1945 Minutes * OFFICIAI,S. 1945 D. S. Ross, County Judge iH. J. Davis, Registrar I.D~ Came-Don, County Count Clerk and Sheriff E. W. Haines, Clerk .of the :Feace and County Crorwn Attorney lVIajQ1' C. P. Ermatinger. Gaoler J. C. Smith, iPublic School Inspector }\lex, McColl,: Assistant 8ehoo1 InspedoiI' J. D. Thomson, County Clerk. and Inspector Hous'e of Refuge W. G. Lumley, County Treasurer " F. A. Bell,e. E., County Road Superintendent George POlwles, Assistant County Road Superintendent R. A. Sander, County Solicitor Douglas ~, Ewin, IM,iD" Physician, Gaol and House of Refuge J. G. 'Turnbull, Keppel', House of Refuge E. Donald Sm1th, County Police Magistrate B. Milligan, High County ConstaNe Sum'mers' Harper, Aylmer, R. E. 1, Corn Barer Inspector County Audi'tor-s D. M. Leitch, West Lome W. E. !Jocke, St. Thomas, R. R. 8 PROCEEDINGS OF TIlliE Elgin County Council FIRST SESSION '- FIRST DAY Tuesday. lhe 16lh day 01 January, 1945 The Elgin County Coun'Cil met this day a,t the Cour.t House, St. Thomas, as required by Statute. The following members' filed cer.tificates and took their places at the Council table: MUNICIPAL CLERKS AND TREASURERS Municipality Clerk Treasur'er Aldiborough ____________ ehas. 1. B~la'ck, Rodney _____m____ W. S. Stalker, R. R. 1, Rodney Dunwich.___A. N. McWilliam, Dutton..__.Mrs. ilVIildred McNeil, Dutton Southwold .... W.J. Blewett, ,St. 'Thomas, R. 6 .... Richard Kimlble, R. R. 1, St. Thomas Yarmouth ___m______ H. L. Lawton, St. Thomas ___n__n___ H. L. Lawton Malahide. ............ E. E. M,cTaggart, Aylmer ......m___ E. E. McT_aggart Bayham ____ J. D. Vallee, :StrafrO'rdville___.M. Stratton, Straffo-rdvilIe South Dorches'ter ______ M. IS. Ghar.Mon, R. R. 1, Springf'ield M. S. Charlton To'Wn of Aylmer ...............____. John S. Fay ........_______.... John S. Fay Villag.e of Vienna.__.iMrs. L'ouis'e McDonald___:Mrs', Louise MdJonald Village of Springfield .......... John Hodgson ______.___ Wm. H. Cathers Villageof Dutton .........______..___ W. M. Blain ........____._____.. W. M. Blain Village of Port Stanley ......__.______. J. H. Burke _.............._ J. H. Burke Village of - Rodney __r___________ G-eo. L. Mistele ______________ Geo', L, Misltele, Village-of We;st Lorne______ L. W. Holland ______ Mrs.: Tena McGregor George Carroll, Reeve, Aldborough Frank McMillan, Deputy Reeve, Aldhorough w. G. Lumley, Reev'e, Dunwich R. D, Campbell, -Deputy Reeve, Dunwich 8'cowart Brown, Reeve, Southwold C~aybourne qordon, Deputy Reeve, Southwold Thom)ls Soper, Reeve, Yarmouth -James McBain, Deputy Reeve, -Yarmouth 4 ELGIN COUN1I'Y COUNCIL lDLGIN COUNTY COUN:GIL 5 Clifford' Ellis, Reeve, Malahide "The" foUQlwing communications WeJ:"€ 'r,ead: Me;edith Hale, ,Deputy Reeve, M.alahide From 'the Ontal'liJo. Cons'e'rvwt1on and Reforesta,tion Associa'tion with request, Lor gr,an:t.-,-JReferred to' AJg.rkultural Corn,mittee. Chas. D. Coyle, Reeve, 'Bayham Neil McConkey, Deputy Reeve, Bayham ,From the Canadian >National Institute for the Blind .'withre- quest .:Dor grant.--.:Refened to tIhe Finanoe- Committee. H. G.. T,aylor, Reeve, South D'Orches'ter From- ,the' ISu'bill'ban' Area Oommiss'1on r,e':esWm1wted: experidi- tUl'ie .for 1945.-iReferred to'..County \Roads Committee. E. E,Aitk,inson, Reeve, Ay:1mer Geo. Brown, Deputy Reeve, Aylmer From Citizens- Auxili,aryW,ar Services Comm'itlbeewith re- quest fo!" member to,be appoin:ted by :the'-County'Oouncil.~efer- ired ,to Finanee Committee. ROoss Shelson, -Reeve, Vienna Fred Shively, Reeve, Springfield From TOIW<llJship of Bayham with y;equest .for con,f-irmatJion oi by-law- No. 1!121.-Referred, to Roads Committee. Mark 'Berry, Reeve, Port Stanley J; D. Fr:a'ser ,Reeve, Dutton F,rom the LO.D.R w~tlh request, for ,grant faT, tihepurchas,e of ,books- for millitary hos;pital:s.---'Referred to Finance Committee. Wm. T. Merrett, IHeeve, West Lorne From .tJhe CountY-of 'W<aterl'oo wirth report 1'e: County Assessor. ---Rererred to ISpedal Committee 1'e County ASSeG:S.oT. H. W. 'Thomson, Reeve, Rodney Seconded by C. Ellis: From the D-epartm<enJt:of.Health Witih,..drRftof .by-laws t,abHSlhing :a County Health Urnit.---,Referred t'o County Committee. for- e:3~ Health Moved by W. G. Lumley. That Ghas. D. Gayle be W,arden of Elgin County for the year 1945: From 'the 'Municipal IWioTld Ltd. re subs:criptions fo.r::C:ounty Officialls.---,Retferred to Finance Committee. ---,Carried. The Warden made his Declaration Oof Office and thanked the Council for the honor cOonferred~ Fr:om - Dep.artment of Hi.Jghways re expenditure .;;by~1aw; fo[' 1945.---,Referred to -Roadis' Committee. 6 EIIJGIN COUNTY COUNOIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNG1L 7 ,From O.RA. County Counoil S.ection' with request fOT mem- ibers:h1p fee and aprpointmerut of delegates.-Referred to 'Educ:ation Committee. I 'Fl'iOffi United Countiesocf Northumherland and Durham with resolution Te subsidy on roads 'in. towns: ,and vil'l8'ges.~Referred to. Roads Commi'ttee'. F,rom Onta]:'1io. A'Ss'ociation of Rural Municipali:t1es .re annual conven'bion lamd requ,est for memhership fee.-Rclerred to. Finance Commit.tee. From County .of Hastings. with res'Olut1on re appointnter:n:t,s' to the pr:ovincialciV'il servlice.-Referred to Pet1tions :and Legisla~ tion Commltte~. From OntariO" Munkipal Association wi,tJh Teques't for m,em- Ihershirp ."fee and, appointment nf delegates'.---.Re~erre.d, ,to Finance Committee. From County .of Hastings w.ith resolution re the reforestation of public larrds.---JR'eferred to' Argr,icultur.al Committee. Report on Elgin County Resolution \ From Ontarda, Good Raads Aoooda'tion with reque:st foil' m,em- Ibership fee andappaintme:nt of delegates.-Referred to' Roadn' Committee. 1. Disastrous. LoS's'es. NO' a~pion - WentwoI'lth. From Sit. Thomas Brancn ,of the Canadian Legian with re- quest for gr;ant.-IR,eferred to W,ar Purpos'€s Committe e.- Filed - Brant. Acknolw ledgment - Department af Municipal Affairs. 'From Navy League of C.anada with request fvr grant.-Re- f.elTed 'to War PurpO'ses Committee. Request :liar furth-er inf.armaQ:iiQu ___LincO'ln. 2. Shipment 'Oif beef <lattleto U. S. From E[gin 'Law As-s'odation with request for gx,ant.-Refer- red' to' 'Finance' Gommi.ttee. Reply - Minister of Agriculture, HonombleJameiS' G. Gardiner. From OanadJian United Allied R-eHefFund w1tih requ-Est ror gr.ant.~Re:Eerred to W;ar PUl'lpOSeS Com,mittee. Moved by 'li. G. Taylor, ,From County of. Grey wu.th reso.lution re amendment to the'act re Indigent Patients in public hospitals.-RetEened to Finance Gommittee. Seconded by N. McCankey: From Oounty of. Dud1:fe-rin wi,th r,esolution re.lifting of embargo on the -shiJpmeilt af catt1e to the U. S.---'Refemed to- Algricultural Oommittee. That this Councd! do. nowadjO'urn to. allo,w the 'Re,eves of the various munic:LpaHties to' meet to s'trike the Standing Gommitte,es, ,the Council to meet again at ,10 a.m. tomonorw; -.Garried. C. D. COYLE, W".den. 8 .ELGINCOUiNTYCOUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 9 FIRST. SESSION _ SECOND DAY The revislion of the County ,Equalized Assessment should hE} inves'Hgatedand I.heHev-e: a small -committee should. be appointed ,to do ,this and to report to the Counci!l. Wednesday. the' I7Ih day of January. 1945 The Wa.r:-den, in, the. Chair. The County:Road Committee and Suburban iRoads'Commis_ 'sian slpent $139,000 on the',l"oads in 1944 and, I believe, largeT es- ,tima-tes 'will he required 'this year owiThg to the large ,increasie in cost- of snow removal andtihe puX'chase of new machinery. The, iElgirt ,C'Ounty Gouncil ,met ,this:, day ,at the Courrt'Hous'e, St. 'rhomas, in accordance with adjournment. ~he Warden addressed the Council. The cost of the new Pulblic Health Service to ''the County for eleven months of 1944 was $4,000 and the report o.f tlhe work a'c- complis'hed which is prlinted in the Prnceeding will shnw that the money was spent wisely to improve' ilie health of the ,children o.f 1iheCounty. All the members present except Mr. Atkinson. Warden's Address The rehabilitation serVlice for 'returned men Lor the City of St. 'J1homas ,and '~fue County of Elgin which is b~i:l1Jg or.ganized requests the alppointment ,of ,a County'representatliV'e ,and a gtlant to. carry -on the work. ToO. Jthe Elgi:J) qoun~y, Council, . The .county' js ,in -a good financial condition; all notes' have 'been paid at ;the Bank a:ndthe Auditors'statem'ellJt W1.Hlsihnw a substantial surplus. Gentlemen: I .have fa' awa:in 'thank y.ou ~o'r the honour conferred in electing me 'as W>arden for the year 194,15 and I ,am sure that wiibh your co- opera.tiontlhe business 'of the'Oounty wil'l 'be carried on in the bes>t interests' of >all concerned. We !hope that hefor-e the y,ear ends the WHr in EuropE; will have 'ceased and a m'ore l,as'ting peaCe may he establi-sihecl. Mr. Taylor introduced the new couIlcil mem!bers. The question of the aprpo,intrnent of a County Assessor which w.aS' referred to this, sess1i:on by the Council in N oveinlber should be carefully .considered at Uhis time. The minutes of the preceding day were read and confirmed. The follorwing communicati"ons were read: The tfD,rming oQf a COUilJ.ty Health Unit ,and thedus:snlving, :of .the,Locl8.'l Boards ,acE Helalth 'W1hidh was. -,d.iscus'sed with Dr. Phair in NovemfbershoruId ihave tihe careful attent10n of the Cound1. From B. B. Graham, County Treasurer, with resignation,- Referred to. Finance Commit,tee. 10 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL u From the Provincial Onrn Borer Inspector re :appnintmellrt of County- InspeCltors'.-Referred to Agricultural Committee. Moved by H. G. Taylor; From Deparment of Lands and For-es'ts Te "The Oounties Re- :lhrestation Act."--.Referred to' Agricultural Oommi;ttee. Seconded by H. W. Thomson: Mr. D. Leitch ,and Mr. Wm. Locke presented .the Auditors' Repor,t for the' year 1944. That this' Elgin County Council request the Dominion Govern.. ment to set :aside a fund rto train inex:perienced l'ieturned soldiers, who desire to' be pla'ced 'on farms, in AgricuHure ,and that a copy of this resolution he sent to the Ontario Agricultural Council, the ,Dominion Government and :a11 County Councils. -Carried. Moved by N. M<Conkey, Moved '!by S. BI'icvwn, S€'conded by S. Brown: , That the Auditors' repol'1t for the year 1944 ibe a'ccepted wirth thanks for a very clear repo.rt; and that ,the contents' ibe printed. -:Carried. Seconded by C. Gordqn: '~'V That Geo. Carroll and J. D. Fr,aser be appointed advisory members of the Road .comm~ttee. -'Carried. The ~epOJ'lt ocE Ithe Committee to' strike 'the Standing Commit- tees w,aspr'esenrted ',and adopted on motion of Mr. Carroll, second- ed ,by Mr. ,Fr.aser. Moved 'by J. D. iFmser, Seconded by Geo. Lumley: Moved by Geo. Carron, Seconded by F. McMillan: That Mr. G. E. Brown be appointed ,a member ,of the Board of Audit for Adim,inisltration' of Justice accounts.' -'Carried. That the ;Warden and Clerk be ,authorized to submi,t to the Minister of iHighrways for .ontario, rth:e petition -of the County of Elgin showing that from the fimt day of January, 1944, ,to' the thivty-first day of Dec.em/ber, 1944, ,there has !been expended on .the Elgin County Highway sys-tem .the sum of 139,802.26. Moved by F. 'Shively, Se'conded by James M'cBain: -Carried. That ,the County OounciLrecommend that the name of the Gaol Committee be changed ,to. HProperty CommiHee." , -Carried. 12, ELGIN CO~N'I'Y COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 13 Moved by H. G. Taylor, and Burke -addressed 'the Council requesrtinga. gr,arut. The request was referred Ito. the ~ducaJtion Oommittee. Se'Conded by J.D. Fraser: That this ELgin County Council commend the srtand taken by Magistr.ate Angus W. McMillan and Chairman JudgeJ. J. Cough- lin of the IWindsor Police Oommission re investiga!tion of the spanking ma,ehLne :as a .de.terrenrt of .crime; ,and that a copy of this resolution be s!enit to. the Windsor Police Gommlssion, he AiHorney General's Department :at TO-Tonto, the Department of Administra,.. tiou of Justi-ce ,ait Obta1wa, the Ontario AgricuHur:al Council and all County Councils. ltw:asmoved by !Mr. Fr:aser that Mr. MUton fI'iom he CanaR di-an National Ins-thunefor the Blind, :be heard, .and .Mr. MHton addressed the Council reporitirug, on the work :of the 'QlI'igani:z~ion and requesting' la grant. The request w,as' referred to' rthe Finance Committee. Moved by Wm. T. !M'errett, ---,Carried. Seconded Iby G. E. Bmwn: Moved by Geo. Carroll, Seconded by Wm. T. Merre1lt: That we petition" the kttorney-Gene,r:al'lg Deparrtment 00 startLon a ProvitiG.ial Policeman in the West ,and one in the' East of the Gounty. .. -C-arried. That we de now adjourn to meet at 2 p.m. -Carried. Mr. Merr:ett spoke on the.abeve, resolutien and, Mssrs. G. Brown, Thomson, FDas'er, Berry and Taylor also s'poke of their; :ap- proval of -the plan. The Council resumed. It 'W,as iffiO'ved ,by Mr. Stelwart B.ro.wn thai Mr. Kemp he heard and Mr. 'Kemp ,addressed the Council on the aotivities of the Navy Le.ague ,and ,asked for a ,gr,ant. The~ matter was referred to the W,ar PUllp'ose Commi,ttee. Jot was moved that Mr. Haines ,be asked to' meet theCouncU on this question. Meved by G. E. Brewn, It was moved 'by H. G. T.aylor ,tha,t M.r. Burges;S from the St. Thomas' RehaibiUta:tion Organiz,aJtion be heard ,and Mr. B\urgess ad- dr:essed 'the Council; Mr. Caldtwell,and Mr. Goodwin alsO' speke brie.flyand the matter '\V,as referred to the W:ar Purposes Commit- tee. Seconded by N. McOonkey: It was mov.ed by ,Mr. TraylO'r that the Delegation from the CO:L1-nty L:i!br:ary .AJSlsodation. :be heard and Ms'srs. Rogers, Balfour That the usual grants to Women's Institutes he paid, i.e..$l:O to' each Ins.rt1tute and $25 to Ithe East and West District In- sUtutesand $5 each to' Institutes where Public Or:a1tory 'Contesrts are held. Every InSlt1t'ute wishing to' take advantage, of the addi- tional $5granrt must satisfy ,the Clerk and Treasurer of their qual- ifications fo-r apply foa:' 'same. -Carried. 14 IDLGlN OOUNTY COUNCIL Moved by M. Eeny, Seconded by M. Hale: That gr.a:ruts Ito Lock-ups and Municipal Buildilllgs be the same as last year-to be 'paid on. approval of the High County Con- &table. . _.....:Carried. Moved by Jas. M,eB.ain, Seconded by M, Hale: Tbat the usual graI1t of $50 be made ,to the Elgin 'Drustee and Ra,tepaY1e,rs AsS'odation provided' the rn.eeting is held. _Carried. Moved by C. GOTd.on, Seconded by' G. E. ,Brown: 'That grants to Ithe Agricultural and Ho,rticul<tural Societies be ,.the same as last year - Agricultural, equivalent_ to the Gover,n- menk grm1!t for 1945; Ho.rticul:tural, 25% o,f the Go'Vernment .grant for 1945. -Carried. Moved by C. Ellis, Seronded -by .M. G. [Berry:, That this Counsil do n~w adjourn Ita meet 'Thursday at 10 a.m. ~arrifid. C. D. COYLE, W,arden. ,J' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 15 FIRST SESSION - THIRD ]JAY Thursday. the 18th day of January. 1945 The Elgin Gounty Council met this day ,at ;the Court House, St. Thomas', in accordance wi,th adjournment. The Warden in the Ohair. All Ithe members present. The minutes of ithe preceding day were read and confirm,ed. The seco,nd"TepoDt of ,the Finance Opmmirttee w.as presented and adopted on motion of Mr. Fraser,seconded by Mr. Oarroll. The repo:nt of the County, Health CofmM:Jtee was py.esented and adopted 'On mQltion of Mr. 'Daylor, seconded by Mr. Ellis. , The l"epoYlt of the War ,Purposes' Oommittee was presented and adopted on motion of Mr. M,errett, seconded !J;lY1l.VIr. Shively. The r,epo,rt of the Petitions :and Legisla:t}pn Committee" was presented ,and adopted on mo.tion of Mr. Atkinson, se:condedby Mr. Gordon. Moved by N. M0Co.nkey, Seconded 'by G. E. Bro1wn: That the usual gr:ants to Public Lihraries 'be paid, i. e. $50 ea-chto Rodney, West Lorne, Dwvton, Aylmer, POl'1t Stanley, Vi- enna, 'Springfield, Spar:ta, Bayham; Shedden and Port Burwell, 16 ElLGINCOUNiTY'COUNCIL and $25 each ,to Wardsville .and Behnont. ~Carried. Moved by Wm. T. Merrett, Seconded by Fred Shively: That the Council s'et aside the sum of $5,000 to be used by the War Putlposes Commitltee to meet current requirements and that a by~lal':' be 'prepared. -Carried. M,oved by Wm. T. Merrett, Seconded by F. McMillan: That 'we do now adjourn to meet again at 2 p.m. _Carried. The Council resumed. Mi:'. Taylor moved thalt the Public Health' Nurses present their repo~t ,and Misses Thomson, McNabb and Hourd addressed the Council ~on their work for 1944. Mr. Taylor expres'sed the appreciation of the Council !to' the Nurses fOT their report. Mr. Taylo,r moved !that Dr. Struthers be heard and Dr. Struth- ers addressed, !the Council on the County' HeaJ1h Unit. The m,atter was referred to <the He1alth Commi,uee. It was moved by Mr. M,eConk!ey and secanded by Mr. Taylor that a vOIte af aJppr,eciation be eXltended to' Dr. Struthers. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 17 The repart of .the CountY'Road Commiutee was pr,esel)ked and on m.oltion of ML S. BrOJWn the Council went into a commiJttee of the whole. The W!arden. .appointed Mr. -S. B1"olWn to the Chair and aflter! conside\,able discus's'ion Ithe report was adopted as read on, mortion of S.'Brown, seconded !by M. Berry, Moved by G. E. Brawn, Seconded by E. E.. Atkinson: , That Leon Bodkin be re-appO'iI1lted a member ofrthe Aylmer Board of Education and Ith8.lt a by-law be prepared. :'~2;-, (" -Carried. Mo.ved by M. G. 8erry, Seconded by C. Ellis: That we dO' now .adjourn to meet on Friday, at 10 :a.-m. -Carried. C. D. COYLE, Warden. "". .. 18 ELGIN COUNrry COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 19 FIRST SESSION - FOURTH DAY The secood rep""t of the War Purposes C<>mmlttee was pres- ented and 'adopLted on motion of, Mr. Merreltt, secondedhy Mr. Shively. Friday, the 19th day of January. 1945 , The ,ElgIn C<>unty C<>unci! met this day at the C<>urt H<>use, St. Thomas, in accordance with adjournment. The repovt of ,the Education Commlibtee w.as preseilrted and' adopted on motion of Mr. Berry, seconded by Mr..Fraser. The Warden in the Chair. Too rep<>rIt. <>f fue Prdperly C<>mmittee was presented and . adopted on motion of Mr. MeConkey, seconded hy Mr. Merrett. All the members present. 'Dbe ,minutes of the preceding day were, read andconfirIll;ed. The report of the ,County Health' Committee was presented, and on motion of Mr. S. Brown, the Council went iIlJtoa Commit- tee of the Whole. Afitr 'Cons'idrable discuss1oD, the report was adopted as'read on m,oition of Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr.-'-Tay'lor. A communication from the We'Sit Elgin Branch of .the Cana- dian Legion was read ,and referred to the War' PUJ'lposes Commit-- tee. The se,cond report of the Road Com.mittee was 'preseIiibed and adopted on mOltio,h of Mr. ".I'aylor, seconded by Mr. Brown. M''l'Vedby F. Shively, The repor,t of the EqualizalUon and Assessment Committee wa.::; presented and ~dopted on motion of Mr. E'llis, s'econded by Mr. CaNOn. Seconded by .J. -McBain: Moved by S. Brown, That we do now adjourn to meet again at two o'clock. _Carried. Seco-hded by C. Gordon: I The Council resumed. That the former motion appoin\ting J. D. Fraser and Geo. Carroll advisory members of the Road Committee !be rescinded and that Ithe new Reeve of Duruwich and Mr. Fraser, be apPointed. -Car.ried. The report of the Agricul,tural CommiLttee was presenited and adopted on ,motion of Mr. S. Brown, s'econde,d. by Mr., Carroll. The' .third re.Pofit of the Finance. CommiJttee was presented ~:p:d. adopted onm-otion 0'f Mr. Frase,I', seconded by Mr. Carroll. . Moved !by M. Hale, Moved by Geo. Carron, ~'f'" ..,.=.",...-,--,-"-..._-,,.-~ t r I ~" ! ! t r~. l' 20 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN. COUNTY COUNCIL 21 Thact St€IW,a<1; Bmmn be Elg1n County, Representative on the Seil.'ate'tif the,Unive.rsity of Western Ontaif:lo. , -Carried. Moved by R. D. Campbell, . Seconded by Wm. T. MeTrelJt: ,lV,[oved bYJ. I). fraser, That by-la.m No. 1441 ''To Appoint a Boord of Aud.t in the County of Elgin for ,the ye1ar 1945" he read a fkst time. -Carried. Seconded by H. W. 1.\homsbn: .' 'I' Tn~t ouw'bandingcheques ,amoutlting to $100 which'have been carried on 1JheTreasur,e1r's books prior to 1936, be wrirbten off. Moved by Wm. Mer.relJt, Seconded by R.D. Campbell: _Carried. Th"t by-I3JW No.. ,1441 be read a econd time. -,-Carried. "".\'. ", ,..,...., .~ec'q,n,ded,b,,; Geo. Carro:i1: '~". , Secpn\led py F.. McMillan: ',~,<- ., ,. " '.' ,~,. '.' " ,: ,,\ -Moved by R. D. C.ampbell, ;, Seconded by Wm. Merrett: Th3Jt by-lam No. 1440 t.ee" be ,read a firsltj;ime~. '~To Appoint a County Road Commit- 1<,' __Carried. That by-l3JW No. 1441 be read a third time and final1y passed. -Carried. c- ;',<' , Moved by F. McMillan, Moved by J. ,n; Fvaser, Seconded by Wm. MerreiUt: Seconded by F. McIlVlillan: That by-la'w No,. 1440 be read a second time. -Carried, That by-laJW No. 1442 "To Authorize the 'Wiarden and TJ.1ea~ surer to. Borrow Ithe .sum of TwO' Hundred Thousand Dollars" be read a fkSit time. lYIoved by, WIm. Merrett, . ..:.-Carried. Se,conde.d by. Ge;o. CaNOn; Moved by Wm. M,erreM:, ThaJt by-Law No. 1440 be read a ithird time and finally passed. ...,.......,Carried. Seconded by J. D. Fraser: 22 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ElLGINCOUNTY COUNCIL 23 That by-law No. 1442 be read. second .time. Moved by E., E.:A.\tkinson, -'-!Garried. Sec,ondedby R. Shels<>n: M,oved by J. n:'FraS€T, That by-law No.. 1444 "T<> Amend By-law.No. 1439" be read... first time. Seconded by R. D. Cami'bell: Th~t by-law No. 1442 Ibe read "third1iime and d'inallypassed. ----Carried. ~Card~,d. Muved by G. E. Brorwn, Seconded by E. E. Atkinson: Mo,-:ed by C. Go~don, That by-law No. 1444 be read -a second :time~ -Carried. Seconded by n. W. Thomson: '~';' That oy-law No. 1443 "Tn Repeal by-law No. 1401" be read a first time. . Moved by E. E. AtkJinson. .' ," ~Carried. Seconded by R. Slhelson: M,oved by H. W. Thoms..on, That By...law No. 1444 be read .a third time and finally' passed. -Carried. ""''i'}; 'I', Seconded by by C. G~.rdon: Moved by F. Shively, That- \by-law No. 1443 be read a second time. -Carried. Seconded by J~ames MoBain: Moved by C. Go.rdon, That by-J,aw No. 14'45 "A By-l8JW for granting aid, to Certa.in Patriotic Orglaniza:tio~s', wlilthin the County of Elgin" Iberead. a fkst time. -,Carried. Seconded by H.W. Thomson: That by-law No. 1443 /be read.. third lime and finally p&sged. -Ca~-\ied. Moved. by J,as McBain, Seronded by F.. SbJve1y.: ~4 ElLGlN COUNII'Y cm.iNC}L ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 25 That by-law No. 1445 be read a second time. --Carried. Moved by G. E. Brown; Seconded by E. E. A:tkinson: Moved by --J,as. M.oBain, That by-law No. 1447 "TO' Appoint a Member o.f the Aylmer Bo.aocd 'Of Educa'i,io'll" be ['earl a firs,t time. -Carried, SecOnded Q>yF. Shively: 1445 "be read ,ath1r'd Ivime and :fiin~lly passed. ---,Carried. That by-law No. Moved Iby Stewart Brown, Seconded by R. Shelson: That by-lww No. 1447 be read a second, time: Moved bY N. MoC"nkey, -Carried. Seconded by G. E. Emwn: That ipy,:,,1aw ,No. 1446 "T'G Confirm By~law Township of B1aY'ham" be r,ead a first' time.' No. 1121 of .hc '~"\. Moved by H. Shel:son, _Carried. Seconded by G. E. Brorwn: That by-law No. 1447 be read a third time and finally passed. -CarrieJ, Moved, by E. E. Atkinson, Seconded by N. _McConl<ey: Moved by 'T. Soper, That by~law No. 1446 be read a second time. ---Carried. Seconded by Jas,McBain: That by-law No. 1448 "To Pr:ov1de foa:' tlhe Total Expenditur-e on the Sys1tem of County Roads. in the County of - Elgin during the year 1945" be'read a first time. Moved by N. McConkey, --Carried. Seconded by G. E. Brown: That by~larw No.. 1446 he read .a third HIDe 'and finally passed. --Carried. Moved by M. Hale, Seconded bY' M. G. Berry: ~::..:..-.- ,....;,=~.c"'''"~~,,;"., 26 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 27 Tha.t by-law NO'. 1448. be read a second time. -"Carried, MoV'ed by M. G. Berry, Seoonded by C. Ellis: M'Oved by M. G.Be:rry, Tlia't by-law No.. 1450 be read a second ,mme. -,Carried. Seconded 'by M. ,Hale: That by-law NO'. 1448 be read a thiird time and finally passed. --Carried. M.oved by C. Ellis', Seconded by M. G. Berry: Moved by F. Shively, 'Dhat by-law No. 1450 be read a thkd time and Nnally paslsed. -----Carried. Seoonded by J,as,.MClBlain: '~,;. That by-taw No. 1449 "To. Establish a Health Unit" be read a fir,s,t Hme. Moved by T. Soper, -,Carried. Seconded by M. Hale: M'oved by JaB. McBain" That by-huw No. 1451 "To. ApPOint a County Treasurer" ibe read a first tim,e. --Carried. Seoonded by F. Shively: 'That by-lalW No. 1449 be read a second time. Moved by M. Hale. -"Carried, Seconded byT. Soper: Moved by C. Eliis, That by-la.w No. 1451 .be read a s'econd time, -Carried, Seconded by M. Hale: That by-law No. 1450 ,"TO', Amend By-law No. 1411" be read a first time. Moved by T. Soper, ---'Carried. Se.conded by M. Hale: t: i ~;' ~' ~' 28 ELGIN COUNlTY COUNCIL ElWIN COUNTY COUNCIr" 2.9 That by-law No. 145I be read a "hird time and finally passed. -Carried. SE.COND SESSION ~ FmST D.A Y Tuesday. Ihe. 1914 day of June, 1945 The Warrden appointed the foUOiw~ng delegates to attend the various' conventions: Roads _ MSlsrs. Carl"oll, Merrett, Fraser, Go<r.don, S. Brown, / Askinson, G. Brown, M,cConkey, TaylJor. Shively, M,c~ Bain, Sorpe:r, Hale, Ellis, Berrry and the Treasurer. The Elgan County Council met this day art the Court House; St. Thoffi'as, as ,authorized' by the Warden. The Wffi'den in the cha.i['. Educ,ation _ Mssrs'. McMillan,. Campbell, Shelson and the Clerk. All the memlbers rpres'enrt. Municip.al _ Mr. H. W. Thomson. the Wal1dren and the Clerk. The Wardenadd['.essed the Council. .~'. Moved by E. E. Atkinson, ' To the Elgin CQunty. Gouncil: Gentlemen: Seconded by G. E. Brown: 'Dhat the Oouncil do now adjourn to ,meet on the second Tues- day in June. ;rn, opening the June Ses8'ion. pf tlb.~ CQuntyCo1-mcil lam sure wea,reall ,glad that Victopy has' ,been achi'€wed in Eurqpe., ~ud'We trust that the War in J<apap may be brought to. .an, endbefo;re lpng. Canada ,and the Province of' Ontario have borth eLected stable -Carried. governments and we all trust. tha,t the p;r;oiblrems of reconstruction and the rehalbiUtation of our returned: service. pe.rsonal may he s:atdsfactor.Uy settled. And I shaH endeav.our asmemibeF .urom;El- gin County to. dO. my p.a'rt)n the settlement of these pl'ioblems. :R9ads Our County .roads are in excellent c.ondition. and We have se~ cured delivery pf our new Caterpil1ar Grader. which is g,iv.ing very s'a'tisfal?to['y service. Public Heallh The >orming of a County Health Unit with the City of St. 30 ELGIN COUNI.rY COUNCIL ELGIN. COUNTY COUNCIL 31 ']ho~as will require .your careful .cons'ideration, and should be thoroughly discussed by members -O'f the Council. hO'spitalsFrom $1.25 per day to $1.50 per day and in other hospit- als From $1.75 per day to' $2.25 per day. Equalization The m.atter 'of equal~zation' O'f County Assessment will have to be decided a't this sesston .and a, report has: been prepared by the Clerk sillowing increases ,and decreases made by the 10'cal As- seSS'o!rS' since the last equaliza.tion was made two ye,ars ago. The Re,forestnatlon Act ha~ been amended to townships to pur.chas'e land for -reforestation- to give autho~ity pUI'lposes. The minutes of the ,Last day of the J,anua!l:'Y Sess'ion we're read and confirmed. Education The new grants to' education made by the Provine.jal Gove'rn- 'ment' !Should redu,ce to )Some extentt tlhecom of maintenance of 'County pupils in om.' secondary schooLS. The follOJWing commurncaJtionS" were read: From the City of St. Thomas re hO'lding of !Elgin County fair. ~eferred to .Agricultural Committee. Hospitalization The St. Thomas Memor.ial Hospital ,is gr,eatly overcrowded and the Hospital Boar.d and CUy Council are planning a large new add1tion to prov,ide necessary facilirties for' the 'Community . ,and I beUeV1e "they intend asking for assistance f.roorn the County. From the ASSOCIation .of Mana-g,ers' 'Of Homes for Aged and In- firm re ,annual Convention.--JRefer:red to County Home Committee. From the St. Thomas CdJty Council with iinvitation .to' dinner. -Filed. The setting ,of the tax '!'late. for Countye:&pendi,tures is an 00- podant item O'f business and I 1holPe we. shall be a1ble to' make sO'me ,reduction in the mill rate this year. From the Ontar1O' Municipal Associa'tion re Annual Conven- tion.~Filed. New Legislation Owing to the sudden dissolution of the Provincial Legislature v,ery little new legislation waspa<ssed at -the session. From the Hospital"for Sick 'Children -Referred '110 F.inance Committee. with request f.or grant. . A new :SuJbse,ction is added to' s'ecHon lOA of the Dog Tax and Lives~"Ock 'P'fotectil()ll Act ',to prolVide that a local mundlCipali:ty m,ay pass ,a by-law e;x)tending the provisions of the Act to' livestock and poultry that may be damalled O'r injured by wild Animals. From the CO'unty of Elgin .and City of tion ,Comrn~ttee with report.-JReferred to mittee. St. Thoma. rooabiiita- 'War Purposes Com- SeeiOon' 16 of the Pulblic HoS:p,itals Act is. re-inacted -to increase the cost -to the municipality fO'r' indigent patients in convales,cent From G. HOlWlard' Fer,guson with request for grant from the Health. League of Canada.-Refer:r,ed tOo F~nance Committee. From the County -of Kent with resolution re amendm,ent .to 32 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL EOOIN COUNTY COUNCIiL 33 the',.lVIunLcipal [)rainage Act.---Refe(rred 0' the Petiti'onsand' Legis- l'ation Committee. rate for indigent patiems in hospitals;.::........Referved to' Finance Com- mittee. FrDm the !Se,cre,tary o.fthe Dutton W,omen's'Institute with ex- press'ionof appreciation of grant.----Filed. , Fr10m the Clerk of tlhe County 'Of WateoclQo with report on CountY Ass'esso!I'.--Refeit'r,ed to the Equalizaion Committee. From the County Q1f Lanark with resulution requesting in- crea'~e in grants from 'the FedefI';aI and Provindal Go~ernments to' the Children's. A.id Society.----Refe1"red to Finance Gomm.ittee. From Ruth 'Johnson with resignation. - Referred to Fin.a!?,ce Committee. From he County of Peel re shipping cattle to the Union Stock Y;arrds.-Re'Lerred 'to Agricultura'1 Committee. F'rom the 'County,'of Northumberland with reiSoluUon .asking increased Provincial ,and ,Federal grants to Children's Aid SociEirt- i.es.:....:...ffi.efel'r,ed to. F,inance" Committee. From the County of Grey with r,es,oIuion re he l'evying of a Oorrunodity Ass'es,sment on Ho.gs.-Referr.ed to AgricuHural Com- m.ittee. Mr. H. G. Tayl"r advised the Council that Mr. J. D. Millar, Deputy Mmister of 'V-Highways, would addres's this 'council on Thursday afternoon. From the Gounty of iPerth with resolution re cattle shipped to Toront-o.-.Reterred to' Agdcultural Committee. Moved by H. G. Taylor,' From the County ,of Petei'lhorouglh reo amendment to. Section 20 of .th~ '1\IIunicipal Act.---"Refe,rred tOI Petitions' and Legisl,ation Co,minittee: Seconded by Stewart Brown: From the' County alf Grey with reso'lution re treatm,ent of cat~ tIe for 'WJaTlbles.~Refered to. A;gricultural- Co:rnmittee. From the County of W'eHand re amendment toSe-ction 23 of the., l,\I.Iuniicipal Act.-,.fRe:flerred to' Petitions and LegislflHon Com- \miIttee.,: From the Oounty of -No.rthull1\berland with resolution re sim- plifying Municipal !Returns to the Provincial De'Partm~n-t.-Re- fie-Dred to P~t1Uonsand-Legis'lationpommittee. That we recommend that the government of Ontario take , immediate steps to investigate and amend the Act which provides ror th,e registration of births,so that all births will be registered in the Jmunicip.alHy in which the parents :r;e-side alt the time of such hirth. And that copies 'Of ,this resolution /be sent to Ron. Mrr. Dunbar} Jitbvincial Secretary; MI'. F. S. 'I1hom,ac, member for El- _~in Gouti:tYl-The Ontario ,Municipal Association; The Onta(rjo Ag- ricultural C-hUhcil and all County Councils. -Carried. From the,' County of Wentworth with protestre inc;reased Mrs. Lgg;g addre,ssed the Council regarding the ,danger-ous crossings on B;ighway No. 74. south 'Of Belmont, and the Council ldecided to br.ing the matter to- the attention o:(M.r. J. D. Milla;r, 34 EWLN COUNTY COUNCIL E[;QIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 35 Deputy MirristeT of HighwaY". SECOND SESSION - SECOND DAY Moved. by Ge9Tge Ca<roll. Seconded by F'rank MoMillan: Wednesday. Ihe 20lh day of June. 1945 That this. Council do now ,adjourn to' meet onW ednesday at The Elgin County Oouncil met tlhis d<ty at the Court House. St. Thomas, in' accordanee Iw.itlh, adjournment. 10 a.m. f" -Carried. C. D. COYLE, Warden. The Wa.rden in the chair. ,: All the members present. The minutes of the previous day wer;e r:ead and confirmed. '~'V ThefiI1S1t report 'Of the Fin1anc,e Commllttee was presented and adopted on motion of J. D. Fra-ser, seconded by S. Brown. -Carried. The report of the County Home Commit'bee' was ; pr;es!ented and adpoted on motion of F. Slhiv~ly and secondedlby J. McBain. ',",(,,;.: The report of the Property Committee was presented and adopted on motion of N. McConkey, seconded rby Wim.M'el'rel!;t. ":"f.' '>,:;.. The report ,of the Petitions :and Legislation Committee was presented .and ,adopted on moion 'Of R. Shel.s'Ou, see-onded by C. Gordon. Mov-ed by H. G.. Taylor, Secon<:led by T. Soper: 1" That this Elgin ,Obunty 'Council 'request the, Depar1tment pf 36 !\)LGlN COUNTY COUNCIL JilljGIN COUNTY COUNCLL 37 Highiw,ays to take 'any' neceSisary",actionrequired.:to hav'e the rail- way crossing.s on No. 74 Highway north 'Of New Sal'um; namely the New Sarurn orossing of the Canadian National Railway and the Belm'onlt Gros'Sm:g 'Of the C.anadian -Pacific Railway; equ1pped with warninJg sIgnals. The s'econd report'O-f the Finance Committe,ewas ptesented and adopted en motiO'll of J. D. FTaser. seconded lbyR. Shels'ou'. ---Carried. The report of !the Cih11dren's, Aid Oommittee was. pres'enrted and adopted on motion of R R Atkinson ,and seconded by T. '. Soper. Mo,ved by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by E. E. Atkinson: 'Dhe second report of 'the P,roperty CommiU,ee was: presented and adopted on motion 'Of N. M,cCoillkey, seconded !by R. D. Camp- . bell. That this Elgin County Council make -application to !the De- partment of Highways soliciting ithl?i~ cO-'OiperatiQiIl and a,ssistance in the remav.al of the very haza,rdous conditions which exis't at Ithe Railway Ci"o'5sing .over 'the New -Yo['k Central just east 'Of St. Thomas, 'On No. 3 Provincial Highway, na.mely darigerouscurves and poor visibility. -Carrisl(t. The report .of tIlle Health Committee was presented and on motion of S. J3T'OlWn, the Council met with the Commrbtee as' a whole. After ,a lengthy discussion Ithe report - was ,adopted as !read on motion ofG. Ca,rroll, .econded by M. Berry. '~'>- Moved by CliHe>rd Elllis, Mr. Lumley presented the T.reasurer's repoctt and it W,as m.o<v- 'ed>by J. D. Fraser and ,seconded by S. BrOlwn that it be accepted and printed 'in the P.roceedings.. Reeve S. Brown add!r.essed the Council reo an ELgin GOUlnty picnic. Afte-r discussion lit was mo,v- ed by J, D. FT13'Se.r, :seconded by H. W. Thoms:on, that the m.atter be left ,to' the Entertainment -Committee. Seconded by M. G. Ber.ry: That this C-ouncil do now adj-ourn to meet Thur-sday mo['ning at 10 a.m. -Carried. C. D. COYLE, Warde'll. Moved hy Wm. Mer,rett, Seconded by GeQrge CaTroU: 'Dhat we do now adjourn to meet at 2 p.m. -Carri'ed. The Council resumed. The ,report of Ithe Agricultul1al Committee was presented and. adopted on motion 'of S.iBrOlwn, -.seconded by G. Carroll. II I II ,1" ii';! 38. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL IDLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 3.9 i I SECOND SESSION - THIRD DAY fixed A<ss'essments. Mr. Merrett, Mr. ThomISon and Mr. Shively also-addressed the Council 'On this matter. Thursday. the 21st day of June, 1945 Mo.ved by R. D. Campbell, The' Elgin County Council met this day at the Court House. Seconded by George Carroll: " , i: ., The minutes of the previous day were read and confirmed. That in view of the extreme difficulty the OOUi!lcils of 'rural municipalities are experiencing, in Ithe cOil1rStr-udon and repair of drains, olwing to' the scarcity of qualified Civil Engineers' to, m:ake the neces'S,ary 'sUII'veys, ,and owing also to the :.::;oarc.ity ,od: help need- ed ,in the manufacturing of tile, ,and in view of the importan'c at the present itime of an inoreased production 'Of food. that this matter be br:ought to the attention of the Provincial Depart- ment of Agriculture with a view to some action that would re- move the handieap.}rom the farmers of Ontarrio. St.'Dhon;l,as, im. accordance. with adjournmen.t. '" j';: The Wlarden in the ch.air. All the merobers, q:lTesent. I:i ! , .1 I' :j,'; ! :'1'1 on A CommunicaUon from 'the County of Middlesex re bounty foxes, was' read refer.red to the' Agnculmr'al Comm-ittee. Moved by Wm. Merrett; Seconded by R. D. Campbell: 'i' The report 'Of the War Purposes Committee was presented and aQdopted' 'On motion O'f Wm. Merrett, seconded by F. Shive.ly. That we do norw adjourn 10 meet at 2 p.:rr;t. -Garried. M,oved . ,by ,George ,Carroll: The CouIlcil resumed. Seconded by J. D. MdMillan: The ,Elgin County Gounci'l certifies :that the employ.ment of Jean quigley ,and W,alter Person is permanent in char,acter in re- spect to' tJhe 're,gula!tions' 'O[ the Unemployment Insurance A(:t. -Carried. Mr. TaylcT moved that Mr. J. D. Millar, Deputy Minister of Highways; .be heard. M'r. IMillar addressed ,the Council on highway developments and the proposed new provincial highway. \ Mr. McConk'ey and Mr. Taylor reported on the Assessors Con- vention at Niagar.a (F,alls in 'respect ita exempted properties and The Third repor:tOif the Finance Committee was pre-3enled and adopted 'On motion. of J. D. Fraser, s'econded !by S. Brown. 40 ElLJGIN COUNTY COUNOIL Moved by R. D. Campbell, Seconded IYy Wtm. !Merrett: ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 41 SECOND SESSION - FOURTHDA Y Friday. Ihe 22nd day of June. 1945 That 'We do now ad~ourn to meet F.riday rooming, June 22nd, at 10 a.m. -Carried. The Elgin County Council m,etthis' dilY at the Gourt House, St. Thomas', in ,accor.dance with adjournment. "Dhe W,arden in the chair. All the members pre,sent 'except S. Brown and E. E. Atkinson. The minutes ;of the previous day were' read and confirmed. The fol1~~ing Commullkations were re,ad: From the County -of Middlesex ore ,bounty on foxes.-Filed. From the County of Huron, cDllcuring our resolutions' re Training 'of Soldiers arid Spanking IMachines.-Filed. Moved by J. D. ~raseT :that J. P. Coombe, of the Department of Municipal Affaks, lbe heard. Mr. Co6mbeaddl'essed theCoun- cil."on equalized County Assessment' and appointment of County Assessor and answered .m-al1Y questions on the matter. Mr. Taylor moved .a vote of appreciation. to Mr. Coombe focr his' address. Moved. by George Carroll: Seconded by J. D. McMillan: That we do now ,adjourn to meet at 2 p.m. -Can'ie~~. 42 EiLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 43 The Council resumed. Mo,ved, by, Genrge Oarroll, A Communication frDm Ruth J,ohnson with appr-eciation o&. grant was read and ordeT,ed filed. Seconded by \Frank [I.VlcMil1an: The repo-l'it 'Of the l~oads Committee was pr,esented and on motion of l!'rank McilViillan the 'c'Ouucll met as a commit1tee or the whole with Mr; Berry illl the chair. AiJterconsiderable discussion the report w,as ,adopted as ,read on m'otio'll of lVIark Berr-y) s,econd- ed by C. Gordoll. Thalt By -L.aw No,. 14i512 "To Confirm the EquaJization of the Assessment Rolls of the County of Elgin for the year 1945~~ be ,read afirrs:t time. -Carried. M'oved by Frank McilVIillan, T'11e reporrt of the .Equalization Commlttee was presented and- adopted on motion -Of C. Ellis, seDonded by M. Berry. Seconded by Geo["ge CarroH: Moved by Wm.Merrett, That By-Lalw No. 1452 he read a second ltime. -Can:ied. Seconded by R. D. Campbell: '~';' Moved by George Carroll, Whereas: we feel that .the By-law No. 940. regarding the Rules ,and Regulations .gove:rning the proceedings of the Elgin County Oouncil are due for revi,sion, we would suggest thalt'the Warden appoint acommitt-ee toO go. into, this, ffiwtter and report at the No- vember session. Seconded by Frank McMillan: ThaJt By-iLaw No. 145'2 be, read a third time .and finally passw ed. -Carried. -Carried, The W,a'rden appointed M'es:Srs. Carroll; Fraser, Taylor and At- kinson on Ithis Committee. Moved by J. n. McMillan. Seconded by R. D. Campbell: Moved by E. E. Atkinson, S'econded by H. W. Thomson: That By-iLaw :t,.To. 1453 "To Raise Amounts jbr County Rat-2fi during the yea1r 194'5," be r,e;ada first time. ,-'Carried. Whereas the cost .of Children's Aid Society work has gtreatly increased owing to ,the high standards' .and re,gulaltLons' required by the Department 'Of Welfare- the Elgin County Council recom- me-nds, t'hattlhe Provincial Guvernme-nt assume a larger. share 0'1 the ,cost. And that a copy be sent to' the Departmenlt of We1fare. -Carried. ,Moved by R. D. Campbell, Secnnded by J. D. MciMillan: That By-LalWNo. 145,3, be read a second fUme. -CatTied. 44 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 45 Morved by S. D. MdlVIillan, 'Moved by ,G. E. B~own, Seconded by R. D. Campbell: That By-LarwNn. '1453 Ibe :r>ead :a third' time and !finally paS's- Seconded by N. MoConkey: That By-Law No. 1455, he read a second time. cd. ---<Garried~ -Carried. Moved by N. McOonkey, M,o'ved by E. E. Atkinson, Seconded by E. E. Atkinson: rSeconded by [Ross ShelsolIl: That By-ILa:w No. 1454 liTo extend time for T.axSale~" read a firslt time. be That !3y-Law No. 1465, he re,ad a Ithird time and :fina.lly pas'S~ cd. _Carried~ .....-JCarried. Moved by Fred Shively, '~". Mo'Ved by G. E. Brorw'll, Seconded by Meredith Hale: Seconded by C. Gordon: That By-Law No,. 1454 Ibe read a second time. --.,;,.Carried. That By-Lruw No. 145.6 "To, Provide for the Removal of Ob- jects from Roadways '00:' Lands Adjoining Roadlw;aysf' be read a first time. -Carried. ,Moved by E. E. Atkinson, 'Moved by G. E. Brown, Seconded by :Ross Shelson ~ Seconded by N. M'cConk'ey: That By-iLww No. 1454 be read athird time and finally passed. '""""'Carried. That By-La,w -No. 1456; be re.ad a second Hm'€'. -Carried. Moved by N. McConkey. Moved by G. E. Br:oiWn, Se.conded by G. E. Brown: Seconded by Fred Shively: That By'-,La1w NO'. 1455 "To. Establish a Hea11h Unit," be Tead a fi.rst time. That By-Law No. 1456. be read a third time and finally pass- ed. ~Carried, -Carrl"d, 46 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIr COUNTY COUNCIL 47 Secc>n,ded by Olilffo~d Ellis: Moved by C. Ellis, Seconded by M. G. BeTTY: Moved by Meredith Hale, That By..,LaiW NO'. 1457 "To Des'ignate County Roads," be read a firstt time. Tillat By-Law Nc>. 1458. be read a third time and finally paS\>- ed. ~arried. -Carried; Moved by G. E. B~own, IMoved by M. !Hale, Seconded by C. Ellis: That By-Vaw H57 be read a~econd time. Seconded by Fred Shively: _Carried. That H. G. Taylor and E. E. ~tkin~on be membevs on the boaTd Gf the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit for the year 1945. -Carried. MGved by Meredjth Hale, '~';' Seconded by M. G. !Berry: That By-La", No. 1457, be read a thi,rd time and finally pass- A hearty' vote of. Congraltulation to, .the W;arden on being elec- ted member .od' P,arliament was' moved by Mr. E. E. Atkimon, seconded by My. Geo\r'ge' BrQfWu. ,ed. -Carried. Moved by E. E. Atkinson, Seconded by G. E. Brown: MGved by M. G. Beny, Seconded by C. Ellis: That B'Y~Larw No. 1458 "-Designation of Suburban Roads~' be read a first time. That th4; Council dO' now adjourn ,to meet No'vemher 19th, at 2 p.m. , -Carried. _Carried. MGved by C. Ellis, Seconded by M; G. BeTry: That BeY-Law NO; 1456, be read a second time, --Carried. 48 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ElLGIN' COUNTY COUNCIL 49. THIRD SESSION - FIRST DAY share in the deficit in ope!Da.Jti'OTIS. of he Hospital, a joint'me1eting ()ithe Finaulce Oommit'tee .and the Hospita,l Board w.as. held some weeks agO' when ,the ma t,ter 'Was thoroughly discussed. and a de- legation m;ay attend at Ith:iS Session to' :present their- views' 'to the Council. Monday. lhe 191h day of November. 1945 ''rhe Elg1n Oounty Council met this "Clay at the Court House. 'St. Thorn,as, in ,accOTdance with adjournment. The nerw HeaJ;th: Unit has been' in opell'ation since -September 1st and is getting fairly well organized,though .the~ hav,e be,en handicapped 'tihrough l'ac'k 'Of sufficient staff, however; this" should soon be remedied and they will -be able to provide ,a full 'Health Service :iJn all parts of the County. The Warden in the chair. All ihe members pl1es'ent. The County. Home ,and Farm, as the Inspector's report will snow is heing managed in ve1ry cap.able manner. There has been a small_ increase in 'tlhe rnumfber. of inmates. The Warden addressed tlhe' Council: '~,;. VVarden's llddress Tlhe cost to the IQounty of the Children's Ald- Society is ,ap- proxImately one- tholU:sand dollars ,a ,mon'th. Tbe Goverhment has decided to pay Family Allowance to a,11 wards! of the Sodety, and the Council should Id1iscuss' the principle of a return of Ivhis to the municipalities. To the Elgin County Council: Gentle-men: In opening .the final ,session of. tIhe 194;5 County Council. I wish. to ,corngratula;te.you on the ,excellent mannelf' in which you have conducted the business O'f the County. The cost of Admnistr.ation of Justice for the Coun1ty has' in~ creased this year due to' large number o-f pris'oners in Gaol and increased Crime which seems' to be preValent in the Province. The ,Roads -Committee !have :spent apprO'ximately $150,000.00 to date. and I believe 'Our County roads will COlTIpare very favour- ably with any in the lPrO'Vince. The- Agricultural conditions have been very disappointing to the farmers. DUe- to the very wet we,ather crops' have; been pOIOT, and inability to ha'rves' them,has resulted in ver:y pOiQ!r quality es- pecially of beans, cO'l'n and .potatoes; tlhe apple-crop has a1s6 beeh the pooorest on reeo.rd. c The PropeDty Oommi'ttee have had all corridors', cells, Gaol offtce ,and kitchen in lthe Gaol redeco!l'ate-d, which greatly im- proves, the ,appearlance of them. The painting was all done by the prisoners. Though the' 'War is ov'er the general unrest throughout the 'World due to strikes. lay oiffs and re90nve>rsion is creating great hardshiops to large gll',oups of pe'ople, and it sleeffiS' difficult for any Government to find' a remedy fo'r the pres'ent conditions~ The 'Hospital Trust have asked the County to .assume a large 50 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 51 New Legislation The Limitation .of the Oounty iLia:bility of Per Capi'ta cos,ts for County pupils attending High Qfl" Continuation SchoolS has been vepe'aled owing to the increased gr;ants 'Paid by the Province. A nerw clatm has Iheen added to' Sec'tkm one of the H~gh ISchools Act to define pe'l':f)ed .aggregate Attendance in order that the ,Gouny's' ,share of the CDStS ,of education may he calculated on the bas'is' of perfect aggr.e:gate attendance instead of. total numibe[:" of days .attendance. From Dr. J'. T. Phair with expression o,f apprecia't'ion 1"8 .rO'l'ffi- ing oif Health Unit.~];\iled. iFrom the County of Wellington re pooling of snow' plow equipment.----"R-efe'N"ed to' Roads, Committee. From the County 'Of Norfolk opposing Meat Rationing.-Filed; Section 'one hund>red ,and eleven 0& the - Public Schools Nct which provided .1lor the payment of grants on ae,comodation and equipment by the County has been repealed owing. to the increas'- ed, Provincial Igrants. From the ,Mayor and members O'f the City Council with ap- predation in as'sistan'ce in V -J ,dayceleihI"ation.----iFiled. From the County 'Of OX~Qord re as,surning of County Road.- Referred to - Roads Gommi ttee. Sectiolfi- thr;eeod: section 112 -0& the Public Schools Act is amended to provide that no Township grants shall be made un- les's ,the teacher re'ceives a .salary of not less than $1,200. From the ",8ounty olf 'Peel with r,esolution re setting O'f prices 'em lives'tock.--iR-eterred -t'o AgricuLture Committee. Am,endm,ents have been made to the Teachers and Inspecto['s Superannuation Act to provide for increased pensioins'. ,From Mrs'. Ermatinger ;with. la~preciation of flowers.-Receiv- ed acknowledgment ,and placed on file. The minutes of the last day _ of the June Session were read and appruved. . Fr,om Mr. Soper Iwitll1apPlI'edation of flowers.-ReceivEd lack- nowledgment land, placed on ,file. The fo.uo\wing CommunicaUons were read: From Prince lDdrward CGunty with resolution r,e Farffi€,r's' In- come Taxes.-lRere-rred to p.e.titions and Legislation Committee. From the Coun1ty of W,aterloo, with 'l'esalu-tion for prr-io>rity on .supply Gf coal for pO'ultry production.~Re&erred to. Agriculture Committe~. From the 'Orand Jury with report.-Referred to. Pr,operty and CGunty HoOme Oommittees. From the CDunty -O,r Simcoe. wii.."h resolutionre County Wel- fare Boaro..---iRe.ferred to' Petitions' and Legis:Iation Committee. From Dr:. Eiwin, Physician Eilg-in County Home with report. ~Ref.erred to County Home Committee. F,rom the Dairymen's Association of Western Ontario with request for Grant.-RefeTr'ed to' Agricultur.e Committe. J(, From the County of Bru-ce roe arn'endment ta the Registr'y , J5:Z;. :ELGIN coumy- COUNCIL Act.-ReL!erred to" Petitio-ns" ,and LegisUiation Committee. From the County Home Inspector with Annual Report on ,El- Igin County Home.--...Re1Jenred- to' County Home' Cbmmittee'. . From the County Clerk with report on LicenS:es.----Refecred'to Finance Commiittee. :ELGiN COUNTY COUNCliL 53 3. Be Training of Returned Soldiers: Endorsed - Hast'ings. 4. He Spanking Machines: Filed - Hastings. 5. Hie Childl'en's' Aid: From the County Clerk with repoil't on- Mothers' AUaiWances~ Aomorwledigement _ Minister of Public Welfare. -IRe.rewed to- Fiinan!ce Committee'. MT. H. W. Th'om'son inquired r:e New Health Unit and. having Dr. Kennedy ,ad'dl1es'S' the Council. From the County Cl'erk"with report on OId Age Pensions.- Referred to Finance Committee. .Fro-m the County o-f Gadeton re cost of snowploughing.-Re- ferred to Roads_~ Gommd;ttee. Report. o'n Elgin Counfy Resolutions 1. Re Regis.trration of Births: Endorsed - P.e,elj Wentwo.r:th, Lincoln, HaLton,' Perth, Norfolk, Brant, OX'ford, W'ellan-d. Waterloo" Lanark, Wellington, Bruce. Ackno~w ledgement Simcoe. 2. Re Repair of Drams: Acknowledg.ement - Thomas L. Kennedy, Minister of Agrkultmre; George H. Doucett, Minislter of Highways. Mo-ved 'by J. F. McilVliIlan. Seconded by Geo!I'g.e. 'carroI[: That we do. now addourn to meet Tuesday mOMingat 10 a;m. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. C. D. COYLE, Wa-rden. 54 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 55 THIRD SESSION - SECOND DAY The Council resumed; Tuesday. the 20th day of No,:,ember. 1945 The ~epol't of the ;Property Committee was ~ead and adopwd on motio;n of 1MI'. M.cConkey, ISeconded by Mr. Merrett. St. The Elgin County Council met this Cl'ay at Thomas, in a,ccoOC'dance with adjournment. the Court House) Mr. Lumley, County Treasurer~ presented' the ['eport of Fin, ancial Receipts and Expenditures to Ootorbe~ 31st and the report on Administration of Just'ice Expenditures'. The WaiI'aen in jihe chair. All the members present. Mr. TaylrOl' moved thalt the report he !leceived and printed in the Proceedings. The minutes 'of the previolls day wer,e read and adopted as. amended. Moved by IS. BrolWn, Seconded by C. ,Gordon; A Communication from the West Elgin Branch of the Cana- dianL'egion was' ,read and ref~r'red to the War Purposes Gommit~ tee. The fkst report .of the Finan~e Committee was presented and adopted 'on motion of Mr. FDas'er, Seconded !by Mr. H. 'W. Tho~- son. That the County Council of Elgin recomm'end to the Domlin- 'ion Government :that the franchise of all American Trucks travel~ ling through Ontario be canoelled imme:diately. Copies' of this r'es61ution to .be sent to OntariO'. Minister of Highways; All County Councils; and .tlhe !IY.I.inis'ter of TranspO'rt, Ottawa. Moved by H. G. Taylor, an.d The se,cond report o,f the Finance Commi.ttee was pTes.ented adopted on motion of Mr. Fraser, Seconded Mr. Carroll. Seconded by S. Brown: Seconded by Mr. T. Soper: ".Chat we do no.w adjourn to .meet at 2 p.m. , That this Elgin County Council dQ herefuy recommend and re- quest immedi3lteaction be taken on the letter of N ov'ember 8th Of.',C; L. Synd-er, Deputy AttoTney General of Ontario. to Deputy Minister of JuSltice, F. p, Varcoe. at .ottawa. recommending Amendments' to the Criminal Code to permit Judg,es and Magis- trates s-entence thOSe convided by the Adm'inis-tration of the strap for many offenees not now per-missableunde[' the Act and thUG "by amending the present law wiH give mone and better protec- tion to all cOll'ceTned and whi'ch will, we believe,eventually less'en the preslent Cl'Iime Wave now prev.aHing. Copies of This' ~es'olu- The Ireport of the Petitions and Legisla1tion Committee was pr:esrented and adopted on motion of Mr. SheIson, Seconded by Mr. Gordon, Moved by Mr. J. \McBain, 56 ELGIN COUNTY ~COUNCIL tion to- be sent to the Attorney Generalj Department -of Justice, Ottawa. Moved by C. Ellis. Seconded by M. Hale: That tihisCouncil ad10urn to meet Wednesd,ay morning at 10 ,a.-ID. J. p. mrOMSON, Clerk. C. P. COYLE, Warden. E'LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 57 THIRD SESSION - THIRD DAY Wednesday. the 21st day of November. 1945 The Elgin County Council met tbis - day at the Court House, St. 'l1homas~ in accordanCe with adjournment. :rhe Warden in the chair. All 'the memJbe:rs pres'ent. The minutes of .the previous' day' were 1"eadand confirmed. The Report from - the Provill'c'ial Inspector for -County. Homes was read and ordered filed. T1he r:epa.rt of the CounJty HOni'e Committee was' presented and adopted on motion of Mr. Shively, Seconded. by Mr. McBain. The report rafthe Elg,in - St. 'J1h,omas Helalt!h -Unit ,was pres- ented and adop,ted .on motdon of Mr. ~aylor, 'Sleconded by ML At- kinson. The repo.l1t of 'the War Purposes Oomm'iUee was pres'ented arid ,adopted on motion of Mr. Merrett, seconded ibyMr. S'h1vely. Moved by Mi'. Carroll, Seconded by :Mr. 'Frank M,cMillan: That We do. nofW adjourn to m,eet at 2 p.m. 58 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL The Council resumed. Mr. A'tki'llis'on. introduced Miss Harrison, Supedntendent of ' the GhHdren's' Aid Society. Miss Harrison :addres:s,ed the' Council on the work of the S'o- ciety and ,Mr. Atkins'on exprc>S'sed the appreciation of Vhe C.ouncil foOr her add-Dess. Mr:. Taylo!r m<wed that the delegation from the Hospital Trust be now heard. Dr. Snell, M'ayar Cur:rahl R. A. Sandei's and W; E. Rowe ad- dress'ed the Co'uncil. Mr. TayloT moved that Dr. Kennedy address the Council on the new Elgin - St. 'Dhomas Health Unit. Dr. Kennedy and lVIr. Voaden add.res'sed the Council.on tlhe organization and Iworkof the Unit ,and by~}aw far L!leenses. Mr. 'TayLor -.expre:s:s-ed apPJ:'1edation to Dr. Kennedy - and Mr. Voad-en for their info,rmHtion. The report Qlf the Aglrkultural Committee 'was pres1ented and adoptd on motion of Mr. S,. Brown, Seconded by Mr. Carroll. Moved by Mr. F. Shively, Seconded by Mr. J. McBain: 'Dhat we dO' now adjourn to meet Thursday morning at 10 a.m. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. C. D, COYlJE, W3!I'den. EllJGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 59 THIRD SESSION - FOURTH DAY Thursday, the 22nd day of. November, 1945 St. 'I\he Elgin County Oo.uncH met ,this day at the Court HOlls1e, Tlhomas, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the chair. All the' m'emlbers :present. The -m1inutes 'Of the previous' day were read and coOn-finned. '~';' The Thilrd report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on motion of Mr. Fraser, Sec.6nded by Mr, S. Brown. The Repor;toftIhe Road Committee was pre:sentedand Mr. J. D. McMillan moved 1!hat tlhe ,OouncHmeet as a icommittee ad: the whole.' After -considerable dis;cussion the repoTt w.as adopted as read on m,oti-on of Mr. Berry, sec,onded by ;Mr. Ellis. Mr. Th-oms'On addressed the Council re a County Assessor. Moved by G. Carroill, Seconded by R. D. CampbO'lI: That the mlatter of 'Gounty."Asses:sor he'laid ,oveT .till 1916. Moved by E. E. Atkinson, Se,conded by G. E. Brown: That the grant oj $150,00 ,be paid the Warden and .a grant of 60 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 61 $25.00 to' L. B. Birdsall. That By-iLaw NO'. 1459 he Il'ead a third Hme and fInally pass- ed. Moved by G. Cwrroll, .........C:arried. Seconded. by W. T. Merrett: Moved by S. Brown, Tha f this' ,Elgin County Council do. her:eby recommend tihe Red En,sign with Union Jack.in upper left corner,a'S' the National Flag of Canada and that copies of this resolution be forwarded to .pY-<,Jper:aut1ho'r.ities 'at ,Ottawa. Seconded by C. Gordon: Moved by J. D. M'cMiUan, That By-Law No. 1460 "TO' Authorize tJ:1e Warden and Clerk to sign deed conv,eyinrg 'land to George Powles," he re'a:d a firslt time. -Carried. Seconded by R. D. Camrpibe1!l: That the County Council ~rovide a map of the Roads in the County to be placed in the Council Chamber. Moved by C. GOll'don: Seconded by S. Bro.wn: M.o'ved by J. D. Fr:as'erj 'Dhat By-'Law No. 1460 be read a s'econd titne. Seconded by J. D. Mc'MiIlan: --Carried. , That J31y.,.'l'aJw No.. 1459 "To Amend By-Law No. 1376" he read a firs't tim'e. l\1oved. by C. Gordon, -Carried. Seconded by S. Brown: Moved by J. D.McMHlan, .ed. That By,...La.w, No. 1460 be re'ad .a thilrd tune and fin:ally pass- Seconded Iby J. D. Fl,'aseT: -Carri'ed. That By..Law No: 1459 !be read ,a second 'time. ~Carried. Mo.ved by T. Soper, Seconded by C. Ellis: M,oved by J. Do' Fr,aster, Seconded by J. D. McMiilan: That By-Larw No. 1461 "T.I) Designate a County <.Road/' be read a f.irst time. -Carried. 62 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Moved by C.Ellis, Seoonded' by T. Soper: That By-LaJW No,. 1461, h.e read a second time. -Carri,ed. -Moved .by T. SoopeT, Seco.nded by C.E1lis: ed. That By-Law No. 1461 the read a third time and finaUy pas'S- -JCarried. Moved by E. E. Atkinson, ISeconded by G. E. Brown: That By-Law No. 146:2 "To> Provide fOoT Licensing and Hegu- lating V.ictu.ally Houses, Oltdjnaries' ,and HouseS' where Victu:a13 are sold to he 'e'aten tih.erein land Places for the Reception, Refresh- ,ment ,or EnteTtainment of the Pwhlic," be read a firnttime. ~Carried. M,oved by N. H. MaC-oueky, Seconded by F. Shively: That By..Law No. 1462, ,be read a second time,. -Carried. M'Oved by G. 'R Bro1wn, Seconded by N. H. McConkey: ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 63 I ed. That By-Law No. 1462, be read a third time and finaliy pass- -Carried. Moved -by E. E. Atkinson, Seconded by G. E Brorwn: "Be it il'esolv'ed that the C'Ounty Oouncil hereby authorizes t.he Clerk of -the County of ID1gin to appoint as his agents the Clerks of ,the 'v-ariousmunicipaHties in ,the said County of Elgin for the PUTlPOS-€ oiassis'tdng :him to oarry 'Out By-,Law No. 146'2, and he shaH hav,€ power ,to delegate to' tlhem such powers: as .are c-On::eerr,ed on him in ,sa'id By-iLa:w. AnI he itfurthetr resolved that the County Clerk shall be empmvered to alLow the Ioc'al munici- palities to- reta-in the license :flee coUected by such clerks :in th'eir respective municipalities. Moved 'by H. G. Taylor, Seconded by' N. H. ilVIcC-onkrey: That we grant the St. Thomas MemoOrial H-Ospital fifty cents per day for Elgin County indigent patients f'Or the year 1945. Mo,ved by S. !Brown, Seconded by R. Shelson: That the Warden nam'e a Committee to investigate hospital cos'ts' :and confer w.ith the_ Ho.spital TTust ,and report at the Jan- uary meeting of tiheElg.in County Council. The Wial'len appointed IMr. Atkinson; Mr. Thomson, Mr. CaF- roll, Mr. El1i's, Mr. Soper, Mr. Stewart Brown and Mr. T'aylor to the Coinm:ittee. 64 l!lLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Movecl by E. E. Atkiooon, Seooncle.d by G. 'E. CBmwn: That we do nQIW adjourn sine die. J. 'D. mJjOlVJ!SON, Clet k. C. 'D. COY'DE, Warden. 'ELGIN COUNTY COUNC'lL 65 COUNTY COUNCIl; COMMITTEES STANDING COMMITTEES January 17, 1945. To the E'1gin County COUlidl, Gentlemen: 'Jihe following is the report of tlhe Committee to s.trik'e the Standing Oommittees: Ellis Roads TayloT S. ,Brown Carroll Soper Agricultural Carroll J. D. MctVIiIlan 8. Brown T. Soper Ellis' TayloT Shiveiy House o.f Refuge 'McBa'in Hale Menett Property Campbell McConeky Carroll J. D. McMillan Atkinson IShel<S'O>ll MeiI'rett Finance S. BI'iQlwn Soper Shiv1ely Berry Thompson ElIls Taylor FraS'er Petitions and Legislation SheIsan Gordon F. McMillan Berry '.Dhomson Sh;vely 66 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIif'j COUNTY COUNC~L 67 . Childxen's The W-allden Aid Atkins'on REPORTS OF COMMITTEES F1NAliICE COMMITTEE 'Dh-0m'son Legal F. McMillan Go,rdon BeTTY . January Session First ,Report ShelsQn War Purposes Shively Atkinson ,Merrett Thomson To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: T,ay lor Healfh Thomson Atkinson: Ellis The Finance Committee report,s. .as fol-loiWs: F. MclVIill"n Talyor Education Campbell Go~don MoBaln Hale McConl<oey OeQ. Brown Shelson Shivley Berry Fl'\aser 'M-eTrett Thomson 1. That the resJgnation of B'. B. Graham, County Treasurer Ibe accepted. 2. Th'at the resolution from the County of Grey re ame-nd~ .ment to' the Acts. tre Indigent [Patients in Public .(H'OSiP'i'tals be en- dorsed. Taylor Reception and Entertainment S. Brawn Atkinson Thomsen 3, llhat the usual g.rant of $50 to the Elgin Law Library be and tihat the matter of shelving. foc books be left with the Property Committee. 4. 'Dhattlhe fee of the, Ontario Municipal A,ss'ociation !be paid and that the Warden ,appoint del,egat'es to attend the Annual Convention. Carroll Taylor Equalization and J.D. MclVIillan A tkinsorn Fraser County Assessment is. Brorwn Soper Ellis 8helson Shively BerTY M:errett Thomsun All of which is respectfully submitted. 5.' 'lihat a subscription to the MuniCipal Wiorn be purchased ,for the year 1945 f.or tlhe County Cl.erk's Offii'ce. GEO. N. CARROlJL, Chairman. 6. That l'he salaries of the County Auditors, D. M. Leitch and. Wm. E. Locke be increased $60 ea~h and that by-law No. 1439 ,be amended accordingly. 7. 'Dh:at the foUoiw:ing accounts be p.aid: The Munidpal Wodd': Ltd., s'Upplies' Clerk and Treas. .....$ 87 22 68 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Town of Aylmer,hospitalization Ca'thoHcC. A. S., maintenance Onto Training School, BoY's, maint~ance Onto Tr;ai,ni:rug Schoo:I, Girls, maintenanCe Deputy "M.inJis.ter of Haspitals~ c{Jonv,ey,ance Dept. Provo Hecl"etary, .conv.ey,ance 50 25 192 10 29 50 2550 5 76 27 04 All -D.f wlhioh :is, .respectfully submitted. J. D. ]\RASER, Chairman. January, 1945. Second Report TO' the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The ,Finance Committee reports. as follo>ws: That thefollQlwing hospital accounts. be p.aid: .' Memoria'1HioiSpital, St. Thomas - Maintenance ______________ ____ __________ __________$ Grant (538 <lays at 50c) 816 50 269 00 $ Victoria Hosp:ital, London Soldterrs Memodal Hospital. Tillsonbur,g - MaintenanCe __________________________________________$ GDant (178 days at 50c) 240 50 110 00 $ St. Joseph's iHos:pital,;London 1085 50 465 70 350 50 61 25 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 69 Ontar.io HOSlpital, Woodstock ___"__.___"___.____ 815 00 $ 2277 9'5 All . of wlridh is respectfully submltte<;l. J. D.FRASElR, qhairman. January, 1945. Third Report" TO' the ~1gin County Council, Gentlemen: The :Financ-e Committee reports ,as foHows: 1. That a grant of $250 be given to the Canadian. Institu.te for th<; Biind. 2. Thai $500 be set aside for the Reoeption and Entertain- ment Comm,i ttee to /be used as required. 3; That the 'Warden and Tre'asurer be aU,thoriz,ed to borrow Ihe sum of $200,000 from the Bank of Montreal as required and that the necessary by-law /be prepared. 4. 'Dhat we gmnt $400 to tlhe Salv.ation Army.' 5. That the printing be left with the present printers but that the IProoeedi;nlgsand Audit be condensed' wherepossi'ble; 150 70 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL copies of each to be p~inted. 6. That no action ,be talren re the Mrs. Beecroft hoopital ac- count. 7. That the Clerk's samy Ibe $2;500 per year and illlat by-l>>w No. 14H be amended accordingly. 8. That W. G. Lu,ruey be appointed County .Treasurer at a ,salary od: $1,800 per year payalb1e monthly and that the necessary by-law be prepared. All of Wlhiich is respeetfully submitted. J. D,.FRASER, Chairman. January, 1945. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL JUNE SESSION First Report Tn the Elgin County Counoil, Ge.ntlemen: The FInance Committee reports. as foHorws: 7t 1. That Patricia'Leal be granted $10.00 re OratOO'iool Contest at Chatham. 2. That a grant of $25.00 be given Harrietsville Public Li- brary. ' 3. ,That we 'accept res1ignation of. Mrs. Ruth Johnson ,and' that we give her a grant of $100.00 . 4. T,hat Tax Sa}e be ,extended one year and by~laws :be pre- pared. ' 5. 'lihat the .following accounts .be paid,: F. Slaught, re Angus McFarlane ............................................$ Wendell Holmes "Ltd., supplies ............................................. Rainbow's Bookstore"suppllies _m'~________._____________,_______._____~_ Juvenile Court OhamlberiS, m:a'intenance _""_______________"_______.. Ont. Training School, Girls 'maintenance .________nn_____..____~__:. Onto Tr,aining Schoo,l, Boys maintenance _________._____~_______..__ Dept. Provincial ISec'y; Conveyanee of Criminals, _______.____ Township of Southwold, re Gladys' Ro,,,t ............_.............. Aylmer Express:, County Council Cards ________.~"_____""__m__... Dutton, Advance, Auditprs' Reports -----------...--n,__.____________o 50 00 1 10 2 25 9 00 74 00 31 00 80 32 64 50 864 128 00 72 ELGIN COUNTY. COUNCIL EWINCOUNTY'COUNCIiL 73 Office Spedalty Co., Relgistry Olifice. _____________________________ Gillard ,and PriDe, Regi~try Offiee _____________________ _______________ Munic'1pa'1 World, supplies Registry Ofifice Municipal Wodd, s'uppHesClerk and Treasurer ThfrdReporl 15 00 50 71 112 31 128 92 To ,he Warden and Council of the County of Elgin: AU of W'b:i~1h is' respectfuUy submitted. J. D. FAASElR, Chairman. Gentlemen: The Committee ,on Finance beg leave to report th'r l),'!yip.g inquired into the finances of the County, and es'Umates prepared by-the County Treasurer, they' herewith 'submit a statement of theexpooditures required for the lawfulpul'pose of the County during 1945, ,sihowing tIhe' amount required to he rais'ed for, the undermentioned pUlipose: June, 1945. Second Report Administration of Justice .-_____________$ g~~~~s_ ~~~ie~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Memher:s Wiag.es _______________________",__________ Care ,of Buildings ____________________~___________ Interest --------------------------------___..j.._______u___~~_ County Roads ______________________________________ Children's' Aid Society _______-1____________ "HospitalizatiolJl _____________________________________ War Purppses 'Registry Office ......,.......,...,.....,....... Agricultu:ra'l Grants ____________________________ Mis'cellaneolUs Grants ________________________ Public Health ________________;____~__~____________ M'iscell:aneous 11 000 00 5000 00 6300 00 5000 00 3800 00 700 00 66000 00 13000 00 11 000 00 1000 00 500 00 3500 00 2500 00 8000 00 2983 00 TO' tfue Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The ,',F.irfanc-e :Commltle€'reports 'as-follows: 'Dhat ,the following Hospital Accounts be paid,: M,emodat Hosp'ital, .st. Thomas Victoria Hosp'ital" London Soldiers' []VI'em'orial, Tillsonbur,g St. Joseph's' Hospital, London To['onto G.eneral Ho>spital $ 3073 77 1067 95 168 00 225 85 20 25 $ 455'5 82 ',. $,140283 00 Hi.g1h, Vocational '& Continuation 648-92 00 $205175 00 AU of whidh is respectfuliy submitted. 'June,1945. .J Your CommHtee wou1d recommend' that the ,sum ;of One Hun- dred .and ~Olrty Thousand, 'I1wo iHundred and Ei.ghty Three Dol~ Jars 'be r,aised on aU r:at'eable property 'in the several mu'nicipal- -iHes of the .county of Elgin dUI'iing the ye,ar 1945, "for County PUrposes, ,and that a r,ate of fiv:e mills on the doHar /be levied on ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 74 .rateable property in tlhe several munidpaliti,es In the County to T,aise said ,amorunts. NOVEMBER SESSION All of wb;idh is' respectd'uIly submitted. First Report To the ELgin County Council, J: D. FRASER, Chairman. Gen'tlemen: Jti;ne; 1945. The Finance Committee reports as follows: 75 1. That the Clerk's veports on Licenses, Old Age Pension and Mothers,l AHo,wance be printed intJl).e Proceedings. 2. That the ilioUowing accounts be paid: Mrs. Opal Tisdale, reMiss Cherilla Smith .........._.............$ ,"'l'Qlwn of Aylmer, re hospitalization of Mrs. E. D. Wbite .......__.....__................,......._........._........ East Winds-oil:' HealbhA'ss'n. re Odie Hodnott ~.n_____m_'_m Rainbow's Books<tore. :suppHes, ___________.!-_______________.._________________ Mason Villa Hospital, l'e"William Shehy"____".__________________ Parkwood Hospital, maintenance __________.________________"______,______ Dept. Provincial Secretary, Conv'eyaJ;1ce 'Of Crim.inals ____ "' Township of DUll!wich, re Edrward Munroe "__"____________________ Scott Studio, frames _______~_____________________________"__~__________.___"_________ Municipal Wlorldl, :suPIP,Ues ________________m_____"____"_________, _________"^" Under,w:ood EHiott FisheT, Carbon-, Paper ___nm,_________m__'______ 15 00 232" 00 172 50 I 65 29 45 134 50 35 60 10 00 7 00 13.50 2 50 3. 'Dhat 'We approve the ,exch'ange of our' Vidory Bonds, for Ninth Victory Bonds. '}<' 4. That We .grant $1,500.00 to Children's Aid Society. ",/ .' , f", 5. That Jean :Quigley ibe paid $100.00 per month and a by- la,w be prepared. ,76 ELGlNCOUNrI'Y COUNCIL 6. 'f'thataccounts""f{l,r';mcurab'lepatients in private hospitals and Nursing Homes he paidmanthly ,on order of Chairman of Finance and County Clerk. All of which is' respectfully submitted. November, 1945. J. Dc FRASER, Chairman. Second Report To tlhe EIlgin County Council, ,g,t?ll. tlemen': The Finance Committee reports as foHo>ws: That the foUowingho>S'l?ital Accounts be paid:. !Memo,rial Hospital, St. '.Dhom:as _____________________...$ Viictoria H05rpitaI, Londo-h- St. Jos'e-ph's Hospital, London St. Joseph's' Hospital, Chatham Solidiers' Memoria'!, Hospital', TiUsonbur;g Publ'ic Gener,a! Hospital, Chath'am All of wh:idh is' respectfully submitted. :; "1 1877 75 1433 50' 578 0'5 1125 218 25 5625 ,*, 4175 0'5 J. D. FR1\SElR, ChaifMan. No.vember, 1945. ElLG]N OOUNTY OOUNCIL 7'1 Third Report TO' the Elgin County CO'uncil, Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports as follows: L That the AccO'unt O'f the County SoUcilor for *35.57 be paid. 2. 'Dhat the Annual retaining fee of *100'.00' be paid. All of which is" ~""pectfuny submitted. J. D. FR1\SER, Ohairman. November, 1945. 78 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 79 STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES Care of Buildings' Charity and We1fare 'ColUllty Roads prublic Hea1tJh Serv'ice 1M,iJs:ce11aneous St. Thomas, Orrt., Jurre 14th, 1945. T~ the W.arden and County Council, Gentlemen: CREDIT BALANCE I "beg to submit the lfoHolwing Statement of Receipt:sand _Ex- penditures up to May 31st, 1945. All of WlhiCh is' respedfully submitted. Receip:is Ca'5th IOn !hand, January 1st, Administr,ation 'Of Justice Interest Public Health 8ervke County lRIates IP,repaymen t OhaJei ty and Weifare Elgin County (F:arm .AJrre.aTiS of Taxes County Roads Misloell:am.eouS1 84i 38 11298 98 3133i 9i7 267949 30.58 3'7 $ 74179 55 $ 52292 45 W. G. f-.UML,EY, County Treasurer. i945 ..___$ 79498 77 6598 44 996 39 10.85 98 9999 09 11iO 27 330.2 79 2395 94 3i398 93 419 48 $i26382 09 Expendifures Administration of Justice __,_____ _______$ AigI'iiculture ____________________________________________ Elgin County Farm ____m____________m____ Reg.istlry Oimoe Taxes IReturned to Municipalities ~en]bers \VViages Officm'ls S:alaries Pdnting, Pnsta.g.e and Stationery '~\. 12162 99 75 99 4493 81 53 52 2396 94 115'27 19 2696 64 566 15 80 ELG.IN COUNTY COUNCIL 'R1 . ElLGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES Officers' i Salaries Pr.inting, Postage ;and Stationery Gare of Buildings' Charity .and We1fare County Ruads M'is:ceHaJlleous, Public Health Service Gentlemen: 5448 29. 976 64' 1590 05 27921 4'5 13093057 "1037 31 5792'81 $317169 38 . $ 19631 57 November 20, 1945. , To the W,al;den .and -County Council, ORiElDrr BALANOE I beg to !s.ubmit the followinv :s-tatement of Receipts and Ex- penditures up to Oct(jber 31st, 1945. All of whioo is respectfully submitted. Receipts Cash on Hand, J,anua:ry 1, 1945 _______________________J$ Administ:r;ation of' Justioe _____m____________________m_____ Bills PaYalble .and Interest __________________________________ Public Health .service _______________________________"__________ County Rates Charity.and Welf,are Elgin County Home: Ar:r:ears. 'of Taxesl ___________________________________________________ County Ro.ads Miscellaneous __.________________________ ________________________________~ W. G. LUMLEY, County Treasurer. 70408 77 15658 98 1416,56 30 1767 00 1W19 00 3120 52 6319 52 5247 29 80732 13 871 44 .$336300 95. -,' Expenditures Administr.ation of. Justice ____________________________________$ 24770 83 Bills Payable ..................._._._........______...................... 30358 35 Pwblic Schools .....................__..... __.._..______.........._...__ 240 07 Agriculture .................._.,......__ _____..........__......___ 1078 98 Elgin County Home ........._______.................._ ________.. 12029 02 Registry OffIce .................___.....................___............ ,8-34 29 High Schools ..........__.._.._.................................._....... 616'67 40 AJrrears of T.axes ____________________________________________________ 5.246.32 M:embers' Walge's ______________________________________________,_____ 4195 00 82 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 83 REPORT OF ELGIN COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE TO', the Warden, and M-ern!hea's of the Elgin County Council: GenUemen: Y.our CommUtee ,be,gs to report as [follows: R.ElOELP'I1S 7'542 81 $112787 02 SUlburoan Road Expenditures ........ 19472 43 $132259 45 2. We are of tJhe 'Opinion that the County wiH requir\.~an' in~ creased expendituil"e fOIJ."Gounrty Roads this y'ear. We estimate that ,aJbout $12,000.00 will be,required for snoW remnvlal and about $20,OOO.DO for nerw m,achinery will he requil1ed OVer the amounts -spent last ~ear. 1. The :lhlloWiing is a summary of the road ex.penditureS' dur- ing the year 1944. J.i,esurllacmg IGrlavel Ro,aas ........................_mm$ 32iOO 90 Resuntacmg Paved Roads .m..mm.m.....m............ 17708 73 Cons.truction ..and Riepair;s t'O Bridges .and Culverts ....................m....m....._. M,aint'enance ~n Gravel Roads ______________________~____ Snow Reroo'Val ______________________________________"_"_+_~_____+___ 'OUgt Laye'r ......................................_.._._........_.... Weed and Brush Cutting ......._........._.............. Ditohing ..'.....m..............................._........................ 3874 79 Fencing, .Guard Rallis, Etc. _______________+_______________ 1668 83 Draina.ge Assessments' Paid __________________+_________ 2225 99 EXipenses Gravel Pits., Machine Shop, Tools, Etc. New MaChinery and Rep:ait"s' to Machines Insur,ance ________"_+________________________ ---____..____.._________________ 'Refo1"es'tra tiorn Railway Crnssin.lg PlI"Otection _'__m_____'.________~++_m . Rebates' to. Aylmer >and Villages ......__.......... Cons.table Fees ________________________________________________________ Land 'Purchased Superil1ltend-enee, Travelling expenses, Office. and Overhead __________ Outs'ide 'Work on. Rental Basis The Suburban Roads Commission will also requfu'e ,about $11,000.00 addition>al. 17115 52 15183 13 1358 94 595'2 26 1753 70 L,ast year t1he :lJollowing m'a,chinery were ,ordered but not re- ceived: Compressor ______________________~________________$ -Grader ________________c________________________________ Snow Plough ...mm.................m....... 900 00 11384 00 1533 00 $ 13817 00 265 33 4072 50 1092 88 476 75 1997 72 5180 72 614 25 127 20 We als'O recommend that we purchase 1 new 5 ton, truck and 2 neW snow pI'Oughs. We estimate that the sum 'Of $180:,000.00 will he requi1"ed 'far the maintenance of our County Roads' ,and Su.buI'Iban Area Roads for the year 1945 allocRtJed as fcHows: 5875 73 1684 16 County Roads ..............m................m$150000 00 Suburban Roads mm~......m.....m........ 30000 00 $120329 83 $180000 00 ~4 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Tlhis is-in ,aeeoy,dance with the followin.gestirnate County Engineer. li-r:ao'€[' Expenses ________________________________$ Truck, Expenses Gil',a vell~ng, Bridges' :and Culverts W'eeu Cutting Dust Layer P.ain ting Bridg.es _________________________m____ 'Dr:ainag.e ,Assessments Road Drainage Fencing Gr,ad!ing ,and Should<er:iu,g Road Snow Hemoval, RaHw,ay Crossing Protection ViHage and Town Rebates ____ Constable F,ees 'Re.fio;restation n______________________________________ Repairs to Pavements ,and Seal Coats Salaries, Oveflhead, Til'avelHng Expenses, Etc. _________n_______________ New 'Machinery EST]MATE:D RECE,JP1JS Estimalt,€. .passed -by ~uburban Road ComrhHtee ___c__ 15000 00 7000 00 30000 00 20G00 00 3000 00 6000 00 2300 00 3000 00 4000 00 '100000 10000 00 10000 00 3000 00 4500 00 700 00 500 00 5000 00 8000 00 25000 00 $158000 00 8000 00 $15000.0 00 30000 00 $180000 00 ELGffiN COUNTY COUNGLL 85 of the the ,annual meeting .of theOntarto Good Roads As:S'oc.iation to be held in 'Toronto on tFebruary ,28th" and tMar,oh 1st, 1945, ,and that the annual .fee .of ~$15,.00 !be paidandthat County iEnginee!l', Fred A. Bell :and !Ass'istant !Road Sup~rintendent Geo!l'ge P.owl,es attend the Conference :a.nd the Meeting of 'm County Engineers in '.Doronto on February ,27tih, .1945. 4. We recommend that an exp.enditure BYi-tLa.w be prepared for the estimated eXlpenditur-es for maintaining the County Road System for 1945 and tahat duplicate copies be subniitted to the Departm,ent of Highways :ear .approv.al. 5. We recommend hat !By-Law 11121 of the, Township of Bay- ham regarding clos'ing ,a portion of the ro:adaUD'wance in the said TOIwnship tlhrou.gh Lopts' 5 and 6, Concession 4, be' approvea and the necessaa:-y By-Law be passed. 7. That the communication frDm the Clerk 0' f the United Counties' of NODthnurnlberland -and Durham, ,Re suhsidies tr.:. To.wns and' Villages, Ibe :fHeel,. 8. We re,commend that tihe .Policy oOf the G'enera'! A,cCidenc Assur.ance Company of Canada, rePublic LiabHity on County and Smlbul'l}),an Ho,ads at a premium of $477.64, be 'accepted. This is the 'same policy as in .force las't year, ,except that the public liability is increas,ed to- $100,000.00 fm' .accident'.toO (>Iie: persou, $200,000.00 to 2 or more persons and $10,000.00 . for property dam- age. All of which is respectfully submitted. A.s the !County's 'share will !be 25 % of the expenditure on Sub- UIiban Ro.adS'; 12'5,% on County Bridges, costing over $1,000.00 and 50% on the r'em.aining items' it will, be necessary to raise $78,R 500.00 for County Roads. W.G. LUMLEY. Chairman. St.. Thomns', Ontario, J,anuaty 18th, '.1945. 3. We re.cmnmend that 'the Wqrden name delegates to attend 86 ELGIN COUN1:Y COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE ELGIN..COUNTY COUNCIL ESTIMATE 1945 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION MaintenanCe Gravel Roads -----------.$ Gravelling ____~_________________________""---"---...-"--- Dr.ainage Gr,ading Construction 2 mi,le.s: of Road. Mix Pavement on 'Talbot Road ---- Snow Remo.v.al RalHway Grossing Protection ------------ Dust Layer Weed Cutting ....---.......--...-...-......... Repairs to' Culverts ahd Bridges Supe:rintend.ence, olV€l'lhead and members :eees To the Warden and MemrbelI's 2000 00 4000 00 3000 00 1000 00 of the Elgin County Council: i, i;. .I~\..;; Gentlemen: 12000 00 3000 00 1000 00 900 00 200 00 2000 00 :your Road Committeebeg.s. to report as :tallows: Your Committee made a !Careful inspection. of the County Roads and Biridg.es. We found ,that little damagew.as caused to 'our County Road System by t~e action of winter' frost and spring freshets. The only To~d that was seriouslyaf.fected 'was part of the paved podion of bhe Town Line between South Dordhester and Malahide West of Springfield. 900 00 St. Thamas' share ---- Second Report $ 30000 00 _$ 7'500 00 The ,cost of snow removal during last winter was very, ex- cessive. The OaUlityarnly owned one' snow plough and had to rent equipment in the East and West ends of the Caunty. It is 8'0 essential trhat our 'roads be kept open during ,winter that your Committee has purchased the follarwing newequiproent for snow \ . . , , removal: St. Thomas, January 19tih, 1945. To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Road Cammittee reports as follows: 1.- One new K 8 Internationai' Truck with 1 NO'. 158 Frink V type Snow 'Plough. 2. One new Adams V Type Snow Plaugh No. 6 with 'Wiauslau 12-foot wing to. use an our Adams Diesel Raad Grader. That, owing ta ,the.resignation of _George Lumley, Reeve 'Of' the TOlwnship- 'Of nUIllwicih, ta ae-ce,pt the positUon of County Trea- surer, we recom.mendthat Geargle Carroll, ReE:ve 'Of trhe Tonwship 'Of AldlboTaugh, be appainted a m:emberof the Elgin County Road Committee. 3. One new Caterpillar Snow Ploug' to use an 'Our Caterpillar Road GradeT~ January, }94{j; H. G. ,])A YLOR, Chairman. The Caterpill?r, 'No. 12Tan~etn DriVe 75 H. P. Road Grader 87 88 . ELGIN COUNTY, COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 89 pUDdhas€d last Decemrperwas delivered thif;l Srpring' ,and is now in serviee. field Easterly to. its intersection. with the T,Q'wn' Line ibe~ tween the Townships 'Of Dereham and South Dorchester. The County now -owns: (b) Town Line ibetween South Dor-.chester ,and De(['eham, op- posite Concession 12, South Dorchester. '3" Adams braders with Ras engines; 1 Adams Gr.ader, iDiesel engine, and 1 Caterpillar, Diesel engine. (c' Hoad between Lots 3 and 4, Concession 12, South' iD61J:'- 'chester. We believe that with.. this equipment our gravel T.oods will be Ii1laintained to a higher standard than in previous years. 3, That tlheDepartment .of Highways be petitioned to. ,assume as Provincial Highways: The: Compres,sed Air Painting outflit ordered last y.ear was de- liver,ed, this, spring ,and our bridg,epainting program will proceed as soona!'s,_1.ihe weather is favour,alble. (a) That portion of Talbot Road East (Couniy Road No. 38) extending fI"om its intersection with Highw.ay No. 3 in the Towpship of Malahide Easterly to- the Town 'Line between Bayiham and Houghton To,wnships. Your Commdttee by resolution makes the following recom- mendations to' the County Council: (h) The Road ibetwe;enConcessions 9 and 10, (County. Road No. 51) opposite Lots 13 to 24, South Dor'chester. This road will 'connect Provincial Highways Nos. 73 and 74. L That the"necess:ary proceedings be taken to- -asum-e as a County Road, Talbot !Road' East in the Townsihip of Southwold from the Yeste:rly limits '"'of the Village of Fingal Westerly to the Town Line between the" 'TbWf1Eihips of Southwold and Dunwidh, which is now under the jurisdiction of the St. Tlnomas' Suburban Area Co,mmission .and that the iSt. Thomas Suburiban' Area Ccm- mission aSS-Ume 'j-m:isdict'i'on of the County Road between Lots 7 and 8 in the Townsh'j,p of Yarmouth and Wellington Street South to its intersection with the Union-Sparta Road, now under the Durisdiction of vhe County of Elgin. 4. 'TIhat By-law NumbeT 1456 providing for the removal of objects from roadways 0'1' lands .adjoining roadways be passed. 5. That the Committee recommends that the --Fleet Li,albility Policy with the. General A,ccident Insurance Co., be extended to cover all movable County .ma'chinery, inclUding tractor, power mo,wer, painting outfit, trailer, movable- tool houses, etc. 2. That the following roads be :assumed under the County Road System: 6. '-Dhat the Committee- re'com,mends to. the County Council that. the ,Employee-s ',policy wiUh the Gene-ar,al Accident Insurance Co. be rene,wed to .June 3D-tih, 1946. All of which is' respectfully submitted. (a) Town Line between Malahide and So.uth Dorchester from intersection of Road No. 40 in the -Village of. S:I?ring- J].lj1e, 194,5. H. G. TAYLOR, Chairman. 90 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 91 REPORT OF THE ELGIN COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE 5~ The Creek was div,erted from the ,site of the Furnival R'Oad, Concession 3, Townshipo.f AldIbo['Qug1h. To the W,ar.den and Members oJ vhe Elgin County .council: 6., Thed:angerous.,corner on the Union Road 11/4 miles South of Fingal was. widened. Gentlcemen: Besid.e the regular\,m,aintenance the follolwing wOll'ks included in tlhis year's prOlgr,a,mme'. were Your Road Gommittee begs. to. report that th'is year's pro- gr.amme of -County IROHd lVlaintenance and Construdion IS expect- ed to. ibeeompleted well .within the limits of the estimates, passed at your J'anuary session. ':Dhis' has been ,a ditricult year to camy on 'Our x,egular pro- gramm'€ due to. tJhe s,e,arcity of materia Is and labour. Four County Bridges ,we-repainted viz: Del Ryan Bridge, Vienna; Kains Biridge on the limits o.f St. Thomas; Robbins Bridge, 1st River Road, :Southiwold; p.ort TaJJbot Bridge, Township of Dun- wich. Germ:an prisoners of 'War were employ;ed on this work. They wer,e also, used to ,out brush on County Road No.8, Town- ship of Dun'Wich. The f.o.lkl'\',:ingconstruction ,works were completed: An Armour Coat of 'Tar ,andc::Tushed stone was ,applied tQl the bituminous pavement ,on the Town Line between M,alahide and South Dorchester, about 4 miles !Of County Roads and Suburban Area Roads were' weated witlh ,an avplpication of iheavy tar ap- plied on a gravel suda-ce, lResultsto date have heen very satis- factory, The east, :about $500.00 per mile, is more than offset iby the saving in maintenance and f.reedom from dust. It is expected that further applications will be made next year. 1. '.Dhe Town Line between Southwold and Dunwich, from a !pQlint % miles SoutJhof Iona to. Burw.ell's Gorners. was regraut::..;t, widened, the ,steep gr.ades reduced and straightened and a new 'concrete culvert 'constructed. 2. 'l'he dang.(;,:.e,ous' S. curve on the Old Talbot Road at its in- ters,e'chon with . the rryr,eonnel,l Road in the TQlwnship of Dunwich .was str,aightened, the .gr:adiCs reducedaud the concrete culvert was lengthened. The ~o.llolWjng nelW equipment was pllrohased this year: (a) One ,g.as tra'ctor equipped with mo-wer and. farm p~ough (ordered last ye.ar). 3. A nelw concrete culvert was constructed on the OU Tal-bot Road in the Township of Dunyich at Lot 13. '(b) One K. 8 InteTnational Tru,ck, equipped with a 4 yard Bea1ili Body and a No. 158 Frink B type snow., plough land wing. 4. A new concrete culvert WHS 'constructed over the Wismer Drain on the road Ib~bween Concessions 5 and 6, Lot 10, Aldbm- ough. (c) One Caterp'illar Diesel No. 12 Tandem Driv2 75 H. P. 92 ELGIN CQUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY CQUNiCICG 93 Grader, equipped with a caterpillar V tyrpe snow plOiUgl1'l and wing. -6. ''I1HAT tihe Town 'Line .between the Townships of Yarmouth and Malahidre fromOrweH to J:afcf'a be assumed as .a County Road. (d) All of ~iCJh is respeclfuIly submi tied. .one .&d.ams V Type Sno,w Plougb No-. 6 (Mt yet deliver- ed). This js to he mounted on our Diesel, Adams Grader. St. 'Dhom,as, Ontario, H. G. TAYLOR, Chairman, (e) OUe rportalble compressor and spr,ay p.ainting outfit for painting bridges (ordered last year), November 21st, 1945. . (f) One portable spraying outfit fo[' pa,tching pavements. PROPERTY COMMITTEE We ree-amm,end th) folLowing: January Session 1. THAT the ,communication from tIhe Oounty of Carleton 'regarding the proposed :amendment to the Highway Improvement Act to increas'€ the 'SUlbsidy for snow remov.al be filed. The Property Committee r,eports as LoHo.ws: 1. That the locks on the ,corridor doors in the Gaol be re- placed. 2. THAT theeommunication from the County of Oxford re assuming 'the Derelham, South Dorchester Town Line as a County ROiad be received. 2. 'Dhata slho'wer he installed in'the basement. 3. ~hat t'he Clerk be authorized to purchase an ice box .ror the GaOil ki too-en. 3. THAT no action be taken in regard t'O the communkation from the County of WeHirugton. propos,inlg the- pooling of snow 1"2- mov:al equipment. 4. That W.e recommend that permanent floors be placed in the upperclQ.rri:dors, Gaol oellsand hal1lway and that the Clerk be authorhmd to ,call for tenders :ror the s'ame. 4. TH:A~T the Clerk he instructed to prerpare the necessary By-law :and prepare ,a deed to convey a parcel c'Ontaining 2 acres O'ff the Hathaw.ay Grav,el F,arm, Lo,t 2, Concession 4, Yarmouth, to' George Powles for the sum of $100.00. '5. That vhe following accounts be paid: Ocean Chemicals Ltd." disinfectants ________m _______________________.$ C, E. Flexen, repairs ____m_____________________________ Mund-erloh and Vo. Ltd., repairs to clock 98 55 38 00 12 10 5. 'DHAIT the 'Wlarden be authorized to sign an agreement with -the County Road Employ~ees as provided foOr by the "Hours of Work ,and Vacations with p.ay Act," All of wlhiioh is' respectfully submitted. N. H. MoCQNKEY, Chairman. January, 19'4'5. 94 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL First. Report TO' the Elgin OountyOouncil, Gent1emen: The Property' Committee reports as ilia-Haws: 1. That 'we recommend the pur:ohas'e of a new ,furnace foil' the Registry Office. . 2. That 'three rooms in Registry .office he redecorated and improvem'ents ihe made in lighting system. 3. That -three new chairs be purchased for 'Registry Office. 4. 'That new Urinals' be installed in M,en"s. Lavatory. 5. That the follorwing accQunts ibe paid: W. H. .&wi]t Ltd., 'coal ..........m___...._ ----.-.-................$ Raven's Shoe ISterre, ,Men's hoots Andersons Ltd., To.weIs Gillar-d ,and Price, Repairs IDbevhard ,and Walker L,td., hon Stair _______ mm 1072 00 42 00 5 25 3 00 245 00 All ofwbJioh is' respectifully submitted. N. H. McCONKEY, Chairm:an. June, 1945. Second Repor.l: TO' the Elgin County Gouncil, Gentlemen: The P:r:oper'ty C.ommittee" reports as follows: ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 95 1. That we renew insurance with General Accident Assur- anCe Com~any on all County employees. 2. That we renerw CounciUorrs 'Policy with General Accident Assurance Comp.any. All of wlhieih is' respecbfully submitted. N. H.McCONKE'Yj Clhairman. June, 1945. PROPERTY COMMITTEE November Session >~", TO' the Elgin County Council, Gentl:emen: The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That the .fol1ofWing accolUnts be paid: Dunlolp Tire and Rubber, FireHose _____________ _ ____$ , GoodwiniFurnitur.e, Bunk Beds Robert :Laing, Repairs 'On l'ioof of Registry .office Hard-ings, Unif'Orm.s .and Caps: (turnkeys) m_ Canada :Scl'iap Iron .and Metal, Wipers _______m____ Andersons lJtd., Dresses for Gaol 171 01 54 00 33 50 167 00 3 80 9 62 2. That we accept tender of Ganada Bread at 6%c pe.r 1{)laf, 3. 'JJhefoUOI'wing repairs tn Gaoler's House is recommended: 'Dhat the hot w,ater tank and heater be J:noved' to basement and kHchen sink be replaced. 96 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 97 That 13 new bath tub and necessary repairs to' plumb-:- ing he m,ade. 1'Ihat electrical base plugs be installed in 1,'1Qoms as re":" quired. MEDICAL REPORT November 13th, 1945. TO' the Warden ,and Memhers 0'" 'Dhat a new floor, he lad.d in the kitchen. of tlhe Elgin County Council: That the roof he repaired. GentLemen: All of whiclh is" respectfully submitted. N. H. McCONKEY, Chairman. I have, the honour of ,presenting the Seventieth Annual'Med- ical Relpor1t of the ELgin House of Indush-y up to October 31st; 1945, and submit the foUowing .for your consideration. No,vemlber, 194'5. I.m'ade Forty-nine vis.tis to the House of Industry, and at- 'tended eleven iI1.1Yl<;ltes in the Memorial Hospital as follolWs: W;altE!;r M,cDermott, No-v. 13, 1944 to' Feib. 21, 1945. Julius Allee, Jan. 8, to Feb~ 10, 1945. Angus McFarlane, Jan. 18 to Mar. 20, .1945. Helen Perry, Feb. 3, to Feb. 14, 1945. Walter Mc[)ermott, Mar. 29, to, Mar. 29, 1945. GeoIi_ge ,QuLhn, Apr. 215" to ilVI,ay 20, 1945; Norman Mulholland, July II to-July 31, 1945. George Kennard, October 2, to Oct. 27, 1945. Am'os Felker, Oct. 23, to Oct. M, 19,45; There was 'One !birth. I visited as necessa;ry :Eour inmates who- were in Cr.aigview Nursing Home. 'Dhere were seven deaths, one female and six males, a's fol~ lows: Feb. 10th, 1945, Julius Allee ................65.... Mar. 25th, 1945, Alice Wolfe .......~.....__..83n.. Mar. 29t'h,194'5, Wal'ter M,c[)ermott ______68__ Gereihr:al Hemorrpage. Coronary Occlu3ion. Cerebral lHemnr,rl1age. Ii> !I.II: 98 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL May 14th, 1945, John H. Harwkins _.......77.... Chronic MJ'ocarditis. Jrune 1st, 1945, Angusil.\J.lcFrarlane _______83____ Chronic Myocarditis. , Jrul'Y -31st, 1945, NOiI"man Mrulholl.and ___60____ Pel'iCicious Anemia. Oct. 27th, 1945, Geor,ge Kennard ~_,----:76---- Arterio Sclerosis. I have 1Jhe 'hQlnorur to be, Yours very truly, D. L. EWIN, Physidan, , . . . , Elgin House of Industry. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 99 INSPECTOR'S RE.PORT Gentlemen: To the Elgin Oounty CouncU, November Session The iOllowing is my report on the House of Refuge for the year ending October 31st, 1945: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. during Number ,of -inm,ates ,at last 'repoi"t _____~___._________,-~-------- 3'3 Number admitted during the year ______"____~________________ 14 Number 'Of Deaths ......._...___.__.......+_____m............_.......... 7 Number dischar;ged ______________________,--------__"____________________~__ 3 Number discharged to hospital ___~________._____________________ 3 Number iof inmates now in house m______________,______________ 34 Numher'~b,f inmates sent from these-ver:a! 'municipalities the year: Aiclb'Orough .............................._......_.... 1 Yarmouth ________________________________________________ 2 West Lorne __________"_______________________________ 2 Bayiham ..........._..__..____............._...__._....... 4 Sout!w;old .._.____...._._.__......................__. 1 Aylmer ...._....................__._._.................._._ 1 Malahide .____..._...................._._................ 2 !Hospital ........._ _._._..____..................__........ 1 14 8. The v,arious ,causes' of pauperism of inma.tes admitted M the HOillse during 1ili.e year may be classified as follorws': Destitute ____.................__m...................... 1 Old Age ..-__.................__............._............ 4 III Health _m......................._.................... 8 Cripple _______________~_"_______~"________________;-------- 1 14 100 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Aver.age number of irunates during the year _______~____m 33% A veI'la.ge number with K,eeper's family .and hired help 38% Number of weeks' .board cxf inmates -----------------0-_____________ il. 744 Number of weeks' board with Keeper's family _.________ 2004 Total eX'[lenditure during uhe y.ear. .._____.___............. $1283.2.73 il 11 I Ii' ,!i II;! ~il IIii II~ '1 I " II III 'I' III ~!! 1111 II' I !~ I ~! ;.1 i. 1['1 :;1 il " Deductions 14. ;From f(arm stock 'Sol~ ___________.__________ From' oill .Age PenslOU's, inmates PI)oduce ISold _____________~-_____________ ________________m~______________ Sundries Estates of Inmates -----..-....$ $ 15'. Leaving ,amount actually e:>qpended Lor support of inm:a tes __:.______________ ________.__________________ u_______________ _____. $ 16. Ave~a'ge ex-penses per day of each person ________ 17: Avel'age expenses per week of ea.ch.person ________ 18. A,verage expenses per year of e.ach ,person ~nn___ Farlt1 Expenses Hired L"bour ..______...___._..___......_.........$ Iplements Stock Seed Gas and .oil Mi:Sicel1aneouSl Feed 58 50 94,1 75 6'80 43 172 138 186 79 72 20 727 ~9 $ 'I 1 l: ';1 i: HOuse Expenses Bread . __________..... ______..........._______... .____.. $ Meat GrocerIes "HrlQivilSi,onS/ Dry Goods Boots ,and Shoes Furniture and Ha:rdware Drugs 3,22 47 1081 22 1128 33 f/7 115 749 00 70 86 198 39 222 ,78 'I' 1157 15 5109 90 1605 1.1 27 50 721 80 8621 46 4211 27 34% 2 41% 125 59 19. year: 2340 24 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCLL COIal ,and Wood. Miscelltaneous ___~____________~_____~___ Bamea- ._.,~..___.......__......__._...__.....___...._._.. Repairs ~_____________________"___________ 10,1 1602 10 690 2,5 J,80 00 32@ $ 6355 05 General. Expense Convey'ance of Inmates ________________c_$ 235 Repairs ---....-..._.___.___.________...._...__..._.._ U3 i1'2 Incidental ....--.___.__.___..._..___.__......____.... 521 P7 $ 637 44 Salaries- Keeper ,and M,atvon ____________________________$ Ass:ts'tan t Keeper and Matron ________ Phy:sici.~ ___________________________________________ NaUonal Defence Tax _________,____________ 1287 00 1113 60 300 00 299, .40, '$ 3000 00 The folloiWilllg produce was raised' :on" the farm., during the 13,20 Bushels of Oats 90 Loads of Hay 4 Acres ensilage COTn 155 Bushels IQf Potatoes 12 Biushels of Carrots, 50 LOIadS' of Straw Quantity 'Of Pumkin, Squash and Celery 9 Bushels of Beets 48 Bushels of Onions 6 Bushels of PaI1snips 257 Bushels of Wheat Garden Produce .6 Bushels,Pop Corn, 400 Heads of Gabbage 102 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL '2;5 Bushels of Tomatoes 20 .Quarts Milk per day 728 Quarts Fruit canned in House 400 Do.zen Eggs Consumed 700 Pounds of Butter Farm Slock 3 Horses 10 Cows 33 Hogs 2 B!Daod Sows 150 Chickens 4 Calves 1 .Heifer ELdIN COUNTY COUiNCI~ 103 Pliuimbing ...............--......---...-......-.....-._..3174 Op Septic Tank and Dmin ...___...._....."... 1146 75 Sundries ..........____......___...._........,_......... 416 35 $ 6'6052 22 24. Received from Government on acoount of e"penditures >or land and building _........_.. $ 4000 00 $ 62052 22 25. There wel'le 47 inmates in the House during 1945; 30 malesl 17 females. .of the 34 inmates in the House 'On the 1st day of No~ vember, 1945, 22 ,welle males and 112 fe~naleS'. The managem'ent' :has been ,satisfadoi'Y. 23. Thatnhe total amemnt expended by the County on the House of Refuge is as follows: F,arm, 100, acres, 'cost ____~_________________~$ House ofHefuge~_'________._________________~__ La,undryr __________________..___________________________., Fire Escapes .________________.______________________ Root Cellar, Hene.ry,et'c. ________________ Oottages, Etc. ________________________________________ Brick Ice House ________________________________ Barns, etc. ____~_______________________________________ Tile Dr.ain _______._____________"______________________ Tile Dvain Outlet ..n._____.___.."..._____..___ Hot kir Pump Tank Connections R-e-fdger,atJor ____________._____________________________ ~en'cLng _________________________________________________ <n-charq ....................._____.........._.___....... He.ating Aipparatus _______________: Boiler Room and Solft Coal Boiler Deep Well ..........._.___._..__..__..____._._______.. Silo .......__........................_......_.............__.. H()g !'en ...___.........._:____.___..____.._____.___...". Electric Installation ,and Pumps ____ 7298 95 15545 64 687 61 390 00 1419 43 6952 87 1920 50 7004 37 4417 23 132 03 920 60 590 00 1979 07 85 1Il5 2305 44 3337 5,2 2507 40 293 62 654 99 2372 00' All of wi!rich is respectfully sUJbmltted. J. D. THOMSON, Inspector. St. 'Thomas, Ontario, Novem!b'er 1945. 10,4 IDliGIN COUNTY COUN.01L ELGIN COUNTY COUlNCIL 105 EDUCATION COMMITTEE HOME COMMITTEE TO' tJhe El~jn Obunty Ooundl, ToO the Elgin County Council) Gentlemen: Gentlemen: 'llhe Education Committee repor'ts as follows: The County Home Cmnmittee reports ;as fo.Horws: 1. . That.. membership. fee. in the O.E.A.County Counoil Sec'~ tion be paid and the, .Wand'en- ,appodnt. dele.g,ates. 1. Tha:t Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull and any Committee memher able to be deleg<ates to attend the Annual Convention of the On~ tario Association of Managers of Homes - for Aged and Infirm. 2. That a grant om. $SOO&Oihe made to. the Elgin. County Li- (f:mary Associatton. 2. That the following 'accounts be paid: All of whidh is respectfully submitted. W. H. Swift Ltd., coal ......__m...m....__.m...._.._.m....._.$ 1220 70 Municipal World Ltd., supplies .___..............__........ 9 72 M. G. BERRY, Chairman. All of w1hidh is respectfully submitted. January, 1945. June, 1945. F. SHIVELY, ChaiDman. 106 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 107 November Session AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE TO' the Elgin Oounty' Oouncn, To the Elgin Oounty Counc'ii, Genthm:ren: Gendemen: The County Home Committee repOO:'ts ,as f.ollorws: The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That tIhe .County Inspector's Report be printed in the Pro.. ceedings. 1. That ,a Ig.milt of $50.00 /be made to the Ontario Agricultural Counci~ and tha;t the Chairm,an appoint delegates to attend the Annual Convention. 2. Tillat the .report of Dr. D. L. Ewin Ibe printed in the Pro- ceedings. 2. That the Counties Reforestation Act be amended to, give power to' townships tOl acquire land ioy forestry pu~po<jes. 3. That the 'tender of the Canada Bread Company at 6%c per 'loaf he .accept'ed. 3. That we mal<e " grant of $2,000 to the Agricultural. Com- mittee to be given as required. 4. Tha'ttihe purchase of a tr.actor :be referr:ed to the 1946 County Home Committee. 4. 'Dhat Summers' Harper -be retained as County Corn Borer IIWpector at 'the sam'€ remuneration. All. of wth!ich is respectfuIl.y suhmi tted. 5. That we ooncur' with resolutivn from 1ilie County of Hast- ings re the reforeS't~tion of public lands. FlRJElD SHIVElL Y, ChaIrman. 6. That 'We file resolution from the County of Dufferin re the lifting of the emhargo on the shipment of cattle to the United States. November, 1945. 7. 'That we make a Igr.ant of $25.00 to the Ontario, Conserva- tion and Reforestation A:ssociation. All of wU1liClhis respectfully submitted. STElWART BROWN. Chairman. January, 1945. 108 ElLGlN COUNTY COUNCIL 109 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL June Session November Session To 'the Elgin Oounty Oounci1, To the Elgin County. Council, Gentlemen: '':Dhe A~ricultuy;al Oommittee repoTts as follows: Gentlemen: 1. That We take no. ',action on resolution fro.m the County of Perth re -ca-ttle shiIpped to. 'Iloronto. The Agricultur;al Committee reports as f.ollows: 2. That we concur res'olution from the County of Grey re treatment ofca-ttle forr W.ar:bles. 1. That we endorse resolution from the- County of Rrince Edward re FaI'lffi.er's Income Taxes. 3. That no. .adion be taken on re'solution from County of Peel re shipping cattle to the Union Stock Yards. 2. That 'We file resolution from the County 'Of Peel re setting of prices on livestock. 4. That we file resolution from the County of Grey re Ievy- ing of ,a Oomm.odity Assessment on Hogs. 3. 'Dhat we file res'olution from the County of Wate[':loo re pr~ority on supply of coal for poultry production. All of wil>iC!h is' respectfully submitted. 4. That we [ile ~e:sol1ition from the Dairymen's Association of Western Ontario re request for grant. STEWA!RT BIOOWN, Chairman. June, 1945. All of wlh:iClh is' respectfully submitted. S'DEWA'RT BROWN, Chairman. Novem;ber, 1945. no ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCLL HI PETITION AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE 2. That no ,action tbe taken on resolution from the County of WeIland re :amendment to Section 2'3 of the Municipa,l Ad. January Session ToO the Elgin .' Ooun ty Council, 3. That we ,conenr resolution from the County ,or PeteI'>boc- ough lie am.endment to Section 20 of the, Municipal Act. Gell'Uemen: 4. That 'We ,endorse resolution from the County of Kent re , amendment to the Municipal Drainage Act. The Petitions ,and Legislation Committee reports as fuHows: All of Wlhich is respeddiully s.uhmiH'ed. That we endorse resolution ir:om the County of Hasting.s re appointments to the pro'vindaI -civil service. ROS!S SHEllJSON, Chairman. June, 1945. All of wthidh is' respeclfully submitted. January, 194'5. ROSSffiU1LSON, Chairman. November Session TO' the Elgin. Oounty Council, Gentlemen: June Session The Petitions and Legislation Committe'e reports as: :DoUows: To the Elgin Ooun ty Council, 1. That we -endorse resolution from the County of Simcoe re County Welfare Board. Gentlemen: The Petitions and. Legislation Committee reports as foIlorws: 2. That we 'endorse- resolwtion from the County of Bruce re Am~ndment to. the Registry Act. All of Wlhic'h is respectfully s.ubmi Ued. 1. That no, ,action he taken on ['esolution from 'the County of Nortumiberland re simplH\yillJg Municip.al Returns to the Provin~ cral Dep'artment. ROSS SHELSON, Chairman. November, 1945. II !I" il 1..1 II!i I I,!I '''I III II!: I:d :: ii 1'1,11, ,!,: " 111'; 'I!' !I' i' il! I:'!! 112 E'LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 1i13 COUNTY CLERK'S REPORT ON LICEN.SES OLD AGE PENSIONS REPORT To the Elgin Oounty Council1 TO' the Elgin Cuun ty Gouncil, Gent1emen: Gentlemen: 1 have to' [',eport the following licenses in fopce on the first Clayol November, 1945: I preent herewith repa'!:':t in connedion with the administra~ hon of the Old Alge Pensions 'Act in the County of 'Elgin: Auc:tioneer Aylmer R. R. 1, Vienna R. R. 1, Bto>wnsville Highga-le Highg.ate London Shedden Dutton R. R. 1, Tills'onhurg Highgate R. R. 4, St. Thomas St. Thomas Since the 'Passing of the Act, 205,6 individuals have plication for old age pens'ion; the present dispositio:Q. applications is .as follows: made ap.., of. these Ellison E. Randall .clarenle Wolfe Ross 'M'cClintock H, W. Murphy L. D. Swisher GeoI'lge R. Gardne,r Duncan Brolwn David .Md3herson Fr.ank Fulkerson Lorne J, Ross Harry Laur Harold G. Clarke ! Ii " ! I:' :], Deaths ...n.._ ____..... ___.._..... ____"..___.. __n_.... 1021 Refused __...... _____..._...n____..' ______...n... ____.. 103 Cancelled ...... _n__...n..n ____....... .n__........_ 86 Defer.red ______..___ ___________ _______________ ____,__..__ 7 Tr>ansferred __________ ____________ __________"_,________ 79 Pending ______....______ ______._..__"_.________ ____.________ 58 Withdrawn _____m___ ___ _________________ _ ____mm 1 Pensions in .rorce November 1st, 1945 ____________........... _______......n_ 701 1:1; Ii '1' " I! II " I 'I~ I!! ~, t! f]! I: n ij ~ i" I., JI 'I' !I Junk Dealers Canada Scrap Lron & Metal Peter D.ralbick J, Schur'e M. Wood St. Thomas London London St. Thomas 2056 Pensions in force Novemiber 1st, 1944 ____________ 678 Trans.poriafion of Fowl Ohar les Panglborn E. O. Wi~ht Mille.r Page Norman Knapp Claus Lee Talbotville Rodney Dutton iStoney Po'int R. R. 2, Port Stanley From t'he first of N'Ovem:ber, 19'44, to the 3'lst of Oct-abeT, 194'5, 94 applications have been receivedj of these tw'o were made in cases. where application had previously. heen made and refus.ed. During this same period 52 pensions have been incre'Rsed, 7 refused, 5 I'einsiated and 8 reduced. All of which is resp€ctiully submitted. All of Wihich is respecOOlly sl;lbmitted. J. D. THOMSON, County Clerk. St. Thomas, Ontario, Novemberr, 1945. J. D. THOMSON, County ClerIc St. 'I'hom-as, Ontario, Novem1be:r, 1945. 114 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNClL 115 MOTHERS' ALLOWANCE REPORT COUNTY OF ELGIN To the Elgin County Council, PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Gentlemen: St. Thomas,Ont,ario,' Decemlber 31, 1944. I present he,rewi-tJh report in connection with the administra- ti.on of the Mothers' AUorw:ance in the CoullIty of Elgin: To the Elgin County Council: Since tille M'oifuer.s' Allowances Act was passed in Ontario, 396 mothers have made ,application in the Oounty of Elgin. At the pI'i€sent time there are 67 allQlwances' in force in Elgin and 1 pending. The, SOOo01 Health Service presents the first annual ['epcwt of its adivities. In presenting this. r:eport it seems advantag.eous to review 'the ,general objective of a sohool heaIVh service, which, in co-operation with the other school personnel and the community is tJhe maintenance of an environment Wlhkih. ma~es' health pos~ sible, as well as the d'evelopment of an individual willo can reoog- nize his own healthproiblems and do something aibou't them. From November 1, 1'944, to October 31, 194'5, 6 applkations 'were received; 1 of these being a case where 2 previous applica- tions had been made :and !refused. 7 allOJWlance's have been re- duced, 8 increased, 14 canc1led and 2 refused. A prog.ram'ffi,e to give effect to this objective in the health super-vis,ion of some 3900 ,childrr:en included: J. D. THOMSON. County Clerk. 52 first. aid trea'tments. 227 r,apid d,assl'oom 'inspections :Eor' the detection of communicable diseases. 2451 Special Physical Inspections, which includes in- spections .of Vision, Hearing, Teeth, Throat, Etc. 1111 classrooin follow-up insrpedions. 389 inspecHons made at request 'Of teacher. 2677 visual acuity \iests. 951 clhildren were placed under observ,ation. 23 inspections of pres,chool beginners with parent present, 637 examinat10ns 'Of pupils by Medical Officer of , Health assisted by nurse. All of wthic'h is reepectfully submitted. St. Thomas., .ontario, November, 1945. Fmm these inspections and examinations 45:2 dhildiren were found t'o have condi'tions (other than dental) that needed eXam~ ination ,and treatment. These included: 129 vision defects. 200 abnormal t6ns'ils and 44 defective nasal breathing 'I" " I II 1'1 I! 116 ELGIN COUNTY COUNQIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 1I7 Iii ! ~ 24 heaTing defects. 35 orthopedic defects. 57 'Other defects. Re.suHs have Ibeen excellen:! but the,re are many situations tha't do no'tcontritbute to the ,child'lS Health, comfort and efficiency or to the pr,acUcaI aJpplie:ation ,of hygienic rules; Corrections: 43 vision. 17 tonsil. 2 ortJhopedic. At this time we 'Would like to e:xJpres'S' our appreciation foil" the assistance lI'eceived from the County Council, Health Commit.. tee, County Clerkj Inspectors and Teaohers. We ,also- ,appreciate tfueadequ.ate budget .allow-edior equip- ment and'supplies. ' Dental: 863 dental defects were foundwitlh only 146 'coTtl'cc'tions. The excellent ,co-operation of the whole commmiity greatly facilitated the ISohool Health Service in its in-fanGY. Exclusions: Respectif.uJlysubmi Hed. P. Thomson, Senior Pubhc Health Nurse. . 22 children 'Wsr,e excluded from school because 'Of acute communicable ;disease.s; 45 for supected skin condi- Uons ,and 68 for pediculous. Immunizations: First Repol'I 7'6 DiphtJheria Toxoid. 330 Scarlet Fever Toxin. 510 !Smallpox vaccinations. Tn the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen,: Home Visiting: The Public Health C.onm1ittee reports as follows: 367 visits were made for health supervision of children ,of 147 families. 56 visits Iwere m-ade fO[' special activities and foa: prre-- mating the org.anization of the service. 1. $600.00 That llhe car per year . allowance for each nurse be incT'eased to 2. 'Dhat.a repoI'1t of Ithe Nur.scs' IwoQ'k 'be, presented to- the Council at each session. Continuation slchools were given service'such as vis-lon tests wihere the sr[lhool lW,as in the same building as the elementary s-c'hoO'L 3. Tha,t the Council set aside $300.00 :for supplies fo([' the County Health work as required. All of ,Wlhich is respectfully submitted. H. G. T,aylor, Ohai-rman. School plants and environments were inspected and suggest.. ions made to. teachers, trus:tees and parents for improvements. January, 1945. 118 lDLG[N COUNTY COUNOlL ELGIN'COUNTY COUNCIL 119 Second Report November Session To' the Elgin County Council, To. the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: Gentlemen~ The Pu,bjicHealth Committe.e, reports as follows: The Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit r.eports as Ji<>llc>ws: This Committee recommends that the Oounty forma County He.alth Unit - ,and 1fuat t1he Council give first and second readin:.gs to tJhe necessarylby-law at this session. 1. 'Dhat Dr. R. A. Kennedy has been appoanted Medical Health Officer for ithe Unit ,at a salary of $'5,00'0.00 per year. All of wihich is respectmlly submitted. , 2. Mr. L. S. Eox !has been ,aprpointed SanN;ary Inspector at a salary of $1,800.00 pex year and stationed at West Lome. H. G. Taylor, Chairman. 3. Mr. .J. A. Elley has been appointed Sanitaq Inspector at a salary of $1,800.00..,per year and placed at Aylmer. January, 1945. 4. The Department olf Health has loaned Miss Marjorie Rutherfo;rd to the Unit for one y,ear ,as Supervisor of Nurses. June Session 5. The Unit !has ap-pointed ,two additional Nurs,es, Miss Welr and Mrs. Shafter at salaries of $1,500.00 per year. TO' th7 Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: \ 6. We wpuld recommend a by-law be prepared to pr-ovide for Licensing and ReguLating Victualling Houses. The Public Health Committee repOiI'ts as follows: All of whi-ch is respectfully submi tt-ed~ 1. 'Dhat the repo['t of Miss. PhyIlis Thomson, Senior :Public Health :N'urse, :be accepted and printed in the Proceedings. 2. Tlhat we enter into a joint health VuLt with the city of St. Thoma'S ,and that ,the necessary by-law he prepared. 3. Tiha't lWe recommend tlJ:1atthe Health Committee meet with the City Council 're hoop1tal costs and report at the No\vember Session. H. G. TAYiLOR, Chairman. November, 1945. All of which is reopectJiully submitted. H.' G. TAYLOR, Chairman. June, 1945. 120 ELGIN,COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN' COUNTYCOUNCJL 121 PUBLIC HE.l\.L TH SERVICE sdl'ooI buildings and environment are heing improved. SemiwAnnual Report Four days eXlpe-rience in County School Nursing was given to .a student of the Univexsity 'of Western .ontario PubHc HelaJ:tih Course. Court House, St. Thomas, Ont.,June 14, 1945. ToO the Elgin County Council, Two of the 'Sita:ff attended .the School He.alth section of the Ontario Educational Assad-ation at LEaster. May I present the s.emi-'annual r,~port of the Sohool Health Service: Seven- meetings of Women's organizations were addressed; and 6 educational meetings were attended by the s!taff. RespectfuUy subm.itted, In .spite of winter driving lCondHions ,all tJh.e, schonls have been visited ,at least once since JanuaTY. Every pupil has Ibeen given some serviee. 'BHYIlLLS THOMSON, Senior Public Health Nurse. '~" The AuthoiI'ized School Health programme wrhich has been followed, includes an annual vision survey, and classroom m- ~pectioilsof aU pupils. Statistical Report The purpose of the Spring inspeotion of the children is to note the defects tihat have been corrected, and to ddeot any new deviation from .the . normal. No. of Pwblic Schools seTved 112, No.. Pupils 3900 No. 'Secondary Schools served No. 'of First aid .or dressings No. of rapid classroom. inspections (room's) No. C:hildren Igi'ven classroom 'insP.ections No. of other inpections No. of special plhysical inspeotions No.. of vision tests NO'. Df hearing tests 65 88 1167 717 1200 1230 5 Asrnay Ibe noted t'rom the statistical report many suspected deLeots found have not, been ,corrected. 276 Home visits to. d'is:cus.s these problems with tlhe :parents leads us tOo believe that the main reasons for lack of remedial ,care are ina1bHity,'to finance treat- ment, ,and 'inadequate transpodation. The Medical ,office,rs of Health have heen assisted in the im- muniza.tion of: 9'2 ',p:reschooland 479 school" children ,ag.ainst smaUrpox;'"139 ,children against d-.nplhtlheria; and 118 were given scarlet fever toxin. 63 Patch tests for 'Tuberculosis, and 96 Phys- iealExaminations were done ina secondary school. ,From thee insrpections 264 ohildl1en were suspected oi having new- defects. These included: Many of tlhe unsanHary and unhealthy conditions .of the Visual defect's _ ____________________--..n--..______ _____ 101 Hearing -defects ____._____ _____________________________ 19 Eye defects ______mm.mm.m.m._ __________ _______ 9 Defective nasal 'breathing --.._____~____n___ _ 18 AbTI:oral tonsils _______________"___________________ 142 122 ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCJL , ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 123 Orthopedic conditions ~_______________________.___ 53 Other defects ............ ._.____........................ 7 Dental defe'ots _____. _._._..._............_ ",__,__", 349 Dr. R.G. Strutiliers .and Miss Moore iDom the Department of Heal1lh. Corrections found f'rom- ~hese. inspections were: Dr. Potts, MayoIi.'Curr:ah' and Messrs Sanders" ICald~ well and Voaden,.from ,the City of St. ,]hoIDas. VJsion _______________________________________________________ ":Dons'iliS _____~_---_-+~------~________ ____________________-_____ .other corrections ___________.________________________ ,Pen taI -corrections 15 3 4 44 Messrs. 'Taylor, A,tkinson, Thoms'oq, Ellis and' Warden Coyle from the Connty. Mr. Tayl'or was appo-jnted Chairman of the meeting and n:r. SttutJheJ.'"s addressed the memhers on the set-up, fonnation :and cost' of a joint County and City Health Uni.t. '-A leng.thy discus- sion took pl;ace and all the memibers '~xpr,essed themselves as be~ ing fav;oraible to. .bhe diormation of a Jo.int' enit. Immunizations: SmaUpo,x vacci;na,tions D:iJphtheria Toxoid ,Scar let Fever Toxin 531 139 118 Exdusions: '-'.' For skin .co.nditions _______________________________ 37 'For pediculosis ________________________________________ 35 For ,a,cute .cQm.municalble disease _______..' 3 Hom.e visits -----------7,--------------------_____________________________ 308 Visits fo.r special a'Ctivities or promoti9n Qf ,the, s.ervice ____"--______________________~___________' 39 Visits 'Wlhere family Inot at home or not found 22 Health Commlt.tee Meeting April 17th, 1945. A meeting of the Health Committee of the Elgin County Council was 'he1d at the Court House, St. ~homas, this day. with representatives from the City C;-ouncil and the Provincial Depart- ment of iHealth present. The foUo'l"ing attended: 124 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY CaUNC]L 125 WAR PURPOSES COMMITTEE First:. Report That we grant vhe sum of $,100.00 to the West Elgin Branch of the Canad1ian Legion. AI! of W1hleh is respecj&ul!y submitted. W1M. MERRETT, Chairman. To the Elgin County Council, January, 1945. Gentlemen: The War Purposes Committee reports as follows: J\lne Session 1. That communication irom the Canadian UnHed Allied Relief Fund he filed. To the El.gin County Council, 2. That request from the St. Thomas Br.anch of the Cana- dJan Legion be filed for future reference, Gentlemen: 'l1he' War Purposes Committee reports as follows: 3. Tha,t a grant of $25.00 be given to the I.O.D.E. for books for Mili tar,y Hospitals. 1. That the 'f'eport from the Citizens' AuxiHary War Services Commtttee be filed as each municipality has an or.ganiz.ation to take care 'O'f their ;returned service personnel. 4. 'llhat request from the St. Thomas and Elgin Rehabilita- tion Com'mHtee be filed. All ofWlhich is I"espect]ully submitted. WM. MERiRETT, C!hairman. 5. That a Igrant of Seven Hundred Donars be made to the Navy League orf Canada. ,J:une, .1945. All of Wlhich is respectdlully submitted. WIM. MERRETT, Chairman. November Session January, 1945. Second Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The W,ar Purposes Committee reports as follows:- 'That ijhe matter of grants to ,bhe West and East Elgin Rehabil- itation Committees be referred to the J;anuary County Council Session. < All of Which is respectfully submitted, WM. MERiRETT, Chairman. To the ELgin .county Council, Gentlemen: Tille War Purposes Committee reports as follows: November; 1945. I 1 II , II I ~ I [! , I; ;: , ,I I I I , 'i '! ~ ti I 1:1 II !I I: ~ I: j: j, II fl " 126 EJ:,GIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN' COUNTY COUNCLL 127 EOUALIZATION & ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE January Session Dunwich Southwold Yarmouth M,alahide ____ _____________________ Bayham South DOor,clhester _______~________________ Ay.lrmer ...................__._....._____.___....... Dutton POit't Stahley ................................__ Springfield ........_.__.......................... Vienna Rodn,ey' -------------.----"------~------------------- West Lorne __________________________________.___ 3,624,170 00 4;641,826 00 4,854,549 00 13,393,ml.2 DO '2,444,7'24 00 1,894,656 00 1,587,468 00 494,.584 00 950,67,2 00 123,742 00 130;902 00 358,784 00 373,698 00 T,o the ELg.in County Council, Gentlemen: The Equalization and Assess'ment Committee reports as fol- lows: 1. "Dha:t the. Oh:ai-rman appoint a sm,allcommitte.e to attend the Ass'essor's Oonvention to be held in Toronto. and 1:lh-at the mat- ter of a County Ass.essor be laid over until the June Session. 2. Tha!t ifue matter od: the equaliz'ation of assessment be left to the June Session. I $28,241,838 00 , 2. That tIh'is Council .is: willing to have the final ,equalization of ,assessffi'ent rolls, in case 'Of app:eal, made !by the County Judge. All of wihich is reopec!ifully submitted. CLIFFORD ELLIS, Chairman. 3. That we recommend, tJhe consideration of the appoint~ mentofa County Asses'sor ,at the November s-ession. January, 1945. All of wrhich is respedfully submitted. Committee a.ppointed: Warden, H. W: Thomson, Taylor, ,Ellis. OLIFFORD ELLIS, Chairman. June, 1945. June Session I , I I To the El,gin County Council, Gentlemen: 'Dhe Equaliz.ation Committee reports as fo-llolws: 1. That the following !be -the equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the County of Elgin for the year 1945: Aldborough $3,368.401 00 ~,28 IDLG[N COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 129 STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES CHILI>REN'S AID COMMITTEE . To the El,gin County Council, St. Thoma~, Ont., June 14th, 1945. Gentlemen: Tn the Warden and County Council, The.Children's Aid Committee reports. as follows: Gentlemen: The S'ocietyhas secured the :services of Miss N. Harrison as ,superintendant ,at '$1800.00 per year. I beg to sUlbmit ,the 'following' Statement of Receipts and Ex- penditures up to M'ay 31st, 1'945. Receipts Cash on hand January 1st, 1945 ....$ 70403 77 Admimstration of Justice _________,,',_____ 650,3 44 Interest .....:........_m...__..__.___________........... 906 30 pwhlic Health SeFiee _.__....___._......... 1035 98 County Rates ;Prepayment ____ _________ 9000 00 Oharify and W"ifare ......................... 1110 27 Elgin County Far,m ____________________________ 33n2 79 Ar,rear:s of Taxes __"___ 2395 94 County Roads ._............................,....... 31308. 03 Mis.cellaneous __________ 4 __0 48. '$126382 00 'Dhe ,salaries .of the Field Staff has been incre.a'sed $100.00 each per yeai'. 'Dhe Sod'ety is: in real need of a Re,ceiving Home ,and we would be pLeased if any member 'Of the Council knowing of a ,place would communicate with the Society. l1.hat the County members attending 'board meetings ibe paid $3.00 per day. All of which is respectfully submitted. E. E. ATKINSON, Chairman. June, 1945. Expe'ndBures Administration of Justice ____________-.$ Ag,ricultur:e 'Elgin County ,F,arm Registry .office Taxes Returned to' Municipalities Members: W1ages OHker.s Salaries Printing, Postage and Statienery __ Careef iBuildings _________________________.__"_ 1,2162 00 76 00 4493 81 53 52 2396 94 12527 ,10 2696 64 566 15 841 38 130 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNC]L 131 11-298 08 31331 07 2679 49 305837 $ 74179 55 , BY -LA WS CharIty and Welfare County Roads ,Public Health Service Mis'cellaneous BY-LAW NO. 1440 To Appoint a County Road Commiftee CRElDIT BALANCE m..__.mm__ $ 52202 45 All of Wlhich Is respecld)ully submitted. As required by the Highway Act the Elgin County Council enads: W. Q. LUMLEY. County Treasurer. That the 'following five members .of this Council constitute a Committee fo:r the purpose of directing the work to be done 'on the County Road System: Clifford Ellis ________~__ For Terro of One Ye.ar GeO'l1g.e Gar,roll ______ For Term 'of 'Two Years H. G;,"'Taylor' ____ ____m For Term of Three Years , Thomas Soper _________. FOil' Term of Fou.r Years Stew.art Brown __c_____ For Term of Five Years That by-law No. 1413 be and is hereby repealed. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 19th day of January, 1945. J. D. THOMiSON> Clerk. C. D. OOYLE, W1arden. BY .LA W NO. 1441 To Appoint a Board of Audit' in :the County c,f Elgin for :the Year 1945 The Elgin County Council enacts: 'Dhat the Judge of the County Court and Mr. George E. .):)2 ;J1;LOm G:OUcN"T)' COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 13'3 Erorwn be, and are hereby .;::tppoiIlted ,men::tJbers, of the, Board of kljdit t0' perform the duties required of 1Jhem by .the Revised Sta- tute:s, 'Of -Ontari'o. BY.LAW NO. 1443 ).:'hat tlhe m,emhe,:rs of the saidBOiard of Audit. ,be paid tlhe sum of Seven DoHar,s' per d,ay for their servkes' and five cents per mile going to'and from each audit. To Repeal By-law N.,. 1401 The ELgin County Gouncil enacts: Read a tJhird time ,and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 1:lhis 19th day od: January, 1945. That, owing to new Provincial Legislation, By~law No. 1401 of the County (be, and is hereby ,repealed. J. D. THO)VISON, Clerk. C. D. COYLE, Warden. Read a tlhird time- ,and passed at County Gouncil' Chamhers, St. Thomas, tJhis 19th day ad' January, 1945. J. D. 11HOMSON, Cler:k. C. D. COYLE, Wlarden. BY.LAW NO. 1442 BY.LAW NO. 1444 To Authorize :the Warden and Treasurer :1:0 El(orrow :the Sum of Two Hundr~!i Thousand Dollars To Amend By.law No. 1439 The Elg'in County Council enacts: The Elgin County Gouncil enacts: That the W,arden and Treasurer be and .are hereby author- ized to bOLrl'OiW the sum of Two Hundred Tihousand Dollars from .the Bank of;Montreal as it may :be required to meet the expendi- tures. O'f :the CorpoI'lation -of the County of ,Elgin, during the year 1945 and to give ,as security therefor notes of One Thousand OT T,en Thousand DoHars each. That the s,ala:r:y of the County Auditor.s be Three' Hundred and Sixty Dollars per year each; said salary to be paid quarter}y. That by-law No. 1439 be ,and is h~reby amended ac.cordingl,y. Re,ada tlhird time and pa.s:sed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, 1Ihis 19th day of January, 1945. Read a tlhird time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. 'lJhoma~, 1Jhis 19th day of January, 1945. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk C. D. COYLE, Warden. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. C. D. COYLE, Warden. 134 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL' ELGrN COUNTY COUN,CIL 135 BY.LAW NO. 1445 . This !by-la'W shall not take effect until it has rece'iv'ed the ap- provalof the Deputy Minister of Municipal AfIDairs of the Pro- vince of Ontario ,as provided in Section 404A. of the amendments to the Municipal Act. A BYRlaw for Granting Aid to Certain Patriotic Organizations wifhin:the County of, Elgin WIHEIR,E!AS it is deemed expedient to assist .cer:tain Patriotic Organizations .wnctioninv iiI the County of Elgin, Read a tlhi.rd time.and passed at County Council Chambers, St. 'l1homas, this 19th da-y of J,anuary, 1945. AND WiHEiRID.AJS rby vi~tue Oof Chapter 266, Section 404, Sub- section 3'2, R.iS.O. 1937 andam,endments to. this: SeeMon 404A in 'the 1939 am'endmen:ts thereto, t:ge Council of ,a County is empa,w- ered, :subject to theappir'olval of the Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs, and otE the Oliganiza tion of Resources Committee as thereIn deslgna;ted. J. D. THOMSON, Cle"k. C. D. COYLE, Wiard.n. . B'v.LAW NO. 1446 ,. , THElliE<F1ORiE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the' Corpo,ration o,f the County, of Elgin as :fiollows: TO CONF1IRM By-law No. H21 of Dhe Council of the Town- ship of B.ayham,'<to dose Toad through and :between parts orf .lots 5 and 6, Concession 4, in the Township of Bayham. 1. That the sum -of $'5,000.OOihe incLuded in t'heestimate:s f~,r the ,cur,rent year to Ibe levied .as part of the County Rate. and that s,aid money he set aside for assistance to such partriotic or.ganiz- ations as comply fully wH:!l.l the requirements of the spe.cial com- mittee af this County Council,appointed' to administer and di3- tdbute the said fund amnng such patriotic oTiganiz.ations as have been duly regis,tered unde:r tlhe War Charities Ad ot the Domin- ion of Canada. WlHIDRElAIS the Council of tlhe TOlwnship of Bayham did, on the 5th day of Septemibe[', 1944, finally pass ,~heir 'By,;,larw' No.. 1112,1 to-Close up a road allowance in the said Township and hereinafter descrihed and WHEIR.EAS by subsection 60f Section 49'5 of the. Municipal Act it is enacted ,as follows: 2. That saidspedal coInl1iittee to he known as the "Spe,cial Wlar Purposes Gommittee of the County enun-cil" shall be empow- ered to requisition funds natexc'eeding the said sum o,f $5,000.00 as required .from time to' time as approved \by the said Committee for sucih. purposes, upon 'being s,atiS'fied that each p.atriotic organi- zation has. complied:fully with the requirements of the Law as then. pertaining. "A by~law of the 'council of township, p,assed under the authority conferred by claus-e (c) of sub-sedion 1, in the case of a township in unor.g,anized ter,ritory, f!hall not have any fOIlee unlesls. ,and until approved by a Judge of tlhe District Geurt of the district in W1hich the township is . situated, .and in other oas,es unless and untn .confirmedby a by-law ,of the 'council of thecoun- ty in whi.:h the township is situate passed at an ordin- ary m'eeting of the council held not S'ooner ;than three months or later tlhan one year after the passilllg of the by -law of the council of the townshi1J" and That the said Committee have. authority. to make inquiries and require compliance with such application forms as they may see fit to determine, the ~ bona fides' and regul1a-rity' of ea.ch appli- cation re.ceived :from any patriotic organization. WHEREAS' the said Townshi'p of Bayharn is situate in the II! I; ,ji I' 136 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL , '137 County of Elgin ,and the-said Council of the said Township have applied to this Counci~ to. parss a by-larw confirm'lng the said by- law No. 1121 at tlhe ,current, o:ndinary and regular s:ittings o'! this Council commencing on the 16th day of January A. D., 1945, the same being held. not sooner than three months nor later than one year after tlhe' paSrSing of said By-law No. 11'2:1 of'the said Council of the Township of Bay1h,am ,and,it appears proper that tJhe said by-law shall be confi:r:m'ed, the point Where said rDad crosses the east boundary line 0[ Lot 5, CoOncession 4, namely at or near top of Bell Hill al;ld Wihkh road runs through what is: oommonly known as iJhe .Tribe and. Bell Properties, be and the sam'e is herelby sto.pepd up and closed. AND WiHEiREJI,S notice of the proposed by-1arw has been pulblished at least .once in four consecutive weekly issues of the Tillsonlbul1g Ne1ws, 2,. That the, purtionsof t4e road so stopped up .and closed shall ,he so1d ,and conveyed to', tihe ownerB otE the lands through wthidh 'the said road passes according to' the amounts situate in the lands of each of the said owners. AND WlHEJREJAJS Ghwpter 266, Sec. 495, sub-section (1) clause (c) of the Revised Statutes of Ontario 1937, prolVides that the Council o-f :a Townslhip 'may pass ,a by-laJW for stopping -up any higJ1Jway Oll:' part aia hig1hJW1ay and for' leasing .or selling .the soU and freehold of a ,s:topped up highway or part of a h1ghlW.ay; 3. That the Reeve land Clerk are hereby authorized to exe- cute ,and delivr convy:am:~e of the said lands under the Corpor,ate Seal of the Muni'Cipality to ,the said parties upon paynientof the expenses of said conveyances in connection ther-ewitlh. Read a tlhird time and passed at County Cou1i.dl Chambers,,- St. Thomas, this 19th day of January, 1945. AND ,W!HlEiRiEAS the aforementioned road is not at present in use by the tr.av;elLing public and whereas, it would cost the TOtwnslhiJp a oonsiderable sum of mDney to make this road safe far public travel: J. D. THOMSON, C1e"k. C. D. COYLE. Warden. AND WIHElRiEiAS the, persons through whose land this por~ tion' of, said road nolW runs, have' other means of outlet and in cons-igeration of ,certain sums of money, are agreeaible that this road be sltDpped up and dosed; BY.LAW NO. 1447 AND WiHEREAS it is of 'consideralble henefit tD the Town- shirpas a wholoe tha;t tlhe aforesaid partion of road -be stopped up and clotSed! To Appoint a Member of the Aylmer Bo'ard of Educafion The Elgin County Council enacts: THElThEJF10RJE TT LS EJNACTED BY THE COUNCTL OF THE CORJPOiRA!TJON OF THE COUNTY OF EJLGLN: That Leon Bodvin :be appointed ,a member of the Aylmer Board of E~uoation .fa,r a term Dr three years, L That, that padion, of road 'Whioh runs thr'Oug1h and. be- tween lots 5 and,6; concession 4, Township of Bayharn, commen- cing wher,e Staid roads join on the north side o~ the GRIF'FINS' CORNiER - Calton road, namely at or, near top of Tt.j.be: Hill, to Read a tIllird 'time-and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas,. this 19th day of January, 1945. ' J. D. THOMSON, C1evk. C. D. COYLE, Warden" ,138 . ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCEL .139 BY.LAW NO. 1448 BY.LAW NO. 1449 A By-Jaw to. provide for the rtotal expenditure on the system of county roadD'in the County of Elgin as approv,ed 'by OJ:'1der-in- Council, during he year 1945. To 'Establish a Health Unit WHEREAS it is' deemed advisable to es'talbliSlh a Health Unit eomprisilllg WHElREAS The Highway ImpTOvement Act, Chapter' 56,R.S. 0., 19'37, and amendment requires. tha1t the total expenditure on ,county ll'oads and bridges be provided f\or annually Iby county by-1"w. THEThEFORE tlhe Council {):f the Co:rporation od' the said Cqunty qf Elgin enacts as :floUows: The County of Elgin in accordance with the ,authority contained in SUlb-section 1 of section 35 Qf the Public Health Ad, as re-enacted iby section 30iE the Public Healrtlh Amendment Act, 1944. (1) The sum of ,$46,000.00 i,g hereby appropriated from mon- ieS raised by levy, delbenture1s and government sUJbsidy for expen- diture upon construction 'Oln the ,said system during the year 1945. NOW therefore the Council of the municipal corporation of the County of Elgin enacts ,as follo.wlS: A Health Unit comprising the County ofElgin is hereby es~ tablished. (2) The sum 0'f $134,000.00 is hereby appropriated from mon- ies raised by levy and government su(}Jsidy for expendi'1;ure upon maintehanee ,and repair of the roads in the said system during the year 1945. (3) The said monies shall be eXlpended, under the direotion' of the duly appointed Road Superintendent, and on work performed in accordance with The' Hi,gihJWay Lmpr-ovement Act. (4) 'I1he Clerk shall tra,nsmit duplicate c.orpiesof this by-Iarw to the lVl,imiciipal Roads pJr,anch, Department of Highways of On- tario, foo: approval on or lberolTe the 31st of Janu.ary of the pres- ent year. Passed at St. Thomas this 19th day 0'f January, A. D., 1945. :Read a first time at County CoundJ Chamhers, this 19th day of January, 1945. Read a second time at County Council Chambers, this 19th day of January, 1945. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. C. D. COYLE, Warden, BY.LAW NO. 1450 J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. C. D. COYLE, Wiard en. To Amend By-law No. 1411 'I,J. D. Thomso.rt, Clerk of the corporation of the County of Elgin, do hereiby oei"tify that the foregoing is a true copy of By- law No. 1448, passed by the, council of the said' -corporation on the 19th day oiE J.anuary, 194!5. J. D. THOMSON, County. Clerk. The Elgin County Council 'enacts: That tJhe salary of John D. Thomson, County Clerk be Twenty'-fiv:e Hundred Dollars per annum, payable monthly, That ''by-law ''No. 1411 he and is h~reby amended accordingly". i:: i-it I:iii I' ,I 'I 140 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 141 Ii' lil,li i,! Read a third time and pas.sed at St. . Thom8:s, tlhis 19th day of January, COIl,mty Council Chamhelr's~ 1945. ,Rons of the County 'O'f Elgin'for the year 1945: I' :1 I ""1' ,!I I-I crOOk. J. D. THOMSON, Warden. C: D. COYLE, Aldborough Dunwich Soutthlwo1d Yarmouth Malaihide Ba)'ham South Dorchester Aylmer Dutton Port Stanley Splr'ingfieLd Vienna Rodney West Lorne $3,368,401 00 3,624,170 00 4,641,826 00 4,854,549 00 3,393,662 00 2,444,724 00 1,894,656 00 1,587,468 00 494,584 00 9'50,672 00 123,7~2 00 130,902 00 353,784 00 373,698 00 BY-LAW NO. 1451 To ApPoint _ a Coulify Treasurer The Elg.in County Council enacts: That W. G. Lumley he appointed Treasurer of 'the County of Elgin at .a salary of Eighteen Hundred Dollars per annum, pay~ able monthly. T!hat by-law No. 11,67 -and any amendm-ents thereto, Ibe and the s-ame__ are her,eby repealed. $28,241,838 00 'Dhat this Council is willing to have the final equalization of a.ssessment .roUs, in case -of appeal, made by the County Judge. Read a Vhird time and passed at County Council ChambeTs, St. Thomas, this 19th day of Janu~ry, 1945. Read a t\hird time arid passed ,at County Council Chambers-, St. Thomas, this 22nd day of June, 1945. ~. I I J. D.THOMSON, Clerk. C. D. COYLE, Warden. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. C. D. COYLE, Warden. BY. LAW NO. 1452 BY.LAW NO. 1453 To Confirm the Equaliza!io-n of the Assessment Rolls of the County ,of Elgin for the Year 1945 To Raise Amo-unts for County Rafer; during fhe yeal' 1945 That the following be the equalization of the Ass-e5sment WtHEREAS an estimate has, been made showing thattihe sun) of One Hundred and Fa>rty Thousand Two Hundred and Eighty Three Dollars is required to be raised in the- several munidpali:.. ties for the lawful purpos-es of the County during the y.ear 1945, on the basis of the equalized -a'sse'S'sment as deter.mined in 1944. The Elgin Coun,ty Council enacts: 142 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL AND WiHlIDThEAiS the estimated -amount required fo[' High and Continuation S'rcthool pUI'iposes based on maintenance costs for 1944 ,as deteTmined under provisions ocE the High' Sell-DaIs Act is SiX!ty-four Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety-,Tlwo DoHars. IVLunrkipali ty Aldhol'oUgh iDunrwiloh ___________________.\m__ Soutrhwold y,arffilorutJh _________,______________,______________ Malaihlde .__._._.______.._..._._.......,......._. Bayftlam ._..___._.__..__ South Dorchester Aylmer Du:tton Port Suanley Springfield Vienna Rodney West Lo,rne Total Equalized Value $3,320,851 00 ______________ B,623',881 100 4,632,712 00 4.847,105 00 3,333,608 00 2,421,176 00 1,893,259 00 1,587,808 00 491,846 00 950,880 00 123,398 00 130,603 00 354;3.3'5 00 345,'2~3 00 $28,056,N3 00 ']HEREFORE the Council of ~ Vhe Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts: 1. .That a Date of five mills on the dollar-,he levied on all rateab1epir'operty in the several municipalities in the County of Elgin ,as above set forth for the year 1945. 2. That tthe amounts required for County and for Htgh and Continuation Schoolpur;poses as set fnrtlh in the following !;'ched- ule be levied in tihe respective municipalities during 1945 and pa.id t~, the County Treasurer as ;by Law required.' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL :-< 0 =<1~,g>1tJP>>tIg>IP~t1Ull;J~ H, !=1 gf," ~ ~~ Ib ~l&d1" ~ g 11 "" ~~'gS' S'r'?g:'S'~g f/ i-l ~~~"",~Ul tJ~.O~g:~ ~ ,,(1) ~ lb' S-tl g..S::o 0 l-i ",....: I ::; 0 (1),st l:i: ~ 0 to" ::; p.. I' ;t f-j lop- i ro ' go:: : ~S' ' '< i ii' (lUl ! [!:" ' ! :'i' n:~ ~. I 10 i I ,I i 1 '< 'p. 0' 0 I ~ . I ~ III I I "" ~ s' i I I I ro I i': i! " i "i i "' p. i r i ! "" "" '0 >-' ~ '" 1-'~~$~'S'Jt-.:l '" '" ~ ro 0, (C~f....;.~'b1~0)C9 i:l' p. ". O1c,..:lQ}C<:lO~f>,.'co Q '" ocoCO-J(Ot:-.:It..:I-J ro 1l- "' "" "" 8: ro !l. l/I (l '" 1-'C<:lC<:lM:>.~CI't.:l g 0 '" '" 0, ~~Jt6~~~~~ "' ". i:l' t'l q '" M:>.-JoOO~-J~1-' tI Cl 0 "" "" t"' g >-' ,t'l co I-'I-'ll-' 1-'1-' '" "' 0, 1-'1-' 1-'.p.c;:,01-JOb1~'bo~ ~ <I 8. 0 OI-'~~c:TICl;)OCOO)M:>.~01i;1:1 i:l' 0 ~ 0 '" COt..:l(QI-'M:>.COOM:>.oe:;I-'~d:l1-' " (l ~ ~. "" "" "" '" 0 " g, "' g. ;.;.' t-,:l " !it' ~ 00 >-' ~~O) b--J t..:I e,.:, i:l' ~ 0 ~ >-'>-,>-, O)OO~COM:>.O '" Ot':;i~ ooO)0100)co. Ul "" .", ~Ul>-l ~ :l: 1;.~o . 1-'1-' SJ t:-.:l~'O)-JM:>.,-",CO-J '" S- o, I-'N t-:ltO~d1,~~~""""b1"-:r "'~~ <D OM:>.~If?O)I-'O)~ooClr-.:.l-'coCO S '" co -J <:0 ...,;.. M:>. 0' -J co 0) -J co N -J, -J (l .B: .fA. "" !JIo >-' !=1 ". I-'I-'Nt-:/I-' I-' g ~ 0 l"""l""" ~N:J'*J&!J~~O)?-?'~9'" 0 g '" ~:3e~~~~~::;-~~~~~ ~~ '" co '< 0 '" ~t:-:I-J~(Q(OIf:>.~O)COO)If:>.<:O~ ~~ '" '" "" "" " '" p. 0 ....'" "'OO"",,~::O!l1~~~:;;:1 8i ~ . ?' "- p. ~ boQO)'~':,Jixl~!--,'&r~a;""""-:rta ~ P e: "" ~ ~ ~~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~.~ " '" ~ 144 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY ,COUNCIL 145 B\Y.LAW NO. 1454 This 'by-law shall come into force oubhe first day of July, 1945, and re'Peal by-law Nc>. 1449. Read a tlhird time and passed at County Council Cha.rrrbe(['s, St. Thomas, this 22nd day of June, 1945. To Extend Time for Tax Sale The E.lgin County Council enacts: 'Dhat the time for the enforced 'coHection rby sale of land in arrears; foil' taxes in the Oounty of Elgin !be and is hereby extend- ed' for one year. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. C. D. COYLE, Wl3rden. Read a t!hird time and passed at County Council Chambexs, St. Thomas, this 2.2nd day of June,' 1945. BY.LAW NO. 1456 J. D. 'THOMSON, Clerk. C. D. COYLE, Warden. A BY..,LA;W providing :ror the removal of objects.from 'Toad:'- ways or lands adjoining roadways. The Council of the Oor,por.ationocf the County of Elgin enacts, . as follows: 1. Either th.e Engineer or Road Superintendent may enter into an agreement with the owner.of any lands adjacent to a highway under the jurisdiction of the ,council for the removal -of any tree, 'CIhrUib, brush, hedge, fence, signboard, gasoline pump, building ,or other abject ,growing, or standing on the higi'hJw.aYi or on lands ,adjuinin the h~gbway ,and which may cause the drifting lor accumulation of snow or may injudously, ,aHect the h:Lghway or iOhstruct, -the vision of pedestrians or drivers of vehicles, upon tihe highway. 2. Either the Engihe,er or Road Superintendent may enter intO' an Agreement with such awne'r as to the amount of compen- sation to' be pai~ for dam,ages caused by reason of such remqval1 3. Either the Engineer or ,Road Superintendent may apply to the ,Judge of the County Court of the County of Elgin :lbr all relief Iprovided for in SUib-'sections (3) and (4) Df Sedion 87 of The Highway Impr,ovement Act, Chapter 5-6,R. S. 0., 193,7. ~EAiD a firslt time 1:Jhis, 22rid day 'Of June,' A;- D. 1945. RErAD a second_ time this 2,2nd day of June, A. D. 194-5. READ a third time and finally passed, June 22, A. D. 1945. BY.LAW NO. 1455 To Es:tablish a Heal:th Unit The Elgin County Gouncil enacts: 'I r " WheLr;eas. it is' deemed adv,isaJble to' establish a Health Unit 'cO'mprisf.ng Corporation o,f the County of Elgin and the Corpora- tion of the City of St. Thomas, in accordance with the authority contained in sub-section 1M section 35 of the PubHc Health Act, as re-enacted by se'Ction 3 of the Public Health Amendment Ad, 1944. NQlW therefore the Council of the Municipal cO'rpor.ation of the County of Elgin ena-cts ,as fonows: The Warden of Elgin County is authO'rized to sign an agree- ment with the- city ,of St. Thomas, to establish a Health Unit com- prising Corporation of the County of ELgin and :the Corporation of the City of St. Thomas. J. D. 'I'ROMSON, Clerk. C. D. COYLE, W,arden. 146 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ,ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 147 BY -LAW NOo j457 fvom the Westerly limits of he Viiiage ocr Fingai westarly to the townline Ibe,bween the Townships of South-wold ,and Dun1wicih !be l'€verted tel the County of ,E1goin. To De-signate' County Roads The E.Jgin County' Council enacts: And that the St. Thomas SubuI'Ihan Road Commission assume jurisdid10n over County road between Lots: seven and eight, Con- .cession e1gJht in ,the townslhip of Ymmouth .from. Wellington Street Southerly to its intersection with the Un'ion.:.SpaI'1ba County road between Concessions tlhr:ee altnd four. That the roads lhereina:Her set forth be designated as County Roads: 1. Town, Line between Malan.ide and South DOIichester from \inrtersection of Road No. 40 in the ViUage of Springtfie1d E1asterly to its inter:s'€ction with the Town Line between the Townships of Derethamand, South Dor'chester. Read a tlhird' time ,and passed at County Coun-pil Chambers, SL 'Thom,as, this 22nd day of June, 194'5. 2. 'Torwn Line hebween South Dorchester .and Dereham, op- posite Conces'sion 12, South Dor'chester. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. C. D. OOYLE, Wm'den. 3. - Road betiween Lo.ts 3 and 4', Concession 12, South Dor~ chester. BY-LAW NO. 1459 Read a ~hird time, and passed at County Council Chambers, SL Thomas, this 22nd day of" June, 194\5. To Amend By.law No. 1316 J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. C. D. COYLE, Wiarden. The Elgin County Gouncil enacts: That Miss ,Jean Quigley be of\:fice assistant to the County Clerk at ,a .saLary of Twelve Hundred Dollars per.annum com~ mendng October 1.8:t, 1945. BY-LAW NO. 1458 That rby-Iaw No. 1376 be and is' hereby amended a,ccordingly. That ,by-lam No. 1421 be and is hereby repealed. Designation of Suburban Roads WiHIDRIDAS the S,uburhan Road Oommission of ELgin County has designated vhe following .addition and reversion of COlj.nty Roads: .in the Suburban road System, Read a third 'time and passed at County .council Chambers, St. Thom,as, this 22nd da~ of No:vember, 194'5. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. C. D. CQYLE, Warden. THEREFOHE the ,Elgin County Council enacts: That tlhe Ta]bot Road ,East in the torwnsihip of Southwold 148 ELGIN COUNTY, COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 149 BY.LAWNO. 1460 BY-LAW NO. 1462 To Authorize :the Warden and Clel'k .to sign' deed conveying land :to George Powles T,n Provide for Licensing and Regulating VictuaUy Hous'es, Ordinaries and Houses W1here Victuals ,are Sold to be Eaten therein and Pla,ces. for the Reception, Re:fu'e.shment or 'Entertain- ment of t:he PUlblic. The"Elgin'County Council 'enacts: That ~ the' W,arden. and Clerk are hereby, outhorized to sign deed conveying tWiO acres of 'Hathaway farm .to Geor:ge PdlWles. The Council of t:lhe CountYD.f Elgin enacts as :DoUows: The.:Jand being more particularly described in attached des- cription. 1. NO' person, firm or cOirp6ration shall keep, oper,ate or m.aintain a victualling house, ordinary OJ.' house where fruit, fish, oys.ters, dams or victuals are 'Sa~d.. to. be eaten the['ein 001' a pla,ce where f.ood and drink are served to' the plUbHc or for the lodging, reception, r,efresnment oirentertainment olf the public in the County of. Elgin unless a license therefor shaH !have been f.irslt obtained from the Clerk of the County of E1gin. Read:a:,fuird'time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. ThOomas, this' 2:2nd day/of November, 1945. J. D.THOlVLSON, Clerk. C. D. COYLE, Wlarden. 2. Licenses maYlbe issed under this' By-Ia,w to permit of the keeping, operating or mainta,ininir of such houses, ordinaries, and places, subject to the requirments in connection with the issue of same ,as hereinafter set, out, as follows: BY .LA W NO. 1461 To, Designa:l:e a County Road' (a) A Hes,taurant License. (ib) 'A Refreshment or Dairy Bar Licens'e. (c) An Ice Cream Stand License. The ELgin County Council enacts: , 'Dhat the' road hereinafter set forth be designated as a County Road: 3. Every erSion, firm OT carporatioI;L to whom a license is is- sued under this' By-la'w shall pay to the Clerk of the County of Elgin; an obtaining, The Townline between the Township of Yarmouth and the Township, ''Oif' lMalahide commencing at the Junctian of County ROoad No.. 45 at Jaffa, thence northerly to No.. 3 Provincial High- way at Ol'Well. (a) A Restaurant License, a fee of Two DoUars. (b) A Re,freshment 0.1' Dairy Bar License, a fee of Two. DoUars. (c) An ke Cream Stand License, a fee of One Dollar; R.ead, a t1hird time ,and passed at County Cauncil Chambers, St. Thomas, this 212nd day af November, 1945. and every such H~ense shall expire on the last day of December ,following the issue therof. It is understood that this By-Jaw does not 'predude the right of lo,cal munic,ipalities to impos.e license fees in lieu af /business .tax! 'J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. C. D. COYLE. Warden. 4. Application for such licenses shall be made in writing to. 150 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL . ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 151 the .C1erk of the County of Elgin on forms. to be provided by hin) ,and approved by the Medical Officer of Health of the Elgin-St. .Thomas Health .Unit. ' willich food and drink .are served or whkh are set apart for the ser.vingo.f food and drink, must be properly lighted and ventilat- ed and all plumbin:g,cons.tructed must be satisfactorry to the Med- ical Officer of Health or inspectOJ'ls acting under his authority. . 5. The Cle.'rko,f the County o.f Elgin shall not issue any such licenses until he shaH have re,ceived a cer,tificate from t!he said Medical Offk,er ocE Health that the house, ordinary or place lor wihicih the license is to he g,ranted have heen inspected by him or his representatives ,and is satisifactory to him and in confo.rm,ity witJh the pr0'visions of this By-law for the type 0'f license desired. 12. All rooms, apartments or places in every house, ordinary or pla'ce et apart [or tIhe star-age ocE food or food-s~tuffs shall be prpperly lighied and ~entHated and mus;t at all times be kept in ,a strictly sanitary condition. 6. No e81tablis'~ment Licensed 'hereunder' shall serve milk ex~ cept in the original container and in half-pint, pint O'T quart Im- perial measure. 13. All roorns, apartnients or place:sin every house, ordinary or place used for the purpose of cooking or the preparation oct foodstuffs or ice ,cre.a;ms, shall he used exclUiSively ;for that pur.. pose, and no suclh rooms or apartments shall he situate, located or in the basement of s'aid house, ordinary or place without the w:rit- ten consent of the M,edical Olfker of Health. 7. No keeper or operator of any such house, ordinary or !place where fruit, fish, oysters, clams, victuals, f,oods and drink are sold tOo he eaten therein shall s.uffer or permit any vagrant, drun- . ken or disorderly person or persons of 100lse or immoral character to' be o,r remain therein nor shall ,&uclh keeper or oper.ator permit, any disorderly ,conduct ,to take place therein. 8. It shaH be the duty Oof thekee.per or operato.r of every such house, ordinary or place mentioned ,in this By-law to see that 'the pr.ovisions of this By-law are carried out, and any such keeper or operator .permitting .any -violation of any of the pro- v1sions !hereof shall he subject t.o the penalties hereina.f.ter im- posed. 14. All :room's in every house,' ordinary, ap~rtmenlt or place used fOor cooking and ,preparing or serving of 'f6od:S'tufrfs or ke cream shall have floors and walls sa- constructed as' tOo exdude J'ats, mice, vermin, etc., and kept in a state o~' gOQd repair. Flo'Ors must be either of impervious material or olf hardwood with tight joints or covered wnth linoleum. 15. No, dogs, cats" or OoWler animals shall be allowed in any house, ordinary, apart'ment or place where food or ice cream is ke~t or prepared. RESTAURANTS 16. The rooms in every house, ordinary, apartment or pl.a,ce must be kept in a strictly s:anitarycondition at ,all times. The walls and ceilings of' any .apartments or rooms used for cooking and prep:ahn.g foodstuffs o'r ice ,cream shall be painted light color with enamel fin'i;s!h 'Or wihi:telwashed. If painted they shan have two .coats af paint, wlhich must be renewel at least every two ye:ars. !of whi't€lwasm.ed., the white1w;ashing must be rene1W'ed every six months. 9. All licenses granted or issued under the provisions of this By-law shall be subject to revocabon at any time by the Council in' Hs dis'Cretion, 0[" on the recommendation mE the :IMedical OfrEi- cer of HeaUh. 10. All thepra-visions orf this By-law numbered 1 to 9 inclu- sive, 11 to 38 and Section 45 shall apply to persons, houses, mdin~ aries' or places licensed as a restaurant. 11. Every house, ordinary, place, apartment, or room in 17. 'Lhe 'portion of the walls of said rooms fo.rs.lx feet from the rloor mus;t be S'O' construated and fini~hed as to be capahle of heing thorou.ghly clean::s,ed with 'Soap and water as frequently as . 152 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 153 may be required to' keep them clean -at all .times. 25. All working men ,and emloyees, while eng.aged in the handling or preparing of food 0.1' icecr:eam shall be Pllovided with slippers 'Or shoes, and a suit of washable material, whidh shall be uesd for that pUlipose only. Those g,arments must ata't all, times be kept clean. 18. All ::5urniture, talbles, 'counteLrs, ranges, stoves" etc., and all :appliances: in suclh J.looms shall besn arranged as to' permit O'f re;ady and e1a:sy cleaning, and all utensils', implem,ents, furniture and other ,appliances shall be kept arid maintained in a clean and sanitary .eondi:tion. 2K An said he,uses, ordinaries, apal1tm-ents, restaur,ants, 0'[' places shall provide, in places where foodstuf,fs or, ke cream are \kept, prepared, cooked or setrved to> cUJstomens, full protection .irom. dust, dirt, flies :and vermin, by glass. cases where necessary, or wire B'creems and other m'odern methodrs, and shall cause the abatement and detruction of. flies and vermin, whenever found. 19. No .sleeping-:-rooms, IavatOT-ies 0[' washrooms shall be wit'hin the room or apartments used for the preparation Oil' cook.~ ing. of foods or ice cream fOil' the siotl'iirug of foods, nor shall. tlhey communicate directly with suchroms, but either with t'he open air or through a properly ventilated and lighted passa.gew:ay. ,20. No wearing apparel, .hoots, shoes, or other wearing ef-:- fects not being worn shall be kept in any.. kitchen, or any place where food or ice cre,am is prepared, and a suitable place, seper- ate fro-m said rooms', shall be provided focr:' such clothes. 27. All such hous,€'s, ordinaries, apartments, restaurants or' pla,ces. shall be equipped with covered, metallic cans for retain- in-gand keeping their garbage and waste in a sanitary condition whichgpall. be .l5.-~pt in such pl,ace and manner as will preclude nuisance and ,conrtamination of the kitchen a1+d' such rooms, from odo[lS', and. all such refuse must be remOoved frOom the premises at least once in every 1Jwenty-:-four hours. 2,1. All. such houses, ordinades,. apartments" re.staurants; or plaoes shall maintain for the use of cooks, helpers and others en-:- ' gaged in the' pl'epara;tion or cooking or . serving" of foods, sanitary toilet and' washing facilities satisfactory to the Medi~al Officer of Health. ' 2-8. All such ihouses, o.rdinaries, apartments, restaurants Dr places shall be prDvided. with a store-room 0.1' suitable pla,ce for the keeping of food and foodstuffs; and all refrigerators' shall be ,kept thorougihly cleaned' in all parts, and drained in a s'anitary m,anner, but no - refrigerator shall drcdn by direct communication with any sewer. 22. Any person .so engarged, visiting any sanitary conven- ience must alw1a'ys carefully wash the hands with so-ap and water before returning to> his or ner duties. '23. No person shall work 0.1' be employed in -cor a.bout any such house" ordinary,ap.artment, restaurant, kitchen or place during the time in which there is any com,municwble disease in his home, nor thereafter until the quarantine has been removed by the Health Unit. No person shall be employed in or aibout any ,&uch, house, ordinary, apartment, restaurant, kitchen or pla-::e Wlho is. suffering from any communicable disease. 29. No dry sweeping shall be permitted in ~ny house, ordin- ,ary, apartment, Testau'rant (lr place where food 0.1' ice- cream is prepared or served fOol' hum,an -consumption. 24. If any sleeping pla,ces are located .onthesame floor as the Restaurant, they shall be well ventilated and Hghted and must not cm;nmunicate directly with the aforesaidro(J,m;3. 30. <Restaurant ki,tchens' and o>ther rooms connected Itlhere- with and Refreshment and Dairy Bars shall be provided with ample facilities .ior 'washing .and sterilizing .a11 utensils, and wiVb. a proper supply of hot and cold water. Sinks may be ofpol"ce- lain, cast, iron, en.amelled;_ wood, lined with- 14-ounce copper. There must be two, .or m:ore' where necessary~ The section used fOor sterilizing must beat least twelve inches deep and of suffi~ 154 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 155 cient size to do the wmk properly. Sinks must 'be put in place in a secure manner. All work done in connection with waste pipes and water p,ilpes must be to the satisfaction 'Of the Medical OfficeT of Health. ,able deodorant must be used. 31. Milk and butter shall ,be }(,ept in an ke-box & Tefriger- a,tor sep.arate from meat, vegetables and other articles of food. ( REFRESHMENT OR DAIRY BARS 39. Sections numbered 1 to 9 inclusive and Sections num- bered 11, 14, 1,5, 16, 17, 18, 19, -20, 21,22, 23, 24, 25, 2'6, 27, 28, 29, 30, 3-2, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, and 44 shall ,apply to persous, houses, ordinaries or places'licensed as a Refreshment' Dairy Bar. 33. All knives, forks, s-poons,dishes and other tableware shall !be thoroUi~hly washed and cleaned dO' the satisfadion ,of the Medical Officer of Health. 40. No' fruit. 'fish, oysters. clams. victuals, foods or drink. other than milk and milk products',' soft drink,s: anD. .bottled drinks, sandwkihes, 'confectionery, ke cream and ice cre,am dishes sihall be served in ,or from any house, 'Ordinary or pla,ce ltceused as- a Refreshment or' Dairy Booth. 32. All kitchen and dining-room floors shall be carefully \ m.opped and cleaned or oUed- at least once every twenty-four"' .hours. 34'. No ta.ble linens, napkins, etc., shall be .permitted to. be used for a se,cond person. ICE CREAM STANDS AND BOOTHS 41. Sections numbered 1 to 9 inclusive and Sections num- bered 11, 13, 14, W" 16, 17. 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 35, 3,6, 38, and Sections 41 to 44 inclusive of this By-law shall .apply, to' persons, houses, ordinaries p,laces 0[' vehicles li- censed as an lee Cream Stand. 35. All rDoms and apartments 'In- such houses, ordinari~s, res'taurants nr places, where food or foodstuffs o.r ,ice cream are stored, prepared, cooked or servedSlhall Ibe adequ~tely s'cree1;led and protected from dust and flies from April 1st to' Nd,vember 15'uh in each year. 36. No> .cloths or to'wel;:; shall be used' for the, drying of dishes and, or cutlery after a reasonable degree of soiling and wetting. 42. No fruit, fiSlh, oysters, clams, vi'ctuals foods or drink oth- er than ice cream' and bottled 800ft drinks shall be served in or from any. house, ordinary pla,ce Dr vehicle licensed as an Ice Cream Stand and then only from an ice cream or sooft drink cab- inet. 37. No 'cloths or towels shall be used fotI' washing, wipmg or drying table or counter to,ps :lifter a reasonable degr.ee of soiling. In .cas'es of. repeated failurels to. comply with this provision, the Medical Officer of Health, or' t!he Sanitary Ins'pectlQrm,ay require the use of table cloths ar paper serviettes to cover, such tables or counteTS. 43. No ice cream or drinks may be served in a house, ordin- ary cr place licensed as an l,ce Cream Stand exc'ept from a con- tainer disposed of a:flter being used once aT from its original bot.. ;tle :container, and no- such container may 'be used more than one time. 38. W,ash has1ns and to-ilets for USe af the public must he thoroughly washed and a ,suitable teriliszing solution applied to all sour'ces of human contad at least once daily. The "floors and walls must, at all times. be kerpt ,clean. Single S'ervke tOlwels or paper towels may be used. In places _ where odO'rs occur, a. suit". 44. Any persons convicted of a breach of any of the provis- ions of this By-law shall forfiet and pay, at the dis,cretion of the convicting M,cugistr-at,e, a penalty not 'ex'ceeding the sum of Fifty Dollars for eadh oft'ence, €-xclusive o.f cos'ts, and ~n default' of payment, of the said penaLty and CQ;8'ts' fmthwith, the said penalty and ,costs, Q1r the costs only, may be levied by distress and sale of the goO-ods and chattels pi tlhe offender, and in case of there ~S6 EiLGlN COUNTY COUNCIL EDGIN COUiNTYCOUNCIL 157 being no distress' found out of which such penalty can he levied, the ,convicting Magistrate may commit the offender to the com- mon glaol of he County of Elgin; with or without hard lab'll!', for any period not exceeding six calendar months unless the said penalty ,and cost (if any) including the cost of the saiddis,tress ,and of' the committal .and conveJ11ance of the offender to the said gaol are SOQlner"paid. INDEX BY.LAWS- J. D. THOMSON, Clerk. C. D. COYLE, Warden No.. 1440 To AJppointa Count! .Road Commlbtee __.. 13i, 20 1441 To Appoint" Board of Audlit in the County of Elgin for t!:te Year 1945 .___......___........_ 11, 131. 2,1 1442 To Authorize th~ Wiar:den and 'rreasi\.lrer to Sorrorw the Sum of Two Hundred Thous~ and DoHars ...._......___.......___......__.......................... [32, 21 1443 To ,Repeal Bycla'w No. 1401 ..___....~..___............. 133, 22 1444 To Amend By-lam No. 1439 .___....___L___......_... 133, 2'3 1445 A !By-la-,w 'fmr Granting Aid to Certain Pa- triotic .organizations, within the . County: o~ . Elgin ________________________~_________________:--------------------- 134, 23 1446 To Confirm E\y-Iaw INo. 1121 of the !Council of 'tlhe Township of Bay1ham. toclQs.~ road through ,and ibetween parts .of lOits 5 .and 6, Concession 4, in tihe 'Township of Bay'ham 135, 24 1447 To Appoint ~a 'M.ember of the Aylme'r BC?'ard ' of 'Educ.ation -.--c------",---.------~'~-~--------------------- 137, 17, 25 1448 A, By..law to ;provide fair tihe100tal expendi- ture on ltJhe system of ,county road-sin the Coun1t'Y of iElgin as approved iby Order-cin- Ooundl, during 'the year 1945 ______________________ 138,25 1449 To EstabHs!:t la Health Unit ..__-..."---....-...----.--- 139, 26 1450 'To Amend !By-law No. 1411 __.________.__...___.___._.. 139, 27 1451 'To Appoh~',t ;'.a County 'rreas-ureT '_.__,_______________ 140, 27 145'2 'To Conf~rm the iEqualization of. the Assess- men1t!E:olls ,of the County of .Elgin ,fo,r tfu,e Y.ear '1945 ..___...___..n...__..._._..._..____....~_m._m:._..... 140, 43 1453 To !Raise Am,ounts for County' Rates during the year 1945 _..____...__..____._____...___.____..____..___.....__. 141, 43 1454 To Extend 'Time for Tax SaLe ...__.............__m 144, 44 145'5 To Establish a Healt!:t Unit ...._...__.,.___..._._..____ 144, 44 1456 A BY-claw ];lroviding for the removal of ob- j-eots .!from roadw,ay,s or landS ladj'oining roadways ......___..___...._....._............... ............---...... 145, 45 REA'll a first time thi~ 22nd day of November, 1945. READ a second time this 2'2nd day of November, 1945. RlMJD a t!:tird time and finally passed t!:tis 22nd day of No- vembei't 1945. 1&8 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 ,. EILGlN COUNTY COUNCIL ElLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 159 To Designate County Ro.ads _______._______________ 146, 46 Design3ltion of ,Su;bunbap. Roads __________________ 146, 46 To Amend By-lam No.' ,1376 ....mm ...mm...... 147, 60 To Au thoriZie the Warden .and Clerk to sign deed conveying land to George Powles - To. Designate ,a County lRoad To \Provide for Licensing and ,Regula1ting Victually Houses, Ordinaries ,and Houses Wlhere Victuals .are Sold to., be Eaten there- in .and Places foo: .the Reception, Refresh- -ment or Enterliainment oo! .the Public. __________ 149, 62. .....m..m..............................m...........m 114 52, 113 54, lilO 57, 115 65 57" 124 76, 80 37, 128 15, 3'5, 37; -------------------- 16\ 19., ~,gl, 36, '55, 148, 61 148, 61 Mather's Allowanoe Old .Age P.ension Petitions and Legislation Committee' Public iHeal1Jh Comm'ittee Standing 'Commrlttees War Purposes ____________________________________ 115, Treasurer's Repo.rt Children's Aid 18, 17, 19, 42, 36, 107 59, 82 52, 112 19, 104 42, 126 7]; 7G 55, 93 35, 10>5 57, 99 97 RESOLUTIONS- County 'Road Exrpenditures fo,r the Year 1944 ~_"_____________~_______ 10 Requesti'ng' Dominion. Government, to. set aside- fund to trHin 'inexperienced s'O-ldliers _____________________._____________~___________ 11 ResO'lution to' ,change -name of Gaol Committee to Pro- perty Committee -----7------ _______________________________________________________ 1<1 R-es'olution re spanking machine _____________________________________________ '12 Resolu tiom re placement of Provincial.. policeman in the County ...........___...............................................".................. Ie Resolution r:e County iR'O-ad Advisory, Members ____________________ 19 Reso'lution re ,a1'point-ment 0'f representa:tives t0', Wes- teITl Univ;ersity ______________________________________________________"_______---------- 20 Resolution re outstanding ,cheques _________________________________________e__ 20 Resolution re regis1tration of ,Births ________________________________________ 33 Resolution re, railway ,crossings ,at Belmont 'and, New Sarum __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3'5 Res'olution re railway crossing on NO'. 3 H1ghrway ________________ 36 Resolution re Civil Engineers ____________________________________________________ 39 Resolution re By-law No. 940_.,__..____~_______________n_______________,---------- 42 Res'olution re Cost of Ohild,ren's Aid Society 'Work --------.- 42 Resolution re Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit ______________________ 47 Resolution re cancellaUon of franchise on Arnerac'an tI\ucks _______________________________________________________________.__________________________ 55 Resolution re Amendment t0' the Criminal Code __________c___ 55 Resolution re -County Assessor __________.________________________________________ 59 Resolution re :Canadian Flag ___________________________..______._____.____________ 60 Resolution reA~PQlintment of Clerks re Health Unit By-law ........m..........m.c.........,......".m...m..m.....m.....m............. 6,3 .Res-olution re Grant to St. "Dhoroas Memorial Hospi,tal --.--- 6-3 Resolution re ,Hospital Committee .L__'--________c____________m_______.____ 63 GRANTS- Agricultural and Horticultural Societies ___._'n_~_m__~______m____ 14 L. B. Birds'~l1 .....m.....m.c.....m................m.........m................._...... 60 Lock-ups ....m.......m.__.m..............m..".........m....... .m.......m__....m..... 14 Pu;blk Libraries ______________m_____m___________cm___________,~_______m__-.___ ------ 15 Trustees' and Ratepayers' Association __"_________c_______________m___ 14 'Warden ............................................................................................... 59 Women's Institutes ___________.':.__m_~".----~-~---"---------"---------------------- c13 MISCELLANEOUS- Appointment olf Delegates CO'Inmunkatiions _____m_____m_ DeputaUons and Committees 12, 13, 16, 33, Resolutions-lRepIies from 'other Counties m 7, Waridren'.g Address: Warden's iElect10n Re Elgin County Picnic 23 5, 31, 50 39, 41, 58 29, 41, 52 8, 48 4 36 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Agricultur:al CommHtee County Road Committee County Clerk on Licenses Education Committee _____ Equalization .committee Finance Committee 15, Prope'rty Committee County Home Committee County Home, Ins.pector's County Home, IFIhysician's AND OFFICIALS~ _________n___ __________.__n __.un_'________ 19, 18, 35, 37, 39, 54, 67, 19, 35, 37, Report ..c...................... 52, Report