1940 Minutes 1 PROCEEDINGS -OF 'I1HE_ Elgin County Council During the 'Sessions held in the COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS in the months .of January, June and November 1940 I JOHN D. THOMSON, County Clerk. IOl.iARJElNCE PATTERSON, Warden, l '";;;, OFFICIALS. 1940 D. C. IMSS, OO-lmty Jrudg'e E. Bl:ake Miller,Registmr 1. n CamerOJl, Oounty Court 'C[exlk, ~Sheriff -Eo W. Haines, 'ClerIc OlE the Peace and Coun:ty iCrQfWll A!ttorney MajorC. P. Ermatinger, lGa'Gler .1. C. Smith, iSt. Thomas, School Inspector f.or theOo:unty )Off ElgL."'1. K. W. IMcKiay, Gounty Clerk Emeritus John D 'l'hDffison, J;1ona Station, OOunty Olerl{ and Inspector House o!f, Refuge Benj.amin B. Ol"ahaJm, Oounty Treasurer F, A. Bell, a.E., County Engineer G. F. Pinneo, County Road Superintendent Geo'rg1e Powles, Deput.y County Ra.ad Superintend-ent E. ,g, Livermore, .cOUll'ty :Bolicitor Douglas L. E'win, MJD., Physician, House of' Refuge alid G9.ool Fred It. Ingram, KeE'per, House of Industry M. :D. McCrinllmm, Oc:unty Police, 'Magistra;te Fl'iank C. Kelly, High 'O~:'1.mty O::mstable Summers Harper, Omu BSlrer Inspector, Aylmer, R. R. 1 Oounty Auditors: D. ,M. Leitch, West Lorne;' W'. E. Locke, st. Thoma:;, R.R-. 8 PROCEEDINGS -OF 'THE--- Elgin County Council Fms'r SESSION - FIltST nAY 'l'uesday, the16h day of January. 1940 The Elgin Ocmnty CJou11!cjl met this day at the, Oourt House, st. ThDmas, .as requited by statute. The following membeTIS, filed certificates 'and took ;thedr seats. at the (lounciI B~'ard; J. R. Bandeen, Reeve, AldrbO/l1ough MUNICIPAL OLERKS AND 11REASURERS Municipality Clerk Aldborough..... .....Miss Vera Oa.rpel1!ter, Rodn,ey John C. Gillies, Deputy Reeve, AiLdiborough Treasurer ...........w. S. staJker, R. R... 1, Rodney Dunwich.. ... .'A. N. iMcJWi1lian~, lDutton. ..... Mrs. Mildred McNeil, Duttcn ,Southlwold ...,J. S, B. Annett, FingaT...C. E, J'a01mon, R, 2, P,?rt :Sbanley Yarmouth... ... H; L. iLaiwbo!I1, 1St. Thomas............ .......H, L. LaJWbn Malal1ide..... . .E. E, McTag,~arrt;, Ay,Lmer... ...E.E. McTSig.g<al't BaJ,Y"ham... ...J. D. Vallee.. . ... ......'M. Htl"a.tton, StraffO'l'dville South Dorchester .....M. S. Oharlton, R. 1, Springfield .... M. s. "Charlton Town of, AY'lme1'l... .. ..............John IS. F1oy... ..... ........111. E. Armstrong ViUSJge iof Vienna.... .... ...... .... M. D. Berdan... .. ........M. D. Berdan Villa\F;e ,of Sprin~field.. ..... John Hodgson............. .....:WIm.H.Oath,:rr1l Village of Dutton.. ............. '..,z. .E. lMaclC!allu-m.....................z. E. MacOallum Vill-aJge of Port Stanley. ................W. A. Hwwkins....... ........ .W, A. Hawkins Village oj! -iRodney ..............:Gool"ge rr... M'istele..... .......,..George L, Mistele Village of West Lorne..... ....... L, W. Holland..... .... ...Mrs. Tena MoGregoi' Clarence lPatterson, Reeve, Duntwich Alex. N',Walker, Deputy .Reeve, Dunwich RaLph AuCJldand, iReeve, Southwold Stewart BrO/Wn, D:eputy. Reeve, SOuthwo1d, Roy 'I1ansley, Reeve,. Yarmouth Lloyd Harries, Deputy Reeve, Yarmouth Ashton Pineo, Reeve, MMahide 4 EDGIN laOI~YaouNC[L ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 5 AJrthur L. Oaverly, Deputy Reeve,Malahide FIRST SESStoN - SEOOND DAY J. G. Turnbull, Reeve, Bayham Wedne5da.y, the 17th' day of Janual'Y, 1940 A.E. HllQ.WU, Deput.y Reeve, IBayham The 'Elgin iOormty' :Council met this day at the Oourt House, St. Thomas, in accordance ,with adjournment. H. G. Taylor; Reeve, ,South Dorchester E. E:. Atkin:son, 'Reeve, Ayltner TheW.wrden in the chair. }<'l1ank, oc... Truman, Deputy Reeve, Aylmer All the members present. Delbert Ryan,' Reeve, Vienna The Warden addressed the Council: Geollge,' Oraik, Reeve, Springfield To the Elgin dounty OounJCil, Vv. C. Wheaton, Reeve, iPol',t Stanley Gentlemen:: R. H. ROIDt, IReeve, W€st Lorne At tris,' the openil1:g ses.si{Ju; I desire to again thank you iflCJi'.r the hjnor confeTl'ed in elootingme'.as 'Wa.rden Of, Ithe ,Cb'Unty '~or the year 1940. J, D, FraS€~, iH.eeve, Duttorli E. 'Lashbrook,' 'Reeve, Rodney I trust that with your cQ-opel'1a.tion a oareful considooa.twrr win be ':given to ,a.U .expenditures sO' tha.t 'We may give the County 'an effi.;; cient and eool1>Qmica"l 'administration thiJs year. The eleotion dfl W1ardenwas then .pl1oceeded ,with .and ,em the first. hallot Reeve Patterscm; of Dunwi,ch, who received '9; maljority Ctfthe wl1Jol,e cQuncl1, 1Wa:s declared duly elected Warden fDr the year '1940. The Warden made the statutory declaration, woik.' his seat and thank- ed ,the Council for the honor conf.ertred. Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seoortded by J. G. Turnbull: That this 'Council do now adjoumoomeeton Wednesday 'at 10 .Ia.m., and tha.t the Reeves of ,the different municipalities !be 18, com- J.mttee to stri'kethe standing committees. Owing to' the w:a;r Federal and Provincial Governments havea-l- ready increased 'taxes and as the war continues they will be called upon to make l'arge expenditures for war pUll."1poses which will requir-e .a stilI further increase in taXla.tion. MwliioiJpal' councils shouilid there- fore elimin'ate. ,all unnecessary eoopendituires in . order ,tha.t'th.e..'burdell of taxa.tion may nut be tc;,o heMr"] on the .l'atepayers. Roads -'Clarno<!. OWing to ,the very dry IfaU our roads are in ibetter oondition than they have beeen for .a number ()!f! ,yeM'S. OLA:RIENOE PiA'ln'EmJSON, Warden. The" construction laslt year ()If! sever:al Il11dl'es of di:ff:erent types oJ "( 6 l'lliGilN COUNT'Y COUlN'CU:. lElLOIN IOOUNII'Y CQtUN'DIL 7 macadamized TOadS [by the Oounty Oouncil shoo.ld be carefully exam- :inted by the Roiad Commi'ttee so that they may be alble to dedde whioh tYlpe ,e! -road is most suitalbJe. ' !Mr. Flannigan then ,addressed !the ICOuncil. House, of Refu.ge IMr. 'Lashlbr>a'ok ,presented the report of ,the 'CIommittee to strike the standing c.cmmit,tees and it w~,s adopted iOU motion o(f Mr; 'Lash- !brook, seCO~ded JbyMir. Bandeen. Since the N ovell1llber Session there has been 3.l1l incr€:ag.21 from twenty-seven to forty in the number of inma.tes in the! -Institution:. The following ccmmuntcaJtions ,were read: <Following the reciOmmendat}on of the Oommirbtee at the N(wem- ber ,Session a .pump lW1as instalted to <Barce the:wiaker more rapUly throogh the heating system. This has 'illcre,ased . the 'Warmth m the building and added to .the Ciomfort of the inmates. Plrom Children's Aid 'Society wi'th repo'rt.--'-O:teferred to the Ohil~ dren'H Aid Oormmittee. [(ilrOlIn Onta:r-io Good Roads Ass'Ociation re annual meeting ial:.d membership fee.~R€!ferred t:J. COunty Roads 1000mittee. 'Et is ex:pected ,tha.t the, Pl'ovLndaJ. Plo;wing M-atoh win ba held in this County in the fa~l and a deputatiDll >from the Elgin B],o'WlIlIen's Association Iwill interview the douncil re~ruestin:g a g,rrant fOLrit. From The. 8a.lvation Army, with request for g,ranJt.----1Referred to Pim9.l1ce Committee. At the Ntl)vcmbcr Session th\~ Ole,r~{ was as:;\:ed to prepare ,a St,).t2- ment re indigent Icoo'ts 'a~ the 'Memc!I'ialH6spital; the 'S'ame will he presented fall' YlOurconsideration at thi.3 session. F'rom Ooup,ty "', of Hastings, reS'.o1ution, re .admittance of indig1ent has;pf'tal patients and '1'esoluti'on re ,subsidy, on money 'eXlpelided on approved roads in viUage.s.....,;.Refened to 'Petitions 'and ILegislatiol1s Oommi,ttee. A request. hoo. been reoeived ["mm the Township of Ald!)or,X1sh 1fio11 A, re1lund on Vocational School -costs and the matter has !been referred to the ICouU'ty ISolicjtlor. iFl10rnFred A. Bell, with acco'Lll1!t for inspelCitkm of tAylimer :Hitg1h School.-Refened to EducatIOn Oommi'ttee. I ,would ask that .the chairmen oi .the v-arious 'oomm~ttees have them meet promptly .and report 'fIullyon any !business that is -to the ibestintel'e.s-ts Of the OoUnty. F'rnttn County 0If Northumberland and Durham, res1oLuti'on of' tex.tbooks in High :and 'OontinuatiOill Schoo~s.-iReferred to Hon C<>:mmittee, re cost Educa- I hope we will have a iproSiperO\1S year, and that before its con.. elusion ,pe1ac'e . may aglain prev8Iil among the. natioil1S of. the . world. . <From Oorunty of NCir-thumberlland and Durham, Christmas trees.--lReferred to Ag,riculturalCommittee. reSO.l.ution r,e Moved by J. D. Fraser, Second'ed by E. Lashibroo,k: Flrom ClO'UtLty otGrey, resolution ere !premium oil bacon hogs M~d priOOOif Ifu.rm ;produClts.-.Refer<red toO A<gl'iculturnliOomm~ttee. That (Mr. Flannigan [from the ,Salvation Army Ibe now heard. ....:.parried. lProm Mrs. Estelle Inch, re 'CoIliViaJ.esc.ent. hiome.....;..'Referred ito Fin.. ance Cbmmi.ttee. .~;}; Ii ELGIN COUNTY COUNClliL ElJGIN OOUNTYOOUNCn, 9 From ,Miss Edith Lindop, re -additional cwses 'flor Uhrary.-u~eff'r- red to Gaol OOll11mi:ttee. F'romthe. offi.c.e ,of;, the'Prtme Mlimj~er, roe the (l'IedisMtbution f)f the Provincial Polioo;-Referred to the' FiilmmeOommittee. ~,om' 'Mrs. R. 8. Meyer, re libr.ary grant.-Referred Lto Finance Committee. 'From Oounty Councils Association, re memfbershi:p.......,.;aeferred to Finance Comm~tJtee. From De,partment of .Highways, re 'annual contfer€nce ,of Munici- pal F.ngineeQ's 9.itld TownshIp -Rond, Superintendents........:Referred tb Oounty Roads ,Committoo. From The ICanadia.n: NationilJ. lrustitute ,for 'the Blind, re grant- Referred to -Finance Oommittee. \ Fmm Depa.rbment of Highways, re Department's ,policy {lU ma.- C"hiner,y purcha.ses.-iReferred to COU11t.y Roads iOommitte. :From IBOM"d of Transport Oommj;ssinners, re'lwig-ffl'ag signaJs' at M;C.R.' crossing.---<Referred to O>un-ty 'Roads Committee. }I1J'1Oitll COUDlDy of Kent., 1'12' :appointment (If Inspector lfur the eradi- (':ation olf BM'hffi'ry Bush.-Referred ,to AgrtcuHmral Oommittee. From Depar:tanent ()if Highways, re county road expenditUre by* lSJw.-~Refer~ed to County lRoads iOommittee. From Ciounty of Kent, re grn,nts to High and OontinuaU::n 8c:hc<}ls. -Referred to Educ!3!Uon Committee. From ViUageo'f Dutton, with request for approv,aJ., Of,by~law.-Re~ fe1~red k. County Roads Committee; From C10unty of Ke:J]t, reamendment of the Public Service W'J'1'ks on Highwa.ys Act."......Referred to OJUll1ty RC:{t.dsOommitte-e. ,1;'rom- Ontario. Alg.ricul,tural 'Oouncil, re membership lee 'and dele.. gates.-Referred to Argi'icultural Comm:iJtJtee. I<'ro-lU University of Western Ontario, Lf'e HLppointJment .e'f r:epresenc- ative.~Referred to Finance- :Dammi'btee. From Mrs. ,N. M. StimmeJ'lfteld, re conva.lescent home.-'---'Referred ;00 Finance .Oemmitt-ee. FI'om T{)lWnsh~p of IAldiboIoUigh, requesting T'efund on Vooational ,SCh(101 costs.-Referredto Educa,tion ICcm-mitt-ee. 'From Association of "Managers of HOmes ,for the Aged Mld I.rufirm, ere 'annuM meeting WI'd nietnJbersh:Lp. fee.-tRelfiefl1"ed to Holl8e of Refuge CommLttee. ' From Ontario Depa.rtment of Agrioulture, re weed killer.--lRelferl'ed to Agl'icultur,al -Committee. The 'fOllOWing OOWllty IOonnclls aJPPooved of resolutixms ra 'ch'a:nge Q1! venue costs 'and 'OhristJrnJas: trees:' P-e1:.elI1boroulgih,. Middlesex and' perth. FfpmOnJtario Municipal. Association, 1'e membership f.eeand dele- gaie.-Referred 'to 'Fina.nce Comrrnittee. The County of Simcoe en(iorsed' the resolution Te Ohristmas, trees; ~r.om Ontario Educati'Onal Associatinn, Oounty 'OOuncil Section,re ,membenshiJp fee and !~ppointmenrt ,QIf deleg1SJtes.--a:ietfeIT'ed to Educ'ation Committee. The County of 'Lenmxa.nd Addingiton IQI1"dered the' resolutdronsne change dflvenue costs a.ndOhristmastrees filed. Flrom . Board . of Transport Commissioners, . re fWig-wags at lona ,crossing.---iRefeNed to IOQlUnty Roads Committee; , TIle IOOrmty of iHiastings ordered that the r~lrutdon ra change or venUe costs /be :received land flIed iBind Ithe resolution re IOhrisbmas trees 'WaIS endorsed, ,with the exoopti'Ol1 of C'~ause 6. 10 :ElIJG1N OOUNrI1Y GOUNJOIL EWIN COUNTY COUNC[I., 11 .The iCio-untyaf Victoria. ccm'oulrted in' the :first flour clauses' of 'the reoo.lru.tion r,e Ohri&tmastrees. That the 'O()U1lc~l, ,now hear the deputa.lti'Oll' 1'e the Internationa1 PIOlWin'glMatch for 1940. From- the Onbario<conserv1a:'tion . ,and ~orestatioQn Associ'ation with 'request ferr gr'ant.-Referred 00, Agx~oo1tural OOlmnittee. !From Davidson &, DavidSOn, .xe' claim' for comperwat:i!o-n .of Daniel Ratterson~-'R8Iferred to IOaull1ty, IIVelads ,cOlmmittee. -'Oanr1ed. .Agricultural Representative Thomas, Messrs. WllUams and ,Black then' addressed the Oo-unciil. The Warden referred the maitter ~o !the Finance Oommibtee. l.\1Jorved by J .R. BMldeen. The flollowling com!111Uuications were read: Seconded bY' R. .II; Bloot: From the Ocunty .AuditOir'S',with repo.rrt.-1Refel'red to,Finanoe 000n- mittee. Th~t <\udlt of John C. Gillies '!be <aIPpointed'a memlber of the_Board of AdminiEtl"ati'on :dfl ,Justice laccounts for 'the year 1940. From the D8Jrmty Treasurer Iwitl,1 replol'it.--iR.lefelTed to' Fioonce O:;mmittee. _Oarried~ Morved hy 'H. G. 'TIaylc.l', Fl10m the :County Clerk 'with hoopit.al sta.tem\ent.-~eferred to Fina.nceCommitt€'::l. Seconded .by A. ,E. Brawn: Th::i.Jt the - usual grrantof -$50 (be 'granted to the ElginT.r-usteeSl' and Riatepayel.s" ASSlCic1:a;ttOil1. Moved by A. E. Brown, Secondedhy J; G. Turnlbul1: -lOarried. That the usua"l'grantsto purblic l1ibriarioo be rpa.id, Le., $50 e9.lCh to Riodney, ,'West Lome, DuttrOlll, Ay-lmer, Port :stanley, Vierma, ,Spring'- field, ISpar:ta, Bayham, Shedden -and Por:tBUTlwell, an:ct $25 tolWlmrds:- ville and Belmont. Moved ;by W. C. Wheatcm, sooonded !by A. ~ineo: ----Oarri'ed Th!3,ltthis council ;aidjourn to meet 'at 1.30. ,Moved by H. G. Ta,ylor, -(Canied. Seconded -by' A. Pineo: The " ,Council resumed. Thait.,the usual,gra.nts to the W1a'men's I!nsti-tutes in rthe:oountY'b.e ,paid: '$1000 eooh linstitute; .,$2, to Ohe.E"'t ""-d IW'est District Jlnsti- tutes;'$5 :to each Institute IWh6lr~ public O11aibOOW oon:tesM. are held. E'!Very Insti-tute wishing to ,ta:ke Ja;dV'M1ifJ~ge iof, this 'addi,tio-naI 1$5 grant M'med by J. G. 'I1urnlbu!l, Seoonded ,by A. Pineo: 1Jii' I,' 12 ELGIN COUNrrY COUNmL ELGliN IOOUNrI1Y IOOUNCIlL 13 must satisf'y the ,clerk and. Treasurer 3S to,thedr qU'alifie'aJtdons _for wpplying 1f10U'" 'this g,rMlit. ' Moved by J. D;' Fraser, ...--jq~ried Seconded 'by A. N. Wlalker: Tha.t this c0uncU do n'OlW adjourn 00 meet o~ Thursdiaymorning at 10 o'clock. .Mov;ed, by E. E. A'bkinson. Seconded by F .L. Truman: That E. S.,!Livermore:be,'~Ppo.iItted is. member of the Aylmer:-Bo-s.:rd of Educa.tion for a terJm Oif thr:ee 'yeBir\S. ~aarried Moved ,by J. D. Fr~ser, ISeconded bY' -E. Lashlbrook: Thait H. B. ,Hookin be aQ)pc.inted a member of the Dutton High /;j},School Board f1o~ la,term OIfthTee yea.rs. -Oarried IMloved' by D.. Ryan, Seconded by J. G. Turnbull_: Tmt Merton, IQhU'te be aJppointed a' ,trustee afthe Vienna. High ;School :;f:or oneyea.r. ---<oarrierl. Moved by E. E. Mkin:sOO, seconded by D. RYlan: That the 'chairman of the .Ag.riClUltuml 'Oommittee and the, War;.. den be' delega.tes t.QaJtteiJ.id the lP!:OiWmen's Association meeting taiba held in 'I1or<mto ,the beglIming Of F1ebrnM'Y. ~ar:ri'ed. -carrIed. CLARENCE 'l'A'I1I1ElIlJSON, Warden. 14 EIlJGIN COUNTY' aOUNKJ[L FIRST SESS,ION - THIRD DAY Thursday, 'the 18th' day of January, 1940. The Elgin County OOilIDcil met thLs day at the fOOurl' House, ,St. ThOimas, in accordance wi.th adj.ournment. ~Jj The Wa.rden in the chair. 'All the memhers ;present. The prooeedings Oif ,the previous day were read ,and confirmed. The folilowing oomlInunica.tion Wias read: From the 'JIoiwnship QIf South :DJTches.ter, re munici:pal dria:J.ns,- Referred to petiUons ,and Legislations 'Oommittee. 'Ii' 0~! !1~i ~ The ;r,elpOrt iQif- the Hiouse elf Relfuge iQommdt-tee. Wlas presen~ adopted Ion mo,tiou (Jif IMr. Altkinson, seconded iby :Mr., Turnhull,. an.d The T€lpOil't 'OLf the ,RlOad !Committee, was .pr-esented and referred to a OOlrnmittee of the W'hole with Mr. Auckland in . ,the chair. Aifter considering the repoiI"t ;the .ocll11Jmi,ttee r058, and it was ,adopted on moMon of MJr. 'I1ansley, seoon4ed by Mr. Pineo. The Report of 'the 0'3.101. "'ommittee 'Wlas ,presented ,and adoptf.Jo. on motion of ll\1r;IO'vaik., seconded byMI'. Truman. lM!oved bY W. O. WheaIbon, Secunded IbY. A. Pineo: Tbaot Iwe adjoUJrn 100 meet '9Jt '2 p.m. ~aarrled. The council reswmed. ELGIN COUNTY COuNIClIL 15 Moved by yiL O. Whooton, Seconded by Ia. T_ley: That . Messrs. . Rogers and Mowatt . be heard re~a.rding the Elgin: County Li'brarr-y AsSiOCi,a,tion. -<Oarried', Messrs. ,Rogers 'and ~:8Jtt ,then ia,ddressed :bhe _oounei,l and: the Warden referr-edthe matter to the Finance iOommittee. Moved ,by J. G. TUTIlibull, Seconded. ,by R. Tansley: That H. G. 'I1aylor 'Mld, J. D~ FDaser he llippotn:t€1tl advisory mem~ .bers of . the R.oads Oomml-ttee. -;Oarried. Moved by E. Lashba:ook, Seoonded by John ,a. Gillies: 'That, ,this iOounty OouncU agree to r,educethe Roads Commlttee f:romeight,_'as .3,lt pras'entconsti,tuJtied,. rto tlwee; 1-f this is done WeaJre of the opinion that 'a saving willL be .m:rade 1;10 the taxpayers ''Otf: fj;h~ county ,of :s,eveI'lal, hundlr.ed_ dQHars,yeM'ly. --M<>tlon lost: Moved h~ H. G. Taylor, Seconded :byJ. G,'Turnbull": That this council-is. in - favor df sterdlii2laltlon of mentail .patieIlJtlSl in government and County institutions wheiIT approved !by a board, com.. posed .oftwo or mOre PhY8iC1lains . and, :a- Judge or magistrate; land ;that a' copy. lot this resolutio-n be s.enrt to :an. county: CIOtuiclls,the ontario Eduoation: .A.ssocitation ,and the Dntw1.Q Agricultwral 100U1:cH. -aarrled. r':'~l 16 ELGLN COUNTY COUNlCiL Moved by A. L. Owv:erly, Becouded by F. L. Truman: That grants 10 ,agricuil.tuTlal and hor:ticultumJioocieties be the' SMIle as laSt' yea.!': iAlgrdculitJuml oocieties - equivaJenrb .to!the govern- ment g'ffiDJt flOl' 19"40, Ald/bOriough,. Aylmer, Shedden, West. Elgin, Y'a.r~ ,ffiIoUth and Sprinlgifield. HIorticultural societies - 25% of -the govern- ment 81rMlt for 1940, Aylmer, Dutton, Springfield, Shedden, R<>dney, West Lame and, Belmout~ -oarried~ f&:: The AgrdcuI,tur-al 'O>mmittee report was presenJtedand on motion of Mr. Glines ,the council went into $ Committee of the Whole IWi!bh Mr. Bandeen in the chair. A1fterconsiderntion the Committee rose and the repo1."It was 'adopted as amended on' motion of Mr.' Pineo, see,;; onded iby Mr. ,Turn'bull. Mov;ed by J. R. Bandeeu, Seoonded by J. O. Gillies: Throt' this - c'Owooil JaDJUary 19,th. dio noiW adjoulrn to meet a.t 10 'a.m. on FrldaY, iil-; --"IOarried. OLARlENIOE 1WIT11ElRSON, Waxden. ELGIN C:OuNU1Y' COUNO[L 1'1 FIRST SESSION - }'OURTH DAY' Friday, the, 19th day of January, 1940 The Elgin' Oounty Oouncil met this, day at the OoU1'1t House, st. Thomas, in- accordan'ce with adjourmlllehlrt. The Warden in -the chair. All, the members' present. Theproc~edings of the' previous da.y were mad and 'aprproved. ~e first report "of the iFinance IOommi,ttee was presented ana adopted on ll11oti'Dll ()/f Mr. LJaSlbtbrO'Ok, seconded by Mr., FDa.ser. The' report' of the Education Committee rwas -presented and .adOlpj~,;; ed em motion o:f Mr. Taylor, seconded ,by Mr.':Vumbull. " The report 'CIf _ the Petitions 'and Legisl1ation iC-ommittee "Wias pre'.- sented and 'a.dopted on mo'ti'On ()If Mr. Gillies,. seconded by IMr. RQ'ot. Mov.ed, 'by H. G. ':Vaylor, Seconded :by A. Pineo: That the Elgin County 'Cloundl petitioiU the Attorney-General's Deparrtment to check :any ,and 'alJ1 dupliootion (lit {fee costs to the OOlln- ty such' as serving summons on 'Petit jurors fOl'the Geneml Sessions and serrving summons on: rpetit jwors: ibr county COUl"t, ,and other duplicatfons now cha.rgeaible to "oonnties, land that a copy of :this peti- ti,bn Ibe sent to" 'the A'trorn8(Y-lGeuwal's DepM"tment. --'-<Oarried. MOY~d by L. N. Harries, Sec<>n\le<l by R. H. Root: Th'at the ELgin County lQouncil re-laJppoint Mr. E,S. Li-vel'lmore 'as representative 'On. the Senate Of the 'Umve:rsity (lIf Western Ontart-o. -IOarried. W' !ft;1 18. ELGINCOUiNTYCQiUiNClLL Moved - 'bY A. Pineo, Seconded 'byR. T~rusley: That Stewarl,Br<JW'n be- SlpI)01ilrted an: advi:SlOry member on the OhlldTen's Aid Committee with ,pay, -<Oarried; IvIloved Iby J. G. Turnlbull, ::il "i Seconded bY A. E. _: Tha.t, this 'COunen do noW ad'jiQurnoo meet'a.t 2.30 p.rn: i";1 -<Oa.i'ried~" The _ councll, res,umed. The second I€IPOrt Of 'the Finance - Ocmmlttee was .presented and on, motion , o\L,M~.! Pineo ,the-councirwent into 'a.-Comm1:tJtee, af, the Whole,with,.Mr;Whea.tonin - the Chair, ,Miter OOnsideration_ - the-COm", mittee rose 'and the re,pdrlt was adopted as amended on motion Of ,Mr. oDa;shbrook, seconded by Mr. Gillies, Moved !by' J. R;. B'andeen, Seconded by J.O. Gill!"": Th1a.t, the c:oonty C1eTk JOO instructed: "to ,find out from. ",-:aJl . the';.', 'ba:nks In iSt,' ThOiID"" the, best rateOlf Anterootthey C<lJ1 give ,the Oounty' 0If Elgin for 1040. -<Oarrl.d. MOved by R. TooSIey. seconded bY A.N. WaJker: 'l1I>at ,the ,Oounty Agrlcultura.lCJlolmmlttee be dele!late8 .to the On. tarlo, Agriooltu:r<a.l ,Oouncll,lnJr"rowo:' .....<Jo.Trled. EDGIN, COUN'I1Y OOUN:iClIL 10'" Moved by'J. R. Bandeen, Seoonded by J" O. GIIUes: Thiat.iby,.l'alW NIO.;;l009- ~,~oRever,t a,'OountyRoa{l~,': ;be"re~ 'a, ';flmt 'time. '--Cl>n'led. .MOved by <t. H. R<>>t, SecondedlbyA. N.W'llllker: 'I'hat by-Ia.w No. 1-329, !be _ rea.ds,seoo;n:dt1me, -'-'C.....led. Moved by .J.. D. - ~er. ..seconded by J. C. ,Gillies: That by.l:>w No. 1321) 'be read" third tlm"a.nd tlnally paossed. -<JaJrrled. .Moved I~y E. E. Atkinson, seconded lby D. Ryan: 'I'ho,t by-1aJw No. ;1000, "TO ,/\,ppolnt "lMernIl>er 0If .the Awlnier'I3<)ard df Eduoation" he !read 'a firS.t ,ttme. -Caa1I'Jed. 1\ii(lVed, by F. ,L. Trnmal1, Seconded by E. E. Atkinson: TIliat by.hW1 NO. 1330 \)_ read "second time. ......owrrled. 20 EiLG1!N COUiNT~ COUNlCIL 2,1 ElLGiIN 'ODUN'I'Y COUNPIL !Moved by :E,E. Atkinson, Moved by A. E. BrcIWll, Seconded by F. L. 'llntman: Tha.t by-lam No.. 1-3'30 he read it third time and ,fin illy plfuSsed. SecJOl1ded by D. Ryan: , That iby-la'w No. 13G:2 ,be read a sec:ond timc, -----Oarried. -IOarrlO'd. Moved by J ~ ,D; FrHser, 'Moved by R. Auckland, Seconded by E.. :Lashbrook: That Iby~law N'o. 13M ""IIo Designa;tea Through Istreet in ;the Vil-' 1age of Dutton" bel'eada first time. ISeoonded by 'A. E. B!l'olw.n: That 'by-l'aJW No.. 13312 00 read a third time ,and finaJ.ly pass,ed. -!Carried. ---lOaa:ried. Movediby Goo(('ge C:r;adk, Moved- by J. D. Fx;aser, BeCloud,ed byL. N. Harries: SecoIide~ .ib:y E:. Lashbrook: That lby-lJalw No, 13311 Ibe read 'a seoond time. '~'i. That iby:-la:,w No.. 133S "To provide l.t1or ;the WtaJ. .exp.enditure 'On the" system; Of, county :rnads. in: the County dfi Elgindwring the year!' 1'940" he read a first time. ----Ca.rrier!. --!OMri'ed. IMoved by J'..D. Fx'aser. l\I.Iioved :by Ge'orge Cradk, Seconded ibry E. LashJbroolc That Iby-laIW No. 13,311 be. it'ead ,s.; third time . and finally paos'sed. Sec'Onded lbyJ. G. 'l1urnibuU: Tharl; 'by-la.w No.. 1133'3 ibe read a sooond ;time. --Oa.rried. ---1OM'Tied. MkYVed by !D. ~Ml, seconded by R'. Auckland: 'That ib~-[IJaJw Nlo. 13i32 "'Ib Appoint High School Trustees" be read 18.1 first time. Moved 'by L. N. Ha.rries:, S€conded by George rCrnik:: That by-Ia1w No. li3:3G be rea.d atl1i!rd time 'mdnnally passed. --parried. ---iCa.:rried. 22 ELGIN OOUN= OOUlNl()iEL ,23 E[JG[IN GOUIN'l'Y COUNC[L Moved by W. C. Wh'eatolIl, Moved by,S. BrolWn', Seconded by A. Pineo: Seconded !by E. La-shlbrook: That by-la,w No. 1334 "Towppoint an inspectoJ:- fbr the purpose of er-adi:ciating the oorn IbO(l"er" be read a, first time. That lDy-lww No. 133'5 be -read a third time 'and finaJIy' paiSsed. ----Oamed. -Ca.rried. MoVed -by F. L. Truman, MoVied' by A. L. Oa.verly, SeCJonded by !i.. E. BrolWn, SecJOI.l1ded ibyW. O. Wheaton: .That by-law No. 13-36 "To ,aurthorize the Warden. 'and Treasurer to borrow tll;e' sum of 'D~o Hundred ThlOUsa.nd DoHMS" ,be read ,8,. fir\s.b time. 'I\h!at iPy~llaw No, 13.3'4 be read' a second ,time. -o.a1"1'1e0.. -oamed. tMo,ved ;by R. 1:1an,s,ley Moved by A.E. BrOlWIl, seconded Iby L. oN. FIiarries: ......\>, Seconded by F. L, Truman: That hy~liaw No, 133'4 he read :a,. third time an~ finany passed. Thathy-ra1w No._ 1336 be rea.da second ,time. ~Oanrie1. -<Jarirled. [Mjov;ed ,by S. Brorwn, 'Moved hy E. E..' Atkinson, Seconded by R. Aucki:and: Secorl.ded .by F. L. Truman: That bY~,l3Jw'No. .113\315 ""110 lalPtpomt a 'Board otf Audit in the Cbun~'J of Elgin for the year 1940" be read 'afi:rst time; That by-l'aJW No. 1336 be .read a ,third time and maJly lpa&s-ed. -iOwrieq. ----Dartried. Mov:ed by )$... Pi~el(),: Moved 'bY E. :LJashbrooj<, Seoonded bWS. BTOiWn: Seconded by A. L. Gaverly: TbJat hy-lww No; 133'5 be; read a second ((June. That by"lam No. 1337 "To .,PJ><>!nt a pounty RJoads C<lmimlttee" be read fa firsrt time. -learn-led. -(Oamed. 24 ,Jm.om OOUN'I1Y OOiUNKJIlL !E[jGIN OOUN'I1Y OOrtJNKJIllL 25 Moved bry W. O. Wheaton, Moved by J .R. Bandeen, Seconded by J. C. Gillies: S'econded :by R. Tarusley: -<Oar,ried. That iby-la:w No. 1339 "TofixsaUMy of the Coun.ty. RGad ISuperin~ tendent and Deputy County RiOIadiSu.perint.endent" ,be rrelad ,a f1.'rst time. That rpy-l:a1\V No, 1~37 be read a second' time. --<Ca.t1rled. Moved hy A.L. OaNerly, Seconded 'bY A. Pineo: Maved by J. O. Gillies, Seconded by J. R, Bandeen: 'That by-larwNo. 1337 :be r,ead a. third time and finally ipaSlSed: That by-larw No. 1339 be read a s.eoond time. -lGamried. , ~a.med. Moved byW. 10. Whe,aton, S-econdedhY R. 'r<.:.nsley: ~ed I~Y J. R, Bande3n, Seconded hy J. ,g. Gi11i'elSi: That iby-1arw No. 133'8 "To Is;ppoint :an Advisory Agricultural Ooun- cil" 'be read ,a first time. Tha;t iby-lrruw' No. 1339 'be read !a third time and finally passed. -Oanrieli. --CM'1'ied. Mnved -by J. D. Fr:aser, Moved by L. ,N. Harries, ,Seconded by E. IiashihI1ook: Seoonded Iby Gooll'ge craik: ThJa.tiby-~arw No. 13138 he, rea.d ,a, soooud time. That by~lww No. 1340 "To ~ the eqUiaJizaition of the assessN ment rolls ocr the County 0If Elgin for the year 19'4{):" be read ,a, first rtLme. ~Camried. ~Camed. Moved 'by R. 'I1MlSJey, Seconded by W. C. Whea.ton: Moved ,py A. N. Walkea', ,Seconded by R. H. Root: TbJ8.ltlbYNlww: No. 13'38' be read a third: ,time 'and.fina.]ly passeld. Tha'TI !by-lam No. ,1310 be :read iBi sedOlnd ,time. ---Car',ded. -"Clllirll'led. 26 E[jGIN OOUlN!'I1Y COiUlNOIL ,ELGIN CIOUNII'Y OOUNOllL 27 1v.Loved by J. C. Gillies, SEICOND SlEiSSION - F1lRST DAY Seaonded byE. iI.Jasblbrook: Tuesday, the 11th day of June, 1940 Thiatlby-Iaw NO'. 13'40 he read .a, ;third time and finally passed. r.I'he Elgin County CloruniCdil., 'melt thiJs -day at the Court, Hbuse, , St;. Thoma.s in '2..ccordance ,with adjour.nment. -<Oamied. The, Wiarden in the chair. Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by J. D. Fr:aser: All the memhelfS fpresent. That an eXipression Oif cOrilgratulation1and wpprecia.tion of -the very iP11actical and' eftici'ent 'Way in which '001' n€!w County C:lerk has coo- duc,tedhis duties.in this, his first sessi.!on ,olf the l!.""lgin Oounty C1oun- eil; Ibe e:x:tended to Ma.-. JlOihn D. 'Thorrn's'un 'and that a, copy lJIfthils re&o~ lutiJOn be printed in: :the pr;oceedings of the ICiuuuty. The WaTden addressed the Council: T.o the E~gill' County Oouncil: Gentlemen: --ICa.rried. ill ,a,pening the June Session, the moot inljportarut <Jif the year, we find .ou:r:3elves'mo,re d.:::'eply inw..'11ved inlwar thl3-n e\CeT hefbre. Ilhel1erve it is the deslijre"of ~very(;!ne that, we should currbail evary lUnn:ecessary eXlpenditW'e s;o that the wa.r may, !be ,priosecruted wi:tihour Viery boot eff,orte. The Wa.rden '3ppo,inted the ,following memhers deiega;tes to attenrl the' va,.riO'lls associa:ttO!11 meetings: Good Roads: 'l1hocnson, Bandeen, Gillies, Fraser, Pin'so, 'Whe8it:on, BroWll, Auckland, RJllan, Atkinson, T,ruman. A. Brdwn, Turn.'bulI, 'I1aylor, 'Cl'iai!k, Harri,es, Tanslery, Oaverly. EqualizatiOOl ' , The, equalized assessmentsaf the ICloul1lt/y' were oonfumed !by by- la/w Jab the J.anua.ry Ses.sion,ait1teT 'wihtchthe 'TrOIwnshLp Of !SlOIUIth D!cil';' chester 'and the ',Villa:g'e- -alf DuttlOn .entered 3lppea.ls 'whioh fWler1e [".or-I warded to !thelProvm'0ial .se~reta'ry' ,and .aBowrd has been laJpp!oillJted. EdJucation: Messa-s. Walker IMldTllomson. Municipal:' :Messrs. lRioot, ThOilllson and the Warden, New Leg'isla.ticl<ll . ISection: ~07.. of the Munic~pal Ae'Dlwhich rwas 1q.ilU'ended in 193,9 hai) again heen ,amended to prOVide that in ,the .QfuSe ieif 'an ,equality 'Of votffi the reeve,or in hilS aib-sence, ,the depUtY-'l1eeve of the ',mun\icipatiJY whi{~h had the lamgest equalized ,a:sses-sment the iPT,evi.ous year iShaJl have 'a iSeo61nd or 'p'asting vOlte, Moved by W. O. Wheaton, SecJOnded hy A, Pineo: 'That we do now adjourn ,tomel'et IQI11 Tuesday i ,the nth \;.' day. of June. ISect:iJQUl :21J5 has 'been Ie-,enac-ted ISO that where.-the head <Jifthe 'OolUlicH l'e~uses 00 actlthe ICOTIrlCil may {!tom .among iits ItllJembers 'a:p~ point.'a prelSiding officer ,IWho. . dwing . such reflusa:l to :alCJtI shaH ha;v:e 'al~ the PQwers IOIf the head of the OouncU. -iOM"l'ied. OUAiRJElNOE PAfMIElRSON, War.den. 29 iEiL'iGm 'ICIOUNmY . COiU[N'CtrL I'lLGrN aoUN'JJY 00=1[[, 29 The Asiressment Act iA. nelw' depM'iture IwhilcJh is :intended to be the first stl:'1P in j,m\prov~ Lng the ,equalization {1[f .,assessments in ",ciUu1bi.e.s has bEIBU made with the passing iQif 'section 189a. 'Tbis seDti{}ll1emIP2IW{~lr.s -Rccunt,y council with the approval l(j;f1the iDelpartlment of' M'unic'ipal' Affairs, -to iB.iPlPininlt a county ,a:sseS:S'Oif. It will ibe .the du.ty of this offici'a:1uD &U'pervise:ap:d advise the IRsS'eS8'ors 0'[ each municipality. in the county 'oolOibtainunL- :fm'mity in the ,pr:epal'atioDJ ,o'f, asseS!&ment rens and to as-certiain whether the valuations in eai~h iffiIuu1dpaaity be'J;r a just rekttic!l1, tiJ1 each other. A irepior:t is to be .made to< the Or;unty Q:jlIDJCj!L ilJefs're, June ls,t each year. The oOU!0:ty ,asses:Sror IWHl h:we the right ,eif HJPpea!l within twenty days a:fte<r the r0trurnl(Jlf ,the roll 'in lany municIpality a:gainst ind.Lvidual 'asg,essments 'Off, 'Iwith the law-coval of the Depart- ment, gclnJer.ally, with ,res,pe;crt to .all a.ssessments 'i.n the roll. A neIW sec1iilon 40 'authorizes councils' either ,alone or in iCOnjUil.1ilJ- tlon with other munic~pa.li.ties to 'Pass a ,by~J.aw, ,aJft€Q- Igivin:g1 'thir,ty' CW!Y'IS nIottce lelf drntention iWdo SO to the: D~M'tme:ntOlf ~ea:1th,ap- 1;-.'_'1tnting .9, qua.lifted medtc'al di)cto.r, 'as ',a h'ospital officer- 'f:0II' ,the: muni..;. ctpa.lity. :Cf, he ,thinros. that it is runnecessar.y tt'<<. ,any indigent patiwtt to :remain in 'the h03pital he "is .to make ,a report 00' ,the hospitaJ super.;;. intendent land ,to the DepartmeJ;lt, otf Health, Tenders have been received for lre,pa.iriDjg1and decorating .tl1e eas,t rooms in the Re!gistry Office; the oaOll ,qantmittee \V,llll relpott',t 10111 ,'bhlEll SHllne. 'The sHoand root ioel1ar at the Hlo'us,e Of Roe!fuge ,are hl need olfi l'e~ Ipair and esttmates will be pres.ented 0Q1 !Oostor ,the sairne. Local Go:vernrn~nt 'Extension Act Under this Aot members {jlf Clouncil in office on F1e:rntary '1st, 1941~ and who Iwere elected 1'01' (IlI1e year 'Or part thef'eJ::A ,Me t:J- \CIontihue in offic,e .fl()1J:'. it \further term iO'if on:e ye~r unllie.ss ,a vote 0\f the ,electors IS taken ja.t. the annual electi\Oi11Js, [[:01' 19411 on the ques-ti,:;th and a roajiOlli ty elf the electors vote 1n the neg'ative. Dlll'in~ ,the past .tlwo' yeams the costs iQlf the Children's: Aid Society have greartly increa.sed'through the :l'a..lige numlber 'blf pay IW'Iwds inthf) c'ounty, ,until Ifl.,t the pres,eurt ,time, the county is payinig seventy-iftve per cent. ;J,f the mainten'ance 011' rwards. 'The proceedings ()[' the ,}ast day ctfI the January Session Wel'1e Il'eladl and confiil'lmed, 'When ,the Act 1s in tforlc:e in ,a munidpality and. 'a ,vRoancy ,o{~'curs in the ClouncH or .1GcaJ !board dIU-ring the year 19412 'it IWUl. ~be 'fi:Ued} 'by ,a qualified person chl(Jsen b~ w'ke LC!f the remaining memfb-sil's of; ,the, oOiUucil ;011' board. The ~oUOlwing ccmmrmications were read: From the Town df AyJJmer, re Ipatient in Byron iSa.l1iatorium.--1Re~ ferred to the FinaJ.tce Oommitte'0. The pub1lic Hospitals Act sectiOO:l 23 has been: amended to !provide -that a patient woo wa.s. living in ,a municilpaility ib'y reason Of !being on 'active service is to .b\e! deemed a residerut I()tf -the IDuni'clilpaJ.i.ty in whtch he T.esided -au the -tiJrne lof €n.usbmen~. 'From the MdClau:s.1and 1f-aimily; ICard df: ,thaJ'lks.---iF-iffied. 'Fl'iOQU'Mrs. J, A., ,JalOkson; oards oIfthanks.--Fi:led. From Mrs. iL.lM. ISummerlfield, re patients fior her iPr1Viate hOSiPi- tal.----<Referred ,to the Finance Committee. Three new sub-sections have been added to sectiOl11 24 giving the county cler-k authority ,to {Jlbt'Mn !from 1000J. clerks inlformation as. to residence :and inwgel1lcy of1 patients !ad.tmi-tted to hospi,tals. IWithLn ,tell days ,the ::Lo~ial cle:rlk is required.1to -supply the particulars, by r€gtisterled ,letter. Failure tOl do 00 mUll malke the (loeal muniicjjpaltty 'li:a1blefor the Icmarges for ,treatment of the ;pati~t. cF'rom Tl1e DE;lpar.tment of. the A:ttorneY-Gene~al, r:e volunteer cdvil g;u;a.rd.-1Referred to the Fi11lance_ Oommittee. From the Mu.nic~pality .of Bayham, :re CiOlllectim oIf tax ,arrears and hol:CUng of tax s-ales.--iRef'erred to the Finance. OOlmm:1ttee. 30 ElDIN COUNTIY COUNlCI!L F.LGIN CIOUNTY COUN()[IL 31 ,Flrom the Ontario 'Municipal i.Msociatkm, re mu:nw,l meeting.-jRe- ferred 'to the Finance C:Jmmittee. Re Oounrty' IQff Elgin rooomtion re :chang'e 011 ven:ue: 'Elidor:sed by the lfollawing; ,c;ounty :colUIcils: W'~terloo, C1arletonl '\Velland, Lennox -and Addington, Brant, Norfolk ,and Un~olri. FrfOlIIl 'RJCJA.F. Techni'C'al Tr'.aining 'School, re .gr,ant for 1i'br1ary.-- Referred to, the Finance committee. IFrom the ElgiP. OountyBranch o:f the Depairtment of' Ag1.'iculture with ,annual relport;..:........Refertred to the Agri,cultural .committee. 'rhe re&o,lution !Was orde'red' Ifiledlby ithe C'ouncils ,of !Perth' !S,.1l'd Wentiworth. From the Hospiba'l ;f:or Sklk Children, '!'Qir'OollT,O, frequest Ifor 'grai1t." --'Referred to tJ;?e Finan~e committee. The iOounciLs ,Of S:imooe and Victoria wiJIL present . the ,resolUJti,Ol1 a.t their June meetings. Re County ()jf'Elgin resolution 1'e sterilization: Fraim the County GouncH secUOOl of 'the .ont.a.rio Eduootional As.. sociation.-Rerferred 00 ,the lEduoakion iOcmmittee. The following ,(}ounty c'ouncils endorsed the !l"'esoluUon: IGrey, Perth, iQla1'leton, Lennox ,and Addington, Bl1ant, Norfolk and Lineoln. From. the ,s,terling Appraisal co., Ltd., 1'e ~P'pointm~nt of c-mmty. Vialuator.s.-ReJenred to the Fin.ance lOommi,ttee. "I1he -, resolutiDiIl was, ordered ,filed iby the OOfl..ll1Jcils of Well-and ,and Weri,Dwor.th 'From !th-elDepa.rtment of iFfealth, re ,amendments to .the Public IHospitals Act.--lReifel'red t'o the Finance Oommittee. The CbunciiS" erf SimcO'e and Vic,OOrta will pl'es€inrt the. ireoo[luti<llll at their June 'meetingiS. From the 100uncil {)If! the ICounty of Kent, 1'-8 installation. 'af wig- 1W19JgI signals 'at the Kent ,and IElginc'Ounty lin:e.-1Re\ferred to the OOlUntyRo,ads Oommittee. Mioved, by J. R. -Bandeen, Seconded-by J. O. Gtl.l1ies: From ,the 'Douneil or!' the Icoun..ty of \WeIiland, re withdr,a-iWa:l f1r'om the OOUll'ty Oo-uncils' AS'sociation.-'Referred to the Finane,€: G:mmittee. Th1at .we adjeurnto meet ,at 1'1 'aim. :onl Wedn€\sday, ,June l!2ith. From the Council 0[' the IClQlUnty 'of lWeHand, .te licensing of ba;ker:3. ----&e!-er:t'ed to ,Petitions and L€lgis}ation CIommittee. -Garrled. 0LABElNIC!E PAIIn1ERlOOW, Warden. ii'romthe .oou'll'cil of ithe OoUlllt-y df Wienuwor'th, re. pasteurizinig of milk.-'Referl"ed .tothe 'Algrloultur,al' Oommittee. :From the. ,Council ()(f thl? iCIorunty rOf iPrince EdlWrurd, re unemploy- ment insur.ance; costs of indigent patients and gas01iJne t.ax.----'-Rieferred to Petitions ,and Legislation .committee.; iFrom the Deipartmen!t of ibhe Attorney-Genera:I, re 'administra.tion of justice eXipens,e5.~eferredtothe!Financ-e C1ommLttee. 32 ,JillJOTN COU1Nfl1Y CQUNOIL ELGIN. OOU1N~ CIOIU1N1OIL 33 S,EiOOND S,ESSION - S,EOOND DAY ,From the Oouncil 'Qlf the OountyCif VLctoria, endorsing {('Iesolutions of Elgin Oounty 1'e sterilization :an:d costs in ladnlinist1"a.tion {lif justtde. ----<Filed. WedneSda.y, the 12th day 'Of June, 1940 The, ELgin Oounty" iOouncil met this da.y Thomas, in ,accordance with 'adjollmnID:l:eD!t~ a.t the Court HGuse, Sf;. The 'report 'Of the 'Roads -iOOmmittee 'wasl\~ccived HlIld. on uniotion ,cif J. G. Gillies the council went into ,9, ooonnu.tteB df the whole sw:tth Mr. Atkins,on in the chair. AJfter lOoniider13Jblel "disOUission 'the tr€ip.ort was referred [hack to the :Roads iCioonmtttee (f'or reducti'Olt. The Warden in the chai,r. All the memhers present. ,The proc'eedings of the previous day were read" and e,o!J1.firmed. 'The second report -elf the Finance IOommitooe Was read ,and ;ooOlptw cd .on. motron ()If E. [jashibrook, seconded bY.IR. Aurik;JJM1:d. 'The first . report (lffthe Finance Ocmmittee was. rea,d on motion ,of E. Lashbrook, seconded by 'J. G. Turnlbull. 'and ,adopted 'The report 'oif the Petitions land 'Legis]jatiOl1l Committee IWOO pre~ sen,ted ;and -adopted on motion: of ,J. C. iGiWlies:, sec'Onded by !D. iRY'aJl. The reped of the Gaol IOommittee IWIaS !presented ,and on' motion elf W. .0,. Wheaton the' councliJl 'wenro inJt'o :a c'Omm:littee of the lWIhollei. After di'scussion the iretport was ,adoptedi'as lamended. Moved by E. Dashbro'Ok, ISeoonded 'by W. '0, Wheaton: Moved by ~. G:-;-Tayl'Or, Seconded by J. G. Tumbull: That this C1ounty. Oouncil plaoe itself 'On. i"ecc:rd .as seeing,. the urgent. need f(J[' 1Jmmedi1at,e:registrati'cn (llf ,all citir...eni.s inOan,ada, pa.r- ticwa;rly thooe,of ifo.reign'[bir,th, 'and that -a ,copy of1-this r.eoolution..be- sent to. .tthe ;?riJme Minister .'dfI \OaJl11ada, the Minister of Justloo, 'Wi. H. IMill:s, lV(,P. :for Elgin ;and to aJl 'OOUlllty c-ounJoiilis with a request for im- med~ate ,ae.tion. ':Chait Francis Oa:ldwell, a ward otf the Children's Aid iSlociety, 'flit present U11!der ,the sUjpervision o:E the Toronto Ohildren's Aid ISlocliety, !be returned to iE1gin ICIounty and, iIf1 PDssiWe, placed in 'a fu-ee home. ---toarried. -QarIl'ired. lJ.\..tov,ed ,by IW. iO. W!heatO!l1, Iseconded by A. Pineo: Moved hy. J. R. lBandoon, Serxmded ;by J. 'a. Gillies: That we do-now ,adjourn, to moot ;at '2 p.m. 'That -the Elgin County ,Oouncd1 recommend. that signs !be ,pi!iMled on 001.Ul'ty road ,at Olach!a.n,limiMi:Lg the._ Speed of motlOll" vehiolEJiS,' to thir,ty miles per hour and that this, il"Ieso1ution be f-orwa:rded to the County of Kent. -Carried The oouncil lIesumed. --\Oarried. crfue tfolldwing .cIcm1Imunica.tion !Was tread: Moved by E. E. l1tklnson, Seconded hy R. A:uck1and: 34 ELGIN iCOIUlNTY OOU'N'OlL ElLGEN idolliNTY OOrtiNICIliL 3& That- when applicati10n i is ma..de ~y the ,OhUdren's "Aid - Society to determine whether a chiLd shallbem'ad€l la temIPor-ary or ,a permanent ward 'Of the' Soclety notice of such heariI1lg \Shall be given tio the reeve of :the municipality to :which such OOild !belongs. SECOl'lD SIESIS'lON' - 'DHJmD DAY Thu~sday, the 13th da.y of June, 1944), ........oarrien. 'The Elgin, CDunty Cou11lCiJ. met this ,day attbe ICOur.tc:HJ6Uoo. st. Thomas, in accordance 'with adjournment. Moved by' J. ,G .'Ilurnibun, lseconded by A. E. Brown: That the request (lof t.he 'Township o',f iBayham for ClolI1ection' oj:' .tax arrears land for the holqin:g 011' ,tax sales !be granted a.ndthata oy- l,asw be prepared fotr B'ame. The Warden in the chair. All the members present. The Iprooeedingsof .the previous day 'Were read and confirme-d, -Canied. iMoved ,by F. L. Tr,uman" Se;c:bnded by' E. E.Atkiuson: 'That'lwhen ,a 1{lC'al mruniciipality pays county rate ,or IPortion orf it. befiore it comes ,due :a. discount ',be ,allowed' ,a;t .the same I'Ia,te !per annum as the county ipays on money OOrrowed at the bank and that!a l}Jy-laJ'.v be pl'eIpa'l'ed ifor the same. The re.pOO't of .the Roads Committee' Wlas pl'1e,s,emted .and adopted on motiDn of Mr. Tansley, seconded lby :Mr. !Pineo. The report olf the Gaol ICbmrni,ttee was' presented aR.d adOipted on motion of 'Mr.Q[1'aHt., seconded (by Mr. Truman. ','" Moved hy -H.' G. Thylor, --Oarried. Seconded ,by, J. 10. T'urn'bulI: IMloved.by' A. PineO', Seconded by J. .c. Gilliesl: ,That five membersoif ,this ICouncl1 be' appointed to :recommend to the c:ouncilanYgIl"ants !for payment Of mnney for !War purposes and tbat the Waa.-deu 'alppoint ,the committee. That this Oounty 'Council, f.ec6llll:tl1jehd .tothe FederaJ. 'Gov€irnment a.t Ottalwa that they seriously oonsider 1n thek ,1940 IbUJdget .the ootn.. scriJption of Iwealth to ,twroe CM.e df!.a larger portion {)If the '1ll{){1lies necess'ary ,for ,the prosecution "G,f the. war, ,and that a copy df this; r,ewlutinn :00 sent to' the :!?'rime lM'in1ster,lHon. W. L. McKenzi'e lK:iriig; to .the Fina.n:ce Minister, Hon."J. L. !RiaJstJon, rw. B., lMil1s, M.P." ,and fall Clounty OQlIDCils. -Oarrled. Mr. Bandeen gave notioo of. motion [["e grant 'for war pul'iposes. ~ed. M,oved bl1 ,.". !Pineo, seconded by W. iO. Wlheatcm:. That we do now 'adjourn until Thursday morn1ng, ,at 10 a.m. ---<carried'. Moved .by J. R.Bandeen." Seeonded ;by R. !II. Root: That this. 'CounCil set aside $5;000 IfIo!r 'War puxpclISesstriotiliy.. in 'the Oounty of Elgin and that .. ,board df :Ii"e memb""s be OiJlpoiniJEld iIx> 'a.d- minrister the same. Ol'.JAillIEiNDEl IIA'!lI'ER.SQN, WIard.... -iMotJon lost. 36 El1JGIlN aoulNTY (:lOI(TIN1CI!IL Moved by J. 10. Gil1'ies, iSeCiQlnded :by ,1. D.Fraser: OOGm o.otJNlI1Y 'O<Jllmcra. 37 !Moved !by J, R. Bandeeu, SMonded .by J. O. Gilties: -That Iwe ndw hear \Mr. Kelly in r:eterence to Home Guard mattem. That 'We set laside ,$10,000 on ,a1+ :rateablepropiS'r-ty in the 'oount.y tf10r 'War charities 'and !purposes -and that a i})oard of fiv-eJ members lbe 'appointed with pl()wer to make g'(rantSJ to recognized rwar PUl'1POSes HI) to ,this amJount. Moved ~ W. O. 'Wheation, ,Seconded - by A; Pin'eo: That this IClauncH do now .adJourn to 2 p.m. The councll resumed. '!Moved 'by - W. O. Whela.ton, Seconded by A. Pineo: 'J1hat Iwe nQl,w heail' Mirs. ',Summerfield. [Mjrs,ISummerfield then 'addressed the iOouncil. 'Moved :b'y W. O. Wheaton, !SeciOnded hy A. Pineo: -Oarried. --oa.rriB~l. 'The reipOrt - Of the House (l1f Refuge 1000000ttee !\VIas p~esented :and .adopted' an motion {\If .Mf. .AJtkfi.noon, seconded by Mr. lHam1es. Warden. M'ClNMighton, of Middle~ County. !andReeve. Lee, of Oaradoc Toiwnshifp, ,add:ressed the 100lUlcil .and Ibl'loughtogireetings [fxlOm Middilesex County. -Oa.rriei. Moved by. A. Pineo, , ISeronded I>y W. O.WheatonJ: That we. adj~'Urnto meet at 10 a.m., LF'r1d;a.y. .,....aMtrled. (lLARENCIEl ~'l:!I1ImSON. Warden. --Carrie,!.. 'Tha,t Mrs. ISummersfield be noti:fiedtha.t :indigent ,patient.s lacCiepted by her hoolPital mus't !be 'admitted on the lauthority df the :reeve of thd . muniC'LpaJ.ity of 'Wlhiob the pa.tient is la resident. -<carried. 3H IEL'GIN clOUNrry COiUNlC[[, ELGIN COUNTY. IOOru!NGI![j' 39 S,EOOlND SEIS,sroN - F10URTH DAY 1M-Dyed !by E. Lashbwnk, Friday, the 14thda.y o~ June, 1940 ,Seconded. by J. [). Fraser: The ElginlClorunty :QIoull!cil met this day at the Oourt Horuse, St. Thomas, in 'aCioo!r'dance withad}ournment. That' this 'Oouncil instruct the Road Superintend.€!IJt to have signs pl'aced on all" hM"d surJaced Toads under their contr1ol; signs to' read "Trl3JCtors 'with lugs prohibited". The Warden in the ohair, -Oarried. All the members [lil'esent. 'M''J.ved byE. Lashfbr,ook, The IproC'eedi~s 0[ the previous day were read and confirmed. The third r€IP1ort olf the Finance Gommittee 'Wa3 :presented and adopted on motion olf rr.vllr. LM'hJb['oidk, seconded hy 1MI'. Bandeen. seconded 'by J. D. Fraser: 'The report 'olf the Agricultural C'ommittee 'Was ,presented adopted on .motion of J.\Illi'. !Pineo, seconded !by ?vIi". Tansley. 1MI'. W. 10. Wlhe~ton g,a;ve 'a re:p:o-rt on the Children's Aid Society and 'its new constituti'oln. , and That this .county Oouneilext,end its c.c){Q.gra.tiul'ations to' the St. ~rhoma.s Cha.mber, oOlf IClommeroeand the St. Thomas Ktwanis :01uib foOr the initiative those two oTgisniza,ti,ons have .shOiWiI1 in sponsoring a mo~ement to stimulate enlistment in the 'Elgin Re;gtmeht as an active unit in the Oana.dianFlourth ,Infantry Division. This IOoun'cil seelS the _Ul~geThcy {'If enrolling Oanada's n1iilitary !forces to !tuB :strength a;s quiokly' as poss~b,le. -Carried. Moved by E.E. Atkinson, Moved !by S. Brown, Seconded'bry F. L.:rruman: That, in .aMordance with ,30 il"esolution ;passed ~y'the Aylme~ Board elf EdJuJoation reques,ting the C10rmty OO1Uwil to appoin.t bwo' members to the said Board, this Council -appoint R.. iE. ,Wi1:s,on t!'ustee to thel end of the Ipresent yea.r and Leo Bodkin to the end of 1941. . Seoonded hy R.' Auckland: ~aITied. That the Elgin Oounty,council tg10 on record as asking the DOIlllin- ion Government. ,to make it 9,. criminall offence 'fur. :any enemy 'alien or member of the Fifth Golumnt:J 'Clwn or have in his: possession ,ar.adio r€{~:eiving or !broa.dcasting system;; ~nd 'also that aU hOffilelsores:ta;b[ish- ments ci enemy aliens'ormth Cloiumntsts fbe thoroughly examined f(or .any war wea;p;ens. ':En lamendment it was ---<Garried. Moved by H. G. "Daylor, Moved [by J.. C. Gillies, seoonded ihy A. Pi;neo: mha1J ':Mr. [.reo Bodkin and Mr. Eo iI..r.. !Sweet of the AylLmer iBoo.,rd of'Edooati'Ou., Seconded. by S. Br,orwn: -,-MOition lost. Due to the. fact. that this CoUl1lCil has set .aside $10,000 for the prose-cuti,on _ -oif -the War, we :ask the' DontiniorI Government taco-op- erate ,with us in oontrolling -the fifth column, sincerely ookin'g _ ,them- beaiPPoin ted members .10 ELGIN ,COUlNr.t'lY COiUNCfN... '00 tal{e steps, for the,registratioll otfi all' dtd:~ns df Oana.dJa, and tha.t it 'be made compulSIO'l'Y for 'aU. eIT~ ;aliens to n)porltJ tc> the P-rovin- cie.J. Police (llnee a week; a copy df this Te.s{l~lution ;to be sent to tho Dominion Government. ---'Carried. ,Moved by W. ,0; Wheaton, seconded :by' A. Pineo: That we do nOlW .ad.journ to meet at 2 :p.m. -Ciamed. I Theoouncil ,reoomed. The second report of the Roadg'loOmrnittee was ipresented and adopted on motion of Mr. Tansley. secondred ,bY il\[r. Auokland. ) IMoved :by A. Pineo, Sec'cmded bY'W,. O. 'Wheaton': Th'at owing to war conditions no county picnic .-be held this year. ~arried :!;lioved by J. G. 'I'UmbuJ1" Seconded by Oeol'lge Ora.ik.:' That ~by-laIW No. 1M.1 "'I10 g1Ml1t the 'I\oIwnship oi Ba,yham' the priv- ilege of collecting their awn tax arrears and holding. tax 5alJes" ibe read -a first .tirne. --CaJrried. Moved Iby George Gratk, Secooded !by J. G. 'I1urn~1: That 1by..lww No. 1341 be read .a seCOOld time. -IOarried. E[,Gm IOOUNII'Y COIUlNClIIL ~1 Moved by D. Ryan, Seconded by E. E. AtkinsoI).: That Iby-kvw No. li3'4.1 he J:'ead 'a third time and finally ,passed. ~Carried. Moved-by R. AuckLand, Seconded by S. Brown: That by-lalW No. m4l2 "'110 J.imt.t .the .speed of 'm'O'tor ,vehicles 0111 county roads Nos. 161SA, land 20 'Within the limits otf1 the Village of. FingaJ," be read a first ttme. ----!Oa..rried. a.v.roved by S. Bl"Olwn, ISeconded by R. Auckland: That IbYR1atw No. 1342 be read ;a second time. -DaITled. Moved by R. Auck:land, Seconded'by S. E. Brown: That by-law No. 1'3:42 Ibe read a third, time and d1n:ally passed. --Oa.rried. Moved .by A: N. Walker, iSeconded by J. !D; Frnser; fI'hat iby-l'SIW' Nro. 1343 "To r.aise amonnts for county ;rates dm:1llg1 , ,the yeaJ"' 1940" !be read a first time. -Carried. 42 ELGIN COU1N1I'Y OOlUlNlaJlL ElLGIlN CQU1NTY !CDIUlNC[L 43 Moved by J,D, Fraser, Moved by J. -0. Turnbull, .seconded by E., iLash'OO'rOok: Sooonded by A.Brown:: ,That iby-hllw No. 134G be re,ada seoond time, ~Carriect. That !by-l1alW No. li3'1W "To appOint me111lbersto the Board of Edu- cation 011' Aylmer" !be -read a first time. ---iC:acrIed. Moved by E. La.shbrook, ISeoonded [by J. 10. :Fraser: Moved. by A. Brown, That iby-iaw No. 1'343 !be read :a .thtrd time 'and finally :pa.ssed. iSeoonded .by J. G. Turnbull': -......CarrIed. That .by-laJw No. 13'45 'be,re,ad 'a. second time. -Oarried. Moved by D~ taY1M1. Seconded ,by S. Brown: Moved by A~ Boorwn, That' by-law No. 13'44 "To make provISIon fur :a discount on, p~e- .payment of county rate -of ,a I~tion thereolf'J> be read 'a first time. ::-Carried. Seconded by J. G. TUrnbull: That by-l",w No. ,IM5 I>e read '" third time ,and fiIllMly '[lassed. --darried. Moved by 1'3. Brown, Moved ,by R.T.ansley, ISeconded !by D. RYlan: Seconded hy L. N.HaI'lries: That iby-~a;w No. 1344:be read -a secondti.me. ~Carried. ":Dhat by-l'8.lwNo. 1,346 "'To' authorize the Union 'Gas Oompany ofi Oanada, Limi,ted, 00 construct, use and Qperate Wlorks required (far: the transmission of. gas" !be read! a fl!'sttlme. IMoved by D. CRY""', Seconded ,by S. Brown: --.,Oa<rrled. That l}jiyIlaJW No. 1344 be . read a thiT'd time and finally passed. -<Garried. Moved by A. Pineo. Seconded !by W; C. Wiheaton: That lby-l,aIW No. 1346 he read a second .tilme. ,"-,Oa<rrled. 44 EWIN COUlNlI'Y CrnrNCIlIL I Moved -by L. N. :Ha.rries, Seconded !by George O:aik: That by-!1raJw No. 1346 he :rea.d, -a third' time .and fiujaJ,ly !passed. -10a.rried. The WM'denothen' a,ppointed the Ifollowing members of the War Committee: Messrs. Auok1and, 'I1ansley,Turnibull, Root and Wheaton. Moved by W. O. Wheaton, Seoonded Iby A. Pineo: 'l!hat this 18th, 1940. Ommeil ladijourn to meet again on Monday, November -,canfed. C!LAiRIENlCE :J?I.AfIVrERlSON, Warden. ELGIN GOUlNlI'Y OOUNCIlIL 45 THIRD SESSION - F'IRiSrr DAY M,nndaiY, rthe 18th day olf November, 194.0 The Elgin County-iOouncll met this day_ at the 'Ciourt House' in' st. Thomas in accordance !With adjournment. The Warden ,in the chair. All the members present 'except M!r. Wheaton. The Wa,rden addressed' the Oouncil. To, the Elg'in OO'lluty- OGuncil. Gentlemen: At this, the o!osmg session of1the yaM', we fln'd ourseives mIOre , deeplyinv,olved in war 'than ever before. HOIWever, I Ibelieve the da:rkr est days a,re pa,st and he:r:ore long the British. wilill ,take the >ofi1ensiV!ei which -will end in".victory fOT thoseprinCtples which we cherish ag'ru British people. The huge expenditures ,being made in this ,cormtry flar 'Wlair iPUr- poses,' especially the Air TraJ.ning Scheme, have ,greatly redUlCed. the number of unemployed, which means a la'l1ge saving ,to the counwy for money formerly set 'aside flDr relief. ' County Roads The RoadsiOommittee olf the Ool\.ll'l!ml have constl'lucted tenmUes of permanent highway this soormer.at less than the... estimate'di-'oost and are now' preparing ten miles of. road to be . laid next year. The question elf paving the submiban area r.O'a.d- to the . new iFingal AiI'Q)ort has been underconsideratio[l,and' 11JO doubt members ()If the deputation to TO!l'Oint'O will have infbrnl.'ation on this matter-. House of Refuge Thelle ha.s been 'fi,n increase af -nearly :fi.:fty per e'ent. in ',the n:lini~, bel' of'jnm,ates 'at the In'sti:tJution IOfVl€ir a y'earago. Alt the'J:'eques1J QfI the,Superintendenta'f the Ontario; Hoslpit'al, LbridOl11. ,a number ()if in~ mates :were translfer,red ,to the(Hous-e oflRefugIe., "c;"~"-;"+,,,,,;;,,,~-,,"" '-"^",,'~ ,'.' '-"'"':f ';"'"';~~~"'~""'" 46 ELG[N ,oOU1NTY C91UN1C[[, , .. The Dominion' Fire 'ALarm 'Oompany bas made a' report .on the cost of installation ,of an alarm system in the Institution 'WhiJoh will be submitted for your consideration. The fM'[Xl ;produced ,the 1aI1gest crop in its history t,his yea-rand the foot cenar, 'Which '\Vias-repaired 'at considerable ,coot, is filled 'to QaiPacity with ;ropples "and v'e:getables: A survey has ibeeD. mad!:' ,and -a re;po,rt w~ll be .sulbmitted fo,r your oonsider:ation on th~ ClOst ,oif instaUati-on of stokers at the Court :House and th,e House of lWfruge; also the estimated saving in fuel by doing the sMIle. The cost ,of hospita1i2'Jation and the Ohildren's Aid SolCiety remains 'aboutthe same as last year. I ,would sug1gest that I.1ext year a War Oharities Org:ani:z;ation be tf10rmed in the C10unty so' that only one canvass fWlOUild he necessary 'and the money could be' aUo-tted to the v:a.riOlis 0'l'Iganiza:ti.ons. The minutes olf the last day t()/f the June 8e,s.si,on were read,and confirmed. The f,onOI~ng communications were read; 1<"Tom the Children's Aid iSoci-ety, requesting .monthlY .paym-ent M account.-lReferred 'to the Fin'ance ,Committee. 'From the Domini-on F1Te and Burglary ,Alarms, Limited, ,withre~ ,por.t on cOOt, of instal:l,ation QIf system in the House of Refug,e.---4ReIf-e;rred t.o the House oif Refuge !Committee. . From the Provincial Department {)If Administration' 'of 'Justice, with report on SheriWOOd Parsons ,a.coount.-1Filed. :From the Davey Tree iExlpert Qb" recar-e of trees.-Reftffi'redto Gaol Committee. From the IProviincLal Oorn Borer Inspector, w-ith request for faU inspection of corn i'and.-R€lferred ,to Agricultural 'COmmittee. EOCJGlN COUlNll'Y GOIOWCIIiL .17 iFrom the- :SuiPerintendent 'o!J:l,'the Ontarii):H]QlSpital', London; re tr.ansfer 1()[1 patients to the -House of' iRelf1uge.---'-lReferredi ,to ,the 'Blouse 'Cif Refuge lC<Jmmittee. .!From The Li'Vingston Stoke,reo., Ltd.",with report ;Q[l costs cxfln~ stall'ation l-of st'OkeT ,a.t.'the House' .of Relfuge....:...ffi,eferredto the House of Ret~ug~ Ocmmibtee. :Frem The Livingston Stoket'1 00., L,td., re He-use -and Gaol.------Referred to Gaul Oommittee. insta:llatlon fQX aoo,.t iFr-omDr. D. L. Ewin, physician, House of Refuge, with yearly re- port.---\RJefer.red to House or! R'ef:ugeGommittee, From the Oounties 011' lNorthuU1lbeir1and and Durham Iwith resoiJ'U~ tion re COsts orf edncati,on.---lRed'erred to 'Educati-on' Cbmm1ttee, Fr,em County elf Prince Edward, with resoLution to defr:anchise' re- cipients of reUef.7-Rcierredto 'Petitions and LegIs}ation 'committe'e. IFi'-::np.. OountYQf Lennox and Addington 'With resolution iTe coots Of controlling forest' fire:s.-IRefer.re-d to Petitiuns !M1d Legis1a.tion Cloon- mittee. Fl',cm County of Hur,on, with resolution re amendment to the Highlway 'Traffi,c Act.-lReI'erred to Petition'S ;and, Legislation Committe'e. From 'Oounty of Wlaterloo, IWith reSioiLutiJon ll'eexr:Ol"it or ,bac,on rothe' British ISile.s..---.:..Referred to the Algricultul1al, IClO!mmtt~ee. From CDunty od' Lincoln, with resolution' :re legislation ~or oorn~ scription of "wea-lth.-lReferred to Petitions and Legi-slartlon Idoonmittee. The lfolloiwing county council's c'oncurred County re chang'e of venue clost.s: Middlesex, with r,esolutionof, thiS 'S:tm/ooe ,and Huron, From the 100000ciren's: Aid Society, wi-th meeting of the Lb9al -Council oIf, Women. invita.tiOln ,to ,attend 'a ~9 ElJGiDN \COUNTY ()QI(J1N'C[[, ]lIiOO\ J. D.:Thomson,.,Inspeotor.Of .Hooseof Refl\.1lge,lwith yearly l'tJiPort1.........Referred' to House of ,ReffUg1eiOonumittee. From S. ,ID. Thomson, Oounty Olerk, report l~e licenses. Fl';Qiffi J.' D. Thomson','Secretary Elgin'County weal Board, with repcxrt on Old Age Pens1.ons 'in the' 100unty. Elgin County lJooal 'Board, with , !F\'om' J.D. :Thomson,ISecretary report on" Mothers' Allowance? From J. a.smith, InspecoorofPubUc ISChools. !With request ,for tel"ephone.-<Reflerred to the Education ICommitrtee. Moved by J. R. !;landeell, seoonded :by J. O. Gillles: That thisOmlnlOil do now adjiOUrn to meet on Tuesday at 10 a.m. --'Carried. OLARENOEPAT'l1ElRSON,Warden. EIJGill1>! OOUNTY IOOUlN!OIIL 49 mmD SESSION - SECOND DAY Tuesda.y. the 19th day af November; 1940 The Elgin IOounty Oouncilmet ,this day at the .co-urt BJO!l.l.OO in St. Thomas in accordance. with -adjournment. The Warden in ,the chair . All the members ,present. The~minutes of "he ,preceding day were read 'and approved. The. 'foUOIWing remmunic'aticns !were :read: From E. S. Livermore, Oouu'ty ISolicitor, with general 'accownt.-- Referred .toFinance C!cmmJ.ttee. ,From Olerk (JIf't.Q_e Oounty ,Qf' Bl'1.J.Cie, lwith r:esoil.utions re Roya.lICIOO11.-. mi.ssions 'and Administration of Ju:stice costs.----lReferred to Petitions and Legislation Commi,ttee. Frqm E. S. L1verrno-re, rOounty" Solicitor, 1'e hoopi,taJ. aCcount of Edwin Lloyd and. Ithe Townof' Aylm€'r .----R-eferred to Finance 'CIoon ~ mittee. Moved by A. !Pineo, Seoonded,byW. -0. Wheaton: That we do now 'adjourun to meet at 12 .plffi. -Oar,ded. The council r'eSumed. Moved byJ. R. ,Bandeen, Seconded ,by J. C. GillIes: That we ndw hear the deputuatioD'lfrom the Elgin, C!ouniy Lib- rary Associ9.ltion. -':'0301'l''1e(1. 50 EILGIIN COUNTY COUI'iII(JII[, ;M,r. Reigel's, Mrs. Ludy .flnd MJS!SCameronthen' addressed the Oo.uneJ! reques,ung 'a gran~ to ..the Elgin' County Lihrary Boa,rd. lMoyed [by J.R. Bandeen, '!S'efoc,nded ibyR.,. Tausl'ey: 'That we grant the Elgin" oounty, ,L1hrar'y .i\&S'oci.ation. $50.f!Jl' 'the balance o;f .1940. :The 5/bove morUni1 was k~_iSJt and the matter retfel'red to' tl)e Fin- :anceOommittee. f The repoil't of, the IOounty Treasurer was _presented and, referred to ,the Finance Oommittee. 'The ,repm't ()If the Rioads Ocmmittee 'Was" presented and, on -motlO1'l elf Mr. Twsley, seconded by Mr. 'Turnbull; it 'wa..<;. adorpted 'as read. ' . " , The :report elf the War P'lH'tpOSes OOl11lmittee 'was"p::ese:nted &n:d ,the Council went in t{)' a cc.mmittee .e,f 'the tWhole, with 'Mr;, Atkinson in 'the chair. tAlf,ter some discussIon, it IWas moved by -~Mr. Atkinson ,and seccnded by Mr. Auckland,'that the repo1rt be- a.dopted as read. ~Oarriea The repartof! the Educa.tion Oommllittee IWas 'pres~nt0d 'and ado.pted on motion of Mr. 'Daylar, seconded by Mr. Lashhm:;k. :M;oved by H, G. Tlay}or, Seconded by F. L. Truman: That ,this E1g'ui Connty loaun:cil tralke >$trong oIbijection to: Tea,ohers' AssoiCia.ti()(l1 oonvenUons ll:iemg held ron regtu.lar school .teaohing day::::, esrpeclally, on a Flriday and foU.ofWffig Monday. and that..3,. copy Qf .this resolution 'be sent. to thelOounty mspector an.d' Teachers' tAssoctation olf Elgin; copies ,also .to !be sent 'ito alloounty conncilsand to' the IMln- ister of Education'. ~Carrled. EUom iOOUiN1I'Y iOO!U'N(JIIL Moved by W, Q, Wheaton, _ Seconded by A, Pineo: 51 That we'"do nO'W adjourn to- meet 'at 10 'a,!lU, tomorrow m)~iI)g. ~Oarr1ed ' '~'.i' OLA:REN1OE PAII1'l1ElRJSON. Warden. 152 ElliGllN ,cIOUNTY COIUNmL ~THlRD SESSION ~. THIIW DAY Wednesday" the 20tH day of Novem~r, 194.0 The El:gin OO'Wl1ty Council' met this da,y at the Court. House, St. ' Th0maS,in acoordance withadjcurnment. The Warden in tliechair. ,All the members :present. Moved by R. H. Ro;ot, 'Seconded. by J. R. Band-een: 'Tha.:t 'We 'adjourn to meet a,t 2 p.rn; -Carried. The .council resumed. The minutesQIf the ;preceding day 'Were .read and cOllftrmed. 'The :f,oU<Clwing communication was read: ,}lirom G. E. Smith, 'RICcountant Department QIf Highways, Ie. meet- inlg t!o beheld at Oounty Buildings' on Novem1bel' I29th. r The report t(}If the Gaol Committee was' presente~ and :adopted 011 motion df Ml'."Oraik,seconded iby Mr. TmlIman. The report. of the' Agricultural OoJmnj:ttee 'Was. present'ed a;nq. a,doipted on 'lli9,tion of ~r. Pineo, seconded by Ml:. Ba.n:deen. The' refPort otf the House of ,Refuge Committee iWaspresenreq , and 'adopted, on motkmo!fMr. iAJtldnisJon, seconded hy !Mr. Harries.. The. report of the, !Pett.tions.:and ;Legislation ,Oommi:tteewas ,pre- sented and ~dopted 'on motion 6f1 Mir. Gil~ies, s~conded by Mr. 'Brown. ElLG\lN <D001I'Y =l']N(l[iL 5.1 The first report of the :FJnal1ceiCommlttee W~s presented' ,and adopted on moUon" {)If 'Mr. LashlbroO:k, s.econded by Ml'. Auckland. The ".second report' Q!f the Finante Oommittee 'Wa.s" presented "arid o.n moiticn Olf"Mr. 8. ,Br.Qlwn the rOoonci'l went inoo a commi,ttee of'the whole, Iwith 'M;J.', Turnbull in the 'ohai;r. AHer discusiSion, the" repOr't wa;s' adQp.ted as rood. on motion ".of Mr. Lashbro'Ok, seconded by 1MI'. Wheaton: Moved by A." Pineo, Seconded Iby W. C. 'WheaJton: 'That !we nOiW hear the report of our 100rn ,Bo.rer Inspector, BuffiN mers Harper, , -OM'ided. 'MY. Harper then made his repfJIl't. Moved ,by J. R. Band,een, Seconded by J.,o. GillieS': That the report" of 'the Oorn Borer ]jnspector be adopitedas irea.d and printed in the proceedings. -'Carried. :Moved by. H., G. 'I1ayJ.or, Seconded ,hy A. Pineo: That this Elgin Oounty ODtUlci:l goon record as strongUyol)ijectiXllg to the settinJg 'of prices olf hogS and che'ese and any other 'furm" id.oon- mod1ty,and that 'a copy ;0[ this resiOlutiiOin !be sent to all County lqoun- eiLs, to. the Ontario Agricultural Counlcil, Toronto, the Mii11ster and Deputy Mintstor <JtiIA@rjouI1Jure o~. Ont~rlo and the Mhmter and Deputy Minister oIfAig;ricul1mre aft ottruwa. -carried. 5~ EIJ.GffiN iOOU1N1Il'i OOIUINiOIlL iMovedbyW.,O. Whe'9ibc)[l, 'Seconded by A. Pineo; TbJ9.lt we do. now adjourn to Illleet tomorrow morning at 10 la,m. _Oarried, OIJARJElN10E' PA'II11ElRSON, Warden. ElIJGIN iOOU1N1I'Y OOumllL 55 THIRD SESSION -'- FOUItTHDc>\Y Thursday, the 21st day of Novemher, 1940 The Elgin Ocunty Council met this day at the' Court H'ause, St. Thomas, in aiCIcordance wi,th' adjournment. ' Th,e Warden in the chair. 'All,the memlbers: :presente:x.cept iMu', "Eaylor. The minuteso1f'the,pl'eceding -day were' read and c'Onfil'm~d. The third report of the ,Finance, IQommlttee /Was 'pl;'esent>ed a;n<l adopted .ou motion of, 1MI'. Lasblbrook, seconded hy Mr. I"raser. MOved 'by E. Lashbrocik., Seconded by J. D.: FrEtOOr: '..', In view of the :fact ,th81t the Federa.]. ~piarbment Oif N'ationaJ'De:' euce -has established a. large RiOJA,F. tr~mg school west of, !Ping-aI, and the old Talbot Road fr:cm \St. ThomastOi BUl'well's IOorn'ersand! north to' ]ana ib:eing the original rOiUting fIQr:, King's ,1I~ghJway Nil? :a~ in the opinion of this County 100Wl~1l the time 'is :o,ppo-rtune ~cm :per~ manentl'y ~miprovin:g this :alternate route. We 'Would therefioo'e peti- tion the Ontario Deparbment od'. HlghiWa.YB 1>0 ca.rryout the oa1gIna.! plans and designate 'and imlp~"ove this route ',as Iparit; of 'No., 3 H\ig!hway; and would l1urther recommend that the Dominion Gova-nmen:t be astred"to assume oo.e..fuird of the cost ,and ,tbiaJt'a copyrorf this're&Ol- lution lbe sent to Wilson Mills, M.P., Hem.T. B. MciQuesten tm1d Pre~ mier Hepburn. -Oarded. Moved .by s. Browri~ Sec<mded by J. R. Bandeen: That In view ()if oondiitlons th~t exist In B,ltalnand the cl!Wg€'l' of a 'g.reat shrinkage in !bacon. 'supp1iesowing.' to the lQlwer price . Uil1der the new baoon agreement, thIs IOoun~:il recommends:M:"frOl11ows:: 56 ELGIN. CO'(JN,TY C'O[JiNOI'L 1. That the Dominion Government stabilize the price of lJacOl1 a,t a ,price tha,t will gtu:arantee tbe Iproduoor a flair return f,ol' his ,Ifeed and labol'. ,12. rrhat the ,Dominion !Government process: ,'all e~ort ba:c:J.n -through the packers on ~a commission basis. In the -o:pmion .of th is C01..1J1CU thts is -the only way, an unlimited supply of !bacon can he ma;intained .to Gveat Britain. 3. That a copy of this motien :be sent to a.ll rCounty Councils, to the Federal Deparbment oif Ag'riculture, the' Prime MiniSter of On. tario and :Mr. 'Wi:loon Mills, M.P. ----Oa.rriec.. Moved by W. C.Whea;toi1, Seconded by A. Pineo: That Iwe grant L. B. fJLrdsad.l $2'5 for r.Js. services during:. 1940. -CarTiect. Moved lbyJ. O. ,Gillies, Seconded :byJ. R, Ban'deen: Tha.t !\Ve make the usual gra.ntolf $100 -to the' Wa.rd;ell [,or his- 8e1'- vioosduring the !past year. -Cara-led. Moved !by W. IC. W1heaton, Seconded ,by A. Pineo.: That we do now adjourn to meet, 'at 2 'ilJ.m. -OM1rleQ. i The Oounicil resumed. ElIJrnN IqOU1NTY COIUiNlJIliL 57 'MDved ,by R. AulcJkland, Seconded by J. D. p1l'aser: That W. 10. WbeaJtori and H. O. Taylor receive the same session fee 'as the r€st of the Ooundl. -<lameQ. Moved. by E. E. Atkinson, Seiconded by D. Ryan: That hy-:1laM1 No. Ji347 "To' aiPlpo:int ofiicersof the' House oIf Refuge" 'be read a first .time. ...-;OM1t'leQ. Moved by R. J\JuckJ:and, . S<oondeQ b~ E. E. Atkinson: '~'" Th~t ;by-la;w 'No. IJ47 be.eaa a ._nQ time. -iOll!rrleQ. iMorved by D. RJyan, SeoonQeQ ;by 'E. E. Atklnron: 'l'hat Dy"llllW lNo. IG41 be rea<l.~ thWQ ,time anQ lIDalJy passeQ. ----lOM'ried. Moved ,by J. R.B:andeen, BecanQeQ by J. C. Gillies: That by-law No. 13411 "'1'0 ropeal by-ilWWNo. 1328" be rea<l a finst time. ...-;Oa.rrletl. 08 ELGIN COUNTYCOUN\C[[. Moved by J. C. Gillies, ISeconded by' J. R.Bandeen: 'That by-,laM' No.. 134.E 'be read ,a second time. Moved by J. R. Ha.ndeen, Seconded ,by R. :II. Root: -Oarried That !by-la.w No. 1348' be read a third time and finally passed. -Oai'ried. Mov,ed by !It. Aookland, ,Seconded by A. E. Brown: 'That :by~lRIW Nb. 1349 "To amend IbW-lal\V No. 113i2:7" be re.ada fii.'st ;time. Moved by J. G. Turnbull, seconded by A. E. BrowII1: That 1by-1RIW No. '1349 .be read Ia, seooridtime. 'Moved iby A~ E. ,B,r<JIwn, Seconded hy R. .Auokland: TbJat by-l'alw No. 1349 be read '8; thitrd tiJrneand 'j',.,:, -.....Ca.rried. ---<Oal'ned. finoJly passed., -,Qarrled. ElUGIN Cb1JlNTY CmmClIL 09 tMov:ed by L. N. Harties, Secon'ded' by R. Tan.s.ley: That ,,by-1aw NO'. 13'5'0 "To ,amend by-lMV No. ,1'167" be read a first, time, ~Carried. Moved by A. L. Oaverly, Seconded 'by R T.ansley: That by-la1W No. 1350 !be" read a second :time. -<JMrled. Moved by R. Ta;nsley, Seconded ,lby,.f!,.. L. Oav,erly: '"" That 'by-law No. IB50 b~ read a third time and flnally passed. -IGairrled. Moved Iby A. N. 'Walker, Seconded by' R. H. Root: That iby-laiw iNo. 13,511 "To aUthori21ethe,Oent:p;alPipe, Line Co., Limited, to construct, use and (Jiper:aite 'worlks: for 'the transm1ssion 'of' gas" !be 'read a ,first time. I -C_Ied. Moved ,'by R. H. -Root) Seconded ,,'by A. N. ,}'/Wker: Toot hy-1'MV' No. lS'51.be read a second time. -IGairrled. 60 Fl!JGIN OOUN'I'Y COiU'N1aIL l\IJJofved .by A. N. Walkerr, S'eoondrd 'by R. H. tRoot: That by-'1ruw No: 13'5'1 ,be read a. third time andfinnU'y pa.ssed, _Garriea. The warden <thanked the Council for their co-operation during the yea.r. Moved by W. O. Wheaton, SecOiIlded by A. Pineo: That we ad,jlOum sine die -Carried. Bandeen '\ Bandeen Band-een Gillies Fl!JG]N aOUiNTY COO!NC[L 61 COUNTY OOUNCIL C~MITTElES COUNTY ~OAIDS Ghaillman, Roy- 'J1a.ns:ley Auckland T",,"l>ull < Pineo Advisory, FI'Iaser ,and TaylQ!1' AiG~]CUII1I1U~AiL Chairroan,Pinoo Auckland Tarilsley Turn'bull :ray~OT GAiOL Chairman, George Cr.aik Truman Rnot ,~" iHOUiSE 0iP RiElFUIGE Chaillman, ,E. E., Atkinson Harries A. E. Brown FlNIANOE Cha.irman, E. Lashbrook A'llokl<and Tansley lPin'ero "Durnbull Taylor Ryan Atkinson IOMik 'Wheaton', [Fraser ,Root ElDUIOA!I'ION Cha:i:rman, H. G. Taylor Lashbrook Walker !EOOot 'Fraser S. BrOiWn ICrnik H3trries Gaverly WheatQi1l ':Cruman A. E. Br~ Ry:an 62 ElJG'lIN ,(lOUNfI'Y CDlUlN'mlL lEWlJIID]ON.S AlNID lJElG'llSIJA,TION Chairman, John O. . Gillies S. Brown Walker Oaverly OHllIlJDRLE!N"8 'AID Ohairman, W. C. Wlheawn Lashbrook Adrvisory, is. Brown LEGJA'L IChairman, J. !D. Fraser ,qraik Harries lOaverly H.y,a.n S. Brown El<G]N COIUlN:rY CDIUiNCllL ~JilPO~'lJS 01.' 'COMMI'lJTEES F1INANiOE COMMLTT'EE January SeSsion -,First Report To the Elgin Oounty Douncil, Gent1emen: The Fill'an~e 'Oommi'ttee repmts ,as follows: 1. That the flO'lloiwing hospital. 'accounts beipaid: 63 ........$1084 75 450 80 '$1535 55 451 50 637 50 M 37 7,1 75 ,Memori,al 'Hospital', st" Thomas, Imaintenance Grant, 1644 days @ 70c. Victoria Hospital, London Parklwo'OdH(J~~:eita1, London NOl'folk General Hospital, Simcoe Toronto Genei1'aJ. HiospitaiJ: Soldiers" 'Memorial HoslPital, <mc. Grarit, 11~,9days @ 70c Ti1Ls<mIIJuIDg, malnten- ............$ 173 75 83 3<1 St. Jaseph'sH!ospital, London' rSick 'iChildren's ,Hoslpital, ,Toronrt:o . Ontario Hospital, Woodstock AIl . of' wihich Is ..spec1lfwly .ulm1itted. 257 05 lS4 75 82 25 233 00 $3416 73 E. J:,AJSHlmOO!K, Ohadxtnan January 19, 1940. 64 E[jGITIN COUNTY OOUN'OITL January .sessiO'll - Second' ReP'ort To the Elgin County iOouncil, Gent1.emen: The Finance Committee reports as 'follows: 1. ,w.e, recommend that the -auditors' repo'rt he ,receive;d ,and printed. 2. That the treasurer's statement .be -'rece~ved and .printed in the proceedingS. .3. That c-ommunication' trom iOra1gvielw Hospital, ,re oOllv,alescent 'patients, !be filed ,!for', fjuture reference. 4. Tha,t 'no action he take'll re communie,ation from the .County Councils' Associ,ation. 5. That a grant of '$200.00 be made to the ',Qanadian National In'stitute :for the Blind. 6. That membershilp fee of 1$25.00:Ln ,the Ontario: Municipal As- sodation" be !paid, and that the Warden' appoint deiLegates to ,attend annual meeting. 7. Thfllt communication fram !Mrs. Estelle Inoh, re'convalescent home' for indigent hospt.tal !patients, be filed 'forfubur'e reflerence. ,8. IThat the ISa1V1ation Army be pa~d a grant of $450;00. 9. That the County pay the service char@e :for the ProvinCial police telephone. 10. That a grank df$llOO.OO ~ bhe iOoutllty Lifbr:ary Association be paid. '1J1. WSJt the Oounty malke a ,gil'Iant ,d!' $2,000 'for the Provincial P1QWlng Match. ELG~N COUNTY C!0IU'N10IL 65 12. That the aJCc-ount submitt.edlJJy the, Children's Aid Siociety be plidwith the exceptkrn of' the @ront. ,13. That ,u-ocount .of E. IS. Liver:more; County .soUcitor,f'or $27.00 be paid. 14. That' -acoc,unt ifx(:m the Ontario Tl1aining" !School 'fiOT Ic::Hrls, $56'.'50, be.paid. ' 15. IThat the ifoHc<wing' 'acoGunts be .paid: The Oopp-:Olark 00.., 'Ltd., 1940 Canadian Alman;a.c..... ...... ..$ Lcmdon &. iLanca,3hir.e Gua,r-antee and ,Accident 00., renewal oertiiflcate !'f'G'.- 5~251 (R. B. IMcKenney,agent)... 'Ihe\Mercury-iSrun, 200 c.orpies iClotinty Oouncil proceedings . J. ,0; ThOilIlson, OountyClerk, iphoto fur 'Court' Houe's and fru:me IRain'bow's BotOkstme, supplies,' :Qounty CIlerlt's Office,.. MunicLpa,l W'orl'd, supplies, Registry Office ,Murd{Jck Stati:cmer,y Co", SUPiP1ies,- Registry Office.. Munici'PalWorld, supplies, Clerk and Trea;surer... Deputy iProvinci-alSecre,tary, COll'V'\eiYaTICe oIf lpI'ison'ers.. 5 00 . 3162 70 34600 2 25 8 00 IG 5,Q 24 OJ ~7 23 ,lItll 03 16. That the Warden -and -County 'JIieasurer be ,a committee to negotiate fora lower [[l~te of interest on money :borrolWled: 17. ThaJt ,the equalized~eStsmenit Ibe the same as last. year. All . .of whic:h is reapecbf!ully .sulbimitted. E. IJAjSHJBlRJOOK, Ohalxman ,January, 1940. " 66 E[JG[N CIOUNTY OOUN.C'lIL June Ses!i)iou First Report To the 'Elgin Oounty Gouncil,," Gentlemen: The Fina.nroe Gommittee r€lpo.rts ,as :follows;: 1. That the hOlSpital -and nU1"['e.s .acc,o'llnt, 1'e Mr. R. B. Donaldson, be presented to the Administ,ra,u.on of Justice IDepa.:rtlment, Toronto, Iwith fun' informati<nn reg.arding the same, 1"'01' :payment. '2. That the following ,aceo.unts be 'paid: 24 00 of 115 OU It '",,,, 44 00 44 00 48 00 11117 85 66 00 Town'ship Of ISouthwcld, transporta.tion and examination 'J'f indtgent patients T.oiWTI'ship -of 'South IDorchester, maintenance and trans- 'PDl'tatitOn nf indigent Ipatiehts TownshiJp vI Ba,yham, ex,aminatioll' ,arid trans;portatio'l1. indi,gen t !patients .'M.. W. Gaudkm, !R.N., re R. B. Do.naldson'.. H. Ma.oCiol'1ma.ch, lRJN" re :R.B. D.:;naldso!n.... !Mairg'aret -E. Grnadley, R.N., 1'e fR. B. Donaldson_. MemOU'iaJ. Hospital, re iR. _ B. - iDonaldson iMunic:Lpal WOrld, supplies re Ri8lgistry Offic.e ,steele, Bri-ggs Seed 100., ,Ltd., g;rass seed for eXlPerimental 'w{),tk by Agricultur"lal Coun,eil Municipa:l World, SIUIpIPlies, Clerk 'and TreasUl'.er:. City QIf 'St. Thoon.as-, dust laying on 'StanleyStr'e'et.. City ad' ;st. ':Dhoma.s, re !Ploughing lMlatoh seals... The Aylmer Express, print:Lng auditors' reports."..... Deputy 'Provincial Secretary, -conveyance of prisoners... Jackson's, Li,mited, seal for Warden's g{)fWIl... Harcourts, Limited,Ward,en's ,'gOi\vn E. S. Livermo-re, 'account for 001"viJc'l%'.. Ontario 'Draining School for Girls, maintenance Ontario Tr:aining School for Boys, maintenan'ce... Town of Aylmer, re mainteria.rJJ0e I(jf- N.[)akins.. Undeliwood, Elliott, (Fisher, ILimlted, s"1;1P1P1ie.s.. Ohildrten's Aid Sooiety 0[' Toronto, re P'. Oaldwell... Children's Aid Sbde-ty, maintenance... 43 gO 213 28 11'60 13 8 16 12 00 1115:1 20 5'6 50 6 50 16 50 ,W309 100 00 1!5 00 m500 1 50 77 19 6821 75 ELG]N QOOOTY iOOlUIN1ClI!L 67 3. That the usual, grants he paid to ,the folldwing look-ups: Rod- ney, !PiOrt Bmwell, Dutton, West LorDie. All ill which is respectfully submitted. E. LASHffilJOOK, ChaUJmon June 12th, 1940. 66 ElJOtN CIQUN'l'Y ()lOUNCIL June SeS6ioi1 - Second Report To the. Elgin County. O::mllcil, Gentlemen: The Finance' iOommittee reports ,as fMlows: 1. That the following hcs:pital -accounts oepaid: Memorial HoSlPi-tal, st. Thomas, maintenance Grant, 1639 days @ 70c Hoopital .fo[' Sick Children, Toronto...:. victori'a HlOSlpita.l, London ',;BI1antJford General Hospita.l 'Soldiers' Memori~ iRe'spital, Tillsonburg, main- tenance Grant, 270 days @ 7.Qc lSt.Joseph's Hospital, Landon iPark.wood Hospital" London Ontario Hos.pital, Woodstock '':Dnronto General Hospital 'Toronto Western Hoopital All of whloh is respectfUlly s1.ilmlltted. ...$2'699 38 1147 30 $ 432 25 189 00 3846 63 10 50 1738 85 29 75 621 2'5 300 05 1768 ;;0 428 50 15 75' '2055 $ 8789 ~8 E. lJAiSHJBRiOOK, ChaJTman June l~th, IG40. E[JGiUN CP1J1NTY COmGllL 69 June Session - Third !Report To the E1iin 'Oounty 100,tmCU, Gentlemen: The Finance Oommtttee reportslliS .follows: 1. That lC'O'mmrunic:ati<Jn from the Department, Of the Atborney- General, rf' Volunteer Civil Guard, be ; efer-red to the various lOidai1 municirpaliUes. 2. That ocmmunioa.tjcn rfromthe Audit Office, of Orimina:l Jus~ tice' Accc'ur~ts be 'filed. 13. ThatcJorrnmunioation !from the ,Minister o.f Health, re" amend~ ments to the P,uJblic HOSipitaJs Act, be reoeived and ,filed. 4. 'l.lhat resqlUtiOil1 !from the Wel~and OOUllIDy -DooncU;' re with- draIWIal from the IOountyOouncils' A.ssoniaUon, !be filed. 15. That 3ippHJOartion from the Sterling ',A;wrais,a..l GmnJpany,Lim~ ited, re ,county valuartnrs, !be filed. i6. That application of the HOISIPitaJ.: fur Sick ,ch.iI'drtenITorontlO, f,or grant, 'be filed. 7. That communication from the Ontario Municipal Assxtwtton re annual meeting, be filed. 18. That application from the R!C.A..F. Techn:ioal Training School, for grant ,for Ltbr:ary F1und, :be ret1erred to the War OommilttJee. 9. That, 50% of the coot of maintenance df': indigent, [patients placed in ,Mrs. IL. M'. SummeIifield's hoopital by:the reeves oif thedif- ,ferent mun:tcipalities be 'paid by. the Oounty. 10: Th'at appl1<J1ation foomthe Town 10If Aylmer, re. patt.eli.1t in. the Byron ,ISanitoTium, -be referred to the OQllm'ty SoliCitor. " 70 ELGIN ICIOUIN'I'Y OOONOLL 11. That having inquired intO' the finances' of, the. Oounty and estimates .prepared hy the Oc;uhty Treasurer, they herewith submit 'a- I .statement QIf ,the eXipenditure required for the lawful' plU'po:ses Qf the OOil.l.Uty during 1-940, showing the amount l'€::Iuired' t::r be raised f.;:;.r the undermentione:d 'P?1fpo\S,es: Administration Or Justice . IHouse, {)If Industry IPublic SChools Officers" : Salla,des IMelllbers' wages Court House' iOommission Interest . l.couuty Roads ,chUdr,en's 'Aid Hospitalization Miscellaneous IWar Bu;r.poses: 9,000 5,000 6,000 5,000 ?,OOO 4,000' 5,000 52,000 15,000 12,000 7,059 10,900 ----,-.---<$136,009 Yow comln1ttee would r~commend that the sum of One Hundred and Thir:ty-six '11hoiUsa.nd and Fiiflty-nine Doll-an; be raised on' all th:e ratea-pl'e p.roper,ty in' the several mlUltcilpalities afI .the County of ~gin during, the year 1940 fOil' Ooun1tyPluyposes, 'and tha.ta. rate, of 4li2 milis on the dol:Ji~ be levied on r,a.teableprqperty in the severall munici- paJ.Ities in, the 'County 'to :mise said !amounts. ,All <>f whi<Jh is respeolifully 's_tled. iE. L~SHBROOK, CO:lainman~ June, 1940. mGIlN CbUINIT'Y COJU1N1C'IL November Session -First Report To the Elgin County oDonneil, Gentlemen: The' Finanoe'IOommittee reports ,as f;onaws: t That the lfollmvil1Jg hospital accounts be'paid: iMem.orilM Hoopit-al, st. Thomas, Grant, 761 days @ 700. maintenance... ..$112iI5' 50 532 70 ~-$ Hospital' for Stck Children, ,Toronto Victoria Hospital', London Public, General HospitaJ!, Ohatham 'Soldiers' Memorial Hosipiilal,' TillsoIllburg, tenance ....... Grant, 265 days @',;70c. mRin- .......$ .435 75 185 50 '..,,>, 'St. Joseph's lFIospital, London' Ontario HospiJta.L, Woodstock 'Pat'lkiwodd Hospital, London All <>f. which is respeclifullysulmlitted. "II 174820 19 25 145000 82.25 621.25 1190 75 599 00 L633 50 $ ~44 20 E. lJASHBROOK, Ohairman. Novemlber, 1'940. 12' ElIJGllN ,a0lU'Nll!Y CO=CIlL November Session - Second Report T9 .the Elgin 'Oounty Oouncil, Gentlemen: r.rhe Finan.ce' C:a<mrrtirttee repo,rts ,as follows: 1. That a.cooruntis elf th~ Ohildren's Aid Soc~ety he paid monthly iOl1' order, of the O'lerlk and Chairman {)lfl the _Fin'ance Oomm'ittee. 2. That the Ed'Win Lroyd F.I'.Ois.pitaJ. account be paid. 3. That the County Treasurer's ;report Ibe ,a,dolpted and printed in the:niinurtes. 4. .That the reques,t of the 'County Library Board for grant be re- ferred_ to the, J,anuary County 'Gouncil. t ! !5. That no action !be taken l'e :grant to the E1gin Regiment Ohapter. ,';', '6, Tha.tMe8srs. BtWke & Miller Ibe:paid five cents per mile for aitending' bo'al:d, meetings <l& the Ohildren's Aid ~Society 11m this year and thwt any further remunerati{}Il be referred to the .J.anuary oounty Council. 7',That'by-lftiW No. '1328, 1'e a'J)poin'tJmentof K. W.McK:ay, C1erk EJmeritus, be repealed. 8. Th'at sal'l1l'Y 0(( J. D. Thomson, Oounty'Olerk, be $1'500 pel. ye'2"~. pay;aJble monthly, and that the nece.ssary bY~la.w !be prepared. 9. That the lOounty Treasurer's saJlary !be .paid monthly and that the necessary by-Tww be prepared. El1JGi[N COUNTY COWOIiL 10. That the following accounts he 'paid: Underwood, ElUott, Fisher, Limited.... Municipal World, re Registry Office Munictpal World, supplies, Olerk ,and 'Ilrea;surer.. E. ,So Livermore, Sou.c.itcr,gene'l'al account.. 'Ilwp., .olf Ald/bomugh, tllansporta.tion ot1 Thomas Moody to House 'Or! Ref,age Ontario fiaining .school for Ibbys.. Ontari.o TrajningScho{)~ for Gir'ls.. The ,~Mercury-,srm, finance reports Vernon Directories, Limited, city directqry............................. 'Wendell Holmes, Limited, surpplies, Treasurer's ,odfice..: Township ad? Mal's.hide, hospitalization oIf' 'Velma Leonard Township of Yarmouth, 'accounts paid tOl, C'r.aigview... Townshtp of DUl1Jwich, ho~.pital account (Grooe Wils'on) Dr. Jerrold ISnell, examination of Mrs.' Martha French.. Deputy Provincial Secr'etary, conveyance oJ prisoners... TownshiJp .alf Yarmouth, ,conveyance of patients' to .Houre 0[' Rffiuge. ,: .....................".. . iOhildren's Aid ~Soci-ety, London, re Esther 'Children's Aid <Society, St. Thomas 73 .........................$ 7 75 111 84 5087 44.20 6 00 1i1600' 93 00 7 00 7 56 65 10650 94 00 112 75 5 00 1~5 00 3 75 Joa.nne MarshaJl 8S 80 ........................,............'....... ,6584 3'1 All of which is respectfully submitted. Novemlber, 1940. E.LASImROOK, Ohai1'll1an. "\"",r'.' 'rr",,"",~'''' 74 ElIJG\LN GOUIN'l'Y ooUNrnL November Session - Third Report To the Elgin Oonnty Clouncil, Gentlemen: The Flnan,~e 10000irttee ~epD'rtsas follaws: 1. That' the ~dministra.t1o[l nf Jwrttce AJudit Oommittee be in- struoted to endeavor to collect hoolpit.aJ, account re [R., B. Donaldson from the Department otf.. Justice {J1f Onrta.t'io, 2. Th~tthiS Oommittoo re~omm~nds that an insurance ,covera<gc on aiR .oorunty €In;J.iployees be, considered hythe 194!1"Oounty Gouncil, All of which is respectJfully submitted. 'E, LASHBROOK., Ohairman. Nmomlber, 1940. ElIJG]N OOUNTY OOIU'N'C[[L 75 AUDOCTORJ.S' REPOwr Jan1;l~ry Session To the Warden and Oouncil olf' the Oounty of Elgin, Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, Auditors ,00' the County oif 'Elgin .for the. year ending December 31st, 1939, 'res.pectJt1ully submit to, you' the ifolloWlnig ,report.: We ha.ve carefully oompa;red the several aiCCOuntsOif receipts and payments with the vouchers pr,oduJCed and orders authorizIng the various e~penditures 'and find them oorrect. We find the reoeipts exceed the pa,ymenrts by 'I\wenty-sev:en ThousR and, One Huuch'ed and Sev:enty-ninepoUarsand 'selVenty~~ight cents. as follcl';\'s: '.';- 193-9' hank balance. .......................... Less Dut..standing cheques Dec. 31, .......$ 32,318 44 5,653 rn 'Cash in Treasurer's hands $ eS,660 4!l 519 36 $ 27,179 78 .The oash ism-ade !Up as 'fol1?WS: 'Oash ill .office ...............................;..'................. ........$ 44 00 Partial payments Orown Witness ~heet. not entered. in ca.sh.. book . paY1ment account... 4715 3'6 '$519 36 ,-he :departmental regulations ll"egarding' receipts ibei1l.ig delposited in bank to the credit QIf' the oountyrare !being strictly (]bserved, aLslo ailI payments 'aa'e by' cheque except pay list of <Drown WitneSbS fees, iil\ 76 EUGILN' COUNfIlY COUNIC[L ELGIT'N COUNTrY C:OU'NCiIL 77 Administration -olf Justice a:ccfJ<Unt and 'Pay lists and c10mmittee work; whL8n 'Treasurer withdrruws cheque which .gives him a r,eom'd. We ha,ve veriJfied the hank ibalance with :aU huh .pa,yalble held by the fbank ,on December 3il, 1939, ,withce'rtified statement of bank. bal- ance -attached. for memlbers' wages amount reql.liredby We hav-e checked all municipalities' returns 'Of tax a,rrealrs to the County Treasurer and same are pGsteq in each ledger to the property SD charged. County Treasurer has credited, mtd cfol1)V'ardedaJI collec- tion of tax ,ax,rears to each muniJc:i!palityas due;;hem tD DeC'ember 3'lst, 193~. The total asses:smentf{).r the Oounty is $30,310,345. 'The rate f.nr 1939 was ,5 mills pLUs the school rate, -W,e have checked with the ,officials all recurds for avaUmble ,assets .and im:inedia:te lialbilities, We have checked all a.coount.s' f'o'r High, Continuation and Voca- tional Schoo'Is,. also gI1a.nts to iPuJbUc ISchctCJs -and find them in o.rder, The Treasurer's bend f'ol!'$20,000 with the United States F,idelity and Guarantee Oompany was renewed on !December 15th,' ,1939"an,d is deposited with the Oounty 'Olerk, No. 80674-07-56-36. The insurance on 'County ,Buildings, $1103;500, expires June 23ird, 1941. All receipts fial' license money have heen' checked. The insul',ance on the House 0.11 Refuge, $'39,700, ,exjpires Fe'hrual'Y 27th, 1942. The insumncle on .the Gaoller's Residepce and annex, $5,800.00, ex~ pires 'Jrune 2l3ri;i, 1,941, NO tax arrears saJ.ewas held durinig 193,9. !Each munictpality's share of hospital aclo(}unts _ hare :been checked and same paid into Ocmnty 'I1reaSiur.er., You !will note that the insrurance is ahout 75% ,elf the estimated value. Under hy-laiw No. 1!221 'pertaining to the House olf'Refuge pen- sions we have omi-tted chargin,g up ,any raser:ve in lialbilitieS! O'.vingto difference of opinion' of it -beiuga lialbility so 'Would ask if you 'Wloul'd get theC10unty _Solicitor'!s ,advic'e on the sa;me, ,All !a<:icounts of each department 'appeal' in acc,o,rdance with muni- ciJpal accounting. The following statements are sUlbmitted: ,'We have m,ade a mOl11thly audit. of! Treasurer's a.cco.untSi and checked thehankbalanc8' e9.lch quartera.nd fOriwaTded a statement to the Warden', CIerrk and, Ohairmanof the FlnanceOommittee. Ab.stract statement 'elf Recei-pts and Payments. Availrobfe Ass,ets and Immediate Liabilities. All officials have !fturnished us !With 'any imC.or-mation asked . and books of all departJ;l1ents are kept in . good order. !DetajJed Statement olf Revenrue and E:xlpenditure. A1l of which is respectfully sUJbmitted. 'On December 3'lst,' 1939, we find availwbleassets to be $113,'647.98, whi:le 'immediate Urubilities amount to $11:?,683.00 showing a sur.plrus of $964.99. . The extra '$40,000 raised in the !County has taken care of! the 1938 deficit ,and extra r-o'ad eXip-enditu~e. D. M. LEl1'I1OH, 'WIlVI.E. ILOClKE, Au<1ltor.. Dated at 'St. Thomas, J'aJ1tua.ry 11th, ',1-940. 78 ELGIN OOm'lTYOOUNC'lL TEEASUltERIS REl'OltTS January Sessi01l ELGIN aoUINTY CQUN'C'IlL 70 W,ater,' Ught and Heat Oounty . Roads MisceH:a.neous 3,054 41 135,773 16 43,310 96 1$466,714 27 Balance $ 27,177 02 To the. W,a.rden and Members of the oounty O:J.unciL I :beg Te~ve to submit thef'ollowing statement of Receipts !Ull.. Ex:pentUtures up to Dece,rober :nst,1939, and also A;ssets and Lia.bh" iUM. GIfID tlemen: oash on, hand Administration of Bills Payable Interest Oounty Rate R,egh;try Office pUblic Scb(JIOls House ()If Industry Arrears of Taxes Oounty Roads Miscellaneous Receipts Ex,penditures Administr.atLon Bills 'payable IntereSt ' f'iubli.o ISchools Hoose 1 of . Industry Registry OflkJe High Schools Arrears of Taxes Members' Wl;tges Officers' salaa'ies Printing 'and Su_ati'Onery Care of Buildings Assets 13,222 43 11,560 50 200,000 00 Oash on hand County Rate unpaid Provincial Government, Oounty Ro,ads,. Suburban Area Oounty' ,Lines Provincial' Government, Corn Borer Aiot Administration OIfJu.stice, ,September and De~ cember quarter Registry Office MisceUaneoUEi 27,177 02 10,897 00 67,000 00 4,000 00 300 00 488 3'5 2,500 00 1,800 00 300 00 1$114,462 8~ 194.110 00 1,158 72 11 58 3,493 ~,5 3,417 09 57,113 66 9i803 .~6 "<$493,891 29 '~', L.a.bilities . Bills PiaY.alble Intere'st High Sohlools Public Schools -Children's Aid Society Provincial Police Administraticm of .Justice House 'Of Industry Gaol Oonnty Roads. unpaid a!Ccounts 'Red Cross Hospitalization 60,000 00 540 00 3H,600 00 6,000 00 2,100 00 418 00 2,000 00 900 00 3,25 00 300 00 800 00 1,900 00 .$113;883 00 19,84662 191,000 00 . 4,99542 11;8Q6 61 8,225 94 864 58 30,085 40 3,92,23f1 4,55526 8,250 02 , 913 53 1,299 ~7 ---~ SUrPlus $ 579 37 80 EiLGIN COUN.TY COUNmL , ,:Lt will ,be necessary 'to ,pass ia Iby~la.lW authorizing theWa.rden Thea:surer to horrow $200,000.,00. and :All of which is .respecUf'lllly submitted. ,B. B. Q[RlAlH.AM;, County Treasl.1rer~ st~ Thomas. Ontario, Ja.nua.ry 15th, 19'40. ELGIN COIUNTY COUN.C!IIL June Session 81 Gentlemen: 'To the, Warden and' IMembers of the County, Oouncll. I beg leave to submit 'the foUoClwil1@ report'if,or your lG.onslderlatio11. Oash on hand Administration of Justice Bills Payable Oounty Rate -Registry ,Office House 0If Industry Arrears of' Taxes <oounty :Roads M~ooI:la.n'eous Administration of Justice Bills Pay,a;ble Interest Hoose of Industry Public Schoruls Registry Office Hi'gh Schools 'Arrears' ()f 'Daxes ,Members'Wag,es Officers' Salaries Pri:nting .andStationery Care of Buildings Water, Light and Heat Oounty 'Rioads ' Miscellaneous ,~". 27,171 02 3.5I!!! CI6 ... ............. 30,000 00 10,397 00 1,801 ~8 1,135 00 480 14 78,155 72 2,307 72 ~- -$150,465.34 Receipts to May 31st, 1940 o Expenditures Balance 7,862 B8 60,000 00 1,400 'a5 2,677 98 ~1l 69 "5541 27,694 50 276 80 2,385 85 1;749 00 46,7 51 '.415 43 1<1718 18,585 40 10,640 94 '$134,408 '82 $ 16,058 82 a2 . ELGIN (JOUNTY aOUN0DL / Estimates for the Current Year AdministraUon 00. Justice Hol1.Se of Industry Public Selic,o'ls Officers' SaJ.aries 'Mempers' Wlliges Gomt 'House Interest I~spitaJ. Accounts C',Qunt~ Riuads Ohil'dren's' Aid M!:isceUaneous WaT Purposes g,OOQ 00 6,0'0'0 00' 6,0'0'0 00' 5,000 00' 6,000 00 4,000 00 5,000 CO 12,000 00 52,00000' 15,000 00'. 7,0'59 00' 10,00000 $136,059 00 To raise this amount :the mill rate will ham~' to he 4.5 mUils on the dollar', rplus sc~olOll r-a:te: AU of which is respectfully submitted.. . B. B. GRAHAlM, OOilllty Treasurer. E'srtima.ted ,.Receipts for the Balance of the Year _oash on Hand Oounty iRate Administration of Justice Government Aid to' [Roads ISuburban Area Receipts 6,596 80 184,111 19 2,000 00 45,000 90 3,000 00 '$240,707 99 ;Es.timated Expenditures for the Balance of. , the Year Bills PayllIble County Roads .. Children's Aid HOSrpitaJ.ization ....$JJlO,OOO' 00 15,000 GO 6,30'0 00 4,000 00 Interest Officers' 'Sal~,ries Schools ,Miscellaneous Surplus .1 ELGIN COUiNIT'Y COUNICl:L 83 0,000 00 1,200' 00 86,000 00 n,ooo .00 $288,500 00 $ 2,200 99 AU orf whichi.9 r'espectJfully submitted. B. . B. oo.AHAJM, Oounty Treasurer. g~ ElLGllN COUNTY GOU'N1CJIIL COUNTY ItO~D COM:Ml1lrTEE ELGLNOOUNTY GOU'NClIL 85 st. Thomas, January 1'1, 1940 5. ~at the Assistant Oounty Road Superintenden.t be deleg1a.ted to attend the OoodRloads. As.sodatioll in Toronto Febru.ary '2\ls,t a1.ld 22nd, -1940. To the' Elgin' ,County Oouncil, Gentlemen: :6. That Fif1teen D:llaxsf,or: membership in the Good Roads As.., sociation be paid. rz~That the Warden :and .Oler<k :be <lilltbo!rized to, sign petitiOitl to ,the Department of, Higbtwa.ys confirming expenditure 'on. Count.y RIOads ' during the year 19'39. 1. The E1gcin 'County RC!ad Gemmittee reports that the sum ill One Hundred and'I'hirty-three Thousr;:tnd, SiX Hundred and p1ifty- four'Dollars and nine cents ('$133,654.0.9) was expended on the, Elgin 'County, hi.gh!ways durmg the ye:M." 1939. 2. Oounty' 'Ro<a.ds: Constructions on county ruads ~Maintenance .on county r.oads 'lV!aintenance ,on county wads in inoorpol'a:t€d ,villages and tOlWns IConstruction on .county mads in incorpor,ated villages... Bridge oonstrUlotiou ......... County bridges under b-y-laiw N~. ,109L 3. Gen'eral EXUJleuse: superintendence and office expell'~es New, machinery, tools and repa.trs Gravel Ipits Workmen's "~ompens,a.ti:on Board O::mstfllble's f~es Insural1ce Legal fees Less reoei'Pts 8. That County Road' in the' Town (rf Aylmer,' kno'Wn as a por~ tiQl1}11' J>ohn Street, under by-laiW No. 11,61, d1rom Fbrest Street north to thetQwn" limits be reverted to the Town Of Aylmer. 23,142 73 46,217 75 9. Wet rec:mm.'end that tl?-e f.ollowing, whieh the 'Do1Wll' 0If Ayl,. mer has des.ignated a.s streets on which rehate money is to be spent, he approved: 8,12.7 29 250 00 32,447 B3 262 86 Namely: Myrtle, IStreet, from }i'lorest to Ta.1hot Street 'Cedar Str,eet, froIA Flurest to Chestnut WaJnut8treet, from Oherry to John Sydenham Street, from Wellington to c{}rporation limits Pine street, from Wellington toool1poration limits Queen 'Street', i:r,om 'South to 'Wa.ter South :Street" from Ruthe:rflord Av,e. to Queen Wel1ingtJ~n StI'eet, fri'om iSiouth to T~t 3,899 94 18,501 28 2,831 09 252 76 503 50 535 80 10S 92 This is in aooDrdance wi th se::.t~ci['l 29 of the Highway lm.proQV'8'~ ment Act; JO. Tha.ta hy'::laiW be ipas,sedat this eession Of the County CJoun- ell to designate" that portion Off Hki.a,clkletJon Btreet from the iia.ste1:ly Uri1it:s Ocr -the Vina.g;e of !Dutton to thelPoint iQIf its junction with Maun :str,eet, as a through street or' hig1hiw1ay and that a stop stgn be placed protecting same, l$lZ 7 ,07 6 75 31412266 1$133i654 99 All orf which is respeobfully - sU'bimitt~d. 4. We esrtim8Jte the sum {)If $52,000,00 ,be raised rhythe Depart- ment olf-1ii:ghways and $15'2,000.00 be [raised I'bythe County olf-El'i;n -for construction ,and maintenance on county roads for the year 1'940. RiOYTAiNSLEY. IOhail11nan Oit' !IOOad Oommittee. 86 ELGIN COUNTY COUN'C'lL ElJG[N OOUlNTYOOllJNmL SUBURBAN AREA COMMISSION The Oorpoil'ation of the cIty l(Iif st. Thomas' January In: a.coount with the Themeetmg O'fthe St. Thomas 'submroan Area Oommissi.on was h'?1d at the Dourt HouSe, st. Thomas, this 9th ,day af Janua.ry; 1940. Elgin iOount~, Highway :System 87 'Present: iOha.:IDman, Dr. F. O.-LaiWrenoo; J. T. W,eib.ster, GeorgI') i01'o'5f:l, G'oor,ge PiOlWles, Assistant OGunty Rna.d Superintendent. F{Jrexpendi~ure 'on ISuburlban Area Ro:;lidsunderthe supervision df George POlwles, Assistant Oou:nty Roa..d Superintendent, subject to the directiun of the Suburban Area. Oommission. A detailed 'Statement {:If acoounts (was submbftted to the Gammis- mission, showin:g an eXlpenditure on subm:iban AreaR::"ads of $10,- 15311.52; of this 'amount the city 1Wouldibe liaiDle tf1()[' 25% tbcreolf or $4,132.00. Road No. 16 S.A., Weeds Ditching Drag1g1ng Grading Oulvert Resurfacing' Calcium"'chlo;ride SnOlW road.9 Drains (Jacl{son) ~Members' 'wages Ordered by CommisiOll 1. That this account lbepresented. to the City iOOUDlCilfoT p~y- Iment. . 2. That the Oounty \Oil: Elgin' .he notified tha;t the .sum of 1$4,000 will be required for cons,trucUon and maintenance on C10unty isulbum- an Area Roads for the year 1940. 3> That the Oity of st. Thomas' be notified that'~he sum c'l $4,000 will Ibe required fur: oohBitruction ana maintenanoe on Suburban Area Roads' for the year W40. Road No. 25 S.A. 4. That the foUOIwin'g members ,of >;.he subut1ban Area Commission 3..re en titled to be paid 1110[' their services f.or the year 1939 as 8.iPpea.rs ' oppo:site their' respective names as [ollmvs: Weeds Ditching Grading Culverts Resul'ifacing Calcium chloride 'Snow roads CI'iossing ;gates Memibers' :wages Maintenance ....$ 50 00 6000 5000 ~_$ 150 00 5. 'That Dr. 17'. O. Lwwrence,be're-awointed.ehairn1an of the. st. Thomas :SruJbuI'iban Area ~oad "'ommiss~Qn. Dr. F. O. Lruwrence, Ghairma.n.. J. T. Webster Georg'e Cross 6. . That the ,OommisS'ion adj:orurn. F.O.~. Ohairman, SUlbuliban Area Oommission. '77 75 48 95 57 60 169 07 , 2 62 756 59 '5195 150 '39 21 68 MOO $1388 60 41 00 25 41 104 70 83 16 7,5 53 140 35 12515 598 82 50 00 $1244 12 . 88 ELGIN ClQUlNrry COUlN'Oll... ELGIN aoUINTY aOUNC[[L 89 Cos,t O<f Str~pping; Loading, .screening, -Gl"aIvel Road No. 30 S.A. 703 cords @$1.'50 !per cord ...$1,054 50 $ 50 40. 3 00 42 82 66 40 8 33 157 87 10 80 103 00 50 00 '-'$ 492 62 F. O. LAWlRiIDNIOE, OhM'rman 0If Commission OalO!:tGE OO'NILES, Ass't. =ty Road Supt, Weeds Ditching Grading Dra~ging .culverts Resur,Xa.cing Chloride Snow mads. Members' wages Total '.eX1penditure ---.------ . ......$16,53,1 52 Oity's pDrti:on, 215% 4,13Z 88 OertLfiedoor:rect, Construction R()ad No. 30 S.A; Ditohi~ Grading Drains 'Blond . s.urfla.ce E1nig:ineerlntg $ 92 32 768 77 24211 9,030 59 300 00 $10,215 89 ,~.." Gl",avel Ha.uled, on' suburban Area RoadS: Road No. 16 S. A. Y~M"'ds rOlf' gravel h3luled, 1,2M Aver!a;geh3lul; 7 miles Total 'c~t mUes travelled, 84'77 @ 9c per. y.ardmile. '" .,$ 762 93 Road NO.. 25 S.A. Ya.rds of, ;gravel hooted, 400 A1Vel'laige haul, 8 miles To~al miles travelled, 3,200 @ 90 :per yard mile.... 288 00 Road No. 30 S. A. Yla.rds 1()If" gravel hauled" 1,722 ANer:age haul, 7 mUes 'Total. mnes tlmvelled, 12,05'4 @ 9c...per y,a:rd mile 1,084 86 90 :EJ1JGIIN COUNYl'Y COUNCIL st. Thoma..<;, January 17, 1940 To' the' Eligin Oounty COuncil, Gentlemen: -1. The Eigin Ooun-ty' Ro,adOommittee concur with the County otE Kent re entire costs ,of, re,-loDating pate lines. '2. 'We recommend the cDmmunicwtiiOll lOe flIed re wi.g-lWag signals at tha:t. point on No: 3 hilgh\wa:y wh-e,re the st. 01ai1'l Branch roau cres.ses the'said.' higbrWis;y. 3. The. RIPPlioa.tion for iWliig-waJg sjgnaJs at the crossing1 Off the P.M:. Railway in the Village ()If ]ana, 'We ref,erred to the Oounty ,~,)li- :dtor for further, advice. , 4. rrpeAssisDM1:t Road 'SUJPeri1i,tendent and Ohai1'lman wereap- pointed' as a Oommittee to interview Daniel Patterson i\~,'ith ,plOiwer to aClt', , re ,purchase of land on coonty road NQ, 30. All of which is respectfully submitted. ROY 'tAJN'SLEY; Chairman ()If 'Road 03mmittee;' 1st. 'I'homas, .J:anuary, ,1940 To the ELgin ODuuty Oouncil, GentJemen: l.Tne ELg1in oounrty RJoad Committee recl(~mmend .that the County Road Suvei'lntendent, G. F. Pinneo',s s'alary be reduced f1rom $1,800.00 to $900.00 per- ~ear, ofwmg to his inness. 2. We ailso recommend that Assista.nt IOounty RJoIad' SU!perintend~ ent, Goor:g,e Powles' salan he inCTea:sed;from $l00Q;Oo. to $1500.00 per year. EIJGII1N COUiNTY CIO!UN'OlIJ 91 3. 'That aby-LaiW be lPT!epated for the above wirth the wpproval of the Department of Highrways. An "c:! which ls respectfully submitted. ROY TAiNIS'LEY, Ohairmanof !Road Oommittee. To the Elgin C100nty Oouncil,' 'G:enUemen: on 1. Your Road OommiJtteehave made their four~day inspeotion' county rnads 'and recommend' the folTolWing: Detailed statement: RxJad ccmstructi.o.n PrOposed ma.intena,nce ,Machinery and .re;pairs Ur,banmunicipa.Jities OOunty .bridges under Iby-lalW No. 1091 Contil1JKencies Iv,OOO 00 74,500 00 1,1,339 01) 5,000 00 300 09 ,3,861,00 ' ~- .$112,000 .00 2. We rec{)mmen~ th8.lt a by~la.w !be iplassed for the purrOhM~ 0If what is knOlWl1 as the Higg,s g,ravel pit, in the ";r>QIwnship 'af" Yia.rmouth, part of lot 25 in the5'th 'oonc'essio~,and pa.r;t miLot' 2'6 in 'the 4th N!e,- cession, 'Prilce $2,2i5Q.OO, containing 60 acres more or less. 3. EXitenskn' to. the- -bridge, (werKettle 'Creek south- 1()If.. 'Shedden on ;Ithe F'ing1M, Road No: 20,_, estimated CiOSIb.. $11150.00. 4. Exitension ,to the StlJmers ol'idig-e at' ICOr~n:th, 1'I0iad NIo. 46; esti- mated cost $1609.00,; thiswil~L include' 'the new flll. 5; N6W". hridge' orver Kettle iCreek on the Midctitesex ,and Elgin tdwn1ine, Ibetrweem NOTth 'and south ,Dorchester, r.oad Nb.3'1; estiR mated coot $S400.00. 9,a E!LGI'N a01J1N'I1Y ClOrnfOIL 6. We recommend the hard su:rf'acIDlZ of 6 miles of county roa.d this year, and !prepare 17% miles. flarr hard sur.f13,Cir!.ig in the fiuture-. 7. Woe expect to have the rip:'rapping at the - stilhouse hill, Pi,)rt Stanley, completed 'bhis week. '\ 8. The ICountJY -is- supplying and. alJP!iYing dust layer at SChODls, r.aHway crossings, hamlets andcemeteri,es. ;Privf1t'e individua:ls re- questing CJ9JlJcium 'ohloride may ohtain S;Mll€ at the Tla.te of 35 cents per 100 11b's. or, one..;quarter m -the acbua:l cost to the Coun:ty. '9. We recommend .bhmtthe insu:rlanc-e policy 'On the Elgin Ooun- tyb.ighiWay emplCl<yees be renewed with Percy !Jacke, aigent iIor the iPhoenix Insuranoe 00. 10. We reoommend - ,a, ;by-talW [be prepla.red limi!ting the speed. to 30 miles,p,er horur a.nid gtgns be' placed :a;t Finlgial road NQ, 16 SA., r()la:d No. ao. All of which is respectfully sulbrnitted. ROlY 'IWN\SLEY ,;CIh:a.il'1ma....ll. of Roa.d Oommittee. 'To the Elgin county Oouncil, Gentlemen: 1. The Eligln County ROad committee recommend thalt the neces- sMiY iby~laJW \be passed i\JIy, the 'dounty 100uooll as approved by. the CounJty solicttor re applilcaJtion Of the Union Gas idompiany. , iAE. o~ which is respectfully suibnutted. !ROY ~, Ohairman of !:road Committee. st. '11lwmas, June 14th, 1940. E[JQ[N, CQIUlNTY OOIUN\C]L 93 November 'Session IS~; Thom9is, Nov. 19t17, 1940 To the E1gin Ocunty Coundl, Gentlemen: The Eligin OCl\1nty .Road ClOImmittee' Te'ports that: ,the expenditure on En.gin County highways ,from Jianuary 1st to Octobei' 3'lst, J.940. totals $88,124.64. 1. Expenditure .as follows: Le$s rec:eipts ... ........$ 22,401 23 41,494 78 . a,8:l7 ~9 344 59 17 90 4,2'76 '40 41525 .66 5,753 71 4,891 04 449 93 500 09 , 104 50 sa9 ,5a -ill 8ll,la4 64 3,668 49 Maintenance on' county roads Oonstruotion en county :r:olads Maintenance 'on count,y ,SUi))urb'an Area r:oads ConstructiDYl on Suburban' Area' roads... ICounty bridges', under ,by-la:w No. 10911.. Vi1lagesand'torwn grants Truck expenses New machinery, too.ls ,and repairs Graders, gas, "on, walges arid. repairs... Workmen's Oompensation Boa.rd Employees' insurance 'Legal fees 'CDnstalble fees __-4--__ ,$ 084,456 15 a. , One Machinery Purchased, 1940 Adams. mainrta.in€r, tandem driive, .weiog1ht 15,000 pc.'li.nds. 'Rlpproxlm.(\,tely 3. Maintenance ReC.iOl:d 0If' the' amQunt 'OIf. ,grav;el,taiklen from 'the rf.ol:1oWing :pits: Ha.th'aIW,ay gravel pit; in the ':Do!wnOO]p of YiarmOfUth. ......0040 Y9,rds Rolo.son gr-wveY pi:t, in :the TQwnshilp 0If Derehiam .............t26!15y;al'ds lHl~gs. gl'avel pit, in the 'I1aWnship af YanmO'Ul\h. ...... ... ...3669 yaros Beecr~ft gravel pit, in theT(JIwnsh~p CifSouthlwolLd.. ...:24J216 yards 94 EitrGIN COUNT'Y COIU1NIC[L E[JGillN' COUN:rY CDUNICIL .95 4. New Pa.vements GAOL COM)MITTElE Ten miles Cltf..' bard surfaced road has been cr}Dstructed this y,es. r, descriJbed ~aB fOUCliWS: January Session fZ1/z mHes, ,Qlf 3-inch gravel mulch rC1a:d mix has been on the Iona :road, 20 feet wide, 'at a. CCls't per mile.. ocnstruc.t.(".d ..$3,0'.10 00 To the Elgin Oounty C:::uncil, Gentlemen: New G1:a.,g:.w, ... $860.9" , 11.1.1 mLles {llf surtf'ace tT'ea:ted l'l)ad' ha:.s !been la.id :at '20 tfeet wide and 1/z inch thick, 'at a 00st pel; mile,. . The GooI Conimittee reports las follOlWs: 3%, nule.s' Qlf mU~Dh!gr'av.el road mix, 3 inches thiCk and 20 feet Iwide, constructed on the .Octpenh3Jgen rlGad" O:J.s:t ~per mile $3800.00 'Z1/z mH,es of gravel mulch :r.oa.d :rnix 'Was laid. -at' Sprringfield COiunty .road No. 52,3 inches ,thick ,and 20 If;ee1i wide" at a. ():)st, per mile of ' ...... . . .. $.3800.00 350 feet of dOOlble sU:l.'l:DaC'e trea.tment 'Was \ IDld at' the Oemietery Toad near'. the; ViHage o\fRodney, oounty road No.4, % 0If an inch thiclc. aud 20 feet wide. JOost . . :$231.43 800' feet of 3-i.nch griav:el rri'lll2h !'Iotad mix was laid <wt Belmont, Middlesex and E'lgin tCfWnline, at ,a. o:;.gt elf'. .. $716.86 ,1. That the Olerk seC!Ureacoommodation f,or '/books. in the LaW, li1brary. 2. That we' rec:ommend .that the two eas.t rooms, at! the iRegis>tl'Y Office '!be deCio['ated. 3. > 'That the 'Walls and theoeiling otl1, :the G~ol, cellar be ~epaired. 4. That w~,. rec'Giltlmend the. ,purchase ofia'ga&, stove fur the Ga;oler'iS residenCe; the 'S'ame to !be 1pU1iCihased by the OhaArman of the Omnmitte~. The BOil"den MHk Pilant ,gay,S' the Chunty $7'5.00, la,sl.their p'""rticm of the Gmnstruc,tion .olf 'this new nJiad; balance vo- 'h~ divided be- tJweenElgfn and Middlesex. 5-~ That ,account of HamUton & S'tiotIt, $61.]0, florrepaiirinlg1 boiler, he.piaid. On~ elf the county emplo'Y'ees had the misf'lll'rtune to' l:ose, the srgiht .of his left' eye while wor'kinJg f.o-r the IOounty, Theins,uraIlJce CIOmpaT1JY aillCiwed him $2546;67, less e}Cpenses paid bY' the O:nmty, ,which 3!miounted 00 $4129.'5,3'; learving a balance olf $-2117,14 to:be paid to the injured workman. We 1'eoommend that a .by-lam be passed at this session QIf the .Oounty' Ooun.ci1, 'a,s 'PeJ!" request frrom the Central Pipe Line ,Cbmpm;:y, elf Aylmer, rfcrr pel'misston tlolay their piipe 'On Oo;U:rlity Ilo:aas. ''Ifu!at this Oommittee request the ODU.nJty C10unciil to increase road ,ltippropnation to $1i2.0,OOO.OO 'and that $4000.00 he trapslf'erred fTom. the War Gha:rittes i@COIunrt to COiVer same. An crf which is: respecbfully suibmitted. GtEOR01!l ORIAIK, Ol}alrman. st. Thcmas;' J'anuary 18th, 1940~ An <>f ..weh Is "espectlf.uUy submltted. ;ROY 'IWN1&.iIDY', Dll-a.irman Off 'Road committee. 95 E[jQ[N COUN'l'Y COUNCIL June Sessi(m -. First Report , ,To the Elgin .county Council, Gentlemen: ~he G\roal Committee rap.:Jorts ,as follolWs: ,1. _ Tha.t the ternlex of the Imperial <F\1.els. for sUiplplyinlg the Reg- istry ~e with 1'5oons stove, ClOke' be .accapteda,t $10.00 per ton, '2. That the tender orB. O.Tu:rviUe for 'Supplying .tlhree ~a.rlDadJ egg ,cOM ~iOr the Oortm't House and Gaol be accepted a;t $1,1.'34. per ton, 3. That the c'ontract{or repl1asterlng oeiUing. (JIf g'.aol b-at3lement 1 e given lio E.. H. C<>nnor fIot $3$.70. 4. That the !oUorwin'g ,accounts be paid: A.W. Le!Wis, rreIJlf!l-irs to window friamcs in the Regis.tJ:1Y Ollic.. ' ....$ W. G. !:McNlames, repairinlg plaster in Registry Office.. Turvi11e's, bag sanded, ;paristone fur Gaoler's residence Times~Joorna1, ladvertising tenders 1-or ''Painting in 'Registry 'Office tAl1 of whiCh Is respectfully submitted. 5.45 19 30' 1.25 1 50 GEORiGIE ORATK, Chairman. JlUne 12th, 1940, ELGINOOU'N.'l'Y OOUNImL 97 June :Session --,Second lteport To the' Elgin 'CIounty Oouncil, Gentlemen: The Gaol Committee reports:a.s follows: 1. Tha.t we recOimmend that the ,tien'der of W~ H. SwifltOo;, Lt.d., for three oar!iQ,a.dsegg c'oal fur', the ,CICJn.1tt House" 'and, Gool a.t '$,1..L4fr per fun Ibe'a1ccepted. 2. Tpat clause 2 ,of the first report be, arr~ended 'acoordinlgly. tAll {Jrf which is respectfully sUlbmitted. GEORGE ClRlMK, 'Clha.lrma.n. JlU18 13th, 1940. '~'~ N(lIVcmber Session To the Elgin County COuncil, Gentlemen: The Gaol ,Oommittee reports 'as fol'lOlWs: ~L That ,the >e:Oil1Jtrac,t rf':or ,bread be t3JWM"ded to ,the ImpenalBak- ery a;t six cenhs a,lloaJ!. ' 2. ,TbJatthe report of the LiiV'ings1;.one. Sto~eraompia:nw be re.. ierr€d to the 1i94!1 OO!UI1tYIOouncil !\V1!th a reclommend'altion that. they in'v;estig'ate it caref.u1ly. 3. Tha.tthe C>OImmU!l1ica.tiO!l1 from'the Davey T;r.ee ~Pe:t'lt,:Oo; be filed. 98 El!.JGIN OClU'N'l1Y CO== ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 911 ,4. ':Dha.t account I()(f' J ,T; FincUa.y' be !paid. EDUCATION COMiMlTTEE 5. That contra.ct for meat [be alWarded tt> Durnan ,and Spry a~ 12 cents per pound. Ja.nuary Sesslon To the E...1gin County Ooundl, All o<f which' is respectfully sulbmltled. Gentlemen: GlEOIRJGE <mAIK, Ohairma.n. 'Ihe Education' Commirttee Tepco:"t..s as foU\)l,vs: NOVemlber,,1'940. 1. We reco~mnendthatMe&SIrs. [jasb:bl"ook. ~nd Twylor be dele~ ga:tes frcm the Oounty to 'attend the lalwsuit in connection I,Wlith the! Aylmer High SicholOl,and titmt 'a, 1l1otiICe .be sent to the Secr,etary 0If the Board of EdUCi8.Jti:on at Ay)uner vo notiJfly them when thisoase cJo1l1es up. 2. That the committeeatte:ndin:g the laJw suit at T\or:cmto !be authorized 00 aiSk that the amDunt due OfWing to school r days liOst, 'Oin account of the uniSiMe conditk::n cifthe \SICihDol, ib€ ;added to the loost 'Of the said ;!:ww suit. '3. 'That the rli'emJb.ershirp .feBo[' $5.0.0 in the Oo:untY'IOQlun:cil Sec- ticn of the Ontario Education AsSiQoctation he paid and 'that the W <=\.1:- den 'appoint delegates, to attend. the annual meeting. 4. That a.ooount ()If FIred A. lBen, engineer, re the Ay:llmer Hugh School, be -.pa.id; account $30..0.0.. O. That 'refund due the TCiWItshilp dfl Alctborough Oin Vocational -School oosts be 'paid and that the Oounty char~ We~t' Lorne and Rodney with their prorportkll1. -of swroe; and that the Ooun:ty lJle,rk and the Reeve elf- AldJborough settle 'amiO-unrt- due according to the ,Act.. 6. We _ recommen8thaJt all accounts Of High,_ Oontinu'atioll1, Tech- ni'oal and Vocation,all .schools presented to the ClOunty be audited by the IOounty. AuditJors ibefote payment i'5 made and that 'IthE:';l' .said schools send fuU itemized statement of rec'etpts and expenditures.' 7. That we ooncur in re.solut~on-s recei,ved from Kent 'Cbunty Ire a.g1l'iculturaJ grants and the coot olf tex,t books and note .boOlks in Hiig'n and Oontinuation. Schools. 100 EIDGIN COUNTY C'QJUM;IIL ELGIN OOUlNlI1Y 'COIUlN1OIL 10'1 8. That we CiOOl:crur'in resolutioo.received .fir<,m the United Coun- ties Oif NorthUJIlllberland' and ou.rhrom ,reo inCTeased coat otf text boIoks 'an,ct note bOoks in High andQC\I.1;tinruatii011 Schc1(i13. HOVSE OF. REiFUlOEOOMMI'.rTEE Janua.ry Session All of which is respectfully' subiffiitted. To the ELgin ,County Council, H. G. TAiYLOR, Chalrme.n. I -Genitloemen: .January 19, 1940. The House of Refuge ,lQIommittee repcmts, as. :fiollo:ws:' I. November Session 1. That the 'Keeper and Ma.tron and Clhaillman'.AJ'tl9nron 'be, dele- gates to 'attend the Annual 'OonvenJtion otf1 ,the' Managers 'of Homes ;U.:>r the .Aged, :and IllIfiTlm. To the ELgin, County Oouncil, .2. That the alU1ual memIbeliShilp fee. ialf",$lO..OO,in ;fu.e"'5ai~ ,A$s'{Jlci- ation be paid. Gentlemen:' 3. Tha,t the account of HamHton & IStott fO\r $9'6.65 bepa.id. ~he :EdUlOation Ooim1n1ittee r€.ipIoll"w ,as fIo11ows: All {),f which 'is respectfully submitted. ' 1. That we reoommend that ,a telephone be tnst:aHed in the School Inspector's oftloe. E. E. A:I'K.1N!SKJN, ,Chalrman. 2. That we COIl:OUI" with reS'o-lution from the Cbunties of, Nor- ,thumber1pn'd and DtwbaJlIli re _tranaportati:on of' pupils. st; Th,cmas, Ontario, Jan'UarY 18th" 1940~ 3. Th1at the repOil"t ~ County SoIicitor E.S. Livermo're on the Aylmer High School be aC:ceipted. .June Session All of which is respectfullysulbmitted. To the' Warden. and iMembers of the ,oounty 'COuncil. H. G. TAYLOR,Ohairman. Gentlemen: NO'\'ember lOcth, 1940. The-House "of _Reftu,ge JOOl11mitte,e' ,reports as ,folltcJws:: 1. That the tender Oif W. H. SWlfIt 00., Ltd., for 50 tooo QI) egg coal, and 20 ,tons:@fchestn.urt ooal Jut $11.152' :per tOli ,'be iaJc'c.ep:bed. 'This is 115 tons less ooal' than -.purchased 1!aist :year. 102 . ElLIG'IN COUNII'Y CQIUN1CiI!L ElWIN CIOUlNTY COI!mO]L 103 '2. That the tend,erpfM.E. ClQughlin t~) repair the r.QI:Jot cellar be alccept,ed at ,a, price Clf $5.00.00. i 4. That the Keeper and !Ma.tron be gil"an~d :one week's. holida~s. 4. That the' Eeeper. and ..Martron . hire all he~p required at the Institution. with the 'aJplpl"QlVialQif: the Inspeocrtor "and IClhairm!an 0If . the Committee; the said hired help 'to Ibepa.id Iby the OOlln'ty 1l'l.rnd thar.. a 'by~la,whe prepared for the', same. I 5. That the report of the Dominion FIre AI1:arm System he re- ferred, to ,~he JanUlwy meerting of the 119411 County: Oouncil. 3. "IbJa..t a contrac't :be g'iven to 'red Ellis for Iplastering -and ~e.,. ,pairing sUlo lamounting tD 1$7,5.00; 5. That the foUclwing ae:c:::unts, be paid: Elgin' ,Feed ;swpply, 'g1anienseeds, etc. st. Thomas, Metal ISilgns, porcelain ,el,lam~l t,abIe to<p.. !G. I. Willis, premium on policy No. A51157... 6. Thall; .the. coniJr'aot t!or l>read l>ea.warded to thelimJpertwBak- ery at 6c !per l'Owf. 88 95 15 12 30 00 7. That account of A. W. Lelwis, $26;88, be paid', Allo!!: whi'oh is respectfully. suibmitted. All of' which -is respectt-Ully submitted. E. Ee A'l1KilNSON, 1Ohalrman. E. E. ATKINSON, Chairman. November, 1940. June 13t.h, 1940. ",' \ ~oveinber Session To' ,bhe ElJgin COuruty iOouncil, Gentlemen: The House of ,RetfUJge, .CIommi<ttee reports as follows: '1. That reports of, fOr. iElwin, PhysidMl,and J. D. Thomson, In-l spector, !be' adopted, and :printed' in .the :proceedings. 2. That the repOrt of theliivtngstone S'tiolker Co.;, Lirilited~oo ;fe- ;f'e~red to the 1941 .county 100~nc~1. 3. Th:at the coanlblned .alar;> oIf the Keeper and !Matron !be. $.\500 Iper year, ,piaYalble'ffiOI1ibh1y. 104 ELGIN CQf01N,TY aoUNCiliL . EfuUIN COUNTY C~CIllL Physician's Report Inspector's Report N6vember 12th; 1940. To the Elgin OOunt~ Council, To the Warden -and Gnuncil .o1f the pO'Qnty of Elgin, Gentlemen: Gentlemen: 105 The f.oUowing. is my report 'on the Houseo:!' Ref'lllg:e :for the-: y:eait' eXlding October 31st, 1940: 'lha.ve,the 'honorof'presentirl!5' thesixty.-filf\th'annuall: 'mOldi(:ail. . ['aport olf the E1gm House ad' Industry up to QcOOlber 3,lst, 1940', anCli submLt the foll'(Jlwmg fOt your consideration." 1. Number of inmates at last 'report. 2. Number admitted during year.. 3. Number of - r deaths 4. Number discharged 5. Number absconded '6. Number of inmates nOlw in House 7. Number <lif imnaites sent foom the lng the year: 27 3'6 3 17 4 30 .munic~paJites I made fifty~'one visits to the Horuse of, Industry, and ajttended four inmates in ,the !Memortilal Hospital,IRS fQllQ';~"S: 8. The vari'lJl11s oauses ,olf pauperism .of inmates House during they~ar may lOe, classified 'as folIOIW&: Destitute Dl-health Old age IMental IdriIJpled Drink. WilUa;m Si;nirth, Jianuary /OOrd to .January 25th, 119'40. GeQll'ge Grose, Januaxy 15th to IMaToh 6th, 1940; lJ\ffiay 28th to June 14th, 1940; AugU5,t 23rd to Occ-Clber8th, 1940. (FlredPrelbb~e, ,Jan~ary 3Gth, to' Ma:roh 27th, 1:9'40. Thomas GHbeTt, January 30th to :February_ 3rd, 1940. 'Dun:wi'ch ',Scmt'hwold Mala.hide Bayham Ya.rmouth SprilJ.glfield Ontario Hnspital Rodney 8cuth Dorchester Port, Stanley There were no'biJrlths. There were thre,e deaths, three males, as follows: I DOJte iN'aJJne Age Gause ()If, Death Jan. 215, 19'40 William ISmith 47 IOErebra;! Hemorrh",ge Feb. 3, 1940 Thomas GiLbert 69 Chronic My.ooarditis Mar. 10, 194.0 GooI'ig1e Freeman 63 Chronic Myooarditis I have the honOll'" to .be, YiOUTS very truliy, !D. L. EWIN, Ph~si.cia.n, Elgin' House Of Industry several duo:. 2 5 3 6 7 3 7 1 1 1 36 admttted to the 11 10 4 7 2 a 36 106 E1LGlIN OOUN'I1Y COUN'C!IL 9. Aver.age I).umber of inmates duriIlig the wear,. 10. Av:ernge number 'With Keeper's family. and hired 11. Number o~ weeks' :bOiardof inmates.... 12. Numlber (If weeks' bo'ard 'With Keeper's family... 13. Total eX!penditure during the year,. .. ......34''" help 40 .181,7 3(;99 . .. $IH39 Gl Furniture and hardwaTe Drugs Goal and wood iMisceUaneous Bar-bel' 14: ,Deductions From If!a:r:m s'took wld Fmm Old .A!ge Pensions, inmates... Permanent improvements Produce sold Sundries .......$ '166 72 1572 40 549 52 444 10 1138 00 Repairs Permanent Improvements Incidental Insurance $4470 74 15. LeaNing himates Hi. iAve'I;':alge 17. Average 18. Av,era;ge amOlmt aotually expended fOJ: sU'ppor,t of ..................... ,$BoG8 27 expenses per da.y of e~h person:.... ,28.9.:.10 eXipenses per week of. eacl1 person. 2 tl~ expenses per year ,otf each person.. 105 04 Keeper ,and ffirutrrcn> Physician E[D1N . COUl'lTY OOllJlN\CwL General Expenses Salaries Farm Expenses 'I'otal e~penditur€s 107 229 21 54 87 If213 $3 328 29 116 00 $3843 41 3$3 26 5411 5~ 19755 3000 $1120 33 $1750 70 270 001 , $2020 70 ....."....... .........'$8139 01 19, The follIQ1wing produce Was raised on the lIarm during the year: !Hired lrubor lmplemen1j.s Snook Feed Seed Gas and oil Miscellaneous .$ 43821 134 80 2 00 36 46 40 14186 141 94 $H54 57 House Expenses BlIead Me9.lt Groceries I1rovlslom Dry goods Boots and shoes ........$ 303 37 716 81 307 39 263 16 ~32 94 67 89 18'85 ,Bushels Olf Oats 50 iLoads, of Hay 9 Aicres' EnsUage 00rJj 40 \Bushels rJ?:o,tatoes 10 !Bushels Oaa-oots 12 Bushels 'Thrnips 90 1.loads of SWaIW QuantilJy <1f iP.UClllQ>kin and Squash U Bushels Tlmothy Seed 10 !Bushels Beets 10: Bushels Onions 10 Bushels Pazrsnips 8 Bushels Beets, H;::l ,Bushels .onions 40'0 ,Bushels SU'g1arEeets 10'0 Heads -.of rOaJbibage 60 Bushels of. Tomatoes 1 Acre iSweet iOnrn QuantLtyLe-ttuce, Parsley, Aspa.ra.gUf; QUaiI1tity Plums, Grapes , 25 Quarts Milk per Da.y 5'50 Quarts Fruit canned in House 90'0. Dozen Eggs consumed 1850 POUllds ,of ~utter '108 EUCl'UN .OOUiNll1Y COiUlNlOIL Garden Produce 22. Farm Stock 3 Horses !J Cows 26 Hogs 3 Yearlings 2 E.ro,od Sows 8'[< Ohki-kens 4: 02Jves 1 Bull ELGrn COUNTY' COUNCIL Orclm,rd Heating Apparatus Boiler !Room and Soft Goad - Boiler Deep Well Silo -Hog Pen Elec.trric I;ns1;iaUIDtion and Pumps Plumbi-ng rSeptio Tank and. Drain: Sundries ~. Received - from Government on account of eXlPenditures for I,and ,and bUildill'g1.. 10'9 85 85 2,30;; 44 3,831/ 52 2,436 40 293 62 6M 99 2;3?3 00 3,174' qo 1,1403 75 416 35 '$ 64,456 90 '$ 4,660 00 $ 61>,456 90 '25. There /Were 00 inma.rt:.es in the -House during 19'40; ,46' males. 17 f.e1nale.s, at the 39 in:rnJate.s. in theH101US6 on rthe 1st of Novemlber; 1940, 2-5' were males an~,}4 fema:les. The management has been ~atislf';aJClto1W. All of Whk:h is roopectlful1YSulbmitted. 23. The totJaJ. amount expended by the ,CIol.ll1'ty on the House. of Refuge is as followS:: 1<'arms; 100 acres. cost House. {)!f, Refuge !.laundry Fire ,Esca!p:es Root Cellar, Heneg;w, etc. Cottruges, eta. Bric,k Ice Hou.s-e Ba:rn.s. etc Tile Drains Tile Drain OUtlet Hot Air Pumip Tank Gonnootio11ls Riefrigel'lator Fenc:ljlg , 7,298 95 14,476 26 687 61 390 '00 1,41943 6,952 87 1,920 50 7,964 37 4,162 23 13203 . 920 60. 590 00 1,979 07 st. Thomas, ontario. ,NoVettl1iber, 1940. J.D. 'rHlOMSbIN\ I:rwpector. lilO EDGiJIN OOUNITfY OO!lJiN1O['L EDamN OO!UNlI'Y OOllJiN1CtliL ll.l PEnTIONS AND LEGIS'LATION COMMITTEE 2.. That nn 'adi,olIl be . taken on resolution fl10m iF'rince Edward county re unem1piloymenrt ins_urance . due to the f,act. tha.t the Do- minion Government is IWolrking -on ,this scheme: January Session To tJheEl'g1in aountyOouncil, 3. That we"aJPIPI'Iove of resolution from Prince EdJwa.rd.'OOruuty re' indiJgenrt ,patients' albinDy to 'pay hospital costs. Gentlemen: 4~ That no action ibe ta:keli 1'e resolution' from Prince Edward County on relb-ate of g'aisolin'e tax. The Petitions and Legislation Committee'rep;}irt..sas folJJQi\vs:, 1. Thwt 'We recommend that the !Detpartment otfMunici;pal Atrairs give serious con'Siderwtion: to ,amending t:q.e nrainag-e,. Act so as to make it pQssilYle to change .an 'Rlward drain. to a mumc:ilpal drain on ,the request of 25% of 'theparbies Lnt...ou-ested; and that a capy of this re.s-,olutton be sent to the Depar,tment of Municilpia;! Affairs- a.n:d the Ontario Agriool-tJurriaJ: Crouncil. All of which is :reBIPeotf1ully sulbmitJted. JOBiN O. GllLL1E:S, Dhai,rman; June 12th, 1940. 12. Tha:t we' ,col1!cur'With l'esolu~i'ons fI'ic:m .thf :Oounty 'Of- iHastings re theiPuib1ic' HOlSiPitaJ. Atct and sUbsidy on money expended on: 1U.p- !proved rClads in villages. November Session All of which is resipeClttfiully s1:Ib-mitted. To the El;g:in '.oonnty Council, JOHN O. G:TILLiIES, Ohaili'm::m. Gentlemen.: Ja';uaxy 18th, 1940. The Petitions and LegilslaJtion Oommittee reports as ,1011olWS,: June' Session 1. That 'wre conem with 1'e.s<olJuti!ons ftom the Oounty Of! IBruce 1'e Royal Commjssions and, Administration of' Justice costs. To the Ellgin Oounty OouncU, 2. Th'9.Jt resoLution firom. 'the lOounty Olf :Lincoln, 1'e leg1is]jationfor conscri!prti-on off wealJth, ibe filed. Gentlemen: The Petitions and LegJJsl9.ltion CQmmittee reports as 11ollOlWs: 3. That resolution from the County Of Huron, rreamendment to the Higihiway Tr:affic Act, /be filed. 1. That the resolution 'from 'the Ooun!ty -of IWelfu.nd, xe Li~en~ing Oif bakers, be flied. 4. That resolution :from the :Ciounty of Lenn'ox and Addington, re forest fires, bem€id. li12 ElIGillN <COUNTY OOUN1OlL 113 ElLGINCOU'N!l1Y COIOiNlCIL 15. Thait resolution IfrcmtheOounty Oil' Prince Edlwrurd; to de- ,franchise those receiving ,relief, !be filed. AGItIOULTUItAL OOIMiMI,TTEE January Session 16. That resi()~U'tion from' ,the TownshiJ) of S1Jamford,. fie hos1pitaJ:- .i2lation, !be, filed. '1'0 the Eligin County Oouncil, All of which is reSIPecbfully submitted. Gentlemen: JiOHN d. C":dIJLLIES, Ohai:rman. The Agricultural aommi,tteel1:'ep6rts;a~ fqUoWs.: Nov<mJber,,1940. 1. That the annual ;fee of "$50.00 'fhe Ipaid Wi ,the iOnta.rio ~ricu1~ .tul'al :CounciL 2. That the Warden a:Plpoint delegia.bes to attend' the annual conM vention of the' Agricutural Council. 3. That no a;crt'ion 'betaken 1'e resolution: of the Qoun'ty of Ken~ to 3!1JIpch1!t an inspeet:.'lr foOl' the el"adica.tion of Batberry Bush. 4. That 'We concur in resolution r,eceiw'd from the County of Grey re premium ol'l:~ibacon hogs and price of farm produots. 5. Th;at we rec'Ommend that a gI\ant of $25 !be paid to the DUM tM'io Oonservati'ffil and R€l!.oresta,tion ASSJOci,atioll. ,6. 'That we recommend that a gra.n!t of '$2,00'0 'be paid to the .&gricullooral Advisory Board. That honorary~ members be memfbers Of. the Agri,cultmial: Oom- mittee. Tha.t the following :be mernfbers cd' the AdvisOl"Y A'gIricultur<al Board: .JohnSl<oaI1, F. H. 'Miller, Grant M:itohell, W. B. l.ianc:aster, Hrurry K'ent, R. A,Penh:ale, D.Nb'ble,and that a ibYMlar,v iJ:>e. !prepared !for the s;ame. 7. 'Dhat Summers H'ax.per be alppoin ted Com Borer Inspeotor for the ye'ar 1940 and -tluuta by-lww be prepared. All of whioh is respectfully. sUlbmi,ttep.; .AJSHTON PliNED, ..iChairman. JanUaifY 18; 1940. 111'~ ErJGIIN COUINTY OOUIN(J[L El[JtEDN OOUNIrY aOU'NIOIiL 115. June S'eSsion WAR PURPOSE'S OOMMlTTEE To the Elgin County Counoil, November Session Gentlemen: To the Elgin 'Ocunty Oouncil, The "Aigricultur:al Gonu~littee 'l'eports -as fOU01WS: Gentlemen: 1. 'That resolut!onifrom the OountH of the County Of WentM 'Worbh, re th,e pasteurizing, of milk, ,be filed; The War Purposes IOommittee reports alS foUl()!Ws: !2.Thalt the.annU'aJ' repor't' of the Eligin Oounty Branch of the Olitar~o ,oepartment .olf, .Ag.riculture ;be receiwd and filed. The Committee' met, SBpl;.emlber 26th. Messrs., wmon ,and Ckaham, representing 'bhe Home 'Guard Units 0If the OounW presented' a re- quest for. g1"antls. "AI~of which is respectftully sulbmitted. The Oommittee recommended the'if'ollawin'g grants: $100.00 'to the Elgin Regiment Enl;mment F1und AlSHTON P.JjNOO, ,QhaWntan. June, 1.940. $50.00.tO each Home Gua:rd UItlirt" in the iOounty $1'50.00 to ea6h ch'artered Red Cross SocIety inl"the ,cOunty. Allo! which is respeotf.ully sulbmitlted. November Session To the Elgin .county. COUll,cil, lIt. AUOKLAlND, Ohairman; GeIlltlemen: November, 1940. The Aigricultural Oommtttee !1"eports as rfollows: 1. That, resolution from ,the Wialterloo Oonnty Oouncil, re 'presen- taM:OIl ofsuI'tp1us bacon' to th-e British Isles, be filed". 12. 'l'h'at we concU'r with suggestions iOOntahled in letter.from 'R. W'. Thompson, Provincial !Entomolog.ist. All of which' is respectfully submitted. Ai'SHTON PlIN1ElO, QhairmlUl. Novemlber, 1940. 116 ELGIN COVN'l1Y CO'UNlCIl'L I '. To the \.Varden and -Memhers Oif the IOounty Council. OOOWl DO_R JIN1SI.1EOTOR1S REPORIr Gentlemen: I 'wish' to submit to you the report 'Of the annual 'sprmg 00rn !borer <Clean~up OOA11!paign. Owing tJothe'llate, :wet s-pTing we had in ElgIn it was irnPlosslible 00 get' the crean-up :fif1tshed 'as ;prollllpblyas in previous: ~eaim. Th:itF. fiactor, ;along with the wet, growinlg reason, has resUlted in an increase in inifesrtatio!I1', tElg,in is not ,alone in ,tihis respec.t as ill the other LLarge corn lCJounti'es shoiw ,the same or greater-increases;. The 'priovi.:h"; ci'al Entomologist infiCliI:ms me that the corn Cl'OIp would ha'Ve been al- 'most a c'omplete: fiailure if it hadn't :been forth-e annual' spring clean- up. 11~ 75 117 50 115 50 110 00 121 00 67.50 6000 246 00 5 15 -,-;--$ 956 40 This is lOll ;a, crop of 30';000 lacres. on November 4th I was ord.eit't'd to make a survey of the sUuation:a.nd to .assist those \Corn gtroW'ers who are hackwla.rd in. their" usula! spring clean-up. This work is un- li.nisihed .and' I cannot make a report on this as ~yet. The expenses <elf the 1940 dean-up ,areas :fbll{)iws: Aldlboxough DUllJwich ISIouthiwnld Yarmouth Malahide Ha,yha:m South Dorches,ter 'County InSipeotnr Adver,tising 'While other means of com iborereradica.tion :aJI'Ie !being sought! continually there has 'been no method yet discovered thatt \produces results so eoouomic'aUy as the annual compaign. All of rwhi{:li is. respecbfully sulbmitted. SUIJ.v.'IJIv.llES HiAJRlPElR, Oorn Borer Insipector. ElLOlN OOtlN'ltr COIUNCTL 117 OOUNTY OLERK'S RiElPOI&T. ON LICIlNSIlS November .Sesstion "To the E[gin County 'Council, Gentlemen: I have to Teport. the tf'o11QtWi.ng lie'euses in f:orce on the first. day of November, 1940: AuctiJoneer A. J. MClAJJpine .......... ........Stl'!athroy A. J. Branton .........t.. ..................................................Rodney Harold G. Gl'al'ik .......................... .................. ......;WaJlacetown Fred Paul .....................,Dutton Lorue J~ !Ross ............... ................. ............lHighrgate Wilson Pound,Wm. E. Rhody........... ........ ...... ..:'.AyJ,mer Tra'DS1Portatiuri of Fowl Miller Page' 'C. E. Pangtbom Mrs. Horace ...... ............... ..Dutton ............... ..... ............ ....... .............Talbotvllle IClayton ......... ..............U1ownship South'W'Old Junk Deale,rs .JbhrJ WimGn iv.r. Fisherman ................. ......H...... I:sadore Preston J. Sohure Fr.ariJk Johnson Can:ada Scrap nn ..........,............. ......Rodney ..St. Thomas .................. .......London .....................iSt. .Tb.OIn'llS I Mrs.. -J. O. MClOallum Thos. Nisbet & Sons Pedlar .............. .......................... ......!Dutton . ... ...... ........... ...... ......... ....... ..Wardsvi'lle AU of which is. respectfully suJbmitted. J. D. 'IlHOMSON, GouIllly alerk" St. Thomas, Ontario, NaveIniber, 1940. 1'18 E[jGW OOUIN'I1Y' OOUNlOITL E[jG[N COUNTY OOll:l'Norr. 1.19 OLD AGE PENSIONS RJI!lPORT REPORT ON MOTHERS' ALLOWANCEIS November Session November Session To the ELgin .c:ounty Council, To th~ Elgin -ocun ty Gouncil, ~i : I!I !lJ "I, I' Ilr' III" II' I, !1'1 I] II' I" 1'11":1 11;1 I~ I Gentlemen: Gentlemen: I Ipl"e:sent' here.with report in connection with ,the adm;.bnisrtration of the Old .AJge Pensions Act in the County of Elgin. I present herewith report in connection with the -administration of !MotherlS' AllOiWances in the County of E.liWin: IStrIce the, passing of the Act, 16715 a,plpl.iJCJations ):la.ve ibeen !received, the present, disposition of IWhioh i.s as foHOlWs: Deaths ... ............ 7~0 Refused ........ 89 "Oancelled 83 TI'ians;f'erred 82 Pending 38' Pensions in :f.o'l'te' November 1st, 19,40.., 663 Since the Mothers' Allowances Act, Was :passed in ,ontario lihere l;1ave been 3:3;7 'aipplioatiniIl<S made in the COtUlty' of' E]gin, the _present di$pooiticiU of theseaJpplioations !bein!g H.s ifollows: 1615 Refused Suspended Ganoolled Left 'County Dead Deferred Pending In F1c.r,ce 145 17 70 22 4 3 6 70 'I , H,: Pensions in force 'November 1st, 1939 662 From the first olf Nov~mbe:r. 1,939, to the 3'1,st of ,october, 1940, 8-9 applications 'have !been received. 0[: 'theserthree- ,were in'l'espect (lfi bUn'd,ness.' In addition, tlwo _ aippl.iJowtions have ,been receIved in ca.ses whe:r:.eaJPIplioation ,had, :pr.€'viousl:Y rbeen made and refused. 3'37 , lDurring this same period 19 pensions have been. incre:alSed, 14 can- ceHed, 20 rect'uood, forur reinstated 'and seven reduced. ISince November 1, 1939, '27 'appli'ca:tions for :I\1bthws' Allowanc,es have been rE;!ceived; 15 allOl\V1a.noos haNe ibeenl~edu.ced lan'd ,three in~ Icreased. !Payments tOl11f1.1nioipiM ,clerks full' Old Age IPer.Jsion appliJc'ations [(['{)lID November 1, 1939, to OCltober 31, 1940, Were $27'8.00: Payments to municipal clerks !for iIv.1Jothers' Allowances Irupp]1cations !provided for iri !by"-lalw No. 1-3'21, have !been $78.'50. All of whicl1 is respectfully sUlbmitted. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. THOMSON, .County Olork.. ,J. D. THOMSON, Oounty Olerk. ~. Thomas, 'Ontario, ,Norvemher; 1940. st. Thomas, Ontario, Norvember, 1940. '1~0 EJJ:.G!1N CKYUlNII1YCOlUNKJrrL ELGIN COU'NII'Y COUNCIL 12'1 BY-LA WS. 1940 Read a third tttneand. passed at County Gouncil Oh!amlbersl St. 'Thomas, this Wth day ,a! Ja,nu:ary, 1940. BY-I,AW NO. 1329 J. D. THOMSON, Clerk OLAiRElNCE BATTERSON, Warden To Revert a. ;CtnUlty Road 'TIlle Elgin Gounty Council' en:flicrts: That the followinJgroad !be reverted to the TOIWn of' Ay;lmer: BY-LAW NO. 1331 Road Number 39,TownshiJpO'! lMa;Jahide, between lots 10 'and,U. from the mo.s,t, northerly limi'ts of the C'orporation, oi.f' the, TOlWn ojJ Aylmer on ,John street south to Fo'rest IStreert i;r~the said town; With the exception of ,that portion used by the Vanadian National IRJIlAlwl1Y as rtgh~-of-way. To Designa;te a Through 'Street in the Village' of' Dutton The Elgin County Council' en'aGts: Thwt hy-lrow No. 1.161 be ,and is hereby amended. That the portion oQ!f Sha:ckleton street .from the ,ea,Stel'lY Uanits lOIfi rthe ViHage of Dutt.on ~Ol, the !point 'lJI:f its junction' with Main, Slt:reet :be designated 'a Tht:dugnHigl1\v.ray ,and, stop signs' 'be plalled jpfoteqtinJg SM11e. ,Read ,a third time and 'Passed at Oounty CouncilOhambers, St., 'I1homwsr:,this 19th day of January, 1940. ~ElNdE PAlITERlSON, Warden~ Hea.d 'a third -time' and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 19th day olf ,Janua.ry, 1940. J. D. TB!OMiSON, Clerk J. 'D. THOMSON, 101m;: OLAiREN1CE !EM.TTE'RSON, Warden' 13Y-l:AW NO. 1330 BY-LAW NO. 1332 To Aippomt a; MemJber of the Aylmer Boatd of Education To Appo~nt Higoh SchoOl Trustees The'lUlgm coun'ty CoUncil en'aots: IThat E~ S. Livermore /be !BJW>Ointed a member dOlf the Aylmer; Boa1'et of EdMatioo'!bra term ct(, thrree yeam. The, Elgin,(:Younty Council' en'aow: That Merton Ohute ,be appointed ,a trustee of the Viertnla. H~gh School [Or on!e year. ' 122 EiLGW COUNIDY C'OUNICrrL Tha:t H,B. HuckiJ.l (be 'appninted trustee of' the 'Dutton lHighSCho()l ifloir ,three years. Read a third 'time 'and' passed at COunty Council ObJa.m!bers, Be Thomas, this 19th day oor January, 1940. J. D. 'I'HiOMSON, ,al€'i'k OIiAIRiElNOE PAT~EJRSON, Warden BY-LAW NO. 1333 A By'-law to Provide for the To-tal Expenditure Olll the System of County Ro~ds in the. OountyQf Elgin.; as Approved by Order-in-,C'ourtcilDuring the Year 194.0'. WIOORiEAJS the Hiighiwla,y .lmpl'O'vemenl1 .&Cit, .cbapter 5:6, R$.O. 1:937. -and ..a:mendmen-ts, requi:r'es tbJ8J~ .the total l"xpendi:ture Qn county roads 'and bridJg'es ib<81 provided for lannua.JJ,yby counlUy' bY-Ralw. THEREroRiE the IOouncil of the IOOl'iporation of the said County Of El'gin enacts 'as follows: 1. The sum of 1$60"000.00. is herefb.y '3Jpproprlated from mom.es raised by levy, debentlllres nnd igJovernment subsi-dy, tflc<r. iexfplelllc1iJt.ure upon. construction on the said sys.tem ,during, the year ,1940.'. 12. The slim (IIf $60, i:s here/bY' ;a,'ppropriated -from mvn~es maised fby leVIY and 'government su[bsidy \for exlpenditure Ulpon tmi:?mten- ance and re;p~ of ithe' ,[iola.ds 'tn "rf;hesaid .system durinlg. the Mear Ifl4()1. 3. 'The said mon.ri.ets sha!IJl [be eXlpertdedu.nder the direCition,o!f the) duly ;appo~n ted 'C'ounty road lSiUpeirintendent and on iWork' ipIe.rS,orm.ed in accordance with 'the 1,ast revised reguliation:s.'T'oopectiJ:l(g COl1!..'1~,y l~oads,i1S'sued 'by ithetDepartment"Qf1lHigbtw1~ys of OntaDio. EUGIN OOUN'I'Y COUNCIL 123 4. ~e Clerk shall trarusmtt- ,dUlplioate copies of this, ibY-la.w ,to the iDeputyMinister, Depar'bment, oIfH:Lghways, df)', On:tario"tfQl'! IB.Jp~ proval Oil'or before the 3:1st,o'fl January of the present year. Passed :at 8t. Thcmas this, 1,9th day of Janual'1Y, A.D. 1.940. J. D.THOIlVlSON, JOleTik QLA!RJEINCE !E'A,T11EJRSON, \ Warden It John D. Thmnmn, Cl:erik of the Cor.poratlon, of ,the Oounty' ,10lt Elgin, do hereby Icertflf'Y that the !foregoing is :a true ropy of by-la.W! No. 11333 passed by the Council jOlt' the .said" 001'1poration on the 19tb.l day of J'anua.ry,1940'. J.D. THOMSON, ICountY~[ell'k. '~';' BY -]jAW NO. 1334 , To App,omt. an Inspector for the PurPOiSe of Eradicating 'the C'om 'Borer 'The EilJgin Clount:y: Council' el1aJots: That ISummers iHlarper, of the Township O(f Malahide, be and hE' is hel'eiby appoint-ed Ins.peb~c'r tf:or' thepumpooe of wadicatirugjthe .001'1".) BOTer. Tllait 'while eng.a;ged in 'the, per1f.olI'mance, of his duties the saId Ill~ spector shall !be :paid the .'Slum leif' six dollars !per day, to include, ttravel- ling and other expenses. That the :Slaid Inspectur apPOint a sub-insp-ector for each to'Wll~ ship, said alppnintments to. Ibe .a(plpljQtved ib~ the TOiWl1ShLp 100ul1,Ci1s, rJ1bJat all iby-<laJWs heretof,nre passed' in ,this !beha1lf !be. 'and 'EIIlie herelby repealed. lQ~ E[,om COUN'l'Y C!OIONC[L ElJGllN COUNTY C!OUN'CIL 125 'I. l1-ead a third time an.d passed at County1 :Council {')];mmbe,rs, St. Thomas, this 19th day of January, 1940. BY-LAW NO. 1336 J. D. 'DHiOIMiSON, ,OleIik. C'WilJRElNOE PATTERS:ON, Warden To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to i Bl)1"I1CIW the ,Sum. of Two Hurndred Thousand Dollars i The Elgin County ICouncil en1alots:' BY-LAW NO. 1335 . That the Wlarden and Treasurer ,be and are herell:>y authorized to fborrow -the sum .of 'I1wo Hundred Thousand Dollars i,rom the Banik ;CIf iMont!1"eial 'as it may !be. requiTed rba meet the eXlpenditures' of] .the Oorporation {if the OOlunby ail Eligtln du,ring: the ye.ar 19~O and :give as seourity 'therefor notes (J,fOne Thous,and or Ten Thou-sand DoHs.trs eaoh. To, Appoint ~ Boa,rd o:f1 Audit in the County of Elgin for tile Year 1940 'I1lie Elgin Ooun ty . Council enaots: Read a 'thitdtime and passed at County CoUncil Oham!JJ.81'Sr st. Thomas, this 19th dayO!f .January, 1940. !That tili.e ,Judge of the County Ciourt and Mr. John '01.. G:illies ibe, andaa;,e herelby iappointed memjb6l'S ,oif the Eioiaa'd (J[' Audit to :pei:'f1ol'lu the duties :required' of them by R.!SIO. J. ,D. THOMSON, Clerk,." .cLA1l.ENOE PATTERSON, Warden . That the mem(bers of ,the said l130ard of tAudit !be paid the sum of ,five dollars !per day for their S61Wilc'es and Jive cents pe;r iffi::Lle,j goilllg, to and from eaohaudit. BY-LAW NO. 1337 (Read ,a third time and passed at iCounrt-yl Council 'Oh;a.mlb,ers, st. ~hom"". this 19th clay ,Oil January, '1940. To Appoint County Road Oommittee J,'D. 'I1HiOMSON, <CIeri..: OlJMlJ!JNOE PAII'TE'RBON, Watcte:u The Elgin' County, Oouncll enacts; las requlr:ed by the (H"i:gh\way A1cti: That the flollowing five lJ:liemJbers 'af tws IcOuncil constitute !a Cdmr- m:ittee ,for the p1ll1pOSe df, directing the IWOrk' to [be done on the :Ooullfty Road System: J. R. Bandeen R. Auckland J. O. Turnlbull. A. Pineo. .................. R. ~a:n.sloy...... ....;.............:For Term 'of 011e Year .........ForTerm 0If 'I1"wo YaMS ..........For 'Term' of Three .yeM'IS ;,.......[F1or Term 1QIf' Fouli:': Years ........iI'1or Term Of Five 'yoa.r. 12Q ElJGm COUNII'Y OOUNImL E[JG[N COUNII'Y OOiUNICIL 127 'Th~t ~bw-law No. 1309 !be 'and is hereby repealed. they recei'vetheir travellinlg :and other leXlpenses: for a.ttenc1a'nlce 'at specital or emergency meet.inJgs c'aJ:1ed(by .the chairman. . Read ,a third time' and passed, at County Council, Chambers, St. Thomas, this 19th day 0& January, 19'40. \Read ,9., third time and pMsed at Clountyl Council OhamllJers, St. Thomas, this .19th day Of," .January, 1940. J. D. T~O!lI!nSON, Clerk OlJ.l\JRENOE PWlTERlSON, Warden J. D. T!HOlMSON, Clerk eILA!RENGE PArrTERlSION, Warde~1 BY-L,^,"W NO. 1338 BY-LAW NO. 1339 To Appoint Advisory AgriculturalC'ounciI To Fix SaIary -of COWlty Road Superin,tendent and the' Deputy CorilntyRoadJ Superintendent 'The Elgin County [Council' en:wcJts: Tha:t ,the Advisory Aigrioul1Jurial rOnnncillbe'composed of-one mem- her fironl'each tOlwnshiJp, and ei.ght hi0!l10ral\Y' mem,ber,s, the foiJJcmirn:g to '(be 'aippodnted: The EJ;gin Oounty Gouncil en'~0ts: ,~.,;, That the salary of the County Road .superintendent, he Nine Hun~ dred DollalT's" payahle monthly from the first da.y of February, 1940, Mtmlbers W. :B, ilIa.ncaster, Al~'borough J. iII. ISloan, DUllIwich ]'i'. H. Miller, South,woJd IR. A. PenhaJie, YMmouth EJa;rry ,Kent, Malabide Orant :Mitchell, Bayham [Do' NOlble,ISouth, Dor:ohes'ber Thwt thesaJ.ary .of 'the' !Deputy County Road !Superintendent be One'Thousand, Five 1Hundr:ed :Dollars, .paYalble,month1y'if'Tom the. first da.y of Febl'uary, 1940.. That Iby':"laws Nos. 117,3 land 13118 !be and arc,' hereJby amended' aC'N cordingly. IRead ,a' third time and .passed at County OOU11Jcil Oh:amlbers, !3't. Thomas, this 19,th dayQlf J'anuary, 1940.. . Honorary Members: J. D. T.HOMiSON, Clerk ~ElNOE pAfl'l'mSON,. Warden' The memibers otf the AigricUlt'U.[1al IC'9mmittee ,O[f this CollDtcil. Thrut members of said ,Adtvisory AigrlcuJtural ,Council be paid the same 'as memlbers of tills Gouu'cil if'o!' 'attendanoelrut the two l11leetinig's/ required to be held annuallY, in lF1ebr1t.Hllry land :Novem9Jer., and t..lJJat , 100 ElLIG'IN OOUIN.TY OOUNCITL BY-LAW NO. 1340 BLom COUNTY COIONCTL 12.9 BY-LAW NO. 1341 To. Grant .the ,To'Yll-ship. -of Bayha.ltI. the Privlilege of O<5Uecting Their Own Taxes and Holding Tax ,Sales To Confirm the Equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the County of ,-Elgin i'Orthe Year 1940 The Eli~in' Clounty 'Council e'ItB.iots: < WHlEREiA!S the Township_', of Bayha.m has ,made application to' oollecttheii' own :tax arrears and'hold tax."sales; ~h~i thefollC1Wiug1" be ,the equalization of the'As,Sessment, Rollls I()f the Oounty <>f );]Jgin for the year 1949: Aldborough DunJwich Sou'bbwold Y'aa-m.outh :Mal~i<!e LBayh,aJJl: South tDorcheste~ .AJylmer Dutton lP@tStanley ISprinig.fleld Vienna Rodney IWest Lorne The E!l:gin LClGunty Council' ena:6ts: :3,705,656 4,048,205 5,104,276 5,3'13,553 3,440,976 2,':11215,735 2,080,584 1,5,85,082 512,653 94!3,[:89 184,874 121,044 421,450 3~8,366 That Subsection 11 .of ISeotion ." '2{)O, rGhwpter 2712 oftp.e. :RcVi~ed Si.;a.tutes ,c,f O~tario, 1937, ;shall 'aipply and extend to the Township of Bayham, " Read a third time and pas:sed a,t County Council Cham(be:r.s, st: Thomas, this 13th, day of ,June, 1940. J. D. 'T!HOrM'SON, Ck''1!, OLAREN1ClE PATllJmSiON,' Wa.rdcn BY-LAW NO. 1342 ...-.~)--... $ 30,23'5M5 . To Limit the" .speed . of Motor 'Vebiciles 'oil: County' Roa.ds Nos. 16 S.A. and, 20 Within the Limits of ,the Village. .ofFmgal 'Th~~. ,tb~ IgQUl;'icil 'is. wi,lling to have. the final' . equali2lation 'of assessment rolls, in case of ,a.ppeaJ, :m:ade (by the County Judge~ ~CI~q ,~, th~rd,. ti.me, and .pa.,;is~d at lQQ.unty IOOUlliCU .Ch'almlbers, S~. Thomas, this 19th day of JanUary, 194.0. The Elgin Oounty Council enacls: J. D. mQlM!~, OletrUt That sign:sibe -erected at the limits of the ViUa;ge of [Fl~ngaI ,on County Roads Nos. L6 IB:A. and 20, limiting the speed of .:alli mota-I' vel1f.c1les' to thi'1"tymiles .per hOlli,r IwtthiaI the J.in:Jjts of! !the said Vi1'lagE\ OLMlJIlN'OE PA'I'I'ElRSON, Warden , Read a thirrd time and passed at O:mnty Gouncil' ,Chamlhe:rs, St'. 'I~homals. this 13th day of June, 19-,*0. J. D. T1JjOMlSO~, ,clerk OLMlJElNOE lP.I\rI'I1ERSON, WM'den, 1~0 . ELGIN OOUNTYOOUNC!l'L ELGIN CQUNT'?' COUNIC!l'L 131 BY-LAW NO. 1343 '2. That ;thea;moun'ts, requiJred 1'0-1' County ,and fur High .and a.m.. tinuation !Sohool !purposes as set -forth in the !following schedule be levied in: , .thie ':res;pectivemunicipalities during 1:940 'and .paid to '"he County TreasureT .~ hy, lam requilfed. '. To Rais'e Amounts for COlUlty Rates During the' Yea.!: '1940 'WIHERE1AJSan 'estimatehias !been made showing that the sum aii' que Hundred -and Thirty,;,six Thousand and "F:if'ty-nill'e DoUars is 1'e- quiredtobe raised hi the seveI"al municipalities 'fOol' the lwwf;ulipur- iposes of the County during ,the' year lD40 on the basis of e!quali:?,ed ,assessment 'as, determined" in 1939. Municipality Aldborough Dunwlch ISouthwold Yarmouth lMal'aJhide Bayham ISouth Dorchester Aylmer Dutton !Port ,Stanley 'SpringLfield Vienna !Rodney 'West ' Lorne '!'otal ,Equalized Value 3,705,658 4,048,20. 5,10'4,276 5,3,1.3;553 3,440,97'6 2,425,73!5 2,000,584 1,585,0'82 '51.2,653 942,889 124,874 II.ll,044 421,450 348,366 . SCHED1JlUE Municipality School Ra.te Cowlty Genera.l Vocational Rate Total' 1st % 2nd'% bt%2nd% AldJ::orough ,.,$2,888 $2',8511 $ '736 $ 197 $6,422 $16,67'5 $23,0'97 ' Dunwich .................... 3,559 3,092 859 11(,5 7,675 ,18,217 25,8Y2 Southwold ... ......... 4,205 3,773 1,083 1;21l3' 10,3124 22,1969 33,'293 Y'aJrmouth ........ ....... 4,31712 4,1711 1,127 3,4'15 13;150 23,9111 37,061 Ma.lahide ,'. 2,9.49 3,003 ';30 26'4 7,81216 '15,484 23,310 Bayham I 1,9215 2,43'4 515 oI,P.74 10,916 15,790 South Dorch'rter 1,627 1,491 441 62 3;621 9,363 12,984 ' p.:Y1"t Stariley '829 954 200 4'17 2,~60 4,2'43 0,7U3 ' Aylmer 336 162 498 7,13'"3, 7,631 Dutton ... .... ...............".;, 108 1.56 264 2.3U7 2,571 Springfield 39 19 58 83,2 890 Vienna 26 26 545 571 .Rodney 89 89 1:896 1,985 West Lome ....... 74 1.73 247 1,568 1,315 ,--- -. -----.-.. -~ - ---,...,--- ~~---- $00,354 $22,354 $ 6,413 $M13 $57,p34 $W6,Oli9$193,593 ..AND WHERIE'AiS the 'estimated amount J.oequired for 'High ,and ,Continuation ,SChool :purpo'ses rbased on maintenance C'osts for 1939 .as determined 'under provisio'l1sof the IHighSchool Acts is Fif1ty~ seven Thousand Five '~undred and Thirty-four DoHal's. iRead a third time and pa.ssed' at COunty C'ouncil Chambers, St. Thomas, ,-this 14th drIlY of '.lime, 19'40. $ ~9,2~5,345 J. [). THOMSON, Clerk OLAIRiElNCE PAIIU"ERISON, Warden ~ the Council of ,the Municipal Corporation of. the Oounty of Eil'gin enact;s: 1. That.a rate of if'our. ,and one-half mills on the d!o-l1a.r be levied on aJ.l rateable' property in. the.. severnJ. municiIP3.J.i-ties :in. the IQ'OWlty of Elgin.,as ,wove 'set ',t:orth for the year 1940. 133 ELGIN COUNTY aOUN1mL 133. mLGtN COUNTY COru'NC!1L B'l'-LAW NO. 1344 B'l'-LAWNO. 1346 , To Mak~ Provision fur a Discount on Pre..payment of CountY' Rate or a. Portion Thereof of the Corpora.tion of the County of Elgin The E,'}gin County Council ena:cls: A By-law to Authorize the- . Union Gas Compa.n~ of IOanada., Li.mitC'd~ (Uereinaftet' ,aaned the "Coonpany") to.- Cems,wet, Use and Operate W,orks Requirt',d f'or the Transmissio:n of Gas That when alocaJ municipal1ty pays t.he coun,ty rate orl .portion the:t;'eotf before it comes due a discouut be ~a..ll(llwed at the same rate per ,annum 'as the .coul1typa.ys on money hOrrJ:Oiwed :at. the ibanik.. FI]NiA[jLY iBAlSSED,the 14th day of June, 1940. !Read .a thi.rd time and passed,'at OQunty Council \Chamibers, St. Thomas, this 13th da.y of 'June, 1940. WIHlEREAiS the 'Company has ,requested the Municipal !Carpal''':' atioD. of the County of Elgin to 'grant to it a. franchise (1<1' rtght ctf entering upon the highways nCIW (]Ir, hereaifter within. ,the jursdidion of the ;saidCorporation.for the purpose of constructing' lines, work's or systems f.Oor the transmission of gas, and the right to Iconstruc,t, USe a,nd OIP:erate w011ks for the sa.id purpose<.<:, J.D. 'IiHOMOON, Clerk OIiARiEN'CE PATTERSON, Wal'df'll BY-Lu\W NO. ]345 ANlD WHEiRJEAlSsub.ject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set fO!rth, theiCcunDil ofl the said iCounty has; ,agreed to! grant the saidi franchis\.!, . '~~~ To J\p;pointMembers to the BOa.l'{l oif Educa.tionofl Aylmer J3iE . I'lJ "IiHElRiE1FIORiE iEh"MlO'IIEJD by the Council .of the,. Cor.pi)l'~ ation: of the County of Eligin, ,asfollows:----, . !WlHEiRlElAS' the legislation .of 1939 required the appointment of additional trustees when requested by reoolutiQ-llOf the Bua,rd of Educa:tion and 11. "The cons:ent, permission and authority or the . GOIlpQl1"1ation of the CbuntYl(}lf iEl.g1in, herema,fter loalled the ":CoTporatLOilil"' Ia.r:~ here'l:)Y given and ,g.ranted to the Union' Gas Oompan,y of Canada, ["imited, to. enter 'Upon the highwa,ys noW" Dr ,he'reafter within the jp.r~s.clic:tio1l1 i')f the S'aid'Oorpora,tion, . and to lay, maint.ain, o,perate ,and :l"epadr:sucl1 mains 'and piJpes therein as the" ICompany may require IrQ!' the trans- mission of -gas in' a.ndthrough the sa;id' Oounty, together (With the right "to. !Construct, maJntain and l'epajr all necessaxy regula-to,l's, valves, cllrlb booces, safety' 19Jp'pliances and. o.therappurtena.n<leS'neC~3~ sary in ~onnection'therelWith, u.pon and is'ullJjeot to. the Icondi'tions set out in the ,agreement to .he entered into:in:, pUrsuaTIic'e of ,this bY-I~W. 'WIHiElREAlS the ~]mer Boarrd of Edu0ation has pass,ed ,a :reSiOlU- .tion requesting that tlwo .additionaJ trustees be 'appointed. The :E.'lgin ,County Council enacts: Tha.tlR, E, Wilson be 3Jpipointed trustee to. the ,end' of the present year. That Leo Bodkin bea-ppointed' trustee to the end of 194~, Read ia .thirrd time and passed at Gnunrty Cduncil Ohaimlbers, st. Thomas, this 14th lla;y of .June, 1940. '2. The !Warden 'and ICleI1k of the said Municipality are hereby authorized and empowered to enter into. ,and to. execute on /behalf! of the MunicLpaitly an agr.eement in the fonn hereto annexed, and ,to. affix "the co:rpotate S€.al thereto. I J. (D, 'I1HOMISON, Clerk C'LARENCE PA'I'I1ERSON, Warden 1;34. ElIJGIN COUNTY COUNC[!L EIL(1[1>f COUNTY COUNCIL 135 J:D. T~OMSoN, Clerk OLAlREIN'CE PA=ERSON, Wardei.l 7.. That-by..laws Nos. 1220, 1270 and 1295 be <and are hereby r,:- pealed. Read a third time and passed at County C'ouncil pharoJbers,' S't,. Thoma;s, this 21st day {)If' -November, J940.' 3. This Ib-y..lalwsh'all come into force and _ ta:ke effect immediately after -theaJgreement hereto annexed sh[dl have been executed by an the 'iparties her~,to; J. D. THOMSON, Clerk OLARElNCE. PATTERSON, Warden BY-LAW NO 1347 To Appoint Officers of the House .of" Refuge BY-LAW NO. 1348 The Elgin County Council - enact..s: To RepeatBy":la~v No. 132~ 1. That -- Frederick ,Ingr,a'm !he ,and is hereby -- -appointed Keeper, and his - wi:fe, Ethel ltig'ram, _ (be and is. h6l"2Iby,appointed Matron -of' the Horus'e -of Refuge to hold offi.oe during' :the' pleasure Ofl ,the,oCouncil; Tl;1.e - Elgin, Gounty _ Gouncil enacts: That 'by..lruw 'No, 13~6 "To Aippoint ,a 100erk Emeritus" !be an(l is ' hereby repealed. ',\ :2'; That the ,c'omlbinedsalaries of the, Keep,ei' and MatroOn be and are herehY :fixed ,at F'iif:teen Hundred Dollars: per annum., rpa.ya.Jbl-e: ~onthIY. Read. a third time. and passed at Oounty Council OhMnlPell's,:St.. Thomas, this 21st day of iNovemlber, 1940. . 3; 'That the said Keeper and' Matr,on ma.y mire -or discharge all h:e1p' required' at the Institution' 'with the aJpipiroval of the Inspectur .and .the: l6hai~man of the Commit~ee'; the said hired, help to be paid by the COl111ty: J. D. THOMJSON, .clerk: OLAIRInN1CE PATI1ERJSONtL Warden 4. That Douglas' iL. Ewin,M.lD., be and is. hereby. appointed Phy- sician of the House 'of Refuge at ,-a:;a..1:uwofTIV.'o Hundl1'"edand 'Sev~ venty Dollars per annum, pay,abl-e quarterly. BY-'LAW NO. 1349 15. That J. ID. Thomson be and is hereby .appointed Ins:p~tol' 'Of the House of Refuge. To Amend By-Law No. 1327 The Elgin County Council' enacts: 6'" That' a; clOmmittee' otthree lU€[mbers of the Gowen, to 'be. called the IStanding Committee ,of ,M'anagement of the' House of Refuge; be aprpo,intect 'annually; at the first, seSlSion in each 'Y€lar; That the s'alarY' of John D. Thom.son, ICounty Clerk, he Fifteen Hundred' Dollars .per 'anlml11; paYElible 'monthly. ' 136 BLOW COVNTY COUNIC!lL ELGIN COUNTY COVN'CIL .137 That 'by-lam. No. 13127 be and is herrby amended accordingly. J. D. 'DHOMSON, Clerk OLARElN'CE PA'ITElRSON, W,arden WlHElRiElAiS the Company has requested the Corporation of the County 'of El,gin to :grant to it 'a' franel1!,sc 'lJIl' ','rig'ht af' entering! t'!;PlOl1 the highways now or he1'eina:fter within 'the jurisdictLon 'P,f the' said Corpnratioll f6r theipur:pose of consti'ucting gas nnes, Iworks or~ys;" terns fo.r the ,transmission of 'gas,' and the right to IOOil1str:uct, use and' ~operate 'Workts for.the said purpose. ' !Read a thirrd time and passed at 100Unty Council Cha.mbers, St.. ThomalS, .this 21st day of November, 19'10, A;N1D 'WlHlIDRlEAJS su/bject to thetel'lllS and cond.i;tions herea.f,tel' set -fm:th, .theOouncil 'uf the'.s.aJd 'Corporation -has agreed't()l :grant the s-aidfranchise. BY-LAW NO. 1350 iE'3'1 !T, ,!IHElRElFIOIREElN:AldTIEJD by the CouncH-of the ICorpQr- ation (;If the'OcuntY,of 'Eligin" as f,oUGr.vs:-- To Amend By-Law No. 1167 J. D. THOMSON, Clerk GiI..hR\ENlCE PA"I'T~SON; 'Warden -1. 'ihe c'cnsent, permissi,on and 'u.uthority uf the Gor:PQ1.~tiol1, of the Oounty 'of !E['gih, hei'einafter called "The ,Cmpo.r~tion" are here- /by given and g:ranted tOo "The Oentral PipeLine IClompany, ,Limtt.ed", to enter UpOJ;1 the hi'ghlwa.ys now ,or heltaft.er 'within the jurisdicdon cf the said iQ'pr;po,rat.icn and to lay,:ooll,':ltrucrt, maintain, operate'anp. repair such mains,and pirpestherein:nstheICompany,may' ":require fe.r 'the ,tr,anS:miE,~i6h of gas in 'and' through said 'County, to,getherwith the right to C'OifitStruct, maintain ancl 1 epair lall necessa:ry' 'r:egula~01.S, valve3, cur;o ib.ox,es 8.,nd .~a.fety appliances and other ;,a:wurtena.nces ,necessary in eonnection therewith, and to co~:st;ruct"use and opel',ate 'Upon the said higbJwa,yall ,nther works 'yequired for the tral1iSmhssion and ooH'ectinn oIga:snp.t int.ended fOl' sale or . Use e~mBpt to' persons whose lahds abut en the' hiighway, <llJong or across which, the '.same, is carried or c,onveyed. ISU!BJ1IDdT at ,all times to the conditions set Qut in the' agreement to he entered into inpursuanoe ,to! this '1b(Y-[aiW. The Elgin 'Oounty .oouncil enacts: That the. bS'al,ary of the Gounty Tr€as~lrer' ij}e: 'Ilwo Thousand DDl- !a"r;s .per annum, :paywble monthly. Tha;t 1b(y.;lww' No, 116'7 be and is hereby amended 'a.ccordingly. iRead ',a'ithird 'time and passed nt IOOunty 1Q'ouncil Chambter3, st. ,ThOrn-alS, this 21st day o.f NiO-vember, 1940,. .BY-LAW NO. 1351 2., The Warden and Clerk of the Cor;po.ration .are hereiby,author-~ ized and ,empowered to enter into and '8xecute\on behalf ofl the Gor'" 'pora.tion .art ,agreement in the f.oorm hE'~reto a.nnexedandto affix ohcre- to the oo.rlporate seal. of the iOorrporation. oil the 'Corporation of the County of Elgin ,A I By-laM' to Authorize th.e C'entral Pipe Line Coonpariy~ Limited~ (Hereinafter Cialledthe 'Oompauy) to Construct, Usa and Operate Works f.or' the "J~l'al1smissio:n of Gas '3. Thislby-lww shall come into, force and take effect immedIately . " ,I after the agreement hereto annexed shall h8.Jve1heeu'executedhythe parti,es hereto, ' FllN,AITJIiY' PAlSIElElD this 21st day of November, AD., :1940. J. D. 'DH;OMSON, Clerk ; OLARJElNOE PAlITmSON, 'Waxden li8 ELIGIN COUN:ry OOUNOIL INDEX BY-LAWS~ No; 1329 To: Revert a Oounty' ROfl.,d in the Town of Aylmer 1330 'I'o ,,Appoint ,a Member of the Aylmer Board \ of Education 1331 To Desi:gnlate a Through Street in the Village of Dutton 13-32 "1'0 Appoint Hi.Jgh School'-- Trustees. ............... ............20, 13~3 To Provide ,f,(}r the 'rotal Expenditure on tile .' System ofeounty RDads 'in the Couhty dUring the year 1940 21, 133'4 To AJppnint an Inspec'tnr re the durn Borer ..... :22, 133,5 To Appoint a 'Board of Audit ..... ....................... ...... 22, 1336 'IIoAuthorize the ~arden and Treasurer to Hor- row'TIwo !Hundred Thousand DaHars ...,................ .'23, 13'37 To APPQiiht County Hoad iCommJttee ....... ....."""... 2:3, 1338 To Appo~nt,an Advisory J\..gricultural C'ouncil."....24, 13"39 < To Fixthe8al'a.ry ,elf the County Road Superin- tendent and IDeputy 'County LRoadSThperintend~ eut 1340 _rIb Confirm the Equali~att(!:(l of the Assessment. Riol1s for the Year 1940 ............. ..."................".... . 215, 134J1 To ,GraI).t the Township of Bayham the Privi- lege n! rOonecting Their ,own Taxes and Holding Tax Sales ............... ""................34, 40, 1342 To:'Limit the Speed -of Motor Veh~des on Coun- ty' Roads 'Nos. :L6 B.A, and 20 'Within the !Limits of ,:the'Village of li'iugal 1343 To :Raise Amounts J;nr CO\1nty Rates Durmg ,the Year 1940 13-44 To Make Provision 'far a' DiSCOunt oIiPre-,pay- ment' of County Rate or aPortioOu Thereof....34, 42, 1345 . To Appoint Members to, the Board of Education of Aiy'lmer ... ....".. ...............................38,43, 1346 To Authorize the Union Gas iOompany ,Of, Can- ada, ','Limited, to GOll'struct, -Use and .operate Works Required f{ll'" the TransmiSSion of Gas ...A3, 120 120 121 1211 122 123 124 12,5 '125 126 12~ 128 129 129 130 132 132 183 I i I I , EDGIN COUNTY rorr.rn:CTL 139 No. 1347 To Appoint Officers of the 'House of Refuge:. .. 57, 134 1348 Tin Repeal ,By-Ia;w, No, 1.328 .... ...."............."....".......:57, 135 1349 To Amend BY-Lalw No.. 13217.: . .. . . . .............58, 135 1350 To Amend By-lam No. H67.. ........'59, 136 13511 'I'o ,Authorize the Cent.ral, iPipe Line Company, Limited, to iOonstruct, Use and Operate Works for the Tr.ansmj~ion of Gas ....'59, 136 GRAN'IlS - AgIicultura.1 and Hc,rticultural 'SociE'ties Agricultural Coun,eil L. B. Birdsall Canadian NaUonal Institute for the 'ELgin G'ounty ::Library Association... \ Elgin Re,giment j Home Gua.rd Units MuniCipal Associati-on P1liblic LiJbraries Red ,cross Salvation Army Trustees' ,and Ratepayers' AssocJ.a.tion Warden Womer~'s Instituters 16 113 56 64 .....15, 49, po., 64, 115 64 11 115 64 10 56 11 lVJjISCffilillJANEOU,S - Advisory AJgricultural'C'ommittee AdvisiClirY Children's Aid Commit.too AdvisOl'y County Roa.d Committee ,Assessment Act Aylmer Hi'gh ISchool Bayham to Collect OWn A.rre,ars of Taxes,. Board of Audit Children's Aid Society Communications .County Auditors County Council Ciounty Otp.cdals 113 ................ ......................18, 72 15 :!8 100 34 10 18 .'...............7. 29, 46, 49, 52 11 3 2 6, I I J , ,J 40 j 50 I I @ \ 27 12 23 \ 45 11 ! 2 27 26. 26 26 64 4:5 .1 :]9 EllJOrN COUNTY COUNCIL 141 140 EWlNCOUNTY OOUNCIIL ICotmty Picnic .coUnty. Roads Deputatlons and Committees Equalization:Acppe'al High ISichool, "Trustees Hospitals . HOUse ot Refuge ,Memorial Hospital S~atement Municipal Clerks and Treasure'r;s New Legislation Ontario Educa.tiona.l Association Ontario Gnod Roads Assc<Ciation Ontario lMu~ici'Pal Association ;Plawing 'Match Wa1'den:'s AddrelSs Warden's Election 'War. Purposes Fund RJElSOLU'NONS- iAdministration of Justice iOhamber of Commerce iChildren's Aid Society - Co:n:scription of [Wealth Private Hospital Registration of Aliens IBetting Prices on Farm ISterili2lation ISubuJ:iban Area Road Teachers' :Conventions Costs 17 39 .. ...38, 34 35 ................36. G4 .........3-2, 20 ...153; 55 15 55 50 Wiard.. Products 12, '-27, "..............................34, 35, 36, R,'E;PORTS Oil" 'C~EJES AND OFFmmAILS- \A'g1ri'cultural Committee "... ............. ..............;..............:......:16, 52, 1,'13 1,-" IChildren'.s_Aid Committee, ,.", .n'.'.... . ........ ,-,..._.. 38 100ru' Borer, Inspector .....................'.. ..........,.....................................53, 116 ,. 'Gounty Auditors ............. .. .................... -..........:.......'......64, 75 County Ro,ad lqommittee ........ ........." ....... .. ....14, 3~, 40, H4 lOounty 'treasurer .............................. .................64, .78 'Oomity iOlerk on Li'censes . ..................., ..'." ......... 117 iEduca.tionOonnnittee . ...... .. ........,......... .............. ........:........ ..............17, 99 :FinaYiCe1Qommittee ..>.. >....... ...:..-...-.;.17, 18, 312,3'3, .38,5\3, 55, 6,3 lQao~ .Committee ................- '" '..... "., .;.. ...c.....':..... .........'.............,,14; 52,' 95 IHouse 0[', -Refuge Committee ..... ....... ,,'....._.. .....14, 37, 512; 101 Inspector, House of,LRefug'e ............. ..... ..................................... ........4:8; lOB LiPbysi:cian" House of Ref'U1ge "....... ..'.:.' ........."........... .................. ..,,47, 10-1 IMothers' Allo.wances ;...., ,,"... ....w.........., ....... ..................... ...............48,' 119 Old Ai'ge Pensions ......'.......................... ...... ................. ................... ....-48, 118 !Petitions and Legislation Committee ......... .-.....1'1, 33, 53 110 ,IStanding Committees ..... ...........-..1..... ' 4 Wax, '!Purposes ...'........'.....,.. .............. ...'................. ..... ..............,....,50, 1'15 '~\