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1941 Minutes I I I PROCEEDINGS -OF THE- Elgin County Council Dunng the Sessions held in the COURT HOUSE. ST. THOMAS in the months of January, June and November 1941 JOHN D, THOMSON, County Clerk. J. G, TURNBULL, Warden, OFFICIALS, 1941 D. C. Ross, County Judge E, Blake Miller, Registrar 1. D. Cameron, County Court Clerk, Sheriff E. W. Haines, Clerk of the Peace and County Crown Attorney 'Major C, P; Ermatinger, Gaoler J. C. Smith, Public Hehaot Inspector John D. Thompson, lona Station, County Clerk and Inspector, House of Refuge Benjamin B. Graham, County Treasurer F. A. Bell, C,E., County Road Superintendent George Powles, Assistant County Road Supt. E. S. Livermore, County Solicitor Douglas L. Ewin, M.D., Physician, I-louse of Refuge and Gaol Fred H. Ingram, Keeper House of Refuge E. Donald Smith, County Police Magistrate Frank C, Kelly, High County Constable SummeJ's Harper, Aylmer R,R. 1, County COrn Borer Inspector County Auditors: J>. M. Leitch, West Iorne; W. E. Locke, St. Thomas R.R. 8 PROCEEDINGS -OF THE- Elgin County Council FIRST SESSION-FIRST DAY Tuesday, the 21st (lay of JanuaTY, 1941 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, as required by Statute. The following members filed certificates and took their seats at . the Council Board: MUNICIPAL CLERRS AND TREASURERS Municipality Clerk Treasw'el' Vera Carpentel',Rodney.m....W. S. Stalker, R. R, 1, Rodney Dunwichnnm.A. N. McWilliam, Duttou...n...Mrs. Mildred McNeil, Dutton Southwoldm.J. S, B. Annett, FingaL..Chas. E. Jackson, R. 2, Pt. Stanley Yarmouth..u.ummu.....H. L. La'wton,'St. L. Lawton Malahide..........................__E. E. M;cTaggart, Aylmermmmu.E. E. McTaggart Bayhamm.......nmmm...........J. D. Vallee........muu.M. Stratton, Strffordville South Dorchester.___M. S, Charlton, R. 1, SpringfieldnnM. S, Charlton Town of Aylmer........................John S. Foy.... .........John S. Foy Village of Vienna.............__.....M. D. Berdan.....__.........................M. D. Berdan Village of Springfield................Johu H. Cathers Village of Duttou__m......u...Z. E. MacCallum.......... .....m ....Z.E. MacCallum Village of Port StanleY....m.W. A. Hawkins...m..................W. A. Hawkins Village of Rodrtey................Geo., L: L. Mistele Village of West Lornc........L. W. Holland.... m... ....Mrs. Tena McGregor J. R.Bandeen, Reeve, Aldborough. John C. Gillies, Deputy-Reeve, Adlborough. Alex. N. Walker, Reeve, Dunwich. J. D. :McMillan, Deputy Reeve, Dunwich. R. Auckland, Reeve, Southwold. Stewart Brown, Deputy Reeve, Southwold. Roy Tansley, Reeve, Yarmouth. 4 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 5 -------;/0 L. Harries, Deputy Reeve, Yarmouth. Whereas this Elgin County Council realizes the many uncontroll- able problems confronting the farmer, such as shortage of labor, high wages, high prices for everything he has to purchMe to equip, operate and maintain his farm, as compared with the low prices he isfol'ced to accept for his produce, and realizing that everything possible should be done by our Governments at this critical time to encourage the farmer to produce to capacity, rather than to discourage by pegging price.s far below the cost of production, Gordon Newell, Reeve, Malahide. Roy Britton, Deputy Reeve, Malahide. .J, G. Turnbull, Reeve, Bayham. A. E. Brown, Deputy Reeve, Bayham. THEREFORE be it resolved that we, this Elgin County Council, request the Dominion Government and the War Time Price Fixing Board to reconsider their action in pegging the price of butter and thus avoid a dangerous shortage of dairy products; H,. G. Taylor, Reeve, South Dorchester. E. E. Atkinson, Reeve" Aylmer. AND that copies of this resolution be sent to all County Councils., Honorable James Gardiner, Honorable MacKenzie .King, Wilson Mills, M.P., and to the Agricultural Council at Toronto. F. L. Truman, Deputy Reeve, Aylmer. Delbert Ryan, Reeve, Vienna. After some discus.sion the motion was carried unanimously. GeOl'ge Craik, _Reeve, Springfield. Mr. Wilson Mills, M.P., then addressed the Council. Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by A. E-. Brown; Dugald Brown, Reeve, Port Stanley. J, D. Fraser, Reeve, Dutton. That this Council do now adjourn to meet on Wednesday at 10 a.m., and that the Reeves of the different municipalities be a cpminittee to appoint ,the -Standing Committees. H'enry Miller, ,Reeve, West Lorne. Ernest Lashbrook, Reeve, Radney. -:Carded. The Election of Warden was then proceeded with and on the third ballot Reeve Turnbull, of Bayham, who received a majority vote of the whole Council, was declared duly elected Warden for the year 1941. l: 'C-J, C;..J'URN!lULL,Wa.rden. The Warden made the statutory dec!aratiou; took his seat and thanked the Council for the honour conferred; Moved by ,H. G. Taylor, Seconded by Stewart Brown; ~. 6 ELGIN COUNTY .cOUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 7 FIRST SESSION-SECOND DAY House of Refuge Wednes'day, the 2,2nd ,day of January, 1941 The Provincial Inspector has submitted a report on conditions at the County Home; the'matter of installation of a fire'-alarm system and stokers should be di,scussed. The report on management of the Home is very satisfactory. The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment.- The Warden in the Chair. The large decrease in the number of unemployed has resulted in a r~duction of hospitalization costs to the County. All the members' present. The Warden addressed the Council: The condition of Agriculture is rather discouraging to the farmer, the prices of f3:rm 'products arc below cost of productiollt and' the result of the farm conference London has beep disappointing to him. ' To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The minutes of the previous day were read and confirmed. Moved by E. E. Atkinson, . . . At this, the opening session of 1941, I desire to again thanh: you for the honour c.o,nferred in electing me your: presiding .officer fqr the year 1941. I know that matters of County inte:rest".:will receive your very best consideration and that you will forget personal interests and preferences so that at the end of the year we may all be pleased with the results of our labours. Seconded by J. R. Bandeen:- That representatives from the, Salv'a.tion. ANny,:.:and, .the' Domifiion Fire Alarms System be now heard.' -Carried. !The end of the War is not in sight anct'it.willreq,uire gi'eat-per- sonal sacrifices on the part of everyone before victory will be ours. Owing. to, the large, increase in taxation imposed by the Federal Goy... ernment the County CouncUshould endeavour to curtail all unneces- sary expel)ditures toease'-the' burden placed on all taxpayers. Major Flannigan, of the Salvation Army, addressed the Council on th.e, A~l!lY ,VY.ork and, r9Q':1es!ed €I: ~ grant. The Warden referred the matter to the Finance Committee, Roads Mr. Carson, of the Dominion- Fire Alal'ms System, addi'essed th~ Council re the installation of a system in the County House of Refuge. The roads are in fair c'ondition considering the wet .summer and fall we had" with the exception of the 'Fingal Suburban Area road. I believe this ,road, or a portion of it should be paved as, with the heavy traffic tathe Fingal Airport, it will be impossible to maintain it as a gravel i'Q~dl 'The Warden referred this matteI' to' the' UOlJ,se of. Refuge Com..' mlttee. 1\ The follawi.J:.1l2: GQmmuniGa~U.qu~ 'Yl:!~'~ 1.t,;:aq,,~, . ~;" ltj, III I 8 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 9 From Ontario Agricultural Council re notice of annual meeting and request for grant.-Referred to Agricultural Committee. ' From The Ontario Municipal Associatnm re appointment of dele- gates and membershipfee.-Referred to Finance Committee. From Ontario Education Association re appointment of delegates and membevshipfee.-Referred to Education Committee. From the County of Perth with three resolutions~(l) Egg Grad- ing Station; (2) Grain Freight Assistance, and (3) Soldier farm labor. -Referred to Agricultural Committee. From the Salvation Army with request for grant.-Referred to Finance Committee. !From Ontario Good Roads Association re annual convention and membership fee.-Referred to Roads Committee. From County of Kent with resolution re railway transportation for soldiers.-Refcrred to Petitions ',& Legislations Committee. From Ontario Department of Highway.s re amendment to the Act to provide fo\' a fund for the purpose of buying road machinery.- Referred to Roads Committee. From Armstrong', DeWitt and Crossin re insurance on county employee,s.-Referred to Finance Committee. From County of Halton re the subsidizing of agricultural cornmo- dities.-Referred AgriculturaJ Committee. IFrorq. Provincial In'spector of Refuges with report.---'Referr~d to House of Refuge Committee. 'From County, of Simcoe re the problem of farm labor.-Referred to Petitions & Legislations Committee. ,From Honourable J. G. Gardiner re setting- of prices on farm produce.-Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From Ontario Reforestation Association with report and request for ,gi:ant.-Referred .to Finance Committee. 'From Wilson H. Mills, M.P., re setting of prices on farm pro- ducts.-Refen'ed to Agricultural Committee. From County cif Peel with resolution re price of fann products.- ~eferred to Agricultural Committee. !From, Honourable M. F. Hepburn re ,Suburban Arearoads.-Re. ferred to Roads' Ccmmittee. From County of Peel with resolution re ,cost of Royal Commissions. -Referr.ed to Petitions & Legislations COinmittee. From ,The Canadian National Institute for the Blind with t"equest for ,gt'ant.-Referred to Finance Committee. From County',of Peel with resDlution re coSf~ of Adminish'ation of .:fW3tice,-Ref~:rred to Petitions and Legis)ations Committee. From Corpora.l I(eIly re Gaol faci1ities.-Referred to Gaol Cbm.- ll'littee. From County of Peel with resolution re aIlowa.nce to officers con- nected wif:.h, the,Administra.tion of J'Ustice.-Referl:ed to Petitions and Legislations 'Committee. ,From The- NavY League of Canada with re.que~t for grant.-,-1t"e- l.'crred to Finance 'Committee. From ,County of Wellan!i with re,soIution re the' price of farm. p1"O- duc.~,~;R~f~n~~ to A~!'tQ\\ltural Committee. From F.' S.Thomas, Agricultural, Repres!futative' for tb.e' County of. EIg41, ie the el'adic,ation of tub'el'culosis am61ig ca.ttle.-RHe-l,"l,'eQ to. the AgdCultur!;l.1 Co~mittee, , l I III II , '! Ii !] I !: 10 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 11 'From Mrs. G,F. Pinneo and family~Card of Thanks.-Filed. From War Savings Committee with request for 'grant,-Referred to Finance Committee. From Village of Dutton re the designating of certain roads county -l'oadl;l.-Referred to Roads Committee. as From Town of Aylmer 1'e assuming as a county road, road in the Township of Malahide.-Referred to Roads Committee. From Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities 1'0 annual meet~ ing and membership fee.-Refel'1'ed to Finance Committee. From J. C. Smith, Public School Inspector, thanks for telephone. -Filed. From Association of' Managers of Homes for' the Aged and Infirm re annual convention and request for membership fce.-Referred to House of Refuge Committee. From Ex~ Wardens' Association with resolution,-Filed. From Dominion Fire & Burglary Alarms System with report on cost of installat.ion of the system at the Elgin House of Refuge.-Re- ferred to House of Refuge Committee. Report on communications received re resolutions passed by the Elgin Council~ From Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, with rcq:uest for grant. ~Referred to Finance Committee. 1. Setting of price of farm commodities: No action~Middlesex, Hastings Filed-Per~h, Brant Endorsed-Wentworth. From County of Hastings with l'esolution 1'e costs of Administra- tion of Justice.-Referl'ed to Petitions and Legislations Committee. 2. Stabilizing the price of bacon:' No action-Middlesex, Hastings Filed-Perth, Brant 'Endorsed-Lincoln, wentworth, Norfolk. Processing of bacon: Not endorsed: Wentworth. From County of VictOl'ia with resolution re fees for entrance examinations,-Referred to Education Committee. From County of Oxford with resolution, re ti'ansportation of the Dominion's fighting for-ces.-Referred to Petitions and Legislations Committee. 3. Teachers' Convention: Concurred-Middlesex Filed-Perth, Brant No action-Simcoe, Hastings Not endorsed-Wentworth. , From County: "of Petel'borough with r,esolulion re Old Age Pen- sions.-Referred to F'inance Committee, 'From Mil'lister of National Defence for 'Air re Fingal SU1,burban' Area Road,....:...Refel'1'ed to Roads Committee. Department 'Of Education-Regulations for Teachers' Institutes sus.pended for the duration of the War. 'F'l'Cim~Livingstone ,Underfeed Stokers Ltd., ;with-feport'.re- cost 9f instalIatioh"~of '.stdker.s at.,theCourt., House and 'GaoI.-:..Refet"l'e.d~tQ Committee. Mess'rs. Thomas, Williams, and Simpson of the Plowmen's Asso- ciation then addressed the 'Council thanking them for their assistance ~nd co.-operation in holding the Plowing Mlatch in Elgin, COUl'lty last ':fear i they 8,lSO presented the County with a cheque for Five Hundred Ii"" 12 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 13 Dollars, balance returned to the County. FIRST SESSION -TIDRD DAY I I I , Mr. Grant Mitchell, Chairman of the Agricultural Advisory Board addressed the Council and asked for the usual grant. Thursday, the 23rd day of January, 1941 The report of the Standing Committees was presented and on motion of E. Lashbrook, seconded by S. Brown, it was adopted as read. The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. ,The Warden in the chair. Moved by H. G. "Tiiylor, Seconded 'by F, L. Truman: All the members present. That this County Council do now adjourn in funeral of the late George Stewart and to meet morning at 9.30. order to attend the again on Thursday The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed, The report of the Agricultural Committee was presented and adopted on motion of R. Auckland, seconded by R. Tansley. -Carried. The report'pf the Petitions and ,Legislation Committee was pre- sented and adopted on motion of J. G. Gillies, seconded by S. Brown. '. '. \ -J. G. TURNBULL; Warden. The report from the Children's Aid Society was presented,. received and ordered printed in the proceedings. Moved by J. R. Bandeen, Seconded by H. G. Taylor: That John C. Gillies be appointed a member of the Board of Audit of Administration of Justice accounts for 1941. -Carried. Moved by E. E. Atkinson, Seconded by H. Miller: ..,.... That A. N. Walker and J. D. Fraser be appointed to the Road Committee as advisory members. -Carried. 'II I 14 EL'G'IN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 15 Moved by A. E. Brown, Moved by J. C. Gillies, Seconded by George Craik: Seconded by J. R. Bandeeu: That the usual grants to Public Libraries be paid, i.e., $50.00 each, to Rodney, West Lorne, Dutton, Aylmer, Port Stanley, Vienna, SpringM field, Sparta, Bayham, Shedden and' Port Burwell.- $25,00 each to Wurdsville and Belmont. That this Council do now adjourn to meet at two o'clock this afternoon. -Carried. -Carried. The Council resumed. Moved by D. Ryan, Moved by F. L. Truman, Seconded by R. Auckland: Seconded by E. E. Atkinson: That Merton Chute be appointed a trustee of the Vienna High School for a term of two years. ,; That this Council do now hear Mjl'. Frank Evans, Engineer with the British Commonwealth Air Training Scheme. '~);' -Carried. -Carried. Moved by H. G. Taylor, Mr. Evans then addressed the Council re the road to the airport north of Aylmer, and the matter was referred to the Road Committee. Seconded by L, N: Harries: That the usual grant of $50.00 be given to the Elgin Trustees and Ratepayers' Association. _Mr, Whitlock addressed the Councilre a grant to the Greek Relief Fund, and the request was referred to the War 'Purposes Com~ mittee, -Carried. Communication from Mr. Livermore re monies received for in- mates in the House of Refuge was referred to' the Finance Com- mittee. Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by E. E. Atkinson: The County Auditors' report was l:eceived and referred to the Finance Committee. That the usual grants to the Women's Institutes in the County be paid: $10.00 to each Institute, and $25,00 to the East and West Dis- tl'ict Institutes, and $5.00 to each Institute where public oratory con- tests are held, Every Institute wishing to take advantage of this addi- tional $5.00 grant must satisfy the Clerk and Treasurer a~ to their qualification for applying for the grant. 'The County Treasurer's report was received and referred to the Finance Committee. Moved by R. Britton, -Ca."'ried. Seconded by L. N. Harries: l 16 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 17 That grants to Agricultural and Horticultural Societies be the same as last year, Le. Agricultural Societies. equivalent to .the govern- ment grant for 1941~Aldborough. Aylmer, Shedden, West Elgin, Yar- mouth and Springfield. FIRST SESSION - FOURTH DAY Friday, 24th day of January, 1941 Horticultural Societies, 25% of the government grant for 1941- Aylmer, Dutton, Springfielld, Shedden, Rodney, West Larue and Belmont, The Elgin County Council met this, day at the Court House in st. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the chair. -Carried. Moved by E. E.Atkinson, All the members present. Seconded by .T. C. Gillies: The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. That under present conditions we recommend that the Elgin Municipal Association be ca:vcelled for the dUl';lti<JU of the war. Mr, F. S, Thomas addressed the Council re farm labor.'.:'~t.d, The report of the Roads Committee was presented and the Council went into a Committee of the whole. After considerable discussion the report was adopted as amended, on motion of Mr. Craik, and seconded by Mr. Fraser. Moved by G. Newell, Seconded by A. N. Walker: The first report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Mr. Tansley, seconded by Mr. Bandeen. That the Department of National Defence be requested to refrain from calling to service those young men whose presence is nece.ssary to the production of food, and that a copy of this resolution be for- warded to the Department of Defence, Wilson Mills, The Ontario Agricultural Council, and all County Councils. The second report of the Finance Committee was presented, and adopted on motion of Mr.. Tansley, seconded by Mr. Lashbrook. -Carried. The ,third report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Mr. Tansley, seconded by Mr. Fraser. Moved'" A. E. Brown, Seconded by George Craik: 'That this Council do now adjourn to meet again at 9.30 on Friday morning. The report of the Gaol Committee was .presented and adopted on motion of ,Mr. Truman, seconded by Mr. Craik. -Carried. 'The report of the House of Refuge Comrriittee was presented and adopted on mOtion of Mr. Atkinson, seconded by Mr. Harries, --J. G. TURNBULL, Warden. The report of the Education Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Mr. Taylor, seconded by Mr, Gillies. 18 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 19 Moved by George Craik, Moved by R. Auckland, Seconded by L. N. Harries: Seconded by S. Brown: "I'hat the Warden and Clerk be authorized to submit to the Min- ister of Highways of the Province of Ontario, the petition of the Cor- poration of the County of Elgin showing that from the first of Jan- uary 1940, to the thirty-first of December 1940, there' has been expended on the County Highway System the sum of $111,297.14. That we allow F. H. Miller and J. H. Burke, or their successors the sum of Three Dollars a meeting, without mileage, for attending Chil~ dren's Aid meetings. -Carried. Moved by G. Newell, -Canicd. Moved by Dugald Brown, Seconded by R. Tansley: That this Council danow adjourn to meet again at 2.00 p,m. That the Elgin County Road Committee be appointed to meet the Councils of the Town of Aylmer, Township of Malahide, and, Village of Springfield, to consider the Airport road and that this committee shall have power to act. ''"'" ........carried. Seconded by G. Newell: -Carried.. Moved by G. Newell, The Council resumed, Seconded by D. G; Brown: Moved by J. R. Bandeen, That the Department of Transport National Defence be requested to assist roads adjacent to the Aylmer Airport. and the Department of in the improvement of the Seconded by S. Brown: That this Council set aside the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars for ,war cnarity purposes and the Warden appoint a committee of the Warden and four members with power to administer the same. -C8,1'ried. -Carried. The Council went into a committee of the whole to consider the question of farm labor with Reeve Fraser in the chair. After consId- erable discussion, the committee rose. Moved by J. D. Fraser, Moved by L. N. Harries, Seconded by E. Lashbrook: Seconded by George Craik: That the usual grants for lock-ups be paid after the same have been approved by the Pl'ovincial Police. That By-law No. 1352 "To Appoint a Count.y Road Superintendent," be read a first time. -CfJ.::'l'icd. -Carried. I I I Ii , ,I I I, I ~ 20 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 21 Moved by Geo. Craik, Moved by George Craik, Seconded by R. Tansley; Seconded by L. N, Harries: --Cftl'rid.: 'That by-law No. 1354 "To Appoint a County Road Committee" be read a fi'l'st time. That bYRlaw No. 1352 be read a second time. M6v~d 'by Roy Britto!), -Carried. Moved by L. N. Harries, Seconded by L. N. Harries: Seconded by George Craik: That by-law No. 1352 be read a ~hird time and finally passed. That by-IB:w No. 1354 be read a second time. ---Ca-..:'ried. -Carl'fed. Moved by J. C. ail"lies, Moved by Frank Truman, '~'. Seconded by J. R. Bandeen: Seconded by A. E Brown: That by-law No. 1353 "To Provide for the Total Expenditure on the System of County Roads in the County of Elgin during the Year 1941," be read a first time. That by-law No. 1354 be read a third time and finally passed. -~Carried. ....,...C,lrried. Moved by J. R. Bandeen, Moved by D. Ryan, Seconded by J. C. Gillies: Seconded by R. Aucldand: That by-law No. 1353 'be 'read- a .second lime. Tha.tby-!a\v No. 1355 '-'To APP0i11t, a Trustee of the Vienna High School" be read a" 1J"rst, time. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by J, R. Bandeeu, MoVed by D. Ryan,. Seconded by H., Miner: Seconded by S. Brown: That by-~aw No. 1353 be read a third time and finally passed. That by-law NQ.. -l~~Q 'Qe".l'ea(f a."~~ciQ'nO, tiWe,. -::-Carried. -Car1.'-l,ed. 22 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 23 Moved by R. Auckland, Moved by G. Newell, Seconded by D. Ryan: Seconded by R. Britton: That by-law No. 1355 be read a third time and finally pa.ssed. That by-law No. 1357 be read a second time. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by E. Lashbrook, Moved by G. Newell, Seconded by J. D. F~'aser: Seconded by R. Britton: 'That by-law No. 1356 "To Authorize the Warden, and Treasurer to Borrow the Sum of Qne Hundred and Seventy-Five Thousand D61lars" be read, a first time. That by-law No. 1357 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by A. N. Walker, Moved by J. D. Fraser, '~';' Seconded by J. D, McMillan: Seconded by E. Lashbrook: 'That by-law No. 1356 be_ read a second time. That by-law No. 1358 "To Appoint an Advisory Agricultural Council" be read a first time. ' -Carried. -Carried. Moved by E, Lashbl'ook, Moved by J. D, McMillan, Seconded by J. D. Fraser: Seconded by A. N. Walker: That by-law No. 1356, he 'read.a :third time and firi:"a.lly passed. That by-law No. 1358 be read 'a second time. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by A. N. Walker, Moved by G. Newell, Seconded by R. Britton: Seconded by J. D. McMillan: That by-law No. 1357 "To Appoint an Inspector for the Purpos~, of Era.c1iQ~ting' t4~_ Q'Qrn 1?Qrer" be read a-' 'flrst tillie. 'Thatby"ltw'( NQ. 1358 be r~a,ct a. th)rcl time and finally passed. _Can'led. -Carl'lC,d. 24 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by F. L. Truman, Seconded by E. E. Atkinson: That by-law Nb. 1359 "'To Appoint a Board of Audit in the County of Elgin for the year 1941" be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by F. L. Truman, Seconded by E. 'E. Atkinson: That by-law No. 1359 be read a .second time. -Carried; Moved by E. E. Atkinson, Seconded by F. L. Truman: That by-law No. 1359 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by R. Auckland: Seconded by S. Brown: That by-law Nb. 1360 'To Confirm the Equalization of the Assess- ment Rolls of the 'County of E~gin... f'or the year 1941" be .read a first time. -~Carried, Moved by S. Brown, Seconded by D. Rya'u: That by~law NQ, ~3G(i ,,!?o read a second time. -.:..Carried. I I I I I I I ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 25 Moved by S. Brown, Seconded by R. Auckland: That by-law No. 1360 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by G. Newell, Sec,onded by D. G. Brown: 'That by-law No. 1361 "To Appoint a Membel' of the Aylmer Board of Education," be read a f..'rst time. -CantEd. Moved by G. Newell, '~'V Seconded by D. G. Brown: That by~law No, 1361 be read a second time._ --Carried. Moved by G. Newell, Seconded -by D. G. Brown: 'That by-Jaw No. 136! be -read a third time and finallw passed. --Carried. The Warden appointed the fonowing members of the' War Purpose Co'mmittee: Mes,srs. Walker, D, ,Brown, 'I'ansley and Taylor. 'The followil1g were appointed delegates to the Good Roads Con.' vention: Messrs. Bandeen, Gillies, Walkel'; Auckland, Brown,Tansley, Ha1"l'ies, Newell, Britton, Browr)" Taylor\ Atkinsonf Truman;' Ryan, CraiI{" Brown, Fl"Met' , and_ ~ilIer~ 26 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Messrs. Lashbrook and McMillan were appointed delegates to attend the Ontario Municipal Association. M.oved by D. G. Brown, Seconded by G. Newell: 'That the County Council now adjourn to meet on June the 10th at 2 p.m. -Carried, ELGIN OOUNTY COUNC1L 27 SECOND SESSION - FIRST DAJ; Tuesday, the 10th day of June, 1941 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the chair. All the members present. The Warden addressed the Council: To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: ,~", In opening the June Session, the most important of the year, the prosecution of the War should be given our most serious attention. We shall be caned 'upon to make great sacrifices and we should do so most willingly. The new taxes imposed by the, Federal Government now apply to nearly every person and it should be the duty of this Council to econ- omize in our municipal expenditures so that the burden of taxation will not prove too heavy' for the taxpayer. 'The agricultural prospects look bright and crops are very promis~ ing. With, increased prices for farm products,-the farmer sho,uld be iu a better position this fall than, he has been far a- humber of yea,rS. Some of the new legislation passed at the last sessicin of the Pro~ vine-iaL Gov:ernmeu_t-, wi.l1 affect.. municipalities and ,School ,Boards: Amendments to the Municipa.l Actaut'ho:rJZG' the' Department "to' license municipal auditors and require evel'N municipal council to appoint~u( au;dttQl" a, pel'$Qn,whO has such a jjs:ense. 28 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 29 An amendment to subsection one of section fifty-three of the Municipal Act disqualifies from being a member of a township council any person who has an interest in a contract with a school board. Act increases from $500,00 to $600.00 the amount of the teacher's salary that entitles a school board to receive a township grant in respect of that salary. An am.endment to section 70 of the Ontario Municipal Board Act requires that every municipal project involving financial expenditure that is not provided for in the estimates for the current year, be submitted to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval, and that no action be taken to proceed until that approval is given. Section 39, of the Public Schools Act has been amended to permit an equalization of assessment to be made in any year in a union section where the Assessors so recommend ,and the Minister of Educa- tion approves. A new paragraph, 16, section 404 of the Municipal Act empowers municipal councils to enter into agreements fOl' the use of fire bri~ gades outside the municipality, and an amendment to section 405 em~ powers the council of any local municipality to prescribe the times and precautions for setting out fires in the whole 01' any pal't of the muni- cipality, The Vctory -Loan Committee are asking permission to present a request for a subscription to the Loan. Roa~ls A new subsection, 3 of section 2.0 of the Public Hospitals Act, requires that the Superintendent of a public hospital when notifying a county 'clerk of the admission of an indigent patient, must also notify the clerk of the local municipality. The s'erious breakup in the roads this spring, which was general throughout the Province, has cost the County a considerable amount to put in repair, but this has been accomplished, and the Roads Com- mittee are p~anning on the construction of several miles of perma~ nent highway, The proceedings of the last day of the January Session were read and confirmed. An amendment to Section 404-A of the Municipal Act municipal grants to local civilian defence and war savings tees. permits commit- The following communications wore read: Schools From O. E. A. County Council Section, with report of annual con- vention.-Referred to Education Committee. Continuation s'C11001 boards, will l').OW have the. same pOWers as a High School Board to proVid~ for the transportation ,of rest'dent. and county pupils. From Kent County Swine Producers Association, with resolution re community auction sales and hauling of live stock-Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. A l1.eW sect jon, 39 of the High Schools Act, de,scribes how to. calcu- late the amount of the deduction to which a county is entitled il'l., re- spect of the cost "Of county pupils. on From Sheriff I. D. Cameron, with the Provindal Inspector's report the C.oUhty Gaol.-Referred to the Gaol Committe:e. :An amendme'nt, to',~ubaectIon 3 Qlseetion.86 of the P_'UbliG ~chQo_!~ 'From the Chatham War Chest Committee, with request for grant. ~Referred to War Purposes Committee. 30 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 31 ,From the Department of Public Welfare re annual convention of Superintendents and Matrons of Houses of Refuge;-Referred to House of Refuge Committee. Fl'om the Council of the County of Middlesex, with resolution re- questing permission to manufacture in Canada calfhood vaccine,.:...-R'e ferred to Agricultural Committee. From the Council of the County of Perth with resolution re amendment to the Municipal Drainage Act.~Referred to Petitions and Legislations Committee. From Sheriff Cameron, with report of the Grand Jury, on the Court house and House of Refuge,-Referred to House of Refuge and Gaol Committees. From the Council of the County of Huron, with resolution re a municipal-controlled medical sel'vice.-Referred to Petitions and Legis- lations Committee. From the Tl'ustees of Scl1nol Section No, 13, of t:be 'T'nwnsbh! of Dunwich with appeal against by-law No. 1285 of the Township of Dun- wich,-Refel'l'ed to Education Committee. The Council 'of the County of Norfolk with resolution re prices of agricultural products.-Referred to Agricultural Committee. From the Department of Municipal Affairs with request for by- law for War Fund.-Referred to War Purposes Committee. From the Council of the County 'of WeIland, with resolution re compulsory insurance on motor vehicles,-Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. From the D€lR.artment of Highways re revision of a portion of the King's Highway ~ in the Township of Bayham.-Referl'ed to Roads Committee. From the Council of the County of Peel, with resolution objecting to .setting of prices on hogs and 'cheese.-Referred to Agrioultural Committee. From the Royal Canadian Air Force with expression of apprecia- tion of the 'condition of roads in the County.-Filed. From the Council of the County of Lambton, withresolutioh re- questing an a'mendment to the Ftospitals Act re indigent patients.- Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. From the Council of the County of WeIland with resolution re- questing larger provincial grants to education,-Referred to Education Committee. From the C, R. Clapp & Company, with request re road liability 1nsurance.-Referred to Roads Committee. From the Navy League of Canada with acknowledgment of grant to war fund.-Filed. From the Council of the County of Kent, with resolution request- ing the deferrment of the taking of the Dominion Census.-Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. From Vacu-Draft Limited with report on device for improvement of furnaces.-Referred to House of Refuge Committee. From The, Ontario Municipal Association, re the filing of resolu- tions for annual convention.-Filed, From the Council of the CQunty of K!ent with resolution re adjust- ment of freight l'ates on live stock,-'-:'Referred to Agricultural Com- mittee. From The Village of Springfield, with request for grant.--'Referred to the Finance Committee. 32 ELGIN,:COUNTY' 'C0UNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 31 From The London, Board' of, Education 'l"e renewal, of contract for payment of Elgin County. p:upils,-, Committee. From the Council of the County of Middlesex, with resolution re- questing permission to manufacture in Canada calfhood vaccine.-Rc ferred to Agricultural Committee. Report on County of Elgin Resolutions- 1. Re service for young men necessary to the producUon of -food: Filed-WeIland, Perth. From Sheriff Cameron, with report of the Grand Jury, on tho Court house and House of Refuge.-Referred to House of Refuge and Gaol Committees. Endo1'sed~Lennox &. Addington, Middlesex, Brant. From the Trustees of Sch001 Section No. 1~, of 'T'nwn.shiv 01' Dunwich with appeal against by~law No. 1285 of the Township of Dun~ wich.-Referred to Education Committee, No Action-Wentworth, Acknowledgments-Minister of National Defence, Wilson H. Mills. From the Department of Municipal Affairs with request for by- law for War Purposes Fund.-Referred to War Purposes Committee. 2. Re pegging of' price of butter,etc,: Endorsed-Brant, Nol'folk, Lennox & Addington, Grey,'Hast- ings, Weiland, Lincoln, Carleton, Victoria, Fl'om the Dep{;\r:tment of Highways 1'e revision of a portion of the King's Highway in the Township of Bayham.-Referred to Roads Committee, No action..-..---.:.Wentworth. From the Royal Canadian Air Force with expression of apprecia- tion of the condition of roads in the County.~-Fi1ed, Not approved-Bruce. From- the Council of the County of WeIland with resolution re- questing larger provincial grants to education.-Referred to Education Committee, 3. Re setting of price of farm commodities: Endorsed-Simcoe, Lennox & Addington, Grey, Huron. Not approved-Bruce. From the Navy League of Canada with acknowledgment of grant to war fund,-Filed. No' Action--'Victoria. From Vacu-Draft Limited with report on device for improvement of furnaces.-Referred to House of Refuge Committee. 4, Re stabilizing the, price of bacon: From The Ontario Municipal Association, re the filing of resolu- tions for annual convention.-Filed. Endorsed-Simcoe, Bruce, Lennox & Addington, Huron. No Action-Victoria, Grey. From The Village of Springfield, with request fol' grant.----Refel'red to the Finance Committee. 32 ELGIN' 'COUNTY" COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 33 From,;The Lo.ndonBoard'of, Education re renewal. _of contract for payment of Elgin County_pupUs..,....,...Referred,.to,EducationCommittee, 5. Re Teachers' Conventions: Not approved--:-Bruce, Grey. Report on County of Elgin Resolutions- Filed-Lennox & Addington. r. He service. for young men necessary'to the production - of, food: Filed-WeIland, Perth. Endorsed-Huron. No Action-Nictoria. Eiiddrsed..c...-.Lennox & Addington;' Middlesex, Brant. No Action-Wentworth. Moved by J. R. Bandeen, Acknowledgments-,--Mini,ster of National Defence, Wilson H. Mills. Seconded by J. C. Gillies: 2,'! Re,'pegging;':of price 'of" butter',' etc.: iTha,t this Council do now adjourn to meet at 10 a,m., Wednesday, June 11th. "';- -Carried. Endorsed-Brant, Norfolk, Lennox & Addington, Gr,ey,' Hast'" ings, WeIland, Lincoln, Carleton, Victoria, -.:...J. G. TURNBULL, Warden. No action-Wentworth; N.ot approved-Bruce. 3. Re setting of price of farm commodities: Endorsed-Simcoe, Lennox & Addington, Grey, Huron. Not approved-Bruce. No Action'-----Victoria.' 4. Re :'stabilizing the price of-bacon: Endorsed~Simcoe, Bruce, Lennox & Addington, Huron. No Action-Victoria, Grey. \ \ \ 34 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 35 SECOND SESSION -SECOND DAY The council resumed. Wednesday, the 11th day of June, 1941 A communication from High Constable Kelly~ re the Port Burwell lock-up was referred to the Finance Committee. The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The report of the House of Refuge Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Mr. Atkinson, seconded by Mr. MklMillan. The Warden in the chair. Moved by G. Newell, All the mcmbers present. Seconded by R. Tansley: 'I'he minutes of the preceding day were read and confirmed. The following communication was read: That the Ontario Milk Board be requested to set the price of milk paid farmer.s at the manufacturing plants' and that in view of the demand for milk by Britain, that the Provincial and Dominion Gov- ernments be request to bonus this product to the farmers on a comw parative basis as 'cheese ,is bonused. From the County' Treasurer, with report. -Report referred to Finance' Committee. -Carried. Reeve Gordon N'ewell gave notice of a motion to be presented at the November Session: Moved by J. R. Bandeen. Secon'ded by J. C. Gillies: That the Elgin County Council meet six times in the year 1942; namely in January, March, May, July, September and November and that each session shall occupy the space of two days beginning at ten o'clock the first morning of each session. That we do now adjourn to meet on Thursday, June 12th, at 10 a.m. -Carried. Reeve Taylor gave notice re a deputation from the Victory Loan Committee to meet the Council on Thursday morning. J. G. TURNBULL, Warden. Moved by D. G. Brown, Seconded by G. Newell: That we do now adjourn to meet at 3 p.m. -Carried. 36 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SECOND SESSION-THIRD DAY Thursday, the 12th day of Jrme, 1941 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House in St. Thomas in accordance with adjournment. "l'hc Warden in the chair. All ,the members present. The minutes of the preceding day were read and confirmed. Moved, by A. N. Walker, Seconded by J. C. Gillies: vrhat we now heal' the delegation from the Victory Loan Com- mittee. -Carried. Mr Horton, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Spencer McConnell then ad- dressed the council re purchase of Victory Loan Bonds by the County. After considerable discussion the following resolution was passed: M.oved by J. R. Bandeen, Seconded by J. C. Gillies: That a committee ,composed of Messrs. S. Brown, H. G. Taylor and the Warden be appointed to look into the County's legal position re the buying of Victory Loan Bonds, said 'committee to interview the Bank Manager as to ways and means of purchase and to report to the Council tomorrow. -Carried. A communication from Mr. E. S. Livermore, County Solicitor, re the purchase of Victory Loan Bonds was read. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 37 The report of the Gaol Committee was presented, and adopted on motiori of Mr. Truman; seconded by Mr. Craik. The first report of the Finance Committee was ,presented and adopted on motion of Mil'. Tansley, seconded by Mr. Taylor. The report of the Petitions and Legislation Committee was pre~ sented, and adopted on motion of Mr. Gillies, seconded by Mr. Mc- Millan. Moved by A. N. Walker, Seconded by J. D. McMillan: That this Coun,eil do now adjourn to meet at two o'clock this afternoon. -Carried. The, Council resUJ,ned. Moved by J. R. Bandeen, Seconded by Henry Miller: That we now heal' Mr. Liivermore. -Carried. . Mr. Livermore then" addressed. the CounciL on matters pel'taining to the Childre11'S 'Aid So-ciety. The Agl"icultural report was presented, and adopted on m.otion of Mr.- Auckland, seconded by Mr. Newell. . iThe report of the War Purposes Committee was presented and. adopted on mQtlquqf MJ,'. WaU,,~r,. .;i~cQnd~Q, by Mt.. 'faMley. 38 ELGIN COUNTY .cOUNCIL ELGIN COlmTY COUNCIL 39 The report of the Roads Committee was presented and adopted, on motion of Mr. Bandeen, seconded by Mr. Newell. SECOND SESSION-:FOURTH DAY The report of the, Education Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Mr. Taylor, seconded by Mr. Lashbrook. Friday, the 13th day of June, 1941 Moved by R. Tansley, The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. Seconded by L. N. Harl'ies~ The Warden in the chair. 'That George Cross be re-appointed 'R membl'!r of the Suburban Area Commission for five years, and that the necessary by-law be prepared. All the members present. The Minute,s of the preceding day were read and confirmed. -Carried. Moved by D. Ryan, A communication from the County of Victoria was read and ordered filed. Seconded by R. Auckland: '~"" The second report of the House of Refuge committee was pre- sented, and adopted on motion of Mr. Atkinson, seconded by Mr. Mc- Millan. That Mr. Lloyd Chute be appointed trustee of the Vienna High School for three years, and that by-law No. 1355 be repealed. -Carried. The second report of. the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motiol,1 of Mr. Tansley, seconded by Mr. Fraser. Moved by D. G. Brown, The third report of the Finance Committee .was presented and adopted on motion of Mr. Tansley, seconded by Mr. Britton. Seconded by G. Newell: -Carrhd. Mr. Stewart Brown gave the report of the special committee ap- pointed re Victory Loan suhscription, and it was moved by Mr. Tansley, and, .seconded by'Mr... Fraser, that the committee continue to act until official word from tthe Ontario Municipal Board is received. . That this Council adjourn untn 10 a.m. tomorrow morning. J. G. TURNBULL, Warden. Moved by J. C. Gillies, Seconded by Henry Miller: n- That we dQ nQ~ ~d~o1J.rn to :m,ee~ ~~ ~, o'clock, .-Carried, 40 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 41 The Council resumed. Moved by A. N. Walker, Moved by E. E. Atkinson, Seconded by J. D. McMillan: Seconded by J. D. Fraser: That by-law No. 1362 be read a second time. --CarrIed. That the customary grant now given for repairing and decorating lock-ups be extended to include Court rooms in the County where Police Court is held, upon approval of the High County Constable. Moved by J. a.Gillies, Seconded by J. R.Bandeen: -Carried. That by-law No. 1362 be read 'a third time and finally passed. Moved by E. Lashbrook, -Cat ried. Seconded by Geo. Craik: Moved by E. Lashbrook, Be it resolved that the Elgin County Council express their appre- ciation to the Rt.Honoul'able M. F~ Hepburn, and the Provincial Legislature, for the financial assistance that has been rendered to the ratepayers of the County and Province throughout the years of their administration; referring particularly to taking over the highway costs, taking county roads into the highway system, assuming the municipalities' share of Mothers' Allowances and Old Age ,Pensions, the one mill sub.sidy to municipalities, ba'con and cheese bonuses, .,and many other means of assistance, and that a copy of this resolution be sent to; Premier Hepburn. Seconded by R. Auckland: That by-law No. 1363 "To Designate a Thl'ough Highway" be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by R. Auckland, Seconded by K Lashbrook: -Carried. 'That by~law No. 1363 be read a second time. Moved by' J. D. Frasei:', -Carried. Moved"by E. Lashbrook, Seconded by Hel'l.l'Y Miller: Seconded by R Auckland: That by-law No. 1362 "To Raise Amounts for County Rates during the yea,r 1$41/,' 1:?~, r~~g ~ fi'fst ti~E.)~ That by-law No. 1363 be l'ead a thit'd time and finally passed. ~artied. -Carried. 42 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 43 Moved by E. E. Atkinson, Moved by R. Britton, Seconded by R. Tansley: Seconded by F. L. Truman: 'That hy-1aw No. 1364 "To' Appoint a Trustee of the Vienna High School", be l'ead a first time. That by'-law No. 1365 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. --<Carried. Moved by Geo. Craik, Moved by A. E. Brown, Seconded by A, E. Brown; Seconded by D. Ryan: That by-law No. 1364 be read a second time. That by-law No, 1366 "To Revert a Road in the Township of Bay- ham" be read a first time. --:Jal'l'ied. -Carried. Moved by D. Ryan, Moved by L. N. H:arries, '-'., Seconded by A. E. Brown: Seconded by' Geo. Craik: That by-law No. 1364 be read a third time and finally pas.sed. That by-law No. 1366 be read a second Hme. -Carried, -Carried. Moved by A. E. Brown,'" Moved by R. Tausley, Seconded by R. Britton: Seconded by L. N. Harries: That by-law No. 1365 "To Re-appoint a Member of the St. Thomas Suburban Area Commission," be read a first time. That by~law No. 1366 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by D. G. 13rO\vn, Moved by L. N. Harries, Seconded by R. Britton: Second~d by' R. Tansley: Thatby-1aw No. 1365 be read a second,time. That by-law No. 1367, "A by-law for Gmuting Aid to Certain Patriotic Organizations within the County of EIg:in" be read a first time., --Carded, . -Carried. 44 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 45 Moved by D. G. Brown, Moved by E. E. Atkinson, Seconded by F. L. Truman: Seconded by R. Sritton: That by-law No. 1367 be l'ead a second time. That by-law No. 1369 "To _Extend Time for Tax Sale" he read a fl!rst time. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by A. E. Brown, Moved by D. G. Brown, Seconded by E. E. Atkinson: Seconded by R.Britton: That No. 1369 be read a second time. That ,bYRlaw No. 1367 bel'ead a third time and finally passed. -Carried. ---,Cal'ried, Moved by Geo. Craik; Moved by J. R. Bandeen, '~'i' Seconded byE. E. Atkinson: Seconded by A. N. Walker: That by-law No. 1369 be read a third time and finally passed. That by-law No. 1368 "To Provide for Additional Expenditure on County Roada in the County of Elgin" be read a first time. -Carried. --Carried. Moved by G. Newell, M.oved by J. C. Gillies, Seconded by D. G. Brown: Seconded ,by -J. R. Bandeen: 'That the ,County Council npw adjourn - until the fourth Monday of November 1941. That by~law No. 1368 be read a secol'ld time. -----Carried. ~arried. ~oved by J. R. :Sandeen, S,~con.ded by J. C. Gillies: 'That by-Iaw,N? 1368 be rea~,a third tUne and finally passed. ---()M'r\e~, 46 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 47 THIRD SESSION - FIRST DAY The matter of Unemployment Insurance and cost of living bonus should be discussed and a decision arrived at as to the County's liability. Monday, the '24th day of November, 1941 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The minutes of the last day of the June !Session were read and approved. The Warden in the chair. The following communications were read: All the members present. From the Department of Municipal Affairs with regulations 1'6 licen.scd auditors.-.,..-Referred to the Finance Committee. The Warden addresSed the Council:- !From the Department of Highways with approval of by~laws rc assumption of County Roads.-Referred to County Roads Committee. To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: From The Children's Aid Society with request to explain plan re securing more foster homes for wards of the Society.-Referred to the Finance Committee. In opening the closing session of the year I have to say that since our last meeting the county !,oad improvements have been completed. The cost of preparing and laying the permanent suburban area road to Fingal ,exceeded the estimate and it will be necessary to pass a supple- mentary bYRlaw for this increased expenditure. 'From The Children's Aid Society with request for grant.-Referred to the Finance Committee. for From The Children's Aid Society re the Boyd family with request clothing.-Referred to ,the Finance Committee. Owing to the heavy traffic on this road it 'Was thought necessary to lay a heavier type of permanent highway than required on the ordinary county road. From W. S. McKay with letter of appreciation.-Filed. The report of the Grand Jury was rather critical of the interior of the House of Refuge and I believe the County Council should make an inspection of the Institution during this session a,nd they could make some recommendations fa!, any necessary improvements, to the 1942 Council. Froin Deputy Provincial Secretary re appointment of gaol and sil.laries.-Referred to the Gaol Committee. officials From The Department of Highways with 1363.-Referred to County Roads Committee. report re by-law No. 'rhe ceilings' in the lower corridors of the Gaol and all the cells have been replastered and painted and this makes a big improvement to the interior. From the Grand Jury with report re county buildings.-Referred to the House of Refuge Committee; Hospitalization costs have decreased $3000.00 from last year, From the Ontario convention.-Filed. Municipal Association re resolutions for annual 48 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From the Provincial corn borer inspector with re.port.-Referred to Agricultural Committee. /From the County of Huron with resolution requesting a flat rate for Hydro.-Referred to Petitions ,and Legislation Committee. lFrom the Honorable M. F. Hepburn with letter of appreciation.- Filed. From the Honourable J. G. Gardiner 1'0 resolution on parity of prices re.., manufactured milk.-Referred to Agricultural Committee. From Dr. D. L. Ewin with Physician's roport on I-louse of Refuge -Referred to the House of Refuge Committee. From the County Clerk with report on Old Age Pensions. 'From the County Clerk with report on Mother's Allowances. From the County Clerk with report on licenses. From' the County Clerk with report on the House of Refuge.- Referred to the House of Refuge Committee. Resolutions 1. Re the calling formiHtary service young men whose presence is necessary to the production of food: No action---'Bruce. Not endor.sed-Huron, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry. Received and filed-Hastings. The Council stood and observed one minutes' silence in respect of the late K. W... McKay, County Clerk for so many years. ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 49 Moved by E. E. Atkinson, Seconded' "by L. Harries: IThat this Council visit the County House of Refuge on Tuesday afternoon at 1.30 p.m. -Carried. Moved by iD. G. Brown, Seconded by G. Newell: That this 10 a.m. 'Council do now adjourn to meet on Tuesday morning at -Carried. '~'> :T. G. TURNBULL, Warden. 50 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 51 THIRD SESSION - SECOND DAY The Council resumed. Tuesday, Novembcl' 25th, 1941 The report of the House of Refuge Committee was presented and adopted on motionofE. E. Atkinson, seconded by L. Harries. The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House in accordance with adjournment. Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by F. L., Truman: r.rhc Warden in the chair. The minutes of the previous day were read and confirmed. That the Elgin County Council petition the !Department of Educa- tion to make no chaqge -in text books fOr schools until the end of the war and that a copy of this resolution he sent to the Hon. M. F. Hepburn, Deputy Minister of 'Education, County Council Section of the O. E. A., the Ont. Agricultural Council and -all County Councils. All the members present. The report of the Petitions and Legislation 'Committee was pre- sented and adopted on motion of J. C. Gillies, seconded by S. Brown. Moved by R. Bt,!,tton, -Carried. The report of the Gaol Committee was presented and ,adopted on motion of F. L. Truman, seconded QY Geo. Craik. Seconded by G. Newell: Moved by S. Brown, That two copies of the London Free Press and one copy of the St. Thomas Times-Journal shall be furnished to the inmates of the House of Refuge. Also that checker boards shall be ,furnished for theil' amusement. Seconded by J. C. Gillies: 'That the Elgin County Council ask the Federal and Provincial Governments to permit the installation of Hydro in rural homes, and that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Federal Government, Hon. M. F. Hepburn and all County Councils. Moved by H. G. Taylor, -Carried: Seconded by R. Auckland: -Carried. That the Elgin County Council petition the Department of Educa- tion to revise the regulations and modify the requirements for manual training and home economics courses in rural Continuation B:igh Schools and that a COpy of this resolution be sent to the Prime MiniM ster, the Honourable M. 'F. Hepburn, the Minister of Education, Dr. Rutherford of the Department of Education, all County Councils, the Ontario Agricultural Council aud the County Council Section of the O. E.. A. Moved by Gordon Newell, Seconded by D. G. Brown: That the Council adjourn until 3 p;m. -Carried. -Carried. 52 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 53 Moved by J. R. 'Bandeen, THIRD SESSION - THIRD DAY Seconded by J. C. Gillies: 'That this Council do now adjourn to meet on Wednesday, at 10 a.m. \Vedn'esday, November 26th, 19i1 ----,Carried. The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas in accordance with adjournment. J. G. TURNBULL, Warden. The Warden in the chair. All the members present. The minutes of the preceding day were read and confirmed. The first report of the 'Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of R. Tansley, seconded by R. Auckland. '~'" 'The second report of the H'ouse of Refuge Committee was pre~ sented and adopted on motion of Mr. Atkinson, seconded by Mr. McMillan, and was confit'med unanimously by a standing vote of the whole Council. Moved by G. Newell, Seconded by D. G. Brown: That the Elgin County Council express their fullest confidence in tJ.:le work of the House of Refuge Committee. 'This re,Solution was approved by an unanimous standing vote' bf' tl?~ whole C!Juncil. Moved by G. .Newell, .. Seconded by D. G. Brown: :. , That-thi~ 'QQW1,9il,dQ,no~ adjQ1.<H'U .1J.ntil Z:p.lU, -Carded" 54 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 55 The Council resumed. Moved-by R. Auckland, Seconded by H. G. Taylor: Moved by J. R. Bandeen, That we now -hear Mr. Summers Harper and that the Corn Borer report be received and printed in the Proceedings. 'Seconded by J. C. Gillies: -Carried. That all County Officials appointed by by-law are pel'manent and we herebyauthortze the County Clerk and Treasurer to sign the official certificate 1'e Unemployment Insurance. Mooved by F. L. Truman, -Carried. . Seconded by H. G. Taylor: That this County Council petition the Department of Education to make Manual Training and Domestic IScience compulsory for two years in High Schools and also, where possible, make the same subjects available to Public School students where it is possible for students to attend. Moved ,by J. R. Bandeen, Seconded by J. C. Gillies: -l'-Ca1'1'ied. Moved by H. G. Taylor, That we now hear Mr. Livermore. Seconded by J. R. Bandeeu: -Carried. 'That this County Council recommend that where the Dominion Government has seen' fit to appropriate land for Airports, Military. Schools or any other purpose for carrying out the prosecution of the War, refunds of any and all loss of taxation monies be made to the municipalities thus afflicted. That a copy of this resolution be sent to the Federal Government at Ottawa and to all County Councils. And that the Warden appoint a Committee to deal with this matter. Mr. L,ivermore addressed the Council re the Children's Aid Society. The report of the Children's Aid Committee was presented and adopted on motion of S. Brown, seconded by R. Auckland. The second report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of R. Tansley, seconded by G. Newell. -Carried. The report of the County Roads Committee presented and on motion of Mr. Lashbrook, the Council went into a Committe of the whole. After considerable discussion the Committee rose 'and the report was adopted without amendment on motion of J. R. Bandeen, seconded by R. Tansley. Mr. J. P. Coombe then addressed the Council. The report of the War Purposes Committee was presented adopteq QP. nwUQTI Q! Al N, Walker, seconded by H. G.Taylor. and Mooved by J. C. Gillies, Seconded by Henry Miller: That this Coumm QQ nQw adjourn to me~t tQ-tn.Q:r:rQW morning at 10 o'clock. .-Cal'l'ied. 56 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL THIRD SESSION-FOURTH DAY Thursday, November 27th, 1941 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, st. Thomas, in accordance withadjoUl'ument. The Warden in the chair. All the membel's present. 'The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. The second report of the Road Committee was presented adopted on motion of J. R. Bandeeu, seconded by G. Newell. and The report of the Agricultural Committee was presented and adopted tm motion of R. Auckland, seconded by A. N. Walker. The third report of the Firtance, Committee was presented adopted on motion of R. Tansley, seconded by J. D. Fraser. and Moved by' R. Auckland, Seconded by R. Britton: That the usual grant of One Hundred Dollars be given to the Warden. -Carried. Moved by E.E. Atkinson, Seconded by J. D. Fraser: That tbe usual grant of Twenty-five Dollars be given to Mr. Bird- sall for hi~ f?~rvic(E;lf?, fQr reporting during the year 1941. ---Carried. / ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 57 Moved_ by J. C. Gillies, Seconded by J. R. Bandeen: That thhis Council do now adjourn until two o'clock. -Carl'led. The Council resumed. Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by J. D. Fraser: '~"\' 'That this County Council recommend that amendments be made to Section 38 of the Assessment Act to take care of assessments of squatters, trailers or any tenants on Crown lands or other property who mayor may not be employed by the Crown, and that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Department of Municipal Affairs at Toronto, the Ontario Agricultural Council and all County Councils. -Carried. Moved by A. N. Walker, Seconded by J. D. McMillan: That the Minister of Agriculture at . Ottawa be ',requested to-take due care in setting the ceillng on farm prices in order that production may not be seriously curtailed, and that a ,copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Federal Minister of Agriculture. -CarrIed. Mr. Wilson Mills, M.P., addressed the Council in reference to ~xemption of farmers' sons 'from military .service and ceiling prices plac~d' _on ,farm products. o 58 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 59 Moved by H. _G. Taylor, Moved by Geo. Craik, IHeconded by Geo. Cl'aik: Seconded by A. Brown: That this County Council recommend the Children's Aid Society to investigate and consider the advisability of the Hospitalization Insur- anc'e plan for wards of the Children's Aid Society. That by-law No. 1371 "To Grant Certain Privileges to the Dominion Natural Gas Co. Ltd." be read a f.'rst time. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by At Brown, Moved by E. E. Atkinson, Seconded by Geo. Craik: .s'econded by H. G. Taylor: That by-law No. 1371 be read a second time. 'That a vote of appreciation be extended to Mr. Mills for his address. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by A. Brown, Moved by J. D. McMillan, Seconded by E. E. Atkinson: Seconded by A. N. Walker: 'That by-law No. 1370 "To Amend by-law No. 1347" be read a first time. That by-law No. 1371 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by D. G. Brown, Moved by A. N. Walker, Seconded by G. Newell: Seconded by J. D. McMillan: That by-law No. 1372 "To Amend by-law No. 1221" be read a first time. That by~law No. 1370 be read a second time. -Carrie'd. -'-Carried. Moved by J. D. McMillan, Moved by G. Newell, Seconded by A. N. Walker: Seconded by D. G. 'Brown: That by-law No. 1370 be l'ead a third time and finally passed. -Carried. That by-law No. 1372 be read a second time. ...-Carried. . GO ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL, 61 Moved by G. Newell, Moved by E. Lashbrook, Seconded by D. G. Brown: Seconded by R. Auckland: That by-law No. 1372 be read a third time and finally passed. That by-law No. 1374 be read a second time. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by J. R. iBandeen, Moved by E. E. Atkinson, Seconded by J. D. Fraser: Seconded by E. Lashbrook: That No. 1373 "To Provide for Additional Expenditure on County Roads in the County of Elgin" be read a first time. That by-law No. 1374 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by G. Newell, Moved by J. D. Fraser. SecondfiJd by R'.J3ritton: Seconded by J. R., Bandeen: That by-law No. 1373 be read a second time. That by~]aw No. 1375 "To Designate County Roads" be read a first time. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by J. R. Bandeen, Moved by R. Britton, Seconded by J. D. Fraser: Seconded by G. Newell; That by-law No. 1373 be read a third time and finally passe~. That by-law No. 1375 be read a second time. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by R. Auckland, Moved by G. Newell, Seconded by D. Ryan; Seconded by R. Britton: That by-law No. 1374 "To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to borrow the sum of Twenty-five Thousand. Dollars" be read a first time. -Carried. That by-law No. 1375 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. G2 ELGINCQUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 63 Moved by E. E. Atkinson, STANDING COIlliMITTEES, 1941 Seconded by F. L. Truman: COUNTY ROADS Chairman: J. R. Bandeen That by~law No. 1376 "To Amend by-law No. 1327" be read a first time. Tansley Taylor Auckland Newell -Carried. Advisory: Praser and Walker Moved by R. Auckland, AGRICULTURAL Seconded by E. E. Atkinson: Chairman: R. Auckland That by-law No. 1376 be read a second time. Bandeen Walker Tansley Newell Taylor -Carried. Moved F. 'L. Truman, '.'.' GAOL Seconded by iD. Ryan: Chairman: F. L. Truman 'That by-law No. 1376 be read a third time and finally passed. Craik Miller -Carried. HOUSE OF REFUGE The Warden appointed Messrs. Taylor, Walker and Bandeen a Committee to look after the resolution 1'e refunds for loss of taxation monies. Chairman: E. E. Atkinson Harries McMillan Moved by E. E. Atkinson, Seconded by 'F. L. Truman: FINANCE That this Council do now adjourn sine die. Chairman: Roy Tansley -Carried. Bandeen Walker Auckland Newell Taylor Lashbl'ook Miller Fraser D. Brown Atkinson Ryan Craik 64 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 65 Gillies Lashbrook Miller S. Brown D. Brown REPORTS OF COMMITTEES FINANCE COMiMITTEE First R,epol't To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: EDUCATION Chairman: H. G. Taylor Harries McMillan Britton A. E. Brown 'The Finance Committee ,reports as follows: Crailt: Truman Ryan Fraser D. Brown Ryan Britton S. Brown Miller 1. That the request of the St. Thomas, Elgin' Committee for War Savings, for grant be referred to the War Purposes Committee. 2. That resolution from the County of Peterborough 1'0 payment of Old Age Pensions be filed. 3. That no action be taken re request for ,grant from the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. 4. That no action be taken 1'e communication from the Ontario Association of R~ral Municipalities. 5. That report and request from the Ontario Reforestation Asso- ciation be filled. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION Chairman: J. C. Gillies CHILDREN'S AID Warden 6. That membership fee of $25.00 in the Ontario Municipal Asso- ciation be paid; that the Warden appoint delegates to attend the annual meeting. Chairman: S. Brown .7. That request from the Navy League of Canada for grant be flIed. LEGAL 8. .That a grant of $200.00 be paid to the Canadian National Insti- tute for the Blind. Chairman: J. D. Fraser 9. That a grant of $200.00 be paid to the Elgin County Library Board. A. E. Brown Miller Craik WAR PURPOSES 10. That the usual grant of $350..00 be given to the Salvation Army for their Rescue Work and that the additional .grant requested for the War Service Programme be referred to the War Purposes Committee; Chairman: A. N. Walker All of which is respectfully submitted. D. Brown Tansley Taylor January, 1941. ROY TANSLEY, Chairman 66 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Janual'Y Session - Second Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That the following hospital accounts be paid: Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas- Main tenance ________._.____.____...________._._._.____"...__._._._.__________._.$ Grant, 368 days at 50c.m....m..nnmnnm._____mm.__________ Victoria H'ospital, London Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, Tillsonburg- Maintenance Grant, 283 days at 50Chm....____ m....__w...........___......... Ontario Hospital, Woodstock Parkwood Hospital, Londoun.....n___.........__.______.....__.___.____ St. Joseph's Ho,spital, London..._________________n______________________ St. M'ichael's H'ospital, Toronto........_____.__....____________....___. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Janu~ry Session - Third Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports as follows: 67 1. We recommend that the Auditors' Report be re.ceived and printed. 638 20 184 00 $ 822 20 311 10 2. That the 'l'reasurer's statement be received and printed in the proceedings. 451 55 141 50 $ 3. That recommendation contained in letter from E. S. Liver- more, re monies received in respect to 0.1(1 Age Pensioners in the County House of Refuge be carried out, said monies kept in a separate saving.s account. 593 05 304 50 559 50 15 75 14 00 4. That the following accounts be paid: D. M. Walker, 1'e funeral of Alex McCallum mn___.....nn...n..........$ J. D. Thomson, re County Council photo and frame..........m___.. R. B. McKenney, premium on Public Liability Policy No. 2793 ............,.............................................................................'-....... Children's Aid Society of London & Middlesex, maintenance of Esther Joanne Marshall m""'''unn'''___''''''......n...n''''''mn______ Municipal World, Supplies, Clerk & Treasurer and Registry Office Ontario Training School for Girls, Maintenance.................n....... ontario Training School for Boy,!>, Maintenance......n.n..........n. Township of Yarmouth, re Ensley Walters......mnm........nm___.... Town of Aylmer, re Ensley Walters .............nn.............n................ Deputy Provincial Secretary, Conveyance of Prisoners....nnn.. The Old Gardens, funeral wreaths.......m..........n...m..........n..........n Murdock Stationery Co., Supplies, Registry Office........n.........., City of St. Thomas, Certificates for Soldiers........... ..n..n....n...m Dutton Advance, 150 copies of proceedings.....n...................n......n Union Gas of Canada, Supplies, Registry Copp Clark Co., 1 Canadian Almanac....nnn..........................nnm. Queen Alexandra Sanatorium, 1'e Edwin Lloyd..n.............m.....n. $ 2620 10 2. That grants be paid to the Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas, and the Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, Tillsonburg, at the rate of fifty cents per day. All of which is respectfully submitted. ROY TANSLEY, Chairman January, 1941. 50 00 "2 65 362 70 73 60 45 23 50 50 18 00 16 87 16 87 36 48 40 00 24 00 148 50 286 00 70 6 00 511 50 68 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 69 5. That the County insure all county employees and County Coun- cil members, not already covered by insurance, with Mr. Roy McNeilL June Session - Ff.rst Report To the Elgin County Council, 6. That the equalized assessment be the same as last year. Gentlemen: All of which is respectfully submitted. The Finance Committee reports as follows: ROY TANSLEY, Chairman That the following hospital accounts be paid: January, 1941. The Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas- Maintenance __'_mnn.....____.....__..__....,"..... nm....nmnnmm.$ Grant-856 days at 50c 1410 60 428 00 $ 1838 60 1305 90 Viictoria Hospital, London Soldiers' Memorial, Tillsonburg- Maintenance '~~-:. mmnmnmmm...,.__ .......m.$ Grant-287 days at 50cnn.nnmnnmmmmn.. 467 75 143 50 $ 611 25 31 40 1301 80 318 53 SL Joseph's Hospital, London Parkwood Hospital, London Ontario Hospital, Woodstock $5407 45 All of which is respectfully submitted. ROY TANSLEY, Chairman June, 1941. 70 ELGIN COUNTY COUNC1L June Session - Second Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That the following accounts he paid: 'Township of M'alahide, hospitalization at "Craig View" London Children's Aid Society, 1'80 Esther J. lMl.arshalL..$- The Mercury-Sun, Auditors' Statements_____.... ______,___noon.....' Ont. Training School for Girls, Maintenance...___.. TWp. of Bayham, Hospitalization of J. Mezarosn___nn___.... .Bram Saywell, Adding Machine Papern......________________________ Municipal World Ltd., Supplies Clerk and Treasurer...W"' Municipal World Ltd., Supplies Registry Office.___..n........ Onto Training School for Boys, Maintenance........_____........... Wendell Holmes Ltd., Supplies, Clerk and Treasurer....___. Township of Bayham, Transportation of patients.....__nm The Dutton Advance, 100 "Officials" cards..............__mm...m Deputy Prov. Secretary,' Transportation of prisoners:....m Munson Supply Co. Ltd., Supplies, Clerk's Office........ E, S. Livermore, General Account ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 71 JIDl6 Session - Third Report To the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin, 157 50 96 00 160 08 90 50 13 00 75 100 13 148 65 75 50 2 R5 5 00 7 00 6 72 75 12 92 Gentlemen: The Committee on Finance beg leave to report that having inw quired into the finances of the County, and estimates prepared by the County Treasurer, they herewith submit a statement of the expendi- ture required for the lawful purposes of the County during 1941 show- ing the amount required to be raised for the undermentioned purposes: Administration of Justice.....m......,$ House of Refuge Public Schools Officers' Salaries Members' Wages 'Court House Commission m__mm... m.................. Interest .~:~:~m__..__m____m____.......m..n..m..n .....m.....__m.. County Roads ........".................................................... Children's Aid Ho.spitalization M'iscellaneous 'War Purposes 9800 00 4508 00 4000 00 5000 00 5000 00 3500 00 4500 00 70000 00 14000 00 10800 00 5629 00 10000 00 $145129 00 2, That a grant of $10.00 be made to the Chatham and Western Counties for annual Oratorical Contest for Western Counties and defraying expenses of the winning contestant to the O. E. A., Toronto. Your 'committee would recommend that the sum of One Hundred and Fortwfive Thousand, One Hundred and Twenty-Nine Dollars be raised on all rateable property in the several municipalities of the County of ELgin during the 'year 1941 for County Purposes, and that a rate of 4 and 8/1,0's mills on the dollar be levied on rateable property in the several municipalities in the County to raise said amounts. 3. That the Court House Commission be empowered to renew the insurance on the Court House with the County Agents. 4. That an allowance of $35.00 for clothing be granted to the Boyd Children. All of 'which is respectfully submitted. 5. That a by-law be passed to defer the tax sale for one year. ROY TA.NSLEY, Chairman All of which is respectfully submitted. ROY 'rANSLEY, Chairman June, 1941. . June, 1941~ . !,- ~ 7.2 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL November Session - First Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports as follows: That the following hospital accounts be paid:- Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas, Maintenance ......______,.........____________........_______00.$ Grant-1097 days @ 50cm..mmnnnm......nn Victoria Hospital, London umm.....____............___ Memorial Hospital, Tillsonburg: Maintenance ..............-.-_..............-- ...._,_.......... Grant - 178 days @ 500 ___...m.m.'''...._____.. St. Joseph's Hospital, LondOun...........________... Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto .___n___m"__O_ Parkwood Hospital, London Ontario Hospital, Woodstock________.______m......___. Brantford General Hospital All of which is respectfully submitted. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL November Session - Second Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports as follows: 73 1. That the Warden and Treasurer be authorized to borrow an additional sum of $25,000. and that the necessary by-law be prepared. 1896 70 548 50 $ 2445 20 563 70 2, That by-law No, 1221 be amended to provide that old age pen- sioners admitted to the Institution shall pay the sum of Twenty Dol- lars per month for board and lodging. 311 50 (0 89 00 3, That the~,.Jollowing accounts be paid: The Municipal World Ltd" Supplies, Clerk and 500 50 8D 50 52 50 1284 10 643 00 2800 !Treasurer '_.'___"___.m$ The Municipal World Ltd" Supplies, Registry Office J, D, Thomson, Sundry Account, Photo and Postage London Children's Aid Society, re Esther J, Marshall The Township of Yarmouth, Hospital ,Maintenance.m Underwood Elliott, Fisher Ltd., Typewriter repah's The Old Gardens, Funel'al wreath The Dutton Advance, County rates printed....nmnm.. 'The Aylmer Express, Adv. "Victory Loans"....mm_..... Deputy Provincial Secretary, Conveyance of Pl'isoner.s Ontario Training School for Boys, Maintenancen.... Ontario Training School for Girls, Maintenance...m St, Thomas Children's Aid Society, Maintenance, October ...............u......_.............u.........................,.................. E S. Livermore, Solicitor, General AccounL,nn.cmon..... J. R, Bandeeu, Telephone Account .m............................n.. $ 5497 50 ROY TANSLEY, Chairman November 1941. 44 46 5048 2 83 123 20 24 00 1 50 2000 8 00 1500 140 00 131 50 127 00 952 50 144 59 4 0"1 4. That accounts re supply of in.sulin and ambulance be r~ferred to the local :muniCipalitIes, 74 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 75 5. That Mr. Livermore be asked to attend the council meeting on Wednesday {lfternoon and explain Children's Aid Tflatters. N ovembel' Session - Third RepOl.t To the Elgin County Council, 6. That request of the Children's Aid Society for grant be referred to the January Session of the County Council. Gentlemen: 7. That the County Clerk's reports re Old Age Pensions, Mothers' Allowances, Licenses be received and printed in the Proceedings. The Finance Committee reports as follows: 8. That request from the Children's Aid Society for clothing for the Boyd children be approved. We recommend that Miss Coffey's ,salary be raised to Eighty Dollars per month and that by-law No. 1327 be changed accordingly. All of which is respectfully submitted. All of which is respectfully submitted. ROY TANSLEY, Chairman ROY TANSLIDY, Chairman November 1941. November, 1941. '~'. 76 ELGIN COUNTYCQUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 77 AUDITORS' REPOR'l' January Session Your loans at the bank are Ten Thousand Dollars less than in December 31st, 1939, which is most gratifying. To the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin, We have checked with the officials all records for available assets and immediate liabilities. Gentlemen: We have carefully compared the several accounts of r-eceipts and payments with the vouchers produced and orders authorizing the various expenditures. We have carefully checked all High and Continuation School ac~ counts duly signed by the principal and Secretary and certified by the Auditors of each school, containing lists of names of all county students, their individual days attendance and municipality of resi- dence, together with total days attendance of all pupils attending. Before any payments were made by the County we also checked statements sent out to each municipality responsible for their students. We, the under,Signed Auditors for the County of Elgin for the year ending December 31st, 1940, respectfully submit to the following- report: All receipts for license money have been checked. '~'< We ,find the receipts exceed the payments by Forty-one Nine Hundred and Twenty-one Dollars and twenty-four follows: Thousand, cents as The Arrears of Taxes Sale has cleaned listed in the County Treasurer's office. up a lot of your taxes Dec. 31, 1940, Balance in Bank.muumnm....$ 58132 04 Partial Payment, Crown Witnes,s Sheets 648 15 Each municipality's share of hospital accounts has been checked and same paid into the County Treasurer's office. Less Outstanding Cheques, etchn $ 58780 19 16858 95 $ 41921 24 The County has no Bonded The Department regulatons regarding receipts being deposited in bank to the credit of the County are being strictly observed, also all payments are by cheque except pay list of Crown Witness fees in Ad- ministration of JustIce accounts and pay lists for members' wages and committee work when the Treasurer withdraws amount required by cheque which gives him a record We wish to commend you for adopting the system approved and advocated by the Provincial Highways Department in keeping records of your good roads system. It is a real .improvement on the former system. The National Defence tax is being deducted from all salaries and labor accounts, subject to such taxe,s and same is being forwarded to the Department of National Defence by the Treasurer each month. We have verified the bank balance with all bills payable held by the, 'Q,ank on December 31st, 1940, with certified statement of bank balance attached. All accounts of each department appear in accordance with municipal accounting. 78 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 79 :Abstract Statement of Receipts and Payments. such a liability we would suggest that any balance due any recipient of pension be returned to them each month. We understand some counties are doing this. In this way the accumulated accounts could be cleaned up. The following statements are submitted: Available Assets and Immediate Liabilities. Detailed .statement of Revenue and Expenditure. We have made a monthly audit of the Treasurer's accounts and checked the Bank balance each quarter and forwarded a statement to the Warden, Clerk and Chairman of the Finance Committee. On December 31st, 1940, we find available assets to be $101,342.28, while immediate liabilities amount to $90,400.84 showing a surplus of $10,941.44. All officials have furnished U,S with any information asked and books in aU departments are kept in good order. We have checked all municipalities' returns of' tax arrears to the County Treasurer and same are posted in each ledger to the property socharged,.The County Treasurer has credited and forwarded all ,collections of tax arrears to each municipality as due them to Decem- ber 31st, 1940, also all receipts of tax arrears paid local treasurers are being placed to the credit of the property so charged. !We feel that you have transacted the business of the County in a capable manner. All of which is respectfully submitted. '~~~ D. M. LEITCH and WM. E. LOCKE, Auditors '.rhe total assessment of the County is $30,310,345.00. The rate for 1940 was 41h mills plus the school rate. ::>ated at st. Thomas, January 16th, 1941. The Treasurer's bond for $20,000,00 with the United States Fidelity and Guarantee Company was renewed on December 15th, 1940, and is deposited with the County Clerk; No. 80674-07-56-36. (Details of report are prinited in separate form) The insurance on the County Building.s $103,'500,00, expires June 23rd, 1941. The insurance on the House of Refuge $39,700.00 expires February 27th, 1942, The insurance on the Gaoler's residence and annex, $5,800,00 expires June 23rd, 1941. ,We asked you in our report of last year to get the opmlOn of the County Solicitor regarding the, liability of the County re any balance of pensions under By-law No. 1221 due redpients of such pensions in the I-louse of Refuge but no report has been handed us. If you consider 80 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 81 TREASURER'S REPORTS January Session Water, Light, Heat County Roads Mi!3cellaneous To the Warden and County Council, Excess of Receipts ______.".....mn____ 167 57 103568 25 49871 23 .$457712 09 .....0______................00...0...0___.....___ 41918 21 Gentlemen: $499630 30 Cash on hand on Adm. of Justice Bills Payable Interest County Rate Registry Office Public Schools House of Industry Arrears of Taxes County Roads Miscellaneous _______...$ 27177 02 12197 07 140000 00 Assets Cash on hand ummmm__nmm._mm_._____...mmm....h__.________..$ 41921 21 Gov. Aid to Roads "'______mmm____ ___mmo________...._________..__."____ 47000 00 Suburban Area .m_n__nom_m____________.....__._____......__...._....___...... 3681 93 County Lines nmmm..n__.______nmm_....mnnm____.u__mmmnn___.. 1500 00 Administration of Justice ..___unmnn.......___________..___...______ 2500 00 Registry Office .____mum....on.___.._____.______.________........_______.___..__ 871 00 Corn Borer Act 0_____00"'_"________00"'''''''___'''___''__'_____'__00 ....__..____ 565 00 Miscellaneous ___________.___.__________....00__00__________ 800 00 ----------$ 98839 14 I beg leave to submit the following statement of Receipts and Ex- penditure, also Assets and Liabilities up to December 31st, 1940. Receipts 204362 19 1801 68 '-';, LIABILITIES 3980 17 26065 84 75104 76 8942 00 .$499630 30 Bills Payable .________00__..___......_______."..______...__........._____....__..____$ 50000 00 In terest -...._.._....._....___..........._.........__......_.........._._......_.............. 562, 17 High Schools __00._________.____...__.___0000......____00_______..___..______....._____ 26000 00 Public Schools ....---..__~nn...m____..__________.._....____n....___......m.m 6000 00 Provincial Police ____________.____...___.___....00__.......____._____..___.___.____ 414 00 Administration of Justice ._____..._..___._______..________.....______ 1500 00 Gaol Accounts h...nn...mn__.....__nn.___ _hn_______.________________n______ 772 95 House of Refuge ____n....__m....___._____..___.nn_..........________________m 700 00 Children's Aid __...___.m._____________......__n__..__._______...__......___._____.. 1251 00 Hospital Accounts .______._.._______.___.....___00______.........._____..__..____ 1200 00 County Roads ______nn...hnm__n..._.........__n_____..___________..___hn____ 3000 00 Surplus .....-..--........--._.........__...._...........__._..........................._..... 8690 02 Expenditures Adm. of Justice ___.,...___..___......___....__00....___.......___...._________.00.__$ 19630- 78 Bills Payable .."__n.______......_____...m..............._____n____....nn..,n..__ 150000 00 Interest ____...'....00...............__.......__.....__......__00..00__00.__...____....__...--. 3665 38 Public Schools __......___.....___.____._...00.___......__00...__00__.......___..__00__ 12028 14 House of Industry ....__00..___...___......__.....___.........__00__..........__00 8200 49 Registry Office __00___00......____00...___00....___..____00..._____...............____ 456 36 High Schools mn...m__...._____..__n________.......__._____nn...._____......nn 71365 07 Arrears of Taxes ___.....__n__m..n.....m___._____nn..__________n.__....___ 26044 54 Mlambers' Wages .................__00...__.......___..00__00._............00...... 4850 90 Officers' Salaries .....___............_.__.__..___....________...__...____00.___.___5676 50 Printing ..____..__..........__.......__.....__...____00.__00.....__..__.__00__...__...____.. 1060 07 Care of Buildings m..___....__n._.m__..__...............______.________...___ 1110 98 $ 98839 14 It will be necessary to pass a by-law authorizing the Warden and Treasurer to borrow $175,000.00 from the Bank of Montreal. All of which is respectfully submitted. B. B. GRAHAM, County Treasurer ~ St. Thomas, Ont, June 10th, 1941 82 ELGIN COUNTY COUNC1L ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 83 June Session Estimates f-QI' Balance of CUl'l'B-ut Year Cash on Hand _'n._..__________m.. Administration of Justice Bills Payable In terest Registry Office House of Industry Arrears of Taxes County Roads Miscellaneous mnn"_,,______ nnnnnn........nnn$ 41872 96 2542 16 60000 00 9 17 871 46 1799 89 561 38 53107 05 3228 01 $163992 08 Administration of Justice "nnnnnon____" "m'mmmo....mnn..$ House of Industry m.n__.__n___nm..........________.__..____.....___.....___ Public Schools Officers' Salaries Members' Wages Court House Commission Interest County Roads Children's Aid Hospitalization Miscellaneous War Purposes 9000 00 4500 00 5000 00 5000 00 5000 00 3500 00 "'.........n............ 4500 00 70000 00 14000 00 11000 00 5560 00 10000 00 $ 147060 00 To the Warden and County Council, Gentlemen: I beg leave to submit the following report of Receipts and Expen- ditures to June 1st, 1941, and Estimates. for the balance of the current year. Receipts That owing to the small amount of arrears, tax sale be adjourned one year. -~'i' All of which is respectfully submitted. Expenditures B. B. GRAHAM, County Treasurer Administration of Justice ___.n'...."n.unnnnn......uun."nnn$ BiIls Payable .nnmnn.."...".nnnmnn_"mnd,..n..""n.nnn.n.....__nd In teres t ....n".........."..""".".""....n"....."""."".".".""_u.,,.._."..""."."."."".".'""n" Public Schools .n.....num" .n"mnn."n'...nnn"".nmn"n.n.".n.....nn House of Industry Registry Office .".".".".'"."......".".."."..."".""..'"."..u___........"."""".""""""" High Schools "_"."nn".".."".".""""."".u"."n.'...."".nu"."n". .,"....."."U""""" Members' Wages Officers' Salaries """.."".""".""""."'....."".UU"."".___.,...""."."."."".."".,.",.. Printing and Stationery Care of Buildings mnn.......".unnnnm___....__n.""..m"""nn.___.m" Water, Light, Heat mmnnm___........."mm.m___.n___."...""___mm County Roads nnnnumnn.n.....n..mnm'.......n."n.nnnn"........n. Miscellaneous "n........."".U".""""."__."n.""..."n.""."..""..""n......""..'"."."."" 9573 55 50000 00 1060 25 9619 24 3286 20 102 23 31980 95 1767 18 1941 77 417 23 509 28 97 08 33870 97 14058 07 $158284 00 BALANCE ........................................................................................ 5708 08 $163992 08 l, 84 ELQIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 85 St. Thomas, January 21st, 1941 4. We estimate- the sum of $68,000,00 be raised by the Department of Highways and the County of Elgin for construction, and $64,000.00 for maintenance on county roads for the year 1941, be allotted as fol- lows: To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: County Roads _____...___________........_._________________..___$100000 00 Suburban Area 32000 00 1. The Elgin County RoadCornmittee reports that the sum of One hundred and three thousand, five hundred and seventy dollars, and twentytwo cents, ($103;570.22) was expended on the Elgin County Highways during the year 1940. 2. County Roads: Construction on county roads .nm..__..mn___.nmmmm..___nm.nnnn$ Maintenance on county roads Maintenance on county roads in incorporated villages Construction ou county roads in incorporated villages and town.s ..--.--..--..----..---.-.-------....----.--------..----.----.------...-..-.--.---.-- iBridge Construction County Bridges under By-law', No. 1091..________.._______..___.___________ 3. General Expenses: Superintendence and office expense._...____....______.......__m___..______ New machinery, tools and repairs__ ___..____________._m_____________________ Gravel Pits Workmen's Compensation B.oard Constable Fees ___._____,._._.__._.__._._._.______._ .-.---.-.-.--.--..--.-.------.....----.-.--. Insurance..______.__._.________......_.____..__._.__.___..------.--..----.----..--..-----.-----...---.. Legal Fee.s .--.-..------....--.---.---.--.---.-.--...-----.--.-...----.-.....-.-.----...--.----........ Less receipts ___.____m.....________ Unpaid Accounts 5. That Mr. F. A. Bell be appointed County Engineer and Road superintendent at a salary of $120~.OO per year with allowance of '5c per mile use of car and expenses. 38429 06 19981 28 2350 18 6. Mr. F. A. Bell, C.E., and Mr. George Powles, be 'delegated to attend the Good Roads Association in Toronto, February 26th and 27th, 1941, and the Warden be empowered to name a committee to attend Association for ,tJ;le County Council. 3561 52 6190 70 10 75 7. That Fifteen dollars for membership in the Good Roads Asso- ciation be paid. 3567 86 19981 85 5787 84 2567 07 529 52 508 09 104 50 8. We recommend that By-law No. 496 Village of Dutton, designat- ing certain roads as connecting links be approved. 9. That no action be taken at this time, r8 county sinking fund on machin-ery as outlined in letter from Mr. G. F. Smith, Department of Highways, dated January 9th, 1941. $103570 22 4727 04 10. This committee is not in favour. of as,suming that portion of road in the Township of Malahide, serving the Airport, approximately 31h miles, be taken over by"tthe County. $ 98843 18 10521 88 11. That the Road Committee meet as near the first of the month as possible, in order to pass accounts before they are paid. All of whiQh ,is respectfully submitted. $109365 06 ~, R. BA~D~~N, Ch,a,.irmlil:n o~ Roa,.q Committee 86 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 87 SUBURBAN AREA COMMISSION The Corporation of the City of St. Thomas. St. Thomas, January 15th, 1941 In account with the The meeting of the St. Thomas Suburban Area Commission was held at the Court House, St. Thomas, this 15th day of January, 1941. Elgin County Highway System Present: Chairman Dr. F. Q. Lawrence, George Cross, R. D. Bowey, F. A. Bell, a.E., and George Powles. 1. For expenditures on Suburban Area Roads under the supervi- sion of George Powles, Assistant County Road Superintendent, subject to the direction of the Suburban Area' Commission. January 1st, 1940, to January 30th, 1941. A detailed statement of accounts was submitted to the Commission showing an expenditure on Suburban Area .road of $14727.91 of this amount the City would be liable far 25% thereof, or $3681.98. Orde.'ed by Commission 2. Maintenance 1. That this account be presented to the City Council for pay. ment. Ditching Culverts Railway Signs Snow roads, plowing, etc..................n.unnnnn Dragging ............................................._.........'.nn. Grading~"",...........,...............n__....._............._....._...... Weed cutting ..nm_.m_.......mum.m.._...nnnmm.n. Gravel resurfacing (5971 yds. gravel) Calcium chloride St. George st. crossing protectionn....n_... Members' wages and expenses to Toronto, 1939 and 1940 .mmnnnn$ 173 50 100 00 38 62 683 04 2533 67 294 08 163 65 5486 50 2. That the County of Elgin be notified that the sum of $8,000,00 will be required for construction and maintenance on county Subur- ban Area roads for the year 1941. 3. That the City of st. Thomas be notified that the sum of $8000.0D, will be required for construction and maintenance on Suburb- an Roads for the year 1941. 845 09 599 70 4. That the following members of the Suburban Area Commis- sion are entitled to be paid for their services for the year 1940, as appears opposite their respective names as follows: 307 63 $ 112Z5 48 3. Construntiou Culverts ..._.......n............n....n...._.........n...._..........$ Tile un................n..__.u.._....n............un.......,.n.....n._ Engineering Bridge on Road No. 16 S. A. mnm.........m..n 1514 34 1502 50 141 00 344 59 $ 3502 43 Dr, F. O. Lawrence, chairman.m....nmnnnnm$ George Cross J. T. ,Webster, estate 55 09 52 54 50 00 $ 157 63 5. That Dr. F. O. Lawrence, be re-appointed chairman of the St. Thomas Suburban Area Road Commission. 6, That the Commission adjourn. $ 14727.91 City's Portion at 25% .mnnnmnmnmmnu..$ 3681 98 Certified Correct. F. O. LAWRENCE, F, Q. LAWRENCE, Chairman, Suburban Arca Commission. Cbairma.n of Commission 88 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 89 To the Warden and Council 3. We recommend that the County purchase 8 acres of gravel on the north half of Lot B, Concession 7, Township of Aldborough, at a cost of $3,500.00. of the County of Elgin, 4. We recommend that $250.00' be paid to James Baird, Vienna, for the right to divert Otter Creek in the Village of Vienna, so as to provide a new location for the County Bridge on the Creek Road. Gentlemen: Your Road Committee begs to report as follows: 5. We recommend that a bituminious road mix pavement be con- structed on the following roads this year: 1. Due to weather conditions the County roads in Elgin were severely damaged this spring and the cost of repairs exceeded that ,contemplated when the estimates were prepared at the January Ses- sion. (a) From Union to Sparta, in the Township of Yarmouth- approximately 5 miles. 2. The following is an approximate estimate of the cost of main- taining the county road system for the remainder of 1941 and for the construction programme recommended by your committee. Paid to date (not including Suburban Area)mnmnm___m.ununm_$ 30000 O~ Maintenance __.____....._.______._.__._...____...__._.__..,-<____.____.____._...._.___._____ 10000 00 (b) From Shedden to Fingal in the Township of Southwold- 2% miles, (c) In the,~Yi1lage of Springfield-approximately % mile. Gravelling ______nnnnm.nnn._....'...__...nn______.nn__n._.__.___..__.__..nnn_. Ordinary expenses, graders and trucks, less rentals Office Expenses, overhead Village Grants Construction- Bridges Road Mix Preparing 8000 00 9000 00 3050 00 4300 00 (d) In the Village of Avon-approximately .6 miles. 6. We recommend that approximately 11 miles of County road be prepared for future paving. bituminious pavement roads for future pavements_ 12750 00 35500 00 8000 00 7. We have received notice that By-law No. 1317 has received the approval of the Department of Highways. Under this by-law the County assumes 3 miles of road in the Township of Dunwich leading to 'I'yroconnell. Cost of purchasing of Aldborough Cost of purchasing Incidentals $ 56250 00 a gravel pit in Township of 3500 O~ power grader________________.__.,.____,...._____n 1300 00 1300 00 8. We recommend that a by-law be prepared authorizing the road- $164700 00 "Being a road extending northwesterly and northerly across part of Not 20, concession VII, in the Township of Bayham from the wes- tern limit of the King',s Highway diversion as defined by deposited Plan, No. D-59, to its intersection with the western curved limit of the King's Highway diversion continued northerly as shown on a Plan marked A. &, 7-21" to p~ :t;everteq to the Township of Bayham. $132700 00 Sl,.1blJrban Ar~~ "''''......__________n__m__m__......._.._..._...mmmmnmm 320.00 00 90 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 91 9. We recommend that a by-law be prepared authorizing the County of Elgin to place stop signs on the north and south sides of the road allowance between concessions 9 & 10 at the side road between lots 18 & 19 in the Township of South Dorchester. COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE November SessiQn 10. We recommend that the Insurance on the Elgin County High- ways employees, be renewed with Percy Locke, Agent for the Phoenix Insurance Co. To the Warden and Council of the County of ELgin, Gentlemen: 1. As iN. the past the County is supplying and applying dust layer on the roads in front of schools, railway crossings, Hamlets and Cemeteries. Private parties requiring calcium chloride may obtain it at the rate of 35c per 100 Ibs. if it is applied to county roads. Your Road Committee begs to report as follows: 1. During the current year the following construction work was done on the 'County roads. 12. We recommend that a supplementary by-law be passed to pro- vide an additional $32,700.00 for road purposes. AU of which is respectfully submitted. J. R. BANDEEN, (a) Tar, Road mulch pavements were laid on the following roads. In the Township of Yarmouth from Union to Sparta and the road between lots 21 & 22 in Sparta from the North to South limits of ' the Village, a total distance of about 6% miles. Main 'Street in the Village of' Springf~eld about ,65 miles. The town- line between South Dorchester and North Dorchester through the Village of Avon and the road between lots 3 &4 in the Village of Avon from the Townline southerly a total distance of about ,-%, mile. One half of the cost on townline will be paid by the County of Middlesex. Chairman of Elgin County Road Committee St. Thomas, Ont., June 12th, 1941. (b) The following roads have been prepared for future paving. The ~ake road in the Townships' of Malahide and' tBayham, from the end of the old pavement at Lakeview to the top of the West Hill at Port Burwell. The road between Shedden and Fingal in the Township of Southwold. (c) The 'Currie' Road in the Township of Dunwich, from Dutton northerly to Road No. 12, has been widened and easy curves 'constructed at the turns. ",""- (d) A new concrete bridge has been constructed over Catfi,sh Creek on the Townline between Malahide and Dereham. 'The County of Oxford will be responsible for ]h of the cost Qf the wOl'k, 92 93 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL (e) Culverts were widened on the Townline between Aldborough and Dunwich, opposite Gore Conce.ssion, Dunwich, and the road widened at this point. estimated that there is about 16 feet of gravel on this property. Work is now in progress in preparing for the removal of gravel. (f) Work is in progress in constructing culverts and regrading the townline between North and South Dorchester, opposite lots 6 and 7. 5. During the year the Ontario Department of Highways approved the By-Laws passed in 1937-38 for adding about 38 miles of roads to the County Road System. With the addition of these roads the County of Elgin will have about 240 miles under its jurisdiction. About lS.5miles are under the Suburban Area Commission or a total of 2'58.5 miles, This mileage includes the total length of county roads on the Townline between Elgin, Middlesex and Kent. (.g) It is the intention to drive piles to strengthen the Bridge on the Mill road in Vienna, and repair the present floor this year. 2. 'The expenditures on the county roads from January 1st. to October 31st, 1941, were as follows: Maintenance nnnmn...................nnnmnnmnmn...'.n$ 43519 62 Constructian .m...mmnmmmmum...........nnmnnnn.. 36008 26 County Bridges ............___.....nnnn'm___nmnn......n.. 1443 25 New Machinery m,'__'nnnnmnmnnmnn.nnn"..mnm 7266 71 New Gravel Pit, Aldbaraughnmnmnnnm.n...... 3500 00 Insurance""" 731 46 !Legal Fees ..nmn______,,..nn............n...nm___.nnn.,..___. 60 80 ;Salaries mm'.........m.'n...n....nnmnnnn.nnnn.....m.m.. 3133 30 Constable Fees ..nm....nmm..............___.nnmnn___..... 455 95 Villages and Tawn Grantsm...______...mnnn.......... 2641 73 6. The appraximate amaunts af gravel removed from the County pits from Janu~ry 1st, taOctaber 31st, are as follaws: Hathaway pit, Tawnship af Yarmauthm_.__-m....mnI7,653 PleasaQ..\Valley Pit, Twp. af Yarmauth.,.......n.......n23,305 Ralasan Pit, Twp, of Dereham.....,..un_........,..___.nnnn 3,755 Haughton Pit mn.,..m.m...., 1,800 cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. 7. The Internatianal truck purchased by the County in 1938 was wrecked' by a collisian with a Railway car at the Landon & Port Stanley crassing an Talbat Street, st. Thamas, in Septem- ber. The County naw has anly ane truck in service. $ 98761 08 Less receipts mn___.,.._... .................nn..m................n 6621 03 8. We recammend that a supplementary by-law be passed to. in~ ,crease the apprapriation for raad expenditures far 1941 by $20,000.00. The expenditure an county raads during 1941 were less than the estimates made at the June Sessian of the Caunty Council. $ 92140 05 Canstructian and maintenance raad under jurisdictian af the Suburban Area Cam- missian nnnn._.._m"_.........nn___mmnmnm.'.....'... 47464 26 $139604 31 It is faund necessary, however, to. increase these estimate.s on account af the expenditures faund necessary by the Subur- ban Area Commissian to. rebuild the Talbat Raad to. serve the Fin~al Bambing Schaal. 3. A new Adams Grader, Diesel pawered, No.. 412, was purchased this year at a cost of $7,267.00. 4. . The County purchased 8 acres of land on lat B, concessian 7, in the TQwnship af Aldboraugh at a cast of $3,500.00. It i& 9. We recammend that the raad between cancessians 10 and 11, appasite lat 19, in the 'Tawnship af Yarmauth and the road used in lieu thereof an the lat 19, cancessian 11, fram the 94 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 95 Village of Mapleton to the Townline between the Townships of Yarmouth and South Dorchester, a total distance of about .15 miles, be assumed by the county as county road. concession 8, northerly to the main gate of the No. 14 'Flying Service Training School be as.sumed under the Elgin County Road System, a total distance of about 2.1 miles. 10. We wish to express our appreciation for the splendid co- operation at all times shown by Mr, T. S. Caldwell as !District Engineer for the Department of Municipal Roads of Ontario, and to go on record as having 'complete confidence in Mr. Caldwell in the discharge of his duties. 3. That the Warden and County Clerk he authorized to enter into an agreement with the Ontario :Department of Highways regarding any payments which may be made during 1941 and 1942 by the Domi... nion Board of Transport or Airforce authorities to the construction of the road leading to the No. 14 Flying Service 'Training School north- east of Aylmer and the Talbot Road leading to the Fingal Bom'Ping and Gunnery School. We recommend that a letter be sent to Mr. Caldwell personally, and a copy to Mr. J. A. P. Marshall, Chief Engineer, Department of Municipal Roads, Dept. of Highways, expressing this appreciation. All of which is respectfully submitted. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. R. BANDEEN, Chairman Road Committee J. R. BANDEEN, Chairman Road Committee ',." Supplementa.ry Report - November Session 1941 To the Warden and Council of the County, of Elgin, Gentlemen: Your Road Committee re'commend as follows: 1. That the Warden and County Clerk be authorized to sign an agreement to revert the land in Lot c, ,concession 7, Aldborough town- ship, formerly used as a county gravel pit to D. N. Walker, and that clause 2 of by-law No. 982 be repealed. 2. That the Road in the 'Township of Malahide between conces- sions 7 and 8 and Gore Concession and 8, apposite lots 11 to 15 inclu- sive and the road between lots 15 and 16 from the southerly limit of 9G ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 97 January Session 4. That the tender of J. G~ Palmer for the supply of coal be accepted as follows: GAOL COl\lMITTEE To 'the Elgin County Council, 3 carloads of egg coal at $12.97 per ton. 20 tons of coke at $12.00 per ton. Gentlemen: The Gaol Committee reports as follows: 1. That account from Andersons Ltd., $36.00 be paid. 2. That we recommend the purchase of a fumigator box for use in the County Gaol. 5. That the brick work in the ,cells in the Gaol be plastered and painted. 3. That the matter of the purchase of stokers for the Court House and Gaol be referred to the next session. 6. That we recommend' the installation of wash tubs and shower in the basement of the Gaol. F. L. TRUMAN, Chairman 7. That a push button be placed in each of the gaol corridors; these to be connected with a bell in the gaol office and an extension buzzer in the Turnkey's house. All of which is resp~ctfully submitted. January, 1941. All of which is r~~pectfully submitted. F. L. TRUMAN, Chairman. June, 1941. June Session To the Elgin County Council, November Session Gentlemen: To the Elgin County Council, '1'he Gaol Committee reports as follows: Gentlemen: 1. That the tender of Frank Trace, of Shedden, to decorate five rooms in the Court House for $169.00 be accepted. The Gaol <Committee reports as follows: 2. That two stdols be purchased for the Registry Office at a cost of $5.25 each. 1. That communication from thE) Provincial Secretary re appoint- ment of gaol officials and salaries be flied. 2. That the following accounts be paid: Sanders & Bell, step pO.sts....m Andersons Ltd., sox for Gaol Gillard & Price, repairs .nnmmnnnnmn$ 3 00 23 40 79 74 3. That the following accounts be paid: Times-Journal, ad. for tenders ________m .___...$ Norsworthy Co., braze casting....."..__........__ Andersons Ltd., towels .____.........................._ 1 40 2 10 42 98 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 99 3. That tender of Durnan and :Spry for supply of meat to the County Gaol be accepted. 150 per lb. EDUCATIONAL CQMMITTEE 4. That tender of the Imperial System of Baking for the supply of bread to the County Gaol be accepted. 6e per 1~ lb. loaf. Janum-y Session To the Elgin County Council, All of which is respectfully submitted. F. L. TRUMAN, Chairman. Gentlemen: November 1941. The Education Committee reports as follows: 1. That E. S., Livermore be paid Two Hundred Dollars for serw vices re the Aylmer High School lawsuit. 2. Tha:tH. E. Wilson be appointed a member of the Aylmer Board of Education for a term of three years. 3. That no action be taken in connection with resolution from the County of Victoria re fees for entrance examinations. 4. That membership fee in the Ontario Education A.ssociation be paid and that the Warden appoint the delegates to attend the annual convention. All of whi,ch is respectfully submitted. H. G. TAYLOR, Chairman January 1941. 100 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COlJNCIL 101 June Session HOUSE OF REFUGE COMMITTEE To the Elgin County Council, January Session Gentlemen: The Education Committee reports as follows: To the Elgin County Council, 1. That the Warden and Clerk be authorized to sign renewal agreement with the London Board of Education. Gentlemen: 2. That we concur with resolution from the City of wel1and re larger provincial grants for education costs. The House of Refuge Committee reports as follows: 3. That we take no action 1'e appeal of School Section No. 13 of The Township of Dunwich. 1. That the annual report from the Department Inspector be filed. 4. That report from the County Council Section of the Ontario Education Association be filed. 2, That the Keeper and Matron, and Chairman of the Committee attend the annual meeting of the Association of Managers of Homes for Aged and Inti'fm, and that the membership fee in the said Associa- tion be paid. All of which is respectfully submitted. H. G. TAYLOR, Chairman 3. That correspondence and report from the Dominion Fire and Burglary Alarms Limited be f.'led. June 1941. 4. That the Committee call for tenders for the installation of stokers at the House of Refuge and that they be given power to act on said tenders. 5. That the Keeper and Matron be granted one week's holiday. 6. That account of Hamilton and Stott for $3.50 be paid. All of which is respectfully submitted. \ ID. E, A.TK,IN~ON, GMLrmau January 1941., :11: !il 102 ELG1N COUNTY COUNClL ELGIN COUNTY COUNC1L 103 June Session November Session To the Elgin County Council, To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: Gentlemen: The House of Refuge Committee reports as follows: The House of Refuge Committee reports as follows: 1. That we accept the report of Harry Angus, heating engineer, and recommend that his account for services be paid. 1. 'That the Physician's report be received and printed in the Proceedings. 2. That no action be taken re Vacu-Draft device for furnaces. 2. That the report of the Inspector be received and printed in the Proceedings. 3. That the Clerk be appointed to attend the annual convention of Superintendents and Matrons of Houses of Refuge, at Picton. 3. That the contract for bread be given to the Imperial System of 'Baking. 4. That tender of J. G. Palmer for thirty tons of egg coal at $13.10, be accepted. All of which is respectfully submitted. 4. That the salary of the Keeper and Matron be increased by $20,00 per month each and that by-law No. 1347 be amended accord- ingly. Increase to 'commence December 1st. E. E, ATKINSON, Chairman All of which is respectfully submitted. June 1941. E. E. ATKINSON, Chairman November 1941. Second Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: Second Report To the Elgin County Council, The House of Refuge Committee reports q..,s follows: That we agree to the transfer of the second mortgage now held by Merinda Hathaway toD. N. Walker. All of which is respectfully submitted. Gentlemen: :1 E. E. ATKINSON, Chairman 'The House of Refuge Committee reports as follows: Your Committee, with the other members of the County Council, made a complete inspection of the Elgin House of Re'fuge on Tuesday afternoon, November 25th inconsequence of the critical report made to Mr. Ju~Ug~ Keillor MGKl;ty ~:t the Fl;l,ll Ass:ize GQ\l.rt by the Grand Jury. June 1941. I 1 "'I I 1'1 il!' ,Ii 104 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 105 Your Committee begs to report that we find that the report of the Grand Jury misrepresented conditions in the Institution and, most regrettably, gave the public the impression that parts of the Institu- tion were virtually unfit for habitation and a disgrace to Elgin County. To the Warden and Members of Physician's Report Elgin County Council, Your 'Committee takes strong exception to such a report being presented and made public a.'3 it not only reflects on the Institution and its management but on your committee, the County Council as a body and on Elgin County itself. Gentlemen: . I have the honour of presenting the Sixty-sixth annual medical report of the 'Elgin House of Industry up to October 31st, 1941, and submit the following for your consideration. I made fifty-two visits to the House of Industry and attended Your Committee has inspected the rooms and accommodations criticized by the Grand Jury in an impartial manner and we do not feel that such criticism was justified. Your Committee has found that the Elgin House of Refuge is well managed. The rooms are - clean, comfortably warm and well-lighted and ventilated. The inmates are well fed and had no complaints to make to members of the Committee or other members of the County Council. three inmates in the Memorial Hospital as follows: Thomas Erackenbury-January 17th-February 25th, 1941. George Grose-January 25th-May 1st, 1941. Agnes Ivey-June 21st-July 11th, 1941. There were no births. '~.;' Y.our Com;rnittee would suggest that county citizens be invited to visit the House of Refuge and see for themselves whether the unfavor- able report presented by the Grand Jurors was justified. Date Name There were eight deaths, three females and five males as follows: Cause of Death All of which is respectfully submitted. Dec. Feb. Feb. 17, 1940 Alex MClCallum 3, 1941 [)uncan Thomson 25, 1941 Thomas Brackenbury E. E. ATKINSON, Chairman November, 1941. June 15, 1941 June 23, 1941 Aug. 6, 1941 Sept. 28, 1941 Sept; 29, 1941 Maria Watt Sylvanus Swartz Dougald Gray Josephine Smith Emma Parker , , Ii I,' I II ,I I,: Iii :il Iii, 1,1 I I, Ii III I have the honour to be, Yours very truly, D. L. EWIN, Physician Age 85 68 Cardio Vascular Renal Dise. Chronic Myocarditis 64 Chronic Arthritis and Myocarditis Paralysis Agitans Arteria Sclerosis Locomotor Ataxia Apoplexy Chronic Myocarditis 80 85 64 68 82 Elgin House of Industry 106 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Inspector's Report . To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The following is my report on the House of Refuge for the year ending October 31st, 1941: 1. Number of inmates at last 39 2. Number admitted during year................___.........__......__,...n__.___ 6 3. Number of deathsmnn..........__...__.__..........___n__..___..mnnmmmmnn 8 4. Number dischargedn__,...n......mmmmnmnmn__nnmn___nmmm__n___ 6 5. Number absconded unm..._.___.........._______'__'___...__...... 1 6. Number of inmates now in Housen..........._______.. mn''''n___n_,n. 30 7. Number of inmates sent from the several municipalities during the year: Aldborough Yarmouth Port :Stanley 2 3 1 6 8. The various causes of pauperism of inmates admitted to ,the House during the year may be classified as follows: Destitute m.n__________m..__.....__..m................. 3 Ill-health ..,oo.'......m......'..__.............____...oo... 1 Old Age Crippled 1 1 6 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Average number of inmates during the year....oo..__.. 341h Average number with Keeper's family and hired help 39% Number of weeks' board of inmates........oo.....,.................oo... 1799 Number of week's board with Keeper's familym..m.... 2059 Total expenditure during the year.....__.....moo__.....oo..........$ 7882 7G ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Deductions 14. 107 From farm stock sold ....m........m....................m__.................$ From Old Age Pensions, inmates__..__...__......................... Produce sold ..__.n..__ oo..n........____.......__.........__........................oo.. Sundries ...................................................................................... Inmates 1049 44 1440 00 698 20 50 00 380 75 $ 3618 19 15. Le'aving amount actually expended for support of inmates ................... ...................................................... 16. Average expenses per day of each person.......,.................... 17. Average expenses per week of each person................ 18. Average expenses per year of ach person__...........,...... ,~" Fa.rm Expenses Hired Labor .n..............................................,..........$ Implements ............................................,................. Stock ..__ ....__.__..n"......oon.....oo__..........____.oooo.....oo__.n..__ Feed Se,ed ........................................ .........................,....... Gas and Oil Miscellaneous .......................................................... House Expenses Bread .....__. .......__...__00.......__.............,...,.,.__..............__.$ Groceries Provisions ..........................................................._.... Dry, 'Goods ........................................................... Boots and Shoes Furniture and Hardwal"e.. ""."'''__''...__m__..,'''''''' Drugs Coal and Wood Miscellaneous Barber ,. n...........'....__........... ........".",.......__n...____.......... 4264 57 33.87 2 38 123 61 257 10 243 07 371 90 164 28 91 80 168 75 241 14 $ 1538 04 353 30 888 lQ 276 76 338 87 417 67 69 86 88 11 30 03 597 87 296 64 120 00 $ 3477 21 108 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL General Expense Repairs --..........------....-...---...--......-.--.....--..--------.-----.$ Incidental .------....-.---....---..---....---.----.----------.-..-------.. Hired Laabor ....---....----....--...---.----.-----..----..----..-- 96 83 438 55 395 00 $ Salaries Keeper and Matron on.__m"_"___"'___' ________...___.....$ Physician National Defence Tax __un.._m....___________.'._______""" 1601 83 270 00 65 30 $ Total Expenditures" 930 38 1937 13 .....$ 7882 76 19. The following produce was raised on the farm during the year: 945 Bushels of Oats 30 Loads of Hay 10 Acres Ensilage Corn 100 Bushels Potatoes 15 Bushels of Carrots 45 Loads' of Straw Quantity of Pumpkin and Squash 10 Bushels Beets 10 Bushels Onions 10 Bushels Parsnips 254 Bushels Wheat Garden Produce 8 Bushels Beets 10 Bushels Onions 300 Bushels Sugar Beets 100 Heads of Cabbage 70 Bushels of Tomatoes 1h Acre .sweet Corn Quantity Lettuce, Parsley, Asparagus Quantity Plums, Grapes ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 109 25 Quarts Milk per day 600 Quarts IFruit canned in Hause 1000 Dozen Eggs consumed 1460 Pounds of Butter Fann ,Stock 4 Horses 9 Cows 20 Hogs 3 Yearlings 2 Brood Sows 100 Chickens 2 Calves 1 Bull 23. The total amount expended by the County on the House of Refuge is as follows: Farms, 100 acres, Co.St.__..m....._____mnmnhnnmm$ 7298 95 House of Refuge ............m..__......"..n....'...nm..n.n 14476 26 Laundry .mnnnmn,.'nnnn.nnn".nmnmnnn..nmnnnn__ 687 61 Fire' Escapes ....nn....______..nn....mnu.................nn 390 00 Root Cellar, Henery, etc. mn...nnnnnnnnm..... 1419 43 Cottages, etc. nnnmnnnmnnnnnnnmn__.n............ e952 87 Brick Ice House 192'0 '50 Barns, etc, mnnnnnnn...nmnnnmnm_....___mn.....m.... 7004 37 Tile Drains ........nn........m...........................nnnm. 4162 23 Tile Drain Outlet nnnnnmnnmnnnnnnn...___mn... 132 03 Hot Air Pump Tank Connections....___.......... 920 6'0 Refrigerator nn.'__'.",'mm''''___'nn.'.'''Unnn'''''' 590 00 Fencing n...__..__.......__...__......................____......".......... 1979 07 Orchard ........................."..........................u."'n..'."" 85 85 Heating Apparatus 2305 44 Boiler Room and Soft Coal" 3837 52 Deep Well 2436 40 Silo .........................".....n..n...............O.._...................... 293 62 Hog Pen nnmn.nnnnmnnmnmnn..___nnnnn'n.nnn 654 99 Electric Installation and Pumpsm.....".......n 2372 00 Plumbing n..mnnnnnnnn...mnnmnmnmnmnn.n.'"..... 3174 00 110 ELGIN COUNTY CQUNC1L ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 111 1146 75 416 35 $ 64456 90 PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Septic Tank and Drain..................................__ Sundries ,___.."...._._......n.u___....n....._...___..____nmnnn.... January Session 24. Received from Government on account of expenditures for land and building_________... To the Elgin County Council, 4000 00 Gentlemen: $ 60456 90 The Petitions & Legislation Committee report as follows: 25. There were 45 inmates in the House during 1941; 30 males, 15 female,s, Of, the 30 inmates in the House on the list of November 1941, 18 were males and 12 females. 1. That no action be taken with regard to resolution from the County of Oxford re the transportation of the Dominion's fighting forces. The management has been satisfactory. All Of which is respectfully submitted. 2. That we concur with resolution from the County of Hastings re the abolition of Grand Juries, but oppose resolution from the same County to reduce t~,~ number of petit jurors. JOHN D. THOMSON, Inspector St. Thomas, Ontario, November 1941 3. That we take no action re resolution from the County of Peel to discontinue allowances for mileage and other expenses to officers connected with the Administration of Justice, but that we concur with clause requiring Judges to contribute to their own pensions. 4. That resolution from the County of Peel re costs of Administra~ tion of Justice in 'cases of people 'convicted of capital offences be flIed. 5. That we ,concur with resolution from the County of Peel re costs ,of Royal Commissions. 6. That resolution from the County of Simcoe re farm labor be flied. ~7. That resolution from the County of Kent re railway transpor- tation for soldiens be filed. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN G. GILLIES, Chairman January, 1941. 112 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL June Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Petitions & Legislation Committee reports as follows: 1. That resolution from the County of Kent re the deferrrnent of the census taking be filed. 2. 'That resolution from the County of Lambton re notice to local clerks of the admission of indigent patients to hospitals be filed. 3. That we, do not concur with resolution from the County of Perth re the exemption of farm forest areas from assessment for drain- age purpas{!s. 4. That we endorse resolution from the Kent County Swine Pro- ducers Association re community auction sales and hauling of live stock. 5. That resolution from the County of Huron ore a municipal-con- trolled medical service, be filed. 6. That we endorse resolution from the County of WeIland, re the compulsory insurance of motor vehicles. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN G. GILLIES, Chairman June 1941. I ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Ii il I , I I13 November Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Petitions and Legislation Committee reports as follows: That we endorse resolution received from the County Council of the County of Huron requesting a flat rate for Hydro. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. C. GILLIES, Chairman. November, 1941. '.'~ 114 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 115 AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE 8. That Summers Harper be appointed Corn Borer Inspector for the year 1941 and that a by-law be prepared. January Session To the E:gin County Council, 9. That we recommend that a grant of $1,000 be paid to the Agricultural Advisory Board. Gentlemen: That honorary members be the members of the Agricultural Com- mittee of the County. The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That the annual fee of $50.00 be paid to the Ontario Agricul- tural Council and that all the memberl3 of the Agricultural Commit- tee be delegates to attend the annual convention. That the following be members of the Advisory Agricultural Board -John Sloan, F. H. Miller, Grant Mitchell, W. B. Lancaster, Harry Kent, R. A. Penhale, D. Noble, and that a by-law be prepared for the same. 2. That we accept acknowledgment ft'om the Federal Department of Agricuture, through F. S. Thomas, Agricultural Representative for the County of Elgin, and as soon as conditions permit proceed with the work of the establishment of Elgin County as a T,B. restricted area; All of which is respectfully submitted. RALPH AUCKLAND, Chairman January, 1941. '~", That we appreciate the efforts of our Agricultural Representative in this work. June Session 3. That we concur with resolution from the County of Peel re price of farm products. To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: 4. That we concur with resolution from the County of Halton, re the subsidizing of agricultural commodities. The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That re.solution from the County of Kent, re adjustment of freight rates on live stock be endorsed. 2. That we concur with resolution from the County of Middle- sex, re the manufaacture of calfhood vaccine. '5. That we concur with res'olutions from the County of Perth re Egg Grading Stations and Soldier Farm Labor; and that no action be tall::en re resolution from the same County 1'e Grain Freight Assist- ance. 3. That resolution from the County of Peel re the setting of prices on hogs and cheese be Med. 4. That resolution from the County of Norfolk re prices of agricultural products be filed. All of which is respectfully submitted. RALPH AUCKLAND, Chairman 6. That we concur with resolution from the County of WeIland re price of farm products, 7. That communications from the Honrable James G. Gardiner, and Wilson H. :Mlills, M.P., re the setting of prices on farm products, be filed. June 1941. 1:1 /,i! 'i' Ii i'j "'I II "116 ELGIN COUNTY CO'U"NCIL N oVen1bel' SessiQn '1'0 the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: 'The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That communication from the Minister of Agriculture at ottawa 1'8 County of Elgin resolution requesting parity of price on manufactured milk be filed. 2, That communication from the Provincial Entomologist rc corn borer infestation be, filed, 3. We recommend that the 1942 council form a reforestation 'com- mittee to go into the matter of reforesting the vacant lands owned by the County. All of which is respectfully submitted. R. AUCKLAND, Chairman. November, 1941. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 117 WAR PURPOSES CO;M:MITTEE January Session January 24th, 1941. To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The War Purposes Committee reports as fonows: That we mal;::e a grant of Qne Hundl'ed Dollars each to the Grccl{ War Relief Fund, and to Salvation Army for their war effort. A. N. WALKER, Chairman June Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The War Purposes Committee reports as follows: 1. That a grant of $200.00 be made to each local Red Society in the County; the money to be used specifically for the wOl'h: of the local branch. 2. That a .grant of $200,00 be given to the Aylmer Recreation Com- mittee. 3. That the request from the Chatham War Chest be filed. 4. That a by-law for $10,000, confirming resolution carried at the January Se,ssiQU\ QI;: passed aJl. l;;eqpest.ed b-y the De~artrn,ent cjf Muni- cipal Affairs., 118 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 119 5. That the following account be paid: Times-Journel-To display re Victory Loan Week, $40.00. THE CillLDREN'S AID SOCIETY January 18th, 1941 All of which is respectfully submitted. Foster Home Committee A. N. WALKER, Chairman Chairman-Mr. Ernest Lashbrook Members- Mr. Clarence Patterson Miss Amelia Kerr Mrs. E. D. Potts Mrs. C, McMurtry Mrs. J; McCabe Mr. O. L. Austin Home Finder-Miss Catherine Cox, assisted in British Child Guest investigation by Mrs, C. McMurtry, chairman, and a Com- mittee of ladies, including: June 1941. November Session To the Elgin County Council, The War Purposes Committee reports as follows: Mrs. T. B['own Mrs. Mi. C. Farley MrS. H. Galloway Mrs. C, S. Gilbert Mrs, A. A. Ingram Mrs, J. McCabe Mrs. W. E. Turville A report of the Foster Home Committee from April 1st, 1940, to January 1st, 1941, is as follows: Mrs. C. 'McMurtry Mrs. J. B. Potts Mrs. F. G. Sanders Gentlemen: 1. That a, grant of Two Hundred Dollars be given to the Active Service Men's Recreation Club of Aylmer. 2. That the balance of the money in the hands of the Committee be divided equally among all the Red Cross Societies of the County. Applications :- A. N. WALKER, Chairman. City of st. Thomas-British Child Guests__.......__...__...... 146 Other ..__.....__.......................__.............. 20 _166 83 64 __ 147 2 County of Elgin-British Child Guests.................--.......-- Other All of which is respectfully submitted. November, 1941. Other Counties Of these, 239 applications were dealt with by the ~oster Committee as follows: Accepted Rejected OtherW!l:i~ Q,~~lt with ......""'''..".......,....---,...,..."..... 315 Home 166 58 15 '"'\'1 239 120 ELGIN COUNTY COUNC1L ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 121 CHILDREN'S AID COl\lMITTEE CORN BORER INSPECTOR'S REP.oRT To the Elgin County Council, To the Warden and Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: 'The Children's Aid Committee reports as follows: 1. The cost of maintenance of pay wards to the County fl'om January 1st to October 31st, was $10,630.00. 'The cost for the month of October was $952. a decrease of twenty per cent. from the previous months of the year. Gentlemen: I wish to submit to you the report of the annual Corn Borel' cleanup for 1941. There are thirty-nine wards for which the County pays 150 per day compared with fifty pay wards at January 1st, 1941. The total number of children under care of the Society is one hundred and eighty-nine. 1940 was a bad year and the County ended the year with an infes~ tation count of 70%. This was general throughout the Province. The Spring of 1941 was early and dry; this assisted in getting the cleanup done quickly and thoroughly. STEWART BROWN, Chairman. The expenses of the 1941 cleanup are as follows: Aldbol'ough ...............<<.........................m...............$ 136 25 IDunwich _ ....m........................... ............................. 116 00 Southwold ........~.....m...........m............................ 126 50 Yarmouth ....................................- ....................... 118'30 Malahide .mm..mou.............,......... ..........m.......... 130 50 Bayham .._......................'...................""""""'..'"'' 78 50 South Dorchester .m.............m.......m................ 62 50 County Inspector .....m"'"'''''''' ........................ 252 00 Printing and Advertising 8 80 All of which is respectfully submitted. November, 1941. $ 1029 35 This is an increase of about Seventy Dollars which I consider to be reasonable considering the extent of the work that was done. I am pleased that this expenditure has resulted in a decrease in infestation from 70% to 29% which puts us in a favorable position again, The cleanup campaign will ,continue regardless of war conditions. All of which is respectfully submitted. SUMM'ERS HARPER, Corn Borer Inspector November, 1941. 122 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 123 COUNTY CLERK~S REPORT ON LICENSES OLD AGE PENSIONS REPORT To the Elgin County Council, To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: Gentlemen: I have to report the following licenses in force on the f~'rst day of November, 1941: I present herewith report in connection with the administration of the Old Age Pensions Act in the County of ,Elgin: Auctioneer ISince the passing of the Act 1749 applications have been received, the pre~ent disposition of which is a.s follows: I , A. J. McAlpine........___nn.m..n.m.mu__..__nnn..mnStrathroy A. J. Branton mnmn..........___._______ nmmnnmnmnn__Rodney Harold G. Clark ....mmnm..___n.______n.........__Wallacetown !Larue J. Ross ............unmm...__nmmn___m.nm...Highgate Wilson Pound Clarence Wolfe .....__....___..mmnmmnnmm ".h.... '..;uVienna Fred Haggan mnmh..nmm........m.....muuumnnmmAylmer T. M,erritt Moore ....unmmmmmnmnnnnnn........nuAylmer F~ank Fulkerson .m.m....._.....h._..u..n......m....Tillsonburg Duncan A. Brown nmnmmmnmmnnmnn.....m.....rShedden S. A. Brady . ..nmm u.m..n.muu.mnmuunumnmuniBelmont Harry '.Laur .ummummnnmnnnuuummnm..mSt. Thomas Milton E. Brack....m..u.u..m.mnnunnunuuunmnThorndale Transportation of FoWl! Miller Page ......nunm_nmmnmnmnunmnmnnnnnmmDutton C. E. Pangborn m...m............_......._..unmum....Talbotville Mr.s. Horace Clayton m..m_..umTown.ship Southwold Junk !Dealers H. Fisherman ..........................._........_.._...._..u.Rodney J. 'Schure, ....unnnnmn.nmnmunnnm.n.m.n.....nnnnuLondon Canada Scrap Iron ,..m...m.mmum....nnm-st. Thomas iEdward Johnson and Doannnnmmnn n'n ...nm.London Pf;ldlar Mrs. J. C. McCallum mnmnmnnmnmm..n........uuDutton Thos. Nisbet & !Deaths n Refused Cancelled Transferred Pending Pensions in ......m..... 792 82 67 ..m..m..................m...............................m..... 79 22 force November 1, 707 1749 Pensions in force, November 1st, 1940.................. 663 From the first of November 1940 to the 31st of 'October 1941, 74 ap- plications have been received. Of these two were in respect of blind- ness. In addition nine applicatioll;S have been received in cases where application had previously been made and refused. , " I i': During this same period 17 pensions have been increased, 11 can- celled, 15 refused, 5 reinstated and 7 reduced. I Ii, Iii! 11.,1 Payments to municipal derks for Old Age Pension applications from Novembe.r 1, 1940 to October 31,'1941, were $249.80. All of which is respectfully submitted. All of which is respectfully submitted. Ii !I; IIII I,ii I"il ,Ii il' ,i JOHN D. 'THOMSON, County Clerk St, Thoma;s, 'Ontario, November 1941. JOHN D. THOMSON, County Clerk. St. Thoma-s, Ontario, Noveml:;ler 1~41, II; II 124 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL REPORT ON MOTHERS' ALLOWANOES '1'0 the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: I present herewith report in connection with the administration of the Mothers' Allowances Act in the County of Elgin: Since the Mothers' Allowances Ast was passed in Ontario there have been 355 applications made in the County of Elgin, the present disposition of these applications being as follows: Refused Suspended Cancelled Left County Dead Deferred Pending In Force 152 17 81 15 4 4 5 77 355 Since November 1, 1940, 20 applications for Mothers' Allowances have been received; 2 of these being in cases where a previous appli- cation had been made and rcfusd; 12 allowances have been reduced, Payments to municipal clerks for Mothers' Allowances applica- tions provided for in by-law No. 1321, have been $60.00. All of which is respectfully submitted. J:OHN D.. THOMSON, County Clerk St. Thomas, Ontario, November 1941. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 125 BY -LAWS, 1941 BY-LAW No. 1352 A By-law Appointing a Road Supel'intendent For the COlmty of Elgin WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to appoint a Road Superintendent for the County of Elgin. AND WHEREAS provISIon is made under The Highway Improve- ment Act for appointing a Road Superintendent in whom shall be vested the administration and management of the County Road System and who shall be a qualified Engineer. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Corporation of the County of Elgin, and it is hereby enacted as followiS:- (1) THAT Fred A. Bell, of the Oity of St. Thomas, in the County of Elgin, be and is hereby appointed County Road Superintendent for the County of Elgin. (2) 'That the said Superintendent shall act under the direction of the duly appointed __ County Road Committee and shall in addition perform all duties pertaining to the Office of the County Engineer. (3) are set by-law. That the duties of out on the schedule the said Superintendent shall be such as hereto, which schedule forms part of the (4) That the salary or remuneration of the said Superintendent shall be the sum of $1,200.00 per annum, payable monthly and an allow- ance of 5c per mile for the use of his car and travelling expenses. 126 ELGIN COUNTY COUNClL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 127 (5) That a suitableofl'ice in the County Building with the necessary furniture and equipment shall be provided for his use and that necessary clerical assistance shall be provided by the County. THEREFORE the council of the corporation of the said County of Elgin enacts as follows: (6) That the term of office of the said Superintendent shall com- mence the first day of February, 1941. (1) The sum of $68;000.00 is hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy, debentures and government subsidy, for expenditure upon con.struction on the said system during the year 1941. (7) That all by-laws inconsistent with this by-law be and are hereby repealed. (2) The sum of $64,<JOO,QO is hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy and government subsidy for expenditure upon mainten- ance and repair of the roads in the said system during the year 1941. (8) That a ,copy of this' by-law appointing the County Road Superintendent shall be transmitted to the Department of Highways within thirty days of the passing thereof and such appointment shall be subject to the approval of the Minister. (3) The said monies shall be expended under the direction of the duly appointed county road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with the last revised regulations respecting county roads issued by the Department of Highways of Ontario. Passed at St. Thomas this 24th day of January, A.D., 1941. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk J. G. TURNBULL, (4) The Clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this By-law to the Deputy Minis'ter, Department of Highways of Ontario, for appro- val on or before the 31st day of January of the present year. Warden Passed at St. Thomas this 24th day of January, A.D., 1941. I, John D. Thomson, Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. 1352 passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 24th day of January 1941. J. D. THOMSON, J. G. TURNBULL, Clerk Warden J. D. THOMSON, Clerk I, John D. Thomson, Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. 1353 passed by the Council of the said ,corporation on the 24th day of January 1941. BY-LAW No. 1353 A By-law to Provide for the Total Expenditure on the System JOHN D. THOMSON, County Clerk of COlUlty Roads in the County. of Elgin as Approved by Order-in-Council, During the Year 1941 WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act, Chapter 56, R.S.O., 1937, and amendments, requires that the total expenditure on county roads and bridges be provided for annually by county by-law. 128 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY-LAW No. 1354 To Appoint a County Road Committee The Elgin County Council enacts, I I I as required by the Highway Act: That the following 'five members of this council constitute a Com- mittee for the purpose of directing the work to be done on the County Road Sy,stem: R. Tansley_. .n......___....... .....mmFor Term of One year E, G. Taylorm..m....um___.m....For Term of Two years J. R. Bandeen.___nmmn_.....".u_.For Term of Three Years R. Aucklandnnnnu..unnmnnm__For Term of Four Years Gordon NewelL_____mmnn___m._For Term of Five Years That by-law No. 1337 be and is hereby repealed. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 24th day of January, 1941. J. D. THOMSON. J. G. TURNBULL, Clerk Warden Ii:! I' BY-LAW No. 1355 To Appoint a TnIstee of the Vienna High School The Elgin County Council enacts: That Merton Chute be appointed a Trustee of the Vienna High School for two years. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 24th day of January, 1941. J. D. THOMSON, J. G. TURNBULL, Clerk Warden ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 129 BY-LAW No. 1356 To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow the Sum of One Hundred and Seventy-five l.'housand Dollars The Elgin County Council enacts: 'That the Warden and Treasurer be and are hereby authorized to borrow the sum of One Hundred and Seventy-fNe Thousand Dollars from the Bank of Montreal as it may be required to meet the expen. ditures of the Corporation of the County of Elgin during the year 1941, and give a.s security therefore notes of One Thousand or Ten Thousand Dollars each. Read a third time, and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 24th day of January, 1941. J. D. THOMSON, J. G. TURNBULL, Clerk Warden BY-LAW No. 1357 To Appoint an Inspector for the Purpose of Eradica,ting the Corn Borer The ,Elgin County Council enacts: That, Summers Harper of the Township of Malahide be and is hereby appointed Inspector for the purpose of eradicating the Corn Borer. That while engaged in the performance of his duties the said Inspector shall be paid the sum of Six Dollars per, day to include travelling and other expenses. 130 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 131 That the said Inspector appoint a subwinspector for each township, said appointments to be approved by the Township Councils. Honoraa.-y' Members The members of the Agricultural Committee of this Council. , 1'1',: 'l'hat all by-laws heretofore' passed in this behalf be and are hereby repealed. ii' I,: ;:' \;1 "I 'LI ii" f,. ',,; J;:: Read a third time and passed Thomas, this 24th day of January, at County Council Chambers, St. 1941. That members of the said Advisory Agricultural Council be paid the same as members of this Council for attendance at the two meet- ings required to be held annually, in February and November, and that they receive their travelling and other expenses for attendance at special or emergency meetings called by the Chairman. J. D. 'HIOMSON, Clerk -J. G. TURNBULL. Warden Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 24th' day of.. January, 1941. J. D. THOMSON, J. G. TURNBULL, Clerk Wn.rden BY-LAW No. I358 BY-LAW No. I359 To. Appoint an Advisor~' Agricultural Co.uncil To. Appoint a Bo.ard o.f Audit in the Co.rmty of Elgin Far the Year 1941 '".rho Elgin County Council ,enacts: That the Advisory Agricultural Council be composed of one member fram each township, and eight honarary members, the following to be appointed: The Elgin Caunty Council enacts: Members: That the Judge of the County Caurt and :MIl'. Jahn C. Gillies be. and are hereby appainted, members of the Board af Audit to. perform the duties required of them by the Revised Statutes af Ontario.. W. B. Lancaster, Aldbaraugh J. H. Slaan, Dunwich That the members of the said Baard of Audit be paid the sum of Five Dollars per day for their services and five cents per mile, gaing to and fram each audit. R. H. Miller, Southwold H" A. Pcnhale, Yarmouth Harry Kent, Malahide Grant Mitchell, Bayham Read a third time and passed at County Cauncil Chambers, St. Thomas, this 24th day of January, 1941. J. D. THOMSON, J. G. TURNBULL, D. Noble, South Darchester Clerk Warden 132 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 133 BY-LAW No. 1360 BY-LAW No. 1361 of the County of Elgin for the Year 1941 ToO Appoint a Member .of the Aybner Board of Education To Confirm the Equalization .of the Assessment Rolls The Elgin County Council enacts: The Elgin County Council enacts: That the following be the equalization .of the Assessment Rolls of the County of Elgin for the year 1941: 'That R. E. Wilson be appointed a member .of the Aylmer Board of Educj1tion for a term of three years. Aldborough mnnn...nmm.m............unnnr..___mn$ Dunwich South wold Yarmouth Malahide Bayham South Dorchester Aylmer Dutton Port Stanley Springfield Vienna Rodney West Larue 3,705,658 4,048,205 5,104,276 5,313,'553 3,440,976 2,425,735 2,080,584 1,585,082 512,653 942,889 184,874 121,044 421,450 348,366 Read a third time and passed at County Thomas, this 24th day of January, 1941. Council Chambers, St. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk J. G. TURNBULL, Warden BY-LAW No. 1362 To Raise Amonnts for County Rates During the Y.ear 1941 $30,235,345 WHEREAS an estimate has been made showing that the Sum of One Hundred and Forty-five Thousand, One Hundred and Twenty- nine Dallal'S is required to be raised in the several municipalities for the lawful purposes of the County during the year 1941 an the basis of the equalized assessment as determined in 1940. '!'hat this Cauncil is willing ta have the final equalizatian .of assess- ment rolls, in case of appeal, made by the County Judge. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 24th day of January, 1941. Clerk "Varden AND w:aEREAS the estimated amount required far High and Cantinuation Schaal purposes based on maintenance costs far 1940 as d~termin:ed under prav.isians of the. fIi~h Se~oQls. .A..ct. ts. Sb::tywthree, Thousand ani :F,t~~:y-two Dollars, J. D. THOMSON, J. G. TURNBULL, I!II I,j'; "II '1;1 II 134 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 135 Municipality Total Equalized Value SCHEDULE Aldborough _______._...___._...__._________._._._..___........_._..$ Dunwich __uunn._nn..........._.........__.......______...__..... lSouthwold ___n_...................__.....n_________.....__.....__. Yarmouth ..n.............._________......__.____..___....._.....__.. .Malahide nm.__........,'........."..______...____...____..____...... Bayham ..__......__.....__..........__.............................____ ,south Dorchester m....._...______________..__.............. Aylmer ................'.n...mn___...__.....n...........__.._____.. Dutton .......______.....____...__..._......................__._____... Port Stanley ....................hmnnn.__n....__............ Springfield Vienna Rodney .nm..__ m.......".....,.......____nn________....__._____ West Lorue .nn..._______.___________.__.._____....__.._______.... 3,705,658 4,048,205 5,1{14,276 5,313,553 3,440,976 2,425,735 2,080,584 1,585,082 512,653 942j889 184,874 121,Q44 421,450 348,366 Schools Schools Total General Vocational School County Rates Rate Total 1st % 2nd % 1st ~ 2nd % Aldborough ________ $ 3,149 $ 2,847 $ 877 $ 246 $ 7,119 $ 17,787 $ 24,916 Dunwich __m.________ 3,880 3,356 958 143 8,337 19,431 27,768 Southwold ____------ 4,584 3,911 1,208 1,189 10.892 24,502 35,394 Yarmouth _____om. 4,767 4,085 1,258 4.308 14,418 25,505 39,923 Malahide n__ _______ 3,215 3,943 814 241 8,213 16,516 24,729 Bayham __.un___un 2.098 3,536 575 6,209 11,643 17,852 South Dorchester 1,774 1,782 492 93 4,141 9,987 14,128 pt. Stanley n__"_' 904 911 223 508 '2,546 4,'526 7,072 Aylmer ____......___. 375 165 540 7,608 8,148 Dutton _n.___.n__.... 121 121 2,461 2,582 Vienna .________.._.___ 29 29 581 610 Springfield 00________ 44 47 91 88'{ 978 Rodney ___0___'____'___ 99 99 2,023 2,122 West Lorne n__n 82 215 297 1,672 1,969 $ 30,235,345 THEREFORE the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts: 1. That a rate of four and eight-tenth mills on the dollar be levied on all rateable property in the several muniCipalities in the County of Elgin as above set forth for the year 1941. $24,371 24,371 $ 7,1'55 $ 7,155 $63,052 $145,129$208,181 2. That the amounts required for County and for High and Con- tinuation School purposes as set forth in the following schedule be levied in the respective municipalities during 1941, and paid to the County Treasurer as by law required. Read a third time Thomas, this 13th day and passed at County _ Council Chambers, St. of June, 1941. J. D. THOMSON, J. G. TURNBULL, Clerk, Warden 136 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNC1L 137 BY-LAW No. 1363 BY-LAW No. 1365 To Designate a Through Highway To Re-appoint a ;MembeJ' to the The Elgin County Council enacts: St. Thomas Suburban Area Commission That Count Road No. 51, being the road allowance between Con- cessions 9 and 1.0, Township of South Dorchester, be designated as a through highway at its intersection with the road between Lots 18 and 19, pursuant to, the provisions of subsection 3 of Section 39 of the Highway Traffic Act. The Elgin County Council enacts: That George H. Cross be and is hereby re-appointed to the ,St. Thomas Suburban Area Commission for a term of five years and until a successor is appointed. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 13th day of June, 1941. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 13th day of June, 1941. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk J. G. TURNB:ULL, J. D. THOMSON, J. G. TURNBULL. Warden Clerk' Warden BY-LAW No. 1366 BY-LAW No. 1364 To Revert a Road in the Township of Bayham To AI)point a Trustee of the Vienna-IDgh School The Elgin County Council enacts: That the following road be reverted to the Township of Bayham: Being a road extending northwesterly and northerly across part of Lot 20, Concession VII in the Township of Bayham from the wes~ tern limit of the King's Highway diversion as defined by deposited Plan No. D-59, to its intersection with the western curved limit of the King's Highway diversion continued, northerly, as .shown on a Plan marked A. 7-21. The Elgin County Council enacts: That Mr. Lloyd Chute be appointed a trustee of the Vienna High School for three years. That by-law No. 1355 be and is hereby repealed. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, st. Thomas, this 13th day of June, 1941. Read a third time and passed at County C'oun,cil Chambers, St. Thomas, this 13th day of June, 1941. J. D. THOMSON, Q!~rl< J. G. TUR'NB:ULL, Warden J. D. THOMSON, CIerI< 3. li. TURNBULL, Warden 138 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 139 BY-LAW No. 1367 approval of the Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs, of the Pro- vince of Ontario, as provided in Section 404-A of the amendments to the Municipal Act. A By-Law for Granting' Aid to Certain Patriotic Organizations Within the County of Elgin Read a third time and finally passed at County Council Chambers st. Thomas, this 13th day of June, 1941. WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to assist certain Patriotic Organizations functioning in the County of Elgin, J. D. THOMSON, Clerk J. G. TURNBULL, Warden AND WHEREAS by virtue of Chapter 266, Section 404, Sub-section 32, R,S.O. 1937 and amendments to this Section 404A in the amend- ments thereto, the Council of a County is empowered subject to the approval of the Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs, and of the organization of Resources Committee as therein designated. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED, by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin as follows: 1. That the sum of $10,000,00 be included in the estimates for the current year, to be levied as part of the County Rate and that said money be set aside for assistance to such patriotic organizations as comply fully with the requirements of the !Special committee of this County Council, appointed to administer and distribute the said fund among such Patriotic Organizations, as have been duly registered under the War Charities Act, of the Dominion of Canada. BY-LAW No. 1368 To Pl'ovide for Additional Expenditure on County Roads in the County of Elgin 2. That said special committee to be known as the "Special War Purposes Committee, of the County Gouncil," shall be empowered to requisition funds not exceeding the said sum of $10,000,00 as required from time to time as approved by the said Committee for such pur- poses, upon being satisfied that each Patriotic Organization has com- plied fully with the requirements of the Law as then pertaining. The Elgin County Council enacts: That an additional sum of Thirty-two Thousand and Seven Hun- dred Dollars be appropriated to the County Road System to complete the work undertaken during the year 1941, to be expended under the direction of the County Road Superintendent in accordance with revised regulations respecting County Roads. That said Committee having authority to make inquiries and require compliance with such application forms, as they may see fit to determine, the bona fides and regularity of each application received from 'any, patriotic organization. ;Read a third time Thomas, this 13th day and passed at County Council Chambers, St. of June, 1941. J. D. THOMSON, J. G. TURNBULL, S. This by-law .shall not take effect until it ,has received the ClerIt Warden 140 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 141 BY-LAW No. 1369 THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN To Extend Time fOl' Tax Sale By-law Number 1371 The Elgin County Council enacts: Granting Privileges to Dominion Natural Gas Company, Limited That the time for the enforced collection by sale of land in arrears for taxes in the County of Elgin be and is hereby extended for one year. THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN, ENACTS AS 'FOI!LOWS: Read a third time and passed at County Council ChamhBrs, St. Thomas, this 13th day of June, 1941. BY-LAW No. 1370 1. WHERiEAS by bywlaw Number 1158 duly passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 12th day of June, 1931, a franchise was granted the Southern Ontario Gas Company, Limited, giving it the right to use and occupy the bridges over the River Thames commonly called and known as the Graham Road Bridge and Walker's Bridge, the approaches thereto and so much of the highways thereon as is under the Corporation of the County of Elgin's jurisdiction, and upon each of said bridge.s and approaches to construct, maintain and operate a main pipe line of such weight and diameter as may be approved by the "Road 'Superintendent" of the Corporation for the transmission of gas and to transmit gas therein upon the terms and conditions set out in the .schedule A to said by-law Number 1158 annexed, in which franchise it was, among other things, provided: J. D. THOMSON, J. G. TURNBULL, Clerk Warden TO Amend By-law- No. IM7 The Caunty Cauncil 'Of the Caunty 'Of Elgin enacts: "The franchise, right or privilege hereby granted shall be for the term 'Of ten (10) years from and after the passing of 'Said by-law, provided that if at least six manths prior to the expiration of the said term of ten years, the Company shall notify the Carparatian in writing that it desires a renewal thereof for a further period 'Of ten years, the same may at the aptian of the Carp oration be renewed accordingly." That the ,cambined salaries of the Keeper and Matran 'Of the Elgin House 'Of Refuge be and are hereby fixed at Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Dollars per annum, payable manthly. !That Clause 11, 'Of by-law No. 1347 be and is hereby amended accardingly. JOHN D, THOMSON, Clerk J. G. TURNBULL, Warden 2. AND WHEREAS by Letters Patent issued December the twenty-seventh, 1939, under The Companies Act (Ontario), section 11, the praperty, rights, privileges and franchises 'Of Southern Ontario Gas Company, Limited, became and are vested in Daminion Natural Gas Campany, Limited, an amalgamate Carparationcamposed 'Of The Read a third time and passed at the Caunty Council Chambers, st. Thomas, this 27th day 'Of November, 1941. 142 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 143 Dominion Natural Gas Company, Limited, and Southern Ontario Gas Company, Limited, subject to all the liabilities. contracts, disabilities, and duties of each of the Corporations so amalgamated. BY-LAW No. 1372 To Amend By~law No. 1221 3. ANfD WHEREAS Dominion Natural Gas Company, Limited, the said amalgamate Company, has duly notified the Corporation in writing that it desires a renewal of the said franchise granted to Southern .ontario Gas Company, Limited; by said By-law No. 1158 and of the agreement entered into by the last named Company with the Corporation of the County of Elgin pursuant to said By-law Number 1158, for a further period of ten years from and after the 12th day of June, 1941. The County Council of the County of Elgin enacts: That Old Age Pensioners admitted to the 'Elgin House of Refuge shall pay the sum of 'Twenty Dollars per month for board and lodging. That by-law No. 1221 be and is hereby amended accordingly. Read a third time and passed at the County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 27th day of November, 1941. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the said Corporation of the County of Elgin hereby enacts: JOHN D. THOMSON, J. G. TURNBULL, 1. The franchise granted by the said By-law Number 1158 and the agreement therein referred to are hereby renewed for the period of ten years from and after the 12th day of June, 1941. Clerk Warden 2. The Warden is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to execute and deliver on behalf of the Corporation of the County of Elgin and under its corporate seal, counter-signed by the Clerk, an agreement in the form set forth in the Schedule hereto annexed upon the delivery by Dominion Natural Gas Company, Limited, of a counterpart of said agreement under the seal of the said Dominion Natural Gas Company, Limited, and the hands of its proper officers in that behalf. BY-LAW No. 1373 To Provide for Additional Expenditure on County Roads in the Cormty of Elgin The County Council of the County of Elgin enacts: JOHN D. THOMSON, J. G. TURNBULL, That an additional sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars be appro- priated to the County Road System to complete the work. undertaken during the year 1941, to be expended under the direction of the County Road Superintendent in accordance with revised regulations respecting County Roads. PASSED this 27th day of November, A.D., 1941. Clerk Warden Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 27th day of November, 1941. JOHN D. THOMSON.. Clerk J. G. TURNBULL, Wari1en 144 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 145 BY-LAW No. 1374 2. The road in the Township of Ma.lahide between concessions 7 and 8 and Gore Concession and 8, opposite lots 11 to 15 inclusive, and the road between lots 15 and 16 from the southerly limit of concession 8, northerly to the main gate of the No. 14 'Flying Service Training School, a total distance of about 2.1 miles, To Authorize the Wal'd'en and Tl'eaSUl'ei' to Borrow the Sum of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars The Elgin County Council enacts: Read a third time. and passed at the County Council Chambers, SL Thomas, this 27th day of November, 1941. That the Warden and Treasurer be and are hereby authorized to borrow the aditional sum of Twenty~five Thousand Dollars from the Bank of Montreal as it may be required to meet the expenditures of 'the Corporation of the County of Elgin during the year 1941 and give as security therefor notes of One Thousand or Ten Thousand Dollars each. JOHN D. THOMSON, J. G. TURNBULL, Clerk Warden Read a third time and passed at the County Council Chambers, st. Thomas, this 27th day of November, 1941. '~\ JOHN D. THOMSON, J. G. TURNBULL, Clerk Warden BY-LAW No. 1376 BY-LAW No. 1375 To Amend By-law No. 1327 To Designate County Roads The Elgin County Council enacts: The Elgin County Council enacts: That Miss Ruth Coffey be office assistant to the County Clerk at a salary of Eighty Dollars per month commencing December 1st, 1941. That the roads hereinafter set forth be designated as County Roads: That by~law No. 1327 be and is hereby amended accordingly. 1. The road between concessions 10 and 11, opposite lot 19 in the Township of Yarmouth and the road used in lieu thereof on the lot 19 concession 11, from the Village of Mapleton to the townline between the Townships of Yarmouth and South Dorchester, a total distance of about .15 miles. Read a third time and passed at the County Council Chambers, st. Thomas, this 27th day of November, 1941. JOHN D, THOMSON, , J. G. TURNBULL, Clerk Warden 146 ~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCTL ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCrL 147 BY-LAW8- No. 1352 INDEX 1373 To Provide for Additional Expenditure on County Roads in the County of ,EIgirimmnm.u........mnnn........mn60, 143 1374 To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to [Borrow the Sum of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars 0...omm60, 144 1375 To Designate County Roads.moo umo....m non nmn ...61, 144 1376 To Amend By~law No. 1327.- ......m....... mun...__ . ....62, 145 1353 To Appoint a Road Supel'intendent for the County .of Elgin ....nunm....__...........,mnnnn.'......n..nmnnnnunm...........19, 125 To Provide for the Total ,Expenditure on the System of County Roads in the County as approved by Order-in-Council during the Year 1941.."'_________0,..20. 126 To Appoint a County Road Committee...nmnnmnnnn:21, 128 To Appoint a 'l'rustee of the Vienna High SchooL..21, 128 To Authol'ize the Warden and Treasurer to Bor- row the 'Sum of One Hundred and Seventy-five Thousand Dollars ..nm.._ ..........22, 129 To Appoint an Inspector for the Purpose of Eradi- cating the Corn Borel' ........nnm...............mnnn......m.....m22, 129 To Appoint an Advisory Agricultural CounciL......23, 130 To Appoint a Board of AudiLm.........nm........mnnm...n24, 131 To Confirm the Equalization of the Assessment Rolls in the County of Elgin for the Year 1941......_.24, 132 To Appoint a Member of the Aylmer 'Board of Education nnm___..m .....mnn .m'''nnm.'.m.'' ........00.......0000......25, 133 To Raise Amounts for County Rates During the Year 1941 .... __'mnnmn...................................___. ....m.m..m 00...40, 133 To Designate a Thl'ough HighwaYn mn__ __0000..- _._._.-.41, 136 To Appoint a Trustee of the Vienna High School".nnn...nnnnn.. n.... .....00 ..0000.. 'u" ..00.... ____38, 42, ,136 To Re-Appoint a Member to the Suburban Area Commission ............00.... ..............n....m.............m...... ....38, 42, 137 To Revert a Road in the Township of Bayhammn.43, 137 B'or Granting Aid to Certain Patriotic Organiza- tions Within the County of Elgin.....n..... m.....nn .._.......43, 138 To Provide for Additional Expenditure on County Roads in the County of Elgin mn...m._". ............ ...... ...44, 139 To Extend 'Time for Tax Sale ......mmm .......... ..............45, 140 To Amend By-law No. 1347..n...m m..... ........00.. '.0"""."'0058, 140 To Grant Privileges to Dominion Natural Gas ,Co. Ltd. ........ .m............ ....00.... .....00....00 ........ .mn...n.. 0...mnn59, 141 To Amend By-law'No. 1221 ..00..00.. ..m" nO'...n """.m ....59, 143 GRANTS- 1361 Agricultm'al and Horticultural Societiesm. Agricultural. Council Aylme'l' Recreation Club '1., B. Birdsall Canadian National Institute for the Blind. Elgin County Library Association.......n......." Greek 'War Relief Lock-ups Municipal As~gciation Navy League of Canada Public Libraries Red Cross nm Salvation Army Trustees' and Ratepayers' Association Warden.... ..00...._ ..mn_ ..___m...." .mm...' 0000 Women's Institutes 16 115 117, 118 56 65 65 117 35 65 65 14 ,.117, 118 65 14 5G 14 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1362 1363 1364 MISCELLANIDOUS- Advisory County Road Committee.. Boal'd of Audit Communications County Council County Officials Deputations and Committees Municipal Clel'ks and Tnasurers Ontario Good Roads Association Ontario Municipal Association Resolutions-replies from other counties. Warden's Address Yo/arden's 'Election War Purposes Fund 13 13 29, 47 3, 4 2 15, 36 2 25 2G .... _..11, 32, 48 6, 27, 46 4 25, 11'7 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 I [48 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL RERORTS OF COMMITTEES AND OFFICIALS- Agricultural Committee ___'.m_nmnn,.nnmnnmnnnnmmmnmmmm37, 56, 114 Children's Aid Committee ____nn m____nmmnnum..,-___un.m____ _____._...____54, 119 .com 'Borer Inspector ___.,.._.... moo n..,n'''."n___._'>__________ ....mmnnnon_____..__... 121 County Auditors _..____unm_m__._____. _.om_.m___________....h._________...." --n_______om15, 76 County Road"_'''_.''''''__'_____'''' ______________.17, 38,54, 56, 84 County Treasurer ..m.__h.._____..._....__..___......._...______'___n...__....___.__ ....mI5, 34, 8011 County Clerk on 'License.s ._..........nnmn___nnnmn__n___nn__nmmn'_m____...__.. 122 Education Committee un n.'_'> .mmm..........___unnn....m..hhh.___.._.,____17, 38, 99 Finance Committee "'...17, 37, 39, 53, 54, 56, 65 Gaol Committee :.____..mmnn.._______ onnomm mummn.nn... ''''00 ....17, 37,5{l, 96 House of Refuge Committee ... ..... . ............m... _._ ___"''''00___0017, 39, 101 Inspector, House of Refuge om..... ......n...nn.......m_____ ______ .....m .......... 106 Physician, House of Refuge ....._____ nmn......... 0000"0000"'___'._", __...__ __ __...... 105 Mothers' Allowances ..m...____...n...................._ " .....m .... 124 Old Age Pensions ___.........___........_____.__...__m.n...nm.......m..._... ___..h.___ 123 Petitions and Legislation Committee......m....___....__n...nnnm..37, 50, 111 Standing Committees ___h..nnn..........n_..._..........n...__n..........__. ............ __.12, 63 War Purposes __..00.. ..n.m.......n .......... '._hm'" ._"._...__n_____n..n___ ___.37, 54, 111 RESOLUTIONS- Amendment to. Section 38 of the Assessment Act Aylmer Airport Road Banus Pi'ice of Manufactured Milk "'...mn__...___.__n Ceiling on Farm Prices....___. Compulsary Service Court Rooms in County..... Honaurable M. F. Hepburn.__nn House of Refuge Committee Hospitalization for Children's Aid Saciety.........._. Installation of Hydro Manual Training in Schools ._____000000. _...n__nn...m..... Number of Meetings of CounciLn.... Payments for Children's Aid Society Meetings___ Pegging the Price of Butter, ..__..m_m..___......n___....__.... .Petition for Subsidy Reimbursement of Taxes ............00.. Text Books in S,chools '__00 ..___""__.00...00 Unemployment Insurance Victory Loan Bonds... 57 19 ~b 57 16 40 40 53 58 50 .51, 55 34 19 5 18 62 51 .....55. 54 36 , 1