1942 Minutes PROCEEDINGS - OF THE - Elgin County Council DUrIng the Sessions held III the Court House, St. Thomas in the months of January, June and November 1942 JOHN D. THOMSON, County Clerk. RALPH AUCKLAND, Warden. OFFICIALS. 1942 D. C. Ross, County Judge E. Blake Miller, Registr.ar .& I., D. Gameron, County Court Clerk, Sheriff E. W. Haines, Clerk of the Peace and County Crown Attorney Major C. P. Ermatinger, Gaoler J. C. Smith, Public School Inspector Alex. McColl, Assistant Public School Inspector John D. Thompson, County,Clerk,and Inspector, House of Refuge BenjaminR Graham, County Tre.asurer F. A. Bell, C. E., County Road Superintendent George Powles, Assistant County- Road Supt. E. S. Livermore, County Solicitor DouglasL; Ewin, M. D., Physician, House of Refuge and Gaol Fred H. Ingram, Keeper House of Refuge E. Donald Smith, County Police Magistrate Frank C. Kelly, High County Constable Summers Harper, Ay.lmer R. R.l, County Corn Borer Inspector Goun ty Auditors: D. M. Leitch, West Lome; W. E. Locke, Sl. Thomas, R. R. 8. MUNICIPAL CLERKS AND TREASUllJ;:RS MunicipaliJ:y Clerk Treasurer Aldboroygh___""___Miss Vera Carpenter, RodneY______nW. S. Stalker, R. R. 1, Rodney Dunwich_~_.A. N. McWilliam, Dutton.__.Mrs.lVIildred McNeil, Dutton Southwold_________.J. S. B. Annett, FingaL_______.Chas. E. Jackson, R. R.2, Port Stanley "x""armouth_______________.H. L. Lawton, St. Thornas.______________.H. L. Lawton Malahide~m~~~~~.~"__"~~mE. E. McTaggart, Ay]mer_~~m_~_mE. E. McTaggart Bayharn_______c___.____________.J. D. Vallee.___________M. Stratton, Straffordville South Dorchester_.M. S. Charlton, R. 1, Springfield____M. S. Charlton Town of Aylmer____________________John S. Foy-------__.___._______________John S. Fay Village of Vienna____Mrs. Wm. C. McDonald..Mrs. Wm. C.' McDonald Village of Springfield._____m__~ John Hodgson.____~m____mW. H. Cathers Village of Dutton_'~_.____mZ. E. MacCaIium~__mmm~___Z. E. MacCallum Village of Port StanleY__m_~W. A. Hawkins_m__m__~~mW. A. Hawkins Village of Rodney_____________.Geo. L. Mistele__________________Geo. L. Mistele Village of West Lorne_______.L. W. Holland____________Mrs. Tena McGregor PROCEEDINGS -OFTHE- Elgin County Council FIRST SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday. the 20th d,ay of January. 1942 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, as required by Statute. The following members filed certific.ates and took. their seats at. the Council table. J, R. Bandeen, Reeve, Aldborough, .1. C. Gillies, Deputy Reeve, Aldborough. A. N. Walker, Reeve, Dunwich. J. D. McMillan, Deputy Reeve, Dunwich. Ralph Auckland, Reeve, South wold. Stewart Brown, Deput.y Reeve, Southwold, Hoy Tansley, Reeve, Yarmouth. 4 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL L, N. Harries, Deputy Reeve, Yarmouth. Gordon l'rewell,. Reeve, Malahide. Roy Britton, Deputy Reeve, M,alahide. J. G~ Turnbull, Reeve, Bayham. A. E. Brown, Deputy Reeve, Bayham. H. G. Taylor, Reeve, South Dorchester. E. E. Atkinson, Reeve, Aylmer. F. L. Truman, Deputy Reeve, Aylmer. Delbert Ryan, Reeve, Vienna. George Craik,. Reeve, Springfield. Dugall Brown, Reeve, Port Stanley. J. D. Fraser, Reeve, Dutton. Henry ,Miller, Reeve, West Lorne. Ernest Lashbrook, Reeve, Rodney. . l I ELGIN' COUNTY COUNCIL 5 Moved by K E. Atkinson, Seconded by Roy Tansley: That Ralph Auckland be appointed Warden by acclamation for the year 1942. -Carried. The Warden made the statutory declaration, took his thanked the Council for the honor conferred and asked for co-operation during his term of office. seat, their The minutes of the last day of the November session were read and addopted. The fo~lowing communications were read and referred to the various committees: From The Hydro-Electric Power Commission re the restric- tions on rural services. - Referred to Petitions and Legislative Committee. From The Ontario Municipal Association with request for membership fee. - Referred - to Finance Committee. From the Ontario' Department of Highways re accident in- surance for employees. - Referred to County Roads Committee. From The Secretary of the East Elgin Womens' Institutes re grants for oratorical contests. -Referred to Finance Committee, From The University of Western Ontario re Elgin representa- tive on the Senate. ~ Referred to Educatiin Committee. G ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 7 J!"1rom The Navy League of Canada, with request for grant. Referred to War Purposes Oommittee. bership and appointment - of delegates.- - Referred to County Roads Committee. From The Department of Municipal Affairs re unemployment insurance. - Filed. From Ontario Conservation and Reforestation with request for grant. - Referred to Agricultural Committee. From The County Council Section of the Ontario Educational Association with 'request for membership fee. ,.- Referred to Edu- cation Committee. Resolutions received from other counties: From G, S. Tattle with Inspector's Annual Report re the House of Refuge. - Referred to House of Refuge 'Committee. From Yark re the Dominion Government and the succession duties field of taxation. - Referred to the Petitions ,and Legisla- tion Committee. From The Ontario Association of rural munic,ipalities rean- ual convention. - Referred to Finance Committee. From County of Peterborough re hydro in rural districts. - Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. From The Association of Managers of Homes for Aged and Infirm with request for membership fee. - Referred to House _of Refuge Committee. From Qounty of Dufferin re ceiling prices for farm products. Referred to Agricultural Committee. From .The Salvation Army with request for grant. - Referred to Finance Committee. From County of York re hydro in rural disfricts. ----" Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. From' 'the CanC).dian National Institute for the Blind with re- port and request, for grant. - Referred to Finance Committee. From County of Ontario re raising of prices for farm products. Referred to Agricultural Committee. From The Dominion _ Fire and Burglary Alarms Ltd., with estimate on cost of installation at the House of Refuge. - Refer- red to the House of Refuge Committee. From County of Prince Edward re hydro in rural districts. - R-eferred to Petitions and Legislation Committee.. From Ontario Agricultural Council with request for and appointment of delegates. -'-Referred to Agricultural mittee. From County of Prince Edward re changes.in text books. - Referred to Education Committee. grant Com- From Ontario, Good Roads Association .with request for mem- From Cou'nty of Prince Edward re refunds of taxation monies. _ Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. 8 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 9 From County of Prince Edward re Amendment to Section 38 of the Assessment Act. - Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. From The Director 'Of Vocational Education re manual train- ing and home economics. - Referred to Education Committee. From County of Peterborough re the draftirig of necessary farm help for military service. - Referred to Agricultural Com~ mittee. From The Deputy Minister of Education re changes in text b00ks. - Filed. From R, A. Gaskin re resolutions passed at the November session. - Filed. From County of Perth re the manufacture of calfhood vaccine. --'"Referred to Agricultural Committee. From The Honorable J. G. Gardiner re ceiling on farm prices. Referred to Agricultur.al Committee. From' County of Peel re hydro in rural districts. - Referred to Petitions and Legislation- Committee. From S. H. Symons, Director Ontario Agricultural Council re County of Elgin resolutions. - Filed. From County of Waterloo re forest coverage in Old Ontario. ..-Referred to Agricultural Committee. From County of Kent re Amendment of Section 380 of the Municipal Act. - Referred to Gaol Committee. From the Departnient of National Defence for Aid re resolu~ tion fir re-emursement of taxation. - Filed. Replies from other counties: From County of Grey re Bible Teaching in the Schools., - Re- ferred to .F.ducation Committee. 1. Re Hydro in rural districts: Concurred-WeIland, Middlesex, Haldimand. Endorsed-Kent, Brant, Wentworth, Perth. Report re resolutions passed by the Elgin County Council: From the Minister of Education in reply to resolution re man. ual training and home economics. - Filed, 2. He ChangE's in text books: Endorsed-Wentworth, Perth, Kent, Lincoln. Concurred-Haldimand, Middlesex, Wel1and. Filed-Brant. From The Department of Municipal Affairs re amendment to the Assessment Act. - Filed. 3. He Modifying regulations for manual traininy and home economics: R.eceived-Wentworth. Not Endorsed-Haldimand, Perth. From the Minister of Munitions and Supply re rural hydro. - Referred to Agricultural Committee. 10 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 11 Filed-Brant, WeIland. No Action-Middlesex, Kent. FIRST SESSION - SECOND DAY 4. He Compulsory manual training and domestic science: Received-Wentworth. Not endorsed-Haldimand, Perth. Filed-Brant, WeIland. No action-Middlesex. Endorsed:.....-Kent. Wednesday. January 21stl 1942 The Elgin County Council met this day ,at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance' with adjournment. The Warden in the chair. 5. Re Refunding of lost taxes: Received-Wentworth. Goncurred-Haldimand, WeIland. Endorsed-Perth, Brant, Kent. No action-Middlesex. All Jhemembers present. The Warden addressed the Council: 6. Re Amendments to Section 38 of the Assessment Act: Endorsed-Wentworth, Perth, Brant, Kent. Concurred-Haldimand, Middlesex, Welland,Waterloo. Gentlemen: '~1. Mr. Taylor reported on the special committee appointed at the November session re re-embursement of taxation monies, I have to again thank you for the honor conferred i:o. electing me as Warden for the ensuing year and I am sure that with your co-operation the business of the County will be carried on in the best interests of all concerned. Mr, Bandeen gave notice of a motion re money to beappropri- ated for War Purposes. The war is still progres,sing slowly and while the "fortunes of war" are -always uncertain we know that with the assistance of an army from the United States right and democracy will pre- vail. Moved by J. G. Turnbull, That this Council do llowadjourn to allow the Reeves of the different Municipalities to meet to strike the Standing Commit- tees, the Council to meet again ,at 10 a.m. tomorrow. It has been hard for some of us to appreciate the.gravityof the situation and the necessity for calls for reinforcements for the' army. Every class of business will be affected and' non-essen- tial industries may ultimately be suspended. It is to be hoped that all available labor will be distributed so that it may be util- ized to the best advantage. Seconded by H. G. Taylor: -Carried. - RALPH AUCKLAND, Warden. The Agricultural Committee of, last Year recommended that a reforestration c~mmittee be formed to consider the adviseability 12 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 13 of reforesting vacant lands owned by the County. I would sug- gest that this work might be undertaken by the Agricultural Com- mittee of the Council. of payment of ,Administration of Justice accounts for the next five year period. The minutes of the previous day were read and approved. The completion of the suburban road to the Fingal Airp'ort will be a matter of discussion with the Suburban Area Road Com- mission. The following communications were read: Owing to war conditions it may be difficult to secure the ma- terials necessary for the'laying of hard surface roads this year, From The County Auditors with report., ance' Committee. Referred to Fin- Agricultural prices have inceased to some extent, but are not on a comparative basis with wages or prices of manufactured products. From The County Treasurer with report. - Referred to Fin- ance Committee. From The Chinese War Relief Fund with request for gt:.ant. It will he necessary for farmers to work together, use farm machinery jointly 1.n order that food production may be main- tained. Refer'red to"War Purposes Committee. Moved by J. R. Bandeen, The Ontario Government is now considering reVISIOn of the Assessment Act and I .am sure this will meet with the approval O'fa11 County Council members. Seconded by H. G. Taylor: The Department of Municipal Affairs is forming organizations of the various municipal officials and it is the intention of the Government to hold schools and provide instructors for the Saffi€ and I believe our county officials should att~nd these meetings. That John C. Gillies be appointed a member of the Board of Audit for the year 11)42. ~Carried. Moved by E. E. Atkin~on, As it has been intimated a War Purposes Committee should be formed and -allocated sufficient funds to take care of the de- mands that may be made upon it. Sec'onded by H. G. Taylor: That the usual grants to Womens" Institutes be paid; i. e. $10. to each Institute and $25. to the East and West District Institutes and $5. 'to each Institute where Public' OratDry contests are held. Every Institute wiShing' to take advantage of this additional $5. 1t will be: necessary to appoint a committee to meet with members of the Council of the City of St. Thomas re adjustment 14 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL grant must satisfy the Clerk and Treasurer as to their qualification for ,applying for the grant. -Carried. / Moved by A. N. Walker, Seconded by J. D. Fr.aser: That the Warden and Clerk be authorized to submit to the Minister of Highways of the Province -of Ontario the petition of the County of Elgin showing that from the first of January, 1941, to the 31st of December, 1941, there has been expended on the County Highway System the sum of $183,315.55. -Carried. , Moved by E. E. Atkinson, Seconded by F. L. Truman: That Leo Bodkin be appointed a member of the Aylmer Board of Education for a term of three years. -Carried. Moved by. Geo. Craik, Seconded by J. G. Turnbull: That grants to the Agricultural and Horticultural Societies be the same as last year; namely, Agricultural Societies, equiv- alent to the Government grant for 1941, Aldborough, Aylmer, Shedden, West Elgin. Yarmouth, Springfield. Horticultural Societies, 25% of the Government grant for. !' i \ I ~ 'I ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 15 1941, Aylmer, Dutton, Springfield, Shedden," Rodney, West Lorne and Belmont. -Carried. MDved by E. Lashbrook, Seconded by J. D. Fraser: That the Warden, H. G. Taylor and John C. Gillies be ap- pointed a committee to settle Administration of Justice accounts between the City and County. -Oarried. Moved by J. D. Fraser, '>';. Seconded by E. Lashbrook: That grants to Lock-ups and municipal buildings be, the same as last year on approval to the High County Constable. '--Carried. Moved by J. R. Bandeen, Seconded ,by Gordon Newell: That we now hear Mr. Flannigan from the . Salvation Army. . -Carried. Mr. Flannigan then addressed the: Council re Rescue Homes.' 16 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. Mqved by D. Brown, Seconded by G. Newell: That the Council do now 'adjourn to2 p.m. ---.-CarrIed. The Council resumed. It was moved -by Mr. Bandeen that we, now hear the deputa-' tion from t.he County' Library Association. Mr. Rogers and Mr. Askew addressed the Council. Moved by, J. R. Bandeen, Seconded by J. C. Gillies: That we grant the sum of $300. to the Elgin County Library Association. -Carried. It was moved by, Mr. Turnbull that the Council now hear Mr. Hobertson re the Victory, Loan Campaign. Mr. Robertson then addressed the Council. The report of the House of Refuge' Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Mr. Atkinson seconded by Mr. Harries. .. RALPH AUCKLAND, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 17 The report of the Goal Committee was presented and ,adopted OD. lllotion of 'Mr. Truma,n, seconded by Mr. Craik. The first report 'Of the Finance Committee was presented and ::.dopted on motion 'Of Mr. Fraser, seconded by Mr. Lashbrook. . Moved by R. Tansley, Seconded by G. Newell: That H. G. Taylor and J. D. Fraser be appointed to the Roads Committee :as advisory members. -Carried. Moved by. L. N. Harries, Seconded by R. Tansley: That this Council do now adjourn to meet at ten o'clock Thursday morning. --Carried. 18 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FIRST SESSION - THIRD DAY Thursday~ fhe 22nd day of January. 1942 The Elgin' County Council met this day at the Co}.!rt, House in St. Thorn.as in accordance wih adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members' present. The minutes of the preceding day were read and confirmed. The second report, of' the Finance Committee was presented and ad?pted on motion of Mr. Fraser, seconded by Mr. Taylor. The report of the Education Committee was presented and adopted on motion afMr. Ta~lor seconded by:Mr. Lashbrook. Moved by L. N. Harries, Seconded by R. Britton: That this council do now adjourn to meet at two o'clock this afternoon. -'-Carried. The Council resumed. Mr. Taylor moved that a deputation from the police village of Belmont be heard. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 19 Mr. Barons, Mr. McCord and Mr. Garton addressed the Coun- cil re increasing the area of the Village of Belmont. Mr. Gillies moved that the Council hear a deputation from the Law Association. Mr. Liver'more, Mr. McClurg and' Mr. Scott McKay addressed the Council fequesting a grant. The matter was referred to the Finance Committee. Mr. Britton seconded by Mr. Newell moved that a deputation, from the Advisory Agricultural Board be heard. Mr. Sloan, Mr. Silcox, Mr. Grant Mitchell and Mr. Bruce Smith addressed the Council requesting :a grant. Moved by H.. G. Taylor, Seconded by J. G. Turnbull: That this Council give ,a ,special grant of One Thousand Dol- lars 0 the Advisory Agricultural Council as requested by the De~ putation. -Carried. The'report bf the petitions and "Legislation Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Mr. Gillies, seconded by Mr. 'S'. Brown. Moved by J. R. Bandeen, Seconded by Geo. Craik: L.__ 20 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL That this Council set aside the SU1u of Twenty Thousand- Dol- ar;s for recognized War Charity purposes and that the Warden ap- point a committee of four members and himself with power to administer the same and that the necessary by-law be prepared. -Carried. Moved by E. E. Atkinson, Seconded by A. E. Brown: That we adjourn tiJ meet at 10 a.m. on Friday morning. -Carried. RALPH AUCKLAND, Warden. . ! . 'it l i , , ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 21 FIRST SESSION - FOURTH DAY Friday. the 23rd day of January. 1942 The' Elgin County Counci met this day at the Court House in St. Thomas in accordance with adjournment. The' Warden in the chair. All the members present. The minutes of the preceding day were read ,and approved. Mr. Taylor moved that the deputation from Belmont be heard, and Mr. Barons addressed the Council. Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by J. D. Fraser: That this Council agree to the request of the Police Village of Belmont and that the necessary by-law be passed. -Carried. Moved by D. Brown, Seconded by E. E. Atkinson: That the usual grants to Public Libraries be paid, $50. each to Rodney, West Lorne, Dutton, Aylmer, Port Stanley, Vienna, Springfield, Sparta, Bayham, Shedden and Port Burwell; $25. 22 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL each to Wardsville and Belmont. -Carried. The Warden appointed the following members on the War Purposes Committee: Roy Britton, A. E. Brown, E. Lashbrook and J. R. Bandeen. -Carried. Moved by R. Tansley, Seconfed by G. Newell: That D. Brown of Port Stanley, and D. Ryan .of Vienna, be added to the War Purposes Committee. -Carried. Moved by G. Newell, Seconded by D. G. Brown: That this Council now adjourn, until 2 p.m. -Carried. The Council resumed. The report of the Legal Committee was presented and adopt- ed on motion of Mr. Craik seconded by Mr. Fras'er. The third report ,of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Mr. Fraser seconded by Mr. Taylor. I' i ~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 23 The report of the War Purposes, Committee was presented and adopted on motion of ,Mr. Lashbrook seconded by Mr. Bandeen. ~ The report of the Road Committee was presented and adopted, on Motion .of Mr. ,Walker seconded by 'Mr. Newell. The report of the Agricultural Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Mr Bandeen seconded by Mr. Turnbull. The Warden appointed the Agricultur,al Committee 'and Mr. Fraser delegates' to attend the Ontario Agricui'tural Council. The Clerk "gave a report on the cost of the Children's Aid Society to the County and considerable "discussion took place re- garding matters pertaining, to the Children's Aid Society. '~'; The following deiegates were appointed to attend the differ- pn conventions: Municipal - Mssrs. Bandeen, Lashbrook' and " Thomson. Education - Mssrs'. Newell, Atkinson, Truman, Fraser and Thomson. Roads - Mssrs. Gillies, W,alker. McMillan, Auckland, S. Brown, Tansley, Harries, Britton, Turnbull, A. E. Brown, T,aylor, Ryon, Cr.aik', D. Brown and Miller. Moved by E. E. Atkinson, Seconded by F. L. Truman: That. by-law No. 1377 "To Appoint a Member 01 the Ayimer Board of Education" be read a .first time. ~Carried. ~4 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL' 25 1Ioved by F. L. Truman, Moved -by E; Lashbrook, Seconded by E. E. Atkinson: S,econdec,tby J. D. Fraser: That by-law No. 1377 be read a second time. That by-law No. 1378 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by J. G. Turnbull, Moved by D. Ryan, ,Seconded__ by A. Brown: Seconded byS. Brown: That by-law No. 1377 be read a third time and finally passed. That by-law No. 1379 "To Confirm the . Equalization of . the Assessment Rolls of the County of Elgin for the year 1942" be read a first time. -Carried. ~Carried. Moved by E. Lashbrook, Moved by A. Brown, Seconded by J. G. Turnbull: Seconded by J. D. Fraser~ That by-law No. 1379 be read a second time. That by-law No. 1378 "To Appoint a Board of Audit in the County of Elgin for the Year 1942" be read a firs'ttime. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by J. G. Turnbull, Moved by J. D. Fraser, Seconded - by A. Brown: Seconded by E. Lashbrook: That by-law No. 1379 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. That by-law No. 1378 be read a second time. Moved by J. C. Gillies, Seconded" by Henry Miller: -Carried. 26 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 27 That by-law No. 1380 "To Authorize the Warden and Trea- surer to borrow the. s'um of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dol- lars" be read a first time. Moved by R. Tansley, Moved by J. C. Gillies, Seconded by J. R. Bandeen: . That by-law No. 1380 be read a second time. Moved by J. R. Bandeen, Secnded by J. C. Gillies': -Carried. Secol1ded- by L. N. Harries: That by-law No. 1381 be read a third time and finally passed. -Oarried. lVIoved by J. R. Bandeen, -Carried. Seconded by J. C. Gillies: That by~law No. 1382 "To Aid Certain Patriotic Organizations within the County of Elgin" be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by J. C. Gillies, That by-law No. 1380 be read a third time and finally passed. -Garrie-d. Moved by R. TansIey, Seconded by L. N, Harries: Seconded by J. R. Bandeen: That by-law No. 1382 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by J. C.Gillies, That by-law No. 1381 "To Appoint a County Road Committee" be read a first time. Moved by L. N. Harries, Secnded by R. Tansley: That by-law No. 1381 be read a second time. ..-Carried. Seconded by H. Miller: That by-law No. 1382 be read a third time and finallY pas'sed. -Oarried. Moved by J. R. Bandeen, -Carried~ Seconded by J. C. Gillies: 28 ELGIN ,COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 29 That by-law No. 1383 "To appojnt an Assistant Road Superin" tendent and to Repeal by-laws Nos. 1318 and 1339" be read a first time. Moved: by J. C, Gillies, Seconded by J. R. Bandeen: That. by~law No. 1383 be read a second time. Moved by J; C~ Gillies, Seconded by H. Miller: That by-law No. 1384 be read a second time. -Carried. -Carried~ Moved by G. Newell, Seconded by R. Britton: That by-law No. 1384 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. -C'arried. Moved by Geo. Craik, Seconded by H. G. Taylor: That by-law No. 1385 "To Grant Approval to Increasing the Area of the Police Village of Belmont" be read a first time. -Oarried. That by-law No. 1383 be ead a third time and. finally passed. Moved by G. Newell, Seconded by R. Britton: -Carried. Moved by L, N. Harries, Seconded by H. G. Taylor: That by-:-law ND. 1385 be read a econd time. ~:arried. That by-law No. 1384 "To provide for the Totoal El<penditure on the system of County Roads in the County of Elgin for the Year;,,1942" be read ,(i "first ,time. Moved by R. Britton, Seconded by G. Newell: -Carried. . Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded -by Geo. Craik: That by-law No. 1385 be read a third time and finally passed. -Oarried. 30 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 31 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by J. D. Fraser, SECOND SESSION - FIRST DAY Seconded by E. Lashbrook: TuesdaYI :the 9:1:h day of Junel 1942 That by-law No. 1386 "To Amend by-lay No. peal by-law No. 1349" be read a first time; 1327 and to Re- The Elgin. County Council met this day at the Court House in St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. -Carried. The Warden in the chair. Moved by E. Lashbrook, All the members present. Seconded by J. D. Fraser: The Warden ,addressed the Council. That by-law No. 1386 be read a second time. -Carried. To the Elgi:q. ,_County Council; Moved by J. D. Fraser, Gentlemen: Seconded by E. Lashbrook: I ani ,pleased to welcome you to the June Session of the Coun~ ty Council. This Session will, as usual. be the mos't important and the busieest one of the year ,and so I would ask the Chairman of the various committees to call the committees together at an ear- ly hour ,and report promptly. Where by-laws are required see that they are formally introduced in Council and see that any other business belonging to your s'everal committees is not over- looked. That by-law No. 1387 be read a third time and finally pass'ed. r..\ -Carried. Moved by E. E. Atkinson, Seconded by F. L. Truman: The War, I believe, has taken a decided turn for the better but it is still so serious that we, as responsible men in our own municipalit~es,_ should stand. ready to ta,ke on I more responsibili- ties that might come our way in order to pros'ecute the war more dilig~ntly. That we do now adjourn to meet the 9th day of June at 2 p.m. -Carried. Roads I believe that the county roads stood the past winter the best 32 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL t.hey ever did in recent years ;and this is fortunate in view of the dr,astic 'cut that has been made in our subsidized expenditures. At the January Session a by-law authorizing the expenditure of $128,000 on roads was made. In the later part of March we were notified that we would receive s'ubsidy on only $80,000. To date we have spent around $30,000 and that consists of maintenance work only. So, with our summer work still to do, it looks as though we will have' to go along with only light' maintenance work unless organized pressure, of which I will speak later in the session, shouLd bring more subs'idy from the Department~ It must be remembered that of our own accord we cut our estimates some $55,000 below the 1941 expenditure and now a second cut of $48,000 leaves the Roads Committee in a position where very few improvements can be made. Childrenls Shelter Since our last meeting the Director's have been fortunate in securing Mr. J. Herbert Dawson as Superintendent of the Child.:. ren's Aid Society. Mr. Dawson has to date proved himself a very capable and efficient manager and during the Session I wish to have him meet. you individually and to have a private meeting with all the Reeves. possibly ,after a finance committee meeting; following this I propose to have him address' the whole County CounciL Hospitalization One of the most encouraging signs of betel' times among our rural citizens is the fact that our indigent accounts in the hospit- als are very noiceably decreased, and I believe that with the close co-operation of the hospital staff ,and the Reeves of the s'ev- eral mUnlcipalities that these accounts can be held to a fraction of what they were a few years ago. So far this year I have made it my business to attend their regular board meetings. I find that the board is very careful in its expenditures and' that the staff is very efficient in its' work and in view of the fact that bed space is ,at a premium the staff has to use the sun-rooms and at times beds in the hall for patients; therefore we should give all t.he assistance we can in both co-operation and finance so that this worthy Ins'titutioncan do its good work :in this district. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 33 I also attended the annual meeting- of the Elgin Library' As- sociation and was astonished at the magnitude and' efficiency of their work and was proud to know that this Council has been playing' such a wonderful part in helping to finance this worthy public project and can assure you that those responsible appreci~ ate the, help. I have also attempted to keep in touch with the Mayor of St. 'Thomas' and endeavoured to' promote good will between the City and County so I would commend" to you that as many as' possible' stay to the. dinner to-night and meet the' City Officials from Chat- ham after which we wil go to the ciy hall to sit in on a City Council meeting whiCh should have educational value for us~ Conventions To date this ye.ar I have heen privileged to attend three con- ventions 'and s~rve on one, delegation. It was gratifying to note that all the Agricultural Committee -Were able to attend the Agri- cultural Convention. The many and far reaching resolutions sanctioned by: this', group. lam sure win be~r much fruit in the future legislation of the Province and Dominion. The Good Roads Convention was, the most. largely attended, some eleven county ,councillors acting ,as delegates. I. am pleased to announce that we were fortunate in placih.g an Elgin Cbunty representative on the Directorate: in the person of 'Mr. Scott Mc- I{ay whose municipal knowledge will be of value, to the Associa~ don as' wetl .as a real tribute to his father Mr. K. W. McKay who was bne of he founders of the Good. Roads Association. I also ,attended the Educational Convention held Easter week and two other members were .also able taattend-. The County Council .section, which is one of the thirty-eight sections of the O~E.A. has' a most important. work to' do and I believe is respon- sible for advQcating sens'ible legislation of, which we as a County' receive benefit. ~4 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Seven of the Reeves to'ok part in a delegation to Ottawa to assist the Agricultural Council of Ontario in presenting four re- solutions to Prime Minister King and his Cabinet. We felt that these resolutions were of vital interest to the rural taxpayerS. We were well received and from the interest shown ,and the a8'- surances given we feel that the journey was well worth while. House 'of Refuge Your House of Industry Committee met about a month ago and with the ,criticism of the fall Grand Jury still in our minds we rnade a thorough survey of the Institution. This building is by no means a new one but we found it in a good state of repair except for the men's and ladies' dining rooms and during the course 'Of this session estimates will be presented for your ap- proval which will greatly enhance the appearance of these rooms. Gaol The Gaol Committee found the Court House in good order except for a couple of small rooms which need redecorating. But we found the Registry Office roof in very bad condition in some places and we would recommend immediate repairs to this' build.. jng. New Legislation Public Health Act Subsection 1 of Section 60 has been amended which makes provision that tansients within a municipality who have come rfom other parts. of the province and who, have been infected with or exposed to communicable diseases can be isolated in the Rame m,anner asa resident of a municipality. V otersC Lists. Act - A new section has been - added which relieves the palities of the cost 'of revising the lists for provincial and provides for payment by the Province. munici- elections i I r ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 35 The Jurors Act - All s,ummonses. to jurors will hereafter .be served by register- ed mail and the time for serving s'uch summonses is reduced from twenty to ten days previous to. the day upon which attendance is required. The Dog Tax and Live Stock Protection Act - The Act is amended by adding a section which provides that where poultry to the ,amount of fifty pounds is dama.ged or in- jured by any dog within such municipality, the provisions of this Act respecting live stock shall apply to poulry when the neces- sary by-law is' passed by the local municipality. i I i I I i I i. } , , , i I I I f i i Mill rate I have s~ved possibly he most distressing information till last. Due to circumstances over which the 1942 Council has no con- trol we find that the mill rate will have to be raised possibly two-tenths of a mill, We inherited a deficit of $10,000 from 1941; the cost of Educ~tion in our Secondary Schools has'risen over $3,000; the St. Thom,as Collegiate costs have risen from '52 cents nday per pupil to 68 cents and the Vocational School from 75 cents to $1.00 per day. The rate will necessarily have to be about I 5 mills for 1942. So lets go into this session wl!h economy in mind and maybe by cutting out some unneces'sary expenditures we may be able to keep. the mill rate within reasonable bounds. The Proceedings of the last day of the January Session were read and confirmed. The following communications were read: i f I r f ; r I 1 From The Navy League of Canada with request for Filed. grant. 36 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY. COUNCfL 37 From The County Council Section of the D.E.A. with report. Referred to Education Committee. From The Provincial Inspector of Houses of Refuge re anw nual convention. - Referred to Hous'e of Refuge Committee. From. The Hospital for Sick Children with, request for grant. Referred to Finance Committee. From Mr. G. F; Rogers, Deputy Minister of Education re Vienna High School. - Filed. From Public School Section: No. 12, T9wnship of Malahide with appeal re award of arbitrators. - Filed. From The Ontario 'Conservation and Reforestation Associa- tion with reporl. - Referred to Agricultural Committee. FrOID-, Miss: Margllret Coyne;: ca:t:d of thanks. - Filed. From The Ontario Municipal Associationreannual, conven- tion. - Filed. From The Council of the Township of South Dorchester re confirmation of Township by-laws. ---'- Referred to Roads ComR mittee. From The Department of Agriculture, Live Stoc)t Branch - re insurance rates on cattle. - Referred to the Agricultural Com- mittee. ''>>, From The; Minister of Agriculture re the. production of. wool. Referred tg the - Agriculture Committee. From Bruce .Learn, certificate of withdrawal of appeal re school section No. 12 of the Township of Malahide. - Filed. From The Regimental Chapter of the I.O.D.E. with request for the use of the. Court House grounds. - Refer,red to the Gaol Commit~ee. Resolutions reeceived from other -counties: From The County of Wellington re the continuance of the Feed Freight Subsidy Act indefinitely. - Referred to the Agri- cultural Committee. From The Provincial Corn Borer Inspector re government ::;ubsidy - Referred to the Agricultural Commitee. From The solicitor for- the: Town of Aylmer re Union School Section No. 12. - Filed. appeal of From The County of Grey re he .granting of Fertilizers and Concentraes. - Referred to the Committee. subs'idieS on Agricultural From The Honorable T. B. McQuesten re transportation of ('oal. - Filed. From The County of Grey re opposition - to any drastic' changes in the Municipal Affairs Act. - Filed. From The: Depar.tment.. of. Highways re_ insurance on road employees. - Referred to the Roads Committee. From The County of Wentworth re notice of changes in any Act of the Legislature concerning them. - Referred to the PetiR , 38 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL tions and Legislation . Coinmittee. From The County of Peterborough re secondary school taxes. Referred to the Education Committee. From The County of Dufferin re mobilization of man power. _ Referred to he Agricultural Committee. From The County of Waterloo re gasoline tax. - Referred to Petitions and 'Legislation Committee. From The County of Lincoln re the financial requirements of the Federation of Agriculture. - Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From The County of- Wentworth re changes' in the Assessment ,Act. ,_ Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. From The County of Lennox and Addington re rates on automobiles. - Referred to Petitions and Committee. insurance Legislation From The County of Norfolk re the reduction in subsidies on municipal ,roads. -Referred 0 Roads Committee. Reports re resolutions. passed by the Elgin County Council: 1. 'Re Installation of Hydro in rural horries': Endorsed - Norfolk. Peterborough, Hastings, Carleton, Grey, Northumberland and Durham. Concurred - Victoria. Filed - Huron. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 39 2.Re Changes in TextBooks: Endorsed - Norfolk, Peterborbugh, Hastings, Carlton, Grey, Northumberland and Durham. Concurred - Victoria. Filed - Huron. 3. Re Requirements for Manual Training and Home Economics: Concurred- Victoria. Endorsed - Hastings. Filed - Huron, Grey. 4. Re Compulsory Manual Training and Domestic Science: No Action - Victoria. Endorsed - Hastings. Filed -'- Huron, Grey. '5. Refund of Taxation Monies by Dominion Government: No Adion - Victoria. Endorsed - Hastings. Filed - Huron, Grey. , I I , j 40 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUN'l'YCOUNCIL 41 6. Re Amendments' to Section 38 of the Assessment Act: SECOND SESSION - SECOND DAY Concurred - Victoria. Wednesday. Ihe 10lh day of June. 1942 Endorsed -Peterborough,. Hastings. Filed - Grey. The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. Moved by J. R. Bandeen, The Warden in the chair. Seconded by J. Gillies: All members present. That this Council do now adjourn to meet tomorrow morn'- jug at 10 o'clock. Therninutes of the previous day'were read and confirme,d. -Carried. A comll)!luication from the Dutton and Dunwich Branch -of the "Red Cross was read and referred to the War Purposeg'Com~ mittee. RALPH AUCKLANI\. Warden. Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by J. R. Bandeen;. That the County Clerk be instructed t'O ,advise the Hon. C. D. Howe, -Minister of Munitions and Transport and the Minister of NationaJ Revenue that this Elgin County Council is absolutely opposed to the Dominion Government granting permiss'ion to any person,. pers'ons, firm or corporation to tr,ansport goods in bond over the highways of the Province of Ontario or any other province of the Dominion of Canada for the purpose of transport':' iug such goods in Bond from one point in the Vnifed States through C.anada to anoher- point in the United States and more particularly as the Railways _operating in Canada, both Canadian and Americ.an have ,a:rI1ple facilities to trnsport suchgoods.by rail and there is not now nor is thereapj to be in the future any neces~ sity. for additional facilities to do so, tha,t more rubber anq, gaso- 42 ELGIN. COUNTY COUNCIL line would be saved by re~usingtogrant such permIssIOn; and that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Councils of all coun- ties through which No.3 Highway passes and to ~r. Wilson Mills, M. P. for Elgin. in Amendment it was moved by G. Ne'well, Seconded. by D. G. Brown: -Carried. That the Dominion Minister of' Trans'port be requested to deny to any persDu or, persons the privilege of transporting goods in Bond across Ontario via Highw.ay No.3, unless such goods are materials of war that cannot be moved swiftly and efficiently by tpe .existing railways. Any ,person or pers'ons obt~ining ,this permISSIon should, in the opinion of, this County Council, have the sanction of the Un~ ited States Government. -Motion for ,amendment lost. Mr. Dawson, Superintendent of the Children's Aid Society, addressed the Council re matters pertaining, to Children's Aid 'work .Moved by A. E. Brown, Seconded" by F. L. Truman: That this Council 'do now adjourn until- 2' p.m. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 43 The Council resumed. It was ordered that request from Mr. Brown for the two can- nons on the Court House grounds' for scrap be filed. The first report of the Finance Committee was presented and the Council went into a Committee of the Whole with Mr. Gillies, in the chair. After some discussion the report was adopted as read on motion of Mr. Fraser seconded by ,Mr. Lashbrook. Th~ report of the Special Committee re Administration of Justice costs was presented and adopted on motion of Mr. Gillies seconded by Mr. Taylor The report of the Gaol Committee was presented and- 'adopted on motion of-,JVlr. Truman seconded by Mr. Craik. The report' of the Agricultural Committee was presented and' adopted on motion of -Mr. Bandeen seconded by Mr. Turnbull; The Warden appointed Mr. Walker, Mr,. Taylor and ,Mr. ,Fras- er to interview Premier Hepburn re crossing gates at ,,;8-o4ney, West Lorue and Dutton. ,le: "Moved by J~ D.Fraser, Seconded by A. N. Walker: That this , Qouncil do now adjourn to meet onThur~d~y,,~orn- ing at 10 o'clock. ' -Carried. RALPH AUCKLAND, Warden. 44 ELG1N. COUNTY COUNCIL ELdIN COUNTY COUNCIL 45 SECOND SESSION - THIRD DAY Moved by Roy Tansley, Thursday. the 11th day of June. 1942 Seconded by L. Harries: The Elgin County Council met this' day at the Court House, S!. Thomas, in accordance with ,adjournment. That the Council do now adjourn to meet at 2 p.m. --C'lrried. The Warden in the chair. The Council resumed. An the members present except Mssrs. Truman and Harries. The -s'econd report of the Finance Committee 'w.as presented and adopted on motion of ,Mr. Fraser seconded by. Mr. Bandeen. . . The minutes of the preceeding day were read arid confirmed. The report of the Roads Committee was presented and on mo. tion of Dugald Brown the Council went into a Committee of the Whole. After considerable discussion the report was laid over until Friday morning. Mr. Newell gave notice of a motion for the November Ses~ sion re rebate of county taxes on land assUined for war ,purposes in. the Townships of South wold, Yarmouth and .Malahide. 1VIovedby S. BroWn, The report of the Petitions and Legis'lations Committee WllS presented and, adopted 6n motion of Mr. Gillies seconded by' Mr. Miller. Seconded by J. C. Gillies: The - report of the House 'of Refuge Committee -was pre~ented and' adopted on motion of Mr. Atkinson seconded by Mr. McMil~ Ian. ! That.this Council ask the Wartime Committee for Agricul~ ture to look into the Labor Questlon as we have a distinct short~ age of labour to harvest our crop. -Carried. Moved byJ. R. B<'I.ndeen, The report, of the Education Committee was presented and ~dopted ort motion of Mr. Taylor seconded by Mr. G~llies. Seconded by J: C. Gillie.: Mr. Taylor reported on the visit of the County delegates to Ottawa. That the Council adjourn to meet Friday morning at 10 a.m. -Carried. RALPH AUCKLAND; Warden. 46 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SECOND SESSION - FOURTH DAY Friday~ the 12th day of June~ 1942 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court. House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. I The Warden in the chair. All the memlJers present. 'fhe minutes of the previous day were read and confirmed. On motion of Mr. S. Brown that the Agricultural War Com- mittee be heard, Mssrs. Silcox, D. Brown and F. Thomas address- ed the Council in reference to the-~ labour situation for harvesting the agricultural crop this year after which a lengthy discuss'ion took place on the question. The Warden 'appointed 'Mss'rs. Bandeen and S.Brown mem- bers of a Live Stock Committee to act as suggested in the com- munication from the Department of - Agriculture. Moved by R. Britton, Seconded by G. . Newell: That this County Council now adjourn to meet at 2 p.m. -Carried. The Council resumed. ,',I ::1 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 47 Communication from the County Treasurer with report w.as presented, ordered received and printed in the proceedings. Moved by J. R. Bandeen, Seconded by J. C. Gillies: , That the Council of the County of Elgin request the Federal Government to make use of the National Registration and release men with farm eX11'erience from non-essential industries to assist in harvesting farm crops which cannot otherwise be done with the ,acute short.age of 'labour now existing and that a copy of this resolution be sent the proper departments of the Dominion Gov- ernment at Otawa, the Minister of Agriculture in Toronto and to the Clerks' of all counties in Ontario :and that the County Clerks be asked 0 bring this to the immediate attention of their Agricul- tural Committees in order that action be taken in time to .be of some use. --Carried. The, third report of the Finance Committee w.as presented and on motion of Mr. S. Brown the Council went into a Commit- tee of the Whole and on motion -of-Mr. Bandeen seconded by Mr. Lashbrook, the report was adopted as 'amended. The report of the War Purposes C-ommittee was presented and adopted on motion of Mr. Lashbrook seconded by Mr. Ban- deen. The report of the Roads Committee w.as' presented -and on moion of Mr. Dugald Brown the Council went into a Committee of the Whole. After considerable discussion the report was adopted on motion of Mr. Walker seconded by Mr. Turnbull. Mr. Walker gave a report on the delegation's interview with Premier Hepburn. 48 ELGIN. COUNTY COUNCIL 49 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by J. R.Bandeen, Moved by J. G. Turnbull, Seconded by J. D. Fraser: Seconded by A. N. Walker: That this Elgin County Council knowing and realizing the numw ber of deaths caused by fast trains at the Rodney and Dutton crossings since the wig-wag system installed at these crossings has been in oper.ation feel we are justified in requesting the re- turn of a 24 hour gate protection service at Rodney, West Larne and Dutton and that a copy of this resolution be sent to the De..; partment of Highways at Toronto, the Railway Board at' Ottawa, lV[r. Wilson Mills, M. P. ,and Honorable M. F. Hepburn. That this County Council recommend to the Ontario Govern- ment that the use of Women's Beverage Rooms be confined to women only; and that a copy of this resolution be sent to Prem~ ier -Hepburn and all County Councils. -Carried. Moved by H. G. Taylor, -Carried. Seconded by J. G. Turnbull: Moved by D._ G. Brown, That the salaries of Miss Murphy, Mrs. Hall and Miss Coffey be raised $5.0o-'-each per month, commencing July 1, 1942. -Carried. Seconded by G. Newell: Moved by J. C. Gillies, That the Clerk and Warden be an Insurance Committee with power to act - in reference to indemnity insurance of County Coun~ cilIors. ' Seconded by H. G . Taylor: -Carried. Tha.t by-law No. 1387 "To Authorize the W,arden to sign an Agreemf!nt re Administration of Justice Expenses payable by the City of St; Thomas" be read a first time. Moved by A. E. Brown, "-Carried. . Seconded by D. Ryan: :\.!oved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by J. C. Gillies: That the usual grant for clothing for the Boyd children be paid. That by-law No. 1387 be read a second time. -Carried. -Carried. 50 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 51 Moved by J. Gillies, Moved by J. G. Turnbull, Seconded by H. G. Taylor: Seconded by George Craik: That by-law No. 1387 be read a third time and finally passed. That by-law No. 1389 "To Confirm By-law No., 421 of the Township of South Dorchester" be read a first time. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by R. Tansley, Moved .by Geo. Craik, p. Seconded byR. Britton: Seconded by J. G. Turnbull: That by-law No. 1388 "To Designate COUl)ty Road No. 27 as a Through High way" be read a first time. That by_law No. 1389 be read a second time. -Carried. -Carried. '--'i' Moved by A. E. Brown, Moved by R. Britton, Seconded by J. G. Turnbull: Seconded by R. Tansley: That by-law No. 1389 be read a third time and finally passed. That by-law No. 1388 be. read a second time. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by J. R. Bandeeu, .Moved by R. Tansley, Seconded by J. C. Gillies: Seconded by R. Britton: That by-law No. 1388 be read a third time and finally passed. That by-law No. 1390 "To Revert Portions of Roads in the Townships of Aldborough, Bayham and Du:riwich to the Local Municipalities" be read a first time. -Carried. -Carried. 52 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ~1oved by J. C. Gillies, Seconded by J. R. Bandeen: That by-law No. 1390 be read a second time. Moved by J. R. Bandeen, Seconded by J. C. Gillies: -Carried. That by-law No. 1390 be read a third time and finally passed. Moved by J. D. Fraser, Seconded by E. Lashbrook: _Carried. That by-law No. 1391 "To Raise Amounts for County 'Rates during the year 1942" be read a first time. Moved by E. Lashbrook, Seconded by J. D. Fraser: Thatby~law No. 1391 be read a second'time. -C.arried. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 53 Moved by J. D. Fr,aser, Seconded by E. Lashbrook: That by-law No. 1391 be read a third time and finally passed. '-':'Carried. Moved by A. N. Walker, Seconded by J. D. MoMillan: That by-law No. 1392 "To Revert a Road in the Village of Port Stanley" be read a first time. ~arried, , . , Moved by J. D. McMllla,,:, Seconded by A. N. Walker: That by.law No. 1392 be read a second time. -"Carried. Moved by A. N. Walker, Seconded by J. D. McMillan: That by-law No. 1392 be read a third time and finally passed.' -Garried. 54 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by'J. R. Bandeen, Seconded by Henry Miller: That we adjourn to meet on Monday, November 23rd, at 2 0' clock. Tansley -Carried. To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: Walker The Committee to strike the Standing Committees reports as' follows: 1. We recommend that the standing committees be composed of the same members as the 1941 committeeS. All of which is respectfully submitted. GEORGE CRAIK, Chairman. January, 1942. Tans~ey ELGIN COUN~Y COUNCIL 55 STANDING COMMITTEES. .1942 Counfy Roads Chairman: A. N. Walker Bandeen Turnbull Newell Advisory: Fraser 'and T'aylor Agricultural Chairman: J. R. Bandeen TansIey Newell Taylor Turnbull ' '~'i' Gaol Chairman: F. L. Truman Craik Miller House of 'Refuge Chairman:. E. E. .Atkinson Harries' McMillan Finance Chairman: J. D. Fraser \ Bandeen Walker Newell Taylor Turnbun Lashbrook Miller Ryan D,Brown Craik Atkinson 56 Gillies D. Brown Britton ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Education Chairman:H. G. Taylor Lashbrook Miller S. Brown Harries McMillan Britton A: E. Brown Craik Truman Fraser Ryan Peti:tions and Legislk:tion Chairman: J. C. Gillies liyan Britton S. Brown Children's Aid Chairm'an: S. Brown The Warden Legal Chairman: George Craik A. E.Brown Miller Fraser War Purposes Chairman: E. Lashbrook A. E. Brown Bandeen D. Brown ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL REPORTS OF COMMITTEES FINANCE COMMITTEE D. Brown First Report To the Elgin' County Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports as .follows: That the following hospital accounts be paid: Mille,' Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas, Maintenance _______________~____________________.____.$ Grant (531 days at 50c) Victpria Hbspital, London ___m__~__..____.__________ Memorial Hospital" Tillsonhurg, Maintenance, ________._.____________.___________~__.., $ Grant (84 days at. 50c) ....__...____.........__ St. Joseph's Hospital, London Metropolitan Gen. Hospital, Walkerville 'Parkwpod 'Hospital, London ________________,._______ Ontario Hospital, Woodstock _______________.,__~__"__ All. of which its respectfully submitted. 872 75 265 50 $ 147 00 42 00 $ 5"1 1138 25 312 25 189 00 5 25 56 00 513 00 30450 . $ 2518 25 J. D. FRASER, Chairman. January, 1942. Ryan 58 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL January Session - Second Report To the Elgin, County Council, Gentlemen: The Finance 'Committee reports as follows: ELGIN COUNTY..COUNCIL 11. That the following-accounts. be paid: and a by-law to borrow the Livermore, Pons'ford,and Balbour, General account __.___$ R. B.McKenney, London anq. Lancashire lis. Co., Renewal Certificate No. 5815 --------~-.-----l"-------____"_ Munieipal W6rldLtd.; Registry Office acocunt ___.__________ Rainbow's Bookstore, Registry Office account ________________ Rainbow's Bookstore, T:r;easurer's. account ____________________~___ Bram Saywell, printing account ___~__"________________________,_.________ Township of Ba:yham, Transportation of Inmate to House of Refuge -------~-----------------------c----.-----___________ Goodwin Furniture House, Chairs. for Registry' Office ____ Underwood, Elliott, "Fisher Ltd., Registry Office account The Copp, Clark 'Co. Ltd., . Canadian Alm,anac ____________________ The MuniCipal World Ltd., Supplies for Clerk and Treasurer.. __________________.___.:_________._________________________________ Ontario Training School for Boys, Maintenance ____________ The Children's Aid Society of London, Maintenance( Esthei"J; Marshall _,.. .......mm'm..'m' _____.mm_m_m.. The Catholic Children's Aid Society," Toronto, M,aintenance of George Murdock _______________.______ Ontario Training School for Girls, Maintenance ___________~ Deputy Provincial Secretary, Conveyance of Prisoners Town of Aylmer, Aftercare, Tuberculosis patient __________ 1. That the Auditors' report be received and printed. 2. That t):1e Tre.asurer's' - report be received prepared' authorizing the Warden and Treasurer sum of $250,000, 3. That the Waden ~nd Clerk insure t):1e Registry Office. 4. That the Warden ,and Clerk .insure the House of Refuge. 5. That we insure municipal employees and cou-nty coun- cHlors with the General Accident Insurance; R. H. McNeill, Local Agent. .6. That a grant of $200.00 be given to the . Canadian National Institute for the Blind. 59 .625 362 70 ' 59 40 27 70 2 00 1 75 250 52 70 1 50 ,4.00 3.6 44 ,15 50 72 80 124 32 .6.6 00 28 00 51 63 All of which is res~ectfully submitted. 12. . That the County equ,alization be the s'ame as- last year. 7.. That the Salvation Army be given a grant qf $400.00, . J. D. FRASER, Chairman. 8. That no action be taken re memhership in the Ontario Association of Rural. Municipalities. January, 1942. 9; That grants to Women's ,Institutes for Oratorial 'CoIlte"sts be paid. 10. That membership fee in thti! Ontario Municipal Association be paid and the Warden appoint delegates to attend the annual convention. 60 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL -ELQIN' COUNTY' COUNCIL January Sest>ion --;' Third Report Soldiers'. Memorial, Hospital, Tillsonburg, Maintenance_______________"",~H.___.."_"___"..__~$ Grant (328 days' at 50c) """""""""""_""__"""" To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: St. Joseph's Hospital, London ""m"~"""""""_"'_ Toronto General Hospital __H__H.._."...________,___ Parkwood Hospital, London Ontario Hospital, Woodstock The Finance' Committee eports as follows: 1. Thate a grant of $50.00 be paid to the Eigin Law Asso- elation. ,57_4'00 - 164; .00 $ 61 738 00 19 25 50 75 1224 00 318 50 $ 5001 35 All of which is respectfully submitted. _ J.- D. FRASER, Chairman. 2. That the salary of the County Clerk be increased $300.00; the said clerk be given necessary assistance to the County Trea:" r,'urerjand that a by-law be prepared.- June, 1942. AlIoI which is respectfully submitted. J_ D_ FRASER, Chairman. ""June Session - ,Second Hepar! January, 1942. To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: June Session - -Pirst Report The Finance Committee reports as follows: That having inquired :into', the finance .of, the County an,d es~ timates prepared by the County Treasurer, they herewith sub~ mil a statement of the expenditure required_ ..for ~.the."Jaw.ful'pur~ poses' of the County during 1942, showing the amount require'd to be raised for the under-mentioned pur,poses: To the Elgin County Council,' Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That the following, hospital accounts ,be paid: -Administration ot Justice _______..._____.$ House o.f 'Refuge _________________________"_.____ Public Schools ""mm"m"""m__"_""""_"""mnm Officers' Salaries ______________-._______________ Members" Wages _____n______ ._______ f-------- Court House Commission Interest ,~____"____._________~______J__" ,________________ County Roads / _______"-_________.. _____.__:________ The Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas, Maintenance ________________________________ _______1$ Grant (703 days at 50c) 1138 35 351 50 $ 1489 85 1161 00 Vivtoria Hospital, London 900000 500000 4000 00 -5000. 00 . 4500 00 4000 00 ,.4000 00 61000"00 62 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Children's Aid Hospitalization Miscellaneous __________________ _____________________ 'War Purposes ,____________________ ________________ Grants, Agricultur.al _________________________ Deficit, County Roads __c___________________ 12000 00 10000 00 4176 00 15000 00 3000 00 1050000 $151176 00 Your Committee would recommend that the sum of. One Hun- dred and Fifty-one Thousand, One BUlldred and Seventy-six Dol- lars be raised on allr,ateable prperty in the several municipalities of the County ,of Elgin during the year 1942 for County Purposes, :and that a rate of. five 'mills on tqe dollar be levied,on rateable property in the s'everal municipalities in the' County to raise said amounts. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. FRAJSER, Chairman. June, 1942. June Session - Third Report To the ,Elgin Coun"ty Council, Gentlemen:' , The Finance Committee reports as. follows: 1. That. resolution from. the. County of Grey re changes in the Municipal Affairs Act be filed. 2. That appli.cation from the Hospital for Sick Children for grant be filed. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL .63 3. That Miss' Velma Hill's salary be raised Ten Dollars p~r month commencing July 1, 1942. 4., That Mssrs. Sten,lake, Wheaton, Burke and Miller, County members on the Children's' Aid" Society be paid $3.00 for ea(:h meeting attended. 5. Th-at the County Solicitor have the insurance policy on the County' Coundllors and Employees' more 'fully 'amplified. ' 6. That the followIng accounts be. paid: E~ S. Livermore, general account _______________________________m$ The Me1'c'l.1l'y-Sunj 125 name cards ' Township of Aldhorough, re fund. hospital mainten. Underwood, Elliott Fisher Ltd., repair's C. A. S. of London and Middlesex, Maintenance ____ Catholic C. A. S., Toronto, ..maintenance ______________"c____ Vernon Directories Ltd, City .directory __"_________~_~m___. The Dutton Advance~ 150 Auditor's reports ______________ The Aylmer Express, Proce~dings and Advertise- ment re Victory Loan The Tim~.s'":'Journal, Ad re Victory 'Loan ________j.___m_____ The Provincial Secretary, Conveying prisoners ______ The Municipal World, supplies ____________________________________ Village of Rodney, Sanato'rium account ______________________ Training School for girls, Maintenance Training School' for Boys, Maintenance m____~___________ Elgin CQuntyAgricultural W,ar Committee _____________" Township ,of Southwold, hospital maintenance, ________ 27 27 9 00 72 45 8 75 120,80 100 80 7 56 160 00 346 68 56 70 7' 60 184 52 6 00 97 50 26 00 24 77 71 13 7. That the County refund rebate due the Township of Ald- borough oIi the 1941 Cbunty Rate. , All of which is 'respectfully submitted. J. D. FRASER, Chairman. June, 1942. 64 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL AUDITORS' REPORT To the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin, Gentlemen: We, the unders,igned, Auditors for the .county of Elgin for the year endjngDecember 31st, .1941, respectfully submit to you the following report: We have carefully compared the several accounts of receipts and.'payments with the vouchers',produced .and .orders. authorizing the .,various expenditures. ',We firid the receipts . exceed ~he payments by Forty~one 'I1housand, One Hundred and-Seventy-,.four Donars, and six cents. ,December 31, 1941, Bank Balance __________A5473765 Partial payment Crown.Witness-sheets____ 647.88 Cash on hand """"""",__,.",__"""""".___""___.,,,' 206 92 $ 55~42 ,45 Less outstanding cheques __________________,________, 14468.39 $41174,06 'The DepartmentaL regulations regardiI).g T€ceipts" -being de- posited in the Bank to~hecrediLbf the County are ,being,strictly observed, also all payments,.areby cheque ex,cept _.'PilX;list~ of crown witness fees in administration of Justice ,accounts' and pay lists for, members' wages and committeework:when-the Treasurer witrdraws amount required 'by chequ~ :which'.giveshim a recor?. We- have ve:t:ified the bank,halance -with all bills: .payable: held by the bank on December' 31, 1941, with certified statement. of bank balance attached. Your loans at the Bank at iDecember 31, 1941, are Ninety Thousand Dollars, being Forty Thous'and above December 31, 1940. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL , 6~, We._have _checked. with-all -officials all records for -awailable assets. and. immediate liabilities. We have carefully checked all High and Continuation School Accounts duly signe.d by the: principal and secretary <and-. cer:tified by' the auditors of each school" containing lists. 'of names 0f all eounty: students', their indtvidual -days, attendance and'municipality' 01 residence, together with total days attendance of all pupils at, tending. Before, any payments w,ere mRde, by the: County we: also checked payments sent out to each municipality responsible, for their students. AU receipts for' license money have been checked Each municipality's share of hospital accounts' has been check- ed ,and $lame. _ paid into County Treasurerer-'s: office:e:x;cept Town- ship of Southwold share of $91.73, The County }tas no 'bonded indebtedness. The National Defence Tax is being deducted from all salaries and labor accounts subject to such tax and s'ame' is being forward~ ed to the. Department of National Defence by the Treasurer each month. 411 accounts of each dep~rtment appear in accordance with Municipal Accounting. The following statements are submitted: Abstract Statement of Receipts and Payments. Capital Balance Sheet. Balancec S'p.eet of assets and liabilities. Statement of. revenues and expenditure. Compa:ris'on o'f .revnueand, expenditure.s with Council budget. Your balance sheet of .revenue and expenditure shows.a de- licit of. $8,527,69 for 1941. We note that you have received $21,9.19.90 01 your suburban 66 ELGIN COUNTY. COUNCIL area subsidy in advance which will leave only $8,973.25 suburban area subsidy outside the City of St. Thomas adjustment which shouid be $15,446.57. We have checked all municipalities' returns of t~x arrears to the County Treasurer ,and same are posted in each' ledger to' the- proper,ty so -charged. The County TreasUrer has credited and for- warded all collections of tax arrears to each municipality as due them to December, 31,1941; also all receipts of tax arrears paid local tre;1surers are being placed to the credit of the property so charged. . The total ' assessment of the County is' $30,310,345.00. , The rate for 1941 was. 4 8-10 miiis plus the schooi rate. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 67 1372, that Old Age Pensioners shall pay the sum of $20.00 per month for board and iodging at the House of Refuge in the future. We have ro:ade a monthly ,audit of the Treasurer's accounts and checked the bank balance each quarter and forwarded a s~ate- 'ment to theW,arden, Clerk and Chairman of theFinanceCoro- mittee.' All officials have furnished us with any information asked and books in all departments are kept' in good order. We, feel you have transacted the bUs'iness of the County in a capable manner. All of which is respectfully submitted. The, Treasurer's bond for $20,000.00 with the United States Fidelity and Guarantee Company was renewed on December 15th, l\ D. M. LEITCH and WM. E. LOCKE, 1941, and js deposited with the County Clerk. No. 80674-07-56-36. The Jnsurance on the County Building$ for $103,500.00 expired on June 23rd, 1941, and has' been renewed for the same amount. The 'insurance on the House of Refuge for $39, 700.00 expires February 27th, 1942. The insurance on the Gaoler's res,idence expired on June 23rd, 19~1, .and was yenewed for $2,500.00 and the Gaol for $3,300.00 Buildings on the Hathaway farm for $1,150.00. We consider the above insurance coverage to be about seven~ ty per cent. of value. Insurance on County Employees _______________,$ 10000 00 Insurance on County Graders ____________ ______ 2000 00 County Car, Public Liobilty Ins. ________________ 10000 00 Public Liability on County Roads ____________ 20000 00. We note you have amended by-law No. 1221 by by-law No. "~', ' Auditors. Dated at St. Thomas, January 16th, 1942. 68' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL TREASURER'S REPORT January Session ELGIN COUNTY 'COUNCIL; 69 Water" Light, Heat ........"'.....".._.".. ,2618 ,20 County Roads ............_....................... ,200884 46 Miscellaneous ........".."..........."._....... '52374 28 ,$519566 13 To the Warden and Members of the County of Elgin, Gentlemen: Balance ..._______________________________ $ 41174 43 1 beg, to submit the following statement of Re,ceiptsand Ex~ penditures and Assets and Liabilities' up to December 311 1941. Beteip:t:s Cash on hand ......,,'.....__.....,_....... ..",$ 41872 96 Administration of Justice ________________ 12948 25 Bill Payabie "_...,_,..__m'_'_"_''',..,, 190000 00 Interest ....__........"...__,,__.._"......,,"__...'" 9 17 County Rate ..,,_,_....___.._,.~_,__,.._ 208017 90 ,Registry Office .__......____..w__.....__......__ 872 41 House of Industry __....'''__...____......______ 3557 64 Arrears of Taxes ________________________________ 3134 07 County Roads .._,__..______..__ ,"....____...._ 88322 09 Miscellaneous ,_____......____...._,,,,c..,,____ 12007 (}7 ,$560740 56 Expenditures Assets Balance in Bank and Petty Cash ,_$ 55642 45 County Roads and Suburban Area 66693 75 Suburban Area, -St. Thomas ________n 15446 57 Corn Borer Account ____________"____._____._ 514 67 Town Line Account ._...._...."."..._.... 132912 Administration' of Justice ________~m____ 900 00 Regis1ltJY Oflice "",__, ______."..__,____."'.. 7 50 00 Hospital Account, Southwold ....".. 91 73 ,$141368 29 Administration of Justice Bills Payable Interest Public, Schools House of Industry Registry Office High Schools Arrears of Taxes Member's Wages Officer's ~ Salaries Printing and Stationery Care of Buildings ---------~-------~------------- "....",,,.....$ 19134 92 150000 00 (3762 70 12973 91 ,...__""""""",,,,,,,,,, 8295 93 749 60 53989 90 3228 18 3731 68 5246 21 919 58 1656 58 'Liabilities Bills Payable "_____"__"",,,__,__,,,,,,"',,,,,;, $ 90000 '00 ;Interest 1:__~_____~--~---~Cn----~~--------~---------~-- .1'35,6 ,115 High and Vocational Schools "_,'_;,,,41052 ,00 Publi.c Schools "...___"__"_____",,.,,~.___,,... 9.41 J9 Unpaid Road Accounts ."."'..."_",,.. 5779.25 Overpaid Government Subsidy ".;,,3341 !50 Hospitals. __""_____""'",,,,,,,,,,,,,,__..__""'''' 1500 00 Children's Aid Society "__,,__...,,......'" 900 00 Town Line Account Adjustment _.__ 290 64 Gaol Accounts ,,"__""''''''''_'''''' ",,_ 150 00 House of Industry___...."._.__...,..."'___ 1050 00 Administration of Justice _______._.+~~--' ,120.0\.0.0 70 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Provincial Police ----..---..--------------------- Miscellaneous ---------------------"------------------ 150 00 1500 00 $149210 73 Deficit $7842 44 . It will be necessary to pass a' By-law authorizing Warden and T,easurer to. barrow $250,000.00. All af which is respectfully submitted. ,B, B. GRAHAM, C,ounty Treasurer. , To the Warden and County Co~ncV, June Session Gentlemen: I beg le;;tve to ~ubmit the following report of Receipts and Expenditures to. May 31st, 1942, and also. the Estimates far the Current Yeal1: Receipts _________$ 41174 45 2107 30 ,60000 00 7 95 666 48 2235 04 361 rO 77768 98 3049 82 $187371 92 Cash on hand ___________________________ Administration of Justice Bill Payable Interest Registry Office --------------------------------,--- House of Industry ______________c.___________"U Arrears of Taxes Gal1uty Raads --------------------.--------------- Miscellaneous _______________________J_______________ Expenditures Administratian af Justice ________________$ 715779 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Bills Payable _________._._______________.___________. +nterest ______________..__._________________,-____________ Public Schools _____.._____________________________ House ,of, Refuge __________________________________ Registry Office .____.______________________.__.____ High Schaals Members" Wages ______________________,.______:___ Officers' Salaries ~____________________________* Printing .a:Q.d Stationery _~________________ Care ,of, Buildings ______~________________________ Water, Light, Heat ___________________________ County Roads *__________________*"_______________ Miscellaneous, ___~_____________________________.,_____ Balance ______*_____________________ -------- .....,>, 7t 70000 00 11845 59 428 50 3713 '01 201 84 " 44733 99 1533 65 2084 00 125 84 653 ,88 584 34 31251 20 10989 87 $175212 56 12159 36 $187371 92 Estimates' for Balance of Current Year Adminis'tration 'of Justice _____~__________$ , 9000 00 Hause af Refuge _______.______________:___._____ 5000 00 Public Schaals _______________._____________________. 4000 00 Officers' Salaries i___'____H______________________ 5000 00 Members' Wages __________________________________ 4500 00 Court House 'Commission __________________ 4000 00 Interest _______,__________________________________________ 4000 00 County Raads ________.".__________________________ 61000 00 Children's Aid ____________________________________ 12000 00 Haspitalizatian ______________________________________ 10000 00 Miscellaneous __________.___________________________ 4176 00 War Purpases ________________.___________________ 15000 00 Grants, Agricultural "____~______H_______._____ 30,00 00 Deficit, Caunty Ro.ads ________._______________ 10500 00 ,$151176 00 All of whicp is respectfully submitted~ B. B. GRAHAM,' Treasurer. 72 EIJGIN :COUNTY ,COUNCIL ELGIN, C([)UNTY C0UN.CIL ,~3 ;; Less expenditures. 'on, Suburan-,Area___ 61805 49 REPORT OF ELGIN COUNTY ROAD 'COMMITTEE St. Thom~s, .January,23rd, 1942. $121510 06 To the Warden'and Members of the Elgin 'County 'Counell, 3. We estimate that the. sum of $128,.000.00 will be reqpired for the construction and maintenance of county roads for the yeal' 1942 to be aliotted as foliows: Gentlemen: Your Committee begs to report 'Rs':follows: L The '.fO'llowing is ,a statement of the road expenditures dur- ing the year 1941. , County Roads _______________~.._:m_______________'_$ 99000 00 Suburban Area Roads _______"______________ 29000 00' $128000 00 2. 'County Roads: 'Construction on county roads __________________m__.m__m_m~m$ 98880 30 M:aintenance on county' roads ______________"_________________________ 66232 54 M,aintenance on county roads. in incorporated villages ___________________________________...._____________________________ Bridge Construction County Bridges under by"law 1091 Superintendent's -:and office' expense ___.______________________ New m:achinery:, repairs and tools __________________________,_____ Gr.avel .pits _____._~_____________~_____________.._____________._________m__________ WorkmerifsCompensationBoard _________mmnmmm________ Constables' f.ees Insur.ance, ....-----------.---_--------------c------ ------------------------------- Legal fees ____________ ________________________________________,______________ ------___ Miscetllaneous ____.____mnmm______~__________________~_____________nn____ Accounts 'receivable 4. We- estimate that $4,000.00 will be required for the pur- chas'e of new machinery for road purposes:' to be p.aid out of the General account. 5. W'e recommend that the', Department, of 'Highways~ be re~ quested to pay to "'the_ County, of Elgin" the Statutory Gr.ant: 011 the 1941 county road expenditures. 4427 31 4832 26 720 40 4201 71 8360 38 7066 56 22 54 455 95 722 46 205 23 192 48 321 06 6. That County' Engineer Fred A.' Bell and' Assistant Road Superintendent George Powles be deleg.ated to .attend the ,con- ventionof the Ontario Good Road Association in Toronto on 'Feb- ruary 2!ith and 26th, 1942. 7. That $15.00 be paid the Ontario Roads Association as mem- bership fqr 1942. ,All of which is respectfully submitted. Graders; truck expenses' ___________+__________________$ 'Rentals ______"_______________n__n__________.,__ $196641 18 1761940 1997162 ALEX. N. WALKER, Chairman of Road ,Committee. "Credit __________,_____________._______________ 2352 13 Less 'receipts $194289 05 , 10793 50 $183315 55 74 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ReporJ: of Elgin County Road Committee St. Thomas, June lOth,1942. To the Warden and Coun~il of the County of Elgin, Gentlemen: Your Road Committee beg to report as', follows: 1. The roads in the coun~y under our jur.isdiction required little repairs this spring ,after the spring' thaw. 2. At the .January session of your Council it was estimated that the required expenditure on the county To.adsfar 1942 would be $128,000.00. $100,000.00 being required for the county roads and $28,000.00 for Suburban Area Roads. We were notified by the Minister of' Highways, that owing' to war conditions, the De. partment of Highways would only s'ubsidize the county for a to- tal expenditure of $80,000.00. ::}. That County Eriginee'r has reported to us, as follows: Total expenditures January to June 4th, 1942 ___m__,$ 35806 67 Suburban Area- Expenditures __ _"_________.________________________ 1896 00 'Paid for new truck $ 33910 67 3512 00 $ 30398 67 30400 00 3000 00 5000 00 6000 00 4500 00 4000 00 18000 00 alOOO 00 1500 00 M,aintenance ___.\_______________________________~_. Salaries, travelling expenses, '-etc. __________________________________ Village grants Graders ______________________.___________~_____ ------------------------------------ Trucks, ,ordinary repairs ___________________.______________________________ Drainage and dr.ainage assessments' Gravelling Shouldering ____________________ ___________________________________________ Weed Cutting ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 75 Resurfacing asphaltic pavements __________________________________ Dust layer _____"_~______________________________\__________________.__.._____________ Fencing __~____ _____.'_____,______________.______________________________________________ Bridges ,and Culverts ----------------------------------"--~-.,r____c-------___ Painting ,Bridges ______._..c__________________________c________________________" Insurance, protection Ry. Crossings, leg.~} fees 5000 00 2000 00 1000. 00 400000 500 00 2100 00 Approximate estimate of Suburban Area esp. $ 90000 00 10000 .00 $100000 00 This amount does not include any costs of construction or to take care 'Of any emergencies' whic~ m'ay take place. 4. We recommend that the Engineer's report be adopted. 5. We recommend that .a By-law be prepared to revert to the Village of Port '~Stanley, that portion of George Street in the Vil~ lage of Port Stanley, lying between William Street and the road known as the Picnic Hill road, the Picnic Hill road, across lots 1, 2~ 3, 4 and 5 south on George Street, plan 117. Also to revert lathe Townships the small section of roads at the various improvements to corners which are of no future use to the County road system. 6. We, recommend, that the Road between conces'sions '3 and 4 in the Township of Yarmouth between the; Villages of Union and Sparta, be a through street and that the necessary By-law 'be pre- pared. 7. We recommend that By-law No.' 421 passed by, theTown~ ship of South Dorchester, reg.arding the closing of the road be- tween lots 1 andB concession 9 in the Township of South Dor- chester, be approved. 8. That the Insurance on the Road Employees of the. County of ,Elgin"be renewed with the Anglo-Scottish ~ns1trance Comp.any~ P. R. Locke Agent, amounting to $497.43. 7i~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNC]L, 9. That Agreements be prepared" with the Villages- of Rod- ney, ,and Dutton for future maintenance on connecting lin'ks or County roads, and be referred to the Road Committee at' its July m'eetingl and upon approval of Road Committee, the Warden: and Clerk be ,authorized to sign on behalf of the County of Elgin. 10~ That the County assume that portion of 'Main Street in the Village of West Lorne, and the said Village agree to forfeit its county rebate to the County ,and' that the n:ecessaryBy-law be- prep.ared. All of which is respectfully submitted. Signed, ALEX,. WAiLKER, Chairman. To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Gaol Committee reports as' follows: 1. That we concur with resolution from the County of Kent re 'Amen,dment to Section 280 of the Municipal Act. 2. Were'commend that due to war conditions, the Gadl Com- mittee be given power to purchase coal for the year ,1942, by ten- der. All of which is respectfully submitted. F, L, TRUMAN, Chairman, January, 1942. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 77 GAOL COMMITTEE To the Eljlin County Council, Gentlemen: The Gaol Committee reports ,as follows: 1. That the following accounts be paid: I. S. Ostrander & Go., cleaning 8 day wall clock ____$ Hamilton & Scott, repairs in Gaol and Court House Robert Laing, repairing Registry Office roof ____________ 1 50 59 74 16 50 2. That the request of the I.O,D.K re the use of the Court House grounds be referred to the County Council. 3, That tender of G. T, Stewart 01 $85,00 for replacing roof. of, south east wi~~g of the Registry Office be accepted. All of which is respectfully submitted, F. L, TRUMAN, Chairman. June, 1942, EDUCATION COMMITTEE To the~lginCounty Council, Gentlemen: The Education Committee reports ,as follows: 1. That we concur with' resolution from the County of Grey re Bible teaching in the Schools. 2. That we recommenp. that Reeve Gordon: Newell be ap- pointed as representative on the Senate of the University of West- 78 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ern. Ontario; receive pay and to give a rep'ort at the next January ~ session. HOUSE OF REFUGE COMMITTEE To the Elgin County Council, 3. That membership fee in the Ontario Educational As'soci- ation be paid and thq.t the Warden appoint delegates to- attend the Annual Convention. Gentlemen: All. of which is respectfully submitted. The House of Refuge Committee reports as follows: H. G. TAYLOR, Chairman. 1. That accounts from the County Roads Department for calcium chloride, $30.80 be paid. January, 1942. 2. That reP9rtfrom the Dominion Fire and Burglary Alarms Ltd., be filed. 3. That the allI1:ualmembership fee ill' the; Association of Managers of Homes :for, the Aged and Infirm' be paid,. EDUCATION COMMITTEE And that'. the Keeper, Matron, Inspector and- Chairman of the Committee be delegates to attend he anuual: converitio:t:J.. To the Elgin County Council, 4. That the report from. the Provincial Inspector be filed. Gentlemen: The Education Committee reports as follows: 5. That the' neces'sary repairs be made to the men's and wo- men's dining rooms. 1. That the .report of the County Council Section of the O.E.A. be filed. Ail of which. is respectfuily submitted. 2. That correspondence from Mr. G.F. Rogers, Deputy Min- ister of Education re the Vienna High S.chool be filed. E. E. ATKINSON, Chairman. January, 1942. 3. That we concur with resolution from the County of Peter- borough re seconcta,ry school taxes. AU of which is respectfully submitted. H; G. TAYLOR, Chairman. . June, 1942. 79 go ELdIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGINCOUNirY"COUNCIL'. 81;: HOUSE OF REFUGE COMMIirirEE re hydro in ruraL- districts~ To the Elgin Comity Council, 2; That we ,concur, 'with resolutions cfrom::the, County ,of Prince Edward as follows': Gentlemen: L Hydro. in, ruraLdistricts. 2. Changes in." text,books. 3. Refunds of taxation monies. 4. Amendment to..8ection 38,'ofthe, Assessment Act. The HOllseof Refuge Committee reports as follows: 1. That the insurance on the House of Refuge truck be re- newed. 3. That we concur with resolution from the County of Peter- borough re the dr,afting,of necessary, farm-,help: formilitary,,'ser- vice. 2. That the following accounts be paid; Gillard and Price, repairs ______________________mm____.._______ ----$ 28 50 I E. H. Connor, repairs to plaster and plastering basement ~ --~---~~------- ---- 216 00 4. That we concur with resolution from the Ccmnty:of"York re the Dominion Government ,and the succes'sionduties field of t.axation. 3. That we recommend that tenders' be called for repaIrmg the men's dining room at an estimated cost of $365.00 and for re- decorating the men's upper dormitory at an estimated cost of $90. '"" 5. That report from the Engineering Department of the Hy- dro-Electric Power Commission befHed. All of which is respectfully submitted. All of which is respectfully submitted. E, E, ATKINSON, Chairman, J ." G. . GILLIES;,. ,Chairman. January, .1942. June, 1942. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE PETIrrIONS AND LEGISLArrION COMMITTEE To the Elgin County Council, To the Elgin County Council; Gentlemen: Gentlemen: The P.etitions and L~gislation Committee reports as follows: The Petitions and Legislation Committee reports, as follows;- 1. That we concur with resolution from the Coun~y, of Peel 1. That resolution' from.theCounty'- :of, iWentworth:,re notice IL~~~__~,_._____~ 82 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL , of changes in:any Act of the Legislation be filed. 2. That wecon'cur with resolution from the County of Wat- erloo re gasoline tax. 2. That we concur with resolution from the County of Went~ worth re changes in the Asses'smen tAct. '4. That we concur with resolution from the County of Len- nox and Addington re insurance rates on. automobiles. All of' which is respectfully submitted.. J. C. GILLIES, Chairman. June, 1942. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE , To the Elgin County Council, 'Gentlemen: The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That the usual grant of Fifty Dollars be paid to the On- tario Agricultural Council and that the Warden appoint delegates to att,€nd the Annual Convention. 2. Tha the Agricultural Committee be in charge of Refores- tation matters in the County this year. 3. That we ,concur in resolution ~rom the' County of Dufferin re ceiling prices' for farm products. 4. Tha we' concur in resolution ,from the Comity of Ontario re raising of prices for f.arm -products. 5. That resolution' from, the County 'ofPeterborougr re the ELGIN. COUNTY COUNCIL 83 drafting of necessary farm help for military service be filed,' 6. That we endorse resolution from the County of Perth re the manufacture of calhood vaccine.'_ 7. That we concu~ in resolution of the County of Waterloore forest coverage in Old Ontario. 8. That we concur in resolution from the County of York re hydro' in, rural districts. 9. That we give .a grant of Twenty-five Dollars to the Ontar- io Gonservation and .Reforestation Association. 10. That the usual grant of $1,000.00 be given the A:disory Agricultural Council. All of which is respectfully submitted. .~'V J. R. -Bandeen, Chairman. January, 194;2. AGRICUL TUBAL COMMITTEE To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That report from the Ontario Conservatation and Refor- estation be filed. 2. That the Warden appoint a committee of two to act on the suggestions for' insurance rates on cattle contained in the com.;. munication from the pepartmEmt of Agriculture, Live Stock, 84;' ELGIN ,OOUNiTY., COUNCIL', Branch ,and. to attend:' a" gener'aI. meeting:;w hEm-' and- if,'_one is'.-held; 3;~ That we co'-operateon:',the: suggestions contained in.theJet- ter from the"Minis'tr of ,Agricultuy,rei'ther:prodtiction,Df._waob. 4.' That we ,concur with;~reS01tition, from the County:ocf Duf- ferin re the mobilization of man powev 5. That "we-- concur 'with resolution from' .the- County' "of Wel- lington re the continuance of the Feed Freight Subsidy' Act inr' definitely, 6. That we concur withr€solutionfrorri the County"bfGfey re the granting of subsidies_ on Fertilizers and Concentrates. 7. That we take no action re the resolution from the County of Lincoln re the financial requirements of the Federation of Agri- culture. . 8. That Summers Harper, Corn Borer Inspector, be instructed' to make his custpmary inspection; cost not to exceed the '1941 costs. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. R. Bandeen, Chairman. June, 1942. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 85 WAR PURPOSES COMMITTEE To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The War Purposes Committee reports as follows: L That a. grant of $500.00 b.e paid to the Navy League of Can- ada; this grant to be subject to the approval of the by-law by the Department. 2. That the request for grant from the Chinese War Relief Fund be filed to be presented at the next meeting of the Commit- tee. All of ;"hich is respectlully submitted. ,~", E, LASHBROOK, Chairman. ,January, 1942. LEGAL COMMITTEE To' the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Legal Committee reports as_ follows: That we recommend that the County take no action re li- censing slot machines and that the matter be referred 0 the local municipalities. All of which is respectIully submitted. GEORGE CRAIK, Chairman. January, 1942; 86 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL WAR PURPOSES COMMITTEE, To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The War Purposes Committee reports as ; follows':, . 1. That we grant $400.00 to each unit of the Red Cross in the County; this money to be designated to the Local Red Cross So- ciety. 2. That the next meeting of this Committee be lelt at the Call'of the Chairman; the Committee to meet without pay. AU of which is respectfully submitted. , E. LASHBROOK, Chairman. June, 1942. Administra:l:ion of Justice Committee To the 'Elgin .County Council, Gentlemen: Your committee apopirited to negotiate an agreement with t.he .City. of St. Thomas' for division of costs of Administration of Justice beg .leave to report that they met' with the Committeeap- pointed by the City of St. Thomas 'and after loking into theac- counts of the p'ast five years and" the statement prepared by the County Treasurer; the amount agreed upon which should be'p':aici annuaUy by the City for the next five years was $6,400. All of which is respectfuUy submitted. J. C. GILLIES, Chairman. June, 1942. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 87 BY;.LAWS, 1942 BY.LAW No. 1377 To Appoint,a Member of :the Aylmer Board of Education The Elgin County Council enacts: That Leo Bodkin be appointed a member of the Aylmer Board of Education for a term of three years. , Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers this 22nd day of Jan\lary, 1942; JOHN D. THOMSON, Clerk. RALPH AUCKLAND, , Warden. BY-LAW No. 1378 To Appoint a ~oard of Audit inf:he County of Elgin for the Year 1942 The Elgin County CounciIenacts: That the Judge of the County Court and Mr. John C. Gillies be, and :are hereby 'appointed, membe'rs of the Board of Audit to perform th duties' required of them by the Revised Statuts of On- tario. That the members of the said Board of Audit be paid the sum 88 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL of Five Dollars per day for their services and five cents per mile, gaining to and from each audit. Read a third time and passed. at County Council Chambers, Sl. Thomas, this 22nd day of January, 1942. JOHN D. THOMSON, Clerk. BY.LAW No. 1379 RALPH AUCKLAND, Warden. To Confirm the Equalization of the. Assessment Rolls of lh. Counly of Elgin for lh. year 1942 The Elgin County Council enacts: That the following be the equalization' of the Ass'essment. Rolls of he County of Elgin for the year 1942: Aldborough Dunwich Southwold Yarmouth Malahide ________._______.__________________________ Bayham South Dorchester ___________________________ Ay huer ___________________________------------------ :Dutton ____________________.___________._______.____ Port Stanley ________,_________________________ Springfield __________:____________________________ Vienna _______,_____0_____"____________..____________ Rodney ________________________________________________ West'Lorne _____________________________________.. ________________________________________$ 3705658 00 4048205 00 ____________________________________ 5104276 00 5313553 00 3440976 00 2425735 00 2080584 00 1585082 00 512653 00 942889 00 184874 :00 121044 00 421450 00 348366 00 That. this Council is willing to have the final equalization of $30235345 00 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 89 assessm'ent rolls, in case 'of appe,al, made by the County Judge. Read a third time and passed 'at County Council Chambers, Sl. Thomas, this 22nd day of, January, 1942. JOl:!N D. THOMSON, Clerk. RALPH AUCKLAND, Warden. BY-LAW No. 1380 To Authorize 'the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow the Sum of Two Hundred and Fifly Thousand Dollars The' Elgi'n, County Council enacts: '~-. That the' Warden and Treasurer be and are hereby authorized to borrow the sum, of Two Hundred ,and ,Fifty Thousand Dollars from the Bank of Montreal ,as' it may be required to meet' th~ ex- penditures of the Corporation of the County of Elgin during the year 1942'and to give 'as security therefor'notes of One Thousand or Ten, Thousand Dollars each. Read a third' time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 22nd day of January, 1942. .JOHN D. THOMSON, Clerk. , RALPH AUCKLAND, Warden. BY.LAW No. 1381 To' Appoint a Cou1rlyRoad ~ommiUee The Elgin County Council enacts,' as required by the Highway Act: ' gO ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 91 That the following five members of this Council constitute a Committee for the purpose of directing the work to be done on the County Road System: the current year to be levied ,as part of the County Rate and that said money be set aside for assistance to such patriotic organiza- tions .as comply fully with the requirements of the special commit~ tee of this County Council, appiinted to ,adminiser and' distribute the said fund among such p.atriotic organizations as have been duly registered under the War Charitie Act of the Dominion of Canada. R; Tansley __________________________ For Term of One Year A. N. Walker ____________.________For Term of Two. Years' J. R. Bandeen ____~____________ For Term of Three Years J. G. Turnbull __________________For Term of Four Years Gordon Newell _______________F-or Term of Five Years 2. That said sp'ecial committee to be known' as the "Special War Purposes Committee of the County Councif' shall be em~ powered, to requisition funds' not exceeding the said sum of, $20,- 000 as required from time to time as approved by the said Com- mittee for such furposes, upon being s.atisfied that each patriotic organization has compile,d fully with, the requirements of the Law J3.S then pertaining. That by-law No. 1354 be and is hereby repealed. Read a third time and passed .at County Oouncil Chambers, St. Thomas, ,this 22nd day of January, 1942. JOHN D. THOMSON, Clerk. RALPH. AUCKLAND, Warden That the said Committee having authority to make inquiries and require 'compliance with suchapplicati{)n forms, as they may ~ee fit to determine;,,;. the bona fides' and ,regularity of each applka- ti~n received from any patriotic organization. BY-LAW No. 1382 3. This by-law sh5111 not take effect until it has received the approval of the Deputy'Minister 'Of Municipal Affairs of the Pro~ vince of Ontario as provided' in Section 404A, of the amendments to' the' Municipal Act. A - By-law fOl' Granting Aid :1:0 Certain Patriotic Organizations' within the" COUl"J.:l:y of Elgin WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to assist certain Patriotic Organizations functioning in the County of Elgin, , Read a third time ,and passed at County Council Chambers, St Thomas, This 23rd day of January, 1942. AND WHEREAS by virtue of Chapter 266, Section 404, Sub- section 32,- R. S. 0; 1937 and amendments to this Sedion 404, in the' 1939 amendments theret?, the Council of a County is em- powered subject, to the approval of the Deputy Minister if Muni- cipal Affairs, and of the Organization of Res'ources Committee as therein designated. JOHN D. THOMSON, Clerk. RALPH AUCKLAND, Warden. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County if Elgin as follows: 1. That the Sum of $20,000' be included in the estimates for' 92 ELGlNCOUNTY COUNCIL BY-LAW No. 1383 To ~ppoint an Assistant_ Road Superintendent and to Repeal By-lays 1318 and 1339 The ,Elgin County Council enacts: That George Powles be and is hereby appointed Assisstant County Road Superintendent at .a salary of Seventeen Hundred Dollars per year payable monthly. That by-laws Nos. q18 and 1339 .be and are hereby repealed. Read a third time ,and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 23rd day of January, 1942. JOHN D. THOMSON, Clerk. RALPH AUCKLAND; Warden. BY-LAW No. 1384 A By~law to provide for - the total expenditure on thesyst'em of comity roads_ in the County of Elgin, 'as approved by Order-in- Council, during the-year 1942. WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act, Chapter 56, R. S. 0.,1937, and amendments, requires that the '-total exp~ndlture on county roads and bridges' be provided for annually by county By-law. THEREFORE the council of the corporation of the said Count, of Elgin enacts as - follows: 1 The sum of $128,000.00 is hereby appropriated from mon- ELGIN GOUNTY COUNCIL 93 ies raised by levy ami government subsidy for expenditure upon maintenance and repair of the roads in the said system' during the year 1942. 2. The said monies shall be expended under the direction of the duly ,appointed county road superintendent and on work per- formed in accordance with the last revised regulations respecting county roads'- issued by the Department of Highways of Ontario. 3. The Clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this' By-law to the Deputy Minister, Department of Highw.ays of Ontario, for approval on or before the 31st of' January of the present year. -- Passed at St. :rhomas this 23rd day of January A. D., 1942. ,TORN D. THOMSON, Clerk. RALPH AUCKlJAND, Warden. 1, John D. T,pomson, Clerk of the corporation of the County of Elgin do. hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By- lawNo. 1384 passed by the Council of the said corporation on the 23rd day of January,1942. J. D. THOMSON, County Clerk. BY.LAWN". 1385 To Grant Approval to Increasing the Area of :the Police Village of Belmont WHEREAS a request has been made by the Trustees of the Police Village of Belmont, AND WHEiREAS the necessary petition has -been signed, The Elgin County 'Council. ct:msents to the annexation of the 94 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL property described as follows to the Police Village of Belmont: , ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel w tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Towns'hipof Yar- mouth in the County of Elgin and Province of Ontario and. being composed of Parts'of lot 17 and Part. of the Original Road Allow..:. ance between Lots 16 ,and 17 in the 15th Concession of the Town- ship of Yarmouth and which may be more particularydescribed aR follows: COMMENCING at a point in the North east angle 01 said Lot 17: Thence South 72 degrees 0 minutes West 'along the Southerly limit of the Town Line between the Townships of Yarmouth and Westminter, Seven Hundred and Forty-six feet and Seven and one:'half' inches (746' 71h") more or les's to its intersection with the line between the East and West halves of the original road ollowance between Lots 16 and 17 in the 15th Concession of the Township of Yarmouth. I THENCE South 2. degrees 32 minutes . West. along the centre line of said road allowance, Seven hundred and. Sixty feet (760' 0') more or less ,to its intersection with the Southerly limit of the Hight of Way of the Canadian Pacific Railway. THENCE North easterly along the Southerly limit of said Right of Way, One ,Thousand Qne .Hundred feet (1100'"0") more or less to its intersection with the Westerly limit of the Town Line between: the Townships of Yarmouth ,and South Dorchester. THENCE N orthetly along the Westerly liIl1it of said Town Line Two Hundred and Twenty-nine feet (229' 0") more '01' less to the place of beginning. The lands intended to be, described above are'those included " within the red lines on the accompanying plan. Read a third tiIl!-e, and ,passed at'Countyqouncil Chambers, St. Thomas, this 23rd day of January, 1942. JOHN D. THOMSON, RALPH AUCKLAND, Clerk.' Warden. " ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 95 BY-LAW No. 1386 To Amend By-law No. 1327 And Repeal By-law No. 1349 'rhe Elgin County Council enacts: That the- salary ()f John D. Thomson, County Clerk, be Eigh- tee;n Hundred Dollars per annum, payable monthly; the sl;!.i.d Clerk to give necessary assistance to the County Treasurer, to date from the 1st of February, 1942. That by-law No. 1349 be and is hereby repeaied and that by- law No. ,1327 be and is hereby amended accordingly. Read a third time, and passed' at County Council Chambers, 'St. Thomas, this 23rd day of January, 1942. .JOHN D. THOMSON, Clerk. RALPH AUCKLAND, Warden; , BY-LAW No. 1387 To Authorize :the Warden fo Sign Agreement re Adininisfra:l:ion of Justice Expenses Payable bV Ciiy of Sf. Thomas The Elgin County Council enacts: That the W,aI'den be and is 'hereby authorized to sign an agreement with the City. of St. Thomas \'for'the payment by the City ,of Six' Thousand, Four Hundred Dollars as their' share of Ad~ ministration of, Justice expenses during five years, commencing 96 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 97 the first day, of January, A. D. Nineteen Hundred and forty-two. BY.LAW No. 1389 Read a third time amI passed' at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 12th day of June, 1942. To Confirm By-law No. 421 of the Township JOHN D. THOMSON, Clerk. of South Dorchesier RALPH AUCKLAND, Warden. The Elgin County Council enacts: That By"law No. 421 of the Township of South Dorchester to clas'e all that part of the highway running across the' ninth con~ cession of the Township of South Dorchester between Lot Num- ber One and Lot "B" be and the same is hereby confirmed. BY-LAW No. 1388 Read a third time ,and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 12th day of June, 1942. I To Designate County Road No. 27 as a Through Highway JOHN D. THOMSON, Clerk. RALPH AUCKLAND, Warden. ,The Elgin County Council enacts: '~',. Th~t /County Road, No. 27, being the road allowance between concessions 3 and 4 from Sparta to the junction with Provincial ,Highway No.4 at Union be, and is hereby designated -a through highway, pursuant to the provisions of'subsection 3 of section 39 of the Highway Traflic Act. BY.LAW No. 1390 To Reverf Portions of Roads in the Townships of Aldboroughi Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 12th day of June, 1942, Bayham and Dunwich to the Lo<:a.l Municipalities JOHN D. THOMSON, Clerk. The Elgin County Council enacts: RALPH AUCKLAND, Warden. That the following portions of Toads in the Townships of Aldborough, Bayham and Dunwich be and are here.by reverted to the' local municipalities: 1. In the Township of Aldborough, those parts' of the road allowance between Concessions 7 and 8 ,and that part of the Town Line between the Townships of Aldborough and Orford. 2. In the Township of Bayham, those parts of the road be., . 98 ELGIN .COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL tween Concession 1 and' 2 and the road between Lots 10 and 11. Sixty-six Thousand, Seven Hundred and Thirty-four Dollars. '3. In the Township of Dunwich: (a) those parts of the origin- al Toad allowance between Lots 12 and '13 in the 5th Conces'sion north of A ,and the road allowance laid out betw~en the Easterly part of Lot 12, Concession 5, North of A and the Westerly part of Lot 13, Gore Concession. (b) that part of the original road allow- ance between lots 12 and 13 Gore Concession :and that part of the road allowance laid out between the Easterly part of Lot 12, Con~ cession 5, North of A, and the Westerly part of Lot '13, Gore Con- cession. (c) those parts' of the original road allowance between Lots 12 and 13, G0re Concession. Municipality Total Equalized Value Aldborough __+____._____________________________$ 3705658 00 iDunwlch ____________________________________________ 4048205 00 Southwold ________________________________"____ 51.04276 00 Yarmouth _________________________________________ 5313553 00 Mala:hide __________.______________________________._ 3440976 00 Bayham _______________________..______________________ 2425735 00 South Dorchester _________________________ 2080584 00 Aylmer ________________________________________________ 1585082 00 Dutton _ _____,___ _______ __________________________ '512653 00 Port Stanley _________________,____________________ 942889 00 Springfield ____________________________"___________' 184874 00 Vienna ___________"___,________________________________ 121044 00 Rodney________________________________________"______ 421450 00 West Lorne _______________ _____________________ 348366 00 Said roads more p.articularly described in attached descrip- tions. Read, a third time and passed at County Council Chambers;: 51. Thomas, this 12th day of June, 1942. $30235345 00 JOHN D. THOMSON" Clerk. RALPH AUCKLAND, Warden. THEREFORE the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts: 99 1. That a rate of five 1Yl~lls on the dollar be levied on, all rateable property. in t.he several municipalities in the County of :F:Igin as above s'et forth for the year 1942. BY-LAW No. 1391 2. That the amounts required 'for County and for High,and Continuation School purposes as set forth in the following sched.. ule be 'levied in-the respective municipalities during 1942 and paid to the. County Treasurer as by law required. To Raise Amaunfs for CouniV Ra.tes during .the Year 1942 WHEREAS an estimate has been made showing that the sum , of 'One Hundred and Fifty-one' Thousand, One Hundred and Sev- enty-six Dollars is required to be raised in the' severa,l municipali- t.ies ,for 'the lawful purposes of the County 'during the year 1942 on the basis of the equalized asses'sment as determined in 1941. SCHEDULE V oca tional Geneal Total School County Rates Rate Total $7,306 $18,528 $25,834 8,728 20,241 28,969 12,273 25,521 37,7~4 Municipality AND WHEREAS the estimated amounts required for High and Continuation School purposes based on l11.aintenance costs for 1941 as determined under provisions of the High Schools Act is 1st '/2 2nd 'h 1st 'h 2nd 'I., AIdborough _______$3,194 $2,836 $1,000 $ 276 Dunwich ____________ 3,988 3,537 1,092 111 Southwold __________ 5,026 3,693 1,377 2,177 100 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 101 Yarmouth ____________ 4,870 4,394 1,434 4,432 15,130 26,568 . 41,698 Malahide ____________ 3,287 3,917 928 144 :8,276 17,205 25,481 Bayham ____________. 2,138 '4,010, 655 6,803 12,129 18,932 South Dorches'ter 1,775 1,921 561 4,257 10,403 14,660 Port Stanley ______ 930 900 254 761 2,845 4,715 7,560 Aylmer -----.------.--- 427 46 473 7,925 8,398 Dutton ._:__________.____ 144 144 2,563 2,707 Vienna ------",-----+--- 32 32 605 637 ~pring.fied. . _"_________ '49 49 924 973 Rodney __"~m___________ 113 113 2,107 2,220 West Lorne __________ 93 212 305 1,742 2,047 ~~ ~ ~_. $25,208 25,208 8,159 8,159 66,734 151,176 217,910 BY-LAW No. 1393 To Appoint a County Solici:l:or The.County Council of the Coun~y of Elgin enacts: That R. A. Sanders of the City of St. Thomas be and' he is , hereby apointed Solicitor for tl1.e Municipal Corpor.ation of the County of EIg1n; this appointment to take effeGt J anuary lst~ 1943. That By-law No. 1257 be and is hereby repealed. Read a third - time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas', this 26th day of November, 1942. . Read a third' time ,and passed at County Council Chambers, Sl. Thomas. this 12th day of June, 1942. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. RALPH AUCKLAND, Warden. JOHN D. THOMSON, Clerk. RALPH AUCKLAND, Warden. ',\ BY-LAW No, 1392 BY-LAW No. 1394 To Revert -a ,Road' in the Village of, Por:!:' Stanley To Authorize the Purchase of $15.000 Victory The Elgin County Council enacts: That the portion of George St. in the Village of Port Stanley lying between William St. ,and the road known as the' Picnic "Hill Road arid the Picnic Hill Road ,across lots 1: 2, 3, 4 and 5 south on George St." plan 117 be land are hereby reverted to the Village of Port Stanley. Loan- 'Bonds T~e Elgin County Council enacts: That the W,arden, Clerk and Treasurer be and are hereby authorized topurcn.ase $15,000 in Victory Loan Bonds bearing in:- terest at the rate of 3% to' set aside as a Reserve Fund from the surplus funds of 1942. And that By-law No. 1152 be amended -accordingly. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 12th day of Jurie, 1942. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chc,l.mbers, St. ThofUas, this' 26th day of November, 1942. JOHN D. THOMSON, Clerk. J.D. THOMSON, Clerk. RALPf( AUCKLAND. Warden. RALP",l! AUCKLAND, Warden. 102 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 103 THIRD SESSION - FIRST DAY. pleased than your W,arden to read the 1942 report of the Jury where they ma,de favorable comment on the management and general 'Conditions of the' Institution. The Committee saw fit to carryon the general improvement plan started in'1938 whereby a. reasonable portion of ..improvement would be m,ad€,! each year. This year we saw 'fit to proceed with rather extensive renova- tions in the men's and ladies. dining rooms and the hall leading to the men's dining room and the men's dormitory on, the third floor. I feel that if a program of this nature is followed each year we will always have a comfortable home for our aged dti- zeus', I would suggest a visit from this Council sometime during the Session, possibly Tuesday afternoon so that every memb~r might form his opinion of the Institution. MondaYA :the 23rd day of November.. 1942 The Elgin County,Council m~t this day at the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The 'Warden in the chair. All the members. present. The Warden ,addressed the Council. To the Elgin County Council, There is another Institution within our Country where com- mendation should be given to' the Governors .and that is the Mem~ orial Hosp~tE!-l. I still m!lke use of my opportunity of sitting on this Board and I' find them'to be real bus'iness men .and women who have changect"''!he financial condition from a deficit to that ox paying its own way: This is due also to two other factors, first better times have put more n;lOney in the hands of-those -re- quiring hospitalizatio'ri and secondly; the hospitalization scheme has helped many a family who found it difficult to meet their bills due to sickness'. The" County has benefitted ,a great deal from these, factors and our hospitalization costs have d~creased from 1941 and with present conditions prev.ailing I feel that e:X'- cept' in extreme cases hospitaliz'ation costs on indigent eases should be almost nil in 1943. Gentlemen: W ehave now reached the final 'session of the 1942 adrriinis,. 1:ration of the affairs of Elgin "County. I would like to take thi~ opportunity of looking-back over the work of the past ye.ar; and possibly making a few suggestions for the future deliberations of. the Council. Our Road System uses 'the largest portion of our Revenue therefore we might consider it first. In 1941 we spent nearly $190,000 in this department and in 1942 we budgeted for $100,000 expenditure but expect to only spend' ,about $90,000. This hap- pened \ becaus'e we were unable to secure road building supplies other than what We have in our county. 'However, this does not mean that our roads .are suffering for, irl the first place, traffic has. been considerably reducep. and secondly. our roads were in an excell~nt condition at the beginning of 1942. Even though we were not a'bleto build any hard surface roads we made the best use of our equipment and materials in preparing a considerable portion of roads for the day when permanent surfacing can be resumed. We have yet ,another Institution within the County which is handling its ,affairs in a pleasing manner to the County Officials, namely, the Children's Aid Society. We .find that under present management the cost to the County has been reduced about $300 per 'month. This is accomplished by making less w,ards and by giving'more supervision in troubled homes'. This is as it should be. for by protection work the child is raised in its pr~per home and under natural conditions rather than under the care of the Society. As one can readily see this decreases' the revenues of the Society while the cost of administration remains the! same. Therefore I belive it is ill our interest that s'ometime during the ~ After having faced the unfavorable Teport of the 1941 Grand Jury' in regard. to the Hous'e of' Refuge - there ,was no one more l.O4 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Se13sion we make.,a really 'substantial grant to the Children's Aid Society so that the officials. of th~t Society can ~arry on this good work without facing.;. an ,embarrassing deficit. At the January. Session .:wewere waited upon 'by a new com- mittee, namely the "Agricultural War Committee who desired a grant. We gave a grant of $1,000. which they could use but any unused b.alance was' to r~mainwith the County. Weare glad to note that this'w.asa very conscientious committee and while they accomplished much in their line of work still only found it ne- cessary to only:use a portion of the grant. We are happy to add this to the fine surplus that your many committees have been able to acquire. But one cannot pass over the agricultural outlook easily; the one citizen who faces a challenging problem in 1943 is the farm- 0f. The crops of 1942 were excellent but two factors crept in that caused, the farmer a gre.at deal of worry. Firs't, the 'wet weather; while we had ,a good crop of spring grain a great deal was lost or dam~ged befqre it could be h,arvested. The early potato crop was good while the late crop was' ,a failure. Bean:;; were .a fair crop but many were damaged before harvesting was completed while some of our new crop, namely soy beans, is standing in the fields with harvesting conditions still bad. Added to this has been the farm labor scarcity, m:anydistricts can only point to one or two hired men with the' result that many harvesting gangs were short handed. I fear to study,the outlook for 1943 crops as many far- mers will of a necessity have to plan fora decrease in tilled land. Your Gaol-Committee for this year have only carried out ne- cessary work. We had to replace the, roof on one wing of the Registry Office; also the hall and Grand Jury room on the third floor has been redecorated. . After. the War Purposes Committee had vote'ti $20,000 we were informed that the Government was m,aking provision for all War charities except_ the Red Cross; therefore we only levied $15,000. However to date we have looked after all normal re- quests on this fund and we have a balance of $10,000. I would suggest, that possibly $5,000 be divided among our organized Red ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 105 Cross Societies and the rest be left in the surplus cr'eated in 1942 to be used in cases of emergency. Weare genuinely proud of our financial standing; instead of having to sell debentures we are 'in the position that we can right- fully buy bonds. I do ,not mean by this that we' should impose an extr.a tax on our ratepayers' .and buy $50,000 or $70,000 worth of bonds but I think it is good business to impose normal budget and then every committee economize within reason. I am not in favor of false economy that may cost us double the amount in a few years but rather the cuttiilg of captial, expenditure until such time as conditions warrant a forward march again. Our Committees for 1942 have worked this very syst'em 8'0 that today we find we can expect a surplus in all our' County De- p'artments of approximately $18,000. Therefore :8,ta special meet- ing' of the Finance Committee, while the third Victory Loan was in progress we decided to buy $15,000 of the 1956, 3% bonds in the name of the CoUnty of Elgin as a Reserve Fund. 'My sincerest hope 'is that this money will be used in stome effective manner, possibly the newly opened war front will need extra Red Cross donations or some new phase of' the war~ will demand patriotic donations or mayb,e .at the close' of the war extra' money will he needed for rehabilitation purposes. However, whatever the need may be we feel that' it 'is a 'personal donation to the future in the name of the ratepayers of Elgin and as a CouRcil we are glad to have been able to m'ake it pas'sible. In closing may I draw your attention to'the new, help'ful and social custom of dining with the - City Council. This year.it is ., planned to be held on Tuesday 'evening 'at 6.30 p.m. at theY.M. e.A: and 'I sincerely hope that all the council members.' will avail themselves of this ,opportunity 'to mingle with the City fathers for remember this is Election year and some of us may ,not be back in 1943. 106 ELGIN. COUNTY COUNCIL The. minutes of the last day of the June s'essionwereread aild confirmed. The following communications were read: From the Nav:y League of Canada with request for grant.- Referred to War Purposes Committee. From the- Council of the County of Grey with resolution re ~adio advertising on the Sabbath. - Referr~d to Petitions and Legislations Committee. From' the Department of Public - Welfare, refund of old - age pension monies to Merinda J. Hathaway. - Referred to Finance Committee. From the. Council of the County of Bruce with res'olution Te postponements for farmers,' to correspond with the crop year. - Referred, to' the Agricultural Committee. From the County - of ,Perth - with, res'olution re postponements for farm workers.-Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the County county councillors. Committee. of Welland witp. resolution re gasoline for Referred to, the. Petitions and, Legislation From the Council of ,the County of Prince Edward with re- solution ,re ,prevention of wast and salvage of raw, materials in conn~ctio:ri with Air F'Orce Stations and military and 'naval ~::;- tablishments.-Referred to Petitions and 'Legislati~n Committee. From the Council of the County of Wentworth with ,re'solU- tion re tax on remuneration received by members' 'Of Municipal Councils.':"--"Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. From the Ontario Agricultural Council re five resolutions of the Council and replies received from the Oominion Prime Min- i~ter.-Referred to the Agricultural Committee. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIl:. 107 Frm the Ontario Agricultural Council with' resolution re the release' of bona fide experienced farm boys ,and men now in train- ing.-Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Ontario Agricultural Council, with resolution. re the beef situation.-Referred to the Agricultural Committee. From the Board of Transport Commissio'ners for C.anada, re~ ply to the resolution of this' Council re the return pf the gate prq- tection service at crossings at Rodney, West Lorne and Dutton. -~-Filed. From Dr. D. L.Ewiri, Physician, House of Refuge, with re~ port.-Referred to the 'House. of Refuge Committee. From J. D. Thomson, Inspector's Report for the House of Re- fuge.-Referred to House of Refuge Committee. From County Clerk with report on Mothers' Allowances. - Referred' to the Finance Committee. From County Clerk with report on Old Age Pension.~Refer- red, to the Finance Committee. From County Clerk with repOi't on Licens'es.-Referred to the Finance Committee., Report on resolutions passed by the Elgin County Council. 1. Permission to transport goods in bond: Acknowledgement - Minister: of Munitions' and Supply, Ottawa. Minister, of, National Revenu~, Ottawa. Counties of' Haldimand,Welland. Concurred 2. Release of men with Jarm experience, 108 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Acknowledgement -' Prime Minister King. Prime Minister Hepburn. Department of Labor, Ottawa. Minister of Agriculture, Toronto. Dept. of National Defence, Ottawa. No Action ""- Counties of Haldimand, Perth, Middlesex. Concurred - Wentworth.. Wellingtoll, Brant,' Northumberland. and Durham, Pee{ Simce, Norfolk, Carleton. Waterloo, Lincoln, 3. Women's Beverage Rooms: Acknowledgement' -, Prime M~nister Hepburn. Concurred - Haldimand, Wentworth, Renfrew, Middlesex. No Action ---,.. Wellington, Peel, Brant, Simcoe, Norfolk, Carleton, Bruce-. Filed - WeIland, Perth. ~ Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by G. Newell: That Mr., R. A. Sanders be appointed Count'y, Solicitor for.the , County 'of Elgin; the appointment to take effect January 1st, 1943 and that a by-law be prepared for the same. -Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by G. . Newellj- Seconded by S. Brown: 109 That the Elgin Council refund to the Treasurers. of the Town- ~hips o.f Malahide, Yarmouth ,and Southwold the amount 'of: the county rate collected on the airfield properties in these townships . for the year 1942. Moved by D. Brown, Seconded by G. 'Newell: --:..Rererred to the Finance Committee. That this Council adjourn until 10 o'clock Tuesday morning. -Carried. RALPH AUCKLM'lD, Warden. 110 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 111 THIRD SESSION - SECOND DAY Mr.. Gillies ,addressed the Council expressing approval 'Of the jmprovements made at the House of ' Refuge. Tuesday ihe 24ih day of November,' 1942 The Elgin County Council met this day at the, Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. ' Mr. H. G. ,Taylor addressed the Council re the Parsons' case and the. refund secured from the OI1tario Government. The Warden in the chair. . All the members' present except Mr. Atkinson. Moved by H. G. Taylor, The minutes of the previous day were read and confirmed: Seconded by J. G. Turnbull: Mr. R. A. Sanders: addressed the Council, expressed --his ap~ predation cif his appointment as County Solicitor and invited all the members to a joint dinner with the City members at the Y. M.C.A. at 6 p.m. . That the money refunded by the Department of Justice re the _ Parsons' case be turned over. to the Gaol Committee to' use. as they see lit. -Carried. '~';. Moved by J. R. .Bandeen, Moved byJ. G. Turnbull, Seconded by J. C. Gillies: 'Seconded by D. G. Brown: " 'That this Council do now adjourn to meet at 3 o'clock. That this Council. do now adjourn to meet at ten o'clock :WedR nesday morning. -Carried. -Carried. RALPH AUCKLAND, Warden. The Council. resumed. The report of the Petitions and Legislation Committee was pre8'ented and adopted on motion of J. C. Gillies seconded by S. Brown. 1.12 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 113 THIRD SESSION - THIRD DAY The fiI'st report of the Finance Committee : was 'presented and adopted on motion of J. D. Fraser, steconded by E. Lashbrook. Wednesday.. :the 2,5:1:hday of November.. 1942 The Elgin County Council met this day at, the Court House, St. Thomas, in accordance with ,adjournment. The Warden in the chair. Moved by H., G. Taylor, Seconded by J. D. McMillan: All the members present. That, ,whereas ,the War Time Measure of advancing, the- time in the Dominion of canada by one hOllr is a serious detriment and handicap to the farmer, The minutes of ,the previous day were. read and confirmed. It was moved by J. R. 'Bandeen and seconded by J. D.Fraser tha~ the Council now hear Mr. Zavitz of the Forestry Department. . Mr. Zavitz then addressed the Council re reforestation. and whereas the farmer and the farm industry is the most important .industry of the ,Dominion of Canada, and whereas it is necesary. to boost farming in. order to pro.. vi.de food and. food products to carry out war, time program of supplies for the prosecution of the War and the feeding of our soldiers; " THEREFORE this Elgin County Council do petition the Fed- eral Government to seriously consider the advisability of revert- ting' to Standard Time, Moved by H.G. Taylor, Seconded by A. N. Walker: That the Elgin County Council recommend that an extra ef- fort be made by each township, village ,and town to arrange for a greater planting of trees in 1943. There are ,a large number of trees ,available and if they are not taken care of :iri 1943 they will be lost. AND that a copy of this resolution be slent to Prime Minister McKenzie King,. the Minister .of National Defence, the, Federal Minister of Agriculture, Wilson Mills, M. P., the Ontario,Agricul- tural Council and ,all county councis. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by A. N. Walker, Seconded by .J.D. McMillan: That this Council do now adjourn to meet at 2 o'clock. , -Carried. 114 ELGIN. COUNTY. COUNCIL The Council resumed. A communication . from the Council of the County of Peel en- dorsing resolution of Elgin County re Women's Beverage Rooms was received and ordered filed. The report of the House of Refuge Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Mr..Atkins'on seconded by Mr. Harries. The report oCthe Gaol Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Mr;.Truman seconded by Mr. Craik. The report of the War Ptirpos'es Committee. was presented and on motion of Mr. Craik the Council went into:a committee of the whole I with Mr. Truman in the chair. After discussion it was move! ;!?y Mr. Lashbrook and seconded by Mr. Gillies that the re- po~t be . adopted as. amenned. The Road Committ.ee report' was presentel and adopted on :motiop. of Mr. 'Walker, ,se'conded by Mr. Bandeen. l'fIr. Laird then ,addressed the Cuncii"re wafr salvage. Mr. Summers Harper- 'adlressed tne Counc1I'#nd presented- his report on tne corn borer infestation in the COUIity. It was moved by Mr.- Bandeen _ an4 ,seqonle'd tnat Mr. Harper's report be aicepted and printe~' ings. by. Mr. Walker in ,the proceed- ,- ,j Moved by G. NeweiI, Seionded by D. Brown: That this Council do now adjourn ontillO o'clock Thorsday morning. ' , -C.arried. RALPH AUCKLAND, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 115 THIRD SESSION - FOURTH DAY ThurSday. the 26th day <>1 November. 1942 The Elgin Coonty Cooncil met this, day in the Coort House, St. Thomas, 'in accordance ,with adjournment. The Warden in the chair. All the members present.- The minutes of the previous' day were read and approved. The resolution requesting refund of county rat'e collected' on airfield properties in the Township of 'Malahide, Yarmouth and Southwold in 1942 was re-read ,and Judge ' ,Livermore addressed the Council, in reference to this matter. It w.as ,his -opinion that the County had no legal right to make such refund and the re- solution was -ordered filed. Moved by G. NeweiI. Seconded by 'D. G. Brown: That this County Council express its appreciation of the - s'er':' vices of Judge E. S. Livermore during theY,ears that are past and its regret on his leaving the Gounty. -Carried. 116 :ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL It was moved:' by Mr.' Brown that the Council now hear Mr. Dawson, Superintendent of the Children's Aid Society. Moved by R. Britton, Seconded by G. Newell: That this Council now adjourn to meet at 2 p.m. Moved by S. Brown, I Seconded by J. D. Fraser: That the Council make a grant of $750 to the Children's Aid Society. The Council resumed. -Carried. 117 ...,.....Carried. Mr. Deibert Ryan addressed the Council re the Vienna Brid.ge and after considerable discussion the followling resolutio'n was pass'ed: A communication from the Ex~Warden's Association re a cane for the Warden was read and referred to the J,anuary SesL sian; '. The report of the Agricultural Committee was presented and adopted on motion of. Mr. Bandeen seconded by Mr. Turnbull. Moved by R. Tansley, The second report of the Finance Committee was presented and adoptdon motion of Mr. Fl'aserl seconded by Mr. Tansley. Seconded by G. Newell: That the Chairman of the Road Committee set a date for the Committee to meet Mr. Ryan' in regard to the Vienna Bridge and to discuss the different suggestions' that have 'been 'made by our Engineer, Mr. Bell. Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by J. G. Turnbull: That police M'a:gistrates be given the authority to dispose of all murder charges' arising from mental unaccountability due to old age and -that the Criminal Code be amended to take care of same and that a copy of this resolution be sent to the proper authorities, the Ontario Agricultural Council at Tor'ontoand all County Councils. Moved' by S. Brown, Seconded by D. Ryan: That the usual' grant be given to the Warden. -Carried -Carried. -Carried. 118 ELGIN'COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by E. Lashbrook, I Seconded by S. Brown: ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by J. R. Bandeen, Seconded by A. N. Walker: That the 'usual grant of $25 be paid Mr. Birdsall for services ren.dered. Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by' J., G. Turnbull: 119 -Carried. That by-law No. 1394 "To Authorize the Purchase of $15,000 Victory Loan Bond's" be read a.. first time. -Carried. Moved by A. N. Walker, ' Seconded by E. Lashbrook: That by-law No. 1393 "To Ap1i>oint a County Solicitor" be read a ,first time. Moved by.A. E. Brown, Seconded by Geo. Craik: That by-law No. 1393 be read a second time. Moved by J. G. Turnbull, Seco,nded by A. E. Brown: That .by-Iaw No. 1394 be read a second time. -Carried. , Moved by J. 'D. Fraser, Seconded. by A. N. Walker: -Carried. -Carried. That by-law No. 1394 he read a third time and finally passed. 1 -Carried. Moved ,by S. Brown, Seconded by G. Newell: That hy-Iaw No. 1393 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. That. ,this County Council adjourn sine die. -Carried. 120 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL I:; I FINANCE COMMITTEE First Report . To the Elgin County Council,. Gentlemen: ~ The' Finance Committee report .as follows: 1. That the following hospital accounts be paid: Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas, Maintenance .___............___.___.......___.........$ 1238 75 Grant (755 days' at .50) ...___.___....___... 377 50 $ Victoria Hospital, London ___________________________. Soldiers Memorial Hospital;, Tillsonburg, Maintenance ____________________________________\-_____$ Grant (102 days ,at .50) ....___.....___..... 178 50 51 00 $ St. Joseph's Hospital, London _____m.__.________ Parkwood Hospital, London _______.,'______________ Ontario 'Hospital, Woodstock _____.________________ Toronto General Hospital Hamilton General Hospital' .._....______......... St. Joseph's Hosp'ital, Chatham ___~.________.,__ \ . All 01 ,which is respectfully submitted. J. D. FRASER, Chairman. St. Thomas, Ontario, November, 1942. 1616 25 1188 65 229 50 19 25 1363 50 688 00 17 50 29 75 47 25 $ 5199 65 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL November Session-Second Report To the Elgin County, Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports as follows: 121 1. That the County Clerk's report on Licenses, Old Age Pen- sions land Mothers' Allowances be received and printed in the proceedings. 2.' That balance .of old age pension monies due Mis's Hath- away be refunded to her. 3. That the following accounts be paid: Town of Ayhner, hospital, accounts ______________+___________$ Township of AId-borough, hospital accounts ____________ London and Middlesex C. A. S., maintenance ____c___ Underwood, Elliott, -Fisher Ltd., supplies __________"_>____~ S. R. Hart and CD., police court forms _______________________ The Aylmer Express, police court forms ____________________ Times'-J ournal,advertis'ing Catholic C. A. S., Toronto, m'aintenance ____>_______________ Rainbow's Bookstore, supplies, Clerk .and Tre.as. ____ Dept. Provo Secretary, conveyance of prisoners ________ Ont.Training School for Girls, maintenance ___________ Municipal World, supplies, Clerk and,' Treas. ___..________ Municipal' World, supplies, Registry Office ______________ Livermore, 'Ponsford, and Balbour, general account Atkins'on Funeral Home, use of morgue for autopsies 88 00 88 88 93 60 8 75 24 22 7 29 91 17 154 87 2.20 112 00 149 50 92 66 86 13 2 07 30 00 4. That account from the; Town. of Aylmer re Ackard be' re- ferred to the audit of Administration of Justice 'Account. 5. That the grant ~e the Aylmer lock-up be paid. 122 ,ELGIN COUNTY' COUNCIL 6. $15,000 That a ,by~law be prepared confirming .thepocchase , of worth of Victory Bonds by the Finance e~mmittee. 7. That account from the Department of Health for insulin oe referred to the IO,cal municipality. .. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. FRASER, Chairman. St. Thomas, November 24th, 1942. ELGINeOUNTY' COUNCIL 123 To' the Warden and Members of .the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: . During 1942' little C'onstlr.uctionwork was done on the Elgin County Highways, only necessary work was done" in 'or~er to main~ain our roads in a condition of safety for the t'ra,veIIing public. It was intended to p}ace a s'eal coat on the p.avement lead- ing from No. 73 Highway to Springfield, on 3 miles of the Lake Road in Malahide. on the - connecting links in Dutton and one half mile in West Lorne.. It w.as impossible ,to' get delivery of the as~ phalt required and this wo:rk will have' to ,be left until a future date. It was' found necgssary to make the following' major repairs this year. 1. Tyrconnell Bridge -A. new timber floor was placed on the whole length and the .approaches repaired. 2. Graham Road Bridge - It v.rasfound neces'sary: to remove the old_ creosoted block,s qn, the floor:and ,place .new 2 'in., plank' over the old floor. This, -bridge wa~ ,also ,given ,one coat of 'paint. 3. Road No. 40 ieading to the No. 14 S.F.T.S. north east 01 Aylmer, the dangerous corner ,at, the southeast corner of lot In, concession8,was improved by diverting the road. One new cul- vert was constructed, -one culvert w.as widened and a tile drain w~s laid ,on, ~art of, this road. 4. Union Road-Township of Southwold, about 5 miles was regr,ad~dand the grades on two hills were widened. 5. Townline between Dunwich and Aldborough,the road 'diversion opposite concession 7, Aldboro:ugh, commenced in 1941, was completed. 124 ELG1NCOUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 125 6. Lake Road-T-ownship of Yarmouth, sonie grading was done on this road opposite lot 3. Hathaway gravel pit _______________________ 6937 yards Carnie pit ___________________________,________________ 8955 yards Roloson pit ____________________________________,___ 4781 yards Beecroft pit (prviately owned) ____ 4261 yards McCutcheon pit (privately owned) 115 yards , 7. Last week the south approach of the old bridge oVer Mill Creek, Vielma, was sffi'iously daIl1aged by high water. It will be nece~'sary . to do considerable repair work before the bridge can be lTsed. At present the road at this point is closed to the few resi- denis who use it. 33,767 yards All of which is respectfully submitted. 8. The expenditures including Suburban Area to date as fol~ lows: Maintenance ________________________________________$ 68756 65 Count.y bridges -________________________________ 2494 50 New machine!rY ____.....________".__"_______________ 3512 '00 Insurance --___,.__.____.l~____________________________ 498 75 Salaries ___________________________________,______________ :3610 76 'Constable's f€les ____________________~_".________.__ 497 40 Villwgeand Town of Aylmer, rebates' paId ____________________,_____________________ 1862 93 ' ALEX. N. W ALKElR, Chairman of Road Commi,ttee. <....'; Less ,receipts $ 81232 99 7168 10 $ 74064 89 _m___. $ 935 00 over- 10000 11 5000 00 $ 15935 n Estimated Expenditures Drainage, assessments _______~_"~_.__ Ordinary maintenance, gravel, head, 'Nov. and Dec. Village grants , $ 90000 00 9., A new International K. '8 dump truck was' purchased~ this yo.ar at a cost .of $3,512.00. 10. The approximate amount t;>f-gravel ,removed from the County pits from January 1st to October 31st, are as follows: Pleasant Valley pit ________________.__________: 5338 yards Houghton pit _______________________________,._____ 3380 yards 126 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL GAOL COMMITTEE To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Gaol- Committee reports' as follows: ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 127 HOUSE OF REFUGE COMMITTEE To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: 1. That contract for bread be given to BeckeU'sBakery at 5 'h c per 24 oz. loaf. The House of Refuge Committee reports as fonows: I 2. That' ,this ~ommittee be empowered to procure any' addi- tional fire protection required in the Gaol. 1. That the Phys'ician's report be received and printed in the proceedings. 3. That the following laccounts be paid: Cowan Hardware Ltd., weatherstripping ________________$ Elgin County Highways, Hauling gr:avel H'a'l'ry 1\11. Roberts, repairing fur,nace ______m______.~_________ Davey Hardware, -rep.airing window sash ________,________ Gillard and Price, repairing furnace A. J. Gloin, Sundry hardw.are __m_____m_m_m___~~_....-m-----' Andersons Ltd., pillows, blankets, towelling, etc. All of which -is respectfully submitted. " 2. That the Inspector's report be received and printed in the proceedingsi. 98 50 2 5U 1 50 2 50 1 .85 85 31 51 3. That the contract for bread be given to Beckett's Bakery at 5'h cents per 24 oz. loaf. 4: That ,account for chloride he paid. All of' which is res'pectfully -submitted. E. E. ATKINSON, Chairman. St Thomas, Ont., November, 1942. FRANK L. TRUMAN, Chairman. November, 1942. !:" ,!i " 128 ELGIN. COUNTY COUNCIL PHYSICIAN'S REPORT Douglas L. ,Ewin~M. D'A 727 Talbot Sfree,t. S:t.Thomas~ On:t. November 17th, 1942. To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: ' I have the h'Onour of presenting the sixty-seventh annual medical report of the Elgin House of Industry up to ,October 31st, 1942; and submiLthe following for 'your (fonsideration. I made fifty-three visits to the House of Industry, and at~ tended four inma'tes' in the Memorial Hospital as follows: Arthur Cox - December 8th - December 24th, 1941. James Scriven - January 12th - February 6th, 1942. Agnes Ivey - June 7th - June 22nd, 1942. George Groxe - August 4th - August 29th, 1942. There were no bkths. There were' five deaths; one female and four males 'as follows: ,. Dec. 24, 1941 Arthur Cox 56 Pulmonary IEmphysema and Chonic Myocarditis Cardia Vascular Renal Disease Coroncrary Occlusion Chronic Myocarditis' and Chronic Arthritis Chronic Endocarditis Apr. 28, 1942 Thoms Moody 72 June 25, 1942 Herbert Haley June 28, 1942 Helena Palmer 64 62 Aug. 29, 1942 George Grose 65 1 have the honour to' be, Yours very truly, D. L. EWIN, Physician, Elgin House cDf Industry. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Inspector's' Report Gentlemen: .To the Elgin County Council', 129 .The fonowing is my report on the House of Refuge for the year ending October 31st, 1942: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. during Number of inmates at last report _____"_-J"_____________________"_ Number admitted during year ________________________________1____ Number of deahts NUl11berdischarged Number absconded _____________ ____________________________________________ Nnumber of inmates now in Rous'e Number of inmates sent from the several the year: Aldborough ________________________~_________~_____ 2 Yarmouth ______________________'______________________ 1 Port Stanley __--------------- ___________________ 1 Bayham ____________..,___________________________ 2 Aylmer _'c_______________________________________m___ 1 Rodney __+__________________________________________ 1 Vienna ________________~_______________~_____________:.__ 1 30 '9 5 5 1 28 municipalities 9 8. The v.arious causes of pauperism of inmates admitted to the House during the year may be classified as follows: Destitute Ill-health Old Age Crippled ___________________________._________________ 4 2 2 1 9. Average number of inmates during the year ________ 9 29 130 ELGIN COUNTY' COUNCIL 10. Average numbeTwith Keeper's' f.amily and hired 'help ______.......____..___................___..___.___. 11. Number Of weeks' board of inmates _______~____________ 12. Number of weeks' board with' Keeper's family 13. Total expenditure during the year __,,____.--------------.$ Deductions . 14, From farm stock sold __.__.____________...__._.___$ From Old Age Pensions, inmates ~,_ ___~ Produce sold' _____________'~__I.____________________________, Sundries __________________________________________________"___ 15~ Leaving amount actually expended for support of inmates ______________________ 16. Average expens'es per day, of each person _______.________________~___________________ 17. Aver'age expenses per week of each' person 18. Aver.ageexpenses per ye.ar of each person ____________________"____________c__________ ~ Farme Expenses Hired :Labor ______________.___._________._____ Implements "___~""__"__"__"_*__________________________ Feed ~______+__'_____*_______I____________________"____________ Seed _______.__________.....________...___._______.+_. Gas and, Oil ________c________________n~_____________" Miseellaneous ___._______________"-------------------< House Expenses Bread ._______________._________________________._______.__. Meat ~-------------------------------~-"--------------------- Groceries _______________~__________________"___________ ,33 1511 1715 9509 30 1357 73 148000 946 45 349 3.6 $ 4133 54 $ 5375 76 50 74 184 70 $ 405 99 95 91 148 13 116 05 151 60 201 56 ,$ 1119 24 $290 76 742 19 216 59 3 55 ELGIN' COUNTY COUNCIL 'Provis'ions Dry Goods ___._______,______._________.___.__________ Bo.ots ,and Shoes I ___________________"____________ Furniture ,and Hardware ________________ Drugs ________~-----------------"-------------------------- Coal and Wood ____________.._____________________ 'MiscelIanet;Jus ______________________________~____"--- Barber - _______~,---------------------------"------------' Hired Labor ,_________________________________________ General Expense Repairs ______________c~"___"_____________,__,________________ Inciderl'bal ______________________________________________ Permanent __~mprovements ________________ Conveyance qf Inmates ~-------------"----- Salaries Keeper and Matron ___________~______._______ Physician _______________________.____________~____~___ National Defence Tax _____________________. , 131' 404 43- 342 64 79 33 223 75 45 74 1359 60 324 52 120 00 399 00 ,$ 4548 60 $ 175 03 606 31 847 84 2 48 $ 1631 71 $ 1769 64 270 00' 170 11 2209 75 Total-- Expenditures $ $ 9509 30' 19. The following produce was ra~sed on the farmdurin,g the year: 1008 Bushel. of Oats' 58 Loads of Hay 7' Acres Erisilage Corn 132 , ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL EDGINlGGlUNTY' GGlUNClL, 70 Bushels Potatoes 14 Bushels of Carrots 45 Loads of Straw Quantity of Pumpkin and Squash 8 Bushels of Beets 14 Bushels Onions 18 Bushels Parsnips 265 Bushels Wheat Launrdy. Fire Escapes _____~___....._________________________~_ Root Cellar, Henery, etc. ________________ Cottages, etc B!t'ick Ice House Barns, etc Tile Dr:ains Tile Dr.ain' Outlet Hot Air_ Rump" Tank Conneotions Refrigerator. Fencing \ Orchard;, ____________________________________________ Heating Appar.atus Boiler Ropm and SoH Coal Boiler Deep Well Silo Hog Pen Electric, Installation and. Pump,s ____ Plumbing Septic. Tank and,' Drain. _______________.___. Sundries ~ Garden Produce 8 Bushels Beets 14, Bushels Onions 200 Bushels Sl>gar Beets 300 Head. of Cabbage 40 Bushels of Tomatoes 1f2 Acre Sweet Corn Quantity Lettuce, Parsley, Asparagus Quantity Plums, Gr.apes 20 Quarts Milk per day 400 Quarts Fruit canned in' House BUt)' Dozen Eggs consumer 1200 Pound. of Butter Farm Stock 2 Horses 1 Colt 8 Cows 12 Hogs 2 Brood Sows 70 Chickens 1 Calf 1 Bull 24. :Received" from, Government, onaccountoL expenditures' for land and building 1l>g: 681,'61 390 00 1419 43 6952 87 1920 50 7004 37 4162 23 132 03 920. 60 . 590 00 1979 07 8585 2305 44, 3837 52 2436 40., 293,62, 654'99 2372 00 3174 00 1146,.7;;, 41635 $ 65304 74 4000 00 $6130474 25: Tliere were 3!r inm,ates in the House during 1942; 26 males, 13 females. Of the 28 inmates in theF!ouse on. the 1st of Novem- ber, 1942, 17 were males ,and 11 females. The management has been stisfactory., 23. The total amount expended by" the County on the House of Refuge is as follows: All of which is respectfully submitted, Farms, 100 ,acres, cost ________~___"_m__m$ 7298 95 House of Refuge ___________,------ ____, _______ 15324 10 JOHN D, THOMSON, Inspector, St. Thomas, Ont., November, 1942. 134 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 135 PETITIONS AND LEGISLATIONS COMMITTEE AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE To ,the Elgin County Council, To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen:' Gentlemen: The Petition's and Legislations Committee reports' as follows: The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: Ii: ,l' 1. ,That we concur with resolution :Dram the County of WeI- land re gasoline for county councillors. 1. That resolution from th~ Ontario Agricultural Council re the beef situation be filed. 2. That resolution from the Council of the County of Grey re r,adio ,advertising on the Sabbath be filed. 2. That we concur with resolution from the Ontario' Agricul- tural Council reo the' release of bona fide experienced farm -boys and men now in training. , " "I 3. That we concur ,with, resolution from the Councii ot the County of Prince Edwa'rd re prevention of waste and salvage ot raw materials in connection with' Air Force Stations and military and naval establishments. JOHN C. GILLIES, Chairman. 5. That we concur with res'olution from the, Council of the County of Bruce re PC?stponements for farmers' to correspond with the crop year. 4. That resolution from the County of Wentworth re tax on remuneration received by members".of municipal couniils be 'filed. 3. That we concur with resolution from the Council of the, County ,of Perth re postponements for farm workers. 4. That correspondence from the Ont'ario Agricultural Coun~ cil re five resolutions of the Council and replies from the Domin- ion Prime' Minister be filed. Aii of which is respectfuiiy submitted. i 'I: ':1 November, 1942. All of which is res'pectfully submitted. J. R. BANDEEN, Chairman. November, 1942. St. Thomas, Ont., Noyember, 1942. I j 136. EIlGlNI (J()lUNTY' (lQlUNClli. WA:Ri I!URBOSES I COMMIT,TEE To the Elgin County Council, G,entlemen: The 'War Purp,oses Committee r:ep,ol\.ts..as follows: 1. That we grant each organized Red Cross Society in the Count.y,' $500) to'. be' earmarked., for 'each, local' society; ,,2. That the Tequest of the Navy" League of' Canada for, a grq:nt: be referred to' the January Session. 3. The County Levy for War Purposes this' year'was--$15,OOO: 41 lows: The, amounts' granted; to "various org.anizations' was as, fol- Red ~ Cross ". Societies' Navy League of'Canada _______$' 8100 00 500 00 Total _______________________________________ __________________$ 8600 00 Amount set" aside for Victory,. B0nds ___________m 500.0 00 $ 13600'00 Balance on hand $ 140000 All !of'which. is "respectfully -submitted. E. LASHBROOK, Chakman. ELGIN COUNTY. COUNCIL 137 CORN BORER INSPECTOR'S REPORT 1'0 the Warden and Members of' the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: I wish to report to you on the s'uccess of the Corn Borer clean:"'up. in Elrgin County this. year. As you all know we had a very wet, backw.ard spring in El- gin this year combined with a shortage of labour making a 9.iffi~ cult clean-up situation to handle. NatUil',aly this would tend to make the ideal condition for corn borer. The Minister of Agri- culture also relaxed some of the clauses of the Corn Borer Act. In spite of these conditions the corn borer infes't:ation count shows only a slight increase-from 29% to 34%. This increase is general throughout the larger corn countries. The Minister 01. Agriculture also cut the subsidy .for this work from 50% to ~5% of the 1941 total. Your Agricultural Committee were willing to continue the clean-up campaign but asked thalt the total expenditure be kept to $900.00 if possible. . While we didn't reach the figure we re~ duced expenditures by approximately $180.00 to $943.80. This Was made up as follows: Aldborough __________________________________"________. $ Dunwich __________________~_.___________ _________~___ Southwold y arID'outh _______~____c.----n-----.-n---n--n-------- Malahide Bayham ----~-----------------c----------- ________+_____ South Dorchester ___________.>___________________ County Inspector 94 50 105 50 125 50 127 50 121 50 43 50 50 00 270 00 '138 ELGlNCOUNTY COUNCIL Advertising 5 80 $ 943 80 All of' which is res'pectfully submitted. SUMMERS HARPER" Corn Bocer Ins'pectcr. REPORT ON MOTHERS' ALLOWANCES " To the' Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: , I present herewith report in connection. with theadministra- tion of the Mothers' Allowanees Act in the County of Elgin: Since the Mothers' Allowances Act was passed in Ontario 365 motheTs have made application' in the County of Elgin. At the present time there'are 84 allowances in force in Elgin .and 5 pe4ding. From November 1, 1941, ,to October 31st, 1942, 12 applications 'wer~ received; 2 of thes'e being in cases where -a previousappli- , cation had been made and refused. 20 allowances have been re- duced, 5 increased, 13 cancelled and 2 refused. Payments to municipal clerks for Mothers' AllQwances ap- plications provided for in by-law No. 1321, have been $36.00. All of which is res'pectfully submitted. J. D, THOMSON, County Clerk, St.' Thomas, Ontario, November, 1942. ELGIN COUNTY. COUNCIL 139 COUNTY CLERK'S REPORT ON LICENSES To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: I have to report the following licenses in force on the first day of November, 1942: Auctioneer John S. Russell _______________________________.r______B1enheim A. J. Branton ____________________________________________Rodney Fred Haggan ____\.-_____ __ _______________.Aylmer S, A. Brady ..............:...............................Belmont David 'McPherson _ _____ _______~___ __________ ___ ___iDutton Herbert E. Kaddy ....................................Glencoe F-red Paul __________________m_______________________________Dutton Junk Dealers H. Fisherman ____"___________,,____ ______________ __c____Rodney Wood Brothers ___________________.________________St. Thomas Maurice Pearlman ____________R. R. 1, Glen Meyer R. Johnstone ________.._____________________________________London Transpor:l:aiion of Fowl Miller Page ___________ ____~_______ ____.___________ ____ .Dutton C. E.. Pangborn ____;__.._""___.__________"_"~----- Talbotville Pedlar ~rs. J. C. McCallum Thos. Nisbet and Sons m_________________ Dutton Wardsville All of which is res'pectfully submitted. J, D, THOMSON, County Clerk. St.. Thomas', Ont., November, 1942. t I ~ 140 ,ELGIN' COUNTY' COUNCIL 13:'. III OLD AGE PENSIONS REPORT , To the Elgin County Council, BY-LAWS- No. 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 Gentlemen: I present herewith rep'ort in connection with the administra~ tion of the Old Age Pensions Act in- the County of Elgin: Since - th'e' passing of - tp.e Act 1813' applications have been re- cpived, tl;1e present disposition of which is as follows:_ De,aths, ___+_________________ ______ ------___;"._.,c---------_+------ 862 Refused __________________________,____________________________ ______ 81 Cancelled. __________._________________________________________________ 77 Tr.ansferred ___________________...._____________________ _____ _______79 Pending _______________,.___________________._______________________ _ 25 Pens'ipns in ,force, Nay. f. 1942 ________m__m__ 689' f-"-~ '~i.f .,',.',t. '_ if; I .. 1813 Persians' in force November 1st, 1941 -----c 707 From the first of Novemberj 1941, to the 31st of October, 1942, 64" applications have 'been received; of these two were made in ('ases where application 'had previously been made and refused. During this same period' 25 pensions have been increased, 2 cancelled, 5 refused, 3 reinstated and 4 reduced. Payments to municipal ,clerks' for Old Age Pension applic,a~ tionsfroni November 1, 1941, to October 31, 1942, were $201.00 All of which is rnspectfully submitted. J, D, THOMSON, County Clerk. St. Thomas, Ont., Novem'ber, 1942. ELGIN COUNTY. COUNCIL 141 INDEX To Appoint a member of the Aylmer Board of Education ___~_____m_m~_______~______~c~----~---------""~...,,14j 23, 87 To Appoint a Board of Audit in the County of Elgin fo~ the Ye&~ 1942 "__"_"_+_,,..,,.,,,__.__..,,24, 87 To Confirm the Equalization of the Assess. ment Rolls. of the County 01 Elghl for the year 1942 ..-'..__..__..__.,'''..'-......__''''''''__".._"__....,....,..,,,,_25. 8( To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow the SUrll of Two HUrtdred and "ifty Thous'and,' Dollars ______"_m_~_~'____c________.__~,~",-__..-~~26, 58, 8f To "Appoint a, County Ro'ad Committee"_c;",,_~_,26, 8~ A By-law lor Granting Aid toCerlllin P,.tri. otic Organizations within the County of Elgin 27. 9( To Appoint 'an Assistant Road Superintend- ent and to Repeal By-law'; 1318 and 1339 "...._,28. 9l A By-law to Provide for. the Total 1i:xpendi. ture on the System of:County" Road.s in thE! County of Elgin during the year19~2 "...."....28, 9l To Grant Approval to Increasing the Area of the Police Village of Belrllont, ".".........._21. 29. 9, To Amend By-law No, 1327 and to Repeal By-law No. 1349 _.__.___________________.._.........".......30, 60. 91 To Authorize the W,a:rden to Sign Agree- ment re Administration ,of Jl,.tstice"E:x:penses Payable by City of Sl. Thomas' _____.._____15. 43. 49, 91 To Deeigrtate. County Road No: 27 asa Through Highway ________________..__."__.__,...,,..___.._.._.._..50, 91 To Cortfirrll By.law No, 421 of ,the Township of .South Dorchester _..__".....__....__..,...__..:......,..,.._..51. 9~ To Revert Portions of Roads in .the' Town- ships of Ald:borough, Hayharll artd Dunwich to the Lpcal Municipalities; ~.~"_'~~__m~_+__~~~__._~____.51, 9~ To Raise Amounts for County"'Rates during the Year 1942 ..___,.."_________.-'_____.....___,-'"..__..........__.."_.52, 91 , 'I (~~ l!' 142 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCllJ 1392 To Revert:"a Road in the Village of Port Stanley ...cC._................___..............___........._..___..___.._...._.100 1393 To Appoint a County Solicitor ....______.___..101, 108, 118 ii 1394 To Authorize the Purchase of $15,000' Vic- '. tory Loan Bonds .......___......______.___..___..,..,____101, 119, 112 GRANTS'-' ;4 Agricultural'lnd Horticultural Societies' ......___...,.___....___.._.....___ 14 Agricultural Council ..______..._________........____..._.._.______..___..._.19, 82 83 L. D. BirdsaH ..........---...-.......---.m.......---.------........---m.-.....---.___.....; 118 Canadianlllaljonal.Institute for the Blind ._.____.______ __.____ 58 Childr,en's' ,A~'4,- Society __.-________~_______"____.___"_c_____"_______m___________c 48, , -116 Elgin .CountY,:,~ibrary "Association ___.~_____m_ __c_______c________ ____________ 16 Law ,Association. __.__._______m__c__~_-m-___'___-___-__----~-;..:."C~--__----__~____~____...;.___ 60 Look.ups __...__.-------......-----.--.---... _.___..______.__.,__.._,,__.__...____15, 121 Munlcip~J . ,A~sociation ________________ .______________~c____________~____________________.c__ 58 Navy.League of Canada _______.____.___________.,.._____..-----.----- 85 ,I Onto Gonserv.~toryand' Reforestation Assbciation________~____---- 83 Public Librari~s ____.m__________.__________.____"___..___,,.______.___.__. 21 Red Cr.os. mC.C..___.___________.m______.___._________....._._____. -..---------" 86 Salvation .Arn>Y' .....___.____....___._._.......___._.m..._______.._.___________. 58 Warden. ...C....C....----.-----..----.......---.-..----------- -....--------- --. -,. 117 Waf Purpose$ .________ ____________'_____,__+ ___"____________ ____________ ----~________________ 20 Women's Instil\.ltes mm_m..______...... ......---,... 13 '" .. 1LWlJI J\l.[ISCELLANEOVs-, Agreements r,~ Villages' ._____"___,___________________,_________,______"___________________ 76 Bo.rd of Audit m~.~..------......,,,......."..............---.---.-..---.m.................. 13 COI,nrrm,nicatioiw _______,_,--~-"-""---C7-,----------,.----~~------m---m---.-________~5,. 35, 106 g~~~i~. ;~I~~~\~ ~.::.:.:.:.:.:~..::..::::::::::.::~:~:::::.:.::.::.~::..:~:::.:.:::..::.::..::~: ~ Dep\.ltations ~anq Committees ..........15, 16, 18, 19, 42, 46, 77, 112 Municipa'~",Clerk~ and Treasurers' ________ __________________________________________ 2 Ontario', E'd~c~tt,onal Association '______+__.____________________________________+____ 23 0ntario Good Roads Association __________________________________________________23 Ontario 'Munic'i:p'al Association _____________,________________m___________________ 23 Resolutions -"r~plies from other counties +_____________,9, 38, '107 W,arden's Addr~ss ___~____________,________~____________________________ _______,ll, 31, 102 Warden's Ele'Ct16n - -------------------.----- 5 i ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 143 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES AND OFFICIALS'-' _ Administration ,of Justice, Committee ______^____________"--~~__-------------- 86' Agricultural Committee ________________________________,_723, 43, 82, 116, 135 Cprn Borer Inspector_"_________..:-_________________________________~_____,,84, .114, .137 County Auditors ....................___..............................".............__~..13, 64 County Road, Committee ..___..___..............17, 23, 45, 47, 72, 114, 123 County Tre.asp.rer -c-------~--------------.-"----~-----------^---------------"--"______________ '68 County Clerk on . Licenses. ____________________________________,L__~____~_~_____~___ 139 Education Committee ________________________________________"___~---.:""~______18, .44, 77 Finance Committee __________________________17, 18, 22,43,..47, 57, 116, 120 .Gaol Committee ..___.:.....,...___._.......___.,..,.............17, 43,.96,",114, 126 House _of. Refuge Committee_____________________c______16, 44,79, 114, 127 Inspector, House of Refuge ~__________c_c:"------------+---~---,---.,________+.__c_____ 129 Physician, .House of Refuge ________________________________"""_c____c_________~___128 Legal .committee. ___._______..~_____________c________________,__________~---,------_______,___2,2', 85 Mothers' . Allowances ____~______________________"__c__________________"___________~______-' 138 Old Age. Pensions ...................___......."..___..m.."...........m:....___.C....... 140 Petitions' and ,Legislation Committee ___________c19, 44, 80, 1:10; 134 Standing "Committees . ______________________,.__"_______________.____________0___22" 46, 54 War Purposes ______+_____________________~__________________m______23, 47, 85, 114, 136 RESOLUTIONS~ Amendment of Crimin-aJ./ Code.re Murder Charges _____~~~___H." 116 Goods. in Bond over Highways _-----------.--------~--.------------~---".----~----~ 41 Increase in Salaries _________________________________________"____m__"__~_c"_.________:~~~~":':'49' Installation .of Wig.;.wag Systems _________~_____.__________________"---"-".------ 48 Reforestation - ~,______"_C_________________~_~~-----------~--------------------.;:_____-'___"___~...,. 112 Refund of County Rate-on Airfield, Properties ______:_~~"_"___~~~_,_~ 115 Release. on"F-arm Labor .__________c;_.c_"______,_._--l._m_____"__~__.:._____________.__.~- 47 Reverting to Standard Time "_________~_~____m____________,----------.~~_--------- 113 Women's Bev!2rage Rooms ________________,__,,__L_____m___~_______.__________~___~- 49