1939 Minutes PROCEEDINGS -OF THE- Elgin County Council During the .sessions held in the Court House, St. Thomas III the months of JANUARY, JUNE AND NOVEMBER t 1939 1 K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. ASHTON PINEO, Warden. OFFICIALS 1939 D. C. Ross/COunty Judge E,_ Bla1ke Miller, -Registrar 1. D. Cameron, County Court Clerk, Sheriff E. W. I-Iaines, Clerk of trhe' Peace and ,County; Crown Attorney MaJor .C.......P. Ermatinger, Goaler Public (School Inspectors: ]. C.Sl11ith, St; Tho111as~Ya,rmout'h, Malahide and 'Bayham A'ylmer, Port ,Stoau'ley, Spriug1fireld, Vienna, St. T'homas D. G. SliJ:ith, 115'5 'Thornton Aye" London~South Dorchester K. "0/, McI<;ay,ICounty Clerk J. D. 'f\homson, Deputy C1erkand Il1spectorHouse of Industry Benjamin B. Graham, County Treasurer F. A. Bell, C.E" County; Engineer G. F. Pinneo, County IRoad Sup.erilltcndent George Powles, Assistant Rvad Superintendent E. S. Livermore, Coun-tySolicitor Douglas L. EWitl, jM. D., PhysiCian, House of Industry and Gaol Fred H. Ingram; Keeper, House of Industry M. ID. McrCrimmon, County 'Police Magistrate Frank C. Kelly, Provincial HighCollstable St'. Thomas P.l0. unless otherwise specified County Auditors: D. ,M. Leitch, "Vest Lorue; W. E. Locke PROCEEDINGS -OF THE- Elgin County Council FIRST SESSION-FIRST DAY Tuesday the 17th day 'of January, 1939 The Elgin County .Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, as required by Statute. The following members ,filed certificat'es and took their seats at the IGouncil Board':';' James W. Neil, Reev.e, Aldhorough J. R. Bandeen, Dcput}~ Reeve, Alclhorough MUNICIPAL CLERKS AND TREASURERS Municipality Clerk Treasurer Aldhorough ,.."..,.,Miss Vera Carpente~, Rodney.............\\1. S. Stalker, R. K 1, Rodney Dunwieh,..,... ..A.IN. McWilliam, Dutto!) ....Mr-s. Mildred MoNeil, Dutton Southwold... ..J.S.B. Annett, Fingal...,..C E. Jackson, R. 2, Port Stanley yarmou.th..........l-I. L Lawton, ,St. Thomas........H. L. 'Lawton, St. Thoma~ Malahide ........... ...."J ohn M. Hale, Aylmer.... .......,..-,E, E. ,McTaggart, Aylmer Bayham......................... B. Brian" -Straff,ordville .........;M. :Strattol1, Straffordville South IDorchester,....M. S. Charlton,R. 1, Springfield.....M. S. 01arlton, I~.R. 1, Spring'field Town of Aylmer "'............."'''...."..............John IFoy' ............."...............H. E. Armstrong Village of Vienna ,................"."".........".....M. D. Berdan ,............,..............M. D. Berdan Village ,of Springfield ....""...............]ohn Hodgson ....................".....\Vm. H. Cathers Village of Dutton .........."''''..............'''Z,.;E. IMcCal1um ............,.......2. E. McCallum Village of Port Stanley".. ...", ,.....W. A, Hawkins ....."..........:W. A. Hawkjn~ Village of Rodney.". ......Geo. rL. Mistele... ......".......,... .....Geo. -L. Mistde Villa.g~ of West Lome .""................L. W. Holland ....."."...Mrs. Tena McGregOl c.'Patterson, Reeve, DUl1wich \i\Tm. ,McArthur, Deputy Reeve, DUl1wich F. H.Miller, Reeve, ,Sout'hwold R. Auckland, [Deputy Roeve, South-wold Roy Tansley, Reeve, Yannouth John E. Munro; Deputy Reeve, Yarmouth Ashton Pinl1eo, .Re.evc, Malahide Herbert lNe\vcll,DeputYJReeve, Malahide George Vallee, Reeve. Bayham 4 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 5 J. G. Turnbull, Deputy Reeve, Bayham FIRST SESSION-SECOND DAY H. G. Taylor, Reeve, South Dorchester Wednesday the 18th day of January, 1939 E. E.Atkins,oll, Reey,e, Aylmer l'1he Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in ,acc,ord'ance with adjournment. VV. A. Peckham, Deputy Reeve, Aylmer The W,arden in the chair. Delben Ryan, Recv,c, Vienna George Craik, Herve/Springfield All thcmcmbers present ,except Mr. Lashbrook. The Warden addressed the Council: "\T. C. ,Wheaton, Reeve, Port Stanley Warden's Address J. D. Fraser, Reeve, Dutton V.E, ,Lemon, H.eeve, \Nest Lome To the Elgin County Council, GenHcmcn: The election ofWardcl1 was then proceeded with andth:e Coun- cil by 'an' unanimous vote ,appointed Asht'on IPineo Warden for the year 119G9. The Warden-elect .then made the statutory declaration of bffioe and addressed the 'Goundl, tlhall'king them for the honor COll- fened. In electing me as your chairman for 1939 you conferred a high honor, one that is very much appreciated. ,We should endeavour to mak,c t-he year 1939 'one of the best in 'so ,far aseconomic.al admil1istra~ 60n is concerned. I, do not know that tI11ere is much new business to be brought before you. Moved by ;I-I. G. Taylor, --'Carried. Children's Aid Society The necessity for re-arrangement of the Constitution of a soc iety like ours appear3 to be .a11lat~er that was overlooked by the Wel- fare Department. The closing of the sheiterbuilding was, in the opinion, of many friends of t1he wor'1e, a mistake-it has done much to dlienatethcir sympathetic attitude, When societies were first organ- ized -under the Children':s Protection Act they were often referred' to as a system for receiving co-operation oft-he public and the niunidpal- ities jn the work and with very few e~cephons gave entire satisfa,ction. Sec-onded by J. G. Turnbull: That this council do now adjourn ITa meet again on \iVednesday at 10 a.m. and the Heeves of the different munidpa'lities be a com- mittee to strike standing committees. ASHTON PINEO, Warden. County Roads The County: H.oad System ~ppears to be g,iving ennre satisfac- " Ii" II 6 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 7 tiOl1 to 1!h~ mcmbcrsof the 'Council and tQ the eOmmittee in charge. Hospital Notices oneef sufficient importanoe to warr.ant the council ,appointing a special .committee to go into the ma1ter' and with power to make ar- rangements t,emporary or - otherwis,e. The County Council has already expressed .themselves in reference to the matter. "~ :1 ':1 \Vhcnillc1igcnts arc admitted to hospitals, notices are sent to the municipalities liable for their maintenance which do not always .give sufficient information to enable the officials. to identify them as re-sidcnts. I think we might have a form of notice prepared and sup- plied to the hospitals that will suggest the information required, II ".1 ! Relief Golonel Stewart and the Officers ,of the.. Elgin Re.gimenthaxe extended an invitation to t'he 'Council to haV'e dinner with them at the Armories this ,evenil1g. This is in accordance with an unde.rstanding at the November session when it' was ,found necessary to postpone the banquet. The invhaotion should be y;ery much appreciated and accep~ tedby every mem1ber 'Of the council. In connectioll with relief expenses we are 'frequently requesteel to providt1 for X-ray and ather sp,ccial s(;rvices. This is not required under the Hospitals Act although local municipalities, 'Often assume the expense and pay the full ,cost. The Pr,oceedillgsof the previous day and the last day 'Of the November Session were read andcol1ofirmed. Reforestation Mr. 'Whe:at-on presented the report of the ,commiHee to stdkc the standing comnli'ttees w:hkh ,was ref.erred to a committee of the whole with lMr. Tansley in the Chair. A,fter amendment the repOrt was, adopted on matinn .of Mr. Vallee, seconded by Mr. Neil. The Elgin 'Count'}' Council has not done much in the way: 'Of re~ farestatian althoug'h some committees have spent money in. making 'tr.ips of inspectian to ather more ,pNgre,ssive communitie.s to admire i'l1C trees planted by Counties and Municipalities. I would like to se_e a de,finite program prepared so that the future of the municipalities in this county 'v.,,;11 not be entirely overlooked. The -f.61lowingcommunicatiolls were read: From The Salvation Army, application for grant.-Refcrred to Finance 'Committ.ee. House of Industry From F. J. Kilgour, See; County' Council',s Assacia'tion, redc1e~ gates to attend meeting in February.-~Referredta Finance Cammittet:. 1 i I I , , , The repairs made Hlst year at the House of Industry nave given satisfaction and have received tine approval of the Provincial lnspec~ tor. He is now directing 'Our attention ta other matt.ers' re.qui~ing a- tention which I would suggest be -left over until next year. Fram Ontario Agricultural ,Gouucil, re appo111tment oj delegate:,; and payment:of membership fee.-----jReferr,ed to Agricultural Committee. From Department 'Of Higlhwa'}'s, re meet of RoadiSuperlntc11- dents.-...Refer,red ta Good Roads Committee. Convalescent Homes The Minister of l-Iealth is directlng special attentian to thenec~ essity for convalescent hames in which haspital and sanatorium pat... ients would Ibe cared' for ,at a . reduced rat'c, I vhink the question is From Secretaty of Ontario Good .H.oads Associatian, re annnal mceting.-Rcferred ta Go-ad Roads CommiNee. Fram J._H. Parter, Chairmfll1 Reforestati0n Assodatiol1"applica- 8 Elgin County Council don for grall't.-lReferr,ed ,to Agricultural Committee. From Lord Elgin repor.ting thanks from the Fife County Council f.or the reception extended to him in St. Thomas. From 'Canadian INati.onal 111stitutefor the Blind, application for ,grant.--..jReferred Ita the Finance CDlumiUee. ,Fr,om the 'County Council of Middlesex r,equestingco-operation with refercll1ce Ita the extension of the Dog T,ax and ,Live: Stock Pro- tection Act. to include horses, hogs and poultry.--JReferred to Petitions and 'Leg-isla tious Gommhtee. From Oiltario ,Municipal Associ.at-ion re delegates and member- ship.--'-Referrec1' ;to Finance ,Committee. From Secretary ot the 'County Council Section of the School Trustees and Ratepayers' Association, re delegates to annual meeting. --.,.Referred to. Finance Committee, From County Council ,of the Oounty of YoQrk, with resolution in reference t'0 the relief of real estate fl'om taxation.-1Re.ferred to the PetitioQns 'and. Legislation Committee, From the Ontario Agricultural 'College, reporting the infestation of Corn Borer in Elgin County to be the highest in the province, and 111 refernce to the appointment of an Insp0ctor.--lRderred to Awricul. turid ConuniNee. ,From the County Councils of Kent and Essex, re t'he refusal of t,he Gommissioner of Agricultural Loans toO pay tax penalties and in- terest,~Referred to Petiti'ons and Legislation 'Committee. :FroQUl,Benjamill Brian, Clerk of the Township of Bayham reo questing 'col1'finnation of .By~law No. 110411 to close Pitt St. in Port Burwell.--'Referred to' County Roads Committee, From Department of Highways rc Boy-Jaw for ,county road ex~ , [. Elgin ,County Council 9 penditure during 119319,----1Referred to County :Roads Committee. From County Counc'il .of Kent, re maintenance "of indigent con~ . valescents from sanatoriums and hospitals.--\Referred to the Finance Committee. From ,County Gouncil ,of Grey, re installation .of hydro in rural districts,-'-<Referred to Petition~ and LegislatioQn Committ'ee. From ,Provincial Inspecto'r of House .of Refuges, wi,t'h report.- Referred to House .of Industry Committee. From Department of Public,W,clfare fe Pensions. and ,Mothers' Allowances Local,Boards.-....Referred to Finance Commit'tee. From .ontario ,society for !Crippled Children, -re application for grant.~Referredto Finance Committee. From Turnkey Fawcett', re increase in ..sala,ry,-,Referred to Gaol Committee. . From Co1oQnel Stewart, Officer :Commanding the Elgin Regi ment, re invitat'ion to the Council and Officials 'for dinner at the Armories,,Vvednesday evening at 6.30o'c1oclc. From Association of Rural Municipalities, re representatiori and membership fee.-.Referr,ed to Finance .committee, Fr.om County Treasurer with report.-Referred to Finance Committee, 1'Iovcd by R. Tansley, Seconded by Geo. Vallee; T,hat H. G. ,Tay,lor ,and D. IFraser be itppointed aclvisorymem- bers of the Road ICommittee. -'--'Carried. 10 Elgin, . County' Co,uncil Elgin County . Council 11 M,oved by Wm. ,McArthur, Moved hy H. G. Tay:lor, rSeconded by C. Patterson: Seconded by .George Craik: -'Carried. T.hat the usual guants be paid to the Women',s Instit'utes in the county, i.e. Ten Dollars to each Institute. Twenty~,five Dollars cae-h to the East and West Distriet lust-i.. tntes. That J. ,E. Sloan he app;oint'ed a member of Itrhc Ag,ricultural Advisol:Y Board, to replace D. E. Carroll. Moved by 1-1. G. Taylor, Five Dollars each to the Belmont and Harrietsvme Institutes. Seconded, by J. G. Turn1bull: -:-lCarded. That the usual grant of $50 be rnad~ to -the Elgin Trustees and ,Ratep~,y~rs, A,ssociation. ' Moved by V. E. L'cmon, ----'Carried. See,onded by J. R Bandccl1; 1vlov.ed by H. G. Taylor, That the usual ,grants to Pub.1ic' Libraries be paid: $50 ,ea,ch to Rodne)', West Lome, Dutton, Aylmer, Port Stanley, Vienna;' Spring~. field, Sparta, Bayham and :Shedden, and.$25 ,each to Wardsville and Belmont. Seconded by C. ,Patterson: ---<Carried, That Mr. Wheaton' be appointed a member of the ,Board of Audit of Administration of Justice Accounts for the yea,r' 1939. Moved by J., D. Fraser, -Carried. Scconded by' C. Patters,on: IMoved by J. W. Neil, That t'llis council do nOW adjourn 'to meet again at 2 'p.m. Seconded by V.' E.Lemon : --Carried. Tlhat t,he name df Frank McGrc;gor,a representative on the Advisory Agricultural LGommit'tee, be replaced by 'W. B. .Lanoast~r for the Tdwnship :of Alcliborough. The Council resumed. Movcd1by R. TansleY1 --,Carried. Seconded b'Y J. E. Munro: 12 Elgin County. Council That we now hear the deputation in regard to the Provincial ploughing mat-oh. ........Canied. A deputation consisting of Agricultural Representative F. S. Thomas, Mssrs. Begg, W'i1liams, 'Simpson,Carroll, Mibcihell, Locke, Liddle, Small, Martin, I McKinley, Ohadton, Bawden and' Alderman Pel1'hale tl),ell addressed the Council 'requesting their approval of hold- ing a provincial ploughing match in Elgin County in 1940. The Warclcn referred, the matter to the Finance Committee. The report 9f the County Auditors was presentcdancl referred to the Finance Committee. The Auditors made application for re-adjustment of their sal- aries which was referred to the Finance Committee. The report -of the -Road 'Committee. was presented and adopted on motion of Ge.o. Val:1ee, seconded by J. D. Fraser. Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by "V. A Peckham: That the Hawkers and Pedlars License by-law No. changed vo read as follows: Sec. 5, Clause B,-t'o be changed to $100; .Sec. ,5" rClause C, t,o be changed' .from $WOto $200. 1002 be from $50 That by-law No. }DOZ he repealed and a newby-law prepared. --,Carried. :~,tfoved by >J{~ G. Taylor, Sec'onded by Geo. Vallee: Elgin 'Courity'"C'oun'eil 13 That the Warden l1atnea -comiriitte.e .to '~a:tt re Convalescent Home,_ to report at the June Se.ssion, ~Oar.ried. The. Wa.rden then appoint:ed the following members to ..act,o'-n the committee: Mssrs. Wheaton, Peckham. ,Moved by J. 'W.Neil, Sc-coilde:d by J.R. Barideen: That this 'Council do now adj'Ourn ...,t'onie-etto'nto-rrow o'clock. at ten ---Oar.ried. 14 Elgin :County Council Elgin County Council IS FIRST SESSION-THIRD DAY 1<939 Aldbor-ough, Aylmer, Shedden, West Elgin, Yarmout!h and Spring- field. Thursday the 19th day of January, 1939 Horticultural Societi'es-25% of the Government grant for 1939, Aylmer, Dutton, Springfield, Shedden, Rodney, We-st 'Lorue, Belmont. The Elgin ,Count'Y Council met this day in accordance with ad~ journment. -'Carrried, The Warden in the Ghair; Moved by: Geo. Vanee, 1).11 the members present, except Mr. Lashhrook. Seconded by F. H. MiUer: The proceedings .of the previ,aus daYiwc1re read' and confirmed. Seconded Iby J. D. Fraser': That the Warden ,and Clerk be authorized to submit to the;I\'1iu. ister of Highways - of the Province of Ontario the petition of the Gor.. poration :of the IOounty .of Elgin !showingl that from the 1st of }an- ttaty J()38 to t'he 3i1st of Decernlber 1938, ther'e'has Ibeen expended upon the County Highway !System the sum .of $1106,049.68. Moved by Ie. Patterson, That we hea'r Mr. Scott McKay-explain t'0 the County Conncll the Children',s Aid Society by-laws as amended. -JCarried. --,Canied. M,oved by \^/. A. JJeck1:Htm, Mr. McKay then addressed thc Council after '\vhich he was ten- dered a v,ote .of thanks. Seconded by Geo. Vallee: A communication from tl1(~ County of Middlesex, re the Lord's Day; Act, was read and r'eferred to the Petitions and Legislation Committee. That this .County Council grant the Red Cross Societ'y the sum of One Hundred Dollars. -Car,ded. Moved by Gc'o. Vallec; Seconded hy J. G. Turnbull: Mr. Patterson presented mittee, \vhich '.vas adopt.ed on Mr. Va1lee. i'he fi'rst report of the Finance Com" motion of Mr. Patterson, seconded by , That grants '1'0 the Agricult'Ural and H101.ticultural Societies be tht same as last year: ,Moved by Geo. Vallee, A.gricultural Societies---;e'CJl1ivalent to the Govcrnment gr,ant for Seconded by ], G. Turnbull: 16 Elgin:Coul'ity "Council That't1his. ,Council do"nowadijQurn, torneet:at 2;30. --'Car,ried. The CQHHCil :rcsumed, The secDud report of t'lle Financ.e Comrniaee was presented and adopted on motion 'Of Mr. ,Patterson, seoonded by Mr. Vanee,. The rep.ort of t-he A[g1,ricultural CommHtee was presented and adopted on motion of Mr. Tiansley, seconded b)~ MtT. Ndl. The second report 'Of the Gounty '~oads'Commit'tee was presR en-ted and a'd<?pted on motion 'Of Mlr,VaUe,e, seoonded by Mr. Patter- son. 'Dhereport of tbe Children1s Aid 'Committee'was p'resetrted arid adopted 011 motion of Mr. Munro, seconded by Mr,McArthur. ;Moved b)' H. Newell, 'Seconded by ,iV. C. Wheaton: That the Council adjourn for thi'rty minutes to ~llow.: Petitions and Legislati'on Committee t,o meet. ---,Carried, The .council resumed., The report of the Petitions and L.,egislation Committee wa's presentecl,and rei'e1"red to acommitte,e of the whole with Mr<Patter- son in" the ,OhaIr. After amending the r.eport the committee ,rose and there,port was adopt'ed on motion of Mr. Pattersol1,second'e.d' by Mr. Vallee. M.oved by, W. C Wheaton, Elgin County' Council 17 Seconded by. -H. 'Newell: That the council do now adjourn, to meet 'On IFdday mornjng at JO a.m. ~Oaifried. Ashton Pineo, Warden. 18 Elgin.County C~uncil FIRST SESSION-FOURTH DAY Friday theZOth day of January, 1939 The Elgin County Coun-eiiI met this day at -rhe CourtHouse, St. Thomas, in accordance with adJournment. The Warden in the .Chair. All the membe1rs present' except Mr. Lashbrook. The proceedings of ;the previous day were read and cOl1lfirrncd. 'Phe following communication was read: F,mm the Oounty Clerk tendering his resignation. The third report of the Finance Co{nmittee was pre-sented and adopted on motion of Mr. Patterson, seconded by M'r. Miller. The report of the Gaol Committee was presented and adopted On motion of Mr. Lemon, seconded by ;Mtr. Peckham. T1he report of the Education Committee was presented and ad~ opted on motion of Mr. Taylor, seconded thy Mr. Turnbull. Moved hy E. E. Atkinson, Seconded bv F. J-[. Miller: That Mssrs. Patterson and vV:heaton be appointed advisory' members of. the Children's Aid Committee. ~Carried. Moved by R. Tansley, Elgin County Council 19 Seconded by Geo. Vallee: That Reeves .Taylor and Fraser be appointed advisory membe~'s of -the .Road ,Committee. -Carded. M-oved by- W. ,e Wheaton, Seconded by H. Newell: That this coullcil do ,now adjourn to meet at 2 p.m. -Carried. The Council resumed. Movedb'Y H. G. Taylor, Seconded by George Craik: That Mr. ,Oharles Brooks, of the Aylmer High School, be . now heard. ---Carried. Mr. Brooks then addressed the Council and invited the members to visit the sc:hoo1. T.he third report of the 'County Roads Committee was presented and adopted ,on motion Df Mr. Va,l1ee,sccondedlby Mr.Pat'terson. Moved by n. 'Ryan, Seconded by F. H. j\;Iiller: l'hat Merton Chute be appointed county school trusteefo1" the '\ 20 Elgin <fou~ty Council Village 'oJ Vienna, -Carried Mav'cd hy ]. D.Fras.er, 'seconded by; C. Patterson: That H. B. Hockin be appointed, trustee f.o,r the Dutton High School for the term of one yea:f. .........Ga,rried, Moved by R. Tansley, Seconded by Geo. Vallee: That we make the usual grant.of $11500. to the Elgin County Agricult'ural Council. ~Carried. M,oved by F. !I. Miller, Sec'ond'ed by R. Auckland: That 'we recommend James F. oldham as Southwold repr.esen- tative -ontihe Agricultural A1d'Visory Board' to take tihepl,ace of the late E, E. Luton. -,-Carried. M10ved b~~ H. G. Taylor,' Seconded by \iV. A Peckham : That we as members ,of1he Elghl COUllty Council have a res-. Elgin ,County Council 21 for county pupils and are financially 'liable for our percent- of maintenance cost and debentures based on county pupils attell- such school-we q.nanimously dis'approve of the general c'Onstruc~ andworkmans'hip.of the Aylmer High School. --Garried. Moved :hy J. W. Neill Se.conded by J. R. Bandeen: T,hat bYI-Ia,w No. 1300 "To Appoint' an Jnspedor for the Purposl(' of Er.adicating the ICorn Borer)' be read a 'fi'Tst time. ---,Carried. Moved by V. K Lemon, Seconded by J. W. Neil: That by-law N'O. 1303 be read a second time. ---,-Carried. Moved by J. W.N eil, Seconded !by V\lm. i\tcArthur: That by-law INo. 1303 .be read .a third time and finally, passed. ----Carried. Moved by V. KLeman, Seconded by V\lm. McA'fthur: That by-law No. 1304 ",For Licensing, Re,gulating and Govern- ing Hawkers, Pedlars and Others"l be" read a first time. .........Carried. 22 Elgin County Council Moved by Wm. McArrthur, Se.conded by V. E. ,Lemon: 'I'hat Iby-lawINo. 1304 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by J. D. Fraser, See-onded Iby R. Auckland: That by-'law No. 1304 be read a third time and finally passed. ~Garried. M'oved i/>y J. D. Fraser, Seconded by C. IPattel"son: T,hat by-law No. 1<305 "110 authorize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow the sum of One Hundred and Seventy':"'five T1housand 'D01'- lars"he read a first' time. -Carried. Moved'hy C. Patterson, Seconded by J. D. Fraser: '.Ghat by-law No. l30Sbe -read a s'ccond time. -Carried. IM-ovcd by W'm. MoArthur, Seconded Iby C. Patterson: Elgin County Council 23 Thatby-l'awNo. 1,J05 be read .(1 third time and finally passed. .......JGar,ried. .,Moved hy R. Auckland, Seconded iby J. n.IFlfa,ser: Thatby:-law,No. 1306 "T'OC:bnrfi'rm hy~law No. 1044 of tl\;lc Town" of Baxhamtl. be re'ad' afir~t time. -Carried. Moved by F. iH. Mille'r, Seconded by J}.. kuckland : No. 1306 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by-F. H. ,Mmer, Seconded Iby J. D, Fraser: That by-law No.W06 be read a ,t'hird lime and finally passed. -Carried, Moved by E. E. A<tkinson, Seconded by W. A. Pe-ckham: 1':hat by-law N~. 1307 "To Provide for the Total Expendi,ul'i'eon $y-st'em 'Of ,County Roads in the County of Elgin during the year be read a first time, -----,Carried, 24 Elgin County Council MovedbyiD.Ry.an, Seconded by E. E. Atkinson: That by-Jaw N{). 1307 he read a second time. ~Carriec1. \Moyed by IF. ,H. Miller, Se~conded by JR Auckland: That Iby..:l,a'W No. li3'07 be 'read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by IGe'Org~e Vallee, IScoondecI by '0.,T, A. Peckham: llhat by-law iNo. 1308 "'To Confirm t>he BquaJiza60n of the As- sessment R,ol1s of the County 'of Elgin for the year 11939" be ,read a first time. -Carried. Moved by W. A. Peck'ham, See,onded by Georg,e V:allee: ~.rhat by-l'aw No. 1308 be 1'cad a second time. ~Carried. 1vfovecl by George Vallee, SeC1011ded by W. A Peckhan1..: Elgin ,c.ounty Council 25 by-law No. 1308 be 'read a third time. and finally passed. .,....,...Carried. by J. G. Turnbull, by H. G, Taylor: 1309 "T'D Appoint a (ou11.tyR-oa.d C'Qmmittee'~ --Carried. 1\'Ioved hy Geo. Vallee, Se-conded byW. A. Peckham: That Iby-:law No. 13"09 be 'read a, second' time. -Carried. }"I-oved by Geo. Cra1k, Seconded by. J. G. Turnbull: That by-law No. 11309 be n:lad a third tim~ and ,finally passed. -Carried. Moved ;hy J, E, Munro, Seconded by Geo: ,Craik: ~rhat by-law ,No; 1JI1O "To Appoint a Hoard of Audit' in the ,for vhe year 1939'" :be read a first time. -Carried 2~ Elgin County Council Elgin. County Council n Moved by R. Tansley, That by-law No. 1-311)1 be 'read a t'hircl time and ,finally passed. Se:conded by H. Newell: .........Carried. T-bat by-law No. tUO be r~ad a second time. Moved by H. -Newell, -Carried. iSec'Onded by R. Tansley: .\Moved by H. G. Taylor, Tlhat by-law NO,l(U2 "To Appoint High S.chool Trustees" be read a .first time. Sec'Onded by ,George Craik: -Carried. 'i'hat by-law No. 13110 be read a third time and finally passed. MDved :b'Y H. New-ell, -Carried Seconded by.r.. E, Munro: Mlovcd thy]. E.Munro, That by-law No. IJ,12 be read a seC'ond time. Seconded byR. Tansley: -,-Carried. That by-law No. 113111 "To Appoint an Advi~ory Agricultuf'11 Councin' he read a first time, ,Moved by H. New,ell, -Carried. Seconded by ]. E. M unr<>: M!oved by George Cr.aik, T;hat by-law No. 131112 he read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Sc(:onded hy oJ. E. Munro: That !by-law No. ,131,1 be read a -s,econd time. Mtlved by F. H. ~iller, ' -Carried. See'onded' by H.. Atic1dand: IMoved byR 'ransley, That by-law No. l3ih3 <lTo Appoint a County Clerk'! be read a finst time. Se,conded Iby J. E. MunfD; -Carried. 28 Elgin. County. Council M,o.V'ed by J. n. !Fraser, Slccoilded' by F. H. Mitler: Tthat by-law' No.. 131m be read a second time. -Can-ied. Moved ibyR AUCiklIalld, Seconded by :F. H. 'M.iller: That by-la'w No.. lk3ilJ be read a third time and finally passed. .........{:anied. Moved by W. A. PeckhamT Sec,onded .by E. E. Atkinson: That by~law No.. 13114 "Tn Ap.point ,a Oounty Auditor" be read a first time. .........cCarried. Moved by W. A. Peckham, is'econded by by E. E. Atkinson" That by-law No.. BiN be read a second time. -....:.Carried. Moved by E. E. Afkins'on, Seconded by W. A. p'eckham: 'Dhat by-law No.. 11314 be read a third time and finall'Y passed. ~Canied. Elgin County Council 29 by J. R.. Bandeell, by J. W. Neil !No. 1&115 "To Fix Sala.ries of County AuditOl'S',1 be -Carried, by vVm. -McArthur: by~law No. 13'115 be read a second time. ............Ca,rricd. by J"'R.Bande~n, .by V. K Lenion: by-'law No. 13.15 be read oa thi,rd time and finally passed. -,Carried. rby Geo. Va.lIee, by-law No. B.l6 "To De.signate a County ROFld in the Dunwich"l be read a' first time. -Carried. MoArthur, by V. E. ,Lemon: by-Jaw No. 131'6 lbe ,read a second time. -Carried. 30 Elgin County Council . Elgin County Council 31 M10ved by J. D. Fraser, SECOND SESSION-FIRST DAY Seconded by R. Auclda~ld: Tuesday the 13th day of June, 1939 That by-law No. 1316 he read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. The Elgin Gounty Council met this day at the Court: House, St. Thomas, in accordance with ad}ournment. The Warden appointed Mssrs. Tansley and Patter,son to reprr.. sent l'he County at the 1939 meeting of the Conservation and Ref,ores tation Association. The Warden in the Chair: All the members pr'esent. Mssrs. Tansley and Vallee were appointed '. by the Wa,relen to attend the annual meeting of the Ontario Agrku.1tural Council to be held in T'oronto 011 Tuesday and Wed'tlesday the 14th and 15th days of -February, 111939. 'Dhe vVarden addressed the (.ounc'il: Warden's Address T.he Warden appointed Mssrs. Lashbrook and Taylor to att'etlCl the annua'j meeting of t-he Ontario Municipal Association. To the Elgin County Council, Gentllemen: 'Dhefollowing were appai11't'ed to ,attend t'he annual meeting 01 the Good Roads Association: Mssrs. Neil, Bandeen, Patterson, Mc- Arthur, Auckland, Tansley, Munro, Pineo, Newell, Viallee, Turnbull, Taylor, AJtl~inson, Peckham, Ryan, Craik and Fmser, Moved hy J. D. Fraser, In opening the June se55+on, the most.::~ ml....portant of" the year, it is perhaps unnecessa.ry to say that althougt"Their', M.aj'estics,' TIle King ,and' Queen, did not have time to visit t'h1s county,'we'have shar- ed with others in feelings and expressions-of loyalty whie,h.'have been so much in evidenoe' during the past fewda:Yls. All of which is an exemplidication of our adherence t,o the Bi"itish ,system .of govern~ men.t and our loyalty to the Heads the,reof who haV'e visited Canada foi" the 'first time, Mssrs. Auckland, IPeeklham ,and Bal1deen wer'e appointed a C0111- mitt1ec to ar-range for a County Picnic. Sec,oll(led by C. Patterson: Pasteurization of Milk ----,Carried. Since ,our last session there has been considerable agitation -againstenforeement of the.1aw with regard to pasteurization whio'H _\~'i t'~e provincial authorities have ~ecidedto enforce ~hrough the. ProvlIl- ".,.c' cml Board of Health. There 15110 a,rgument aga111st everythl11,g pO.'l- ;s1ible to abolish, tuberculosis. The agitation was largely due t'o lack of. understanding and the scarcity! of pasteurization plants. I am Ot n\e opinion that the Government should subsidiz,'e the estahlishmem That we do now adjourn to meet on the- second Tuesday ill June. 32 Elgin County Council' Elgin County. Couricil.. 33 of these plants in looations where they will serve the best interests or the .milk ~roducers tJhrouglh~ut the Pr'ovince. and', when confirmed by.a.11 Act 'of, the Legislature. Convalescent Homes Sections 48; :50; 64, 207 (4) and Form 18' have he'en; amended by striking out 'all references to mOre than one deputy. r'ceve, to oonforl11 with the provisions ,of section .,M" which provides: for ,one'deput'y tecvc only ,in municipalities having a population of more than 'One thousand'. The necessity for convalescent hOtues was brought,to the atter:- tion Jof the council at its last session and, a c.ommit:tee appointed to consider thcmaHer. The Act ~s at presenlt places some respon- sibility 'on the local 'Boards of Health to see that those who have had Sanato6um treatment and 'are not' required to remain in the insti~ tution will beprope.r1y looked after dur,ing a period of cOllvalescanc~ during which they. are required t:o report monthly to the institution for special treatment. 111 s'om~e oases it wi'lllbe necessary to provide board and lodging and transpqrtadon. If patients are unable to pay for this, the responsibility! is pl'aced 'On the local municipality to pro- vide for t'hem. It is not suggested that the 'County should do anythrng in 'refel'cnceto the matter at present. Future developments may re- quire some further consideration of the question. Oath of Allegiance. Equalization Appeal Perhaps rhC1110st important amendments passed this year were those requiring aU candidates for elective office' tu ta.ke the',' oath nf allegiance hefore taking the declamtion of 'qualification. Section' 52 (1) (c) has been ,amended requiring as ft-qualifica-tion that a 'candidate is a British sulb.ject and has taken fne Hath of aUegiance; An amel1d~- ment to section 70 (4) provides that' the oath of allegianqe is to forI'll' pa.rt of the declaration of qua%ficatio'l1 and is to be attached thereto. The declar.ation (Form 2) has.- been .amended byadding:"<J. new;' clause stating that t'oe candidate has taken' the oath of allegiance attached therceto" and. a; new form 2iA,. the Oath 0;1' Allag.iance, hasbecn added to .the Act. The e'qualized assessments of the county were confirmed 1>)' by-laws at the January session. The questiOn had not been consider- ed in .any _ way: b-y the council; equalizat,l'ons being the same~' in every way'as_ determined -in the previous year~ An appeal was entered by the Township' of South Dorchester and a Provincial Board appointed C'onsisting- of JUdge \~rearing of Middlesex, Judge Ross of Elgin,_ and Blake ,MiNer, -Count'y Registrar. The' Board met on the' 30th ,day -at May and' the County Solicitor ofl3ered ohj-ecf.ions to the proceedings 'becausethe T,owllship repr'e.selltat'ive had not brought the matter to the attention of the council during the session at' which equalization was con:firmed. The Board .concur,red in this objection andactjourncd. The .clause. (u) in section 53, disqualifying candidates for the non-payment of-current personal taxes has been amended. by striking out the refereil_ce t'0 income;. as muniicipaliHes no longer . .hav~ the po'\\;er toa.sses for personal income. An amendment to sect'lon 9:2 (2) a:ut'horizes a l'ctnrniilg officel.. a deputy returning 'officer, or a Justice of the Peace to .arrest. a per- son who applies for a ballot in the name of -another person, whethel. the name be fhatof another person living or de1ad, or of a. fictitious person, or, . having, voted, .applies at-the same election for a ballbt papCI' in 'his Own name. or votes' oftener than he is entitled to. New Legislati-on, 1939 'The heading "Duties' of Officers Res-pedin'g Oaths ,H1d Dedara- tions'l 'Over section 258 has ibeen struck 011t and placed over section 259. The Municipal Act, Section 28, bas been repealed and a lIe,.\' s'ection .substituted enJ.argin,gthe powers of the -Ontario Municipal Board respecting .amalgamations and allliexations of municipalities. An order 'Of the Hnard under this Section only; becomes ~ffective H Complyingwit'li- the terminology now s't.atements the word "expendittlrcs\! ii1 section required-,in 258 (1) has financial he en l"l~- 34 Eigin County Council Elgin County Council 35 Section 284 has been amended so that voters lists prepared for voting on money by-law~ arc subject to revision by the judge, thereof under the IGovernment Annuities Act (Cauda) or by c.ontract with a licens.ed insuer under the Insurance Act. Such a bv- law requires .the approV'a.l of t"he 'Department of, M unicipal Affai~s before becoming operative, Contributions may be made by the munJ.. cipa:lity as current expenditure-s, and deductions of.thc proper amounts are toO be made from the salarY] or wages of employees who come under the by-law. placed by the word "disbursements"~ Subsection Sof the same section has been amended -providing for a st,atutory meeting and the issue of a financial sta.t'ement in municipalities having early' elections. New sections 32la,321ib. and 3211c have been added to Hte Act providing that where rhere is a surplus in a sinking fund, a proper adjustment may be made with the approval of the councii andOlf "the Onta.rio MuuicipalBoard. A further amendment' has Iheen ma,de to section 404 by, ,the ad- dition of paragraph ,5,2 authorizing by-bws contracting for insurance agaiilst risks that may involve pecuniary loss or liabiHt'y On the p,art of the ,corporation and for paying premiums therefor. New subsections (7) and (8) have been added to ~edion 364 as re'-enacted in 1938, de,finingthe powers of a board of commissioners af police. An amendment to section 370 provides for a '.chid constable, and as many constables and other OmCNS as the counlcil deems nec~ eessa,ry in townships and counties where a board of police commis< sioners has been estab1ished~ A new clause has been ladded to 'p.aragraph 1 of section 405 providing ,that 1110 bYl-Iaw shall be passed granting a ,fixed asse,ssment in tie,spect ,of a business which has ,at any time theretoforeen;oyed a fixedassessment..~of the same pr-operty. In townships, whether a' iboar,d of police cOmmtSSIOners has been, established or not, the coundl may, if it deems proper, ,provide that the remuneration of police be paid by a rMe levied on any 'de,fined section or_ area of the township. "Secti,on 377 has been re-enacted to this effect. A new par,agraphhas been added to section 1.3,90 providing for ,accomodation ,of county: court judges Iby the 'county .council in a county in which is situated a city having a population of 100,000 ot" morc. Urban municipali,ties may pass /by-laws under a newp,aragr,aph, 4a, added to section 407 requiring the interior side of the exterior ~wal1s' and the ceilings ;and both ,sides of ,the partition walls of buildings, -or any dassof buildings to be lathed and plastered or .otherwise cov- ered with ,adequate materi,als. Section 412, which dealt with rewards, :has been repealed as thi~ subject 5.$ now provided for, under section 404, paragr,aph 6, alboye reJerrcd to. ;Paragraph 6 of section 404 has been re-enacted providing that the councils of all municipalities may passby-Ia\vs to offer -rewards for information leading to the apprehension or ,c,onviction of persons guihy of 'any offence whether triable summarily or on indictnlent. .Paragraph I and clause (a) ,of sectiop 41'5, authorizing the lit.,. ensingof bailiffs havc been re-enacted' 'to clarify the meahing Ot "bailiff"t and "bailiffs assistant". A new. para1grap'h, 41a, has :bcen ,added to secti'0n 404 by Whie:l by-laws may be passed by any municipality upon tthe petition of not less than sel'enty-five 'per cent. of the municipal employees or any, class thereof pwviding for pensions for employe,es or any cIa ,>s 'Section 430', dea'ling with ',examining workers, has been re-written to define ";otlrney:ntarielectrician "'. and licensing electrical "master e.lectrician'" antI A new ,clause has been added to section 438 authorizing the lic. ensing of street photographers. 36' Elgin,C.ounty .Council ElgjQ CQ,,"nty, CqY:Q_QU n A new subsection has been aadecl to, section 480 but it is not' to come into force until proc1ai1ned :by the Lieutenant-Governor. This . subsection prov:ides that no action is to be brought against a corpor- ation for 'the recovery of dam8.Jgescause'd by the presence of absence or' insuffidency' of any '"v.all, fence, guard rail, -railing 'Of barrier, or caused Iby or on account of any construction, obstruction Of erection or any situation, .arrangemcl1tor disposition of any .earth, rock, trees or other material or object adjacent to or in; a'long, or upon any high- way "Of any part thereof not within ,the travelled portion of such high- way. A similar section has :been added to the iHig'hway -Improvement Act. An appeal is' now before the courts against a judgment 'dealing with this question, extended to apply ,to ~xp~nditl1res {Qr .oUing, t~rr-ing ,md treati~g .fgr dust as wel1 'as watering 'of streets by an amendmentt9"l>eq~\ol1 4~ (ID. An amendment to secHol} 6() (3) eX'telld~ the tillW fo'r:;tppeals kom 'the court qf revision ita -the 'l:;Q1mty jud,~J:! in l;i:t,'ie~, fr(?1l1 fjve to ten days. A change ill sectioq .104 (2) which ,will ib~ 'of sp~l::.i!ll illit~rest to township derks, penpi-t's the -coullcil of anYl municipality to pal>S9r- law instructing the cler,k ,to ent<:~r Ia'll,!:{eneral municip'-!.l ~ndschool, rates in one Golumn in the coll~ct()r',s -roll, .a?pendin&, ~~ t'aple to the roll showing how 'the rates ,are Imade up, w.ith a similar stat~mel1t 9~1 the t'ax bills, The note under subsectiori (6) of section 531, dealing wit:,. the qualiticaition of police village .trustees- has been. amended to read l;(Note: See section 70 as to, declaration of qualification)". The n0L: under s'l1bse-ction (8) of the same section 'has,.,been s1'ruck out a.s no longer applic,able, Sections ;11.3 and I.3J have been amended prov~ding that, wh~r~ part payments are made 011 ,account 'of taxes, ~t:he payment is to be applied first a'wains,t t.hg.iqteresL,aod ..perqQ!t.age charges, if any,added to such taxes,''''; The Assessment. Act \\T;lere a special income tax l'Ol1 is ma-c\.c ,Out under s,ectioll 12.1 an ,amendment strikes out the words "and no appeal shall lie from the decision of tl-:te c-Qunty COUJ'lt judge on ailysuch- appeal" in subs.ectionS. A ,ne\v clause,- (b), has been adde.cl to paragr,aph 2Z of scctioll,4 by whic:h council maY"pass by:-law so that if ",\\root1lanc1'sl! cease to be entitled to exemption the assessor may so report to- .the clerk who is to ,amc'11d' the ,collector's rO'Il' by inserting 'the taxes fOf the preceding three years ,or, portion thereof as fixed iri.' the by-,ktw. Ameridmentsto section 1\25, which authorizes applications to the cour.t of revision f?r a ',c1ancellation,-or reduction of t'axe~, permit the court toor,d-er the refund of business itax paid when such business was not car.ried on for -the whole year in which the assessment wa~ made. In ,cities, \no portioll of a residence is to be separately assessed unless' it isa domestic establishment 'of two, or more r00111S. in . which the occupant's ;usually,sleep and prepare aild serve meals, according to an amendment to rsection 23 (1) (e). Af,ter fhe r,estricti.o11 against combining eer.ta:in offices Was n" pealed, a difficulty was found ill _sectiOn 1.26 when the offices of trea:l~ urer :and coUector -wetec-oin.bill.e,d,ast-he se,otion, pr:'o-vided' that 011 the return 6f'his roll.. the ,c.._olle~tor was to make _oath bekre t.h~ trea-sur,er. This has now been change,d and the _oathmaYi.,be,ta'ke.n bef:ore'a,c,o"m~ missioiler, a potary public, or ,R. justice of the peace. The taxing; powers of municipalities wit-h -l-espect to, the illcOlne front mmes has, he en greatly increased hy the re~enact1l1ent "Of section 39 (9). Section 156; which de,als with adv.ertising. tax .s:ales, has 'beelJ. re- written and greatly sirnpHfied, ,I,t., is' HOW .only necessary, ,to advertise the list of lands liable to sale -once in the .Ontario Gazette and a notice of t:hccS.a.!e,!is it-o,be-publishe.d <.on,Cca w~ek -fo.r t:h:i.rtc-e;1l \W~~ks in a 'Phe exemption of ,fanlil-ancls 1n towns, villages and polic'e villages from cert,ain expenditures, whcrc:~ by.,.la'\v passed-, -' h,IS been 38 Elgin ,County Council Elgin County Council 39 local.ncwspape.r. This ,amendment :has been made effective as ir,om J anua:rylst, i.11939. city or to.wn or 'of anytowllship bordering on a city having, a popula~ {ion of nat less than lOO,ODD 'may.pass by-laws to. license and regi.tla,te barber shops <:\nd hairdres.sing shops when iby-law has .,beenapproved b.y: the Department 'Of Health. 1n paragraph 1 of the As,sessor's Affidavit (F'orm':'Sf,the words "at its <l.ctual value". have been struck out and the paragraph has beet! made to. read as follows: A neW' section, :lllOa, :has been -added-to. the A'et providing a penalty for 'a.ny person who. cooks garbage ,or other refuse which has becnC'ollectedor ot.herwise obtained from other persons, except on premises <j,pproyed :py the ,medical Qffker of health. 1. L have, according to the best of my i'nfo~mation 'and b~1ief, set down 'in the a:b6veassessment roll 'all the real property liable to taxa-Hon situate in"the 111unicipality (or ward) ()f.(as the case may he) ; and I have jus'tlyand ,truly assessed in:a,ccordance with lhe Assess- ment Acf'a:nd- The 'Assessmellt Amel1dment Act, 193?, eackof the parcels or rea.l .property so set down, and .according 10 the best -of ~ll1Y information and belief I have entere4 the names of allow~ers an<1 tenants assessable' in respect: oreach~uch parcel. An amendment1to paragraph 3 of schedule B relquires a report to the council by the c'hairn1aa of the local hoard of health befor,e the l$th of 'February- each year in;;'tead of. the 1st of De,cember. The Highway hnprovement Act The' Muriicipal Subsic:i~' A.ct An amendm~ent to section 74 (3') provides exemption from civil liabilit~ 'fOr' damages-caUsed by live stockM:mning 8,lt large on a'King's Hig,hway. The subsidv, ,to ,111uni-cipalities- has, ,been:, in~reased fr'om ?ne. mill to one and ol~e l~~lf ~i1ls in 11939., ' D~,;it1g 1940, and future y~a~~ t~e amOul1t "is .to, be determine<1,'by;, ql:e Lieuten~~t-:Govern.or in, 'C"QUIICii. T'he subsidy 'is It-obe .apl>lied for the ,sole purpose 0'1: re-duction of the general ~ax'rate fo,r t'be, year,in'Y.hic'n jt'is reGeived. A new section, 79a, 'authorizes' the de,signation of' any 'portion of the King's Highway as a dividc,dhighway' a'i1d for' makingregitla~ tions in regatd Ithereto,includin.g the''.clOsing o{'roads'ill'te'1"secting m running 'illt'o a dIvi"decl highway: ' The Public ,Healt~ Act Under. an ameildmellt to section 3 (zd), regulaLtions may 1)(' passed requiring upholstered articles to be stamped with a stamp sup- plied by the ,Departme~lt'andfixing fees:toibe"p-aidt-neref.ox. Provisionli.as heen made by new sections 79b and 79<::. {o'rth~ desigtiation and -construction of "De've1opinent ,Roac1sv hl Norther'n On-tario '-by the Depart'Inerlt of Highway:s. The sec'retary."of: the local' board ,of ~health is 'nOW, to: submit ,his annual report-nn or before -February 1I5th,-inste,ad of Ded~mbcr 15th, by an, amendment to: sectiol1 ' 22 ;(2). Penalties have been pr-ovided'foriii'fi-a:Ction"of' reg111a,Hons fiit- ing the distance from the roadway of a King's Hi,ghway at Wlllch fence~, buildings or .other structure may, be placed, or at which trees, shrubs or hedges may be planted. The wordin-gof subsection -2 of section 24 has beei1 c1arifie<I as to the powers of. local' boards of health to require the installation Ot san1ltary_ conveniences ill any building. The Counties Reforestation A,ct Section 4 ,has been -added to this Act authorizing tovl'llship councils to_.enter into agreements- witht'he o,\ynersofJalld fOct;lt' Section 94has~ b'een ,aluerided to provide tHat the' council of any 40 Elgin -Co_vnty- Couu<Ht :Elgin Counly Council 41 re.fbt€sta1t,iori of not less th~f1 five 'a.ctes f-or everyone hundred acre~ 'belol'1,ging - to -the same 'OWner and frorgrariting- exemption of such hU1ds fr-oni general taxatibt1. The - Public -Hospitals -Act The Tile Drainage Act ISection 39 has been re-written to provide than any act-ion against a hospital. or any H'urse or person .employed .the'rein for dam- ages for injury-caused by negligence in the adnti-ssion, care, treatment or dischar,ge of any patient is to be br-ought 'within six months after sneh paticnt~is discharged {,rom, -or ceases t'o r.eceive treatment at, such hospital and not aJterwards. The issue of debentures under ,this Act hasbeenma,dc'subjecf: 10 t.heapproval of the Ontario ;Murtkipal B6a.rd by all amendment tc. Section 1. A further amendment to sectiOll 1 requires that notice of the special meeting ,at which' thecOuhch is to pass debenture', by,-law is to be publisheclat least once a week for three successive \\'eeks prlDr 'tv the meeting and, the lfirst- publication ,is: not to be less ,vhan four weeks prior tD such meeting. Sanatoria for Consumptives Ad--i[:n section 1 certain delfini- tions no longer used' 'have been repealed. A definition of "medical Officer ,of Healt.h" has been added. The definition of "resident" has beeh amended to mean' "a person ,whO' has actuaHy resided in a 1oc~11 . municipalit)'i for .a period of three months within the .six mont'hs next prior to admissi611 to ,a sanatorium"; T'he de'finitions of '~'Sanatorium'" and "treatment" have als-o been amended. '~>> Section' '5 ~has been amended" making it compulsory to deposit tJ, copy of the debenture by-law with the Treasurer of On.t'ario. By an amendment to section 39, a local municipality instead at the county becomes liable d'or the expenses of burial of an indigent patient who, dies in, a sanatorium, to an amount not exceeding $30. A new section, Ua,permits the Ontario Treasurer 10 'se], transfer, or assi~~ til~ drainage debelltures to the Account.ant of t~e 5?upreme ,Court 'of -OntarIo or to the Workmen's Compensation Board. and sections liS and2iO have been re~enacted to conform therewith. Under section 4J are given the cases in w'hidl persons arc not deemed residents of local,muilicipalities. "Dhedehenture by,.laW, Form 1, has been amended making it subject to se,ction 10 of-the Act which pr,ovides that no application fora tile loan is to be granted until the Treasurer of Ontario has ap- proved the purchase ,of such dehentures as maybe required to be issued for the proposed drainage work ,Amendments to section 46 provide for ,a statement of the burial e'xpenses of a deceased patient being sent to the clerk of the local municipality liable. Upon payment, the local municipa'lity may re- cover _ one-half the expense ,from t'hecounty:. Section 47 now 'provides for the recovery of:bu6al expense~ paid by' a local municipality or county from the estat.e or personal representatives of fhe deceased. The _ Cemetc'ry Ac:t Americhncllt to section 5 authorizes the Ministe,r ar Deputy Minister to sign apl)roval of 'D'epat~tmentof" Health fOJ" tll-::: C'.s'U-iblisl,- meut of accmctery:.andto revoke the order. After an order has been re'\',oke;d the la'ndmcl1tIorted in the- orde'r'is not to :Ibe,used: ,f.or the in- tenncnt of the deaduritil 'a' further 'approvalhas, heen-,issued. Section 48 hasbecn re-'\vritten to provide for the re,covery of burial expenses from the municipality in which deceased patient res~ ided on admission to -a sanatorium, -..vhere such expenses have be,en paid hy the wrong lncat munic-ipalityof county. Amendments to' section SO provide that when notice has be':n 42 Elgin County Council sent to a local board of healt.h that a patient has recovered sufficiently to receive care and treatment outside the sanatorium and, if within jthir-ty days ,after such notice has been sent, the local 'board fails to provide-for the necessary transportation, living accomodation, food, c.j.athing and treatment, the local municipality will be required to pay to t-he san.atoriull1 the charges for treatment of thepa'tientill the sal1ator,iU111 at the rate set for prov-incialaid- commencing thirtY! day:> after the notice has been sent 'to the local buard. A,dctitional subsectiOl1"S added to section 50 provide that if a patient after;hisdischarge goes to ,a .different local municipality than t'he one in which he, was resident '0n admission to the sanatorium, the local municipality to which he has gone is required to supply the nec- (',ssities of Hfe and provide for treatmcnt, but may recover the costs ,f,rom the local municipality, in whi~h the patient 'was re~ident a,t the time of such admission, and the latter if in a county fnay,:t:e,cover ,one half the expenses from the ,county;. New section, '54 authorizes t.he me.dical offker- of health, wittl the <.tpproval of an in;spec.tqr, to give notice to any person suspected of suffering from -tuberculosis to submit to an examination at the ,time an(Lplacc speci'fied in the notice. The cxpense of such exam- illation arc paya:))'le by the local municipality. Under new section S5 upon admission of a pfJ.ti_ent to,',a sana. t-orium notice is to be scnt :,to the clerk 9fthe local municipality in which .the patient is reported to be a resident. The clen\{ is req,uil'e-d to r'eply t.o such notice wilthill thirty days; ,stating w:lcthci';"the patient is ,or is not a residcnt. H the clerk f.ails to comply, r1:1:le patient will be deemed a resident of :that municipality. Section 56 authorizes the sup,e,rintendent of a sanatorium, when hc rcquir~s inf.ormation as to the abilitYi of' a pa'tient to pay for hi~ maintel1ance, to request stich information.. from the clerk of the.' limnkipality'iri which the patient was resident at the time of admis- 'sian. If the clerk fails, to ,gjive thenecessaryinforIllatlOn; -or --reasOns why itcal1not Ibe obtained, 'within- thirty 'days the municipalitY'will be required to pay the patient's maintenance char,ges at the rate set fot' pro'Vinc.ial.,aid c0111mencing.thi'rty days after -fhe mailing ,of'the noticE. Elgin County Council ,43 and continuing until the clerk has complied. The costs of transporting a patient to 'and from a sanatoriul11 and. to .and from a public hospital or other institution are paya'b'le by the local municipality in which the patient Viras a .resident on admis.. sion, as provided by -sectionS? Where a patient who is ,an indigent is transferred ito a publit. hospital for a surgica'l operation' thc charges f.or trea'tlnent are pa)~ able by the municipality at a rate not exceeding $1.75per daY', under the provisions of section 58. The Department of Municipal Affairs Act Section 213 has been .amended by adding ade,finition of "sheriff's officeV and sections 43, 44, 45 and 46 :have been amended. to provide f,or s'earches in 'the sheriff)s office and notlee. to pe.Tsons appearing by . .the records to have an interest in property for which a tax an-ears c1ertificate has he en registered. Factory, Shop and Office Building 'Act Tn connection with early closing by-laws the defiriition of "shop" in section 8e :has been amended to include hairdre$slng shops, beauty parlors and shoe repair shops. Section 82 (3) .has been amcnded 'so that thc sale of fresh fruit is no, longer- exempt-f,rom the provisions of an carly -closing by-law. House of Refuge Act An amcndment to section Ie recluces the rate of interest from .six to four percent which the municipality may change on cost of maintenance of an inmate when his property, isdisposcd 0-[ to mect the payments "qf,sudlCi)St. 44 Elgin. County Council Jurors Act The oath of local seledors of jurors in Schedule A has been amended by striking out the 'Wor,ds lIasseessment roll of the munki~ pality for the present year'~ and inserting instead the words "proper 'lists of the municipality", in a~cordance whh section -117 of the ,act. Ontario Municipal Board Act ,By amendment' to section 59 the Board iscmpowered ta auth.,. ofjze the, issue of debentures ta pay floating indebtedness ,either with ar withol1t -the assent of the municipal electors qualified ta vote 0'11 money Iby-laws. S.ection 107 has been amended so that it is no longer necessary to pay the fees of ,the Board in law_ ,~tal11ps. Planning and Development Act The fee payable to a municipality before the registration, of - il suh:"divisioll p'lan has been reduced from ,five cents to three cents a f.oot for all land on such plan fronting on a highway. This is provid- ed by an'" amendment to section 5 (7). Unemployment Relief Act, 1935 Section 13.b has been added ~o the Ad prov.iding that a 111umCt- pality shall be ,en'tWed to ,recover without interest out oJ the e~tak of a deceased'recipient of .direct relief, as a,detbt due by such recipient to the muniCipality"thc sum of the amounts expcnded by the. IUunici. pality ,for the relief of such pe,rson and his family. Power Commission Act Sectio'n 71 dealing with the distribution of power in rural power districts has Ibeen re-enacted and now provides that contracts in which the municipal corporation agrees to supply or sell elec.frical powei. s'hall be sufficiently executcd ,on behalf of the corporation if sigl,led Elgin County. Council 45 by its .clerk or by such other officer as may be designated ;by eouncii. This has been the practice for a number nf years. Rural-- Hydro-Electric Distribution Act The Treasurer of Ontario may; nOW pay fifty percent of the cost of acquiring and construoting in rural powerdistdcts, lands and 'works, including plant, machinery, 'installations, materials, devices, fittings, apparatus, appliances and equipment for the supply of powel" to any customer or premises, up -to the point of delivery by t'he commission or corpora~ion. .Tax ,Sales Con6rmationAct T.ax Sales held prior 'to January 1st; 19J8, and deeds issued' thereunde,r have been confirmed and dedaredlegal, valid amlbinding. '~,,-. 1939 School Legislation Public Schools Act- Dy,an amendment to. se,ction 115, a township council 'may include a uni<lll school section in a township school area" if t.he union schOOl is situate -in the township and if each towns:hip containitl'gany 'r'emanl. )l1g portion of the 'union section passes a resolution giving its assent. The whole of the union section will then be regarded' as part of tilt'! tciwn'ship for public school purposes. A fUi.ther amendment to section 15 ,gives ~he board .of a town- ship school area the same 'Powers as an urban public ,school Qbardas to the seleCtion and purchase of sc,hool sites, the ,filling of vacari'ciE's on the board, the applicatin If-or the issue of debentures and othe~' maHers of an incidental or similar -nature. Continuation Sthools Act- The definitiOn of "County Pupils" in section 1 has been grea,tly ::;implified and a similar definition has been enacted m the- High Sohools Act. 46 Elgin County' Council A new subs.cction, .(6a) , has been added to section 3 by which a gra'Cle A or gr.ade B continuation 5'chool is deeined a p.uhIic school for the purpose of 'towns'hip .grants towards teachers' salaries but no rate is .to be levied for salaries of more than one principa'l and two assistant 'teaohers in ,a school, no.r is grant to be paid where amount of teachers' salaries in the .c.ontinuation school section amoui1ts to' less than eight mills on the tax rate. Fltrther amendments .to section 3 provide t.hat in case a contin- uation sc;hool section is included in a township school area the trU~- tees of theco"i:ltilluation schoO'l are to be elected in' the same mann~l. as heretofore, but the management ,committee is :to consist of three members elected by the ratepayers of the continuation school section, two members appointed by t~he' board of the township school area and not more than two-thirds of anY1 board which has furisdicHon 'ov.e:r a public s~hool which is outside the township ,school area' but within the continuation school section. Section 72 has. been added to the Act by which a pupil is deem- ed a resident pupil if aNlending school in the continuation school sec- tion 'in which he resides, but if attending an outside school -he is deem~ ed a county pupiL The cost of education of county pupils attending a grade A at grad-e B con.tinuation school to be levied by the- county is subject to theprovisions6f section 38a ('1'938) Higth Schools Act. Section 38g provides for levy of ,cost in excess of the terms of any 'agreement in force" wihile 39b' states that nntil certain information is given t'he county clerk the school hoard cannot' col'lect from the county for connty pupils. County grants for an agricultural department in a 'grade .A. school are 110W ,c(hargeable to the -general county. levy by an amend- ment to section 4a (1938). High'Schools Act- A new and simp'lified defini.tion of "county pupils'~ is given, similar to the newly enacted definition in the Continuation Schools Elgin County Council 47 \ Act. The appointment of high school trustees under section 13 IS made subject to the 'provisions of a new section lJ,a. This latter authorizes the 'coun.tYicouncil to appoitl't three' trqstees to a high school board of education if a resolution f.avorin,g such appointmel1ts is passed by the school board. One of such trustees is to retire eaC!l year in the ,order designated by the county council. By.an amendment to section 26, a high school board may ar~ range for instruction of pupi'ls at a'continuat-ion school in another high school district. A pupil'i,s to .be deemed a resident pupil if attending a school in the high school district in which he resides, but >if ,a.ttending an outside school he is to be deemed county pupil under new section 34a. By amendmen.tsto section 3'5, .a county council may levy fOl' the cOst of county pupils on t.he ba,sis of the cost of preceding yea I or On the estimated cost for the current year. When levy is for COSt of preceding year,payme-nts are to he completed by ]u:IYi ht of ~hl.:! ,current year and when levy is ,for cost of current year, payments art'; to be completed, ,by! July list of succeeding year. Section 36 (1) (c) has been ame,nded so that in calculating the cost of county pup-ils twenty percent of t.he erpenditures for perm~ anent improvements are to he deducted. Sec.tion 36 (2) has been re-ena'cted to ,provide that the board of a high school in a city or.-separated town, o-r in an adja,cent county, "may give notice prior to June 30th in any Ylear that county pupils arc no longer acceptable. Tn such cacSe, the pupi'ls referred to may only attend .the school for one year after June 30th in such year. A new suhsection added to section 38 authorizes a c-otlnty COUh~ cil to levy a proper prop"orlion of the cost of county pupils ovelrth", whole area of a municipality 'during t.he first or second year after the inclusion of such munic;ipality -in a high school district or a continui.l.~ tion schoul section in which a gmde A or .grade Eschool is establish~ 48 Elgin County Council Elgin County .Council \ 49 ed, provided the levy is for cOsts owing in respect of the preceding year. Tihe proceedings of the last i day of the January Session were read and cOl1ifirme.d. Unde.r new section 38b, a high ,school boafldis not entitled to colle.ct from t.he county for .the cost of county p,upils until the board has furnished the county clerk with information as to assessment and residence of .such 'county' pupils. The following: communications. were read: F,r,om The-Salvation Army,thanks':.for grant. County ,grants for an agricultural department in a high school under s0ction40 are chargeable to the general county" levy. From John E. ;Peal1t, re convention of. Mai1agers of Homes for the Aged and, Infirm,"'-'Referred :to. the', House:of Industry Committee. Boards of Education Act-- iSectioll 3 (1) (e) ,has been amended so that when -the ho.ard of educatian passes a favorable resolu,tion the C'aunty council may ap- point t,hree trustees to. the baa,rd and provide' foal' fhdr retirement in rotation_'as authorized by section l3a of the Hi.glh 'Schaols Act passed this year and re.ferred -~to abave. F.rom County Council 'Of Prince ,Edward, re subsidy for winter roads and hosp-ital patlents.~Referr'ed,to',P'etitj.al1s. and Legislal\:ions Cammitl\:ee. Fram Has~~~al for Sick Children, Toro.nto,requesting grant. - Refeorred. to the IFinance Committee. School Attendance Act- From Canadian NationaI. Institute for Blind, thanks far grant. An amen:dment to sectIon 8 makes it compulsory for boards of public' >and separate ,schools in unsurveyed territory or territory with~ out municipal organization -to appoint-one or more school attendance officers. From County ~ouncil of iGrey, re government subsidy for winter roaels.----jRef.erred,.to Petitions -and Legislatiolls Committee. -'From CoullIty Coun'Cil of York,' recounty'councils Ot; pravinci,d governmenrt~---iReferred to. 'Petitiansand' LegislatiiJilsCammittee. Vocational Education Ad- Section 13 has been amende,d to. ,include the provisians of se{-. tion 38b, High Schools Act, sa that the Co.st of education of county. pupils ,cannot be claimed from the county until certain infarmatian all to. assessments' is furnished -the calmty clerk. From Department of IHi~hways, re change in :bookkeeping. Re,ferred to Caunty Roads 'Cammittee. . "Fifom Clerk, Caunty af Essex, re -the broa,dcasting 'of parlia.mcl1~ tary debat'es.--lReferred -to Petitions. and,. Legislatial1siCo111111i:ttcc. Hospitals From County ,Coundl 'af ILennox & :Adding,tan, re cost af l11aill~ taining wards of Children's Aid SQdeties.-Re,ferred to' ,Finance Cam~ mittee, 'Hospital cost of i1vlig;ent patients is increasing to such an ex.. tent that membc,rs .of the council should make a .thoraugh ..invcstigatiatl as to the ability to. pay af those resident ,in -their municipality. Flfom County Council of Kent, re chemical weed .Jdllers,-Rcfer- red to :A;gricul-tural <Cammittee. 50 Elgin Cou.nty Council From County Council of Ontario, re taxation for relief.-Refer ,red to 'Peti-tions and ILegislations Committe'e'. From County Council 'of Wentworth, re grading -of oils and grease.--Referred to ,Peti.tions and Legislations Committee. From Aylmer 'School Boalfd requesting the appointment of three trustees.;........jReferred to Education Commit.tee-; From The Department of Agricul.t-ure, :re weed killers,'-lRderred to Agricultural Committee. From The Ontario Municipal Associat,ion, re delegates and res. olutions.~Referred to Finance Committee. From The University 'of Wes.tern Onrtar.io, .re provincial grant.-~ &eferre<1 to IFinance Committee. From County Council of WeHand, re hy-dro ,rates.----<Referred to. Petitions and :Legislations Conunittee. Th.e .following County Councils approved of resolutions in ref-er- . ence to Industrial iStandardsAct, Agricultural Loans, and 'Administra- tion .of Justice: Carleton, Huron, Haldimand, Brant, Bruce, ,Lennox & Addington, Wentwort.h, Victoria and Lincoln. Resolution in reference to Industrial Standar,ds Act was nor 'concurred in by '.the County Councils of Wellingtol1; WeIland, Hastings, Stormont, iDundas and Glengarry and Perth. 'County Council of Simcoe did. not concur in resolution referring to Ontario Farm .Loan Board. The County Council of Norfolk app,roved .'of resolution re penal~ ties on arrears Of taxes. The County Councils of Huron and Brant approved of all reso- lutions passed at the January Session as submitted fOl' their consider:t- Elgin Co:unty. Council 51 'lion. Moved by J. W. Neil, Seconded by V. E. Lemon: That this Council do now adJourn to meet on Wednesday, June 14th, at 10 a.m. --Carried. Ashton Pineo, Warden. 52 Elgin County Council SECOND SESSION-SECOND DAY Wednesday the 14th day of June, 1939 The Elgin County 'Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomasj in' accordance wi,th adjournment. The W:arden in the Cha.ir. All <the members present. Moved by Geo. Vallee, Seconded, by W. A.. Peckham: That we now a,d;ourn so that we may go ,to NOl'folk Comity to inspect Refol'cshtion pIa.ts as per their invitation and meet, again to- morrow at 9 a.m. -Carried. i',E.lgin:Courtty"Council 153 SECOND SESSION-THIRDJDAY Thursday the 15th day .,:-of,'June, \1939 The "EIg.in' County Council met' this day at the Con<rt House, St. Thomas, in ae.cordance with adjournment. The 'Varden in the Chair. All ,the members. prescnL The proceedings _"ofthetwo 'previousdays ,were 'read -alldc'on~ firmed, ,Mr.F. :B.Thomasilddress'ed :rt:he:Council in J'erference 'to pro- ceedings necessa:r-y to estab1.ish a restricted area in the County and the:.ma'bterwas :referr.eclto:the ,:-Agricultural Comnlittee. The report of the ,County TreasuLrer with statement of rec'eipts "and expendibq.res" and estimates ,for the, year was presented and refer- ,red to the -:-Finance Committee. The rep'oi"t of the G,ao1 iCommia'ee was presented and adopted on motion :of'V.E. ,Lemon,secon'ded'by' W, A. 'IPe'C:khatn. The first report of the County Roads OOtnmh,tee was pr,esente:d and refet,red to a committee 'Of ,the :whole with ,Mr. TansleY' in the Chair.IAfter considering the ,report, clause "by' claus,e, itwas,adoptecl on mo.t.ionof Mr. Tal1Sley, seconded by Mr., Vallee, Moved by C. Patte,rson, Seconded'by:VVm. McArthur: That ,this ,council do Jlowadjourn:to I1leetagainat '2.30'p,.111. -Carried. 54 Elgin County Council The Council resumed. Moved by ,H. G._Taylor, Seconded by J. G. Turnbull: That the W'omen's In.stitute repf.esentatives be now heard. -Carried. M'fS. Dance, on behalf of ,the Women's Institutes of the county, then address'c,d the council in reference .to grantsJor public speaking competitions. TheWardcll rc.ferred therc'Questrto th.e Education Committee. The report -of the_Education Committee WRS presented and 'ad- opted on motion of Mr. Taylo.r, seconded by IMIf. Turnbull. T.he report 'of the House of Indus,u.y Conunittee was' pr'csel1ted and a,dapted on motion of Mr. A1kinson, .sccolldedbi Mr. Auckland. The repO'~.t 'Of ,the ,P.etitions and LegisIation Commit,tee was pres- ented and adopted 'on mot.ionof Mr. Newell, seconded by Mr, Mc- Arthur. IVloved by H. .G.Taylor, Se'conded by Co Pat.tersol1.: That $2iS.00 per' month be granted 10 the County T,r'easurer for assistance ,in Itbe Oounty Treasurer's Office; money ,to be taken from ,the amount received fr'Om .the Government and that the necessa.ry by-law be prepared and passed ,to provide ,for the same. -Carried. Elgin' County Council 55 Moved by W. C. Wheaton, Seconded by .'R, Tansley: That we adjourn to meet On Friday, June 1&1:h, at 9 a.m. ---<Carried. Ashton Pineo, Warden. '-'.. :5d :Elgin :_County.-Council SECOND'SESSION-+FOURTH m*y Friday the Sixteenth day - of June, 1939 The Elgin County Council met this day 111 accordance with ad- journ~nent. The Warden in ,the Chair. All ,the members present. The proceedings of -the previDus day were <read andean,firmed. Moved by J. W. Neil, SCGonded by J. n. Fraser: That- we do. now a,djourn to. meet at 2 p.m. -Carried. The -council resumed. The ,first repnr't of the Finance Committee was presented mid adopted on motion ofe PattersQll, seconded by J. W.Neil. The repaN of.the Agric-ultural Committee was presented au(l adopted 011 motion ,of R. Tallsley,seconded by Geo. Vallee. The second report of the Finance Committee was presented ap.d adop,tc(r '011 motion of C. Patters'on; seconded by J. Vil. Neil. Tilt third report of the Finance :Comm~ttee was presented and adopted ,on motion of C. Patterson, seconded by J. VI/'. Neil. Moved by C. Patterson, ;'Elgin .County', :Couneil ':57 Seconded by Wm. M,cArthur: That a by-law be passed authjJ)rizii'lg:the Warden. and Treasurel" .to borrow $50,000. .-.Carried. ,Moved' by C. PaHe-r.son, Seconded by J. D.Fraser: That the deputation present be now heard. -.Carried. Mssrs. Silcox, Moore and .MoLeod then ad-dressed the Council re pasteurizatiou''''a.-nd the '.>Varden I.e'ferreid-the 'matte'r -to the Agricul- tural OommiHee. Moved by W. C. IWheatoll, Seconded byR. Tansley: That' we adjo:urn to meet at 3.'50. ......:Carried. The Council resumed. 'Moved by E. Lashbrook, S.econdedby W. A. Peckham: That 'this Council is in favour of ;the compulsory ipasteurizatioll of milk and the ,en-far,cement of the present law in the Province of Untario. -Carried. S8 Elgin'County Council Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded byE. E.A,tkinsOJ1:- That this County Council requcs't the Ontario Legislature to amend :thc' Administration of Justice Ad regardiing the le'vyingof costs when a change of v'cnue is allowed so the costs would be borne by fhemunicipality where the aime was 'commit-teid -in bOoth -civil and criminal cases 'and that a copy of this resolution be sent to the OntariQ AgricuH;ural Council, theM'lluicipal Associati~n andal1CoU11~Y Coun- cils, -,Carried. Moved by V. E, Lemon, Seconded -by Wm. McAr:thur: Tha.t by-law No, l3rlS "To Appoint a Deputy ,County Road SUP: erintendent~' be read a first time. ...,-Carrletl. Moved by J. W. Neil, Seconded by, ,V. E. iLemon: That by-law No. 1318 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Y E. Lemon, Seconded by J. W. Neil: That- by-law No. 1318 be read a thi,rd ,time and finally passed. ' -Canied. Elgin ,County .Council 59 Moved by r W. Neil, .Seconded by J. R. Bandeen: That by-law .No. 1317 "To Designate a County Township of Dunwich ,and to Amend by-law No. 13M time. Road in the be read a firs't -Carried. Moved by J.R. Bandeen,' Seconded by J. W. Neil: That by-law No. 1317 be f(~acl a second time. '~"\. --Carrieil. Moved by r W. Neil, Seconded by J. ,R. Bandecn: That by-law No. 131'7 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. )Moved by- W. C. W:heaton, Seconde,d by H. Newell: That by-law No. 1319 . "To ,Appoint High School Trus,te'cs" he read a ,fi-tst time. -Carrie:d. Moved by H. Newell, Seconded by W. C. Wheaton: 110 ,Elgin County ,.CouncU . That by-law No. 1319 be read a secOlrd time. ~Carried. Moved 'byR.' Tansley, Seconded by J.E. Munro: That by-law No. 1-3,19 be read a ,third t,ime and finally passed. ~Carrie_d, IMoved by Geo. Craik, Seconded by J. -E. M.unro: That by-law No. 1320 "To Extend Time for Tax ~aJ.e" be r.ead a firs.t time. :....,...Carried. Moved by ]. G. Turnbull, Seconded by Geo. Craik: That by-law No. 1320 be read a second time. ~Carried. Moved by J. E.Munro, Seconded by iH. G. Taylor-: T.hat by-law No. 1320 be ,read a ,third .tiine and ,finally _passed. -,-Carrieq.. Elgin County Council 61 Moved by E. E. Atkinson, Seconded by \iV. A. P.eckham: Tha.t by-law No. 13121 "To Prav.i,de for paYJ.ncnt of municipal clerks for applica.tiol1s for Mothers AUowal1c'es'~ be read a first til11e. -Carried. Moved by Geo. Vallee, Seconded by D. Ryan: That by-law No. '1321 be ,rea,d a second time. -Carried. '~'" Moved by 'W. A. Peckhaml Seconded by E. E. Atkinson: T,hat by-law, No, 1321 be read a third time and ,finally passed. -Carried, Moved by E, Lashbrook, Seconded by R. Auckland: That by-law No. 1-322"1'0' Apportion amount received from the GOvernment ,for Police Court Expenses" be read a firs.t time. -Carried. IMoved by R. Auckland, Seconded by E. Lashbrook: That by-law No. 1322 be read a second time. 62 Elgin County Council -Carried. Moved by D.Ryan, Seconded by F. ,II. Miller: Tha.t by-law No. 1322 be read a third time and :finally passed. ~Ca'rried. Moved by IF. H. )Miller, Seconded by D. Ryan: That by-law No. 13'23 "To. Raise Amounts for County Rates during the year W39',' be read a first, time. -Carried. Moved by R. Auckland, Seconded by ,E. Lashbrook: That bywlaw No. 1323 be read a second <time. -Caniecl. Moved by F. H.. Miller, Seconded by D. Ryan: That by-law No. 1323 be read a third time and finally passed. -Caniecl. Mav'cd by C. -Patterson, \ Elgin County Council 63 Seconded by J. D. Fraser: That by-law No. 13,24 "To Autho,rize ,the Warden and 'frcasurer BorrOow the sum of Fifty Thousand ,Dollars" be' Ireacl afir.st time. -Canieel. Moved by Wm.Mc:Arthur, Seconded by C. PaHe.rson: That by-law No. 1324 be read a second ,time. -Carried. Moved by -.c. ParttersOll, Seconded by '\1:- E. Lemon: Tlhat by-law No. 1324 be rea,d a third time and flnally passed. -Canied. The Children's Aid Society names number of - Wards of Elgin Count placements asoi June lIst, 1939: Wa.rcls in Boarding HOln'es Wards on - A,dotytiol1 Probation Wards in wages homes W:ards in Fr,ee - Homes War'd~ iil. Insti't~tions 54 2 10 25 7 98 Moved by J. R. _ Bandeen, Seconded by J. W. NeH: ThM this;cblincil adjourn to meet on Monday, November 20th. -Carried. 64 Elgin County CounCil THIRD SESSION-l"IRST DAY Monday the 20th day of November, 1939 The Elgin County Co,uncil met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, :in a'ccordance ,,,ith adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All ,the members pr.esen't. The Warden addressed the COUt'ldl; Warden's Address To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The 111105t important event -since the June Session was England's declaration of wai-, followed by simila r declarations from the other British Dominions ,and On hehalf of -Canada a declaration of war ag- ail1s't Germany approved by the Federal Parliament. Authorities generally have a vivid recollection of the Iag,t war and ar,c endeavor~ ing to avoid thcmistah:s then made. In order to achieve this, a spedalsessIon of ~thc Provincial- Parliament was held in September. One of ,the 111.ost importan.t matters thei1consiueredw.as ,the issue .of debentures "for pa.tr.iotic and other grants pe,rhining to the -war, sub- ject to .the approval of the Department ,of Municipal AffaIrs andRe- sources Commit,tee by counties, cities and sepa,rated rtowns. Towns. villages and townships, except in unorganized territory, have no auth- ority to make such gran.ts. \Var grants 'can only be made to organ- iza'tions regis,tered under the Canadian War Charities Act of 1939. The acHo'll of ,the P,rovincial Governmcnt in placing- the facilities of the new \Mental Hospital, now nearly completed, at the disposal of th{; Federal ,authorities for training members of the F1ying Carps should impress all of us with the gravhy of the situation and the necessity for granting s'l1ch assistance as may be required. Elgin County Council 65 ;2. IWe all regr-et the loss of ,an esteemedcolleag;ue, Mr. John Munroe, iDeputy Reeve of the 'Downshipof .iSouthwold, who by his kind disposition and genial manner had mademai1y.friends. Our sym- pathy is -ex-tended to Mrs. ~Munroat this 4:ime. (The council then stood sHent and at attention 'f-or one minll-te.) 3. Thei~l1provemen.ts a1-eccss,ary <1,t ,the House of Refuge have been 'conwleted. The number of inmates on the first of N ovembcl' was 217, the smallest in many years. We have accoI111'oda'tio11 for over one hundred and it is sugges,ted 'tha't .an effort should be made t,o send more inm;a'tes to the institUltlion ra.ther .than place them on the 'Cash 're1ief-l'o~ls. The work undertak,en in the Gaol \Vas badly needed and 1 think that both th.atinsti-tutian and the House Oif Refuge should be inspec- ted. ,~", 4. The health of .the County Road Superint-endelH is still UIl- sati.sfactory ,and ,he is s,till. unable to aHend to thc dudes of the office. The Assistant Coonty Road Superintendent appointed at the June Session is giv,ing good sartisfaction. 5. Among ,the Acts passed by the' Legislature is one, The. Con- duct. of-Public Mee1ingsand iProcClssions. P,enni,ts ,for holding these may be issued by the Boards of Commissioners oiPoHce or by Muni- cipal -Councils. '!No person shall i!:ake part or assist in holding a public meeting or procession unless a peonnh for the holding of such meN- ing 'Or procession has been issued. This does not apply to any public meeting or procession heId by a religious org,anization. 6. Councils may no.w gr.ant pe'r:mi1S .tel- persons tocuHivate vac- ant land; direct,ors of unemployment r'elief may exercise the same powers. 7.. The R~dCross organization is now making ,an appeal for funds. H is one of 'the organizations regis-tered' under the 'vVal: Char- l"ties Act of 1939 (Canada). This council 'will, no doubt, have to con- sider a grant to rtihe Red Cross to assist in providing supplIes fequir'eel , by- 'the local organizations fo.rl11edthroughout the county .to provide 66 Elgin County Council comfortsanct other requireinents for ,the soldiers on active s.e'rvice and in tra'lnil1g. 8. The Premier has announced that !the Legislature will meet in January and that ('ouncils next elected will hold office !for two years or for ,the duration tQf the war. ,some objection has been taken to this in the laorger munici;pali.ties ,and- a vote is being taken in ref. erence to. this question. If the law is changed in this respect, a lot o,f would-be candidates \"ill be disappointed. The Jprocee,dings of thelas't day of the June Session were .rearl and confirmed. The following COllll11ul11cations wef'C read: From 1. D. CamNon, Sheriff with Grand Jury'ls Presentment.- Referred to the G~ol Committee. Fro.nt E. S. .J.Av,cnllore, rc 'Oil and gas lease an the Hathaway Farm.-Refer.rec1 to. the Caunty Raads Committee. Fr0111 the. Veter,inary Director General, re Elgin e'Oll11'ty as a ,re~tricted area.--J<eferred LommiJttec. othe establis:hment af to the Agricultural Fro.m Mrs. :It S. Meyer of ,Port Burwel1, re libral1v grant.-- R,cfened to.' Finance Cammittee. . Fl'a111 County 'Cauncil 'af P~rth, ore the propased .reductian in the members of. the Legislature.--iRef.erred to. the Petitions and Legisla- tions Cotllmi'ttee. F,ra111 Caunty Gjuncil of DuffC'rin, rc assumption of total casts af highways by the IPravince.--1Ref.erred to. the Petitians and Legisla- tians Gam:mit1tee. Fl"01l1 Caunty ,Council of 'Ol1'tar.ia, re the abali,tion Q.f Grand Juries 'and the reduction 'af the J)e1tit ].it,ry.--lReferrecl to the Petitiom Elgin County. Council 67 and. 'Legislations 'Co111miHee. Fram County Council of Keni, re the des,truction of Barberry Bush.-:-<Refer.red to. the Ag.d,cultural Committee. " From Ca'UntyCouncil of Lennax and Adding.ton, re appointment o.f High Schaal trust,ees byc:oiul1'ty C'auncils.-Referred tOo Educatian Commit'tee. From The Atltorney-'General, ,r'e the- redistribution of the Prov- incial Police Far'ce.----fReferred to. the Finance Commi'ttee. Fram 'Oaunty Cauncil's Associatian, r-e meeting.-----.Refernd to ,the Finance ,Cammittee, From the Department of Highways, re Rev-ers,ian af Highway in Vienna.-----<Referr.-cg -to. County R'oads Cammit<tee. 'Forom the'Librar,ian, r.e an additional case f.or ,the law library..- Referred to. the Ga-ol Cammit.tee, -F,rom Judge -Rass and Mrs. John Munroe, a-cknaw'ledgement of sympathy. From -the Department of Municipal Affairs, re legislatian a4: the Septembe,rSession.--<Referred to. the .Finance,Committee, From Daugllas L. Ewin, Physician; ,HOUse "af Industry, with re- part.~Referr,ed . to Hause Df Indust.ry Committee. Fram ,M. H. Woods, Depar'tment of ,Highways, re. County Rciad expend~t1,1res.---"Referred <to. County Raads ,C-Dmmittee. Fram Provincial Inspector 'Of House 'Of H.erfuge with ,repart. -, Referred to Hause_ of IRefuge Oammhtee. Fr-om County Treasurer with 'rep'art.~l<eferred to the, Fin'l:n('~ Committee, 68 Elgin County Council The following County -Councils concurred in resoluitiol1 passed by this council whereby wealth in ,the ,form .of mOf,tgages, bau'k ac- counts and stocks should hear a burden 'Of taxation far educational purpos~s ,as well as :real esta'te: Victoria, Wentwor,th, Lennox and Addington, Hastings, .Pe-rth and St<ormont, Dundas and Glengarry. The 'County. Council 'Of \i\faterloo enelors.edHi.-e ,resoluHon with the exception oJ the word "mortgages", The following Oounty Councilsconcurre.d in resolution passed by this council f'C an inorease in, government grants 't.o sc.hools: Bruce, Victoria, Simcoe, Wentworth, and Lennox and Addington. The following County 'Councils concurred in resolution fe'town- ship grants for schoool tcache,rs: Simmcoe,Lennox and Addingt,on, and Perth. The following councils concurred in resolution '\vnereby grants due by the Department of Education be supplied in .ci'fcular letter to each board annually: Simcoe, Bruce, Wentworth, Lennox and Adding',.. ton. ;Re: resolution, Change of Venue ('osts, the following councils concurred: Brant, Simcoe, Halton, and NorJolk. Re: ,r,esQlution, 'Christmas Trees, the following councils concur~' red: Brant, Bruce, Simcoe, Halton, vVentwoMh, and Norfolk. From The Secretary of. the Local Board with nporton Mothers' Allowances. From The Secretary 01 the Local Board with repo.rt on Old Age Pensions. From The County Clerk with report on licenses. F.ram The Inspector, House or' tndustry, with report.-Referred to House of Industry ICommittee. Elgin .County CounCil 69 Moved by W. C. Wheaton, Seconded' by 'l-L Newell: That this council now a'djourn t,omeet on Tuesday at 10 a.m, -Carried. Ashton Pineo, Warden. '~1;' ,0 Elgin-. County CQuneil THIRD SESSION-SECOND DAY Tuesday the 21st day of Novemher, 1939 The Elgin County -Council' met this -day in ,acoordanc.cwith a-d.. journment, The Warden .in the Chair. All the meHlbers,_ present. / T,he proceedings of th.e pnvious day were read and c(mfirmed. The following c.ommunica:tion was read: From John Foy, Clerk of the Town of AY~l11'e.r, re amount due the Town of Aylmer 'und-ex Seotion Zf) of the Highway Improvement Act,-Hclferned to the County Roads Committee, Moved by J. R Bandeen, Seconded by J. "V. Neil: That Mr, O. L Austlt1, of the Children's Aid Society, be invited to address this council .on Thursday the 2I:kd, at 11 a.m. Moved by V. E. Lemon, Scconrkd by E. Lashbrook: That ,the COtlllt~ Council take advantage of the offered by Captain Hume to vish the Training School of Ci1.lla,dian Ai.r Feirce on 'Wednesday- af:ternoOn at 3.30 p.m. -Carried. opportunity the Royal ___Carried. Elgin- County Cou_nc:il n M:oveci by E.. ,Lashbrook" 5.econded by J. D. Fras'er: That this 'county ,council- instruct ,our Cle.rlk, IMr.' K."W. McKay, to purchase a .gOWl'l, also a crest to appear on the left lapel of same; -this .gown to be worn by the -Ward-en'-elect for 1940. :-:-::-Carriec1. Moved by 'vV. C 'vVheaton, Seconded by H. N eweU ; -"T'i-i:it thT,i;- coud6il do now adjourn to meet at 2 p.m. '~~.;. -Carried. The ,c-ottn'cil .resumed. The first report of the Fii1ance Commit-teewas v,resented and adopted on motion of Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Miller. The 'report of the Agricultural ,Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Mr. Tansley, seconded by Mr. Vallee. The report of the Education Committee was presented and acl- op:te,d on motion 'Of Mr. Taylor,seconded by Mr. Fraser. The report of the Petitions and Legislatiol1 .Committee was pres~ ented and adopted on motion of Mr. Newell, seconded by Mr. M,c~ A.r,thur. Moved by Geo. Vallee, Seconded by J. G. Turnbull: That a grant of $2D. be given to the Pprt 'Burwell lock-up for 7Z ; Elgin. .CountyCounc:il huilding10f a toilet as approved by 'P,rovincialConstable.lFrank Kelly. -Carried. :t\Jove,d by C Patterson, Seconded by J.D., Fraser: That this council do now .adjourn t'O meet 'Wednesday .at 10 a.m. -Carried. A.hton Pineo, Warden. Elgin County Council 73 THIRD SESSION~THIRD DAY Wednesday the 22nd day of November, 1939 T,he Elgin County Gouncil met this day in a'ccordance with ad- journment. The Warden in the Chak All the members present. T.he -,repor.t of -the Gaol Committee was presented and adoptee! on 111otionof Mr. Lemon,seconded by Mr. Peckham. Moved by H...",)f. Taylor, Seconded by E. Lashbrook: That t.hiscounty 'council agree to pay 50% of the cost -of $1.00 per day for a 'county patient, Mr. Solomon ~cCallum, at a private home in London, ,ontario; South Dorchester 'to pay the other $0%. ThJs agreement to contin11e until such time as it may become neces.. sa.ry to send him to a hospital 0,1' other suitable insfitution. That this resolut'ion become eff.ective only when a sworn dC',:,; laration, or affidavit, by the said S. M,cCallu111, releasing the County .of Elgin and the Township of South Dorchester kom any and all liabil- iti-es arising or caus;ed by .not being ,in an institution approved by the -Ontario Depa,rtment .ofHealth, is in the -hands of the Elgin County Clerk ~Carried. f..Loved by]. G. Turnbull, Seconded by H. Newell: 74 Elgin County Council That the Elg1inCo'llnty Council dis,cont.inue the paYl~ent of 70e per day Jo.r' indigent patients in t,he St. Thomas and Tilllsonburg ,Memorial Hospitals, to take eff-eet December 1st, 1939. Defeated on the f.ollowing divisQon: Nays----lWm. McArthur,F. 'I--L Miller, R. Auckland, E. E. Arkiil'. son, Wm. A.Peckham, D. Ryan, Vv. C. vVheaton, J. p. Frase1r, V. E. Lemon and E. Lashbrook. Yeas---<]. W. Neil, 'B, Newell, Geo. Craik. ]. R. Bal1decn, C. Patterson, R. Tansley, Geo. Vallee, J. G. Turnbull, H, G, Taylor, Movecl by E. Lashbrook, Seconded by F. H. Mille,r: That the derk be requested to prepare a statement showing the cost of indigent patients iil the Memorial Hospital, 'SL Thomas; re- port to be presented at the January Session. --Carried; NT Dved by J. Vl. Neil, SecOl~cled by J. R. B.andeen: That this COUll oil .do nOw adjourn to meet again' at 2 p.m. --Carried. The Cotlllcil res'tlmed. The ,report of the HOllse of Industry Committee was, presented B.nd adopted on motion of Mr. Atkinson, seconded by ;Mr. Auokland. Moved by V. E. Lemon, Seconded' by f D. rF-raser; Elgin County. Council 75 That this ,council pe6tion the Hon. Gonion Conant, Attorney- Gene,ral; for his serious cOlisideration of having the staff of Provincial Police Officel"S re-distributed with one in East Elgin, one. in West Elgin, and' the other .in St. T:homas ,; a copy of this resolution to be sC!1t to the 'Honorable, fhe Prime Minister of Ontario. ~Carriecl. ,Moved by R. Tansley, Seconded by H. Newell: That we now hear Mer. Summers- Harper, County Corn Borel' Inspecto,". -Carried. "". Mr. Ha-rper then a,ddressed the council ,and filed his report which was received and orderedpl"'intedin the min;utes. Moved by H. Newell, Seconded by J. G. TurnbulL That the Elgin County Council agree to pay the Memo.rial Hospital, St. Thomas, and the M,emorial Hospital, T,ills,onburg, 35c per day in place of 70c per day for county indig'fl1't patients, commen- cing December, 1:9'39. -Lost. Moved by J. G. Turnbull, Seconded by Geo. Craik: 'Dhat we do now- adjourn to meet on Tlwrsday, Novem'ber 231'd, at 10 a.m. --Carried. 76 Elgin County Council THIRD SESSION_FOURTH DAY Thursday the 23rd day of November, 1939 The Elgin County Council met this day in ,accordance with ad- j'ournment. The Warden 111 rhe Chair. All the mcmbe,rs present. Moved by E. E. At-kinsan, Seconded - by R. Tansley: That Mssrs. Miller and Taylor receive pay for the day they were not present eluring this session. -;:-Cauied. The second report\ of the 'Finance Committee was prese'nted and adopted on motion of Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Lashhrook Moved by F. H. Miller, Seconded by It Auc1ldand: Tha,t this council '.request the Michi.gan Central Railway to place wig-wag signals on No.3 Highway where the 51. Clair Branch road crOsses the said highway, -Carrietl. l'vlovec1' by J. G. 'rum'bull,. Seconded by Geo. Vallee: Elgin Connty. Council 77 That this council pass a by-law givmg the Township oJ Bayham the ;fight to Icollelet their own art"ears of taxes and hold their own tax s'ales. -CallTied. IMoved by J. D.. Fraser, Seconded by C. Patterson: That this council now adjourn to mcet at 2 o'clock. -Can'ied. The council resumed. The third report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motioll__ of MIl'. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Miller. The report of the County Roads 'Committee wa.s presented and adopted on motion O'r Mr. Vall,ee, seconded by Mr. Fraser. Moved by J. W. . Neil, Seconded -by K Lashbrook: That we grant L B. Birdsall $215. for services during 1939. -Ca.r.ried. Moved by Geo. Vallee, Seconded. by -E. Lashbrook: That the usual grant 0.1 $100. be paid to the \^lardcl1 ,tor specJ<d senic.es during the ye,ar 1939. -Carried. 78 Elgin County Council Moved by F. H. 1vIillelf", SC1conded by W. A. Peckham: That by-law No. 132'5 "To Revert Road in the Village of Vienna" be read a first time. -Cauied. Moved 'by Geo. Craik, Seconded by E. E. Atkinson: That by-law No. 132'5 be read a second time. -Canied, Moved by .R TaJ1s1ey, Seconded by H, Newell: That by-law No. hM5be read a third time and finally passed. -Ca,rrieq. Moved by Wm. IN1cA'rthur, See.onded by C. Patterson: That by-law No. 1326 "'];0 Revert Road.in the Township of Yar- mouth be read, 'a first time. -Ca,rried. M-oved by E. Lashbrook, Seconded by R. Auckland: Elgin County ,Council 79 'Dhat by-law No. 13126 be read a llecolid time, -Carried Moved by F. H.Miller, Seconded by R. Auckland: T~hat by-Jaw -No. .1326 be read a third time and "Ill1ally passed. ----Carried, Moved by F. H, Miller, Seconded by R Auckland: .~). Tha,t by-law_No. 1327 ~'To Appoint a County Cle,rk" be react a first time, -Ca.rried. Moved by V, E. Lemon, Seconded by Wm, MoArthur; That by-law No. 13217 be read a second time. -Canied. Moved by J. W. Neil, Seconded by J. R. Bandeen: That by-law No. 1327 be read a third time and .finally passed. .......,Ca.rried BO Elgin County "Council Moved by W. C. W:hea..ton, Seconded by H. Newell: That by-law No. t32B "To Appoint a Cle11k Emeritus" be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by R.. Tansley, Seconded by Geo. Craik: That by-law No. B28 be read a second time. ~Ca.rried. 1t1.ovedby J. G. Turnbull, Seconded by V. E. Lemon: That by-law No. B28 be fe_ad a ,third time and finally passed. ---,Ca,rriee1. Moved by C. Patterson, Seconded by J. D. Fraser: T:hat we now hear M.l'. Austin, Superintendent of the Children',., Aid Society. -Carried \Mr. Austin then addressed the council at some length explaining the work of the society. Elgin County Council- Bl M-oved by W. C. Wheaton, Seconded .by H. Newell: That we adjqurn sine die. -Canied. ',,,, 82 Neil Neil Neil Ryan Balldeen Turnbull Bandccn Elgin County Council COUNTY COUNCIL COMMITTEES Count'y. Roads ChaIrman, George Vallee Patterson Miller Advisory: JFraser -Taylor Agricultural Chairman, Roy Tansley Patterson Miller Vallee Gaol Chairman, V. E. Lemon Peckham Craile House of IChakman, E. Auckland Industry E. A,eldnson Turnbull M.iller Craik Finance Chairman, Tanstey Wheaton Taylor ,Lemon C. ,Patterson Vallee Flraser Education Chairman, H. G. Taylor McArthur Auckland Peckham Ryan 'Fraself [",emo\1 Munro Craiik Lashbrook Petitions' and Legislation Chairman, H. Nc\yell McArthi.tr Ryan Children's Aid Chairman, ]. E. Munro Bandcen Ryan McArthur Legal Chakman, J. D. Fraser McArthur Auckland Newell Tansley Taylor Atkirtsoh Lashbrook Newell Wheaton Craik ,.i ;il "'1 I'!:I q Elgin County Council "I Ii:; ; III ',:,1 t:' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~; ~:; " f'i , . , P" 83 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES FINANCE COMMITTEE January Session , !ili "'II "~I i' First Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: i'i' The ,Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That the followig @rants be paid: Salvation Arm)' Rescue Home, London, $360.00; The Canadian National Institute for the Blind, $200.00. '~i, 2. T.hat the $215.00 niemb'e.rs"hip fee in the Ontario Municipal Association be paid; the' Warden to appoint delegates to ,attend meeting, 3. That the sum of $5.00 be granted ,for membership in th(' Ontario School Trustees' and Ratepayers' Association, and that the Warden appoint one or two delegates. 4. T~hat a by-law be pas'sed to authorize the Warden ,and Treasurer to borrow the sum of $1175,OOO~OO. 5. Tha,t no action betaken in connection\vith application for grant of the Hospital for Sick Chlch'en, Toronto. 6. T:hat no action be taken in reference to members'hip in the Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities. 7. That 110 aotion be taken -in refel~nce to membership in the County Council's Association of the Province of Ontario. 8. That the following accounts be paid: 8,1 gJg!P gOl.m.!y ,{;oy:n!=H r~ondon & Lancashire Gua.rantee & AGddcnt Co. Public Liability Policy (R. McKenney agt.) ...".$ Underwood, Elliolt, Fisher Limited, repairs to typewriter, Cler1k' office County Postage, K W', :r..{cK~y The Aylmer Express, printing proceedings 1938 'Ont. Training School-,far Girls, maintenance of Edith Jones, Nov. and Dec. Children's Aic1Socie:ty, maintenance November to January Twp. of "Southwold, examination 'Of lunatics Municipal W orId, supplies Clerk and Treasmer Municipal W'odel, supplies Registry, Office Rainbow's Bookstore, supplies Registry Office Rainbow's Bookstore, supplies Clerk's office All of which is respect{ul1:,/s.ubmitted, c. Pattersonl Chairman.' 370 13 1 00 14 00 316 36 45 75 2401 75 3'5 00 27 88 6015 245 7 75 Elgin :Count\Y :Coun'Cil 85 JANUARY SESSION Second Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Commit.tce reports as follows: 1. That the, .following :hospital accounts ,be paid: Memorial Hospital, St.' Thomas Mainltenance Grant, 201 days@ 70e Victoria Hospi:tal, Long.on St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto 'PaJ.1kvt'Ood~1"Hospitai, ,London Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto St. Joseph's Hospital, Chatham St. Joseph's Hospital, Guelp,h ,St. Joseph's Hospital, Sunnyside W oodstodc General Hospital Ontario Hospital, Woodstock ~04.16O 140 70 $ 445 30 472 75 43 75 537 00 15 75 8 75 1 75 59 5,0 25,3 75 116 00 $ 1954,10 2. That the 'Usual grant of $400. to the Children',s Aid Society be: wit.hheld. 3. That the members of the County Council authorize tbe Children's Aid Society to pay $60. pe;t' m"Onth .['01' the main- tenanceof the Boyd Chidren. 4. T:hat we recommend that the 1940 count)"coul1cil give a grant to the International :Pllowman's Association. All of whiC'h is respectfully submitted: c. Patterson, Chairman. Janua!ry 19, 1939. 86 . Elgin County Council Elgin County. Council JANUARY SESSION JUNE SESSION Third Report First Report To the Elgin County Council, To the Elgin Coun ty Counci1, Gentlemen: Gentlemen: 'The Finance Commit,tee report_s as follows: , ',(he Finance COillmit.tee reports as follows: That the following hospital accounts be paid: 1. T;hat a by-law be passed fixing the auditors' 'salary aCThree Hundred Dollars each. Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas Mailltenance4423 03 Grant, 262,5 days @ 70c 1'837 50 Soldiers - Meni.orial Hospital, Tillsonburg ',';- Maintenance . ..h........ <On ..., ........"... ......$ 660 40 Grant, 398 days @ 70c 278 60 Bat due On act;, E. Truman 50 Victoria Hospital, London Sit. Joseph's -Hospital, London PatlkwoodHospital, London Ontario Hospital, \Voodstock Wellesley Hospital, Tor,onto Wood-stock General Hospital Norfolk Genelral Hospital, ,Simcoe Sick' Children's Hospital, Toronto Public General Hospifal, Chatham 2. That the' Audiitors' report be ,received and printed. 3. ',l'hatW.E. Locke be appointE;cl county a'uditor. 4. That K. W.McKay be appointed County Clerk at a salary of ,Fifteen Hundred Dollars per' anum That J. D. Thomson be appointed< Assistant Cle.rk, Lnspector of :the House of [ndustry and 'Secretary of t.he Pension~ Board at a salary of Twelve Hundred Dollars with an al- lowance of Eight Hundred and Eighty-,five Dolla,rs for as,. sistance. All ofw.hkh is respectfully submitted. C. Patterson, Chairman. January 20, 1939, C. Patterson, Chairman. 81 $ 6260.\3 $ 939 50 1270 80 1874S 1395 00 254 00 36 75 15 75 13 12 239 7S 31 50 --... $ 10644 15 88 Elgm County :Council JUNE SESSION See-ond Report To the Elgin County -Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports as Jollows.: 1. That the fol1owit~g accoutits be, paid: Atkinson Funeral Home, burial VV. J. Gagen, pensioner [{,rom thcHouse of Industry ...............$ E. S. -Livermore County Solicifor, g,enera1 services Village of Springfield, sundries for luck-up Municipal Worlel, s'upplies CIe.rk, Treasurer and Court House Municipal V/orid, supplies ,for' RegistryO'ffice Wendell Holmes, account Dr. Sl1Crll, examination of ,Mrs. Robbins Dr. D, 'L. Ewin, examination of M.rs. Robbins' Dutton Advance, printing Auditors Reports Equalization Board, accOunt V.i, \TV. Hollands, M.D., account ,rePatsy Ann Hill Dept. of Health, Insulin supplied to Mrs. A. McGugan 011'1. Training School for Girls, aCCOl1nt Children's Aid Society, account Elgin County. Council 89 4. T,hat no action be taken re grant for t.he University Of Western Ontario. 5. T,hat no action' be taken n resolution from the County of Lennox & Addington re amount paid for board of wards of the Children's Aid Societies. 6. That no action be taken reappHca,tioll oJ the Hospital fOol' Sick Children for grant. 7. 'Dhat the auditor's report be adopted. 50 00 460 07 3 74 8. 'That a by-law be passed to defer fax sale .f.or one year. 9. That no action be twken reaccottnts for maintenance ot Edith Ford at Victoria Hospital,ILondon, and the Industrial Refug:e, 1'or-011to. 79 69 353 93 50 500 5 00 136 00 66 00 20 00 10. That the members of council who furnished transportatiall for the cOlinty 'council to Norfolk County be paid the sum of Five Dollars each. 1-1. 'Dhat G. M. Mitchell and and 'W. B. Lancaster be ,paid their eXpense.s to Toronto to attend the Goods Roads Convention In 1%9. 5:, 14035 5598 00 All of which is respectfully submitted. c. Patterson, ~hairman. 2. That a by-la:\.\' be passed to pay clerlks $'3.00 for }vIothers. Allowances applications, the same as ,for Old Age Pension applications. St. Thomas, Ontado, June 16, 1939 3.' That out of the amount received from the Government for police court expenses the county Treasurer pay ,Miss Hill, Police Magist.rate's sccrc-ta;ry, $180'. per anum; County Treasure,r fa.r office assistance, $300. per anum; and County Clel'k for off'ice assistance for work in connection wit:l police \-vork, $100 per anum. 90 Elgin. County Council JUNE SESSION Third Report To the Elgin County-' Council, Gentlemen: The Finance CommiHee reports as follows: Tha;t,having 'inquired into the finances of. the County and esti- mates prepared by' the County 1'reasur'c,r, they hereliVith ~ubmit a statement of the expenditure relqukedfo,r the lawful purposes"af the County during 1'939" showing the amount required -to be .raised for the underme'11tionecl purposes: Administ.ration of Justice House of Indust,ry Public Schools Offkers' ,salaries Members' Wages Court House Commission In~eres,t County Roads Children's Aid Hospitalization Misce:Uaneous Dencit, 1938 .. .m..$ 9,00000 6,000 00 2,500 CO 5,500 00 5,000 00 4,000 00 4,500 00 64,000 00 15,000 00 le,ooo 00 6,676 00 17,000 00 $151,1-76 00 Your committee would .recommend ,that the sum of One Hun~ dred and Fifty-one Thousand, One Hundred and 'Seventy-she Dollars be raised on all the rateable property in .the seve.ral municipalities of t'lle County oJ Elgin during the year 11939 for County .Purposes and that a ,rate oJ 5 mills on the dollar be levied on rateable prope,rty in Several Municipalities in the County to raise said aniounts. All of which is respectfully submitted. C. Patterson, Chairmah.~ Elgin County Council NOVEMBER SESSION First Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Conll11it.tee reports as follows: 1. That the fOllowing aocounlts be paid: Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas Maintenance ...._"."......................... .......$ 2950. oQ3 Grant, 1852 days @ 7Qc 12&640 Victoria Hospital, London Soldiers M\emorial Hosphal, Titlsonburg Maintenance 346 70 Grant, 206 days @ 70c 144 20 Ontario Hospital, Wood-stock Pa.rkwood Hospital; London - Public General Hospi,tal, Chatham Norfolk General Hospital, Simcoe Hospi~al for Sick Children, Toronto Toronto Genenl Hospital All Cifwhich is respeot,fully submitted. 91 $ 4246 43 993 15 490 90 55.0 00 1430 00 38 50 10 50 243 25 50 75 $ 8,053 48 C. Patterson, Chairman. St. T'homa.s, Ontario, November, 1939. 92 Elgin County.. Council NOVEMBER SESSION Second Report To the Elgin County Council; Gentlemen: 1''11('. Finance Committee reports as foHows,: 1. That no action be taken re communication from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs re Vacant ILand ,Cultivation. 2. T.hat ,report -of the Secreta,ry of the .Local Board re Old Age Pensions in ,Elgin Courity be received and printed in the minutes. 3. That the report of the Scoretary of the Local Board re Mothers' Allowance,; in Elgin County be received and prin- ted in the. minutes. 4. That the repartof the Deputy County Clerk re licenses bt' ,received and printed in the minutes. 5. That no action be ta1kcn re communication from the CO!1nty Council's Association. 6. That no action he taken in .rclference to applica10n from Mrs. R. S. Meyer ,for ,a grant to be paid to the Po,rt Burweil library until fhe January Session. 7; That the County Treasurc,r's report be ,received and printed in the minutes. 8. That communication' .from G. D.Conant, Attorney-General, re the P,rovincial Police be received and filed. 9. That the account of the Children's Aid Society be paid with Elgin County Council the exception of the $3'00.00 grrant. W. That the fol:lowing accounts be. paid: The Municipal \Vorld, supplies Clerk and Treasurer .......$ Industdal ~Refuge! maintenance re Edith Ford Wend-ell ;I-Iolmes Ltd., supplies Til'eas. & Miss Hill Aylmer Express, 200 copies financial report K. W. McKay, bal. due in l-espect to County Council. pictures (H)3'8) Dr. VV. W. Hollands', ~eofVices re Patsy Ann Hill Municipal World, supplies for Registry Office Deputy Provo Secretary, 'conveyance of prisoners Dept. of Health, Insulin for 'Mrs. Tucker Vernon Diz,y,ctories Ltd., ,copy. of City Direct,ory Onto Training School i,or Girls,. mairitenance ocr Frances Dodge.and Edith Jones E. S. Livermore, sc;rvices June 13 to Nov. 30 Township of Aldborough, ,Account re conveyance, examinations, etc., 119'317-1939 All of which is respectfullly submitted. C. Patterson, Chairma~ St. 1'homas, Ontario, November 1939.' 93 39 37 36 00 1 8S 7 02 10 19 12 00 53 94 186 89 72 7 5ti 165 50 1,51 10 90 50 94 Elgin County Council NOVEMBER SESSION To the Elgin County Council, Cicntlemen: T'he Finance Committee ,reports as follo.ws:. 1. We recommend that each chartered Red Cross Society of Elgin \GOUl1ty, 'Upon application to the County Clerk and Treasurer; be g,ranted the sum of $100.00; limited to 'One 'organization in eac.h municipality. 2. That we recommend that the usual grants be paid to the lock~ups in: Elgin ,County upon appr,oval of Constable Kelly. 3. vVe recommend that the glrant to the Children's Aid .society be withheld. 4. TJlat we recommend that the advisory members of the Children's hid .society be paid the same as the membc'fs. 5. That john D. Thomson be appointed iCounty Cler:k at a salary of ~1'2{}O, per anum, commencing 1st Dccember 1939. 6. 'I'hat K. W. McKay be appointed Clerk Emeritus at a sal- ~lry of Six Hund'red Demars per annum, commencing 1st of J <tnuary },940. All of which is :respectfully submitted. C. Patterson, Chairman. St. Thomas, Ontario, November 1939. Elgin County Council 95 AUDITORS' REPORT January Session To the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin, Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, Auditors for the County of Elgin, for the yea_r ending December 31, 1938, respectfully submit the following report: We have carefully compared the several accounts with the v.ouchers' produced and orde.t.sauthorizing the various expenditurc~ and Jind them. correct. We find receipls exceed the expenditures by T.hirteen Thous- and, Two Hund.red, and Twenty-five Dollars ancl thirty-five -cents, as follows: December 31, 19.38, bank balane'e Less outstanding cheque m...$ 29,372 19 16,875 50 Cash in Treasurer's hands $ 12,496 69 728 66 $ 13,225 35 The cash on hand is made up as follows: Cash in .office . au...... """'_'m ..m.. ....... ... . a$ 2()9 84 Also partial payment on Crown Witness sheet 518 82 The Departmental regulations regarding receipts being deposited 111 bank to the credit of the County are being strictly .observed; also am payments are by cheque except pay list of Crown vV~tnc,ess fees in Administration of Justice A1ccounts and also pay lists for c0111111itter: work. 96 Elgin County Council We have verified the bank balane,e and all bills payable held by the bank on December 31, 11938, with certified statement of bank bal~ anee attached. 'Phe following statements ar.e submitted: A bstract of IJ~eceipts and Expcl1dit'ures. A!;sets and Liabilities. Detailed statement .of Receipls and Expenditures. On ,.December 31,1938, we find current liahilities to be $90,531.58. while available ass{;ls arc $74,663.52, showing a defioit of $15,868.06. 1'1his amount ,is caused by .underestimated e.xpenditure on Hospitah, Ohildren's Shelter Maintenance and Good Roads. We have checked all municipalities' returns ,to County Treasu.rer, alIso tax sale receipts and same have been' credited to the p'roperty so charged. County Treas'urerhas credited aJ!.d ,forwarded to local muni- cipalit'ies such tax an-ears as are due 'them. ']',he total assessmcnt of the County is .$3.0,310,345_ Thc rate forW38 iNas3 9-10 mills V1us school rate. The Tn~asttrer's bond for $20,OO(), with the United States Surety and Guarantee Company, was ,renewed on December 1'5,1938, and is deposited with the Crown ':Attorney. 'r11e insurance 011 County Buildings is $W3,SOO,O.o. The insurance On J--Tonse of Industry is $39,500.00. The insl1rance .on Gaolc,r'.:; reside/Ice and GaOlI is $58,000..00. Vie .have made a monthly audit of the T,reasurer's accounts and each quarter have forwarded a statement to the Warden, Clerk and Elgin' County, Council: 97,' Chairman of the Finanne C6n'Htdt-te'e. We think we have obtained all the informatiOn necessary. All of which is .respectfully, submitted. D. M. Leitch,. J. D. Thomson, Auditors Dated at St. Thomas, Januaryl1, 1939. '~';, 98 Elgin County Council TREASURER'S REPORTS JANUARY SESSION To the Warden and Members of the- County Council, Gentlemen: I beg to submit the following statement O'f Heceipts and E,xpell.- ditures 'up to December 3ht, 1938, and algoa Assets and Liabilities. Receipts Cash 011 hand Administration of Justice Hills Payable Interest County Rate H.egistry Dffice House of Industry A.rrears of Taxes County 'Roads Miscellaneom Expenditures Administration olf Justice Bills Payahle Interest Public Schools House of Industry ,Registry Office High Sc'hoo,h; Ar.rears of Taxes Members' Wages Officer's Salaries Printing, Stationery, etc. Care of Buildings Water, Light, Heal; County Roads 10975 30 12201 IS 15HlOO 00 18 67 164431 DO 600 99 3344 97 5045'89 54D33 ,17 12875 08 -,-----4'\14529 42 ..".$ 18472 61 150000 DO 43,10 26 10207 25 1,1248 83 710 96 35635 70 4974 4Q 4Q29 60 4930 DO 1402 34 2717 29 2302 02 106049 48 Elgin County Council Miscellane.ous s.u;rptus Assets Cash on hand \P,rovincial Treasurer, :re County Roads Subutban Area Countyo.f Middlesex Provo Treasurer, ,Corn Borer A,dministratiotl of Just-ice Hospital Ac:counts Registry Office Miscellaneous ',,;. De,ficit Liabilitie~ BiLls Payable Interest County Roads Administration of Justice High Schools House_ of Industry Arrears .of Taxes Provincial ,Police Public .Schools 99 43716 59 --~'>401307 39 $ 13222 43 $414529 42. ,. .,.,.$ 1322233 50DOO 00 250000 55600 450 00 2000 DO 1000 DO 1158 00 ..2100 DO <Ii 72996 33 $ 16620 67 $ 89617 DO 5,1000 DO 600 DO 5000.00 2500 DO 21500'O() 150000 50000 1017 DO 6DOO DO --~-4 89617 DO JIlt will be necessary to pass a. by-law authorizing the Wardell and Treasurer to bonow $1175,000:00 from 1!he Bank orf Montreal, ALl of 'Nhich is respectfully submitted. B. B. Graham, County Treasurer. IJh: Elgi~" C~uii't'y Couricll' Jl!NE SESSION St. Thomas, ,ontario, Jt'ti1e 9, 1939. Gentlemen: To the W'a,rden and County Council, I beg ..lea,ve .to submit the following report of Receipts and Ex. pend-itures to May 31st, 1.939, and alsoQ the Estimates for the Currem Year. Cash .on Hand Administra'iion of Justice Bills. Payable Registry Office 'Public Schools l;Iolls;e.".lof Industry Arrears 'D.f Taxes County Roads Miscellaneous Adl11'illistration olf Justice Bills Payahle Interest Public 'SchoQls House of Industry Registt'y Office fIigh Schools Ar.rears of Taxes Memb~rs Wages. Offic.ers Salaries Printin:g and Stationery Gare of . Buildings Water, l..ight, 'Heat Receipts Expenditures 13222 43 100584 4000000 n5872 9 58 2234 25 928 97 5.1392 23 1"4631 ---~1118913 33 8086 41 51000 00 1457 22 116210 279646 77 18 4029 5,0 119441 1796 23 1726 96 48~ 89 392 M 139 57 Elgin County CounCil 101 County Roads Miscellaneous 2Il668 38 6733 26 $109947 21 1951 12 $111898 33 2004 92 566 ()6 Balance Bank Balance Cash Cheques . out $ 265,0 98 699 86 $ 1951 12 Estimates for 1939 Administration of Justice House of Industry' High Schools Publk .-Schools Officers Salaries Members Wages 'Court House .Commission Interest County. Roads Ghildren's lAid Hospitalization MisceHaneous Deficit, 1938 9000 00 6000 ,00 540,00 00 2'50,0 00 5,500 00 5000 00 4000 00 4500 ,0,0 64000 00 15,000 00 12000 00 6000 00 170,00 ,00 -----4204500 ac Rate....--67-W mills. Owing 10 the small nllri1bcl' .of lots eligible for Tax Sale, it woud be judicious todefe.r the sale for another year. B. B. Graham, County Treasurer. ( 102 Elgin County Council NOVEMBER SESSION To the \Varden and County Council, Gentlemen: 1 beg :t,o submit the foillawing statement of Receipts and Ex- penditures up to .october 31st, 1939', and estimates f.Qr the balance ot 1939. Receipts Cash on Halld Administration ,of Justice Bills Payable R,egistry iOffke PubHc Scl1ool1s Honse of Industry Arrea,rs of Taxes County Roads , Mis-cellaneous Expenditures Administration a,f Justice Bills Payable Inte.rest Public ,Schools I-lotlse of Industry Registry Office High Schools Arr.ears of Taxes Members Wages Offic-ers Salaries Printing ,and Stationery Care .of Buildings Water, Light and Heat County Roads 13322 43 10369 60 170000 ()() 1158 72 1'1 58 3116 35 3050 38 5,5761 90 6328 90 ------426301986 16339 45 51000 00 1473 07 7022 75 7469 91 802 22 30085 40 3499 \.7 3500 93 4924 02 797 58 Hl56 36 3021 00 96979 79 Elgin County Council 103 MisceUaneous 25431 20 ---$253471 53 $ 9548 33 Estimated Receipts. for balance of the year Cash ,on hand County Rate County Roa.ds Suburban Area Adminis:tration of Justice Miscellaneous 1;1359 69 205008 00 68000 00 4000' 00 2000' 00 1200 00 $291.567 69 Estimated Expenditures for balance. of the year Bills Payable .........:..,.- Counlty Roads Schools ,Children's Aid Hospitalization Interest 'Officers Sala,ries Miscdl'ilneous mm m...... mm ..mm mm...... m.... . mmm.. $170000 00 40000 00 53800 00 9000 00 6000 00 4500 00 1eiOO 00 6000 00 -4290500 00 1067 69 Surplus' B. B. Graham, County Treasurer. 104 Elgin County Council COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE JANUARY SESSION First Report '1'0 the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: 1. The Elgin COl1nty.:Road Committee reports that the 5urh of One Hundred and Six Thousand and Forty-nine ,Dollars and sixty-eight cents ($HJ6,049..68) was expended on the Elgin County Highways dU1'- ing the year 193R 2. County 'Roads- Construction On coun:ty roads M.aint,enal1ce 011 county roads Maintenance on county roads in incorporated Villages Bridge Construction County Bridges under bY-llaw No. 1091 Grant to' the Town of Aylmer Cross'in.g gates at Jo.hn Street, Aylmer 3. General- Sl1p,erintendence and office expenses New machinery, t"ools and repairs Gravel Pits \iVorkmen's Compensation Board Legal ,fees and 'constable fees Insurance Less Receipts 276&7 10 40037 87 4844 02 10926 32 921 92 1G04 53 1064 73 3324 86 1l~14 90 3240 90 39 59 68041 562 52 $106049 68 1663 87 $104385 81 Elgin County Council 105 4. We estimate the, sum of $60,000.00 be raised by the Depart- ment of Highways, and $60,000.'00 be ,ra'ised by the County ,of Elgin ifor construction and maintenance On county ,roa,ds for the year 1939. 5. That ;tihe County Road Supei"intendei1t be delegated to attend the Road Confet,ence to be held ih Toronto during the latter part of February 1939. 6. That Fifteen DoUars for menibe-rship 111 the Good Roads Assoc'iation be paid. All of which is respectfully submitted. Geo. Valleej Chairman of the Road, Com,mittee. '~';' 106 Elgin County Council SUBURBAN AREA COMMISSION. The meeting of the St. Thomas Suburban Ana Commission was helel at the Court I-louse, St. Thomas, this 12th day of January, 1939. Present: IChairman Dr.F. ,0. !Lawrence, George Cross, J. T. Webster, Fran1k Pinneo, County Road Supedntencleht. A deta:led statement of accounts was submitted to the Com- mittee showing an expenditure on Suburban Area Roads _of $10,923.51, of this amount the City would be liable for 2150/0 thereof, or $2,73-0.88. Ordered by Commission 1. T,hat this account be presen:tedto the City Council of St. Thollws for payment. 12. 'J'.hat the City of St. Thomas be notified that a total or $8,000.00 will be required for construction and maintenance on Sub- urban Area to.oads f.or the yea'f 1'939, $4,Ono.OQi being :the City's share, $4,.000.'00 of a subsidy from the Department .of Highways. 3. That the ICounty 'of El,gn be notified that the sum of $8,000, will be required for e,ollstructioll and maintenance' On Suburban Area roads for the year 1,939, $4,000 being the County's portion, $4,000 o,f a subsidy from the Departmcnt of Highways. 4. 'rh~lt the follmving members of the Suburban Area Com- mission ar('clltitlcd to be p,ticl ior their services for the year !'938, as appears opposite t~wir respective names as follows: Dr. F. O. Lawrence, Chairman J. T. Webster George Cross .~ 50 00 50 00 50 00 ._.~~ 150 Oil 5. That Dr.F. O. Lawrence be re-appointed cha'irmail 0 f the- St. Thomas Suburban Area Gommissiqn for 1939. G.T-hat the committee adjourn. F. o. Lawrence, Chairman of Suburban Commission, Elgin County Council The Corpal'atian of the City of 61. Thomas, in aceont with The Elgin County Highway System, 1Q.7 For expenditure -011 Suburban Area Roads under the supe:'- vision of Frank ,Pinne,a, County RaadSuperintelldent, subject to t.he direction of the Suburban ,Area 'Commission. Maintenance Road' 16 S.A.- Weed cutting Ditching Grading Dtraggin,g E.esudacing Calcium chloride Snow roads Jackson Drain Members \Vages Road 25 S.A.- Ditching Grading Weed cutting ,Dragg~ng Gu~v{~'r:ts Bridges Resurtfacing Calcium chloride Snow Roads Protection gates Members Wages ... ...$ 121. 18 4.1 60 176 45 77 40 164 44 25.1 28 82 22 11 57 50 00 ---$ 978 74 107 25 1.11 55 04 50 21 .10 141 .84 590 .1.1 124 65 1.59 87 90 87 589 89 5000 -~---$ 2.ol2 05 lOB Elgin Coun.ty Counci. Road 38. S.A.- Weed cutting Ditching aracl.dl1~g Dragging Cd)vert Re~~rfacing Calcium chloride Snow r.oads Members Wages $64 80 23 15 50 ~.s 1'$4 .50 25 &5 76 50 1M 08 8513 5000. $ 721 36 Construction Road 16S.A.- Contract, labor and material road surface 05'114805 Road 30 S.A.- nalzie,l Drain By-Jaw No.. 12162 '''."..........$ 2'37 '51 'Gravel Hauled on Suburban Area Roads Road 16 S.A.- Yards of gravel hauled, 670 Average ha,ul, 7 miles Operating cost, less drivers' wages, total miles travelled, 4690 @ lOe per ya,rd mile 469 00 Road 25 S.A.- Yards of grllvel ,hauled, 8,gO Average haul, 8 miles Total cost, miles travelled 7040 @ We per yard mile $704 00 Elgin County Council 109', Road 38. S.A.- Yards of gravel hauled, 221 Average haul, 7 miles Total coOst, miles travelled 1'547 @ We per yard mile..,... 154 70 Cost of Stripping, loading, screening and gravel 1i/171 yards @ 3.oc p:er yar.d $ 5,11 30 City's portion, 25% $ 10923 51 2730 88 '~'" Certified correct. F. O. Lawrence, Chairman, of Commission: G. F. Pinneo, County Road Supt. 110 Elgin County. Council JAl'lUARY SESSION See,and Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlcl11cn : That a by-law be pass,ed, to cOnfirm by-law No, 1044 of t,he Township of Baylhamwhere asiked :tiO close part of Pitt Stre.etin the Village of Port Burwell. We recommend that the vV-arclen appoint a Committee to attend the Gooel Roads Ass-odation, and that every member attending Good Roads Associatioil be asked to make a report ,at the ]iune Session or. t,he County Goul1lcil. All of which is respectfully submitted. Geo. Vallee, Chairman of the Road Committee. Third Report To theEIlgil1 County Council, Gentlemen: The Hoad Committee 'reports: That they appr,ovc of ,re.solution moved by J. D. Fraser and sec~ oueled bYIC.Patterson,to designat,e as a County Road in the Town- ship of Dunwich the road from Road No.8 between lot No. 12 in Concession 8 and lot No. Ie in Cancessian 9 southwesterly to. a point between lots lOl~l, Co.nc,essj,on 9, thence southe111y to the Lake Raad in Concession 10 thence westerly to the Coyne Road; a distance of appt10ximately three miles. Ceo. Vallee, Chairman of the Road Committee. JamHtI'y, 11939. Elgin County. Council III JUNE SESSION First. Report To the Elgin 'County Council, Gent~emen : 1. Yaur road committee made their four-day inspectio~l trip on county roa.ds and recommend the following: Detail~d Statement Road Construction Proposed. Maintenance Machinery and Repairs Urban ,Municipalities County:I3ridges 'U'tJ.der Contingencies 36,900.00 63,900.00 17,000,00 6,000.00 1,500.00 10,700.00 $136,000 00 2. VVe recommend that al3y-law he passed to alPpoint Mr. George :p.ow1-cs, <:l.salssistant to. Mr. G. F. Pinneo, County ,Road Superintendent, at a salary of $100.:00- per rnonth,du't- ies to commence on June 15th. 3. That Nova Scotia Str,eet in the Township of Malahide, East of Copenhagen, a distance of approximately 10 miles, be ,hard surfac:ed, at a cost not to exceed $4,000.00. 4. IGlellcolill Bridge.-Tellders. for building a 62'-foot Reinfor~ ,ced concrete dgid hante bridge were .received and tender 01: George Powles, his tender being the lowest, was accepted. 5. Salty Creek Hill.--Tcnders for gradi:1g tbe hill were ree.. eived. Twenty-two (22) Contractors. submitting tenden~. Tihe tender of J o:ln Patterson Construction .Company, ot Brampton, at 17 9..1'0 cents per cubic yard ,vas accep;e~l. 112 Elgin County Council The work commenced on MaYI 24th, and about a third of the contract has been completed. The tender olf George Powles ,for s,ugplying the materials etxcept ce~ment, for the io" foot x 12 foot ,cuJvert, was ac.:' ccpt-eel. 'Dhe contract price is $3,500.,00, Tlhe cement will cost about $1,1215.00. The culvert will be ,finished this week. The total cost of the grading' a:nd culvert will be about $11,1800..00. This will not include gravelling the new road, fences, lanel required ,andc1lmi11age. 6. Bridge over Catfish CreeJ<: on the Town line between the Townships of Malahicle and iDereham, as inspection -of thi:~ bridge was made ,and it was ,found that the woOoden floor is .in a dangerous state. Temporary repairs are being made to the floor and it is ,suggest,ed that 't'he.creosQ'ted plank Ikom the old Glencolin Bridge ,be used to nlalke more perm,.. anent re,pair,s this summer. The steel trusses of the briclf,.o.<e are, not strong enough for modern traffic and a new con- crete structure should be built in the near future. 7. Bridge 'over IOtter Cree'k all t'he Town line between the Townships of Bayham alicl Middleton. The wooden floor all t,his ,old ste.el bridge requlres repairs. Twenty new 3 inch 'X 10 inch x14 foot oak plank should be punhased. Enougl1 old 'plank can be used for t'he remainder of the floor. The bridg.e is about 80 feet long: All the floor plank should be ta,keil up and relaid, as the old 6 inch spikes are protruding about one inch above the planks. . All OIf which is respectfully submitted. Geo. Vallee, Chairman of the Road Committee. ;~~_g;~~ ,Co~,ll.ty,Cqul.\dl NOVEMBER IlESSION 1'0 the Elgin County .council, Gentlemen; 113 T'he Elg'in County' Road Committee reports t,hat the expenditun: on Elgin County 'Hig.ln:vays from January l'5t, to November 15th, 1939, total $120,3'77,,31. 1. Expenditure as follows: ,Maintenance on County roads :Construction on COUllty; ,roads Maint.enance on Suburban Area Roads Construction -on Suburban Area Roads County Bridges under By~law No. 1091 ViJlage and Town grants Truck Exp~l;i'ses Machinery, Tools and repairs '\Vorkmen's Compensation Board Employe,es' Insurance Legal fees Constable fees Le5s Receipts 2. Operation of, International -Tr'uck Hours wOl1ked Miles travelled Yards .of gravel and earth hauled Repairs, insurance, licens~ Gas and Oil Vvages Depreciation, $7.00 per clay 1783 221'9.1 5900 41079 .10 44918 46 1199 00 10129 79 230 80 5216 54 .1515 28 12709 10 252 76 5.15 80 86 92 503 50 $120,377..11 .1056 40 $117,320 91 872 .39 104749 676 70 12%00 $ .1842.'8 114 Elgin County Council Av.crage inileage per day 128, Average yardage per day 34 Average cost per day................. .....$ 21 58 Cost of. hauling 1 yard -olf st,one or gravel 1 mile or per mile loaded 7.4c 34.1c 3, Operation of G.M.C. Tr.uck [-lours worked Miles travelled Yards of gravel and e,a,rth Repairs, "insurance, license Ga,s and Oil Wages Deprecia1ion (original -cost) 1503 20579 hauled S4Ql ..............mm.........$ 610 30 983 75 526 05 330 00 $ Average miles per day Average y:arctalge per day Average cost pe'f day Cost of .hauling 1 yard of stOne Or gravel 1 mile o.r per mile. loaded 1.37 36 16 53 5.37c 24.2<: Depreciation of trucks is assumed as follows: 2450 IO l'st year $1-0.100 per working day. 2nd year $ 7;00 per wor;ldng day. 3rd y;ear I/> 5.00 per w,ol1king day. 4th year $4.00 per workit)g day,or balance of origir'lal cost. 4, Power Grader No. 1 Miles travelled Gallons of gas used Days worked Repairs, insurance Gas. and Oil Wag\e.s 3960 27J03 160 772 19 71780 519 37 Elgin County Council liS Depreciation $1.00 per day 160 00 -----4 2009 36 Cost of dragging 1 mile of roadSk 5. Power Gl'lader No.2 jMile,s travelled Gallons of Gas 'Use.d Days worked Repairs, insurance Gas and Oil ,Wages Depreciation $1.00 per day 3806 2311 173 m..................... . ...............:.$ IOn 57 515 34 519 3'7 1173 00 $ 2279 28 Cost of dr3Jgging 1 mile of road 59c This grader VI'as ~quipped with new wheeh and tires this yea'f. 6. Power Grader No. 3 Miles travelled 5169 Gallons of Gas Used 2940 Days worked 165 Blades and insurance .. ......."".....,...."".'''''.......'''........$ .226 10 Gas and. Oil ,~61 01 Wages 493 80 DepreciaHon $2.00 per day 330 00 ---$ 1810 91 Cost of dragging 1 mile of ,road 3'5c 7. Power Grader No.4 Miles travelled Days worked Gallons of Gas Used Blades and Insurance Gas and Oil \ Wages 272e 109 1563 15016 3&5 02 6217 90 116 Elgin County Council tli:' Depreciation $2.00 per d0-Y 218 00 . $ lOll! 08 3ge Cost of grading 1 mile of road 8. Machhlery Purchased, 1939 Two gasolin.e power Adams l.nailltaincl', approximate wdght 15,000 pounds each. Two mowers; One iGh'evrolet oou,pe car, and a ,few small tools. 9. Maintenance Record ,of the amount of gravel talk,en from the following pits. to date: Hathaway gravel pit, in Twp. of Yarmouth, 11,327 yard 1<0105011. gravel pit, in Twp," of Dcreham 3,228 yard Locker 'gravel pit, in Twp.. of Houghton 3,800 Yiard Beecroft gravel pit,in Twp. oif South wold 1,104 yard Walker gravel ,pit, in Twp. of Aldborot1gih' 800 yard w. New P'avements Four and .onc-:quarter miles ofhai'd surfaced road has becn 00l1st11ucted,this y.ear, described as .follows: 1% mile Of plant mix road has been laid, in the Township of Yarmouth; on Balaclava Street North, known as Sub- urban Area Road No. 30, 20 feet wide, 3 indhes thick, at a oost induding the grading of $9400,00. 1% miles of gravel mulch roa,d mix, 111 trhe Township oi M~Iahide,20 feet widc,'210 inches thick, at a cO'st of $460'0.00 c-omplete. 1% miles of double surfaced road constf'tlctccl at Glasgow, 20 feet wide,' '}4: of an inch in trhiClkness. C)on~plete, $2,200.00. This road is in the Township of Ald- borough, No.3. Nc"W CO~t All of which is respectfully submitted. Ceo. Vallee., Chairman of Road Comm:tte:;. I' Ii Ii I :;i I", 'f' iiii Iii Elgin County Council 117 St. Thomas, Onta.rio, November 17th, 1939. To the Elgin Co-unty; Council, Gentlemcn: 1. The .Elgin County l\.oacl Committee a'sk that a By-law he prepared at this session of. the County Gouncil toO revert back to the Township of Yarmouth, tAll that portion .of the road allowance, used in lieu of thel orig- inal Road Allow.ance between 16ts 8 and 9, Conoession 10, in the Township ,of Yarmouth, which lie.s we.st of a line drawl1 parallel to and Thirty-thr.ee f:eet (33 ft., 0 in.) Westerly (meas,ured at right anlgles ther.eto)of a line w:lich may be described as .follows: Gommencing at a point in the intersection of the centre line at the road allowance b~hvecn said lots 8 :and 9,. Conce.5sioB IO', and the soutalerly limit of s.aid Concession W. Thericc North along 'Vhe centre line olf said Road allowance One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy-t\VO feet (1,972 ft., 0 in) more or less to a point distant Two .J-Iundr;ed alld Twenty-lfive feet (225ft.. o in.) South ,of the line between t.he North half and 'south half of said lot 8; Thence North easterly 01\ .t curVie to the rigiht, (the radius of which is Five Tihousand ,Seven Hundred and Twenty-n:ine and Six T,enths feet (5,709.6 ft). Three 'Hundred and Twenty-eight and. three tenths feet (3'28.3 ft.). lihence },I,orth 3 degrees 17 minutes East, .one Thousand Eig,ht Hundred and Fifty feet (1,,850 1ft., 0 in.). . 'J.'heabove description is based on the assumption that the cen- tre line of the .original road allowance; betwleen said lots 8 and 9 Is due north. ~. That a By-law be prepared to revert back to the Village, of liB Elgin County Council Vienna, ,that portion Olf land being "IFront Street in the; Village of Vicnna, in t,he Townsrhip' of Bayham, ill the County of Elgin, extend- ing southwe;sterIYi f'rom the 'Western limit of the King's I-lig,q.way as 's:hown on deposited plan No. 10.;,80, to and cXjtending southeas'terIy along the location of an -old bridge (since. destroyed) across the Otter Creok" to and extending sout'herly and southeasterly along the~ Water Street in the af.oresaid Village -of Viefina to the Southern limit of the King's Highway as abav,c shown On ,Deposited plan '0-,80, and further shown On a plan marked A7-20". 3. That no action be taken re, lease 'from vhe Central Pipe 'Line ,CompanY', Limit,ed, Chatham, Ontario. All of which is res,pectfully submitted. Geo. Vallee, Chairman of Road Committee. Elgin County Council 119 GAOL COMMITTEE January' Session To the Elgin County Council, The Committee reports: Tlhat they ihave ins,pectcd the Gaol, Oonr:t Honse and Registry Office and make the following recommendati,ons: 1. That ba'r;e spots 011 wall of Doctor's room be plastered and painted. Z. That a new sink be installed in the. w.est end bloC'k upstairs. 3. That' a sl1'dwer bath 'be installed in t1he basement f'Or pris,on_ ers' use. 4. T,hat a 'marc up-to-date and efficient unit be installed for the purpose of disinfecting prisoners' clothes. ~. That the 'three east T'00111sof Registry Office be decorated. 6. That ,prisoners be used tOo clean 'up woodwor,k on third flnor of 'Nest Wing of iCourt House. All of whioh is rc'spectfully submitted. V. E. Lemon,. Chairman. January 20, 1939. 120 Elgin CountyCouncll June Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The {;aol Committee rep.orts, That we reoommend; 1. That new cement floors be placed in the celLs and terrazzio in H1C con'idors of the lower Hoor of the gaol. That a new floor of asphaJtic tile, or linoleum, be installed 1t1 the kitchen with a new sink in the kitclhen and ea-ch oorridor. That the lat1ndr~ tubs be j'cplaced. Total (',stimatec1 cost of the above, $800.00. 2, We Ihavc received tenders for coal and recommend aec;ep.' tance 6f t1he f.oUowing: Swift & Co., stove coke foOr Registry Office, '$0.05 per ton. 'Swift & -Co., egg ;coal for Court House and GaoJ, $9:97 per ton. 3. We recommend the purchase of a typewriter for the County Clerk's office. 4. vVe recomme.nd'that the fO'llo,ving accaunts be paid: H. E. Johns,an. & Sans, caal $ All:c1ersons ILimitcd, 'sheeting and pillaw case's U!lderwaad, Ell1,ott Fisher Limited 733 4D 34 92 14 73 All af whioh is respectfully submitted. V. E. Lemon, Chairman. JUllC. 1939. Elgin' County - Council N ovember.Session To the Elgiti Caunty Council, Gentlemen: T;he ,Gaol Cammittee reports as - faHows ; 121 That the request of the .Law ,Library A'ss-aciatiall far an ad.. ditional ,case ,f'Or the .Law Librar)~ be left to' the January CommiHee. 2. That t'he'Tumke.y's re,quest re stove in his r,esidence be left to' the January Committee. 3. . That contract for bread to' be delivered at the County Gaoi during 1940 be ,awarded t.o Askew BrO'thers, price .5%c for'1% lhs. 4. Tlbat -can tract for SUPI>ly af f.ore-quarter beef to' be dCliveretl at the Caunty, GaO'l during 1940 be awarded to' Mssrs. Duman & ;ipry at 12c per paund. 5. That the report ,of the Grand Jury benled. 6. That weather stripping fargaO'I windows be installed. 7. That the fallawing accounts be paid; J. H. Gould Ltd., linO'leum .f.O'rg-aO'l office and kitchen CO'O'k"s Rep,air SlhO'p, 2 ,keys f.or ga,a} J. T. Findlay, superintending work in gaol office,.., M. Marris, re floor in .gaol O'ffice A.llof,\"hioh is 're's'pc,ctfully submitted. V. E. Lemon,'Chairman. St, Thomas, Ontario.. Navember, 1939. 129.00 70 436 2,72, 122 Elgin County Council EDUCATION COMMITTEE January Session To the El,gin County Council, Gentlemen; The, Education GOl11mitte,e reports: 1. That in .our Oplll1011, wealth in the f.orm o:fmortgages, baute aocaunts and stocrks should bear t1he burden of taxation for education- al purpos,es a's welt as real estate. 2. 'Dhat we arc in favour of an in<;l",case in government grants to schools by $1,000,000 each Ylear, untH at least 50% be horne' by the Provin,ae. These grants to be computed '011 an equitable basis. 3. That township grants. for teachers' salaries be -restored to Six Hundred 'Dollars, 4. That all ,grants due by tthe Department of Education be sUlPplied in one eir-eular letter and that each board be supplied with a report annually. ;5. Tlhat these resolutions be sent to all County Councils, trhe ~!inistcr ,Of EdrUcation and the County Section of the Ontario Educa~ tion Associaion. All of whidh is 'respe.ctfully submitted. H. G. Tayior, Chairman. Jftlluary 19, W39. Elgin County Council 123 June 'Session To the Elgin ;County Council, Gentlemen: The Education Committee rep,orts as follows: vVerecommend: 1. That grants to t1he Local Women's Institutes be increased from $10.00 to $1'5.,00 for each I!nstitute in 1939 to provide ,for the or- ganization and support of public speaking contests for Elgin County school pupils. 2. That a by-law be passed to ap,point the foHowiilg trustees to the Aylmer High School Board: Lorne ,Miller for two years. Sloan --N.IcConnell for one year. All of whidh is 'respectfully submitled. H. G. Taylor, Chairman. St.' Thomas, Ontario, }li'ne 15th, 19\39. November Session Tothc Elgin County' Council, Gentlemen: The Education Committe.e reports as follows: That we investigated reports as toO the defects in the construe, tion of t'he Aylmer High SClhoo] and advised the .Aylmer Bioarcl and the Department of Education in refe.rence thereto. Mr. Bc!J, County En.gineer, made, a special report on the whole question at the request of your committee. 'All of whioh is respectfully submitted'. H. G. Taylor, Chairman. St. Thon~as, Novemher, 1939. t24 Elgin .,County .CounciI HOUSE OF INDUSTRY REPORTS Physician Novembe'r 16th, 1939, To the \iVardell and Members of the EIg.in COUl1tYi Counci!, Gentlemen: . [ have the honour -of presenting the sixty~f.ourth annual Medical' l~epor't of the Elgin H'Ou'.,se of Indrustry up to Octobe,r 31st, 1939, and submit the following for. your cO!1s'idemtiol1. I made, ,fifty-ifiiv,e visits -t,o the tf-lol1se of Industry, and 'attended four. inmates in ,the Memorial Hospital, as follows: IN/.rs. Clara Poole, Feb. 8th, 1939 to ,Feb. 18th,11939. J obo Scott, Mar. 21st, 1939 to Mar. 4'8th, .1939. John Gagen, Apr. 4th, 11939 to Apr, 12th, 1939. George Newton, Apr. 11th, 119.1:9 to Apr. 18t'h, 1939. There, were no hirths. Thelie were ten deaths, .one fcmaleand nine males. as folIow'S: Date Name Age Cause of Death Nov, 1.6, 1938 Wm. Br,een 83 Chl'Onic Myocarditis Dec. 7, 1938 Samuel Gook 79 Arteri'al Degeneration Jan, 9, 19'38 James Leitch 7$ .Qer'ebral 'iH;emorrha.ge Feb, 11, 193,9 iClara Poole 4J Chronic IEndooarddtis Mar, 26, 1939 Joseph Van Sedar 6'9 Chronic My,oca'n:litis Mar, 28, 1939 IH.ev. John ,D. Scott 91 Influenza Apr., 7, 1939 Peter Carswell 66 Coronary Thr,omhosis Apr, 12, 1939 Wm, 'JO'hn Gagen Il4 Arteria Scler,osis Apr, 18, 1939 George oN ewton 69 Shock from fractured femur June 15, 1939 Echvard' Williams 58 Coronary Tllfombosis J have the honour to, be, Your." very tNdy, D. L. Ewin, Physician, Elgin House of, Industry. Elgin County, Council NOVEMBER SESSION Inspector To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: 125 'Dhe following is IllY report on the House of' Industry and Refuge for the year ending Odoher 31st, 1039': 1. Number of inmates at last report 2. Number admitted during ye,ar 3. Number of deaths 4. Number dischaI"ged 5. Nu.mber abs'Clonded 6, NUtnbe'r now in House 7. Number of -i~l'ha tes sent from several the year: Dunwich Aldborough Southwold Malahide Bayham Aylmer Yarmouth Springfield Gaol Ontario Hospital 27 18 9 6 3 27 municipalitie's 3 1 3 I 2 2 3 1 1 1 18 durillg 8. The various causes of paupe~'ism of inmates admitted to the House duting the year may be clas'sified as follows: Destitute II1-health Old A'ge Lazy 9 5 2 1 1'Z4 Elgin..,County-COUhCil Physician HOUSE OF INDUSTRY REPORTS Novembe'r 16th, 193~). To the Warden and Membe,rs ,of the Elgin CountYI Counci~! Gentlemen: ,[ have the honour .ofpresenting the sixty.cfourthannual Medical' Repor't of the El;gin Hou'se of IndlUstry up to .octahe:r 31st, 1939, and submit the following for your cOl1s'idemtion. I made, ,fifty-lfi;v.t visits t,o the House of Industry, and attended four. inmates in ,H1C Memorial HOspital, as. follows: IMrs. Clara 'Poole, Feb. 8th, 1939 to ,Fch..18th,1939. 'J ohl1 Sc.ot-t, Mar. 21st, 1939 to Mar. 23th, .1939, J Oh11 Gag'cn, Apr. 4t'h, 1939 to ApI'. 12th, 1939. George Newton, Apr. 11th, 1039 to Apr. 18th, 1939. There were no births. Ther;c were ten deaths, .one fcmale'.and nine males. as follows: Date Nov. 1.6, 1938 Dec. 7, i'938 Jan, 9, 1938 Feb, 11, 1939 Mar, 26, 1939 Ma'r. 28, 19(3;9 Apr., 7, 1939 Apr. 12, 1939 Apr. 18, 1939 June 15, 1939 Name vVm. Br,ecn Samuel Cook James Leitch Clara Poole Joseph Van Sedat fRev. John D. Scott Peter Carswell Wm. J.ohn Gagen George Newton Echvard Williami'> Age 83 79 73 43 69 91 66 84 69 .Causeof Death Chl'onie Myocarditis Arterial Degeneration ,qerrebral 'H;emorrha.ge Chronic lEndooardiitis Chronic Myocarditis Influenza Coronary Thr.ombosis. Arterio Sclerosis Shock from fractured femur Coronary TtJ1.ombosis 58 [have the honour to be, Y OUl'S very tWIty, D. L. Ewin, Physician, Elgin House of. Industry. Elgin County, Council NOVEMBER SESSION Gentlemen: To the, Elgin County Council, Inspector lZS ~[1he follow.ing is my report on the House of Industry and Refuge for the year ending Odoher 31st, 1939: the 1. Number 2. Number 3. Number 4. Number 5. Nu.mber 6. Number 7. Number year: of inmates at last 'l'epDrt admitted during year of deaths ..,........."..........." discharged abs,oonded now in House -of i~-~hates sent fr,om several Dunwich AldborDugh Southwold Malahide Bayiham Aylmer Yarmouth S.pringfield 'Gaol Ontario' Hospital 27 18 9 6 3 27 municipalitie's 3 1 3 I 2 2 3 I 1 I 18 duri11g 8. The various causes o.f pauperism of inmates admitted to. the House during the year. may be clas'sified as fallows: Destitute Ill-health Old Age Lazy 9 5 2 1 126 Elgin County Council Dope 18 of inmates during the wit!li. Keeper's family 9. Average number 10. Average number Ihired help 11. iNumber of weeks' board 12. Number of we.eks' board 13. Total expenditure during 14, year and 26"", 31% of inmates 1393 ...vith Keeper's Ifamily .h.. 16'51% the year . ............................. ....$8306 ,13 Deductions From f,arm 'stook sold From Old Age Pensions, inmates Permanent Improvements P.roduce Sold Sundries 15. II.caving amount actually c.:-::pencled for support of inmates 16. Average expenses per day of each perS'On l7. Average expenses per week of each person 18. AV1crage expenses per year -of each person Farm Expenses Hired J...ahor Implements Stock ,Feed Seed Gas and Oil M'jsc~11aneo1l's 534 32 1376 94 5'84 75 509 40 1395 31 $ 4400 72 3905 41 40 /230 145 60 201 25 23-7 W 64 00 18030 10050' 144 20 201 19 -----4 1128 62 House Expense Bread Meat 262 JO 492 99 EI~in County Council Groceries Provisions Dry Goods Boots and Shoes Furniture and Hardware Dr_ugs Coal and 'vV ood \~1iscenancous Barber General Expense H.epairs Perman,ent Improvements Incidr_ntal Insurance '~'i- Salaries 127 28158 197 56 22'196- 42 94 269.62 3235 li276 24 3;36 76 106 {)() ~c---lj; 3520 20 349 41 '584 ?5 249 70 '4W 01 $ 1610 90 Keeper and Matron P'hysician J. T. Findlay .....$ \,760 {)() 2,70 00 1'638 ---~ 2046 38 Total $ 8306 13 year: 20. Tlhe fonowing produce w:as rais,ed on the farm during tlhe 1170 Bushels Oats 385 Bushels Wheat 40 Loads of Hay. 5 ACl'es El1silagc Corn 100 Bushels Potaoes 10 ,~ushels Carrots 4 Bushels Turnips 75 Loads of Straw Quantity of Pumpkin and Squash IZS :f.:lgin County Council' Garden Produce 8 Bushels Beets 15 Bushels OniiOl1s 500 Bushels Sugar Beets 100 iReads of Cabbage SO Bushels of Tomatoe,g 1 Acre of Sweet CO'rn Quantity Lettuce, P.arsley, Asparagus Quantity ,Plums, Grapes 15' ;Quarts Milk per. day '500 Quarts Fruit canned' in House ?50 !Dozen Eggs consumed 1470 Pounds oL Butter A large quantity of v.egetables and fntit was used dur,iug the 5U'mmc'r of which no aCC{)unt was kept. !Cream s'old ..I-Iogs slold Eggs, chickens and sundries Cows sold Bull Apples sold 263 62 364 32 ..111'3 58 8000 90 00 13250 ---$ 1044 02 21. Number of a,rticlesof bedding ,and dothing lllade up during the yea'I' by Matron and Inmates, 265. 22, Farm Stock 'I I,. If. i II Ii 3 Horses 9 Cow:; II Hogs 3 Yearlings 2 Brood Sows 70 Chickens 2 Calves 1 Bull Elgin, CountY.'; Council! 1'391 23. The total amount expended. by the G::'Ounty 011, the House ~f Refuge is as follows: Farms, 100 acres,C'ost HOuse of Industry' .Laundry Fi're Escapes Ropt Cellar, Henery, Etc. Cottages, etc. Brick Fce House !Barns, etc. Tile Drains Tile ,ora'in Outlet Hot Air Pump Tank, Connections Re.frigerator iFencing Orchar(~ Heat.ing Ap'paraHls Boiler Room and Soft Coal Boiler Deep Well Silo Hog Pen Electric Installation and Pumps Plumbing Septic Tank and Drain 'Su;ncki~s 7298 95 14476 26 687 61 390 ()I) 879 43 6952 87 1920 50 7004 37 4162 2-1 13203 920 60 590 00 191'907 llS,85 2305 44 3837 52 2436 40 293 62 654 99 2372' 00 3174 00 1146 75 411636 $ 63916 9D 24. Received fr,om Governn1;ent on account of expenditures for land ancb building ......... ..... ,.$ 400000 $ 59916 90 25. There were 4S inmates in the HOllse during 1939; 30 l11ale~j 1'5 females. Of the 27 'inma;tes in the House all the 1st of November 1-939, 14 ,"vcre males and 13 females. The improviemen'ts iil the men'.sdiormitory have greatly added to th(~ appearance o'f the room. 1iherc is sufficient acoomodati'on .for 12'5 inmates at the House. It would be advisable for tli'eMunicipalit.i.es to 130 Elgin County Council have more pe/ople sent to the House of Refuge, instead 'of giving re- lief in tlhe local municipalities. The management has been satiS'factory. All of which is ficsp.ectfully submitted. J. D. Thomson, Inspector. St. Thomas, Ol1ta'rio, November 20th, 1939. 11 I', " ~! Wrl II, Elgin Counly Council 131 HOUSE OF INDUSTRY COMMITTEE June Session To the Elgin County Cottncil, Gentlemen: The BOlls,e of Industry Committee. reports as f,allows: 1. 'Dhat we have had two rooms in the K;ecl!)er's quarters re~ papered. 2.' 'Dhat table tops in the dining 'fooms have been recovered and a porch placed over the ('nit"anee of the men's smdking room. 3. 1ihat we r,cco:mmend the ,r:eplastering of the men's sleeping rOoOm at a estima'tecl"'cost of $150.00. 4. 'nhat we recommend that a flew floor be installed in the men's sleepin<g foom at an ,estimated cost of $210.30. 5. That tenders ,f.Oor coal have been received and we recommend that the following tender be acc'epted: Swift and Company for ohestnut and egg ceat at (j;IW.02 ton. nua1 that 6. That the Keeper and ldatron be appointed to attend the an- c~nvention for :Manag,ers of Homes .for the Aged and Infirm and membership of $10.00 be paid,. 7. That the following -ace-aunts be paid: Frank T'l'ace,' decerating 2 reams ,............. .".......,. .... ..,.....$ St. Thomas Metal Signs, pOorcelain enamel tops 7081 114 70 All of which is respectfully submitted. E. E. Atkin,son, Chairman. June 1939. 1~ EJgin.: County COUl'lcil\ Elgin County Council 133 NOVEMBER SESSION PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE To the Elgin 'County Council, January Session Gentlemen: To the Elgin County Counc.il, The House of Indtlstry Committee r.eports as follows: Gentlemen: L That:: m pUmp:~ be'. installed: 0'11 the: water. line: to: force hot water thr'Ough ,radiators mOr,e rapidly. The Petit-ions and Legislation Committee reports as follows: 2; That the Provincial Trnspector-s re,port he filed. 1. That w.e concur with resolution from the County of Kent and 'resoluti,on ,from the County of Esse,x re the re.fusal of the Com- missioner ,of Agricultu-ml :Loans to pay tax penal~ties and int,erest. 3:T'1hat the reports of DL Ewin, IPhysician, and J. n~ Tihomson, InspectiOl", be adopted and p'r'inted' in the mio>tttes.' Z. That we COncur with resolution from the County of Middle. sex rcchang.es in the Lord's Day Act. 4. That the following account. be paid: n. :Smoke,. threshing and silo filling ..... ..... ........ ..,............,$ '-'., 67 83 3. That we concur w.it1h resolution from the County 'of York in re.ference to the relief of real estate from taxation. 5. That 'contract for bread t,o be del.iv-e.red at t,he ,House of Iudus-tny:- during 1Q40 he- awarded, to Asacew Bros.,. pr:ice.: 5%,--c: for 10 lb. AU, of which is resp.ectfully submitted. 4. That we take no action in reference to resolut'ioll from the County of Middlesex 'requesting co-operat'ion with r'ef.erence to the extetlsion of -.tlhe Dog Tax and Live Stock Protect-ion Act. E. E. Atkinson,' Chairman. 5. That w.e concur witlh r.esolution from the iCounty of Grey re installation ,of hydro in rural districts. St. Thomas! Ontario, November 1939. All of which is respectfully submitted. H. Newell,Chairman. Jcllluary 19,.1939. 134 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 135 JUNE SESSION AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE To the Elgin County COllllcil, January Session II. n ~ Gentlemen: The Petitions and Legislation Committee reports as follows:' That we recori'llnencl co_oiPc-ratiol1 In the following: L IR,es'0111tion from the County of Esse:x re the broadcasting of all parliamentary debates. 2. IRe solution from the County of Onta'rio that the ,Dominion Government be re,questecl to set up the necessary machinery to meet the entire finane-ia! burden of the unemployment .situation and T-elicve the local municipal ides of taxation for suoh purposes in as far as this applies ta employable perSOll'3. All of ,vthich is resp.ectfully submitted. To the Elgin COlll1ty Council, Gentlemen: The Agricultmal Committee reports as foHows: 1: I I I L That we appl'opriatc Fifty IDollars for l11embe.rs.hip fee in the Ontario Agricultural Council and that the Warden be authorized to ap\loint a commitke to' attend. t I': , '!i ili l' ~I Ii " j! ;i 1; Ii bon 2. That we, ,grant Twenty-Jive Hollar-s to t1he Ontario: Conserva- and Reforestation Association. H. Newell, Chairman. 3. 1':lat Summers _Harper be appointed Elgin Corn Horer Inspector. June 1939. NOVEMB.ER SESSION 4. That we send two representatives to the H_eforestation Con~ vention t'O be held at the Prince George Hotel, Toronto, On Feb. 20th. All of which is respectfully submitted. To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen; The Petitions and Legislation Committee report as folla-ws: L I'hat we c'Oncnr with resolution from Perth Couuty re reduc- lion in civil servants. January 19, 1939. R. Tansley, Chairman. 2. That no action be taken On resolution tt'om Dutter1l1Coul1ty requesting the ne,partment of :t-Iighways to assume cost of hi'glhways t'hrough tOwns. 3. That no action be taLkel1 re r,esolution from the County of ,Ontario re, abolition- of Grand Juries and reduction of petit juwrs. JUNE SESSION To the Elgin Connty COt1ncil~ (;entlemcn: All of wlhich is resp,ectfully submitted. H. Newell, Chairman. The Agricultural COlllmittee reports as follows: 1. TIJnt this Agncultural COlllmittee of tl1eEIgin Cooll.ty Coun- cil recommend that p-roceedings be instituted in some measure ,to con-- St. 11homas, Ontario, November 1939. 136 EIginCounly Council Elgin County' CounCil 137 tr01 tlhe. ruthless destruction of tt'ees throughout Ont<a'ri'O' which are annually cut and possibly not 'sold .and in order t'O form some contr,ol.. ling Legislation we would recommend the following: 4. llhat w,e apProve of canvas mad-eby the A,griculturat Rep- resetative to malk,e Elgin County a T. !E. res~ricted area and that we ask the Depa'rtment 'Of Agriculture at Ottawa tiO take the necessary steps to make Elgin County a T. B. restricted district. 1. That all Christmas tree vendor,s would have t'O' procure a license at a reasonable -cost. All o.fwhich is respectfully submitted. 2. That they would have ,to prodUCe tihcir l'ioell5e when relquested by any police officer 01: offi'cer of t'he administration ,of justke. 3. Also to show a signed certificate from whom and where .they procured any ,and all s11c'h trees as t.o kind and number, R. TailsJey, Chairman. 51. 'nloma,s, Ontario, J unc 16th, 1939. NOVEMBER SESSION 4. Sto're'keepers handling such trees would necessarily have to get a statement from such vendors as to Wh,O they pur- chased them ,from. To the Elgin ,CO-unt)' Council, Gentlemen: The Agricultural Committee reports as' follows: 5, Vendors selling their' mVll product will also ha ve to procure a license and, if necc:ssary, give affidavits as to w'here :they were cut. .., L Tha t the nine membe,rs of the county council who attended the International Ploughing Match at Br:ockviller:ece,ive four days' pay, $20,00 each, 6, Also Uhristm<ls trce farmc'l's commerciaIizmg such business for l'eplanting would be charged at least the cost ot s'uch trees for 'replanting purposes and that suitable penalties be provided for an infraction of any and all of the above reco_ mmendations, 7. That a copy' 'Oi this recommendation be sent to tht: lv:[in~ster of ,Lands ,and Forests; Deputy M,inister of Lands and Forests; all ,County Coupcils, and to the Ontuio AIgTicultur<"l Council at Toronto. 2, That no action be taken in reference to communication from jlhe County .of Kent 1-e appointing inspectors ,fOr the purpose of des- troying all barbe,rry bushes. 3. 'Tihat. we 'received a communication from the Dt;partment of Agricuhure. at Ottawa in' reJerence tQ bov~ne tuherdosis i regiulations in refe'l'Uce thereto were enc1osed~' Applications must be made first to the 'Provincial Minister of Agriculture who will ffi3Jke application to the ~Federar Mil1'isterfO'r the establishment of the area, 2. 'Dhat we. concur :with resolution received [rom t'he Kent Comity Council re chemical we,eel killer;;. 8.11 of which is respectfully submitted, R.. T ansley, . Chairman. 3. That wcrec01l1mcncl the Ontario Agl'icnhllral Council inves,. tigate cause. 'Of the difference in rechuction of price ou butcher hogs under the Dominiol1' Luve Stock Grading 13ranc1h ill the Provinces of Ontario ,and Quebec; COpy of 'this resoluti'on to be 'sent to .the Ontario Agricu1tur,al" ,Council, St. 'fhomas, ,Ontario, Novemhcr 19.)9, Members attending the ploughing match: -Mss1"s. Vallee, ,Miller, Taylor, "Patterwn, Pineo, Wheaton, Turnbull, Aucklan{l. McArthur': 138 Elgin County. Council I II To the Elgin County Council, REPORT ON LICENSES Auctioneer A. J. Branton Clarence W'oIfe T, Merritt Moore H. E. Evert Har.old G. Clark Fred Paul Larne J. Ross Duncan A. Beown Nelson Miles Gordon:Hollingsworth H. D. McNaughton Fred Haggen S. A. Brady Transportation of Fowl Miller Page C. E. Pangborn WI 1's. Horace Clayton Junk Dealers E. Segal Isadore Preston J. Schure Pedlar Mrs. ]. C McCallum Thos. Nisbet & Sons Rodney Vienna, RR. I Aylmer Aylmer, R.R. 6 Wallacetown Dutton iHighgate Shedden London, 3-7 Kingston St. WatfO'fd Newbury Aylmer Dorchester, 'R.R. 2 Township Dutton Talbotville of Southwold St. Thoma's St. Thomas London Dutton \V'ardsville All of ,,,hieh is respect-fully submitted. J. D. Thomson, County Clerk. St. Thomas, Ontario, Novembc'r 1939. Elgin County Council 139 REPORT ON OLD AGE PENSIONS November Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: I ,present here'w.ith report in conmection with the administration of Old Age Pensions Act in the County of Elgin. Since the passing "of the Act, 1'586 applications have been T'ec- eived" the present dri'sposition 'of which is as' ,follows: Deaths Refused Cancelled Transferred Pending '~::... Pensions -in far,ce Nov. 1, 11939 664 69 69 82 4D 662 ,Pensions" in force Nov'. <I, 1938 1586' 664 Since the first of Novembe'r, 11938 to 31st oJ October, 1939, 104 applications have been received. .of tlhese 1 was in respect of blind- ness under all amendment to the Old Age Pensions Act ,passed -in 1937 w'hich provides for pensions for the blind when over' 40. years of age. In addition,'S appli,cations 'have been received in cases where applica. tion had prevoiusly be,en made and r-e:tused. - During t1his same period 15 pensions have been increased, :1 cancelled, 14 refused, 3 reinstated, and 2 suspendec1-. (payme1.lt3 to ll1unicip'al~c1erks' for' Old Age Pension application::. fr-om N-ovember 1, 193,8 t.oOctober 31, i1939, were $260.3.0. All of which is respect-fully submitted. J. D. Thomson, County Clerk. St. 'Thomas, .ontario, November 1939. 140 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 141 REPORT ON MOTHERS' ALLOWANCES REPORT OF CORN BORER INSPECTOR To the Warden and CountyCoul1cil, November Session Gentlemen: To -the Warden and M-cmhers of the Elgin County Council: I present herewith rep01~t in connection w.ith the administration of ,Mothers' Allowances in the County 'oJ Elgin: Trhe following is my report on the Corn Borer clean-up cam.. paigl1 1n Elgin County: Since the Mothers' Allow:ances A;ct was pas'sed in OntariothCT(\ have been 310 a,pplications made in the County 'Of Elgin, the present dispo-sition of these applications is as follows: Elgin ,was the most seriously infected County in the P'rovinc0 at the end of W3'8 and we are pleased~o report a 20% ,reduction for 1939. Refused Suspended . Cancelled Left County Dead Deferred Plending In Far,ce 12.0 17 67 13 3 I 10 79 This is secured at a total expense -of $976.69, made tip as follows; 31.0 AldbO'rough Dunwich -'".':;.:.. Southwolcl Y <!rmouth Malahide Bayham Sout1h.. Dorchester County ,Inspection Printing and Advertising 1,1.0 50 124 5.0 116 aD 100 .00 148 sa 58.00 57 63 254 DO 9 46 Since November I, 1938, 28 applications for Mothers' Allowan:ce have been rec.e1vcd; 119 ailow:ances have been reduced and 4 increased", Elgin has a crop oJ 2:7,734 acres, which makes the cost of ins pee . '1i011 approximately J}"ic per acre. 'Payments to municipal 'Clerks for Mothers' Allowance applica.. Hans, pTovided i~,or ;in By-law No.13Z1, have been $27.00. All 'of which is respecbfully submitted. All of which is respectfully submitted. Summers Harper, J. D.Thomson, County Clerk. Corn Borer Inspector. S't. Thomas, Ontario, Novembc'r 1939., !42 Elgin County Council REPORT OF CHILDREN'S AID COMMITTEE To the Elgin Connty Council, Gentlemen: The Children's Aid Committee re,ports as follows: 1. 'Dhat we recommend that Mr. iLivermore ,convey the by-laws of the 'Children's Aid iSodety as amended 'to the iDepartment-o.fMuni- cipat Affairs fnr their 'approval. 2. That the Childr'en's A.id Society lhas eng:aged Mr. AlUstin, of Toronto, as Superintendent at a salary 'of $1,.700..00 a year, and Mrs. Stevenson as Ass+stant at a salaryaf $1,200.00 a_year. All of which .is respecMully stibmitted. January 19th, 1,939. Elgin County Council 143 By - Laws 1303 to 1328 BY-LAW No. la03 To Appoint an Inspector for the Purpose of Eradicating the Corn Borer The Elgin - County Council ena-cts: That Summers Har,per, of 'vhe Township 'of jMalahide, be and he is hereby appointed Inspector for tlhe purpos'e" of eradIcating t,he Corn Hore'r. That white engalged in -thepe-rformance of his duHes the said. Inspector shall be 'iPaid 'the SU111 of ,Six Dollars per day, to iric1ude tr,avelling and -other"~expenses. That the said Inspector appoint a 'sub-inspector for each town_ ship, s,aid,a,ppointments to be approv,ed by the TIoWllShip Counlcils. That all by-laws heretofore pass,ed in this be-half be and are hereby repealed; Read a third time and 'pa'ssed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 20th ,day of January, 11939. K. W. McKay, Ashton Pineo, Clerk. Warden. BY-LAW No. 1304 Fot' Licensing, Regulating, and Governing Hawkers, Pedlars, Petty Chapmen, and Others The ELgin' County Council enacts: 144 Elgin County Council 1. ;From and after the passing 'Of this -by-law, It~hall' be nieces., sary for every hawl{ic.r, pedlar; or petty chapman. and other person<; carrying on petty trades or who go from place to pla,ce or to other men's houses on foot or with ,any animal, vehide, boat, v,c'sse! or ether craft bearing or drawing goods, wares 'Or merchal1dise for sale, or who go from place to place 'or to' otllcrmen's houses to' ta,ke orders for coal oil or ather oil, which is to be delivered .aHerwards from a tank car moved ,on .a railway line, 'Or who go from place .to place or to a p<trticular place to make sales or deliveries of -coal 'Oil or other oil from such tank car, to procure and obtain a license for' ,transacting or carrying 011 ,all suoh trade, business, or ,calling within the limits of the Corporation of t;he County ,of Eligin, :and~ any pers-on so licensed shall be subject to the provisions of this by-law, ,and any such !iceense shall be issued under thecQrporate seal of the 'said :County and issued and signed by the Treasur;el' of the said Oounty. 2. No such license shaH be required for hawking, peddling, or selling ,goods, wares, or merc'handisc to a f'etail dealer,or for hawking, peddling, .Of selling goods, wares, or merchandise, the growth, produce, or manufacture of Ontario, not being li:quors VIi thin the meaning of the Liquor ,License Act, if the sam.' are hawlked 'or peddled by :the manufa,cturer or pl~oduoer 'Of t1hem, Dr by his bono fid.e servants 01' empl'oyee-s having written ,antlhority to do so, 'and suc:h servant or el11- employee shall ,exhibit his authority when required to do s,o by an:y lllunicipalor peace officer. 3. All licenses issued under this by-law shall be in force from one year fl'0111 the date of issue and no longer, and everyl licen'see uncleI' trhis by~law shalJ ,at all timcs, while carrying on his business, have his license with him, and shall, upon del111and, e;xhibit it to any 1l1uniciRal or peRce officer, and if he fails to do so, shall, unless the same isa,ccounted for sat:isfactodly, incur a penalty of not less tlhan $1.0'0 or more than $5.00, ,and if any peace officer demands the pro- duction of a license by' any ,persOn to WhOjll1 by-law applies and the demand is not complied with, it shall be the duty OIf tJhe pelace off~iccr and he shall have power to arrest such person without a warrant and to t.ake him before the nearest JUstice of the Pea,ee, there to be deall with acC'ol'ding 'to . law. 4. The following ,fees shall be paid fOr an licenses lssued tllld0r Elgin County Council 145, this by-law to .anY' person wlho has resided continuously within the CounJy.of Elgin for at le.ast one year prior to tlhe application for such license: (a) For every person travelling on foot, Five Dollars. (b) For every person using a 'one-horse vehicle or Illowr veh~ ide wi-vh ,a ,ea,rrying capadty of one ton ,or less, Twenty- five no11ars. For every person using a two-horsc ve.hide of- 'motor veh.. ieIe with a carrying 'cpacity of over 'One ton, !Fifty Dollar~. For every person sailing or travelling with any bo.at, vessel, or,O'ther ,cr,aft, Fifty DoUars. (e) Cd) 5. The !f'ollowing fees shall be paid fa-r any license 'issued unde'I" this bi-law to persons who Ihave not r,esidedcontinuotusl'y within the County of El;gin f'or '''lit least one year prior to the application for su.ch license: (a) (b) For eve'ry person t.ravelling on foot, T,en Dollars. l:;';or every petson using a' one-horse vehicle or motor ide wit.h a carrying capa,city not exceeding one ton, Hundred Dollars. For every person using ,a two-horse vehicle or motor Ve.]l- iclcwith a carrying capacity of over one ton, Tw'o Hundred Dollars. veh- One (e) (d) For ,every person sail,ing or travelling with any hoat, ves~ sel, or other craft, Fifty Dollars. 6. "Hawke.r-s" in this by-law shall include 'agents fO!: persolls not resident within 'tihe County" who sell or 'offer for sale, tea, coffee, spices, bakili;g powder, dry goods, wat!Clhes, plated w,are, silverwan~, furnhure, c:arpets, upholstery, millinery, coal oil, tinware, c:;Lrpet sweepers and ekctrical ,appli.ances, ,or jewelery, spectacles, or eye~ glasses, 'or who 'carry and ;expose samples or pat:terns of any such article which is to be ,afterwards deJivered within t1he ,County to a person not- being .a ",'nolesaleot' retail dealer in sttclh article: 146 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 147 7. Except as herein otherwise pr'0videc1, any person contraven~ ing ,any of the provisions of t!hisby-l:aw, g'hall, ..fiar suc-h offence, on conviction before 'one ,or 1110re Justices of the Peace in and for the County of Elgin, foddt ,and pay a fine of not less than, Five Dollars and not mOliC than Fifty Dollars, in fhe -discretion .of the Justice 01' Justices, exclusiv.e afcosts, and if not paid forthwivh, the same 'slhalJ be levied by dL~tress and sale of the go.ods and chattels of ,the'offlen- del', ,and in case of there being no distrless out oJ which tlhel penalty can be levied, the Justice may commit tlhe 'offender to the common glao! pf the County of Elgin for any period npt exceeding twenty-one days unless suchfi.nc and costs, including the CDst of co!nnuittal and conveyance ocr t!hesaid offender to the ,gaol', arc sooner paid, and in aid or the provisiollR of this by-law, it is hereby declared tlhat the provisiolls of The Ontario Summary ConvictiDns A,ct shall apply t-l1creto. year 19319, and give ,as security therefor notes of "!Qne T~hot1sand Dl' Ten T-housa'ld 'Dollars each. 'Re.ad a third. time and pa.ssed at Cbunty Council Chambers, 51;. T1homas" this 20th day of January, 1039. K. W. McKay" Clerk. Ashton Pineo, Warden. BY. LAW No. 1306 T.o Confirm B'y-Law NO'. 1044 of the Township of Bayham That by-law Ko. 10012 be and is 'hereby amended awording1y. The Elgin--C,olmty Council enacts: K. W. McKay, Clerk. Ashton Pineo, Warden. That By-law No. 1044 "of tbe Township of Bay1ham t.o close up part of Pitt Str,cd in the Village- of Port Burwell lying between the: easterly limit, of Chatham Street and the harbor, except as westerly sixty feet t1hereof, be and the same is hereby confirmed. Head a third timc and passed at County Council Chamhers, St. Thomas, this 20th day of January, 1939. Read a third time and pa.ssed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, bhis 2{}th day of January, 1939. K. W. McKay, Clerk. Ashton Pineo, Warden. BY.LAW No. 1305 To Authorize the Warc;lcn and Treasurer to Borrow the Sum of One Hundred a.nd Seventy-five Thousand Dollars By,,_law No. 1044' of the Municip,al Corporation of the Town'ship of Bayrham. The Elgin County Council enacts: A By-law to close up ,part 'of Pitt Street in the Village o,f Port B~nvel1, lying betw'eenthe easterly limit of Chatham Str,eet ,ancl tht' 'harbour, excepting -the westerly sixty feet thereof. That l'he Warden and Tre:8.sure,r be ,and are hereby authorized to borrow the sum of ,One 'lIundrecL and SeventY-ifive Thousand Dol.. lars 'from the Hank of M.ont-rea1 as it may be required to me;et the c>xpencli'tur,es of thc Corporation of the iCounty 'of Elgin during the ,\iVlH1EREAlS the Tbwl1-Sihip of Bayham has entered into an agreement dated November 26, W3I7, with the Canadi.an Padfic Rail- 148, Elgin County Council way to convey the said premises. to the said Canadian _,Pacific Railway Company. AND WiHiEiR,I-<:AjS it is expedient to close up that portion of the said street so as toO ,properly enable the said Township to- convey the g,ame to the said Canadian Pacific . Railway Company. NOW 'DHiEl~EIFORE THE MUN<LCIIPAIL CO~PiORATION OF THE TOWiNSiHIIIP-OF BAY1HAM'cnacts as follow's: That p'o1't1011 of Pitt Street 'in the Village a,f Port Burwell lying between the eastedy limit -of Chatham Street and the westerly limit of the IharbO'ur, ex,cepting the westerly sixty feet thereof he and the same is hereby stopped up and. closed. That the H.eeve and Clerk of tbe said tMunidpality are he,reby audlOrized and empowered to convey the sa'id,premises, to the Canad- ian Pacific Railway Company, or its nOl1unee or 1l0m1l1eeS, an.d to execute a conveyance of tlhe same and to aff:ix ther.eto the corporate se,al of the Municipal ICorporation of the Township of Bayham so a3 to effe4iv.e1y pass the title -of the said premises to the said Railway COlllrPany, t;1e said premises may be more particularly described <1::- follows: AI.L AND SJ.NCrULAiR that certain parcd ortr.act of j,and and prcmi:>c's situate, lying and being in the Police Village of Port Eur- well, ill the Township .of Bayham, County of Elgin, Province of Ont- ario, ,forming part of Lot number Eleven in t'he First Concession of said Townsr.'ip and par't of tl1e land f.ormerly covered by the v."a'ters of Big Otter Creek and now <known as 'Pitt Street, .containing an arC:l of four hundred and J'ortY'-.five 'tihousandsths .of an acre (,1.44,5 ac.) more or less, the limits of sa-id tract or parcel ()if land being more pa'rticul,arly ,described .as follows, viz: Oom:mencing at a point ont1he soutlj.ern side of said ,Pitt Street,aLt a distance of sixty (60) feet measured easterly along said side ufstreet from its intersection with the eastern !;ideof C1hatham Street, thence due ea'st al:ong said sid,: of Pitt Str:cet a distance of two hundred and ninety'~on'e (291) feet, to the eastern end of said Pitt Stree't"or the ,present western shore of Big Otter Cr,eek; thence north thre.e degrees cast {N. 3 dieg. E.) Elgin County Council 149 along 'said eastern etldof Pitt Stree't to its intersection wit,h 1ihe nortlhern .sidrelOf said ~itt iStreet; thence due wes't along the said northern side of Pitt Stree't, a distance of two hundred and ninety-six (296) f.eet to a point distant sixty (60) ket, measured easterly along saidnor-thern side of Pitt Stf1e.et from east'ern side of said Ohatha'l11 Street, thenae due south a distanoe of sixty-six (66) feet tn the point of commencement. This By-law shall take effect <H1 the da'te of the final passing thereof. Read a third time and finally pas.sed 1Ihi.~ Nineteenth day of March, A.D., 1938. George Vallee., Reeve. B~njamin Brian, Clerk; BY .LA W No. 1307 To Provide for the Total Expenditure on the System of County Roads in the County of Elgin as approved. by Order-in~~ounciI during the Year 1939. \VlHlEJRJBAIS The Highway Improvement Act, Chapter 56, R's,Q. 1193,7, and amendments, requir~s that tlhe total 'ux,penditure 011 count)" l"oads and bridges be provided for annually by county By-law, THEREFORE the .council of the 'corporation of the said county of Elgin enacts as follows; 1. ThcS'umof $68,000;00 is .hereby appropriated fr,om monies raise.d by levy, debell'tul'.es and government subsidy, for expenditure up'0n the said system during the year W39. 2. The sum of ~68,OOO is hereby appwpriat,ed fropl monies rais,ed 150 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 151 by levy and governmen't subsidy ,for expenditure 'Upon maintenance and repair 'of tlhe roads in the 'said-system during the year 1939. Vienna Rodney West Lome 121,044 421,450 348,366 3. The said monies shall be expellwed under t,he direc,tion of the ,duly appointed~ .county r,oa.d superintendent and on work perform- ed -in acoordance wieh tthe last revised: regulations respecting county roads issued by 'the Department oJ Highways of .ontario. $ 30,335,.14'5 K. W. McKay, Clerk. Ashton Pineo., Warden. That this Council is willing to have the ,:final equalization at assessment, rolls, in case of appeal made byo the County Judge. _iRead a third -time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Tlhomas, ,this 20th day of January, 1939; p'assed at .st. Thomas this 20th day of January A.iD., 1939. K. W. McKay, Clerk. Ashton Pineo, Warden. BY-LAW No. 1309 BY-LAW No. 13M To Appoint County Road Committee To Confirm the Equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the County of Elgin for the Year 1939 The Elgin County Council -enacts, as required by the Highway Act: The Elgin COllnty Council enacts: ThM 1:he following five memhers -of this Council ,constitute a Committee for the purpose of( dir-ecting the, wOl~k to, be drone On the County Road System: 'fhat the following be the equalization o.f the A'ssessment Rons of the County of Rlg'in for the year 19.19': Aldborollgh Dtlll'wich SouthwoId Yarmouth Malahide Bayiham South ,Dorchester Aylmer Dutton -Port Stanley Springfield .1,705,658 4,048,20'5 '5,104,271' 5,31.1,'5'53 .1,440,976 2,425,73'5 2,080,5&1 1,'51l5,082 512,653 942,889 lR4,R74 C. Patterson ]. W. Neil F. H. Miller Roy- Tansley 'George Vallce For Term of One Year For Term of Two Years For Term of Three Years For Term of FourY-ears For Term of Five Years That By-law No. ,1085 be and is hereby repealed. Head a third time and finally passed at County Council Cham. bers; St. T'homas, ,this 20th day .of January, 19\39. K., W.McKay, Clerk. Ashton Pineo, Warden. 152 Elgin County Coundl Elgin County Council 153 BY .LA W No. 131~ James F. Oldham; Sout'hwold R. ~. Penhalc, Yarmouth Harry :Kent, Mala-hide Grant Mj.tchell, Bayha:n D; Noble, South Dorchester To Appoint a Board. of Audit in the Courijl:y of ,Elgin For the Year 1939 The Elgin GOt111'ty Council enacts: Honorary Members That the Judge of the County Court and Mr. Wilbert C. Wheat- on be, and arc ,hereby u:ppoi11'ted members of the Board oJ Audit to per.form the duties required 01 them by RJS.O. The metl11Jbers of the Agricultural Committee of this Council. That thcmcmbers of the sa'id Board of Audit be paid the sum of Five Dollars per day for ,their senices. and five ,cents per mile, going to and .from each Audit. That me\mb:ers of said Advisory Agrkultural CouuciL- be p'aid the same as members of this Council fora'tltendance at the two meetings required to be held annually, in February and Nove:mber, and that .they receive their trav,elling and o'ther expenses ,for attendanc'e at special ,Or emergency meetings caned' by the ,chair;rn!an. Read a third timt' and finally passed at County Council Cham hers, St. ~nlomas, :this 20th day of January, 1939. Read a third time and finally passed at County CouncilCham~ bel'S, St. T'homas, this 20th day of January, 1939. K. W. McKay, Clerk. Ashton Pineo, Warden. K. W. McKay, Clerk. Ashton Pineo, Warden. BY.LAW No. 1311 .BY.LAW No. 1312 To Appoint Advisory Agricultural Council To Appoint High School Trustees The Elg'ill Couniy Council enacts: The Elgin County Council enacts: T'hat the Advisory Agricultural Council he -composed of one member from e,ach township, and eight honorary members, the follow~ ing to be 'appo'in.ted: That Merto.n', Chute be apvointed a trustee of ,the Vienna High School for one year. Members That H. B. Hockin be appointed a trustee, of the Dutton High School for the term of one year, VV, B. Lancaster, Aldborough ]. Fr. Sloan, Dunwich That C. A. Brooks be appointed a trustee of the Aylmer Hig'h School for one y,ear. 154 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 155 Read a third time and ,finally passed at County Council Cham- ben, St. Thomas, ,this 20th day of January, 1939. BY.LAW No. 1314 K. W. McKay, Clerk. Ashton Pineo, Warden; To Appoint a County Auditor The Elgin County Council enacts: Tha1t vVm. E. Locke be and he is her,eby appointed a Cau.nity Auditor .at a salary of Three, Hjundr,ed Dollars annually, payable quar_ tedy on 'the order of the Warden. BY.LAW No. 1313 That By-law No. 129:1 be and is hereby repealed. To Appoint a County CIerI, 1939, 'Dhat. this By-law, take eft,eet from the first day of February! The Elgin COUl1'ty Council cnaots: That Kenne1th W. McKay be and he is hereby appointed- County Clerk at a salary -of Fifteen Hundred Dollars per anum and that By- Law No. 1166. be and is he.reby amended. accordingly. -Read a third time and finally passed at County bers, &to 'Dhomas, this 20th day of January, 1939. Council Cham- K. W. McKay, Clerk. Ashton Pineo, Warden. ThM John D. Thomson be appoin.ted Deputy County' Clerk, In~ spector of the :Hous,e of Industry and Secretary ,of the Old Age Pen- sions and, Mothers Al\.6wances Commission a't a sala,ry of Twelve Huti.,dred Dollare pet" anum and in addit,ion an allowance of Eight I-hmdred and EightYh'five Dollars pe,r anum for salary of an office assistant to be appointed by him and pa.id by the County Treasurer On his order. BY.LAW No. 1315 To Fix Salaries of County Auditors That By-'l.aws Nos. lll169 and un be and arc hereby repealed. The Elgin County Council enaots: That this By../Law be in force and take eHec.t from the ,first, day of February, 1939. That the County Auditors be paid an anllual salary of Three Hundred Dollars each; said salary to be ,paid quarterly all the order of ,the Warden. Read a third time and finally passe,d at County Council Cham- bers, St. ~Phol11as, -this 20th day of January, 1939. K. W. McKay, Clerk. Ashton Pineo, Warden. That By-law No. 11q2' be and is her-eby an1e'lldc,d accordi-ngly. iRead a third time and passed at CountyCoUl1cil Chambers, St." 156 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 157 Thomas, this 20th day of January, 1939. K. W. McKay, Clerk. Ashton Pineo, Warden. That the roadcoillmcndng at the southerly liil11lit of the given road allowanoe in lOot 12, Con.cession 8, in the Township of Dunwich, southerly ,from the given road through lots 12 and 11, Coucess,ions S and 9, to the road, allowance between lots In and 111; Conc.ession 9, thence south across Conc,essiol1s 9 and 1.0 to the southerly limit of the given road allowance in Concession 1-0; thence westerly on given road allowance across lots W ad 9 to the road allowal\1c:c between Conces~ s'lons 10 and H. Thence south westerly ,to. the easterly limit' of the road allowance between lots 6 and 7; a d!istance of approximately three miles be tak,en over as a COUt1lty ,'Road. BY. LAW No. 1316 To, Designate a County Road in the Township of Dunwich That By-law No. 113'16 be and is herehy repealed. "fhe Elgin County Council ellaots: ..Read a third time .and pass.ed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, June 16th, 1939. That the road in Township of Dunwich from Road No. 8 be- twecl1 Lot No. 12 in Conoess,ion 8 and LatNo. 12 in Concession 9 southwesterly 'to a point between Lots 10 and 11, Concession 9, thence southerly to the 'Lake Road in Concession 10, hence we-sterly to the Coyne Road a distanc.e of approximately three. miles, be taken over as a County Road. K.W. McKay, Clerk. Ashton' Pineo, Warden. Read a third time and. passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 20th day of January, 19,19. BY.LAW No. 1318 K. W. McKay, Clerk. Ashton Pineo, Warden. To Appoint a Deputy County Road Superintendent The Elgin County Council enaots: BY.LAW No. 1317 That Ceo. ,1Pow1e.s be and he is hereby appointed Deputy Roa.d Superintendent at a salary -afOne Hundred Dollars per month; duties to comme.nce On the 115th of June. !Salary to be paid monthly. To Designate a County Road in the Township o,f Dunwich and Amend By-law No. 1316 Rea,d; a third t,ime and passed at County CounciiCha!mbers, St. Thomas, June 116t:h, 1939. The Elgiri County Council enac1ts: K;W. McKay, Clerk. Ashton Pineo, Warden. 158 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council 159 .; BY.LAW No. 1319 Read a third time .and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 16th day of J nne,. 1'939. To Appoint High School Trustees K. 'W. McKay, Clerk. Ashton Pineo, Wal,"den. \VIHIEI~EAS 'the legislation of 1939 required the appointment of additional h"lus-tees when requested by resolution of nhe High School' Board -and \,VI-UEIREA6 the Aylmer High School Board has passed a res- olution rCi(lUesting that two additional trustees be appointed. The Elgin County Council enaots: That'Lorne Miller be appointed trus'tec for 1939 and to the end of the year 1940. BY.LAW No. 1321 ]~hatSloan NlcConnell be appointed trustee ,to the end of the present ye'ar." To. Provide f.or Payment of Municipal Clerks for Applications for Mothers' Allowances Read a third time and pass,ed at County Council Cila,inbers, St. Thomas, this 1I6th day .of June, 1939, The Elgin County Council enacts: K. W. McKay, Clerk. Ashton Pineo, Wardell. That the Clerks of the local municipalities in 'the County be paid the sum of Three Dollars~ eaclh for applications for Mot.hers' Allowari:ce and, in add-i,tion, the sum of ten cents per' mile, one way, for each mile necessarily travelled in ,c'onnectiol1 therewith. That this By~Law apply to applications re.ceive-ci' since ,the 1st of June, J939. Read a third time ,and passed at County, Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 16th day of June; 1939. BY .LA W No. 1320, To Extend Time- for Tax Sale K. W. McKay, Clerk. Ashton Pineo, W arde~., The Elgin COllnty COllllril enacts: Thalt the time for the cufarc,eel collection by sale of land in ar.., rears for taxes in the County of Elgin, be and is hereby .extended fOl one year. 160 Elgin Co~nty Council Elgin County Council 161 "" BN -LAW No" 1322 BY'LAW No. 1323 To Apportion Amount Received from the Government for Police Courtl: Expe,nses To Raise Amounts for County Rates during the Year 1939 1'bat Miss Velma Hill, Police Magistrate's 's.e.cretary, be paid a salary o'f $180. per anum. \VH,EREAS an estimate has l..ecn made showing that. the 5'1.11111 One Hundred and Fifty-One T1hous...nd, .one Hundred and Sev;cnty.. seven Dollors is required to be raisl::d in the several municipalities for the law.fut purposes of ItheCounty during the year 1939 On the bas'is of equalized as-scss1mient as det'cnnined in 11938. The Elgin Cbunty Council enacts: That the CQunty Clerk, K. W. McK.ay, r.eceive One Dollars per anUln ,for office assistance in conne.cti.on with ,tions, summonses and warrants Hundred informa.. AND WIHER!EA,S the ,es:timatedamount required for l-lighanct ContinuatioH,School .purposes bas,ed on Maintenance ,c:osts for 1938, .as determined ,under provisions of bhe :High .school Act,s" is Fifty~three Thousand, Eig-ht Hundred and Thirty-two Dollars. That the County Treasurer receive an allowance of Twenty-five Dollars a month .for office assistance. K. W. McKay, Clel'k. Ashton Pineo, Warden. Municipality Aldborough Dunw:ich Southwold Yannouth Malahide Bay1ham South Dorchester Aylmer Dutton Port Stanley Springfield Total Equalized Value 3,705,658 4,048,205 '5,104,271> 5,313;5'53 3,440,976 2,425,73"5 2,1J80,5&l 1;51l5,OO2 5 Je,653 942,889 184,874 ''Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambe.rs, St. Thomas, this 16th day of June, 1939. THEREiFORE ,the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts : '1. That a rate of five 'mills on the dollar be levied 011 all rate- able property in the s'everal municipali,ties in the Count.v of Elgin a1l above set'forth for the year 1939. 2. That the amounts reqilired for County allcr for High and Continuiatiori .school purposes, as -set ,forth in the following sche.dltle, be levied in the respective municipalities during }939 and ,paid to the County Treasul'er as by law required. 162 Elgin County Council County General 1st 0 2nd 0 ........... ....$2,71113 ~2,2Jl 3'i39i6 3,1186 3,865 3,497 4,149 3;905 2,719 3,964 1,816 1,9'19 1,5,66 1,5'S,7 792 767 Aldborough Dunwich Southwald Yalj.J11outh M.alahide B.ayham South Dorchester Port Stanley Aylmer Dutton Springdiclc1 Vienna Rodney West Lome SCHEDULE Rates Vocational 1st % 2nd % $ 1Ia2 "153'1 $6,I~I7 787 ,796 8,1165 994 1,027 9,3183 1,034 1;490 1O,5?8 670 995 8,348 4,74 444 4,853 419 373 3,m<5 183 243 1,98'5 308 308 100. 10.0 36 36 23 23 82 082 68 68 County Total Rate $18,5L19 $24,716 JG,214i' 28,40.6 25,521 34,903 26,568 37,146 lV,2D4 25,552 12,129 i'6,782 10,40.2 14,3:17 4,71'5 6,70.0. 7,926 8,234 2,563 2,66,1 924 960 606 629 2,10.8 2,190 1,741 1,8-09 I $21,016 $21,0116$5,900. $5,90.0.' $53,&32 $1'51,1,77 $205,00.8 Head a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. 1'homas, Hlis 16th day of June, 19'39. K. W. McKay, Clerk. B~.LAW No. 1324 Ashton Pineo, Warden. To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer 1.10 Borrow the Sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars The .:Elgin County Council enacts: Elgin County Council 163 That the War,den and Treasuf'ler be and are hereby author,ized to borrow the sum of Fifty Trhousand Dollars from the Bank oJ Montreal as it may be re,quired: to meet the ,expenditures of the Cor- poration of the County of Elgin during. the year 1939, and give as secunty therefor notes of One Thousand or Ten Thousand Dollars eaoh. IRead a t'hird time and passed at County Council Chambers,. St. Thomas, this 16th day of June, W39. K. W. McKay, Clerk. Ashton Pineo" Warden. BY.LAW No. 1325 To Revert Road in the Village of Vienna The Elgin COUlltyCoUL1cil enacts: That the I following road be reV1cr.ted to the Village of Vienna: dlat portion .of land being Front Str'eet in the Village! of Vienna, in the Township of Bayham, in the County of E1gitl,'ex,tending'south_ westerly from the we,stern Hmi,t of the King's fLig,hway,' as shown 011 dreposi;ted plan No. D-gn, to and cxt1ending southeasterly along the location of an old bridge (since destroyed) across Otter Creek to. and extending southerly :and southeast,erly along \Vater Street in the aforesaid Village of Vienna to. the sout,hern limi.t of the King's Hig11- way as shown on Deposited Plan No. D-80, and ,further shown on a planmarkecl A 7-20. ,Read a third time and passe,d at County Council Chambers, 51. Thomas, NOWj111ber 231"{1, 1939. K. W. McKay, Clerk. Ashton Pineo, Warden. 164 Elgin County Coundl BiY.LAW No. 1326 To Revert, Road in the Township of Yarmouth The Elgin County Council enacts: 'J'hat the following road be revert,cd to the Townshjp of Yar-- mOJ..lth :.all. t~1at portion of the roa,d allowance usc'Q; iri lieu o-fthe orig- in'a.\ Road Allowance between lots 8 and 9, Cpll'Ci%siou 10, in th~ Township of Yarimouth, which lies west of a line drawn paranel to and thirty-'three feet (3'3 ft., 0 in.) wesberI'y (r1ue,asured at rigiht angle~ thereto) of a line which .m~y he descrihed as follows: Commencing at a point in the interse,ction of the centre line at l1N: road allowance between 'Said lots 8 and 9, Conoession 10, and the: southerly limitof-saic1 Concession 10: Thellce llor[,l1 a!o,l1g the centre line -of said road allowance One T,hous.allclNillly Hundred and Se.venty-two feet (11,972 ft., 0 in.) mon~ or less to a point distallt Two. Hundred and Tuenty::'five feet (225 ft., o in.)6outh of the line between ,the north half and ;south half of said Jot 8; 'nhcncr. n()rql ea,stcrly on a Cllrvc to the right, (the radius ot which is Five Tho1.1s:and Seven HUiHlred. an_cl Twenty-nin'cand' six- tenths :f.e,et (5,7219.6 ft.) Three Hundred al1d Twenty_eight and three., l(,lHhs feet (3128..3 ft.); Thence north tllP~e degrees, 17 minutcsea'st, One Tholls<\11rl I~ight llundrcdand !Fifty feet (1,850 ft., 0 in.). 'I'he al~ovc description is based on the assumption that the C'6ultre line of the original road allowance between :':laid lots Sand 9 is .due north. iRead a third time and passe,cl at County CounciICha1l1be-rs,St. Thoma!', on .Nav,emher 2.1rcl. 1939. K. 'W. McKay, Clerk. Ashton Pineo, Warden. Elgin County Council BY.LAW No. 1327 '.~' To Appoint a County Clerk The Elgin County Coull,cil enacts: 165 1',hat John D. Thoms.on be ap.pointedCounty Clerk, Inspe!Ctol' of the House" oC'lndustryahd SeCI'ieitary of the Old .Age. B~nsious' and Mothers" Allo~an'ces' C()1~~1ission, at,a salary of 1'wjelve Hundred Dollars p,er a11um . and in addition an allowance of. Ei'ght Hundred and EightY-ifive Dollars per anum for s'alary of an -office .,assistant.rt:o be appointed by him an'd paid by the County Treasurer on his order, c,ommen:~ing the 1st of December, 1939. That By_law No. 1~IJ be and is her.ehy repealed. ,Read a thir~t,,_.til11e and passed at the County St. 'Dha-mas, this zJrd day of November, 1939. ~. W-. McKay, ~Ierk. BY.LAW No, 1328 To Appoint a.Clerk Emeritus The Elgin Cciunty Councit enacts: Council Chambers, Asht9n Pineo, Warden. That K. W. McKay he appoint1cd Clerk EnJ;critus, at a .salary ot Six Hundr,edDollars per annum, commencing 1st of,';December, 1939. iRead a third tip1C and passed at the County Council Chambers, ~t. T,holuas; this'23rd': day of Nov,emb'er;1<9139.' J. D. Thomson, Clerk. Ashton Pineo, Warden. \66 Elgin County Council Elgin County Council No, \3023 INDEX BY-LA WS'- No. 1303 To A,ppoint an Inspect'or for ,the Purpose of e,radicatll1g the !Corn Borer ." , ,.. , , .. .........._.....2:1, No, 130""" For ILicensillg, Regulating and Governing Haw- Ikers, Pedlars, Petty Chapman and others ....,12, 21, No, 1305 To Authorize the Wlarden -and Treasurer to, Bor,row the .sum of One Hundred and Seventy- five Thousand Dollars ............................ .................22, No. 1,306 To Confirm By-l.aw No. .1044 of the Tlownship of Bayham No. h3:07 To Provide for the Total Expenditure .on the System 'Of County Roads' in the County of Elgin as approved by Order-in-Council for the year \009 ... ................................................23, To Confl,rm the Equalization of the A'ssessment Rolls of the !County of Elgi.n for the Year l!939 . To Appoitlt County 'Road: Cammittee". ...........................35, TO' Appoint a Baard- af Audit in .the County of Elgin' far t:he Year 1939.,. ...........,...... m'...." .....~::........25, TO' Appoitlt' Advisory Agricultural Cauncil...20, 26, TO' Appoint High .sc:hO'al Trus'tees .....................".J9', 2{, TO' Appaint a Caunty Clerk........................................".........27, TO' Appoint a CauntyAudit'Or ..... .........".....".........,28, TO' Fix Sala,ries af Caunty Auditors. ........ ............,.....,..29, To Designate a CauntYIRoad in ,the Township of iDull wich To Dcsi;g'nate a County Road in the Township of Dunwich ~l1d Amend BYMlaw No. !Gilo"......... "....59, 1"0 Appoint a Deputy County Road Superinten- dent ..... .....',.........".,.. .. ............................58, To Appoi1Jt High SchoQI Trustees.. ..............,..59, TO' Extcrid Time :lor Tax Sale", ................................ ....60, To ,Provide Jor Payment of ;Munkipal Oerks far Applications for Mot:hers' Allowances..... ",.",....61, To' Appartian Am'9"unt Received f.rom the Gov- ernmcnt for Palice Caurt Elxpenses ...............................:..61, No. 1:308 No. 1,300 No. 1.\10 No. 1,111 NO'. 1'3IH~ No. lG13 No.l(M NO'. 11311'5 No, \;'l16 Ko. ,131:7 No. \3\8 No. lGI19 No. 13eo No. 1321 No. J.322 1&7 To Raise Amounts for Oounty ,Rates during the Year 11939 ........... ....."......................"....... ..........................,...............:. .................62, TO' Autharize the Wardenalld Treasurer toO Barraw the Sum of Fifty Thausand 'DO'l1ars.'.:.....,...63, To ,Revert Road in the Village of Vlenna::,;."....,,:....178, To Revert Road in Hie Tawnship of Yarmouth......78, TO' Appoint a County IOe)rk .......... ..,...........................:."....." ..79, To Appaint -a Clerk Eme,ritus..............,........................",;.......80, AgfliculturaI and Ho'r.ticu.ltural Societies..... .........."....,.. .....".".".. Agricultur.al Cauncil... 'L B. BirdsalL Canadian National .I;nstitu.t:e far tlhe Blind,... Lock_ups Municipal :A'ssociatiall1..... P,ulb1ic Libr<,l.~ies..... ....... ........................................."..",,, Red Crass.. ~, Salvatian Army Trustee .and ,..:Ratepayers', Association Warden Wamen's. Institutes No. \324 143 No. 1325 No, J3126 No, 1307 No, 1328 143 146 GRANTS- \47 161 162 \63 164 165 165 14 2Q 77 83 7I 83 11 94 83 83 83 11 1>19 Advisory Agricultural Committee... ...."....,.. ..... ........... ....10, Advisory Ohildren's Aid 'Committee,.. Advisa'ry County Raad Committee.. Assessn1ent Aylmer Hig~ School.. Bayham to ICallect Own Arre.a,rs 'Of Taxes.. ...... ... ...."."."...."....."1".. Board of Board of Educatian Cemetery Act.. Children's Aid Society Cammunications 'Canvalescellt Biomes Continuatian Schools Act... County Audi,tors.... Caunty 150 1'51 1,52 \02 163 154 155 1'5.5 MISCELLANElOUS- \56 '.... .................................................,,,...,.....,..119, 1156 147 \68 \68 ......'............................,..................."........................................$, 66 13 159 \60 20 18 19 36 20 77 10 48 40 14 70 32 45 12 3 168 Elgin .'County... Council Elgin County' Council 169 ('ounty 'Officials.. 2 County Picnic .,. 30 GOU~l~Y iRoads;:. ....... ......,.... ............."."..........5, 15 County. T,'easu11er Assistant:. 54 Deput'atiOl~S and" Committees:,. 30 Equalization Ap.pe.al ..............,................ ................. .....,........ ",WOo. ................... ....... ............. 32 F)tdory, Shop and Office. Building Act"" ..1-;3 '~~g,hway Improvement Act'.. .......... 'n," .........h... 39 Hdghway Ilr~prOVel11ent Expenditures... 15 H.igh .scrhlools Act. ........ 46 .Hig1h School Trustees 20 Hospitals "....... .......,.... 48 Hospital Notices" 6 HouS:'e o.f 'Refuge-...... ..0.... .. ...... ~,.. 6 I:rlous~ of Refuge 1\:ct.. 43 Nyclru Elettric Dist,dlmtion 45 ] U1'Ol1'5 Alclt. 44 M,aintcnance of S6101110n McCallum... 73 Memorial Hospital statement... 74 Michigail CelHral Railw,ay--wig-wag signals_..,.. 76 M unicil)al Aff,ah's Act.. ............. . ..... ..,.............. ..._..... .............. ........ ......................,. 43 MunicipaJ Boai'd 44 Municipal ICletiks ari.d Treasurers,.. 2 Municipal Subsidy 36 New 'I--,egislation.. ..... ....................... 33 Ontario Agricultural Council.. 30 Ont,ari'o Good Roads Association.... 30 Ontario Municipal Associati.on .". 30 Pasteuriz'ationof Milk..... ......... ........."..... ........ ....... .......................,...... ........... .......31, 57 Planing ,and Deve10pmenf Act.. 44 Power Commission Act" 44 ,:Rrovincia1 ~Ploug'hing. Match.. 12 Provincial p;olice Redistribution... 75 Public Health Act. . .".. 38 Public Hospitals Act... 41 Refoi~esta.tion and Conservation" ... ....:,6, 30, 39 H.dief 6 School Attendance Act.. 48 Thomas, F. S., . Restricted Area.. 53 Tile- Drainage Act.. .to Tax Sale Contirmation Act.... , 45 Unemployment Relief Act ....,................................................."................ 44 Wa,rden's A,ddress. ...""................,............. .."..."..""..,................,..,,,............................5, 31, 64 Warden's Eleotion,.. ,..........., ............"..... 4 Warden's Gown.. 71 Women's Institutes... 54 Vocational Educational Aot.... 48 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES AND OFFICIALS- Agrioultura1 Committee.. ............ ..... ........,..... ......... ............................ .."."...........J6. 56. 71 Children's Aid Committee..... ........"........ ...."....,......"............. ......... .....".........16, 18, 142 ,Corn Borer I:nspector".. ,...... ....... ................ .................................."......"........ 141 COitnty Road Committee... ...... ...."..................."."."......................9, 16, ,19', 53; 113 iCounty Tre.asurer;... ..... ...........,............................................. ......,.....,....."..............153, ' 9g County Clerk on rLicenses,... 138 Education Committee ............."........".."........................................................18, 54, 71, 76 Finance C9:mmittee..... ...... ........ ....... "........_........"............... ....1,5, 16) 1'8, 56, 71, 77 Gaol ICom~ittee.... ...... ._..."......, .... . .....".....".........."..... ....... .....",.....".....18, 53, 73 House of Refuge Oommittee... ................ ......... ....... ...... ......"....... ......... ..........,......54, 74 -Inspector, House of Refuge...... 125 Physician. Houst:of Refuge'"... 124 Mothers' Allowances .......... .......................,,,.....,,,.............. 140 Old Age Pensions,.., 139 Petitions and Legisla,tion -Committee. ........."... ...."....... ............ ..."..."..16, 84, 71 Su:burban Area .Ccmmissioll_... 106 Standing Committees,.. ......,.. 7