmer.,.:. ............ [). C. rpavis.. ....H.E. ~!lllS'tron~J Village of Vi'enna;... . .......:M. D. Berdan.. .......M. D. Berdan Village of Springfield .................John Hodgson.. . .,.........Wm. H. Cwthers Villa@6 of Dutton" .. .....W. A. Smibh... ....,W. A. Smith ViUa.g:e {}f Port '8tanl,e&'......... ......W. A. Hawkins.. ...W. A. Hawkins Village of rRJodilley.. . .............. fGeo. L. Mistele.. ........ ..........000. L. Mistele ViHalge 'o.f W€st. L,o:rne .......... L. W. Holland :..........Mrs. Terra iMtlGrregor Sames :W. . Neil, Deiputy' Reeve, ~ldboroUgh John H. Sloan, Reeve. DunwiCih Clarrence Palt1Jer,son, D~puty Reev:e. nunwioh RiChard Kimble, Reeve, Bouthwold Fred H. Miller. Deputy !Reeve, SQiUthwold Wm. E. Locke, Reeve. Yarmouth Roy "Uan:s:1€y, Deputy Rie:eve, Yarmouth Clark Liddle. Reeve. ,Ma;lahide ',,- 4 ELGIN OOUNTY, CO'QNC[L Ashton Pinneo, Deputy' ,Re'eve, Ma}ahide Grant Mibchell, Re,eve, B-ayhatl} George ~allee, Deputy Reeve, Ba.yha:m H. G. Tay100', :Re-e-ve, ISouth Dorchester , E. E. Atkins,on, Reeve, Aylmer W, A. Peckham, De'puty Reev,e, Aylmer Delbert 'RYHn, Ree'vB; Vienna \ ,Lis@ar 'Kioyle, Reev:e, -Spring1field J,oseph H. Burke, Reeve, Port Stanley John D. Fraser, Reeve, nutton Bruoe R.'Sheeler, Reeve, West Lorne Ernest 'Lasnbl1ook, Reeve, Rodney The election rOif Warden Was then pi'oceeded with. On the iirst vote W. -E. ,Locke, Reeve of YaxiniOul>h, l'e.ceived a majority vote of the whole ,oounDil and was decLared dUly elec'ted W:ardenfor the Y€kl.r 1'937. The W:arden-eleot madebhe staJtutory decl!.tl1ation of omce, took his seat and ,thanked the oouncil :f,o,r the honor conferred. Moved IbyH. G. Tay1oI1, .Seconded by Grant Mi-tohell: That this ,oounci~ dio now adjourn _ until 10 a.m. Wednesday and that ,the Reeves', of the different muntcipaIities ,be 'a committee to 'strike the standing committees. --IO-M"l'ied. WIIJIJIAM ,E, IJOQK!E, Warden, ELGIN -COUNTY COUNOlL 5 . ,F'IRST S,E,sS,ION ~ S,ECOND DAY 'Vednesday,the 20th day Of, January, ]9,37 The Elgin Oounty Council met this day at -the- Cia-urt House, st. Thomas, in accord-aneewith adJournment. The W,ard.en in 'tl;1.e' chair. All t:he members present. The Wrurden addressed the ,Douncil M folLows: '110' 'bhe Elgin Oounty Ooundl, Gentlemen: , At thi1s the opening s>esLon .of 19317 I desire to ,again ,thank y'ou fOl.' the honOrI' oonferned in electing me yOUl'r presidingoftioer for the' Y'6n.r 1937..1 knoW.that lllRitters of ,county interest will -receive y,ourv,eil'Y ,best oonsid>eration ,and that you will at lall times :forget personal ,animosi- ties and prrefe.renoes so that a;t the end lof the year we may alIi be: pleased with ,the Tesults of 'our labors. The King L!tS-t year ,all British subjects mourned - the death of King Oelorge V; the many lexpressinnsof negr,et, [both ;puib!lic a11!d ,private, showed the hi'gh' regard in,whic:h he was held by 'all classes .of' Ithe :pEJople':. 'l'hrougihout the Great War he was a SOlWCJe' of s,treng1th as an advis,o'!:'. Weall regret the unf1()il~tunrute ch~cU!n:i:sitan~es Ithat led to the 'abdioati,on' :of. his successor, King Eidward. These will f1o'r€iVer stand, 'as an object lesson to tlb'Gse in ,;au:tbJOlrr~y indioating rthat Ithey must at ,all times sacTifice their .lperis,ouRil 'PTleferooces in rthe inter&tts of . those they may, represent. "Dhe Brtliish ca.binet in oominating ,the situation strengtlhened 'the bonds iof 'the iE1mpire and increased its prestige. In George VI we ha.ve :a." King ,whio will, follow in :the fdmslteips Olf his rfather and who is in every way wOflbhy ;()If OU[t" loylaJ.' supprOl"u. His 6 ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL coronation \vLH take placre in"a .f,e,w 'Weeks and his..subjects thil"ougrnut the woirld will recogniZe 'the OCCJasiJOn. It. ,will be ;fioc you t,Ol d{Wide what should be done. :onbehalf of your oonstituents. During the present soession t:ho5,e of y;o,u who have. I1!ot:ameady done so ,sh0'l11d -take the Oath ofA,uegiance. House of Industry Therepo:rt of 'the ,Provincial Inspeotol" sug,ges,ung. ',changes, and improv,ements, in Ithis instiGution will be laid' bef'ore y,Qu. Many -of .these are not of. ;a strictly practical character and similar suggeEltions have been ignoil',ed 'by former rCQuncils. The inmates in the institution now number about 32. :P:oUowing Tecommed,ations of last y;ear's com- mittee all dead trees mlid sltumps have been removed .f:r:om the iOroha~d, :wihich has been ploughed .a:nd t'2rti1i:aed. Abo-ut 100 tmes will be requine,d,and l'ecommendruttons of last year's oommi,ttee will ,be laid bef,uro YOiU '.!f'or further 'Cionsideration, Children';s Aid S-o-cieties 'The T'BO'rganizatLon' of Ghildl'en',Si Aid .so,cieti,es whi,ch is n'}w :ta:kiug pl'acethroughJOut ,the .p;I1ovince has resu~ted in dOtSing chil- dren's shelters established in s:omei ,,}ountieS'. T think it is the duty IQf ,the county repre.sentwtive, on the Mana@ement OommitteeJtl), TieipoT:t IDuny f,oit' OUTi informati'on.' We .na.v,€! 'a v,eryeXlcelIent building; well lonated oandadapted in every way ftOr the PUTtpiOLS,e [iOil' ;whiCh it w:rlis ,ereC't,ed. n would' hE! most suitalble fiQII" a oonvlal€tSoent home Wier-ked in :CionnectLon with the Memorial Hospital 'and it has 'been 'Sugg,ested that, i:t might be used f'or a ,p.ermanent c11ni.c by the- Provin!cial: Bio'ard, 'Of :He'alth. Re&orestation ,'I:he quest~()n of ref,o!l'estat~:on whioh has op.ly recently engaged our active attenUon is likely 'DO become on€! o'ithe most impo~tant 'subj-eotrsthat 'Dhe pl1'!ovinciaJ! and m1Ulicipal authorities and pUlblic generally will ihave ,to ,oonsidelr1 if we are OD r~tain 0'Ur position as' an imporrtant agricultura.1odmmunity. In all 'Public movements such as this ,a campaign of e.ducation is nycessaTW. The' .provindal :author- Hies, thTioug1h refloir1elstry stations, ,are ready 'to 'assist' 'and' it remains EIJGIN COUNTY COUNmL 7 for ,us to take an 8ICtive interest ,and ,point the way. iA ,v,er,y oonSider:- -able' organizaition is now s,oUciting' the 'Clo-operati;on of, 'aill authm'itire lan4'yiou will' ,today y,eceiv.e ,a. representative' d€\putation who win p'lar~e: before' you the ,necessitioes. of the loccasion. High Schools Tlle '-by-Iaw .to discontinue Vienna.' High Scihbio~ ,District was: ,fiol'- warded to the Ministerlol! -Education, who:rerpUed ~ that he did nOlt think it was sufficient fQ[, the purPOLS'B fOol' which itl\VM passed. The matter 'was' then oofle:r,red ,to the, Ooruuty ISoQ.,i,citmr. His, opinion has ;been ree-wed andwillgui-deyou to s-offi.8I,extent in :f\uturedeliber:-'- ations in reference thereto'. . The ,commi:t!;ee ,that approaChed the. Min- ister, :of fEducat~on 1as't year. was 'advised that some legisla.tion dJeail.ing with the subject would !be fo'rthooming, A letter lla.soocently ,been'oo~ ceived from the' D:epartmen~ statingtlhat .legiJsI,a.t.ion dealing !With th~ high ,300hool questioon gener'ally was being :prepar:ed Iflor oDi1side.r;a;tinn at .' the p.resent s-essiunof the iLegi.s1atur-el landl that it would [be r\et'f1o active. A {}ommitt.~e should be ,appointed to studw the qUl€'stidJi. fur~ ther and advise the MiniSter so tha:t the. vi,ews of rthLs lcouncil .will- DJOlt be overlLcoked. Roads The' oounty has been fairly free f:rlom d:ama,gJe to Toads, by mois~ ture., The recenrthela.VY y.ains; howev,er, have ;been detrimental to ll1'any 'Of our county T10ads and tlhis suggests that if we 'are' to enjoy the benefits of - better higlhways tha appr.oprtation fio,r their' propel' maintenanoe s'houldhe a first IconsidenatioJi when the council is striking -the l'Iwtes. OTdffi's-in-council have been Tl8ceiveda:ssuming as provincial highways the. pontion cif the 'ili'iaV'el R'Oad he,tweeIll the bridges . now being widened,ai1d in Por,t Stanl'eiY', Bridge :street 'yvesterly from the intersection with ,:OqlbOl'ne Sltreet 'along GeolI'ige stre'elb and: iSQutherly wong Willi-am str'8€t 'and WJesteirly along Oavell BouleViard.' This :includes the Port Stanley' :bridge, whioh floo manw yeal'lS has been a resp:onsibllity of thiS counciL By-law 'iNo.lZ52has p'oon',alpproved. This -designated as a 'county road the townIine .betwe;en Dunwioh' and 'South'WlOld norbh f.rom Bur- well's iOorners to ...King's Highway NO.3. 8 ELGIN COUNTY'COU.NOliL EiDG1N COUNTY OOUNOiL 9 The .pr00eBdings of the previous day ,were read 'and confirmed. From !Department of Education, l'e new legi:.sla:tirOn.~Reifer:red .'to Education ,Oommittee. The report 0[ the committee appointed to s.trike the .standing committees was presented and r,efer.red to 'a commi,ttoo IOf the whole with :Mr: ,Burke in the chair. The' repffi"-t was' l(;IoilllSldered 'clause by clause land ,ad:opted as amended by J., H. Burke, seconded by W. B. Lancaster. From Department of Education, reo By;.l'aw No. 12'55~--1Ref'err:ed to Education rOommi'ttee. The tol1owing oommunie'ations \VIe!"e read: From Deparltment of Highways, re Pl'DviJ;'H:ii.al 'H~ghwaYas5umed ,at Port ,Stanely 'lM1d Gl"a;vel Rie:ad.--Riecr"erred: 1;;0 rtheJ O,oun:ty' Ro.ads Oo.mmittee. Fr1omF. S. 'Thomas, AgricuH.ural Represents>tive, re reforesting and Advisory Bo,am deputwti,on, 'Wednesds,y, 'at 11 a.m.-R'eferred to Agri,cultui1al Oo;nui1~ttee. F'tIom Hun. J.Vl):r. :aroJl, iDepaI'lDment tOf( Public WelfaT'e, re .a;ssumpR tion of oosts iC;rf ,Mothers' Allowances and Old Age P'ensioll8.--Relferr.ed to ,Finance Oommittee. Fl10m Bell Telephone Co., re by-law requested in reference to oonst~'ucUon ,of lines aLong 'Or under highways.-iReferredto :Ommt.y Roads Committee. FrD111 L.Caesar, ,of the Ag1ricu~,tuml 'CQllege, re ,com borer inspec- tion.-Referred to Agricultural' Oommitlie~. ~rom Oanadtan National Institute for the Blind, re request for 131'ant.-Referred to Finance: CommH;tee. Fvom Department lOti 'Highways, 1'18 estima;tes for road improve- ment.~Referred It'D -County R.oads lQommi~tee. ' From :Secretary Oli'tario Ag:ricuJtural Oommittee, re annual meeting ,and repreiSienta.tive.---"Rererred to Ag,ricu1tural Oommittee. Fr,om SalvaUoIi Army, request [fm' g:T!ant.~erred 110: Finance CcmmHJtove. Fwm AS,SJociation, of Managers ,oif Biomes for the. Aged and Infur.n. re annual meeting.--iReferred t<D House {;.f Indus'try :Oommit.te:e. , From.' Boa'lid of Railw:ay Oommissioners, re I8reotiJon of danger signs at crossing east of Oorinth Sbation.--tRelferred to the OountyRjOla;ds Oommittee. FriQll'l'l Oounty Oouncil ,SsoUon, Ontario Educa:tional Awocirotion, re annual meeting ,and deput'atton.~\Refe-rred 'to Education ,Committee. From Depa1'tment of Hig1hways, re BYRlaw 'Nio. 1253.~eferred to Oounby Rio'ads :Oommittee. From Ou'tario Association of Rur,aj Municipalities, re annual meelting and deleg1at€S.--iReferr'€:d to Fin:ance Oommittee. From Depantment of Highways, 1'08 order-in-loouncil ,approving By-law Nio. 1252.----fRe.feI'l"erl to Ooun;ty R;oad:s: Committee. :From' Ontario Good IRoads AL<::sociation, re annual mee;ting.--IRe- f&Ted to County Roads Committee. 'From Ontario Agrioultur:aI 100uncil,re .potato maTKet.-Referretl to Agr~cultural 'OOmmiJDooe. F.rpm Ontario. Municipal Association, re annual meeting........:.Refer- red" 00 Finance OOil11mittee. From ,;County .douncil of 'Wentworth tlor amendment to.,.Oriminal, Oode, re' &t@aIing, fa:rnn and garden ;produce 'and unifbrm election dJaItes. :""""Referred tOO Petitions ,and 'Legislation' Commi1ttee. 10 'ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL ,ELGIN ,COUNTY GOUNOIL 11 Pliom iQOUll'ty Gauncil nfGT~;Y, re Compensation Act und cost of insuHn.~Referred 'DO Peti,tions 'and Legislatiuu' :Committee; Deputation friom. Agri-cuJtural ,Department and Ad1Vis-ory Agricul- tura,.l 'C.ouncihon C1onserVatLo-n Gommisst)l1 being present it 'was moved by H. G. ,Tay1oil' 'and seconded by Jioibn H. SLoan rthatthe deputat.bn be now heard. !From Oounty -Council. {)if ILambton, 1'e 'drainage.---iReferored to Petl- 't,i.ons :and :LegIslation, Oommittee. Messrs. Thomas, Luton, Penhale, Thomson: and Johnson ,then addressed the oGunc!l. From ,Municip,alirty of Dutton, 1'<8 extensIon -of Provincial Highway. ----ffiIefeI1red 00 Oounty Roads 'C'om.:m]ttee. MOIved by W. B. Lancaster, From Provincial In&pootor, :re Elgin House of Refuge.-Referred to House ;orf Industry Oommittee. Seconded by J'am€isW. Neil: FrOm Oounty Oouncil !eif Kent FTom Minister ,of Hig1hw~ys F:r>Om Deputy Minister ;a,f Education From ,oounty IOf Peter-borough From County of Vic'lio;ria From ,Oounty of Ox-fiord F.r,om Ontario ProvinCial Police That matters referred to by deputation from iAidvioory .AJgrlcul~ tur.al Board, 1'e T.E. 'test ,of Elgin oottle' and [RIefJoi,restation, 'and Cion~ servation ,Committo..-e be referred to Agr~cultul1al Oommittlfe. -0wrxied. Moved- by,' Clark Liddle, SeClonded hy Ashton - Pineo: Tha;t .Mr. Burkf 'be appointed a member otf MreBoard IOfArudit ()~ Administrat:lnn of Justice Aocountsfi()r the yef.!,r 1937. Fl'om Deputy Attorney-Gene:ral, in reply to reques!ts fl10m Elgin .county Oouncil in ,referenCle to' new 'legislation and other matters..... Ref,errexi Ita Petiotionsand Legislation Committee. ' -Oarr:ried. F1'Ql11 Pr,o.fessional :E:ngineers, re, refo:restatian.-"':"'Referred to Agri- cultural Oommittee. Moved hy Olark, Liddle, Seconded by. Joseph H. Burke:: From Oounty Treasurer I with repo.rt.--:Referredto -the Pinance Commit~e. 'House IOf Industry T.eporrt----tRteferred tOl Ithe House orf IndUstry, 'Committee. That phis council now 'adjourn to roeetl3.lt 2 .p.m. ---iOaJl'ried. From Kingsmill & 0'0., reiRodney railway crO'Ssing.~Filed, The oouncilresumed. From Gaunby Library Association, re gr:a.nt:--JReferred ,to Finance Oommittee. The auditors' repor~t was presented and refierredrto the Finan,ce COmmittee. 12 ELGIN COUNTY' GOUNCIL EDGIN OOUNT'Y COlJlNOliL 13 Moved by Jiohn H. Sloan, FIRlS,T SE'SlSION-THHtIJ DAY Sec.onded by Clarence p.'aJtte~n: Thursday, the.. 21st da.y of January, 1937 That this council ,petitiJOn 'true Department CIf Highways asking, when paving the Toad' No; 8 between Dutton ,and WaUaiOeltown :the Department continue paving south. a distance of ,apPI1Oximate1y630 !fleet Itoa !point opiposite' W1allacetown sc:hooland that a oopy 01' tih.L3 resolution be rent .to Mr; Douglas ,campbell~ M.L.A;Poornier M. F. Hepburn. 'and Hon. T. B. McQuesten, Minister- of Higihways. 'The Elgiri County Douncil met this day 'at the 'Dourt House,St. Thomas, in .accordance .with adjournment. The Warden in the chair. An '/:Ihe members pre.s1eI1Jt. ....,.....Oarrried. The proceedings of the ,pl"evious day weoo: Tead and confirmed. Mov;ed by H. G; Taylor, Seconded byE.E. A1tkitlJSlOn: The report of the House of Industry Oommittee was .presented ,and adopted on motion of 'George V.alloo, seoonded by Ashtolli :Pineo. -iCar.riecl.. The TepOl'lt of .the Petitions land LegislatiJon OOmmitt&1 ,was iPTe~ rented and adopted on motion ,df R'OyTmmley, seconded by Ern-els.t Lashbrook. That we adjourn to moot at 10 a.m. ,Thursday. WJlLiL11A.M E. [jpiOI{JE, Warden. Moyed by ,Br1Uce R. !SheeleT, Seconded ibyLisgar, Koyle: ']:'hat, .the ,council adjourn ;for fifteen minutes. --Garxied. The C10uncil resumed. Moved by George Vallee, 'Seconded 'by W. A. Peckham: ,That Mr. Atkinron and Mt1: ~mble ,be appointed aclvirory members on the RIoad! C'ommitltee. -Garrietl. 14 ELGIN C10UlNTY COUNCIl, Moved -by C~lark. iLiddle, Seoonded by ,Ashton Pineo: IThat .a deputrution 'from the' Township of Malahide ,be heard at 2.30 this af'terl1!oon. ~Ca1'ried. Moved by W. B, Lancaster, ) , SeCiond€!d by Lisgar Kayle: Th:aJt, the Wia.rd~n and Mr. Mttchell !be deleg.atesoo the Ontario Agri,eultural "Council and th,at a gr;ant of fifty dollars [be paid to 'same, -Carl'ied. Moved by LisgarK'uyle, Seconded by Grant MitChell: That Ithe usual grants .to publiclibra:ries Ibe .paid-Rodney, West Lorue, ,Dutton, Ayilmer, Bart Stanley, Vienna,' ISpringlfield, Sp~ta, Bayham a~d Shedd-erll, $50.00 eaoh and $25.00 to W;al~dsville,' and Belmont. , -.Cari'ied. Moved by Bruce R.. Sheeler, Seconded by' J~mes W. Neil: "Dh8lt-'a grant of lOne Hundred. DoUaT'S ,be given to Ithe St. 'llliomas' iRed 0['1005 'Soci,ety. -Carried. Moved hy John H. S~oan, Seoonded . by Claxenoo Batterson:/ ELm" .cOUNTY COUlNCIL 15 Tha.t this -council. :a.skthe Department lolf Highways \So 00 amend tlhe..A!ot .that the reev'€l id:6'a municLpality !by!. jpooclam!a:tton, lOan [imit loads ,on truoks for a time not exoeeding. thiT:ty days and that a 'ClOpy oft-his resolution. be sent to the iDepwrtment' of Highways, Depart- ment ~6f Municipal Affairs and 'all other connty comwils. -'-<Carrie'd. Moved by JiQlhn D.Fraser, Seconded ..by Lisrgar ;~oyle: That grants toagx:icultural and hO'l'iticuHAU'ial! \SOcieties be the same a:s last year. Agribultural ,SocietieS - equivaJent :to lGIove!l"nmen~ G.rant:ror1:937, Aldborough, Aylmer, Shedden,Wes't; Elgin, ''Y:armQuth and Springfield. Horticulrtruxal 18olcieties.-':2:5% of, the Gov:ernment Grant for 1937, Ay,l.mer, Dutton, Springfield, Rictdney and 'Wes't Lorne, .and B-elmont .1272 %. ----CaNied. Moved by Clark Liddle, Seconded -by Josep:hiH. Burke: Th3Jt we adJourn to meet alt <2.30. p.r,n. ---Car,:ded. '".phe oouncil resumed. Moved. by Ernest LasihbroO'k, .seconded iby James: W. Neil that: we now hear a deputation firOID I the TOW11.:Ships rOf Malaihide and Bayham :1',e lo~tion 'df Provincial !Highway. Messrs. MacDermand,iWTight~MciConnell, Weaver '~p.d ,Ship then addressed the 'council, asking 8UPP.ort of! their .rupplicrution VO Iha.ve Nov,a IScotia' Street from Copenhagen to 'Port 'Burwell made a Pro- vinci,al Highway. 16 EIJGIN COUNTY COUNmL On motion !of H.G. 'I1aylor, seconded by 'w. B. ,Lancaster. the matter was reiferred to. the O'ounty Rioads 'Gommittee. Moved hy H. G. Taylor, Seconded . by iLisgar Koyle: Tha:ta :grant 'of, Fit1by Dollars he made Ita the -County Trustees' Association. -0arrie1. ~ved by" Bruce Ro. Sheeler, S-econded by ,Jiames W. Neil: 'That bhe' Wiarden, H. G. Taylor and Joseph H. Burke be appointed a oommittee, ,00 settle Administra;ti-on of' JiUsittce accounts b~bween ''Gity ,and Oounty. -CaNted. ' Mov:ed by ,J1ohn D. Fraser. ;Seconded Iby Olarenoo p.atterson: 'Ilhat iDr. M. G. Graham be re-a.ppoinrtec1 r:Drus'teefior the Dutton High 'School1'm tJ1r~ years. ---"Caa.'II'ied. Moved by RE. Atkinson, Seconded by Wm, A. Peokham: :That D." H. Connor be re-appointedi Trustee I{)(f. ,the Ayhner High S-cihool. ,---IQamied. ELGIN COUNTY COUINCIL " 17 Moved by George Vallee, ,seconded by' DelbertRiyan: That J-amesMcAllister ;he appointed Trustee Oif the Vienna High School. ---lCalU.'ied. Moved by John D. Fraser, seconded by' John H. Sloan: That this oouncil adjourn ,toO m0elt Friday 'a:t lOam. -Catlried. WliLLMM E, LOOKE, Warden, 18 EDGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FmST SESSION-FOUR/DH D",-Y Friday, the 22nd da,y of January, 1937 The Elgin OO'Unty ,council met 'bhis day at the OOUTt ,House in accordance wi:th' a.dj:ournment. The "Warden in the cbair. All the metn-bers present. The. proceedings -qf the previous day were read and confirmed. The report of the County Riuads 'Oommittee was presented and referred :00 ~a ,committee of the whole wivh :Mr. iLaneM'ter in the chair. AJfiter, considerrution It ill'; report was amended nndthe OOlI!l- mittee rose. ":Dha report as I()-riginally p-resented was adopted ,on the foUowing division: Yeas---1Liddle, Plooo, TaooIey,' Vallee, Mitchell, Peckham, At- kiI1SJon, !Ryan, Neil, Lancaster, [jooke----'H. INaJysfa:t1iers,on, Sl,oan, Sheeler., Fraser, Lashb:r:oiOk, Miller, Kimble, Tay~or. Kayle, Burke-J10. The report of the Finance COll'1;mittee 'Woo presented and adopted on moti'on 0If E,rnestLaslhbrook, seoonded by W. B. Lanoaster. The repol'lt of rDhe Education Oommi,ttee WalS preSiE".nted and :adropted on motion O[ Wm. A. Peckham,seconded by Fred H. Miller. The report O!f the Ag1l'icultul"al Committee rwas prroented 'and adopted Ion motion of Grant Mittchell, .seconded by R.iohM'd Kimble. \ Moved by Joseph H. Burke, Seconded by Ernest Lashbrook: ,~ ELGLN COUNTY COnNCLL 19 That the Clerk be instructed to advise the ,asse&s'Dlrs of :muroci':' pali:ties having n€lpUlty-,Reeves 'IBit :thi\5 council rt.hataction may be taken to -p110v,e the :right .of: such Deputy-Reeves to ,a seat 'at, the coWlcil and "o! the liabiHty Of, rohe .assess,oX's in the ulatter !Of, oor- :rec;tly entering el,ectars 'in the ooU for this [JUJJpiOiSe. Defeated on the following div1sion: Yeas-Sl{J,an,Fl1aeef, 'Pattenson, Lashbrook, Milier, Kimbh}, Tay~or, l{jo~le,'Burke-9. Nays----Liddle, Pineo, Tansley, V'aJ~'eel, IMiJtcheIl, Piookiha.111 A'tkinson, [Ryan, Sheelex, Neil, LancalSiter-41. , Moved by H. G. Tay~o(t', Seconded by Lisgar Koyle: That By-law No. trZ59 to .authorize the' WaiI'den ,and Treasurer to bonOIW the' sum of One Hundred ,and Fifty 'Dl1ouiS'and Dollars be read a. first time. $ -Car-ried. Moved by George Vallee, Seconded by Grmt Mitchell: Tha"t By-law No. 1259 be 1',ead a s,eoond time. -Caltr1ed. Moved, 'by G1"an~ .Mitchell, Se,conded by George Vallee: That By-law No. 1259 be read a third ,time :and finally pa&Sed. ,-,Cal'll'led, 20 ELGIN CIOUNTY C'OUNOJjL Moved by F.red H. Millel', Seconded by, Ernest Iiashlbrook: That By-law No, 1260 to a.ppointa Ibom'd of audilt in the County of Elgin f1Oi!'vhe ~a'r 1937 be re~ad ,a, first time. .........,Oaa:tried. Moved by -Richard Kimble, 'Secondied by Fred H. Miller: That' By-la.w: iNo. 1260 be read a. second time. -Carrier}, Mov1edby W. A. Peck!ham, Beponded hy Eo IE, .AJtkinson: That By-law No. 1260 be ;read a third time arltL /iinally passed. -Clarried. Moved by, W. B. Lano3;Siter, Seconded by James 'W. Neil: That By-law No. 1261 to ,appoint an inspootor under the Oorn Borer Ad' be \read a first 'time. -Oarried, Moved ,bY J'ames W. Neil, Seconded by ,W. B. 'Lancaster: That By-larw No. 1261 ,be rea.da second ;time. -Carried. EUom -COUNTY COUN~OIL , 21. :'1vIOV'ed iOY 016rence !Patterson, -by - John H. ISloan: Tha.t B.y~la.w N<? 1261 be Tread athirid tinw;, and finally passed. -Carried. by James W.Neil, ,:by 'W. B. L'anoaster: ,Tha:t By'-law No. 126,2 toaippoint a County 'Roads Ocmnnittee be 'read a. first time.' ....,..Ca.rried. ,hy Bruce Sheeler; by Clarence Paitterson:, That By-law No. 1262 ,be:read a secqnd "time. -'Carried. byW.B. !Lancaster, by Bruoo iSheeler: By-law~o. 1262 ,be JeeadatJhhx(time and finally pa.ssed,. -Carried. by Jiohn D. Fraser:, 22 EIK>TN 'COUNTY COUNC'l[, That By-ilJaw No. 1'263 to appoint High School Trustees be read a first time. -Oarried. MO'Ved b.y John H. Sloa.n, Seconded bW Clarenoe Pa.tterson: That By-law No. 1263 be read a second time. -OarrL~d. Moved hy. Clarenoo lP'atteroon, Seoondedb:y ,J'O~lll H. Sloan: 'Ilhat By-law No.. 112'63 be.. read a third time and finaJ.~y ,passed. ---'Carried. Mov,ed by Ernest; Lashbx.fJ;ok, Seconded by Fred H. Miller: That By-law No. 1264 to confirm the equalization afi'the 'assess- ment :lIOnS of :theOOunty of Elgin !for the yef!,T 1937 be read a first time. ---'-'Carried. Moved by:JioIhn n. Fraser, \ eeoonded. hy John E. 'Sloan: That By-law No. 1264 be read a second 'time. -Oarried. ELGIN COUN=COUNa~ 23 Moved byJiohn D. FraiSer, That By,..l'aw No, 1264 be read a third time and finally passed. ---,.JCarrted. -Moved - by Delberit Hyan, Seconded by Richard Kimble: That By-law No. 12{l5 to appoint Advisory Argri-cultural Council ;be read a fimt time. ----Oanied, Moved by RiChard . Kimble, Seconded by Delbert ,Ryan: . \ That By-Law No. 1265 ,be read a ~~econd ti:rn.e. ~qarrled" Moved by Freel H. Miller, by, Ernest La.shbrook: That ,By-law No. '126,5 be. Tleaq.a third time and finally passed. --'-<Oarried. by Wil11. A. Peckham, by. E. R Atkinson: That By-LDJW No. 1266. to provide fori.~ ,the: County's consent' ;tJo the Telephone 00. ()f Oanada constructing tts lines upon .tlhe higl1..: 24. E[)Gm CJ()UiNT'Y COUNO:u. waY8, streets,. 'bridg,es and Qthe:rpulblic places of ,th.e county and to authorize 'the' County Road .ISuperrintendent ,to supervise and approve -the :constr:u(jtLon of suob lines be read a first time. ----<Oarried, 'MJoved by K E. Atkinson, Seconded Iby Wm. A. Peckham: That By-Ia.w iNo. 1266 Iberead ,a second time. -Oarried. iMoved by 'Wm. A. Peckham; , Seoonded by E. E. Atkinson: "Ilhat:By~law No. 12,616 ,be re!ad a tJhird tinte and finally passed. -Oarried. :Moved by H. G. traylor, Seconded by LilsgM', K,oyle: That :By-law No. 12.67 to -revert pOl'tio:na lof county l10ads he read. i8, first time. ""'--'Carried. Moved by IGrant Mitched, Seconded by George Vallee: 'I1hat. By-Ia.w No. 11267 be read 'a second time. -Oarried. ELGIN OOUNIlY GOUNC1[) 25 . Moved by Grant Mitchell, SeClouded by Geor,g.e Vallee: That By-law No. 1267 he read a third timgand finally passed. -<Oarried. Moved by Clark LidcUe, Seconded ,bY' Ashbon Pineo: That By-law NO'. 1.268 to provide 'for :bhe total eXlpencUture on the system ,of -county roads in ,the <Oounty, oi Elgin, as approved by 01'der-in-oouncil during the YBar 1937, be read a first' .time. -ICarried. ilVlov-ed by Clark Liddle, Sooanded by Ashton Pineo: That By-law No. 1268 100 read a oocond time. -Oarried. Moved by LLs'g1a1' Koyle, Seconded by Roy Tansley: That 'By-lam !No. 1268 he read -a third time and finally passed. -Garl'led. Moved by Clark Liddile, Seconded by Roy Tansley: 26 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 'That By~law No. 1,269 to p~ovide for the deslgnati'on 'O!f. through st:reel:s be read 'a first tiillle. ........:.Carried. Moved by 'Lisgar Kayle, SeClonded by A:s1hrton Pinneo: That By..:.law -No. 1269 :be rewa second time. ---'::Carried. Moved 'by Roy Tansley, Seconded by Clark Liddle:: 'I1ha:tHy-law No, 1269 be read, a third time and finally pa.ssed. ......Carried. Mov€d by John H. Sloan, rSeconded by .John D. Fr,9.;Ser: 'That ,the 'Warden and I,Cler'k be authorized mo submit -to the ~inis,t~r'"i()f !Highways of t1re iP110vince of Ontarid the ,petitLon of the Oor.por,ati'on ,of 'tale County IQf Elgin shvwing. tihat fil"om the 1st of January, 1'936, to the 3,1st of, !December, 1936, there ha.s ibeen ex'pended upon ,the County Highway Syswm .the 'Sum'. ;0[' '$75,214.84. ~Carried. The ',b'ie:rk'was ~ appomted 100 'a:ttend to the Coronation decoration. Messrs: :Patterson, Pineo ,and ,Fraser were .appointed a oomlliittee to arrange 11011 lai oounty pi,cnic. The !following were appointed to -31ttend the :annual meeting of the Good tRoads Associ:ation: , i I I I I I i ! i , , ELGLN COUNery COU!N.oI'L 27 i:Miessrs. Lancaster, Neil, 'Patterson, SLoan, Fraser, [.ash'ba:ook, Kimble, iRiy,a,n, AJtki:t;Won,IPeckham" Mitchell, 'Vallee, moyle, Tan.sley, Pinnoo. 'and Liddle~ ThefoHowing were appointed '00 'attend the meeting of the Muni~ cipal Association: IMessrs. Sheeler, Mi1~er, Taylor, ,and ~urke,. Moved !by Clarke Liddle, Seconded by ,Joseph H. Burke: That ,we . ,adjourn to meet 'the second Tuesday in June, 1937. --Carried. ,-,,;. WIiLIJI1AM E. '!JaOKiE, Warden. 28 ELGIN COQNTY C.C>UNOIL SEOOND SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 8th day of June, 1937 The Elgin Oounty O'oundl met this day ,wt. the CnUllt' H-o:US€, St. Throm-as, in accarda.nce with adjournment, , The Warden in the :chair. All ithe members present. The- Warden addressed the ooun:cil a..., follows: ':Do tl';1>8 Elgin Oounty :Council, Gentlemen: Ia,m pleased :00 weloome you 'tD the J'Ul1e! session {)If the Ocunty OOlineil. ;Since our last session we have had strenuous, times owing to the fl'OIOds which have been quit'B .common throughQlUt Western Ontario. The effect of ,the nume1'lO>UlS washroruts in .connection wit.h C'ounty 1\Giads lanq. hridgeswill requtlle sipecial ooruSiider:aJtion by the oounty l'oa;dsoonunittee and JaU estimate of their requirements which will be in additi,on toth,ose determined' -at ,the JanuarYS€iSsiou. New Legislation In the recent amendments to ,too. Municipal .AJot it is determined that .persons .paying :provincial income tax MVel no nllUIDcipal VOlW. In 'cit,ies and ,towns candidat,e.srf,o!l' mUl1icipll;LI office m:'e f1equiood Lo 'Obtain ,and file with thei~ declaration of :qualifioation ,a 1000,ti.ficat.e that 'there ,a;r.e DiD 'taxes of 'a preceding year or yieans . due and '11l1pa.id on t.he land 'Oill whioh they. are qualirfying. Unless this is: filed th~ clerk 19. .prohibited from putting 1Jle candida:te's. name. on ,the ballolt. Eleotions may now be held on December 14th if' :a,lby-law is passed not later :fIhan November 15tlh: nominalttons to be. on the first Friday in December. tAnnouncement Of- election re.sultsis robe made by . rthe clerk rat noon of the seoonJdday following the [day ODl whi,cJh the poll i;; held, ELUIN COUNTY OOu;N'()]L 29 It is. not now necessary to fill a vacancy in councU.af'ter the firBlt day of Ocoober or No,vember, 'a.cCiiJl'ding -to rthe date on which the, election is held. An amendment thait will no doubt provide for grreater efficiency in munic1pal a.fIairs is . permissi,on ;to oombine the, offices of' .clerk, trealSUrel', assessor' .or collector; lA:uditors are now required to repOil'It" on the condition and ,su:ftl~ i c1enc-y of municipal ,officers generally. Gwol surgeons ,are in future '00 bea.ppomted by the :s1leriff instea.d ,Oif the 'Count.y, oouncil ;a.nd!the sala:ries 'Of :Ei.U %1001 officers aoo to.. be fiX)ed by the Lieutenant~Oovernora.nd paid.. by rbhe ,county or city -CiouncH~. ODuncils may now .pa.s:s by-laws for granting awards' Oif not less -than twenty dLoUars lor .tihe a.ppre:hsnsifm of persons stealing any 'animal, fowl or '~'tarm produce or anya'l'ticle of, :goo-dLs within the municipality. The 'Municipal ,subsidy AJCit provides for the payment iby.,the province. 'to the muniCipality a sum equal ,to one mill on 'the Qollw.r {)If 'all the rateabl'e :ptropwty in the. municipality. This: wm nJodoubt result in grea:teT a.ttJenti,on being .paid to iWSISa'3iSments. The Assessment ACt Under the Assessment '&ctan assessor is not required to no:tify afarmer"s son, daJUihiter 'or sister of entry in 'the atSlSIetssmen:t 1'\011. Judges in :the-future' will not ,be entitled toexpe:nses if'or hoJdilig cour,t. of re:VlsilOn in the oounrty to<wn.. in 'whi,ch. they iI'eslde. Countyoounci1s may :reduce ,the crate of', iriteres:t on ,county levia'3 unpaid by Dee,ember 20th, 'and they, may :aJso ,allow, a diosc:aun~ ,for paymentts made before thalt date. An important ,amendment ,to 'the . Live . stock Protection Act rpro- vid€1S .that municipalities may.. paiSS a IbY'~law !fur Uc-ertsing dogs i.1wtead of ;taxingthem t.lll-'ough the oOilleo1:pr'srol1. 30 EDGIN COUNTY OOUNO]L EUG}N COUNTY COUNOIL 31 'Ohanges in the Voters' List hot require 'clerks to report 'to tbe ,clerk of tbe pe'ae.e instead of 'the judgte. would not be v,ery large. The invHiatio'i1. and .program will be Laid befoil'e you. The rate of interest on Munidp.al and Tile drainage debentur'e3 has been'r,edul)ed to 4%. The minutes ,of ,the last day of the ,January ,Sessi'on were read and approved, An ,amendment to the Telephone Act defined the liability of sub- Scribers and clarifi,es the hasis on which the -- ~ubscribers and their lands become free fr'om liability. The following oommunioations were l',eadi: 'FrDm COunty of Nor1101k, invi:taMon :to 'aJttend I forestry dem(Jn~ sty;a:ti'on.-;Refe:rred :to Agtr'ioultm:a1 Oommittee. Seconda.ry School Costs iFrom AssJUciati'on 'of Managers of Homes fQr Aged ,and Infi.'rm, re annual -convention ,at St. Catharines in June.---1Referred to House of Industl'yCommibee. I The law in reSpe,c,D to rbhe fix.ii1g 'Of seoonda.ry 'School oosts was 'amehcted in U}3:6 'to become'effecti'lJla on'the first day .of' J,anuary, 1937. FUrGher :amendments wer:e pal'.'s'ed during this year to beoome effective on t;he same date '.so thwt in 1etermining'coHection of these cO'sts .clerks had 'to pay 'attenti,on ,to th81 legislation of ibo'bh yer:rr,s. This:resulted in sdme confusion. ,c,wing 100 intrioa:te cal,cuLations -re- quired. ,In some 'eountile.s 'by-laws were paiSs'ed in blank :amounts to be filled in whencalClula;tions had ibeen ccmpleted. The :a.mounts c\t18 schools are ,ascerbained as [iomlffi"ly, using .fthei 'nUI11lber of days attend- an00 110'1' .one year inst,ea,d of the ave:l'a,g.e f,orr 'bhre.e' y,elltl"S HiS form;erly. This mduc,ed the number \Of 'CiOUn:ty pupil days and aliSio the, county liabiUty f.br maintenance 'Of,cormty :pupils. In ,additioOn new sections were introduoed 'to. define whO' 'are and 'Who.. ar.e not ,county pupils with ;respect 'to' ,continuarti'on, high 'and /\/lGcaUona.l 's'Dhools. .Riesident i1Jupils who lare not oounty pupils include 'thrnse who reside in a ,cop'" tinuati,on sc:hool sectiDu and With resperit to high 'Sohools thoBe whO' live within 'a high school dis,triot. This reduces the amount pay.able hy 'the county on account Qif 1936 maintenance ,ahout '$7,300. -FreID Mr. and Mrs. Ingram, Home of Indusry, re ~appliCiatiO'n for increalSe in salary.-Re.feiTed ita House O'f Industry Committee. From Oounty""'O::mncil .sec~i'on 'of Ontario Eduoa:Uon Associ.aUon, 1"e proceedings .of -annual m'eeiting.~erred to. Eduoa:tion Oommttltee. From Oo-unties'Stmmont, Dundas. and! Gleng1arry, wi'1;;h la resolu~ ti()n in reference to Old Age Pensi:ons, Mothers' AlLowances and Hos~ pitalization of Indig.ents..c---.Ref.erred to the PetitioTIiS ,and ,Lelgisla.tion Oommittee. From Depa:;ment of Public WeUare, rea'bolitionDf Mothers' Al- lowanoes and Old Age Pensi-ons oontribatioIlIS;---'Referred 'DO' Finance Ccmmittee. I hope tha:t 'the special c:ommitibee appointed !to arrange for a county picnic will give the mrotter their. 'best 'attenU.oiIl. From Frank Kelly, Provincial High Goootalble, in reference to Aylmer, Port Burwell and Rodney lock-up.s.-ffVefer.red :to' Finance Committee. The county council ,cf Norfolk issued invitations W the county 'council 'to wttend an, ioop'elcition IOIf F1or.estry DeveLopment in that county; In 'this connBcti,on they have proE:pared luncheon 'and a ban- quet. at which Premier Hepburn will speak. The day' fi.Jred istomor- l~O'Wj the 9tJh of June. iI iustruCiood th.a oler:k to 'write ISimcoe :in reference 'DoO lOur situa:tion 'here 'and suggesteld..'th:!lit 'Ritltend!ance,.if any, From Southwestern ,ontartoOonservation Oommitiiee, with melll~ orandum of .p.rocooding-.s.~erred ',to Agr1oulrtur,al Oommi:tkee. Fflom Oounrty Oouncil M PlBl'lth, 1"18 closing schools with 'small ~ttenda.nce.---<Ref1erred to' Eduoati,on Commiutee. From .county Coun'Ciil ofPerbh,. WHih reference to law 00 opening 32 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNOrL ilDI..IG'I'N COU~Y. COULNtOIL 33 ,and olosiri.g of ',beyera.ge ;romns.--'Referred rtO' Petitions and Legislation Oommittee. SECOiNl()SESSlOiN - ,SEOONI() DAY From Couhcil of the Township 'of ,South Dorchester, 1'e corn borel1 insp'eCit()lI'.~efffl"red Ita Agricu1tu:ral iOommittee. Wt'.:dnesday.the 9th day of June, 1937 From 'C:orunty of Nor.;f1oJ.k" roe land l'eDQlrestaUon 'at :request of Agri- cultural Dep!aT't:n1~t..,.....-iR)e<ferred to, ,Agriculturral -Ciommittee. The, Elgin County, etouncil 111iet ithis day Ia[; rt:he Gou:rt :House, St. Thomas, inaccol'dance with a.djournment, ' The Wa:rden in rtihe chair. ~rom Ocmnty :C:ouncll .of WentwOil"th, re Icost of ;truck license.<; when used fioragricultural pu:rpos-8S,--oReferred -to the \Ag.rioultural Oommlttee. All the members present. ~l()1m. Children's Aid :a.l'aI1ch, lDepal'rtment of Public Welfa.re, 1'e Ohildren's Aid :work.-Referred' rto Children's Aid Committee, The pmce€dings of the 'Previous my were read and confirmed-. l\!Ioved by W, B. - Lancals'OOr, 'From Elgin Beekeepers' 4ssociaU,on,T~ planting of :basSWOiOd and tulip !trees in refor:estation .pT()rgr.am.~Referred to !the "Agrlcultm'al Oommittee, Seconded by Jlames Neil: , '~,\. That .this council do now adjourn to meet Thursda.yat 10 a.m. The Dommunicatton from Ithe Oounty of Norfolk, in reference to invi,taMDn to atrt.end forestry inspe,c:tion :and demonstration, was then coooidered. -Oarrled. WIlLiLiJiAM E. [jOOKE, Warden. Moved by H, G. Taylofl', Seconded 'by Ernestt La.s-hbrook: That this .council a.c:cept the invit.aUon Ito inspect . '~orestry de.., 'Velopment. 'in the Oounty of Norfolk. ,,:-Oarried. iMoved by Llsgar. Koyle, Seoonded by OIIWk Liddle: That ;We adjourn to meet Wednesday, ,June 9th, .at 8.30 a.m. -Oarried. WI[JJ]iAM iE. LOOKiE, Warden. 34 ELGWN COUrNTYCOUNOIlL EllJGIN 001J1N~Y COUiNOIL 35 SECOND SESSION - THIRD nAY Rodney, D. M. Walk'oc; Belmont, Mr. Ghur.ch; West Lorne, Fr.ed Cullen; Springfield, Mr. Sha.w; DuttJon, J. ~. l\fficNeil;, Aylmer. E. E. Atkinson, Mr. Allen ;and, Mr. Ba;rnum; ,Shedden, Mr. 'Mum::oe;' Port Burwell, E. C. Spra.gue; Sparta. lVIr. lVjjDedinge~' . Thursda.y, the lOth day of June, 1937 .The ,Elg.in County .council met ,this day in a.ccordanoe with 'adjournment. -'-'Oarried. The 'Wa.rdJen in the chair. Moved by ,J/ ,H. Burke, AlltJhe members pr'ooent exe,ept Me.si&l'S. Peckha.m;and Liddle. . Seoon.d,ed by Ashton', PInneo: The -proceedings of Ithe previous. da.y were rea.ci: 'and ocmftrmed. Tha.t Mr.MClKay be now :heard in €x'P~a,ll'!lition of, 'the Educa- tional LegislaUon., ~ del,egwtiJon :!"rom the ,Ohild:ren's' Aid Society ibeing pres'ent it was, moved by Cla.rence P,a.tterson and' sees,tided by J. H. ,sloan that they be h'eard. at .once. -iGarrie,d. Moved by Grant Mitchell, -Oarried; '~';' Seoonded by Georg'eVaUr:e,: iAT;chd'Bacon Andrew and Superint,endents Mrs. Oa:ughell and Mr. Noakes' then a.ddres!sl(~d ~the council. , That ,the janitorr he' asked to <>i1 the cihairs to, .pT'event, ,the noisy .r :squeak. Moved by John H.,slOian, ----<Oarried. Seconded by David Fraser: Moved by A. Pinneo, Thattlhis council. do now flidjourn to meet ag.ain at two i()'clock. Seconded by J. H. Burke: -Oarried. . TbJflit,this,council now adjourn to meet at 10 a.m. Friday. The council T€sumed. -Oanled, Moved ~y Ernest Lashbrook, Wl'LLTh\M lE. LOCIKIEl, Wwrden. Seconded by H. G. 'Ilaylor: 'Ilha:t indigent burlals f:rom tille House of Refuge be taken car0 of by underlbakerSi 'Operating in ftfue distriet fu"om Which the dieooa.sed wascommi,tt€d, or f:riends and xelaJtives reside: 36 ELGIN OOUNTY OmmOIL ElDIN. OOUNTY OOU'N01L 37 8ECOND S'E8S.JON-FOURTH DAY Seconded," by F. H. ,Miller: Friday, the 11th day. (}f June, 1937. Tha;t .the road .f'J)cm the Pere Marquett'e Ra:Uway ~tracks in the Village ,of :Shediden south to tlJ.e ViUa.ge of Port Sltanley, bemg' a connecting link lIetw€en Nos~ 3' 'and 4 HiguTways, he 'taken over by the IDepwrtment" of Highways; 'copy. O'f tJhis :resolution to ibe sent DO' rthe"'Minister of Highways, Depuby"Miniswr Of Highways and Premier of Ontario. The Elgin oounty oouncil met rthis day in acc6rdan-oe with adjournment. The Warden in the chair. ~Oarried. All :the membern present except Mr. PeckhaIU. Mjovedby B. R. Sheeler, The proceedings :of the previous day were 1'18100. 'and .conrfirmed. 8e0onded by James Neil: The .county. Treasurer's repOl1t Wlas presented :and ;referred to t.he Finance :Committee. The Grand Jury Presentment was presented and referred to the Gftlo~Oommi'ttee, Tha.t the Miliisber of Highways he requested to ,extend the highway nnw under oon.struction from Highwa.y No. 3 to Wes.t LOl'he, northe:rly <to Highwa.y' No.2 at WOlodgreen in the' Co:tmty.(}If iMiddle~ sex, and Ibha:ta;"-oopy of this1'8so1uti'Ou be [,orrwM"dled ,to the Mini:ster, Deputy Mihi.Jster ,and Premier Hepburn. 'The .re'Po~t .of the County Jtoads Oommittee was presented and ~ f'iefe1't'ed to ra Cbmh1i,tte'e of :the whole, with Mr. Sloan in ;the ohair. Arf1ber oons,ider:flltion it was ooopted without a.mendment on motion (If John H. ,Sk:l.a!1, seconded by David [i1raser. --.Oarried. JVtoved by J. D. Fraser, on The :repor:t 'Of 'the Finance Oom.mitjJee was pre&ented. and adopted mOition. ,of Ernest Lashbl"ook, seoonded by W. B. Lanc'a.ster. Seoond-ed hy. J'Ghn H. Sloan: The report of ,the Children's Aid COmmittee was p!1"esented and adopted on mOitiJon of CLarence lPattJenson, oooonded by F. H. MilleT. That W8_ memlYl'ISJliZie :t:he Hig-hways Depwrtmenrt to ftISSIUmea<S. a provincia.! highway in . the Village mf IDurttOlIl rf:rom . .c.orunty. lRioadNb. 13 nootherly ron ,Main street to Oounty RJOi,adl ~6. 'lOa:t 10lt 11 or t:ne road 'between Oonoossion A :and '5 I\:l' 'oif A in the Township of Dun- wich,'a distanceaf about :three quarters of la mile. ,Requested by' the ViUage of Dutton, and ,that a ropy of tllls l'Iesolution he forwarded ti) 'the Hono.r:able T.B. McQuesten, Minister of Hi-gmways. The House of Industry 'Cbmmittee r-epo.t't '\Vias presented ,and referred bo'a. '9'CmmUtee of the whole, with Mr. LanoWSiter in the chair. After cO!l1Sidwation the repol'1twaIS ladoptedwithourt -amendment ,on mOition ,of W. B. L'arroa:.stJer, seconded -by Clat'1enC'6,Patterson. -<CarriM;' The l'epo:rt of the AJgticultwral 'Committee was .presented and aclopbed Ion motion of IQxiant MilJch:ell, seconded by W. B. Lancaster. MOved by Claxk Liddle, Moved by ,Richard Kimble, Seconded' hy George V,aUee: 38 EID1N COUNTY COUlNOIL EDGIN OOUiNTY COp'NOIL 39 That Messrs. Taylor, Ait1d.nSon, FflaJ3er, ~in-neD ,and Mitchell be paid at thJe usual Talte, '$10.00 per day, for :the USiel I()f cars oonveyir.g oouncillo:r.s ro Simcoe for refor€\S!baition inspeotion and charge ;s,ame ,to tlhe A'gl'i,cultural 'Committee. Moved by J. H. Burke, Seconded 'by Clark -Liddle: -Carl'ied~ That By"':law1 No. 1271 be read Ia, second Ithne. -Carried. MJoved by J. D. Fra.ser, Seconded' hy ,Jiohu H. Sloan: Moved by George VaUee; 'JJhat, iBy-law No. 1270 00 amend By-la.w 1220 to fix salaries of, the keeper :a,nd matron of the Hoose 'of Industry be read ,a first time~ Seconded by Gl'ant Mitchell; That By-law No. 127'1 be :read la 1:Ihird time ,and finally, patSSed. -Oarried. ---Oarried Moved 'by Rich8Jl'ld Kimble, Moved by J{)bn H. Sloan, '~"\. Seconded -by F. :a:. Miner, Seconded by Richal'd KLmble: 'That By-law No. 1270 he read ,a second -time. -Oarried. ,That eaCJh ,memberof;bhis oouncilbe 'furnished w1th a slta:tement from the Road .superintendent, ,IDowing the ,amounts expended in each muncipaUty on ,oouruty roads in 1937,- both as to construqtion and maintenanoe. Mov-ed by E. Eo A'tkinson, .....;"Oarried. Seconded by Delbert Ry-an: Moved by J. H. Bwke, That By-ltaw No. 1270 be 'l"ead 'a third time and finally passed. Seconded by Clark Liddle:; -Oarried. - That - ,the _ clerk supply _ members of this council with list of the number ,of pupils, days 'wtJbendM1ce and cost per day f'Or each sohOOi a;g,-used .in maJkng rthe division of oo.srts for county PUlPils far the' 1936 aocount, including the names Of ,pupils for which eaclh municipality is 'assesSed. Moved. !by W. B. Lancaster, seconded by James Neil: That By~law No. 1271,00 raise amounts for -_ Oounty R.ates, be read ,a firstrtime. -Carried. --Carried. 40 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 'Moved by C[ar:k -Lidd~€, Seconded by ,J. H. Burke: That this council do now ~d:journ .to meet November 23rd. ~Ca.rried. WILLrAM E. LOCKE, Warden, ELCUN' . COUNTY" COUNOIiL 41 THIRD SESlSION~FIRST DAY TUeJ3c1a.y, . the 23rd 'day' of November, - 1937 Elgin Oo.unty .coUncil met ,this day at the Oourt Hoare, 'st. in aC{;ImdanC'8 wit.h adjournment. Alltll1e members p~~esent: The Wa.rden addresGIed :thre 'Oouncll': Oounty Oouncil, this, bheclosing ~.,e.ssion o.f the yea:r, we '6hould endoeavocw an unn_uished busmes\Sand..pasiS such l'.eportsa:s ,Will Emable t,:, judge as t,O' results of 0\1'1' deliberations during the RieforeSltation members - : gener'ally :should ',' be better .s..cquainted. wi-bh -this they were a y,ear iIDgiO. Outside of p}antlng the va.c'ant county-g,r,av,elpirtswe hwve don'6TItathing definite. In the Ocu.nty of MidJdl,es;ex ,a c-onsid'WaJb1eacrea,ge has he-en pur.,. by the ool1.I'1ty for ref,oresliry :p,u.rpOlSes, The o()ll11,Ilti,ttee ap- to deaL with this questHJn will no doubt !riepoo:-t and ,mlfuke for future 'guid'ance ,a;.,; a, new' developm.ent. ratepayer olf the, county has 'offered .the Minis,ter of Land:S ,and in perpetuity,thwty {l1~ f1or-ty ilicresfiQll'merly 'I.1.Seid. .fiQl1" farming, used fior' the dev,el.o.pillle:nt 'olf ,an ,experimental f>Dlrest under' 't):J:t'r of the, Priv,atre lFlcli"eiSlt 'RelS1erves Act, 'Cha;P'ter 290 of the fWI~ lof Ontiart-o. School Grants 'co.n:sideta:ble' discussion' ~inref:el'en.ce' to, our" action jn l1e:feren:ce ,to .:scbiool;grants.: The,school ~boa-rdsl 42 EDGIN COUNTY COUNOLL ELGIN COUNTY COUNOLL 43 'l)f both L'ondon and 8't. Thomas, with whom we ha.ve :ag,r'8Iements, hav€J qU6Btioned ,ou.r method ,of arriving a;t tb.e amount 'du't~ :them. Lcnd-ou has objected to tJ1>B' ladmis-si'ou.()f; Elgin pupils :to their s€lcond~ ar:\, sC'J1-o:o1s until ,the matter,is lSettl'€ld, and requests that a,ccounhs 'he, determined acco~ding ,tic)' legislation in fioflc\e in 1935. ,Co-mmittees I, hope: the "Chai:rmen of! the variol'!s commttte:es will report promptly and where by-laws a,re !required see that ,they 'ar,efill~maUy introduced inccurwU -and thia.t ,other. busme\S:S-"lS,':.n'ot ove:rlooik.'€id. The ,St. Thorri.'as' agree.'rnent provides f,oiI' .paym,entacoo.rding to" the Aot ,of 1927, Secti'o'l1 137, S.B. 4 as' 'amendied in 1933, irather than ,the .AJct of 193~3'-1937. The amounts in'Vlolved in either Ciasea.'!'e not la.rg'p-l. * * * * The' proc,eedings .of the last' daY''lJIf-'t-he'June se~slGn' were lWd 'and confirmed. The SDh>oiol, Act ,of 1936 and 1937 dioes not p:r:ovidle ,for <rebates to oounty hiKh sc:hooJs., 'Dhis 'appe'arl3 ,to ,have be,en oonsidered in othe:r counties. A oommunica.Uon -f;rlom the Dep.artment. of E'du-c:a.ti,o'n will be laid -hefc,re you, sugges:ting,that 'similar -gfla.n,ts be now made und,~l' the ,plTlQivistons' Of Section 42 M the' High Scho,ohAic"t :to' .the iDulbtrm, Aylmer 'and Vienna schools. The .f,o.uowing cmnmuntoati0116 W'8l'e - read: .' 'Fr,em 'Oounty Clerk, wi,th, Hous.e .of Industry, repoot.----JRJeife1"redto House (If Industry Oommi;ttee. ' Ru.ad. AC<lountf1 Fwm Ocunty Ol,elk, with irepo[[\( 'on licenses in .fol'ce.---oReferred to Finance Ciommittee. :At the June Sessi<on: 'the C{junty Roa.ds Ccmmittee reported an incr~$:asle in c,onnty 'I'loald 'ap:Ptr,npria.ti,on :tDJ $100,000. but no. ,by-law w.a.s passed.',-Ahy..law,shoruld be p'arsseda:,t 'this iSle;~si'on ~Eihowing 'our total exp-en:ditt'iire ,'tOll' tlhe :aP:P\I'dval o,f the Minister' :of Highwa,ys. p1rom Oounty Cler'k, wi.th repo-rt ,on' Old Age P€\l1SLoI1S.-Refer.red to Finance OommiM.ee. I,t. will- be IW'Ciessary -'to mak'e' 'appointments to 00mpliste 1'-e-01'- g1anizati-onand am,algam'a:tion -,c,f' 1M!00bherr:,' AUowar;-coo'artd .old Age pens-i.ons BO'lard by 'appointing ,one ma.n and one ' 'wcmanmembers. The ,pr€\Si€nrt 'apppint,ees aTe S. S. M-cDel'ma.nd wid, '[}uncan "M'cNab1i: TheOounty Cle1'kjs, SeCiretCil1'Y :f;orr ,:pur.pose'c':( .old Ag1e PenJsioThs'a.ttd hi;5 'appointment as secretary of' the new or'ganiza..tion would ,appeal' to be advisa:ble. '':[1he"p~ov~ncial authodties ,appoint, tJhree ,ihemb~s of ~t~e C'om.- mtSsi'on, two'men land (l(t1,e' 'Wcman. Thes.eshoulJd',be l'ooated"'!n ,differ- '€Ji,t pwrts of ,the oounty. ~hi:s,'Sho:i11d beb'r.ol.1J~h,tto tille' ia;ttenion ,of OUr representative in:tihe Legwh3Jture. F1rc'm Dr. D. iL. Ewin, .physician, Ho.use of Industry, wirth annual repo'rt.---'ReferTed to House 01 Indus,t:!'y Committee. F:::'Olll Vietoda HOBp.ital; LondJon,re ipcreased'" cha:rges f,o,r a.dJmL'{~ si'on'to'-isolation ho.spH,al,-Referred to Fi:rlJanCiel OGffimtttee. Frcm Oanadlan Ohamber of A@.ri,cul-bure, ,,;re FaJ:imers' Creditors' Arrangement Ac',t.-'Refe.l'\red to. Financlfli' C:ommittee. Fl';o.m Department of Landis and- FQrests,.re ,species of ,trees' to, be plant,ed.-Referred to AgrLcultural IOommLtitoo. Owing to ,tbe r-adical chaJigewhi6h: has he'en made in 'oonnection 'Wtththe ,Children's :Sh.elrter :ill1!e oommi,ttee sibJould' report fully :for too in,ifOil"ma:tion .of Ithec'Qluncll"aB!"w'wh:a.t 'b"9lSi,:been,,rdon:e,~nd'a.l-sl(JI 'as to rf1l1,e p,ece:s:&i,ty Oif loontinuing'tlhe "an~-lU'al ,'grant to the Society, From Grand Jury, wi,th presentmel).rt.~eferr~ to Gaol ' and House of Indus>t,ry Oommittees. From Royal IGommissi'on on Transpolr,tatiOil1', Ontario, re meet- ing.~Ref.el'l"ed to: Petitions and ':L/egislatl,on Committee. 44 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNon:. ELGIN COUN'IlY CO~NOIL 45 From 1M. D.BeI'idan, Clell'k, of"Vienna and- D. H. Connor,' ahair~ man Ay~eri' ,sch.ool Hoard, "re {louhty g~aJ:lts;-.Referr€d ,to Edlu6~tion COmmi,ttee. Moved by J. R., Burke, Seconded by C1ark Liddle: From" 'Oounty'-:,of:'PetelrbDrl~ug;hi;re daylight: s'aving~ferred to Pettti'OTIs 'and: Legislati.o'l1 Oommittee. IThat this oounrtyoo-opel"ate with the County of NI()~lkJ in the proposed ,Blue Water Higlh w.ay ,along ,the nOl1'lbh sh'Ore of Lake' Erie and that a' ,oommi,ttee !be 'roppointed' by the Warden '00 wol'lk with tille centr:al oommiUeein diesignating the route rthrough iE1gin Oounty. F.fiom OoW1'ty, ,e! Peterborou~h, re Ohikh'en's Aid Society' Act and and.,alslO,'fil'cl1U.ltihe::,Gounty -,of, Halton in 'Q,ppooition therew...,..,....!R,efierred ,to ,Petit1ons~d' Legislw,on Ciommittee. ---'Oarried. Fl10ID ,Oounty '0ouncilOif"',W€ntwor,th;,,~.e g{l;soline,tax:and in- oreased: subs,idY f:Oir Ciounty 'l",oads.-iRef€'l'1roo 'to the Ciounty Roads Oommi:ttee. Moved by,W. B.LancalSlter, SeClOnded by Clarence Patterson: ,F1roln Oounty Council of Welliand, re equalization at actual value. .....:...~efe:rr€d: '00 Peti:tinns and Lelgislation OmnmlttJele. That this Council do now adljourn oome:eit wmOlil'ow I3!t, 10 'a.m. From Deprur.!;me'nt olf PubHc Welf.a;re, re .r€'~organizati'on.of Old Age Pensio.ns and Moth,ers'AllowanoelS Boards.-lRefened to 'Finance Oommttte,&: -Oarrled. From GOlUl1Jty Trea:sure'r, wt.thirepollt..........Ref8lI'<l'ed to "the, Finance OClilnmitbeJe.. ,}i1rom D. MMl'thur, Deputy Mints,ter of Edruc'at.i'Dn, re grants to high' -SchO'Ols in ,the ,county .~ef'e!l"red to Education .committee. Mov-ed by Orant Mitchell, Seoonded by Ashton. 'Pinneo: 'I'h:at,'~we heM\e!a:-,:delegiation;'fr.omthle County of Norfolk at, 3 'p.m., re" Blue Wiarter Highway along . the. la~'e, -Carried. Deputation frlOlll ,the Oounty .of !Norlfiolk, oonsIsting of Messrs; Lips,tot; Terhune' and P,fICYben, then :addTessed the Council, oreques'[.ing thei!l" ,rco~oper:a-tio-l1 ~by ,Jtppoi,l.1Iti11g,; ,a"oommi:twe. tJo >c-onsider:.applic'ation fOTa Blue Wat8ll"i'Hi-g1hway:ou:-,.the,norMl::shoredf._'-Lake.Erle. / 46 E!JGlN COUNTY COUiNOI!L El!JGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 47 THIl~D SES'S'ION -ISECOND DAY Oounty Library A:ss,odation,tihen ,addf"ess:ed the :Council, requesting I r~ grant. Wednesday, the ',24th day of' Norvembcr, 1937 Moved by J. H. Bur:ke, The Elgin OOUl1Jty Oouncil met this day in accordance with adjQurnment. Seconded by E. 'Lasih-brook: The Warden in ,the chair. That ,this council make a grant of One Hundred 'DoUars to the Elgin Oounty Library .Associ-ation. -Carried. All too membeTs .present. Moved by E. E. A.tkins.oil, 'I1he proceedings 'of -the previous day were read and confirmed. Seconded by R .R Sheeler: 1MI'. Burke .presenlfed the oopor;t ,ofthe special committee appoin t_ OO ;to 1M'.range ;fiar payment of Adminis,tmt.i.on of Justice expenses by , the 'Ctty of st. T.homas, whiCh was adopted on motion of Mr. Burk.e, seconded hy Mr. Tay.Lor, That ,th:e resolution pa.sseda:t, yes.terday's session i'n the appoint- ing .e'f delegates to eo-operate withNOT'fiOlk delega.tion ire 'Blue 'Waite!. ,Higohw-a.y be rescinded 'and no action !be taken by :this OounJty' O'ouneil and that Rule 'No.. 20 be ,suspended. :Moved by ,,rames Neil, Resoluti'on lost ,on. .the following divisi,on: Seconded by Bruce Sheeler: Yeas-.AJtkinson, ;Sheeler, Koyle and Taylor. Nays,Lancaster, Neil, Slioan, ,Patterson, Kimble, Miller, Locke, Tanrsl,ey, Liddle, Pinn~o, Mitchell, V:allee, Peckham, Ryan,Burke, Fraser and LwshlJir;ook. ' ''I~hat ,this .c;ouncil now adjourn .to meet at 2 p.m, -Carried . The Council resumed. The 'Wa.rd'en then appointed .tine following oomlmittee .to 00- oparatere Blue Wa.ter Highwa.y-Vallee, Pinneo, Blwk;e; Miller 'and P3Jtte;r-son. Moved by H, G. Taylor, Moved. by 01:ark Liddle, Seoonded by L. Koyle: Seconded by H. G, Taylor: That the County Librar,yAssociation deleg;ates 'be now hea;rd. Th'alt By-law No. 1272, to i})if'ovide for ,tale total' exr~end1Jture, o~ $100,000 on ,the syLSJtem Of county 110ad8.in the .oollmty .of Elgin durdng the yea;r .1937 and ,'to repeal By-law No, 11268 :be read 'a first ,tlme. -Oarried. MeS's!l's. ~, 'Orof.t ,and Thorniol'lO!ft, P.resident of ,the Elgin -Oarried. 48 ELGIN OOUN= OOUNC'IL 49 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNOIL Mov-ed l by E~ E. . Atkinson', ~'HIIl:D SESSION - OORiD DAY Seoonded by Delbert Ryan: ThUl"sday, the 25t,h day of Noveinfber, 1937 That By-l.aw No. 1272 be read 'a seClOnd time. The Elgin County Council met ,this day in 'accordance with adjournment, ---<Carried. , Moved by John ~. Sloan, The Warden in the chair. Sec,ondedby John D. Fr,aser: All the members present. Tha;t By-law No. 1272 be read 'a third! ltimeand finally rpassed. The proceedings of the previous day were read and oontlrmed. ":-Carried. The'repoot of the Oorn Boo-er IllSIpeotior 'was .poosented ,and re"- f'srred :to the Ag1rioultul'al :Oommittee. Mo-ved by Clark Liddle, The repQirt of"AJ1H~ House '0[" Industry Oommi,ttee WaJSi presented and ,adopted on motb)n of George Viallee, :seconded 'by Ashton. Pinneo. seconded by J. H. Burke: 'Dha.t this CouncU, oojou....1'i11 ,to m~t \OOmoy>r:owalt 10 ,a.m. 'Dhe report of the .Gftiol, Oommi'ttee was presented :andadopted on motion of, L. Ko,yle, s€lDornded by ,James Nell. -Carried. The repoot orf the Petiti,ons and Legislwtion Oommittee was pr€~ \Sented and adopted ;on mOtti,on of R. Tansley, seconded by F. H. Miller; Wl'LL~AM iE, LOOKE, Warden, Moved -by H. G. T-ayl();r', Seconded by, Lisgar Kayle: Tbat this Oouncil adrj'ourn to meet 'a.t 2ip.m; -CM'J:'ied. , The -Council resumed. Moved by E., Lashbrook, Seconded, by F, H, Miller, &0 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCTL EIJG,IN COUNTY COUNOIL 51. That we hear. at this ;time a deputa.ti'C1n ['flom _ the Mo'tOil' 'League. Moved by 'GI'arence Patterson, -Carried. Seconded .by J, D,F1f!aser: D~'. Luml,ey and Mr. Moody then a,ddr:t...,e3sed the Cioruncil, offer-Ing 'Signs to ,the muntcipaUtiesto ma;rk every road in ea,ch township. , The first - 'J:'1eport - of the Finane,e Gomm:iJttee was presented and adopted" on mution of 'E. Lashbr,cok, Beconded by W. B. Lancalster. That the - County Oouncil refund ,to the Dutton HLg1h iSchool 'the $600 grant' given by the TO\v"US.Wp tOf Dunwioh in 193-6 ,to the Dutton High School. ' Xn .amendment; The report of the Agriaulturr:alOommittee was presented and a.dopned: .on Imotion ,o.f G. Mit,chell, seoond€d by R. Kimble. Moved by J. H. 'Bur:ke, Seconded ;b.y 'W. B. Lancaster: The OO'POl'it oifthe Oount.y Rioads Oommittee waiS ,preoonted and adJOiptjeld on ffiioti'o'll iQrf Ola:r1k Liddle, seClOuded by W. B. 'Lancaster. T,hat the question .of ,gl'a;nt'to nuttJon be r-efwred to 'the Oou"uty Clerk and ,Solicitor. The repcll'.t of the Oommittee on the OhiId:l.'en's Aid ISodety was presented a.nd adopted on mOition of C. B.3>ttsTson, ooBonded by F. H. Mme'~'. -Carried. '~'.;. Moved by James W. Neil, The lSe'0ond report 'of the :b"inance OcmmiN:1&8 was .presented and adiopted on n;t.otton IQf E. Lashbrook, seoonded by B. .R. Sheeler'. Seconded ,by j,ohn H. ,Sloan: Moved by E.E. Atkil1.Sion, That rbhis Council -adjourn 'DO meet .tomOlITOW ia..t 10 a.m. Seconded by Grant IMitCJheU: ~Oarried. That . we a.ppreciart:.e the co-opooation lof the :Dl'affi.c iOffi:cers' and oonstables of the Oounty of Elgin wH~h our Ghief OoIWtable Kelly and his .Depar'tmenrt. WIILLItAM E. <LaOKE, Warden, ---<Oarried. Moved by 'Fred H. Miner, Seconded hy Richard Kimb~e: 'I1ha.t this council <reques't Ithe OM1:adi'an NSJtional Riailway ;to erect wi'g-wag signals 'On the ooossing on No. 4 iHigihway between St. Thomas and 'IlalbO!tville. .-,..00.,1'1'100.. '52 ELGIN CO~NTYCOUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 53 THIRD SESSION - FOURTH DA.Y That the usual grant of $25.00 be .p{tid Mr. Bir<Us.all, ;Dog.erthe:r with .the ..thanks and ,apP-l'1ectation of the 19.37 oounJCil. I -Carried. F\riday; the 26th lby of Nove'[lU'bev, '1937 The ElginCount'Y OOuncil met this d!a.y at the' '<?iOu;rt House, ~t. Thomas, in ft.ClCiOrd.anoo witlhadrjournment. The O}'el'k.presented <the Hi:g1h OonlSltable's' ['eportson lJoCk-ups.' for which orders to pay grants: made ;at ;ta1.e January ;Seission .had 'been issued. The Warden in the' chair. All 'uhe memhe'rs present. 'l1hte Clerk read a resolution ;Pa&Sed by ,the -counoil rOf ;the Town- ship of Bayiham, requesting by-law obo, detaoh !the townshLp fton:L, the Vienna High School Distriot. The p~eedings' 'Of the previous day w.ere 'read and confirmed; Moved by qeor.ge V,aUee, Moved by J. D. -Fraser, Seoonded by John H. Sloan: Seconded by Gra.ht ,Mitq,hell: That the dleleg,ation rfrom the Dutton High Sohoolhe now :heard. 'That a by-la:w .be ps;sse:d at this sesS:i!on t'O deta:CIh Bayh:aanfl'om thE) Vienna High Scho<o~ Distri'ct. ) ~Cal"ried. -Carried. Mav.ed 'by Clark Liddle, Mr. W. HoIlingSJheadand Dr. M. G. Gr:aiham thro 'addressed the OoruncU in reference to :grant .paid ,to higJh school. 'Seoonded by' Roy Tansley: Moved by, C. Pa.tterson, \Seconded by H. G. Taylor: That yhe usual granto(f One Hundred ,iDoIlars be made to the Warden ,flor official services during ~,the year. -Oarried. Moved by Richard Kimble, 'Ilhat the Warden name 'a ,committee of r1furiee from ,Ime Oounty . Clauncil to sit. with :rv.Dr. ['iV€Il"more :and Mr: MoKay 00 meet'the Dut::')n Hi,gh 80hool Boa:rd and determine camoru:nt due hoard for 1936. Seconded by Fred ,H. Miller: -Carried. That ,this Ciounoil g.rant rtme sUlm of On~ Hul1idred DoUa;rs 00 the st. Thomas iRed CriOSS Society. The ,Warden ,then ;appointed the following oommittee: Me.s..<;rs.' BUJ:Ike,SloaIl and Atkinoon. I -OM'Tled, Moved by E. lJashbr,ook, Moved by H. G. TayLor, Seconded by W. B. Lancaster: Seconded Iby Lisgar Koyle: That. :tihis Council pay gu"~rbs 'to high oohoollS 'as follows: 54 E!JGIN OOUN'IlY COUNOIL ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIIL 55' Aylmer 575 93 762 04 $1337 97 109 00 1225 57 -'-$1334 57 68 32 379 24 52' 55 74431 20 54 22'5 '71 246 71 MOVt~d, by H. G. ';Daylol', Sec-o:nd,ed by L. Koryle: Vi€funa That By-Law No." 1273 'be read a tbirdtilne a:n'd finally. pa.ssed, Dondon For:t Bu.rwell Si'tnCJoe Tillsonbul'g :Springfield Bl'ownsville Dutton . -CarrJ ed. Moved 'by Clark Liddle, Seconded by R. 'Tansley: $4410 12 That By-larw No. 1274 "To designate iI."OM jn,the 'Ilownship nt' Ald10DYIGugh as 'a county TLo.ad" be read ,a tirslt time. ----,Cauied. ifIo. pay ;the Clost of education of Elgin Oounty' pupils f,o;r the- y.ear 193'6, as Tequestled by letter f'rom the Department of' Educati,on. Moved by C. Liddle, -'Carried. Seconded by A. Pinneo: Moved by, Joseph H. Burke, That By-law No; -1274 'be read a Be-eiond time. Seconded by Roy Ta.nsley: ~Oarried, , That iBy-}aw\ No. 1273 "To .authorize the Warden to sign agree- ment rt>e Administration orf JustiC.e €Xpi3'nsoo payabl,c by the 'City of st. . Thomas" be read a firs't ,time. Moved by c. LiddH~, Seconded by Lisgar Koyle: ----Carried. Tn8!t By-law No. 1274 be irea'lf a thh:d ,time and finally paIS.ood. Moved by Lis'gar Koyle, ----Carried. SecondedbyJ. H. Burke: Moved by Grant Mitchell, 'Dh8J\J. By~law No. 12,73 be read a second time. -Car:rieJ. Seconded hy George Vallee: That By-lMV No. 1275 to .detach the TownslhLpof B-ayih'amfro!Il <the Vienna High Scbool District be' xecei'Ved ,and T€ad ;a. firrst tiI111.te.~ -O<mied, 56 \ ElDGLN COUNTY COUNmL ELJGllN GOUNCl1Y GOUNCCLlJ ,57 Moved by Grant' Mitchell, Moved by, Ernest L8J.Sihbrcok, Seconded by Georg-e Vallee: Seconded by Fl. 'J{. Miller: -Oarried. That By-law NO'. 1277 to appoint members and sooretarydf' th,:! Mathers' Allowance and OLd Age Pensi,ons Boa.rd be read 'a first time. Tha;t By-law No. 127'5 .beread :a second Ume. Moved by George Vallee, -Carried. 'Seoond<<l by Grant Mitchell: Moved ,by Bruce Sheeler, That By-law No. 127'5:be read 'a third time a.nd finally pa.s:sed. Seconded by J,a;mes Neil: -Carried. ThBit By-law No. 12:77 be 1"ead ,a B1econd t,ime. -Carried.. Moved by Rich-aJrd Kimble, Moved by Jiohn D. Fraser, I ,,-~;, Seconded by DelbertRY1an: Se00uded by John H. Sloan: That By-law No. 127600 a.ssume -the Ful'oon Bridge between the Townships' 'OIf y.aiI'mouth .and ISoutlhwold '3.S .a county bridge be receiv~:l and read a first. time. 'Ilb-at By-}aw No. 1277 be :read: a ,third time and finally passed. -Ca.rried -Oarrie'.:.t. Moved by Fred H. Miller, MJove;d by 'E. Lashbrook, Seconded by Ernest Lashbrook : Seconded by W. B. 'Lancaster: -carried. T>hiat By~law;No. 12,78 rto make gl"anbs Ito hig1h .scl1ools be Teoeived and read/a first time. That By-law 'Nl(). 1276 be 'l"ead 'a second time. -Carried. Moved by ,Ri,cha.rd Kimble, Moved by J, H. Burke, seconded by F, H, ,Miller: seconded by Wm. A. Peckham: '!!ham By-law No, 127,6 be reMla Dlmd tlmeand finally passed. 'J1ha;t By~law (No. 1278 be read -asooond time. -Qax,ried. -Carried. 58 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOlL Moved by Grant MitC\hell, Seconded by Geor'g€ Vall€'€.: Tha.t By-law No. 1278 be r-eadathlild ;tifme and. finally pa;ssed. -Oarried, Moved by J. H. Burke, Seoonded by Cla;rk. Liddle: That this Council adjoUl'n sine die. WILLIAM E. LOOKE, Warden. Lancaster Lancaster Taylor ~eelel1' Neil ELGlN GOUNTY COUNCIL 159 COUNTY COUNCIL COMMITTEES COUNTY ROADS OhaIrman, Liddle Slclan Mitchell Taylor AORlOULTUiEMiL C:hairman, Mitchell Sloan Taylor Lidd~e Locke Kimble O&OL Ohairman, Koyle '~"" Neil Peckham HOUlSE OF fNDUSTRY Ohairman, V,allee Pinneo Fraser FfNANOE OhaiT1man, 1...a.shibl1o?k The 'Reeves of ,all municipalities. ElDUlOA Trill! Chairman~ Pookham Fraser P~tterlSon Pinneo Burke Ryan Miller Tamley Lashbrook Koyle Vallee 60 Pinneo 'ELG'IN COUNTY OOUNOIL PETITIONS..&ND LEGISLATION Chairman, ''I\ansley Mille[t" LaiSlhbl"ook Ryan OHmLDRJElN1S A]D .sOCiETY Ohairman, Patterson Tansley Miller Looke iLEJGAL Ohair:ntan, 'T,au-sley Vallee .AJtkinson Ryan Lashbrook ELG]N COUNTY COUN'OIL 51 REPORTS OF' OOMJVIITTEES FINANOE ,OOMMITTEE January Session Gentlemen: To the Elgin County Council: The Finance O::;mmittee report.s: 1. That the r,oUuwing hOlSipital accounts be paid: Memolfial Hospital, St. Th!omas: Maintenan.ce \ Grall'~" J5.84 d.ays :@ 700.... 389 40 '373 80 '$1263 20 1012 50 344 75 Queel1 Al,exandl'a SanatOil'iuffi.. Victoria Hos-pita:l" London S{}ldi-ers' Memorial Hospital: Maintenance Grant, 47 days, @ 700... 59 25 32 90 st. Jooeph's Hospital, Ohathrut:n T.ooonto Western' Hoop:i:taJ st. Joseph's' iHoiSiPit,al, Londou Brantford General iHoopttal Par;kwoiod IHOlSpital, London' 92 15 3 50 5075 8400 10 50 304 50 2. The the Oounty Treasurer's bond. b'eapprlOved. 3. 'Dhat the -COunty Equalioo:ti,oin be Ithe sam/' 'as l:M:t'yeM', with the exception {If West; Lorne, ,'00 be Tedruood' $30,000. 4: Tha;t grants' he made to :the toUoViing lock-ups,: lIDJdlley, Dut~ ton and ,west ,Lorrie, $'5Q.00 ea'C1h; p.()~t stMlley,~p!'inglfleld, Po~t Bur- well, $25.00 each; Aylmer, 1$100. Thait 'the H:Lgih lConstalble-oo T'eque~ood to report ,on look-up effidencYJ.and eXipenditure of gr,an:ts. 62 ,ELGIN COUNTY C0UN10IL EIJGIN COUNTY COUNOlL 63 5. Tha:tthe Ontario tMui1icip'al Asoociatioill be paid arinual mem- ber&bip fee of $~5,00, 12. That no aoti'OOlhe taken re membership inOntarto A\SIsIoCl. ation iOf ~tJral Munic:l:palities. 6. Tha:t the Women's Institut-es for Wes.t and East Elgin be granted '$25.00 ea.-ch :and other Ciounty 'Institutes be gra.nted $10.00 each; the Institutes ~a.t IBeImont and Harriet:sviUe: .to receive $5.00 eadh when 'approved by Mr. Thomas" AgrlcultUil"al Representa.tive. All of Whioh is respectfully submitted. E. r.\:SHBROOK, Chairman , , 7. That tlhe C'anadiHn National Ins:ti;tute 'fior the Blind be granted $190,00. st. Thomas, Ontario, January '22nd, 1937. 8. That the auditorrs' 'repo:rt, be .. finally audited and' adopted. 9. Tha~ by-l:awto authorize tiheW3lrden .and Treaswrer to borrow $1'50,000.00 be .pa~s&ed and th,at ,the Warden and Treasurer apply fol' a lower 'r~te ,of inter'':lst. " 10. Tha.t the Salv8Jti'on. Army be granted. $350.00. '~';. 11. That tihe: f.oUowing accounts be .paid: Dr. DulltC'an, ,examination {If 'luna.tic ...". ....... ....................;..$ Dr. :Wharton, examina:tLon ,of lunaJttc Mercury-Sun, printing minutes Rainbow's Book 'Sooll"e, for law libr:ary.. Ontario 'Draining School; B(Jwmanville, for. mainten": I renanceoif' hnys port Stanley, conVleyanceto House Qf Industry;.... NOTfolk Child-ren's Aid Society, re BaTibara Jones.. Ontario Hoopital, 'Woo.srtock, 1'e Scruton... Municipal 'WOrld, :printing ['Or ,County 'Dreasurer... Municipal Wiorld, printing and supplies... Municipal World, ;fOr Regis.try Office llondon LancashiTe .Guarantee & Accident CIo., pre- mium, indeuTmity. ,policy K. W. MdK'ay, coumy postage Ohildirnn's Aid Society, maintenance Provinci'al:. Treasurer, conveyance of :po:isonem Elgin ,Law Library Asoocia:tion, grant 5 00 5 00 264 25 3 00 115 50 2 25 96 75 % 00 7 49 125 46 6195 377 01 13 76 982 25 4736 5000 64 ELGIN COUN'DY' OOUNOLL AUDITORS' REPORT January, Session ':Do 'the W'al'd~n 'and Council of the County of Elgin: Gentlemen : We, the year ending undersigned ,:Audttci~S: ,of ,the County 0[ 'Elgin, .for the 1936 l'6.Sipectfully lSubmi.t the following repOrt: We ha.vecarefully Clompared <the se'l,7leral ,aooounts with the VlOUM- ers produced and oTders 'au:thoil'izing, the v,arious expend-i,tures and find them O()[l'1"ec't. We find -tlhe Receipts exceed .theEXipenditures Iby ThiIty~'foui' 'Dhousand, Six Hundred and Ninety~;two IDo-llars ,and "Den cents (1$3:4,692:10) as f.ollows: Bank Bal'ance Less Outstanding Cheques 35,715 54 2,011' 95 Cash in Treasureir's hands (Including partial payment .on Orown' -Witness iSheets) $ 33,703 59 98851 $ 34,692 10 The t1011owing statements. 'are submttted: Abstract ,of Receipts and ~endi-tures. A&sets 'and Liabilities. Detailed statement 100' ReceLpts 'and ~pend~tures. We h:avemade a quarterly audirt of the Treasurer's ,accqunts and .forwarded a staitelment IOf eacl1 qUM'te:r to -the Waa-den, 'Ole1"k and Oha:irmanof the Finanoe Commi'ttee,. I " ELGIN COUNTY COUNmL 65 The bonds giVen- -by :the Treasurer rfor Twenty Thousand Dollars were depos~ted wi1fu, the C[erk of the Peace, ,St. Thomas, on Decem- ber 15th, 1936. We have 'examined 'the. unpaid ta.x returns made by the sevel'al ,treasure.rs to the Oounty Treasurer during the year 1936 and find them oorrectly entered except where ;PI'iOper returns have not been filed, We have ob!iained all -,the explana.ti'on and information required, 'We believe the transac'tions of 1:Ihe' County have heen w1W:lin the pow€'l'of the !Municipality. This bal'ance Shieet exhibits a :tJ:lue and 'Clo:rrect state .of :the .ooun'~ t.y's ,a,flairs as shown 'hy the bouks. 'On all pa.yments made tiO, 'the Treasurer during the yoor: on tax arrears. we have checked to see that t;he penalties provided by <Chapter 3,Section6,(}f ,the 1935 statutes have been 'added. All of which is respectfully submi,tbed. W, A. O,ALRRAI'I1H, D, M, LEITCH, Auditors. Dated'3it st. Thorn,as, J1anuary 15th, 1937. (Details 'of repont aa:-e printed in separate fOllm). 66 El1G]N COUNTY COIlJ'N'C[L FINANCE COMMITTEE June Session \ To :the 'Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Finance 'Ocl~mittee .reports: 1. ,That ,the audtt<OTs' report be adopted. 2. That the .flQUowing accounts -bep.aid: "Norfolk' Chi1dl"'en's Aid Society, re maintenance of Barbara Jones MuTdiOck SbaJti'onery, clerk's office Dr. G. K. Whar,ton, ex"amination. re Agnes IVE<Y.. Dr. A. S. Dnnc:an, ,exarirli1a:tion, Aglnes Ivey Children's- Aid Society, maintemmoe Rainbow's, for Registry Office K. W. MoKay. oounty .poS1t,age and telegrams.. Municipal World, Olel,"k :and Tre'asurer's rOffice... Wendiell 'Holmes, 'Ltd., TreasJUxer's offioo Rainbow'>s" 'TIreasurer's ,o,ffice iand Law Li1::IDaTY'" Underwood. 'EHiott, Fisher, Ltd., .for - Clerk's office.... , Rainbow's, Clerk's office ' ................ . 'IU1Je :5C10rbt Studio, view Of OoruI'it House (Coronation) MunJ~lpal World, tor Registry Office Township 'Of AldhOl'ough, conveyance .to H-ouse of In- dustry and Ontario Hoopital Provincial Secretary, conveyance 'Of criminals Ontatio Training. -Sclwol, maintenance E. E. A1Jkinsori, funeral od' iOha.rles Evard 3: That ,the fOllowing l1oopltala.ooounrts be paM: iMemorial Hospital, St. Thomas: Maintenance Gr:ant 5 25 2 50 5 00 5 00 1385 49 8 60 28 98 ~1 32 I 40 3 35 6 25 8 15 3 00 118 5. 15 50 42 04 17775 50 00 , ,..,$1180 35 125 90 $250625 ELlGlN ICOU:N'TIY ICOUiNOIL Queen AleX!andra San1atorium. VictOil'ia Hospital, London ISoldiers" Memorial FIioISpital: iMainrtenance Grant, 187 days @ 700... st. Joseph's" Hospital, IJondon Pa.rkwood .. Hoopital, IJOndon Ontario "HospiJtJal, 'Woodstook 67 .. , ...... 2505 00 1083 25 335 05 130.90 ,'II ,.",', 465 95 ,...,.,353, 75 . 859 50 45 50 Tile various municipalities to be chlaa1ged wjt!l one-l1alf 01 hlOSpi,tal accoonts.' All of which is respectfully submitted,. st. Thomas, Onta'Q~: June llth 1937. E. L&SHBR00K, Ol1aWmM. i>:;" 68 E[jGlN COUNTY OOUNCiL Second Report,;,.- June Session To the W.a.rden and' Ooru.ncil of the County of Elgin: Gentlemen: The Ccmmittee on Finance heg leave to report .thwt having in- quir.ed into the finances (J,f ,the Oounty, and estimates :prepaa-ed by the Oauu;ty TreMurer, they -herewi't,h submit a sta.tement of .the ex~ pel1Jdtturerequt'red {oitha lawful :pur:pooes of the' County during 1937, shOWing 'the almount' required ro he rats€d for the undmmentioned :pu'l'iposes. Administrwtion of Justice Hous,e olf Industry PublIC 'Schools q:m.cers' 'Salaries Members' W;ag-es Court 'House Commission Interest Miscellaneous County, RiOtaJds Provincial Highway Old. Age Pensions Reg19!Jry 011100 Mothers' Allowances 9,000 4,500 6,000 4,680 4,000 4,'500 3;500 11,000 50,000 13,765 3,382 1,000 3,118 '$ 118,445 Your Oommi,ttee would recommend that the' sum of One Hundred and Eighteen 'I1bJousa.nd iFour iHundil'edatld F1o!I'tJy-five Pollaa-sbe raised Ion all ibhe rra:teaible propel'lty in rbhe - \S€veral municipalities of 'the Oounty :of Elgin during t'he year 1937 ;fOl' county PUrposes, and :that a -retite of 3 9~ 10 mills on the dollar be levied iOU il:"ait~able property in' the seveiral Municipalities in the county ~ raise said amounts. All of which is respectfully submitted. MOllte<! June nth, 1937. E, LASHBROOK, Chairman. ELGIN .cOUNTY COUNCIL To the Elgin County Oouncil, November Session -First -Report Gentlemen: The Finance _ Oommittee reports: 69 1. That the ,following hospital accounts (have boon paosood, and ordered paid: / Memo(ri'al - Hoopi'tal: :Mainrenanoe ... ",............... .............""".$1'576 35 Oran't, 961 days @70c. .......... ...."...". 1672,70 $2249 05 2217 .00 7&2 50 Queen ,Alex,andra 'Sanaltorrium ,Victoll'ia Hospital '8o-1dietI's' - w:IYtemorial -Hospital: Maintenan'ce Grant, 143 days @_ 7Qc. .............................'...... < Parkwood Hqs;pital ,st. Jioseph's, London A1e~andra Hospital, Ingersoll Onta;rLo Hc!Spital, Woo.qs:tx>pk Toronto General Hoopital All _ of whi'oo is "respectfullysuhinitted. st. -'J1homas, Orita.r:10, NOVleffiber,-1937.'" 250 25 100 10 .$ _350 35 10q7 50 306 25 ,42 00 92 00 .98 00 $7164 65 E, LAJSHlBROOK; Ohalrman, 7~ ElLGIN CoUNIT'Y COUNOIL November 'Session.;.,.....SooondBeport To the Elgin County Oouncil, Gentlem,en: The Finance Ocimmi'ttee repOl'ts: , , L -owing:to .an 'e1'1'Ol1' -the county 'equalizaUon. f'Or West Lorne was 'entered in By-l'8JW No. 1271' ,at $408,3'66; iustead of $378,366 las _ deter- mined by By-law No. 1247. We iI'eoommend t)bat the county Treas- urer. oooopt ClOWlity ,ra.be .pay.able by West IJqTTIe in 1937 'Bit. $1528. .2. That the _ Gounty. Olerk's repQrts on O~d Age Pensions 'and Licenses be "ad'opted -and :printed in 'the minutes. ,3. 'Dh)a;t :tlhe l'epOl't of It~e Oounty Treasure:r be received and .printed in tJhe minutes. 4. That - no aotion be >l;aken in reference to communication from Canadian 'Ch'a:mber of Agriculture~ 1'e ,Farmers' Oreditors'Arr.ange- ment Act. 5. That no :a.ctirm .be ,taken re 'Dommuni~tilOn from Vic>tori'a Hoo- .pita! in reference ,oo,increasing Im~tenance c'oots for patients 'admit- ted:t6 the Isolwti'ou Hospital. 6. Thwt .the Clerk notify :the executors' Ofrtlhe ;Leitch iEstatethat filing oabine't f:ol1" county papers is' countY-PIioperty-mm- should be t:r;ansfe1'red lbo,Mr.' 'Livermoce. 7. That, school rate errors, reported by 1Jhe Olerk, be 'ad!justed by the payment ~$12a.95to DUIlton Hig:h School B"""d, $69,3~ to Flngal Oonrtinu.:altion School 'BoM'd :and 13c. to tlhe' P,ort Burwell SChool Board. 8. 'Dhata by~Law be .pa.ssed 00 -a:ppoint S; S. M:acDermand" of por:t Burwell, and lIDs. ,E. G. Lusty, of Rodney, as' members of the Mothers' AllOWance iBo.M'd' and"K. W. \McKay, :as S€ooeibary. EDGIN ICOUNTY COUNOIL 71 9. Th:at the derks ,of .the munictpalities ,receive Three Dollars and mileage 'fior pensi,on -applications. 10. "I1ha:t tlhe ODunty ,Solicitor be requested to submit ,an i,temized aCDount .previiCus boeach session of the 'Douneil. 11. That :th'e t1oUowirt,g 'accounts be paid: Children's Aid 'Society, for 'maintena1.1iC€ and ipur.pos'~ Wendell Holmes, stationery, 'OoUDJty Treasurer Vernon Di:rieotodes, Ltd., city diroobory for Ciotwt House K. ! W. 'Mc~a.y, postage K. W.MoKay, vi..si'ts to HoUse of Industry ;as in5ipeC1tor Mercury-Sun, magiSJtx,ate's fiorms Ontario Training School 1)01' Boys, maintenance Depar:!Jmen,t,. of Health, insulin (when' 'approved by cler:k. ~, E. S! Livermore,Soli-ciOOr, .fees f'Or .oorvi.ce&. Municipal World, supplies, Oounty Treasurer Muni,cipal W,Q['ld, Registry Office books Muni'cl-pal World, .stationery, C1oull'ty. Clerk's "Office.. other 3,()Il792 1 50 All Of which is respectfully submitted. 6 48 33 ~~ 34 ~o 35 5~ 174.00 90 291; 00 32 18 22~ 9~ 32 ~9 E, iLASHBROOK, Chalrmal!, St. ThomaiS-, Ontario, November, 1937. " n ELG]N COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY TRJEAS.uJ:tER'S REPORT January St$sion EL(HN GOUIN11YCOUNOIL Assets ,9,871 60 13,786 29 150,000 00 62 56 176,946 00 234 66 370 56 2,858 78 11,724 '60 38,408 47 11,184 68 $425,448 20 -Cash ProVinci,al Treasurer, Aid .to Roads Suburban Area County Orf Middlesex Adminig:tra:t.ion of' Jwtiee PJ'ovincial'Treasurer, Oorn Borer Account.. Hoopital Accounts Regis.try Office MisoellaneouB Gentlem:'6ll"of'the Clounty Council: X beg leave to submit 1:Jhe fl()llowing statement of Receipts and Expenditures :and Assets ,and !Liabilities up <to December 31,1936: Receipts Owh lOll 'hand AdministTa.ti.on of JUSltice Bills Pay,a;ble Interest Oounty 'Ria.te Registry Office PuJb~~c Schools :E-I;ouse of Indus,try Arrears orf _ Taxes County ,Roads Misoellal1eous kdmiriis:ocati{}D: -of Justice Bills Payable Intere.s,t PUblic 'Schools House -of, Industry_ ;Regmbiy .office Rig'h :Sohools Aw.rears ,of Taxes Members' WllIges omcers' Salaries Printing and. Sta:tivnery Care 10[1 Buildings Wl>ile1', L1gfurt; ,and Hmt c()IlJ.nty ,Roads Miscellan:oous Balance E.X:penditures Liabilities Bills Payable Interest High Sch!O'o'ls Public Sohno,ls HOiUse of Industry, Old. Age PensLons-' Mothers' ~n(}w;ances Admini:SJtration of Justice Arrears of. Taxes Provinci'al.. Police Unpaid . Rioad . AcCounts ",,$ 16,744 11 130,000 00 3,416 94 13,684 65 8,~65 61 920 35 39,119 99 13,540 04 3,263 20 4,680 00 1,488 48 1:502 63 1,700 30 75,2<14 84 76,748 02 $390,791 06 $ 34,657 14 Deficit 73 34,657 12 35,000 00 800 00 4,000 00 2,000 00 49500 670 00 800 00 400 00 $ 78,822 14 . 50,000 00 460 00 22,000 00 5,000 00 1,200 '00 2,350 00 2,060 00 2,000 00 '320 00 252 00 2,000 00 $ 87;182 00 8,81986. 1. It will': .be' nece&S'~y 'to' ,appoint a committee DO 'm€et t!he .pity Ooundl ,to detwmine boo city's share of the Adminis,tratian ,lQIf Jwtice a.coounts for, the' next five years. ,2. It wili he n€cessary ,to .pM'S a by'-law aubhorizi.1}.g Ithe WiM"d€'l1 and Treasul'€[' to horrow '$175,000 to m€et 'the current. eXipendiltures, of' ,the .present year. I AU .of Whioh is T'e&pect~uUy subim1tted. B. B. GRlA.(H)AM, Counrty Treasurer. $425,448 20 st. Th'Orri;as, Ont., JanuM'Y 18, 1937. " 74> ELG1N COUNTV COUNOIL June $ession 'J10 the W'aroen ,and County Council, Gentlemen: Adminisltr'aMon of Jootice House of Indilstry High Schools Public Schools Officers' SalarieS 'Members' Wages Oomt House Com. Int8lI'eSJt Regi.s:try Office Old Age Pensions JM. A. Allowances ,Oounty ,Rolads: Provincial Highway Miscellaneous I beg leave .to submit the ,fjol1awing sitatement of Rec,eipts a.r;:d Empelfdit.ures t.o May 31st, and also estim'ates fOr :the current. yeaI'. Receipts aaSih .on hand Adminwtr8Jtton 'Of Bills Pay,wble Interest Regls~ pmce '!fouoo o.flnd'llS'try... .Arrears of Taxes County' Roads Miscellaneous Expenditures Administration of J'llSltioe 'Bi~ls Pt\:yable Interest Public SchlOols Hous-e of Industry Registry Offule It\rl1eM"S 'Of Taxa'.; Members' Wag€s Officers' ,Salaries P.rinting and .stationery Care of'Buildings Warer, Lighta.nd Heat County _ Miscellaneous Balance 341657 14 2,661 90 30,000 00 73 92 800 00 647 16 1,832 3'5 40,660 22 2,851 72 ,--$114,185 21 ELGIN COUN'DV COUNClIL Est.imates This itakes a 5A'; min year's l'ervw. 75 9,000 00' '4;500 00 45,000 00 6,000 00' 4,680' 00 4,000 00 4,500 00 3,500 00 1;000 00 3,38~ 53 3,117 50 50,000 00 13,765 00 12,000 00 $164,445 03 rate; an~ a reduction of ,$10,000.00 iOn i 18..st All of whi:ch is respeDtfully srutlmtt;ted. 8,986 90 50,000 00 1,094 76 7270 2,753 35, 166 45 1,428'13 935 70 1,320 00 727di1l 46512 106 79 27,164 85 16,788 32 $112,010 66 2,174 55 lB. B. GiRIAH'AM; Oounty Trekurer. Gentlemen: ToO -the Wa.rden and County Oouncil: November Session I -beg 'leave 'to submit the .f1011owing statEment of Receipts 'and Expendttures up to Cowber 31st and estimates: iforthe"balance"of'\1937,: lWceipts $U4,185 21 Cash Oill hand Administration of JUSJ{;ioe Bills Payable' 34,657 14 2,684 70 12,000 00 76 EL.G']N:CQUNTY':C:OUNC'IL Int'ere.st R,egiBtl'Y om"" Public SClh(}o'~ House 01' Indusfu'y \ Arrears IQf, 'I\a;xe.s oQlUuty Road\S Misoella,ueous . Expenditures A!dministration IQf Jus'tioe Bills Paya,ble' Intel"esit Public .Scih()ols HOI~lSe 'of Industry Registry' O:f11ce High :SClhools Arrears of, Taxes Members' Wages Officers' S.alaTies Printing and Htati'ouery Ca;re (Jrf Buildings Walt.6r:,; Light :'and Heat Ooun:ty,HlOads Miscellaneous Surplus 85 55 800 80 8Q:1 11 1,850.92 6,453 05 41,354 20 6,4~0 73 $215,108 20 Officers' Sa1a:ries Oounty R!oads Provincial Hig1hwa.y Mhilcel1a,n.eoiUs ElIJGIN OOUNTY OOill!C[L 77 1,050 00 . 38,000 00 t3,~40 00 10,000 00 ~----<$247,190 00 Estima.ted Receipts fOT Balance of Year Cash on hand.. Oounty Rate County RDads Hospital Accountis AdminiStration .or! J'u.stioe City of St. 'I1hiorma:s, suburhan area CUy of St., Thomas, MminisDrrutiDn of Justice,.. 16,799 11 50,000 00 1,098 06 6,026 96 6,695 18 567 49 15,16122 5,926 54 3,842 85 2,685 00 899 79 1,17727 1,756 33 ' 61,4>55 09 29,588 42 $203,679 31 ,Deficit All of whidh is respectfully submitted. '-'~ 11,428 89 Estimated E:qJenditures for BalalliCe of Year Admlnl&'tr.a:tion 0[. Jusrt100 Ellis Pa"ab1e Interest High :Schrools Publio .Schol()1s, Ho.spita,ls Members' Wages 2;50000 120,000 00 3,000 00 45,600 00 6,000 00 7,000 00 800 00 $ 11,426 00 103,701 00 50,000 00 3,000 00 2,000 00 1,200 00 '6,400 00 $237,739 00 $9,461 00 lB. B. GRAHiAM, County Trea.surer. ;78 ELGIN ,COUNTYOOUrNCIL 'ELGIN COUNTY COUNC!LL 79 REP'ORT . 'OF ADIMLN'IST'Rli~TI'ON 'OF JUSTICE C'O>MM'ITTEE 'ON SETTJJFJMiEINT W~TH bITY 'OF ST. TH'OMAS ,RE;PORiT'S COUNTY ROAD COIMl\'l.lTTEIE January 'Sesslon Gentlemen: st. Thomas, January 19'th;1937 To rtihe Elgin, Oounty Oouncil, To 'the Elgin -Oounty qouncil, , ~m1.T oommlbtJeeappointed tiC) negoLia.te an 'a.g1'eement with the City of st. .'DhOffiOO for division of costs of Administration of Jlustice beg leave to report 'th.a:t they met with the committee 'appointed -by the City ,Ot! st. Thcmas and :a.t1ter looking into the accounts 0If <the past five yearsandtJhe stat<eanell'tprepa.red by theOOunty 'I1reasurer; the amount agreed upon which shoruld be, ,paid annUally by the city for :the nex:t ft:VIe yewS' wa:s$6,400. . . Gentlemen: 1. The Elgin Gaunty Rnad' Ciommittee repor.t.s 'that tale sum of :Seventy-Five Tho'1.lSand Two Hundlrooand F101l'rteen Dollars and Eigh,ty-lF'our Gents ($7'5,214.84) was expended on 'the ;'Elgin County hLghways during the Y8'al' 1936. All ,{)if Whioh is respectfully submitted. 2. Gounty Ric4ds: JOSEPH H. BURKE, Chairman. Coust.ruc:tli8n ,on' County _ RQlad:s Maintenance on County -Rioods.. Maintenance in Villages on County Rioa:cls Hridg1e CiOl18tructi'on QU County Rioads Oonstruoti1on on ,ApproaohesvoBlidge, Vil1~O'IEl of ,Parr.t ISpanley County Bridges unfder !,By-law 1091, !Maintenanpe 8;573 18 32,766 57 5,74345 15,36'1 01 ,st. Thomas, Ontario" Niovember, -1937. 1,129 44 4135 3. - Gen€'l'al ,Expenses: SUperintendence andOffioo - ~x.penses New Machinery, Tools :and 'Repairs Gravel .pits Workmen's iCompensati'Oll 'Board Legal Fees """",$ 3,180 37 1'1,641 :94 1,614 00 153 58 10 00 -- " $ 75,214 84 4,049 49 Less ,~eoeipt.s $ 71,16585 80 EIJGIN. OOUNTY COUNiCiIL 81 ELiGIN COUNT'Y"COUIT:fOLL 4., W.8, 1"6oommend. thaJt ,the .sum of Eighty 'Iih.ousand 'Dollars ('$80,000.00) be raised fell' construotion ,and maintenance on oounty road.s and county brkL2,'6.s under By-Law N'D. 1091 f<oil' tihe yeaa' 1937, divided ,as f.QIl1QiWs: 'F101"ty Thousand Dollar-s by the D:epartment uf Hig'hways, and Forty. TbouSHUd DoUarsby the Oounty. 11. The sign as,ciI'dered,by Ra.ilway',Boardh:as heenerected alj the, ,OoLt'inth-.cmssingon ,oounty roiadNo. 46. 12. That ,a by-law be passed ,at, ,this sessi'Oll of Oounty Dauneil giving 'authority to C10unty T!olaidsruperintendielllt to superVise thepooi- ,Uon .of wood pole lines lor linelSthat are oonstructed ,und>er:ground with plan and- speoificati'on sub1p.1tted in- writing '001 the TOad. superintendent. ' Maintenance .on Ocunty ROlads construction iOn OQlUXl'ty RJo,ads Maintenau'0e of Bridges under By-la.w 1091.. M'31dhineryandT-cols Oener:al Expenses 40,0.00. 0.0. 20,00.0 00. 1,0.0.0 0.0 9,0.0.0. 00. 10,0.0.0. 0.0 13. We memoraJize the lHi,ghways DepaI'ltm-ent 00 'assume ,as' a. provincial highway in the Village I()rf Dutton, ,fI'lom oounty rood num~ bel' 13, nOiI'therly on 'Main Street ,to county road number 10, 'rut lot 11, or the 1''Oad between ooncession' A HJ1d '5 N u{ A. in 't he Towns11j,p of DUll'w1cih, ,adistanc<e: ,orf 'about :bhl'e,e'-quar.ters 'of a mile; Iiequested by the Village of Dutton,and ;that ,a copy of ,this resolution be 'forwarded to the HonolrableT. B. McQu8sten, Minister of Higlhways. $ 80,000 0.0. :5. That ,the Oo!Unty RDad Supe;rint,endent be deleg.ated 'tD .wttend Vhoe Ro,ad Oonfer'ence to be, held in TO[.(lnro during the la:tter pa:rt orf' Februal~Y, 193'7. 1,4. That this Omnmittee reco.1nmend' Itlh'at the County OouncH grant $200.00 ,to assist in maintaining the north bridge in 'the Villltge -oJ Vienna, d,amaged 'by ree'elllt raiI(s. 6. 'That Fifteen DclhtTS fror ,membership in 'the Good Roa;d;s Asoo- cirutiou. he .paid. '7. ~hat tine 'Wa.rdeI) he 'aut'hiorized :tiD nalme delegates to. .a;t1;iend the Ontario GOIod RoadiS AsL'3,ociaUon, to 'be held in "Voir:onto, for. the y,eal' 1937. 15. We request that the Department ,cif Highways extend the Provincial Highways from ProvinJCi:al Hig1hway No.3, in ,the Vmage of Wallacetown oouth OU0ounty road number 8 'a distance of about 700 feet, 'and a .copy of 'tIhis 1"€:solutkn be 'flOil'w,arded to the Hon. T. B. McQuetSlten, !Minister ,of Hi'g1hw,ays. 8. Tfhalt By-iL.aw No.. 1252, designating as a oounty r,Q.a;d ,the town~ line between Southwold .and Dunwic:h f-r:om interseotion o.f county road lNo. 16 Iswburban Area and county 'l"oad No.8, running nO'r- tb'erly to King's Highwa.y No.3, 'has. heen 'approved. 16. That the Wardlfm and the Clerk :be autihortzed .to sign :peti~ .tionto Departnlent' of Hig1hways. ,oonfinning €Xipend'.ttuTe 'on clQIUnt.y mads during the -yea.r 1936. 9. 'lID l'Bvert back 100 'the Township of y.a1'imouth .that, 'POTti'on of :r:ola.<l Numhe~ 30beltween~(JIts 8 ,'MlJd 9 and concession 11, desc.ribed as 'f,oUows: tAll 'itJh,at :portion of 'the, origin:al '1'Ioad alliQi\\o',anoe 'between lots 8 land '9 in the llith 'col1Cess'ion of the Townslhi.p of Yarmouth, and voad used iri lieu rthereof whioh Ues west of a line 'drawn tll'i.~tY'-rbl1.iree foot (33':~O") westerly, meMm."',ed! {:I;t rig'ht langh~s i1herepo-, of 'the centl'e line. olf ',the TOad diversion as ,s;hiorwn 0il1 Deposited Plan No. '54, de~ :posited in the Registry' Office :floc the Regist1'Y Division' Of ifue Oounty of Elgin :on the 20th day ,0['- June, A.D. 193'5. 17, furnIsh That private per80ns reqmrmg dust layer, the lS'ame fi()r 25 % Of OOIS,t <m county roads'. that Ithecounliy 18. 'Ilhat tlhe insurance oompanies mv-tng insurance .with the County 'of Elgin during 1936 be oontinued for 1937. , , 19. Wememoralize ,to 1.:he Dept. of HighWays ,that tuhe road in concession 1 in the Township of MalMlide and, coooe&s,i'On 1, 'Bayham, I, 82 'EDGIN OOUiNl11YOOUNOIL EDGIN ;OOUiN'DY COiUNorIL 83 ((rolm 'ClOUIlJty :rlOad. number ',39 (:Oo,perthagen),.to 'p~t Burwell, connect- Ing wiilh Provincial Highway No. 19, 00 designated ... a .provincIal hig1hway. 'a d.istance 8lpproxirlUlitJely pof 110' (ten) miles. SUBUThBAN AThEA COMM!ISSmN The meeting of the ;St. 'Dhomas Subur.ban Ar.ea' OomJmislStOOi 'WM held at' :the OOUt'lt House, 1St. Thomas, this l'&th day of IJanua.ry, 1937. All of whidh Ls re&pecbfully &wbmlliled. OLARK illlDDLE, :Chairman of _ Oommlttee. , Present: Gha,ir>man, Dr.F. O. Lawrence-; J. T. W,ebSltJer, George Cross,Frank Pinneo; ,county Road Supeoo!tendent. A detailed statement of accounts was submitted t~ :the committee showing :an eXipenditure on ISuburban A<rea Roadisof $3.'526.42, of this a:mount the City, would be Ua~lefor 2:5% thereof, or $881.60. Ordered' by Oonunission 1. That this ,account be presented to Ithe Ci'ty Council for payment. 2. That.the Oonnty of Elgin be notified ,tha.t the sum of '$1'500.00 wlU be. required ~or cbnstTuction and llTI:aintenance on Ooutllty Suburb- an. Ar€la Rsoads f:orrthe year 1937. 3. 'I'hat the Ci,ty of St. Thomas he notified ,th,at tlhe sum of $1500 will be reqhired for oonsbructi1on and maintenance on'Su.bwba.n Area RoadS for the yea.r 1937. 4.."Tha.t tihe ,fioIlowing .members of;the Suburban AreaClonunisiSion are :entitled iDO Ibe paid !f:0Ir their services for too ;yeM' 1936 'as appears opposite their respective na;mes 'as !bIlOW's': Dr. F. O. iLawrenre, chairman, servic'CIS ...........$ J. T. Webs~er, services George Ol'lOlSS, .servioes '5000 50 00 50 00 '$ 150 00 '5. 'JIhat Dr. F. O. !Lawrence be il'e~,appointed ohair'man of'St. ThOIp,'3.S Suburban Area Road Oommission. -Oarrled, 6. That the oommittee adjourn. F. 0, LA'WRJENOE, C\hairlman ,Suburban Area -Oommisslon; 84 ELG[N COU\'N'TIY COUNmL ELGIN COUNTY CQUNCIL 85 ,In' ac.oount" wLth' the CuI verts R~su'l"facing dalciumOhlmide Snow RiOaJdS 17 55 6720 58 92 137 24 ,$ 634 50 'Ehe Oorpora.tion of .th'e Cilty:of: St; Thomas, Elgin Oounty HighwaysSy:stem ,Flor -eXlpenditure on suburban', Area "Roads,'under, the. &UperVlSlOU of ~rank Pinneo. 'County, Road SuperiI1ltendent,subjoot, to rthe dtreC'- ti'on" of ",the ,Suburban' Area Oommission. Road 25 S.A. 91 02 29 50 135 25 112 05 22 80 1 50 56 41 127 09 17568 $'75130 Weeds D~tCil1i.ng Gtading Dragging ResuriaJCing Oakium Ohl'Oil'ide 8no,w RJOiadS PflGte~.ti'on Gates 31 53 17 '50 71 05 28 90 47 00 12434 119 96 616 02 -$1056 30 Maintenance Road 16 .S.A. Weeds Ditching Gra<ilng Dr;agging Culverts Bridges . Resur~acing Oalcium Chloride Snow Roads , '~". 1$2608 66 Gravel Hauled ',on Suburban' Area. Roads Road,' 16 S.A. Road 23 S.A, Y'M'ds of gravel hauled, 495. Average 'h:arul, 7 miles. OpemUng .0000t, l,ess driver's wages, '$18.00 ,per da.y. Total ClOIS't miles travelled, 3454 @ 90 p8!r' yard mile.. ,1$ 311 85 5'56 1 50 950 150 00 '$ L66 56 Road 25 SA Weeds Grading S11IOW -Roads Memberrs' W,ages Road 30 S. A. Y.a:rds IOf gravel haul€d, 395. A V'el"alge haul, 8 miles. Operruting coot, less driver's wages, '$1'8.00 ,per d:a,y. Total miles 'travelled, 3160 @ 9c. per :yard mile.. 284 40 Weeds Ditching Grading Dragging "" $' '58'39 . 50 85 49 50 19485 Road 3U 'S,A. YwrdS 'Of gravel haur€d, 77. Average haul, 7 .'111iles. -=,~ ...."""'" ~,,~~~'~. '''-'.-'' I \I! 66 ElJ.G1N :COUNTY C<YlJlN1mL ,EDGIN GOIDm'Y COU!NO!L 87 Ii Ii II I I, Ii Opera:ting oost, less dil'iv,er's wag'€s, $118.00 per day. 'Ilobal miles IWavelled,539 @ 90 per yatrd mil'8..... June ISession ~8 51 To the Elgin Oounty Oouncil, .'''"''''- Cost.of stripping, Loading, S.creening and Ora.vel: 967ya.rds .of '195 cordS @ $1.40 :per cord... 273 00 Gentlemen: 01ty'fi Portion, 25 % 8lIl 60 1. Your Road oommibtee mad'e -their f.our~day ,annual irwpeCition trip on county rlOads. 'I1he pl'IOIglram of work to be ,penf'mmed this year is especially heavy owing to unflQrseen- contingencies ',that hap- pened since Y'OU1' JanuaTY sess1ion, making it neoessary 'to increase ,the grant ~or oounty roads. II " !:' " 1 Tobal Expendibu:re ",,$3,526 42 F. O. LAlWRillJNOO, -OhaiTmau i()ff iF1l1IA:NK roNNEO, Oommissi.ou. County Road superintendent. Detailed Statement: I II " !~ Certified OO!lToot, Road Construction Proposed Maintena.noe -Machinery 'and Riepa!:rs Urlban MunicipaUties Impl\OV€llIlent County ,Bridges Oontingencies '"'''' """"""",,,,,,,,,$ 31,800 00 41,250 00 3,427 00 2,000 00 1,000 00 20,523 00 --'-.-$1J:lO,OOO 00 2. fWe reccmmend .that 'approximately ,on€-haJf mile of road. be desi-gnated as ,cDunty ro'ad in the Village '01( IRodney, 1::rom F1urnivaJ. Road in :an ,easterly dil'iecti-on to the ViUage limits on Queen -Street. 3. 'Ihe Department 'nf Highways will no longer pay subsidy on insuranc'e under ,Schedule 2, of the Compensation Aot. YOlllr com- inittee ,axe at present being ad'Vi:S'€'d by our Oounty SDlicLtor as t.o wihat insurance they shall have on their employees. 4. We, would recommend sOllUe street, ruppro.ved of by Minister,' of Hi-ghways-, in ,the Village -of Vienna to 1:k designa;beid 'as a county road, whereby tille Village may be ~n a iPosit!-on to expend their county grantf-or roads under rtJhe Highway Aot. 5. 'TIhwt:tJheRoad -Cdmmittee 'reoommend ,the ro~ intlhe Town~ ship Of Al<lbo<oug'h fmIDl .he 'townline ,between AldbOl101lg'h.. ami Dun- wioh, beginning at Dot Z, thence wes~erly to lot 17, (Division Line), 88 ElLGIN 'OOUNTY. GOUNCIL thence 8'outheLlly to ,the road hetweeu oonc.etSsi'OllS Band 6, ,thence west- erly, connecting wi,th County Road No. 3 'or (the F'unival Road be- ,tween lots 8 and 9), be designated as a c,o'Unrty !:road, 'adistanoeof ihppmximwtely seven miles;: 6, That we, the Oorunty 'OauTIcil .of Elgin, memor,alize ,tll{~' High- , ways Department to. as\Sume as a Provincial Highway 'an extenSion of ,thaltpbTt~on of ,1;iheT:oad in1Jhe Township .of AldJho!1'lOugh ["rom Pro- vincial Highway No.3, betw.een lots 6 and 7, southerly thrlOugh oon- ce.s:si,obs 13 ,and 14 (known 'as ;tbJe F1urnival Rna:d) to L,a.ke Erie. AU of which 18 respe:ctfully suhhli,tted. CLARK [,d[)l)LE, Chairma.n of rRoad Committee N cvember Session To ,the' Elgin County' OouDoil, GenU,ffiuen: \ The ,Elgin Coun ty Rtoad Oommittee TepOil"ts ,that the expenditure of Elgin Oounty Highway .system, from, January ls,t ,to' November 15th, 1937, totals $82,718,50, 1, Expenditure as Follows: Maintenance .on oounty ,roads Oonstruotion un county roads. Maintenance on Suhurban Area Ro.ads COnstruction on Suburban Area Roads Oounty br.idge.s under By-law No. 1091 EXiPenditlID."e within ir~cQil'p.orated 'v:i.llages :a.nd Town :orf Aylmer La:bor ingra.vel pits Txuok -e:xJpeI1lSes MacWnery, .-toolS and! repairs WOl1lm1.en's Oompemati'On Board lnsuraooe ,premium COnsta.ble's fees, etc. 45,292 60 13,746 16 2,733 98 2,921 29 368 95 3,1650,96 2;152 5'5 3,088 46 5,402 97 370 82 ,64000 449 85 ,$ 82,718 50' ' \ by 'W01"k 'al<ready in This amount will, b~ inoreased to some eXiteIit progress. "ELGIN ,COUNTY ,COUNCIL 2, 'Ope:m.tion ,of 'Old 'Truck Hours worked, Miles 'trav-elled Y.ard,s ,of ea.rth 'and >gr:avel hauled.. Repairs, "gas, ,oil and wages ................ ...... ............ , Depreci'atton 1816 " "",18289 3742 '$ 2,124 29 ,400 00 $ :A ve.ra,ge mileage per' rday Av,er'a,ge yards per d'ay Average coot ex,pien:Se. per.day.. Oost of hauling 1 yard 'crfgr.avel, 1 mile... 3, 'Opera,tion of "G.\LVLC. Truck iHiours worked Miles tr,avelled ......",.:... Yards of.. ea:r<th an~:f gravel ha.1iled ~Repaire,..g:a:s., oil and wages:. Depreciation, (183 daY19 @..1$10.00 ,per 1830 21616 4799 $ day).. 2,366 '42 1,830 00 13 A-v:er.age mileage 'per ,day A v:er31ge ya1rds per day Average cost per- day Oost of hauling 1 Y3lrd 0Jf gravel 1 mile 4. Power .Grader . No. 1 Miles "travelled , Gas used Days worked lWpairs,.gas, .oil ,and wages Depreciation, $2.00 per "d~y ,3300 1975 142 $ 1,3~1 05 '284 ,QO ,$ cost of dtragging :and ..scarLfyip.g 1 ;mile-.:lJIf ,road '8n 2,524 29 '100 30.5 13, 66 8l,.ic '4;216 42 '118 26 ",,,$'23 04 120 ,1,625 05 490 III, 90 ELGIN' COUINTY. QOUNC[L EUHNCOUiNTY COUNC:IL 91 3724 2030 167 $ 1,433 97 344 00 $ 10. 30 oars of'crusihed stone haive.been used on the eounty roads this fall. 11. A lUirge pO((1ticn 'of !1oadsdesigna:tJed ,as county Iioads tbrou1g1..."1 villages and the 'Down of, A;ylmer, where money could be expended by the county, has heen 'ab:SI()~bed by ,the pl'Ioviuoe, namely, Rodney, West !Lorne, Dutton and .the 'IIown :of Ay~m>cr. 5. Power Grader No. 2 MUes travelled Gas uood Days worked Repairs, gas, 'oil' ,and wages Depreci'ation, $2.00 .per day... Oo:st of dragging ,and scari.fying ,1 mile of !load. 1,767 97, 470 12. The Village of Vienn;a has had H.Il ex,tension made .oto ,them .of oounty road, ,where all monies dUe them .a'om -the .pa81t ihav:e been paid them on this rQladthis yeM". 6. WeIll' Power Grader ,'Miles travelled Gas used Days'IWOirked Repairs, ;gas, oil and wages Depreciation, '$2.00 p.er, day 3010 2407 1H $ 1.816 96 348 00 '$ 2,164 96 720 13. That road number 39 in the Town of Aylmer, has !been desig~ na:ted as a. Provincial Highway, the Oouniy Olerk is, hereby requested t10 notify the :Railway IBoa:rd 'M ',the change, ,as~dng that iChoarg>es be I. ' '" nOIl,1.T T'ev~ted to Pirovincial 'Highway !Department. Doot of dTlagging ,an~d sClaTI;fying 1 mile of mad 14. 'I1ha:t the :pi~unty Oouncil pass a -by-law to wssume 'the Fultpn Bridg-e :over Kettle "~"Cr:eek, in 'ohe 'IbwI1iShip IQf Southwold, on 'a ~()icd used. in 'Heu of ;the townline. The' reaSion" of the high cost pBir mile ,charged against the Wehr 'grader, w,as the he'avy C'Ost for'Overrhauling in the spring of 1937. 15. That this County Oouncil petitiJon the Depar1tn;tent I{Jlf High- w.ays, Toronto, ['or the loan and use of ,a snowplow during the wint'er of 1937 :and 1938 fOil" apP1'1OIXimately50 miles of oounty road. 7. ,Machinery (New) OLARK LIDDLE, Obairman of Rioad Oomm1ttee one'snow:plow, four,gl"adens, two mowers ~or. weed -cutting. St. Thomas, Ontario, Novemher 24th, 1-937~ 8. Maintenance. Reoord, of the 'am'ount .of gravel used iOn .cOunty roads 'DO date: ,Ha,thawayPit----!In Vhe Township Of Ym-m.outh, 4293 y;an:'dlS. WaJker . ';Pit---In the Towl1JShip lof Aldborough. 182-5 yards. Roloson - Pit-In the To';VTISlhip of Derebam, 6139 Y1a.rds. Beecroft Pit---<In. ,Ithe Township of ISQuthwold,25'36 yards. Bruce Pit-In the TownshLp of Mal,ahide, 739 y,M'ds. , 9. 192 miles of road IluliVe been resur.faced with gravel lOr ~hed s,tQne . ithis year. '92 ,E]IUGIN . COUNTY. cOUNmL EUGrN COlJN'I1Y.CQ,UNmL 93 'Report ''Spl1ing "Creek Fill-November 'Session' ltEIl'oRir:s OF GADL COMMIII'TEE To .the Chatrmanand Members of the Elgin Row Oommtttee: J"une Session: Gentlemen: 'JIo the Elgin Gounty CiOuncil, The 'contract for grading this hill 'has nut been oomp}ewd. out 'Oif :tihe es:ti.ma.ted removing of 45;500 oubic-yards ~'Of :eM'bh f1;bout 32,000 oobi'c :.yardJs'have .beentaken :fr.om 'thecitts :,andplaced ,in thefil1s. The wOIrk was oold up consider:ably on:aoClCJIUut .,olf -s,triking s-pTings,. a....'1d on <aooorunt of the many rains' this flaIl which held up the trucks. Gentlemen: ''Dha Ga,ol Committee 'reports,: 1. That we have 'had the 41 'trees' on. the -Dourt Hlou5e'grounds topped, .trimmed, IfertHized and cavities filled by :an ~er:t at a cost of $300. Twenty-one large truok loads of branches were 'removed. The 'culvert wascomplebed.iby itheendl '-00:[l ,August. The ma.in fill .over the culv.er:t is oarried _'oorIQSS sbhe gully fIlOlU 'the west, side : a ahD-ut 50 fee.t ,from the 'top rOf ,the eas,t ,side. \ 2. That the exercise walk in .bhe' go,aol ya;rd has heen'1"eSJurf1aced rot a ccst {j,f, $38.75. I 'wast.alkingto .l\lIT. Doyer, .the ,conttractor, yesterday. H€lwould like to .,gQ 'ahead wit'h "the work this year ,Jf:IDd Ciompletethe, cut ,'e'ftstot :the gully. ,This will require 31blorut eigh~ 'working . days ,:and there -is enough -em'th in this cut to'ClOiffiplet,e the fill .over the culvert. If this is dione, aho-ut 500 !feet ,lOf 'l"ooowaywill have to be .gJ:'1av~lled' lOr, swned "this ,year. 'The oontr:aoWil" is willing 00 leave his equipment on _the 'site this Winter Oil: mQiVe -ba;ck in the .spring and- :trim up the ;whole 'Work 'and :OOInplete 'in ,the :spxingoI" tJO go ahead 'and Dompl1ete this year, wbJa.tever meets wirth the Oommitwe'saJPproval. 3. Tha.t we ~a.Te- having the 1avato\l'ies in bhe gaol wards: improved' with cement fioms' and s,teel .pa.rtit~ons, 'as l'eCQrriJIn:ended by the- in.. spector, at a cost .of $150. 4, Tha.t we .beauth'01'ized: .to have the following, il11iPl'ov1ements made: 'F'enoe and g1ates sooth of gaol rt'sidence repaired in ,a SiU'bSita.n~ -tial manner; 'gas pipes in g,a.ol :and kitooen -to be changed' so :they cannot he :pulled ,fil'om ;the w:alls. I believe t:hirot, onacC'OiUnt of _the .work "not .being, completed .by the middle lolf October, lt would be wise' to let :the fills s-ettleover 'the winter heflo!l'le ,the r:o,adway is surf,aced. 'J1he present TOad can be used for tl'iaffic. 5. That we be authorized ,to have main ohimney from heating apparatusex'Mllined and I'iepaired where necess'a.ry. 6. Th'att we have ,opened :benders for. fuel for 1937 ,and 1938 and have awa.rded the following oontracts: R,' iE, J:Ulmoon, 2car1oa.ds of grate ooal @ $10.75 a ton; J. G. '!'al""", & CO., 15 ,tons coke for' Regis' try. Office @$1O.13 pel''ton. The time set for completion of the contract was Ootober 15tih. ,The Treasurer is holding as security on the contra'Ot 200 sha:res of Union Gas IOormpa.ny g't'oCks and aparsoIl'al guar:antee of $2,500.00. All of whioh is respeotfully ,s-uomitted.' All of which is respectfully submitted. FIRED A. BELL, Oount.y' Engineer. , L, KOYLE, Cl1alrman. st. Thomas" cmtSiriO, November '231'd, 1937, st.. Thomas, Ontario, June l1-tJh, 1937. 94 ELG~N GOUiN'l'Y GOUNOIL ELGIN COUNmY COUNCIL 95 November Se8sion RJE'PORTSOF E{[)UOATION CO~mnTTEE, To the Elgin county Council:. .January SesSion Gentlemen: 'JIothe W,a.rden 'and Council of -the County' {JIf'Elgin: The Gaol Oomlniittee reports: Geritiemen: 1. That contract ,for breaidat ~iOur cents .per pound, rOO bedeliv- ered 'a.t the 'OounIty Gaol during Ithe yea.r 1938, be a,wm'ded to the. Irmperial~aikirug Ciompany, ,st. 'IfuJomas. ,2.,' Th~~ contr.aot;.for ',forequ3irlter beef ,ftIt;eig1htand one-third- cents per pound, to iOO !delivered 'at the County Oaol dming the year 1938, be awarded ,to _ iD~rnan' and Spry. The Educ-ation Commi'btee re.poots: 1.' 'Dh:wt in view IOf t'he oomm'llllicationfrom the - nepar:tment of ,Eduoation in :reference mo r,etro active leg.ts1alti.on to amend the High School Act that we take no ;action in oonnootiOtn with the, disciOutinu- ,ance :of the Vienna High ,Schioi(;'l. All of whi:ah is respeotfully submitted. 2. That the fee of '$5.00 for membership in the Oounty Council Section 'Of 'the Educ'atfonal' A:s.soci,ation be paid. ' '.,.'" L,- KOYW, Ohail1man. All ,of whioh is l',espec.tfully submitted. St. Thomas, Ontario, November, 193'1; W, A, PECKitIAJM, Ohairman. St. 'Dholma.s, Ont.ariQ, J,anuary 22nd, 1937. June Session To ,the ELgin 'County Council: Gentlemen: The 'Education Oommittee reports: l.'Dhat we' con,cuf with the Ooun:ty'Oounoil of Perth ,fur an amendment rbo :the Public Schools Act, :re clJOsing schools with a ~an attendance. 2. That the County supply srtwtionery required, for entrance ex.aminations. 9~ 'ElJGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 3. That w~'fiol1ow strlotly ,the new Edlio8Jtion -Act oln determining ,the expenses foc eduoation in Elgin OOunty for 1936, and tjhat t!J.e Solici,tor co-1oper8!OO with the.clerk. in the ma.tter. All of whlOO is 'res)Jectfully submitted. J. H. BURKE, Ohairman, .pro Tem. st. o:rhomas, Ontario, June 11th, 1937. ELGIN OOUNTY COUNC[[, 97 HOUlSE OF IND'USTRY REPORTS Physician-November. Session Novembeo: 18th, 1937, To the Warden and 'Members of the Elgin County Oouncil, Gentlemen: I ha~ :the honor 'Of ,presenting tlhe sixty-seoond annual', Medioal Report of ,the Elgin House of 'Iildustry up ;to Ootober 31st; 1937, and submit thefbllowing foc your oousider:altion. I made fifty-five visits: 'to ,the Rouse of Industry, ,and attend€d 'three inmatJe.9 in :the Me!mOTial Hospital, ,as flO11o\'l;"3: Oha.rles Aveard, F\et>:._ 28th ,to Mar. 23rd, 1937. J'OISeph Vanseader, May' 15th, 1-937, :00 Ma<y 22nd, 1937; Oampbell McGreg.OT, July 2nd, 1937, to July 5-th, 1937. There were no births. 'I1here was 'one death, a male,a.s;follows: MaJ:. 23, 1937, Oh.,rl", Avearo, 64, mook followIng f_ture of nook 'Of femur. I have ,the honor to be, Yours :tr.uly, . DOUCll..<\oS L. ElWIN, , Physician, Elgin Hl()use of Industry. 9$ ELGIN COOOTY.COU'NOIiL Inspeotor-November Session To tbe ,Elgin oounty C01.J.l1icil, Gentlemen: ElIJGIN COUNTY COUNC[L 9. Avel"a.ge humber 'of inmates dUTing the y,ear.: 10. Average n'\.l!D1ner with Keeper's family and hired help 11. Number of weeks' ho,M"d of inmakes 12. Number of weeks' booro; with Keeper's family 13. Total expenditure during -the ye~ 14. Deductions ThefoUowing is my reiPo"Tt on the House Of Industry and Refuge :for :the year ending October 31st, 1937: Flr,aim .faTm stock, . etc., sold From Old Age Bertrsio.ns, four inmates.. Permanent improvements Penston. funer-als, etc. L Nu,mber' .of, inmateS. 'at last TepOl"t' 24 2. Number ,admitted: during yea.r 16 3. Number of dea:thSl-2 in hospi,tal' -and 1 in iIlSititution.... 3 4. N:umbeT discharged 3 '5. Number absoonded 5 6. -Number nc>win Howse . .............. 29 15. Leaving 'amount actually expended fOil' 'Support of inmates ,16'. Averag,e expenses ,per day of €lach person" 17. Average expe:fuses per week lOf eaoh iJ:}eI'son.. 18. A ver.age expenses pel' ~e'ar of each person... 7. Num.ber of iUtl.l.ates s-ent ;f1l0lffi :the ,several municipalities during the year: AldOOI'lough Southwold Malllbide Baynam Aylmer POl't Stanley 99 28% 337-10 1401 1760 7774 71 1,373 8~ 1,003 33 710 20 256 95 $ 3,3&4 36 4,310 35 .3498 2,449 127 34 1 2 4 5 1 3 19, , Amount expended forhou-se and 'farm during the year may be, divided as follows: Farm E,xpense 16 Hired la;bor Implements stook Seed Peed Gas and 10il Miscellaneous 259 50 4123 54 153 75 96 10 375 39 13406 ,315 74 $ 1,758 08 8. The various causes, of pauperism of inmates admitted to the House during the yeaII' may b~ -claSsified a6 follows: Destitute Orlpple Ill-iheal:th Old !lJge Accident 19 1 2 2 1 Ho.use Expense Bread Meat GrO'ceries 300 04 , 4119 0'7 3'50 43 w 100 1,628 00 270 00 $' 1,898 00 7,774 71 E1JGIN COUNTY 'COUNCiL Provisions Dry g~Od'S Boots ,and shoes F'urniture and hardware Drugs Cioal and 'wood MiscellEmeous 187 57 247 43 57 08 121 79 29 11 684 12 37,1 60 $ 2,838 24 1,280 39 20. 'l1he following produce '\Vias raised on tbe fMm during the year: General E~pE'nse Oonveyance of inma.tes Ri~pairs ~ermanen:t improv€!II1ieuts Incidental """.,$ 23 75 7159 710 20 474 85 ,$ Salaries Keeper 'and Matron Pihysici'Ml 'IIotal. EXpenditures 265 Bushels Brurley 837 Bushels Oats ' 149 Bushels Wheat 50LoadlS of !Hay 8 AClres 'Ensilage .c<>rn 200 BuShels l'ortatoos 10 Bushels Oam>t:s 10 Bushels TuD:nlps 42 Loads Stro,w Quantilly of Pumpkin 3Ild SqualID ,. " ELGIN .cOUNTY OOUNOIL 101 Ganlen Produce 10 - BUSlhels Table OarrotlS 10 :&whe1s Beet.s 15 Bushels Ont'ous 500 Bushels BUllaJr Beets 300 He3.cts of Cabbage 60 Bushels of Tomatoes 1 Acre Sweet Oorn ,Quantity Lettuce, Patsley, AsPI:i,.ragti.s Quantity Plwms, Grapes 15 Qu""ts Milk per day 500 Quarts Fruit canned in House 7'50 D02Jen EgigsoonSumed 1460 Pounds Butter A large quantity of vegetables and fruit was used :dur1ng the summer of -which no acv.:>unt wa:.skept. ")~. Oream sold' Hogs sold, Eggs, chiek~ns and sum:1~ies Seven calves sold Cows Hay sold 399 88 617 76 120 08 7 18 194 00 35 00 $ 1,373 88 21. Number Of M"ticles of. bedding and, clothing made 1,liP dltl,~ing tre, yewr by Matron and inmates. .... ...... ....................................... ..... .........,265 22. Fann SWck 3 Homes 9 Oows 28 'Ilbgs 3 Yearl!ngl9 3 ,Brood .sows 80 IOhick.ens 10Mf I Bull IG2 IElI:JGiLN ,aoUNTY COUNOn., iE[JrnN,aoUNTY!~COUNOHi 103 23. The :tOltaIamount expended py ~~he County 'On the House of Refuge is as follows: Farm, 100 acres, cost House .of Industry Laundry ~1reEscapes Root Cellar, Henery, etc. cottages, etc.' ~ick roo" House Barns. etc Tile Dr.ains Tile Drain OUtlet Hoit Air Pulnip 'rank, Oonnections ReJrigerator Fencing Orchard Heating AJppa:.r,atus Boiler RiOicim and 80ft Coal Hoiler Deep Well SilO. 1H>og Pen El.ectric Ins.ttallatLonand Bumps Plumbing Septic Tank and Drain Sundries tJommittee-.JanuarySession T,o the Elgin County Cbuncil,,.' ",,,,,,,,,,,$ 7,298 95 14,151 26 687 61 390 Oti 87913 6,631 8'" 1,180 50 6,982 37 4,162 23 13~ 03 920 60 590 GO 1,979 07 85 a5 2,305 44 3,733 52 2,436 40 293 62 654 99 2,314 44 . 3,032 15 1,146 75 416 35 Gentlenien: ' , "The' House ::~f Industry ,Opimmittee,rep?I"ts.; 1. That a iSOOOnd hand ;tJruck be' 'p:i.trc!hRBed 'f\or :'~e' in conhootion with 'the work'. of' t.he Instituti'on. (1-:"'1""'(,;:;,, 'jJ;:.n 2. That' .:the' f.ee of Iten dollars','!JOT 'memb~s1iip',';~w.:!'~the-:As80cia;tion of Managers of ,Homes flor 'the Aged and Infirmoe'it>aid and :tih8.tthe Mana,gi€tl',Mi:l.tr<lu and' OOlmmitwa be ,appo-inted ;00 ,attend the Con- vention in June. 3. That we fOllow' :the recommendB.ti:<)lls I()f last yeaz's commit:te~ re purchMe of 'f.nti,t tI:ees [10;1' repl'antirig the ()~~chard,' 4. ThattJ:w 'Pr'ovincial Inspector's report in xef,erenc.e to the Institution be received and filed. GiEO. V AIJLElE, IOhalmlan.' st. Thomas, Ontario; January ,20th, 193'l. '$ 62,405 49 24: :Received- ,rlt'Olll"'&vetnlment .on aCoount .of e",pendi~ <bur.. 10r land and building "'"'''' """"""""",,,,$ 4,000 '00 Report of House of Industry Oommittee for 1936 to Council, a:" .January Session,' '1937 ',,'I,)(,,!. To ,the Elgin Oounty' Council, ':Dhe management has heel?- saltisfactory. Leaving ,amount actuallry expended by County...:$ 58,405 49 Gen:'tlem€:n; All of Wfhloh is respeot:fully oob1nitted. The House OJ! IUdustry .()ommittooreports: K. W. McKAY, IlWPectol. 1. .'Th'at we h-ave. had Ithe stumps' in rtfrle <>l'chra.rd, at the' H<ouse of-In~ustr'Yd~J,'1tl'rempVied_';a.nd:.,th-e<ground 'ploug1hed iand"if'er:tilired. We reoorn.mend tJ1a,t ibhe fo110wing".~tockbe rptlrohased ,fur re-Pl'an1ting,: , st. TholJl<lS, Ont" NovembeT 19, 1937. 104 m..GIN . COUNTYCOUNC'lL ,ELOI!N CQUNrrY COmWII. 105 To fill vacancies: 5 Yellow Transparent; 5 MElba; 5 Duchess and 6 Graveustein, .about 21 feet RiPart. 20 tons' chestnut 'COM 'and:40 tons ,grate ooal, J; G. PaJmer,@ $10.80 per ton, For the bal,wee 'Of the orchar.d: 12 Coortland,"''lI2, Delicious, 12 Mc- Intosh, 12, Greening, 'l2iBa1dwin, 5 To~man 'Sweet,about 35 ,feet" ~Pa.rtt.. All of Which is respectfully submitted. That B'aTtlett, Sheldo:ll,Sickle pe~rs. 171h feet, apart; Black Tar- tadan and MDntmorency cherries; Gellman Prune and Green Cl.aude plu.p:lls,. :lT~ :~eet..:a;par;t,1:>~,,~sedt;o .pI'ant ,IOn the west s.tde of the ,garden. GEO., VA\LLEE, aha-irman.. St. Thomas, Ontario, June 10th; 1937. ~n 'Of,whioh. is_,respectfully, submitted. November Session J', H. sLOA~. Chairman. T{)rthe' Elgin Oounty Council; Gentlemen: st. Thomas, January,'1937. The House of In4'l!str~ Oommittee reports: ' June Session 1. That' tender fo!l", bread at .040. 'Per pound, to be' deliVered" at ,the Institution durin1;r 1938, b8 ,awarded to "the Im1?eTial 'Baking C10tl11':' .pan~, 1St. Thomas. To, the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen": 2. That reports of the Inspector 'and Physician be adopted ',and printed in:th~, minutes. " " The House of Industry Committee rePD:rt$ as ;fiollows: 2. That the Matron, Keeper :and Chairman be delegatestiO .attend 'the annual convention of the Association of Man:agers of ,the Humes !.for ,the Aged and Infirm to ;00 held a.tst. Ca.bhal'ineson June i22nd, 23rd and 24th, 3. 'Dnat_ we sent John Bottomley, an inmate" to IDngland: He, was a hospital patient to ,the extent or $267 from December, 1936, to Aiugw;t, 1937, an<l who, It was reported: 'WI>Uld be a oonstan. bill of. :eXlpense..The" c:oot ,of tratlillPo!l."tatio:n, etc., was' $113.30, of wh,ic[h t.he . 'llownship of S'Ou:thWlOldwill ,pay .one-half. 1. That t~~e salwry of the Keeper and Matron be increased ,t:o '$1,760.00. All Of Whio~ is respectfl1.l11y- submitted. 3. Toot the 'account of" the MoCOnnell NurseTY COmpany for' ,trees, ",mountlng, 'to '$84.90, be paid. GEO, V AILLEE, C:l>alrman. ,St. Thomas. Ontaa.'io, N:ovember, 19317. 4," That "tenders ,for ooal.f1or 1937 have ,been received and awaxded as :follOws,: 106 E:LGIN COUN'l'Y COUNOIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 107 PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONOOMlMITTEE REPORTS June Session January Session r:r:o the Elgin Oounty Council: ':Do the Elgin, Oounty Qouncil, Gentlemen: Gentlemen: The Petitions 2Jld' Legislation Committee repOl':t.s.: The P-e:tttions and Legislation Oommittee reports: L Toot no action be '~aken re resolution friom the_ COunty of Perbh with respect to 'the opening 'and closing of bever,age TIOOlThs. t.'Tha.t we concur 'with ,resoluti'Ol1 ,of the OOlun1,y -Council of Grey, requesting 1:I11e PJ:10VinCie to supply' ifil'ee insulin 00 diabetic subjects. 2. Thwt we. take n'O action in rerferenoo to resJOlu~ion of the County' of IGrey (for, ,the proteotiJo!rl of municipalities by ,payment of 'adeq.uate premiulm to tille Oompens'wti,en Board. 2. That 00 ,a:oti'On be taken :1'e communfcaition 1rom ,the- oonnties of Sbormont, Dundas"andGlenga.rry :I.'e special. tax :for. !hoopitalization .of indigents. All of whi'c'h is ,respectfully submi,tted. 3. That we concur with resolution tromthe Oounty Gouneil of Wentwor,th roOr amendu):ent tio. the Criminal Code tha.t thepenal,ty fool' s.tealipgi -farm pirodu,ceand,'. garden produce will" not exoeed 'Fif,ty Dollars over ,and 'above the -amount of the pw]}erty s:bo'len, Oil' town) ye,a,re' impri'S,onment, or both. .'.'; ThOY TANSLEY, Olrairmall. St. Thomas, Ontario, June Uth 1937. 4. Tha.t we concur wi'th resolution from the Oounty Council of Wentwot:th, suggesting amendment to :the Municip.a;l Ac't ',to. ,provide for a un1f1Q['im date Iflo.r 'all municipal ,elections. November Session To the ELgin' Oounty i Gouneil; '5. 'I1h!at we Cl()lltCiUr with resolution from the County} Council of Lambton for ,a:mendment to. :tG1e Dr:ainage Act so. .that. il'epairS will not ioolude proteCltive walls, cribs, .banks :and dykes and IOIther works, alld requesting an.. investig1ati'on of conditiv!nIS exi,&ting with regn.rd ,to the xepah.. of d:J:Iaina:ge work. 6. Tha.t. no action ,be taken in refffenoo to resolution :from t.t.t6 ,COunty' Oouncil .of Lambton in Tef€Tlence :to' 'amendment ,to' ,the Sana.- toria for G'onsurmptives ACit to reduce ,the ,coots fl~om $1.50 '00 1$1.00 per {j,ay, Gentlemen: The Peti-ttOifi'Sand Leg:LslaUon Committee reports: 1. That we iCOncur with the County Council of the :OOunty of Pete:rhoo:ougJh that daylight sav~nrg,. time should be abo.lished. All .of which is respe0tfully sublmitted. ;2. . Tha:t no a.ction be ,taken with !reference to request tfil'om ,the p.eter'horough OountyCoun,c.il re appointing Childreih's Aid iBoM'd. ROY TANS~EiY, Dhairman. 3. That no !actron be taken in 'reterence ,to l'€'solution submitted by ,the C:O-unty 'Council of ..,the Oounty of Welland to disreglarid :fixed assessments in determining equalizations. ~t.Thomas, Ont., January 20th, 1937. 100 EllGIN CIQiUNTY COUiNOIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 109 4. 'Ilhat no 'action be tak.en with l'eiference .to resolution {from the County Qouncil of :the County 'Of WentWOl"uh're inoreased subs-idler, foil' Oonnty iRioad Improvement. AGRICULTURALCOMMIT'I'EE REPOlll!CS J~nuuy Session '5. Thait the Roy;al Ocmmiission on Tl"a.nsporta.tion be 'advised that iIll' tale opinion {lIf this (louneil f:reiglht rtruokB supply a' nece&Slary and eoonomioal service that is very m'llClh flIppreciated in the'l"UI'!al districts of, the Province and should' 'be enoouraig'ed. To the Elgin -County COuncil: " Gentlemen: II'i All of whidhis' respeotfully sutanitted. The Agricultural OOOlmittee reports:: ROY ,TANSLEY, Ohatiman. 1. That F. R. 'I1aylor be a.ppointed CbrnBorer Inspector. st. Thorn'as, Ontario. November, 1937. 2. 'Dhat weconour in resolution from:the Ontario '.AJg.ricul.tural Council 1'e seed potatoes. 3. Th9.it nlO action be taken in t'etf.erence M request .from, 'the A'gricultural JRepresentlative :and AId:visory' C10mmibtee in reference to making Elgin a res-ttlCited area. 4. Tbat ,the, Waxd:en and Ohairlman and F. S. Thomas ibemem,. hers of 'the 'Central !Reforestation OOmmittee; And th:at argrant 'Of $25 be m:ade to the , Cent,ralOoimmittee. . 5~ That the Docker gravel, pit be r'?'foresood. All of wthioh is !respectfully su1:tmitted. , GlRAiNT MI'I'CHlEUL, Chairman, St. 'Dhomas, OntaTio, January ,2200, 1937. 1+0, EJ:jGrN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGrN COUNTY COU'NC[L 111 June Session November Session To :the ELgin Goun:ty O}uncil: To the . Elgin County Oouncil, Gentlemen: Gentlemen: The Ag,ri'c.u1tur1al Committee reports: The Agric.ul,tuI1al Oommi.tt€e repoi"~:: 1. That we appl'.[:we .of request f:OOlll' Elgin Beekeepers.' Ass:oci-ation is,.nd reoolinrhend .that the 'ReforestryiD8Ipar,tmenrt include .basswood and ,tulip tnees in .their disttLbutions fO'1' tree planting., 1. That we ,l'€'ccmmend t.he acoeptance.ofthe offer 100f 40 ,oores of land .for ref'oiI"OOtatilon purpooos refel"red ;00 in ,the War:den1s 'add:ress. 2;. Thla:t 'WIe do no.tc:oncur with resolution Oif the Oorunty Of Nor- folk to' 'autbJorioo bhe GlQ'v'e'rnment to request landowners :Do refiorest 5% {JIftheix holdings '0'1' such gr-eater ~morunt as the Agricultural De- partment' huW _ I€IqUwe. 2. Tbat the Ooun~y OOlUncil l"epr€'s€ntaMves: request W:ornen's Insti,tutes and Oemetery Bowrdsto plant iJrees ,around rur,al cemelte:ries and public parks. 3. Thia.t l1JO a'Cttion be taken re truck licenses when used f,ur ag,ri- cultU1'al purposes. 3. 'T:hait all 'township oouncils'adveT:tisethat .tl1e\y .wilt .supply WOOS f'.or reforeSltatiHn ;pmposes to aU 'ratepayers; tOWllSihip Icouncils to pay oos:t, of trucking'''sa.me; 4. W'e reClommend :that program of reforestation be oaxrie.d out througb 'SchO'ol soectiooo and' schoo,l children wlth distributton by munictpaUti,es and, that :trustees be reques.ted 'to purohase suLt9.ible land for such, pui1pooesand that Cemetery" BoaTids be a.sked to place trees in and .ar,oul1d Ic!emeteries; and tha.t VJiomen's Institutes ,be requested to take such ootion 'as they may deem necess.ary to promote l"€fore.'lit- ation. 5. That a copy of Seotton 4 be forw.M'ded to all County CIounci1s; rthe, 'Foresiltry DepaT'tment at ParUament Building1S, 'and' the Minister, of Agr'iculture. ~6. Th:a;tthe sum of Fift~en Hundred' Dollars be gl'Ian:ted to' the Advisory Ag:ricul~Ul"al OOilllmittee tic include 11.hes:tatutq.ry, grant of Five IWndlred DoH'ars, tbrough' tille _ Algt'icultural Department. 4. That to prom'Gte l'efoil'estation 'we suggest. ,that each municipal oouncil €UdeaVlOr _ t80 induce the schoolchildren ;tJ() ;pl,ant five to ten trees each year' f.oll"five years in the rul1al sect.ions 'and one 011" more trees ea,eih y.ear in urban s-ectious; municLpaJ council to arrange for distributi:on of trees. '5. That comm'llniLc,aU;on from Department of Lands & F'DTie\SItIS, re g,arding . the rplanting of bas,srwnad and' tulip seedlings be Me'l'l"BdJ to the next year's council. 6. That the Oorn Borer Inspec.tOil'"'s repOO"t he receivtOO and .printed in tho minutes. AU- of'Wihi'ch is respootfully submitted. All of Whi-Clh is reSipoobf.ully submitted. GRANT MITOHlELL. OhairmaJ\. GRAiNT MITCHEJ:L, Cha.irman. St. Th'~ma;s, oOnt8.lri.o, N9vemher,1,937. st. Thomas, ontario, June 8bh, 1937. n2 ELGrN ,COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNC'lL 113 ' ,COUNTY CLERK'S REPORT ON LWENSES November Session Air:ch. Dubuque .................. ..................... .Ohatham Norman Rickwood ....... ................. .... ........,.......,St. Thomas Harry Generaic[h ................. .....................,st. TbJmas Jacob Ginsberg ......... ............................ .................."...... ..London Sophie Bea.ver ..,................ .,................st. Thomas John DrabiDk ......,.........,.,............,................Loncton J. Schrrive ... ................... ... .............. ..,Doncton Dave Davis ... ................................ . .................... "St. Thomas J'ame.s Be:rt!a.n ....................................St. Thomas Fred Dunoan .............................................................. .., .London ,To the Elgin' County counoil,! GentLemen: 'r have ,to repoxt the -following' licenses in force on ,the 20th day of November; 1937: Auctioneer Pedlal' Wilson Pound . ............ ........Aylmer George Flagg .... .................Port Burwell Ha;rley E. Evel'l; """"AYlmer,R. R. 6 Fred Haggan """'"'' ,,," '" " " ,,,,,,,,,.Aylmer Fred P;aul . .........Dutton Harold G. Clark .... .....Wrallaootown Harold McQuiggau ... ......................,..Ay1!mer,R. R. 6 Glen Clark ...........,........................... .....:St. T110Inas F. Fulkerson ',,"""""""",,',,"" """.,,,,Ti11sonbuxg T. Merritt -Moore ....................... ...Aylmer '.A. J. Branton ...... .... .....Rodney Olaroooo Wolfe ....................... ......................Vierma, iR.lR. 1 S. A. Brady ...,Dorchester, R. R. 2 Thomas Nisbet & Sons ..........,.... ........................WM'1dsvil1~ Glen'8tanley Van Horne ...................st. 'Dhomas, R.iR. 5 All Of whi-ch :is re.s'l?ootfUlly submitt€id. "" " K. W. MeKA Y, <latmty OLerk, st. Thomas, Ontario, Novemher, 1937. Transportation 'of 'Fowl Cha.rles Edward Pangborn Wllton Tate . C1ecll Gatbriaith Hugh Galbraith J. 'H. Alderson Norman FaTley , """,,,,,Talb<>tvi1le "',, "",Aylmer, R.R. 2 "" "RlJllney ...........................~... .. ...........iIliOdIney ...... ..Rodney """",.St. Thomas .Junk Dealers H"'ITY Boom '"',, ""',, ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''',,'''' """ ",'Lc;ndon R.ewben Shepherd "'''''''''''''''''''''',,' """,,' """',, , ,St. Thomas 114 E[J(NN COUNIl'Y COUNOIL ELGIN COUiNIl'Y COUN'illL 115 OLD' AGE PENSIONS REPORT November Session Payments ;t'O municipal derks fo;r' Old. Age . peusioIliS ,applio8ltiJOns from 31s.t .october, 1936, to 'lSlt NovenIDel1', 1937, were:$i1'78.4!5; 'secretary., $400,00, ':Do :the 'Elgin County Council, All 'M which is respectfully 8ubmilited.. Gentlemen: K. W. McKAiY, Coun,ty Olerk" I, .present herewith repo!';t in conne.ction wtth the ,adminiB,traMon of 'the OW Age Pens'irollS' Act in the Oorunty Of., Elgin. St. Thomas, Ont., November, 1937. 'Since .the paa9ing of the ~"t 1,387 applicatioll...r:; have been received, the present disposition 'of whioh is 'as follows: REPORTOORJ'j' BORiEiR ,INS'PECTOR Deaths Refused Oancelled Tramferred Pending P.e-nsi'Ons in force 'lst Nov" 1937... .. .....,.. '511 51 57 84 32 ""',, 652 Novembel' Session '~'. Belmont, Onta:rio, November 20, 1937 , To the Warden' ,and Members of Elgin County CiouncH, 1387 Gentlemen: Pensions in ['o[\oe 1st Nov., 1936':'-645. Since ,t;he first uf Novemher, 19316, 'to the 31st of Oc:tober, 1937, 8~1 'SJp-plicatiol1S have been lIeccived. Of these seven are in respect of hlindness under an ''amendiment to the. Old Age Pensi:ops Act passed. this year, which provides 11100.- g,ame pensions for the blind' 'When ovel' 40 years 'of age. In :a,dditLon itwoaippl1cations have !been :received in ca:se.s Wlheire {t,ppliC'a:t..ion had previously been made and refused. I beg to submit the following repOir:t. of oost of Corn Borer Inspec~ tion fo1' 1937: During.this same period\2i5 .pensions have been inc:reased, 11 de~ loreased, . five. cancelled, eiglht refuoodi .and one reinstated. ALdhwou~h, J. Gillis 'Bayham, E. Ne~ne Dunwich, E.McWilliam Ma1ahide, Oharles Oheeseman Southwold, D. Smoke South y.armouth, W. 'Smith N{)xth Yarmouth, F. ~a,yll()l' South Dorchester, A. Moore County supervision . and i~pectlons """,$ 95 15 81 75 1~ 12 '15250 106 00 50 00 9000 6000 166 00 Amount paid by. iElgin Oounty !for the firs-t thlJ."ee months of 1937 was $3;382J52; when total payments laveraging $11,'5'00 per month were "aiSSumed by Provincial. Government. $ 949 '52 " .FlaED R. TAYliOR, Corn Bore~,. Inspector. 116 ELGIN COUNTY COUNiOIL OHILiDUiEN"S AID COMMITTEE June Session To the ELgin Count.y C1o:uncil, GenUemen: The Childr,en'.s Aid Oommittee repo'rts: 1. Tnat we reoommend to the Finance lQommittee that .the 'OOUnty pa.y 50 per . cent. of .the cost of clothing ,provi1ded. for 'children in fr€le <homes, to he suppli.e'd under the superrvisio'l1 of a Superintendent of th{> Child~en''S Aid :S'ociety. 12', 'l'bat the C'GUl1Cil' Teques't the Government DO reoonsider }egls- latio!l1 .and regiU~a.tions passed whereby children mus,t be placed orut in boarding homes 'and .'ti11at -all oounty councils :a.nd :the Minister of Welfa.re he l'Iequested tD cOns,ider, tl1re. matte!I'. All c.f whi,ch is respectfully submitted. OLARENOE PiA'DTERJSON. Ohairman. , 'st. Thomas, Ontarl'O, June 11th, 1937. Novembel' Session RepOl"t of the Activities of the Ohildreu's Aidl Society of the City o~ St. Thomas and . County of Elgin fol' 1937. ~he So'ciety is TleS!P0nsible 1i0il" the enforcement 0{ The Ohildren's Protection Ac:t,Unmarried Parents' AJct and AdJoption Act 'Do 'the Elgin 'County 'Council, ,Sirs: iFblliowii1:g is 'a brief. outline Of the. a.otivi.t1res, developments and trend O'f'tihe OhildTen's Aid. Society of St. 'I'hoffiasandElgin "Oounty ELGIN COIUiN'DY COUNCIL 117 in a.CClordance witlh the .regula:tions .o:f the Department ,QIf Public Wel- fare dur1~ the year 1937; 'I1here is no doubt .bu-t-tbat the change made in, ,the ,closing. of out'. .shelter ,has been ,the 'moiSt :Lmpo!;.'tant during. -tJ~e year 'and prob- 'ably 'the least und:e(t'"sooodby people. outside of the :Society. Tl1JOs~, Iho,wever, who are in cl'o~-e clQntact v,rith the individuai children, 'can :readilyappr,eciate ,the a:d:~"antages inpl'a:cing .them inihomes in vrefer- ence to the Shelter. In respect ',to Shelters ;from the inception of the Ohildren's Protection kct, they were defined as '.re.sideu>Cies in which ohildren wer;e placed ;for peri-ods nOlt in excess of three 'moulfus, dm-- i~g which time .they oouLd be studi'editreated and C!()rrected in iorder that they might be pla:ced in good iP-iOmes. ,It is interesting to not~ from ,oorres.ptmdenc.e in 'our o:ffi.ce, received !:r(J1ffi the late. Mr. J. Kelso, who w'as the 'ra,thelr of OhildT'en's AidwOQ"1k in o'ur 'Pr,Q'Vince, 1:il.m:t he ,continually .stl'e5sed . the impoiI't:ance c[ placing Clblldr,en . in homes as soon .afterc,ommitJment tD .t'he \Society 'as, pOSlSible, with payment f:or boardlt'f ooceiSsary, rather than ,to leave'them in the Shelter to -become ins:UtutiCJa:)alized. Of '-~bur;se"Shelter$ had both adV'al1tages :and dt",;. ,a,dv:anbages but from ,e:x,perienc.ethey appeared to hav,e mOire !of.the the latter t,han :the fo,rmer. lit its a w,e11 known .ra:ct, that: a ma:grii~ ficent 'cmurch edifice which is plea.siing 'to the eye, ma~v be in sadoon..; tras.t .:to .the spii'itual atmosphme witrhin ...its walls. 11. II I I!! I I I.' ii II I ~ 1.1'.. I I f ~ ~~ j, ~:~ 'ii~ ~ 0: l f Ii; I, l i~ II', 'l iF Shelter: The.closinrg ot.the Shelter,. which tOlok. effec:t.,on'Octpoer 1st, 1937, w,a:s. made pOlSs~ble by :the 'DepaI1tment {)If PubliC.,. Welifa.re . taking\ the buHding ,over ,f1c'l' the' .pU1.IPCcS'ei of comme:qcing a. training sclrool 'for girls in domestic science. This is, hO\Vlever, merely, a temporaryme'&s;" UN .and :bhe agreement between the Dep'ar,tment and >OiUr SocI>ety t&minates in M'arC:h, 1938. It is fair to assume . tha..t tfthe schiO'ol. is suooessful it will be 'oontinued. indefii'litely. This schooJ. . is . a worthy under.taking 'and :a ,boon ':/;10 'YOOllg girls ... seeking d'Omes;tic. SJerrvicle as their voc'atilon.; it shcruld receive the wbole-ooai..,ted sUPPor'.t of every 'member of theOounty iOif IElgin. At the time of' Closing :the IShelrer, tihere were in resridence sewn Cihildlt'len. These, 0If {'rOurs,e, were in paM care and byrputting them in Bo!arding Homes has not meant :a.dd,irtion- al ex:pens.ei to the muntcipalLty. Tlhooe in close' oonta.ct with .the 'Work are unanimous in the assumption that BO!aTldingHoone,oore is le.s.,> expensivetban 'Sbelter ,careall'd.. that, niro!1':e €ffi'Cient results in the 118 :muGIN COfON,<PY CO~OLL 'lDLG<J:N COUNTY C0UNGrL r.ehaibilita:tionofwards ~uS't, .result fl"'Oilllg1010Id home oa;r,e; However, i.t will take ,fr{Jm 'two to three years befiore it will '!berpoosible to ,arr~v;e at ,true figures: in oiI'der to give a [fair c:omparis<on of BO!a.rding Home 'care lasag~ainst Shelter Clare, whioh had been ,in 'oJ)eT'atron SOO .long and I was wrell -eBlba.blisihed.' Naturally, a 'new idea -,oost:sa- little more in the experimentaJ. per.ilOd. ,children to .stay with :their parents, aT in IOtuei' words., .:ge:ttingllhe 1par~ ents to r~g'htfully ,i.'3.iSSUme therespcnsihility Off heme and ;family. It Is 'impoiS&lble'1;lo show how many vis,its and nill:eiS covered 'one would: have ,to mak-e -to :thiS home in 'order :00 ",acoomplislh-t)his, em:t First of'"aIl it wOluld ,be necessary 'DO :gre:t at'thecause'iOf the' pwenV:s' 'tr'ooble'anri tyJeat :it just." asa doctor ,.would insioki:i_e&s:. 'This ;is "(J[;ten IDlOiSit'difficuit due po~"iSibly, to pride, hatf1eid -aga.ins:t oociety, 'ignior,ance; 'feeble~n:iitid~ 'edness, laok."{)of proper'h0me enviro1llment, -and' 'training 'as ,oWldren, 'inoompatabiUty, dTink,' 'etc. All or! "'bhte-.s~ ,pr.oblems 'need ':1 Ipar.UClUlar 'approach ,and teohnique. It would,;in a1(:,pOSSibili,ty,: ,:r'.e'Cl.llire \h'Ourns'of 'Work- 'Over. a prolmlged,' pe1i?d, many sad. '~d.,,'diShear.t~llgepis0'd~,S; ,bet';ore' .succoos waJ>:rea,C:hed; It.is .surprising: 'and ,graU,fyingloo 'watch pectple.re.spond ,to 'sympathetic:underJDandiUg 'OIf'their ;di'fficulties., ;'0ne can definitely say taa,t 'the expe1ise ,involwdwoLild not "be anything like the expenserof W,a:rdiShi.p actwn. Ohildren'sProtectionAot: ISpeaking 'bit ,the :Wend of, Ohildren's Aid: .work 'immecUately ;brings US .into .the mast impo[',t'ant1Jlhase 'of' :the, worl{,that 0[ :protection. 'Ilhis is, Cl,Vebeli-eve~' ;the lea:st .understood oftihe C:hild!l'en's' AiJd work, _yet' :iJti'd~I!XUtndS more timera.nd energy than.a],l the other duti€Slo[ the officers. It is ,the one ,p1axt of the work -which is discoux:aging, heCMlse it lof,ten,,g.ho'W.s little or no Lresultsaft.eT maybe weeks of cohtinued e:fflOr:t~ ,It ,me~ns m-a.ny Ill~iles ,to b? ,'c,nvered, yet, no. payment is l"ecei:ved from the ,muniQtpaJitJy-'-this must come,friom the :SQc1ety's ,funds. :Some :muni,cipaJities w:hohave r,ea-lized the vital im))Dttance of, !pil'otection work, ..have'a.prp'or,ti,oned an' 'aqequate Bum fOT ,this' work. Wha:t, is pr:otection ,w:oll'1k?and -what.is ,oUr 'authority ,to do it? In oITler to understandlt, it is mm.ely. neces.sa,ry ,to .refer ,to thie' most :important' . law 'we eruf!G]ce, nam-ely, The ,C'):1ild,ren's 'Protection Act. Tbis Act defines in -.thirteen ,differe111' 'Clateg'QIl'ies\Vihatoonstitutes EI. neglected child. tIt, is interesting to- note that with but one eXic;eption, ,I'all these "categur-i€$ refer to the_ home and Pa:I'el1ts ofa -chi1d--antl although any oharge laid is lajd 'a,gains,t tIre child in 'question, 'the <Urect or ind1rect.c,aiUoo,Q<f the aotton, is due :to unsatisfactorrypare:nts: and ,h0iffie environment. ,Mo~t --p€'ople have .in the .past,and do even today, ;~ tihat "the: 'removal, ,Oifthe cl,1i1dren'fl'om such ,homes-is t-heoolution.Ofcour.se, this is the easiest way-out if10il" the Society l;:lee~use' it would require only one or ,two ,visits ;to. thepa:r,ticularh~me as after the ,child:ren ,wenem~de. ward" the is'o'c.1ety's_interest in the :.hoine" ce.a.ses~ ;r\fow,fO'l" the' s,ake of,oomp~on, le:cus IaSsume a report has heen receive_din .respeO'tto -a home.in 'Whic:i1there ,a,Te four child": l"en,,'unde:r 16,ye"it'fs ,of age ,in which it. iBrepQrted .they are neg-lee,ted. one or,tWlO visits ,alremadJe to ,the home, Tesulting in cOU1lCt'wtion ::and the childrenbec:ome wartd:s., ,'TIlls .means,from .t.'he,'-d-ate..o!f wardship, oomemuniclpaUt;v . is _i:mn1ediately -r~ponsible to the Society .at the r.ate of 7,5.0 ,per 'day ,f:O!f .eadh child, ,$3.00 daily ~0iT ,fioU!1" ,children; o.r- 1$90.00 :per month ,fot .the f>ourCihildren. Now ocmpare,this with the same ,case treatedJ[m~,er ,;protection :or making the home fit for the The g~€'ates;t asset in pr:oteotion 1,\~o:nk.i.s '.the .saving jof:a hmne together with human slouls. In taking- children f;l'loona home. i,tdefln~ itely means its ftnat;dbintegr'ation and, in'111JOtS,t 'caSa<3,,::irnillIDxaJi.Won the part 1Of" ,the .pa.rent.s. If . t.he whole .time -at!' the: officens ioI 'the 'Sodety;could hedevut-ed: -:to his: great 'work- '.the" 'necessity "fiD[' 'making -children 'wards would 'be r.educed to '",a , mininlum.'Qrur' motto ',should -he "Do not make w.a.rds," Ta,ther, "Sa.vli:and. 'build up homes." It is only pr'c.pel' ,to say here .that 90'% of the protection W!Olnk. the )S81ci~ty is caJlea. upDn to dlo 'are reli-ef C'asBB, ,,'here the payment into the -home ofJa >small :'alIDount. \vou1d -mean SiD '.h1uch~ Unmarried Parents' Act: This ;phase (Ii the work is vi:tally impor~,taI1d., is. . an. inte~a~ ti:Ol1iaJ :pr:oiblem whi,ch 00 one has yet solved. It'atDaeKSthe 'best chss 'hoon'e. ,:as well_as ,the,poiD:I:er..and,; is, ,,:no re~pectJOf ''OIf,,:'P-ers~. . Thi-s' ne-oo.ssltates a sympaith€Jticunderstan-cUng ,olf th0mother, p:rena~al, hoopi:tal 'andpOtst~natal 'Clare of both mother and 'cl1ild, ;a,rlJd most ct:iffi.cul,t of 'all, r,e!haibilitatlon of the mother into society, where ..9he heoGmes the victim of prey [jar the promiscuous youth. Much :time :and '~ff:O!rt is reqUired in. ',tl'acirig :tfu:.:!".lY1itati'vB:-!father,",:dbtaining an agreement, :,proba.bly',oourt. :'actron, :.roUcwed':by" 'much' .:diffiiculty .in "ool~ lec:t.tons-.[t is :qui,te-:ohv'iIQ11slt:o' _thOise,:Eingaged:in.-this rw61'k :that, ,like liquor;,:l~'sla'ti_cnis \iIeTy,. ,inacVe'quate..in. Hs .'CiontT;ol,;and"~thdtmuch valuable ,time ,-al1d"moneyis'lbeing"'\VThSted:in ,the ,entiol'1cement ,of ',the p'nmarried P~ent.s' Act" This~ffiI()ney ,'.'is.paid ,!by 'tbJe' 'Pi'o.v.ince. 119 II III III , :1' :1 ,li " !i :i: ,I: , :ii 1 I I , Ii 'i! I J i " I' I'; Ii: ! ii' i , i'j " " i.! II '1'1 I', ','''j I, 120 ELGIN ,COUNTYCOUNC[L ELmR COUNTY COU!NOIL 121 A,doption Act: This. phase !Of.the' work is the one frQ;m which possibly' most satis- faction :Is gained. For example" one meil'ely has to visit the' home of 'Our Premier. and s'ee the happy faces Of the children Mere. Of cOUiJ:se, all oh11dren ,3:dopted.!are not as fioirtunate .as they. It is.a, f1act, never- .tJheless,'thiat 'Parents who _take 'a child for -adoption do so hecause thp.y 'Want that particular chilct This again makes one think of the, !f;a.tni- lies --'known ,to the 'Society in' po-or ci'rcumstanoos, to whom the birth of a, child is nl?thing S'hlQlI't ,of 'a tragedy. Usually, the only child adJoptaibleis ,the, very young ba;by. This foot provides a pleasant re- lease ,for the unmarried. mother who can give her child for adoption and T'es).lmeher forme:r 8,tatus. Sometimes one wonders 'downth~()ugh th,? years, ,the many hear-taches she must suffer in iher mother's diesire fOil"knowledge 01 ber child and las-t if nut lea~t,inma1::urity, the heartache of :the -childfirnr the natural love and a:ffectiOll'compulsively !forfeited by,demand of society. In ~a..ct, it is :a ,cmmnon. e'CCUI!I:'en{'.re t.oiday to' have' 'a penson rl'lmark to ,the- Sodety's staff "Well, I suppoo'e ~ou will he out orf ,a job now tha.t the Shelter is dosed". Allio,tiher excellent looyantag€ in nO't having the offioo in t,he :She1t€'r is, that ladies e:a.n DlOW visit 'the o:fItce wH.1lout ,fear of someone \Seeing :them enter OT, leave -the Shelter 'and 5.0 afford fo'od for tine 10cal gossip. ,In cloiSing, the otficierrs IOlt" ,tihe Sootety wish -to banish from th'ought the belief that they 'are endeaV10ring to place an children in Boar-ding HOffi<eS. Unf.(Jlrttinarely, there is ,8; delarilll .of free homes, du'e largely :to -the .pr'eSent ec!On:omic, condition. All idl111d- il'en of the Society ,Old - enough to enter wagte homes ,are being suit~ ably placed. Any gtood free home offel'edwill,_be 'readily 'accepted and a ,child p}ac~d .th€tr'ein. In ohoosing a BoM1ding Home it is the desire of the offi,cers ,to -accept only 'those ihornes Where :the child. is the induoement of ,the footw-parents- i'ather .than . the mone:trury" end.: In brief, the trend is the best poo.s1ble boOme f,or tJhe ,{'ihild givingOQus:ic1- eration to the eoonomy in €xpenditure. , All of which is respectfully submitted. Statistics-Children Under Care: '-\ I:>l;lring'the y~9.Jr ended"Ma.rch 31st, .1937, 199 children were cared fior by the S6ciety,-44being'd1scharge'd from care, leaving 15'5 in care. OLARENCE RAT'I'E<lJSON, Ohairman, st. Thomas, Ontario, November, .193f7. Protection: Under protection, .a.s&istance, was given to 111 ~amilies involvh1g 256 child:ren during the yeat. Man:y w'ardships were obviatedthriough "1me efforts of the officers of ,the Society. Unmarried Parents' Act: Approximately 35 eases were active under this Act during ,the Y'€!!9.>t; Administra.ti.on: In ~oving the Socie,ty's office' ,f:rom the Shelter .00 '3. business lIooation down tJown- has been .a mas,t prIOgl'essive move and one in 'i9.00ordl:tnce with the lDeipartment's recommend'ation.' Due ,to ,the: . fact tbJat: .tJheofficehadJ always been in -the Shelter it 'had crea.ted the erroneous impression in the minds. of mom, people tha.t the Shelter .and lts,supel'visi'Qn comprised. at }east 90% of the work' of theofficers~ 122 / !ELGffiN ;OOU1NTY COUiNC[L ELGIN COUNTY . COIJ'NOIL 123 BY-LAWS, 1937 That the members of. the said.. Boardm Audit be paid ,the. sum of Five Dollars per day rfor their servi'C\es and five cents: per m1le, go- ing 'to.and from each ,audit. BY.LAW NO. 1259 " Read a thi:rd time and .passed at Oounty Gormoil. ,QMmbers, .St. ThOOla.s, this 22nd day of January, 1937. . To Authorize the Warden and Trea,....ul'er to Borrow the Sum of One Hundred and:, Fif:ty Thousand Dollars K. W, 1\fuKAY, Olerk. WiM. E. L0CKE, Warden. The Elgin Oounty .council :enoots: Thattlbe ':Wal'denand Treasurrer -be and axe hereby authorized to borrow the:sum,ofOne' Hundred and F.tf:ty Thousand Dollars ,from. the 'Bank"od'Montreal as Itma.y be -required to meet the expenditures {)If 'the COl'iporatiJon of the Oounty of -Elgin during the year 1937. an-d give, as secu~ity tlherefiOiI' notes of {Jne thousand or ten thousand diol1a.rn each. BY.LAW NO, 1261 To ,Appoint Inspector Under the Corn :Borer -Ac:t ',~\, 'Read a 'Dhird .ttme 'and' .pasS<ed ,at County OQuncil Chambers" St. Thoma..s" this 22nd dB!Y'o,f January, 1937. The Elgtn Gounty Oouncil, enacts: K~ W. MioroAY, Olerk. WiN!, E. WOKE, "lib-at Fred R. Taylor, of the Towru.,"hip of Yarmouth, be and he' is hte:reby;'appointed Inspector to perform the duties required of him under the provisions -of The ,oorn BaTer AiClt. Warden. Th'8Jt while engaged' in the, perf{l'1.'manqe of his duties, under 'the Act, the said Inspector, shan he paid the sUm Of Six Dollars ;per day to include m-avellingand o1ft1er 'expenses. BY.,LAW NO. 1260 That the said -IlWpecuor ~ppoint s-l1b..ins;pectol' for each' townShip, said ~ap.pointments to be a,pPr'oved by the Township Councils.. To Appoint a Board of Audit'in the County '(J>f Elgin for the Year 1937 ,'Ilhat all by-laws he'rertxxfore 'Passed in :this ,behalf be and are , hereby repealed. The E'lgin 'OO,unty Council enacts: Read-a .third time and .passed at County C-ouncilOham'ber.s:, St. Thomas, this 22nd day of January, 1937. 'Ilhat ,the Judge of !the COunty Court and Mr. Joseph, H. Burke be and a;re l1.iereby lappointed members of ,the Board of AUdi,t to perform the duties required of them by'RIS.O. 1927, Ohavter 1,26, Section 22. K. W. MoKAY, C1evk. ",;' ~,,,..L. 1,-,- WM. 'E. LOCKE, Wa.rden, , 1a4 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELCUN'COUI-lT'.:- (j~6[[, '1a5 BY-LAW NO. 1262 Read <a.third 'titrie:at1d:paSs8datOouhty Council i6ha,mli~rs, St. ThOOla.s. this, 22nd day of J9l1Mry. 1937. . To Appoint COlu'ntyRoad Committee , The 'Elg'i'n "C:orunty 'OouncU: enacts, as, T>equi:red' bW 'Dhe Highway. Aot: K; W. MOKAY. Olerk. That the .foHolwing five members of this ClQuncil constiJtutea. Oommitooe -fol' the, purpos.e {l;f directing trhe Wioirk t.D be done on the cpunt:y;' Ro,ad System: J. H. Sloan .......... . .... ..... .. ... . ... ..:FIOIl" T€<rm of .one, Year w: ,B. ILanoa:ster .. .........For Term 'of Two ~ears' G. M. MitoheU .. ......lfX)r Teir>m of Three YeM"s (H. G. Taylol' ... ...... . .. Flor 'Derm of FoUl' Years Clar,k Liddle ........ .....;... . ,.........Ftc,tf Term of Five Years BY-LAW NO. 1264 " WM, -E. WOKE. Warden. To Confirm the Equalization of the Assessment Rolls Of the COu:nty, of Elgin for the Year 1937 'Dha:t ~""LawNo. 12'43 be ahd is l,ihe'l"ebYTepealed; .The Elgin Oounty Council enacts: 'Read a -third ttme and pa.ss-ed at County Oouncil..Ohambers, St, Thomas, this: 22nd da.y .olf January, 193'1. '~';' That .ohe following ibe the ~qualizatlonaf the Assessment Rolls of the COunty of Elgin for tJ1e year 1937: K. ,W. M<lKAY, Olerk. Aldborough DunwiCh Southwold Yarmouth Malahide Bayham SOuth Dorohester Aylmer 'Dutton Port Stanley Springfield Yie~na Rodney West Lorne WM. E. LOCKE; Warden. BY-LAW NO. lZ63 To Appoint High School Trus,tees 'Dhe ElgiJ.1. Ooun~y Oouncil enacts: 1,' Tha.t the 'folloWing High Sohl(}ol"Trus,tees- be 'appointed': Aylmer Vi,enna Dutton D;, H. Oonnor Jiames l\1lcMlis~el' Dr. M, G, Graham For 'I'h.ree Years For Three' Y:ea.rs FoOl' Three Years 1ihai this Council lsvii1llD,g to 1J,fllv~ the fulal "'Iua..1i.a.tJon of assessment neHls,' incase' of '81ppeai. 11liuie IbY the, cOunty JUd.ge. 3.705.658 4,04.8,205 5,104,276 5.313,553 ~.440,976 . 2.425.735 2,155,584 1.585,082 512.653 942,689 164,874 121,Q~ 42I.45fj 378,361 $ 3O,34h:3<W 12~ ELGIN. COUNTY .. C,01JNCIL !OOad..a third time and .passed at I County Council Chambers, st. ThoinaS';.'thU{ 22hd day (,)Lf' Janu'ary, 193'7'. K. W. Mc~AY, 'OIel'k. WM, E, LOCKE, Warden. BY.,LAW NO. 1265 .To, Appoint Advisory Agricultural Council The Elgin ,Oounty\C'ouncil ,ena<:ts: T1hat the Advisory AgricuLtural Gaulleil ,be oomposed of -one mell1';" bel' f'.t'IO~ each towns.hip ,and eight houol"aifY memhers, the following .to. he. appointed; Member3 F\rank MciGl'Ieg1or, Altdiborongh" Davkl Oaa-roll, iDunwich E. E. Luton, iSouthwold R. A. Penil1~,~>e. Y'anucuth Haa:ry Kent, Ma.1ahide A. A. Johnson, Baytham:t D,' I'fpble, Soutfu Dor,Ohester Honorary Mem.,b~rs 'Dhe members ,of trhe Agriooltural Committee of this' OounciI. That members .of .s:lfid Advisory A:grj'C:Ul'tural DO-uncil be pald the same as membexsoif "thi& Oouncil fOT a.~t~da.nce 'at rthe two .rnE'etfngs required to be 'held 'annu-any in February :and N1cwemher, and that they ,receivetheir t~'av~l1ing, and IOlther, €Xipenses, ficir '," attehdance at' special: ,or :em~cy' 'm~ings" called . 'by the 'Ohairman. moIN .cOlJNTY .cOIU'NOI'L 127 Read a' ,third time 'and .pass'ed at 'County Oouncil' Chambers; St. Thomas, this 22nd day ,o>fJanuary, 1937. K. W, MoKAY, Olerk. WM, E. LOOKE. Wal'den~ BY -'LAW NO. 1266 Entitled "A By~la.w to provide for t;he County's consent to the Bell Telephone Company' of Canada' cOnStrue-ting its lines' upon the highways, streets-, bridges and' other public' IJlaces of' the CQunty and to authorize" the Oounty Road SuperintendJent to supervise , and, a;ppro>ve the co>nstruction of such lines." 'iVII-I:ER/EAS'The' Hell 'l1el'8'Pblon,e iCIompany of Canadla isemp.bwe'l"e'rl. by it~ Specfal Act (if Inom'pol1'ati'Ofl.,43 Victoria; Chapter 67 (Dom.), to 'construct, erect-andmaintain its line lOr' lines of ,tel<eplhtone ,al{)l1'g thi/ sides of andaci~ciSS <(}lr unruer 'any pubUc highwayS', streets, bridge-s, water'-cour&€S, 0.1' 'O'tiber such, places, :nrac:r08S1 0Ir und!e:J.' any liavigwble wa;ters either' wholly in Canad.a 'Oil' divid~g Oariada. from a.i1y o'thel' count.ry, ,subject to the 'terms -therein set. fiw't'h; and .WiHEREAS 8ub-,Sectio'll 2.o-f ISIeDti.on373 of the R'ailwa.y, Act, R:S'.C: 1927; Chapter' 170, provid<es that no telephone line witlhin the leg'islativeauthorrit.y (J[ the Parliament Of Osma,d,a shall, except' a.s ,the~i1i provid.ed;.be -constructed upon, :alonrg or across, any'~ghway,: square .or. public place without the legaloonsent of ,the ~unkipa1ity having jurisdiction -oV€:J.' ,such highway, square0r public plaoe; and WiHJElREAiS The Bell Telephone Company .o,f -Canadla ihas Clarr-ied oil, its business' i!J. the Ootmt.y"of ,Elgin for a numhe-r lolf. years .and has est;iablished . 'its lines of te-lephcri,e upon the public ht@hways, streets, bridges and Qther 'public .places within the said Oounty of . Elgin ,and continues so to do, ,and will from time to Itime he:oowf,wt require to CiOnsbruc:t :adlditional lines upon the public higlh:ways, streets, .~r1dge,<J. 'and other suICh places within the said Oounty. of. E~gi1i for. the pur- Pose';; of its business, '128 ELGIN "COUNTiY 'COUNCtIL BE. ,1'1' THElRiEl'lOlRJE EN""C'1lElD 'by the Municipality. 'of the Oountyof Elgin as ,a by-law,there~f.,a.s;f,0110'Ws: 1. 'I'hat pursuan:t tJO ,the pl'iOvistons 'Of Section 373 .(2) of, tj:ie, :E:t~~'Way Act,R.S.O. 1927,. Chapter 170, .the said County hereby con- sents",va the 'construction by the Ben Telephone Company :of Ganad(} ,0[' 'all lines .off telephone 'and tel€1phone plant heretofore oonstr.ucte:! Uplon, ,along,across O'r under the highways, squares, bridges and :pu'blic 'Places within the said County of Elgin, over Which the said' Oounty has jurisdiction in the looation and -in tbJemanneT in which the same h!ave been 'Constructed. 2. 'I''hSJ'tpu:rsuant to the pl'O'VI'oSilOllS OtfSeoti011 373 (2)of the Railway Act, R.8.0. 1927, !Chapter 170, the said"County.hereby co:....- lS'euts "DO t1heooI}structi'on b~ .the. BeU' Telephone Oompany 'Or! Oanad,.., [!10m time to time Ihereaf.ter of aU &uch line or lines ,of telephone as it 1"e'Q.uh'es {lOT tJhe purposes of its business upon, along, aCl'OOiS or unde:l' any or all .of the -highways, squares, bridges or .pUlblic .places w.itihin the said Oounty under the. jurisdiction cf thisCiiYunty", pro..:. vided, however" that the oonstiruoti:on of aU s~ch lines ,and plant. by tlheBell Telephone .company or! Canada, shall be/dlOne .in. acooroanM with the, said lOompany'sstandJards of c'(}ootruoti-onf>rQmtinte bo titne in ['01',00 ,and effoot; 'and .provided rfurther"tha:t the looati'on of all s'Uch telephone lines an:d plant he>reaf.teJ:' constructed OJ:' of existing lines whioh may :here'after he . !relocated, and the 'Opening up oif streets squares, bridges' or.. lother such public places for the ereotLon. Of poles or the carrying of wires undeTgl'iound, shall be. subjec:tto Uhe super.. vhsion Of . the\ Oounty Rood Superinwndent of the Oounty from tibie to time being, rwhooe wrlttenapPl'!oval :of loc'ation. (If lines -and whose cer:tirfioaites ~ 'to 'Supervision shall he valid and binding upon the Oounty, 3, Upon :obtaining the oonsent of the abutting landowners; tn.e Compa11lY maJY, with the 'B.iPproVlal and under thesupeT'Visl-on iQif the said C:ounty Road Superintendent, trim .or remove all trees' g[rowirtg or 'standing upon t.he Wgihways' !Of the County S.o ,as to keep its line'$ and wires :free :fr:om inteI'lference tiherev.:ith. 4. The .Ole"k oflb<> said C<>unty Is herel>yauthor\zed',o.nd directed to oertify t'l'O'ffi time :to time- Under tdu) seal of :tli;e 'County'., to The iELGIN OOUNTY GOUN'C!liL 129 Bell Telephone Company ,of Oanada the .;appointment and the . name of' the County. Road 'Superintendent autlhfmzed to. 'act under the bY-law. 5, And he. it fUl"uher erta;c:ted :that in the e.\~entof the Oorunty Road ,superintendent ,or other prOiperJ.yquaUfi,oo bOdy or (person deem- ingi't necessary to reque&t,the Oompanyto mqVe, alw!l." 0'1' re-al'- range its line 01' linesoif telephone ,and ('Or) othe,r plant for the .PUl'- posenf widening; improving 011'. re'looating a hig1hway of the Oounty or roc any other purpos:e, the Oounty Road SUpeTint,endent ri1.ay give, to the' s,aid,' Company .an ordtffi' to dO. such work '00, he deems l}eoessa.ry; 9.nd he may -enter. into ,an a.g,r,eemen:t. wi1Jh the said iOompany 101' t.he paYi1;nent ,of :tJhe 'wU1ole. ,or any portion of tIre cos:t {)If 'the said 'work by tjhe C:o.unty, 'and any such '3JgJ.'eemei1t ente1'1ed into by thes-aid Oounty RDad Superintend.ent .shall he valid and fiully binding uponbhe 'Said County pr:o'vMed that the :M11;QlUnt {)If the cost to !be borne <by the p:J-uilty undertihe tel'l1ns of th,e 'sa.id agreement shall not exceed the ,,,urn of $200.00. I c.e,rtify tihe ,above to be a true .copy of a by-law duly passed at a. regu1arly C10nyened meeting of the Dauncil. of t.he Oounty 101' ,Elgin on the 22ndday of January, 193,7, and 'that :bhe 'R'oad Superinten~'ent of the slaid oo'unty of EIg'inis Mr: G. F",pinneo, K. W. ,MJCJKAY, OlerK:. WM. E. LOCKiE, , ,War~'en, BY",LAW NO. 1267 To Revert Portions of County Roads The Elgin 'County Council enacts: , 'Dha.t th:e foUowing road he ,r.everted :to TowushLp 'Of Xaa-mouth: All that po~tion of ohe original rOaAi 'allQiV.(ance..betw~n 1ots.'8 and 9 in tlhe 11th concession: of the Township' of Yarnwubh, and road used " 130 'ElDmN COUNTY iGOUNlOIL in lieu thereOf which lies 'West IOfa line dra;wll thir,ty-three feet (3'3') westerly., measured Hit light angles ,thereto, of the oentrle Hue of the road divers,ion ,as show.p on Deposited Plan No.. 54, ' deposit,ed in :trhe 'Reglst't'Y Ofii.ce ;fiOi!' 'the Regis,try DiVision of the. County of El- gin ,on ,the '20tihday 'of JUl1!e,A.iD. 1935. R..e,ad a ,third time and p1u.sS'ed at 'Count.y Council Chambers, St. Thomas. this 22nd daynf January, 193r(. K, W, McIK,AY, Clerk. WM. E. LOCKE, Warden. . BY-LAW NO.. .'1268 To ProlVidefor tl1e Total Expenditure' on the System of County -Roa.ds, in the' Ocunty of Elgin as Approved by Order-in.Cauncil, D'llrihg tbe Year 1937. "l'he, Elgin County Council enact.s: WHOO,EAS The Highway Impl'ioV'en'l'ent Act, Chapter 5~, R;S.O. 1927,Mld amendments requiTed that the:to'tal expenditur'e ,on c'Clilmty roads 'and bridges Ibep~uvided fOol' 'annually by oounty by-law, 1. 'Dhe ,sum o~ ,$40,000.09 ishs,r'e.by app[<opl'iabeid from mOni€3 :r:aised by levy, debentures ,and go'vcrument subsidy, for expenditure upon Coons-truction ,on the said system during th-e y,ear 1937. 2.'. The sum of $40,00.0.00 is hereby 'apPil'ropl'ia:ted f:rom monies raised by. levy ,and -gOtvernment :subsidy .flor' expenditure upon main- benance and repair of the l'o.ads in the said ,s.ys:tem durinK the yea.r 193'1. 3. Thes-aid monies shall ,be ~pended under the di'rection o.f the duly appointed county 'J:'oo.ad superint,endent and 'on work 'P,erformed in"accordance with the last revised regulations respecting county road~ issued by the Department.' IOf Highways olf Ontario. " ELGIN COUNTY OOUNOIL 131 4. ~he olerk shall transmit" duplicate copies o.f. this by-loam to the Deputy Ministerr, Department o.f H~g1h,waY's of Ontario, &01' approval' on or beflQ(l'Ie the 3Is:t of January of the ;pr,eiSent year. Read a, third time .andpfuS&ed a;tOounty cpuncll. Ohambers, St. Th.cmas, this 22nd day c[ January, 1937. K. W, MoKAY, Cle:r:k. W'M.E, LOCKE, Warden. BY-LAWlo(O. 1269 To Provide far the -Designa.tion af Through .. streets The Elgin COilmty Council en-acts: '1. Tha,t the f;ollrnwing sitreetsbe dies'ignated .as tlwough streets as' required by 8ub';'Section 2 o.f Section 3:5 ,of'tbe Highwa:y Traffic Act': I 1. IO{JUnty H'c'a'd Number 36 in the 4th 0onoossion 'of the '':Do-wrus:hlp 'Of as: fl.. through hi'gnwa.y. Village 'of. .sipa:r:ta, on the Yarmouth, be deiSdgnated , 2. Oounty Rmid Number 39.in the Village .of Lyons, Town- ship of 'South Dc'mhester, between concessi,,?ns 10 and '11, be des.fgnated' ,as. through highway. 3. County Rnad Numb-etr 39 in the 'l1ownshLp of Mala:hict.3 between l:.1'ts' 10 and 11, be designateda~ Dhrough higlhway at the intefiS6cW>n vf county :reads 39 .and 42. 4. Also County Townline l'oad number 47, between ,South and North Dorlche:st;eT in the Villa.geof Avon, be, dieiS~gnated 'as through. highway. \ ,132 ELGIN COUNTY CO>UNCrr., ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 133 5. The IQlpel"ato'l' lOr dl'iver of every v.ehicle shall-immediately, befo;re -entering . to'l' ,cross:ing any of these s'tr1eets, bring thl~ vehtc1e .to 'a.' full., stop. Read a third time and passed at County OJ-uncil 'Ohambe:rs, St. Thomas, this Hth day of June, 1937. 6.'Dhe ,provisions ,olf ,this by-law shall, be ,subject to the ,pro- - vis.jnl1:S of The Ontario Highway Traffic Ac,t, and amendments thereto. K. W. McKAY, Clerk, WM. E. LOOKE, W.arden. 7. Any person violating al1,Y of the .provisions of this' by-law shall be subject to a penalty of nOit more than, Ten Dollars (,$10.00) fOl? the first offence -and to not more 'th'an Twenty- five Dollars ($25.00) '[loll' every subs1equent' -Offence, exclusive of ,costs 'and all such penal'ti'8:S, ,shall be recoverable under' The Ontario Summary Oonviction Act. BY-LAW NO. 1271 To Raise Amounts for County Rates During the Year 19'37 K. W. ,Mc;roAY;' ClerIc WM, E, LOaKE. Warden. WiHIDR!EAS an estimate has been made: aha-wing tha:tthe sum 01' .one Hundred and E1gh'teen 'I\h0usand, Flour Hundred and Forty-five DDUarsis required 'to he ra.1sled in the .slev'&al muni'CLpaUtoolS for the lawful .puripciS'es of the Oorunty during the year 1937 on. tlhe basis 0.f equali:?ied assessment as de:tlwmined in, 1936, -',.,>, AND WHEIREkS the es,timated amount required for high and continuation school .purposes, baS'edou ma.intenanoe ,costs;fur 1936 as determined under ipr'Qivisions ,ufthe HighlSchool Acts, is FortY~five 'Dhous'and Two Hundr,ed ,and FiftY-lSix Donars: 8. 'Dliis by-law shall t~ke effeot Upon, from, and -after re- ceiving bherop;proval of 'the Ontarip Dep'art.ment 0.1' Hi'ghways. Read athi,rdtime and ,passed at County Oouncil Chambers, St. Thomas, this 22nd da.y of Janua.r:y, 1937. Municipality BY-LAW NO. 1270 Aldbo.r'Ouglh Dunwich Southwol'd Yarmouth Malahide Bayha-m SOuth Dorchester Aylmer Dutton flIo!rt St'anley Springfield Vienna Rodney West LDrne.., To,tal Equalized Value 3,705,658 4,048,205 5,104,276 5,313,5'53 3,.440,976 2,425,735 2,155,584 1,585,082 512,653 942,889 184,874 121,044 421,4150 378,366 To Amend By-'Law No. 1220 To. }'ix Salaries of the Keeper and. Matron, House of Industry The EI'gin Coun'ty Council enacts: That By-law No.. 1220 be amended by ,fixing 'the oombined slalar-ies of tl).e Keeper and Ma..t:riOn of the Housel()i(,Industry at '$1760.00, 'pay- ahle q:uarterly. $ 30,340,345 134 EiDG]N COUNTY COUNCTL THiffiRlEFOiRE the Ooullcil of the ,Municipal ;Corpo~ati'On of 'the County of 'Elgin ena:cts: 1. That a '1~ate .of, 3 9-10 mills on the dolla.r be levied on all rate- able ;property in the several muni<:ipalities in the GDun'~y of ElJ.gin, as above set f01'-th, for bhe year 1937. 2. That 'bhe amounts requtred for oounty and for high and con- tinuation sohool purposes as 'Set for-trh in ,the ,fJol1owing schedule be levied in the respective municipalities during 1937 and paid to the Oou:q.:ty Treasurer as by l'aw ;required. SOREDtIDE Municipality School- Rates County Rate Total General Voca.tional 1st 50% 2nd 50% 1st' 50% 2nd Alclborough """,,$ 2,633 ,$ 1,607 $ 511 $ 337 $14,452 $ 19,540 Dimwioh 3,239 3,394 559 668 15,789 23,649 Southwold 3,689 3,347 705 809 19,907 28,457 'y,a1'!l11outh 3,960 4,493 733 1,211 20,723 31,120 M"llI:bide 2,666 3,579 475 720 13,420 20,860 Ba.yham 335 9,460 9,795 S. Dor:dhesDer;,. 1,495 1,178 298 225 8,407 11,oOa Aylmer 219 6,182 6,401 Dutton 71 1,999 2,070 Port Stanley... 754 836 130 222 3,677 5,621 Springtfield 25 721 746 Vienna 17 472 ' 489 Rodney 68 1,644 1,702 West Lorne 56 1,592 1,643 $16,436 $18,436 $ 4,192 $ 4,192 $118M5 $103,701 \ County CouncHbhambeirs, st. ThQll11as, June lltlh, 1937. .K. W. McKAY, 'Clerk. WM. E. WOKE, Warden. ,. 'EI!JGIN COUNTY GOUiNClL 335 BY.LAW NO. 1272 A By~Law to Provide for the Total Expenditure of $100,000 on t,hc System of County Roads in the County of' Elgin Dming the Year 1937, and to Repeal By~La.w No. 1268 The Elgin County Council enacts: WHEREAS The Highway Improv€ment Act, Chapter 54, RS.O. 1927, .and amendments 118qui~es that the total exPenditure on oount.y :roads and bridg.es be pl"ovid.ed flOif' ,annually by ,county ,by-law, THER.EP()RE the Ommcil of the Corpor'ation of the said Gounty of Elgin, 'ena:cts as follows: (1) The sum {If $50,000. is hereby appr-op'l'ia:ted from monies raised byl'E';vy, debentul'le:s ,and .governmen:t sUb.sit'ly, ror ex- penditure up'ou C'o'llstructiou on the said system during the ye-al' 1937.-" (2) The sum of $50,000 is ~reby appropriated fJ'iom montes railSed by levy -and 'g'ierv,e,rnment -z.ub.sldy ,f1Q!f e:&pendlturif~' upon maintenanc.eand repair of the roads in the 'Said . s\Y'soom during the year 1937. (3) 'Dhe ,said monies shall he expended under the direction 100 the duly appointed oorunty road superintendent and -onWDl'k perf10Tmed in af:coroance with Ithe last l~e:vised. regulations respecting county roads itssuted by the Depa:rtment 'Of Hig1h~ ways (Jf .Ontarto. (4) The OLerk sih,all A:a::ansrnit dupliowte'cop:Le.s of this. by-law.. 00 the Deputy rMinister, 'DepM'tment of Highways :orf Ontario, for' 'approval. That By-law No. 1268 is hereby re'Pe~ed. , Read a thIrd time and passed at .county Oouncil Obambers, st. Thomas, this 26th day o[ November, H137. K. OW, M*AY, OIe"k. WM. \ E; LOOKE, W&1den. 136 E['GLN COUNTY COUNCiL ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCiL 137 BY-,LAW NO. 1273 BY-LAW NO. L275 To Authorize. the Warden to. Sign Agreement Re. Administraition. of! Justice. Expenses Payable by City of s.t. Thomas To Withdraw the Township of Bayham From the Vienna. High Scho'm D:iSltrict The Elgin Oounty Go-unen €nacttS: WifIlERtEAiS the Municipal COUncil of bhe Corporation of .the TOWlliihip of Bayham has pas&ed a resolution requesting th:LsClOuncil, to pass a by-l'3.iw withdrawing .bhe Townsihip of BayhiM'n :from the' Vienna H1gn, School [)i.&brici;-; , , "Dhat the W'atden be and is hereby 'authod2Jed ,to sign .an agree- ment with the City of 8t. Thomas. tOll" .j;lhe payment by the City of Six 'Ehousand, Four HunJCl;red DaHa:rs as t;he1r share iOf Administra- tion of Justice expensr2:S during five yea:ns, commencing the firSlt day of January, A,ro. Nine-been Hunded and Thirty-s-even. 'Dhe County Cbuncil therefiore' enacts: Read a. third time and pa:ssed at County DDuncil O'h:a.mbe:rs, St. rfuoma.s,this 26th day of Novem~er, 1937. 1. That the Township oct.' Bayham be aM .is helreby With<wa.Wi1 fr,om'the Vienna ~igh School Distric~. K. W, MoKOAY, Clerk. WM, Eo LOCKE, Warden. .- 2. That By-law ~,o. 240, ,pass,ed in 1873, be and is Ihereby amended accordingly. , Read a third time and passed at ,County Do-unail Ohambers, St. Thomas, bhis_ 26th, day of November, ,,1937. BY-LAW NO. 1274 K. W. McKAY, Clerk. WM, Eo LOOKE, War-den. To Designa.te Road in the Township of Aldborough 'I1he. Elgin County OouniC'i1 recl()nunends': That .the TOad in the Township iot Aldbol'ough from bhe .town1ine between Aldborr'{mg1h and Dunw'iclh beginning at Dot 2, thence westerly to lot. 17, (!Division Line) :the~ce s:outhe:rly to the 1'.OM between 0011- cession 5 ~d 6, thence w.es:be(l'ly connecting with OO'Unty .Road ND. 3 or ('The [Furnival ~Q.a.d hetJween IlotlS 8 a.nd 9) be and' is hereby destg- nruted 'as 'aoorunty 1I0aU: .a dis.tance of Ia.PPfloximately .&even miles. BY-L~W NO. 1276 To, Assume the Fulton Bridge As a County Bridge The Elgin Oounty Council enacts: Read a thi.rd time Thomas, this 26th day and: passed at :Oounty Council .QllJambexs., st. ,0[' N'Ovember, 1937. K. W. Mo!MY, Clerk, ViM, Eo LOCK;E, Warden. That the Ful'ton Bridge. oVler Kettle Cireek -ort Toad used ,as county line betweentl}.e torwnslhips of Yar:mout'h :and Southwold. hetween lots 3 and 4 'on West River Road and. opposite lot 5 on Wes~t Mill Road; ap- pl'iOximIDtely 160 feet in leng1trh, be and is.. her-eby assumed as a county brldg€. , 138 ELGIN. OOUNTY C'OiUNOIL Read a third time and .passed at. Oounty Council Oh.a.moeil's" St. Th1Omas,t1his 26th . 'day ,olf November, 1937. K. W, lVfcEiAY, Clerk, WM. E, LOCKE, Warden. BY-LAW NO. 1277 To App.oint Members and Secretary of Mothers' Allowance and Old Age Pensions -Board , 'rhe Elgin Oounty Council enacts: 1. That 'Mr. '8. S. MbDermand, 'Of 'Bocrt Burw1ell, and Mrs. ,E. G. Lusty,:of (Rodney, Ibe 'and .'are hereby appointed members of the Mothers' AHowance and Old. Agte Pensions Board fO'l' ,the qounty Q,f Elgin. 2. That Mr. K. W. M~y be a.nd is herehy :a.ppo~nted Se~reta:ry art' the MOthers' AHo,w-ance and Old Age .Pen:sions Boa.r:d of the Goun'~y or,'Elgin. Read a ,thi,rd time and passed at Oounty G~un0il Cfhambe'rs, 'St. Thomas, this ,26th day of [N<wembel', 1937. K, W, MoEiAY, Clel"l~. W'f!!!. E. LOCKE, Warden. . I ~ OOGIN ,COUNTY C'OUNOIiL 139 BY -L1\W NO, 1278 To Make Grants to High Schools , The Elgin Oounty Council enacts: That. grants .be made :to HigihISch:o,o,l:s as f,ollows: AylmH 575 93 762 04 '$1337 97 109 00 1225 57 Vi-enna London Port Bur'well Simco-e Tillsonbumg Springfield Srowns'ViUe Dutton 1334 57 68 32 379 24 52 55 744 31 20 54 225 7'1 246 71 $4410 il2 " , to pay the COiSt of . education 'uf 'Elgin .county PUpils [or ,the yea:r 1935, as requested. by l.etter f.l"om the iDeparbl?ent 0[' . Education. Rea.d a ,thi-rd time and: passed at Oounty Oc-uncil Clhambers, St. Thomas, ,this 26th day' ,of November, 1937. K. W, McKAY, Clerk. WM. E. LOOKE, Wa.rdeil. BY-LAWS- No. 1259 No, 1260 No. 1261 No. 1262 No. 1263 No. 12G4 No. 1265 No. 1266 (~ No, 12li7 No. 1268 No. 1269 No. 1270 No. 1271 N Q. 1272 ) No. 1273 Elgin CountyCoul1cil 141 -------.-.-- ---_...__._._~-~~ -"-.-.-.-.'-..-..-----.. ..._--~~-~- INDEX To Authorize the ,Warden and Treasurer to Horrow the Sum of One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ....m...n____.'................. .....______....1.9, 122 To Appoint a Board of Audit in the County ,of Elgin for the Year 1937.....,______ ..:______________..........~W~ 122 To Appoint an Inspector Under The Corn B orerActn__......(.....~_____.n______..:.......__.___....nnm....____"20, :1.23 To Appoint' County RoadCommittecm....____.........21, 124 To Appoint High School Trustees...........m......______22, 124 To Confirm the Equalization of the Assess- ment Rolls of the County cif Elgin for the Year 1937__.m___..__.m..............m___..__n......'m...............22, 12:3 To Appoint Advisory Agricultura;l Committee.....23, 12fi Entitled "A By:"Law to Provide for the County's COl,1."ient to the Bell Telephone Company of Ca6ada Constructing its Lines upon the Highways. Streets, Bridges a6d Other Pub- lic Places of the County and to Authorize the County Road Superintendent to Super- vise and Approve the Construction of Such Li n e.s" .... __nn... .__....... ........., .n.nn..... __nn.... .n...n. u .n'.... 2 3, 127 To Revert Portions of County Roads..mm....mm...24, 129 To Provide for the Total Expenditure on the System of County Roads in. the County of Elgin as ,Approved by Order-in:":Council During the 'Year 1937.,mn ...m........mmm......... ....25, 130 (Repealed by By~Law 1272.) To Provide for the ,Designation of Through Streets n....n........n.....nn................n........n.........nn.....26. 131 To Anlend By':Law No. 1220 to Fix Salary cif Keeper and Matron at House of IndustrY..___.38, 133 To Raise County Rates......m___.....n......m ...__....m ......38; 133 To Provide for Expenditure of One Hundred Thousand Dollars on County.Roads..___..........A7, 135 To AllthorizeAgreement re Adrri'inistni.tion of , ]usticeExpenses ,Payable by St. Thomas""h54, 130, 142 ~lgin County COltncil Elgin County' Council 148 To Designate a Road in Aldborough................mm55; 136 To Withdraw Bayhani,'from' Vienna High School District....nhh.nmn....__mm...__mu....__........___55, 137 To Assume Fulton' Bridgc.__................n....:.______..______.56, 137 ~ro Ai)point Members and Secretary of Mothers' Allowances and Pensions Board..._____..._____________57, 138 .N;o. 1278 To Make Grants to High Sthools............................57, 139 GRANTS ~ Adyiso'i-y Agricultural COul1cil..........n.n.n._______.........,........_____.,___.109, 110 -4gri~ultural and Horticultural Societies__.........,___._________..................' 15 t. ,.13. BirdsaILn...._______.________.____..___.....h.........u___..__n____________...____m.._________ 53 Ca,nadiall National Institute for the . BlincL.m................mm..mm... 62 High Schools... ......mm...............m................'m.u.....u.:: ..n.................51, 153 I.a \V. I~i brary ...n.............u................................ ......................u................n.., 62 L 'ock ~ u fi 5.... .......... ............ ..,.......~...... n u..uu u...........; ..'......... .......... n .............. 61 ;11 unici pal Associa tian:m.................,..,..............................nmmm.nm....u. 62 Pu bli c Libraries................n...m..nm..m..n..m..m.....u...........................14, 46 Reel' Cro.ss ...n.... ...n.............. .....;..u...........;.............'.....'n........n..........14, 53 Salvati an ArmY..m.. ..nmm .nm....m.m ...n.m.......m................m.............. 62 Trustees' Assacia ti an.............;..o............mm..m........m......m.......n"........ 16 Warden .....n.,...n....... ...n..u........n...u........................u.................................. 53 W anl en's Ins ti tu tes,............................................................m.n..mnm..... 62 No.. 1274 No.. 1275 No, 1276 No.. 1277 High Schaal Trustees.m.................;n..m.......,...........mu..m..............lG, H atlse af I nd ustry m.'n....uu..m..........m..m...........m....n.m.....'u.............. Municipal Clerks and Treastlrers,m.m.......:....,.........~....m......u.m...... Municipal Legisla tian:........m..........mmu...m.........~..........n..mu..m........ No.. 4 Highway Pratectionmm...m....................,...n..m......,.................. Ontario. Agriculture ,CaunciL...m:m.u....,..n............................nnnm... 14 Ontario. Municipal AssaCiation.......mm.....,..,.....................,................. 27 Raads.................,................,..,..........,...n....................,........,................:n......,7, 41 Railway Crassing .Pratectian................m..n...n.....,............n....m...m..., 50 Red Crass.n.....n..................nn............................n..........................n.......14" 53 Reforesta tian....m..,n.n..mu.....~..............m....mm..................:m..n....6, '22, ~:~~t~~::~~~~ a~~~~~~~~~.;:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'::':::::::.::::::::::::~~: Treasu rer' s Banc1....m.......m...nn..m;.m...m......................n...,m...,........... (i5 Vienna' H.igh SchooL.........m.n..m'......"m'.......................m..nnm.......53, Warden's Address....nm....m.,.....'..m.......mmmmm....................m..5, 28, W arcl en:' s Electian............:....m....mmmm..m.......,.............m.....n..'.......m. 17 " 2 28 .w 41 '41 83' . 187 41 4 .MISCELLANEODS - Advisary ~atll1ty Raad Cammitteem........m.....,m....'.......................... Burials.......,.. I-Iause af Refug,e:..m....................................mm..n......n.....m Blue Water High way ...-..........'..m.m'...............n...m.........................,.,44, Baard 'of Audit....n'......................... .............n......n..................n.............. Children's Aid Society..mu.......m......m........n...............m...mmm.......m Ctiunty Cauncil...................... .................n.."....n.................................... ....., Cattn ty 0 [l1cials.......n.. ....n.....nn.......n..................n........n...............n..n.. Caun ~y Pi cnic.. ....................................u..................n..........n.................... Coun ty H..oads.................... ............u.....................................n.................. ~~~~:;~~~:2~n;.~.~~~:i ~.~~.~~:::.:::,::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::,~:.,~~: Deptttationsand Camrp.ittees....m..l1, 14, 15, 26,27, 34, 44, 50, Depu ty Reeves............... ................n..........n.....nnn..u................u............ Highway Impravement Expenditures..........mm..........m..mm..m....., I-ligh Sch 0.0. ls............,_.......................'......m....o................................... 7, 51, 13' 34 47 11 '" 3. 2 2" 37 124 43 52 19 26 52 REPORTS OF CDMMITTEES AND OFFICIALS- Adl11'inistratian af Justicc- City Accauntsnu..m.n.......mm.1G, 4G, 78 Agricultural Committee..,.n......nm.m.u.,.......u..m......18, 36,.50, lOn, 111 Au d i t or s .,. .....'h... n n.,..uu.u...... .UU nh.... ........... .......... u .......... n...u ..... ........~ 11, G 4 Children's Aiel Committeem............:..........nn..n...mm..nm~,u..u..36, 50, 116 Corn Borer Inspectarmmm.m,..:.........~..........................m.~:mm.,m..49, ,115 County Raad Cammittee'm..uu.....',..m.,................m..:.18, 36,50, 79, 8,7 Caunty Ti.easure:rm.m.........h.......................n..m..~..........mmm.n72, 74, 75 County Clerk 'an Licenses....n.....umnm.nm..uu....u,.m.......u..............m.. 112 Educati an Call1111i tteen....muum...u..mum.,....m......,........h...hm....m.18, 95 Finance' Ca~111ittee.m........m.........u.....m.18, 3G, 50, G1,GG,',68,G9, 70, Gaal Commi t,teem......m..nn,n.....m..m..m..m.~m...,...mm....n.m.....49 ,93, 9'4 Hause af Industry Camr'nittee.....,mm.m..,um13; 36, -40, 103, 104, 105' Inspector, Hause of Industry..m.'...........,......................;...................... 08 Physician,. Hause af Industry......,m...m~;.......m:;.........m...,................ 97 Old !Age Pensionsuuummumm:umm....m...........u...........m...m...........'m.. 114 Petitians and Legislati,onCammitteem,u,m............mm13, 49, lOG, 107 Suburban Area Canlmissian................................mm...m......m..mum... 8;~ Standing Cammi ttcc...,...........,.......................u...........'.....m........'m......... 5\1 ~pring ,Creek Fill- Engineermm.m...........h.m,.............................,..... 92