1946 Minutes J PROCEEDINGS OF'I1HE Elgin County Council During the Sessions held in the Court House, St. Thomas in the months of January, June and November 1946 J JOifUN D. THOIMOON, :COUnty Olerk F1R.ED 8, S/H[ViE[,Y, Warden OFFIOIALS, 1946 PROCEEDINGS D. C. Ross, County Judge H. J, Davis, Registrar 1. D. Cameron, County Courl!", Olerk and Sheriff E. W. Haines, Cllerkof the Peace and Oounty Crown Attorney . A. T. E.:ington, Gaoler J. 0'; Smith, Public 'School Inspector Alex. M.oC'oll, Supervising Teacher J. D, Thomson, Ooun'ty C~el'k 'and Inspector IBl()llSe of Refuge rw. IG. Lumley, County Treasurer F. A. iBell, 101m" 100unty !aoad Superintendent George Powles, Assistant iCounty (aoad 'Superintenden't R. A. :Sander,s, Oounty SOlicitor Douglas D. 'E'win, MD, \Physician, GaDl an'Q: !House of Hefuge J. 10. 'lrurnbull, Keeper, House of Refug,e E. lJ)'onald' ISmith, County Polioe Magistrate B. Milligan, Hig1:JJ :Cou'Sty 'Constable iSummersHarper, Aylmer, 'RJR. 11;' lCorn Borer OCnspector 'County Auditors [). M. Leitch, West Lal'ne W. E. ,La,cke, St. rohomas, R.:a. 3 OF'I1HE Elgin County Council il!'IltST ,SiE!SS~ON _ FlltST DAl.' Tuesda.y, ,the 15th day of January, 1946 The E1gin 'Oqunt,y ICouncil met this day at the ICourt House, St. Thomas, .as required -by statute. The following members filed certificates and ,took their :places at the iCouncil table: Town of Aylmer... . .".. .........John 'S. Foy. Village of Vienna ...IMrs. Louise MciDonaldl. Village Of Springfield. ......." ....John Hodgson Villa,ge oJ Dutton"...... ...............W; M. Blain Village oJ PIort is:tanl,ey... . ........J. 1Hl. !Burke Village of !Rodney"... ........... .....Oeo. L. Mistele Village of West ,Lorne ...........L. W. Holland... MUNOOCIiPAiL IOLEIM~S! ANID 'J1RJEASURiEIWS Municipality! Clerk ,'.fireasurer Aldborarugh......Ohas. [. Black, Rcdney......W. S. Stalker, Rodney, R.!R.. 1 rnunwich........IA. N'. MclWi11iam, Dut'ton... '....M:!r.s. MildredJ McNeil, Dutton Soothwold................W. G. BJ'ewett, St. rr'homas, R. 6...............IR. Kimble, 'St. Thomas, R. 1 Yarmouth: .............. ...H. L. Lawton, 1St. Thomas... ........H. L. Lawton .M.al'ahide .... ....... ....."Harley Jop,nson, Aylmer.... .........Itarley Johnson ,Bayham... ....J. D. Vallee, iSbraflfordville........J. D. V,allee, Straftfor.dviUe S.outh Dorchester. ..........M. S. Oharl'ton, S'pringfield, 1R.R. '1... M. S. Oharlton ..."..............John S. Fey ......Mrs. Louise McDonald ............ ....fWm. H. Gathers .. . . ...........W. M. Blain .......................J. 'H. Burke ................Oeo L. Mistele ....Mrs. Terra 'M-c!Gregol' Frank McMillan, !Reeve, IAldborough stuart Little, Deputy Reev~, Aldborough R. D. IOampbell, !Reeve, <Dunwich Olarence Taylor, !Deputy lReeve, Dunwich Stewart Brown, Re~ve, 'SOuthwold' Claybourne Gordon, Deputy! Reeve, ISouthwold Thomas ,Soper, (Reeve, Yarmouth James McBain, Deputy Reeve, Yarmouth Clifford ElHs, Reeve, Malahide Meredith. Hale, 'DeputY! iReeve,Malahide , 4 ElLGllIN OOUNrIlY -oOW'lI01L ELGIN aOUN~Y OOUNClJL 5 -~===--"-'------'- Neil McConkey, Reeve, -[8aybam conferred in electing me as Warden of the :Coun'ty for the year 1941(), James. Jenkins', :Reeve, south. Dorchester I would like to extend a :hearty weloome- to the new members on 'the [Council and trust you will take an adiv,e interest in aU the busi- ness Of the 'County Council. Arba Johnson, Deputy Reeve, Bayham E. E. Atkinson, Reeve, iAylrner The statement of the iConnty 'Aiudi'tOl'S will show the Oounty to be in a fine financial condition with a good surplus. John Millard"Deput;y Reeve, .Aylmer The question o.f the appointment of.a Oounty \Assessor Which was re'ferreq.. to this session should be considered and action taken in the matter. Ross Shelson, Reeve, Vienna Fred Shively, Reeve,ISpringfield Mark B'el'ty, 'Ree~.e,POl't Stanley ~ The lOommi'ttees appointed' 1'e hospitaUzation cust, and Rules and Regulations wiH have reports f.or the Council at this t'3ession. V. IS. Tr~PPj, Reeve, putto:n' Wm.Merrett, Reeve, West Lorne The Court House Is in need: of a new lighting system and the exterior should 'be painted and [ trust the Property 'Committee will iC'onsider this, in their pLans far 1S46. Moved by E. E. Atkinson, Seconded by 'C. L. ,:mJ.1is: , That Fred 'Shively, Hie'eve of Sprin-gfield, b~ Wardeuo:f 'Elgin County fer 1946. The mild wea'ther of the past f,ew. weeks has been detrimental to our 'County roads, however, the County has. had no expenditure for snow r;emoval, which saving can be used in' I'epair ,.of our highwayjs. ! -"Carded. I trust that with your CD-operation we shall be able to conduct the business of the 'Council in a capable and effident manner. The Warden made his Declaration of Office andtthanked the Council far the henor confened. The following com,munications were read: The Warden addressed the Oougcil. From the ,Ins'titute of Local Government 1'e .pamphlet on regu- lation of Councils.-Referred to Finance Oommittee. Warden's Address ,From th~, County of Wentwarth: with resolution re bounty on foxes.---;R~~erred to Agric-ultural Oommittee. TO. the E:lgin Oounty OouncU: Gentlemen: At this _ the opening session I desire to thank you far the hanor From the :County of lSimooe with resolution re equipment und'er control of the War Assets C'orporatian.-!Referred to Finance lCom~ mitt-ee. 6 iElLGillN oOUlNrriY CiOUINICIIL ELGIN' OOUNrrYC:OUNDIL. 7 ~-- =-~--....:=.-,-==-----;:;::---==::::..::::.---=-~=--====-=--~------ From the County of Oar let on witl} brief 1'13 'Children's Aid Sod- etY.-IRe'~erred to. Children'.s -Aid Oommi'ttee. Fro,m the County of Welland with resolution re reVISIOn of th0 Old Ag,e Pensions Act.--iReferred 'to P1etitions a.nd iLegislation Gom- mittee. From the Oounty of Wentworth with resolution 1'e :Amendment to the Children's rp!Q'tection Act.-iR:ef,ened to IChildren\s. Aid Com- mittee. ) From the Canadian Nati.oual Institute for the Blind with report ,and request for grant.-fRefened to iFinance Gommi'ttee. From the Oounty,of W'entworth with resolution 1'e ex'emption of income tax for 'Municipal Ciouncils..........Referred to !Petitions and Leg- islation Committe'e. From the Oounty Of Lambton wHih resolution. 1'8 payme.nt of Family Allowance to ,Children's <Aid Sodeties.-Referred to Children's Aid OoninliHee. From the Oounty of Peel with resolution l'e resident,s under t1'0/3 Ohildren's P11:),'bectton Act,-----<Referred to OhildI;en's Aid C'ommittee. From the -County of Brant wi,th resolution xe dental units under control ,of iWar Assets Oorporation.~RiefenedJ to Petitions and Leg.- islation Committee. From the Ontario T:mstees and Ratepayers Association with 1'e- ques.t f,or memhership f,ee and appoiy.tment of deleg,ates.-tRefer- red to Education Gommitt-ee. From the Ontario. GiOod Roads !Associati:on with reluest fOr mem- ,bersp.ipfee and appointment Of delegates.-Referred to County Road Commit,tee. From the .oO\.U1ty ICbI'n Borer InspeC'toI' with report.-IR.eferred to Agricultural C1ommittee~ From the Navy League of Oanada with request fOr grant.---1RJefer- r,ed to Finance lOommiHee. From the Provincial, Gorn Borer Inspec'tor with lIeport.-< RefeI'- red to Agicultural Committee. From the Oanadian United Allied RJelief Fund with re'quest 'fOIl grant.-1Referred ,to Finance Committ€e. From the County~ 'Of Waterloo with resolut~on r,8 amendment t:) the Transportation of Fowl Act.-+Referl'ed to iPeti,tions and Legisla- tion Commi,ttee. From t1:le Ontario ,Agl'icultural Council with request for grant and ,appointment of'delegates.-Referred to Agricultural Oommittee. From the Navy League of Canada with appr,e-ciation of support.- Filed. From the 'Ontario Gonservatlon and Reforestation Associaltion viithrequest for annual ,grant.-iRef-erred to Agri,cultural Clommittee. From the Ontario Municipal Association with request for mem- bership f,ee and appointment of delegate,s:~eferred to Finance Committee. From the IOntario :Association Of Managers of !Homes for Aged and Infirm with Tlequest for membership fee and appointment of deleg;ates.---'Referred too lC'ounty Home 'Committee. !From Major if'. 10, ,Lewis re return of the Elgin Regiment.-R3- ilened to 'Reception and IEntertainment :Commit.tee. Rep()['t on ,Elgin IClotmty Resolutibnsl".From Other Oountiesl From the Department of Highways 1'e Expenditure 'By-Law for the year 1946.-iReferr'ed to County Rio ad Committee. 1. That the franchise of all American trucks trav:eUing through On- tario ,be cancelled immediately. EndGI-sed!: \Velland, .oxford, W3Jtel'lD:o, W'elIiugton, Norfolk. ~=""",,.,. B ElLiG[N C!OiUlNWY ICIOUN1CliL --------.-------~.-.-;::::----== ---=:;=-;:-...:::~ No action: Wentworth, Y,ork. Filed: Hastings, Brant,. Lincoln. Acknowledgment: Simcoe Oounty, 'Minister of Highways, Min- ister of 'Ilranspo<rt. 2. Re RegistraJtion Q1'Births. Endorsed: PeterboroUgh, Hastings, Lennox and Addington, Kent. No action: Simcoe, Hwon. 3.Re NaitionalFiag of Oanada. Acknowledgment: iOhail'man 'Of the Flag Gommittee. 4. Re Amendment Ito the Criminal Code. Acknowledgment: Minister of Justice. , Moved -by S. Br,own. Seconded, hy O. Gordon: That. the Warden and: Ole1'k be authorized to i submit to the Min- ister of Highways of Ontario the petition of the Connlty; ofl Elgin showing 'that from the first day of January, 194.5, to. the, thirty-first day ,of Dec-ember~ '1~'45, there has been expended on the '0onnty Highway system the sum of '$1J6,9,-211.2l4. Moved 'bY Wm. Merrett, Seconded by R. D. Camphell: Th'at a gr,an-tof 1$50.00 ,b'e g1ven to the Trust.ees and lRa.tepayel's Asso.ciation pl'oviding that the annual meeting .is held and a report submitted to the County IClouncil. Morved by 8'. Brown, Seconded by G. Gordon: That this Ooruncll do now adjourn to allow the Reeves. o-f the vadous municipalities to meet to strike the Standing Clmnmittees. The council to' meet again at,10 a.m. tomorrow. -,Carried. PRIE[) S. SHliVE[)Y, Warden ELGIN OOUN'I'Y OOUNCa 9 FmS!T ,,sESIStION - ISfEiClOiND DAY WedneSlda.y, the l&th day of Janua.I'Y~ 1946 The EIgin OOUli.ty Oouncil met thds day ,at th~ iClourt 1Iouse, St. 'Thomas, in accordance with adjournmelllt. ,The Warden in Ithe chair. All the memhers [present except iMr. FairIes. The minutes of the previous day were read and Iconfirmed. A oommuincation from the Salvation Army,1 re"questing' a g'rant was read and referred to the Finance iOommittee. The Teport of t4~ Oommittee to strike the ISta:nding Oornmit~ tees was presented and 'adopted on motion of S. ~row.n, seconded by IR. Shelson. The report of the ReceptiDI1l' and Entertainment Committee was iPTeselDlted and it 'Was mo.ved by S'. :B:rown that t,he Council go into .a Comm!I~,tee of a 'Whole with Reeve C. Ellis in the chair. After ,considera1ble cUs,cussil()i11 the Oommittee ,report 'Was ,adopted as l'ead' iOn motiCill of '8. :B,roWll1, seconded by .c. Gordon. 'The report of the ISpecial iOommittee re :Hospital Costs, was presented Mid on motiOn of R.eeve IOaJmp'beU the Council went iIn~ tOa Committee of ,a Whole with Reeve Berry in the :cha.ir. The report was discussed and on motion 0If '8. Brown, seconded by IE. E. Atkill1son it \Vias accepted as read. Moved by IS. !Brown that 'the Auditors he now heard. Mr. Liocke and Mr. Le-itch presented their report. Mov,ed by E. E. Atkins-on, Seconded hy Ross Shelson: That the A.uditors' ,Report for Ibhe year 1945 'be ,accepted as ,0 ,"GOillN "ElOIU'NrrY "OOUNIOiIl, ELGINC6u~~ ObUNlotG 11 --'---"-=- ~._--~ ...._-----~. The second report of the Finance 'C'omniitr~e;k:as pr~s~te;'d; ailid adopted ,on moU,oill O'f ,S. Brown, seconded hy: C. Gordon. read, with thanks ,for ,a "very :.finer,eport,aiIlU :that it be printed. Moved by B. B:rOWIl, Sec'onded'by C. Gordon: 'Ihait Reeye Jenltins and Reeve 'iMcMillan -he menihers of the 19416 Road Oommi ttee. The !first report of th~ _ E'quali~ation rylomn;t.~tt~~. wEts. presented and adopted 'On motion of 'M. Berry, seconded by T. Soper. 'appointea ,adviJSl:::ll'Y --,-Carl~ied. 'The xeport of the Spec~al Oommittee on Rules and !Regulations wasikeiented and adopted .andby-law ordered to 'be prepared on moti-on of E. E. Atkinson, seconded by 'J. O. Jenkins. Moved by J . Millard, 'S'econde(i :p-y ';E:'. ~. Atki-IliEOn, Maved ,by G. Gordon, Serondedby V. S. Tripp,: 'Vp.,rut Ma,rr.i.~ 'Th.(U.cN~'i1 'be ,appointed member .of iEJ.du-cati.!an for the Iterm of 'three y~ears. off,the Aylmer Board ---Carried. L"". ' ...., .. C ";';'. " ;.' e', .... .'" .'.. .',", ,....- ",' .' .'.'.. '.' '''''',,, Tl1at ,the ,~ual,~rants" -Ito ~tlbt;i,~, UO~8:'rie~ he ..' pai:~~ (F'l~~~.,pql~fl,~'S each' to Rodney, West Lorne, Dutton, Aylmer, Vienna, .I~pr~g~~~ld.. Sparta, BliIyham, IShedden, Port Burwell, Port Stanley and Twenty- [five [):attars each 'tQ~,:Belmornt and Wardsville. ~ove,d l)y iE', iE, Atkinson, S€conded by '0. !Ellis: -<Carded. ,That Mark Berry be appointed a member far Admilllistration of Justi-ce accounts. of the' Bo.ard of .Audit Moved by M, !{ale, Seconded by (t. Gordon; ---'-Carried. ,....,.,,..,.... ' '."",'. ':.::":. ,. .:..,.,,,...., '..,' ,'.'''' , That the I<:)~mmittee ,,'for ithe ,1I'~spital ~~a.rd ~b~.:COll},POS~d.- of,the r,o-Howing 'Col.mCillofs:Stewart Brown, Clifford Ellis and the 'War- den. Moved by M. G. Berry, S'!3'conded by E. ,E. A.tkin~on: WaI'lqen ll3.tppoint a C'ommittee to inquire into Police l:1-1;ld 1;.he portion re!wndable to the municipalittes. ....J0al'ried. ''---'Carried. Th~t t1w aour~ ,FjlW$ Moved by W.. T. Merrett, Seconded by V. S. Tripp: That we do now adljourn to meet at 2 ,p.m. ---Call-ried. That the grants to. the Agricultural and iHl?rti(;ml:t~r&l,lf?o'~iet~e~ 'be the .same .as last yea:r, namely, Agricultural Societies ~:tiival-en'f to. the Government grant, Aldbor,ough.!A.ylmer, Shedden, 'West El- gin, Yaxm{mth aalidi lSpringfield; Horticultttt,al So,cfeties 25% of ,the G:,?vern:lent grant, MImer, Dutton, Slpringrfield, Shedden, RJo dn e y. 'West Lame -and Belmont. MoVecl I>y F, iM<lMiljan, :Seconded by S. Ldlbtle: '---'Carried. The GqUi11Cll resumed. ~;' 12 ElLGmN C10i()1N:T!Y C10IUiNlC'IiL EiLG[N COUNTY GOUN'C[L 13 Moved by E. IE. Atkinson, Seconded by J. Minard: I!1I:WS(f S'I'lS,SWIN - TIlflRiD DAY Thursday:, t,he 17th day of .Ja.nuary~ 1946 :r'hat the usual grantls to. loc'k-up and 'Municipal Buildings he the same as l,ast yealr, t'O be paid by the approval 'oif the High County lC!onstaJble. 'The Elgin County Oouncil met -this day at the Oo.urt House, St. Thomas, in' ace,ordance with adjournment. .........Oarried; The IWarden in -/the ohair. Moved by V, '8, Tl'ipp, All the members present except :Mr. ,FairIes'. ISec,oll1ded by R. D. Gampbell: The minutes ,of the :previ'Ous day, were reacland' confirmed. 'That iRarold Hocltinbe ,appointed a trustee u! the Dutton High iScho'Ol B,o.ard for a Iterm 'Of thll'ee years and the necessary hy7l:aw Ibe prepared. lMoved hy IS,. !Brown, See'Dnded by M. 'BerTY: .........Car:riea. That representatives from the iElIg'in.;.St. Thomas IHl8alth Unit be now heard. Dr. Kennedy, ,and Mr. IOarl Vo.adEm addressed ,the Ooun~ ell 'O[l -ill1e work of the Unit. Moved bY' LA. Johnson, ISOOonded by N. M.oO:onkeYI: Moved -by WIn. Merrett, Se.ccnded by IN. MoOonkey: That the usual. ,grants to Women's rnstitut€s be paid, Ten Dol~ ,la.rs to each InsUtute ,a,nd Twenty'-five Doalars'to tEast" and. Wes~ iEllgin District Institutes ,arnd 'FJive IDoUars each to, Institutes Where Public Oratory Oontests a.reheld. 'Every Institute wishing to. take adv;antage of' a,dditional :p;j,ve [Jolla,! grants mu.<:;:ttS-ati~ify the ;C[erk .and 'Treasurer o:f their quaUfications fOr applying 'for same, -'Carried. That a hearty vote of thanks be tendered them for their re- port. Moved hy iE. (E. Atkinson, Moved by -C. Ellis, Seconded by M. IHaIe: That the -representatives fTom the IOcunty Library Board he now heard. Mr. Riogers ,and oM1'. IEaUour a>ddresse'd. the Council and Te~ quested a grant fOr HN!6; The matter was xef-e:t'red to the Education Oommittee. That this Council ad:journ to meet Thursday mo:ming a(~ 10 a.m. ---;Carried. Reeve Bl'cwn moved that the delegation from the Oounty Agri. cultural IGommittee Ibe now heard. F1RiIDD S. SHLViELY, Warden Mr. 5tan-sel1and Mr. Lamgtonaddress-ed the CounCil :requesting annual grant and reporting on wo~'k'O'f last year. 14 EILOIIN OOiUiNIT'Y OCiUl!\ICIIlL EDGilN COUNTY .c:OUN'CIL 15 It was moved by IS. Brown tha.t the -request be referred to the A:gY1ciculltural Committee. 'The repmtol! the OountYl Blome !Committee W,aJS pr,esented and adopted on motion of ,M. Hale, seconded by ,J. -McHam, Moved 'byJ. :McBain that Mr. Kemp be now heard. 'The report o,f the !Agricultural OOffimittee was presented and adopted on, moticlll of N. MiclConkey, seconded 'by A. Jooo:son. Mr. Kemp addressed t!he Oouncil requesting a grant for the lNiavy League O'f Canada. This matter was referred to the Finance Committee.' The ,report o.f the !Property 'Oommittee W:tS presented land ad~ opted .011 motion of Wm. Merrett, seconded by O. 'JJaylor. It w.as moved !by N. IMcOonkey that delegates fr.om the lRehab~ Hitation iOommittee Ibe now heard, Mr. IBurgess,Mir, :Birdsall, Mr. Eil'Own ,and 'Mr. Coulter addressed ,-the !C!oulncH l':equesting ,gral11t. Reeve Ellis. thanlked the delegates ,am.d tmoved that the question 'Of g,rant be refer.red t'o the FIDance ,Committee, The 'Warden 'appointed Reev6 !Berxy _ and Reeve :AtkO.nson to be spectal Oommittee to investigate Police Oourt FineS' and l'epOl't at the ,Jun,e session. Moved by S. Brown that 'Mr, ,'Milton Ibe now heard, 'Mo'ved by R. D. iOamphell, ISeconded by V. S. TTipp: 1Mr. MHnon addressed the 'Oouncil on the work of the JJnstitute !for the IEllind and requested the annual Igrattlt. Mr. Atkinson moved that the matter be referred to the Finance Committee. IT'hat Wm.Merrett be :aJ)pointed for a term of two years .and E'. E. Atkinoon far a 'term 'Of one yea:r. t'o the EllgJin~St. 'I1homas !Heailth V'nit, 'and ,a by-law be prepared. Moved by W. Merrett, rS:econded by !S. LitMe: Moved by J. C. Jenkins, Seconded by M. Hale: lThat we do naw 'addourn to .meet rin the Council Clhamber at 2 p,m. That this Oouncil .do now adjourn to meet Friday, v$uuary Hllth, at 10 a.,m. -Oarried. 1'1RlE1D S. SmIVELY, Warden The Council resumed. FllIJ81T 18'E181810N - I1COUORll1H DA.Y rrhe report of the Petitions and Leg'islation Oommittee was pre~ sented ,and adopted on motion of J. Mi11ard, seconded .by ;M. Berry. Fridayi,. the 18th day 011 iJ"iMliUaJ"Y', 1946 The :repmt of th.e iEqua~ization Oommittee wars. preselllted and ,adopted en motion of M, Berry soo'onded .by N. MclConkey. The Elgin '0ountJl Comcil met this day at the Oourt House, 8t. Thomas in acc-nrd'anc'e With :adjournment. The Warden in ~ihe chair. The report -of the lEtlucation ICommittee Wcl.S presented and ad~ opted 0.11. mou'QIll {)If.. 0'. Oordon,<ls!econded by S. Little. AU the membe:rs .present eX!cept Mr. :F1atl'le'5. 116 ElLIG!Il:N" CiOrurNlT~Y' iClOIUNIC\IL muGINOOUNTY COUN'OIL 17 ~The mirnutes oJ the previous day were read and oonfirmed. Moved by 'R. D. iOampbell, Se.conded by F,McMil1a'I1i: ~Tlhe ,report of the Children's Aid Committee was presented aJl1d aid-opted on motion 'oJ E. E.Abkinson, 'seccllld~d -by IR. 'Sihelson. The' 'Tilil'd Report of the Fin&nce oommittee was presented amd adopted on motion of S. Brown, see-onded ;by M. Berry. 'T'hat this Elgin rcounty COuncil do'herepy express' ,our sincere regret at the ,.abseno€ th:f1ough illness of MI'. FaiTIes, 'Reeve of RiOd- ney, a11d trustt-hat he may have ,3, speedy ree'overy. )The report of .the RiOlad .committee was presented and an roo- tlion o-f Mr. F. 'McMi,U3.11J the Council weu,t into a :Oommittee of the 'Whole with 'Reeve ,Berry -in the chair. After considerH,blediscussi,o!Il the report was ac'cepted as :read 0IIl! motion of 9. EHi-s, seconded "bY T. Soper. ! M9ved hy W. T. Menett, Seconded by 0'. W. TaY1IOl': Moved by S. Brown, 'I'hat By....L,aw No. 1146'3, "mJ Reg'ulate the ProceedinJgs' ~n Municipal iCouncil of the iOorporati'on of the C:ounty of LEflgin the Officers and Oommittees there'o'!''' !be read a ,first time. .the and --.jOa.Tried. Se,oonded by C. GordOil1!: That the Warden !appoint a 100mmittee to look into the mat- ter of recogniti'On off a:Jll men and wmp:en who lS'erved in the rurm~ ed ser-vices, and report at the June Session, Moved 'by ,C. W, ,TaY'lOlr, Seconded .by Wm. T. -Merrett: crhe Warden appointed 'Reeves Tripp, Jenkins and 'BeTTY. That By-Law No. iH63 he read a sec'ond time. -Oal'l'ied. Mo.ved -by lR-. D. 'Gamp'beU, Sec'onded by !E. E, ,Atkins{}n: .Moved by R. D. rOamp'bell, 'Sec'onded by V. ,s. Tripp: 'That the J<~lgLn .county Council request the 'Ontario Pa'ovin:::ial GoverJ]ment to pay ~.rants to the smaller hospitals in the Provm-:::e 'On the same halsis as 'outlined tn them' plan 'o<r payment to the la.rge hospitals in Univer.sity Centres, .as we feel it is mor'e difficult Itor Uhe smalllel' hos,pitaliS ,to give the sea-vices, and roaimtadn the standaJrds l~equjred -by the Depaxtment of Health, 'That By-Law No, 1416a be :read a third time and finally .passed. ........Ciarried. Moved 'by C. W, Taylor, Seconded 'by V, S. Tripp: jM-oved' by F. McMillan, Seoonded by S. 'Little: That this Council go on record a,s .being opposed to any change from standard time during the year and petition the Dooninion Government to that e.ff,e,ct. 'That By-Larw No. 14164 "'To <Appoint a C'ount,y Road -Committee" be read a first time. ~Oa.rried. ~' 18 IDGOmN ClOruID'Y ClOUN'GIG mJOIN COUNTY C'OUN'C[U 19 Moved by S. lJittle, Seconded by Fl. N!cMilla,.rr: to Borrow the Sum of Two IHlU11dl'ed Thousand iDollars" be .read a first time. -Gal'ried. That By-L,aw No. Mi64 'be read a. second, time. ~Oa.rried. Moved by :E. IE. Atkinson, Seconded by S. lBa'own: Moved hy W. T. Merrett, See.onded by O. W.Tay:lor: That 'By-Law JNo. 14164 he l',ead a third time andiinally palSsed. -Canied. That lEy-Law No. 1:4l6i6 be Tead a. seoand 1iime. -Carried. ill/loved by G. Gordon, Seconded by R. Shelson: Moved ~1 V. s. rrripp, Seconded by R. \D. Oampbell: That Byi-Law lNo. 'l4i65'''Wo' Appoint a Board 911 iAudit in the IOOUinty of iEiLgin for the Year 1194fJJ" Ibe l',ead :a ~il'st time. --'Ga.:rried. That By-Law tNb, 114/616 be read ,a third time and !finally passed. --'Oarried, Moved by E. E. Atk>inson, Seconded by J. .:MiUard: Moved, hy W, T, lMerrett, ISeconded hy V, ,s, TrilPP: That By:"'Law No. 11467 "'1T'0 Gonf;iTm'the Equalization of Ithe As- seESllient ,R.olls of 'the IOo.UUJty of /Elgin for the Y ea:rHMd" Ibe read a first time. ~C'a1'ried. Tha,t Biy-L,a;w No. 14165 be read -a second time. -iCa'rried, Moved by S, Brown, Moved boy 13. Little, ,Seconded by C, iW'. Taylor: t:Dhat BY,:",Law No, N!65: he read a thirdt.ime and finally passed. , -e'M'ried, Seoonded -by C, Gordon: That tBy-LaiwN'o. 1!4p7 'be re,ad a second tim.e. ........,Carried. Moved by S. Brown, ,s'eoonded by R. S'helson: Moved by J, MillaTd, Seoonded by E:. E. AtkinlSOn:' That :By-Law No. 1'4:616, '''To Authorize :the Warden and TreRSiurel' 'I'hat By-Law- No. 1,4617 be read R third ,time :and Hna-1:J.y passed. .........lCa,rriecL """"'" ,,_,~,_o~,-_~,,~~,~_-; 20 E:ILIGIT:N CIOIU1NlT1Y IOOUNON... EILGIN (JOUNTY GOUN'C[J, m ---.--- ~-_.._._~ Moved - by A. Johnson, ;se'conded by J. O. Jenkins. Moved 'by J. G. Jenkins" Seconded by N. Mc:Oonkey: 'That By...-!I.raw No. 1:4J6IB '~ro Appoint 'two, Members of the Ooun- dl to rtheEllg:in-St. 'I!homas [{ealth Vult" 'be read ,a - first time. ---lCa,rI'ied. "Ihwt: [B\y-Law 'No. 14170 '\A By-Law to Pl'ovide'for the Tota.l Ex- penditure on the \SiYiStem of -Oounty -Roads in ;the G'o'l1nty of - E!lgin" -be l'ead a fiTst itiIDe. l.'?, -<Carried. Moved 'by J. '0. J,enki'IlJs, iSeconded -bY' A. Johnson:: That [By-Law No. 146:8 he read a second time. , Jy.J:oved by N. MDO::mkey, See-onded by J. C. Jenki'l1s: -10arried. That By-iL'aw No. 1470 be read a. se,cond time. -.;Carri-ed. Moved 'by A. John,gon, ,Seconded by J. 10. Jenktns: That By-Law No. 11,468 be read a. ,third time and finally passed. -lCarried. Mo,ved 'by J. C. JenkiJQ:s, ,sec'clUded by N. MclQ!onkey: Moved 'by J. Millard, is-8:oonded 'by E. E. Atkinson: , 'That [By",'Law No. 1<t70 'be read a third time and finally passed. .........Carri-ed. ,'That lBy-Llaw No. 1:461,9 "ITo, :ApiPoirn,t 'a. Member of the Aylmer Board of Education" >be roocd a first time. -<Canied. Moved - hy J. MdBa-in, Beconded hy T. Soper: Moved by C. Gordon, ISeconded 'by iR. srheLson: That By-Law No. -'14711 ~':A By-'Law f,oll' 'Licensing,Regulating and GoverninJg Balvage IShops, SaQvage Yards, Second...hand 'Shops and Dealers in Second-hand IGoods" be l'ead -a first time. ---,Ca:rried. Thait [By-Law No. 1469 be read a second time. -C'arried. Moved by T. Soper, Morved -by g. E. AtkinS<Ju, ,seconded hy J. M'i11a:rd: Seconded. by J. McBain: That By-L'.1W No. 1471 be r,ead a second tim.e. ~hat By-IjaW [No. 1.4159 he r,ead a third time and finally passe,d. -lCarried. -Carried. 22 EILGIiN ,ClOU(NITlY CtOUNCillL ElLGIN (JOUNTY OOUN'mL 23 Mo'ved by J. MdBajJu, Seconded by T. ,soper: Moved by C. Ellis, Seconded :by .M. Hale: 'Tha.t By-La.w No, Nln he read .a third time and' finally passed. --Carried. 'That By-L'aw No. 1473. be .read 'a third time and :finally palslsed. -Carried. Moved by M. G. Ber.ry, S.ec{)Inded by M. Hale: The 'Warden '!j.ppo-Luted the follorwing detegates to attend the various oonventiOll1s:- That [By-Law No. '147"2: ,'tro LAppoint a Member of. the Dutton lUgih School Board" he read a. first time. ,. ---<Carried. ,Roads: ---< Messrs. LitUe. Brown, Gordon, Soper, McBain, WHis. Ha.le, MclConkey, ,J,ohnsQl1, Jenkins, Atkinson, Millard, Berry, T.l1ipp, iF1airles and the. Warden. ,Mav,ed by M. Hale, \Hoocnded by M. G. LBer.ry: Education >-Messrs. 'Eaylor, iCampbelU, 8heJ:son, the ,Warden and the Clerk, Th:at By-Law !No, 147Q, he read ,a second time, iMunioipaJI:'---'MessTS'. McMillan, Merrett, the ,Wiard-en, the Clerk arnd Treasurer. ----Carried. M,wed byM. G, 'Berry, Seconded hy M. !Hale: The uew membel's, 'Messrs, "Iiaylor, rrTipp, Little,Mlillar'd, JDhn- s:on' ,and Jenkins, expressed their appreciation for the welcome ex- tended to them hy the, Waa:den and CounciL That (By-Law No, 14721 be re,ad ,a third time find ,finally passed. ----Carried. ,Moved by o. Ellis, Seconded by M, lG. Berry: Mo,ved by M, Hale, Sec:onded 'by O. Ellis: That this OO'UlIlcH do now adjourn to meet Tuesday, June Uth, at 2 p.m. -Canied. ~Tha:t ~By-L,a'w No, Nn3~ "tro !Amend (By-Law No. 14M," be read a first time. ,_-Carried. Moved b~ O. Ellis, 'Second,ed hy M. Hale: That By-Law No. 1473 'be :read a second time. ~Carrie-d. f K.: J 24 EILGoIlN CIQIUNWY ClQIUNCIIL ELGIN OOUNTY .OOUNOIL 25 ====.~==...::::::=..;;;~_'-:--'=_--:------,._" -------- .--- SEOOiN'D ISEISISYON - Fl'RIStr DAY The Education iCmrunittee will haveim,portant busi:ness to CO;U~ s'1der in the new High IEI:::hool tA:reas which have' Ibeenl .requested Ij)y the municipalities and school 'boards of the GotU1ty. l'I"uesda~~ the 11th dJaiY of June, 1946 The County !Home alndP.roperty CiOffimittees hav,e given contracts, f,or the'installaticll1 'Of new ;Qioilers itt the ICo-unty lH'iome and iGouxt House,as the old boBers were in Vlery bad Mlnditi{Jn ,and Tho !repairs Me a van~bIle f'or them. 1:'he IElgin IOounty Gauneil met this day at t.he IOourt House, st. 'Thomas, irn aJcool'dance with aJdjournment. AU the members prresent. ,,!lhe Wa;rden lin the chair. ! Owing to the iUC'J:1eaiSed €x:peud'itures: on County Roads' ,and the grant to the hospital it will be necessary to. increase the rate to six mill, however, the large decrease' in 'Secondary School oests will only mean ;an increase of 'apPf'OiXimatefL;y three thousand dolLar.s 'over last. 'Ihe minut'es of the la:st day to'f the Jamuary SeSlsion were read and co[1Jfirmed. \The Wa,rden 'addr,eS'sed the 'GouneiL A deputation ,Will attend on Wie,dnesday trom the Univemity' of Western Ontar.io to :ask for a ;g,rant tow,ard thej~r buildin~ fund, to wh'ich Iibelieve you should give due consideration. June, 194,6 The wst ,of ma.intenance of child1'en dn 'eal'e 10'[ the CL.'1.Hdren's Aid S~ctety has decrea'Bed c,onsider>ableduring the past .few months owing to the return 'Of children tJ thei.r parents and placement in !.ree heroes. Warden's Address dentlemen: flheovercrowding at the Memor1al H-ospita1 !has oompelled the City :and iOounty to ,consider other ,facilities which win be ,presented :for YOur 'Cclnsideration at this ;Eession. To the E1:g'in County iOouncH, I am ,p.h~,a.se:i t,o we'1come y,ou to the June .se~sion ocr the County ClourncH. AWb.lOugh ,n yea;r rhals passed \Since the day of VriCi)o,ry I am sure we ar€' 'an verY' much disturbed !by the gene,ral Ullirest -of. the whole world 'and the prevailing IstT~I~es in our own -courntry. It do.€ls- m't :seem possible that ,a;fter go:ing throUlgh the trying years of waJ' with .such excenent 'leaders that nnw in pea:ce the ,eount,ry ,should he tn such turmo,il. lW'e 'call1 only hope \for :an early ;settlement of 'an our problems ihere at home and every 'suc'cessto the United Nations Or- aniziEI,ti'orn._ The C'O'unty If'OadlS are in excellent condition and with the plans for the year in pr-og1resSl they should (}oll1tinue 80. New Legislation ISectioll1 318 o:f the ,AsseS$1ent AJct is Tenacted to provide that if occupancy of land by a tenarnt produces :revenue in .respect of Land oWIned by the CiT'DWn, the tenant of ,such land shall he assessed in 'respect. 'O'f the lattlJd. 'This IS'ess'lon 'will as Ul3ual he the -most imp:Jr1.an t one of the yea,r ,and so I 'Would ask the chairmen 'Of the vartous committees to call the c'ormmittees fog-ether ,at an early hour and report promptly. iSectioll1. 53 of the ASsessmentiAct is repealed, 'so that all muni- cipalities will ,be requfr.ed ,to take the A!ss'essment one y.ear and levy Qr.{ it the following year-. '~- '-~' l' 26 EILGIlN OQlU'NIT:Y OOUN10IL EiLoGIN COUNTY COUNCiIL 2'7 ~-==-:-=-=:;"===7"=---='==--=---==--~:-- Isubsection 1 o-f !Sectiorn 51 of the A.sses'sment ,Act is amended to provide for the addidon ,to th e ,Oolleoto,rs Roll o.f taxes payable irn respect of- land that .had been ,previously a.s':€ssed 'in pa.rt only, as well as land that had been completely omitt.ed. From IC. 'W'. [{;emp with rep~rt of the Elgin Be'giment lRiecep- tion Oommittee.-iFHed. Subs€'CUOIll2 of Sectton 1Il,3 o,f the Aissessment Act is Te~enact- ed to provide fora .pelllalty fOr ,non-payment of taxes on the due date and provides that the penalty must be spread .over tl1e halmlCe of the ,year aL ,a rate not exceedi ng cne baJ.f per Icent. 'ror each month. Section 1316 of the EA.ssessment Act is repealed undeil.' which it!1 !Will not be neces5a.ry to add to the taxes owLng on -occupied or built upon lands to the current 'co11eotor'8 roll' prior to the tnclusion of such .lands in a t'ax sale Ust. .FIrom the Ontari,o Horticultural Asso,c'iiation 1'e neW ;reg1~I,atlon reg,ulating the' cuttiTIJg oftrees.~Ref€lrred to' Agriculture IOommltJl:ee, :From the County I01f Hastings with, resolution 1'e 'Gompulsor:y In- surance -on Motor Vehicle.---Refel1l'ed to. Petitions and Legis'11-tion Gommittee. From the lC:ounty of WeIland witJh 'r,eso!lution l'e Amendment to the Eilections: Act.---Referred to petitions and L,e,g.lslation GO!111mitJtee, A new subsootJion is added to section 240 of the Municipal Act to pruvide thattJhe oouncil of a local. municipality of less than 5,000 orr a co1.U1ty may by bYRlaw provide that the treasurer onlY may sign all cheques. 'From Majcn:- iF. ;0. Lewis with 'aJPprrec~ation ,01 gTant to the tE1Jg'in Regiment RecepHon iOomiU1ittee.~le,d, [From the IOount,x. ,of Ontario with Ifesoluttou re Amendment to the .old Age 'Pensions tAct.-lRefel'red to [Petiti-ons and Legis'liatkxu C::ilnmittee. Section 2:,,1.7 of the Munticipal :.Alct has been amended to ,provide t'ha t it. shaU not be necessary to annually appoint ,Arssessors. A new subsection is 'added to ISection 24.8 of the !MuniC'ipal AiBt to provide th~lt where an auditor audits the a;ceounts and transac- tions o.f ,a local ho,ar,d, the cost thereof ,shall -be paid by the muni- cipality ;and charged bad.{. to the [ccaI ,board. F'rcm the iOounty of Wentlworth witlh Il',esoluti,on re c1'{8.:nge in Hydro ..Electric: ICiycle ISiystem.-iRef.erred to !PetitiOnS and LelgiSilation >Committe'e. From the OJunty {If ,Sl.mcoe with: resCllution ,re am:en.dment to the W'eed iOontlrol iAret.-IRElf-oer:red to ,Agriculture Committee. lS'ection 5 <'of the :Weed IControl Ad is iI'e-enacted to provide that Conn ties shall .appoint a Weed Inspector and not the townships, Jrrom: vhe County o:fIDufferin wIth reso:lution to ,prohibit pktures portray'ing mime.----lRefeIll"ed to Petitions and Legislad,on Ciommittee~ 'T'he folloWing oommunications wer,e read: From tfue iOounty of puft:erin with ~'esolution 1'e sterilh:Ja.ti,nn of the unfit,-Relful'l'ed to' Petitions .and LegLsl,aUol1 lOommittee. Communications !F',rom the Un'iv'ersity vf Western on~ario 1'e deputati,on to meet the County Gouncn.~iled. From the ICounty of !Peel with resolution 1'e Licensing of Tour- ist Camps,----a<!iled. FrO'm the University of West,ern Ontrorio 1'e appointment of l'epresent,at1:ve,--IRefer,red to Education !Committee. From the Navy Liealgue of !(;!anada with acknowledgement of our Iletter of January 23.-[F1iled. ~ " .l.~ ,~~~._~.'" <-->, 28 EILiG'lIN OOUNrIty ClOiUl',/C[L EiLGIN COUNTY GOUNOIL 2,!,l F1rcm me lSal'VIation IAlrmY1 with expression {If 'appreciation of grant.-iF'iled. From. the Elgin tAgriculturlal Office with report ,on Junior Far- !n1er,~: JiUdging.-IFli1ed. i 'From the Tillsonfburg ISoldierS" Mem.o'r~al Hospita!l with appreci- ation of. pa'Ymen.ts 'Of account:s.-1F'Hed. Flrom the E1:gin-ISt. 'I1hJomas Health Unit with report.---tli'iled. From the .Counties 'of Northu-ml'.oerland and -Dereham with Teso- lution re pfiOv'indal ,subsidy on roads in towns and'VHlages.-lRef€U'"~ r,ed to Road Committee. From the OountY' of lP.er1ih with r,es31ution re increased grant on ,Snow :pl.ouglhing.--RelfeIlredl to R,oad IGommittee. Fr,om the lOounty of York \With l'e.solutLon ire license an r'adio sets.-Referred to lPetiti(lus ,and Lelgislation Gomm~ttee. Prom the (E[gtin County TAhrary Referred to Educati>on Gommiittee. Associ,a.tion re annual Irepolrt.- ,From the !Oanadian Allied !Relief Fund with acknowledgement .of our letter of JanUa'rY' 23,.-tFli1ed. From the IOounty IOlerk: with Ref~rr'ed to Finance ICommittee. !report on. Restaurant L:i.c-ense.---- a<lrom the qanooian !{atiou-al Institute for the Blind with 3!p- preclation of grant.~led. ICommunioatkm re .presentation to Inspector, On 11;1s: retiJrement.--ffi.€tferre& ment iCiommitt€le. '~';' J. 0; Smi:tlh, tPtublic 180000[ to IRec-eption and' Entertain- \From the iCounty of OtK.f.ord withT,e:solution re subsidy on tnad construction in urban ID;uni-cipalitiiBs.-IR.eferred to Roa>d: Oommittee. F1fiom the IOounty of IGreY 'with resolution receiling' price .on ~ ibeef.-iReferfled to Atglricul]:tur€ Oommiuee. ,Report on Elgin Cou~ty Resolutions .1. 'Re iCance11ing Franchise 'o-f all lAmerican Trucks tl'lav.eHintg thro-ugh Onta.rio: Endorsed: HUl'Ion and Bruce. 'From t1'"e ICI~unt'y of iLenno-x.and Addingt.I)U with Tesolution re r.edistri,hutiun of pG'PulaUon to' rUI~la,t areas.-lReferred to Agricul- ture Gomm'itt.ee. Filed: Wentworth, Simcne, (P:erth and Lanark. 2; 'Re Standa.rd Time: From the OO'llnty of IGrey with l'esoilutiQ11 re g:overnment !bonus. on ho:gs.-iReferr'ed tOI \AJgricultuxe ICcmmittee. Flrom the Department of Lands and Forests re Act f,or cutting trees.-Referred to \Agriculture IOommittee. ,lAckuorwi!,edgment: MInister of Agriculture; {he (Pil'ime IMin~ isner; and the office of the !Prime Minis:ter'a>udi P:resi- dent of the .council. ,From the lDepartment ,o,f Agriculture re 8:-ppointroent of .County Weed Inspecwrs.-'Referred no ,AJgriculture \Clomm~ttee. Moved by IS. Little, Seconded -by 1\V1m. Merrett: iF1nom the IOnt-ario ll\!L'Unicipal ASSiociation reannual Convention. -!Filed. That we do nOw adjourn to meet at :10 a.m. tomorrow morning. FR)EDI '8'. SEtViIDLY, Warden tE I 30 EILJGI!N CIQiUNIJ!Y iC'OlUN1CIIL ElLOIN OOUNTY aoUNOlL 3" SEClO\ND ISIES'SION - S,ElOOlND DAY Moved Iby IS: IBrown that the officials of tlhe E'lgin-:Slt. Thomas Health Unit be !now heard. !Dr. Kennedy! and Mr. Vioftlden address~ ed the Gounci!!.. Wednesda.y~ the .12th day (lfl .June, 1946 The Ea.gm IClounty ()ouncil met t!his day at the !Court. .H:OUlse, st. Thomas, in laccordance with. adjournment. 'The first report olf the Finance ICommittee was presented and adopted on motion of S. IBrdivn, seconded by O. Ellis. The Warden in the ohair. 'Ilhe second Tepc,rt of the !FinanCe iCiommittee lWias presented and adopted on motion of is. !Brown, seconded ~y N. 'MclOon.kiey. All the memhers. present. The :report olf the' !Education IOommittee was ;pre.siented and on motion ,of IS. Bro'Wn the 10ounoili went into a iOomtriilttee of the Whole with T. ISiOrpex in tlhe cha1r. After considerabLe' di&CuSiStOO1 the IOOlmauitteearose rand 011i motion of' O. Oordon, sec'onded 'by M. iBer,ry the report was .adopted .as: :read. The minute!s of tJhe previous day were read and confirmed. Moved !by' IS. l}3.rown .that the iTepresentative ()If the Navy League be nOiW \heard. M1t. iOameron -addressed the Oouncil and his reques't for grant WaiS referr:ed toO the Finance iODmmittee. .,. The r:epoTt ()If the iPIroperty OOmniittee was presented and adopted 'On motion af W~ M-errett, second,ed by A. Johnson. '~'.. Moved ,by V. S. Tripp, Mr. Landon rand IMr. Littl,e laddressed tlhe Oouncil 'On {Building Fund foOr We!1:ltern Univ,ers!ity, r,equesting a grant. The W:aJrden' re- Iferr,ed the matter to the \Finance ICIommittee. .rSeconded Iby R. D. .oampbelil:: That this IOouncil ladjourn to meet Thursday, June 13t!h, at 10 a.m. -(~a.rried. Moved by C. Elli;s, FRED S. SHIVE3'JY, Warden Seconded by [&II. Berrljll: 'Ihat t:hls Council do now adjourn t'O meet at 2 p.m. ~aarried. The OouncIl llesumed. !Moved !by IS. lBroWIll that lOr. !potts and Mr. T. Kieith pe now lheM'd. Dr.iPotts and ..1.\:tr. Kei'th -addressed the Oouncil an the neW. Ibutldingl :plans for tlJ.,e. 'hOiSPital. . 32 EILGillN CIQlUN1I'Y C10lUNrcmL ISECOND SiElSISIION - THiIrR>D DAY Thursda.y, the 13th da.y of June, 1946 The (Elg.in IOounty lOounctl met this day ,at the Court lH!buse, St. Thoma,s, in ac,oordance 'with adjournment. The Wiarcten in the chair. All the memhers present. The minutes ,of. tlhe I:r:evious day were read and conffrmed. The l"eport of the Road Gommittee lWaJg presented ,and adopted on motion of O. Ellis, 'Seconded IbyrS, !BroiWll. The Th:ird;Report d the ;FJinance C:ommittee was presented and adopted Dn motron of IS. IBT,own, seconded by O. Taylor. The report of t!he 'Reception land Elltertalnmen t Committee was presented and adopted on moHon 9f 'E. E. Atkinson, ,seconded hY' W. T. :Thile,rrett. The report of the !Petitions and [..egiSlation Committee Was pre- s.ented and on motion of is. Brown the ICounen went into :a" Com- mittee tOf t,'1J,e Whole with Rieeve MclMillan in the chair. After dts- cussion iJhe report v.~a;s adopted as amend,ed on motion of J. Mil- lard, seconded :by il.VI. jBe,rry. The 'report of the ,AlgricultUJJal C10mmittee was presented land adopted on motion of' IN. WIcC:onkey, seconded by 0'. Ellts. The report of the IOounty 'Ilr-easurer was: ,pre~ented and on mo- tion of Reeve ,Jenkins ,the report was Teceived .and ordered printed in the proceedings. ELGIN ..OOUNTY C'OUN'CIL 33 Moved by 'M. G. [S,elWY, Seconded by O. Elllis: That th:Ls ,Council do now ladjourn to meet at 2 o'clock p.m. .......Oarried. The -Council resumed. .. The report of the ICounty Home iOommittee was rpresented and adqpted onmoti1on of M. ,1Rale, seconded .bJyr .J.. McBain. The first SlJecial lReportof the Finance Oommittee was pre- ~5ented ,and adopted on motion of S. Brown, seconded hy T. !S'oper. The se'oond Special !R.euJort of the Fina-nce Oommittee was pre- sented and adopted on motion of IS. !Brown, seClOuded !bylID'. E. Atkinson. '~'V The I~ecial Committee l'e reWrned service personnel was pre- sented .and ,adqpted .on motion of M. 0. 'Bertry, seconded by V. 8,. Tripp. 'Moved ,by. J. 0'. Jenkins, lSeconded b(y :N. MclOonkey: That this o.:mncil recommend that the Reeves of each munici- pality deC'lare June 211st a pubUc 'holiday in regards 'Co the County picnic. ---10a.rried. Moved bY1M. O. !Berry, l3econded by E, IE. lAtkin\Son: That the ,police court clerk \Send a ffiIOnthlyl statement to the munidpalities interested (In expens'es of office and per cent-age of fines remitted to the lDepartmentand the local municipalities. --ICal'ried. 34 ElL\GIlIN' C10UJSlT'Y CCruNIQ!IL. ELGIN ,OOUNTY (10UNdrL 35 J.v.I:oved hy 0, G1ordo.n, Moved by J. F. McJM:iUan, Ee'J1onded. by O. W. Taylm': Seconded 'by S. Little: That the Elgin ICounty Oouncil recommends an amend'ment to the Higtb. School Act to. provide:f.oJr a more equal re,presentation on the bOHrd where la district is .formed composing several municipal- ities,as the Ipresent prlOlVisi,ons oJ the lAct aUowfo:r two members Ifrom each urban municipa'lity, (line member being appointed by! the school hoard,one memberb!}1'. the IOannoU, while the townships with often three or four times the assessment are allowed only one re- presentative, This is chvtously unf,air. That J3(Y-Law NQ. 114,74 "To EKtend' Time fo.r Tax SaJe'" he ;read .a first time. -Carried. Moved by J. F. MoMillan, Seconded by S. Little: That By-Law No.. 147,4 he rea'da second time. -Carried. ~Carl'led. ,Moved by IS. Brown, Moved IlIl' .8, Little, lS'econded 'by G. iIDllis: Se-c,onded hy Wm. T. ~Merrett: That t~e !County 'Council Hospital Committee be elli[)owered with the C'ommittei;) ,of the fCHy .of 1St. Thomas, if deemed advtsruble to :purchase andl mo'Ve the hospital ;j:)uilding on the Fingal iBcmbing School ,gr'ounds f'0T the caire iC}f Cbun1:ly and City patients. That By-Law N'0. 1-4'74 be read a third time and: finally passed. -Carried_ Moved by V. S. Tripp. lOin motie'll of 10. Eelts, the 'Council went into a Oommittee elf a Wh'a,le. Afterc'Onsider.able discussion the re3olution was lost. !Seconded ,by R. D. iCa!l'1(plbell: Moved, hy S. Brown, T'hat By-LaM' No, M75 "To Amend Bw-Law No, .~46~ of the Counuy .of 'Elgin which :provides for licensing and il'e,gulating J>laces of refreshment"be read a first time. Seconded Iby J. G. Jenk'ins: ~'arried. That we request the Ontario Department Oi !Highways toO take immediate !Steps toO r6lPair N'oO. <3 :Provincial !Highway from the Town odi :Alylmer 00 the Village of 'Eagle and No. 4: Provinct.al Highway from the OitlY' IQf St. Thomas to tihe Villalge of luambeth as, hath these portions olf road lare i'11 rvery poor condition. 'Moved byC. W. TayloOr, Seconded by V. IS. Tripp: That By~Law No. :1'4'7'5, lle ,read 'a. second time; ~Oa1'ried. -aavrled. 36 ElIJG[N .CIOUNII'Y C01JN'(l[L ELGIN OOUNTY C01JNOIL 37 IMoved by V. S. Tripp, M'Oved 'by S. B<rOW11, Sec-cnded bY' !R. (D. Oamlpbell: Seconded, 'by R. Shelson: That IBY-ILiVW No. 1475 'be read a third time and finallY ,paStSed. That By~1raw No. 1477 be read ,a isecond tim(', -qarried. -Carried. Moved 'by C. Gordon, Moved <by G. (Gordon, Seconded-by T. A. FairIes: seconded 'by R. Shelson: That By-Law No. 'L4'76 "A lBy-tLaw for -licensing, regulating and governing salvage shops, sa:1rv.age yards; second-hand shops and deal- ers in :se-cond-hand goodS''' 'be read a first time. That By-!L3Iw No. 14"17 be read a third time and 'finally passed. -Caxrled. --<Garried. Moved ,by :M:.. G. Berry, IMoved 'by T. A. FairIes, ISeconded !by Ie. Enlis:; That By~Law No. 14rl16 ,be read a se,couct time. That By-Law NIQ. 14718 "A, !BlY'-LLaw (providing for the dJ.ssolution l!f certain ;High School lDi:strd:cus and for the estahlishment of cer- tain otheriHigh School Districts'" -be ,read :a first time. Sec'onded :}yy O. Gordon.: -Carried. -Carried. Moved by 0'. Gordon, MoVed by C. Ellis, Seconded ,by T. A. !FairIes: Seconded :by 1M. G. \Berry: That By~'Law No. 141716 ;be read a third time and finally passed. That By~Law lNo. 14'78 he read a. second time, -Carried. -Carried. Moved by Ross. Shelson, MOVed by 0. Ellis, Ej~concted 'by S. BrCJIW.ll: i I seconded hy M. lIIale: That By~Law No. 1477 '''To taaise !Amounts for Oounty RateS during the year 1946'" -be read a first time; ---"Carried. That j.!3'Y-:Law No.11!4i718 be ,read <Eli third time and finally passed. -Carried. 38 EIIJGIiN ClOiUNrrY COU'N'OIL ELGIN OOUNTY COUNmL 3P Moved by M. lEiaIe, Moved by J. C. Jenkins, Seconded hy C. Ellis: !Seconded by J. McBain: ThatlBy'~[,aw N'o. (1479 "'To- appoint a !Member of tile Senate of the University of 'Western Ontairid" be read a first time. That By-Law No.:L480 be rea'eta third time and finallYlpassed. .........C~rried. -Carried. !Moved 'by N. IMcConkey, :Moved Iby 1M. Hia:le" Seconded by J. Milla:rd: iSeconded :by C. E1li:s: That By-Law No. 14\79 be read a second time. That By-iLaw No. 14J811 "To' Authorize the 'Warden ;andC3.erk to- sign deed conveyi'ng 'land to George Powles" be read a first time. -<Carried. -Carried. Moved 'W 1M, Hale, Moved -by J. Millwd, '~';' Seconded by C. Ellis: Seconded ,lJ:Y N. ;MCC<lnkey: That ,By-Law No.- 1~79 be read a third time ,and finally passed. That By-Law No. 14811 be read a ;second time. -Carried. -<Carried. Moved 'by J. C. Jenkins, !Moved 'by N. !MoConkey, Seconded by J. Millard: ISeconded ,~y J. Mc:Bain: That iBy-Laiw No. 14J80 "To Appoint a County Weed Inspector" be read a 'first time. That iBy-Law No. l~l 'be read a third time and finally passed. -Caxrled. -Carried. !Moved by J. ,lMill"".d, Moved, bYr' McBain, Seconded by J. C. Jenkins. 6ec'onded by! R. Slhelson: That By-LawrN'O. 1'4:80 ,be read a second time. That 'By-Law No. 1482, "To pesignate it County Road" be read a first time. ' I -Oarried. ~CaTried. ~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNmL 40 ELGIN COUNTY COI(JNOIL Move~ by S, Brown, ,Seconded by J. Minard: 41 TIrERJIi' ,s,EISSION - THIRD IMX Monday, the 18th da.y 011 November, 1946 That By-Larw iNo. 148Zb~ read a second time. Moved 'by S. Brown, Sieoonded by R. ,SU1elSlQn: ----Ca:rried. The 'Elgin ICl.ounty Council met this day at the Gourt lH!ouse, st. Thomas, in .a'ccorctance with adjournment. The Wla.rden in the chair. All the memhers present. That J3ry-Lam No. 'L4!82i be read a third time and finally passed. --Canied. Mo,ved by M. Q. !Berry, Seconded 'by R. D. ICampbell: That .an imitation be extended Girls, also to the Yeung (People from vember ~ession !for tOne day. Moved by O. Ellis, The minutes of the last d,ay of the June Session were read and approved. The Warden addmssed the lOouncil: to the Junior Thrmern . and the Urban Centres to the No- '~'~ W'arden's Addl'eas: To the E1gin iDennty C:ounci1: , -Carried. Gentlemen: At the !beginning of the year you conferred on me the honour of serving you as warden. Se,conded Iby ~.G. Berry: That this: Counc~l do now adjourn to inel;lt 'November 18th at' 2 J?m.. I again thank yDU for your trust and sincerely hope that at the end of the year YjOU .feel that trust watS not nl!!.splaced. -C'arried. F1RElD S. smvffi:LY, Warden We have- no.w reachedt11e rfinal .session 'Of the administration of the affairs of iJmgin iOoUnty f,or this. year,a-nd I would like to give a short review 'Of the work 'accomplished durdng the year. The !Road [Department has. spent '$180,000 up to the present, and considerable improvements in 'Our 'Clounty roads have, !been com- pleted. if... la1r.ge new culvert was built ,at the weir hill in South Yar- mouth and the .steep grade ,at the, !J.v.(Cilntosh Bridge over the Thames river has ibeen greatly reduced. The lona road was resurfiaced and a large ,portion .of' the 'County 110iads gravelled. 42 ElLGIN OOUN'T'Y CIQrUN1ClIL EiLGiI!N C10iU:NlT~ CIQIUNCn. 43 The IProperty,ocm:mittee ha.ye had the ne'-;;r boilers -installed at the Court House and they .are -gi'ving .-ery satisfactory ser'Vtce. From the lDairymen's Association of Westel'n Onta,rio with re- quest for ;gr.aq~,.-lReferr€d to Agriculture IC'ommittee. Theexter'ior ,a-f the :Court 'House has been painted and the Reg'" istry Office and OH'oler's residence were p.ainted .by the prisoners at a considerable saving to. the Gounty. [Eilrcm the O.:1.tario AssG1ciation of :Managers oJ Homes for Aged and Infirm with resolution re care of ,incurable pa\!;,ients.-Ref'erred to .county Home OommitJtee. Owing toa .shortage of mateniaIs the installation of new lights in the Registry Office has' not been completed. Frum the Ontallio fHc'l;'t,i-culture Ass(,datiGn ,...ith c,ommunication re Tree,s. .conservation Act.-Referred to iAgricultureCommilt,tee. The Icost of maintenance f,or Gounty wards {1J the, Children's Aid Slo.ciety has decreased over $12,000.00' ,over the same perllod last year This is due to free homes, children !being returned to their parents, and very few new wards taken in to care. Fwm the iOounty of WeIland with resolution re free dis'tl'ibutio'l1 of school su.pplies.-IReferred, to Education \OommitLtee. From the County O'f WaterloO' with reque.Sit 'for ame'ndments to the Assoosment Aicj:..-:-iReferred to Petitions and Legis.lation Gorn- mittee. The regula1ting of the cutting of trees within :the Oounty will no doul):.l~, be discussed and the adrvisability of pas,sing a Iby-Iaw Q'e- strictinlg' the cutting of trees arid oonser,ving Gf vlCodlqt.s. . From the LOount'y-',of IHuTon with reEiolU"Lion re shO'rtage of nurses. -'Referred to Petitions 'and Legislation C1cmmii~,tee. It ,will be necessary d'ior the iGounctil to appoint a memb~r "08 each of the new' three high schGOl dkf,rictS' in the C~Wlty. Fr,cm the Village ,cf [)utli.an re appcdntment of member for the . High School !L~stri'Ct.-Re:fen'ed to ~:ducaHQ.n Gommi';~ee. The ma~~er of licensdng ,and re:gulating' .ga.&oldne p:umps and sign boards along County roads will be dis'Cussed by the. lGommittee and a re.p.ort :presented. From the 1W.a'r iMemorial IChildrenl's !Hospital, London, with re~ quest for grant.-lReferred to F1inance !COlnimittee, The County 'II-IGme .fann 'has had' an excellent year,and the Inspector's report will ,s:h-ow the lo:we,st net cost faT mm:.nj':enance cf the inmates d.n the past thirteen years. iFlram ,the iElgin ,Law IAssociaUon with repo~'t of Law Li1bra:l'Y.- Referred :to pr,:),perty OJmmitte. From the Township of lBayham Wi,th resolution l'e addition to the E'ast Elgin 'Hi[gh. lS'chool lDistrict.-tReferred ,to fEducatton lCom~ mmiHee. The 'eX)ceIlent fall weather bas enabled the farmers to harvest all their Cl'tOp.s. in .a fine condi.t;ion and with fa.ir prkes thea.g"ricul. turaloUtlOOK; is good ,for the, next few year,s. 'From the Dutton !Public School Board: with appointment of member to the 'West E'l:gin Il!igh SlchlQol [)~strict.-iReferred to Edu.. cation Clcmimittee. The :f:Ollowing c,bmmun~cations were read: From the :Counjty of Oxford w\ith 'resolution Il'e settlement of Japanese .famUies in Western Ontari,o.-ffi.eferred tal 'Petitions and .LegislaltLon ICommittee. :Frcm the Department olf !Agriculture ie" amendments' to .the Weed IOontrol Acit,-lReferred to Agriculture C"o.mmittee. r --' ,--- ! 44 ELGIN ClOUN'IY COIUNOIL ElLGIIN (lQlUNTY OQlUNC!IJl.. 45 From title St. Th::lInatS, IMemnrial !Hospital ~'e.gr.ant.~Referred to F1inance ICiommilt,tee. 3. iRe Amendment to the High. Scho.ols: Act: Acknowledgment - ~'ep-al'ltment O'f Education. The !Warden :asked ex-warden Gordon Newell to 'address the Council. !Mr. Newell address'ed the lCbutllcH on the price of milk. This matter was referred to the Agriculture Oommittee. FTlom the lDe.p,artmentof ElducruUonacknowledging our By~L,aw NO, 14718 re IH[I~h School iDisl~ricts.-1F11ed. From [)II'. D. L. Ewin with Physician's report Ion County [H-ome. -lRe,felTed to iQ!oun:tJy iHiome IOommLtJtee. Moved !by O. Elllis, ~l'om the ~Oounty ,Clerk. with Inspec;tor's .report (lU GouDIty Home. _\Referred.' to IClormtyHome iC'o:mmttitee. Seconded Iby M. O. Berry: From the IQlounty iClerk with report;. on Mothers:' Allowances.- Referred to Fli-nance IOommittee. That each memJber of the .rCounty IC'oU11!Cil' invite 'one ,youth from hIs municipality to the Sessions on. ,Wednesday, Novemiber 20tJh. ---Carried., Frcm the .Q!o,unty iOlerk with report on Old Age (piensions.---Re- fe1'1'ed "'0 Finance Committee. Moved by O. Ellis... 'From t'he IOonnty 'C1erk with report on Rcsotaurant License3.- Referred -t'J F'inance lC'ommib'.:ee. '~,. Seconded by F. MoMil1an: From ,the o:mnty Clerk with 'report on Iwen'3l:'3.---,ReJerred r~o F'in- 'ance committee. Tha.t, 'Reeves IOampbell, IBrown and iAtkinson be the iCormmittee to meet the HilStorical Society. -KYarTied. Frcm the Dep:,\Itnu:mt of 'E\o.uc.atiou w~th memorandum 1'8 ap~ pointme-nt ,of membersc.f Highl,School 'Boards.-'Raferred to ,Eduea-' tion Committee. i : ,; i Moved by R. [). ICamp:bell, Seconded by IS. ,B,rown: Rep,ort- on Elgin- Goun.t.y :Resolutio!l1s From Other Countiel:1 That 'a report of the iAssessorAssociation be presented at this Ses'sion. 1. Re ;Release 'of :r{,ailSJ: !&ckowlte'dgment ---< Minister '0'f R-econstruc.uon ,and Supply; and County '0'f ,Simcoe. M0'ved by 1]\[. o. Berry, Endor,sed _ Waterloo, Lanark, Brant, Lincoln, Norf'olk, Perth, Wentworth, Middlesex, WeIland and Carleton. Seconded by .C. Ems: 2. Re 1R!~p.airls. to NO'. 3 Highway: Aclmowledgment - Minister' o:f H'i.ghw~\ys, That we do now adjpurn Ito meet at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning'. -.,C'arried. FRED S, SHIVEIN, Warden _ ~..r1L'"..,-.!!(~,~ ,~- ---'.' _.~--'---'- ^"" '2p'.., ElIJGINOOiUNTYCOIllNOlL ELGIN OOUNTY ,CQUNC[L 47, THlRiD"S,ES\SiliON -ISEGONiD" nAY, TID&D SIES'SlON _ THnID DAY Tuesdaty, the-19th d,a;y' of Novem\ber, 19~1 The $1ginIdounty .OounciLmQt. thi,s' day -..wt ,the 1Qourt~ House;. St. Thomas, in accordance- with ,adjournment. Wedn~day, rtihe 20th day of November, 1946 T.h1e IIDI:gin lCounty Council met ,this day at the Court House, Sit. Thomas; in accO'rdance wiltih adjournment. The 'War~ in the chair. The Warden in the chair. lAll lihe mermlbers present. The minutes,of.' the. pr,evious day:,w,erer-,read;, .and:,. !)onfirmed.< AILfue~.memberspresent. ~ The ISpecial re:pol'lt !Oif the 1i'inance Comm~ttee was presented adopted 'On modon of is. !Brown, seconded by E; E. Atkinson. and The minutes of thep:revious day were - read and confirmed. Moved by J. O. ,J~nk.in.s, The W-arden'_ extended" ,a weloo;me' to, the ',boys' on: ;rbheir' visit: to the"County..ICounciL arid', the members .of,the, Council intTDduced the boys .from his mrmicipality.; Seconded by J. rMoBain: That' thl,s-' iOounciladj-ourn to meert M '2 "o'clock~ A communication from :the at: Thomas TYIemorial Hospital ore buildings was referred to the Hospital committee. The' council res-umed. Reports from SlUnmens. Harpex re Gom, iBorer ,and', Weed Ifispec- ,tion were aooe.pted and ordered printed in the proceedings. The report of the Agriculture \d,ommittee :was: presented' and adopted on motion, of N. Md.Glonkey. The :report of the Road Clcmmittee -was presented and adopted on, moHon: 0110;: lEillis",lSecondedJby S'; Brown." 'Moved -by Ie!. Ellis', S'econdie:d by lV[, G. tBel'ry:: The first- report Of the /Finance'Committee" was-presented' and adopted on motion of, IS. Brown; seconded ibyiM. q.-'lBerG'; That thiS council do noW adjourn ,to mee-t,-Wednesday".at',10-'" o'clock. The s:.eoond report of the Finance C'-omnnittee was, ,presented 'and adopfed .on mortion 'Of S. (Brown, seconded by! M. IG. iBerry. -iQai'ried. Thie ['eport- .of' the Peti-tions and Legislation ICommittee: was- pre- sentedand! adopted on- ffi-otiou" ofi"'J~ Millard';' fieconded by''J'. O. Jenkin-s. 4Il E[LOrN COUNTY OOftJN1ClrL ElLGIN 'COUNTY OOUNC[L 49 Moved by !M. G. !BerrY, Moved by iR. !D.. Camplhell, ISecond.ed by: G. E~lis: Seconded "by T. A. FairIes: -Carried. That Itihis ICannoU reoommend il:hat the-ceiling price on hutter ibe' .removed ,and that a 'Copyo;f this resolution be sent -to IRon. 'J. G. Gardiner, IMinister of !Agriculture. That we do now ,adjourn to meet at 2 p.m. -iC'arried. The \Council resumed. The report of !the iEducation iCommiltuee was presented. and en motion of S. Brown the 'Gouncil went in1toa committee of ,-the W!hole with R.eleveBerry 'in ,the chair. ~flber consider.able di,scussion the Cornmilttee arose and the report was adopted as read. Moved 'by J. G. Jenkins, Seconded Iby' J. McJ3lain: The repont .of ,t::hle. IGounty Home ICommittee was preseulte,d. F. IMClM'illan moved thaJt the iClouncil ga into a.ICommittee of we Whole IWiJth Ree'Ve MerrMt in fhe chair. :After discussion Ithe Committee arose and the repa-Ilt: was adopted as read. That the' Gonnty Oouncil of of Eli~)n confirm lBy-Law No. 450 of the Township of South [)orohester to 'Close, a portion O'f. roa.d in said municipalirty and the necessary IOounty By-Law be, .prepared. ',,,. ----lOarried. The,repo.rt .of the IfIropel'ty IComm:iJttee was presented and adopt- ed on motion .of W. T. iMerrGlt,t, seoonded ~~ S. Lilt,tle. The: County: Trea.sureT .presented: his report on finances, .which was accepted and ordered printed in the proceedings. !Moved ,hy IS. tBxown, MOil/ed ,by J. O. Jenkins. Seconded by E. IE:. AJtkinson: Seeonded by G. ,El1is: That the Dominion Government be requested to ,a,ctjm:ib the ,pro- ducer .prices of oonce.ntraJ~ed rndlk, cheese and 'butter ,to more equal 'ba.sis with the prices paid prlQducers of fluid milk. iC'opi'eSl of ,tl/:S resolUlti,on: to' be senlt to ,J. ;G. iGard!inJe,r, Minister of Agricu1ture;i Prime Minister MiRick;enzi'e King; iQl. D. Coyle, M.P.; and OOl~don Newell. ' That the usual granlt 01 $150.0n be paid the 'Warden and that a grant of $25.00' Ibe paid L. B. IBirdsall. -iCa:rried. MT. iCharltonand iMX. ;F!(Jr,d expreSJSed theil' 'appreciation for I~he day spent willi the .council. Movee! by J. G. Jenkins, Regarding above resolution, on motion of C'.Ellis the lOonncil wenJt into ,a Commirt.tee 01 the Whole with iReeve BerrY' in the' chair. After discussion the IC:Ommittee arose and: ,adopted the resolution as read, Seoonded by N. Mdq<>nkey: Th:3!ij B(Y-Law No. 14iS-3 "TO' Confirm :B\yRLaw,' :No. 450 of the 1!l"I__~.~~'"'"'-"""'-w=~ f --- councH of the T,o,wns'hip (If South Dorchester for closing up . and stopping that iPRl1b, .of -(1 b~ghwaY1 running: he'tween ooncessions 1.1 and :112. and opposite lots' -'10, 111. :and '12 in <the' said Township Jbe read a .firsrtJ time. 'I , 50 :El!.JGIN OOUNTY '0OUNOIL MOVIed 'byJ. O. Jenkins. ISeoonded by N. .~Oonkey: That By~iLaw No. 114J8-3 be -read :a second time. Moved 'by J. 10. Jenkins. ,seoon<led by N. II'IfdConloey: ELGIN COUNTY '0OUN01L 51 Moved by M. Hale. Seconded by T. iSoper: -"'Oarried. That By-law No. 11":1:84 be Il'ead a third time and finally pass'ed. -C'arried. Moved by F. MdMIllan, Seconded by 'S. Little: --Carried. That By-Law No; '1<,485 liTo AppoinJt1 rMembers to the High ,SChool Districts!' be read a first time. --Oarried. !Moved by S. [JitibJe, '~'i' Seconded by F.McIl\.:!:illan: T:b.a,t iB,y-La.W No. 14183~ be Il'ead :a third time and finally passed. ---iC'arried. That By-Law No. 1<485 ,be 'read a second time. 1J\iI0ved by T. Soper, lSecOlllded !IJly M. Hale-: ........Clarried. Moved ihy W. T. Merrett, Seconded by C. W'. Taylor, That :B:y-Law No. :1.4!84 "ToO ,AUlthorizethe Warden and Clerk to sign Renewal lA:gr,eement with Ithe ~ondon Railway IClommission re Re Le.alse of [,and" be rea(l:a. first ti~. iMoved by J. MoBain, lSeconded ~~ M. Hale: ThafU By-Law NO'. 1484 be read a second- time. That !By-Law No. 1485, -be read a It;hird time and .finally passed. -Carried. --Clarried. Move hy J. McBain, seconded by M. Hale: That By-Law No. 1418161 <liTo Amend By-Law No.. ..1-408" -be read a first time. -Carried. -Darned. --_..............~~ ---"'=" , ~, 52 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNOlL ElLGiI!N OOUNlI'Y' OOIUNCillL 53 Moved hy G. Ellis, REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Seconded byJ. MCiBain: ~Ell"ORT OIF 'OOMIMITTEE ro ,s,TltIKIE THE S11ANDlING, OOIMiMlITT,EES That By-,Law No. 14186 be read a second 'time. __Garried. January 16th, 1946. :Mov,ed 'by T. ISoper, To -the Elgin County Council, ,seconded iby J. McHam: Tha<t By-L'SiW iNo. MEl6 'b'e' 'read ,a thir,d Hme and finally passed. Gentlemen: The 'following is the report of the Committee to strike the Standing Committees- --,Carried. Roads-Ellis, Brown, Soper, Campbell, McConkey. Moved -by. !Et. E. Atkinson, Agricultural-McMillan, Campbell, Brown, Saper, 'Ellis, McConkey, Jenkins. ~, Seconded ~bY J. Mtllard: Thalbthi1s Counc'il do nOW adjourn sine die,. County Home----Hale, McBain, Gordon. -Carried. Property-Johnson,. Taylor, Merrett. FiRlEiD s. SHIlViE:LY, Warden Finance----McMillan, Campbell, ~rown, Soper, Ellis, McConkey, Jenkins, Atkinson, Shelson, Berry, Tripp, Merrett, FairIes. Petitions and Legislation-Shelson, Little, Tripp, Millard, FairIes. Children's Aid-The Warden, Atkinson. Legal-B-eny, McConkey, Millard. Education-Little, .Taylar, Gordon, McBain, Hale, Johnson, Millard, Jenkins, Shelson, Berry, Tripp, Merrett, Fairles. Reception and E'ntertainment-Merrett, Berry, Brown, Atkinson. Equalization and County Assessment-McMillan, Campbell, Browl), 54 Eoc,G,rn COUNTY OOiUN'CIUL ElDIN OOUNTY COUNCilL b5 Soper, Ellis, McConkey, Jenkins, Atkimmn, Shelson, Berry, Tripp, Merrett, Fairles. June Session To the Elgin County Council, All of which is respectfully submitted. Gentlemen: STEWART BROWN, Chairman. The Reception and Entertainment Committee reports 'as follows: 1. That we grant $25.00 for presentation to J. C. Smith. " All of which is respectfully submitted. E. E. ATKINSON, Chairman. RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE June, 1946. J auuary Session '~". To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Reception and Entertainrdent Committee reports as follows: That the County Council grant the sum of $500.00 to the Committee arranging reception to the Elgin Regiment. All of which is respectfully submitted. E. E. ATKINSON, Chairman. January, 1946. ~ 516 ELGIN COiUN'i:'Y OOUN'ClTIL FINANCE COMMITTEE January Session-First Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Financ'e Committee' reports as follows: ~ That the following accounts be paid: Onto Hospital, Woodstock, maintenance.. .,..... ............~ Mrs. Opal Tisdale, re Cherilla Smith.. .... ................... McCormick Home, re Loretta .chute..... ........... ......... ...... Parkwood Hospital, maintenance East Windsor Health Ass'n, re Odie Hodnott..... Mason Villa Hospital, re Wm. Shelly.. ....... ...... ........ Mrs. E. M. Johnson, reMargaret Leverton ............... Aylmer Express, police court supplies..... Mercury-Sun, Printing Proceedings....... .............;... Johnson Hardware, supplies.. .................... A. A. Housely, map.. ........ . ...... .............. ....................--. Treasurer of Ontario, conveyance of criminals... Rainbow's Book Store, pencils.......................................... Municipal World, supplies.................... .......... .................. Municipal World, Registry Office All of which is respectfully submitted. 329 00 20 00 20 00 184 50 46 50 29 45 40 00 9 18 326 00 2 59 85 114 05 1 00 5. 35 105 85 STEWART BROWN, Chairman. January, 1946. Second Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Finance'Commjttee reports as follows: That the following hospital accounts be paid: ELGIN OOUNTY COUN'CITL 617 Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas Victoria Hospital, London.... St. Joseph's Hospital" London Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, Tillsonburg.. ...... ...$1,013 82 989 00 232 75 119 85 " $2,355 42 All of which is respectfully submitted. STEWART BROWN, Chairman. January, 1946. Third Report '.", To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Financ'e Committee reports as follows: 1. That no action be taken ore request of County Auditors. 2. That the salary of the County Treasurer be increased $200.00 and by-law be amended. 3. That the fee to the Ontario Municipal Association be paid and the Warden a~point delegates. 4. That a grant of $300.00 be paid the Salvation Army. 5. That the request of the Canadian Allied Relief Fund for grant be filed. 6. That a grant CJf $250.00 be paid to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. '" 56 EllOIN ClQUN'l'Y COiUNOIL ELGIN OOUNTY COUN()[L 59 9. That we take no action 1'6 ad in the Times-Journal. Members' Wages Care of Buildings Interest County Roads Children's Aid Society Hospitalization Agricultural. Grants Miscellaneous Grants Public Health Miscellaneous 5,000 00 5,000 00 800 00 86,000 00 12,000 00 15,000 00 3,500 00 2,700 00 13,000 00 2,951 00 7. That no action be taken on grant to the Navy League. 8. That a grant of $200.00 be made to the West' Elgin, East .Elgin and St. Thomas Rehabilitation Services, and the Council request reports on the expenditure of the money. 10. That the Warden and Treas,urer be authorized to borrow the sum of $200,000 from the Bank of Montreal as may. be required and the necessary by-law be prepared. 11. That a By-Law for Licensing, regulating and governing salvage shops, salvage yards, second-hand shops and dealers in second-hand goods be prepared. High and Vocational and Continuation School $169,451 00 .." 39,512 00 $208,963 00 STEWART BROWN, Chairmau. Your Committee would recommend that the sum of One Hundred and Sixty Nine Thousand, Four Hundred and Fifty-one Dollars be raised on all rateable property in the several municipalities of the County of Elgin during the year 1946 for County Purposes, and that a rate of six mills on the dollar be levied on rateable property in the several municipalities in the County to raise said amounts plus thirty- nine thousand five hundred and twelve Dollars for High and. Voca~ tional, and Continuation Schools. All of which is respectfully submitted. January, 1946 June Session-First. Report All of which is respectfully submitted. To the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin: STEWART BROWN, Chairmau. June, 1946. Gentlemen: The Committee on Finance beg leave to report that having inquired into the finances of the County, and estimates prepared by the County Treasurer, they herewith submit a statement of the expenditures . required for the lawful purpose of the County during 1946, showing the amount required to be raised for the undermentioned purposes: Administration of Justice.. County Home Officers' _ Salaries .........$ 11,000 00 6,000 00 6,500 00 ... ELGIN C!OUNrr'Y OOIUNC[L ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIlL ., 60 Second Report Mason Villa Hospital-Wm. Shelly....................................., Gagen Nursing Home-Mrs. Leverton and Mrs. Merrill Municipal World-Registry Office............., ......................." 29 45 80 00 6 59 To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: All of which is respectfully submitted. The Finance Committee reports as follows: STEWART BROWN, Chairman. +. That the Elgin County picnic advertisement be placed in the Times-Journal. June, 1946. 2. That a grant of $10~OO be paid Mrs', Stanley Simpson reEbie White attending' Oratorical Contest, in Chatham. Third Report 3. That the County Clerk's repol't an Restaurant Licenses be accepted. To the Elgin County CouncilJ Gentlemen: 4. That owing to the small numher 'of' properties eligible for tax sale, a by-law be prepared adjourning the Tax Sale for one year. '~';' The- Finance Committee reports as' follows: 5. That a grant of $50.00 be paid the Elgin Law Library. 1. That the following hospital accounts be paid: .........$ 2 00 8 37 308 00 2 00 5200 172 50 8 32 71 00 49 50 10 00 60 00 5 50 46 50 Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas..... Victoria Hospital, LondO'll............... St. Joseph's Hospital, London.....,....... Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, Ti~lsonburg Brantford General Hospital..... ....... Ottawa General HospitaL.. ..............$2,777 05 ................ 1,417 55 305 50 5850 117 25 63 00 6. That the following accounts be paid: Aylmer Express-notice School Area Municipal World-'-R.egistry Office ......................... Township of Malahide-re Geol'ge Backhouse.. ....... .... Onto Training School for Girls.,.-re Erie Walker Township of Y armouth-Craigview Hospit~l Underwood Elliott Fisher Ltd.-Registry Office Municipal W orId-Clerk's Office Mercury Sun-Police Court Forms..... Mercury Sun-By-Laws re Health- Unit Mercury Sun-Council Cards Dutton Advance-Printing Dutton Advance-Licens'e forms Health Unit East Windso'r Health Ass'n-Odie Hodnott ' 2. That we pay extra costs of $565.48 ta the Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas. 3. That By..Law re Junk Yards License be prepared. 4. That By-Law amending By-Law No. 1462 re restaurant licenses be p.repared. 5. That we recommend a grant of $2,000.00 to Western University. ~ 62 ElUGIN COUNTY COI(JN'OI'L 6. That the request of the Navy League for a grant be filed. 7. That the account of Ainsley Walters for hospitalization be charged to the County. AU of which is respectfully submitted. STEWART BROWN, Chairman. June, 1946. First Special Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: I beg to submit the following statement of. Finance accounts paid since January Session, 1946: Catholic Children's Aid Society. Children's Aid Society, St. Thomas.. . .......... Mrs. Opal Tisdale East Windsor Health Assocjation.. ............ Mrs. E. M. Johnson... .. ......m McCormick Home for Aged People.. .................... Parkwood Hospital Mason Villa Hospital.. ...... . ............................. G. Ross Shaw-funeral expenses Alonzo Benner....... Cairncross & Lawrence. Mrs. Clarence Clark. Aylmer Express,---Auditor's Reports Treasurer of Ontario Ontario Hospital, W oodstO'ck Canadian National Telegraphs.. Gagen Nursing Home Oscar Rhame $ 212 64 4,397 25 40 00 180 00 185 25 95 00 908 50 114 00 50 00 21 20 116.25 116 50 28 08 269 50 1 22 105 00 10 00 IG'L1GIN iCOUlNTY COU'NIClIL 63 Copp Clark Company... Canada Law Book Cd. Manley's Book Store... Municipal World Burroughs Adding Machine of Canada Ltd. 6 00 6 67 50 233 86 2 10 All of which is respectfully submitted. STEWART BROWN, Chaii:man",Finance Cdmmittee. St; Thomas, June, 1946. Second SpeCial Report To the: Elgin' County' Council, '~", Gentelmen: I beg to submit the folowing accounts paid .throu,gh Finance since, the January Session, 1946: Squire's Nursing Home: February 1st March 1st April 1st May 1st June 1st , ..".,...$223 00 188 00 195 00 187 50 195 00 $988 50 AIl of which is respectfuIly submitted. STEWART BROWN, Chairman, Finance Carnmittee. St. Thomas, June, 1946. M EJI,GilN COUNTY OOUNC!LL '" NOVEMBlER SElS,SmN First Report 'JIo tihe Elg..in County Council: Gentlemen: The 'Finance Ccmmittee reports as follows: '1. Thlat the '0ounty pay extras amounting to;$389.78 to the Memorial, HospitaJ. 2. That we gmnt lHa.rriet.svi1le. lLibTiary $25.00. 3. That no 'IDcti-on ibe taken. re grant. toO Children's Memori~l Hospital, London. 4. Tbat we g:rant the IClhildren\s Ai~'Soci~'ty "$2500.00. :5. That the f;oHowi~5' accounts be paid: R A. Sanders, legal iadlvice.. Underwood, ,Ltdi; iReg~st1W ,01"f.ice Hay.S,nationery, Registry Office:. Ontario T'raining Sohool' for Boys, maintenance Oathol.ic C.A.S., ,maintenance Gagen_ Nursing :Heme, in:tintenance.. S,cott IStudio, .e,Quncilphoto and frame Olntario., Training ISchool for Girls, maintenance Munic~pal Wiurld, supplies, iOlerk" Municipal 'World, !Supplies, Registry Office.. Bmm ISaYiWeU, song E:heets for Ibanquet.. Ohildre!1's . Ai~, ma~ntenance,OctOiber"" ........$ 170 54 1 50 4 70 2850 55 50 - 8000 3 00 4 50 18 42 132 07 2 75 '784 24 '5.. That the Oo-unty Clerk's reports on OM Age iPensions, Moth- er's Allowance\'3 and iLkeruses. Ibt . ac~epted .and print~d_ if!. the pro- ceedings, AU of which is respectfully submitted. ST,ElWIAIRT BROWIN, 'Chairman. November, 1946, fJLtGIN IOOUlNTY 00UN101L 65 Second Report To t!he E1~in Oounty Councii: Gentlemen: The Finance Committee reports as follows: 1. That the following hospital 'ac1c'Ounts .be paid: Memorial Hospital, 1St, Thomas St. Jerseph's Hospital, PettmbOrough Toronto General [Hospital BTantford General lIospital Victoria iHo${pilta\, iLondJon Tillsolllburg Soldiers' Memorial Hospital 1,555 17 81 00 40 50 13 50 1,636 70 271 7'5 '-';. $ 3,496 62 All .of whiCh .is respectfully submitted. ISTEWAlRT BRQW1N, Ohairman. November, 1.946. Special Finance ,Report To Uhe Elg.in County Council: Gentlemen: I !beg to submit the following statement of Finance accounts p.aid since June ISession, iUt~: P.arkwood . Hospital "McCormiok IHome far Aged People .........$ 9{)7 50 97 50 66 ELGIN COUNTY OOfUNOIL Mrs, Cilarence C1>ark Gagen Nursing Home MoRson Villa. lPri'vate Hospital. East Windwl' Health AssJdetion... Municipal.. Wm"'ld Underwood Limited ~ ChiLdren's :A,i,d So-ciety Oatholic Ohildren\s Aid Society... !Dutton AdV1ance Mercury-Sun Township of y,armouth Ontario. Tr.a.tning' School for Girls.... 'JJorwnship of Malahide.... Ay~mer Express Times~,Journ:al F1l1ank Gowan Agency Treasurer o.f 'Ontario Ontario HOtspit,al, Woodstoc.k OntJar,io Training SchooL for :Boys Rainbow's :Bookstore Murdock Dup.ucator r&IStadonery Children',sAid' ISociety of !Kent Hay_ Sba Honery J. Ill" Muma All of which .is respectfuBy submitted. St. 'I'homas, November, 1'946. 6 75 445 00 213 45 229 50 155 95 179 00 3,91160 101 70 65 50 130 50 52 00 2 00 308 00 2 00 25 00 ~67 25 233 92 552 00 &1 50 31 412 29 25 14 45 4447 2 00 STEliWiAlRT BROrwN, Chail'man. ELGIN OOUNTY COfUNQ[L 67 SPECIAL COMMITTEE RE HOSPITAL COSTS January Session To the Elgin C~unty Council: Gentlemen: The Special 90mmittee 1'e Hospital Costs reports as follows: 1. That we recommend that the St. Thomas Memorial Hospital Rates be increased as fallows: Public Ward .50c per day, Semi-Private .25c per day and Private .50c per day. 2. That we recommend a grant for the year 1946 of one third of the deficit for the year 1946, the said grant not to exceed $5)000.00. 3. That the,J~ounty Council appoint three members to the Hospital Board for the year 1946. All of which is respectfully submitted. E, E. ATKINSON, Chairman, J auuary, 1946. €8 E["jGrN CIOUN'I'Y COUNatL EQUALIZATION AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE January Session " First Report To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Equalizatio'n and Assessment Committee reports as follows: 1. That no action be taken 1'e appointment of County Assessor. 2. That we recommend that local Assessors of all the munici~ palities in Elgin meet at the Court House for instruction and a qualified person be secured to address them. All of which is respectfully. submitted. M. G. BERRY, Chairman. Jaltuary, 1946. Second Report TO' the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Equalization Committee reports as follows: That the following be the equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the Connty of Elgin for the year 1946: Aldborongh Dunwich .....$3,395,300 3,628,785 ELGIN COUNTY COUN()[L Houthwold Yarmouth Malahide Bayham S. Dorchester Aylmer Dutton POTt Stanley Springfield Vienna Rodney West Lorne All of which is respectfully submitted. January, 1946. '~,. . 6lJ 4,643,656 4,964,222 3,670,850 2,488.074 1,891,651 1,587,468 497,798 963,919 124,718 133,194 367,256 383,493 M. G. BERRY, Chairman. 70 ELGIN CIQiUNTY COUNOIL PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE January Session To the Elgin County Council, <;}entlemen: The Petitions and Legislation Committee reports as follows: 1. That we concur with resolution from the County of Wentworth 1'0 exemptio'n of Income Tax for Municipal Councils. 2. That we concur with resolution from the County of Brant 1'0 dental units under control of the War Assets Corporation. 3. That we endorse resolution from the County of W cHand 1'0' revision of the Old Age Pensions Act. 4. That no action be taken on resolution from the County of Waterloo 1'0 Amendment to the Transportation of Fowl Act. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. MILLARD, Chairman. J auuary, 1946. June Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Petitions and Legislation Committee reports as follows: 1. That we concur with resolution from the County of Oxford re ELGIN COUNTY COUNC[L 71 subsidy on road construction in urban municipalities. 2. That We endorse resolution from the County of York re license on radio sets. 3. That we file resolution from. the County of Dufferin re sterilization of the unfit. 4. That resolution from the County of Dufferm to prohibit pictures portraying crime be approved. 5. That we concur with resolution from the County of Wentworth re change in the Hydro Electric Cycle System. 6. That we approve resolution from the County of Ontario re amendment to. the Old Age Pensions Act. 7. That w~ endorse resolution from the County of WeIland 1'e Amendment t~""the Elections Act. 8. That. we concur with. reso'lution from the. County of Hastings 1'e Compulsory Insurance on Motor Vehicle. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. MILLARD, Chairman. June, 1946. November Session 'I'o the ElgJn Oounty Council: Gentlemen: The Petitions 'and Legislation 'Committee reports las ,follows: 72 ElDGIN OOUNTY COUNOl'L 1. That we concur with resolution ir-oml the ICounty .of Huron reques,tin~ the re-opening 'o.f training schools f.or nurses in the Ismaller hospitals. 2. That the resolution from the ICounty of .Waterloo re amend- ments to the Assessment ~t Ibe filed. 3. 'Ilhat we take no action xc resolution from the County of Ox:~ ford re triansfer .of Japanese families to /Western On:tmio. AU of which tis respectfuILy submitted. ,J. ~I, Chairman November, 1946. J<JUUN IOOiUlNTY 'COUNIOIL 73 EDUCATION COMMITTEE January Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Education Committee repo,rts as follows: 1.- That we grant the County Library Association $850.00 for the year 1946. 2. That the Annual membership fee of $10.00 be paid and that the Warden appoint'delegates to the Annual'Convention. All of which is respectfully submitted. '~". C. GORDON, Cha:irman. January, 1946. June Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Education Committee reports as follows: 1. That the necessal'Y by-law be prepared to set up three High School Districts in the County of Elgin. 2. That the High School Districts of Aylmer and Dntton be dissolved. 3. That the repO'rt of' Elgin County Library Association be filed. 7'4 EiLGIN COUNTY CQUNCIIL 4. That Mr. Alex McColl be appointed representative for Elgin County to the Senate of Western University. All of which is respectfully submitted. C. GORDON, Chairman. June, 1946. ~ November Session To tJhe Ellg.iil OO'liuty Council: Gentlemen: The !Education 10'ommittee repo(l'.ts as .follows: 1. That the resolution frem WeUand County 1'e free distrtbution of ,s,cho:ol supplies !be /filed. 2,. 'Dhat the !Dutton a.p.pointees to the 'West Elgin High iSchool District 'Board Ibe accepted and filed. 3. That John IQ. Gillies 1:e IRPpointed Com.ty :Oouncil member on West E[gin High Schoe-l ;I)istrict [BID 'ard. 4. That ~alpih !Auckland be appointed C'ounty member for the Central High SICJhool District IBoard. 5. That ,Dr. IMonts IMcJNeil !be 'appointed County memlher for the 'E'ast E~.gln High SChool [Distri,ct (Board. 6. That trustees. of an School BoLard's: Ibe paid ia l'easona.ble al~ lowance. 1. That the -request of the Township .of Bayham to inclUde an addlHonal area ,of the t'Ownshipin, fuelElast Elgin High' School Dis.~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNC[L 75 trlct be detferred to the January ISession .as the [)epartmentwilI: not approve .of :by-Iaw passed -at tJhis session to ii1clude this area. All of which .is respectful:ly submitte,d. O. GORJDON, Chair-man. November, 1;9'46. 76- EfuGIN COUNTY COUNOIL COUNTY HOME COMMI'l'TEE January Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Elgin County Home Committee reports as follows: 1. That the member:ship fee to the Ontario Association O'f Managers of Homes for Aged and Infirm be paid. 2. That Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull, the Inspector and any of the Committee attend the Annual Convention. 3. That plans and specifications be secuTed. for new heating unit at the County Home. All of which is respectfuUysubmitted. MEREDITH HALE, Chairman. January, 1946. June Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The- County Home Committee reports as follows: 1. That we have accepted 'the Tender of Gillard and Price for new boiler at the County Home for $3,633.00 completely installed. ELGIN COUNTY COUNmL 77 ,'--~ --.----~ 2. That the following accounts be paid: R. H. Ryckman, Insulation job.... ................... The Municipal World, receipt book. Times J aurnal, ad re tenders "...$256 00 14 58 8 40 All of which is respectfully submitted. MEREDITH HALE, Chairman. June, 1946. November Session To the Elgin CQunty Gouncil, Gentlemen: '~'V The GountyHcme rClommittee reports as follows: 1. That the tende'r of the iOanadia IE-read lOco flQT bread for the County Home @6%.c per loaf be R'ccepted. 2. That we renew insurahce on,Oounty Home !buildings wi1Jh' 'F;r.ank 100wan Agency, POUcy amount '$7\3,000 hl;anket land premium of $657.00 for three ye1ars. 3. That we purcihase new refrigerat.or from iQ, O. Howse ,for County fH!omeat 'flIpproximate price of $2117;5.00', 4: That 'We recommend' ami increase ,of '$15.00 per month to !Mr. .and iMrs. J. G. Turnbull and the by-laIW ibe lamended aCClordingLy.' An of which ~s respectfully submitted. iMtE:RiEDI'DH 'H!.MJE!, Oh<airman. November, 1:9~. 78 ElLGTIN CQUNTY OOU1'l'CilL -"- -~-- .----'------~-~-,~- AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE January Session To the Elgin County Council, GentIem€ll : The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That we grant the Elgin Agricultural Committee the usual grant of $1,500. 2.' That the membership fee to the Ontario Conservation and Reforestation Asso'ciation be paid. 3. That the Annual grant of $50.00 to the Ontario Agricultural Council be paid and the Warden appoint delegates. 4. That the Report of the Corn Borer Inspector be filed. 5. That we file resolution from the County of Wentworth re bounty on foxes. All of which is respectfully submitted. N. McCONKEY, Chairman. January, 1946. June Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Agricultural Committee reports as foIlowli;: EDGIN COUNTY COUNCTL 79 1. That resolution from the County of Simcoe reamendment to the Weed Control Act be filed. 2. That we concur with resolution fram the County' of Grey 1'e ceiling price on -beef. 3. That we endorse resolution from the Counties of Lennox and Addington re redistribution of population to rural areas. 4. That we concur with resolution frOln the County, of Grey regovernment bonus on hogs. 5. That we recommend that Summers Harper be appointed County Weed Inspector at a salary of $'6.00- per day including expenses and, the necessary by-law b-e prepared. 6. That we recommend that the communication from the Depart~ ment of Lands and Forests in, regards to "An Act to Provide' for Control of Cutting- Trees" be laid over to the November S-essionand a representative of this department be asked to atlend to explain !:ihis Act to the members of the Council. All of which is respectfully submitted. June, 1946. NEIL McCONKEY, Chairman. November Session To the E1giill Ciounty CoUncil, Gentlemen: The Agriculture iOommittee reports as follows: 1. That the communication from the Department' of iAgriculture ~ 80 EILGIN COUNTY OOilJNTCrrl... l'e Weed 'Control regul'ati,ons Ibe .referred to Ja;nuar:y !Session of the Oounty Council. 2. That the consideration of a ;by-lam ['8 reg;ulating the cutting of trees be referred to the Januar.y 'Session .of theiGounty CruncH. 3. That -the request ,of the !Dairymen/so AS3Q.ciaUon IDor grant b'e referred to the iE[.gin !Atgr~culture \Committee. Al1 of which is: respe.ctfully submitted. N. H.McCONKrEIY,- Clhairman. November, 1.946. ElLGIN COUNTY COUNC'IL 81 -PROPERTY COMMITTEE January Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Property Committee repO'rts as follows: 1. That a competent Heating Engineer be engaged to advis'e the Property Committee as to the type- and size of Boiler required to replace the old existing Daisy Boiler, So as to give satisfactory heating capacity to the Building. which it serves. 2. That the Exterior Woodwork and CO'l'nices of the Court House Buildings receive two coats of approved paint when .weather permits and that Tenders for same be called for after approval of County Council. '~', All of which is respectfully submitted. January, 1946. 'WM. T. MERRETT, Chairman. June Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That we have accepted tender of Gillard and Price for $8,215.00 for new heating boilers completely installed. 2. That the Committee be empowered to renew contract for coal. 82 EJlJGIN COUNTY COUNOlL 3. That we recommend the acceptance of -the tender of L. H. Smith for $1,100.00 for painting .the Court House. 4. That the Inspector's report be received and filed. 5. That the following accounts be paid: G. O. Howse, K-elvinator Ontario Reformatory, clothing Municipal World, printing Andersons, clothing ........$145 00 12 60 16 74 3 74 All of which is respectfully submitted. WM. T. MERRETT, Chairman. June, 1946. November Sepsi()n To. ,the EiLgin Gounty Council, Gentlemen: The property lC'ommittee reports as ,follows: 1. That we a'ccept the tender of the Canada Bread 00. @ 6'*c per loaf for the y:eal' 1947. 2. That the Clerk Ibe ,authorized to purchase hookcase ifor the Law L~blmry. 3. That a neW typewriter he :purchased for the Sheriff's Otffice ,a:rid the IOlerk purcohase the same. 4. That tJhe ~ollowing accounts /be paid: ELGIN OOUNTY COUNOIL .83 Ontario .Reformaw,ry, g1as respIrators Anders-ooo, towelling DOiWlem !Ltd., hose 600 783 L4 04 '5. 'I1hat we illiSure -boilers i:n; the Court House with the F1ra.nk Oo,w.an 'Agency. ;for the pl"em4um Of $5'5.50. All of which is respectfully submitted. Novemlber, 19'46. IWM. T. MERRiETT, dha.irman. '~~ 84 EILGIN COUN'T'Y OOUN'C[L CHILDREN'S AID COMMITTEE J auuary Session To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: The Children's Aid Committee reports as follows: 1. That the County members on- the Children's Aid Society Baard be paid $3.00 p'er meeting attended. 2. Mrs. Symes has resigned from the Staff and the Board has appointed Mr. Miller and Mi:;;s Gliddon. 3. That no action be taken on resolution from the County of Lambton 1'e payment of Family Allowance to Children's Aid Societies. 4. That we file resolution from the County of Peel re residents under the Children's Protection Act. 5. That we file resolution from the County of Wentworth 1'e Amendment to the Children's Protection Act. 6. - That no action be taken on bl'ief from the County-_of Carleton. All of which is respectfully submitted. E. E. ATKINSON, Chairman. January, 1946. ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCITL 65 REPORT OF THE ROAD COMMITTEE January Session, 1946 TO' the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen: Your Committee begs to report as fallows: 1. The following is a Summary of the Road Expenditures during the year 1945: Resurfacing Gravel Roads Resurfacing Paved Roads Constructing and repairs to culverts.. Painting and repairing bl'idges Maintenance of Gravel Roads Snow Remo'Val Dust Layer Weed and Brush Cutting .... ............... Ditching Fencing, Guard Rails, Drainage Assessments. paid Expenses Gravel Pits, Machine Shop, Tools, etc... New Machinery. and Repairs to Machines.. Cutting Hills, Regrading and Construction. Insurance Reforestation Railway Crossing Protection Rebates to Town and Villages.. Constable Fees Legal Fees Land Purchased Superintendent, Travelling expenses ..................... ........$28,483 21 14,704 45 10,676 03 .................... 4,677 71 11,339 71 11,862 50 7,669 40 3,137 74 6,658 06 966 42 958 29 246 89 22,355 10 8,548 83 1,069 63 599 84 3,091 23 3,277 29 625 50 96 46 864 70 4,542 44 ~ S,6 ])]jGIN CIQiUNTY COUNOIL --------,--- --- Office and Overhead.. Outside work on rental basis, 1,718 09 5,838 23 $154,007 80 Receipts 6,017 43 $147,990 37 Suburban Road Expenditures 15,203 44 $163,193 81 2. Weare of the opinion that the County will require an increased expenditure for County Roads this year: Due to the enforcement of the "Hours of Work and Vacation with Pay Act," the County.force will be on a 48 hour week instead of 60 hanysas formerly, necessitat- ing a larger force and increased wages. We think that it is advisable to purchase a new % yard Diesel shovel, one % ton, pick-up truck and a coupe for the assistant road Superintendent. We find that it will also be necessary to extend and remodel the shed and garage at White's Station to accommodate the five County graders, two trucks, snow ploughs and other machines. We estimate that the sum cf $200,000.00 will be required for the maintenance and construction of our County Roads and Suburban Roads, for the year 1946, allocated as follows: County Roads Suburban Roads ............$169,000 00 31,000 00 $200,000 00 This is in accordance with the following 'estimate of the County Engineer: FJ"'LGIN iOOU\NTY - OOUNlOIL 8'7 Grader expenses Truck expenses Gravelling, resurfacing Repairs pavements Construction and repairs to bridges and culverts. Weed cutting Dust layer, calcium and oil Drainage Assessments Road Drainage Fencing Grading and, shouldering Snow remO'Val Railway crossing'protection Rebates to Town and Villages Constable Fees Reforestation Salaries, travelexpen., legal, insnr. and overhead.. New machinery Remodeling~'$lnd extending County Sheds.. Painting Bridges 17,000 00 8,500 00 25,000 00 2,000 00 32,000 00 3,000 00 24,000 00 3,000 00 4,000 00 1,000 00 5,000 00 4,000 00 3,000 00 5,000 00 700 00 500 00 8,000 00 17,000 00 8,000 00 3,500 00 Estimated Receipts $174,200 00 1i,200 00 Suburban Roads Estimate $169,000 00 31,000 00 $200,000 00 The County's share will be 25% of the expenditures on Suburban Roads, 25% on County Bridges costing O'Ver $1,000.00 and 50% on the various other items listed above. It will be necessary to raise $86,000.00 for County Rouds. 3. We recommend that the Warden name delegates to attend the Annual Meeting of the Ontario Good Roads Association to' be held in Toronto on February 26th and 27th, 1946, and that the annual fee of $15.00 be paid and that the County. Engineer, Fred A. Bell and Assistant Road Superintendent, George Powles attend the Conference and the Meeting of the County Engineers in Toronto" 'on February . 25th, 1946. ,88 ELGIN COUN'I'Y aOUN'GIL 4. We recommend that an expenditure By-law be prepared for the estimated -expenditures for maintaining and construction of the County Road System for 1946 and that duplicate copies be submitt:3d to the Department of Highways for approval. 5. We recommend that the Policy of the General Accident Ass~L1ran~e Company of Canada for Public Liability on the County and Suburban Roads at a premium of $477.64 be renewed. 6. We recommend that a Committee composed of Warden Shively, Chairman Ellis and Messrs. R. D. Campbell, T. S. Caldwell, District Engineer for Municipal Roads and Fred A; Bel!, Gount~{Engineer, report, at the June Session, on the advisability of making additions or deletions to the roads under the jurisdiction of the County so that the System will be of .greater service to the County. 7. We recommend that the Reforestation programme and the operation of the Farm Lands, owned by the County, be under the supervision of the Agricultural Committee instead of the Road Committee as formerly. All of which is respectfully submitted, CLIFFORD L. ELLIS, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE June Session To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. Gentlemen: Your Road Committee begs to report as follows: ., EIJ:...,GIN COUNTY COUNCIL 89 After a four day inspection, in the latter part of April, we found that the County Roads are in an excellent state of repair and that little damage was caused by theactionoffrcst or spring freshets. If materials are available the" following construction work is contemplated this year: (1) Rerouting WEIR HILL, Yarmouth, Concessions 1 and 2, o'pposite 'Lots 2 and 3, and that a new culvert be constructed at this point. (2) Widening the Culvert on the LAKE ROAD, Malahide, opposite Lot 26. ' (3) Straightening the road South of McINTOSH BRIDGE, River Thames, Town Line between Middlesex and Elgin. ,~" '(4) Straightening TALBOT ROAD, in the Township of Bayham, East of ,Stl.'affordville.- (5) Replacing KINGSMILL AND KING BRIDGES with new concrete structures. (6)' Widening the County Road South of AVQN. (7)_ ~liminate the sharp corner bf ROAD No.8 between Con- cessi~,'n{ 3' and 4, Dunwich. Due to the scarcity of materials this programme may have to be curtailed especially Item No.5. Work is now in progress on applying R. T. 3 Tar on the following roads: Rodney to lona West Lorne North Shedden to Port Stanley New Sarurn to Sparta miles 2 9 5 " " " so ELGIN. ClOUWrY'COUNCIL Lake Road....:....Malahide' and Bayham end: pavement PbrtBrirwell Talbot, Road""":""'Malahide and Bayham' No. 3 to Straffordville To Aylmer Air Port Springfield N 6rth Avon South Lyons East Springfield South- Helmont_W'est Approximate mileage in 'fownshi!)s Aldborough Dunwich Southwold Yarmouth Malahide Bayham South DorGhester It is also intended ,to pave" with a tar, mulch, that portion of East Street (County Road No. 40) in the Village of Springfidd. The Sub Committee appointed at the January Session to report on the advisability of making additions or deletions to the present County Road System has not had an opportunity to bring in a report at Wis session and wishes to have its powers - prolonged until the next me'eting of the Council. Your Committee by resolutions make the followingrecommenda- Hons: 1.' THAT the request' of the Village of RO'dney requesting,that Queen Street in the Village from the Furnival' Road Easterly_' to ,the Easterly .limit 'of the Village, a distance of % mile, be assumed' as a' CO'unty Road,' be granted. J<Jl.i(UN: -OO'(JU\ITY' COUN:OIL 91' 2. THAT the communications_ of the, United ,Counties of North- umberland and Durham, requesting' that legislation- be enact'ed so that Villages be granted the same subsidy, for road expenditures, as' is. received by Townships, be filed. 3. THAT the communication from the County of Oxford, asking that similar Legislation be enacted granting a similar subsidy for Villages. of less. than' 2,500 inhabitants_,- be' filed; 4. THAT the communicat!on from,the'County ofPerthj requesting that ,the Department of Highways subsidize,the road expenditures 'on-Township: roads, to the- extent 'of>75% for a 'period of: atleas.t' five years, be filed. 5. THAT'.1-.55 acres;.. at the Nort1i east corner' of the' Hathaway farm (Lot 2, Concession 4, Township"of Yarmouth);., be. convey,ed: to. George Powles at the rate of. $50.00 p'er acre. 6; THAT th't!request of Dr. H.', J.' Davis;. to~purchase' about'fouT"; acres, at the South east corner of the Hathaway Farm, be not entertained but that a yearly lease of a right of way with water privileges be given to Dr. Davis if satisfactory arrangements are made. All of which is respectfully submitted, CLIFFORD L. ELLIS, Chairman. St. Thomas, Ontario, June 13th, 1946. November. S~.;siton ,To the 'Warden. and Members' of the ~<'1gin-_iCounty . Gou.ndl,. Gentlemen: y,our R,oad Oommittee begs' to~ report, ;as- .follows,: 92 EiLGIN COUN'I'Y COUN'C1L !Due to- the&cal'.::ity 'c,f ma te.:ials y.our R':<Jid D3.pa.rtment ,:ould not ccmplete ilie 'construction prG~l'am 'ContEmpli:.'lte.d ,at NIe Janua,ry ,and Junel8elssions. The fc.J1owing' wmk:s were .ccmpleted .or ,now in pl"O@Tess: 1. WtEli:IR H1IILIL ,on the roa,d Ibetween iObncessiolns 2 land. 3, op- posite Lot 3, Township (Jof Yia.rmout!h, The. oonerete cU:1Jver,t measur- ing 1:21' x.,W' ingide and 144, feet lanlK has Ibeen completed. lVVe expect to complete grading the :new diverted ma,d this year if weather is favour.aible. This 'WO'rk -consists of cutting {to".Vl1, the hills 'and {:>On- .st.l'U!cting ahout 300.0 feet of new l'o.ad. It will be necessa'ry to move a,bout 25,000 cubd.c )'Iards of e.arth. 2. The OOiNClRiEiTlE OUL":jiZ,RT -en the Lake Road, OpprJsite L8.t 216, Township of M:al1aihide, w;as widened. '3. The is:outh appr,o!a1ch to' the MclU.'\J'IlOSIH OR.' iM!LDtD['iE:ML.::,,'3i BiRUlD.:J1E ,on the Town. L,ine . ,between' :S'outhwo]d ~nd [)unw~ch was improved. The steep hill WJ..S ,cut .c1J,wn to -an easy gradient and the Ehar[]) turns eliminated. 4. !Regr:ading a.nd st:rnt::htening TrAiLrEiQT iRiOL4.[) ,between B-traf- if{),rd!viHe -and' the IHc,ul3ihtCin Town ,Une is n'JW in progress; 5. L,and ha.g heen purr.::!::a.Ee,j a.dj,,)i:nJ~(:;- the Toad .between. IL8::t3 3 and 4, OC'l1C€lSSiml. 8, iE'Out..l) DJT.chester. 'Dhis T,o,ad is very narl1C<w and more width. is ,required in order to c.rem,teour .snow plought3. It :4':) ,the intentien' to regrade this: w:1d next year. IBesides bhe re-gular majntena.nce ajJ):)ut .1'10 miles of .r.o-ads were relo:11'avelled, 3.1 miles were tre;a.ted with an; applk'a,tion of tar, 2:% miles l'ecei'ved Ian ,armOUl" ,uoat ,of ta~ and iCil'ueh8d sto-ne and! a seal cClat w,as: ia.pplied: to ,aibout 411/2 miles err the 'Lake R+oa,d, Tq-.vniship tA Malahide. We intended to treat ,aib-aut ;SS mile;s 'Of roa"d with tar but could not obtain the material when required. ELG1N OOUNTY COUNCIL 93 The foUowinrg br-1dge.s rwere repa:inted: Piatterson ,;Bridge, 'l1ownship of Yiarmo-utJh; Th-it Bridge, over the Thames -!Ri'Ver, Township of tDunwich; McIntosh iBirid:ge 'or Middlesmiss Bridge, over ,the Thames !River, TownSlhip of IDu;nwich; Meek Bridge, Township {)f Southwald'; Ooolc Bridge, Township of iBayham; PlhillmoTe Bridge, TOWJ11Ship otf !B-ay'ham.. About '50 sm'aU iCuI'verts were repJiaced $nJd {) miles of new fence constructed. The foHO'wing new ,equipment w.as purchased this year: '~'V 1 iDodge %, -.ton Pick-up Truck, 1 Chevrolet tQIoupe fer the use <of ,I'i/.Cr .P()wles, 1 Adra:ms ISIn'OW {Plough ,and wing far the ~-dailUS' tDdesel Gra- der, whh)h will he kept in the West end .of the Oounty :this lOoming, winter. We are negotiating the pUTchase of 'an 'airplane lhiant51ar, :from the 'War, Assets iOo'l'p.araUon to' Ibe moved -to ,the li'athtawalY iGma+vei] 'Farm wihich win be used for it- Oounty shop 'and swra.ge \Shed~The pre,sent shed is 'not large enouigh ,to. stme our eqUipment. The hangar is on the 'property Of the Onta~ri(l iHiOlspitaJ, South 'of 1St. Thomas. We re.ccunmend bhef,ollowing: 1. THlAT the Ag.reement with the LOll1don and Port ,Sitanley ~a.i:lw.ay extending the time fur the Company to remove ]g'tavel from, the (Hathaway lJilarm ,beexecuted !by the (jaunty. 2. 'DHIAT .the dra.ft !By-law prepa,red f:01' regulating the erec~ tien .of \Signs: and jgasoline pumps adjoining iOounty' !Roads be left fOT !fUture consideration. ~. f 9.4 ELGIN .cOrUNTY COUN'C!IL 3.. 'IlHlA.T the question .of . re,adl~\Usting t1he .coun tyiRctJ,d ISystem by adding. new roads to and reverti:ng some of the present roGadig balck to the v,arious TO,WUEihi:r:1S /be len over to the Jlanua~lS'esS:loJl1. All of which is respectfully' sUlbmitted. IOLmF1F1O!RD L. !EJIlLiIS;' Chairman. ~ gLGIN OOUIN'rY COUNOIL COUNTY TREASURERS' REPORT June Session To the Warden and County Council. Gentlemen: S:5 I beg to submit the following Statement of Receipts and Expendi- tures up to June 1st, 1946. Receipts Cash on hand January 1, 1946.................. Administration of Justice Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit .................... Registry Office Fees Charity and Welfare::.. ........................... Elgin County Home Arrears of Taxes County RO'ads Miscellaneous ............$ 48,020 59 5,065 39 8,083 22 3,687 87 2,079 86 3,607 02 1,547 95 44,469 25 578 22 $117,139 37 Expenditures Administration of Justice .......................m Agriculture Elgin County Home.. . ................. Registry Office Arrears of . Taxes Memhers' Wages Officers' Salaries Printing, Postage and Stationery............................. Care of Buildings Charity and Welfare County Roads Miscellaneous Public Health Service ..$ 11,234 04 75 00 5,377 75 340 59 1,723 28 2,571 10 2,834 95 541 22 2,160 88 10,701 13 50,194 17 3,093 77 10,000 00 $100,847 88 96 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 16,291 49 CREDIT BALANCE All of which is respectfully submitted, W. G. LUMLEY; -County Treasurer. June 11th, 1946. STA'I'E;]\t:ENT 011' 'REICI!411P'lJS. AN!D EXPENiD~TmtE'S To the "Wiarden land County Oouncil, Gentlemen: -November 1st, 1946. , r beg to. submit "the r,onowing Statement of Receipts and EXpen- ditures up to November 1st, 1194lG: Receipt.s Oash 'Gin hand, January 1at Adminitstr:a tion of Justice Eigin-tSt. Thoffil3.<S' Health Unit BdUs (Payalble land Interest iOounty' Rates, paid' in advance Fees ir,om !Registry Office Charity and Welfare E[.gin CoulltyHome Arrear,s of 'Taxes County Roads (Department Miscellaneous E~penditures Administration 'Of Justice.. ............ ........ .... .... PUlblic -'schools High and IGontinuation ISichorus $ 43020 59 13340 43 15022, 94 1.20357 42 ,125m O~ 31637 87 43.2l1 121 765:5 166 65'52918 85524 95 10957 1$32:1174 53 .....$ 242,70 7,1 450' [6 38~85 166 ELGIN COUNTY COUNC[L AlgTict,tlture Elgin County Home Registry Office ATIears Of taxes returned toO municipalities... Membe:re' wages Oflfleers' Salaries Printing, Post8.6ae and \Stationery. ....... ...................... 'Care of /Buildings ,charity and Welfare Oounty Roads iDepaxtment EIgin-iSt. Thomas Health Unit Miscellaneous' ORillID[T I8iAiDM'IICIEl All of which is respectfully sulbmitted. 97 2332 00 rr23~1 05 ,1379,J4 <llJ{J295' 3998 20 6669 90 629 281 1290 1)3 2,42{)5, 26 1,Mm8 65 22000 00 3843 00 $290095 89 $ 26278 .64 '~,. W. IG. lLJ!Jil\.:IILEY. County Treasurefr , D3 E1LGrN COUN'I'Y €OUN'CIIL :gwGIN OOUlNTY COUNiOrL 99 SPECIAL COMMITTEE RE RECOGNITION TO RETURNED SERVICE PERSONNEL MElDl0AiL <ltIDPORT Novemlber 15tJ:1,. 194jfj June Session TO the Wlarden '.and IMember,s of the To the .Ergin County Council) Elgin Oounty Council, Gentlemen: Gentlemen: The Special Committee 1'e'recognition to' returned service personnel reports that as the la'cal municipalities have already taken care of the recognition of those who have returned we feel it would be an impossible task for the County to undertake this work. [ have tthe honour ,of presentiDig: the IServenty-fiJ::st IAmuual Medi~ eal Report of tthe ,Elgin County Home up to O'c,tober 31l:st, 1'9'4J6, itud submit tihefonowing ,for yoU'r consideration. All of which is respectfully submitted, I made <fiftY-Que visits to the !Home, a11!d attended four inmates in the Memorial Hospital ns ,follows: M. G. BERRY, Chairman. 301m Teller, Dec. 3, 11945 to April ,,1, '1<9~6; J,ames S:cri;~ns" IDee. 11, 11,94ti to [)e:c. 17 194'5. WilHam Walker, IDee. 15, li9-45, to IDee. 2i3, 1945. Larry W'illtams., FJeib. 1, 1191~-l61 to 'March 11, 194'6. James 'Scrivens, Oct. 4, 1946, to Oct. 11.:0, 11,94~5. June, 1946. There were no. !births. I visiter as ne'Cessary an~ inmates who were in ICtrJa.Lgview iNu:rs~ ing '\H!cme, There were three deatihs, two fema1es and one male, as' followS': De,c. 2,31'd, 1945, William lW.alker ...........66,... Cerebral Hemorrihiag:e Feb. '5th, 1946, ILaur,a Wilson" ...85, :...... iChroni'c !Myocarditis. Oct. 10th, 19'4'6, Margaret !Crittenden -84....... IChronic Myocardit1s. 'Respectfully' submitted, o !D, L:. :EWtlN', PhysLcitan, Elgin iOountyt (HiOil11Je. 188 EILGrN COUNTY OOUN'OlL ELGIN COUNTY CCUNmlL WI CORIN BOIRlEllt JN1f:;;;:'lEiOTiOR'!S REPORT WEED. INiSIPEiOTO<RN:l REPORT To )the Warden land Members {J1f ,Elgin County Council, To the "Vla.rdcn and :Membersof the Elgin Oounty lC:uncil, Gentlemen: Gentlemen: IAs your IOnrn iBarer ID1sp~'ctor I would!, like to report on the suc- cess of the WC!fK thiS' year. Alc[roange In Ithe iW€ed Cont,rol tAct in, 1119"4.6 pr,O'vided :11or ,.the -ap- pointment ,of County Weed I'nispectors. 'Dhe wording of the change in the ialet 'Wias ;not Mo clear tan:d it left the lC'ounty: rnspe~ctor in ,oa. slomewm.at unlCertain PIJsition. lWe had an early. spring :and this factor along with good weath- er, .was' la great .aidi in securing a satiJsfactory clean up. This was ac- complished;at 'a cost of $1059,00, made up 'as follows: 88 QO 10,6, 28 156 0,8 2QQ 88 18888 27 88 480,8 222 88 4 88 1n :spite of this handie'ap the ,weed situation in the ICounty show~ ed: :progress, due in ,pa,rt to, inspection, favoura;ble weather and more heLp being ,a~ail8Jble, more ,pastures were mowed this year than f,or som.e iYea,rs 'Past, Alclborowgl1 Dun.wich ISoutihwold Yarmouth lMalahide Bayham ,South tDOrooester OountyInspector ,printillJg <and IAdvertising !Every 100M in;s,pec~o'1" ,wia,s ,v:Lsited and numerouS' local otff:LcialSi were interviewed -and every 'Complaint was investig:ated' and the cost of tihis WOtrk w;as ~1ge.OO for .:33 days" ,work, 601% to :be pa.id :by D8~ pa.rtment ,af Agriculture. The De:p;a.tment of lAg-rioulture is :st.rongly urging mnrestrenuou:s weed contr.ol melaS'lll'es ,and the County, Townships, Towns land Vil- lages ;Ehould be prepared to budge'~ mOire funds for weed contJr.ol. $1859 88 The lacrCia,ge planted tOI porn in El,g'ln is increasing yearly and since the Oai'nBol'er is tthe most serious pest, it is up to, the corn :growers themsewelS to ,p~otect the future 'Of their cr,ops. As yet Jll:> other means IQf keeping it under 6.:mtrol )has been' discovered ex,cept the pr'esent method otf inspe,ction. of every ;fa/rID'. 'JIhe Department of ~<>Ti'cu1ture iJS l'ec,ommending that mo;re spralying :be done ;jJ,y all mun.1cipalities-. ;Elgin :County does niQ .spr,ayillJg Ion its mads (but tJhe, surr,ound~ iug' countieiS all do E'.:me. All of which is respectfully submitted. 1801I1e of the tOiWnships spr1aY'in:g with 'co'nsidcl'aole suc'cess. SUMMIElRS H'MliPIER, COrn Borer Inspector The weed: ,c,ontrol plan is a }.cmg' tel'm ;plan to educate the pe!opJ.e to :become more weed oornscious ,with the municipal bodieS' setting an: example If 01." .the. property owners. Novemlber, ,1946,. All of whtcih is respectfully submitted. SlTJ1MiMlE!R;S H1A!RPER, Weed loopector 100 ElLGm COUNTY OOUN1OIL J<::LGIN aoU1NTY OOUNIOIL 1103 . II' ji 1 I" if I: " IINS'PEOTOR'S' REPORT 9. Average number of irlillllates duripg the .year 3'3 317 172:1 1946 November S~jSion 10., .Avel'!age numlber with Keeper's family and hired help.. 11. Number of weeks' boa.rd 'Of inmates.. 12. Number of week!'s' hoard with !Keeper"s family.. To the El1gin ICounty Council, Gentlemen: 13. Total expenditure during the year.. ..............$12,595.7Q The following is miYreport '011' the lIDlgin County Home for the y'ear ending Octclber 311st", Ili946;: ned1uctions 1. :Number of innlate's at last .report.... 34 2. NumJber admitted during the year.. 9 3. Number of deaths .................. 1 4. Number discharged 3 5. Number d1i;,schlarged to !hospital... ..... .....,.. 5 6. Number of inmates now in house ....... 34 From Qld Age Pensions, inmates.. Produce and milk sold............ Sundries Estates of inmates ..............$ H17 fl2 4332 ~6 3074 61 30 00 247 ,16 14. Fr,om farm stnck.. $ 9102 015, 7. Number O'f inmates -sent 'from the several municipalitiesdur- i11lg the year: 3 2 1 2 1 15. Leaving amount lactually expended for support 01 inmates .......,..... ....$ 34113 fjl6 16. Arvera.ge expenses per day of 'each person.. 2'9 17. Average eXJpenses pe,r week of each per:3'OIll.. 2 03 18. Awerage expenses .per year of ea'ch pers'on.. 105 56 Aldboroug'h Yarmouth Bayham ,Southwold Rodn~y Farm Expenses 9 Hired la-bour .......................$ 348 49 Implements ...... 149 11 IStock .................. ............................................... 260 25 Seed ....................... 173, 20' Gas and oil ...... ........... 235 58 Mscellaneous ...... ............ ............... 319 66 [Feed .... ............ ...............................,... 1024117 $ 2Il17 48 9 18, The various causes of pauperism 01 inmates 'admitted to the IHlouse during the year -may be classified as :tollows': Destitute Old A,g<J III Health 3 3 ~ ~ f 104. EILGJN COUN'I"Y COUNCiL . 'Uo'useE'XpctlS{'J Bread Meat Gra-ceries Provisions tory Goods Be-ots and IShoelS.... Furniture and Hardware DrUiglS Coal and Wood Miscellaneous Barber. Repairs .Generall E,xpense Peflmanent Improv,ements Incidental Sala.ries Keeper and Matron :AJSsistant Keeper and Matron Phy;stcian Income Tax '$ 361 78 1248 70 ,1228 30 316 60 527 57 9485 299 99 131 71 732 80 '525 32 18000 %15 $ 5772 77 .$ 25600 849 48 $ 1105 43 1315 50 1093 89 300 00 290 79 .$ 3000 00 .1:9. The following produce was raised on the farm 'during the y;ear: ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 105 1000 Bushels of Oats 75. Loa-ds of Hay 10 Acres Ensila,ge Gorn 180 :Bushels of Ipatatces -8 - iBushels of Carrots 45 !Loads of Straw Quantity of [lumpkin, Squash ... nd Celery B !Bushels of !Beets 45 !Bushels of Onions 251 Busihels of Wheat Ga.rden Produce 8 iBusels !Pop COorn 600 Heads of lC'albbage 8 BUShels of ;Sun FIr,wer::; 160'0 !Bushels Sugar !Beets 30. iBushel>s of Tomatoes 25 Quarts Mi.lk per day 830 Quarts Fruit Oanned in !House 400 Dozen ~lggS Consumed 720 Pounds of Butter Farm Stock 3 Horses 11 Cows 20 Hogs 2 Brood Sows 160 IOhickens 4 ~C'alves 4 ,Heifers. '" 10'6 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 23. That the total amount expended [by the County en t.he -Gounty Home 1'5, as folLows: Farm, 100 acres, .cost.. Gounty Home Laundry J:I'lre EiScapes Root Cellar, Henery, etc. iCotta.ges, etc. 'Bri'ck Ice :House Barns, etc. Tile [)rain Tile !Drain Outlet .Hot Air Pump- Tank Connections... Refrigerator Fencing Orchard Hea,ting Apparatus Boiler Room and Soft Coal Boiler. Deep Well Silo !Hog Pen Electmc Installation and Pumps Plumbi11lg1 ISeptic Tank and [Drain Sundrie's ........................ . .........$ 1298 95 11'1;801 64 687 1~1 390 00 1419 43 6952 67 1920' '50 10D4 37 4417 23 :13~ 03 920160 590' DO' 1979 01 8585 230'5 44 383rl 521 2507 40' 293 62 6514 99' 2312 DO' 3174 0'0 lilJ416' 751 ~1'6.3& --1$ 06308 22 24. Rieceived from 'Government ,on account of ex.pendibures for land and huilding $ 4000 00 $ ro30S 22 25. There were 4'3 inmates in the lHbu.s.~ during 19'4"0; 2rI males, 116 :females. Of the 34 inmates in -the House cn the 1st day of Novemlber, 1946, 20 weve males and .14 females. The IDM1agement ha's :been \Satisfa-ctory. All of which is respectfulLy ;submitted. J. n. 'I!F.(O[M]SOiN, InSipector. 1St. Thomas, Ontario, N"o'V€mrber, 1946. ELGINOOUNTY COUNmL a07 MOl1HiJ!l~S' AllLOWANCIE REPORT To the 'EIlgin C10unty Council, Gentlemen: ;J: present herewith report in 'connection with the administration of the Mothers,' Allowance 'in the ICounty of' Elgin: ISin-ce the Mathern' Allowances .Act WaJS passed in Ontario, 4CI1 mothers have madeapplicat'i-on in the ICounty of IElgin. At tihep~es~ ent time there 'are 67 allow:ancesin foree .in ,Elgin. >From November il, 'W45, to Oe,tober 1311., 'HM6, 5 a1pplicati:ons were received; 2' !allowances have ib'een ;reduced, !2i iur,reased, 4 canceUedi and' 1 refiused. All Of wh1C}:: is l1espectfully submitted. J. rD. 'I1HOIV.l1SON', Oounty C~erk St. Tho.mas, Ontario, NOli/ember, 1946. lOll "" ELGIN CIQiUNTY COUNOIL OLiD ~GIE PIENSIIiOiNS. ThEP'O:RT TO the Elgin iOounty Ooun~i1, Gentlemen: r present herewith ,report in- connection with the administration M the Old AI6'e Pensions Act in the Cbunty of Elgin: Sinoe the passing of the /Act 2186 individuals have made appli- cation for .old age pension; the pre\3eiIlt disposition of these applica~ tions is as follows: Deaths .1078 !Refuses ....... '109 ..IOancelled 95 !Deferred ....... ......... .......... .......... 14 Transferred 79 !Pending ........ ......... .. ...... 60 Withdrawn ............. 1 Pensions in .force Novemher 1st, 19'46... 750 2186 Pensions in force iNo'vember 1st, 194'5. 701 F1r{J'ill. the first of No,vemiher, 19145, to the 311st of October, 1946, 130application:sha,ve been rec,eived; (J,f these fcur' were madre in CMe'S /Where application ha.d ;previou;s~Y' !been made and r,efused. During this same period 119 .pensiiQ1w have been increased, 13, re~ 'fused, 10 ,reinstated and 10 reduced. lAU Of which is respectfully ~submitted. ,J. iD. 'JlHOMlSOIN, COunty laIerk St. Thomas, Ontario, No,vemb'e'r, 1946. ElLGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 109 OLERiK'iS REPORT OIN LiIiO'EINS.EiS To the Elgin (Dounty Oo.unciI, Gentlemen: ;r have to report the fOllowingapp1icaU,ons: for Ucenses have been approved :by the local municipalities ,a.nd the E~gin.,.St.. Thoma-s Health Unit from ,June 1st, 1.946, to October 311st, 19'45: Restaurant P. Ka,pogines O'amLdian Ganne.rs lA,ylmer ..Aylmer J. Legg ..............~hner J. Mechas ............... ......Aylmer G. rM:. !Lunch ......... ......:.....Aylmer n. Sheppard ............................ ......... ........ ... ...;... Aylmer J. Seta ...................h...... .....................Aylmer Henry White .............. ............... ..;.....AiYlmer Rocabore Inn ........ ................. .... .... .......................!Port !Bruce W. S. McTeer.. ................. ......... Ay~mer, RoR. '1 OhalS. W. Martini ...,.. ..... ..............,. .",Rodney Wilfred H. Kriter.. . ....... :Rodney F. E. Lorveday.. .. ................................ ........Rodney Garnet Eden .. .... Rodney, !R.ta. 2, Olarence 'Roesch ... ........... ................. Port Burwell IGTeer's Tourist Oamp .....iEden, !R.1R.: '1 Robert Fleming ........ ..... Port Burwell J. J. MrIDonald .... .......Ta~botvil1e SaanMiller ..... ....... ........... Fort Stanley Mary Dollins.. ...........,,,...Por,t Stanley W. T. Young (lCupid IOlUib).. .........................8t. Thomas Victor F. Grove.. .. ...........'...... . ............... .. ....Shedden: Moo. B. C.Hall ...... . ..... ......Shedden, !R.R. 3' A. E. IStogre ..........,.. .......... .................... . ..........Finjg-al 1110 EiLGIN COUNTY OOUNrc!IL R.efreshment . ,BOill,th or Dairy Bar Aylmer Dai.ry ..... "Jfk... ...... ........... ................,.... . ......... Aylmer King's 'Cuphoard .........."....................Aylmer, R.iR. 2 Peter 'Montgomery... ............. ........."...........Port Burwell Herman Smith ............. ............'Sparta Beatrice M. !Murray... ..........,........ ............... Port Stanley Ida Karl' . ............. ........."............ .......... ...............Port IStanley ,Joseph Vojin.. ................... ..........IWest Lorn~, iRR. 3 Ice Cream Stands Itoy Haney...... ".. .... ....""................"....... .... .........lSparta R. Morris ......................................... ..................................Aylmer N. Doolittle .. .............................. ............... .......... ..........Aylrner Robt. Kennedy ....... ....... :.. ............Aylmer. R..R. 6 Lorne lVWlOallum ..., ...,Sp:ririgfield Oswald Allen ...... .................. .......".... ............. ,..ISpringfield Gordon .,Leg@' .,..... ............ ...................... ............. ........... Lyons J. W. Wilson ....... ........Ormond !Beach F. 'G. Gott .. ........ ....... .......................TalbotviIle J. :D. Palmer ................................. Shedden Seth Derhyshire .................. ISouthwold IStation .Frank M. Fordham, ........ .............. ............. .........FingaI S. E. 'Rio.WiSom.. Ken Biddle Clayton SUcox .......................".. Lawrence Station .. . ............ -Shedden, 'H..fR,. 3 All Of which i-g respectfully submitted. J. D. THOM1SON; -County Clerk St. Thomas, Ontario, November, 19'46. FJl..GIN OOWIT'YCOUN:OIL ,1111 COUNTY IOL,E!RK'S RElPOR.T ON LICENSES To the Elgin :Ciounty Council, Gentlemen: I have to report ttle following licenses in force on the first day of Novem.ber, 1946: Auctioneer is. A. Brady Duncan Brown ... ......................... Dorchester, Rill,. 2, .... ....... ........ ../Shedden .. ..................... ........ ...... .......,Aylmer ....... ... .............. . ....Dutton, RJR.. 5, .. .......................... ....... ...,Stratb.ro\y ..............:Vienna. .ElUson 'Randall K. J. :MClAlpme A.J, MoAlpine.. iOlarence Wolfe ...... David McPher,so!ll ........[)utton Lorne J. Ross. ..... ............... . ......jHlighgate I,'rank Fulkerson... ............... ..TillSionhurg, R.R. 1 Harold G. !Clarke... ................!St. Thomas Junk Dealers Canada ISCrap Iron & IMetal.. ......... St. John Shepherd,.. . ....".. ........ ;St. A. Van Thomas Thomas Thomas Transport~tionof ,Fowl C. E. Pangborn.. Miller Page .............................. ... .....T.lbotvllle' ........IDutton All Of which i:g respectfully :submitted. J. D. 'I'HOMS.ON, Oounty IClerk ~" St. Thoma.s, Ontario, November, 1946'. 1112 EJIJGIN COUNTY COUNC'IL ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNOIL M3 lit.., 3, Unless there shall be a quorum present in half an, hour ,after the time appointed for theine~ting of Gouncil, the Gouncil shall then stand absolutely' adjourned until the next regular hour of meetins', and. the Clerk shall, if required by two mem'b.ers, take down the . names of the members present at the expiration of such half hour. BY~LA WS BY-LAW NO. 1463 To Regulate' the. Proceedings in . the Municipal Council of the Cor- poration o,f the C'ounty of Elgin lUJld, the Offioers and Committees Thereof 4. The lOauncil shall:always adjourn at the hours of 12 o'clock, noon, and 6 o'clock, afternoon, if in session at these hours, unless otherwise determined by a vote -of a majority'of the members present. Passed' January, 19415 5, . The Gouncil shaH always. adjourn at the hour of 1:1 o"cIocle p,m" if in session at that hour, unless otherwise determined by a vote Of two-thirds of the memlbers present, w:B-EiR1E'AS, it is expedient to. regulate the proceedings in Gouncil and in Committees .o-f the same, and the Offi'cers of the Corporation of the Oc:unty of EJgin, and to amend and consolidate all other 'By- Laws relating to the proceedings in IOouncil, i6, The members Of the ICoun'cilshall not leave their places, on adJournment, until the Warden or other pi'esiding officer leaves the chair, II. THEiRE'FlOIRiE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the COUl,1ty of Elgin enacts as follows: Order of PI'Mee'dings in Council That all other By-Laws relating to proceedings in Oouncil, or inconsistent with this By-Law,ar,e hereby repealed, 7, As soon after the,'hour oJ meeting as there shaH 'be a quorum p:'esent, the Warden shall take the ,chair and members shall ~Je called to order, P'ROClEED'INGS IN OOUNClL I. 8, In 'caSe the Warden shall not be in attendance, the Clerk shall call the meeting to order, until a GhaLman sh.uU be ,chosen, aud the member EO ch-osenta, pres:.de shall take the chair durin,g' the absence of the 'Varden, 'but at the meeting only at which he has been .sOCh-osen, Meetings and AdjoUl'nment of Council 1. In all the proceedings had or' taken in the Municipal Council of the Oorporation of the County of Elgin, the 'f,aHowing rules and regulati-ons shall be observed, and shall be the rules and regulati-ons for the order and despatch of business in the said C'Ouncil, and of the Oommittees of the said Council, 9, Immediately after the Warden ,or 'Other Pleslding Officer s,hall have taken his seat at the first. sessicin of! the day, then the minutes of the preceding' day',s meeting, or meetings, shall 'be read by the ,olerk, in order that any mistakes the~:ein m~y' he oorrected by1 the Clouncil, and if approved bY' the Oouncil, shall be signed by the Warden and COCerk. 2, The hour of meeting on the fir-st day of first session shall be 2 o'cl-ock. in the afternoon, and for every other day Or sitting in the session, snch hour shall be reg.ulated at the previous adjourn- ment, 10, EVery member, previous to his speaking to any question or motion, shall rise. from his seat uncovered and address himself to the Warden or other !Presiding Officer. ~14 ElLG'IN COUNTY COUNOI-L 111. When two 01' lUore members I'lse at once, the Warden shall name the mem'ber who is first to speak" and the other or others may i'~ppeal to. the lOouncil, if dissatisfied with the Warden's dt:cisioll, by the question, "Which 111ember was first uP1" ~ 12~ Every member present when a question is put shall vote thereon, unless the .Gaunoil 'shell excuse him, or he ,be personally inter~ ested in the question, hut such interest must be resolvable into a per- sonal pecuniary profit, ,or such as is peculiar to tha,t member and not in common with the interests of the County at large. 13. When the Warden .Qt' other Presiding Officer is putting the question, no member shall walk across or out of the room, nor inter- rupt the "SIpealcer, except. to a question of order, nor p,asSI between the speaker and 'the chair, and no councillor shall leave his place during the sitting of the pauncH without turning to the chair as he retires, and making a .lbow in such a manner as' that any member present may have ,an opportunity to object to: the absence of such retiring member. 14. Any member called to order shall at bnc.€' sit down, unless permitted to explain; and the ruling of the Warden or other Presid- ing Officer ,shall be final, unless otherwise decided by the Council on an appeal from su'ch ruling. 15. No member shall spealc disrespe8.tfully of His Majesty the King, nor of any of the Roy.al Family, nor of the Gove::nor-'Oeneral, Lieutenant-Govel'nor,or other. person administering the Government of the Dcminion, or of thisr !Province; nor shall he use offensive words against this Gouncil, 01' against any member thereof. 16. No memJber shall smoke" in the 'Council Chamber while Coun- cil is in session. 17. No member shall speak beside the question in debate, 18. Any membel" may require the question 01' motion under dis- cussion to be read at any time during the dehate, 'but not so as to interrupt a member while speaking. ELGIN OOUINTY OOUNiOlL 19. No member shall speak more than once on the without leave of the Gouncil, except in explanation of a of his speech, which may have been mis'oonceived; 'but then he to introduce "llewmatter. 'The mover .and seconder may second time. 20. After a motion is passed; or a report adopted, no motion to alter or amend the same shall be considered during the same session of !Council, unless the motion to alter. or amend is moved and: 'sec- . onded ..by two members from among those who voted with the major- ity that carried said motion or report. 21. U.pon a division on any question before 'the COUncil, the names of those who vote for and those who -vote against the question shall be entered on the minutes, if required by anY1 one member of the Council, and the names shall be recorded yea and nay on the minutes as the members vote on the question. 22. Questions 'Under the proper order of the day maybeputtothe Warden or other presidhi.g Offic-er, or through him to any member of the Council, re1ating to any motion, or other matter connooted with the 'business of the Council or the affairs of the O'ounty, but no argu- ment or opinion is to be oHered, nor any- facts stated, except. so far as may be necessar,y to explain the same; and in B,uswering any su<:n questions a member is not tode'bate the ma;tter to which the same refers. 23. It shall be lawful for the ,Warden or other Presiding OfHcel', subject to an ,appeal to the iQouncil, to order the doors of the Gouncil Chamber to be closed; and when the doors shall be directed to be closed, all -persons, except the members and the Olerk, shall retire. m. Orders of the n~ 24. The Clerk shall have prepared for the use o-f the members~the general order of the day, containing.: 1st. Reading the minutes. H6 EJLQIN COUN'TY C'OUN'CIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCOCL 117 2nd, Re.ading ()ommunice,tions. 3rd, Presenting petitions, '" 3,1, When a question is Under debate no mot1cm shaH be rece:ved unless to amend it, Go postpone it, te, adJourn, or to move the previous questIon, 4th, Enquiries by members. 5th. Giving noUce. 32. The previous que.stion, until it is decided, shall preclude all amendments of the ma~n question, and shall be put without debate in the following words: "Shall the main question now be put?" and, if this be -carried in the -affirmative, the original motion shall forth~ with be put to vote without amendment or deb,ate, 6th, Reports of Committees. 7 tiT, Unfinished business, 8th, New !business, 33, All amendments shall he put in the reverse order in which they are moved, .except in filling up blanks, when the longest tIme and the lar,gest sum shall be put first; and every amendment sub- mitted shall he reduced to writing, .and be dec.ided upon or withdrawn before the main questi-onis put to \Cote, 9th. Gonsideration"Of By-Laws, 25. The business shall, in all cases, 'he taken up in the way in which itstand.s upon the orders of the day,. unless- otherwise deter- mined by a. vote of a majority of the members. present tal{en without debate thereon. 34. In all matio-us fOr the appointment of any member of the Council, dr of any other person to ,any office in the gHt of the Coun~ eil, the namEs of all' candidates shall be submitted bef.ore any vote is taken and the candidates shall be voted on sepamtely in the order in which tJ:.ey are propo-sed. 26. No resolution, askIng fo-rormaking.s; grant {Jf money, shall' be voted' upon until one day's notice has been given that such reso~ lution will be offered, 2.7. All motions, shall ,be in writing, exceipt to dispose of reports 01' communications; or to !efer to 'Gclmmittees, and shall be seconded befor,e being debated o~. put t8 vJte; and all motio'ns shall be readhy. a member rising- in hill E,eat with his head uncove'ed, and shall then be conveyed to the Warden, \vho' shall agaiIi i'ead the s.;3.me, 35. Only one amendment. shall be allowed to an amendment, and any amendment more than one must be to the main question. 36. When the question unde, consideration oontains . distinct pro- pos:tisns, upen the request of .any member the vote upon each pl'OpD- sition shall be taken separately, 28. After a motion has been readh.y the Vlarden or other Presid'- iug Offk,el', it shall 'be deemed to be in possession, 0{ the,Gounc~l; but may be withdrawn ata:J.Y time by -Donsent of a majOl'ity of the members present, 37. After any questi-on is finally put :by the Wal'denor otheT !Pre- siding Of'ficer, no member shall speak to the question, nm shall any other motion be made until after the result is declared; and the de~ cision of the l"W'al'den C'l'otherCPresiding' Off~'cer as to whether the que3tion has been finally put shall be conclusive. 2:9. A motion to refer -the main motion to a Committee shall pre- clude all ,amendment of thema-in question until dec.ided, 3,8. Whenever the Warden or other Presidingl Oift-eer is of opinion that -a motion ofie"ed to the CouncH is contrary to law, or the rules and privileges of the Council, he' shall ap.prize the members thereof immediately befOTe ,putting' the question thereon, -and quote the law Or Tule of authority applicable to the case, without ar.gument or. com- ment. 30, A motion to adj,ourn shall always. be . in or;q~r -unless a vote is being taken, but no -se-cond motion to adjourn Sn:-~~l be made 'ltntil after some intermediate proceedings sha-lihavB' b€e':h'had. H8 EJLGIN CIQiUNT;Y COUNCIL ELGIN OOUil'ITY COUNOIL 119 40. When the 'Warden or other Presiding Officer is called on to decide a point of order or practice, he shall state rule or authority appUcable to the 'case, without argument oroomment, when required~ and shall take precedence Of ,any other motion. On such motion de- bate shall be allowed, and on an affirmative vote the sub.j,ect referred to tte Committee shall be considered as disposed of iil the ne;ative, and the' 'Warden or other Presiding Officer shall resume the chair and proceed 'with other business. 39. Membe:'s shall always take their places when any division i~ called for. Ijo'; v. 41. 'The Warden 01' other Presiding OHicer may vote with the other members on all questions, and any question on which there' is '- an equality of votes shall be deemed to. have been ne6atived, if the Warden has y;oted. Reading of LBy~Laws and PriOcieed:llgs 'l'hel'eon IV. 47. Every by-law shall be introduced upon motion for ieave, specifying the title of the same, or upon motion to appoint a Com- mUtee to prepare "and bring it in. Order O>fProceedings' in Comm(,ttee of the Whole 4.8. When a by-law is Tead 'in the Council, the \Clerk shall cerify the readings, and the time, on the back thereof. After by-laws have passed he shall be responsible for their corre.ctness should they be amended. 42. Whenever it shall be moved andc.arried that the Council go into a Committee .of the Whole, the Warden or other Presiding Offi- cer shall .leave the ,chair, and shall appoint" a Ch.airman of Commi.t- tee of tJ::.e Whole, who shall maintafn order in the Committee', and who 'shall report the proceeding's of the GCnlmittee. 43. The rules -of the Gouncil shan be .observed in !Committe:'!" of the Whole, so f.ar as may be apphcable, ex:;ept that no motion shall re- quire to be seconded, but no motion fot' the p~'evioU3 questi{)n, or for '111 adjournment, shall beaUowed; ,and in taking tl:e yeas and nays the names .of the members shall not :here'::lDrded, nor shall the numbe... of times of speaking on any question ~}3 United. 49. 'Ihe question: "'I'hat this by-law 'be now read a fIrst ti~e," shall be decided without amendment or debate, and shall be read a seconp. time befOre it is committed, and read a third time before it is signed by the iWaTden. 50. Any by-law for the appropriation of money, brc.ught in onthe report of a Committee of the Who1e,shall pass through all its stages without being again referred to the. Oommittee of 'the Whole, unless upon special motion in writing. 44. Questions of order ansmg in C-cmm-ittee of the Whole shall be decided by the chairman, subject to ,an appeal to the O::mn::lil, and if any sudden dis,order should arise in the Committee, the Warden 01' other P'l'esiding orecer will resume the chair, without any que3- tion. :being put. 45. On motion in Committee (If the Who1e to rise and report, the question shall, 'be dec'ided without debate. 51. All amendments made in Committee (If the Whole shall be reported by the .chairman to the Council; through the "'arden or other Presiding Officer, who shall receive 'the same forthwith. After report, the by..;law shall be open to debate and amendment before it is orqered for a third reading. 'When a by..,law is rello.rted without amendment it is forthwith ordered to be read a third time at such time as may be appointed by the Council. 46. A motion in Committee of t.he Whole to rise without report- ing, .01' that the ,chairman leave the ,chair, shall alw.ays he in order, 52. All by-laws adopted shall be printed in the minutes of the Council. 120 ELGIN COUN'I'Y COUNCIL lilLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 12,! VI. ., 57. That all other communicatIons, petitions, and' reports laid before the Council "be read- by the Clerk and handed to the Wal'den, who shall ascertain the will of the COUlI,eil respecting them. P'ctiti1:ms' amI Communications. 53. Every petition, remonstrance, or other written applic.ation intended to be presented tp the CauThe'il, must be fairly written or . printed on paper or parchment, and signed 'by' at least one pe:~son, and no letters, affidavits, or other documents shall be attached to it, ,and shall, be presented by a member in his place as soun as that order -of business is reached. VR. Organizatioll of Oommittees M, EiVery member presenting ,any petition, remonstran:::e, or other written .wppHcation to the O'omi,cil, shaH .exa,inine the f,ame, and shall .be answerable that they do not contain any impertinent 01' im- proper matter, .and that the same is re~pectful and temperate ill it1:l language; he' shall. also 'endorse'there:m the- name of the applicant and the suhstance of such application, and sign his na.me thereto, which endorsement only shall be read by the Clerk, unless a member shall require the read'ng (If the paper; in which 'ca~e the whole shall te read. 58. The Committee to strike the standing Committees and all Select Committees shall be appointed on motion of a member by con- sent of a majority of the Council, and anY' member of the C'ouncil may be placed' on a C'ommUtee, notwtlthstanding: the ,absence of such member at the time of his "being named upon such 'Gommittee, and the Warden shall be, ex-offi.ci-o, a member of iall the Standing Com- mittees. 59. The Committee, to strike the ;Standing iComm1ttees Shall con- sist of the Reeves -of all MunicipaHties. 5,5. Any membe~' maym.::Jve to take up or refe:' any ,.:;-smmunication 0:: petition made or presented t::J the 'Council dur~ng' the ye:ll' inwhi-c:1 such petition was made ;01' presented, or durin3" the neX:t; pI'e~edinJ year, and whe~her such 'ccmmun~'cation (Jr 'petiti-on has been referred to a Committee and reported UP{JU 01' not; but n:) motion shall be in order to' take up -01' refer a ,communiCation or petition made or pre- sented at any time 'before the commencement of the year next pre- c'eding such motion. 60. The member who shall introduce a by-law, peti-tion, or mo-' tion upon any'subjec.t which may be referred to a Select Committee, shall be one Of the Speci-al ,Committee to which it is ref-erred, without being named thereon. 61. Of the number of members composing any Standing. or Select C:omanittee, such numlber thereof as shall be equal" to a majority of such Com-mittee, exclusive of any; ex~off-icio members, shall be a quorum to do. business. ;56. All petitions 01' other written commun:cations on nny SUbject within the co.gnizance of any Standing- :committee shall, on presenta- ti{Jn, be referred to the proper Committee by the Warden without -~ny motion; and no member shall speak up-on, nor shall any debate be allowed on the presentati-on of ,any petition or other communication to the Council; !but any member may move that in referring said peti- tion or -other communi,cation eertain instruc.tions may be given by the Council, or that the said petiti,on o:rcommunicatioll complain of some present personal grievance, requiring1 immediate remedy, the ma,tter contained Icontainedtl1erein ma.y be brought into immediate discus- sion and disposed .of forthwith. -62. There shall be annually appointed,: at the first meeting- of each newly ele,cted Council, the Following Committees, ~hich shall compose the Standing Committees of the" Council for the year: 1st. Finance. 2nd. Agricultural. 3rd. Property. 4th. Petitions and Legislation. 5th: Educational. , I, h i. 1122' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL '" 6th. Equalization. 7th. Oounty Home. 8th. County Roads. 9th. Legal. 10th. Children's Aid. 11th. Reception and Entel'tainment. 63. Each Standing Oommittee ,of the :Oouncil, except wr,ere other- wise specially provided, shall ,c-onsisto.("such memibers of the Council, not exceeding one member from each Municipality, as the Council shall name as aforesaid. 64. The members of each Standing .committee shaH, at the:r first meeting, elect a chairman from among themselves, and as soon as such chairman has been elected, the time of the future' regular meet- ings of the Committee shall be determined by the members thereof, and als-o the hour at which eSich of such meetings shall be held. (j5. The time and plaICe of meetings of .committees during sessions of Council shall be arranged with the Clerk by the "chairman, and in his absence by the Clerk, and notice the:oeof posted up by the Clerk i11 the Oouncil Chamber. 136. Special 'meetings of Committees maY' be eaEed by the chair- man Whenevel' he shall c-onside-r it necess.ary tp do so, and it shall be the. duty of the Chairman,' OT in his abselllCe the Clerk -of the Ooun- cil, to summon a special meeting 'Of Committee whenever re::].ue.sted in writing to do so by a .maJority of the members of the Committee. '6-7. Members ,of the council may attend the meetings ,o'f any of the Committees, but shall not be allowed to vote nor take any part in the discussion or debate. Committee Mceting,s 68. The !business of the respective Standing and Select, Commit- tees shall .be conducted under the following regulations: ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL 123 (1) The chairman shall preside at every meeting, and shall vote on all questions submitted, ,and in case of an equal division the qUes- tion shall, be, pasLed in the negative. (2) He shall' sign all sU'ch orde:'s and documents as the Oommit- tee may legally order. (3) In his .absence, one Of the other members shall be elected to preside, who shall dis,charge the duties Of the chairman for the meeting until the arrival or the chairman. (4) No order or authority to do any matter or thing shaH be recognized as emanating frem any Oommittee unless it is in. writing, nor unless it is signed by the ,chairman, or acting ,chairman, or sec- l'etary thereof, and refers to the minute of the ~oard or Committee under which it is issued. Duties oil' Committees 6,9. The general duties of all. the Standing and Select. Committees of the Council shall be as. follows: (1) To report to the Council from time to time, whenever de- sired i))y the 'Goun-cil, and as, often lOtS the interests of. th'e County may require,' on all matters .oonne.cted with the duties" imposed on them respectively, and to re,commend such aeU-on by the Council in relation thereto as may be deemed necessary. (2) To cause to be prepared and introduce into the -Council, all such by-laws as may be ne:::essary to give effect to the reports or re-c'ommendations of the respective iQ!omrnittees that are adopted by the Council. (.3) To consider and report respectively on any and all matters referred to them by the Goun';il, the chairman signing such repo'rt and bringing up the same. (4) No report Of any Committee shall 'be amended except in a Committee of the' "Whole. , 1'24 ELGIN COUNTY OOUN'CII. .::-,-,(UN. COU1NTY .OOUNOIL 125 ---~-------" Finance Committee ~ the proV1SHJllS of By-Law :No. '600 a:ppointing. Commissioners to 'have the care of-Court House and Jail. (5) It shall. be the duty of the Finance Committee to present__ to the COuncil in June, in each - year, a fun and _ particular exhibit ~ of the financial affairs of the Council at the termination f)f the pre- ceding .financial year, together with an estimateo! the amount re~ quired to be raised by ,assessment during the current year. Legal Committee (6) To report to the Council at. t11e .Julle Session, in each year, as to the manner in which the revenue required fowl' the current year should be raised. 73. It shall be the duty Of the Legal Committee to advise with the County Solicitor and determine 'procedure when actions are entered against the Oounty;,said 'Gommitteeto have authority to issue orders on County 'ITea'surer for 'payment of costs, damages, and expenses up to $'1,000.00' in any case, as may' be necessary, and l'eport to this Council. (7) To consider and report on all affairs connected with the leasing or selling of Oounty property. Appointment and Duti'e's Of ,Officers of the COrpll)l'a,tion (8) To advise the Treasurer, when called upon to do 80, in aU matters pertaining to his office. The duties of the various officers of the, iQorporation, in ,addition to those, prescribed by law, or by any By-Law or ResolutIon of tl1e Council, shall be, as follows: (9) To see that all duties ,and services which ought to be per- :formed by the Treasurer, and the ofneers in his department, are fully executed. Treasurer C'ounty Roads Clommit,tee 74. 'The Treasurer shaUbe the head of the Financial 'Department' . of the; rGorporation, and" shall be the principal officer and w:lviserof' the Corporation, through the Finance Gommittee;in all matters re':' lating to the monetary and financial operations of the Oounty, and e3pecially with regard to its debt; and the estimates to'be prepared annually for providing the ways and means, for protecting the same, and meeting the annual expenditure, with,a careful regard to. the maintenance Of the County credit. 71. It shaU be the duty of the -County Roads Committee to co- opemte with and direct the iQounty Road Superintendent in the con- struction and maintenance of county roads, and that the said 'Com- mittee 'be authorized to approve and pass aU accounts fer work on said roads ,and to issue orders on the County Treasurer for p;l.yment of same. Property - Ciommritte'e 7'5. The se'cul'lty to be ,givenhy the Treasurer, as required - bylaw; shall be by guarantee bond oJ any good and sufficient C'ompany or Association dulyinwrpomtedfor granting -bonds of suretyship fOl' parties holding positions ,of trust', and as to the amount of the _ same and aU other particulars, - shan- be - subje'ct to the approvall oo! theO'oun- cil. 7~. In addition. to the duties prescribed by law, or by 'any other By-Law of the County of !Elgin, the ?uties especially _ imposed on the Property ,Committee shall be as follows: To regulate all matters connected with the Jail, Court House, Council 'Chamber, Registry Office, and all grounds and buildings adjacent thereto, the property of' the Corporation, subject alwayS to 7,6. The Treasurer shall keep or cause to be kept, according to the most approved system. of rbookkeeping, such books of aooount. as may be necessary to .show distinctly the rece~pts ,and disbursements, and' 1~3 EJLGIN COUNTY COUN'OIL E:..,GIN OOU'INTY COUNOIL 127 ... all other reckonings; and accountings of what nature or kind, so- ever, lconnected with the monet.a!y transactJons of the' Gorporation. ve:'ify the entries of receipts and disbursements with the accounts and vouchers of the same, and with the :books <of the office. 77. He shall also 11;eep special books and re,gisters for recording the debenture debt of the .ODrporation, the retirement of the coupons or interest warrants of the same, and all other changes in the same. 84. The accounts and transactions of his department shall be subject to an audit by the Oounty Auditors as the Oouncil inay dire'Ct, and these shall prepare the Annual Detailed Audit .and Abstract Re- port ,of Receipts and Expenditure. 7'8. He shall use all diligence in enforcing the prompt collection of all rates, taxes, interest, rentals, or .other dues of the Corporation, and where necessary, enforce payment .of the same by a prompt reo course to legal process. County Clerk 79. He shall be the custodian of all titles and evidences of titles, deeds, insurance policies, mortgages, leases, bonds, agreements, Dr .other instruments relating tD the property and rentals of the County, and shall only allow the same to be takerifrom his offke on the order ,o,f the Council or on the, requisition and receipt of the Oounty Clerk or the County Solicitor, for use in. a,ny leg-al procedure, or on the order to produce of' any Gourt of Ldw or equity. 85. n shall be the duty of the Oounty Clerk to perfDrm the dutieS' required of him by statutory or other authority. (1) To notify each member of the Committees to which they are appointed under this By-Law, so soon as the appointment has been made, of the time and place at which the first meeting of the Com~ mittee will be held. 80. He shallfurt,her be the custodian .of all bonds and securities of fidelity given .foOl' the faithful discharge of the duties o~ offj;~lals and servants .of the Oc.rporation, save his own, which shaH ,be deposited with the oounty Clerk or otherwise as the Oouncil may direct. (2) To furnish ,each of such members w.ith a 'Copy of this iBY~ Law at the time of serving the notice of the first meeting. 81. He shall be gUided in the payments and disbursements of his of.flce by the By-L.aws, Rules and iRegulations of the GJrp'J:rat:Dn with. regard to the passing and verification of aecounts by the several Committees,or by statutory or Dtherauthority, and by the a.ppropria- tions made for their liquidation, advising with the Committee of Finance or the Council when requisite. (3) To furnish the Treasurer of the County and the chairman of each Committee with certified copies of all resolutiDns, enactments, orders .of the ICouncH. or other matters relative to the 'matters over which the said Committee may respectively have jurisdiction, on the day next succeeding that upon which the actlon of the.oouncil in respect therenf takes .place, or sooner if required, (4)' To ,communicate or Iconvey to the Committees all petitions or other documemnts referred by the Council. 82. iHe shall, as early as may be after the ,close of the financial year; prepare for publication any statements of assets and liabilities, ,and such other information regarding the County debt, and any other special ac-counts of the iCorporation, as may be, required by the council. (5) To give notice to the memhers of the Council of all special meetings thereof; said notice to be mailed to each member at his residen-ce or place of business. 83. lHe shall g,eneraHy supei"intend the transactions of his depart- ment, ,and the ofncer of the same, and duly compare; check, and (6) To have charge of the :County seal and only to attach the same t.o _any document connected with the Corporation, on the order of the Oouncil. li28 E1LGIN COUNTY' COUNCIL '" (7) The County Clerk shall .have sole authol'ity to purchase all office supplies and furniture tequired in the County offices, or for the oHiees of any of,ficials for which the County is by law responsible. (8) To Ohairman, thereof. attend all meeting of Oommittees when requested by Acting Chairman, or Warden, and act as Secretary Engineer 86. It shall be tIle duty of the County Engineer- (1) To report to the Council, at each session if necessary, as to the improvements and repairs whi'ch, in his' opinion, should be under...: taken by th'e Corporation; and also to present to- the said Committee a supplement~ry report as to any additional improvemen~$ and re- pairs to be undertaken durIng the year. and' which were not included in the last preceding report. (2) To have the general superintendence and contra! of all eill- ployees of the Depar-tment in the carrying out Of-all works of con- struction and repair of buildings order~d by the-Council or any Gom- mittee thereof. (3) :'-1'0 be responsible to the Gauncil for the' due performaruceof all such works, unless 'by the re301utkm, by-law, or c.o-ntract farth~ same,' such works have been entrusted to some other engineer or architect. (4) To decide Upon, select and em.ploy such number of foremen, inspectors, mechanics, ,and laborers as may, be reqtiired from time to time for any ICorporation work - under hls - ,contr,ol which has not been let by contr.act; and such employees shall be paid by the County upon the Engineer's certiflcate, reported to the Treasurer, and shall be subject to dismissal at any time by him or by the Council without be- ingentitled to-any notice of or compensation for - such dismissal,and all such appointments and dismissals shall be reported forthwith thereafter to the Council, through the Count~ Road Committee. (5) To examine and certify all 'bills for material and labor against the ICorporation for works in his ,charge, and to make-or cause ELGIN COUNTY OOUNOIL 129 to 'be made, the surveys and examinations necessary for the purpose. ('6) To have' control of all assistants employed in his department, and of all COrporation contractors, subject to the terms (.\f their re- spective contracts. (7) To report from time to time to the County Road Committee, or to the !COuncil, as the case may. 'require, any obstruction, he maY' meet with in the course Of his duties or any other matter upon which 1].e may reqUire advic~orinstruction. (8) To furnish the Council and the various Committees thereat with all plans and speCifications' t.equired in' connection with the roads, bridges, drains, culverts, and other Corporation works, and take and furnish all levels, and make all surveys in connection .with the same, and .also'. perform aU engineering services connected with the Corporation of the .county of Elgin as the CJouncil may from time to time require,_ and., be responsible ror ,the supervision and execution of the same. (9) To cause a notice of any special meeting of the County Road' Committee to be mailed to each member Of said COmmittee. . (10) To conduct the (:orres:pondence of the said Comlnittee, and keep copies or"aIl letters written by, him on office business. (11) To communicate on the day after any -meeting of the said' Committee a ooPY of any order' or minute of' the said Cominlttee made at such meeting, to such, officials of the Oorporation ,or other persons as may be af~ected' thereby, or to whom t.he Oommittee may order the same to be cormnunicated. (.12) To preserve and file all oommunications and tenders address- ed to or read [before the said Coinmittee, and to furnish them when required,a copy of any account, letter, report, specification, or other document in the possession of the said /Department. (3) To .prepare and have thec,ustoqy of. and.. be responsible. for; all such plans and ~timates as may from t'me to time be preparedl for the use of the COunty. 130 ELGIN CIOUNTYOOUN'CiL ..' ('14) To keep.. a "(Plan ,Book" , which shall contain a' list ,of all plans, profiles, and drawings in the department; and no plan shall be allowed to go out of the office until a receipt for the same has been signed by the .person to whom ~t is given, (1'5) To keep the time of all men -employed on works 111; his 'charge. <1'6) To make all measurements of work and matetial -which may be required. (17) To keep a "'Measurement Book", in whlch he'"shali enter aU measurements of work of repair done and materials delive:-ed for, the same, wi~h dates and names, as may be reiquired. (18) Whenever work is done or matertal supplied under a written contract, no account or estimate for such work or material shall be certified by:th,e Engineer, or paid 'by the Treasurer, unless and until th~, c;omplete execution of the 'cqntrMt and bond (if any) shall first hay~ "been certified '!?y the' County -Soli-citer. The County Sol:citor 87 The person appointed as Solicitor shall attend to such duties and,. giVE} such legal opiriions as may be required 'by the -9ouncil, or the chairman of any Oommittee thereof, 'such opinions to be in writing. 88. That it' ~~l:l)l be the duty of all other Officers of this Corpo"'- ation to furni~h t~e Oounty Solicitor, upon request, with, any docu- ments, books, or p~pers, or oopies of the same, in the custody orpos- session of such ',Qff~cers", and to give to ,the said ISolicitor such other aid and a;ssist,anyEr"~S he may require in the performance of the dut:es of the said offf.c:e{' Money Approprbt.tionS1, A;coo1,l11ts) EJqlenditures, Contra.cts, and' Improvements 89. That no tenders' b'efaccepted on ,behalf of the ICorporation of the County of ~gin' ,for 'any purpose unless such tender be accom- panied bya certi-fied cheque for "Such,affi9unt as the Committee, hav- ing to do with the matter"may determine. ELGIN OOUlNTY OOUNOIL 1.311 90, With the view {)f preventipgmembe:'s and officers of the Cqr- poration fronI Ibeing interested i,n IOorp.oration contracts, it is herebY' expresslyd~cl.a,ed that no member of the. Gauncil, and no officer of the qorporation, shall be interested in a private capacity, direotly or indirectly, 'in any contract or agreement for labor, or for any' ma- terials, goods, wares, or merchandise furnished to the C:ounty, where- in thedounty is a party interested. 91. Any breMh of the duty imposed Ij).y the pre-ceaing section of this By-law, on the part of any officer of the 'IOoI1>oration, shall sub~ ject him to forfeitu.re' of his offioeand Lmmediate removal therefrom. 92. No account or c'laim against the iOounty, arising out of or 'con~ neeted with any contract, agreement, purchase, or sale', made contrary to this By-law, shall be certified tby any !Engineer or other officer' of the C{Jlporation, or approved by any 'Oommittee, or the chairman thereof, or paid by the Treasur.er. 93. Every contract shall contain a clause declaring. that 'the con- tract is entered into on the . part Of the O'orporation in fulI faith that no member of the Council, ;and no officer of the C'orporation, has any interest whatever therein, and further declaring that the ,persons COllM tracting, and their representatives, are, to forfeit alI C'la~ms u.uder the contract, and for all work done, or materials, goods; Ware!" 0,1' merchanM dise furnished under it, if it shaH appe,ar that anw. memJber of, _theiCounN cil or officer of the Oorporation is at the time, interested therei:n, or if any interest therein is afterwards given 'or ,agreed to be given to him, and providing that no payment' is to ,be required without the declara- tion .fbeing delivered at the time of .requiring . the same, as: hereinafter provided. 94. . No money shall 'be p.aid to any member of the ,council, {)r to any officer of the Corporation, as paid agent or attorneY' for any conN tractor. 9~5i !:No member of the Council shaH have power to direct or inter- fere with the performance of any work for the Corpor,ation, and the officer in charge shaU be subject to his superior officer, if<any, and to the Council, or to any Committee (while a'cting in that capacity, and not otherwise), to whiCh the Council' may, in any case, give authority In that behalf. 1J2. ELGIN OOPNTY COUNCIL ~._-----~-'---'- 96. No contractor or other person found by the County iEllgineer, or person in charge on lbehalf of the Council, or by any; Committee of the Council, or declared 'by a Resolution of 'the ICouncil, or ascertained by a judicial de.cision, to have been guiity of defrauding, or attempting to defraud the County, shall -again be employed in any. capacity on behalf of or. receive any contract ,.from the County. without the express sanction of the Oouncil. ,It shall .be the duty of the various officers of the iCorporation to forthwith report all such fraud~, 9'1' attempted frauds, of which they may _'become cognizant, to their superiors, and for such superiors to report the -same to the Committee to whose de- partment the subject of the fraud roelongs. General C1.auses 97. <, No person, except :Members and Of.ficers of the Council, shall be allowed. to come 'within the bar during the sittings of! the Council without the pet-mission of the Warden or other Presiding Officer. 98. ' No standing rule or order of the Council shall be 'suspended, except by a vote of two:~thirds of the members ;present. 99. Irl 'aU unprovided :cases in the Proceedings of iOouncil or in committee, 'the Law of' Parliament shall !be.followed, 'and in such cases the decision of the Warden or other -Presiding Officer shall \be final, and acquiesced in without debate. 100. 'Any .officer who shall refuse, or wilfully fail -or neglect to per- form, any duty enjoined upon him by any J3y....Law or Resolution' of the Council, or who shall in the di'scharge Of his official 'duty be guilty of any fraud, eX!tortion, oppression, favoritism, partiality, or wilfull wrong or injustice, shall be subject to removal from office. 101. Every By-Law which has passed the council shall, immooiately after being signed by the 'Warden, and' sealed with the seal Of the. COr- poration, !be deposited by the Clerk for security in the vault connected with his office. Election of Warden 102. (1) The Olerk of the county shall take the chair at two o'clock in the afternoon of the' third Tuesday of the month of .Janual'Y in each "LeaN COUNTY COUNOlL 133 year, or at such hour and on such day thereafter as he shall find the majority of the members of! the CiQuncil present in the COun{li! Chamber. (2) That the Clerk shall prepare lists of the names of the members in perpendicular . and horizontal lines, and ,.a ,card, for each member with the na~e of the member written or printed thereon. (3)- . That the Olerk shall inform 'the mem.bers that he is ready to proceed with the election of one, 'of their number to !be fWarden. (4) That he shall thereupon ta'ke from a,receptacle in which the cards have been placed, onecal'd at a time, as it comes to' hIs hand, and ,call upon the. member whos'e' name appears thereon to say for whom he casts his vote, and tl~e 100erk shali place the figure under the name of -the member for whom the vote was cast. When all the members have voted, the 'Olerk shall forthwith inform, the memberS' of the result, and 'the C~erk shall continue the same p,rocedure! until he shall find that ,a majority of the .votes have rbeen cast :for one member, and shall thereon declare the electi'on of suoh member. (5) That the Warden-elect shall forthwith sign and declare and read aloud thedechration of office, and on'the completion thereof he shall take the chair. 103. The 'Warden of' the County, while" actiu81 on 'any Committee, shall receive the same allowance and mileage as are :paid to the other members of said Oommittee. 104. That all pay lists .for meetings of OouneU or :Committees" be certified 'by the Oounty Clerk or Warden heforebeiugi paid by the County Treasurer. 105. That By-Law No. 940 and all other By-Laws relating to pro- ceedings in Gouncil or inconsistent with this lBy-'Law are hereby' re- pealed. Read a first time this 1:8th day of Janual'Y, 1946. Read a second time this i1>8th day of January, '19416. Read a third Hme at JOounty Council Ohambers, St. Thomas, art:d fi-nally' passed this 18th day of ,Januar~, 1946. J. D. TOOlVIlSON, County Clerk F1RmID s. SHi'VEiLY, Warden 134 ELGIN COUNTY COUN'GlL --~ BY.LAW No. 1464 To Appoint. a County Road Committee As required by the Highway Act the Elgin County Council enacts: That the fallowing five members of this Council constitute a Committee for. the purpose of directing the work to be d6ne.. on the County Road System: ' Clifford Ellis Stewart Brown ,.. Thomas Soper . R. D. Campbell . Neil McConkey .. ,For Term of One Year ..For Term of Two Years .....For Term crf Three Years .:For Term of Foul' Years ..For Term of Five Years That by~law No. 1440 be and is hereby repealed. Read a first time this 18th day of January, 1946. Re~d a second time this 18th day of January, 1946. Read a third time and finally passed this 18th day of Janaury, 1946. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk FRED S. SHIVELY, Wal'den BY-LAW No. 1465 To Appoint a Board of Auditin the County of Elgin for the Year 1946 The Elgin County Council enacts: That the Judge of. the County Court and Mr. Mark Berry be, and are hereby appointed members of the Board of Audit to perform the duties required of them by the Revised Statutes of Ontario. ELGINOOUNTY COUN()[L 135 That the membel's of the said Board of Audit be paid the sum of Seven Dollars per day for their services and five cents per mile going to and from each audit. Read a first time this 18th day of January, 1946. Read a second time this 18th day of Januai'Y, 1946. Read a third time and finally passed this 18th day of J anl,1ary, 1946. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk FRED S. SHIVELY, Warden BY.LAW No. 1466 To Authorize the-Warden and Treasurer to Borrow the Sum of 'fwo Hundred Thousand Dollars The Elgin County- Council enacts: That the Warden and Treasurer be and are hereby authorized to borrow the sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars from the Bank of Montreal as it may be required to meet the expenditures of the Corporation of the County of Elgin during the year 1946 and to give as security therefO'l'e notes of One Thousand Dollars or multiples thereof. Read a first time this 18th day of January, 1946; Read a second time this 18th day 01 January, 1946. Read a third time and finally passed this 18th day of January, 1946. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk FRED S. SHIVELY, Warden " 'j26' ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL --~~~~--_._~--------~--- ------------------"..._.~- BY.LAW No.. 1467 To Confirm the Eq?alization of the Assessment Rolls County of Elgin for the Year 1946 of the 'I 'I ! I' II II .'.1'. Ii III ii'1 Ii ii I,i 'I' I , I The Elgin County Council enacts: T,hat the following be the equalization of the Ass~s~ment Rolls of the County of Elgin- for - the year 1946: Aldbol'ough ......., ......................... Dunwich Southwold Yarmouth Malahide Bayha.m South Dorchester Aylmer Dubton Port Stanley Spl'ingfield Vienna Rodney West Lorue ... ...............$3.395.300 3;628,785 4,643,656 4,964,222 3,670,850 2.488.074 1,891.651 1,587,468 497.7'98 963,919 124,718 133,194 367.256 383,493 $28,740.384 That this Council is willing to have the final equalization of assessment rolls, in case of appeal, made by the County Judge. Read a first tiine this 18th day of January, 1946. Read a second time this 18th'day of January, 1946. Read a third time and finally passed this 18th day of January, 1946. . J. D. THOMSON. Clel'k FRED S. SHIVELY, Warden ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 137 ~-~-:==:::===.._=- BY.LAW No. 1468 To Appoint Two Members of the Council to the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit W'hereas the Regulations of the Ontario Department of Health provides for the appointment of two members by the County Council on th,e Board .of the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit. The Elgin County Council enacts: That William Merrett be appointed for a term of two years. That E. E. Atkinson be appO'inted for a term of one year. Read a first time this 18th day of January, 1946. Read a second time th~s 18th day -of January, 1946. Read a third time and finally passed this 18th day of January, 1946. J. D. THOMSON. Clerk FRED S. SHIVELY, Warden BY.LAW No. 1469 To Appoint a Me~bel'of the Aylmer Board of Educatiin The Elgin County Council enacts: That Morris McNeil be appointed - a member of the Aylmer Board of Education for a term crf three years. Read a first time this 18th day of January, 194.6. Read a second time this 18th day of January, 1946. y 128 ELGIN OOUNTY COUNCIL ~,-~---~----- Read a third time. and finally passed this 18th day of J auuary, 1946. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk FRED S. SHIVELY, Warden BY-LAW No. 1470 Form A-32 A By-law to provide fOl" the total expenditure on the system of county roads in the County of Elgin as approved by Order-in-Council, during the year 1946. WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act, Chapter 56, R.S.O., 1937,. and amendments, requires that the total expenditures on county roads and bridges be provided for annually by county by-law. THEREFORE the council of the corporation of the said County of Elgin, enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $40,000 is hereby appropriated front manies raised by levy, debentures and .government subsidy, for expenditure upon construction on the said system during the year 1946. (2) The sum of $160,000 is hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy and government subsidy for expenditure upon main- tenance and repair of the roads in the said system. during the year 1946. (3) The said monies shall be expended under the direction af the duly appointed county road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway tmprQvement Act. (4) The Clerk 'shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways of Ontario, for approval on or before the 31st of January of the present 'year. FJLGIN OOUINTY OOUNOIL 139. Passed at St. Thomas this 18th day of January A.D., 1946. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk FRED S. SHIVELY, ' VVarden I, John D. Thomson, Clerk of the corporation of the County of Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. 1470 passed by the council of the said corporation, on 'the 18th day of January, 1946. JOHN D. THOMSON,. Couniy Clerk. BY-LAW No. 1471 A By-law for licensing, regulating and governing salvage shops, salvage yards, secondRhand shops and.dealers ~n second-hand goods The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, pursuant to 1937 Revised Statutes C1f Ontario, Chapter 206, Section 430 and amendments thereto,. enacts as fonows: (1) The County Clerk is hel'eby authorized in his discretion to license lands or buildings to be used for salvage shops, salvage yards and second-hand shops, and no lands or buildings shall be used for such purposes without such license, and both the tenant. and owner shall be .liable for the penalty hereinafter stated if land or buildings are used without such a license. The fee for such a license shall be $20.00. (2) The County Clerk is hereby authorized in his discretion to license operators of salvage shops, salvage yards or second-hand shops and dealers in second-hand. goads, and no such operator or dealer shall transact any business within the County without such license. The fee for such a license shall be $10.00. (3)' T,he County Clerk is hereby authorized in his discretion to issue licenses to every person using a vehicle for any of the purposes ., 140 ELGTN COUNrr-y OOUNCn. BLOIN OOUNTY COUNCIL 141 ___._____._______.m.__._~___________ ________ _____.._m_~_._____~_._____._ .:::-....=:::=====;.=-=='...:.:===----=-----::=.==-..:.:::--::....-====:=----==..=..::.:::::-- mentioned in paragraphs (1) or (2) of this By-law, whether such per- son is using the vehicle on his own account or as the agent or servant of another person and no person shall use a vehicle for such purposes without first obtaining a license. Both the owner and user of the vehicle shall be liable for the penalty hereinafter stated if such a license is not procured. The fee for such a licens'2shall be the sum of $10.00. Read a third time and finally passed this 18th ,day of January, A.D. 1946. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk FRED S. SHIVELY, Warden (4) No OUe shall make an applicatiin for any of the licenses herein without first submitting to the County Clerk a certificate ofapprov~lJrom the Medical Officer of Health of the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit and the Reeve of the Municipality. BY-LAW No. 1472 (5) The, County Clerk may without cause or notice suspend or cancel any license issued under this By-law. To Appoint a Member of the Dutton High School Board The Elgin County Council enacts: (6) All uncancelledlicenses issued under this By-law shall automatically expire at the end of the calendar year in which they were issued. That H. B. Hockin be appointed a member of the Dutton High School Board far a term of three years. Eead a first time this 18th day of January, 1946. Read a second time this 18th day of January, 1946. Read a third time and finally passed this 18th day of J auuary, 1946. (7) Any person convicted of a breach of any of the provisions of this By-law shall forfeit &nd pay at the discretion of the convicting Magistrate a penalty not exc_eeding the sum of Fifty Dollars (exclusive of costs) for each offence, or for each day that each offence c-ontinues, and in default of- payment of the said'penalty and costs forthwith the convicting Magistrate may commit the offender to the common gaol of 'the County of Elgin with or without hard labour for any period not exceeding six calendar months. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk FRED S. SHIVELY, Warden (8) In addition to all other penalties, any contravention of, this By-law may be restrained by action at the instance of a rate-p~yer' or the Corporation, pursuant to 1937 Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 266, ~ection 525. BY.LAW No. 1473 To Amend By-Law No. 1451 That By-law No. '742 be repealed. The Elgin County Council' enacts: Read a second,time this 18th day ,of January, A.D. 1946. That the salary of W.G. LumleYJ County Treasurer, be ,increased to Two Thousand Dollars per anum, payable monthly. That By-law No. 1451 be amended accordingly. Read a first time this 18th day of January, A.D. 1946. 142 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL ===-=,~~..:c-==-:"'--=-'~=-----'-:::-~--~-- Read a first time this 18th day of January, 1946. Rea'd a second time this 18th day of J auuary, 1946. Read a third time and finally passed this 18th day of Janual'Y, 1946. FRED S. SHIVELY, .. Wal'den J. D. THOMSON, Clerk BY.LAW No. 1474 To Extend 'rime for Tax Sale The Elgin County Council enacts: That the time for the enforced collection 'by sale of land inarreal'S for taxes in the County of Elgin be and is hereby extended for one year. Read a 'first time this 13th day of June, 1946. Read a second time this 13th day of June, 1946. Read a third time and finally passed this 13th day of June, 1946. FRED S. SHIVELY, Warden J. D. THOMSON, Clerk BY.LAW No. 1475 '1'0 Amend By-law No. 146.2 of the County of Elgin which provides for Licensing and, Regulating Places of Refreshment The Council of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: EUHN OOU1NTY COUNOlL 143 ---_._.~-- --~-~- 1. Section forty-four (44) of By-law Na.1462 is hereby ,amended by deleting the whole of the said section and inserting in its place and stead -the following section: 1/44. Any persons convicted of a breach of any of the prOVISIons of this By-law shall ,forfeit and pay, at the discretion cr.f- the convicting :rv.ragistrate or Justices of the Peace, a penalty not exceeding the :;;um of Fifty Dollars for each offence, exclusive of costs, and in default of payment of the said penalty and costs forthwith, the said penalty and costs, or the costs only, may be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the offender, and in case of there being no distress found out of which such penalty can be levied, the convicting Magistrate or Justices of the Peac'e may commit the offender to the commo'll gaol of the County of Elgin, for any period not exceeding twenty-one days unless the said penalty and costs' (if any) including the cost of the said distress and of the committal and conveyance of the offender to the said gaol are sooner paid." Read a first time this 13th day of June, 1946. Read a second time this 13th day of June, 1946. Read a third time and finally passed this 13th day of June, 1946. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk FRED S. SHIVELY, WaI'den BY-LAW No. 1476 A By-law for Licensing, Regulating and Governing Salvage Shops., Salvage Yards, Second-Hand Shops and Dealers in Second~Hal1d Goods The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, pursuant to 1937 Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 266, Section 430 and ''11endm.nts ther.to, EN ACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. No larids or buildings in the County of Elgin shan be used as ~ 144 ELGIN COUNTY OOUN'ClL ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIl, 1'45 ---:;..-:=:--.~-- ==-:==== a salvage shop, a salvage yard, or a second-hand shop unless and until the occupant obtains a licertse therefor granted under the seal of the Corporation, and signed by the Clerk and Treasurer thereof. Upon application for such a license there shall be pl'oduced a certificate of approval from the Medical Officer of the Elgin-St~Thomas Health Unit and an approving resolution from the Council; cf thetnunicipality \ in which the lands or buildings are situate. The fee for such a licen,se shall be $15.00. ~=::==--'---=::=:~ -, ,_.. of Fifty Dollars (exclusive of costs) for each offense" 01' for each day that each offence continues, and in default of payment of the said penalty. and costs the convicting Magistrate may commit the offender to the common gaol of the County of Elgin for a period not exc'eeding twenty-one d;lYs. 3. Licenses for the use of lands or buildings must be prominently displayed on the premises,' and licenses to operate a vehicle must be carried by the person so licensed whenever operating such a vehicle, and failure to so possess such a license shall be deemed a breach of this By-law. 8. In addition to all other penalties, any contravention of Section One of this By-law may be restrained by action at the instance of a ratepayer or the Corporation pursuant to 1937 Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 266, Section 525. 9. This By-law shall repeal By-law Number 1471 and all othel' by-laws inconsistent therewith and shall come into force and take effect bn the date of final passing thereof. Read a first time this 13th day of June, 1946. Read a second time this 13th' day of. June, 1946. Read a third time and finally passed this 13th day of June, 1946. 2. No person shall operate any vehicle for any of the purposes of a salvage shop, a salvage yard or a second-hand shop, either on his own account or as the agent or servant of another person, without first obtaining a .license to do so. Upon application for such a license the applicant shall produce a letter of recommendation from the Chief. Constable of the applicant's municipality. The fee for such a 'license shall be $5.00. 4. All licenses shall be non-assignable and non-transferable, and shall be taken out on the 1st day of January in each year, or. before operating in any year, and shall expire on the 31st day of December in the same year. The Council may revoke any license issued under this By-law at any time with or without cause. In all case,s wh2re the license is in force for any. part of a year, the fee shall be the same as for a full year. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk FRED S. SHIVELY, W ~rden 5, All lands and buildings licensed under this By~law shall be subject to inspection at all reasonable times by any police officer 01' other person having municipal authority. ' 6. Provided alwaJ,rs that nothing contained in this By-law shall apply to persons engaged in collecting, 'purchasing or obtaining second-hand goods for' patriotic or charitable purposes. 7. Any person convicted of a breach of any of the prOVISIons of this By-law shall forfeit and pay a penalty not exceeding the ,sum H~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL _.-----------=:_-::::"-:;:.~c:::_-c=-=.:::.:=_..:;::==_==_~._:..::====="----===~~ BY.LAW No. 1477 To Raise Amounts for County Rates During the Year 1946 WHEREAS an estimate has been made showing that.. the sum of One Hundred and Sixty~nine Thousand Four Hundred and Fift-y- one Dollars is required to be raised in the several municipalities for the lawful plirpos'es of the County during the year 1946 on the basis of the equalized assessment as determined in 1945. AND WHEREAS the estimated amount r'equired for High and Continuation School purposes on maintenance costs for 1945 as determined under provisions of the High Schools Act is Thirty-nine Thousand Five Hundred and Twelve Dollars. Municipality Aldborough Dunwich Southwold Yarmouth Malahide Bayham South Dorchester Port Stanley Aylmer Dutton Vienna Springfield Rodney West Lorne Total Equalized Value 3,368,401 3,624,170 4,641,826 4,854,549 3,393,662 2,444,724 1,894,656 950,672 1,587,468 494,584 130,902 123,742 358,784 373,698 $28,241,838 THEREFORE the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts: 1. That a rate of six mills on the dollar be levied on all rateable property in the severalmunicipa1ities in the County of Elgin as above set forth for the year 1946. ElLGlN COUNTY COUNOIL 147 ---_.._----~-----~.._--'- -~-_._..-----_.._._~-_._--"-_._--_. 2. That the amounts required for County and fo'r High and Continuation School purposes as set forth in the following schedule be levied in the respective municipalities during 1946 and paid to the County Treasurer as by law required. SCHEDULE Municipality General V.ocational Total' County Total School Rate Rates 1st y, 2nd y, 1st y, 2nd y, Aldborough .....$1,600 $1,898 $ 806 $ 318 $4,622 $20,210 $24,832 Dunwich .........1,980 1,983 867 227 5,057 21,745 26,802 SO'Uthwold .......... ...2,538 1,815 1,110 1,624 7,087 27,851 34,938 Yarmouth ........... ...2,469 2,691 1,161 3,406 9,727 29,127 38,854 Malahide ..1,800 1,763 812 128 4,503 20,362 24,865 Bayham . ......1,196 1,984 585 138 3,903 14,668 18,571 South. Dorchester. 897 528 453 1,878 11,368 13,246 Port Stanley 520 338 228 340 1,426 5,704 7,130 Aylmer 380 303 683 9,525 10,208 Dutton . . 118 23 141 2,968 3,109 Vienna 31 31 786 817 Springlield 30 30 742 772 Rodney. 86 134 220 2,153 2,373 West Lorne . . 89 115 204 2,242 2,446 Read a first time this 13th day of June, 1946. Read a second time this 13th day of .June, 1946. ,Read a third-time and finally passed this 13th day 'of June, 1946. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk FRED S. SHIVELY, Warden t j:. I;, , 148 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNC[L 1<9 .-_-::::..:=-_::;::.===:=--~===---==-----=..::::::::---;---== --F -_._~-_._---- ._----------,,-~-_..... BY-LAW No. 1478 (Hi) All real property'in the Village of West Lorue (iv) All real property in the Village of Dutton. (b) The Central Elg'in High School District, and the same shall include: Of THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF EJi,GIN A By~law Providing fur the Dissolution 04' Certain High School Districts and for the Establishment of Certain Other High School Districts (1) THAT the High School District of the Town of Aylmer shall be dissolved, and discontinued, on and after the 1st day of January, 1947, provided that there is obtained the approval of the Lieutenant- Governor in Council and provided further that there is established on or before that date a High School Distl'ict including the Town of Aylmer and known as the East Elgin High School District. (i) All real property in the Township of Southwold. (ii) All real property in the Township of" Yarmouth, except the lots and parts of lots assessed annually to the Sparta Continuation School and except furthel' the lots and parts of'lots assessed annually to the Belmont Continuation School. (iii) All real property in the Village of Port Stanley. (c) The East Elgin High School District, and the same shall include: PURSU ANT to the provIsIons of the High Schools Act, R.B.O., Chapter 360, and amendments. thereto, the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin hereby enacts as follows: (i) All real property in the Township of Aldborough (except the lots and parts of lots assessed annually to the Rodney Continuation School)~ (ii) All real property in the Township of Dunwich. All real property in the Township of South Dorchester, except the lots and parts of lots assessed annually to the Belmont Continuation School. All real property in that part of the Township of Bayham included in the school sections known as. . Union School Section composed of Number 6 Bayham, and Number 7 Malahide. and School Section No. 11, Bayham. All real property in the Township of Malahide. All real property in the Village of Springfield. All real property in the Town of Aylmer. (4) THAT all by-laws or parts of by-laws inconsistent herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. (il) (2') THAT the High School District of the Village of Dutton shall be dissolved and discontinued, on and after the .1st day of January, 1947, provided that there is obtained the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor in Co.uncil and provided further that there is established ort or before that date a High SchOol District including the Village of Dutton and known as the West Elgin High School District. (i) (3) THAT with the approval of the Minister of Education for the Province of Ontario the following areas shall. on. the 1st day of January, 1947, be designated and established as High School Districts in the County of Elgin: (iii) (iv) (a) The West Elgin High School District, and the same shall include: (v) Read a first time this 13th day of June, 1946. 150 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 151 .--'-._----~---------- -----------=.=-:-==---,--------- -~-- -~---_._~ ------- ---------_._~ Read a second time this 13th day of June, 1946. Read a first time' this 13th day of June, 1946. Read a third time and. finally passed this 13th day.of June, 1946. Read a second time this 13th day of June, 1946. J. D. THOMSON, Clerk FRED S. SHIVELY, Warden Read a third time and fimilly passed this 13th day of June, 1946. J. D.THOMSON, Clerk FRED S. SHIVELY, Warden BY.LAW No. 1479 To Appoint a Member of the Senate of the University o{ Western Ontario BY.LAW No. 1481 The Elgin County Council enacts: To Authorize the Warden and Clerk to $ign Deed Conveying Land to George Powles That Alex McColl be and'is hereby appointed. to the Senate of the University of West'ern Ontarict. The Elgin C~unty Council enacts: Read a first time this 13th day of June, 1946. That the Warden and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign deed conveying land to George Powles. Read a second time this 13th day of June, 1946. The land being more particularly described in attached description. Read a third time and finally passed this 13th day of June, 1946. Read a-first time this 13th day of June, 19461 J. D. THOMSON, Clerk FRED S. SHIVELY, Warden Read a second time this 13th day of June, 1946. Read a third time and finally passed this 13th day of June, 1946. BY.LAW No. 1480 J. D. THOMSON, Clerk FRED S. SHIVELY, Warde,n To Appoint a County Weed Inspector BY.LAW No. 1482 The Elgin County Council enacts: To Designate a County Road That Summers_ Harper be appointed County Weed Inspector at a' salary of $6.00 pel' day including expenses. The Elgin County Council enacts: 152 ELGIN COUNTY OOUN'OIL ]]LOIN COUNTY COUNCIL 153 _.,-~_._. --~.,.,--- ----------------~-_.. -------,--"--..-.-... =:"'-:=:~=~--===-:====-==--===--==:==:=::C="7.:'::C::--=::C:::;::: That the road hereinafter set forth be designated as a County Road: Queen Street in the Village of Rodney from the inter- section of the Furnival Road to the Easterly limits of the said, Village. of the council loJ the ICounty in which the to"-'Ill1iship is ,situate passed a,t an ordi:napy meeting of the council held not SOOn~ than three months or later than one ye3.l' after' the passing of the by-law o.f the council of the Wwnship" and J. D. 'I:HOMSON, Clerk FRED S. SHIVELY, Warden ,WIHlEIRiElAiS the said township of ,Sputh Dorchester is s1 tua te in the Oounty oJ !I!:i1g.tn, and the said Council of the satd Township have applied to t!his Oouncil to. pass a. by-law confirniing 'the said By-law No. 4.50 at the current, ordinary and regrular ISLttin@s of th:1s Oo.uncil c-ommencin,g' on the 16th day of No.,vernlber A.D. 119,<16, the same being [held l1iOt sooner than three months nor later than one year R'fter the pa;ssing of said' [Boy-law No. 450 'of the said lC'o.lln'Cil of the TOWlOJship of South [Dorchester and it appears proper that the -said 'by-law 'shall be confirmed. Read a first time this, 13th day of June,. 1946. Read a second time this 13th qay of June, 1946. Read ~ third time and finally passed this 13th day of June, 1946. UY -L~iW NO, 1483 ANID WIHIElRElAiS, notices of the Council's intention to consider and pass this ;by-law h3Jve .been ,posted fo.r one mOnth 'and' upwal'ds in six conspicuous places in the immediate neIghbOrhood of the highway proposed to, !be closed and! ipubli'5hed for four weeks -in the AJYILMlE!R E,xFiRlEr:IS, 'a newsp'a.per pUlblished in :Aylmer, meal' the, Towns'hip of 'South Dorchest'er. -To Confirm By-Law tN!OI, 450 of the Olunci1{>f the Townl3lhip of 'South DOll"ches:ter for Olasing Up and IStopping Tha!t: Part (111 a Highway ,Running BetweenOoncess:ons 11 a;nd 12 and Opposite Lots 10', 11 and 1.21 in the Said T.'ownsihtp. AiNlD WIHEiRlElAIS the .said hi~hw8!Y ,proposed to :be closed ha:s UOlt been generally used by the public nor maintained ,by the Corporation as a pUblic thoroughfare, and it is Uhe.refore deemed. expedient to have it stepped and closed. WIHEfRlEIAj8 the IClourncil of the TOWIlshtp ot' :Slouth Durchester did on the 5th day of iAUg:U3t, ,19'46, final~y pass their By-Law No. 4.50 to is-top up and dose that part of the said road in the said Tdwn~ ship and hereinafter descrifbe-d, and 'DHiEIRIEIFIORrE IT 313 EI.:'ilIA!G'I1EO BY 'rHIE C'ODNCII!L O~ 'I1.HE iCl0iRIPOIRAT]OiN OF TEl3:! CorUINTY OF ElfJGTN:- "A by~law of the council of a tnwnship, p8s,sed undel" the autihoriby ,conferred by cl'aU1~e (c) of 'subsection !1, in the case of a township in unorganized territory, shall not have any force unle..ss and until approved by a Judge of the. Dis~ 'tr~ct Court of the dis.trict in which the to.wnship is 'situ~ted, arid in other ca-ses unless and until cOll.firmed ,by -a by~law That from and after the passing of this by-law all that part O'f the highway runn~ng~ between the eleventh and twelfth conc'essions opposite lots numiber ten, eleven and twelve ,shall Ibe ;s<topped up and forever closed, and 'the :said part of the highway shall cease to ,be ahig1h.wa:y and the .said part of the highway so closed shan be dts- posed Qf, 'sold and conveyed as hereinafter prc-vid€d. WIHlElRiEAIS !by subsectfon 6, of .iSrection 495 of the :Municipal Act it ts ena.cted .a,SI foHows: From and immediately after the confirmation of this by-law by the Oounty rCouncil of the County of Elgin, and upon p&ym,en t of, the sum of One iDoUar within thirty days therea.fter to the Trea:s~ urer of the :Corporation :by the parties 'owning adijoinillgl land On 154 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL .155 ==::::.....:. =::::::-.;===-==::..==-:-=_-::===--==.__.~----:==----== -- ---. --------- .~~----_._--_.. both 'sides oJ highway to 'be clcsed, the iReeve and Clerk of the said To.wnship U1~\Y' ,ex€,cute conveyances in'. fee simptdof the highway so stopped up and closed to the l'e.::pective parties cwning the adjoinin(~ lands, and! in 'Souch propmtion as .the :Oouncil may direct, and affiX the Oorpo,rate Seal of the To:wnshi,p to. such conveyances. Read a second time thiiS ,2:Qth day of November, 19'46. Read a third time. and finally passed this 20th day of Novem.. bel', 194:6. :IiNDcrrJFlAiU[JIT' of payment by .the ,said adjoining ownerlS of Hie sum albove mentioned within the period Moresaid, the highway so dosed and stopped up, 'and so directed to Jbe conveyed, shall he sold and disposed o.f in such way as the IOouncil of the lClo'l';poration may by hy-law or resolution aplprove and direct. .1.. (D. TiH10lMfSiOiN', Glerk FllM!JD ,6. ,SIlillV!I;lLY. Warden nY-LAW NO. 1485 Read a first tim,e this ~Oth day of 'November, 194)5. To Appoint Members to theHig1h ISchoo~ -Districts 'Read a second time bhi,s 20th day .of NOiVemOel', 19'46. Tne Elgin County Douncil enacts: Read a third time and. :finaUy passed this' 20th day .oJ Novemher, 1946. The the following members be appointed' to t'he High School Districts: J. n. ~HJOMSON. County C1erk F\RJFillS. SifLIJVElLY, Warden John C. Gillies to the West ELgin !High 8'cheol Soard. Ralph Auckland to the Gentral High School Board. Dr. Monis MIcNeil to the EaJst 'Elgin lH~gh !School ,Board. Read a first time this I20th day of November, 119416. nY-.LA.W NO. -1484 Read a second time thla20th day' of N overobel', '19'46; TO. A.uthorize the Warden ,and Olerk to Sign ;Renewall Agreement With 1Jhe L)Undon Railway Co'mnlli.ssion 1'e Re Lease of ,Land Read a third time and finally passed this '20th day of Novem,.. bel', 1.946. The E~gin Oounty iOO'UllCi1 enacts: .J. D. 'l1HOlMlSON, Clerk FRED S. SmVEOC;Y, Warden That the Warden and Clerk are hen;.by authorized to .sign Re- nelWal 1Agreement with the LOndOn Railway Commtssion re release of land. ,Read a first time this 20th day of NOtvember, 'l.9~. i '" " 156 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNOIL ElLGIN OOUNTY OOUNOIL 157 -~------_._-~_.~~~--_. ._-"------"-~---~-~-,._.__.__._--~-- -~---------- :::..~==:::-::-=::::::::;:-.=::.-----.------~_._----'--_.__.._-_.__._-~---"-" BY -LAW NO. 1486 INDEX To Amend B;y~La.w No. 1408 The Elgin County Council enacts: BY-LAWS- J. D. TROIMiSON, OIerk FRElD S. SHIVEiLY, Warden No. 1463 To Regulate the IProceedings in the Municipal ICouncil of the Corporation of the CountYi of Elgin and the Offi,cers . and :Oommittee Thereof 11,17,102 141M To Appoint a iClounty ~o'ad Comm.ittee ........0<. 17, 134- 146'5 TO' Alp,point . a BOal'd of iAudit in the County' of Elgin for the Yea,r 1119'46... 10, ;18, 134 r141616 To Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to Sorrow the ',lSUm of Two Hundred. Thousand Dollars ............. .................... ............................... ........... 18, 135 1467 To Oonfirm the !Equalization of the Assess- ment. Rol.l.s of the !County of Eigin for the Year 19~6 . """"'" """ "",," ,.."".""" '''".,,'''''''' ""... """........, " , 19, 136 1'.HB To Appoint Two Members -of the Council to the iElIgin-'St. Thomas Health iUnit 15; 20, 137 1469 To Appoint a Member of the Aylmer Bioard of Education 10, 20, 137 1470 A B\y.law to iprovide for the total expenditw'e on the system of county roads in the County of IEilgin l:!,S ,approved 'by Order-in-IOouncil, during the year 19416 .... ..........................; .... ..... ............ ......... 211, 138 1471 A By-law foOr Licensing, Regulating and GOVR erning salvage shops, salvage yaJ:ds, second- hand shops and dealers in second-hand goods 21, 139 1472 To Appoint a ;Member of the Dutton High School iBoard ... ............................ 12, 22, 141 1473 To AmendlBy-Iaw No. 14M' (Treas\lIer's SalafY') 212, 141 1474 To Extend Time for Tax lSale ....... ......"........ ...... 35,142 147:5 To Amend By-law No. -14612 which provides for Licensing and Re.gulating Places of Ref.reshment 35, :142 '1476 A B\y-larw for Licensing,R.egulatingand GoVR exning ISalvage Shops, [Salvage ,.'Yards, ISecond. Hand Shops and !Dealer.s in Second-hand Goods 3;6, 143 14./].7 To Raise Amount-sfor County !Rates during the Year 1946 ..... ......... ....... ..... ... ........................ 36, .146 '1478 iA (By-law providing for the Dlsso-luti'9n, Of l()!er. That tihe salary of J. IG. Turnbull and Myrtle Ann Turn1bullbe Qne Thousand ISlx Hundred and iE!ighty Dollars per annum, c'om. mencing January 1st, !11947. That By-law -Nor 1408 .be and i,s hereby amended Mcordingly. Head a first time this 20th day of NOiVembel', l,94i6. Read a second time thi's ,20th day 'Of November, J.946. Read a thil'd time. and finally passed this 20bh day of Novem.- ber, 19'46. I' ( 158 ELGIN OOU1'lTY OOUNOIL ,..--------.......-----:; 1479 tain lH~gh' School, ,Districts and for- the Estab- lishment of _Certain Other High ,Schaol Districts To Appoint a Member of the !Senate of the University ofWestel'u Ontario To ,A,ppo'int a COWlty Weed a::nspector.. To Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sigh !Deed- iOonveying Land to George. Powles,.... To Designate a County iRIOad ('In _IRQdney).. . To Olose Up (Road in TownshLp of South. Dor- chester ....... To Authorize the Warden :and Clerk to Sign Rene1wal Agreement with the London"Railway Gonunission ...,...... To Appoint 'Members to the 1I1gl1 \School [Dis- tricts ..,.... . To Amend !By-Law' No. 1408 ,(S'a~aries at County Home) 14110 1418',1, 1482 1483 1484 <1485 H86 GRANTS- Agricultural and Horticultural Societies.. [Reporters Lock-ups Public Libraries Trustees' and Ratepayers' A'ssociation... 'Warden Women's Institutes ~rrSClE['LAiNEOlJS- Advisory County Road Commi~tee.. Opmmuuications 'county Gouncil County ,d~ffidals !Deputations- and C:onunittees :Miunic1pal Clerks and Treasurers Appointment of- Delegates,.. Treasurer's Reports' iResolutions ~ replies from other counties.... 'Warden's Address Warden's E!l.ection 37, 148 lI,{1 .1 , I Agricultural Ciommittee Oorn Borer and Weed Ins:pect'or COunty .Road Committee COunty C[erk on Licenses Ohildren's, Aid 'COmmittee County !Home Committee Education lCommittee Equalization Finance Oommittee Inspector, CountY' Home Physician, County Home :Propeny OOmrnittee Mothers' Allowances Old Age Pensions ..,.. Petitions and Legislation Standing! Cbmmittees Special- C~ittee re Hospital Costs... Rl3ception' 'and iIDntertatnment Returned Service IPersonnel ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL lml'ORT,S OiFCO!MlMilTTJlE,S ;\ND OFFICOC<iiLS-" 33, 150 S6, 150 39;, Ii}! 39, 151 49, 152 150, 154 51, 155 '51, 1'5'6 11 49 12 11 8 49 12 WlilSOiLUTION'S_ Petition for Subsidy Daylight Saving Time .Auditor's Report Police 'Court Fines !Grants to Small ~. !FairIes Representation in High School Di,o:;tricts... Purchase ()i.f Hospital BUild-mg.... .............................. Repair of Nos. 3 and 4 (Highways ............ .............. Junior (Farmers: Committee to meet Historical SOciety... !Adjustment of Prices on Milk". ICelling P:riceon Butter 10 5, 26, 42 3, 4 2 13, 14>, 20 2 23 32, '4:9, 95 7, 29, 44 4, ,24, 41 4 .59 -'---=--====-:..-.--== 1'5, 321, 46', 7:8 47, 100 116, 22, 47, 85 109 16, 84 Iii!, 33, 76 :14, ~Il, 4'8, 73 ill, :14, 168 "11, 3'1, 47, 56 :102 99 ~5, :,'3,1, 48, 81 107 ,108 114, 32, 47, 70' 63 "'"'''''''''''' 34 34 40, 45 45 48 49