1944 Minutes I I~ .. i j ~, I f PROCEEDINGS OF T]-IE Elgin County Council During the Sessions helel in the COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS in the months of January, June and November 1944 JOHN D. THOMSON, County Clerk J. c:. GfLLfES. \Vardcn ~ OFFICIALS, 1944 D. C. Ross, County Judge I. D. Cameron, County Court Clerk, Sheriff E. W. Haines, Clerk of the Peace and County Crown Attorney Major C. P. ErmaUnger, Gaoler J'. C. Smith, Public School Inspector Alex. McColl, Assistant School Inspector J. D. Thomson, ,County Clerk and Inspector House of Refuge Benjamin B. Graham, County Treasurer F. A. Bell, C. E., County .Road .superintendent George powles, Assistant County Road Superintendent R. A. Sanders, County Solicitor Douglas L. Elwin, M.D., Physician, Gaol and House of Refuge J. G. Turnbull, Keeper, House of Refuge E. Donald Smith, County Police 'Magistrate Ben. Milligan, High County Constable Summers Harper, Aylmer R. R. 1, Corn Borer Inspector County Auditors D. M. Le:itch, West Lorne; W. E. Locke, St. Thomas, R. R. 8 PROCEEDINGS -OF THE- Elgin County Council FIRST SESSION - FIRST DAY Tuesday the 18th day of January; 1944 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas as required by' Statute. The following member,s filed certificates and took their seats at the Council table: J. C. Gillies, Reeve, Aldborough MUNICIPAL CLERUS AND TREASURERS George Carroll, Deputy Reeve, Aldborough Municipality Clerk Treasurer Aldboroughnn..mm.m..uChas I. Blac,k, Rodney.m...........mnW. S. Stalker, R. R. 1, Rodney Dunwich.m...n...A. N. McWilliam, Duttonn..mJMrs. Mildred McNeil, Dutton Southwold...uun...Ralph Auckland, Talbotville...mn.mChas. E. Jackson, R. R. 2, Port Stanley Yarmouth......m.m...m.H. L. Lawton, St. Thoroas..uom..mnm..cH. L. Lawtov. Malahide...,nnmm...mE. E. McTaggart, Aylmer.mum...........E. E. McTaggart Bayham.mm..mJ. D. Vallee, StraffordYillen....um.M. Stratton, Straffordville South Dorchester.mM.. S. Charlton, R. R. 1, Springfieldm:M. S. Charlton J:'own of Aylmer...mo...um.mm.mnJohn S. FOYno..mmm.......m.mJohn S. Foy Village of Vienna....m.Mrs. 'Louise McDonald.-um.Mrs. Louise McDonald Village of Springfield...mmum..John Hodgsonm.mmu_...Wm. H. Cathel's Village of Dutton....mmunn.un_u.mW. M. Blain..m.m.....nmom.._uW. M. Blain Village of Port StHnley ........m.J. H. Burke m..mmh+.m.._..n_.. J. H. Burke Village of RodneY........unmmnGeo. L. Mistele..._mn....m_..Geo. L. Mistele Village' of West Lorne..m._.....L. W. HoIland...n.......Mrs. Tena McGregor w. G. Lumley, Reeve, Dunwich R. D. Campbell, Deputy Reeve, Dunwich Stewart Brown, Reeve, Southwold Richard Kimble, Deputy Reeve, Southwold W. B. Roberts, Reeve, Yarmouth Thomas Soper, Deputy Reeve, Yarmouth Gordon Newell, Reeve, Malahide Clifford Ellis, Deputy Reeve, Mala'hide 4 (ffiLGIN COUINTY COillfCIL !ELGIN COUINTY COUNCIL 5 Chas. D. Coyle, Reeve, BaYham From F. S. Thomas with request for agricultural grants,:-Refel'- red to Agricultural Committee. Neil McConkey, Deputy Reeye, Bayham H. G. Taylor, Reeve, South Dorchester From The Qnt. Association of Rural Municipalities 1'8 annual convention and request for memberShip fee.------Referred to Finance Com- mittee. m.E. Atkinson, Reeve, Aylmer Gea. E. Brown, Deputy Reeve, Aylmer From The Nayy League of Canada with request for grant.-Refel'- red to War Purposes Committee.. Delbert Ryan, Reeve, _ Vienna Fred Shively, Reeve, Springfield From Onto Department of Highways 1'e reversion of portion of road in the Township of Yal'moutb.-Referred to Roads Committee. Dugald Brown, Reeve, Port Stanley From The Lions Club with reque,st for grant.-Referred to War Purposes Committee. J. D. Fl\'liSer, ,Reeve, Dutton Wm. .T. Merrett, Reeve, West Lorne Howard W. Thomson, Reeve, Rodney From The Ontario Municipal Association with request for mem- bership fee.-Referred to Finance Committee. Moved by Chas. D. Coyle, From Ontario Good Roads Association re annual convention and membership fee.-Referred to Roads Committee. Seco'nded by W. B. Roberts: From R. W. Thompson Provincial Entomologist re appointment of corn borer inspector.-Referred to Agricultural Committee. That John C. Gillies be Warden of Elgin County for the year 1914. .-.:-Carried. From Ontario Agricultural Council re annual convention and mem- b~rshipfee:-Referred to Agricultur:al Committee. The Warden made his Declaration of Office 'and thanked the Coun- cil for the honor conferred. From Ontario Educational Ass'ociation with reque,st for membel'- ship fee.-Referred to Education Committee. From Association of Assessing Officers of Ontario with request for membership fee.-:-Heferred to" Finance Committee. The following communicati9ns were read: From School Section No. 16 Dunwich, re health ogreement.-Re- foned to Public Health Committee. From Ontario Association of M.anagers of Homes for Aged and Infirm with reqq.e~t fQr mCmb!Wship fe~,-:ftl?f~rr~g tt? f.!9W?~ 9f RefugE} Committee, 6 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 7 From Ontario Department of Highways 1'e expenditure by-law.-- Referred to Roads Committee. ' Report on Elgin County Resolutions- I. 1'e Recommendation of Hon. T, L. Kennedy. From Mogg and Quinlan 1'e equalization of county assessment,-Re- ferred to Equalization Committe~. Acknowledgment and thanks-Mr, Kennedy. From Canadian National Institute for the Blind with request for grant 'and report.---Referred to Finance Committee. Endorsed-York, Lincoln, Brant, Wentworth, WeIland, Water- loo. 2. l'e Pari ty Prices~ From F. A. Bell, County Engineer with Suburban Area Commission l'eport.-Referred to Roads Committee. Aclmowledgment---Hon. James G. Gardiner. No action-York, Waterloo. From Onto Conservation and Reforestation Association with request for grant,~Referred to AgricuItural Committee. Endor.sed.c......Lincoln, Brant, Not endorsed----':"Wentworth. From Chinese War Relief Fund re annual appeal.~Referred to War Purposes Committee, Filed-Wel1and. From County of Essex with resolution re the transportation of the armed forces,--1Referred to Petitions & Legislation Committee, 3. Daylight Saving Time~ From County of Oxford with resolutions~1. re daylight saving; Acknowledgment-Office of the Prime Minister, Ottawa. 2, '1'0 hog subsidies..-----.:.Referred to Agricultural Committee. No action-York, WeIland. Endorsed-Lincoln, Brant, Waterloo, From County of Lincoln 1'e bounty on foxes.-Referred to Petitions & Legislation Committee. Not endorsed-Wentworth. County of Lambton with resolution re hospitalization of indigent patients,-Referred to Finance Committee. 4. Farm Bloc- , County of Simcoe with resolution 1'6 ceiling prices on clover seed. _Referred to Agricultural Committee. Approved-Middlesex, Waterloo. No action-York. Fi'o.m County of Poerthwith resolution t'e Qf}iling 'pdce on tUe.--> Rf;lt~rr~{\ \9 AlJriy~!t~!'?J,l Com~!~t~c:, Filed-Lincoln, Brant, WentW:Qrth, QQncldt're4-W~1.!~n4, ! 8 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 9 5. Freezing of Farm Lahor- FIRST SESSION - SECOND DAY E'udol'sed,W. M. Abraham. Wednesday, Janual'Y 19th, 1944 Moved by G.Newell, Seconded by W. B. Roberts: The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas in accordance with adjournment. That the Insurance Committee of the County of Elgin continue to function dm'iug 1944. The Warden in the Chair. -Carried. All the members present. The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. Mr. H. G. Taylor moved that Mr. Caldwell, District Engineer be now heard. Warden's Addl\eSS Mr. Caldwell addressed the Council 1'e a Post War Fund. "". To the Elgin County Council, Moved by H. G. Taylor, Gentlemen: Soconded by C. D. Coyle: At this, the opening session, I desire to again thank you for tho honor conferred in electing me as the Warden of the County ,for the year 1944. I would like to extend a welcome to the new members and also those who are returning, having heen members in former years. That this Council do now adjourn to allow the Reeves of the various municipalities to meet and strike the Standing Committees; the Coun- cil to meet again at 10 a.m. tomorrow. JOHN C. GILLIES, Warden. The prospects for victory seem to be improving and we all hope that before the end of the Year we may have peace on earth. Roads The Committee last year prepared a large program for. post wa'r construction and I trust that in the expenditure of this money the County Councils at the time will do carefully and wisely as has been Qoneby previous councils. , The Health Committee' appointed last year expect to begi'n the School He~1th -Service the first of February and will have a report for th~ memj:;)~ra ,at thi!$ ~~sl?jQn, 10 ELGIN OOUNT:Y COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 11 The financial statement for 1943 wi1l show a small surplus after the purchase of $15,000. in Victory Bonds at the, November session. The County now has $50,000. in Victory Bonds and all notes at the Bank- are paid. Mr. Fraser moved that Mr. Johnson from the Western Onto Dairy- man's Association be heard and Mr. Johnson addressed the Council requesting a grant; this request was referred to the Agricultural Com- mittee. Equaliza,tion The adjustments made in the Assessments last year were accepted by the various municipalities as quite satisfactory and I believe a Com- mittee should be appointed this year to act in the same manner. Moved by Geo. Carroll, Seconded by R. D. Campbell: The Dominion and Provincial Goyernm,,:nts seem to be taking a greater interest in Agricultural conditions and now realize the serious handicaps the farmer has been laboring under the past two years. That the Warden and Clerk be authorized to submit to the Minister of Highways ,of Ontario the petition of the ,County of Elgin showing that from the first day of JanUary 1943 to the thirty-first day of Dec- ember 1943 there has been expended on the County Highway System the sum of $115,044.53. The following communication was read: -Canied. From Department of Game and Fisheries re open season far tak- ing beavers.-Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. Moved by E. E'. ,Atkinson, Mr. Gillies appointed Mr. H .G. Taylor to aetas Chairman at tlle County Oratorical Contest to be held in Aylmer on Friday evening as Mr. .Gillies himself had a previous engagement in Rodney. Seconded by H. G. Taylor: Mr. H. G. Taylor moved that the Cot;lnty Auditors with their report of the County's financial year be heard. That Mr. G. E. Brown be appointed to the Boord of Audit for Administration of Justice accounts. -Carded. Mr. Leitch and Mr. Lock addre,ssed the Council explaining the Aud- itors' financial report. Moved by G. Newell, Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by W. B. Roberts: Seconded by Chas. D. Coyle: That this Count;\, Council delegate our auditors, namely Mr. Dun- can Leitch and M.r. Wm. Locke to meet Department of Municipal Aff'airs officials r?garding any neW rules or suggestions along the line of county audit. That the Warden appoint an Equalization Committee for the year 1944. -Carrieo, -Carried\ The -report of the committee to strike the standing committee was pl'es~ntEJt;l ?'nt;l?,dopt~g on motiQn Qf Mr. Coyle .secQp'Q,(lg by" ,Mr, Fl'aSt~t'. 12 'ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by F. Shively: That Messrs: Lumley and Fraser be appointed Advisory Memberi:l of the Roads Committee. -Carded. Moved by G. Newell, Seconded by D. Brown: Tha.t this County Council adjourn to 2 p.m. -Carried. The Cou!lcil resumed. Mr. Newell moved that the representa.tives of the Rural Mail Car- riers be heard and Mr. Randall addressed the Council. Moved by W. B. Roberts, Seconded by G. Newe!l: That the Dominion Government be 'petitioned to' appoint a corow mittee to investigate the subject-of rural mail delivery; and that a copy of this resolution be ,sent to all County Councils, the Post Mast(;!' Gener'al and the Ontario Agricultural Council. -Carried. Mr. Tay16r moved that repl'cse:ntatives from ,the County Library Association be heard and Mr. Walter Rogers and Mr. J. C. Smith ad- dressed the. Council. Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by C11~$, p. Coyl~i IEJDGm COUNTY COUNOIL 13 That we grant, the Elgin County Library Association $500 for the year 1944. Moved by Geo. Carroll, Seconded by Wm. T. Merrett: That we do now adjourn to meet on Thursday at 10 a.m. -Carried. -Carded. J; C. GILLIES, Warden. :tA lm..GIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 15 FIRST SESSION - THIRD DAY :M:oved by E. E. Atkinson, Seconded by G. E. Brown: Thursday the 20th'day of Janua.ry, 1944, The, Elgin County Council met th,ls day at the Court House, St. Thomas in accordance with -adjournment. 'l;'hat R. E. Wilson be appointed a member of the J)..ylmer Board of Education fora term of three years. -Carried. The. Warden in the Chair. Moved by C. Ellis, Second.ed by G. Newell: All the members present. 'The minutes of' the, preceding day were read and confirmed. That the Elgin County. Council confirm By-law No. 1289 passed by the Township of Malahide; being a by-law to close certain roads in 'that Township, namely part of Lot 20, Concession 3 and for fixing and declaring the terms upon which the same. shall- be disposed of.and con- veyed.. A communication from the Salvation Army requesting a grant W3.S read and referred to the _Finance Committ~e. ) . 'Mr. Brown moved that Mr. Allan the representative of -the Navy League be heard and Mr. Allan addre.ssed the Council requesting a grant; the request was referred to the War Purposes Commi'uee. -Canied. Moved by Wm. T. Merrett, Seconded by Geo. Carroll: The Warden appointed Messrs. Coyle, Taylorr Atkinson and Fraser members of the Equa,lization Committee. That this Council do now adjourn to 2 p.m. The first report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Mr. Fraser, seconded by Mr. Lumley. -Carried. The Council resumed. Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by Chas. D. Coyle: The second report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of IMr. F,raser, second,ed by S. Brown. That Mr. Gordon Newell be Elgin County Representative on the Senate of the University of Western Ontario.. The third report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motio of Mr. Fraser, seconded by Mr. Thomson. -Carried. The report of the War Purposes Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Mr. D. Brown, seconded by Mr. 'Merrett. 16 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL !ELGIN OOUNTY COUNC:IL 17 The report of the Gaol Committee was pr(>sented and adopted on motion of. Mr. Ryan, seconded by Mr. McConkey. Moved by Fred Shively, Seconded by T. Soper: The report of the Petitions and Legislation Committee. was pres- ented and adopted on motion of Mr. Merrett, seconded by ~r. Thom- son. The Health Committee report was presented and adopted on motion of M.r. Taylor, se'cauded by Mr. Coyle. That grants to Agricultural and Horticultural Societies he the same as last year, Le. AgricultUl'al Societies~equivalent to the Government grant for 1943 Aldhorough, Aylmer, Shedden, West Elgin, Yarmouth and Springfield. The report of the House of 'Refuge Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Mr:Ellis, seconded by Mr. Carroll. Horticultural Societies-25% of' the Government Grant for 1943 Aylmer, Dutton, Springfield, Shedden, Rodney, West Lorne and Bel- mont. The report of the Agricultural Committee was ,presented and adopt- ed on motion of Mr. Newell, seconded by 'Mr. Taylor. -Carried. Mr. Newell moved a vote of appreciation to Mr. Taylor for his work in inaugurating the Public School Health System in Elgin County. Moved by R. D. Campbell, Se,conded by Geo. Lumley: The report of the Road Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Mr. Roberts, seconded by <Mr. Fraser. That th~ usual grant of $50 be given to the Trustees' and Rate- payeI\S' Association providing that the annual meeting is held and a repont submitted to the County Council. Moved by N. ~cConkey, Seconded by G. E. Brown: -Carried. That the usual grants to Public Libraries be paid, i.e.-$50 each to Rodney, West Lorne, Dutton, Aylmer, Port Stanley, Shedden, Vienna, Springfield, Sparta" Bayham' and Port Burwell; and '$25 each to Wards- vilIe and Belmont. Moved by Wm. T. Merrett, Seconded by G. Newell: -Carried. Moved by G. E. Brown, -That the usual grants to Women's Institutes be paid, Le. $10 to each Institute and $25 to the East and West District Institutes and $5 to ,each Institute whe.re public oratory contests are held. Every In. stitute wishing to .take advantage of the additional $5 grant, must sat- isfy the Clerk' and Treasurer of their qualifications for apP.lying for same. Seconded by E. E. Atkinson: That grants to lock-ups and municipal buildings be the same as last year on approval of the High County Constable. -Carried. -Carrier!. 18 iELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL ELG~N COUJ'l'I'Y COUNCIL 19 . Moved by 'H. G. Taylor, FIRST SESSION --FOURTH . DAY Seconded by Chas. D. Coyle: That this Elgin County Council make appfication to the Depart- ment of Highways of Ontario for a quarterly ,payment of' road subsidy providing a proper a'udit of expenditures is presented quarterly. Friday the 21st day of January, 1944 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas in accordance with adjournment _Carried. The Warden in the Chair. M.oved by H. G. Taylor, All the members present. Seconded by E. E. Atkinson: Moved by D. Brown, That the usual amount he paid toward defraying the expenses of the winner of the Elgin County Oratorical Contest in entering the Dis- trict Contest held at Chatham; and if a winner,there he or she be paid the ,Sum of $25 to assist in ,expenses re attep.ding the Provincial Con- test .at the Ontario Educational Association in Toronto during Easter Week. Seconded by G. Newell: That this Council do now adjourn to meet at 1.30 p.m. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by Geo. Carroll, The Council resumed. Seconded by Wm. Merrett: That the following be certified as permane'nt employees and exemp. ted from Unemployment Insurance: Mr. J. G.Turnbull, Mrs. J. G. TUrn~ bull, Wm. J. Cook and the Public Health Nurses. The minutes of the preceding day were read and approved, 'Mr. Newell moved that Mr. 'Holmes be heard and Mr. Holmes thanked t'he Cou'neil. -Carried. The report of the Equalization Committee was ,presented and it was moved that the Council go into a Committee of the Whole with Mr. Atkinson ,in the Chair. After considerable dis:cussion the report was adopted as read. Moved by C. Ellis, Seconded by.W. B. Roberts: That this Council do now adjourn to meet Friday morning at Iten o'clock. -Carried. The report of the Education Committee was pre.sen'~ed and adopted on motion of ~r. Taylor, seconded by Mr. Shively. Moved by W. B. Roberts, J. C. GILLIES, Warden. Seconded by G. 'N ewe1l: 20 ,E[jGIN COUNTY C()(lJNCIL iELGIN OQUNTY COUNCiL 21 That, in view of the fact that uumerous complaints have been received from farmers 1'e damages done by beavers, the Department of Game and Fi-shel'ies be requested to remove said beavers, by means of box traps, to some other locality where no. damage will ensue. Moved by Wm. T. Merrett, Seconded by R. D. Campbell: _Carried. By-law No. 1413 "To Appoi'ut a County Road Committee" be I'ead a first time. -Carried. Moved by G. E, Brown, That the Warden and Clei'k be authorized to sign Public Health agreements. Moved by R. D. Campbell, Seconded by Wm. T. Merrett: Seconded by E. E. Atkinson: That by-law No. 1413 be read a second. time. _Carried. -Carried. Moved by J. D. Fraser, Moved by Wm. T. Merrett, SecondQd by H. W. Thomson: Seconded by R. D. Campbell: That a grant of $50 be made, to the Elg~n Law Library. That by-law No. 1413 be read a third time 'and finally paJSsed. _Carried. -CarrleiL Mbyed by E. E. Atkinson, Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by G. E. Brown: Seconded by Chas. D. Coyle: That this Elgin Council petition the Department of Administration of Justice of the Dominion Government to take special note of the ever increasing crime perpetrated by teen age boys and ,that a special investigation be made, a's to the proper kind of punishment for such individuals in order to/discourage such crimes; that a copy of this reso~ lution be sent to the Attorney General of Ontario, the Department of Justice, ottawa, the Ontario Agricultural- Council and all County Coun- cils. That by-law No. 1414 "To Fix Members Wages" be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by E. E. Atkinson, Seconded by G. E. Brown: That by-law No. 14;1.1 Pc r~~d ~ ~eqQng time. -Carried. ::-!"Qarri~~\, ~",--"",;';,----'.' 22 EILGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN -COUNTY COUNCIL 23 Seconded by D. Ryan: That by-law No. 1416 "To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer 1:0 Borrow the sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars" be read a first time. Moved by G. E. Brown, That by-law No. 1414 be read a. third time and finally-,pMsed. -9ari'ied. _Carried. Moved by J. D. Fraser, Secon9.ed by H. W. Thomson: Moved by S. Brown, That by-law No. 1416 be read a second time. Seconded by R. Kimble: .,..-Carl'ie,d. That by-law No. 1415 "To Appoint ,a Board of Audit in the County of Elgin for the ,year 1944" be read a first time. Moved by H. W. Thomson, ......Carried. Seconded by J.D. Fraser: Moved by R. Kimble, That by-law No. 1416 be read-a third time and finally 'passed. Seconded by S. Brown: -Carried. That by-law No. 1415 be read 'a second time. Moved by N. McConkey, -Carried. . Seconded by'C. D. Coyle: Moved by D. Ryan, That by-law No. 1417 "To Appoint a M.ember of the Aylmer Board of Education" be read a first time,. Seconded by .s. Brown: -Carried. That by-law No. 1415 be read a third time and finally passed. Moyed 'by C. D., Coyle, -Carrjerl; Seconded by N. McConkey: Moved by H. W. Thomson; That by-law No. 1417 be read a second time, Se9Qn4~~ by J. p. !fr~~e~'i -..,Q~rt'!eg, .'-e... 24 ;E'LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ;ELGIN COUNTY GOUNC~L 25 Moved by N. McConkey, Moved by c.- Ems, Seconded by C. D. Coyle: That'by-law No. 1417 be read a third time andfinally passed. Seconde.d by W. B. Roberts: That by-law No. 1419 be read a second time. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by D. G. Brown, Moved by T. Soper, Seconded by G. Newell: Seconded by G. Newell: That by-law No. 1418 "To Grant Aid to Certain Patriotic Organi- zations within the County ,of Elgin" be read a first time. That by-law No. 1419 be read a third time ~nd finally passed. -Carried. -Carl'led. Moved by D. G. Brown, Moved by F. ShiVely, Seconded by G. Newell: Seconded by T. Soper: --,-Carrieu. That .by-Iaw No. 1420 "To Provide for the Granting of Permits in moving Heavy Vehicles, Loads, Objects or Structures" be read a first time. That by-law No. 1418 be read a second time. Moved by D. G. Brown, -Carried. Seconded by G. Newell: That by~lawNo. 1418 be read a third time and finally pa~sed. Moved by T. Soper, Seco~ded by F. Shively: -Carried. That by-law No. 1420 be read a second time. Moved by W. :k Roberts, Seconded by C. Ellis: -Carried. Moved. by F. Shively, That by-law No. 1419 "To Provide for the Total Expenditure on the System of County Rood:? !!1 tne County:' of Elgin during the .year 1944" ,be I,'eac;l {.\ -fip~t tirne~ Seconded by 'J;'. Soper: Th~t by-law No. '1420.be read a third time and finally passed. -Carri~d. ~Ca,rl'le(l. 26 ELGIN COUNTY COUNDrL ELGIN OOU.NTY COUNCIL 27 1 Moved by Geo. Lumley, Moved by G. Newell, Seconded 'by R. D. Campbell: Seconded by'S. Br,own: That by-law No. 1421 "To Amend By-law No. 1376" be read' a fi~st time. That by-law No. 1422 be read a third time and finally 'passed. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by R. D. Oampbell, Moved by C. D. Coyle, Seconded by ,F. Shively: Seconded by Geo. Lumley: That by-law No. 1421 be read a second time. That by-law No. 1423 "To Confirm the Equalization of the Assess- ment Rolls of the County of Elgin for the year 1944" be read a first time. -Carried. -Carried. Seconded by R. D.Cam'Phel1: Moyedby F.Shively, Seconded by C. D. Coyle: Moved by Gee. Lumley, Trh,at by-law No. 1421 be reada third time and finally passed. .That by-law No. 1423 be read a second time. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by C. D. Coyle, Seconded by F. Shively; That by-law No. 1423 be read a third time and finally passed. Moved by G. Newell, Seconded by S. Brown: That by-law No. .1422 "To Provide for the EstabUshment and Main- tenance of a Reserve Fund" be read a first time. -Carried. ....,....~rried. Moved by Wm. T. Merrett, Second~d by R. D. Campbell: That by-law No. 1424 "To Revert a Road in the Township of Yar- mouth" be read a first time. Moved by S. Brown, Seconded by G. Newell: ---'C,arried. That by-law No~H22 J;le rea.d a l3ecQnd time. Moved by R. D.. Campbell, ~C~rr!~q, l>~9on<lN by Wm, 'J:, j\!l~rr.tt; EUGlN COUNT'Y GOUNC[L 29 28 ELGIN COUN~'Y COUNCIL SECOND SESSION-FIRS'l'DAY That by-law No. 1424 be read a second time. -Carried. Tue$da,y the 13th daY' of June,1944 Moved by Wm. T. Merrett, Seconded by R. D. Campbell: I 'That by-law No, 1424 be read a third time and finally pa.ssed. _Carried. The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas in 'accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the chair. All the members present. Moved by G. E. Brown, The Warden addressed the Council. Seconded by N. McConkey: That the Finance Committee be given authority to pur"chase Vic- tory Bonds fOl' the Reserve, Fund. To the Elgin County Council: Gentlem.en: -Carried. I am pleased to welcome you to the June Session and I trust that the business of the Council will be >>romptIy and efficiently completed. We all realize the critical period i'n the War; however the first part of the Irivasion has been completed ,Successfully and we trust that Victory may come to the Allies wit'hout too great a loss of OUr young manhood. The Warden appointed the following delegates to attend the val'- iOlls conventions: Roads-Messrs. Merrett, Lumley, Kimble, S. Brown, Ryan, Atkinson, M.cConkey, Coyle, Taylor, Shively, Soper, Roberts, Ellis, Newell, D, Brown and ,Carroll. Educational-Messrs, G, E, Brown and J. D. Thomson. Municipal-Messrs. Campbell, H. W. Thomson, Fraser and J. D. Thomson. Roads Moved 'by E. E. Atkinson, The Committee have inspected the roads of the County and find them in 'good condition. /The ,bridge at Vienna has been moved and is now open for traffic which will mean a great convenience for the people of that area, I'1'he De'parbrne'nt of Highways have approved of the ex- penditure by-law for $154,000 and the Road Committee and Suburban Committee had the pleasure of a vi-sit from the new minister of High- ways, Mr. Doucett and Mr. Marshall Who inspected ;several county roads and discussed various problems with the committees. Seconded by G. E. Brown: 'That we do now adjourn to meet the second Tuesday in June; whioh Will po, June 13\n. "-"""""Cat'ri~o ( The new Public 'School Health Service is progressing rapidly and the district supervisor 'for the Departm.ent ha's commented very favour- ably on the work being done in Elgin County. The nurses will make a 30 ,ElIJGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY OOUNOIL 31 ~ report on the work accomplished at this session. Section 231 has been amendedtp authorize the payment to the head of any municipality such annual or other remuneration as the Council may determine. The Finano's Committee at a special meeting decided not to pur- chase bonds at the present time as it would mean an increase in the mill rate. The Insurance Committe-e have completed their work and a policy for insurance on the Court House a'nd County Buildings will be pres- ented for your approval. 'The County Insurance policies have bee:!:l reduced from forty-five to five policies with a better coverage and de- ,crease in cost. New Section 445 extends authority to all municipalities to pay members of the Council on an annual rather than a per meeting basis. All municipalities except cities with a population of ,100,000 or more must secure approval of the Department before passing such a 'b~'-law and deductions are to be made for each day's absence from meetings. School Act The new regul'ation of the Ontario Government providing for an eight hour day for turnkeys at County .Gaols has meant the addition of two more on the staff of our Gaol. This will mean a considerable increase in cost to the County. Sub-s,eotion 3 of, Section 112 of the Public Schools Act is amended to increase the amount from $-800 to $1000 to be levied and payment of such ,sums shall not be made unless the 'salary of the teacher in each case is $1000 for the year. The cost of secondary education to the County is slightly less than last year. Section 89 of the Public Schools Act provides for inclusio'n in the estimates of a sum- not exceeding ten per ,cent of the maintenance costs for the preceding year and the said amount to be deposited with the Troo,surer of Ontario to be used by the s.chool board for capital expenditures. Our hospitalization and Children's Aid costs for the first half of the year are about the same as la.st year. An Act to Amend the Highway Improvement Act has been pa,ssed which provides pmny amendments and clarifications of the Highway Act. The agricultural outlook is' good and prospects for a large crop this year 'appear bright; ,the only drawback is the lack Of manpower to harvest the cro'ps. New Legislation Section 2 sub-.section '5 (d) provides that no member of the Council of the County and no member of the Couricil of any local municipality shall be appointed County Road Superintendent 01' be employed by the County Road Superintendent in 'any capacity; any such member who is appointed or who acts or is employed shall forfeit his ~eat and be' dis- qualified from sitting or -voting in the council of which he was a mem- ber. Sections 74, 75, 76 and 77 of the Municipal Act ~egarding dates fol' nominations -and elections (except those held on the last Monday in December and the first Monday in Jaunary) have all been repealed and new sections enacted providing for the holding of nominations on the Friday lOr Saturday preceding the last Monday in November with elec- tions on the first Monday' in December or on the Saturday next fol- lowing such first Monday when local municipalities pass the necessary by-law. Section 5 provide.s for the payment of seventy-five per cent of the expenditure for a bridge or culvert by the Department. In Section 29 sub-section 5 the Council of an urban municipality shall not later than the 15th day of June in each year submit to the 32 ,ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 33 County Road Superintendent a statement showing the programme of work whi.ch it proposes to carry out on street improvement and main- tenance and the estimated expenditure thereon dUl'iug the yearalHl not later than the 15th day of November in the same year shall sub- mit to him a certified statement and the actual expenditure made there- on. Sections 248, 249, 251 and 253 of the Municipal Act have been- l:H- pealed and the following substituted: Section 89 (a) of the Assessment Act has been amended to insure that equalization will be confined to real property valuations and that the report of the Comity Assessor to his Council shall form the basis for equalization. The Council of ,every municipality shall by by-law appoint one or more auditors who shall be persons licensed by the Department as municipal auditors and they shall hold office during good behaviour and everyone so appointed shall audit the accounts and transactions of eve"ry local board except separate school boards. The Council may provide that all accounts shall be audited before payment. Sections 90, 91, 93, 94 and 98 have been amended for the purpose of making clear that only the valuation of real propei'ty shall be equal- ized and the County rate shall be apportioned between municipalities by using for each municipality the real property valuation plus .the business assessment as reported by the rnu"nicipality. The Auditors ,shall perform their duties according to the regulations of the Department. Section 89 of the Assessment Act which provides for the appoint- ment of County Valuations has been repealed. A new act to provide for the organization of County Agricultural Committee's composed of not more than fifteen mentbel's comprising representatives of thewarious organizations of the County; a member to be appointed by the memb,-~f the Legislature and a member to be appointed by the County conncU. Section 42 sub-section (1) has been re-enacted so that it will -apply. to towns, villages, townships and cities and to five acres ,rather than ten. A new act has been passed to enable municipalities to provide med- ical care, hospitalization and other related services. The exempt~on ,l;tl1owable may be for waterworks, fire protection, ' garbage collection, sidewalks, pavements or sewers Dr oiling, tarring, treating for dust 'or watering streets. The minutes .of the last day of the January Session were read and confirmed. The following communications were read: A new act confirms all sales of land for arrears of ,taxes held prior to January 1st, 1.943 providing the Trea,surer 'has complied with sub- 'section 2 of Section 178 and has made statutory declaration as to suen compliance. From The Department of Highways re reversion of portions of King's Highways.-Referred to 'Roads Committee. From T. D. Cameron, Sheriff with request fOr gaol improvements. --Referred to Gaol. Committee. Section 240 sub-section (1) has been ame-nded to provide that evet'y 'cheque issued by the Treasurer shall be signed by the Treasurer and by some other person designated by 'by-law 01' resolution of the Council and such person shall satisfy himself that the issue thereof is author- ized. From Victoria "Hospital, London, re special ward for mental pa- tients.-Referred to Finance Committee. From Ontario Municipal Association re annual con\"ention.-Filed. II II I 1:1 :,1 'I 'I , III 1":1 I" II I' II ill ;Ii ;il ;I! 34 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 35 From The County Solicitor re by-law for moving 'buildings.-Re- ferred to Roads Committee. From County of Grey with resolution re ceiling prices o'n farm products.-Referred to Agriculture Committee. From T-he Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto with request for grant. -Referred to Finance Committee. From County of Kent with resolution re daylight saving time.- Referred to Petitions and' Legi.s}ation Committee. From The Shedden ,Women's Institute 1'e Public Health Nursing Service.--,Filed. From County of Prince Edward with resolution re' hog subsidies. -Filed. ;1 From J. A. P. Marshall, Chief Municipa.l Engineer,re requirements for construction of municipal bridges.-Referred to Roads Committee. From County of Simcoe with resolution re increased grants for Children's Aid Societies.-Referred to Fina:nce Oommittee. From Ontario Agricultural Council with resolutions approved by the anunal convention.-Referred to Agriculture 9ommittee. From County of Bruce with re'splution re fiat rate for hydro.-Re- ferr~d to Agriculture Committee. From Secretary of the Ontario Conservation & Reforestation Assoc- iation with avpreciation of grant.-Filed. From County of Bruce and resolution rei burial expenses for indi- gents.-Referred to J!.inance Committee. From Department of Highways re reversion of portion of provin- cial highway.-Referred to Roads, Committe'e. From County of Perth with resolution re requ€lsting grants from the Province and Dominion for the' rebuildi'ng of schools.-Ref'erred to Education Committee. From Department of Game and Fisheries with acknowledgment of resolution re beavernuisance.-<Filed. From City of Stratford with resolution re increased old 'age pen- sions.-Referred to Finance Committee. From Dutton Women's Institute with request for grant for "Over- seas ~ox Fund."-Referred to War Purposes Committee. From Canadian Aid to Russia Fund with annual report.-Filed. From County of Lincoln with resolution for increased &as allow;. ance for members of municipal councHs.-Referred to Petitions anu Legislation Committee. From Association of Assessing Officers re annual convention and membership fee,--'-Referred to Finance Committee. for From County of Lanark with resolution requesting increased grants Children's Aid Societies.--'Referred to Finance Committee. From Ontario Agri,cultural Council with resolutions and re appoint- ment of member to the\ Committee of Planning and Development.~-.- Referred to Agriculture Committee. From County of Norfolk with resolution requ€sting repeal of selective service order 1'0 tobacco labor.-Referred .to Agricultural Com- mittee. From County Solicitor with insurance agreements re county build- ings.-Refer1'€d to Insurance Committee. From County of Grey with, resolution re increased gas allowanc8 for members of municipal councils.-Ref'erred to Petitions and Legj,s- lation Committee. 36 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 37 From County of Norfolk protesting amendment to Section 240 of the Municipal Act requiring two signatures on cheques.-Referred to Finan.ce Committee. 5. Re: Standard Time- Report. on Resolutio,ns passed by the 'Elgin County Council pres- ented at June Session 1944. .No action: Victoria, Hastings, Wellington. Endorsed: Peterboro', Perth, Kent, Oxford, Norfolk. Concur: Lambton, Huron. 1. Re: Juvenile Delinquents- Concur: Oxford. No action: Middlesex, W,aterloo. IDndorsed: Lincoln, Wentworth, Norfolk, Perth, Brant. Acknowledgment:' Department of the Attorney-General De'puty Minister' of Justice. 6. Re: Farm Blbc- No action: Victoria,. Hastings, Wellington, Peterboro', Huron, Oxford, Filed: Perth. Concur: Lambton. Filed: WeIland. Endorsed:. Norfolk. 2. Re: Rural Mail Delivery......... No action: Oxford, Middlesex, Waterloo. Acknowledgement: postmaster-General. Endorsed: Lincoln, Wentworth, Norfolk, Halton, Perth. Moved. by Chas. D. Coyle, Seconded by N. 'McConkey: Filed: WeIland, Brant. That the Elgin County Council confirm by-law No. 1114 of. the Towuw ship of Bayham to close road .allowance on the south half of lots 11 and 12, eighth concession of Bayham and that the necessary by-law be pre- pared. 3. Re: Commendation of Minister of Agric'lllture- No action: Victoria, Hastings, Peterboro', Oxford. Endorsed: Wellington, Pe.rth, Norfolk. Concur: Lambton, Huron. -Carried. Moved by C. Ellis, Seconded by G. Newell: 4, Re: Parity Prices to farmeriS- Concur: Victoria. No action: Hastings, Wellington, Lambton, Huron; E'ndorsed: Peterboro', Kent, Oxford, Norfolk. Filed: Perth. That the Elgin County Council confirm by-law No. 1289 of the Township of Malahide to close and dispose of portion of road at lot 20, concession 3 Township of Malahide and that the necessary by~law be prepared. -'Q~!"~!(j~, 38 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL ;ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 30 Moved by D. Ryan, SECOND SESSION - SECOND D~Y Seconded by.,S. Brown: IThat Lloyd Chute be appointed trustee of the Vk(nna High School Board for three years. Wednesda,y the 14th day of June, 1944 -Carried. The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. ,Thomas in accordance with adjournment. Moved by G. Newell, The Warden in the chair. Seconded by H. G. Taylor: All the members present. That a message of appreciation be sent to Colonel George Drew for his action in setting aside a portion of. time for the teaching of tht Bible in the Public and Secondary Schools of Ontario. The minutes of the precedi'ng day were read and' confirmed, -Carried. The first report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on ,motion of Mr. Fraser, seconded by Mr. Brown. Mr. Newell and Mr, Taylol' addressed the Council re the petition to the Government for Bible teaching in Public Schools. The second report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Mr. Fraser, seconded by Mr. Newell. Mr. H. W. Thomson addressed the Council re the appointment of a County Asse,ssor. The third report of the Finance Committee was presc'nt€\d and adopted on motion of Mr, Fraser, seconded by ,Mr. Lumley. Moved by Geo. Carroll, The report of the War Purpose,s Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Mr. Brown, seconded by Mr. Thornso'n, Seconded by Wm. T. Merrett: That we do now adjoul'n to meet at 10 a.m. Wednesday morning. The report of the House of Refuge .committee was presented and adopted on motion of Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Soper. ,. -Carried. The report of the Insurance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Mr. Newell, seconded by Mr. S. Brown. J. C. GILLIE'S, Warden. Mr. Thomson addressed the Council on the 'appointment Qf a, GQl,1,nt}' Assessor. Moved by H. W. Thomson" Seconded by W. B. RQb~rti:?i 40 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 41 That the. Warden be empowe!'ed to appoint a committee of three members of the County Council to cO'nsider the appointment of a County Assessor to work in conjuction with the Muhicipal Assessors in arriving at a fair valuation of all property. Moved by W. G. Lumley, Seconded by C. D. Coyle: This Committee to report at the November Session of the County Oouncil. That all surplus books and papers around thcCoul't House be gathered together and dispose~ of for salvage. -Cal'ricd. -Carried. Moved by R. D. Campbell, Seconded by Wm. T. cMerrett: Moved by Wm. T. Merrett, That we do. now adjourn until Thul'sd'ay morning at ten o'clock, Seconded by Geo. Carroll: -Cal'ried. That we do nOW adjourn to meet this afternoon at 4 p.m. JOHN C. GILLIES, Warden. '- -Can'ied. The Council resumed. Mr. Newell gave notice that Mr. TurviHe would address the Council on Thursday morning re an open season for deer. The report of the Insurance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Mr. Newell, seconded by 'Mr. Coyle. 'The report 'of the Petitions and Legislation Committee was pres- ented a:nd adopted on motion of Mr. Merrett,se'conded by Mr. Brown. The joint report of the House of Refuge and Agricultural G~m- mittees WBJS presenteg ~np. adopt~g on motion of Mr. Soper, seconded b~ Mr. N~W<}1l1 42 .ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SECOND SESSION - THIRD Day Thursday the 15th day of June, 1944. The Elgin County Council met this day at the CourtHouse. ~t. Thomas in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the chair. All the members present. The minutes of the preceding day were read and confirmed. Communications from the Village of Rodney re designation of streets wa,s read and ordered filed. The Warden appointed M.essrs. Charles Coyle, W. G. Lumley and H. W. Thomson a committee, re appointment of a County Assessor; they are to investigate and report at the November Session. Mr. H. G. Taylor moved that Mr. Dawson, Superi'ntendent of the Children's Aid Society be ,heard and Mr. Dawson addres.sed the CouncIl and spoke of the re-organization 'and work of the Society. Mr. Newell moved that Mr. Turville, Game Warden, be heard anu MI'. Tun"ille addressed the. Council re open season for deer. Moved 'by Gea. Carrall, Secanded by Wm. T. Merrett: 'That we dO' now adjaul'n to' meet this af.ternaon at 2 p.m. -Carried. The Cauncil resumed. The fourth report of the Finance Cammittee was presented and adopted an mQt~Q:Q of Mr. Fraser, secanded by Mr. S. Brawn, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 43 The repart af the Gaal Committee was presented and adapted an mation af Mr. Ryan, iSe;c'ended' 'by Mr. D. Brown. The repart af the Educatien Committee was presented and adapted an matiO'n af Mr.. Taylar, seconded by Mr. Fraser. The repart af the Agricultural Cemmittee was presented and adapted an mation of Mr. Newell, secanded by Mr. Taylor. The first repart af the Caunty Read Committee was. presented and adopted on motion of Mr. Reberts, secanded by M.r. Coyle. The first repert of the Public Health Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Mr. Taylor, se,conded by Mr. Newell. The secend repart of the Public Health Committee was presented and adopted on motion 9f Mr. Tayler, se'canded by Mr. Shively. Moved by J. D. Fraser, Seconded 'by H. W. Thomson: That John D. Thomson, County Clerk be and is hereby author- ized to' be co-signer of all county cheques. -Carried. It was maved by Mr. Taylor that we have, a report from OUl' County Health nurses: Miss Thomson repci'rted on the wark aocamplished to' date and Mi'ss McNabb a'nd Miss Haurd also addressed the Council. Mr. Taylor moved and Mr. Newell seconded a vote of thanks to the Nurses and that their report be printed in the Preceedings. Moved by Mr. H. G. Taylor, S~9ndf;'ld by W. B. RQbl;lrt;:;; 44 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL That the-Provincial and Dominion Governments consider the ad- visability of changing the Statutes governing the erection of any and all pole lines now' allowed to be erected on township roads, county roads and provincial highways so that in the construction of any new lines or the re-construction of lines already existing they would 1)'3 compelled to place such poles a specified" distance from the centre of any such road or highway. -Carried. Moved by G. Newell, Seconded by W. B. .Roberts: That the Road Committee investigate the 'advisability of declaring all county roads "through roads." -Canied. Moved by, Wm. T. Merrett, Seconded by R. D. Campbell: That by-ll;Lw No. 1425 "To Raise amounts for County Rates during the year 1944" be read a fir.st time. -Cal;ried. Moved by R.D. Campbell, Seconded by Wan. T. Merrett: That hy~law No. 1425 be read a second .time. -Carried. Moved by Wm. T'.Merrett, SeCQuc;led by n. p, GaJ.llpbel1: ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 45 That by-law No. 1425 .be read a third time and finally pas'sed. -Carried. Moved by C. Ellis, Seconded by G. Newell: That by-law No. 1426 "T'o Confirm By-law No. 1289 of the Town- ship of iMaJahide" be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by G. Newell, Seconded by C. Ems: That by-law No. 1426 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by C. Ellis, Seconded by G. Newell: That by-law No. 1426 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by C. D. Ooyle, Seconded by N. McConkey: That by-law No. 1427 "To Confirm, By-law No. 1114 of the T'own- ship of Bayham" be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by N. McConkey, Seconded by C. D. Coyle: 46 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 47 That by-law No. 1427 :be read a second time. That by-law No. 1429 "To fix Members Wages and repeal By-law No. 1414" be read a first time. -Carr.fed. -Carried. Moved by C. D. Coyle, Moved by E. E. Atkinson, Seconded by N. McConkey: That by-law No. 1427 be read a third time and finally passed. Seconded by G. E. Brown: -Carri.:ld. That 'by-law No. 1429 be read a second time. -Carried. Moyed by F. Shively, .Seconded by T. Soper: Moved by D. Ryan; That by-law No. 1428 "To Appoint a Public Health Committee and Define Their Duties" be read a first time. Seconded by S. Brown: -Carried. That by-law No. 1429 be read a third time. and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by N. McConkey, Seconded by F. Shiye,ly: Moved by S. Brown, That 'by-law No. 1428 be read a second time. Seconded by D. Ryan: , -Carried. That by-law No. 1430 "To Authorize the Warden and Clerk to sign' an Insurance Agreement with the City of St. Thomas" be read a first 'Mov,ed by T. Soper, Seconded 'by N. McConkey: -Carried. That by-law No. 1428 be read a third time and finally passed. D. Ryan, -Cal'ri~d. by S. Brown: Moved by G. E. Brown. That by-law No. 1430 be read a second time. Seconded by E. E. Atkinson: --Carried. 48 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by R. Kimble, Seconded by S. Brown: 'That by-law No, 1430 be read a- third time and finally passed. -Carrieu. Moved by W. B. Roberts, Seconded by T. Soper: That by-law No. 1431 "To Revert Roads in the Townships of S'outh Dorchester, Malahide, Yarmouth and Bayham"be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by T. Soper, Seconded by W. B. Roberts: That by-law No. 1431 ,be read a second time. -Carried. Moyed by G. Newell, Secondtd by C. Ellis: That by-law No. 1431 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by J. E. Fraser, Seconded by H. W. Thomson: ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 49 That by-law No. 1432 "To Provide for the Granting of' Permits in . Moving Heavy Vehicles, Loads, Objects or Structures" be read a first time. -Carried, Moved by H. W. Thomson, Seconaed by J. D. Fraser: That "by-law No. 1432 be read a second time. ~Carried. Moved by J. D. Fras.er, Seconded..-by H. W. Thomson: That by-law No. 1432 be read a third time and finally passtd. -Carried. Moved by D. Ryan, Seconded by S. Brown: That by-law No. 1433 "To Amend By-law No. 1352" be read a first time. ~Carl'ied. Moved by'R. Kimble, Seconded by S. Brown; That by-law No. 1433 'be read a second time. -Carried. 50 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by S. Brown, Seconded by R. Kimble: That by-law No. 1433 be read a third time and finally passed. ---,Carried, Moved. by G. NeWell, Seconded by C. Ellis: ' That by-law No. 1434 "T'o Designate County Road No. 40 as a Through Highway" be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by C. Ellis, Seconded by G. Newell: Th'at by-law No. 1434 be read a sec'ond time. -Carried. Moved by G. Newell, deconded'by C. Ellis: That by-law No. 1434 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moyed by Geo. Carroll, Seconde:d by D, Ryan: That by-law No. 1435 "To Appoint a, member of the Vienna High School Board" be read a first time. -Carried. ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 51 Moved by D. Ryan, Seconded by Geo. Carroll: That by-law No. 1435 'be read a second time. -Carrieu. Moved by Geo. Carroll, , Seconded by S. Brown: That by-law' No. 1435 be read a third time and finally 'passed. ~ -Carried. It was moved by S. Brown and seconded by N. McConke,y that the Elgin Regiment 'be granted permission to hold a Drumhead Service on the Court House grounds. Moved .by E'. E. Atkinson, Seconded by G. E. Brown: Tnat we do now adjourn to meet on Monday the 20th day of November at 2 p.m. -Carried. . JOHN C. GILLIES, Warden. I II I' ii i,l, ji ii' II' ii! 'Ii !J 52 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL TIDRD SESSION-FIRST DAY Iii: Monday the 20th day of November, 1944 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members present except Deputy Reeve Brown of Aylmer. F; I The Warden addressed the Council: L:,i 1,,'1 ,:! Wal'den's Address '1'0 the Elgin"County Council, Gentlemen: We have now reached the final sessiO'u of the 1944 County Council. I would like to give a short review of what has been done during the ,year. At the January session we appropriated $154,000. for work on County and Suburban Roads and I expect that by the end of the year this amount will be spent. Our county roads are in excellent condition and we have been able to reseal our permanent highways and prepare several miles for hard ,surfacing next year. The conditions at the House of Refuge are good 'and the Provincial Inspector's report is very favorable. The crops on the farm were ex- cellent, especially wheat and potatoes and the management is very sat- isfactory. Our indigent hospitalization accounts are approximately the same as last year but as the County ha,s assumed full cost of ' the incurable cases the County's share will be larger and the local municipalities less. , ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL '53 The Superintendent of the Children's Aid Society has resigned to take a larger field at Windsor and the Society is endeavoring to secure a new superintendent. 'Quite a num'ber of children have been placed in free an adoption homes but the Society has had to take into care a number of new ward.s so that the cost to the County remains about the same as last year. The new Public' Health Service commenced this year has been progressing favora'bly under the capable numes appointed and we hope that this Service may be, expanded in the near future to more fully meet the needs of the County. . The Gaol Committee have had several rooms in the Gaoler's Res- idence redecorated which were badly, in need of it. I would like to' recommend to the Committee for next year the repainting of the ex- teriol' of the Court House. The Committee appointed to investigate the advisability of the appointment o{ a county aS,seSSOr will report at this session and I trust a system may be inaugurated which will provide for a better aSsess~ ment of all 'properties in the County whicl). will provide a fair basis of equalization. The minutes of the last day of the June Session were read and ap- proved, The following communications were read: From Ontario Hospital Association re increased grant for indigent patients.--'Referred to Finance Committee. From F. S. Thomas, Agricultural Representative with report of County grant expenditures.---JFiled. From Ontario Agricultural Council re post war planning.-Referred to Agricultural Committee. From The Workmen's Compensation BQarq re employ~~~' CQmpen,~ I';i{!ti(;ll~~-Referred to ;Fin'.1n,?~ C9p1p1~tt?tfl .' 54 'ELGrN COUiNTY COUNCIL From Grand Jury with report.-Filed. From Provincial Corn Borer Inspector 1'e by-law setting rate of pay for assistant inspectors.-"Referred to Agricultural Committee. From Canadian Aid to Russia Fund with report.-Filed. From Ontario Agricultural Council with report 1'e daylight, savi'ng time.-Referred to Agricultural Committee. From County Clerk with report on licenses.-Referred to' Finance Committee. From County Clerk with repOl't on Mothers' Allowances.-R'eferred ' to Finance Committee. From County Clerk with report on Old Age Pensions.-Referred to Finance Committee. From County Clerk with Inspector's report on the House of Refuge. -Referred to House of Refuge Co~mittee. From Dr. D. L. Ewin with Physician's report on the House" of Re~ fuge.--,-Refel'red to House of. Refuge Committee. From the County of Lambton with resolution re the appointment of G~ol officials and the control of same.-Referred to Gaol Committee. From ,the Counties of Prince Edward, Lincoln and Kent with res- olution re increased gasoline allowances for members of county coun- cUs.-Referred to Petitions and Legislation Committee. From the County of Wentworth with resolution re claims for drain- age damages.-.;Referred to Agricultural Committee. From the' County of Waterloo with resolution re increased old age pension grants.-Refel'red to Finance Committee. From the Counties of Waterloo and -Lincoln with resolutions 1'e daylightsavins tim~,-R~ferre4 tg P12titions and Legislation Committee. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 55 Report -on' Elgin County Council Resolutions 1. Re: Rural Mail DeIivery- Endor,sed-Hastings, Rent Concurred~FIuron N 0 action-Victoria .Filed-Bruce 2. Re: Juvenile Delinquellcy- Endorsed---..;FIastings Filed~Kent, Huron, Bruce Concurred-Victoria. Mr. Taylor reported that Dr. Phair would address the Council Wednesday afternoon re a larger Public Health Unit. Moved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded 'by H. W. Thomson: That this County Council request the Ontario Government to e'nact legislation which will require the Counties of Ontario to levy up to one fifth. of a mill as required to provide insurance f9r any catastrophe where excess loss is, not covered by insurance: Arid that a committee be appointed to meet the Ontario Goyern- meont regarding the same. And that a copy of this resolution be sent' to all County Councils, the Honorable T. L. Kennedy, Minister of Agriculture, the Honorable George Drew, Prime Minister, tq ~t Ji'. ;Hepburn and to the Ontario Agl'lcultural Council: 56 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL After considerable discussion of the above resolution it was moved by Stewart Brown and seconded by GeD. Carroll that it be referred to the Finance Committee. Moved by Gordon Newell, Seconded by Cha's. D. Coyle: That the Dominion Government be requested to lift the embargo on the shipment of beef cattle to the United States. ( Moved by George Carroll, Seconded by Wm. T. Merrett: That we do now adjourn to meet on Tuesday at 10 a.m. -Carried. -Carried. J. C. GIL~IE'S, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 57 THIRD SESSION-SECOND DAY Tuesday the 21st day of November; 1944 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Cou:t House" St. Thomas in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the member,s present. The minutes of the preceding day were read and confirmed. Mr. Roberts reported that the Victory Loan for Elgin County ex- ceeded $5,000,000, which placed Elgin .first county in Ontario. Moved by D. G. Brown, Seconded by G. Newell: That this County Council do now adjourn until 2 p.m. -Carried. The Council resumed. The first report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopR ted on motion of Mr. Fraser, seconded by Mr. S. Brown. The secO'nd report of the Finance Committee was presented and Mr. : Taylor moved that the Council go into a Committee of the Whole with Reeve Fraser in the chair. After discus~ion the report was adopted as read on motion of Mr. Fraser, seconded by Mr. Kimble. report of the Gaol Committee was presented and adopte<i on of~r; Rr~nl se9o:q.d~d b~ p, -)3rown. ~ 58 ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The report of the Agricultural Committee was presented adopted on motion of M.r. Newell, seconded by S. Brown. and Moved by H, W. Thomson, Seconded by. Wm. T. Merrett: That the County of Elgin pay Two Dollars per day for indigent patients in Public Hospitals approved by the Council; said rate to commence on January 1st, 1945. -Carried. Moyed by Wm. T. Men'ett, Seconded by George 'Carroll: That we do now adjourn to meet on Wed'uesday at 10 a.m. -Carried. J. C. GILLIES,Wal'den. :ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 59 THIRD SESSION-/JJIDRD DAY Wednesd.ay the 2200 day of November, 1944 The Elgin County Oouncil met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members present. The minutes of the preceding day were read and confirmed. The report of the special committee re the appointment of a County Assessor was presented and on motion of Mr. Newell the Council went 'into a Committee of the Whole with'Mr. Atkinson in the chair. After a lengthy discussion the report was adopted as read on motion of Mr. Atkinson, secondl{d by Mr. Brown. , The report of the House of Refuge Committee was presented a'ad 'adopted on motion of Mr. Ellis, seconded 'by Mr. Garroll. Moved by G. W. Lumley, Seconded by R. D. Campbell: That this Council do now adjourn to meet again at 2 p.m. The Council resumed. The.. report. of the Petitiorys and Legislation Committee wa:s p~'es- and adopted on motion of Mr. Merrett, seconded by 'Mr. Geo. third report of the Finance Committee was presented and m.otion of Mr. Fraser,.lseconded by, Mr. S. Brown. of the County Road Committee wa,s presented and of Mr. Rob~rtsJ seconded by Mr. Coyle. 60 il%GIN OOUlNTY COUNOIL Mr. Taylor moved that Dr. Phair be heard and Dr. Phair addressed the Council on a joint City and County Health Unit. Mr. Taylor moved a hearty vote of thanks to Dr. Phair for his splendid address. Moved by Wm. T. Merrett, Seconded -by Geo. Carroll: That we do now adjourn until November 23rd at 10 a.m. -Carried. J. C. .GILLIES, Warden. ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL 61 THIRD SESSION-FOURTH DAY Thm'sday the 23rd day of November, 1944 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House, St. Thomas in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. All the members present. The minutes of the proceeding day were read and confirmed. The Corn Borer Inspector's report was pre.serrted, accepted and ordered to be printed in the Proceedings. Moved by Geo. Carroll, Seconded by Wm. Merrett: That the full pensian of i'nmates of the Elgin House of Refuge be assigned to the County Treasurer and that the neces'sary by-law be prepared. -Carried. Moved by F. Shively, Se'conded by T. Soper: That, owing to' the fact that Section 250 of the Municipal Act has been repealed, the necessary by-law under Sectian 1'7, Chapter 39, of the 1944 Statutes be prepared far the appointment of County' Auditors, -Carried. Moved by E. E'. Atkinson, ' Secon~ed by D. Ryan: 62 ELGIN COtJ\NTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 63 That a by-law Jje prepared to" set the date of the first meeting in each year of the Elgin Council. Moved by G. Newell, Seconded by C. Ellis: -Carried. Moved by H. G. Taylor, That by-law No. 1437 "Re Assistant Corn Borer Inspectors for Elgin County" he read a first time. Seconded by H. W. Thomson: -Carried. That this Elgin County Council recommend to the Ontario Govern- ment the advisability of an investigation of I the' several disastrous losses such as occurred in -Middlesex County, the Ottawa Valley, Mark- ham Township, Wentworth County and the City' 'of Cornwall during 1944 and that some measure of financial protection be set up to taKe care of such emergencies in the future. Moved by C. Ellis, Seconded by G. NewelI:' That by-law No. 1437 be read a second time, '-Carried. -Carried. Moved by G. E. Brown, Moved 'by G. ,Newell, Seconded by E. E. Atkinson: Seconded by C. Ellis: Tht by-law No. 1436 "To Set the Date for the January meeting of the County Council" be read a first time. That by-law No. 1437 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by Geo. Carroll, Moved by N. McConkey, Seconded by' Wm. Merrett:. Seconded by G. E. Brown: That by...law No. 1436 be read a second time. That by-law No. 1438 "Re'Inmates of the Elgin House of Refuge who receive the old age -pen,sion" be read a first time. -Carried. -Carried. Moved by G. E. Brown, Moved by R. D. Campbell, Seconded by N. McConkey,: That by-law No. 1436 be read a third time and finally passed. Seconded by Geo. Carroll: That by...law Np. 1438 be read a second time. -Carried. -Carried. 64 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved 'by Geo. Carroll, Seconded by R. D. Campbell! That by-law No. 1438 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by Thos. Soper, Seconded by F. Shively: That by-law No. 1439 "To Appoint County Auditors" be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by F. Shively, Seco'nded by T. Soper: That By-law No. 1439 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved 'by W. B. Roberts, Seconded by C. Ellis: That by-law No. 1439 be read a third time and finally pass~d. -Carried. ;Moved .by S. Brown, Seconded by R. Kimble: ELGIN COI1NTY COUNCIL 65 That a grant of' $150. be paid to the Warden and a grant of $25. B. Birdsall. -Carried. by Geo. Carroll, by W. Merrett: That this Council do now adjourn sine die. -Carried. J. C. GILLIES, Warden. 66 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY COUNCIL COMMITTEES STANDING COMMITTEES County Roads Chairman, W. B. Roberts Newell Taylor Coyle S. Brown Advisory-Lumley, Fraser Agricultural Chairman, G. Newell Lumley S. Brown Roberts Coyle Taylor House of Refuge Chairman, Clifford Ellis Soper Carroll Gaol Chairman, D. Ryan D. Brown McConkey Finance Chairman, J. 'D. Fraser Lumley S .Brown Roberts Newell Taylor Atkinson Ryan Shively D. Brown Me,rrett Thomson Coyle Petitions and Legislation ,Shively Chairman, Wm. T. Merrett Kimble Campbell Geo. Brown Thomson ELGIN c6tJ::NTY COUNCc!L 67 Children's Aid The Warden Atkins.on Legal Chairman, R. Kimble Carroll Merrett War Purposes Chairman; D. Brown ThotThSon Merrett Shively Atkinson Health Newell Chairman, ,H. G. Taylor Atkinson Thomson Lumley Insurance- Chairman, G. Newell S. Brown , Roberts Education Chairman, H. G. Taylor Carroll Campbell Kimble McConkey G. Brown Soper Ellis Ryan Shively Merrett D. Brown Fraser Thomson 68 ELGIN COUNTY c01JNcIL REPORTS OF COMMITTEES FINANCE COMMITTEE January Session First Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports as follows: That the following hospital accounts be paid: M'emoriaIHospital, st. Thomas- Maintenance ...nu ..n....nom .mmmn.....nmmnnn...nm$ Grant-1994 days at 50cnn_nmmnnn..m.m.nn.mn. Victoria Hospital, London Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, Tillsonbu-rg: Maintenance Grant 130 days at 50c.....___..nmmmm.mmu St. Jos~ph"s Hospital, London _nn.nnmn._m.___."."___.nn McCormick Home for Aged People ___mmnn ___00'''': Ontario Hospital, Woodstock Parkwood Hospital, London I'l'oronto General Hospital All of which is respectfully submitted. 335 15 97 00 $ 189 50 65 00 $ 432 15 232 75 254 50 46 25 34 1'5, 362 00 361 50 26 25 $ 1767 05 J. D. F'RASiER, Chairman. January 1944 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Second Report To . the Elgin Coun ty Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports as follows: GO 1. That we concur with resolution from the County of Lambton l'e hospitalization of indigent patients. 2. That we give a grant of $250. to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. 3. That :acommunication from the Association Assessing Officcrs of Ontario be filed. 4. That membership fee of $25,00 in the Ontario ,Municipal Asso- ciation be paid.' 5. That communication from the Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities be filed. 6. That the following accounts be paid: Toronto Star, ad re Health Nurse...nmn....""..........nn ................m$ Globe & Mail, ad l'e Health Nurse.mmn...n... .......................00....'........ London Free Press, ad re Health Nurse Times-Journal, ad l'e Health Nurse Sayw~l1, repairs and supplies ....00 m.........n.....n.................... Township of Southwold, re Mary Hyde .............. .........................00 City of St. Thomas, dust laying ...............................00 ..............00.......... Advance, printing "Proceedings" ......................m..n........... of Yarmouth, re Mrs. Jane Smith...............___.................. Funeral Service, re Emily Atkins.........n...n..n................ County Clerk, Sundry Ac'count .... mn...n ................m.................___..... Secretary, Conveyance criminals........nn....~............ 00............ School.......Boys, Maintenance............nnnn.....'......................... Tra~ning .30.hool-o.1r18, Ma~nt~pft.p.9~ ,~.",...............hn....n...,.........., 5 60 7 23 8 40 5 10 36 20 115 75 7 69 281 00 42 50 100 00 3 30 2504 29 00 ~t 00 70 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Town of Aylmer, Hospital account n__._.m...n.........____....___............__... Prav.Dept. Health, X-rays __nm.....mum___._______._________.......________....__...... Sanders & 'Sanders, Legal 'account C. A. S., December maintenance C.A.S., !London & Middlesex, Maintenance __ ___...m...n__mn..__......______ The Municipal World, supplies __..........n__.....___.__.........________._____............ Catholic C. A. S., Maintenance m.mnmnm.m'.h___.___________n ................. Copp Clark Co. Ltd., Canadian Almanac 308 75 3 90 14 08 956 40 25 80 36 67 51 85 400 7. That the sum of Seven Dollars per day be paid,to the. members, for their attendance in Council, and Six Dollars per day for attendance at Committees within the County and seven cents per mile to and from 'Such attendance. 8. That Mr. Holmes' salary be raised $110.00 per month. 9. That Mrs. Ruth Johnson's salary be increa.sed to $1200. per year. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. FRASER,Chairman. January 1944 ELGlN COUNTY COUNCIL 71 Third Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Co~mittee reports as follows: 1. That a grant of $400. be given to the Salvation Army. 2. That the Warden and Treasurer be authorized to borl'ow sum of $200,0'J0. from the Bank of Montreal as required and that the necessary by-law be prepared. 3. That the $50,000. Victory Bond Reserve be designated fOl' road expenditures in the Post War Road Construction pro- gram and that the necessary by-law be submitted for ap- proval. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. FRASER, Chail'man. January 1944. 72 JDLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL JUNE SESSION First Report To the Elgin County .council, Gentlemen: 'The Finance Oommittee reports as follows: 'That having inquired into the finances of the County, and esti- mates prepared by the County Treasurer, they herewith subm.it a statement of the expenditures required for the lawful purposes of the County during 1944 showing the amount required to be raised for the under-mentioned purposes: Administration of Justice unnomo. .nnmmnu$ House of Refuge _nnnn__......__mm...........__h____..__.. Public Schools Officers'. 'Salaries Members' Wages .mn.......m.mm......................... Court House Commission Interest County Roads Children's Aid Hospitalization Miscellaneous War 'Pul\poses Grants, Agricultural Public Health 9000 00 5500 00 4000 00 6000 00 550000 3500 00 2000 00 68000 00 13000 00 12000 00 4006 00 10000 00 4000 00 5000 00 $151506 00 Your Committee would recommend that the sum of One Hundred and Fifty-one Thousand Five Hundred and Six Dollars be raised on all rateable property in the several municipalities of the County of Elgin during the year 1944 for County Purposes, and that a rate of five and four tenths mills on (he dollar be levied on rateable property in the several municipalities in the County to raise said amounts. All of which it! respectfully submitted. ;1. I), JI1RAlSiER, Chairman. J,!me If'44: ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Second Report To the Elgin County .Council, Gentlemen: 73 The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That we recom.mend that tenders he called for county printing for 1945. 2. That 3. That Victory Loan advertising be discontinued. we pay' our County Solicitor a retaining fee of $100.00 per year. 4. 'That the County Rate be 5 4/10 mills. 5. That members' wages he $7.00 per day fOr all meetings and 10c pel' mile in going to such meetings and that the necessary by-law be prepared. 6. That the following accounts be paid: H. L. Lawton, "'conveying inmate to H. of R.nm ..............m.........$ D. R. Shaw, funeral, Agnes, Ivey.. Municipal World, supplies Grand Central Hotel, dinnel' (Mr. Doucett) C. A. S. London and Middlesex, maintenance ....m...m....___......... Mercury-Sun, Auditors' reports Dutton Advance, sundry printing RainboW's Bookstore, supplies Township of Yarmouth, hospitalization re Jane Smith....n...... Department of Health, insulin Underwood, 'Elliott Fisher, ,reipairing typewriter "...n"'.'___.mm Times~Journal, Ad. re Victory 'Loan Munson Supply Co., Ltd., supplies Dept. Provincial Sec., conveyance of pl'isoncrs ........__n....n........ Catholic .c.A.S., Toronto, maintenance Onto Training' School- Girls, maintenance ......n...n.............n.... Onto Training School-Boys, maintenance Sanders .& Sanders, Solicitor's account Children's Aid ISociety, May maintenance Town of Aylmer, hospitalization re Mrs. E. D. Whiten.......... All of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. FRAJSER, Chairman. J11ne ~J144, 1 50 50 00 107 98 26 20 130 72 160 00 2525 50 103 15 1 09 5 50 50 00 6 00 47 04 102 85 147 00 73 50 25 00 898 30 82 25 74 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Third Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports as follows: That the following hospital accounts he paid: Memorial 'Hospital, St. Thomas: Mlaintenance mn_m.nn.mm_________nmm Grant (1236 days at 50e) ...$ 1827 05 618 00 $ Victoria Hospital, London Toronto Western Hospital Memorial Hospital, Tillsonhurg: !Maintenailce Grant (265 days at 50e) 440 85 132 50 $ st. Joseph's Hospital, London Ontario Hos,pital, Woodstock n..m..nm...................__...___. Toronto General Hospital Public General Hospital, Chatham mmn.__...__m.____........ Norfolk General Hosipital All of which is respectfully .submitted. J. D. FRASER, Chairman. Jl1n~ 1944. 2445 05 892 60 22 90 573 35 94 70 364 00 82 25 94 75 22 75 $ 4592 35 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 75 Foul'th Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports as followB: 1. That we concur with resolution from the County of Norfolk pro- testing the amendment to ection 240 of the iMunici.pal Act which requires two signatures on cheques. 2. That we endorse resolution of the County of 'Lanark requesting increased grants for Children's Aid Sodeties. 3. That resolution from the City of Stratford re increased Old Age Pensions be filed. 4. That we concur with resolution from the County of Simcoe re increased grants for Children's Aid Societies. 5. That communication from the Association of Assessing Officers of Ontario re annual convention be flIed. , 6. That we take no action re communication from the Hospital fOl' Sick Children, Toronto, requesting grant. 7. That communication from Victoria Hospital re new Psycho~ Medical Unit for r(lale patients be filed. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. FlVAlSlIDR, Chairman. June 1944 1373 65 439 00 $ Victoria Hospital, .London ___~_m___.mm.___.__m_____________nnm.._$ Memorial Hospital, Tillsonburg: Maintenance .unommm,______ moo__n___________.___.___.$ Grant (42 days at 500) 76 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL N ovembel' Session- First Repol't To the Elgin County Council, Gen tlemen: The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That the following hospital accounts be paid: Memorial Ho.spital, St. Thomas: Maintenance _______________.______n.__.___.____mmnm.___~$ Grant .(878 days at 50c) St. Joseph's Hospital, London Ontario Hospital, Woodstock St. Joseph's Hospital, Chatham 73 50 21 00 $ ......_....$ All of which is respectfully submitted. 1812 65 739 35 94 50 151 00 736 00 3 50 $ 3537 00 J. D. FRASER, Chairman. November 1944. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 77 Second Repo:rt To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That the County Clerk's report re Old Age Pensions be printed in the Proceedings. 2. That the County Clerk',s report re Mothers' Allowances be printed in the Proceedings. 3. That the County Clerk's report re Licenses be printed in the Proceedings. 4. That we recommend that a grant of $1,500 be given to the Children's Aid Society. 5. That County members be paid Three-Dollars for each meeting of, the Children's Aid Society which they attend. 6. That where indigent patients are admitted to Nursing Homes in the City of St. Thomas from the County of Elgin and are later trans- ferred to the Memorial Hospital the County shall assume the cost of hospitalization. 7. That we take no action on resolution from the County of Waterloo re increase in old age pensions. 8. That communication from the Workmen's Compensation Board re employees' compensation be filed. 9. That nb action be taken on resolution re catastrophe insurance. of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. FRASER, Chairman. 1944. 78 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL TWrd Report To the Elgin County. Council, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That the following accounts be paid: Village of Port Stanley-Transfer of inmate of -House of. Refuge ._u....._mnn.mn.........__......n_...___n._nh.......__n.....nmnm.$ Mason Villa-re Wm. Shelly Rainbow',s Bookstore-office supplies Village RoduE;!y-insulin and hospital maintenance_mmo Underwood Elliott Fisher-office supplies ____nnnno........... City of St. Thomas-drain repairs Ca'nada Vi~rified Products-drain repairs mnnnmn"""'___ Dept. Provo Secretary-Conveyance prisoners __....nom Onto Training School for Boys""'---Mai'ntenance Onto Training School for Girls-M~intenance .___m__n_____ Municipal World Ltd.-office supplies ....nn...m..._u______nnn Cail'ncross & Lawrence, Ltd.-re Wm. Shelley___.___..__...__ Solicitor's accounts "(including retaining fee) .......nmun All of which is respectfully submitted. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN AREA OOMMISSION To the Warden and Members of the Elgin C'ountyGouncil, Gentlemen: 79 At a meeting held on' January 7th, 1944, the St. Thomas Suburhan Area Commission prepared the, following preliminary estimate for the work required to be done this year. 2 35 30 25 40 7 05 30 20 55 8 .39 99 12 76 50 36 00 331 92 2 50 338 29 Resurfacing-3000 -cubic yards Crushed GraveL....$ 'Grader Rentals .nnmuu...m nnnnnnnm....___hn.__m........_...... Snow Removal Repairs to, Culverts and Bridges St. George .street Railway Crossing Protection._._ Ditching and Tiling ___......._,....n___........m....m..__.__...___n_ Calcium Chloride ._...unn..n.._._n._._......_n.....__..._.......,_....___. Weed and Brush Cutting h...._m......u_.............___............. Seal Coat on 7 miles of Road Mix PavementR___ 'C-onstructionof 2 miles of Road lMix Pave- ments from end of pavement- to FingaL...n Commissioner-s' Fees Superintendence .mcidentals ____._c..__._._.__._.....__.___._._.___.__._._ ..___....__._.............. J. D. FRASER, Chairman. November 1944. 3900 00 2400 00 1000 00 2500 00 800 00 3000 00 900 00 300 00 5950 00 12000 00 200 00 300 00 750 00 $ 34000.00 It was moved, by Commissioner R. Bowey and seconded by W. R. Coulter, That the County of 'Elgin and the City of st., Thomas be" notified that the Su:hur;ban Area Commission estimates that the sum of $34,000.00 will be required for 1944 expenditures. ---:-Carried. Yours truly, FRED A. BELL, County Engineer St. Thomas; Ont., Jan. 18th, 1944. 80 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL REPORT COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE St. Thomas, Ontario, To the Warden and Members of th.-e' Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: Your Committee begs to report as follows: January 20th, 1944-. 1. The. following isa statement of the expenditures of your De- partment during the year 1943. Resurfacing and maintenance of gravel roadsm.__",$ Maintenance and Seal Coating paved roads....._______..._ Repair,s and construction of Culverts -and Bridges Painti'ng Bridges ._..._.______......._u_____....____........,..m...._u___.___. Removal of Snow ._....._u..nn....._________,.___........nn________________ Dust Layer _nn__'__..____....____.. n.mmnn.hunn_____.'..__..._____________ Weed Cutting Ditching __.______'..___.."."......n.___........_................__.....__..____......____ Guard rails, Road signs and fencing ._..mh...._mnm_. Drainage Assessments Expenses Gravel Pits, Machine Shed, Tools, etc'nn New Machinery and repairs nmm.__.munnm..nnn...._m' E:mployees Insurance hunn...hnnmm..........._nmmm.......... Reforelstationon Hathaway Farm m..m.m.mm'mnm Outside work (on rental basis) Railway Crossing Protection Rebates to Aylmer and Villages.,n........ Constable Fees .n.........nn.n'n.n..n..m.nnnn"h,"....n.n_.n.... Superintendence, travelling expenses, office expen- ses and overhead RJECEIPTS 42370 02 16734 81 14972 28 2115 00 4868 04 229938 1352 77 1681 11 1102 40 168 04 708 68 1101 56 431 50 474 05 3095 53 1685 54 5545 74 546 75 4860 27 .$106113 47 7714 32 $ 98399 15 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 81 SUBURJ3<AN AREA EXPENDITURES .mn. ___..$ 8935 21 $107334 36 2. We e'stimate that the sum of $154,000.00 will be required fOl' the maintenance of our County roads and Suburban Area roads for the year 1944, allocated as f61lows:- County Roads nn.m..m_.. u....un....h..um.'mm..$ 120000 00 Suburban Area Roads nnmmm.m.m".""nn 34000 00 $ 154000 00 This is in accordance with the following e.stimate of the Count.y Engineer. Graderexpens~~-. n'...mm.m..........n..........mmnnnmm.........m$ 12000 00 Truck eXpenSeS....nm....h......nnmm...nnnmnm.m....nmnm.. 7000 00 Gravelling uunnm.......m...unmmmm.....mm..........h.mmnu........ 37000 00 Bridges,and Culyertsm.mnnnm__......n...mhmu.m........u....m 16000 00 Weed Cutting .........m..mmnn.m.h.................hmmmmn.m..... 3000 00 Dust Layer ...........;.;...........................n.............._...........,.......__ 4000 00 Painting Bridges m.'.....mn.mmn..h.......h.u.mmnm............nn 2500 00 Drainage'" Assessments ..mu_...mm...n..mn..nn...hnnnm...... 5000 00 Road Drainage nmn..n.......h.......nm..m...n...........mhnnn...hm 4000 00 Fencing ..__.....n........._...nhm............h..n._.n._...nn.n'm'n..,.n.... 1000 00 Should.e:ring. roads ..m...n.........nm..u.......nnm.................n... 4000 00 Snow removal .....mu. ....n"''''._n .....mn.........m'......_..n..n...._ 3000 00 Railway Crossing Protection .unm"..nm....mn..........m.nn 2000 00 Village and Town refunds .mm.m.m.mnnnm......n....m.m.. 3000 00' ::fteforestation .........m......nm.-m...............,__........mmnm.........500.. 00 Repairs to pavements and seal coat ......m.......hmn'.... 5000 00 Salaries, overhead, etc. ..............m......_................u.......... 8000 00 Incidentals .;..................n..m'.....m.m.m...nm..........n...m........ 1000.00 $l18000 00 82 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ESTIMATED RJECEIPTS ........f 8000 00 New Machinery $110000 00 10000 00 $120000 O~ Estimates passed by the Suburban Area Commis- sion 340000 00 $154000 00 3. We recommend that the Warden name delegates to attend the annual me-ding of the Ontario Good Roads Association to be held in Toronto on February 23rd and 24th, 1944, and that the annual fee of $15.00 be aid, and .that County Engineer Fred A. Bell and Assistant Road Supel'i'ntendent George Powles attend the Conference and the Meeting of, the County Engineers in Toronto on February 22nd, 1944. 4. lWe recommend that an expenditure ;by-Iaw be ,prepared for the estimated expenditures for maintaining the County Road System for 1944 and that duplicate copies be submitted to the Department of Highways for approval. 5. We recommend that Mrs. Hall's salary be raised to '$100.00 per month as from January 1st, 1944, and that Kathleen Murphy be paid $'50.00 per month as from January 1st, 1944, allocated as f.ollows, $30.00 to be charged to Road Department and $20.00 to the Treasurer's Department. In each year two. months of the above salaries to be charged to the Suburban' Area Commission and ten months to the County Road De'partment. Miss Murphy's duties is to act as Sec- retary to the County Engineer. 6. We recommend that By-law 1114 of the Township of ,Bayham, regarding the closing of the road through Lots 11 and 12, Concession 8, Bayham, 'be confirmed and that the County of Elgin prepares the necessary confirming By-law. 7. We recommend that the portion of Talbot Road East, at Ne,w ,~al'um, as described in the letter dated December 3rd, 1943 from A. ELGIN COUNTYCOUNCfL 83 V. Rochemont, of the Legal Office of the Ontario Department of High- ways, be re:verted to the Township of Yarmouth and that the necessary confirming By-law be 'prepared.- 8. We recommend that a By-law regarding the moving of build- ings or other heavy loads over and upon County Roads be passed. 9. We recommend that the Policy of the General Accident Assur.. anc'e Co. of Canada, 1'e public Liability on County Roads, at,a premium of $421.60 be: ac.cepted. AU of which is spectfully submitted. W. B. ROBERTS, Chairman. '~", S4 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE St. Thomas, Ontario, June 15th, 1944 To the W.a'rden and Council of the County 'of Elgin, Gentlemen: Your Road Committee begs to report a.sfbllbws.:- Our COll'nty Engineer reports that little damage was caused to our County Road fSystem hy the action of frost last winter arby spring freshets and that it is estimated that the year's programme will be completed within the estimates provided at your January Session. Your ,Committee made a careful inspection of the County Roads and Bridges. We ,have .pleasure in reporting ,that the roads are in an excellent state of repair. We found that many of our bridges and culverts are too narrow and of too light construction ,to carry modern traffic and in the near future many will .have to be rebuilt. As the Highway Improvement Act has been amended so that we will receive a subsidy of 75% of the' cost, this will not be a very ,great burden on the County. Due to the labour shortage our construction programme is -not very extensive this year. To date we have completed the constt-uction of the bridge on MHl Street, Vienna, and are now diverting the Otter Creek at ,this point. On May 26th, the Village of Vienna tendered a luncheon to yoU!' Road Committee and in the a'fternoon the bridge was formally opened and nam.ed the Dell Ryan Bridge. . We find that extensive repairs are required ,to the main pier of the Tait Bridge over the Thames River. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 85 Minor repairs have been completed to the Wiley Bridge north of Dutton. We have instructed the County Engineer to reconstru.ct 3 new culverts on the Lake Road, Townshilp of Dunwich, which are a hazard to the travelling public. We l'ecommend that the road allowances in the Townships of Yarmouth, Malahide, Bayham and South Dorchester as described in the letters of A. V. Rochemond, of the Legal Office of the Department of Highways, dated February 2nd and J'une 6th,abandoned by the King's Highway, be reverted to the Townships in which they are. situ,- ated and that the Clerk be instructed to prepare the necessary By-law. We recommend that a by-law be prepared to regulate the moving of buildings and heavy vehicles on County Roads. That no owner shall move such a structure on a County Road "vithout :first obtaining a permit. We also recommend that each aplicant for a permit under this by-law shall'deposit a Certified Cheque' for $50.00 with the County Treasurer as a guarantee to cover all damages to the County Road System. This cheque or balance to be released after the moving of the sh~ucture. Each applicant. for a permit shall also pay to the County the sum of $5.00 to cover incidental expenses incurred by the County; which sum will be retained by the County. We further recommend that notices regarding the pa.ssing of this by-law be placed in the local news-papers, and that all moving COn- tra.ctors in the County be notified. Due to the scarcity of labour and the urgent necessity to have some o.f 'Our County Brictges painted this yeal', we have instructed the County Engineer to purchase a compressed air paint spraying outfit at a cost of ahout $1100.00. 11:l is expected' that we can obtain delivery about August 1st. When this equipment is not being used for' County work we recommend that it will ,be available to the Municipalities in Elgin 'for Municipal work at a reasonable rate fixed by the Road Committee. Work is stal'Ung today on applying seal coats and al'm.our coata on several of. the hitumlnous pavements on the 'County Road System and Suburban RQ'8:ds. Abbut 64,000 ~alIons of tar will be requ..h"eg, 86 ELGIN COUNTY. OOUNCIL We recommend that the salary of Fred A. Bell he increased $800.00 per year and tthe necessary by-law be prepared, and that the salary of George Powles, Assistant Road Superintendent, ;be increased $200.00 per year. We recommend that that portion of the Road between !Lots 20 and 21, assumed by the County as Road No. 40 be declared a through Hl,ghway. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. 'B. ROBERTS, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 87 RE:I'ORT OF ELGIN ,C'OUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE To the Warden aind 'Mem'bers of the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: Your Road Committee begs to report that the years work on the County Road System, now nearing completion, has been carried out within the estimates provided 'at. the January Session. Due to the scarcity of labour and war time conditions only essen- tial construction work was done. Your Committee endeavored, how- ever, to maintain all the roads under its jurisdiction to as a high stan- dard as po.ssible. During: the year the following works were completed. 1. MILL STREET in the Village of Vienna was rerouted for g distance of about 1/4 mile and the Lower Bridge in Vienna, aba'ndoned by the Department of Highways, was moved and placed on :new abut- ments on the new diverted road. 'This bridge. has a span of 110 feet, will safely carry modern traffic and it is expected will serve for many years. Otter Creek in the Village of Vienna was diverted at two poh1ts in order to prevent erosion to the County Road. 2. THE MAIN PIER OF THE TAIT BRIDGE, over the Thames River North west of Dutton wa,s rebuilt at a cost of about $4,000.00. 3. A new wooden floor was placed on the SINDEN BRIDGE on County Road No. 47, in the Township of Bayham. 4. The material has been purchased and a new wooden floor will be plac,ed on the BECKETT BRIDGE on the Town Line between Bay- ham and ,Middleton. 5. Two 'new concrete culverts were constructed on County ~oacJ. No.8 in the TOWtl'$hipof Punwi~l"t,~ 88 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 6., Seal Coats were app,lied to all the County and Suburban Area Roads not repaired in 1943. Armour Coats, about '3/4 inch thick, were placed on County Road No.3 at New Glasgow, the County portion of Currie Stre,et, Dutton and the West end of the Lake Road, Malahide. ' 7. A new power mower and aport-able air painting outfitwe~'e purchased but we could not -secure deliyery in time to be of service thIs year. We recommend that the County pUl'cbase ouenew diesel powered road grader and one new half ton pick up truck, if delivery can be secured this year. Your Committee wishes to express its appreciation for the 'co- operation and help given by Mr. T.S. Caldwell, as District Engineer, for the Dep~rtment of Highways, during the past year. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. B. ROBERTS, Chairman. St. Thomas, Ontario, November 22nd, 1944. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL GAOL COMMITTEE Jan~lal'y' Session '1'0 the Elgin County Council, GentIero'en, The Gaol Committe reports as follows: 1. That the following accounts' be paid...,...... Andersons Limited, towelling ....m.______...m_nm_____._...$ Frank N. Barrett, tablespoons _.__.n"____.........____..nn_ Nyal B. Cook, drugs ....__._n_____...._....__... ....___....___....__.. A. H. Goddard, repairing boiler 80 6 68 1 13 5 70 13 80 '~';' 2. We recommend that a light be 'placed in the entrance hall leading to the Gaol office. All of which i.s respectfully submitted. DELBER'l' RYAN, Chairman, January 1944. June Session To the Elgin County Council, Gen tIem'en, The G~wl Committee 'reports as follows: 1. That the tender of the W. H.Swift Coal Company for the supply of coal for the Court House and Registry Office be accepted. 2. That the following accounts be paid: !Gillard & Price, repairs ____.m_...._.............____..n ___._....._____..$ Robert Laing, roof repairs to Gaoler's re.sidencem.. Associated Chemical Co. of. Canada, supplies__...... Qjty of St. Tho1)1fts1 fJ,u:;;l'!-Jll9' s~W'e~ ..._..__.........__.;... 40 06 10 00 15 93 3 00 90 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 3. 'That the ceiling in the upstains east corridor of the gaol be lathed and plastered. 4. 'That the. Physician's room for examination of prisoners be redecorated. 5. That the upstair west corridor in the Gaol be painted. 6. That the portion of the ceiling above the furnaces -bernade fire resistant. All of which is respectfully suomitted. DELBERT RYAN, Chairman. November Session To the Elgin County Council, Gell tlemen: The Gaol Committee reports a.s follows: 1. That we concur with resolution from LambtO'n County 1'e the appointment of Gaol Officials and control of Gaol. 2. That the tender of the Wonder Bakeries Limited- for the supply of bread for the County Gaol at seven cents per loaf be accepted. 3. That the following accounts be paid: Frank Trace-decorating Gaoler's house ....-.....--...---------....$ George Craik-storm windows 140 00 24 75 All of which is respectfully submitted. DELBERT RYAN, Chairman. November 19Hi, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 91 EDUCATION COl\<lMITTEE J anua,ry Session The Education Committee reports as follows: 1, IThat we endorse 'communication fl'om the Ontal'io Sqhool Trustees' and Ratepayers' Association re the employment of schonl age children. 2. That membership fee in the Ontario Educational Associa- tian be .paid and. that the Warden appoint delegates. All ,of which is respectfully submitted. H. G, TAYLOR, Chait'man, Janual'y 1944 June Session ToO the Elgin Caunty Council, Gentlemen: 1. That the account of the Aylmer Board of Education (balance- of grant) $326.10 be paid. 2. That we endorse resolution of the County of Perth re requesting grants from the Province and the Dominion for the rebuilding of schools. All o'f which is respectfully submitted. H. G. TAYLOR, Chairm.an. June 1944, 92 ELGIN COUNTY qOUNCIL ELGIN COtJNTY COUNCIL 93 HOUSE OF INDUSTRY REPORTS InspectOl"S Report 'Physician November Session To the Warden and Members To 'the Elgin County Council, of the Elgin County Council: Gentlemen: Gentlemen: The following is my report on, the House of Refuge for the year ending October 31st, 1944: \ I have the honour of presenting the sixty-ninth annual medical l.'cport of the EIgi'll House of Refuge up to October 31st, 1941, and submit the following for your consideration: Emily Atkins, Dec. 1st-Dec. 11th, 1943. Charles Wolfe, Jan. 15th--Jan. ,16th, 1944. Lawrence Williams, Apdl 26th--May 8th, 1944. Richard Matthews, May lst-'-May 22nd, 1944. Agnes Ivey, May 6th-May 10th, 1944. Angus McFarlane, Aug. 14th-to the present time. James Scriven, Oct. 29th-to the present time. There were '110 births. 1. Num'ber of inmates at la,st report .mmunnnnmummnmm 31 2: Number admitted during year mh..mm_mm.__ unmnnnom__' 11 3. Number of Deaths m..m.mmmnnnnuumnmm._..mnn....nmnnm 2 4. Number discharged .__..nnnm ..numnnmnmmmm..nm..nmnnu... 3 '5. Number discharged to hospital ".hnnm._.h....__mnnm.umuun 4 6. Number inmates now in house uunuu...mm..m.....mnnn..n...... 33 7. Number of ~:n,mates sent from the~everal municipalities during the year: -. Aldborough'.u .m_mnu.n'''''''U._.u.''n''nmm 1 Yarmouth __00__." nnn"_'''mnmnnnun.nnnn. 2 Port,'Sta'nley 00 ..nnm_."..m_._mnm'mmmm 1 Bayl1am 00 ..nmu......un.nnunnn.u._nnnn...n_ 1 Southwold m........mu....._...............mmm.. 1 Springfield _.mm.m._.......mmmmnmmmnn 1 Malahide m..nnm....._mm.m.m___................. 2 Hospita~ . n.m.........mn....mm.mu....mm.._. 1 Dutton ._.n.u___.nnu__.nn_.mnn..n.................. 1 I made fifty-six visits to the House of ' Refuge, and attended seven inmates in the Memorial Hospital as follows': There were, three deaths, two females and one male as follows: Dec. 11th, 1943 Jan. 16th, 1944 May ,10th, 1944 Emily Atkins .mm......ummmm.70mnmCarcinoma of Colon 11 Charle's Wolfe Agnes Ivey ._ .n67m nnDiabetes .. 70m ....Chronic Myocarditis 'D. L. EWIN, 8. The various causes of pauperism of inmates' admitted to the House during the year may be clas,sifted ~s follows: Destitute .._....mn....._____m__..u.._m.mn"....___ 1 Old Age 00'00_' .un.un.nnnn.un.....m....mun. 7 III healt:q ._...mn....mnnmm.m.m.............m. 2 Cripple ....._...__.................._...u.............._...... 1 I have the honour to be, Yours' very truly, Physician! Elg-in :House of .Refu?e1 11 94 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Average number of inmates during the year Average number with Keeper's fanlily and hired help Number of weeks' board of inmates ""n...hm....__mm____h...... Number of weeks' board with Keeper's family m___m~'. Total expenditure during the year __m.mmmnnuu.....mn___$ Deductions ~ 14. From farm stock sold nmnnnn_____..... ___n_mn ....____......0..________...$ From Old Age Pensions, inmatps Produce sold Sundries 1'5. Leavi'ng amount actually expended for ,support 'of iuma tes .___.......____.___.___.__......___..........n._.__.. .,..,...___.....__.......__.$ 16. Average expenses per day of each person 17. Average expenses per'week of each person __.mm.._._...... 18. :Average {lxpenses . per year of each person ._m...mm_nm FaJ.'.m EXlPenses Hired labor ._..............._..._........__....._..._..._..............$ Implements ....._..._..._..................._..._...................___.... Stock .............___._..................._................_....._............. Seed ._........................................................................_. Gas and Oil n.nn_.......n___....n.n....n_m........n..___.........n. MiscelIaneous Feed n..n _.....nn_..._.n...n__..n.n....n___.........n_.n__u.__..nn House Expenses Bil'ead .~..._......._.__........_...__..........__.__.....__.........._.........$ Meat n.;n...n__.....__nn.....................nn___.......nn.......__._n Groceries ........__...........................___............._..._.......... ProYisions ..___m_...__......nn.._..n.nmn.n__.............n.:.._ Dry Goods ......_.......__._..._.._.........__._.......................... Boots and Shoes. h__:__n____...__..____.m.m..._.........nm.m Furniture and Hal'dwar~ .........nn_.mm..._....m.... 223 79 161 19 3230 40 365 09 323 94 1091 87 530 17 $ 303 98 954 60 970 92 26588 353 85 105 47 108 11 33 38 1738 2000 16154 48 185263 4476 50 1537 68 77 00 $ 7943 81 8210 67 67 469 243 88 5926 45 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Drugs Coal and Wood Miscellaneous Barber .n............ .......m......._.n___....n__...........n_.n_...... Repairs u__ ..n...h....._.........................n....nnn__..n_....n ,General Expense Conveyance of Inmates mm_'m..m'___.m' ..___.....$ Repairs Incidental .__.......................................__...................... Salal'ies Keeper and Matron ._......m......m.......n____...........$ Assistant Keeper and Matron Physician ._....;':___.... ......__...._m.......... .___..00.........__..... National Defence Tax m.mm...nn.....m._............. 112 76 1633 87 436 00 180 00 299 93 $ 1 50 62 55 1438 61 $ 1175 64 1113 60 300 00 410 76 $ 95 5725 37 1502 66 3000 00 19. The following produce was raised on the farm during the year: 529 Bushels of Oats 84 Loads of Hay 6 Acres ensilage Corn 408 .Bushels Potatoes 10 Bushels of Carrots 43 Loads of Straw Quantity of Pumpkin, Squash and celery 12 Bushels of Beets 45 Bushels of Onions 8 Bushels Parsnips 502 Bushels Wheat Garden Produce 10 Bushels pop corn 220 Bushels Apples 500 Heads of Cabbage 96 ELGIN OOUiNTY COUNCIL 40 20 954 440 800 Bushels of Tomatoes Quarts. Milk per day Quarts Fruit canned in House Dozen Eggs Consumed Pounds of Butter Farm Stock 3 HOl"ses 6 Cows 15 Hogs 1 Brood Sow 70 Chickens 3 Calves 4 Heifers 23. That the total amount expended by the County on the House of Refuge is as follows: Farm, 100 acres, cost mmn.n.....m.___..mm..nn.mm'$ 7298 95 House of Refuge nnomm...n.____.....""",_________.".m.....n.. 15324 10 Laundry ...m.mmu..........nnm.................nn.mmmm.. 687 61 Fire Escapes _m_..on.mm___.....nn..___.._________m..___...______ 390 00 Root Cellar, Henery, etc. mm"....____.......__.______.___ 1419 43 Cottages, etc. n.._mm._.n....___.__"h._._____...________.........__. 6952 87 Brick Ice HOuse _.n.m.m'.___m________.....__.....nn___.____ 1920 50 Barns, etc. ______.hm..___...___....._n____....______nnn___....____n 7004 .37 Tile Drains m.nnn.._nm_________...n____...___...__h______.____.... 441723 'Tile Drain Outlet _..h____m...m..._n___...n.....m...._____n. 132,03 Hot Air Pump Tank Connections _m___nmnn____ 920 60 Refrigerator ...nnn_____n...___n._..__..__nn_____.._...__.___mn '590 00 Fencing mn__ ....n_....n....nn...__....____mmn..nm_.........m 1979 07 Orchard ____h_.'mnnn___n..m._n_.n.n__n.nn_.nnn'.m.n.nn_ -85 -85 Heating appamtus __......_____...__..nmmm.____..n.....m 2305 44 Boiler Room and Soft Coal Boiler________. "__.___00 3837 52 Deep Well _____mnmnm....___...nnm____._____.....nnmn____. 2436 40 Silo __._._..._.____.......____._._..___......_..._..._..___._......_......___..._. 293 62 Hog Pen n.n___....____.....n..nm_____..n.._...nnnn___nn.__nn. 654 99 . Electric Installationa'nd Pumps ............___._______. 2372 00 Plumbing ..___m......n.....n___...m___....n___.nn.__.....m.m_... 3174 00 ELClIN COUNTY COUNCIL 97 Septic Tank and Drain 00 Sundries 1146 75 416 35 $ 65559 74 24. Received from Government on account of expendi- tures for tand and building 4000 00 $ 61559 71 25. There were 42 inmates in the House during 1944; 24 males, 18 females. Of the 33 inm~tes in the House on the 1st\ of November, 1944, 19 were males and 14 females. The management has .been satisfactory. All of which is respectfully submitted. '-'" J. D. THOMSON, Inspector. St. Thoma's, Ontario, November 1944. 98 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL HOUSE OF REFUGE ,CO~ITTEE January Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen, The House of Refuge Committee reports aJS follows: 1. That membership fee in the Ontario Association of Managers . of Homes for Aged and Infirm be paid. 2. That Mr. and Mr,S. Turnbull, the Chairman and the Inspector be delegates to attend the annual convention. 3. That the Clerk be authorized to purchase the coal required by the Institution. 4. That account of H. A. Ostrander & Son re burial of Chas. Wolfe be paid-$71.00. All of which is respectfully submitted. CLIFFORD IDLLIS, Chairman. J an nary 1944-. November Ses'sion To' the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen, The,House of Refuge Committee reports as follows: 1. That tender of the W. H. Swift Coal Company for the ,supply of coal to the House of Refuge be acce'pted. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 99 2. That the following account be paid: Mann's Auto Body Re:pairs, replacing door glass in truck ........................................................................__........$ 3 50 3. That this committee .be empowered to purchase a new furnace for the House of Refuge if it is found to be necessary. All of which is res:pectfully submitted. CLIFFORD ELLIS, Chairman. June 1944. June Session '~'V To t~e Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: . The House of Refuge Committe reports as follows: 1. That the Inspector's report be received and printed in the Proceedings. 2. That the report of the Phy.sician be received and printed i'n the Proceedings. 3. That tender of the Wonder Bakeries for the ,supply of bread for the House of Refuge at seven cents per loaf be accepted. 4. That account of the W. H. Swift Co. for coal $64.00 be paid. All of which is respectfully submitted. CLIFFORD ELLIS, Chairman. November 1944. 100 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL AGRICULTURAL First Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: ..The Agricultural Committee Teports as follows: 1. 'That a grant of $2,000.' be made to the Agricultural War Committee and that By-Law No. 1401 be repealed. 2. That we grant $50.00 to the Western Ontario Dairymen's Association. 3. T,hat we concur with resolution from the County of Perth re ceUing price on tile. 4. That we endorse resolution from the Oounty of Simcoe re ceiling price on clover seed. 5. That we concur w.ith resolution from the County of Oxford re daylight ;saving time. 6. That we endorse resolution from the County of Oxford re hog subsidies. 7 T,bat we make a grant of $25. to the Ontario Conservation and Reforestation Association. 8. That we make a grant of $50; to' the OntariO' Agricultural Cauncil, and that Chairman appaint delegates to', attend the annual canventian. 9: Tha~t Summers Harper be continued as County Corn Borer InSip,ectar. All of which is respectfully submitted. GORDON NlEWELL, Chairman. Ja,.nuary 1944. ELGIN CCUNTY COUNCIL 101 June Sessian _TO' the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Agricultural Committee repOl'ts as follows: 1. That we concur with resolution from the County of Grf1;Y re ceiling prices far farm products. 2. That we concur with resolutions from the County af Bruce 1'0 flat rate far Hydro; re burial expenses for indigents alad 1'6 a post-war planning commissian. 3. That we conCUr with resolution from the County of Norfalk requestttlg repeal of Selective 'Service order re tobaccO' labor. 4. That communications fr'omthe OntariO' Agricultural Cauncil re resolutions approved -by the annual convention andl'e appointment of a member to" the Cammittee of Planning and Develapment be f.'led. 5. That the matter af a bounty on foxes be left to' the different townships as it is a l,ocalprablem. All of which is respectfully submitted. GORDON NEWE;JjL, Chairman'. June 1944. 100 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 101 AGRICULTURAL June Session First Report ,To the Elgin County Council, To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: Gentlemen: 1. 'That a grant of $2,000, be made to. the Agricultural War Committee and that By-Law No. 1401 be repealed. 2. That' we grant $50,00 to. the Western Ontario Dairymen's Association. The Agricultural Committee repoI'ts as follows: 1. That we concur with resolution from the County of Gl'qy 1'0 ceiling prices for farm products. ,'The AgriculturaJ Committee reports as follows: 2. That we concur with resolutions from the County of Bruce 1'0 flat rate for Hydro;'l'c burial expenses IOl' indigents and 1'0 a post-war planning commission. 3.T,hat we ,concur with resolution from the County of Perth re ceiling price on tile. 4. T,hat we endorse resolution' from the County of Simcoe re ceiling, price on clover seed. 5. That we concur w.ith resolution from the Oounty of Oxford re daylight saving time. 3. That we concur with resolution from the c.ounty of Norfolk requesting r,epeal of Selective 'Service order re tobacco labor. 4. That communications from the Ontario Agricultural Council 1'e resolutions approved by the annual convention andl'e aippointment of a member to the Committee of Planning and Development be f.'led. 6. That we endorse resolution from the County of, Oxford re hog subsidies. 7 T,hat we make a grant of $25. to the Ontario Conservation and Reforestation.' Association. 5. That the matter ofa 'bounty on foxes be left to the different townships as it 'is a }ocalpl'oblem. All of which is respectfully submitted. 8. That we make a grartt of $50~ to the Ontario Agricultural Council, and that Chairman appoint delegates to- attend the annual 'convention. GORDON NE:WEU, Chairman'. 9; Tha~ Summers Harper be continued as County Corn Borer tns,p,ector. June 1944. All of which is respectfully submitted. GORDON N1EWELL, Chairman. January 1944. 102 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGINOOUNTY COUNCIL 103 November Session PETlTlONS AND LEGISLATION COlllMITTEE To the Elgin County Council, January, Session Gen tlemen: To the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Ccmmittee reports as follows; Gentlemen, 1. That we concur with resolution from the County of Wentworth l'e claims for drainage damages. The Petitions and Legislation Committee repods as follows: 2. That we recommend that a by-J.aw be prepared and passed at this session to set the rate of pay for assistant corn borer inspectors. 1. That we take no action 1'0 open season for 'beavers in Elgin County. 3. That we concur with reports Council re post war pla'uning. from the Ontario Agricultural 2. ::>That resolutio'n from the County tation for Members of the Armed Forces of Essex re, Free Tl'anspol'- be filed. 4. That we approve ot report re county grant expenditures as presented by F. S. Thomas, Agricultural Representative and recom- mend that said report be filed; 3. That resolution from the County of Lincoln, re fox bounty be filed. 5. That we have considered report from the Ontario .Agricultural Couneil 1'e daylight saving time and report that we do not approve of the ac~ions of the Government in neglecting to return to Standard Time. All of which is respectfully submitted. WM. T. MERRETT, Chairman. J a'n uary 1944. 6. That report from the Department of Agriculture re "Peren~ nial Wheat Work in Canada" be filed. All of which is respectfully submitted. June Session GORDON NEWELL, Chah-mam To the Elgin County Council, November 1944. Gentlemen, The Petitions and Legislation Committe'e reports as follows:' 1. That we endorse resolution frOm the County of Lincoln re incr,eased gas allowance for members of municipal councils. 2. That resolut~Qf1 (rQ1U the County ot ,Kent 1'0 payUg'ht Savin~ Tim'e be _ flIed, 104 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 3. That resolution from the County of Grey dealing with a reso- lution from the County of Lincoln re an increased ga,s allowance for members of municipal councils befiled~ All of which is respectfully' submitted. WM. T. MERRETT" Chairman. June 1944. November .Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Petitions and Legislation Committee reports as follows: 1. That we e,ndol'seresolution from the Council of Prince Edward County 1'0 special gasoline allowance for mem-bers of county councils. councils. 2. That we concur with resolution from the Council of the County of Kent re supply of gasoline and tires. 3. That re-solution from the Council of the County of Lincoln re additional gas coupons be filed. 4. That we concur with resolution from the Lincoln Cou:n:tyCoun~ eil 1'0 daylight saving time. 5. That we concur with resolution' from the County of Waterloo' 1"e daylig.ht ,saving time. An of which is respectfully submitted. WM. T. MERRETT, Ohainn.". !,<Qvell1bQr l~41!' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 105 COUNTY CLERK'S REPORT ON LICENSES ,To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: I have to report the following }icc'nses in force on the fIrst day of November 1944: Auctionoor H. ,E. Keddy. ._uoouoou.oo_......_.oooo............oo.....u..........."...G1oncoo Ellison Randall hu,oomoooo..........oo..............moo.........oo.....AJ1rner Frank Fulkerson ...oomoooo.................moooo...oo........_..TUlsonburg Lorne J. Ross ....oooo..u......oooomoo................oo....m...oo...Highgate David. McP.herson ....uu...moo....moo.................................Dutton Duncau.!3rown ......m.......,.m.....oooooooo.......oon.....moo......oo..Shedden . Harold G.Clarke ._............m.m......moo................m.St. Thoma,S George Keays ;.m..........nn...m......oo.......................Brownsville Fred Haggan ....nu... moo...........oo...... .oo...mu...mm...oooo,...Aylmer S. A. Brady .....M................:.....m.........oo:R. R. 2, Dorchester Harley Evel't .oo..........................................mR. R. 6, Aylmer Junk Dealel's Canada Scrap IrO'U & 'Metal .oo.....oooo...............~'St. Thomas S. Smith oo........oon.............oo......m........................Straffordville M. Wood ........oo_.oooooom........__...noo...nn...............oo...oo,8t. Thomas Transportation-of Fowl C: E. Pangborn noo....oooo.........oo.oooo...................m....Talbotville E. O. Wight noo.oo.oo...oo.oounun..........._u................n...........Rodney A. Sopman ................noo.....n'.........oo.noo.....n..................oo.'Rodney All of which is respectfully submitt~d; J. D. THOMSON, County Clerk. St. 'l'llQp1as? 'Qpta;r1o, November 1944. 106 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL OLD AGE PENSIONS REPORT To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: I present herewith report in connection with the administration of the Old ,Age Pensions Act in the County of Elgin: Since the passing of the Act, 1964 individuals have made applica- tion for old age pe]Jsion; the present disposition of these applications is as follows: Deaths mn__ ...... .._n"nnn__un..m...__nmmmnnm......... 981 Refused uun, n...noun_____mmmn...______.___n_________..__...__ 96 Cancelled nnnnm..__._nm..__UUn___hmm.__n____.~_.__n____ 85 Deferred .._."._._______..____,_____..____..,......_______.._.___'_____nO.n_ 4 Tl'a.nsferred __un___mmm......___....________.._........___....... 79 Pending .__.::......_...................___.._n.....__.___.....__.......... 40 Withdrawn n...n.Onnmnnn'........nmnn"...n..n.___n._. 1 Pensions in force November 1st, 1944........ '678 1964 Pensions in force No:vember 1st, 1943._m_._ 659 From the first of November 1943 ta the 31st 'Of Octaber, 1944 89 . applicatians have been received; 'Of these faur were made in cases where applicatian had previously been made and refused. During this same period a5 pensians have been increased, 10 l'efused, 12 reinst~ted and 5 reduced. ,All of which is respectfully submitted; J. D. THOMSON, County Clerk. St. Thamas, Onta,;rio, N9verni::l~1'~~4~, ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 107 MOTHERS' ALLOWANCES REPORT Ta the Elgin Caunty Council, Gentlemen: I present herewith report in connection with the administration of the Mothers' Allowances in the Caunty 'Of E,lgin: Since the Mathers' Allawances Act was passed in Ontaria $90 mathers have made application in the County 'Of Elgin. At the ,present time there are 75 allowances in farce in Elgin and 3 pe:p.ding, From Navember 1, 1943 to October 31st, 1944, 17 applications were received; 1 ,'Of these being a case where 5 previaus applicatians had been made a-nd refused. .g allowances have been reduced, 7 increased, 10 cancelled and 9 refused. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. THOMSON, County Clerk. St. Thamas, Ontar.io, November 1944. 108 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL REPORT CORN BORER INSPECTOR To Warden Gillies and the Members of -the EIgi'n County Council: I wish to report to the County Council on t,he success of' the Corn Borer Clean..:up campaign -in Elgin County in 1944. 'The infestation count this fall showed a reduction to 23% from 37% in the fall of'1943,. This was accomplished 'at a cost of $985.20 a small inOl'ease from 1943, This ,Sum is made up as follows: AldbOl'ough m'" nom nmo'm'''''' Dunwich Southwold Yarmouth Malahide iBayham South Dorchestel' County Inspection Printing and Adyertising ._. ______.._________0..00..00$ 107 40 75 00 141 00 192 00 165 00 18 00 66 00 216 00 4 80 $ 985 20 It was becoming more difficult to secure assistant inspectors at the rate of $5.00 pel' day So your Agricultural Committee agreed that they should l'eceive $6.00 per day~ I still consider this to be inadequate as there is no allowance for mileage and transportation .is becoming more difficult. The rapid growth in corn acreage i'n Elgin calls for every 'effort to hold the COl'nborer in check. I am Jnformedthere will be no change in the regulations for 1945 since the present regulations seem to be working out reasonably well. All of which is respectfully submitted. SUMMERS HARPER, Corn BOrer Inspector, ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 109 PUBLIC HEALTlHCOMMITTEE June Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen, The Public Health Comm'ittee reports as follows: 1. That Miss Phyllis Thomson has been accepted as Senior Nurse at a salary of $1600 per year with annual increases toa maximum of $1800 with $500 per year'car allowance. 2. That Miss Margaret McNabb ,and Miss Dorothy HOUl'd were: accepted for the positions of Assistant Nurses at salaries of $1400' per year with annual increases to a maximum of $1600 with $500 per year car allowance; a'nd that Miss McNabb be 'placed in the Western Arw,l, and Miss Hourd in the East \ Area. All of which I:;;, respectfully submitt~d. H. G. TAYLOR, Chairman. June 1944. Second Rieport To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Committee on Public Health reports as follows: 1. That the cost of the Public Health Service from February 1st to May 31st was $2,360.66. 2. That a by-law for the Public Health Service in the County of Elgin be prepared. An of which is respectfully submitted. H, G. TAYLOR, Chairman. June 1944, 110 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE June 1944 To the, Elgin County Council, The following i; the report of the School health service for the four months since organization: The program, which follows that outlined by the Ontario Depart- ment of Health, began with introductory visits to all schools in the County, to acquaint the nurse with the district a'nd the school, and to exp1liin our program 'and proceedures to the teachers 8:nd pupils. At this time a rapid classroom inspection was made of all pupils. and this same type of inspection has been made a~ the request of the teacher following a case of communicable disease in the classroom. FoUowing this initial ....isit, visits were'made to the schoo~s -to make special physical inspections of the grade 8 pupils before they left school. To date 1081 pupils have had the S.P.I. (The Special Physical Inspec~ tion includes vision testing, hearing testing where it is po.ssible, inspec- tion of throat and teeth, posture 'and arches, and general appraisal). Besides these inspections 1'547 children have had the- visual acuity tests, and 486 have had oth'er- inspecti,ons. .AiS a result of these inspections 637 children were placed' under ob~ servation for a periOd of time wherein the teacher, nurse and parent can watch a suspected condition as it may affect the child. ;Over 200 children were suspected of having conditions that deviated from the normal, of which the parents were notified. These included defects of .vision, hearing, enlarged tonsils, posture and other orthopedic conditions. Over 500 children were found to be in need of some den~ tal treatment. Home visit.s were made for health supervision of 54 children; and 4, visits were made 'by the parent to the 'nurse in her office. At' the request of the teacher, principal or the Medical Officer of Health, visits ELGIN COUNTY COUNC[L 111 were made where communicable disease ,existed. Other visits were made to discuss with the parent conditions that were found to bo affecting the child, and to familiarize the family with the ,objectives of our programme. Our greatest measure ,of prevention i,g increased health education where health originates-in the home. IFor the effective control of the spread of communicable disease is best obtai'ned...ElY parent noting symptoms of illness, keeping child out of school and securing phy- sician's advice. Another phase of the programme has been assisting the Medical Officers of Health in the immunization clinics. The progressiveness of the community is shown by the, large number of parents who have taken advantage of this protection now and in the past years. How- ever, the pre-school age is the most dangerous and where there are children that have not yet been protected there i,s need for education. Inane townsht":p the nurse has assisted the M~O.H. in physical examinations of the children. Where a continuation school has been under the same roof as the elementary school, physical inspections and visual testing have 'been done. In these higher grade.s the pupils themselves havebee'h most interested in this approach to health appraisal. One project that has proved interesting and instructive is the testing of the quality of the light in the classrooms and on each pupil's desk. Light meters were loaned by the rural hydro commission; It has been' found that many minor changes in a cla.ssroom will improve the amount or light. Although our work is primarily with the school children, pubHc health affects the total child and thus, his family. Hence we have taken the opportunity to . discuss problems concerning two pre-school children, two infants and onepre-nata.1. care. Pre-school round-ups are being held in the larget" centres. This is an effort to aS,sist the parents in preparing the child for his entrance into school in the fall. A medical examination 'by the family physician is urged as early in the spring as possible. 112 !ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNCIL Other activities of the nurses have been in speaking to various Women's Clubs, teacher groups and one nurse has a class of Girl Guides. The co-operation and interest of all with -whom we have worked has ~ade these first months in this service most rewarding. We wish to th~nk the members of the Coun9il and the Hea1t!~ Committee in particular for their splendid support. We appreciate the very comfortable office which is our headquarters. 'Our ,summer work, after schools close, will include planning term's schedules and programmes and in home visiting. Respectfully submitted, PHYLLIS THOMSON. ELGIN COUNTY COtmcIi. U3 SCHOOL HEALTH SERVICE To the Elgin County Council: The following is a brief report of the activities of the School Health Service: Since organization in February 2072 inspections of school children has been made and 1454 vision tests done. 64 defects of vision have 'been found with 15 corrections to date. 546 children were found to have dental defects. :85 children were suspected of having abnormal throat conditions. Over 800 children were placed 'under observation" by teacher and nurse. 29.horne visits have been made in the control of communicable disease, and 61 visits made for health supervision 'of the child. '.', Other activities of the staff include: referral of 3 children for exam- inationof ,bone deforimties;sight-saving material was secured for children with very poor vision; in the West district the nurse assisted . with the physical examinations of 283 children; Medical ,officers of Health were aiSsisted with immunization clinics, which included: 312 scarlet - fever protective treatments'. 4'55 smallpox vaccinations 76 diphtheria Toxoid treatments. The attention of teacher,s, trustees and parents has been drawn to the many unsanitary, unhealthy ,situations in the school plant.. Inadequate lighting seems to be one of the chief- handicaps under which the child is to work. Many schools have peen re-decorated this summer; the wattage of the light ;bulbs increased, and the blinds changed to admi~ light but to reduce the glare; with a noticeable change in visual comfort in the classroom. Most schools need improvement in their water supply and hanu waShing facilities. And most of all screens are needed at windows 114 JDUGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 115 and doors e,specially during the fall season if the incidence of disease is to be reduced. SPECIAL COMMITTEE To the Elgin County Council, It 'has been the experience of the staff, that parents, teacher; trustees and service organizations have given every co-operation and have shown geniune interest in' the service. Gentlemen: The Special Committee re a County Assessor l'ep()rts as follows: Respectfully submitted, P. THOMSON, That thi.s Committee, having investigated the matter, recommends . to the County Council of Elgin that they conside'l' the appointment of a County Assessor at the January Session. All of which, is respectfully submitted. Senior Public Health Nurse. C. D, COYLE, Chairman, November 1944. November 1944. ~,;' WAR PURPo.SE COMMITTEE January Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen, The War Purposes Committee reports as follows; 1. That the County Council set aside the sum of $10,000 for Wal' Purposes. 2. That a grant of $700, be paid to the Navy League of Canada. 3. That the communication from the Chinese War Relief Fund be filed. All of which is respectfully ,submitted. DUGALD G. BROWN, Chairman. January 1944. 116 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Second Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen, The W'ar Purposes Committee reports as follows: That the Clerk be requested to advise the Secretary of the Dut- ton Women's Institute that, owing to the invasion, all funds available to this Committee will be required for Red Cross work. All of which is respectfully submitted. DUGALD G. BROWN, Chairman. June 1944. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE To the Elgin Cpunty Council. Gentlemen, The Equalization Committee reports as follows: 117 1. That the following be the equalization of the Aisse,ssment Rolls of the County of Elgin for the year 1944: ~ Aldborough h..m.._..nm__.__nn__............. Dunwich Southwold Yarmouth Malahide Bayham .. ......__.....___.........................._.._.........._...n. South Dorchester ........___m......___.................mm__ Aylmer.";,.'iu........n..m. .......___.....00....____. uuuu....___.,____ Dutton . PortStanley Springfield 'Vienna Rodney u______._........mm....___. West Lorne ................$ 33208 51 36238 81 46327 12 48471 05 33336 08 24211 76 18932 59 15878 08 4918 46 9508 88 1233 98 1306 03 .................... 3543 35. 3452 73 ---$280567 43 2. 'That this Council is willing to have the final equalization of assessm-e:nt rolls, in case of appeal, made by the County JUdge. All of '.which is re'spectfully submitted. H.G. TAYLOR, 'Chairman.' January' 1944. 1:1.8 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL INSURANCE COMMITTEE June Session - First Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlem'en, The Insurance Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Warden and the Clerk 'be authorized to sign an agree- ment with the City of St. Thomas g,e.tting forth the insurable interests of each Corporation in the Court House, the Gaol, the Registry. Q/fice and the Gaoler's residence as follows: County of Elgin eighty per cent ,City of St, Thomas ~wenty per cent 2, That a by-law be prepared authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign said agreemen t. 3. That the buildings and contents of the Court House, Gaol, Gaoler's RClSidence and the Registry Office be insured in one policy with the Frank Cowan Agency for $168,300 with a premium of $848.04; the County to pay eighty per cent and the City twenty per cent of .saId premium. This means a .saving of $101.23 on the old policies and t~e new policy includes damage by windstorm, hail, lightning damage to el€.ctl'ical ~PPliances, explosion, riot, impace by aircraft 61' vehicles and smoke damage. All of which is-respectfully submitted. g. NEWELL, Chairman. June ;t.9H! ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 119 June Session - Second Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentle'men, The Insurance Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Councillors' accident policy be renewed and the prem- ium of $210 be paid. 2. That the Clerk and Warden be a committee to designate the appropriation of the in.surance premiums. All of which is respectfully submitted. G. NEWELL, Chairman. '-". June 1944. 120 ~ . ~ '0 [; " ~ " O' " ~ o . " ~ "" 0 <Il .s ] $ g ~ ~ ~ ..J ;:l Q ~ :I: u '" ELGIN.COUNTY OOUNOIL <t< 0 0 1- "" M to "l <:II eo '<l' C'<l r:- "" <c '<1' t- t- 10 Ol '" .0 eO eO .-; cO oi' <:II" '" C'<l M "" C'l ..... ..... M m ~ ~ M ~ c; * MOlt- "" N ..,. <1' g;:g8~gb~ ~ Ol~ .0 ca eO ri 0 ..... ..... N N ..... ..., .... t:.: .'8 ~ ~ '" * ~ n m ~ ~ ~ t-:'cQ M M N 01 C'<l eo <1' ..... to t- C'<l Ol N Ol "" "" l:- lI'l lI'l eo 0 t- M'lI"icO't.ci'"" n ~ * ;:.~ 1ri g g ~ g C'\I C'\I N '<;j< ..... M ",," ~ m M ~ M '" - " " M .~ ~ ,N . -' o ~ ~ ~ * to to M lI'l 0 t- ..... 01 "" 00"" ..... ..... 0 M N "" ..... C'<l 10 CD ..... eo (D It) .....r.-;".....-.....r ....." * ;:.~ <<I <J:l I:'- 0 to Ol (C ('<l t- M eo eo ll:l Ol ('iI <r.l 0 <C t- t- 10 M M "" ""' M M....r '" " M " " ~ ,01 o -' o ~ ~ ~ m ~ <:,;I CO r- _ ~ m MM'<:Ji ..... Ii') M Ol <0 t:- M 1I'l 00 <:!< M 1- ",," M N,....j * ! " " " .S< o .~ :>I ~ ~ i gj . " g i ~.Q ! ; ~ gt1o~~dc::l: , J-< ... j;: 0 ..... j:;l [jj ~ B j;: ~ S ~ z e s ~ 't:l :;:j ;::l '"' ..... p., ::l ..... g ... ::l 0 ~ ~ ro 0 p, .... ~ p 00 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ > r.- N Ol "" Ol I~ o eo eo N l:- M t- eo eo ..... CD 0 Nt-:' ci....r ....i' M M * (0 (0 to M "" I~ <D 10 M ..... (0 0 <0 (0 ...... 0) eo "0 4"1" ui .....r .....r ..-i ~ n * (0 ""...... 101" C"l II') .... ...... M C'<l 1- N l"'1 It) ei oi' ~ M ~ M ~ ~ m ~ ..... M 1- Ol In I~ "" (0.............. "" ..... M ..... .... M c; ~ ~ ~ M M ;', " o ~o ~ ~ ~ ~~ i ~ i ~ >=l : l=l al : l-o ,.., i 0 00 ~ ~ ~ " ~ " '" . '\;,H * :l1 M c; * * m ~ ~ on M * ~ ~ on M * '" ~ <E ~ . " " .., ~ o >. .1J ,;; '" M . :E ~ " . '" , ~ &1~ 3 6 o ,.; :i s o '" Eo< '" r/J ~. . .0 S " '" o '0 " " o o 1;> " " o o "iJ '" o . 00 . " '" " " . .S ~ ~ . ZOo o 'r/J ~ ~ o ,.; " '" " . ~ . .. .. '" M ELGIN€lOUNTY COUN0"L 121 BY-LAWS BY-LAW NO. 1413 To Appoint a COlmty Road Conunittee The Elgin County Council enacts, as required by the Highway Act: That the folJowing five members of'this Council constitute a Com- mittee for the purpose of directing the work to be done on the County Road System: G. NeweIL_____ un_m__.hmm.'_."., ..ounoFO!' Term of One Year H. G. Taylor__'h ...___m.... ummmum.For Term of Two Years Chas. D. Coylem _m ...m.mm...m....FOl' Term of Three Years Stewart Brown.._ un"" um. ..____For Term of Four Years W. B. Roberts._____m ...... ..mm_mmFor Term of Five Years That by-law No. 1395 be and is hereby repealed. Read a thil'd time and passed at County Council Chambers, St.. Thomas, this 21st" day of January, 1944. J. D. THOMSON, J. C. GILLIES, Clerk. Warden. BY-LAW NO. 1414 To Fix Members' Wages The Elgin County Council enacts: .1. That the sum of Seven Dollars per day be paid to the members for their attend,ance in Council and Six Oonal's per day for attendance at Committees within the County, an<< seven cents per mile to and from ~uQh ?-tt~J1d~ng~! 122 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 2. That the sum of Seven Dollars pel' day and travelling expenses be paid to the members of this Council for atten,:ling on Committees and Conventions outside the County. 3. That members of Council attending conventions outside the County 'be reqq.ired to report to the Council at the first .session there- after. 4. That by-law No. 1165 'be and is hereby repealed. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 21st day of January, 1944. J. D. THOMSON, J. C. GILLIES, Clerk. Warden. BY-LAW NO. 1415 To A;ppoint a BOaJ'd of Audit in the County of Elgin FOI' the Yeal' 1944 'rhe Elgin County Council enacts: That the Judge of the County COUlt and Mr. George E. Brown be, and are hereby appointed, members of the Board of Audit to perform the duties required of them by the Revised Statutes of Ontario. That the members of the said Board of Audit be paid the 'sum of Seven Dollars per day for their serviceiS and seven cents per mile, going to a'nd from each audit. Read 'a third time and passed at County Council Chambers; St. T'homas, this 21st day of Janua~y, 1944. J. .0. I'HOMSON, Clerk, J. C. GILLIES, Warden! ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 123 BY-LAW NO: 1416 To Authorize the Wal'den and TI'eaSUl'er. to Bonow the Sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollal'S The Elgin Count;}' Council enacts: That the Warden and Treasurer be and are hereby authorized to borrow the sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars from the Bank of Montreal as it may 'be required to meet the expenditures of the Cor- poration of the' County of Elgin during the year 1944 and to give as security therefore notes of One Thow~and or Ten Thousand Dollars each. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 21st day of January, 1944. J. D. THOMSON; J. C. GILLIES, Clerk, Warden. BY-LAW NO. 1417 To Appoint a Mem,ber of the. Aylm,el' Board of Education The Elgin County Council enacts: That R. E. Wilson be appointed a member of the Aylmer Board of Education for a term of three yeal'lS. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thoma.s, thjs 21st day of January, 1944. J. D. THOMSON, J. C. GrLLIE'8. Watdeq, '9Jerj,{. 124 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COU.NTY COUNCIL 125 BY-LAW NO. 1418 A By-law fOr Granting Aid to Certain Patriotic Organizations within the Cormty of Elgin WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to assi,st certain Patriotic Organizations functioning in the County of Elgin. AND WHEREAS by virtue of Chapter 266, Section 404, Sub-section 32, R.S.O. 1937 and amendments to this Section 404A in the 1939 amend- ments thereto, the Council of a County is empowered, subject to the approval of the De'puty Minister of MuniCipal Affairs, and of .the Organization of Resources Committee as therein designated. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED 'by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin as follows: 1. That the sum of $10,000. be included in the estimates for the current year to be levied as part of the County Rate and that said money 'be 'set aside for assistance to such patriotic organizations a;s comply fully with the requirements of the special committee of this County Council, appointed to administer and distribute the said fund among such patriotic organizations as have been duly registered under the War Charities Act of the Dominion of Canada. 2. That said special committee to be known as the "Special War Purposes Committee of the County Council" shall be empowered to requisition funds not exceeding the .said sum of $10,000.. as required from time to time as approved bY' the said Committee for such pur- poses, upon being satisfied that each patriotic organization has com- plied fully with the requirements of the Law as then pertaining. 'That the said Committee 'have authority to make inquiries and require compliance with such-a'pplicatiO'u forms, as they may.see fit to determine, the bona fides and regularity of each application received from 'any patriotic organization. ,3. This by-law shall not take effect until it has received the ap- proval of the Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs of the Provhice of Ontario as provided in Section 404A of the amendments to the Muni- cipal Act. Read a third time and flnally- pas,sed. at County Council Chamber.s,' St. Thomas, this 21st day of January, 19<H. BY.LAW NO. 1419 A By-law to provide for the total expenditure on the :system of county roads in the County of Elgin as approved by Order-in-Council, during the year 1944. WHEREAS 'The Highway Improvement Act, Chapter 56, R.S.O.,-- 1937, and amendments, requires that the total expenditure on county roads and bridges 'he provided for annually by county By-law. THEREFORE the council of the corporation of the said County of Elgin enacts. as follows: 1. 'The sum of $14,000.00 is hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy, debentures and government subsidy, for expenditure upon construction on the said system during the year 1944. 2. The sum 'of $140,000.00 is hereby appropriated fl'om monies raised 'by levy and government subsidy for expenditure upon mainten- ance and repair of the roads in the said system during the year 1944. 3. The said monies shall be expe'hded under the direction of the duly appointed county road superintendent and on work perfarmed in accardance with the last revised regulations respecting county roads issued by the Department of Highways of Ontario. 4. The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this By-law to' the Deputy Minister, Department of Highways of Ontario, for approval on or before the 31st of January of the present year. Passed at St. Thomas, this 21st day af January A,D. 1944. J. D. 'I'HOMSON, Clerk. J. C. GILLIES, Warden. J. D. THOMSON. Cler~1 J. C. GILLIES, Warden1 126 ELGIN COUNTYCOUNCn.. !I :4 Ii J\i f:il i~l! Ii:! ~1 J1: Iii]: BY-LAW NO. 1420 A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE for the granting of permits in moving heavy vehicles, loads, objects or structures. THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THILl COUNTY OF ELGIN ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. No heavy vehicle, load, object, structure or contrivance, exceerl- iug the limits prescribed by Section 17 or 33 of the Highway Traffic Act, Chapter 288, Revised Statutes of Ontario 1937, shall he moved over any highway under the juriSdiction of the said County unless and until a permit 'has been obtained from either the County Engineer or the CountY' Assi'stant Road Superintendent, or this County Council. 2. The granting of such permit shall rest solely in the discretion of any of the above mentioned authorities, and shall be subject to such conditions, reg~lations, restrictions, privileges, covenants and bonds as the granting authority deems proper in each 'particular case after consideri'ng all of the .circumstances. 3. All bwners, drivers, operators and movers of any such vehicle, load, object, _structure or contrivance for which a permit has been obtained pursuant to the aboye mentioned Section, shall nevertheless be responsible for an damages which may 'be caused to the highway or any other County property, by reason of the ddving, operating or moving of such vehicle, load, o'bject, structure or contrivance. 4. In the case of all highways under the jurisdiction of the MUn- icipal Corporation of the County of EJgin the County Engineer, or the County Assistant Road Superintendent, or the County Council may ft'om time to time upon giving adequate 'notice, declare the provisions of Sub-sections 3, 4 and 5 of Section 35 of the Highway Traffic Act, Chapter 288, R.S.O. 1937, to extend and apply to - all or any of _ such highways during any period of the year or that the provisions of Sub- sections 3 and 4 shall not apply to any or all of 'suchh.ighways. '5. Any person who violates any of the provISIOns of this By-law shall incur for the first offence a penalty of not less than $10. and not more than $50.; for the second offence a penalty of not less than $20. and not mOl'e than $100., and in addition his license or permit may be ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 127 suspended for any periOd not exceeding thirty days, and for any sub- sequent offence shall incur a penalty of not less than $50. and not more than $200., and shall also be liable to imprisonment' for any term - not exceeding thirty days and in addition his license or permit may be suspended for any periOd not exceeding six months. 6. All by-laws or parts of 'by-laws inconsistent herewith, are hereby repealed provided that no part of this by-law requiring approval of the Minister of Highways of the Province of Ontario shall take effect until it has recei\.ed such approval. Read a first time this 21st day of January, A.D. 1944. Read a second time this 21st day of January, A.D. 1944. Read a third time and finally passed this 21st day of January, A.D,. 1944. J. D. THOMSON, J. C. GILLIES. Clerk. Warden, BY-LAW NO. 1421 To Amend By'-law No. 1376 The Elgin- County Council enacts: That Mrs. Ruth Johnson be office assistant to the County. Clerk at . a salary of Twelve Hundred Dollars per annum, commencing January 1st, 1944. That by-law No. 1376 be and is hereby amended accordingly. Read a third time and passed at the County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 21st day of January, 1944. J. D. THOMSON, J. C. GILLIES. Clerk. Wardell. 128 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNciL i29 l ~I BY-LAW NO. 1422 6. 'THAT a copy of this by-law be filed with the Department of Municipal Affairs and the Bank in which said monies mentioned in section 3 are held. I For the Establishment and Mttintenance of 'a Reserve Fund 7. THAT this 'by-law \shaU come into force and take effect upon the date Upon which it is approved by the Department of Municipa.l Affairs. WHEREAS section 316 (a) of The Municipal Act authorizes the council in ea<!h year for the duration of the present war and with the approval of the Department of Municipal Affairs to provide in the estimates for the establishment 01' maintenance of a reserve fund for use after the war in providing necessary replacements of or improve- ments in. public works: Read a first time and passed in open Cou'ncil this 21st day, of January, 1944. Read a second time and passed in open Council this 21st day of January, 1944. AND WHEREAS the Department of Municipal Affairs' has authOl.'- ized -the passing of this by-law: Read a third time and passed in open Council this 21st day of January, 1944. THIDRE'F'ORE the, Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts: J. D. THOMSON, J. C. GILLIES, Clerk; Warden. 1. 'THAT a reserve fund 'be established and maintained for use after the war in providing nece,ssary replacements of or improvements in public works. Approved by Department of Municipal Affairs 2. THAT the total sum of $50,000. he proYided in the 1944 estimates for the purposes described in Schedule "A" attached hereto. on.the day of 1944. 3. THAT the said total sum of $50,000. as provided for in section 2 shall be deposited in a special bank account designated "Post, War Re,serve Fund" on 01' before December 20th, 1944 and shall be disbursed, invested or withdrawn from the said account only with the approval of the Department of Municipal Affairs. 4. 'THAT the money raised for the said Reserve Fund shall not be expended, pledged or applied, for any purpose without the approval of the Department of Municipal Affairs. 5. THAT the auditor of the municipality shall certify to the Department of Municipal Affairs, not later than March 1st in each year 'in such form as the Department may prescribe, the position and tran'sactions of the ~aid Reserve Fund. 130 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL BY-LAW NO. 1423 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL 131 BY-LAW NO. 1424 To Revert Road in the TiOWllShip of Yarmouth To Confirm the Equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the 'County of Elgin for the Year 1944. The Elgin County, Council enacts: The Elgin County Council enacts: That the following be the equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the County of Elgin 'for the year 1944: That the following portion of road in the Township of Yarmouth bea'lld is hereby reverted to the local municipality: . That this Council is willing to ha:';'e the final equalization of assess- ment rolls, in case of appeal, made by the County Judge. Aldborough ....................................._______;.....m...$ Dunwich ......_____.....___u_._______..,._.__....______..._._........ Southwold Yarmouth 'Malahide .__________._............. ..........n..__...____............ Bayham ......__....................................____.............. iSouth Dorchester ................................__....__.... Aylmer ................................................................ Dutton .................................................................. 'Port Stanley ..nm....m.................n................... Springfield .......................................................... Vienna..................................................................... Rodney ...............................__....~........................... West Lorne ............................................nn'....... 3,320,851 3,623,881 4,632,712 4,847,105 3,333,608 2,421;176 1,893,259 1,587,808 491,846 950,888 123,398 130;603 354,335 345.273 "Being that portion of the said King's Highway in lots 22 and 23 Concession IX in the Township of Yarmouth adjoining and to the North of a line described as follows; $28,056,743 COMMENCING at a point in the northern boundary of said King's Highway in Lot 23 Concession IX in the Township of Yarmouth and which said point is located 'by starting from 'the southwest corner of said Lot 23 Concession IX in said Township, thence Northerly along the line between said Lots 22 and 23, 42.01 feet, Jhence' South 89 05' East 268.85 feet to said point of commencement; THENCE North 89 05' West 431.80 feet to a point in the southern boundary of Silid King's Highway; THENCE North 76 50' 30" West along last mentioned boundary 73.82 feet; THENCE Northwesterly 301.43 feet along last mentioned 'boundary on a curve left -"~f 696.86 feet'radius, the chord equivalent being 299.08 feet me8JSured North 89 14' West; THENC:BJ South 78 22' 30"West along last mentioned boundary 68.48 feet; THENCE North ,89 05' West 396.04 feet to a point in the northel'll. boundary of said King's Highway in said lot 22" all of which is as shown on aFlan marked A-7-22." Read a third time and passed at County Coun,cil Chambers, St. Thomas, this 21st day of January, 1944. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thom8JS, this 21st day of January, 1944. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. J. D. THOMSON. Clerk. J. C. GILLIES, Warden. J. C. GILLIES, Warden. 132 ll:LGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 133 BY-LAW NO. 1425 To Raise AmOlUlts for COlmty Bates during the year 1944 WHEREAS an estimate h8JS been made showing that the sum of One Hundred a'nd Fifty-one Thousand, Five Hundred and Six Dollars is required to be raised in the several municipalities for the lawful purposes of the County during the year 1944 on the basis of the equa.1- ized assessment as determined in 1943. BY-LAW NO. 1426 AND WHEREAS the estimated amount required for High and Continuation School purposes based on maintenance costs for 1943 as determined under . provisions of the High Schools Act is Sixty-nine Thousand, Five Hundred and Thirty Dollars. "TO CONFIRM By-law No. 1289 of the Council of the Township of Malahide for stopping and clo.sing up and conveying allowance for road being part ,of Lot 20, ConcessiQn 3 of the Township of Malahide and for fixing and declaring the terms upon which the same shall be dis~ posed of and conveyed. Municipality Total Equalized Value Aldborough .... m._mnnnn n.....nm.......m......m....$ 3,320,851 :Dunwich ,.___........................................................ 3,(623;'.881 Southwold ................................___...............n........ 4,632,712 Yarmouth mmn.......nm.........nmmnnm....n.....nm, 4,847,105 Malahide .....m.......n................m..mmmnm.m.... 3,333,608 Bayham ....................................00.......................... 2,421,176 'South Dorc'hester mnnmn..nm......m...........n... 1,893,259- Aylmer ...__.....__................................._.................. 1,587,808 Dutton ..............m_mmmn........mn..............nnnnn 491,846 Port Stanley ....._.....................hnnnmn............ 950,880 Springfield ....nnnn.nnmnm.mn___mn.n..___.._mnm.. ,123,398 Vienna ............._..............__..._..___.....................n.. 130,603 Rodney ......mmmn.....mmmn...mnm...mnn...n..... 354,335 We.st Lorne ...n.........n........nn.....n.................___.' 345,273 WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Malahide did on the 6th day of December 1943 finally pass their By-law No. 1289 to stop up and close that part of the said Road in the said Township and here. inafter described and WHEREAS by sub-section 6 of Section 495 of the 'Municipal Act it is enacted as follows: "A by-law of the council of ~ township, passed under the authority conferred by clause (c) of sub-section 1, in the case of a township in unorganized territory, s~all not have any, force unless and until ap- proved by a Judge of the District Court of the district in which the township is'situated, and in othe'r cases unless and until confirmed by a by-law of the cotincil of the county in which the township is situate , . passed at an ordinary meeting of the council held not sooner than three months or later than one year after the passing of the by-law of the council of. the township" and: WHEREAS the said Township of Malahide is situate in the, County of' Elgin and the said Council of the said Township have applied to this Council to pa,ss a by-law confirming the said by-law No. 1289 at the current, ordinary and regular sittings of this Council. commencing on the 13th, day of June A.D., 1944 the same being held not sooner than three months nor later than one year after the passing of said by-law No. 1289 of the said Council of the Township of 'Mala hide and it appears proper that the said by-law shall be confirmed. AND WHEREAS, Public Notice has been given as required hy the J Municipal Act, by having said notice published in the Aylmer Express Newspaper for four consecutive times and, also by a Proclam- ation posted in cO'nspicuous places near the property, of the intentio!l of the Council to :pass a b~-law fQr closin~ and disposin~ of the lJ;lai~ road allowance, $28,056.743 THEREFORE the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts: 1. That a rate of five a'nd four tenths mills on the dollar be levied on all rateable property in the several municipalities in the County of Elgin as above set forth for the year 1944. 2. That the amounts required for County and for High and Con- tinuation School purposes as set forth in the 'following schedule be levied in the respective municipalities during 1944 and paid to the County Tre.asurer as by law required. 134 ELGIN COUNTY COiUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 135 AND WHEREAS no complaint or objection to the proposed by-law has ,been received by the Council from any person or persons 'whose I.and might be prejudicially effected thereby. BY-LAW NO. 1427 I:' Ii [' " 'jl ,. I THEREFORE IT IS ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN:- TO CONFIRM By-law No. 1114 of the Council of the Township of Bayham to close up road allowance on the south half of Lots Eleven and Twelve in the Eighth Concession of the said township. WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayharn did on the 15th day of October, 1943, finally pass their By-law No. 1114 to close up a road allowance in the said Township and hereinafter described and, 'WHEREAS by sub-section '6 of Section 495 of' the' Municipal Act it is enacted as follows: "A by-law of the council of a township, passed under the authority conferred 'by clause (c) of sub-section 1, in the case of a' township in unorganized territory, shall not have any force unless and until approv- ed by a Judge of the District Court of the district in which the town- ship is situated; and in other cases unless and until confirmed by a by-law of the council of the county' i'n which the township is 'situate passed at an ordinary meeting of the council held not sooner than three months-or later than one year after the passing of the hy-Iaw of the council of the township" and AND WHEREAS the Council have agreed to close and dispose of the ,said Road Allowance as hereinbefore described. That the allowance for road, being composed of that part of Lot Twenty in the Third Concession more particularly described as fol- 10WlS: In the Township of Malahide, in the County of Elgin and being composed of that part of Lot- Number Twenty in the Third Concession of the said Township more particularly described as follows: COM- MENCING at a poi'ut in the Northerly limit of the said Lot distant 165 feet westerly from the NOl'th-easterly angle thereof; thence we.sterly along the Northerly limit of the said lot 49 feet 6 inches; thence south- erly parallel to the easterly limit of the said lot 462 feet; thence easter- ly parallel to the northerly limit of the said lot 214' feet 6 inches to the easterly limit of the said lot; thence Northerly along the easterly limit of the said Lot 49 feet 5 inches; thence westerly parallel to the nortn'- erly limit of the said lot 165 feet; thence Northerly pal'aIlel to the easte~ly limit of. the said lot to the place of beginning, be and the same is hereby stopped up and closed, and the land given to the pro- perty owners, whose lands adjoin said road allowance on the east and north ,thereof; said propel'ty owners to pay all costs of conveyancing etc. I i,_1 J. D. THOMSON, Ol~rkl J. C. GILLIES, Warden. WHEREAS the said Township of J3ayham is situate in the County of Elgin and the said Council of the said Town,ship have ap- plied to this Council to pass a by-law confirming the said by-law No. 1114 at the current, ordinary and regular sittings of this Council commencing on the 13th day of June, A.D., 1944 the same being held not sooner than three. months nor later than one year after the pass- ing of said by-law No. 1114 of the said Council of the Township of Bayham and it appears proper that the .said by-law ;shall be confrmerl, AND WHEREAS notice of the proposed by-law has been published at least once in four consecutive weekly issues of the TiIlsonbul'g News, namely of October 21, October 2'8, November 4 and November 11 as required by the Municipal Act, AND WHEREAS no person, whose lands might be or may be prejudicially affected thereby has applied to be, heard by the Council or raj~ed au;y O'hjectionf?'whats<.>ev~r ~~~reto1 AND IT IS FUR'l'HER ENACTED: That the Reeve of the COi:- poration of the Township of Malahide -be and he is hereby authorized and insh'ucted for and on bebalf of the said CorporatiO'll- to execute and attach the Seal of the Corporation to said Deeds of Conyeyance of the above descri'bed lands. 'Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 15th day of June, 1944. 136 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL ELGIN OOUNTY COUNC1L 137 THEREFORE IT IS ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN:- point ion the Westerly limit of the .said lot 11, distant SIXTEEN CHAINS AND SIXTY ONE LINKS (1'6.61) measured Southerly thereon from its intersection with the limit between the South half and North half of said Lot 11; Clause No.1. That the said road allowance which is more partic- ularly described as follows; ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tra.ct of la'nd and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin and Province of Ontario, being composed of Parts of the South halves of Lots 11 and 12 in the 8th Concession of the Town- ship of Bayham, 'being a -strip of la'ud about 90 links wide and which .~nay be more particularly described as follows: THENCE Southerly along the Westerly limit of said Lot 11. NINETY TvVO' LINKS (.92) more 01' less to a point distant THIRTY ONE CHAINS AND SIXTY NINE LINKS (31..69) measured Northerly along the Westerly limit of said Lot 11 from a point in the South westerly angle of said Lot 11; OOMMENCING at a point in the Southerly limit of said Lot 12, distant TWENTY CHAINS (20.00) measured Westerly thereon. from the South east angle of Lot 13, Concession 8, Township of Bayham; THENCE South 59 degrees 27 minutes East, ONE CHAIN ,AND THIRTY THREE AND ONE. HALF LINKS (1.33%); THENCE North 8 degrees 1 minute West. FIVE CHAINS AND SEVENTEEN LINKS (5.17); THENCE South 81 degree.s 57 minutes East, SIXTEEN CHAINS AND NINETY TWO AND ONE HALF LINKS (16.92%); THENCE North 11 degrees 53 minutes West, SEVEN CHAINS AND FIFTY THREE LINKS (7.53); THENCE North 65 degrees 23 minute,S East,' THREE CHAINS AND THIRTY LINKS (3.30): THENCE North 59 degrees 41 minutes West, EIGHT CHAINS AND EIGHTY SEVEN ANn ONE HALF LINKS (8.'871;2); 'THENCE South 84 degrees 09 minutes East, TWO CHAINS AND FIFTY SEVEN AND ONE HALF LINKS (2.&7%); THENCE North 9 degrees 31 minutes West, EIGHT CHAINS AND SIXTY SEVEN AND ONE HALF LINKS (8.67%); THENCE South 29 degrees 06 minutes East, SEVEN CHAINS AND NINETY EIGHT AND ONE HALF'LINKS (7.98%); THENCE North 84 degrees 09 minutes West. THREE CHAINS AND ONE HALF LINK (3.00lh); THENCE South 9 degrees 31 minutes East. TWELVE CHAINS AND TEN LINKS (12.10); THENCE South 65 degrees 23 minutes West, 'tHREE CHAINS AND TWENTY EIGHT LINKS (3.28); THENCE South 59 degrees '41 minutes East, EIGHT CHAINS AND NINETY AND ONE HALF LINKS (8.90%): THENCE North 81 degrees 57 minutes West, SIXTEEN CHAINS AND FORTY THREE LINKS (16.43); THENC~ South 11 degrees 53 minutes East. SEVEN CHAINS AND FIVE LINKS (7.05); 'THENCE North 59 degrees 27 minutes West, ONE CHAIN AND $EVENTY TWO AND ONE HA,~H' LlINKS U.72lh) more or less to a THENCE South 8 degrees 1 minute East, FOUR CHAINS AND EIGHTY FIVE LINKS (4.85) mQre Qr lelSJ;l to a point in the Southerly Ji~it at ~aidLot 12; 138 iIDLGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 139 'THIDNCE South 81 degrees 57 minutes East along the Southerly limit of said Lot, Ninety links (.90) more or less to the place of begin- ning. BY-LAW NO. 1428 BE AND IS HEREBY STOPPED UP AND CLOSED. To Apoint a Public Health Committee and Define Their Duties Clause No.2. This by-law shall take effect on the date of the final .passing thereof., WHEREAS Section 6, Chapter 22 of the 1940 Statutes of Ontario provides for employment of Public Health Nurses in the Schools of the County. Read a "third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 15th day of June, 1944. AND WHEREAS the Elgin County Council have approved of the appointment of nurses and the payment of a Public Healtll.: School service in Elgin County J. D. THOMSON, J. C. GILLIES, Clerk. Warden. THEREFORE the Elgin County Council enacts: 1. That a Standing Committee, to. be known as "The Public Health. Committee" and composed of four members and the Warden of the County Cou'tlcil, 'be appointed each year at the January Session of the Council. 2. That the Committee have power to appoint or discharge Pub- lic Health -Nurses with the approval of the Department of Health and to authorize the payment of the necessary expenditure,s for the Health Service. 3. . That the County Council levy each year for sufficient funds to meet the required expenditures of the Public Health Service. 4. That the Public Health Committee shall report at least once a year to the County Co,:,-ncil on the Public Health Service. Read a third time and passed at County CoU'nc~1 Chambel's, St. Thomas, this 15th day of June, 1944. J. D. THOMSON, J. C. GILLIES, Qlerk. Warden. ELGIN OOUiNTY COUNCIL 141 140 ELGIN OOUiNTY COUNCIL BY-LAW NO. 1431 BY-LAW NO. 1429 To Fix Members' Wages And Repeal By-law No. 1414 To Revert Roads in the Townships of South Dorchester, ,Malahide, Yarmouth and Bayhurn The Elgin County Council enacts: rrhe Elgin County Council enacts: 1. That the sum of Seven Dollars per day be paid to the members for their attendance in Council and at all meetings and ten cents pel' mile ih going to such Councils and meetings. '2. Thatthe sum of Seve'll Dollars per day and travelling expenses be paid to the members of this .Council for attending on Committees and Conventions outside the County. 3. That members of Council attending conventions outside the County be required to report to the Council at the first session there- after. 4. That hy-Iaw No. 1414 be and is hereby repealed. Read a third time' and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 15th day of June, 1944. That the following portions of roads in the various townships be and are hereby re'verted to the local municipalities: 1. South Dorchester- Being the road allowance between lots 12 and 13 Concession XII in the Township of Dorchester South, extending souther- ly from the eastern boundar,y of the King's Highway as shown on a plan deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division for the County of Elgin as No. D97 to and extending westerly along the road allowance between the Townships of Dorchester South and Malahide to the said eastern 'boundary of the King;s Highway. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. J. C. GILLIES, Warden. 2. Malahide- Being the road allowance between Lots 10 and 11, Concession IX in the; Township of Malahide, extending northerly from the western 'boundary of the King's Highway 'as shown on a: plan deposited in the 'aforesaid Registry Office as No. D99 to and extending easterly along the road allowance betyveen the Townships of Dorchester South and. Malahide to the saJd western boundary of the King's Highway, all of which is as shown on a Plan Marked A.7-2'4. BY-LAW NO. 1430 . To Authol'ize the Warden and Clerk To Sign an Insurance Agreement with the City of St. Thomas The Elgin County Council enacts: That the Warden and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to sign an agreement with t4e City of St. Thomas, setting forth the insurable interests of each Corporation in the Court House, the Gaol, the Registry Office and the' Gaoler's Residence as follows: County of Elgin eighty per cent. City of St. Thomas twenty per cent. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 1'5th day, of June, 1944. J: p. THOMSON, 'Clli'rk, J, C. GILLIES, Warden, 3. -Yarmouth- Being that part of the Mapleton Road' extendin~ northerly .along and adjoining the line between Lots 17 and 18 in the First Range North of the Edgeware Road in the Township of Yarmouth from the Weste-rn boundary of the King's Highway as shown on a' plan deposited in the Registry Office for the: Re- gistry Division for .the Couri.ty of <Elgin ,as No. D 96. Thence North- eaosterly continuing along the said Mapleton Road across part of said Lot 18 to the said western boundary of the King's High- way" all of which is as shown on a plan marked A.7-25. 142 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 143 4. Bayham- Being a road extending northerly along and adjoining the line 'between lots 12 and 13, Concession 11 in the Township of Bay~ ham in the County of Elgin, from its intersedion with the western boundary of the King's Highway as shown on a plan deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division for the County of Elgin on the 5th day of January, 1935 as No. .16, to and extending easterly across part of Lot 13, Concession 11 in said Township to the Northern boundary of the King's Highway as shown on said deposited Plan No. 46 and further shown on 'a plan marked A.7-23. conditions, regulations, restrictions, privileges, covenants and bonds as the granting authority deems proper in each particular case after con- sidering all of the circumstances. 3. ThiLt by-law No. 1420 be and is hereby r~pealed. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 15th day of June, 1944. J. D. THOMSON, J. C. GILLIES, .Clerk. Warden. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 15th day of June, 1944. J. D. THOMSON, 'Clerk; J. C. GILLIES, Warden. BY-LAW NO. 1432 To Provide for the Ol'anting of Permits in Moving Heavy Vehicles, Loads, Objects or Structures BY-LAW NO. 1433 To. Amend B~iaw No. 1352 THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: The Elgin County Council enacts: 1. No heavy vehicle, load, object, buildi'ng, structure orcontriy- ance, exceeding the limits prescribed by Sec.tions'17 or 33 of the High- way Traffic Act, Cha,pter 288, Revised Statutes of Ontario 1937,sha11 be moved upon wheels, rollers or otherwise over or upon any high- way under the jurisdiction of the. Corporation of the County of Elgin unles,s and until a permit has been obtained from either the County Engineer or the County Assistant Road Superintendent or this County Council. 1. That the salary of ;Fred A. Bell, County Road Superintendent be' Two Thousand Dollars per annum payable monthly and an allowance of five cents per mile for the use of his car and travelling expenses. 2. That By-law No. 1352 be and is he-reby amended accordingly. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 15th day of June, 1944. 2. The granting of such permit shall rest solely in the disc'retion of any 'of the above mentioned authorities, and shall be subject to such J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. J. C. GILLIES, Warden. 144 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 145 BY-LAW NO. 1434 BY-LAW NO. 1436 To-Designate 'County Road No. 40 as a Through Highway To Set l)ate for the January Meeting of the County Council The Elgin County Council enacts: That County Road No. 40, being the road allowance between Lots 20 and 21 in the Township of Malahide, with the exception of those portions of the ,Said road where it crosses County Road No. 43 and Provincial Highway No.3, be designated as a through highway, pur- suant to the provisic'ns of sub-section 3 of Section 39 of the Highway Traffic Act. The Elgin County Council enacts: That the first meeting of the Elgin Cou,nty Council shan be held on the third Tuesday in January at the hour of two o'clock in the after- noon at the Court House hi St. Thomas. That by-law No. 940 be and is hereby amended accordingly. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 15th day of June, 1944. Read a third time and passed at County Council Cham'bers, St. Thomas, this 23rd day of November, 1944. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk: J. C. GILLIES. Warden. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. J. C. GILLIES, Warden. BY-LAW NO. 1437 Be Assistant Com Borer Inspectors for Elgin County BY-LAW NO. 1435 The Elgin County Council enacts: To Appoint a Trustee of the VielUla High School Board The Elgin County Council enacts: That the wage/!! of the Assistant Corn Borer Inspectors for the County of Elgin shall be sixty cents per hour while engaged in their duties as Inspectors. That Lloyd Chute be and is herehy appointed. a member of the Vienna High School Board for a term of three years. That the said rate of wages shall apply for the year 1944. Re'ad a third time and iPassed at County Council Chamber,s, St. Thomas, this 15th day of June, 1944. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thome..s, this 2'3rd day of Noyember, 1944. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. J. C. GILLIES, Warden. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. J. C. GILLIES, Warden. c, 146 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 147 BY-LAW NO. 1438 Be I:nm.ates of the Elgin House of Refuge who receive the Old Age Pension INDEX The Elgin County Council enacts: That the full amount of pension of all inmates of the Institution be assigned to the County Treasurer. That the County assume full maintenance care of the inmates; also cost of hospitalizatiO'n if required and funeral expenses if they die while inmates of the said House of Refuge. That By-law No. 1372 be and is her~bY repealed. That By-law No. 1221 be and is hereby amended accordingly. Read a third time and passed at .County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 23rd day of November, 1944. BY-LAW13- No. 1413 To Appoint a County Road Committee"........ 12, 1414 To Fix Members' Wages_,nnn___________...._____.....___....__...... 1415 To Appoint a Board of Audit in the Gounty of Elgin for the Year 1944.nmm.nnnmnn.n......nn li1, 1415 To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow the Sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars nnnmnnnnm....n..............nn'........n.........n.. 23, 1417 To. Appoint a lv.l.ember of the Aylmer Board of Education nommnnnnmn......mn.......m.....m..n...n 15, 1418 A By-law for Granting Aid to Certain Patriotic Org-anizations within the County of .E'lgin .................."n....'...nnn..........n.n._.n..._.nn.. 24. 1419 To Provide for the Total Expenditure on the. System of County Rnads in the County of-Elgin_ as .a,pprovedby Order-in....Council during the Year 194400000000......_....._.......____....0000 24. 1420 To Pl'Ovide for the Granting of Permits in Moving Heavy Vehicles, iLoads, Objects or Structures _:m__mnnnmmmnnnn_mm........m.._.. 25. 1421 To Alnend By-law No. 1376 _m.___mnmm...u.... 1422 For the Establishment and Maintenance of a Reserve Fund 1423 To Confirm the Equalization of the Asse'8,sment Rolls of the County nf 'Elgin for the Year '1944 1424 T.o Revert Road in the Township of Yar- mouth umnnnnnmmmnnnnnnnmu.._..m_................nnn 1425 T'o Raise Amounts fOol' County Rates dur- ing the Year 1944 _nnnnm.n.____m.._.................._.... 1426 To Confirm By-law No.. 1289 of the Coun- cil of the Township of Malahide....."...._, 15, 37, 1427 To Confirm By-law No. 1114 of the Coun",,: eil -of the Townshi'p of Bayham..._....;_........m. 37, 1428 To Appei.nt a Public Health Committee and Define Their Duties ................._.............00. J. P. THOMSON, Clerk. J. C. GILLIES, Warden. BY-LAW NO. 1439 To Appoint COmity Auditors The Elgin County Council enacts: 1. 'That D. -M. Leitch and Wm. E. Locke be and are hereby ap- pointed Auditors, to hold office during good behaviour and be removable . for cause upon the vote of two-thirds of the members of the council. 2. That it shall be the duty of the said Auditors to examine- and audit all accounts affecting the Corporation or relating to any matter under its control or within. its jurisdiction. 3. That the said Auditors be paid an annual salary of Three Hundred Dollars eachi said salary to ,be' paid quarterly. 4. That all other by-laws heretofore pa,ssed in this behalf be and are hereby repealed. Read a third time and passed at County Council Cham'hers, St. Thomas, this 23rd day of. November, 1944. J. P. THOMSON, Clerk. J. C. GILLIES, Warden. 21, 121 21. 121 2I!, 122 1~3 23, 123 124 125 126 26. 127 26, 128 27. 130 27. 131 44, 132 45, 133 4'5, 135 , 46, 139 148 ELGIN .cOUNTY COUNCIL 1429 To Fix Members' Wages and Repeal By- law No',.-..1414 __nn.... '.n__.n.......___m........._.__.____..._..... 47, 140 1430 To Authorize the Warden and Clerk to ISi,gn an' Insurance Agreement with the City of st, Thomas .m___nO..nnmm..> nu___mm_"_m_ 47, 140 1431 To Revert Roads in Ul:e Townships of ,south Dor-chester, Malahide, Yarmouth and Bayham __......__.________.........._u.__......._u_...__.___... 48, 141 1432 To Provide fOr the Gr.anting of Permits in Moving ,Heavy Vehicles, Loads, Ob- jects or. Structures un.....__n_____......____.,,____....__.____ 49, 142 1433 To Amend By-law No. 1352 ....mnn____..._.____n__ 49, 143 1434 To Designate County Road No. 40 as a Through Hilghway __......m',',' uum__..n........_________... 50, 144 1435 To APpoint, a Trustee of the Vienna ltigh ,School Board .__.__m....m.._._..m'_................mnn.___..... 38, 50. 144 1436 To Set Date for the January Meeting of the County Council ____n.._........__m...__.....____.._____m 62, 145 1437 Re Assistant Corn Bo'rer Inspedors for Elgin County .---.----.----.-.---.-...--..--.-.----.-....-....--.------ 63, 145 1438 Relnmates of the Elgin. House of Refuge Who receive the Old Age Pensio;n.m________m... 61, 63, 146 1439 To .A:ppoint County Auditors m..._.....__.._____.....__ 61, 64, 146 GRANTS--- Agricultural and HOl'ticultural S'ocieties .....__m_.....__........m..... 17 L. B. Birdsall .____00..___00...._____..0000___........_____00......_........._ ....00.._......._00__00..00. 65 Canadian National Institute for the BlineL_mnm._._____..__mnmm... 69 Elgin County Library Association n...m..mm.....__.........._._n._n.m_..... 13 Elgin Law Library ._______._...._.______m_.___......_._.____.__..._.....___.__.___...._......._. '20 Lock-Ups ._.._._.___..___.__...___._.~___.___._"..._._........___.__..___....__..._..__._____._..__.......___._ 16 Munici-pal Association .__......___.______........_._._.___........._..__._________....._........._ 69 Navy Leagueo,f Canada m.mmn.....__mmmm.m........nm_m..m..mm...n 115 - Public' Libraries ____m.........__.m..m:.._..m__m.nnn...........m..__...m....__m.____ 16 Salvation Army .~_.....__mmnnmn._.___.__..__mn....:_;......m..___._..m.........nm. 71 -Trustees" & Ratepayers'- Association ..mm..__.___m..__nm......._______.. 17 W'arden ....:...____n.__._........._......__..._......._____..nm..........__.__.. .......mm ..... m.. 65 Women's Institutes ....:'.:......__mm..__.'_:;_....;;.m_____m ,____.........m.___.... 17, 18 ELG-~N COUNTY COUNCIL 149 M~SCELLANEOUS- Advisory County Road Committee .............m................._...................... 12 AJppointment of C'o-'Signer for County Cheques.............................. 43 Appointment of Delegates ....mmm....___m..__m.'._.._m.m........_.._.._._____n. 28 Board of Audit __....._..._.___._._._..._.___...._._____.....----_.._....__._._..............._.____.___. 11 Communications ____nmm__.._____'...........m....__._mnmmh.....nn. 4, 10, 33, 53 County Council ____._.___.___._._.___._._..__..___.........._____._.__....._._......_.____.__......._.__..__ 3 lCounty Officials ___..___._._.__.._._._.___.________.............._._............__............____......._._. 2 Deputations and Committees .................................._..... 11, 12, 14, 42 Municipal Clerks and Treasurers____.....mm__mmmm__........n..n..m......... 2 Paytnents to Public Hospitals ........_..........._n.....n..____m..n..n__.__............ 58 Resolutions -. Replies for other Countiesn..mm__.___....__...... 7, 36, 55 Warden's Address m__..........____......._h..m.___nn____.....m__.._.............. 9, 29, 52 Warden's Ele.ction ....___............_._._.__._______._.____..__................_._._._._..._..__........... 4 REPORTS OF cOMM;ITTEEIS AND OFFICIALS- Agricultural Committee _...._....m......____..h___m..m____......m......nm.. 16, 100 Corn Borer Inspector _mn......m.___n._._.n..._n....'_..._..__.............._m..u.umm 108 County Assessor Committee mmmnn....__.....m._....___....__mm 40, 4'2, 115 County Road Committee nn..__mn___.n__n_m..._.m.._.....hmnnm_n__.m.m 16, 80 County Clerk on Licenses .._m.____h_....n.mn__.....n_..m.._...........h.___.n_.m 105 Education Committee nnmnm.m..................._n__...___.m.....u.........._~... 19, 91 Equalization Committee nnm__n_m_n._._.n......._.__..__.__.. 11, 14, 19, 117 Finance Committee mnn..mu................._n._..._..._...__..........m_.n 15, 39, 68 Gaol 'Com,mittee _mm....h___mnm.n..................___..___.nm.n..m...........__..n 16, 89 House o'f Refuge Committee ..._........._nmm.n..nnm....h......... 16, 39, 98 House of Refuge, Inspector's Re'Pol"t ......mnm..n..m.....____....m__nm__n 93 House of Refuge, ,Physician's Report ........n....nm..n.............._..._nn__ 92 Insurance Committee ....__n,..'.......'.nnnn.......n.__..m...__..m._......_.... 39, 118 lMother's Allowances _._.__............_._._____._._.______._....._._____..__.__.................._.. 107 Old Age Pensions, ..nnnmnn..___...........n.mnnm............hnm.............__n...___. 106 Petitions & Legislation Committee ..............._m..._______...... 16, 40, 103 Public Health Committee ......_.........n..nmn.............___.__n............_ 16, 109 IStanding Committees .______.__...._......_......______................____._...____..............__.. 66 War Purposes n__...........'h.__n.....nn...............__n_..___.......__..._.....__. 15, 39, 115 !50 IEWIN OOuN'TY COUNC:LL REiSOLUTIONS- Certificate of Permanent Employees for Unemployment Insurance ....__.____.........______.___....__.....______..............__________....______,___-"___... 18 Compensation Insurance re Disasters mm.h......__...__m.______.......___..... 62 IErection of Pole Lines on Highways....mnnnn.n._m,...____....h..._....... 44 Juvenile Crime _______..n..._n..____.__......___.......____.__........._.m.___________.____.......... 20 . iResolution to IDe1partment of Games and Fisheries 1'e Beavers 20 Rural M.ail Carriers .....m.__.,..........._.....n.m......__mm__n_......_.__n.n_.____n 12 ,Shipment of Beef Cattle __.............nmn:_n___...__......____mm...._n.._____....... 56 Signing O'f Public Health Agreements m....h......._._nn_......_.n............ 20 <.