1943 Minutes 1 '11 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL During the Sessions held in the J COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS in the months of January, June and November I \ 1943 ,hi I J ... . 11 '.1 .Ii' if II! " 'j J t i" ~" 1:) J;~ ",' ,,,<; JOHN D. THOMSON, County Clerk E. E. ATKINSON, Warden I I , I OF'FIClAL8; 1943 D. G. Ross, C10unty Judge E. Blake Miller, Registrar I. D. Oameron, Oounty' Court <?I'eric, Sheriff E'. W. Haines, Clerk of the PeMe andClounty' Grown Attorney : :Major C. P. Ermatinger, Gaoler J; :0. Smith; !Public S:::h-ool Inspector Alex,' MClOon, Assisrtant,:School Inspector J. (n. Thomson,lCountyClel'k, and Inspector House of Refuge' iBeu'jamin B.Gra~am, Cbunty Treasurer F. A. lBell, G,E., County _iRoadS'uperintf:>udent George Powles, Assisbant C1ounty:Road Superintendent R. A. Sanders, lCIounty Solicitor Douglas L. E'wi1)., M. D., ,Physician" 'vaol and House of Refuge J,IG. Turnbull, Keeper, !House of l~e'ftige E. .Donald Smith, County Police-Magistrate Frank C. Kelly, High County Oonstable Summers 'Har'per, Aylmer R. R. 1, Oaru. Borer Inspector C'ounty Auditors D. M. 'Leitch,W'e.st Lorne;W. E. Loclce, St. Thomas, R. R. 8 \ I I I , I PROCEEDINGS OF THE' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL F~RST S'ESSION - FffiST DAY Tuesd\'],y, the lStth ifu;yof. January, 1943. 'I'he .ElgIn 'Gountly ClauncH met this day ,at the Court 'HtOuse, S't. 'Ihomas,als rEiquired by 'sHa'tu\te. ,MUNW]!P'ALOLJilRKiS ANiD TREASURER8 MuniciplaUty Olel'k Treasurer Aldiborough .......,Miss Vera Carpenter, Rodney' ,.. ...W.'S. . Stalker, R. R, 1, Hodney Dunwich.. ..."A. iN. ,.1\IIClWilUam, DuttQll",,:....~Mrs. Mildred McNeil, Dutton Southwold .............,J. is. B. Annett, 'Fihg1al.............Cl1as. (E. Ja'Ckson, iR.tR ,!2, Port Stanley yarmouth...... ...........IH. L. Lawton, st.: 'Ihol,l1as. ...............H. L. Lawtop. Ma.1ahide. ................"E. E'. McTaggart;:Aylmer... .......IE. E: 'MoTaglgart Bayham........J. D. Vallee, 'Straffordville........M. Stratton, Straffordville South Dor:chester ..1M. 5'. Charlton, iR. R. 1, S'pringfield....,M;.s. .charlton Town of Aylmer.. . . ...........!Pohn S. Poy............................,.J'ohn S. Fay Villa.ge of Vienna.... ..!Mrs, Louise Mc:Donald .......Mrs. Louise 'MoDonald Village of Springfield..................Jol;1n Hodgson................. JVVm. H. C1athers Village of nutton.. ....W. M.-J3.lain, .................. .......W. 1M. Blain Village. of Port Stanl'ey... ....N.;. A. Ha:Wkins................W.. A. ~~'Ykins Village of Rodney.... ... ....Oeo. 'L. !Mistele... .. ...'oeo. 'L.Mistele: VilIa:ge of ,West La1'ne.. ,,,,,,,L. W. 'Holland ...........Mrs. Tena, McGregor 'Ihe ,f,allowing mErrr:lhers filed cer:tiUca:tes and tonk their se:ats at the 'Council. :table: J. C. Gimes, \Reever, AldibOTOU~h Gemge OaTro.ll,D€lpulby Jteev,e, ~ldilYorough .I. \D. lM,cMiUan, ,Re€IVle, 'DuTI!w1ch W. G.. Lumley, '.De'pu'~y Reeve,Dunwich ( , Ste\\\art Brawn, lReeve, .sout~wQld Richard Klm~le, peputy Reeve, lOowthlwold W. B. Roberts, (Reeve,' Y1armouth , 4( ELGIN COUNTY, OOUNCIL ELG<IN COUNTY,' ex::rtiNcID 5 Thl()mas So-pel',Uepuity' Reev,e., Yiamnouth It wlasl moved byE. Lashibroo'k and'seCiouded !bY 'G. Newell :tb:at the miIiute;s olfthel1a.it. dl~'Y pf the \Noventber <Sessi-on be IRiCloopted as printed. GordQn ;Newell, iR.eeve, Ma]ahide Ollll<>rd.iIl'lIls, Deputy RMve. MM..hlde' _ 'The' followi'l1\g cronmuniClaitioThSi' fW-S'l'e read: J. G. TU,~nibul'l. !Reeve,. B~ham From the War Mem'ori\al ChildTen':s 1HJospitJal wLt:h request fur grant. Relferred to the IFinarnc,e' 100mmJ..ttee; Neil MbConkey, (Deputy ~eeve, Bayh1am H.IG. ('I\aqlior, IReeve', South'Dor'ches't;e'r From'M~.a.nd IMrs. F. H. Ing.ram w'ith reslgna;tion as Keeper .and ,Ma,tron. 'Referred to HoUSe -of Refuge ,C'ommWtee. E: E', Atklusoll, Reeve, A'Y.I1ltner From. OOunty of Peellwith resolution 1'e 'regula'tl,o'ns f'O.r the cut,. ting of' lforest~._ 'Refe<rred to AigTiculbmial C1o~-mittee. Delbert Rylan, \Reeve, ,Vienna , , i l I I I I ) I i 1 i .i i From Oounty olf Wel1in'gl~o'll with r-e'-SOlut:ion-re_lnc':rease 'of gO'V~ ernment sulhsldiY .on. county ro'ads.ReferredtJo Roads" ',ObnJ,h1'fttee. F. L. Truman,,, oDe'pU'ty ~eeve" Ay]mer ,,,"" Ezra 'Flahner, Reeve,,,' Po,rb' Sta.nley Fran ,!,he NaNY lLeague, of Oa.na.d'a witl?:: ~etter of' tha.Pfks. ' Filed. From The Navy Lea:gue, of d.a:.na-dla wi:1;Jh request for 'gi"a.n't.:Re..; ferred tlo Wlar PurpQs,es Cicmmtttee. 'Ty,1er:' ,teE,sort. iReev:e, ISpri:n!g~f'i.eld J. ID.. 'Eraser, (Reeve" Dutton Fr'bm ''Ihe Oa,riadlan A'ld :to'Russia Fund- w(th requestl tor'Wranlt~ Referred roWa:r_ 'iPur'Po~es ..Oomm-it.tee. Henry ,Miller, Reeve, ,West Lo-rne Ernest ;Liashiprook. 'jReev.e, Rodney , Fre-m TIle countl:; .Qif' -weUlngt1on;- Wi:th" ,resolution re rem'{j'val of embargo on CIail1iad'ian catJt1,e;" iReferr,edto- A:g<ri:cultur'al Oomm'it'tee. I Moved by J. C. Gillies, From' rfhe . Olltario(Munlc'ipa.l As'soci'a1tion, re m~mber~h'ip te-e, for 1943. Refe,rred to' Fin'Rnc,e CbmmJ!btee. SeClOnded by .J. G. Tur:nlbull: Tn..t Elmer Atlkmoon ,be elected Wl'rdonf<>r the year 1943. From The 06untyOlf ClM1e!ton, with resolut,i'on re ~mtary ex- emption 'of fuil"m'labor. Re1ferr,ed to', Alg.rlcu'1tural Clommitite,e. The ,Warden. ml~de his declaiati:on of otf'ic-e, land tuanked 'the Oounciol foil" the hOllJOr conferred'. r i ! I r \ _ FromE'ast _ Elgin D1sbrictWomen's lnis'titu!tes With request -tOil' ./ grapt. Rderred' to' Finance ClJmmilttee. 6 EI';:'GIN OO'GNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 7 Fh>-m_ The Oounby of luamlbt.ori, wilth,resolutlol1.re amendment to. the Mioith€'l's' AillO'wances 'AiCrt.R€'f\E~red '-to, 'P:etition~ and' Legislation Oommibb:::e. FrlQm The Oanadla,rl Nra!t:~onja:l Institute;for. t.he Blind, wlbh re- quest fur gr~.nt. Rerfer,red to FJinance C1ommit:t,se. Froll:'n ',(I'he Oounbyof Y'Oxk, with resolutio.n re reguJations for cutting O'f ~O'rElsts. ReJel'r,ed b() ~r:llculltu~'al Committee. From The Ontlari:o A'Sso'ci,ati.!on 101: 'Rural Mtmi-ci'pa[iIUes,re .al1.:riual oonventimi.Rei!erred to FTIu~.noe Oommittee. From 'Ihe Ooun'~y of SimCloe:, with resoluUon re- amendment to the ,Pqi))!ic HospitJa~1s Act.R,eJfex:redl vnPetiti'ol1s and Le'kislatlon Commi,ttee. From 'I11e !Rodney 'and W'est MdhoroU!gh Re'd..cross_Society, with tf.ian'ks fer ccunty,grant. Filed. -'" From The, County, ofSimoo,e, with ;resolutio'n re ca;lllng 0'[, f'arm~ ers for mil~',bary servic'e. Rle'ferred to AigrJcuHural Oommittee. Fr-cm The :Oounty -af Kent, With resolution re removal 'Of em- ibargn on Oanadian c'attle. Referred to Algdcul'tural qommlt'tre. 'Fl'lom {the Sahl!alti-on A'rmy, w~th reque.s;t for. grant. R€lf,erredto Finance C'ommititee. Frcm The DepaU':tment, of H~ghWlllYs, Tl0ron'tb, re, :post war con._ I'3tru~tion on municipal ro'ads. Referred to Roads Committee. From 'IheDomin~on NaJtural Oas .00., Dtd." wth 1'eque:6,t for re~ .newalo! fIianchioo..Relferred to Lelgal Oommittee. FJr:C!ffi The iDep:artment 'OIf HilghlWroyls, \Toron:bo, re 11<9'413 ex:p.3uditure ibywla.w for cloun~ty rCl8.ds.. Referred to Riaad's b.{mlffi~ttee. From' The' ontarLO Oons61"va.ti'on and! ;Rre:f-Ores'tatlon ASSiOoi;a!ti,on, withr€,po,rt a:nd' requ~,st ]or gr'ant. - Referred bo AJgri'cu11turaJ: C9m- mittee. From The On;!Jario .A;g1ricultulral Oouncil, with request for grant and lil,ppo-in;tlment olf delef:6'ate-s. Referred to Agricultural c.:ommlttee. From The Ont,ario Educlalt,ifona~AssolC:lwtiQ~, wHh request forg'ranc' and"~PP\Ojl}tlpent Q'fdele&'ates. R€'f,erred -to Education' Committe,e: I Fro~ 'the Ellgin OountJy .agricultural. Advisory Bo:al'd, requestliig i,he. usual .grant.-Ri2lfe-rred . bo:' 'A!g1l'icultural ,Oomn'li-ttee., ',c".\ Fom ~he Elgin Oounty' Agri:cultuIial W,ar Oommtbte,e, With re- quest for, grant; Re'[;er,red ~t'O Algricu]tural dommitt.ee. F1.rom 'Ihe -Onta,riro 'iAssociaUon d -Managers olf Hbme's for Aged <and l'n,flrmf wl,th requ€Gt fibr mEmibet1S'hiip 'fee and ~ Rppolnbmen'tof deleg1aites. ~efelTed' 100 House olf Relfuige' .Oommtttee. ltEPOItT ON ELGilNOOUN'TY RJESOLUTIONS Fl',orn- The -c!binese War R,erlief! Fund wfth reques~ for grant. Re- fened tJo,iWar!PU,r.pos.es Cbmmittee. .' , "i From The ontario, Goods' Road51 Association, wi'th 'request for membership fee and: u,ppointment of deleg,ates.Referr,ed -to ~oads -Committee. ., ;1 Rt13sedalt December ~essilo~j Hl42 Re re'Verting tIC, Standard Tinie: Fi1ed-simCloe, WeDand, Norf<>l'k, Wellington. R6Iceive~enrt1worth..o ' EpdO,rsed""cIBra:nt, Midld[esex, WaterloQ, .Perth. Ackno.wlec:\.Om:ent-lMinisber of .Agricultilre, Ottawa; Wilson H. Mills,..M.!:,.; Ol[lfi<ce of-t'he,Prime Mini'ster,..Ot,ta:wa. From the !Department .of. Algriculture 1'e chemic'al.. weed. l,cillet:~ Referred to Algri,cultural, "Oommi1bt.ee; 8 ElLGiN COUNT"l.' COUNOIL EILOiIN OOUNTY C01JN.GrL 9 R~ Amendment'to the- Orimina.!' Dade:: ,FLRS,T S'ESISroN - SECOIND DAY Not endor.sedl---lWentlwoi.th. Norflolk. Filed'---':'Brant, Hastings, WeIland, Perth, Lincoln, Wellington. Oon-curr,ed/-iMiddlesex, .AIok;no\VIledigment~epartment"of Justice, Otta:wa.. W'ednesd~y, the'26thday.of Jia.nUal'y,1943. The Elgiit OouuUy ClQuncUmetth:is day ,at th,e OQurt, House-,Bt. 'I'hcmas, tn .aooor~ance with adjlOun'lment. ~e' Women's' B.,e:vel1~e Rooms: The Warden in the chair. C1oncurredI,-oVieto,ria, HaSltings. FUedJ-jHuoon,_ All lUhe 1.m€llT.lbers 'Present- except Messrs. 'Luinl,w.Fahner and SQper. Re ;aelease 'Oil' Men with F<arm Experience: Endrorsed-4ras'bings. 'TIle ,Warden addreisse'dt'he Counoil. To the El'gin County Council: MlQved br G; Neweil, GeIitl.emen: SecondedlDY H. G. Taylor: A't this, the: opening se,selon, I desire tothankyiou for the honor confe-rre'Q in elelCting me as Warden at!' the Cbuilt,'Y fiqr the year 1943. That aS,in the! 'Op'ini~n of this County,OouncH, a s'car6ityoffood itS threla.hmed' Ibec!ause {lIf the following 'reasons: ,First, rack :of fWffi l!'llbCir:and f_arm:' iir.\p~e;inents Il,ud.s-ec,c,nd, peg1ged, lawpric~s, the as- s1stlance elf 'the IDcmhticrn G<Jvernment be sought in remedying these condi'ti'ons. -Carried: We, en~e-r the 'nE.W ye'ar iwitl1. ,C'on'fldence- and hope. The oJ.d, yea,r has bEl--e+1 da:rk With defea.tlS. andterr1Jbl1e discouragements; - cieatin'g in some,qua,rters a S1piir~to;f, despair, but Novembe;r Slaw the, fitSitbrightt lines ,of hope and ulltim-ate",vi,crtIJ-ry' appearing on the hort-zon, enabR li;ng~t:s ,to .EIa~ cn:1f1'f{([iHy' H.!ait lr!:4B Js- to be a: ye'ar ,of hope and' we fqelieve-victory. Moved (by IH.,,G._ T.aiY1cr, . -Cail'fied: ,Ri3ads OWing:- _ to the Go'Vermnell1t r€lfusifilg1 to pay subsidy on dOns-truc:' tLon work, tbere was' none commenoed in thedouri:ty during the yea.r but' the ,COunty spent ne'arly Nlnety Thousand Dollars. <on maintenR anee, which' put.s the Toads' 'in ,a,. splendid -condition M Ithe b,6g1inning of the winter,: 'Ihe.Owerr.unent isaskinlg :fior a. sUl'.vey,'of 'roads ,anld br1dges of the qount'Y to estimate the neces~ary ClO-nSit~ti'On work immediroteiy 'af.ter, ,thiS' wlar .and 'I beliei've the ,County slhould'set aslde anclthersmp. o-f: money. as th:eyd~d Jast yfear. fo-r a,.reS1€a"ve fundtlo assist in pay'ment ,of areio-ui1di.n:g: pl1Q1g'r>am ~t tllattime. Seconded'by'(J, .G.,Tur.nlbu11: That this OounCliJ do now ,aidijourn to." ,allow the, Reeves p'f the vlad-ous mu'nio'ipaJi:biesto mretoo strlJke the, s~a'nding !CC1Illmtt,tees, the Counoi1 t'O, mee,t ,a,lt lO:3,.m. tomo-rrow.' E. Ii:. A'J1K:mSQIN,. Warden. \ f 10 EILi'3IIt'l CO'UN'T'y CtH.TNCIL EJLG[N COUNTY OOUN(';iIL 11 Blouse-,o.f.Refug'e It w.as-mov.ed by' 1MI'. Turnbull that-we no<whear lM:a,iior'Fllannig:an of the SalvaUon,A.rmy. Major F'lanni:g1an addressed the- Council. It is. with deep re:gTet we -accept theresigna.!Uons o'! Mr and Mrs. Inigram, who. f'01' sixteen years ha.ve gtven v,e:ry ("apaJp;le and efficl1ent serv,ices' 'as:' Ke,epel' ,and- -Mlaltron. The minutes oif'the preV'ious day' werer,ead ...-md adopted. 'The aijPOiurtment of a new Kieeper and Matron is most impOl"tant. The weU';',being of the inmaJtes and th,e-economic,a1- 'management of the instituUbn depends v:ery largely on the" MatrQu, who shJould have- scmeexe,cutiwe'aJbLli'ty cwhich., 'v.~itb,experienc'ej 'will, enable. her to. carryon the alff'aoirs cd' ,the iqstitutiJon .in the interest' O!f the coUnty, A (}ommunlca.tion frOIlli..th1e' Law .Association' for 'a'g'rf<t-nt:foi; the :Law' LiJbl;ary 'Was, read and referred, to the FPilllance ,Com,w~tte,e. The rep.ort of the C'ommiHeetQ; strike' Standing Com111ittees' "was read and adopted on motion of Mr.lGil1ies, secullded by M'r.~Brown,' Moved -by H. Q. Taylo.r, The Keepe1' should be -a. man of some 'educ:ation with a know- ledge of 'far'ming. Hls dut1es' a,re most impOl'-tant and v,a.ried, The ifmanci-al results from farming, operations; the g.e:.neral well";being o'f t~e', i:nstitution and< the mov:e\ments.' 0(. the inmates 'will depend largely .,on his. abilitly to apprecia':,e the reELIJons:l;jilities of his ne'Wenviron~ ment.- Seconded, by E'. L:ashlb'rook: '!'hat Mr:. 'FranikTturnanbe.a.ppointed '00 the EO'aird 'Qif' Audit "for Adn'linistr.a,tion' of .iusli'ce; u,ccbunts. ~'C(:!Jl'1"ied, Equall2talti\::m Moved -by H. p.~aYl:Oi', It is.'now,t-en,,years since an equaHzaUon. o~ count:y.assessmenl:.s has:1Jeen rnade:.and IbeUev,e the C:>un!Uy C')ulloil,sp.ould appoint'an :mqu,aliza,tlion-OOmmitJtee tomaik.Z:' a_ -thorqugh inv-esti'g'utio.n and r€port ,.ne-c,essla:ry, 1'€lvLsements ,to the- 'pres'ent' asses&ments. Seco.?ded. .by Tyler Leeson: That the usrtalgran-IJ' of. '$'50 be .given -to. the ~'rustees and RateR payers Associreti'on, 'providing" that ,the annual meeting is held _and' a report, submitted to. the Oounty Clouncil. The Clounty is in a spl,endid financial oondition and for the first tIme in many ye.ars all the notes ,at the ba,nk- ha,v,e' been paid and the C'ounty has a verY' s~lhstalJ.tial surplus. I believ,e this sh9uld be saf~ gu'arded: :.fQr. the fufure needs Of the C:ou.nty when' tim.es ~naJ not be soprosperdus. --<D'ar1'ied, Moved by J, G. Turnbull, . Seco.nded.1by-Neil MoOonkey: r.r'he fa,rm la,bor' ,situwt-ion, is serfous,amd the AlgriculturalWar ':Committee willbe--her~ on Thursday a-fterno.on',to, d1is'Cuss with.you .p'la,ll,s'..to 'assist ,the ,farmers of, the Oounty durlng, 1943. i I I That the ,Warden and Clerk he authorized to. .submitto. -the Min..; ister oi fHigh1ways.o'f the flrovince,of .Oritario-t!he .petition.of'the OPUl),ty 'olf'Elgln sbJo,wing tha,t from "the first day' of Jianuar,y-, 194\2, to. 'the 31st day otfDecember, '1942, there>has-I})ee'n expended onth'eaoull'tyHigh~ way system the sUilTIof $83,554,57. . -lOrorried. -I, trust that, . with- your,'c'o-'Op'el'a1;1on; .we may have as Sllc'ceSSlful :a'1 yea,r in .conduoting the'Oo.unty ,business ,as the.. on'e just completed. 1~ E'L!GII!N !COUNTY COUNe'lL Moved ,by F..L.Trum'an, Seconded '.by- Del~bert Rylan: Th:at. S~anl'w Durkee-Ibe appointed a me;mber of the Aylmer Boa.ra: O'f,Educ.a.tion for la, term 'df three, ye-ars. -;,Oa,rri,ed. Mewed .by S. ,Brown, ' S'eoond'ed' by' !It. Kimble: , Thia:t "gr.ants to the Agricultural and HorUculturalSocleties be the same as last Y1ear', namely~ ~. Agricul'tural,'lSocieties; -equ,ivralent to- the G.o\ilernment ,grant f:or 11942, Aldlborough, Aylmer, Shedden,West :Elgin, y.armouth e,lld Spring.. field. 2. Hot'ticulturnl Societi.eiS 25% of -the Government gr.ant. for 1942, A.ylm..e['. Dutton, Springjneld, IShedlden, 'Rodney, West Lorne and Bel':" mont. -Carried. Mayed by GOrdon Newell, :Second?d !by H. G. Taylor: That Me:ssrs. Roberts, Fraser and McMiUan - shall _ be ,the advisory c:ommtttee of ,the Roads CiomIrtitte,e with ;pay. --Oarried. Moved by J. D. Fraser, 'Sec<>nded'lby J. D. iMdMilljl.n: That H. B..iHocddn (be' appointed a trustee of the Out'bonHigh School for' a term df thrtee years. ~al'ried. t I I I i , ! , I i \ I' , I i i , I i I I I .r EiLO[N COUNTY COUNCll~ 13 Moved 'by: T. Soper, Seconded 'by, W. B. Roberts: That! the usual .grants' to Women's Institutes be plaid, 1. e., $olD,OO to each Institute and $25: to the IDast'and West Distric,t Institutes and $5.00 to each Insti.t,ute where' public oratory oontests are,~eld., Every Institute Iwishin,gtotake advantRigle of,th1is'additional $5.0Q,gr,an.t'lllust, satisfJ:" the ,'Clerkand Treasurer 'as :to their qu~lificaUons !for, -appl~.. lng for same,' ----.carried. Moved by C. Elli~, Seconded by W. B. Roberts: 'That .the usual grants to ,Public. 'Libraries be paid,'j.,e;, $'50'each to Rodney, West;Lor~e, DU'tton, Aylmer,iPort Stanley,Vienna,Spi'ing- field; Sparta,,".B-ayham, ,!Shedd-en 'and- ~ort Burwell, and $2:5 each to W'a.rdsvLlle, and Bel1m01it. ~Oarried, MJoved iby\F. L.'Trnman, Seconded by Neil MClcOll'key: 'rhat grants to ,look-ups ,and munic-ipallbuildin:gs be, the same as l'ast year .'6n approval. of the lHi:gh County "Oonsta.ble.. -CM".t'ied. M'Q:vedby J. C. Gillies, Seconded 'by-Geo.. OarroU; That !We do ndw adjourn to'.meet at three o'clook. -,Owrried. f4 IDIJGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The Council resumed. Mav-ed by J. C. Gillies, Seconded by G. 1M: lOa.rl"oi~:: That we setasid.e the surnorf Ten Thousand Dollars 'f.or War 'ChariUes; and' th8J~ :a. by~lal.W be-prepared 'for approval by the I)epart,;., .ment 'of'Municip:al \Alt1f,a.lrs. -10al1ir~ed. Mo~ed by J__C. Gillles. Seconded by J. D. Fraser: That the Warden appoint an Equalization Committee,tcomposed of County OouncU, members. __Oanted. MO'\lIedby E.Fahner, Seronded iby'Gorpon 'Newell: Tbat 'We do now ,adjourn to meet_, on Thursday, Janua-ry 21st 'at 10 a.m. ~Carried. E. E. A'J1lGNIION. Warden. EilJOIIN CO!\JNTY COUN'C[L 15 FI.RST SiES,SlOiN-Tmlm DAY . / 'Ilhursda:y, the 2L9J; dla.yof' .f.alnrullWy,_ 1943 The iElgin \County Council met this day at the OourJ; Brouse, st. Thomas; in accordance 'With ,a.djournment. The Warden in the chair. All t~e )J.lembe!s present.. Th~' minutes af, the preceding, day ~er,e read 'and confirmed. 1'11e report of :~:p;e ~eti-tians and Legislation Committee Was prew seI}ted and".adwted q1,m()t1on of Mr. Truman, seoonded by Mr. Fabner. TAe first repert"'oJ the (FInanoe.. 'Oommittee 'adopted 'on motion of 1MI'. Fraser, seconded by was presented 'Mr. Las'hfbrook:. . ( ansl The report of the Legal iOommittee was presented and adopted on 'matiou, of' Mr. C~rr-oll,'se.oonde'dJbY, Mr. "Frase!:' The ,Warden "appointed the follclWing members to' constitute an Eq.ualiza~ion Committee: 'Messrs. Taylor, Turnbull, oillie's and Fraser. The 'Warden apPointed thefoUowing to constitute- an Insur,anee CQmmittee: ,Me~srs. Newell, Bro'wn, ,Roberts an:dM,c!]Y.tihan. MoVed by E. ';Flahner, Seconded byG. N owel}, That, this COuncil donOiW adIJotim' to ~eet again at 2 iMn. -Carried'. 16 EIf.JGlN COUNTY COUNOlL The iOouncil resumed'. The dtelegatioufroID the Elgin ,(jaunty.' Agricultural Committee, including Mr. Frank' .silcox 'and- Mr.F. is. Thomas, addressed .the . IOounclL ~oved by H. G. Tayl,or, Seconded, by J; G.' Turnb~l1: , That a, grant of' $1,000 be made to the 'ELgin County Agricultural War, Com~lttee~ -Carried., Mr. W. '~.Lo-cke presented the County Auditors' repoit, ~nd' on motion of Mr.Fiahner,secondedi pyMr. Kimble, "the .l'eport:was ordered' ,to be ,receirve-dand printed. A communication fflom tl1e ]:!:'lglnOOunty L.,~brary Associatioh was, read and on motion 6'f 'Mr. GUlies, :;;€'co-naed by' lM1\" (Lashbrook, a grantolf $GOO was made. 'Ihe report of the Aigricultural Ooanmittee' was presented and adopted' on motion af Mr. Newell, seconded by Mr. Ellis. The ,repor~ of :the . Roads. jCommittee was presented and ad'Opted on mo~ion .of Mr. Turnlbull, seconded' by tMr. ailUes. MIoved fin fG. Newen, SecQnded by E. Fahner: That' we adjourn ~o meet tomorrow at lOa.ln,. ......:carried.' E. E. A"DK.IINISON, Warden. EIUG[NCOUN'r'); C\:)UNOIl. 17 FIRlS(l' ,SFlSSJ'ON--lilOUllt'l1ll 1)A); _, Fri~Ja..y, tl1e22nd day'~f JanuiJ.,ry, 1943 The Elgin iOounty",aouncil'met. this day.,at tbe Court HQuse, St. Thomas, in 'accordance .wHh 'adjournment. The Warden in the' chair. An the- ffi81nbel's present.. i I \ I I i i I i i I ! , i I l I I , I f The ,minutes: of the pl'evlolls' day 'w~re readaud confirmed. Mr. DaWson 'addressed the Council on the, work of' th,e. Children's Aid 'Society. Me-ved by F. L. TrUman, '~... Seconded, ,by'H..G. TaJyJort That before any~neficiary is struck off the. Qv.rotp.ers', Allowances list -the matter sh\()uld, ibe taken up by, the Investig.a.tot _with the o,ffi~ ciaIs -{)If: the' municipaIty twhierethe mother is' l'csident, land that lli copy_.of this r,esoluti'on be sent to all" Oounty.. Clerks "and ,to 'the' IDe.; 'parbment of Welf~I:e, Toronto. -(lIarried" ' The HoOuse of 'R-efug,e report 'Was presented and adopted on motion, ~. iMr. Kimble, seoonded by Mr. Lumley. .Moved by _N. MciOonkey, Seconded !by' H.G.TayloOr: Thatbhe tHIo-use O'f R-e'fwg-e:1COll1mittee 00 -given pawer ,to-a.ct in oonnoo'tion with further ,applica.tions foOr K:eeper and MatrfJn. ----Carri;ed~) -- =--..--- 18 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 'Ihe report of.. the Wa.f ,Purposes Committee _"Tas presented -and adopted', on motion 01' Mr. [.,ashbroo:k, seconded' !by _ Mr. B:rown. These,c'ond 'report of _ the Finance Camm! ttee - was presented and adlJpted -on motion of l1M1:r. Fraser, seconded by Mr. Lashbrook.. The third repbrt af the ,Finance Cbmmittee 'w'as presented aug. adopted on motIon of Mr, Fraser, seconded Itjy- M't. Fahner. 'the report of the Gaol eommittee wa,s _ presented and adopte.tl o'~ motion of Mr. Le-eson, seconded by Mr..Ryan. '!'he report df the E'ducationGommititee was presented and -adopted on. motion of 'Mr. TaY,lor. ,:seconded,by Mr,' - Fraser. ,The report of the Elqualization C'ommittee was'" presented 'and laid over until ,the, aft.ernoon 'for further discussion. Moved by F. ,L. 'IJ.'uman, Seconded 'by- ~raFahner: That this lOo'uncil recommend to the Ontario Legislature - ,that S<ection 4 (2) of the !Public Hiospitals Act, &.S;O. 1940, b~amended, so that it will p:L'ovide ,that the dependents of personsenglllgedin Active Service as memlbed of the ~Milit:ary,'Naoval or' Air Force of Oanada, shaU 'be deemetl residents oftlhe 'munici.paliby in which they resided at the time olf'enlistment, and also that oivil employees 'in any llJ.ili- tary _ halning camp or 'a,ir field 'and their depenaents .shall, ~o_r the pur.pos(es 'Of the Pulblic' Hospitals A~t, be deemed' residents o'f the rimnf.. cipa1ity in whloh they resided at the oommencement, qf such employ- ment. That a copy be sent to e~h_'Oounty in which any Defence Project is lO'cated 'and to the Ontario Agricu1tural..O~)UnclL ........Cat.rled. I I! I I I I I i I I i , , \' i I , , ! i , , I [ I , i , I I '1 I I ;i EIIJG1N COUNTY COUNC[U 19 MOfVed by J.e. Gillies; Seconded by Geo. Oa.rroll: That this 100uncU do now' 'adjourn to -meet' at ,t-woo'clO'Ck. ~arrled. The Gouncn resumed. The ,re.porbOlf the IDQ,uaUzation Committee was presented, and on, motion of Mr. F1ahner ,the IOOuncil went into a Commi,ttee' of the Whole withlMr. Gillies in :the chair. Alter so~e' discussl-on' the r~port was adopted as read and on motion o'f Mr. Gillies, seconded: by Mr. Fahner. Moved by J. c. Gillies, Seconded by.Geo..carrol1: 'I:.hat by-l'alw !No. 1395 ,"To Aippoint a Oounty Road .Committee," be read a first time. --iOal'riedi, Moved by J. C. Gillies, Seconded by Geo. C'arroll:, That. lby-law'No. 'lG95."be read a second ti:ffie. --iOarr1ed.. Moved by J. C. . Gillies, Seconded by Goo.Oa.rroll: That by-law No. 1395 be read a. third time 'and finally passed. ,-Carrled. 20 E[JGffi OOI{JN!I'Y COUNOIL Mewed by E. F1ahner, Seconded by G. Newell: Tbat 'by-law NQ. 139'6. '~To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to borrow the sum of 'Two Hundred Thousand Dollars," be read a first time. ----Carried. MOved by G. Newell, , Seconded !by E. Fahuer: That .by-law,No. 1J396''beread a seoond'time. . -;-Garried,- Mov,ed'iby E1F,ahner, Seconded by G. Newell: 'I'hat ,ib'y...J.a:W No. 1396 be read a third! time and ;finally 'passed. ..;..;.C"an:ied. Moved by W. B., Rcberts. Seconded by .CUflford ~l1i5: ,.,.. That by-larw No. lG97, "To Appoint a -Board-of Audit in theCourity of Ergin 'fQl' the year 19'43," be 'read a first time.' - , -Carried. Moved by01if1ford Ellis. Seconded l'by W. B.' 'Rdberts: That :by-law No. 139'1 be read a second time. -Carried.. ELGffi COUN!I'Y COUNOilL 21 Moved by '0 . Newell, Seconded by E.Fahner: Tha:t" by-law No., 1397 be read a third ,time and finally passed. -.:....Carried. Mo,ved ,!by F~L. Truman, Seconded by S. Brown.: That bY,;.aww, No. '1398; "To Appoint a MembEn: Board of Education," be rea'da first time. " of .the Aylmer -oari'ied. Moved, by S. Brown, Seconded by N. MC1Cbnkey: That by-law No. 1398 b~ read~ seoorl,dtime. ~Carried. Moved by-F. L. Truman, Seconded by S. ,Brown: That by-law 'No. 1398 !be read a third time ,and finally passed. ........Oarried. Moved, by J. D. Fraser, Seconded by J. D. lM<:Millan: '[ i I I That by-law No. 1300, "To Appoint a lMember C>f the Dutton High SChaol, Board," be read a first time. ' ~Oarried~ 22 ELG[N' COUNTYCOUN'mL EILGlIIN ',OOUNTY: CQUNP[lL 23 Mowed by J. D. MclMillan, Moved iPy'G. Newell, \Seconded by \J. D. FTaser: Seconded Iby Oli~lord Ellls: --Oarried. Tha,t,by':'law No. 1401, "To Aprpoint an Advis.ory Agricultural C'oun~ cU/,"be ,read a ifirsttime. ThatlkJy~lfuw No. 1399 be re.adasecond time. -Carried. Mov:ed by,J. D. Fraser, Moved !by OlHlford Ellis, , Seconded by J. n. McMillan: Seconded by,G. Newell: That _hy_lam-No. 1399 be'read a third time and finaUy,passed. .-(}arried; That by-~lavi No. 1401 be read a second time. -,-Carried. Moved /by Tyler ,Leeson, -Move-dchy G. Newell; Sec'O,nded 'b'YN. McConkey: Seconded /by, Clifford; ElliS:: . That by~law No-. 1400, "A By-law for IGranting Aid. to -Certain Pa.ttiot'ic Organizations,with:in the ,County of Elgin," !be read a- first time. T'bat. by~law No. 1401 be rea<;l a ,third t1Jme'[l..l1q finally" pa.s~d. ---Carried. ~Carr1ed. "Mov:ed :by S. Brown, Mov€d by' F. lL./ Truman, Se00nd'ed by R. KiIlllb~e: SE;!c0nded by Tyler Leeson: Thatby-~aw No, 1400 be read a second, time. That'ibY-la.w li'io.,1402. "J'9ranting Privileges to't.be iDominionNa- tural :Gas OCJ.," be rea,d a. first time. o--iOarried~ -ICarr,ied; Moved by' Tyler 'lLeeson, , MOlVed' by R. Kiinlble. . ( se<:onded by F. L. 'Truman: seconded,' by !oS. _rBrown~ That by-law No. 1409 be' read' ..a.. third time and finally passed. -Carried. Th~t by-law No. 1402 ber€adaseoond time. ~Carried; 24 ELOIN COUNTY COUNUIL Mov:ed by R,. Kimble, seconded by IS. ,Brown: Tlia.t'by~law 1400 ,be read a third time~ a,.nd- finally passed. ~Carried. Moved by J. G. Turnbull, Seconded 'by' Tyler Leeson: Tha~ by~law' No. 1403, "To Prorvide for the'Total Elupend1ture ,on ,the ISystem OIfOOunty .Roads in -th;eCounty ofE~in during the year 1943;" Ibe read a. fh'st time.' _Oarried. ' Moved by W. B.Roberts, Seconded byC. Ellis: That by~law No. ,140G be, read a second time. --Oarried. Moved by Tyler Leeson. seconded toy J. G. Turn!bu,l1~ Tha.t Iby-la..w No. 1403 be.." read"a third time and -finally passed. -lOa-rried.: - Moved' by Goo. -Lumley-, . Secou.dod >>y Henry l!.1Uler: That by-law No. 1404, "To Revert.Portion.6f !Wads jn'theTown- ship of :Malahide," be. read a 'first time. . -:-Carried. ELGIlJN ,0000TYCOuNiJ!llL, 25 Moved by Henry Miller, Seconded by Geo. ~umley,: . That iby~law No. 1~04 ,be re,a,d a, ,secbnd time. -oa.rriect. Moved by .Ceo. Lumley, Seponded by H. Miller: . That by-law No, 1404 be read a thh'd time and fln"lly passed. -.Q'a.rried. ~()ved by ,F. L. Truman, ~Seconded byR. Kimble: '~" ". .' Thatl.ly-Ia;w No. 1405, "To Confirm the Equalizl1tlon ,of the,M&ess..' ment -lRolls of 'the ,.oounty, of Eligin !for .the y~a.r 1-943,'" be :read a. first 'time; ---10arried. ' Moved by S. Brown,_ seConded.by ,F. L. TrUman: Tha.t Iby~law No. 1400 be reag -aisecond'- ti'~e; -'Oarried, Moved by S. Brown, . Seconded by E. !Lashbrook: That by-I... !No.. 1405 be read a third time and flnaJly jlIl6~ed. .. -'Oarrlett -"-..,---- ~~~,~..._- i 26 , IDLom COtJ~TY COUNC[L Moved by J. D. McMillan, Seco,nded by Goo. iLuml'ey': That i)y-laW No'. 1406, "To ,FiX Salary of the Physician of the ;H?US~,of. Refuge,"', be read a first time. -e,arried. Moved 'bY ,Goo. Lumley, Secon"~dby J, D. IMoIMlllan: That by~la'W No. 1406 !be read a second, time. ~Carriedl. Moved by Geo.Lumley, seconded by J. [). MoMillan: That by-law' No~ 1400'lbe 'read a third time and finally,:passed. -Carrie<f.i The Wia.rden a!ppointed the, following' delegates' 'to attend . the var~ , . r- iouS' conventions: Good Ro:ads Associatio~essrs. Gillies, Kimfble,Browu,McCon.. key. Turnbull, \ROberts, Soper, Ellis, Newell, Fahner, lR,yau, Taylor and Tho'moon. Educational Associatt.on-Messrs. Lumley. Truman, LeesOn, Tay.. lor, CarrolltMld 'l'homson. Municipal Association-..,Messrs. !MclMillan, Lashlbrook, Fraser, Mil- l,er 'a,nd; Thomson. EiII..GWN COUNTY COUNC[L, 27 Mioved by'.~. McConkey, Seconded hy J.IG. Turnhnll: That we adjourn to nwet.on t't1e 8th' dayo,f 'J,une, 194a, at 2:p.m. -.:....Oarri,ed. 2~ ElLGIN C01JNTY. COUNlJ1IL SIOOOND SElS,sIiON~FmST DAY_ Tuesda;y. ,the 8th day of - June, - 1943 . The 'Elgl)1. .county ',Council. met this day at the Court ,House, .st. Thomas. in accordance with adjournment. The, Watden in the chair. AU the m€ll1llberspresent. TbeW'arden addr'Bs.sed the - Council. To the Elgin County~un:ci1: Gentlemen: In opening the June Session of the .QountyCouncll I am.sure we areallple,W?ed 'at the 'uotruble'vic;tories of the AlUes'ln the v,ariana theatres o'f war and pros;pects of victory,'berfbre a gr~ab l:enig't.h of' time seems now to he assured; 'r'he a\gTicultural outJ.ook - -in Ontario is not _ v'ery good 'for large crops this year as the extremely wet 'Wea.ther has decreased the-plant- ing of sprtulg' grains to a small percentage of former years. 8I<>u.. m Refug. The ,committee selected. IMr. and. !Mrs. J. G. TurIllbull 'as Keeper- and Matron of the Institution; they assumed the pOsitions on MarCh 1st, and tIle'ir management of the Institution is provmg very sa'tis- ~wtory '. R!oQids . , Theoounty roa.d,s ,are now in excellent condition and" the heaviest ex,penCUtureuntil, the present has ,been 'for snow removal. 'I'h-e GOv- ernment has approV'ed the expenditure lby';'lam pa.ssedat our January session for $11'1.000., ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 29 The Finance Committee at a speciahmeetingiil April purchased $20,OOO'of 3%% bonds in the Fourth Victory ~o!tn;a by-la;w for your a:pprovaLOf the same willlbe presented at this session. Tl1.,e ISpecial Insuranc'e 100mmitwe met /and will, present sev'eral .recommendations. for your ,consideration,: and I,belierve.' considera;J,Jle revisements of present iilsuran:ce could be made which would -'be alf benetfit to the County. The accounts for indlgents inrthe hospitlals are atboutthe same as last year; we ha,:e naw n!ach-edthe,:P01nt whe~e. our,:'hosp'it~lization c()s~ 'are largely far incura.ble patients ,and the question, o'fsecuring acC'ommoda'tion far such patient;s is Ibec:orning a problem. - , . The cost of secandaryeducation is steadily increa~ihg, and . tp.is year the cast. will !be about $3'000 more thaI} la;st :year';'all 'of Which is pa.y:a.ble far pupils attending St. Thomas Voc'a,tioh'al .SchQ.ol. The Township 'Qf- Bayham has ,!forwa-rded a resolution . favoring a Publio :H1ea.Ith Plan for' the iGounty. "this no dou:bt W.ill be given oonsid-. era'ble discussiQn._ but I believe under present-'war c'ondit~ons.with,a shortage of nurs,es far .our hospitaJ.1s and the g.-asoUns:, and tire 'problem. the matters should be laid aver MIl ,conditions a,re, more favorable. 'I'he cost ofOounty watd maj,nten~n,ce to the Ohildreri'sAid So- ci-ety has inereased considerable since ,our -l,aSlt sessi:onowing to the Societyha-ving to take intO' care quite a. number of. new wa:tds !from the Oounty. . I,beleve. that witl1 ca,reful mana.gement of ourex.pent:Htures.' 'and including the $:20,000 purchase of Victory. ;Sonds,we will be' able 'to fin.ance pur requir'ements .on a levy dffive.mi1ls which is the same,-as last 'year. 'This)s exclusive Qf ,our cost for.'3iecondary schcoOls; NeW Legislaltion The' School Act- has- been amerided granting-the' privilege of a. council 'to ,form. a BC?ard .of :EdUc:atioIJ. in 'any High' School District in a . town, '!Village .or township by. calling' a speclal meetilllg and 'passing the required .resolution. 3,0 ':ELG'(N' COUNTY COUNOlL ELffiN COUNTY CQUN'OIL 3'1 .The 'Oontinuati(m,S~chools- A,,~)t ha,s -lP'een-amen~ed which will in- creasE:):. th~, qost. per pupil day to the lOounty in schools. where the cost per day is more _than $IMO, divided ,by the number _ of. days the school is 'open. An amendment to 'the Assessme,nt Act prO'v'1det-thM.upon the ap- , plication 00 thre'e or more .rriunicipalities. with1n the C'ounty-the; ,County m.ay appoint aOOurt of ReVision "tt)" consist of five meDllbers to act in each of the. municipalities makiIllg ap.plication; ,Section, 318o'f' the High 15'oh0018' Act is' amended Which ':will' increase th~ cost to the' county in '111gh and Voc'ational SChools where. the cost per day- is more .than $1140 and $1'16, for Vooational SchoOoOls divided by the number pf days the s'choolsareopen. : 8eQtion H3 of the Assessment Act has beeu amended 'and pro,- "'\rides for .the collection of taxes' 01f OrownTenant.s from, their em- ployees all awee'kly, biwIDonthly, monthly or' other basis. , The .proceedings o'f the last day of the January 'Session were read , and confi.rmed. The iPulblic School Ac't - is amend€d' to incNase the' amoU!1t from $6()0' to $800', payaible to each school, in the, township through the gen- 'eral oohool _ra:te '_and to be :Qppliedex,clusi'V.ely to- teachers' salaries. The following communications were read: The act has {been passed for "Oontrol of the Thames, Waters," 'put . Ihlsshould'Only affeot Elg,ln slightly. From Inspector of aE!fuges re annual cOllvention.-Re'ferred to -House, of Refuge Committee. The ,publip Health ~ct has .been .amend.ed't-o- include medical,' and dental trea,tment for_ 'the pupils ,olf Public, Separate; -Continuation', H~'gh and Vocational Schools. From Hospital for Sick Ohildren, Toronto, with request, f'or grant ---'Referred to Finance C::Ommittee. From Oanadian Aid to Russia Fund with letter o',f thanks.~Filed. Sev'eraJ. amendments have- ibeen niade to the 'Municipal Act. The council o'f.a.loc,al-munici-pality may now hold. their first.meetinf?; any day not latertban the &€'cond -Monday in Janu-ary and the first meet- 'iUgO! a ,oounty Douncll shall beheld not later' than th,e third Tuesdoa,;y iuJanuary. ' From The CGnadia.n Nation-a.l Institute !for the Blind w~th letter of thanks.~i1ed. The OOUllQil of every municipality may each year for the duration of the -wa.r, _ provIde in - ,the. est'irnRites 'for the' establishment or main,. tenance of a reserve fund for use _after the war- in. pr>ovi~ing. nec:essa.ry teplacements at improvement's- in public works~ The mon';ysraIsed forsach a feserve fund 'shall -not be expended Iwtthoutthe ,approval o'f the,Depa,rtment of Municipal :AJffairs. .,.TheX~l()unty GaoLmay'Ibe used for the purpose ,of a. lock-up by any local' municlpality,and if soused the corpora.tiouofthe l~al muni- Cipality shall pay a reasona.:ble sum yearly to the Qounty Treasurer for suoh use.. From. the Wariim;e 'Prices and Trade (Board', ottawa, wi-th reply,to resolution passed at the- January session 'fe ceiling-on beef prices.- Referred to Agricultural Committ'ee. From' the Dep'artment df Municipal AIf:ffairs re-annual report. of Municipal iStatist1cs.--:-lReferred to Finance :COmmittee. From "the Department- of Municipal Aff'airs' re pos~"war problems.' -!Referred to. ,County .Ro,ads Committee. Fre,m the Department of Munlelpail Ailfalrs, fe the~pro"lsions of the Wartime Wages. Oontrol Order.---Retferred to PetitiQns and Legisla- tion C'ommlttee. 3:1 E[;G[N COUNTY OOUNC1L From the' Rome and ,SchoullRural Life Oonvener, ,withrepor~ on work in "Waterloo County',-IReferred. to IDduCation_Oommittee. i'"'rom ,the,nepartment of !Municipal A1flfairs,re amendments to. the Municipal, Act.---!R.efened to Petitions .and !Legislation, Conimittee. From'the id6'i.mty'Solicitor withteport re- Children's Aid So'ciety, wlS;.rds,~Referred to Fin~nce Committee. From theClanadian Aid to' Russia -Fund with report. Referred to War Purposes Oommittee. From the -Township of Bayham,: with r-esolution re: \Public: Health P1~n.---'Reif.e~red to Finance' .oommittee. 'From the Villa:ge of iPort Stanley, re designation of stre.ets.---iRe- ferred to. C:ounty R,oadsi Committee. 'Fl'dm the lDep'artment of HeaUh, ore transfer oJ patients from Parkwood Hospital....,...iRefe,rredto Finance' C:ommittee. F'roIT\. the Navy Lea:gueof Oa.nada with le~1-2r of thranks.--Filed. Fli-om ,the N'avy League of Canada with reCluest for further con~ sideration.~eferred, to' War !Purposes Committee. From the ontario :Municipal Associamon, re annual con'Vention.- ,Referred to Finance Oommittee. . . From the, O. E. A. County ICouncil Section, with report O'f annual convention.-{R.e'ferred, to Ekluc,ation Oommittee. The Ohinese War Relief Fund, with acknowledgment 9f grant.- Filed. F'r:om ~,p. S. Dofbson, ,Local 'Chairman of the Chinese War Relief Fund, with request ,for grant.~(Re'ferred to War Purposes, Committee. \i ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 33 Fr.om the 'Onto C'onServati.on' & . Reforestation Assoc., with annual report.-Referred to Agriculture- Committee. . From the 'Coun'ty' of Linooln, .with resolution 're' support of, The , Federation ;o'f Aigriculture..:...:..m.ef'erred to Agriculture' CIommittee. From the Oounty, of Wentworth, 'with resi?lutipn re amendinents to the Dominion & Pr{l'V',incial tElleotion ~ts.---IRefelTed to .Pe'titioris' and Legisla:tion Oommittee. From the County of Wentmorth; with resolution're new legislation, for N{ttional Selective 8-ervice.-!Relferred to- Agriculture Committee. From the' 'County of -Dufferin, with resolution re postponement of- fa.:,rm'labor for .military, service.~erred to, '.A:griculture OOmmitte~. FrOm, the Oounty of Prince Edward, with resolution re production of farm equfpmerit.=-----'Referred' to Agriculture Committee. From the06unty oIGrey, w'ith resolutfon re'increased hogs and ,ca'tt1e.~Referredto Agriculture Oommittee. prices for From the' County of Grey, 'with' res:ohi:tion're reforesta;tion of 'l~d unsuita;ble for agricultural pur.poses.---IReferred to Algriculture Com.~ mittee. From the 'County of Halton, with resolution re amendment to' the Assessme~t :Act whel"e it deals with tax Sales..,.......lR,eferred to Petitions a.ndLegisla:tion Committee. From 'the_ lCounty .of '()xIford, with' resolution re the fees charged for thecerti'(Y1ing of the lV~rious, Voters' [.dsts.~eferred to Petitions and, Legislation Gommitpee. From' the 100unty of iWentwor'~h, with resolution re 'a:bolition 'of daylight saViJ1tgtime.~'ferred to' Peti'tions and LegJSlBition Oom- mittee. 34 ELG[N COUNTY COUNCIL From the. County a,f Waterloo !With, resolution re the importation , of- coat---lReferred to Aigrlculturil Committee. From the iCounty .of Perth, with resolution re -the discontinuance of ,gas 'ta:x. 'On mal'lked g1asoline.--1Re'ferr\3d 1]0' Agriculture Committee. From the 'Clountyof Middlesex, with resolution re leg.islation to Hmi't the cut~ing of trees.-lRelferred to Agriculture IOommittee. From the IC10unty of peel, with ,resolution re.incren.sB in ceiling price'of farm pro~ucts......;.$eferred 'to Algriculture' qommitltee. From the 100unty of No,rtfoilk, wi'th resolution' re the plaiCing O'f a. ceiling prlc'e on transient labor wages.----iRef-erred to- Agriculture Committee. From 'the -County uf W.eIitworth, with resolution protes,ting the amendm.ent. to Sedion 39 oif'the High Schools Aot.-lfMferre;d to [EJdu- cationClommittee.\ Report on responses to Eiligin Oounty resolutions gi'V,en at 'the June session; 1943: 1. ~,:Pisposition.o.f murder chaflges: N'()'t- ,enctorsedI-!11uron, Bruce. EndJorsed-lSimcoe. 1:11 Filed'--tGTey. No Aotion-lViotoria. ,2. Reverting. to ,standard Time: No laction-Hur-on,. Victoria. EndJorsedi--[..ennox and Addington, Bruce. Filedl..-.<Simooe, iOrf5Y. I - I I I l I i ELGm COUNTY COUNCfL 35 3. Beneficaries under Mothers' Allowances rAct: OoncurredL.......jMiddlesex. Filed:----1Haldimand. Endorsed'-1Wentworth, Lincoln, Brant, Norfolk, Perth. 4. Amendment to 'Public !Hospitals !Act: Concurred'---iMiddlesex, HaIdimand. Endorsed,-lWentworth, Lincoln, Peel, Perth. Filed~'r'ant, 'Waterloo. Not Endorsed-Norfolk. 5. ReSugar Beets: Endorsed'---iEssex. Acknowledgment---1Minis'terof Agriculture-, Ottawa. IMr. Tay[or introduced Mr. Ooyle,- the .11eW Ree-ve OIf the Township of Bayham. 'Moved .by H. p. TaylOT, 'Seconded iby C. D. Coyle: That 'the Oounty Glerk be instructed to' telephone the Hiln. Mr. Kirby, at: the Department of Hiea:l:th, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, requesting that !Miss lY.Loore ,attend this meeting of the- Elgin Oounty Oouncil ''to address- the memlbers re' a county Health. Nurse. ......Oaxrled. Moved by G. Newell, Seconded by E. Fabner: Thla't theFederalOovernment !be requested to freeze. farm Ilab'Ot 36 ElLC3ffiN .oomirY COUN'OIL ,and! that la copy .of this resoluthon be sent. to each County Oouncil in 'OntJariio. -Carried; Moved I1Y C. D. Coyle, rSec'ond:ed by G,.:Newel1: , That the GouncH do now adjourn to meet at.1 p.m.pn Wednesday. -';-OarriedJ., E.E. A'm.INSON, W!arden. I I ElLGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL 37 [ I I I I I I I J I S'EOONiD SiESISWN - SIEOOND DAY Wedn;eS:dla~:. the 91th day of June, i943' The Elgin ICountyOounoil met this day at the Qouxt lBiouoe. St. Thomas, in :aoCiordanc:e I with ,adljlOurnment. The Warden in the chair. All the member-S' present. 'The' minute'8 oIf'~he prev}Qus day were. read~ 'and ad1qpted. The first report of the Finance CbmttnHJtee was presented and adopted ion mo~ion_lo:t'.Mr. lFra'Ser,.,(Se'Cionde'd.bY 'Th!rr. Brdwn. The report of the House 0If !Refuge ICommitt'ee 'WIas _ presented and .on motion IOf iMr. iGillies:the ICouhcil went' into- a - Oommitte'el of' the Whole With Mr. Brown in the chair. A:fter some discussion t~ere'port 'Was adop,ted without amendme\lt. The report - df 'the iPet1twns. and Legislation Committee 'was pre.. sented and adopted.ou motion of' [Mr. 'tmman, ,seconded by/lY.Ir. Mc.. OOnkey. The- report .of the Oa-ol1Qommtttee W1aspresented _and -adopted .on motion olf, 'Mr. Leeson, seconded !by Mr. Ryan. The -,repiort of th,e AgricuLtural ,Oommittee was presented and adopted on motion olf, :Mr. Nelwell, sec.onded hy Mr. Brown. Mr.'tayJor- moved: that 'the (CounicU hear Miss tl\.:toore, of the De~ partment of :Health land' :Miss Moore 'addressed the Oouncil re PubUc Health Plian.. 3B ElLGiDN {JauNTY COUNOIL Moved 'I>Y G. Ne'Wen. SeclOuded by E. Fahner: Th'at the lCbut1;~y iSlo1icitor be requested 'to g-ive a wrtttenopinion regardlngthe :manner in 'which the- Oou,nty 'may engage -county oohool health nur..ses; and that 'thilSopinion be given, if possible, at 'the pres'ent session. Y -CarriedJ.\ Moved by J. C. GllIles. Isecon~ed Iby OeiO.Oarrol1: That ,the Council do now adjIlJ~rn' to mee,ttomorrow at 10. .o'clock. ~Carriedl'l E. E. ATKlNSaN'. Warden. , I f I I i E1LGlliN COUNTY CO-UNOI" ?9 SfIilOON[l SES'SfON _ 'l1HlIIID [lAY .Thursdlay', /t!1e 101th My of June, 1943 The 1IDlgin County Connell me'tthis day at the IO.omt' :Hoose,'St. Thomas, -in aooor-d:ap.cewi~hadljournment. TIle !Warden in, the chair. AH the members present. The minutes o.f the preceding_ <lay were read and 'e<mlfirmed. The report .of', the fWar iPlurposes IOommittee 'Was presented and- adloptedon ,mation .of Mr. Lashbroo'k, secoudedby Mr. Brown. The_report fO'! top Inlsurance- Oommlt!te-e was, presented and, laid over' to....the afternoon session. Mr. T'urnbulJ., Keeper ,of the Elgin Hous'e ,of RefUg~, addressed, the Oquncil and expTessed1the appreciatkln of himself -and his'Wlfe for :their appointment. ,Moved hyE. Fahner, Seconded by G. Newell: That we adjourn to_ meet at 2,p.m'. -JOarrIedll The Council resumed. The Insurance report :was presented. Rg1aIn and 'the OounrcU went into 'a IOOmmititee of the Whole with !Mr. Lashbrook in the oba-ir. Mr; Cowan then'addressed 'the members, explalning1 ,the i'nsurance_ repor:t. 'I:be .Oommittee rose ,and--,tihe report I<w'RS radopited 'as read 'Onmotuu:l of Mr. Lashbrook.. seConded by; (Mr.IQmble. 4~ EJtJGIlIN OOUNTY COUr-rc'llL .The second! report of the Financ,e Oommittee 'Was, presented and adopted on motion of !Mr. Wraser, seconded by Mr. Gillies.. The report of tb,e Eduoation IOommittee waspresentedl and adopt- ed an motion of !M:r. 'Daylor" seconded by Mr. La.sl1lbroo'lt.. Thie Ithird report :of the (Finance Committee 'was presented and adoPted on motion of Mr. [Fraser,seconded .by:Mr. [<lahner. 't The IRelforestation report of the :Agricultural Oommittee was pre- sented 'and iadopted on motion of !Mr. 'Newell"seoonded by~. ~o'berts. On- motion of Mr. iNeweH, seconded! ib:y1 'Mr. !Fraser, .a vote'of' thanks Was t~ndered to the W'arden for hilS 'Work in planting trees on the County gr,avel. ,farms. The, reportl :o.f the iRoadOommi:ttee was presented and adopted on motion ,aflMr. !Brown, secQndJed by Mr. Gillies. The !Warden \apipointedthe folLowing, members ofa oommittee to investigwte the propo,sed, PubliCi Health Pian and rep0rt at, the' November ,Session: Messns. 'JIaylor, Newell, Lashbrook and' Gillies. Moved ,by G. Newe~l, SeConded by W. is. (Roberts:' That the Dominion l<;3'overnment be 'petitioned t,O ta:ke such steps as :are neceSsary! to provide housewives' 'With th.e necessary sugar fet homereanning' in order thrut no fruit may be' lost. -I:e:arriecr~ Moved by. Geo. Oarrol1, Seconded 1;>y iH. Miller: That Iby-la'W N'o. 1400 "To Authorize the Purcbase of $20,00.0 Vicl- tory Loan Bonds" be read a. first time. '-10arried. E[,G[N COUNTY COUN'OIL Moved by H.' Mi11er, Bec.oncred 'by Geo, Car!'{)l1: That by-law No. 1407 !be read a second time, Moved by Geo, Carroll, Seconded by' tH'o Miller: 41 -:-lOarried. That. !by-law iNo. 1407 Ibe read a. third time and .finally passed, -<Carried. Movecl:'1by R. Kimble, Seconded' by S. BroWh~ That by-l'aw :No. 1408, "To A:ppoint Officers ul the House of Re- fuge" be read a~irst time, Moved, by' is. Brown, Seconded by R.' Kimble: 'IJhat by-law No. 1403 \hereada seoond-tim3. M-oved by ft. Kimble, Seconded by 8', BroWn: -Oarried. -Carried. Tnat 'by'-law' No. 1408 !be read a. third 'time 'and finally passed. -Carried, ~2 ELg.IN COUNTY COUNCIL IMoved Ib'y G. Ellis, seoonded :by W. .B. [R.o-berts: That by~la.w No. 1409 "To RaJse An1Dunts for County Rates.Dur- ing the Yc'ar1J943" be' read a first time, Mloved by W. n. !Roberts, Seconded-- !by C. EUis:! . That ''by-Iaw (N,a. 1409 be read a second time. Moved by T, Soper, Seconded 'bY G. Newell: t......;.Carried. -Canted. 'That 'by-law No. 1409 \be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved fby F, lL. 'T-ruman, S,e,conded ;by De~bert - R:~llan: That by-la;w No-. 1410 "To Extend the Time for Tax Sale" be read a first time. ,Moved 'by N. McOonkey, 'Seconded by C. D. Coyle: That by-law 'Nio. 14110 :00 fead a second time. .-.Oarried. ---Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 43 Mov,ed -by Tyler ~,eeson, Seconded by F. L. Truman: 'That 'by-law No, 14r101be read a third time and finally passed. ---<Carried. Moved by E. Fahner, Seo-onded !b:y G. Newell, That we do now adjourn to meet on Monday the 22hd day of _ November, 1943, at 2 p.m. -Carried. 44 ElLGlN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 46, TllIR,D'S'ESSION--FI!RS/l' DAY Our hospital costs., r.emain. about thesatne'- 'lcS ,last YJear; a -large proportiun ufthe county ,patients being incurable cases. Monda,y, the 22nd day o.f November, 1943 Th.e- ICommittee appointed' at the' June Session to. report on Oounty PubUc School Nurses ,will have Ii report for this ses~ion, and-Miss' Moore, from the, Depa.rtm~nt of HeaIt!)., willaddr,ess the OauncH on Wednesd,ay. The Elgin Gounty Council met this day at the -Dourt, House, St. Thomas, lnaccordanee with adjournment. The Warden in the chair. , All the members present but Mr. Brown. The iFinance Committe-eat a meeting early in the month auth~ orized the purchase of $1'5,000 in 't:n~ Fifth Victory Lo,an" and, a by-law for your approval will be prese'nted at this session. The Warden addressed the Gouncil:- The Gounty has a Reserv~ Fund ,of ,$50,000, which should provide for a considerable, amount of post war construction work without in- creasing the taxes to 'the ratepayer, T'o the 'Elgin Oounty Council, Gentlemen: In opening the final s,ession of the 1'943 County Oouncil I wish to congratulate you on the' splendid manner in which you have con- ducted the affairs of the County. This ye,ar has been a very disa,ppoint~ng' one' to ,the farmers; the spring grain crop was the poorest on record' and also a. considerable '-'> !]art of the, tobacco crop was damagled with an early fros'~. . The !Roads Oommittee have' spent $110,000, and I believe' the county road~ are in ,an excellent condition. However, we all look forward to next y,ear' with renewed confidence and trust that -it may bring, to the world a more permanent pea,ce, The new Keeper and Matron are filling theirpositiaus' at th.e lH1oUS3' of Refuge in a very satisfactonr mannei" ano. we' have a small increase in the number .ot inmates over a year ag.n. The oommitte.a have purchased a new pure bred J,ers3-Y herd for the Institution, and 1 believe the Omncil should make an inspection of it during' this session. The mi'nut~sof the, last meeting of the June S:ession were read 'and confirmed. IMr.B. Oaldwell of 'the 'City Oouncil addressed the memi):}el's' and , invited them to be the guests of~he Oity Oouncil ,atdimi8~' at: the Grand GentrallHotel; st. Th.omas, on Tuesday evening at 6.$.0. The- lOaol Committe'8 b-av.e had seven rooms in the court House rede~'ora.ted which greatly improves the appearance of' them; they. also found it necessary' to install a new furnace' in the ORol.sr's resi..;. dence, Tpe following communications were read:, From Duttop" Women's Institute with request for j5rant for the Oversea,s \Box Fund.-,Referred to the War Purposes- Oommittee. , 'The cost of the Children's Aid Society has increased oonsiderably over last year owing to thet Society finding it necessary to take into' care more children, From the iEast-1Elgin IWomen',s [nstitutes with request . for public health nursing serviCe in the C'ounty,-Reforr.ed to, Special Public Health Committee. 46 ElliGUJN OOUNTY. COUNCIL Fr,om the untversity of Western Ontario r-e' arms c'one~U,on for the Uhiv,ersity:'M:useum.-'Re-ferred. to the F'inance Oommittee. From the Gounty of Norfolk recorn bOl',er cle'an-up.-'-He.ferred to Agr~cultural C1ommittee. F1rom Victoria Hospital, lLondon, re hospital costs for' isolation . , paUents.-,Referred to Finance Oommittee: FroQm 'L. W. ;McDowell, mail 'carr~er of Bayham, re condition of county roads.-IReferred toiQIounty Roads Committee. From West Lorue Wom.en's Institute with. request for public health nursing service.........:Referred to Spec'ia.1 PUiblicHealbh Committee, . , , Fr,om the County, Solicitor with report on public health nursing system.-R<eferred to Special Public Health "C:ommittee. ,J 'From Miss E. L. Moore of the Depa.rtmellt of Health re date fCIl~' meeting: 1EJgin . Oounty ,Counci1.-Filed. Fr.om the County iSlolicito~' with agr,eements r'e the vIllages ot Springfield and Vienna.-:-Referred to County Roads Gommitte'e. From,Dr. D. L. E'win, physician, House of -Re'fug,e, with yearly report. -Referred to 1House of 'Refuge -Committee. From lC'ounty Clerk with repo.rt on Mother!.:! All-owanc,es in the O?untY.-IReferred to F'inance Committee. From ~Oounty IClerk, with report on Old Age Pensions in the County. -Ref-erred to _F1inanoe' Committee. From Oounty Glerk with report on Licenses.-iReferred. to Finance Oommittee. From IOounty iOlerkwith 'Inspector's report on the House o-f Refuge'. -''RIeferred to 'House of Refuge 'Oommittee. E1LGIN COTJNTY COUNC'fL 47 From IOountY1 of Simooe' with r,esolutionre Boys' and Girls' Train- ing Schools.-:-Referr.ed to F1inance. Oommittee. Froin Ciounty of York wHhresolution re -ceiling price 'On farm-pro- ducts.-Referred" to Agricultual 'C'ommit,tee. From Oounty of .oarleton with resolul;ion 1',8' .\ncreas'e in the pri-ce of cheese.-Ref,erred to Agricultural Gommittee. From Oounty of Wellington -with resolution re the quarterly pay~ ment of provincia.l -su'bsidy.-lReferred to Oounty -RoadsC'ommittee. From !Gounty ,of :Peel with resolution re 'extra gasoline foOl' memN bel'S of munlcipal councils.-Ref-erred to Petitions and Legislation 'Oommittee.. From Mr. and ~,~s. Fred Ingram with thanl-::s for county grant.- Filed. From the' United Oounties of Northumberland and [)urham with l'esolution re cost of maintenance of High, Continuation and :Vocational Schools.-!Rteferred to Education Committee. F1rom the County of' W'aterloo with resolution re increased ship- ments,of ';;~ste;n grain.-Re'ferred to Agricultural Oommittee. From County of Wentworth with resolutionre redu.ction in rate of interest on bank loans.-,Referred. to Finance Committee. From County of Grey with two resoluti;ons- 1. Re National Selective, Service. 2. Re_ Reduction of freight rates on western grain. -Referred' to Agricultural Committee. 48' EiLCHN' COUNT'" COUNCIL Report on E'lgin:' County Resolutions 1. Re Danc-ella.tions of Mothers' Allowances: Received........:.Hastings. 'Endol.sedc......8~mcoe ,Victoria, Northumberland & q.urhaml Huron. 2', H,pspitalization of nependents of Military Personnel: Received-iHastings. Endorsed-iSimcoe, HUfon. No a;cti'on---.rvictoda. Not concurred:-Hruc.e. 3. l:temune'ration for Bug,at l}e'et growers: Endorsed----Middlesex, Hlllxm. 4; Fteezing of farm la:bor: Not cnncurred~Huron. / No action--'-Waterlo,o, Hastings" Wellingt\ll1, WentVi"or~h. Filed-'-'Welland, Brant, Lincoln. Endors'ed----Perth. Approved~Bruce. ELG'lN COUNTY COUNCIL 49 Moved. by pea. Carroll Seconded by J. D. Fraser: That the Gouncil d9. now aq.<jonrn to meet Tuesday morning at, ten o'clock. ---<Oarried. E, E. ACl1KINSOIN, Warden, , 50 EiLG[N COUNTY COUNC[L THI'R..n 'SEISSION";,;",,S'ECiQlND D1\ Y Tuesday, the 23rd" d1ay> of Novembr, 1943. The Elgin County Coull,eil met this day at the Court House, St. 'Ihomas, .in accordance .with adjournment': , 'The Warden in the chair. ., All the members present but Mr. Brown. The minutes of the preceding day were r.ead and adopted. Moved by G. D. Cloyle,' iSeconded by H. G. Taylor: That the Elgin County :OounciI take the necessary steps 'to estab- lishRailway Crossing protection where the Canadian Pacific Railway Cl',osses CountyR{)~d No. 318 at Stra.ffordville. -Carried. Moved. by 'E. Fahner, . ISeconded byW,E; Roberts: That we do now adjourn to meet at 2.30. -Carried. . The :Oouncil resumed. ;Mr. Truman moved that ,Mr. Dawson, Superintendent of the Ohil- dren's Aid :Society :be heard. . , . Mr. iDaws'on,:addressed the Gouncil. on the work of theS'Ociety. E[,IG[N COUNTY COUNCOCL 51 The r:eport of thePetiti'0ns and, Legislati,onCommlttee w'as pl'e- sent~d and a,dopted on moti'on of Mr. Truman, seconded by Mr. 'Garroll. The first report of the'],inance 'OommilJtee was pres'ented 'and ado1'>ted on motion of :Mr.Fraser; seconded by Mr. Fahner. . , 'The, report of the War [Purposes, OommIttee was -present,ed and adopted on motion of M:r. 'L,ashb-wok, seconded by Mr. Hioberts. The, report ,of the Gaor Committe.e was presented and adopted on motion of Mr. Leeson, seconded by Mr. Ry-an. Moved by E. Lashbrook, Seconded byJ. D. Fraser: 'l?hat we grant the Children's Aid 'Society the sum of FifteenlH'un;. dred Dallai's. '_', -Oarried. Moved by H; G. Taylor, Seconded 'by E.E. Atkinson: That the E~gin Ooun.ty 'Oouncil do he.r.eby commend the Honorahle T.--L. Kennedy, 'Ministerof Agriculture- for Onta.rio, in his sincere, UTI.- tiring ende'avor to bring about better farming condftions in,order that farmers can do their part in the prose,cution of the war, effort. And that a oopy of this resolution he sent' to the Honorwble ',T. :u. Kennedy,and to \a11 County Gouncils. -Darried. !Moved by J. C. Gillies, Seconded by G. Newell: ,5Q: EILGIN ,COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN, OOUNTY - COUNCIL 5~ I That the Dominion Government be asl~ed_ to abandon subsidies and in their, place give the faTmers- 'parity prices. THIltD S'ESSION-THmD DAY And that the Olerk be instructed h) send a copy .of this resolution to Mr. Gardiner and to all :Oouhty Oouncils, Wednesday', the 24th day of November, 1943\ Moved by o,eO'. Oarroll, Seconded byW. !G. Lumley: -lOarried. The Elgin -County Council met th~s day at', the Gaurt House,St. Thomas, in' accordance with' adjournment. , It was moved by Mr. Newell, seconded by Mr. Taylor, that, in the absence of the Warden, Mr. Io'oyle act as Ohairman. That we do now adjourn ta 'meet on Wednesday at 10 a.m. -Oarried., All the members pr,esent but Mr, Br.own and the Warden. - C, D. OOYLE, Chairman Communication from the' .countyO'f Bruce expressing a,ppr,oval of EJgin -County resolution re the freezing of farm hI-bar, was read and ordered' filed. The second report of the Finance' Oommittee was, presented and adopted on motion of Mr. [<1raser, seconded by Mr. Gillies. ' The Warden assumed the chair, I The Insurance report, was presented ,and adopted on motion of M_r. Newel1, seconded by -Mr. Roberts, The lH:ouse of 'Refuge r.e,po,rt was pres~n~ed -Ctud adopted on moti'on of Mr. Kimbl,e, s,eoonde-d by Mr. Lumley, The r.eport o-f the Education 'CIo.mri:1ittee was presented and adopted on.motion.of ;MT. "Taylor," sec-onded by 'Mr. Fahner. The report of the Road Committee was presel1ted and 'adopted on motion of .Mr. Newell" seconded by Mr. Gillies. Mr. W. IG.-Lumley requested information re expenditure for the Coilnty Constable patrolling county" roads during the half";load seaSon. '5'~ ELGIl'r COUNTY COUNCIL , ELGIN COUNTY COUNGiL 55 Moved by H. G. Taylor, It was moved by Mr. Taylor and seconded by Mr. Roberts, that a vat; of thanks beten.dered 'Miss /Moore and. the other ladies pr.esent. S>econded by E'. Lashbroolc: ~Carried. That this E,lgin'O'ounty Oouncil 'a,pprove of the establishment of a Receiving Home in ~t. Thomas by theoOhildren's ,Aid Society, --Carried. Movect,by G.,Newell, Seconded by E. Fahner: Moved, by Henry Miller , That we do now~djourn to meet at 10 a.m. on Thursday morning. -Oarried. Seconded by George, Carroll: K 'E. ATKiINS'ON, W'arden, That this Council do now adjourn to meet at 2 o'clock this after~~ noon. ...-..carried. The Gouncil Tesumed. The report of t.he' !Public' School !Health Service Oommitteewa.s presented by Mr; Ta.yI'or, who then, a,sk!ed Miss Mool'e, from the De--- partment of Health,'to address the 'Oouncil in respect of the-Service. lV!iss 'M!oore addre'ssed the Council and answered numerous ques- tions relative to the Service. Mrs. ,sinclair from Aylmer, also address,ed the Concil on the subject. Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by G. D, !Coyle: That this' Elg-in County Council take the necessary steps to estab~ Ush a Schoo~ Health Service, and that the Warden a,ppoint the neces- sary ,committee to ,administer the same. -Qarl'ied. ~6 Jill.G!]N OOUNTY COUNCI1G ElLqm COUNTY COUN'OIL 57 TU1)R;D S!ESISIQN..........POUR'IIH D"t\y Moved by J.-C. Gillies, Thursday, the 25th day ,af November, 194:3 ,Seconded by Geo.Gal'f'lolI: The Elgin County Oouncil met this day in accordance with ad.;. jDurnment. That the usual .grant - to the 'W'al'den be ,paid, -10al'ried. The Warden in the chair. Moved' by {E. Lashbrook, AU the members present. Seconded ;by G. Newell: The minutes of the preceding day wen~ rea.d arid confirmed. . That this Cbunty 'Council go on 'record as being, in acoord with anda.pproving of the Farm BI,oc Movement ,in the Oounty of Elgin or/any other movement designed 'to improv;e the conditions of the jarmerSi in the !County and that, a .copy of tl?-is resolution !be sent to all..oounty Councils in Ontario. Tl},efollowing' communications were received: ~rom the )Public .school Inspe'ctor, re County \Health unit. Filed, -IO'arried. From Summers !H1arper withOorn Borer Inspector's report. Or- dered received and pTinted in the Proce-edings on motion of Mr. Tay- lor, secon.dedby Mr. Gayle. Moved by N. M.cConkey, Seco~ded by F. L. Truman: The report of' the Agricultur;al" lC'ommittee was. presented l:J,ud adopted on moUon .of Mr. Newell, se'conded by Mr. Roiberts. That Mr.' Birdsall receiv;e' the usual grant of $2:5.00 for his serviees._ Moved by H. G. Taylor, -G9.Jrried. Seconded by J. G. ,IGilUes: Moved by E. Fahner, 'Ih,a,t this 'ElIgin ,County Goun-eil once ag'ain go on record as oppos;... iug Daylight iSaving Time and ask for -a return to Standard Time by January 1st, 1,944. 'Seconded by G.,Ellis: And, that a copy of this resolution be sent t,o Mr. Wilson Mills, M.P., H<)llorable Mackenzi.e King :and all Coun;ty' Councils. That we,rec-ommend to the incoming,Oounty Oouncil'that, 'at their January Sessi,on, they go into the matter of "a.ppointing committe,es very carefully and thatsmaHer 'committees be ~ppointed par'ticularlY during war time; so that various committees may in,eet at one time' and so expedite the busine'ss of th.e,Gounty,Gouncil. _Carried. -<Oanied. 58 E'LG[N COUNTY COUNC[L ELG[N COUNTY COU'NC[L 59 l'Vpoved iby W. B.Roberts, Movedhy Geo. Carroll, seconded by G. N ~well: Seconded by J. 10. Gillies: , 'That the sum of $10 be granted to -Miss Pineo, reporter' - for the London _ IFree Press. That by~l-aw No. .1412: be'read a second time. -CailTied. ,.......JOarried.. Moved bY' Tyler Leeson, _ Moved by J. C. Gill.ies, Seconded !by Thomas Sope,r: Seconded by George Carroll: That by-law No. 14111, '''To- Amend By-law No. 13211a.nd r~peal By-law !N'o~13'OO," be read ,ft first time. That by-law No. :141'2 be read a third time and finally passed. , -Carried. -'Parried. Moved by Thomas Soper, The Warden appointed Messrs. Taylor, Lashbrook, Gillie's and Newell a Committee foriPUblic Health. Seconded by Tyler Leeson: -Moved .by G. Newell, That by-law No. :1411 he. read -a second time. --Carri.ed. Seconded by -E. Fahner: Moved by W. - B, Roher~s, That we adjourn sine die. ----lOarl'ied. Seconded by iC.Ellis: That by~law No. l41!1 be read'a Itbird time and finally passed., ....:....;Oarried. Moved by J. O. Gillies, Seconded by George Oarroll: That by-law No. 14.12, "To Authorize the Purchase of $15,000 Victory! Loan Bonds," be read a first time. ~Cal'1'ited. 66 Taylor Gillies Gillies Coyle ELGIN COUNTY ,COUNCIL STANOING COM.MII'TTJEJEiS, 1943 County RO!ads Chairman':, stewart iBrown Newell Gillies Advisory: Coylf;l, Fraser and McM1llan AgriciUlt.ural Chairman;1 Gordon Newell , McMillan Brown Coyle Taylor Ga'101 Chairman: Tyler Leeson Miller Ryan H.ouse of. Refuge Chairman: Richard Kimble ElliSl Lumley Finail1:C'e Chairman: J.!D. :Fraser 'McMillan Brown Roberts Miller Lashbroolc Ryan Leeson Fahnel~ Roberts Roberts . Newell Taylor Carroll Palmer McOon~ey Fahner EILG[N COUNTY COUNCIL EdUe.ation 'Chail'ma;n: H,G. Taylol' Lumley Kimble Truman 'Ryan Fraser Miller P~i:tilons a,.nd Le,gisla;t~on Chairman: :F. iL. Truman Soper McConkey Ohildren's !Aid Mr, Lashbrook and the Warden Lega:l Gh&lrman: George, 9a1'1'ol1 Fraser Soper War Purposes' Ohairman: E, 'Lashbrook MoConkey Brown 61 Soper Ellis Leeson ,Lashbrook Carroll Roll.rt' 62' ElLiGlJ:N COUNTY. COUNC[L REPORTS OF COMMITTEES AJGIOICUcurUIML COMMITTEE ,Jartua.ry Seisiion To the E'}:gin County Council, Gentlemen: 'IJhe 'Algricultural C()rnmittee reports as follows,: , 1. 'That the'Ohairman and 'Stewart Brown ;be appointed to at.. tend the ;Beef iProduc,ers! meetings. 2. That Summers Harper :eontinue as:Oounty Cdrn Borer In.;; spec,tor. 3. That we approve ,the 'usual grant of ,$I,QOO if':ar the Elgin' Coun- ty Adviso:ry Agricultural 'Bloard. 4. 'I'hat 'we a:pp:mve the usual grant of '$~5 to the' Ointado Oon- serv,ation and IR,eforest.ation Associati>on and that the ,Reforestation Committee {,onsJst of the members of the Agri~ultural Committee. 5. That we ,concur with r.esolutiou received from the Oounty of Kent re the lifting of embargo on Oanadi,auoattle or the equivalent in prlce {)f ,American markets. 16. That communioation frloID'the Department, of Agriculture 1'e chemical we,ed 'kiHer he; 'filed. 7~ 'I'hat we ,approve of the usua.l grant of ,$50. to the Ontario A:gricul'tural Gouneil and that the Chairman a,ppoint delegates for the annua.l conventwn. ,8. 'Ihat we concur with resolution from the County of S1mcoe re the cal1ing~, of farmers for <military service. ELGIN COUNTY C.OUNCIL 63 9. 'I'hat w,e concur with r.esolutious from tl1:P Oounties of, Yorlt and Peel 1'e regulations for cutting of !forests. ,10. ,That ~we concur with resolution ;from the County of Oarleton re military exemption of farm labor. ,11. That we concur with resolution from the County of Wel1ing~ tQn re 'removal o'f embal'go on ICanadianciattle. ,12. . That the following the members of the A9.'Vioory AJgrtoultural Board: W. lB. Lancaster, J. iH;ISloan, RaIph AuckHmd,(R.. A. F'enhale, Harry Kent, GTant Mibchell and D. Ndble. All of which is r,espec:tfully 'sulbmitt,e'd. OOCRJ)ON NE1WIEI1L, Chairman, January, 194:3. 64 EILGIN COUNTY COUNCIL June, 'Sesston. -Fi:l-st R~pOl.t ToO the Etg'iu. Ciount'Y Council: Gentlemen: The AgricultJUral 'Oommibtee report-sas follqws: 1. That resolution from' the County of ILincoln re support of the FederatioOn of tA:griculture he 'fUed. , '2. That 'reply from the rwartime .prices and- Tr.ade Board, .ot- tawa, to Elgin :Oounty ,r;esolution 'on beelf prices .be filed. 3. That, the 1,9412 report of the Ontario Conservation and RefDl'- estation As_sociation be filed. A. That 'we ooncur with resolution from the Oounty af Went- worth re U€iW legislation for (National Selective Service. 5, . That we ;Concur with resolution from the County of Dufierin re postponement of iarm labor for military 'service. 6. That we c'Ollcul'<with resolution from the Oounty of Princ~: Edward re production of farm equipment., 7. That we ,concur with resolution from the County of Qrey re increas:ed pric'es for hogs and cattle. 8. 'I1;1,at re'soluti-on :from the C'ounty of Grey 1'e the Use, for' D15- .abJed iSoldiers'iReha1bHit'ation purposes, of land un:suitab;le f,or agri- cultural purpos€\sbe filed.-- 9. That /we -concur 'With resolution from the 'Counby of Waterloo rB the importation of coal. '10., That ,we (lOUiCUl' with resolution from the ,County of Perth re the discon,tinuance oJ gas tax on marked gasoline. EILG[N-COUNT'y COUNOIL 65 11.' That'we concur ,with re'solution from the Countyof.Middlesex, Ie le,g.is'lation, to limit the >cuttin:.g of ,tl1'1ees. 112. -That.. 'we ;concur with resolution. from the County of 'Peel re i~crease' in ce1lin'g prrice ,of farm product::;. 13. That we - concur 'with ,resolution from the ,County' of Norfolk re the ,placingofaceilinlg pil'ice an' transient lahor wages'. AU .of which ils respectf'ully submitted. GORDON NEWIEILL, Chairman. June,. 1943. .Ttme; Sess~()n' -- S.ooond R.eport T.o the EJgin Oounby' Council: Gentlemen: The \Agricultural Committee reports as-follows: The' follow!ng is submitted in- response 'to the Warden's.requ~st f.or a five-year planting plan for the t'wo county gravel pit farms in Ya.rmouth Township. A preliminary inspeytion of these farms was mad-e and areas suit.. able for planting'examined-and estimated. In the,f:a.rm in the Oatfish C'reekv.alleythere 'are, prdba:bly fa) a:bout. thirty ,acres of "old ,fields which comprIse the 'higher:,parts ot the bottomland, the soil pe~ng mainly a sandy'loam. (b) : About, 'owenby acres ,of lower Ibottont land quite 'subjeot ,to 06 ElLG[N COUNTY COUNmL flooding,the soil varying from l.oamy sand to' sand. Much of this 'bears a &0att.ered to heavy ,cover of scrub willow, etc, Total for this farm - 50 acres. In the :farm near White'siStatLon,a-side front the area underlaid Iby,' coml11er,cial quantities .of' ,gravel there are €stimted to ,be (a) forty- ei:ght aC'res: of open fields of which et.ghteen were planted the spring of 11943, leaving thirty acres unplanted. In this the soil i<~ sand to- gravelly loam 'with Slome small spots. loam or even clay loam. AU is naturally well drained. , (lh) 'Thirteen by ,a SiC~U1b stand tain and poor. acres of slope. .and bottom land partially covered of shrub and tT~e growth. The drainage is uncerR , Cc) Seven acres of worked-out gravel pit. Total for ~his "farm. (unplante;d)'---.50 Q,cres. This indicates that there are in the neighborhood of 'one hu:ndred acres avaUaJble for planting or twenty acr.es; to pls.ut per - yea..r thro-wgh period of five years. It is 'Proposed that 'ten acres be planted on eac,h of the are'as each yea,r, plp.nting the :old' fieldS! first in' the :Oatfish Greek area and plantinga:bout six areres ,of open field and four -acres of slope arid 'bottom land on the area at White's IStation. Th1swould require ,an an aVeTag.e of a'bout thirty-five thousand trees annually. The species of trees t,o !be planted will vary J?.omewhat from area to area '" and deta.iled information for each specifi,c area_ will be sup'" plied to 'the Re-f.ore~t-ation IOommittee each year in advance of the' planting: season. ,H.o'WeveT, it is p'l'oposed to-use mainly white pine, red pirie, lEur,opean larch, whibe Spruce, Norway spruce 'and blaek locust 'with, lesser quantities .of black Walnu_t,ash,silv!!l' maple, elm, tulip, cott>O!l'woodand others, As indicated :bef.ore this preliminary plan must be supplemented:' ELG'IN COUNTY CQUNCTL 67 annually by detailed planting plans faT' the specific' areas 00 h,e planted e:achresp€iotive year. W'ith ~wenty-;five thousand trees al1'eady planted-- ,and 'a definite objective set up the initial steps in, developing county: fo-rests ,for El- gin have DeEm ta,ken, There. are great p.o~sdlbi1ities for expanding this activity and the Ontario iD1vision of tReforesta~ion 'Will continue liO ,render assiS'D,ance whenever possible. All of which ils respectfully .submitted. 'aORiDONNE.WEJDL, Ohairp:lan. June, 1943. November Session TotheE!l~in County Oouncil, l"Jentlemen: The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That we ,concur with resolution from the County of Grey.-re National Selective Service. 2. Th~t we concul'with resolution from the Gounty' of Grey r,e' redliction o~ .freigp.t rates on western grain. 3. That resolution from the Oounty of Grey. re 'assessment of rural property to finR:nce the Federations of Agricul~ure be filed. 4. That w.e c,on-cur -with .request from the ICounty of Norfolk r,e corn borer clean-up, .,';'i '63 ELGm COU1'1TY COUNCIL .5","That We' concur 'with.resulution from the'-ICourity:'ofYork :r.e, ceiling price on farm products. 6. Th~t, we',concUi'~ with;,resolutiou' from the' 'County 'of, Carleton r.e ilicrease:inthe prioe ,'Of,' cheese. ;.7{! That we cOllcui' with resolution -from theOounty'6f. .Watedoo re increas,ect shipments 'Of western: grain: All of whicJ.:l is l'esp'eCitfully'submitted. GORDON NlEWElI.,iL, cmairman November, 1943 ELGa;N COUNTY CQUNOn, 69 EDU()ATllm COMMlITiTEE -January' Sessi~n To the Elgin OountI,Y Council: Gentlemen: , TheE'duc'ation Committee reports as followS': That membership !fee in the Ontario (E'ducational AssQociation 'be paid and that the W'arden appointJdelegates to attend the Conv-ention. All of which is reJspectfully submitted. iH. G. TAlYlLOR, Ohairman January, 1943. ,~", June Session To the Elgin Caunty Council: Gentlemen : The Education Committee l'€ports as' follows: 1. ~'hat we boneur with resolution from the Gounty of Went~ wo.rth re amendmen~ to S;ection 39 df the l{ilghSCh'ools A'Ct. 2. That ccmmunic~ation from the Rural Life Committee ot the Ontario Federation of Horne and School t(\soociations Ibe filed. 3'. That annual report from the O~E.A,County Douneil secti,on, bef'iled. All of which is respectfully submitted. Ir. G. TAYOOR, Chairman June, 1943, 70 ElIJGfIIN ,OOUNTY COUNCIL November Session To the Elgin Oounty Douneil; Gentlemen: The Education Committee .l'-eports as follows: 1. That we concur with resolution- ~rom the United Counties of Northumberl~nd and Durham re the cost of maintenance of High, Continuation 'and Vocational Schools. .. All of which is respectfully submitted. H. G. 'rAfY[;0Rl, Chairman November, 1943 ELGIN dOUN'l'Y COUNOlL 71 ,mN~ICIE OO_e:rIEE Janua,y Se~sila!l1~Fi)rSltRjepot"t . To - the Elgin County Council:' Gentlemen: The IFinance tOommilitee reports as follows: 1. 'That the Warden appoint an Insurance Committee to rep.ort at the' June Sessio11. 2. That we renew our employees polioy with the General ,Accident Insurance Co., [Ft. -!II. Melt'feU, agent. . All of which iJSJ respectfullY - S'UJbmitted. J, D, l'1RiASIER, Chall1lUan' January, 1943. Januail'Y s'essiJDn-S'CIcond R,(tp,olt't To the. Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: The !Finance Gommi.btee reports as follows: 1. That ,the followinig'accounts be paid: Muni'Cipal World, L~d., supplies Mercury-Sun, Pl~nting proceedings' T,imesw,Journal, share of ad. re ,blood donors,.. '" ,. "",$ 87 84 294 00 10 00 72 E[,Q([N COUNTY COUNCIL Catholic 'Children's Aid Society, Toronto" maintenance.. Children's Aid 'Society, London, mai'nt'enali.c:e Arthur D. Oatman, ambulance 'fol"T. Sommerville... Dept. Provo iSeCre'tary, couVieyanceo'f criminals.. Onto 'Training Behocl fnr Girls, maintenance... 51 85 31 20 3 00 13 44 3650 2. That a grant of :four hundred dollars be given to the Salvation ","my. 3. That a grant of $:25(} \be paid to the Oanadian N'attonal Insti- tute: for the iBlind. ... 4. That mem1hersblp 'fee. of '$Q:5,in the Ontario Munlcipal,Assooia~ tionbe paid and that the 'Warden appoint delegates to the annual convention. 5. That the fWal'den and Treasurer 'be authari-zed to borrow the sum of I$~OO,O{)(Ji from the IBank of Montreal for current expenditures for, .1943, and that the necessary Iby~lawbe prepared. 6. That the usual grant of >$150 be paid to the -Elg,in Law Libraryl Association. 7. That no a1C'tion "be taken re the Ontario Association ()f Rural Municipalities. ' ,All ,of which is resped.fully submitted. J. D. FIRA'sER" Chairman January; 1'943. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL JaUllary SesS~ird &eport To theE'lgin County Councn: Gentlemen: The ,Finance OO!llmi.ttee, reportsaSi follows:: .That the following hoS'pitaLacc:ounts. be paid: Memorial ~ospiti\l,_ st. 1:homas- Main teriance Gra~t(3160' days at 5Oc) Victori-a Hospital, !London Soldiers' MemorialiHospital" TiUsonburg-:-<_ Maintenance Grant ,(680 days, at 5O-.c.) "-'" P:a,rkw-ood Hospital, !London Ontario Hospital, Woodstoc'k Norfolk General !Hospital All of which is il'espectfully submitted. 73 6411 li5 18000 <I> 72S 1'51 381 50 ~15 00 290 00 1005 00 480 00 3M 00 1,3 25 $2960 90 January, 1.943. J: D~FIRAlSlEjR, Ohail'lfUan ...$1160, 161 367 60, $1517'00 74U 7'5 74 EILGiN COUNTY COUNCIL June Sessi'on-\Fitrst Replllrt To the- [E.lg'in OOU:q:tly-Council: lGentl'El11ien: The Finance Committieer, reports as folIoWSI: 1. 'l ill at tr.o€J f{)llol1,\ing 'hcspWala'CcaUnlts bepa'id:' Memoria,l HO'spita1, 1St. 'Thomas>- Ma~nten:a.nc:e Grant ('7G:~ days at ':500) ....".. Vict'oria! [HOiS'pitall . [s,ondon ,soMters' lMemori1al Hospli:tal, Ti1lsonibur.~ Maintel}all'ce Grant (:1118 days at-5Glc.) 1m. Jbse'ph:',S; :Ho'5'pi:ta>l, Londion Toronto Gener.al lH'ospital MaCo,rmiClk iHcane'for Ag'ed People..". Fa.t"kwoodJ Hospital, London OntRrl,o" Hos'pital, W,oodstoct< All of which is res'pecllf'ul1y su'bmittEId. J. D, F'RAiSlER,' Chadrman June, 19'43 197 30, 59 eo, 21,;6,30 38 60, 4<3' 75 29 50 1387 60 3164 00 $4383 95 EL<)H' COUNTY COUNOIl, 75 June S,essi,on.......S~lcond Report To the ELgin Ciountw 'ClauncH: Gentlem,en: The F'inanceCommHbee reports as follows: 'That, having inquired into,'tfrle t:inanoesof the, Oounty,,: a.nd'esti~ mates prepaT'€d iby .the CountyT'reasureT, they; h€l'Ielwith- sUlom1ta, state'ment Of theexpend'iture .re:quirep! for the la'wf'Ul,:vur,p.oses:of' the County during' .19'43, shov.'jinrg the -am;ounlt required .to, _be, rarised 'for the undel'-mentionedpurposes: Admiuistrartiou of Jus'tice .House" ,of ,,'ReJfug,e PUlb1i1Ci iSchoollSl Off<io'ers" iSalartes Memhers" ,wag~s Court House Gommi'ssion Interest County Roads Ohildren's Aid Hospd taliza:tiqn Misce'lIaneous War Pur'p,oses Grants, kgrlcultural Reserve F'urrd I $800000i 5500 00' 40100 O~ 6500' 00, 40000,0' 4000' 0,01 300,000 580001 00 12000 00 9000 e~ 41761 eo 10000 eo 4000 00 200001 001 -~~ $IU3U76> 00 Yc-urcommitibe'6 (would re'ccmmend that the ,sum of One Hundvect andF'ifty'-One: 'Thousand" One iHuudire1dandJ i3eventy.IS,ix,Dol'larsbe raisEd en :all :rateah1e' proper1,y in th'es,e'V'€T,ail munic1palitie'S o'f-tha. County of Elgin diUriulg' the,'yea.r 194.>3 ,for'ICounty purposes, and, that a ra.te 'O'f:ftv.e mills on the diolla.r !be', Jevierd on ra.tealbie.'Propert~ in the s€ve,ral municip.alitries in the Ciounty to' rais;"e sa.idJ amounts. AU of which,iS: l'espeetlfuUy sufbmi'tt'eJd~ J. D,. FRAISlEta,,-Chairman June; 1943 76 EOCJGIN COUNTY COUNOIL June ISessi.Qri.":""Third 'Report To the Elgin County Oounlcil: Gen tl-emen: 'The !Finance Committee rep,?rts as .foll.o'Ws': 1. W:e l'ecorn:rr;€ud that a commitJtee qf four mernl'aer,s. 00 appoint- edqy the Warde'r7 to investi:gat(e the Puiblicd HealtJ4 Plan ,and to rep.o-rt at the Novem'ber' ses'sion. . 2.' Tha,t oommrunication 'from the Ontario Municipal A.s~ociation l'eannual c'onv-enbionbe 'filed. 3.'I11Iat we apipl'ove ,of proposal fr'om the Department df Health ra remo'Val of p:WUents from Parkwoo.dI Ifospital; Londion, to Miseril~ Icordia Hospital in \HaHeyibury; the Oounty to' a'cOO'J,1t responsibility for 50 per cent.olf the 'co,st of t1l"ansportation. 4. 'T(hat communiC'aUon Ifrolpl the' County ISolicitor 1'e the Ellis famiJ\y be filed, 5. That. 'we tRike no a.cUD'll 1'0 -purchaoo o:f Ann~al Heport of Municipal Sitatist'ics. 6. 'Ihat reque,Slt. for grant frDffi the Hosp.tta.l for SicilcChildren, Toronto, be' fHoed. ' 7. 'I'hat a, g.r'ant 0'[ $110.00 'in WRr Savings Istam.p.~ be given to the 'winner {)If 'the El'gin iOo.unty Vi'ctory Qu1z Contest., ' I 8. Th,at ,a: Igrant of ,$:215.00 he gi'ven to Hetty 'Cram, ,'winnerr of the El,gin Oratorioal Contest 'fOO" 'ex~enses to Chath~m' and Toronto. 9. 'rhat the' Tax iSale !be deferred! 'for one, year. ElLGl'N OOUNTY COUNCIL 10. T'h'at the: 'f{)llow.ing ,a"ccounts ibe 'Paid: Municipal ,World, Clerk: and.' Treasurer's Offolc'e. and! RSgLstl',y Qlfjfi1ce Aylmer "EXpr-ess, ad. re Victory; ILoan and _Aucli1tD'rs' <Reiports Times-Journal, ad. 1"e Victory Loa~ M611CUry;.IS'uil, 1'50 name' card's UnderlWood, Ellio,tlt ~isher, Ltd., repairs... Bram Saywell, adding machine paper Dept. of Prov. Sec., oonveyance of prisoners.... Sanders 1& Sanders, .solilcitor's'account TownshIp' of YarmoUtlh, hospital ,aocount C, ,A. ,S., Tor,onto-, maintenance C. A._IS., ["ondon and ;Mtddilesex, maintenance.. Olit.Training Sc'h091 for Girls.. ,................... Onto Tra1n.ing ISchool fOJ;" Boys J, D, Thomson, County Cle:r1t's account H. L. l.,&wton,!Corweyinlg' inmate to rHo of ~fuge... All -of which 'is reSpectJfullysub1!li'tted. J. D.' :FtRArs:mR; .Chairman June, 1943. " ~ 77 73 29 ~62; 00 64 80 10 00 700 1 50 56 56 3,0 00 '49 50 102 00 140 60 67 50 22 50 5 50 3. 00 ir(' , 78 EILG[NCOUNTY COUNC[L November:' Session__First Report To the Elgin County Council, (Gentlemen: , The"Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. 'That the fonowinghospital aqcounts be paid: Memorial aospital, St. Thomas, Maintenance Grant-13'l3 days, at 50c .... ......$2275,,'75 656 50 . ----'$2932 25 31 35 801 50 Brantford Genei'al Hosp:~tal Victoria Hospital, London ..................... M;emorial Hospita.1, Tillsonburg, Maintenance Grant-.,5'2n days at 500 8~~ 00 25'8 00 1W700 1110 50 736 00 5 25 117 49 2S on Parkwood Hospital, London Out-ado Hospi.t.al, Woodstock E:<ospHal for Sick Children, TDl"Onto.". 'McCormick Home for' Aged P.eople, Londou.. T01~onto Generftl. Hospital $6869 34 2. Tha.t' the 'County assume full cost of indigent ,patients when they have, been certified to be incur,abl-e' by tWD physicians' arid placed on the list .for an incurable' institution. ~. That the,Gormty assume full cost of burial. expense of all indig- ent, .incurable paUents. All of Which is respectfully submitted.- . , J. D. FRASER, Chairman November" 1943 ELG[N COUNTY COUNCIL 79 Novem;ber S'ession:-..;..selCoud.~Report To the Elgin Oounty Douncil, Gentlemen.: The Finance Committee repol'ts as follows: '1. 'That communication from Victoria Hospita.1re Hospitalization 'of Isolation, Patients be. filed. 2. That Olerk's report on Old Age Pensions be received' and printed in . !Proceedings: 3; . That Olerk's report on ,Licenses be received and'printed in the Pr.oceedings; 4. Tha:t Olerk's report on Mothers' Allowances be received and prin~ed in the Proceedings.- , 5. That' communication fr,om the University of Western Ontario re Arms lOoIlection f.or the UniversitY" Museum be filed.' 6. 'rhat we -roncui' with rf!solution from the County o~: Wentworth re bank interest on, loans to Oounties. 7. Tha.t we concur with resolution from the Oountyof Simcoe" re B<:JYs'. and Girls' Training Scho.ols. 8. -That 'by-law to confirffi,purchase of. $15,000 of 3% fully reg." istered Dominion of Canada. iBondsof the 5th 'Victory Loan :be pre- pared. 9. That we pay County members of the Ohildl'en's Aid .society the 'same as. last year. In.' , That the 'Tl'easurer's:Bond be insured with E.,G. Ward, of Springfleld, BO EILGIllN ,cOUNTY COUNCr~ I' , ILL That we give'"R grant o.f ,~10.00 t,o J'a,ckie McMillan, winner of the Victory Loan Quiz., 1,2. That the f611pwing aCCQunts be paid: London & Middlesex '0. lA. S., maint~nance .....$, 12'6 06 , -.' .Municipal, World, supplies, C~erk, Treasul'.er and Regis- try Office Rainbow's Bookstore, Clerk's Office' ,and Law Library Underwood, Elliott Fisher,. Registry OffIce Catholio O. :A~ S., Toronto, Maintenance Onto Training- School for Girls,Maintepace onto Training School for Boys, Mahitena~lCe Township oJ Bayham, HIospital acct. 1'e N . Mulholland TownShip ,of Yarmouth, Hospital :acct. re Jane Smith Tbwnship 'Of Aldborough, !Hospital a,cd. roe Thos. Som~ ville Times-Journal, ,Ad. re Victory LoanOampaign. The :Mel'curY-ISun, 100, Finance Reports The Aylmer ~press, Ad. re Victory Loan Campaign.. V.ernon Directories, Ltd., GUy ,Dir,ectory Onto ~pt. .of Health, Insulin E.' Lashbrook, Telephone' accou:t;lt Atkinson Flune-ral, Home, Funeral. acct. re Dept. ,of Provincial Secretary, Conveyance Miss Lyle of iPrisoners 133 73 4 35 , 2,5 5q 156 40 7400 11 50 h~~6i 00, 1'22 12 3363 6B 00 10 00 25 00 8 64 93 1 55 5000 , 85 20 13. That the usual grant of $100, be g'iven to the Town of :A:ytlmer :e th,eir lock-up which ha.s been appr'ov~d by the High County Con- ,talble. 14.. That the usual grant of :$50' :be 'given to the Villa.ge of -Spring- field re their lock-up which has :heen approved by the High C'ounty -Dons table. 1!5. That the salary of ,J, D.-Thomson, Couhty C'lerk,be increased' by $200 per annum; said, increase to take eUect January 1st, 1944, and that the necessary by-law be prepared. =,N COUNTY COUNCIL 81 1,6. That the Special 'Oommittee, on Insurance continue to function, and to arrange a joint meeting wi~h a committee to be approved by the !Oity Oouncil; ~ said committe,es to come to an agreethent on the Court 'House ,Insurance and to report to the 'County Gouncil at the' January Session. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. FRiAiSER., Chairman NoveQ'lber, 1943 '~';' 82 ELOIN COUNTY COUNCIL 'GAOL OllMiMllTUJE .Janual'Y Se$i'on To the ELgin County CauniCil: Gent1emen: The,'Oa:olICommittee: reports as foUows: 1. Th.at ac'c:ouut of"iC.-E. ~ex'en !for }$3.'2S be paid. 2; Thatowingw'wat condftiollS- thelGaol.Oommittee be given .polW.er to purchase coallfor the yearl~943 by-tender. , 3. We recommend the red:ecol'lating of the Po1.i.ce Off1;ce, County C~ertk.s Offi'oe, the TreasuIIei"'s Otffi'ce,and the Gtiunty Road S'uperiu':' tendent's Q[ffice. AU of which' 1St reS'pectlfuu.y ,su1bm~ttetl. TY1LEIR LElElSO'N, Oh~irm.n January, 1943 ElLGIN COUNTY COUNGLL .Jun!t'l Semipn To the Elgin County Council-: Gent'lemen: The' Gaol -Committ,ee repQr'tsasfollows: That.\the following accounts be p'aid: TurvH1e: Elootrlici ,instalUng"bel1 siyStemJ in GaoL Gillard & lP.rlce.' waterser'Vice ~t O'ourt.. House Closet a~ ,rrurnkey's reside'nee... TimeS-Journal, tend€ir5 rei decorating.., Clty of St. Thom,as, flushing: se'wer:it 03101.. er's residence Oook's Repa,irShop; ,2 keys C1ty ot St. Thomas; oilit1lg Stanley, ,st....: .PUlblicl Utilities Com~sion:, ~ep:aLrii1g water pipe, etc., from Court House to lW'elli.ngton 1St. line All of which 1s respec;tfullysulbmitted. .........$ 4400 43'071 83 25 26 88 00 100 3 00 70, 769 6~35 TYLlEIR LiEESON, Chairman November Session To the ,Elgin County 'Council, Gentlemen: The Gaol' Committee reports as follows: 1. That tender from Beckett's Bakery fOl' supply of ibread for th~County Gaol at '5%c per loaf (wrapped) .be a.ccepted. 84 EiLGIN' COUNTY COUNOlL 2,' That Mr. Cook be ordered to place new locks on cells in the Oounty Gaol. 3. That the- following accounts he ,paid: Charles 'E. fRiaven, sho~s Kflpatrick Bros., letter., slot, ,Thegisf,ry Office..' GeorgeH. Small, drugs Andersons Ltd~, soX: Gillard & Price" l',epairs Turvill~, Electric, repairs Cook's' iRepair ISh()p" repairs to lawn mowers.. Kilpatrick, Br~s., furll'~ce :cement ELginC'oun~y Highways; labor on water main.. Gillard & Price" furnace, Gaoler's residenc.e 3480 60 2 03 39 08 !},55 490 7 00 50 1050 262 40 / All of which is respectfully submitted. ,4. That storm winc10ws bE;! placed on'the west side of the Gaol. T1YLiER "LEESON, Chairman November, 1943 " ErLG[N COUNTY' COUNCIL 85 HiOUI'lE (){FiRiE~UGE, COMlM!lTTEIl J;a;nuaI'Y Se.s.s.iJ:>n To the Eligin County Council:, Gentlemen: The Houseo.f Refuge iCbmmitteereports as follows: 1. That. 'vhe' sala.ry of the Physician of the House of' Refuge' be restoredt to' $300 . 'per year. 2. Thata.ccount from the -':rimes-Journal for $4.00 he paid. 3. 'Ihat ntemb-ership 'fee in the Asoooiation of ,Managers of !Homes !fDr the Aiged and Inrirm1be paid and that. the Keeper, ~atron, In~ spector and Chairman and Warden \be dle-Jegates to. thaAnnu~l, Oon~ vention. 4. Wel recommend that tih:e B,ppointment (If a. Kee:per and Matron be deferred until m.ore applications can be ,1l1'Vestitga.ted. All of whi,ch' 15 res'pec'tfully sulbmitted. R. KLM1B['~E,Chairman January; 1943 January 30th, 104;1 'flh>e House of Refuge Oommittee met this day at,theCourtHouse to considierappHcations 'for t,he posltionsof -Keeper and Matron,..and after discussing theaP'Plica.tions t'h-e committee unanimDU's.ly' agreed on the appointment of IMr..J, IG. Turnbull as- K-ee'per andi~his wife, iMyrtleAnne Turr1lbtlll,.as IMatron of theE~gln !HQuse.of RefUl.:,D'i€' at a, combined salary of '$1,.500 per annumIP3.JYa:ble monthly with ho~rd 86 ErLQ[N COUNTY COUNCIL. and l'<Jd'giIllg in the said-House a,t the expense-of the Corpo1'ation. Dutie;s t.o commence 'M'a.fich.lst; It9'43. . A lb'Y~law to' be prepared 'for approval'py theC'ounty Counoil at the June session. ; The "c'ommittee hired Mr. and! tr"I,'rs. ~redJ,iHe.rman as_ hiredima.n alid oodk at the Insotitutiion at a ,salary of $1,20() per year, paY'ble monthly, with 'boa.rd:" and l'Odlging in the: House at the ex;pense of the Oorporation. -Duties to commence ~arch 1st, 1943. .June Sessbn To the Elgin Oounty, Oouncil: Gentlemen. : The, House oif Refuge IQomm1'btee' reports as follows:. L 'Ilha,t the ac'oount of Frank Trace lior $59.57, (be pa,id. 2. That ,Mr. and rMIs. F. H. Ingram !be given a 'grant of' $500' in apPlI'eciation of their many years' 'faithful services to vhe County. 3. .. 'Fhat c'ommunic'ation re 'the Annual Convention of Superin;. tendents andl Matrons of Aged People"s Homes ,be 'filed, All of which is l'eS'Pectful1y sulbmitted. R, KJ1MBLE,. Chainn.an ,Tun" 1943 EL.CHN COUNTY, COUNO!U 87 November S.ession ToO the Elgin County :Council, Gentlemen: The [House of Refuge Committee l'eports as follows: 1. That the Physician's rep'ort lbe received' and pl'inted in the Proceedings. 2. That the C'ounty Inspector's report be l'ec~ived and printed -' in the Proc,e,edings. 3. That tender ,of Beckett's Bakery' f,or bread at 5Y.rC a loaf (wrapped) be accepted. 4, That your Committee have disposed of the 'herd of cattle' at the institution al1~d:have purchased 101 head of pure bred" T, B. tested, accredited Jersey catt.le, 5, That the PrOVincial Inspector's report-be 'filed.. All of which is respe'ctfully submitted, RTCHIARID ,KIMBLE; Chairman November, ' 1943 68 ELG[N COUNTY COUNC1L LEGAiL OOMl\!ll'l1TEE JamUil'y'. S.eSSlplp. Gentlemen: To the EIllgin lOonnty Oouncil: The :Lr,~galICommitt,ee re'Port~ I a.sfollows: That IW-8 rene'w the frallChise' with the Dominion N'atural Gas Co., and that tale ',Wiard-en and Oler1tlbe, authorized, to si~' the wgree~ ment ,and by-law. All of whioh is respec:tful1(y sJubmit,ted.. OEO. M. QAlRjR()[1L, Chairman January, 111943 EILGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 89 INSUIMNQE CPMlMOCTrrlm To the~ El'gin c.ounty CoullIcil: Gentlemen: Your'Insurance Oommit);ee reports'as follows,; 1. That 'w-e -recommend that all county employees and the two . auditors 'be insured lWiththe General Acicident Insurance Go., $20,000 for any, one, person and ,$'40,OO(} for anyone aooident to. prote~t the County olf 'Elgin against awards made Ibryl thel Ontario Workmen's Co..mpensation ,Board in event of an ooourpatioual accident. 2. Tht we recorrim.end that the members of the COunty C:ourucU be insur,ed\under the Combination iPolicy of the General Accident J:~1~ surance Company; Principal sum, $5,000 ata 'premium of$21W.per year. ' ,~" 3. That 'we rec-ommend that a surv:~or:f <1U Ooun~y Property, LiaJbility and: 'Bonds Insurance ,be ~ade by the ',Frank. ,cOWan Agency at no c'ostto the 'Oounty in event that the insurance is placed with the ,satd Agency; if the fbusiness is placed ,else'wh-ere the Oounty to assume>t'he cost O,f theap.praisal, not to ,ex.ceec1 $80. All of which is r-especVful1y submitted. GOIBJDOfN NIEl.WlIDLL, C'hairlnan May 26th, 1943. . 90 ElLGmNOOUNTY COUNOIL INSURIAiNOE C:OMlMlTfl'EE November Se~sion , . ~o the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Insurance Committee reports as follows: 1. That we insure all the buildings on 'the Oountyof Elgin House of Refuge farm under a blanket plan. with the Perth 'M'utual Illsu:rance- Oompany, Frank.'O'Gwan, Bl'okel'. '2. That the ClOunty \Solicitor be requested, to furnish information to the- IJ:nsurance Oommittee re the Oounty's interest in the ^' Ganrt House; Gaol,Registry Office and the Turnk'ey'sResidenc~. All of which is respectfully-submitted. GiORJD'ON' NEWELL, ChaIrman Novenibel', 194'~ EILGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 91 PE1'ITIONS AND LEGIS.LATlON COMiMITTEE January Session To the E[gin County C'ouncil: GentJemen: / ;'Ihe Petitions and Legt51a'tio~ Oommittee l'eportsas follows: 1., T(l:l'at we concur with ,resolut.ion'frorn the Countq of Lambton re amendlment to the Mothers' Allowance ACt. tJ. Th1at we- concur with: resolution from the 'C<lUnty -of Simc'oe i'.e amendment to the PUblic Hosjpita1s Act. lAB of which is respectfulfjr sUbmitted. l"RAiNK - L. TRtr:MAN',. Chairman January, 1943 June Session To the Elgin ;County .council: Gentlemen: The iPetitions and Le!g'islation OOmJrnitt,ee reports as 'rollows: 1. That ria action be taken re resolution from ,the County of Wentworth asking ~or the a.bolition olf' dayliglht sa;viug1 time. '. / 2. Tha't we 'coimur with res'OlU'tion f-rom, t,he 'County of O~fo'rd 1'e-the fees charged ,:for the cerU.f~y<ing! ai!' lthe variolls vo,ters! lists. 92 ELGIN COUNTY . COUNCIL l ,3. :That re.sblutionfrom the Oounty '{J;fHalton re' amendment to the Assessment Act where it d'e.als wth tax sales, -be- filed. 4. 'I'ha'b we endorse 1'esolution from the. Cbuntiy of W~ntworth- 1'e amendments to the Dominion and Provincial Election ACts. 'ELQlIN COUNTY 90UNOIL OOUNlTY RJOM> OOMMlITTEE 93 St. Thomas, January 211s:t, 1943 To the-Warden and iMem]bers .of tlhe Eltgln iOounty C:ouncil: ;5. Th'at communication from 'the Department of - Irv:i'unicipal Alffairs reamen-dment,s: to. t-he !Munictpal Act, be filed; 6. That communication f['om 'ItJheDepart'inent olf Municipal AMaiI's re the provisions of the Wartime W'a.g'e~ Control order:' be [Hed. Gen:tlem~n : Y.our Oommittee hegs to repor.t as follows: 1. 'Ilhe :following is a: stla:tement of road! expenditures during the year 19'42. All. O:f which is respoobfullw' submitted. FlRAiN'K L. 'I1RUlMAJN,Chail'man June, 1943', Ii..' I' I. I II Ii, II ,IMaintenance on county' roads IDJIaintenanc'e on incorporated villages and, t.own.. Land pl,ll'chased Bridge ,r€\pair Supt. anp. office expense New maC'h~nery, repairs and tools (Gr'aVel. pits ~mployees' insurance Gonstables~~fe'e Machine shed, IMiscellaneous Rentals G~aders, tru.cb eXlPense Oredits Le's-s rece~pts Less expenditures on suburban. Area....... 74999 80. 1834 73 650 35 4239 59 4202 47 4421 67 1224 03 516 91 497 40 1526 11 191,60 $ 94304 66 2~066 60 17999 61 4066 99 $ 90237' 6'1 7195 90 83041 77 4923 59 $ 78118 18 94 EILGIN COUN'rY. COm'OII, , ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 95 --..---- -.--"---'~--'-"'~ 2. IWe estima,f:,ethat the sum of $H7;Q>OO.OO will he required for the maintenance of oounty l'oadlS for' the year 194:3 allotted as follows: 90unty roads Sulburban Area 3.W'e recommend tJhat the .Warden name delegates to at'teng. the annual meetinK of the IOntario Good Roads Association to be heldUn 'I1orontoon F~bruary '24th and i25th, 1943, and. Vhat the' annual fee of $115.00';be paid. . .....$110000 00 7000 00 $117000 00 4. 'We recommend that an eXlpenditure by-law he pIlepared .fol' the est,i-mated ~Xip'endituresfor maintaining _ the County Road _ System :~or 194'3 and< tha:t4upUcate copies :00 slJbrnitted to the Department of Hi-ghways :for appro'val. , , . In accordance with the following estimate oftheC'ounty Engineer: Grad~r exp'enses Truck,exlpenses Gravelling" 3;6,000' cubic yards.. Weed cutting lDns!b layer. ,[)Tainage assessme'nts Painting bridges: Flencing Shouldering. roa-diS Repairs, bridges and culverts ISnowremoval RailiwalY' crossing protection . Sala,rtes,travelling expenses, OTIfice legal fees and general ov.erhead Villalge r€'funds exjpenses, Vienna bridge Tansley-'IJa,yIOl' cU}V€1't and grading road at Mapleton Resur!fa,ciilg asphaltic pavements ,New maChinery ~stimated receipts Suburban Area, estimates $ 13000' 00 5000 00 36000' ao 30001 00 3000. 00 1000. 00 3000. 00' 1000 0'0. 4000/)00 2000' 00 4qOO' on 20'00 0'0' 5. That the' communication from the C[,erk of the County of Welling1ton'T€lgarddn:g the !petition to, incre:ase the subsidies on county 'bridges, be filed. 6. 'I1h'at the Road Committee as a 'YV'hole ~o-:operate, with the Department of Highw.ays, regarding preparing a report on 'Post W;a.r Gonstruction of MunicipaJ. RoadSl 'as outlined! in the D'e;partment's letter of Jan. lGth. 1943. 7. W'e recommend that the.necessary'by-Iawbe,prepared to revert the following portion (Jf 'roa.d' aHowanoos, inart~ordance with thp aecompanying descrip'bions, to the Towushiip of ,Mala-hide. 8000 00 5000 00 $ 90000 00 8000 00' 1. Portion (Jf road ',allowance Ibetween concessions 1 and 2, op~ posite lots 27 and 28 (at Stalter Gully bridge.) 40001 00 6000 00' 8000 00 2, Three small corners on ooun't:y roadl No. 40, leading to the Aiylmer S'ervice Flying 'School. 26000 00 8. We recommend that the OountY' Road Sys;~embe insured f),:gains,t liaJbility by' the 'General A,ccident Insurance Comipany, R.B. McK.enn€lY, ,agent, estimated 'Yea.rly' premium,$~66.6\1. $116000' 00 6000 00 AU of which io5 respectiully su!bmitted~. $1110000 00 7000 00. ~. G. TURNBiUllL,Ohairman $,i'17000 00 :St. Th~ma!3, JUIie 10th, 1943 . 96 EILGIN COUNTY CO'UNCIL To the Warden and Council olf the Ooun:tY" of E'1gin: Gentlemen: Your Road Committee beg,s- t~ r€lPOrt asfoUows: 1. The Oounty Engineer rep.orts bha:t from January' 1st to May 31st, the expenditures on Oounty Roads were as follows On cQun'by toads On Suburban Are'a roaoo 26222 '12 2900 27 ,$ 29'19139 2. Our estimated eXt!}enditur,es, 'p~assed at the'January session, and which were a,pprov,ed by' the DC:lpartment of Highways, provided $110,- 000.00' for (:'ourr~y roads and. $'7,00'0-.00 for :Su1b\irlbunRiOads, leaving a 'balance' of On Oounty Roads On Suburban' Area roads 83~7788 41130 73 $ 8780~ 6[ 3. "1'he. iGount;y lEI!1lginee'~' ha,s reported 'that consid€ta1bleda~age, \Va-s caused to the ,dounty Road, System by spring, freshets:. It will be necessary to ibuild 3 cOlicreteculverts 'and marke eXitensive repairs ',to ,bridgeai:Jutments and pavements which were not contemplated when the estimates wer,e s:bru(.lk in January. Our January estimates in'Chided $8,GOO.no for new machinery~ If no new machine-ry is purchased this ,year it is liklely that our ~X1pendliture !tor the' year can be kept 'Within our estimates. 4. IWe r,ecommend. tha:t the Village Q:f PQrt' ,Stanley he paid $1,,41216,712 as 'rEfc,a,t,e fQr the ,year 19'42 aor Courity Road pur/poses; as advised by :L. B. 'I'eetzel, Chi-elf, Accountant of t1he OntarJo Department of Highways.-- 15. 'I'hat agreement be prepared with the V.i11a:ges. oJ ,port Stanley, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 9~ Springfield. and Vienna rfor, future maintenance and! construction on" county roads' in these villages. That .theagreements, 'be, sul;m1itted to the Road Col11tt1ittee -at its Augus,t mee~ing: and upon its arppi'oval, the Warden and Olerkbe autJhQrized to 8~gn on lbehal\f'of 'the: COlmby' of E1g.in. All- of which is respe'ctfullysubmitted. SlTiEiWlART BROiWN; Ohairman COUN,TY RO"-D COiMJM1rrTE!E November . Session To the, W~rden and Members .of the 'ElginOounty Oouncil, Gentlemen: Due to -Warconditians, littlecoIistl'uction work was d-one an.the roads, under our jurisdiction, this y.ear. We have endeavor.ed to niain~ tain the roads -to a high standard, to replace culverts d.!\.maged by spring freshets and pr,otect the pavements laid in previous' )'leal's'., . I' , The -following is a list of the main repairs and construction work:s dane this year: 1. New Reinforeed Gu:1verts were constructed -at the following sites: (a) Over .the Harmon IDrain on the road between Concessions 4 and 5, apposit,e Lot 22 in tIJ.'e Township '.of Mala-hide. (b) :On the Lake Road, in the Township of Bayham, opposite Lot 2, ~Il w,GlN COUNTY COUNCIL , W,OlN COUNTY COUNCIL 99 . (c)iQ!n the Road ll;!ading to the AYlmer. Air SChool. Qpposite Lot \3, (d) IOn the Road between -Ooncessions 10 and 11, in the ToWn~ ship of Yarmouth, just .east of MapIeton. Insurance Salaries Constable 'Fees Rebates to Towns and Villages Estimated Expenditures, Nov. and Dee2-. 4311.50' 410\ 47 6i416 7,5 4Il6~ 64 10\69 ~6 The construction of tl1eseculverts W.'il's neoessa.ry to replace the ones damaged by the spring freshets. The. work was approved by ,the Ontario iDepartmem, of Highways. Re'ceipts Oollected Estimated Receipts $1 a~39 05 ........................'$\1989 05 \250 OU, $ 3239 05 2,The Road o"n both sides of the Mapleton Culvert was diverted and graded, about 5,500'cubic yards of earth fill were placed at this point. $lnOOO 00 3. The Stalter GullY- Eridge and the RicIlmond Bridge on the Talbot Road were painted. Estimates as approved by ,By~law and On~ tario Department of Highways: 4. About 8;001) cubic Y'aJ.'ds of fill were placed on the Town Line between the Townships of" ~'Duth and NorthD'DrcheSber, opposite Lots 6 and 7, The Road at this pnint is over a muskeg swamp and has been, settling' for many 'Years. SubUrban Area County Roads '$ 7000 00 noooo 00 ~--'-'$117000 00 $6000 00 Estimated 'SurPlus 5, Work is now in pr.ogr'ess placing concrete" blocks to pr.otect the O~:rlow ~Q?d. from eJ:lo&i'o:li1; Q,f Ke~tle OlrC'ek at the North end of Port Stll:uley. At the request of ,'the Ontario Department of Highways, your Oommittee has carefully considered the'questIon of in~ iating a programme for iPIost War Works to be constructed on th,e iOounty Road ISystem. We helieve that it is .advisa;ble_ that such I a programme' be inaugurated and ,we recommend that the following estimates be submitted to the Dominion' and Provincial Governments for their approval. 6, It is the intention to place a new wooden_ floor ,on thfr -Sinden Bridge, on the l'OadbetweenQoncessions 8 __and 9, Lot 1'5, Bayham. 7. I:t is also int,ended to move the Lowel' Bridge at Viemla~ which was abandoned by the De,pa,rtment of Highways, to the proposed site 0+1 'lV-Un stl'e~t, Vienna. The Cou.nty of Elgin due to' its location and, topography. has probaibly more lai'ge br~dges,' in comparison to its sl2ifr. than any other county in the. prpvince.W;e ha~'e 67 county bddgeswith spans of. 20 feet and over. including those on the county lines in which we have' a 'half interest. The following is a statement oJ the iEstimatecl Road Exp.en_diture fQrlS~!-or Oowty ~oads 'md(luburben Al'e. Roads: Maintenance 'Coun\y :Bridiles New Machinery. ~.g03B'S 20> 346~ 47 293 86 Of these 67 bridges, '33," were c'onstructed'previous to 30 years ago about Which time trucks were:coming.into_ use to haul heavy loads. These old bridges, built)n the horse and buggy days, were never in- tended 00: carry 'the cars; trucks and busS€s of today. Itj,g: impossible to deter!lline, with any, accuracy. the safe loads "that, these, aIci bridges laO EILG[N OOUNTY COUNCiL will carry. We: belie.ve that the rebuildiitg 'of the- oldest of our bridges should be included in the program foroailstruction afte~ the war. The 'foliowing estimates also ine_Jupe cutting down, widening and realigning the hillS' at sOme points so as to reduce the present grades ;'.'and. sharp curves. A few of the most dangerous are: (a) Tyrconnell Hills. (b) ISouthof the 'MCiIntosh Bridge on the Town Line between, Southwoid. and Dunwich.. (c) ,On the Lake Road, lD,unwich, about two miles west, of Port Talbot (d)lHill about two mileS' south of lona. (e)W:e:irHill on ;Lake, Road; north ,of :Port St,anley. (f) Sinden Hill, about two miles west of Eden: (g) Silver Oreflk Hill, 'L,ake Road, Malahide (h) 'Richmond Hill. The; es-timates also include the laying' ,of .128 miles.. of road mix pave,lnent, thewid'ening,.'grading and drainage of all the 250 miles of county -roads, the. r,elocating .of roads where required. and also for works' to prevent erosLon which thre'a;lien' 'our f.Dad,s. 'from ,Lake Erie and the numerouscreeks~ We estimate that for a five-:-year ,p:ost war' program $2,000,000.00 ,will be required which may ,'be aUocated as fonows:.::the estimate in- cludes ,proposed works on the Suburban A'l'ea Roads. Estimate for pest. war road. construction: Oonstruction and widening of bridges ...........$~80,000.OO Construction and. widening of culverts. 10'7;000.00 ElDIN COUNTY COUNCIL 101 Road mix pavements.. Gradtl1g hills Widening .grades Drainage Re-:-routing roads Prevention .of erosion Maintenance for f.ive years 766,000.00 70,000.00 IM,OOn.Oo 105,000.00 . 62,000,00 ,51,00MO 400,000'.00 $2,000,000.00 This will give an annual expendit1.!re:' of about $400,000.00'. We have suggested to the Ontario Department,: of Highways that if the construction of the subways, to eliminate dangerous level rftil..;. way crossings, . be. included in thEf',post war pr'Jgmm, that consider~ ation be given to the separat-on .of grades a't the' New. York Central Railroad. and Pere ,.Marqu;ette Railr6ad at West J...ol'neand the. O'an- adian National Railway Grossing en S't. . Ge.orge Street, north of st. 'I'homas. '~-, No new machinery wa.s purchased this' year wi'th. the exception of a pump. The approximate amount of 'gravel removed from the county pits from January lS,t. to Octoher 311st was as follows: ... . ..~ ..14,395 cubic yards- 3,049 cubic yards 8,798 cU!Jic yards 340' cubic yards ... 2,102cubi-c, yards 1,600 cubic ya,rds Hathaway Carnie Roloson MClOutcheon (privately owned) Donaldson Bi'os. (privately iQwned) Beecroft- (privately Qwned) 30,284 In regard 'to the communications referred to our -c:ommittee, we Iecommehd aJS follows: 1. That -the letter of ,L. W. IMcnowell, of 'Eden, regarding1. an 102 EITAlIlJN OOUNTY OOUNOIL accident to. . his car 'last winter on the hill 'east .of S'iudeu Bridge be filed for futul"e referenc,e. !2: That the Warden 'f!A1d.Olel'k be" authorized to sign the agree- ments between 'the C'ounty of r~gin and Village' of Springfield and Village of Vienna rega<rding, the, up~k..eep ,of county roads, in the two villages. ~.That we approve ,of the resolution of the County of Welling..:. ton'as,outlinetl in its letter dated June-30th, 1943, regarding,quarterly subsidies ,from the Department of lHighway.,s. rQr ,road expenditures. AU Df which is respectfully submit'ted. OORlDION'NE'WE'IJL, Chairman. rst. 'Thcim.as, i Ontario, November 2'~th, 1'943: E[,Q[N COUN'rY COUNCIL 103 THE WAR PURPOIS'ES COMlMITTEE January Session To the ~Eligin County DauneU: Gentlemen: The War Purposes COJ11mittee repol'lts as folloWs: 1. Tlh3.Jt we gr:ant the lRu\Ssia:q IRleJlef Fund the gum of $2,000. '2. That 'we grant 'the Navy Le'ague .the sum of $500.00. 3. That we g1'lan'~ the Chinese Reheif Fund the sum of $300. All of ,which ,~~ r.e;spectf'ull'y ISwbmitted. E. LAiSIlIBRJOOlK, ChalrmaI). January, 1,943 June Session To the EUgin Oounty'Council: Gentlemen: 'Ilhe'War Purposes Committee l'€lPOl'its as' ,follo,ws: 1. That ,request' from the Chine.;;e War Relrief .Fund for a grant be filed. 2. That a grant of $2{JO he made to the National Campaign for. fund's for Greek; .WarRelielf. 104 EILQ((N COUNTY COUNCIL 3. Tha't'requestlfi'offi.,the,Nav!y Le.ag'Ueof Canada for grant be ,lled. 4~'Ihat.'Sbatement of '-Vhe .'Oan-adian Aldto RU'ssia Fund be filed. 5. That a grant of $200 be made to the Aylmer Active Service Recreation' Club. All, of which i5 respectfully submitted. E. LAJSIHlBRiOOK, Chl;Lirman June, 19413 November Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: , The War Purpos.es ICommittee r,eports as f,allows: 1. That communication from IMrs. Graham, re the 0verseas Box Fund' of the. lDutton Women's Institute, be filed RS the balance of the funds at the. disposal of this 'C'ommittee was t pbved in Vie-tory Bonds of -the,last . loan. 2. That communication from the Dutton and Dunwich Red Cross Society be filed, Allo! which i'8 respectfully submitted. E. LASHtBROOK, Chairman November, U143. EILQ((N GOUNT'Y COUNCIL' 11I1E EQUiALIZATION OOMIMJITTEE' To the E~gin CountyC'ouncil: Gentlemen: The iEqualizalt.ion Cbmmirttee reports 00 follows: 105 L That ,-the foHoWil1'g' [be ithe ,equalization:, of the AS&eISosment ROlls of the Oountiy,ofE}gin lfortJhe year 1943.: AldborouJg1h Dunwich Soutlhrwold Yarmouth Malahide Baylham South Dorchester Aylmer DuVt'on Port Staliley Vienna Sprill6"1field Rodn~ey West Larne " """,$3,320,851 3',.623,881 4,632,7'12 4,847,105 3,333,608, 2,421,17ll 1;893,250, 1,587,808 4SI,846 950,888 130,603 m3,3HS 354,335 345,273 2. Tha,t 'We are willing ,to have the final equaliz.~tion of, assess- men~ roUs, in- case of aPlpeal, madeiby the Oounby Judge" 3.'I'hatwe recommend tha:t. 'an Equaliialtion 'Coinnitttee be set up e.a:c'h year to deal ~ith e;qualization ma;tlters. All olf which is re,spect<f'uHy lSulbmitted. H. G. -TAY~OR, Ohairman. January, 1943 106 EILG[N COUNTY ,COUNCIL' mTiTIONlS, AND' LEGJS,LA,TION COMMITTEE iN ovember Session 'I10 the Elgin Oounty Cl>uncll. Gentlemen: The Petitions and!' Leglislation Gommittee reports as folloWs: 1.. That' we concur with resolution from the County of Peel re extra gasoline for members of municipal councils. All of which is respectfully submitted. F. L. TRUMAN, . Chairman November, 1943. / " ElLG[N COUNTY COUNmL 107 HOUSE OF REFUGE, :Inspec.tor's, Repo'l't To the Elgin -County Council; Gentlemen: ThefoHbwing is my ,report ot} the Hous,e ,of Refug,e, for the year ending Oc,tober :Hst, 19431: "L Number of inmates at last report... .." 28 2, Number adinitt~d during year... .'". 12 3, Number of deaths ........ 3' 4, Number. discharged 3 5, Number disch,arg.ed tohos,pital... 3 6, Number of inmates now in house.. 31 7. Number of inmates sent from the several munici);!alities dur- the year: Aldborough l' Yarmouth Rodney ",,:,_1 Bayham '''02 Aylmer ... ."".... 2 West Larne .................../.....................,..1' Malahide 2 Gaol 1 - 12 ", ~., 108 . ElLGIllN .00UNTY COUNCIL 109 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 8. The various caus-es _qf pauperism of inmates admitted to the House : during the year may be classified as follows: Gas ,and oil Miscellaneous Feed 165 05 233 4{j 5DD 42, $2555 25' Destitute 7 5 Old age [House E:X!penses 12 268 48 1030 48 ,662 60 ~Illl 43 142 61 62.63 95 74 65 74 732' 6Q 346.47 15D OD .4lI0 OD '$4145 78 Bread Meat Groe'eries Provisions Dry Goods Boots and IShoes Furniture and Hardware Drugs Ooal' and Wood Miscellaneous Barbel'- Hired ,Labor 9; 'Average. number of inmates -during the year... 30 10. Average number with Keeper's family and hired help 3.4' N. Number of weeks' boardc! inmates... 1554 12. Numher of weeks' board with Keeper's family................ 1742 13, Total expenditure during the y'ear.. ....... .... .......... :$9170 60 . Deductions '14. From farm sto'ck sold,. ...... ............ ........: ...............$1662 75 From' Old Age [Pensions, inmates... 184100 Produce sold Sundries 1065 78 10 50 --$4580 03 General Expense 15. Leaving amount actually expendeq: for suppott of inmates ................................. ....... .....................$4588_5_9 1,6. Average expenses per day of each person. 42 111. Aver-age exp~nses per week of each per~on... 2 94 18. Average expens-es per year of each person.. 15288 ' 61 07 428 30 16 7D -,-1$ 604 D7 Repairs 'Incidental Permane'nt improvements Salaries. Fa.rm - Expenses ,,$1303 17 300 50 356 83 3'DO '$11185 liD Keeper and Matron.. Physician National [Defence' Tax Dentist Hired- Labor Implements Stock Seed 722 DO ~93 Dl 461 05 18D 27 ao ELGm COUNTY COUNiCIL 19. The following' produce was raised on the far,m during: the year: e 150 ' Bushels' of Oats SO Loads of Hay '5 Acres Ensilage Corn 300 (Bushels -!Potatoes J 7 Bushels of iQarl'ots '12 Loads of Straw Quantity of Pumpkin .and Squash 9" Bushels of Beets- 17 iBushels of OnJoris 7 Bushels Parsnips 10!5' Bushels Whtiat Ga.rden Pr'6duce 150 350 30 20' 630 840 820 BUshels Sugar Beets Heads' of Cabbage ,Bushels ,of. Tomatoes Quarts Milk per. day Quarts F'ruit canned in , Dozen EiggS consumed Pounds of Butter HOUde , Farm S,tock 2'IHorses 8 'Cows 16 Hogs 3 Brood Sows 70' Chickens 1 Gall 1 Bull EILGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 111 23. That total amount expend,ed ,by.t;he O.ountyon the House of Refuge is as follows: ........'.$ "7,2,98 95 .... 15,32~ 10 687 61 390 00 1,419 43 6,952 87 1,920 50 7,OO~ 3'1 4,162 23 13.2i ,03 Farm, 10Q acres, cost.. House of Refuge Laundry Fire escapes Root 'Gellar, Henery, etc. Cottages,. etc. Brick Ice House Barns, etc. T.ile Drains Tile Drain .Outlet Hot Air Pump Tank Connections.. Refrigerator '..",.. Fiencing Orchard Heating appa.ratus Boiler Ro,om and ISOft Coal Boiler... Deep well Silo , Hog; Pen Electric Installation and PUmps. Plumbing Septic Tank and Drain Sund!l'ies 24. Received from Government on account expenditures.'Dor land and. building.. 920 6() . 590 00 1,979 07 85 .85 2,30'5 44 3,83<7 52 2,436 40 2~3 62 604.99 2,372 00 3,174 00 1,146 7,;) 416' 35 $ 65,304 74 or 4,000 00 $61,304 7'4 112 ELGm COUNTY COUNCIL IDLG[N COUNTY COUNCIL 113 25. ~'here were 40 inmates in the House during 1943; 2,5 males, 15' f,emales. ,Of the 311 inmates in tJ:le House -on the 1st -of November, 11943, 16 were ma.les and r5 fema.Ies~ There were no births.'- There wer,e two deaths, both males, as follows: The manage.ment has been satisfactory. Feb. 9th, 1943 March 13, 1,943 :Peter .,Munro 8'l Arterio~aclerosis All of, which is respectfully submitted. William Dubbs 7e' Gorona,ry Occlusion fJ. r,. THlOMSON, Inspector I have the honour to 'be, ,St. Thomas, Ontario, November, 19'43. Yours very, truly, D. L. ' ElWIN, Physician, Elgin lHouse, of Industry Physician's Report November Session '~"\. To the E~gln County Council, Gentlemen: I have the honour 'of presenting the sixty-:eighth annual Medical Report of the ,Engin, House <Of Industry up to October 31st, 1943, and submit the f,ollowing for Y10ur consideration, I made ,fifW~eight visits to the House of ,Industry, and attending eight inmates in the 'Memorial Hospital as follows: James ,Scriven, May '5th to June 12th, 1943. Ohades Wolfe, ,May 8'th to July 28th, 1943. Agnes IVy, June 5,th, to June 21st, 1943. John Tiller, July 15th to Aug. 17th, 1943. Julius Allee, Aug. J4th to, Aug. 2'5th, '19'43. Walter MctDermott, 'Aug. .17th to the ,present time. Angu:s Mc~arlane, -Aug. 20th to Sept 15th, 1943. William Scott, 'Sept. 30th to. 0'ct. 6th, '1943. 114 E'LKiHN' COUNTY'. COUNCIL OOUNlT'Y CLERK'S R.EPORIT ON MCENSEIS To 'the Ellgin County'Council; Gentlemen: I have to report the' foUowing licenses in' force on the first day' of November, 1943.: AuctioneeT (:Jlarence 'Wolfe .................R. R. 1, Vienna Duncan Brown." ................... ..............Shedden R. A._ MdDonald.. ......... ............, ............ ....Woodsto,ck Harold .Olarke ............. ..... ..........'.St. Thomas Lorne J.Ross.. . .................. .,. ...Highgate John S, RuB'sell.......".. ..,.......... ..,,,... Blenhf..im A, J, Branton,. ............... ........... ..,..... ::......... , ..........Rodney Fred Haggan.. .....LAylmer S. 'A. Brady... . ..... !Belmont DavidMClPherson.., ... ... . ........ ........, .. . . .......... .......Dutt,on Fred Pa;ul ......... .. .................... ............. . . ........... "' ,....... Simcoe Frank iF1ulkerson.. ............._.. ...... RR 1, Tillsonburg Hugh D. M-cNaughton ...... ....,:.............. .... ....., , ... . .Newbury Junk Deallel's Samuel Smith.. ........................... ......,Straffordv'lle -F. Johnson ..... ......._.................. .............................. , .....,.. J. Ho.zowski... ...................... ......... ......... ........ ...... London Wood Brothers .............. .....................,.........~..........st. Thomas Canada Scrap Iron & Metal......................,.. ..st. Thomas Tl'Iahspottation of Fowl IMiller Page... . . .. .....[}u~ton C. E; Pangborn... ........... c.................... ......Talbotville E. O. Wight... ......Rodney W. J, tEmes..... .............. .............. ................... .......St. Thomas ELGIN OOUNTY COUNOlL 115 Pedlar Mrs. J. C. McCallum,.., .... ...... ........... . . ....................1Dutton All of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. 'illlJOMSOI'iI, Cbunty Clerk St. Thomas, Ontario, November, ,1943. '~'. 1'16 ELGIN ,cOUNTY COUNmL OLD A:G'E, PIENSIJONS REPORT' T,o the E1gin Gaunby' Oounci1: Gentlemen: I pres,ent, herewith report in connection with the administration 9f the ,old ,Age iPensiOl),S Act in the C:ounty of Elgin: / Sihce the passing of ,the Act. there have be,en 1879 applications for old "-age pension; the present dispo.sition of these applications is as foll.ows: Deaths Refused Cancelled Transferred Pending Pensions in :torce November I::;t, 1943.. 931 86 78 79 46 659 1379 Pensions in ~ for-ce Novembel'l 1st, 1:942-i689. From the first 'oJ Nav,ember, 194,2, to the 31st of October" 1943, 71 applications have been received; of these five were made in cases where a,pplicat.ion had ,pr,eviously been made and refused. During .this s.ame period 30 pensions ha,.ve bsen increased, .~ can- celled, 15 refused, 5 reinstated and 8 r,educed. All ,of which is resp,ectfully submitted. J.D. THOMSON, County Olerk' St. Thomas, Ontario, November, 1943. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 117 MOT1IiERjS' A,LLOWlAN'rCEIS RJE,PORT To the: Ergin County Council, I Gentlemen: I preS'en~ herewith l'eport in connec~ion with the administration of the Mothers' Allow'ances in the C:ounty of :mlgln: Since the Mothers'Allowances Act was passed in Ont.ario, a,?,;) mothers have made appUcatian in the Gountyof Elgin. At the pres... ent -time there are 78 allowances in force in.'Elgin and 4 pending, From 'November 1, 1'942, to October 31st, 1943, 11~pplications were received; 1 of these being ,a case where 4 previous applicationS hag been made and refused, iSeven allowances have ,been reduced, seven increased, 10 cancelled and two refused and. one deferred, All of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. 'T'HOiMIE'!ON, County C~erk St. Thomas, Ontario, November, 1943, 118 ElLGIN COUJ'[TY CQUN01L CIOlW! BOltER INS'PEC~01VS RElPOwr Mr. Warden and Members of the [E[gin\ County CuuucH, Gentlemeil: I wish to report 'to you on the result of. the Corn Borer campaign this year: Owing -to the extremely. wet spring it was almost impossible to secure a clean~up comparable with pl"evious years. In spite o~ this I am informed by the Pl'ovincia.I Entomologist that the increase in Corn Borer infestation has only been 4% from 33% in 1942 to 37% -in 19'43. \ This was accomplished at a cost of '$9{l9.50; a 'reduction. of $34.00 from 1942. Owing' to the increasing importance of the corn crop in Elgin it is important that all parasHes on the crop be held in check. I will not attempt to predict the future of the Gorn Borer Cam- paign under a new Minister of Agriculture, but the Honorable Mr. Kennedy was Minister when the original Corn Borer Act was, drafted. All of which is respectfully submitted: SiUMME!RS HARPER, Corn Borer Inspector '",",:> ElLGIN COUN'r'Y COUNCIL 119 , BY -LAWS, 1943 BY"iL~W NO. 1395 To Appoint a County ROlad C'ommittee The E:!gin Cauntly ClOuncil enacts, a.s; required by 'tihe lIUghway Ac't: That tlhe, followilllg' .five memlbers of this Council consMtute a. com- mittee for;the [purpose of -dirooti~g the wo:rlk. Ita be done on the Ooun't,y Road Sy\Sltem: H. G. Taylor Gordon NewelJ S'tew.al"'t 'Brb,wn J. C. Gillies.. J. G. Turnbull . ..For term jf One Year .......... ........,Flar Term of Two Years . . .......For Term 0If'. Three Years .;:.For Term of FO,ur Years ......For Term of - Five Years Tha.t by-la.w ND. 113~81 be' .and is here(bw repealed. Read a third time and! passed at Gaunt,y GouncU Chamhers, Sit. Thomas, this 2end day ,of January, 1943. J. iD. TiHlOMISlON, E'" E. A'I1K:IIN1S0N, iC'leI'k Warden wo EILGIN COUNTY COUNCIl, ElLG[N' COUNTY COUNCIL, 121 BY~LAW NO. 1396, BY.'LAW NiO.1397 T{) Authorize the Wa.rden anidTrcasurer to ll\Dj',r:o.w the Sum of Tw1o" Hundred Thousaml Dolla.rs To Appoint a Boa.rd olf Audit in .the County' of Elgin For ,the Yea,r '1943 TheIDIgin C1oulli~Y Gouncil ena,cts: The E'tgln CountJy Council enact-s: I Tha,t the, .Warden and Treaosurer be and are herelby authorized to' . borrow the sum oJ TV.'o' Hundred Thousand Dollars from 'the Bank. of Montr,eaJ. 'as it m9.IY lbe required to meet the e~endlitur€s of the !Ool'iporation of Itlhe 'Oo'uIlIty of Elgin. during tJ;1e year 1943 and to give 'as 'S'ecurioty til!erefor note's 01' One Tholl-Sland or Ten, Thousand Dollar.s each. That ,t~e Judge(JIf the County Court ,arid 'Mr. F. L. Truman be'; and-are 'herelby arpIlointed, members of, Vhe Board orf Audit iDo perform the duti'es required OIf them -by Itthe '(Revised Statutes of Ontario. T'h'at the memibers of the saidB'oard of 'Audj,t he paid the sum of F'i ve lDollars :per day for their \ServiceS' and 'five 'cents per mile, going to and - ,from each audit. Read ,a tJhi.rd time and pass-ed at iOounty Oouncil Chambers; St. Thomas, this '2!2nddayof Jianuary, l.J9'43. Read a third time and 'passed alt Gounby Oouncil Chambers, St. Thomas, ,this 22nd day OlfJanuary, 19'413. J. D. THOMiSON, E. iE. AlTKINiSON', IOlerk Warde'll J. D. 'IlHjOM!SON.. "'-'. 01el'k E. E. A TKIN1S0N, Ward~n BY.LA W NO. 1398 To Appoint ,a, Member ;of the Aylmer Board of Education The Elgin Oounty Council enacts: 'That Stanley !Durkee /be apppt:q-ted'a member of tihe Aylmer Board of Eduoatiion -Jor a term of 'three years. -Read a third time'and passed aft 'Counby Thomas, t'hts 22nd day of Janu9.-ry, 1943. Council Chambers, St. J. n 'NJ]CIMiSON, iOlel1k E. E. Arl'KINlSOI'if, W'arden 12,2 EILGllJN OOUNTYCOUNCrL ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 123 BY"1J~W NO. 1399 money be s-etas~de for assistauDe to 'suCh lp'atriot.ic organi~a:UonSi as comply fully "with the requirements. of the special.c-ommitte-e of this County Gouncil, appointed to administer and p.istriibute' the s)tid fund among such p,a1triotic organizations as have (been duly registered under the War ChariHes Ac,t of the DominioJ;l' of Canada. T'o Appoint 'a. Member of the Dutton High School, B(Jla;rd The,rE:!,gin .Gounty!Counc11 enacts: 2-~ That said special' committee ito be known a'S the "'Special War Pur;poses rCommittee of the Cou!lty Gouncil" shall be empowered 'to . requisiiUon, funds not exceeding ,Vhe sa.id sum of $10,000 as required ,f.rom time to time as appr,oved by itlhe said rCmnmittee for such pur~ !pUBes, UlPon being satisfied that, eaJch )patriotic orgallizationhas com- plied !fulliy wttlh the requiremen1t'S of the Law 'as' then perlDaillinig" That 'R. B. Hockin be appointed, a niemberof the Dutton High School Board for a term 'of three years. Read a third' time' and passed aI~ Counoy Ooull-cil Chamibers, St. 'Ihomas, ,thhs ,22nd da.y af Janua.ry, 19<i3. ., J. D. THOMSON, Olel'k\\;. '\'. E. iE. AlI'KlNSON. Warden . That the said Committee havintgi 'authority to mak~ inquiries and require eompH-anee with ,such .ftlpplication forms, as they may see fit to de1termine, tihe bona tides and regularity of eacfrL aiPplieation received from any, patrioti-c' organization, BY-,LAW NO. 1400. 3. This iby,..la:w shall not take ~.ffect until it has received the ap~ proval of the Deput'y !Minis~er of lM:unicipaJ. Affairs of -the Province of Ontario as [prOVided in -Sedion 4Q141A, of t'lle :amendments to the MunicLpal Act. ..!\. ny~,L,a,w fo:r G-r,:l.ntiug Aid to- Cer'ta,in F'atr1otiIJ Oll'ganiza--tions Within ,the Oounty ()If Elgin Read a: ,third time and,finaUy pas'sed at County Counc-U C1hambers, WIHElRiElAtS jot :Lsde,emed eXlpedient to aseist certain Patriotic Org- aniza,tioll's functi-oning in the Obun\~y Of E:~5in, ' _ st. Thomas, this 2,2nd day of January, 19:43: AND WiHE!RJEIA,s by vi.rtue- of Clha[P'ter. 2iBiS, S€'ct:'J.on 4,O!, SufO'section 32, iR. S. O. 1937 and amendments. to this Section 404A in 'the 1939 amendments ,the-relto, the iOouncil of a Gounti]' is empower.edslibje3t to the appr,oval {)If 'the 'Deputy Minister of Municipal Alffairs, and of the 'Or:galllization {)If IRe'soUl'ces Committee as the'r,ein des'igna,ted. J. D. THOI~ON, Clerk E. E. ;\rl'KINlSON, i Warden 'I1H(ElREFlQIR[E' iBE 'LT.ENAlaTiJUD by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of rEI gin as follolWs: 1. That the sum of $10,000 :be inoluded in the estimates for the cUl'xent year to 'be levied aJS rpart of IVhe County Rate and that said 124 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ElLGI'N OOUNTY COUNCIL '12,5 BY-LAW NO.. 1401 THE C!ORlPO~AnON OF mE COUNTY OF ELGIN ~ To Appoint An Advisory Agricultura.l Council By;;L,a.w Nol.. 1402 'I'heElgin'County. 'Counctl enacts: GltliDting Privileges to' D~nblJiIon:, Na,tm',d Gas ,COll1!Pany, Lim!i,ted That the Advisory Argric.ultural Oouucil ,be composed of onemem- tier from ea:ch townsh~p and eight honoral'Y members, the fOllowing to be aPlPointed: Mem[bers ,W. lB, ,L,ancas'ter, Ald'bo['outh.. .... .... .......R. n.. 1, Rodney, J. H. ,'SJoan, [)unwi'c.h ......... ."". .......'...........R. :a. 1, Fiilgal, Ralph Auckland, lS,outlhwoldl..... ...... .................TalbotVlille H.'A. Penhale, Yarmouth.. .. .....iR. R. 8, 1St. Thoma's Harry Kent, Malahide,. .......... .........R. R..2, Aylmer Gr'antMitchell, :Baylham.. ,....:R. R. 1, Eden D, Noble, ISouth Dorchester. . .... ........ . 'R. 11. 3,_ lBelmont 'I1HE COIUlN'CiJJL Oil' TIHE ,OOIRJPO~ON ~ T!l-IIE COUNTY OF ElLIG]N EN,AJOns .<\JSI FlOILILQWIS: Honlorail'Y Memb'Z:s.'s The members of.' the Agricul,turaJ Committee of. thi'S..Council. 1. 'Wl:B:IEREA'S hy By-lww NumbeT H911duly passed by the Coun- cil o-f the sa>idCo:nporation, on the tweni)y'~seventhday of Ja.nuary; 1933, a. franchise was Igranted ISouthern ontario OasOo.; Limited, :to construct and maintain a system of pipes for conveying and distribut- ing,gas over, along. or upon Such roads or highways, as provided, sub':' jeC't' to the terms;c'ondd!tions, agreements and: regulations- -oot out in Schedule "IA" to- said By-law Number 119'7' attached, in which franM chi~ _ it wa'S, _ among' o,t.her things, provided-: Read a thirlf' time and passed :at the Count.y Goun-eil Chapr'bers, St. Th'omas, this 2~nd day of J,anuary, 1'9413. "Th.e franch1i:se her-eibYigranted shal'l he for the term' of ten: years from and aflterthe iinalp,assing ot the by'Mlaw. Provided that if at any time pflior to the, ex<piraJtion af said t>erm qf ,fen years or any rene.w-a.! therenf, the Com- pany :sihall -not~fy the Ooriporation in writing Ithat it de- sires renewal thereof tor a further -pe-l'iod ,of ten 'y'ears, the Gouncil may. in, its discr0tion ,renew the sa-m,e from time to time for a. further .period. not exceeding ten years at anyone time.''' That _mem!bers of ,the s'l,id Adviso-ryAI3Ti::ml~~ural Council he paid .the same as mem'hersO'f thlis IGouncil .for attendari,ce"atthe two meet~ iugs; required to be held annually, in F'erfH'uaryand- November, and that they rece-lve their'travelling and. other eXipe-nse-s for attendance at special or 'e-tnergenc'Y' me'stings called Iby" the Chairman, G1erk - Warden 2. ANiD', WIHIIDRElAS Iby Letters' Patent lis'Sued December the t:wenby-s'eventJh, 19,39, under the I'-?'ompanies Ad~ (Ont.) Section 'lil, the property, rl,ghts, !privileges and 'franchises, of ~'3outhern Ontari~ Gas Co., Ltd., became and are vested, in Dominion Natural Gas 00" Ltd., an amalgamatecorporaition composed of The Dorolinion Natural .Gas Co., Ltd., and sout~ern onto Gas Co., Ltd-" subject to all the liabil- ities, contracts, disaibilities and duties of each of the corppr~tioI)s so amalgamated. J. D. THOMISON. E. E. ATKIN'S,ON, " I - -----~- 1'26 EJLGi]N OOUNTY COUNCIL EfuGIN COUNTY 'COUNQTL 127 3. AlI:\f!D WlH!ElRiE~\S Dominion 'Natural Gas, Co., Ltd., the said a.ma]gam~te c,omipany,. has duly notified ,the Corporation in writing that, it desir,es a renewal of the, said if'ranchise granted to:' Sou1lihern 'Ontario Gas'Cio., Ltd. 'by.'said Bw-law' No. 1,1917 and pi .the agreement entered into_ by the last named ClampanY' wi1th the Corporation of the County of El'gin pursuant ,to said' By~I8.IW iNo. 1~197, fora further per- iod of -'ten years from and after the twenty-seventh day of January, 1943. BY-LAW NO. 1403 A By-law to ProVide tor ,th~TO'b'l Expenditure on tlheSyste~ of County ROf],ds in the Qount,y, of Elgin as - Appil"Oved by,OrderT-in-:COunci/l, During the Year 1943;. NQfW T'HiEtRiEiFOlRlE' the iCouncil 0If ,the said Oorporation of the Oounty of E~gin' her_eQ>yenact,s.: WIHiERlEtAiS The Highway _Improvement Act, _ Chapter - '516, R.S.O. 193'1, and amendments, requires that the to,ta~ ex.pendLtJure on COUlll~Y roads ;and bridges -be provided for ,annually by county \bY~law. '1. The_ Ifranch1ise granted ,qy the said !BY'~l'aw -NO. 1:197 and,the agreeruent therein referred to are he:t'€'~ renewed [OX-' the [period of ten year$ !from and -a:fter the' twenty-'seventh day of - January, 1943. TlHIEIRJEIF'~ the Council Orf thelQorporatiol1 of the said C'ounty of EJ:gin enacts as foUows: 2.'I'he'-W'arden is,h.e~hy authorized, empowered and directed to execmte and deliver on behal'f olf Ithe Gorporation o.f the q-ountJy of ,E"lgilland :und"er its'Borporate seal" countersigned ,by the, Olerk, ari-' agreement in bhe form 'set forth hi the lS'chedule hereto annexed upOri the d,elivel'Y Iby Dominion Na'tural Gas :Co., 'Lltd. -of a _ counterpart of E-aid agre,ement und,er the :Sieal oil: the said Dominion [Natural Gas Ga., Ltd., and the hands of its :pfoper '{)lffieers,in tJhatbehalf. (1) The sum of $117,000.00 is hereby approprialted rfllommonies rais;ed by levy and! [gOvernment subsidy IfoOr expendi,ture upon maJin- tenanee and repair O'f the roads in __ the said ,system during the year IS43. . '~" (2) The 'said monies shall Ibe -8X!pended under the dir,eeMon of the duly appointed county roOadsuperinte:q.dent and 'on work performed in accordance wil~h the last revised regulations resI{~cting county roOads is'sued :j}y the' nepartment, ,of Highways of Ontario. Pas-S'ed this 212nd day .off January, A.D. 1;914:3. J. D, TffiJ!l\!lISIOIN, ' CUerk ]~. E. ATK.iINtSOIN~ V{'arden (3)' 'I'n.e .Q'lerr{: shall transmit duplicate capie's of "this :ay~law 'to the' Department of Higihways of Ontario, for approval on or -befoOre the -3I1slG elf January of the pr.es'ent year. Passed at st. Thomas this '2\2nd day' of January, A.D. 1943. J. D. TIHCc.vnSOiN, Olerk E. E. ATKINSOiN, Warden 1..J. D. 'I'hamson, -Clerk of the -ooriPora!;ion of the 'Gountly Df ELgin, do 'hereby cevctf.y thay the !foregoing isa tTue copy of By..law No. 14-0a passed by the iOouncil of the saiel Oorporation on -- the 22nd day of January, 19413. J. 10. 'IIHOlMSON, Clounby. G1e-rl{: ,~-,-, ',-,--,,-,'; "-",,"',,,,- ',/.'J~ 126 EWW CQUNTY COUNCIL EIL(lI[N COUNTY COUNCIL 129 UV-LA,W NO. 1404 UV-'LAW NO. 1405 To ReVcI~t ~O'rtions of Roods ip. the Township of !Ma.laihidc' To -Confirnl! theEqua.uZrut~on of the Assessll1ieJrut Rolls of the CoUnty, 'of Elgin for the Year 1943 'The E[gin County'CouneLl ena.cts: The Elgin Ooun'by Council enacts: That the ,fonowing ,be the equalization the' County ofiE:bgin for the ~ar 1943::~ of the Assessment lRoHS' o-f That the foHawing portions of toads in the Township of' Mala.hide ibeand are hereby reverted to the local- munkLpaHty: ....,.",$3,~20,851 3,62~,881' 4,632,712 4;847,105 3,333,608 2,4:n,17~ 1,893,259 1,587,808 491,846 950,888 123,398 130',603, 3054,335 3'45,273, 1. Part of R.oad iAllowanc-e between Concessions 1 -and 2, opposite 'Lots 2'7 and 28 (at Stalter GuHy iBridrge). 2. Portion df Road Allowance ,betJween L,ots 15 -and 16, Conces- ~:ionB. Aldborough Dunwioh Southwold Yarmouth Malahide Bayham South !Dorchester Aylml!r Dutton Por,t Stanley ,Spr'ingfield Vienna. Rodney ,West Lorne 3. !Portion of Road Allowance between Concession'S'- 8 and North Gore. '4. Ipart 0,[ the, Road :Allowance between Concessions 8 and Nor!bh Gore and' the !Road Allowance between' Lot 12, 'Concession 8', and Lot 13, North Gor,? ,s. Part ,at the iRoad Allowance ,'between Concessions 7 and 8 and J;heRoad. Allowan::le betwe.en [Lot 12, Concession 8 and Lot 13, North Gore. ' ............-\------ '8atd ,roads mOre pal.ticularly described in atbched documents. ~H,05'6,743 'Read a third time and passed a~ County Council Chambers, 'St. Thomas, tihi's2l2nd day of January, [,94i3. I ifihat thi's Oouncil is' Willing to hav.e the final equalization of a.ssessment rolllS, in case of appeal, made by! the County Judfe. J, D. TiHOl\!lSION', E. E. A'11KINSON, ;Read a third time and passed at County Cou:hcil'Ohambers, St. Thomas, 'this 2i2nd day of January, 1943. Clerk Warden J. D, 'I"HOMlS'Ol..r, Clerk E. KAlTtK:INlSON, Warden I - --~ 130 ElLiCNN COUNTY GOUNa'll, BY -L,AW NO. 1406 To Fix Sa.lary of the ,Physi(cian of the House of Refuge The EilJgin County Goun-eil enacts: That tlfe salarY' of the Physi,cian of the House of Refuge' be and is hereby fixed 'at Three Hundredj Dollars Iper annum. That By-law No. 11170 be-and .is- hereby amended accordingly. 'Read' a third! time Thomas', this OOnd d~y and,' passed at County Cou),1cil Chamibers,S:t. of January, 1943. J. D. 'TlBJOMlSON, E.E. A:'IKINrSiON( Ol'erle Warden BY -LA,W NO. 1407 To Autho.rfze the, Purchase of $20.,000 ViICtOl'Y h':\:l.n' 'Bonds The ,E:JJgin. .county Council enacts:: That the 'Wardep, Olerk and' Treasure,!, be and are 'hereby auth- orized to purcihasei$i20,(}(}O in Vic'tory Loan iBonds rbeal~inig interest at the rate of' 3,% to \S'et aside .as a Reser,V1e Fund from the surplus funds o~ 1943. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 10th day of June, 194G. \ . J. D.'!lHiOMlSOrN, Clerk E'. .E. IAITIElNiSiOiN, Warden I I I I I I I I. I I I. I EILGilN COUNTY COUNCIL 131 BCY-L~W NO\ 1408 To A'ppoint Officers 'of the I:louse uf Refuge: The Oounty ICouncil of the County of Elgin enacts: L That ,J. a.Turnbull be and is hereby 'aJIJPointed Keeper, and his wife, M'Yrtle Ann Turnbull be and is herahy !t:pI,pointed Matron olf' the HouSe of Refuge to hold ofific'e during t'heplea.sure of;the C:onci~. II. Tha;t ,the combined salal'ies, of the Keeper and Matron be and are hereby :fixed at Fifteen Blundred Dollars per annum, payabl,e monthily; ']II. That the said Keeper and Matron may hire m.'; dis{:Jhaflge aU. :he~p req\lired! a~ the., Institution with the approval of the I'Il.gpe~tor and the IOb,airman O'f the Committee; the said bired help to be p'aid by the. C'ouu1ty. '~,;. W. 'Tbat J.' D. 'I'h<lm'S<lU ,be ,and is .ber€fbw-appointed Inspector of the Hous~e of Refuge., V. That a committee of three members of the Council to be called the'Sbandi:n!g Committee orf M'anagement of the House of Refuge be a:t:pointedar;mualliy ,at the first session in each year. I VI: 'That !by-laws; Nos; 1220, 1270, 1,2'9,5 and 1347 b~ and ,are here~ by repeal'ed. Read / a third ti1ne and passed' at Oounty Council Ctha.m1bers, Sit. Thomas, .this 10th day of Jiune, 1943. ' J. n. 'I1HIOMSOIN, E. E. AlTKIN1S0IN, IClerk Warden """v .) ".,_",,-,'.,.,',; "" """,- .,,.;,,.~-- """" "';'~"-"i'."J ('i-'Y:>~Slh.;." 132 . ElLGlIN OOlJNTY COUNCIL ElLGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 133 BY.,LAW NO. 1409 ''I!HlE1RiElFlORJE the Council of the :Mlunicipal Corporation of :the. County of E1gin enacts: To Ridse Amounts; for COUnty Rates During- the Year 1943 1. 'T'hat.a rate of five mills 'On the 'doLlar be Jevied.on aU r,ateable property ,in the seyenil'municipalities in the County 'Of :rngin a'S above set forth for tl1e y.ear 1943. WHiIDREAiS ,an estimate' has, been' made showirigthat . the sum, 'Of One Hundred -,and .Fifty~:One Thous:aud, One Hundred- .and Severity;. Six !Dollars is required to be raised in'the several municipalities for the lawfulpul'Iposes of tlhe \County. during the year 194a an-the lbasis 'Of . the equalized e:sseSS1:ri€ut as determined inI,942. 2. 'That the amounts. required Ier County .and IfbrIDgh ',and Oon- tinuation School purpo&es,asset iforuh in the rfollowinl@ sClhedule be levied in the respective. municipal'ities dUTing 1943 and paid ,to' the County Treasurer;ft8 'by law l'equired. $llliI!lDULE AiNiD wtHlER.rIDAS the estimated amount- req,Uir-ed for High and Continua'ti,on SChoollPurposes based on .maintenance cos~s. for 1942 ,as determined und.er provisions of the !High Schools Act' is .sixty-Ni'ne Thousand, Eight 'Hundred ,and Fifty,iS~x.D'Ollars. Munidprt'lity 'rotal Equalized Value General V ooa..tiJonal T'otal )' School Clounty R-t~tes" Rato Total Municipality 1st % '2nd % 1st % 2nd -Y2 AldfboroU'gh '$ 3,2,13 $ .2,9m $ 1.17~' $ ~!,l $ 7,618 Ii 18,52,8 $ 26,146 Dun wlch 4,012 3,479 1,2:8]j 122, 8,8g4 20,241 29,135 'Soubhwold 5,006 3,961 1161]5 3,2~4 13,8'06 25,'512111 39,387 Yarmoubh ......... 41899, 4,776 1',682 ~,660 . 16,019 26,56~ .~2W7 , Malahide 3,307 3,7'53 1,089 '11318 8;287 17,205 25.492 Ba~~am 2,150 2,669 769 6.588 12,129 18,717 S. Dorchester.. . 1,785 1,9551 659 4,399 10.403 14,802 Port. IStanley.... ~KI6 Mill 299 850 .2,927 4,715 7,16I4J2 Ayhiler 502 54 5516 7,926 8,4M i Dutton 1'62 162 ~,5611. 2,725 I Vienna 38 38 605 643 Springfield 58 58 924 982 , , Rodney 133 00 165 2,107 2,2.72 West Lorne 110 169 279 1:742: 2,021 Aldboroug'h Dunwich S;outhiWold Yarmouth Mala'hide ....$3,705,6511 4;048,2D5 ...... . 5.104.27i6 .5,3'1'3,553' 3,440,976 .... 2,425,73'5. 2,000,584 .1,535,08~ . 0[2.653 942.889 134,8741 1'211,044' 421,450 348,3616 Ba:Yhan~ South !Dorchest.er Aylmer Dutton Port Stanley S'prin~field Vienna . R.odney West Lorne $2,5.3'58 $25,358 $ 9,5.70 $ 9,570 $69,81;6$,1&1,176 $22,1,032 Read a third time an(j' passed at~ County Council Ch~mbers, . st. Thomas, ~hiS lOth day of June, 1943. I I J. D. THOMSON, Clerk E, E. A/I'!KINOON,. Warden $30.235,345 134 ELGIN COUNTY C'OUNOIL EILG[N COUNTY. COUNCIL "13,5 BY -LAW NlO. 1410 BY--LAW NO.. 1412 To Extend Time for Tax Sale To Authotize the:P'urchase' of $15,000 Victory' Loan, Bunds The E~gin County Gauncil ,enacts: The lffigin iClountyG'ouncil enacts: That thB time fo.r the enforced collection by sfile of land.in arrears Jor taxes in .the C'ounby of Elgin he _and is hereby exbend€d (for one year. Th'at the Warden, C~erkandj Treasurer be and are herepy ,auth- orized to purchase $15,00,0 in Vict~ry ~oan Bond.:;,', bearing interest at the_ rate of 3.% t,o set' aside as a ReoorveFund from the surplus ful}ds ' of 1943. Read a. .third time andp~ssed at 'County 'OmmeH Chambers, St. Thomas, this 10 day of June, 1943. . Read a third time and passed at County Conneil Oham'bers, St. Thomas, this- 25th, day of November, 1,943. J. D. TIHJOIMiSON, E. E. ArDKJINSON, To lAmend ,uy-Ia:w No. 132,7 and Repeal By-law No. ,1386 q J. D. 'NfOMSON. Clerk E. E, ATKi]NSON, Clerk Warden Warden BY-LAW NO. 1411 The Elgin 100l1nty Gouncil enacts: T'hat the salMy of John D. Thomson, County Gle(l:k, be Two Thousand Dollar.s'per annum, paY9:ble monthly; the said Olerk tdgive ''_ necessary assistance to the County Treasur.er. / That by-law No. 1386 be and is, hereh:y repe'aled and that by-law No.13:2r7he"and is ,hereby 'amended accordingly._ Read ,a third time and passed - at Gounty Gouncil Ohambers, St. Thomas, this. 25th day of Nov,emb{:lr, 1943; J. D. 'I1HlOlM!SION, Clerk E" 'E. AT!K'I'NS!OIN"~ Warden """,,""""'YN,ir-"/,'.;,"",Y"" H\\;' AtilJ1' 1316 EILGIN COUN'l'YCOUNCIL EILGINOOUNTY COUNCIL 137 INDEX GRANTI~ 12 16 62 104 .....57, 58 51 72 103 16 72 103 80 7e 103 6e 13 103 72 j,l 5'1 13 No. 1'395 '1'0 Appaint a Gaunty Ro.ad Cammittee', .. .......19, 119 13:9,6 To. iAutharize "the, Warden and Tri~asure; to. B01'l'~W the Sum Of Two Hundred Thousand :DolHus.......:20,7!;:l" 120 139'Jl TIQ Appoint a B<o.ard of iAudtt in the C:aunty of. Elgin for 'the Y,e'ar" 1943 ................. . ........... ........... ......-;W, '12i1 1398 'lia Appoint a Member of ;the Aylmer [Board of Education ........................ . ... ....... ............ . ...012,21, 121 13!99 '110. Appo.int ,a IMember ,of the Dutton High 'schQol B;oard .. .... . .............._12,22, 1122 1400 'A B~-law foOl' IGr.anting Aid to. Gertain Patriotic Organizations 'Within the County af 'E!lg-in ......14, ,212-, 122 140il To. Appoint an Advisary Agricultural Obuncil...23,63, 12,4 140121 Granting Pri'vileg.es- to 'ID'Omini,onNatural Gas Campany Ltimited .......... ........... .. ... ........... .. .., ........23, 88, 125 140\31 A"By~law ,to. Provide for the Total 'EXpenditure on the 'System of -County. lRoads in the Oounty of Elgin....24; 1217 M04' To lRiev:e'rtPo:rtions ,of Roads'in the Township of Mal.hide . ............ ............... 24, 128 140-5 /VA IClonfirm the Elq,ualiz,ation of Assessment 'Ralls of the Oounty of Eilgin for -the Yea-r 1943... .........._2,5, 129 14016 To !Fix Salary 'Qfthe Physician .of the House of- Refuge ...... ......... ....... ........ 26, 1'30 1407, To Authuriz,s' the 'Pur.chaseof :$20,0100 Victary Lo'an Bonds ..........40; 79, t:30 1,408 To Appoint Officers 'of the tHouse of_ R~fuge.. ......41, 1311 140.9' To 'Raise Amounts for County Rates' during the ~ear 1&'43, ... ................... ... ... ... ...........................42, 132 14110 To Extend Time for 'J1ax Saloe. .........;.'............ ..............42, 134 1411 To Amend By~law 1327 and Repeal By':'law No. 1336 . ................................58, 13~ 1.412 To AuthoOriZe the Purchase of1 $15,000 Victory Laai1 B-onds . ...... . ........................... ........$8, 135 Agricultural :and !Horti,cultur.al 'Societies.. Agricultural War, Oammittee.. Advisory hgricultural iGounc:i1 Aylmer RecT,eati,on Club Reporters Children's _Aid Society Canadian N.ationa.l Institute for the:?-lind.",... Chinese ,W:ar, R;elief.: Elgin'!Oaunty iLibrary Association.. Elgin Law - Library . Greek War R'eltef.. BY.LA:\YIS- Lock-ups Municipal Association ......,....,.. Navy League of - 'Oanada.. Ontario. Agriculturai Council.. Public Libraries Russian War Relief Salvation Army Tl."ustees' ~.nd Ratepayers' Association.. J ~S'" W:arcien Women's Institutes I I I I i , IV.US'CIEiLlLiANEOIUS- Advisor~ coU;P,tx- ~Pad Committee.. 'Bo.ard -of.Audit Cammunications County, Council :County Officials Deputations anq. 'Committees ,Equalization' ,Committee Insurance' Committee Municipal,Olerks ,and Treasurers Public Health Go~mittee 12 11 31, 45 3, 4 2 ...........26, 317 1,5 15' 2 69 W Ii {" 138 EiLiG'IN COlJ'NTY COUNJJ:.rL f Resolutions-replies from other ociunti.es Warden's Address Warden's' Election ., .7;34, 4'8 .. ....... m ....9, 28, 44 4 REPIORTS OIF COMMITT!ED:eS AND O!FrFICIlALS~ Agricultura:l Committee Corn' Bore,!, Inspee,tor County ,Road Committee Oouuty !ClerIc .on Licenses E:ducaUon,Oommitte.e .Equalization Finance Gommittee Gaol 'Commit,tee House' ,of Refuge Commititec Inspector, House. of; Refuge Insuran~e ' Physicia.n, -House of .Re:f:u-ge Legal Mothers' Allowances Old Age, P.ensions PUblic Health Peti tiolls ,and Legislation ISta,nding ,Oommittees War Purposes R'ESOL~U'IIIQlNiS- 16,37, .6~ 118 ....16,4(),53, 9W ...........114 18,40, 69 ............18,19, 105 . .... .. ....18, .37., 51, 71 ............18, 37,501, 82 37., 95 107 39,5'3, 89 112 .....1~, 88 117 1116 '54 3'7,/'51,91, 106\ 60 18, 39,1 .51, 103 Setting of Price,s. on Farm Products.. 8 Petition foOl' Subsidy . ..... ...... ...... ........... 11 Notification' ,bylnvestig:atol' in Mo'thers' AlloWanC'l.:!S c~ses ._,.. 17 Reside'l'lCeof Indigent '.Patients ,re Hospitalization.. ..,. 18 ISu,ga;r for (Home Oanning' ........ ........... 40 Railway Crossing 'Bratec;tion at Straffordville. .. ...... . ........ 50 Gommending the Han. T. L. Kennedy,.;' ............"...... 51 The I~bandoningb'f Farm Subsidies. .......... ......... 52 E:stabUshment -of Reoeiving, Home by. -the OhilGlTerr:s:..Aid .sooiety' 5'4 I?aylight Saving 'Time ........, ......... ...........-.. 5'6 Farm Bloc Movement .. .. _.. 57