1938 Minutes f .1 PROCEEDINGS -OF THE- Elgin County Council During the Sessions held in the COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS In the ~onths of January, June and November i J 1938 K. W. McKAY, E. LASHBHOOK, 1 t County Clerk. Wal'dcn. OFlnCIALS 1938 b. C. Ross, County Judge E. Blake Miller, Registrar I. D. Cameron, County Court Clerk, Sheriff E. W. Haines, Clerk of the Peace and County Crown Attorney Major C. P.Ermatinger, Gaoler Public School Inspectors: J. C. Smith, St. Thol11[as-Yarmouth, Malahide, Bayham Aylmer, Port Stanley, Springfield, Vienna, St. Thomas D. G. Smith, 155 Thornton Ave., London-South Dorchester K. W. McKiay, County Clerk and Inspector House of Industry BenjaIDiin B. Graham, County Treasurer F. A. Bell, C.E., County Engineer G. F. Pinneo, County Road Superintendent E. S. Livermore, County Solicitor Douglas L. Ewin, M,D., Physician, House of Industry and Gaol Fred H. Ingram, Keeper, House of Industry M. D. McGrimmon, County Police Magistratf! Frank C. Kelly, Provincial Bligh C'onstable St. Thomas P.O., unless otherwise specified County Auditors: D. M. Leitch, West Lorue; J. D. Thomson, Iona Station PROCEEDINGS -OF THE- Elgin County Council FIRST SESSION-FIRST DAY Tuesday the 18th day of January, 1938 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, as required by Statute. The following members filed certificates and took their seats at the council Board: -0-- W. B. Lancaster, Reeve, Aldb6rough Municipality Aldboroughou......Miss MUNICIPAL OLERKS AND TREASURERS Clerk James W. Nell, Deputy Reeve, Aldborough Treasurer mW. S. Stalker, R.R. 1, Rodney Dunwich.mn..A. N. McWilliam, Dutton...nn.Mrs. Mildred McNeil, Duttton Southwold....J.S.B. Annett, Fingal-C. E. Jackson, R. 2, Port Stanley yarm:outh.n.....H. L. Lawton, St. ThomasmumH. L. Lawton, St. Thomas iMalahide.....n......John M. Hale, Aylmer....m.....E. E. McTaggart, Aylmer Bayham.mm.........B.. Brian, Straffordville..._....M. Stratton, Straffordville South Dorchesteru..M. S. Charlton, R. 1, Springfield.....M. S. Charlton, 'R.R. 1, Springfield Town of Aylmerun...nm.mmumJohn Fay............. ............mI{. E. Armstrong Village of Vienna.....................mM. D. Berdan.........n.........___.M. D. Berdan Village of Springfielduu..........m.John Hodgson.mm..........mWm. H. Cathers Village of Duttonm....nn_............_W. A. Smith.....n..n....nmhmm..W. A.. Smith Village of Port StanleYnn...nnm..W. A. Hawkins.................W. A. Hawkins Village of ROdney...m..mm....m.nGeo. L. Mistelennnmm.m....Geo. L. Mistele Village of West Lorne.m.........L. W. Hlolland.........mMrs. Tena McGregor Vera Carpenter, Riodney. John H. Sloan, Reeve, Dunwich Clarence Patterson, Deputy Reeve, Dunwich Fred H. Miller, Reeve, South wold R,alph Auckland, Deputy Reeve, South wold Roy Tansley, Reeve, Yarmouth John E. Munro, Deputy Reeve, Yarmouth Clark Liddle, Reeve, Malahide Ashton Pineo, Deputy Reeve, Malahide 4 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 5 George Vallee, Reeve, Bayham FIRST SESSION - SECOND DAY J. G. Turnbull, Deputy Reeve, Bayham Wednesday, the 19th day of January, 1938 H. G.Taylor, Reeve, South Dorchester The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. E. E. Atkinson, Reeve, Aylmer The Wardep in the chair. IWrn. A. Peckham, Deputy Reeve, Aylmer All the' members present. Delbert Ryan, Reeve, Vienna The Warden addressed the Council as follows: Lisgar Koyle, Reeve, Springfield W, C. Wheaton, Rieeve, Port Stanley WID'den's Address J. D. Fraser, Reeve, Dutton To the Elgin County:-;Council, Victor E, Lemon, Reeve, West Lorne Gentlemen: Ernest. Lashbrook, Reeve, Rodney We are meeting today under the shadow of the death of two of Elgin's most prominent citizens: W. A. Galbraith, County Audit.or since 1898, and Murray McNeil, Treasurer of the Township of Dun- wich, both of whom, were working in the County Treasurer's office yesterday and were killed at the Canadian National Railway crossing on No.4 Highway a few minutes after leaving the Court House to return home. Mr. Galbr-aith's long service to the county should receive appropriate recognition. These tragic deaths are regretted by the public generally and the sympathy of all is extended to 'their families. The County Council at their November session passes a resolution requesting the Railway to erect'-w'ig-wag signals at this crossing. This was forwarded to the Railway Company but no action was taken. The election of Warden was then proceeded with. On the first vote Ernest Lashbrook, Reeve of Rodney, received a majority vote of'the whole council and was declared duly elected Warden for the year 1938, The Warden~elect made the statutory declaration of office, took his seat, and thanked the council fOr the honour conferred. M'oyed by H. G. Taylor. Seconded by L. Koyle. High Schools That this council do now adjourn to meet Wednesday at 10 a.m. to allow the Reeves of the different municipalities to strike the standing committees. ~CarriE'd. The claims of all schools for'maintenance of county pupils during 1936, both legal and illegal were disposed of by the county council last' year. The Vienna High School district is now composed of the village alone, the county by-law having gone into effect. The Premier's 6 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN -COUNTY COUNCIL 7 .t'eply to a deputation last fall was that retro-active legislation would he passed at the coming session of the legislature to meet theil~ requests. I am unable to say what this will amount to, but would suggest that no action be taken with reference to payment of county maintenance costs until after the next session of the Legio;;Iature. ments and should be in .a positio.n to specify the roads on which the rlifferent kinds should be put down both by the province and 'by the (;ounty. Calcium Roads I hope that We"will have"{l,r,PJJosperous' year and know that you will give every attention to tbe'business of the county and continue the reputation we now have of being one of the best managed ,counties inl the province. .An agitation starting in the Township of Aldborough for the establishment of some calcium road mileage in each township is meeting with considerable approval. The idea being that sample experimental road mileage in each towm;l,hip should be treated with calcium chloride; the road mileage to be apportioned with equalization, Moved by R. Ttmsley, Seconded by J. Munro: Reforestation That this council stand for two minutes in silence out of respect for our late auditor, MIl'. Galbraith, and Mr. McNeH, of Dunw1ch, who came to such a tragic end last evening. ',,>. The council last year appointed a committee to consider the matter of l'efol'estation but nothing much was done other than to assist the members of the council in becoming acquainted with the subject,The agricultural committee made a brief report on the question at the November session. -Carried. The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. The report of the committee to strike the standing committees was then presented, amended and adopted on motion of Mr. 'Lancaster. County Roads The standard of our county roads' should be improved. T would like to see the estimates for the year increased so that this may be done and continued during a term of years until a comprehensive plan has been completed. The follow,jng communications were read: From Ontario Municipal Association, re menltbership.-Referr~d to the Finance Committee. At present the location and im.provement of roads, both by the province and county is suggested largely by numerous applications from influential persons, by politicians and by municipal authorities generally all of whom expect to be recognized for their services in some way. In 1914 a provincial commission l'epOl'ted on the highway system of the province. I would suggest now the appointment of a somewhat similar commission to prepare a plan for road development throughout the province. The county road system has been in opera- tion long enou'gh to direct attention to the trend of heavy haffie. The Highways Depal'tment has experimented with different classes of pave- From Association of Managers of Homes .for the Aged and Infirm, re membership and annual meeting.-RefeI'red to House of Industry Committee. From Township of Aldbol'ough, re dust nuisance on county roads.- Referred to County Roads Committee. From Ontario Concentrated Milk Producers Association, re reso. lutian passed at November session.-Referred to Agricultuml Com. mittee. 8 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL u From Salvation Army request for annual grant.-Refel'red to Finance Com\!llittee. , 'From Secretary of ,the Aylmer High School Board, re resignation of Mr. D. H,Conhor.-Referred to Education Committee. From County Council Section Ontario Educational Association, re government grants for educational purposes and membership.-Refen_ ed to Education Committee. 'From Department of Public Welfare, re expenses Local Board,~ From Depal.tmjent of Public Welfare, re county council appointees to local board.-Referred to Finance Committee. Frnm Board of Railway Commissioners, 1'e crossing pl'otection at John Street, Ayl'm~r.-Referred to Finance Committee. From'F. R. Taylor, with res.ignation as Corn Borer Inspector.- Referred to Agricultural Committee. From, University of Western Ontario, 1'e appoinment of Senator. -Referred to Education Committee. From M'anaging Editor of the :B~armers' Advocate, 1'e conservati'on pl'ogi'arn:me.-;--Refe1'red to Agricultural Oommittee. From County of Peter borough, re price of agricultural products.- Referred to Agricultural Committee. From Secretary O~tario Agricultural Council, re appointment of representatives and programme of annual convention.....:..-Referred to Agricultural Committee. From County of Lennox & Addington, 1'e county roads to form provincial system.--Referred to County Roads Committee. From. County of Hastings, 1'e change in residence qualifications for indigent hospitalization.---,Referred to Finance Committee. From Ontario Good Roads Association, re mem.bership.-Referred to County Roads Committee. From County Council of Dufferin, re Farmers'. Creditors Arrange~ J:::lent Act.-Referred to Petitions and Legislations Committee. From Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities, 1'e membership. -Referred to Finance Committee. From Department of Highways, re annual conference on Road Improvement for Superintendents and Engineers.-Referred to County Roads CommJttee. From Hospital for Sick Children, request for grant.-Ref.erred to Finance Committee. From Surburban Area Commission, report.-Referred to County Roads Com:mittee. From County Council of Perth, re presentation of brief to Rowell Commission.-Referred to Petitions and Legislations Committee. Moved by C. Liddle, From Depa1'tll1iCnt of Highways 1'e County road expenditure by-law. Seconded by R. Tansley: -':Referred to County Roads Committee. That W. C. Wheaton be appointed a member of. the Bpal'd of Audit of Administration of Justice accounts fOl' the year 1938. From. Canadian National Institute for the Blind, l'e request fOl' grant.-Refel'red to Finance Committee. -Canied. 10 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Mr. Liddle then presented reports adopted by the County Roads Committee of 1937 since the November Session fOE the information of t.he County Roads Coml,rnittee of 1938. These reports referred to general county road tuiatters and to the designation of a road in Vienna. Reports were a~opted on motion of C. Liddle, seconded by W. B.Lancaster. J.\rlloved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by John H. Sloan: That the Clerk and Treasurer be instructed to collect from Bayham the amount due Elgin County allowed at last June session, for payment for 1937 pupils from the then High School District of Vienna, as may be advised by the County Solicitor. Lost on the followirlg division: Yeas: Taylor, Sloan. Nays: Lancaster, Neil, Patterson, Miller, Auckland, Tansley, Munro, Liddle, Pineo, ~allee, Turnbull, Atkinson, Peckham, ~yan, Kayle, Wheaton, Fraser, Lemon and Lashbrook. Moved by W. B. Lancaster, Seconded by James Neil: That this council do now adjourn to meet at 2 p.m; -Carried. The council resumed. Moved by Geo. Vallee, Seconded by D. Ryan: That Merton Chute be a appointed a trustee of the Vienna Eigh School for tWiQ years to complete the term of the late James McAllister. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 11 That Edward Smith be appointed for one year to J complete the term of Frank Ferris. That George Steers be appointed for three years. -Carried. Moved by J. D,Fraser, Seconded by J. H. Sloan: That H. B. HJockin be re-appointed trustee for Dutton High School for the term of three years. -Carried Moved by James Neil, Seconded by V. E. Leanon: ~That, this, county council grant the Red Cross Society the sum. of One Hundred Dollars. -Carried Moved by H. G. Taylorl Seconded byJ \}. Turnbull: That the usual grants be paid to the several Womenls Institutes :i.n the county, namely: Ten Dollars to each Institute. Twenty-five Dollars each to the East and West 'District Institutes. Five Dollars each to the Belmont and Hal'1'ietsville Institutes. -Cal'l'iedl 12 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 13 Moved byH. G. Taylor, , Horticultural Societies-25% of the government grant for 1938, Aylmer, Dutton, Springfield, Shedden, Rodney, West Larue and Belmont. Seconded by Lisgar !{joyle: I That ,the 'usual grants of Fifty Dollars be paid to Trustees' and Ratepayers' Association. -':Carried -Carried Moved by John H. Sloan, Moved by C, Patterson, Seconded by C. Patterson: 'Seconded by V. E. Lemon: That the couhcil now adjourn to meet, at 10 a.m. On Thursday. That the usual grants to Public Libraries be paid-Rodney, West Lo:rne, Dutton, Aylmer, Port Stanley" Vienna, Springfield, Sparta, Bayham. and Shedden---$50.00 each, and $25.00 to WardsviIle and Belmont. ~Carrled. E, LASHiBROOK, Warden -Carried !Moved by E. E. Atkinson, !Seconded by Wm. A. Peckham: That grants for lock-ups be the same as last year-on approval of Chief Constable Kelly. -Carried Moved by John H. Sloan, Seconded by J. D. Fraser: That grants to the Agricultural and HOrticultural Societies be the same as last year:- Agricultural Societies-equivalent to the government grant fol' 1938 Aldborough, Aylmer, Shedden, "Vest Elgin, Yarmouth andSpring~ field. 14 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 15 FIRST SESSION-TmRD DAY DOl'chestel< by Seventy~ftve Thousand Do"lars, the Committee ,rose, and the. 're,port as aUljended, was adopted on ;motion of Mr. Sloa~, seconded by M'r. Fraser. Thm'sday, the 20th day of January, 1938 Moved by W: B. Lancaster, The E'gin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. Seconded by CI~rk Liddle: The Warden in the Chair. That M1r. Wheaton be appointed to succeed Mr. Burke on the Blue Water Highway Committee appointed last year. All the members present. -Carried. The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. Moved by Clark Liddle, The folloW'ingcomUljunications were read: Seconded by W. C. Wheaton: From R. W. Johnson & Co., Chartered Accountants, re position of auditors.-Referred to Finance Committee. That we adjourn to lUeet at 2 p.m. From County Council of Middlesex with reference to reducing '!..he number of subscribers required from three to two per mile in order to secure the erection of Hydro Electric Lines in the rural districts.-- - -Carried. The council resumed. ~eferred to Petitions and Legislations Committee. -The report of the Agricultural Committee 'Wlas presented and adopted on motion of Geo. Valle, seconded by R. Tansley. .Moved by E. E. Atkinson, Seconded by Wm.' A. Peckham: The House of Industry report was presented and adopted on motion of A. Pineo, seconded by R. Auckland. That the following be appointed trustees of the Aylmer School: H. L. stratton for three years; LOl'ne Miller for two succeeding D. Gonnor, resigned. High years, The Petitions arid Legislations Committee report was presented, and ,adopted on motion of R. Auckland, seconded by J. Munro. -Carried. The report' of the Education Committee waspr-esented, and adopted on motion of W. A. Peckham, seconded by C. Patterson. The report of the Finance CO~'mittee was presented _ and referred to a commjttee of the whole with Mr. Sloan in the chair. After a.:mend~ ing the report by reducing the equalization of the Township of South Moved by H:. G. Taylor, Seconded by Clark Liddle: 16 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL That the Warden appoint a comm;ittee to interview the Honourable l\!L F. H}:pburn,- requesting the Department of H:ighwtays to designate the county road from, Springfield to Centi'e 'Road as a Provincial. Htighway, and that the County Clerk arrange a meeting with the Prime Minister during the Good Roads Convention. ~~Carried. Moved by C. Patterson, Seconded by James Neil: That at least one county representative be nam,ed on each com- m.ittee appointed by t,he Children's Aid Society. --Carried. ,Moved by F. H. Miiller, Seconded by H. G. Taylor: That the County Solicitor be requested to give an opinion as - to the liability of Bayham to refund to the County of Elgin the amount of genera-} school rate not included in the 1937 county rate schedule. -Carried. Moved by W. B. Lancaster, Seconded by Clal'k IJiddle: That the Warden and Clerk be authorized to submit to the iMinister of HighwlaYs of the Province of Ontario, "the petition of the Corporation of the County of Elgin showing that from the 1st of .January 1937 to the 31st day of December 1937, there has been expended upon the County Highway System the sum of $98,933'.04. --'-Carried. ELGiN COUNTY COUNCIL 17 Moved by J. G. Turnbull, Seconded by George Vallee: That the name of A. A. Johnson, a representative of the Advisory Agricultural Committee be replaced by Grant Mitchell for the ,Town~ ship of Bayham. --Carried. )=toved by :E. :E. Atkinson, Seconded by Wm. A. Peckham: That this' council adjourn to meet at 9 a.m. on Friday. -Carried, E. LASHBROOK, Warden. 18 ELG1N COUNTY COUNCIL FIRST SESSION - FOURTH DAY Friday, the 21st day of January, 1988 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thom:a,s, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members present. The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. The second report of the Agricultural Committee was presented and adopted on motion of G~o. Vallee, seconded by F. H. Miller. Moved by W. C. Wheaton, Seconded ,by Clark Liddle: That the County Council cOHoperate in the proposed lighting of St. Thomas-Port Stanley Highway No.4. ~Carried. Moved by C. Patterson, Seconded by J. D. Fras'er: That John D. Thompson be appointed County Auditor to succeed the late W. A. Galbraith. ~Carried; Moved by Geo. Vallee, Seconded by Roy Tansley; ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 19 That the Warden be authorized to invite the ex-Wardens for the past three years to attend as County delegates with pay for expenses at the meeting of the Ontario Good Roads' Association. -.Carried. Moved by W. B. Lancaster, Seconded by V. E. Lema!!: That the County Council make the usual grant of Fifty Dollars to the Elgin Law Library Association. -Carried. Moved by W. C. Wheaton, Seconded .by C. Liddle: That By-Law No. 1279 to authorize the Warden and Treasurer to bOl'row the sumi of One H;undl'ed and Seventy-five Thousand Dollars be read a first time. -Carried. M]oved by C. . Wheaton, Seconded by C. Liddle: That by-law No. 1279 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by E. E, Atkinson, Seconded by Wm. A. Peckham: That by-law No..1279 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carded. 20 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 21 Moved by J. Munro, That by~law No. 1281 be read a, second time; Seconded by R. Tansley: -Carried. That by-law No. 1280 to amend by-law No. 1236 be read a first time. ,Moved by L. Koyle, -Carried. Seconded by H. G. Taylor: Moved by A. PJneo, That by-law No. 1281 be read a third time and finally passed, Seconded by R. Tansley: -Carried. That by-law No. 1280 be read a second time. Moved by E. E. Atkinson, -Carried. Seconded by Wm. A. Peckhanl/: "'. Moved by R. Tansley, That by-law No. 1282 to provide for the total expenditure on the system of county roads in the County of Elgin as approved by Order- in-Council during the year 1938 be read a first time. Seconded by A. Pineo: That by-law No. 1280 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. . -Carried. Moved by GeQ. Vallee, Mloved by J. G. Turnbull, Seconded by J. G. Turnbull: Seconded by Geo. Vallee: That by..law No. 1282 be read a second time. That by-law No. 1281 to designate a county road in the Village of Vienna be read a first' time. -Carried. Moved by Wm. A. Peckhalnto -Carried. Seconded by E. E. Atkinson: Moved by H. G. Taylor, That by-law' No. 1282 be read a third time. and. finaUy passed~ Seconded by L. Kayle: -Carried. 22 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ,Moved by R. Auckland, Seconded by F. H. Miller: That by-laW' No. 1283 to designate a road in the Township of Malahide be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by F. H. Miller, Seconded by D. Ryan: That by~law No. 1283 be read a second time. --Carried. Mioved by D. Ryan, Seconded by F. H. Miller: That by-law No. 1283 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by R. Auckland, Seconded by F. H. Miller: That by~law No. 1284 to confirm the Equalization of the Assessment Rolls of. the County of Elgin for the year 1938, be read a first time. --Carried. M()ved by R.' 'ransley, Seconded by J. Munro: ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 23 That by':law No. 1284 be J.'e:ad a second time. -Carried. Moved by. E. Q. 'Taylor, Seconded by J. G. Turnbull: That by-la~ No. 1284 b~ read .a thlrd time and finally 'I?assed. -Carried, Moved by'C. Patterson, Seconded by V. E. Lem.on: '~';' That by-law No. 1285 to appoint a County Road Committee be read a first tim;e.. -:-Garrled, :Moved by J. 11. SlolMl, Seconded by J. D. Fraser: That by-law No. 1285 be read a second time. .........Carl'ied, :Moved by J. b. :Fraser} Seconded by J. H.' Sloan: That by~law No. 1285 be read a third time and finally passed. .......Carl'ied. 24 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL E:UGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 25 !Moved by W. 13. Lancaster, That by-law No. 1287 be read a second time. Seconded by James Neil: -Carried. :That by-law No. 1286 ,to appoint an' inspector under the Corn Borer Act be read a first time. Moved by J. D. Fraser, -Carried. Seconded by J. H. Sloan: MPved by James Neil, That by-law No. 1287 be read a third time and finally passed. .......:Carried. 'Seconded by V. E. Lemon: That by~law No. 1286 be read a second time. Moved by W. B. Lancaster, -Carried. Seconded by James Neil: Moved by V. E. Lemon, That by-law No. 1288, to appoint an Advisory Agricultural Council be read a first time. Heconded by James Neil: -Carried. That by-law No. 1~S6 be read a third time and finally passed. Moved by James Neil, -Carried.. :Seconded by W. B. Lancaster: Moved by V. E. Lem.on, That by-law No. 1288 be read a second time. Seconded by C. :Patterson: -Carried. That, by-law No. 1287 to designate county roads b~ read a first time. Moved by V. E. Lemon, -Carried. Seconded by C. Patterson: Moved by J. H. Sloan, That bYHlaw No. 1288 be read a third time and fina.lly passed. Seconded by J. D. Fraser: -CaLTied. 26 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by W. C. Wheaton, Seconded by C. Liddle: That by-law No. 1289 to appoint High School Trustees be read a first time. -Carried. ,Moved by C. Liddle, Seconded by W. C. Wheaton: That by-law No. 1289 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by A. Pineo, 'Seconded by R. Tansley: That by-law No. 1289 be read a third time and finally' passed. -Carried. Moved by L. Koyle, Seconded by H. G. Taylor: That bywlaw No. 1290 to appoint a Board of Audit in the County of Elgin for the year 1938 be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Geo., Vallee, Seconded by 3. G. Turnbull; ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 27 That by-law No. 1290 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by W. A. Peckham, Seconded by Geo. Vallee: That by-law No. 1290 be read a third time andfinalIy passed. -Carried!. Moved by L. Koyle, Seconded by H. G. Taylor: That by-law No.J291 to appoint a County Auditor be read a first time. '-:'Carried. Moved by J. Munro, Seconded by L. Kayle: That by-law No. 1291 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by R. Tansley, Seconded by A. Pineo: That by-law No. 1291 be read a third tim.e and finally passed. --CalTicd. Moved L. Kayle, Seconded by H. G.. Taylor: , 28 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL, 29 That by~law No. 1292 to designate a through Highway, be read a first time. The following committee were appointed to attend the county council section of the Ontar'io Educational Association- -Carried. Messrs. Peckham, Liddle and Lemon., Moved by J. Munro, The following were appointed to the Ontario Agricultural Council: Seconded by R. Tansley: Valle and Fra~ser. ,That by-laW! No. 1292 be read a second time. The following were appointed to attend the m-eeting of the Muni- cipal Association: """--'Carl'ied. M'essrs. Taylor and Wheaton. Moved by F. H. Mliller, ," : 'Seconded by R. Auckland: The following were appointed to" attend the meeting of the Good Roads Association,;", -Carried. iMessrs. Turnbull, Auckland, Tansley, Koyle, Taylor, Munro, Patter- son, Vallee, Lancaster, Neil, Fraser, Liddle, Pineo, M'iller, Peckha~, Atkinson, Ryan and Sloan. ,: '.rhat ~y-Iaw No. 1292 be read a third time and finally passed. Moved by H. G. Taylor, Messrs. Peckham, M;i11er, and Munro were appointed a committee to arrange for a county picnic. Seconded by L. Koyle: ,Moved by W. B. Lancaster, That ,the Warden appoint a special committee to report at the June Session on all salaries paid County Officials. Seconded by James Neil: --Carded. That this council do now: ~djourn to me'et the 14th day of June. The folloVlTiing were appointed: Messrs. Atkinson, Tanslcy, Lan~ caster and the Warden. --Carried. 'E. LASHBROOK, Warden. The Warden appointed the following com.mittee to interview the :Premier re provincial highw:ay to Springfield: Messrs. Koyle, Atkinson, Liddle and T'aylor. 30 E::LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 31 Children's Shelter SECOND SESSION-FIRST DAY Warden's Address Since your last meeting negotiations for the sale of.this buildtng were considered. The Memorial Hospital Board W!ere looking for a :Nurses' Blome and a special committee accepted an offer of $14,000. While both the city and County contributed to the construction of the building, the Society ineorporated under the provincial Jaw were the owners. It was thought by some members of the committee that the '$2,000 contributed by both the city and the County should be retU1~ned. No action how€ver was taken in this regard. The Me'!Ilorial Hospital which cost $230,000 and to which this County contributed $10,000, re- quired a Nurses' Home and it ,vas quite opportune that the Children's Aid Society were able to find a purchaser. The hospital service is available to residents of the city and County alike, and the addition of a Nurses' Hom:e wm imIP;ove. the facilities for the nursing staff and assist in economical management of the hospital. When the sale of the building w~~_ proposed there were some differences of opinion between the city"and County members of the Shelter Committee and there was a feeling that it might be well if the County formed a society entirely under the control of a committee of this council. This however would be m'ore expensive to the County as, if a change were made, the new organization would require a com:plete set of officCl'S and would have to comply w~th the statutory regulations. It w'Ould be well in the future to appoint a perlTI\anent com;mittee who would take an interest in and become thoroughly acquainted with the Childrens' Aid. work, Tuesday, the- 14th day of June', 1938 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. All the members present. The Warden addressed the council as fo:IO\,-"s: To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The prospects are that this session of the Council will be at onM the most important and busiest of the year. The agricultural outlook is good and if fair pI'ices are obtained, better tiIIl\es wlill follow. Highways House of Industry The County roads have been inspected and were found to be in f.airly good condition.. In some districts additional surfacing will be l'equ.ired. The largest special work will be the construction of a concrete bridge re~inforced with steel at lana, where the course of the road will be changed to improve the site. It has been decided to use calcium chloride or oil as dust lay~r for ten miles in each township and to leave the location of the roads to be treated to the- Reeve. It would bave been better if the comm~ttee had determined this, as placing the responsi- bility on the Reeves will encourage applications for' the treatment of additional mJleage by those wiho feel that they _ have been overlooked. The cost of the dust laying will be in the neighborhood of $10,000. .During the past year' or two this institution has come in for some criticism. which calls fOr an improvement of one of the buildings util~zed by the m,en as a sm\oking room. The com.mlittee w'ill report fully on this and as to the cost. There are several minor improvements that will no doubt be brought to your attention for consideration. G,aOl and Court l:(ouse While the ex.terior of the Court House is in good condition, the interior, especially the public halls and court room ca:n be improved. 'rhe vestibule at the front entrance has been refinished to give mom. 32 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 33 bel's of the council an ide'a of what can be done to improve appeal'- ances, An examination of the court room wlill show that the walls and ceilings' could be improved and that covers should be placed over all l'adiators~ 'rhe Judge's retiring room and petit jury room were in bad con'clition and were refinished last fall. With reference tathe g~~l the Provincial Inspector has made some recom:mendations; these will be brought -to your attention. Municipal Act A special constable stationed at a polling place is entitled to a certificate to vote where stationed. , The Judge of an adjoining County may be requested to investigate charges of malfeasance or other misconduct on the part of a member of the council, or an officer or servant of the corporation. Sanatorium Costs The legislation of 1938 provides that regulations may be made for the treatment of persons suffering from tuberculosis outside the sanatorium and on notice to the local Board of Health, they will be required to provide such patient with proper living accommodations, including food, etc. This would be subject to the approval of an Inspector. Since this legislation was passed, the Premier has intimated that his. Government has had under consideration the assumption of a considerable share of sanatorium costs. There has however, been on intimation as to when this might be expected. Councils may, with the approval of the Municipal Board, change the rate of interest payable on debentures which remain unsold. The Mayor of a town may take the place of a :M:agistrate during ,the latter's illnesss or absence. The councils of all local municipalities have been authorized to pass laws for'1.1censing, regulating and governing persons installing heating equipment; and for permitting projections beyond the main walls or building to encroach upon a highway at a height of not less than eight feet. School Law School law'was not changed in any iITIlportant particular at the last session of the Legislature. The. payments made at the request of the Minister of Education at the November session, were legalized and counties were authorized to make the payments where they had not done so. The County rate of 19-37 was properly calculated. In November the Township of Bayham was withdrawn from the Vienna High School District. The costs of schools during 1937,on, which the estimates for 1938 are being based, brings up the question as to when the by-law passed by the council in November last came into force, and the extent to which the estimates of 1938 will apply to Bayham. The Clerk has l'eferred the matter to the County Solicitor and expects to have his opinion on the matter before the session closes. Section 415, of the Municipal Act, gives a definition of a bailiff" other than the bailiff of any Diyision Court or any sheriff. To~ship councils bordering on a city may now pass by-laws for regulating and governing junk and second-hand shops. Assessment Act Where, after the retm'n of the assessm"ent roll, a person corom,ences to carryon any business, he may be required to pay a license fee. Town councils are authodzed to license coal land coke dealers and permit tag days. New Legislation The Assessment Actamen4ments provide that land pla."lted for forestation is not to be assessed at a greater value by reason only of such ,planting. New legislation is not always of general application. The following l'emal'ks are applicable to the municipalities "in' Elgin. 34 ELGIN COUNT'Y COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 35 Courts of Revision in all municipalities, except cities, may be composed of five members appointed by the council or persons eligible- to be elected m1embel's of the council. respect to cem.eteries require the approval of the Departm.ent of Health. Hospitals Act Public Health A.ct 'The definition of residents has been changed by changing from five to six months the period during w:hich residence for three months is required. Amendments to the Public. Health Act deal largely with regula- tions that may be passed in reference to the sale of milk, and for providing certificates of approval for Medical Officers of Health, Sanitary Inspectors and Public Health Nurses, and for the inspection of ~ttresses and upholstered articles of furnituve. School Law Amendm.ents The township grants towards teachers' salaries are to be increased this year, and next, year to 90% of sum;s fixed by Section 112. Appointment of a Medical Officer of Health and Sanitary Inspector is noW' subject to the approval of the Department of Health. Medical Officers of Hlealth are to retire at the age of 70, but witH the approval of the council, miay continue in office from year to year until attaining the age of 75. The, compulsory pasteurization of milk in to-wnships, or such other areas as may be decided on, "'Mill not come into force until proclaimed by the Lieutenant Governor. Statute Labor Act Is amended by providing that any student in attendance at.an institution of le8irning will not be liable to perform statute labor nor to commiute therefor nor ,shall a poll tax be levied against nor col- lected from any such student. Liquor Control Boards Drainage Act Of the Provinces are for this year only accepting a tax bill for business assessment in accordance with the Assessment. Act; a return of 25% in ,the larger cities and 30% in other municipalities. !Under the Municipal Drainage Act, an engineer may now make a separate assessment for maintenance on a different basis from that upon which the expenses for the construction of the drain is to be assessed. The present agitation for the abolition of County Councils appears to be confined largely to the press and disappointed candidates for election. The Council is an institution intimately connected with the administration of public affairs of the province. To make a change '\vould require amendments to numeroU5statutes and a reorganization ~f our system of highways administration, care of the poor, etc. Centralization more than at present would result and thp. -Department of :Municipal Affairs extended to assume a larger supervision over local affairs by the hands of provincial appointees. When a teacher is dismissed or engagem,ent terminated in a manner not mutually agreeable to the teacher and school board, the matter may be referred to the Minister of Education, and when s,ecurity for costs is deposited with him, he may direct a Judge to act as Chairm;an of a Board of Reference; the teacher and chairman each to name a representative. Cem.etery Act The present provincial government is not in favor of a change which appears to have been suggested by disgruntled politicians fOl' the purpose of disturbing :present conditions. Cemetery cOtIl/Illissions have been abolished and their functions transferred to Local Boards of Health. By-laws passed by councils with 36 ELGIN COUNTY' COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 37 The inJnutes of the last day of the January session WElreread and approved. From John E. Peart, 1'e meeting of Managers of Homes fOf the Aged and Infirm.-.Refel'red to House of Industry Committee. The following communications were read: From. Memorial Hospital Trust, St. Thomas, inviting the :members of the C'ouncil to visit the Institution. From County Council of Huron 1'e increase in Provincial subsidy for Highways.-Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. From J. P. Bickell, High"\ViaYS Department 1'e By-law No: 1292.-- Referred to County Roads Com.mittee. Fro~ Department of Highways with summarized statement of expenditures for 1937.-Referred to Finance Committee. From Livermore & Standish, 1'e Township of Bayham and School finance.-Referred to Education Committee. From. Canadian National Institute for the BHnd with thanks for grant.-Referred to Finance Committee. From Livermore & Standish, re by-law detacl;ling the Township of Bayham from the Vienna High School District.-R-eferred to Educo,N tion Committee. From Dl', G"iddon, re hospital fees.-Referred to Finance Com- mittee. 'From, County Council of Norfolk reo costs of Provincial Voters' Lists.,...-Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. Moved by R. Tansley, 'Seconded by C. Liddle: From Perth County Council re keeping roads open in winter.~ Referred to Co~nty Roads Committee. That we adjourn to meet on Wednesday at 10 o'clock. ---Carried. ,From County C'ouncil Section of Ontario Educational A,ssociation re minutes of mJeeting.~-Referred to Educational Committee. E. LASHBROOK, Warden. From. W. F. Charlton, Aylmer, re production and sale of milk.- Referred to Agricultural Committee. From. F. .T. Kilgour, Secretary, re meeting of Wardens' Association. -Referred to Finance Comm.ittee. Fl'Om Secretary, Ontario ,Municipal Association re resoJutions.-- Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. From Ontario Agricultural Council 1'e presentation of resolutions. -Referred to Agricultural Committee. 38 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SECOND SESSION - SECOl"D DAY Wednesday, the 15th day of June, 1938 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the chair. All the members present. The proceedings of. the previous day were read and confil'med. The first report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on m,otion of Mr. Sloan, seconded by Mr. Lancaster. Moved by V. E. Lemon, Seconded by James Neil: That this council adjourn to visit the House of Industry and meet at two o'clock.' -Carried. The Council resumed. Moved 'by W. C. Wheaton, Seconded by Clark Liddle: That the deputation in connection ,vith the Farmers' Banquet be received. --Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 39 The following men then addressed the Council: Messrs. F. S. Thomas, Stewart Brown, S. S. McDermand, Frank McGregor, W. E. Locke, Grant Mitchell, Mr. McCallum, Dr. Davis. The 'Warden l'eferred the application to the Finance Committee. Moved by George Vallee, Seconded by C. Liddle: That the Elgin County Council make a grant of $600 to the Agri- cultural Council for the Farmers' Banquet. ~Carried. '.,. Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by L. Koyle: That a by-law be passed to repeal by-law No. 1292 and to de~ignate as a through highwJaY the road allowance betW'een concessions 10 and 11, Township of South Dorchester at its intersection with the, road between lots 6 and 7, pursuant to the provisions of subsect~on 3 of. section 39 of The Highway Traffic Act. -Carried, Moved by W. B. Lancaster, Seconded by H. G. Taylor: That a by-law be passed to repeal by-law 1281 passed at the January Session 1938, to designate a county road in .the Village of Vienna, -Carried. 40 ELG,IN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 41 Mr. Patterson introduced the question of separating from the Children's Aid Society as at present organized. SECOND SESSION-THIRD DAY Thursday, the 16th day of June, 1938 Moved by George Vallee, Seconded by E. E. Atkinson: The Elgin County Council met this day in accordance with adjourn~ent. That County Com~ittee on Board of Children's Aid Society be l'equested to submit a report to the County Council on all matters complained of so that they may be included in th~ annual minutes and that recommlendations can be considered. The Warden in the Chair. All the members present. --Carried. The - proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. Moved by H. G. Taylor, The following communications were read: Seconded by L. Koyle: From the CO\l}Jty Council of Kent re the abolition of County Councils.-Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. Thwt the Children's Aid Committee interview' counties that have withdrawn from the cities with regard to Children':=; Shelters and find out results. -Carried. From the County Treasurer with report.-Referred to the Finance Committee. Moved by E. E. Atkinson, Seconded by J. G. Turnbull: (rhe report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on miCtion of J. H. Sloan, seconded by W. B. Lancaster. That the County Council do noW visit the Memorial Hospital as per request from the FWspital. Moved by W. C. Wheaton, -Carried. Seconded by C. Liddle: The Warden appointed the foUowing members of a committee to deal with hospital accounts: Messrs. Wheaton, Liddle and Munro. That this council adjourn to meet at 2' p.m. Moved by W. B. Lancaster, -Carried Seconded by James Neil: That this council do" now' adjourn to meet to-morrow at 10 a.m. The Council resumed. .,.-Carried. E. L.AISHBROOK, Warden. The report of the House of Industry Committee Was presented and adopted on motion of A. Pineo, seconded by R. Auckland. 42 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 43 The report of the County Roads Com,mittee was presented and adopted on motion of George Vallee, seconded by Clark Liddle. SECOND SESSION-FOURTH DAY The report of the Petitions and Legislation Committee was pre~ seuted and adopted on motion of R. Auckland, seconded by 3. ::R.. MUnro. Friday the 17th day of JWle, 1938 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The report of the Gaol COmjmittee was presented and referred to a committee of the whole. The Warden in the Chair. Moved by W. C. Wheaton, All the members present. Seconded by C. Liddle: The report of the special committee 1'e salaries was presented and adopted on motion of E. E. Atkinson, seconded by R. Tansley. ,That we adjourn to me€lt at 10 a.m. on Friday. ---Carried. The report of the Gaol Committee was presented and adopted on motion of H. G. Taylor, seconded by D. Fraser. E. LASHBROOK, Wa:rden. Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by L. Koyle: That this County Council request the Ontario Legislature to ame~d the Administration of Justice Act regarding the levying of costs where a change of venue is allowed so the costs would be borne by the municipality where the crime V\Il8.S committed in both civil and criminal cases, and that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Ontario M.unicipal Association; the Ontario Agricultural Council and all County Councils. -Carried. Moved by H. G; Taylor. Seconded by J. G. Turnbull: That this County Council concur. with the actions taken by' the Children's Shelter Committee in asking the return of the $2000 grant given by this County a number of years ago for, buildin~ purposes. -Carried. ili I i,j I 'Iii i il! r lid ii, !i:! Iii ii','! ;'1 44 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 45 Moved by W; a.Wheaton, Moved by R. Tansley, I'! ii Seconded by C. Liddle: Seconded by J. E. Munro: That this council, adjourn to meet at 2 p.m. That by-law No. 1293 ,be read a third time and finally passed. ii, I , -Carried. -Carried. The Council resumed. Moved by L.' :Kayle. The minutes of the previous day were read and confirmed. Seconded by J. G. Turnbull: That by-law No. 1294 to repeal by-law No. 1281 be read a. fln::t time. The second report of the Finance Comm.ittee; was presented and adopted on m.otion of' J. H. Sloan, seconded by W. B. Lancaster. -Carned. The report of the Agricultural Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Geo. Vallee, seconded by C. Liddle. Moved by H. G:-\Taylor, Seconded by J, G, Turnbull: The third report of the Finance Com~ittee was presented and adopted on motion of J. BJ. Sloan, seconded by V. E. Lemon, That by-law No. 1294 be read a second time. Moved by W. C. Wheaton, -Carried. Seconded by C. Liddle: Moved by Geo. Vallee, Seconded by W. A. Peckham: That by-law No. 1293 to repeal by-law No. 1292 and to designate a through highway be read a first time, That by-law No. 1294 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. --'Carr!ed, :Mioved by C. Liddle, Moved by J. H. Sloan, 'Seconded by W. C. Wheaton: Seconded by C. Patterson: That by-law No. 1293 be read a second time. That by-law No. 1295 to fix salary of Inspector of House of Industry be received and read a first time. -Carried. -Carried 46 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 47 Moved by Jas. W. Neil, M~oved by J. D. Fraser, 'Seconded by W. B. Lancaster: Seconded by J. G. Sloan: ThatbYRlaw No. 1295 be read a second time. That by-law No. 1297 to levy county rates be received and read a :tirst time. -Carried. --Carried. ,Moved by J. D. Fraser, Moved by V. E. Lemon, Seconded by R. Auckland: Seconded by J. W. Neil: 'I'hat -by-law No. 1295 be read a third time and finally passed; That by-law No. 1297 be read a second time. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by R. Auckland, '~',. Moved by C. Patterson, Seconded by F. H. Miller Seconded by V. E. Lemon: That by-law No. 1296 to defer tax sale for one year be read a first time. That by-law No. 1297 be read a third time and finally ):lassed. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by F. H. Miller, Moved by C. Liddle, Seconded by. D. Ryan: Seconded by W. C. Wheaton: That ,by-law No. 1296 be read a second time. That we do' now hear Mr. Graham. .-Carri~>d. ...-CarriC'd. Moved by D. . Ryan, M:r. B. 13. Graham, County Treasurer, then addressed the Council. Seconded by F. H. Miller: Moved by C. Liddle, That by-law No. 1296 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Seconded by W. C. Wheaton: 48 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL E:r:,GIN GOUN?CY COUNCIL 49 That the County Treasurer help the salary paid by the stenographer. may apply to the payment of Government to the police office court THU~D SESSION-FIRST DAY --Carried. Tue,Jday the 22nd day of November, 1933 Moved by C. Liddle, The EJgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas in accordance with adjournment. Seconded by J. G. Turnbull: The Clerk in the chair. That this County Council request that an assistant Superintendent for the Children's Aid Society be appointed with the approval or Com;m:ittee representatives from the County of Elgin. All the memfbers ;present exceipt the Warden. ~Carried. Owing to h'is illness W. B. Lan.cwster, Reeve of the Township of Ald'borough was appointed to act in his place dl).ring the balance I)f the 'county cauncil year. Moved by J. D. Fraser, The minutes 'Of ..tIle last, day 'Of the Jl).;ne Ses,sion wel'O re~d and a'prpraved, Seconded by C. Pattersan: The following cammunicatianswereread: That this council adjaurn ta meet tlie '22nd' day of November, 1938. ~arried. From Caunty Council of Wentworth re freigl1t rates on agricul- tural products.---iReferred ta Agricultural Committee. From Associati.on of Managers 'Of Hames far the Aged and Illfirm re amendment o'f la;ws relating to Hauses 'Of Refuge.-iReferred to Hause 'Of Industry Cammittee. :Fram The Home .for Il1cura!b'los, ~ondon re d'ental servi'ces far Elgin patients.-iReferred to Finance Cammittee. From Aylmer High 8chaol Board 1'0 a'P'pail1'tment 'Of trustee __, Referred ta Educatian Committee. From Caunty Cauncil of Haltan suggesting amendment to l ;1'~ Criminal Cade re the stealing 'Of fowI.--,Referred ta Agricultmal Committee. Fram The Pres'ident o:f the Elgin Library Assaciatian re deputa- tian. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 51 50 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From Oounty Clerk with rep.ort on Mothers Allowances.-:;Referred to Finance Committee. THIRD SESSION-SECOND DAY Wednesday the 231'd day of November, 1938 From County Clerk with report on Old Age Pensions.-ffi.efel1'red to Finance Committee. The Elgin County Council met this day in a,ccordance with ad- journment From D. L. Ewin, MJD., physidan, House .of Industry with report. -Referred tn House o.f Industry Committee. The Acting Warden in the Chair. ,From County Clerk with report an licenses.-!Referred tn Finance Committee. All 'the members present. From Inspe'Ctor, House .of Industry wIth annual report.-Referr- ed t.o House .of Industry Oommittee. The :proceedings .of the previous day were .read and confirmed. The report of the County Road Committee was presented and adopted on maUD'll ()if J. H. Sloan se'conded: iby D. Ryan. 'The County Treasurer's re,port was presented and re,ferred to the Finance Committ~~~ Mov-ed by H. G. Taylor, :Moved :by L. Kayle, Seconded by L. Kayle: Seconded Iby J. E. Munro: -'Carried. That we ex,press our deep regret of the inability of our esteemed Warden to attend th'is, the third sessi,on of the Council on account of illness and our sincere horpes for a slpeedy recovery and that a co\Py of this resolution be forwarded to the Warden. 'That Council adjourn until 10.00 a.m. Wednesday to allow com- mittees to meet. W. B. LAN\OAS~!ER Acting Warden. -Carried. Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by R. Tans'ley: !l'hat in our OiplUlOn Section 18 of Chapter 1,91 of the Industrial Standards Act should .be amended so that all residents of rural muni,. cipalities be exempt from the <operation 011' the Act and that a copy Of this resolution !be forward'ed to the Minister of Lalbor, Minister of ,~' 52 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 53 Munidpal Affairs, the OntariO' .A:gricultural Cauncil and all Caunty Cauncils. 'That -a capy of this resalutian be farwardel to' the Farm Laan Baard; the Agricultural Cauncil and all Caunty Councils. -'Carried. -Carried. Moved by W. C.Wheatan; !Moved by Gearge Vallee, 'Seoonded by C. Liddle: Sec-onded !by W, A. Peckham: That this council adjourn to meet aga,in at 2 p.m. That this council adjaurn to meet again at 4.30, ---'Carried, ..........Carried. The council resumed, 'The Caunci-l then had a group picture taken and afterwards assemfbled in the Council Cham:ilbers to' greet Lord Elgin, grand'son of: the Earl after whom the .county was named, who paid a visit t.o the Council accompanied Iby M. F. Help'burn, M.P.P. Premier of the Prov- ince. JI,I{'orved Iby R, Auckland, Seconded' 'by C. Patterson: That each memlber of this council be .furnished, on or befare Dec. em'ber 16th with a statement from the Road Superintendent showing the am.ount ex'pended in his municitpality on coullty raads during 1913'8 both as to constructian and maintenance. The Caun'cil was addressed briefly !by PrIme Minister Hepiburn and t.he Acting Warden w'ho called on Ex-Warden Livermore to deliver an address of welcome. The Earl of Elgin replied. T'he council resumed,. -Carried. Seconded by C. Liddle: IThe d€i>utation from the County Lilbra.ry Association consisting of Messrs, Thorni.cl'iQlft and Rogers addres,sed th~ Counet} making applicatian for a grant of Two Hundred Dollar!3 which was referred to' the Finance Committee. Maved by H. G. Taylor, That the Ontario Flarm Lo'an Board, having notified the rural lnunioiipalides of their dedsion to disclaim liability far any 0'1' all penalties and, interest added to arrears of taxes on all pro(perties on which the Board holds a martgage. 'Maved by A. Pineo, Seconded !by C. Liddle: That this Board do farmally prote,st against any exeri1iptiOn or reduction in interest or penalties due with respect to pl'Jo:perties on which the Board' holds mortgages. ,That the Caunty Council vi.sit the House of Industry at 1.30 to.. :morraw. ..........Carried. 54 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 55, Moved by Geo. Vallee, Seconded by W. A. Pe'ckham: THIRD SESSION-THIRD DAY That t'he Elgin County Council extend their than'ks and aplPrecia- tion to Ex-Warden Livermore for his very fine address of welcome to Lord Elgin. Thursday the 24th day of November, 1938 ,The Elgin- County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas in accordance with adjournment. -Carried. Moved by W. C. Wheaton, The AcUng Warden in the Obair. Seconded by C. Liddle: AU the members present. That we adjourn t'O meet at 10 a.m. on Thursday. The proceedings of the Iprevious day were re'aa and confirmed. -earned. The report of the Gaol Committee w.as presented and adopted on motion of W. A. ~eckha1i1 seconded by L. K'oyle. W. B. L.A:NJC.AJS'TEIR, Acting Warden. The report of the Agricultural Committee was presented and adolpted o~ mo~tion of Geo. Vallee seconded by F. H. Miller. Moved iby H. G. Taylor, Seoonded Iby J. G. Turnlbull: That this Council make a grant of $100. to the Elgin County Lilbrary Assooiation. In amendmell't- !Moved ;by V. E. Lemon, Seconded by J. W. Neil: That we grout the Elgin County L'iibl'al';y" Association the sum of $200.-0riginal motion carried, amendment lost. There was a discussion of matters iJertaining to the Children's Aid Society. 56 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 57, Moved hy D. Ryan, Moved by C. Patterson, Seconded by J. E. Munro: Seconded Iby H. G. Taylor: 'That Mr. Livermore Ibe requested to meet the Council in a Com- mittee of the whole to dis'cuss matters ,pert'aining to the Children's Aid Society. That the Council go into a' committee of the whole to consider matters pertaining to the Children's Aid Society. -Carrie.1. -Carried. 'i'he Council then went into a committee of the whole with Mr. Sloan in the Chair. After discussing the matter from every point of vie,w and after ;being addressed ,by County S?li<citor Livermore the Cammi ttee rose and the Chairman reiported as follows: Moved by W. C. Wheaton, Seconded by C. Liddle: -Carried. That a committee of three from the County Council ,be appointed to confer with E. '~"_ Livermore regardin'g the re-writing of the con~ tituUon olf the Children's Aid ISociety and that the City be requested to aJPpaint three to confer with the County Committee. That this cauncil adjourn to meet at 2 p.m. The'me'ffiibel's of council visited the House of Industry and inspect- ed the improvements made. The report of the Cammittee of the whole was adopted.' Moved by J. D. Fraser, The Council resumed. Seconded by V. E. Lemon: The report of the Educatian Committee was presented and adopted on motian of yv. A. Peckham seconded by J. G. TUrn-bull. That C. ~Patterson, H. G. Taylor and W. B. Lancaster be a cam:~ mittee ta meet the City Committee re the ChildI'en's Aid ,Sa'ciety. The l'e'part 'Of the Hause o:f Industry' Committee was presented and adopted an motian a,f A. Pinea se,canded by R. Auckland. -Carried. 'The Secand repart of the Caunty Roads Committee was presented and adopted on maUon of Geo. Vallee seconded Iby R. Tansley. Maved bye. Liddle, The fiI'st report 'Of the Finance Committee adalpted on moilan a:f R. TansIey seconded by F. wa's presented H. Miller. and Seconded ;by W. C. Wheatan: That we now adjourn to meet at 10 o'clack tomorraw, -Cal'ried. The second report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted an motion of J. H. Slaan seconded by Geo. VaUee. W. B. LANCASTER, Acting Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 59 58 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved. by Geo. Vallee, THIRD SESSION_OURTH DAY 'Seconded by J. G. Turnbull: Friday the 25th day of November, 1938 That by "'law No. 12:98 ,be read a second time. 'The Elgin County Council met tMs day in accordance with ad- journment. -Carried. The Acting Warden in the Chair. Moyed by W. A. Peckham, All the members present. Seconded by E. E. Afkinson: The proceedings of the previous day were read and contfirwed. That By-Iarw :No. 1298 be read a th~rd time and finally passed. Moved,lby Geo. VaHee, -Carried. Seconded Iby W. A. Peckham: Moved by J. G. Tur:U1hull, 'That tJhe usual grant of $100. be 'paid the Warden for special serw vice,s during the year. Seconded Iby Geo. Vallee: -Carried. That By-law No. 1Q99' to desIgnate a through highway be read a first time. MOVed 'by R. Tansley. -Carried. Seco.nded fby A. Pineo: Moved by R. Tansley, See'onded Iby J. E. Munro: That -we grant $25.00 t,o Mr. BirdsalI for his services through the year. That By-law No. 1299 ibe read a se'cond time. .........;carried. -.c,;l"rried. Moved by J. G. Turnlbul1, Moved 'by J. E. Munro, Se,conded by Geo. Vallee: Seconded 'by L. Kayle: That By-law No. 1,299 be read a third time and finally- passed. That By-IalW No; 1-29'S. to revert road in the 'rownshi:p of Bayham be read a first time. -em'ried. -Carried. 60 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL lMoved by R. Auckland, ISeconded by F. H. Miller: That By-law No. 1300 to ruppoint a trustee for the Aylmer High School 'be read a first time. ~Carded. Moved by D. Ryan, Seconded by F. n. Miller: That By-Iarw No. 1'300 be rea"d a second time. -Carried, Moved by E. E. Atkinsnn, Se'conded by W. A. Peck'ham: That By-law No. 1'300 lbe read a third, time and finally passed. ----'Carried. !Moved by J. W. Neil, Seconded-by V..E. Lemon: That By-laiw No. 1,301 to provide for additional expenditure on county roads in the Oounty of lDlgin be read a first time. --Carded. Moved by J. D. F1raser, Seconded by J. H. Sloan: That By-law No. 130i1 be read a second' time. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 61 (Moved lby C. Patterson, Seconded 'by V. E. Lemon: That By-Iarw No. 1'3011 iberead a third' tirneand finally passed. -Carried. Moved by C. Liddle, Seconded by w.e. VVheaton: That By-law No. 1'302 to designate county roads and amend by-laiW No. 1287 be read a first time. -Carried. '~';. Moved by W. C. Wheaton, Seconded by C. Liddle: That By-law No. 1302 be read a second time, -Carried. Moyed by L. Kayle, Seconded hy J. E. Munro: That By~larw No. 1302 'be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. The Council then ad'journed for thirty minutes to allow the Edu~ cation Committee to meet. The council resumed and the Education Committee r~orted the following resolution: Neil Patterson Taylor Ryan 62 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL \Moved Iby W. C, Wheaton, Se'C'onded by J. D. Fraser: That this. council make a grant of Five Hundred and Fifty Dol- lars to BayhamJ Township in full settlement of claim for mainten- ance of Bayham pupils a.s per a,c.counts rendered for 1937. Sloan _Carried. rrhe Ibusiness of the ses;sion fbeing then completed it was: Lancaster Moved by W. C. Wheaton, Seconded ;by C. Liddle: That this Council adjourn sine die. -Carried~ W. B. LAiNCASTER, Acting Warden. Patterson ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 63 COUNTY COUNCIL COl\lMITTEES COUNTY ROlAiDS Chairman, Lanea'ster !Miller Tansley Advisory; Liddle Taylor Fraser Vallee AGRiIOULTURAL Chairman, Vanee Sloan Miller Tansley Liddle Taylor GAOL Chairman, Peckham TurI1lbull Kayle '~';. HOUSE OF INDUSTRY Chairman, Pineo Atkinson Auokland ~\ I!1INANCE Ohairman, Sloan The Reeves of all the Municipalities EDUCIA'I1ION Chairman, Peckh:a.m Auckla'ud Munro :Kayle Wheaton Pineo Fraser Turnbull Lemon PE'I'(I)TIIlONS and LEGrrS[n\.TlION Chairman, Auckland Munro Ryan OHIlJDRElN'S A!lID SOC[ErrY Chairman, Patterson Neil Munro Ryan LElGAL Auckland Pineo' Turnbull Wheaton Lemon 64 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL REPORTS OF COMMITTEES FINANCE January Session T,o the El'gin County Council: 'Gentlemen: The finauee.Committee report's: 1. That the Canadian National Institute for the Blind be granted the sum 01:$'190.00. 2. That the Salvation Army Rescue Home be granted the sum of $350.00. 3. That the sum of $25.00 be granted for membership in the Ontario Municipal Association; the Warden to appoint dele- gates to attend the annual meeting. 4, 'That no a'cHon he taken in connection with application for grant to the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. '5. That no adiou be taken in reference to membership in the Ontario Association of Rural Munidpalities. 6. That the matter of accounts _fo:r travelling expenses of the Mothers Allowance Board [be laid over. 7. That the Auditars repart Ibe adopted. 8. That a Iby-l3IW be passed to authorize the Warden and Treas'" urer ta 'borrorw the sum of $175,000.00. 9. That c-ounty equalizatian he the same as last year. 10. That t'he follawing accounts be Ipaid: Municipal W,orld, far Oourt House and County Olerk's Office ..n__..._..__u__..u.......u.._....u....u.u__.............._....__.................$ 29 18 Children's Aid Society, maintenance Nov. 1 taJanuary 15 nm,.""n..."'n"".mnmn.'nmnm.m...mnnm'..'nnm'n..,,'.'..mnn' [-216 00 Ontaria Training, Schaal-maintenance .__.....__.........~...._... 62 25 Treas. of Ontario-conveyance 'of' prisoners '.....,.:~........... 77 3'8 Munictpal W'orld-sUlpplies ta sc'hool inspectars for examina Hans ......................m...'m.................,.............,............ 40 2,1 Dutton Advance-printing prO'ceedings ..__..................,..._... 25'7 25 London .& Lancashire Guarantee & Accident Comp~ny County liability polioy to Jan. 2'9th, 19a9 ................. Undel'Wood .Elliott Fisher-repairs typewrit,er ...._........... K. W. McKay-:c'Ounty ;postage ............................................. Municipal World-'Registry Office ...................................... That the following haslPital accounts he lPaid, Memorial Hospital, St. Thomaa; Malnt~lJance ........'........_n,......u...................._.r$ 10'31 5() Grant '__..............,....,........~............"..................... 4J58. 50. $ Queen Alexandra Sanatorium ......._..._............................... Victoria Hospital, London ............................'..........,....._... IMemorial Hospital, Tillsonburg Maintenance ........'00.........".......__........................$ 256 95 Grant ..._.00.....................___........................"...... w~8 30 ~-$ Paykwood Hospital, London ................,.............__.............. St. Joseph's Hos:pital, London ............... ........,.m............ Waodstock 'General Hospital .u....._.._................................. Taronto Western Hospital............,.".................................. Ontario Hospital, Woodstock ;'...,.....................hd....m.........H ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 11. JOHN H. SLOAN, Chairman. January 19'38 6.5 370 13 16 46 11 00 2 70 1490 00 883 50 6M.76 375 25 421 50 103 25 1400 24 50 4'1 00 66 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL JUNE SESSION First Report 'To,the Elgin County Oouncil: Gentlemen: 'The Finance Committee re'ports as follows: ELGIN COUNTY CdUNCIL 67 Fifteen accounts amounting to $900.78 have been laM over for further consideration, We have to recommend that the Warden na'me a permanent com"" mittee to whom the Clerk may refer all matters pedaning to disputed hospital accounts. All of w hleh is resvectfully submitted. JOHN H. SLOAN, Chairman. We have carefullyexaminel the hospital accounts <presented and find amounts due the 'hospitals as follows': June 14th, 1938, 'St. Thomas, Ontario. Memoria~ Hospiital, St. Thomas 'Maintenance ___..______m____.....______......................,$ 203'4 65 GI'ant ___......__.........__.___.....__"...._........______.___-..------ 882 00 Queen 'Alexandra Sanatorium m........_.......__..............._.__.. Vi'Ctoria HO'Slpital, iLondon ....n..........._..n....._....m............~ Parkmood Hoslpital, London .m.m....,...................__...__..... Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, Til1soniburg Maintenance ..._00.............__..........._........._..........'$ Grant ____..........__....._....._._......._....._.....00_......-...... 565 50 242 20 -,-------$ St. Joseph's Hospital, London .;.--........-..............--............. Branbf-ord General Hospital .......___...m____....___.._......_____.. Ontario Hos'pit'al, Woodstock .u_.__oomn.._...___......m........~ Toronto General, Hospital _........._._....................00__..._...... '.';. .$2916 65 2332 00 1193 90 1147 50 807 70 8400 108 50 123 00 1875 $ 87'92 00 68 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL JUNE SESSION Second Report iTo the Elgin County CourtC'il, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee re'ports as follows: 1. That the Warden be appointed to represent this county on the Researc~ and Advisory Committee composed of representatives of the different counties in Ontario to consider matters pertaining to the welfare of counties. 2. 'That, as requested by the Tre.a-surer Iby-l8IW 'be passed that no 'tax sale ,be held this year. 3. That the follOiWing accounts Ibepaid: ILast Post Fund, Westminster Hospital, London re Iburial of Wm. J. Alden .--.---.-------..-...---------...-..........---.---$ The Dutton Advance-magistrate's ,forms n_mu;_....___m..._. The Aylmer EXlpress....Auditors' Reports __........____.._...__nh... 'The Muni'cipal World Ltd.-County Clerk & Treas..____n. The Municipal World Lt.-Registry Offiee w__n_.._.._______.. iRain'borw's Bookstore-Registry Office ..._.___....n._.__....._____.. Department olf Health~Insulin supplied to County 'patients' ___._._..nn_.m..__n....._____........n..nn.._.__._.n....d..n..n.....,c.n.._.. 5 85 Rain'bow's Bookstore-County Clerk's Office m.__....mn_'d' K. W. McKay.:.County postage _nn....m.n..n...n.m-..-___....----.. [. D. Cameron, ,sheriff-copy of' ,pleadings for use at trial 'of Rex vs 'H. M. Walker ..d...nn_...._______......n_n......___nn....._d Dr. Elwin_Examination re !Mrs. Mary White nm......_.m;n. IDr. Potts-Examination re Mrs. Mary White ","m'__"_" !16 00 26 25 152 00 113 79 93 93 5 3'0 3 70 2\300 350 500 5 00 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 'Township of Yarmouth-Conveyance olf Mrs. White .... Deputy. Provo Secretary.;Conve'yance of 'Prisoners ....d.. Children's Aid 'Society-iMaintenance January 16 to June 11 .......mn.__n__...n......_.nm.m,n_......m...........n..n.................~... E. S. Livermore...Qounty Solicitor, ACcount Nov'. 25 to June 8 ........_._...._..__............._.....__._.....,......_..__..........___._...._._.... Ontario Training School-Maintenance ROIbt. Fryer .... 4. years 69 5 00 1'352 2'886 25 71>04 77 25 That the insurance on county buildIng,s be renewed for three with the same companies as form-erly, 5. That a by-IaJW ,be passed to defer the tax sale for one year. All of which is respectfully sU1bmitted. '~", .JOHN H. SLOAN, Chairman. June 17th, 1938, St.Thomas', Ontario. 70 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL JUNE SESSION Third Repo~ To. the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: rrhe Committee on Finance reports as follows: That having inquired into the finances cl'f the County and estimates prepared by the County Treasurer, they herewith submit a statement oJ' the eXlpenditure required -for the lwwful lpUl"pOSes of the County during 1938, shOlWing the amount required to :be raised .for the under- mentioned pUl'iPC?ses. Administration of JusUce ...____..________m'._______________o___...o..o____n...$ House of Industry publi'c Schools Officers' Salaries Members' Wages Court House Oommission _....m_____.m__...___nmm..~__h.__.m___m.. crnterest _m....._______., n..._....__n___..m__n__nnn.,nn"__......_n__n___n_n....___.._n_ MiscelIaneous County Roads __n......_nnn._.._oooo__oo__o-.n._...n.._____n_n...._......_.n.'00_000000_ Registry Office .....__.____._00.__.___.._.___00.__..00.00_00_.__________00__,_,,'0000'_00"_' Def~cit ,___,_,"00,,_____,,_._'_00__"__"_""'__'_'_'_"_'''__'..000000_'..__00_.__.____.00_..... 9000 00 50~0 00 8000 00 4700 00 4000 00 500~ 00 3000 00 165.10 00 52000 09 1000 00 ,10000 09 $118210 00 Your Committee would recommend that the sum of One Hundred and Eig'hteen Thousand Two Hundred and Ten lDollars ibe raised on all the mtea..ble property in the several municipalities of the County of Elgin during the year 193-8 for County PUl"poses and that a rate of 3 9/10 mUls on the dolla.r be'levied on ratealble Iproperty in the several Municipalities in the County to raise said amounts. All of which is respectfully sufbmitted. Jl()[HN H. Sr.JOtAN, Chairman. June 17th, 1938, St. Thomas Ontario. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL NOVEMBER SESSION First Report To the Elgin Oounty Council: Gentlemen' The Finan!ce Committee reports: a. 71 That in accordance with request from the Women's Chris'iian Association of London We pay .foOl' the dental work necessary for two county p'atients the cost to he not more than $;10.00. 2. That the Count.y Clellk"s reports in referen,ce Mothers Altq~ances and Old Age Pensi'ons be printed in the minute,s. to Licenses, received and 13. That the County Treasurer's report be printed in the minutes. 4. That the ,followi;ng accounts be ,paid: Ontario Training Sc:hool for girls 1'6 maintenance of Edith J ones .00..00.....0000...00.-0000..-00.....00..0-00:-....00..0000..0000__0-00...0000__00__$ Wendell' Holmes' Limited-re Treasurer's office ,__.n__h__.___. Munici-pal World-Corn Borer Ins'pector m'_m'_m'''OOOOh_m... K. W. McKay-Oounty ,postage .m_..~...-__...___u...____m__.hmoo____.. Municitpal WOl'ld~'Registry Office __mm..u.......m,....._....m.___ fMunicipal World-lInslpectors Smith & Lucas Deputy-- Provin'ciaISec."'Conveyance of Criminals Municipal World-Clerk & Treas. Offices __..m'm"___h__._..____. E. S. -Livermore-Legal services -----..hU__.'._~"._.U.h....U. Children's Aid 8ociety"'maintenance Township of Southwold-re L. Claude Williams __...m.m All of which :is respectfully suibmitfed. JOHN H. SLOAN, Chairman. 2'3, 19;38. 9i1 50 75 216 2'4 03 22 50 36 24 59 513 103 08 59 05 4087 &l 42'4 87 72 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL NOVEMBER SESSION Second Report To the Elgin Count'y Council: Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports 'as follOM's: We have amounls due examined the' hos'pital ac'counts' tpresented the yarious hosp~tals as follows: and find the Memorial Hospital, St., Thomas M'aitenancf3 .._nnnmmn.m_nm~_.m___...nmn..n..,$ Grant 2'320 days @ 70c ._n.._._____n_.._m_..___d 383470 1624 00 $ Queen Alexandra Sanatorium Victoria Hospitall London m........________..__n..n_______m_..._m... Par:'klwood Hospital, LOfldon _n______n__m______,...___...____.____n. Soldiers rMemorial HOSJpital, Tillsonburg Maintenance ....__..____.__..._____..____..________....___..__..$ 2'44 -20 Grant Hill days @ 70c ....__dO___om____.__________ 105 70 $ Ht. Joseph's Hospital, London...........+........................... Ontario ~oSlpital, Woodstock ..n....;.................................... St. Michaels Hospital, Toronto ...............+.............-....... !Sick Childrells Hospital,. 'Toronto ...............~...................~ Norfolk General Hos'pital, ISimcoe .........n.......m.........,... Guelph' General H,ospital ..,..............,..............._.......~........... All of which is respedifully submitted. JOHN H. SLOAN, Chairman. November 1938. 5458 70 1142 25 836 00 1287 00 349 90 343 30 353 50 104 00 56 00 56 00 12 25 $ 9906 40 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 73 AUDITORS'. nE,PORT Jan~ry Session To the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin, Gentlemen: We, the undersigned Auditors of the County of Elgin for the year ending 1937 res'pectfully sUlbmit the foHowing report: We have carefully corrtrpared the several accounts with the vouch- ers produced and ord'ers authorizing the various eXlpenditures and find them Correct; We find the reTC'eipts exceed the eXlpenditures by Ten 'rhousand Nine Hundred and Eighty-Five Donar.s and Jorty-ninecents, $10,985.49, as follows: Bank Balance ...................-........................n.........,....$ Less Outs'tanding Cheques ..........m....___........... 9879 00 1180 60 Cas'h in Treasurer>'s hands ......... $ 8698 43 2287 06 $ 10005 49 This cash on hand includes taxes, George Sears Estate, also sheets. a cheque of $1,2'20.93 of arrears of partial :payments on Crown Witness .! The, departmental regulations recommending all receilpts be depos- ited in a chartered ~bank to the credit of the county and all payments by cheque for e~'penditures i,s 'being followed eXlcept for some small accounts such as the pay lists of crown witness fee in AdministmUon of Justice account and also pay lists for committee work. 'We-recommend that a 'petty cash Ibook Ibe kelpt by the Treasurer a record 'of all cash transactions be recorded and halanced daily, 74 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL We have verified the bank halance and all bills 'payable held by the bank on December Stist, 193'7. The follo.wing statements are submitted: Abstract statement of Recei'pts' and Ex.penditures. As'sets and Lialbilities. Detailed statement 'Of ReceiJpts and EXlpend1tures. On Decemlber 31st 19317, we find current lialbilities to be $-81,762.47 while avallruble assets are $67,6'47,16:3, shOlWing a deficit of $14,11.4.84. 'This amount is largely -caused Iby the under estimated expenditure in Old Age Pensions and Mothers' AUO:wances in your budget; there 'being a defi'cit of $';5,27'6.73'. Also your 'budget item of Miscellaneous shows a deficit by over $'7,000.00. We have checked aU tax arrears 'payments, also tax sale receipts and same have Ibeen -credited to the property so charged. Same re- ceirpts have been ,credited to and forwarded to local municipalities. 'Total assessment ofeounty is $30,370,3'4!5 and rate for 1937 was 3 9/1{) mills plus ,school rate. T'he Treasurer's 'bond of $20,000 with the United States Surety and Gurantee Company eXlpires on December 15th;' 19318. 'The insurance on County huildings amounts, to $10'3,500.00.' The insurance on House of Industry $'3'9,700.00 The insurnce on Gaoler's residence and' Gaol $'5,$00.00. We have ,made a monthly audit of Treasurer's accounts and each qual'ter1forrwal'ded a statement to the Warden, Clerk and Chairman of Finance Committee. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 75 We think we have obtained all the information and explanation required. All of which is respectfully' sulbmitted. This report was completed Galtbraith's death rbut was until the following day. the not day of Mr. transcribed D. M. LEIITOH, \Auditor. Dated at St. Thomas,. January l'5'th, 19'3:8. "~'I 76 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL STATEJlIENT OF ASSETS AND LIA!BILITIES -oF 'I1HE- COUNrI'Y OF ELGIN For the Year Ending Decemlber 31st, 1937 PERMANENT ASSETS County 'buildings m__m.______.___....."...__.___..\.__o............________________$150000 00 R.egistry Office ......___.__...n_nhm__.......____+nmm.....hh._m.......__. 17000 00 I-louse of Industry ._._...nnnnnnm..unm__n_______nnh._...m..n._._. 3'5000 00 Road. Mac'hinery m.'m..___..___.mnnm.mhnh...m.m_m._n._m.n..... 5000 00 Gravel Pits __'._n__n______.__..__.... n..h.___......__.____._..._.___________.__.__, '11000 00 _~$218000 00 AVAILABLE ASSETS Cash in bank and 'Treasurer's hands _________________00__00'.'__-$ Provo 'Tl'ea;surer, I'e County Roads ....___.m____m~n__________ SUlbul'ban A'rea ___._____.______._._.__...._.....~__..._.._........._.....______._.u.._ Oounty of IMiddlesex ........nJ'~nnnn..____...__nm"""nnn_...m_.._._. Prov. 'Treasurer re Corn Borer .m........_...m_....hn.n_nh_.. Administration of Justice, June, Sept. and Dec. quarters _.......n............._._..n...................._._......,.-......,.... Hospital Accounts: Townshiip o'f A!ldJbiol'lough ............,.-$, 126 612 Township of Malahide _m........hd..__._.. 3127 48 'Townshi,p of South'wold nnnmnm."_.' 4 76 Tawnship of Ba'yham .....m'n_......''''' 5'8 63- South Dorchester .m.n..n__........._...n.._.. 27 12 Town of. Aylmer ._n.m.........m..........._. '350, '3'8 Village of West Lorne 'nm._._m.mm'n' '14 3'7 Village OIf Rodney m.h..m...._......_.......__ ge 2'5 Registry Office ....__._.....nnn.n..'........____----__.___......'nm....... Mis,cellaneous ...._n...n..n....'.n.............._..._..n..........__...'..nnn...~ Excess Li,a;biUties over Assets .n.m......_..._._.... 10985 49 48600 00 800 00 675 78 474 75 4000 00 ~1<I 61 800 00 400 00 $ 67647 63 114114 84 '$ 81762 47 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIl. CURRENT LIABILITIES Bills PaYalble .-..~,-..-...-..--.._n.............n........._..._...._n'_......_....n.$ I ll't eres tn..... ....n..'n....n -..._......_n._..n...........n....._..__....__......,.... Unpaid account re county roads ...m'."_""'_m.m.mnn High School and Continuation Schools hn~m_.'nm.... Administration of Justice -_....m...~m".mm___.._...m....._.., House ,'Of Industry hn m......n......m....__nm..nnm.n....m.n......... Arrears of Taxes m .mn...nm..._m....n.._._._.....m__nom....~.m_h. Provincial Palice -m.m.mnn.n+.._...nn..m....'_m_.......nnn.hm. Gaol """" """"--""'_.n"'......n..n......u...._n..._n._......._n........__...... House of Industry re Old Age Pensions' 'nn__..m.m.___ 77 50000 00 500 00 3300 00 22756 00 230n 21 1896 70 478 06 aoo 00 324 93 555 57 -$ 817112 47 78 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ABSTRACT STATEMiENT RECE!IPTS AND EXPENDITURES _OF THE- COUNTY OF ELGIN For the Year Ending December 31, 1937 . RECEIPTS Cash in Bank and on hand carried 'forward m____.....$ 3'4(}92 10 AdministraUon of'.. Justice _..______.......___..mn____..____.___m____ 100:211 66 House of industry .__m.._._...m_.m.__mmo..n_mm_.m__nn_md._ 2170 68 Bills Payroble mn_.nn____h__mu____.m...._m__"_m.._m._..._.____m...__ 130000 DO. Interest nn.....__n___m.'._n....'...._n_____.._.n.__n.__._____n______,100-------.---- W 5'5 Arrears of 'Taxes _....__.._n___m__nn....o_..___m.._mnum_m____n._m___ 19984' 77 Licenses ....c....__ ___...______.._____.___._____._.________.____..'_...0__.__________._._____ 2.25 00. Registry Office .._...___...__.._m...._....n.__......._m.....____nn_m_.n_..____ 800 00 County Roads ..........._..-..mm..mu.........n.................m..........." 41909 57 Public Schools .......................m.m..................m..m...............m 801 11 Hospitals .& Etc., accounts.m....,...........~m"'m.......m.......n 8073 47 Redenl1ptions ....................m.....'.....................m........................... 3-83 37 County Rates m.'....lm.......n.........m.....m.....m.m.........._............ 16-3'581 00 M,iS'cellaneous ....................,........................... ....................~.._ 775 00 __$413504 68 EXPENDITURES Administration o;f Justice ..........___......................:...m......$ 2029'6 44 House Q:of Industry ......._.......nm...........__...............m......... 7831 51 PUblic Schools ............................n..m.........m......m...n..........~ ;:1.!:1.457 17 High Schools ...n.."........'.m.m..u..m.....u..m..m..._....m_...m.m.~ 41078 11 Registry Office ....m.m.m.m..............................m..m_......''''' 827 20 Water, Light- and Heat ...................m.....................m..'"'' 1824 61 Bills Paya'ble .m....,..........nm.........m.........m_.....:.....m....m....- 130000 00 Interest ................'n...........................--...._....n.....................-u... s:14l8 61 Arrears of Taxes .........m......u",""""""""""-"''''''''''''''''' 198'ro 82 Red'emlptions ....,............................................................-......... 195 03 Salaries "................................._.. ...........-.-;................-............-.. 44J15i 00 'Memibers' Wages .............................._...............................-..... 3752 15 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Hos,pitals, Children's Aid Society, Industrial Schools and Charity n.__.............. Old Age Pensions Mothers' Allowances n..m'.....mm.............m......_ "m,_... Grants Advisory Agricultural Council ....__.......................... Provincial Higblwa',ys n '''''''_m'..m'....m'''_''.''_''-m~ Corn Borer [nspectors n..........._...........m...n..............mn... Care of Buildiugs 'n.__"'''''''''''-'''_''''.'..n.....;......... Printing, ipostage .and stationery ..........nm..._...._...nm.. General Mis,cellaneous m~""...m""'''''_.m''''.U_U''''''n'''''''' County RQads ......._........_.......................___................. 79 23505 W 6295 23 5477 50 3040 78 1070 10 14102 02 949 53 1680 94 987 35 1769 ()1 98933 04 Balance in bank and 'Treasurer's hand,s $4025"9 19 U"muu__m,.u 10985 49 $413504 68 '~';. 80 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT June Session To the' Warden and County Council: Gentlemen: I beg leave to sulbmit the follotWingreport for your consideration. RECEIPTS Cash on hand ....,.................___________.m..._._..___....-...........--------$ 10975 30 Adm. of Justice .mn.._n...mm....n.n...___.......dn...nh....__.__...... &163 27 Bills PaY8.lble _m.m_..mn__.____m._____.m.__n__~'_._mh____._____.._..___. 40000 QO Interest .__..n.__......___.......__..___....___..........__.___......_____...__.._..__....__ 10 9'3 Registry Office. m..unm......_.mm..m.._...____u___.m_m..m....mn.. 603 99 House of' Industry __......m........------.....,.----...----.-.-------..---...---- 1578 56 Arrears of Taxes ___m....m____nn...._~.____._m.h..m._.._n__n.__.. 2937 59 County Road,s __n__......m........_....n.........m.....nnnm.___.......n 48314 46 Mi~oellaneous ......___n.nm.m...m._.._m.......___....nnn............___. 4074 83 $lM658 93 EXPENDITURES Adm. of Justice ..____m n_nm..._......n.___mn.......______...____n.......$ Bills Payatble Interest ..-.._......................._.........................-.....--...................... Pu'bllc Schools ._...m_n.___..._m. ..__00_.............0000................___.______. House of Industry .....00__00...__00.......00..-...---.............-...-..--0000.. Registry Office n................__.....n......nnm..._nn.nnm....n.....- i-ligh Schools ...._..._...._......._................_..._..._......_....n........_......._ Arrears of Taxes .....00..-..-.....................-..--...........-............. Mem1bers Wages .............._.....__..........._....n....._.._....n..._......_n Officers Salaries .___...nn.........nn"nn.....n...___.._...._nm.nm___._._ Printing & IStationery .....__.............n.._mm_.............___.__..n. Care of Buildings ............._...._.._................_....._....n.........-..- Water, Lj'ght, ,Heat ._____......._..n..m..n___..___.....nn._.n.._.._....... County Roads .....-..........,..---..-.....-...-...-.....-............",,""""-'" Miscellaneous.....-..--.........-.............-.........._...n.__.._..._......_......... 8452 64 50492 3;l IIM 36 190 95 2394 92 67 00 600 00 1978 56 1901 65 1290 00 560 29 4[1315 133 85 25260 98 8988 76 $103879 44 7779 49 Balance ...........................n........._...................-....--........... $lII658 93 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 81 ESTIMATES Adm. of Justice -.-.........--..--......._................n._...._................m....~ 9000 00 House of Industry .nnn..n___......._......______..._....___..n.__..n.......... 5000 00 Public Schools ....m.n....m.....m....mm...........___m_mnn..n........ 8000 00 High Schools -.......n..nn....n........nnnm___.......mm_.____.nm.....___... 45000 00 Officers Sa!aries.nm-.___.......nn....._._..._.hn...n.....nn...nn......nn 4700 00 Members .Wages n..n...mnm.n.n....._.nnn____.____.....n.n._.........__ 4000 00 Court House Commission -n..___n......___..mnn'._...n_....n..m.___ 5000 00 Interest ...-.--.--..---....----._...._.........__.n........_...__..._n._.........._......... 3000 00 County Roads' .-...n...-___m.__.nn___._..m.n......m......__.......n.......... 52000 00: Registry Office ---......m-n.___.___..___n......nnn..._.............h.m....... 1000 00 Miscellaneous _m__h.m. ....n..--.._nn......m.n.......n..n._.....n...........n 16000 00 Deficit n"'nn"'''''..nn.. 10000 00 ~[62700 00 To raise this amount the mill rate would have to be 5.4 mills 'on the dollar. As the numlber of lots eligible for year is yery small I would recommend another year. sale fOr arrearS o'f Taxes this that the sale be .pos'bponed for All of whi'ch is reSlpectfully submitted.. B. B. GiRAH.AU\1, County Treasurer. 82 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT November Session To the Warden and County Council: Gentlemen: I beg leave to submit the foJ1.owing statement of -Receipts and Empenditures up to October 31st. and Estimates for Uie :balance of 19'38. RECEn'TS Cash on Hand .........o....o..o_____mo................_._.o--..o_----_..o__..._..--$ 10975 30 Administration of Justice .....m......._.........m.....___.__.m.--. H.100 37 Bills _PayaJble .__....un.__.m..m..n.mo--u...mn....m...--m_'h-_om.m. 150000 00. Interest ....n..................--... ..___n__nn.._n_.._....__...__......___..___________. 18 67 County Rate ...._n.....................m.........:.....-nm....----...........---.--.. 603 99 House of Industry .__m..n.....-------.....---......--......................--nn 2645 38 Arrears of Taxes ___.__~..oo..oooo_m.u.m'...........____.....m..u..n.......__. 4304 06 County Roads ._..._..m..__....m......m....__.mn..._.m..m..........m..__. 52668 64 Miscellaneous ._u__......m..___...___......__.....__...oo.....m...._................ 8073 33 $240389 74 EXPENDITURES Administration of J'ustice ..............__.._.............00.__00..___....$ Bills Payalble .......................................--................--.....,......... Interest .............................. ......,_.............................._.....n.......... Pulblic .Schools .........-.........-.........................-...-......................-- H'ouse of Industry .m..nn.mm.um..moo..._..._............................ Registry Oft1ice m.m...u.m..............u..m................___.......____. High Schools .........................................................-................ Arrears of Taxes -........-...-..........................---...................--... Mem'bers Wages ......................_.........................................m... Officers' Salaries Printing, Stationery Care of Buildin1gs .........................-..........................-.......... Water, Li-ght, Heat ....---..................-.....-.........................-..... County Roads ._n................._..._......................._...._.................. Miscellaneous .........-............-.................~.......-....-..-..-...-.......... Surplus ....................................................._.....................-..............$ 8561 51 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 83 Estimated Re:celpts for Balance of Year Cash on Hand ....moooo+.oo...__...._..oooo___.....__...............moo__.___$ 8561 50 County 'Rate ......mm....oo........mm....................__...oon___m........ 1644311 00 County Roads .................._....m..........oo.....................oooooo.......m 54000 00 Administration of Justice _....oo........._moon_oomm...m..... 2000 00 Registry Office .........m....m__oon.....nm____n.........................oooo__ 1000 00 $229,992 50 Estimated Expenditures f01.' Balance of Year Bills Paywble .......n...........f..n..............................nn............._...$150000 00 In terest ._..._..................._..._............._.....................n........_n......_.. 3000 00 High Schools oonm_._m.........'.moooon...m.__+...oonoon.__._.........oo.... 40000 00 Public Schools ................n.oooooo......oo....__.................__moooomm. 6000 00 Administration of Justice ._...................oooo.......___....m........ 2000 00 Officers' Salaries ......_......moooo....oo...oo...m...................oooo....__ 1050 00 Hospital A'ccounts .......nmm.............__.........._._.oo__................ 3'500 00 .County Roads ...~~":.oo__.--.m...m.....-......__n............................... 17000 00 Childrens Aid ...................................................._.......mh....... 5000 00 Arrears of Taxes .__.........._......................_.......___..................... l500 00 Miscellanelous _...._......................_............_.............................. 6000 00 '$235050 00 Deficit ....~......._.._._......................h........................._........_._ All of w'hich is respectffully sUlbmiitted" $ 5057 50 B. B. GRAH>AJM, County Treasurer. 84 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SUBURBAN AREA COMMISSION January The meeting of the St. Thomas ISUI'burtban Area Commission was held at the Court House, St. Thomas, this 11Oth. day of January 1938. Present: Chairman Dr. F. O. L8IWrence, J. T. Webster, George Cross, Frank Pinneo, County Road Superintendent, J. D. Millar, Dist. Engineer. A detailed statement of accounts was sub.mitted to the c<?mmittee showing an expenditure on Suburban Area Roads of.$10,048.64 Of this 'amount the City 'Would 'be lialble for 25% thereof, or $2',00:2,116. Ordered by 'Conunission 1. That" this a1ccount be rpresentect to the City Council of St. Thomas f~r payment. 2. 'Thatthe County of Elgin ihe notified that the sum of $4000.00 wilt. .be required for .construction and, maintenance on county swbur'ban area road,s for the year 193R 3. That the City of St. Thomas ;be notified that the sum of $4008-,00 will Ibe required for construction and maintenance on Subur- ban Area [Roads for the year 193'8. 4, That the following members of the Sulbul'iban Area Commis- sion are entitled to be paid for their services for the year 193'7, as appears opposite their respective names as follows: nr. 'F. O. LaJWrence; chatrman ______._______........_____.....$ '50 00 J. T. Webster ............_....__......_................._......_..___..... 50 00 George Cross ..._____._..._.'m..__..___.___.___..__...........__________._50 00 $ 150 00 5. That Dr. F. O. Lawrence Ibe re-appointed chairman of St. Thomas Su:bur.ban Area Road Commission. -Carried. 6, That the committee adjourn. F, 0, LAWRENCE, Chairman of Suburfban Area Com. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The Corporation of the City of St. Thomas, In account with the Elgin County Highways System. 85 For expenditure on Sufburban Area Roads under the supervision of Frank Pinneo, County Road Superintendent, subject to the direc- tion Of the Suburban Area Commission. Maintenance Road 16 S.A. Weeds ......__.............._...m..._.............._.............___._........,..$ 12'4 75 Ditching h__........__m________.....____......n........n___........______ 2119'57 Grading ............._.......__......................................._...__ 205' 55 Dragging ....nu.........n..nh____.n__mnnnn___.hh....n.._____.. 123 6'5 Culvert ....."_.,;............................._,._...........__................... 40 80 Bridges ..........,.................._.........._...__................___....... 7 15 Resurfacing ...._____.........__h__............__________........h...... 731 43 Oil mmnnnmhm..n.'.hnnhnhnnh'mhh.nnh...h"hh'.'..%h 343 59 Snow roads ..____um...._______......___........n________..n___.____n. 43 65 Welter drain .___..............nm......n_______............___....____. 1 80 $ Road 23 S.A. hm.m...h.h....'. m$ 150 00 Memlbers wages .. ....._..._....... ..___ --------"$ Road 25 S.A. Weeds .m......__._.........._...__......._..._..._............................$ Ditching .........................................................___m....._. Grading ...............__..............................._................._...... Dragging ._............___............................_..........._.......... Culvert ....................................._..._......................_...... Bridges ....................................................._.._............... Resurfac'ing ................................._..........................._ Calcium chlorid-e ._..........................._........_.._............ Snow roads ........................._................................_. Protection Gates h__........._...............n..__........_,..... 6505 5 50 69 90 60 15 43 92 27 39 73 16 105 36 31 80 556 17 '$ 1841 44 150 00 1039 00 86 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Road 30 S.A. Weeds __u....._nm..._._.un.nn..n.____.__.....n....ounnn.m.._n 77 40 Grad,ing ..__......__......._____n.._...___.__......___......uO...__._n..... 36 83 Dragging __...__.___.___..___n....____........______...____..u__...__________. 232 10 Culvert ___...n__.......__nn__n___n____.._..n___u..._unnnnn..._nn_ 22 9.5 Resurfacing .____n...________m___.__nn__...___........___________.... 136 69 Calcium chloride _m...."m......._......___.........__..__..____ 90 88 Snow roads mmnO_m__',,__,,_'_ ___m......__..__m...___m...... 24 55 __$ 621 40 Construction Road No. 16 S. A. Ditching ___.____u____.....___._________._..,____._n___.____.____-------------$ Grading Culvert Road Surface Engineering n...."" _____.m....oooo..oo.....oooooomoo.____oooooooo 1187 rn 58 85 26 80 1611 75 36 25 $ 2921 ~O Gl'avel Hauled on Suburban Area Roads Road No. 16 S. A. Yards of gravel hauled, 31:16 Average miles, 7. Operating cost, less drivers' wages, Total cost miles travelled 21812 at 10c pel' yd mile .._...__.__._..___..___.___............_...._._.._.._......._.______....___00__.$ 2181 20 Road No. 25 S. A. Yards of gravel hauled, 190. Average haul, 8 miles. Total m~les travelled, 1520, at lac per yd. ;mile __......___00__.___..._.__00.._.._...... ....___..................__..__.._..___._...~...$ 152 00 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 87 Road No. 80 S. A. Yards of gravel hauled, 166. Average haul, 7 miles. Total miles travelled, 1520, at 10c per yd. Cost of Stripping, Loading, Sc~eening and G)'ave}: 733 cords @ $1.40 per cord ___................__00__...._____..___.............$ 1026 20 Total Expenditure ___oom..oo.._...moo_.........oo..__.........,..oo..__.......____$ 10048 64 City's portion 25% :__..._..__..........00..........__00__....._............00_____00__$ 251.3 16 Certified Correct. F. O. LAWRENCE, F. G. PINEO, Chairman of M'omission, County Road Supt. 88 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE January Session First Report St. Tho~, January 14th 1938 To the E) gin County Council, Gentlemen: 1. The Elgin County Road Committee reports that the sum of NinetyEight Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirty-three Dollars and Two Cents ($98,933.02) was expended on the Elgin County Highways during the 'year 1937. 2. County R,oads: Construction on County Roads ..__...m......___ Maintenance on - County Roads Maintenance on County Roads in incorporated villages ......--..-....-----.-....---....-.-.---.-.. ........--..-----...--....-....---... Bridge Construction County Bridges under By-law No. 1091 3. General Expenses: Superintendence and Office ExpenseSm..___n..____._n___.nnn..$ New Machinery, Tools -and Repairs n.mmn.....__.....m...m Gravel Pits Workmen's Compensation Board n...n...._m..nm..m...____.. Constables' Fees Insurance ...nn''''. -.-.-....--..-.--.........----..--.-.-..---...---..-.----.- LesS Receipts ,,.,.$ 20243 32 56873 94 4852 01 96 00 368 95 3115 -93 9077 71 2954 49 370 82 449 85 540 00 $ 98933 02 1547 39 $ 97385 63 4. We estimate the sum of $50,000.00 be raised by the Depart~ ment of Hlighways and $50,000.00 be raised by the County of Elgin for construction and maintenance on county roads for the year 1938. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 89 5. That the County Road Superintendent ,be delegated to attend the Road Conference to be held in Toronto during the latter part of February 1938. 6. That Fifteen Dollars for membership in the Good Roads Association be paid. '7. That the Warden and Clerk be authorized to sign petition to the Departmen t of Highways confirming expendi ture on County Roads during the year 1937. 8. That the County will furnish up to $5,000.00 for dust la,yer if necessary during the year 1938, on County Roads where chair- man of the Road Committee and Reeve of Township may agree. 9. That the road in the Township of Malahide, from the Town- line between Yarmouth and Malahide, between "concessions 4 and 5 easterly to the Bayham town line be designated as a County Road, a distance of about 8% miles. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. B. LANCASTER, Chairman of, the Road Committee. ~E"=""'/".~~. j''''o 90 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL J&'1UARY SESSION Second Report To the Elgin County .' Council, Gentlemen: The Elgin County Road Committee ask that a by-law be passed at this session of the County Council to designate that road in the Village of Vienna whereby the Village can expend their portion of County money under the Highway Act. Nam.ely: from' the Provincial Highway Number ,.19 bcgiJ;mingat Lot 2; thence northerly to Lot 24, thence north-easterly to the Mill Bridge across and along Lots 17 to 21, thence south westl:"rly along the Creek Road to the westerly limits of the Village of Vienna; a distance of approximately 114, miles. The Minister of F!iighways be asked to approve of this designation. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. B. LANOASTER. Chairman of the Road Commit.tee. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 91 JANUARY SESSION Third Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: 1. That the Engineer be instructed to draw plans and figure the estimates on a new bridge and cutting the hills on the Townline south of lanai between Southwold and Dunwich. 2. That ro'ad in the Township of South Dorchester between Con- cessions 11 and 12, from Lot 24 east to the Centre,Road be designated as County Roa,d, a distance of approximately 4lh miles. 3. That we aslhthe County to take over frOm the Township of Bayham that portion of road running east froml Road No. 46, at Corinth school to No. 19 Highway at Eden, approximately 3 miles. 4. That the County designate as County Road, the road in the To.vmship of Yarmouth, between Lots 7 and 8, from the east end of' Wellington Street southerly to the road between Concessions 3 and 4 on County Road No. 27. 5. That this Council take over the. Township Road from. Camp- bellton t.o '\i'i(est Townline in Dunwich, it being a connecting link from County Road No.5 and an extension to Road No. 12, a distance of about 214 miles. 6. That the qounty take over the Road beginning at Road No. 19 or Lot 18 between Concessions 2 and 3, thence easterly to the Tnwn- , line between Middlesex and Elgin at Lot 22; approximately one and one-half miles. 7. We memorialize the Department of Highways to assume that portion of road in the Township of Aldborough as a Provincial High- way namely: the northern part of the Furnival Road from the vrIage 92 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. limits of Rodney thence northerly to Lots 8 and 9, or the roads be- tween Concessions 2 and 3, thence east to road 'between lots 14 and 15, thence northerly on the road between Lots 14 and 15 to the centre of the River Thames. 8. That intersection on Road No. 43, in the Townshi,p of South Dorchesfer, between Lots' 6 and 7, in Concessions 10 and 11 be desig- nated a Through Highway and Stop Signs be placed protecting same. All of which is respectfully submlitted~ W. B. LANCASTER, Chairman of the Road Committee. ",n, .~, "'0"," "'~"Y'~'._ ~ __ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 93 JANUARY SESSION Fourth Report To the E!gin County Council, Gentlem.en: 1. That the County furnish dust layer on 10 milesef County Road in each Township where Reeve and Chairrn,an of Hoad Committee agree with Road Superintendent. All of which is respectfully subm,itted. W. B. LANCASTER, '~" Chairman of the Road Committee. June Session T'o the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: 1.. Your Road Conunittee made their four-day annual inspection trip on County Roads and reCOmmend the folIow~ng: Detailed Statement: Road Construction ...........................................0....$ 40000 00 Proposed Miain tenance ...............0...............0...... 45000. 00 MaChinery.. and. Repair ........n......h...................... 7000 00 Urban Municipalities .....0.................................... 4500.00 County Bridges under By-Law 1091 ............ 1500 00 Contingencies hn.........................h.........h................ 10000 00 $108000 00 2. We have received approval from the Department of Highways for this year's estimate. 94 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ' 3. Recommended that the following: which the Village of Dut- ton has designated as streets on which rebate money is to be spent, be approved. Namely:- Currie St. from John to Shackleton, approximately 1800 feet. Station St. from Main to Charles St. approxim~ately' 1090 feet Charles St. from Station to Mary SLmapproximately 500 feet. Mary st. from Charles to Main SLmo...approximately 1090 feet. Mary St. from Main to McArthur SL.approximately 1500 feet. McArthur from. Mary to Shackleton St. approxi- mately 500 feet. 4. We recom',mend that Warren St. in the Village of Port Stanley, from Provincial Highway Number 4, on Warren St. across the bridge to County Road Number 20" which the Village has designated as a Street on which the rebate money is to be spent, be approved. 5. Your Committee are experimenting with dust layer, miles being done in each Municipality for this purpose. about 10 All of which is respectfully submitted. W. B. LANCASTER, Chairman of the Road Committee. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 95 NOVEMBER SESSION First Report 'To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Elgin County Road Committee report the -expenditure Elgin County Highways from January 1st. to November 15th, total $96,405.92. on 1938" 1. l!:xpenditUl'e as follows: Maintenance on County Roads _mn..m __""'00.........._.."__.....$ Construction on County RoadS_m....m..__ mhn.....m.....____.. Maintenance on Suburban Area Roadsm..... .,"'m Construction on Suburban Area Roads County Bridges under By'-law No. 1091..... Villages and Town - Expenditure n_.n'........n.. Truck Expenses Machinery, Tools and Repairs_____ m...m.nmm_n.............__._ Workmen's Compensation Board Insurance Legal Fees Constable's Fees 41490 34 27749 80 345949 5352 36 915 92 5513 04 2689 28 8071 13 39 39 562 53 62 79 499 85 $ 96405 92 ,Less Receipts ........m.._........_..___.......__.".h............. .no. 1245 33 $ 95160 60 2. The _County has acquired by Agreement, land for the New :Road in the Village of - Vienna, ALL AND SINGULAR those certain parcels Or tracts, of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the said Village, in the County of Elgin and Province of Ontario, and being composed of the Southerly parts of Blocks C, D, E andF. North on Creek Road as shown on Registered Plan 54" being parts of Lots 14, 13 and 12, Concession 3, in the Township of Bayham and more parti- cularly described asfollo'Ws:- 96 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 5. Operation of. InteJlnatlonal Truck COMMENCING at a point in the South east angle of said Block C: Hours worked nmnm.......................__________.__________ 1664 Miles travelled ....__......___.....n.....nnnnnmnm.nnm. 22549 Yards of gravel and earth hauled........____.... 5709 Reps. Gas, Oil and Wages .m.mm.m__nmnmm_.mmnmm....$ Depreciation $10.00 per day.mm...mm.'O.n___.m__m________:m. THENCE South Westerley along the Northerly limit of the Creek Road as now travelled, Fifty-eight chains and Twenty-nine links (58.29) more or less to its intersection with the Westerly limit of saId Block F: THENCE north along the-Westerly limit of said Block F. Fifty feet (50' .0"): Average mileage per day un........"..................____m 138 Average yards per day m..mnn..nm..mnm.nm....... 34 Average cost expense per day..mn.."""mnm........ $21 59 Cost of hauling 1 yard of stone or gravel 1 mile' ..mnnnm"n.....n...."......................n..n. 90 TJ.lENCE North easterly, parallel to the north limit of CrE'ek Road as now travelled, Eight Hundred and Forty feet (840'.0"): THENCE North easterly in a straight line to. a point in the East- erly limit of said Block F,distance Sixty.,.six feet (66'.0") North of the narth limit of the Creek Road as now travelled: 6. '.';. Operation' of G.M.C. Truck Hours worked mmo..mn.n.n....n..............m.m.m;m 1697 Miles travelled u...mmnnnmnmm............................. 23326 Yards 0.1' earth and gravel hauled................ 6289 Rep., Gas, Oil. and Wages...m..m..mmnnm.m.n................, Depreciation $10.00 per day.cnhn..nm......m......m................ THENCE North easterly, parallel with the North limit of Crp.ck R.oad as now travelled, Eighty~ane chains and Sixty-four links (81'.64") more 0.1' less to. a point in the East limit of said Block D: Average mileage per day ..n',,",,'mnm'......nm.m Average yards per day ..........................n""".mm Average cost per day.............."..........................m$ Cost of hauling 1 -yard of stone' 0.1' gravel 1 mile. THENCE South easterly in a straight line.. to the place of hegin- ning. 136 37 22 11 9*-c 3. That the Unian Road be made a Thraugh Highway at its inter- sectian with the road between Lots 13 lj,nd 14 (N.U.R.) in the Township of SouthW'Old, anci that a "Through Stop Sign" be placed at this intersection. 7. Power Grader No. 1 4. That the road in the Township of Bayham be reverted back to the Township where situate, having been used in lieu of thE' Talbot Road, from a point 320 feet East of the Westerley limit of Lot 119, North easterly and Easterly across the south parts of Lots 119 and 120, N.T.R.E. to a point distant 520 feet East of the Westerly limit of Lot 120. :M:liles travelled mnm....m.'......nmm.m.mn..m..n..n 4304 Gas Used ..........mmnm._..nm.mmnn...m.. 2365 gallons Days worked m......mmm...um.mmm.nmn.......""".... 147 Rep., Gas, Oil and Wages ..........nn..............."""............."""$ Depreciation $2.00 per day..n.............nn...._.....hnn.....n.... 97 1925 37 1660 06 '$ 3585 37 2660 26 1700 00 ,$ 3760 25 1481 08 294 00 $ 1775 08 98 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 99 Cost of dragging and scarifying one mile of road..._____________m. 45c Second Report St. Thomas, Nov. 24th, 1938 8. Power Grader No. 2 Miles travelled _____m.nmmnnnom..................________. 3803 Gas used _.___.__......_......__..._.._____.............__.....___________'. 2125 Days Worked .mm.mn___nmn.._nn..m."Mmun'mmm 170 Rep., Gas, Oil and Wages_mnu__.___nm_nmm____nnuu_____u_n__$ Depreciation $2.00 per day_n_______m_.....____mmm........______ To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: 1385 87 340 00 $ The County Road Committee reports: Cost of dragging and scarifying one mile of road 1725 87 4Ic That a By-law be passed for an additional $8,000.00 for County B..oad purposes for the- year 1938. 9. Wehr Power Gradel' Miles travelled ....h.m.mmnun_______________mu............. 3503 Gas Used ___.__._._._____._u.__.___.___.._..._._._n___._._n___._.______. 2761 Days Worked _....._.......m....____nnm.nmnnuuU_mm.n 192 Rep., Gas, Oil and Wages..._.n._mnmnn_m_nnnm.__._....nn$ Depreciation $2.00 per. day___nm___u___......__..__nnnmnmnm_.. All of which is respectfully submitted. GEO. VALLEE, 1651 79 384 00 $ '~". Chairman of Road Committee. Cost of dragging and scarifying 1 mile of road..nnn....__ 2035 79 59c 10. Machinery Purchased One International Truck, 4 Road Graders, 1 Road Drag, a number of small tools. 11. Maintenance Record of the amount of gravel used on County Roads to date: Hathaway Gravel Pit-Jn the Township of Yarm:outhnmm 6006 yards. Roloson Gravel Pit-In the Township of Dereham__nmnm 2688 .yards. Beecroft Pit, in the Township of Southwold__mm_m........",. 1801 yards. 12. Resurfacing of County Roads has not been extensive during the present year, work of this sort has been of a patching nature. The County trucks doing the labour. LAll of -which is respectfully submitted. W, B. LANCASTER, Chairman of Road Committee. 100 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 101 JIDle Session paint and that the plastering be repaired where necessary; t.hat the wood floors in the cells of No. 1 and 2 corridors be pulled up and concrete laid. It is noted that smoking is allowed in the gaol contrary to rule No. 114. That the walls of gaol corridors, cells and stalls be l'epainted in a lighter colo.r. GAOL COMMITTEE To the Elgin County Council, The Gaol Committee reports: The Inspector also recommends that the plastering be repaired where required throughout the gaol; that fireproof boards be nailed on the underside of joist above the furnace and that. the upper corri- dor ceilings be made fire resisting; that the badly chipped wash basins be replaced; that the kitchen be repainted in light cream 01' ivory colar and that the woodwork surrounding the sink be replaced. Gentlemen: That we have been exammmg the condition of the Court House and buildings and have to recom.mend: 1. That the exterior of the Gaoler's house .be repainted. That the old wood wash tubs in the basement be discarded and a cement type of laundry tubs be installed. 2. That the brick and stone work on the Court. House and Gaol be repainted where necessary. That proper bathing facilities be installed in the basement of the goal. We have had some repairs made on the dome; copper has been used in all cases instead of galvanized iron. We recommend-That gaol labour be utilized to a greater extent than at present to assist the janitor in keeping the court house c',ean. The refinishing of the walls of the court room and halls have been suggested at various times. We have had the interior of the front vestibule refinished for the information of the council. No work has been done on the halls or court room since the building was completed forty years ago. Covers should be placed on all the radiators. That a fire protect10n hose be installed in the gaol. That the Council visit the gaol and advise their committee as to repairs to be made. There are cracks in the plaster throughout the building which will some ,day require attention. ,The telephone room should have imme- diate attention. A great many of the window blinds should be repaired and SOCllle of them renewed. The walls in the Judge's retiring room and p.etit Jury room! and stairway leading thereto were refinished last fall. These will give the council some idea of how conditions can be i~proved. We' have receiveed tenders for coal and recommend acceptance of the following: Swift and Company, stove coke for Registry office at $9.15.per ton. H. E. Johnson & Company, 3 carloads of egg coal for Gaol at $10.44. Gaol The Inspector of Prisons has recommended that the walls and floors in the lavatories be scrubbed and painted with a light colored W. A. PECKiHAM, Chairman. St. Thomas, Ontario, June 16th, 1938. 102 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 103 " November Session EDUCATION C~TTEE To the Elgin County Council, January Session Gentlemen: The Gaol Committee reports: To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: 1. That they have had the work in connection with the renovat~ iug of the Court House completed in so far as the court room. halls and building are concerned; also the caretaker's residence has been improved and the rooms used by the public in the Registt:y Office. 'rhey have had the Gaoler's residence painted. The Educational Committee -reports: 1. That we agree 'Y.ith the WARDEN that no accounts for ma.in- tenance of High and Continuation Schools he prepared until after the next session of the Legislature when the Premier has promised retro-active legislation. The contracts were awarded as fol~ows: to Frank Trace, 0f Shed~ den, for painting and decorating $1254; to Hamilton and stott for radiator covers, the total being $1360. 2. That the membership fee of Five Dollars--.for the County Council Section of the Ontario Education Association be paid and that the Warden appo1nt delegates to attend. All work was done under the supervision of- Architect Findlay and all accounts have been paid with the exception of one for extras which is disputed by the Architect. 3. That E. S. Livermore be appointed Senator to the University of Western Ontario. ,/ All of which is respectfully submitted. 2; We received tenders for bread and m.eat for the year 1939, and awarded the contract for bread to Askew's Bakery, and the con~ tract for meat to Durnan & Spry. W. A. PECKHAM, Chairmhn. 3. We also had an ~pp1i'cation from one of-the turnkeys for an increase in salary, and recommend that it be laid over until the next session., N ovembel' Session St. Thom,as, Ontario, January 20, 1938. To the Elgin Coupty Council, GentJem,en: 4. The Sheriff reported that the Council not having put cement floors in the wards of the gaol, smoking by the prisoners was prohibit~ ed unless authorized by the Gaol Surgeon. W. A. PECKHAM, Chairman. The Education Comrriittee reports: That Charles Brooks be appointed High School Trustee for the Aylmer High School for 1939 and 1940, to fill out the term of H. L. Stratton appointed in By-law No. 1289, willo has resigned. All of which is respectfully submitted. All of which is respectfully submitted. November 24th, 1938. W. A. PECKHAM, Chairman. November 24th, 1938.. t"'"'~~ - ,,- 'I ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 105 104 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL . Inspector ROUSE OF INDUSTRY REPORTS Physician To the Elgin County Council. '0 November 17th, 1938. Gentlemen: To tbe Warden and Memhers of the Elgin County Council, for The following is my report on the House of Industry and Refuge the year ending October 31st, 1938: Daisy Mae Penny, Nov. 17th, 1937, to Dec. 1st" 1937. Chas. Johnson, May 14th, 1938, to June 11th, 1938. John Kriter, May 14th, 1938, to May 29th, 1938. Mrs. Martha French, July 12th, 1938, to July 15th, 1938; July Slst, 1938, to Aug. 5th, 1938; Sept. 1st, 1938, to Sept. 15th, 1938. John G. Grose, July 29th, 1938, to Aug. 13th, 1938; Aug. 20th, 1938, to Sept. 29th. 1938, 1. NumJber of inmates at last report.mm..___nn______m__mn___m 29 2. Number admitted during year...h.n___.___..mmn.un..m..'........ 16 3. Number of deaths nnnnmnmm.______mnmm.......m..n..n..___m..m 3 4. Number discharged n'.'....n.....n....'.....mmnnnnmm'munnn.n... 13 5. Number absconded '.mm.n.....nnmnn___.._""..'m'___.................. 2 6. Number now in House 'mnmm".""...___'..n.___mmmmnnnnnn.n. 27 7. Number of inmates sent from the several municipalities during the year: '.';. Gentlemen: 1 have the honour of presenting the Sixty-third annual Medical report of the Elgin House of Industry up to October 31st, 1938, and submit the following for your consideration. I made Fifty-two visits to the House of Industry, and attended six inmates in the Memorial H.ospital as follows: Aldborough "'.".'nn'm'.'.'nm.n'n"'..',.",.,, Dunwich ....,.,.,_,..,....,...,.........,....'....n........ Southwold' ....m___'.'___""m."."mmmmm"" Malahide ".n'nn'.'.'..'_'n_n'.'.'nn'.""",_,..,,_ ;B.ayham ",.,__"'.,.",."".,.,.,'.'.."..','..,,.,__'.... Aylmer .,..._..,........'.n.n.....................,......,. West Lorne .'..'nunnnnmnun...nnmnn.'.... 3 2 4 3 1 I 2 Samuel Cook, Oct. 1st, 1938, to Oct. 31st, 1938. 16 There W'as one birth. There were three deaths; ,all m.ales as follows: 8. :The various causes of pauperism House during the year may be classified of inmates admitted to the as follows: Destitute n"nnn.n'n...u....'__,"'__'.nmnnnnn 7 C'ripple .n.'.nnnnnn_.mn_'nnnn_u.nu'...'.".. 1 lllwhealth ___n___nnnn.n.'m.m.'unnmnnn___n 1 Old Age, nn.n__"".'.__..nnn'nnm,nnunnnn.n. 4 Blind ..,.....,..."."_n'...'....,..._......_........'_"....' 1 Cancer 'nnn._mnnnn.....n'....."..n".'n.unnn 1 Epileptic ..n__."___m.nnm___'.___n.mmnn.'.... 1 MaY 29, 1938 John Kriter ,..m...n...m..mnm___60m.,mApoplexy. June 11, 1938 Charlie Johnson ......,._.,m.....",71..____,.Apoplexy. Aug. 2, 1938 Elijah Keillor m..m..___..m.u.___.85.",.unChronic Myocarditis. I have the honour to be, Y.ours truly, D. L. EWIN, 16 Physician, Elgin House of Industry. 106 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 9. Average number of inmates during the yearn..._______ 10. Average number with Keeper's family and hired help 11. Number of weeks' board of inmates. ..........m__..___....______ 12. Number of weeks' board w.ith Keeper's family__...... 13. Total expenditure during the year ___m....__.__.._____.._____.....$ 14. Deductions From, farm stock sold .....___m......._____......__........._.m______.___.____$ From Old Age Pensions, inmates ...h.._........___.m........mn Permanent improvements Produce sold Sundries .__.........___.....,_____.n.....n..u... _.._......'....n."n"......... 15. Leaving amount actually sxpended for support of inmates.._,.............................,_.___.___..........__.__.........______.__......$ Average expenses per day of each. person...nmm.nnm. Average expenses per week of each persOll...............m Average expellses per year of each persoll._m...m...mm 16. 17. 18. Farm :Expense Hired Labor. .0000...00....00.....00..00.._................................$ Imjplemen ts ................__......._........_......_.__.__00.__......... Stock Feed .................___..............oo..__...__oo......._m.._...........00... Seed .........__..00..00.......00._...00'..00..._......... ........00........00...... Gas and Oil Miscellaneous ..__..................................__._.....__...._..__.. 29% 34% 15371> 1807 9244 42 960 88 1302 58 1785 83 367 27 226 65 $ 4643 21 4601 22 .36lh 254 132 13 413 50 318 37 41 00 266 59 112 55 126 66 246 03 $ 1524 70 House Expense Bread .............00..................._..... .................00..00..00.00...$ Meat Groceries ....00.............._........__......_................0000........ Provisions ....00....00............00........__._..................00__.... Dry Goods ......00..00.....__.......00.....00..................00......... Boots and Shoes .........____....___..mnnmn...___..___mm_ 314 20 518 02 311 90 297 00 304 76 46 29 20. year: ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 107 Furniture and Hardware.....n..mn___.......___m...... Drugs ............00__......0000...........00.._....00...__..........'00'_'."" Coal and Wood MiscelIaneous 200 72 33 38 1009 40 372 73 $ 3408 40 General Expense Repairs .........n............___m....m............nnm.............n$ 115 13 Permanent Improvements .n.___..........nnm........ 1785 83 Incidental ____.m"mmnmm...nnn................n.............. 380 37 --$ 2281 33 Salaries Keeper and Matron m..n.......m....__.m.._......__......$ Physician ..............__.........__......_............00.......00....... 1670 00 270 00 $ 2030 00 '-\ Total Expenditures nmnmm....'m...n"nn$ 9244 43 The follovting produce was raised on the farm' during the 185 Bushels Barley 660 Bushels Oats 381 Bushels Wheat 50 Loads of Hay 8 Acres Ensilage Corn 185 Bushels Potatoes 15 Bushels Carrots 8 Bushels TUrnips 50 Loads Straw Quantity of Pumpkin and Squash Garden Produce 8 Bushels Table Carrots 10 Bushels Beets 20 Bushels Onions 600 Bushels Sugar Beets 200 Heads of Cabbage 108 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN' COUNTY COUNCIL 109 23. The total amount expended by the County on the HOUf;le of Refuge is as follows: 50 Bushels of Tomatoes 1 Acre Sweet Corn Quantity Lettuce, Parsley, Asparagus Quantity Plums, Grapes 15 Quarts Milk per day 500 Quarts Fruit canned in House 750 Dozen Eggs consumed 1460 Pounds :}3utter Farm, 10,0 acres,' costm..... House of Iildustry Laundry Fire Escapes Root Cellar, Henery," etc. Cottages, etc. Brick J;ce House Barns, Etc. Tile Drains Tile Drain Outlet A large quantity of vegetables and fruit was used during the summJer of which no account was kept. Cream sold ...............................................__.........___.$ Hogs sold ........................._..___......__..........__......_n.... Eggs, Chickens and Sundries .............__m.....__. Eight Calves sold mun...............____unn................ C'ows sold ........._..._.,............._........_............................ Ray sold ................._..........................................._.... Apples sold ...............................h....._......_.............. 377 04 740 41 57 32 3350 267 00 30 00 132 50 Hot Air Pump Tank, Connections ..__m.m................___.___. Refrigerato!'.,;,.__...__........._........................_.........____........................ Fencing..................................__._..........._..._....._..............._......__... Orchard ............._......,......... ..........____.__..__...__............_.................. Heating Apparatus Boiler Room and Soft Coal Boiler._......___......."........____..... Deep Well Silo ._........... .........__.........______...................................__..____.....____...... Hog Pen ........_.............n......._._...........__.........__._............................. Electric Installation and Pumps ....___.........._...____..____....... Pluulbing._.....................___......_...__...m.__...................._............... Septic Tank and Drain _....n.___......_..........___..................______. Sundries ....................................................._.................................. ,$ 1~37 77 21. Number of articles of bedding and clothing made up during the year bY' Matron and Inmatesl 278. 22. Farm Stock 3 Horses 7 Cows 18 H9gs 3 Yearlings 2 Brood Sows 75 Chickens 1 Calf I Bull nnm$ 7298 95 14151 26 687 61 390 06 879 43 6827 87 1920 50 7004 37 4162 23 132 03 920 60 590 00 1979 07 85 85 2305 44 3837 52 2436 40 293 62 654 99 2372 00 3174 00 1146 75 416 35 $ 63466 90 24. Received from Government on account of expendi- tures for land and buildit}g .__..m.......__.......................___... 41)00 00 Leaving amount actually expended by County....m.....$ 59466 90 25 The average number of inmates during the last ten years varied from 38 in 1929 to 27 in 1936. There wereforty~five inmates in aouse during 1938; 32 males, 13 females. Of the 27 inmates in the House on the 1st of November 1938, 16 Wlere males and 11 females. 110 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL III The women's cottage has been closed for sam€ months; the men's cottage is full. HOUSE OF INDUSTRY COMMITTEE January The recent improvements in the men's day room is calculated to add to the comfort and general welfare of the institution. To the Elgin County Council, The management has been satisfactory. Gentlemen: All of which is respectfully submitted. The House of Industry Committee reports: K. W. Mi::KAY, Inspector. That the fee of Ten Dollars for Membership in the Association of Managers of Homes for the Aged and Infirm be paid, and that the Chairman of the Committee, the Manager and Matron of the Home be representatives at the convention to be held in Leamington on June 28, 29 and 30, 1938. St. Thomas, Ontario, November 18, 1938. All of which is 'respectfully submitted. A, PINEO, Chairman. St. Thomas Ontario, January 20th, 1938. June To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The House of Industry Committee reports as follows: 1. That we have considered matters in connection with improve~ mentsat the Institution and would recommend that the men's smoking room be improved by enlarging SalIne in accordance with architect's plans at a cost of $750. This includes l;l. cement floor. In addition we would recommend that the cement floor be covered with asphaltic plank at a cost of $130. We also recommend the improvement of the kitchen floor by putting cement in front of the range and under the boiler, and installing a hot water heater at the range and covering the floor with battleship linoleum; total cost $175. ;:) 112 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 11? 2. 'I'endCl'S for coal have been received and we have to recom- mend that twenty tons of chestnut coal at $10.45 pel' ton be awarded to H. E. Johnson & Son, and that tender of Swift and Com:pany for sixty tons of egg coal at $10.50 per ton be accepted. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE January All of whiCh is respectfully submitted. -To the Elgin County Council, A. PINEO, Chairman. Gentlemen: St. Thomas, Ontario, June 16th, 1938. The Petitions and Legislation Committee reports: November To the Elgin County Council, 1. That no action be taken in reference to communication from the County of Hastings to have persons in receipt of relief deprived of . municipal vote. Gentlemen: The House of Industry Committee reports: 2. That we cQncur with resolution from the County of Hastings that qualifications far indigent hospitalization to be charged to county and local municipalities should conform with the qualifications now in force in municipal relief, for wlhich the residence qualification is twelve months. 1. That the reports of the Physician and Inspector be received and printed in the m'inutes. 2. That We received tenders for bread for the year 1939 and re- commend that the tender of A~kew's Bakery be accepted. 3. That no _action be taken in reference to communication from County of Dufferin for repeal of Farmers' Creditors' Arrangement Act. 3. That the question of installing radios be left to the Inspector. 4. That the improvements in the men's cottage, day room and kitchen have been completed at a cost of $1491. .4. That we concur with resolution from county council of Perth for increase in government grants for educational purpose. 5. That we approve of change of name of the -Institution and the adoption of a standard comm'itm'ent form referred to by the Assow ciation of Managers of Homes for the Aged and Infirm. 5. That we concur with commuriication from County of Middle- sex, that the requirements for construction of Hydro lines in rural municipalities should be two subscribers per mile. :All of which is respectfully submitted. All of which is respectfully submitted. A. PINEO, Chairman. R. AUCKLAND, Chairman. November 24th, 1938. St. Thomas, Ontario, January 20th, 1938. . 114 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 115 June AGRICULTURAL COMWUTTEE To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: January-First Report The Petitions and Legislation Committee reports: To the Elgin County Council, 1. That no action be taken in reference to resolution il'om the Huron County Council re increase in Provincial Subsidy for Highway. Gentlemen: 2. That we concur with resolutions received from Ontario Muni~ cipal Association 1'e the presentation of resolutions to the Association. The Agricultural Committee reports: 3. That we concur with communication from the County Couneil of Kent re the abolition of County Councils. 1. That E. J. Hatton, of the Township of Dunw'ich is hereby appointed Corn Borer Inspector. 4. That we concur with resolution from the County Council of Norfolk re costs of preparing the Provincial Voters' Lists. 2. That the usual grant be m~de to the Ontario Agricultural Council; and that~the Warden appoint a representative. All of which is respectfully submJ,itted. 3. That the follo\ving clauses of the Agricultural report of 1937, be submitted to the Ontario Agricultural 'onto, for their consideration: Committee's Councill Tor- R. AUCKLAND, Chairman. St. Thomlasl. Ontario; June 16th, 1938, 1, That the County Council representatives request Women's Institutes and Cemetery Boards to plant trees around rural cemeteries and public parks. 2. That a~l towns'hip councils advertise that they will supply trees for reforestation purposes to all ratepayers, township councils to pay cost of trucking, 3. That to promote reforestation we suggest that each muni- cipal council endeavour to induce the school children to plant five to ten trees each year for five years in the rural sections, and one or more trees each year in urban sections; municipal council to arrange for distribution for trees. 4. That communication from Department of Lands & Forests regarding the planting of basswood and tulip seedlings be referred to the next year's council. ~~.",",",,,l:_.<_,,Jd1 =~~.~_. 116 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 117 4. That we accept the offer of 40 acres of hind recommended in Clause 1 of the 1937 Com.mittee's report, and - that County purchase trees and . plant same. 5. That we concur with Clause 4 of the 1937 report, and that all Clerks in the County be notified. The Agricuitural Committee reports as follows: 1. That we approve of resolution from the Ontario Agricultural Council re change in rates for electricity used in the schools through- out the province. All of which is respectfully submjitted. GEORlGE VAlLLEE, Chairman. 2. That we concur with the resolution from the Ontario Agricul- tural Council re costs of Childrens' Shelters; that 50% be paid by Co.unty and 50% by municipality where children resided. January 20th, 1938, St. Thomas, Ontario. 3. That no action be taken re resolution from Ontario Agricul- tural Council that the Provincial Government be asked to increase the subsidy on County Roads. Second Repod 4. That no action be taken re letter from W. Frank Charlton. The Agricultural Committee reports: -,'\ 6. That this Elgin County Agricultural Committee strenuously object to the destruction of trees of any size up to 81' stump, 2 feet above the ground, for the production of tobacco or any other produce and that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Ontario Agricultural Council at Toronto and to the Mlunicipal Association at Toronto. To the Elgin younty Council, Gentlemen: 1. That Agricultural the usual grant of $1,500.00 be made to the Council; to include the $500.00 statutory grant. County All of which is respectfully submitted. 2. That your whole committee be a committee to deal with all matters pertaining to reforestation. GEORGE VALLEE, Chairman. June 17th, 1938, St. Thomas, Ontario. All of which is respectfully submitted, GEORGE VALLEE, Chairman. November Session To the Elgin County Council, St. Thomas, January 21st, 1938. Gentlemen: June The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: To the Elgin C~unty Council, 1. That we concur with resolution received from the County Council of Halton re the stealing of fowl. Gentlemen: 118 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL us 2. Your committee reports that arrangements have bepu com- pleted for the establishment by the Province of niney-seven acres of the east half of Lot No.. 33,N.T'.R.E. Southwold as a first hardwood forest reserve.- The expense to the County W'i1~ be the improvement and gravelling of an approach on the east side, of which your committee l'ecommend the Gouncil to approve. CLERI{'S J~ICENS:E REPORT November To the Elgin County Council, 3. We have considered th.e circu1a,.rl~,from/~he Farmers' Loan Board with notice that the Board in the future will not pay thepenalty and interest on taxes on properties in which they are interested, and would recommend that this council take some action with a view to bringing the m,atter to the attenion of the public generally. Gentlemen: I have to report November 1938: the folloWling licenses in force on the 1st day of 4. 'l'hat we concur in resolution received from the Wentworth County Council re freight rates on agricultural products. Auctioneel' 5. The committee made a trip to Northern Ontario for forestry inspection and ploughing match, and would recommend that the four members of the comm~ttee who attended be paid the sum of $7.50 each. Clarence Wolf ummn____....u....m......_......._......m.R. R. 1 Vienna S. A. Brady;. ___nn.hnmhnh_...mm.omnnuumR.R. 2, Dorchester Fred Haag m..nh._..nh...mhmnn.uhmmnmnnnmnnmn..lngersoll Wilson Pound ___.._...n..nh....n. n..n.nmhhnnm.m..m.mnn.Aylmer Duncan A. Brown.. All of which is respectfully subm'itted. ..___......._.............................n.....Shedden H'arley E. Evert .nnnmnom.mmmm..nmnu.om.R.R. 6, Aylmer Harold G. Clarkm.m..n..n.._...m..nh...n.._..m..u.m.Wallacetown Fred Paul __.n_nn....._uuu..m...nn....n..n...nnh_.nnnnmnnnnnDutton Geo. Brown m.m..'_.h._m.m.nm.......um._.........R.R. 3, Florence Dan McIntyre. _.............._................._._...__...._...........nn..._...Appin Fred Haggan ___..___.._........._...._...................n....n..___._._..__..Aylmer Frank Fulkerson m_mnmm..m..m...........R.R. 1, TilIsonburg 6. That we concur in resolution received from the County Coun- cil o;f Norfolk in reference to a more, intensive study of the problem of successful marketing of farm products and recommend' tha.t those having a special knowledge of this subject should be brought together by the Government with a view to making a comprehensive 9.nd practical report. GEORGE VALLEE, Chairman. Transportation of Fowl R. W. MacDonald .m.m.nmnm_..._.........m.m....m.8t. Thomas tA. Esseltine nnm..n.m.._.h_.h......_n..n..n.......___...................nnlona Chas. E. Pangborn nnmhnnn.nnnnm..nm._.....mnnTalbotville Miller Page ........._......._........._._..._..._.._.....____..__............n....Dutton E. O. Wight mn_m_.;..nnnmnnmnnmnn_.__....___...,..mmnmRodney Edward Segal _._..............m.........n.._.h_...m..n..........St. Thorn,as St. Thomas, Ontario, November 23rd, 1938. 120 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 121 J~Ulh: Dealers OLD AGE PENSION REPORT M. Fisherman ....nm.___._mmm.n__.uu__.mmmn,mnnnmnnnRodney l:l. Pierce ____....'"moom...___.....__............____.727 "fork St., London J. Schure ...................._.___m__oo________________252 Grey St., London N ovembcl' To the Elgin County Council, Pedlar Thos. Nisbet & SonSmmnm...........nnunmnn______nmWardsv,ille Mrs. J. C. McCallum __n..___mmnnnmnm...Main St., Dutton Gentlemen: I present herewith report in connection with the adminif>tration of the Old Age Pen.sions Act in the County of Elgin. All of which is respectfully subriljitted. Since the passing of the Act 1482 applications have been. received, the present disposition of which is as folloWs: K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. Dca ths Refused Cancelled Transferred Pending Pensions in force 1st Nov., 1938._.........._____ 582 53 65 85 33 664 St. Thomas, Ontario, November 1938:\ 1482 Pensions, in force 1st,Nov. 1937 '..nommm......... 652 Since the 'first of November .1937, to the 31st of October 1938, 94' applications have been received. Of these six are in respect of blind- ness under an amendment to the Old Age Pensions Act passed in 1937 which provides for pensions for the blind when over 40 years of age. In addition, six applications have been received in cases where application had previo.usly been made and' refused. During this same period 17 pensions have been increased, 2 cancelled, 11 refused, 6 reinstated and 4 suspended. Paym.ents to municipal clerks for Old Age Pension applications from 31st October 1937, to Novem'ber 1938, were $273.00; secretary, $400.000. All of which is respectfully submitted. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. St. Thomas, Ontario, November 1938; 122 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 123 REPORT ON MOTHERS' ALLOWANCES By - Laws 1279 to 1302 November -0- BY-LAW No. 1279 To the Elgin County Council, To Authol'ize the Warden and Treasurer to Bonow the Sum of One. HUndred and Seventy-five Thousand Dollars Gentle~en : I present herewith report fn connection with'- the administration of Mothers' Allowances in the County of Elgin: The Elgin County, Council enacts: Since the Elgin Local Board was established 287 applications for Mothers' Allowances have been received. 'That the Warden and Treasurer be and are h.ereby' authorized to borrow the sum, of One Hundred and Seventy-five Thousand Dollars from the Bank of Montreal as it may be required to meet the expen- ditures of the Corporation of the County of Elgin during the year 1938, and give as security therefor notes of One Thousand or Ten Thousand Dollars each. The September pay list showed a total of seventy-one beneficiaries; the pay amount to $2165.00. All of which is respectfully submitted. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambel'S, St. Thomas, this 20th day of January, 1938. K. W. McKAY, County. Clel:k. K. W. McKAY, ERNEST LASHBROOK, St, Thomas, Ontario, November 1938. Clerk. Warden, BY-LAW No. 1280 To Amend By-Law No. 1236 The Elgin County Council enacts; That the Clerks of the local municipalities in the County be paid the sum of Three Dollars each for pension applications, and in addi- tion the sum of ten cents pel' mile, one way, for each .mile necessarily travelled in connection therewith. 124 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COllNdIL 125 ThaCparagr~ph g. of By-law No. 1236 be and is lierebyamended accordingly. BY-LAW No. 1282 That this by-law apply to applications received since the 25th o'~ November, 1937. '1'0 Provide' fOr' the. Total Expenditure on the System of County Roads in the County of Elgin as Approved by Ol'der-in-Council~' During, the Yea)' 1938 Read, a third time and passed" at County, Council Chal1?-.bers, St. T'hom)as, this 20th day of January, 1938. The l!:Igin County Council enacts: K. W. McKAY, E~NEST LASHBROOK, Clerk. Warden. WHE:aEAS TheH;ighway Imp:rovement Act, Chapter 56, R,S.a. 1937, requires that the total expenditure ou County Eoads and Briq.ges be provided for annually by County By-law. 1. The sum of $50,000 is, hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy,' debentures and govern,ment s":-lbsidy, for e~penditure upon con8truction on the said system. during the year 1938. BY-lAW No. 1281 To Designate County Road in the Village of Vienna 2. The sum of $50,000 is hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy and government subsidy for expenditure upon maintenance and repair of the roads in the said system during the year 1938. The Elgin County,. Council enacts: 3. The sum, of '$8..000.00 is hereby appropriated frOm monies raised by levy and government subsidy for expenditure on roads in the suburban area. That the road hereinafter set forth be designated as a County Road in the Village of Vienna. Nam'ely: from the Provincial Highway Number 19, beginning at lot 2, thence northerly to lot 24, thence north-easterly to the Mill Bridge across and along lots 17 to 21, thence south-westerly along the Creek road to the Westerly limits of the Village of Vienna; a distance of approximately one and a quarter m.iles. 4~ The said monies shall be expended under the direction of the duly appointed county road superintendent and on work per- formed in accordance with the last revised regulations respecting county roads issued by the Department Of Highways of Ontario. Tha,t the Minister of Highways be asked to approve of this desig- nation. 5. The Clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of the Deputy Minister, Department of Highways of approval on or before the 31st day of January of the this by-law to Ontario, for present year. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thom'as, this 20th day of January, '1938. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 20th day of January, 1938. E:. W. M;c:KAY. ,Clel;k, ER:NEST LASHBROOK. Warden. K. W. ~cKAY, ERNEST LASHBROOK, Clerk. Warden. 126 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 127 BY-LAW No. 1283 Bayham South Dorchester Aylmer Dutton Port Stanley Springfield Vienna RJodney West Lorue To Designate a Road in the Township of 'Malahide The Elgin County Council enacts: That the road hereinafter set forth be designated as a County Road in the Township of Malahide: Namely: from. the, townline between Yarmouth and Malahide, between concessions 4' and 5, easterly to the Bayham. town line: a distance of about eight and three~qual'ter miles. 2,425,735 2,080,584 1,585,082 512,653 942,889 184,874 , 121,044 421,450 348,366 $30,235,345 Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 21st day of J an uary 1938. That this Council is willing to have the final equalization of a'ssess- lnent rolls, in case of appeal, made by the County Judge. Clerk. Warden. Read a third thne and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 21st day of January, 1938. K. W. M1cKAY, . ERNEST LASHBROOK, 1<:. W. MlcKAY, Clerk. ERNEST LASHBROOK, Warden. BY-LAW No. 1284 To Confirm the E(IUalization of the Assessment Rolls of the County of Elgin for the Year 1938 BY-LAW No. 1285 To Appoint County, Road Committee The Elgin County Council enacts: That the following be the equalization of the Assessment Rolls, of the County of Elgin for the year 1938. The 'Elgin County Council enacts, as required by The Highway Act: That the following five members of this Council constitute a Committee for the purpose of directing the work to be done on the County Road System: Aldharough un....___n.........___ Dunw'ich South~old Yarmouth Malahide u.mmuuu,...$ .,,705,658 4,048,205 5,104,276 5,313,553 3,440,976 J. H. Sloanum....u..u.m.....u......m....,For Term of One 'Year W. B. Lancasternm.......nm_....mF'or Term of Tw'o Years F. H. Milleru........mu.........hn.mFor Term of Three Years Roy TansleYmn...un.u...mm....un..For Term of Four Years George Vallee.n.m.....h........m.....For Term of Five Years 128 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 129 That By-law No. 1262 he and is hereby repealed. Read a third time. and passed at County Council Chambers, St. BY.LAW No. 1287 Thomas, this 21st day of January, 1938. To Designate County Roads (Amended as to . Paragraphs .2 and 3. by By~Law 1302) K. W. MlcKAY, Clerk. ERNEST LASHBROOK, The Elgin County Council enacts: Warden. That RIO,ads: the roads herei!lafter set forth be designate<ias County BY-LAW No. 1286 1. Road in the Township of South Dorchester between conces- sions 11 and 12, from; lot 24 east to the Centre road; a distance of approximately four and one-half miles. To Appoint an Inspector for the PUl'pOS~ of Eradicating the COl'n Borer 2. Road in the Township of Bayham, running east from, Road No. 46, at Corinth School, to, No~ 19 Highway at Eden; approximately three miles. The Elgin County Council enacts: That E. J, Hatton, of the Township of Dunwich, be and he is hereby appointed Inspector for the purpose of' eradicating the Corn Borer. 3. Road in the Township of Yarmouth, between lots 7 and 8 from. the east' end of Wellington Street southerly to the road between concessions 3 and 4 or County Road No, 27. That while engaged in the performance of his duties the said Inspector shall be paid the sum, of Six Dollars per day to include travelling and other expenses. 4. Township road from Campbe~Wm to West Townline in Dun- wlch, it being a connecting link from County Road No, 5, an extension to Road No. 12; a distance of about tWlo and a quarter miles. That all by-IaWis hel'etofore passed in this behalf be and are hereby repealed, .5. Road,in,the Township of Southwold beginning at R()ad No. '19 or. lot 18, betw'een concessions 2 and 3,. 'thence easterly to the townline between Middlesex and Elgin at lot .22, approximately one and one.,. half miles. That the said Inspector appoint a sub-inspector for each township, said appointments to be approved by the Township Councils. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 21st day of January, 1938. Rea,Q.- a -third time,and passed. a.t County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 21st day of January, 1938. K. W. MlcKAY, Clerk. ERNEST LASHBROOK, K. W. McKAY, ERNEST LASHBROOK, "Varden. Clerk. Warden. 130 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY-LAW No. 1288 To Appoint Advisory Agricultural Council The Elgin County Council enacts: That the Advisory Agricultural Council be composed of one member from each township, and eight honorary members, the following to be appointed: Members: .Frank McGregor, Aldborough bavid Carroll, bUllwich :E. E. Luton, Southwold R. A. Penhale, Yarmouth Harry Kent, Malahide Grant Mitchell, Bayham D. Noble, South Dorchester .j,-, Honorary Members 1 The mem.bers of the Agricultural Commlittee of this Council. That m.embers of said Advisory Agricultural Council be paid the same as ~embers of this Council for attendance at the two meetings required to .be held annually, in February and November, and that they receive their travelling and other expenses for attendance at special or emergency meetings called by the chairman. Read a third time and passed at the County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 21st day of January, 1938. K. W. MlcKAY, ERNEST LASHBROOB:, Clerk. Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 131 BY-LAW No. 1289 To Appoint High School Trustees The Elgin County Council enacts: That Merton Chute be appointed a trustee of the Vienna High School for. two years to complete the term of the late James Mc- Allister. That Edward Smith be a'Ppointed for one year to complete the term of Frank Ferris. That George Steel's be appointed for three years. That H. B. Hockin be re-appointed trustee of the Dutton High School for the term of three years. That H. L. Stratton be appointed a trustee of the Aylm:er High School for three years, and Lorne Miller for two years, to succeed D. Connor, resigned. Read a third time and passed at the County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 21st day of January, 1938. K. W. McKAY, ERNEST LASHBROOK, Clerk. Warden. 132 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 133 BY-LAW No. 1290 accounts of the preceding year, and also transmit to the Warden, the Chairman of the Finance Comlml.ttee, and the County Clerk an 'abstract statem!ent o~ Rece;ipts and Expenditures as completed for each quarter:, together with a report in reference to any irregularity or other m;atter that in the opinion of the said' Auditor should be brought to their attention. To Appoint a Board of Audit in the County of EIA'in For the Year 1938 The Elgin County Council enacts: That the Judge of the County Court and Mr. Wilbert C. Wheaton be, and are hereby appointed members of the Board of Audit to . perform the duties required of them by ReS.a. 3. 'l'hat the said Auditor be paid an annual salary of Two Hun- dred and Forty Dollars, said' salary to be. paid quarterly on the order of the Warden. That the members of the said Board of Audit be paid the, sum of Five Dollars per day for their services and five cents per mile, going to and fronlj each Audit. Read a third tiine and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 21st day of January, 1938. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 21st day of Januar~, 1938. K. W. McKAY, Clerk. ERNEST LASHBROOK, Warden. K. W. McKAY, ERNEST LASHBROOK, Clerk. Warden. BY-LAW No. 1292 BY-I,AW No. 1291 To Designate a Thl'ough Highway Repealed by 1293 To Avpoint Cormty Auditor The :Elgin County Council enacts: 'l'he Elgin County Council enacts: That intersection on Road No. 43 In the Township of South bOl'. ster, between lots 6 and 7,in c'oncession 10 and 11 be designated a 'Through Highway and stop signs be placed protecting same. 1. That John D. Thomson is hereby appointed Auditor to hold office during the 'pleasure of the Council. Read a third tihte and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 21st day of January, 1938. 2. That it shall be the duty of the said Auditor to examine and audit all a~counts affecting the Corporation or relating to any matter under its control or within its jurisdiction, quarterly, during each calendar year, and report at the January Session in each year on the K. W. McKAY, ERNE'ST LASHBROOK, Clerk. Warden. 134 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 135 'BY-LAW No., 1293 Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 17th day of June, 1938. To Repel...] By-law No. 1292 To Designate a Through Highway :K. W. McKAY, ERNEST LASHBROOK, Clerk. Warden. The Elgin County Council enacts: That County Road No. 43, being the road allowance between concessions 10 and 11, Township of South Dorchester, be designated as a through highway at its intersection with the road between lots. 6 and 7, pursuant to the provisions of subsection 3 of Section 39 of t~e Highway Traffic Act. BY-LAW No, 1295 That By-law No. 1292 be and is hereby repealed. To Fix the Salary of the Inspector of the l(ouse of Industry The Elgin County Council enacts: Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 17th day of June, 1938. K. W. McKAY, Clerk. ERNE,ST LASHBROOK, That the Inspector of the House of Industry be paid an' annual salary .of One Rundred Dollars; payable quarterly. Warden. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 17th day of June, 193f3. :re. w. McKAY, Clerk. ERNEST LASHBROOK, Warden, BY-LAW No. 129~ To Repeal :By~law No. 1281 N tit Approved by Minister of Highways BY-LAW No. 1296 ~l'o Extend Time for 'tax Sale. p.- The Elgin County Council enacts: -That By-law' Na. 1281, pass~d at January Sessian to designate a County Road in the Village .of Vienna, be and the same- is hereby 1'epealed. 'I'he ~lgln COunty Council enacts: That the time for the enforced collettion by sale of lahdin arrears 1'01' taxes in the Caunty .of Elgin, be and is hereby extended for one year. 136 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 137 Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, SL Thomas, June ,17th, 1938. Vienna Rodney West Lorue 121,044 421,450 348,366 K.W, 'McKAY, ERNEST LASHJ;3ROOK, $ 30,310,345 Clerk. Warden. THEREFORE the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin euacts: 1. That a rate of 3 9/10 mills on the dollar be levied on all rate- able property in the several m.unicipalities in the County of Elgin, as above set forth for the year 1938. BY-LAW No, 1297 To Raise Amounta for County Rates during the Yea.I' 1938 2. That'the amounts required for County and for High and Con- tinuation School purposes as set forth in the following Schedule be levied in the respective municipalities during 1938, and paid to the County Treasurer as, by law required. WHEREAS an estimate has been made ~howing that the sum of One B'undred and Eighteen Thousand, Two Hundred and Ten Dollars is required to be raised in the several ~unicipalities for thf! lawful purposes of the County during the year 1938, on the basis of equalized assessment as determtined'in 1937. Municipality Aldborough nunWich :Southwold YarmJouth lMalahide l;3ayham South Dorchester Aylmer Dutton Port Stanley Springfield Total Equalized Value uum$ 3,705,658 4,048,205 5,lD4,276 5,313,553 3,440,976 2,425,735 2,155;584 1,585,082 512,653 942,889 184,874 SCHEDULE School Rates County Rate Total MUnicipality G.eneral '\T-ocational 1st % 2nd % 1st '" 2nd % Municipality General Vocational Aldborough uu.. ,uu$ 2.428 $ ~,671 $ 541 $ 395 $ 14,452 $ +9,487 Dunw?tch m"....nonmm 2989 2987 590 704 15,788 23,047 ~outhwold n..no. "m'on 3,398 3,303 744 781 19,907 28,133 Yarmouth nmnnon.m.. 3,652 5,278 775 1248 20,722 31,675 Malahide onnm"_,",_m 2,456 3,215 502 760 13,419 20,352 Bayham. "mnn__ "no. 1,587 458 354 108 9,460 11,967 South Dorchester nn 1,376 1,007 314 238 8,407 11,342 Aylmer .non'"n____.... ,'.n 231 6,181 6,412 Dutton honmm.hnnnn__ 75 2,000 2,075 Port Stanley. hun<non 807 781 137 185 3,677 5,587 Springfield hUn:........m 27 722 749 Viemia ummh.nonnn 18 473 491 Rodney m..m.m..__...... 61 1,643 1,704 West Lorne . nm....... 51 1,359 1,410 - - - - - $18,691 $18,691 $ 4,420 $4,420 $ 118,210 $ 164,431 ~ND WHEREAS the estimated amount required for High and Continuation School purposes based on Maintenance costs fo't 1937 as determined under provisions of the High School Acts is Forty-six Thousand Two Hundred and Tw'enty-three Dollars. 138 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, June 17th, 1938. K. W. McKAY, Clerk. ERNEST LASHBROOK, Warden. IH'-LAW No. 1~9g To Revert Road in the Township of Bayhant The Elgin Count.y Council ehacts: That the following road be reverted to the TOW(hship of Bayham; being road which has been used in lieu of the, Talbot Road from a point three hundred and twenty (320) feet east of the westerly limit ofi19 fiorth easterly and easterly across the south parts of lots 119 and 120, N.T.R.E. to a point distant five hundred and twenty (520) feet east of the westerly limit Of lot 120. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, November 23rd, 1938. K. W. M'oKiAY, Clerk. W. B. LANCASTER, Acting Warden, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 139 BY-LAW No. 1299 To Designate a Tlll'ough Highway The Elgin County Council enacts: That County Road Number 20, better known as the Union Road, in the Township of Southwold, at its intersection with the road be- tween lots thirteen and fourteen-North Union Road be designated as a through highway pursuant to the provisions of sub-section 3 of section. 39 of the Highway Traffic Act. And that Stop signs be placed at this intersection. Read a third time and passed at County C'ouncil Chambers, N ovemher 23rd, 1938. I - K. W. McKAY, W. B. LANCASTER, Clerk. Acting Warden. BY-LAW No. 1300 To Appoint Trustee for the Aylmer High School The Elgin County Council enacts: That Charles Brooks be appointed High School Trustee for the Aylmer High School for 1939 and 1940 to fill out the term of H. L. Stratton appointed in By-law No. 1289, who has resigned. Read a third time and passed at County C'ouncil Chambers, November 25th, 1938. K. 'W. McKAY,' Clerk. W. B. LANCASTER, Acting Warden. 140 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 141 BY-LAW No. 1801 limit of road allowance in lot 8, being King's Highway number 3, and continuing east from the Easterly limits of Highway number 3, to the westerly limits in road allowance to lot 22, being King's Highway number 19, a distance of approximately 4: miles. To Provide for Additional Expenditure on County Roads in the Connty of Elgin The Elgin County Council enacts: That an additional sum of Eight Thousand Dollars be apl?!o:' priated to the County Road System to complete the work uundertaken during the year 1938,. to be expended under the direction of the County ROB:d Superintendent in accordance with revised regulations respect- ing County Roads. 2. That the road in the Township of Yarmouth, between lots 7 and 8, concession 4, commencing at the northerly limit of the road allowance between concessi'Ons 3 and 4, being County Road numbel' 27, thence northerly across concessions 4, 5, 6, 7; and 8, to -the south~ erly limit of the given road allowance which is the continuation of Wellington Street in the City of St. Thomas, being the alternate route of King's Highway number 3, t'hrough the City of st. Thomas. Head a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, on November 25th, 1938, That paragraphs numbered 2 and 3 of. By-law No. 1287 be and are hereby repealed. K. W. M'cK,AY, W. B. LANCASTER, Clerk. Acting .Warden. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, on N ovemlber 25th, 1938. K. W. McKAY, W. B. LANCASTER, Clerk. Acting Warden. BY-LAW No. 1802 To Designate COWlty Roads and Amend By-Law No. 1287 The Elgin County Council enacts: That the roads hereinafter set forth be designated as County Roads: 1. That road in the Township of Bayham between concessions S and 9, commencing at the East limit of the road allowance between lots 5 and 6, being County Road number 46J Easterly to the Westel'ly 142 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 143 BY-LAWS- No. 1279 To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow the Sum of One Hundred and Seventy..five Thousand DollarS....n. ........:....19, 12;;.. No. 1280 To Amend By-Law No. 1236.....mmnun .::........20, 123- No. 1281 To Designate County Road in the Village of Vienna un mm..nmn.....nm......nn__.___. ......._............20, 39, 124 No. 1282 To Provide for the Total Expenditure on the System of County Roads in the County of Elgin as Approved by Order-in-Council, during the year 1938... mnnn ._ __..mm,mnn...mnm.21, 125 To Designate a Road in the Township of Malahide ...nnn... .__.__ .mnmn'",,_ .mmnom _ _,",n___. ___.22. 126 To Confirm the EqualizatiOn of the Assessment Rolls of the County of Elgin for the Year 1938 nunn.................. .n_........_______.............. .......n ..........22, 126 '1'0 4Ppoint County Road Committee.._..............n ....23, 127 To Appoint an Inspector for the Purpose of eradicating the Corn Borer............m........... .........24, 128 To Designate County Roads.._. .......,.n...................._ ..24, 129 To Appoint Advisory Agricultural CounciL........n-25, 130 To Appoint High School Trustees... om ................ n.26, 131 To Appoint a Board of Audit in the County of Elgin for the Year 1938.........._ ..................... ........26, 132 To Appoint County Auditor..._...._...... mnom.. ............27, 132 To Designate a Through Highw'ay...__..............28, 39, 133 To Designate a Through H!ighwaY.........n.m.............44, 134 To Repeal By~Law No. 1281.........................mm.........45, 134 '.ro Fix the Salary of the Inspector of the House of Industry.................... ......_____.................... ...............45, 135 To Extend Time for Tax Sale.. ......m...........................46, 135 To Raise Amounts for County Rates during the Year 1938........ ..........m. ...... ............ ..........._ ..._..... _..47, 136 To Revert Road in the Township of Bayham........58, 138 To Designate a Through Highway.... n....' ....59, 139 To Appoint a Trustee for the Aylmer High School ................__..........._,...............................................60, 139 No. 1283 No. 1284 No. 1285 No. 1286 No. 1287 No. 1288 No. 1289 No. 1290 No. 1291 No. 1292 No. 1293 No. 1294 No. 1295 No. 1296 No. 1297 No. 1298 No. 1299 No. 1300 INDEX No. 1301 To Provide fot' Additional :Expenditure on County Roads in the County of Elgin....m.....60, 140 No. 1302 To Designate County Roads and Amend By~Law No. 1287.......,.,...........,.,."........,.,.,.",.,.,.,...,.......,....."...,61, 140 GRANTS- ,.2. 58 MISCELLANEODS- Advisory County Road Committee........h..........'........h.......................... 17 Blue Water Highway..........'.n.........h..............................h......................... 15 Board of Audit............... "-............. ..... .................;..................... ......... ......... 9 Calcium Roads.............................. ..._ .....mh...............................m................. 5 Children's Aid Society...........__... m.. ...............m...16) 31, 40, 43" 48, 55, 57 Communications........._...__......................__.....,...................... 7, 14, 36,411, 49 Corn Borer Inspector...... .................. u.... ""'."''''''''.'''''....'_.....m... .......m 9 County Auditor........"",......... ._.................... ....."................,...,..._.............. ...... 18 County Council............. .......................... .............._.................... .."u........"....... 3 County Officials.............,..u.....m.. ....... .......u....... ...........'..............."............... 2 County Picnic..m....,...n___..................h... .....................h...............'......h........... 29 County Roadsn...__.h..m.....................................,.....,................................. ,....,6, 10 County Trea.surer .........................n..'n.............................................................. <17 Court House Repairsou..n..................................._...............................,.......... 100 beath, Galbraith & McNeilL........_........................n.................................5, 7 beputations and Committees............._..........._...........................m..38, 53, 111 l!JIIgin, .Lord - V.isitm..n.h...n.......nn.......,..........h........._........n.........n....'.".'.", 53 lD'qualization ._...u......_..n........n~;.....n....;;....n_..................n...........n.............._.. 64 Gaol and Court Hou'Se....~..nn...._u......m'.....................h..'.m....u...mm...u.... 31 Highway Im!provement' EX!penditures.....n.................m.h...m............m. 16 144 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Hi-gh ISchools..__,___.....__...<,......____...___.__..,._______.__.,....----.-.-.---.-.--"-~._.,.. ',.--,---'-'--""'--- High School Trustees.._m__:..___.m.....uu.___.nm..__n..nm.m.__. mmnnn ..mll0, House ,of oIndustry~__...n...__u__+__.-"_...__---_n_m.,.n._m.m.m-n----.-.......m.........3\l, Industrial'Standards .Ad IInsurance Lighting Road to Port Stanley.....nnm__..,.___.__________.. Memor~al Hospi taL___"_,.________._..,.._._______...__.___..___._______. Municipal Clerks and Treasurers._nm......._. N ew Legislation....__..,.."".______.___.____..._...__...______...,.___.._.___ ...._n_______..___.._____ Ontario Agricultural CounciL_____m.................___..___m Ontario Farm Loan Board_...m_.m.n_.._mm_m_ ._000000_000. .mn.m Ontario Good Roads Associationum___.......nm... ..mn___ n...nnmm.m ..._m Ontario !Municipal Association ._....___m..n.___.___.u,.___..m..m. __'___00_______29, Provincial Highway....m.___...__.m...n_____....__m...n. .nunm'm_ mnnm....m16, 'Reforestation ...........__.._.00..00...._...........00_.......00.......00......00.00.... .~.........n'......_ Sanitorum Costs........._............__._...........__.................. ....----.-.......00.--.....0000..-.. ,school Law 'Senator, Western UniversitY.n.......nm.m.....___..___nm ..........___m___mn.___.___ Warden's Address .__........_.."._.._......~........n"._....._...........n.._.._...00..._......00...__5, 'Warden1s Elec'tionm...........__....._._............._...m..._.n.._..........0000.__.._......._....4, Warden - Resolu'tion of RegreL.n...mmn...unnm.__...nm___.___n..unnn..... REPORTS OF COMMITTEES AND OFFICIALS- Administration of Justice.n..................__........__......n...nn............._..____00...._. 43 Agricultural Comm'ittee...unn._...._m.m...__mm..._._....___.nn15, 18, 44, 55, 115 Auditors' ..........._........._..____000.....__...................._....................00_.......__.............64. 73 County Road Committee ___......m.n...n___..___42, 50, 56, 88,90, 91,93., 95 .county . Treasurer.....m.m.___n..._...m___..___mmmm..mmmn.__mnmn.m.41. 51, 82 County Clerk on Licenses.m....,.......___....mn,n.._m.nm____...._.m.nm..___.mm.. 119 :Education Committee m...______m.m..mm"m.n.mm.n.",.mnm...m.15, 56, 61, 103 Finance Committee....m..m..u..nnnn15, 38, 41, 44, 56, 66, 68, 70, 71, 7Z Gaol Committeemnm.m...m.._____u.___nm.m.mm.n......mmm..412, 43, 55, 100, 102 'House of 'Industry. Committee.....nnnm_...___._......__u.m.___15, 38, 411, 56, 112 Inspector, House of lndustry___..........___..nm.._umn.m__...___mm.m..umm__.n 10-5 Physician, .House of Indllstry........hn.___.n.........nmn..n.ummnn....._.mn.... 104 .Mothers' Allowances.__.....n..__.........__.............__....._......_.....0000..._................._.. 122 Old Age Pensions.nn...nm.n.m.n.mmm.__nnnn.n..n.....m.m...__mm._.m...__m. 121 Petitions and Legislation Committee...nnm...m___.n......mmnm:l,5, 42, 113 Suburlban Area Commission.___mnnnm__u___mn.m..........m_..._n._mmnn......__ 84 Standing Committee..n.m.m........h..__...m.mm.....____m_.....mn___..___.._n..m..,7,: 63 5 H IJI 5'1 6fr IS 4G 2 32 2~ 51 2~ 6< 2& 6 32 32 W3 sa ,49 51